
Page 1

The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, May 13, 1971 PRICE 10¢ Vol. 15, No. 19 © 1971 The Anchor $4.00 per year

Priesthood.Ordination ·Set for May 22 Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., ~ill ordain Rev. Mr. Richard J. Beaulieu to the Priesthood

Rev. Mr. Richard J. Beaulieu

(HARITIES APPEAL TOTAL NEARS $600,000 MARK Cathlic Charities Appeal Diocesan Director, Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, announced today that the 1971 Appeal has reached $585,865.47. Special Gift solicitors will complete their remaining. contacts this. week. Parish solicitors are urged to make final returns by Monday, May 17. Msgr. ,Gomes said: "Final donations from the two phases of the Appeal can be registered until Friday noon, May 21. The books will be closed then for the 1971 final tabulations." Diocesan Lay Chairman of the Appeal, Dr. David Costa Jr. of New Bedford stated: "We are pleased at this new total and

at 2 o'dock on Saturday after.noon, May 22 in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. Rev. Mr. BeaUlieu of 195 Perry Street, Acushnet was born on April 8, 1946 in New. Bedford, the son of Mrs. Florence E. Gou'. .' NEW YORK (NC)-The num~ let Beaulieu and the late Octave ber of American Catholics in~ J. Beaulieu. A graduate of .St. creased slightly last year,.' alAnthony's High School, New though .the number of priests; Bedford, he attended Providence Religious' and seminarian;; coi1~ College, St. Thomas. Seminary, tinued to decline. Bloomfield, .Conn.;. and received According to statistics com~' his philosophical and theological piled by the 1971 Official Cath-. training in St. John's Semnary; .olic Directory published here by .' , Brighton. ·P.J. Kenedy and Sons, the D.'S. Frpm St. John's Semjnary, the Ca~h()lic'( ,popuiation stands at' Acushnet deaco'n has received .48,214,729, a .gain· of 342,640 a B.A. and B.D. a'nct on the tenth OV$!r the' previous year's statis.of June will receive' an °M.Ea. tics. . degree from Boston College. Sisters and seminarians showed His deacon internship has the most. ~ignificant drops, wi.th, been been served at St. Joseph's the number of Religious, womeri . Parish, Attleboro during the declining more than 7,000 frqm Summer of 1979 and .during the their' 1969 total and the seminarians declining by more than Turn to Page Three.

we look forward to an increase within the next few days. Special gift contacts are still outstanding. Many parishes have more returns to report." Many parishes are close to surpassing their 1970 totals. The number of parishes enrolled in the parish Honor Roll for exceeding last year'sfin;ll totals is 16. Since the last reporting, parishes added are: Mt. Carmel, Seekonk; Assumption, Osterville; St. John, Pocasset; St. Mary, Holy Cross, St. Anthony of the Desert, SS. Peter and Paul, St. Roch, St. Stanislaus, Santo Christo, Fall River; Our Lady of Grace, No. Westport; St. Louis de France, Swansea; Our Lady

Directory Revea·ls Catholic Population Up Slightly 3,000 from the '69 figure. The ranks of both Sisters and Brothers have each dropped by more than 16,000. in the last 10 years, according. to the directory, issued today. . Turn to Page Six

Attleboro A~ea Mt. St. St. St. St.

Carmel, Seekonk $ 9,457.00 Mary, No. Attleboro 9365.00 John, Attleboro . 8,826.00 Mary, Mansfield 8,428.25 Mary, Attleboro 7,295.00

Cape & Islands Area st. Francis Xavier, Hyannis 10,013.00 St. Pius X, So. Yarmouth 9,713.50 St. 'Patrick, Falmouth 7,851.50 Assumption, Osterville 6,643.0;) Holy Trinity, West Harwich 6,251.00 Turn to Page Two

Bishops Receive New Synod Doc·um·ent. on World Justice DETROIT (NC)-The American bishops recejved fror'nRome at their Spring meeting here a startling new synod document pn world justice that. calls for radical changes in how' individ· uals and nations relate to each other.

School Closings. To Cost State Millions BOSTON' (NC) - Transfer of students from Catholic schools to public schools has already cost Massachusetts taxpayers $100 million and could cost $75 million a year for the next five years, according to a special legislative study commission. The study group, set up in 1969, also said that the declining Catholic school enrollment probably cannot, be halted no matter how much, state aid is provided. But it said the decline can possibly be slowed to a less critical rate. The commission estimated it would cost $426 million to stem the decline in the Catholic school population and suggested that in the short run it would be cheaper for the state to allow Catholic-operated schools to close. But in the "long run" it would be inadvisable, it said. The report suggested that a way to arrest decline would be to "supply sufficient public funds next year and every year thereafter to freeze at present levels, or to reduce, not only tuition charges but also the proportion 'of parish and diocesan church revenue required to support the schools." Turn to Page Two

of Fatima, St. Hedwig, St. Theresa, New Bedford. There are 114 parishes in the diocese. A final report of the 1971 Appeal will b~ issued five days after the final closing of the books. Msgr. Gomes announced that parish chairmen or priest directors should make their reports in person at Headquarters by noon on Friday, May 21, in order to receive proper credit for this year's Appeal. Leading Area Parishes are:

It puts a clear burden on those Catholics who divorce panel sothil teachings from papal doctrinal teachings to stop separating their thinking, stating bluntly: . "The synod will have to deal with the scandalous fact that in many sectors the community.of 'the faithful neither know 'nor practice the Christian. .soCial' message." The latest draft pays unus~al tribute to the idealism of mode!n youth thirsting to see. injustices corrected in society, says that use of force "might eventually be legitimate" to vindicate grave violations of basic rights after all legal means have failed, strongly links social action with the Gospel, endorses active involvement of priests in social issues, and says in effect that ,a person ',can not really consider himself a true Christian if he draws' the line between faith in ,God arid tangible support of fellow man. The 235 bishops at the hierarchy's national meeting got into only brief discussion of the 25Turn to Page Six

Father Murphy To Taunton

CATHOLIC TEACHERS CONVENTION: Meeting on opening day at the 16th Annual Convention of the Catholic Teachers of the Diocese, were: Archbishop Humberto S. Medeiros, of Boston, keynote speaker; Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, Ordinary of Fall River, Who presided at the opening session; Rev. Msgr. Robert L. Stanton, rector of the Cathedral and member of the Dioc'esan School Board.

The Chancery Office has announced the assignment of Rev. James E. Murphy as assistant pastor of St. Mary Parish, Taunton. Father Murphy has recently returned to the Fall River Diocese from five years of service in Latin America as a member of the Missionary Society of St. James the Apostle. While in South America, he served in Santa Cruz and Laguardia, both in Bolivia. Turn to Page Three



ANCHOR-D1oc~se of. f91,1 Rivf:;r-Thurs. May,~~,.19.7,:L , .~ '

PAR·ISH TOTALS F~n River Area, ' , \


Fall'.River-;-,-', . St. Mary' . 12,509.00 " . Blessed Sacrament 1,251.00 Espiiito S~n'to 2,28~.00 HOIIY Ncro~s' 221"586051.0000 Ho y, arne ,: Notre Dame 6,306.85, O ur Lay.o d f te h Angels " . 12,994.06 Our Lady of Health 3,071.00 Holy Rosary 3,620.00 Immaculate Conception



OFFIG1AL ASSIGNMENT Rev. James E. Murphy, having completed' his five-year· voluntary service in Bolivia,' So. America as a member of the SoCiety of St.' James" 'has been as~igned as assistant' pasto'r at St. Mary's Church, Tal~nton. , Assignment effective ,Wedne.>day, May 5, 1971.

Special Cape Cod & Islands $500 Vincent' De Paul ConferSt. Patrick Falmouth Vincent De Paul ConferSt. Fr;lncis Xav.ier, Hyan,ni~ , Bay Colony Federal Savings & Loan Assn., So. Yarmouth , $100 St. Patrick's Guild, Falmouth Salt Winds, Falmouth Falmouth Diner Cranberry Highway. Realty Co., Buzzards Bay Mid-Cape Motors, Hyannis Mr. ,& Mrs. L. C.' Antonellis, Falmouth Shoreway Acres, "Falmouth , $75 Atty. Joseph J. Reardon, Hyannis Wood Lumber Co., Falmouth $50 Trade Winds, Falmouth The Fal~outh National Bank The Rib House, West Dennis Clauson's Chevrolet & Olds, Inc.! Falmouth ' . Bishop Tyler K of C, Hyannis Spartan Cleaners. Hyannis Suni Sands by the Sea, Centerville . $45 Anonymous, Hvannis . $42 ' Anonymous, Hyannis $32 Anonymous, Falmouth

St. ence, St. cree,


Necrology "MAY 1~

Rev. William McDonald, 5'.5., 1941, St. Patrick, Falmouth. Rt. Rev. J. Joseph Sullivan,' P.R., 1960, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall River. MAY 17 Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, D.O., 1951, 3rd Bishop of Fall River, 1934-51. MAY 19 Rev. Ambrose Lamarre, O.P., 1940, Dominican Priory, Fall River. Rev. Thoma's Trainor, 19.41, Pastor, St. Louis, Fall River. MAY 20 Rec. Antonio L. daSilvia, 1952, ,Our Lady of Health, Fall River.



DIREctOJR:Bishop ero'nin has named E.ev~ William Bishop of Fall River E. Farland, pastorI of St. Ann's Parish, Raynham as ,spiritual director 6f the St. Gifts vincent de Paul Sbciety of $31 the Taunton Area.' He sucMcDonald's Paint Store, Fal-· ce~ds Rev. Cornelirs J. O'mouth NeIll who became pastor of $30 St. J()hn the Bapti~t Parish, McCormack's" Apothecary, ~o. Yarmout,h Central Village on March 18.. , ., I Jenki~s

$25 Funeral


Taunton Area

New Bedfordi Area

lIishop Approves ~t~ew Assignment


. Taunton


I Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of the Diocese of St. Mary, Taunton I. 5,q62.00 Fall River, has approved the Immaculate Conceptidn, nomination of· Rev. William N9. Easton 5,555.00 Hartmann, SS.CC., provincial of , 51. ,Joseph, Taunton i 5,527.00 the Congregation of the Sacred Sacred Heart, Ta~ntor ,5,237.15 Hearts, to' serve as Assistant Imm,aculate Conception; Pastor at 9ur Lady of the AsTaunton 5,227.50 sumption Parish, New Bedford. i

Raynham-St. Ann South Easton"":""

5,555.00 4,208.00 3,080.00

Holy Cross

Attleboro Area

AttleboroHoly Ghost' . $ 6,849:00 St. John 8,826.00 St. Joseph 2,831.00 St. Mark 5,972.00 Clo~ings, St. Mary 7,295.00 Continued from P~ge One St: Stephen 5,385.00 At the same time, the Massa, St: Theresa 6,802.75 chusetts Council of Churches re- Mansfield-St. Mary 8,428.25 affirmed its' opposition to public North Attleboroaid to private schools. But, the Sacred Heart 3,318.50 council Sai9 it woul'ct approve St. Mary , 9,365.00 state aid to a small !nj.1mber of , Norton-St. Mary 4,420.75 nonpublic schools. wpich serve Seekonk-Mt. Carmel 9,457.00 the poor. ' '


Proi. No. M·98 Hill vs. Pease , Ex Capite: ligamen EDICTAL CITATlDN Insofar' as the whereabouts of Mary Eleanor Peas'e, party ,in the case of Hill vs. PE'ase" Protocol Number M-98, are unknown, Wl cIte the said Mary Eleanor Pease to 3~'pear before the ,said Tribunal of theDiocese of Fall River on May 14, 1971, 3t 1(1:00 A.M" at 344 Highland' Avenue, Fall River, Massachusetts, to give testimony to e!tablish: WHETHER THE MARRIAGE. IN QUESTION BE NULL? Pastors and' others' having knowledge of the whereabouts of the said Mary Eleanor , Pease are advised to notify her in regard to this Edictal Citation. ' /s/ Henry T. Munroe . , Officialis Given from the Seat' of this T'ribunal, Fall River, Massachusetts, on thiS the 7th' day of May, 1971. hi Roland Bousquet Notary , 1Il""'''''''''''"11''''''''U'''.'''''''''''''''''''''';''''""""",,,,,'lIl1"IIIIIIIIUUU"""UUlllIU THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fail River. M3ss., Published every Thursday at 410 Highland A'lenue. Fall River, Mass. 02722 b)' the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. SUbscription price bY' mall, postpaid $~ .. OO per year.

New Bedford-:. Holy Name'


627:00 Assumption Immaculate Conception 3,916.85 C

2 2'

Mt. armel f 14, 1 .07 Our Lady 0 Fatima' 3 ,67 3 .00

ou; La~y of 2,357.00 erpetual Help 2,902.50 Sacred Heart St. Anne 1,888.50 St. Anthony of Padua 2,760.00 4,733.77 St. Boniface 255.00 Sacred Heart 7,177.00 C St. Anne 2872 00 St. asimir 812.50 ,. St. Francis of Assisi 900.00 St. Anth<;>nY of the Desert ... .' 1,786.50"' St. Hedwig 1,368.50 St. Hyacinth 1,165.00 St. Anthony. of Padua 2,915.25 St. James, Ii, ,607.99 355.00 . St. ,Elizabeth ',' S1:I. John the Baptist 2,271.00 . St.Joh~ the .Baptist' . 5,300.04 St. Joseph 5,057.00 St. Joseph ' ' 6,146.25 . 233300 St. Kilian • 3,348.00 St . LOlliS , . 'St.Lawrence . 12,257.00 ' St. Mathieu ,~ . 2,088.34 ' St. Mary .. '6;356.50 St. Michael . 6,723.50 'SLPatrick 4,484.00 St. Theresa. 5,245.00 7,020.50, AcushnetSS. Peter and Paul 3,132.50 St. Roch 3,363.00 . St. Francis Xavier St. Stanislaus 4,128.50 Fairhaven12;898J,10 St. William 4,947.00 St. Joseph 2,193.00 Santo Ch'risto . 3,951.00 St. Mary 867.50 Assonet-St. Bernard . 2,053.50 Sacred Hearts Central VillageMattapoisettSt. John Baptist 3,II6.00 St. Anthony . 3,991.00 North' WestportNorth DartmouthOur Lady of Gr~ce 4,505.00 St. Julie 4,241.00 'Ocean Grove~ St. Mchael 1,404.00 SO~~hMDartIl)Outh8,513:50 Somerset- ., . ary St. John of God 4,893.00 Wareham-; 6,176.50 St. Patrick 5,491.50 st. Patrick St. Thomas More 9,422.50 Westport6,007.00 SwanseaSt. George Our Lady of Fatima 6,875.83 St. Dominic, 3,985.00 St. Louis de France 5,608.83

Home, W. Falmouth Danny. Kay's, E. Falmouth , " I ,Continued from Pa,ge One F. V. Lawrence, Inc. Falmouth Cape Bus Lines, Falmouth R. B. Corcoran Company; Hy, I a:1nis "Holy Name, Fall River 22,561.00 Martin's, Mobile "Homes, ·E. Our Lady of the An'gels, \ V a r e h a m , _ ,oJ.., . Fall River 12,994.00 12,509.00 TauntonWareham Lodge of Elks No. St. Mary, Fall River 1!;48 . I St. ThomC\s More,' Holy F,amily 3,298.00 Somerset ' 9,422.50 Holy ,Rosary 1,827.00 Sunnybrook Farms', 'So; 'YarI Immaculate Conception Sacred Heart, mouth Anonymous, So. Yarmouth ~all River I 7,1 7~.00 Our Lady' of Lourdes ~:i~~:~~ So. Yarmouth Package Store Sacred Heart 5,237.15 Angelo's Market, So. YarI St. Anthony 3,733.30 mouth Wayside Studio, So. Yarmouth M~e<;r~~ford. II 14,212.07 St. Jacques, 3,852.00 St. Joseph. 5,527.00 Wright Oil Co., Falmouth St.Mary 5,562.00 John Sheehan Real .Estate, St. Joseph, Fairhaven:' 12,898.90' St. Paul' ' 4,578.00 St. Lawrence,' Falmouth 12,257.00. Dighton...,;",St. Peter 1,692.00 New Bedford Walsh Realty Cb., Teaticket .. North '[)ighton'St. James, New Bedford 1UJ07:99 " St. Joseph' . 2,531.50 St. Mary, ' North EastonSouth Dartmouth 8,513.50 Immaculate Conception

Fait Rover Area

New B'edford' Area

Cape & Islcu1ds Area

Brewster. ", Our Lady of the Cape 2,568.00~ Buzzards BaySt. Margaret 3,312,00 Centerville-, Our Lady of Victory 4,562.95 ChathamHoly Redeemer 3,380.00 EdgartownSt. Elizabeth . '866.50 Falmouth-St. Patrick' 7,851..50 HyannisSL Francis Xavier 10,013.00 Nantucket, Our Lady ~f the Isle 2,557,50 Oak BluffsSacred Heart 1,232.00 Osterville~Assumption 6,643.50 ' Pocasset-St. John 3;899.00 Provincetown, St. Peter 1,250.00 So. YarmouthSt. Pius X 9,713.50 Vineyard Haven-':: St. Augustine 650.00 , West Harwich':"" Holy Trinity 6,251.00

JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN Funeral Home 550 Locust Street Fall River, Mass.

672-2391 Rose E. Sullivan Jeffrey E. Sullivan

I " "



O'ROURKE Funeral Hi;»me

571 Second Street' Fall River, Mass. 679-6072 ..


MICI1AEL J. McMAHON Registered Emb61mer/' Licensed Funeral Director

Michael C" Austin' , Inc.

Funeral Servite Edward F. Carney 549 CO,unty Street New Bedford 999-6222 Serving the area since 1921

D. D. .Wilfred C; Sullivan Driscoll FUNERAL HOME 206 WINTER STREET FALL RIVER, MASS., 672-3381


.- Special Gifts""·: New Bedford




Standard Times Publishing Co.


Special Gifts

Talbot Tweedy


Holy Family Women's Guild Nu-Brite Chemical Co.

General Cleaning Company

$100 $250


Catholic Woman's Club· Harriet Transportation Co.

St. Ann's Women's Guild, Raynham John Bright Shoe' Store Society of St. Vincent De Paul ' St. Jacques Conference Turin's Market


Charities Concert Com~ittee

$200 Berkshire Hathaway, Inc.



St. Jacque's Women's Guild Mt. Hope Machinery Co.

Capt: Frank's Fish Market



Co'mmunity Paint Co. Holy Rosary, Children of Mary Sodality Polish American Citizens Club Weir Auto Sales Taunton Stove Co. League of Sacred Heart; St. Jacques' Octagon Service Station Powers Pontiac, Inc. Atty. Philip J. Assiran

National Bank of Fairhaven Chamberland Mfg~ Co. Ernest J. Flood

$50 A Friend Coastal Fisheries ~ea View Fillet J. F. St. Aubin Co. Abramson, Titus & Putnam Vermette & Bates Insurance

$40 Harry Silverstein




Charles S. Ashley & Sons InSl1rance

$25 Babbitt Steam Specialty Co. A Friend Brodeur's Machine Co. .Calvin' Clothing Corp. Dr. Max Blum Bradley & Halliwell Paragon Tours & Travel Novick - Jewelers Greater New Bedford & Cape Cod Labor Council, AFL-CIO Catholic Pharmacists Guild o( St.'·James" Dr. H. F. Riley Humphrey, Covil & Coleman, Inc. Enos Home Oxygen Therapy Co. Lesco's Wholesale Tobacco & Candy Jay and Bee Fillet Co. New Bedford Fillet Co., Inc. L & S Concrete Co. Mr. & Mrs. Leo St. Aubin The Sippican Corp. Bricklayers, Masons & Plasterers, l.N. No. 39 Union

Ordination Continued from Page One past academic year' served at . Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Sudbury. . Rev. Mr. Be,aulieu served as The Anchor student reporter of St. Anthony's High School. During the installation of Archbishop Humberto S. Me.deiros as Archbishop of Boston on last Oct. 3, the Acushnet deacon W1;lS the .representative of the student body of St. John's Seminary. Father Beaulieu will be principal celebrant at a concelebrated Mass at 6 Sunday evening, May 23 in St. Francis Xavier Church; Acushnet. Concelebrants will be: Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, also the homilist; Rev. Clement Beaulieu, SS,CC., a cousin; Rev. Aurele S, Pepin, SS.CC., pastor. of St. Francis Parish; Rev. Joseph D. Maguire, Rev. Thomas L. Rita, Rev. Normand Boulet, Rev. James W. Fahey, Rev. Robert Donovan, Rev. Michael Merchant, Rev. Richard Buntel, Rev.. Joseph Kane, Rev. Juan Aiel's, Rev. John D'Arcy, and Rev. James Grant.


Our Lady's Chapel

$200 Rev. Msgr. Joseph A.. Cournoyer Rev. William W. Norton Rev. Benoit Galland

$125 Rev. Leo M. Curry'

$75 G. Fred Swanson, Inc. Proviclence

$50 In Memory of Maurice. M. Lyons' Rev. James A. Clark Joseph V. Tally, Inc. Providence

$25 A. Gross Candle Co., Linden, New Jersey Rev. Kenneth J. Delano

Fall River $2000 F. L. Collins & Sons, Inc.

$1600 B. M. C. Durfee Trust Co.

$1500 Fall River Herald News

$750 Siades Ferry Trust Co.

$614 Residents of Catholic Memorial Home

$500 Firestone Foam Products Co.

Mrs. Harold S. R. Buffinton Carousel Mfg. Corp. Joan Fabrics .Fall River Catholic Nurses Guild Lewis Gray Sons, Co. Dr. David Prial Furniture Village Esquire Package Store Hathaway Funeral Service Dixon Burial Vault Co. Fall River Steam & Gas Pipe Co. Green's Storage Warehouse Joseph Nadeau's Sons, Inc. Mass. Catholic Order of Foresters Sullivan's Motor Sales Fall River Permanent Firemens Benefit Assn. Dr. Frank Collins A' Friend Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Griffin

Textile Workers Union of America Thomas Walsh Moving Co. A Friend Dr. Americo B. Almeida, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James V. Terrio' Mr. & Mrs. William Sullivan 1971 Confirmation Class-St. John of 'God Atty. & Mrs. John B. Cummings Walter A. Furman Company Peerless Laundry . Tioga Sportsw.ear Co. Dr. Robert H. Moe Mary Noon Katherine A. Harrington



Debrosse Oil Co.

Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America No. 177 J. T. Hughes



Loranger Construction Corp:


St. Vincent de Paul Particular Cou!?cil


A Friend



St. Vincent De Paul Society, Holy Family

First National Bank


THE ANCHOR~Diocese of Fall River- Thu~s. May 13, 1971



Assignments Continued from Page One Son of the late John J. and the late Anna Flynn Murphy, Father Murphy was born in New Bedford on May 20, 1935. After studying at Holy.Family Schools, he attended St. Peter College in Baltimore. After preparing for the Priesthood at St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore, he was ordained on May I I, 1-963 by the Most Rev .. James L. Connolly. While in the Fall River Diocese, Father Murphy served as assistant pastor at St. Patrick Parish, Fall River, before, doing missinary ~ork in Latin America. .

Herve Lagasse High Point Paper Box Corp. Fall River Sheet Metal Co. Inc.

$70 Beetle Plastics, Div of Crompto.n & Knowles Corp.

Resolution Passed By p'riests Senate

$50 Eugene Pontiff Fall River Emble'm Club John F. Stafford Ins. Agency Ken-Lac Chemical Co., Inc. Simon's Supply, Co., Inc. Flynn's Package Store, Inc. Poole Silver Co., Inc. Holy, Rosary Women's Guild Fall River Sheet Metal Co. Inc. Dr. Alan G. Simpson, Dr. William Freeman


ST. CLOUD (NC)-A resolution recog!,lizing. conscientious objection as:a legitimate position for Catholics was passed by the 12-member diocesan priests' senate here in Minnesota. The senate also· asked that some Catholic institutions in the diocese offer counseling to young men making decisions about military service. Senate spokesmen noted' that the resolution implied no criticism of those who choose to serve in the military.

. $35 Ashton's Funeral Home

$30 Dr. Richard H.; Fitton Jr. Clementine Thibault


Every father-even the youngest~should read Maryknoll's free booklet on wills! Sixteen pages, clearly written and colorfully illustrated, tell why you should make your will and how to go about it. Charts on page 3 show what your heirs can lose if you die without a will. Page 5 discusses why you need , a lawyer's help in drawing up your will. Page 6 goes into detail about how to start and what to in'clude. No father, young or old, should neglect his will. Maryknoll's booklet will convince you!

Invitation Bishop Cronin cordially invites all the clergy, religious and laity in the Diocese to participate in the ordination of Rev. Mr. Richard W. Beaulieu in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River on Saturday afternoon, May 22 at 2 o'clock.

Mail the coupon for your copy today!



Maryknoll Fathers

50 Dunster Road Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02167

ST. WILLIAM1S GUILD DANCE Sat. Eve.,' May 15 Stephenson's, Westport Jardineers OChestraJ Tickets at Door $1.50 per pe~so~ • ••••••

Please send me your booklet on making a will. I understand there is no obligation. l\'AME



Dear Fr. Leo Shea:

+ ~





_ _ _,ZIP CODE



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of 1:911 ~.iv.e~-Thurs. May 13~19!1 '," \',


Co.mmends Lucey's B'oak About' Irelcindl, th,~,·.' Irish I





Charles Lucey is an' American'pewspaperma.n who was' once assigned to lreland: and has' for many years roamed over' that 'country for' his own pleasure~ 'His' 'impressions , 9 f .the .land and the people hE~ now sets down in Ireland, " '. '. and, the Irish: :Cathleen Ni ' ' Houlihan,Is Alive' and Well looking .'sa·dness ·a'bout'· ·Dublin ,


which now seems to have lifted. : Tnere is marked modernization: 'there, but, as y~t, not enpugh to: That ,subtitle. is a giveaway" ,destroy the l1l1iquecharacte~"of,:. .isn'tit?Not froll) Mr. Luceya this capital. The. very. way' in , . blast of a 'bleat about backward- 'which the people walk, bespeak~ ne'ss and bigotry holding Ireland a new attitude.' . in thrall. An affectionate obser'vOther' parts' of the country, · erhe is, .out not uncritical. , have their merits extolled 'by the (::-:::X:':":""" """"":': "'" ':::':::::'::":':':"': -::::,( • author, who is especially, smitten w'ith the 'beauty 'of the, West. His' descriptions of landscape ,and· . By seascap~ . ate. vi\;,id .and con,vey' the' enchantment' of which' 'Ire: RT. REV. landis capable, And he gives ' , .brief, 'speaking likenesses. of all MSGR; types·of. people.. . , 'Speaking of ·speaking,he pays JOHN, ,5:, considerable, attention 'to' the, KENNEDY question of the Irish language.', He is not oJ.the company which: . mairita'in's' that clinging tqthc His 'father was a Kerrytpan: ' native .language is a' mistake.' He' , and Mr, Lucey' ha~' visited the' thinks that 'there is much merit I spot, overlooking Dingle Bay, in its retention and cultivation, , SJ~qYINGCONVENTION PROGRAM:. Among the leaders at the Teachers Conwhere his father spent his early although plailily he is no' fanatic vention at Feehari High School, Attleboro, were: Rev. Michael O'Neill, superintendent of years. But the house of those, on the subject. . I Scho'olsl,.Sppkane, Wash.,' speaker' at two sessions; Sr. Therese Ant.on~, RSM., Diocesan 'Emigration Reduced , . days is gone. And in its place' ,stands a tidy' new one, occupied He points out the'improverhent principal of Feeh~n l:Jigh, standing; Sr. Mary Urban,. RSM., assistant. superintendent of . ' by Hollanders. That cha'nge says in education, the amount of Schools in Fall River, seated. . something of what has hllPpened money which the government I,. LeaveT)s Co: Inc ; MacDonald Moving & Storage in and to Ireland. . spends on it, the number of up., Mrs. Leon Pml Co. Mr. Lucey remarks on a gen- to-date schools, and the yield' I Swift ~ Fisher Co. K. F. Bassler, Inc.' eral change in"ireland, and iIIus- of this effort. The concentration . I $1200 I Swank S M a n g e v i l l e Che.vrolet C.O. trates it, again and 'again in the 'on better. schooling. he is conI $75 ,Ringuette's Market . n":·" ' course of his book. Your review- vinc~p. 'ispaying off by'readyKrew, Inc ' .Hi-Lo Market ' .,' r er saw this for himself I~st Sum- ing the young for the opportuni- ' I . $600 I A Friend . J h J M' . $60 V. H. B.laCkmgton & Co. · mer ona visit after an interval 'ties which are' opening up in, rs. osepI ' . ICOhl, St an d ar d PI as t'ICS C0., Inco W,amsutta Drug Co. . S Mr. & . of 30- years. The bel;luty and Ireland~ $500, I $50 PI~stic Craft. N~velty Such opportunities' are seen in , r." · charm 'of Ireland were still there, Beauchaine's, Inc. Mlch but the touch of modernity was the' introduction and develop-· & M J : h' J W· ht ' . ae I A" VIgOrI t 0 & Son, Inc · Mr. I'n t er bo r 0 Laun d ry, I nco L'yons Ad ' . rs. $400 osepI ., rIg vertlsmg . .'almost ·everywhere, afong 'with a ment of 'new industries, and the. Jeweled Cross Inc. C. Ray Randall Mfg. Co. Inc. N~. Attleboro Plumbmg & degree of 'prosperity which con- overhauling of old 'ones, such as, ,' $300 I ~, Benedict Circle No. 61, Daugh- Heatmg trasted sh~rply with conditions commercial fishing. Even in the ters of Isabella three decades earlier. West, much ·the poorest part of Society .f St. Vincent de Paul Mrs. Herbert Houghton the country, and one from which Particular Council, Attleboro' Vigorous, Self-Assured Mr. & Mrs. ~~~bert Bergh. Attleboro Motor Sales In hi,S account of Ireland to- the young have' hurried away,.' ~ $250 Portugue~e. American Club. . Attleboro Printing & EmbosA I day, Mr. Lucey unobtrusively in; new kinds of work are being nthony Plmenta, Seekonk Mr. & M s Fritz Ulmschneider, sing Co. terweaves strands' of history: At'!- created,' an,d,. new jobs. The re-, Seekonk ., I .r $35 Carl A. Lindberg, Seekonk cient Ireland: Christian Ireland, suit, there in some measure' and' Re.ad's Dairy., S,eekonk . $150 I Anson Motors, Inc. Ireland invaded by Norseme,n more noticeably elsewhere., is' I St. Vincent de ~aul Socl'ety, EIleen Darlmg s Restl;lura.nt, I Reynolds & Markman, Inc: ana' Danes, lI'eland seized by that emigration has been greatly' Sacred Heart Conference' Se.ekonk $25 England, the centuries of subju- reduced. $125. Frenchie's Service Station Hendricks Pools, Seekon~ Ireland is still a Catholic coun-. I .gation and religious persecution, Drs. Ge rge & S:ylvla Lauro Mr. & Mrs. George Glaiel Seekonk Oil Company the stirrings of rebellions, the nu- try almost par excellence. But' Dante, I c. I B.P.O.E.' Attleboro Lodge No. O'Brien's Trailer Sales' Rehogatory concessions,made piece- Mr. Lucey detects 'a questioning , $100 I , 1 0 1 4 both ' , meal by. Westminster, the bleak mentality which, for Ireland, is, Conlon Donnelly Co. years of landlordism and famine, novel. It has been charged that the hemorrhage of .emigration, the Catholic bishops run the the final, costly securing of inde- r.ountrv, bllt fhi<: i<: .rlp.finip.th; not pendence, /the civil war, which ,the case, and Mr. Lucey cites' effi~iency ih Ireland jth~se days." followed: evidence that it is not.. Nor' are. A fishe~man, :.delighted with These strands are almost en- ,the people priest-ridden, as an- two-chambered American lobster tirely of a dark hue; arid much of other canard', would have it. pots, saysj of the lobster, "It's the history of Ireland. has been. " Many pf the' priests may be' like he was going intb the kitchen melancholy. ':rhere 'w~re tliose" oastor-ridden," however, since. first, and hen, as if the kitchen even in the recent pa~t'who said the average age for becoming a wasn'.t goold enoughl for him, he that. tpe gloom would continue parish priest is 60. goes intolthe parlor. His high -. indefinitely, so pessimistic were Samples ~f Talk social notiqns are' thb end of him they ,about Ireland's chances in Ecumenism ha~ had signifi- altogether.'" I , the contemporary world. , cant success in Ireland, accord-: Presidetl Devaler1.whose resMr. Lucey holds strongly. that ing to Mr. l,ucey, 'and even some idence is n the Phoenix Park, Ireland . should and could be. a in the North, "the .six courities of is referred tQ .as :i'uie man up in more Im.portant and. effectl~e Ulster. He devotes'a chapter to' the park." The diffi<:u'lty of runpresence m the world tha? she IS the situation there, summarizing' 'ing a SChO/OI with ~ll grades in ?ow. B~t he sees her as vIgorous, the' shameful story of Orange: . one' room s put ,thus: "Can any mcreasmgly 'self-assured and repression of the Catho!" ' woman w~tch eig~t saucepans 'He '-scores - Britain, ~~~hout at a time?'!' able and likely to count for more as a moral force. whos~ huge annual subsidy UIThe Irisl1 distaste for giving a Vivid Descriptions. ". ster could not survive, for failure' clear, unhJdged answer is illusHe accords much space' ·to to insist on civil rights and ,gen- trated by ~hat a. taitress said Dublin, which is understandable. uine equaiity. to People who, after a long deNo book on Ireland would be lay, wantetI to knoW when they And he says', of that incomparable city that today it is' alive' iiI complete without 'samples of the might be' s~ated:"1 rouldn'tsav . a. new way. This is true.' One re~ talk of, the Irish. Of a priest but that baybe ye might b~ members a brooding, backward- very, slow at Mass"so.meoneob- _~hinking of coming'soonnow."

· (Dpubleday; 277 far~ Ave., New York, N.Y.I0017 $6.95)

. Spebi~




. 1

















Noted' _Edu~ator Urges -'Teachers to Develop THE ANCHOR-Dicces,e of Fall River-Thurs .•May 13, 1971 5 $25 Charities Appeal & Mrs. ,Raymond BergerSense of lf/onder in Children cn, Mr. & Mrs. Norman GenMr~

By PATRICIA McGOWAN Parents and educators of the Fall River Diocese had two opportunities last week to hear an outstanding figure in the field of early childhood religious education. Dr, Francoise D'Arcy, coauthor of the "Come to the Father" series of catechetical textbooks, spoke to CCD workers at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, and to a general meeting of elementary school teachers at the annual Teachers' Convention at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro. Her topic was "The Awakening of Faith in the Child," which she presented in the form of reflections, first upon the faith, of the teaching adult and then upon the learning child. A native of France, Dr. O'Arcy is on the religious education faculty of Fordham University. She has taught in many parts of the world, and she described her goals by saying" "I am trying to be a Christian and an educator, and this is worth a life." The best teachers should be assigned to' kindergarten and first grade classes, she mainRELIGIOUS EDUCATOR: Dr. Francoise D'Arcy, protained. "Mistakes made then fessor of religious education at Fordham University" in can't be undone, but the good diocese to address CCD workers and annual Teachers' conthings are equally lasting." Crisis to Come vention, confers with Rev. Ronald A. Tosti, diocesan CCD The time of crisis for human- director. ity is just beginning, averred the educator. "We are hardly aware have traced for us, without any urged.. "Live, share and enjoy "of what is happening to us as a questioning, we are only in a his life-then you can share human community," she said. sociological religion, and we your awareness of God as the Sociological faith, clung to have not made faith our own. source of life." simoly as im ethnic or sbcial traFaith Community But," she added, ','faith is oflly dition, is' 'dying, Dr.' D'Arcy possible if unbelief. is also posTeachers should respect the feels. She thinks it will be resible." rhythm of a chiid's growth, Dr. placed by "personal faith," Revelation, she' said, "is the O'Arcy pointed out. "Why must thought out and really accepted constant action of the spirit we rush and hurry? Why must by each individual Christian. awaking us one by one to God. First Communion, for instance, "Knowledge about God is one We are not a 'crowd to God." be on a certain day of a certain thing, but faith is another," she month if a child isn't ready. We Today's Challenge declared, citing a teenager who What should we do with chil- have all our lives for our ensaid of his religion instructors, dren to make God real to them? counter with God." "They have been telling me At a question period following about God for 10 years, but I 'The speaker. said this was the her address, Dr. D'Arcy noted challenge of religious education do not know God." Such education, she that a religion class should not "Maybe we have taught too today. stressed, is not simply the in- be so much a formal teachermuch too soon about God and of certain patterns of be- pupil relationship as "a commustilling have not provided our youth nity trying to deepen its faith, with conditions which would havior, but "development of with the adult sharing his longer readiness for an encounter with awaken faith," said Dr. D'Arcy. experience of God. "We must take the spiritual risk God." Out of such' readiness, "We used to have all the she said, should grow the desire of journeying to the depths' of questions and answers," she prayer, celebration and comfor our beings if faith is to be alive noted, "but now we're not sure rriitment to Christian values. for us." of the meanings we used to an"If we don't respect stages of Before 'adults teach religion, swer the questions. she said, they should ask 'them- growth, we indoctrinate, we "The Church," she concluded, don't educate," she warned. selves "Is Goq more real than "often hides God instead of reanything for me? If so, Why? First should come the awakvealing, Him. We must all try to How did this happen." ening of a sense of wonder in' become more transparent to "Each path to God is unique," the child, said Dr. D'Arcy, then God." . she continued. "Each encounter the building up of a pedagogical with God is a secret that we can relationship between teacher and Discuss Ali~nation totally share with no one, the taught. 'NEW YORK (NC)-More than "Wonder is opposed to the unique secret of our lives-yet the core of this experience is the technological, utilitarian mental- 30 experts will discuss "Alienasame for all of us, and it unites ity," she said. "But we so often tion: Plight of Modern Man?" at kill the sense of wonder-,-it's n'ot the eighth biennial Institute in us in the Church." strange we don't have enough Pastoral Psychology to be held Revelation Is Now. at Fordham University June "Revelation is not just' in the poets and artists." Referring to the commune life 21-25. past," said Dr. D'Arcy. "It's what happens to me when God style, Dr. D'Arcy said that shows Himself to me." Even "wonderful things" were to be children brought up as Chris- found in such groups: "But the The ANCHOR tians, she said, must one day type of society we have built make the faith they have been doesn't allow them to live with • TYPE SET given thei;- own, and must de- us. They must live against us. • PRh1TED BY OFFSET cide for themselves if they really We are developing a mechanical, wish to accept Christianity. stereotyped sort of person in • MAILED . "At age IS," she related, "I our schools,"· - BY THE started to won.der about God. I A child's first idea of God will looked in philosophy and theol- be in the image of the adults he ogy, but did not fin,d Him there. knows best, said the educator. I finally found Him in life and Thus it is important to develop FALL RIVER reality-not in books. As long as a loving, trusting relationship we walk on a path that others with children. "Don't teach," she



dron, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Girard, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. LeBlanc, Bella LePage _.


$100 Mr. & Mrs. John Santos

$50 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Bosse Mr & Mrs Arthur H. Gronlund $40

Mr. & Mrs. Roland LaBossiere Mr. & Mrs. Rene Racine

$35 Leo, Violet & Yvonne Boucher Dr. & Mrs. Hector Roy

$30 Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Barry Mr. & Mrs. James M. Haworth In Memory of Alfred A. Langlois

Mr. & Mrs. John J. O'Toole, In Memory of Henry Phaneuf, Mr. & Mrs., Bernard Rossi, The Sleight Family, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard E. Tardif, Mr. & Mrs. William J. Yeary Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Barrette, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Charest, Mr. & Mrs. Leo N. Coons, Mr. & Mrs Martin McCoy Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Pimental Mr. & Mrs. Leo Ricard, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Robert, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore J. Schick


Dear Friend: There are a million·and·a·half refugees in the Holy Land, each one the voiceless victim of a war now in its 22nd year. ' Mostly children, they are refugees torn to ,shreds by war. We mend them best by giving them hope. Hope is a pair of shoes, an egg, a clean blanket, a chance to receive the sacraments. Hope is a handful of practical·action peoplepriests, Sisters, and qualified volunteers-who leave their own homes and become refugees' in the Holy Land for the refugees. These people, just a handful, are our Pontif· ital Mission for Palestine. They are people who feed, teach, heal, clothe, mend, fulfilling the love·mission of Jesus Christ. in Bethlehem, Nazareth, -Cairo, Damascus, and war points in between. Their mission is love, and peace y.'ith justice. Their strategy is service-the works of mercy, person·to·person, in the name of Jesus Christ. There is hope' in the heart of the blind child in the Gaza Strip because he is learning a trade in the Pontifical Mission Center for the Blind. . In Abu·Dis, outside Jerusalem, an elderly Muslim prays contentedly to Allah because Sister PatriCk, from Ireland, is at his side. Six Sisters from India - a, physician, two nurses, three social workers-have arrived in war-torn Jordan, to work in the camps and live no better than the refugees. You give them hope because you care. We ask your prayers, for peace and for the safety of us all. We beg you to help us keep hope alive. Please use the coupon below. I'll be writing to, thank you for your gift.



Gratefully yours in Christ, Monsignor Nolan ~---------------

Dear ENCLOSED PLEASE fiND $ Monsignor Nolan: fOR Please return coupon with your offering THE CATHOLIC



_ _







TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue· New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 13, 1971



Nolt;,tO" A liiJrti'mhtJ'

In New Bedford


As The Figures lJfoiJnt As the figures for the Catholic Charities Appeal continue to mount-; due attention must be given to the real story behind the figures.·The Appeal is the story not of money, but of sacrifice, of one person caring for another, ' of many persons of varying backgrounds being concerned abqut their neighbors in need~. The 'goal of the Appeal 'is not simply I?oney. Money is a means of caring for those who need care-for the elderly, the sick, the handicapped, the', disturbed, the exceptional, the troubled, the youth in' need of wholesome outlets for ~nergy. ' So the story of the Appeal, is the story of caring, of Christ-like concern, of persons reaching out to persons.



... if ~lOU did it to t


one ~f these,-my - I


It is the story of persons willing to make sacrifices in their own lives in order to do the works of Christ. It is the story of persons willing to have a little less themselves in order to insure that others have ,a little more than they, would ordinarily have.

, Census reports say that there are now some 20 million persons-about 9.9 per cent of the. nation's population -who' are 65 years of age and older in this country. This is an increase of more than 4 million persons in a decade. The Northeast area of the United States has the large,st ,~' percentage of elderly, residents, 10.6 per cent. It is ,wonderful that more persons are reaching an~

older age. This is a tribute to many things-better health care; happiness' in work and life, better safety measures to protect ,life. It also means that a community must invest more of its resources' to the care of its older citizens since there are that many more of them. No one should, begrudge thLs. '. It has· been 'Said that 'a civilization,isJudgedby the way it cares for the o l d . ' , . ,~' -,l':)J .'" ' .. ,!',': But',a f~'~c~n~lu'si~ns' do'1 co~e' frorilJile ~ratist'rc&~' , ' ," .'




."t',' :




'. -

'-' .

'One tonau:~iion' i'~ ~that' all' se~~'nts of the community -public and private and religibus""":'must cooper(j.te t(), be ,sure, that,the older citizen lives in. a p~ace of'dignity',and with adequate care Jor his health (j.nd well-being and hap• :, ",. , pine'ss and spiritual. needs.', ' .... Another' conclusion' is that' '.sped~d notice must, b~ given to talk about "quality' ,of. life." This sounds lik~ a well-meaning phrase but sometimes 'it is a cloak to say 'that only those who are healthy and pr0d.~ctiye. citiz~hS should be allowed to live. It is sometimes another name ,for mercy killing. ,

No one should say that this is a far-out claim. Few people thought a decade ago that abortion would be legalized to the extent that 'if'is in i:his nation:- And already,' a few trial ballons have been sent upon mercy-killing. The'discussioJ;l about it will gather momentum in the l)ext decade. Those who: reverence life and' consider it sacred from the very first moment must 'continue to be vigilant in protecting life and in resisting' all attacks against'it.' This is not saying that the dying of em aged person must be prolonged by extraordinary means., But it does say that a person who' is old has the right to live, and tb live in, dignity and respect and with due care. And' the measure of ,concern for him is the measure _of reveren,ce for life.



St Matthew Qospel, 25:4.0 '

Synod Document on World Justice I

Continued from Page 'One page document, which was largely overshadowed by intensive debate on celibacy and the modern priesthood's deep troubles. The Vatican's newest schema on world justice, was not released publicly at the ,D~troit meeting, Newsmen there were, giv~n ' a ,synopsis of ~n~arlier draft. The, document says: that tl'j,e October . SYnod·-·'of·~-"Btslrops~· in Rome will ,have to "pr6pose and stillllilate" concrete'. 'I)"': .abfj'o~s of . " solidarity in favor 'of ~ justice in the -w'orld. It' adci;; that' basic cha'nges of" attitude arid action wilFhav~ to' be carried out "at evetyle\'el" of the Church: by 'persons, 'families, parishes, 'dioceses; regions: and the ~niv~rsal Church," , , 'The schema, raises 'three question.s for, the syri'od to answer: , Is social doctrine as stated in Scripture, Pope' john's ~ocial encyc,licals (Pacem in Terris, and Mater et Magistra), Pope Paul's social ~ncyclical (Populorum Pro,


Boy Scout Show Opens' May ~15

. Edward Ward; president of the Massasoit Council of the Boy Scouts of America, which serves the Greater Fall River area, has announced that a committee composed of distinguish~d lead: ers and conservation! experts have planned' a variety of activities in the coming months. The major activity will be the bi-annual Boy Scout Show scheduled for • Saturday and Sun. I . day, May 15 and 16 Iin the Armory on Bank Street. , The day will open \vith a parade from, Kennedy' Park starting on Saturday mo~ning at 10:30 and will proceed to the Armory for, the official' bpening of the show. , I: , The show will ,be composed of booths, exhibits, stage !sryows, demonstrations and a variety of special 'opportunities fo!r Cub Scouts,: Boy Scouts and Explorersof the Massasoit Cou~cil.


.@rhe Al~(JHOR

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic P~ess of the Diocese of Fall River ,,410 Highland Avenue ~a" River, Mass. 02722, 675-7.151' PUBLISHER ' Most 'Rev. Daniel A: Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. ~\SST. GENERAL MM~AGER GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. ShalloQ,M.A. Rev. John P. D,riscoll ~.~ le'ary

Press-fall River




did it to me."

The Older' Citizen'


PI~nning 'Gro,up

gressio) and the Vatican II document on the Church in' the Modern 'World, "insufficiently taught 'or simply ignored" in Catholic schools and seminaries? Social Teachings How can the Church's 'social teachings be' made U11de'rstandable to Catholics so that' they realize they have 'obligations?, , How can mankind's r,e'cip,rQ.~al 'obligatiobs in building sochi~y' ,~~ besfintetpreted ill' ord~i:'tci"a'void '''a system' which' knowingly or unknowingly is essentially' selfish and aninstrumenf of injustice?" Auxiliary Bishop Edward E, Swanstrom of New York, who directs Catholic Relief Services ,and heads' theU. S. ' Catholic Conference's ,international 'affairs committee, introduced .the' new Vatican draft to the bishops.

Populo,tion Up' , Continued, fr0f!! Page One The total number of prie,sts, diocesan 'and 'Religious 'went down by 1,031 during the last year, In all, Catholics make up "bout 23.5 per cent of the total U. S. population.' That's exactly the ,same percentage they recorded in the directory's last annual' survey. The total Catholic population reported in the official, directory is drawn from the number of Catholics living in the U. S" plus the number, of American Catholics liv'ing overseas on military bases or in diplomatic private houses al.1d private businesses. 58,161 Priests Latest statistics r~vealed that 290,695 fewer students were ,enrolled in Catholic schools during the' past year,' and that for the first time, .Iay teachers outnumbered Religious' instructors. The laity now represents 53.4 per cent of the faculties that staff Catholic schools, Priests, according to the directory, total 58,161. There are now 37,020 or 252 fewer diocesan priests, and 'Religious priests number 21,141,' a decline of

The need to formulate a plan as quickly as possible,and the suggestion that sufficient data has been accumulated in that direction was emphasized by Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, diocesan superintendent of schools, at a meeting of the Planning Commission for Catholic Schools in New Bedford. The initial phase of a study being conducted by the Planning Commission is nearly complete, At last week's meeting, subcommittees reported on their activities to date with final reports due to be submitted to a newlyformed Steering Committee by early June. Named to this Committee, to analyze the data accumulated by the commission, were sub committee chairmen Michael Crowley, Joseph Marshall, Ronald L'ltalien, Gil Costa, co-chairman; Rev. Raymond Robillard of Sacred Heart Church;"'New Bedford, and Rev. James Morse of Holy Name Church, New Bedford. Aims at 1972 A plan for the New Bedford Parochial School system is envisioned by September, 1972. One of th~ main 'concerns of the commission is to determine the extent of the problems in New Bedford, present or potential; with the current system. The Facilities Committee, for example, has advised that, many schools are in need of improv'ement with 'most having been <;onstructed many years ago. This, coupled with a sharp decline in available nuns in the : las~ "d¢~?de,~:?~~,~"t~~~t:,,)~!MF~'ment 'With lay te,ache.rs, presents 'the greatest chaUenge to th'c current system, the Planning ' Commission said. Father Robill~rd" ~f the R~­ search Committee said there was a decline in religioustea~hers from '141 in September, '1960 to 67 in September, ~970, . ',', "'Meet' June 2 ; ", The ,Public' lriformation Committe,e:naving Visited ,the major'ity. of parishes, advised that its program, to report the commiss{on's' ftlnctio'ns had been received with positive reaction by' the' groups contacted, The second phase 9f~he program calls for th.e preparation of a plan by the Ste,ering Committee, the approval of the Planning Commission, and submission to the' constituencies of the Diocese of FallRi~er and. parishes, , Next Planning Commission meeting is June 2 'at St. Mary's School, "off Tarkiln Hill .Road in New Bedford. 'II ,",, I"


"'''~ II"~"W"~"''''"" 11,,*."' ,ml"'~""''''l''''.,,,,I "u'", "I'''''''·' \'.11 ~Io'"'''' ~, .•



over t,heprevio,us, year's report. . ' Brothers, who now stand at 10,156, noted a loss of 1,467, and Sisters total 153,645, a decline of



There are 25,710 seminarians studying for the priesthood, 3,256 fewer than were enrolled when the last count was taken, Catholic students number 3,348,421, and .in the last 10 years, their ranks have declined' by 951,810. By comparison, lay. teachers who numbered 45,506 in 1960, now total 106,844. The, total of Religious personnel staffing Catholic schools stands at 93,594,


Dondy,~Candy Vitamin. Pill,s

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 13, 1971

Urges Catholic School System Exercise Role of Lea~ership

For Surpa'ss, Castor Oil The other day one of my children complained about the taste of his Dandy-Candy orange-flavored chewable vitamin pill. "I'll bet Grandma never made you take an~颅 thing that tasted, like this," he grumbled, eyeing me balefully. I stared at him, speechless for once, as memory but a good number' of adults catapulted me backward 30 around today lost their zest for orange juice years ago because years. He was right: There of its association with castor oil. were no lovely tasting chewable pills forced upon me by that lenient grandmother of his. But there Was one horrid tasting cure-all forced upon me by that conscientious mother of mine, and she was on~ and the same person,


Other chasers used, as I recall, were sugar cubes, candy and bananas. One clever friend claimed he dumped his mother's .bottle once and the next time he was ill, she had to settle for some other remedy. So, of course, we tried that trick. My mother never batted an eye. She went to the cupboard and opened', a new bottle. There were things we ran out of, but never castor oil. '


Sour Wine


Nor did we live on castor oil alone. When we contracted the measles but the spots were reluctant to show themselves, we drank hot wine. Not the kind with spices that one sips before a fire in a ski lodge, I regret to say, but the sour home-made kind that brought out more than the spots.

It is impossible to describe the taste of castor oil to one who has never taken it. There is nothing else like it, God be praised. The consistency of honey in Winter, a deceiving We have just about removed opaque white in color, this sure everything unpleasant or painful cure for, anything from listless- for. a child today and I am, the ness to hypertension had a taste first to say, "Thank God." Painso vile that the mere thought of less dentistry is so much with it kept many a child from divul- us that I doubt if any ,child ging a raw throat or headache. experiences the raw pain of an old-time drill touching a nerve. No Jelly But it isn't the taste so much Anesthetic sprays abound in as the associations connected medicine cabinets so even a bad with castor oil that spring to scrape hurts only, long enough my memory. One of my sisters to get home to Mom. Flu 'is retold me recently, "I didn't mind lieved by tasty chewable aspirin; taking the castor oil so much; pediatric antibiotics come ,in it was. the teaspoon of jelly that flavored syrups, arid antacids for followed it."路 To this day, she kids come in ,all cQlors and tastes. . can't eat jelly. wouldn't wish castor oil' on I My other sister 'was smarter. She perfected the art of becom- my children for anything. But ing visually ill at the' mere men- once in awhile, just for reasons tion of castor oil so she never of comparison, I wish they knew had to take it. For her my what it tasted like. ,Especially mother bought a bottle of Syrup when they complain about candy. of Figs and we all' watched in flavored vitamin pills.. envy as she was spooned this delicacy before our main course Seek Withdrawal of castor oil. We got, even, From Indochina though, by lying in the same bedroom on sleepless evenings' BOSTON (NC~Three hundred and, describing the looks, feel Boston priests demanded in a and taste of castor oil so accu- newspaper advertisement here rately, we sent her running from that the United States end its the room in haste. involvement in Indochina by Dec. We weren't the only neigh- 31, 1971. borhood kids cured by this .evil Calling themselves "Concern-' potion, and we used t6 compare ed Catholic Clergy," the 'priests' different chasers used' by declared that "America's inmothers to cut the taste. My sis- volvement in the Indochina war termay not be able to eat jelly, grossly violates just war principles." "'The evil of this 'war," their Catholic, Lutheran' Boston Globe ad continued, "far Dialogue in Spain outweighs any stated or hoped , SALAMANCA' (NC)-Catholic for good. It is destroying not and Lutheran theologians, meet- only the people of Vietnam, ing here for the first time since Cambodia, and Laos,' it is dethe Reformation, agreed to es- stroying us as well." tablish a continuous "frank and progressive dialogue" between Planned Parenthood the two churches. NOTRE DAME (NC):-A poll "This, fraternal beginning is a response by us to the demands 'conducted in Gary, Ind., came of the Holy Spirit," the two de- up with an" 'astounding conclunominations said in a joint state- sion - that Planned Parenthood, ment issued after the meeting. which mainly gives women con"May the experience of our en- traceptive advice, is regarded counter be helpful to the Chris- among a sizeable number of tian community and may the poor white families as an 'organresults be evident in the life of ization helping people have more children. our congregations."


William J. Sullivan

Ston'ehill Grad Now Trustee William J. Sullivan, a 'former member of St. Mary's Cathedral Parish, Fllii River and now a resident of Washington has been named a member of the Board of Trustees of Stonehill College, No. Easton. Mr. Sullivan, a member of the class of 1952 at Stonehill worked for the CIA in Cuba following his graduation and in 1962 entered the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, where he received a $1000 scholastic award and was marshall of his class. At the' present, Mr. Sullivan is Deputy Assistant Postmaster General for Planning in the United States Postal Service.

ROCKFORD (NC) - Catholic ministry, re-establishing the unity education has the built-in ability 'of man. . The Marquette administrator to combine two educational philosophies which are splitting told Rockford diocesan education public education, a Marquette board members at a meeting that University administrator said Catholic education is 'not currently accepting' this challenge. here in Illinois. "The only way the Catholic Dr. James Hanlon, associate liberal arts dean at the Milwau- 'school system can survive its kee, Wis., university, said one present crisis is for it to exercise public education view sees the a role of leadership in educateacher as a "trailier," preparing tion," Hanlon' said. He added: "At the end of this the student to fill the role socidecade, we will have won or ety expects of him. Hanlon said the other philoso- lost." Catholic schools are not folphy says teachers should help a student discover for himself lowing through with their own the insights he needs to develop objectives but accepting the his personality. methodology of public education, Catholic schools can combine. Hanlon claimed. Money woes are not the probthe two philosophies, he explained, because of the Judaeo- lem, but a symptom that CathoChristian view they hold of man lic educators have not been sellas both animal and person, and ing their product as essentially of the corresponding view that different from and superior to the learning process is a healing public education,' he said.

Nuns in Forefront of Projects To 'Assist' Migrant Workers

ONANCOCK (NC)-Two nuns from the Rev. Myron Miller, repjust about have completed the resenting the Virginia Council of spade work ,in a two-county Churches, for the services of Eastern Shore area of Virginia, four nuns to operate two dayanticipating a bumper crop for care centers for the children of human betterment ~uring the migrant workers. They would Summer months. oversee the recreation and aid Their efforts have been di- the education of the children. rected toward improving the HEW ~ojed health and way of life of some Sister Rosalia is director of 6,000 to 7,000 migrant workers, the project here. at the' southernexpected to begin arriving here most tip of the Wilmingt~n, Del., at strawberry-picking time in diocese. Known as Cepter Two, May and continue working it is one of three health care through the potato and other projects financed by 'the U. S. Synagogues Favor crop harvesting until August in Department of Health, Education Ascomack and Northampton Selective ,Objection and Welfare aimed at aiding miCounties. grant workers. . NEW YORK (NC) - The SynSister Rosalia Bauer, a nurse agogue Council' of America has The other centers are located cn special assignment froin the passed a major policy statement Franciscan Sisters' of Pupetual in West Palm Beach, for a procalling on Congress to extend Adoration community, laCrosse. gram covering Palm Beach Coun~ the concept of conscientious obWis., and Sister Maureen Smith, ty, Fla., and in Orange and jection to individuals who object' a teacher of the Order of St. Ulster Counties; N. Y. not only to all wars but to a Francis, Dubuque, Iowa, have The centers are part of an particular wl\r: been in the 'area since l11st HEW pilot, project covering 19 , -The', council's statement, said November. They live in a rented states along the Atlantic seaboard. 0 its' president, Rabbi Solomon J. house near here. Sharfman, is particularly timely , Optimistic over the outcome Health Clinics because a recent U. S. Supreme Sister Rosalia has been work- of the 1971 Summer program in Court de<;ision defim;d conscien- ing closely with Dr. Belle De- this Eastern Shore area; Sister tious objection as applying to Cormis Feares, Ascomack Coun- Rosalia said its success could all wars. ty health officer, toward a bet- serve as a model for other proThe council, the central coor- ter health program, and im- grams like it to aid migrants dination agency of religious proved living and sanitation throughout the country. Jewry in the United States, now conditions when the peak popuis enabled, said the rabbi, "to lation of migrants are here in join with the National .Council July and August. of Churches and the National Night health clinics, staffed by Conference of Catholic Bishops, volunteer local physicians and who previously adopted similar workers are planned. Of the positions, together to urge new transient workers about 75 per 245 MAIN STREET legislation that will provide se~ cent are blacks and 22 per cent FALMOUTH - 548路1918 ' lective conscientious objection:" are Latin Americans. Sister Maureen said 'she has .. Married Deacons been encouraged by a request LEEDS (NC)-The first married deacons in the history of the ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I1111~ Catholic Church in England were The Place to Go for Names You Know ~ ordained recently in St. Anne's ~ cathedral here by Bishop William ED. COUGHLIN, Prop. G. Wheeler of Leeds.

ORTINS Photo Supply


:R~A~~~:N~ ~:~~





Religious Teachers in the service of the Church

Write: Brother Guy, C.F.X. 704 Brush Hill Rood Milton, Massachusetts 02186





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No. Attleboro

THEANCHO.R-Dioceseof Fall-River-Thurs. May 13, 1971 ' .

, ST.. MARY $1000 John F. Smith . $220 Howard Morse $125: .

Ne'w York Wee,k,e'nd Offers Glimps,es' of Lalt·elst Styles

Mary & Margaret "Kinton'

If yoti- want to feel lumpy, dowdy, and behind the

times then take a trip to New York and walk along the, that houses such fashion-conscious stores as Bergdorf's, Bonwit'S and Saks Fifth Avenue. Here you will come across. some of the most fascinating costume looks imag- witl1 ~ild improbable colors and , inabie, quite unlike anything !:'Itra-sophisticated fabrics. Hot pants are everywhere, but that you have in your closet; because hoth days we were there.


if you're anything like .me. Hemlines ine below the knee, cxcept in the case of hot pants, of course, and many, many hems are even lower than that. Boots are everywhere and it just goes to show that the passing of' • Winter (even though we WOllld

it was quite' unseasonably cool, there weren't as many as I ex·: pected and a lot were hidden under midi or maxi coats. . . Coats were quite lovely, espe~ cially the raincoats which in/ most cases were well below the knee. Worn with high boots, . thi:;. is a great. look. Two remarkable outfits that I saw were not in the stores btlt By rather on two of the fashionable women' enjoying the thrill of New York. One was a salmon . MARILYN knit outfit that sported a longer jacket with a· sashed closing RODERICK and the second was a ~tunning purple knit ensemble that ap'pea red to consist of a mid-calf debate the fact that it has dre:;s and a very controlled cir~ passed) didn~t take with it the cular cape. fashionable boots. They are .' Sparkling Shoes 'everywhere and in every .imagI .did view a simiiar outfit in inable material and color. . , grey and white 'knit through the '. No Dieting windows of a little' shop in the There are a, great many ex- hotel lobby but unfortunately I citing crocheted knits and other didn't notice it· until Sunday' equally slinky styles that make therefore this definitely fell into you want to run to' your nearest the realm of window shopping. Shqes sparkled at us from , sauna and lose about 20 pounds. Why, it's even enough to make every" corner a6d you found you want to pass up' some of yourself gazing' ~t people's feet those ,extraordinary' restaurants instead of their faces. The lacedthat in):1abi.t what used to' be ,up leg is in, at lea'st with the called "fun city." (Of course, I Central Park' set-also the Carcouldn't possibly pass them up, . men Miranda wedgie,' in a variso I ju'st put off my diet .until ety of, shades and materials.: r returned home to, the land of .The prices of the footwear was . cottage cheese and carrot sticks.) what: really shocked me and I had a semi-embarrassing moWe spent last weekend in ment: when a pair of 'shoes that New York and that'!> when I I ,was .begging a clerk to' take .got an eyeful of'what are sup· out of a window display turned posedly "the .fashions of today, out ::0 have a price tag of $,,48. because Jf you're not seeiIlg Needless to say said shoes are fashion in Fifth Avenue, then still in that Fifth Avenue winwhere could you possibly see it. dow. (But they really 'were gre'at There are still' very few chic looking.) day"length dresses around but All. in all, a stroll down Fifth there are some of the most beauAvenue can put a dent in your tiful evening looks. imaginable, budg,~t, if' you're susceptible' or' makE' you discontent with your present wardrobe if you're not. Urg~s Women Increclse

Christian Commitment RICHMOND (NC) -'Margaret Mealey, executive director of the National Council of Catholic Women, said here in Virginia she feels that liberated women should not· separate themselves from family, Church, community, career and country, but should deepen those concerns along the' lines of Christian commitment. "As we become less' rigid, less blindly conforming, less traditionally subservient; we will become more free to. render the real service that determines how truly C):1rist-like we are," she said. Speaking at a diocesan Co'un. cil of Catholic Women' convention here, Mis's Mealey said "the liberation of Christian women, which will be included in i:he general changing lifestyle of American women, must be guid• cd by their Christian comrrlitment."

Spanish Bishops Ask RelE!ase of. Hitler Aide

BARCELONA (NC) Two bishops were among 2,000 Spaniards who signed a petition asking that Rudolf Hess, 77, an aide of Adolf Hitler convicted as a war criminal at the end. of World War II, be released from life .imprisonment at Spandan, Germany. The petition, drawn up by a , Barcelona committee, said sign, ers are not passing judgment on international justice but simply acting for humanitarian reasons. Among the signers were Arch, bishop Pedro Cantero Cuadrado of Zaragoza and Archbishop Jose Pont y Gol of Tarragona. Hes:; was tried at Nuremberg in' 1946 after being held by the British for four years. The Nazi Nazi official had secretly flown into Scotland in 1942, allegedly to make a peace proposal.

$100 Rev. Cornelius J. Keliher Henry Beach Jr. ~ James J. Coogan :Louis Donley Marshall Hammond $75 Edward Coogan Rev. H~gh J. Munro $50 John Bevilaqua Jr. John Brennan John 'Donley Stephen Linfield Francis McNally Eva Morawski James Reynolds Marjorie Shea Robert Wessman Frederick Wright HONOR STUDENTS: New inductees to the National Arthur St. John . ~panish Honor Society are from left, Nancy Curtis, Nora $40 George Morse Jr. Cabeceiras and Mary·Ellen Powers, all students at Sacred $35 Hearts Academy, Fall·River. Dr. Domenic Basile Edward Connor August' Funke Frederick Thorpe \ $31 Franciscan'Sisters Plan Health Care Hugh L. Donnelly $30 Program: in Poor Neighborhoods., ,John J. Bollinger . LOS ANGELES (Nc) - The undertaking a program of health Robert Carvalho Franciscan Sisters \of the Sacred care for' the poor through clinics Gertrude Cassidy H~art have sold th~ir' 404-bed' in Negro and Mexican neighborJoseph Kelley' Queen of Angeles Hospital here hoods. Clement Sharon William Woloshyn and announced. that trey ar.e 'The Sisters, who established $25 the hospital in 1926, sold the George Bankert, Robert Bedard hospital to Los Angeles Clinics Raymond Blanchard, Fred But, an? Ho~pitals Inc. HOLY REDEEMER The board' of directors of this terworth, Roland' Chabo,t Jphn CC?lIin~, :wmi,an1. Cor~igan new corporation includes meml $200 Ja.~es piamond, Rita .Dunham, bers ofihe Franciscan '~isters, '·St. Vincent De Paul: SoCiety . . represenJatives of -, the" Los' Henry Dupras. $100 ' .. Thomas Feen~y, Joseph Ferland Angeles archdiocese, physicians 'Rev. Kieran Rush, SS.CC. Richard Forbes,William Flynn. and lay persons: J ames Gormley Paul Hinski, Vincent V. Hoye Sister Timothy Marie, o'.S.F., Ralph Guida ,Robert Kelley, Joseph Laliberte fuajor superior of the Franciscan Joh!1 Mohyde Nellie Lavery, Gertrude' Littlethe announcement Sis'ters, made Assoc.. of the SacrE\d Hearts of the hospital's sale at a press .field, Louis Meomartino James Bell Gerard Michaud, Anthony Naconference. $50 deem, David O'Neill, Joseph. PaS):1e explained. that the high trone, Paul Raftery Rev. James Hipp, SS.CC. cost of nursing school, graduate John" Martin Julia Riley, D. Sarazin, Floreducation program and: chariWilbur W. Hartshorn ence Smith, Herbert Snell, Waltable clinic had made it impos- ter Szewczykowski Tompson Oil sible to modernize the 45-yearAlice Dobbyn . George Vandal, Edmund Welch old hospital which has a payroll Clinton Wordell Pumphert Family of 1,000 employees. George Killen She added that hospital $35 growth and changes in medical 'changing direction, merely em. John Roy" care had made the relationship phasis, in their 'plan to revert to $31 between Sisters and patients less m~re personal care of patients J.ohn Speight personal. through the health clinic proRichard Sullivan. The Sisters, she said, are not gram for the poor. $30


Lawrence J. Frawley . James Greer ' Mrs. James Greer Richard Griffin John Kane $25 Chatham Furniture, 'James Jackson, James A. Cronin Sr.,' Frank Maloney, Donat Barabe. Alexander Griffin,' Jam~s An: drews, Julie, Margaret & Marion Martin, Sergius Bernard, Ralph i Lally. Edward G. Zibart, Lawrence Hunter, Chester Eldrige,: Paul Courtnell, Charles. Bladen. J aseph Ropulewis,' Thomas : Spa~kes, Freeman Philip~ Jr., . John Patten, Dresser Family. ,Mrs. Mary Rogers, 'Elizabeth Norton, Emily Judge,. Anonymous, Anonymous. : Vivian 'O'Connell, ,William Maple, George Fleckensteirt, Albert Kolodzik, Helen O. Page. , Carl 'P. Doelger, Jacques A. May, Anonymous, Edith Loftus.

...... : c/:'

. ._","'::-,


Special School Outings, Group Offer, $4. per Student Offer.includes: Special Luncheon, Swimming Pool admis-

sion and Free Rides All Day, Additional details, Call Mr, Conrad Feria: (401) 737-8000; Collect. o

FamilY'Does Well at Wake; Only 路Mom Has Trouble A respected friend of mine, a doctor, stopped me the other day. He. was obviously troubled and asked my advice. He wanted to know' the correct thing to do when attending a' wake. A close neighbor of his had died and he wanted to go and pay his respects, but he hesitated, particularly since the problem because, although he was in was ... me. I wonder if the children could give me some lessons. his late forties, he had never I don't carry-on uncontrollably;

been to a wake. ' I just have a bad case of "footHis apprehension made me in-mouth" disease that's most glad we started taking our chil- virulent at wakes. dren to 'wakes while they were My husband's uncle died. Of young. Becausfi,. our family .is the survivors I knew only one so large, we have regular' oppor- ' of his sons, and none of the tunities. Knowing it could be other members of his or his late difficult for the children when wife's family. I was determined, someone close to them died, we however, to behave as I expected began taking them when it was my children to do, and extend a distant relative. sincere condolences to the nearer relatives of the deceased. In the gathered crowd, it's sometimes difficult to tell who' are the nearer relatives,' so I By devised my own system. The "all black" custom is fading with MARY our family, and usually just the very close relatives' are dressed in somber clothing. The key to CARSON recognizTng immediate family is to watch for dark suits. Man in Black At the funeral home, just outThe children hardly knew one side the chapel door, "a man in of my aunts and when she a black suit stood ... solemn and passed away it was a good time sad. 路He had to be a close relato teach them why' a family tive, because I had seen him' gathers on such' an occasion. at other wakes in that branch Since she had been sick for a of the family. Knowing that he long time, everyone looked on didn't belong to uncle directly, her death as a blessed reUef I immediately concluded he was from her. suffering.' There was a brother-in-law.. He reminded no emotional strain and the me so. much of uncle's wife that children. 'aw~pted if well. . They he nad to be her brother. ' .. even" 'reserved their questions With confidence th~t I was until we gilt back to the car. doing the right thing,' I started with carefully phrased. sinceriGood Experience The experience triggered con- ties. "It's good to' see you again, . versation covering a wide 'range but it's unfortunate we get toof thoughts. We went from an explanation of' eternity to spec- gether only, under 'such sadcirulation as to whether or not cumstances." "Yes, it is a shame, but it's she had shoes on: . It was a wholesome experi- good to see you, too." "I'm sorry. It must be a great ence for them. They accepted the belfef of happiness in heaven, loss for you." , "How are you managing?" learned respect for the dead and "Oh, very well." recognized the need for conso"Is there anything I can do to lation and companionship to the help?" . close family. ,"No, thank you. Everything Having met with success the first trip, we had no qualms has been taken care of." . . "And the grandchildren, how about taking them when Greatgrandma died. Although she are they taking it?" He 'paused for a moment, took hadn't ,been sick, no' one was surprised ... Grandma was 94. my hand, then carefully asked, This time ther~ was a closer', tie "Which funeral were you lookfor the children, but agaIn they ing for?" I had just offered my condodid well. Only one of the boys to the undertaker. lences was upset by her "early" death because he had been counting . on her making 100'. There were a few more aunts and uncles, and as the children kept improving, I gained' confidence in their' having lear.ned this particular form of etiquette. After so many good experiences, I was somewhat shocked when we ran into a problem,

Laborers' Rights VAtICAN CITY (NC) - The struggle of the workingman to gain his just reward for toil is still going on, Pope Paul VI told a special audience in St. Peter's Basil ica on May 1, the traditional Labor Day in Europe. The rights of the laborer, the Pope said, must be the real norm in settling debates between the employed and the employer. .

Private Universities Need Public Funds WASHINGTON (NC) - Unless state and federal funds are made available to the riation's private universities, they will close, deteriorate or go public, declared the president of Georgetown University. In testimony before the House Subcommittee on Education, Jesuit Father Robert J. Henle spoke on behalf of 28 institutions which compose the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities of the United States: These institutions, he said, face critical financial problems. In addition to his presidency at Georgetown here Father Henle is chairman of the association's board of directors.

THE ANCHORThurs., May 13, 1971


~r. & Mrs. Joseph Terry, Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Martone, Mr. & Mrs. John Dean, Dr. Robert J. Doherty. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bearse, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Swain, Mrs. K. R. Liston, Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Childs, Mr. & Mrs: Homer A. Phinney. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Maher, Mr. & Mrs. Ubaldo Nugnes, Mr. & 'Mrs. Francis Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Yakola. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Scaramelli, Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dacey, Mrs. Jeanette B. McLanathan, Mrs. Arthur Linnell, Mrs. Wray Lockwood. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Haydon, .John Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Austin O'Blenis, Mr. & Mrs. Bento Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Johnson. Wayne L. James, Mr. & Mrs. John E. Eckert, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Aylmer Jr.

Falmouth ST. 'PATRICK $200 Former Guest of St. Vincent's Home $100 Charles Bachmann $50 Mrs. James Cassidy & Margaret Cassidy Mrs. Martin Kane Loretta & Mary McKeon Atty. & Mrs. Alfred A. MaWJIAT KIND OF CLOTHES ARE THOSE? Young honey Dr. & Mrs. John Mitchell Greg Buchanan seems pleased at the academic robes of Mr. & Mrs. F. Adams his father, Dr. Paul Gordon' Buchanan, the new president Mrs. Max CQhen of Dunbarton College of Holy Cross, a Liberal Arts Girl's Mr. & Mrs. John Collins Mr. & Mrs. Melvin E. Dolan College in Washington, D.C. Dr. Buchanan is the first male, Mrs. John P. Syvia, Jr. secl;ll~rpresident in the, long history.. of the school. NC Mrs. Bernard O'Hayre 'Photo. $35 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Higgins $40 Centerville $30 . Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Clifford OUR LADY OF VICTORY Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Knis$35 $150 pel 'Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bresnahan Mr. & Mrs. Philip Buckley , Anonymous $30 $25 $125 Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy In Memory of Edith Carriuolo, Mr. & Mrs. James 'Murphy Dr. & Mrs. KarolBernard Mrs. Charlotte Ciummei, Mrs. Zielinski $100 Alice Creamer, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. McCafMrs. Matthew Finn Thomas Dorsey, Dr. & Mrs. Ed$25 frey Ann Fawcett, Mr. & Mrs.. ward Fitch. Mr. & Mrs. John Norton Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Glista, Dr. &' Mrs. William O'Toole Charles McDermott, Mr. & Mrs. James Duane, Mrs. Harold Bra- Mr. ,& Mrs .. Albert Horman, Dr. Dr. & Mrs. Austin O'Malley & Mrs. John S. Lee, Mary C. gle, . Mrs. William E. Mullins Dr. & Mrs. John J. Curran Mr. & Mrs. William Hetter- McGonagle, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Rene L. Poyant Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Dona- man, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hatton, B. Miskell Jr. John T. O'Meara, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Robert EIliott, Mr. & Mrs. hue Stephen O'Brien Sr., Mrs. Mary Wallace T. Pierce, Mr. & Mrs. $75 Edward Studley, Mr. & Mrs. Judge & Mrs. Henry Murphy Maddalena. Mr. & Mrs. John Donelan, Mr. Stanley Reeves. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Pendergast Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dugan, Mr. . $50 & Mrs. Robert Cannon, Mrs. & Mrs. John Ciummei, Mr. & Henry J. Schneckloth, Mr. & Mrs. John Kilcoyne Mr. & Mrs. George Terkelsen Mrs. Armand Goulet, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Paul Eagan, Harold McCormick John J. Pendergast Jr. Mrs. Robert Blodgett Capt. & Mrs. Paul Johansen,' Mrs. Arminda Keyes, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Levesque George Morin, Mrs Bertram HadMrs. Edward J. Noonan, Dr. & Margaret Fawcett Mrs. G. Curtis Barry, Dr. Ray- don, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth ReDorothy' Fawcett mond V. Martin, Mr. & Mrs. bello, Mrs. & Mrs. Paul Eident Mr. & Mrs. Richard Griffith Frank G. Williams. Mr. & Mrs Chester Frazier, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cairns Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hersey, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lamont Margaret M. Macpherson Mr. & Mrs. Leo Cushing Sr. Dr. Alfred Sheehy . . Mr. & Mrs. John Ricci M\~, &. Mrs. J.ames Erwin


THE AN~HOR-Diocese of FCIII River-Thurs. May 13(197-1

VIEW OF THE BISHOP FEEHAN HIGH SCHOOL AUDrrORIUM, AS MORE THAN 1000 TEACHERS' GATHERED FOR 16th CONVENTION . Lopes, Mr. &: Mrs. William E, Reagan OUR LADY OF THE CAPE Mrs. Doris Robbins, In Mem" $50 ory of Enos L9pes &:' Manuel Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Lynch Andrews, Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Fit2:gerald, Manuel Dias, Mr. &: $25 . Mr. &. ,Mrs. Henry A. Callahan Mrs. Joseph Andrews Mr. &: Mrs.' William Haskell Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur G. Dickey Jr., E. J. Keleher, Arthur Joia, Mary D. Dunsford Mr. &: Mrs. Edwin Payton, MarAnnette Hailer Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Hayes garet Marcellino Dr: &: Mrs. Robert E. Hunter Mr. &:. Mrs. Robert Kelly " \Hy~nnis Helen Mullen &: Mary Nolan. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Mary Neal $200 Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel J. 'Packett St:. Francis Xavier· Parish Mr. &: Mrs. Robert E: Snow Guild Paul· Sullivan. $100 \ Mr. &: Mrs. James White Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph ·Martin Mr.. &: Mrs., J. Hobert' - _ Buzzards Bay Doane, Beal &: Ames". Inc. ST. MARGARET ' $75


$100 Mr. &:: Mrs. Eugene Lopes SS._Margaret &: Mary Guild ,

Mr. &: Mrs. William. F. Donovan


$100 Mr. &: Mrs. William K. Mone



Mr. &: Mrs. Warren J.i .yolk



Mr. &: Mrs. Robert S<;:alley Margaret Sheehan ' $~I


Mr. &: Mrs. Howard Rhodin



Mr. &: Mrs. John Botello • I Mr. &: Mrs.· Royal Gaffney Holy' Ghost Women's' Society Mr. &: Mrs. Henry La i Bute Mr. &: Mrs. Vaughn Lentell 'Thomas Lyons : J. O. Niles, M.D.


Provoncetown ' ST. PETER

$250 Rev. Msgr. Leo J. Duart

$100 Rev. John A. Perry Blessing of the Fleet

$30 Mr.&: Mrs. John B. Ferreira Mrs. John C. Snow





Rev. James A. ¥.c~arthy Rev. Ambrose E:' Bowen

. $50 M:r: &: Mrs. William <;:otter $160 I John·R. Reyburn Mr: - &: Mrs. William Brady Anonymous' Mr.'&: Mrs. Harry Varnum $55 $150 MI:. &:. Mrs. E. Thomas MurMarcella McCoy Mr.- &: Mrs. John R.' Greenphy Mr. &: Mrs. William' McCoy na'gh I $40 $50 St. Vincent de Paul 'Society Mr. &: Mrs. Francis Dolan David Fannon . $125, I Mr. &: Mrs. Columbo Cristofori $35 Mr. &: Mrs. John H. Phaneuf Mother Cabrini Circle, DaughMr. &: Mrs. Daniel Francisco $120 . ters of 'No. 722.Isabella . ' , Anonymous $30 Mrs. Bertha Lawson MI'. &: Mrs. J. L. Marchildon $100 Rev: Msgr. Denis Fitzpatrick Mr. &: Mrs.' William Carr $30 $35 MI'. &: Mrs. Joseph L. Cairn, Mr. &: Mrs. Louis J. MacMr. &: Mrs. Gordon Oliosi Arthur i Jr. _$30 Margaret Moran $60 i Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Dobbins MI'. &: Mrs. J. Medeiros Mr. &: Mrs. John F. McCahillMr. &. Mrs. Frank Lopes Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence Perrault Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Flinn Mr. &: Mrs. Tony Vieira Mr. &: Mrs. R. Adams $50 Mr. &: Mrs. Harry Robbins Anonymous $25 Mr. &: Mrs. John McManus Mr. -&: Mrs. Robert Ryan, Mrs. Anonymous Mr. &: Mrs. William Bennett G. Gureghian, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph. Lt. Col. M. V. Lawlorl Katherine Fernandes DeLory, Mr. &: Mrs. William' Mr. &: Mrs. Peter Becker $25 Mrs. Martin Lawless I Smith, Mr. &: Mrs. J. Keveney. Mrs. William Blake, Mr. &. Mr, &: Mrs. N. Karukas, Mr. St. John's Women's Guild Mrs. Robert Stevenson, Mr. lJ'r. &: Mrs. George Soutiere, Mr. &: . $30! Mrs. James Lopes, Mr. &: Mrs. Mrs. D. }I. Chase, Mr. &: Mrs. . Mr. &: Mrs. Francis D. jVlackeArmand Bedard, Mrs. George T. Keneally, Mrs. Richard Don- don Gibson. $25 aghue. Mr. &: Mrs. Ernest Perry, Mr. H.arriet Butler, Mr. & Mrs. D. Mr. &: Mrs. Russell E.IBurns, &: Mrs.' Nicholas Puorro, Mr. &: Constant, Mrs. Margaret Brooks, Mr. &: Mrs. Edgar Beauregard, Mrs. Gordon Landry. Atty. .Charles McGrath, Mr. &: Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond CeBrun, Mr. &: Mrs. Francis R. Samson, Mrs. Cedric Sear. " Mr., &: Mrs. Aaron TobeX, Mrs. Mr. &:- Mrs. Michael DellaFemina, , Mr. &: Mrs. George Lampert, Manuel Britto. Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Getchell, Mr. &: Mr. &: Mrs. M. Field, Mr. '&: Mrs. Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Na~h, Mr. Mrs. John J. O'Connell; Mr. &: John Sheehan, Mrs. Wayland P. &: Mrs. Fred Dunbury, fVlr. &: Mrs. John J. O'Neil. Norse, Theodore L. Holmes. ' Mrs. Peter Fernandes Sr., Mr. &: Mr. &: Mrs.' Romeo Verrier, Mr. &: Mrs. T. Loughlin, Mr. Mrs. Kilmer Joyce, Mr. ~ Mrs. Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Curley, In &: Mrs. K. Daly, Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Lucier. ' Memory of James 1. Tamagini, Charles Flynn, Mr. &: Mrs. J. F. Martha Hurley, Mr: 8i Mrs. Mr. &: Mrs. Henry Boracks" Mr. Murray, Mr. &: Mrs. William John F. O'Connor, Mr. ~ Mrs. &: Mrs. Ralph Biagiotti . Joseph Whalen, Mr. &: Mrs, RichMather. . Mr. &: Mrs. Leo Gagnon. Lt'. . Mr. & Mrs. Milan O'Neil, Ed- ard Hopwood, Charles ·B. :Henry. Col.-M V. E. Lindblom, Cath- ·ward L. Bennett, Marian, Ben- , Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Kepnedy, erine E. Morrison '&: Mrs. Mary nett, Mr. &: Mrs. A. Trocchi, Mr. Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph B. Reynolds, M. McDevitt, Mr. &: Mrs August &: Mn:. Gerhard Robichaud. Mr. &: Mrs. Fred Coming~, Mrs. $75

'Earl MacDonald, Mr. ~ Mrs. John T. Calesa. The Mahoney Family, Mr. &: Mrs. John F. McHugh, Mr. &: Mrs. John F. Nelson, Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Dunlavey, Anonymous. . Mr. &: Mrs. Cornelius Minihan, Mrs. A. M. Cardoza, In Memory of Ellen, Michael &: William A. McLaughlin.

I I,

Catholic Daughters of Ame'rica Court No. '851; Mr. &: Mrs. John F. Cook, Mr. &:. Mrs. War7 ren Costa, Mr. &: Mrs. Herman DeSilva.

,$25 William Griffith, Bernard Mulcahy, Lawrence Good, Eugene Deveau, Ronald Murphy. Edmund Mossey, Eveline Sullivan, Michael Patkoske, Joseph Haddad, George Miiligan. John McKenney, Mrs. N. F. Burgess, Anonymous, Arthur Hurd, Edmund Pelletier. James King, John Kelly, Grace Reilly; Thomas McDonough, James Kelleher. . Mary MsGuerty, Joan' Baker, Cynthia Baker, Leo Lamont,: Wil- : liam, Erisman. ' . Lawrence Kenney, James McKeown, Charles Still, James Connell, Mrs.. Wendell Henderson.. ' ~alter West, Joseph/Higgins, Benjamin Muse ir., John Carroll,' Gertrude E. Tynan. . Anonymous, Myles Heffernon, John Spence James Kennedy,"Joseph Panek.' Anthony Cammarano; John Grimes.

So. Yarmouth ST. PlUS X

$100 Anonymous Francis Patti Francis Hurley Rev. Philip A. Davignon

$50 Mrs. Leo MacIver' Anonymous James L. Keany Thomas Hennessey Joseph Concannon

$35 James Dooley Joseph Evers

$31 Madelyn Shea

$30 John Coyle Charles Tourjee Leroy Baker Lanigan Family

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 13, .1971



Nantucket OUR LADY OF THE ISLE $125 Rev. James P. Dalzell $100 Memory of Walter F. Glowacki , $80 Rev. Edward J. Sharpe $50 Mrs. Paul F. Klingecpuss Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mack $35 Mrs, William Reith $30 .Mrs. Rolf Sjolund $25 Mr. & Mrs. W. B. Snow, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Harris, Mr. & Mrs. John Santos Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Towhill, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Devine. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McAuley, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Brock, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Annis, Mr. & Mrs. Charles ,'Flanagan, Mr:" &' Mrs. Howard Laundry. Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Flanagan, Thomas Igoe, Herman Lehmann,The Hamblin Family, Mrs'. Richard Congdon. Julia A. Ayers, Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell Deacon,' Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Holdgate Sr., Mr: & Mrs. Edmund Pollard.

Vineyard Haven ST. AUGUSTINE $50 St. Vincent de Paul Society , $30 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Metell $25 Mr. & Mrs. James Boyle 'Cdr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Burgo Francis Coutinho Mr. & Mrs.' Michel Fontes Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Frieh Mrs. John T. Hughes Mrs. Arthur Ouellette Arthur Pachico Mrs. Elizabeth Pachico Beatrice Phillips Mr & Mrs Theophilus Silvia JI' Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Sylvia

Edgartown ST. ELIZABETH $150 Rev. Justin J. Quinn $50 St. Elizabeth's Guild Mr. & Mrs. Albert K. Sylvia Jr. Mrl'!. Corinne Fournier $35 Jean' Britcher Mr. & Mrs. Ellsworth Fisher $30 AI's Package ~tore Patricia Brown $25 Anna Flynn Real Estate, Mr. & Mrs. George Goulart, Mrs. Isaac Norton, Mrs. Philip J. Norton.


$125 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Corey $50 Holy Ghost Society $40 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Metell


$150 Catherine Lane $100 , Mrs. Elizabeth Batson Mr. & Mrs. Chas. McKean Mr. & Mrs. Francis Riordan $50 Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Berghaus Mr,' & Mrs. Albert Edwards Dr. & Mrs. Arthur J. D'Elia . ,$30 -( Captain' Williams House Mr. & Mrs. John J. Bowen $25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Aldonis, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Alvey, Mr. & Mrs. John Anderson, Mr. & Mrs:" Frank Ball, Mr. & Mrs. William F. Carmody. Mr. & Mrs. William J. Carto, Mrs. )oseph Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Davenport; John Donlay, Mrs. J. L. Fairclough. Mr. & Mrs. Russell S. Hamlyn, Mr. &. Mrs: Carl Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. John E. Kelly,Mrs. Cora Kerwin, Mr. & Mrs. John Lonergan. Mr. & Mrs.. Amos Leyton, Dorothy M. Lyons, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Marini, The. Merna Family, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mullins. Mrs. Ida O'Brien, John O'Brien Sr., Dr. John F. McDermott, Charles F. Rahn, Mrs. Marguerite Riley. Mr. & Mrs. John Roche, Kathleen Roche, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Roderick, Mr. & Mrs. . Urban Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Walsh. Mr. & Mrs. David Webber, Judge Robert Welsh.

North Dartmouth ST. JULIE $250 Rev. John F. Hogan '$200 Rev. Thomas J. Harrington $75 Mr & Mrs Lawrence A Weaver $50 Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Silva $35 Dr. & Mrs. James H. Mahoney $30 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Nunes $25 Evelyn Roberts Mr. & Mrs. John Morris Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Burke RobertaK. Dutra Mr. & Mrs. ,Joseph Vieira In Memory of Frank S. Beatriz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Aiello


ST. MA-RY $500 Eugene Farre)1 '$i50 Atty. & Mrs. Robert Cur!,ivan St. Vincent de Paul Society $105 A Friend $100 Rev. Thomas L. Rita A Friend Margaret Welch , $60 A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fitzsimmons $50 Mr. & Mrs. Orlando D. Souza Mr. & Mrs. William Morton Dr. & Mrs. Philip Sibilia A Friend Lillian Dion Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Ockert $35 A Friend $30 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davis Mr. & Mrs. James Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Titus A Friend $25 Mr. & Mrs. Amanda Giovino, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Porier, Mrs. James Hindman, Mr. & Mrs. Ocean Grove Roger Crotty, Mrs. Marjorie Engler ST. MICHAEL Mr. & Mrs. William Sullivan, $250 Mr. &. Mrs. Dan'iel McCarthy, A Friend Mrs. Blanche Radnor, Mr. & Mrs. $75 Gilbert Silva, Mr. & Mrs Stephen Rev. Maurice E. Parent Conroy $65 Mr. & Mrs. William Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schmoll A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Tay$25 lor, Mr. & Mrs. Merle Griswold, Charles Drake, Mr. .& Mrs. Clarence Leonard Rene Dufresne, Mr. & Mrs. JoMr. & Mrs. William Palanza, seph Pineau, Mr. & Mrs. Laurent. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Souza Jr., Pineau, Mr. & Mrs. John C. lin- Mr. & Mrs. Walter White, Mrs. Emma Pascucci, A Friend do

Mr. & Mrs. John Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shaw, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. John Cody, Mildred L. Hannon Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Sarro, Mrs. Agnes Britton, Mr. & Mrs .Roland Clement, Mr. & Mrs. James Bachman, Mr. & Mrs. George Farnum .. A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. John King, Joseph Hinchey, Mrs. Margaret Jordan, Mary Capone, Mrs Annette Atwell Mr. & Mrs. John Kinsley Mr. & Mrs. William Haynes Mr. 8i Mrs. Albert Decele Mr. & Mrs. Ruggero ~aldelli Rose Servais Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bolton, Frank Signoriello, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Guillette, A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Sarro, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. William Lawrence, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Narcisso

Attleboro ST. MARK $200 Rev. Joseph L. Powers $175 Mrs. William Walton $150 Dr. John Killion $125 Aime Grenier $100 Dr. Harold Thompson Mrs. Frances Ciolfi $50 Bernard D. Gamache James E. Kelly $40 Manus A. Foley Charles O'Neill $35 John Gaffney Gerald L. Dorey Jacob Belt $30 Michael D. Nolan Anonymous Norman Legg $25 Mrs. Robert Sharkey, Mrs. Michael J. Croke, John A. Fuller, Mrs Thomas Schofield, Mrs John G. Walsh

Edwin Zalesky, Joseph B. Furtado, Russell Carr, Mrs. Richard Dunn, Mary Regan Robert'J Healey, Stuart O'Hara Gerard Kenton, Liesse Duffany. Laurence Duffany William Romero, Robert Puhl, James D. Meegan, A-iionymous, J. J. Spadoni Sr. Harvey Dube, Mrs. David Ful-' ler, Mario Rocque, Paul Briggs, Robert O'Brien Leona Kerr, Ernest Glode, James Brennan, Ronald Lacasse, James Dever' Clarice Dwyer, Francis Eiseman, Arthur J. Barry, Donald Doucette, Theodore Guimond ST. THERESA $50 Mrs. Joseph Lunderville So. Attleboro Council No. 5876 K of C Mr. & Mrs. George Boyd Mr. & Mrs., Raymond Vachon Mr. & Mrs.' Louis McBride Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gillan $40 Mr. & Mrs. Normand Carrier $35 Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Blythe $25 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Harkins, Mr. & Mrs. James Mann, Sarah Langlois, Confraternity of Christian Mothers Mrs. Leona Beausoleil, -Mr. & Mrs. Michael Arata, Mr. &, Mrs. Thomas Reilly, Mr & Mrs Joseph Lamoureaux, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chadwick Mr. & Mrs. Michael Osienski Mr. & Mrs. AI Grenier



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,$40, , Mr. & Mrs, David E: Blake' HOLY GHOST John Lynch $30, ,Helen Reilly Carol Stanley $35 $25 Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Gaudet Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lojeck Mr. & Mrs. A. L'Heureux Dr. & Mrs. Richard Brousseau Mr. & Mrs. Donald Blake )VII'. & Mrs. John Hayes ..Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Perry Mrs, Margaret Kelly $31 The Wanderer, an independent weekly published in Mr, & Mrs. James Finegan St. Paut' by a group of obviously sincere and dedi~l;\ted ~ ST. JOSEPH '$30 Catholic laymen, has declared open warfare on ,the National $100 . , Armand Contois Federation of Priests Councils., The April 1 issue of the ' Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Ferland Richard V. Boucher , paper features two editorials Edn'a Masgay , $85 Mr. & Mrs. Jacques Leduc , . -:-plus ' a neWs story which cover a wide' range' of political Doris Levasseur ,and', socio-economic ,pr<?blems, , $25 $50 .' also reads like' an editorial- including, ,for example,. (he farm Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Baumgartel, Mr, & Mrs. J\rmand Boucher .. attacking NFPC in . a V(ay :labor problem, the plight'of day Robert Biron,' Agnes Mr. & Mrs. Mr', & Mrs. Mark Mer~ier' ,that I, for one, find to be 'rather ]aborers selective conscientious Blake, John Blake, Ri'chaI'd The Misses Boudreau' " _'distu~bing (I almost said omiobjectio~, the ~arri~burg case Blake, William Blake Mr, & Mrs. Richard Castro . (and, J. ,Edgar, Hoover's, w.idely Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth BliSS,Mr. Mrs. Yvonne DesVergnes and VISITOR: Thfch Nhat Louis DesVergn~s ' pliblicized pre-tria.! involvement & Mrs'., George Casey, Mr. & 'By in 'that case); Selective Service" Hanh, a Vietna~ese monk Mrs. Gerard Cinq-Mars, Mr. & $30 t.he war in Vietnam, .an'd . the Mrs. Sterling Dalt9n Mr, & Mrs. Joseph McGee problem of how to spread:" the and poet, has just :completed . MSGR. Mr. & Mrs. Rocco ,DeFruscio, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Dubuc cost and burdens of thaL tragic a tour of- the United States Mrs. James, Elliott, Mr. & Mrs. ".$25 conflict more '.equitab·lya,n1 bn g as a peace movement advoMr, & Mrs. Adelard Pelletier, Louis Emond Jr., lVIr. & Mrs. GEORGE' G. .all proups of 'dtiz~ns:: in~.. 'our cate and addres~ed a~di- Mr. & Mrs. Gerard H. Gelinas, ,R~ger Ferland, Catherine Fisk ~oCiety. .." ,,' ences in various s:ections of Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Harrison, .. Marilyn risk, The Fis~ Fam~ HIGGINS Mr. & Mrs. Louis Boteiho, Mr. iCY.' Mr. & Mrs. William Foley, 'Compl~telyOtthodox' the country. NC ~hoto~ • Mr..& 'Mrs. 'Avila Grenier, Mr. &: Mrs. Ralph Zito Mr, A.J: M~tt, editor in . . Mr & Mrs. Arthur Mullins, & Mrs. Lewis Jackson nous) in some of .its implications chief of rhe Wa~derer,' in a a.... 'Mr. & Mrs. G~orge !.:aBelle, Mr; & Mrs. Louis Perry, . Mr. & . future, .·of the Chure h'm Sl'gned ed'l'to'.r·l·al 'V·.I·g..o·...r·o·usly coni for. the Mrs., Gaetan Collette, Mr. & Mrs: Mr. & Mrs. Edmund McCann, this country. 'In other words, the d~m~s all of ~hese.. ::r~solutions- : Henri. Paradis, Mr, & ·Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs.' George McCarthy, tone of The 'Wanderer's all-out, Without ,excep,tlOn'~J~~lling them 0 . I Mr. & Mrs. Harold McCormiCk, logan blast at NFPC is just too ven- "revolutionary~: (whatever' that Area folk groups are invited Mr. & Mrs. Eugene McGovern Mr. & Mrs. Orner Gaudreau, omous for comfort. n1~ans in his' high1y.~o·n~ervative to participate in the [second anMr. & Mrs. John P, McGuin'. What's the argu.ment all lexicon) and suggellti'':!g that- they nual Hillside Folk Festiv'al at La Lucien Paul n~ss, Mr... & Mrs. William O'Brien' ,about? Why did the..editors of , were cooked 'l!-P ,by' i,:small and Salette, Attleboro~ d,n Sunday, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Perry, The -Wanderer feel compelled to t()t~I,ly u!,rep~e~entativ~,group,of May 23. 1 ST. MARY Mr. & Mrs. Julio 'Pugliese, Mr. Rev. Andre. Patenaude, M.S., $300 be so savage, in their.:c,riticism ":mIlitant pnests ... who control & Mrs. Norman 'LeMere' of NFPC?.. ". "".'. '. l'i'FPC" ,and hav'e, ch?se~ "to use 'La S~lette Shrine mu~ic director, . Mrs, Pierre Lonshur)! Mr. & Mrs.' Joseph Ostiguy, . O'stensibly because they are the organization as a tool for' who is organizing the levent, said $250 .Mr. & Mrs. Peter Pirlocci. Mr. terrib.!y disturbed about the fact revolution." , ' . . the festival's goal is Ito provide Rev. Edward C. Duffy & Mrs. Joseph Sherr.y, Mr. & that the Federation adopted a Mr. Matt knows, better than an exposition of folk -music used $200 , Mrs. Thomas Toppin, Mr. & Mrs. resolution in favor of optional to say a thing like 'that. He in liturgicai settings..1 , St. Vincent de,Paul Society Leo ,Tracey , .celibacy at its recent convention .knows perfectly well ' that ' , F a 1."lIer Pa 1.enau d e sal I'd . groups Durant Mr. &: Mrs. Robert .the . ' Richard M. Voccio, Mr. & h i . I' . $150', in Baltimore. That.'sonly p'ar.t of delegates to the NFPC conven· ; . d"d I Mrs. Arthur Wildgoose " ' d b '. orm IVI ua s w 0 specla Ize m the soory,. however, and, in this tlOn were duly electe . y their . 1" f Ik " " I' .' '1. d Mr. & Mrs. George Agostini Kathryn N: Donahue, ··Mr.',l& writer's j·udgme.nt, probably not' locai peers ~nd\~are ,more repre- :re IglO~S. 0 , musIc ~r7' my,1 e . $100 " , Mrs. William Dlinn, Mr. & Mrs. 1. t' f t h ' " 1.'1.' 1.'; ,to part,lclpate In- the fe~tlval:from Mrs. Fred Bartek . t.he most signifieant part a.t that. sen a Ive 0 ell' cons I uen s· 1. '6' PM th 1. d L' Mr. & Fred Farrell" Mr. & Mrs. Robert ' th fA" noon 0 . .. a ay. a . M.ore about this in a moment. 1.. h an. any 0 er group o· mel S I 1.1. h 'd' . I . II' Mr. & Mrs, Rober:t Legare Grenier, Mr. & Mrs, Thomas . d 'bl I' a e e, e sal , IS especla y mI' I '1.' Mr. -& Mrs. John Marshall , Meanwhile let it be perfectly Ica. pnests coul POSSI y calm t es 1. d' '" Lynch Jr. . er: e m .ongma ,COrpPOSI IOns. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Mess'ler clear 1. h at 1.'h e e d'Itors 0 f Th' e to be .. ' , . Mr. & Mrs. Leo Marcoux, MrS:Wanderer have a. perfect right He al~o knows that 'several of Ecumenical' Proiram Mr. & Mrs. John S. Francis Arthur Patenaude ' to disagree With NFPC's resolu- these NFPC socio-economic res'He noted that the f~stival will $78 tion ' on optional celibacy and oilltions are simply moderate be ecumenical, as' se~eral nonpl'. & Mrs. Joh'n Belsky might even be said to have an . r~:;tatemen.ts of parall,elresolu- Catholic groups havel been in. $60. obligation to condemn .it' if that's tiC'n.s prevIOusly adopted by t~e yited to participate. Mr. & Mrs. B, A. Dzija SACRED HEART what tneir collective ,conscience N~ltlonai ,Conferenc~ of Catholic Father Patenaude I a folk Dr. & Mrs. Alex. MacIsaac $50 tells them to do. ' . BI:;hops , and that all of the i • . d '. 'h' . $50 , . ' . musIc composer an smger Im,Mr. & Mrs. John Burke. On the other hand, it's hicr,hly, others, Without exceptIOn" are i If h r ' 1. d'i .' Holy Name Society of St.. $31 . t likewise completely orthodox se, as par IClpa e : m m~ny Mary's regre.ttable that, " in ' exerCising ('th h' h 0 l:ttI 1. ' area folk Masses, prayer services Mr, & Mrs. Arthur ,Ray this right and/or. duty, they have, oug. p)erf aps a t~ e ~o tconf ~nd' festivals 'since his assignSt. Mary's Womens Guild , . ' $30 I rom e pom O' m' 1.' 'I'n S 1. mbe' 1'96'9 Mr. ,& Mrs. Gaetan Brochu ' felt 1'1.' necessary to ,I'mpugn the' sel'vatlve Mr. & Mrs.' Roland Fregault . f C th r " I 1. h' en ep e 1', ., 0 IC SOCia eac mg, ~ ',' I Mr. & Mrs. James Egan loyalty and ' questl'on' the. ort.ho- View 0 ,'a ' Anyone interested in partici$25 doxy of the delegates to the re'Disreputnble l:actic' pating may contact F~ther Pat. Mr. & Mrs. John. Harrington Dr. & Mrs. Henry Bedard, Mr. cent NFPC convention. Surely Mr. Matt and his associates at enaude at La Salette, IAttIeboro Mr. & Mrs. Clement Lesage & Mrs. Wilfred Bourgault, AIthere must be a better way than "', ' 03 T 17) I Vincent Lynch dea Brais, Mr. & Mrs: Orner The Wanderer are free to dis- q27 . eI. (6 , 22.2-5410. Marion Mathieu that for, a Catholic periodical to agree with any or. all of these , Briere, Mr. & Mrs, Bertrand Pre" carryon a dialogue with the resolutions, but they are more "1""""""""""""""""""""''''''''''''''''""""""""",,,,,1,,,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,""""""" Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy fontaine "opposition." .. " Mr. & Mrs. Leo Lapierre naive if they think p'ect' that the, ma.l'ority" of the Mr. & Mrs. Frank Padykula \. So much , for ,the issue of celi- .than a little ,. they can 'get away with the elab- A.merican clergy will diSdainfully Mary Cazemiro ., bacy, which, ,as suggested above, h fIb II' 'h I orate oax 0 a e mg, t em as ignore' The Wanderer's I importuMr. & Mrs..James, Coog' a~ is only part of the story and "revolutionary" in the pejorative" d h doesn't by any means Jully exnate an somew at pr~s.umptu- -,' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dufort & sense of:that ambiguous, not to ,ous overture and, follow, mg the' Family plain 'why The Wanderer is de~ say slippery, word. Let me say I d f V' II' h' d termined to destroy the NFPC ' .. ea 0, atlcan m 1. IS regal' , Andrew Harney (In memory of it again: 'They know better than . w,'ill opt instead, like th~, mature Paull'ne' A, Harney') , and all that it stands for. ' 'h to try a thmg like t at. and sensible Christians that they Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Murray" CITIES SERVICE Other' ,Resolutions B 1. t~' , b th' i U "en, agam, may e ey are, for the utmost freedom of Dr. & Mrs, Raymond Riley DISTRIBUTORS Clearly aside .from the issue of don't, for the record will show opinion within the' CHurch on Mrs. Leland B. Smith $45 celibacy, NFPC stands for a unfiJrtunately that this isn't the controversial 'socio - ~conomic Gasoline number of things that' literally first tim~ they have tried to if!l-, matters, , Mr. & Mrs, William J, Sitko Fuel and Range make the editors of The Wan-" pose their own ultra-conservative derer see red. That is to say, the social philosophy on the entire Freedom of Opinihn & Nancy E. other and more imp'ortant part Catholic community by' the dis-, The Council, as you !may reof The Wanderer-~FPC: story is replltable tactic of shouting call, pointed out in its ~Pastoral OIL BURNERS .that the editors of The Wand~er; "heresy" or its equivalent at the Constitution on 'the C~urch in , For' Prompt Delivery the Modern World that on all by their own, v'ery' frank admis- opposition. & Day & Night Service sion, are vehemently opposed to This time, however,- they can, matters of this kind "it, i,snecesall of the Federation's. Baltimore hardly expect 1.6 pull it off suc- sary for people to remember that resolutions (not merely, the one cessfully, The 'priests of, the no one is allowed ... to approG. E.BOI~ER BURNER UNITS 'on celibacy) and have frantically,' United States, whom they have priate the Church's authority for Rural Bottled Gas Service 'called upon the clergy of the called <Upon to repudiate all of his opinon. TIley shouldl always "United States to join them in the NFPC socio-economic resolu- try to enlighten. one :another 61 COHANNET ST ,repudiating said resolutions in- tiom: without exception, are through honest disc:ussi9n, preTAUNTON discriminately 'and completely 'much too sophisticated, by and serving mutual charity and carSouth • Sea Streets Attleboro - No. Attleboro across the board. large, to be taken in by this fa- ing above all for the ~ommon Hyannis Tel. 49·81 Taunton Well, let's take a look at these miliarploy, good." : other NFPC resolutions. They In other words. I strongly susThe Wanderer, please copy.


Attlebcito', " .

THE ANCHOR"":Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 13~,,1971 ,






Rep'lies 'to,Th-E~'Wand~rer's 'AII~Out· ,Blast,l, a·t NFPC




LSI p" a a elllle nans F" Ik Festivb I

No. Attleboro




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Holy Cross Fathers Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kairys



Rev. Msgr. Maurice Souza

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Mr. & Mrs. John Smith


$50 Mrs. Jennie Mr. & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs.

$30 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Burns Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Keough Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Rourke

, $25 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Dunere, Mr. & Mrs. Augustine Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Pestana, Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Toole, Mrs. Charles Schultz. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sawyer, Women's Guild, Mr. & Mrs. James E. Wynne, Mr. & Mrs. John W. Korkuc. M,:. & Mrs. Joseph Lyons Mr..& Mrs. Armand Lussier Mr. & Mrs. Alfred T. Morris Jr Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Mulholland Mr. & Mrs. Edward Chandler

Norton· ST. MARY

$300 Kilburn Glass Industries Inc.

$250 Defiance Bleachery

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$25 Antone Arruda, Antone Gomes Joseph Gula, Norma Silva, John Silvia '

$40 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ready



Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gentile


$25 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hegarty, Joseph Gill Jr., Robert Kane. Dr. & Mrs. Walter Judge, Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Nowak. Dr. & .Mrs. Edward O'Brien Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Berry, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Brophy,' Margaret Brophy, Mr. & Mrs. James Azevedo. Mr. & Mrs. David Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Sullivan, Mrs. Mary Coy, Mr. & Mrs; James Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Seneca Stone. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Brophy, Mr. & ,Mrs. James Lyons, Mrs. "John Toomey, Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Gaziano, Francis Welch, Mrs. Charles Frizado Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Dolloff, Robert Connors, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Re'



$50 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Valentine


Vincent L. Galvin



Mr. & Mrs. John Norton

Dr. & Mrs. Vincent

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Henry, Roland C.' Paquette, Beatrice Paquette, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas aryant Sr., Mrs. George Sabourin. Mr. & Mrs. George Desor~ . meaux, Mr. & Mrs. Judson Stafford, Mr. & Mrs. James Carney, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wickland, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Blomer, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Vital. Mr. & Mrs. Paul ,Sabourin, Mr. & Mrs..John Ribeiro, John E. Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bernier, Mr. & Mrs. William Flah, erty Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Felix Yarusites, . Mrs.' Raymond 'Shea



$55 Mary Buckley

$50 Mr. & Mrs. Clement Coughlin , Helen Derby Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Albert Giordano Harvey's Market James H. Healey Dr. &' Mrs. James F. McCourt Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Wilde Mr. & Mrs. John Delgado, Edmund & Mary

$40 Norman R. Henderson

$31 Mr. & Mrs. Alan Lee Black· well

$30 Mr. & Mrs. George A. Carter Alice U. Harvey Anne M. Harvey Catherine J. Harvey Grace F. Harvey Mary V. Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro M. Sousa . Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima

Raynham ST. ANN

$200 Rev. William E. Farland

$100 Richard Ouimet

$50 Dr. Maurice Lagace

$25 Dr. A. Edward D'Andrea, Louis Secatore, George Boucher, Edward Hyland, Mary McGrath. Manuel DeMello,' Thomas J. Whalen, George Powers, John Dooley, Alfred Fraga. James Mulvey, Thomas W. Whalen.

Procrastination A men never sees all that his mother has been to him until it's too late to let her know how he sees it. ~Howells _,,~

$100 The Buckley, Family Kathryn Healey Mr. & Mrs. John B. Parkes


Mr. & Mrs. Robert Devlin

... - .... .. ~

Mr. & Mrs. John Dubena Mr. & Mrs. Marcellus Lemaire Mr. & Mrs. Russell Woodward

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh O'Brien ' Mr. & Mrs. Paul Coleman Mr. & Mrs. William Higgins

St. Vincent de Paul Society Mrs. Patrick Deylin (91d Col0I1Y Nur~!l1g ~ome) .•


Manuel Fontinha

$35 -

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carvalho Mr. & Mrs. G. Gorman


$100 Rev. George F. Almeida Rev. Antonio da Silva





St. Vincent De Paul Society Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dray

$50 Holy Name Society Mr. & Mrs. David Pitassi Mr. & Mrs. A. Quattrucci Seekonk Council No. 5108, Knights of Columbus Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCrystal Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brady Mr. & Mrs. Richard Young




St. Vincent de Paul Council

....... ...

THE ANCHOR-Thurs., May 13, 1971

$26 Mr. & Mrs. Francis' X. Ma· -honey


HIGH SCHOOLERS PITCH IN: Students of St. Anthony High School, New Bedford spent their Spring vacation by aiding the old and infirm inhabitants of the No. End area of the city in beautifying their yards, sidewalks and general. surroundings. Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gravelin. Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Guest, Mrs. Michael Harkins, Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius J. Harvey, Margaret Healy, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Kavanaugh. Mr. & Mrs, Thomas F. Kent, Mr. & - Mrs. George Knapp, Mr. & Mrs. Martyn Lincoln, Mrs. Anna C. Loud, Mr. & Mrs. William Lupica. Mr. & Mrs. J. Joseph Lyons, Mr. & Mrs. William McAndrews, ,Mr. ~ Mrs. Charles McCarthy Jr., McCarthy Coal Co., Mr.' & . Mrs. William J .. McEntee. Mr. & Mrs. 'Leo D. McEvoy, Mr. & Mrs. Robert McLaughlin, Mr. & Mrs. James D. Mullen Sr., Mr. & Mrs. James D. Mullen Jr., Mt. &'l·Mrs. Thomas J. Murray Jr. Mr. & Mrs: William O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Petros, Mr. & 'Mrs.. John Reardon, Mr. & Mrs. David Reid,' Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Reynolds. Mr. &. Mrs. William Simonsin Sr., MrS. Isabelle Somerville,' Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stone, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs.' Fremont E. Wood. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wooster, Mr. & Mrs. Willam Buchtmann, Mr. & Mrs. James Doherty


Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wojtkunski


Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Brennan Mrs. John Meunier Matilda Cutn'er Mr. & Mrs. Patirck McDermott

••• + + + + + + + + + + + + •

$100' $40 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Silvia

Mr. & Mrs. William Driscoll. Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Goslin.


+0 + "

DRY CLEANING AND FUR STORAGE 34-44 Cohannet St.,-Taunton Whittenton Branch Store . 334 Bay Street, across from Fire Station Tel. 822-6161 00000000000000oOOOOOOOO

9)e 93,1066 t)if I;)




Heating Oils and Burners 365 NORTH FRONT STREET





+ •• + + + + + + + + + + •

+ +.

+ + ••• + •• + +





Rev. Antonio C. Tavares


Taunton' Co-Operative Batik Announces' Higher Intered for Savers .


Rev. Msgr. E. S. de Mello

$75 Dr. & Mrs. Willi'am Fountain

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Connors, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Corey, Mary Dinneen, Elizabeth Doyle John Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. John P. Flaherty, Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Fitzgerald, Mary Foley, Ella Gilroy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glenn, Mr. l:c Mrs. John Haggerty, Mr. & l\lrs. Thomas Hoye, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Isaacsen,' Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Kiley Mr. & Mrs. James Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mador, Mr. s.:. Mrs. Charles McManus, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paulson' Philip D. Paulson, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Perreault, Marie Power, May Power. Richard Power Mr. & Mrs. George Sherry, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Silvia, Jr., Leo & Mary Walsh

Mr. & Mrs. John L. Morris


$100 Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Rennie




Rev. Manuel M. Resendes


Mr. & Mrs. Raymond DiResto

Dr. & Mrs. Armand Bolino


Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Strojny Mr. & Mrs. Louis Tokarz Holy Rosary Sodality

One Year Term Two Year Term' Minimum Deposit $1000 Maximum Deposit $30,000 ALL DEPOSITS INSURED IN !FULL PAID UP SHARE ACCOUNTS IN PASSBOOK. FORM


5~ %

Minimum Deposit $100 Maximum Deposit $30,000 Dividel1ds Paid Quarterly and Every Dollar Insured in Full

No Notice Required for Withdrawal

Mr. &. Mrs. John P. Baptiste Dr. & Mrs. David F. Gouveia

$25 Mr. & Mrs. George Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs., Joseph C. Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Martin, Mr. & Mrs. James O'Gara. Mr. & Mrs. August Varella, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Terra. .

$25 James Abreu, Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Andrews, Mr. & Mrs. James Antosca, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Aries, Christopher' Brady. Marguerite Carter, Elizabeth Coughlin,. Mr. & Mrs. John DeCoste, Mrs. Helen Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Downey. 'Dr. & Mrs. Richard Dugas, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Gosselin, Mr, & Mrs. John Graca


$100 .Rev. Barry W. Wall

$75 Mr. 8< Mrs. William Desrosiers

$60 The Keliher Family

Main Office: 41 Taunton Green, Tounton, Mass . Branch Office: 1400 Fall River Ave., Seekonk, Mass.

Taunton cooperative bank

$50 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Delane?, The Flangheddy Family

"The Bank That Sets The Pace For Progress' ~:::~

C=:::: • • • • • • ... • • • • • ! • • • • • • • •



THE ANCHOR~Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar' 13, 1971

Publicity, ganizations news items ,Anchor, P.


chairmen of parish or· :are asked to submit for this column to The 0, Box 7, 'fall River


OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, NEW BEDFORD The regular monthly meetinp, of the parish PTA will be . held at 7:30 on Sunday night, May 16 in the school. Mrs. Georgiana Barboza and Mrs. Gloria Ferreira will' be in charge or' refreshments.




ST. ANN, RAYNHAM The annual ceremonies of the 'Crowning of the stafue of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Living Rosary will be conducted , tonight at 7:30.



$T.' MARY. , $250 Rev. James, F. Lyons $200 .Dr'.. J. Fenton . $100 'Sara L Maloney & Mary M. Moriarty Dr. Joseph F. Nates $50 Dr. G. Harrington . Dr. Donald E. LaMarche McKeon Family Misses C. & M. C. Sheerin, $40 J. B. Grant

ST. ANNE, NEW BEDFORD ' . - The Ladies of St. Anne' Sodality will sponsor a rummage sale from 10 AM. through A:30 P.M. the week of May 17 through 22 in St. Anne's school hall. The Salisbury Street entrance should' be used. ST. JOHN OF-GOD, SOMERSET' ' , Venus 'de Milo restaurant will be 'the scene at 7 Wednesday night, May',19 fot a dinner .and a fashion show sponsored by the Wom'en's Guild with Miss Clorinda Ventur'~ as . chairman. Music will be by Dave' Nadien and Miss Maddy Hamel will be commentator. Tickets a'reavailable from Miss Barbara Costa, telephone 677-9605. Door' 'prizes will be awarded." ,


ST. MARY, " 'i .' , NEW BEDFORD PEABODY AWARDS: The 31st annual George Foster A Casual Country Dance is Peab<;>dy Awards, bven for television and· radio programs, slated for Saturday' night, May ST. MARGARET, were awarded in New York, April 21. Three of the awards 22 in the schoof gym 1.!nder spon- BUZZARDS' BAY,' , went to, left· to right: Father Michael. Kennelly, S.J., head sorship of the parish CCD. LioThe annual', banquet of SS. of Loyola University and WWL-TV in New Orleans' for nel Ponte's orchestra 'will supoly Margaret and Mary Guild',will .music. "Country and Prairie" be held at 7 on Wednesday night, the program "rhi~ New Frontier;" Theodor Geisel, or Dr~ , styles will be worn and prizes June 9, in the Holland Inn, On- Seuss, for his work on the CBS-TV programs, adapted will be awarded for prettiest and set. Mass _will be offered at 6 from his book; and Flip Wilson for 'the excellence of his most authentic costumes, Tick. ' , I . o'clock by Father Carroll in St. comedy show.' NC, Photo. . ' , ets .are' available' from board Margaret's Church, Buzzards' 'members or may be reserved by Bay, prior to the banquet. $25 cal.1ing 675-9249. ' Members of the guiid w~re ,Tci~ntO?/ . Margaret McCarthy, Mary Mc. As a follow-up to weekly urged to attend an evening :of · Carthy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Burke, for1.!ms presen~ed' during Lent recollection at Miramar, Dux', ST.JACQU~S Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cayer, Mrs. . by the CCD, a dessert record bury on June' 29. The' affair is '$250' 'I i:rank ' Brown party wilf be. held in the gym being sponsored by the Mother Rev. 'Msgr. Alfred Jj Gendreau Mrs. John Boudreau; Mr. & 'from 8 to, 10 Wednesday night, ~abrini Circle, Daughters of Isa$100'! , Mrs. George White, Mr. & Mrs. May 26. bella. ·'Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Bury Robert Ross, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick TheWo'men's Guild will' hold Rev. Roland Bousqhet, · J. JYlurphy, Mr. &' Mrs., Thomas " . I its' annual instaIia~ion.banquet ST. JOSEPH, Rev. Andre P. Jussaume ,Cunniff Monday night, june 14 at Twins AITLEBORO : $60 ',: ' Mr. & Mrs. Evans' Lava, GerBoy Scout Troop No. 37 will.:, Palace,' .Route6; Westport. Resevations may be made with Mrs. , hold ,'acamporee .weekend start- . , Mr. &. ,Mrs: Matiric~ Larocque, trude McBreen, Mr; & Mrs., Wil, $~O' i_ . liam MacLean,' The Welch :F.am, :: .~~~~thY .l:Iea~" banqu.~~ch.air- ing 'Fridayaiternoonat Camp · Leona pwyer '1 ily, Helen U & Mary E. Cronan . . Norse on, the Cape. Competition ' ,$40 I . :. .A Communion .supper Will be ,; . among the, troops' will, be con" Eileen MacCarthy, James Kev'-, Jean Paul .Bourdeau ican, Mynette 'Dewhurst, Mr. & , ,held, in t,he school.. followirig7:30 ducted, in' the area' of scouting $35 Mass Sunday evening; May 16. Mrs. Manuel Rebello, Sr., Mr. & Speaker will be Rev:. Ronald in camping, skills.. ' Mr. & Mrs. Roland :Auclair, Mrs.' John Curley", .'. ' Raymond Nolin ,Tosti, Diocesan CCD Director. ST. STANISLAUS, William Meehan, Helen Brady, Mr. &,Mrs., Maurice ~iendeau , Marilyn Pacheco is in charge of ,FALL RIVER ' .Elizabeth Brady, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. &, Mrs, Wesley ~chondek reservations. " , A' cake' sale' to follow all' George A Moitoza, Mr. & Mrs. $30 Kenneth Salltos . OUR' .LADY 'OF PERPETUAL', Masses Saturday and Sunday, Claire Hamel' I , HELP; NEW'BEDFORD' " , " May-I5, and 16, will benefit th~ : . -Mr. & Mrs. Henri Perra Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alpert Scully, Mr. \ I ,& Mrs. Richard Peyton; Mi'. &'. .. $25 The R~sarYSociety'Will spon- Men's. Club. Donations may be , ,sor a card party at' 2 Sunday' left at the conven~ .or .rectory. ~.• · Bilodeau Fa,mily,~l" & Mrs. .Mrs; Stanley Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. afternoon, ,May 16. in the church A, gener!,!1 meetmg to prepar~ 'Gerard Bonenfant," Mr1' & . Mrs. 'John S.' Tripp, . Mr; & Mrs; Ed~ , ' hall. "Refreshments will be served. for' the annual parish festivl!-I Adelar,d 'Carbonneau, 'ifheolinde . ward. Feeney . . , I' Mrs. A~lia IGalanek chairman wi1l l?e held in the,lower church ' Champagne, Mr. & Mrs., ,Francis Soitos, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph is being aided in a;rangement~. hall followin? evening, 'Mass W.. Donnelly Anne MacHaffie, Mr. & Mrs. : , by 'Mrs. Theresa, Cameron, co- ,Wednes~ay mg~t, ~ay 19. A Mr: &' Mrs. Arthur Dpwd, Mr. George J. Wilson, 'Mr. & Mrs. chairman. and her committee. " p~e-festIval auctIOn IS slated for & Mrs. Rodolphe Duss~ault, Mr. Walter Travers; Mr. & Mrs. LiHoly Name ,Society members Sat~rd~y, June 12 .in the~chool & Mrs. Francis Guay, Dr. & Mr~. doino Severino announce a darice from 8 to mid- audItOrIum. DonatIOns WIll be Fernand Hamel, Reginal Hebert Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Barboza, night Saturday,' May 22 at picked up Saturday, Ma~ 29 an.d LauI;a Jarry, Mr. & JYlrs.· Vin- Anna Maguire Miekiewicz Hall,' 2031 Purchase Saturday" June 5. ChaIrman IS cent Kelly, 'George Mapor,Eva Mr. & Mrs. Leo Brady, Ruth , _.' Street. Music will be ,by" the Edward K?zenewski, aided. by Brady, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dewey Nolin, 'Edna Riley,' Heqry Vail': Falcon Orchestra of Pawtucket. Joseph WhIpp. . . ~oseph Enos, Mr. & Mrs. William' llmcourt' , . ' , Gallagh~r . \ ST. PATRICK, ,OUR LADY OF ANGELS, & Mrs. John Goldrick, Mr. Mr. FALL RIVER SACRED HEAR1 FALL RIVER & .Mrs. Raymond Harrison, Ar, Eugene Connors. president of. .' . i The annual blessing of auto- , ,thur Marron, .Helen Murray, Mr. $400 .': mobiles 'will .take place at 1 the St Patrick's School Board . ',' Very Rev. William ,A Galvin & Mrs. Joseph S. Rose I o'clock on Sunday afternoon, of Education, announces that a Robert Simmons, Mr. & Mrs. , $100 I May 16 in the church parking school 'alumni association is be- . ' Joseph. Torres Mr & Mrs Thomas lot ' ing formed, open tq all gradu-, , Mary K. Nichols ates, whether presently' parish- ." $~OO.: , . , Varden. Mr: & Mrs. Bruno Alegi The Holy Rosary Sodll1ity ' receive Holy Communion' in a ioners or not. Alumni· .should: '.' Mary, Kathe.nne & EI1,een Mc- Charles' Goldrick Mr. & Mrs. Roland LeBrun, I body at the 8' o'clock' Mass on send name: address; telephone, M~hon · Mrs. Barbara Peck . ' $50. i' 'Sunday morning and then will number and year o'f- graduation,. , ' ;iroceed to the hall for a meeting to Sister ',Mary 'Sean 'Hurley;, ~,' The, MIsses ReIlly.. ' sch'ool principal, at '760 Slade" 'Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Doiron and a communion breakfast 540 There' will be a penny sale at Street, Fall River~ BEFORE YOU Mr. & Mrs. Edward Trucchi ?' on Thursday night, June 24' BUY -TRY Mr. & Mrs. Francis Andrews , and is open, to all p.arishibners, $35" . Women, Law Text HOLY NAME, WASHINGTON (NC)---,A, $15,Mary Kennedy . FALL RIVER 000 Carnegie Corporation grant '. $30 Rose O'Donnell' The CYO will sponsor a dance will be used by Georgetown' OLDSMOBILE Rita O'Donnell from 8 to 11 tomorrow night in University law center here to Oldsmobile-Peugot-Renault Mr. & Mr~. Joseph ,COl;reia the school hall, with music by develop a textbook on women, 67 Middle Street, Fairhaven Friends, Inc, , Allan Fitzgerald and the law. 1





Ruth V. Dias. D. J. Sullivan $30 C. Caron , ,William J. Casey. James & Nellie Corcoran J. D. Judge Mrs. F. p. McCabe Miss C. McCarthy, Helen, McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Mosley $25 Augustine L. :Avila, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Chamberland, J. Cole, Mrs., Bernard Cleary, Parricia Cleary , Pauline Cleary, R. H. Cormier, Howard Donahue, Daniel J Doyle' Mrs. Ethel M. Doyle Dr.' Anthony N. Elias, F. Gemme, Mrs. F. Gemme, F.E. George, W. Grant , Dr. J. J. Gregg, K. Griffin, Wm . J. Hansen, Mr., & Mrs. L. LaFrance, Gertrude & Ruth Lawlor E. Lehan, Mrs. A McKenna, Mr. & Mrs. J. McMorrow, D. McSweeney,' Mr. & Mrs. David H. Martin J. C. Megan Sr., R. Mendes'& Mrs. N. Whittters, J. J. Mrocka, . Mrs. LaurenceJ. Munise', J.' Murphy, F. Norton . ,Fraricis JO'Boy, Dr. T O'~rien J. Padula, L.Palazesi, Mr. & Mrs Maurice Perry, J. Quinn'" George Sanford, Shaw's Realtor Service, Wm. H. Sullivan Edward M..Tokarz, S. Tokarz, Mrs Gertrude Zawacki, P. George

,Norris H. Tripp , SHEET METAL , J. TESER, Prop. RESIDENTIAL . INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL' 253 Cedar St., New Bedford 993-3222

See. U.s First See Us Last But See Us B


CHEVROLET 1001 Kings Hwy.

NEW BEDFORD Open Evenings

Priest Shortage Biggest' Problem For Church FRAMINGHAM (NC) - Cardinal John Wright, prefect of the Vatican's Congregation for the Clergy, said here the shortage of priests is "the greatest and most urgent problem" facing the Church. "As a' result, h~ said, "we priests today must· make sure that we do not die without leaving behind us two priests, whom we have attracted, inspired, recruited and financed through the seminary." Addressing members of the class of 1946 of St. John's Seminary, Cardinal Wright commended the 28 priests who were celebrating their 25th anniversary of ordination. He said: . "There were 28' the day they were ordained and there are 28 now. Nobody has received permission to die and' nobody has asked permission to quit the priesthood. " Happy Priests Cardinal Wright told the hundreds attending the celebration that he had received permission from Pope Paul to attend the celebration at St. John's where he once taught theology. "Several months ago, His Holiness remarked, 'Why doesn't someone find the means of bringing to' the communications media the stories of the happy Rr\ests who remain at their posts and are still preaching joy at the end of their lives?'" Cardinal Wright said. "These are the men whose lives hav.e' been .uninterrupted ,examplt;s"r,o£y;: f,idelity·,,,.to ,,·,the Church," the cardinal said of the class of 1946. . "TheSe, men· exemplify .the joy in their work in the undivided . love for Christ, amI. a pride in their priesthood ... their compl~tfmess as men .. :"


$250 In Memory of Rev. Msgr. Patrick H. Hurley $30 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Reilly The Garvin Family

$50 Mr. & Mrs. Russell' Chamberland Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mozzone Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Gomes & Manuel L. Gomes Mr. & Mrs. William Powers $45 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Linhares

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Desrosiers, Mr. & Mrs. J. LaPre, Mrs. Estella Margarido, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McKenna, Mary McNerney. Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Simmons, Anonymous.

$35 Mr. & Mrs. John Cassidy

Kent, Mr. & Mrs. Norman LaFrance. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Murphy, Leo Pivirotto, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Rose, Mrs. Raymond Simmons. Mr. & Mrs. Philbert Torres, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Turner.

$500 Rev. Msgr. Bernard J. Fenton $150 Henry Wareing $125 Atty. & Mrs. Richard Martin $100 In Memory of James E. Williams $50 St. Jose'ph's Women's Guild . $30 .Mr.& Mrs. Paul Horton $25 Mr. & Mrs. Levite Carrier, Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Collard, Mr. & Mrs. William Drumm'ond, Leo Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. Robert -Dutra. John Egan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. William Hogan, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice

Mr. & Mrs. William J. McCarthy $75 Susan McGowan $60 William Keane $50 Dr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Bilodeau

ST. PETER $200 Montfort Fathers $100 Mr. & Mrs. James B. Murphy $50

Central Village ST. JOHN $30 Mrs. Isabelle Sandberg $25 St. Isidore Council, Knights of Columbus Lillian Sekonda Mrs. Lawrence Dolan Mr. & Mrs. Henry Arruda

Mattapoisett ST. ANTHONY $500 Anonymous $300 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mc,Gowan $100 Mr. & Mrs. Frank F. Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Veroi Mr. & Mrs Charles A. Crowley Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Manning $40

Dr. & Mrs. Clayton King $35 Anonymous $31 Mr. & Mrs. Paul :E'. Keane Jr. $30 Mr. & Mrs. Ross Steeves Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mattos $25 Rita T. McGlynp, 'Mr. & Mrs. Roy Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pimental, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McQuillan, Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Misliwy, Mr. & Mrs. William J. Quillan Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Francis O'Driscoil, Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Fleming, Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. McIntyre, Mr. & Mrs. William F. Hubbard, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Farley, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cooper, Mr. & Mrs. Real Breton Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Sanford Jr., Alberta Silveira, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Chadwick, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sylvia, Mrs. Agnes Pelzar, Mr. & Mrs. George, W. H. Smith Jr.



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The' Society lor the Propagation 01 the Faith THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH SEND YOUR GIFT TO The Rev. Monsignor Edward T. O'Meara National Director 366 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10001






$25· Mr. & Mrs. A. Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. T. Brassard, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Dutra, Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Leddy, A. Machado. J. Mendes, Mrs. Peter Murphy & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. F. Perry, J. Perry. Mary Raposa, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Volkman • Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Deslauriers Mrs. Sybil Bacon, Dr~ Rose Borges, Mr. & Mrs. John Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Clinton' Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Smith. St Vincent de Paul Society


THE ANCHOR-:-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 13,1971

North· Dighton

$30. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cameron Mr. & Mrs. Al Dutra ' Mr. & Mrs. Charles Geer Charles Kenyon Mr. & Mrs. J. Zeiba Dr. &. Mrs.. Charles Souza


ATLANTA (NC) -'- Workers have have not only a right but a duty to organize, Archbishop Thomas A. Donellan told some . 200 persons attending' a . brunch after the .archdiocese's first Mass for Labor at the cathedral here. "This God-given right ought to be respected and used, and we will be saying this' as loudly and clearly as we can," he added. The archbishop said the ...·little man" has a small chance of coming to decent terms with the "big man" unless he unites with other little men.


$500. Rev. Msgr. William H. Dolan

'Remained Stable' "The priest," he continued "personifies ChrISt. He is the )j~: ing .channel. Christ t~.the. worlp ~o the .extent that -they. echo· the' teachings of the Church ._ when theY' speak from the altar, they are saying 'I, Christ ..."'. Speaking of the current state of ferment in the .state and the Church, he told the 28 priests: "In the midst of all that, you have remained stable, you knew "what your vocation was, you knew who you were, you wouldn't let down because you wouldn't let Je'sus down, you gave the stability of God. in the midst of chaos."



The Rev. Monsignor Raymond T. Considine Diocesan Director 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720





New Bedford

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 13,'1971

South Dartmouth,


ST.' MARY ST. JOSEPH $425 $62 Mr. & M~s. George A. 'D. Saint Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Saladino Aubin $150 , $50 _Mr. & Mrs. JosephM. F, DonMr. & Mrs. Earl Dias aghy $35 Mr. & Mrs. ' Joseph R. GlenMr. &' Mrs. Joseph Bowers I non Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley ,Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Fred De'Cristof~ro $30 $125 Victor L. Brunette Rev. John V. Magnani Grace Gonsalves & Mary Co$100 holan Helen Collopy, . Mr. & 'Mrs. James Murphy Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Riehard Nerbonne Mr. &' \ Mrs. Ar'mand: F. 'BroMr. & Mrs. Eugene Ruell deur $27 Dr. & Mrs. Louis Miskell Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lopes. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C Brady $26 Mr. & Mrs. Owen F. Hackett Mr. & Mrs. Everett J. Barrow Jr. ,Mr. & Mrs. Raymond, Barton $70 Mr. & Mrs. John H. Smith $25 $60 Mr: & 'Mrs. Edwin, W. Allard Mary T. Luiz Mr. & Mrs, Alan Boling The Silveira FamilY Mr. & Mrs. Victor Brunette , $50:' Mr. & Mrs. Earl, C Chandler ·Mr. & Mrs. Richard Parsons Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Charade Mr. & Mrs. John Pilvines Mr. & Mrs. John Dias Jr.: A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Louis Doucette Mr. &- Mrs. Angelo DeMello Mr. & Mrs. P'hilip Harding Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Caron Mr. & Mrs: Edward O'Gara Mrs. Alvaro Rodrigues Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Pifko Mr. ~ Mrs. Jame~ Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rezendes Mr. & Mrs. George P. Ponte, Mrs. Richard Stevenson Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hicks Mr. & Mrs. Rene Vezina $40 Mrs. James W. Greenway Dr. & Mrs. Vito Ciminello' Mr. & Mrs. Alcide Pelletier Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C: 'Cole $35 ST. MARY Mr. &. Mrs.. Manuel DeMe.llo $100 Rosemary Quinn , Rev. Paul G. Connolly , Dr. & Mrs. John S. Machado $30 $30 Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Maloney Mr. &- Mrs. Carlos Alves $25 : William A. lVIurphy,' Mr. ,& Mrs. Thomas Hart; Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter O'Brien & 'Mrs. Joseph',Winsper, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. George 'Yright III Mrs. William Camara, Mr. & Mrs Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Cleveland William Constant, Mr. &' Mrs. Josephine M. Foley 'Albert Coucci Helen & Margaret Gamble Mr. & Mrs. Arthur DesRoches, ' Mr. & Mrs. Francis O. Travers Mr. & Mrs. Joseph' Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Corbeil, $25 ' North' Westport The Johnson Family, Mr. & Mrs. p'aul G. Caron, IYI. & Mrs: OUR LADY OF GRACE Armand Borges, Mr. & Mrs. , $50 Charles Nunes, Mr. & Mrs.. JoRev. Rene R. Levesque ' seph A. Correia Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Smith' Mr. §t Mrs. PaulO. F:,erro, .Mr. Mr. & Mrs. William Wilson & Mrs. Herve LaPointe, Mr, & $40 Mrs. Leonard J. Rose, Mr. & Lena St. Pierre Mrs. Antone M. Varao, Mr. & $35 Mrs. Donald Dwyer Council of Catholic Women , Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Murphy, $30 Mr. & Mrs. Antone Gomes Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Cordeiro Olivia M. Luiz, Mr. & Mrs. " $25 Frank J. Mello, Judge & Mrs. Mr. &'·Mrs. Manuel R. Faria, George Ponte , Shirley Perry, Mary Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Nanni, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Sasseville Mrs. 'Ann DeMello, Dr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John J. lVlarnik, Anthony Martin, Mrs. Homer J. 'Marie Cordeiro & Maria, Mr. & Messier ' Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Dawson, Mr. Mrs. Joseph L. Cabral. & Mrs. Calistus Sylvia Jr. Michael Costa, Mr. &, Mrs. John Westpo,rt Saunders, Mr. & Mrs. Normand ST. GEORGE Menard $300 ' Mr. & Mrs. David J. Pimental, Mrs. Dorothy Horan, Mr. & Mrs. George Considine $50 Joseph Singleton, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Sylvia; Alice Sheerin, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Wilcox " $31 . Mary S h e e r i n ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ponte Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Picard $30 Mr. & Mrs. John Downey Mr..& Mrs. Manuel. H. Silvia Mr. & Mrs. David Buckley Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Victor Ladetto Mr. '& Mrs. Leo Romeo DuMr. ,& Mrs. Frank' Coleman, breuil Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Maher, Mr. ' $25 & Mrs. George M. O'Hara Jr., Mr. &. Mrs.' Joseph Bono, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Frasier Jr. ~ Mrs. Frank Cardoza, Mr.' & Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Quinn Jr. Mrs. Almedor Houle, Mr. & Mrs., . Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Quinn Sr.... Oscar Lariviere, Mrs. Eveline James M. Quinn "'Magnant. Mr. & Mrs. Roland P. McGee, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond ·G. Boyce Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Morency Mr.' & Mrs. Manuel Souza, WestJudge & Mrs. August Taveira port Package Store. .'

. ~.

TWO 'GABRIELS' SPREAD THEIR SILVER,WINGS: Rev. Casimir Pugevisius, tight, president of the Catholic Brm~dcasters 'Assobation," presents the organization's 'Gabriels' to Rev. T.hurston Davis, left and Rev. Tang for "outstanding achievem~nt in the production ot television spot announcements,: p~oduced for n~tional release". The win'ning entry in' thei Gabriel Awards presentation, was. the Campaign for Hu~an Development TeleSPOTS, produced by the Franciscan Communications Center-for the Department of Communieations, usce NC Photo. I ' Mr. & Mrs Robert V. Sweeney Wareha~

ST. JAMES $150 Dr. DaniCi Harrington '$100 . Mrs. Jeremiah Coholan Mr. & Mrs. Louis Coholan . $75 Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Parsons $50 Mrs. Mark M. Duff Mr. & Mrs. James Giblin Mrs. Alexander Whelan Dr. & Mrs. Edward Vogt Mr. & Mrs. Francis O. Quinn , $40 John Leva $35 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Roach Brig. 'Gen. & Mrs. Lawrence Markey Mrs. James Bolton $30 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fontaine Mrs. Leo M. Sullivan Dr. William O'C;onnor Dorothy M. Baldwin Joseph E. Baldwin Frederick Munro Mr. & Mrs. Paul Clark Mr. & Mrs. Daniel, Hayes, $25 Mr. & Mrs. George Sheehan, Mr. & Mrs. Adam J. Zych, Robert Hayes, Charles B. Clavin, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Manning Mr. & Mrs. Francis Baptiste, In Memory of Armand A. Langis, Mary Whelan, Frances, Whelan Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Rourke, Mr. & .Mrs. George Medeiros, Mrs. Y.incent Shea, Mr.' & Mrs. Daniel Murphy, Mr. &! Mrs. John C. Martin, Mr. &: Mr.~: Ronald Tetrault Loretta Phaneuf, Mary Phii-' neuf, Mr. & Mrs. William Da-' mos, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Berry, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mello, Mr. '&"Mrs7 William" Whelan·~·'.,···'

Mr. & Mrs. John Maloney, D~. & ST. PATRICK Mrs. Thomas Geagan, St. Pat$125 I rick's Circle, Mrs. Rolpnd LetenMr. & Mrss. John MacNeil 'dre, Wareham Lodge of ,Elks $100 1548 Rev. Leonard M. Mullaney $75 . i ' , I . "Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kuppens Mr. & Mrs. TheodoJe Baptiste ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA $50' i $80 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Maynard The William Beauregard FamMr. & Mrs. Hulot !Haden ily > Mr. & Mrs. Milton King .'. ., Mr: &: Mrs. :Fred; M~yn'ard - $50 'Rev. Clement Dufour . Mr. & Mrs. AndrewlMcGraw ST. THERESA St. Vincent de Paul Society 'Mrs. Albert Getchel,1 $125, . J. A. Clongherty' $25 Mr. & Mrs. Ro·nald· Lorang~~ Mr. & Mrs. Richardt Zens Eva Benoit, Louise Cote, Ros$100 " $35, ette Daigle, Henry Dube, DilVid Anonymous John English, Jr. Duma~ . Lemieux Plumbing & Heating Mr. & Mrs. Leo, St. John Thaddeus Gumienny, Norman Inc. J. W. Hurley Co. Hebert, Anna Masse ,$30 ' Dr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson Mr. & Mrs, RaQul Leblanc $30 ! HOLY NAME $25 Mr. & Mrs. Peter J.IOrlik, Jr. $150 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Poirier, Mr. & Mrs. Herman IPrada Rev: Lucio B. Phillipino Mr. & Mrs. Maurice ,Bonneau, Mr. & Mrs. Colin GQrdon Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Rock. $100 Mr. & Mrs. Edigie Monteiro In Memory of James F. Har$28 , ST. HEDWIG ding Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Campinha $50 $100 $25 ' : Mr. & Mrs. Hugh T. Earley A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Robert: Cahoon, Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore J. Giam$30 Mr. & Mrs. Ellsworth: Atwood, malvo Mr. &' Mrs. Chester Gadomski Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Veiga; Mr. $48 '& Mrs. Francis McWilliams Jr., Mr. & Mrs. James Wilson Jr. OUR LADY OF Mr. & Mrs. George Barrett. PERPETUAL HELP $46 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Fellowes, $200 Mr. & Mrs Charles A. Gunning Mr. '& Mrs. Milton' Laytock, Mr. Conventual Franciscan Fathers $35 &, Mrs. William Dawsoh, Mr. & I $75 Mrs. Orner Bellenoit Mrs. Antone Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Banas Fletcher Long. I $30 $40 Benac Family Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cdllins, Jr., Jankowski Family Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Flannagan , Mr. & Mrs.•,James Brogioli, JuliMr. & Mrs. James Gleason ,us Babbitt, Mr. & Mrs. i Norman $30 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kennedy Sylvester, Mr. & Mrs.lTimothy Stanley Smiechowski Walsh' I $29 Stanley Stankiewicz Edwin K. Greer qompany, Mr. & Mr.s. Walter King $25 Mrs. F. Edward Kiernan, Mr. & $25 Eugene Chaberek, Rose Feeley, ' Mrs. Francis' W. Murphy, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. William Demsky, Dr. Francis P. Grenn, In MemMrs. Adolphe Billottee, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. James Dufficy, ,Mary ory of Frank & Rqsalie JeglinMrs. Robert Tassinari i E. Foley & Joseph Foley; Mr. & ski, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Mary Tavares, Mr. :& Mrs. Mrs. Michael Griffiths, Gerald Society. Thomas Connor Mr. & Mrs. Harrington Katarzyna Piko, Czeslaw PonThomas VonMello, Mr.!& Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Horan, In' 'ichtera, Frank Sylvia, Walter , William Henry, Mr. & Mrs. Ken- . Memory of Julia A. Foley & Ce- Szeliga, Anthony Zerbonne. neth Semedo celia Foley Sher, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Richard SLillivan, Manuel Mello SACRE~ HEART Sr., Mr. &. Mrs. Chester ISkinder Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mullarkey $100 '._ Mr. & Mrs. Dale Hill, Mr. & Mrs'. John O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Seguin Mrs. Thomas Moffet, Mr.1 & Mrs. William Powers, Mr. & Mrs. $35 Edward V: O'Neil, Mr. 1,& Mrs. Joseph St. Marie, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. 'Pierre Seguin James Vicino Jr., Mr & Mrs John George Swansey, Mrs. ,John $25 'Callahan" I Whitmer ' The LeBoeuf Family


New Bedford



I i




New Beclford ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST $150 Rev. Manuel P. Ferreira $80 Rev. John J. Oliveira $60 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Vera $50 Atty. Edmund Dinis M. C. Swift Mr. & Mrs~ John Fernandes' A Friend A Friend A Friend A Friend A Friend . -Rev. Joachim F. DaSilva, C.M. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Souza In Memory of Msgr. John A Silvia $40 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferreira Mr. & Mrs. Walter Oliver $35 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gracie . $30 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Barry Mr. & Mrs. Alfred DeCosta Mrs. Joseph Michaud Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Tavares Mr. & Mrs. William Wallace Mr: & Mrs. George Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Avila Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferreira Jr. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Ravmond Cabral, Mr~. Arthur Carreiro, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent L. Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. James Gaffney.. Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Grota. Mr. & Mrs. Laurent Guillette, Mr. & Mrs. Rol)ert J. HalL Mr. & )'virs. Manuel Neves, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Perry. Mr. & Mrs. Americo Ramalho, Milton Richmond, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel S. Silva. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Souza, Mr.. &. Mrs. George Vas~oncello~. . . . Mr. & Mrs. Ruy Villela, Mr. & Mrs. Joseoh Amaral, Mary Co<;ta & Family in Memory of Mother, Father & Brother George, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Duponte, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Edwards. Roger & Marlene M. Lanteigne,~ Joseph C. Martin, Mrs. Mary Schusner & Family, Mrs. Eva L. Svlvia, Mr. & Mrs. Adolph Walecka.

~~~r:.N~~~Rl3, '1971 .17 ST. PATRICK

$250 Rev. James F. McDermott Dr. Roger E. Cadieux $150 Dr. Roland E. Chabot $100 Joseph H. Feitelberg ~50

LA SALETTE JUBILARIANS CONGRATULATED: Very Rev. Emil Truffer, M.S. third from left, congratulates Rev. Edward P. Versailles, M.S., Attleboro who marked his 50th Anniversary as aLa Salette. Looking on are Rev. Francis P. Allard, M.S., a golden jubilarian and Rev. Roland R. Bedard, M.S., a silver jubilarian, both of Attleboro.

ST. LAWRENCE $25. Mr. & Mrs. James Aylward, $175' Frances A Burke, A Friend, A Friend Dr. & Mrs.. AB. Crowe', Helen $155 Driscoll Rev. Arthur K. Wingate Mrs. Anthony S. King, Mrs: $150 Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Harring- . William Maley, A Friend, Helen Moore, Margaret E. Sullivan ton, Jr. Anna M.. Brady, Almyra & $135 Dr. & Mrs. William Muldoon Dorothea Brennan, Mary A Brimley, Mr. & Mrs. Wilson $100 Bonneau, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Mr. & Mrs. James H. MaCarpenter honey, Jr. Mary L. Downey, James DurDr. Robert E. Durant ant, In Memory of john W. DurA ~riend ant, Timothy Gleason, Mr. &. A Friend Mrs. Gordon Goodfellow . $75 Mrs. Walter Collopy Mrs. Michael Harrington, Mr. $60 & Mrs. Milton Healy, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John 0-. Kenney William H. King, Mr. & Mrs. $50 Arthur Kirkwood, Mr. & Mrs. In Loving Memory of Mar- Edward G. McBride, garet Davis Mr. & Mrs. James McCann, OUR LADY OF FATIMA Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Finni Frances McCarthy, Mr. '& Mrs. Neil Fitzgerald $250 Paul McGowan, Mrs. James MoDr. & Mrs. John McGonigle Rev. Arthur C. Levesque sher,. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph MunRobert Oliveira $150 dorf Mrs. John B. O'Rourke Rev.; Walter A Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Charles Phelan, A Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Smith $100 Friend, Mr. &Mrs. Edwin SilMr. '& Mrs. John Tierney Mr. & Mrs. William Belanger veira, Edith Thatcher, Mr. & $50 . $45 Mrs. John Whalen Mr. & Mrs. Clement Damicone Mr. & Mrs. Edward McIntyre Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lachapelle $40 . ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI . $40 Anna Driscoll $200 Mr. & Mrs. William Hitchcock Mrs. Clifford Marr Rev. Armando Annunziato $35 Mr. & Mrs. John Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Charbon$50 $35 neau, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Nicolacci Mary & Ann Downey Parent $25 Mr. & Mrs. Willis Goodwin $25 A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boldiga, Bono, Mr. & Mrs. Domenic CaMr. William J. O'Brien Therese Bonneau, Mr. & Mrs, talano, Ghilardi Family, Mr. & Mary C. Winterson William Corrado, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Leo Grande $31 Francis Frey, Mr. &. Mrs. Paul Frey Mr. & Mrs. Nelsen Dumaine' Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Dagenais Jr. $30 in Memory of Mrs Regina Grave! . Mrs. Catherine Haye's Mr. & Mrs. Leo Doyon, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Ryan Mrs. Roland Gaouette Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose Smith & Family Mrs. Edward Geneste, Mr. & Mrs Mrs. William Downey Gerard Guillotte Mrs. Frances A Koch Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lawlor, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph MacFarlane Dr. Augustus McKenna, Corella Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mahon / McKenna, Mr. & Mrs. Austin Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Phillips Manning, Mrs. Leopold Menier Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Rossi Mr. & Mrs. James Penler, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Myron Tripp & Mrs. Joseph Pereira, Mr. & $29 Mrs. Jean Sevigny, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Burke Armand Tanguay

famous for


MT. CARMEL $500 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Fernandes $125 Noe Ferro $50 Mr. & Mrs. Jose L. A. Ferro Mrs. Maria C. Ferro Mr. & Mrs. Jose Evaristo Melo $40 John E. Ferro $35 Mr. & Mrs. Custodio P. Gonsalves $30 Rosemary L. Ferro Mr. & Mrs. Duarte Manuel Raposo $25 Mount Carmel P.T.A, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bettencourt, Mr.' & Mrs. Arthur Caetano, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph da Luz Louro, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Nunes. Mr. & Mrs. John Silvia Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Teixeira, Mr. & Mrs. Jose R. Vasconcelos.

Somerset ST. JOHN OF GOD , $100 Holy Rosary Sodality $50 Mr. &, Mrs. Antone S. Feno $25 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Nogueira, Mr. & Mrs. John K. Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel路 L. Sousa, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Tessier.

Mr. & Mrs. Leon Brodeur Mr. & Mrs. David Dunne Dr. Thomas G. Clark Carleton D. 'Boardman .H. Leo' Cre,amer Joseph Matthews $40 Vincent J. Riley 35 John Diogenes Eugene Murphy . In Mempry of Angelo E. Flynn $30 Mr. & Mrs. George D. Jensen Mrs. Vincent. R. Dorsey Mr. & Mrs. John M. Couto Fernand C. E. Auclair Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tinsley Helen McGann . John T. Smith James F. Darcy $26 Mr. & Mrs. Sol Strein $25 Harold W. Meehan, Arthur F. Cassidy, Raymond A McConnell, Edward. J. Le~nard, Mr. &. Mrs. William Moran . Mr. & Mrs. Edward Casper, Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Bartek; Ma'ry E. Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Kelly, Armand Forand Norman M. Simmons, Richard A. Mello, Louise Coleman, Ed-. ward Synan, John J. Ferry Joseph Caiozzo, Thomas J. Daley, Raymond F. Soares, Mr.. & Mrs. James M. Judge, Maurice A Quirk Mrs. Frank Souza, Raymond H. Bibeau, Mrs. Douglas E. Chapman, Mr: & Mrs. James C. Noonan, Josepb F. Biastoff Edmund F. Bagley, Mary E. Judge,' Mrs. Leonard N. Bilodeau, Albert A. Levesque Mr. & Mrs. William V. Mahoney, Jr. ST. THOMAS MORE

$100 St. ThOmas More Conference Society St. Vincent De Paul Society $50 Mr. & Mrs. John' A Power McClellan Fuel Co. Inc. $26 Benny Paskavitch $25 Mrs. Gordon Schofield, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hague Florence M. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Donald P.. Waring, Frances Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Marchand


aJ 1111111111III11111111III III 111111III 111111111111III111111III111111III III III II11111111III III III 11111111 III III11111 III 1111111111III1111111II!!:











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THE ANCHOR....:..Oiocese. ~j Fall River-Thurs. May 13,197 i


Fall River. ST. ANNE

E'b.erhart Th·rown Into Jonl For ·.'Manifesting Love

$150 Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Ross'



I recently had the opportunity to talk to my friend Eberhart who had. spent the week- after Easter.in jail fasting as a protest against the corruption of American society. "What did you hope to accomplish. by your 'week in jail, Eberhart?" I ·asked. "It was . our intention'to bear witness bear witness to the illegitimacy to the charity and the iove of the system." , ,that the' Risen Jesus mani"Theh in fact you were guilty fests to all men." "Whom did you expect to reach with this message' of love?" "We hoped :that we would be able to touch the hardened . hearts of the c9 rru pt, immoral racists who make· up our sick society."



The Joseph Gauthier .Family Anonymous ST. ANTHONY OF THE DESERT

$100 Dr. & Mrs. James Sabra

$30 Fred Slyby & Brenda Slyby

$25 . In Memory of Faris Nasiff by Mrs. Faris Nasiff, Lt. Col: & Mrs. John Abdallah, Wadih & NichOU1S Kaliff.

of ·no crime at a Ii?", "Certainly not; we were political prisoners, put in jail during Easter week for no other reason than that we can no longer tolerate murder in Vietnam." "Do you think your witness .is going to help end the war in


$200 Judge Beatrice H. Mullaney



In Memory of William S. & Maud A. Conroy

60'YEARS'A;PRIEST: Rev. Victor O. Masse, M.S., of Media Coverage' Exceilent "Don't be foolish. American East Brewster, rigpt, is felicitated on the occasion of his . $30 imperialism needs the war to 60th anniversary ~n the priesthood. Father Masse, was a Mary & Marguerite Shea survive. Our hard hat racist secular priest in the Diocese of Fall River until July 12; $25 hawks will not accept 'defeat. Anne Borden By 1960 when he ent~red the La Salette Order at the age of We shall keep right on violating St.. Joseph's Mens Club international law.. Our leaders 76. On his retirerhent, Father Masse was pastor of St. Mary Cullen, John F: Mahoney, REV. are war criminals for not obey- Anthony of Padua! Parish, New Bedford. John Medeiros, Joseph ·P. Reilly ing the law." . . . 'ANDREW M .·..But if our legal system. is SANTO CHRISTO GREELEY not legitimate, why did you go $1250 OUR LADY OF FATIMA ss: PETER AND PAUL to jail? Couldn't you have gone Rev. Arthur C. dos Reis underground?" , . . . $100 $100 $259 Our Lady of Fatima Guild In MerrlOry of Msgr. Francis "If we went underground we "Do' you think you were suc- would not be able to bear wit. Mr. &. Mrs. J. Edwdrd Lajoie P. Connelly, P.A. Edward Lopes cessful in fulfilling your hopes?" ness to the love of Christ at . $25 I St. Vincent De ·Paul Society $100 "Successful? Don't be so hung Eastertime." Rose E. Sullivan I Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A 'DeNardo Rev. Daniel L. Freitas • I up on succes~; did Jesus worry SS. Peter and Paul Women's James J. McDermo~t , . '''Were you satisfied with the $50 about success?" Mr. & Mrs. George C.Penrose Club media coverage of your witness Manuel & Ann M. Faria . "But if you weren't really in· bearing?" , Mr. & Mr:s. Harold ISenay $50 'terested in getting through to John Tyrell Mr & Mrs William S. Shepard $35 "I thought it was' excelle.nt:. I· . others then what was the point We really made clear our mes$35. Manuel S. Martins . I . of bearing witness to the love sage of. love to everyone." Anne & Marion O'Hearn ST. DOMINIC '$25 of .Jesus. for them?" $30 "Then you do think that you $200 A Friend, John Victor, Jose Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Guinen "We wanted to make it clear . got through to some people?" . Rev. Daniel E. Carey Jacintho Carvalho . ":, $25 to the whole world that there Eskimos Next $100' Edmund & Lenor Silvia, JoMr. & Mrs. Michael Dupont were still some, Americans who ML& Mrs. Manuel fravers "No, of course we didn't. How & Janet Dupont, Mr. & Mrs. seph V. Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. were capable of feeling guilty can 'you exp~ct us to get through $75 John Silvia. Shaun Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Ernest for· the ugly sins which our so- to such a rich, complacent soci. Mr. & Mrs. Norman IAshley A. Hasprey, In Meinory of Msgr. $50 .. ciety has committed." ety whose people are brainST. ROCH ."Oh. I must have misunder- washed by the propaganda the Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred iCourville John J. Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. WiI$50 . Ham Lomax. . stood; you' were'n't' trying to administration' serves up on tele- - Mr. & Mrs. Philip Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Alex Vezina Mr. & Mrs. George Morgan.. communicate about love to vision?" - $40 I Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Coutu Edward Murphy, Mrs. James E. Americans?" " Mr. & Mrs. John Fitzgerald "But YOu do feel that some. Mr. & Mrs. Paul A: Giroux Roge.!:s, James E. Rogers Jr., The "Of course we were; what thing was accomplished by your . $35 II Sweeney Family. $25 other rea<:nri ,.;nuic! there he for sacrifice?". . Mr. & Mrs. Thomas \Ryan Mary Tyrrell, Mr. & Mrs. Anonymous,' Mr. & Mrs. Norgoing to jail? We wanted to uSe "That's like asking whether . $30 Nicholas Tyrrell. mand Levesque our bodies ;as ,s'igns -of ho\y fouI- Jesus accomplished anything by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Paiva Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Craddock, and :sick. a country the. United dying on the ·cross." Mr. & Mrs. Anthony lperry Patricia Carey States is; it .puts in jail even ~·Wh.en are you plannin'g your Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Morris .. those who are only trying to' next jail term?" . $25' i ST. STANISLAUS manifest love." "Propably around' 'the-feast of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Calisto, $150 the Immaculate Conception. We Mr. & Mrs. Leo Dube, Mr. &. 'Politic':'l Prisoners' Aluminum or Steel are going jo protest against the Mrs. George Ventura,.t Mr.. & Rev. Robert S. Kaszynski . "The.n you don't think you 944 County Street genocide of the Eskimos by im- Mrs. Robert Evans, Mr.1 & Mr~. $100 ought to have heen p·ut. in jail NEW BEDFORD, MASS. perialistic American oil com. Paul Brooks :, SI:. Vincent de Paul Society for throwing that brick through 992~6618 panies. They must be told about Holy Rosary Sodality Catherine Golz, ,St. qominic's the' police station wind~w?'~ love every bit as much as the St:. Stanislaus Women's Guild ·"In. a healthy. society you fascist pigs who 'are the coun- Women's Guild, Mary McLeod, $50 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Soub, Mrs. wouldn't have to throw a brick . try's leaders.'" • . I , St. ,Stanislaus. Men's Club Barton G. Albert \ through a window to' tell people WaIter Pypniowski The Clement Family, Mr. & how .corrup~ they were." $30 Mrs. Albert, Dube, Mr. i& Mrs. "But .you do admit that you Mr. & Mrs. Leo Lavoie . Eciward Carey, Mr. & ¥rs. Rowere guilty of violating the 'bert LaChance, Mr. & Mrs. Arlaw?".: . TRENTON (NC)-New Jersey thur Cavanaugh , "America is such a' foul place .' . I will have' a new divorce law Evelyn Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. Danthat its whole legal system is. by midMay, spokesmen for Gov. iel Moniz, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth illegitimate. Black people. are, William T. Cahill said here after sent to jail for not committing Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mar·· crimes. We feel that we should the state Senate overwhelmingly i . urn, Mary V. Doyle, Mr.l& Mrs. approved changes suggested ·by. Albert Rousseau the' governor in vetoing the bill . :t' 00,. conditionally. ' . ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE The Senate acted two days' SOUTHBO~O (NC) --.: A joint $50 ' I' confirmation of Catholic and after the Assembly had incorMr. & Mrs. Emile CotJ Episcopal candidates was held in porated those changes ·into. the . St. Matthew's Catholic church measure. Gov. Cahill had asked ' i here. The Catholic young people. for the changes to make the bill ' Dir~ctor BANK-BY-MAIL (post-paid). WITH acceptable to him.. were confirmed by Bishop BerCHICAGO (NC) - Jatnes T. nard J. Flana'gan of Worcester, Passage of' the legislation had Har:ris has announced hi~ resiga' member of the U.S. Catholic. been opposed, By the New Jer- nation as executive director of bishops' Committee on ecumeni· . . s~y CatJ:1blic' Conference, agency the National Catholic Confer;107 Main St., South Yarmouth, Ma. 02664 cal and interreligious affairs: The 'of the state's bishops~' which ence for Interracial Justice. Har*At Boss River, 2-3 yr. term deposit certificates yie.ld class of Episcopal young people . feared' that it would turn New ris resigned because of personal 6.18% per yect~ when compounded doily from day-ofwas confirmed by Bishop John Jersey- into .an easy·' divorce committ!pent~ to his family, his deposit. $1,000 minimum deposit. M. Burgess- of .Massachusetts.. , . state and, lead to trial marriages. . office announced. '


Fall River








Easy Divorce BilL To Become law





Ecumenical 'First'

I Resig ll1s




.. THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-::~urs. May 13,1971,





BISHOP CRONIN WAS THE PRINCIPAL CELEBRANT AT A MASS CONCELEBRATED WITH LA SALETTE JUB.LARIANS ST.' MARY $100 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Margaret Lahey $75 $50 Mr, & Mrs. John Long Rose Dowling $60 In Memory of Mary J. GronMr. & Mrs. Everett Lafleur' din $40 Helen G. Kenney Mary Whitehead Helen Burns' $30 $40 In Memory of Daniel & ManThomas路 & Margar.et Kennedy uel R. Pimental $35 $27.77 Mr. & Mrs. ,Eugene Leclair Mr, & Mrs. Frank J, Mellen Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fennessey $25 In Memory of John & Alice Joseph Francoeur, Mrs. Teresa Moran Hetu,' Florench Lynch, Eileen $30 McNally, Fred J. McNally, Mr. & Mrs. James Robinson Jr. Charles Ney Mr. & Mrs. John R. McGinn $25 OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS Robert F. Coggeshall, Mr. & $50 Mrs. Joseph O'Connell, Mr. & Manuel Correia Mrs. Leo Martin & Virginia, $25 Mary Arruda, Sisters of St. Joan Mariano Pimental, Charles 'of Arc' Carvalho Sr., Mrs. Mary, Goulet, Mr. & 'Mrs. 'Eugene Bertrand' Manuel Raymond. Mary Maleady" Mrs. Raymond Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs. James OUR LADY OF HEALTH Coy'ne, Th'omas Sullivan $50 ". Mr. & Mrs.' r0anuel Benevides, Our Lady of Health Holy Name. Kathryn Daily..' Catherine GauIn Memory of Rose Freitas '. thier, .' K'at~eI;in~ Kaufman, In Mr. & Mrs, Manuel Mello ' Memory of .Mary A. Murphy . .. ' Our Lady, of Health. Holy Rosary ST. MICHAEL $30 . $300 A Friend Rev. Luciano J. Pereira $25 $100 Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Rev. Jose A. F. dos Santos Our Lady of Health Ladies $50 Guild, Mr. & Mrs Joseph Almeida Atty & Mrs Manuel M. Rezen路 . Mr. &' Mrs, Jose B'raga, Mrs.' des路., ... Mary Ferreira $40 Caetano Medeiros, Mr: & Mrs Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Rocha Jeremias Rego, Mr. & Mrs. .& Daughter Francisco Silvia $30 Manuel Rosa ST. 'MATHIEU J\,lr. &' Mrs. Jose Arruda $25 $300 . Gilbert & Eva Mello, Irene Rev. Lucien Jusseaume Cabeceiras, Mr. & Mrs. John R. $100 Cavanaught Jr., Lydia Goncalves, Rev! Thomas E. Morrissey Mr. & Mrs. Manuel L. Carreiro. Dr. & Mrs. Orner Boivin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph De Costa, $60 Manuel Dias, Mr. & Mrs. James King, Alvin S. Rego. Juliette Belanger. $35 ST. LOUIS The Paul Lapointe Family $60 Edgar Poisson The Connerton Family $27 , $50 The Philip Vaillancourt Fam. Mr. & Mrs. Robert White $25 $25 Margaret Kehoe, Hilda Myles, Mr. & Mrs. John Cabaceiras, Mr. & Mrs. George Cummings, Gertrude O'Neil, James Whalon. Alice Bailey, Mrs. James BenMrs. Dora Fiola; Alphonse Mailloux, The Raymond Poisson . son, Mr. & Mrs. John Maher, John Whitty Family, A Friend

Fall River






,$250 Rev. Msgr. John E. Boyd. $100 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Burns, Jr. $85 Mrs. John A. Cody & Family $75 " Geraldine Harrington $50 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Silvia Sarah Spellman Mr. & Mrs. John ,Blake Mary Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Scully Mr. & Mrs. Edward DeCiccio $40 . Joseph M. Morrison $30 Helen & Mildred Sullivan In Memory or' James E. Shea Mary E. Kilro'y $27 . In Memory of Manuel J. Rosa, Jr. $25 .Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Banville, In memory of JamesJ. Nicoletti In memory of Timothy & Annie Holland, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Biszko, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Arsenault Mr. & Mrs. Theodore' Blouin, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Delzenero, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Moss, Mrs. Mary J. Harrington, Edward Healey Mr. & Mrs. John Marshall, Dr. & Mrs. Hiliary White, Mr. & Mrs. William' T. Donnelly, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kuszay, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Poissant Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Sincoski, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Fletcher, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Del Piano, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Mannion Leo Callahan & Joan, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Cahill, Mr. & Mrs Henry Urban, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Barrette, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Murray Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sweeney, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cabucio, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Halbardier John O'Brien, Catherine & Elizabeth Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Suart, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Buckley, Mr: & Mrs. John Morgan,. Jr. Abbie I. Kilroy, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Delahanty, Alida Hart, In Memory of Mr. 8< Mrs. Michael J. Foran, Mr. & Mrs. John M. Gasior Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Thibault, Margaret Wimsett, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Regan, Rico DeNadal

HOLY CROSS , $250 Franciscan Fathers, O.F.M. Conv. $25 Szewczyk Family, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ciosek, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Pirog, In honor of St. Jude -N. N., St. Vincent de Paul Society. Richard J. O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Witengier. BLESSED SACRAMENT $35 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hamel $30 A & W Rootbeer Stand Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lauzon $25 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ste. Marie Mr. & Mrs. Edward Langlais Mr. & Mrs. Norbert Mercier

ST. WILLIAM $500 Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Con~ sidne $100 ,Rev. Edward J. Burns $50 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Dooley $30 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Talbot Mr. & Mrs. John Maitoza $26 Louis Brosseau $25 Genevieve Connelly, Francis Delahanty, John A. Diskin, Mr. & Mrs. John Donald, Christopher Lake Jr. Mrs. John Potts, Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Raposa, Helen M. Sullivan

NOTRE DAME $50 A Friend A Friend $35 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Phenix $25 Mrs. Irene Letourneau, Levesque's Flower:: Studio, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Raiche, Mrs. Agathe Menard, Octave O. Desmarais. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dumais, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar St. Martin, Mrs. Laetitia Petit. OUR LADY OF THE HOLY ROSARY $50 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mazzoni $30 Dr. & Mrs. John Gagliardi Mr. & Mrs. Frank Stetkiewicz $27 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Marcucci $25 Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Barresi, Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Frank, Mrs. James Patricelli & Family. Edward Camuso, Troy City' Gas Station, Mr. & Mrs. George Wrightington

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Thurs:, M~y 13, 1971

Fall' River HOLY NAME $250 Dr. & M.rs. Thomas Higgins , $200 0'1'. & Mrs.·Andre P. Nasser $150 In Me!llory of· Anne' V. Kelly Dr. & Mrs. John Delaney $130Dr. & Mrs. John Carvalho $100 · Mr. & Mrs: Caesar Fortunato Dr. Anne Marie Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas W, Mitchell Mrs. Michael Regan Mr. &' Mrs. Harold Clarkin In Memory of John C. Harding $75 Dorothy C. Sullivan $60 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Burke Mr. & Mrs. Gustave Mattos $55 Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Lynch /' $50 The Franco Family Hilda Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGuire Atty. and Mrs. Fred Torphy The. Kenney Family Mrs. Anthony Keramis Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Sullivan


James Kennedy & O'Neill Family, Mr.- &. Mrs, 'Lemerise, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph $100 $30 Dr. Daniel' Mooney Fred. Czerwonka, William F.'. Mcpuill, Elinore: K~nnedy The .Misses Donovan George Driscoll ' Keating Jr" Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D'AmMahoney brosio, Collette :FOl',tin, John T. $25 $75 Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Salois, Mrs Crowley, Edward P. Grace & Elizabeth Crowley, M. Doris Frances C. Shaughnessey David Bishop, Mr. & Mrs. Fer- Family, Mr. &-Mrs. !John E. CruSullivan, Charles V. Morris, $50 nand Bonnoyer, Mr. & Mrs. gel' I . Margaret M. Lowney; David Jane G. Broderick Lionel Braz, Mr.' & Mrs. Edward, Mr. & Mrs" George Flanaga,n,. Mr. & Mrs. James H. Sullivan Creamer Nicoletti , Mr. &. . Mrs.' Roland Gagnon, Mr. Margaret M. Sullivan, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. George E. Sullivan • I . Mr. & Mrs. James.Pedder,·Mr:,' & -Mrs. Joseph A. Ryan Jr. Mrs. James H. Sullivan Jr. &. &.Mrs. Joseph Keefe,' Mr. & \VII's.' . I White Family ,Family, Mr. & Mrs. William James Donnelly, Mr. & Mrs John 'SACRlED HE~RT Mercier, Martin A. Reardon $45 B. Cummings Jr., Mr. & Mrs Wi!$200 'I Mr. & Mrs. George McCoomb, Mr. & Mrs. Robert NedderrJ:Ian' Ham Manning Jr. . ' D r . J.ohn E. Manning William Black, William C. ~hip. $35 Ann .Sherry,'Mr. & Mrs. How- '$110 pendale, Kathryn V. & Margaret Frances M. Cummings ard Melker, Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Quinlan F. Leary ( , Mary C. Cummings M. Whalen

i I





Mr. & Mrs. Jo~eph Pinsonneault $35> " .Lawrence He!'!ry . .... Mr: & Mrs~ Frea· Zebraskv · John W:' CUri1ming~' . · Helen .O'Neil '. Mr. & Mrs. AI' Zervis " Toe Madden Farriily' Mr..& Mrs. Frank Plichta Mr: & Mrs'. Fred Demetrius . Mr. & Mrs. Gerard 'Fortin .' $30 ,Mr.. & Mrs. Warre.n 'Wood Grace'Sullivan " . . Mr. & Mrs. Jonn Azlive.do·· $26' , '. Mr... & Mrs. J~mes R. Medeiros · Grace Hindle',' , . \.,:

,, "




J;l $25;' .. <% ·Mrs., John J.



Gallagher, ( . Mr: & Mrs. 'Rene Beaulieu, Mr. . , , .& :Mrs.Williani ,Clea're,Mr.' & ,~Mrs. James Harrington; Anna L. . ·.Sullivan , " , ' '. , ' . '" Claire Mullin's, Mrs. Jain'es E. Mullins, Mr. & '. M'rs. " .b~onard . 'Phelan, Mr.. & Mrs. 'Thomas P. Walsh, Mr. & Mrs.' Timothy J. Murphy' . Mr.. & Mrs. Edmund Geary,'" Mr. & M.rs. William J. Hargraves, Mr. & Mrs." Edward J. Har;ington, Agnes ,Murtagh, Mr. & ,Mrs. Joseph Cummings Mr.. & Mrs: Antone Almeida, MI:'. & Mrs. Francis McGrath, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Marcoux, Mrs. Thomas Collins, Eileen Higgins ' Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Reinerio, Ella Deinpsey, Mr. &' Mrs. Thomas A. O'Donnell, Mr. & Mrs. William Hacking, Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Golitz Antone Andrade, Rudolph .r.:. LaVaui.t, Mr.. & Mrs,' James, ., Costa, Mr. & Mrs.,.Matthew Sui: livan, Mr. & 'Mrs. Roland Boulay Mr. & Mrs. Jan Pietraszek, William F. Murphy, Mrs. John White, Mary Kelly, Gertrude Kelly Mary Lysaght, Catherine Lysaght, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Star-· ·ford Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Walsh Sr" Alice Lenaghan Elinor Lenaghan, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Hurst, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Messier, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred M.orrissette, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Burke Mrs. Honora SUllivan, Hussey

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