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Fall River, Mass., Friday, May 13, 1983

$8 Per Year

Pastoral aftermath

CHICAGO (NC) - Of the 174 changes in the war aDd peace pastoral that were made by the U.S. bishops May 2-3, several were of major importance even though most were minor. Most notable in terms of judgments on U.S. nuclear de­ terrence policy were two: - The bishops voted by about a 10-1 margin to call for "im­ mediate, bilateral, verifiable agreements to halt the testing, production and deployment of new .nuclear weapons systems." The draft text before them had called more vaguely for a "curb" rather than a "halt." - In a series of voice votes, by substantial majorities the bis­ hops approved six separate' amendments by Archbishop John R. Quinn of San Francisco against first use of nuclear weapons. Instead of referring cautiously to nuclear first use. as "an unjustifiable moral risk," the first of these declared that the bishops "do not perceive any situation in which the deliber­ ate initiation of nuclear war, on however restricted a scale, can be morally jusified." The other

five amendments changed the text throughout to conform to this more severe judgment. The bishops almost unani­ mously repudiated amendment after amendment by Archbishop Philip M. Hannan of New Or­ leans and Auxiliary Bishop John J. O'Connor of the U.S. Military Ordinariate which would have softened some of the pastoral's judgments on nuclear first use and nuclear deterrence. In a seven-page statement on . the pastoral issued May 9, Arch­ bishop Hannan said that he ob-

jeded to its tone and a number of its specific conclusions. "Obviously, the vast majority of the bishops have a different appreciation of the letter" from his own appreciation, he wrote. On the other hand, he said that the West German bishops an'cl the archbishop of Paris have expressed views on nuclear de­ terrence closer to his views than to those expressed by the U.S. pastoral letter. Only those parts of the letter "which express universally rec­ ognized Catholic moral princi­ ples are binding in conscience," he wrote. He charged that the language of the pastoral involves a basic "inconsistency or contradiction" in objecting to virtually any possible use of nuclear weapons while accepting nuclear deter­ rence. "I object also to the tone of the letter demanding that we arrive shortly at an agreement on disarmament," he wrote. "This applies pressure on our government, but does not apply

equal pressure on the Soviets." "I am disappointed that there is not a more vigorous assertion of the dignity of persons and human rights in the letter, to­ gether with a more candid ap­ praisal of the aggression against human rights perpetrated by the Soviets . . . The extent and de­ gree of aggression against hu-. man rights is a crucial factor in determining the amount of force that can be used to resist that aggression," he wrote. At a press conference in New Orleans the day after the pas­ toral letter was approved, Arch­ bishop Hannan had commented:

"First, it is very confusing. Sec­ ond, it will appease a great num­ ber of people, pacifists. Third, it will, in my opinion, deter dis­ .armament negotiations." He said he is "100 percent for peace" and considers his views "far more peace-serving" than those expressed in the pastoral. "The fact that we have a strong nuclear presence ensures a reasonable peace," he com­ mented. Archbishop Hannan said he does not believe that the bish­ ops' document "represents the thinking of the majority of Cath­ olics who will not accept it. They will reject the evaluations and suggestions, which are ill drawn," In other changes to the pas­ toral the bishops: - explicitly tied post-blast radioactive fallout effects and expected damage to the land and environment into the moral equation for judging whether any use of nuclear weapons meets the just-war rquirements of proportionality and discrim­ ination.

- backed off from a claim in the draft that the Second Vati­

can Council "endorsed" consci­

entious objection. They limited

themselves to reaffirming the

council's call for civil legal pro­

tection of the right of conscien­

tious objection and noting that

the council had praised those

who renounce the use of vio­ lence to defend their rights. - substituted "just war teaching" for "just war theory" to emphasize that the main ele­ ments of the so-called "just war theory" are part of the church's Turn to Page Seventeen

Appeal at $1.,043.,174

Latest reports of Special Gift donations and Parish Contribu­ tions bring the 1983 Catholic Charities Appeal up to $1,043, 174.78. Donations from parishes, . priests and Special Gift donors should be made in person to Ap­ peal Headquarters beginning Wednesday, May 18, until Fri­ day, Mar 20 at 1 P.M. This coming weekend, every solicitor, parish and Special Gift, should mllke a last effort to can­ vass every potential donor. These reports should be made to Special Gift and Parish Head-

quarters on next Monday. Honor Roll Parishes Thirty parishes have been added to the honor roll of par­ ishes surpassing their 1982 final totals since last week's edition of The Anchor. These parishes are St. John, Attleboro; Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster; St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis; Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket; St. Eliza­ beth Seton, No. Falmouth. St. Joan of Arc, Orleans; St. John, Pocasset; Corpus Christi, Sandwich; St. Augustine, Vine-

yard Haven; Our Lady of Lour­ des, Wellfleet. . Espirito Santo, Our Lady of the Angels, St. Anthony 'of Padua, St. Elizabeth, St. Jean Baptiste, St. Patrick, St. Wil­ liam, Fall River. St. Bernard, Assonet; St. Thomas More, Somerset. St. Anne, St. Boniface, St. Hedwig, St. Kilian, St. Theresa, New Bedford. St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet; St. Rita, Marion; St. Julie, No. Dartmouth; St. Mary, So.· Dart­ mouth; St. Anthony, Taunton; St. Paul,.Taunton.


Getting married?


is first step,

By Pat McGowan Engaged? You're in luck the top brass of the Catholic Engaged Encounter program are right here in the Fall River dio­ cese in the persons of young and enthusiastic Bill and Shelly Mee­ han of Holy Cross parish, South Easton. With Father Willie Raymond, CSC, of Stonehill College, North Easton, they form EE's national executive team. What is .EE, you're asking? It's an organization of young married couples, not far reo moved from their own engaged days, who seek to get the idea across to the current crop of. starry-eyed young people that "a wedding is a day - a mar­ riage is a lifetime." Inviting such young men and women to step aside for a week­ end from the whirl of commer­ cial preparations involved in even a simple wedding, EE of­ fers, in the words of Father Marc Bergeron of. St. Anthony of Padua parish, New Bedford, "challenge, confrontation, change and love," They come in the course of a weekend during which engaged couples examine themselves, their relationship and the voca­

tion of marriage. It's not un·

common, say organizers, for the experience to lead 10 a decision to postpone 01 even decide against a marriage. But the percentage of EE couples whose marriages end in divorce is significantly lower than that of the general popula­ tion, a statistic important to the Fall River Diocesan Office of Family Ministry. Its director. Father Ronald A. Tosti, calls EE the "most highly recommended" of the marriage preparation pro· grams he offers. Similar enthusiastic endorse­ ments are heard everywhere in the nation, say the Meehans. Halfway through their two-year term as national officers, be­ tween them they devote at least 80 hours a week to EE business. .That's on top of Bill's fulltime work as an electrical engineer and Shelly's busy life as mother of two children with a third en route. The EE involvement includes four board meetings a year in various parts of the country as well as lots of paperwork and the planning of an apnual na­ tional convention. . Across the country, the Mee­ hans and Father ~ay,nond co­ ordinate the work of some 1100 couples and priests responsible Turn to Page Six


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Ma~ 13,· 1983

Art exhibit in Fall River


i I

Catholic Wo~,ker



By Pat McGowan The Catholic Worker, prob­ ably the only newspaper in ·the world that costs less per copy than by subscription, is 50 years old this month. Its price has never changed; a penny a copy, .25 per year by mail. Of course it doesn't make money, but that was the last thing that worried its founders, ·Peter Maurin and Dorothy Day, the organizers of what was de­ scribed last week as "the most sustained movement in Ameri­ can radicalism." The description came from Michael True, a participant in a two-day symposium, "The catholic Worker and American Catholicism: 50 Years," held at Holy Cross College, Worcester. Like the Worker, the sym­ posium was casual: no registra­ tion fees, donations accepted, but it was all right if you didn't pay; tables full of books, pam­ phlets and copies of the Cath­ olic Worker, equally free. Mainly it was a reunion of Catholic Worker types and the hours were punctuated with whoops of delighted recognition as people saw each other, often for the first time in years. Nearly everyone of the hund­ reds present had personal recol-

lections of Dorothy Day who the corporal works of mercy, es­ died in 1980; many alko remem· pecially feeding the hungry and bered Peter Maurin; the French sheltering the homeless, was ex· peasant whose ideas \were en· ,plored by Marc Ellis, director of fleshed by Dorothy and who pre· the Institute for Justice' and ceded her in death byl31 years. Peace of the Maryknoll School Among members' o~ the Fall of Theology. He said that in the face of the River diocese at the Worcester meeting were Father! Peter N. "urban acquisitive economy" the Graziano, diocesan director of Worker proposes the "renuncia­ social services, and' Father tion and sacrifice exemplified by George W. Coleman, director of the crucifixion." In hs early years, he noted: the diocesan departmerlt of edu­ Worker emphasis on the agarar­ cation. I Speakers. included I William ian life and the practice of hos­ of. the pitality struck responsive chords; Miller, author of a history I Catholic Worker movement and today it seems that the move­ ment's commitment to' commun­ of a definitive DorothYI Day bi­ ity is the aspect that draws most ography. His topic was the philo­ sophical sources from which attention. Perhaps the best summation Peter Maurin drew his Vision of an agrarian society "where it of Dorothy Day's life was given would be easier for men' to be by Sister Peter Claver, an elder· ly Trinitarian sister associated good." : I with Dorothy from the Worker's He was followed by Sally Cun· neen, coeditor of Cross Currents, earliest days and one of those a learned journal specializing in contributing to the $57 it cost religious thought. She: discuss· to .print the first issue of the ed Dorothy Day as a stbryteller .paper, dated May I, 1933. "She lived the message of God an das a feminist far in Iadvance of her time. "Her insights are as we all should," she said. now beginning to be trlmslated Diocesan Opportunity into mainstream. theological Coincidentally with the 50th language," said Ms. Curineen. anniversary of the Catholic Worker, diocesan residents will The place in American Cath­ olicism of the Catholic :Worker have the opportunity of viewing with its pacifist beliefs 'and its the work of an artist connected insistence on the importance of since 1949 with the newspaper. I

ONE OF Fritz Eichenberg's most famous prints, used to illustrate the memorial issue of the Catholic Worker published after the death of Dorothy Day, its founder. He is Fritz Eichenberg, a world·famous lithographer and printmaker whose work has con· tributed mightily to the disting­ uished appearance of the Work·

er, which is illustrated .only by woodcuts and engravings, never by photographs. One of Eichenberg's most Turn to Page Fifteen


Leading Parishes


ATTLEBORO AREA St. John, Attleboro 25,872.00 St. Mary, Mansfield 17,346.00 St. Mary, Seekonk 15,037.00 St. Mark, Attleboro Falls 14,355.00 Holy Ghost, Attleboro 11,581.00 CAPE COD and THE ISLANDS St. Pius X, So. Yarmouth 37,083.00 8t. Francis Xavier, Hyannis 35,457.00 Corpus Christi, Sandwich 28,780.00 Holy Trinity, West Harwich 23,909.50 , Our Lady of Victory, Centerville 17,744.00 FALL RIVER AREA Holy Name, Fall River 25,228.50 Our Lady of Angels, Fall River 18,564.00 81. Thomas More, Somerset 16,430.00 Santo Christo, Fall River 13,965.00 St. Stanislaus, Fall River '13,237.00 NEW BEDFORD AREA Mt. Carmel, New Bedford 23,225.45 17,365.00 Immaculate Conception St. Julie, No. Dartmouth / 13,806.00 13,785.00 St. Mary, So. Dartmouth St. Mary, New Bedford 13,274.00 TAUNTON AREA St. Ann~, Raynham Immaculate Conception, No. Easton Holy Cr.oss, So. Easton St. Joseph, Taunton St. Anthony, Taunton

12,286.00 11,525.00 9,551.00 8,745.00 8,632.00

Parish· Totals 1 ATTLEBORO AREA I

I Attleboro Holy Ghost St. John St. Joseph St. Mark St. Stephen I St. Theresa I Mansfield - St. Mary l North Attleboro I Sacred Heart I ·St. Mary I Norton - St. M~ry Seekonk M:t. Carmel I St. Mary I I

11,581.00 25,872.00 6,201.00 14,355.00 5,995.00 10,890.00 17,346.00 4,636.70 11,086.00 5,804.00 9,093.00 15,037.00

CAPE COD AND THE ISLANDS AREA Brewster' of the Cape 16,168.00 Buzzards Bay _1.St.. Margaret 7,436.00 Centerville - O.L. of Victory 17,744.00 Chatham - Holy Redeemer 16,068.00 E. Falmouth - St. Anthon1 9,529.00 Edgartown - St.1 Elizabeth 1,~7.00 Falmouth - St. Patrick 15,598.00 Hyannis - St. Francis Xavier 35,457.00 I Nantucket Our Lady of ·tlie Isle 10,890.00 No. Falmouth I St. Elizabeth Seton 10,985.00 Oak Bluffs - Sabred Heart 2,620.00 Orleans -.:. St. Joan of Arc 16,712.00 Osterville - Assumption 15,984.00 Pocasset - St. John' 14,526.00 Provincetown - St. Peter 3,592.00 28,780.00 Sandwich - COrPus Christi So. Yarmouth - St. Pius X 37,083.00 Vineyard Haven 5,798.00 St. Augustine I Wellfleet - O.L. ,of Lourdes 4,080.00 West Harwich - Holy Trinity 23,909.50 Woods Hole - Stl Joseph 3,895.00


+- I I

FALL RIVER AREA Fall River St. Mary' 9,630.00 Blessed Sacrament 2,277.00 Espirito Santo 10,997.50 Holy Cross 2,576.00 Holy Name 25,228.50 Notre Dame 8,150.25 Our Lady o~ the Angels 18,564.00 Our Lady of Health 5,159.10 Holy Rosary 7,734.00 Immaculate Conception 5,379.00 Sacred Heart 7,910.00 St. Anne 6,953.50 St. Anthony of Padua 7,723.40 St. Elizabeth 2,658.00 St. Jean Baptiste 5,047.00 st. Joseph 7,737.00 st. Louis 3,459.00 St. Ma'thieu 2,211.00 St. Michael 8,818.00 St. Pa·trick 11,003.00 SS. Peter and Paul 8,413.00 St. Stanislaus 13,237.00 St. William 6,905.50 Santo Christo 13,965.00 Assonet - St. Bernard 6,396.00 Cen-tral Village St. John the Baptist 4,380.00 North Westpol"t O.L. of Grace 6,255.50 Somerset st. John of God 8,254.00 5t. Patrick 5,583.00 St. T·homas More 16,430.50 Swansea Our Lady of Fatima 11,525.00 . 8,771.00 St. Dominic St. Louis de France 10,182.00 St. Michael 7,134.25 Westport - ·St. George 7,739.20 NEW BEDFORD AREA . New Bedford Holy Name 10,183.00 Assumption 762.00

Immaculate Conception Mt. Carmel Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of Perpetual Help Sacred Heart St. Anne St. Anthony of Padua St. Boniface St. Casimir St. Francis of Assisi St. Hedwig St. James St. John the Baptist 8t. Joseph St. Kilian St. Lawrence St. Mary St. Theresa Acushnet - St. Francis Xavier Fairhaven St. Joseph St. Mary Sacred Hearts Marion - St. Rita Ma·ttapoisett - St. Anthony North Dartmouth - St. Julie South Dartmouth - St. Mary Wareham - St. Patrick TAUNTON AREA Taunton Holy Family Holy Rosary Immaculate Conception Our Lady of Lourdes Sacred Heart St. Anthony St. Jacques St. Joseph St. Mary St. Paul Dighton - 81. Peter North DigMon - St. Joseph North Easton Immaculate Conception Raynham - St. Ann South Easton - Holy Cross

17,365.00 23,225.45 7,747.00 3,116.00 3,398.00 2,867.50 6,986.00 2,032.00 2,400.00 3,780.00 2,033.50 9,244.00 10,262.50 10,268.50 1,832.00 7,843.00 13,274.00 5,409.00 5,696.00 11,377.00 3,812.00 1;312.50 4,973.95 9,692.00 13,806.00 13,785.00 11,897.50

5,689.00 2,237.00 5,885.00 2,794.00 8,234.00 8,632.00 3,889.00 8,745.00 6,527.00 9,615.00 2,797.00 5,000.00 11,525.00 12,286.00 9,551.50

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 13, 1983


It pays to adver1ise in The Anchor, the largest weekly newspaper in Southeastern Massachusetts, reaching 27,000 subscribers and, an estimated 100,000 actual readers.

AT RECENT CJEREMONY of Admission to Candidacy for the priesthood at St. Vin­ cent's Home Chapel, Fall River, from left, David Andrade, St. Anthony's parish, Taunton; Michael McManus, Immaculate ,Conception, Taunton; Frederick Babiczuk, Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton; James Calnan, St. Lawrence, New Bedford; Bishop Daniel A. Cronin; Timothy Reis, St. James, New Bedford; Maurice Gauvin, St. Elizabeth, Fall River; Tim­ othy McNaught, St. Pius, So. Yarmouth; (Gaudette Photo)




aslles you to join

A Family Celebration at the

FATHER RICHARD L. CHRETIEN will become ad­ ministrator of St. Theresa parish, New Bedford, effec­ tive Wednesday, May 25. Since 1979 he has been as­ sociate pastor of St. Joseph's parish, New Bedford. Previously he served at Sacred Heart parish, North Attleboro, and Sf. George parish, Westport.

He has served as chaplain to youth groups and to the pre-Cana program in the At­ tleboro area and has for sev­ eral years been greater New Bedford assistant director of the Catholic Charities Ap­ peal. ,,----~r

A Fall River native, he at­ tended Notre Dame gram­ mar school and Msgr. Pre­ vost High School before studying for the priesthood at Our Lady of Providence Seminary, Providence, and St. Mary's Seminary, Balti­ more. He was ordanned May 20, 1967 by retired Bishop James L. Connolly.

!lkeflJaIetk fJJhJWne

Park Street (Route 118) - Attleboro, MaSSl8chusetts


OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Bishop Cronin has acceded to the request of Father Joseph A. Martineau that he be allowed to resign from the Pastorate of Saint Theresa's Parish in New Bedford to com­ mence a leave of absence which Father Martineau will under­ take at his home in Westport, Massachusetts, for family reasons. Effective immediately. APPOINTMENTS Reverend Richard L. Chretien, from Assistant, Saint Joseph's Parish, New Bedford, to Administrator, Saint Theresa's Parish, New Bedford. Reverend Raymond A. Robida, from Assistant, Saint Theresa's Parish, New Bedford, to Assistant, Saint Anthony's Parish, New Bedford. R~verend Marc H. Bergeron, from Assistant, Saint An­ thony's Parish, New Bedford, to Assistant, Saint Joseph's Par­ ish, New Bedford. Effective: Wednesday, May 25, 1983



May 16 Rev. William McDonald, SS., 1941, St. Patrick, Falmouth Rt. Rev. J. Joseph Sullivan, P.R., Pastor, .1960, Sacred Heart, Fall River Rev. Arthur C. dosReis, Re­ tired Pastor, 1981, Santo Christo, Fall River


WJTHFather Pat


Time: 12 NOON - Picnic Lunch" ~------********~*------..,

May 17 Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, D.O., 1951, 3rd Bishop of ~all River 1934-51 May 19



Tom Di Lorenzo

Speaker ********./<* Lediclion 3:30I~m.


Rev. Ambrose Lamarre, O.P., 1940, Dominican Priory, Fall River Rev. Thomas Trainor, Pastor, 1941, St. Louis, Fall River May 20 Rev.. Antonio L. daSilvia, Pas­ tor, 1952, Our Lady of Health, Fall River

Diocese of Fall River

Sunday, May 22, 1983



*Children's program' and baby-siHing services will be provided by Youth Groups. "Bring lunch, chairs, blankets. Rain Location: Our Lady of Mount Carme' Church 984 Taunton Avenue (Route 44) Seeltonk, Mass.






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783 SLADE ST. P.O. Box M - So. Sta. 674-4681

10 MAPLE STREET 228-4780


REV. PETER N. GRAZIANO, M.S.W., Diocesan Dlroctor


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1441 RTE. 132 ~ CENTERVILLE ~ ,m·8771;:,


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 1~, 1983 I


the living word

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the moorins..-,i




The American Catholic Press


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One of the more serious questions that must bel faced in today's world of ever-developing communications lis the proper role of the American Catholic Press in the mission assigned to it by the church. Outside of the chur~h, of 'course, this press has no reason for being, a fact which some of the so-called brighter lights of the written i word I seemingly fail to realize. There is little doubt that, like all forms of the printed word, the press faces new and sometimes overpowering demands from the visual world of telecommunicatiohs. In a society that reads less and less and turns more and l more to television for information and editorialization, the !press in general has difficult days ahead. -The Catholic press has an even more laborious l path to follow. Even within the church family new metho:ds of bringing the Word to man are changing with confused \ rapidity. The very mention of the Catholic Communications Net­ , I work or Mother Angelica's Eternal Word Program ~ends chills through many an editor. i . The reason is simple: all are after the same piece Of pie and there is only so much pie. One must consider the fact that all forms of religious communication must, of Itheir very nature, be subsidized in one form or another. In !spite of some press purists and whether one likes it or not,1 sub­ I sidy is the burden of spreading the Good News. It should be obvious that, although its existence is essential, th~ C~tholi~ press cannot, unlike television pro­ .Ne Photo grams, obtam fmanclal support through such promotions PEACE MARCHERS AT BISHOPS' CHICAGO MEETING i as telethons. The essence of successful religious television is the 'How beautiful ... are the feet ,of him that preacheth peace.' Is. 52:7 gaining of audience support. Radio evangelists ofte~ do this very craftily through their ability to identify people's needs and aspirations. So often the idealists of the press I' are far removed from the people in this regard. In a recent opinion sample of the Catholic press some interesting results were reported. For example, as a grbup, Catholic publications in this country are strongly Demo­ what you need before you ask ognition of the mysterious ways By Father Kevin J. Harrington cratic in political affiliation. Many Catholic editors divkrge in which God's loving provi­ him." Pious customs must be exam­ dence fulfills itself through our significantly from official church teachings in such are~s as This is not to imply that there ined to be fully understood. One women's ordination and birth control. Only a minority of of the most spontaneous and is no room for intercessory care and prayer for our broth­ Catholic editors feels that the current Holy Father under common such customs is the prayer. Rather, turning to God ers and sisters. There is no bet­ ter way of affirming God as our stands the needs and problems of the American Church. familiar request: "Pray for me " in time of need and distress af­ Father than by reaching out to Unfortunately these, requests are firms our relationship to him as him for the needs of any of his Such findings, if valid, clearly indicate that the Ckth­ all too often casually received our Father. Jesus was the only . childen. olic press has some soul searching to do if it is to be truly and while we may include such rabbi who taught his followers It is not fruitful to speculate Catholic. '. ; to be bold enough to call' God intentions vaguely in our pray­ Could It be that too many editors are indoctrinated by . ers, rarely do we give intercess­ Father. The true spirit of his on how our prayers are an­ swered, nor should we look upon the platform of a particular political party to such an ex­ teaching on prayer is that it de­ ary. prayer the attention it de­ them as some type of miracu­ pends not on any particular set I tent that it affects their reflections on church? serves. lous manipulation by us of div­ Should an editor of a Catholic paper be identifiable as I have often been embarrassed ot" words we may use but on inity. God's loving care for us and our when a friend has expressed an adherent of specific political positions? Rather', should complete trust in him. Some people look upon prayers not a Catholic editor's first loyalty be to his church, with gratitude for my prayers, especi­ as if they bounced off some Reaching out to people with ally when he or she has credited . I all that that implies? a favorable outcome to prayers the request, "Pray for me " is heavenly satellite and returned As the Catholic press seeks to make its way into Ithe more than just a cry for help. It to them in the form of bless­ that either through forgetful­ homes and hearts of its readers, it is obvious that man~ of ness or neglect I had failed to is a way of letting people knqw ings. But intercessory prayer is that we see God as a God of actually a reaching· out to an­ its editors should have a bit more concern for the chu1rch say. love, mercy and goodness. It is other in prayerful iove. they represent. ! Intercessory prayer must be The church has affirmed the There are indeed issues that bring the church ibto seen as something wl}ich goes also a way of letting peopie know that we do believe unit ministry of caring and praying beyond mere persuasion of God the arena of political controversy. She does live in the God does listen to prayers. throughout her history. Action marketplace. However, it would be well for all identified, to change his will for our bene­ and contemplation have always Thus the cqmmonplace words The true value of intercess­ with the Catholic press to realize that their mission is: to fit. characterized the lives of her ory prayer is not in its getting "Pray for me!" raise the fascina­ the church, not to their own ideas or those of a particular us what we want but in its abili­ ting subject of the power of our saints and her unfailing support political party. ; ty to lead us to ,come to know prayer for each other. When we of the vocation of contempla­





.'Pray for' me!'


.and love the true good which God wants for us. Prayer is not a means of putting upon God, it .is a V'{ay of thinking and acting more like God.




Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin" D.O., S.lD.

EDITOR !tev. John F. Moore

~ I.eary

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John J. Regari Press-Fall River I I





Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount are instructive: "In your prayer do not rattle on like the pagans. They think they will earn a hearing by the sheer multiplication of words. Do not imitate them. Your Father knows

seem to have the least control over our destinies, we are most prone' to reach out to God. Knowing that people are pray­ ing for us assures us that they are indeed sharing our pains, dreams and even our fears. This sharing often ,leads to an easing of our burden to the level that our strength can bear. /"


The Chirstian appeal "Pray for me!" is a true and happy rec-

tive religious bears clear wit­ ness to her recognition of the power of prayer.

There can be little doubt that although contemplatives may never leave their clojster their prayer and sacrifice touch as many souls as do .t1te busiest preachers or social workers. We may not all be called to be contemplatives but we arEl all called to pray for each other. >.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 13, 1983

Family Night A" weekly at-home program for famllies sponsored by the Diocesan Office of Family Ministry a garden will depend on what kind of commitment the family Oh Lord, the dream of spring wants to make for its care during That winter in its clutch of the summer. It could be a few cold had promised clay pots, a window box, or half Has blossomed forth in radiant the family backyard. Take a trip beauty. to a store and choose a few What was sleeping has now types of seeds. Radishes, car­ awakened. rots, corn, lettuce, marigolds, What was thought as dead is and zinnias would. be fun how refreshingly alive. choices. During Family Night May in all her loveliness bids display the seeds and talk about us welcome. all the different shapes and We thank you, Lord, for May. sizes. They could even be left on Amen. the dinner table to be studied during the coming week. With TO THINK ABOUT ,paper and crayons, plan the fam­ All over the country, north, ily garden and then set a date south, east, and west, this is a for planting time as a family time filled with new life and project. vigor. In many areas of the country, this is garden-planting Middle Years time. Why not this year plan a .and Adult Families family garden with each family Read aloud Mark 4:1-8. Could member having a special little our lives ever be compared 'to a plot? Springtime radiates beau­ garden? If so, what would our tiful life: and for us Christian "selr' garden be like? What families springtime can be sym­ bolic of the new life we all will share eternally with Jesus Christ.



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Smiling stewardess

One of the most provo­ cative phrases I've read in recent months appeared in an article in Psychology To­ day in which a family therapist talked about the smiling stew­ ardess image of motherhood so widely accepted and! expected. Noting that airline stewardesses occupy one of the most highly stressed jobs for women, he pointed out that family thera­ pists are seeing the same kinds of stresses in modern mothers who take on a similar role in their homes. They are dedicated! to serving those in their care while strivin~ always to remain patient and pleasant even if they are treated rudely or merely ignored. The difference, he explained, is that while it Is mandatory for stew­ ardesses to have a significant rest between flights to recuper­ ate from tension and maintain good mental health, it is rare that mothers get a recess. I witness this ,phenomenon a lot among the women with whom I work, particularly mothers of school-aged children. It surfaces at every seminar on family stress. These are mothers who are trying hard to be good wives a~d mothers but losing their ow~ person along the way. They'l'f! torn between responsi­ bility to family, which they often internali~e to mean subordination of their own need~ to those of

their family, and responsibility to themselves, church, and others. Many are frazzled and worn out trying to be and do everything for others. They find themselves exhaust­ ed at the end of .a day of field trips, orthodonist appointments, gymnastic lessons and costume making but they feel inordinate­ ly guilty if they have lost pa­ tience or become resentful be­ cause there has been no "me time" for themselves. The end result is usually a massive feeling of guilt. If they do explode occasionally - and they do - the guilt is com­ pounded because they feel self­ ish and unworthy of mother­ hood. They have "failed." They stopped smiling. In healthy families, the scen­ ario is different. Spouses and children affirm and support their mothers as well 'as the other way round. Prioritizing is a visi­ ble trait in which mom is given the right and encouragement to have activities and a right to her feelings. Her self-esteem is good because everyone serves each other. She is not made to feel guilty if she isn't on call at every min­ ute or if she becomes impatient. Older kids expect to take a share in the driving. Younger kids ac­ cept responsibility for their Cub Scout projects. Husbands en­ courage personal time away from the routine family duties.

might we do in our lives to pro­ duce a better harvest?

SNACK TIME For a snack have one of the things the family plans to grow in the'garden. It will be 'fun to compare the seed to the snack.

ENTERTAINMENT Take a short trip to a nearby library and look at some books on gardening. If a park is near­ by with flowers in bloom, enjoy an early evening walk together.


Finish these sentences:

- I feel happiest when

- Spring tells me . . .

- I wish this month we

could ...


Dear Lord, What you have promised is again fulfilled. Life in abundance, overflowing in spills. Drenching us with laughter, mopping up our tears, Entering into our struggles and transforming all our fears. Thank you, Lord, for the spring­ . time in our hearts. Amen.



One such mother told me that when she decided against en­ rolling in a class she really want­ ed to take, because of cost, her husband said. "We can manage it. Remember, you have to invest in yourself, too.;' Wise husband. He realized how often families invest in camps, lessons, and activities for kids without even murmuring but when it comes to mom, expense is the deterrent. ·But there's more to this than cost. It's the need for the family to value mom as a person, not to take her (or granted as a constantly loving, smiling, serv­ ing stewardess always on call. Support and affirmation are traits most commonly found in the strong family. Individuals are valued for what they are ­ not what they do. A child who makes the team isn't valued higher than one who doesn't. A mother who gets angry at times or who wants some time and recognition for herself shouldn't be valued lower than one who doesn't. But that's what happens in families where the smiling stewardess image of mom predominates.


It's all in how you look

at it My wife went to a parish program on sex education. During the discussion peri­ od, a mother described an incident that had upset her "greatly. In" the course of fulfilling her car-pool duties she overheard an ll-year-old classmate talking to her daughter. "There's four children in our family," said the girl. "so, you know, my parents must be do­ ing it all the time." "How do" children get that way, talkling likJe that?" the woman asked the group. "Is it television or what?" Well, if she put this question to Gene F. Jankowski, the presi­ dent of CBS, he would, I'm quite sure, answer forthwith: "Madam, the culprit has to be 'what: because it certainly isn't television," In a speech in February to the Southern Baptist Convention in Fort Worth Texas, Jankowski went to great lengths to protest that television was inocuous. Did you know, for example, that this medium has so little in­ fluence on viewers that adver­ tising on television is hardly worth the effort?"Well, says Jan­ kowski: "The customer makes a decision after the message is re­ c~ived. More often than not, it is not the decision the advertiser hoped for," I'm waiting to hear what Jankowski says when he speaks to a group of advertisers. Now, on the face of it, a speech stressing how insignifi­ cant your company's product is might not seem like the ultimate in PR (imagine being told by the chairman of the board of GM, "Now really, folks, cars aren't all that important it! A'merican life"), but Jankowski, or his speech writers, strove mightily to link his theme to patriotism, the last refuge of the man who has no real case. No, television is innocuous not because of what it is, says' Jankowski, but rather because of whom it's aimed at. And it's aimed at you and me, folks, the American people. And we, you'll . be happy to know, are tough customers: "Americans are no pushovers, in front of a tele­ vision screen or anywhere else. We should all be very proud of that." And' how about this to make you stick out your chest: "To assume that television - or any other medium' - is a kind of one-directional impact machine is to assume something which is contrary to human nature. And certainly it is contradictory to that view of human nature ,on which. this. republic was

founded and on which its sur­ vival depends." Now, fall' Toe it from me to lessen the chances of the repub­ that television was innocuous. lic'c lasting out of the decade, but back seat, after all, is a free­ driver - the only thing I can think of at the moment that fits Jankowski's description - to be concerned about its effect on people, even if these people are freeborn Americans. The ll-year-old girl in the backseat, after all, is a free­ born American. Yet she talks eltactly like those little mon­ sters of sophistication that in­ habit popular television shows. In a recent special television issue of Our Sunday Visitor (April.l0), Mitch, Finley quotes Joshua Meyrowitz on television's potential for making children talk like the girl in the back seat: "Children don't seem childlike any more. Children speak more like adults, dress more like adults and behave more like adults than they used to . . . In the shared environ· ment of television, children and adults know a great deal about each other's behavior and social knowledge - too much, in fact, for them to play out the tradi­ tional complementary roles." In the same issue of OSV, James Breig, a_ perceptive and concerned observer of the tele­ vision scene, makes this tren­ chant observation: "If television has no impact on American so­ ciety, then someone will have to explain to me why, a decade or more after such phrases were first popular, people still say "Sorry about that' and 'You bet your bippy'" - catch phrases, of course, from "Get Smart" and "Laugh In," Finally, Jet's not think of all this as something that just hap­ pens. There are people behind the scenes making conscious decisions, l1he "television elite." And a mere 7 percent of these, according 110 the celebrated sur­ vey published in Public Opinion (December-January 1983) are regular churchgoers. Forty-four percent admit they have no ties whatsoever to religion, 91 per­ cent favor unrestricted abortion and only 33 percent beileve that adultry is wrong. Jankowski's eagerness to wash his hands in front of the Southern Baptists reminds me of the old adage that of all -the figures in the passion, Pontius Pilate is the one most often imi­ tated.

_OI.. .'_'_..,.,. ."..


. ."._..--

THE ANCHOR (USP5·545·020). second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, M'~S. Published weekly except tho week of Jq 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 U ghland Aven· ue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 'by the Clth· olic Press of the Diocese of Fell River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $8.00 per year, Pcstmasters send address chanan to The Ancller, P,O. 80x 7, Fill River, MA 02722.


I \ I


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 1.3, 1983 I


Letters are welcomed, but should be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit. All letters. must be algned and Include a home or business address and telephone number .for the purpose of verifiation if deemed necessary.


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Having worked. with the pro­ gram for the past three years, I am grateful for the recognition which OUt· students have received in your pages, and the tribute which Mrs. McGowan has offer­ ed to them for a job well done. Allow me to' reciprocate the thanks.

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Father Paul E. Carrier, S.J. Director of Community Service' Bishop Connolly High School, Fall Ri~er

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Photo: Kofod 782

ANCH 5/13/83


T'HE-PROPAGATION ,OF THE FAITH Reverend Monsignor John J, oliteira 368 North Main Street I Fall River, Massachusetts 02720 :

I .


, - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . - - · 1 - - · ---'----1 1


FATHER JOHN W. GREEN, SJ, assists Bishop Daniel A. Cronin at confirmation ceremonies for the young adults of St. Margaret's Church, Buzzards Bay, and St. Marts Mission, Onset. For the first time the sacrament was administered at St. Mary's (Gudinas Photo)

First step Continued from page one for planning and carrying out EE weekends. In the Fall River diocese, re­ port ,coordinators Gil and Rita Canuel of Notre Dame pa,rish, Fall River, the,r:e. are' six cquples who present weekends, backed up by support couples responsi­ ble for behind the scene§ details. All weekends are held at the comfortable Family Life Center in North Dartmouth. One of nine programs to be held this . year begins tonight, conducted by Mike and Marie Guy and Mike and Karen Gendreau with Father Jim Doherty, CSC, also of Stone­ hill College. Other priests involved in the diocesan EE are Father Berger­ on a~d Father Richard Wolt, SJ, of BishOp Connolly High School, Fall River. .Engaged Encounter is a spin­ off from Marriage Encounter, ex­ plain the Meehans, who are among its early members. "When we were married," said Shelly, who is from Cam­ bridge, "no preparation was re­ quired, not ,even a pre-Cana conference." She said she and Bill "struggled along for three years," then in 1975 were per­ suaded by her sister to attend a Marriage Encounter weekend. "It opened up so many doors we hadn't ,known were closed," she said. At the time EE was just be­ ginning and' organizers were scouting Marriage Encounter couples for possible BE workers. Shtmy and Bill were tapped, went on a training weekend and have been thoroughly involved ever since. They gave the' first EE in the Fall River diocese in 1978 at Sacred Hearts Seminary/Retreat House 'in Wareham and have re­ mained locally involved, even with their national commitment, giving a weekend last January

at the Family Life Center. They speak glowingly of the "wonderful EE community in the diocese" and say a special hope is that a Portuguese-lang­ uage EE can be dev:eloped. An American movement, EE is active in 48 states and 15 foreign countries, they say. Everywhere, its focus is edu­ cational and religious enrich­ ment. "There is so much nega­ Jive viewing of marriage," said Bill. "We try to be positive. We hope that young couples will see models for themselves in those who present the week· ends, so they'll say 'What you have is what we want for our marriage.' The biggest concept we try to put across is that they should be life-giving in their actions." Asked what one word of ad­ vice they might give engaged couples, Bill and Sherry agreed that It would be "communicate." "Life's unpredictable, full of romance and disillusionment," they said, "but if you work through the disillusion, the joys become better. Hang in there!" What the Meehans are doing nationally, the Canuels are do­ ing in the Fall River diocese and they too say that EE is time consuming. "Lots of paperwork and phone calls," summed up 'Rita Canuel, who reported that EE is becoming the choice 'of more and more couples prepar­ ing for marriage and that it is hoped 12 weekends will be of­ fered in 1984. Other marriage preparation programs offered in the diocese are a series of evening meetings or one daylong session. A leaflet explaining' all choices is avail­ able at any rectory. And the diocesan booking couple for EE are Ed l)nd Becky St. Pierre, also of No~re Dame. Fall River. Their telephone num­ ber is 675-2276.



Rev. Msgr. John F. Denehy $300 Massachusetts State Circle Daughters of Isabella $200 Rev. Laureano Co' Dos Reis $100 Alexander Nichipor $25 John F. Baker, Wellesley, Ma.

CAPE COD $8000 St. Francis Xavier Bingo, Hyannis S4000 St. John Bingo, Pocasset $2000 St. Pius X Bingo, South Yar­ mouth $1500 St. Francis Xavier Conference, Hyannis $1200 St. Pius X Conference, South Yarmouth $1000 St. Pius X Guild,' South Yar­ mouth St. Margaret Bingo, Buzzards Bay $520 Friends, St. Eliabeth Edgar­ town $500 Northeast Savings, South Yar­ mouth St. Margaret Conference, Buz­ zards Bay St. Joan of Arc Guild, Orleans $400 Denmark's Pharmacy, I~. Cataumet St. Patrick Conference" Fal­ mouht $350 St. John Conference, Pocasset $300 Our Lady of Victory Confer­ ence, Centerville Our Lady of Lourdes Confer­ ence, Wellfleet $200 Osterville Radio. & TV Sacred ,Heart Conference, .Oak Bluffs Our Lady of Victory Guild, Centerville Ladies Association of the Sa­ cred Hearts of Wellfleet $150 Merchants Bank & Trust Com­ pany, Hyannis Falmouth Bank & Trust Com­ pany. Daughters of Isabella Mother Cabrini Circle 722, Bourne $100

St. Francis Xavier Guild, Hy· annls Barnstable County National Bank, Hyannis Sacred Heart Bingo, Oak Bluffs Cape God Auto Salvage, East Falmouth Family Restaurant, Falmouth Falmouth Knights of Colum­ bus Council No. 813

Falmouth Cooperative Bank Wood Lumber Company, Fal­ mouth St. John Guild, Pocasset Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Richard­ son, Falmouth St. Patrick Guild, Falmouth Ortins Photo Supply, Inc. Fal­ mouth Bishop William Tyler General Assembly 4th Degree K of C, East Falmouth $80 Trade Winds Motel, Falmouth

$75 Berube Electric, Edgartown St. Anthony Couples Club, East Falmouth $50

Sam's Seafood, East Falmouth Family Foods, East Falmouth Edgartown Hardware Burnham & Magnuson, Inc. Edgartown Spartan Cleaners, Hyannis Sacred Heart Guild, Oak Bluffs Holy Ghost Society, Oak Bluffs Teaticket Hardware, East fal­ mouth Falmouth Publishing Com­ pany, Falmouth St. Margaret & Mary Guild, Buzzards Bay Fern Engineering,' Inc., Buz­ vard's Bay Frederic's Flowers, Bourne Ray's Plaza Barber Shop, South Yarmouth Cape Carrier Corporation, South Yarmouth Hallet Funeral Home, South Yarmouth Surette Realty, West Dennis $35

St. Francis Xavier Holy Name Society, Hyannis Grasmere Pub, Falmouth Mary Brunette Realty, Fal­ mouth $25

Bass River Auto Sales, South Yarmouth Craig's Greenery, West Dennis Yarmouth Furniture Company, South Yarmouth Doane Beal & Ames, Inc., South Yarmouth Package Store Longfellow's Pub, South Yarmouth The Green Spot Garden Cen­ ter, South Yarmouth Bass River Motel, South Yar­ mouth Robinson's 5 & 10, South Yar­ mouth Yarmouth Motel, South Yar­ mouth Wright·Jennings Oil Company, East Falmouth Stacy's Auto Service, Dennis­ port Cape Cod Playland, Inc., Buz· zard's Bay Lawrence Ready Mix' Con· crete, Falmouth K. T. Galley Company, Inc., Edgartown Pine-N·Needles, Edgartown A & P Food Store, Edgartown

Boyd & Son., Edgartown Coca Cola Bottling Company, Vineyard Haven A.B.C. Oil Company, Vine­ yard Haven Jean's Bakery, East Falmouth Ox Bow Motel, East Falmouth St. Anthony Council of Cath­ olic Women, East Falmouth Maclone Studios, East Fal­ mouth Newton Upholstering, East Falmouth Three Way Enterprises, East Falmouth Falmouth Toyota, Inc., E~t Falmouth East Falmouth Prescription Center Williams Plumbing, Inc., Fal­ mouth Park Cleaners, Falmouth F. V. Lawrence, Inc., Fal­ mouth Jenkins, Cole & Gleason Fun­ eral Home, Falmouth Dukes County Savings Bank, Edgartown Edgartown National Bank Lawry's Seafood Restaurant, Edgartown The Cellar, Edgartown Edgartown Marine Edgartown Market Finishing Touch Hair Designs, Edgartown La BeU Plumbing & Heating, Edgartown Grant Brothers, Edgartown Nantucket Savings Bank

$200 John R. Braz Insurance Agency, Inc. Borden & Remington Com· pany $185

White Spa Caterers $175 Herman W. Lapointe, Jr. In­ surance Agency, Inc. Trends, Inc., Mr. & Mrs. Paul Horowitz $150 Arkwright Finishing Div. of United Merchants & Mfgrs., Inc. Chace Curtain Company Inc. Fall River People's Cooperstive Bank Colonial Wholesale Beverage Corp., Dartmouth $125 D & D Sales & Service, Inc. $100

Almeida Electrical, Inc. High Point Paper Box Karam Insurance Agency Frank X. Perron Insurance Clover Club of Fall River Fall River Emblem Club Potter Funeral Service, Inc., Westport Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Corrigan, Somerset Sterling Package Store, Inc.

Lavoie & Tavares Co., North Westport St. Joseph Women's Guild St. Vincent de Paul Salvage Bureau, East Main Street Sacred Heart Conference In memory of deceased members and Benefactors of Sacred Heart Conference Robert A. Wilcox Company NEW BEDFORD Star of the Sea Candle Corp., Somerset $900 Ski House, Somerset Cliftex Corporation, New Bed­ Fall River Sheet Metal Co., ford Inc. $80 $500 The Spectator, Somerset Fairhaven Savings Bank $75 $300

Holy Name Women's Guild Harriet Transport, Inc.

$50 Perry Funeral Home

Plante Jewelers $200 Irven F. Goodman, Architect Lemieux Heating, Inc. Simon's Supply Company, Inc. $150 Coca Cola' Bottling Company Grenache Insurance Agency Watuppa Package Store, Inc.1 $100 Westport Fruit Market Hi-way Concrete Products, Alutech Corporation Elmer C. Slater, Swansea Wareham Atty. WilHam P. Grant Macedo Pharmacy Atty... Peter Collias Seaview Fillet Gibmar Electric Company, States Nitewear Somerset Fall River Luggage & Novelty $50 Workers Local No. 65 Aurele's Machine Company . Spindle City Dye Works J. C. Roofing Company, Inc. Kirby Funeral Home Fall River-New Bedford Ex$'.5 press, Assonet Bellenoit's T. J. Motor Lines, Assonet Best Manufacturing Company, co;~~-eity Office Equipment Inc. $35 Bricklayers & Allied Crafts­ Attorneys Thompson, Reed men Local No. 39 and Boyce John's Shoe Store Janson's Pharmacy Nate Lyons Madewell Mfg. Company, Inc. $30 Sherwin & Gottlieb & Lowenstein FALL RIVER Assonet Bootery $25 $2250 Atty. Bernard Saklad Durfee-Attleboro Bank Brenner Realtors, Westport $1400 Enercon Manufacturing Co., White's Family Restaurant, Westport Westport McConnell & Paquette Electric $1000 Co., Inc., Somerset Gold Medal Bakery Portuguese Vincentian Fathers $500 John P. Slade & Son Dr. & Mrs. Francis M. James Atty. Philip Goltz A Friend $300 Apex Shade Company ~ C Lumber Company

Assonet Phall'macy Interstate Motor Oil Co., Asso_ net Professional Pharmacy Grundy's Lumber & Supply Co., Inc., Westport Jerry's Westport Furniture Company Fairhope Fabrics, Inc. Jim Rogers Cigar Store Mr. & Mrs. Leo Cyr, Swanesa Hadley Insurance Agency, Inc. Kameyama, U.S.A., Inc. George B. Lockhart Insurance Agency, Inc., Somerset Tom Norton Family Insurance Center R. J. Valton & Sons, Somerset Fall River Steam & Gas Pipe , Company Wolfson Zalldnd & Company Dorwood Manufacturing Company East Main Hardware Leonard Pharmacy Magonl's Fell'll'Y Landing, Somerset . Wolf Jewelry Company Somerset Speed Equipment, Somerset General Paper & Supply, Somerset Somerset Lodge, Somerset American Wallpaper Com­ .pany Main Shell Service Station Quality Prodluce, Inc. China Royal Restaurant Merri-Card Shop & Music Box


Fernandes Realty Corporation, Norton $200 St. Mary Conference, North Attleboro $125 Westcott Construction Cory., North Attleboro $100

St. Mark Women's Guild, Attleboro Falls W. H. Riley & Sons, Inc., North Attleboro . Butler Tire Sales, North Attie. boro St. Mark Conference, Attie· boro Falls Margaret M. Curtis Realty Trust, No. Attleboro lFirst Federal Savings & Loan Foley's Funersl Home P t C I" & S I a sy ava len on, nc., No. Attleboro $50

Cook.Horton Sterndent Corp.• No. Attleboro Lakeside Liquors, Inc., Norton $35 M. A. Vigorito & Son, North Attleboro $30 Baldwin's Office Supply, North' Attleboro $25


Arena's Auto Parts, Inc., orton Old Colony Cleaners, Norton Produce Barn, Norton Clarence R. Rich Plumbing & Heating, Norton Bureau of Intelligence, North Attleboro Compton Overhead Doors, North Attleboro Dyer Funeral Home, Inc., Attleboro Fslls Am's Park Motel, North Attieboro Falls Athletic Club, Inc., Attie· boro Falls Frank Miller, North Attleboro


SPECIAL GIFTS TAUNTON $2500 Rennie Manufacturing Com­ pany 400 St. Joseph's Conference, Taun­ ton St. Mary's Conference




$130 ~ Holy Cross Conference! South Easton I $100 : Knights of Columbus Council No. 238 : Holy Family Women's I Guild, East Taunton I Robert, Kane Funeral Home, South Easton St. Peter Conference, I South 'Dighton i Franciscan Fathers, \ Holy Rosary I Hector Demers North Dighton St. Anthony Conference,: Taun­ ton I I'

$275 Sacred Heart Conference

$200 Norwell Manufacturing Com­ pany, Inc. Immaculate Conception Con­ ference

$175 St. Paul Conference




ATTLEBORO Holy Ghost $800 M-M Raymond Kelliher; $100 M-M Robert Hoag, M-M Elzear Sicard, Constant Poholek, M-M Edward Amesbury, M-M Henry Pinson; $96 M-M William Tannock; $65 Mary S. Sullivan. $50 M-M Lewis Benson, M-M Alfred Carvalho, Roger W. Lincoln, Mary & Daniel Carvalho, Jean Galligan, i'd"-M Frank Pistolese, M-M Charles E. Fox, M-M Gordon Barrett, M-M John Bergeron, Mrs. Merle C. \H,olmes, M-M Geor~e E. Ryan, M-M Joseph R. Ambers, M-M Raymond GUIllette. $45 M-M Stephen Sullivan, Mrs. Antonio Raposo; $40 Rosalind Martelli; $35 Madeline Turley, Alice Perry, M-M Jo.hn Spellman; $30 M-M George Fredette, M-M Frederick Ellis, M-M John DaSiilva, M-M Clifford Duclos, M-M Robert Geddes, M-M Joseph Poholek, M-M Leon O'Brien, M-M Wallace Gordon, M-M Fred Lander Jr. ,$25 M-M Leo Roy, Lll1lrent Paquin, M-M Joseph Lojeck, M-M Edward J. O'Keefe, M-M Anthony Mar­ tins, Mrs. Richard Layton, Anthony Castro, M-M Ray­ Mond Castro, Mrs. Joseph E. Menard, M-M Leo Cha­ ,rette, M-M George A. Audette, Christopher E. Fox, M-M Jo.hn Betty, Mrs. Louise Laird, M-M Robert Desautel, Mrs. Mary Bullard, William Bienvienue. $25 M-M George Fredette Jr., Dr.-Mrs. Richard Brousseau, Mrs. Joseph E. Carr, M-M Joseph Medeiros Richard DeM-oia, M-M Michael Anderson, M-MPhiliP P. Lemieux, M-M Fred Oliver, Loretta McCann, Joan Fontaine, M-M Robert H. Erwin, Camilla Fuller. st• .John the Evangelist $500 Very Rev. John J. Smith; $250 Dr.-Mrs. Robert O'Donnell, M-M Luca Fant~ccione, M-M Harry J. Flynn; $200 M-M Harry J. Condon; $150 William Flynn, M-M Robert Kenny, ,M-M Robert Sweeney, M-M Thomas Cuddy Jr., M-M Fred­ erick Murphy Jr., M-M Paul Rocket; $140 M-M John McIntyre; $135 M-M Paul Scanlan; $130 M-M John Reardon; $125 M-M Douglas Reed; $120 M-MGeorge Fredette. $100 M-M Andrew Oharron, Mrs. F. Joseph Doyle, M-M Russell Morin Jr., M-M Daniel Nolin, Rocca F'antacci:one, Dr. Anthony Terranova, M-M R. Gianni­ telli, In memory of John -& Theresa Mahon, M.,.M Tho.mas Castro, M-M Gerald LaFrancois, Frederick Conrad; $75 M-M David J. Foley, M-M Michael O'Hara; $60 M-M Donald Lange. $50 M-M William Walsh, M-M John White, William Martin, M-M Gerard LaCombe, M-M Peter Driscoll, M-M Idola Messier, M-M Anthony Magina, Mrs. Adele Dudovicz, M-M John Curry, M-M Richard Doherty, M-M William Morin, M-M Henry Flynn, Mrs. William Goff, Mrs. Robert Crook. $50 M-M S. A. Gulino, M-M Ralph Sears, M~M Daniel Gilroy, Mrs. Philip Rounds, M-M James R. Fitton, Mrs. Arthur Mulligan, M-M Gilobert DaCosta, M-M Edward Bayly, M-M Wilfred Cardin, M-M Robert Edwards, Helen Sheehan; $40 M-M Frank Carroccia,. M-M George Gay, Mrs. Joseph King, Nabby Coffey, M-M Mario Araujo. $35 M-M Arthur Nunes, M-M Paul' Silvia, M-M James Mar,tins, M-M Thomas J. Bolton, M-M Donald Trainor, M-M Joseph Mahon, Helen Bruen, M-M Alfred A. PaUle, M-M Albert Pion, M-M Frederick Woll; $30 In memory of Nora Gil, M-M Clifford A. Bodge M-M Robert IIg, Gertrude McBrien, M-M Robert Rohman, M-M Robert Robic'haud, M-M Eugene Martin, M-M Garry Wheelock, M-M Lawrence Fitton, M-M Joseph Bono, M-M Malte A. Ebeling, M-M John Ricker, M-M Wal,ter Kozuch, Mrs. Rober.t Sharkey, M-M Frank Rose, M-M Francis Birch. ' $25 M-M Allan Crandall, M-M John Jacobi, Norma J. Cloutier, M-M Norman Cloutier, M-M Richard Field, M-M Stephen Fontneau, M-M James H. Lee, Richard Pimble, pennis Donnelly, M-M Robert M. Fife, M-M Paul Lorincz, In memory of William Foster Hafey, Bernard Bea.tty, Mrs. John Lepper, In memory of Mary Hart, Mrs. Elizabeth Holdgate, M-M John Gagne. $25 M-M Thomas J. Carroll, M-M Donald Price Mary McKearney, M-M Robert Griswold, M-M Georg~ ~ohler, M-M: Norm Thibault, M-M Joseph Bolton, M-M John Co~tello, Mary Ellen Bergin, M-M Leonard Fitz­ patrick Jr., M-M Michael Orecehio, Mrs. John Witherell,


St. Paul Holy Name Society St. Paul Women's Guild Holy Rosary Conference $60 Sowiecki Funeral Home Davol/Taunton Printing Com­ pany $50 Clifford Seresky, Canton Robertson Factories, Inc. Dave's Crossroads Cafe, South Easton George Glynn Realtor, South Easton Polish American Citizen Club St. Maximillian Kolbe Guild . Holy Rosary Sodality, Holy Rosary Church Frank J. Smith '

Gilbert F. Simmons Insurance Agency St. Anthony Holy Rosary So­ ciety Immaculate Conception Wom­ en's Guild I.C.!. American, Inc., Dighton Taunton Lodge No. 150 BPOE Elks ' Henry A. Alves, Jr., D.M.D. $35 Gondala Cafe, Inc. AI's Painting Italian Naturaliation Club $30 C.W.B. Contractors, South Easton $25 Taunton Dress Corporation South Easton Motor Sales

M~M Richard Hanlon, M-M Arthur Courcy, M-M Wes­ ley Ridlon, M-M John Hamel, Janice-Daniel Creeden­ ser, M-M Henry Lauzon, Mrs. Angela Lewis. $25 Sandra Kelley, M-M Robert Reeves, M-M Arthur Johnson, M-M Walter Gasior, Mrs. Julia Murphy; M-M Louis C. Langelier, M-M William Brennan, Mary Marron, M-M Raymond Coppola, Mrs. Babtistine Icard,o, M1M Edward Raposa, M-M Roland Courtois, M-M Francis L. Convey, Mrs. Philip Davignon, M-M Armand ~avedo, M-M Robert Cabral, M-M L. Joseph Cassidy, Jupy McKnigh.t, M-M Paul Garon, M-M Willi-am· S19vington, M-M Robert S. Cassidy, M-M O. Geminiani. $25 M-M Ernani Vergan:o, Mrs. Rose Percy, Helen Schriever, In memory of Florance Noonan, Mrs. Joseph Gonsalves, Mrs. George Farrington Jr., Mrs. Vincent Pedro, M-M Salvatore Ciccio, M-M David Reed, M-M F. I Boschert, Mrs. William DeAvellar, Mrs. Arthur Anderson, M-M Alfred McNally, M-M Armand Te~xeiJ:a, M-M Edward Greve, Glen Joubert-Patricia Flanagan, M-M Frank Fanning, M-M Francis Bowen. $25 Mary Noble, M-M Gerard Kenton, M-M James Delude, M-M Harry Loew, M-M Richard Connors, M-M . Norman Boudreau, M-M Patrick Gorman, Mrs. Evan­ geline Maher, M-M Richard McCormick, M-M Ralph M.I Castro, Edward C. Weygand, M-M Russell Fred­ eric;:kson, M-M Gerara Gagnon, Dr.-Mrs. Vincent O'Donnell, Mrs. Delphine Dowdall, M-M Peter Lynch, M-].\f Ernest Anderson, M-M William E. Killingsworth Sr.~ Mrs. Margaret Spillane, M-M James Birch. $~5 M-M George'Bussiere, Dorothy-Benjamin N.olin, Fre,d McCra.cken, M-M Leo LeMaistre,' Mrs. Paul Bullock, M-M Leo Rushlow, M-M Pasquale Lattari, ~-M La~rence Habershaw, George Bussiere Sr., Mrs. EIleen HIll, Margaret O'Keefe, M-M Michael Joyce, M-M Eugene P. Hunt, M-M Edw Healey, M-M Edward O'Donnell, M-M John Porter, Joan Crosby, M-M Reid Br~~a, M-M James Foley, M-M Edwa.rd Perry, M-M KeVin G. Turley, Mrs. Julia Czajka, M-M Peul Belle­ van~e, Mrs. Edgar Pelletier, M-M Joseph Megan Mrs. Catherine Sprigg, M-M Paul Precourt M-M Gerald Precourt, Mrs. John Souto, M-M Robe~t Joy. .

Grace Feid, M-M Benjamin Brunell, M-M Donald Joubert, M-M Leo Devlin, M-M Thomas Horrocks, M-M James Ganci, M-M James Carroll, Dr. Rene Bousquet, Lawrence Feid, M-M Mich'ael Puopolo, Laurianne Fonseca, Robert Seguin, Mariette Dube, Russell Dean, Gerald Dorey, G. M. O'Donnell, Diana Mangiara,tti, M-M Jerome Pepi, Mrs. Elizabeth Kiley. $25 Michael Donly, Richard Sebastiao, Raymond Mulry, James Gravel, George Smith, Walter Heaney, Kevin Hannan, Michael Poissant, Thomas McLear James Rohen, M-M Richard Marcotte, M-M Clyde Nunes, M-M John Ross, M-M Edward F. Casey, M-M Henry Violet, John J. Demont, Mary Curran, Mrs. Margaret Waterhouse, M-M Leon Cambell, M-M Eugene Godin, M-M Elmer Pauhus, M-M Gerard Dupont, Mrs. Ralph Allen, M-M Kurt Schweinshaut. .$25 M-M Peter Guimond, Mrs.. Edna Coutu, Grace FItton, M-M Ronald Segraves, M-M Robert Dion, M-M Joseph Furtado, M-M John McCann, M-M George Fowler, M-M Frederick Connolly, M-M Francis Petrillo, M-M Russell Carr, M-M John McGuire M-M Frederick Warchol, Mrs. Leon Holbrook, M-M Robert Dion. .

ATTLEBORO St. Stephen $400 A Parishioner; $300 A Parishioner; $100 M-M Delphis Ringuette, 8t. Stephen's Council of Catholic Women; $60 M-M Normand Beauregard; $50 M-M Gerard Daneau, M-M Alfred Ka,rol, M-M Edward Lapierre Jr., M-M Edward Lapierre Sr., M-M Leo Lapierre, M-M Delphis Paradis, M-M Lionel Paradis, George Ringuette; ,$40 M-M L. Albert Goudreau; $35 M-M Eugene Therriault. $30 M-M Robert Goudreau, M-M Albert Ousley, M-M John Rogers, M-M Arnold Silva; $25 M-M Arthur Boudreau, M-M Roland Brillon, M-M Emil Brodeur, M-M Stephen Caddick, M-M Theodore H. Charron, Mrs. Ernest Courtemanche, M-M Herve Dumont, M-M Francis Fontneau, Albert Goudreau, M-M Raoul Gousie, M-M Joseph Hodge, M-M Raymond Paquin, Mrs. Frank Rapoza, M-M Herbert St. George, M-M Donald Charron.



1st• .Joseph $600 Rev. Roger Levesque; $'200 St. Vin­ cent de Paul Society, Saint Joseph Conference' $125 Doris Levasseur; $100 Richa.rd Boucher, M-M Albert DUr!lOnt, M-M Ralph Zito; $75 M-M Raymond Lafer­ riere, Lucien Paul; $60 M-M Vito Montaruli' $50 M-M ~rn}and B?ucher, M-M Robert Boucher, Con;eil Jeanne d A~c, Umon Saint Jean Baptiste of Saint Joseph's Chu,rch, M-M Conrad Maigret, M-M Mark Mercier, M-M Henri Paradis; $30 M-M Robert Dubeau Jean­ nett~ Dupuis, M-M Everett Lavin, Yvette S.' Smith, M-~ Robert Turcotte. $2,5 Mrs. Michael Arata, M-M Arthur Archambault M-l\1 Richard Audette, M-M Joseph Billington Jr., M-M Rudolphe Bouchar, M':M Joseph Brannon, M-M Ronald Briard, M-M George Briggs, M-M Alan R. Brillon, Mrs'l Adwilda Ce'solino, Stephen Daneau M-M Richard Depc;>t, M-M Julien Forget, M-M Ernest Glrard, M-M Lawrence Governo, The Guillette Family, M.,.M Ric'hard Han~ey, M-M Raymond Ladouceur, M-M George Lam~rre, M-M Donald Larocque. $25, Mrs. Beatrice McMurray, M-M Edward Mellon Mrs.! Edwin Miller, Mrs. Joseph Nadeau M-M Osca~ PinalJlt, Vitaline Pion, M-M Jean Pr~ulx Melvin, smiT' M-M Francis Tetreault, M-M Frank V~cher.

I St. Mar.k $200 M-M' Ernest Glode; $120 M-M Charles O'Neill; $100 M-M Edmund Tierney M-M Thirri~s Parirs, M-M George Morse; $75 Mrs.' Clyde DePliIest; $50 Mrs. Micha.el Croke, Annie Conneely M-M David Oneil, M-M Robert Demers M-M David Woll;,1 M-M Hamilton Solidum, M-M L~wrence Duf­ fanY'1 M-M Bernard Gamache, M-M Paul Morrissey Jr., M-M Edmund McCracken, Mrs. Patricia Czekanski M-M James LaFratta. ' 1 $40 M-M ~rnest Frasso; $35 Florence Leary, M-M J'ohn I Precoplo, M-M James G. Connor M-M John Precopio, Deacon & 'Mrs. James Meloni M-M John Faloceo, M-M Michael McGrath, M-M Ro'bert Healey; $30 M-M Raymond Aubin, M-M Charles Nolan, 'M-M Robeft Jacques, M-M Michael O'Connor, Mrs. Clifford Olson, M-M Richard Kurrle, M-M George Boyd; $28 M-M I Joseph Jette. $251 M-~ Roy <?'odin, M-M James Barry, Roger llolJ1l~s, MIldred GIlroy, M-M Normand Pinsonneault, \



Fernandes Lumber, South Easton Lepage's Steak House, South Easton Easton Country Club, South Easton Easton Foundry, South Easton Mary Carter Decorating Stacy's Beauty Salon Sacred Heart Women's Club Robert Funke Wilfred Saint CCD Children, Holy Rosary Church Williams' Lumber Company, Inc. John Bright Shoe Store, Rayn­ ham Leahy's Liquor Store Nite & Day Golf Course, Rayn­ ham McGrath's Cafe


St. Theresa $500 Rev. Edmond R. Levesque; $300 M-M Ra'ymond Gravel, M-M Anthony Rando, Anony­ mous; $240 Anonymous; $200 M-M Leo Lachance' $150 M-M David Grady; $135 M-M Frank Gillan; $125 M-M Ronald Bouchard, Mrs. Catherine Morris M-M Ronald Oliveira, $115 Louis Lacita; $100 Esthe; Desmarais, Anonymous (2), M-M Anthony Moskalski, M-M Charles O'Malley, M-M Joseph Vincent· $75 M-M Thomas Reilly, Anonymous. ' $60 Mrs. William Duarte, M-M Joseph Hebert M-M Ernest Major; $50 M-M John Casserly, M-M Leo'Dery, M-M Russell Goyette, M-M Joseph Dubuc, M-M Robert Laliberte, Mrs. Joseph Lundreville, Mrs George O'Connel, M-M John Plath, M-M Joseph Robichaud M-M L. Stasiukiewicz, M-M Aime- Turgeon, M-M Joseph Iwuc, Arthur Mondor, Anonymous ,(5). $40 Mrs. Dorothy Boisse, M-M Albert Lefebvre M-M Paul Metilly, Joseph Soares, Robert Whitaker: Anonymous; $35 Edward Duclos, Ann Gavlick, Anony­ mous, M-M Charles Rozak, M-M Allan Tompson' $30 M-M Gerald Brillon, M-M Harold Hanewich, 'Mrs. Jo.hn Trinidad & Sons, M-M Roger Turcotte, Anony­ mous; $25 M-MRobert Berard, M-M Albert Addessi, M-M Robert Andrews, Mrs. Paul Beausoleil M-M Ernest Benschneider, Rheal Berger, M-M William Bergeron, M-M Charles Calkins, M-M John Case. ~2~ M-M Am~rose Corrigan, Raymond Bonin, M-M WIlliam Coughlin, M-M Alfred Gelinas, M-M Michael Osienski, M-M Maurice Poirier, M-M George Pollitt M-M Roland Satti, M-M Fred SIemon, M-M Norma~ Standring, M-M Lucien Viens, M-M Roland Cote, Mrs. Laura Delude, M-M Rene Gingras, M-M William Glennon, M-M Arthur Glode, M-M J'ames Gorman, M-M James Henry, M-M Alfred Joachim, M-M Gerald Keane, Barbara Ktlly, M-M Raymond Kelly. '~2~ M-M R~ymond Kelley, M-M John Kenny, M-M WIlliam Labne, Mrs. Armand Laliberte, M-¥ Gerard ~ee, M-M Orner Letellier, M-M William Lynch, M-M Leo Lyons, M-M Edmond Messier, Robert Mllik, M-M Maurice Mongeau, M-M Kenneth Moore M-~ Francis O'Connell, M-M Charles O'Connor, M-M Roger Provost, M-M Boleslaw Rec, M-M Ralph Roberge, M.,.M Emile Sztaba, M-M Edward Tedesco, M-M George Tedino, M-M Rene Therrien, M-M Morris Vieira, M...M Dale Worrall, M-M Stephen Wujcik, Anonymous (9).

SEEKONK St. Mary $700 In memory of Mahoney and Leonard Families; $325 St. Vincent de Paul Society; $250 M-M John S. Francis; $200 M-M Joseph Hodge, M-M Louis Porreca, M-M Stanley Stutz; $160 M-M George Agostini, Dr. John Belsky; $150 M-M Gerard Cinq­ Mars, M-M J. David Francis, M-M John Murphy; $120 M-M Roland Smith; $100 M-M Joseph P. Canning Jr., Dr.-Mrs. Eugene Gaudet. M-M John Harring,ton, Vin­ cent Lynch, M-M John Marshall, Mrs. Ralph Mathieu, Dr.-Mrs. Raymon Riley. . $75 St. Mary's' Women's Guild, M-M George Casey, M-M James Coogan, Mrs. Henry Lefebrs, John Lynch, M-M Edmund Murray; $56 Mrs. Clement Lesage; $50 M-M Ralph Baumgartel, M-M Robert D. Bessette, Agnes Blalre, Mrs. David E. Blake, Kathryn Donahue, M-M Gilbert Dubois, Daniel Hanlon, M-M Raymond Hayes, M-M Robert R. Howard, ,M-M Francis Menard, M-M John J. McDermott, M-M Richard McNally, M-M Joseph Palana, M-M Eugene N. Perry, M-M Herbert Leddy, John L. & Mary Ross, M-M Harold McCormick, Michael Tansey, M-M Henri Vidal. $42 M-M Robert Biron; $40 M-M Frank Barney, M-M H. E. Morriseau, M-M John Sadlier, M-M Leo Marcoux; $35 M-M Gerald Lanoue, M-M George McCarthy, Mrs. Denise Miller, Mrs. Robert Pritchard; $30 M-M James Braclrett, M-M Benjamin Braga, M-M Martin Carroll, M-M Frederick Dobras, M-M Robert Erwin, Mrs. Manuel :Furtado, Mrs. Antone Governo, M-M Raymond Keough, M-M George LaBelle, M-M Roger LaFrance, M-M Jacques Leduc, M-M Robert Le~awiec, M-M Donald Lyden, M-M Joseph Perry, M-M Jeremiah Raposa, M-M Kenneth Reddington, M-M Joseph Regan', .M-M Paul Tetreault, Mrs. Thomas Toppin. $25 Mrs. B. L. Amos, Mrs. Susan Armell, Mrs. W. Bechtel, M-M Gaetan Brochu, M-M Camire, M-M RiChard Carignan, M-M Gerald Carroll, M-M Nell Copes, Mrs. Charles Costa, Mary E. Coyle, Patricia O. Coyle, Shelah A. Coyle, M-M W. Cushman, M-M Sterling Dalton, Chades Dauray, M-M Joseph Don Carlos, M-M Paul Dumont Jr., Guy Eklind, Francis Farrell, M-M William Fletcher, M-M Frank Foley, M-M Robert Fontaine, Mrs. Bernadette Francis, M-M Thomas P. Giblin Jr., M-M R'ichard T. Goyette Jr. $25 Robert C. Gravel, M-M Edward Harrop, Mrs. Norman Hearn, M-M Peter Jacobson, Carol F. Kokoszka, M-M Law,rence Kokoszka, M-M Louis Kuffrey, M-M Armand Labrie, M-M Donald Lamond, Donald Langlois, M-M Sylva Langlois, M-M J'ohn Lemos, M-M John Lomas. Mrs. David Lynch, M-M Arthur G. Marandola, M-M Francis McMahon, Mrs. John McNally, M-M Manuel Mello, M-M Albert Nerbonne, M-M William O'Brien, M-M Vincent O'Brien, M-M Joseph Ostiguy, M-M Joseph Parker. $25 M-M Alderic Richard. M-M J. Donald Robertson, M-M Frank Santos, M-M Charles Sirois, M-M Joseph N. Sherry, M-M Thomas Silvia, M-M Raymond Sinotte, M-M Albert L. Smith, M-M E. St. Laurent, M-M Harry Tankard, M-M Wilfred Thornhill, M-M Leo Tracey, Susan Tracey, M-M Richard Voccio, M-M F,rancis Walek, M-M Clifford Wallace, M-M Arthur Wildgoose. $25 M-M Clement Ziroli, M-M Robert Bombardier, M-M Armand Gendreau, M-M Harold Doran, M-M My·ron T. Dourado, M-M Ernest Gaudet, M-M Norman LeMere, M-M Joseph Meagher, Mrs. Mildred Mounteer, Mrs. Robert Muggle, Mrs. Pauline O. Patenaude, M-M Arthur R'ollins, M-M David M. Turinese.

VanTassell, Frank Vaz, M-M William Verzola, Ellen Westlund. $25 Hathaway & Patterson, Geraldine Abbott, M-M Louis Antosca, M-M Gino Bacchiocchi, M-M John Campbell, M-M Kenneth Buja, M-M Joseph Devlin, M-M Roger DiMarzio, M-M John Driscoll, M-M Ronald Gervais, M-M Phil Giangarra, M-M Armando Giovino, M-M Kevin King, M-M John Metrano, M-M Silvi~ Morini, M-M Stephen O'Brien, M-M John Sarro, M-M Guy Tomase. $25 M-M Leo Francis Annese, Dion Family, M-M Anthony Camelio, M-M Vincent Forte, M-M R. Galanti, Mrs. William Gormley, M-M Glenn Loiselle, M-M Robert Mei, A. Lincoln Musto, Mrs. Emma Pascucci, M-M Anthony Pellegrini, M-M Joseph Piscatelli, M-M Michael Placido, M-M John Todesco. NORTH ATTLEBORO Sacred Heart $500 Eva R. Rainville; $150 Rev. Roger D. Leduc; $100 Roland Deschenes, John Bu,rke, Gerard Champagne; $75 Fernand Goulet, Edward D.ion; $50 Ann Hill; $45 Joseph Achin; $40 Donald Kirb~', Normand Achin, Richard Hindle; $35 Leo Lacasse, Louis Bardier, Gerard Desilets; $32 Wilbur Weldon; $27 Paul Calderone. $25 Michael Kirby, Henry LaRocque, Paul Veilleux, Albert Desilets, Aldea Brais, Robert Bartlett, Charles Meunier, Albert Davignon, Flora Destrampe,o Claire Deschenes, Adelard Canuel, Roger Bourassa, Nelson Duphiney, Ronald Aehin, Warren Boehling, Robert Capaldo, Arthur Cloutier, Roland Dubuc, Ernest Goulet, Eugene Marchand, Guy Newell, Pauline Paquin, Gertrude Roy, Alfred Weldon, Raymond Alger, Normand L'Homme. NORTH ATTLEBORO St. Mary $500 Mrs. John F. Smith; $200 Mary & Margaret Kinton; $100 M-M James Coogan, Margatet M. Curtis, Mrs. Raymond Vandette, Mrs. Edmund Welch, M-M Bernard Byrnes, M-M Joseph Doran, Paul J. Roche; $75 Mrs. Albert Levesque; $70 M-M Leo Cloutier; $60 M-M Austen Butler, Richard Quinn; $50 M-M Hugh Donnelly, Mrs. Frank Fisler, M-M Edward McCrory, M-M Frank Winslow, Mrs. Julie Hammond, M-M Peter Vasconcellos. $45 M-M Thomas McCarthy; $40 M-M John Collins; $35 M-M Normand Brissette, M-M Edward Nolan, M-M Robert Kelley; $30 M-M James Diamond, M-M Froancis M. Gallagher, M-M John Devlin; $25 M-M Donald Benoit, M-M Joseph Bourgeois, M-M Valmore Brodeur, M-M William Brunell, M-M Francis Buckley, M-M Louis Carrozza, M-M Joseph Cerreto, M-M John Ch'aplow, M-M Richard Dalton. In memory of Patrick Doherty, M-M Thomas Feeney, Margaret Flaherty, M-M Howard Gaudette, M-M Ralph Gilmore, Francis Leary Jr., Alice Littlefield, Gertrude Littlefield, George J. Jacobs, M-M Edward Joyce, Mary Kennedy, Rosanna McAfee, M-M Francis McNally, William Noonan, M-M Arthur Paquette, Edward Poirier, M-M William Precopio, M-M Roland Provost ,Sr., M-M William Spadoni, M-M Frederick Thorpe, Ms. Anne Ma,rie Vandette; $25 M-M John Billington, Rita Bourbeau, M-M Daniel Cavanaugh, M-M William Conroy, M-M William Corrigan, M-M T. F. McCa'rthy Sr., M-M Roland. Perreault, M-M Homer J. Roy, M-M Robert Scarlatelli, M-M Herbert Snell, Mrs. Eileen Taylor, M-M John Turley, John Wisniewski.



St. Mary $300 Atty.-Mrs. Robert Currivan; $200 M-M William Morton, St. Vincent dePaul Society, M-M James Vaughn Jr; $150 M-M Eugene F. Britton; $100 M-M Francis Baldini, M-M Edward Jameson, M-M Robert Pietrafetta, M-M Edward Broderick, Napoleon Cabano; $60 Veronica Andrews, M-M Thomas Graney Jr., M-M William Lawrence, M-M J,ames Noris, M-M William Cooney, M-M Orlando Souza, M-M R. Prodanas. $50 Louise Capone, Mary Capone, M-M Dominic Cimino, M-M Rocco Grasso J'r., M-M James Hindman, M-M Joseph Houghton, M-M Robert Ledger, M-M Joseph Murphy, M-M' Joseph Phillips, Joan Shaw, M-M Edward Sliney, Lester McGoldrick & Family, Thomas Haven, Agnes Picciandra, M-M Warren Cottrell, Mrs. Leo Huott; $45 Clarence Leonard; $40 M-M R. D'Onofrio, Conley Eagan, M-M Peter Parente, M-M William Sullivan J.r., M-M A. Daniel Geribo, M-M R. Baldini, Gerard A. Kelley. $35 M-M John Anbosca, Mrs. Irene Barrows, Mary Beatty, M-M Bradley Dauphinee, M-M Laurence M. Jackson, M-M Mark S. Mitchell, M-M Victor Narciso, M-M Clifford Pearl; $30 James Bachman, M-M Arthur Kane; M-M Raymond Cassidy, Mrs. Harry Alden, M-M Domenic Barbero, M-M Carmen Cardinute, Mrs. George Farnam, M-M A. Delgrosso, M-M William Matto, M-M W. C. Maurer, James Palladino, M-M V1incent Poirier, M-M James Roach, M-M Joseph Souza Jr. $25 M-M Norman Bellavance, M-M Brian Bolroske. Viola Calda,rone, M-M Orner Chagnon, M-M Edward Dalton, M-M Roy DeGirolamo, M-M John DePalma, M-M Robert Douglas, M-M Harold Downing, M-M Lee Duclos, M-M F,rancis Ellsworth, In memory of Dr. Anthony Gasson, M-M Anthony Giovino, M-M John Girard, M-M John Hou~hton, M-M Chester Jackman, Margaret Jordan, M-M Henry Kane, M-M J. S. Kelley, M-M John King, M-M Thomas P. Joce, M-M James Kinder, M-M Ar,thur G. Lessard, Charles Mace. $25 Margaret Mahoney, M-M John Maragnano, M-M John H. McNair, Fran McMillan, M-M Oharles Morgan, Mrs. Raymond Ockert, M-M Paul O'Neill, M-M John Paioni, ~-M John Nolan, M-M William Regan, M-M Eswin A r Rego, M-M Frank Regula, M-M Alfred Sarro, Michael Sawyer, Mrs. William A. Schmidt,' Kathleen Secher, M-M John Senna, M-M Jerome A. Spiezio, M-M Frank To(laro, M-M Geralq 'rtIlis, M-M R.

St. Mary $300 Rev. Arthur K. Wingate; $250 M-M Joseph E. Fernandes; $100 M-M Ernest J. Precourt, M-M George A. Yelle; $60 M-M Richard Giordano; $50 Mary 1. Camara, M-M Everett E. Downing, Vangie Fonseca, In memory of Peter, Helen and Dorothy Mondor; $45 M-M Andre J. Char.pentier; $40 Frances M. Sullivan; $35 M-M J'ohn Drane, M-M Charles P. Wichland; $30 M-M Neal F. Biron, M-M Joseph S. Jolly Jr., M-M Thomas V. Kelly, Victor Waz, M-M Henri Yelle. $25 M-M Samuel Arena, M-M Edward D. Bartley & Family, M-M Charles H. Blamer, M-M Thomas Bryant Sr., In memory of Jennie Carr, Richard J. Charette, Ruth V. Oharron, M-M Joseph R. Daley, Mrs. Donald F. Dion & Family, M-M Earl H. Dion Jr., M-M John F. Doherty, M-M Carl F. Ellery, M-M Alex Bertone. $25 M-M Edward Feeney, M-M William V. Flaherty, M-M Henry Fortin, M-M Christopher J'ohnson, M-M Francis E. Lanagan, Eleanor Mackinder, M-M Paul L. MacKinnon, M-M Robert Maher, M-M William Marvel, M-M Joseph Materia, M-M Antonio Medeiros, Mary Nunes, M-M Rober,t H. Ouellette, M-M Santiago M. Perez, Mrs. Arthur C. Puscheck, Theresa Rushlow, M-M Arthur D. Stentiford. SEEKONK Our Lady of Mount Carmel $300 Rev. Thomas C. Mayhew; $250 M-M William Cuddigan, C. J. Conyers Insurance Agency; $240 Dr.-Mrs. Dominick Indindoli; $200 St. Vincent dePaul Society; $150 Holy Name Society, M-M H. Foley, M-M William Heaney; $125 M-M Jesse Hendricks; $110 John Hendricks; $100 M-M Gerald Foley, M-M P.hilip Grima Jr., M-M Anthony Hendricks, Dr.-Mrs. Richard E. Mur.phy, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Women's Guild. $75 M-M Gerald F. Gorman; $72 M-M Joseph McCabe; $60 Mrs. Howard J. MacRae; $52 M-M Frank Gamboa; $50 M-M Thomas Brewer, M-M Ray Corrigan, M-M Richard Costa, M-M 'Louis Dupere, M-M Michael Durkay, M-M John L. Enright, M-M Edward Frey, M-M John Fur.tado, Mrs. Louise Oakland, M-M Edward Olean, M-M Eugene Rebello, Mrs. Margaret K. Stevens; $40 M-M John A. Nunes, M-M John O'Connell. $35 M-M Henry W. Cosimini, M-M William F. Sulli­ van, M-M Dennis Veader; $30 Mrs. Manuel DeMattos, Mary DeSilva, M-M A. J. Lemieux, M-M Sergio

Macedo, M-M Sarkis Najarian Jr .., M-M George Roderick; $25 William Abatecola, M-M Antone Alex­ ander, M-M David Amaral, Joseph lVI. Amaral, Mrs. Manuel Amaral, Mrs. Manuel Amaral, M-M David Avila, M-M J. E. Beauregard, M-M Raymond Begin, M-M Alfred R. Benoit, M-M Wilfred! Blanchette. $25 M-M William H. Bowen Jr., Mrs. Margaret Carpenter, Mrs. Mariano Cavallaro, M-M Henry Danesi, Frank DeMattos, D. DiPietro, M-M Jeremiah Downes, M-M J. James Drapeau, :Qr.-Mrs. J. G. Erhardt, Mrs. Louise Fallon, Elizabeth A. Gaebe, M-M Wilfred R. Garand, M-M Alfred George, M-M Walter Gerula, M-M Carl Gibeau, M-M Richard Gregoire, M-M Wallace R. Guay, M-M Roy Henderson, M-M Albert F. Hunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Kempke, M-M Donald Lema, M-M Gerald J. Lima, M-M James Lovely. $25 M-M J. MacKenzie, Michael Maguire, M-M Robert L. Marnock, William B. McAuliffe, M-M Thomas McGovern, Angela Medeiros, Emlly Medeiros, M-M John Medeiros, M-M Cosmo D. Mirando, M-M Raymond Naughton, M-M Stephen Navega, M-M William H. O'Brien Jr., M-M Michael O'Connell, M-M James Olean, Mrs. Anna Propatier, Robert Propatler, M-M Manuel D. Reposa, M-M Joseph L. Rose. $25 M-M Manuel Santos, seekonk Oil Company, M-M Henry Sidok, M-M Leroy B. Simmons, Mary A. Toher, M-M J,ohn J. Tretton, M-M Anthony Venditti, M-M Joseph F. Soboda Jr., M-M Raymond Somlinson, M-M Jesus B. Valedepenas, M-M Richard Veader, M-M Richard W. Wolfe, Mrs. Peter Zollo. BREWSTER Our Lady of the Cape $200 Mary F. Bond; $150 M-M Joseph A. Pare; $100 M-M Leonard W. McHugh, M-M Bernard Rasmusen; $75 Wayne J. Parnin; $50 M-M Max R. Higgins, M-M John M. Gill Jr., Miss St. Amand/Miss Lavoie, M-M Frank P. Florentine, M.,.M Paul E. Bartsch, M-M Emmet F. Hartnett, Mrs. Cath­ erine Kline, M-MJoseph Binowski, M-M Claude Crawford, M-M Hugh W. Sullivan, Dr.-Mrs. John Sheehan, Mrs. Robert Coalwell, M-M Alfred Baty, M-M Leonard Doherty, Edith Lawton. $40 Mrs. Mary E. Besso; $30 M-M T,homas M. King; $25 Ruth B. Brown, M-M Francis Crimmins, Mrs. James J. Hennessy, M-M Philip C. Berker, M-M Wm. Campbell, Marion R. Lupica, Paul B. Flynn, M-M Manuel J. Packett, M-M Michael Marciezyk, Mrs. Harry Cross, M-M Ralph Salvati, M-M Robert E. Supple Sr., M-M John S. Despres, M-M Robert Domos, Anna & K. Eileen MacCarthy, Paul Sullivan, Mrs. Jane V. Mahoney, Mrs. Mary Shyne, John R. Warden, Mrs. Paul H. Lyons Sr., M-M Ralph E. Butteafield. $25 M-M Fred Welch, Mrs. John F. Miller, Mrs. William Barbour, M-M Norman F. McEnaney, M-M Robert Larkin, M-M William Griffin, M-M Paul E. Martin, M-M Charles X. Sampson, M-M Neil McNeil, M-M Anthony Palmisano, M-M Ernest J. Du Bois, William Butchard, M-M John T. Delaney, Mrs. C. Couzens, M-M Jerome Soles, M-M Wilfred Trahan, M-M William T. Flynn, M-M John M. O'Donovan, Dorothy M. Pendergast, M-M Russell W. Broadbent, M-M C. Gordon Sharpe, Mrs. Thomas G. Freeley, Edna V. Farrell, Mrs. Joseph Trudeau. FALMOUTH St. Patrick $1,500 Rev. Francis X. Wallace; $1,000 Rev. James A. McCarthy; $500 Anonymous; $200 M-M Charles Bardelis, Anonymous; $150 M-M William C. Dillon Sr.; $105 Anonymous; $100 Judith Capuzzo, M-M Lionel Cure, Mrs. James Hearn, M-M John Joyce, M-M Thomas Norton, Katherine Robbins, Mrs. Patrick McDonnell, Mrs. Edmund N. Sherman, M-M Edward C. Weil Jr., Anonymous (7). $75 M-M Louis Tessier; $50 Ms. Margaret'Cassidy & . Mrs. James Cassidy, M-M David Carr, M-M Melvin Dolan, Dr.-Mrs. Edward Fitch, M-M Joseph Hill, M-M Richard Lopes, Loretta McKeon, M-M Ter,rence McKenna, M-M Thomas L. Matthews Jr., M-M John Maloy, M-M Edward G. Perry, M. A. Rainville, M-M John Adams, Dr.-Mrs. George DeMello, Daniel F. Riordan, William H. Borden Jr., Mrs. Joseph B. Miskell, Anonymous (14). $40 Mrs. Clarence Anderson, M-M Chester Frazier, M-M Robert L. Koob, M-M Leonard Martin, M-M Edwin Medeiros, M-M Jesse Miller, Mrs. Reed Hamil­ ton, Anonymous; $35 Mrs. John DDnovan, M-M Adam Kaspar, In memory of Margaret M. & John P. Sylvia, Anonymous (2); $30 M-M Theodore Tavares, M-M Edward F. Adlum, M-M Howard Lannon; $25 M-M Robert Allen, M-M Daniel Bartolomei, M-M Leonard Barr, Margaret A. Burke, M-M John J. Cavanaugh, M-M Bernard Cassidy, Dr.-Mrs. Arthur Crago, M-M Chester Christie, M-M Myron Gaddis, M-M Michael Grady, Mrs. John R. Hughes, M-M Dante Memmolo. $25 Mrs. David Miller, Mrs. James Miskell, M-M John Malone, Donald Moitozo, M-M Charles O'Hara, M-M Walter J. Roach Jr., M-M Allen Ryan, M-M Arthur Robichaud, Mrs. Robert Swanson, M-M Patrick Twohig, M-M Clifford Wolski, M-M Peter Bergagna, Gladys T. Boles, Mrs. Robert Brown, Mrs. John J. Burke, M-M George Cahoon, William Callahan, M-M Michael Callahan, M-M Edward Carroll, M-M Gail Cavanaugh, M-M John Ciummei, Mrs. John Collins. $25 M-M Dennis Comolli, M-M James Conley, Rita Conlon, M-M Robert Crane, Mrs. Francis Dardis, Grace V. Donohoe, Josephine Doyle, M-M Joseph L. R. Dumais, John Fabrey, M-M George Ferris, M-M James Forman, M-M Richard Gill, Mrs.· Frances Haddon, Mrs. Frank Harrison, M-M Herbert Hart, M-M OUp Kelley, M-M Edward Kempton, M-M Joseph Knycl), Col. & Mrs. Norman LaForest, M-M Raymond Magqire, M-M Aldo Milanese, M-M Frederick Morris, M.,~ Frank McFarland, Maria Parent, M-M Abram Peters Sr. $25 M-M Edward Peterson, Mrs. Wallace Pierce, M-M Louis Rabesa, M-M Thomas Roache, Jennie Rosenquist, Lorena Scanlan, Harriet Strong, M. L. Waggett, Leslie & Elizabeth Wilson, Anonymous (24).

BUZZARDS BAY St. Margaret $75 John Biba; $50 John Silva, Albert Dann, Manuel Silva, Charles Fuller, Mary Collins, Virginia Adair, John H. Gray Jr., Neil McCallion, A. Clayson Tucy, Ruth M. Pope, Anna Shea, Mrs. Bernard, Norcott, Mrs. Rose Arsenault, Carleton H. Hearn, Rev. John W. Green, SJ.; $40 Gordon Oliosi, John J. O'Connell, James Lopes; $35 Mrs. Irene Gosselin; $30 Francis Ward, August Cristofori, Anthony E. Cardoza, John Burns, Charles Ehmann Jr.; $30 Melvin V. Burns. $25 Gharles Weeks, John M. Power, Peter Andrews, Mrs. Margaret Butler, Raymond Boucher, Gary l\{aloney, Andrew DiPasqua, Donald Lakin, Richard W. Post Jr., Mary Ralitenberg, Mrs. Stacia WilUams, Martha Monaghan, Georgina C. Lips, Anthony P. Andrade, Theresa McMahon, Walter Morse, James Murphy, Edward Lynch, G. Edward· Garceau, Louis Fachetti, Mr. Parisi, Mrs. Helen Foley, John D. Hennessey, Paul Duffy, Joseph Zlogar, Joseph Ehmann. $25 John Trant, John W. McCaffrey, James W. Wad­ ley, Donald Degan, Cecile Robbins, Fred McComisky, Charles Ellis, Francis Samson, Richard Do1;>bi~s, Colu-mbo Cristofori, Mr. Ikkela, Char~es H. Loonie, F·rank Rose, Augu'st Lopes, Ernest Perry, Nicholas Fernandes, Raymond Fisher Sr., Earl Reynolds, Alex­ ander Stoma, Mrs. Mula Labretto, John Bourne, William J. Connors. EDGARTOWN St. Elizabeth $200 Rev. George F. Almelda; $100 St. Elizabeth1s Guild; $50 Mrs. John Paull, Roland Authier, Philip J. 'Norton J.r., George N. Goulart, Mrs. Alfred Doyle, Charlotte Madefros, G. Albert Kent; $30 M-M John Pine; $25 Joseph & Sheila McHuWl, Mrs. Foster SUva, Capt. & Mrs. Carl Lidel, M-M Walter Knapp, M-M Donald Maguire, M-M Freeman Wil­ loughby, M-M Edward Prada, Mrs. Albert P.rada, Mrs. Philip J. Norton, Rick Harrington Salon, Point Way Inn. . VINEYARD BAVEN St. Augustine $200 James W. Regan, Dean R. Swift; $50 Beatrice Phillips, Laura S. Sherwood, St. Augustine's Guild, MichaeL Carroll, John Larson; $35 Viola Lopes; $25 ·Richard Andrade, Georg'8 Anthony, Mrs. George Anthony, Dora Beauchemin, Raymond Billings, John Cunningham, Richard E. Dow, Manuel Estrella, Rose Gouveia, B. S. Nickowal, Richard Oliver, F,rancis Pachico, Adrian Silvia, William Snyder, Brad­ ford- Sylvia, Petronio Ortiz. CHATHAM Holy Redeemer $500 John J. Brogan; $300 St. Vincent de Paul Society; $200 M-M Albert Doherty, M-M Charles Magner, M-M Anthony Siravo; $150 Margueri'te Martin, Margaret Ni~kerson, Marjorie O'Connell, M-M Richard Spitzer; $125 Margaret Martin; $100 M-M John Clavin, Marie Griffin, M-M James F. Gormley, M-M Raymond W. Kane, Everett A. Larson, M-M William Maloney, M-M Robert Cook, Mrs. Thomas J. Flavin, Jeanette Fontaine, Rosema-ry Frizzell. $100 M-M Henry Hamrock, Mrs. Robert Hall, M-M Brydon Merrihew, M-M Norman E. Normandeau, Elizabeth Norton, M-M Robert Pa'yne, M-M William F. Riley, Mrs. Robert Wolin; $75 M-M Giles Chapin, M-M Frank E. Devlin, M-M Peter Stagg; $65 Florence Reilly; $60 M-M James Griffin; $50 Cecilia Aide, Helen Andrews, Charles Baker, Atty. Robert A. Bianchi, M-M John T. Brock, John Clary, M-M John K. Coleman, Mary Courtnell, M-M George Cullen. $50 M-M Timothy Cummings, Mary T. Dempsey, Alice Dobbyn, M-M James B. Dolan, M-M Fmnk Durant, M-¥ John Fitzgerald, M-M Francis Fleming, M-M Leonard Fougere, M-M Paul Fougeer, E. Cecelia Jackson, M-M William F. Kelly, M-M Francis X. Kennedy, Helen Killen, M-M Louis A. Knight, Cecilia Hoer, Mary Leate, M-M John McLaughlin Sr., Eli Rogers, Mrs. Donald Rollins. $50 M-M Charles Sterling, John Ventola, M-M Orick D. Young; $45 M-M George O'Malley, $40 M-M William Cotter, John Ford, Mary Higgins, Arline Maloney, Dr. Joan Maloney, Florence Mahyde, M-M Charles Quinn; $35 Wilfred Boulanger, M-M Leslie Costa, M-M Joseph C. Dinand, M-M William A. Flynn, Elvira Greer, Mrs. E. N. Jordan, M-M James J. Keane, Marga-ret Murphy, M-M Thomas Sparkes; $30 M-M Frank Allen, M-M Paul Brown, M-M John Mulak. \$25 M-M G~rard Barry, Marie Brent, M-M Richard Bueker, William Calerese, Marie Cronin, Ka'therine Davino, Kathleen Eldredge, Evangeline EldrIdge, Law­ rence Hunter, M-M Leo Farrenkopi, RUa Foote, M-M Walter J. Ford Jr., Ida Galligan, Mary Gerald, Amelia Gntis, Captain & Mrs. Morgan Keefe, M-M Albert Kolodzik, M-M William Krim, M-M Frank Keyes, M-M John Kress, Eleanor LacaInade, M-M James LeBlanc, M-M Vincent LeBlanc, M-M Ronald Mac­ Lellan, M-M Paul Mansuy, M-M Daniel MarinI. $25 Julia Martin, M-M Andrew Mikita, M-M Joseph Mirisola, Angela Mocarsky, M-M Joseph V. O'Connor, Mrs. John Our, M-M Freeman Phillips Jr.,_ F,rances Rollins, Geraldine Swanson, Margaret Rollins, Mrs. Charles Peterson, Marie Powell, M-M William Ready, M-M Joseph Reynolds, M-M Donald St. Pierre, Harold N. 'Scheurer, M-M Eugene Skidmore, M-M Edwa,rd Socha, M-M Patrick Sullivan, M-M James J. Supple Jr., Mary C. Tirrell, M-M Elmer Torre, M-M Julio Usera, Kathryn Welch, M-M Charles Weston, -Mary M. Wheeler, M-M Donald J. White, M-M Charles. William~, M-M Edward Z'ibrat, M-M Paul Dowd. EAST FALMOUTH st.4nthODY $400 Rev. Msgr. Maurice Souza; $300 Rev. John C. Ozug; $150 M-M Melvin Gonsalves; $123 M-M David Soutter; $100 M-M Michael Roddgue2, M-M Richard L. Corey, M-M Frank M. Teixeira, M-M Joseph Paruti, Lt. Col. & Mrs. William Joyce, M-M

Francis L. Barrett; $80 M-M Anthony Spagone; $75 M-M Arthur Bouzan, M-M William Bonito; $50 M-M Joseph J-. Andre, M-M Robert E. Linnell, Mrs. Geral­ din.e Robbins, M-M John A. Walker, M-M Ar.thur E. Andrade Jr., M-M Paul BresHn. ­ $50 M-M David F. Correllus Sr., M-M George L. Manning, M-M Alf-red A. Marks, M-M John Sattelmair, M-M Frank J. Teixei'ra Jr.; $40 Mrs..Sarah P; Corey, ¥-M Frank Moniz, Mrs. Mary G. Simons, MrM Antone. Vieira; $35 M-M Frank G. Souza, Manuel P. Rezendes, M-M James Moran, M-M Howard T. Crowley, Mrs. Lena G. Soares; $30 M-M Manuel C. Medeiros, M-M Irwin Hoeth, Mrs. Agnes B. Lewis, M-M Amarante Pires. I$25 M-M James Cordeiro, M-M Joseph Peters, M-M J1imes F. Grady, M-M JuUo Santos, Mrs. Anna C. Plollard, M-M Gerald B. Alves, Mrs. Jennette Benson, Mary V. Cabral, M-M Manuel DeSouba, M-M Dwight Evans, M-M Frances Lewis, M-M Vincent Luck-raf,t, Arthur Marshall, Mrs. A. L. Medeiros, Mrs. Pauline ~ental, George Pinto, Manuel F. Rapoza r& Son, M-M William E. Richardson Jr., M-M Franci's Skelly. 1$25 M-M Robert W. Sylvi'a, M-M Joseph L. Tavares, J~remiah S. Hynes, M-M George Mandigo, Mrs. Blanche Perry, M-M Walter Lino, M-M Francis J. Bradley, Mrs. Hild-a D. Cabral, In memory of George pi Cabral, M-M Frank Figuerido, M-M Joseph Figue­ riQ'O, M-M Henry Teixeira, M-M Myron C. Medeiros J~., M-M William J. DeMello, M-M Taylor McIntyre, M-M Stach Szuplat. I I NANTUCKET


lOur Lady of the Isle $400 M-M Jerome Walker; $350 Rev. Philip A. Davignon; $100 Robert Toti, M-M Robert McGrath, M-M David Lussier, M-M Richard Lewis, Grace Klingelfuss, Kenneth W. Holdgate J-r., Mt-M William Hays, M-M Charles Flanagan Sr.; $75 Maxwell Deacon; $55 Eunice Sjolund; $50 Robert Sjolund, M-M J. H. lLippincott, M-M Francis J. Santos, Margaret Pope, M-M John Mendonca, M-M Joseph COdy, Josephine Deacon, M-M Albert Brock, M-M Alan Bell, Thomas McAuley. $40 M-M John Topham, Patrick Newpor,t; $35 M-M E:qmund Pollard, 1\1-1\1 George Butterwor:th, A. F. Sylvia, M-M Edward Strojny, M-M Walter Folger, Beverly Hilts; $30 M-M Harold Boehm, M-M Richard Donnellan; $25 M-M Robert Grant, M-M James Worth Sr1, M-M Nelson Woodward, Mrs. Dale Waf-ne, M-M W~yne Viera, Jerem~ah Towhill. M-M Dennis Looney, Lillian Thurston, IYI-M Richard Sylvia, M-M Peter I. Sylvia, M-M Anthony Sylvia, M-M Antone Sylvia, Agnes Sylvia, Esther Swain, M-M Edward Sullivan. $25 M-M Wesley Simmons, M-M Joseph Senecal, John Santos, M-M Thomas Ryder, M-~ Richard Ryder, M-M Robert Ruley, Lucille Pew, Carny Oliver, M-M David Murray Jr., M-M Robert Mooney, M-M Adam Mas~ai, M-M Philip Marks Sr., Rev. Joseph Richard, A.A., M-M Fred Coffin, M-M Richard Mack, M-M Fr4ncis Lynch, Mrs. Charles Lochtefeld, Helen Levins, M-M Michael Lamb, James Killen, M-M Michael Kane, M-~ Henry Huyser, Mary Holmes, M-M Ralph Hardy. $~5 Patricia Haley, M-M Albert Glo'Yacki, M-M Richard Glidden, M-M Donald' Gillies, Annette Gard­ ner, Charles Fleming, M-M John Fee, M-M James Egan, Arthur Egan, Ethel Dunham, Rosamond & Molly Duffy, M-M Ronald DaSilva, Carol Crowell, Catherine Cronin, M-M James Crecca, Mimi Congdon, M-M Rich­ 'ardl Caton, M-M Dennis Caron, M-M Robert Campbell, M-M Arthur Butler, M-M Paul Bixby, M-M Jean Be~ruet, Emily Annis.





ISt. Elizabeth Seton $300 Rev. Joseph L. Powers; $24Q M-M William F. Foran; $200 M-M Kenneth' P. Battles, M-M Victor Wade; $125 Mrs. Ar,thur Miller; $120 M-M William Black; $100 Mrs. Payson Jones Jr., M-¥ Gerald A. Weidman, Warren J. Palmer, M-M; Donald O'Connell, Henry D. Newman, Mrs. Martin Lawless, Mrs. James J. Lane, Knights of Columbus F-almouth -Council, Judge &. Mrs. Francis Keating, M-M Joseph P. Hurley, Mrs. Ralph Creemer, Judge & Mrs. Roger B. Champagne, John P. Bizzozero, M-M Robert Antonucci, Mrs. Isa'belle Bene. $60 Mrs. Julianne Palmieri, M-M Noel Almeida; $50 IDr.-Mrs. Wm. J. Adams Jr., M-M Rober:t Garon, Mrs., Eunice Dahlborg, M-M Francis DiGi-ano, M-M William Flaherty, M-M Paul Halpin, M-M Chester Hartis, Mrs, Stephen Kelleher, M-M Charles L. Kenyon, M-M James J. Kilroy, M-M Charles Lawless, WiUiam Leary, Mary Morlrs, ~-M William Rogers, M-M John A. Ryan, William Stone, HGpe Stratton, M-~ Daniel J. Triggs Jr., M-M Ralph Vaccaro, M-M James Ward; M-M George West. $40 M-M George Rubino; $35 M-M Paul SimmonetU; $30 M-M Francis C. Rose; $25 Mrs. William J. Adams .Sr., ;M-M Peter J. Alinskas, Mrs. Virginia Anderson, M-M Curtis Arthur, M-M Ralph E. Bold, M"M Robert -Chisholm, Louise E. Conboy, Mrs. Francis Corrigan, M-M 1'homas Coyne, M-M William L. Dalton, M-M William DiUon, M-M James Doherty, Mrs. Arthur A. Ebenfield, M-M Charles Fermano, Thomas Fermoyle, M-Mi Robert Ferreira, M-M Arthur G. Flaherty, M-M Evans J. Flynn, M-M Dana Freeman, M-M Raymond Garatano. M-M Albert Green, M-M Frank Halady. $25 M-M Alden Hanson, Charles W. Harvey, M-M Jack iHoward, Mrs. John Howe, John Hughes, Dr.-Mrs. E. c.I Iliades, Jenkins, Cole & Gleason, M-M John F.

Leddy, M-M Joseph _B. Lewis, M-M Clifford G. Long,

M-MiJames Lyddy, Mrs. James Lynch Jr., M-M Joseph

McCann; M-M Leo P. McCarty, M-M James McCue,

. L. Richard & Sharon McKinney, Francis M. McManus,

M-M IThomas A. Moniz, M-M Mario Motta, M-M Rich­

-ard Nixon, M'rs. Elise A. Noyes, Clare M. O'Brien. $251 Mrs. James P. O'Brien, M-M Gerard M. Place, M-M IRobert D. Rudden, M-M Charles Ryan, M-M Albert Salachi, M-M Sherman Schuck, M-M Robert W. S~evens, M-M' George Syby, Mrs. Thomas T'albot, M-M IJ·ames C. Tansey, M-M Richard P. Tracy, M-M Robert H. Warner, Mary Veronica Weidman. I



HYANNIS st. Francis Xavier ·$700 Very Rev. Edward C. Duffy; $500 Rev. Albert J. Ryan; $400 Irene & Mary· Shea; $200 Rev. Robert C. Donovan, Mary Gregg, Rev. Leo ButUmer, S.J.; $135 M-M Thomas Golden; $110 M-M John M. Boyle; $100 In memory of M-M Thomas H. Duffy, In memory of Sr. M. Vincentia Conley, R.S.M.; M-M Edward J. McCarty, M-M Jerry Bowes, M-M John Barrows, M-M B. Spendlove, Marry Lovett, Eileen ~. Lovett. $100 M-M William Conlon, In memory of Charles & Catherine Shepherd, M-M G. M. Shannon, M-M Henry Casey, M-M William Naylor, M-M Marshall K. Lovel­ ette, Mrs. Myrtle Morin, Clifford B. White, Josephine & Margaret McLean, M-M Robert Sweet, M-M Angelo Cataldo, Mrs. John A. Rose, M-M Robert Bastille, Robert' Jameson. $80 John Vetorino; $75 Mrs. Margaret Raymond, M-M James Carson, M-M Thomas Carroll; $70 M-M John H. Donovan; $60M-M J. Craig Medeiros, William J. Creighton, M-M Patrick O'Connor; $50 M-M A. MacIsaac, Mrs. Kathleen Maddison, M-M Ronald Mansbach, M-M T. E. O'Rourke, M-M Ralph Rocheteau, M-M Robert F. Ryan, Lillian Senteio, John D. Sheehan M.D., M-M Asa Stanley, Mrs. Mary Sulliavn, M-M Harold Williams, M-M Alan E. Cavanaugh. $50 Dorothy Clark, M-M Eugene Clark, Edmund Daly, Alice D. Degran, M-M Richard Dresser, M-M William Flana,gan, M-M Joseph F. Flynn, M-M Arthur Georgantas, Mrs. Mildred Joslyn, M-M Donald Kane. M-M Nicholas Karukus, M-M Michael Santos, M-M Danliel Francisco, M-M Harold West, M-M Richard Murphy Sr., M-M John Mulkeen, M-M WilUam Carmody, Margaret McCarthy, M-M John Flaherty Jr., M-M James Hobart, M-M Thomas McGarry, Mrs. Nathan Ricker, M-M Leo Scott, Mrs. Dorothy Shan­ nahan, M-M Frank Dolan. s' $45 M-M Frederick Sampson, M-M John D. Sheehan; $40 M-M Austin Bell, M-M Victor Enright, Marguerite M. Fallon, Mrs. Margaret Hallett, M-M Thomas Kenneally, Thomas F. Murphy, M-M William Pillion; $35 M-M Peter L. Abramo, M-M Edward A. Anderson, M-M F,rederick Barr, Lawrence CadIgan, Alex J. Caruso, Ka'therine Connolly, M-M Leo DeCoteau, Ruth Degnan, John F. Dempsey, M-M Claude Domenichelli, Mrs. Catherine Dumont, M-M Edward G. Eaton. $35 M-M Herbert A. Hanson, M-M William F. Hauck, Mrs. Richard Lucius, Mary Lynch, Miss Clare Mahoney, Mrs. WUliam Mather, Jane Morale, M-M Joseph O'Connor, Lillian O'Donnell,. M-M Louis Osterman, M-M Raoul Ross, M-M Cedric T. Sears, M-M William P. Sullivan, M-M Frederick J. Thome, M-M John Tolchinsky, M-M A. Trocchi, M-M Carl Ferdensi, Norman Nault, Mary Murphy, M-M Donald Chase, M-M Domenich Ragusa, M-M Edward Berg. $30 Virgil Casey, Anna Durkin, M-M Joseph F. McManus, M-M Donald Tefft, Mrs. M. Fratus, M-M Josepij L. Cairns Jr., Gerard Richa-rd; $25 M-M Thomas Lazour, M-M Joseph H. Boucher, Mary C. McKenna, Harold Wells, James Pelietier, Ann Gris­ wold, M-M Norman LeFrancois, M-M Walter D. Nick­ erson, M-M Daniel Constant, M-M Rober S. Taylor, M-M Edward Bennett, Mary M. Fitzpatrick, M-M Frederick H. Grassie, K. Bourbean. $25 M-M John Patriquin, M-M Roger Brown, M-M Richard Fontneau, Mrs. Anthony George, M-M GordOIl DeMartin, M-M B. J. Mulhall, M-M John J. Carty, M-M Alfred Giangraude, M-M Manuel Coute, Doroty Beucler, M-M Adrian Desond, Mrs. Rodney Schou, M-M Philip J. Smith, M-M A. W. Snow, Mrs. Charles Szymanski. M-M Perley, Thompkins, Mrs. Walter J. Welch, M-M Adamo Agostinelli, Mrs. Kathleen Aikens, Ernest Barabe, Lillian Benard, M-M John W. Best, M-M Will~am Bill, Edward Bonney, M-M James Burkc Sr., M.:M Charles Cannon, M-M Francis Cavanagh. $25 M-M Steven Celata, Steven Clarke, M-M Daniel Coffey, Alice P. Connell, M-M Robert Devlin, M-M Paul V. Donahue, M-M Francis Dorey, M-M Thomas Duffy, Betty Eegan, Mrs. Frederick Ellis, M-M Robert A. Flinn, Mrs. William Foley, M-M Louis Frangione, M-M E. Galligan, M-M Thomas George, M-M T. J. Gorman, M-M Thomas Hannon, M-M John P. Herlihy. $25 M-M Lawrence Holmes, M-M Charles Hurley, M-M George Jackson, James P. Jordal\, Thomas A. Kane Jr., M-M George T. Lampert,. M-M Ernest J. Landry, Virginia M. Long, M-M Timothy McAuliffe, M-M John W .McGuinness, M-M John F. Meehan, Helen Mendes, Marguerite M. Mondor, Lawrence Mooney, Frederick Murphy, M-M Ralph Noonan, M-M T. O'Connell, M-M Thomas P. O'Connell, M-M Spencer O'Leary, M-M William O'Meara, M-M Richard Powers. M-M Alfred Rego, M-M Jolm Roberts, M-M Raymond F. Roberts, M-M Salvator J. Roccosalvo, M-M Donald Rogers, M-M Melvin Rugg, M-M J. Saxton, Catherine Schell. WELLFLEET Our Lady of Lourdes $250 Joseph Ueberwasser; $100 M-M Wilfred Rogers Jr.; $50 M-M Francis X. Guindon, Maria J. Ueberwasser, Mrs. John Wallace, Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank, M-M Richard V. Spencer; $25 Joseph A. Conway, M-M Louis Ciampa. Miriam Kane, M-M Ernest Silva, M-M Herbellt Wood, M-M Kenneth Shea, Rachel & Elizabeth Ficco, M-M· William Hayes, Lorraine Kmiec, James J. Fegan. WOODS HOLE st. Joseph $500 Rev. James P. Dalzell' $400 A Friend; $300 A Friend; $200 Marian Hogue, Friend; $150 M-M Emil Tietje; $100 M-M Wal,ter. Murphy, A Friend (4); $90 M-M Eugene Young; $60 11/. Friend; $50 M-M John Valois, M-M Frank Duffy, M-M Harley Knebel, A Friend; $30 Ralph Simoneau; $25 M-M Harry E. Handy, M-M William Simmons, Frances Croney, M-M Peter Kazmier, M-M Lawrence Cameron, A Friend.


ORLEANS Sl Joan of Are $2,200 In memory of JuHa C. Andrews; $1,000 M-M John A. MacLellan; $200 M-M Maurice Tremblay, Mrs. John F. Barrett; $150 M-M Bernard Maguire; $100 Beverly Adamkovic, M-M Ben Bartollni, M-M James T. Clancy, M-M Alfred L. Gasco, Mrs. Francess Govett, M-M Joseph ~' Leonard, Rober,t Lunt, Dr.-Mrs. Philip Morrison, M-M Robert Troy, Mrs. Wllliam Vautrinot, The Baskin Family, M-M Earle Mountain. $60 John S. Ahern; $50 Ellen Butler, Margaret Butler, David Collins, M-M Elmer Costa, Mrs. Thomas L. Counihan, M-M Ward Ellsasser, M-M Lewis FIori, M-M Joseph A. Her.t1g, M-M Thomas LaTanzi, M-M Thomas R. Lawson, M-M Alex H. Patterson, Frank Szedlak, Eunice C. Turgeon, M-M Henry Chambers; $35 Mrs. David Bessom, Maurice Gauthier Jr., M-M Emilien Perreault, M-M James P. Moran. $30 M-M Roland J. Frechette, Charles J. Kimtis, M-M Carl O'Neill, M-M David Roderick Jr., M-M Keith St·aples, M-M James Millin; $25 M-M Edward J. Mooney, M-M Gaston Norge()t, Everett L. Smi·th, M-M Michael Smlth, Edward Smith, M-M James A. Smith, M-M Stanley E. Smith Jr., John F. Somerville, Frances M. Tully, M-M William C. Whittemore, Bryan Wilson, M-M Arthur. W. Freund, Victorine Smith, M-M Ronald Chad, Mrs. Wallis Barnes. $25 M-M Edward J. Bresnahan, Mrs. James Bresna­ han, M-M John Butler, Dr. Alan T. Cahill, M-M Earl Caswell, Mrs. Mildred Crowley, M-M Dominic Creonte, Helene Dawson, M-M Dana Deschamps, M-M Charles Drury, M-M Georg'e Duffy, M-M Frank Dugan, M-M WHHam J. Eagar, M-M James J. Elie, M-M James V. Farrell, M-M Frank Fetti~, Mrs. Arthur Fleming, Thomas Garvey, Dr. Alfred Gengras, M-M Jack Grant, Rita Grindle, M-M Anthony J. Guerra, M-M Robert Habbel, M-M Bruce Harnmatt, M-M Harold J. Hawko. $25 Mrs. W. A. Hazelton, Mrs. Fred Henderson, Charles & Paul Heudes, M-M George F. Hoskins, Mrs. Harry Jones, M-M Joseph P. Kelley, M-M William J. Kennedy, Mary Kinne, M-M John Knight, M-M Ver­ non Landers, M-M F'rancis Lajoie, John Largey, Leo Leville, Ann T. Lohan, M-M B'anio Mastro, Ada Meehan, Agnes P. Membrino, M-M Edward Millette, J. Bruce Monroe, M-M Joseph F. Moran, Mrs. Joseph F. Moran Sr., Mary Mullaney, Mrs. Joseph Mur.phy. $25 Dr. Ernest J. McKenna, M-M Albert Norgeot, M-M George P. Norgeot, Sal & Peg Norod, John O'Connor, M-M Denn.fs O'Neill, Edmund J. Oles, M-M Lucien A. Ozon, M-M Clifford Paquette, M-M Walter Pepple, M-M August P. Priess, M-M James Quinn, Ri·ta M. Quirk, Mrs. Herber:t Reckards, M-M Ovila Richer, M-M Walter F. Ross, Rita Ryder, Mrs. John Shakliks Sr., M-M John Shusdock, M-M Francis SmIth. SOUTH YARMOUTH

St. Pius X $1,200 Rev. Msgr. Henry T. Munroe; $300 Dorothy A. Black, M-M Joseph Neely; $240 M-M Gouveia; $200 Dorothy P. Ewing, Mrs. Joseph Hanley, Mrs. John Shea; $175 M-M Charles Eager; $150 Mrs. WilUam T. Smith; $100 M-M Jams E. Butler, M-M Charles Collins, M-M George Cravenho, M-M James Dooley..!. M-M Eugene Duquette, M-M Henry Fitzgerald, M-M J!;dward J. Gleeson, Mary G. Hamilton, Lillian Holzman, M-M James L. Keany, M-M Arthur LaFrenier. $100 H. M. Leen, Majorie McCreay, Mrs. Joseph Mitchell, M-M Edward Morrow, M-M William T. Moynihan, M-M Edward F. O'Neil Jr., Capt. & Mrs. Edward J. Quinn, M-M F. W. Quinn, Evelyn H. Rhodes, M-M Emerson Snow, Winifred Stenson, Charles Young, M-M John Zick; $75 M-M Joseph Evers, W. A. Gunning, M-M Jeremiah Herlihy, M-M Daniel Kelleher, M-M Raymond Ludden, M-M John Mttchell; $70 Mrs. Brooke Evans; $60 M-M Joseph Glebauskas. $50 M-M Leroy Baker, M-M Patrick Cox, M-M Francis H. Cr·onin, M-M Douglas Donovan, M-M Charles P. Driscoll, M-M Russell T. Eckel, Mrs. Albert J. Edwards, George Flanagan, M-M John G. Hamill, M-M Edward Hayes, M-M Joseph Hayes, John & Grace Howland, M-M Carmen Izzo, Theodore Kappler, Mrs. Charles Karyanis, Te~id C. Kisler, Jane M. Logan, M-M Willi'am Lynch, M-M Peter McNamara, M-M Lawrence Morse, Mrs. Dennis J. O'Connor, W. A. POl'tly, Raymond V. Reilly Jr., M-M Victor Robak. $50 William T. Scalley, Ar-th\lr J. Sullivan, Eveline L. Sullivan, M-M Edward Sweeney, M-M Eugene Tilley, Mrs.. Paul V. Traverse, M-M Thomas J. Walsh, M-M George Wefers, M-M Joseph WMtehead, M-M Thomas Willlamson Jr., M-M William Yoo, Mary Young; $40 Mrs. J. Joseph Kelly, M-M Ernest Maillet, Sally F. Silver, Mrs. Russell B. Weymouth; $35 Emil & Ruth Camandona, M-M Herbert Connors, M-M Robert Cunningham, M-M Peter E. Dorman, Marie Duffy, M-M William Gagnon, M-M David E. Gallagher. $35 M-M John B. Giorgio, Margaret Grimes, M-M William Harney, M-M D!lniel Lynch, Andrew McGivney, Ms. Ann·e McGivney, Mat'garet Padden, James A. Rennie, M-M John Reynolds, M-M Basil B. Walsh; $30 Dr.-Mrs. Peter Amorosi, M-M Gino Azzola, Mrs. Yvonne Broadcorens, M-M F.rank Chanberland, M-M Edward Cleary, J. Francis Cleary, M-M Thomas Eaton, M-M Howard Hupfer, M-M Adam Kur,pat, Margaret M. Lanigan & Claire Dingenf>eller, M-M Raymond McGrane, M-M Sylvester Maloney, M-M R. G. Sibley. $25 M-M Richard Angeley, M-M John B'arker Jr., M-M Reneau Bouchard, M-M R. K. Boucher, Helen Bowman, Mary E. Bronslre, M-M William Bullock, John P. Campbell, Margaret E. Carson, M-M Ralph W. Cartwright, M-M Andrew Comeau, M-M Edward L. Condon, Kathleen Condon, M-M James J. Connell, Edmund Connolly, M-M Harry M. Connolly, Richard Croteau, M-M Joseph Cullen, Ms. Helen C. Cunning­ ham, Vincent E. Delaney, Edward Delman. $25 M-M Gilbert Dillon, M-M Edward J. Doheny, Francis Driscoll, M-M Edward M. Duggan, M-M Ralph H. Dumas, Edward J. Dunleavy, M-M William Esposito,

M-M John Fahey, Julie H. Farrington, Margarita Farrington, M-M Hugh T. Fee, Margaret Ferriter, Francis X. Finnegan, M-M Richard Fitzgerald, M-M Louis A. Florio, Mrs. John J. Foley, EIeanor C. Gallagher, Mrs. Frank J. Gallagher, Walter GaUagher, M-M William Garrity, M-M Norman Gauthier. $25 Robert & Virginia Genivan, M-M Michael Gilligan, Dr.-Mrs. Arthur J. Gorman, Mrs. John J. Grant, Mrs. E. Marshall Graves, M-M William Griffith, Generosa Hagan, Elizabeth Halpin, James Halpin, M-M Daniel L. Healy, Mary Healy, M-M Stephen Hunter, Mrs. George H. James, M-M J·oseph H. J'asper, Mrs. Raymond Jones, M-M Earland Jordan, M-M Alphonse KabisaiUs, Thure Kjellberg, M-M James E. Keary, M-M John ~ozlicak, M-M John Lally, Mary Lavers, M-M Edward Madden, Mrs. James L. Mahon. $25 M-M George Magurn, M-M James R. Maneely, Mrs. Joseph Mannering, Mrs. John G. Manning, M-M Elliott Martin, Marie Maslanka, M-M Richard Maxwell, M-M John Miskinis, Ms. Rith Mulford, M-M Joseph F. Mulligan, M-M Francis R. Murphy, M-M Paul F. Murray, Mrs. Henry J. Ma·cKenzie, Mrs. Alexander MacLellan, Mrs. Catherine MacLelland, M-M Bernard McCabe, Margaret & Catherine McDermott, M-M John F. McDonough, Mrs. Thomas P. McDonough, Mrs. James McGeary, Mrs. William McGovern. $25 M-M Edward J. McGrath, M-M Edwin McGuire, Mrs. John McLean, M-M Richard W. Neitz, M-M George O'Brien, Mrs. C. J. O'Connor, M-M William T. O'Connor, Mrs. Richard O'Neill, M-M Joseph Panek, M-M Thomas C. Paquin, Madeleine V. Paradis, Cecil Patrick, M-M Carl E. Peterson, M-M Leonard Pinto, Mrs. Clara Porter, M-M William J. Reagan, Grace E. Reilly, M-M Aime L. Rheault, M-M Everett Richard, M-M Wesley Richardson, M-M LeStrange Rin,g. $25 Joseph Rotella, M-M Ruhan, Mrs. Mary Ryan, M-M Louis St. Pierre, Mrs. J·ohn J. Shannon, M-M Neil H. Smith, Mrs. John W. Spence, M-M James N. ·Stephens, M-M Edward Streile, In memory of Law­ rence P. Sullivan Sr., Rita Swenson, Mrs. Irene Taylor, M-M Richard Terrio, M-M Edward Tiern'ey, Mrs. Frederick Tolley, Eliza'bethTormey, Esther M. Turn­ bull, Mary C. Turnbull, M-M Joseph Walker, M-M Alphonse Wallen, Mary White, Mrs. Wal·ter E. Wright. St. Plus X $325 Rev. Joseph E. McGrady, S.J.; $150 M-M John Doherty, M-M William J. O'Brien; $130 M-M Frederick Mullen; $100 M-M Paul Cameron, M-M James H. Quick Jr., M-M Thomas J. Ryan, M-M Robert Sutherland; $90 M-M Chester Deluga; $75 Mrs. Francis Conroy; $60 M-M Thomas Sheehan; $50 Mrs. Harold Beach, M-M Don Burke, M-M John Gallal'ther, WUliam P. Gleason, M-M Clarence F. King, M-M Warrren Witzann; $40 William O'Reilly. $35 Mrs. Joseph E. Colgan, M-M J. F. Doherty, Helen Donahue, M-M Lawrence Kenney, M-M Henry Paquin, M-M Richard Sullivan; $30 Mrs. Robert Childs; $25 Robert J. Be'aulieu, Mrs. James F. Brennan, M-M Gerald Bruen, M-M John Callahan, Mrs. Joseph Chaisson, James H. Chalmers, M-M Thomas Cunniff, M-M John Davidson, Mrs. Claire' Demerjian, Mrs. James Desmond. Andrew Doherty, Mrs. Gaston H. Duplessis, M-M Wallace Emerson, Mrs. John Fennessey. $25 M-M R. V. Ferguson, Mrs. Matthew Fitzsimmons, Grace V. Gervais, John & Virginia Healy, M-M E. J. Healy, William R. Hertzon, M-M George Hofman, M-M George Kent, M-M John J. McCarthy, M-M McGilli­ cuddy, Mrs. Mary C. Ormiton, M-M Raymond Rafferty, M-M Chester Savery, Ida May Slayter, M-M William · Sirbil, M-M Edmund Tessier, M-M Thomas J. Walsh, · Mrs. J. Chester Wheeler. OAK BLUFFS Sacred Heart $325 Rev. James F. Greene; $100 Frank Dorsey, Mrs. Paul Gt'een; $50 M-M Manuel Coutinho, Mrs. James Butler, Fred W. Hall, Mrs. Harold G. Andrews; $30 M-M James Cleary; $25 R. W. Maher, Mrs. Elmer Santos, M-M William Nol'ton, M-M Herbert Combra, Alfred Metell, M-M John Riley, Mrs. Elizabeth Sylvia, Mrs. John Campos, Robert Hannifin. OSTERVILLE

Our Lady of the Assumption $2,000 Anonymous; $1,000 Anonymous; $500 Rev. Clarence P. Mu·rphy; $360 Anonymous; $200 Catherine O'Connor, Anony­ mous; $120 William Sullivan, M-M James Walker; $100 M-M Frank Shea, Paul Snyder, Grace O'Connor, Edward MacCourt, Arthur Corcoran, Mrs. John Kava­ nagh, Jerome Doyle, Jeremiah O'Connor, Mrs. Thomas Powers, Dr.-Mrs. William Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Gordon Brown, John Keelon, Anonymous (9). $85 Anonymous; $75 M-M James Lyons, M-M Oliver Champagny, M-M Donald Roycroft, Anonymous (2); $60 Anonymous (2). ' $50 Mrs. David Sheehan, M-M Frederick Lough, Mrs. Boyd Watson, M-M John Szymanski, Mrs. Edward Crosby, M-M Sherwood Tondorf, M-M J. Norman Fitzgerald, Mrs. Hope Burke, Mrs. James Gallagher, M-M John Quigley, M-M Joseph Tame, M-M Joseph Breen, M-M Thomas O'Donnell. $50 Caronanne Procarcini, Samuel Re, Grace Fla­ her,ty, Mrs. Gene Tam-buri, M-M Edward Donovan, M-M Philip Boudreau, Helen McCarthy, Anonymous (11)' $40 M-M John McGowan, Anonymous; $35 Flor~nce Stimets, M-M Victor Adams, M-M Thomas Sherman, Anonymous; $30 M-M Carl Davis, M-M Wilson Perry, Anonymous (2); $27 M-M Curtis Sanford; $25 Mrs. Mae Thomas, Mrs. Eileen Hurley, Mrs. Edward Gallagher, M-M James McGrath, M-M J. Edmund Trumbour, M-M Gerald McLellan. $25 M-M Pius Rooney, M-M Roy Smith, M-M John McGrath, Mrs. Walter J. Burke, M-M Joseph Scanlan, M-M Willi-am Carpenter, M-M Chester Brown, Mrs. Anne Fitzgerald, M-M John Davitt, Lilly Gomes, Remigio Alberico, M-M John B-ambara, M-M Mark Birmingham, Holy Ghost Society, M-M Paul Joyce, M-M Joseph Monteforte, M-M Michael Makunas, M-M Richard Trask, M-M Francis Hassey, M-M John Perry. $25 Mrs. Alexander Ellis, M-M John O'Donnell, M-M Charles Cassidy, Theresa CrOnin, M-M Frank Dick,

Daniel Leary, M-M ';iJseph McNeil, M-M James Flynn, M-M Henry Lane, Mrs. Crawford Hollidge, Mrs. Francis BuUer, M-M David Cochran, M-M Jerry Monroe, M-M Thomas Devine, James Shields, Helen Callahan, M-M T. Joseph McCook, Mrs. Daniel Cronin, Anonymous .(18). POCASSET

St. John the Evangelist $1,000 Rev. James W. Clark, M-M Joseph McCarty; $200 M-M Michael Healey; $150 M-M Donald Lonergan; $125 A Friend, M-M Lawrence Perrault; $100 M-M Cornelius Mini­ han, Mrs. Rober:t Healey, A Friend (3); $60 Mrs. Mary Jacobson; $50 M-M Thomas Oliver,' M-M Herbert Thomas, M-M Herber:t Schaefer, M-M Gerald Conlon, Robert Collyer, M-M Lawrence Perrault, M-M Richard McMorrow, M-M Wallace MacKinnon, M-M Edward Cassidy, M-M Yura P. Mostovoy, M-M James Marzelli. $45 M-M John Nelson; $30 M-M Robert Perchard, M-M Peter F,ernandes; $26 Mrs. Mkhael Fiezgerald; $25 M-M Roger Beals, M-M James O'Reilly, M-M Fred Dunbury, M-M Martin Henry, M-M David Long, M-M Christopher O'Donnell, Francis Mackroon, M-M Ralph Brown, M-M Thomas Dunbury, M-M WiUiam J. Henry, Mrs. Kathryn Glynn, Mary Boyle, M-M Edward! Grant, M-M Robert Nash, M-M Edward Kenny, M-M Robert Corey, M-M John Dunphy, Mrs. Herber.t Watson. $25 M-M Frank Fanning, M-M Kilmer Joyce, M-M Raymond LeBrun, M-M Edga'r Beauregard, M-M Leonard White, M-M Robert Brady, M-M Robert Collyer Jr., Eleanor Sheridan, Donald DeLuca, M-M' Fred Comings, M-M Thomas O'Reilly, Mrs. Earl Bailey, Mrs. Harry Walker, M-M Henry Goff, M-M John McCoy, George Henrikus, M-M George Delaney, M-M J'ohn Coughlin, M-M John Sullivan, M-M Robert Mulcahey, M-M William Ben\nghof, Mrs. Alice Weis­ mann, M-M William Arnone, M-M Thomas Dunlavey. $25 M-M Stephen Bertrand, M-M Neal Hayes, Mrs. Arlene Sparrow, M-M Angelo Dimodica, M-M Charles Emmons, M-M Robellt Oavicchi, M-M Michael Cicoria, Mrs. Jane Spring, M-M Dennis Cardin, M-M Michael Halatyn, Mrs. Helen Borman, M-M Joseph P. Sullivan, M-M Benjamin F. Dimlich, John J. Grigalus.


SANDWICH Corpus Christl $1,500 Corpus Christi Ladies Guild, Corpus Christi Conference of .the St. V~ncent de Paul Society; $200 M-M James W. Megley; $150 M-M Leo J. Kelly, Dr.-Mrs. Leo Monaghan; $125 M-M George C. Campbell; $100 Dr.-Mrs. Richard Cote, Peter Dona­ hue, M-M Peter P. Fortuna, M-M Eugene L. Maleady, Sylvester McGinn, M.D., M-M George E. Murray, F·rank J. Nuovo, M-M Edward Poore, M-M Martin T. Putnam, M-M Daniel C. Ryan, Richard E. Tavares, Richard G. Vincens. $75 M-M Ber:trand F. Boulay, M-M Robert C. Quinn; $50 M-M Joseph Baltusis, M-M Alber:t Bazzinotti, Agnes Boxby, M-M Edward Brennan, M-M Arthur F. Cardin, M-M Raymond J. Cormier, M-M Raymond H. Crocker, M-M Raymond Doucette, M-M Fred Fay, Dorothy E. Gallant, Mary E. Gallant, M-M Frank D. Haley, M-M Robert Larsen, M-M Richard Latimer, Francis B. McConn, Mrs. John E. Pessa, M-M J. Louis Roberti, M-M Edward J. Rondelli, Mrs. John F. Scanlon, Mrs. Arthur W. Smith, Mrs. Liman M. Tully, M-M John R. Wilson. $40 M-M George V. Cox, M-M Eugene B. O'Keefe, M-M Gerald A. Tobin; $35 M-M Milton R. Cook Jr., Mrs. Peter Cugno, M-M Amedio Gonella, Mrs. Julia Kane, M-M C. Michael Peluso, Mrs. John Ross; $30 M-M Walter R. Alvezi, Mrs. James Q. Clemmey, M-M Dominic DiGregorio, M-M William K. Earle, M-M EmiUano, Gavazza, Mrs. Marie E. Lastih, M-M Donald Philbrick, M-M Joseph Sci'acea. $25 Linda T. Allison, M-M Mario Baratta, Joseph Bazzinotti, M-M Kingsley M. Berg, M-M Gerald F. Brown, Bryden Insurance Agency, M-M Rosario Cadorette, M-M John Cahalane, M-M Gerald Caron, M-M Thomas S. Casey, M-M George W. Chapman, Stephanie A. Cornick, M-M Eu,gene Corradi, M-M James P. Crane, Mrs. Elinor R. Oheagh, M-M Paul Dillen, Joseph Dvorski, M-M Louis G. Emond, M-M Edward A. Eppich, M-M Robert M. Ferrick, M-M William F. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Paul Flick, Mrs. Katherine I. Flinker, M-M Lou Gallerani, M-M Joseph Giacobbe. $25 Mrs. John E. Gibbons, M-M Robert P. George, Mrs. Kathleen B. Granger, M-M Joseph P. Greene, M-M Charles R. Griffin, Clement Horrig·an, M-M John Howarth, M-M Joseph E. Jacinto, M-M Robert B. Kelly, M-M Edward Keohan, M-M Ronald Koon, M-M Robert Labrie, M-M Daniel W. Lucier, Robert & Mary Lucas, M-M Thomas E. Lunney, Gerard E. MacDonald II, In memory of RusseU McAuliffe Sr., M-M Michael E. McCarthy, Lt. Com. Walter McCone, M-M Ralph I. Meissner, Dr.-Mrs. Ted Mogllnicki. $25 Mrs. George H. Mooney, M-M Americo Mula, M-M John F. Mulcahy, John F. & Ellen R. Murphy, M-M Bruce Nichols, M-M John W. Nicholson, M-M Walter K. Noel, M-M William F. O'Connell, Mrs. Francis Oliver, Raymond A. Oliver, George Ortolani, Mary Ortolani, M-M 'l'ivio Papi, M-M Albert Pate­ naude, Irene M. Poirier, Mrs. Chester S. Rich, M-M John M. Shea, Mrs. Michael F. Shea, M-M Alvin J. Sherman, Beatrice E. Smith, M-M John W. Smith. $25 M-M Gerald Sullivan, M-M Walter Sullivan, M-M J,ames P. Sutton, M-M Dante Tassinari, M-M Tello Tontini, M-M Fred Twomey, M-M Fredericlt Wayland, Mrs. Robert D. Wentworth, M-M Frank White, M-M Robert White, Mrs. Stephen B. Wood. WESTPORT

St. George $100 M-M Robert Davis, Dr.-Mrs. Michael Jusseaume, Dr.-Mrs. George Silva; $60 Vitaline Rezendes; $50 St. Vincent de Paul Society, Oscar Stebenne, M-M A. Stevenson, Mrs. John Ward; $30 Beatrice Laplante; $25 John Hayes, Oscar Martel, Blanche Plante, M-M Harry Rogers, M-M Edwin Silveira, Honore Vaillancourt, Dr.-Mrs. Douglas Vrona.




WEST HARWIpH Holy Trinity $250 Margaret Scully, M-M John

Bri'tton; $200 M-M George Morirs; $175 M-~ Don.ald

Wolf; $150 M-M James Blackmore, M-M BemIs BOles;

$125 Catherine George, In memory of Frances Taylor;

$120 M-MJoseph Deering; $100 M-M Ralph Barnes,

M-M John Berry, M-M Russell Brennan, Frank Duffy,

M-M John Geganwarth, M-M John Griffin, M-M Louis

LaFlamme, M-M Walter Mason, J'ames Mischler, M-M

Ronald Murphy, M-M Henry Nelson, M-M Wallace

Raneo, M-M Russell Rose Jr., M-M Claude Sproule.

$100 M-M Albert Tessier, Marjorie Tivenan, M-M

Vincent Walsh, Alice Pumphret & Marie Kelly, M-M

John Shea, Ethel Whitney, Dorothy WiUiams; $75

Misses 'Hester & Margaret Griffin, Henry Chamber­

lain; $60 Joseph Reid, M-M Joseph Mallard; $5;> M-M

Gerald Flinto~t; $52 Mrs. Rita Way'burn; $50 Patricia

Bennett, Albert Bishop, Madeline Brown, M-M Tim­

othy Clifford, M-M Norman Dagenais, Helen Farrelly,

Catherine & Susan Fallon, J·ohn Fitzmaurice, M-M

Arthur Frost, M-M Thomas Fuce, M-M Robert Fuchs­

mann, Frances George, M-M F·rancis Hobin, Mary

MacDougall, Esther McCullough, Mary Louis .Norton.

$50 M-M Edward Rodriques, M-M Alexander Savioli, M-M Donald. Steele, M-M John Sullivan, Rose & Mary Sylvia, Alfred Thomson, Anna Unsworth, Mary Vin­ cent, M-M Rober.t Welsh Jr., M-M Bernard White, M-M Richard Moore, M-M Cornelius Foley, M-M Arthur Dolan, M-M John Brassil, Edward Ford, M-M Joseph Gilmette, Dorothy O'Donnell; $45 M-M Paul Daley; $40 M-M Robert Cahill, Mary Clark, M-M Richard Henneguin, Neal Holland, M-M Warren Holmes Jr., M-M Salvatore Miceli, M-M Edward Woolley, M-M Paul Cuddy Jr., M-M Jerome Hi'tchiner, M-M Amos Ley,ton. $36.50 M-M John Barry, Daniel Buckley, M-M Wil­ liam Sheehy, Miriam Reis; $35 Mary Burke, M-M Harry Long, Marie Mann, Judge Robert Welsh, William Downey; $30 M-M William Cannon, Dr.-Mrs. David Doherty, Marguerite & Ted Ha,thaway, M-M Bed Miele, M-M Edwin Roderick, Louise Marlow, Eileen Ryan; $27 . M-M Paul Wright; $25 M-M Joseph Bar·ber, Irene ChamberlaIn, M-M Benjamin Ohase, S. A. Donahue, M-M John Carroll, Catherine Dempsey, Eleanor Feeney, Mrs; Earl Hatch, Mrs. John Heaphy. $25 Eleanor Higgins & M-M William Higgins, Mrs. John Lanergan, M-M Ralph Long, M-M Richard Looney, Imelda MacDonald, M-M William McColgan, Paul McGilvray, M-M James Menzies, Dorothy O'Neill, M-M Rufus Pina, Rosalie Rose, M-M Edwin Souza, M-M Leonard Thayer, M-M Ch'llrles Thimblin, F. Milot Underwood Jr., Marie Walley, M-M Frank Wiacek, Frances DeLaura Schettino, M-M Joseph Shana'han, M-M Vito Sinacori, Mary Stevens, M-M Joseph Stinson, Mrs. James Sullivan, Rose Sweeney. $25 M-M Louis Totino, M-M George Tucker, Mrs. Dana Valencia, Mrs. Richard Wales, Christine Wood, M-M Raymond Alvey, M-M Fred Baker, M-M Julio Barrows, David Berry, M-M John Broderick, M-M William Brown, M-M Archie Bullock, S. Calhoun, . M-M Ronald Carron, Rose Cody, Joyce Coffin, M-M John Connell, James Connor, M-M Simon Connor, Irene Cook, M-M Ma.tthew Crehan, Ethel Crowley, Irene Cummings, John DaLuze Jr., Margaret Delaney & "Helen McL'aughlin, M-M Joseph DeMango. $25 Margaret DeViney, Cornelius Driscoll, M-M Larry Duffy, M-M T,homas Egan, Anne Farrell, M-M John Ferguson, M-M Ronald Ferioli, M-M Philip qately, M-M Donald Geary, M-M William Green, M-M Herbert Fumpri~ht, Katherine Hadge, Mrs. Harold Heslop, Ralph Hill, M-M Robert Lally, OHve Marston, Sallyy McCabe, M-M Michael McDonough, M-M John McGrath, M-M Charles McVey, M-M Anthony Merino. $25 Cynthia & Mrs. John Merna, Elizabeth Miller, Mrs. Frank Moran, M-M W. J. O'Donnell, M-M Walter O'Farrell, Julienne O'Keef~, .M-M Joseph Panzera, M-M Alex Papp, Mary Piersall, M-M John Raneo, Anna Raftery, Edith Rice, M-M William Rice, Edith Ryan. FALL RIVER St. Mary's Cathedral $700 Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington; $500 Margaret M. Lahey; $225 Cathedral Conference, St. Vincent dePaul Society; $200 Joseph Magriby; $175 The Cathedral Guild; $125 Catherine Lynch; $120 A Friend; $100 M-M Laurence A. Coyle, M-M James A. O'Brien Jr., Ruth Hurley, A Friend (2); $75 Ger.trude & Eileen Sullivan; $60 M-M Michael Hayes & Family; $52 A Friend. $50 Raymond ThelTian, Helen & Joseph KennedY, James Wingate, Mrs. Angela Wingate, Helen Shea, M-M Gerald Holleran, Mary T. Hurley, Mrs. Edward" Betty, Robert Coggesh'llll, Mrs. William F. Hurll, M-M John Murphy, M-M James Melvin, Ann Standish, Mrs. Irene Lamothe, Margaret Kennedy, Joseph E. Almeida, A Fdend (2). $40 Mrs. Amelia Carval'ho, M-M Joseph P. Kennedy, M-M Roger Vezina; $35 Richard Sullivan; $33 A Friend; $30 M-M Samuel S. Moran, Elizabeth Hall, Daniel Shea, In memory of Antone A. Pacheco Jr., The Grace F'amily; $25 M-M Michael Arruda, Wilfred L. Jean, Lillian Reardon, Mrs. Mary Lee, M-M Ernest Moniz, Mrs. Bridget Thornton, Grace Hindle. $25 Mrs. Lucille Levasseur, Leo Leary, Dorothy Leary, Raymond Leary, Mrs. William A. Doran, M-M Francis J. O'Neil, M-M George Burns, Edward Mantez, Thomas Sullivan, Mrs. Eugene Ponton, Mrs. William Ellen, Mrs. Raymond Reynolds, Eleanor Shea, Mary Morel, Margaret G. Diskin, M-M Leo Thibault, Joseph Dunse, ~rs. George L. Johnston, Louis Cyr, M-M Richard ~olger. $25 In memory of William A. Johnson, In memory of Mr. ~ Mrs. J. F. Grondin, Barbara Nikinas, Mrs. Michael McConnon, M-M Manuel Benevides, M-M John KU$zay, William P. O'Brien" M-M Joseph Vital, Joseph 8f Maria Bourgeois, M-M Clement Dowling, A Friend (12).

1 Blessed Saerament $300 Margaret Sullivan; $75 M-M Roger Lauzon; $50 Rev. Rene R. Levesque, M-M George Medeiros, M-M Albert Beaudoin, M-M Leo ~aul BeaUdoin; $35 M-M Adrien Guay; $30 Yvonne Lafontaine, A Parishioner; $25 Mrs. Irene Mon,tpellier, Mrs. Octave Jusseaume, Maurice R. Stebenne, M-M Paul DeMello, M-M John Mendoza, Jonathan King, M-M Gerald. J. Berube, M-M George Beaudoin, A P1arishioner (3).



\ Espirito Santo $200 In memory of deceased mem­ bers of thev'asconcellosfamily; $150 Rev. John ~ J. Oliveira; $100 A Friend, A Parishioner; $82 Espirito Slmto Confirmation Class; $60 A Family; $50 Rego famliy, Espiri:to Santo C.Y.O., Espiri,to Santo Women's Guild, E: S. St. Vincent de Paul Society, A Friend (3); $40 Parishioner (2); $35 A Friend ,(2); $30 Souza family, Alves fanlily, A Friend (4). :$25 Arruda family, Antonio Arruda, Patricia Estrella, Antonio Rebello, John Miranda, Manuel Reis, Barboza family, Souza family, Sousa family, Costa family, Costa family, OHveira family, Medeiros family, Miranda family, A Friend (16), Parishioner (4). I ! ,Holy Cross $250 Franciscan Fathers; $150 Holy Cross Mens Club, FR.; $100 M-M Raymond Canuel; $75 Holy'Cross Holy Rosary Society, F.R.; $40 M-M Rqbert Ciosek, In . memory of John A. Pietruszka; $35 M-M Stanley Nowak; $27 Frances Czerwonka; $25 M-M Bronislaw Beben & Family, M-M Thomas Bednarz, Mrs. Walter Gosciminski, M-M Robert Harpham, M-M Bronislaw Kozack, 1'4-1'4 Stephen Pirog, M';M Walter Witengier, Albert Cartier, John Rys.


I Holy Name $350 Dr.-Mrs. John Dunn; $300 Drl-Mrs. John Delaney, M-M Thomas J. Carroll; $250 Mrs. George Bolger; $225 In memory of Dr. Thomas F.Higgins; $150 In memory of Ann M. Lynch, M-M Herve Bernier, Dr.-Mrs. John Carvalho, Claire Mullins; $120 John F. Fanning; $100 M-M Robert B. Reid, Dr.-Mrs. Rene Nasser, M-M J·ohn Carr, In mem­ ~ of Bernard F. Sweeney Jr., Elizabeth Neilan. ~100 Mrs. Raymond Clancy, M-M Thomas McGuire, Dr.f-Mrs. Michael Wallingford, M-M Alexander Vezina, Leonard H. Phelan, Mrs. John C. Fonseca, M-M Charles Fr~nco, In memory of John & Margaret McDermott, M-M Alcide Morrell, Margaret G. Dillon, Atty.-Mrs. Roger Morgan, Robert J. Nagle, Mrs. William A. T·ol'phy; $80 M-M Frederick B. McDonald; $75 M-M He~man Mello, M-M John J'. Mitchell, In memory of M-M Louis B. Devine. , $65 In memory of Gladys L. O'Neil; $60 Rita & Loretta Kenny, M-M Wilfred Salois, Mrs. Anthony Geary, Katherine Hogan, Mrs. Edmund Sunderland; $50 Benevides Family, M-M Michael CoughHn, Mrs. Edward B. Downs, Mrs. George P. Hurley, Catharine Furze, M-M Rene, La.voie, Dr.-Mrs. Alfred J. Roy, Michael Fitzgerald, Vincent M. Fitzgerald, In memory of Sister Mary Cecelia & Kathleen Gillespie, M-M Patrick LowneY,Dorothy C. Sullivan, M-M John Dziduszko, M-M Hugh F. Reilly, James B. Kelley III, M-¥ Louis D. Coffey, M-M James K. Marum. $50 M-M Joseph Keefe, M-M Thomas Cullen, M-M Richard Wood, Helen G. Law, Collette For,tih, William C. L'ahey, Juli'a T. Harrington, Catherine P. Harrington, M-M Antonio Castro; $40 Rudolph LaVault, M-M James J. Johnson, M-M David T. Sullivan, M-M Jan Pietraszek, The Pacheco Family, M-M Howard Marcoux; $35 M-M Vincent Mannion, M-M Stanley Mikc;>lazyk, The Nash F,amily, Raymond Beausoleil, M-M Henry J. Lemerise, M-M Lionel Braz, Mary C. Casey, Madeline Casey, M-M Leo J. Flynn. $30 Margaret Rita Sullivan, M-M William P. Marter, Helen V. Lomax, In memory of Katherine Lomax, M-M Warren Wood, M-M Pierre Brouns, M-M Theo­ dorel G'ligliardi, M-M Joseph McGuill, M-M Richard Hartpett, M-M Robert Kitchen; $25 M-M Raymond , Chippendale, Mrs. William Higgins, M-M Al'thur DonQvaJi, M-M Thomas Dunn, Mrs. Forrest Knight, M-M Roland L. Boulay, LTC & Mrs. Santi DiRuzza, Mrs. iMartin J. McDonald, Anna Malone, M-M William J. P~ul, Marie A. Murphy, M·-M Raymond Medeiros. $25 M-M George Clark, Dr.-Mrs. Armand Desmarais, M-MI James H'llrrington, M-M Peter Pacheco, John Keating, M-M Edmond J. Metras, M-M Augustine Flan~gan, M-M John Giblin, M'-M Norman Levesque, M-MI John J. Sullivan, Helena Kelley, M-M Kenneth Rein~rio, Marguerite Bonner, M-M Roland Gagnon, Mrs. Louise Ponton, M-M James Costa, M-M Adelino Flore's, M-:-M Stephen J. Nawrocket, M-M Paul Arnoe, Anna L. Sulliwn, CatherinE! Shea, M-M William Collins, Alice Monohan, In memory of Joey Furtado. $25: M-M Roger Tache, M-M Thomas Sousa, Ida M. Lusignan, Mrs. John Harding, Mrs. Francis Crosson, Mrs. i!'homas Collins, M-M Normand C. Oliver, M-M Edward Costar, M-M Gerard Mack, Robert Raposa, M-M ~oseph Delaney, Mrs. Tbomas A. O'Donnell, M-M Paul 'R. Dunn, M-M WilHam Hacking, Mrs. William Shea,jM-M Francis Crowe, M-M John Medeiros, M-M Wilfred P. Desruisseaux, Mrs. WaIter Fallon, Ruth A. Cutting, M-M Richard C'h'llrland, Mrs. Samuel Hacking. $25IM-M Robert Reynolds, M-M Antero Monte, In memory of John B. Hart, In memory of Mary E. Toole, Mrs. James Sullivan, M-M William G.' Grady, M-M William KilroY,Cecilia Medeiros, M-M Timothy Sullivi!n, M-M Charles Roberts, M-M Roland Frazier. Mrs.' Thomas Sheehan, M-M Gilbert Nadeau, Mrs. M'llrgaret Mercier, M-M John Donnelly Jr., M-M John A. Burke, Mrs. Arthur She~, Mrs. Edward A. Sullivan. $25 ~-M Bernard Ryan, Mrs. Anthony'D'Ambrosio, M-M Elmer Stafford Jr., M-M Henry Kowalski, M-M Joseph Morais, Margaret Lahey, M-M David Bishop, M-M :Joseph. Rodrigues,- Chester Nuttall, William NuttalJ, Mrs. Alice C. Harrington, 1'4-1'4 George Kelly, M-!,\f Everett Martin, C'lltherine O'Connor, In memory I 1


of Katherine McNaboe, M-M John P. Harrington, M-M Hugo V. Violette, Mary Ann Dillon, Margaret D. Parmelee, M-M Ernest J. Coite, M-M John McDonald. $25 M-M Raymond Monahan, Mrs. Hilary White, Emma Connors, M-M James Gibney, Kathleen Smyth, M-M Edmund F. Bagley, Honor Toohey, Mary Kelly, M-M Rene Garant, M-M J. E. Cruger, M-M Charles Frascatore, M-M Thomas J. Costa, M-M Charles Wills, Richard Wordell, M-M Robert Croteau, In memory of Frank & Maria Medeiros. Our Lady of the Angels $1,100 Rev. Msgr. Anthony Gomes; $300 St. Vincent de Paul Society; $100 Council of Catholic Women, Holy Rosary Sodality, M-M Carlos Dionizio Jr., In memory of Lillian M. Theodore; $80 M-M Tobias Monte; $65 John Branco; $60 Joseph Mello, Mary & Patricia Cabral, Michael L. Venafro, $50 M-M Manuel Botelho, Holy Name Society, M-M Arthur Rego, Rep.-Mrs. Robert CorreIa; $45 M-M Richard Pavao; $40 Arthur Fur-tado, M-M William Rego, M-M Manuel Silvia; $36 M-M Alfred M. Mello. $35 M-M Kenneth Carrier, M-M Joseph Furtado, M-M John Medeiros, Mrs. Agnes Ricardo & Family, Misses Emma & Adelaide Arruda; $30 Eileen Hennessy & Gail Conroy, M-M Raymond Medeiros, M-M Daniel Macado, M-M Lionel Rodrigues, Mrs. Anna D'Arrud'll & Daughters, M-M Carl Frederick, M-M Everett Rego, Joseph Dupont, M-M Antonio Soares, M-M Albert Tanguay. $25 M-M Richard Arrugo, M-M Herman Botelho, M-M Arthur Pacheco Jr., M-M Seraphim Brilhante, M-M Orner lizotte, M-M John L. Wheadon, Our Lady of The Angels Senior Citizens, Knights qf the Altar, Children of Mary Sod'lllity, M-M Alfred Almeida, M-M Manuel Medeiros, M-M Jeffrey San'tos, Ms. Leonora Mello, Mrs. Mary Machado, M-M Amos Braga, M-M Manuel Freitas, Mrs. Juliette Candeias, M-M Joseph Braga, M-M Julius Rodrigues. $25 M-M Jose Resendes, M-M Manuel Aguiar, William M. Rego, M-M John Correia, M-M ,Manuel Viveiros, M-M Joseph Silvia, Manuel Medeiros, Emily Goncalo, Holy Ghost Social Club, M-M Manuel Correia, M-M Edmund Vieira, M-M James M. Silvia, M-M Victor Santos, M-M Adolpho Santos, M-M Antone Michaels, M-M John Moniz, M-M Joaquim Costa, The Furtado Family, M-M Manuel Monteiro, M-M Alfred Almeida Jr. Our Lady of Health $400 Rev. Joao C. M'llrtins; $250 Irmandade do Espirito Santo; $200 Rev. John A. Raposo, Holy Name Society; $125 St. Vincent de Paul Socrety; $100 Council of Catholic Women, Holy Rosary Society; $50 Portuguese Charismatic Group; $40 Bea­ ,trice Vasconcellos in memory of Francisco Oliveira, M-M Jeremias Rego; $35 M-M Joseph Almeida; $30 M-M William Brilhante, Francelina Moniz, M-M Laudalino Sousa. $25 M-M Michael Arruda, Monso Cabral, Lucille Cabral, Mrs. Maria Cabral, M-M James R. Carreiro, Mrs. Mary Ferreira in memory of Antone Ferreira, M-M Joseph Gonsalves in memory of John Gonsalves, M-M Antone Mantez Jr., M-M Louis Pacheco, M-M Robert E. Paul, Francisco Silvia in memory of Ambro­ sina SilvIa, Deolinda Vieira in memory of Joseph P. Vieira, Anonymous (2), A Friend. Our Lady of the Holy Rosary $500 Rev. Vincent F. Diaferio; $100 Holy Rosary Women's Guild, Holy Rosary St. Vincent de Paul Conference, Mrs. Katherine Costa; $50 M-M Anthony Imbriglio, M-M Joseph Primo, Vincent Staibano; $30 The Bevilacqua Family, M-M Alphonse Saulino & Family, ,M-M Frank Stet­ kiewicz Sr., Mrs. Pileria Ventura. $25 M-M William Angelini Sr., Mrs. Frederick Dagata, M-M Richard Emond, M-M Edward Falandys, M-M Louis FjIippi, Edith S. Flanagan, M-M Joseph A. McNally, M-M Carl Mello, Gerri Mello, M-M Anthony Pannoni, M-M Henry Ramunno, The Sasso Family. Immaculate Conception $300 Rev. Terence F. . Keenan; $100 Mrs. Mary A. Lennon & Mary L. Lennon, A Friend; $70 M-M Raymond Lafleur; $60 Peter Sulli­ . van; $50 M-M Lucien Bedard, In memory of James S. Bentley; $43 In loving memory of Florence, Danlel & Manuel Pimental; $35 Mrs. Wright Turner; $30 Andrew Cook, William Benevides, Kenneth Boyer, Bertha Ashworth, M-M Edmond Jean, Grace Walsh. $25 M-M Gerard A. Cantara, Blanche Soares, M-M T.homas McHenry, M-M Michael Donovan, Elizabeth Conroy, Mrs. Peter Yeaman, In memory of Thomas , King, In memory of T·homas J. & Ann V. Fleming, M,"M Paul Duddy, Mrs. Joseph D. Burrows, Mrs. Arthur Bergeron, George Charbonneau, Mrs. Hector Savoie. . St. Michael $700 Rev. Joseph Oliveira; $150 For the soul of Manuel Andrade; $100 Beatrice Capeto, A Friend, Mary T. Carvalho, Belmira Tavares; $80 M-M Joao Agui'llr; $75 Anonymous; $50 Dr.-Mrs. .Joseph Carvalho, A Friend, M-M Manuel S. Medeiros, M-M Noel Medeiros, Cecelia Oliveira, Anonymous.; $35 M-M Alvin S. Rego. $30 M-M John V. Arruda, M-M Silvino Estrela, M-M Guilherme Gonsalves, Mrs. Maria T. Gonsalves, M-M JQse B. Gouveia, M-M Gilbert Mello, M-M GllUherme de Oliveira, M-M Richard A. Powell, M-M Virginio C. Tavares. $25 Willi'llm Amaral, M-M Manuel L. CarreIro, M-M Stanley Dopart, Priscilla Latway, M-M AntoI)e Mello, M-M Fernando C. Moniz, Robert Oliveira, M-M Edwin S. Rego, M-M Viriato R. Silva, M-M Anibal Teixeira, . A Friend (2), Anonymous (2).



Sacred Heart $150 Sarah Halligan; $125 In memory

of Mildred G. Harring,ton; $100 Alice C. & Mary V.

Harrington, Constance R. Lynch, M-M Walter H.

White; $75 Dorothy McLachlan, Manuel J. Soares;

$50 In memory of M-M George V. Broderick, Jane

G. Broderick, Robert V. Murphy, James Quinn; $40

Thomas Keane, Mrs. Daniel F. Murphy Jr.; $35 John

Dean, Leonard J. Hughes, Thomas Shaw; $30 Raymond

Audet, In memory of John P. Fleming, The Murphy

Family, Raymond ROSSI, Mrs. Benjamin Stafford,

Richard Waring.

$25 Sacred Heart Ohildren's Chorus, Helen Cava­

naugh, Frank Costa, Evelyn Curtis, Madeline Curtis,

William J. Desmond, In memory of M-M Michael J.

Foran, Mary Grandfield, Regina M. Higgins, Kenneth

E. Leger, In memory of George McCoomb, Raymond McGuire, In memory of Abel C. Marceline, Ellen Nugent, George O'Brien, Arthur Pavao, Mrs. May Pickup, Willard PIper, William Slater, Leo P. Smith, Patricia Smith, John & Elizabeth Sullivan, M. Doris Sullivan, Joseph M. Taylor, Paul R. White.

Holy Name $500 Rev. John J. Murphy; $125 M-M Martin P. Barry, In memory of John J. Gibbons Jr.; $100 M-M Richard Cole, M-M James Flanagan, M-M Peter Giammalvo, Doris K. Lawrence, Dr.-Mrs. Frank R. Leary, M-M Leonard F. Souza, M-M Robert Sylvia, M-M Thomas L. Thomas; $50 M-M Alfred Alves, M-M Hugh Earley, M-M John Lyons, M-M Roger Trahan, .Monica Zygiel, M-M Philip Murray, M-M Norris Walecka; $45 Mrs. John J. O'Neil, $40 Mrs. James Murphy; $35 M-M Edward L. Smith Jr. $30 M-M Leo Cole, John Considine, M-M Gilbert Medeiros; $25 M-M Frank Bell, M-M Maurice Bourque, Mrs. -Eleanor Benac, Mrs. Bjarne Bendiksen, Mrs. Edward F. Bruce, M-M Herman Bruce, M-M David Callter, M-M Joseph Cazemiro, Mrs. Henry Collard" M-M Edward Camara, M-M Frank Correia, M-M John Correia Sr., M-M Clifford Crowley, M-M William Demsky, M-M Francesco Garcia, Mrs. Lawrence Har­ ney, M-M James Harrington, Mrs. Charles Hines. $25 M-M Thomas Joseph, M-M Joseph C. Lima, Mrs.

William McCann, M-M Damase Moreau, William Mur­

ray, Raymond & Eileen Atwood, Mrs. Amelia Bessette,

Joseph Brunette, M-M Frank Bures, M-M Armeto

Ciacci, Mary A. Conlan, Mary David, M-M Joseph

Dias, M-M Oliva Doyle, Genevieve E. Foley, M-M

Rudolph Hebert, M-M Ernest L'Abbe, M-M Dennis

Lyons, M-M John E. Macedo, Clifford Snell, M-M

Augusto Vieira.

$25 M-M Russell Nelson, Mrs. Walter J. Oliver, M-M Fred Osuch, Edna Palla'troni, Marguerite A. Ronan, M-M Mark F. Sevigny, Mrs. George Swansey, M-M Thomas Tighe, Mary L. Wilson, Mrs. Michael P. Wilson, Constance Zygiel.

St. Anne $250 Dr.-Mrs. Paul DeVillers, Dominican Fathers; $125 Mrs. Yvonne F,ournier; $42 M-M Regi­ nald Bellerive; $30 M-M Benoit Canuel; $25 M-M Edm{)ur Michaud, Mrs. Fernande Blanchette, Mrs. Catherine Bernier, Ladles of Saint Anne, Children of . Mary, Holy Name Society, Misses Quintin, M-M George Ledoux, M-M William Lanneville, Rene Hebert, Cecile Sutton, M-M Gerard Tremblay. St. Elizabeth $270 Rev. George J. de Souza; $50 St. Elizabeth's Ladies Guild, 81. ElIz!libeth's Holy Name, St. Elizabeth's Altar Boys, Augustino Gagliardi; $45 Joseph Martins; $40 St. Vincen,t de Paul Society; $25 Laura Nobrega, Sil\'ino Castello, Antonette Quintal, Milton & Susan Rebello, Ralph Borges, John N. Costa, Artur Rebello, Anthony Rodrigues. ­ st. Jean Baptiste $250 Rev. Rene G. Gauthier; $100 M-M Romeo A. Bosse;.$75 A Friend; $60 M-l\i Donald Levesque; $50 M-M Mich'ael Bollin, M-M Raymond Francoeur, M-M Raymond Picard; $45 St. Vincent de Paul; $42 M-M William Guilmette; $40 Rene Jasmed; $35 M-M Omer Harrison; $30 M-M Eugene Gagnon. $25 M-M Lou\s Bouchard, M-M Edmond Dussault, Mauice Milot, M-M Robert Messier, M-M Horace Moniz, M-M Henri Berube, M-M AIbert Guerette, M-M Gil­ bert Canuel, M-M John Farrell, M-M Alfred Berube, M-M William Rego, M-M Oscar Phenix, M-M Arthur Vital, M-M Jean Demers, Mrs. Anthony Zackiewicz, Adelard Martinville Family. St. Joseph $500 Rev. Paul F. McCarrick; $400 tn memory of Cecelia M. Moloney, Catherine T. Harring­ ton, Mary L. Harrington; $300 The Misses Valerie, Bernadette, Alma Foley; $225 Han. B. H. Mull-aney; $100 Mrs. Lelloy Borden, Eunice Dion, Mrs. Wallace Fairbanks, Mrs. Daniel W. O'Connell, St. Joseph's Conference of St. Vincent de Paul, Francis L. Harring­ ton, Joseph D. Harrington. . $50 M-M Alvin P. Almeida, M-M John Kiley, Mary Rose Sullivan, Mrs. Mary Whittaker, M-M Daniel Eagan, John Fitzgerald, Julia Harrington; $40 James Perkins, Mildred Powers; $35 M-M Leo J. Caine; $30 M-M Louis Cahill, M-M Hugh J. Maguire, M-M William Nugent, M-M Edward J. Ponte, Walter Stetkiewicz. $25 John Burns, Emily Downey, M-M Daniel R. Foley, Honora Foley, M-M Robert Gagnon, Peter Hodnett, John Mahoney, Mrs. Henry Mercer, Eileen Mur,p'hy, Louise Murphy, Daniel Netto, Agnes O'Brien, M-M Willi-am Perron, Mary A. Regan, Mrs. Eileen Rego, Mary D. Sullivan. . $25 Anne Borden, Jose Borges, Mrs. Jose Borges, M-M Leonardo Cabeceiras, Thomas Corey, Atty.-Mrs. Brian R. Corey, M-M John Lynch, Hillard Nagle. St. Louis $200 St. Louis Women's Guild; $150 M-M William F. Whalen Jr., In memory of Michael, Margaret & Alice Tobin; $110 M-M Herman P. Mello; $75 Marion Fahey, Hussey/O'Neil Family; $50 Anne Connerton, Gertrude O'Neil, In memory of John & Florence Philobin; $30 M-M Gilbert L'Heureux; $25 M-M William Ward, Margaret O'Neil, M-M Robert C. White, Reuben Wood, M-M Russell Silveria. st. Mathieu $100 M-M Joseph Rivard, Juliette Belanger; $50 M-M Raymond Poisson; $40 M-M Paul Lapointe; $25 M-M Alphonse Mailloux, M-M George Collard, M-M Luicen Roy, Mrs. Edmour Thibault, Ann Rousel, M-M Nelson Julius Jr., M-M John Cabaceiras. NEW BEDFORD Our Lady of Perpetual Help $375 Conventual Franciscan Fathers; $300 M-M Andrew Banas; $100 M-M Eugene Chaberek; $50 M-M Henry Cembalisty, M-M Lionel Dubsis, Dr.-Mrs. John Wolkowicz; $35 M-M Joseph Gonet, M-M Thaddeus Irzyk, In memory of Frank & Rosalie Jeglinski; $30 M-M Chester Ponichtera. $25 OJ-PH Society, M-M Boleslaus Arabasz, M-M Joseph Augustyn, M-M Peter Borowiec, Mitchell Gacek, M-M Mitchell Koczera, M-M Joseph Michalski, M-M Konstanty Nowak, M-M Walter Polchlopek, M-M Edward Przybyla, M-M Joseph E. Robida, M-M Stanley Stankiewicz, M-M Felix Witkowicz, Anthony Zerbonne.

Our Lady of Assumption $50 M-M Joseph Rogers, -Antone Monteiro; $40 Holy Name Society OLOA; $30 Mrs. Severo Alfama; $25 M-M An,tonio Gomes, M-M Edward Rogers, M-M Samuel Barboza. Immaculate Conception $600 Rev. Manuel P. Ferreira; $345 Anonymous; $300 Charismatic Com­ munity, I.C. Ohurch; $160 A Friend; $150 Anonymous; $125 M-M Victor F. Rebello Jr.; $100 M-M Abel S. Rebello, Club Madeirense S.S. Sacramento, A Friend; $75 A Friend; $70 Humberta Camara; $65 A Friend; $60 M-M Francisco Amaral; $50 Maria H. Soares, Joao V. Soares, M-M Manuel G. daSilva, Dolores Freitas, Patricia Fonseca, A Friend (3). $45 Anibal, Capella, A Friend; $40 Jeronimo Coelho, Elsie Cabral, Mary S. Bettencourt, A Friend (2); $30 Isac Resendes, Maria A. Pacheco, Arlindo Mourao, Joaquim Leite, Antonio Frias, Honorato Faria, Fer­ nando F. Costa, Fernando Condez, Alice Camara, John Almeida Family,. A Friend; $25 Anibal Vaz, M-M William Travers, HUdeberto ,Tavares, M-M Virgilio Silva, Robert Rebello, M-M Augustus Rapoza, Antonio A. Pitta, Mary A. Pitta, Manuel R. Pavao, Antonio Pacheco Jr., Joaquim Motta, M-M Armand L. DeMelo. $25 Celeste M. F.rias, Mary L. Fonseca, Manuel A. Ferreira, M-M Jose A. Fernandes, Edwa.rd Fernandes, Antonio Fernandes, Linda A. Cordeiro, Joao P. Cor­ deiro, Daniel Cordero, Jose Carvalho, M-M Joao P. Carvalho, Silvana F. Carreiro, Domieiano Carreiro, M-M Euclides M. Cabral, In memory of Daniel W. Burgess, Agnes Bizzaro, Olivia Barros, Anna Baptista, Henrieta Arruda, Albertina Arruda, Robert O. Amaral, Maria I. Amaral, Antonio & Maria Alves, A Friend of C.CA, A Friend (11). Our Lady of Mount Ca.rmel $300 Mt. Carmel Holy Name Society; $200 Friend; $120 Friend; $100 Mt. Carmel Senior Associates, M-M John J. Oliveira, James Perry, Friend (4); $80 M-M Alfredo Brum; $70 Friend; $60 M-M John R. Perry; $50 M-M James Almeida, M-M Manuel F. Rapoza, Celina Oliveira, M-M Vic­ torino da Silva, M-M Antone B. Santos, M-M Donald Cosme, M-M Joaquim F. Lourenco, Mary Hendricks, Evelyn Hendricks, M-M Manuel Rapoza Jr., Raul M. Pereira Jr., M-M Henrique Rouxinol, M-M Mario da Graca. Oliveira, M-M George Mendonca, M-M Manuel Mendonca, Friend (4). $40 Belmira C. Branco, M-M Manuel G. Martins, M-M Mauricio A. A. Freitas, M-M Manuel Mello; $35 Antone Felix Jr., Mary R. Mendonca Friend (3); $31 Friend; $30 M-M Charles G. Souza, M-M Eliseu Pimentel, M-M Emidio Raposo, M-M An'toni'o Santos, M-M Edwin Goulart, M-M Eduardo Mello, M-M Joseph G. Silveira Jr., M-M George M. Ferro, Aristides Medeiros. M-M Jose J. Pimentel, Friend (4). $26 M-M Elias Costa Jr.; $25 Juliet Lopes, M-M Edward E. Ventura, M-MManuel Tavares, M-M Arthur de Mello; M-M Eduardo M. Pacheco, M-M Eugenio Camara, M-M Armando D. Alves, Mary P. Perry, M-M Oharles Vieira., M-M J·oao Baltazar Santos, M-M Manuel S. Costa Jr., M-M Raymond Medeiros, M-M Iuiz Antonio Melo, Mary Branco, M-M Richard King. $25 M-M Joao T. do Couto, M-M Charles Ferreira, M-M Fernando D. Abreu, M-M Eduardo Teixeira, Irene Sousa, M-M Richard Cabral, M-M Antone Garcia, M-M Mariano Carreiro, M-M Humbeto B. Sousa, Alfred Cabral, M-M Norman Ferreira, Mariana Salvador, M-M Ja.cintho S. Ferro, M-M Kenneth King, M-M Amilcar deVasconeellos, M-M Robert A. Vermette, Mrs. Sophie Viveiros, M-M Steven Oliver, In memory of Charles Gaspar, Herminia Cota, In memory of Joseph Felix, Friend (15). St. Anne $300 Rev. Martin L. Buote; $100 St.

Vincent de Paul; $75 Friend; $30 John Sylvia, Arthur

Morency, Friend (2); $25 John Za.ger, Harry & Orpha

Sears, Ray Kobza, Angelo Fraga, Charles Carpenter,

Elj7.:abeth Morency, Friend (5).

Our Lady of Fatima $200 A Friend, In memory of

'the deceased Members of the St. Vincent de Paul

Society; $100 Mrs. Pauline Hamel, M-M Gilbert Cham­

pagne, M-M Bernard Gleason, M-M Anthony J. Pereira,

A Friend; $50 M-M Elton Ashley; Atty-Mrs. J. Louis

LeBlanc, M-M Normand Mathieu, Dr.-Mrs. Arthur

Motta, A Friend (3); $40 M-M Gordon Goodfellow,

A Friend, Anonymous; $30 M-M Louis Chilardo, Afme

Goyette, M-M Joseph Leger, M-M Joseph Vezina.

$25 M-M Raymond J. Bourbeau, M-M Robert Bruno,

M-M Bernado Cabral, Mrs. Leo Cloutier, M-M GeOrge

Desrosiers, M-M Clovis Fecteau, The Fiano Family,

M-M Joseph Fournier, M-M Donald Gaudette, M-M

Joseph Jusseaume, M-M Joseph Lopes & Regina, M-M

James Sweeney, M-M William Teixeira, M-M Francis

Xavier, Anonymous, A Friend (4).

Sacred Heart $350 Rev. Thomas E. Morrissey;

$100 M-M Gerald LaFrance, Marie Jeanne LaRiviere,

M-M Leonard Simmons, M-M William Towers; $80

M-M Roger Menard, In memory of Omer Tardi; $50

Bishop James E. Cassidy-Gen. Assembly 4th Degree

K. of C., Knights of Columbus Bishop Stang Council

No. 4532; $40 M-M Piere C. Seguin.

$30 Paul Brousseau, M-M Richard A. POl'lter Jr.,

M-M Marcel Rogissart; $25 M-M Joseph Bettencourt,

M-M Joseph .Cobert & Claude, M-M Everett Graviel,

M-M Jules Lamothe, M-M Paul Letourneau, M-M

. George Manny, Mrs. Roland Pothier, Mrs. Irene Rain­ ville, M-M' Eugene H. Sasseville, M-M Paul Soucy, Mrs. Rose Mathieu. St. Anthony of .Padua $400 Rev. Bertrand R.

Chabot; $300 Rev: Normand J. Boulet, 81. Anthony

Parish Societies, Wayne Goldsmith, Mrs. Yvette Gold­

smith, A friend (2); $175 Rev. Marc Er. Bergeron, A

friend; $100 Rosette Daigle, Adren Beauregard, St.

Anthony St. Vincent de Paul,. A friend (2); $50 M-M

Lionel Robitaille, Amedee Lestage, Dorothy Despres,

Marcel Spirlet; $40 M-M Leo Picard.

$35 Alice Marcotte, M-M J. Normand Dumont, Jose

Abreu; $30 Carlos Custodio, Roger Rioux, Rose Bou­

cher, A friend (2); $25 Gerard Goguen, Laurette Beau­

regard, Theodore Mailloux, M-M Wilfred Mailloux,

Lena & Imelda Mailloux, Lucie Esa, Georgiana Esa,

Eugene Laplante, Stephen K. Mendoza, Robert Lagasse,

Robert Levesque, Danford S. B. Lee, M-M Leon Dumas,

M-M Oscar Le Blanc, Gerard R. Picard, St. Anthony

Senior Citizens, George Abreu, A friend (6).

st. Mary $700 Rev. John F. Moore; $100 M-M

Richard Brown, M-M Nelson Ostiguy; $70 M-M John

Sardinha; $53 M-M Eugene HaUl!; $50 M-M Vincent

Bertaletto, M-M Normand Boutin, M-M Rene Carroll,

David Costa, M-M GiIbert Costa, M-M John Dexter,

M-M George E. Landry, M-M David Loveridge, M-M

Rod Lussier, M-M Robert Penler, M-M Dennis R.

Poyant, M-M George Taber, M-M Roland Tavano.

$40 M-M Thomas McKenna, M-l\I Gary Thomasset;

$35 M-M Peter Becker, lVl-M John Freitas, Joseph F. A.

LeBlanc; $30 M-M William Constant, Mrs. John

Hughes, M-M Paul Marashio, M-M James Mendes,

In memory of Bruno Stahls; $25 M-M David Alves,

M-M William Avila, Helen Baillargeon, M-M Richard

Botelho, M-M Paul Boutin, M-M James Casey, M-M

Daniel Costa, M-M Alfred Defreitas, M-M Alfred Dias,

M-M Richard Greenhalgh, M-M Dennis Hogan.

$25 Mrs. Lawrence Hughes, Mrs. Sidney Jenkinson,

M-M James Lally, M-M Richard Lally, Mrs. Howard

Lord, M-M Charles Macedo, Edward MacLean, Pauline

Mathieu ,M-M David A. Mediros, M-M Manuel Mene­

zes, M-M Adrien Messier, M-M Daniel Pare, M-M

Joseph Pelletier, M-M Raymond Pires, Mrs. Joseph

Rezendes, Mabel Rezendes.

$25 M-M Joseph Santos, M-M Rober·t Schwartz,

M-M Ronald Silveira, Izaura Teixeira, M-M John

Teixeira, M-M Joseph 'fowers.

st. John the Baptist $100 Victorina Cotnoir,

George A. Vasconcellos, A Friend (2); $75 Joseph

Avila; $65 In memory of Atty Joseph Ferreira; $50

Abba Father Prayer Community, Antone G. Carreiro,

Viriato Costa, M-M .James Gaffney, M-M Edward

Macedo, In memory of Joseph F. Estrella, M-M Manuel

Neto, Eva L. Sylvia, M-M Ronald Sylvia, M-M Daniel

Vieira, M-M Charles Xavier, A Friend (6).

$40 Maria E. Domingos, Carlos Mascarenhas, Gilbert

Viera; $35 John Mascarenhas, A Friend (2); $30

Benvinda Caldas, M-M Arnold Conde, M-M James

Connelly, Camillo Costa, Seraphim Salvador, M-M

Manuel S. Silva, Isabel & Agnes Souza, M-M Manuel

Travassos, A Friend (2).

$25 Lucy. M. Alexander, Cornelia Alves, John Alves.

M-M Antone P. Arruda, In memory of M-M Manuel

P. Arruda & Family, M-M Manuel Barao, Willia.ni J.

Brocklehurst, RosaIina Camara, L'ais A. Cardoso, Esco­

lantico Codeiro, Gilberto A. Codeiro, Eva Carreiro,

M-M Richard Carreiro, Armando A. Dias, M-M Dimas

Farias, M-M Antone Fernandes, M-M Jose Fragatll,

M-M Arthur Freitas, Ernestina F'urtado.

$25 Peter Furtado, M-M Joseph Gonsalves, M-M

David W. Howes, M-M Joseph P. Jardin, M-M Richard

Lopes, M-M Anthony Mathews; M-M John Medeiros,

M-M Albert Moniz, M-M Francisco Pires, Mary

Schusner, William Serpa, Alice D. Silva, Wilhelmina

Sylvia, M-M Americo Vieira, A Friend '(14).

.St. Boniface $100 Rev. Roy Yurco, S!l.CC., Fr.

Damien Council No. 4190 K. (If C Mattappisett, In

memory ox Gertrude Kruger; $50 Bishop James E.

Cassidy General Assembly-4th Degree K. of C., James

Butler, Mrs. Lillian Corre; $25 In memory of Gertrude




TAUNTON Holy 'Rosary $100 Franciscan Fathers, M-M William Powers; $50 Mrs. Josephine Goodless, M-M Marcellus Lemaire, Kazimierz Polak; $45 M-M Stanley Tokarz; $35 Mrs. Mary Dubena, M-M Ttaddeus Strojny; $30 Kenneth Cloutier, M-M Antoni Sniger, M-M Louis Tokarz, M-M Ralph Wilbur. $25 M-M Gilbert Levesque, John Bobela, M-M Henry Bzdula, Mrs. Nellie Corcoran, M-M Robert Dziekiewicz, M-M James, Ferreira, Pauline Gula, Mrs. Sophie Guresh & Peter Jr., John & Adolph Linek, Mrs. Bridget Q'Hearne, M-M Theodore Kalacznik & Family, M-M Michael Kanabay, Joanna & Aldonna Majkut, M-M Daniel O'Brien, M-M Walter Plonka & Son, M-M Frank Ulak,M-M Walter Wenczak. Immaeul&te Conception $600· Rev. William H. O'Reilly; $50 M-M Alfred Florence, Allan Curley; $40 M-M James Brennan; $30 M-M Louis Desrier, Anna Sherry; $25 M-M Norman Bissionnette, M-M Francis Boivin, M-M Michael Cronan, M-M Harold Dennen, M-M Roland Dubois, M-M G. E. Ducharme, M-M Thomas Hoye, M-M Andrew Isaacsen. $25 M-M Edward Mador, M-M William Lane, Margaret Meunier, M-M Robert Moulding, M-M Herbert Nichols, M-M Paul Peterson, M-M Hugo Riva, M-M Michael Rose, M-M T. Rogers Thayer, M-M Edward Walsh, M-M Edward Wh-ite.


Our Lady 01 Lourdes $250 Rev. Manuel M. Resendes; $100 1983 Confirmation Class, M-M Manuel Frizado; $50 M-M Robert Mendes; $40 M-M James Silvia, M-M Joseph Cambra; $35 M-M Alfred Pimen­ tal; $30 M-M John' Baptiste, M-M Francis Cardoza, M-M James O'Gara; $25 M-M Thomas Souza, Rev. Mr. Robert Faria, M-M James Corey, M-M George Silva, M-M Louis Rego, M-M Joseph Terra, M-M Manuel Raposo. Saered Hearl $100 Raymond Harrison, M-M Ken­ neth Santos, M-M John J. Kelly, M-M Daniel LeBrun; $80 Rose O'Donnell; $75 The Wade Family; $60 M-M Joseph Kuper; $50 Helen Brady, Elizabeth Brady, M-M Robert Dennen, M-M Coy Folcik, V'ivian Martin, M-M Gilbert Perry, M-M Clifton Pierce, M-M Arthur Travers, M-M Edward Trucchi, M-M Thomas Varden. $50 Vi-rginia Waldron, William Leger, M-M Brian Brown, Mary Kennedy, M-M Albert Berard, Mrs. Frank Brown, Margaret McCarthy, Mrs. Virginia Alves, M-M Francis Souza; $40 M-M Joseph Isidorio, Gertrude McBreen, M-M Galen Rheaume; $35 Mrs. Edna Lincoln, M-M Robert Perry, M-M Oscar Maynard, Harold Rheaume. $30 Ruth Brady, Helen Murray, RUa O'Donnell, Mrs. Claude Simmons, M-M M. Rebello Jr.,' James Kevican, Richard Briody, M-M John Briody; $28 M-M Thomas Zucco; $25 M-M Joseph Burke, M-M John Colton, M-M William Campbell, Catherine Crownin­ shield, M-M Joseph Enos, The Field Family, Mrs. John Flannery, Kathleen & Anne Flannery. $25 Mrs. Oberre Gagner, John Goldrick, Margaret Goldrick, M-M T,haddeus Kuczewski, M-M John L'Heureux, M-M Robert Lane, M-M Philip Lemieux, M-M Joseph Lynch, Mrs. Y.incent McAloon, M-M Arthur McDermot, M-M Robert Malone, M-M Robert Martin, M-M S. Mazzoleni, M-M Patrick Murphy, M-M Edmond Nadeau, M-M Forest Pia-ge, M-M Joseph Quigley, Eileen Reilly, M-M Geo Rezendes. $25 M-M Stanley Roberts, Frances Rose, M-M Nicholas Salamon, M-M Albert Sauerbrier, Eileen Scully, David Souza, M-M Leo Conroy, M-M Raymond Francisco, M-M Theodore Lippold, M-M Raymond DeMoura, M-M Joseph Fernandes, Helena Matteson, William McCaffrey, M-M· Raymond DeMoura, M-M Horace Costa, Edward Smith. $25 Mrs. Lois Stacy, M-M John Cullen, Mrs. Ohester Dewhurst, Mrs. P. Leo Brady, In 'memory of M-M Joseph A. Kelly, Benjamin Seekell, Eugene Sullivan, M-M Arthur Travers J·r., M-M Gilbert White. , st. Anthony $200 Rev. George E. Amaral; $150 1983 St. An,thony's Confiqnation Class, Anonymous; $100 Joao Fontes, Anonymous, A Friend; $75 John Ferreira; $50 Andrew & Lydwina Marshall, Laurentina

Craven, Frederick Barker, M-M Antonio F. Chaves, M-M Jose C. Cabral" A Friend, Anonymous (2). $40 M-M' Charles Ferreira, M-M Francisco Corria, Anonymous; $30 M-M Francisco Vieira, Oharles Raposo, Ernesto Costa, Manuel Silveira, M-M Manuel Gomes, Filomena Sousa, M-M Antonio Baptista, A Friend. . st. Mary $1,000 In memory of Michael J. Connolly; $100 Richard Donahue, M-M Edward J. Galvin, Clotilde Nason; $75 ;James Reid, W. W. Smith, Joseph Wade; $60 Dr.-Mrs. Wm. J. Casey; $52 John Gonzals; $50

M-M Kenneth Baker, Dr. Howard B. Carroll, John Connors, Edward Duffy, Miss M. Leonard, Mrs. L. Sevecal; $40 J. Bird, Lelia Duffy, Mrs. J. Rowley; $30 Mary Bird, J. Rice, D. B. Sullivan. $25 M.,M Stephen Bagge, Mrs. Leo Berube, M-M P. Brady, ~-M Joseph Butler, Marion E. Campbell, Catherine Donahue, Miss D. Donahue, Howard Donahue, Mrs. Thaddeus Figlock, J. E. Flood, M-M Albert Fqnseca, Mrs. Norman Gordon. $25 Jo~n F. Laughlin, Mary Lynch, Mrs. Thomas McDermqtt, M-M Alfred McGlynn, Marguerite Mc­ Manus, l\oJrs. James McMorrow, William Mal'tin, Mrs. M. Maxwell, M-M George Medeiros, J. J. Mrocka, J. Murphy, Lillian Theroqx.

St. Jacques $125 Matthew Bury; $100 Paul Racine; . ~$50 Gerard Bonenfant, J'ohn Keene, Rita Parent; $45 'Jean Paul Bourdeau; $40 Oharles RochelerlU, Agnes \Tremblay; $35 Thomas Andrews, George Pelletier, Jeanne Richards, James Srea Jr.; $30 Alban Bourque, IWilliam Grundy, David Silva. ! $25 Lorraine Barefoot, Charles Beaulieu, Therese 'Blain, Irene Boutin, Joseph Cote, Lawrence Courcy, Maurice Guay, Mrs. Normand Hamel, Regina Hebert, :Yvonne Labonte, Roger Levesque, Mrs. Leo Murphy, :Raymond Nolin, Clive Olson, Roger Parent, Edna Riley, James Silvia, Mrs. Walter Taylor, Mrs. Emile faillancourt, Henri Vaillancourt, Michael Welch. 1

I' st. Joseph $250 Rev. William E. Farland, Rev. Herbert T. Nichols, Dr.-Mrs. Thaddeus Figlock; $200 Estella Margarido; $125 M-M William Hurley; $100 M-M Maurice Desrosiers, Mrs. Louise Thomas; $75 Garvin Family, Catherine R. Kervick; $60 M-M William McCarthy Jr.; $50 Mrs. Robert Gilmore, M-M Edward Nixon, Patricia Fraizer, Cecile McAloon, M-M Anthony Tosti, Maribeth Dahill, Dorothy Busiere, M-M, Manuel Garcia, M-M Robert Hartung, M-M John Steen. , i $40 M-M Robert Hill, M-M Robert Silveira, M-M I!Jouis Chaves; $35 Anna Champney, M-M Francis Guay, M-M Edward Aleixo; $30 Helen Dahill, M-M .J. Nichols, M-M Melvin Lewis, M-M William Dias, M-M Stanley Saladyga, M-M Joseph McKenna, M-M Roger Kingsley Jr.. I $25 M-M Stephen Callahan, M-M Amerino Almeida, M-M Edward Crown-inshield, M-M Albert Scully, ponald Paquette, Mrs. Paul. Maynard, Katherine Cambell, M-M Stephen Wapenski, Mary McNeNarney, F:aul Frazier, M-M Thomas Keating, Dr.-Mrs. Michael ~routsas, Lois King, Charlotte Carr, M-M Jean Cfulombe & Family. 1$25 M-M Alfred Goulet, M-M Joseph Oliveira, M-M William McGann, M-M James McCaffrey, M-M Edward Mocka, M-M Joseph Ferrazza, M-M Emile Veradt, M-M David Rose, Mary E. Ryan, M-M. James Reilly, M-M James Doyle, Osborne McClellan, M-M John Sheehy, M-M Mark Chase, M-M Edward Lynch, Doris Bartone, M-M Peter Gay.



St. Ann $250 Theodore Kapala; $150 M-M Timothy

Slattery; $100 M-M Michael Murray, M-M Robert

Gray, Dr.-Mrs. Edward D'Andrea, Mrs. Dominic Cirino,

M-M William Ollerhead; $85 M-M Joseph Mador; $75

M-M Thomas M. Ross; $60 M-M John Pickard, M-M

Oscar Vitali.

$50 Beverly Dubois, M-M Joseph Fernandes, Mary

McGrath, M-M James J. Hauck Sr., M-M Louis

Secatore, M-M Edward Roster, M-M Joseph Betten­

court, M-M John Welch, Mrs. Stella Treani, M-M

James Mulvihill, Dr.-Mrs. Carmine Carucci, M-M

Thomas Zoll; $40 M-M Paul J. Fountain, M-M John

Sheehan, . M-M George Gould, Louis Lepine, M-M

David' Hutchinson.

$35 Barbara O'Brien, M-M Robert Reilly, Frank

Ventura, M-M John McMullen; $32 M-M Alfred

Mailloux; $30 Bernice Fountain, M-M E. Joseph

LaLiberte, Mrs. Sidney Roberts, Mrs. Elizabeth Colllns,

M-M Robert Gay, M-M Robert Silva.

$25 Mrs. Thomas Selleck, M-M Francis Zellner,

I M-M Donald Murphy, M-M Robert McCormack, M-M

I David Yelle, A. Christine BoLton, M-M Gerald Brewer,

i M-M Arthur Howell, Mrs. Raymond Paine, M-M John

\ St. Paul $500 Rev. Msgr. Robert L. Stanton; $300 Trucchi, M-M William Casey, M-M John Cockerham,

In memory of M-M Daniel A. Stanton; $100 Salvatore M-M Robert Adams, M-M Ayres Souza,M-M Arthur

Spinelli, Frank Tosti; $75 Walter Sowyrda; $52 John Court, Mrs. Margaret Unger. M-M George Phillips.

Connors; $50 Henry Bilodeau, Dominic Casella, Frank M-M Manuel Gomes, M-M John G. Manganaro, lola Casella, Rock Desvergnes, The Flangheddy Family, M. Flaherty, M-M John Dolan, Dr.-Mrs. Francis

Frank Harrigan, Harold J. Olson, Leo Leroux, Albert Gendreau, M-M J. W. Latimer, M-M Donald Brosius,

Nt;ines Jr., Rose Ryan. M-M Bernard Ruane, M-M Robert Reddy, Mrs. Joseph

$40 Edward Castle Sr., Michael Larkin, George Scanlon, Edward Almeida, Mrs. Doris Connors, M-M

Menard, Arthur Pratt; $30 James Cole, Lawrence James Stringer, M-M Thomas Casciato, M-M Marcel

Correia, Brian Eddy, Robert Jose, Manuel Martin, ' Marotte, M-M Robert Smith, M-M Matthew Tibi.

Paul Plumb, Edmund Teixeira, William Traverse;'" $25 Mrs. Alma Cordeiro, Patricia Kelleher, M-M

Ronald Tremblay, Ralph Cabral; $27 Manuel O. Souza. Walter Moquin, M~M Carlos Mello, M-M Francis

$25 William Acheson, W. Baxter Green, Ernest Ferioli, M-M Raymond Platt, Thomas Smith, M-M

Batellio, Richard Brennan, George Charette, Leo Raymond R. Cooke, M-M Stuart O'Brien, M-M Leo

Conroy, Gertrude Dermody, Walter Dermody, Robert Landgraf, M-M George Fairbanks, M-M Herbert

Desoheneau, Harold Dion, James F. Doherty, Roland Camac!to, Mrs. Assunta Finnigan, Carol Nindle, Edwin

Dusseault, Donald Emond, John Gallagher, F. Vernon Mahoney, M-M Andrew Galligan.

Harrica, Edward Johnson Jr., Joseph Laza.rz, Paul &. $25 M-M Miohael Monaghan, M-M Lewis Oliver,

Rosalda Lemieux, Mary Masterson, Neil McGrath. ' Mrs. William Kraihanzel, M-M Paul Fulmore, M-M

, . Raymond Bellemore, M-M Richard Viera, M-M John

$25 Norman Menard, Charles Metzger, William J. Smith, M-M Joseph Masterson, M-M Joseph Saia,

Morin, Peter Mozzone, Mrs. Joseph Neto, John Nor-' M-M Thomas McAuley, Mrs. Daphne Downing, M-M

de5te, Joseph P. & Vivian Rihbany, George Rogers, Robert Grenier.

Manuel Sears, Nicholas Virginis, George White, Joseph Mastromarino, Art·hur Barry, Phyllis Benoit, Rudolph SOUTH EASTON Beljsett,e, Haymond Bolduc, Franklin Brown, Mrs. Joseph Costa, Richard Dooley, Eleanor Dwyer. $150 M-M Robert J. Huddy; $120

. Holy Cross , Teresa Spear; $100 William Cafferky, Joseph Kairys,

$?5 Robert Fielding, In memory of Leonard Goslin B. Dolloff; $75 Jennie Overton; $75 Laurence O'Connor; & Irene Moitiza, George Hathaway, Mrs. 'Raymond $60 M-M Joseph Cady, M-M James Sullivan; $50 M-M Lall,rie, William La·brie,· Mary Lynch, Joseph Morey, William Stares, M-M James Azevedo, Clarence Bou­ Mrs. Raymond Murphy, Paul O'Bey, Stephen Parisi cher, M-M Thomas Murray, Frank Ready, Leo Schlei­ Stuart Place, Jame's Ramsey, Janet Reese, Aime st: cher, M-M Thomas Gallagher, Marie Casey, M-M Paul Pierre, Margaret Tummon. Brophyy, J. Vincent Hickey, M-M Ignatius J. McCann. I DIGHTON 1 $42 Robert Connors, $40 Charles Boggs, M-M Stephen

LeClair; $35 Harold Bergeron, George Buckley, M-M

1St. Peter $350 Montfort Fathers; $150 Rev. Kenneth Cardone; $30 Leo M. Brophy, M-M Frank

RaY!Dond Graham, S.M.M., M-M William J. Mendoza; Madden, M-M Bernard Pietrowski, M-M William

$100 St. Peter's St. Vincent de Paul, James Murphy; Wilson; $25 M-M Paul Reilly, Richard Lawless, M-M

$75 M-M Norman Smith; $50 I C I Americas Inc.; M-M Raymond Daly, M-M Paul Sullivan, Louis Piantoni,

John Cassidy, M-M Arthur Ventura, M-M Arthur M-M Francis Sullivan, M-M John Brown, Robert J.

Ventura Jr., M-M Paul Ventura; $30 M-M David Kane, M-M George Selleck, Francis Brophy.

DeM;ello, M-M John A. Goulart, M-M John Pelletier. $25 M-M Leonard D. Coe Sr., Mrs. Charles Frizado,

$25 Georgio's Restaurant, Dr. Rose Borges, M-M Dr.-Mrs. Paul Marino, Marfanne V. Powers, Hugh

John' C. Costa, M-M Harold Gracia, Josephine O'Brien, M-M Salvature Biancuzzo, M-M Michael

Haggerty, William Henry, Louis Mendoza, M-M James Doher,ty, M-M Joseph Nieviera, M-M Richard Arku­

O'C~nnell, M-M Norm'an Rosll. szewski, Francis B. Welch, M-M Francis White, Robert

I NORTH EASTON 'Hughes, M-M Bernard Butkevich, M-M Arthur Legere.

I $25 M-M James Howarth, Emil Osiecki, Dawd

~aculate ConClejltlon $250 Vincent L. Galvin; Gomes, Leo F. Sullivan, M-M Earl Gardiner, George

$200 I Kathryn Healey; $150 In memoy of John B. Lowndes, Mrs. Waren Stedman, M-M Robert M.

Parkes; $100 Helen Derby, Margaret Healey, M-M Downey, M-M Clinton Fisher, M-M William T. Powers,

D9minic Ingemi, M-M LeRoy VanDeCarr; $75 Alice M-M John Heppler, M-M Raymond A. Mucci Jr., M-M

Harvey, Catherine Harvey, Grace Harvey; $60 M-M Albert Fleury, M-M Stephen Dellelo, M-M Frank Paul

Fernando Magras. ' , M-M Francis X. Drew, M-M Robert F. Cunha, Jame~

$50. Jean Amorim, Mrs. Romeo Amorim, M-M Peter Fowler, M-M Paul Mandeville, M-M John Brophy.

Caldera, Elaine Campbell, Mary T. Campbell, John J. $25 M-M Stanley Szymanski, M-M Charles Malcosky,

Connelly, M-M Al Dallaire, Mildred Deady, Charles M-M Delmer H. Devos, M-M Thomas Gentile, M-M

A. Felice, M-M Lyle Grindle, M-M David Howard, Gerard F. Lee, M-M David Gerety, Edward Marcheselli

Mrs. IChas. McCathy Sr., M-M Joseph Palano; $40 Richard L. Volta, M-M Richard Connolly, M-M Paui

M-M IWm. J. McEntee, M-M Jacques Tremblay. Sessler, M-M John J. Connors, M-M Thomas O'Connor,

$351 M-M Frank Delano, Helen Doher·ty, M-M Mar­ Bal'bara Lemack, M-M Gerald Deneault.

tyn nincoln;. $30 M-M Ernest Camara, M-M Robert LeBoeuf, M-M Victor Madden, M-M Edward Ryan Jr., M-M IManuel Silva Jr., M-M William Stoddard, M-M David Varella, In memory of Alice McEvoy. Parish listings will continue to be publis~ed each . week in supplemenbl form until all names received $25 :In memory of Ralph E. Dahlborg, Anthony Alho, by The Anchor from Catholic Charities Headquarters M-M ~ohn F. Bailey, M-M Henry Baxter, M-M Arthur have been printed. Beaudoin, M-M .Alan Blackwell, Henry Brousseau, M-M ! John Camara Sr., M-M Francis Cardarella, .4,;


Cecelia Cardoza, Claire Childs, M-M Walter Chojnacki, M-M David Cleary, Ann Craig, Clyde A. Craig. $25 Mrs. Robert Crocker, Mrs. Ralph Dorgan, Mrs.

Harry Eastman, M-M Michael Freeman, M-M Joseph

Freitas, M-M John Fresh, M-M James Friesen, M-M

Wallace Fulcher, M-M James Gallagher, M-M John

Gibbs, Mary Gouveia, M-M James A. Greene, M-M

Harold Holmes, Concetta Howard, M-M Richard Kent,

Elizabeth M. Knapp, M-M George Knapp.

$25 M'-M John C. Lindstrom, Eileen Lordan, Mary

Lordan, Daniel Mahar, M-M R. W. Mathers, M-M

Anthony McCann, M-M C. McCa.r.thy Jr., M-M Gregory

Messler, M-M James Mitchell, M-M J., D. Mullen Sr.,

M-M Valmore Muscato, M-M Ronald Neely, M-M

Stephen Nolan Jr., M-M Edward Olsen, M-M Gerard

O'Neill, M-M Manuel ,Paulino, Joseph Pires.

$25 M-M George Pratt, Theresa Pratt, M-M Michael

Pugliesi, M-M Mark Pulcini, M-M John Reardon,­

Kenneth Rose, M-M William Russell, M-M Thomas

D. Santoro, M-M Camille Saulnier, M-M James Sim':'

ons~n, M-M William Simonson, Jean Paul Sirois, M-M

Gal')' Spurr" M-M WiJ,ilam Sullivan, M-M James

Thrasher, M-M Richard. Tino, M-M B. Joseph Webb,

M-M Frederick Wilde, M-M Robert Wooster.

















Continued from Page Two noted prints, depicting Christ at a supper table surrounded by men such as those served on the Catholic Worker breadline, was used in the memorial issue of the Worker published after Dorothy's death. It accompanies this article. Eichenberg will speak and give a slide presentation at 11:15 a.m. Sunday, May 22, at Keech Center of the First Baptist Church, 228 N. Main St., Fall River. All are wel<:ome to attend. In connection with the artist's appearance, a display of his work will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily from May 22 through June 6 at the church. A devout Quaker, Eichenberg summarized his beliefs in a statement made when he received the 1981 Rhode Island Gover­ nor's Art Award: "It is my hope that in a small way I have been able to contribute to ,peace through compassion and also to the recognition, as George Fox has said three centuries ago, 'that ,there is that of God in everyone,' a conception of the sanctity of human life which precludes all wars and violence."

New principal at St. Anne's Father John R. Foister, pastor of St. Anne's parish, Fall River, has announced appointment of Paul S. McNiff of No. Attleboro as principal of the parochial school. A 7th and 8th grade teacher at St. Mary-Sacred Heart School in No. Attleboro for the past seven years, he is a participant in the diocesan Program for Po­ tential Administrators. His special interests include work with underprivleged and emotionally disturbed children and in school sports programs. He is a member of Big Broth­ ers of Rhode Island,. has worked with learning disabled children and has held :positnons at St. Dominic Savio and other camps, and at Meeting Street School. He has coordinated and coach­ ed elementary school basket­ ball and junior high school base­ ball teams. He and his wife Karen, also a teacher, are the parents of nine­ week old Jon Paul.

No quick fix CHICAGO(RNS) - A Can­ adian canon law expert has cau­ tioned . Catholic health care leaders in Chicago not to expect the Vatican's new code to give them quick answers to their problems. In fact, the new code could take 25 years to imple­ ment and a third version may well be needed, said the Rev. Francis G. Morrisey, dean of the canon law faculty at St. Paul University, Ottawa. He said the new code is a compromise document and should be viewed as a tool and not an end in it­ self.




THE ANCHOR~biocese of Fall River-Fri., May 13, 1983

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FATHER THOMAS A. KANE, founder and execu­ tive director of the House of Affirmation, headquartered in Whitinsville, will conduct the annual Thelogy Institute for diocesan clergy, to, be held May 17 and 18 and re­ peated May 19 and 20 at La­ Salette Center for Christian Living, Attleboro. This year's institute will be a workshop on stress, ,affir­ mation and growth, based on­ a recent document, "The Priest and Stress," issued by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. The topic was chosen in response to realization of the demands made upon the time and energy of priests. It is believed that the fruit­ fulness of priestly ministry is enriched by a recognition of stress factors and a knowledge of resources available for dealing with such factors. Father Kane's presenta­ tion will include use of work­ books both at the institute and in reflection and dis­ cussion to follow it. Further information on the program is available from Father Marcel Bou­ chard, director of continu­ ing education for the clergy, at the Catholic· Education Center, 423 Highland Ave., Fall River, tel. 678-2828. EDICTAL CITATION DIOCESAN TRtBUNAL fAll RIVER, MASSACHusmS , Since the actual place of residence of JUDSON MICHAEl REID is unknown. We cite JUDSON MICHAEL REID to appear personally before the Tribunal of the Diocese of Fall River on Mon­ day, May 16 at 10:30 a.m. at 344 High­ land Avenue, Fall River, Massachusetts, to give testimony to establish: Whether the nullity of the mar­ riage exists in the MONT· GOMERY-REID case? Ordinaries of the place or other pas­ tors having the knowledge of the resi­ dence of the above named person, Jud· son Michael Reid, must see to it that he is properly informed in regard. to this edictal citation• Henry T. Munroe Officialis Given at the Tribunal, Fall River, Massachusett~. on this, the 5th day of May,



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall' River-Fri., May 13, 1983





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MEMBERS OF St. Michael's parish, Swansea, had a good time at their annual Follies production and also don­ ated $800, one night's ticket proceeds, to the OncologyI Radiation Therapy Center project of St. Anne's lIospital, Fall River. At check presentation, from left, Alan Knight, hospital' executive director; Diane Read, 'Follies choreo­ grapher; Father Clement Dufour, St. Michael's pastor; Sis­ ter Mary Patricia, OP, hospital president; Deacon Thomas Prevost of St. Michael's. .



Chureh, Fall River, will honor Normand Gingras on' his 25th anniversary as organist and choir director for the parish. The event, sponsored by the Brockton chapter of the Am­ erican Guild of Organists, will feature the premier performance of "Organ Fantasy on Normand Gingras" by Ro~ert Adams. Also to be heard are works by Davis, Peloquin,' Handel, Faure, Gounod· and Williams. Organ­ ists will .be Gingras, Adams and William Maxwell. Choirs will represent the host parish; Christ Congregational Church, Brock-





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ton; Grace Episcopal, New Bed­ ford; and United Methodist, Middleboro. They will be con­ ducted by Eleanor Calvin. George Campo and Thomas Sar­ gent. All are welcome to attend the service and a following recep­ tion.

Birds silent on Mt. Subasio. ' Concern is growing among ornithologists and just plain birdwatchers for the welfare of birds on Mount Subasio in Italy, th~ site where tradition holds that St. Francis of Assisi preach­ ed to a feathered congregation. Unrestricted hunting on the mountain and in the entire /\s­ sisi area has led to almost com­ plete destruction of native species of birds. Tourists usually do not realize this because the Franciscan monks in charge of Eremo delle Careeri, a mountain hermitage frequently visited by the saint, have imported white doves to fly about its courtyard. Bert Scharzwild, writing in a recent issue of Audubon maga­ ine, suggested by way of honor­ ing the recent BOOth anniversary of St. Francis' birth, that con­ cerned persons write to Italian officials "asking that the birds of Assisi be declared a living monument and be protected. from killing." He listed Italian president Alessandro Pertini, II Quirinale, Rome, Italy; and Mayor Gian­ franco Costa,' Commune de As­ sisi, Assisi, Italy, as appropriate persons to whom to write.

Director Father Martin L. Buote, pas­ tor of St. Anne's parish, New Bedford, has been elected a member-at-Iarge of the board of directors of Plymouth Bay Girl Scout Council. He has served as diocesan chaplain for Scout and . Camp Fire programs since 1976 and is a past member of the Camp Fire Boar~ .


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 13, 1983

Cornwell Memorial

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,"~,-" ~,-.J AT CATHOUC CHARITIES KICKOFF, Bishop Cronin takes the opportunity to congratulate Albert J.Vaillancourt, a teacher at Notre Dame School, Fall River, who was hon­ ored by the National Catholic Educational Association earlier this month with the Miriam Joseph Farrell Award 0 for distinguished teaching. (Gaudette Photo)

Pastoral aftermath

Continued from page one ordinary moral teaching, not just theological opinion. - asked Catholics voluntarily to cut down on food and ab­ stain from meat each Friday for .the intention of peace. They pledged themselves to the prac­ tices.

I-astoral implications Following the bishops' meet­ ing, Archbishop Quinn told a San Francisco press conference that Catholic military personnel should disobey the president rather than launch a nuclear weapon against an enemy's population. It is wrong, even in wartime, to carry out an immoral order, he said. Asked if a Catholic could still work in a nuclear weapons pro­ duction plant or fly a Strategic Air Command bomber carrying strategic nuclear warheads, the archbishop said that under the judgments made by the bishops' pastoral, Catholics may engage in such activities if they per­ ceive them as part of a limited policy of deterrence of war, to which the pastoral offers "strictly conditioned moral ac­ ceptance." Asked if a Catholic in a SAC bomber 'Could push a button launching a nuclear weapon, Archbishop Quinn noted that the pastoral condemns the first use of such weapons or their use against non-combatants. Although he also noted the , possibility of differences in con­ science, he said that following the pastoral letter a Catholic would not be able to carry out such an order, even if issued by the prellident of the United States, because the president would b~ exceeding his author­ ity if he ordered an immoral action. Asked if he were saying that a soldier could disobey an order

even in wartime, the archbishop answered that that ,principle had been established "at Nuremberg." He was referring to the Nu­ remberg trials of Nazi war crim­ inals after World War II, in whi'Ch the war crimes court re­ jected "following orders" as a legitimate defense ~lieving per­ ~ons of responsibility for engag­ ing in criminal actions. Archbishop Quinn has de­ clared his personal conviction that no actual use of nuclear weapons can be morally justi­ fied. The bishops' new national pas­ toral letter on the subject comes close to that position but does not quite endorse it. It con­ demns initiation of nuclear war and counterpopulation bombing outright and declares that other uses involve "unjustifiable moral risk." The letter, however, leaves slightly more room for doubt about the possibility of some morally legitimate use of nI,lclear weapons than the per­ sonal views expressed by Arch­ bishop Quinn.

Op-ed archbishop NEW YORK (NC) - "Peace­ ful reform" which avoids class struggle and collectivization of the means of production are the best ways a government can ob­ tain social justice, writes arch­ bishop Miguel Obando Bravo of Managua, Nicaragua on the Op­ ed page of The New York Times. His article does not mention Nicaragua's Sandinista govern­ ment, but it reflects the growing worry among government op­ ponents that Marxists within the governing coalition are gaining more influence and try,ing to in­ stall a communist regime.

Observation "We grow weary when idle." - James Boswell

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Through no fault of their own, hundreds of thousands of innocent war victims in Lebanon are trying to pull themselves together. Hungry boys search out scraps of food. Little girls look through rubble heaps for rags to cover their tired bodies. Cripples plead for crutches; the wounded, bandages; and the elderly, a roof to cover their heads. It goes without saying that during the aftermath of any war, guilt·free vic­ tims suffer tremendously as they attempt to pick up the pieces of their broken lives....These refugees are profoundly grateful for what you are doiilg for them. Reports an on·the·spot priest: "They spoke to me with tears in their eyes of their loses, but expressed profound gratitude for ilil American Catholics are doing for them."


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Monsignor Nolan:


Overlooked by the headlines from the Near East are our hundreds of priests and Sisters quietly serving the suffering. A non·Catholic observer at a hospital in Lebanon spoke of four nursing Sisters --"They care for the wounded with su­ preme dedication . . . hours mean nothing to them." We are proud of them for they are truly peacemakers in a troubled area of the world. Pray, please, they'll be safe.... Many young girls that longed for a'life of service to God now face disappointment. Their families, impover· ished by war, have no means to support their training as Sisters.... Will you help? A Sister's training lasts two years, costs $12.50 a month, $150 a year, or $300 altogether. Your "peace­ maker" in one of our 18 countries will write to thank you.

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TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 1011 First Avenue. New York, N.Y. 10022 Telephone: 212/826·1480


i THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May'1 3, 1983 !



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GOLDEN JUBILARIANS ALL, Sisters of St. Joseph, seated, from left, Marie Norbert, Madeleine Marie; standing, Claire Jusseaume, Blanche Benoit, Lillian Blais. All but Sis­ ter Blanche reside at St. Joseph's Convent, Fall River; she is at Mont Marie, Holyoke. Right, Dominican Fathers Thomas Landry, Arthur Robert, Antoine Lanoue, all at St. Anne's Priory, Fall River. (Gaudette Photos)





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Bishop Connolly,


Robert LeClair, number one in the senior class, has received a Presidential Scholarship from Georgetown University. This award, covering aU college ex­ penses, is renewable yearly and is given annually to the top stu­ dent in each of the 48 Jesuit high schools in the nation. Sophomores and freshmen, led by Carole Cordeiro of the lang­ uage department, recently visit­ ed New York City's Museum of Fine Arts and also toured Cen· tral Park. Juniors in the meantime sailed to Martha's Vineyard for a two­ day retreat directed by Father Philip. Geogan, S.J.

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CoyIe-Cassidy The Mother's, Club will hold installation' ceremonies at a· Mass at 7 p.m. June 8 in the school chapel. Sophomore American literature students made a literary tour of . Concord last ]Friday and Wednes­ day. A freshman-sophomore semi­ formal dinner dance will be held Saturday, June 4. Congratulations go to John

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Rogers - and Ed Dowling, top McAuley High School. The pro·

scorers in the Nl!tional Merit gram included "Hello Again" by

exams held last October; to . Neil Diamond, a Godspell med·

Michael Wilson, accepted by the ley, rock selections from the 50s

Air Force A:cademy; and to and an arrangement of "Blue

David Martin who will represent Skies" by Irving Berlin that fea­

the Bay State in Washington tured Joseph Taylor on the

fluegelhorn. DC at a national bowling tourna­ ment in July. Also at the Attleboro school, "Curiouser and curiouser" a four state winners of the 1983 C-e visitor might have said last National Spanish Exam. And four of the state winners week if he or she happened in on the Alice in Wonderland tea in the 1983 National Spanish party put on by senior English Exam are Feehanites: Janet Ro­ students as the climax to their cha, first place in Spanish I Rosa Munoz sec­ study of the Lewis Carroll competition classic. Wandering the halls were ond place in Spanish II; Sergio Mad Hatters, the royalty of Pedro, fourth place in Spanish Hearts, rabbits, turtles, gryphons III; and Elizabeth Rocha, fourth place in Spanish IV. All will and· Alice herself. continue to national competition and will receive awards May 20 at Framingham State College. The Feehan Chorus traveled Both Sergio and Elizabeth have to Portland, Maine, last week been state winners for the past for an exchange concert with three years, be it noted.

Bishop Feehan.


Friday, May i 3, 1983

By Bill Morrissette

lv, movie news




portswQtch Baseball Tryouts Set Set to open its regular sched­ ule June 5, the Bristol County CYO Baseball League will start three weeks of tryouts and prac­ tices at Chew Field in Fall River on Sunday. May IS, 22 and 29 the North End team under coach Mitch Pettey will hold sway at 6 p.m., followed at 8 p.m. by the Ana­ wans, a newcomer to the league, coached by Lou Rebello. Next Monday and the follow­ ing two Mondays Somerset, under coach Marcel Gadbois, will w~rk out at 6 p.m. with

South End, coached by Jeff Mit­ chell, taking over at 8 p.m. Tuesday will see Coach Bill Shea and the Kennedy team at 6 p.m. and returning champion Maplewood at 8 p.m. coached by Rene Dupont. Additional sess­ ions will be held Wednesday and Thursday evenings. . Players must be born on or after Jan. I, 1961. A 25-game schedule will be followed by playoffs. Most gaItles will be at Chew Park except for Som­ erset's home games, to be at Hanson Memorial Field.

Val Reports Albert "Val" Vaillancourt, Fall River area CYO associate director, reporting on the 1982­ 83 basketball season, notes that the Fall River CYO League ac­ commodated some 800 boys and girls during the season and that nearly 70 teams were in the league's eight divisions. He lists as season champs Senior A - Holy Name; Senior B - Our Lady of Health; Prep - Espirito Santo; Junior A ­ Holy Name; Junior B - Immac­ 'ulate Conception; Junior C- SS. Peter and Paul; Junior A Girls - Holy Name; Junior B Girls ­ Notre Dame. Playoff champions: Senior A - Holy Name; Senior B - St. Stanisaus ;(Sam Priestly Mem­ orial Tournament); Prep - Es­ pirito Santo; Junior A - Holy Name; Junior B - Immaculate Conception; Junior C SS. Peter and Paul; Junior A Girls - Notre Dame; ,Junior B Girls ­ Holy Name. Prep Division titlist Espirito Santo and Junior A champion Holy Name went on to win di­ ocesan crowns in their divisions. Fall River area CYO Baseball League will open its season June 6 with 10 teams, the largest field in several years. Val, who last month received the Miriam Joseph Farrell Award from the National Catholic Edu­ cational Association, will be honored at a testimonial. Jim Hallett, a former diocesan golf champion, won his third tournament in three weeks when he posted a two-over par 73, the day's low round, in the oQe­ day Jess Dow Invitational Tour­ nament at the Yale Country Club in New Haven" Conn.

Dave Miguel of Bishop Con­ nolly High SChool was the in­ dividual winner in the Class A 50-mile bicycle race hosted by Connolly and held in Westport last Sunday. Entering this week's baseball play, Westport High and Diman Yoke were the only unbeaten teams in the Southeastern Mass. Conference's Division Three, each with 4-0 records. In Division One Attleboro was setting the pace with a 6-1 slate followed by Falmouth, 4-2, while Case, 4-1, was the leader in Division Two with Seekonk the runnerup and Greater New Bedford Yoke-Tech in third place. The Conference opens its sec­ ond-half schedule next Tuesday with Attleboro at .Barnstable, Durfee at Dennis-Yarmouth Falmouth at New Bedford, Con~ nolly at Somerset in Division One, Stang at Yoke-Tech, Fair­ haven at Bishop Feehan, Case at Seekonk and Dighton-Rehoboth at Dartmouth in Division Two Holy Family at Diman Yoke: Bourne at Coyle-Cassidy and Westport at Wareham in Divis­ ion Three. In Hockomock League Base­ ball the pennant race seems to have settled down 'to four schools, King Philip, Franklin, North Attleboro and Stoughton. Norton and Old Colony ap­ peared to be the major con­ tenders for the Mayflower ~eague Large Division crown and Avon has a long lead for the Mayflower Small Division title. The race for the Cape and the Islands championship was very close.

Hoop may return SAN FRANCISCO (NC) - A task force of the Jesuit-run uni­ versity of San Francisco has recommended that the university reinstate its Division I basket­ ball program in the 1984-85 season. The university termina­ ted the .program last July be­ cause of investigations by the National Collegiate Athletic

Association into rule violations. Jesuit Father John LoSchiavo, university president, said he would give the report to admin­ istrative officers for review be­ fore presenting it to the USF board of trustees, who will meet June 10. The review, however, may not be finished by the June date.

NOTE Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local list­ ings, which may differ from the New York network sched­ ules supplied to The Anchor. Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen­ eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug­ gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive.

New Films "The Hunger" (MGM-UA): Miriam and John (Catherine Deneuve and David Bowie) ~re lovers and also vampires whose affair has stood the test of two centuries. She's about 1,800 years older than he but they don't let it stand between them, until one day, after dining on a punI{­ rocker couple, John starts to age. Miriam tucks him away in a box in the attic - he and all her other lovers stored there will never actually die. Then she turns her thoughts to Sarah (Susan Sarandon), a doctor whom John consulted to no avail. Sarah succumbs to Miriam's sexual blandishments and gets initiated into the clan, though Miriam doesn't let her see the fine print on the eternal life contract. All this ends in violent and bloody chaos that makes no sense what­ soever. A slick and shallow movie with elegant surround­ ings, extravagant doses of blood, nudity, graphic sexuality and not one bit of significance. 0, R "Something Wicked This Way Comes" (Disney-Buena Vista): This film is based on a Ray Brad­ bury story about a strange trav­ eling carnival that disrupts life in a small Il1inois town some­ time in the 1920s. The evil carnival master, Mr. Dark (Jona­ ,than Pryce), sends his minions through the town seeking out those with unfulfilled desires. He fulfills them but in a way that costs people dearly. Two adventurous boys, Will and Jim (Vidal Peterson and Shawn Carson), tumble to Dark's dark secret and become the special object of his malevolence. This onslaught, however, allows Jim's father (Jason Robards) to re­ deem himself for a past failure that has grieved him deeply. There is a rather heavy dose of pop pyschology and pop Freud­ ianism, but the cast is fine, with Robards, Pryce and young Peterson outstanding. The weird­ ness of the film, however, causes a problem in terms of an audi­ ence. Though adults won't be bored, 'the picture's relatively unsophisticated approach will appeal most to children, yet some of the special effects, no­ tably a scene in which trantulas crawl over the two boys, would . rule out younger viewers. It's

also hinted that sex is what's really troubling the town's resi­ dents. A2, PG Religious Broadcasting - TV Sunday, May 15, 10:30 a.m. Diocesan Television Mass. "Confluence," 8 a.m. each Sunday on Channel 6, is a panel program, moderated by Truman Taylor and having as permanent participants Father Peter N. Gra­ ziano, diocesan director of social services; . Right Rev. George Hunt, Episcopal Bishop of Rhode Island; and Rabbi Baruch Korff. This week's topic: War and Peace Pastoral. "The Glory of God," with Father John Bertolucci, 7:30 a.m. each Sunday, Channel 27. '~arySon," a family puppet show with moral and spiritual perspective 6 p.m. each Thurs­ day, Fall River and New Bed­ ford cable channel 13. "Spirit and the Bride," a talk show with William Larkin, 6 p.m. each Monday, cable chan­ nel 35. Sunday, May 15, (ABC) "Di­ rections" - The recent National Workshop on Christian-Jewish Relations in Boston is covered. Sunday, May 15, (CBS) "For Our Times" - Protestant and Jewish reaction to the U.S. bish­ ops' pastoral on war and peace. Sunday, May 15, (NBC) Reli­ gious Special, 1-2 p.m. - "The Bishops and the Bomb" - The U.S. bishops' pastoral on nuclear warfare is examined with the National Conference of Catholic Bishops-U.S. Catholic Conference president, Archbishop John R. Roach of Minneapolis·St. Paul; Father J. Bryan Hehir,. usce director of the Office of Inter· national Justice and Peace; and NBC News correspondent Edwin Newman. On Radio Charismatic programs are heard from Monday through Fri­ day on station WICE 1210 AM' Father John Randall, 9 to 10 a.m: and 11 to 12 p.m.; Father Edward McDonough, 8:15 a.m.; Father Real Bourque, 8:45 a.m. Father McDonough is also on WMYoD from 1:30 to 2 p.m. each Sunday. Sunday, May 16, (NBC) "Guideline" - Marist Brother Lewis F. Luke is interviewed on running a successful parish youth ministry program.


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THE ANCHOR':"Oiocese of Fall River-Fri., May

. Ileerlng

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, New parish councilors: Rita

LaRoche, Richard Dufour, Bert­

rand Thibault. Ladies of St.

Anne: Potluck supper, Mass, in­ stallation of officers, entertain­ ment, beginning 6:30 p.m. Wed­ nesday. LaSALETI'E SHRINE, ATTLEBORO


Centering Prayer Followup Program: Thursday 10 a.m. to noon. repeated 8:15 to 10 "l.m. Healing Prayer. Day: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 21, conducted by Father John Lazanski, OFM, noted for his healing ministry. Pilgri~age to Canadian shrines: Jn1v ?fi to 27, Ip.d by Father Andre Patenaude, MS. Informa­ tion on all programs: 222-5410.



. Fourth annual meeting: 7:30 p.m. Thursday, White's restau­ rant, Westport; Rabbi Earl GroHman, author of many books on death, speaker. Information: 673-1589. PRESERVATION SOCIETY FR

Tour of Fail River neighbor­ hoods and St. Anne, Santo Chris­ to, St. Patrick, St. Mark and Central Congregational churches. Information: Jim Clark, 679-5241 (days); 675-2949jafter 3 p.m.). DEAF APOSTOLATE

Signed Mass 2:30 p.m. Sun­ day St. Joseph's, Taunton, fol­ lowed by May social. First com­ munion, St. 'Bernard's Church, Assonet, for children of Crystal Springs School: 10:30 a.m. May' 30.




May procession: 7 p.m. :Tues­ day, followed by parish hall arts and crafts program by students of St. James/St. John School. Ladies' Guild: Installation: ban­ quet, line dancing, beginning 7 p.m. Wednesday, church MIll. I






Youth ministry meeting: 7:30 p.m. Sunday, parish center. In· ner healing study course: May 20 through Aug. 19, 7:30 p.m., church hall. 'Information: Paul­ ine 'l'Heureux, 51 Woodward Ave., Seekonk.





'Seminar for area COD teach­ ers and parents: "Sexuality and Christian Moral Development," 7 p.m~ Monday, J':iven by Mary Conroy, RN, St. Magaret's Hos­ pital, Brighton.


Seite Dominga: home of Mor­ done Guilherme Carvalho, 35 Brushwood Dr.. Somerset; ser· vices at 8 ni~htJy. Pensoes for Holy Ghost feast may bere­ served with committee members or a parish priest. Women's Guild: meeting 7:30 p.m. Wed­ nesday, parish center.


A few openings remain in thp. school nursery an<1 Idndergarten. Information: 822· 9480. PI'~~"'hial


A large number of adult vol· unteers were recognized at a re­ cent luncheon. Those with over 100 hours of service received awards. They were headed by Grace Parenteau, 9000 hours; Stella Kocon. Antoinette Orze­ chowski, 4000 hours; ·Elodie Mytkow1cz, Rita Heywood, 2000 hours; Louise Canuel, ·Loretta Moreau, 1000 hours.


"God ,Is A Surprisel" a pro­ gram inco.rporating scripture, song and dance, will be offered at 7:30 p.m. Penter.ost Sunday, May 22. All welcome.

Legion of MarY holy hour: 5:30 p.m. today. Exposition of 'Blessed Sacrament: noon to 1 I p.m. Sunday, June 5.


First communion group 1 re­ hearsal: 3:20 p.m.. today in church, Couple's Club, commu­ nion breakfast following 8:30 a.m. Mass May 22. Cursillo in· formation night: 7:30 p.m. May 22, parish center.' -<:ub' pack meeting: 7 p.m. May 25, center: MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER

A weekend will take place May 20 to 22 at the Family Life Center. N. Dartmouth. Informa­ tion: Mike and Jackie Travis, 673-7104. Second-timers week­ end: June 3 to 5 at the center. Information: PhilO and' Sandee McCarthy, 238-7278. WIDOWED, TAUNTON

Confirmation practice: 7 p.m. Monday; confirmation 7 p.m. Thursday. New Women's Guild officers: Mrs. John Perreira, president; Mrs. Thomas Souza, vice-president; Miss Maureen' O'Rourke, secretary; Mrs. Fran­ cis Collins, treasurer.

Confirmation rehearsal: 6:45 p.m. Monday, parish center. Confirmation 3 p.m. May 22.




Hyacinth Circle meeting: 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, K. of C. Hall, Pleasant and CampbeJ.l Streets; "Christmas in May" party will replace stormed-out Yule event.


Athletic Assn. Sports Banquet: Sunday, May 22. 'First commu­ nion: 9 a.m. tomorrow. Mary Garden dedication: after 10:15 a.m. Mass Sunday. I • I


CCD classes grades 1 to 8 end Monday and Tuesday. FiTst communion 11:15 a.m. Sunday. Women's Guild communion sup­ per for ail parish women: May 24, l'Au~erge restaurant.

Women's Guild June Mass and supper: Mass 6 'p.m. June 14, followed by 7 p.m. dinner at Benjamin's restaurant.

24 residents participate in the Grandparents Program, receiving visits from an equal number of primary school children. Resi-. dents may gain Holy Year jubilee indulgences by visiting the Home chapel, receiving the sacraments of penance and Holy ·Euch'arist and praying for the pope's in­ tentions. Those confined to their rooms may gain indulgences without the chapel visit. \

Reconsecration of parish to Immaculate Heart of Mary: 10 a.m. Mass Sunday. Chapel con­ cert by parish cantor Joanne Mercier, 3 p.m. tomorrow.


Living rosary: 1:30 p.m. Sun­ day.. Mass and profession of final vows by Father Paul Car­ rier, 51, 3 p.m. Sunday, parish center. Women's Guild meeting: 7 p.m. Monday, rectory.


Rosary ana Benediction 1 p.m. today. Confirmation at 7 to­ n'ight, followed bv refreshments in the church hall. COD report card distribution: Sunday. Retreat team meeting: school, 7 tonight.


First communion, group 'I, 10 a.m. tomorrow; group II, 10 a.m. May 21. Confirmation I penance service: 7 p.m. Wednesday. Adults wishing confirmation are asked to call the rectory. L.adies' Guild scholarship recipients: Janet Medeiros, Robert Gau·thier, Alicia Ann Tondreau, 'ISarah Cleveland. c •



Reconsecration of parish' to Immaculate Heart: Pentecost Sunday. Donald Kirby and Ber­ pard Poirer will join the parish corps of Eucharistic ministers to the sick. Workers in proiect of painting the church interior will be honored at a May 26 dinner sponsored by the parish council.





Support group meeting: 7:30 tonight, Sacred Heart church basement. Atty Beth McGregor, speaker. ST. ANNE, NB


Men's prayer group: 6 a.m. tomorrow in the chapel. First communion 9 a.m. Mass May 22. ST. PATRICK, FR

First communion: 9 a.m. Mass May 22. Parvuli Dei award ceremony for Cub Scouts: 9 a.m. Mass Sunday. Women's Guild organizational meeting: 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 24, school. BL. SACRAMENT, FR

Confirmation rehearsal: 6 p.m. Sunday in church. SSt PETER & PAUL, FR

'Parishioners have sent 555 postcards in support of tuition tax credits to area senators and representatives. Holy Year pil­ grimage to St. Mary's Cathedral; 2 p.m. Sunday. Scholarship aid available for Catholic high school students; application forms at rectory.


Father Bruce Ritter


About 48 weekends a year, I'm on the road, preaching in a different parish each week, preaching at all the Masses, telling people how great my kids are, and asking for their help. You know, it's pretty costly keeping our UN­ DER 21 centers afloat. Add to that our plans for opening centers in Houston and Boston and in other cities and... I enjoy preaching, I really do. But it's, quite frankly, a pretty brutal way to spend every weekend-like for ten years. Especially when you have to face along trip back to New York after your tenth sermon. No hearts and flowers please, and I'm not looking for sympathy (not very much anyway) because I really do enjoy it. Honest. But sometimes you can get too much of a good thing... Two years ago, I preached in this great parish in Ohio. It was the first really warm Sunday of that Spring. I had just finished my eighth sermon and was cutting back across the parking lot of the Rectory for a quick cup of coffee before dragging myself into the pulpit again.ltwas areally gorgeous day. As I walked around, I noticed this young teenager standing in the middle of the parking lot. As I got closer,l noticed how beautiful she was. And, then, even closer, the tears in her eyes. She was obViously waiting for me. I stopped. "Hi," I said. "I'm Father Bruce." "M y name is Rebecca," she said. "Do you have a minute?" "Sure," I said. We stood in the warming sun. She didn't cry but the tears flowed faster. "I'm a senior in high school," she said, "and I'm three months pregnant. I'm not going to marry my boyfriend-we're too young' and I don't think it's really love. My parents don't- know. I'm thinking of having an abortion. What do you think I should do?" Father Bruce Ritter, OFM Con V., is the founder and President of Covenant House/UNDER 21, which operates crisis centers for homeless and runaway youth.

. - _. -, . .. -.. -.




. "DQ you love your parents?" I said. "Are they good to you? 00 they love you?" "Yes," she said. "I love them very much\ and they love me." "Talk to them," I said. "They'll help you. Don't have the abortion. You can never bring the child back to you. Talktb them. They won't turn away, not now when you really need them." The girl suddenly smiled and said, "I'll talk to my father today. Thank you." I noticed agai n!how beautiful she was. I


"She didn't cry but the tears flowed faster. " I



What a great story. Right? I was happy about it for days. I still am. It's one of the reasons-there are many-why it has been a great Spring for Covenant House/UNDER 21. I couldn't begin to list the people I'm grateful for and to, and all the great kids who gave us the chance to love them and care about them, and my great staff, and our friends and benefactors, whose compassion and generous hearts real· I y do keep our UNDER 21 Centers in existence. Won't you consider helping our kids as well? We really do'need and appreciate anything you can give us. We need your financial help very much right now. And more than that. we need y'our prayers. .


I Hopefully, my gift will lead to another great story. I I have enclosed: $_ _ : please prilJ.t:




I "She nad the most beautiful kid in the world in stroller...



"My Rarents were super," she said. "They took me and my baby in. They wanted to. My father set me up in business-I have this little flower shop and I'm making it just fine The little kid was just really beautiful. He had this en~rmous smile on his face. ,I made some dopey remark about how happy I was too and when the kid grew up and ever wanted to run away, well, I had this really great place and she smiled and I smiled and I went back to the rectory for another fix of coffee before I could face another ~ermon: .. ..~,_..



r· I I










F I (lIE)

Please send this coupon with your donation to: COVENANT HOUSE

Father Bruce Ritter

P.O. Box 2121

Times Square Station

New York, NY 10108

L Because the street is NO PLACE FOR A CHILD J ~

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