
Page 1

Cathedral Ordination May 21

Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall River; 'Will ordain three seminarians to the diocesan priesthood in 1St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, at 10 Saturday morning, May 21. To be ordained are: Rev. Mr. Paul Edward Canuel, (.Jon of Mr. and Mrs. Robert His classical studies were com· M. Canuel, 19 Oban Way, pleted at St. Thomas Seminary, ~wansea. Rev, Mr. Alfred Bloomfield, Conn.; and then he JRoblllard, son of Alfred and entered St. Mary's Seminary, Medora Trepanier Robillard Jr., Baltimore, where philosophical 68 Plymouth Blvd., Westport. ,and theological studies were . Rev. Mr. Harold James Wilson, undertaken. OOn of Harold E. and Veronica The Rev. Mr. Canuel's First Griffin Wilson, 978 Walnut Solemn Mass will be concele­ Street, F~ll River. brated at noon iii St. Michael's Rev. Mr. Canuel.. Church, Ocean Grove. The con­ The Swansea seminarian was celebrators will be Rev. John 100m in FaIt" River on Dec. 15, F. Andrews, Rev. Terrence F. 1940·.·· Educated at St. Roch's Keenan, Rev. James M. Burns, School, Fall River, and St. S,S., and Rev. Francis J. Nelson. Rt. Rev. Joseph A. Cournoyer, Michael's School, Ocean .Grove, he attended St. Francis High pastor of the Swansea parish, School, Biddeford, and was will be archpriest. graduated from Monsignior Pre­ Rev. James M. Burns, 5.5., of vost High School, Fall River, in the fa~ty of St. Mary's semi. 1l958. nary, Baltimore will preach.

Rev. Mr. Paul Canuel

Rev. Mr. Raymond Robillard

The new ordinandus' brother, Robert Jr., will be the lector. Rev. Mr. Robillard Born Jan. 23, 1940 il"\ Fall

Rev. Mr. Harold Wilson

River, he graduated from Notre Dame School and Msgr. Prevost High School, both in Fall River. His classical courses were pur-

Appeal May Gain

sued at Cardinal O'Connell Minor Semi 1ary, Jamaica Plain, and St. John's Seminary, Brighton. A Solemn High Mass will be offered at 12 noon, Sunday, May 22, in Our Lady of Grace Church, Westport. Assisting the. new priest will be: Rev. Maurice Lamontagne, pastor, archpriest; Rev. Donald E. Belanger, de a con; Rev. Thomas E. Neilan, subdeacon. Rev. Philip J. King, S.T.D., S.S.L., of the faculty of St. John's Seminary, Brighton, will be the preacher. Mr. Timothy Goldrick, a semi­ narian at Resurrection College, Ontario, Canada,' will serve as master of ceremonies.. Rev. Mr. Wilson Born May 22, ] 940, in Fall River, the ordinandus graduated from 55. Peter and Paul School and B.M.C. Durfee High School, Turn to Page Two



The 1966 'Catholic Charities Appeal is heading toward a newall-time record high total of generosity. l'he Appeal of the Heart, now in its second decade, reached $441,781 which is running more than $22,417 ahead of last year's daily report on offerings for the poor, sick, aged and infirm. "Each year more people are conscious of the Appeal's great good' for God and 12,835.50 any part whatsoever in making St. John, Attleboro man," Lay Chairman William St. Joseph; Fairhaven 10,885.30 this our greatest year.'" H. Carey of Fairhaven as­ The following parishes have Holy Name, Fall River 10,217.50 S&cred Heart, serted today. surpassed their 1965 total.s: Es­ Fall River 9,774.75 pirito Santo, Holy' Cross, Our "The people know that pnic­ Turn .po Page Two tically 100 cents on the dollar Lady of the Angels, St. Anthony is ,for real charity," the Greater of Padua, all of Fall River. . Also from Fall River: St. Louis, New Bedford attorney 'observed o as he expressed his·wholehearted st. Michael, St. -Stanislaus, and . Aa AMAor of .A. !fHfI, ....... CMI4 ,.. '" IT. PAUL

thanks "to 'all who 'have played st. William. . Also, St. Anne, New Bedford; St., JaJjles,':Tauntoil;' St. Francilj Xavier, Acushnet; St.' Joseph, Ri~.er, Mass., Thursday/.May . .' Fairhaven; St. Anthony, Matta­ poissett. ' . .' . SAN FRANCISCO (NC) Our Lady of 'the ~sle" Nan­ ~It behooves the Catholic $4.00 per Yeor tucket; St. Joan of 'Are, Orleans; Journalist to see with "the " PRICE Uk :Vol. 10; No. © 1966 The Anchor Our Lady of the, Assumption, fresh eye,'1 Bishop Robert J. Osterville; C.orpus Christi, Sand­ CHERRY HILL {NC) ­ Dwyer of Reno said here, advis:o wich; St. Dominic, Swansea. An authority in Catholic Two parishes 'from Somerset, ing ~atholic editors and publish­ hospital work has told a SJ. John of God. and' St. Patrick ers of the United States and group of physicians here in have also exceeded their last Canada that "the Catholic j'our. " ' nalist of ..today, the man worth ,New Jersey that prolonging a year's totals. his salt, is. the new crusader Jife of excessive pain through "extraordinary" means is neither FIFTEEN LEADING PARISHES fighting for truth on all fronts." scientific nor humane,. , "With Christ, please God, we st. Lawrence, Seven priests of the :Fall 'River Diocese this 'year 'are . Father John J. FlilIiagan, S..J.;. :: New: Bedford . $19,881.00 shall see, ultimately, with the :«IIbsel'ving jubilees of their oJ:dinations, ranging, from, 10 executive c;Jirector Of th~' Cath.,. fresh eye of heaven," Bishop . " ' Dwyer. said at the, awards ,~ 40 years. Two. monsignori at;e, ,i.nclu,d~d in .the group. Rt~ :olic Hospital Assoc;iati(!n, said Anniversary Mass' . luncheon of the annual conven: -Rev. Msgr. Alfred Bonneau, -pastor 'of the Notre Dame neither the physician nor. tile 'patient is morally bound ·to pro­ A Pontifical Anniversary Mass tion of the Catholic Press Asso­ £hurch, F'aU River, and Rt". . ,;Santo Christo. ,Church, Fall 'long a life of pain '~when deatli oj Requiem "for the repose of ciation. ·Rev. Msgr. Hugh A. Galhig- :River.

!S imminent, and inevitabl.e." the soul, of our late beloved "On a plane less exalted yet· The St. Louis-based Jesuit de­ Bi::;hop, Cassidy, will- be .cele­ ilwr, pastor of St.: James . Rev. Joao de Medeiros of St.

not· without its actual impor­ 'Vhurch and dean in the New 'Elizabeth's Church, ;:Fall'River. fined "extraordinary mea'ns" as - brated on Tuesday morning, May tance for the world apostolate 'the "prolonged use of antibiotics, 17, at 10 o'clock by Bishop of Christ," he continued, "it be­ Bedford area, have been labor­ lllg iil the service of God for Two priests are' marking blood' transfusio!¥ and, intra: Connolly in the Cathedral of hooves the Catholic journalist 2~ years of labor in the. vineyard venous feedings," us~d. as arti­ ~t .. Mary of" the Assumption, to see with the fresh eye. Ute past five decades. of the Lord. They are: ficial life sustainers tQ protract Fall River.' . . Three pastors have served in , "It is so pleasantly easy for fIIle priesthood fOi' forty years. Rev. Lucien Jusseaume, assist­ the life of a patient. ' All are'· urged' to join in us to fit ourselves with the old, they are: ant at the Sacred Heart Church, . comfortable· spectacles, rose­ Father Flanagan .adde~: . offering this Mass on the occa­ Rev. Ubalde J. Deneault of St. New Bedford. "When realistic hope of recov~ sion of the 15th anniversary of colored or grey or mottled ac­ ~seph's Church, Attleboro. Rev. Joseph F. O'Donnell, ad- ery.has been exhausted, it ~s the the death' of the third Ordinary cording to our' taste aQd tem· Rev. Arth4r C. dos Reis of Turn to Page 'Six Turn to Page Two of the Diocese of Jfall River. Turn to Page Two





Advises Catholic. Journalists See With Fresh Eye

J esuit ·Stresses

:Peace,ful Death·

Right of Sic:k


Seve·n. Priests in Diocese :Are' ;Q.bserv'ing .: Jubilees,.


IFr. Lucien


UN [P)I:'{OrESfIHlOOfl» los. f. ~'Oonnell


Il.AISORING UN "0 IN lEV A~D Of GOIOl NOW IFO~ 40, nARS Medeiros fro Ubalde J. Oeneaulft Ifr. Arthur dfrs Rei6

IF~• .1020 ~


IFOVIE IOlIECAIDl1E5 tO~ SiIE~VOCrE Msgr. Alfred BonnezlJ Msgr. Hugh Sallagller


:. <I'ight: Of(·$i.~k .:.J or.

Heads' for

Conti~ued .


.. Continued from ,Page @De :' .. 'riltit .Of . the ;patient toch~ ,"Only ordiJiarY Dleans to. sustaiD ,;his'life. Othei'Wise;;llfe. pfeserv­ ~g tn!aQ..nentceas~to;bea gift and becomes instead a scientif1e weapon for the prolonption Of agony. This seeDlS' to Violate the· patient's right to llv:e and cUe peaceful17." :.,


Page; OJie

TAUNTON . Holy' Fainily . . 3,446.00 1,140.00 . New Bedford . 9,675.75 Holy Rosary .' St. Patrick, Falmouth. 8,950.50 ImmaculateConceptlon 4,779.00 Our Lady of Lourdes ' 3,189.50 . . St. Francis Xavier. 4,792.00 , ..Hyannis. " 8,374.00 Sacred Heart St. Anthony 3,089.50

Mt. Carmel, , 3,548.00 . New Bedford '1,906.00 St.9James . 6,467.00 '1,'168.50 St. Joseph St. Mary, Fall River St. Mary' 6,294.75 St. Mary,' St. Paul 3,823.00 . North AttleborO 'J;621~ ATTLEBORO . Holy Name, . 'New Bedford '1,461.00 Holy Ghost 2,403.00 ()ur'Ladyof the' .Angels .. . St. John 12,835.50 . ' . , ' •. 6,972.~0 . St. Joseph . :'.' FaIl' Rivet' 3,691.50

'St. .Patrick, Wareham' 6,843.00 St. Mary 5,313.00'

St: George,WeSt'port' ····6;777:00 St. Stephen 3,848.50 6,~51.00', .:: •. ·Fft.tL'RIV~ ...•...•. St. Theresa St. Mary .. 7,768.50 ·BlessE!d Sacrament . 1,727.00 Acushnet--. , :]i:spirito santo··, . 1,81:?~0 St. Francis Xavier' 3,346.55 Holy Gross . 1,125.00 Assonet-St. Bernard 1,021'.50 Holy Name' 10,217.50 Buzzards Bay- . Notre Dame' .4,261.00 St. Margaret 3,686.00 .

· Our Lady of the Angels 6,972.80 CentervilleF'LAN ECUMENICAL MEETING: Rabbi Ephraim F. Our Lady of Health 2,079.50 . Our Lady. of Victory 3,734."15 Mandelcorn; Temple.Beth-EI, Fall River; Rev. ConBtantine HolyRosary . . 2,668.00 Central VillageBebis, St. George Greek Ort,hodoxChurch, New Bedford; Immaculate Conception 4,194.67 2,004.00 St. John Baptist Rev. Allen 'Hollis, Central Congregational Church, Fall River; Sacred Heart 9,774.75 ChathaDl­ St. Anne '1,853.00 3,122.00 and Rt. Rev. Henri A. Hamel, chairman of the Committee Holy RedeeDler St. Anthony of the Desert 349.00 Dighton-5t. Peter 1,263.00 for Christian Unity, make final preparations for the open st. Anthony of Padua 1,941.50 East FaIDlouth­ meetin~, sch~duled for' Wednesday night,. May 19, at 8 · St. Elizabeth 993.00 St. Anthony 1,117.00 st. John the Baptist 3,013.60 Fairhaven-8t. Joseph 10,885.30 ill St. Anne's School Auditorium, Fall River. St. Joseph' 4,088.00 St. Mary 808.25 St: Louis 4,005.00 Sacred Hearts 735.00 St. Matthew 1,834.00 FalDlouth-S.t. Patrick 8,950.50 St. Michael 5,076.00 Hyannis.,.- . . st. Patrick 4,808.00 St. Francis Xavier . 8,374.00' 85.. Peter' and Paul 3,143.00 Mansfield-8t. Mary 4,224.25 ·St.Roch . . 2,663.00 Mattapoisett--.. St. Stanslaus 2,426.50 . S1. ·Anthony 3,523.50 St. William 4,779.00 Nantucket-- . PHIl:'ADELPffiA (NC) - The state . legislatures den'lOnstJ'ate Santo christo . 1,091'.25. Our Lady of the Isle 2,948.00 preSid,mt of St. Louis University their belief in the dual system . NEW BEDFORD North . Dighton~ warnell .here that private col;' by providing .scholarships for St. .roseph 2,4'17.00 leges Inay be forced out of busi­ Holy Name .:.7,461.00 students to attend' "a oollege of ~uDlption 155.00 North Easton- ­ their. choice" within thE~ state. ness b;r "financi81 aneDlia." IDlDlac. Conception· 5,753'.00 '. SpeaJdng be~ore.a 1Ul?-cheon .of IDlDlaculate Conception 1,935.00 He said that. the fedE!ral gov­

North WestportOur Lady of the Council for Financial Aid to ernDlent, in its rapid1;F' multi­ Our .Lady, of Graee 2,504.25 Education, Fa.theJ' Paul C. Rein- . plying forms 01'. aid, Inust .in­ .'Perpetual Help .; 200.00 2,054.50 ~rt, S.Jr., said the ~fantas~ic,rate" clude progranu;': designed to Our Lady of Purgatory 50.00 Norton-St. Mary' Sacred Heart 3,174.27 Oak Bluffs--=.... of' pr6liferation of new' tax­ strengthen. the. SDlaller, and PM­ Sacred Heart 275.00 supported junior colleges, com­ St. Anne 2,241.00 ticulilrly the private, institution St. Anthony of Padua 4,493.00 Ocean Grove- '.. Dluniu' colleges and uirlversities wQich so ,desperately. needs gen­

St. Michael ' 2,366:00 is Dlaldng it increasipgly di;fficult er8J. furidli to attract ami retain St. Boniface 242.00 St. CasiDlir . 650.00 Orleans- for private institutions to attract a cODlpetent 'faculty, not caw'':' St. Joan of Are 2,476.(4) "eitheJ' excellent. faculty or the goricalgrants for . specialized St. Francis of ~isi 1,259.50 purposes~ :. " St. Hyacinth 1,775.00 Osterville-Assumption 3;750.00 better students.". . St. JaDles 9,675.75 Provincetown-

Should private schools be St. Peter 325.00 f()rced out of business, it will St. John the Baptist 6,708.85 2,881.00 mean an end to the strong dual St. Joseph 2,833.00 Raynham-5t. Ann . St. Kilian 3,617.00 SandwichsysteDl of' public and. private Continued froDl Pagl~ One Corpus Christi . 6,736.00 higher education, Father Reinert St. Lawrence 19,881.00 both in Fall River. He attended St. Mary 4,948.25 Seekonk-Mt. Carmel 3,414.00 said. University of Massachusetts, St. . St. Theresa . 4,672.26 , SODlerset-- Dua) System 'ThoDlas SeDlinary, BlooDlfield, St. John of God 3,719.00 NORTH A'lTLEBORO "A balanced and strong and .. St. John's· SeDlinary. St. Patrick . 5,234.00 'Sacred Heart 4,059.00 Brighton. St. ThoDlas More " 6,433.50 public..private higher education­ St. Mary 7,621~ al systeDl, although once hailed Assisting hiDl will be: Rev. South Dartm.outh- St. Mary . . 6,390.95 as the I~hief bulwark of acadeDlic Lester L. Hull, pastor of the free~OJn and flexibility, will be Sacred .Heart Church, archpriest; South Yanrtouth-­ St. Pius X 5,'140.50 relegated to the archives of Rev. John P. Driscoll, deacon; earlier AJnerican history," he Rev. CleDlent Dufour, subdeacon. Swimsea~ Continued from Page One stated. Rev. John Gonnolly will be the Our Lady of Fatbna 3,518.00 'l>eraDlent, and to go on seeIng To prevent this happening, preacher a n'd Mi.' Charles St.. DoDlinIc . 3,867-.00 ·the .same blurred or over-sharp St. Louis of France 3,570.00 Father Reinert suggested that O'Connell, a 'lieDlinarian will outlines year after year,. until Vineyard Haven.;...· serve as JJUUrter of ceremonies. . 'finally we reach that stage of St. Augustine" 1,383.00 life where' 'we are coDlpletely WarehaDl-8t. Patrick .. ' 6,843,00 N~crolC)gy dependent-upon theDl, for when Wellfleet' . 'i . MAY 20 .. W;I~;Clins'" .Funel';Q' :'we take theDl off we are blind. Our Lady of 'LOurdes' 1,838.00 Rev. Antonio ;L. da Silvia; 1952, Principles Established · , ,< Home" " C ' , West Harwich...,.;.. Pastor, Our Lady of Health, ,-all " . . ­ ~ "There· 'is indeed a seductive Holy Trinity •. 2,773.50 River ESl; _. 1~7() .. • . MAY II ­ i teDlptation for ' the Catholic Westport-St. George' ~77'1.oo 1 Wash"rigton Square­ .journalist. to 90 this. Hi.s founda, Woods Hole­ R~v. William F. Donahue, 1944, 'NEW BEDFORD St. Joseph' . ·tions, you' see,' are sO clear-cut 724.00 .Assistant, St.' Francis . Xavi~r. 'leg. Funeral· Director' and ·and so well-defined; his princl- South Easton­ HyannIs. . Embalmer' ,. ·pies' so adDlirably" established, Holy .Cross . 2,233.00 " MAYM PRIV~TE PARKING ,AREA his conv\(:tion~' so' unshakably . Rev.·'JamesF. Clark, 190'1, m. wY 6-8090 built upon the rock of truth. Found(!r, St.' James, New ~ .There :is'reaI1y nothing more to ford... " .look for, .so why bother? WhY MAY 15 Inot, instead, save yourself the James V. Mendes, 1961, Plumbi~lg, ~end1ess exha\lStion .o( looking Adminiistrator, Our' Lady oi ;reallty'iIi tbefaee and' trying to .' Angels" ~all River. . , describe it?" .' , The 'bishop said this was "the May l~t. Casimir, New Reg. Master Plumber 2930 !llllJUIHlllIlDlUlllUllllllllllllllllmllllnlnllllD1IIIII! eardinai .. teDlptation'/' of: 1tbe . Bedford. GEORGE M. MONTlE.' ., . ~ DRY. CLEANNG ·Catholic journalist "until yes:­ Over 35 Yeors ,yilla Fatima "aunton. . terday." If' the events of the == .'~. and of Satisfied 'Service § FUR STORAGE 5 council of the aggiornamento, , <May 19-M 0 un t St•. MarTs c:: . '806 NO. MAIN $TIrEET '., the ~t~gi~aland theological ~ Convent, Fall River. ,', Fall River ' OS !S.7497 , .vivai "have stirred and worried" Convent. 01 the Ho17 ·Ule Catholic journalist, "or sug­ " Umolll of.' Sacred m·ucNOll gested to hiDl a new mode of Beans, Fall River. ·reporting, a new approach to S8cood Clats I'ostalll PalO lit Fall RIve' COflvent of the Sacred· llass. ....t1811ec; every Thufad.i,) at 4iO authority," the bishop added, 34044 .Cohannet Street HIlhlallll AvetIiIoJ. F." RIver. MilaS.. 02722 BeariB, FairhaveJl. "he Dlay have broken out of the Iir tile C8t1io1lc I'FeSS ot the Oloc:ese of fal § TaulMon VA 2.6161 c: Rlve,. , SUbscrlptl• law .il, poetpaJ18 old matrix in ."hole w in part." _ _lIIaJ11111111J1l1l1l1111111/111111lUlIUllllii ....110 Ief JW.

·St. James,

,Colleges'·.in Trouble

Educ:atorSays Private Institutions' Face Financial Anemia.

Mass Ordo FRIDAY-5t. Robert BellarDllne, Bishop, Confessor and DoctcX! · of. the' Church. m Class. ~d. ,.,..:1488$ Pr:oper; GJory; no Cree~ (. - '~ace of EasteJ:., . ,

SATURDAy ~ M a's s

of ~ Saturcia)T. . ;IV ClaSs. White. MaSs Propet; ·,a.ply;2ndPraye:t St. Boniface. " Martyr; no' Creed; Preface -01 : ':Bl~ Virgin. . . ", ;". 'J' "OR ..,,st. Boniface; . Martyr. Red. M a 8 s Proper; Glory; 2nd ·'JPrefaee Easter.


SUNDAY-V Sunday Aftel' Easter.' n Class. White'. Maal .Proper; Glory; Creed; Preface of Easter. MONDAY-8t. Ubaldus, Bishop · aDd Confessor. III Class. White. Mass Proper; Glory; no Creed; hefaee of Easter. OR ,,' 'lilogation Monday. Violet. Maa ·:hoper; No Glory or Creed; 2Dd Prayer St. Ubaldus, 'Pref.­ aee o~ Easter. .' hJ· Masses which immediate17 · fonow, the' Procession the ··:Prayers at the Foot ot· the :' Altar .are omitted. The three Rogation Days of this week may be transferred to a DlON suitable tiDle at· the discretiOG

o of the. ~!Shop of the Diocese.

'.ruESDAY - St: Paschal BaYI~

COnfesSor. m Class. .White.

· Mass ProPer; Gloi-y; no Cree.;

Prefaee of Easter.


Rogation Tuesday. Violet. Maa lProper; No Glory or Creed; "2nd'Prayer St. PaSchal Baylon, Preface of Easter.'

WEDNESDAY-Vigil of Ascen­ sion. II Class. White. MaBlJ Proper; Glory; 2nd Prayer St. Venantius, Martyr; no Creed; ~ace of Easter. OR 'Rogation Wednesday. Violet. Mass Proper; No Glory. ~ Creed; 2nd Prayer Vigil 01 Ascension; Preface ,of Easte....





:THURSDAY-Asceiudon of Our · Lord Jesus Christ. I Class. '. White. Mass Proper; Glory; :.Creed; Preface and CODlDlwU­ ·eantes of Ascension.. (In the Principal Mass the Paschal Candle ill Extinguish­ ed after' the GasPe!.) Holy Day of Obligation.









'-', . - '









~·lAicltael' C. 'Ailst;,':" . ":,'




' ..


. RlNERA1:' SERVICE' ........ •




NEW . . .BEDFORD;' . ;.,MASS. .... ".



Montie & '. Heating (o.,·'·llnc.



"'Bi~ssed . Vir~n




~"..!. ~






South • sea Streets





Tel. HY 81

~~ .ANCHOR- 1966 lhura., May 12,




Cardinal Builds '\ Last Regional High School

BOSTON' (NC)~Richar4 Cardinal Cushing s-tated em­ phatically here that the last regional high school 'under

Dependence Msgr. Ellis said "it was not surprising that a clerical ascend­ ancy over the laity should grad­ ually. have established itself which led to so many, laymen having an excessive dependence' on this guidance with a conse­ quent failure in personal initia­ tive and resourcefulness that it should have led to a quiet re­ sentment on the part of others; and in the case of a few strong personalities, that it should have induced open cpnflicts." '


S~~~Q@~ Go~fr~'


m~tdl~@[j'@]: $1000

Safe Deposit National

$'150 New Bedford Institution for Savings

SOMERSET CIHIURCH: Most Rev. Humberto S. Me­ deiros, newly named Bishop of Brownsville, Texas, lays the cornerstone of the new St. Thomas More Church Som,­ erset, assisted by Rev. Howard A. Waldron, pastor. .

$500 A Friend

$300 New Bedford Five Cents Sav­ ings Bank Sullivan & Foster

$250 Seguin & Caron, Inc.

$200 New Bedford Hotel



.oil Co. $100

Old Colony Transportation Co. New Bedford Defense Products Firestone Division . Princeton Clothing Co. New Bedford & Acushnet Co­ Operative Bank Alden Corrugated Container Corp. ' Stanley Oil Co., Inc.

$75 Ashley Ford Co. 'General' }>lastering & Tile Co.


Paragon Travel Agency

Park Oil Company

Norris Tripp & Co.

Hathaway Oil Co.

Edward Patrick Quinn

Continental Elastic

Special Gifts North At,tlebor@ $1500 Creed Rosary Co., Inc.

$200 Society of St. Vincent de PauX. St. Mary' Conference A Friend

$100 Frank & Margaret Curtis, Ine. , Reeve's Drug, Inc. Diamond's Funeral Home

$75 Beauchaine's, Inc.

$511 The Mason Box Co. Mrs. James Reynolds, Dr. D. Eugene Leco Atty. Ronald A. Brais Drs. George A. & Sylvia S. Lauro C. Ray Randall Mfg. Co., Ine.

$35 Lavery Irvine Co., Inc. The Millstone, Inc. · Edward N. Cook Plate Co.. Inc.


$15 Aglae's Hat Shoppe, Frank M. Miller & Son, Inc., Mucker's Delivery Service, No. Attleboro Gas Co. Senior Choir - Sacred Heart Church, Dr. John P. Cooper, Diamond's Cafe

Att'eboro' $500

Krew, Inc.



Attleboro Trust Co.


W. H. Riley, & Son, Inc.

Wells, Inc.

A Friend

St. Vincent de Paul Confer­

ence--St. John Parish Bibeault Pharmacy, Inc.

$75 Leach & Garner Co. $60 Saart Bros. Co.


Apco Mossberg

The Robbins Co.


, Alice's Shop Standard Plastics Co., Inc.

· Clover Super Market $30

· Falls Shopping Center' W. R. Dunlap Co., Inc. $40 Mr. & Mrs. Albert 'Gaboury $25 Brenneke's Pies · Nellie Lavery , Foster Metal Products $25 A Friend Pleasant Pharmacy Perfection Oil Co.' Dr. Henry A. Bedard Portuguese American Club Holmes Coal Co. . :,:r'- - " ··t ]=lodard Charles Thomae, & Son, Inc. Howard Motors Mr. & Mrs. 'Milton Cash ,Charles E. Willis. Insurance Sturtevant & Hook, Inc. , : ~".uvuc Young'Adults Organ-,' Agency, Inc. Eagle Linen & ,Supply Co. blation $20 ,American Flexible Conduit, • $20, , " BOSTON (NC) - it. century­ , Hank's Cleaning Co• etd dream of, Syrian and·Leban-, eo.' , H. F. Barrows ,Co. ' . $IIi' ",' Adams & Adams ' ese settlers in Boston came true , Madeline· G. Struck L. H. Cooper. Brodeur's Machine 00. Ilere, when dedication, exercises . Park Motors, were· held at ;;he recently com- , , ,:',ZO. pleted church Qf Our Lady cd ' . Thad's Steak House the Assumption, in the presen~ " $15. _ Roman and MelkiteCatholic~. The' . modem' church- 'in the' ,- € o minunity plan Loan Co., eity's Roslindale section will be General Vending Co., Richards Have you ever thought that'thePriest ihe cathedral of the Byzantine ,Motors, Colonial 'fextile, Mfg. Melkite .Catholic Rite diocese. in _.CoJ.'P. " ' " ' might need your help; your prayers, your the United States after it is con­ , Guilherme M. Luiz & Co. , services one! your life? Zeiterion Realty Corp. aecrated May 29 by Bishop-elect , , '. Find this ideal with the Lider & Llder ' kstin,Najmy. ' The new' bishop, 'named by SISTERS OF STE JEANNE d'ARC Pope Paul as the first exarch of' BISHOP'S RESIDENCE the Melkite Rite in the U.S., will .eside in nearby Newton. Benedictine Oblates of the 394 Highlan~ Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02721 As exarch he will serve all Greater Fall River area will . -,--or-'JrIelkite Catholics in this Coun­ hold a chapter meeting Saturday ST. MARY'S RECTORY try, but will be under the juris­ afternoon, May 14 at Portsmouth ,327 Second Stree,t, Fall River, Mass. 02721 diction of Richard Cardinal Priory, Rhode Island. The first , (:ushing, archbishop of Boston. conference will begin at 4 and --or-­ The new cathedral, designed dinner 'will he served at 6 for om~ LAD" OF LOURDES RECTORY by Laurence J. Cuneo, will be those wishing til remain. Oblates 52® Easte~1li Avenue, Fall River,' Mass. 027n . the third home of the corrgrega­ are asked, to make reservations iiWl since 1908. as soon as possible.

his administration for the Bas­ lon archdiocese now is heine built in Walpole. School construction costs aN -away out of line for what y<* get," and there never will be "a sufficient number of religioWl teachers to staff central high schools for boys and girls," the cardinal said in explaining bill decision. \ The startling statement by the prelate who has directed the building of 20 regional high schools in the archdiocese since he became Boston's archbishop in 1944 was made at the dedica­ tion of the new Mother Eliza­ beth Seton High School for Girls in suburban Wellesley. ' The cardinal said another new school in Walpole now is being built. He ad'ded when it is com­ pleted, "then I am finished." " "There is no possibility that a college or' university under Catholic auspices will be built, even in the far distant future, in the archdiocese of Boston," the cardinal said. ' , He estimates that it costs about $3.5 million to build a central high school now. Since there are ' insuffi'cient religious teachers, he said, parishes in which such schools are located are bes'et by the necessity of hiring lay teach­ ers at great costs. Some parishes, he said, must raise $36,000 01' more a year to,hire'lay teachers for schools which have been built. He added this is not only bad business, but unfair to the parishes.

Stang Welcomes 500 D'elegates Stang High School will play host this weekend to a conven­ tion' of Student Council repre­ sentatives from high schools throughout the State. Approximately 500 delegates al'e expected to take part in the weekend of activities that will include an address by State Attorney General Brooke. Out, of town delegates will be hosted by Stang students for their two nights stay. Registration will take place Friday afternoon and the con~ vention will, close Sunday. , The State meeting will be the first held in Southeastern Mas~ 'sachusetts.

Dedicate Melkite, Rite CathedraI

,w. 'H.

RIL£Y &SON, Inc•. ,



Benedictine Oblates


Gasoline ' :F~ef ' and Range ..



Oil BURNERS .For pre- .... ~t delivery & Day & Night Service G. E. BOILER BURNER UNITS Rural Bottled Gas Service 61 COHANNET TAUNTON


Attleboro - No. ~ttleborc T:lUnton



'. (.'i;$ees.~~:\W~[1'nd;}:~OMlfilen ~Ib$@g~fre): ,; ".. '._~" >.~ .<:/': "<' ", ~t~>'~::~;·~·::i3 .-' ­

THE ANCf;lO~-:-::Qi,9ce~~i of F.9"Riv~r.:-Thurs.,May,1~;I)gM""" ~\ ri"'· .. :". ': _l.:.". ';""'.~ f"[;ri~~:r~.~·-~ ~;-.




. •


. i


.;: • •

"< .. 't , . • ....... ':"'; :.~ A, A. Plante,&:SOlis . :', ';i;D~:;;:: ~[p)®~D@~ @D~{f~, Smith TE;xtile :Co.,· . '.,:.,',:,;..' , ,:Atomic 'Fen~e' Corp. , ' . N@frn©li'iICOJ~ Robert A. Clark . ' , ,":,' $5000 .' i Economy Body & Radiat()r;" A Friend Works . $2500 ,Dr. Elmer Leigh Jr. Maginnis & Walsh & Kennedy Dr. Robert ·H. Moe $800 Esquire Package Store Cherry & Webb Co. " Lion' Automotive Store~,' Inc. Fernandes Super Markets, tnc. Al's Tire Shop • $200 ' . , .. Feldman Furniture Co. Milton Bradley Company Draper Sears & Co. Rt. ·Rev. Bernard J. Fenton Thomas Abbott A Friend Cascade Drug Co. $100 Professional Pharmacy lRev. John F. Hogan' Hillhouse Convalescent Home · lRt. Rev. Felix S. Childs Cliff Lawn Nursing Home , lRev. James A. Dury Cliff H~ights Nursing Home lRev. John F. Laughlin Cliff Haven Nursing & Con­ A Friend valescent Home $50 Cliff Manor Nursing Home Rev. Clarence J. d'Entremonit Cliff Gables · Joseph V. Tally, Inc. Dr. David Prial $25 Fall River Permanent Fire­ Farley Harvey Company ',,' men's' Benefit Ass'n. M. H. Gerritt & Co. Anonymous Fall River Catholic N:urses Fall River Guild $4770 Arthur R. Driscoll Two Friends of Catholic Char­ William Eaton Ities Grand Central Market $1000 $20 Fall River Electric Light Co. Eagle Wine Company Fall River Trust Company'


• "'l'

.:> .Cl\RrrIfAQENA





Wolfson Zalkind & Co.

Fall River Gas Company'



International Ladies Garment Workers Union, Local No. 178 'Atty. Harold E. Clarkin ." 'R. A. McWhirr Co. $350 ':, .l· ••• ,


In Memory of Rev. Francis·A. .



.. 'P~io~" Savin'gs~ Bank' ,'. " "Fall Rfver' Savings Bank" . . White's Restaurant .' . ." $250' ,~ · A 'Frierid'i > , .. ' ~~ .,.... '. Donnelly Painting, Company . $200 ·,Anthony Salvo· $150 " ." New· England Poultry Co'.~ ., Lafayette Co-operative 'Bank' '$125.. . ,',Fall'River News,Co., Inc;': '; " ''''. $100 . · . r ,q Thomas Walsh Moving"Co,,:"'" ':;~'Sherry :&, Medeiros Corp: .... ,... Thompson CherriicaICo." " ,," ,·:Atty. & Mrs. John J.'Harring-. ton' - .. .,,' United' Labor) 'Council . -01. Greater' Fall River" '. "A Friend ' Louis Hand, Inc. • Harry Gottlieb A Friend Borden & Remington Co. · Chorlton Foundry Clover Club ~f Fall Riv~r Knights' of 'Columbus-:;-.Bishop «:assidy Council 'No.' 3669 $75 · Thomas 'Hudner - Precision ...'hread Company . Fall River Lodge No 118 BJPO' J:lk's .f


. ,.,

Jay Vee's, Inc. ~



Carl N. B.eetle'.Plas.~cii Corp. $50.,,"

· Edward Brayton' .•. ," , Mrs. Arthur J. Shea ~,'..:__ '. .Fall.RiverKnitting Mills, IDe~ Pine Sportswear, Inc: Ken-Lac Chemical Co., loe. Somers.et Funeral Home Mother Mcauley Guild. Slater Paper Box Holy Rosary Women's Guild John Braz Dr. Alan G. Simpson " Robert L. Germane, Contrac­ lor D. p. Sullivan - Wilfred e. Driscoll Funeral Home . Catholic Women's Club e« I;omerset _ ,$_35.

Flynn's Package Store, Inc. ,

. '$25


Giroux Insurance Agency, InC: Mr. & Mrli. Charles Dab-y . Somerset Motel . Odias' DUlnont , A Friend W. Irving ~erc:e &; Son, 1m.

Pleasant Super Market," R: G. Chouiriard Funeral Home, Inc., Bu~ns Saw & Machinery Co;, Everett Sportswear :. Hilton's Bakery; Jl' T. Hughes,

Fall River ,Radiator-Works, Lin::; coIn P. Holmes '. ," ,'<' Tom Ellison Inc.,' Dr. Wilson E; Hughes; Atty Alfred S.Sher­ win& Atty. Benjamin M. Gott:.. lieb, Law'son Granite &. Marble Works Inc., Joseph 'Nadeau's Sons '.

Taunton'. ,,'"

i ,.:.

$500 .




. $250 ... "






$182.;.. ... , :'

Residents of Marian Manor .



Thomas E. Donelan' St. M;ary's' W:omen'sGuild'" , I'.articular CounciL ~.soc.\ety st. Vincent de Paul. of Tau.nton ' .. Rennie ··M.al1\ifacturj~g ,A Friepd. '" . . • .. ,,: Mulhern's Pharmacy "St. v~rice~t de' PauICo~f~~~ ence of St. Mary's

Co .



Hobertson Factories, -Inc. Babbitt & Simmons . Sowiecki Funeral Home McCabe SaIid and Gravel Nu-Brite Chemical Co.

st. Vincent de' Paul Confer­ ence of St. Paul's Allan M. Walker ,& Co. $35

Weir Cooperative Bank. $30

Henry Crapo . Cornelius J. Murphy Insuranee O'Hearne Insurance Agency. $25.

Dr. William E.. Barnes , Farrell Insurance Agency, .. " . Capeway Ji'ackage Store . . Mozzone Brothers Lumber. '. Octagon ..Service Station Societe des Infants de Mari~ St. Jacques Bristol Athletic Club Paragon .Gear Works, Inc. :rvJ:cKenna's Gift Shop ." Mass..Catholic Order of Foresters-St. Elizab,eth. 'Court . Mt. Hope Machinery Co. Taunton 'Cooperative Bank Taunton Guild of CatholiC: Nurses . Taunton Printing Co. J. M. Wells Co. $20 .

G: Bumila Welding & Con.Btruction Co. ' Dolan-Saxon Funeral Horh'e Hopper Feeds Engineering Co. $15

Cabral's Dairy Farm, Milot ,TV ; Mrs. Mae E. Perrin Samuel Miseph, D. ·E. Murphy • Co., lnc:. ;'



and if. it is allqwed

m~ch longer' as an institutio?, ~ ~lll ,~ecome all.otlJ.,er denom~~

bon. ",Stringfellow .said his criti). obsolete." , c i s m s . would be all the moJ:0 _ The world body -has. "dqne pointed if direCted against the whl:itit can do," Willianl Strlng- N<itiim'al Cou.ncil of 'Churches fellow told an audience of Cath- this country. olicand Protestant clergym'en "The morality that' governs thEi ~nd seminarians at an :~cu~en- National Cou.ncil is the moralitw, lcal Day prograni at St. Charles of self-preservation, of internl4 seminary here in Ohio. .' maintenance * * * this can be doo­ Stringfellow, .an author' and umented, Stringfellow charged. member: of the cou.ncil's 'faith He questioned the counciJ.'18 and order committee, told the ~'witness to the world," declaring assembly his'. opinion would be t,hat 'only seven or eight per cent modified if the 'Roman Catholic 01 its total investment, measurecl Church entered the World Couil- ,,by money, staff and volunteer «:il. The admission of the 'Cath-' pers.onnel, "ends up in some kind olic Church would .radically 'of identifiable, direct work Ja change 'the nature of the world ,the world." body, he ',e;q?lained. . . ..Many World Council leadeJll .. As things stand, however,: "the 'share his views but are hesitan* ~orld Council of Churches is to'speak out, Stringfellow ... madequate substitute f9r. unity iserted.





, A~ ,EpisG.opa:1 . laynii1h::~:$~i'd . here the'WoddCotnlcit~50f " " . '. . ,''V' '," ehu,rchee ','is "ecumemc:~l}y

NUlRSES: Elected presi:. of the National Council of Catholic Nurses at . the 13th biennial convention held in Pittsburgh, is Mrs..Philip McHugh of Detroit. NC Photo. d~nt



Educator Says CctlhoUc Schools

Ser'J'e Scciety TOHONTO .(NC) -




'.'v~rY hardest task'" facing

,' .. ,.-.j,

Canadian bishops and.priel3,ts today is:to convince Catho­ lics that continuation' of·Catholic justified-in conteinpo,rary society.· , . c' ." . Ironieally,-it is also a ,time when government ·authorities want" to' 'do all they legally 'can ·to aid Catholic schools, the dire'c~ tor .of ' English" school· for' the Montreal Catholic School' Com­ mission,:.said here.. , Dr. John T. McIlhone,' address­ ing the English Catholic Educa­ tion, .Associ~tion, said, many young· a,dult, ;Catholics ,tend_oo view the· Second· Vatican, Coun­ cil's .. Declaration ',' on· Religious Liberty. ·.,as ,an --invitation -to, do away· •. with, the denominational school. Others I!eeit as encour­ agement fOJ: religious authorities to makE: 'arrangements with tiivil authorities for the education of all, he said. Yet Catholic schools are needed more than ever to 'teach that the human .individual is "a'composite of th~ natural and the .super-

• natural, .to teach moral values

and judgment and, above all, "to stand aE: 'a Christian bulwark in the sea of secular humanism which inirrounds it," Dr.' Mc­ Ilhone llisserted. He cilted Cardinal Leger's op.:. servation that instruction alone is only part of the ·function of education whiie the transmiSsion 'Qf values is the essence of i·t. .

Dr. McIlhone did not con'fi~

his remarks only to' Cath.oiic' re­ ligious schools.. He lamented that "there :ar~ not enough frote!l~

~ants left in this ·world. The dearth, the aimost '~ompiete ',dis:' , appearance of s.incere,. believing, ehurch-l~oing' and church-think,. ing Protestants is today great

probleDl faCing the Chrisii~In world and eSpecially the' Catholic' world. ' . "Denominational schools are needed. Schools which have a theology and philosophy of

values are the only sai\fation civilization," he stated. . The awareness of this fact has dawned on civil authorities after years o( dialogue, Dr. McIlhone said. "The arguments, ti:le studies and briefs presented to ministries ana departments' of educ'ation have, in some inexplicable way,

made their impact upon the po­

litical a\llthorities and it seems to

me that, on. a world-wide~ scale, ' the attitudes and aspirations Of Catholics are better understood . by Ule i:ovemments.'" - <0


. I'


Nine-year'Old Joseph,'has only one leg. He Joat" ;

the other on the side of '8 mountain' when . ' :, WHO careenlng..car ki4/ed ! his mother and·father••.••.." " . WIPES COllrbel, adeaf'mute,-was,wlth his two brotherl,.',,: ,OUT· wan they·drowned. He is outgrowing the s~ 'TRAGEDY learnl"! to talk again•••• Khalil" whose sister is ll~ mJft; 'has a keenmlnd~espitehls·deafnea.

He,· hopes .to be a :teacher•••• Who areth. .

", ~'S1 They belong 10 an' all-boy 'family' In,. crowded· stone house overlooking .Befrut, Leb­ anon. They were ·aU ~rreclalmable'untif Fattier ", "' Ronald Roberts gave- them a home. the 43 d" ", ' . , .mutes:among them are actuallyleamlng to taillt ••• Trained.ln Engtand, Father·Roberts teachel ." them himself; With ; small gifts.; from· friendl '. I .:.J . .,f· .. ~.' like youhe·feed$an(t~DtJjes,h.is '~mlly/ gi~: .. ;, . .'; ." them affection all<h.,$Cnse of feeling/at.home.t .. ,. ••• Will you heIPihil1l7.:Flre destroy~ pa,rt of:tJ1e, "'; . ,; ~ " • hO,me 1a~,,"onthW!1l1e theboysw.ere attendlns·.,'~

Mass. $1,225 ItljJl ipay, for the repairs. •.•. • ,or,., '.

why no~ .~are cMlPletely .for one~ .until Mq.... :

.nexfyearfThe c;ost)s,only $120 altagether ($10 ., 'v , . , _ . .8 m~!lth" $2.50 a .week). Night after night 'yo~ ..",




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he SQeS to·,bed.

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MSGR; JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLic NEAR EAsT WELFARE Assoc.

3:30 MEidlsorf Avenue· New York, N,Y. 10017 TcBlephone: 212/YUkon 6-5840 .




Relief '-W'orkers Back on J,ob In V,ietna~' . ,


,",urs., May 12, 1966

Students View Movies as Class Wo,k

" NEW \,ORK (NO) -:- The

tr#o representatives of the tr. S:. Catholics overs~ ~, ~f agency are back on the job, but '~it~ fingers crossed;" Qt Danang, Vietnam, after an 00­



CHICAGO (NC) - Satur­ day night at the movies, Sunday night at the movies, Monda)' night at the movies

Sorced evacuation of severirl days.' -most adults are familiar with . William Donaldson of Long these commercial-riddled TV Island, N. Y., and Bill Vencbel, 'il presentations of Hollywood film Hungarian, advised Catholic Re­ fare. lliIef Services-National Catholic But a growing number of area Welfare Conference headquar­ high school students are getting tlers here, "things are uneasily acquainted with film presen~­ lijuiet," but they are back at work tions their parents never enjoy­ Clhanneling relief supplies. ed, under the label of first, sec­ , The two moved into Dana,ng ond or third period at themov­ a year ago when the U. S. estab:' ies. The films short or feature II!lhed, the city as its No.2 entry length are being presented dur­ ]!>Ort in Vietnam. They were ing the school day not as aids to furced to evacuate for several , ROME AND POLAND IN SPIRITUAL UNION: Pope Paul VI offered Mass in the teaching ~ys when 'rioting and fighting other subjects but for broke out in conjunction with Chapel of Our Lady of Czestochwa in the grottoes of St. Peter"s Basilica, Vatican City, teaching the film art. Buddhist demonstrations against s'imultaneously with, the great festivities in Czestochwa itself, observing the millennium Among schools which have ~e regime of Premier Nguyen (}if Christianity in Poland. NC Photo., established film study courses (Jao Ky. is Notre Dame High School in Anothr report from Lawsan D. Niles, which provides a one­ Mooney of Somerville, Mass., semester, five,.day a week course ~irector of CRS-NCWC, opera-:­ on film study as part of the ~Qns .in Saigon, said two U. S. senior English program. ooldiers reported, they owe theat­ Father Paul Carrico, C.S.C., mo j lWes to the .agency's relief ship­ who teaches the course, reports lll!lents. CINCINNATI (NC)-Music is the arts" more than any other "But if he chooses one of the it has had unusual Slfccess. Safety Precaution one of the highest forms of com- age in history. "Film, study gets kids involved arts - music, for example ~ he During a communist bomping munication between, men and He told some 3,000 Catholic might receive a scholarship," who up to that time thought tiIf a Saigon warehouse, Pfc. Rob- nations, but it is in ,danger of music teachers and musicians the Hanson said. His chances for ad­ school was 'not for real,'" he crt E. Meyer and,Cliff Hawes re- being drowned out by the sounds arts '.'always have been held in ditional aid are slight, "unless said. "It is one art form" that ported they took cover behJnd a of science and technology. suspicion in our country." He he can somehow prove that communicates with 20th-century bale of CRS-NCWC clothing. /!. 'The opinion of Howard Han­ blamed this on "our early Puri­ man. music is helpful in national de­ bomb exploded and shrapnel em.. sOn, 'one, of the nation's best tan tradition." fense," he added. "Some students who have bedded itself in the bale o~ known composers and conduc­ , Now the arts suffer from an spelling and grammar problems Even the colleges and univer­ oIothes at the warehouse ne8ll' 'tors; was expressed in the key­ ovel'emphasis on technology and sities "too often fail to recog­ in other classes," he added, "do file Saigon airport. note address at the 19th, annual science, the dean emeritus of the nize" the value of the creative well when writing on films be­ , The soldiers reported if the ,National Catholic Music Educa- Eastman School of Music, Roch­ ;lrts, he declared. 'cause they have motivation." bole hadn't been handy, they tors A~ociation convention here. ester, N. Y., said. He referred to ''The great emphasis in the Explaining the operation of , probably would have been killed. The' convention theme was "the two gods of technology­ humanities has been on history the schol course, Father CarricO fte clothing part of the "Gommunication Through Mu- Speed and power" and com­ and criticism-not on creating, reported film shorts of all types tIothing collections donated by sic." ,: mented that "our speed has no not on performing * * * The av­ are shown in class and discussed. V. S. Catholics in the campaign , Hanson, who received the particular direction, and our erage professor in the human­ Students are graded on the, basis eonducted last Thanksgiving. NCMEA's 1966 citation of honor power 'has no particular pur­ ities is always analyzing, criti­ of their class participation as During the last year CBS-::-' for his "imposing leadership" in pose." cizing, looking for mistakes;" well as written reviews. I!fCWC has distributed some 5'8 music and music education, said Hanson said. As a result, a student inter­ "Kids of all abilities get in­ amion pounds of clot,hing, food ~e present age "needs a re­ ested in a career, in physics, for volved in film study," he said. and medicines to more than,450,- evaluation f1f the importance of example, may be offered "scholSquires to Present "For their semester projects, one 100 .persons in South Vietnam, arships, fellowships, grants, stiwill write a script or a research ftbe .agency said. Its medical pends," and when he has comortuguese i ~ paper and another will actualt,. lIbipments have been the' mai~ pleted his s'tudies will be "ift Bishop Feehan Circle 168, Fall make a film." fIour.ce of itupplie~ in operations enormous demand in commerce River Columbian Squires, will Such ,active involvement not ~ two hospitals. Working closely , and industry, in government, present a travelogue and docu­ only improves students ability to with U. S. military forces, eftS­ WASHINGTON (NC) - Mary, and in education," he said. ,I mentary on the history, present appreciate and criticize films as .ewc has been distributing Help of Christians chapel, new­ status and future plans of Por­ a literary medium but also aids IIItPplies as a safety ,precaution est Marian chapel in the National tugal at 7:30 Saturday night, their performance in other school liaainly through air shipments. 'Shrine of the Immaculate Con­ May 21 in Sacred Heart School work, Father Carrico maintain­ ception here, was dedicated Sun­ auditorium, Linden and Pine ed. He said such courses will be day afternoon. Streets, Fall River. "a necessity, in 10 years." The chapel is a gift of the

State Sen. Mary L. Fonseca is 'SWANTON (NC) - Nativity Salesians and the Daughters of parish in this smll11' Vermont honorary chairman for the eve­ Mary Help' of Christians, and town runs right up to the Cana­ ning and Carl deSuze, Boston more than 3,000 Salesians and radio announcer, will be narra­ WILMINGTON (NC)-The 60,. Daughters of Mary are expected dian border and many parishion­ year-old American province of to attend. Raul Cardinal Silva, ers are originally from French.;. tor. Ernest Silvia Jr., chief f;be Oblates of St. Francis de Archbishop of Santiago, Chile, speaking Quebec. To help them squire of Bishop Feehan Circle, FALL RIVER toward a fuller participation in notes that the program is being Sales has been divided into two and a Salesian, and' Archbishop presented as a result of a poll community life, an Edmundite iurisdictions - the Wilmington-: Pat~ick A. O'Boyle of Washing­ Philadelphia province and the ion presided at the ceremonies. priest from the parish is teaching of high school stUdents which them English under the adult indicated that many Portuguese-' 'froledo-Detroit province. Archbishop Thomas A. Boland basic education program sup­ Americans are ashamed of their , The announcement from Father of Newark blessed the chapel William D. Buckley, O.S.F.S., and offered a Pontifical Low ported by the U. S. Office of heritage because they feel Por­ tugal has no culture or history. . ~perior general in Rome, 'sai<J Mass. Auxiliary Bishop Timothy .E:conomic Opportunity. This color documentary is de­ Father Frederick McLachlan, the change will become effec,tive Man n i n g )f Los Angeles S.S.E., is "Ie maitre" or teacher signed to correct this erroneous

,july, L Father Buckley of Wil­ , pi:eacIied: , impression.

to more than a dozen' French­ iD.ington, Del., is the first Amer", The altar was consecrated on speaking adults, most of them Tickets are available from 32ND a n to become superior general .Saturday in a private ceremony Silvia and will be sold at the recent arrivals. , of the Obllt,tes, founded in Uril RECORO BREAKt.NG by Bishop Louis La Ravoire door if any remain by program "We applied- for a course un­ and dedicated primarily to edu­ Morrow of Krisnagar, India, who der the program last year," time. 'Refreshments will be ~ WEEK ation. .' ,~ ~ a Salesian and a native of . , Father McLachlan said, "because available. Father JQhn J. Conmy, O.S.F.5., Texas. EVES.-M~Il. thru Thurs. at 8:00 there was a tremendous need for

illas been appointed provinci,al of Fri., Sat. Eves at 8:30

this kind of help for the French­ New Provincial 8he . Wilmington - Philadelphia Sun. Eve. at 7:30 BELVIDERE (NC) -Brother province, headquarters of which ~onege Dean D~nies speaking people. Matinee at 2 . "They can't become citizens or Daniel Devitt, S.C., a Brooklyn

will be located in Wilmington. Wed., Sat. & Sun.

favoritism Charge even get a driver's license until native, has been named provin­ Father Conmy has been serving Phone F. R. 1·677·9357

they acquire some command of cial superior of the New York EMMITSBURG (NC)-An of­ 8'3 provincial of the nationwide WINNER OF FIVE ACAOEMY AWARDS English, and in Quebec most of province of the Brothers of the ficial of Mount St. Mary's Col­ ]11Covince. including Best Picture of tile Year them weren't in school long Sacred Heart. Father William J. Ward; lege here has denied charges by a state senator that applications enough to learn the language. In !D.S.F.S., now superior of North­ for admission by some state the states, without English, you ~ast Catholic High School in could actually say they're de­ Philadelphia, will 'be the first scholarship winners were un­ YOURS TO LOVE AND' TO GIVE! prived of some of their basic JiWovincial of the Toledo-Detroit fairly rejected. the life of a DAUGHTER OF ST. PAUL. Love God Father Carl J. Fives, dean of rights." lProvince. He formerly was prin­ more, and give to souls knowledge and love of God by serving Him in a Mission which uses th'e <'<lipal,of St. Francis de Sales High studies, said enrollment for next Press, Radio, Motion Pictures gnd TV, to bring Social Action School in Toledo, Ohio. Fall's freshman class was filled His Word to souls everywhere. Zealous young by,mid,.February, before any ap­ Headquarters for the Toledo­ WASHINGTON (NC) - The girls 14·23 years interested in this unique 1!}etroit province probably wili. plications from state scholarship tenth annual Summer school Apostol ate may Write to: be established at a newly ac­ winners were receilVed. Those' meeting of the National Catholic REVEREND MOTHER SUPERIOR

~uired establishment in Toledo, that have come in since then Social Action Conference will DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL

\Which has been designated as the have been placed on a waiting be' held at GeorgetownUpiver­ 50 ST. PAUL'S AVE. BOSTON 30. MASS. '

sity Aug. 25 to 28. . ~-Qvincial residence. list, he said.

Calls M~sic Top Form of Communication Co~pos'er

Cond uctor Stresses Arts



Dedicate New Shrine Chapel

Oblates, D,ivide U. S. Province


.Teaches English To Immigrants

D U I{..F',E}]




THE ANCHOR.-Diocese of Fon Ri,ver-lihurs. Mo;y; 112" 1,966

June: Meeting;

Late in

Last year the so-called FlieE: Speech protests: at the­ University of California at. BeJrkeI:ey l!'eCeiWedl a:llIsoJ1ts' OF coverage from the pl'ess:an.d eth:u -e(}Jnm~iolil'8',~. The picture )j)Nsen1led ~; not a happy Cilne---:.tlhe impressfunt wa:,q; dearly gi'Ven that the campus; was, ·dhminamedl ~fa:, JrWl1~ea1 gNUp ealliD.g; f01t" .oownrigbjl; liee:o.se:rai9er. tllairu

ftSponswle, :freed~m. Out..€If. the pmtes1ls:~·a. ,w~n\

to set up a. student government unm' .a:.newe<rn~ll:iOI1!. Those :framing the. constitution WeN the: Jra~: w-ho, voted! solidly behind their defegates in the eonvention.. Now the ~onst;j,tutioDJ has beenpiresemeef te, the siiHd'enii beay for adoption and it has: been rej~ted! overwi l!teI'nl:iingl3':' This: is f)EJsitive proCilf that last yeaIJfs·. riots. were the~ work of but a group of radicals by no> mea:ns~ in the' nmji@rity. It is proof of how easily a radicalland dete:rrminetill clique: can take over a situation and control' it. It is' proof that tne onLy antidote t(i)o ll'adicalisllb is for sensible and equally deter­ minedl men and W(i)men of responsibility to use all tegitimate means to reject those who would seek to manipul'ate the' wnole group. . ' Tne Berkeley story is one th~t saw these responsible members of the majority conspicuollsLy absent in the early stages of protests and riots and Il'qc~{;u:s. ]t is, g,oof!1l tniat tney have finaLLy asserted themselves, that sanity' has carried tI:le. day. But it is: h)o bad that men and women .e:lig,eod willt often wait te act IID,tn it is late in the day. Last minute l"escues make for good drama bUlt net :'lilways fol!' gootlli .sense. And! deplorable too is; th~ faet thi2lt this aetie)lJ) ,by; the­ majority af' students wilJl receive comr.>arati'vely Iittl'e at-. tention while the protests of the minority fast year saw tne glare of all the publicity that the C01ila.mHiIlicatiQIiIS, media e~JUdld bring te, 100M'. . . , Another l'esS(i)D! mi.g:l1ht be. that tlnose in "the eente.r· 'must rearn ta. make as ml!Ich of a fuss' as, th<i>Se t@ the right aaIdi' left, that the many musit l'earn a~ much abou,tl'!tl'l9Jic' rera­ tiOns as the few, that tne responsibl'e must make tl'1ernselv.es: . as' much heard as the' rellers.

Too Radical? A working mothet' has called for assistance to those in het' categOl!'Y and she h8Js: come up, ,w,ith tWEl> sngg,estiem:s that the gEloVernment w(f>t1l'lill sponsor: a,day-€:al'e pl'0g,1'am f0ll' chi:fcl:ren-"day care' snoul'GlJ be regarded as a Pllb1ic utility a.s,much as water or eler.tricity"-and the enr0111l1en.t of a gig,antic .labor force' of girls flt(i)illl 17 to, 24 to! help, with 60mes:tic wOll'k'- ' , In this, way there would be S(i)meOFle to take care 0] children, eSlPedal1y y.0ung, ones, d'm:ring the day; and' there w@t1Jfdi be adequate cl0.mestie- help to take care ,of tile nome while the mBther is' oat working and to· assist. her when she rushes hom,e at night afteli" ~b hliWl'd may's; w0J.1k..

Of course, theJie is. already ill existence a p1'0g,l'aillll th3it takes, caJI'e of aJill asp~ts of this:. It is caHe<dl the ''m;otheJ1' who. stays at home."" But pelfltDaps this' iiS t@(i), radicall a' solution---:-to expect a moth~r' to care for her own: children. to make the ,home a place of security and: love anwa,ff~tion. to be the hem of the family. . Who knows-the'liliay may yet ,C0me wlilen this: m31Y b~ ilI'OIP0Sed willi as: much enthusEasm and cenvicti'(!}f);'andJ vehemence as these other schemes:.


OFFlClAl , , NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESe: OF FAn R"VER' Publlished w~~ly' by ~he Catf!wl'ic Press of the Diocese of Fall River , 1 ') iig.hl.a.nC1 Avemue: .Foil River, Mass. 02'722 675-71'51 PUBLliSIrlER:

M€ l st

Rev. James

u.. Corn:rna H:y; OJ>., PhD'.,




Rev'. DanTeI' F.Sholloo, M:A.

ASS1;, GENERAl: MAlN!AGER Rev. JQhr' 1.'. Dr.i'scClIlli


HUfiJll' J'. GellfiR


Seven Jubilarians

€ e ntinued 1lJ:om Page COme m\nistrator' of St.. Augustine's­ Ch11J1ch;, .Viney,alld ilia v:en.. ' / M:onsignoll Bonneau; Om Sunday mGllming, June 5,. .at, 1r o,'cleck, M0llsiJgneu. lflel1,­ Fuaauo wiilJ1J eMell a, Sel'emn High, Mass of Thanksgivha.g: in Notre lilame '~;hulllth" Falili River. Rt. Rev. ALbeJl1l. :Berube" l?A." pastQl' 011 St. ,.!Ionfuon;y of Padua;. New Bed!fi!lrd!,. will p:rreach at the' Mass-. Amon:g:, the. attendants' at the Mass;. wiJill be Most, Rev. James L.. Conno}o1y, Bishop o~ the Dio­ -cese: of FalL River,; Most. 'Rev. Jiames. J'.. Ge:rr:rrard" V.G." Auxil­ i3l1Y Big·hop, of' Fall River" and ':Most Re'i'. Humberto S. Medei.ros, BiShep-deet. of' Brewnsville, 'Fexas.. In the' evenihg, 01L June 5 at 6, o'clock, :a, testimellia:1 dinnel' :will be' servE,d, at: Lk:coln' Parle The main. speakers: duririg the dinner pueg')lam wulili lile. Rt." Rev. Louis E. Puevost, past0r' of St. Joseph.'s Church" New Bed!fQl'di" repre­ senting the clergy, and Ferdinand FraL1COeUr, a trustee of Notre. Dame' parish, representing the laity. Mr. and Mrs. Francoeur were' the' £irst coupfe' mal'rled by the. j,ubilarian at St. Jean. the Baptist Ch~rcII', Fan River, w:heJll, the FaIT River DomestIc' Pl'e1ate was' a curate' at 'the Maplewood section parish. B!;>rn in; PLymouth;, Msgr.· Bon­ nea~ is' the son. of' the: late. LouIs , andi the late Marie Lapoi:nte·Bon­ neau. Ht~ attend'ed' Notre Dame S€ h oof,.l!'all'River, Levis College In Quebec and' St, Mary's Semi": , nary,. BaiLtimore.. OrdaIned'ill st, Mary's Cathe­ dral by the late Bishop Feehan OLl June 24" 19.I6· he: served 'as assi"st;'1U,t at St.. Jean. the' Bapti"st, FaIl River;. St. Alil.tl'lony and' St, Anne, New 3edford" and' Sacred Heart" North AtUebolio. . . Msgr. Bonneau 'was appointed pastor o£'Holy R'osary"New Bed- . ford in May" 1935 and' of Sacred' Heart, North AUfeboro In Octo­ _bel', 1939, He. has' been pastor- of Notre Dame since January 19:47. The j,ubiJarian was honored with, the rank of' Domesti"c' Prel­ ate on }i"eb, 3'" 1958', He hol'ds bacb.el'or and master of arts d'e­ g)iees i1nd. bachefor of sacred theol'ogy;. al1 conferred by .st. ·:Mary'S Seminary, , MOllISignor GalIaghel' On Memorial Day· afternoell" . May 30; MOl1signor Gallagher will oIfe:u a Soremn Mass of Thanksghdng at .St.: James Church, New Eedford" :Most Rev. . James L,,' COlmolly" Bi'shop of the ·Dl'ocese,wil1: be the preache& at the l!filSS~ Assistin&: fihe New Bedfor-d

: PROVIDENCE (NC1~]hterna.-, tionally known theolOgians wilD!, pmcipate in the 2lJst: 8llJluall € a t1ielic TheologieaJi SOciety ct, Ameriea eonventioHl here JUJl1fl 201 to 23\ llliglilighting the· fOuF-day e~· \'.entiODi wi}] be' a, diSeUssiOn «Ill, "'4. JPl!otieftant Evaluaticm af' XUI\ Ralmel"s Tbeol'J" ~' the Saefalo' mental Character af: Holy GIIlo d'en;.~' 'Irhe: session\ willi be een­ 4ueted!. by; Dr; 6eot:~ A LiBel\­ bee1f" pl'ofessor- of' theol'ogy at: Yale' llTDiversi ty d:vinity sck~ and! Father· Paul' F~ l&'al'mel'j 5,J1;' associate p:rrofessoll' of; theelog' <it Fordham Univel'sitiyi;, At anotnel' sessionl JIlatlher Ed!­ ''liard' FIt Flannery, ednol" af the Pro:vidence VisitoI'; dlocesaa w:eeltly, apd Rabbi Marc' H. Tan­ enbaum" nationa1 directOl.' of ~be. Intel'religi'ous' Affaiirs' Depa*· ment of the Ameri'cano Jewish, Committee; will discuss: "A Jew:· ish Reaction to € : "atholic'Positio.'· in: V'a1Jican' II." father Eamon R. Carroll, C; € a rm., presid'ent, will deliver an aEld'ress on "The' Mother of' JesUS' >u the" Communionl of' Saints-­ €1ia-lTenge' to' the Chul'cl'1es;"

li'TotOIl0tiaTy: .Apostolic' ""ill' be' pas.... 2'i,' 1002, in San. Vinc.ente, Sl tQJ1' 01l St. Pamck's, ehu:I!chl: Miebael" Azolles. He studied at Wa:ueha1l1l,: deaeon, and: Rev.·.: the Seminary, of Angra and tin.. Waltell. .T.. Buckley; pastor' of St. ished 'his; theologicaL. studies at' Kilian's: Churah" New liledftlf'd~ St.. Mal'y's; Semina1"Jf" Baltune.r-e· '. a,nd Belmont Abbey" Nonth eal'­ subHileac:on,-, :LnJ ad'ditioDl b liliisbop (j;onnol'­ . 0r-dained. by thel late lilil!h&p, ly" MiDst Rev. .James; .J. Ge&r.ard~ V.G", AwWiaPy Bishiip. of t:oo, Feehan.. on.. May 29" 1926, Father IDioc:ese" and liliishop-el.edi Hum~ ·dosReis sei'Ved as: assiStant ~. bellte> S. Med:eillO~, wiillIJ be: pires... Holly, Family;,,' TauntoD!" St. Mi'­ eat at 1Jlre Mass: of ·maank.!fgi.vin1f~ chacl's and. ~spidt9' Santo; FaR· Following the- Mass;, .a dinn~r R1ven_ H.e;·was named adminiB., futon of' St Anthony of' Pad'!la. willJI be 'se1!Ved, at; &-.36i in'" ..the' Kgnnedy Youth .. Center, New; ia. Amgust. 192" andt a. yea!! lat@-I! aQillin.iSt:rram of: (1)Ul7. Lady ee :Bedfondi., Ve:rry R~v. Rol,ymsnd Jr. S,W011ds" S.Ji., p:rresid:ent of' H"ealtl't" beth in Falt Rhver~ };lel:Y CllQSS. Colilege;, Worc:est-en;, '. l!&' returned to. st.. Anthony as willi ,be'. the- maillJ speakeF at pastel' in March 1W3, and'"was' named pastOll .of St., Michael's in the- e:veniIag testimoniaL. & native of: Taunton. Msgr.. Ma.llch.,195S.. Gallagher is the sl;m of the 1a.te Fatltelr Medeiros WilIia= H. and the, late- Bridget A native- of St.. Michael', Azores, Goodwfn - GaHagher-.• He was · Father .MedeiJ.uos is the, son ,~ graduated from H(~ly Cross Cp1'­ .the' late Joao JI.. and! the late lege :;Indl studied! theology at'St. Mal1iaJ Camno: Med'eiJros. He' was Mal'y's Semmary"." Baltim~,:ue. He ordained on. Nov. 71.. 1926i at. Ter­ was, or<ilained by the late Bishop, , ceima;, Azol'eS, by H!i.s: Excellenc)7."., Feehan on May 2:Z.. 1!H6. in St. Antonio, A C. Meirelles;. D(D~ M~'s, CathedJ;alr. Fathe:rr' MedeiJ.uos~ spent. the. first> , 'L'he' j,ubiJarian. seJ;ved as cuuate ~'ears of his priesthood in the at Our Lady of the Isle, Nan­ Azores,. coming to the Immacu,.· tulili:et and was, assis-tan.t at St. late Conception, New Bedfor~. James, New BeGlfQIid. mltil he: in February 1938: Other assign­ was named admimistratOlr at St.. ments incl:wfe' st., Elizabeth and! Joseph/s,. Woods, He1e: m 1932_ Espirito Santo in Fall'River. He' semled as, pastcnr- at st.. Ma!;:l\'S;, Fat:h~ .JUsseamne Mans:llleld andi St., Ki:lian.':~,. New> i't Fall' River' nati'v€ " Father. BedJiord and :rreturned to St. Jusseaume is' the'son' of' Octave James, as. pastol: at the' dt~ath of am;P Clarience Glregofre Jus... Mo~lSignor' Henr:i~ J!. Nooll;. V,G. seaume. He attendedl college a& Msgr.. G.allaghe:rr was: mimed' a St. Hyacinthe an St. Al'eximdte, DomestiC, PreIat;, Feb., 3'" 1958, both in QueIJee:, andl studied' He ollgan.izedJ the lCatholk Wel­ pni:rosopl'ly and' theelogy at St­ fare FedellatioDJ of' New BedfiJrd Mary's- Seminary, Baltimore~ He and was direetor- o£ Catholic was' ol'dained' JUne, 7', 19"41' by tlMt Welfare in that city £rem 1926, rate' Bishop Cassidly. untir 1932" His assignments' ii:J.cJud'e St. He cil.i,TIected th.~ campaign. for · Stephen}s~' Dodge,,'*ll'e; Sacred Bishop Stang High. School.. Dean. Heart and' St~ HYacinthe, New of the New Bedfc>!,d area and a Bedford, Father' Jusseaume holds Diocesan. Consultoll;, he served! a bachelor' of arts' degree con­ many )leal'S as> modeJ:ator of the' ferred by St. Mary's Seminary. New Bedford area Council of Father O'Donnell Catholic Women. Son of Josepy! F~. and Margaret Jl1atheI: Deneault IVrarl'on O'Donnell'" F' a the r Father Deneault, s.on, of tl'le O'Donnell is; a grad'uate of Attle­ late Ausene' alJ.d tbe fate· Mary boro High· SchoQI and holds a LebeaU' Deneault" was born in &chelor of .Arts degree' con­ New' Bedford'. He studied' at ferred by Harvard' University. Bourget College' and' Ottawa He' studied for the' priesthood' Univei'si1iy, bot}): in Canada, com­ at St. Bernard's Seminary, pl'eting his' ed'ucation ~It' St. R'ochester" N .. Y .. and was. ordain­ Mary's seminary, :B·aTtimore. ed June 7" 1941 by; the lam Ord'ained' on' May 29; I926' or Bishop, Cassidy in. St. Mary's, Bishop .Feehan, he' has' served: at CathedraL St. John's; Attleboro;; St. Hoch's, Ere seJ:ved as, assistant at € o r.­ FaI!J.' R'ii.ver;· S'acredi Heart, New: pus Christi, Sand\vieb:;, St. Law­ Becl'fordi;' St. Stephen's' Dodge­ ·renee; . New Bedford;. Sacred villfe and' st~ Mattl'l.ew'"s;. Fan -Heart" Fall River;, EIo1y, Ghost,. Rivel'; . His' present assignment Attleboro" and St. 'Paul;, Taun.. began' in; J!)ecemJ)er' I954. to~,. aJJft was. appofuted adminis.. Father. d'osReis t'rator .at St. Aug)lstfue's in May, . Father dosReis was bom' JuI5f . ItJ65. ReV'. Jiolm A. € h i;ppendal.'e"











THE ANCHOR­ Thuf'S" May ~ 2, ~ 966

'SII'. BIERNARD $200 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony 'Jl'erpak $103 Gertrude Gould Mr.'& Mrs. Marianno Rezendes ~i" $50 ' . Mr. & Mrs. Benoit H. Chlllr.1nnd Marguerite Gould . Mr. & 1IIIrs. Thomas Terpak


Asserts Dialogue To Aid 'Churc~ In t,re!and

LIMERICK (NC) - Wil­ liam Cardinal Conway of $45 Armagh, Northern Ireland, McHale Family told a conference of priests $3@ here that a broader dialogue Edward Thompson between priests and laymen $25 would be "a source of enormous Helena 'V. Gould enrichment" to the' Church in Kenneth R. Rezendes Ireland. $J1.5 The Primate of All Ireland ad­ Mr. & Mrs. Robert Barboza, dressed the 25th annual confer­ :Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Benevides, ence of the Christus Rex Society, ,~evin Driscoll, Henry Venturini an organization o~ Irish priests. He said the new dialogue be­ 8 UTI:L?:<m Q'dl $ Bay tween clergy and lay persons, .ST. MARGA.RET following the promptings of the $50 ecumenical council, should be "'Tommy's on Service carried out with' "charity and truth." $40 A PariShioner His remarks were seconded by $35 Bishop Henry Murphy of Limer­ A Parishioner ick, who stated: "There must be $30 self-examination and e '" ¢ a new Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lopes and accurate clarification of Mr. & Mi·S. John Riha roles and objectives" for priests '$25 PARENT-EDUCATORS VIS'IT: Explaining the Parent-Educator program to Mr. and lay Catholics. Dorathy Pina and Mrs. J'ames Magnan, par~mts of little Sue AJ:lll, are Mrs. William ConnQIly and Mr. Definite Vocation Mr. & Mrs. Henry Simons CQnnolly, OCD volunteers from St. Mary's parish, North Attleboro-. A woman speaker at the meet­ Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Biagiotti ing, Alice Cur.tayne, hailed the A' 'Parishioner ' . new place that the council-has 'Mr. & IJ.\IIrs.EugeneLopes granted to women in the Mr. &1VIrs. William McCoy Church. She said she was partic:" Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lopes ularly pleased that the council . $25 repudiated the notion that mar­ Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lindberg riage is permitted to Catholics $20 "because of their weakness and Mr. & Mrs. Amos Fernanaes, Parents of newly-baptized children in St. Mary's parish, North Attleboro are visited hardness of heart." She said this Mr. ·&Mrs. Tony Vieira, Mr. & soon after the ceremony by a Parent-Educator' Home Visitor of the Confraternity of concept of matrimony is "still 'Mrs. Arthur Wills Mr. & lVII's. Frank Betters, Mr. Christian l'octrine.Directed by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, visitors have made 10' deeply rooted in Ireland." & Mrs. Fred 'Harkins, Mr. & 'Mrs calls in recent weeks. In every case, they have been warmly received. Similar home visit Appoint Brother lohn MUlhall, Mr. & Mrs. Jahn programs are in effect at St. . H. Karl., Mrs. Veronica pye BROOKLYN (NC) - Brother Home visitors-make their first school age. On each visit the Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Labretto, John ot God parish, SomerBoniface .Joseph, F;S.C., dean of ,parents are provided instruc­ set; Immaculate Conception, call shortly ,after the infant is Mr & Mrs. John Gray students at Bishop Loughlia North Easton and St. ,John's, baptized:and present the parents tienal material which empha­ . $15' with the child's official baptis­ sizes the vital role {)f the parent High School here, has been ap­ Mr. & !Mrs. William Haskell Jr'. Attleboro. They .are parlof the mal pointed to the National Citizens certificate. They then try to Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Perry, Mr. &' wide-ranging CCD program, visit the ,home every 'three in the teaching of religion, and Advisory Committee on Voca­ gives hints on when different 41: Mrs. JJ~mes Lopes, F'rank AH­ which .aims to provide Christian ffi()nths until the child is of types of instruction should be tionai Rehabilitation established <irews iJ.r" Minnie E. Doherty formation for all Catholics not by President JehnsGn. started. Mr &lJ.\I1rs A. 'Clayson Tuey, Mr attending parochial schools. Mr. & Mrs. Johnson are being &: Mrs. Thomas Dunbury, Mr. 1& The volunteer workers are assisted in their work by Mr. & persis,tent. When attempting, for Mrs. Leon Charboneau, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Richard, Mr. & Mrs. ,Oliver L. Garneau, .Mr. &: instance, .to contact Mr..and .Mrs. Mrs. William Connolly, Mr. & ,Ge()rge Forget, proud parents of Mrs. MiOh&el Chantre U , " '... Mrs. Clement Sharon, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Andrews, little Kathleen, Margaret, they QUEBEC (NC) - When Que- Emil Plante, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Frances Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Julio were pl,lzzled when repeated bec province goes to the polls on Mollins, Mrs. Francis Murphy, 'Roderick" Katherine Fernandes, daytime ;phoneealls weren't June 5, it will mark the first Mrs. Paul Kr.auth, Mrs. Francis answered.. At last they called in 'Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kenney 'time in Canadian history that Reynolds, Mrs. Albert Gaboury, _~4 WYman Mr. & !Mrs. Keith Songer., 'Mr. the evening .and the .mystery was a provinciaJ. or. federal election Mrs. Mary Cloutier and Mrs. 3-6592 solved. Mrs. Forget is dea1and &: Mrs. Themas Leonard, Mr. & has been held ona :Sunday. George Glaiel. Mrs. Joseph Bonvie, Mr. & Mrs. dumb,therefore couldn't '8Jlswer Announcement ,of the election <> Sisters from St. Mary's School CHARLES :F. VARGAS GuidoC:abellis, Mr. & Mrs. the phone, but she and her hus­ band, onee.the Parent-Educator date was made by Premier Jean who are active in the program Rebert Hogan 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nickersen, program was explained.to -them, Lesage, leade::- of the Liber'al are Sister Maria Thomas, Sister Party of :Quebec. Mary Inez, Sister Mary Danella, were more than glad to :have :the ieseph Amado, Thomas MaSter­ NEW BlEOFORO,MASS. Premier 'Lesage also announced Sister Marianna, Sister Mary &<In, Mr.·!& 'Mrs. Joseph Belsie, aid of CCD in the :spiritual up­ that certain pulp and paper Luke, Sister Mary Jeffrey, Sister bringing of their daughter. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ellis mills are permitted to operate Mary Michael Anthony, S-ister Religion in Home Newman Club-Massachusetts "The Parent-Educator section," on Sundays, as of May 1. The de- Mary Leonce and Sister Mary Maritime Academy, St. Margaret . cision follows ~ recommendation Amadeus. CYO, Mrs. Edward J. Marcellino Mr. Johnson explains, "is that of a three-man' Royal Commisunit of the CCD which .seeks t{) Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Verrier sion set up in 1964 to investigate impress upon Catholic parents a claim by some firms that Sun­ Mr. & Mrs. William McMakin, Request Stamps Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ehmann, Mr. that their ,function as teachers day work was necessary for {if religion in the 'home is a God­ Sisters of St. Francis who op­ & Mrs. C. 'Paul Tucy, William D. them to meet contracts. Soule, Mr. & Mrs. William J. given assignment." 'The program To qualify for permission to erate St. Michael's Stamp Bu­ is planned not only to stimulate work on Sunday, the mills must reau at St. Elizabeth's Mother­ Larkin ,~ A Parishioner, Ida Monterio, this awareness but also fto offer be operating at 00 per cent house, Allegany, N Y. are grate­ practical suggestions toward its capacity six days a week. The ful to Catholics of the F,all River Mr. & Mrs. ,Stephen Dowd, Wil­ accomplishment. for !lIiam Delane;}' permission applies only so lOng Diocese Who have responded to Parent-Educators attend all as this condition exists, Premier their appeal for cancelled stamps baptisms at ,St. Mary's. At the to help support for~ missions. Lesage said. ceremony ,they ,present a baptis­ IBishap Swanstrom They request that donations mal robe to the parents of the continue during the Summer Wtns 'Catratas Medal infant. 'These traditional white Observers to ,Join months and that contributors robes have :been designed ,and NIAGARA UNIVERSITY (NC) try to interest friends 'in the col­ Bible Committee -Auxiliar;}' Bishop Edw.ard E. made byp~ishioners with con­ lecting project. NEW YORK (NC)-Two eb­ [Swanstrom of New York has siderable help from students and servers representing the Catho­ :\been named the 1966 winner Qf Siste!s at st. Mary's School. lic hierarchy in Great Britain 'the 'Caritas Medal, awarded an- , will sit with the joint committee ~ually 'by 'Niagara University t9 Kappa Gama IPi of ,churches reviewin'g English an individual exemplifying the The Boston .chapter of Kappa translations for the Old 'Testa­ ,tharity of St. Vincent de Paul. '!Bishop Swanstrom has beellll Gamma Pi,national ,Catholic ment to be published by the ew:ecUtive director of Catholic college women's honor society, Oxford and Cambridge Univer­ .sity Presses as part of the New will meet .at P toni,ght ,at Em­ Relief ,Services-NationaICath­ olic Weliare Conferenc.e since manuel College, Boston. Mrs. English Bible. ' Member Federal Deposit msuranceCorporation "The New English Bible: New 11)47. Thomas Bancroft Jr. of East The award was made Tuesday Freetown, daughter of Mrs. Testament" was - published 'in 1961. It is expected that the Old at ceremonies commemorating George Caya of Fall River, is THE BANK THAT DOES MORE FOR YOU •••• Ute 341st anniversary ,of St. Yin­ president of the unit, which Testament, translation of which AND ,ENJOYS DOINGII' eent de Paul's founding ,of the serves all Massachusetts east of has been completed, will be Vincentian ~ongregation which Worcester. New meJftbers will ready for publication not later ~tbe ,universil¥. -De inducledat .tonipl'.meetiBc. than 18'10.

eCD,Home Visitors W,elcome New Christians At St. Mary's Parish, North Attleboro

Quebec to ,Have S aday 'Election




fl/kltIe'''''"" , (.~


The First National Bank of Attleboro






oUall River-Thurs. May 12, 1966

$~t¢ .' PO' .' ~egent

Pope Poul ,Encourages 'U. S. 'Efforts for Latin Church

Mrs: Thomas F. Charron, No,,­ AWeboro; bas been re-electeCl State Regent' of the Dau'ghteJll Of isabella.' She, waS named ~' the annuai convention of ~tbe Massachusetts State Circle, hem ill Boston. Also serving from ~ Fall River. Diocese· a~e . M~ Catherine JoSt, 4tileboro,. who will handle publicity for DioOo 'esanDI units; and Mrs. CatheJ­ ine Letendre, New Bedford, ... Q'llected trustee. ' The s'tate organization pq.. 'sented checks to Cardinal Cus));. log for the John f. Kerin~ Memorial Library and for bi$ 'oWn :charita1:?le wor}ts.,' It w~ announced that the 57 PI cjrCl~ in' Massachusetts donated over $47,000 to various charitable. " gapizations 'during the past yeas. . 'Alii May Join:' I 'Mrs. Charron' noteS that au . Catholic women 'between . tbi a~es of 16 'and, 60 ar~ eligible ~ join,the Daughters of Isabella ., , benefit members and that' won.:. en 'over" 60 iD~y, join as, socnd members: She' may be contacted for further information on me.... berShip.' ,

From "Social Revolution in the New Latin America"

Edited by John J. Considine, M.M.

With this issue The Anchor begins serialization of "Social Revolution in the New ,Latin Ameri~a," a (lollection of papers presented at the second annual national conference of the Catho­ lic Inter-American CooperatioD Program, held in Chicago in . January, 1965.

The most solemn and beautiful moment of the Second Annual National Conference of the Catholic Inter-American Cooperation Program came with the reading of th¢ honiily of Archbishop. Helder Camara of Recife, Brazil, at the · evening Bible Service. conference has shattered all the "Lord," the Archbishop ·rest. Ariel, I can only say it's the prayed, "make us love the most pleasant shattering experi­ Eucharist more and more in ence I've ever had."

Doctor Eugene Smith, the· ex­ the m,an who is poor.' May we recognize in the image of his ecutive secretary of the World ,Council 'of Churches, spoke in misery the similar vein. ' . presence of "l'his has been a rich and rare your Son. Help privilege at many points," 'he us; for the lov~ said. "I mar'vel at feeling, so ut­ of this man who terly at .home. I know that in, is poor, to wage part this is because of the skill a fight to the of Monsignor Gremillion's hospi­ 'd eat h ~gainst , tality but it's also been the open­ the causes of his ness and the friendlipess on the FRIENDS AT TEA: Friends of St. Anne's,' ~Ul 'organ­

poverty. "These part of all of you. · days of study ization that contributes many hours of service at St. ·Anne's

Diocesan Nurses "I am grateful for all that present a pano­ Hospital, Fall River, held t~eir annual Tea on Tuesday we've learned about L a tIn The Fall River Dioce_ raina: u n jus t America * * * Above all, I'm afternoon with members of the staff as guests. Left to eouncil 'of Catholic Nurses will social structures in Latin America; grave social grateful for the unmistakable right: Nancy Considine, R.N.; Mother Ascen'sion, ImperioI' hold its Spring plenary meeti... crises shaking the countries of signs of the movement of the of Siste!s; Jacqueline Allard, R.N.; nurse service supervisor; beginning at 4 Saturday afte~ Holy Spirit with power in' a the continent; a Social Revolu­ Mrs. Frank Plichta, secretary of Friends of St..Anne's, ~oon, May 14 at St. Anne's H.., Fall River. Bened'iction lit tion which everywhere imposes Church where this can happ~n." , ~ri~ . pital, Bard-Headed Optimism 6:30' will· be followed at 7 :15 til' itself. dinner. The council armouncel Probably the strongest factor "Revolution, not in the mean"; ing of armed and bloody revolt, for good both in the conference Clergy Counc~il':a~~~~~o~:~~~~Pg;~~I~~:ea:n: but of rapid and substantial papers, and in· tbe discussions· Con,pl,~te ,Formation' PITrSBURGH (NC) Bishop" Members must, be, ordained at 'ing a school of nursing; Applieao was the bard-headed optimism change. "Woe be to all Christians if the and buoyancy 'that 'eventually John ;r. Wright of Pittsburgh has' least five years and must not be . -tions' 'should be made by 'W. , lowly become convinced that the came through no matter bow announced, the organization, of . deans, .' diocesan, cons"1UoFS, oi "nesday; June 15.·' . .' ,­ Church has abandoned them' illl foreboding the pOrtrait of the the newly-formed'diocesan Cler- ,heads, of any' diocesan deparlthis dark hour. They cannot but difficulties in Latin America. gy Ce.uncil" .. established. to im..: ,ments. , Scho'01 -Aff."I.oa":" ,.,', ~ •• believe that 'religion is indeed . Archbishop Samore in his able prove communication between 'th . I d th d' First, meeting of thE' couJ)eU the opium of the . people and . address. sounded a note in this' . e c lancery ·gn e; Jocesan' was held in February. P~bli'c 'a.": ' .• <, NE:WARK (NC)-S~; Mi~hae" Hosp t I , the 1 t h Christianity an ally of privilege direction. which' aptly .reflectS elergy, and to serve as a forum I, ~ , one.o. . ~rges. Ol!;l" the view of ·the conference par­ •for dificussing. common ,problems: . ~ouncement of .the, "cou~ci~ JJle~~ allld 'exploitation * * *" The' priest representatives are. bers' rialll~ :.an.d , ther~cently' p.dals.lD the .state. WIll dlSCO~ ticipants. Papal Letter alternates appear in'the' ,tinue It~ .nursIn.g school prograJl!l "I confess that spiritually I e.lected by the clergy Of their elected The finest hour of the confer~ current' issue' of the 'PittShur"ti '" and .affihate :WIth the ,coJleg~ ~ .• kl ,~" nursmg at the ,Newark bran. , ence was the reading and the feel ill,~' said His Excellency, deaneides, and meet at· least four C th U'd'" of Rutgers University. "when I hear the . voices, of times a year with. the bishop. . a 0 c, Iocesan wee y~ , presentation in' person by Arcb­ bishop Antonio Samore of the prophets of doom foretell a· dark Vatican to Cardinal· Cushing of . religious and social future for the apostolic letter of Pope Paul Latin America. Such voices seem the moanings of men affected by VI recounting in' detail His Holi­ ness' satisfaction at the efforts of a congenital tendency to gather the United States to serve their only the negative aspects of' human reality *. * * Thus they in­ confreres in Latin America. "The perseverance, contiriuity terpret every protest and every ,'a n d 'farseeing clarity,· w!hi<;h legitimate request as the cry of mark your labors,". declared the subverting revolt, ignorant or Pontiff, "have had the effect o.f , forgetful of the fact that renew­ raising to 4,091 the ecclesiastical, al, adjustment and' transforma,;, ,religious and lay personnel.from tion are of the. very essence of the United States now working justice and even more so of Christian love,", . in Latin America." , Pope Paul VI in his message , Pe tha~ked"the U. S. bishops for loaning clergy from their ~~presses,an encouragi!1g appre:' dioceses for Latin America. "We elation of, the Significance of CICOP. ' praise and encourage the Reli­ "We have learned with pleas­ gious communities of men and women," he went on to say, ure,'" he declares', "that the United States Bishops' Commit':' "wh;~h with perseverance and tenacity are gradually fulfilling tee for Latin America' has ·re:' the engagement unde~taken at cently established a movement: the .congress of Notre Dame, In:" 'the Catholic Inter-American Co­ diana, in 19610~ offering the .operation . Program ,(CICOP), which seeks by. educational Ch~rch in Latin "America a tithe of their total membership ~y means to promote greater under:' .. standing of Latin America's pe~ 1970." The papers delivered and the pIes among the Catholic millions discussions, which followed at of the United States. "We . are happy to learn that the study sessions of the confer,-. ence evidently were not only th'is, 'year, for the first time, informing, but partook as well of' man y bishops are introducing something cha,rismatic. ·This was this program into their dioceses, indicated in interesting fashion and many religious superiors are by the sentiments expressed by recommending it to their com­ munities .by advocating, the some among the score of Protes­ tant observers at the conference. observance .of Catholic Inter­ Rev: David R. Hunter, deputy ,American Cooperation ·Week." Such a' step should produce general secretary of the National Council of "Chu~ches, deClared rich fruits .of knowledge, warm before departing, '.'1 have ha4 a' , friendship a Ii d Christian con­ cern!' .. ' shattermg experience and 1 the word shattering advisedly ,In additi~n to automatic' cooking, many m~c!lels 'of 'flameless eledric ranges I and from the depth 'of my soul. , Convention Theme dean themselves-oven' and drip pans, too-,the easy' electric, way without I think you ,know as well ~lS I r=rubbin g or chemical~ do that the great barrier that '" WASHINGTON (NC) - "The · stands between you and me and New Pentecost" will be the my brethren is' the presence of theme for the 33rd national con­ stereotypes. The Vatican Council vention of the National Council shattered most ctf my stereotypes , of Catholic Women to be held apoJItRQJlUIll Catbplics ,<md .UW1 . at Miami Beach, Fla., Oct. 5 to 8••



=' .

. . . . . .,---"!'!!"------------_.. ._--,----_..._---------_......-











i,: ,', ',1

, : 'THE ANCHORThurs.. May 12. 1966

,P@st'~,Concil'idrProblem "



,",' By Mstr. G~orgeG: Higgi~s, (Director, Social Action Dept., N.C.W.C.)


. ' $100 Rene Poyant

A West Coast priest observed recently in the letters­ to-the-editor column of one of our leading Catholic weeklies that some American Gatholicsare so anxious to be accepted by their non-Catholic peers that they give the appearance

$75 Rev. Francis M. Coady

lisb good schools in the slums Philip BUCk~: as long as we cling to the tradi­ James J. Cannon than the secularists t~em- tion of direct public management Dr, Jack Jaxtimer selves. They are also inclined, of public schools. "What we need John Kilcoyne he ,said, to be hyper":cr,tical of in the slums," he says. "are pri­ ,Paul Lebel so-called Catholic separat.!-q/l and vately managed schools, fi­ ,JohnJ. Pendergast Sr~ almost blindly nanced and ultimately controlled George Reale favorable t o b y the taxpayer." $35 Robe'rt B. Little' ,anything that In an earlier article on the travels under same subject in the Winter, 1966, $30 ,t h e guise, of ' , 'issue of a new liberal quarterly, Arthur C. Goode "American, ,pluThe Public Interest, Mr. Jencks , John Norton ralism. A simi,says that "in principle there are $25 1 ar 'complaint two ways to develop a larger Joseph Cairns was voiced, in measure of private initiative and Hazel Connor another context, room for maneuvering in edu­ Ann Fawcett by a British cating the poor:" DIOCESAN BANID: Members' of the Diocesan High Dorothy Fawcett seminary proPublic Schoon System Schools' meet at rehearsal as new organization is being Margaret Fawceh fessor, Father One wa'y would be to provide William Hetterman Michael Rich," tuition grants to children who formed on a D{ocesan-wide level. Left ~o right: Peter HastNeil Lanning ards 'writing under the t~,tle Hi?- opted out of public-controlled inKS, Stang'; Donna White, Cassidy'; Paul Przybyla; Sbmg;' John Lebel the Ne..,) Ghetto Mentality'~ L~~ d ' schools equal to what would be Sr. Marie Lorraine, R.S~M;;' co,-ordinator; ,Edmond M. ~"", Mary C. Maddalena March 5 issue of the on o~", ",spen,t ,on them if they stay,ed in. ' " •Edward Mara Machado, director. Tablet. , ' . ,"'j,',f\., second way would b,e for ,', James E. Murphy ." "Today, in the 'post-concilIar ~ ...s~ht?ol. boards to. contract wjth .' i Stephen O~Brien Sr.

of leaning over backwards to

be more secular, if you will,


",'frllf\. l!"Il"i)'m,",fI~ mu ~:&~, ",'"U", ", ~,e,',II"'sta,nd:"'g, ~\\,,,. UU Ii'! Q. !J I ('J Il 1

epoch," says Fath:r ,~ichards;' -:-yarious'groups. to m~nage pafti­ ',' "the ghetto mind, livesqn,. But cular schools In theIr ownsrS;;' "it lives in otherme,l\l' Tqe::, tem.. ... ,cramped qtterances, the intem,;"" ,Mr. Jencks is fr~k to admit ::' ::

:;a~ar:~n:e~~~~li~it~~~~ • ,~(~t~t~~;s~h~w~u~~d~~~~o(-~~~~"

we associat with ropt~~~ and , . , "unhappy exn~s, with, m~ who

Graham Scudder George A. Smith Dr.'Leonard F. Smith $20

8We Hav~e Come '0':: Lo"n'g" 'WAy i Jew'ish ',i : "~~'ac: her ore lis CcBthol:ic W ome~'~Cong ress':,': ,M~~s .. ,~~~~~~~ra~~~n~OYT~~~':

tem as we know it." But this ' ," ," " " '. , , , ' Geiler Donald James . ' doesn't seem t~ worry him in,the B.~STO~ (NC) - "Thi~ is" ll:P" tivi,ties to the reFgi~us orders.",,,, Katherine R. Liston, William ., feel themselves debarreci,· fr?m lea,st., ,," " ' ", e~cI,yng, tlm~ to be alI~e,,~, ,to the mms.. ~e, JeWIsh wom~~,'T. Manning III, Raymond Pen­ fr.iendsbip, 'and inf1uen~,,: WIth On the contrary, he'says that' JeWIsh teacher ~old' the ATC~~" p,ave" no, rehglOus orders., ',;;, dergast" Albert Scaramelli all who labor under'a grievance. "we must pot ~llow the memory qiocesan Coun~l'1 of CatholIc., ,"We know," s,he ~id, "that if $15 are ,now directed not against tl}e of p~st ach~evements to blind us Women's 30th annual congre~ ,any, work needs tQ be done? we,:, 'John', F; Aylmer Jr., Gilbert bard world outside, but, ~gain,st to present failures" and should here.

?ret~e o,l1 es ,who must ~o I~. .I~ :,Bearse, Roy Beaudry, James our fellow-Catholics. The ghett!»" not allow "the rhetoric of public, "When, nuns and priests, rab-, 18 a vIrtue born of necesslt.y. " "Blake, ..Donald Booth that was self-defense isnow self­ school men to obscure this, issue.'!, , bis ,and ministers, laymen 9f" ' ,Harold, Boyne, Francis Brown, " 'destruction."' ' If, as some fear, the public "every, color, and creed march Cites' Religious Order' 'Roland Colella, Bento Correia, taints p~ly ·,Valid ' " 'schools Could not survive' in open" side ,by side~n a civil xights " , ", ' Mrs. Edward Dean Comp t that ~ost "liberal'" ,competition with 'private schools, ,movement; when, OUI' young" ,For,,' Cooperation: John Dean" Laura Dean; Wil­ , I su:'pe~in the United -StateS' he c~mcludes, "then perhaps, people, work ,side by side, as,: ' WASHINGTON (NC)- The liam Devine, Armand Goulet, Cathob~ .d 'will be miffed by'" ,they should not survive:'" candy stripers in hospitals or as Columban Fathers of St. Colum- Judith C'. Griffith ,:and Eng ~c laitlts and. wili Rejects Charge '" tutors ,,in freedom schools; and 'bans; Neb:; 'were cited in recen't'" Richard Griffith, Captain Ja1 ",these two, ,~ them aW8)" ~ ... ",Mr. Jencks' 'defense of :paro- when "I speak.to you, we. hav:e" 't~stimony' before 'theHouse~ 'Grimm,Richard Hayden, Albert ' ., .. ''tend tOf,ex~e~~d motel,subtle chial schools: is, if 'anything;' 'evenJ . come, 'a long war in community 'Post Office subcommittee on'" Hurley, Dr. James H. Johnson Jr. terms 0 a 'liar cleri.cal- more contro-versial than his understanding," Mrs. Parker, postal' facilities and modei'niza",' "Roger Larribee, Lester, Leo­ ~OI'm Of post-CODC'l ' Withering criticism of public Jackson told the'l,OOO delegates,.: tion:'for their cooperation wi'tb ':, nardi, Edgar Levesque, Arthur UlIIl. education. Although he admits Sh., also said that Catholic' postal' authorities in' adopting Linnell, Robert Long So be it. For my OWD. I,part; , to having an instinctive, distrust' women should not think that ihe new Zip Code sorting ays- .: Stanley McLean, Joseph Med': however, I am inclined to, think" of the Catholic Church, ,he says Jewish ,women are more active 'tern. eiros Jr., William Murzic, Peter that the two complaints may be that, on the record, parochial in community work than they. ' The 'Columban community': J. Nugnes, Joseph O'Brien at least partially valid., Th,er~ sch?Ols "usually do, ~ore for .. "" "Wnat you see: in the Jewish was among the large volume Stanley O'Brien Jr., Edward ,are it 'seems to me, at 'least::~ thelr,s~udents, than,. thel~ public", 'c~rrtmunit'y,": Mrs. Parker con­ mailers praised by Assistant O'Neill, Peter Ostrander, John " fe..,) matters of public poli(lY 'i;l~ , competItors be f' l ' 'He" '1 ".:~_ th' 'f , ' . tinlied, ~'is a ,lack of specializ-a­ Postmaster General Ralph W. 'J. Pendergast Jr., Gilbert Quagwhich a fair num r 0 "'~~"', , ' _ a so reJe"..... , e amiliar ,'tioh WeJe~s' have no division Nicholson in reporting on prog'- 'lia ... American Catholics instinctiv~:- : .c~~r~~ . tha~ p,.arochI,·,al .. ~h"oo, Is of iabor:. Catholic lay women . ress of the system designed to Josephine S. Sheaffer, John feel obli....ed to be more '''bro~''; are dlVerSlve or el t st b , "undemo'cratl'c." , , I I ,0r" carl legitimately: leave some ac­ streamline and speed-up mail Sheehy, Kenneth Thumser, Ger­ minded," so to speak, than some , service. aId Uniacke of their non-Catholic counter-, I' am not qualified to p~" , .. th ..:judgmertt, one wa,.- or another :N~ns parts. for fear of gIVIng. ~ I.~-; ",on Jencks~ criticism of ubli~'

pressIOn that they are stIll ~1Vl.n~" ':education. -I do know ho p 'For JUllgle~ Missions

in a Catholic, ghetto. , .. - ~'tiiat: he­ h'a·s "d'em-onstr'atedwervaerre" .. , 'PORTLAN~ (NC) ~':fhe Sis­ In Education Field . independence 'of judgmen't and ters of St. Mary of Oregon will . .' profesllional 'courage' in' stating 'eriter -the foreign' mission, field The subJect 0.£ p~blIc e~uca-, his' controversial' views so' for the fir~t. tjme! ' ~ion c?mes'to ml.nd ImmedIately,: Jrankly and so pointedly. ' In thIS c~nnectlOn. Offhand i", In this respef;t, h,e has set an Mother General Angela, who' cannot thm~ of man~, ava?t ,instructive example,' as an au­ visited missions in Peru, said garde AmerIcan CatholIcs. who,'; thentic America~ "liberal," for four Sisters nave volunteered to "vyould 'have, felt easy' a?opt,', his, counterparts in the Ameri'­ work in.Tamschiyacu on the Am': ;,signing their n,ames t~, C~nsto- '. cal). Catholic community.' aton river this year, principally , pher Jencks' guest edItorIal on:," 'Well Satisfied in the 'ed\.ication' field with this subject in the K~ril 13 issue , ! Thanks' be to God" 11berai ,.Fath~T Fra,,~is Kennard",a priest . PAID QUARTERLY P/dD~UP of the Saturday Evemng Post Cathol'c p" U bl"Ica t·Ions' In . thOIS , ,of thIS-- archdlOcese • ., . ....n I . . who had f been In ,thIS edItOrIal, ,ent.I~led" ~he country now feel 'free to say:" a mISSIOnary. In Peru or '12 ..Pub~lc Schools ~~e F81~~ng; . Mr., , .what they think about the par-o-, years,. and F,ather James Kal­ Deposits Welcomed in Multiples o~ , J.encks, w.ho:se bberal creden~chialschool :vstem. It is my berer; 'of, P.ortland. " y impression" however, that they 'The nuns wlllieave in August. ,tIals are In pe~~ct ?rder,flatl $200.00' up to $30.000~ori ,Single and Joint contends that In. .the urba.n do, not feel equally free to say They will go first tu Cuernavaca, Up to $60.000-for Corporations slums where 30 mIllIon Amenh t th thO k Mex,ico" k the training center , l' th bl' h I w a .ey In about the public cans n?w Ive, .e pu. I~, SC 00,5 school system. for' Latin American mission DIVIDENDS PAID 4 TIMES A YEA~ , are domg a terrIble Job. This could mean', of course, volunteers, be for e beginning , February, MaV. August and NO\femooli' After studying the problem fot' that, they are reasonably well ,'their :work 'in the Peruvian 'several years, he has concluded: satisfied with public education jungle._" , All Deposits Insured in Full , that we' cannot hope to estab-,' and 'consequently' see ',no reason' , ' , to criticize it, much less to cori-, - traS,t it' ,unfllVorably ,with the, ,: Medieal,Center:,', '~parochial school system. ' • SAN ANTONIO (NC)-A $6.7 On the other hand, it could million construction program::to also mean that there may, be be carried out in two phases has llomething, to Father Richards' Est. 1897 ; begun at the Santa Rosa Medical rather peevish thesis after aU. Builders Supplies Center. Under the building pro­ It's just possible, in other words, gram the center's original hos­ that the ghetto mind in reverse 2343 Purchase Street pital facilities will be' replaced so 'to speak, still lives on not' New Bedford Main Office: 4 Winthrop Street. Taunton

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" '. Mr. & Ml'S" JUDen ~onsaIVee . Jr., . Samuel' & ' Laura .Bassett, ...-,. _,Teramjah . Roza, Mr. & MniI. " William .Savoie, Mr. & Mre. Anthony E. Rose Mr. & Mrs. A. Armand All. Mrs. Ann Avila, Raymond Ba~ ton, . Elsie Silva, Mr. & Mrm. Joseph S. Martin By lRt. Rev. Msgr. John S~ Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. John Lima, 1VtA & Mrs. Raymond Hoefel, Mr. & A. E. Hotchner was a close friend of Ernest Hemingway Mrs. Henry Fleurent, Joyce A. for the last 13 years of Hemingway's life. The friendship Brand, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel A. began quite by accident. Cosmopolitan magazine, for which Sylvia . Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Pifko, JIb. Mr. Hotchner worked, ordered him to try to get an article & Mrs. John Worley, Mr. & Mrs. "Toward the end of dinner * •• from Hemingway. .A meet­ Arlindo Dias Sr., Mr. & Mrs. ing was arranged, from he would begin to withdraw into Joseph Borges, Mr. & Mrs. which Mr.Hotehner expected himself,'for his mind had turned Joseph Perry nothing. But out of it eame td the creative problems of the Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rose, M& the association which' has en­ morning, and Py· the time he & Mrs. Domingos Sylvia, Mr: & Mrs. Paul Souza,. Mr. & Mrs. ~ abled Mr. Hotchner to write 8 :a~~; ~h~~\:~~~ :Oa:k:~;,a~: Leonard Tchorz, Mr. & Mm. very revealing tb memoir entitled knew t e people, the events, the Manuel Gonsalves places and even some of the Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Antonsen. Papa Heming­ dialogue he would encounter the Teofilia Jankowska, Mr. & Mrs. way (Random following day." Jean Ducharme, Mr. & ·Mrs. SPONTANEOUS RECEPTION:' Bishop SamUiel J. Car­ H 0 use, New IDrew on Experience · Yo r It. $5.95). He readily. admitted that he ter,S.J.newly-consecrated Auxiliary of Kingston, Jamaica, William Travers Mr. & Mrs. Mary Heming­ drew on his own experience for talks with some of his young admirers after the ceremony. John Powers Mrs. Edythe Rankin, Mr. • way has stren­ h' t . uously objected IS s ones and novels, but the Ricluird Cardinal Cushing consecrated Bishop Carter in Mrs. Frank Barcellos Jr., Alice artist, he said, had to make a Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Allard. to the publica- . thing truer on the page than it Kin~~ston's Holy Trinity Cathedral. NC PhotQ. Mrs. Aurore Silva tion of t his was in fact. book, and has Mr. & Mrs. John Correia, Mr. Fairhaven, '. ECentll'ol Village souglit to have

He discussed with Mr. Hotch­ & Mrs. Joseph Bowers, Mr. II ner the origins' of much of his · ourts stop

ST. JOSEPIi' the C Mrs. Edward Kavanagh, Joapn . t d t th . . ST.. JOHN THE BAPTIST k pom e ou it The reason probably is that wor; at .thiS or $300'

$100 P. Longden, Mrs. Helen Longden ' story of H'enu'ngw'ay . in that character was a combination The Association of the Sacred . Rev. Donald A. Couza

the Hilda Gracia, Mr. & Mrs. E" shockirig decline is here candidly . 0 f severa1 peop1e h e h a d k nown; .Hearts nest R. Lagesse, Mr. & Mrs. disclosed that he had rewritten .... $100

$50 Mario Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Antone presented, including the severe the ending of A Farewell to Dr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Baldwin mental illness of the last months, $50 . . Dr. & Mrs. E:dward Soares Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ar­ '· dl'ng m' Henu'ngway's .sui.cide. Arms times, $40 . en h' . 70 ls t rtthat d everY t ­ Mr., & Mrs. Casimire Bartkiew­ . falmost chambault . But all tliis' was bound to come one 0 IS nove s a e ou as icz Mrs. Mary Matheso'n, Mr. ~ , . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Blouin, & $25 . out sooner or later, and Mr. a shon story, that· a; story whiCh Family 1. Mrs.. Sa'muel Jackson, Mr. & Mr,s. John A. Thomas ,Botchner ,handles it with taste he had unsuccessfully tried to $35 . Mrs. Edwin' McQuillan, Mr. & · nd generou'.s con'sideration. write 15 years earlier, finally, in '. Mr. & Mrs. Francisc,o Teixeira Mrs. Paul Bernerd, Ernest LU2Il .a ' ,

fts 9wn time; wlis· re'ady ,to .~ Florence' I. Bessette , .$30.. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Shanahan, set dowli ' . ·Mr. & Mrs. Everett V. D. Milll EXtraordiDary Vitality

, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gosselin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DeGrasse; Mr. . Won' Nob~i' Prl~e : Hemingway was· phenpmenal ;;. . $20 . Mr. & Mrs; ,-Kenneth, V. Noyer & Mrs~ Bradley Taber, Mr; 81 both as a persoll and as a writer. Writing, Hemingway said,i,§ Mr.. & Mrs. John A. Murley Mr. & ,Mrs. August J. Gon-. Mrs. Charles Foley, Mr. & 1141'& Mr.' Hotchner's first impression ·metiertriste,.·exacting' and ex:; ;:, . . - .. ' $15 salves:. .Gerald Farrington' : . .ofhi~,'when he ;Ulet'llim·hia'. hausting.It involves being hurt: 'Mr, &,Mrs.·Antone DeCosta Mr. & Mrs. J!~dwin· Marnik .. Mr. & Mrs.. Normand Demers. bar in ·Havana, was of a man "serious writers }lave to '1>t'l' hurt & Mrs. Thomas ~oriarty Mr. ~Mrs. Matthe\,lV.O'Maliey. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Govoni, Mr. with eilOrmous capaCity for really terrible. before. they can Mr. 8!: Mrs. Wi~liam Tucker & Mrs. John Mahaney, Mr. & '·Chatham. enjoyment, one" who!!C , Y-itality writeserio\lsly. But once you get Mrs. Edith Small Mrs. Joseph Demanche, Mr. & was extraordinary and electii:', the hurt and can handle it, con';' ~ Dr. & Mrs. Jerome :Brault' Mrs. John Dias, Jr. eally communicative. sider 'yourself lucky-'that is' HOLY REDEEMER Mr. &; Mrs. Manuei Pimerital, Mr. & Mrs. 'Edward', O'Ga~ ., Be had zest .for deep~s~a fish- whaf there is'to write about.'" . ,,_ , $100 . ' '.' , ,, Mr. & .Mrs. William 'J~ Rielly.. mg,hunti'ng; bullfighting. He: . The peak' of . publicity came . Ass.ociation of" the Sacred I Jr.. " ' . enjoyed· working' circus' 'lions,. " \Vith .his' being . swarded the Hearts . ' . . . .Mr. &'MrS"~e2an5' BO\lrbeal1l..... Mr. & ~rs. 'Wl.lliam: ~agen, Mr. Of' &' ·Mrs.,Donald Spooner, ;L0JI0-' , believed' he Could' comimini~ate Nobel Prize in 1954, and Mr~ $SO . M:i'; & Mrs. Jos~ph: SalaeUne ·raine'Ross . , with animals (especially bears), Botcnner'" maintailis' ·that· it M · r;';n~e'n~drs. ~o~,Roy, A .r , ., ~ward RapoSo'·: ;;'., '. Mr.·& Mrs. Eugene J. RueD. made money on the races'by' go': robbed Hemingway of something '. Patrick Nicolaci '. Jr., Beverly ;Sylvia, WilllUll ing to' the paddock and smelling which he never got back. Harass:' Mnl. James Greei:­ Ge'orgeViveiros . Markey, ·Mr. & Mrs. .Ed~ard · the horses in order to deteriDine merit' and frUstration took a .... $26 . heaVy toll. winners. . ' Mnl. Peter Rubbicco Mr. & Mrs: Arthur H. Leclair Ducary, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mr.. & Mrs. Joseph Sullivan ' Allaire, Mr. & Mrs. - Samuel He courted· danger, was fre­ He was twice hospitalized .at Ch~ltham Trost Co. Mr. & Mrs. David Fitzgerald Costa' quently invloved in accidents, the Mayo Clinic. Both times, the' Mi; & Mrs; C. Joseph Brennaa Mr. & Mrs. Paul Murray A L had a passion for guns. He was doctors' reportS were encouragA J~riend . " '. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Robinson taught to shoot when he was two ing: he was making a good, al$20 Mr. & ·Mrs. Joseph Kovic ST. FRANCIS XAVIER

and a half, and at the age of four though not complete, recovei-y. . Richard Griffin, Mr; & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Voter . $100

could handle a ,.pistol. His Both times, when Mr. HotchnerAlfred Bowles, Mr. & Mrs.. Ken­ Mrs. James .Muldoon , White's Farm Dairy. .

teacher was his father, who later visited him and talked with him 'neth Eldredge, Dr. & Mrs. Jos­ Mr. & Mrs. Earle Larkin $50

committed suicide. privately, he learned that Hem­ eph Ftopulewis . $20 Mr. & Mrs. John Santos

, After Heminway had . left ingway's illness was' not amelio­ $15 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Benoit, $25

home for good, his mother, with rated at all. When, after his sec- ' lVlr. & Mrs. L. H. Baumlin, Rev. Aurele Pepin, SS.CC.

whom he never got along, sent ond hospitalization; he was re­ Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dresser, M;r. Mrs. Corinne Weaver, Mr. & Acushnet Saw.Mills

him, at Christmas time, a pack­ leased as greatly improved, he & Mril. Francis Fitzgerald, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Tache, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Gautreau

age containing the revolver with went home to his place in Idaho Mrs. George Kenely, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Parker, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Francis $16

· 'which his father had killed him­ and shot himself. Robert McNeece Alice O'Leary; Mr. & Mrs: . Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Mer.. . ' 'Failed Catholic' Mr. & Mrs. S. Hanlon, Mr..& self. "There was a card that said $15 she thought I'd like to have it;· I HemingWay, as here' depict~d, ' Mrs. l!:dward Zibrat, Mr. & Mrs. John E; Keary, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Keighley, Mr. & Mrs. Ev- dith didn't know whether it was an ~as a pradadox: an artist of the Robed Ericson, A Friend ett Tichon, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Barrette, omen or a prophecy."

first rank who was without wis­ Hogan . .Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Bobola, Strict Discipline

dom; vigorous who, in . Dighton $16 Mr. & Mrs.. Gerard Charest, Mr. Hemingway exulted in expedi­ some respects, never got beyond . Mr. & Mrs. John .B. Sweeney & Mrs. Oscar J. Cormier, Mr. Ia ST. PETER tions through Africa, or through adolescence; a person solicitous , . $15 Mrs. Amedee Gautreau , $50 Spain in the bullfight season.. He about not' being possessed by Mr, . & Mrs. Vera.rt Miranda;" Mr. & Mrs. Adelard .Jacques, Sydney & Mrs. Caplan travelled hi style and with a po~se~ions y~t, anxious to get . Mr. & Mrs. Roland Despres, Mr. Mr... &. Mrs. George F. Liarik08

· large, ebullient company. He ate ' the'maximum price for his writ­ & Mrs. Thomas Rf,>binso'n, Joseph'. Jr., Mr. & Mrs: loseph R. Olivier


· heartily, drank heavily, kept ' ing; aDd so on. . .' Mello, Margaret Mangham " .Mrs. 'MildredE: Shaw,Mr. .;.

Dr. & MrS. Charles SouZa

.He had some· tenuous connee­ constantly on the move. _Mrs. Elizabeth l\ircQuillan, M~. 'MrS'-Richard A. Stanley "

$20 •."

. The picture of him whicb tion with the Catholic Church. Dr. Rose Borges; Theodore cIc & Mrs. Walter W!odykil,.Ma·ry ,·:Mr.&' Mrs. Gerard E.Tardiff,

· ~~ergesis th~t of a thoroughgo.. Still .~othel''I?'ersio.D,ofHeming- . mg Sensualist, and no doubt is ",ay's eonvers~on is' offered by Mrs. ]3oucher, AnonymouS; Nor-' Goggin, Mr. & Mril.:rrederi'ck ". HUda:'&' 'r.i8.ry·Yincerit;' Mr. Be

Wolansl,ti, Mr. &·Mi's.· F. P.Mrs:Leo G.Gelinas, Mr. & MrS.

left as to his preoCcupation with Mr. Hotehner. We see'hinivisit- . man Smith, Mr. &: Mrs. Aibert Del~~y . .' . Omer Pepin : . . .' .. .. Sex: Four- and five-letter words ing cathedrals· as more than' a Edlos, Mrs;. Sy~i1 Bacon, Mr. I; Mn• are fr~uent in his 'conversatIon 'tourist, hear him:1amentink that .as here reported. '. he,. wl¥i a. "failed Catholic" and William Fleining . '$15 . . 'Yet there was strict discipline wishing.. that' he ' was a' better' in his -life where' writing was Catholic: ' . . Mr., & Mrs. AJi~ Perry, Mr~ CAMI~' eQncerned. At his home in Cuba, Very toilching - are so m e' I; ~r~:. Antone GOUlart, Virginia . ' SHARQN, MASSACHUSETTS. .. . he did his writing in the bed-· ' glimpses of the last days of Gary L. Zem.eir, Mr. & Mrs. John Pel­ '. . Spaeloas FireprOof Sleepi. Q1i~n:.-~y~·.7iff ~~':yn. Old , 'room. "The discipline' pf morning Cooper;·~.. long-time friehd' of letier, Anonymous Mr, & Mrs. Paul,Lassen, Mr•• - W.£lrK was absolute;' The door of HemingWay's. who became" a Sl:I[-~eek's~on:J1IIlle26' tb"Au&1l8t . his bedroom··was inviolate until Catholic in fact .and. kissed the Mrs~ .<karge Dutra Begi~r for I, or 4\, or i ' , weeks.' Free hiOriDa- it- desiree!' . one o'clock" when he would crucifix as he "waited for' cancer TilE ~ROTIi[EaB.; Tu~ SACIlED HEART;, . emerge and mix a drink to cool' .to .wreak its ruin. -... out before lunch; , ' . ' Hemingway ki,lled' himself be­ While having, hill drink he causchecould.no IOli'ger e,tist on .. DES.MOINES(NC)-A ruling. · wO}lld .read newspapers ~ and his own :terms.·He refused,to ex­ by Iowa Atty. Gen. Lawrence . . , .. , "'. . .... . ..' magazines because, he said, be ist· on ~y o,theis. But it is ·iin­ Scalis(!; will allow Iowa public SBA:RQN,. ~S~CBUSE.....-s. .' . ~ . ~ was too empty. to ~lk. In the· possible·for. any of·us,to e,tiSt on sc~ools to send· m.embe .. rs to ' ,A R.esldent .Seh.00. I fo.'r. 'BOYBGramm.arGrades ·.~5,"~-'Z':8 ' . ' -.. . . ... ..'. . . .. , afternoon he would nap, having ~is, own'. terms; ,This lessob. and pnvat.e schools for' pu~oses·· '.' ~AMP OJItS~B~L, TeD,. ~1'Z::'Z84.-5'Z8I " . .. ~ started 'work at five or six:1n this submission were' beyond;tbe such as teaching, reinedia!:read· the Bloming· • /II ." '.>.. Ultimately .pathetiC; Hemingway. ine or. t.reatin~. 8pee~h de1ecw., • ~;"'."'-.,.·"~Ml' . _ . .· • , '... . . :. . ~.t":~,J~~';<~'~.,(."\~ ~ ".'. :.l~,~ ~:;_.._,i;;', .,...,!:.' ~.~-'--. ~._:

.TtJE ANCHOR-Diocese of,Fan


River~Thu~~ ..May


12, ,1:966


lHotchner Writes .Revealing Memoir of Hemingway

a '



cusnnet .



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. . . .~.y.~• • • ~'.: '._

Speech Defects


tl.'. ."












. . North',·Easton "',:... ...;.

. ". .tffE" ANdioR:"': .,

. .11lIr. Bt" MrS. -antoniO Gomes, .; Mr. Be Mrs. James Johilllon, Mrs.

Thurs;, May -1·2, 1966 Joseph Connolly Be Claire Coo.­ molly, Mr. Be Mrs. Thomas Don­ Mr. & Mrs.. Joseph L. Corey . $250" aghue, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. McDonald's Paint Store laev. John J. Casey Kent Jr. Attorney & Mrs. Patrick Mc­ Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Legare, Mr. $lI.OO Donnell

& Mrs. Daniel Desmond, Mr. &

St. Vincent de PaulSocle~ $20

Mrs. William Lupica, Mr. & Mrs.

A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Charles Haynes, William Simonson, Mr. & Mrs. A Fqend Sgt. & Mrs. Ronald Mrusek, Mr. Edward Welch Jr. & Mrs. Martin Sullivan, Mr. & $585 - Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. King, Mrs. Fredl.l'oran, Edward Augus­ A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mahoney, tyniak $84 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Downey, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ennis, Mr. Vincent Galvin &' Mrs. Philip O'Connell, Joseph­ & Mrs. Willam J. Goss, Mr. & $75 ine Buckley Mrs. Manuel P. Lopes, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. John B. Parkea A Friend, A Friend, Daniel Mrs. Winthrop Lumbert, John $70 Amorin, Mr. & Mrs. John Syl­ Malloy, Edward Perry Rev. John J. Steakem via, Elizabeth Coughlin Francis & Irene Meakin, Mr. $55 Rosella Travers, Abbie Buck­ & Mrs. Joseph Rose, Jr. & Fam­ Mary M. Buckley . ley, Mrs. Margaret Rafuse, Anna ily, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Medeiros, $50 M. Sheehan, Mary H. Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Roger Theroux Rev. James F. Buckley Mr. & Mrs. John H. Cadegan, $lI.5 Mrs. Francis D. Mone . Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bergeron, . Mr. & Mrs. Augustus Canty, Mr. & Mrs. Domenic Ingemi Mrs. Robert Crocker, Mary .Del­ . Mr. & Mrs. Gerald H. Efinger, Dr. & Mrs. :J,v.[ichrael De1,CoI­ 'gado, Edmund Delgado' . Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Luckraft, . ·Dano .'. . Mr. & Mrs. J. Fred Hall, Mr. & .Mr. & Mrs. James-Lyons, Charles .. "Mr. & Mrs. Albert Giordano" Mrs. John Graca ·.Jr" William .Bardelis . Helen Derby Buchtman, Mr. & Mrs. .Noe Gou­ Mrs. Yvonne Boucher,' Mrs. $30 . veia, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Nolan Carlton Brown, Mrs. James Cas­ Kathryn Healey .Jr. . .' . sidy, Margaret Cassidy, Donahue $25 Mr. & Mrs. John Reardon, Mr. & Flaherty, Inc. Thomas J. Canan & ~rietta • Mrs. Stephen Nolan Sr. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dorsey, Canan Paul Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Dugan, Mr. Edward Coughlin . Freeman FRENCH, CLUB NIGHT AT PREVOST: Bernard !I'he. & Mrs. Myron .J. :Gaddis, Mrs• .Mr. & Mrs. James Doherty,: Mr. & Mrs.' IkWls' Aries center, guest speaker, meets with Wilfrid Michaud, Lewis Lawrence, Mr. & .Mm. Alice Harvey '. Mr· & l4rs. Chllrles Campbell, right, club president, and Be~~dBenibe, left; who wrote ·Leonard Martin GraceHarvey ':. ~ i.'J4r. & Carnien' Mdo,'Mr.,& Mr. & Mrs.· Wesley Merriam, 'A Friend phiy" for . the club, at'the Fall River High School. . Mrs. Mrs. Walter Chojnacki, Samuel a French DorothY Miskell, Mr. & Mrs. . ,: -., A Friend . Cabana, Mr&' Mrs Rich;mi, Tine :Robert Rudden .. ,A Friend .'JameS M. Buckley-,'Mi: &i'Mrs. Clifford Titus, ·Mr. & Mrs.~ob­ Mr. & Mrs. E. Stuart Rounds, Smith's Variety· Store, Mr. & ..' " A Friend Martin .Rossiter, Mr, .&:Mrs.. Al­ ~rt 'Sh~pardson'- '.' .. , " " . 'Atty. Charles McGrath, Mr. & ; Mrs. Arthur Walsh, Mr,. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. J9seph.Lenney "bert· Dallaire, ·Mr.:&Mrs. Aiva,o Mr. & Mrs.. Victor Turin'ese, Mrs. Joseph .Thomas ·Frank Tavares, Dr. & Mrs. ·ArDr. & Mrs, James F, McC;~urt Souza, Marguerite Carter' .,. Mr. & ¥I1l. Gerald :precoq~,~Mr. $ 1 5 , thur Wagner, E<;]wa:rd J. Sheehan James Healey: . ';d Mr.. & Mrs:JQhn .Freitas"Mr. Be Mrs F'rahKYasanelli &i:laugh­ , Mr. & Mrs. p;dward J. BartY,' Mr. & .Mrs. ,Joseph Martin, ': M. Rita Burke .. t &: Mrs. W1lliron McAillIrews, M. . ter,Rose" 1\1:'r & 1I4rs. Johl) CQJinor 'The Broullette Family, Mrs. Joseph Sheehan,. Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ .' .. Mr.· & Mrs. Alan Lee Black- " . $15 • .•.. .' . David Varella, Mr" & ~rs .. Wil­ ~"".' Thomas Burke, William' Cilrn~y, . war:d. Bourgoin, - . Dr. &.. )ldrs. well . - 1 • "; Mr. & Mrs. FredCheriey ·.Charles .Holiand, . Mr. .& M{S. !iam Lupi~a, Mr, &. MrS, Th~as A Ft;i~n4, Mr:':& ~rf!. A1p~\>nse .. , Mr. & Mrs. Herbert King " 'Bono jr. '. ., -;' '" Must6,'Mr.&':Mis. Frank Souza, "Mrs;Fiorence H. Cliff, :M~. &.·Louis Tessier;'~Mr:& Mrs. R8J.pb . 'Mr & Mrs. Francis LeRoy· Timothy BrYant, Mr. & Mrs. Etp,el . R. ~'Aniico. Mr., & . Mrs. Mrs. Charles Coyle, Mr. & Mrs. Moniit : ..... ; .. Mr: & Mrs. Robert M. l)owney Russell Fox, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Matthew Piccolomini. . William Davis, Charles Doyle, Clement J. Coughlin Mr. .& Mrs. Joseph L. Souza Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Drew Lincoln, Mr.. & Mrs. ·.RoS$ J. Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Gray Dr. & Mrs. James Dunne,.~. ·ST; 'AN!l'BONY Mr. & Mrs. James D. Mullen Sr .' Bridge, lVir & Mrs Charl~s Defeo Jr., Mr. & Mrs.,P):'imQ Baravella, Mr. & Mrs. William Palanza, & Mrs. Robert Joslyn, Richard Mr. & Mis. Joseph Bodio, An­ . $500· Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Freitas. . drew McMEm~my, .'Mr:. & Mrs. John Hanlon, ·Mrs. Mary· J. Faria Murphy, Mr. & MrS. William Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Kidling. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Taylor, Mr. Nelson, Agnes O'Neil William Knapp, JO.hn Lowndes, . $100 Frederick Murphy Jr. Katlierine Murray' . .&;Mrs. Albert Jackf;on, ; Mr. & Mrs. Vincent D. O'Neil, Mr. & , Anonymous' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas .Gallagher :!Mr. & Mrs. F.: Murphy Sr.,·.Mr. Mrs. George Farnum, Dor~en Mrs. Daniel Sullivan, Mrs. Helen ·$75 $20 Eastman, Mr. & Mrs. William Sullivan, Mrs. J. D. Wiggin' Rev. Joao C. Martins _. Mrs. IS'lbelle Somerville, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kron, Dr. A. Sullivan :,; _., .. ' .,". ,·tt Mr. Be Mrs..i)lb!!rt Hayei!, Mr. ~O Me Mrs. Lawrence A. Lyons, Mary ,Richard Daigle Jr.,:~, &.,'.)Irs. Rose Servais, John V, :Gre~den .;& Mrs. John D.Cannon, Mr.·& Wooster, William .Vas.... Anonymous· '& Eileen·Lordan..·..Anne Harvey, ':Robert' konis . "..... ~ Jr., Mr. & ;I\1:rs... J~es,Av.a~lpne, {Mrs. VictotEni-igh(Mr. & Mrs. , $40 ·Catherine Harvey-'. Mr. & Mrs" William Stoddard, . Mrs. Emma Pascucci, Mr. & Mrs. Johh Keveriey, Mrs. Hazel Bur{w .. James G. Souza'· ',', .Mary Harvey, ,Mr.. & Mrs. Johh Dempsey,' Mafci ll . Mc­ $35 It i c h a r d'McNamara,' Patricia , C;-;atherine . Mdv.tlilna~,·MlU"Y-Jo Fleming ~oppe~·. " ' , , ; A Friend, A. Frielld", lWr. & Glamery, Tastee Tower ofPim .. Antone Vieira Buckley, Margaret, :Healey, Mr. ,.,~ilrrell, Mr.:& ~!!-.: Andrew G. "McNamara, Mr. Be Mrl$. JlmleD ,M,:rs.. Ji;\m~, J, ,Dorigan, Garl"Gar­ $30 &: Mrs. Albert E. LaRosee.' Antonet~ ~gn9 & 'ofana; . . .. .. Pedro Carvalho Farm~uth Mr. & Mrs. George Knapp, Mr. . Rooney. Grace . ,Mr. &: Mrs. .Louis DiCorpo Anonymous

& Mrs. Eugene Geldart . ST. PATRICK

.' Mr. & Mrs.. Attilio p,edini,.,Mr. . Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gosselin, Anonymous· .

"$16 . $125

$25 William Derby, Mr. & Mrs. G. Heni:y Brousseau, • Mr•. & Mrs. &, M~s.· Gharles. Meszoley, Mr..& Mrs..Jo;;eph Murphy, A Friend. . Wood LUmber Company Louis H.' Marshall A Carter Jr., Mt. & Mrs.':A1bert Edward Ryan Mr. & Mrs. RiChard Crisp ; .. $100 $20 Getchell, Mr,' & Mrs. Richard . Mrs. Joseph Robbins Mathers .... Frank Moniz, Anonymous, Da­ Mr. & Mrs. Michael AIDes Man'sfield Hyannis vid Teixeira, John Macedo Mr. & Mrs. John Wallent Mr. Be Mrs. Daniel Smith $15 $15 ST. MARY. ST. lFRANCIS.XAVIER $75 Richard Carvalho Mrs. Helen Doherty, Mr. Be $200 Stone's Beauty & Barbell' $200 . Mrs. Carl Chace, Mrs. Claire . A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. ~ewmlil:l Shops Garrett, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond $100 Hailey, Mr & Mrs Daniel Healey . $59 MILWAUKEE (NC) - Sister . . $100 Catholic Womens Club Mr, & Mrs. Thomas Atkins Mrs. Carl Hanson & .Dorothy Francis·Borgia is mother general Rev. Stephen Downey Memory of Rev. E. L. O'Briem Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Lopes Hanson, Mr. & Mrs. Valentine of the School Sisters of St. Fran­ DOlme, Beal & Ames, ine. .Memory of Rev, H: B. Harold Muscato, Mr. & :Mrs. Robert St. Patrick's Guild cis, succeeding Mother Clemens. St. Francis Xavier Parish Guild' Memory of Rev. R. Eliott., John's Liquor Store Stone, Mary Watt,· Mr. & lIIIrs. The community mcludes some \ ' , $50 The Darmedy. Family earroll Luxton '... Dr. & Mrs. John Mitchell· 3,800 nuns in the United States, A Friend Barnstal:>le <:;:Ounty. Nat'l Bank " Mr. & Mrs. Alfred·Gomes, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin .M~deiros Germany and Central America. $75 Dr. & Mrs. Fr.ancis O'Neil A; Mrs. James D Mullen Ir.. Le· $30

,. Rev.. Martin L. ·Buote .. ' A FrieI!:cl. . . . . ... ' Ge.orge Chambers ,roy Robert, Mr. & Mrs. James .

. ; Mr. & ·-:Mrs•. Paul Lanza .

C•. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Francis .,Atty. Be Mrs. Robert'C",rrlvaa ,.~r. ,& Mrs. Joseph,B. Miskell ..

Fr. 'McSwmey ,Council ,No. Jr. $55....•. · Cardarella .: ,". .' Mr. &. Mrs. Bernard Manning, 'A Friend~ . .:t.ee Bourgoin ' 2525!:,.~~I?~.~: tpluin~~' ; . . . ONF'STOP' . Mr. &Mrs. ~'Chard Chassey;,Dr. . "· $.50· Dr. & Mrs. Edward .·R.·, Fitch $35 C;HOPPI~G" aNTER . _It Mrs. Clarence J. Myatt, Mr. & . ·Rev. James F. Kelley . . $25. ,

'. Mr;,& Mrs.·P-aul'BresiiahaiJ. · Mrs. George Becker,·Mr. & ~rs. C. Y. O. Mr. & Mrs. .Donald .Driscoll.

- Television • Furniture. Dr. Raymond O~ert , $38 Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Olenick 1 4seph ~oran, '.A.""';"nces -GrOcerY" Mr. & Mrs. Orlando D. SOua!ll . 'Mrs. Gt!ne 'BroWn ,;; "'MI'. & Mrs. C. J .. ,Harvey Ill, Stanley Reeves . . " .

f04. Allen 51.;<New Bedford Mr. & Mrs. John Gomes, Mrs. A Friend A Friend Mr. & Mrs. 'William 'Walsh

Leo Harlow, Mr. & Mrs. George Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Caponigrc " A Friend ' . Dr. & Mrs. Geor'ge W. DeMello WYmon 7-9354' . ·.Fay's .,' . , .. William O'CooMr. & ;'VIrs. Nugent chilli' .$25 · D. Santos, : Dell .' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Haven' . James Crawford ,. Mr. & Mrs. Albert La:.vrence Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Mathers,' . $40 . : " " Joseph Fairclough Harolc{E. MacFadden {"'I~'-I'-I~ Bart Conroy, Mr. & Mrs.' Leo ·D,. " Mr. & .Mrs. William .Morton ." Mr. & Mrs. CharIes Flynn Milton Steele . ; McTilvoy.. , AnthonY ..t\lho, Irene., .... . . ~3~ .. A 'Friend ' , ' .:' . " .. 'Mr. & Mrs..Har.rY Ricbar.ds~n ')?oirler ", .... Mr. & Mrs. F!l;lOk Prohodsk:v ./. Mr. ~ Mrs,'~osep.~.T.,~linas ~ . '. , . ~ i',· Mrs. Renee Hiiilow, Wiiilftecf"·,Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Falotico' Mr.'&; Mrs. William Mather. Cunningham,-Mr.·& Mrs:··'C. ij;".!,:, ; ': . , ; .: $25 ... "" Mildred's Chow1:ier'Ilouse:~'" BEFORE V@l!JJ' ; Harvey Jr.., Catheri~e ..:tIilrve.y~· ',:, lVl:r:, ~,Mrs.Jo~p.tI Kuzdzo.l, Margaret Moran

BUy...;.;tn '" , Mrs, Alan Hilliard" . . Mr:. & ·Mrs.. Joseph Hinchey. Mary A. McGa.rry:, .. ;"

[jl> ~.'~~: . ".: · Mr. & Mrs. John O'COnnell, The :Dion Family . Mr. & Mrs' Wil1iamOrmsby

@lfU@.· 'lVIr, & Mrs. Albert Corte, Frank-: Mr. '& Mrs; Edward Guillette .~., Mr. & Mrs: 'Robert Tobiri ,r ']Ryan, Joseph Ha.yden, ... Mr•. :8p:.·.:,·, Mr.·&.Mrs. John O'Donnell "''M'r>& Mr~.HarbIa E'ills • AA~1r«))~~ FROt\9V' Peter Prevost ," Ha'rrretBut1et' : ' : . . Mrs. Joseph Kelly , Catherine' Q. DineeiI,'Mr. &. ,." . $20 ; GeorgeE. Ar~hiba~d . ~ NlE\A2 'B~[OLl=O~@ . - . il OrLDSMOBBQ.~ . . $20.' ; Mrs, Frank .J. Reynolds,Mar~·lV1r. &.Mrs. Charles Damato," Oldsmobile-Peugot-Renault . ~ WVma~ .2~SS34 ' .~ : E. & Mary K. Linehan, Mrs.Mil-Mr. & Mrs.. John Casey, Mr. & . A. Friend. ·.William "O'Neil, 67 ·Middle Street, Fairhaven " ;.Qked Dead~.lUchai'dJ.\l.ta.lD.. __ ~~..I..o.u.i&-:Antosca,.MJ.;.&--Mm. WiiiiiiinSul11van"""" i'" tar' {",,~~~~~J





East )=q!mouth




• .

. .





Mother Gene'raW






~ DEB'ROSS .Oil"



~ ,~~;e@fri~~ 'OiU$'~ € . ~M~ml~B'~'~ €

"~365 NO~T~




.< (anLP'S :Q,EYOTIO'N, TQ ',N~W, :B~D~o.Rn )IOME TRAINING: tio~~ fr6~ Miss, Patricia :M:cGlynn~, ce'nt~~ Second P~Qto:, Miss Editli :Memb,ers of the,. Infant:of PragueGuild, New Bedford,devote many hOlU~S' ' Jennings;: guiid meIp~er, checks' schooLa.ssignmEmt of Janice Rodericlie towards the. aiding'of ,the chil(irenat' St. Mary's Home, New' B~:dford; '" seated. Right: Noeli~' Soares, ]eft,Md"Lynette Co]na,rig.ht..,learn the al$ "i.eit: Kat:hleeh Cote\']eft, arid Charlen~ 'Rutk6wskrl~ecei've sewing:ins,truc-' of' cO,oking, ~'rom Miss Anna, McGlynn, 'center,' instructores~. '; .

. "$lS'''''::'';' "", " '$15!"" ",' , , .$15. ',' , , " ' : ' , ' 'Raynha~ ,,' ,,'.' .. Mr. &'.Mrs. Roiand Ashley MI'. &, Mrs. Robert Charron,' Mrs'. FrederIck WIlbur, Mr. & ' 'ST. ANN ASSUMPTION ;, $15 ' , Mrs. George Cota, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Robert Doherty, Mr. & M r s . , $200 ~: ' Mr. & Mrs. Victor Adams,. Gerald' Bernier, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Jo-' .,'.' .$100" Marie Bruton, Mr.. &, Mrs.E.'Felix Yarusites, Mr. &' Mrs. seph Butler, Mr. & Mrs. WiUiam' Hev. Leo,T. Sullivan ,Catherine's'of' Oster'ville Lester Carroll, Mr, & Mrs. Ed- Thonla8 F. Kelly • Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard D R b ' t ~O~ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas, Powers ward Barry, Mrs. Herbert Mrs. Thomas W. Curran, Bris-: H y l a n d ' 0 ~ G ea y 1 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Shea' Coombs tol. Farms, 'Leo Brochu" Mr. &: David Perry, ~rohn M. Perry; anue. o~es

St. Vincent de Paul Society Mr. & Mrs., Paul Cote, The, Mrs. Henry J. Brochu Mr. & Mrs Mr. & Mrs. Humbert Costa, Mr; R- h d J S$

'C ronm . F amI'1 y, M r. & M rs.·Ed " & Mrs. G IC ar . ouza $75 Ralph Gustafson eorge'.Rebello, Mr..& $28

Rev. Ronald A. Tosti ward Crosby, Mr. & Mrs. Shirley Mary E. Rogers, Damon Hope, Mrs., John Lane ,Gilbert J Fahe

$50 Crosby, Mr. & Mrs. Henry James Collins '. Mr. & ,Mrs. Donald Scott, Mr. . $25Y

'Our Lady of the Assumption Cusick ."cean Grove & Mrs. Manuel P. Vargas, John M M t G h

' Edward F, Daly Jr,,' Mr. & . ' " A . M e II 0, M 1': & M rs. F ' ra am rancls J rs. h Wargare K

O"uI'ld Mr, & Mrs. Philip Boudreau Mrs. Warrel). Davis, Mr. & Mrs. ST. MICHAEL Conaty, Mr. & Mrs. 'William 0 n . en$~:n

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cain Robert Elskamp, Brian Jones, $200 Conaty ' .

, Mr. & M' rs.. J' N orman, 'F·t "'lf r & M rs. P ayson J ones J'r. A F' d e n M r " . , & Mrs. A~drew Mulhern, , ' James C. ComIskey 1 z­ lVl. q $15 :\ierald, , ' Mr. & Mrs. John Lahteine, Mr. 'S75 M r. & ' M rs. Ed WIn R ea d Y, M r; & b J h E K eoug ' h M R b Jdl 'Dr; &' Mrs. Charles Haskell. & Mrs. Luke P. Lally, Mr. & Rev. Maurice E. Parent Mrs Donald Emond, An~ McCaf.:.' Sh osep ., d 'J rGs. ll~ e 'Mr. & Mrs. John Gallagher Mrs. Charles-Lyons; Mr. & Mrs. . ~ $50 frey erman" n rew • algae" ,Charles Desmarais' 'Thomas Mason, Mr.' & Mrs. A. Mr.'&'Mrs. James B. Murphy Arthur A. Hubert, Armindo Mr. & Mrs. John Shields S: Mathis "$25' Mat"tapoisett LO!Jrenco , $30" Dr. & Mrs. Walter McDonough, MI'. ,& 'Mrs. Arthur Curt Edward J. Almeida Mr, & Paul Snyder Mrs. Rose Murphy, Mrs. Dorothy Mr. &. Mrs. John Farias


North Westport Mr. & Mrs; John-HeI:ron Sanborn, Mr. .& Mrs. Ralph Shea, Mr.;& Mrs. Joseph Pineau

Charles i. :J~~~owan

OUR LADY OF GRACE $25 Mr. & Mrs: John R. Souza', Mr. & Mrs. Laurent Pineau

, $50 , $50 Mrs. Robert inodgett' " Mr, & Mrs. Daniel Sullivan, $20 Rosary Altar Society ,- He,': Robert W. DoWling ':M:r~·-&Mrs. FraricisButler t:~sweene~;,Mrs. Francis Wil'Mr;,~ Mrs. Frank Gallery ,$30" . , $25, , Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah C,Hlahan' , , " . ' , " Arthur Pelletier Holy - ~ame Society Mr., &. -Mrs. Frank Fimental . n' ' " ' ,, . Mr. & Mrs. Janies David-, Mr. ; Mr.cl~ 'Mrs: Joseph A. Ripimti $15 , Mr. &_ Mrs. Charles Cammett & Mrs:' Jaines - Lynch, Sara $15, '" _ ,: $2!i , , . ' , James Barboza, An'gela Latw ,; . 'Mr.' & M~s. Chat-Ies' Cassid,' : 'Shields;" Mr. & Mrs~ Dpnald ,Teresa Arnold" Thomas BaldMr. '& Mrs. Manuel I.inhar.

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Conn!>i:s Souza'"' , 'win"MI·. & Mrs. AlI;ert Bernardo SusanA. ·McGowiiiJ.

Mr. &, l'yIrs. Real It Breton

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Coombs Earl' B~)lton, Mr. &: Mrs., Daniei ,$20 , . The Cotter Family , 't '" C a h i l i , . ' ", " " . N"':<»,r.o, ,n," M t,' 'M' , M" Mr. &: Mrs. Joim F. Murphy Mr. &~Mrs;'Josep'h Daniel' r.,,~ rs. 'F rank C''rane, r. ,Mr, &: Mrs. -Daniel Flynn' ." ,lST. MA~Y,

&; Mrs. Robert Flannery, Do~aid Mr. &," Mr's: Thomas .I~. ~i1I­ vihill, Mr. &: Mrs. Romeo Bedard • M~. &: Mrs. 'Thomas Hartigan _ ' $400

Gustafson,' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. LaWrence Gilligan Rev. ,Thomas F. 'Daley'

R;ostyk, Mr.' & Mrs; Philip McMr. & Mrs'. William J. Quinlan Jr:, Mr. & Mrs.' 1.eo ~arivier~ Mr. &, Mrs. RobertC. Jolinsoa "'$200'

Hugh,' .­ Mr. & Mrs., Vaughn Lenten' Kilburn Glass Industries

' Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mailloux, , $15 Mr. & -Mrs. John, Mu'rphy $100:.

Mr. & Mrs. Anthopy -Rebello,' Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Jo­ Mrs. Mary 0'Brien '. , Mr., &: Mrs., Patrick Devlin

Mr. l!z; Mrs. Bernard Thibault, seph Zyc::hQwicz, Mr. .& ,Mrs. Thomas M. Renahan, Mr.: &' Mrs'. Mr; &' Mrs. John Rosa ' St. Vincent de Paul S,ociety .

Mary Trial" A, Friend Raymond ,Dextra7.e . Mr. & Mrs. Howard Sears Mr. & Mrs. John F. Shea $50", ort ighton ' . Alberta Silveira, ~r. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. James Shields Mr. & Mrs. Joseph, Fernandes ST. JOSEPH Noah Gomex, MI'. '&, Mrs. Roy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shields Mr. & Mrs. -Anth<inY' Pires, $100 W. Lynch, Dr. &: Mrs. Stariiey Mi.'. & Mrs. Warren Vol~ Mr. & ¥rs. Joseph Fonseca St. Joseph's' C'onference _ St. J. Mysliwy , Mr. & Mrs. Royal Gaffney $30 Vincent de Paul Society Thomas Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Boisse Ml'. &:Mrs. Richard K. Martin ~mmIJ1lxmxmrmrmIlllxm~' $20 Mrs. Pe"ter, Mondor' & 'family" , Mr. & Mrs. A:rthur Bourgault Mr. & Mrs. John :eotelho, Mr. ' $5,0 $25 ON' CAPE COD &. Mrs. Walter Butler,:Mrs. Jere­ Mr. '&: Mrs. George, 'Desor­ John & Dorothea Silva miah Callahan II~, Mr. & Mrs. meaux $32 W 'i 1 I i a m Carpenter; Margaret George Yelle

-Mr. & Mrs. Anthony MastrG­ Hansberry , Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bryant Sr. marino Mr. ,&' Mrs. Joseph' ,Hassel­ Mr. & ,Mrs. :JoseFernandes Sr.

$30 brack, Mr. &. Mrs. Charl'es John­ Loretta Flanagan

,Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Berube son, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O'Don­ ,Margaret Clark '

Mrs. Larry Spidle Catholic Women's Club

nelJ, Mr. & Mrs. John ,Pina, Mr. $25 Dr. & Mrs. William Adams & Mrs. Pius B. Rooney', Mr. & , $20

. $20, ' Mrs. Sherwoo<: Tondorf - , 'Beatrice C, p~eiuette, 'Roland Mr. &: Mrs. Norman'LaFrance Mr. & Mrs. HenrY, C.-: LaBj1te,' C, Paquette" Mr. & Mrs. Adlore AMPLE PARKING' Mr. &: 'Mrs. Alfred' Adamczyk Mr. &. Mrs. John Mu'i'phy, Mr. & King, Mr. & Mrs: Herbert Schri­ . Mr; &: Mrs.' Walter Smith, ' ewo- ' Mrs.': Bordon, Zwicker'" .",

, Oste~ville




h D


SJPring 5:-0700



MORE THAN 1000 ATTEND 11th DIOCESAN 'rEACHERS CON­ VENTION IN ATTLEBORO: Left: Leaders at the General Session on Friday, were, left to right: Rev. Paul F. McHugh, Ed.D:, Cand.; Bishop Gerrard, Auxiliary BiShop of the Diocese; john 'J. Walsh, Ph.D.; Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, M.Ed., Diocesan Superinten'dent of Schools., Center: Elementary art exhibit is admired by Mary: Elle~ McC~em Feehan 'stu- ' -

Somerset ·,', ' &T: :PA'i'RICk .':' ,


!"$~OO'!'" " '"

"'lteV'. Jarru!s' ,F. McDermott ' :" , $100 '~ ' " , . " Dr; & Roland E. Chabot Mr. '& Mrs. David :rd. Kilroy, , Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Regan $50 ... Edmund F. Bagley' $40 John Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Angelo E. Flynn Roger LaFrance $35 Mr. & Mrs. William F. Ready $30 Joseph H. Feitelberg, Mrs. Richard J. McNally. , Vincent R. Dorsey Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. ~Iain JI". Eugene Murphy .' Mr. & Mrs. John Pires ,Jr.


$25 _ Joseph J. Pine John Johnston Atty. &: Mrs. Richm:d L~ Salle Mrs. Benamjin Friend

Hblen McGann




Muliins, 'Albert-A-:I:.eve·s·que;Leo A. Bond. . .; ,' , Mr. & Mrs: Henry J. Krupa, "Robert Farrell~ Thomas 'J; Daley, 'Norman.,M. Simmons, Edward J. ,Ready·, '., , Joseph Tinsley, Charles Fisher, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hadad, Leon L. Doyle, Alfred L. Farrell Mrs. Peter Hio~elis, Andre de Villers, Mrs. Mary' Gannon, Frank Morris, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Rezendes Richard A. Mello; Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Donnelly, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Alves, James H. Crossley Jr., Rudolph Cummings \ H. Leo Creamer, Edward M. Soares, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Sabatino, Cyril Amarelo, ATmanc Forand "Charles Carpenter, Arthur F. Cassidy, John T. Scanlon, Francis Foster" Robert Kuhner ,', Robert Coady, .Norman L. O'Brien, Lillian 'I. Hadad, A. George Stukas, Roger Thibault, James Courcier, Mr. & Mrs. Amiand Dufault . ,Mr. & Mrs. Pierre R. Picard, John Roderigues, William H: BarraI', Edward Synan, Manuel


Archard Family, Robert P. B,enevides, Mr. '& Joseph Matthews Mrs. Edward S. Hopkins, 'Nor-' Vincent Riley , , man Muldoon, Mr & Mrs. Anton ·Mr. & Mrs. Frartcis J. Kilgrew Heneghan. " Fernand E. C. Auclair ' DOminick Ciarfardini , ST. JOHN OF, GOD" Helen & Lillian 'Reddy - , ' $ 5 0 .' Mary, E.Judge ' " Holy Rosa,;y .Sodality Thomas Clark . $25' , " Henry. J. Henault, ,D.r. & Mrs. Jesse Baptista Mr. & Ml'S. James M. Judge, ,Mr. &; Mrs. Frank R Borges Jr Stephen J. Biello Jr. Mr, &' Mrs. Georii~' Couloinb~ Carleton D. Boardman , $20. ' , 'Mr. & Mrs. Frank W.,Mecieiros Mr. & Mrs. Raymond ~: Bi­ beau ' Jr: Daniel Rapoza $15 , $24 ' . Mr. & Mrs. J'oseph Ant'one, Mr: Salvatorel'petrillo & Mrs. Thomas McKane, Mr. &: $20 Mrs. Manuel M9raes Mary & Louise Coleman, Johl~ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Souza Jr. F. Lopes & Family, Ruth & Mrs. Ml·. & Mrs. Jay O'Neil Francis Munro Mr. & Mrs. MI'. '&Mrs. Edmund Leandro James C. Noonan, Mr. & Mrs. George W. Carpenter Jr. ST. TJlOMAS MORE Grace Doolan, I'utJ;ick Doyle , $400 Mrs. George L G.oodfellow ' Rev. Howard A. Waldron Edward Pettine $125 $15 Mrs. Joseph F. Foley, Sr. Georgc Coleman, EiJ.een Cole.. man, Thomas Hassey, Raymond 'Martin, Francis Bednarik Richard Crowell, Florence M. Bums, Alice C. Costello, Gilbert Perry. Roland Thibault Mrs. Frank Souza, Bernard B. Mitchell, Maureen Matthews, Mrs. John M. Roberts, Charles Lacerda Christophel' Geary, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. DeYoung, Francis' J.

Mr. & Mrs. $:~ger W. FOI·tier DI': Bernad Mangione '

$30 . Mr. ,& Mrs. John Boynton M,.. & Mrs. Gilbert F. Leonard . $25 Mr. & Mrs. Austin J. O'Toole Mrs. Daniel F. Shalloo Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. McGowan ' "Mr. & Mrs. Cletus J.Monohan

dent from St. Mary's Parish, No. Attieboro; Sr. M. Vincentia, F.S.S.J., of Holy Cross School, and Mother St. Laurent, R.J.M., Jesus Mary Academyp both of Fall River. Right: Lay, teache.rs meeting with host principal, Sr. Mary Urban, R.S.M., o~ Attleboro's Feehan High, are Joseph Daley of ' Stang, Robert Lane of Coyle/and Paul O'Boy of Feehan;

Mr. & Mrs; Albert :E. MoboucK Mr. & Mrs. Fred Badwey '$20 " . Mr. & Mrs. John Mercer, ,Mr. &-Mrs.Joseph·.F. Foley Jr., 'Mr,. & Mrs., Ger?rd : A. LaLiberte, Mr. & MI·S. William J. Holland $1,j Mr. & Mrs. John 'J. 'Joyce, Mrs. Dale Rothwell, Mr.' & Mrs.' Jo­ sepjh W. Duffy,' Mr, & Mrs. John Babcock, Mr."& Mrs. John Thibeault . Mr. & Mrs. ChesterPloski, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Griffin, Mr. & Mrs., George Weathersbee, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Garvey, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Capostagno, Mr. & Mrs. John O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hussey

Sandwich CORPUS CHRISTI $150 St. John's Conference, St. Vin-: cent de Paul, Pocasset Coi:pus Christi - St. Theresa's Conference, S~. Vincent de Paul Mr. & Mrs. George E. Towers . $125 . Rev. William F. Morris' $'100 Mr. ·&MrS. John- McDonald ,John Greenhalgh , ' $75 MI'. '& Mrs.' Wiliiam '.Can', $60 , Mr. &' Mrs. ,William BulJ..ock Mal'y Ortolani" " '. $50 , Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ellis ' ¥r. & Mrs. John Phane~f :Mr. & Mrs. John Higby Mr.:& Mrs. Laurence Perrault C.R. Berube, M.D. '. Mr. & Mrs. ;John: Wilson' MacDonald's Hardware Bishop Feehan C'oundl, iC.' of



, Mr~ & Mrs. Frank Nuovo' MotherCabrini Circle, Daugh­ leI'S of Isabelia ' . Sorenti' Brothers,' , $40 MI'. & M,'s. Martin Lawless

$35 George D. Denmark , Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Caron' Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kennedy $25 The Montague Family .. Freeman Hebert Mr. & Mrs..James Baz2;inotti Ml~S. Christopher Brady Mrs. Douglas Purdy , Francis D. Mackedon , Ml's. Charles Whitmore John Carafoli ,Mr. &, Mrs. Peter Becker' Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Bulla Mr.; & Mrs. Antonio Bianchi Mrs. A. Cleveland Jones

.Mr~&·Mrs. Edgar S. Tolniie Mr. &; Mrs. Justin Geor~f ,Mr: & Mrs. Fred O. Earle Jr: Charles Maley, Mr. ,& Mrs. It..

Mr. & Mrs. Michael McNamara Johll' MacQuade, Mr.' & Mrs.

Katherine 'Maley , . Charles McHugh, Mary Cata!6li

.Norman McEnaney Sr. , MI'. & Mrs. Edward Rondeili, Mr. & Mrs. ,John Hart 1\11:1'. '& Mrs. MichaelCoinicll> Mari~ Lawlor Henry Gagner, Mr. & Mrs. Lestel!' Mr. & Mrs. Newell Percy Geary Mr. & Mrs. Sprague Spooner Joseph Milliken" Mrs. A. JI!I. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Hart - Mr. & Mrs. Wm F. Bennett Cardoza, George Hennrikus, Mr. : Mr. & Mrs. Earle MacDonald ~ Mrs. Walter C. Ahern, CoL. · Mr. & Mrs Joseph B. Reynolds William W. Drummy .. Mr. '& Mrs. Carl Sherblum Mr. & Mrs. Charles Libby, MrS\, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Enos Dorothea Weatherby, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Willis Chapin F. Flanagan, Marie E. Dalton, Mr. & Mrs. Nester Robidou $20 ' MI'. & Mrs. Thomas Dunlave)1,

Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Howes, Paul Nugent, In Memory of Wi~

Ann J. Boido, Mr. & Mrs. John liam, Ellen & Michael McLaugh­

McArdle, Mr. & Mrs. William lin, Mr. & Mrs. Charles McCanJ& Waterhouse, Mr. & Mrs. James J,'., Grace Felman Barber' Mrs. Harry Walker, Mr. & MI'. & Mrs. Amelio GonelJa, Mrs. Louis DeCicco Jr., Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Tello Tontini, Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Keating, John Mrs. Edward Francis, Mr. & Mrs. MacCahil, MI'. & Mrs. Paul 0'- Paul Marchisio, Mrs. Ralph Jam-­ Connell ' cson, Mr. & Mrs. George RichJean Sullivan, Mrs. Albert J. 3rds Govoni, Mr. &, Mrs. William Russell Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Herbert A. Hamlen, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Passaro, Mr. '.Jc Mrs. JO'seph E. OUR LADY OF THE .ISLE Jacinto . ' , $25 Mr. & Mrs. Walter. Alvezi, MI'. &, Mrs. John :Mendonca Rose Ma~ey . William Janse, Paul Pelletier, Monument Beach Liquor Store, Mr. & M~·s. Angelo .J. DiModica, Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Blais, Mr. ' & Mrs. Thomas Faber '

Nan,tucket '

What About You?

$15 _ . Mr. & Mrs: Leo Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gianferanti, Mrs. Charles .Russell, Mr. ,& Mrs.·Ro-· land DeConto, Mr. & Mrs. Earl FJinker Mrs. John B. McArdle, Mr. & Mrs. Milton Geltz Sr., Nan Mc­ Cann, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Miller, Mr. & Mrs. James Hamlen Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Bettley, MI'. & Mrs. Fred D",nbury, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rourke, Mr. & Mrs. George Pereira, Mr. & Mrs. Henry T,ate · Mr. & ,Mrs. John F. Nelson, Mrs. Eugene Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Comelius Minihan, Redmund O'Callahan, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald H. McGreevy , · Mr. & Mrs. Charl~s W. Huff, Edward Parent Jr., Charles H. Parks, . Mr. & Mrs. 'Ernest R. VanBuskirk Mr. & Mrs. George Fernandes Robert MacDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kohn, Mr. & Mrs. .rohn Creeron, Mr. c'!t Mrs. Joseph Dvorski, Mr: & Mr$: William Tyback


. .. A Franciscan Sister! GIVING YOURSELF to a life COllI­ pletelv dedicated to the salvation of souls through prayer. work. sac­ rifice and joy ... by using your tal· ents as a Nurse, laboratory and X·Ray Technician. Secretary, Accountant. Di­ etitian. Seamstress, Cook. as well as in other hospital departments and in a new extension of our work in Cate­ chetical and Social Service Fields.

There Is No Greater Charity' (If you are over 16. write to Sister Mary Clarice. O.S.F. Box 111. Catholic Sisters' College. Washington. D. C. 20017 fo' fur· , tile, details on this happy life,)

Mr. &; ;MrsitTosepfF'vargas, ,Mr• John E. Fitzm,ailrice;'Dr. &, .Mrs. , Edward Sullivan' ' Mrs.•Glenn Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Raneo ' Mrs. Peter Roderick, Mr. & Mrs.. Thomas Lovinsky, Mr. & Mrs. John E. Pina, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Carbonneau, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald O'Neil . Mr & Mrs Richard McCormick Nora H. Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Roberl Gott, Mrs. Elvira Bap­ tista, Mr. & Mrs. Roberl Hatha­ way . Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Roderick, Mr: & Mrs. Theophilus Leyton, Mr. & Mrs. Amos Leyton

W~st ~.«:!lll'wic:1Io I8IOILY.

.& Mrs. (;eral~, An~l:\Qny, Mr. & Mrs. James Baldwiri,'Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. SylVia, Mr.. & Mrs. Wilbert· Divis': .". ;,. , 7, Mr. & Gerald Morency. Mr. & Mrs. Philip TraceY/·Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Alves, Mr. & Mrs. Maupce Hayes, Bertrand F. La­ Forest Mr. & Mrs. Rene Bouchard Marion Freitas, Hil<ia King, Mi'. & Mrs. Daniel Moniz, Mr. & Mm. Lionel Sears Mr. & Mrs. Thomas l\II. QullUil Jr., Mary E. Calotta Mr.. & Mrs. Albert L. Rod­ riques, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ferro, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick D. Cole Joan Rocha, Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Leach, Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. O'Donnell, Mrs. Mary Foster, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Nunes:' .



Albert J. Edwards


.Judge Eugene. Hudson



Mr. & Mrs. John Merna Mr. & Mrs. James ,Besso $25

Mrs. John Zinkevich

.Mr. & Mrs. John G. Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. J. Harry Long

Mr. & Mrs. John. Gonsolus

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Shea.

Mr. & Mrs. Manley Boyce '

Catherine Lane,; . . ' .'"

OUR LADY OF LOURDES Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Barry

J()seph H. Connell

$300 James Connor .

Vineyard -Havel\l: , A Friend .' .Daniei B. Thompson' .: ST. AUGUSTINE' . $250 Mr. & Mrs. Clifton AdamS": "Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. KnauS $300 . Betty Halbritter" .' $30 Rev. Joseph F. O'DOnnell Mrs.' Isaac Pena' Isabel 'Jason $50 • Mr. & Mrs. Arthur LaFrenler Rita Rose CONVERT PRIEST: Father HitoshiMukaida, C.SS.R., St. Augustine Holy Name.So-­ Mr. & Mrs. Bemis Boies . Doherty Family' the first Columban convert to become a priest in J'apan, is dely'

Marion Halbritter $25 Mr. & Mrs. James Boyle

, congratulated' by Columban Father Leo Baker who in­ · Mr. & Mrs. Frank Carleton A 'Friend St. Augustin~ .Guild

,'.' Mrs. Everett Bacon . Emanuel Davis '. .. structed and baptized Father .Mukaida~inJ{emig~vY'a,.ite.ar $Z5

_.' Dr. & Mrs. ·Arthur· D'Elia- ,,~ Wellfleet Savings Bank. ".Tokyo. The two met outside St.. ,MarY's· Cathe~ral, Tokyo. .' Fr~cis Metel' .

',.",:",1 . :Mr; & Mrs. Pierre Lavedan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Peters . '. Frederick Thifault 'NC Photo.,·' . Mrs. Anastasia Craffey . : . '. First 'National Bank of Cape ., . :Boleslaw: Nickowal Cod, Wellfleet. Mrs. Chester J. Powers' . .M;l'1l: Arthur Ouelette . . ·Mr: & Mrs. Dennis.,Duggan . $20. . Mrs. l~ster Perry, Mr. &llrfn. ,,". Mr. &'Mrs;' FJ'ank Coleman . Mrs. John.Hughes '.,:. Hoiy Name. S()ci~ty '. '. Mr. & Mrs. William Gill, Mr. & Roland Quayle, Mr. &. Mrs. Ed·· '. 'Mfs. EdWard H'ickS' . '., .' Eugene ~rieh '. ' . MaryE. Sheeriri ,. , Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Peterson. ·Mrs. JosephRoderi~k,'~ Friend, . ward·' :Robinson . Frank Coutinho .. 'Alic~sheeriil " .. ,·.Mr. & Mrs., Joel M..Cloud Mr. &: Mrs. Anthony Duart, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Willi;:tm R~binsQn, .. . '$20.... . .Rosema'ryQuinn ; . • Mrs. Gertrude.C.Gibbs ... :. & Mrs. Arthur Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Shaw, Mr. & ..' .M~. Lalldon HUlnphreyS, Mar­ '; Mr.' & MrS. Louis D. Vieira . Mr.' & Mrs~ RaYInon'd: Ri(;ux' :: Iy.tr:&;Mrs.: .~ohp. ,k~l1tly:.J;r., Mrs. ,john Sullivan, Gertni!ie' ·E. , Mr.'&; Mrs. William A.·Mtir­ .JlJ,il's Vineyard Rapid Transit, .'Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Silva, Mrs. Charles·E. Finley 'l'ynan;Mi. & Mrs. Parker Welch 'ph,y':' '.' ., , . . . , $15' . . "'" .J ',., , . ". , .. , J ',"Mr. & "l\frs:Fle'tcner Sffiith"

Henry W. Carlson:".' . ,: .. Bradf.ord S ~ I v i a, ,Arithony :'Mr., &' Mrs. Ge'rald Milrphy . Paul G. Carney

·Dolores M. Rose .Costa, Marion, Vie;ra . Kenneth Joseph Morllz Jr• ; Mr;' &'"Mrs;' .' .JWr. & Mrs.,;. phr~stppper. A. .... c ".,..$15, '.. '. , , . Heam,Mr. &' Mrs. GeraidCou­ . Mr. & Mrs.Ha,rry O'Neill '. ST. MARY lombe ., . ,', ~arcotte ......: . .r:·":·"'" . c. i " , . " Mr~ & Mrs. Robert Dutra, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel De Mello · Mr. & :Mrs. 4ni~pny RYan .& Mrs. GeOl;ge Dutra,Mr.·& Mrs. Alfred Ferro, Louis Paiya, $225 Mr; & Mrs. William Hines ".1.:$20 :';r <. " , " ' . ,,~onald Thuresoh, Dorothy ScarMrs. Dean Swift, William Fig­ Mr. ;~'Mrs,' George A. D. St. Mrs. IIelen M. CollOPl; . Mrs. Lillian Do~d, Mr:&Mrs. ry, Mr. & Mi's.Allthony Ferreira Aubin'. llIeired . . . Mr. & Mrs. Victf>.r Ladetto Harold· McKenn!1o,;,\),\fr,;:, & Mrs. . ).Wr.·& Mrs. Paul Lussier, 'A $200' Courtney ChaS~..Mr,...& Mrs. ~ohn Fi'iend,' Mrs. 'Richmond Bell, Mr" $20 .';' Mr.llc Mrs. Owen .F. Hackett Orleans' Ormond, Mr.: & .'¥rs. Arthur & Mrs...:roseph Pern', Colonel Jr. Mr~ & Mrs. Richard Zl~rbonne, ST. JOAN OIP' ARC Grace, 'Mr: '& 'Mrs. Carl Johnson John Sherwin '.' . Mr. & Mrs. John Enos J'r., Mrs. $11)5 Gh.arles D. i;teid." .Mr: &' M, rs. . '. Mr. 81: :Mrs. Chester Conno~ $50

'or & M ' 'CI " . B' ." Tb~ Silveira Family Clara Vieira, Dr. & Mrs. Luke Edward Martin "

francis A. SampsoIl, Capt. Wil- ..mr. rs. .arence errio, Mr. McCrol1.a~ Mr.. & Mrs. Norman .; ,'J " . , . $ZS':' , .liam House, .Mx:. &:MrsJereIJ)iah &. Mrs. cpfford Delorey, Daniel $100 ;Meriard ... , , . D'Lea '" ,.. '. .. Chisholm,' JohD Sargeant" . ' . ,1141';'& 'Mrs. Edwin Brady': George A. 'Granville Jr. 1 , Mr. 8& Mrs. Edward Ft. Clou­ ,'.' ry.. ,. $i5'.)·' ~ .," ·;··M~. Loretta.'Cha~w~ck, ·Mr.":Mr. &, Mrs.·John J. Hayes'", Francis',Fettig' tier, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Divyer, .. pl'. & ~erllard .Riley, .Mrs. R.ay- & Mrs.. J6hn· 'Doucette,' ·Mr.· & "Mr. & Mrs. Joseph. R. Mrs. ·'Dorothy· . Horan,": George .; Robert R. Peno J'r;' " .!,nond. Speaknian, .Mr~. 'Barbara 1\1:rs. Donal~6rrn~bY, Mr$,' L.OU- 'non . . .Wright,Mr,· ··&·Mrs. Raymond Fred Carey· ., a.i~ter; Mr~.& Mrs.' Donalcf Strout ise Fratees,Mr. & Mrs. Francis,Mr" & Mrs. Carl Giordano' M. F. Reiach" , , . . Howard· .. " .. " ,... .

Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph M. F. Don­ 'Boyce . . $%0 : "<Mr.. & ··:Mrs.Thomas Burke, A..~~. T~r~rs:. Ja~es'Blute;' Mr ."Mr. &Mrs:'rhomasKil~~;M.rs. aghy,.,.." . Richard M. Ronan, William a. Florence" Menard,' . Dr. '& "Mrs. & Mrs. John O'Donnell, Mr. & ~homas ~ray . . ,

. . . . , . $'75 . ,

George Gendron,' Mr. & Mrs. ·Fallon,· 1141'; & Mrs. Henry D. Mrs. Leo Daley; Mr.&'Mrs.WilS h

Rev. ;rohn V. Magnani

Chambers, Mrs. Doris .Goff, ·Eugene. Caron nitm. Brady,. Mr. &Mrs.Eliiot. '. .out .. Yarmo~tJi

Dr. & Mrs, John Diu.

. Mr. & ,Mrs. Arthur J. Ethier, OmerR. Chartrand BrYant ..,. ST: PIUS X. . $60 Edward Malley, Ceil Remil­ ·Mr., & Mrs. Joseph Singleton, Mr. lard, A Friend . . " Mr. & Mrs. Ed~ard Boyle, "Mr. $100 Mr. &; Mrs. John:J. ,Smith .' . lie' Mrs. 'l'homas M.· Quinll $15 & Mrs. Demiis' Keeiha'Iie, Peter Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hayes. $50 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Maher Dr. Lucien Bouchard, Mr. - &; Barca, Mrs. Charles Geoghegan, Mr: & Mrs. James Quirk' Mr. & Mrs. Angelo DeMello' Josephine M. Foley, Judge & $50 Mr. lit Mrs. Philip Heming­ Mr. & Mrs. Ray Lyons Mrs. August Taveira, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Alfred E. Maher, Jeremiah J. CroWley, Mr. & Mrs.' Joseph : Mary A. CUIl)ll1ings, 1141' & Mrs Mr. & Mrs. William Bennett way Jr.. Robert Davidson C. Bagdon, Wilfred Ferreira LeRoy Long, Mr. & Mrs: George: Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Crowley Mr.. &: ·Mrs. Alvaro Rodriqu«.l .$15 T. Frank Sullivan, Leonard Mrs. Clara Fitzgerald : '. Mr. &:Mrs. Albert A. Silva · McKim, Mr; & Mrs. Gerald Duffy Edgar W. Moor'house, Mr. 8£ Tarvers, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Gal­ M~. & Mrs~ Pau(McLaughUn" Mr. & Mrs. Martin' Geraghty Dr. E. Deane Freitas Mrs. Roger Etu, Mr. .& Mr·s. Wm. lagher, Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Mr. & Mrs. George Gar!iner, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence F. King . Mr. & Mrs. George Ponte Harrington, Mr. & Mrs.. Louis . Bessom, Mr. & Mrs. R. Bruce James McGonagle ' Mrs. William Laughlin' · Mr. &. Mrs. Joaquim Pena, Ed­ ,Spencer, Mr. lie Mr.s.Anthony Hammett mundRoderick, 'Mi',& Mrs. JOB­ Mr. & Mi's;'Richard Nonnan $40 Freitas . Leonard ~rancls, J>r. ,J~U. an ephGilmette, Mr.'&. Mrs. J08,. . . . . $30 .' . Mr. & Mrs. Charles Murra,­ eph Healey Mr/&'·Mrs. John CraWford .. " " '.,90 ' , 1.11'.& .Mrs" .Norm.an Danl~~, Doherty .Mrs: .Nelson. Cleveland, :Mr•. & · Mr: & Mrs. Vi~cent' :WalSh;:·. ; '. .' $25 -. Ma'rga:ret &;Heleri'GaDible' Mis,.,Aibe~., ~,Mr:. l!&M:rS. :Catherine, Mary & .,n~se Sylvia; .' ~r. & M~.. ':Wil,liam :Bannt,n Mr. & Mrs. James' Bllrrett '. :Ernest Santos, Mrs. Emma SylVia . Harry DdherlY:' . . Mi. &. Mrs. Francis': Ttaveru :Mr. .& Mrs. Paul ,Bacon, Mr,' &' . " .St•. Francis.. 'i, ':A, Flora &': Florence ADdre.: Mrs: .... . "':' . ... ". . ' . . .. D r. & M rs. J 0 hn Mach~ · Robert L . Br,iggs,'Mr. & Mrs.,':.Mr· &,,,Mrs.Cli.arlesEager E " ' . . Residence ,'.' )0;; .; J oh..n .evme ..;.... '. ':.:: .... fIl}ean lectric Company,,: ,:, ,; ',,: : $Z5':" . ,.. ' . · Mrs: .Isabel GomesS(.· SoWl;", ,.. ;' Mr.;.&: Mrs. Edwai'dGorman: ; ' . Mr.&· Mrs.VinceJltHll'yes FOR:YOUNG WOMEN 'i Mrs. M.:ary. Grant, ¥i;'.;& MJ,'s. ,'. "Mr::~~:Mrs. Edward Hllies ':-'. 1141': & Mrs. Joseph TO'lilliii. 196 'Yhipple St., Fall River · Rola'nd .. Co,nnors,.·:Mr: & Mrs.' Mr. &''-Mrs. Maurice Lynch -'Mr::' & Mrs. Walter"Martin' ." Conducted by Franciscci~ 'Charles EaStmlln":·>Dr. '& :Mrs;" Mr. & Mrs-':-Joseph Maim M r. &'M ~ . .. erin~~ . . rs. F ran cis S . Winsper Missionaries of' MarY" : John F. :McDermott,; :., Mr..& Mts;' JoSephM~eil . Mr. &' Mrs. A,r:tiiand Borges ROOMS':" MEAILS '.: l4rs.. Ke~net!t::!310ndon, MrS: Mr. & Mrs".Ft;al')k Ormon: Mrs Fredenc. '. k Cor......... '--"" " ' . :Mr . . & ,..... . OVERNIGHT' HOSPITAU" .. \ R~tli Far;rell,.Mr·.~':M.:rs. Ant~ni(l Mr. & Mrs;J'tiniesRuhan. ..' Mr. & Mrs. J,ohn Saunders. '. ,,",vi.. '053-2897 ... i Marini; Carroll Gift :shop, Mr. & Mr.. &, M.:rs;;Richard ·Terno.. lWt:..& ¥rs..William .S. )3rady ..; :Hyannis ".. !~~s: Josephi...··D?chesne>·.. ~ :. <';$2~' .. Mr. & lWrs. ~dwar~ Dohemr : 279'Bar~~tabie R~l. : !WI'. &.¥~s. Joh~, W... And~rsOll,:. :~ranc:I!! . Clqrlql,. ~r.. ·&·.ld~. " Mr. & l\1rs. Walter O'lJrl,en. · Mr,. & ·MrS.·.Raymond·J., Alvey,. :.Shirley•.Johnson~: Mr..' c!li: ,'.Mrs. , .. Mrs. Isaac. Dawsi>Jl.. · " . ·SP·5-OO19" Enjoy 'Din;~9 .i, i Elizab~th:I;.r:BatllOjl, ..·'·· '. '. . Geol'ge,:'Lucieri Mr; & Mrs;?Wll- "'Mr:& Mrs. Douglas Wy:a,~ ~'1'8"~~~.~~ ,. . i !lidiaI'd' B,Mu'rPh.y,·:··M!i/&.· Uam '·M;:tcDon.alj:l,: Mr,'.:&~·,~. .-' IN THIE" -. ! Mrs." Freder!~~ . Ba.f~~*" ¥J;'; '-&' ..)QllP ~cJ{el}p«;y.,;: ::'.. " " . : ' . "... ,. ''',~'~~.<WIW'I%~~~~ ; Mrs. Ralph S'tevens, Robert HEm-' . ''MI': & 'Mrs: Louis Parks, Mr. ' ~ .' :', JOLI1:if' WD-OAR.IE~r i"derson, Mr. &"Mrs:! Francis:'1C':"':&'MrsY:'d~()r;ge'Robert6;, Dr. &: ,.';'--:~J)~1F~'~\~ :! Lyons: •." . " ,'. J,V1rs. Ft:~derick Robinson, Anna " .:.. ::.,"".' ' . , . ,,:' .. . ':'; ,.".-AND.-. .... l: Mr. & Mrs. Edwa~d' .~luett;. :.g. T~'gQe: '[p>[}u«1>{f©:.":~M@@~'M. ~fPl(Q)lUJ'jj'lE~ .fllNllNl : Mr. &. Mrs. William Dougherty,' . . .' $15 IF-lf'' )f. iiMr. & Mr~. Dean Garyield, ¥r'~':' .Bas.s·.'River Liquor Stor~, Mr. . . .:.,,;"'...... ,. :.: " . . .' ~iES¥P:lmAN.1T$·' ":'" 'l ~~5 MlQ\nM:~1i'~telE1i" h B~noit, .¥r 1 &.' &.M rs. Wl.liam [ & ..M 1:s. J ose'p' CoffeY,I\lr. & . . Always Ftee Parking ;.; IFAn:MOUliHJ:'KI (Sa ~ ~~!2 • lVII'S. - CH~ment Desaulriiers '. ".' Mrs.' Dougli:is ;E.. "bono\ia:n~ Er-··. , Mrs.,Nellie Raneo, Mr;·<&.,Mrs.,., Wi~'sPharmacy,.Lanigarr"FamiiY . "'Am\o\ANIOl'OR¥INf'~'';;~' ;Lynden G. Wordell. Mr, &. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Donnell, ..,... . ",.' . ~ ....:... . . . :.' -' .. .' . ..... : ,.... - 'Francis -'Donovan, 'Mr: & Mrs. Mr; & ·Mrs.Edmund. PEilletfer9 ~::J,~~atrtdd~""~"""MI!~~~~ 0. , "








'. Rea:I . .,·EstQlte:· .Rene..·poya~t,"·


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, Westport



Scientut Wins First Prize at MIT Science Fair



Thurs:, May 12, 1966 8'1'. GEORGi: $500 !lev: Lorenzo H. Morals $200' George Considine :By Patricia Francis S'll'. PATRICK $100 $50 Several years ago, younlJ

Potter Funeral Service Isabelle Cummings $50 Al

an Roszkiewicz read a Mr. & Mrs. John Francis Ward Mr. &. Mrs. Russell Hiller magazine article called "Can Emmett Almond ~415 ueorge Barlow Loony Gas Win Wars?" J. W. Hurley Oil Co. Edwin Smith· It dealt with tbe effect' of

$40 . $35 drugs on humans, particularly

T. Hudner Kennedy the effect of massive dosesoon a

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McGraW' $25 person's ability to react to

$25 Frank Lima Jr. changing situations. Alan got

The Wareham Savings Bank Roland McGee interested.

Mr. & Mrs. Ray Crocker Stevenson's Restaurant His interest paid off two weeks

Mr. & Mrs. Medio Pederzani Thomas J. Wilcock ago whim the 16-year-old Stang

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kiernan In Memory of Faida E. Car­ High School junior, son of Mr.

Mrs. Agnes Francis rier and Mrs. Henry S. Roszkiewicz

Amy Brewer In Memory of Arthur E. Mag­ of 39 Ohio Street, New Bedford,

$25 nant won a coveted first prize in the

Walter Filipek State Science Fair held at M.I.T.

St. Patrick's Circle Alice' Harrison Alan's entry, "Psychotomimetic Wareham Lodge of Elks N~ Edmund Kelley . Drugs and Brain Biogenic 1548 Amines," is the product of two Roland P. McGee Mrs. Alice Batholomew Joseph Muscarella years of 'research with white Dr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson' St Vincent de Paul ConferenCe rats and such· so-called "hallu­ Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Roderick St. George Women's Guild cinatory drugs" as LSD. Mr. & Mrs. George Chandler Joel Sunderland Like most 'teen-agers, Alan. $20 Joseph Vieira can be reserved at times: But· Mr. & Mrs. Richard Zens, Mr. not· when he is talking about his $20 & Mrs.. Jeldino Melloni, Mr. & Thomas Makin; Donald P. Pitt­ pet .h~bby horse-The effect· of Mrs. Milton-Laycock, Mr. & Mrs. man, Alexander Stevenson, JoB­ LSD and other psychotomimetic Richard Sullivan Sr., Mr. & Mrs. eph N. Taylor .... drugs on .the brain.. Ellsworth Atwood, Mr, & Mrs. Oscar Lariviere, Mr. & Mrs. In addition'to his pure re-' Thomas Thompson Thomas Makin, Gregory Rocha, se.arch;· Alan' conducts .a volu-. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Reidy Jr.. . Manuel Soares, Oscar Stebenne . minous .. correspondence wit h Mr. & Mrs. Edward Collins, ·Mr. Jacob Strunk.. ~onald Sylvain specialists in the field and visits & Mrs. Robert Bruce, Mr. & Mrs. schools a i1 d foundations., con­ $15 Adolph Billotte, Mr. & Mrs Joha Joseph Bercier, Lydia Ca,law dueting research in it. Nolan, Mrs. Odette Spadofora & Vitaline Rezendes, William His work ~gan two years ago

Crombleholme, Herbert FoiSy, when Alan acquired 14 white

$1'7 Holy Name Society ,.rats and housed .them in the

Mr. & Mrs. Miquel Campinba ALAN ROSZKIEWICZ Albert Langlois, Joseph'!',. basement· of the familY·horj}e• $15 . . Lavallee, Paul L~garde, Joaquim He' taught them to'react to cer:' Mr. & Mrs. Louis Mendes, Sil.... ,tain stimuli, a jolt of electricity, The so-called ."hallucinatory find a possible cure for mental Mello,. Manuel F. Moinheiro . ah McLaughlin, Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Palmer, Thomas Pat­ a prize 'of foOd.' . drugs" - Alan doesn't li1l:e the illness." enaude, Ronald Perreir~, Henry Although at the momen~ Alan · Maurice Pires, Mr. & Mrs. Elliot . Then Alan giiVe ·them varyiijg' term "l:lecaUSEi it isn't accurate" J. Picard, John Robinson doses of dnigsby injection "to . -:..are used because they 'produce is engrossed with' drugs and Macomber, Mr. & Mrs. Fileni~ Edmund Rymsey, Joseph 'Sa-' see'what effect the drugs had on some of the· same symptoms their effects on people, he finds Cardoza .Mr. & Mrs. John Texeira. bral, Joaquim' R. S'ilva, David' habit patterns 3lready' learned.' found, iilme~tal illness. . time for other more understand­ Claire Collert, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ Steele, Peter Vieira, 'Dennis "They could climb' a 5-foot If the reason for the effect of' . able activities, too. Wong' . .

r6pe,"I-inch in 'diameter, in' 3 to the drugs can be found," he says, He enjoys tennis and enters mund Valley, Raymond Favs, Mr. & ·Mrs. John Hobbs . Eliodore Allard, George Am-' 5 Secorids. There was food at "rese.archers may be able to toumament&-"IIOse, but I eri­ ~rosio; Joseph .Bono, Mis/DavieI' the' .top~"· After'· an . injection, work: out the cure for mental ter anyway"-he piays chess and Mr. & Mrs. Robert O'Brieri. H B tl & f . ,however, "within five· minutes' illness." reads. He is a member ot"· tlie · Mr. & Mrs. Mario Govoni, Mr. & . •. u er amily, Ronald Car-' they: had .slowe·d· down. Th·.ey g o t ·M . d M. . . .and is a J.A Mrs. Bernard Rogers,' Mr. & R z k l ' .' .. Math Club at Stang relra ba.ck to. norm.alaftelr the drui. . .r. an rs. os ewicz just. Manuel DosVais, Leo R.: ~_ . wore off." ... shake their heads 'as Alan dis- staff reporter from the school. Mrs. Victor Beneduci, Mr. & Mrs. breuil, Ernest Dupre; Gilberta ,cusses. his project.' His sister He also -is a member of the Damon Hatch . Dutilly, Oliver Fitzgerald In another ease,' the ratS Marcia, 13, a student at Normlln- Juni~r Engineering Technical Mr. & Mrs. William Pires, MJo. James A. Hanrahan,' Stephen' . ~earned to sw~~ through a maze- din Junior .High School, just Society and is a' member of the · & Mrs. Arthur Collins, Mr. & Kovar, Eugene Laplante,' JQseph .like pool in whiCh they had to gnns.· , . C Y O at St. Casimir Church. Mrs. Colin Gordon, Mr. & Mrs. T. Lavallee, Aurele Ledoux . make a proper tum either to left Marcia, asked what kind of a .' or right to receive ·food. His younger brother Dima, IO,brother he is, steals a gll'mpse Robert Demeo, Mr. & Mrs. . Robert Tassinari Walter McQuade, Joaquim "After they had been injected, wasn't aroun d t 0 m ake any com- at him. "Go ahead," her mother Mr. & Mrs. George Champigriy Mello, Manuel Moniz; Michael ments O'Grady, William Rogers. . ' they couldn't make the c h o i c e ' says, "you can tell the truth." Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sylvia, Mr. a.s easily, or make any choice. . May 20th; Alan's project will Marcia looks again. "He's a, & Mrs. William Nolan, Mr. & Joseph Sabral, Gustave Sen­ b e on d'lSP1ay at the University good brother, I guess. He's nor­ T~e psychological stress on them Mrs. Roger McCormick, Mr. & echal, Daniel J .. Slattery, An­ was too much." of RhOde Island where a New mal." thony E ng1and S Clence . F" rault V. Sylvia, Henry J. Tet­ Alan gave all drugs by injec aIr IS being Such is the fate of a scientist Mrs. Joseph Gilpin Sr. tion . "* 'I (I because the effects held. in the heart of his own family. A.Frederick VohnoutkaThompson, Ernest wear off in an hour then. Taken.

Alan is hoping he has a chance . orally, the effect lasts longer." to get to Brown University over Second step in his research the weekend because that is project was determining whether where he would like to go after there was. any .physiological Stang. Eventually, he hopes to OUR LADY OF FATIMA change in the brain as a result of become a doctor. $100 ."1 worked with the animals' at Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Lajoie the drugs. . To determine that, Alan got home," he says, "and most of UO': a dozen' new white rats. He the analysis was done at SMTI. . Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Fay&' went through the trainingproc';' Dr. Mowrey helped me -there, $20" ': .ess as he had with' the' first he's in the. organic chemistry Anne V. Fayan. group. He adi!:tinistered ~drugs to department.'" . . . $15 ·:them and timed the point at . What· is .this an .trying ' . . Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph ,F., Braneo, whiCh .tlie effect. of. the drugs'. prove?' Leo J e a n ' .1 .' ....:. .reac:hed i1is .greatest peak; . '. "Whether there is a' bio-chem­ . That the: point Which istry liQk between mental illness . ST,.DOMiNk~·· ~ ille ,.hite ra1is we~ ~iriles81Y a!l~!ta causes," Alan liays; "If " . . . $25 .:. ­ killed and the br8lilli removed: weeanprove. there iii, we may :Mr. & Mrs: Thomas "t took them 'outand qUiCk' . ' . I: . . Mr.. & Mrs~ J. B. Tr,ayerl Sr. fr(jze. ~em m:iiqUid Jiitrogen..:l. . ·Firs~. ~e9l'o , . ~5 '. . . it. bas temperatUre .Of 'about ,... . . .. . . . , . George ·~guia:..·,· Mk & Mn. 176 degrees' below zero.. Theft S J'O;wr. WOR~~ (NC)~Tech. . Frank DeMeo. Dube Eje'ctric Inc.~ ~hey were 8torea ~.dry iee, gt. :'l'abl~n F. ~lbum, tr~ning Mr. & Mra. John Garin, ;IIr: Ii the blood wouldnit' destroy the . ~ Di~ Air Force ~ase, AbIlene, Mrs. Stephen Mat~ias, Mrs.· Ala. drugs."" ., '. . .'r~x.:, beca~~ *,he first Negro ~ tone Santana .' . Next step was tohomogeniie ~,e~eDlPli~~ed into the Fourth Mrs. Hector Berard f & Jeaft Pie brains, "you mlDce·. them';; pegree, Kn.lgbts of Columbus' Mrs; F .,Lorrl\ine Dewey ". be ., 'ex'plabiB~alinly' "and p~t her~. Mr. & Mrs., ~~QJ11as, Paiy_ . them through '~ver81 'organie ",--~ ,,"""IIIIiIiiil • • HWING AIDS • ZI"IITH • ACOUSTICON.. u~ solvents to get rid 'of 'eveIjtbini ST:LOUIS OF pill'Nell "': ~ut.Jhe drugs." . . . . ,. ::..: • COSNEtIG • 81OLOGIWS • ."ANIIS .'. $150.: ....,. . Actu~y '. '~measuriilg'" t ii' e' .. . SHEET METAL . . Dr. & Mrs. Raymond; A. Dionne amount Of drug absOrbed by' the Jl. YE.·SER. 'Pro"p. $20. ·1. . brain was done in highly tecn;..'· Mr. & Mrs. Willia~ BourassA nical fashion. Alan eXpl81ns for INDUSTRIAL mENE R. SHEA~ PROP. Ii Daughter :,;. . tbe ''laymen's benefit lhatmea;' RESIDENTIAl. Prcmpt, Free Del,"" hi fAll RlYIR.SOMERSET. lIVERTOR &. YlCJNlIY . " $15 i.­ sUring deVices" included COMMERCIAL ~r. & Mrs. F.X, Apcl~' Violet lights .~tb the' fluores;o '.. 25.3 ·e~a. r~t;.f "e,., .Bedford 202 ROCK ST. (cORNER OFPlNE~.) FAu. RIVli Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Belanget' eenee 'given' off' used to measule" tiDe, aDloUllt 411I' &\nII·'prese&$. WY.,~~~?'22 ..• M1i'o·& !tMv. ~barles i:Menufi









N 0.rrI5. .• H".• .T rlpp .... .'


"ina.. .



•. -{':






....... ,' , .... :.



ST•. JOSEPH: ,:, . $250 :;, .~,.! <.- . Rev. Edwin J. Loew ;" $100 .' St. Vincent de Paul Society $50 Dr. George Christman $25 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Young Dr. & Mrs. Robert Clements $20 Dr. & Mrs~ Arthur Robinson, Helen McKenzie .

'..... " "



'(, {;. If1,~('i{'.

. My' wm Is M}fA.UJfroboogll'ap~r."





$30 . Mr. &·:M:rs. Arthur Lorden Mr. & Mrs. LUigiPinacoli

,,' ,


,:i .-: 1~


V OWl /"' ... :;\1 "

By Most' Rev.' F~ito~'

J': "Sheen~ 'D.D>

Is there any !lct'in our life which has' so much' finality about it as writing our last Will and. Testament? True, we clm leave, orily things~ IIi this we differ from Our Lord Who left Himself 'in His final Testament saying: "This is My Body. This is My Blood." But our Will involves more than disposing of what we can no longer enjoy, like 20 crates of oranges on a desert isle which would rot· before they could be eaten. Our Will is b.asicallY a test of our faith. Do I really believe that what· I enjoyed during life came . from God's hands? Do I have any sins in .my past which need some kind of expiation? Which sins have' been bound up, one way or another, with the house, possessions; wealth I had during life! ,'Is not my Will my autobiography?

. ,$25 Philip DeLauri

Roger Goulet:

Raymond Brousseau

Mrs. Madeline Turley Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pelletier Doris LeClair Raymond Guillette $20

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Berthiaume Mrs'. Rosalind, 'Martelli, Mary ,$15 .S.ullivan, G~org~ Hart Mr. & 'Mrs. George Nickelson;., " '$15. . ' Mr. & Mrs.,Herbert Hart, Harry" Leo Charrette' Mr. & Mrs. Would anyonl~ ever'know, when my ,Will· is read after death, i . Roland" George . .. , . ·ha Our Lord is my Judge,.. my Savior and my ',' "' E.. ' .Handy.Mr . & Mrs.'i'''·Z; Ry~n, __Mt, & Mrs. James • • 1 b'elieved' ·l1at • BelIveau ,! ., .. K.' Nerney, Mr.. & Mrs.,.Joseph Love? If Ii man olli leaving for a!~~~eig:n . , Goyette, Mr. &'Mrs. Edward Fur-' country gnves a baseball to a boy, a,.. tado . .. . ,,"!braceletto the night'::club hat-check , Guy Detellis,' . M.r. &' Mrs. John girl, a ballpoint Jllen to a manufac;tuJ;'er SACRED HEART'" . "t" . . . $350 " ,.'! . Cloud, Mr. & Mr$;'JosephRocha, :·'REV. E][]IW~Rj)C:DUJF.FY :.:·of, 'ballpoint pens and gives not.h.lD!;' .~

Walter. St.ariford,"'Paul Gaudreau . ' ,-.",. his wife. would not his wife ast{, "'How

,. Rev. Joseph S. Larue ?" Wh ',,!,"" $100 Joseph Avei:ro', Edward L.· 11.J1' . «;' .'.' much,does.he really love me. en a Rev. Edmond L. DickInson Schulze,'Arthur::Perry, Edward lr1J~@[]'i)[]'i)Offi t?)@~o®fr\\Q man's Will leaves thousands to a gym­ $75 Amesbury, Mr.&: Mrs. Stephen )/ nasium, a gold pl:!Lque to a rich church Rev. Roger D. Leduc Sullivan .,', ,~»~ ,and a million to an institJltion :whil;h . Boule .& Bourassa Fam.ilY Mrs. Florence~ AUdette, Martfn already has mill:ions,. but nothing to. $50 . . Gili, Raymond Lyons; Malcolm The first annual Communion Christ in the poor, then heaven' may' Mr. &: Mrs. Peter Ta,t~rj'an! .".Fales, Oscar Valade . Breakfast of ·th.e newly formeg. g1:1ep;,.~'lllow much love is in hi~,lt.~ilr~?';

,.,..... " $35' , :.: .!', "Marjorie qastro, Mrs-:: Ruth . ~::IY ,N~me SO?let~ of ~t);ra~., '" " .' -:__ '_ , "')"" . .,,,.!II' . .• ,,(

Mrs. Imelda 'Achin & Fainily . ,,;Ba,rker, Mabel l ..e~is, John ,R., CbI., xavVledr patrltShh" HHyannl~, WIIII If we were on trial would we not hire ... . .·1·... ···;.',· . .': $30'" :,>; ":~', 'O'Ne1.I, Charles.,Lewis . ' . " 'e" ser e a e,· . yanms nn the best posilibleattorney? But are we not oIl trial when we die? ...... '.' 'Louis Bardier. ":-C' ."".,. ViCtor" sniith; 'Roger Forget, i Motel.Sunday mO,rnm g , ,May 15, Is not our attorney for, the defense "Je~us Christ, the JUs~, our ". ,."., Mrs. 'Alice Mercier , .. ,,,': ,; Mr,& Mrs.: Arthur Standley;;'. followmg the 9 o clock M:a~s. Advocate.·.in Heaven;?? Shall we go int'?t~.e eternal c,?urt.wlthout .',' , . , $28'"'''''' d".Frederick Ellis::,' . , , ;, Re'(.Edward C.Duff!!f?r~e~,; ~v~r l!flwng giv~n a thought to our defe~se?,~uppose that w~ .ar~ i:' 'Mr. &:'Mrs. Robert Jacqu'es . . .cllr~te at .the Hyanms pans.~", .~icked :when we breathe, our last. TheredJi hope on ~n~ cO~~lbon.. $25' -;>;::! .t.:; ~l!: .\' -, STj"JOHN ;'1 :~;', 'and"now dIrector of the Great~r "To him,,:yvho does ,not ..work but believes in lJi!l1:Who Just/lfles he Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bessette $100 New Bedford CYO Area wlI\ impious, his . faith is .'credited to him as justice.~'. (Ro~ans 4:5) Mr. & Mrs. Edward Guertin & Mr. & Mrs. Fred Murphy Jr.;\~ ..cel:1;>rate .the, Mass and b~ the O,ur J 9 rd will plead for·us if we have faith in)iim. But, If t~e one Family: .,:, Benjamin8c Dorothy Nolin mam speaker at the bre,alcfast. document" ..w.e.leaVE! to be rea~,~.t~r .dEl~th,.~akes .po,.mentlOn of . ,. A Friend". . '.' . .,.•Mr.. & Mrs. .william Parker ,.:'.:, me~. fr.omthe, C,llpe par- Him, His gifts, or our, IQve fo.r. ;S;~s., P,res~~ce m t~.e.. :poor, ~n we "".-.... L'abrie- Fii'iniiy , 'West' "Str~et .$75 ' : ; :'.t, lshesar~ Invited.!,?: atteA~ .and be sure? ' .",:', . ,,;.;' Mr & Mrfi'Leo'i.~a' ·),,,.A,Friendii'·'; ",hllve fh!,!lr.sonswI~h,theIIl·~lCk-;,.. ", . , " . , ' .' Mr: & Mfs·. Raymo~;~acasse A Friend ::"ets ~U1.be availap~e at the doot':·,,-,.. 'Think' it over! When you write your :WiI{write: "I commend Mt, ' &'Mrs',' ltay'tllond'Lallier $55 .\ my body to .the e,llrth in penance.' ~ co~niend" lD Y soul to ·the

Mr. & Mrs~ John W. McIntyre,.. , , ' r mercy of my. Advocate,. Jesus Christ. the Just!' When it cOD\es to

"' .•. ':, Mr.·&,Mrs; Joseph LaRochelle Mr. & Mrs. Robert McC:all .:. ,.

,..... $ 5 0 : M : r . &: Mrs. Ederito Fach~da

making bequests keep, in mi~d:' l).:~here .~ little'. :chad~r in

Mr. & Mrs; Wilfred Paquin

Ernestine & Florence Moran Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tomasso

. making the ,rich rich~r, even though they are "goQd Catholics"

Mr. & Mrs.. Philippe ,Rainville-': .,' ... ' $25, . ..... jM'i.'.& Mrs. Louis.i>e~marais or "great institutions!' %) Request .that w~atever y~u ~ive be

.,.,.; $20 ." Mr-... & Mrs. Peter Manickas ,,':l\fr:"&MrS:Louis'Bachant{ spent on the poor in Christ's N~e within ~% ~onths af~r proba;'

A Friend; Mr. &.Mrs. H. Des­ Mr. & Mrs. Robert RomerE~ :, 'Mrs.' Jasper Lumbra':'., ~ion and that not lme cent of It, be· -invesied in s~ks and b~luls

.. eoteaux, ... Robert DioG;' Mrs. Peter S i l v i a . , , $ 2 0 . . .,' , . ;or. property in- the United States.' :$) If your faith' is ·deep enough

Jeannette Gagne & Doris; Rita·· $%0 , '.' .Mr" lit I\oIrs. DommIc B~rardi, flO leave. to the Holy Father .the distribu~on of. J;our money to "" ".&. F,;loise G~gnon' ,0" . . . Mrs. James O'Neil . Mr. &Mrs, John Kenny,:~r. ~." .,help .the .poor.and spread th~·bi.h,. th~~ ~our Will,W.1ll read: .,',,,,:,,, A.FrieO(i,~r.&Mrs.Fe.rnand, . '~·$15.<:; .,'" "":,,,¥rs. J~eph Ledger,M:!".,.&.Mrs•. ,,,"Beca.use1,love'ElimWho g!i-ve me l~,~~.,~d all.the means to ., .... ~ G~ulet,. M~... &,. Mry;.. ·.'YV~lliam .~r. &.Mrs. Ernest Amiro, Mt:;,,,'::R~bert l;Iolmes ....' .,. ", enjoy it,. 1 bequea&h ,to· The Society for .the Propagation o~ the ItllmJ!ler, ,Mr.~& l'tlrs. J;»aul ..Nev- &: Mrs. Andrew I. Charron, Ar-' ... ,: ·$15 ': ,"",' Faith in order that others may be fed. clothed .and come to know .,. ewx' , ." :.; :~:,; ... ,.thur .F.Connelly;, Gladys Con,. , ,.M:.r. & Mrs. Jame~ .L.afrancois, and ;love· God, the:iumof ,., , to be',dll!tributed within '$16 ,; .. :nelly, Mr. ~ Mrs. Walter Gronin, , ,.M~. Mrs. GeoI:ge~~din~; Mr• . ,.:year as tlIle HolY'Father bOws be~" .. A Friend"; .' ( ; : ' , ; . J.\{arjorie C~o:Wley. Mr. & M~;' ,&, ~rs. (}eral? "yalad~, ,Mr. &I . . .' . $15 .. ,., Robert Cunningham; Mrs...Mary, Mrs. ~o~ph WIggl.ns, Mr.&, Mrs. GOD LOVE YOU to· Mrs. her husband's WiD Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Achin Mr. Currie Mr. & Mrs. Leo Desrosier MaurIce DesmaraiS was contested by relatives, sent $4;000 other oWn money in order &: Mrs. Henri Aubin, Mr. &:Mr~:" 'Mrs. Philip Davignon ; .' Mr. & Mrs. Francis M:cInerney to carry out her hu.sband's last.wish . . . to Mr.. & Mrs. L,C. for John Badger, A ·Friend..Mr. ~ ··Mr. & Mrs. Terrance Dunlavy, 'Mr. & Mrs. John Bourque, .John. $500. "We thank God that your talks and·..MISSION magazine h.a~e Mrs. Joseph G. N. Bonneau .". Mrs. Henry Felix, Mr. &:' Mrs. P.a(:ker! Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Majo~, . made. us recognize our responsibility 'to share our blessings with ,I .. '"Mrs. Cla,ra Chabot, Mr...& Mrs~ 'George Fredette,. Mrs. Virginia Fredenck Connolly , . , Ou.rLord's ,poor. Tll.ank you,for this.. help.", Donald Charlebois, .Raynald Frenier, Mr. & Mrs. Emilio GauMr. & Mrs. Albert Colaccio,"

Chauvin, Mr. & . Mrs. Henri.. , tieri . ' . l\lr, .&Mrs. Paul Bonneau, Karl

Cot out thl!t c(llumn. pin your sacrifice to it and mail it 10 , Chret!en, Mr. & Mrs. Normand'" . Mr. & Mrs.Ray~ond Ja~ques, Brogan, Mr: & Mrs. Joh~ Keane, "Most Rev. JFulton J. Sheen. National Director of The Society ~Iouber '" . . Mr. & Mrs. Emil Joseph, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Rene TherrIen . for the Propagatioll of the Faith,366 Fifth Avenue. N. Y. 10001, Mr. & Mrs. Edward' Dargis, Mrs. John L. Kane, ,Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Piette, Mrs. . or to your Diocesan Director, Rt. Rev. Msgr,' Raymond T. Consi­ Mr. ~ Mrs. Henry DesaiI~1 Jr., Peter F. Lynch Jr., Mrs. Clayton Sarah Langlois, Mr. & Mrs. dine, 368 North· Main Street, F~I~ Rivet:. Massachusetts: A Frlend, Mr. & Mrs.-Edward A. MacDonald . Thomas Leedham Jr., Mr. & Mrs Dion, Mr. & Mrs. Roland ~ubuc,-:- Mr, & Mrs. William Maguire,' ',Ray~ond Deschenes, Mt: & Mrs. illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli11I11I1111I11I11I11I11I11I11I1111I111I1II111111HIIIIIII11I1111I111111I11I1111I11I11111I 1I111111~ Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Dupu~s. Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles McLear, Mr. :Adnen Deschenes & M:rs : Rola~d Fregault, Mr. & & Mrs. Almon McManus, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Raymond. TomlinMrs..Theodore. Guimond, Mr. & Mrs. James J. Meloni Jr., Mrs... son" Mr..& Mrs. Elmer Butler !, .., . Mrs. D0!lald ·Kirby, Mrs. Bl~nche Robert Moore ST. JOSEPlIlI .­ ii'!'(Lanary,- Mr. & 'Mrs. . Noimand Mr. & Mrs William Nihan Mr' .' .. ' ;i '.:. ';L'Homme '. : '; ,. . ,. $50 H " ' A F' - . . ' ,; & Mrs. John 0 Nell, Mr. & ·Mrs. ,Mr. &.Mrs. Oscar Desrosiers ,. 'LBV~, Native Chicken. " • ;, "'.' . rl:nd, -1'- Fnen~, Mr. & Alfred Paille, Edward G. Perry, -, $25 . " :~ Mrs.. Eml1e. Mlchon. Mr. &·Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Henry ·Pelletier " Bernard "Mlramant'. '. .', J.Y!r. & Mrs. Robert Pierce; Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mercier l' Mr. & Mrs. Normand Quepette& Mrs. William J. Reilly Mr. &. Donald Doucette ­ Mr. & Mrs. Roland Ouellette Mr. . '. , .. "Mrs. Raymond J., Slmoneau, ·Mr. " t & M $20 s . G era ld P ... r aren eau, Mr. & &. M 0 S ·th' M & Mrs' N d P' I t · · · . ' rs. wen. ml , r. .Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest DesVergnes . . orman msoneau. Mr. Ar.thony Squillante Mrs. Jean Baptiste, St. Pierre & Mrs. Bertrand Prefontaine .. M & M J S 11' Mr. & Mrs. Normand Prefon­ r. rs. ames . u lvan,. - Eunice Hutchinson §fJ111I11I11I lIIi 1111111111 II1111I11I11111111IIII111111111111I1111I11111111111111111111I1111111111I1111111111I11111111 II IIIl1l11illllllllllll~ taine, Mr. & Mrs. Michei Proulx' Mr: & Mrs. John R. Sweeney, Mrs. Yvonne Labbe & Ray.. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Rainville, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sweeney m~>nd ·Labbe $15 Mrs. Arthur Roy, Mr. & Mrs. .ST. THERESA\. Eaward Suprenant' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGee, Mr. $100 . . Mr. & Mrs. Romual Thibault, & :M\rs. Roland Prevost, Mrs.EI­ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Veilleulc, Mr. Mr, & Mrs. Walter Downaro­ zear Laferriere, Mr. &. Mrs.­ & Mrs. Wilbur Weldon wicz Gera.rd Fontneau, Lucien Paul $75 Dr. & Mrs. ~in~ Tiberi Attlebor~

."., .... NCill'tf,' Attlelb.o,@

M®riu fr@M®®fr

C ''''








,R.C.who; when'


Your Treat






GHOST. ·$100

. Raymond

1: "


'. Mrs. ,Paul Bradley . $30 .' . 'Mr. & Mrs. Philip Morris Mr. & Mrs. George Boyd: $25 Mr. '& Mrs'. Leo· Lyons. ,. ·Mr. & Mrs.:.Michael. Arata Mr. & Mrs. George Lebeau Mr. & Mrs. 'Francis Gillan Mr.-& Mri.·Jamea Mann"


. $50 Francis 'Zenie . H.ow~rd Bristow . $40. M( & Mrs. ElezllrSicar-d' 535' Tho Lavalee Family ~ _~_.\ Y






:.....~_~""11'·_ ... ;,"'loo,

.. _-""' •.."

~ ••• t" ..I1"'."".'

- ,-


.to" 'L:~"'.ii:'-i.."".-)

., "

~ne SteIP Neal'EHl'


".: *,

.DOVER (NC)-The Delaware . House of Representatives has ap-. , New ,fnglandl .Pla.yground '" pr,!lved a proposedconstitutionai.. · " amend!Uent to remove ;my pos:".. ' 'SPE'CIAi' RATES .for .;SCHOOl PICNICS and OUTINGS" . sible :roadblock to parochial. ... .' [tURING MA v.. allld JUNE' I ' . .. "~cho-~l ;busing. 4\pproval by the ." For'Particulars call Mr. Mauretti 636-2744 or 999-698:4 Senate this year and two-thirds· .


ofbotn houses next sess.i~n will'"

mak.~ it a' part of the eonstitu-


)~on. ", ,,~'.,:







ft. MAa'Y M'. "98~PJi


VeJl,Y Rev. Patrick H. Burley $100 Holy Name Soeiety St. Vincent de Paul Con1eP­ ence Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B., MaRin The Assumpta Guild $'75 Rev. John F. Moore $50

Walter G. Powers in Memory of Mr. ~& Mrs. ,Daniel J. Kervick, Florence Mil­ ler $35 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lapre $30 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Frazier' The Garvin Family $25 Mrs. Chester ,W. Camben Mr. & Mrs. Francis·T. Cough­ lin Ralph Cutillo H;elen Dahill ' MaribethDahill Dr. & Mrs. Edward Doherty Dr. & Mrs. William Donahue Mr. & MrS. Edward Kennedy Dr. & Mrs. George Schloemer Hon. & Mrs. Frank Smith Helen Smith Margaret Smith Margaret L. Walsh Mrs. George Williams Esther Johnson Mrs. James Maxwell Mary E. Ryan Wrenn Family $2f1l Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Bettencourt, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cunniff, Lois King; Mr. & Mrs. Roger Kingsley Jr., Charles Lawlor Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Lyncb, Mrs. William J. Mahon, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moran, Mary &; Julia Morari, Mr. & Mrs.' Tbri';' othy Neville Mr. & Mrs. John E. Murpby, Edward J. Peterson, Kathleen '& Martha Peter~on,Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Saladyga, Peter Shea Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sheehy, Mr. & Mrs. James Tonry, Mr. & Mrs. Leonel Ventura, Mr.' & Mrs. Henry Kelleher $15

Mr. & Mrs. Amerino Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. William Braga, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Chaves, Mr. & Mrs. John Cleary, Mr. & ,Mrs. Thomas Curley ~r. ?k' Mrs. Edward Ferreira~ Pa\jl' Frazier, Mr. & Mrs. Ed-' ward Hoye, Mr. & Mrs. Richard ~odier, Mr. & Mrs. George A. Ryan," " '

, ' Gilbert F. Simmons Ins. Agen":

ey, 'Mr. & Mrs. Leonard M.

Walsh Sr., M'I-. &. Mrs. 'Johil

Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. Harri

Gurney, Katherine' M. Hern

William Scully, Mrs. William Scully SACRED HEART

$30 Mr. &' Mrs. Joseph S. Rose $25 Mr. & 'Mrs. JohnJ. Mallette Francis 'Cronan' $20 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Murphy; Rose O'Donnell, Rita O'DOnnell, Mr. & Mrs. Eino Silvan $15 ,Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Alegi, Mr. ,& Mrs. ~ichard Blais, Rutb Brady, Mr, & Mrs. Joseph Burkt! Mrs. PatI'icia Combs Mr. & MI1l. John ,Devlin; Kath';' leen 'Flannery, Mr & Mrs Charles J!'lannery, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh vi. Flynn Sr.,' Mr. & Mrs. John Goldrick' Mr. & Mrs; Francis W. Kenney & MJi;: E~ans ~va,Mr. & Mrs. James, Leonard, Mrs. Edna' Lincoln, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mas: tromarino Mr. & Mrs. Stephen ~zzoleni, Belen Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Van­ cent McAloon, Mr. & Mrs. Freel ]U}eaume, Galen Rheaume llilT. & Fms. C1Ifififord Shach03t, ~eJll'1!J, ~!Jll!Iil~ $olDerta SmitA




THE ANCHORThurs., May 12, 1966


Rt. Rev. James J. Dolan


Alice Kaloust, Herbert Lima Dr. Charles Hoye Arthur Medeira, Frank Rose, Dr. Joseph Nates Manuel Silveira, Alfred Teixeirll George Sanford Mrs. Aristides Andrade, Ray­ Charles & Catherine iGan~ mond Beaulieu, Joaquim Ber­ Mr. & Mrs. William J. Fe~ nardino, Joseph Carvalho, e. $50 Allan Correia Rev. Gerald I. Shovelton

Frank Couto, Joseph De Costa Richard Bentley

Ju!m Enos, Shirley Furtado, Dr. George Harrington Wi!fred Mador

Dr. John F. Mulhern' Mr. & Mrs. William Smith

The Nunes Family, Antonio Chaisty Family L. Rezendes, Elsie Semas, Franlt Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Baker Vaz, Mary Vaz

Sara Maloney & Mary Mori­ arty

HOL~ FAMILY Harold Sheehan $100 Rev. Bernard R. Kelly Women's Guild of Holy Family Edward McNamara Parish $40 $25 Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. O'Keefe Mr. &' Mrs. Antonio Gomes Mi $32 Family Mr. & Mrs. John 'B. Grant ' Mr. & Mrs. Walter Starvish $30 $20 Marguerite & Dorothy Me~ Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Lippo](,l :Manus Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rose Jr. Dr. Edmund Fitzgerald $15 Catherine & William Brady

<, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Castro, Ruth Dias .

Mark Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs Gerald o $25 Ducharme, Mr. & Mrs, Antone TYPING WHIZ: Top typist in Dioces'an high schools' Maderios, Esther & Ethel Buckley Mrs. Mary 'Murph~ Mrs. Albert .clement is Rosemary Martin of Stang High in North Dartmouth. 1141': & Mrs. John Zeiba Edward Duffy She WOn portable typewriter at second annual Diocesan Elsie Amaral, 1141' &. Mrs. EfI.. Lelia Duffy Typing Contest. Presenting ,machine is Dennis J. McGrath, ward Booth, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dr. Anthony Elias representing dealers in Fall River, New Bedford, AttleborQ' Burgess, Mr. & Mrs., George Harold H. Galligan Dorsey, Dr. & Mrs. Richard HeY'­ Mr. &\ Mrs. Patrick H. Lyons and Taunton, as Rev. Joseph P. Delaney, assistant super­ Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Murphy intendent of ,Diocesan schools, congratulates the winne!'. wood, Mr. & Mrs. William Wi)., Jette

Charles O'Connell Janice Russell

H. Cormier, Mr. & Mrs. Josepb ST. PAUL Mary & Cecelia Sheerin ROLli ROSARY Cote $800 Joseph F. Wade $30 'James Downing, James Kelli­ Rt. Rev. Joseph C. Canly Rita Baker Mr. & Mrs. Russell Woodwani bel', Winifred Laughlin, Mrs. $35 James D. Judge Stanley Radwanski ' Mr. & Mrs, Hector Demers Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. McCabe John Lawson, Rommie Loudd ' $25 $30 Mrs. Rommie Loud, Joseph Patricia McCabe

Holy 'Rosary Sodality Mr. & Mrs. John Connors Mador, Alice McCusker, Michael Clotilde Nason Mrs. Magdalena Tokarz & 8QD $25 McCusker, Mrs. Michael Me­ Joseph Quinn' 'MI;'. & Mrs. Salvatore Spinelli Louis Cusker Leonard' Sousa $20 Jobn Mc~lroy & family, Ar­ $ZO Edward Lehan ,John Dickinson, Mr. & Mrs. . thur McKenna, In Memory of Frank Bielenda David H. Martin Daniel Moran, Mrs Daniel Moram Joseph Witschey; Mrs.' Robe" Mr. & Mrs. John Dubena John Keating Demers Joseph O'Donnell Richard Januse Mrs. Catherine Schein S15' Francis Prado" 'Virginia Reck.. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bentley William & Margaret Behul. ,Mr., & Mrs. Joseph Pacheco, ard, William Redmond, Harold William Hansen $15 ' Leo Benoit, Mr. & Mrs: :John .A~ Mr. & Mrs. Richard SmerdOll. ,Tatro, William Boyle ,Mrs. Apolcinia Dyaks & daug))., Adelard 'Chalifoux, Edmund , McRae, Mr. & Mrs. 'Francis Cot':' tel' Helen, Mr. ~& Mrs. LewiIJ Mr. & Mrs: Frederick Tripp' James Ward ' Finnegan, John Gonzals; William trell, 'William H. Kelley'& fam- Faulkner, Mr. & Mrs, John Ko-. ily ~ ,Charles !fripp" Hanna Sr., Arthur Halpin koszka & family, Ludwika- Sla<­ Eileen & Mrs: Henchy, Mr. & Martha Leonard, Mary e. 'Margaret V. Neenan vick, Severin Sowiecki Mrs. Ernest BotelIio, Mrs. Ger­ Maloney, Mrs. Laurence Munise, Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Gara Mrs. Anna l?lentus Evelyn Rice C'arruth Steeves, Michael Welch, trude Simpson, Mrs. Henry Me­

nard, Mr. & Mrs Manuel Oliveinl

Mrs. Ronald Wilkins Mrs. Joseph Rowl.ey ST. JAMES

Stanley Tokarz Mr; &. Mrs. Leo A. Leroux, $100 Mrs. Edmund Arvidson,: Mr. & $20 OUR LADY OF LOUR.D~ Rev, A,nc.Ire P. Jussaume, Mrs. Andiew.Gravel, Mr. & Mrs'.

Joseph ]fourilier, NJ:r. & ,Mrs. $20 Lewis' H.' Oliv'er, Mr. & Mrs.

'Edward J. Galvin, Robert Hill, Rt. ReV:. E, ~~5~e Mello Anonymous, Anonymous, EJlD Richard Mahoney , Marguerite Hoy'e, 'Catl:Jerine Me.. Carthy $75 'Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Silva, Mr. nest E. Carreaux Joseph Megan Sr:, Frances & 'Rev. Edward A. Oliveira $15

& 'Mrs'. John Crowninshield, Mr. Irene Morrison,' Pauline' Orsi, Rev. Antonio C. Tav'ares .& Mrs. Joseph Reilly, Mr'. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Adelard CarbonoO

, neau, 'The Dufresne Family, Mt'"

Frank Tosti, David Rogers Anna Raftery, Mr. & Mrs. Josepb $50 ' 'Scarano, Denis Sullivan D~ ..& Mrs. David Gouveia ,& Mrs. Louis Morin, Mr. & M1'fJo ST. ANTHONY Femand R9Y ,

Mr. & Mrs. James McMorrow, $27.50 , $500

Mrs Ralph Reckard, Helen Shove Mr. & Mrs. Frank V. Phillipe Rev; Maurice Souza Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Silvia ' ' $25

, $50 $15 ,Robert Mendes St. Vincent de Paul Society Ralph Buckley; Marion Camp,Mr. & Mrs. James D. Tynan " A F:'riend bell, William Carney, William J. Mary Mattos' $25 Casey, John J. Connors Mr. & Mrs. George Macomber Arthu'r' Ventura , John Cross Jr., William De- Jr. , FrarlCis Pacheco Stefano, ,Elizabeth Doran, Ma~ Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Franco , $20', ' garet Dowd, Mr. & Mrs. John $20 John Camara, 'Manuel Camara Fitzsimmons Joseph Cardoza, Barbara Peter­ Marion Gaffney,' Frederick! son; ROse Mattos, Mr. & Mrs. ,Antone Gomes, Peter Nolan ' $15 ,GemIJ:l.e, Mrs. Frederic,k Gemme, James P. Silvia Francisco Aguiar. Antone An­ William l1olmes, John L, LaughMr. &' Mrs. James Sylvia drade, Victoria Carew, He'nrietta lin P5 William ,M,cConpack, Mary Mr. & Mrs. Francis Cutner Jr. Carvalho, Anthony Da Costa Maria Figuerido, Francisco McManus, William Murray Fam;.' Antone Gray Jr., 'Mr. & Mrs. ily., Dr. ,Thomas O'Brien, George .rohn P. Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, Manuel Eduardo Jorge, Powers ' , . 'Bertram Vieira, Mr. &,Mrs. Ar­ , Robed Qti,igl~y, James Reid, thur' Andrade Mr. '& Mrs: Arthur J. Shaw 'Genevieve Rabideau, Mr. & ~~c~gng James Torrtiey;' Raymond Platt:~ ,Mrs. Josepn P. Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Michael .Barber,,, Mrs. 'John Edward Nunes, Mr. & Mrs.' Jos­ ::0..'-'''''' ";J~ Carr, Thomas DiVincenzo Ther- 'eph Andrade Jr., Manuel GouDADSON OIL BURNERS ~~'\.~ll CO~ . e~a KennedY,James ,:McGovern" 'lart . : , ' ,

24-Hour Oil Burner Ser\.-ice::::::::=§ ~,~ 'Cecelia Mattos, Anthony Mat­ , ;Erne!>t Medeiro~, Anna v;. O'~f " ",..,., ~ ~~ Keefe, 'Aiice' -McKenna' 'Ruth tos; George, 'de Moura, Mr. &,

Fa.:nous Reading HARD COAL' :-=-~ $HELL Mckenna,' Susan:McKen~a : Mrs. 'George Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs.

• -, ~\II&::C~ ,John T. Heffren Jr.; Elaine Joseph L. Mello NEW ENGLAND COKE ~# ~~~ Pivirotto, Lawrence Pi vi rotto, Mr. &'Mrs. Albert G. Moitoza,

Peter, J. Curran, Peter B. Curran Joseph F. Gracia, Mr. &, Mrs.

Carlton Caron, Wm. Cham,be~ James Corey, Mr. & Mrs. Fran­ lain,- Mr. & Mrs. Walter Parker' cis Silva, Mr., & Mrs. Ernest ,Peter Tobin, Gerald Tripp;, Mr~ Coutemanche' & 'Mrs.' Kenneth' Waine . Mr. & Mrs. John Fernandes Lillian Bannon, Mrs. Bernard Mr. & 'Mrs. Frank Cardoza 640 Pleasant, Street Tel. WY 6-8271 New Bedfo", Clear;y, Margaret Coleman, lleDe Mr. & Mrs. Adelino PaUlo

famous for


,SHELL IIPremium"'







of Fall River-Thurs. May' 12, 1966


Rev. A. A. Castelo Branco $180 Rev: George E.' Amaral

Mr. & 'Mrs. Ernest Cardoza, Antone & ClaraCatarino, Mr. & Mrs. J oao Chaves, ·Cynthia· Costa , ; ., MT. iCARMlEL· Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Encarnacao $100 . Mrs. Magdalena Estrella, Deo­ 'Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Hendricks In Memory o~ William R. Frei.. linda Freitas, Mr. & Mrs. TQbias Gasper, Daniel N. GQnsalves, A . Friend, Edward Joseph · Mr & Mrs George Lima, Alex­ andria Macedo, Mrs. Maria .Ma­ cedo, Mary .T. Macedo, Mr. & Mrs. John Mello Mr. & Mrs. Donald Morris, Mr.' & Mrs. Antone Pacheco, Almerinda Paiva, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Pavao, Mary A~'1J?el'TY Shirley .T. PeITy:,' Pedro & & Estrella RicardQ,.' Mr. & Mrs. EdWlnV. Rodrigues,' Bernice· Rose; lVIr. & Mrs. Manuel Rose Mr & Mrs. Arthur St. Pierre, Irene' Sousa, ;Francisco Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Souza Jr., Christopher & Mildred Sylvia · Mr. & Mrs. c-eorge Sylvia, Thomas Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vincent r HOlLY NAME $75 Rev. Lucio B. Phirnpino Dr. & Mrs. John B. O'Toole·Jr.·

,New D::idlford



Rev. AgostinhoS. !Pacheco


Dr. &; Mrs. David casta Jr.

:$25 Dr. & Mrs. Manuel G. Camacho Mary Santos . . $20 Mr. & Mrs. Euclides M. Cabral Mr. & Mrs. John 'S. Damasio Jr Mary Lou Bettencourt, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Coelo, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mello, Mrs. Maria H. Mello, Mr. &·Mrs. Ernest Pereira Maria Soares :$16 ' Mr. & Mrs. William McCarthy $15 Mr: & Mrs. Joseph Pontes Maria C.' & Ernestina C" Ba­ talha, Mrs. Mary A. Bettencourt, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Carreiro, Abilio Gonsalves, Antone Gon­ salves Maria Macedo & family, Mr. & Mrs. Richard· H .. Parsons, Mr. & Mrs. Andre Tanguay


Anonymous John.Gero Mr.. & Mrs. John·J. Gibbons Jr.. $45 Mr. & Mrs. Wm. F., HO'!!i.han & family . $!5 . :Mr. & Mrs: L!Jcien :Beauregard Benac Family. '. Mr. & Mrs. G~ido 'C~~cci,: Mr. & Mrs. HugQ. T.~E.ar~ey ,In Memory.oLAlice E. am . 'Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kalisl;1, Mr. &/; Mrs. Adolph Plante, Mr. & Mrs. Norris Walecka Mr. & Mrs. John Wilkinson Mary Phelan Mrs. Mary Phelan . $!O _ Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Cavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. James J. Gleason, Mr & Mrs. Sergi Iacaponi, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Markey, The Mello Family · Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Paul" Mr. & Mrs. John Pendergast, Mr. & Mrs .. William P. Powers M;. & Mrs. J9seph' F. Gorman, Mr. & Mrs.GeraJ.d Moriarty, Joseph Norris Sr. $16 Mr. & Mrs. Maurice J. Bcmrque Mr. & Mrs. Frank .Bures,Mary . Dalton, 'Mr. & .Mrs: William Demsky, Mr. & Mrs. .T000 E. Macedo Ellen Markey, Mr. & Mrs. JeaR Nolen, Mr..& Mrs. 'Clinton Rim­ mer, Mrs. Carlton Scammons $15 Mr. & ,Mrs. James Flanagan, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Francis 'J. Aylward Mr. & Mrs. JosephR. Constant, Mrs. Raymond Dupras; Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joseph, Mr. & Mrs Frank E. Leahey Mr. &/; Mrs. J. Joseph 'Marshall, Mr. & Mrs. Denis Ryan" Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Shanahan Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Shanahan Jr. ST. CASIMIR .

$150 Rev. Casimir Kwiatkowski $25 The Poczatt;!k Family $20 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Sch.ick $15 . Mr. & Mrs. Charles Arruda oMr. & Mrs. Edward Nowak Mr. & Mrs. John Polar Mr. & Mrs. Reginald V. WG­ Iiams ST. HYACINTH $15 Rev. Rene G. Gauthier

-$50 Mr. & Mrs. Gaspard Lafle»!' St· Vincent de Paul Society . $25 Mr. & Mrs. Roland R. Dum~ St. Ann Sodality $20 . Dr; & Mrs. John B. W. Rob~' $.Iii Mr. & Mrs. Paul Forand II ., Jacqueline Hr. " Ma. William ~



Rev. Alfred '''t. Forni


Rosaria Nicolacci


. Catechism Ciasses

St. Vincent .DePaul

Nicholas Scarpitti

Louis .Bono

Benny Diara

,Ghilardi Family

$20 DomenicCataiano, League el .st. Francis of .Assisi $15 Rose Sykes Joseph Bollea,JQsephCastel­ lina, Pantaleone ,Grande,Rocco A. Morra, VinoentVanclni Rose Alves, Aida Balestracc1, ;'Joseph Barbera

XAVIER MOVEM.ENT: This little girl in Bukavu,

Rwanda, carries the guidon of her unit of the XavierMov~­ menta ,Catholic1:,Quth organizstion of 80)000 members m 39 Mrican ,countries. Be;ginning with ordinaI:Y t,echniques of l~lay, spvrl, :singingandg!-mnasti~s, the movement :se~ks to form future leaders by mtroducmgtbem to an. aetIve life of authentic and convinced Christianity. N'C Photo. ST. JOSEi"H '$100 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dionne Mr. & Mrs. 'Herve Coutt'lre

$50 Mr. & lvIrs. Laurier Marcowc Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Janson Marcotte Famille $38 Leblanc Family Mr. & Mrs. LaurierCormiel'

Mr. &·Mrs. Mfred Sylvia, Jro

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Doyon

Dr. & Mrs. Clarence LeBlaM

M:r. & ;Mrs. Omer Grenon Lucille Allain MJr. & Mrs•. Paul J . .Mathiem MX'. & Mrs•.A.Montmin¥

Mr. & Mrs. Henri Gardner Francois Beyer Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Hodson Mr. & Mrs. Normand OstigUW Mr. & Mrs. Maxime Le'BlaiMl

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Leblane Mr. & Mrs. if. Rene Ehuresllll1l MI:. & Mrs. Rene Cormier

MJ:. & Mrs. A. Bertrand '"


MJ:. & Mrs. Roger 'Gagnier Mr.. & Mrs. Hilaire Tremblaj' MI'. & Mrs. NormandiBoutiml

Mr. &Mrs.R.iBessette Mr. & Mrs. 'OvilaLeblaoo Mr. & Mrs.iIsidore VieRS Mr. & MrS.-'Edgar TrudeMl .


Mr. & Mrs. .Normand iP~ Mr. & Mrs..Raymond Rendeal!l Di~lne

Rondeau -

.'$10 1\'11'" & Mrs. Raymond .e~

• • II; Kra. UOA

I!iHik-., ...

& Mrs. Armand Laf4~nd, 'Mr. & .Mrs.MauriceLavalllle, Gardner Family Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Leblanc, Mr. & Mrs. Henri .Leblanc, Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Fortin, Mr. .&Mrs. Armand. Beaulieu,MJrs. Lea Le­ .maire & Sons .Mr. & Mrs..Al.phege, Robitaille, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dupont,. Mr. & Mrs. Mauric:e Robillard


Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Girard

$1'5 Mrs. Edna Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Marchand, Raoul Mathieu, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Souza, Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Carrielr

Mrs.Philias Fortin, Mr. " iMrs. Joseph Leo LErolanc, Anon­ ymous, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Deshaies, Mr. & Mrs. George Pratte

Pauline Ostiguy, :M[r. ,& Mrs. Gordon Barbell', Mr; & Mrs. A.. Farland, Mr. &: ~rs. Alphonse .iPenetler,Mr.& Mrs. Roland Pelletier., .iMr. & Mr5'.. Bernard Burke Mr. &1:' Mrs.lfIanuei ,Mves, Mr. " Mrs. .Luigi i'iaDo. :Mr. & Mrs.

GerarclMarch~ault,!Mr. . &: ,Mao' Maurice 'Lamontagne, Br­ ~'Haehe

Mr. • .Me. BOianIl!l :Fortiq,­ iMr. " Mn. Thomas ~elW'er,' Mr. • JIa.AntoDfll Weeiira,'Mr. & M. . '''lllIMiLapl~'YolJmde








Antone S. Monteiro

$20 Mr.·& Mrs. ArthurN. :Duarte '~ara R?se & family

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rogers . A. Fraga, Henry Gibeau...· Mr. &: Mrs. William 'Car-mo, Mr. & Mrs. ,samuel Barboza St.Martin . De Porres GUild, Antone R. Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin R. Teixeira, .Mr. & Mrs. William B. Stevens, Atty. Alfred ;J.. Gomes ~

Joins 'Faculty MILWAUKEE (NC)~The na­ tion's timekeeper, Willam Mar­ kowitz, 59, retiriJ~g from his post at the '(1. S. Naval ObservatoI'7 ir. Washington, will join the .fac­ ultyofMarquette University here in September and teach ad­ vanced .physics. He will give in­ struction in·precise time and time interval and related mea­ surements.


4.'5:0% 'year a 4.25'% year II




!Bass River 'Savings :Ba'nk '. ·SOUTtIJARMOOTI

.. illEllNIS POll



Ne:w Bed:ford

Story of Negro- Priest in Southern Parish



Rt. Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher $50(),

MD. & Mm, Mark Dufr Mil. &; Mrs'. Een~ Perry $400.


Ikv. James. E. Porter BE. &; Mm., James 'luimJ. Iers. J:etremia11 Col'Jolan Dr. Daniel HlH'FingtoDi Mr. & Mi's~, Laws € o I\olan


Patrick E. Foley $50

Fan River;

ambitious Pl!'eSentatIon a:re Miss Margaret Fl'eteher of St. Mary's, 'Cathe&a:l! parish and MD.


In Memory of Mr. &

The true story of a Negre Jj)riest sent to minister to a' white, Southern parish has lileen set to· the musie <lJfTsehaikB-vsKY'S "Patheti.que" in a dance drama by Mrs. Linus MuH'aIy of Holly Name- parish, Fall, River., Ml"S'. MimJ:aIy said she originally told the. tale &1 tIle priest'S: :reeeptio~ at first Mattle, then gmdgingly accepting, in· short story form. She then east it: mto dMee­ mama. HeF' pmdllletiom will be staged at 3Smrday night" May li$ at St. Am1e~'S &1*1 Assisting Mmr., MODaly in the


Rev: Edward C., Duffy

Rev. Thomas E:. O'Dea,

Robert C. Bancroft 'Mr. &: Mrs. John T. Regan & Family , Mary M. Walsh Mr~ & Mrs. Michael' Crowley Mrs. John Duff Mr. & Mrs: Richard! C Fontaine My. &: Mrs. EdwaI'd Kerwin 'TIle Mahoney ,Family DI'~ William O'Connor Rev. Albert, F. SI!lovelton Mrs.. Wrigbt Bo1ton In A Friend MJr. & Mrs. William Ha:xddeks A Friend . Mr., &: MlTs., Amolu l'ausoDS: Mr., &: Mrs., Francis, 0 .. Quinn Mr. &. MPs. Luke Smith ' $40

Mr. &: Mrs. James L. GibliJl $35

Mr. &: Mrs. Herman Saunden Mr. &; Mrs. James B0Mon ' $IO

Mrs. Carl'. Anderson ' MY. &; Mrs. William Best MI". &5 Mrs.. John Callanan Alma Meehan Mr. &_ Mrs. Romee' Barabe TJ!Ie Com.nelEy F'am.i<ty MJ!~ It Mrs. Arthull' Macedo Mr. &: Mrs.. RaymendJ Smith '$25 Mr. & Mrs. Patlli~k Bakei' John F .. ClaJiH< ' Charles. B. Clavin Mr. & J.\[rs~ Raymond ~ontaine Thomas A ...'lolden Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hummel • John G. Leva Mrs. Mary E. Madden Mr. & Mrs. Edward' Maguire Mr. & Mrs. FJlamci;s Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Rourke Evie Perry Mr. & Mrs. Francis Roach Clifton Sullivan Mr. &: MI.'S. Henry Tavares Margaret T. Walsh ll'=ees Whet2l1l Mary E. Whe~ MI:. & MEs., James A. Worden Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dumont Mr. & Mrs. John C .. Martin Mr. & Mrs. ChaL'les Pa1mer Mr. & Mrs. GeoJlge Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Leo M. Sullivan Agnes Tiernan MI'S. Alexander Whelan' Mr. & Mrs'. Robert Arnett Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Barry Mr. & Mrs Frederick F. Broth­ , erson Helen L. Crlilw.ley Alice T. Domlel'fy DI·. & Mrs. Bywn Ford Mr. & MlTS. WiJiliam l!Ell Mr. & Mrs. Andrew O'Neil In Memory (ill! Timothy J, Mary A., & Agnes G. SuTIivan.

Dr. & Mrs. Edward C. Vogt


Dorothy Baldwin. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Baptiste, Mr. & Mrs. William E. G. Batty Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Britto, Margaret Cairns ~r. & Mrs. El.'nest Chicoilne, Mr: & Ml1s. Ja';,15 Colilins" Janet R. Connelly, Richard Crowe, CaroE DeSouza Nellie Fay, ~"rr. & Mrs. Joseph Harrison, Mr. & Mrs.. Paul T. Iiart, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hayes" Robert Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Louis Hecner, Mr. ,\ Ml'$. Edwa-l'd Kenney, Mf!i. Grace R. La.l1dnel1". Mil". &1: Mrs. Gerald Lewis, Mrs. A:li'ce Lownel"


·,2, 1966

Made' i'nto Dance Ih'"amo by Mrs. Mullaly



The lIurley Family

THE Ai:· Thurs., M.'


MI'. & l\.frs. Matthew McAvoy, Anna' McGurk, Mr. & M~. Ed­ ward Mackay, Mr. & Mrs'. John H. Mahoney, MI". & Mrs: Francis J. Manning Mr~ & Mrs. Sylvester A. Miitcl'1­ ell,MJI. & Mrs.. Jam~ P. Mltillin Jr.,. Mr. & Mrs'. John ·Murpby, Everett J. O'Brien, Elenry 'O'BJiien ' Katherine Oes1rlng.. Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Pina, Mrs. Thoma's Rogc.l1s, Paul Santos, Mr. & MlI'S". J05eJllR Towers Helen Walsb, Sylvester Walsb, Celia White, Mr. & MJrs.' George Williams, Mr. &. Mrs Adam Zycb Anne Dawbel'f M-r. & Mil's. Heruy Frenette,. A Friend, Mr. & Mrs:. ClnarlesGobei], l8Ielen Jarosik Mrs. Julia KennCedy, Minnie McDonald, Katbl:ecro McLaugfl­ 1M;)" MJr. & Mt."S. Robert St. Pierre, MJr. &. Mr~ William Whalen Mary T. Winsper; Leo M. W~r­ del'. MI:. & Mrs. Timothy F. Mc­ Crohan . John M. Quinn $15 Mr. & Mrs. William Barney, Mr. & Mrs'. Louis Boudreau,:Mr. &: Ml:s, James. A. Caw~ey, Joseph J. Ca.wley, WElHam Ca,wTey ME. & Mrs. Eugene ConnoJls" Mr. & Mrs. George Coueia, ME. & Mrs. William DeBem, Mr. & Mrs. James Delano. Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Gioisa A Friend', The KiFbride' Fam­ ily, Mil'S. Margaret A. King; 'Mrs. Margery Kulas, Mr. & Mrs. Ar­ thur Lamoureux Mr. Mrs. Charles Lamoureux, Mr. & l\1'FS. George Leva, Mr. &: Mrs. John J. Mayan. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. l\dazi'arz, Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Michaud . Genevieve Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pacheco, Mr.. & Mrs. Armand Pel'eira, MI. &, Mrs. Ed­ win Perry, MFS. Truman"




Rev. Kenneth J. Delano

$35 'Mr.. '" Mrs. Joseph BoldiJJ(l $30, Mr. & Mrs. John E. Sultiv., ~ MM'Jt· $25 Dr. &; Mrs. Wilfred' ROUBSea.ll >20

Mr. & Mrs. James SullivaJ!l, Mr, & Mrs~ Normand Hebert, Mlr. '" Mrs. Albert Thibeault

Blamcl1e' Hennessey ~ St. ;10­ seph'-s;, both in Fall River~ Dan~.. ers. singews and nanators form - an interfaith group, which bas been reh'eaJrSing: foil' severn)) months at St. Bernard's Hall, Assanet.

Hope. Despair As the drama begi'ns,. a young Neyo priest is journeying to IDS Southern parisb assignment. To· appropriate daI1C'E' I1'1o-ve~ents, the narrator read's:, Train CC!lm'eS speeding clown thes~eeEy Il"oad',. And! hope l"ides m with its head herd high. :Dark man's heart: gives a joy­ 0us. shaut; Man of GOO gives a priestly sigb. . In .sucealssive sections.. -the drama interprets the rfi!action of white parisl'1ion~ to the ,young' priest and his, own feeliiIl:gs: \!)f 'near-despair, relieved last. by i'denti£rcati'on with· the sufferfug-. ChlI'is1L > TIlle, yoang people who wrn, dan~e' and· sing: in the produrlidnJl are from area Catholic and pab-' lie schools. The ·event will bene­ fit the youth council of the Greater FaD J!li.ve1':N'AACP.. Adult. and! miildJnm"s ticket", ..,,<11· be availa~leatthedoor~ .

$500 Rev. Bernard H. Unsworth.

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Emila Cormiew, Michael & Alln Pickup, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Walsh, Mr. It Mrs. Jeaquill! Teixeira. Mr. & Mps. William Cormier, Mr. & M~ Alden Counsell ' , ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA

$500 Rt. Rev. Albert Berube $100 Dawson's Brewery $50 Rev. Gerard Boisvert Rev. Bertrand R. ChaiH>t, $54Ji BeaU'Fegard Family

'MI'. & Mrs. Louis Parem


Orner Tardi


:Rebert Lagasse


Ta-lsop Lee $%5 Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Robitaille Esa Family St. Anthony's Cenfel'enee, ~ ,Rf.. ACK CHRIST: Rehearsing for Sunday night's pro­ Vincent de Paul Society

duction of dance-d'rama "Black Christ" at St. Anne's School Henri Despres '

auditorium, Fall River, are, from left, William Barlow, SS. 0e1ave Pimental

J $U

Peter and Paul parish; Gary Dahlstrom, Our Lady of An.. Mr & MJ'S Edward G. Loranger.' geTs; 0fiver ROhinSttm, Bethel Afrkan Methodist Episcopal Valida Jackson, AntoineUe St. Church~ JOaJl IDgson; St. WiUiam; Laurie Golden, Holy Pierre, Eveline r>ienoche, )lP. & . Name. Abl a:Jre from Fall ·River. Mrs. Ernest Leblane & Sons A:delard Marois, Jeannine Self­ nier, Ernest Bernier, Hem fort. Tripp, Mrs Barbara Gouveia Mr. & MFs. Joseph Ryan, Mr. Bube Mr. & Mrs. R~ne Bachand &. Mrs. Julius :?ottak & Mary, Mr. It Mrs. Annand S. Cow, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Rivet Mary ME. & Mil's. William St. Germain, Pfaffenzella-, "lVrr. & Mrs. Gerard . Germaine Chadwick, Yvonne .& l\. rs. Virgima'Stall'buek, Bernard ,Louis LaF·rance Surpremant; Mr. & Mrs. Har­ StoH $15 rison Francis, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Mr. & Mrs. StephelllJ Stupalski, Wilfrid, Blanchette, Armand Belanger Mr. & Mrs. John F. Su:llivan, Lebrun, Robert Chandlel'. A Mr. & Mrs: Bronislaw Jacki­ Catherine Swcmsey, Mr. & Mrs" Friend; Arthemise Sevigny Ir.0CZ, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Masse Raymond Tschaen Jr:, Mr. & Roger Barthelemy, Hormid~ Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Perry, Mr. Mrs. Thomas: E. Whilttle Boucher, A .Friend, Edmond Co};.. Mr. & MJis~. Robert Desorcy, , & Mrs. Nicholas Nicholas, Mr. & Iins, Alfred Gauthier Mrs. Leo Doyon, Mr. & Mrs. Roberta Dutra, IV!:r. & Mrs. Wil­ .. Norman Hebert, Godeli-ve Wilbur Teves, Mr. & Mrs. Har­ liam.a.. Nelson, Mr & Mrs Alfred Seucy, Blanche Bernier, Noell vey Gould Normandin, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Hebert, Elzear Cormier Norman Singletcn, Mr. & Mrs. J. Quinn Gerard Picard. Andre Cormier. ·MI'". & Mrs. Donald Saulnier, Bernard Tavano. Stephen Kami­ Thaddeus Gwnienny, Mr. & Mrs. onek ' Mrs. Vincent Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Maill01JlX, Mr. & MJlSo GeelOge Silva, Mr. "& Mrs. Ray­ Walter Panek . mond Szu~ik, M. Kathleen Wa}­ ST. THERESA Armand Cormier, Anna P6ir­ dJl"en & RilclIallrd Ward I.ras, Marie Belliveau, Simen 'UOO

MJrS'. MalI'y Jr. R-urabe,. In Mem­ Cemeau, Odina SasseviHe ~ EH'y f)f A. C., P.itul Clark, MI1". & A Friend. a. L.

Adrienne Ca£tonguay Mrs. John M. Clements, Mr. & Joseph E. St. Pierre, Wilfrid $65 MlTS, SUetah~11l Collins Masse, Man:lel Barros. ATheFt Rev. Clement E. Dufour Mr~ & Mrs. William Damos, Paquin, Adelard Poitras ~ Mr. &: MIl'S. Juhn DoWllley, Mrs. Alma Dufour, Antoinette L~- . $35 Everett, L_' EmaY,·Jo!:m E. Fos­ bert & Daughters, Raymond Mr. & Mrs. Emile Dalbec ter, Mr. & Mrs. James lH!amlPSon tJertrand, Gerard Arsenault, Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Motta & 1\[,;3lJlie emer Pigeon MIlS. Inn Hayes &: Edward, $3& 'h;ene Frigault, Marie Louise A Friellldi. Jocm Pa:rli, MJi·. &: Mrs. MI'.' & Mrs. Raoul LeBlanc Ouimette, Mr & Mrs. Osear Vtm:elltt Pete~el!lJ" Helen & Mary A Friend, L. F. Leblanc, Bertha Duquette, Jules Winn, Mr. &. J.VT..rs.. George Young Gagnon ST. IHUAN

$'!OO St. Vincent de Paul Socrety $50 St. KiTian,'s COlJples Club $30 Mr. &. Mrs. Hervey Caron $2.. E.va White ,Holy Name Society Mr. & 1\1'rs.. Thelildore Galipeau $2.~

Mary AugerMr. & :'VII'S. VJ"illiam Mahoney . $17 The Albert Leeming Family

fiG Margaret Pn'uE, Virginia Paul SJ.. Mr. &: M.rrs_ ·~h'1rles Barton, .i...Ew J. Scott, ~j,lr. &. l\bs. BII'ad­ ~


Gerard Goguen, Henry Bmw­ sier, William Fortin, Donat Le­ tendre, Laurent Roy Marcel Spirlet, Paul Cusson, Edward Brennan, Rose BoucbCfj'

Mrs. Cecile Boudreau Mr. & Mrs. Aldege Cote A Friend, R. E. K. A Friend, T. F. Mr. & Mrs. Emile Beauregard

$20 Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Bellefeuille, Mr, & Mrs. George Desrosiers, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Belanger, Mr. & Mrs. George Girard $15 M'r. &. MI's. Norman Belisle, Adelard Giguere, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Belanger, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Fortin, Mr. & Mrs. Georgess Brasseur Mr. &: lViI'S. Alphonse Lemaire, Mr. & Mrs. Mederic: Vigeant, Mr. & Mrs. Donat F. Fortin, Mr. It Mrs. Adrieo Coderre

Mainte ..··-..e Supplies

. SwcEPr;RS - SOAPS DIS''''!="::~T4NTS


DAHr:lL CO.· '886 ptmCHASE SIREEr . N~

w I.



BEDFORD 3-3716 '.'






,.n~r:: ANCHOR-Diocese

offOln River-Thvrs. May 12,1966

New O'edfordl


$SOO Mr, & Mrs. James H. Mahonev




$250 Dr. & Mrs.




, $200

",~r. & Mrs. Jean Webster


Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Livingtone

'k. - A Friend A Friend

$125 · Dr. & Mrs. William Q'DonneD Dr. & Mrs. Robert Small

S100 : Mr. & Mrs. John Dunn Mr. & Mrs. James McHugh : ,Mrs. Edith Smith "Rev. Arthur K. Wingate , Mr. & Mrs. William Conroy' Mr, & Mrs. Paul McCabe Dr, & Mrs. William Muldoon A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Perry Coholan Dr. & Mrs. Wm. Walsh Dr. & Mrs: Stanley Koczera $75 .,.., Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. O'1'fein Mj: ,& Mrs. Maurice Downey Dr. & Mrs. James Bolton $60 Mr. '& Mrs. Daniel F. Dwyer' 'In Memory of Walter E. Col­





Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Smith , $55 Dr. & Mrs. Robert E: Durant

$50 Mrs. John Finni & John J. ~inrii ' '. "Neil C. Fitzgerald Mr: & Mrs. F. 'Harrington, Jolin L. Powell' Mr,. & Mrs. Patrick Davis Gertrude & Mary Gleason Joseph P. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Paul McCawley Dr. James McKenna , Dr. & ,Mrs. George F. Riley In Memory· of . Michaen e. Austin : A Friend Teresa, Ruth, John Harne:v · Mr. & Mrs. William Kearney .,Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Keatin-g Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah' Kelleher Mr. & Mrs. Robert Taber 'The Doherty Family • .A Friend Mr, ,,& 'Mrs. Edward J. Har­ lJington Jr. " Anne & Helen Meade




Mr. & Mrs. Alan j. E:ampbeH John Murphy, " ' A Friend Mr. & Mrs. George McGovern 'Mrs. Mary B. Wheaton ..: . $35 Mr. & Mrs. James Hayden , - 'Mr. '& Mrs. Thomas Long

: A· Friend

~:Ch'aries Phelan



Mrs. Stat:lle~, Giam-,

tRalvo' ,'lI:.he .Misses Hannigan Mr.: & 'Mrs. James M~ Kearney • lVIr. '& Mrs. John Treadup.' .' A Friend , Mrs. William S. Downey , Mr. & Mrs. Edward McIntyre l!/lr.' & Mrs. i\lexander P~illips ~, Mr, & Mrs. James A. Ryan · !1'Ir., & Mrs. Myron. '.fripp - Monica & Constance Zygiet, ~ Mr. & Mrs. August Medeiro$ Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Murphy Mrs. Ambrose Smith & FaIQ,By " ' Mr. & Mrs. William Balderson Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Finni Mr. & Mrs. James Goldrick Mr. & Mrs. Willis Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. Edward ,Ryan $25

Nellie Bedard

, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Beedem Anna Driscoll . Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Bonneau' Br. & Mrs. A. B: Crowe In Memory, of Kathryn A. :rJ)oyle Mrs: Sumner Gersin · Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lopes Dr. & Mrs.•Tames Mahoney ~!~.~ Mrs., M!?er,t Wo~et;Iqr

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Anderson Mrs. Arthur L. Brunelle Elizabeth Callaghan . Mr. & Mrs. Edward € o rmier Mr. & 'Mrs. Alfred Coutu A Friend Mrs. George V. Kelly,& Carole D. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Edward McBride Mr. & Mr!? Thomas Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Paul Vermette Elizabeth B. Cassidy .A Friend '

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Curry

'MI'. & Mrs. Edward J. Duffy Mr. & Mrs. James Gaughan !>- Friend Phillip J ..Kane Loveridge Family Mr. & Mrs. Joseph MacFar.. lane Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Makin William J. O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Richard Saunders ISabelle, Sullivan .f!t.. Friend Dorothy Curry Rita Limerick Mr. & Mrs. James Murphy oIohn N. O'Brien Mr: & Mrs. Elmer Page Mr. & Mrs. John PenniIigton Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sparrow Mr. & Mrs. Paul Saunders· $20 Mr. & Mrs. James Aylward, Teresa Beehan, Mary E: Carroll, Mr. &, Mrs. John Fletcher, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Gonsalves 'The Halloran Family, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harrington, Mr. & M~. Leo Higgins, Elizabeth Kil­ LENDING A HAN~ister' M. Isadore Bollich of the ligrew, Mrs.'Erne~ King , Medical' MiSSIon Sisters; Philadelphia, teaches a. leprosy, Mrs. Frances A. Koch, Mrs. Maurice Lyons, Mr. & MrS. Fran~ patient to make baskets as p~rt of the oceupational therapy 'program .at Kokofu Leprosarium in Ghana,West Africa. eis Mahoney, Elizabeth Wilkin­ ~, Mr. & Mrs. James Mosher, , This year marks, the 10th anniversary of the Medical Mis­ Mr. & Mrs. George Wezniak sion Sisters' work among the leprosy patients ill .Ghana. Anna' M. Brady, Mrs. George' NC Phot<l. '.. Breen, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bru- .

nelle, Mr. & Mrs., Charles Burke ,

'Alice Fennessey D. M';lrphy, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mr.. ~ Mrs. John R. Whalen' Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Guerreiro, Mello, Alice '\1urphy Mrs. Theodore Ambadgis, Mr. ~rs. Catherine Hayes, Marie Mr. & Mrs. Earl Maiming, & Mrs. Christopher J'. Baines, Mahoney, Francis McCarthy, Mr. Dora McCarthy, Mr'- & Mrs. jo~ Mr. & Mrs. Harold Barney, Julia & Mrs. Allen Moriarty E; Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Eric Besse seph McAvoy, M~. & Mrs. Thom­ A Friend, Mrs. Anthony Nunes as -O:;borne; Mr. & Mrs. Leo Mr. & Mrs. George Binette, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Schmaeling Ouellette' Gertrude R. Boyle, Mary Brim­ & Marianne, A Friend, A Friend , Mr. & Mrs. GeQrge Hogers, Mr. ley,' Joseph Burke, Mr.' & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Richard ,Sparrow, & Mrs. William S'ouza, Mr. &: William K. Burke Mrs. Robert Thatcher, Mr. & Mrs Mrs. G. Swansey III, Mr, & Mci. Mr. & Mrs. Camberino Cam~ Robert Tweedie • Robert Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Han- aioni, Francis Carney, Mrs. Hugh Mr. & Mrs. Felix Bruce, Mr. , nibal Sylvia' 'Carney, Alice Cashmali, Mr. & Be Mrs. James F. Dee, Mr. & Mrs. ... Lilli,an Tablas, Joseph R. Taffe Mrs. John Chas{~ ~rmand Demanche, Mrs. James

Jr." Mrs. Hannah Reilly, Mr. Be Mr. &: Mrs. 'John Conlon, Depiro, Angela Hayes

Frances Connolly; Anne Curry, Helen C. McCarthy, Kathryn Mrs. Donald VanCleft, Mr. & Mrs~ Andrew Doyle,' :Elizabeth T. McCarthy, Joseph F. Mullen, Mrs. Lawrence Weaver Mr. & Mrs. John Whalen, Mrs: Foster Mr. & Mrs. William Murray Stephen Wong, A Friend; A' Mrs. Leo Gallagher" Mr. & Elizabeth F •. O'Brien ' Helen O'Brien, Mary T. 0'­ Friend Mrs. Albert Gamba, Edward !Jrien, Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bedard, Mr Geneste, Mr. & Mrs. John' ·F. Mary &' Eleanor Sullivan Mar- & Mrs. John Boyle, Mrs. George Goggin, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Har­ tin Butler : ' CrOl';in, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond wood Mr. & Mrs. John· Harney, Mr. Cunha,. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. C. Davis Mr. & Mrs. " Wm. Hayes & & Mrs. Karl Halversen, Mr. & ,'Mr. .& Mrs. Edward J. Delisle, Family, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Mrs. William H. King, Mr. & Mrs. John Donnelly, Mrs. Eliza­ Heuberger, Mr.' & Mrs. ,Ambrose , Mrs. Karsten Kristiansen, Mr. '& , beth, Dooley, William Doyle, Hogan, Ida & Louise Hoye, Mr. M~s. Peter Lemos & Kathleen & Mrs. Raymond Hunt James Durant, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mitchell Mr. -& Mrs. William Hughes, Mr, & Mrs. John W. Durant. Mr. & Mrs. Cyril o"Leary, Mr. & MrS. William Reed, Mrs, Helen Mr. & Mrs. William Fortier, Mr.. A Friend, Mr. -& Mrs. Arthur Kennedy, ,Mr. & Mrs. Francis & Mrs. Tobey Gasper, Mr. & SUllivan, Mr. & Mrs,' Aslak To­ biassen, Mrs. Josephine 'Whelan Mrs. Ow!'!n Hackett, ~ward J. L,eBoeuf, Mr. & Mrs. Paul i.estage . Harrinl~ton ' & Ann ' Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hayes, Mr. John Luby, ~Iaurice Mahon, $18 & Mrs. DiilphaLavallee, Mr. & Mrs. Margaret Mahoney, Mr. & Mr. &' Mrs. John. Kling Mrs. Robert Lawrence, A Friend, Mrs. James M~mriirig, Jennie Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Mahoney McAuley $16 Mr'-& Mrs. Joseph Martin, Mr. M,r. & Mrs. William K. Me­ Mrs. Florence Brower & Mrs. joseph T. McCawley, Donald, Mrs. Joseph McDonnell, Th~ Mc£ulloughs, Mary McCus­ , $15 Mr., & Mrs. Emil Monfils, Paul­ ker, A Friend Mr. & Mrs. James Anderson, . A Friend, Helen E. McGrath, ine & Grace Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Frances Burke, Mr; & Mrs. Mrs. Robert McIntyre, Mr. & Mrs Wilfred Peckham Henry Bishop, Mr. & Mrs. Ray­ mond, Bolton, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Jas. McQuade Sr., Mrs. Everett Mills l!N---"~'##""''''''~_ eassavant

Helen Moore, Amos Morri~, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Cote, Ger­ trude Cuttle, The Misses Gould~ James l~. Murray, Mr. & Mrs. ing. Mr. '& Mrs. Timothy Dris~ John M Newby, Veronica O'Brien eo1l, Mr. & Mrs. John Greulich Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Oliver, Mr. Aluminum or Steel ' Dr. & Mrs. Norman Gamache, & Mrs. James Pallatroni, Mr. & 944 County Street Mr. & Mrs. Emile Genest, Tim­ ,IMrs. Thomas Parker Jr., Mr. & NIEW BEDFORD, MASS. othy Gleason, Mrs. Gladys· V. Mrs. John W. Porte, Mr. & Mrs. WY 2·6618 Hawes, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Richard Rogers •

Hamer '

Clayton Russell, l.\'Ir. & Mrs. ,Mr. & Mrs. Harold Holmes Leo Shea, Albert Smith, Clara Eleanor Jennings, Mrs. Anthony; Smith, Mr .& Mrs Norman Sylvia S. King, Mr. & Mrs. Richard William H. Taylor, Mr. & Mrs., Manning, Mrs,. Raymond Markey, William Mosler, Mr. &, Mrs. Victor Turpin, Mr. & Mrs. Ber­ Jq~~p!:\MuQdQrf, Mrs., Edward nard Viens, Mrs. Frank Wa~




.... at lJfr8. ~Ph Pierce, • • ' Maude 'Powei', 'AntiloDr Patio, Mr. & MrS. James tt. Qukm, Mr. & Mrs. George Bb,oads ' " Mrs. Annie Roderick, Mr. &: Mi's. Edmund Santos Mr. & MrS. Oswald Senesac, Mr.' & ,Mrs. Robert Shea, Mr; '" E. ,



.. Joseph Theodore, 'Mr. & ~rs. BtlWard Tynan, Mr. & Mrs. Mer.. ton Walker, Mr.. & MrS. Arthur Walker, Mr. & 'Mrs. ArthUr Waish, Mary Agnes White Mr. & Mrs. 1i:rnest Balboni, Mr. &: :Mrs. William Barter, Mr. &: Mrs. Albert Broadland, Nich~ olas Butler, Patricia A. Calnllll Edward Clark, Mrs. T. Wm. Ciynes, Mary Coholan, Mrs. Mar­ garet Crowley, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Curry Mrs. James Doyle, Eileen Dris­ eoll, George Egan, :Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Folger, Francis Gillan Mr. &; Mrs. Hugh Gillis, Grace Gonsalves; Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gosselin, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gosselin, Mrs. Charles Harring~


Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Harring~ ton, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hinkley Susan Kane, Mr. & Mrs. C5:harles King, Mr. & Mrs. Paul LaForrest 'Mr. & Mrs. John Lally, In Memory of James Richard Lan~ gis, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Langlois, Paul LeBoeuf, Alice & Lillian Livesay Mr. & Mrs. Edward Manley~ Mr. & Mrs. Roy Mason, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Morris, A Friend, A Friend Mrs. Hazel McCrohan, Mildred &; Mary McKenna, Mr. & MrS. Wm., McMahon, Mr. &: MrS. ~nald McMullen ' , Edward O'Brien, Mr. &; Mrs. Arthur Pederson, Ronald Perri. Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph Peters, Mr. &; Mrs. Richard Porter, B~ mary Porter Raymond. Potter, lIfr.. &; Mrs. Phillip PrOctor, Mr; &; Mrs. I Henry Quinn, Mr.' &; Mrs. Thomas W, Rossi, Mr. &; Mrs.' Pau.l R. RoUsseau ' Mr~ & Mrs. Thomas Ryan, Mr. &; Mrs. Sigbjorn Roynestad, :Mr. & Mrs. August Santos, Mrs. Katherine Sherman, Amanda Sherman Mr. &; Mrs. Glenwood Wilbur, Mrs. Robert A. Wilson ' SACRED HEART

$25. Rev. Henry R. Canuel

$100 Rev. Lucien o!usseaume $.3'5 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred L. Bouchanl $30 Mr. & Mrs. Jules Lamothe $20 Mr. & Mrs. Jean R. Plante Gerald LaFrance Mr. & Mrs. Roland Roberts


Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Slight " Atty. & Mrs. Raymond Letour­ nell'll




'for Bristol County

Bristol County

Trust Co",:,pany,

tAUNTON, MASS. ilHIE BANK ON 'lTAlJINTON GREEN Membell' of Federal DepoSB ' Inslllll'lllnCe Corporation


Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gagnon, Mr..& Mrs. Georg~ Gagnon, Mr. '.' 8T. JlOlBIN !!'lliIE BAPTIST.· ",' . & Mrs. Armand Gauthier, Mr. & Mrs. Aime Goyette, Anne . :' T: ; I .' " $100 Guilmette In ~emory of j,VIan.1JeIJ. S'oares · Mr. & Mrs. Orner Martineau, Mr. & Mrs. John McGuill, Mr. & $75 ... , Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Martin Mrs. John Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Perry, Norman Perry $60 Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse St. Pierre, Dr. & Mrs, ~homas E .. ~ipoli Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Vidal A Parishioner $50 Mr. & Mrs. John Farrell Dr. & Mrs. Manuel DeMello ST. JOSJEJPlliI

Mr. & Mrs. John Gracia $150

The Hon. George P. Ponte Judge Beatrice H. Mullaney

St. John Couples Club .


$iOO , Rev. Reginald M. Barrette Mr. & Mrs. Romain Saulnien>



Dr. Louis Kroger


Harry Sears & Family

$30 $25 ,


$20 Mr. & Mrs. George Alexander, Mr. &. Mrs. ~ohn R. Furtado Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Frank Jason Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Walter Oliver, Frank Santos Mr. & Mrs. Frank Souza, Mr. & Mrs. John C. Souza

$15 Alda Alves, Mr. & Mrs. Gil Amaral, Mr. & Mrs,' Gerald Branchaud, Dr. & Mrs. ·Antonio M. deCastro, Mr. & Mrs. Donale,. Collet . , . Mr. & Mrs. Edward Costa,' Mrs Victorlna'Cotnoir, .Mr. "&' 'Mrs'.' Leslie -Evari'gelho; '01'.:& .Mt~. Norbert V. Perry;'.Marion Freitas St. John'· Ladies Guild, MI'.· & Mrs. Norman Lepire, ,Mr. & ·Mrs. Celestino D. Macedo, Dr. & Mrs. Michael Norton· III; Mr. &·Mrs. Joseph O. Silva, Mr. & ..Mrs. Mathew Squza . .' . ~

Fan rlive', '··ST.Lo'·UlS:·' . :-. .

... ".$50 . ..i"· .,:.


Joseph Reilly

Atty. & Mrs. Joseph Ferreira

. ;~.

Louis: Women's: Guild ,. .. :. ". '""..... $40·,.. '.' '. ", ., ..,In MemoI:'.y, of'.:Mr.. ,.& . Mrs. Thomas J. Conroy· ...... ·· ..·· ", .. " ',' ,;, ,,\ .. $~~ . l:~'_':: I.~.,~ . James Whaiq.n.. '."" . . . ..'. Mrs. Marion Murphy

.' ,:.

Hilda Myles ,,": . ,$1.5 . • ... Margaret Ken 0 e " Evelyn Creigh, George' Crosson, Thomas Donnelly, Margaret' Kehoe . Douglas Leeman, Henry Lopes, Manuel Pascoal, Mrs. John Par­ tridge, Robert White, John Whitty Clarence Mal<l:ne, Thomas St. Michel, Wilfred St. Michael ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST $500 .' Rt. Rev. Henri A. Hamel

$50 Rev. Thomas E. Morrissey Mr. & Mrs. Jean Dernen $30" Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fran-: ~ur

$25 A Parishioner . Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Berube Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Caron ~ Mr. & Mrs: E.rnest Gagnon & "amily . : Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Larue · Francis Lauzon : L'uDion St. Jean. Baptiste; d'Amerique, Conseil Ste. Rita Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Parker

$20 · Mr. & Mrs. Albert Dufresne, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gauthier, Antoinette Michaud, Mr. & Mrs. Philias Ouellette & Family, Pa­ rishi<?,ners, Mr. & Mrs. Ovide Talbot & Pauline ' Albert W. Ouellette $16 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Marchand $15 · Mr. &; Mrs. George Campeau, Mr. &; Mrs. Manuel Correa, Henri Demers, Jeanne Demers,. Mr. &; Mrs. Arthur Desbiens

In Memory of John F. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Frank Silvia Katherine Sl:llivan Mrs. Raymond Williams


$25 .

Mary: Cullen, Mrs. Mary M. Sherman


MEMORY BOOK STAFF: Memory book. staff mem­ bers at St. Anthony High, New Bedfor<L are, from left, · Joyce Desautels; Ronald Gobeil, editor ; and·Susan Bochichio.

Elizabeth &' Catherine Catroll, $20 · Horace J. Travassos, James McCann Fatnily, Mr. & Mrs.R~f­ Ryan, .Mr... & Mrs. William Don- ino Furtado', 'Mr. & Mrs. James $100'

· nelly, Mr.': & 'Mrs. Joseph Biszko Fitzgerald, ,:r4r.. & Mrs.. Mariuei Sears . ,'... . ".,. i Rev..Evaristo Tavares. "

, Mr:'&" Mrs. Henry Buckley, Rev. Joseph Oliveira

Mr. & M~I1.H:eni:YUrban,:Mrs. · ·John·. Hopkins; In Memory of ···St. Vincent de 'Pa~f Society

Alton W:'King, Mr. & 'Mr~: ";", " . $50 '.' . " . ;" i/ .Ja~l:ls Ho~g~ns Jpseph ~iyn~, . ~dward. Sullivan, In MemOry MiChael Holy Name' Society of 'Mr. & Mrs.-LoUili A.,Shea Sr., Margaretitletcher, Mr., .&. JIiI'rs;

·Manuel Rezendes .. ' · Mr. '&: Mrs: Michael McCarthy, Alfred DePipPo Alfred Rocha Mr. & Mrs. William ''R:vs, EdSS. PETER AND PAUL'''' Lucinda Paiva ward Healey . . :,

August Surt .Mr. & Mrs. Clarence 1.. Harney $100 . .. . $20 Mr. & Mrs~ John ,Morgan Jr•. , .St. Vincent de ·,Paul Society. · Manuel Correiro;" Mary' S.



Freitas, Manuel Reis'Jr.· ", $15' . , Mary T. CarValho; James' King Joseph Rego, Louis."Alexander, John'.B<>rges· ,,' '. ", . .. Joseph . Ferreira;. Joseph Fon_ seca ... ; ,.. , ,.. "" . ,.::




$25 '.,. ..... '. ..: Donald' Charles Auger '.. ,.,;

. . i....





.."David Allsop, K "Rita' CO\lrlis, .oliva' Laprise, Leonard .Nicolan



Rev. John E. BoYd $100 . Rev. Raymond W ...McCarthY $90 . ,Rev. Adalbert A. Szklanny $'15 Rev. James P. Dalzell



Mrs. John A. Coady & family $50 Mr. & Mrs. John Blake In Memory of Mr.·. 1IIn. George V. Broderick Mr. &; Mrs. Charles VeloZa Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Scully' , $40 .. Joseph M. MorriSon

$30 Sheila Higgins .', In Memory of Thomas. H. & ~arah E .. Spelh:nan . · . $Z5 Mrs. Loretta O'Connor Mr. & Mrs.' Thomas Harkin' : Mr. & Mrs. John Bevilacqua Daniel McCarthy Jr.· Mr. & Mrs. Walter Burns Jr. Geraldine .Harrington In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Mi­ chael J. Foran Mary Nc;>on Dr. & Mrs. nilary White Julia Sweeney & family Rico DeNadel Mr. & Mrs. Roger Legault In Memory of James E; Shea Mildred Sullivan . Patricia Leary Mr. & Mrs. John Souza Mary E. Kilroy Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Leary Mr. & Mrs. Martin Delahanty Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DelzeDeJ'O


A Friend


· Joseph Cayton $15 Napoleon Goulet, Mrs. 'Anne Powers & Frank MontIe, Mr. & Mrs.. John McGovern, Donald McGovern, John'Gray ..


$32 . P. T. Crispo Family $20· Donat Ferron, Mr. & Mrs. Nor· mand Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Alex: Vezina $15 .. ' Mi'. & Mrs: Henri Berube, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Giroux, Irene Levasseur, Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Levasseaur, Mrs. Abraham Nil1­ mail " Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Soa'res, Mr. & Mrs. aoger Valcourt, ~ & ·:M~s. William Wright

Rev. James W. Clark

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas.P. Barry Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H.·Ferreira John F. Gracia A Friend Dr. & Mrs. Albert S. Luiz Mr. & Mrs. Richard Perry Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rezendes Mr. & Mrs. Antone L. Silva


& Mrs. Antonio Coutu Mr. & Mrs. Isidore Lapre



. " $20··

$160. Anonymous

Mrs. John L. Clemmey Mr. & Mrs. James McGuire

Mr. & Mrs. Manuel J. Souza & Mary


. ST. lIU]lIOlHI


. ;'.:"""




, ,'.

-1I0HJNV 3Hl

ihurs., May 12, 1966

$16" · Mr: '& Mrs: Edward, HaPonlk •

. , . : ~.

., ' j



Mr. & Mrs. William Wo]owiefl Mary Kudlacik : Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kocon"




Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pietraszek Mr. & Mrs. Peter Pietraszek,Mr. &, . Mrs. Edwip Kosinski, Fred-­ erick KUdlacik, Anonymous . i ~.Friend, Mr. & Mrs.Tho~. O'Neil, A Friepd, Mr. & Mrs. ;fp,seph Amaral, Walter PQ)ak" Mr. & Mrs. Thad~eus Chrupcala , ,., ST. WILLIAM .,,'



Rt. Rev. Raymond T. Consi­ dine' ~t . II). $50··: "

St. "'William's Wonlen's GulM John Connelly""

$45 '

.', . $25 Sullivan Motor SllIes,lne. "":: $10' • !:'.. . ·$20: ..· .. · ' .' · Dailiel, Helen .C.. S .. &.¢~th,. Charles R. Sullivan erin~ A. LYric~' ". .'" " ' , ...1.,. . Mr. & Mrs. Franklin,· Manni,.. :, , . ';"'$50 ,,, "j" $15' ':,' '.' " , ,""Margaret, Co'iJ~t:intine' .., ". Mrs: William Mos's,'Mr; & :Mrs ~ l'i Va-nort Hedger, Mr.':&:' Mi-s. He"': " ' . ,..,.'$25 .. :" ry'Siihtos, Mrs. HowardWoftb­ Mr. & Mrs. Fred R: DolaR":, ingtoVi; . Mr. '& Mrs.~ And1~.., · <¥a~g;;lret Dunlea " ·11 Harney . . ,"; .peter Gar,ity: ~~. & Mrs. Josep~i"Medei~~ ;William,,'R. ,.Harg·~raves "Jrl" ." Ml': & Mrs. 'Edward B'reault; 'Mr• Mr. & Mrs, .William Patten"" & Mrs. Daniel Caryalho,' Mr;''A .. ,Dr. & Mrs.·Edward T. Shannon Mr. & Mr.s. Francis C. Taylor' Mrs. Joseph Burns;' Mrs. Pa't'iick Halpin, Mr. &: .. Mrs. Raymonlil · The Sweeney· Family . t, Fisette . . I'. Mr. & Mrs. ,Frank Sullivan"" Th'e 'Boodry' Family'

Mr. & Mrs. Americo' Gazzero, Cai"olyn Duperre, Mr. & Mrs. 1I:oward Duperre, Mi.. &. 'MrS. Ge'6rge Botelho, Mr; & Mrs. LOuis Chasse '. ., Mr. & Mrs. Edmund' C<iliill, Mr~" & .Mrs; Raymond Thibault, Mr.'·& Mrs. Horace .Travassos, Mr. & Mrs. George Bishop Jt., Mr, & Mrs. Alft-ed Danis' & J03'11 ·Mr. & Mrs. T1}eodore 'Blouin,' Margaret· .Parker, Anne &. Pa­ tricia Hughes, Mr. & Mrs. ,Joseph $20 · Drobyski, In Memory of Ray­ William & Mary E. Daley, mond T. McCann Mr, & Mrs. Edward Glynn, Ed­ Mary Harringt~n, Ann Thraves ward Murphy Mr. & Mrs. William Haley, Mr.

Mr. & Mrs. James Cox & Mrs. Joseph Murray, MI'. & · Winifr~d Hasprey

Mrs. Charles Fennelly $15 Leonard . Bolger,J~seph Cor­ Patricia' Carey, Mr. & ~. reira, Mr. & Mrs. James Mc­ Closkey, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Louis Cyr,John Dolan, Mrs John W. Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. Shaun Ribeiro, Margaret· Donnelly Fitzpatrick . .. · Mary M.. Rougier, Mr. & MrS. · Mr. & Mrs.' William Lomax Julius Rackowski & familY,Mr. Mrs. Thomas McNally, Mr:' & Mrs. William Pizio & family, Mrs. George Moniz, Anne' M. James' Pollard, Mr. & Mrs. Murray, Mr. & Mrs. James Par­ George Biltcliffe ker . ·Today science olreI'll a p1'ouen way UIIIIl' . 'John E. O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. (l) helps keep your dentures from Mrs. Georgia Silvia, M~ & 'Mrs lllng'Or dropping; (2) keeps clentu... John Ferus, Mr. & Mrs. :John James Sunderland, Mr. & Mrs. moa· \lOIDfonable; and (3) makee. • .Lyden, Jeffrey P. Burns, Mr, & John WildiQg" Mr. & Mrs.. Ed­ easier to eat and chew with yOUl' , . . . teeth. The one' d1seoverj that doeS··o. Mrs.' Ariail Martini· ward Walsh a IB''''ASTEETH Powder. FASTEB'J'II ·In Memory of William J Ma­ helps hold teeth In place. You can Il\ld Helen Foster,' Teresa Foster, or' epeaJr without embarrassment.· . . loney, Mr. & Mrs.· William Mr. & Mrs. ·Leopold Giroux, Mr. ouahlons tender gums. Checks dentUN McHugh, . Mr. & Mrs. Edmund br~~. Get FAS~Powderat ~ & Mrs..·John Lawlor, Constance eountenl everywhere. . P~rrault, Mrs. Anne Herbst Lynch, Eleanor. McKane ... ' Mr. & Mrs. Everett Letendre,

Mr. & Mrs. Alban Couture, Mr.

'& Mrs. Joseph Paquin, Mr. &

Mrs. Raymond Lavoie

William Bruneau, Mrs. Ja~eS

Coyle, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Murray,

· Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marier, Mr. & Mrs. Albert· Lewis . Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gauthier, at Helen . Sullivan, Mr. .& Mrs. Ralph Fletcher, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ ward Baldwin, Joseph Harring­ ton . Abbie Kilroy, Mr. & Mrs Man­ uel Lima, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph 115 WILLIAM ST. NEW~EDFORD, MASS., Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. John Mar­ shall, Mr. & Mrs. Henry 114081 ,,_:.-



. . . ;"

.. '


Now••• helps solve

denture wearers'

3biggest problems



With' Safety"



The Parish.. Parade M. JOSEPH, UALL RIVER . , The Women's Guild ~i~ meet Dt 8'tonight. ' The Men's Club 'annoimces' a Communion breakfast. for Sun­ "'ay, May 22. CYO Juniors will sponsor a elance in the parish' from !J~15 to 10 tomorrow night. ·-An auction will be held Satur­ (iay; May 21 and parishioners niay bring donations to· the oChool at any time, with the ex­ ~ption of large articles, which shoUld 'be brought only a few· Illays before the event. '


HOLY,NAME, FAILL RIVER. CCD executive board . will meet tomorrow, night at the 8chool at 7 o'clock. ,,' 'An altar boys 'training class will be held at 2:45 this after­ noon in the church. · It is announced that the 8:30 -Mass'Sunday mornings will be 'considered a family Mass' .as' weill' as the .children's·. Mass. ' Children attending with' their families are requested to sit with them instead of in the children's section. mn.A'Il'llON G1UJrJLD. NORTl8I EAsTiBrAM ' . ! " · Members' will hold a social. at the'home of Mrs. joim.C<mnors, Ca~p Ground Rdad, ~ tOini)\:~ ~~ n!g~.t: . '. ' " . ' . .' .


8'lr. GIEORGE, WESTPORT , . The Women's Guild will spon­ sot a Maybasket'whist at 8 Sat­ urday night, May 14' in the achool hall, Route·I77. Proceeds . will benefit the school fund and door prizes and :Maybaskets will be awarded. Mrs. J. Roger For­ est is chairman. The· unit's reg­ ular meeting will be held in the school hall M~nday evenin~,' May' 16, following Benediction in· the church at 7:30. ,.:



Fall River


Thurs.,.,May 12; 1966

. BOLY aoBAa!'- .



.., .• '-ZoOl.>



., .

Cleaning CompaDi' .

$150 Dr. & Mrs. Richard Donovaa . $125

MIl W. Varanese

J)r. & Mrs. John C. Corrigan .

Holy Rosarj St. Vincent ...



$100 '. Dr. & Mrs. James Sullivan






Mrs. Ernest J. D'Am.

flG .

JIIr. & Mrs.' RaYmond . . McGuire'

Mr. & Mrs. John Conforti : ·Mr. & Mrs.' Domenic DiCarlo Mr. & Mrs. Albert D'Am­ brosio, The pePaola Family, Mr. & Mrs. P.A. Emile' DiJrand, The Furgiuele, Family, Mr•. & ·Mrs. .James Healy , ". 'Mr. & Mrs. Carl Mello, Mr. 8t Mrs; WilliamE:. Pacheco'




f%5 Mr• • Mrs. Frank MazzoDi ' _ • ~O

Ml'. & Mrs. Thomas Marcueal

Mr. & Mrs. Wm. E. Crowther Harold Higgins . Dr. & Mrs. Paul Dunn

Dr. & .Mrs. John Carvalho Dr. & Mrs. John Dunn in Memol'7 'of Raymond V. 'l'albot' . . $60 Dr. &. Mrs. Walter Conrad

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Heaney Dr. & Mrs. Francis James Mr. & Mrs. HeI1ry F. Shea' Mrs. Anthony Keramis In Memol'7 of Mrs. Louise B. Crowley' The McDonald Family Mr. & Mrs. Gustave Mattos Helen Shay In Memory of John & Mar;' garet McDermott , $35 Brissette Family Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas MitcheD , .. $30' Mary J: Higgins & Hannah C. Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Herve Bernier · Mr, & .Mrs.·Robert Nagle Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Savard: $25 , Mrs. John j.,. Partridge Mr. & Mrs. James B. Kelley Jr. . ..., · Mr. & Mrs. Michael Foley ~. Mrs. Mar,gar.,t .., P. Kel.leher' '. ,M. Cecelia Sheahan . ' . Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Hurst ; Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Griffin Dr. & Mrs., Carroll G,ettings ' Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mahoney Mr. & Mrs Thomas K. BrindleY Hectqr Mongeau Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Sullivllll Mildred V. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Fitzgerald Katherine A. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dunn · Mrs. Joseph LaCroix Mr. & Mrs. George Flanagan Gertrude & Alice Lynch Mrs. James E.& Grace M. Sullivan Dorothy C. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. J. Burke Shay Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan I $20'


VOLUNTEER ASSOCIATION: Among the founders of the W.V.A., lay missionary group ,wftli headquarters in 'Washington, D.C., was Miss Patricia Donahue, who was as­ signed to Virika Mission Hospital in tlie diocese' of Fort Portal, Uganda. Since the picture' was~ taken, she 'has mar­ ried Lynn V. Marshall and moved to Tanzania where her .husband . is with Catho~i,c .Relief Services-N:.C.W~C. NC Photo. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh F. Reilly, 'Ur" & Mrs. Robert Matthews, Marcella Regan, Mr. & Mrs. WilHam King" Mr. & Mrs. ArmeI AUdet, .Hilda Phillips Mr. & Mrs;. Arthur Sullivan; Ruth & Louise Walsh, Kathryn F .. Po,wer, Emma McDermott, Mona JYI. Shea Mar,Y' Smyth, Vincent FitzgeraId, Mr. & Mrs. John Cruger, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gallagher Johl1l A. Reder, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Greeley, Mr. & Mrs. Jose S:ilva, Mr. & Mrs. JameS K • Marum,. Mary' A. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hanley &,; Jane, Mr. & Mrs. P. Henry Desmond, Lawrence Henry ST. MARY $100 Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Sullivan $50 EmeBt Kilroy Rose Dowling Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Coyle

ESPIlRllTO SAN'I'O . $250 Rev. Joao V. ResendEis $lI.5 Mr. & Mrs. George Candido IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ~ $750 Rt. Rev. Arthur W. '1'ansey . $125 William J. Dugan

$100 Rev. Paul G. Connolly Immaculate Concept:ion St. Vincent de PauX Society / $50 Iinmaculate Conception Wom­ en's Guild $311) . Leo Bums $25

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph HodeIic.k C . Mrs. atherme Brahy John C. BurgeBs Everett Lafleur

OUR LADY OF.',.BEALTQ' .:~, . l75,' . ":,,, :Rev. Arthur T. de Mello $30. , Manuel Mello .. A, Friend $20 · FranCisco C. Silvia· '. M~nuel li'reitas $15 . Joseph, San:tQ~, Francisco J. P.acheco,Josf;lPh, Almeida, Geo~ gianna Rego, Antonio Pereira,. '. .Helena "ereira, John F. Mello. Evangeline L.. Caudell, EugeOet :N.. ;Byron, Norman~Dextradeul"..... Florinda Figueira, ,A,lfred Go.n~ salves,. Joseph PrencIa, Maxin;linB Oliveira, Joseph Viei.ra .' ' NOTRE ,DAME,. .' l. ~, .. :.j . $50 Dr. AdeJard ·Demers. ,I,;



Ppuliot-Frascatore ·Farqily. I $20 Ferdinand Francoeur · Roger Caron ' · . $15 , Joseph Lemieux, Helena Chace, Amelia Menard, Edward Quina Jr., Paul Dumais . Gabriel Thiboutot, Lionel Guimond OUR LADY OF THE ANGEUj' . $25 St. Vincent de Paul $20

James Ventur;i Family

$15, Raymond Paiva Joseph Machado, Frank PeJb r.y Jr.

.Mrs. Arthur Wills, chairman of ways and means; has anMary & Helen O'Neil, Mr. & Kiounced that the' Spring rum- Mrs. Edward B. Downs, Mr. &' $20 · . Mrs. .::. F.Leonard, Ernest Floyd $30 In.Memory of Frank & Susan mage sale will be conducted on Mr. &, Mrs. Arthur'Lavoie, James Th' omas K enne d y & M argaret D I M & M rs. John Long ePao a, r. ST. ANTHONY Satt.lrday, May 14, at St. Mar'" J. Higgins Th e l",aI vey ' F ami'1 y M rs. FI orence' P'l ment a I & H erOF THE DESERT garet's School Hall .from 10 in George .W. Rigby, 'Thaddeus In Memory of John S. & Alice' bert Pimental $100 . the morning to 1 in the iUter- Gol' .z, Mr. & Mrs. Frank King- V : M orlln M r. & M rs. J ames G'l'l t 1 ,e Dr. & Mrs. James J. Sabra. noon.. Articles may be left at the sley, Mary H u r l e y . I M f Pt· k lor $25 . n emory 0 a nc ~ayes hall' this morning and, Friday . S t os $15 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stanton Mr. &: Mrs. John R. McGinn .M r. & M rs..J oseph .s.n 1D0rning. · Mrs. Peter George & Daughtelll Other events scheduled are a Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dion $20 ,,$18. . Mrs. Noel Giard . Frederick 'Haggerty, Eugene. Mr. & M,rs. Frank J.' Mellen' :Mrs. Elias Swidey & Sons public whist party on Saturday , night, May 28, at 8.in the school Elinor &.Alice Lenaghan; Mr. Bertrand, Mr. & Mrs: Jeremiah" .' $15. . .,., hall, and a food sale to be held & Mrs. ROmeo McCallum, Mr. & ; Lowney, Mrs. James, A. O'Brien James Bentley, Joseph·Benev­ en Sunday, June 12, following Mrs. Herman Mello, Mr. & Mrs.. Sr ~ William, The Sullivan Fam- ides, Ramona Brilhante, ·Mr. &: the Masses. . William· Aylward, Margaret H ....... · iIY.· . Mrs. Theodore .Cabral, George · June' events are. election of Powers,'· . Helen Kenney, Mr.· & Mrs. Charbonneau . .ulcers and chairmen's reportS ' $15 .' .An.t(>I~io Tav~res. ~arY. Murphy . Albert Ga~on, Loui~ Gaspar, 'HREE WAYS TO .. Wednesday, June 1; 'at Mr. &. Mrs., Dennis Griffin, Mr. • .. $15 GeorgeS. Gaspar" Joh~· qaspar;' ".', SAVE... ALL ~g1,llarlneeting;aIinual bimq~et'. ·&·Mrs. 'James Owen,' ADria .Mae ·Matth,ew Kilroy,· Raymc;md Mr.:& Mrs.. John Hinchcliffe . . ·WI•• INSURED' PROnOION, . ., and installation of· officer/Von Owen,·Mr.' .& ,Mrs. Norman J .. ' Kilroy,. Arm' Standish, ¥r. & Mrs', George 'Janson,Arina Long, . Oilf......iningd :Wednesday night; June 8, unde~ ~oy, 'Nancy Carroll ' Fral1~is· ManciI).l,HeleI! Burns Mrs. Ca~herine Mc.'C,ann, .:Sa~1!el ~ Iny.:\~t.e::~·nt~·, the' chairmanship 'of Mrs;Wil- ,Mr;&,Mrs.,Alfred Dtibe, Mrs.· ·M,:r,. & Mrs. EdwardS.. Simard, ·I',ull~n,.~dwardRil~y', '.' i ' : 10 iiani Brady. . . . Honora Sullivan Catherine' A :;Donald Simmons, Francis Stone,·_,.Lawrenc¢,Talbot,.Mrs.l~leanor.·) Saving.' .

. 'Plans are' now 'being forniu":' Lysaght, 'Mary Lysaght, 'Mario; . Mrs: La~wrence .Kid.d. '.' ""'.. ' T~~uan,.Ft:ancisco ,;ravareS; Mr., ~='f:.:~:itr~ :.,

!ated for the Penny Sale planned . L. Torphy " ,;' ,.' . .' Mr. & Mrs Robert. Mitchell" & Mrs... Peter. Wah~ . 80'NUS SA

io,r Thursday, July 7. . ·Mr. ~ Mrs. 'Frederick ~rasky ,Mr." & Mrs. ·Joseph. (p'Connell:.: .' J~eph '..Francoeur:. JOM ',R; San I filed·am!M'~~.: .. '

. '.. . Madeline,. L.' Casey, . Mary.C. ' Joseph, McG.radY; .S.l(ra,h 'Booth,' . Gettmgs,' Grace ~mdle, Mrs. eaclllloalll to ~ III to 1% 11IIII .

lIS. PETER AND PAUL, Casey,,·Mrs~. Rao~l T .. Gagnon,' . Mr. &.':M:rs. j'a'trick'Murphy' L.~wJ,'ence. M;cCorm~ck.& Carol, lIaaIlllle rate ~ regal.. IIIiap. .

WALL RI.VER ' Mrs'. Catherine Hoefling , . . .M '& M" J hV";' Mar Mrs: Hector; Savoie'· .....; Qm1lfl1U8 R~l ,rs.. 0 ,n ... Ir:-~~ ." . I>qininick,Sperd~ti;'Jane J i ; ; " '..,-01 Regula,' The ConfraternIty' of' Chris-: ". ~ar~ ,I.ey SulUvan .. ', . ' ' . 4~ 5 •

, elan' Doctrine Will' sponsor a­ BoiLy GHOST; Communion .breakfast in the A T T L E B O R O · ' BLESSED' SACRAMENT ' . ' ,. , . Div::'~:~:

ehurch hall following 9 o'clock · Mrs. Leona. Mullaney, will '$~50 ,..--~-----,lJIIIlANNU~ .,J... 30andDec.3L.

Jrias~ PentecOst Sunday, May' 29, demonstrate the art of cake dec';' . Rt. Re'~. Alfred Gendreau 'White#s'Fa'rm D~liry SAFELY' INSURED BY for pupils in. grades 7 through orating, officers will be .elected $100 IISPECIAL MILK' 'u.s. GOVT. AGENCY 12: Chair.women are Mrs. Stan­ and plans made· for their in. Roland B.Bq.ule·

$aVe by Mail ... WfpaJ postag8 bolll wa", • Jey 'M; Janick and Mrs: Edward stallation and the annual' ban:"

fr~m,' Our O~r, ~ndselemptfromSfalfll1COlllfTIIZ. ·D. Tyrr~iI;' . quet at a meeting'of the Wom- :$15 , Marie Louise Remy, Leo·Paul Test e d .Herd" -The Cub Scouts plan a family en's Guild at 8 tomorrow night:· Beaudoin picnic Sunday, June 19 at Our

Acushnet. Mass. WY 3·-1457 Lady of, the Lake Camp, EaSt ST. JOHN llIAPTIST,

IIiOILY CROS$ • Special Mi'lk . Freetown. General chairman is CENTRAL VILLAGE . $2Q' • Homogenized Vito .0 Milk Louis Fernandes.. . The ' Women's Guild' annourtces Mr. & Mrs. Michae~ Reagan be spon- its monthly meeting for 7:30 to­ o Buttermilk A public whist $15 , sored by the graduating class of night in the parish hall: Follow­ e Tropicana Orange J1uice Edward Mello, Mr. & Mrs John ing election' of officers and a the parochial school at 8 Wed­ Cl Coffee' and Choc. Milk lIlesday night, May 25 in the short business meeting, .mem- Pietruszka and family,' Mr. & e "''1qs - Butter hall. . ~e.rs ~ wil~ h~y~ ~po~l~ck. s~pper. Mrs. Wal1;e~. Wit.en~ier•. Friend, ... ehurch -_.- - - . ----- --- _.

an en









. '. t




, THE ANCHOR-Diocese' of Fan Riwr-Thun.

Tracie' and .FielCl Dream; Team:

H'arwic'h H';gh·' School :'


Leads· ~ape, ;:~oop Fred

Nine Division

Bartek HarwicK High, With three straight victories already tucked away," has. moved into undisputed possession of first plaCe, in the· small..school division of the Cape Cod baseball league while Bourne and Falmouth are' deadlocked, Ed Costar of Durfee look~ like with one victory each, for the 'tOp spot in the large- the best 220-yard sprinter here­ school section of the' Cape abouts. The conscientious Fall circuit. The leadership tie Riverite has rebounded this ..


should be dissolved tOmorrow when Falmouth·. tangles with Bourne'High at ) the:'latter's dia-:, mond. Dennis'Yarmouth, and' Barnstable, both beaten in their only league'· encounters, makeup the' remainder of the bigschool, four-club dass. Provincetown and Chatham, knotted in s fourth-place tie in the smallerschool, five-team division, meet, tomorrow at the latter's field. Each lost their first two league contests. 'Nauset, with a 2-1 record, Is a second place currently in the smaller-school competition with Sandwich trailing in third place, having split its first two games. Norton in Top Tie Meanwhile, Norton High, at the other end Of. the diocese, has climbed back into a first place tie in the Clover Valle)" League. The defending cbam-' pions are 3-1. Wareham High; meanwhile, 18 having its troubles in its last season in the Old Colony League. It is 1-7 in the eight team drcoit, the remainder of whiCh ia comprised of out-of-the~diocese clubs. The competition hi close in both the Bristol County and Na'rry leagues. Case and Dighton, eacb with 10-2 records, are deadlocked atop the Narry race while Taunton and Durfee High of Fall River, witb 8-1 league records, are perched in first place in the BCL. Wareham' Jumper And, while the diamond en-' thusiasts wag e nip-and-tuck battles in the. several leagues, the .track and field competitors are engaged in just ~ heated meets throughout the entire area from Attleboro to Provincetown. Greg Ouellette of Wareham High, who captured the State broad jump title last year, is out front ~ the competition again this Spring. Greg, who has made "every post a winning one" in all dual meets this season, placed fourth in the New York schoolboy relays last week, '~i .most com"nendable perform~ce",and, then he was "onlY four inches off the best; ·:firSt.place leap.' Paul Medeiros' of North AttIeborof.Ugh seems destined to compete ,again' this year:in the State·· sprint finals. Paw,' has not been ..beaten. 'in' a BCL dual me'et 'in his three years of competitic>n,b~, participated in the state '(uialBthe' '~two





Bus' Law·'


PHILADELPmA (NC) - The Pennsylvania Supreme COurt 10 considering a major challenge to a state law under" which 131,~ non-pUblic school eh11­ dren. . are . receiving tax-paid sChool 'bus rides. The opponents contend it aids religion and violates separatIon of church and state. Its defend­ ers argue it is a health and wel­ fare measure that benefits chil­ dren, not institutions. The Pennsylvania school built law was enacted last June.

Spring to win over contestants wlw beat him to the finish-line tape last season. Cape Dis~ Thrower Joe Bartek of Somerset,' who sports the Billhop Stang High colors on the cinder paths, is adding to his record of the past three seasons. A stand-out quarter-miler who captured the New England Catholic school 440 crown last .Spring, Bartek also competes in the two shorter track events, the 110 and 220. Another outstanding Wareham High field athlete·is discus­ throwing Knute Anderson who captured second place in th, New York Relays .last week. Anderson, who accompanied Ouellette to the Gotham contests -which, for all practical pur­ poses, pit the best nationwide against each other, has not been beaten this season except for the New York competition. And, his all-winning dual meet record also includes' the javelin, shot d' put ,an runmng'hurdles. Seekonk Javelin Thrower Dan . HOdgson of Dartmouth High and .Chris Servant of Bishop' F~han High in North Attl~boro are probably the best .area half-milers. But,. they will n.ot meet to decide the better of the two. Both are assaulting the two-minute mark and it would not be. surprising to see either one, . or both, travel the 880 in less than two minutes-if'warm­ er weather ever' arrives. Jim DeRainville' of Sekonk High is a mere· six inc)les sbort of the Narry league javelinrec:­ ord of 165 feet. Seekonk is com­ peting in the Narry for the first time and DeRainville may well put a n~w mark into the book befor~ he closes out his first season in the circuit. ;' Wayne' Estey of Nortb Attle­ boro" High and Walt Downaro­ . wicz of Bisbop Feeban High will hook-up in what should be one of the season's outstanding contests next week. Both have cleared the five-eleven mark in the bigb jump and each is hope­ 101 to get over tbe six-foot mark . when their respective teams bat­ tle it out within the next foyt.. night. .. . Attleboro Area Aces ,Dave Hardt of Attleboro and GerrY Fletcher of Somerset are setting ·new BCL· and Narry I e a g u e records respectively every time they better theIr sho~ put· and :pole vaulting marks. Hardt's· 59-foot heave' (jf the iron pellet is six':'feet better than· the previous BCL record. He looks like a sure-thing to hit the. magic GO-foot heave. Fletch­ er has already scaled over 12 .feet in the pole vault and'is a threat in every meet to' surpaSs his own record. Mike Donnelly of Feehan, who is best as a cross-cowitry niliner; has his sights set on ·the BCL'· mile record. He haS .been clocked .in 4:30. Barney King' of Dartmouth'High is in the 10':'minute' class '. in the two-mile event., He has poten­ tiality galore in the distance races. John Murphy has"been consistently under the 17-second figure in sporting the Attleboro High colors in the nO-hurdle event. You may well be Itearing more about him when tile State finals .roll around.


• I

May 12, 1,966 23, ~'


Ronnie Knowe of Fall Rive'::':':. ~'..





Westfield5tat~ ,·,Star.: .1\.tJllete

Education Major' ExcellS in Two Sports By JOe Miranda



One of Fall River's most successful college athletes is Ronald Edward Knowe. Pre­ paring to complete his Soph­ omore year at Westfield State College, Ronnie has gained praise ~rom his coach, associates and professors since his migra';' tion to the college, following a successful three-year career at­ Durfee High. The 6-1, 1.75-pound 19-year old athlete is an Education Major at Westfield and described as a good student, by school officials. IDs courses include U.S. HistorY, English Literature, Educational Psychology, Physical Science, An g 1 0 .:. American Geography, Speech and Physical Education. Gentleman as Well RONNIE KNOWE Westfield President Dr. Leon­ ard J. Savignamo has signaled caged 260 points for a 12.4 aver­ out Knowe to help form a stu­ dent union a; the college because age and registered a pair of of his "campus leadership," a Westfield records via his 31 glowing tribute to the Fall River points and 17 free throws in a single game last campaign. youth. . This s~ason, Ronnie is batting Knowe was the first recipient at a torrid .4g clip and leading of the Helen Teodore Scholar­ ship Award, a fund initiated to the Westfield baseballers in hits aie! a deserving student at West,;, with 12, horrie runs with tWo, 'total bases with 18 and runs­ field in pursuing an education. 'Paul Bogan, a former Holy batted-in with six. Name parish resident, said of His defensive play at shortstop Knowe, "I feel that the Fall has been a contributing factor River Diocese can be very proud in Westfield's early season suc­ of Ronnie for his outstanding cess; according to Bob Warchol, contribution to Westfield, he 15 sports information director at' the truly an athlete and a gentle­ college and is described as an man." Bogan is the head basket­ avid sUpporter of extra curricu­ ball and baseball' coach at the lar activities an<. school func­ college. , tions. Ronnie participated in the < Further testimony to his suc­ college mixed badminton tour­ eess as a person came when Ron nament and coached an intra­ was nominated for the Blue Key mural' basketball team to a Award' as a student contributor championship. to the success of Westfield State Knowe compiled an outstand­ College. " ing record in basketball and Batting Torrid .414 baseball while at Durfee High. Knowe's best known accom­ His accomplishments were hon­ plishments at Westfield have ored in both sports when he recome in his athletic endeavors. Elected as a co-captain of next season's basketball team, Ronnie also plays shortstop on the base-­ ball diamond and has excelled in bOth sports. BOSTON (NC)-The only sur­ A sophomore, Knowe spent his second season as a member vivor of the three children who of Westfield's starting basketball saw the vision of the Blessed Vir­ gin at Fatima 40 years ago will be quintet and war the team's lead­ ing playmaker. A guard, Ronnie a consultant to the builders of a new shrine to Our Lady of Fati­ ma to be erected at St, Gabriel's Te.lls Jersey Masons, monastery in suburban Brighton. Father Cajetan Bendernagel, II All Fail in Charity'

C,P., wbo disclosed construction NEWARK (Ncr..:... "This is plans, said ':Uchard Cardinal where we have all failed - in Cushing of Bos~on has invited .Lisbon's patriarch, Manuel. Car­ charity." This reminder has been giVeil dinal Cerejeira, to a shrine fund to a group of Masonic men by raising. banquet here Sunday, May 22 which is expected to a stand-in for Archbishop Thom­ ' ;, as 1'. Boland of Newark who'was draw 2,000 persons. The new shrine; to ..cost,about originally scheduled to talk to the Spirits Square Club, a $100,000, will be a·replica of the Masonic group; but .-was unable original shrine at Coca ·da, Iria, to keep the appointment because Portugal.. The Crusaders of Fatima and his plane was ,grounded ill P()rtuguese-American.communi­ Washington. .,. ties of New ll;nglan4 will send .~.ubl;lipg Was ~sgr.Joseph A. representatives to Portugal to Dooling, director of the archdio­ cese's Mount Carmel' Guild, at interview Sister Lucy, a Carmel­ the dub's brotherhood dinner ite nun in Coimbra, Portugal, here. The Masonic group made wbo is the only survivor of the a donation to Sister Rose. of three 'children who 'saw the . Lima, a Maryknoll nun, for the Fatima' visions~' Maryknoll hospital. in Pusan. Korea, where she had been sta­ tioned for 17 years.

Plan New Fatima Shrine in Boston


Sound Warning' OTTAWA (NC)-IntJ:auterine contraceptive devices may cause abOrtions and their distribution should be halted, the Association of French-Speaking DOctors of Canada has told a committee of tile Canadian parliament.

Paint and Wallpaper Dupont Paint

~ iI5

-cor. Middle St. 422 Acush. Ave.



New Bedford PARKING Rear of Store


ceived, .the.. George Kaplan Me­ morial Award as Durfee's out­ standing hoop perfo;rmer a~d Will! the recipient of the Tom Gastall Memorial Award ai'ihe Hilltoppers'outstanding baseball player, .both in 1964" As a senior, Ron was co-cap­ tain of the hoop. squad, led· the Fall .River court combine with, 335 points ·and. in average (l(i: per· game), field. goals 110 and foul conversions 115. He W8l;" All-Bristol County, chosen as ·a.. guard in basketball and a short~ stop in baseball where he batted .322, collecting 19 hits, seven: oil which were doubles. ., Cod Leaguer Ronnie, second team choice on the All-BCL team as a shortstop in his junior year, helped Durfee • capture a - league crown, as he batted .250 and led his mates in stolen bases with eight. Knowe gained a starting assignment as a sophomore in the Durfee infield., Ron, .the' son of Mr. and Mrs" Edward Knowe of 267 Brayton' Avenue, is a member of St. Wil-. liams Parish and received his indoctrination to athletics in the Maplewood Park area. 'Work? 'Last Summer Ronnie was empl~yed on 'ole Cape Coo. and sp~nt his" nights playing shortstop for Chatham in tlK>' strong Cape Cod League. Coach Joe Lewis, who also coachee. Ronnie at Durfee, has hopes that Knowe's plans .are the same this Summer, ' but·, ,Ron may stic). ,closer to home.



u. S•. Soldiers' Joi"

. I" Reparation Mass

AUGSBURG (NC)-Hundred5 of American soldiers and Ger,., man civilians attended a Mass of. reparation at Holy Trinity' Church here after a drunken 20­ year-old American serviceman knocked over 76 monuments in a local cemetery. Maj. Gen. Edward L. Rowny; commander of the 24th Infantry Division, attended the mass along with members of his staff: Earlier, the general had written letters' of regret to relatives of those buried in the cemete:nr.' American soldiers volunteered ~ repair the damage.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. May .12, 1966 Frederick B. McDonald Mr. &: Mrs. Dick H. Cutting $40 Mary·V. & Alice C. Harring­ ton Mr. & Mrs. James W. Steele,



Dr. John E. Manning Adelaide C. Trainor Jr.

$100 Elizabeth M. Trainor

$30 In memory of Margaret E. William F. Fitzgerald Hammill, Mary M. HarriIigton & Dr: Edward J. Steinhof Ann 'F. Clancy Mr. & Mrs. James R. Mitchell Sacred Heart Women Guild

Sacred Heart Men's Club $25

" In memory of James A. Hey­ In Memory John L. Morgan. llVood Florence j,d:. Sullivan $75 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Hurley , Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. John J. Harring­ " ton

$50 Margaret R. Sullivan

Dorothy & Regina M. Higgins Hannah G. Connors

Margaret M. Sullivan



,Mr. & Mrs: Charles F. Blif­ fins Mr.' & Mrs. John F. Moran Catherine I. Trainor Raymond, F. Powers Louise E. DesMarais Mary E. Sullivan ,Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. De­ 1I1etrius Mrs. Henry W. Degnan John F. Coyle William Barrett


Leonard J. Hughes, Mr. & Mrs. George Trainor, Mary V. O'­ Hearn, Manuel Tavares, Mar­ garet M. Dunn Daniel Roach, Elizabeth Roach, Mr. &. Mrs. Omer Boucher, Eliz­ abeth Crowley, Rosetta Sullivan & Mrs: AgJ.les A. Barrett John H. Connors Jr., Juiietta C. Delahanty, Margaret E. Cole­ man, Edward Leary, Irene A. Noble Mr. & Mrs. James H. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaFrance,. Mrs. Harold J. Roberts, Edward Mitchell, Gilbert Stone Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kitchen, Robert Carr, Timothy F. Sulli~

$20 .

Charles V. Porta Mrs. Lillian Guthri,e The Bucke Family Charles H. Mitchell Mr.' & Mrs. Joseph Cote, Eliz­ abeth L. LeOnard, George Mc­ Copml;>, Raymond Sabourin.

van & family, John M. Leonard Mary Louise Walsh Grace A. Taylor, Hannah G., McDermott, Margaret Kilro)t, Geraldine O'Sullivan, Franklill A. Murphy . Catherine Lomax, Manuel S. Crovello, Mary C. Sullivan Mar~ garet F. Lenaghan, Anne L. Mitchell


Mrs. Mary Morris, Willi~ Chippendale; Madeline .Connors, Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Quinn, John Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Jean Berube, Mr. &' Mrs. John S. Mello, Mr. & Mrs. John Kiley Jr., Raymond Medeiros, John P. Fleming, Frank A. Connolly .

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