Diocese to S.urpass 1958 Appeal Total
,All indications at Charities Appeal Headquarters this morning manifesterthat every 'parish in the Diocese will exceed its 1958 fin al total. As ·returns from parishes continue to arrive at Headquarters tliey are swelliIfg totals to new highs. The trend of increased giving that was evident in first reports has not faltered. In many parishes it has increased ,and exceeded even optimistic . expectations. The arrival of many Special Gifts has added , . to the present degree of suc-
Wom'en of
, 'An Anchor of the Soul, Sure. and F'irm-ST. PAUL
Fai. River, Mass. , Thursday, May 14, 1959 PRICE JOe Se£oDd' Ch.M Mail Pr.".ileRe. Vol. 3, No. 20 Aathorized $4.00' pe' a' Fall RiYer. Ma...
Nine Priests Mark S'ilver Jubil'ees'
ev:. eo . urry, ev. Charles J. Canty, Rev. Dan-
iel ~. Carey, Re,:. Ambrose E. Bowen, Rev. Edwm J. Loew. Ordained in St. James' Cathedral; Mo~treal, Rev. J: B. R~land Bou~e 'wlll obser'oW hIS anmversary June 24. . Cape Service Fathe~ Hull's assignments have included Sacred Heart Oak Bluffs, where he served 'briefly upon ordination, followed ,by 19 years at ~acI'ed Heart, Fall River. From 1953 to 1954 he was
St. William's, Fall River. . Father . Fenton served for seven years .at Corpus Christi, Sandwich, and for a year at St. Paul's Taunton. Since 1942 he' has be~n on duty as a chaplain with the United States Army. Col. Bernard J. Fenton, regular-. ly is stationed at the Pentagon, . but at present is on' a trip to the O~ient with the Chief of Chaplams. 'Also with the armed services !!ince 1942 has been Father Canty. li,'l\evious assignments inTurn to Page Three
Bishop Ca~sidy' Requiem Mass Tomorrow His Excellency, the Most Reverend James L. Connolly, D.D., Bishop of Fall River, pontificate tomorrow
morning at the eighth Anniver~ sary Pontifical Mass of Requiem for the repose of the soul of the' late Bishop Cassidy, third Ordinary' of the Diocese of Fall River. Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, Aux.i1iary Bishop of the Diocese, will be present in the sanctuary. Officers of the MfiSS will be .. follows: Rt. Rev.. Humberto S. MedeilOS, Diocesan Chancellor, assist.. ant .priest; Rt. Rev. James Dola.. TIIII'I1 to Page Twe~t7-,tw. ,
. Turn to Page Twenty-'two
the King Monument Portugal's T~anks to God
Teachers from Catholic elementary and high schools in the Diocese are gathered in Fall River, today and tomorrow for the fourth annual convention of the Catholic Teachers Association, .being hel~, at St. Anne':; School, Forest Street., General convention chairman :-Exhibits displaying textbooks is Rev. Edward J. Gorman, and school supplies will supple.. ' S ;. d ·f· ment leetUl'es and discussion, D ·· IOcesan upellllten ent 0 bringing the latest developments Schools.. Serving with him in techniques and tools to the attention of the convention. Concurrent with the conven- • tion, a science, fair for liigh school stlldents is in' progress at 'nearby Dominican' Academy on ' Park Street. Winners will be selected this afternoon and displays will be open to the public tomorrow.
.His Excellency, Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.D.,V.G.,. will open the sixth annual convention of the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic 'Women in the auditorium of KennedyCenter, New Bedford, at 10:25 Saturday mornin~. Fou~ workshops will foling of the National Anthem with low the opening message piano accompaniment by Miss · h G Mary E. Whelan; Very Rev. f rom,' B IS oP. errard. ,!he Hugh A. Gallagher, New BedFamIly and DIocesan InstItu- ford district moderator will
tion~ and Liturgy and the Family concurrently from] 0:30 to 11 :25; 'Psychology of Children' and D.C.C.W. Program Is a Unit from 11:30 to 12:20, also 'concurrently. A ,youth· exhibit will be on - display in the rear of the auditorium, consisting of projects o,f diocesan yout!I groups, such as c!!'r::llnics, handicraft, sewing and art work~ Miss Mary A. Cole New Bedford, IS diocesan chairman' of youth, 'assisted by Mrs. George Charbonneau, Fall River district chairman; Miss Mary Foley, New Bedford; Mrs. Mary Neville, Taunton; Miss Shirley Givens, Attleboro; Mrs. Harold .Hayes, Cape an.,d Islands.' Luncheon will be avililable from 12:20 to 1:30 with Mrs. James Leith as' chairman. Afternoon Session 'The afternoon session will open at ]:30 with prayer by Rev. Thorilas F. Walsh, diocesan moderator; all will join in sing-
Diocesan Cgtholic Teachers Meet Today in Fall River.
are Rev. John P. Driscoll, heading the hospitality committee; Rev. Ed~ard J. Burns, exhibits. Also Rev. Rene Patenaude, O.P. and Rev.' John F. Hog~n,.hall; Rev. Edmond L. Dlckmson, luncl~eon; Rev. Maurice Souza, awards. Full Schedule A full schedule is planned for the 700 educators attending convention sessions. His Excellency, , the Most Rev. Jamell L. Conolly, D.O., will addl'ess'today's opening meeting. Auxiliary Bishop James J. Gerrard is slated to' speak tomorrow. Keynoting the convention,' Rev. Richard H. Sullivan, C.S.C., will deliver today's major address on "The Catholic Teacher." Other speakers will discuss first aid, science, arithmetic, catechism, guidance and other subjects of general interest to. educators.
onvene atu rday
parishes have already surpassed their last. year's total by a th,9usand or mor~ dollars. St. Mary's Parish' of Fairhaven has now doubled its contribution Turn to Page'Two
'Eight priests of the Diocese will celebrate the silver jubilee of their 'ordination Tuesday, May 26. Ordained in. 1934, at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall· River, by the late Most Rev. Jarnes E. Cassidy, ·D.D., they include ·Rev. Lester L. Hull, Rev. Bernard J. Fen-' assigned to St. James, New Bed':' ton' Rev. George S Daigle ford. Since 1954 he has been at R "
D' .·ocese
HAILS CHU'IST, KING: This'statue, on' a ,hill overlooking Lisbon,Portugal will be dedicated next Sunday. ) NC Photo.
LISBON (NC)-Portugal's nearly nine million Catholics are Joyously awaiting the unveiling of the most magnificent monument of thanksgiving for having' been spared from the horrors!?f World. War II. Portuguese Catholics have sacrificed for 19 years so next Sunday at ceremonies to that they could erect a fit- be presided overby His Emiting monument of thanks- ni!nce Manuel Cardinal Goncalgiving for peace-a $500,000 ves ~erejeira, Patriarch of Lis] OO-feet-high . statue of', Christ the King. . . The statue, which stands, on a 265-foot pedastal and faces the city of Lisbon from across the Tagus river, be dedicated
Spiritual Work' of Armed Forces Chaplain Essential Factor in Power for P~ace By Russell Collinge
bon.' , , The statue is the fulfillment of a promise-a :promise made by the Bishops of Portugal in 1940' at the beginning of World War 11. The Bishops vowed then that if Portugal was spared from the. war they would erect a statue honoring the 'Divine Heart of Chrisf the King.
Some Problems Outside Area Of Religion
Power for Peace! This is the theme for Armed Forces Day throughout the country. 011 Armed Forces Day our people will.be welcomed at all Army, Navy and Air Force installations and wilf be shown our newest weapons.. But the thousands who see these OMAHA (NC)-The Cathdisplays must understand that they are for defense-Never Aggression. Our strength olic press by fair and balwill be used as a deterrent. the Power it has to use 'for that. the B'ltse Commander, Col- anced conduct in controversy It' tt h' l'k t- Peace-but it is well to know onel Richard W. DaVania, is could show an aspect of . s pre y muc I. e pu aware that the planes and weap-' tll1g the very best eqUIpment ons are only one kind of power Church intellectual tradition of great 'value to society, a Bishop
into our Fire Houses. We'd be happy if none of it 'ever had to be used, but it's cOI11forting to know the pumpers and ladder'trucks and, brush-breakers are ready and waiting incase we need them. Or, perhaps more to the point, if you have a shQddy, one-man police force with a bicycle~the baddies are going to have 'a field day. But get a large, weUtrained force, with radio and squad cars and pistols and night-sticks and .the' crime' rate will drop-:...but quick! Your alert and competent police force may never eveIi make an al're~t but you keep them on duty and equipped to make sure that things stay nice and quiet.' . . So with' our Armed Forcesthe bigger and better their· guns and ships and planes and other weapons the quieter things will be in our country. And Otis Air "o~e Base will sh0"iV' the publk
-that there is also the really told a· session of press' editorial great Power for Peace which lies workers. here. in the religious and spiritual Bishop John .P. Cody of Kanlife of the men on the base. Suresas City-St. Joseph, Mo., also ly a Commanding Officer who is told a 'meeting or .tl)e 49th anconc'erned with these things is nual Catholic Press Association the best proof that our strength c.onvention that such conduct will not be used recklessly or in greedy conquest. would have' "very great powers .. . . of attraction to any .man of 'fair . TIiIS IS no empty, well-soundand honest mind." mg statement about the Colonel. The, prelate said that while F~. John Denehy, the Base ChapCatholics are united on ultilam told me that no~her~ has he mate questions, they are "dihad grea.ter cooperatIOn, mteres.t, vided on many questions that ,a',ld actIve help than ~t OtIs are less than ultimate, but which FIeld. A~ Base C~aplaIn, Fr. are nevertheless, of genuine sig_ De~ehy I~ .responslble for the nificance in human affairs." entlFe reltglOus program. for all Discussion Good groups--a .p~ogr~m wh~ch can only: be a h.vlll g , mteg;al part of "I take it for granted that this the Base lIfe when It has the discussion of these contro"ersial understandin~ and .backing of issues is not only proper for the the Commandmg Officer.. Catholic press but even required Fr: Denehy is of special inter- , of it, at least of certai'n types of est ·to ,us . because ,he was 'publications," he said. Turn to Pa&'e Seventeea. Turn to PlU!:e Twent,,-tw.
'jS·. '<.; .~:
1 ~.., .'
bFFfc:1J\-'L~ .
··:·.>0S} S -to .;
' '." ·:··.;:rTH{ANCHOii~·", . Th~~s.:, 'May14~ 1959'
c .$125.00·''-' of 1 9 5 8 . . . " New England poultry 'Co. A very obvious element in the . $100.00 .' . . present 'success of the Appeal United Labor Council, Oliver has been pledges. Many:. contri~ew M. Cherry; Smallarotliers. Mfg. butors used this system to Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Shea, Co., . increase their' partic~pation in' CLERGY APPOINTMEN1S Mr. & Mrs. Michael.J. McMabon,' diocesan charities. . .. ;Hili! Excellency, ·the Most :Mooney. & Co.' . ,'." R~v;Arlhur ,G. Dup~is from Chaplaincy 'at St. Joseph's Reverend James L. ConnoJi;i . .$75.00 . ,,' ' ~ifts' . Orphanage, ,Fall River,.to Administtatot of ·St. Louis of France Atty. & Mrs. Harold S. R. Buf:- , D.D., BishQp of Fall Rive~ Parish, Swansea.' ' . , finton.. will dedicate a $500,000 stuNational' Accounts . . . $60.00. c dent union buildjng. at Ston~ $3.000 . '. '!·Rev. Raymond R. Hamel to the Chaplaincy of St. JOseph's , John ,F. McMahon ,& Sons; hill College, North EastQn, MonMassasoit Greyhound Racing ,Orphanage; Fail Rive~. . . Inc. : day, May 25t,aDd will celebrate Inc.,.. Raynham Association, $50.00 aMasS at which Richard CardMa';;s; , Appointments effective Wednes~ay" May ~. Holy 'Name Women's Guild,' inal Cushing will preach. $1500.00 . The -ceremonies .wili mark. the Lincoln Park Aumusement Co. Smith Textile Co., Adrien Picard 'Sr., Simon's. Supply Co., Inc., lOth anniversary of StonehiI.I. $1000.00 Atty. Hugh J. Golden, Mr. .& situated -on the former FredeGreat Atlantic & Pacific Tea Mrs. Edward J. Delaney, Hoffrick Lothrop Ames estate, one. Co. man- Lion Mills. Co. of southeastern Massachusetts' . $600.00 . Bishop of l;l.iver '.Judge Beatrice Hancock Mulshow places. The liberal artAI International Ladies Garment .. college, with its 558 acre camWorkers Union of ,Fall River &-;- laney, Pacific, Oil Co., St. Mary,'s' Cathedral Guiid, United Cottonpus, has gt:own' from. one buil1- . New Bedford. ( ..../~.. . ' Products,' Manuel Rogers "& Son. . $500.00, Herbert C.'Eales~ Inc., Boyko . Co-Operative Bank, Dr. John J. 'ing to five. It has a faculty of $40.00 . Maginnis & Walsh & Kennedy. Funeral Service, Mr. & Mrs.. \ Gregg, Williams L~mper Co., 34 and a co-edu.cational.~udf. Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Morley.. $300.00 . .: , .. Ambrose'. Keeley, Dodsworth, . Pobers Inc.. . ",-.. , body of 520. ... ~l35.00 , .The new building representIJ. J. L. Marshall &. Sons. Inc. WllliamEaton. . . , ,Dr. & Mrs. H. B. Carroll, Dr. one step in a $5,000,000 develJ, A: Boynton Co." In~. . . . $25.00 . Uiric J. Pouliot, Atomic Fence' Anthony. Elias, St. Paurs.Cilth " - .. ' . . .$~O.OO C. L. Packhem Co., Inc. Corp" .Joseph Cabral Roofing, olii: Wome!1's Guild, Soci~t.e Des opment program. . .~. Atty. & Mrs: .F.rank' A. Rod$15.00 ' ~ay's E'!owe r Shop, Mr:. & Mrs., .Enf~t~St. Jacques,: Dr,. Sam-. Agostini Co,:,struction Co. . ,. rigues, Atty.' Raymond V; Pet,,: John Waterman. uel L. Poplack. tine: ' Luso-American Macaroni Mfg: Dolan Fune,ral Home, Mr & ~ $26.00 Fall'River Co' Lawson Granite &. Marble Mrs.· G.eorge . Tyson, -Mulhern's • 0 / Club €alumet. $1500.00 W~~ks Inc. Edward Warwick. Phar,macy Polish American Citz. . The fourth in a series of Cana \ ' $25.00 I Fall River Herald News. Bro~ghto~'s Cleaners, Central Club, Geilich Leather. Conferences sponsored by the Professional, Pharmacy, .Flynn's $750.00 Lunch Columbia Pha'rn:tacy; Dighton Industries. ,DioCesan Family' Life Bureall Package Store" Inc., Slater Paper ' I'all River National Bank. Atty.. Fred W. C~erWonka, Atty. $~O.OO ", for married couples will be held Box Co., Nationfll Contracting $500.00 Milton Epstein. Mr. '& Mrs. J. F. Moran, Nicb-. at st. 'Stephen's Church, Dodg~ Enterprise .BrewingCo., Cher- ' Co., Paul. WO,ltman, Mr. &. ·Mrs; Acme Refrigeration,. Leonard ~oIas Courcy, Weir Pharni~cy., viile,'atlf Wednesday. eyenin& . Charles Go' 'Daby. -.y '& Webb Con1'Pany, MallOn'. Liquor Store,' ArthurA. Plante $15.00 ' . . . . May 20. This is the last. in the, ~ , Att~. F:rank M. Silvia Jr., F. Furniture CO. .' &: Sons, Atty, David Entin. Alfred· Dukelow, Peter B. p~~pt, seri~s. of Cana Conf~,~. ~ A. Forest CompanY:,. ·Bristol" , $250.00 Fall River Lumber po., Inc" Gay,. Royce AlUminum' ·Corp.,. ences and deals with the unity of ' Knitting Mills, Inc., Mr. &,]JIrs. Fall River' Five Cents Savings George W. Graham,Atty. Joseph· Sally. Ann Beauty,. Nu Brite, busband and .wife in mind,' ,,' Bank, Fall River Savings Bank, Noel.Giard. ' E. Hanify; National~ashRegister Chemical Co. Gus's Grille. heart and soUl from the' natUral , Mr. & Mrs. Forrest ,Knight" Co. .. . /' . . - $io.oo . and "sU'pernatural viewpomts. Union ;Savings Bank. Dr" Peter' F. Piccinini,. Sheldon :'.l'auntonBeverage ·Co.,· De~ Rev" Anthony M. Gomes, S'a~:' $200.00 Metai Produc,ts Co,; Inc" Spin-'.. T' Souza Brothers Market, Hillside to' Chri~t~ Church, and Rev.' . no~elly Painting ComPany. dei City Dye Works". '~ascade,aunton. Brady ElectriC' Co., Inc. ' , . TUrD' to Page Three RegiJ;lald M. 'Barrette, St. Roch's" Drug Co. '... -,' :",. , ,,',',.'. ~$100.00"". ~ ,':' . ' Church.; "both' 'FaiI' River; wiu:~ $150.00 Atty. Harold,K.·Iiudner,l\tty. Murray ~Beverage ~StOre,·Mr.· Cathedral ,Men's 'Club. ,:c ' . Fra'1cJ.s. T.. Meagher,' .Colonial. &.:MrS;,~.r>a:.,Martin; William•.J.' • Tuitic)'I1~,SalaryBoo~h. e6nduct'the'conf¢rence,' whicb: .r.' . .' T ' . ,.,. . will "conCludewlth:a, qUestiOD.· Casket· Co" J. WhitneY13owen,. Ff,!i:lton,"G~org~ B. Sanford: ;. .,.' rinity College. petiod~ " , . . ' . '\ .... P~,ior .Cites'· Efficacy R. 'G. Chouinard Flme'ral' Home,... <: ,,- '$75.00. _ . WASHINGTOl'{ (NC)-~.)sal-, Inc. " . , '" . ,AFrie~d,'Frank J. Smith, Dr. Of'Pray.rs to Mary Fail- River & New Bedford Robert':r".'Mealy, Goodnow's Inc. 'ary increase for all members of '. FO.RTY HOURS the, teaching staff ,of TI'inity WASHINGTON . (NC)~About Bottling Works, Am. Federation. $50.00 _ DEVOTION' 1,500 lay persons galhered here of State, County 'c!!t M!Jplcipal .George C. -Harrington, Dr: College,. effective in September" bas been announced by Sister for thr'ee days of discu~ion cen- Employees; Ll,>Cal '1118; Fall.' 'Charles E. 'Hoy-e, Hon. -John E. May l7-St. Matthew, Fall Mary 'Patrick, president. The tered on'the Little Office of the River Mailing Service,. Loft Welch. . River. new scale ranges from $4,500 to Candy Co., Jose'ph Lima. . . .. . $35,00 Blessed Virgin, the prayer. they St. Kilian, New BedfoJ"d. $11,000. Francis C. 'Taylor, Carpenter's Orsi' Brothers. recite daily as members· of. the , Sister Mary Patrick also an$30.00 Third.On:ier ot' Our' 'Lady of Union No. 1305, United, Rubber," MaY 24-St. Mary, Mansfield. nounced that annual tuition' has Cork, Lino,leum & Plastic Work_ Daniel Doyle. Mount (Carmel. . .'. St. TerE!sa's Convent, Fall' been~ raised beginning with, the . I $25.00 River. " Keynote address was delivered ers of America Local 261," AFL': Capeway Package Store, Weir 1959-60 ·scholast~c year. CIO, International Bratherhood by Father Kilian E. Lynch, Prior General of the Carmelites of Electrical Workers No: 437~ Morris Levine. ' . of, the Ancient Observance, alllO known as the Calced (shod) , ,Smith Lumber Co" ' N~le- ,: , craft Dress Mfg. Co., David Lllsh, Carmelites. '. ' Max· Meyer. . , Father Lynch 'said the daily ".','. $20.00 praying t9 Mary has special :Mr. & M'is. James Judge; J. , meaning in tod~y's world. "This .' - \. is indeed' an age of Mary~ She 'M. Darling Jr. Co.;' Atty. Ter,has shown us this time 'and time rance Lomax,' Nelson )l. Cher'ry,. again," said the . Prior Geheral, Atty. William E. Crowther: ' Tabor Textile, Co.', Q>ca Cola who is an American. He recl:illed Bottling. Co., H. Schwartz, & the -late Pope Pius XII's· stateSons, Inc. ' ment that the faithful may hope $15.00" , strongly in Mary no matter how Staples Coal. Company Rebad matters seem to get. " liahle Sportswear Co:,' Atty. George T. Bolger, Pa.,checo Bros., Legion of De~ency :lVIr. & ·Mrs. Roger G. Fournier, '\ The following 1ilms are to be Jam,es P. Hart,. Dixie Burial ' ',J added to the lists in their re- . Vault. $10.00 spective . classifiCations: Hathaway Funeral Service, Unobjectionable for general patronage: Mysterians; Mass Ordo Unobjectional:?le for adults , and adolescents: Verboten. FIllDAY~t.Joh~ Baptist· De', :Unobjectionable. for 'adults: La Salle, Confessor.· Double. Don't Give up the Sl}ip; Tank White. Mass ProPer; (!;loria; Q>mi,tandos. Preface of Ascension: Objectionable in part for' all: SATURDAY-Vigil of·Pentecost. ' Headless Ghost· (suggestive cos.DOl!ble. Red.· Mass Proper;". tuming and dancing). Gloria; 'Preface; Communi-' cantes and Hanc igitur of PenteCost. . Confirmations SUNDAY - Pentecost Sunday May 17 Pro pe r; Gloria; seQuenca' il:00A.M. St.· Mary CatbeCreed; Preface, (;omlnuni~. I ~ral, Fall River. . cantes and: Hanc; 'igitur of·' '3:00 P.M. 'St. Vi n c e nt' • Pentecost (each 'day during , Home, Fall· River. the Octave alsO). .AS A ('OMPUMENJ to your good taste, Coronet by BOO<! makes tim . ·May 18 MONDAY ~ Pentecost Monday. offer. Buy and enjoy the new Coronet Quart. ~ • The World's Finest Double of r Class; Red. Mass 7:30 P.M. Santo 'C b r.i lit 0, Pro per; Gloria; Sequence; Ice Cream! Send the Reward Certificate to Coronet, Box H, Boston 18, . 'all River. . Creed; Preface;ete. of Pente\ May- t4.! . - . Mass. We will mail you a ,certificate gOOd fora gift'pint of Coronet cost. :2:00 P.M.' Holy Ghost, Atyour Hood I>.ealer. '. ..' ~ . " TUESDAY-Pentecost Tuesday. tleboro., Double of I Class.' Red. Mass ,.:00 P.M. St. Theresa, AtOFfER UMi1'ED. Buy the new Coronet ! • ~ f~ your ~P.r 0 per ; Gloria;· Sequence; . tleboro . - '. '., . GIFT PINT, <4 Coronet ••• ,rif:ht. awayr . .. Creed; Prefaee; etc. of Pente,7:30 P.M. Sf. Mary, No, At. cost.' . tleboro.· . WEDNESDAY-Ember· WednesMailS day after Pentecost. Double. P.M. SS. Peter. Paul, Red. Gloria; Sequeme; Creed; Fall River. etc. of Pentecost.: " THURSDA~.-Tburilday withiJl the Octave of Pentecost. Dou- . ble. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria;" Sequence; Creed; etc. of PeD<-.· .~ ...
Bishop to Bless Building . At StonehiU
.Diocese ofFaU River
. Special
Ca''no Conference
A.·t D dgevi-II'e . .
h' ,
A·f: ,
Qu8rt today
Priests to Observe Anniversary 'Continued from Page One River; Holy Name, New Bed:" eluded Our Lady of the Isle, ford; and St. Joseph's North Nahtucket:' Holy Family, East Dighton. Taunton; St. Mary's, Norton: and Father Boule, assistant at st. John's Attleboro. Blessed Sacrament, Fall River, Comm'!nder Joseph Charles was assigned to missionary duty, Canty is presently stationed with in the Orient following his the' Marine Corps at Camp ol'dination, then taught English Lejeune,N. C. at Foreign Missions Seminary, At Holy Rosary Montreal, and held other semFather Daigle, who formerly inary positions. ' . served at St. Michael's, 'Ocean He did missionary promotion Grove; St. James', Taunton; work previous to assignment at Sacred Heart, 'North Attleboro; Notre Dame, Fall River, followed and St. Joseph's, New Bedford" by his present appointment. has been "dminj~trator of Holy ROsary Church, New Bedford,' .i~ce June, 1956. • , 'Continued from Page Two Now at St. Patrick's, Fall River, Father Curry previously 'served fnr ei!!ht years at St. Club, Leddy's: Variety Store, A Pl,ttrick's, Wareham, and later,' J ,M Electric Co. ' at St. Joseph's, Taunton. : 'Louis Courcy,. Walter Barker, Father Carey has, served at, Church FueiCo., Russell 'B~ four Cape parishes, including, M,ye'rs, C9stellQ, Buick Co: ' Our Lady of the, Assumption,,' Family Shoppe, Rausch's Re'sOsterville; Corpus Christi, Sandtaurarit, ,Mech'anics' Co:"Operawich; St. Peter, the Apostle,' tive Bank, Har,ry,:A.Benaglia, Provincetown; and Our Lady of ; Dr. ;Maurice Lagace. ' the Isie.' Nantucket, where he is , T. U. Milot, Edgar De ChameUrreht1y assigned. 'plain, Riendeau 'FuDera~ Service, :Other parishes where he has ,East Taunton Social Club, MI'. bee n stationed, include St. , lJope Machinery. M.ary's. N"l'th Attleboro, where Silva Funera: Home, Taunto'n he went immediately after. or- Jewelry Inc. Presbrey Refracdination and St.. James, ' New tories, Norman Mason. Bedford, where he served from C. O. Foresters, J. Howard' 1943 to 1952, . I O~Keefe,' Comfi Coil Inc., Bar-.... Sandwich Administrator bel'S Journeymeil, S t I' and Father Bowen, appointed this Beauty. JII. 0 nth as administrator at Oct ago n Service Station, Corpus Christi. Sandwich, had Wonder Furniture Store, GorIICrved since 1954 at St. Francis ham Press, Powers Pontiac, Xavier, Hyannis. Previous asMandigo Sa'ld & Gravel. signments included 8t. Louis, 'Fall River, from 1946 to 1954, and duty in Iceland with the United '. States Navy.,F,ather Bowen was at St. Joseph's,' Woods Hole, immediately after ordination. and subsequently at ist. Mary's, South Dartmouth, and St. Patrick's, Fall River. Now at St. Mary,'s, North Attleboro, Fat her Loew ,was assigned to St. Patrick's, Fal-, mouth after ordination. Other 'assignments included service at Our Lady of the Assumption, Osterville; 14 years from 1935 ~ 1949, at Immaculate Conception, North Easton; and briefer terms at St. Patrick's, Fall
Special .Gifts Taunton
Annual Communion Junior Foresters of Our Lady et. Fatima Court, Fall River, will bold their annual communion breakfast following 8 o'clock Mass at St. Louis Church, Saturclay. May 23.
North Attleboro
Truman Opposes Reli,gious'lssue In Politics
Somerset -Swansea " $10.00 George B. Lockhart Insurance Agency, Inc., Dr. Kenneth Comp_ ton, Edward's'Motors. 'Turn to Page.. ''''our,
OS 3-2272
, Michael C. Austin
O'ROURKE Funeral Home
571 Second St.
Fall River, 'Moss. . OS 9-6072
.Licen'sed Funeral Director Registered Embalmer
May 8-l'J
Ftlttf'!'ra' if ome
o God, we earnestly beleeCh Thee to bless this diocese with many priests, brotliers and sisters who will love Thee with their whole strength and gladly spend their entire' lives' to serve Th:' Church ,and to, make Thee known and loved. Bless our homes bless our families. Choose, ,hom,' ;tJIem all those 'vho are, needed" for' Thy hoi) work.' , Mary, Queen of the clergy! Pray for us; Pray for our priests, anc;l religious. Obtain for us inany more.
55Q Locust St. ,Fall Rlv",r Mass.. ,
OS 2-2391 Rose E, Sul1Jvan Jeffrey E Sullivan
CAPE COO .nd Suiroundlng Communities I
'. "
$300.00 Jeweled Cross $iOO.OO Swift & Fisher, Beauchaine's Inc. $60.00 NEW YORK (NC)-ForDeschenes Brothers. mer President Harry S.' Tru$50.00 man said here that no . Nolan's Flowe,r Shop, Tousignant Construchon Co., Thomas aspirant to the White House should be eliminated over a P. McDonough Council No. 330 "religious issue, Mr. Truman reKnights of Columbus. ferred to Massachusetts Sen. $35.00 Benedict\. Circle No.' 61- John F. Kennedy, a Catholic, who is regarded as among the Daughters of Isabella. leading candidates for the Dem$25.00 ocratic presidential nomination. Bob's TV, Walter H. Murphy, No. Attleboro Plumbing & HeatAsked if he belived religion ing .Co., Capodanno Fruit Store, could "doom" a candidate, the Ladles of S\; Ann,e Sodality-, former Chief Executive replied: Sacred Head. "I hope it doesn't. It shouldil't Jolly Cholly, AI's Radio &; hav'e any influence, but we Television Service, Reliable haven't ha'd 'a' test since Al News Bure~u., Smith. ' ,$20.00 ' '''Religion ,ought not ,to, be Albert Horman, Dr. D. Eugene mixed up in, politics. The ConLeco, Pete's Barber Shop, Rotary Club, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph ,Mar- sti,tution provides that there 'shall be State. church and Iten; Joseph's Restaurant. that's a good thing." $15.00 Israel Franklin,' Johnson Bros. Brush Mfgs';,.' Eugene 'W. Camp_ bell, Stonesetting & Ellgraving. $10.00 'North Attleboro, Coal Co., Liggett's Drug Store, Mr. & Mrs. 469 LOCUST STREET Edward McCretton Sr. FALL RIVER" MASS. Watch Bands, Inc., Public Finance Co., Miller's Dept. Store, 2-3381 Hotel Hixon, Mucker's Delivery Wilfred C. James, t. S~rvice, Sayles Dairy Bar. Driscoll Sullivan, Jr. Riley Bros. Lumber Co., Napoleon Thibeault, Suvall & Sons, Red Rock Hill Motor Court. .Lyon's Advertising Agency, Jerry's 'Watch Service, A & L Polishing ,Co., Attleboro Falls Athletic Club. Bonin's Cabins. FUNE~AL HOME 'Brennan Drug" Walter B. ,Edwards, Westcott Construction 986 Plymouth Ave. 'C~.' ' Fall' River
Spe~ia I
Gifts,··. . '
'-THE ANCHOR graphical Upion No. 276, Gollis" Thul's:,May' 14, :1959 New Bedford Men's Appar~l, J<:,'::;:;:.1:~ Pharm1'" .. 8CY, EnterprIse, Stores., . George.Bernique & Co., James ,<.. $1,000 E. Anthony & Sons F. McHugh Insurance, Guil$600 herme M. Luiz & Co.; Little Bay Glen Coal'& Oil Co., Inc. Super Market. $500 $15 Star Store. Joseph Perry ConTravers .Package StOre,Hiram DAVEl'rPORT (N C ) tractor. Wheaton &, Sons, Simmons Catholics should stop think~ $250 'Pharmacy, Mesquita Pharmacy,' ing of themselves as "secondCatholic" Women's Club 01. GigUere Pharmacy, . . , . ' ...' New Bedford. ' class citizens" and stand up Cornish' & Co" Inc~, Mr; Jos$200 for their rights, Father Frank eph Kelleher Insurance; Wefer Seguin & Caron, Inc., Ameri- ,& Par~er. , Stangl, editor of the Catholic' can Press-Lithographer. Missourian of the J efferson City~ $10 ' " , $150 Mo., diocese, has told a Te Deum' M. F. Avila & Co., 'Duclos Lemieux's Plumbing & Heat- Pharmacy, George J. Allen & International chapter.' He as.,' Ing, Inc. . serted Catholics in' America are Co., Olivier .Plumbing & Heat$100 "on the' spot today." ing Co., Alfred Beaulieu. ' Berkshire Hathaway, . InC., . "We have to give an account LeGomte's Men's Shop, FranJ. F. St. Aubin Co., Knights ~. cisco Oiiveira Travel' Ag~ncy, of ourselv~ to our fellow men, Columbus, McMahon Council who seem to think· that CathoNo. 151, Old Colony Transporta- . Laronda Auto. Body, Shop,Gilt,. lics are an odd breed, ·not quite' tion CO., Inc., New' England Ed~e Textil~ Mills, Inc., Edward\ .. WhItehead, ,Inc., ,~.' 100 per cent Americans," the Overall Dry Cleaning' & Supply prieSt-editor· declared. Sheerin .Electric Co." Hawes Co. 'Objectively, there, is "no justi-' Electrical COr, .Sherman Elec-· RECEIVES RELIC OF\ NEW SAINT: His Holiness DeBrosse Oil Co. \ $50 tric.;, Co., H, V. Sowle .Florist, . Pope John. X.XIII receives members of the Order' Friars fication for this,'"Father Stangi· Max Levovsky Real" Estate.' asserted. '''We are entering an Stanley Oil Co., Inc.; Prince.Co., ' Finast . . Fillet Minor after ceremonies canonizing the Franciscan Brother· era where the Catholic Church . -W. T. ,Grant' ' . ton' Clothing Co.. Seguin Truck is definitely on the rise, where BOOy Builders, Dr. Louis 'Mis- Co., . Aiello B'ros., ~ Inc., Dr.' Charles' of Sezze. Here the Pope accepts the gift ofa relic George R. Devine;,' Braley's· of the .new saint..Pictured at right is Franciscan General the white Ailgio-Saxon Protestkell. . ant is. no . longer looked on u . $30 "', Creamery, IllC. ..' Agastino Sepinski.· NC Photo. . the typical Anlerican citizen." Browne Pharmacy,. Inc. .Whitney. J. Bent,' fuc.,: Recil'. American Catholics are "first$25 Pharmacy, Paramount. Phar- , Trudel's Pharmacy, Charles macy, William F. Nye, InC., Dr.' .' I ' . IV· '. . class citizens" because "it is impossible' to bea· 100 per cent S. Ashley & Sons, Bettencourt john Bermingham. . , 0 Pharmacy, Humphrey, .Covill & . Poulos Pharmacy, Roy's Phar-' Catholic without at the same· Coleman, Inc" Post OffIce !Phar-. macy , Oliver Pharmacy" Nash OMAHA (NC)-The .Catholic . in the present moment,'" Msgr.. time being a 100 per cent Amer~ macy. , ' .' " ".,\ 'Pharmacy, Lincoln .PhartDacy..... press .was challenged here to Lally. said, "not to-b'e"moralizing' ican:~ ~ather Stangl said.,' "To .. PE;Op~e s S~per, Ma,rkets, Hu- . Family Pl}armacy, Stgnzper: S~.. "stand in the midst of the world", on .theoreticaland idear~cases in be the one is to be the .()ther.~' be~ S. Ke~le~er, 'U'?~ted Bre~-. Pharmacy,. Central Pharmacy,', and' give it I>~a-etical, 'programs which no one is either interested',,: "iIt'remains for Catholics tt), ery.. Worj{ers, yY'atson J~~a~-: Browne Pharmacy, Inc. arid, immediate answers to"im-' or committed. If'we could bring "speak out~·' iiitelligently and 8Cy, Emory E. Wallace.. . . . . 'C ._. ". , ' . .' ",' mediate probl~ms. . :.' .... '. ourselves: to the "undefstanding C. E.Beckmari,Co"Dr. &M~s;' Otis & o.,'P~ul' Smlth.In~~:, it was told to b~ '~irivolved~" that.we. must wrestleyrith,<;on- foi-'cefully," on matters' such as:'· separation' and' Gilb'eit Foster Herman's Lic-~ sl!rance ,AgencY,Almy &: Co:, the :'present 'mozpent.;~ . .~: . cr~tesitllations"i and ::apply ,oUf.,. Chut~h-State quor Store, U~io!l Liquors Co~ . 1.::: '.' ltc;D. L~i~1]':i'.~lSky.'~ Co~;':. Editors' .~nd ,publishel's. of, princlplesto ,real matters, 'we, state ~.aid ,. ·to'parochial scMo! Macedo Pharmacy. Bayhes Sq. Plate Glass; , . C~tholicp',-!blications.from ,aU., wQuld come 'into ·!;ollision. with' chillirez\:' ".Charity must char.. Babbitt Steam Specialty Co., JpsepIfTqmiinsqn, lfaifl,tave.~ parts oLth,e Unite~ States and the. sp~dtol'the .age and·gi~e .. acie#i( all'our efforts," he :said, PlumbersS~pply .'Co., . Norris. Ppst 166~, American .Le~io~,:tf~::· Ganada :heard. tpat. "the specific shape to 'lts' future.' We need. in~',' "PlIttb .profess the tru'th is ·not· . Tripp & ,Co., H. Witkind ¥otor: tion~J Wh.olesal c,<>.,. 1VIu.tt~rp:er,l. work" .of the Catholic press. is volvenierit' to.. replace our de-" uncharitable." · C 0.... F oun d a t'lOn . I ' h aven. '!to take the -principles of' tl:l:e·. tachm"e''nt·, we"'mus't·. ha've·..a· co'n:'.. Trans•.,Co., Glennon Roof mg nc.,F ',aI,r. $20' Cleaners & D'yers,' . ' . . . . theologians and the power of the tact 'with. reality that' remoyes. .. Anderson & Olson,N., B.Typc>:-A. ·.D.l\1:c~ullen" ,Inc:, ,,,Faith and ·to glve:them.:meaning the' keY1"'rlng solutions. of .. fot ·men'· in our,times, to make handbook, a pradi~ai' guicie. for '~,. them a' working part,· of'20th real people living.in a real worl« . century life'· inAmerica.'~ The fact of the matter is that we COMMUNION North Easto~ .Marietja Canan,Thomas Ganan,' "No .one must suPPQse that we are' not prepared, most of us . Mr. &' Mrs. Richard' ChasSey,' 'are -sugg'esting' .'that pr.inciples surely; for the 'transfer'from the, BREAKFASTS IMMACULATE ·CONCEPTiONMr. & Mrs, Robert .Clifforil~· .. ' world gf ideas and principleS·to · can be set'- 'aside 'or are matters'; the world of facts an,d events.": I r CI F H Ch d d b ,$100 u ou - un re, ar. es of 'no' consequence," said Msgr. '. Take Part .',' .:, eoelho, Mr. & Mrs, Patrick Co£-- Francis J. Lally of Boston; key- ' A Friend /, WEDDINGS '$50 "'ieY;-:John Coleman, Mr.: &' Mrs. note sp~ak'er at the 49th aniiual The speaker said it isa mistake Dr. Gerald F. ,GraY, :H~rt~y's James ·Connor. ., ' . convEmtlon of the' CathOlic Press for,.. Cathol~c editors to, think '01:, PARTIES . Market. C,(!,-," Manuel Correi~, ·M:rs.•:¥ary Association. ~'Whatwea~esaying. themselves.. as: theologians, even $35,' ,', Corr~ia,... ~ielTIeI:\t, .,~Coughlin, is'that they· are arid and unpro-' though they should know sonle .' . . ., ', :M~. &¥rs~ John-Parkes,,}'r.: 'Elizabetli,;Co!lghlif1;' ~·Mr..& Mrs. d~ctive' rinle'ss ·theyare .given ,a. th,eology.· . LOUIS .,.( :.'..!' Henry Coutur~. . , . . present teality' in a c<:intext 0'£' . '$25 ~e are intend~d to ,be p'art of' Virginia Correia, Mrs; ,qe~rg~' . Mrs., .Fr'!nklin Craig, ''Winifred soCial" economic, an,d cultural that., world·, which takes the', Craig, Mr. & Mrs. L:eo Harlow, ~ ·G'!ln':llp~h~~,.Mr:.:,~,;:!'h's. ~os- forces' hElre and now ex~sting." learning of the. theologians 'and . Cornelius;'Harvey, III, Kathryn:'. eph, Curley, Margaret:;.Dailey, Dangers makes, it work in. the concrete' 107 . So. Main St., Acushnet . : Healey. ; : ' , . , . . . .. ~ \IVlz::}t},!~~·.!i.q?~~r~!,~a.vles·"The.rea re bound to be 'dan- . circumstances' of a'·changing " WY 3-8017 ,wy 2-8201 Mr. & Mrs. MJ<:hae~ J. Hega!::':;-'f~' '~~~~MHdrea~DeadY;: Mr. &; gers ,in applying· timeless prin- humlin existence,"' Msgr.. Lall)' J. ty, Mr. &' Mrs; Charles McCar-Mrs. Lester Delaney, Dr.i . Michciples" to 'passing' events," 'the continued. ':.. ' thy, Albert B. Mcintyre, Mr. & ael R. Del Colliana, Mr. & Mrs. editor of The Pilot, Boston archMrs. James Mullen, Sr. . Daniel De~mond, Mr. &; Mrs~ diocesan newspaper, declared, :f' . '$20." '" . Francis Deveney. ' ' . "but the alternative·:is more danMr. & Mrs: James/Fitzgibbons, Mr. & Mrs. J~mes Doherty, , gerous, men· lose confidence in Joseph 'Brown, Mr. & Mrs. '"Jos- Mr. &' Mrs.: ~alph .Dotgah,' Mr. " 'the principles ..themselves:" eph Conceison '& Elizabeth Co~- &.Mrs. Robert Dray,'Mrs. Alice The work of the Catholie eeison, Alice ·lIarvey" Grace ,E~stman, Mr. & Mrs. Julio F~:r- ~ press is actually to be involved Harvey. . reIra., " . _. ~ ,-:_ Margaret' E. Harvey, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Emmet F~ather~ .Mr. & Mrs. "Charles McCarthy, Mrs. Arthur Heath, Mr. & Mrs. stone, Mr: & Mrs. Albert~leury, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. McLawrence Lyons, Mr. & Mrs, Mrs. John F6Iey,'Mr,' '&·,:Mrs.,· Cluskey, Mr. & Mrs. John II. Thomas Maliff, MitranoChevro": Russell .Fox, Hilda Franco. .' McEntee.' " let. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas' Franco, 'Margaret McEntee,' Mary Mc. Mary Nolan, Mr. & Mrs: Step-' S r., Thomas . F ranco, Jr., Mr. &. Nall y, M' 9 . . r. & Mr' . ~ ·w' " il'l'lam Mc-· hen Nolan, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Leo . Mrs. Francis Freeman,. Joseph Nally, Mr.' & Mis. Charles Me. Schleicher & John Schleicher, G~lvin, Joseph' A. Galvhi. Menamy, Bertha .. MacGaffigan.. Mr. & Mrs. William. Furlong Sr. . Galvin's"Barber Shop,. Mr. & Mr~ & Mrs. Joseph Macuch, , $15' / Mrs. Salvatore Gaziano, Mr. &. Mr. & Mrs. David MagIt-er, Mr. _ Highway Package Store, Inc.,' Mrs. Albert Getchell, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Richard M.:aliff, . Mr~ & Abbie Buckley, Josephine Buck- Kenneth Gorham, MJ:o. & Mrs. Mrs., Bernard Manning, Mrs. ley, Mary H. Buckley, Mr. & Arth,ur Gorman, Elizabeth Masterson. ' Mrs. Thomas Gentile. Roger 'Hankins, Mrs. KatheMr. & Mrs. Vincen'i Mathers, .Anne Harvey, Catherine Har- rine Healey, Mr.'& Mrs. Thomas Mr.. &'. Mrs. James D. Mullen, vey, Margaret .Healey, Mr. & Higgins, Lillian Holmes; Marg:- 'Katherine Murray; Mr. & Mrs. Mrs,··William P.Ryan, Mr. & aret Holmes. William Nelligan, ·Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Vincent Wright, Mrs. Mary William N. Howard & Son, Arthur Nolan. Harvey, $12' :.,' . Dr. ,Norman Hughes, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nolan, James Johnson, Mr, & Mrs. Mr.,& Mrs. Stephan Nolan, ·Mr. Vincent L. Galvin; Leroy James Jones, Mr. & Mrs: Walter & Mrs..Alexander Pires, Mr. & R~bert. Kates," Mrs. AnthonyP,ires, Mr. &. Mrs. .. . . . .'.", ,$10 Patrick Readdy. 'Abraham Brooks, Mr. &, Mrs. Mrs.. John A. Kelley, Mr.. & Mr. -& Mrs. Richard Regan, ' . SAVINGS Accoi/NTS • AUTOMOBILE LOANS Mrs. Charles Kelly,·Mr. &:Mrs, Mr & • REGULAR CHECKING • APPLIANCE LOANS ' , "J. iVincent Hickey, Mr. Edward ,Daniel Kent,· Mr. &' M,.rs.. Leo . Mrs. Fran~. Reynolds, ACCOUNTS .' • HOME.REPAIR·LOANS . . Welch, Miss ·Mary Delgardo, . Barbara Schleicher, 'Mr. & ·Mrs. ' . '.': . ' . Kent, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kelly. '. D' . . .. • SPECIAL CHECKING .• COMPLETE TRUSt ,ommu;. Sc~!,nante, }~~rs, 1'.1-.aI'! G. rey h oun d P ac:: k age Store. 'ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT SERVICES John 'y'; Lowndes. Insmance;Mr. & Mrs. Chal-les'King;'Wil-, Smith. " '. ' . " . , '- .... . " • BUSINESS<tOANS' • SAFE.·DEPOSIT BOXES· .. M,r.& Mrs.. Le'o Savard. Mr~,~ li~in Ladd's, H.ardware" Albe~t,:Mr. & Mrs~,Thomas Spurr, Mr. • PERSONAL ,lOANS .• DRIVE·IN ~ANKING'" " "'.' Mrs. ThomaS M. Greene: Mr.' & LaRoses, Mr: & Mrs. FranCIS . & Mrs. William Stoddard Mr "' -.' .. Mrs, Manuei 'Abreu; Betty 'Jean ~Roy; Mr.'.~ Mrs. Dariie~:Lirie-:' &Mrs. .;TQhn· P... Sugivan,~Sun~., " Shoppe. ." han.., <":';"'.. :', dell's, Ag.nes- Sweeney. Q ' ~:t=~ ...;_.. S:' >r""!' .;:: . .: :J:.. ":., ,':" ' , ' . , • . " v . , .,. e"!(f1t1 HJe. Commu,nit'll Sipce 182',· ... '..", Mr. & Mrs. AlanBlackwell,Mary K. Linehan,Mr.. &Mrs. Mary H:"Sweeney, Mr. & MrS~''" '. • . • . . it J . Dr. Jacob Brenner,. Mr.r& ·Mrs. S~muel Lombardi, Edward Lo- FranciS" Sweet; "Francis' Sweet, :.. ,...::;iFrA';':~ Ross Bridg~. Ma-,:garet Brophy, mer, Jr., Mary, V.;' Long; Thomas Jr., "Mi-:' &. Mrs:' JoSeph"Ti'acey,'" ">.:" :,.:-J: ;;,' ,;, . . : .' " . . ... ,.: Tiinothy Bryant. .' '. . . Long. . I ' Rosella Tavel'S." . , . ' ':--. Margaret Buckley,' Mary Eile.eri Lordan, Mr. & Mrs. ciipt: & Mrs. ~l1Jn~':Tyri'~ .. :.... ., Bu~kley"Joseph Bur~e, Mr. &; . Francis Lordan, 'Mary ·LOrdan, William' Walsh, Mrs. William ... ,:.-:!', ~.' Mrs. Johp Cadegari, William Ca- William ~ordan,. Mr.. & Mrs. Walsh, Mr. &c..:· Mrs. .walter Yu.., hill. . George Lowndes. kiDs. . , .,.: ' 55 NORTH MAIN ST. Mr. &; .Mn. Frank Caliri. LouisA. L;yne, Mar)" G. L;yODll, T1uIl &0 Pace Tea . ~. ._-~....... ·;L~;,...thl. sigR 1.or mod.rn· baMrnO •• rv....
Continoed from Page TJuoee' ."
In~ists Catholics
Are First-Class U.,S. Citizens ,
Cathol·c Press Must ·G· e Answer's' ·.T Practica.1 Problems of Moment·.
A .''.e.'a. I Gi f t.S· p
Look for this sign.for .Complete.:One-Stop ,.Banking :$ervice ,".'
L:.' .R '."V 'E' R . . . :."
*tlt, .:.,'. :', a't':.o 'n a'.1 * BAN K
T":V 0 Dolan Brothers Are ,Se~ving Faithful As Pas,tors in Native City of Taunton,
Parish Totals FALL RIVER
St. Mary $3,910.00 Thurs., May 14, 1959 Blessed Sacrament 921.00 Espirito Santo 753.25 Holy Name .9,727.00 Bv Marion Unsworth Notre Dame 3,738.50 Dolan is a familiar name in th~ Fall Ri ver Diocese, particul.arlyin the Taunton area. Our Lady of Angels 788.00 As far back as many can remember, the Dolans have been prominent\ in Church and civic Our Lady of Health 571.00 affairs, and have left their influence and the geniality of their Irish humor wherever their Holy Rosary 1,290.00 Immaculate Conception 2,347.80 duties have taken them. Two members of th e family, James and William, are now Rt. Rev. , 9,0.59.00 , Sacred Heart Msgr.James Dolan, pastor WASHINGTON (N C ) St. Anne 2,724.50 of St. Mary's Parish, TaunObscenity orders were issued St. Anthony of Padua 1,040.62 ton and Rev. William H. against two New York firms St. Elizabeth 437.25 Dolan, pastor of Holy FamSt. Jean the'Baptist 1,060.00 charged with. distributing St. Joseph 2,389.00 ily Church, East Taunton. A advertisements for obscene mathird brother,' John, who died St. Louis 1,615.00 terial, the Post Office DepartSt. Matthew 908.85 about two years ago, was a ment announced here in its St. Patrick 3,602.00 prominent undertaker in Taunreport on fraud, and obscenity 55. Peter & Paul' 3,152.00 ton for many years~ activity. St. Roch ~ 1,633.~5 Under the obscenity orders, The Fathers Dolan have a St. William 4,596.00 maii sent to mail order distribunique feature in their histories. Santo Christo ,1,075.32 utors is returned to the senders. The Monsignor's first pastorate NEW BEDFORD In this way the distributors are Holy Name 3,772.00 was' that of Holy Family Church, cut off from their sources of East Taunton, where Father WilHoly Rosary' 193.00 liam is now assigned. As far as income. Immaculate Conception 936.35 known, thfs is the only case of The tw,o New York firms Mt. Carmel 3,640.97 two brothers serving as pastors against which the <>bscenity Our Lady of Perpetual Help , 1,039.00, of the same church in this dioorders were issued were idencese. Sacred Heart tified as MilcD Specialties and 2,516.50 St. Anne Jefferson Creations, Inc. Throughout their lives, how1,187.00 St. Anthony of Padua 3,227.00 ever, they have been"connected In addition, the Post Office St. Casimir 296.50' with S1. Mary's Parish in TaunDepartment said, during JYIarch St.. Francis of Assisi 1,176.00 ton. They- (a'nd their parents an obscenity order was issued St. Hedwig 563.25 before them)'-were born there: by default agai~st a Los Angeles St. Ifyacinth 753.00 James on Aug. 9, 1880 and Wildistributor operating under the St. James &,727.00 liam 'on Jan. 3, 1882; After gradnames Ziva, Happy Twelve and St. John the Baptist 2,785.60 uation from public schools in Holiday. ' St. Joseph' 5,527.10 Taunton, both attended St. LauObscenity proceedings, which ,St'-Kilian 1,813.25' , rent's College, Montreal, Canada; 85 YEARS OF SERVICE: Rev. William H. Dolan and may iesult,in an obscenity order, ,St. Lawrence 8,150.25 ,and St. Mary'S Seminary, BaltiSt. Mary: Rt. Rev, James Dolan have served a total of 85 years in the were initiated within the de2;603.00 more. 4,326.50 ",~... St. Theresa - . Diocese of Fall River. ' . partment., :against, a distributor , TAUNTON 'identified only, by a New York ,First Ordained Sacr'ed" Heart Church, Taunton, William was, chaplain . to the post office, box number, for , Holy ,Family 1,535.00 J'ames wa's ordained in 1912 walked from Montreal to New Catholic Nurses', Guild. He has ~olyRosary .' '699.60' selling obscene photographs by the late Bishop 'Daniel F. York City. Always an 'advocate b~n ~ctive in civic, affairs i~ Ifumaculate Conception' 3,852.25, through the mails. of this form of recreation, he both cities. sacred Heart 2,693.25 , Feehan at St .. Mary's Cathedral, The de'partment a 1 so anoften counsels his parishioners The two brothers are very, St. Jacques 2,502.50 ,Fall River. He was assigned to nounced that a 68-year-old New' Sacred 'HearfParish, Fall River,' that if they would leave their close, and are delighted that they St,Joseph 4,298.00 York mall~ wanted since 1952 where he remained until the, cars ~t home a'1d walk to church, , have the opportunity' to 'see each Sf. Mary 3,852.50 Firs~ World War, when he en..' t~ey might li,ve to be 79 as' he other almost' daily. There is a 'for mail fraUd,; had been senSt. Paul 1,787.00 tenced to serve 10 months in 'listed illld' served as Chaplairi 'has. ' g?Od, deal of good-natured teasATTLEBORO jail on 12 counts of fraud. The ing between them. Both share Holy Ghost ,2,479.00 C' in 'the 115th Infantry of the 29th I Ca~t 'Keep Up man was originally indicted in Division, in, this country and , one attribute, however, and that 'St. John 7,886.50 . His friends report it's difficult is' humility. It is left to the New York in February, 1952, St. Joseph 2,552.00 overseas. to keep up with him, and often for distributing and exploiting people of the Diocese to recogSt. Mary 2,310.00 Shortly after his return to the YQungsters will 'be tired while nize the Dolan contribution to religious fllms, to which he had St. Theresa 1,244.00 Dio~ese, BishopFe~han sent him Monsignor is still pacing briskly. the life and spiritual growth of no title, to religious organiza" NORTH ATTLEBOR9 '", to, Taunton, where 'he hasre,His brother, Father William tions in all,parts of the country. the area. Sacred Heart 1,127.oq, " mained to the present, time. At was' ordained also' by Bishop 'S~: ~ary 4,306.00 first he was in ,charge of the Feehan in Fall River, in 1921. TOWNS former Bethlehem Home 'for l:Jis. first assignment was to , 695.00 Babies and 'in addition served Acushne~ Sacred Heart Parish, Oak Bluffs, Assonet 1,051.00 ,as chaplain at Taunton "State afte'r which he served as curate Buzzards Bay 1,969.00 "Hospital and director of the-five' .at Holy 'N~me Pa'ris,h, Fall Rive.!,' Central Village, 1,163.00' ,C~tho1ie 'cemeteries' in the city~ 'and. sf Patrick's Church, also Chatham , 789.00 .After leaving Bethlehem Home, iii Fall River. His assignments Fairllaven then brought him closer and ,848.90 he was named pastor of Holy Falmouth '3,180.00' Family Parish, where he recloser to his home town, as he Hyan'nis . '6,908.25 mained for a few years before was made pastor of St. Peter's Mansffeld South Dighton; then St. Joseph':>, '5,867.50 being assigned to his native Nantucket North Dighton, and finally Holy 2,577.00 parish of St. Mary's, October 1, No. Dighton Family in East Taunton, where 1,930.00, 1935. Since ··then 'he has become No. Easton 7,820.5'0 'an integl'al part of the commun- ,he has served several years. No. Westport While in- Fall River, Father 769.25 ity, in charge of the largest parNortoR 936.00 ish and parochial school in the Ocean Grove 1,454.00 city. His is a ,familiar figure Orleans ,755.00 seen walking 'around the area, Provincetown 1,382.32 greeting aimost 'every passer-by WATER HEATERS Paint and Wallpaper Sandwich 3,000.60 ' , by name. ' 20 gallon capacity f Somerset Dupont Paint The Taunton priest is respon1,601.50 St. John of God PARKING 24-HOUR WRECKI;R 4,302.25 sible for the organization of the ,St. Thomas More SERVICE Rear of Store 1,150.00 St. Vincent de Paul Society, and So. Dartmouth 422 Acush, Ave, . 35 HILLMAN STREET' 2,728.00 served for several years as C"'apSo. Yarmouth lain' of the Amer-ican Legion. A NEW BEDFORD Swansea PIPING AND HEATING cor Middle St. member of the Veterans of For. S1. Dominic '2,135.00 25 So. Main St.. , WY 3..0096 WY 6-8343 New Bedford St. Louis of France "1,087.00 ' eign Wars, Monsignor 'Dolan is also 'Chaplain of the Queen':! Our Lady of Fatima 3,054.75 Daughters and the Daughters of Vineyard Haven 1,614.50 Wareham 3,472.80' IsabE!lla.' The esteem with which West Harwich 1,864.00 he is held in the community is and evidenced by his 32 years' servWestport ONE STOP 762.50 ice as a trustee of Taunton Public Woods Hole 1,091.00 SHOPPING C:NTER Est. 1897
Government Acts Against.Dealers In Obscen ity
Auto Body
ii .~~
Pontiff Urges Spread Of Franciscan Spirit
VATICAN ,CITY (NC)-Pope J'ohnhas urged the four branches of the Franciscan first order, to observe their rules with diligence and to spread their .spirit by means of preaching and example. The Pontiffs counsel was made in a signed letter, written in Latin, which he sent to the Superiors General of the Friars Minor, Conventuals,' Capuchiru and Third Order Regular 'Franeiscans as a memento of the T50th anniversary of' the canonical institution of the Order, , Pope John's letter stressed the benefits the Cburch has already received from the practice of Ule rule, He expressed hope that through, its continued practice, to preach penance and charity St. Francis might return to earth in order to conquer present evils' such as mankind's arro-ganc~ which has led it to embrace atheism "and to . neglect divine laws. ......._~_". _
Monsignor Dolan, appointed 'a Domestic Prelate June 30, 1952, is well known as an enthusiastie walker. In his seminary da'ys, he and his ,life-long friend, Rev. Francis McKeon, now pastor of
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Lora of Light
DIOC-t: ,01" "ALL "'VE".
, The Churc,h gives many and beautiful titles to the Holy' , ' Thurs." May 14, 1959 Spirit. A mere recitation of some of t~ese would. give new food for prayer and meditation{ \' '''Lord of light" recalls St. John's definition of God, as gathered from toe lips of Jesus: "And this is the declaration which we have heard from hini. and declare to you: .That' TODA~-St. Boniface, Mal"God is light and in,him there is'no darkness." It recalls the .tyr. He was beheaded as a Chrisyoungster .who was asked the definition 'of a saint and whose tian in Tarsus, Cilicia, about 307. only acquaintance vyith s~ints was the stained glass windows He had gone, to' Tarsus from Rome to recover the bodies of of his parish church. And so, he said- that a saint was a certain martyrs. His relics repose person t.he light shines through. St. ~ohn w,ould like that in a church dedicated to him in definition-a saint is' a person' whom the.Iight. of God &hines Rome. through,a person who has .given himself over to the Lord TOMORROW--':'St.'John Bap. ,of Light. , " ,tist de' la Salle, Con.tgssor. A "Father of the Poor" is a title of the Holy Spirit that French priest. pe founded the Christian Brothers ..and, became , has a particular fittingness.at this time. The Catholic Charan Apostle of Christian educaities Appeal is for the benefit of the needy children of the tion of youth. He. was born in , Father of the Poor. And generosity of a truly Christ-like 1651 at RhlHms of noble parents, kind is the result of the inspiration from the Father of the but gave all his wealth- to the Poor.' " ' , poor upon his ordination. He r-vercame- mar:y ohstacles be. The Holy Spirif is spoken of as the "Cons()ler" bringi:ng fore his institute of Brothers was to those who toil, sweet comfort, to those working in. the, approved" formally by the Holy heat of this life, pleasant «oolness, to those in trouble and . See. He died in 1719, and was woe, solace. ' , can'onized in 1900. The very sound of those words has a gentling effect SATURDAY-Vigil of Pente'cost, St. Ubaldus, Bishop-Conon the Iriind. The reality of this work of the Holy Spirit fessor. He was Bishop of Gubbio, has a no less efficacious impart on the spirit of mef}. . Italy, 'and was noted for his The Holy Spirit is the'Divine 'Transformer. 'St. Gregc;>ry :,r.==~===';~==~:::::=;:=:!!!!~==~~===iliF==~==~ / courage in meeting and dissuadin'his Pentecost sermon says ofoHim: "He fills the young ing Frederick Barbarossa; Cwho \ then was laying waste to Ital,. man 'Daniel and makd him an apostle. He fills the per;QlJESTIONS and was threatening Gubbio. He secutor Saul'and makes him the ,teacher of the world. He att«I died in 1160 and was' canonized fills the publican and makeS ljim,anEvangelist. At the very in 1192. ANSWERS moment when He tOuches our human mind, He transforms SUNDAY"':'" Pentecost,' the ' I . , '
Weekly Calendar Of Feast Days
birthday of the, Church', which commemorates the descent of the,' Do ,,,:ou 'know how ,maDY lions are fulfilled. Usually, plen- Holy Ghost upon the Apo~UeS: arY indulgences can be' gained ' Generally this date is the feast Catholics and' many 'b h hop'S;, arehbisbops _d-- by a person only once a .day 'for of St. Paschal Babylon, CGnies-' 'priestS there are in the United. any specified set of conditions. sor. A Spaniard, he .was born in , States at the present time? The T.Q. indicates· that there is 1540 and became a Francisca'n , , How do these fig1!ces eompare no limitation to the number of Brother. He was noted for hie ' times, that .the indulgence can with the statisti es of teilyears humility, penance, and prayer,: be' gained, v.g., the plenary . ago? and his devotion to the Blessed h,ldulgence attached, to visit The,Official Catholic Directory . The8~ ar~ convention days in' the Diocese. Sacrament att4e Altar and Wall to the church and recitation of lists the foll~wing ligures for The Catholic Teachers Convention and the High ~hool 1958: archbishops 31; 'bishops the p:r;e~ribed prayers on AU 'canonized in 1690. In 1897, Pope Leo XIII, proclaimed him the Science Fair take place today and tomorrow in Fall River. ,190; total number of priests Souls day. Patron in Heaven of Eucharistic The Diocesan'Council of Catholic Women holds its'Conven- 50,813-comprisirig 31,145 diocCongresses. . esan 'priests and 19,668 in relition Saturday in New Bedford. What is t,he meanllll' of the MONDAY St. Venantiull, word "postil"! There are those who see in a convention a great deal r gious orders. You may compare Martyr. He was beheaded for theses figures wi th the 1948 'Postil" is a 'w'ord which Is the 'FrUth at the age of 16 at of work and worry and travel. And these elements are surely totals: archbishops 21; bishops French' ~in origin. It is a com- Camerino near Ancona, Italy, in present. 153; fot:> 1 nrie~ts ·41,747-dioc-. me.IJtary upon some Scripture But there are also the worthwhile results: ,that con- esan, 27,384, , religi0tls orders text. Th'e term is sometimes ap-, the persecution under Emperor Decius about 250. Two' other 14,363. Total Catholic population plied to a short'sermon explainventions'bring about. in 1958 was 36,023,977; whereas ing ,some passage of Sacred -Christians are said to -have, died Those in ,attendance give their attention to new ideas. in 1948 it was 2(),075,967., with hiin. ,S~jpture i.e., the Bible. And ther~ can be no growth without receptivity to what is 'TUESDAY-St. Peter Celestine,' These. figures indicate an in-'Pope-Confessor. He wa's born in new. As soon as individuals and groups freeze at a ~ertain·· 'crease in' every category. MoreAbruzzi, Italy, in 1221 and beWhat is a "graffito"! level of development, then, purpose goes. . \ over. in relat;on to total U. S. came a Benedictine monk. He A :"graffito" is a writing or At a convention those :i;ttending ha,ve the opportunity ,population, the 1948 'figures picture scratched or drawn on founded the Celestinian congre-, represent this country as:·19.4% to meet and talk with others in the same field. Many valuable Catholic,- while the 1958 figure the walls' or stones of anCient 'gation. After the death ,of Pope monumpnf-<; or on" the walls or Nicholas IV, he was elected piec~s of information are exchanged over a cup of coffee. shows that the,U.S. is now 22.5% Pope ,in 1294 buLresigned four tombs of the C~iacon;-bs. When any' gz:oup gets together, the- amount of ingenuity' Catholic. These "statistics are enmonths later and r-eturned to hill * * .• couraging; however" ~hen we: and talent available ,is considerable. ,'" ~ monastery at Mou'nt Morrone. In my daily Mi~l, mention compare the total number of At a convention old ·enthusiasms are rekindled and ·He died in 1296 and was canonwas made Of. , the Lesser Litto the total ni'Jmber of waning determination is str~ngthened. Just hearing about priests ized in 1313. anies, Last month, there was Cat~olics 'for these ~ two' dates, WEDNESDAY - St. Bernardwhat others are accomplishing does wonders for one who we find that' we have lost relerenee to the Greater' Litine of Siena, Confessor. 'Scion of anies. Wliat is the dilferenee' feels that the work is wearisome and he is tiringitl it. ground. In 1948 there WaP <Jne a noble family;' ,he was' born in between these, and w"at do, The accomplishments of one or many give new drive to all. : priest for every 624' Catholics; 1380, in Siena, and after serving, ~ , ,they mean? ' And conventions bril)g a sense of unity and working in 1958 the ratio is one priest the -sick in public hospitals 'The Lesser Litanies refer to to 709' Catholics: Even this is \ . together to all involved. When men and women of high not a true picture, {or the major': the 'ceremony held on the three joined the Franciscans. He deideals and the same goals gather together, an e~prit i~ built ity of religious ord,er men are rOl!ation davs before Ascension- clined several appointments all up that· does wonders' for the individual. Individuals are not engaged in parochial work Thursday. It -is in no way Bishop, but was elected Vicar General of his order and, accomsocial by nature and the intangible but very, real, spirit:. and a number of diocesan priests different from -the ceremony of plished great reforms among its the Greater Litanies held on are occupied with special activ-that a convention imparts gives a lift to their social needs. members~ According to tradition, April 25. The ceremony in both itives which relT\ove them from he was.cu~ed of an impediment • Pride in themselves, pride'in their group, n"ew dedication to parish assignments. . ' instances, comprises a procession and recitation of the Ljtan'y of of speech through the Blessed its purpose-these are the f~it.of a convention. . The Fall River Diocese is just Virgin. He died at Aquila in the Saints. The ,term "lesser" These conventions, then, will give teachers and students concluding ~ts annual: 'novena, merely ihdicates that this cere- ·1444 and was canonized five and women from,a,ll over the Diocese an oppprtunity to 'meet for vocations. Don't limit yoU! mony is of more recent origin years ~ater. with one another in the same field of endeavor and to assess interest in vocations' to this nine than the other: day period. Regularly pray .for ~ themselves. The efforts that all have maae through the 'an increase in vocations, enSome priests are referred to past year will be examined, the success will be applauded, courage vocations, and 'if you as eurates, otliers are assistant' . NEW YORK (NC'-The sesthe better way . . of doing things will be sought out ,and are among those eligible, conpasto~. What is the distinetion quicentennial of their founding sider a vocation' to the religious ~~~. " between these titles? by Mother Seton was celebrated And all will leave -with the knowledgJ that when many life' for yourself. . The terms assistant pastor and by the Sisters of Charity of ."* •• concentrate on .high ideals'the results can"be startling and ,curate are synonymous. They , Mount St. Vincent here. , In: rea d i Ii g through my , are 'used to designate the 'priest His Eminence Francis Card'the effect on a Diocese impressive. ' prayer book recently, I have whose duty it is to as~ist the inal Spellman," Archbishop of eome . across the letters T.P. pastor-in the "cura animaru,m" New York, offered a Pontifical and T.Q. What do these' mean Mass in St. -Patrick's' cathedral -the care of'souls. and is there any' relationShip at which Auxiliary Bishop Jobetween the two? , seph F .. FI~nnelly, Auxil,iary of The letters T,P~ and' T.Q. 'have New York, 'preached the sermon. at' least one thing in common; Eleven archbishops and bishops VATICAN CITY (NC)-His from the United i:;'tates, Canada both are abbreviations.' T.P. stands for 'Tempore Pascha Ie" ' . Holiness Pope John XXIII heard and U:1e Bahama Islands, assistOFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF F~Ll .RIVER meaning literally "in the Pas- ,a brief concert by the Dutch ed at the ceremonies. ' The Sisters conduct" the ColPublished weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese ofFal! River chal season"-or Eastertide. 'You Choir of St. Pancratiusduring a special audience. . lege of Mount Sf.> Vincent and . \, 410 Highlq~d, Avenue ' , will find these in'ithils in your Mis~al designating prayer s -- The Pope applauded and exalso a 'New York motherhouse' Fall River, Mass. ' OSborne 5-7151 tended 'his congratulati6ns after for the community in this area. which are said only during the the choir broke into song in tl)e ,Mother Elizabeth Bayley Seton, Easter time. Its, most frequent PUBLISHER " Hall of the Consistory and rendreference is to the "Alleluia". a convert to Ca ,.". '" foundMosr Rev. James L Connolfy, D.p., PhD. ered three polyphonic piece~. T.Q.' ,also indicates the initial ed her community in EmmitsGENERAL .,MANAGER " 'ASST. GENERAL MANAGER,' letters of two Latin words- , The PoPe gave the choir his burg, Md., in 1809 and came to "toties quoties" meaning "as blessing. He then said that the work in the New York archdioRev. Daniel' f. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P., Driscoll-beauty (1f the, music served' to' cese in '1817 at the request of Often as". This phrase is used MANAGING EDITOR in regards to indulgences whic~ lift the mil1d tc nrayer ;mrl, ,fla'1's 'Bishop John Connolly, second Can be g~ined as often as condi- thoughts to God and to eternity. Bishop of New York. ," Hugh J. Golden
Mightily and, sweetly, does the' ,Divine Transformer. carry on His work in the Church and in every living member· of the Church, renewing constantly the face oithe,earth, moulding Gorl's.children into the very:form of Christ, into other Christs. ' "' " ,
Convention' Days,
Sisters of Ch..,rity Mark Anniversary
®rhe ANCHOR ,
Pope Hears Concert By·Dutch Choristers
. LITURGICAL WORKSHOP AT STONEHILL: Experts in liturgy· discussed congregational participation in. the Mass at a workshop held at St,onehiU' College conducted by Holy Cross Fathers, with priests, religious, teachers and music instructors in attendance. Groups engaged in informal discussions include (left to rignt) John F. Murphy of St. Thomas, More Parish, Somerset; -Theodore Marier, choir director and' organist at St. Paul's Church, Cambridge; and Mrs. Viola Wilson, organist and choir director at Holy Name, Fall River, in left photo. In second left photo Rev.
. Delegate ,P'raises U.S. As Power in Christian Free World.
Teen-Age Code
·,Spotlighting Our Schools I!IT.MAItY'S. TAUNTON , Four· students :are members the executive board of' a Youth Conference which will draw up a Teeri:Age Youth·Code for the Commonwealth~ They are Rita Hutchins, . Margaret Spillane, ~anet Sheehan and Suzanne Milot. Four top science students are exhibiting at the Diocesan. Science,Fair in Fall River today and tomorrow. Included are Lea Cyr, Joan Silva, Carole Berard and Betsy Robbins. Each class has' made a May altar varying from modernistic k» 'traditional. The school's crowning ceremony is set for Wednesday, May 27. DOMINICAN ACADEM~. FALL RIVER _ Reverend Mother' Theresa of .1esus, Prioress General, and a group of 40 DOI):linican Sisters from the convents of Fall River
Asks Youth Leaders Aid Faith Build-up 'MANILA (NC)-The director of the' Philippines' National Bureau of Investigation urged Catholic youth leaders here . to • ~rengthen the religious faith of their contemporaries. Col. Jose Lukban, also asked them to expose the Red youth leaders who are infiltrating student organizations. The N. B. I. Is the Filipino counterpart of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the U. S..
and'A'cushnet attended the Liturgi~aIWo~kshop at Stonehill. Dominican is host to -the Di.., ocesan Science Fair, today and tomorrow. Entries from the school were selected at the school science fair by three judges: Miss Mary Little, of the Academy faculty; and pharmacists Adelard Larue and Nicholas Mitchell. First prize went. to Stella ~. Gamache for her exhibit, Hem. Staph. Aureus (Hemolytic Staphylococcus Aureus). Joan A. Panek won second prize for her work" on Toxicology. Third place award was won by Una Raymond for her project showing the percentage of alcohol in liquors. W.inning honorable mention were Muriel ..Th·iboutot, demonstrating crystals and crystal growIng; . Murielle Thiboutot, showing alkilinity in moderndetergents; Myrene McArdle, analyzi'lg ,the constituents of milk.
]c\mes J. Doyle, C.S.C. of Stonehm, chairma~; Rev. Shawn Sheehan of St. ,John's Seminary, Brighton and Rev. John H. Hackett, secretary to Bishop Connolly. Second right group includes Rev. Richard H. Sullivan, C.S.C., Stonehill president; Sister M. Francille, C.S.J. of Regis College and Rev. Edward W. Desmond, pastor of St. Pius X Church, Milton. At extreme' right are Rev. David A. O'Brien, pastor of St. Margaret's, Buzzard's Bay, and James Lamb' of St. Paul'E\ Paris h, Taunton. Following the general session, various workshops- were con ducted. -
NEW YORK (NC)-The new priests, Religious an" laity.' .' Apostolic Delegate to the United. Bishops Connolly an.d Gerrard States took, up his·· post with attended.', praise' for: this 'niltion and., The Apostolic Delegate was promise to be a '''faithful' a~d replyipg ~o greetings addressed objective interpreter of Ameri:' to him by His Eminence Francis cap. Catholicism with the Holy Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop Father." of New York. Also on hand for Archbishop' Egidio Vagnozzi the ceremony were Their Emisaid here that'the Catholics of nences Richard Cardinal. Cush~he United States "are giving ing, Archbishop of Boston, anq the strongest support to the John Cardinal O'Hara, C.S.C.,· moral position of the Catholic' Archbishop of ,Philadelphia. Church in the. whole world." ~ardinal Spellman, speaking Archbishop Vagnozzi spoke on behalf of U. S. Catholics, told during a ceremony formally' Archbi~h6P Vagnozzi~~at "we welcoming him to the United shall fmd Pope John m Your States,- held in St. Patrick's' Excellency, as we find Peter in Cathedral here. On hand were John, and· Christ in Peter.:" some 50 members of the U. S. Devotion w Pope hierarchy, including three carIn his reply the Apostolic Deldinals, as well as thousands of e~ate said he regarded the
,The Alumnae ,Association will hold its annual 'Communion breakfast at the Academy next Sunday morning following Mass in' the chapel. Seniors o~ the . ciliss of 1959 will be received into the-association at- this time:
"magnificent testimonial" ,given him "not as directed mainly to ' me, but as a tribute of your affection to the person of our Holy Father." Archbishop Vagnozzi, who' served for nine and 'one-half' years beginning in 1932 on the' staff of the Apostolic Delegation in Washington, D. C., said he regardeci those years as "among the most' formative and satisfying of my priestly life." Great Power He said he is "well aware of the magnitude of the task" entrusted to him, adding: "The United States of America are today not one of the great powers on earth, but the great power of the western, democratic, Christian free world.
'" Did 'if ,-
The five-year reunion· of the Class of 1954 will be held at the academy next Sunday afternoon. Charlotte Levesque and Muriel Walker are dire<;ting the arrangements for this gathering.
New Bedford Newman Club Plans· Communion Breakfast Sunday \ Newman .Club of New Bedford Chairman of the committee is Institute of Technology will hold Its annual Family CommUnion . Jean Schwartz. Anthopy C. ArBreakfast next Sunday at Gau- ruda Jr: is president. Principal· speaker will be dette's following Mass at St. James, J. Doherty. His 'subject "rancis Xavier Church, Acushwill be "Dialectical Materialism. aet. What is it?" Mr. Doherty, a master 1't the Boston Latin School, is a teacher of history and civics. He was formerly an instructor in the department of history and government at Boston College. III the Boston p'ublic school system for the past 10 years, Mr. Doherty is an active member of the Boston Teacher's Union, serving as its president during 1957-58. He is a member of the Holy Name Speaker's Bureau in the Archdiocese of. Boston. Mr. Doherty resides' in We;rmouth, . Mass.
Seems as though every time Momm'y turns her bac::k another bottl" of. Guimond Farms "A Quality" milk is gone. But Mommy doesn't mind! She knows that the farm-fresh flavor of Guimond Farms milk is too tempting to resist. She kr;tows too, that Guimond Farms ,.A Quality" Milk hel,:»s build sound bodies-strong teeth and bones. So go to it sonny! Drink as much Guimond Farms milk as that little tummy of yours requires.
New Bedford Play
The Junior Catholic Theater Guild of New Bedford will present "Absolutely Murder!" at 8 Monday and Tuesdays nights, May 18 and 19 at Keith Junior High School auditorium. Mra. Perry Coholan is director•
.,ceESI! .". P'ALL
Catho'lic Schools May Become 'Available Only to Chosen Few
Thurs., May 14, 1959
III Nuns to Open First Convent'
By Mary Tinley Daly . When is Catholic schooling the most valuable? Tttat question, un~ortunately, is coming to the forefront among educators. At a recent convention of Catholic 8choolmen, discussion of this became rather intense. Faced with the possibility; be chosen because their parents and' in many comm].lnities, were first in line to enroll their' the probability, that in the children, 9r whether fhe line future the Catholic populace is drawn on a scholastic apti-
LONDON (NCr-Seven nuns of 'the' Congregation of ,Jesus Crucified, who because of illness or ,infirmity are debarred from other religious societies" have now arrived in England to open their first· convent at Castel Cary, Somersetshire, in the south west. They have taken over a for. mer convent once used by the 'Visitation Sisters. The foundress and prioress general, Mother Mary of Our Lady of Sorrows, has arrived here to help them move in. The congregation has four priories in France and one in the, United States, Mother Mary foqnded, it in Paris 28 years ago with 'four companions and a capital of only ope dollar.' The congregation, whose, motherhouse .is at Brou-sur Chantereine near Paris, has 175 'members who are blind, deaf, diabetic, crippled or otherwise disabled. One has had both legs amputated. I
tude test-level, an I,Q. test, or cannot support its Qwn separate schools to give every child an whatever, means little. Net result is, many Catholic children education unde;:cannot. be educated as' their the auspices. of parents would desire. his own Church If you'll forgive the personal from kindergar(and this column is not un· ten through at· SHEILA O'DONNELL JUDITH CROWLEY known for its personal charac. least high ter), granddaughter Lu Anne school, the edtrots off gaily to a public kinderu cat 0 r s a'·r e garten. She happily' rides on the c o,n sid e r school bus-not realizing' that ing where (0 . in another. year that same bus cut. Ju(lith Elizabeth· Crowley and Church: \ ' will whiz by her as she waits for So m e think She~la Mary O~Donnell ha'le Miss O'Donnell, the daughtet' a privately .arranged rfde to take that concentrabeen named as the recipients of of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas A. her to a Catholic school for first Fall River Catholic Woman's tion of funds O'Donnell of 65 Read Street will' grade. Though her parents pay Club Scholarships for 1959-1960 and facili ties attend Emmanuel., College in · on the junior and senior high taxes' that quy the bus, pay for by Mrs. Francis J. Connors, Boston this September. -A stu· school level-a six-year span- its ga's' and ,the wages of its chairman of the' scholarship dent· at the' Academy of the driver, 'Lu Anne cann,ot ride ,on committee. Funds for the scholwould be most advantageous. Sacred Hearts, she has been :>n Others believe that all-the-way- it. arships, given to 'daughters of. the honor roll for four years. Right now, there are, so many club members, were derived Miss O'Bonnell's manyacUvities through Catholic training for a New Bedford Thespians nucleus would be better, Still five-year-olds like Lu Anne in this year from mailing solicitainclude membership in the ";lee others are of the opinion that that public kindergarten (many tions, instead. of the usual Spring Club, Journalism Class, Debating Plan Spiritual Evel:'lt graJe school Catholic training, of. them Catholic) that the-school dance. . Team, Gymnasium, Sodality, and Members of the Catholic: Miss Crowley, daughter of Mr. in the school orchestra. ' costing less and spreading thin- . has had to institute "drop days';. Theater Guild of New Bedford -a four day week for each child, and Mrs. John T. Crowley of 708 The committee which selected ner, is to be preferred. will attend their annual corpor. Robeson Street, will enter the the recipients for' 1959-1960 inIt's sad ,that it should be this in other words. . ate "communion ,and breakfast , When and if hordes of Cath- University of Massachusetts in cluded Mrs: Connors, chairman; way, but educators say we must Sunday, May 17.. olic children must, of necessity, September. A high ranking' Miss Mary C. Pacheco, Mrs, John be. realistic. iake their rightful places in the senior 'at the B. M. C. Durfee J. Harrington, Miss Alice E. LenGuest of honor will be Msgr. Let's face it: in many comHigh School, she has merited aghan; Mrs.· Edward B. Downs public schools, will there be Timothy Sweeney,. guild moder~ munities, Catholic parents. canhonors as a member of the Na- an~ M;iss Katherine L. Hogan, ator and pastor of Holy Name not afford /school buildings, an "drop days" for all of' them? tional Honor Society for two ex-offi~io, president of the CathChurch, New Bedford. Mrs. adequate teaching staff, trans- What will b~! ·the effect of a years, an all "A" pupil for four ~lic Woman's Club. . ~aniel Kelly, Fall River draportation-all required for prop- four-day week upon the educayears, a "Top Ten" senior, and A d I I matic coach who is active Hi er education of their children- ti~nal . , training of America's' was American Legion Auxil. co e.my, A umnoePlan Catholic theatrical productions,: " , while at the 'same time support-' children?' lIQme Training will be breakfast speaker iary Girls' State Representative Fall 'River Concert ing the public schoQls. Christopher A. Best is chairTaxes for education will rise for 1958. Miss Crowley is alSQ . "The Alumnae A;sociation of man of arrangements. Members What to Do? automatically. Catholf~ parents, active at Durfee as a member . of' the Classical Club,' Matlie~ ~e .Academy, of the Sacred may bring guests. So far, very little has been like all others, will share that heard from Catholic parents on increase in. taxes, but this will matics Club, Speakers'. Bureau" .Hearts, Fall River will sponsor the 23rd annual Glee Club conbe minimal in comparison to the and the Music. Appreciation this subject. Usually, however, Cam'pic;>n Award cert in Sacred Heart school auCatholic parents are united only high cost of maintaining their Club. She is a member of. the NEW, YORK (NC) - Sister CYO Choir of Holy Name ditorium. Sunday evenin'g, May parochially, their_ voiCes drowned o'wn school system. '. 17 at 8. Mary Madaleva, distinguished' out Of the national picture, As a' desired: Maybasket Party _ ': 'Loren Driscoll, 'tenor of New author and educator, hall n-" · parent, if' y'ou had to make· the It is a situation not to, be , Franco -: American, ,Woman'( York City Center Opera Com- eeived the fifth annual Carn-' Qn the' high~r. educatiofl plane, ' Club, Inc. will conduct its an"; . li.anY and the American ,Opera' "pion ,Award of the Catholic' choice, what would you do? . Perhaps soon the' "iffiness" will particularly. with, regard to pro- nual Maybasket Party at 8.P.M:. Society wiil be featu~ed'as guest Book Club for achievement ill be removed. Soon you may have fessional schools in universities, Wednesday at Old Town Hall,- ,artist. , .' the field of Catholi~ literature., to make the. choice.' we' have come to realize that . .Somerset; under the direction of 'Mrs. Raymond A. 'Dioritte:' Jl?edallion was' awarded b;, Remove' kindergartens? Send all .of our. childr~n, fQr. ~ne' 'Miss Blanche Jolivet and Mrs.' alumnae·' president; ill general F r a ric i s Cardirial Spellman,·, 'your cliildren to 'public schools reason or another, have c!iffi.,. . '.' ,chairman of the even~: " ~,., Archbishop' 'of New York. " ' ; up to junior high? Concentrate culty> in gO'in~' to 'Catholic col... " Orner Roy. . .' " effort to maintain a fine six":year leges and· universities.' Should the time come-and it· Catholic' junior-senior high school? Keep thepresentsysteql. may-that Catholic .children.' are going the way it is .now-but , unable to att~nd Catholic schools turn away many each year be- . all the_ way through .... Well, ',calise "there ,is ,no room at the then it will be more importari't ' than ever that religion be li'ved inn", i.e., room for only a percentage? and taught at your, house and at Whether that small percentage ours.
Fall River Catholic Woman's Club Announces Scholarship Awards -
Members of. Diocesan Councils Visit Iowa State Legislature, _ ·
DES MOINES (NC)-Under the, auspices of the Councils of Catholic Women of the Dubuque archdiocese and the Davenport diocese, a group of 700 women visited the state legislature here 'and met state o#icials. The group jsbelieved to have been the larges.t, single, party ever to yisft the ,Capit(>l. .The women came from 30 counties in northeast Iowa, most 'of them in chartered buse'l?,' others in pri-' vate, transportation. The, trip
was part of a "Know Your Government" project sponsored by the two councils. . The women met Gov. Herschel G. Loveless and L1. Gov, Edward L. McManus, and attended ~6rTl:' ing and afternoon sessions of the sfate House and Senate.:·:' .. ;'1 thi'nk this is a 'wonderful ,ide'a that' wili ,have constru~tive results," GOV\ Loveiess commented.
Girls~e,r)l Spiritual
G· I S·Bouquet to Pope John F II R' a rver Irs to· Ing 'coN'coiw (NC)-A spiritual At Diocesan Convention bouquet containing 700,000' acts Students from Mt. St. Mary's of piety pledged by Junior CathAcademy,' Fall River, wilt' preolic Daughters of America an:d sent a. .musical program at their' :counselors has been 'sent Saturday's convention of the to FQpe John. 'Diocesan Council of Catholic ,Miss .. Louise E. Collins, naWomen at Kennedy Center, New tional" Junior director, has anBedford. nounced the bouquet, included Choral selections will include 11,500 Masses requ.ested by, "the "The Heavens Resound," BeeJuniors for the special intenthoven; ,"Ameriea the Beautiful;". 'tions 'of ,the" Holy' Father· and "La Spagnola," Riegger; and the, , assistance at 17,500 other'Masses Sanctus from Gounod's St. Ce- for the same intentions. cilia Mass, ,with Valerie ~olka 'A check for $3,000 ,representas s o l o i s t . i n g the juniors self denials for qther soloists will b~ Mar- ·Lent was sent with the spiritual garet Kanauss, Nancy Cordeiro bouquet. - and Rachelle Bouchard. .f1ome Card Party The group is under the direc. Members of the Infant of tion of Sister Mary ,Gabriella, Prague' Guild, S1. Mary's Home, RS.M., with Sister Mary Fidelis, New Bedford, will hold a card R.S.M. as moderator. and Arthur Darty Wednesday. May 27. Paquette as guest conductor..
Money per Loe:rd!
No warm-up wait with a Cas ~ryer. Turn it on and it's on ... clothes are drying. '10 hang-over heat wasted 'afterwards"'n~ danger of over-drying the clothes.
Then, because gentle Gas heat blows moisture away, instead of paking it out, clothes come "out fluffier, more wrinkle-free ... and you'll find- that makes 'em easier to iron.
,Gives Brides Advice on ,Choice <?f China,' 'Silver, Glassware
time, but we have a ,few tips stores that might help you now in at th.IS time of year call for a making your plans. To begin certam a~ount ,With, what do you .start with in of restramt, on chinaware? Start with four the part of the dinner plates, four luncheon you n g buyer, plates four cereal bowls four for these ~urcups ~nd saucers, one mediumcha~es w h I C h sized m~at platter, one vegetable ~ou 11 be makdish, one gravy boat. Later you 109 for your can increase these numbers to home are pureight and still later add other chases 'w hie h serving dishes. you expect to last a long time Silverware Needs - m a yb e for For silvex:ware, keeping the your e n til' e number to four, start' with four married life. Let's start with. ,dinner krives, four dinner forks some of the smaller items that and salad forks, eight teaspoons, are necessities. one ,1:" .. :: .... G': sugar shell Wherever you're going to live and two serving spoons. Later -in a cottage at the' shore, a add four more each and still large city house, or a one-I"oom later you cap invest in other apartment, your activities will serving pieCeS. be centered around three meals Your glassware needs can, be a day. Since a great deal of time satisfi~ with' the 'purchase of and money go into the prepara-, eight water glasses (sometimes lion ,of these meals, they should one needs two at each place, one be served as attractively as,' for water and one' for milk); possible, so we think it might eigh't sherberts, eight salad. or be adyisable to discu~s what will pie plates, one water pitcher, determine your choice of table- two small relish or jelly ·dishes. ware. You'll notice, that we included Choose Tableware Carefully salad or pie plates in your glassDinnerware, silverware, and' ware, and in the quantity of glassware need not be expens;v/': eight, because these will take to ,be a,ttractive, but thought, care: of your entertaining needs, should be given in' applying the since your original investment principles of design to their in china was only service for selection and use. If your best four persons~, ' dinner service is to .be ~ine In planning your table service, china, you'll naturally choose remember the principle of harfine crystal, sterling silver and mony as it applies to color, tex, a tablecloth that will be appro- . ture, line, shape and ide'a. Clean, priate-perhaps lace or linen. attractive linens and interesting'You'~ probably seen illustra': ly chosen dinnerware, glassware, tions of table settings purchased and silver will contribute to , in dime stores' and it is wonderali- atmosphere. of contentment ful to study the pleasing effects, and""sociability when' you sit achieved ";"~L l~' ,~.)"i" s.'Jre down to dine." dishes.' ,These 'pictures prove' . what"we'have alwaysrmain:': HyOiihis'D oftCircle' tairied~your table will, be' in ," .. ,', .... " ' , "0, good taste' if you choose dime-" Plans'Salefor..Blind store dishes with good lin.es and Hyannis members of Fa~ cOlors appropriate to 'your dinMcSwiney Circle 513, Daughters lng room; and if you select inof Isabella, will hold a sale for. expensive but well-proportioned the blind today and 'tomorrow glassware, and a simple pattern at Hyannis Armory. 'Features in plated silver. Your taple cloth will include a snack bar and the may 1- ~ 'a' p-' . l '0" .. 'le ",y sale will continue from 10 to 5 yours~lf' o( ~tton:,' r~yo~ o~ both days. linen crash. A dessert' bridge, will be held Pleasing lines and harmonious at 1 Wednesday afternoon, 'June eolors may be found in all grades 3 at Red Rose Inn, West Yar~ of china, and interesting shapes mouth. and designs are avaiable in 'all Members have completed paytypes of silver and glass. Each ment of a pledge to Sto!lehill season new designs appear College in memor,- of Rev. which make it possible to select George Lewin. Next regular pieces' that' will go with one', meeting will be held Tuesday, particular over-all .decor. May 26, at Knights of Columbus Delicate china is out of place Hall, 'Hyannis, to be highlighted with thick,. heavy glass; sturdy 'by a white elephant sale. pottery does not belong 'wi~ ,
Children of. Sl Anthony's parochial school, Ta,unton, and area public schools joined to present a Mother's Day tribute in the church hall. Written by Rev. Laurenco M. Avila and directed by Miss Joanna Roche, the program included a tribute to Our Lady, reminiscences of living mothers and a section dedicated to '. , , deceased mothers. Songs included hymns by children of Sacred Heart Church, Taunton, in addition. to ,solos by members of 51. Anthony's par-
, Prizes were awarded to oldest and youngest mothers and the mother with most children. ·The program concluded with Benediction in the church.
Home Economists MILWAUKEE (NC) -Home economics teachers from ~cross the country will gather here June 20 and 21 for the #~nven tion of the National ".atholic Council on Home Economics.
Pope, Prefers Walking In Papal 'Ceremonies
ROME .(NC)-Pope John admits ,he doe~n't take ,kindly to the pOrtable throne called the sedia gestatoria which istraditional for major papal ceremonies. He told 100,000 persons gathered at the new Church of St. John Bosco to venerate the saint's· body: "Believe me, I do not • like riding on the Sedia . gestatoria. I would be most happy to walk on foot like. everybody else. Then I think that if I went on foot, no one would be able to aee me, and therefore I use it as an 'exercise of mortification.
Aca-demy Reunion Jesus.:.MarY 'Academy Alumnae Association will hold its annual reunion at 1:30 P.M. next Sunday at the Academi Members of this year's graduating class will be' received into the association by the president, Mrs. Luciennl' Gaudreau Dumais. All former students are invit~
Oratory School Marks Jubilee LONDON (NC) - The 100th anniversary of the Oratory School, founded by Cardinal Newman to provide a Catholic private school for the sons of Oxford Movement converts, was' ,celebrated here with a Solemn Mass, Te Deum and a luncheon.
• In
Mother's Day Program Honors Tauntonians
ANCHOR Thurs., May 14, 1959
By Alice Bough Cahill The happiness of starting out on a new vocation with the blessing of Holy Mother Church in the sacrament of . matrimony, is part of a young girl's life. The excitement of planning for your own horne brings many joys, but joys that involve thought and a ~ine crystal. We'll -.reserve a knowledge of household detailed discussi~n of dinneritems young folks usually ware classificatiON (porcelain take for granted an\i earthenware) until another Th~ be~utIfu.. dIsplays
DIOCESAN NURSES: Bishop Connolly confers with two officers of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses following th~ annual meeting at St. Anne's Hospital, Mrs: Margaret McAvoy of Attleboro, Diocesan president (left) and M~s. Ella McNally of Fall River. the newly elected recording secretary.
Mrs. Noonan Heads Cape, Islands District of Diocesan Counci I Mrs.. Gilbert, J. Noonan, Falmouth, heads newly elected officers for Cape an-d' I.!ilands District 5 of the Diocesan Council of Catholic 'Women. Chosen with her at the annual district 'meeting'. h:;:' ~ 'at Knights of Columbus Hall, Falmouth, were Mrs. Manley Boyce, Harwich" vice presiliad:; Mrs. thomas Moore, Hyannis, treasurer. Also Mrs.' Philip Dempsey, Yarmouth" secretary; alld Mrs. John Barrows, Hyannis, I)iocesan vice president. Mrs. Noonan' will also serve
cil president; Miss Emily Perry, Diocesan chairman of 'organization and development; Mrs. Coleman Coyne, D'iocesan Historian.
Addressing the luncheon after the Mass, His Eminence William Cardinal Godfrey, Archbishop of Westminster, urged that Catholic 'youth be educated in Catholic schools, even if it means that family tradition would be broken. He said that secular education of Catholic children would be a misfortune for the Church in Englimd. Fathers who send their boys to non-Catholic .schools because they and their own fathers had attended them, should stop the practice, he said. "The education in our Catholic schools lays such a firm ano solid foundation in our boys tha! it outweighs the advantages thai might exist in other schools noC of our faith," ,the Cardinal said. ""
I Super Right Fine Quality Meats
Get MORE for
meat dollar
, ' .
MRS. GILBERT NOONAN as third Diocesan ,vice president to the Diocesan Council and will attend the annual convention this Saturday at Kennedy Center, New Bedford in that capacity. Reports-given: at the annual district meeting included spiritual development, by Mrs. ,Russell Collinge, Harwichport; family and p~rent life, Mrs. Boyce; organization and development, Mrs. Charles Stavredes, Osterville; and discussion clubs, Mrs. William Welch, Harwich. Dioeesan Moderator Rev. Francis McCarthy, pastor of St. Joseph's Church, North Dighton, and Diocesan moderator of discu!!sion clubs, spoke on ,their value. Members of St. Anthony's League of 'Catholic Women were hostesses. for the • meeting. Mrs. .Edward Mello,' president, welcomed attendants and was chairman of a tea following the session'. Special guests included Mrs. Emmett Almond, Diocesan COUll\
Fall River 0 ·of I Hear Marian Editor Speak One hundred and fifty attended the annual corporate communion of Assumption Circle No. 74, Fall River Daughters of Isabella,. ~t St. Mary.'s Cathedral. Rev. Roger, I.iary Charest, S.M,M" editor of Queen of All Hearts, magaziQe, spoke Oll devotion to Mary at the communion breakfast following. Mrs. 'Romeo Charest headed the arraI1gements committee.
GROUND BEEF All Beef Hamburg
~e:~.e~~" ~p.ring" ~~r.e'"tJn1te~tkd'~y.AC{ltk1fll.8.trurents ",' I·oib"~~':'~o~~
,:1, 't.
'AttendlngTV.Cou'rse In HumanltlRs " , ...:
,~HRISTl:' ">" .', :"In ;the spring'. aioun.t'girl's' fancy light...J.y'turns tothou'ghtsof~Harnletand Oedipus. '.: As.sertsFa"uly Mr.'& j~ft~:tleO:r~~;E.:'I'~wer~'.~~t !ea~t, th'at'l:lt~~ c~s~a~ Sa~redI!~artsAc~de~y,Fan ,~~ye~, wh~r.~:a;pic~ed\~roup of', Is Foundation' '
'Jumorshas been-partIcIpatmg,m a umque educatIOnal teleVISIOn course. Smce AprIl 27 the ' , ' . ." " girls have turned their'ba~kson the lure of s oft Spring evenings to, report fOlir 'nights . wee~dy. ·to SHA's E n g h s h ' . LOUISVILLE (N C ) ~ . cla'Ssroorn where, under the Keeping families together is $30 direction of .Sister. Mary the cornerstone of, everY Mr. & Mrs. Charles BlaisH.ortense, S.U.~.C.;. they've Catholic agency' program $25 ' w!tnessed and dIscussed scenes which serves families and child:' Mr. & Mrs. John W.ilson, Col. from. Thornton Wilder's Our ren., , . William Drummey, Mr. &' Mrs. Town, Shakespeare's Hamlet and This was strongly emphasized Lawrence Fitzgerald, Francis D. Sophocles' oedipu~ Rex. ", by Mrs. Helen Lauer, executive Mackedon. Pilot Program secretary of the fort Wayne $20, They are among 8500 students Catholic Charities Bureau 'at • ,. Lawrence Cleare, Sgt. & 'Mrs. iri 138 public, parochial and priregional Catholic Charities con- Robert B. Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. ate schools takihg the course, ference' here. Edgar' Caron. and' the only ones in the Fall "It is the quality of the family $15. River area. 'fhe academy was relationship which determines Mr. & Mrs., John F. McCahill, not among schools .originally whether ,our children. are to Mr. & Mrs. 'Martin Lawless,Mr. enrolled in the program, theregrow, develop, and move on to, &: Mrs. Lawrence p,errault, Mr. fore students did not benefit by ~ maturity-for it is the' family & Mrs. Frank Murphy, Mr. & preparatory material sent to that lastingly shapes the tastes, Mrs. William Bennett. ' most participants. . temperament, the total possibil$12 ' ... Because qf this, reactions and ity of all its members," sh~ said. Tn Memorv of William A. & opinions of the Sacred Hearts' . Tighten Laws. Ellen -F. McLaughlin. girls will be of particular interMsgr. David I. Dorsch, diree:' $10 est to' th~ organizers. of the tor of Associated Catholic Char·IYJr. & Mrs. John F. Nelson, series, a pilot program designed ities of the Baltimore archdioMrs. Samuel Frey,. Mr. & Mrs. . to test 'the possibilities of telecese, also stressed the'iinportPaul McLaughlin, Mr.'.& Mrs. vision in teaching the humaniance of the family. "The most Lloyd Hendrick, Mrs. W. B. ·ties. Floyd Rinker, executive important unit of American Lumbert. ' director, made this p.oint in a Society is the- family,'.' he said. Mrs. Emma A. Coady, Mr. & letter to Sister John, Elizabeth, atilms of the ethics involved in considered. A particularly i~ter- "We~ve got to do something to Mrs. William T. Carr,' Mrs. S.U.S.C., Sacred Hearts princi': the plays. ~tudied. With skilful esting exercise, said Sister Mary strengthen the family-move ill James G. 'Connor, Helen M..Per- pal. , " analogies Sister Mary 'Hortense Hortense, V\(,as a one paragraph there- with some money help, kins, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Devery. The girls, who have taken part used each of the plays to illum_ composition written by each'girl before the family breaks Mr. & 'Mrs. Michael Ahern, in the course on an extra-curric- inate facets of. the others and 'on a sentence' quoted by" Fadi- ,tighten divorce lliws." Lillian Phelan, Mr. & Mrs. Ber- . ular basiS, have heard Clifton, thus show the essential unities man from- a, Paschal: Man' is a nard Aylmer, Mr. & Mrs. Nestor '·F.adiman, writer and' lecturer, of drama through the ages. reed, the weakest thing in NaComplete Robidou, Ellen Spooner. in discussions on Our Town; and Girls' took notes from the TV ture, but he is a thinkfng reed. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Friscino, MaynarflMa"k and Bernard> teachers as from 'one present in Will Grow Mr: & Mrs. Thomas Dunlavey, Knox, Yale Professors, in leethe classroom and discussion From all indications, students Mr. & Mrs. Albert LeBlanc,. Mr. tures on fIa!Dl~t ,and. OeQipus proved their retention ot" points .at SHA and other Fall River & Mrs. Pepin, Mr. & Mrs. CazeRex respectively. - Swansea schools' will be seeing a' good miro Martin. The lectures are supplemented ST. L OU110;: DE FRANCE ' . deal more.' of t;ducational, TV. Mr. &: .Mrs.· Charles Schuck" on the TV screen by scenes from .~25 Plans call for expansion of the Gregory Alves,. Mr. & Mrs. Ste- the· plays discussed and in-the for Bristol County' present pilot course to -135 half phen Forde, Mr. & Mrs. Robed· classroom by discussions before Joseph Dur?~:o hour progra~s, which will probSanford, Mr. "&, Mrs. Joseph , anI! after' the programs, and by Edmond Plante. ably be used' as the backbone of Silvia. written assignmeI1ts. $10 junior~ EnglislI courses at high' Mr. & Mrs. Louis' J .. Mendes,. , "Thp. girls w()uldn't 'normally . . ',','. ' t~roughout the 'country. , Mr. & Mrs. David Fraher, Mr. &'. stully Hamlet until senior year,~ / 'Omer,Parker, Dewey Thlbaul~, 'schools " & Mr 'd S· t M H t "b t ·Arthur.E. Cote, Raymond AUdet, M.rs. H arry H aves. M,I'. S.' sal IS er . ar y". or ense, ~ Francis Lussier.. Eugene Silvia, Mr~ -&. Mrs. Peter they read It speCIally for,' thIS' "William Dickinson' William <> Keating. course and even though they. had ' ' . Mr. & Mrs. COl'ne~ius MiI1ih~lD, to do'it hastily"they've.der:iyed, F:etcoher'IlJosep~ ~asson~e, Oh-TAUNTON, M.(lSS. Dr. Steven Malone, Redmond enormous benefit from it." '.' VIer. ue ette, mIle Bollard. 'GOOD FOOD .. Leonel Paquette, George R. '. A nge10 M ,O'Callahan. Mr. &:rs.. In classroom dISCUSSIon the L 0 " G 'ff' HI' Pleasant Atmosphere' THE BANK ON DiModica, ·Mr. & Mrs. Roy L. TV., lecturer's' comments were;', eve.sque, . wen rI m, e 10Hask anybod~ Spring. '," ' ' . f d b e t h l' "d doreLeclalre, George Gagnon. TAUNTON GREEN rem orce y ' a 0 IC, conSI er:Reginald Poisson, Orner Roy, Air Conditioned Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Sint.oni, ' . /. Doroth~' Vill1 Bll~k;rk, Katherine . West 'Harwich Frllncois Tremblay. Member of Federal Deposit 3866 Acushnet Avenue J. Brady, Mr. & .Mrs. Walter HOLY TRINITY ProY,incetown New Bedford Insurance Corporation Alvezi, Mr,& Mrs. Edgar S. '$25 ST. PETER THE APOSTLE Tolmie. Mrs'- Mary Grant, Mrs. Charles $30 . Alfred L. 'Govoni, Sandwich F'm Iey, J'ames C onnor,. . C hat h am Mary Roberts; "Co-operative Bank, Daniel Mur- Trll<t en,.. Milr<'l1ret Burrage, Mr. $10 . P hy, Edward: F. Montague Fam- & M rs. W a Iter T ramer. Mrs. Anthony Travers, Boat By, Sandwich Hardware. $20 Mr. & Mrs. John, Yeatman, . . Peter & Linda-Capt. Seraphine Gen. & Mrs. Vincent J,acobs. Codinho, Boat Little InfantIda D. O'Bri"en, Joan M. O'Brien, ' $10 Mr. & .Mrs. Michael: McNamara. Capt. Jerry Costa, Boat· Yankee The Carmain Family, William -Capt. Arthur Duarte. Boat Sea Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Lawless, J. Day, Peter·.Schmeide,rer, Mr. 'li'ox-Capt.Manuel Henrique.. Henry J. Buc,kley, Mr. & Mrs. & _M rs. J . H a r r y Long,Mr' . & Turn to Page Eleven Justin George, Katherine·R. Cur- Mrs. Alfred Lyons.' rier, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Bi-, Mrs. Emil Bourgeois, Mrs, anchi. ' . John Bongers, Mr. & Mrs. Wil-' . William J. Ellis, Claudia M. liam Fink, Mary Walsh, Mr. & Forni, Marjorie C.: Hoey, .Vir- 'Mrs. John Anderson. ginia McLaughlin, ~fr. & Mrs. Mrs. Arthur. J. Syllivanj, Mr. " Main.tenance Supplies George E. Quirk ~ :Family'. & Mrs.' 'William R,opichaud, SWEEPERS - 'SOAPS Mr.:& Mrs. William J. Parks, Marie Ston~, Agn~ Halbritter, DISINFECTANTS ·:Mr. &: Mrs. Robert '-McPherson, Marion 'Hall5ritter. ,", FIRE E)(~INGUISHERS . Hilda' E. 'Whitmore, Mary T. . Capt. 'Wiliiams Hou~,' Mrs; Gannon, Katherine Maley. Patrick ,.D~na,hu~, ;J)r.:<~, Mrs. Rose Maley, Mr. & Mrs; John ,Bernard' RIley, Mr. & Mrs:-Ralpb' "MacQuade, Mr.: &,Mr~.. Will~a~ ,.L(mg,.Wil1f;:lm·Do~ney: " . 18B6.: PURCHASE-ST ~, Tyback, Mr: -& Ml's. ~ugene·Cor~ 'Dr.. '& Mrs-:.ArthurD'EI(a; Mr;' 'NEW' BEDFORD radi, Mr. & Mrs..D~lDte·Quatro- & Mrs. Daniel Lamson, (WIlliam . :, vlY;, 3~3786 . mini. . . ,Kelly.. . .' , Mr: & Mrs. Michele Rigazio, -John' C'arafoli," Mary Carafoli, ' :. .' , ;. . ~----.> Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rondelli, Mr.. & Mrs. Alexander Fprni. Mr. & Mrs., 'Fello ,Tontihi, Mr. Plu'mbing '-' Heating' . &' Mrs. Emiliano Gavazia, Mr. . & Mrs. Alexander Consoni, Mr. Over 35 Years &. Mrs. Michael CorPick,_Mr. &. of Soti~fied ServiCe Mrs. Edward Russell. Mr. &. Mrs. Lester 'Geary, John. .806 ""'0. MAIN.' S1;REET NEW BEDFORD Warsaw Jr., Stephen Kett, Mr. Fall Rive; OS 5~7. 497 & Mrs. Ira B. Austin, Mr. ~ Mrs. I' ,Herbert E. :qamlen. INDUSTRIAL OilS. Mary A. Mahoney, Daniel '"
Of, Society, .
. William Doyle, Mr.&: Mrs. G. H. McGreavy, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Donaldson,. Capt. Marie Lawlor.
Bristol County·, Trust Company,
M.K Restaurant
Fall River Serrans Plan, Holy Hour Tonight The 'Fall River .Serra Club will conduct a holy hour at 7:30 tonight in Our Lady,.of Angels furthering vocations in.' the Diocese. A buffet luncheon to which" Serrans and families are invited. wilt be served in the church hall following the holy ,hour. .
R. A. WllCOXCO'/~ OFFICE FURNITURE ," .B, Stoek' tor ·i..;~.ec.i.~.Dt'lj...e..,
R~ A. WILCOX CO. ,22 BEDFORD ST. fAll RIVER, 5-7838
Whether it's a NEW or USEQ CAR you ca~ Get an AUTO LOAN
At RATES THAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY , .COft'parisons ~re co,",vincil'!g! C~mein and get the figures i'
Sales & Service 501"' C9UNTY 5T.· NEW BEDFORD . Wv 3·1751·
MAIN OfFI<:;E-Union and Pleasant Streets. NORTH END-1200 Acushnet' Avenue
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Catholic Schools
OMAHA (NC}=.. .:-Ail Irish IlChQOI,te;iche{with the un· likely' nam~' ol.HaJi'sori said after a year of\teaching in' a
__ ~lUed :fr~Ql.~~ge.'PeD. ".;'
Ocean .Grove' ST. MICHAEL
. .. Mr.
&; ~rs.
parochial school here that her only ,regret is that she cannot stay another year. .
$1.50 , : Joseph A. Faria. $25
• . "" Mrs. Leonard Brophy. $15 _ .~. & Mrs. Amadeo DJttami. $10 Mr. & Mrs. John V. Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon Bolduc Mrs. John' Burks St. & Claire' Mr. &. Mrs. Robert Canuel, Mr: • .Mrs. Numerien Caron. Joseph Cox, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel «recca, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur .Dal"'i~, Mr.. & Mrs. Raoul Desruis_u-x, William Dussault & Son. Mr. & Mrs. James Fiddler,' . ~ettaGalvin, Mr. & Mrs. Nor~ bert Gendron. Mr. ~ Mrs. Roger Gibeau, Mr. &. Mrs. Carlton Creenhalgh, Mrs. Albert Judge. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Grenier, Mr.. A: Mrs. Jos'eph Hargraves, Mr.' A: Mrs. Wm. Harrington & Fam_ Ily, Misses Y'!anne & Blanche '''olivet, Mr. & Mrs. John La_ance. Mrs. Alice Lizotte, Mr. & Mrs. ~hn Lavoie, Mr. & Mrs. Philip . ,RECEIVE SAFETY AWARDS: Six m ::mbers of School Safety ~atrols-five of them McHugh in me!l10ry of the Han~ uri Family, Mr. & Mrs. Wm,; V. 'f~om Catho~ic schools-received awards for heroic acts in traffic incidents which actually Mahoney, \Mr. &' Mrs. EdWard saved- the hves. of schoolmates. The medals were presented by Mrs. Dwight D. Eisen-
.'; :
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Amos Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Messier; Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Mullaney, Mr. & Mrs. ·Thomas Murphy. · Mr. & Mrs" Normand Neveu, ,Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Nowicki, Mr. & Mrs. Ceasar Paiva, Mr. & Mrs. J:lisee Pineault, Mr. & Mrs. Don_ ald Sexton. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Redf~rn, Mr. & Mrs. John P. Seguin, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stockett, Mrs. Patrick H. Tunney.
ho,wer.NC Photo.
. . ST,. MARY'S
$25 ·St. J;ohn's Ladies Guild,' Mr. & ·Mrs. William Forrest. $20 •. Mr. & Mrs.' John A. 'Murley, Mrs. Mary Brady Sh~a. . $15 Mr. .. &.Mrs. John Costa. Mr. mond.
Rose, Mr. & Mrs. 'Arthur Faria, Mr. & Mrs, William Sullivan.
$11 Mrs.• William A. Al-
·$50 Stop' & Shop' Employees . $25 Matthew :a art, Annl;lndo
Charles Ehmann, Antone Costa Jr., Edward McKnight,. Stella Pacheco, Louis W. Jenney. Edward R. Bouley, Armando Penha, Mahonic Family, Joseph Andr'ews, O'Gara\ Family, Ernest Horrocks.
$10 BOLY REDEEMER St. Joh'1's' CYO, Mr. & Mrs. . $50 . Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Corkefy, . Terence McGlynn,. Mr: & Mrs. . ST. J03EPH'S Andrew Perry, Mr.. & Mrs. Ar· Daniel Shanqhan. $25 . thur'Denault, Mr. & Mrs. Tobias $25 ,·Mr. & Mrs. Dana Freeman, , Mr. '& Mrs. DeFriend, Nicke~ Fleming. -. . Mrs. John Hastey, Mr. & Mrs. eon ·Lumber Co., Yvonne Danz, Anne Marie Forrest, ·Mr. &: Roy Stratton. . Association of the Sacred Hearts, Mrs. Manuel Medeiros, Lorraine . _ $20 eecile Doelger. Rose, Mr. &"Mrs. Everett CogMr. & Mrs. John Cole. Marie Doelger, Chatham Trust geshall, Mary Taggart. $15 110., Mr. & Mrs. John Gilrein. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Costa, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Jerry ;M. Serspw. · $20 Agnes C. Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. $10 1IIr. & Mrs. R. R: Lally, Mr. & Fr~d W. Best. Mr. & Mrs. An. ' • Elizabeth Riley, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Kenneth Eldredge, George thony Ferreira,Charlotte MadeiHenry Hall, Mr. & Mrs. Francis :lC.eegan,A Friend. ros.
Woods Hole
$15 . Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rezendes, Mr: • Mrs. Frank Gilman, Mr. Mr.. & Mrs.-Joseph Willett, Mrs. • Mrs. Godfrey Ji'or"'eron. Mr. Isabel Sandberg, Ethel L Vieira, • Mrs. Fred Cole, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & MI·s. Clarence Kirby. George Killen. $10 North Westport A Friend, Mr. -& Mrs. George Darnell, Mary Whitely, Mr. & OUR .LAD~ OF GRACE Mrs. Clinton Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. krome Soles. $50 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sylva, Mr. Alexan~er Walsh. · ~_MrA's. 'dG('or"D!' KlenMr~IY, &Mr · & , . . $.2~ M rs. .LUU'. n rew oye, . Holy Nalrie' Society, 'i'~en: Anthony Capriccio; Rose~ary .Agers' Club. ,,-. r · Prizzell. . . i '~.,.: " '$10 ; A Friend, ~lizabeth,~ CatroU,:.." James',' Wal\i4 ' ..,., : Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Surette, M r . · ' '
E' G" G S'"
:'. ROSEl.,AWN.·
&: Mrs. Charles Myers.
$100 Patber Callahan Council K. 'of
$25 et.. Patrick's C.Y.O. $20 Mr. • Mrs. Harry Rhodes,. Mr. • Mn. Alfred Pappi. $10
Harold Coyne, Robert Klocker, Richard Sullivan, Bartlett Cushing, Anth"ny Mattos, J:Ancia Kingston.
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
& &
Just off' Route 6
Trinitarian" . Fathers the Priesthood and Brotherhood. lack at funds NO impediBOYS . WANTED for
ment. Write to:-
O. 80. 5742
Baltimore I. Md.
Miss Hanson: sister of Columban Father Fred Hanson, for. mer NCWC News S'e r vic e -correspondent in Korea,· will be returning to !l Belfast classroom after the close of school here. But her nine months at St: Pius X will be far from forgotten. Tucked in a corner of her trunk will be several- reels carrying the tape-recorded voices of her' American pupils.
$69 .. Mr.·& Mrs. Gilbert. J. Noonan. $45 Mr. & ·Mrs.· John P. Sylvia Jr: $25 Mr. &. Mrs. Charles -Rogers, Tower House, John Keohane, Dennis Gahn, Mrs. Wynne Le. fevre. Dr. & Mrs. George DeMello, Irene Viera; Anne Viera. Turn to Page Twelve
The U. S. parochial school syst~m, she. commented, is "wonderful." Miss Hanson had special praise for the "unity between hOII\e aJ;ld school." She declared that "parents cooperate 100 p'er cent and. it makes for a very pleasant relationship~"
When it's time ~
retire • • • Buy
WhitelsFarm Dairy "SPECIAL MILK From Our Own Tested Herd" Acushnet, Mass. WY 3-4457
Milk •• Special Homogenized Vito [) Milk Buttermilk Tropicana Orange juice •• Coffee and Choc. Milk • Eggs - Butter •
O'NEIL FISK TIRE 276 Central St.• Faf! Riv. OSborn.e 6-8279
. Assumpt.ionist Pilgrimages
New England Pilgrimages To, Shrines of Canada
Distributed by
Rodman. Club
Under the lE!0dership of Cardinal Cushing of Boston . .'. ,J"'N~ 29 to. JULY 4 Cost: $B6.oo S1fRINES Of' NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA & WASHiNGTON ... JULY 111 to 18 Cost: $90;00
Beverage Co. 33.1 Nash Rd., New Bedford •'WYman '7~9937
"For' Your Protection
For information write to: . '. AssuMpTIONIST -PILGRIMAGES 670 West ~ylston Street; Worc~s~er~, tt;as~,'
.,WY 5.-7947 ""+O"'~"++'++4+Hr<ll+t
• S··EG·UIN. Truck Body Builders Aluminum or",Sseel 944 County St. NEW· BEDFORD MASS. oilY 2-6618
STEAKS - CHOPS - CHICKEN Prepared by Expert Chefs
. ,.. ,.
Buy From
132 Rocl$dal~ Ave. New Bedtord
145 Washington St F.airhaven
Mrs. & Mrs. • Mrs. &
fal~outh ST•. PATRICK'S
:"" Mrs. John .Halliti.an; ~.r.<& . Mrs. Charles Tuttle...,: .. _ ,·i·: FOR PLEASURE . , Mr. & Mrs. John Mohyde; '·A . . ' , ' ... " .: ~ !'riend, Mr. & Mrs. Edw~rd .' ". EAT..":" : Zibrat, Mr. & Mrs. Fitzgerald, .' · Margaret Killen. • • • A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Charles· ' : Bladen, Mr: & Mrs. Robert That.R~Ric~'N'Yellow.Rqbust , Morley, A Friend. . -FRESH 'CUT·UP POULTRY
Miss Hanson teaches' in a parochial schooi in Belfast. A participant ·in a U. S.-Great Britain teacher exchange program, she expressed a desire. to teach in a parochial school in this country. As a result, she .was assigned to St. Pius X School here, where she has taught the third grade during the past school year.
" Central Village
Moreover, commented MIll'7 Hanson' of Belfast, Northern Ireland, "there isn't a great deal of difference between the youngsters here and those at home."
'.: O'rg~'s: F~'~'il ies' '.': .~""', .Prote'ct Rights BYOrg·cinizing.
Appeal, Gi'fts,', : Continued from, Pag-e' Eleven'
.,' 'WORCE$TER (N C American' families "should ~rganize 'in order to ptoteet their inter·ests·.and promote
Falm()utf, " $20
, ,
John T, Sheeha~, William . Smith, ,Mr: &" ,Mrs. 'Frank
Tavares> .
the national ~elfare, Cath'oiie auihqr .imd, editor. has said'. .
_ ' ,,$15 .... , , . Dr: & .Mrs, N~rl1)an~,Star9sta'; Mrs, 'Frederick" ,'. T. " Englisll~ Arthur :: ,Rapoza'; '\V,alJ~ce,' <1'. Pierce:' . ' ,- """,, :" $"0>'" " , , Carl Dole, 'Mr.&' Mrs. Ch~rl~s" Stratton,Mrs.' ArthurPetel'so~,· 'Mrs. E. P., Tripp, James McCabe; , . Dr. & Mrs. PhilipJ. We,ssli.)g, Walter BenneH, Daughters' of
~~abellaNo. ~21, ~~r.~" peo,r~e
C:a.!:lOon, Mrs. George' .Bla~e.. , ' . " Mr~. '" L,ewis,. : Pratt; .. ',G~<fr'g~ , Kirchmer; Mr. & Mrs: Edward, Studi~Y:· Mf:'& Mrs.: M~ri~el Braga,Mr, &: Mr's: Johri:Farrell: ,Mrs. B'ertram K. Hac;l4o~;' Mr'. ~ , Mrs: Bcrnand Law'!ence, David" Q'ui!ln, Mr: '& Mrs,",Ray.. mond' P. Knispel, ,Mar,iin:Sulli-. van. '" Robert Dugga'n:John 'J. O'Meara, Mrs,' Sa~u'el 'Rich, Mr. & Mrs. James Carreiro,' Mrs; ,Arthur Peterson. '
' ~ PAIUSHI6~ERS COOPER~.TE: "Following "a'fire' at the Holy Rosary. Church in EallRivei, parishioners answered the call of Father Pannoni; pastor of the Parish, anclcame' . with mops, pails and cleansing powders in order that their Ch h ld b d f M' urc W?U e rea y.: or ,asses On the next da~r, Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Costa Jr. $25 , 'Atty. & Mrs. Fnincis J. Carreiro, Joseph & Mary Botelho, . Holy Name Society, Holy Rosary ,'Confra tern i ty. $15 " 'Mrs.'MaryMorris. • $10 Mr. ,& Mrs. Joseph Viveiros, Annie & Joseph Flores, Mr. '& Mrs. Alfred, Souza, 'Joseph 8;;. Mary Camara, Joseph & Ann Arruda. .. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Faria~ Mr. &: Mrs. John Velozo Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John '0. Soares, Mr~. Mary Oldham & Son, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Oliveira.' Mary & Frank,Thomas, Annie Monteiro, Joseph .&' Constance .' Borge, Dr. ~ Mrs. Man,\iel, C. '.Perreira;, Jr." Elvira' & Joseph Gagnon.··" Maria Saravia, Laura saravia, Mr. & Mrs. Ma.nuef Ferreira, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pereira, Mr. and, Mrs. Raymond Macl:uido.; , Mr. '~, Mrs. Charles, Mendes, Mr. Arthur Aguiar, A Friend" Vict~r & Rose Soares, Mr.,&'Mrs. Joseph Antone. Mr. &: Mrs.' Joseph" ConlY, Edith & William Raposa:'" ' Mr. & Mrs. Manuel LauieanTio, Mr. ,& Mrs. Edmund Leandro, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Botelho, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sears, Mr, & Mrs. Alva Viveiros.· .
'~~" '~.
Tu·ne,.ups,and Brake .'"Work 807 ASollc) l:Blvd.... co~ TarkiiD
ELEC-rRI(: ,~
Bill~d;. Ne~ Bedford~:.
. G6~ is ~asi~r to yalk to . . them most:p'eople :·.· . . . . 6
.-REYNOLDS~DEWALT .. .', .. ' '.
.~ :1 .
" Controctol:$
464 Second St.
299A,S.H~EY. ~LVD: opp. St.. Kilian Church:
lDflllIiek delivery.l.
, ".IOSborne 2-"2143 , '
Free ~cirking' Free Delivery'. 'New Bedford
,Gilbed ,J. <::osta.Prop. ',; 'wy 6~92l6 .,'
., TRAV'ELER1S ServiceStatio.-- ": AMOCO GAS·.
SH,ELL ·'·'Premium" F~mous . Re~diJ;lg HARD COAL
'~~ C~::r~~~
'. $50 Wiliiam and' Second Streets Mi'. & Mrs. Raymond Kelliher. New Bedford. 'IVy 6·8234 , $20 . . Mr. & Mrs. Howard Bristow. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Bramonte, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Brousseau, ... Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lewis. , o n Lake
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Amesbury, Anthony Martins, .Mr. & -Mrs. Charles Boucher, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tremblay, Edna Bristow. Mr. & Mrs. Osoor Soulard, Mr. & Mrs. James Burns, Mr, & Mrs. John R. O'Neill, Mrs. Florence' AUdette, Mr. & Mrs. Cr"aig ·Pope. 'Mr. ,& Mrs. Bernard' Calandrella, Mr. & Mrs. David Foley. '
/ Cites Need
South Dartmouth
l:Ie ~aidthat family assOclations are needed to deal ~iiii \. Helen ,Crandall, Mrs. Thomas . & Famiiy. such ·problems'as 'the religi~u's O'Keefe & Margaret O'Keefe. Mr. 8i. Mrs. Edward Sheehan, training of children, imp,ro'(fng Colleen Mullaney, Eleanor Mr. & Mrs. George Gibb, Mr. & the aesthetic and moral level of McCracken, A. Henry McCrack- Mrs. Franklin McK<lY Jr., Mrs. ,television, wiping. out obsc~ne en, Mr. &' Mrs. James Croke Sr., Agnes Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Edward literature, establishing a syst~m , Elsie McDonald. " Kelley, • - of family allowances in thi~ Mr~ & Mrs.' Gerard Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. Alan Burt ·Mr.' & .country and putting an eQd to Mrs. Sarah Johanson, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Joseph O'Donnell,' Mr~" & the desecration of.. Sunday. . . : Fred Endler Jr., Mr. & 'Mrs. Mrs. Rocco GianitelIi, Mr. & Alexander Karol, Mr. & Mrs. Mr,s..John 'PicChi, Mrs. Bradford Mr. Breig described the family Charles Bry~on. Dorrance. ", as "the final refuge of the greatMr. & Mrs..Horace Benson, Thomas ,Boisclair/ Mr. & .Mrs. est possible freedom" and said Mr. & Mrs., Ernest Anderson, Daniel Cronin. Mr. & Mr~. 'Clay- ,that,jt is by the same token the ,Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Perry, Mr. &' ton, 'MacDonald, Rocca' Fantac- ."ultimate test .of ,self-rule." Mrs: Harry Loew, Fred MccHine, Mrs. Madeline Stone. He emphasized the individual Cracken. John Loew,. Dr. Fiore' Rullo exercises his greatest freedom Charles Brown, ,Joseph: Mas-Mr. & Mrs. Alfred McNally, Mr: 'within the' family. "The family terson, .Mr.& Mrs. Joseph Fred- & Mrs. Thomas Silvia Mr & 'in the ,'democratic society, then," ette, Mr. & Mrs: Henry' Felix, Mrs. George TunniclifI.'· , he added, "is the 'best training Mr. & Mr~. Louis COlofTlbo. Mr. &. Mrs. Thomas Drisco'n, ground for the Citizens of democ':' Mr. & Mrs. Philip Rounds, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Boucher, racy, and indeed' for future Mr. & Mrs. Francis Birch, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Mart.in, Mrs. 'citizens of heaven." Mrs. Joseph McNally, Mr.. & Mary :Flavin,' Mr.' & Mrs. Leo· Mrs. John Maher,' Arthur F. Bresette. Connelly. Mrs. Alice McGregor, KathJennie, McDonald, Mrs. Robert eririe Higgins, 'Mr. & Mrs. John McLay, Mrs. Marion Edwards, I 'Antaya, Margaret Barry, Mr. &. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Lewis,' Mrs. NormaIiBoudreau, Mr. & . Mrs. ,Lena Lee. . Mrs. Richard Carrol I. , Mr. &. Mrs. Albert Pion, Mr. 'M~. & Mrs. Edward Casey Mr,' C~ . . & Mrs. -!ohn,~ilson, Mr. & Mrs,,& 1\1rs. Alv'iTi·CassidY,Mi. "& Peter Marron, rvir. & Mrs. James : Mrs.' Charles ClarkJ' Mr. & M*,s. M~lloy &, Fa'm'ily, Mr.,' &. Mrs. Roberi"Conely.' "Jo~e!lh 0.' Pr!';c~urt:' ,: " Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Cardin, 'Mr. & Mrs. John <::arroll; Mr. Turri 'to Page 'Thirteen 944 County St. &'Mrs;" Howard Sprigg,' Mrs. . , New Bedford • Rose . Bellavance, Mr. & Mrs. ·Thomas Bolton,'I\lfr. & Mrs. Harold Bellavance. Mr. & Mrs: J. Frank Kelley, • ~~ECTRICAL' '.'NavbY Coffey, Lawrence COffey, <;:lemerit Jeffers,' Wilfred Paille. CONTRACTORS \1 • " . "David' Perry Jr·.,·M·r. & Mrs.. ; Residential' 'Commer~ilil Joseph Colombo, ·Mr. '&Mrs. , . , Industrial . '. Richard Cleary,' Mr. '& ,Mrs. :Philip Toole, Kathryn Stokes. ; 633 Broadway, ,Fall 'River' . ,Mr. & Mrs. Ed: Cameron, Mrs. I' OS 3 1691 .Roy Nelson, Mr., & Mrs. FranCis ',. I X. Giblin, Mr.. -& Mrs. Joseph .--~~-/ CHARLES F. VARGAS' Ryan, ~r. & Mrs. 'PeterWood !I'!Il!!Il!!ll!!J1!!II!!II!Il!!II!Il~l!!II!!lI!iA!!II!!I~ 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE .I\IEW BEDFORD: MASS. ~~'"-~'"-~~~,~
ST. MARY'S $'75 John J.Hayes. , $50' Aubertine Funeral -Home. , $10':' , ': Mr. &, Mrs. Joseph" Singleton, : . Mr. &' Mr!'.FrancisTravers, '~r. , & Mrll. Charles 'r>esmarais,' ,Dr•.' :' & Mrs..C~rl A. Pi~ta, Mrs, Helen Collopy;' '" "'. ' . Mr. 'Mrs. Armand Borges, KathleeriNeville, B;:>\ven: ''Andrade Fainily, 'Mr. & Mrs. ,Frank: J. Mello, -Mary B,-·Gracia. . Mr:. & Mrs. E'u<{ene R; Barriteau, Mr.. & Mrs. Manuel'Sylvia; Mr. & Mrs'. Manuel Rose.
Family organizations are needed because "thefe is no' family lobbyin\ ~Washington to' match t,he other lobbies" and "the needs,'of.' the .. fimiilY' ttierefore tend to be overlooked," deClared Joseph A. Breig, .weekly con'; · tributing columnist of' The Anchor who 'is assistant' rna nag::' . ing editor of the Cleveland arch-' ... ·diocesan 'c a tho I i c 'Universe ,Bulletin: 1 He . discussed .. ~'The fam'jly in a Democratic SoCiety", 'at conference of the Worcesier Dioc'esan' League of Catnolic W~me!1' .
'Kushaqua, New York
24-Hour Oil Burner Ser~ice
. Conducted by· 'The White Fathers Competent, Professional Direction ---'" ~ ~ . The .OnIY Cat~olic Boys' Camp (Age 9 to 15) in ,the,Beautifu,1 Adirondacks ,Pioneer Camping -j Crafts - Water Spo~ts . , SEASON: JUNE 27 • AUGUST 29 _ _ ::. " '. . $45 Week":"Also Seasonal Rate - -::-' , For Information Write .
" (.
Charcoal Briquets . Bag Coal Charcooi
Whit~Fathers,O~chiota, New York. ..... .. . " . '. .
640' Pleasant Street
Tel. WY 6-8271
New Bedford
,Mr:'&rMrs.·William ',T. O'eon-' .Appeal' G'ifts:"i- , ."." 'no~,·~.·& Mrs;' Joseph '~aptiste,:
.'. At,l,boro, .'. Continued. fl'om Page Twelve Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Desjardins, Mr. & 'Mrs;' .Jarries Foley,'. Mr: & Mrs: George Gay, Mr. & Mrs. John Hamel. . . ' ;':' . , ~: & Mrs. Walter ,Heagney', ,!\Jr.,~ Mrs. Francis K~lley, 1I('Ir. & Mrs. Ailthony Magina, Mr. & Mrs': Charles Nolan, Mr. & Mrs. RiChard R e e v e s . " , Mr. & Mrs., Frank Roea, Mr. & Mrs. William' Skivington, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Scanlon; Mr. & ' Mrs.' Joseph Souza, Mrs. Grace Homer. " . Mr. ~& Mrs. Henry WOQdco~e, Dr.' & Mrs.. Edward Fontneau, Ellen Nitso,A~yee O'Keefe, Mr: & Mrs. .John Mutch. '·Mr. & Mrs. John Silvia, Mrs. Ismay Sharkey, William & Miss ~~1Ein Madden, 'James & 'Mi~ Mary Currie. " ",' jJna Cr~ni'n, Mr, & Mrs. ':r~Nl J.{eane ,~)r.~ Mrs. John Nihan' & Family, Mrs, Bridget Nolin, Mr. '& Mrs. Eugene Perry. '.' " : Charles Savage, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. H. Howard, Lynch, Mr'. & Mrs. .Rob~rt Rohman, Mr. & 'Mrs. Francis' Bowen. Mr. & Mrs.' George Pion,' Mr. & Mrs. Rock DesVergenes, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Gagnon, Mr.·& Mrs. Edward Scott, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Myles, Carmine Roea.
$50 , 'Assumpta Guild. $25 Ge'orge . Manning, The Misses Helen and Margaret Smith, Mrs. ,~obert Munroe. $20 Mr..& . Mrs. LeRoy Whitt~e, 'The, Wren Family, Mary Dyer, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gilmore, Charles Lawlor & Family. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kelleher, Mr. & Mrs. George Schloemer, .Mr. & Mrs. Timothy 'Neville, Miss Elizabeth Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. James Tonry, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Reilly. $15
Mr.. & Mrs. Joseph 'Thom.as,· Mr.' & Mrs. Joseph 'F,.. Ricketts, Mi'. & Mrs. R.aymond F. Hogan•. ' .. , .> Mr. ,&I: Mrs.. Fra.ncis Clark, Mr. ',& ,Mrs. John Trucchi Jr., Mr~:'&, ,Mrs; Louis Chaves, Mr. & 'Mrs. !Malcolm Goff, Mr. and ·-Mrs. James Goldrick.' . .. ~r. &: Mrs. Manuei Dutra, Mr. .& Mrs. Louis Alves; Mr. & Mrs; Joseph Sevigny Jr:, Mr: & Mrs: ' James Raposa, Mr. & Mrs. Am- '. alio Annunziato. '., . Mr. & Mrs.' Raymond Gauthier, Mrs.E~ma Sanjl:ey,·M:r.. & M.rs. William Snakey, Mrs.'Frederick.V-. Moulding, Esther John-'
.Pacifico. Catanelli, Mr. & Mrs: Charles 'Pirozzi, William H. Reed, Mr. & Mrs. James McCaffrey, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nixon. , Mr. &. Mrs. EdwardJ. Ryan, Mrs. Estelle Margarido, Mr: &: Mrs~~ Lawrence Livermore, ,Mr. &,Mrll. George"Menoche, MI" &: Mrs. David Schnopp, . ' . . M.iss • Mary 'Donah~e,' :Mr.. &: ' :M;rs, John ~. c;oa~y, Mr. &. Mrs. Fernand Medeiros, Mr: & Mrs. William McGann', Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert ,Simmons. ,Mr. &. Mrs. Albert E. Nunes Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Edward Trucchi . James Tigano, John Tigano, Mr: & Mrs. Josepto. Chamberlain. Mr. & Mrs. William Dias, Laura Bisio, Mr. &; Mrs. James Carvalho, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Perry, Mr... & Mrs. Alfred P. Silva. , Mr, & Mrs. Albert LaPorte, .Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Lynch, .Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. McBreen, Alfred C. Shearipg, ·Mr. & Mrs. ,Fred Martin. . Robert M?J:tin.Mr. & Mrs. Willis, Gove, .Ruth E. Smith, Mr. &. Mrs. Laurence Lacaillade, James Kenyon. Mr. &. Mrs. John Shea,. Anna Drinkwater, David F. Mullen, Mr..& ~rs. Bernard Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Correia. ' , Mrs.. Charles Ponsler, Mrs. Angelina Annunziato, Mrs. James Trave'rse, Mr. & Mrs. Leon J. St. PiE~rre, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. LaPre. Mrs. Edward Sweeney, Nora Sweeney, Mrs. Agnes LJ'nch, Elizabeth Doran, Mr. & Mrs. . Joseph W. Corcoran. John shea, ,Mrs. Herbert Bliss, " ,.]llI'r.-& Mrs.. Joseph Qrsi, Mr.. & . Mrs, , W:illia~. McKenna, Mr.. & 1\lrs. Everett A,' Wi,lIiams., " .•
Mr. & Mrs. George Williams, 'Peter Shea, Mr. & Mrs.·'Paul Leonard, Margaret Darcy, Paula White. $111 Mr. & Mrs. John Santos, Katherine Hern, Kathleen Peterson, Ed~ar!l McAloon, Mrs. .,.:, Mr. Charles &, Mrs. Bertha 'Leonard, MI'. ,& .Mrs: 'Antone '\ Fran~.Peterson. ' Martha Peterson, Emma .powCosta, Mr. & Mrs. George Cerers, Mr. & Mrs. George Boiros,·· mier', Mr. & Mrs: john Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Furtado Sr. Mi'. & Mrs. William Gregg. Mrs. George Manning. ' M r . & Mrs.' Michael McCarthy, Mr. & 'Mrs. Roland Ducharme,; Mr. & Mrs. J~hnLntham, Mr. & :' Mr: & Mrs. 'Ah!c' Veradt" Mr. & .', Mrs. Raymond L.aFrance, Mr. & , . lVII's. Ronald Jacob, Mr. & Mrs. ;' Mrs. Fred A. ")VIse,' Mr. &. Mrs. Antone Alvarnaz, Mr. ,& Mrs. . Edgar McAloon. '"-''' John Trucchi Sr: . Mr. & M;rs., Glenn Walker, Mr. & Mrs. John Kelly, Mr. & . H~r~ld .T. Morris.' Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Richard Maxwcll, Raymond WIlham Floor, Mr. & Mrs. AmBrocklehearst, Mr.·& Mrs. John brose O'Neil & Mrs. Sylvia, R. McNamara, Mrs. James Maxwefi. Crook, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mr. & Mrs. Roger Kingsley, Arikian. . ... Sr., Mr. George E. Murphy, Mr. Mrs. Josephine Phillippi no, & Mrs. Harry Nichols, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Francis Frazier, Mr. Mrs. C.' Emmett Calvey, The & Mrs. Mrs. Cornelius ,Tierney. Kervick Family. ' ST. MARY'S , Mr.&· Mrs. Edward Hoye, ¥r. , t $ 5 0 &: .¥rs. Arthur G. S(;>Uza,. Mr.: & " Katherine E.: Maloney. ~rs.. JQseJ1h, N. Souza, Ffhza.b~th '.,. $20' " DiOgQ,. Mr. ~ Mrs. Manuel D,iOgO. " S M I M & ... Mr'& Mr 'Raymo d'T r I' ' ara a oney" r. 'J\(Irs. " " ...s ', n .. ay ~ , : •Charle .1 Murphy' Mr. & M1:8: "Earl' Simmons. Mrs.' S" • Celestine\Waibel, -Mrs.· Mary ~A. '$15 Mees, Mr. &·Mrs. John F. Laffan. , Case):"Family, Mr· & ~rs. Mr. & Mrs; Fred Smith, Mr: &, "': John Hall,. , : ' Mrs. George White, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Dermody, Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Davidson; Mr. & Mrs. Roland Chase. APPRAIS!=R Mr. &, Mrs. .John Paluo, Mr. & REAL ESTATE Mrs. Alfred Kenney, Mr, & Mrs. Robert Borges, Mr. & Mrs. ·TheodQre Wojcik, Mr. & Mrs. Edward'· INSURANCE Prunier.. ., . ''/tV 3-5762 Harold Dacey, Mrs. Oli've Co136 COl'nell St. derre, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McNew Bedfol'd' Kenna, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mendoza, Mr. & Mrs. Francis De La' Vergne. . Mr. & Mrs. Eqward. Garron, . Mrs. Kenneth Scott, Mr. & Mrs. Edward R: Silvia, M~. & Mrs. Chester Maguire, Mr. & Mrs. Donald LaRocque. ' 46 Taunton Green Caesar Campi, Theresa Arieta; Mr. & Mrs. James Medeiros, Mrs. Jenny Arieta, Mr. & Mrs. !talo Bernacchio. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McK~nna, Mr. & Mrs. Jamel? Menice, Mr.. & Mrs. Frank Menice, Mrs. Mary McNulty. ' I
James f. Q/.Neill
CROWNING ·AT KENNEDY CENTER: Barbara Sherbino, Queen of May Day, crowns Mary's statue at the New Bedford center. Assisting are her aides, second row (left to right) Lucille Girard and Frances Hunt. Front row (left· to right) Lucille Morris, flower girl, and Gerard Boudreau, crown bearers.. $10 Brady Family, Catherine Cody, Joseph N. Cote, Donahue Family, Joseph Duffy. .Joseph Fournier, ThomCls J. Fitzpatrick, Helen Laffan; Harry Lyons Jr., AnnaE. McGlynn. Dorothy McGlynn, Ethel McGlynn, Grace McGlynn, Mary' Q. McLear, Daniel Moran. Mary Moriarty, James Mrocka, Gerard Pigeon, Robert L. Quigley, Joseph P. Rihbany. Robert Ross; Frank Russell, Thomas Rus~ell, John L. Spalding, JanIce Russell. Nellie Sullivan, Joseph F. Wade. . ST. PAUL'S $20 Mr. & Mrs. Leon Bora, Mr. & Mrs. Ja,mes ,Duffy Jr., Manuel ,Martin, ¥r. & Mrs. Henry Menard. '
$15 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Yelle: $12 . Violet Benoit, Mrs: Eugene .Heinig, Mrs. Edward Henchy, & Eileen, Joseph O. Lincourt, Mrs. .RiChard Westcqat. . ' $10 Richard Bresnahan, Kathleen . Carroll, Rita Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Cazeault, Mr. & Mrs. .Marcel Casavant. Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Cham'pagne, . Mr. & Mrs. Raymond" Corriveau, Mr. & Mrs. James Driscoll; Mr. &: Mrs. Wilfred' Fouc;ault, M; 'J., Gavan.
,'Fuel.'Savings. '
"'Up to 250/0 .. .
.FUEL OIL AND BOILER WATER TREATMENT Brokston Chem. Co. I 37 Silver Road Brockton 19, Mass.
... , '
...... ~~~
'NASON OIL (OMPANY Taunton, Mass.
VA 2-2282
, , $50 Immaculate Conception Women's . Guild. ' . ,.. '. .
$25 James . Cunningham,
Gilbert C. Oliveira
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. ~" , ,
,Mr. & Mrs. Everett Grady, Mrs. William Joki, Mr.' & Mrs. Roger Kingsbury, Roger Kingsbury Jr., ·Joanne Kingsbury.. 'Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lachance, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lachance, Mr. & Mrs. John G. Medas. Mr. .& . Mrs. Manuel Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas .J.,Murray.. Mildnid V. O'Connor, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Oliveira, Manuel Oliver, Mrs. Manuel Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pacheco. Mrs.. Gertrude ,Simpson, Harriet Strong, Mr. & Mrs. Leon Trahan,Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Unsworth, Mrs. William Wana-
Curley Family, Mrr. ~~mington. Eltiot; Mr.. & 'Mrs. William 'J~" Fagan, The Keliher l'amily. $24 Lionel Masse. $7.0 .Joseph Casey; Thomas Flangheddy & Family, Mane Power, .Tohn Power. $15 Guillmette, Leon Cecilia Reilly. . $12 John Doyle, Catherine Fagan. '$10 Desmond Bagge, George Beaulieu, Albert Beauvais, Raymoild Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. James . Blount. Joseph Bosquet, T"omas Butler, Henry BZdula, Allan Campoell, Mrs. Let Campbell. ... Charles Colton, John Conaty; Dr. Richard Cooke, Mrs. Rene Courcy, Ailthony Co ute. '.. Effie Deveney, William Dinneen, Mar~ Dinneen, Mr. & Mrs. .John Doherty, Alice Donnelly. . Kevin Dowd, Raymond Drapeau, EU,~ene' Dufour,' Ruth Fielding," Wiliiam Fitzpatrick. Rene Gilbert,. IvLs. J. Russell Gibbons, John r-"~'~';,. The Goodwin' Family, Mr.' & Mrs. Walter Gorey. .James Gowan, John Gregg, George Horan, Mrs. O. Vi. Howard, Joseph Hoye. . . Mary H0ye, A'1~r['w JsaClcsen, Mr, & Mrs: George Isaacsen, Mrs. Rose Johnson, ~ ,;::",k Jonis. Cornelius Kelly, Marjorie A. Kelly, Mrs. A. J. J ~:l"Y" Henry Legere, Philip-Lemieux & tamily. .Alfred Leonard, George Lovely, Edward Mador, James Mahoney, Mr. & IV[rs. Edward MClloof. Charles F. McCarthy, Richl'1t'l1 McGinn, Joseph McNulty, Mrs. Daniel Moore, Francis l'\lorrison• Mary O'Boy, Joreph O'Connell, Malcolm Perra. William Russell, William Santos. Mrs. Kirby SeSEI.: ...: J, dargaret Sheehy, Margaret L. Sheehy, Orville Smith, Raymond Souza. Stephen Stephanaitis, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Sullivan; Thomas Theriault, Mrs. Elizabeth Van Nostransl, The Walsh Family. Mrs. Edwan. Wooley, Henry Wotjunski, Raymond Yelle. Turn to Page Fourteen
. G. E. BOILER BURNER UNITS ,For prompt delivery . & Day & Night Service Rural Bottled Gas ServiCe I '
61 COHANNET ST. TAUNTON , Attleboro - No. Attleboro Taunton
AS A HOtY CROSS FATHER Priest-Teacher Home Missioner Foreign Missionary Parish Priest For. i!,formotion about' the
Holy Cross. Fathers or the Lay Brothers, write to:
HOLY CROSS FATHERS North Easton, Massachusetts (~ndose
this ad with request)'
~~{,' "
RrTl!'\II. ·;~;':':?F".·~·J·..... '
'.J 4 Thurs.,-:-May THE. ANCHOR , ,. 14, 1959
.i.:Appeal Gifts ,
~tlnued from
'~"':d: " £:~~ . ;, . , J-p.;,'{-.i;e,:~"'....,.
Mr. & Mrs. J. J. -Murphy, Mrs.'MarguJrite Van Cleft, Mr. & . Mrs. John Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. W. Balderson.
. ray:,'Y~~Qnict:9~Br.~e~, Ellen A. Sull~van, M,r',8i Mi's.>L.... DeMor,.'. anville, Mr.,' 8!: Mrs. Fr.ed· )~{or ' ang. ' . . ' ··:':'-:T· '."""-. '$12 . - ., , Nellie Bedard,.Mr. & Mrs. Leo C. Higgins, Mr. & Mrs. T. My-:ette, Mr. & Mrs; F. Peccini. $10 , - . JOseph Amaral; Nora Aylward, Mr. & Mrs. E: Balboni, JullS E. Barry, Frances Burke. . Harold Burke, Alice Cashman, Cornelius Connors, Emily' Connors; Mr. & Mrs. George Cronin. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Crowley, Mr. & Mrs. John CUrry. Mr. & Mrs. T. Donovan & Margaret, ',Mr. & Mrs. C. Eldridge, Mr. & . Mrs. ..,J. J. Fanning.' Mr. & Mrs. Edward.J..Foster; Anne Hayes,. Mr. & Mrs. William· Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. H. K. Heriihy~ .Louise & Ida Hoye. Mr. & ~Mrs. E. Hurley, l'4r. & Mrs. C. Kaszynski, Mr. & Mrs. , James M. Kearney, Mr. & Mrs. William - Kearney,' Maybelle Keefe.
'GodLo~~ ., !
.: "
eordelie L~nglois . ~25 Laura Lemlin ~'.!o
Theodore Lariviere, 1.eo Boldue. $10 Roger Ouimet, Ulysse Auger, .Joseph Lavoie Sr., Leontine Predette, Raymond Family. Leonard Hathaway, Harry .Sears, .Rita Lemlin, Robert BegIlOCbe,John Sylvia. ST.·MARY'S·
. Mrs. Richard Hawes, Mr. & Mrs. John Nicolaci, Mr. &. Mrs. .Joseph Penler. . $20 Mr. & Mrs. David Costa, Clem'eDt Damicone, Mr~ & Mrs, Gaston: Debrosse, Mr. & Mrs~ Thomas
••• '
. . .<t'.
.; '.
By Most'Rev. Fulton -J. S'heen; D.D. ..'
: "i
New Bedford.·. ST. ANNE S50
."/":.~;.'·i::!,: ..~~'~";.,~::(':" '-,.....,::.;.;."-.... ':>.,/' ·~.~,:.~:'jf.:"'t;'.•. :~1'''.:''1..~~I
~ars the Burden
Holy F,ather
' $15, Mrs. Aloyse' Koch, Sarah'Mur-
Page Thiriee!l
Worries and .burdens never scatter; they always eome .W ai,.' ·head in Some one persO~. Children in a family do not worry abouf where their food or clothes come from, but the' father does. In it ,diocese, the burden of: building schools and the spiritual condition: of the clergy and the faithful ultimately falls on the shoulders of the· Bishop. And in. an even greater measure does the weight of the world's moral and' spiritual condition 'fall on the Holy Father as the .Vicar of Christ. If there be harassment of missionaries as there is in India; if there be anti-religious political forces throt'!hili religious education in' Africa; if there .'be persecution of the faithful in Vietnam ~r missionaries tortured by the reds in ·Chinaall these' are concentrated in -the one person who personalizes the Church, namely the Holy Father. . T I
His burden is like that of Our Lord in Gethsemane. it was not keys alone that Our Lord gave Peter and hi's successors; Our. Lord alSo promised the Cross. To be Vicar of Chri~t is not just an hsmor; it is a sen.tenceto' suffer in evel:y fibre of. being the tears, the welts, the imprisonments, the failings, the worries; Of the 'Church every"where i9 the world. I
NEW·l\'llSSION BISHOP: . FT. Thomas Manning, O.F.M. of Baltimore has;been named titular Bishop of Arsamosata, and Ordinary of, the independent prelature o{ Coroico . in Boliyia. NC Photo. ~
iVri=:"' &- Mrs. Frank Andrade, Mr.
& Mrs. Leonard Costa, Julio . Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Kelley, Souza. SUr , Mr. & Mrs. Leo Kenny, Mrs......A nMr. &. Mrs. Frank Martin, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles M~Kinnon, thony S. King, Mrs. ErQest & Mfs. Joao M; Cardoza, Mr. & , Rezendes Family. King, Mrs. Albert ·LeBoe¢ & Mrs. James .Macedo, Mr. & Mrs. $10 Paul. Arthur Caet:;lno, Mr. &, Mrs. Mr. &: Mrs. Bertrand Allaire, Rita Limerick, Mrs. Annette . Joao Silva:' , Mrs. Alice Barlow, Mr. '& Mrs. Lowrie, Mr..& Mrs. F. C. MaJoan Dosme, Mr. & Mrs. Nor- . Gerard Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrs. honey, Miss Marie T. Mahoney, .bert Gtiilherme, Mr. & Mrs. BenAlbert Bergeron, Mr. & ·,Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Manley. /jamin Simpkins, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Bertalotto. ' Mary McAuliffe, Mr. &.Mrs·.Oswald Castro, Mr. &. Mrs. . Mr. & Mrs.. Arnold l3rown, Mr. Paul McCabej'Mr. & Mrs. Fran-, Lionel Calouro. " Mrs. Joseph Campbell, Mr:,& cis E. McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. &' Mrs. Miguel Medeiros, ,Mrs. Rene Carroll,. Mr. & Mrs. G. 'McCarthy,-Mary. McCusker. ' Mr.'.& Mrs. Manuel Goito, Mr. ~ I Peter Carter, Mr. &' Mrs. RichHope McFadden, Patricia .Me"" . Mrs. Jose Correira, Mr. & Mrs.. ard Brown." ' . Glynn, Mr. & ·Mrs. James McAntone Pedras, Mr. & Mrs.. An..Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence ChandQuade Sr., Mr. & Mrs. P; J. tonio Vieira. Jer, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Cormier, "Moore, .Mr. & Mrs. J. Mosher. Mr. & Mrs. Antone Pacheco, Mr. & Mrs. Earl· Correia, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. James Mulyihill, Mr. & lVIrs. Antone Costa, Mr. & .& Mrs. James Dawson,. Mr. &' Mr. & Mrs. J. Mundorf, Mrs. M J h Flo' Mr & Mrs ' George . D e s r o s i e r H'azel rs. W. 0!1 rIO". Mrs. . " E. Murphy, Murdock MyPaul Rezendes,' Mr. & Mrs.• ette, Mr. & Mrs. A. Oliveira. Norman Ferreira. Mrs. Bernard Devlin & Betty, · ·Mr. &. Mrs. Francis Fitzgerald, Mr. & Mrs. Edward O~Neil, Mr. Genoveva.Silvesier, Gabriel & ·Mr. & Mrs. Paul Frey, Mr. Don& Mrs. Robert'O'Neil, Elizabeth Syria Macedo, Ja1TIes' & Amelia 'ald Gosselin, Mr. &' Mrs. Henry Taylor, Mr. & Mrs.. Arthur . Boroa, Collen Baroa, Mad Le· GkJrl. Walsh, Mr. Joseph Wessiack & mos. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hannon, Family. Mary' Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Leon Hebel"t, Mr: & Irene Sadler, Mr. & Mrs. Edwardo Arruda, Frank &- An·Mrs. HenrY Hesford, Mr. & Mrs. George St. Aubin, Mr. & Mrs. tone Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. RiChard Lawrence Hotte, Mr. & Mrs. J. Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Shea, Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Edward MaNormand Hebert. . Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Smith. gardo. ' . Mr. & Mrs. John Hughes, Mr. I John F. Sullivan, In memory Mr'. & Mrs. Raymond Medei• Mrs. Herbert Isherwood, Marof'Margaret McCarthy, Sullivan; r6s,'Mr. & Mrs..Charles Santos, lIaret Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Mrs. Mary Sullivan; Mildred Virgil Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Man~arry, Mr. & Mrs. James Kelley. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. P. Sullivan 'uel Macedo, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Ralph King, In & Daniel. Arruda. memory of Mrs.' Margaret Ken. Mr. & Mrs. L.· Sylvia; Mrs. Faustino Souza, Mr: & Mrs. oey, Mr. & Mrs. Dewey LacroiX, Edith Thatcher; Constance ZygHemiterii> Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Morris Leonard, !el, Monica Zygiel, Anonymous. Frank Avilla, Antone Mathews., Charlotte & Grace McGoff. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Dumont, . Mr. &, Mrs. Manuel Jordao,' Dr. Augustus McKenna, Cor- Alice Goulding, \Mr. &. Mrs. Elsie M. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. ella McKenna, Genevieve McChester Ras, Anonymous, Mr. & Charles Soares, Mr. & Mrs. JoKenna, Edward MacLean, Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Audette. ' seph V. Nunes, Mr. & Mrs. JoLouis Macedo. . Mr. F. P. Carney, Mr. & Mrs. Seph P. Sylvia. Mr. & Mrs. William Maguire,. G. Casey, Mrs. W. Chapman,. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Gaspar,.Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Maloney, Margaret Connolly, Albert L . . & Mr. Manuel Borges, Mrs. 'Mrs. Hectop Manny, Milo Moss, Fisher. .. Januaria Rogers, M~. & Mrs. · Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Murray. M~. & Mr~. Albert W. r.Isher, Walter Correia,. Mr. & Mrs. Jos- ' Mrs. John Nangle, Mr. & Mrs. Lou.lse Galvm, Mr. & Mrs. Paul eph Caton..' , Robert Newsham, Mr. &.' Mrs: Gehnase, Mr., & Mrs.· Norman. Mr. & Mrs. Jo~n Perry, Mr. ~. John Nuttall, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Grenon, Mr. & Mrs. T. F. Healey Antone Lewis .Alexandrina Parent, Anna Pittle.· . II.. '. . . . Maced'o, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel DaMr. & Mrs: Manuel Pon~e, Mr. Mr. ~ Mrs.· Charles Kmg Jr., Silva, Evelyn Hendricks. " Mrs. Peter Quirk, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Ml:S. D. LeVallee, Mr. & Mary Hendricks, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Reddy, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. H. Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. G. John Cordeiro, Mr. & 'Mrs. John· . George Rothmyer; Mr. & Mrs. O'Neil. . . '. Rose; Mr. Leonard Rose, Mr. &' ; Pedro San Juan. Mr. & Mrs. Wilham QUlnla?, Mrs. ManuelSirrimons, Mr.' & Mr. & Mrs. Roy St. Germain, Helen Stager, Mr~. Helen.Sulh-- "Mrs. Joseph Viegas:' . · :Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sylvia, Mr. van, Mrs. FrederIck Thompson, . Turn to Page Sixteen ,/ ':& Mrs. Henry Tabet, Mr. &.Mrs. Mrs. Sarah Toolis. ,'Harry Tahair, Mr. & Mrs;: Joa--'::: ,Mr, '&Mrs. Edward,B:'i'ynan\,. : , quim .Teixeira. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard' Viens. . 'The Family That Mr. & Mrs. William Toolin, ,' ... ~. ii~~::EL ,.,';.": " JiII'. & Mrs. Albert Trudelle;(Mr.' ',. Together .. " · & Mrs. Raymond Vien, Mr. & . Mt. Carmel CYO.. · Mrs. Charllls Wellington, Mr. '& Stays ~og~thef'W $60 ;' Mrs. Clarence Whittaker, Mrs.. Leonora Luiz, Mary T. Luiz. : Mary SenecaL $30 THE ST. LAWRENCE, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Rosa Jr. $25 ' $100 In memory of lYIsgr. John F. Mr. & Mrs. ,Alvaro !\odrigues, , . McKeon, Mr. & Mrs', Timothy Olivia Luiz, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel AUieboro-Soutb Attleboro ; Keating. " . Gomes, Augustin Silva, Edward . Seekonk & Mary Souza. · . $50 :-. Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Perry . ..' :$20 ..... , .. :. ':eoholan, Mr. &' Mrs. Maurice Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Paiva, Mr. ,Lyons.& Mrs.' Charles Souza,- Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Macedo, Mr: & . $35 KuUt McFadden. Mrs. Manuel Almeida, Mr. & $30 Mrs. Antone Santos. . ", AAn, Helen, Margaret Gleason. '; $12 . . $25 Mr. & Mrs. John Serpa, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs'. Thomas Beedem, Mrs. Guilherme Gomes. . Oil BURNERS $10 • Mr. & Mrs. Walter Collopy, Mr. .Also compJe\e Boiler-Burner Mr. & Mrs. John Sequeira & · & Mrs. John J. Connor, Dorothy or Furnace Units. EtTicient Family. Mr. & Mrs. Donald CorCurry, Mrs. Patrick Davis. low cost heating.· Burner and Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Kelley, deiro,. Mr. & Mrs. John Mello, fU~1 oil sales and service. Alice Sheerin, Mary Sheerin, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mello, Mi'. & & Mrs. R. Taber, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Edward Lim~. 'ISO Mt. Pleasant Street . · Albert Wobeck~ Christopher Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sylvia, Ne~ Bedford W'f 3-268'7 .Hai'es. . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Sebastiao, ~t.
Why do the Communists in China prom- \k ise immunity from persecutiop. if oUr mis-':::': sionaries and faithful deny the Holy Father? Why 'do they who deny .the existence of God tmr ask a denial of the Papacy? Because they in- @f stinctively know that once a head is decap- (I itatf:ld the 'body may liv~ for a while, but eventually it will die.
What we do? We-can praytor the Holy Father as the Churehmade intercesSion for Peter wben he was in prison. 2) We can make sacrifices for him. Cut into your capital and deny. yourself a luxury and send it to h,im for the needs of 'the Chureh in Asia, Afriea, Oeeania and elsewher~.. , 3) We can send our sacrifices to him througb his own Pon-' tifical Society for the' Propagation of Ute Faith. Pontifical' means belonging 'to the rontiff.. , . 4) We can tell others that the Holy Father must have a so-· ciety of this kind to assure the equal. distri~ut~oIl.th.rou.ghoutthe' world of our cbarity and sacrifices. 'While eacb religious group' I provides only for Us' members, he must provide for all societies: in all places. . . . : ' ,'. ",,;,;' ", :' 5) Finally, we can rejoice to know that by making a sacri~~' flce to the Holy Father we make· a). an aet of Faith in him as Vicar of-Christ; b) an act' of Hope for the spread of, the reign:', · of t::hrist throu'ghout the world; e) an act of Charity to him who . above all else in this world is for us tbe, one, tbrough whom Christ speaks. '. ". . 1)
GOD LOVE YOU to M.T. for $2.50' "Please :accept ,this money from a .teen-ager, grateful for being born into a Catholic family." · .. to J.F.B.for $25 "This is part of my re-enlistment; bo~us." . : . to A.M.D. for $1~50 "I earned the enclosed doing typing on my lunch hour. I hope it helps' the Holy Father's. Missions." The whole mission world needs your praye;r:s and your helpand you can offer both by using the WORJ,.DMISsiON ROSARY. For an offering' of $2 and your request we will send it to you while your sacrifice is sent to the poor of the world through the Holy Father.. Cut out this colurp.n, pin your sacrifice to it and. mail it to the Most Rev;- Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York I, N. Y., or your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMONDT. CONSIDINE, 368 Nor,th· Main Street, Fall River, Mass.
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This Timely Message Is Sponsored By The fol· '" lowitig Public Spirited Individl;la's and Busi· ness Concerns Located in Greater fall River
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A.G. & W.J:- Howland, Inc. Insurance" Hutchinson Oil Co.
International ~adies Garment Workers' Union .MacKenzie & Winslow, Inc. Mason Furniture Showrooms
Gerald E. McNally Contractor
Catholic Charities SERVES by supporting 24 Diocesan Institutions and Agencies for the Orphaned, the Youth, the Sick and the
George M. Montie, Plumber .
Brothers .. . StaHord F~el Co., Inc.
Cat;holic Charities SAyES by absorbing the financial obligations .
. Sterling Be,veragel..· .' 'In~ j •
of ~heselnstituti~nsand Age~cies that otherwise would become
Te~tile Wotllers Union of America, AFL·CIO
community responsibilities.
Yellow Cab Company
Give Generously· ,
To The
1959 Catholic Charities Appeal
Bouley, Mr.', & 'MI'll. M8n~el Anonymous,. ':~. ,Rose , Branco, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Robert, Mr. & Mrs. Roland' ~.THE AN'CHOR Brisebois.' , Meunier, Mr. & Mrs'. William " Thurs., May 14, 1959 Mr. & Mrs. Telesphore Brochu, Silver. , Rose Marie Canuel, Mr. & Mrs. Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. 'Emile Cousineau, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo· Berg'5ron, -Mrs: Malcolm Ernest Gagnon, Mr., & Mrs. Paul Tripp, Mrs. 'Cecile WorleY,The A. Giroux. Magliore Dior. Family. Mrs. Marie Godbout, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. August DeMello, I' Continued from Page Fourteen Mrs. Donat Ferron, 'Mr. & Mrs. The :Antone E. Perry Family, Gerard Fortin, Mr. & Mrs: WilST; FRANCIS OF ASSISI . Mr. & Mrs. William Siwik, The _ $50 li~m Fronczek, \ ~Mr. & Mrs. Leclair-Levesque 'Families, Mr. Char.les Lapre. . ,Emilio Peitavino, Dr. & Mrs._ Romeo Gagne. . Mr. & Mrs.' Henri 'Laroche, Vincent M. Sarlo. Mr. & .Mr's. Georges Manny Annette Laurendeau; Mr. & Mrs. $20 Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Robert Poulin, Herve Lemaire, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Mr; & Mrs. Emilio Peitavino. Delia & 'Alice Cyr, Mr. & Mrs. 'L'Homme, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas $12 _ Roger Menard, Mr.- & Mrs. RoMaltais. ' Mr. & Mrr, Ferdinand Baccelli. land Roberts. ,$10 ' Mr. & Mrs. Alban McCallum, Mrs. Clara.Valois & Leda, The Eleanor McCarthy,' Mr. & Mrs. Mr. &lMrs. Emilio .:ealestracci;· Audette-Inman Families, MJ:: 8i Napoleon 'Morrissette, Mr. & Dr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Finrii,', Mrs. David Carlaw, Mr: & Mrs.' Mrs. Raymond Normandin, Mr., Margherita Regis, Mr. '& Mrs. Louis Jean" Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Mrs. Joseph Paquette. Nicholas Scarpitti, Mrs. Emil Bergeron. ,Mr. & Mrs. Edouard PatenVercellone. ' Mr. & Mrs. Normand Spoor, aude. Af'Jert Perreault, Lillian Mr. & Mrs: Evariste Lafrance, ST. HYACINTH Perreault, Mr. & 1!!rs. Louis PotMr. & Mrs. Ovila Leblanc, Miss $25 . vin,·Mr. & Mrs. Roland Proulx. 'Antoinette Lafleur,The AllainMrs. Dora LaFrance. Mrs. Hector Renaud, Mr. & Richard Families. $17 Mrs: Edouard Reney, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs., Therese Davidian" Mr. The Emile Berthiaume Family. Joseph Richard, Anna Robillard, & Mrs. Arthur Berube & Herve, $15 Marie Roussell. Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Bouchard. The Ladie: of St. Ann SodalMr. & Mrs. Romain Saulnier, tty., The Charles Tarpey Family: OUR LADY OF Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Soares. The Gaspard Lafleur Family; PERPEUAL HELP Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lamoreaux. $2~0 HOLY ROSARY $10 ' Anonymous. '" $100 The Lefebvre Family, Dr. J. ' $120 John W. Varanese. B. W. Robert, The Desjardins :Anonymous.' $50 Family, Miss Lucille Benjamin, ' 'HOLY NAME Mrs. Pelleria Ventura. Mr. & Mrs. George Dupuis. $100 $10 , Mr. Lucien St. Louis, Mr. & William H. Loughlin. Colucci Family, Frederick Mrs~ Walter Bolton, Mr. & Mrs. ' $50 Dagata Family, Anthony DeZoel, Boucher. Mr. & ,Mrs. Wil-- Anonymous. Marco, Angela' Ricci, Raymond frid, Rousseau, Mrs. Alice Perry.' ,, , $35 McGuire Family: Mrs. Rose Ls'·ou',. lV!J,"" Cora ,M~.,& Mrs. Richard A.Cole. , ' JAZZ'EXPERT SPEAKS: Rev. Norman J. O'Connor, Cuillemette, Miss Rita Powers. . $30 Armand Rousseau Family, Mr. Andrew Buba, Mr.' &:Mrs; / Anonymous. C;S,P~, Catholic chaplain at Boston Uniyedity,was the'main Ralph Sasso Family, Rose & .John O'Malley Jr. • ,, . $25 speaker at the New Bedford Junior Achievement banquet Eda Sisca, Frank Stetkiewicz Mrs. Eva Silva, Mr. William Bemlc Family, Lillian T. Cole, at New Bedford Institute of Technology. Edward J. Sylvia !'ainily; Dennis Toomey Family. Gamache, The Albert Lepage Mary' A. Cole',' Gertrude.& Lor:' toastmaster. ESPIRITO SANTO Family, Mrs. Ovila 'Boucher. etta Daley, John J. Flanagan. ' . (left) $300 SACRED HEART Mr.,&Mrs. Theodore Fredette, RileY'"Joseph L. Rifa. $15 Rev. Joao v.. Resendes. $200 Family of John J. Gibbons :Jr., Albert Ry.der, Richard SaunMr. &, Mrs. Hector' Barreite, 'Tallman-Labrode, Archts. Mrs. James Hickey, Edwin Liv- ders,'Thomas Saunders, William Marie 'Rita Patepa,ude. $10 .. , $50 _ ingston, ,Mr.' & -Mrs. James :Mc-, Schick, Daniel Sheehan. . Mr. & Mrs: Mavuel P. Raposo, '$12 J,oseph C,otno~r, Mr.' & Mrs. Crohan; ,: 1 Mr. &,-Mrs. John George Jr.,.Mr. Korman Seguih. ' Mr. & Mrs. G,erald Moriarty, Joan' Sheehan, Clifford . Mr: & -Mr·s. Pierre Levasseur; & .Mrs. Manuek Costello; Mr. & -; Mrs~ Herman Saunders. . Snell,' Francis 'B. Smith, Ever': Mr. ,& Mrs. Normand Racine.' $25' Mrs. Antone Souza, Mr. & Mrs. ',Mr. & Mrs. Leo I:;ab'rode, The,' '$20 ett Sowle, Mr.' & Mrs: Timothy Manuel·Vincent & Family. $10 .J,ules Moquin Family,' Mr. & Orner Bellenoit, Mr. &: Mrs. -Squillacioti.~_ '0 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio T. Oliveira" Adolph Stuck, Daniel SulliAnonymous, Mr: &, Mrs. Jul- Mr, & Mrs. Joseph Souza & Mrs. Rodolphe Paradis,,,= Dr. James Leith, Mr. ,& Mrs. Tiril- van, Euge::e ,Sullivan" Bernard ~ i~p ,Allie, Mr. & Mrs. Wiiliam George, Dion & Maria,F,lood, Mr," o'thy' Manni,ng, Frances 8i Jam,es " - ' ' Family. Swansey, Hel'bertThornton. Beauregar"; ]\1[,": & Mrs. Wilfrid &: Mrs. HerveJ. ~edar;d. ,:McCarthy'; JiJhn O'Neill." Turn to Page' Seventeen $20 ::Mr.,'&,' Mrs. William Pender~' Laurent Trahan, Don a I d Belisle,)\ir. & Mrs. Oscar Bou< Tucker, ,George 'Walker, Mrs. dreau. , The Ovila Vanasse Family, g'ast, Nathaniel Stewart, George .;~~~~""",~~""",,~~. Mr. & Mrs. 'Arthur Tetrault & E. Swansey Jr. .' , . Lyman Wilber;' Mrs. Mary' WilMrs. 'Francois' BOSsen,' Mr. &, Charles, Dr. & 'Mrs. John T. Bar. . $15 son., Mrs. ,.. Fr~ncois' Boula:y~ CI,aire' • ·t·"" ro,ws, Mr. & Mrs. Francois a.William Atchison,-?4r ., & Mrs. F II R' ' ;, ' , " . Grenon, Mrs. Sylvio Lecomte. Martin, R. Barry, "Mr. &, Mrs. L. " . : y "" >," , :~'15 ' WHlliam ,BoUcllardj,Mrs. Alex:-ST.MAky,SCATHEDRAL , : 'Mr. & ,Mrs. ,Frank Kutis," ander Maino, Charles"Rogers., " ',' " ' . ' ,", " , ' .' Charles' '& Yvonne 'Bouchard, .. " . . ' :',' $10', ',' " ., ," ",,,$~O . &' CI' Ernest" Kilroy, Mr. & Mrs:. ' Y:vonne,' alre L ang I' O1S" Clarence,A dshead,,'M rs. G or-" James' Diskin: ' . $10 don Bariteau, Mrs.· Herbert ': ", "'" '-AUTc):~~pt A",D' , , ; ::Mr.&" Mrs. ,Albert, Laflamme, BarrOn;, Gharles:' Beny, Mrs:. r,:"" $~5 " : 365 NORTH ,FRONT STREET:" ,GENERAL REPAIRS Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Champagne, Helen Bettencourt. '' , WJ!l~am. ~,~ecilia Sheehan. : ',: Mrs. Ve'rda'Bessette"Mr. '& Mrs. 'J"o'seph' Birtwistle, Isabel" ';;""$15. ... ,"N~W BEDFORD 75 BeJlvi!!e Ave. 3·;7661 Paul Carrier, Mr.' Br. Mrs. Leo Breault/,: George '" . Brightman; .. Irene,··, & . :Helena :Wallace," ,, WYman 2-5534 , New BeClford Boucher. ' L e o J. Burke, Jeremiah Carey. Thomas & l\otargaret Kennedy. :. ,,, .~"~-~,~~~"~~,.,.,~~ , : Miss . Alice 'Lemaire; Mr.' & Raymond, Carter, Walter C a r - . $12 Mrs. Maurice'Paradis,'Mrs, Richtel', Mrs~ Edward Casey, ,Thomas Mr; & Mrs. Charles E. Cavanard Remillard, Mrs. Irene Heon Cawley, J. Edmond Charade.. augh,', Mr. & Mrs. Edward &: Pauline, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Leo Charbonneau, Mr., & Mrs. Levesque., ( Levesque.' John Clarke, Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. . $10 Mrs. Prospere Foisy' & Yvette. Cole, William Cramer, Mrs.. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Biltcliffe, Miss Amanda Dion, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Crawford. Mr. &, Mrs. Charles DiManno & ~hai-les Lafleur, Mr. & Mrs. :.John Czaban, Mrs. Mary. Dal- Family, Mr. & Mrs: Francis FenEdmond , Larocque, Anonymous. ton,' Grace DonnellY,Alice Dor- nessey, Mr. '& Mrs. James Frank, Mrs. Willfam Leclair, Mr. & gan, Anna Dorgan. Mr. & Mrs. Henry, Gauthier. Mrs. Alphee Bois" Mr. ,& Mrs. Mary E. Downey, Mr. & Mrs. Elizabeth Hall. James Harri.John Bellefeuille, Mr. & Mrs.' Mau,rice Downey, S,tephen P. son; Mrs'-Lillian ' Ingham, Jamea Georges Lavoie Jr.. Mrs. Ella Downey, Fred Doyle, George F. Keating, M~s. Margaret KelliMerchant. Dumas & Family. 'Mr. & Mrs. Roland Auger, Mr. Romeo Dupont, Charl~s Econ- her., &: Mrs. Gust'ave Gaudreau, Vivi- omos, John Ezemoli, Kathleen Mr. '&'Mrs.. Joseph Kennedy, anne S~rprenant, Mrs. Thomas Finnerty, James Flanagan. _ Christina Keough, Matthew KilSt'evenson, Dora Breault. - , . Stephen'Francis, Albert Frates, roy, Raymon, ,.Kilroy, Mr. & 'Mr. & Mrs. Paul Letourneau, Caton Frates, Barbara Fredette, Mrs. Joseph Magriby. Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Marmen, Mrs. Richard Gero.' , Mr. & Mrs. Howard ,Moriarty, Emma Letourneau, Mr. ~ Mrs. Willh:im Gero, Mrs. Raymond Mr. '& Mrs. Francis Neill, Mrs. .. Roland Landry, Mr. & Mrs. Nor- Gillette, James J. Gleason, Fred- 'Catherine O'Donnell & Family,mand Albert. ' erick Greer. Patdck Griffith: ' Mr. & Mrs. Francis O'Neil.' Mr.' Mr. & Mrs. John BeloW, Dr. Mrs. Lillian GutQrie, Mrs. & Mrs: James A .• Robinson & &: Mrs. Jean Paul Grenon, Mrs. Ma'rUla Hanrahan & Family, Family'. With Asa Auger, Mr. & Mrs. Edouard Anonymous; ,Gerald Harrington, ,. Mr. & Mrs. James A. Robinson, Hevey & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Mary Harrington. Jr.. Helen Shea, Mona Shea. Mr. ,'Dependable Raymond Trahan.' Holy Name C.Y.O. GirlS, & Mrs. Rob~rt Shea, Mr. & Mrs. : Gerard & Ruth Boudreau, Mr. Cornelius ,Howrihan, Thpmas Patrick Smith. Pharmacy 'Il; Mrs. Arthur Fredette, Mrs. -Joseph, Julia Kane, Lillian John, Taylor, In Memory of Antoinette Glennon, Mr. '& 'Mrs. K i l O e . ' / Ellen Waish:, ' • Service~ , Wilfred Couture, Miss Tona Ralph KeHish,' William Kin- ",." ' . Gregoire. . . ney, Mr.' & Mrs. John Kogut, Mrs. Ciarinda Green.e,'- Mrs. A!1naHaJ,'rington, Leo Harring'f Prescriptions called for and - Delivered Jacqueline Best, Mr. &' Mrs. ton.' Roland A. Pothier Sr. Maurice Harrington, Winifred 6 TIMES DAILY IN FALL RIVER, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Cormier, Mr. Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Frank &. Mrs. Cyprien Grenier &' El- Le~hy:Phil,LeCompt, Mary' K. Once, a day in Somerset and Swansea. at 4:30 P.M, phege, Mr. & Mrs. Delmas Des- Lopes. , Special Attention Given lahdes, Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Rock, Edward Lyons, Helen'Maloney, To .Emergency Prescriptions Mi. &' Mrs. Eugene Paradis. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Manning, Man. Mr. Auguste Pariseau, Mr. & uel ~artinez, Edward Mendoza. $25. Mrs. Wilfred Breton. Mr. & Mrs. ' Mrs. Thomas Moriarty, Victor George 'Berube,' Mr. & Mrs. Henry St: Pierre, lVIr. & Mrs. Novo, Mrs. Joseph O'Brien, Mrs. Normand Levesque. Armand Lavoie" The Hebert- Doris Palmieri; Joseph Paul. Arthur J. Shea, 'Prop., Castellina Families., Mrs. James J., Phelan; Helen $20 202-206 Rock Street ' Fall River : The Audette-Simmons F.am-, Quinlan. George Regis, Janet The Dumont, Family. ,DtOCDE
i6 '
RIVER.' "A,~,
App~al Gi'fts New Bedford '
a, ..Iver
:DE8ROSSE OIL:': :."; ,co.' , ', , ,
. . GARAGE'·:
: H,eating Oi,is': ,r" and' B~ri1ers' "'',:, ." , , "
A HAPPY AND JOYOUS OCCASION FOR ALL: Father (Capt.) John F. Denehy of Fa]] River is the Catholic Chaplain serving members of the Air Force at Otis Air Force Base at Bourne. Sunday-Mother's Day-was a happy day for the diocesan priest. He was visited (left) by his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Denehy. John McLeaish (left center) receives his first' Holy Communion-praying to the King of Peace to give the world the Power of Peace. John (right center~ returns to his place in tl:ebody ~f the
Appeal Gifts Continlln~
church with his partner, Patricia Susan deVries. Mrs. Beatri~e Kimrough (right) crossed the country in her wheelchair, coming from Alhambra, Calif., to attend the First Communion of her grandson, John MeLeaish. The first communion class of 26 included children from all parts of the United, States living temporarily in Massachusetts while their daddies serve the Air Force, a Power for Peace. Father Denehy served as an assistant ,i~ parishes at Nantucket and <;>ak Bluffs before entering the service. .
!rom Page Sixteen
Continued 'from Page One Confessions, Novenas,' Choir Ordained in 1945 in St. Mary's work, Daily Mass-at 12:05-and ST. PATRICK'S of Fall River by Bishop Cassidy four Masses on Sunday followed and is one of our diocesan by Baptisms. Plus the necessary $50 priests. Fr. Denehy made it ,dear counselling and help at all times Samuel J. Priestly. that he js Base Chaplain because. not only for the ,Base residents $25 but for the civilian workers and St. Patrick' Women's Guild,' of seniority-but he still has c111 transients. That ~his is, indeed, Holy Name Society, Henry V. the headaches that go with the Hopkins, Mrs. John L. Sweeney, job. And the experience to cope a Parish is attested by a Mass with them. After Ordination Fr. attendance of 5,406 with a steady Mr: & Mrs. John Bevilacqua. 600' to 800 Communions each In Memory of Mr: & Mrs. Denehy was on'Nantucket Island month. Michael Foran, In Memory of 'and on Martha's Vineyard and Mr. & Mrs. George V. Broder. en1ered the Air Force in Nov, Fr. Denehy is helped over the ember of 1950. He has had ick. weekends by the Franciscans of service in Michigan, Germany, $20 St. Anthony's Shrine in Boston. Frances Cash, Mrs,. Mari~ California and, for .the iast two ~usllally .Fr:, Marion 'Fol~y, years, in Japan. ·There are four. Cash, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony_RogO.F.M., a former, Marine, or Fr. ers & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Chaplains on the Base, but one ,Gordien Rhrlacher,' OFM, a forof them must give ,ftill. tim~ to, Scully, Abbie I. ,Kilroy. 'the Texas Towers, off shor~, mer Navy Chaplain. Mary E. Kilroy, Mr. & Mrs. Off Base fa~ilies a~e asked to, 'which gives everyone, an over~ William T. ,Donnelly, Catherine flowing schedu~ and little ,time . be a part of the Parish., where ,Connors. " they live,and :fl'. Denehy. wall to be bored. $15 As the only Catholic Chaplain most emphatic in his apprecia-: Mrs. & Mrs.' Charles Ve'ioza,. on the Base Fr. Denehy'mustnot tion and gratitude :for the help, The Wilcox Family, Mary New- only handle his strictly Military man & James Clegg, Ardian J. duties but; with 700' Catholic Mr. & ,Mrs. James Lynch, Mr, Hughes & Family. families on the Base, he is Pastor & Mrs: James Moran, Mr, &1 Mel!.. $12 of large and demanrHng Parish. Louis_Moore, Mr. & Mrs. George' Mr. & Mrs. Leo Callahan. Parish organization Isa litt\e Morgan; Mr. & Mrs. Frederick . $10 difficult because key \ workers Moriarty. Steve Miller, Joseph Flynn, may be transferred at. any' time Mr. & Mrs. Frank O'Hearn, Mrs. Veronica King, Mrs. Sarah and can not. be counted on for. Helen and James Parker, 'Mr. &; Spellman & Daughter, Mr. & range plans. But Fr. Denehy l,ong Mr!'. Wa1tpr J. BlIrns. Jr. has' organized theWomen'sGuild Mrs. James Quinn, Mrs. Margaret Regan, Lillian, Roberts. ' Mr. & Mrs. William Pizio & and is working a Catholic Men's Mr. & Mrs., Thomas Rodgers; Family, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Club, and provides Catechetical :.Tohn Scanlon and Family, Mr. Cavanaugh, Mr. & Mrs. James E. instruction for sOIl').e.240 children & Mrs. Eugene Theroux, Mr. & Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Droby- a week-with the prospect of Mrs. Henry Tobol. ski. Mr. & Mrs. Americo Gazzero. 400 next year. Then there, are Mr. & Mrs. William Rys, Mr. & Mrs. Isabel Bailey, Charlotte Mr. & Mrs. John J. Powers Jr., Mrs. Anthony Ruggiero, James Britland" Julia Cahill, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Machado, Mr. & F.. f:"ilnrlnrs. ~r;l1;am F. Whalon Mrs. Everett Cowell, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. John Souza, King Philip Henry Destremps. Family: Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dela' Settlement Women's Club. Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale DiMarhunt. SS. 'PETER AND PAUL Mr. & Mrs.' Joseph ,White, tino, Mr. & Mr3. Jo'hn Downey, $50 Cusack Family, Dr. Leo J. & Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dupont, Mr. Rev. John P. Driscoll, Rev. & Mrs. Patrick Dupont, Mr. & Julia ~. Sullivan" Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Fletcher, George Fletcher Wm. F. O'Connell. Mrs. ,John Falvey. . Charles Hodkinson. Jr. Charles Harrington, Mr. & $30 William Madden, Mary Mpr~~ . Mrs. Andrew Harney, Mr. & The FosteJ;' Family. Mrs. Martin Welch &,Mary, Mrs. Mrs. James Humphreys, An.. $25 Mary J. Harrington, Geraldine gela, Annie & J~mes Kane, Mr.' Mr.' & Mrs. Gustave Mattol!. Harrington. . & Mrs. Milton Kozak._ Marion and Anne O'Hearn, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Belanger, Mr. & Mrs. William Lamb~rt Mr..& Mrs. Michael McCarthy, Mrs. Frank Brady. ' Sr., Daniel Lynch, Mr. & ,",rs., $20 Mr. & Mrs. George Leach, Mr. & Joseph McGuill, Mr. & Mrs.' Margaret Constantine. Mrs. Louis Cyr, Mr. & Mrs; RayAndrew Marshall' Sr., Mr. & Joseph Conaty, In'Memory of me "d Jl'If)n.· y. /' Mrs. Jack Mason. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sullivan. Mr. & Mrs. Roy Murray, Mary Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy, Mr. $15 G. Dunn, Jean F. Judge, Mr. & & Mrs. William Murphy, A. E i lee n 'Keavy, Catherine Mrs. Thomas Cooper, Mr. & Mrs. Loretta O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Lynch, Helen Lynch. Normand Caron. Roger Perreault, Mr. & Mrs. $10 Mr. & Mrs. William Bruneau, Donald Quinlan. Mrs. John Correia, Mrs. Dor_ In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Mr. &' Mrs. Thomas Rodgers, Michael McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. othy Cory, Mr. & Mrs. Americo DeMraco, Mr. & Mrs. James Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Silvia, Mr. Raymond Hardy. Edward J. Donnelly, ,Mr. & Mrs. John & Mrs. Thomas Slater, Mr. & Healy, In Memory of Mary M. Mrs. James Rogers. Driscoll. Barrett. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Charles" Dumais, "'J;r~. ~amuel Taylor, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Farren, Mrs. Agnes Tavi~. Mrs. William O'Brien, Mr. & William J. Farren, The Frechette Mrs. John C. Marshall; Mr. & ST. ELIZABETH'S Family, Mr. & Mrs. James GarMrs. Richard Buckiey, Mr. & vey. Mrs. George A. St. Denis. $175 Mr. & Mrs. William Garvey, Mr. & Mrs. John Jean, Mrs. Rev. Joao Se Medeiros. o • Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Hasprey, Mr. Alexander Buba, Mr. & Mrs. $25 Rudolph Levasseur, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Stanley Janick, Mr. & A Friend, Holy Name Society. John Fitzler, Mr. & Mrs. Ber- Mrs. John Kjng, Constance , Turn.to Page Eigbteep, Lynch. nard Cartin
Fall River
given by Sandwich and Falmouth Parishes, not only in emergencies but in the day by day routine.
THE ANCHOR Thurs., May 14, 1959
Dedicate Dormitory
ROCK CASTLE (NC) - A In case' you wonder about Fr. ' $250,000 ~ormitory at St. Emma Denehy's spare time-he works Military Academy. only military' with Committees, the Boy academy for Negro boys 01 Scouts, and as Advisor to the high school age in the country, Base Commander. was dedicated here by Bishop John J. Russell of Richmond. A Yes, the job of the Army special guest at the rites wall Chaplain ,has changed-things Father Vernon F. Gallagher, are different. As different as Otis'. Provincial of the Hoiy Ghost Air Base is from the old Camp Fathers who conduct the acadEdwards. Different in function emy. and in concept.
So when you visit Otis Field on Armed Forces Day, look for, all the changes. And when you see the' might and strength dis-' played":'-i-emember the' theme:. Power .•. for Peace! ~
And you might drop in to one of the Chapels ,and help build. up that spiritual Power for Peace wilh a prayer or two.
Honeywell Home Protector Fire'DetectIOn & Alarm System For Free Home Demonstratioll With No Obligation Call
Frank Lawrence Jr.
Fire Extinguisher Sales and Service Fire .Alarm System Installation 260 Ashley BlJd. WY 3-4136
,Emily C. Perry 562 County S~. New Bedford 'Opp. St. lawrence Church
Armed Forces ,Day, Theme Is Power for Peace
The Capuchin Brothers are w~rki~g for. "a hundred. fold and life everlasting." Find happiness serving God here and in foreign missions as sacristan, catechist, infirmarian, office worker, gardener, chef, tailor, doorkeeper, carpen. ter, electrician, maintenance man, etc. Young men between 18 and 35 interested in joining the Capuchin Brothers to work for Christ write to:
,REV. FR. EYMARD, O.F.M. Cap. ~
St. Lawrence Friary, 175 Milton St. Milton 86, Massachusetts ~~.~
live' chicken. 59c
FRESH LOBSTER MEAT '~pecial ? lb.' ' 'Mact.EAN1S SEA fOODS ,
.............................. UNION WHARF
Mr; & Mrs. William A. H~aley, Delia & Catherine Kelly, John'M. Malloy, Mr, & Mrs. Daniel J. Donnelly. ' . Francis Burke, Anibal Silva. O'Brien' Family.
18 " '-THE ANCHOR Thurs., May 14, 1959
Appeal Gifts
ST. JOSEPH $75 In Memory of Katherine F. &: Joseph Marci1le~
Continued from Page" Seventeea
Fall River HOLY NAl\IE ". $2,50. Mr. &: ·Mrs. Thomas Tansey.,
$50 Mr. & Mrs, William F. Hurll, Mrs. Mary Walker, In Memory of Hannah'M. O:Brien. $25 Margaret Connors, Jane Har'an; Mr. & M~s. Joseph E. Kennedy, Misses Elizabeth,' Ruth & Esther McArdle,. Mary R & Frances ,A. Shay, Mabel L. Morey. $20 '\ Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Barnaby, Mrs: Frank D.' V. & Eleanor Brady, Lawrence Cabeceiras, Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Har'rington, Mr.' & Mrs. Bernard .Tomlinson.
$150 Harry Powers $125 Dr. &: Mrs, 'R J. Donovan.~. $100 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Phelan, In Memory, of Michael E;. O'Rourk~, Mrs. Michael E. O'Rourke, In Memory of Mrs. ~ora Chippendate. $75 FIRST BUDDHIST MISSION: Members of' the First Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Higgins. Buddhist Mission to the United States visit the Franciscan $60 Monastery in Washington. Father Godfrey, O.F.M. (left) Maureen O'Rourke. $50 and ,Father Paschal Kinsell, O.F.M. escort 'the visitors, two Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Coughlin, representatives of Burma Sangha and the Burmese Religio'us Mr. & Mrs. Michael Foley, Pat,.. 'riek Phelan, The Millses' Con-' commun(ty, accompanied by one informed Lay Buddhist, nors. M~~'''<:.n~·' G. Dillon, ,Mary .' elected by the U. S. Dept. of State for :Leader Grants ',to E~ &: Lillian C. Han. " ' visit the United States to study religious life here. NG Photo. Mr. &' Mrs, John COnnony, JameS F. -Burke, . Mr. & Mrs;, BIr. Marg~ret Sullivan Doherty. 'Andrew Duffy, Louise and Ruth Mr. & Mrs. F~ancis Shay. $40 " , Welch, Mr. &'Mrs. Si~on Sulli,.· $20, - Mr. '&: Mrs. J. Burke Shay. van. Mr. &: Mrs. Roger: LaChapelle, ' $35 Mr. &: Mrs. Peter' Sullivan, Margaret &: Thomas Tolan, The ,Dr.. &: Mrs. John F, 'Dunn Jr. Enen O'Connor, Mr;, &: Mrs. Murphy Family, Ruth· Brown; $30 Mrs., Frank Kingsley, George John Byington, Mr. & Mrs. RobWilliam H. Kirkman. . Drilleol!, Fran~es Shaughnessy. ert Matthews,Mrs. Mary Mur-, Margaret' O~Gragy, Mrs. Mar'7 $25 . phy &: Family. garet Flynn &: Mary, Mrs. Joseph , Cerh'ude M. Quirk, Mrs. W.,' A. Hammin &: Miss Helen SulliMr. &: Mrs. Leo V. Gaffney, Arthur Leary, Margaret E. Shea, M¥cella . Rega~, Mr; '& Mrs. ~' vim, John M. Corrigan, i\fary V, Dr. '&Mrs. John J. Partridge, Thomas McNally, Catherine &: Alice C. Harrington. Dr. & Mrs.' Bernard P. Cronan.' Shea', Anna L. S,ulHvan. , 'Margaret" Desmond, :Mr. &: The Lenaghan Family, Mr. &: ililr. & Mrs. Henry Leary'&: Mrs, Patrick HIlrl'eY', John: J~ Mrs, Joseph, Cummings, Mr., & Helen Griffin, Mrs. John Neilan. Moynagh.· ' M'I's. John'T; Crowley, Gertrl,lde Elizabeth, Neilan, John Neilan, $15 It ,Alice Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. The Finglas Family. ) Mrs. Mary Mo~riss &:' Marleseph E. LaCroix. , J S W'l garet, Mrs, Kathryn RDoherty; Mr..:.., & Mrs. ames. 1 son, Raymond. Holmes', Thomas Con," $20 Mr. & Mrs, Frank M. Coffey, Mr. Mr. &: Mrs. Everett Crowley,. & Mrs', J. i Gallagher, Mr. &: nors, Mrs. Mary O'SUllivan, Mr. Itiehard Batchelder, Austin Mc- Mrs: Thoinas Sheehan, Mr. &: ok Mrs; Fred R. Dolan. Cauliff, The Misses Dunn, Mr. &: Mrs, Francis Doolan. ' $12 JIbs. George Duffy. , Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nicoletti. ' Timopty Shea, Stanley' Mroz, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Nuttall &: , Mr. & Mrs. ~dward B. Downs, Mrs. Fran:k-Medeiros, John Shay, Family, Mr. &, Mrs. ,Walker Mr. & Mrs. William Aylward, Goncalo Family. Warrener & Family, Mr. &: Mrs.: Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Neves, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Burns, John W. Roche, Clarence Bonner. William S. Lynch. Grace Daley, Mary C. Daley. Mr. , $15 ' The Misses Powers, William J!~ ok Mrs; J. Joseph Welch. Mr. &: Mrs. Romeo McCallum, .Murphy" Mr. &: Mrs. James R. $10, 'Mildred :Yo Carroll, Mr. &: Mrs; Hannon, Mr. &: Mrs. James KepMr. &: Mrs. WilJiam Davis, Mr. Martin J. McDonald, Mary A. pIe, Mr. &: Mrs. William- Sulliok Mrs. Joseph Caouette, Sarah Dolan, Mr. & Mrs. James lL van. • Halligan, William _O'Brien, Jolla ,Martin. Mr.' &: Mrs. Thomas ~eonard,· Tolan & Family. Mr. &: Mrs. Daniel Mahoney, Mr. &: Mrs. William Coady Ji.. ,William Slater, Mrs. William.' Gertrude Mercier, Mr. & Mrs. Allee Condon, Mr.'& Mrs. Walter' Webb"Mr. &,Mrs. John Harding,., ,C. F. Leonard,Geneviev~- C. Neves. Mr,' & Mrs. Philip Silvia.' Mr. &:, Mrs. John Torpey, JameS Dufffy, Nancy Ca'rroll. ,Ari~e Mae Owen, Mr. & Mrs. ~. Fleck. . Mr. & Mrs. John'Hogan & Romeo AHenburg. Leo Larchevesque,. Donald Katherine Mr. '& Mrs. Alfred Mr. & Mrs.. Milton 'Bednarz; Payer, Mrs. Carl, Anderson, Dube; ," Margaret Skehan, Mr.. &' Mrs. Charles Gagnon, Paul Cunen. ' , Mr, & Mrs, Henry J. Lemerise, John Mull~ly, The Mahoney Fred Demetrios, Edward MonElinore Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Family, Mr. &. Mrs. Thomas A. arch, 'Mrs. Samuel Hurst, Gerald William 'Conneny, Mrs. Mary d·DonneIl. ' , ' Brown, Marie Dubuque. W. Higgins, William Ready. " Mr' &' Mrs Herman M,ello,' The Nash Family, Mr. & Mrs. . " Mr. & Mrs. ThomasS,tapleton, Mrs. Edmund C. Sunderland, 'Rerve Bernier, . Mr. '& Mrs. Thomas Brindley, Janies J. GHjlin, Margaret Riley, $1% ,,Mrs.' Catherine Hoefling, Mr. &: Mrs. Daniel C. Desmond, In' Me .. &: Mrs, Bertram Curt, Mr. Mrs......A nton Kaiser. Memory of Mr. &: Mrs. Patrick • Mrs. Donald Ryan. Mr.,& Mrs. Mrs. Elizabeth Carney, Mr.' &: Halligan. J. J. Sullivan Mrs. James E. Mullins,. Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Louis Lopes, Helen $10 Mrs. John V. Donnelly, Mr. '& King, Mr. & 'Mrs. Thomas.AMrs. Thomas Burke· &: Angela, Mrs. Joseph E. Theberge &: -Donnelly,.,Frank DuValley, Mary MI'. &: Mrs. Richard O'Connor &: Family, Noel Giard Jr. Coughlin. . l!'amily, Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Carvalho, Catherine Coughlin, Ellen 1.. Harrison, Bernard F., Sweeney &, Mrs. Mary ';;. Touh~y, Gertrude Coughlin, Flprence Sullivan, l!'amily, Anna Malone. M. Hul'1ey, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew" Mary Walsh,John Simas. Mr, & Mrs, Francis, Urban, Mr. Golen, Mr. & 1\-1);s. Russell Mc-· ,Leonard Sullivan, Muriel Au• Mrs. George Flanagan, Mrs. Dermott. . . ' det, Loretta Audet, Antonio Joseph A: 'McCoy, Mrs. Walter , Mr.. & Mrs. Raymond F. Soares, Mildred Audet. : l!'atlon, Mr; & Mrs. Louis GleaLea~y. Mary Donovan, Margaret 'porothy Audet, Doris Audet,. lIOn. Donovan, . Leo~ora '.,Donovan, M~. &, Mrs. Raymond' Pierce, Mr. Mr. &: Mrs. James Conlin, Mr. Mrs. Daniel Murphy:' Mr. &: Mrs, William Devitt, Mrs. .. Mrs. James Lawlor, Kathryn Thomas Sullivan, Mr. ok Mrs; Arthur ,Andresen.. ,J!'. Power" William...p. Cody, Francis Tansey, Margaret V. Arthur Andresen, Mr.. &: Mrs. - ll:mma McDermott. I' Scott, Mr. &: 'Mrs. Angus Bailey, Maurice Byington, Jennie GrifMr. & Mrs. Philip'Dillon, Mr. Florence Malone. ' fin, DanierF'. Bogan"Rose Riley. .. Mrs. Thomas Norton, Mr. &: Mary Hurley, Mr: & Mrs., John John Leonard '& Family, Mr. Mrs. Dan iel Henry & Carole, F1¥nn, Katherine Battersby. &: Mrs. James Barnes, Catherine Mrs. Mary Hennessey, Mr. &C' \ Barnes. Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Mrs. 'George Mitchie. , SACRED HEART.... Maxwell, 'George Beaulieu. Vincent M. Fitzgerald, Mr. &: $100 . Mary Ryan, Ce~ilia' M. Clorite, Mrs; James F. Kenney, Mary \ Mrs. Christopher J. Cra·han Jr.. Louise Ryan, Mrs~ Michael Kelley, Anne Kelly,' Gertrude H. FL'snk Reilly. Sweeney, Mrs. Paul F •. Hackett. Kelly. $50 - Mr. '& Mrs. Thomas McVey, The Watts Family, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John B. CumAnthony Rogers,. Mr. & Mrs. Barney Levesque,. Mr. & Mrs: P. mings, Charles P, Ryan, Charles • Joseph Delaney, John Kiley Jr.. ~enry Desmond, Mr. & J,VIrs. Sevigny. ,Catholic Guild for the Mi. & Mrs. John Kiley. Walter ,French, The Byrne Blind, Mrs. Rose E. Sullivan. Ella T: Dempsey, Mr. & Mrs. Family. $40.. Clarence BaQks, Mr. &: Mrs. AnHilda Phillips, Mary O'Neil. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Murphy. drew Plocica, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Helen O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. George White, Agnes Coyle,Nugent, Kathleen Gillespie. $35 Elizabeth Coyle; Charles 0 1"Mr, & Mrs. Francis Nasser, Mr. & Mrs. John Tuite. 'Connor, 'Mr. & Mrs.' John' J. 'Mary V. Murphy, Mrs. Fred SuI$25 Harrington, Dq,nald Corrigan,. - livan Mr. & Mrs. James, K. Mr. & ':Mrs, John-Coyle, MarMiss Elizabeth, M. - Crowley &, Ma ru'm , Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bris- garet Coyle, Mr. & Mrl!. Francis Miss Elizabeth McCarthy. sette. E. Sullivan, Catherine Roberts, Miss Mary E: Quirk & Miss Mrs. Charles V" Cartoll, -Mar- Mrs. George C, King. Annie E. Quirk;, William Fitzion Foley, Lawrence J. Hussey, William Barrett, Mr. & Mrs. gerald,' & Famii"y, Madefine Jr.. Ma'deline Case.y, Mary C. Michael Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. McDermott, Rose M. McDer~y. ~ Henry E. Boulds; Mary, Cather- mott, Barbara Banks. 'IWna l. lrIwr&,J.' Mr. ok Mea. ioe & Lillian Madde~' Miss Ella & Anna Desmond, __ 'P'" .... ........ -. -_ - ".
, Dr. &:
$15 'Mr. &: Mrs. John Connors, Mr. '& Mrs. 'Villiam Doran, Mary, Margraet &·Thomas .Dwyer, Mr. & Mrs.' William J. Kelle;y:, Douglas Law". Mrs; El'len ¥ah~ney &: Juli;a, Alban Vezina. ,
Arthur Pires.
$tO Frank Austin" Mr. ,'& Mrs; Henry Beroardo, 'Mrs. Hal'oid
Bassett, Misses,Ann T. &: Catherine' M. Coughlin, Armand Couto. Mr. & Mrs. John Connor, Mary Cullen, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Chorlton, Mrs. Thomas H. Duffy, Mr. & Mr!l. J9hn, E. Donovan. \ John Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond ,Fletcher, Evelyn Finglis, Mrs. John J. Fitzgerald Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Marcellus Feeney. Me, & Mrs. Walter Gander, In' Memory of James F. Gray, Lillian Hennessey, Mr. & Mrs. Paul ~olden, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Higginson. Margaret Hession, Mrs. Wallace Fairbanks, Frank Harrington, ,Julia Harrington, Philip Jeff; Albert Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. Frank' Lombardi, The Murphy' Family, Mr. & Mrs. John Maher, 'John Maher Jr. Margaret McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur McAndrew, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. McCarthy, Helen L. McAvoy, Louis Medeiros. - Edward F. Moran, Mr. & Mrs. , Raymond Martin. James Mullins. Mr. &: Mrs. Walter Nichipor, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McGowan. 'Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Monarch. James Mendonca, Mr. &: Mrs; Micbai!l McNally, Mr. &: Mrs.' "John O'Day, Mr. &Mrs. Thomas B. Ptace. _ Fred J. Ralph, George W. Rigby, Arthpr Rousseau, John TurD to race Ni.oe~eD
20% INTEREST A' Y~AB •••
, for
'eD' ye'an 'inaicdes a' s1u"ewu 'Uh el.IJlh'IH, Illn' DO'. i.o Ule ,atock markd.ln 1949 Fa'ber James pl~ed IUs compleie~'r~' iD Ule Providence of God and bull' a Ch'urcb for ~ 25 Catbolic families 01 his misSion a' AncherJ (diocese 'of) Tricbur, Souih IDllia). He built a Cburcb for Uaue Z5 families and dedic;,aied MiG, Uae bonor Of. S~ Joseph. TocI~y, ten years laier, hIS ,mission' bas increased' bJ 200'Yoand i' IlOW consisis of 500 Catholic ramilies., He begaD iG build, a new Church aDd coileded Ule eniire amoUDt necessarY' bY' himself. ,He was comDr Holy FaJIxr's MmionAiJ pletely out of debt aDd independeDt -j;" fix Orirrrfdl ChtmIJ aDd ibe new Cbura build~g ~e J'" . alone quite welL TheD mfta'lOa IIlruek and be now liDds tIl;i be neecls $%.000 iG 6nisb Uae job. Can JOU help this mocleru aposUe wbo bas received soeb great returns OD yOur mODeJ and the Graee of God? STRINGLESS GIFTS AR.E THE STRENGTH OF THE HANDS OF THE HOLY FATHER AS HE agACBES OUT TO THE rooR AND AFFLICTED OF THE NEAR EAST. CAN YOU HELP HIM! _ _L--...:..' _~
The' "Flaine of Pentecosi" (feasi is, May .1T)
bas been enkindled in .'be souls of JOSEPH aud" ANTHONY. They wish .&0 join"tbem. - selves' &0 ibe original. AposUes and win Ule world for Chris," Eacb boy must' bue sis ,~ars of seminar" anll'heJ are anxious 10 begin' UIe long rO,ail to Ule aUar, BUT. be· fore be s~rts each one must bave, a sponsor wbo will pay Ule. necessarJ expenses 01 SlOO a' year tor' tbe six year course. In &be SPIIUT of PENTECOST win. YOD adopt an "Apostle?" IN GRATIT'UDE FOR 'THE GIFTS OF PENTECOST WILL YOU CLOTHE AN "APOSTLE?" A CASSOCK COSTS S25!
SISTER CECILE aDd SUiTER PAUL wisb &ct listen to"be SPIRIT OF PENTECOST. They are anxious iG serve 'be unforwnates of Enpt as Sisters 01 ibe Good Shepber.d. Each girl masi bave a two year period of novitiate 'raining before she can begin bel' service &0 ibe Mysiical Body. Can YOU belp ODe of 'bem? Sbe mus' have $150 • year for tbe two year periOd: of novitiaie 'raining. You may pay Ule' money in anJ manner conveDleDi while JOur "da\l&'bw III ihe Spirit" p~epares for be! life of saeriflee. "UNFORTUNATEL~
CHILDREN'S HOUR This is tile day . ' . this 'is 'be Iioor of tile ebild! Unlesa ean save ihe child •.. unless we call bt'lng Cbrisi to hiS and. food &0 bis boo)' wbo' will dare kt ibinll ot 'be tuture of ,be Near East., Monsignor Ryan Is ,,"orkinI' and prayia. .galnst gigantic ocIdli to belp 'be cblldreD of ihe Near East in both bod;; aDd eouL There are two ways in whicb we caD belp bim: FOOD aDd CLOT~ING. CLoTHING tor First Holy Communion-$10 will ,briaa • new Firsi Communion ouifU &0 • refll&e. 'child. FOOD for tbe abandoned child In an orpbanage 01' • hospital is supplied by our mission elub, ORPHAN'S BREAD. Why not join this' Club? The dues are $1 a month and a prayer • day for ihe most belpless of aU buman bdngs--Uae ab.... doned child.
~'l2earOtstOlissions~ FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President, Msgr. Peter P. Tuohy, ""01'1 Sec'y Send all communications to:
CATHOLIC NEAR EAST. WELFARE ASSOCIATION 480Le~in9ton Ave. at 46th St. New York 17, N. Y. o
THE WORK OF MARY : Thousands in the Diocese are active or auxiliary members ·of the Legion of Mary, an organization 'performing spiritual and corporal works of mercy under the guidance of the clergy. In left picture, Jobn Ferreira, junior Legionary, assistsRe~. Edward £~ " Oliveira, Diocesan moderator, at a rosary ceremony in a home of Our 'Lady, of Lourdes parish, Taunton. John's mother and si~terare senior Legion- I,
Appea I Gifts 'CoD~iDued 'rom P"'e
Fall River
Legion of
aries. Anoth~r sister, now in religion, was als,oamember. At left center picture, a typical Legion of Mary meeting is shown in progress. At right center, Father Oliveira is shown with a statue of Our Lady, patroness of the Legion. At far right, he gives instructions to Legionaries Miss Cecelia J\fatWs and Miss Mary Mattos (left to right). They are setting out 00 parish visits.
Care fQrSouls
Holy Name Protest EHeets Withdrawal
ThrouglwutWorM and, in Diocese
By Patricia McGowan " As silentlY8S ,yeastbi oough, ,the it,egion of Mary works in a parish, a diocese, a country. Its results are amazing. China, eou ntry of the Silent Church, is largely entrusted MI'. &: Mrs. Louis A. Shea Jr., Mr. &; Mrs.lohn L. Shea, Mr. &: to lay LegionarieS, since priests have. been' expelled. There is reason to believe that they' Mrs.' Leo Sullivan, Mr. &; Mrs. are heroically keeping the light of faith burning. No less faithfully, Legional"ies are Dennis Sullivan, Mr. &; ,Mrs. , serving in our own, 'Diocese. whether he makes ' Albert E. Shovelton. ' :a donatk>n or firmed, the Bishop's comment In one -parish, for example, not is never known. This is the,' was. "It must be the Legion!" Mrs. Eva SuneSon, Hugh Skel14 marriages have been vaJi:- only, concern the Legion has ly, Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Sl Sing, In the Diocese 18 Praesidia John Ward, Mr. &: Ml'8. James dated, members of 30 famiwith money. are active, and over 3,200 auxilSilvia & Claire, Mr. fred Salois.
Mn. Wil-
ST. LOUIS $200 Rev. Thomas f. Walsh.
$50 Rev! Edward J. Burns. $25 Mrs. John Doran&:, Family, Margaret R. Sullivan, James Whalon, St. Louis Women's Guild, James L. Cummings, Mr. & Mrs. William F. Whalen Jr., Isabel H. Dearden, Thomas McCann. $20 The Cantwell' Family, The Myles Family, Frank Shay & Betty Shay. Crtrtrude O'Neil. Thomas -& Kathryn Conroy, Mr. & Mrs. Orient Laplante & Betty Ann, M~. Mary' Phillips & Everett, Willi<tm &, Irene Reynolds, The Koosel Family. The Logan Family. . Mrs. John McMahon &:Susan McMahon, Helen & ,Louise Murphy, Mrs. Michael Tobin & Family., , $15
The Hanrahan Family.
$12 Mr. '& Mrs. Thomas Padden. $10 Mrs. Joseph Botelho & Ann M., Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Cavanaugh, Mrs. Mary Clarke & Family, Mrs. Lloyd' King, Etta, & JLilIian Murphy. Mrs. Alexander Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred McNally, Catherine & Gertrude O'Neil, William & Isabelle Tierney, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Walls. Mrs. Edwa'rd Austin, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Black, Mr. & 'Mrs. Fra;1k Dussault, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mrok. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas' Stanton, John Whitty. Mayor & Mrs. John M .. Arru'da, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bevilacqua, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Broadbent, Margaret & Elizabeth Bushell, Mr. & Mrs. William P. Clarke. Mr. & Mrs. Antone Cordeiro Jr., Margaret .l'ohnson, Mr. &: MI·s. Joseph Leite, Mr.\ & Mrs.. William P. Lynch, Mr. &; Mrs. James McCann. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond McCann, The Powers Family, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred St. Michel, Mrs. Joseph Sullivan, William Sullivan. Wordell Family, .Jane Hannigan & Mabel S1monetti. Turn to Pa.&c :rwcnt7"
lies have returned to the sacraLocal History iary members recite daily pray-' ments, i40 adults have been coners for the success of Legion In the Fail River Diocese the firmed, all as a result of the work. Th~auxlliaries gather tireless work of the Legion of· Legion of Mary has been active with the active Legionaries at a since 1952, w'hen Bishop ConMary. yearly Acies, a ceremony renolly requested Legionaries from How It Works newing consecration to Our Boston to ,come to this area and 'Ehe Legion, of Max:y, foUnded Lady. , get the orgal).ization under way. in Dublin. exists to help souls. Members' work under the direc- The first PraeSidia, as Legion At the last gathering Sl tion ofthe1r pastors in perform- • units are called, were started in ,Mary"s Cathedral in Fall River ing any spiri·tuaJ work assigned St. Josepli's parish, Fall River, ·was nearly three-quarter filled them. They may help withcen- and St. John of God. Somerset. in an impressive display of Rev. DiiOiel Shalloo was tbe suses, visit prisons and hospitals, Legion strength. At the other check on children absent from -first Diocesan moderator of the end of thespeetrum is an inciLegion. He was succeeded in dent illustrating Legionary loycatechism classes, at,tempt to correct invalid marriages and 1953 by Rev. Edward A.Olialty. One night a member rebring 'people back to the practice veira,curate at, Our ;Lady of ported ,to his weekly meeting to of religion. JuniorgrouP8, may Lourdes,Taunton. In 1953 also, a find that no one else appeared. help catechism classes; visit, the Diocesan council of the Legion Alone he reCi te~ the Legion aied and 'do other assigned , was organized. This group; prayers and carried out the !mown as the Curia, is composed work. ' prescribed agenda. - The movement has spreaq of officers -of each Praesidium. Father Oliveira happened to throughout the wnrld:' Every' "Our Lady makes' the Legion drop in and asked in amazement whel'e it is the same. In Taun- wor, k " sal'd "a, '" th er 01"IVeIra, In . what _he was doing. HI figured ton, New Bedford, Fall River, recounting ,stories of the gentle as in Dublin, Africa, India, persistence' with which _Legion": Our Lady was here," replied the Legionary, "so I held the meetmeetings are identical., Mem- aries keep after stray sheep. big." bers gather befurea statue 9 f ' "If someone doesn',t w.ant to talk Our Lady decorated with candles to our visitors, we wait a month That~s the spi.rit, that makes and flowers and follow 'a pre- or so, then send someone else the Legion flourish from China scribed agenda, reporting on to see them. We never give up." to Fali River. work accomplished; reciting, the In at least one case five years rosary and 'special Legion pray- of work went into the return of ers, and, reading an assigned section of the Legion handbook.' a prodigal. "It's mostly kindA "secret bag" collection is ness," said thc Taunton priest. made during the meeting, when ' Helps Members Too a bag is passed to each· member. Legionaries themselves are Everyone puts his hand in, and . benefited by membership. "Once a person ~ets ilito Legion work he ,always draws closer to the Mrs. Crtorge A. ,Collet heads Mass and ,sacraments," the committee arranging the In the parish where a record annual bridg~ party of Dames number ,of adults were conPatronesses of Sacred Heart MILLION DOLLAR Home, New Bedford. It is se.t for. A Delicious Wednesday, June 3. BAUROOM'
New Bedford 'B,ridge
Available for Banquets, Testimonials, Etc. For Full Information Contact ROLAND GAMACHE WYman 9-6984
MANCHESTER (NC) - ' A group of Holy Name Soctet;, members brought about the witt.drawal of a condemned movie that was part of a double fuatureat a Drive-In in neartJ,J Hooksett. Some 200 automobiles were at -the theater during a ~wQ-h6Ol' picketing period by members 01 the Holy Name Society of St. Patrick's parish here. The pickets had signs reading ''This Pteture Condemned" .and "Do Not Patronize This Movie." Three town policemen and a sta. trooper were on hand. There was no disorder. The objectionable movie "She Shoulda Said No," c0ndemned by the Natiu.l<ll LegiOll of Decency and advertised (Ill th~ theater marquee as "Girl Wouldn't Say No." The managementagreerl to withdraw the 'picture 'after sevenil hours ~ the picketing.
For Restaurants • Institutions Roadside Stands Lorge or Small CI~mbakes
We can supply lobsters, Oysters Shrimps, ,Scallops in Season Seaweed for Clambakes also Available
OSborne 4-5693
rtenault - Peugeot -Simca' 67 MIddle Street.
Summer Cottages For Rent ' Week, Month, Seoson Near Beach Warm water,' Surf bathin'g, Sandy beach CAll OR SEE Swift's Beach Road 'Wareham, Mass. CY 5-0935
INDUSTRIAL SU PPLIES Made Rite Chips ,Ask For Them Todav
'Appeal Gifts IIooUnued from Page Nineteen
'-.Fall River WOTRE DAME DE LOURDES $100 Dr. & Mrs. William Boudreau, Dr. Josep~ A. fournier. '$50 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Phenix. $35 Dr. & Mrs. Adelard Demers. $31 Family Edmond Rheaume. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Norman Brogan, Mr. & Mrs.' Oscar Caya, N. A. Ch~ment & Helena Chace, In Memory of Napoleon' Menard, Notre-Dame 'Count;il of Catholic WOl'{len, Dr. & Mrs. Roger Violette, Octave O. Desmarais Family, Jules Raiche Family. ., $20' " Mr. & Mrs. Alcide Chouinard, Family Joseph Desautels, F'am~ Uy Hormidas Dupuis, Loretta l'illio'n, Mr. & Mrs. Mi1t9n Fuller. Family Rosario Martel, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Ouellette,. Family M-Louise St. Laurent. $15 Mr. & Mrs. George Benoit, Family Ferdinand Francoeur, Family Anne-Marie Masse, FamUy GeorgeS' Migneault" Ernest ' ~ Teasdale Family. " $14 , Family Hermenegilde TremWay:
quin. Mr. & Mrs. Edmour Poirier, Wilfred J. Poirier, Mr. &, Mrs. Armand Raiche,Famille C. Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien' Rousseau. Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Samson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sinotte, Mr. & Mrs. Orner Thibault, Family Alfred Vincelette. Frank Almeida Family, Mr. &: Mrs. Laurent Maynard, Elise Joubert" Mr. & Mrs. Donat Goyette, Roland Joubert. Georgianna Joubert, Mr. & Mrs. Normand, Paul. Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Phenix; Mr.· & Mrs. Egidio .Roderick.
20 Thurs.,- May THE ANCHOR 14, 1959
Favors American Citizen· Exchange With Soviets. MADISON (NC)-Termination of the cold war could.... be hastened by a nationwide . exchange of citizens between ,
the U. S. and the Soviet Union. Prof. Edmund Zawaki, chair"nan of the University of Wisconsin, Department of Slovac Languages, in an address at the convention of the North Central Province of the Newman Club Federation, advocated putting into effect the' "open city'" section of the Zaroubin-U. S. agreement.
nKMACULATE CONCEPTION $400 Rev. Felix S. Childs., ' $10~
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. "Joseph J: Heneghan~ $60 Moral Foree John R. Gettings. This agreement, he' explained, ' , $50' . provides ,for reciprocal exRev. Robert L. Stanton, Imchanges of persons between maculate Conception Women's' Guild, Mary· Mitchell. cities, towns and villages of the U., S. and the Soviet Union. He $35 Thomas J: Fleming. contended that no communist , $25 , ,regime could accept this "open Ka'thleen Blood, Mrs. ,Henry J. city" idea and still survive as' Duffy; In Memory of LawJ;'ence ·a totalitarian power. McvCormick, Pelletier Family., "If, war is power politics with , $20 ' military force, then' peace is ,Margaret, Connell. . ' . ' ", power politics with moral force," '$15 , the professor said: ' , Thomas ,F.. Heaney ~ Family" P·r.9pagaiula vaiue' r $IZ ~r. & Mrs. Lewis Natkit~l, Dom,. , POPE. ANDR,OYAL VISITOR:, King, Hu~sein 'JorHe emphasized, the "political Mr. &: Mrs. Louis Bellenoit," inick ',Spetd'uti Falnily,·Mrs,", d'on, 'app' ,ears' ',wl'th,P'ope' John' XXII'I' following a,'s~at" e' Vl'S'l't' results of this swapping 'of dele- ' &, Mrs: Rene Canuel, Mr. ,& Ciarerice P. Sullivan,' ", ,... ,,; .. ,~ gations do ,not depend on, an Mrs, Julien Desjardins, Mr. &: $10 " ", at/the 'Vatican. NCPhoto. .,.' . .. ,Mrs: Robert l)esrosiers, Mr. & . exchange" ,and' a'dded that the Lloyd Basinger, Mr; .&. Mrs.' $10, Mrs. Leo Dufau1t.... ' Jos~ Borges, Mrs. Dolores Can,.'" ,$10 Leo Berard, Robert O. Berard; propaganda value would 'be im-" . , Constance Lacroix; Mr. & Mrs. gello, 'Aht~ony, J.' C<>ute,'"'lti,ar:'" ' 'Mr. & "Mrs. Cleveland . Jones, Mrs: .He'ctor Beraru, Arthur' j. measurable whether or n9t· the' garet L, Dugan: ' ' , Robert McCullough, Mrs. Nan R: Cavanaugh, Leo J. Ash. Rector -Lambert, Mr. &, Mrs. communists ac~ept the idea. Francis Mulroon'ey, Mr;' &'Mrs. ':Mrs. 'Jos~ DeMedeiros;~enry McCann", Mary Hebert',' Patrick "Don's Appliances, Mrs. GerProf., Zawaki stressed that he '~ Phenix, A~fred '& :Annie ~.Gillet;' Irene. Gillet, Will'iam' F. Heb~r't. :: " trude A,:' Cain,' Lioyd F. Jarvis, .does not' believe ,the' communist Raiche; ~r.&. Mrs. Lucien Roy. pLii.lmette, H,enri' Lajeunnesse. , Mr. & Mrs., Alfe'rio 'Passar~, Alexander McCrae, Dan i.e 1· and 'the ·free world :can co-exist. , '$11 " Thomas W.' Newbury, Mariuel "Mr. &, Mrs: ,Charl~s. Wf1~iams, Barry, Edward R. Allen. ~,"Anyone who has accepted the . Mr.· ... Mrs'. AdelardSalva. Rapoza, Norrri'~m, Rapoza, JaTle' Mr. &: Mrs.R6~ert J. Ell}s.. doctJ:'ine of co"-existence .is· al~ .: ~urn to Pa&,e Twenty-one' "., : $10.' " ready a casual.ty of the cold H.,' Sullivan, Mrs'::;Clara, White;., ~ollow .•. Cecile A.nctil, Mr.~ & ' Mrs. , head, Mary Whitehead. ' war," the professor said. "The .William Angelini, Mr. & Mrs. 'Joseph R; 'Bernard; Andrew doctrine. of 'co'-existence' leads ST. JOSEPH ,LOuis Bernard, Rose. Bisaillim & Cook, Ja~es E.DonneJ!y;Rose-, nowhere. It drifts toward ther, ST. LOUIS '(NC)---,St. Mala-' ',.;$Z5 ' Roland Guimon'c;l, Mr. & Mrs. mary Dussault;...l lomer ,Goddu. ' monuclear ,war. The people of Dr. John boyle, ja~eB 'wn..' chy's church ·he're will end 100 JIoland Bisson.' . , ," , . ,Thomas J.'.Kerrigan, 'Henry' J." years .of service with a .bang....:.;;;· the worldw!1!1t to live;-7"'not li~ms: 'Mr. &: Mrs. Adelard eanuel, . Kitchen', Homer, Lapointe; 'john " ' the church is to be blown apart. merely sU:rvive.'~ . 'Mr. & Mrs. Adrien' 'Chagnon, Latulippe, Mrs. Lillian Lynch., $24 , It is in the way of an urbim':":' . Family Albert 'Chasse, Mr. & Benjamin' Mca'ride, Charles Albert 'Gramm. :renewal program and ,only Ii few Mrs. Ascar Chau'!it,Mr.· &: Mrs: Ney, Mary'NeS', Louise M. ~ul$15 weeks 'after. celebration' of its WilliamH ugh e's Mulligan, RObert Chouina'rd. . livan, William Thistlewaite.. 'Roger rurrier. centemiial, ·the church will be dean of Fordham Law School, is ·Mr. &: Mrs. Gerard Chretien, " Mrs. Gordon Andrew, Thomas " $10 blasted apart by.' a wrecking the' collateral descendant, ot' Mr. & Mrs. Sylvere Cloutier, Clemmey,; Teresa Hetu," Joseph' ,William Conaty;, Leo DeMarco, crew. Archbishop John Hughes, who Mr. &: Mrs. Leopold Corriveali, McNally, Mr. &. Mrs. Michael P.. Pete~ Fitzmaurice, Everett Fra.;. ,St. Malachy's is included in founded Fordham in'1841, " , . . , zero' A Friend. ' . Georgiallna & Doria Couture, Ryan. 460 acres of downtown, St. LO'uis" III'. & Mrs: Armand Dallaire. Florence I~ y n <; h, Lawrence Mildred Harrigan, Clement, . to be' levele'il arid sold for busiGermaine" & Jeannette DailTalbot, Grace Walsh, MrS'. Rita., Hoye, ,Robert H. JOQnson, Katon ness, industrial and 'other use: NO, JOtS TOO ItO laire, Wilfrid Desautels, .Olive Condon, John Blood. ' Family, Wiiliam McCarthy Sr'. The area is almost' vacant now Desmarais,·Mr. & Mr.s. Leopold, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Venturini, . '. W,illiam McCarthy Jr., Roy altere/ght m'onths' of razing,' \ NONE TOO SMAU Desrosiers, Mr. & Mrs. Normand. Mr. & Mrs. 'Arthur ialumiere;. ,Me,nard,: J. 0.,.: Noel, James but in recent years was a biightJohn R. Williamson. . , O'Connell, Charles Perry. Desrosiers; , ed neighborhood largely popuMr. & {Mrs. Andre DeVillers, .. Edwin Ready, Ernest Rodier~ lated 'by, low-income tenants. Thomas Sherman, Harold SherFamily Roland Diolme; Mr. & . Mrs. Alphonse Dorais; Mr. & rington, Silva Family. PRINTERS Mrs. Emile Dozois, Albert & ST. BE~NARD'S Filbert Torres, Mrs. Norman Marie Dub,e. . $125 Woodward. Main' Office and Pia. Mr. & Mrs; Germain Dube, Rev. John E. Boyd. LOWEl~, MASS. Mr. & Mrs. Paul D~mai§l Mr.. & $35 Mrs. Arthur Dupont, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Robert W.Blake. ' Tel~pl.!oDe Lowen JOSEPHM. f. DONAGHY .ST. DOMINIC'S Aime Durette, Albina Durkin. & I r $30 owner/mgr. $300 / ~ '~6SSS aad 'elL 7-7101 Ida Ferland. McHale Family. '142 Campbell St. Rev. George E. Sullivan. t:>- ,Rose de Lima Francoeur, A $25 New Bedford. Mass. $50 Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Mr. & Mrs. Linus Mullaly. Aaxlllar,. Pia_ ,John Giblin Gaudreau,Family Albert Gen$20 WY inan 9-6792 , BOSTON dreau, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Gen.. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lynch. $20 HEADQUARTERS FOR dreau. ' . . '$i5 . OCEANPORT, N.J. Stephen Ma~hias. CQLONIAl AND Cecile Gendreau, Fa m i'l y Bolduc Family, Mr. & Mrs. PAWTUCKET, I.L $15 FURNITURE joseph N. Gendreau, Family Leo Joseph. Cal).aghan, Mr. & !\'Irs. .... TRADITIONAL Peter E. Lee. ' \ Grenier, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene' Joseph Simons. Heon, Family Diana Jus~eaume. $10 Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Jusseaume," A Fciend, Mrs. Franklin Achille' Labonte, family Eloi Arnold, Mrs. Edward Adams, Labonte. Mr. & Mrs. ,Edouard Mr. & Mrs. John L. Brown, Mr. Lacroix, Anna LaFrance. & Mrs. Benoit Charland," Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lagarde, Mr. 'Mrs. Gagne. &: Ml·S.' paul A .. Lajoie, Rita 'Mr. & ,Mrs. Anthony Jose, Langis, F<lmily Edmour Lanierre, Miss Roberta Hartshorn, Mr. & Mr. &' Mr·s. Albert Laprise. Mrs. John ~onaski, Mr. & Mrs. Analda Lajeunesse, Family Ephrim ,Pilotte, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Larocque, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Reposa. ... George Lavoie; Josephine.' & Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Rezendes, Paul-Emile LeBel, Desire Leduc. ,Mr..& Mrs. Albert ~. Robert." Mr. & Mrs. Leo Levesque, Mr. Manuel Rogers, Mr.' & ,Mrs. • Mrs. Normand LeveSQue: Mr. Cha~les Sullivan, S,t, Berna~d's IIy systematic siJying at· Mrs. Raymond Levesque, Women's Guild. " , , ' , " " . oluur BonlK PIon , Romeo Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. ',,' , Erllest Longchamps., " 'Fairha~en 'Blanche . L6ckw'00d" Family .,' .Plea,e M;ndFREE KIT toSlYe-by-Maill "'., .. ' ST. MAR¥ Anine Lussier," Alma & AliCe' .' 'NAME (Print) $10 I Masse, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice· ,Mr. &: Mr,s, John Iddon. Mathieu, 'Mr' '& Mrs. Donald , . Sa,l'·anyllmei ST.' No. Maynard. .. nlghl or.day, at ClTY_,.--...:-_-...-;, .......'"'--.......---'George' Wrightington,' Mr. &: 'your nearlll mailCORPU.SC~RISTI ' Mrs. Robert'Messier, Mr. & Mrs. Er,nest Moreau, Mr. & Mrs. $75 box. S'avings ...iiI.~ :.! Napoleon Mgrin, Mr. & Mrs. Rev. Ambrose Bowen. In sured safe Normand Morrissette. $50 " by U. S. Gov'" <Mr. &' ·Mrs. Raymond MorrisRev. Thoma's LeBlanc. agency. sette, ·Agnes :Nicolau, Jeannette'" . ,$25 O;Brien, Mr. & Mrs.' Romeo Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Callahan Jr.. Pacent,:Mr; ~& Mrs. Leo Pelo- ('Mr. & Mrs. Albert,J. GOvOni.:·
'. Blasting to Church Centennial
..', '.
Law' School Dea""
Furniture Store
~nl" EXTRA, ..
••• • ••••••••••••
Appeal Gifts' Continued 'from Page Twenty
Hyannis . ST. FRANCIS XAVIJj:R $500 Joseph P. Kennedy. $100 . Rev. James P. Dalzell, Randolph Payson, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Josepb Kane. $50 Mrs. William, L. Fitzgerald, May Fay, Ellen O'N;eill. $30 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Towey. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Powers, Mr: & Mrs. E. Thomas Murphy, Dr; & Mrs. Austin F. O'Malley, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Maher, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Gelinas. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Vieira, Mitchell Motors, Inc., Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Rioux, Doane, Beal & Ames' Great Island Pharmacy.
Kelly, M. Constance. ,Porl1ome, Mrs. Edward 'Kelly. " Mr. & Mrs. Francis Buckley, Mr. & Mrs. Julit1s P. MorinJr.. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph 'f. Boyle, Marie, Taveau, Dennis Ahearn. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Neves, ,Mr~ &" Mrs. Manuel Souza, Mr. & Mrs Carl Ferdensi, Mrs. Edith O'Connell, :Q4r. & Mrs. Gerard Richard. Mrs. Jennie. Schwab, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony White, Barnstable County Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Cape Cod Furniture Store, Mr. & Mrs. Marie Gennaco. . Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nelson, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. DonoVill, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Volpe, l4r. & Mrs. Adelard Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Medeiros. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bassett, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Wheeler, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Nixon, Mr. & Mrs. William Fratus, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kenneally. Mr. & Mrs. George Lemay, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Karukas, Mr. & Mrs. William Flanagan, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Watson, Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Breen. Mr. & Mrs; Leo Hogan, Mr. &
Mrs. Phillip Egan, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fellows, Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Ferguson. Mr: . & Mrs. Donald Flibotte, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Greelish, Mrs. Thomas yrew, Mr. & Mr~. Thomas Hague Sr., Mr; & Mrs. Martin W. Joyce. Mr. & Mrs. James Kennedy; Mr. & Mrs. Angelo :(:.anza, Mary Leary Mr. & Mrs. George P. Lucie;, Mr. & Mr,s. WiliamF. MacDonald. Mr: & Mrs. Thomas M. Mc~ Donough, Mr. & Mrs. George Magurn, Mr. & Mrs. Guy Margie" Mr. & Mrs. William T. Marnell, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Morgan. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Orman Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Ouellette, Mr: & Mrs. Joseph J. Panek,. Mrs. John P. Perkins. Quaker Village· DO-Nuts, Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Ristau, Mrs. Chai'leS Sullivan, . Mr. &: Mrs. James Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tripp. Richard C. Wallace, Mr. . . Willia'm Wi.lliams.
Mrs. Roger Allen, Wil- ·Mrs. Irving McGinn, Mr. & Mrs. DOCTOR, PATIENTS,-HAPPY NOW!: Maryknoll Wa.-e.t-am liam T. Clarkin, Father Mc- Gilbert Martin, Cape Oil Co., , . h TB ST. PATRICK'S Sweeney Circle, Daughters of Airport Motors, Inc. Sjster Gilmary, M.D., of York, Pa., is show!1 VIsiting t e' 'l $75 Isabella, Hyannis, Helen & Emerson Cleaners, Mr. & Mrs. ,family at the Sisters' 'Clinic in Pusan, Kor~a, one year aft~r Rev. James W.Clark. Catherine Lowney. , Richard F. Slavin, Mr. & Mr:;. having taken them over for medical treatm~nt. NC Photo. $50 Mr. & Mrs. John MacLean, Mr. Richard Barr, Mr, & Mrs. Joseph \, . Rev. John Smith & Mrs. Louis Borsari, Mr. & C. KeUy, Mary Costello; Mrs. David Barry,!",r. & Mrs. $25 Mrs. James Pendergast, Mf· & Mr. & Mrs. Sall,mel Mmel', Arthur B. Manaselian., SAINT PIUS TENTH. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Moore, ~ Mrs. Charles A. Coyle. Mrs. Mary Santos & Son, Mr., & Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Robsham, $1000 W. Hui:ley &: Co. $20.", Mrs; Manuel Amaral, ·I,nM.em~ Mr. & Mrs. William Mather, Mr. Rev. Christopher L.Broderick.. ".: 'I $20 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Halloran, ol'i<rin, (Mr. & MrS. Daniel Ftan;;;' Mrs. Josep~ Cairns, Mr. & Mrs. . ' $100 Mrs. Joseph Stott, Mr. & Mrs. ' Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Holmes cisco. Edward MC,Carty," Mr•. & . Mrs. ,Holy Name Society. Frea .Maynard. : , &. Family,.·Mr. &; Mrs.-' Hen'ry Mr. & Mrs. David i;:>ie~ce, Mrs,' Leo FOl'1dini. .. ,. $75 $15' .. '~ . Kelly, Mrs. Fannie Mendes, Mr.; Leo 'Lewi's,' Barbara: Madden; Mr. &M:rs.Joh'1: Moda, :Mr. &. Mr. & Mrs. John G. Doherty. Mr.·J~mes Moran, Mr. &Mi'S.:~ &, Mrs. Thomas, Moore.:"'" '".' Elizabeth MaddEl~,Edward J. Mrs. Raymond Bragg, Mr. & Mrs. " $50 Manuel'- Sylvia'.' .' _, Walter Zamites,:.Mr., & Mrs. Mrs. John Fitzgerald, Mr.' & ,Mr. & Mrs,' Er.nest 'Drott, Mrs." Bennett. $10 Rene Taveau, ..Thomas 'W. Grant,-. 'Mr. '& Mrs. Edw:ird'1.; Ben- James Hobert,Mr.,' .&:: Mrs. Mrs.' Peter LeSage, Mr. & Mrs. , Mr'; & Mrs: Francis' Monahan,. Dr. & Mrs.' Walter ,J. 'Kennedy~ nett ·Mr. &'Mrs~ Vernon B; Michael F. Burns. Arthur L. Morowski. . ., Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kiernan, Mr. & !.' Beuchler Family. ' PoV:ers, Mr. & Mrs.-Louis Catat'Mr.'& Mrs.' Lawrence 'Mars': ,,$35 Mrs:'J'ohn Reinhardt, Mr. & Mrs: ': .Mr.· & Mrs.' Louis' Clement, do' Ursuia Wing; ·Mr." & Mrs. land, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clem,Mr. & Mrs; Harold Hayes. Charles Precourt, Mr.. & MrS.-·, Albert Brunelle, Mr., & ' Mrs." N6rman McLean.' . , '. . ent, 'Mr. & Mrs;' John F: Keveney, $30. Romairi Poyant. .. ,.. '" Mr :, &' Mrs.' William'Covell, Mr; &'Mrs. Alfred Ennis, Mr. & Henry Bouchard, .Mr•.& "l\o1rs·· Mr. &, Mrs. Fr~derIck":P. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bro~ Robert Campbell,.· Mr; .&, Mrs Lt. & MrS. 'FranCis Derby, Mar~on Mrs. Robert' Starck. '. .' Bogar, Beatrice ~olhca. Mr. &Mrs. Timothy'WaISh, Mr•. W.illiamO'Neil Jr. Bennett,' Mr.', &' Mrs:' Francis Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Santo$25 & Mrs. Edward: Conroy. Mr. & Mrs. John Hart,.Mr. &. O'Rourke, James. F. Kenney. '-'t M 8. Mrs Albert Paino Mr. & Mrs. Jam.es Besso, Mrs. Turn 'to Page Twenb-t,wo Mrs.""Charles P. Flynn, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Eugene'Reinbold, ::'~I~'Mr~. Carl Sheppard, Mrs: Bernard F ..Shea" Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Victor Woodruff; Mr., H ld H ldsworth Mr & Mrs. Paul E. SullIvan. Mrs. Adolph Richards, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Daly, Mr. & Mrs.· & Mrs. Arnold Rogean, Steward aro 0 " $20 Charles Swift. H-ambijn, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Albert Provencher." Ed d A Finn' Mr & Mrs. . $15·. :. ' ... Roche., , M~~' &: ·Mrs. Fr~.nk·· rieBe.l~, R~be~ar GlYdon, Mr.·& Mrs. 'Ha'rriett Butler' &·,Mother"Mr. 'Mr. & Mrs. Emile Guertin, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. M~\lrIce Doher , James'A Hannan, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Raymond Bednark,. &' Mrs. Normand, LeFrancois, Mrs. William Snowden, ~r. ~ . Frank H: McGuertY,Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Prete, Myers Co., Inc., Mr.'·&' Mrs; "Clarence, Aikens, Mrs. ArthurSnow, Mrs, NIcholas Louis R. Parks. Mrs. Bridget Walls. 'saro Mrs; Catherine White, Mrs. AI... · Niedzwecki. , " , " " Mr. & Mrs. James F. Ruhan, Mr. & Mrs. John Baldil ,. fred Richarl , . Mrs. Ludwiga Staffen, Mrs. Mr & Mrs. Joseph Slattery, Mr. ' Mr. & Mrs.'AlbertTro~chi; Mr.. .Mrs.Edgar Gould, Ml1. & Mr.s,. Edwin R. H31rri~on. '" &,Mrs. Paul T. Webber. & .Mrs. A., Milan O'Neil; Mr. &, Harry Davidson, .Mr. & Mrs: . , 'd H' ' . . $15 . Arthur ,Cloutie~ & .C~il<l':" VirgiLCasey, l\!I. Louise,Hayden, Vineyar,' ~ven' Mrs. William 'Baker, Mr.,,& ren, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bearse. John Bright. Shoe. Shore.·. " '. . ST. AUG1;Jl;;TINE: Mrs. Stephan A. Canty; Andrew Dr. & Mrs. James F. J;)unne, ·Constance ,.Bearse, Mrs. Dan.,., $200 _ Doherty, John H. Gill, Mr.' & Mr. & ·Mrs. Walter J. Piknick,. iel Gomes, Mr., & Mrs.· Manuel" Rev. John 'To' Higgins. Mrs. Lawrence W. Lippard. :.,1 John H. Moye, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Reis, Mr. & Mrs. Ev~rett Bisbee" $50 , M r s . Joseph Maynard, oMr: & .... . .' I Frangione, Mr. & Mrs. O,vide, A. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Archer. ' .St. Augustine's St. Vince~t de Mrs.- Dennis O'Connor, Mr. & Dumas. . Mr. & Mrs.·St~phen Bray, Mr. Paul Society" St Augustine's Mrs. Charles O'Neill. B. F. GOODRICH 'Mr & Mrs. Jos.,Rosbrough & & Mrs. LeonJ. F.uller, Mr. &. Women's Guild, St Augustine's $12 D',orot'hy'", Mr. & Mrs. Carl: .Mrs. Gordon, Homer, Mr. & Mrs.. Mr & Mrs T Corml'er ... . T·. R E Harris. Ross Dixon, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Holy Name Society. $10 ' 30 " . $1!. ., Caouette. $W 'II' "F'gue'r Bass River Esso Servicenter, : Mr. & Mrs.,Maurice Killen. . Mr..& Mrs. William Kettner" .Mi'. & Mrs. I lam I Mr. & Mrs. William J. Bennett, Rockdale Jenney' ' .. $10 " Mr. & Mrs. David Fernandes, Mr.' eido, Mr. & Mrs. Cyril ,Black'" Mr. & Mrs. Howard T. Brana.Little Fan Gift .Sh,op, ' John & Mrs. ,Thomas E. Gay Jr., Mrs; wood.' $25 gan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. ChiStation ' Hinckley & Son, Inc., Cape, Cod Angelina Darosa, Mrs. Jennie. & asson Jr., Mrs. Richard. Cox. 383 ROCKDALE AVE. ' Travel Agency, Ch rIS me· Tavares.; . . . '" . t' Kunts' . "" , R. M. Packer, f"o., Inc., Mr.. Mrs. Herman G. CUrtl'S,' Mr. & mann, Lena Mrs. M e l'Issa Mendes" Mr & NEW BEDFORD . q. G onsa Ives, Mrs. Boleslaw Nil;kowal. Mrs.' Edmund P. Donlan, Mr. '& . $20,. . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph' St Peter, Mrs. Walter Golding" ·Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. E~erett Will~amson, Mrs. Cranston Montcalm, Mr. &. Martha's Vineyard National Mr. & Mrs. Clifford' WhIte,. ~r. Mrs. JohnT. Mullaly Jr.,. Mrs. Bank, Island Electronics... COME 'IN -' SEE and DRIVE & Mrs. Robert J, Mc<?artllY, Esther Hearn. $15 Margaret G. Smith. Margaret Ann Senteio, Mr; & Smith' Brothers, ,Inc.,. 'Slip Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Daly, Mr. Mrs. Guilford Mudgett; Mr. & Cover Shop, Mr.l!l Mrs. Anthony & Mrs. Earl Fratus, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Gregory. Senteio, .. Lillian Costa, Mrs. James' Bo.yle, Mr. & "'The World's Most Beautifully ProP9rtio~ed CanFrancis Aylmer, Mr. & Mrs. Senteio R.N::, Mr. & Mrs. Allen Mrs. Harold Morris, Mr. & Mrs; at Everett McIntyre, Margaret B. Bearse. ' . .. Arthur Ouillette. '. Hurley. Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Don$10 Mrs. Arthur Caskin, Mr. & oghue Mr. & Mrs. Louis. St. - "Betten~ourt .Turkey Farm, Mrs. Edmund Souza, Mrs. Frank Peter,' Mr. & Mts. Robert E. '. Vineyard Dry GOOds'~·Store,. TilBrown, Margaret Moran, Mr. & Tobin, Mr.,& Mrs. Willia,m,BoYd, ton's Lumber Gompany, HmckMrs. Rasmus Klimm., Mr. &. Mrs. John, A. LaFr:a~c,e. ley Lumber Co" Mr:. & Mrs. FORD O'EALERS fOR OVER 38 YEARS Mr. & Mrs. Rcillmd Auger,~. Mr: & Mrs. Alfred Junior, Mr. JOseph T. Andrews. . 1344-86 Purchase St. New Bedford, Mass. & Mrs. William Cotter, Mr. & & Mrs. Herbert Hardy, Mr. & . Mr. & Mrs. Donald, Kirig, Mr. Mrs. Harold Ellis, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. WiHiarilMurphy, Mr. & "& Mrs. Francis Duart, ,Mr. & Hollis Lovejoy, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. George J. Murray, Mr. &, Mrs. Richard Shannon, Mr. & James Brownlie. . Mrs: William Wilson. Mrs. Ernest Duarte, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Dorey, Mr. & Mrs. John Dantos, Mr. Walter Kszystyniak, & Mrs. Raymond St. Germam, & Mrs. CIOVI'S Po'yant, Mr. ,& S Mr lt Mr. Mrs. George Gar_oufes, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. George ears, . Do ¥au Work in a Factory, Mr & Mrs. Norman I I enau, M &. & Mrs. Lawrence J. McCormick, Mr·s.' Le' 0 RI'cher', Mr. &" Mr.s. & Mrs. Manuel Bur~~ss,' l,'. Garage, Machine Shop Qr' Edmund Hickey, ~r. & & Mr: & Mrs. John H argrove. John Threlfall. " .Mrs. ., tad 'M . Gasoline Station? Mrs. Regina: FusseHe, Mr;· & .J Mrs. Richard Fur 0, r. Mrs. Joseph Prade, Mr.'& ..Mrs.'· Agnes O'Neil". ~eliaA. For- Mrs. Edwin Whalen~. :;: We pick 'up' and'. deliver, clear> ., Ernest Barabe, Mr. & Mrs. Man- geron, Mrs. James., McCarty,.. Mr. Mr. & Mrs.• August Campos, and repair overalls. Also. we have. uel'Coute, Mr,~ ,Mrs. Winthrop . . "& .·Mrs. Francis McGa n n, ..l.Vlr...,.8l;': Mi. & Mrs. JoSeph Borges, Mr. a complefe·OI.lfl~ at 'Coverulls•. 'Pant~, Quinlan., Mrs. Robert E. O'Neil. & Mrs: AJltone Silya, Mr:, .& Mrs. and Shirt~"' tor sale.'. ..' . '.; .' Mr. & Mrs:' Raphael. Perry, Alice, Godin, Mr. :&., Mrs.": ' Raymond 'Billings, Mr. & Mrs. -1 .We rec"tt;li·"'.and wash any ·oily., Mr. & Mrs. George, Roinmell" George Igo, .Mr. & Mrs. FJ:'lJncis : Marshall McDohough; . dirty or greaSY rags. Mr. & Mrs. t5\Tilliam Mullane, King Mr. &. Mrs. .Tames Murray, .' Gen. & Mrs. William Ennis, . M h' Mr. & Mrs. Jam', es Lynch" M,r. & Mr. ,& Mrs;' John M c B r i d e . ' , Why 8uy.When We Supply & Mr. & Mrs.. Benj~mlJl ay ew Mrs. Fra'ncis J. Dolan. ' Mr. & Mrs. Au~tinBell, .¥r., Ji':, Mr:,& Mrs. Bradford Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. 'David Sullivan, . :Mrs."ThOmas 'Burke,'Mr.· &; Mrs. Mr. & 'Mrs. Charles Conroy Jr., ""1"., & Mrs. Ml'chael- ·Pro.'c,,', EdJohn McCaul, Mr. & Mrs.. Alfred J ' ..... ward Gulachenski, Mr. & Mrs; W. McKenna, Mr: & Mrs. J ames Mrs. Dean Swift 1".' Mrs. Frank Oliviera, Miss Simon Miller, Mr. at Mrs. Clar- , C r a w f o r d . , AI enee Larivee. ,'. ,Mr. & MrS" John ' _ ..... Gratton, M.ary Re,illy, Mary.Lopes, ....-. & ....- Willi'am Pat·...Mr. & Mrs; Clarke Ha.llisseY·, Mr.. veda Lopes; Man,uel. Sequeira, I' Boward Ave•. New 8 ..d,ord ~ nul>, ~....... 'Rlchal'd Oliver., 1n ..... _ t-HJ,r.-. _ MrL JoseQb BonDa, Joaeph • ldJ'L'.J~ J'."J'il1J1, Mr. •
South Yarmouth
,Aftention Mechanics!
,SponsOr Activitfes
8ACI\ED HEART,' HOLY ROSARY, rALL RIVER FALL RIVER ST. MARY'S'" Mrs. Peter: Gibney, Women's William F: Htirll" first vice $100 president of the Fall River Serra A Friend. .,. , Suild president, announces a 'lPOCial meeting of the Fiesta ~ C.lut;!, will speak at the annual ~ $50 " committee at 7:30' tonight in the communion, breakfast 'of the' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Haven, IChool hall. ' ' Women's Guild, ,scheduied, 'to Mr; & Mrs. Andrew PazSit. ' NOTRE DAME, follow 8:30 rALL RIVER 17. The Women's Guild will spon- '-, A han:t, and bean supper, is ' $25& Mrs. Nugent , A Friend,' Mr. ,~ a roller skating, party for. planned for' Saturday,,: June 20 " , Chilli, A Friend; 'Mr. &I: Mn. young people of the parish to- with ,Mrs. Michael, Sicili.a and R aymond DeWall. inorrow night at Lincoln Park. Mrs, Ernest Mauretti co-chair$20' 'Seven members, headed by- Miss men., Helen Chace, president, will ST. LOUIS, Mrs. Annie ~~~bon8 &; Mary. attend the Diocesan Convention 'FALL RIVER Charles Bellavance, A Friend. en' Catholic Women: A communion breakfast will, Mr. & Mrs. John Currivan, The OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION, be held by the Women;s Guild Bruno Family, A Friend. 9STERVILLE following 9:15 Mass Sunday, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Casey, Mr. . Rev. John P. Driscoll, former May 17. New officers will be & Mr:s. J. Spencer Kelley Sr.. curate, addressed CYO members installed in June. ,The Lane Family, Edna Shields. OIl character development of the , The grotipi s next meeting is ;' '$U young adult. - 'Rev. Walter J. ~t forS Wednesday night, June Mrs. Emma Dacy 8r;'Soft. Buckley, pastor, and adult Spon,.. 3 in St. Aime's school halt '"GUESI'S A't' TEA: Mrs', Carroll' ,P. Gettings (right), $10 sors were guests. '. ' ST. JOSEPH'S, . f h osp~'t a l't '. ht) Mr. & Mrs. Elwyn, A,twell, Careh airmano, I 'Y, serves. (1 e f t t 0 rIg " St,'udent Nurse OUR LADY OF ANGELS. FAIRHAVEN rie'DePrizio, Mr. & Mrs. William . Diane Cote, Sister Madeline Clemence, director of the School • :farquharson, Mr. & Mrs. Genesio FALL RIVER A whist scheduled for 8 TuesMrs: Gloria Magano will serve day evening, May' 19, in the of Nursi,ng, ~nc1 Patrjcia Richard. R.N., at tea given by Genesi, Mr. & Mrs. Edward the Women's Guild as president church hall will benefii Queen Friends ofcSt. ,Anne's at the hospital in Fall River. ' 'Landers. ' for the forthcoming year. She of Peace Mission, Tsuchiura, Mr. & Mi-s. Clarence A. Leohas been re-elected with Mrs. J a pan, Rev. Daniel Perry, . om~n, nard Jr., Margaret Mahoney Hilda Fernandes, correspondipg SS,CC" whose mother is aresiMr. & Mrs. Claude Miller, Mr: 9, secretary and Mrs. Octavia dent of Fairhaven, is' pastor of ,Continued from Page One participation in the Mass. \ & Mrs. William Matto, A Friend. Hilario, treasurer. the missiory. His sister, Miss Mary welcome del~gates and guests; Registrars and Recorders James Palladino, Parente l!'am'Newly' elected are Mrs. Dor- Perry; and Mrs, Henry Fortin Mrs., Enimett po. Almond,dioMiss Emily· C. Perry, ChairUy, Mr. & Mrs,. Arthur Ronhock, othy Almeida, vice presideilt" are co-chairmen of the whist. " cesan president, will speak and man of Convention, announceS Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale ,Rotella, Mrs. Marily Rodrigues, record- ',OUR I.ADY OF GRACE, the business meeting will folthat, registration of delegates Eva Salachi & Louis. irig secretary. -. NORTH WESTPORT low. wil~ be held from 10 o'clock on, Napoleon Servais & Rose Mr The group's annual banquet ' Members:' of the Women's After a short intermission' a with, Miss _Martha Douglas' as & Mrs. Robert 'Shepardson,' Mr: and installation -will be, held Guild will attend the' annual musical' program, will be prechairman; registrars are 'Miss & Mrs. Walter Stanford Mrs at 7:30 Sunday evening, June 7, coiJvention of the, Diocesan' ,,~nted by Mount sf.. Mary AcaHeleil' Chace, Mrs.' Joh~, Ferry, Helen Sullivan & DebOrah 'Pau~ ST. MARY'S" Council of' Catholic' Women. demy Glee Club, Fall River; ,Fall River district; Miss Lucille line Young, ' NQRTON '. Theywil"t. 'sponsor - a 'breakfast w.i th Arthur Paquette as guest Benjamin, 'Miss Mary McGrath Mr. &' Mrs. Pete'r Alessandri, 'Eighty-five teenagers are, tor the fList communicants, 'conductor. Rev. ,John H. Hack-' New Bedford~disti-ict; Mrs.' Ed~ Mr. & Mrs, ,Bonney Annese. ' ,charter members of the newly- 'Saturday, May 30," with ,Mrs. ett will then : address' the con-" ,,~ardCastle" Mrs:' Mabel TrueGeorge &, Miss Gertrude Brut- c' 'organiied CYO. Paul' Hausek,is , ElizaQeth Quinn as chairman.,: vtmtion, 'oh ;'Lay Participation, chi, Tauntondistrid;Mrs. Irene' cher,.Mr.,&'Mrs. Edwar~Chace. pres!dent; Ca~ol La~oie, vice ST. PETER, THE APOSTLE ; ,hi the Mass." , ' ' ' , ' Campbell, Mrs. Helen Jackson ' A Fnend. " , . ' , presIdent;, Mano~ SmIth, secre- . PROVINCETO VN ' • '" ':Ttl~gu-est of hono!', His"Ex,- ': J).ttleboro, ~istrict; Mrs. 'Joseph ,Mr; '& Mrs; BartOlomeo,Cuneo " tary; Robert SmIth, treasurer. .,' , ' 'cellency, . Most Rev: James i... "Galiiio, Mrs" Charles Stavr~" A, Friend" Mr. '& Mrs. Albert" S.... ANNE'S, ' .A three-week summer sc~o~l 'Connolly,~ D,D., 'Bis~op of Fall' OOs", Cape district.". " Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Steward Mac- ' " rALL ,RIVER , W ~ l ~ ,~o,nducteqi f~r ,gr~de, River, w:jll spea~ ~m: the t~eme ' MrS. ,~S~anley~oczera" Pi~) Jdnlay, AFri~m~.. :' , Tlie Social Group wil.J hold, a, ,sNc tOOl , c~lldren, 'HbYI SIstRers of: he has chosen for the convention cesaR, ch,'a,irman of the "Fam,iIy' , 'Mr'M!:S. ,Mary"Pallinza " Farii'ily.I'Ufllmage. sale Wednesday. May 0 re,', ami!. ,0 y, ' ~s~ry. ,'a'~d, i~~, year:, K~ow,'the MasS, ' ' . -Imperatore,Romano & Mai·:' .... from 9' to 9 at'360 East Mal'n Sodahty:,pl,ans a. fall r u m m a g e , ' and, Parel)t Committee, has .the' 'a~e.n.e, Mr.,·&'M,r!VFrancis Sliney', " Ut> I f ' h' h b' Live 'the· Mass. 'He will then foUowing as recorders workStreet. Mrs. Lorraine Richards. sake, or w IC. ~e.r:n ers are cele,b,'rate a Dialogue Mass to ' ' MIldred Shields. Mr. & Mrs., and Mrs. Yvette Matton are as ed to save durmg the sum- close the: convention shops: Mrs.' Margaret ,Cahill of' Clifford Titu~ , . Fal", Riyer; Miss Evelyn Hend-' 'M & M F co-chairmen. mer., , ' All Catholic wom~n of the . k f N B df d M' L r. rs.' rank Vasanellt ST. JOSEPH'S. ,A breakfast, for ,~raduates, 'Diocese' are invited to attend all l'IC S 0 ew . ,e or; ISS u-"~' ,Family; Mr. ,& Mrs. William' 'FALL RIVER Fourth Degree. Kmghts ,~f or anY-of' the day's activities. ~cille Patenaude of Taunton; Mrs. Wishart. ' Columbus and fIrst commum ' ,Thomas Cnarron of Attleboro' 'Turn to p;...e Twenly-lhree The Men's Club will sponsor, . ' , - ' Missals will be necessary for Mrs~ Phiiip Dempsey ofCa~ a polio Clinic in the school on c a nts wIll, be held Sunday, May, and Islands. 4 2 Thursday night, May 28. John F. . Connor.. and Atty. Roger Sulli- ST. MICHAEL'S; NominaUng Committee Conlioued from Page Ooe van ace'in charge of arrangeSWANSEA , The nominating' cOl)lmittee is and Rt. Rev. John A. Silvia, ments. Injections will be $1 and Members of Boy Scout Troop , as' follows: Chairman, Mrs. deacons of honor. adults and children not previ- 40, sponsored by the Holy Name ST. JOSEPH Thomas Fleming; Fall River; Rt. Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher, ously inoculated are eligible. Society, will' visit Oti~ Air $200 Mrs. Joseph S. Rego, New Bed-' deacon of, the Mass; Rt. Rev. ST. JOAN OF ARC, Force Ba~ Sunday, ¥ay 1~; in ' Rev. Bernard H. Unsworth. ford; Mrs, Walter Pelczarski, Alfred Bonneau, subdeacon; Rev. ORLEANS' observance of Armed, Forces' , 1$100 Taunton; Mrs. Jeannette Bauza" Lester L. Hull and Rev. Henry The, Friendly Club, Orleans; Day.' Arrangements.. hav~ been Mrs. Ruth Austin. Attl-eboro; Mrs. Manley Boyce, R. Canuel, acolytes. Brewster Altar Guild and East- made by Sgt. Walter Leger, sta- . , $50 Cape district: The judge of eleeRev. Leo'M. Curry, thurifer; ham Guiid' of the Visitation will tioned' at the base, ,and 'aiso, 'St. Vincent de Paul Society. tion, bo~rd' is MisS Kathleen Rev., .John, P., Cronin, book combine to sponsor a ,»otluck assistant Scoutmaster. The day's' " $25 Roche, New Bedford; tellers are bea:rer; Re,v. Lourenc~ M. Avila, supper at 6 Saturday night, 'May activities will in,elude swimming Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lawrence: Mrs. James~n Risser, Buzzards ~ndle bearer; Rev. Andrew P. Hi in ,Eastham Town ~Hall. in the base p601. ' '$20 , Bay; and Mrs. Adrian Piette,' Jussaume, gi-emiale' bearer; ReT. SACRED HE~RT. ,Mr. &: Mrs. ,Bernard Cavan- South Attleboro. ; Norman Ferrins, mitre bearer, NORTH ATTLEBORO !1ugh, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lewis Miss Lillian B: ,Ross is chair,ReV. John J. Murphy, proce9"Lildies of St~.' AJ;ln'e'sSodality Jr.' man of ushers. Members of the siona! cross bearer; Rev. John Continuedfi'om' Page,One will sporisor-' a fashion show at·" ' - $10 Catholic Nurses' Guild will be H. Hackett and Rev. Paul McBishop Cody declared that it' 8 Tuesday night; May' 19.' iit William Stone; Mr. &: Mrs.' OIl volunteer duty. 'Carrick, masters of eeremonle&., '''''' is cl~ar from statements of the Sacred Heart Hall, with models George West, Mrs. Richard ' ' 'ate Pope Pius XII that he 1'<'- from among the membership. Mayo, Mrs. Bernard O'Connor, . eepted, "the necessity of discusMrs, Lionel Lathis and Mrs. Leo ,-Mr. & Mrs, James McInnis. sion and debate in the CatholicPiett.e are general chairmen; Isabelle Downing, Mr. & Mrs. , Dress" as the appropriate means R~freshments 'Yill b~ sery,ed~' Joseph - Sylvia, Edward Walsh, ' by which It discharges'its share" OUR LADY OF FATIMA, I Francis Cavanaugh. INDUSTRIAL and DOMESTIC • of Catholic 'responsibility for the SWANSEA state of the world. ,Among booths planned for the 'The Missouri prelate urged Fatima Fair Thursday, ,Frid<:y that Catholic writers "J!et lJ and Saturday, May 28 't.hrough really, strong grasp' on the' fact 30, are Green Thumb, 'under the r that there are' strict limits t~ direction' of ,Mrs. Virginia Rogthe extension and applicability ers; and Children's, Mrs. J;.,eo of Catholic doctrine." LaFlamme. 312 Hillman St. WY 7-9162 New Bedford , Other Ar~as A _ highlight for,' Saturday: Elaborating, he 'explained that Memorial Day, will be a' doll ~.~ ~ "'as Catholics we face a ,certain carriage and bieyde parade foe temptation to transfer the cer~ children, to ,age 12. titude we possess iIi ,matters o( ST. MARY'S. faith to other, areas and other'MANS.'IELD kinds of knowledge, and thereby CYO members \-saw a prize.,.' to ,give the impression that the winning missionary film dealing sociological or political opinions with eff~rts t<. conquer leprosy, we a're promulgating helorig to and afterwards sent their com-' the body of Catholic doctrine.~ ments on it to headqua;ters' , "Moreover," he continued; "in the Missio~aries of SS. Peter and, ,~ur rightful insistence on the Paul,producers. central role of religious' truth, ST. PAUL'S, \lie can be guilt~' of exaggerating, TAUNTON , the relev,ance ,of re~igion, tQ 'Joseph Quill, local ra_dio sta"-. certain kinds 0'£ problems, - 'tion manager, was guest speaker : "It is riot secularism ;to insist ~at ' the seve'nthannual commun~ that technical problems demand io~ breakfast of the Catholic technical answers which are not Women's Guild. ' SPEAK}jR: John F. Hog'an found in manuals of theol.ogy or ST. ROCH'S, of the Newport School Sys~.- hold that philosophical arid FALl. RIVER tern will speak on "Scien~e , theological principles do not of" ,The Women's Guild will hold, , '8R,EAD themselves solve complex prob- a bridge ,and:Whist. Wednesday· in the Elementary Schools" lems of diplomacy., potiticafeveniilg, May 20' at'; 7:30 ,iii. the ~ the Di~esan:'l'eachera
Dioce,sa n W
to Convene
A' ' , I Gifts ppea W
B, ,-shop Cass.-dy-
ood's Hole
Area of Religion
•'•• then join the
Sun6eam ,
'~ieilce "C?r, ec()n~i?$,"he:,~i,~:" 'P!tr!sh,.~all, ";;~,,
;j:~.,_ <:::~gieil'~~~~ : ., ,:',,- ': ' ., _ ~ ,,':'
Appeo·I·····G.fts'··:·'.':·, S~merset "
Mulr60ne-y ,liIr:.: &.: Mrs'.
·Edw'iriiij·" .,.." ',' .
Mrs. George' Snyder ·Mr. '&; Mrs. Francis Shay, Joseph Ker..,. rig~n, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Quinn, Mr. &,Mrs. Joseph Gondella;:., Warren & Margaret Campbell,' Mr~ &: Mrs. George Phillips, Mr: &:. Mrs. James Sullivan, Mr. &: Mrs. Gilbert F. .Leonard, The O'Neil Family. . Mrs. 'Lenwood J. Williamson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tierney, Mr. &: Mrs. Louis Cadorette, Dr. & Mrs. Donald Peters, Mr. &: Mrs:' Stanley Godek. Mr. & Mrs. William Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard; Laliberte, Mr. & Mrs. John Babcock, Mr. & Mrs. William Cyr, Mr. & Mrs. John Mitchell. Mrs. John Mercer, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Levesque, Mrs. Frank Misiorski, Mrs. John' E. Lawton, Sarah B. White. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gunn, Raymond Osga, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel LYhch, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hop:. kins, Mr. & Mrs. Edward .Farrell. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lowe, iMr. & Mrs. Francis Gar<iella, Mrs. Esther Mayall, Mr~ & Mrs. Henry Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Daley.' Mr. & Mrs. John' Sullivan, Mr.' & Mrs. Joseph Duffy,:Mr<&~rs. ,.' John Kineavy, Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Marchand, Mr. & Mrs. Robert C<mnors. . Mr. & Mrs. Louis 'Faya~, Mr. & Mrs. LenwoodWordell, Mary O'Gara, M. & Mrs. John Stanko, Mrs. Daniel Shalloo. . . Joseph Chip~ndale, .Mr. &: • Mrs. Wilfred Michaud, Mr. & . MrS. Peter'. Paskowski, Mr. & Mrs. James Crivaro, Mr: &: Mrs•. Lawrence Gancarz. . .. " ,. Lillian'Lynch, .Mr.. & Mrs, William Torpey, Margaret N1lSh'. Mr.,& Mrs. 'Nicho4'S Pada~s, Mr. & Mrs. John 9'Ne~1.," ~.. Mr.. &:~s.Ro~rt· O'N:e~,l,~. & Mrs. Phillip, Sciulell, .: M.~rY Harrington, 'Mr. & -Mrs. 'john Campbell, Mr. & Mrs.. , Willia'm' Poher. " ,.". . . . Mr. & Mrs. <korge' S,atit~rre;·. Mr~ '& Mrs'. Richard Dyer, Mary Toomey, Mrs. Katherine Pier:ce; Mr. & Mrs. Michael Driscoll. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew DiGiammo, Mr. & Mrs. William Croke, ·Mr.. & Mrs. Donald Sullivan, Mrs. Thomas Hartley, ~r. &:. Mrs. Loddy Kadlec. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sullivan, Mr. ~ Mrs. John McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Jean Cote, Mr. Leo Guertin Jr., Mr. &: Mrs.. Ed'Y'in~allaS" Mr. & Mrs. Leo Guertin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mulrooney; Mr.' & Mrs. Leo Hoctor, Jolui & Noreen: Paiva, Mr. & Mrs. Wiiliam . Coombes. ' Mr. & Mrs. Albert DesrosierS; Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Wilding.: .
, ST. THOMAS MORE' , . $250
Rev. Joseph. K. Weish"
, $75
. Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill.
,~'.:~. '
. ,LL
THE ANCHOR , Thurs., ~ay 14, .·1959 -
.. Religious Exhibit At Moscow r.air . ,
WASHINGTON (NC)-A sec", 1 tion dealing with religious lif~, "lr. " Mrs. WilliamJ. Gibney, . in .. th~,United States '~ill be ~p..,,' Mr. &:Mr~. George. ~, H~rnlJ()ll. .... duded in the U. S. exhibit at . $40 . the :Moscow Fair this summer. .: Mr. ~ Mrs.. John 'F.,.r,lurpllY, Jr., Mr. &: Mrs. H. Earl Heron. The assurance was,given U.~.: . Sen. Thomas J. Dodd of Connec$SO tic!Jt by George V. Allen, direeMr. &:'Mrs. Joseph Kenney &: tor of. the U. S. Information Family, Mr. &: Mrs. Richard M. Agency..The Senator, in a letter BloOdgood, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Charrette. . to Mr. Allen earlier this month, $!5 said there .was no display of a Mr. &:- Mrs. Robert Sherman, religious nature in the U, S. exMr. & Mrs. Joseph Puhala, Mr. hibit at the Brussels Fair last & Mrs. Edwin Doolan, Mr. & year; and he urged that the, Mrs. Bernard V. Swales, In same mistake not be repeated Memory of Dr. Frederick J. in. the eJl;hibit at the Moscow Jackson. F<iir.. Dr. Bernard Mangione, Mr. &: Mr; A.'len replied to the SenMrs. William Marland.,.' . ator:. "1. want to assure you that, , $20 since religion is woven into the. Mr. & Mrs! Thomas F. O'Convery fabric of American life. nell, George W. Hopkins, Mr. & the ~e:r:ican National Exhibi-! Mrs. Austin J. O'Toole, Mr.. & . tion in Moscow this summer will Mrs. Daniel J. Salmon, Mr.·,& attempt· to convey our nation's Mrs. Michael Marrone. religious heritage .in this content. . Mr. & Mrs. William Whalen, ".The exhibition' will demon-,· Mr. & Mrs. John Bigonette, Mr. strate the pervasive influence in· & Mrs. Zigmund J. Jackim,' Mr. American life' in a variety of & Mrs. Peter P. Pepka. ways: the role of the church and, $18' church affiliated groups ill Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McCann. community affairs, the pride w~ $15 take . in our traditional and Mr. &: Mrs. Henry Conroy, Mr.. . NEW BEDFORP CYO: Left to right-David P. David, modern eCclesiastical. architec-' &: Mrs. John J. Joyce, Mr; & Mrs. coach of Our Lady of Perpetual Help basketball team; ture, typical American families Edward Baratta, Mr. & Mrs. John' Walter Siwik Jr.,. president of Parish CYO; Very R~v~ exerci,sing their rights to worMcMahon, Mr. & Mrs. James.. F. Norbert Zonca, OFM. Conv.~ pastor' and Albert Pa1mieri; ship as they .please in accordance ." Nicoletti. Mr. & Mrs. Nelson P;Doyle,. main speaker, gather about prizes awarded to the team with ,Our . cOnstituti9nai provisions for freedom ot worship Mr. &: Mrs. George Shott, Mr.:&: member.s. ,/ and the separation of church·' Mrs.' Joseph F.' Willinson,;'Mrs;-'-" . Francis ·E. Burgess&: :Family,' Edward Shepardson, Mary Rob.. and state."' . '. . ' . . ' .. I . . ' ,,' Mary & Elizabeth· Guiney; erts. Mr. & Mrs. George J. Brough,· Donald ·E. Terry, Mr.&: ·Mrs. ~ · Contjnned from P~~ iz . . Mr..' & ·Mrs. Raymond Gertaughty Walter 'Glidden, Mrs. Herbert: $10 ' ; ".,., ... Terry, Mrs. Norman MtCleave,' COLOGNE .(NC)-A middle'" Mr.. &: Mrs. ·Alfred Ahern, ·Mr.· OUR LAD.Y OF THE iSLE . Mr.\ & -Mrs. Frank Slylvia. & Mrs. John R. FennesseY,',Mr. · . '$400.. , .' .Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ruley, Mr., of-the-road approach toward~' & -Mrs;. John ·A.·Carreiro, .Mr. & & . Mrs. Hugh Fitzpatrick, .An- spOrts was advocated here ~:. Rev. Edward F, Dowling. ·.' $100 His ;'Eminence' Joseph Cardinal Mrs. Henry J.McGowan, Mr. at· nette Gardner, Helen JUll, Mr. Frings, Archbishop of Cologne. Mrs. Lowell Loftus. & Mrs. Casm~ro Caton. Martin"'. Foley, Mr. & Mrs."Ralph Martin, Mr. He 'spoke at a general meeting' $50' Mr. & Mrs. Frank' Dinsmore, & Mrs. Richard J. Loftus, The of the' International Sports: Josephine Deacon, Mr. &: Mrs. Julia- Ayers, ·Mr. . & Mrs. Misses Manning, James Bower, Adam Mastai, Mrs. Robert Mack, Union. Representatives of eight Charles P. Flanagan. . . $25 Mr. & Mrs.·James Charrette. ,European nations and of' East Mr. & Mrs. Byron Snow. Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Johnson, Angie Laprade, Mr. & Mrs. European governments-in-exile Mrs. 'Noreen & Betty .Ann Mr. & Mrs.' Francis Rogers, Mr. , Shea, Albert Lavoie, Mr. & Richard Mack, Antone Medeiros, attended. & Mrs. Wilfred Benoit Jr., Mr.. ,T~e care Of the body is paI't Ethel. Chase, Mr. & Mrs.· .John Mrs. Allen'S. Norcross, Mr. & . & Mrs. Leonard O'Brien, Mrs. of . the principles of ChristiaD Mrs. Paul Kirby, Mrs. Rolf S. McLaughlin. Richard ~allace., Mr. &: Mrs. Albert Egan .Jr., life, the Cardinal said, but he' Sjolund, Mr. & Mrs.' Albert· Mr. & Mrs. George, Reinhagen,.. Mrs. Edward Butler, Mrs. James ~autioned that the value 01. Glowacki. Mr. &: Mrs. john Borg~; Mrs. Bu.tler, Mrs,' James Gladde'ri," sports should not·be overempba.; . S20 Elizabeth Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. sized or underrated. Mr. &: Mrs. Francis McGarvey, Mrs. Frank Conway. John C. Lennon, Mr. C-=-- D~vid High moral virtues-such .. .'Mi-. & Mrs. William Murray, Beatrice Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. AnSullivan. . .' ," , thony' Roo.Sylvia, Mr, &: Mrs.F. Mr; &. Mrs. Michael Sivik, Rosa- self-control and courage --are' Mr. & Mrs. Frank Borges, Mr. mond &: Molly Duffy" Julia SuI- necessary in victory as well .. Reed Cutting, Mr. & Mrs. Max&: Mrs. AlfredStukas, Mr. '&, ,in defeat, be said. ." . li;van, Jane Sullivan. : : , ' , well Deacon. Mrs. Albert. Estes~ Eleanor Mul,Mr. &: Mrs. Gilbert Leger, Mr. Mrs. Charles G. Snow, The laney, ·M!;"s. Frank LaJl;tpn, " . .Elec~ion"Ju~, Hamblin. Family, Mi'. &. Mrs. &: !drs. Joseph Senecal, Mrs. A.~: Margai'~t ,Morgan, ~r., & M17S•. ~e~r Dooley, Mrs. Alice HanClinton H. Murray, Mr. &: Mrs. Richard 'O~Bden, l4r.. & .M1;s. 1(1)., .Mrs." Ernest King. , .' Clifford .:Ryder. ' ~ "" . , Jo~' Jent~ .Mi< & l4rs., C~'hi' 'v.t\TIcANcrr~' cN¢j~T,tle' . Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Costa, Mr. Jeremiah . O'Connor, :M: a r y 'BONN, (NC)~An u~gent 'p~': . Lynch, Mr.~ &: Mrs. R9~rt :p~. ~th anniversary ~f the exc~ljs.-: &: Mrs. Lester Bachman, Mr. & Galligan, Mr. & Mrs. Al~rt Fee, for all Catholics to pray for the ehal.' .", .' . ive right of the college of cardMrs. Manuel Araujo, Mr. &: Church's freedom, reunificatiOD Mr. &; Mrs. GeOrge McNamara' inals to elect a I pope has ~n, Mr.: . & Mrs;' Daniel Murphy, Mrs. Arthur QuInn, Bertha An- of Germany and world peace . Mr. & Mis. James Hadad, Mr.' &' noted here .without ceremony~' Gladys Worth. Mr. &: Mrs. Albert Broc)t, gers. has been made by the Bishops 01. Mrs: Janies Rego, DOioreS Burns,· it Pope Nicho.las II \wh9. Sophia Thompson, Mr.. ~ Mrs. Margaret ,Pope, Mr. &: Mrs. Germany in a statement read Mr. &: Mrs. LeOniu:'d ·Shea.· . published a bull limiting the Bernard Holmes, Jane. Wallach. Abra Niles, Joseph Dixon,. Mr. &: in all Catholic churches. Mrs. 'Elizabeth 'C. Haggerty; election of the pontiff solely to " $10 Mrs. Peter Gomes, EmUy Miller. The' statement was published" Mr. &: Mrs. Francis Maher, Mr.' the college of cardinals in 1059. Carrie Miller, Elsie JO!lenh8ns, and read on the eve of the WestMr. & Mrs. John S. Conway, ~ 'Mrs. Albert Greenwell, John In the past 900 years various Mr. & Mrs. Lester Simmons, Mrs.. ern. foreign ministers' meeting' Mr. & Mrs. Allen E. NorCFoss, popes have revived ,this bull, Mr. & Mrs..Robert Lloyd" ~s. Kenneth Holdgate, Tho mas which will work out an allied Quinn. . ,but they have. never deprived Charles Pearl, Anonymous. Position for later Big Four con-, .the college of' its election rights. Mr. & Mrs:,. Joseph M. Cody, ferences. The question of un~ Josephine Daum, Mrs.\William Medeiros, Thomas McGrath Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Josepb P. Dooley. In 1160, Pope Alexander ill cation' of Germany is a major decreed that to be elected pope Jame Sylvia, Mrs. Antone F. item on the agendas of theM , • person had to. have. a two- Sy'via Jr. . meetings. . Mr. & Mrs. Manuel F. Sylvia, A 'ham and bean sup~r and' thirds ,majority of. the votes cast. "Worrying about the future In 1274, at the time of the sec- Mr. &: Mrs. Antone Foster, Lil- ¥incola will be held Saturday of our nation, we trust that the evening, June 6 at St. Vincent's statesmen will come to a dec.. ond Council of Lyons, Gregory . lian Foster, Mrs. Arthur Faunce, Mary Rodden. Home by the alumni association; &ion initiating. a just solutioa X introduced various disciplinMrs. Harold B. Ryder Sr., Mrs. Serving!! will begin at 5, contin- which preserves and ensures ary rules; other rules 'were' inuing till 8. James W. CQyne. peace among the people," . . . troduceci by Sixtus V. PoPe Pius Catherine A. Sylvia, Mr. &: Mrs. heads. the ,association, BiS,bops stated. . XII decreed. tha.t. the newly Peter I. Sylvia. I(h-. &: Mrs. Ede~eCted pope must h;av~ a'major- ward Tarvis, Nellie Sylvia. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Reis, Mr. ity of two-thirds plus &: Mrs. Richard Coffin, Mr..& Mrs. William Haddon, Mary Mendonca, . Luiza Mendonca. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Barr, SHARON, MASSACHUSmS Ethel Dunham, Mr. & Mrs. WilWASHINGTON (NC) A For Boys 7 to 13 years old liam Henderson, Mr. &: Mrs. student from a Catholic high Thomas McAuley, John McSix week-season': June 28 to August 9 .chool was runner-up in the 11th' ~egister 'Of' 2, Of' 4, or 6 weeks annual "Hire the Handicapp~'; Glinn. Janet Yates, Edmund T. Polessay eontest which drew thouTutoring if desired lands of entries from public; lard, Mr. &: Mrs. Edgar Bowen: THE BROTHERS OF THE SACRED HEART Mrs. John L. &: Marjorie Toner, private and parochial schools. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hardy. JESUIT LAWYER: Rev. Second place award of $400 Mr.' & Mrs. Thomas Devine, Robert'F. Drinan, 8.J., Dean went to Elizabeth O'Brien of PaMrs. Sidney Thurston, Mr. &: of the Boston COllege Law tronage of . st. Joseph High Mrs. Ronald da Silva, Mr. & Mrs. SHARON, MASSACHUSms School, will be the .principal sChool, ~ervine. Charles SU!,ckpole. Topic in the contest conducted Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Harris, Mr. speaker at the Bristol County A RESIDENT SCHOOL FOR BOYS Bar Association annual 'din- by the Presidents Committee and &: . Mrs. John Blaze, Mulford 'cooperating Governors' Commit- Small, Mr. &:Mrs. Henry Fee, Grammar .fI"ICIes ~7" ner meeting at the Queque- tee 011. Employment of the Phy"': Eileen Harris. . THE BROTHERS' OF THE' SACRR) HEAIT ehan Club, River,. bny Handicapped wat! "mring Anna Tuririing, Re~.. III. ..........d"'_ tbeliUdieappe(l iD "0Ur' ToW&.of Barnes, LillilW ThurAoD.·}tis; .. ..-uA#~ ::. .....,...... $50"
., i~ppea~,' G~fts
Prelate Asks Sensible:· Approach to· Sports:.. ';,.,
Papacy Now 900 Years Old
German Bishops .Prayers for Peace
Home to Benefit
one. Somerville Student Wins Essay Award
. .- .. .:..-
.. -