
Page 1

Diocesan Teachers • Meet In 'Attleboro Rev. Charles F. Donovan,' S.J., academic vice-president of Boston College, urged Catholic educators "to be forthright in seeking and proclaiming spiritual as well as in­ tellectual excellence for our schools" in the keynote address at the opening session of the Fall River Diocesan Catholic Teachers Association's ninth annual convention this morning at Feehan High School, At­ the drive towards higher intel­ of our students but for the sake tleboro. Most Rev. James L. lectual standards and results. of our country and our society, Connolly, D.D., D.Sc.Hist., This movement has its apostolic it behooves us to reaffirm our as well as its academic dimen­ Bishop of the Diocese, pre­ most basic commitments, to be sided. Father Donovan, who is also dean of the BC School of ~;."-'"OI(l"" Education, said in part: l "It is ironic that we should , be falling over ourselves to earn for our schools reputations as Catholic Latin Schools, Catholic Newton Highs, or Bronx Schools ,. of Science; or Catholic Swarth­ mores or Reeds at the very time when our wisest and most sym­ pathetic critics in non-Catholic circles are urging us to be our­ selves, to be outstanding in those values that once inspired all of American education and from }'IRST TO REGISTER: Mrs. Evelyn Valero of St.. which most of American educa­ LOlli:-l' parish school, Fall River, registers for the diocesan tion is retreating today. teaehers' convention in Attleboro. Sister Miriam; R.S.M., "By all means we should keep alive and, even accelerate center, and Sister Felicita, R.S.M., are school supervisors~ ff­


1964 The Anchor

Bishop to Ordain Two for Service In Diocese Most Rev. James L. Con­ nolly, BiRhop of Fall River, will. ordain three to the Roman Catholic priesthood

PRICE tOe $4.00 per Year

Hub Duplicates Fall River Hostel for Aged 'Priests

unashamed of the religious ori­ entation of our teaching, and to be forthright in seeking and proclaiming spiritual as well as intellectual excellence for our

schools" .. '"

"Unless our schools and col­

leges wield results in spiritual

maturity and deepened faith as

well as in intellectual leadership,

then how can we justify the ex­

penditure .of so much religious

talent and manpower in Amer­

ican Catholic education when

Catholics and others around the

world need our help?"

. The convention will continue

through today and tomorrow,

with final sessions scheduled for 3:30 tomorrow afternoon.

Cathedral Ordination May 30

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, May 14, 1964

Vol. 8, No. 20 ©

sion, for our schools will not command respect i( they are backward or shoddy intellectu­ ally, nor should we expect Cath­ olic parents and young people to be penalized as regards edu­ cational quality because they desire education in Catholic schools. "But there is no conflict be­ tween intellectual and religious or moral ideals. Reaffirm Basic Commitments "As I said earlier, we are liv­ ing in a time which is long on scientific breakthroughs and mental sophistication and short on self-dicipline and moral re­ sponsibility. . "Hence not only for the sake


at St. Mary's Cathedral at 10 Saturday morning, May 30.

Two of the new priests will

serve in the diocese. The third

man is being ordained for the

Sacramento Diocese.

The ordinandi are:

Rev. Mr. Thomas J. Harrington

o£ New Bedford.

Rev. Mr. Donald J. Bowen of


Rev. Mr. Edward J. Donaghy

of West Roxbury.

Turn to Page Seven


See liturgical Education Need

A quarter of a century in service to the aged and con­ yaleseent priests of the Dioce'se of Fall, River is being By. Rev. John R. Folster completed by the Priests' Hostei on Highland Avenue, Fail St. ·Anthony Church -New Bedford River. At the time of the erection of the original building &f the Catholic Memorial , and the Star store, New Be~ford. , Members of diocesan litur­ education needed; (b) practical and missions should be given a

Rome, Bishop Cassidy built Blessed on July 2, 1939 by gical commissions met in solutions urged.

greater liturgical orientation. the hostel for the aged MQst Rev. James E. Cassidy, Greater Education In adopted "observations" sent Kansas City to discuss their priests through the magni­ third Bishop of the Diocese, the' . Both clergy and laity must be to the Bishops of the U.S., cer­ respective problems in the ficent generosity of the Mahoney first Mass was offered by the better educated in liturgical Family of New Bedford. It was the gift of Mrs. Maho­ Iley and her children Mrs. Wil­ liam Conroy, James H. Mahoney Ir., Francis J. and Thomas A. Mahoney in loving memory of a devoted husband and father. Mr. Mahoney Sr., K.M., K.S.G., ...as a former executive of the a. A. McWhirr Co., Fall River,

Ordinary on the same day in the hostel chapel. The need of such a home was evident to the far-sighted Bish­ op Cassidy. Now, it is being dup­ licated in other Archdioceses and Dioceses throughout the country. The Archdiocese of Boston an­ nounced over the week-end the Turn to Page Twenty-nine

Ch'arities Appeal

Response Heads

For New High

implementation of the Council's Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. The National Liturgical Con­ ference sponsored the meeting which brought together some 250 liturgists from 101 U.S. dio­ ceses. The experts agreed on two fundamental PQints: (a) greater

matters. For this: 1. Qualified priests should be given the opportunity to study in liturgical and pastoral insti­ tutes; 2. Diocesan liturgical com. missions should encourage lay adult education committees to promote liturgical programs; 3. Schools, convents, retreats

tain steps were urged on a na­ tional scale: 1. The establishment of a national advisory committee on liturgical matters; 2. The creation of a national institute of higher studies in pastoral theology; 3. The compilation of a na­

tional directory giving norlNl

Turn to Page Four

The 1964 Catholic Chari­ ties A p pea I total today reached $419,398. The total is four thousand dollars more

"Partial returns from many other parishes indicate slight in­ creases over last year which makes me believe we are heading for a new record," The fifteen leading parishes of the Diocese are: St. Lawrence, New Bedford $18,177.50 St. John, Attleboro 14,762.00 St. Francis 'Xavier, Hyannis 13,550.00 Holy Name, 12,745.50 Fall River St. James, 10,894.50 New Bedford

St. Mary, North Attleboro Immaculate Conception, North Easton Sacred Heart, Fall River St. Patrick, Wareham St. Joseph, New Bedford Cathedral, Fall River St. Patrick, Fall River St. Patrick, Falmouth Holy Name. New Bedford 81. Mary, Attleboro

than it was on the comparable day last year said Lay Chair­ man Larry Newman of Hyannis today. Twelve par ish e s scattered throughout the diocese have al­ ready gone over the top, Mr. Newman pointed out as he noted that this represents slightly more than 10 per cent of the diocesan parishes.

9,764.51 8,481.OG 8,263.00

7,228.00 7,084.00 6,526.50 6,256.55

6,178.00 6,0;;9.;;0 5,611.00


THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., May 14, 1964


Scouting Answer To Delinquency SALT LAKE CITY (NC) ­ The Boy Scout program can be an answer to today's startling in­ crease in juvenile delinquency, Msgr. Frederick J. Stevenson, director of the Youth Depart­ ment, National Catholic Welfare Conference, told the 1pn.. Na­ tional Conference of Diocesan Scout Chaplains and lay leaders here. In an address that concluded the four-day meeting Msgr. Stevenson noted there has been an "upward trend" in youth of­ fenses since 1949. "We Catholics should put our effort into following the injunc­ tion of Christ about leaving the 99 and going after the one in need," he said. "Too often we become attached to the neat, well-scrubbed youngster. We are more affected by the effects of Proctor & Gamble than by the effects of Christ's Passion and death." The results of the increase in delinquency, he said, can be seen in early marriages that fail, sexual promiscuity coupled with a 500 per cent increase in venereal diseases in the past five years, school dropouts and youth unemployment and the appear­ ance of pornography, beside which "the Roman Index of books would almost appear as a collection of good family reading * * >10" Scouting and Apostolic Scouter Development, Msgr. Stevenson saiq" are an answer to the causes of delinquency, "for in Boy Scouting there is a respect for ~d, as reflected in the Boy Scout oath." .

.Legion of Decency The following films are to· be added to the lists in their re­ spective classification: Unobjectionable for General Patronage-':"The Golden Arrow; Robinson Crusoe on Mars. Objectionable ill Part for All - Crazy Desire. (Objection: Suggestive costuming, dialogue and situations).

Necrology MAY 16

Rt. Rev. J. Joseph Sullivan, p .. R., 1960, Pastor, Sacred Heart,

Fall River. MAY 17 Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, D.D., 1951, Third Bishop of Fall River, 1934-51. MAY 19

Rev. Ambrose Lamarre, O.P., 1940, Dominic.an Priory, Fall River. Rev. Thomas Trainor, 1941, Pastor, St. Louis, Fall River. MAY 20 Rev. Antonio L. da Silvia, 1952, Pastor, Our Lady of Health, Fall River.

FORTY HOURS DEVOTION May 17 - St. Casimir, New Bedford. Villa Fatima, Taunton. May 24-St. Matthew, F a II' River. St. Kilian, New Bedford. May 31-St.· Theresa's Con­ vent, Fall River. Corpus Christi, Sand­ wich. .June 7-St. Joseph, Taun­ Holy Name, Fall River Sacred Heart, North At­ tleboro lHE l ..CItOII lecOllCl Class l'ostaI8 Palcl It Fall Itlver, Mass. Published every Thursday at ~O ll


"=:U:l tf:e D~:~e ~:~."b~IV':.

Sl*scrlpt.. prlca .., 11111, ,.tpalcl ....00

Nf , . "

Dominican Of

IJrie~rt to


Mark Silver Jubilee in Fall River Sunday

A slight, grey-haired Dominican priest is looking,forward to Sunday. So are his many friends and relatives in the Fall River area. Rev. Edward Paul Doyle, a native of St. Patrick's parish, Fall River, will return on Sunday to celebrate a solemn Mass of thanks­ giving commemorating the silver ju')ilee of his ordination. Mass will be at noon and acting as subdeacon will be Rev. . James Murphy of St. Pat­ On the vexed. subject of . k' . f th . b' whether boys or gtrls are better rIC S, a cousm 0 e JU 1­ st d ts h' d' I . UT · D '11 b R . u en, es Ip omahc. .L Iar1an. eacon WI e ev. won't say who's smarter but Robert Quinn, O.P. of Provi­ girls work harder." , dence College and Very Rev. Army'Chaplain Kenneth C. Sullivan, O.P., pas­ Fathr Dovle served as an Army tor of St. Pius Church in Provi­ chaplain from 1943 to 1946 dence, will preach. seeing service in the Europea~ Afterwards the welcome mat theatre. Holding the rank of will be out from 2:30 to 5:30 at major, he was awarded the St. Patrick's School auditorium Purple Heart and Bronze Star on Slade Street for a reception decorations. honoring Father Doyle. He says He is president of the Domini­ there are many friends of his can Education Association com­ youth with whom he's lost con­ prh;ing American Domi'nicans tact and to whom he can't send engaged in educational activities. individual invitations. but he Loyal to his home town and wants them all to consider them­ Diocese, he's a faithful sub­ selves very special guests for scriber to the Fall River Herald Sunday. News and The Anchor. Of a Durfee Graduate a family of eight children. two Baptized and confirmed at St. sisters and a brother still live in Patrick's, Father Doyle said his Fall River, the' sisters in the first Mass there in 19~9. He home parish of St. Patrick, the REV. E. P. DOYLE, O.P. graduated from Durfee High brother in SS. Peter and Paul. School in Fall River in 1925 and Another brother is a Swansea from Providence College in 1934. Mich., where he now is, he's en- ­ resident. He was ordained in Somerset, countered thousands of yomig Father Doyle is well known at O. May 17, 1939 and noted people. the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop with pleasure that at a reunion "The:~e's lots of good in them," Home in Fall River, which he of classmates last month 20 of he maintains. "They're not SO visits every time he is in the the 30 priests ordained with him delinquent." city. were present. Kept busy with activities as Most of Father Doyle's career a teacher and chaplain at Siena as a Dominican has been spent Heights College, the educator in the academic world. After finds time to contribute to m-aduating from Providence Col­ Dominican learned publications lege, he earned a master's de­ - and to ice skate a favorite gree at Catholic University in JERS~Y CITY (NC) - All hobby. " 1941 and a doctorate in 1962 student! complain in private from the Dominican College of about t:l1eir college. But at St. Mass Ordo St. Thomas Aquinas, River For­ Peter's College here they are est, m. . being i:!lvitedto do it ·by the· FRIDAY-St. John the Baptist 'His thesis dealt with the .obli­ adminiS'wation. · de. la Salle, Confessor. III gations of modern youth in to­ . More than 100 students and .28 Class. White. Mass Proper; day's society. And he's well faculty :rnembers are engagM in Gloria; DO Creed; Preface of . an -evaluation program involving Ascension. qualified to speak or write on criticism of the administr..ation the .subject, for in his teaching and its methods. The program SATURDAY-Vigil of Pentecost. 'I Class. Red. Mass Proper; career, spanning assignments at will last from three to five years. Gloria; DO Creed; Preface; Providence College, Emmanuel, FourtE!en "task forces" have Communicantes and Hanc igi­ Seton Hill, Mt. St. Mary Col­ :Oeen or.~nized, each composed tur of Pentecost. lege of Newburgh, N.Y. and ,of eight students and two faculty Siena Heights College, Adrian, members. They will examine SUNDAY-Pentecost Sunday. I Class. Red. Mass Proper; Glo­ ,oollege from the viewpoint of ria; Sequence; Creed; Preface; what it is, what it ought to be Communicantes and Hanc igi­ and what the students would tur of Pentecost (also each like :it 10 be. day 'during the Octave). Msgr. Edward F. Clarke, S.J., A Priests' Day of Recollection presiden t, frankly says "we are MONDAY.:-Pemecost Monday. I Class. Red. Mass Proper; Glo­ will be held at St. Joseph's looking for criticism. We insti­ ria; Sequence; Creed; Preface, Shrine, 800 Tucker Road, No. tuted th e task forces in antici­ etc. of Pentecost. Dartmouth, on Tuesday a~er­ pation or it." Explaining why he said: TUESDAY-Pentecost Tuesday. noon, to which all priests are In­ I . Class. Red. Mass Proper; "Ideas a:re not the monopoly of vited. Gloria; Sequence; Creed; Pref.. The day opens with a buffet 1\ partic'llar age group or vo­ ,·ace, etc. of Pentecost. at 1 o'clock; a Holy Hour at 1:30, (:ation and the best ones can discussi()n at 2:45 and Mass at (~me from open discussion such WEDNESDAY-Ember Wednes­ 'day After Pentecost. I Class. as this. These good ideas will 4 o'clock. · R~. Mass Proper; Gloria; Se­ The discussion this month will E!ventual:.y be integrated into the quence; Creed; Preface, etc. of be "Parish Priests and the c()llege." · Pentecost. Liturgy: The Parochial, Practi­ THURSDAY-Pentecost Thurs­ cal APproach." Irluge Crowds View

day. I Class. Red. Mass Prop­ ·Rev. Leonard M. Mullaney, as­ er; Gloria; Sequence; Creed; sistant at St. Patrick's Church, Vaticl:ln Pavilion

· Prl'!faf::e, etc. of Pentecost. Wareham, will be the discussion NEW YORK (NC) -About· leader. 618,000 persons filed past Mich­ elangelo',s famed Pieta at the OIROURKE Norway Catholics· Vati~n pavilion during the first two weeks of the New York ..Funeral Home OSLO (NC) ;'7'" Norw:.ay's Cen­ .. World's ;!'air.· tral Bureau of Statl·stl·CS reported. " The vi:litors have been arriv­ 571 Second Street that the Roman Catholic popu­ ing in such numbers tha.t the lation of the nation stood at fall River, Mass. 7,900 in 1960 as against .4,753 in pavilion'~ director, Msgr. John OS 9-6072 1950. The bureau said that 96.25 J. ~rman, predicted that one per cent of the population of out of E,very three fair-goers MICHAEL J. McMAHON 3.6 million belongs to the official would see the pavilion and the licensed Funeral Director marble s-;atue OR loan from St. (Lutheran) Church of Norway. Peter's basilica in Rome. Registered Embalmer

Invi,te Students

To 4:omplain

Recollection Day For Priests

Confirmations May 17-11:00 A.M., Cathedral, Fall River. 2:00 P.M., St. Anthony, Matta­ poisett. 4:00 P.M., St. Patrick, Somer­ set. 4:30 P.M., St. .Joseph,' Woods Hole. 7:30 P.M., St. Thomas More, Somerset; St. Patrick, Fa!­ moutb.

D.D. :5ullivan & Sons FUNERAL HOME



986, Plymouth Avenue

OS 2-3381

Fatl liver, Mass.

'Wilfred C. Driscoll

James E. Sullivan, Jr.

..... OS '·2271

Prelate Stresses Need' of Rights Legislation Now WASHINGTON (NC) ­ Archbishop Lawrence J. Sh&­ han told 4,000 civil rights supporters gathered here iJl a national convocation that the time. for passage of Federal civH rights legislation is the present. "Further delay in bringing about what we have come to recognize as a requirement of justice may well do irreparable harm to this nation's whole fu­ ture," the Archbishop of Balti­ more said. The prelate was CathoDe spokesman at the National In­ terreligious Convocation on Civil Rights. Held at Georgetown Uni­ versity, the convocation heard from spokesmen for major reli­ gious bodies. 'That Truth Pftvail' In add i t ion to Archbishop S'hehan, Archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle of Washington repre­ sented the Catholic Church. He was chairman of the assem bl,. and offered its invocation. Archbishop O'Boyle prayed that ~d may enlighten the minds of the senators "so that truth may prevail over eITGr and prejudice." The Rev. Dr. Eugene CarSOll Black of Philadelphia, Stated Clerk of the United Presby­ terian Church in the U.S.A.. told the convocation that never before had churches and syna­ gogues been so fully united in-; tellectually on any moral issue. Rabbi Uri Miller,president of the S y nag 0 g u e Council 01. America, hit hard at allegatiOM that a civil rights bID is doomed to· failure· because morality can­ not· be legislated.

Priest's Mother Dies in Azores Rev. .Jose M. B. e Avila, pastor ofMt. Carmel Church, New Bed­ tord, was notified Friday of the 4eath of his mother, Mrs. R-osa Silveira de Anehes Avila, .. Rosais, San Jorge,. Azores. . .·Rev. Gilbert Simoes, assistant at St. Michael's Church, FaR River, was celebrant of a Higtl. Mass of Requiem celebrated ill st. Anthony's Church, East Fal­ mouth, on Monday for the re­ pose of the soul of Mrs. A vila. Among the members of clerq' present were: Rt. Rev. Augusto L. Furtado and Rt. Rev. Anthon)" ~mes.


.Michael C. Austin ,






JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN ~une ..al Dome 550 Locust Street

Fall River, Mus. , :


OS 2-2391 Rose E. Sulll~D .Jeffrey E. Sullivan

Williams l Funel'al Home EST. 1870 1 Washington Square NEW BEDFORD Reg. Funeral Director and Embalmer PRIVATE PARKING AREA TEl.. WY 6-8098


THE ANCHOR-Dloceae 01 Fan RI~,",u .... May'''' 1964

AT DIOCESAN COUNCIL CONVENTION: Mrs. Aristides A. An­ drade, Taunton, council president, welcomes participants to 11th annual convention of Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. FrQm left, Msgr. Thoma!'! F. Walsh, Diocesan Moderator; Bishop Connolly; Mrs. Andrade; Msgr. Francis J. Lally, speaker at afternoon session. Right, Mrs. Richard

M. Paulson, convention chairman, checks program with ,left, Mrs. James A. O'Brien Jr., Diocesan chairman Of Family and Parent Education Com­ mittee, and Rev. James Lyons, district moderator. Convention theme was' prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, "Lord, make me an instrument of thy·· peace." Delegates represented affilliated units in all parts of Diocese.

Parish Totals in Catholic Charities Appeal



St Mary .

, 6,526.50

Blessed Sacrament 1,878.50

Espirito Santo .1,367.00

Holy Cross . 2.00.00

Holy Name 12,745.50

Notre Dame 4,702.00 Our Lady of Angels 5;573.50 oUr Lady of Health 2,269.00 Holy Rosary 2,046.00 Immaculate Conception 5,572.20· Sacred Heart 8,263.00 St. Anne 2,905.00 St. Anthony of Desert 745.00 St. Anthony of Padua ·1,389.85 St, Elizabeth '797.00 St. John the Baptist 2,483.00 St. Joseph 5,111.50 St. Louis 3,265.00 St. Matthew 1,935.00 St. Michael 4,739.00 St. Patrick 6,256.55 SS. Peter & Paul 3,736.00 St. Roch 1,497.50 St. Stanislaus 1,163.50 St. William 4,575.50 Santo Christo 2.075.00 .

Holy Ghost St. John St. Joseph St. Mary St. Stephen St. Theresa


4,339.55 14,762.00 ·4,590.50 5,611.00 3,439.32 5,195.00


Acushnet St. Francis Xavier 2,930.33 Assonet-St. Bernard 1,155.00 Buzzards BaySt. Margaret 4,801.00 CentrevilleOur Lady of. Victory 2,736.00 Qentral VillageSt. John Bapjtist 1,836.50 ChathamHoly Redeemer 3,033.00 Dighton-St. Peter 1,158.00 East BrewsterOur Lady of the Cape 1,258.00 FairhavenSt. Joseph 5,214.45 St. Mary 1,037.30 Sacred Hearts 549.50 Falmouth-St. Patrick 6,178.00 Hyannis­ NEW BEDFORD · St. Francis Xavier 13,550.00 Holy Name 6,059.50 Mansfield-5t. Mary' 5,392.00 Holy Rosary 427.00 Mattapoisett­ Immaculate Coneeptlon 1,842.90 · St. Anthony 1,391.00 Mt. Carmel 5,124.25 Nantucket-· O. L. of Perpetual Help 1,115.50 · Our Lady of the Isle %,522.00 Sacred Heart 3,108.75 North Dighton­ St. Anne 1,640.00 · St. Joseph .%,216.00 St. Anthony of Padua %,851.00 North Easton­ at, Casimir' . 690.00 - Immac. Cortceptioll 8,481.00 1,581.00 North Westport-:­ st. Francis of Assift 679.25 St. Hedwig. 1;820.50 · Our Lady of Grace 1,491.50 Norton-5t. Mary St, Hyacin~ . Z, 787.00 10,894.50 Oak Bluffs- ~ St. James, St. John the Baptist 4,773.50 , '869.00 · Sacred Heart St. Joseph ' 7,084.40 Qcean Grove-­ St. Kilian 3,940.00 1,'130.00 · St. Michael St. Lawrenee 18,177.50 Orleans­ St. Mary 5,355.25 1,930.00 · St. Joan of Arc St. Theresa 4,567.00 . Osterville-Asswnption 3,421.00 Provinceto~--

TAUN'l'ON' Holy Family Holy Rosary Immaculate Conception O. L. of Lourdes Sacred Heart St. Anthony St. Jacques St. Joseph St. Mary St. :paul

%,297.00 1,471.00 4,693.80 2,341.05 4,205.00 2,355.00 2,348.00 4,029.00 5,150.00 4,338.50

NORTH ATTLEBORO Sacred Heart at. Mary

4,174.00 9,764.50

St. Peter. Raynham-St. Ann SandwichCorpus Christi Seekonk-Mt. Carmel Somerset­ St. John of God St. Patrick St. Thomas More South Dartmouth­ St. Mary South Yarmouth­

St. Pius Tenth Swansea­ Our La<b' of Fatima

1,327.80 2,604.00 4,608.00 4,497.75 2,714.50

4,707.50 5,190.50 4,456.00

5,438.50 4,237.00

Fa II River Fifth La rgest Nationa I Catholic Center

St. Dominic 2,712.00 St. Louis of France 3,670.00 Vineyard HavenSt. Augustine 1,046.50 Wareham-5t. Patrick ·7,228.00 The 'Diocese of Fall River Wel1fleet--..:. Our Lady of Lourdes 1,902.00 has the' fifth greatest per­ West Harwich~ . centage of Catholics within Holy Trinity 2,037.00 its' borders of all the dioceses Westport-St. George 4,328.50 Woods Hole-St. Joseph 275.00 . in the United States. The ranking has been established by the Catholic Free Press, official Parishes that have attained newspaper of the Worcester Dio­ Honor Roll status: cese. I-Our Lady of the Angels, Providence leadS all dioceses Fall River in the country with 61.97 per 2--St. Louis, Fall River cent Catholics in the State of 3-st. Michael, Fall River 4-St. Hyadnth, New Bedford Rhode Island. Fall River Dio­ 5--St. Theresa, New Bedford cese has 53.52 per cent Catholics 6-Immaculate Conception, in the diocese which stretches from Mansfield and the Attle­ Taunton boros to Provincetown on the' . 7-Holy Ghost, Attleboro Cape. 8-St. Joseph, Attleboro 9-0ur . Lady of Victory, In between Providence and Centerville Fall River, in 'order of their per-:­ 100St. Francis Xavier, Hyan_ centages, are -_Worcester, 56.75 nis . , " 11-0ur Lady of the 'Assump­ . per' cent, Ll,lfayette, La., 56.19 and Corpus Christi, Tex. 51.85. tion, Osterville . ' 12-:-0ur Lady' of . Lourdes, Boston, Springfield. and Buffalo follow Fall River in'that order. Wellfleet' .,.

Pass '63 Total


JUNE 21 - AUGUST 1 ­ R~'lJie'W ..;,;. Acceleration - Enrichment Eighth through Twelfth Grade Subject' Combining a Bal4nced P'rogram _, 'Study and Recreation



Boardirzg and C01tntry Day School for Girls under the direction of the Religious of the Sac1'ed Heart College Preparatory Course Further information concerning either Boarding School or Vacation School sent upon request

Debate Tournament

Narragansett Interscholastie Debating League will hold. tournament for n()vi~ debaters at Coyle High 'School, Tauntoil, Saturday, May 16.



RESERVATIONS' are' 'al~ad, a scarcity of rooms. For

thIS reason we urgently advise SUID' mer Vacationers to .'


for New York's



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 14, 1964

Special Gifts National $5,000

A Friend

$500 Fathers of the Sacred Hearts A Friend A Friend $200 Rev. Jame3 E. O'Reilly $125 Holy Cross Fathers-St. eph's Hall $100

A Friend

Rev. John H. Hackett

A Friend


Brokston Chemical Co.


Rev. Edmond Tre:'.1hlay


Swift & Co.

W. H. BriJ.:e Co.

Education Needs

$335 Catholic Memorial Home Resi­ dents $300 St. Vincent de Paul Society­ Notre Dame Exchange Inc. Union Savings Ba:1k Textile Workers Union of Am­ erica Atty. & Mrs. John J. Harring­ ton A Friend $175 Robert A. Wilcox Co. $150 Almeida Electric Co. Israel T. Almy-Architects

Continued from Page One for liturgical activities such M offertory proeessious, standing and kneeling at Mass, h:rmns; 4. Hope that in due time the American Bishops will "seek the use of the English language for the complete Mass." Effort Encouraged An must work fur the imme­ diate practical implementatiot of the directives of the VaticaB Council, urged Father Gerard S. Sloyan, the Conference presi­ dent.

"Quite simply, the first IS articles of the Constitution eon­ tain the new wine of the Gos­ pel," he said. ''If they are placed in the old leather bottles of un­ biblical teaching, both theologi­ cal and catechetical, they win burst them. We cannot go OIl SerVi!lg two masters."


Herve Lagasse $100 St. Patrick's Women's Guild D. D. Sullivan-Wilfred C. Driscoll Funeral Home Mrs. Arthur J. Shea Brady Electric Co. Inc. :\1idland Print Works Arkwright Finishing Div. Davis :YIills Corp. Arkwright Warehouse Corn. St. Vincent de Paul Society$350

Particular Council Antaya Brothers Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Delaney $125

R. B. Negus Lumber Co.

First Natio:J.al Bc:nk

A Friend

$100 Plymouth Printing Co.

S\":ank Inc. Clover Club of Fall ~,iVel"

Conlori & Donnelly $75 Th'l:r. & L'Lrs. Jam0s G. P'eq;ney Sears Roebu(;k Co. W. H. Riley & Son Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Harold S. B. Buf­ Sadler Bros. Inc.

Harry J B02rdman ~l1s. AgfTICY fi.nton Fall River Lodge No. 118, BPO Inc. Elks

$75 Mathieu Oil Co.

Stephen E. Foley Funeral 'Thomas Hudner

Borne $50 Patrick J. Duffy Funeral Mr. & l\'[rs. FranciE E Sdlivan Borne Frank X. Perron $60 Chace Mills Curtain Co. Inc. Saart Bros. Inc. O'Ne;1 Fisk Tire Sel'.'ice Inc. $50

Holy Name Women's Gt:ild Mr. & Mrs. William Flynn

Edward Brayton Carey Brothers

S. S. Kresge Compan:,.­ Catholic Nurses' Guild

Walter A. Furman Company Bellavance Inc.

A Friend Apeo Mossberg

Georgiana Stoddard $35 United Cotton Products Co. Mr. & :\'l:rs. Hany J. Flynn. Bristol Knitting Mills Inc. Morin's Diners Inc. $30 Fall River Emblem Club W. R. Dunlop Co. Inc.

Slater Paper Box Co. $25

Chorlton Foundry Attleboro Sun Publishing Co. Somerset Funeral Home Riveredge Printers Inc. W. E. Richuds Co.

In Memory of Sister Mary Anson Motors Inc.

Christina, S.U.S.C. Reardon & Lynch Co. Inc.

In Memory of the Picollini's Pelletier Automotive Service

Shepherd Catholic Women's Club

Atty. Francis Meagher Wells Inc.

Norbut Mfg. Co. Inc. Colonial Wholesale Beverage Marathon Co.

Corp. M. J. Wall Co.

Travis Furniture Co. Ine. Charles E. Willis Ins.

Letendre & Boule Wholesale Foster Metal Producf.s~

Grocers Reynolds & Markman Inc.

F. R. Knitting Mills

Connelly Gold Stamping Co.


State Line General Scrap Co.

Arthur R. DriSCQll

Inc. $35 Portuguese American Club James P. Hart $2' :Richard Morgan Thom~ A.ttleboro Motor Sales $%5

$15 St. Joseph's Women's Guild

Saltzman's Men's store The Robbins Company, E. A. Aime Pelletier Electrical Con­ , tractor MacDonald Express Co. Lavoie's Jewelers-Oplliei·au $10

James W. Cain & Son Alfred Beauty Salon

B & S Fisheries Bowen Brothers

Giroux Ins. Agency Inc. $10 Professional Pharmacy Guyot Bros Co. Inc., Samuel Miller Pontiac Company III. Stone Jr., M. F. Ashley Co" Poirier Buick Ine. Gordon M. MacKinnon Ins., Gale Ford Ine. Pleasant Pharmacy Colonial Casket Co. Blythe Pharmacy Inc., Hanks Brow's Pharmacy Cleaning Co. Wilbur's Coffee Sam Industrial Catere.l'l!l Draper Sears & Co. H. Schwartz & Sons Inc. $1,500

David J. Friar A Friend

Kerr Mill Bargain Center Ine. $1,25'

James Cummings B. M. C. Dl:rfee Tru~ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Parks $1,000 Mrs. Kathryn M. Murphy Fall River Electric Light eo. M. Joseph Madowsky Fall River National Bank Mr.' & Mrs. Lewis Morley Mr. & Mrs. Alvin J. Sullivan Tioga Sportswear Co. Globe Manufacturing Company Ideal Bias Binding Co. $500 Bricklayers, Masons, Plaster­ Ideal Laundry Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Feitelberg ers, Union No. 11

John P. Slade & Son

G. W. Carpenter Inc..

Feldman Furniture Co.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tansey

AI's Tire Shop

S360 Norman F. Thompson

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bullock

Feeling of Exile Good for Jews And Catholics


Fall River

NEW ORLEANS (NC)­ Catholics and Jews must re­ sist "the trend toward c;ee­ ularism" and maintain their

GJ[FT TO SHRINE: Thousands of Americans of Polish descent were present for the dedication of the chapel honori:1g Our Lady of Czestochowa at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, largest Catholic church in the United States. Archbishop John J. Krol of Philadelphia dedicates the chapel. Above the altar is a replica of the famed painting of Our Lady of Czestochowa in her shrine at Jasna Gora, Poland. NC Photo.

''1':istorical identity and feeling of exile," a Jesuit editor "aid here. Father Thurston N. Davis, 8.J.. editor-in-chief of Ameriea n-lag­ azine, speaking at a cr.e-d.1Y Catholic Jewish symposium at Loyola University, said Catholics and Jews 'can't just be accepted, normal, adjusted nothings, be­ reft of our pere=ial religious values, unwilling any longer to fight for the spiritual and tem­ poral values of that promi sed land which lies beyond this momentary place of our exile. "Catholic or Jew, we can't vanish. We have to be ourselves, true to our traditions, until the day when in God's good time He brings us together at last."


Economy Body & Radiator Natiollal Contracting Co. Second and Morgan Sts. William N. Wheelock & Sons Works, Richardson Lincoln-Mer­ FALL RIVER cury Inc., Davis Motors, Henry Inc. WY 2-068? OS 9-6712 Fall River Firefighters Asso- Jacobson, Retail Clerks Union Local No. 1325, J. J. Newberry eiation E. J. McGINN, Prop.

& Co.

William Eaton Grand Central Market

Superior Cleansers & Dryel'S, Morrh Levine ste. Anne's Hospital Nurses Thomas ftl-.hott Alumnae, Loomfixers Union. In­ $20 dependent Laundry, Ess:Bee FOR PeerlE'ss Laundry Kfg. Co Inc.

Nelson's Dairy Sisters of St Dorothy

Auerbach Bath Robe Co:rp., Lien Automotive Stores ~., VILLA FATIMA Answering Service, Francis B. Cyr Foods, John F. Dator r.... surance, Fitton Movers, WaYe sponscred by Leary, Don's Appliance KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Roger L. Currant, Lap:re's Lamp COrp. of Mass. R~ Laundry, Inc., Pacheco COUNCIL #82 Tllrkey Farm Brothers, Loring Laboratories, and $15 Alice T. Hennessey, Joseph SuI­ Wilfred J. Gingras VJl.LA FATIMA HEtPERS li<van R. E. Smith Co. THURSDAY Essie Latham, Elizabeth Ryan, Hilton's Bakery Edward McConnell, H. Boud.­ American Wall pap e r Co., MAY 21, 1964 reau, Rosella Tuite 1C<l. Modern Furniture Co. 8:00 P.M. Jennie V. Hill, U. S. Textile Pine Sportswear Inc., Fall CYO HALL Co., Champion Paper Box Co., :River Radiator Works 130 HIGH STREET Joseph Borge & Sons, Ine., $10 Taunton, Mass. Gemco International Tick-Tack Frocks Inc., An­ Many, Many Valuable Priz.. Dr. M. B. Goldin, Baker Tr~e­ Idrews Super Market, Somerset Package. Store, J. T. Hughes, tor Corp. :Dr. AlbE,rt Weiser Somerset Floor Surfacing, .Journeymen Barbers Union No. ON CAPE COD :J31. Int·erstate Ventian Blinds, Atty. Milton Epstein, Gustave A. :8:all J. E. Amiot & Sons, A. A. l~lante &: Sons $10 Acme Refrigeration Co., Cen­ kal Lum:h, Bayside Mfg. Co. Inc. Lawson Granite & Marble Works Inc., Main Drug Inc. Murra;r's Pharmacy, James AMPLE PARKING Kane, Albert Petit, Cox Paper C~mpanJr, Miclulud & Poirier




SPring 5-0700



SpeciaI Gifts

North Attleboro

$1,500 Creed R0911ry $150 Society of st. Vincent de Paul _Attleboro Particular Council $100 Swift & Fisher Co. W. H. Riley & Sons Inc. $75 Sperry-DeBlois, Inc. $50 Manufacturers National Bank 01 Bristol County Dr. Domenic Leco Reeve's Drug Inc. $35

Achin's Garage


Raymond P. Tousignant

$25 Mervin C. Gray Clover Super Market Edward N. Cook Plate Co. Inc. Mandeville Chevrolet Co. Doran & Johnson Mfg. Corp. $20 Webster Co., H. F. Barrows Co. $15 AI's Radio & TV Service Monarch Machine Works Inc. Sousa & DeMay Inc. Bliss Insurance Agency, Pas­ ~ale Cavalieri & Sons, Mr. & .rs. Daniel Doyle, John J. Gri­ maldi $10 Associated Arts Inc., Public ~ance Co., Associated Hub & Die Inc., Dr. Joseph F. Carey Jr. ehabot Bros. Walter B. Edwards, Gibney's "Wiheel Aligning Service, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Glode, Homer Alden eo. Inc., Jarvis Taps Inc. Succursale Ste. Jeanne d'Arc mo. 174, Germaine & Marcella, C::ontractor, Raymond T. Landry, Atty. Charles P. Mason, No. At­ !Deboro Engraving Co. Riley Bros. Lumber Co. Inc., $1;Qnes Business Service, The V1alentine Co., Waltham Bearing Co. B & L Cleaners Inc., Dia­ mond's Cafe, Dr. Robert E. Fitz­ gerald, Minute Man Diner Inc., Bernier Drug Boy Scouts Troop 33-Sacred, Heart Church, Com m u nit y '!!heater, Denzer Construction C., Peter J. DiRenzo, Home & School Assn. _ Sacred Heart Church Johnson Brush .Co., Raymond 1'. Laramee, Pariseau Construe­ aon Co.

New Bedford $2,250

'J!:. Anthony & Sons


Catholic Women's Club

Harriet Transport Co.

Almeida Bus Lines Inc.

$100 Knights of Columbus - Mc­ lllahon Council No. 151 of N.B. Blue Ribbon Laundry Reynolds-DeWalt N. B. Construction Corp.

Dartmouth Finishing Co.

Nash Realty Corporation

Hyman Krivoff

Dartmouth Textile Corp.

Universal Roofing & Sheet

DIetal Co. A Friend $75 General Plastering & 'me eo. $50 Paragon Travel Agency Colonial Restaurant Supply Co Coater's Inc. George Bernique & Co. $35

Philip J. Kane Inc.


Cox's Candy


N. B. Catholic Guild for mte Blind Greater N. B. & Cape Cod La­ bor Council, AFL-CIO

Shuster Co.

Hubert S. Kelleher

Eagle Linen Supply Co..

Zeiterion Realty Corp.

Guy's Pharmacy

Ryan & Scully, Inc.

Bricklayers, Masons & Plaster­ Union No. 39 Fibre Leather Mfg. Co. Atty. Foster R. Herman Goodhue Lumber Co. Local No. 899 UAW AFL-CIO Charles S. Ashley & Sons Humphrey, Covil & Coleman Inc. Cornish & Co. Inc. $20

Ashley Ford Co.

Roy Paper Co.

Enterprise Stores

, $15

Rogers' Ice Cream Place

Wefer & Parker

$10 Oxford Pharmacy, Badow's, Russel, Milhench & Harrison Inc. National Wholesale Co., Alice Kelleher, Gold Bond Sterilizing Co., Marine Service & Supply Co. Desmond & Lay, Everett H. Corson Mrs. Agnes Lenoard, Cath­ rine Feeney, Olyvia M. Sylvia, 00rreira & Sons, Bishop Stang Council K of C Atty. Arthur Goldys, Rex Monumental Works, Howland & Howland, Whitney J. Bent Inc., Latham Funeral Home. Purity Diaper, Brock Avenue Pharmacy, Dr. Fred Singleton, Dr. Robert Rosenberg, Barnet & Barnet Loretta Hat Shop, Harpoon Harmonizers, Dr. Barney J. Mar­ golis, Dr. William L. Jenny Freddie Jones, Freetown Screw Mfg Co. Inc., E. Freetown Garage, S. S. Kresge & Co., F, W. Woolworth Co. Archie's Motor Trans. Co.. Shawmut Diner, N.. B. LiIiguica Co., Aconn Press Co., Sears Roe_ buck Co. . Morris Glaser, Glass Co., Lider & Lider, Harold Cooper Ins., Almy & Co., Davidson's Pork Products Paul Smith Ins. Co., Waitt & Scully Inc., Otis & Co.

THE ANCHORThurs., May 14, 1964


$1,000,000 Surprise For University SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-The University of San Francisco an­ nounced here it has been given a gift of $1,000,000 by George B. Gillson, a local investor. Father Charles W. Dullea, S.J.. university president, said Gill­ son, whom he had never met, called at his office and said he wanted to make the gift. Asked why by the surprised Jesuit, Gillson said: "I like what you are doing."

Maryknoll Monthly Wins Press Award MARYKNOLL (NC) - Mary­ knoll, Catholic monthly maga­ zine published here by the Maryknoll Fathers, won an Inter American Press Association-Tom Wallace Award for 1964. The Tom Wallace prizes were created and sponsored by the Latin American members of the IAPA and go· annually to a newspaperman and a publication from the United States or Can­ ada in recognition of their work ~r inter-American friendship and understanding.

Navy Aids Orphans VALLETTA (NC) - Officers and men of the U.S. Sixth Fleet donated goods worth $12,000 to the Catholic Orphanage here on Malta, including food, clothing, bedding and toys.


Special Gifts Taunton 'II~lUnton


Daily Gazette

$11)0 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Martin St. Vincent de Paul-Partic­ ular Council Queen's Daughters St. Vincent de Paul St. . Mary's Parish . George B. Sanford $50 Babbitt & Sir,lmons Bristol County Trust Co. McCabe Sand & Gravel Orsi Brothers W. H. Riley & Sons Inc. St. Vincent de Paul Sl Paul's Parish Allan M.I Walker Co. Inc. $30 League of the Sacred Hearl -St. Jacques Parish $25 Dr. William Barnes Dr. & Mrs. William Adams

FALL RIVER'S PIETA: A copy of an original marble Pieta found in Pietrasanta, Italy, is set in a redecorated alcove in the basement of St. Patrick's Church, Fall River.

Fall River Parish Has Pieta

Copied from Renaissance

The diocese has its own Pieta. No one presumes to say it is as significant a work as Michael­ angelo's incomparable master­ piece. While the Pieta at St. Patrick's Church in Fall River lacks some of the Michaelangelo detail, it does have distin­ guishing traits and the master's sense of poignancy, particularly in the expression of grief etched on the Virgin's face, The statue is a .copy of an original marble Pieta found in Pietrasanta, not far from Car­ rara, where the white marble for many of Michaelangelo's exqui­ site statues was quarried. Pie­ trasanta is a small Italian coastal community on the Ligurian Sea. Done by an unkown Italian sculptor, the statue was pur­ chased in 1924 by the late John Rigali, president of Daprato Studios, which has offices in Chicago, New York and Pietra­ santa. He copyrighted the statue in 1925. Experts who viewed the original work, say it was carved by a Florentine craftsman in Italy's great Renaissance period. The model in St. Patrick's Church was b 0 ugh t from Daprato by the late Most Rev. Bishop James E. Cassidy, during the time he served at St. Pat­ rick's. The statue is in a basement chapel alcove, near the tomb of Rev. John Kelly, founder and first pastor at St. Patrick's. One of the pioneer priests of the dio­ cese, he first celebrated Mass in a broom factory on the site where St. Anne's Hospital now stands. Father Kelly was pastor at St. Patrick's from 1873 to 1885.

The Pieta at St. Patrick's is Oft a pedestal, set against a flat wall. It is cast in plaster. Sunlight filters through a small window on the north side of the base­ ment, providing sufficient light for illumination of the statue and appreciation of its esthetic lines. Rev. John E. Boyd, adminis­ trator at St. Patrick's, had the alcove walls redone recently, providing mol' e contrasting backdrop for the statue. Michaelangelo's Pieta is ex­ hibited in a blue glow at the New York World's Fair, in­ cluding the impression of flick­ ering votive candles. It is a setting which some art critics complain is at variance with what the sculpture deserves, . Don't include Sister Mary Adrienne of Sacred Heart Aca­ demy in Fall River in the group however. She is an emphatic dissenter. She's seen the Pieta at the Vatican Pavilion and finds no fimIt with the setting. An art expert, Sister Adrienne says the Pieta deserves more than a museum atmosphere, and that Jo Mielziner has succeeded in giving the Pieta setting both an art and religious perspective. Sister Adrienne says the Vati­ can Pavilion actually gives the Pieta more grandeur than the spot reserved for it at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. The pavilion setting makes Christ and his grieving Mother, the.most gazed­ on faces at the fair. The blue glow enhances the setting. Sister Adrienne differs with critics who claim the display is "to theatri­ cal." She says it evokes a sense of reverence and piety.

Philip J. Assiran BPOE No. 150 Elks Bristol County Savings Bank Casey & Sexton Farrell Ins. Agency Laughlin's Market Leahy's Liquor Store Joseph McCormick ' Memorial to Edward & Isabel Murby CorneliuS' J. Murphy Ins. Agency Plank & Hansen Pobers st. Paul's Holy Name SocIety Societe Des Enfants de Marie -St. Jacques Taunton Savings Bank Tremont Super Market William C. Tripp Inc. J. M. WeI'

Williams Lumber Co.

$20 Dolan Funeral Home, Frank Pero Ins. Agency, Staples Coal Co. $15 Andy's Market, Edward F. St. Pierre, Taunton Stove Co.

$10 Berry Paper Stock Co., L. J. Beers, Burke's Canteen, Howard B. Carroll, Grenville Clap. Frank P. Cohen, Colonial Do­ nut Shop, Community Paint Co., Dr. Menahem Cooperstein, Hi­ Land Machine Corporation. Costello Buick Inc" Gondola Restaurant, Hickey's Diner, The Holliston Mills Inc., Hopper Feeds Eng. Co. , J. D. Furniture Co., Mandigo Sand & Gravel Inc., Mechanics Co-operative Ban::, Miller & Williams Ice Corp., Moonbeam of Oakland . Olson's Home of Flowers. Dr. Stanley R. Parker Jr., Peoole's Drug Store, Henry Perreault, Presbrey Refractories, Freder­ ick L. Reilly Rezendes Farm, Rose Motor Sales, Taunton Beverage Co.. Taunton Flower Studio, Taunton Ten Pin, Dr. H. B. Wood Jr.





Montie Plumbing &

Heating Co., Inc.


Reg. Master Plumber 2930

Over 35 -'ears

of Satisfied Service


Fall River OS 5-7497


America's Economy King


Real Estate

Broadway Rambler

Rene Poyant

For the Best Deal Come To INC. 768 &ROADWAY RAYNHAM, MASS on Rt. T38 CHARLES J. DUMAIS, Pres.


335 Winter St. SP 5-0079




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 14, 1964 "

Human Assistance When people discuss the "have's" and the "have-nots," they are usually talking about an economic situation. And the enthusiasm of the "have':,;" to help less fortunate na­ tions is sometimes reduced to the .proposition of sending experts to help in development and receiving students on 'Scholarship. But Pope Paul has recently warned that this must not be a simple mechanical process. Economic assistan.ce is not enough, the Pope has said, because the whole movement is "a dialogue between differ­ ent cultures and civilizations, a dialogue centered on man and not on exchanged goods or technology." "Development does not mean to run the risk of ren­ dering the people who benefit from it materialistic. It is, on the contrary, the giving of means for making themselves whole, for elevating themselves and therefore for spiritu­ alizing themselves." The giving of aid to underdeveloped areas of this na­ tion - concerns "the whole man and particularly his soul, his intelligence and his heart." The Pope is pointing out an ancient truth and one that can easily be lost sight of. Men, not machines, must alwRYs be in the fore, and men as they are, with all the qualities of mind and heart that seek development, as well as with bodies that ask help. The Pope says that what young people especially look for are not just technicians to feed them but leaders to in­ spire them, so that the development forthcoming will 'be not ,.only material and technical but human as well.



'-:':::.:·\U. §. SJEN"ATE ...... ,.')




• "..c' '-_ .... ~

Rev. cago is mental We call

'Power of Choiee In the course ofa symposium occasioned by the ·~di­ ."cation of Notre Dame's 'Memorial Library, a Harvard psy­ TOIJ>AY---.:Mass as on Ase_­ chiatrist and a noted French theologian both emphasized sion D;lY. "You are to be my wit­ the power of choice that man has and can use to improve nesses '" *' * to the ends of the -earth" (First Reading). The 'himself and the complex world around him. is so essentially mission­ Harvard's director of the university health service, Church ary that, according to the Con­ Dana Farnsworth, declared that a person need 'not remain stitution on public worship, ·what he is but can use his power of choice or free will te·be . even the Mass and.. the other oOther. And Father Louis Bouyer sees man as possessing ·3 sacraments exist not just for the better grasp' of issues today than ever before .and 'so .a community of the baptized but as a sil!n to all people of Christ's 'greater capacity for doing good in the choices he makes. ,saving work. It is good to have brought before people the fact of The Council's ConstitutiOtl man's free will. It is especially needed in an Rge whe,n all speaks of public worship -as -a too often individuals act and then refuse to accept the "sign :.ifted up among the na­ tions." No definition of the consequences of their actions, as if they were oot respon­ Church is ,adequate which does sible, had no other choices open to them. not take into account its mis­ The quality of free will isa glorious one. Man can liionary and outgoing nature. choose and must take the consequences of his free choice. But, at the same time, when the choice is·a wise one he To~rORROw-St. J&hn Bap­ rejoices that it is within his power to make himself and tist de Le Salle, Confessor. To­ day's hast of the founder of the . others different. .

Religious Liberty


Assistant Director

Lotin American Bureau, NCWC

Christian Brothers is an occasion for praying for the cateche.tical renew~ I of our times and calling to ~ind the tremendous strides we are making currently in the teaching of Christ's doctrine. Our c'lildren will understand the Gospel as good news better than we * * * ana so we fulfill the Gospel's injunction: "He who, gives welcome to such .a child as this in my name, gives ,'welc;ome to me."

Many speakers and writers on the religious scene are hoping and urging that the Fathers of the Vatican Council make ·a declaration, when the sessions resume in the Fall, ,91} the question of religious liberty. . From all that is being- said, the impression mig-ht be -spread around that the Church is somewhat tardy in speaking eon the matter. Nothing-, is farther from the truth. Recent Pontiffs have expressed, again and again; the right ';of the individual to follow an upright conscience. Pope Pius 'XII went into the matter in some detail, and his various , SAT1JRDAY-Vigii of Pente­ pronouncements were used by Cardinal Bea only recently -cost. Second to Easter ·as an .an­ ·in speaking- to a group of Italian .Jurists on the subject. .cient, baptismal day, this Vigil anticip,~tes tomorrow's feast of And Pope John reiterated the Church's pORition in saying the Spirit's presence in the com_ that every man has the right and obligation to follow 'the unity. (If disciples. Washing, and . -dictates of an upright conscience. , the layjng on of hands, (First So while it 'would be desirable for the Council Fathers Reading) Baptism and Confir­ : t-o speak on the- matter, they will' not be .saying- anything mation, initiate us into the com­ munity of the Spirit, into.a w,it­ , ·new and the impression should not now be given that this 'nessing and missionary com­ ; if; R question that the Church "and 'Churchmen have' not munity characterized by love (Gospel).· . i hitherto considered.

city-that is, a diversity.efJan­ guages, customs,' symbo13, -cul­ tures--is to be forever -a -RiaFll: of the Church of the new -cov­ enant. This ark of the Spirit -does not aspi~e t1:l make uS -uniform in thought or expression -()r .ae­ tion. It- aspires only to .animate us with the life we celebr-a* today, the life of faith, ~, love. This is unity enough. PENTECOST MONDAY. HGod sent his Son * * * so that the world might find salv.atief1 through him" (Gospel). Bot.h this lesson and the First, wit.h their acceptance of the message by Gentiles as well as by Jews, teach us that the Spirit m -tM people of God is a restless, lov­ ing yearning Spirit who -seeks the whole race of mankind. The Church is missionary -by its very nature. It does not mere­ ly accept a missionary task-it is missionary. And its goiHg 'Ott-t, its love of mankind, is promoted not by human altruism but by the demands of its own being.

PENTECOST TUESDAY. Be­ cause it is missionary, -the Church is "unfinished," is ill the process of growth .and -de­ velopment toward fulfillinent. It is r.ot a completed reality, which we have only to ·preserve. It is always in the process of be­ coming, both in regar-d .t.Q ~ Spirit's leading it into all trutb and in regard to its missiOt'l .to the -world. The shepherds Clfid guid~s of this "becoming," these who provide a sh'ucture of COfl­ tinuity to this development, ~ totally under the judgment ~f Christ (Gospel), are His ser­ vants, His vicars. The har.ds -ef the Apostles (Bishops), together with Baptism, and their fidelity ! , to" Jesus: the "door," offer, ill ------------:.;:.;.-.....;..-.-.....;..-.--~PENTECOST. Today's cele­ the First Reading and the Gos­ 'bration of the coming of the pel today: the promise of unity. 'Holy Spirit makes us newly conscious of w"wt it means to be PENTECOST WEDNESDAY. the Ch urch. It makes us con­ In the three Scripture lessons of scious, particularly, of three this ember, day Mass, the out­ ,characteristics or marks of the pouring of the Spirit on the 'Church of Jesus Christ: its Christian community is related OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER ,catholic:ity, its· missionary char­ to past present and future. The ·aeter ~lnd its quality of being First. Reading teaches that it is Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River something "unfinished" or in the fulfillment of the promise the process of growth and 'de­ , ' , 410 Highland Avenue God had made through the velopment toward fulfillment. ,prophets. Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 Whil ~ the Gospel teaches The Second shows its present PUBLISHER powers over sickness and all that about the Spirit's mission to the Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD; makes for the diminishment of faithful, God's presence in the faithful, the First Reading tells life. And the Gospel teaches that GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Us ,that· cultural differences be­ the' food of the community' '-of Rt. Rev. Doniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll tween i~roups are no obst.acle to ,the Spirit is the Eucharistic MANAGING EDITOR bread which promises eterDal ,the baEic' O"'''-'ess proelaimed in the go(.d, news of Jesus. c.too­ life. Hugh J. Gold~n

Leo Mahon of Chi­ pastor of an experi. parish in Panama. it an "experimental

parish" for he is attempting new means of attacking Latin Ameri­ C2n parish prob­ lems. For in­ stance, he has his parish di­ vided into thirds; he and ;~ each of the two curates take a portion. In his division, e a c h :rn a n is com­ pl-etelY in eb a r g-e. The three 1> r i est s usually spend the late evening BoU-rs comparing their activities and results. It is here that Father Mahon's role as pastor takes ef­ . feet. The curat-es benefit by bill experience and judgment ·iIl these talkathons. Each third -of the parish J8 further broken into blocks with >catechists-in-charge, who ))er­ form functions' usually reserved for the priest. They organize their area; they arrange fer reJi­ ~ious -exercises; baptism, marri­ .ages, .and instruction for both >children .and adults; they feel the r~flOnsibility for anyone in their bailiwick who is not living a lull Christian life. Tbm the 'priests of this parish have -BY assistants. Men Are Leaders' Father Mahon does ~ haft O£gan-ized groups of women. The emphasis in the parish is on par­ ticipation by th.e men. They are the members of the discussion -groups, they take an essential role in making parish decisione. They are the leaders of the parish; if the men come to Church, Father Mahon feels the whole community will be there with them. Father Mahon does not have 'a Catholic school. He is' at­ tempting to impart adequate re­ ligious in!>truction to the youth 'without the expensive eonstrue­ tion and operation of a school. He realizes that schools are im­ possible ,for many parishes fJIl Latin America. ' Father Mahon is also tryinc new methods cif supPort for' a Latin American parish. But that is a story in i~.,eU. ~el for Others Thl.l8, Father is seeking new answers to many old problems: Catholic schools necessary ~ call the. Latin American man. be broUght back to church - hqw tf) provide adequate religious persOnnel in spite of the poverty . o~ vocations - how can "the parish. be a potent force in eom­ 'munity living. There are several other. areas wbere 'Father Mahon has sel, a 'new.path in search of fascinating !\Glutions to frustrating difficul­ ties. The parish is becomin~ a beacon to be followed by other parishes of the whole Latin world. . However. matly of the visitors miss one of the more pleasant aspects of Father Mahon's parish. That is "Andy the Cook." Andy is the uncle of Father Bob Me­ ,Glynn, one of the assistants. He is an unofficial Papal Volunteer amI> was a cook in some of Cbi­ 'cago's finest hotels in days lODe



New BeeJford on LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL $500 I'll. Memory of Msgr. Anitoftlo

P. Vieira $300 I'll. Memory of Msgr. Antoni() P. Vieira

$200 In Memory of Msgr. Antonio P. Vieira

$100 Rev. Manual P. Ferreira In Memory of Msgr. Antonio P. Vieira Mt. Carmel Women's Club

$75 Rev. Lucino Perreira

$60 Mary T. Luiz



Holy Name Society Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro Rodrigues


Mr. & Mrs. Antone B. Santos Mr. & Mrs. Albino Sylvia

$25 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. & .Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Joseph Avila & Mrs. Arthur J. Caetano & Mrs. Joseph C. DeMello

Mrs. Riaymond Medeiros & Mrs. John Perry & Mrs. Joseph Souza

$20 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferro, Mrs. Maria Ferro, Noe Ferro, Mr. & Mrs. Joao Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Pedras Charles P. Rose & Theresa S. ., Rose, Mr. & Mrs. 'Edmund J. Sylvia

$15 Antone Lewis F'amily, Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. John Martins

$12 Manuel Almada, Francisco A. Baldo $11 Mr. & Mrs. Antone Andre

$10.84 Mt. Carmel CCD Classes

$10 Elsie Almeida, M a I' I a de Lourdes Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Cambra, Candida Canto, Mary J. Chaves Mr. & Mrs. John Correia, Mr. &: Mrs. Walter Correia, Mr., &: Mrs. William Costa Jr., Cove View Inc., Agnes DeMello & Mother Alice C. DeMello, Mr. & Mrs. lames DeMello, Mr. & Mrs. Vin­ eent Fernandes, Francis Ferreira, Mr. &: Mrs. Jacintho Ferro Bill Francis, Mr. & Mrs. Sil­ V'ester Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. Tobias Gasper, Mr. & Mrs. John GOmes, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Gomes Mr. & Mrs. Enos Gonsalves, earoline Goulart, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ win Goulart, Isabel F. Goulart, Mr. &:Mrs. Edward· Kocor Antone Lewis, Peter Lopes, Carol Louise Almeida, Mr. &: Mrs. James Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. Americo ArrUda Mr. & Mrs. Charles Arruda 11'., Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred Batacao, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cabral, Mr. &: Mrs. Charles Correia,' Mr. & Mrs. Jose S. Costa Silvino Castello, Mr. &: Mrs. loseph Couto, Casa Cunha, Mr. &: Mrs. Charles Florio, Mr. &: "Mrs. Joseph Fraga Mr. & Mrs. Antone Fume, Mr. &: Mrs. Charles A. Gaspar, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gonsalves, Maria Tomazia Guerreiro, Joseph & Maria Leandre Mr. & Mrs. Joaquim Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. James Machado, Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Magnant, Mr. & Mrs Lionel Medeiros

365 Years Service TENAFLY (NC)-The build­ ing here in New Jersey which houses St. Anthony's mission is 100 years old-but that's modern eompared to its seven occupants. 'IIhe seven Society of Afrlcal\ Mission priests who live here can total up their ages to 536 Tears and their service in the Pl'iesthood to 3~ years.

Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel Medeiros, Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel Mello, Feli­ , eidade Melo, Mr. &: Mrs. Antone Pacheco, Mrs. Gilda C. Perez Domingo Perry, Lucy Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rato, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur St. Pierre, Mr. &: Mrs. Antone Silva Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Simas, Jose Bento Soares, Mr. & Mrs. Jose F. Souza, Mary O. Souza, Mrs. Joseph P. Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Edmund M. Ta­ vares, Anna Varao, Sophie Var­ ao, Mr. &: Mrs. Louis Vasconcel­ los, Mr. &: Mrs. George Viegas Mr. & Mrs. Dionesio Vieira, Mr. &: Mrs. John Viveiros, Greg­ orio Luiz, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Macedo Jr., Joseph F. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Joao Mascarenhas & John Jr., Aristides Medeiros, Theophilo Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Morris, Frank Motta Mt. Carmel Boy Scouts Troop 11, ·Mt. Carmel PTA, Fernando Neto, Joao Moniz Neto, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pacheco Antone C. Page, Almerinda Paiva, Maria Eva Paiva, Mr. & Mrs. Mariano Pimental Mr. &: Mrs. Alberto Pousinho, Mr. &: Mrs. Mar.uel Rapoza Jr., Pedro & Estrella Ricardo, Mr. &: Mrs. J oao Rocha, Maria de Jesus da Rocha Benevides Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Santos, John F. Samagaio, Mr. & Mrs. John Sequeira, Mary E. Silva Mr. &: Mrs. A1' ~d Silveira, Mr. &: Mrs. Deolinda Souza, Maria da Gloria Sousa, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson A. Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Sylvia, Philo­ mena Sylvia

Cath'edral Ordination

C L U B SCHOLARSHIP: Marybeth Donovan, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Donovan, Holy Name parish, Fall River, is the re­ cipient of a scholarship from Fall River Catholic Woman's Club. A senior at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, she is a member of the Na­ tional Honor Society, Seven­ teeners' president and active in the student council.

Asks Opponents To Reconsider School Aid

Pope Paul Praises

Traffic Policemen

NASHVILLE (NC)-Fr. Robert F. Drinan, S.J., dean .of the Boston College law VATICAN CITY (NC) - To school, suggested here it was Rome harried traffic police­ men, Pope Paul VI spoke words of comfort and encouragement, and acknowledged that they "more than others, perhaps, re­ quire continuous selfcontroV' Anyone familiar with the cha­ otic traffic of the Eternal City, which was never designed to ac­ commodate its more than two million people and hundreds of thousands of cars, recognized that the Pope's sympathetic words were comforting to the traffic policemen received in audience. The Pontiff said: "We know that your duty is often heavy, uncomfortable and unpleasant * • • In going through the streets of Rome during the visits we make outside the apostolic palace by virtue of our apostolic ministry, we ourselves have seen with what great disci_ pline, serenity and good man­ ners you distinguish yourselves in the fulfillment of your duties."

Give Catholic Award To Jewish Newsman MANCHESTER (NC)-A Jew­ ish journalist was honored here in New Hampshire for encour­ aging youth in Catholic action. James Wechsler, assistant ed­ itor of the Lebanon Valley News, was one of 18 persons presented with the national Pro Deo et Juventute (For God and Youth) Medal of the Catholic Youth Organization for stimulating Catholic action among youth. The presentation was made at the second Manchester Diocesan Youth Congress here.

586 h, Missions ST. COLUMBANS (NC)-With 22 new mission appointments the Columban Fathers now have 586 members active in mission fields which cover seven coun­ tries. Father Daniel Boland, S.S.C., director, said here in Nebraska there now are 856 priests in the society's total membership of 1,004. The new appointments include 12 to the Philippine Islands, seven to Korea and three to South Amer­



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 14, 1964

time for opponents of Federal aid to church schools to "think the unthinkable" and reevaluate their position. Borrowing a phrase from Sen. J. William Fulbright's speech on foreign policy, Father Drinan declared that the objections to parochial school aid have been more personal than constitution_ al. He told an institute on Church-State relations at Van­ derbilt University here in Ten­ nessee that "one of the central reasons why aid to nonpublic schools is 'unthinkable' for so many persons is the central po­ sition of prestige always enjoyed by the public schonl in every era of American history." However, he added, "in seek­ ing to reply to this emotion­ laden concept of the public school, one can argue either that tax support for .church-related schools would not diminish the prestige of the public school or that, even if such a result did occur, it would bring about no harm and in fact some good to the nation." "One can urge, in other words, that there will be no 'prolifera­ tion' of private schools or that, even if this did come about, it would be a sound and healthy deVlelopment in a religiously pluralistic society."

Fear of New Ideas Father Drinan noted that pri­ vate church-related schools have in reality been "proliferating" ever since the end of World War II. At the present time, one out of every eight children is edu­ cated in private schools. He said it is evident that even the members of the Supreme Court have not been able to reconcile to themselves the con­ stitutional clauses that prohibit the "establishment" of churches and tha t permit of "free exer­ cise" of religion. Stating that the "real issues involved have hardly yet been discovered," he declared that the "certain fear of new ideas" among a great number o( peo­ ple will have to be overcome if the problem is to be solved.

Continued from Page One Rev. Mr. ~arrington Rev. Mr. Harrington is the son of Attorney Edward J. Harring­ ton and Mrs. Esther (Yates) Harrington, 556 County Street, New Bedford. He was graduated from Holy Family Grammar School and Holy Family High School' and was awarded an A.B. degree magna cum laude by Holy Cross College in 1960. He completed his studies for the priesthood at Theological Col­ lege, Catholic University of America, Washington. He is the brother of Attorney Edward J. Harrington Jr., Mrs. John J. Callanan and Mrs. Hugh C. Gillis, all on New Bedford, and Mrs. Francis W. Cain of Melrose. Ordination sponsor will be Rev. Donald E. Belanger, St. Jean Baptiste Church, Fall River. Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.D., V.G., will preside at Rev. Mr. Harrington's First Solemn Mass at 12 noon Sunday, May 31, in St. Lawrence Church, New Bedford. Rev. John J. Murphy, Mount Carmel, Seekonk, will be arch priest; Rev. Joseph F. D'Amico, st. Thomas More, Somerset, dea­ con; Rev. Justin J. Quinn, St. Lawrence, subdeacon. Preacher will be Rev. John P. Driscoll, 85. Peter and Paul, 1!'all River, assistant general manager of The Anchor. Rev. Mr. Bowen The son of Francis and Eliza­ beth McNamara Bowen was

Pronnote Interest In Brotherhoods NEW YORK (NC) - An or­ ganization designed to promote interest in the various Catholic brotherhoods held its second meeting here at Fordham Uni­ versity. Brother Cyril Roberts, S.M., a Marist, was the principal speaker at the Guild of St. Joseph to Foster Vocations to the Religious Brotherhoods. The guild was founded by Brother Francis E. Butler, S.J., 26, who is stationed at the New York Jesuit Province headquarters here. Alarmed over waning interest in the various brotherhoods, Brother Butler founded the guild as an informational organiza­

tion through which representa­ tives of all Religious Brothers communities may explain their work.

Brother Butler has suggested that interested persons - more than 50 young men have at­ tended the two meetings - at­ tend eight sessions to get a com­ plete picture of the life offered by the various brotherhoods in the contemplative, tea chi n g, nursing, missionary and other fields. Future meetings have been scheduled on the first and third Sunday·s of each month. The guild has been given official

approval of the New York arch­

diocese through Msgr. John T.

Doherty, archdiocesan vocational




born July 1, 1938 in AttleborO. He graduated from Monsignor Coyle High and was valedictor­ ian of his class of 1956. He attended c;t. Thomas Sem­ inary, Bloomfield, Conn., St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, and the Theological College of Cath­ olic Universary, Washington. Rev. Mr. Bowen has one sis­ ter, Mrs. Thon:as Kilbridge of Framingham, and a brother, David of Reading. Rev. Ambrose E. Bowen, pas­ tor of Corpus Christi Church, Sandwich, is an uncle, and Sis­ ter Sean Mary, R.S.M., is a cousin. Offic~rs of the First Solemn Mass to be offered on Sunday, May 31, in St. John's Church, Attleboro, are: Father Ambrose Bowen, archpriest; Rev. Ed­ ward A. Rausch, deacon; Rev. James F. McCarthy, subdeaconj Rev. John F. Cronin, master of ceremonies. Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Wals~ win preach. Rev. Mr. Donaghy The son of Edward J. and Frances McCarron Donaghy was born on May 29, 1936, in Ros­ lindale. Following graduation from St. Sebastian's Country Day School, Newton he attended Holy Cross College, Worcester and St. Mary's Seminary, Balti­ more. Most Rev. Frederick A. Don­ aghy, M.M. of China and Rev. William Donaghy, S.J. are un­ cles of Rev. Mr. Donaghy. Rev. John Doherty is a cousin. The First Solemn Mass will be offered in Holy Name Church West Roxbury on Sunday, May 31. The officers of the Mass will be: Rt. Rev. Charles Finn, pas­ tor of Holy Name Church, archpriest; Fa·ther Doherty, deacon; Rev. Michael Furey, subdeacon. Father William Donaghy, S.J. will preach.

Pontif Says Lepers Suffer for All Men VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI said that those who suf­ fer. from leprosy ,suffer with. Christ for all men. The Pope spoke in a letter to Msgr. Luigi Novarese, official delegate of the Italian Bishops to the nation's hospitals, follow­ ing a mission he preached at a hospital for lepers in Messina. Pope' Paul wrote: "Despite the apparent useless­

ness of their pains, they are

called upon to give the Divine

Saviour the most valuable and beneficial collaboration for the whole of mankind-that of suf­ fering."



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THE' ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. May 14, 1964

Delegate Proises Cathol ic Schools

Says Church Has New ~oncern For Families With One Parent

PHlLADELPffiA (NC) - The Apostolic Delegate said here U. S. Catholics should continue their devotion to Catholic edu­ cation, "the brightest jewel iB. the crown of the Church in America." . Archbishop Egidio Vagnozz! spoke at the dedication of the new Cardinal O'Hara High School. It is a $3.2 million faci­ lity which will enroll 2,000 girls and an equal number of boys ill separate wings. "I wflnt you to know that to­ day I am speaking to the en­ tire nation, that you should con­ tinue in your devotion to Catho­ lic education," he said. 'Glory of Church' "And I want you to know," he added, "that this dedication of yours to Catholic education is shared by the overwhelming ma­ jority of the bishops." Archbishop Vagnozzi, who blessed the new school' told the audience that Pope Paul VI be­ came enthusiastic about the Catholic school system during a visit here several years ago. "He still frequently talks of your schools as th glory of he ChUl'dl ill America," he said.

By Mary Tinley Daly

What about a Catholic family with only one (surviving) parent?" "Is there something in the Church concerned with problems of tl:e widowed? I mean, similar to Cana, Family Life?" And, most poignant: "Do you know where in our (Catholic) Church I could meet others in my predica­ know. Our children have to grow up, perhaps more hurrie::lly than ment - that of a divorced others, and we have to help wife, obviously unable to them."

remarry, yet faced with rearing Mentioned was the usual

a family alone? There are groups slacking off in endeavor toward of 'singles' in school work for a year or so the metropoli­ after a parent's death. Compas­ tan area where sion of teachers, grief of sur­ I live. I at­ viving parent all contribute to tended one the attitude, "I just can't take m eeti ng but algebra, not now." realize it is not This is not the time for harsh_ for me. Helpful ness, was 'the consensus, but it they may be for is time for discipline. A little other divorcees, "spoiling" perhaps, but not abso­ but I am sure lute abandor:ment of life on a you see the dif­ more serious scale. ference." Priests Help These are ex­ Comment from one young cerpts from letters received by widow was the helpfulness of this column. Other Catholie parish priest and his assistants: writers must have heard the "I know they put us down on same pleas for compassion and their calendar: 'Visit the Rich­ understanding of a family not ards' but you have no idea what composed of Pop, Mama and the a lilt it gave us. Father would kiddies. drop in and talk with the boys Most disheartening and trau­ every now and then. Our kids matic are the experiences of one­ felt that their church really parent heads of families when cared about them.. And the male they attend the usual Catholie companionship of those young Family Life Conferences seeking priests with my boys is some­ help in solving problems of child thing I shall never forget." rearing. Fertunately, in >1:,any dioceses, Bel. v<>ec1ed there are now established Post­ As one reader wrote: "I was Cana groups, integral parts of determined to attend one session the Family Life Movement. They 011 Problems of the Teenage Boy. assist in solution of spiritual, I felt lost in handling my OWB parental, psychological, financial teenage son whose father died and social problems arising di­ two years ago. Advice It boiled rectly or indirectly from the Wl­ down to 'This is thp time for timely death of a husband or father to enter the picture ae­ wife, or abandonment. , tively.' Wives in the audienee On the practical side, theFe (all except I) glanced at their are assists in the realm of estates, husbands. The advice wac good. wills, budgets, alternate means I'm sure many a family profited of support. by it. I came away, more sunk On the psychological, there is than ever. Is remarriage the only help with the problems of grief, answer? I don't want to re-marry guilt, resentment and loneliness. simply to foist a problem onto On the spiritual, comes invita­ 6Omeone else." tion to a fuller interior life, that For too long, the one-parent which the new vocation offers. famj1y has been neglected. . "Fresh air" is opening, within Recently, this reporter at­ the Catholic Church, to one-par­ tended a Family Life Conference ent families. where Papa, Mama and the kiddies were not the whole con­ cern, Times have changed, with Commission to Study "fresh air" as suggested by Pope John XXIII blowing in the Status of Women TRENTON (NC) - The presi­

windows. This particular conference had dent of a Catholic: college and one entire workshop devoted to a r--"esentative of a Catholic or­ g·anization are among 19 people "The One-Parent Family." Pre­ named to study the status of sent were young and middle­ aged widows and widowers, all women in New Jersey. The commission is being or­ with problems. ganized by Gov. Richard J. A priest-moderator began the discussion which triggered a Hughes, who announced the ap­ people-te-people conflab which pointments. It will be patterned after a similar Presidential com­ was most helpful of all. "Tell a 13-year-old boy he mission on the Federal level. Named to the group werp Sis­ must 'fill his father's shoes' and be 'the father of the family'?" ter Hildegarde Marie, president quoted a re c e n t I Y widowed of the College of St. Elizabeth, woman. "Why, this throws him Convent S tat ion, and Mrs into a tizzy. It isn't fair. I must Dorothy K. Bock o·f Audubon, state regent of the Catholic shield him." "But not be over-protective," Daughters of America. warned another wido'" "This is the inclination, as I so well

Plan Maine Interfaith Convocation Tuesday

Meeting to Support Immigration Bill

SOUTH ORANGE (NC)-As­ sodated Catholic Charities of the PORTLAND (NC)-The three Newark archdiocese will join major faiths will sponsor a con­ with Protestant, Jewish and vocation here next Tuesday to lab"''' and welfare groups in coincide with the national one in sponsoring a public meeting at Washington supporting passage Seton Hall University here Mon­ of the civil rights bill before the' day in support of immigration legislation before Congress. Senate. Justice Donald E. Webber of Sen. Harrison A. Williams of the Maine Supreme Court will New Jersey, a sponsor of the speak at the rally as will repre­ immigration bills, will give the sentatives of the Catholic keynote address. Msgr. Patrick Church, the Maine Council of J, Trainor, executive director of Churches and a Jewish spokes­ Catholic Charities, will be chair­ man from Temple Beth EI here. of the evening.

MUSICAL FESTIVAL: Students gather at BishC)JJ Fe'ehan High School, Attleboro for first Diocesan MUSK Festival. :Irrom left, Barbara Schmitt, Lea Meunier, Nortb Attleboro; Richard Pariseau, New Bedford; Sister Mary Rochelle, JR.S.M., director of music at Bishop Feehan; Nancy Cunha, N,ew Bedford; Charles Velardo, Seekonk. Some 700 students representing 11 Dioeesan high schools participated in festival.

Explains Federal Aid Stand Comedine Says Bishops Ask Recognition Of Parochial Schools' PubJic Purposes EALTIMORE (NC) - No one seeJ:ing indusion of nonpublie schools in federal aid proposals wants the government to provide catechisms -)r crucifixes, the di­ rector of the Legal Department of t:!le National Catholic Welfare Conference said here. William R Consedine told the 53rC! annual convention of the BaHimore Archdiocesan Union of Holy !'i'ame Societies that '~parents and churches are eager to keep complete control of the relilPous aspects of education." Consedine has been one of the NCWC spokesmen to appear be­ fore congr.~ssional committees studying FEderal aid to educa­ tion and he was a chief archi­ tect of the legal department's major legal study arguing for the constitutionality of Federal aid to church-related schools. He told 1,200 men: «If the government provides scientific equipment or language laboratories for children going to one school, it makes no sense to say that the government can­ not provide the same things to all ehildren for the same public purpose." 'Tllg of War' Too many people see the dis­ eussion on Federal aid to paro­ chial and other non pub lie schools as a "religious tug of war," according to Consedine, with the Catholic Bishops on one end and protectors of

Chu:~ch-State separation on the



"All the Bishops are really alf­ gerling," said Consedine, Hie that to the extent our scheels fulfill purposes in common with public schools in providing citi­ zen education, these serviees constitutionally selected by ta~­ paying parents for the educa­ tion of their children may and ought to be accorded equal recognition."

lauds President's War on Poverty NEW ORLEANS (NC) - A applauded President Johnson's all-out war against poverty in this country and called on 'all Christians, all citi­ zens of good will" to enlist "fol' the duration." Father James L. Vizzard, S.J., director of the Washington, D.C., office of the National Catholic Rural Life Conference, in his sermon at a Mass marking the feast of St Joseph the Worker at Loyola University here in Louisiana, said the situation de­ mands "taxpayers accept and pay the cost of this war." It will cost billions of dollars to put a man on the moon, Father Vizzard said, but it is more ur­ gent to expend millions "to put bread into the bellies of the hungry," provide decent housing and create new and needed jobs to dispel the country's poverty.

I' r i est

Restoring Historic Chapel in Midwest MACT{INAW CITY (NC) One of the first parish church" in the American Midwest • being restored here in Michigan in the reconstruction of Fon MichiImar.kinac, an old FreBdl fur-trading post. • The original building was co~ structed in 1743. and wall dragged over the ice to the safety of Mackinac: leland when all lndian raid almost wiped out the post in 1779. .As St. Ann'.

parish on the island. it was tlle

tim chureh dedieated to St.

Ann in the U.S. and has tbe oldest parish records in the Mid­

west. The 32 by 60"-foot structure will be built of squared logs ane f1'- '_:1:=d with-18th century OJ"­ naments.

Catholic Hospital Re"ceives Donation CHI C AGO (NC) - Me1'e:J H£iSpital'S new medical center under construction on Chicago'. South Side has received a $56.­ 000 contribution from the Robert R. •• "''''rmick Charitable TrusL Mother Mary Hubert, mother provincial of the Sisters of Mercy, said the gift wa~ a "major step forward in helping us achieve our dream of a new Mercy Hospital and medical center for Chicago." The hospi­ tal is in the midst of a $9.2 mil­ lion develo'pment program.

Norris H. Tripp , SHEET METAL J. TESER, Prop. RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERC!Al 253 Cedar St., New Bedford WY 3-3222

LINCOLN PARK Rt. 6-Between Fall River and New Bedford



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THE ANCHORThurs., May 14, 1964

Says Childless Couples Have

Opportunities For Sacrifice.

Sees Chri stiens Drawn Closer

By John J. Kane, Ph. D. "What about a family which cannot have children and eannot adopt them? Must they always be looked down on? Is it a mortal sin not to have children, as some would make 118 believe? Do we have to be the target of constant criti­ cism, snide remarks and tity. This is patently absurd. such? My husband and I God in His wisdom has blessed would love to have children. certain families with numerous We simply are incapable. It children, others with few, and ls not our fault." Helen, you propose a most interesting series of questions. In • day and age when there is eonstant tal k over the popu­ lation explo­ sion, and a fear that people are having too many children, 70U r ai s e the :' problemofa family that can­ ItOt have ehil­ 4ren but would like t· do ~. Your letter is certainly a novel ~e.

Of course, it is not a mortal not to have children under


ete circumstances you describe. The primary end of marriage i5 Cbe propagation of the hamlit\ nee and the rearing of childrea. But if God in Ris wisdom hal SE'-" fit to make TeProductiGn impossible for either you, Y0ur llusband, or both of you, this Immediately places file re~on­ anility of not having a famity _tirely outside of your hands. Medieal Problem . About 10 per cent of all Amet"­ bn couples are sterile. That ... either the husband. the wife, . . both, are sterile. Sometimes .is condition can be alterM, it is very largely a medial JIl"Oblem aDdl'lUch people .are ..ell advised to eonsult a specia­ Ilat regarding tbe difficulty. There are a number of other eeuples who are not really aetr­ . , but who have nlproductive IIGwers considerably less thaD. ~mal. .Again this is a med~.;f ~oblem whicll a physician mar Ite able toresolv.e. There are eertain people ­ ad sometimes they are Ulose who have moM children thaa they ever wanted - who criti­ eire childless couples. Such pee­ pIe obviouS'ly believe that if a ....ple does not baveehildren, tl!en they are practi~ birth eootrol. T'hey feel that ihat eetlple isn'hrilling to assume the eesponsibility of beari~ and .-ring children.



Sometimes, of course, this is the case. But charity at least 4lemands that the usual attitude tltward clill.dle!ls couplesshGtild tie that they :ue incapable Bf ltearing d1i1.dren and what they .erit is sym~, not criticism. 1ft some quarters there is a tr~e of fertility cult Whieh seems h consider the number of tlK'inga genuiDe index of ARC-


Pontiff Aids Mother . Widowed by Suicide ROME (NC) -Pope Paul VI has sent word to a young mother .t six who wus left a widGW when her unemployed hushaad committed suicide that he will help her keep her famil:r w­ gether. The Bishop of Rome let M·rs. Maria Dessi know that there is a .job awaiting her, and that her two children now under the care of nuns will be able to returll kome. The suicide of SistinG Dessi, • laborer who was out of work, has shocked Rome and throwD. a harsh light on the pligbt .t Italian workers in a time of ris­ ing unemploymeo.t and. risia,c prices. The six DelISi lM'phatllJ range from a babe ill anas _ •

Ito,. of nine.

still others with none. certainly, parents of large families are called upon to make unusual sacrifices, not only fi­ nancially, but psychologically, socially, and in many ways. One is compelled to admire. the mother and :father of eightchil­ !iren who rear them adequately. Adoption Complex Matter But the childless couple has an opportunity to make scrifices, too. They are able to engage ill various charitable aets. Since they do have more time than mothers and fathers of small children, they can join church arganizations and assume active leadership. When they love chil­ dren deeply, they can easily find an outlet for this love in the many activities dealing with child life. While a sterile couple may nGt ever be a biologieal mother or father of a single dbild, they can be a type of fosterpar~nt te many children. This does not mean the criticism of such a muple wffi automatically cease. But eventually they may elicit admiration for their many wGr'ks of charity and mercy. The whole matter of adGptiGR Is a large and complex matter nlM: easily disposed of in li few words. However. there are ~r­ bin couples who simpJ,y cann0t adOpt children. One reaSGn may be their age, another finaneial inability to support d1iJdren, aRB ma·ny, many others. n is usually claimed that there are more people wantiIll: ,. • dopt children 1han tbere aTe children available. Thi. is '1!O't necessarily true. MiIlerit7 Gr.-p CltilheB Couples seeking to atropt ehil­ tIren are usually loolrlnC for a eerlain type of ehi1dr~n. Quite llGI"t"eCtly, they want a healthy baby, but they sometimes want a great deal more than merely health. They want a child of their own race, even possibly their own nationality. This, too, is HRder­ standable, but Catholic Social WeHare and other agencies re­ pGrt that it is very difficult to place children of minority It"GUps.

For example, thet"e are "Yery few Negro homes into which children are adopted. This means that there are a number of Negro infants who would be eligible fM' adoption by white families if they would accept them. Possi1t~ SolutioB The family that ma,y find :it very difficult to adopt a child, may still be unable to obtain a minority group child for adap­ lion, but at least 1his effoct might be attempted. Aside from the fact that there bI discrimination against Ne­ groes, however, one obvious hesitancy about adopting a mi­ DOrity group child is that the f<tsterparents can never claim the child is really tbeirs. But ultimately in most cases, foster parents do inform the adopted child of his true origin. The only diH-erence is that this sort of thing becomes ap­ parent to a minority group child eady il\ life. But for people wbo IleaUy love children, canno' have them themselves, and have been .-nable to adopt the child they wBUld like, this may-offer a pgi;­ litHe solution. In tOOay's society, this will require some heroisa. But theR most acts .t true 10¥e



REHEARSAL TIME: Students at Sacred Hearts Aca­ demy, Fan River, with an assist from boys at neighboring schools, will present "Our Town" at 4 Wednesday after­ noon, May 20 and 8 Thursday night, May 21, in the school auditorium. Rehearsing the Pulitzer Prize winning drama are, from left, Norma Pereira, Susan Johnson, Camer6n Shea, Timothy Perry.

No Easy Way Prelate Sees Continued Search for MOfc:d family :Limitation Plan WOLF' .... flST (NC) - Steu­ benville's Bishop John King Mussio said here in Ohio there is just no "easy" way of limitinc morally the size of a familT. The prelate told ~ members of Catholic women's clubs the ·Church does notordel' lHge families. "I am certain, though, that means will be provided for oon­ scientious parents to achieve ttleir purpose without semi-im­ possible conditions or haphazard chances," he said. "Our effGris !!'Dust be continually brought to bear on searching the means al­ lowed us to aecomplish a safe and moral family limHatios plan. "There is much to be studied about the (progesterone) ~iU, but there is much already lieter­ mined about the pill which for­ bids its use in certain eases," the Bishop continued. "With alii this discussion, however, there need be no confusion. We havecer­ tainty about what we cannet lie. What we can de in these ellses is still to be thought lJUt."

Says CathoHc School Aid Eventual 'Must'

PROVIDENCE ( N C) - A Caholic nun said here a civiliza­ tion which "is no longer Chris­ tian" is drawing Catholic and Protestants closer together. Sister Mary Francis and three other Franciscan Missionaries of Mary were guests of four Epis­ copalian Sisters of the Holy Nativity at an "ecumenical missionary luncheon" - first event of its kind in Rhode Is­ land. Some 130 women of the Catholic, Episcopalian, Congre­ gational and Methodist laity at­ tended the luncheon in the Guild House of 81. Stephen's Episcopal church. Alien Forces "We are face to face with alien forces bent on the total destruc­ tion of our Faith," said Sb"1:er Mary Francis, public relations director for the U.s. province of the Franciscan Missionaries. She said her group and the Episcopalian nuns were drawn together by two causes - the desire for closer unity on the part of all who believe in Christ, and tbe pressure on both £rem outside "enemies of Christ" in a civilization which "is Ili) lon&er Christian." Rev. Warren R. Ward, rector of St. Stephen'.. church. eJt­ pressed hope the luncheoa was the forerunner of many JIIlea gatherings. He said: "Only by prayer, love and understanding eat'l unity be aooomplished"

S;ster Ad The Misses Simonne ami Denise Dufour, daughters ~ 'Mrs. Romeo Dufour, fi7 MorteR Street, Fan River, have WGIl second and third places it\ • French contest sPOnsored by tile Eastern Massaehusetts chapter of the American Associatioa eI. Teachers of French. Awaru were presented at Emmanuel College by Hon. Jean Savelli,

French cousul. :>enise is a juni.­

and Simonne a sopbomore lit

St. Joseph Prc;paratory School, 2501 South Main Strett, Fall River, conducted })y the Sisters of St. Joseph of Puy. Their French teacher is Sistet" Ver'QIl­ ique, S.S.J.

The Bishop said :P~es Plus XI and Pius XII, speakin: as teachers, have .said eontracep­ tion, contraceptive sterilizatiOR and medicine for direct contra­ ceptive purposes may not be used to interfere with the mar­ ital act. The Bishort added: "This means that human inter­ vention in the generative system is wrong." Bishop Mussie reealled that eertain nations in recent times have decreed birth control as an economic or social panacea, hut later felt compelled t.o Gffer large bounties for large families. "It is one thing," he stated,

'"to striv~ for a reasonable bal­ Bible Committee

ance in this matter, another to

CHICAGO (NC)-A standing manipulate the most sacred and eommittee of Catholic and Pr&t­ intimate manifestations 9f (MIt' estant scholars t-o "constantly human makeup and responsibil­ revise" a common Engliih Bible ity to meet the time schedule of has been advocated by Father a few 80 ealled social students, John L. .McKenzie, S..J., pre9i­ ar rather 'messiahs' Gf MH' na­ -dent of Ole Catholic Biblical tional $llivation." ASlIOciation, in an article in the May issue of Extension maga­ New Bedford Women zine published here. New officers for New Bedford District of the DiocesanCauneU of Catholic Women are Mrs. Leo iI.Telesmanick, St. Mary's par­ ish, South Dartmouth; re-elected president; Miss Laurette Beau­ regard, St. Anthon,., New Bed­ ford, vice-president; Mrs. Man­ uel G. DaSilva, Immaculate Conception, New Bedford, treas­ urer; Mrs. Joseph J. Gleason, Holy Name, New Bedford and Miss Leonor Luiz, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, New Bedford sec­ retaries. '

White's farm Dairy "SPECIAL MILK From Our Own

MANCHESTER (NC) - The Tested Herdl l superintendent 1)£ schoels for the Acushnet, Mass. WY 3-4451 Manchester diocese said here the nation's parochial schools even­ • Speciol Milk tually will need financial assist­ • Homogeni:r:ed Vito 0 Milk ance in some phases of their pro­ • tsuttermilk «rams if they are to be kept in • TropicanaOrange Juice operation. • Coffee and Choc. Milk But, Father George E. Murray • Eggs - Butter emphasized at a breakfast meet­ ing of the Manchester Chamber ~ of Commerce, ill some areas the time for assistance already has arrived. He mentioned the

spreading shared-time pIll n SHARON, MASSACHUSmS through which parochial scha&l Spacious Fir~proof Sleeping Quarters-Boys 7 to 1'- Yrs. Old~~

students join public school stll­ ~ Six week season: June 28 to AU9ust 8 dents in public school facilities .egister for 2, ... 4 1 or • weeks Free Tutoring if Desire. for certain non-religious courses. In the New Hampshire area, Father Murray said, the most $erious problem confl'Gntinc tbe .... SHAltON, MASSACHusms ... parochial ~hools is reel1litiIlg A Resident School for hys Gram.... arGrades4-S-6-1~ .. ~ qualified lay teachers. He said ... THE ••OTHERS OF l'HI: SACRED lfEAltT 1he need. for such ieaeller.s -ill ift­

..... ........

.,,....,.....,,.. r' ~





•• r ' .

«eaiinc sh.a1'.P17•

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Attleboro ST. TERESA $33

Joseph Iwuc

$25 Robert Cournoyer Louis Desmarais . Confraternity of Christian Mothers .oJohn Leonard $20 James Mann Leona Beausoleil, Francis Gil­ lan, Nelson Roy, William La­ pointe $15 - Paul Bonneau, Vincent An­ "drews, Mrs. William Wall, George Tedino William Galligan George O'Brier., Linus Gignac . $12 Victor Gosselin $10 Joseph Gawlik, Richard Gaw­ lik, Donat Labonte, Edward Connolly, Lawrence Davis George EntwiStle, John Tan­ nock, Joseph LUl1derville, Wil':' liam Rec, Wilfred Rajotte Joseph Ru~ana, Charles Bal­ ser, Francis Duff~, Lucien Do­ rais, Raymond Brogan Rene Gingras, John Packer, Albert Colaccio,' Frank Dogiala, Jean Lescault . Jean Laliberte, Hector Benoit, Andrew Brady, Robert Hanna­ way, Lucien Viens Michael Homsamy, Jean Mor­ issette, Henry Benoit, Ralph Williams, Robert Desrochers Mrs. Emile Gosselin, James Gigliotti, George Busby, Bar­ thelemi Ayotte, Robert Andrews John Marek, Joseph Robi­ ~haud, Mrs. Ola Moss, Theodore Ethier, Vincent Brennan Francis McInerney, Charles Yankee, Theodore Bergeron, Al­ fred Danho, Thomas Higgins Mrs.· William Howland, James . Henry, Rene Therrien, Raymond Bourque, Thomas McLaughlin Dominic Berardi, Karl Bro­ ~an, Russell O'Neil, George Beauregard, Harvey Rousseau Rodolphe Bergeron, Arthur Duhamel, Yvonne Monast, Wil­ liam Healy, Aime Turgeon Ma rio n Cerrone Daniel Mahoney William Goff, Clovis Gignac, Roy -Muldoon Donald Harkins, Steven Ce­ helsky, Ernest Major, Horace Lacroix, Frank Carroll R 0 I and Desmarais, Alfred Benoit, James Ney, Hubert Ap­ pleton, William Lafond Mrs. Valmore Lafontaine, Al­ die Grenier, Adrien Deschenes, Mrs. Blanche Palardy, Stanley Nyzio Francis Gallagher, Joseph Bienecki, William Bolka, Phil­ ippe Bonneau, Roland Lucier Roger Benoit, Mrs. Mary Shackleton, Thomas Fenton, Louis Bachand, Roger Bussiere 0

Mrs. Donat Houde, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Prefontaine, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Poissant Carole A. Nicholson, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Pino, Joseph An­ taya, Mrs. Aurore Green, Mrs. Leo St. Martin Mrs. Rita Irving, Mr. & Mrs. Rodolphe Boucher, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cholowski, Lucien Sal­ vas, Mr. & Mrs Donald Bressette Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Figuerado Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Joubert, Mr. & Mrs. Justino Marsella, Mr. & Mrs. George Hamel, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Perry Mr. & Mrs. Richard LaPalme, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bergeron, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Doucette, Mr. & Mrs. James Lathigee, Ovila Tondreau Mr. & Mrs. Earl Lund, Aldea Nolin, Donald Doucette, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Go.verno, Rosario Proulx Florent A. Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest DesVergnes Mr. & Mrs. Leon Paille, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Vadnais, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boucher, Mrs. Emilie Sabourin, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Edwards Mr. & Mrs. James Fyfe, Mrs. Harvey Davignon, Mr. & Mrs. -Mark Mercier, Yvonne Chartier, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Ladabauche Mr. & Mrs. 'Arthur Tremblay, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Thouin, Mr. & Mrs. Roger DesVergnes, Nor­ mand Richard FO'ltneau. Mr. & Mrs. Jean B. L'Abbe . Raymond L'Abbe, Mrs. Robert Smith, Mr. & Mrs Philippe Plante, Mrs. Marie Fontneau, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Fontneau Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brousseau, Lillian Audette, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Rainville, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dulude, Mr. & Mrs. Jean Fortin Mr. & Mrs. George Juaire, Mrs. Alice Mandeville, Mrs. Marie Boudreau, Mrs. Vida Dus_ sault

ST. MARY $500

Attleboro Dyeing & Finishing $50 -

Holy Name Society

Knights of Columbus

$30 Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Crowley Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thos. Gannon $25 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Durant Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Smith $20 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Cinq-Mars, George & June Marchand $15 Mr. & Mrs. George McNiff, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Murray $10 Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Beauregard, Mr. & Mrs. James Brackett Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Braga, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Charron, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Costa Mr. & Mrs. Rocco DeFruscio, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Delaney, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Farrell, Mr. & Mrs. ST. JOSEPH Thomas Hennick, Mr. & Mrs. $100 Armand Lortie St. Vincent de Paul Society Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mendes, $60 Mr. & Mrs. James McKearney, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DesVergnes Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Messier, Mr. $35 . & Mrs. Joseph Rafferty, Mr. & Mrs. Yvonne Hamel Mrs. Charles Scott $25 J. Sherry, Mr. Raymond Ste­ Mr. & Mrs. Jean Duphily benne, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Jean Joyal Tracey $10 Ernestine Heroux, Mr. & Mrs. Norton John Nicholson, Mr. & Mrs Ray­ ST. MARY mond Dion, Albert Raymond, $250 Louis DesVergnes Rev. William D. Thomson Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Antaya, $50 Rose Antaya, Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fernandes Smith, Mrs. Gerald Lafontaine, $30 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Frazer' Mr. & Mrs. Charles Drane & Mr. & MrsFrederick Dupuis, Charles Drane Jr Mr. & Mrs. Norman~ Thibault, Mrs. Peter Mondor Family Mr. & Mrs. Armand Pineault, $25 Mr. & Mrs. Leonide Gaulin Mrs. Joseph P. Bartley Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Blomer Mr. & Mrs. Louis Perry, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. John Blottman Mr. & Mrs. Donald Butts & Mrs. Robert Renaud, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cazemiro, Mr. & Mrs Mr. & Mrs. George Desormeau John Drane John Gibbs, Joseph Salvas Mr. & Mrs. William V. Fla­ Arthur Salvas, Gerard Salvas, Mr. & Mrs. Leger Turcotte, Mr. herty

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fonseca

& Mrs. Joseph Paradis, Lionel Joseph & Virginia McGrane

A. Demers Mr. & Mrs. Michael Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Proulx, Mr Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pires

If Ml"s. Wilfred Bastille, Mr. " 0


Praises Hospital For Quake Work

RECEIVES HONOR: Officer of the order of Orange­ Nassau was conferred in the Netherlands Embassy in Wash­ ington, on James J. Norris, president of the International Catholic Migration Commission, by Emile L. C. Schiff, Charge d'Affaires to the Embassy for his aid to Dutch and Dutch-Indonesian refugees. NC Photo. Mrs. Anna Shea Mr. & Mrs. Homer Simmons Mrs. G,~rtrude Valentine Mr. & Mrs. Chester Vota Mr. & Mrs. Henri Yelle $20 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bryant, :Mr. • Mrs. Joseph Thibp.'lUlt & Florence, Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Titus, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wich­ l~md

$15 Mrs. William Fountain, G 0 n sal v e s, Paqutte Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. .Jr. $10 Mrs. Ja:nes Abbott, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Arena, Mr. & Mrs. Ger­ ard Bachand, David Bellrose, Mrs. Wilf.red Bessette Anthony B 0 iss e, Norman B:>iven, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bry­ ant Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Chester Butts & Dorothy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cabral Mrs. Florence Carmichael, Kathleen Carmichael, Mr. & Mrs Kenneth Carr, Mr. & Mrs. Law­ rence Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. John Carvalho Mr. & Mrs. Louis Chamoagne, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Chaput, Mr. & Mrs. George Charette Jr., Richard Charette, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Charron Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dion, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Drew, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dion, Mr. & Mrs. John Dunn, Mr!'. Irving Fillmore Mr. & Mrs. Exdras Fontneau, Donald Gurity, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Gouveia, Mr. & Mrs. Felix Grise, l\Tary Hanington Mr. & :\1:rs. George Hemond, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Hind, Damon Hope, 'loude Family, Mrs. James H. Johnso:l :Mr. & :tv.:rs. Joseph S. Jolly Jr. 1\11'. & MrBo Simon LaRosee, Mr. & Mrs. H,mry LeClaire, Mr. & Mrs. William J. Lynch, Mr. & M" John Marsden :Wr. & Mrs. Anthony Medeiros, MI'. & Mrs. Joseph F. Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Molitor, Mr. & Mrs. Ro' 'rt J. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. George Norton Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Martin O'Malley, Ann O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ouellette, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Paille Mr. & Mrs. Edward Paradise, Mrs. Arthur Payson, Charles Pino, Mr. & Mrs: Roland Ro­ berge, Eugene J. Roy Mrs. J01;eph Russell, Mr. & Mrs. George Sabourin, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Schreiver, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shaw, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Si Iva ]vrr. & MI·s. Edward Smith, Mr. &. Mrs. Fred Smith & Robert, Mr. & Mrs, Judson Stafford, Mr. Dr. & Antonia Family, Teixeira

& Mrs. Philip Stepanek, Mr. & Mrs. William D. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Jose Teixeira, Mr, & Mrs. Felix Yarusites, Mr. & Mrs. Benedict Yelle, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Yelle, Mrs. Gertrude Sut­ cliffe

German Lutherans Welcome Dialogue BERLIN (NC)-The Evangel_ ical Church of Germany wel­ comes "the increasing readiness we see within the Roman Cath­ olic Church itself for free dia­ logue." The L u the l' a n Protestant Church said that important question must still be decided, and that therefore, there can be no final decisions now. But it staid that "vying in faith, love and hope, we want to cooperate with our Roman Catholic fellow citizens in the mutual overcom­ ing of scandals, in Christian co­ existence and in reappraising the Christian witness in the world."

Circuit Court Judge Dismisses Bus Suit WASHINGTON (NC) - A circuit court judge in suburban Prince Georges County, Md., has dismissed a suit by parents of parochial school children seeking to obtain public school bus trans­ portation for their children. Judge William B. Bowie held that the parents had not ex­ hausted the administrative re­ medies available to them and should take their case to the State Board of Education rather than the courts. The suit was brought by a group of parents in Belair, Md., after their request to have some 200 children transported on pub­ lic school buses to a parochial school was turned down by the County Board.

ANCHORAGE (NC) - Provi­ dence Hospital here in Alaska has been commended by a mem­ ber of the American Medical A900 sociation's committee on disaster medical care for its work ill caring for injured and sick fo}.. lowing the Good Friday earth­ quake. Dr. Wayne P. Chesbro of Berkeley, Calif., wrote Sister Barbara Ellen, ProvIdence 'Q'1)g.. pital administrator. "I know that I can speak f. . the other members of our com­ mittee in commending you, your Sisters, the medical staff and operating personnel and volun­ teers of your hospital who se ably carried out the mass casual­ ty care of the sick and injured, 'Greatest Test' "A tragedy of such magnitude i'3 the greatest test of the capa­ bilities of a hospital and staff to meet the medical and health problems of a disaster. You have had the test. You have met the problem." Providence H 0 s pIt a I, con­ ducted by the Sisters of Charity ·of Provide-~e, cared for "'lore .than 200 sick and injured in the first 36 hours after the quake, as well as caring for 22 evacuees from Presbyt"'''';an Community Hospital and 27 from St. Mary Residence, a nursing home.

Canada High Court Considers Obscenity OTTAWA (NC) - The Su-' preme Court of Canada has re­ served decision on whether two sophisticated "girlie" magazines should be ruled obscene. The high court is being asked by a distributing company to re­ verse a decision in Winnipeg, Man., which outlawed the maga_ zines on the grounds that the,­ are obsCene. The decision was upheld by the Manitoba Court 'of Appeal. Joseph Sedgwick, attorney for the appellant, said the issue to be decided is whether obscenity laws should be considered in the same light everywhere in the nation or whether local commu­ nities should have an "arbitrary license" to censor.

135,000 Answers WINDSOR (NC) - Forty-five thousand marched While 90,000 spectators lined the streets for the 16th annual Mary Day pro­ cesson here in Canada-the an­ swer of Catholics in this district to communist May Day celebra­ tions.




OSborne 2·1322

WYman 3·1431


Family Restaurant Rt. 6 at The Noarrows in North Westport

Where The Can Dine Economically Entire Family

OS ..:... 5-7185 .... ~



Mr & Mrs Richard Cronan, Mar­ THE ANC'HORThurs" Mav 14, 1964 jOl'ie Crowley I OUR LADY OF LOURDES Mrs. Philip Davignon, Mr. & Mrs. John Dean, Mr. & Mrs. $15 $100 A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Brous­ Rock DesVergenes. Mr. & Mrs. A Friend seau, Arlene Charette Edward Dowdall, Mr. & Mrs. A Friend $12 Thomas Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. John Flanagan $50 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Duffy, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Tessan $10 & Mrs. William Dumoulin. Mr. A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Baker, &. Mrs. Petpr Eliason. Mr~. Ber­ St. Vincent de Paul Society Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Braemonte tha- Field, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lussier Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Carvalho, Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fraziet' Jr Mr. & Mrs. Leo Charette, Mr. Be Mr. & Mrs. Albert Fontneau, Mrs. John Cloud $30 Ad'l Fratoni. Mr. & Mrs. George Mr. & Mrs. John Conroy. Mr. In Memory of Ernest TessGn E, Fredette. Mr. & Mrs. James &: Mrs. Gabriel D. Costa, Mr. & $29 'Furtado. Mr!!.. Amelia Gill1i !!an Mrs. William Demers, Mr. & Rita Rose Joan ann Thoma~ Gariepy, Mrs. Roland Faust, Mr. & Mrs: $25 Mrs. RlIth Gihbons. Loui~ Gor­ Joseph Freitas Emmanuel Davis ma-n. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Gl1rn, Mr. & Mrs. James Furtado, Wellfleet Savings Bank Mrs. Ralnh Rudson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Furtado. Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Peters Alice & ivrll~V Runt. Mr. & & Mrs. Camille Gareau, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. John O'Grady Mr<;. Enwarn F'yde. Mr: &. Mrs. Mrs. Edward Gilroy, Mr.' & Mrs. $20 Jacob lrza. Mrs. Shirley' Jarosz Joseph Goyette Lawrence Cardinal, Sg.t. Mr. &. Mrs.' Gerard Jodoin . Mr. & Mrs. Edward Howe Thomas Messa, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ Mr & Mrs. 'Arthur Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. John Basil King, Mr. fred Rogers ·Jr., Mrs. Ma.rie Mr. &: 'Mrs, JDseph E. Joyc~..Jr., ~ & Mrs. Manuel Lima, Mr. & Mrs Sherman, Mr. & Mrs. William Mr. & Mrs. Harold Kelleher, Ray Lyons, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gill Mrs. Katherine Kihg. Mr. & Mrs. Marsh Mr. & Mrs. William Day GpOl"!!e Letteriello Mr. & Mrs. ,Joseph Menard, $15 Mrs. Clayton A. MacDonald. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Meyers. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bell, The Doherty Mrs. Winifred MacDonald. Mrs. Mrs. William McKenna,' Mr. & Family, Mr. & Mr~ John Kelley, ElizabPth Maddi!!an. Mr. /lr. Mrs. Mrs. James K. Nerney. Mr. Be Mr. & Mrs. Harry Pearsa!.l William Ma!tUire, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Paul Nerney Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Dual"!; . Howard Martin Jose V de F Pache~o, Mr. & Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Hoeffel Mr. Joseoh Masterson. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Rheaume, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Michael Moran Mrs. F.. M,.rrack'en. Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. George Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. $10 John J.\IT,.T~'lac. Mr. 8.r l'lfr~. Geor­ George Ryder, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ Mr. & Mrs. Everett Adams, !!e C. McNabb, Mr. & Mrs. Paul liam Staples Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Berrio, Mr. ·Mr. & Mrs. Archie Stentiford·, Morin SAI,ES STRATEGY: Mother Bernadette' Mac Veigh, &: Mrs. Albert Bettencourt, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Travers, Mr. .Mrs. Alice Mu1lil!an. Mrs. 87-year-old nun, takes her sales assistant "Tiny" for a & Mrs. Roland' Tremblay &: Mrs. Richard Brawn,. Mr. & Cornelius' J. Murnhy, William Mrs. E. Broch ride in her wheel chair as they confer about plans for her Nerney. Mr. & Mrs. William Mr. & Mrs. William Caldwell, stuffed toy concession. Her booth, one of the most popular Nihan. Ellen Nitso Mr. & Mrs. Chester Connors, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Nolan, at the annual Duchesne College Festival, at Omaha, Nebr., Minne.sotG Cofle~e Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Cormier, Mr. Mrs. Bridltet Nolin. Mr & Mrs is usually the first to hang an "All Sold Out" sign where &: Mrs. Wilfred Costa, Mr. & Clvde O'Connell. Alyce O'Keeke the snner-saJesman-nun has her all hand-made and artistic Mrs. M'lrray Coughlin ST. PAUL (NC)-The College M:>r!!aret O'Keeke Leo Dayon, Mr. & Mrs. Clif­ toys. NC Photo. of St. Catherine here has re­ Mrs. Thomas O'Keefe. Mrs. ford DeLory. Mr. & Mrs. James ceived an unrestricted $100.OW Joseoh F. Perry, Mr. & Mrs. BeLory, Anthony DeLuze, Mr. gift from the Elizabeth C. Quin­ $15 Thomas McLear. Mr. & Mrs. William Perry. Mr. & Mrs. Er­ &: Mrs. William Dillon . lan Foundation of Minneapolis. Dr. &: Mrs. Edward Fontneau, Joseph McNally, Mr. & Mrs. nest Plante, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Duarte Agency, The M,isses The college, conducted by the Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Gilroy, James J. Meloni Jr., Roy Mur,;. Poirier Ficco, Mrs. Louise Fratus, Leon_ Sisters of St. Joseph ofCaron-' Mr. & Mrs. James Maher, Mrs. ray, Mrs. Mary Myers Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O. Precourt ard Gates ·Jr., Mr.' &: Mrs. Mau­ delet, has initiated a $4 millian Ismay Sharkey Mr. & Mrs. Earl Niquette Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Howard Ralph.' Mr. rice Gauthier fund~raising program for eK­ Mr. & Mrs. David Rushlow, Mr. & Mrs. John Nunes, Albert & Mrs. John J .. Raposa, Mt,. & Cora Hollbrook, Mi'" &: Mrs. pansion. The late Miss Quinlan F. Ousley, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Mr. Charles Stobbs Mrs. Howard Razee, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Howard, Mr. & Mrs. was a pioneer in women's ready­ Paille, Dr. &: Mrs. Edward Pao­ $1! John Rl'dding George Jette, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur to-wear store operations. lino Mrs. Mary Barnett F. Joseph, Mr. & Mrs. Raymonli Mr. & Mrs. Richard Reeves, _...Mary Pedro, Mr. &: Mrs. Vin­ Joseph Mr. & Mrs.' Paul Rixon, Mr. Be $10 Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Joseph, Ml'. Mrs. Robert Robichaud, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Allen, Mr. cent Pedro, Louis Perry, John A. Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund &: Mrs. Thomas Kane, Mr. &: &: Mrs. Ernest Amiro, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Robistow, Mr. & Rainville Mrs. Donald Ormsby, Our Lady Mrs. John S. Arruda, Mr. &: Mrs. Truck Bodv Builders Mrs. George Robitaille Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Reilly, of Lourdes Guild, Our Lady Qf Earl Baumgartel, Bernard Beatty Aluminum or Steel

Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Romag­ Mr. & Mrs. William Reilly, Mr. Perpetual Help Guild noli, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Roy, Mrs. Rose Bellavance, Mr.' & 944 County Street

&: Mrs. Everett Richard, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Paine, H:elen Schromm, Edward L. Slat­ Mrs. Homer Bishop, Mr. &: Mrs. NEW BEDFORD, MASS.

Mrs. Francis Rose, Mrs. Robert Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Remy, Mr. &: tery. Edward L. Slattery. Jr. James Birch, Mr. & Mrs. John Roth "NY '2.6618 Mrs. Albert M. Rose, Alfred Mr. & Mrs. Owen Smith, Mr. Buyle, Helen Bruen Mr. & Mrs. Paul Silvia, Anna Rose. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Rose &: Mrs. James Tannock, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. James Burch, Mr. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Smith Sacred Heart Guild, Mr. Be Mrs. Fred Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. George Bussiere, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs Joseph Soares, Henry Mrs. William Scarry, Col. JCJhn Raymond Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. V. Mrs: Raymond Byers, Beatrice Stanton Sherwin, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Carney, Gertrude Carney Joseph Vierra Mrs. Mary Stanton, Richard Snow. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Thure­ Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Caruso, Mr. & Mrs. William G. Weber, Stanton, Mr. & Mrs. James A. son. Mrs. Austin Turnbull Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Carvalho, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Everett Wheelock, Vahey, Mr. & Mrs. John White, Mr. & Mrs. George Berrio, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Chabot, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. James E. Zmudsky Mr. & Mrs. John T. White Jr. &: Mrs. John Berrio, Daniel J. Mrs. Kenneth Charest, Mrs. Mrs. John T. White Sr.. Mr. & Chisholm, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Emma Chevrier Mrs. John Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. Conklin, Mr. & Mrs. George Mrs. Richard Cleary, Mr. & Walter Young Dutra ST. JOHN ELECTRICAL Mrs. Earl Cochran, Arthur F. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dutra, Mr. $250 Connelly, Gladys Connelly, Mr. HOLY GHOST Contracton &: Mrs. Norman Gill, Mrs. Isabel A Friend & 'Mrs. Everett Donnelly $400 Jason, Mrs. Sadie Joseph & $150

Rev. John F. Laughlin Mr. & Mrs. Terrance Dunlavy, Alice, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Rase Dr. &: Mrs. John Lonergan

$200 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dwyer, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Charles Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel .0. Castro Mrs. James Fernandes, Mr. & $100

John Silva, Mr. & Mrs. George $25 Mrs. Raymond Foy, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. William Parker WHliams Mr. & Mrs. Philip De 'Lauri Angelo Fratoni Fred Bullock Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ferreira. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Fuller, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Guillette $'75 Holy Name Society, Miss Flora The Lavalee Family &: Mrs. Henry Gagne, Mrs. Al­ Rev'. James F. McCarthy Peters Mr. & Mrs. John Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. Luigi Pinacoli bert G,agnon, Mr. &: Mrs. Louis M.r. &: Mrs. Fred Murphy, Jr. Mr. Timothy Shea, Mr. &: Mrs, 944 County St. . $50' Gazzola, Mrs. Margaret Gifford· $20 Joseph Taylor 'Katherine Goff, Mrs. .J'ohn Mr. & Mrs. John Caponigro, Mr. &: Mrs. Luca Fantaccione New Bedford Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Daisy, My. Gourlay, Russell Greve, CHffoi'll. Marjorie Castro Ernestine &: Florence Moran " Mrs. John Fitzgerald, Mr. Be J. Grube, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Murphy Mrs. Joseph McWilliams, Mr. &: Heagney Mr. Be Mrs. Victor Vaughan Mrs Donald Mahoney. Mrs Esther Mr. & Mrs. Edward Healey, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Antaya Murelison Mrs. Isabelle Healey, Mrs. Mina $40 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Neitzel, Mrs WITHOUT TRAFFIC & PARKING PROBLEMS Hickey, Mrs. John Hodge, Mr. & Myles Daly Mary O'Grady. Mr. &, Mrs. Ar­ Mrs. Leo Holbrook $25 at the thur Silva, Mrs. Margaret Shea Mr. & Mrs. John Carty Mrs. Joseph Hughes Sr., Mr. Anonymous, Mrs Marie Adams John Johnson ;Jr. &: Mrs. John L. Kane, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Ralph Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Baptiste LaNinfa Francis Kelley, Mrs. Mary Kil­ Ernest Anderson. Mr. &: Mrs. SOMERSET, MASS. Mr. Be Mrs. Robert Romero burn, Mr. & Mrs. John Kudrnac Tobia Anelunde Mrs. Leland B. Smith . Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Levasseur, Assets Over $2,600,000 in 3- Years Ralph Arguin, Mary Arsen­ Mrs. Francis Sughrue Mr. & Mrs. William F. Lovell, The most friendly, democratic BANK offering ault, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Au­ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gaynor,' Jennie MacDonald, Oscar Maher dette, Mr. & Mrs. John Aylward, Mr. & Mrs. William Maher Peter M. Silvia Mr. & Mrs. Robert Barradas, $20 Jacqueline Malouin, Mary Mrs. Winston Bergh, Mr. &: Joseph Hughes, Mr. & Mrs. Checking Accounts Auto loans Marron, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mar­ Mrs. Clifford Bonna, Mrs. Eu­ Frank Pimento Savings Accounts Bu;;iness Loons ron, Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Martin, gene Boyer, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. John Antaya, Mr. Cecelia Masse Clul Accounts Real Estate loans Carvalho, Mr. &: Mrs. Alvin Cas­ & Mrs. Richard BUSCh, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. James McCracken, At Somerset Shopping. Area-Brightman St. Bridge sidy Mrs. Gilbert Rea, Mr. &: Mrs. Elsie McDonald, James McGrath William Conlan, Mr. ok IIIn.. Robert Sirois, Mr. &: MrL I. G. Mrs. James McLean, Mr. &; Mrs. Member Federal Deoosit Insurance Coraoration AntlUUly Costa, Alice ~ W~Jr.. Charlea McLear


Gets $100,000 Gift







Thurs., May 14, 196.(

South Dartmouth . ST. MARY $500 Rev. Arthur G. Considine $180 Mr. & Mrs. George A. D. St. Aubin $100 . Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Corley $75 John J. Hayes Rev. John J. Magnani Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D<>naghy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Glennon

Ir. $60 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Smith $50 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Carl Giordano Mrs. William Loughlin Dr. & Mrs. Louis Miskell Mr. & Mrs. Angelo DeMello $40 The Silveira Family $35 Mrs. Isaac Dawson $30 Dr. & Mrs. John Machado $25 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Coleman Rosemary Quinn Mrs. Helen Collopy Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Murphy William Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Frank Travers W~sley McKee Mr. & Mrs. Armand Borges Mr. & Mrs. John J. Dugan Mr. & Mrs. James Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Paul Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Rager Etu Miss Alice Sheerin Mary Sheerin Mr. & Mrs. John C. DeMello Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent T. Hem­ ingway Mr. & Mrs. Manuel DeMello $20 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Maher, Dr. & Mrs. George Gendron, Florence Menard, Mr. & Mrs. Harry O'Neill, Dr. & Mrs. Luke McCrohan, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Ingrande Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Singleton, Mrs. Theresa McDonald, Violet Holton, Mr. & Mrs. William A. Murphy, Judge & Mrs. August Taveira Mr. & Mrs. Walter O'Brien, The Mosher Family, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Caron, Mr. & Mrs. Tho­ . mas Burke $15 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Reardon, Mrs. Louis Vieira, Dr. & Mrs. Alvin Simmons, Mrs. Dorthy Horan, Mr. & Mrs. William Brady Mr. & Mrs. Frederick D. Cole, Mr. & Mrs. James H. Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. William Hines, Mary Plezia, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Bar­ riteau Mr. & Mrs.' D<>uglas Wyatt, Mrs. Nelson Cleveland $12 Edgar Moorhouse $10 Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Braga, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Manganelli Mr. & Mrs. Lionel D. Polycarpo', Mr. & Mrs. Marcelino Mello Mrs. Hazel Conkling, Mrs. Margaret Jeffries, A. L. Gusti, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Lyonnais, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mello Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James ~rynicki, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Braga, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley BORrgeois, Mrs. Joyce A. Dias, Mrs. Bertha Augusta Mr. & Mrs. John Brooks, Mr. & Mrs. George Desmond, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Botelho Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Simmons,: Mr. & Mrs. Orvington S. Field~ng Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Edward COs1\a, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Zerbonne; Antone Abreu, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Cravo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dias, Thomas M. Quinn Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Homer J. Messier, Mrs. Josephine M. Foley, Joseph A. Sylvia, John F. Vasconcellos Sr. Theresa Pe:-ry & Lionel Perry, Mr. & Mrs. John S. Cooper, Mr.

& Mrs. Manuel Mendonca, Mr.


Mrs. Charles Alfonso, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moniz Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Deschenes, Mary' B. Gracia, Mrs. Ann De­ Mello, Mr. & Mrs. William Har­ rington Mrs. Blanche Baldwin, Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Borba, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. Narciso Cordeiro, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Spencer Mr. & Mrs. Norman Daniels, Mr. & Mrs. Calistis Sylvia Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Henrique Rogers, Mrs. Elizabeth Allen, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Fournier Mrs. George Gifford, Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Dwyer, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Medeiros, Ruth Deasy, Evelyn Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ponte Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Martens, Mr. & Mrs. James F. Kavanaugh, Mr. TO STONEHILL: Eliza­ & Mrs. Louis Cormier, Mr. & beth Moniz, senior at Mt. St. , Mrs. Alfred Gonsalves Mr. & Mrs. Edward Arruda, Mary Academy, Fall River, Mr.. & Mrs. Dennis.J. Abrantes, has received a $2400 scholar­ Mr. & Mrs. Norman Menard, ship from Stonehill College. Mrs. Mary Donovan, Mr. & Mrs. She is active in extra-curri­ Eugene Rheame . Georgianna Pedro, Mrs. Harry cular organizations and a mem~)er of the National Rowbotham, Mrs. Agnes De­ Laney, Mr. & Mrs. John Brown, Honor Society. She will en­ Mr. & Mrs. John Bettencourt roll in the Stonehill liberal Marion Freitas, Mr. & Mrs. arts program. Frank Freitas, Mr. & Mrs. Man­ uel Bettencourt Jr., Charles H. Leach Jr., Mrs. Alice Bishop Mrs. Torleiv Haaland, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Barry, Mr. & Mrs. LONDON (NC) _ The major­ Philip Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Man­ ity of monks find Latin "a real uel Perry hindn,nce * * * to the conscious Mrs. Eli Ferguson, Mr. & Mrs. prayerful understanding" of the Noel Carvalho, Mr. & Mrs. Rob­ 1 i t u I' g y, an internationally ert J. Sullivan, Mrs. Ernest known Benedictine priest said J. Sullivan, Mrs. Ernest Parker, here. Mr. & Mrs. James Baldwin Father G reg 0 r y Murray, . Mr. & Mrs. John Moniz, Mrs. O.S.B .. of Downside Abbey said Thomas Bancroft, Mr. & Mrs. that h.~ and some other Benedic­ Gerald Morency, Mr. & Mrs. tines "view with dismay" a sug­ Ernest Santos, Hilda King gestioll that monasteries should Mr. & Mrs. William F. O'Neill "keep alive the historic and Mr. & Mrs. Armand F. Boud~ l' t d't' f th R reau, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mur­ lving ra I IOn 0 e oman liturgy in its present form." ray, Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Alves, Father Murray, a Fellow of Dr. & Mrs. Antonio Fernandes the Royal College of Organists Jr. and a veteran leader in the re­ Mr. & Mrs. Antone Amaral Jr., vival <)f liturgical music in the Mr. & Mrs. Hector Sansoucy ld t Mr. & Mrs. Luke Haran, Mr. & EngliS:l-speaking wor , wro e Mrs. Albert Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. in the Tablet, national Catholic Frank Avilla weeki)" stating that monas­ teries need liturgical reform Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Bobro­ along with the rest of the wiecki, Mrs. Raymond Chase, Church. Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Frates, Need Reform Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brown, Mrs. "The percentage of monks who Ann Davidson M can pray as easily in Latin as r. & Mrs. Frank H. Parsons in their native tongue is sur­ Jr., Humberto Borges, Capt. & prising'ly small," he said. Mrs. Daniel Mullins, Mr. & Mrs. He eontinued: Owen F. Hackett Jr., Mr. & Mrs. "I g~ther from discussions here Manuel Sylvia and el:;ewhere that the majority Teodora Perez, Mr. & Mrs. find the Latin a real hindrance Joseph Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Ray­ (some indeed an insuperable mond A. Robichaud, Mr. & Mrs. - barrieI') to the conscious prayer­ Henry Valenti, Mr. & Mrs. Rene ful un:ierstanding of what they Bouchard M are actually singing, saying and r. & Mrs. Arthur J. Ethier, hearinl~ during the performance Mr. & Mrs. George Silva of the liturgy. Mr. & Mrs. John D. Egan, Mr. "Thi:l seems to indicate that & Mrs. Victor Ladetto, Mrs. we monks are quite as much in Mary Healy, Richard A. Griffin, need c.f a liturgical l\eform as Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. FraZier, anyon€ else. Unless we get it, Jr. our mc.nastic churches will tend Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Barbero, to become museums in which Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Levi Christie, Mr. visitor!: will be able to witness & Mrs. Frank Gracie, Mr. & Mrs. a liturgical worship which the Joseph Tomlinson, Mr. & Mrs. Church will have discarded else­ James Mackay where as ineffecutal and obso­ Mr. & Mrs. Henriq,ue De Mat­ lete. I shudder to think what tos, Mr. & Mrs. Edmond H. Des- sort of recruits our monasteries Rosiers, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Cor­ will them attract, if we get any deiro at all." Mrs. Frank Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Catin, Mr. & Mrs. Man­ at to a vatlon uel Brillo, Mr. & Mrs. Victorine Remains Difficult Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Gon­ GARY (NC) - The individual salves path t:> salvation will not be George F. Durant, Mr. & Mrs. made ~.ny easier by the Vatican Joseph Medeiros, Mrs. Mary council, Bishop Andrew G. Grut­ Johnson, Bertha Johnson, Mr. & ka of Gary warned those attend­ Mrs. Francisco Rapoza ing the fifth provincial confer­ Mr. & Mrs. Manuel H. Sylvia, ence 01 the National Council of Mr. & Mrs. Earle K ..Rogers, Mr. Catholic Women here in Indiana. & Mrs. Robert Langley, Mr. & Giving the keynote address·at Mrs. Joseph Bolton, Mr. & Mrs. the or,e day session, Bishop Gerald Normandin Grutka said that while the path to perfection might become Gift to UNICEF clearer and better knoWn through the work of the council, UNITED NATIONS - (NC) ­ "it wi!:. not be much smoother The Holy See has sent $1,000 to the United Nations Children's or easil~r, nor will personal ef­ Fund. as ill Dast years. fort and concern be eliminated."

Says M onks Fin d L al'in -Hin d ranee


Should or Must?

God Love You By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D. What makes a missionary different from the rest of U1$ Mter more than a decade of close intimacy with them, pel'ihaps I eaD answer this: . They live under a "must." We HYe under a "should." The "must" is not unwelcome necessity which grips wirth sh'arpenecl fangs. It is the ''must'' which passes into the will and the heaJt and moulds the inmost desire to eonform with Christ. Our 1.01"4 often used that word, e.g., He "must fil'st suffer many 1Jhings.­ Referring to His Agony, He reported, all this "must take place.... Our missionaries are under that same "must.- The same

Gethsemanes, the same povel'ty, the same Calvaries, the same

want, the same nowhere to lay their heads,

the same "no room in the ion," the same

darkness set in the Heart of Christ on the

Oross. They live in poverty, wondering

where they can get fifty dollars for sulfone,

$2,500 to build a church, $10 to pay a

catechist for one month.. Their bishops are

on the road constantly, and in one country,

they live on dog (not "hot dog" - just

plaiu dog). They are driven out of the

Sudan. They live under the threat of their

schools being dispossessed and yet, like

Paul, they are willingly "handicapped on

all sides - never frustrated; puzzled on all

sides - never in despair. Everyday we ex­

perience something of the Death of Jesus,

that the life of Jesus may be plainly seen in our mOl'tal lives.·

And we? We live under the "should" or the "ought." W1e" "should" be more sealed with the Cross. We "ought" to shaM their burdens. We feel only 1ihe White Hands of Christ, befor-e the Crucifixion and the Resurrection; they feel the Scarred Handll of Christ, after Good Friday and Easter. They are under necessityiC we are "at our pleasure." Do you not want to be one with them and share in the sanctity of the Ohurch? Yes, continue to COD­ tribute to the mortar of your parishes, but forget not the mortala for whom the missionaries suffer. Be happy that you have a nice "plant" in your parish, but rejoice more that you share the sl.Jll.o ferings of these missionaries * * • "No wound? No scar? yet as the Master shall the servant be, And pierced are the feet that follow Me; But thine are whole: can he have followed far Who has no wound or scar?" After reading this, do you think you "should" send a sacrifice to the Holy Father for his missionaries, or do you think y4MI "must" - that sharing His Crose you will also share His Glory. GOD LOVE YOU to E.". for $2,500 ''To build a school III memory of my beloved husband, D.D.R." ••• to T.C. for $11 "To feed the world's poor." • • • to Rev. T. T for $300 "Since DQ' insurance covered a recent operation, I am glad to send this to you." ••• to ".P. for $2 "This Is Dot much, but I hope to scna more whenever I can." How to increase yOUr spendable income after taxes withotd reading the Wall Street Journal? Send your appreciable securitiee to The Society for the Propagation of the :F'aith for an annuity. Save on capital-gains tax and receive a greater return spiritual~ and finanCially. Direct your request for our pamphlet on aJl,. nuities, including the date of your birth, to Most Rev. Fulton .J. Sheen, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10001. Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to

the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Society

for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York

1, N.Y., or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND 'Eo

CONSIDINE, 368 North Main Street, Fall River, Mass

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HOME OFFICE 1 North Main St., cor Bedford· Open Fri. Eve. 'till B SOMERSET· OFFICE 149 G.A.R. Highway. Route 6

Somerset ST. THOMAS MORE $100 Rev. Patrick O'Neill :1'111'. & Mrs. William J. Gibney $50 Rev. Joseph F. D'Amico Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Coady Dr. Bernard Mangione $40

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McCann $35 George W. Hopkins $30 Mr. & Mrs. John Boynton Mr. & Mrs. Cletus J. Monahan Edwin Doolin $25 Mr. & Mrs. John Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Badwey The Bartek Family Mr. & Mrs. Paul Daley l\Ir. & Mrs. Joseph D. Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. James W. Killoran Mr. & Mrs. Gerard A. LaLiberte Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Latham Mr. & Mrs. James Mullins Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert J. Nadeau Mr. & Mrs. James F. Nicoletti Mr. & Mrs. Austin J. O'Toole Mrs. Daniel F. Shalloo Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sullivan Frederick J. Wilding $20 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Carreiro, The Misses Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Foley Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Chester Greene, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Griffin Mr. & Mrs. James Hadad, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Heron, Michael J. Higgins, Mr. & Mrs. William J.' Holland, Mrs. Frank H. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Le­ vesque, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Mathews. Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. McGowan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Mc::Vlillan, Dr. & Mrs. Dl>nald Peters Mr. & Mrs. Wililam Pittman, Mrs. William A. Ryding $15 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Paskowski, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Pepka, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tierney, Sally A. Benson, Daniel J. Hatton, Mrs. Dale Rothwell 512 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Duffy, Mrs. Margaret Dignan, Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Garneau, Mr. & Mrs. William A. Potter $10 Mr. & Mrs. Valmore J. Ar­ .ehambault, Mr. & Mrs. George. J. Brough,.Mrs. Francis E. Bur­ gess, Mr. & Mrs. Louis H. Cado­ rette, Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Chorlton . Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Christian, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Cichon, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Clement, Paul F. Corcoran, Mr. & Mrs. James Cri­ varo Mr. & Mrs. Jay R. Cuttle, Mr. &: Mrs. Edward L. Donovan, Mr. & Mrs. John B. Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. Roger H. Dubois, Barbara E. Dunnigan Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Fitz­ simmons, Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Gardullo, Rita Grant. Eleanor J. Hartley, Mrs. Thomas HarUey Mr. & Mrs. Louis Heffernan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kenney, Mr. &: Mrs. Maurice King Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Kozak, Mr. & Mrs. Carlos E. Lane Mr. & Mrs. William A. Leaver, Mr. & Mrs. William Lee, Mr. & Mrs. William J. Lee Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Charles McDermott, James McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. O'Con­ nell, Mary E. O'Gara, Elizabeth O'Neil, James O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. George S. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Quinn, Anna Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Soroka, Mr. & Mrs. John Sulli­ van Mr. & Mrs. Leo Sullivan, Mrs. Thomas Sullivan,. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Trainor, Mrs. Peter C. Trainor, Mrs. Mary Wild Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Wilkin­ son, Mrs. Lenwood J. Williamson Mr. & Mrs. William Aguiar, Mr: & Mrs. John Babcock, Mrs. Mar­ garet Ballard Mr. & Mrs. William. Barrar Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Barrett, Rich~ ard Batchelder. Mr. & MrS. Roch

mn:met, NIx. & Mrs. Alphonse .I!i. Berube ~1r. & Mrs. Peter M. Bene­ vides, :VIr. & Mrs. Wilfred Benoit Jr., :\Ir. & Mrs. James Biltcliffe, 1\Ir. & 1\1Ts. Albert Blanchette, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Borges Mr.. & Mrs. Gilbert Botelho, James Bower, Mrs. Michael J. Breen, Mr. & Mrs. Everett Bridge, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bru­ lotte ,; Dolores Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Butler, Mrs. Francis W. Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Clarkson, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Clorite Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Collins, Mr. & 1\Irs. Bernard Connell, M;r. & Mrs. Robert Connors, ~Mr. & Mrs. William S. Coombes, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Costa l'.Ir. & Mrs. Jean P. Cot~, Mrs. Virginia B. Daley, Mrs. Anna Danielson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Desrosiers, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. DiGiammo l\Ir. & Mrs. Thomas Dorgan Jr., :Mr. & 1\'[rs. James L. Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Driscoll, Mr. & ::.\11'5. Louis F. Fayan, Mr. & :Mrs. John R. Fennessey ~Irs. Dorothy F. Finucane, Mrs. John Ford, Mr. & Mrs. George Fredenburg, Mr. & Mrs. Jean Gallant, Anne Marie Ga­ mache Mr. & Mrs. Armand Gamache, Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Gardella, Mr. & Mrs. John Gasior, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gondela, Chester J. Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gunn, Mr. & Mrs. John Hadalski, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Haggerty, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hague, Mr. & Mrs. · James J. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. George R. Harri­ son, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Hathaway, Mr. & Mrs. .Tolin Hendricks, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Holtham, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hussey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Iadicola, Mr. & Mrs. Loddy Kadlec, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kaylor, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Keavy Sr., Joseph Kerrigan Mr. & Mrs. John F. Kineavy, Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kirkman, Mr. & lVII's. Leo Langfield, Mrs. J()hn E. Lawton, Mr. & Mrs. Humbert Lopes Mr. & Mrs. Carlin Lynch, Mr. · & Mrs. William R. McDermott, Mr. & Mrs. James F. McIntyre, Mr. & Mrs. George McNamara, Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Macom­ ber Mr. & 1\1rs. Louis P. Magoni, Mr. & Mrs. John L. Mahon, Mr. & Mrs. William Marland, Mr. & 'Mrs. Ralph Martin, Mr. & Mrs. David Medeiros Mr. &. Mrs. John Mercer, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Michaud, Robert D. Michaud, Mr. & Mrs. · Peter J. Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Moore Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Moriarty, Mr. & Mrs. William R. Morris, Mary W. Mullins, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Mulrooney, Margaret A. Nash Kathryn G. O'Connell, Patri­ cia O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Austin J. O'Toole Jr.,. Mrs. Nicholas Pa­ dams Mr. & Mrs. Rheaume Pa­ quette, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence _ Parker, Mrs. Benny Paskavitch, Mr. & Mrs. E. Raymond Ready, Mr. & Mrs. George Reinhagen Mr. & Mrs. Charles Russell, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. George A. Santerre, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sinasky, Mr. & Mrs. Konstanty Sokolosky . Mrs. Harold W. Soule, Mr. & ,Mrs.. Edward T. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Santoro, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Mario Saravo Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Shovelton, Jo­ Ann Smith, Mrs. Shirley M. Smith Mrs. John J. StaHord, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Francis R. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Fred .J. Sullivan Mr..& Mrs. Joseph Therrien, Mary L. Toomey, Mr. " Mr••

THE ANCHORThurs., May 14, 1964

ART STUDENTS: Budding artists at Jesus-Mary Aca­ demy, Fall River, are from left, Marie Mullen, Notre Dame parish, Fall River; Diana .Parisee, Immaculate Conception Fall River; Judith Vincent, ~~ george. Westport. ' William Torpey, Mr. & Mrs. Ed_ ward B.Toulan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Trafka Mr. & Mrs. JQhn Turcotte, Mr. & Mrs. Luke Urban, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Vargas, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ liam Whalen, Sarah B. White Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wiese, Mr. & Mrs. John R. Williamson, Mr. & l\Irs. Stanley Zembo ST. PATRICK $35 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald McNally Jr $25 Dr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Feitelberg Mr. & Mrs. John Johnston The Archard Family $20 Helen & Lillian Reddy, Mr. & Mrs Roger LaFrance, Mrs. Helen 'McGann, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Maddaleno, Mr. & Mrs. William F. S1:lea $15 Mr. &. 1\'£rs.John T. Smith . 1\'£i.ss Alice Costello, Miss Flor­ ence Burns $10 Mrs. Bernard Doherty, Wil­ liam C. Donahue, Mary & Mar­ garet Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lacerda, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Des­ trempl? Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Tickle, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mendes, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur D..Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Pine, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Curt. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Muldoon Mr. & Mrs. Charles Menard, Mr. & Mrs. Allred Moit-oza, Mrs. Annie G<msalves, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Suspiro, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Perry Miss Anna O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Morris

WeJk Gets Honor LOS ANGELES {NC) - Or­ chestra leader Lawrence Welk is among the Los Angeles lay­ men who received papal honors it was announced here. The~ were named Knight Com­ manders of St. Gregory by Pope Paul VI in recognition of service to tbe Church

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ST. .JOHN OF GOD $250 at. Rev. Augusto L. Furtado $25 Holy Rosary Confraternity $20 Thomas Rose $10 A1!bert Araujo, Adrian Boisson­ ealt, Joseph C. Borge, Alfred R. Coelho, James Costa Antone S. Feno, Manuel Fur­ tado, ,Joseph Gouveia, Francis Mullaly, Victor Pavao Alfred J. Souza, Joseph Vi­ veiros, Maria L. Furtado .. .


$50 ':Mr. & Mrs. John Giblin $25 Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Kennedy $15 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Ryan $10 Mr. & 1\'£1'5. Barton G. Albert, Mrs. Mary Borden & Jane Mr. & Mr-s. Joseph Boulanger, Mrs. Gertrude Cain, Mr. & Mrs. Alban A. Clairmont Mrs. Paul Deubel & Eileen, Mr & Mrs. James V. Griffin, Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaChance, Mrs. Hec­ tor LaPointe & Family, Mr. & Mrs. John McCarthy Mrs. Malcolm McLeod, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Macedo, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Morin, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Pelletier, Mr & Mrs Albert Pontifice Mrs. Irving Riendeau, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Simard, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Souza, Mrs Gladys Urban Norbert Berard, Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Burns, Mr. & Mrs. An­ thony Castro, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Coffey, Mrs. Lillian Humes Mr. & Mrs. Edward Myles, Mr. &: Mrs. John J. RanalU, Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. William Rychwicki, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Travers OUR LADY OF FATIMA $400 .Rev. .James F. McDermott


$25 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. McLear Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. Stevens In Memory of Frank B Greene $20 James J. McDermott $15 Grace P. Holden $10 Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Gar­ della, Mr & Mrs. Charles West, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Keneshea, Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Kershaw, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mullen Raymond E. Britland,. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DePaola, Mr. & Mrs Raymond L. Wilson ST. LOUIS de FRANCE $25 Mr. & Mrs. Emile J. Cote Mr. & Mrs. Henri Fortier $20 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Michaud


Mr. & Mrs. Leonel Paquette

$10 Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro Affonso, Mr. & Mrs. F. X. Auclair, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Brousseau, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Chagnon, Mr. Arthur Cote Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Lapointe Jr. Mr. Mrs. Homer Parker, Mr. & Mrs. Donat Parent Mr. & Mrs. Charles Poirier, lKr. & Mrs. Donald Rapoza


$300 Rev. John J. Murphy $100 Mr. & Mrs. William Cuddigan Mr. & Mrs. Leo Wm. Tasca $50 Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCrystal $30 Mr. & Mrs. Jdaquim Hendricks $25 Mr. & Mrs. George Taylor $20 D. Anthony Venditti $15 Mr. & Mrs Fredric Blythe, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hill, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stellmack $10 Joseph M. Amaral, Mary Ben­ son & Frances Mazet, Mrs. Oscar Berghman, 1\11'. & Mrs. Robert Carvalho, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Costa Mr. & Mrs. Manuel DeMattos, Mr. & Mrs. John Drohan, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Fortin, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Goudrault, Eileen Grif­ fin


Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hannon, Lulu A. Horton, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Koehler, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Korkuc Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kropis Jr.. Mr. & Mrs. Edward McBridge, Mrs. Catherine Morin & Mary Friel, Mr. & Mrs. James F. Murphy, Helen Murray Mr. & Mrs. James Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Nazareth, Robert Penacho, Theodore R. Petrin, Mr. & Mrs. Annunzio Provazza Mrs. James Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. John E. Raposa, Mr. & Mrs. C. Rocha, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ruf­ ful, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Santos Mr. & Mrs. Leroy B. Simmons, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Swift, Mr. & Mrs. Freeman TrE' .~y, Mr & Mrs Dennis Veader, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. August J. Wozny, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Yankee






Anthony Alho, Daniel Amorill, & Mrs. Wilson Bagdon, M:r. & Mrs. Charles Barboza, Mr. & Mrs.•Tames Barrett North Easton Mr. & Mrs. Henry Baxter, Mr. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION & Mrs. Donald A. Beaucaire, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Begin, Mr. & , $250 Mrs. John Bellino, Benson Con­ Rev. John J. Casey struction Co. $100 Donald L. Bergeron, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Charles McCarthy Mrs. Edgar H. Biechele, Mrs. Sr. Mae Bigelow, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A Friend Bodio, Mr. & Mrs. John Brady $75 Abraham Brooks Insurance" Rev. John J. Steakem Mrs. James Brophy, KatherinE' Mr. Cornelius Harvey In Brophy, Margaret Brophy, $50 Bruno's Rev. James F. Buckley Mr. & Mrs. William Buchtman, Dr. Michael DelColliano. Abbie Buckley, Mr. & Mrs. Harvey's Market George Buckley, James M. Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hegarty Buckley, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Mrs. Francis D. Mone Buckley Mr. & Mrs. John B. Parkes Josephine Buckley, Mary M. A Friend Buckley, Joseph Burke, Francis ~40 Burns, Mr. & Mrs: John H. Mr. & Mrs. Thos. Gallagher Cadegan Conley Funeral Home William Cahill, Marietta $35 Canan, Thomas Canan, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Wm. T. Condon Mrs. Francis Cardarella, Miss $30 Cecelia Cardoza Mr. & Mrs. John Boyle Mr. & Mrs. Carl Chace, Mr. Domenic Ingemi & Mrs. Herve Charron, Mr. & $29

Mrs. Richard Chassey, Mr. & Vincent L. Galvin

Mrs. Patrick Coffey, Mr. & Mrs. $25 William S. Cogan Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bergeron Mr. & Mrs. Francis Coleman, Mr. & Mrs. Alan Lee Blackwell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Conceison, Mr. Clement J. Coughlin Mr. & Mrs. Oscar V. Conceison, Edward Coughlin Mr. & Mrs. William F. Condon, Mrs. Mary Coy Mr. & Mrs. James S. Connor Mrs. George Craig Mrs. Helen J. Conroy, Mr. & Dr. A. Richard Daigle Mrs. Joseph Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Helen Derby Albert Corte, Mrs. Daniel J. Mrs. Herbert L. Everett Cosgrove, Elizabeth Coughlin Dr. Gerald F. Gray Mrs. lnorerice Craig, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Leo V. Harlow Mrs. George Cravenho, Winifred Alice Harvey Cunningham, Mrs. Anthony DeGrace Harvey Couto, Carol DeCouto . Kathryn Healey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kairys Mr. & Mrs. James DeCouto, l\f.rs. Anna C. Loud ..:... Rita Mrs. Mary DeQuattro, Mr. & murke Mrs. Augustino DeSilva, Mr. & A Friend Mrs. Albert Dacey, John L. Mr. & Mrs. James D. Mullen Dailey Sr. Mrs. Janet Davis, Mrs. Mil­ Mary Nolan drid Deady, John O. Dean Co., Mr. & Mrs. Jolin Pilz Inc., Mr. & Mrs. Lester Delaney, Mr. & Mrs. James Antosca Mr. & Mrs. John Delgado Mr. &. Mrs. Paul Brophy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Dene­ Joseph Correia Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. powney sha, Catherine Q. Dineen, Jo­ sephine H. Dineen, Margaret E. Dr. & Mrs. Walter Judge Dinneen, Mrs. Helen Doherty Frederick Murphy Jr. Mrs. Frederick Dolloff, Mr. & $20 Mrs. Thomas Donaghue, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Ross J. Bridge, Mr. Ralph Dorgan, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ It Mrs. James Brown, Mary M. liam Darn, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Buckley, Marguerite Carter, Mr. Downey It Mrs. James Doherty Mr. &. Mrs. John Dupont Sr., Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzgibbons, Mrs. Harry N. Eastman, Easton Anne Harvey, Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Auto Body - Wm. D. Kempf, Harvey Jr., Catherine Harvey, Easton Pharmacy, Mrs. Walter Mary Harvey Endriunas Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lenney, Mrs. Samuel Lombardi, Mr. & Miss Mary-Jo Farren, William Mrs. Lawrence A. Lyons, Mr. & Farrell Sr., Roger Ferron, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pugliesi, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Fickeisen, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Schleicher, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. John Flaherty rhomas Spurr Mr. & Mrs. William Flynn, Christopher ·Brophy, Mr. & Mrs. John Foley, Thomas Franco Mrs. John Freitas, Mr. & Mrs. Jr., Louis Freitas-Realtor, Mr. Albert Giordano, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. James Freisen Wesley L. Leathers, Mr. & Mrs. A Friend, A Friend, Rita Fur­ lohn Marshall long, William Furlong Sr., Hugh J. O'Brien Joseph Galvin $16 Mrs. Claire L. Garrett, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Gomes Mrs. Eugene· Geldari, Sheila $15 Geldart, Adolph Gelson, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Belair, !-Irs. Antonio Gomes Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bergeron,

Mr. & Mrs. David Gomes, Mr. - Mr. & Mrs. G. A. Carter Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. , It Mrs. Henry Couture, Geo. H. Kenneth Gorham, Mr. & Mrs. DeWitt & Son John Go.uvei~, Mrs. Robert Mary Delgado, Mr. & .Mrs. Govey Daniel Desmond; Greyhound Mr. & Mrs. John Graca Jr., Package Store, Margaret H. Har­ Mrs. Edward Grant, Mr. &·Mrs. vey, Margaret 'Healey Raymond Halley, Mr. & Mrs. ... Mr. & Mrs. Philip O'ConneJI, Joh", ·F. Hall, Mr. It Mrs..Charle8 'Leroy Robert, Hele:D' M. Sprague, Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro M.· Hallahan Mrs. Carl Hanson, Mr. & Mrs. Souza Michael Harkins, Mrs. Renee $12 Betty-Jean Shoppe; A Friend, Harlow, Catherine Harvey, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. James Jones, Mr. & Margaret I. Hayward Mrs. John Keohane, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Arthur Heath, Mrs. Rob­ ere Heenan, Mr. & Mrs. J. Vin­ Bernard Pietrowski· Robert Connors, Mr. & Mrs. cent Hickey, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Louis Vanderstreet Higgins, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Holmes $10 Bart Conroy, John DePaul, Margaret Holmes and Lillian Russell Fox, James Healey, John Holmes, Wm. N. Howard & Son, J. Silva Jr. Dr. Norman Hughes, Joseph M. Dominic Stornante, John Hurley, A Friend Toomey, William Totty, Philip Lawrence Hurley, Mr. & Mrs. Wilde, William Yaskonis Vincent Hurley, Mr. & Mrs. M.



Thurs., May 14, 1964


Simpson Spring Co., Mr. II Mrs. John .J. Smith, Mrs. Paul Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Spu. lane,Mrs. Warren Stedman Mr. & Mrs. William Stoddard, Mr. & Mrs. James C. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Sullivan, Agnes Sweeney, Mary Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tino, Mrs. Francis A. Sweet, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Travers, Rosella 'frav­ el'S, Mr. & Mrs. Albin A. Urolatis M. David Varella, Raymond Ward, Mrs. Margaret Watt, Mary Watt, Edward Welch Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Welch Jr., Francis Welch. Mr. & Mrs. John Wesley, Mrs. Margaret Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Willis, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wooster, Mr. & Mrs. Emil J. Oziecki Grace Amorim, Mr. & Mrs. Carmin Ando, Mr. & Mrs. Johll Andrunas, Mrs. Mary Beal, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Boucher Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bren­ nick, Henry Brousseau, Mrs. Sandra Bruce, Mr. & Mrs. James K. Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Cabana Mrs. Albert Cady, Cal's Bal"­ bel' Shop, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Ca­ mara, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Camp­ bell, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C~ doza lr1ARONITE ORDINATION: The first ordination per­ Mr.. & Mrs. Thos. Casey, Mrs. formed in the United States according to the Maronite NatalIe Caswell, Mr. & Mrs. Liturgy by a Maronite bishop was held at the National Walter Chojnacki, John Con­ Mary Lynn Cosgrove Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Officiating prelate nolly, Mrs. Rose Cunningham, Mr. & was Bishop Francis Zayek. The newly ordained, Father Mrs. Eugene Cunniff, Mrs. Ralph Robert Jshaheen, of Danbury, Conn., walks in the proces­ Dahlborg, Mrs. Swen Dahlborg, sion carrying a chalice upon his head. On the right is Mr. & Mrs. Albert Dallaire Mr. & Mrs. Louis DeCorpo, Fath€ ' r Maroun Abi-Nader, pastor of St. John the Baptist Mr. & Mrs. Arthur DeCouto, Mr. Church, Newcastle, Pa. NC Photo. & Mrs. Norbert Duhamel, Fran­ cis Flood, Joseph Freitas Iwaskk~wicz, Patricia Iwaskie­ Vincent Mathers, Mr.. & Mrs. Ed- . Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Gaziane, wicz, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas James . ward Milano, Leslie Mitton, Mr. Mr. & Mr,s. A. Arthur Gosselin, AlfrE!d E .. Jermolovich, Mr. & & Mrs. Edmund A. Mooney Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Gustafson, Mrs..E:dmund Johnson, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mulkern, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Healey, Mrs. Mrs. J.mes Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. James D. Mullen Jr., Alan Hilliard Wil£J::~d Jutras, Mr. & Mrs. Wal­ Mr. & Mrs. F. Murphy Sr., Mr. Mrs. James Hoover, Mr. &: ter Kates & Mrs. John E. l'\furphy Jr., Mrs. Roy Howard, Mr. & Mrs. Margaret Murphy Charles J. Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Kava­ Martin Lawson, Mr. & Mrs. Katherine Murray, Mr. & Mrs. naugh, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph' Kelly, Mr. & :Mrs: Carl Kempf III, Mr. Valentine Muscato, Helen Nagle, Walter F. Lesh Mr. & Mrs. John R. Linehan, & Mrs. Leo Kent, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nagle, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Luciano, Mr. & & Mrs. George Niland and chil­ Richart. Kent Mrs. Wm. McAndrews, Mr. & Mr. ill; Mrs. Tho~as F. Kent dren Mrs. John McGarry, Joseph Mc. Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kent Sr., Mr. It Mrs. A. Nolan, Mr. & Gonigle Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. King, }.\ofr. Mrs. Stephen Nolan Sr., Mr. & & Mrs. Eugene King, S. Henry Mrs. William O'Connell, Eliz­ Carol A. McKinnon, Mr. 0\0; Kingston abeth O'Connor,' Mrs. John F. Mrs. Edmund McKinnon, Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. McPartland, Mr. O'Connor Mrs. Sarah J. Kingston, Mrs. Walter Klein, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ Mr. & Mrs, John O'Connell, & Mrs. Joseph Macush, Gloria Marshall

ward Kron, Mr. & Mrs. Leon O'Connors News Store, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Michel, Mr. LaMontlgne, Joan LaRock Mrs. -Richard O'Neill, Mrs. Jen­ & Mrs. Francis Moran, Mr. & nie Overton, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mr. 8: Mrs. Leo LaRock, Mr. Mrs. Wm. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Albert E. LaRosee, Mr. Parker Leonard Nordbeck, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Francis LeRoy, William Mr. & Mrs. A. J. L. Peterson, J. Lahey, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Mr. & Mrs. Charles Peterson, Wm. O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. Roy E, Owens, Mr. Langley Mrs. Lucy G. Pettipaw, Irene & Mrs. Panciocco, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Harry S. Lawson, Mr. & Poirier, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Puo­ Lawrence Pasalacqua, Mr. & Mrs. Ma:~tyn Lincoln, Mr. & Mrs. polo Mrs. Thos. Phair, Mr. & Mrs. :Oaniel Linehan, Mary K. Line­ Mr. & Mrs. Harry D. Purcell, Frederick Pittard han, Eileen Lordan Mrs. Margaret Rafuse, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Rogash,

Mary Lordan, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. John Reardon, Mary Reed, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ruane, Mr. &

Brendon Loughlin, Mr.' & Mrs. Mrs. John F. Schrann, John Sila

Isabelle Regan S. George Lowndes, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Reynolds, Jr., Mrs. Gordon Slater William Lupica, Arthur M. Mrs. James E. Roach, Edward Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Spada, Lynch Robicheau, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Leo Spillane, Mrs. Henry H. Steinberg, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Louis A. Lyne, Mary C. Lyons, Rogers, Mrs. David Rollins Stone, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stone Mr. & Mrs. A. A. MacDonald, Mr. & Mrs. James Rooney, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. James McAuliffe, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ryan, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. John Travers, Mr. & & Mrs. A. S. McCann Mrs. Loreto Salvucci, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Travers Jr., Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Ignatius J. Mc­ Geor~e B. Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Raymond Webber, Rose­ Cann, MJ~. & Mrs. C. McCarthy Joseph Santos-Mary An Silva marie Wesley Jr., McCarthy Coal Co., Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Leo Savard, Ba!­ Mr. & Mrs. Francis Wilde. Mrs. R. A. McCluskey, Dr. & bara Schleicher, Anna M. Shee­ Mrs. James Winters, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. James F. McCourt han, Mr. & Mrs. H. Shepardson Lawrence Wood, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John' McEntee, Jr., Anthony Silva Francis Brophy, Mrs. Francis P. Marg~ret McEntee, Mr. & Mrs. Cannistraro . Emily Silva, Isabel Silva, Mr. Leo D. 'McEvoy, Bertha McGaf­ . Mr. It Mrs. Joseph Cotter, :Mr• • Mrs. Louis Silva, Mr. & Mrs. . figan; 'MI'. & Mrs. (korge Mc­ Manuel Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ & Mr.s. Herman Franco, Mr. ' . Garry; Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mc­ Mrs. ~rge Gaudet liam Simonson Laughlin

And.rew McMenamy, Mr. &

Mrs. ChaI'les McMenamy, Mr. &

Mrs. Andl~ew McNamara, Mr. &

Mrs. ~ra[,cis McNamara, Mr. &

Mrs. Richard McNamara Mr~ & Mrs. Francis A. Mad­ dE,n, Mr. o!lz: Mrs. David Magner, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Mahoney, Mr.

& Mrs. Charles Malcosky, Mr. &

Mrs. Robert Maliff

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Maliff, MJr. & MIS. John Mara, Mr. & Mrs. Jam~s Marchand, Mr. & Mrs. GeorHe Martell, Mr. & Mrs.

Francis Martin

:Mrs. Jo1:n Marvill, Mr. & Mrs.


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THE ANCHORThurs., May 14, 1964



St. Vincent de Paul Confer­

ence of St. Francis Xavier Parish $100 Rev. James P. Dalzell Mr. & Mrs. Morton Downey Doane, Bea1 & Ames $50 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Rioux Mrs. William Fitzgerald $40 A Friend $30

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Swift Mr. & Mrs. James Pendergast

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Golen-


Mr. & Mrs. Aubry Kelly Mr. & Mrs. William Ormsby Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Maher

John A. LaFrance Sr. E. Thomas Murphy Mrs. Ellen Bowser Mrs. Frances H. Hurley


Thomas Noonan, Kenneth Daly, Mr. & Mrs. John MacLean, Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Dery, Anne McKeon $15 Thomas J. Moore, Charles Me­ erath, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hay_

don $12 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kinkead, Mrs. Jeanne Lamb $10 " Ella Britton, Mrs. Cat'oline Baccardax, Emerson Cleaners, William White, Mr. &;. Mrs. Ovide Dumas , Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kidwell, Mrs. Frederick Thome, Mr. '" Mrs. Albert Fallon, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bellibeau, Mr. & Mrs. Prank DeBella Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Drew, George T. Durkan, Mr. l!c Mrs. Nathan Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Don­ ald Manni, Camilla Doran Elizabeth Brassil; Mr. & Mrs. I'rands Watson, John Dalq, Mr. " Mrs. Anthony Perry, Seward K. Reid Jr. Mrs. Florence MacKeon Mrs. 'Della Prada, Mr. & Mrs. James ~. Richer, ,Agnes O'Neil, :Mrs. Nelson Curazzari Mr. & Mrs. John Dantos, Anna McCormack, Mr. & Mrs. William .MacDonald, Mrs. Paul Bishop, Mrs. John Threlfall ., Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pinto, Mr. • Mrs. John Moda, Mr. &' Mrs. Paul Botello, Mr. & Mrs. JosePh Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph'Pena Mr. & Mrs. Reginald J. Har­ I'On, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Schnyer, Cape Oil Company, Mrs. Rich­ M'd C. Labrie, Mr. &; Mrs. Arthur Snow Mr. & Mrs. Michael P1'oC; Mr. " Mrs. James R. Queeny, Mr. & Mrs. William J. Flinn, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Aikens, Mr. & Mrs. Owen Needham Mr. & Mrs. Roland Marcoux, Mrs. Carl Hallgren, Aleiback Soucy, Mr. &; Mrs. Julio Cana­ lias, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fran­ gione Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Costello, Mr. & Mrs. Robert O'Rourke, Mr::;. Leonard Baker, Raphael C. Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Bisson­

ette Mrs. Pauline Cassen, Mrs. Ar­ thur G. Manasclian, Mrs. Thomas Burke, Louis Savino, Mrs. Ber·tila Halloran ' , 'Mrs. Charles Favor, Mr. '&; Mrs. Normand R. LeFr-..ncois, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sokoloski, Acme Pharmacy, Mr. &; Mrs. Theodore Holmes, Mrs. Peter Nelson ' , Mrs. Dorothy Paine, Mr. &; Mrs Louis Vanderloop Mrs Orrin W. Eaton, Mrs. Charles Dumas, Mr. & Mrs. William Mullaly,

West Harwich

HOLY TRINITY $100 A Friend $50 St. Vincent de Paul Societ) Mrs. Dorothy E. Hewitt ' $25 Holy Name Society Parish Ladies Assoclattoa Dr. & Mrs. Arthur D'EUa Glad¥lil Fiale;r

P';!A~ONITE. L~RGY: .Priests o~ the Maronite Rite gathered around the "Mary Altar In Wa~~Ington 8 NatIOnal Shrme of the Immaculate Conception, to concelebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass according to the Maronite Liturgy in Arabic and Syriac. NC Photo. '

Mr. & Mrs. Frank earleton Gessner, John DonIay, Mr. &: Mrs. Everett Bason Mrs. Benjamin Chase, Mrs. Allin Timothy Welch Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Domenick VegH­ Mr. & Mrs. Gerald O'Neill, Mr. ante &; Mrs. William stinson, Robert Dr. & Mrs. John D. Sheehan ]f. Henderson, Mr. & Mrs. John F. McAlevy, Mr. & Mrs. B. Mc$20 Mrs. Mary Grant, Mrs. Edith , Govern Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Kelley, Mr. Rice & Mrs. J. Harry Long, Mr. & Mary Grant, Mrs. George Mes­ Mrs. Glenn Miller, Mr. & Mrs. senger Bemis Boies, Dr. & Mrs. Emanuel $15 Eagle Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Lavedan, Wendell S. Ellis, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Stevens ' Anthony Marini, Mr. & Mrs. , Catherine Lane, Mr. & Mrs. William Brady, C h a r I e s A. James Blute, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Walsh, Mrs. Charles Geoghegan J. Stevens, Mr. & Mrs. PaulP. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Boyle, McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Josep~ Connell, Mr. $10 & Mrs. Raymond Lyons, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Healy, Mrs. ;Mrs. Daniel Barry, Eli2;abeth 1.. Peter Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Batson ' Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. John Bon­ Mr. & Mrs. Richard M~rphy, gers, David & Michael Halpin Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. Toolin, Mr. Mrs. Rita Mahoney, Joseph &: Mrs. Robert Gott ' Turri, Mr. & Mrs George McKim, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Duffy Mrs. Ruth M. Farrell, Mary A.

Westport ,Creighton, Richard Gessner, Mr.

ST. GEORGE &; Mrs. Benjamin Chase, Mr. &; $300 Mrs. William Derwin, Mrs. Alice Rev. Lorenzo H. Morais Carmaine $200 John Donlay, Mr. & Mrs. Jos­ George Considine eph Galizio, Mrs. Sarah A. Cav­ $50 erly, Mrs Nellie Raneo, Raymond Potter's Funeral Service Speakman Mr. & Mrs. John Franets Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Bassett, Ward Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Bryant, Mr. & , Mr. & Mrs. Emmett Almond Mrs. Theophilus Leyton, Mr. & ,Mrs. Amos Leyton, Edwin Rod­ Mr. & Mrs. Edwin .1. Smith $35 erick T. Hudner Kennedy , Mr. & Mrs. Augustus Sylvia, $30 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. John McCabe, Mr., &; Mrs. Thomas J. Wilcock $25 Stanley Fowler, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Florence Bessette Bacon Mr. & Mrs. Robert Briggs, Mr. Alice Harrison

&: Mrs. Frank Donovan, Mr. & , Mary & Veronica Newett

Mrs. Thomas McGuire, Mr. & St. George Conference, St. Mrs. Russell Ritchie, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent de Paul Society Sterling Farrenkopp , Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Kelley Mr, & Mrs. Robert Snow, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Lariviere '& Mrs. Albert Rane9, Mrs. "Mr. ~ Mrs. Richard P. Munroe Christine S. Wood, Benjamin O. Ml:. & Mrs. Joseph Vieira Eldridge $20 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Taglia­ lamesJ. McMahon, Alexander ferri, Mr. &: Mrs. Carl Johnson, stevenson Mr. &; Mrs. Stanley Gonsalves, Donald Pittman Mr. & Mrs. Roger Nunes Jr., Mr. $15 &;' Mrs. Roy Lopes , Walter Fi)ipe}t, Aurele ,~ Mr. ,& Mrs. Joseph Gomes, ,do~ Raymond Michaud, Mi­ , Mr. & Mrs. Richard Chase, Mr. chael O'Grady . & Mrs. Raymond Alvey, Mr. &; Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs. Julia :McKenna Mrs. Robert Hennessy, Mr. &:

Mrs. Edward Blute, Mr. &; Mrs.

Leo Daley, Mr. & Mrs,: Arthur Est. 1897 Grace, Mr.' & Mrs.' Matthew Lopes Builders Supplies Pauline Edwards, Joseph Fer­ 2343 Purchase Street nandes, Mr. &: Mm. William New Bedford Bayes, Juanita Ennes, Mr. &: Mrs. George Gardner WY 6-5661 lin. Alice Catmam, Bi~

.Sturtevant & Hook

$IS Homer Beauparlant, Eugene Laplante Daniel J. Slattery' $10 Lucille Aguiar, Eliodore Al­ lard, John Barros, David Black, Albert & Rene Blais Rosario Blanchard, Raymond 'Bourgeois, Gilbert H. Carmel, Roger L. Champagne, Mrs. ,Mil­ ton Chase Sr. Wil~iam B. J. Clayton, Manuel CorreIa Jr., Frank Costa, Roland Croteau, Daniel M. Cunha ,Laura Cusick, Frederick Di­ Corpo, Roland Emond, Jeremiah Grondin, Lewis J. Hamer John J. Hayes, Thomas Heron Jr., Almedor Houle, Charles Kennedy,Sr., Mrs. George King James King, Stephen D. Ko­ var, Normand Lachapelle, Leo Loranger, Antone R. Machado Mr. &. Mrs. Henry Martel &: son, Oscar Martel, Walter Mc­ Quade, Bento Mello, Joaquim Mello Joseph V. Mello, Manuel Moinheiro, Kenneth Moore Manuel Narciso, John Niznik ' Donald Ouellette, Louise Pa­ checo, Ronald Perrier, Antone G. Perry, Henry J. Picard Arthur Rezendes, Manuel Rezendes, Roland Robillard, Lionel P. Roderick, William Rodgers Katherine Rusin &; Sons Ed­ mund Rymsey, St. George Wom­ en Guild, St. George Holy Name, George St. Martin Joaquim Silva, Manuel Silvia, Joseph Sobral, AIda & Jane Souza, Raymond Souza Oscar Stebenne, Robert Steele, Thomas P. Sullivan, Anthony Sylvia, Eugene Szala ' Leo Tardi, Henri Tetreault, Raymond Therien George R. Thibault, George Thomas

Leo Vandal, Peter Viera, Wil­ liam Wiley, Edward Wojnar August Arruda, S tan ley Babiec, Alphonse Bourbeau, Adelard Bouvette, Mrs. Arnold Bowers David H. Butler, Norbert Cro­ thers, Albert DeMatos, Alden DeMoranville, Adrien Durand Francis X. Flynn, Herbert Foisy, Edward Galligan, Hanni­ bal M~, Gonsalves, Stephen D. Grace

James Hanrahan, Beatrice Hebert, Karol Kawa, Roland R. Lamarre, Romeo Lamontagne Lucille Lavasseur, Alfred Larivee, James F. Loftus Robert Long, Richard E. Mahan

William Marcelino, Joseph Marshall, Joseph Muscarella, Raymond S. Peck, John D. Quin­ lan

John J. Reilly, Thomas Rich­ ards, Daniel Ring, Thomas Ryan, Rene SaVoie Joseph B. Souza, Eugene David Schultz, Donald Sylvia, Frank Sylvia, John Taylor Joseph N. Taylor, Mrs. Doro­ thy Thompson, Helen Tonne&­ sen, Roger Tougas, Mrs. Chris­ topher Townsend Peter Travers, Edmond Vail­ lancourt, Honore Vaillancourt, Mario Vercellone, MQjor Whee­ lock Joseph Zajac, Robert Zelda

Orleans ST. JOAN OF ARC '$50 Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur G. Corkery $25 ' Edward Smith , $12 John Fitzpatrick $10 Frank Kineke, Bridie :Po~ Casey, Frances M. Farren, John Donohue, Thomas White Helene Simmons, Joseph 1.. Silansky, Kathryn S. Hennessy, Anna G. Hennessy, James De­ Lory Jr, Ernest SaUlnier, Michael Dick­ son, Kenneth Roderick

Dighton ST. PETER $50

SIdney M. Caplan $28 Anonymous $10 Norman & Mrs. Ross, Anfholl)" &; Mrs. Borba, Albano &; Mrs' Neves, George Gracia, HelUT '" Mrs. Magan Mrs. John Auger, Maymond & Mrs. Glynn, Norman & Mrs. Smith, Allan &: Mrs. Fanjoy

Year Ahead NEW ORLEANS (NC) Eighth graders in New Orleans archdiocese schools are one full year above the national norm, according to results of a high school placement test.






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Sales & Service 501 COUNTY STREET NEW BEDFORD WV 3-1751


Grages, James Moore, Mr, & Mr. Fred McCann E. J. Keleher, Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Fish, Mr & Mrs Eugpne ael Wallace, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene S. Picard

THE ANCHORThurs., May 14, 1964


$400 Rev Ambrose Bowen


Corpus Christi-St. Theresa's

Conference St. Vincent de Paul Soc.

Mr. & Mrs. Geo. E. Towers

$100 Donald Fougere

Mr. & Mrs. John McDonald

$75 Rev. William I. Morriss $50 Mr. & Mrs. Caesar Alvezi

Bishop Daniel Feehan Counen No. 2911 K. of C. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. A. Bullock

Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Carr John Farrahar

Marie Lawlar $40 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Donaldson Jr. $36 Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Ellis $30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brosnan

Mrs. Albert J. Govoni

Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Martin Lawless Mr. & Mrs. Paul O'Connell $25 Mr. & Mrs. Geo. C. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Caron Corpus Christi - St. Theresa Guild Mr. & Mrs. Geo. S. Denmark

Cornelius Fay St. Johns Catholic Women's Guild Mr. & Mrs. John Hart Mrs. John A. Janse Mrs. A. Cleveland Jones MacDonald's Sandwich Hard­ ware Francis D. Mackedon Dr. Stephen Malone Dr. John C. Minihan Mr. & Mrs. Gerald McGreevey Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Perrault· Mr. & Mrs. John R. Wilson $21 Anonymous $20 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Alvezi, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. F. Bennett, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Bianchi, John Mc­ Cahill, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Creeron Minnie E. Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Forde, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert A. Hamlen, Chas. Libby, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs. Sprague Spooner $15 Mr. & Mrs. James Brogioli, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Crowley, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dvorski, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Enos, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Jacinto Mr. & Mrs. Earl T. MacDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Michael McNamara, Mr. & Mrs. John A. McArdle, Montague Family, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Nelson Redmond O'Callahan, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Roarke, Mrs: Harry Walker $12 Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Miller, In memory of Wm. A. & Ellen F. McLaughlin $10 Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Ahern, Mr. & Mrs. Ira B. Austin, Anon­ ymous, Mrs. Lucy LeBlanc, Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Blais. Mrs. Manuel Britto, Mrs. Katherine Brady, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bazzinotti, Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bazzinotti, The Buzzards Bay National Bank . Miss Anna J. Boido, Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Bars, Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Bettley, Mr. & Mrs. James Boles, Mr. & Mrs. John Bulla Albert Bazzinotti, Lawrence Balboni, L. M. Decicco Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick H. C()mings, Miss Katherine Cunningham Mary Carafoli, Mr. & Mrs. John Clinton, Mr. & Mrs. Alex Consoni, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Corradi, Mrs. A. M. Cardoza John Carafoli, Mrs. Edith Chamberlain RN, Miss Mary L. Cronin, Genevieve Callahan, Mrs. Howard Crowell Mr. & Mrs. Howard Carlson,

Mattapoisett ST. ANTHONY

THE DEAN OF CARDINALS: Eugene Cardinal Tisserant, left, eminent scholar and churchman is greeted in Montreal by Paul-Emile Cardinal Leger, Archbishop of Mon­ treal, upon his arrival from Home to participate in the ceremonies of the dedication of the new University of Notre Dame Library building. NC Photo. Mr. Anthony Consolini, Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Currier, Mr. & Md. Thomas Dunlavey, Col. Wm. W. Drummey Mr. & Mrs. Angelo J. Di­ Modica, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Dal­ ton, Mr. & Mrs. Tilson S. Den­ ham, Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop Davis, Loretta Davis Mr. & Mrs. B. C. DiPietro, Ronald Deconto, Mr. & Mrs. Carl DiPietro, Edward Driscoll, Earl Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. Manuel DeCosta, Mrs. Ralph Emerson, Chas. H. Egan, Mr. & Mrs. Delmo Fed­ rice, Miss Claudia Forni Clifford Fougere, Mr. & Mrs. Earl F. Flinker, Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Fernandes, Mr. & Mrs. John Forni, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Flannigan Mrs. Chas. F. Gadsby, Mr. & Mrs. Milton Geltz Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Justin George, Mr. & Mrs. Lester Geary, Mr. & Mrs. An­ drew Gandolfi Mr. & Mrs. John Gallo, Henry Gagner, Mr. & Mrs. Dante Gal­ lerani, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Giam­ pietro, Mrs. Stanley Gray James George, Mr. & Mrs. William Gelson, Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Howes, Ellsworth Hawkes, Herbert E. Hamlen Mr. & Mrs. Michael Halatyn, Mrs. Kay Higgins, Mary Hebert, Freeman P. Hebert, Mrs. Wm. Hearn Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hersey, Mr. & Mrs. Chas. W. Huff, Geo. Hennrikus, Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Hassett, Jack's Package Store Mr. & Mrs. Kilmer J. Joyce, Charles Kiley, Robert K. King, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kohn, Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Keating Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. John Lodi, Mr. & Mrs. Waldo Lumbert, Mr. & Mrs. Lofstead, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Liberty Mr. & Mrs. Richard Latimer, Mrs. Lillian Mooney, Joseph Milliken, Mr.""' & Mrs. John B. McArdle Sr., Miss Rose Maley Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Woo McCann Jr., Miss Katherine Maley, Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Metcalf, ur. & Mrs. Walter J. McDonough, Mr. & Mrs. Chas. McHugh Mr. & Mrs. N. McEnaney, Mr. & Mrs. Gino Macoratti, Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mooney, Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Minihan, Mr. & Mrs. John McKeon . Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick V. Nu­ gent, Mrs. Harold Nickerson, John L. Nolan III, Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Nye, Mrs. Alfl'ed Oliver George Ortolani, Ida O'Brien,

Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose O'Brien, Mr. & :VIrs. Wm. O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Passaro Mr. 8: Mrs. Geo. Pereira, Mrs. Gustav(l Pola, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Parks, Mr. & Mrs. Chas. H. Parks, Ed. Parent Jr. . Mr. Clt Mrs. Luigi Pasquale, Mrs. Te·resa Prete, Mr. & Mrs. Chas. I'ederzani, Mrs. Douglas Purdy, Mr. & Mrs. Dante Quat­ tromini Ted ~!uirk, Mr. & Mrs. Nestor Robidou, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamine Reese, Mrs. Morris Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs. Clement Rei William H. Russell, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Russell Jr., Mrs. Ches­ ter Ricb, J. Louis Roberti, Mr. & Mrs. ::vrichael Rigazio Mr. &; Mrs. Chas. Reggiani, :VIr. & Mrs. Edward Rondelli, Vincent Rooney, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Sassone, Mrs. Eugene J. Silver Mr. & Mrs. John L. Smith, Mr. /lr; Mrs. I:dward Shay Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. Sweeting, Mr. & Mrs. Pat Sorenti, Mr. & Mrs.. .;;rames Sutton James H. Sibson, Mr. & Mrs. llichard Sheehan, Robert San­ ford, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Sene­ sha, Mr. & Mrs. William Tyback Mr. & Mrs. Henry F. Tati, Mrs. Lillian Tully, Mr. & :1\-Irs Al 10nso Tassinari, Mr. & Mrs. Grato Tonello, Mr. & Mrs. Tello 'I'ontini Mr. & Mrs. Frank Tiernan, :Mr. & Mrs. Richard Vigliano, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest R. VanBus­

kirk, Mrs Herbert Watson, Peter

Weimont, Mrs. Charles G. Whit­ Dlore

Buzzards Bay ST. MARGARET

$100 St. Mal'garet's Conference of St. Vincent de Paul Society $75 Sts. Margaret & Mary Guild $25 Robert W. MacDonald In Menory of Margaret C. Cook The O'Connell Family Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Biagiotti Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Payton $20 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Facchetti, Major & :VIrs. Reginald Stark Mr. & l\lrs. Frank Bettus, Mr.

& Mrs. I,(.uis Houdelette $15 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Larkin Mrs. Catherine Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Labretto $10 :Red Wood Motel, Mrs. Mary T. Harris, M. Ursula Wing, Mr.

$100 Eugene Phelan


Louise Dupre $50

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sylvia

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Bedard • Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Collins Mr. & Mrs. Paul Glennon

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kinnane Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Linhares Pauline Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pimental $20

Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Brito, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Carter, Mr. & Mrs. Mark McIntyre, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Perrault $15 Mr. & Mrs. Murray DeCoffe, Emily & Josephine Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Snyder


Mr. & Mrs. Real Breton, Hplen Callahan, John Callahan, Mrs. Malcolm Coderre, Mr. & Mrs. John Costa Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DeCosta, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Farley, David & Theresa Frawley, Isabel Farwell, Mr. & Mrs. John Gib­ bons

Mr. & Mrs. James H. Gifford, Mrs. Irene Huggins, Mr. & Mrs.

Paul F. Keane Jr., Dr. & Mrs.

Clayton King, Mrs. Alden Kin­

ney Mary Langlois, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Larivierre, Mr. & Mrs. Ar­ thur Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Libby, Joseph Luiz Mr. & Mrs. Paul McDermott, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Mello, Mr. & Mrs. John Menezes, Wil­ liam P. Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Al­ bert Morgado Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nobrega, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ponti, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Rebello, Mrs. Eugene Sackman , Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sylvia-Barstow Street, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sulli­ van, Mr. & Mrs. William Suzan Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Tuttle Mr. & Mrs. William Walsh, Mr'. & Mrs. Peter Wayner, Carrie White

& Mrs. Thomas Dunbury, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Nate Nickerson, White Rabbit Restaurant, Capt. Harris Fish Market, Caldara's Bait & Boat Shop, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick McComiskey William Delaney, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ellis, Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Day, Mr. & Mrs. John Cook, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cahoon Mr. & Mrs. Roland Tremblay, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Getchell, Mrs. John Duke, Mr. & Mrs. William Sweeney, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Sweeney John Correira & Family, Mr. & Mrs Reno Chepren, The Grant Family, Mary & Donald Burch­ ill, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel LaCass , Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Menelly, Helen Niebuhr, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Laughlin . Mr. & Mrs. George Clark, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tucy Sr., Mrs. Honorary Degree Henry Simons, Mr. & Mrs. Ed- . CARACAS (N C) - Rafael mond Villani, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Caldera, secretary general of the Angus, Frances Doucette Venezuelan Christian Democra­ Mrs. Margaret HUll, Mr. & tic party. will receive an honor­ Mrs. Henry Nicklerson, Rose­ ary degree in June from Notre mary Sweeney, Mrs. Francis Dame University, Notre Dame, Alander, Michael J. Teehan Ind. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fer­ nandes, Mr. & Mrs. John Landry Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lane, Mrs. Louise McLaughlin, Mr. &. Mrs. John McElroy, Mr. & Mrs. Mau­ ro Avancena, Mrs. Anthony Val­ loreggio Mr. & Mrs. George F. Long, Catherine H. D. Bowen, Mary T. Rose, Marie G. Favreau, Mrs. WYman David Kashner 3-6592 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Hegg, Mit­ CHARLES F. VARGAS chell & Sons, Mr. & Mrs. Harry 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE ~EW BEDFORD, MASS.





SULLIVAN BROS. PRINTERS Main Office and Plant LOWELL, MASS. 01852 Telephone Lowell

458·6333 and 457-7500 Auxiliary Plants BOSTON OCEANPORT, N. J. PAWTUCKET, R. t. PHILADELPHIA




North Attleboro' .ST. MARY'S

$1,000 Rev. Edward B. Booth $l(}0 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Miconi Sr. $75 Eva Morawski $50 Mrs. Joseph Condon Mr. & Mrs. Edward Coogan Mr. & Mrs. Aime Grenier Eva Morawski Raymond L. McCarthy Mrs. G. Howard Morse Mary & Margaret Kinton Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pini A Friend $40

Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Murphy $35 :Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Kinkead $30 . Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Connors Jr. Mr. & Mrs. August Funke . $25 Mrs. Elizabeth Sheals Mr. & Mrs. John Gaffney Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gilloly Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Connor Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferland Mr. & Mrs. James Rhilinger Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Snell Mr. & Mrs. James Bailey Mrs. Mildred Nolan Mr. & Mrs. George McGee Mrs. Herbert Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Smith $20 Mr. & Mrs. George Roach, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kiley, Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Bellavance, M. Veron­ ica Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. William Rowe, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kear­ ney Mr. & Mrs. John Murray George Jacobs Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Paulus, Mr. & Mrs. Fred A. Thorpe, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Du­ bowicz Mr. & Mrs. R. Blanchard, James McDonald $15 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Michaud, Mrs. Susan Hinchcliffe, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Clark, Mr. & Mrs. Henry DeMeo Mr. & Mrs. Charles Guillette, Eleanor Courtney, Mr. & Mrs. George Vandal, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Considine Joseph Petrone, Arthur I.eves­ que, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Cum­ mings & Anne Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoey Mrs. Anne Berthold, Mr & Mrs John Iaconis $12 Mrs. Irene Garrigus, Mrs. Wil­ liam Curren . Mr. & Mrs. P. Panico, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas A. Noviello $10 Mr. & Mrs. James T. Lund, Rosaria Vendetti, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Gray, Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Young, George Pike Mr. & Mrs. Norman McEnaney, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Root, Mr. & Mrs. F;ancis Kieth, Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Palardy, Mr. & Mrs. P. Levesque Fred Goddard, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ ward Garlick, Stephen T. Cinq­ Mars, Mr. & Mrs. Char~es Shu­ mila, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Megna Mr. & Mrs. George Luchetti, Donald Jackman, Mr. & Mrs. Setrak Yergatian Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Clinton, Mrs. Allen Mac­ Donald Mr. & Mrs. John Rioux, Mrs. Liane Reams, Mr. & Mrs. Dana Gaboury, Mrs. Ruth Fenton, Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Thibeault Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Bat­ tersby Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Rego, Mary Cavanagh, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Calcagni, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cochrane Mr. & Mrs. Howard Rioux, Mr. & Mrs. James Magnan, Mr. & Mrs. James Dion, Mildred Nolan, Michael Nolan Catherine Horan, Kathleen Nolan, Ann Horan, Mr. & Mrs. William Roger, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Carriere Mr. & Mrs. Frank Trifoglio, Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Vandette, Mr. & Mrs. John Demont, Mr. & Mrs. George Keagan

THE ANCHORThurs., May 14, 1964


Mrs. Aurele Bourgeois, Ray­ nald Chauvin, Arlelaret Cnabot Mr. & Mrs. Charles Clavette, Mr. & Mrs. Normae. Cloutier, Gerard Dupuis, Mr. & Mrs. Rob­ ert McCall, Mr. & Mrs Norman Ouellette Mr. & Mrs. Edward Surpre­ nant, Mr. & Mrs. Romaul Thi­ bault & Roger Mrs. Cecile Bourgeois & Fam­ ily, Mrs. Aldea Brais, Flora Des­ sert, Mr. & Mrs. William Kum­ mer $12 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Desautel Jr. $11

Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Weldon Mr. & Mrs. William Dion II: Family $10 Mr. & Mrs. Auguste Alix, Ber­ nadette Alix, A Friend, Mr. & MARYKNOI,L SUCCESS STORY: A break-through in the difficult socioeconomic Mrs. Alp h 0 n e Banette, A problem in Latin America seems assured as Father Joseph J. Sarjeant, M.M., of Our Friend Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. N. Bon­ Lady of the Pillar Parish, in the slum area of Arequipa, Peru, looks over the results of his "self-help" housing project. Thanks to aid from the Alliance for Progress, the Peace neau Mary Louise Brackett Mr. & Mrs. Walter Carlson, Cor­ Corps and the parish credit union, Angel Penarana and his family, right photo, will soon delia Chabot, Francois Chabot move from th€ i r one-room hovel to a comfortable three-room home which they can call Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Chabot, Mr. their own. NC Photo. . & Mrs. Raoul Choiniere, A Friend, A Friend, A Friend Horace Dargis & Fa•. 'lily, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Mar­ William Diamond, Thomas Mon­ James Renaldi, Mr. & Mrs. E.W..... coullier, Mr. & Mrs. Edward ahan Nolan, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Casey & Mrs. Henry Desautel, Mr. & Monahan, Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Fisch­ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Robillard, Mrs. Edward Wolfe, Mr. & Mrs Mrs. Rodolphe J. Deschenes, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Desilets, Mr. & bach, Mr. & Mrs. James Cava­ Mrs. Thomas McMorrow, Mr. & R. Bellavance, Mr. & Mrs Roland Mrs. Edward Dion nagh, Mrs. G. Dagosta Mrs. William Kiehn, Mrs. Joseph Provost, Mr. & Mrs. Luigi Cer­ Mr. & Mrs. V. R. Petti, Kath­ McEnroe, Mr. & Mrs. H. E. rone, Mr. & Mrs. E. Butterworth Mrs. Melina Dion, Mr. & Mrs. leen Courtney, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rioux Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur St. John, Roland Dubuc, Dr. & Mrs. Ar­ Connelly, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gallant, Mr. & Mrs. James Riley, Lucy mond Dyon, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Sarazin, Mrs. Mary J. Lorden Mr. & Mrs. H. Tetreault, Mr. & V. McAdams, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fontaine, Mr. & Mrs Frederick Mr. & Mrs. John Higgins, Mrs. Raymond Magnan, Mr. & Fortin Jr. Hannan, Linda Shepard George Houde, Mr. & Mrs. Al­ Mrs. William Corrigan, The Mr. & Mrs. Roland Fregault, Mrs Erna F. Shearer, Mrs Rose phonse Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrs. Shuman Family McDonald, Mrs. Dorothy Bunker Laurence Gaudette, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Forbes, Joseph McKenna Mr. & Mrs. William Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs. David Gaboury, Mr. Ernest Gendron & Anita, Romeo Helen A. Zalesky, Mrs. John Corrigan, Mrs. Ann White, & Mrs. E. Levesque Gendron, Mrs. Am)( Girard II: Thomas Schofield, Mr. & -Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. S. LaPorte, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Beaupre, Theodore Robert Healey, Mr. & Mrs. Ber­ Mary Smith & Irene Smith Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kelly, Mrs. Arthur Girard, Mr. & Mrs. nard McKenna, Mr. & Mrs. Mario Roque, Mr. & Mrs. P. William B. Plattner, Mr. & Mrs. Fernand Goule\ Mr. & Mrs. Benedick Germaine Rushlow, William J. McCarthy, Daniel Cavanagh Maurice Gregoire, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fisler, John Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Laliberte, Marcella McLean, Mrs. Hilda Theodore Guimond M. Reardon Jr., Mr. & Mrs. W. Mrs. Richard Martin LePorte, Mr. &. Mrs. George Mr. & Mrs. Albert Jarvis, Mr. A. Rowe, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mr. & Mrs. Emmie Levesque, Fisher Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lonardo, Mr. & Mrs. E. F. Childs Margaret Kieran & Family, Mr. McCory, Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. .& Mrs. Joseph A. Jette, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Jurdak, Mr. & Mrs. Louise Colleto, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. J. J. McCormick, Sarah Johnson Donald Kirby, Eugenie Labrie. Frederick Batte.rsby, Mr. & Mrs. Zaino, Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Grimes Leo Lacasse, Mr. & Mrs. Ray­ Ad'Olph Grzenda Jr., Alice Mul­ David McQuaid, John 3. SACRED HEART mond Lacasse, Mr. & Mrs. Geo. laney, Mr. & Mrs. William P. Nolan, Mr. & Mrs. W. Fillman, Landry, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Logan, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald James McGrath, Mr. & Mrs. $350 Lapointe, Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph Dupre, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joy Rev. Joseph S. Larue Raymond Bishop LaRochelle Mrs. Maria Iaconis, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Matilda Dailey, Mr. & $100 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Larocque, Allen Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. Emile Mrs. William Joyce, Elizabeth Rev. Edmond L. Dickinson Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Letourneau, A. Plante, Mr. & Mrs. Walter McKeon, Mrs. Elizabeth Red­ $70 A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Skawinski, Mrs. Harry Stanford ding, Mr. & Mrs. John Magnani Boule & Bourassa Family L'Homme, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Jane Carley, Katherine Coady, Mr. & Mrs. Norman LeTour­ $30 Marcil neau, Mr. & Mrs. Clive Gayton, Gertrude Littlefield, Alice Lit­ Philippe Rainville & Family Mr. & Mrs. Omer Martineau, Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Andrews, Mr. tlefield, Mr. & Mrs. James $25 Whalen Mr. & Mrs. Louis Mayer, Mr. & & Mrs. J. Swanzey, Dr. John T. Louis Bardier Jennie Angus, Mrs. Rita Dun­ Mrs. Leo Meunier, Mr. & Mrs. Cotter Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bessette Mr. & Mrs. B. L. DiNardo, Mr. ham, Mr. & Mrs. A. Spadoni, Mr. Bernard Miramant, Mr. & Mrs. Anonymous & Mrs. Anthony Belaski, Mr. & & Mrs. Joseph Curtin, Mr. & John Mona Mr. & Mrs. Dona Desilets & Mrs. Jeremiah Flanagan, George Mrs. George Schmidt Ulysse Morneault, Mr. & Mrs. Family Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaPorte, Robitaille, Mrs. Frederick Cote Desmond Oakes, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Ouellette Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ferns, Mr. & Mrs. George Normand, Joseph Ouellet, Mr. & Mrs. Mau­ Mrs. Jean B. St. Pierre & Joseph Horan, Maureen Phippen, Mr. & Mrs. Louis McAdams, Family rice Paquin, Mr. & Mrs. Dismond Mr. & Mrs. Richard Phi~pen, Thomas Mikulis, Mr. & Mrs. J. Oates Mr. & Mrs. George Vaillan­ Thomas Feeney Arthur Gaudette Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Paquin, court Clara Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. John Kelly, Mrs. Maude Mc­ Mr. & Mrs. Roger Parent, Mr. & Mrs. Cedelie Gagnon & Frederick Fisler, Mr. & Mrs. 'Cabe, Walter Simms, Mrs. Mrs. Rene Pinsonnault, Mr. & Loretta Lawlor, Mr. & Mrs. S. John Astin, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Daughters Mrs. Roger Pinsonnault, Friend Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kirby E. Cloutier, Mr. & Mrs. Dorily Linfield Mr. & Mrs. Leo Poirier, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lallier Sarazin Mr. & Mrs.J. Melanson, Mr. & Mrs. Michel Proulx, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Patunoff Frank Skawinski, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. J. Copeland, Mr. & Mrs. J. Roland Riendeau, Edward Rin­ Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tatarian & William F. Clark, Mrs. George Carnabuci, Mr. & Mrs. J. Char­ guette, Mr. & Mrs. Raymon4 Family ron, Mr. & Mrs. John Hannigan Jacobs, Mary Kennedy Ringuette $20 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wain, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Todaro, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Robert, Mr. Achin Family-Old Post Road, & Mrs. William Miller, Mr. & Louis A. Morrell, Mr. & Mrs. Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Albert & Mrs. Maurice St. Pierre, Mr. Mrs. Paul Kephart, Mrs. Helen John Iafrate, Mrs. Peter Rezza, & Mrs. Philippe St..Pierre, Mr. Jensen, Mr. & Mrs. William Desilet, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Gui­ Mrs. Dorothy Woodworth, Mr. & & Mrs. Leslie Sheldon, Richard mon, Mrs. Aurore Labrie & Charpentier Mrs. W~lter Turcotte Thimot Mr. & Mrs. John Ryman, Mr. Family, Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Pre­ Mr. 8/; Mrs. Donald Guthrie, & Mrs. George Auty, Mr. & Mrs. court Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Weldon, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley McMahon, R. A. Carvalho, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ Rita & Alma Achin, Mr. & Mrs Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Weldon. Henry Granger Family, Mr. & Wilfred Bourgault & Family, Mr. & Mrs.. Frank Woodbury liam LaPierre, Mr. & Mrs. Wal­ Mrs: Arthur Gaboury, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brodeur, Mrs. Clara Chabot, Mr. & Mrs. ter Bellavance Mrs. David Sar~t Mr. & Mrs. Peter Picchi, J. Raymond Lambert, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Chaput, Mr. & Mrs. Don­ ald Charlebois, Theresa & Paul­ Mr. & Mrs. P. J. Henault, Mr. William Connelly, Mr. & rA'rs. Emile Vaguener & Family ine Davignon, Mr. & Mrs. Herve & Mrs. John J. McCarthy, Mr. & $16 E. Cassidy, Mildred Gilroy, Ger­ Mrs. Joseph L. Melanson, Mr. & Dube Mr. & Mrs. Edward Guertin & trude O'Donnell Mrs. Donald Vendetti, Mr. & William Finnerty, Conrad Gi­ Florence Ellis, John Alsworth. Family Mrs. J. Bolinger rard, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Goulet, Mr. & Mrs. George Mercure Mary & Margaret Doran, Frank Mrs. Herbert Follett, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Harold Kennedy, Mr. $15 McKeon, Mr. & Mrs. Ludger Mrs. R. Barrett, Mr: & Mrs. Guimond & Mrs. Alfred Lacasse Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Achin, Mr. Joseph Zaino, Marie J. Scanlin, The Laplante Family, Spruce & Mrs. Ronald Achin, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. J. McGrath, Mr. & Mrs. Eileen Taylor Street, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Laplante, Mrs. John Armour, Mr. & Mrs. D Mr. & Mrs. William Hickey, Joseph Ruest, Margaret Flaherty Nelson' LeBlanc, Mrs. Eva Mor­ Honor Prelate Mr. & Mrs. Charles' A. Blais, Mr. & Mrs. A. P. Kivlin SAN DIEGO (NC) - Bishop risseau & Jeanne, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard H. Blais, Mr. & Mrs. J. Grace Bride, Gertrude Bride, Charles F. Buddy of San Diego Gerald Parenteau Burda, Mary Hess Lena Parenteau, Mrs. Rose Mr. & Mrs. T. J. McHuch, MI'. & was presented with a Brother­ Thomas Lynch, Mr.. & Mrs. Mrs. J. J. O'Connor hood Award by the San Diego Philibert, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Harry Malinowski" Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs.· H. .Dupelle, Mr. & Poirier, Mrs. Florence Poirier, chapter of the National Confer­ Albert E. Wilber. Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. William Rose, Mr. & Mrs. ence of Christians and Jews here. Mr. & Mrs. Bertrand Prefontaine


Mr. &, Mrj;.John De Pina & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Fer­ nandes, Mr. & Mrs. Russell De­ Barros, ll/Ir. & Mrs. Joseph Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fl'ageat. Mr. & Mrs. Charle!> Lalli, Mr. ST. PATRICK'S & Mrs. Raymond Dennehy, Mr. $250 & Mrs. Rodenbush, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Myers Antone Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald $100 Normand Mr. & Mrs. Chester Bumpus Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Ashley, Mr. Mr. & Mrs~ John Mac Neil & Mrs. Bartlette Cushing, Mr. Father Callahan, Knights of & Mrs. Francis 'Francotte, Mr. & Clolumbus Mrs. George Cordes, Mr. & Mrs. $75 Walters Rev. John J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Winston Bendall Rev. Leonard M. Mullaney Mr. & Mrs. Frank Galvin, Mr. $50 & Mrs. George Faust, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs Alfred Beauchemin Gerard Cusick, .Mrs. Armanda Isabelle Cummings Dupont Mr. & Mrs. James Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Viera, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Baptiste Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Matoes, Mr. $35 & Mrs. Peter Cardoza, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs Frank Krystofolsld Charles Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Rob­ $30 ert St. Jacques Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kiernan Mr. & Mrs. Fred Ulsifer & $25 Son, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Greene, Mrs. Georgianne Wing Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Reed, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. William McLean, Mrs. David F. Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. & Mis. William Dawson Francis Farrell Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Henry Mr. & Mrs. Charles McGovern, Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Moore Edward Donohue, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Frances Mayhew Bradford Newell, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Sabbow Henry Cerkowitz, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. George Barrett Damon Hatch Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Pappi Mr. & Mrs. Roy ~'ranklin, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Rhodes Lorraine Ripley, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Mary Stott Mario Govoni, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ Mrs~ Odette Spadafora liam Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mr. & Mrs. Claude Ellis McWilliams Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Mendes Mrs. Elizabeth & June Beau­ Dr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson lieu, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Leconte, J. W. Hurley Co. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kiernan, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel J. Roder­ Desmond Murphy, Mr. & lVIrs. ick Attilo Borsari Robert Deans Mr. & Mrs. William LeFavor, $20 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Brackett. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Semeldo, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coyne, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Vose, Mr. Mrs. Herbert Barrett, Mr. & & Mrs. George St. John, Mr. & Edward Russell Mrs. Thomas Clements , Philip Yeager, Mr. & Mrs. Jo­ Mr. & Mrs. Chester Skinder, seph Yeager, Kathleen Barrett, Mrs. Annie Smith & Harry Mr. & Mrs. John Reinhardt, Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Er­ John Coyne nest Precourt, Mr. & Mrs. Medio Mrs. Grace Russell & Fainily, Pederzani, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Frank Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Chris­ Collins topher Sempos, Anna Gaffney, John Galligan, Mr.' &' Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Herman Galavotti Adolphe Billotte, Mr. & Mrs. AI_ Mr. & Mrs. Robert O'Brien, ·bert Rose, Mr. & Mrs.' Stanley Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kiernan, ·Washburn Mr. & Mrs. Eugene FOll'ant, Mr. $15 & Mrs. Edward Ryba, Mr. & '. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pezzoli, Mr. Mrs. Robert Reed It Mrs. Thomas Connor, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Walsh, Mrs. Charles Ellis, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Griffin, John Elliott Macomber, Mr. & Mrs. Peelo, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Harry Hinckley Crabtree, Mr. & Mrs. William Mr. & Mrs. Charles Westgate, Flaherty Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Nault,' Mr. Mr. & Mrs. John Gomes, Mr. &,Mrs. John Santos, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Joseph Zora, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Boliver, Mrs. Esther Russell Burns, Mr. & Mrs. John Kiernan Maddigan, Mr: &: Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Thomp­ Amaral IOn, Sarah McLaughlin, Mrs. Everett Cassels, Mr. & Mrs. Agnes Francis, Mr. & Mrs. Mil­ George Conroy, Frances Mur­ ton Laycock, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ phy, Mr. & Mrs. George Oli­ liam Nolan fierko, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Marini Mr. & Mrs. Archibald Reedy, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Perry, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Fletcher Long Margaret Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. &: Mrs. Jeldino Melloni, l"Ir. & Mrs. Ellsworth Atwood, Mr. & Fred Kuppens, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ liam Rogers Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. George Saunders, Mr. & Richard Sullivan Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. William Spillane Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McGrath, -:.., John Alves Mrs. Grace Kearins, Mrs. Harry $12 Mr. & Mrs. Felinio Cardoza, Holbrook, Mr. & Mrs. James ;Mr. & Mrs. John Maloney, Mr. Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hayes & Mrs. Nelson Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tobey, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Marble, Mr. Michael Melloni, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. William Paling Epifanio Jorge, Mr. & Mrs. $11 Chester Doten, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Tavares Orlik $10 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cristofori, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Correia, Mrs. Norma Fraser, ;Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. JohQ. Piepiora, Mr. Francis Kingston, Mrs. Grace & Mrs. Frank Cessarini & Fam­ Cleveland, Harold Galligan , Uy, Mr, & Mrs. John Silva, Mrs. Margaret Reed, Mr. & Mrs. Beatrice Bent John Grenda, Achille' Govoni, Mr. & Mrs. Hector Pelletier, Mr; & Mrs. Ray Bump, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Artl-ur Baptiste, Mr. Mrs. Victor' Beneducci' &'Mrs. Frank Alves, Mr.• Mrs. Mrs. Agnes Butler, Mr. & Mrs. , Remo Tassinari & Daughter, Bernard Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. ,Laura Vecchi Harold Terpeny, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tamagirii, 'Domingos Nunes & Family, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Gardner McWilliams, & Mrs. Edmund Valley Millard Monteiro, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Elizabeth Roche, Mr. & Egidio Monteiro, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Robert Bruce, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Mattos Russell Hiller, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mary Miranda, Mrs. Jennie Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. James Miranda, Mrs. Joaquina Roder­ Ingham Mr. & Mrs. William Begley & ick, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Roach, Mr. & Mrs. James Barber Family, Mr. & Mrs. Dante Fava Mr. & Mrs. Agneus Veiga, Mr. & Family, Raymond Fava, An­ • Mrs. Manuel Fernandes Sr., thony Bacchieri, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Oliveira, Mr. So- Mrs. George Bentley, Mr. &: Mrs. " Thofl:\as UCln Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Houdelette Fl'ank Rose Mr. &: Mrs. O'Rourke, Mr. &


THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., May 14, 1964




Rev. John J. Higgins

$100 St. Vincent de Paul Society Mr. & Mrs. Frank Shea Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Powers Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Kennedy A Friend A Friend

$SO Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sims Dr. &: Mrs. Charles Hasket! Mr. & Mrs. John Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cain Our Lady of the Assumption Guild Mr. &: Mrs. John Shields The l\fn'K'pon Family Mrs. H. W. York

WIN8 AWARD: Winner of a [<'all River Catholic Woman's Club scholarship is :Barbara J. McCann, daugh­ ter of :Mrs. Dorothy J. Mc­ Cann, St. Patrick's parish, l~all Ri ver. She is a senior at Mt. St. Mary Academy, where she is active in the National Honor Society, glee dub, French club and stu­ dent government, in addition to serving as class president. She wil;, attend Bridgewater State College. Mrs. Charles Crocker, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tassinari, Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Kendrigan, Mr. & Mrs. Alb<~rt DeLoid Mrs. Assunta Borsari, Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Eldridge, Mr,. & Mrs. Oliver Lawson, Mr. & Mrs. .Anthony S. Monteiro, Mr. &: Mrs. Marshall Jackson Domin!:a Silva Mr. & Mrs. Banjamin Silva, Mr. & Mrs. John Barrows, Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Gonsalvel: Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Yurkus, :Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Nowak, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scalia, Mr. & Mrs. Hal vey Bigham, Mr. & Mrs. Dan:,el Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Charles Roderick, Mr. & Mr,;. Walter Smith, Mr. & Mrs. D. Warren Nickerson, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tamagini & Son, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Galavotti Louis E:inguette, Mr. & Mrs. Jc·hn Rodrigues, Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop Baylies, ,Dr. Ralph Angus, Gilbert Costa Mr. & Mrs. James Maglio, Mr. Mrs. David Alves, Mr. & Mrs. James HU:Jbard, Mrs. Rose Fed­ er.lci, Mr. ,~ Mrs. David Matoes I'rances Hennessey, Dr. Charles F. Murra::!" The Wareham Sav­ inl~s Bank, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Ober, Mr. & Mrs. Romain Poyant :Mr. & Mrs. Francis Monahan, Alice E. Monahan, Mrs. Ellen BuHington, Mrs. Alice Barthol­ omew, Mr. & M:-s. Adolph Vieira Mr. & Mrs. George Santos, Mrs. Jenni,e Viera, Mr. &: Mrs. Edwin Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Domingo Baptiste Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Moffet, Mr. & Mrs. William Murray, Mr. &: :Mrs. Thomas Reidy Jr., AmOs BaJrros, Mr. & Mrs. Schifino Mr. & Mrs. Charles Barros, Angelo Mcrrazzi, Clara Stanley Mr. &" Mrs. Manuel Sylvia; 'Mr. &: 'Mrs. J'O 1m Andrade, Bernice Federici

PClstor penounces School Boycotts UNIVERmTY HEIGHTS (NC) -A Catholic pastor said schOOl

boycotts ar,~ a criminal mistake because they teach children dis­ obMience to authority. Father Fl'ancis ~. Dietz, S.J.. pastor of Gesu parish here in Ohio, referred to the boycott of Cleveland's public schools in which an e,;timated SO,OOO chil­ dren stayec: out in the United Frel~om MIJVement project. Sehool boycotts, he said, en­ danl~er respect for law. Racial problems should be sOlved ~ aduJ.ts, not «mildren, he atreaed.

$3S Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Beecher $30

naniel Brothers

$25 Mr. &: Mrs. Howard Sears Mr. & Mrs. Francis Butler Mr. & Mrs. Sherwood Tondorf Mr. & Mrs. Donald COOmbs Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mayne Mr. & Mrs. John Murohy Mr. & Mrs. James Shields Leo Sweeney Mr. &: Mrs. Charles Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cammett Mr. &: Mrs. Jeremiah Callahan


Mr. &: Mrs. Royal Gaffney C'-lltTles Desmarais $20 Mr. & Mrs. John, Pina. Ml' &; Mrs. Bordon Zwicker, Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence Gilli"an, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hasselbraek, Mrs. Mary O'Brien Margaret Hansbury, Mr. &: Mrs. Pius Rooney, Mr. &: Mrs. John Botelho, Mr. &: Mrs. An­ thony Campana, Dr. &: Mrs. George Manning

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Labute, Mrs, Elizabeth Skelly, Mr. & Mrs. Terry Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Flynn' , Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bouzan, Marie Bruton, Mr. & Mrs. Thom­ &8 Mason" Zilpha Wright; Mrs. Pr.eston Wright, Mr. & Mrs. Vic­ tor Adams Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lewis $12 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Ashley

$10 Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred Barboza, Mr. &: Mrs. James Flynn, Mr. &: Mrs. John Bowes, Mr & Mrs John Lahteine, Dr. &: Mrs. Hugh Bur­ bank August Roderick, Mr. &: Mrs. James McNulty, Mrs. Rosemary Bowes, Bernard O'Neil $10 Mr., & Mrs. Edward Duarte, Mr. &: Mrs. Warren Davis, Mr. &T Mrs. George Cockerham, Ern.. est Thompson, Mrs. Mary Me­ Pherson Ine.,. O'Niell, Joyce O'Niell Jean Zwicker, Mrs. Mary Fra­ zier Robert McDonald ' Mr. .. Mrs. AlvoaroMattos, Mr. &: Mrs. Raleigh Av,allone, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Santos ir., Mr. &: Mrs. Ronald Brilhante, Mr. &: Mrs. Herbert Nickerson Anthony Souza, Mrs. Florence Bradlee, Mr. & Mrs. 'William Fotheringham, RoSe Souza, Mr. &; Mrs. David Gallagher ' Mr. •&: Mrs. .John Shott, Jose­ phine Hal'" - ~tt, Mrs. Margaret Kelly; Mr. ' . Mrs. Alphonse Beaumont; Mr. &: Mrs. 'James O'Niell , Mr. &: Mrs. Charles JohMOft,

Mr. &: Mrs. John R Souza (Co­ tttit) , Mr. & Mrs. Neil Nightin­ gale, Mr. & Mrs. William Adams Mr. & Mrs. Miles Pawloski ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Daniel, Mr. &; Mrs. James Wright, Mrs. Catherine Tallman, Mrs. Mar­ garet Shields, Mrs. Mary Swartz Dr. & Mrs. Burton Trask, Mr &: Mrs. Shirley Crosby, Mrs. Mary O'Connor, Mr. &: Mrs. E. A. Oliva, Mr. &: Mrs. John R. Souza John Duarte Jr., Mr. &: Mrs. Ronald Banfield, Mr. &: Mrs, Francis Wyman, Daniel Sullivan, Mrs. Lemuel Fish Mr. &: Mrs. Roger ScUdder, Mr. &: Mrs. John Heher, Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas O'T'lonnell, Tho mas O'Donnell Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Ben­ jamin Yanchuck Mrs. Jeremiah Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hamblin, Joseph Barry, James Barry, Mr. &: Mrs O.S. Garofalo Mrs. Irene Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Manual Madeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gracia, Walter Cobb Hilda Almeida ' Mr. & Mrs. Frank Frazier Jr. George Fardy, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Robert O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Ferry Mr. & Mrs. Aldis Davis, Mr &: Mrs. James Kennedy, Mr. &; Mrs. Manual Moniz, Mr. &: Mrs. W. Scott Elliott, Mr. &: Mrs. George Germani Mrs. Dorothy Callahan, Mr. &: Mrs. E. Lester Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bailry, Mr. & Mrs. James Coyle, Mr. &: Mrs. Gerard Labute Mrs. Nancy Borg, Mrs. Doro­ thy Maloney, Thomas Driscoll, Joseph LaFarr, Mr. &: Mrs. Wil­ liam Neslein Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy, Mr. • Mrs. Robert Elskamp, Ed­ ward F. Daly Jr., Mrs. Dorothy Sanborn, Mrs. Mary Sims Mr. & Mrs. William Boule, Mrs. Francis Williams, Sarah Quinn, Margaret Quinn, Mrs. Mary Quinn Mr. & Mrs. John Parker, Mr. &: Mrs. John Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Hel'bert Coombs, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Monroe, Mr. & Mrs. Wal­ ter Sanford, Mr. & Mrs. William O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hartigan, Mr. & Mrs. Willie Frechette, ....~. & Mrs. Francis Childs, Mr. &: Mrs. William Car­ penter Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cross Jr.. Dr, & Mrs. -William Moriarty, Mrs. Ellen McClusky, Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Wolfinger, Mr. &: Mrs Richard Curley Mr. & Mrs. John Perry Brian Jones Mrs. Mena Barros, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mazzei, Mr; &: Mrs. Peter Fermino Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Murray, John Viera, Manuel Concellos, Mr. It Mrs. James P. Souza George Souza, Mr. &: Mrs. William McEvoy, Mr. &: Mrs. Luke Lally. Mr. & Mrs. James Friel, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Mon­


Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Graham, Col. and Mrs. Jack Loughman, Mr. &: Mrs. Pierre O.Blais, Mr. &: Mrs. H3rry Thomas, Mrs. Joan Whiteley Mrs. Julia Perry, Mr. &: Mrs. EdWard Gallagher, Mr.&: Mrs. Ernest Swift, Mr. &; Mrs. Ralph Shea, Mr. & MIS. J. Dexter Swift Mr. &: Mrs. John P. Elliott, Mr &: Mrs. Redmond Fitzgerald. Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Aylmer, Mr. &: M1"II. Edward Crosby, Mrs. Al­ bert Adams


Maintenance Supplies


,Pharmacy Prescriptions caHed for and Delivered HEADQUARTERS FOR


600 Cottage St. WY ~7 439

New Bedford








THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. May 14, 196.4

ATTEND CONVENTION: At 11th annual convention of Fall River Diocesan Council, National Council of Catholie Women, are, from left, Mrs. James W. Leith, New Bedford; Mrs. Albert C. Jackson, Mansfield; Mrs. Michael F. Fitzgerald, Fall River; Mrs. Mary Cruz, Taunton; Mrs. Mrs. Francis McGuerty, Mr. &' Mrs. John McKenney ST. PIUS TENTH , Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Panek, Mr. $1,000 & Mrs. LOuis R. Parks, Martin Rev. Christopher L. Broderick Power, Mr. & Mrs. George Rob­ $300 erts, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Rob­ A Friend inson, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Sav­ ery, Mr. & Mrs. Paul T.,Webber $250 Mr. & Mrs. William MacDon­ Holy Name Society ald, Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. $100 Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. D. J. How­ A Friend land, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Mr. & Mrs. John Doheny Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Margaret Haley Slattery Mrs. Sara Morawski Mr. & Mrs. Dennis O'Connor $15 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Santry , Mrs. Helen Curtis, Mr. & Mrs. $'75 John Grimes, Mr. & Mrs. Rev. Philip A. Davignon Micahel Lahiff, Mr. & M.rs.' Mr. & Mrs. Peter LeSage Philip Mack, Mr. & Mrs. George ' $50 Magurn Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Bogar Mr. & Mrs. Peter McNamara, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McNeil, Mr. ­ Mrs. Clara Fitzgerald & Mrs. Joseph Mullan, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. James McGonagle Mrs. Edward O'Leary Jr., Mr. & A Friend ¥rs. O'Neill, Rita Swenson, Mr. Mrs. Bernard Shea & Mrs. Charles Tourjee Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lake, Mr. James S. McGonagle & Mrsp Edward Robinson, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. James H. Quirk Mrs. William Robinson, Mrs. $45 Kathleen West Mr. & Mrs. Richard Terrio $10 $35 Mrs. Elizabeth Allen, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Crowley Joan Altavilla, Mr. & Mrs. Gino $30 Azzola, Mrs. Richard Babineau Matthew Steeie & Irene, Cynthia Baker $29 Joan Baker, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mello Baker, Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Baker, $25 Mary Ballentine, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Raphael AltaviIla William Bannon Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. George Barabe, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore H. Mr. & Mrs. Hollis ~atchelder, Donlan Mr. & Mrs. Ray Bean, Mr. & Mrs. Mary Geist Mrs. James Bestfo'rd, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Martin Geraghty Lester Bishop John J. Gill Mrs. Louise Blake, Mr. & Mrs. A Friend . Ray Bois, Bernard Boudreau, Margaret & Hester Griffin Mr.s. Mary Boyce, Mr. '& Mrs. Thomas Hague Howard Branagan Mrs. Florence Hatch Mr.. & Mrs. James Brown"Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Barry Kane & Mrs. Joseph Brown, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ludden Jerome T. Canning, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mesmer Joseph Carapezza, M:r: '& Mrs. Ann Moore James Carroll ' A Friend Mr. & Mrs. William Casey, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sheehy Mr. & Mrs. Francis Chase, Mr. . Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Trinque & Mrs. Donald Clifford, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. John Crawford Mrs. William Coffey, Mr. & Mrs. Doane, Beal & Ames Frederick Collins Mrs. Katherine Hague E. Wilson Conlon, Mrs. Rich­ Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Lynch ard Constantineau, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mannering John Costello, Mrs. Mary Coyne, Beatrice M. Mollica Mary Crean Mr. & Mrs. Walter Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Ottis Creel, Mr. & $20 Mrs. John Cunniff, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bennett, Joseph Curran, Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. James Kennedy, Mr. Davidson, Mr. & Mrs. James & Mrs. George Lucier. Mr. Ii; Deering

louth Yarmouth


Ann Hasett, Pocasset. They represent all districts of the Diocesan Coun­ cil. Convention, held at Bishop Cassidy High School, Taunton, featured address by Msgr. Francis J. Lally, editor of Boston Pilot, choral interlude by high school glee club.

Mr. & Mrs. Chester Deluga, Andrew Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. Gaethno Donadio, Mr. & Mrs.' Eugene Downey, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dudley, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Duquette, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Eaton; Mrs. Agnes Eckhart Mr. & Mrs. Philip Egan, Rob­ ert Eldredge, Mrs. Anne English, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fellows, Mr. &' Mrs. John Ferguson Mr. &' Mrs. Richard Ferguson, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Ferris,Mr, & Mrs. Joseph G. Flynn, Marion Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Malcom' Fuller Mary' Gallagher, Mrs. Trefle Gervais, Mr. & Mrs. James Gib­ bons, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gioiosa, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glydon. John Glynn, Walter J. Glynn, Jack Gordon, Monica Gordon, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gough Mr. & Mrs. John Gray, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Greelish, Mr. & Mrs. William Griffith, Mrs. Katherine Hanchay, Mrs. Jacob Hart Mrs. William Heptonstall, Mr. & Mrs. William Herwitts, Mrs. Katherine Hicks, Mrs. Rita Hinds, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hoh­ man Mr. & Mrs. Frank Holland, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Holland, Mr. & Mrs. James M. Igoe Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Paul Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson Mr. & Mrs. John Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. 'Francis Kirwan, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ ward Konpass ~r. & Mrs. EdIllond LaFrance, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph ~nnan,' Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Lanza, Mrs. Marie Larkin, Mr., & Mrs. John Lascha Mr: & ,Mrs. John Leahy,Mary Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Leav­ itt, Mr. & Mrs. Alpha Lagacy, Mrs. Helen Legge Mrs. William Letteney, Mr. Ii: Mrs. Maurice Linhares, Mrs.' Lawrence Lippard, Mr. & Mrs. William Lopez, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Gerald MacCau­ ley, Walter MacEachern, Mr. & Mrs. Charles MacKenney, Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Maher, Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. John Malloy, Mr. & Mrs. William Marnell, Mr. & Mrs. James Martell, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Maxwell, Mrs. Eleanor

Donald Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. McClaskey Richard McCormack, Mr. &; Charles Webster Mr. & Mrs. John Wiggin, Ger­ Mrs. John McEachern, Richard McElroy, Mrs. Helen Mercurio, trude Wilson, Daniel Whalen, -Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Merrick Mrs. Elizabeth Williamson, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Miles, & Mrs. Walter E. Wright Mrs. Warren Bateman, ~'rancil Mary J. Moriarty, Mr. & Mrs. Cloran, Margaret J. Conley, Mr. Leo Morgan, Mr. & Mrs. Fred­ & Mrs. Richard Cox, Mr. & Mrs. erick Moylan, Mr. &, Mrs. Ber­ Jeremiah Dolan nard Mulcahy Mr, & Mrs. Lotin Geoffrion, Mr. &' Mrs. J. Francis Mul­ cahy, Mr. &: Mrs. Benjamin Mrs. Russell Grander, Mr.' &: Muse, Mrs. William Nixon, Mr. Mrs. William J. Groff, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Norman, Mr. &: & Mrs. Josellh Norton, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Oulette ' Mrs. Thomas Nurney Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Petrillo, A Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Edward ("Leary, Mr. . Friend, Francis Pina, Mrs. Clara Porter, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald , & Mrs. Frank O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. QUl,lyle William O'Reilly, Bruno Parti­ Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Roderick, celli Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Bertrand Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Starr, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. J. Philip Perkins, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Regan, Mr. John A. Sullivan, John F. Sul­ livan & Mrs. Francis Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. Ella Vanier Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Anton Reim White, Mrs. Arthur Amelia Richard, Lawrence Haskel Young Riley, Mrs. Arthur Ristou, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Robinson Mr. & Mrs. John Roderick, Paint and Wallpaper

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rooney, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio J. Rossi, Mr. & Dupont Paint

Mrs. Joseph Rowell, Mr. & Mrs. cor. Middle St. James Ruhan • 422 Al'11Sh Ave Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Ryder, Mr. Q" , Nf'W Bedford & Mrs. George, Schule, Mrs. e::.t~ PARKING Eldredge Shaw, Anna Sheehy, Mr. & Mrs. John Simpson Rear of Store Neil H. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. James Speirs, Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Still, Mrs. Charles H. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sullivan Mrs. Eveline Sullivan, Francis Sullivan, Mrs. Marjorie Taylor, Mrs. Donald Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. William Turner MI'. & Mrs. John Twohig,. Mr. & Mrs. Roy Van Amringe, Mrs. Elizal;>etb Walsh, Mr. & Mis. for 8ristol County









, ' RENTAL SHOP ~ We Invite Your Inquiries ~ ~We Have EVERYTHING For~

~The BR!...iE And Her PARTY' ~ 232 DARTMOUTH STREET ~


Bedford - WY 2-0787'

Bristol County,

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Member of Federal Deposit

Insuranee Corporation



Jane Meten, Mr. & Mrs. hanel's Miller Mr. & Mrs. Paul April; Cmdr. & Mrs. Joseph Hall, Mr. & Mrs. John McDonald, Mis. Arthur Week,;; Mrs. Bernard O'Connor, Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Papp, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Parent, Mrs.. Laura Reardon, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Rose Willard Smith :'vIasonary Co., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sylvia, Thurs­ day Club, Lt. Col. Andrew Wes­ sling Jr., Daughter of Isabella

Thurs., May 14, 1964




ST. ANN $200 Rev. Leo T. Sullivan $150 Manuel S. Gomes $75 Rev. Thomas F. Neilan Thomas Ross $30 Dominic Cirino The McGrath Family John R. Ruddick $25 Dr. Frederick Doran Mr. & Mrs. Clarence T. Gra­ ham Albert Ribeiro Donald Smith Richard J. Souza Almon L. Turner St. Ann's Men's Club Louis R. Cabana Mrs. Remington Elting Edward J. Murby St. Ann's Women's Guild $20 James C. Comiskey, Paul J. Fountain, Louis Secatore, Mrs. ,George Bumila Ronald C. Cooke, Robert Gil­ more, Edward G. Maloof $15 Thomas F. Flanagan, Andrew J. Galligan, James J. Hauck, Raymond Nevitt Joseph Bettencourt $12 Arthur Coe $10 Edward J. Almeida, Fisher Ames, Louis C. Andersen, Man­ uel Aranjo, Charles W. Babson Jr. Roaldus Baran, Frank A. Bed­ ford, Philip A. Bernard, John Bisesto, Richard Boucher Wilfred Bouget, Charles Bous­ Quin, Francis Boyd, Francis D. Brooks, Andrew Bumila & Fam_ ily Lawrence A. Burke, Joseph Camara, Joseph Casey, Mrs. . Clarence S. Caswell Jr., Mrs. Raymond E. Chappell Elwood F. Clark, Mrs. Emil F. Cobb, James Coleman, John W. Connally, Mrs. Doris Connors , Michael J. Connors, Patricia ·A. Connors, John Corr, Lincoln J: Corr, Henry Costa Donald L. Cox, Francis X. Curry, Homer Davis, Joseph De­ Rosa, Edward J. Dahaney James M. A. Dolan, Frank Doran, Jerry M. Downing, Joseph Downing, Robert J. Dris­ eoll Irving L. Duffy, Gilbert Fahey, Joseph J. Ferreira, Rich­ ard A. Ferry, James W. Fitz­ gerald Thomas J. Fitzsimmons, Ber­ nice Fountain, Raymond Grand­ mont, Matthew Grzywacz, Mrs. Eugene Heinig Mrs. Robert Hill, Earl E. Hoban, Robert Holzworth, Roger W. Howlett, Arthur Hubert Theodore Januse, John L. Jones, '"Felix P. Kaladin, Mrs. Esther Keith, William A. Kelly Joseph E. Keough, E. Joseph LaLiberte, Mrs. Alfred Larsen, Roland Lecuyer, Anthony Litos Robert Magner, Patrick J. Mahaney, Louis Mantell, Joseph T. Martyniak, Richard Mastria George A. Maynard, Richard Mills, Joseph W. Morrissey, Joseph R. Mulhern, Mrs. Joseph C. Murray Alfred J. McConnell, Mary McGrath, Donald L. McKinnon, John J. McKinnon, John J. Mc­ . Mahon William R. Navin, Robert ;Neas, Mrs. Paul Newfield, Wal'­ tel' E. Nevitt, Michael Norton Barbara O'Brien, Donald V. O'Brien, Mrs. Florence O'Brien, George E. O'Brien, Richard J. O'Brien David W. O'Connor III, Fran­ cis X. Paquette, David Perry, ~Manuel Perry, Mae L. Plante Leo F. PoirIer, George M. . Powers III, Mrs. James Powers, . Robert Reilly, Francis L. Ring Joseph Rogue Jr.. Arthur E. Bohl. Adolph Rozen',~" Elmer Sarient. Francis P. Saracco


ROSARY CRUSADE TRANSFORMS BRAZIL: Trained native lay apostles aided by 52 motion picture projectors bring the message of the Gospel to the huge worker par­ ishes in the "bairros" or slums of the larger industrial cities of Brazil. The lay aposto­ late is an outgrowth of the worldwide Family Rosary Crusade organized and directed by Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C. H,~re crowds of young and old, and the pet hen, watch a film on "The Mysteries of the Rosary" with interest. NC Photo. Joseph L. Scanlon, John W. Scully, Edward J. Sears, Chester P. Slivinski, John E. Smith Robert L. Smith, John L. Spaulding, Emanuel Stavrou, Lindell L. Strange, Alfred G. Sylvia Raymond Sylvia, Roger G. Theroux, Matthew Tibi, William H. Tobin, Edward M. Tokarz Mrs. Merrill Viles, Mrs. Dor­ othy Walford, Charles J. Walsh, John Welch, Robert Whittemore Bruce Wilcox, Everett A. Wil­ liams, William E. Wyn."1, John P. Zucco & Family Mrs. Richard Anders(}n, Clif­ ford W. Bettencourt, Leo Bisio, Mrs. Harold E. Borjeson, Michael Bove Michael E. Brown, Matthew Chamberlain, Mrs. Charles L. ,Cook, Edmund Correia" Mae Donovan Ronald E. Dow, Russell K. :E;Uis, Albert L. Leal, Frank C. Marino, Michael V. Mazziliano Mrs. Eleanor Moranville, Wil­ liam Parsley, Andrew Plentus, John J. Quigley, Anthony Rigillo Edward Rogan, Arthur F. Rose, William Russell, Mrs. Robert W. Sherman, .Joseph Starr .Harvey W. Wilson, Joseph W. Wilson, Mrs. Walter M. Yule


$109 Our Lady of Lourdes Council. Knights of Columbus $50 A Friend Sacred Heart Holy Name $25 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred MeteU' $20 Mr. & Mrs. William Norton, Mrs. Elizabeth Syly;~ $15 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Billings, .Mr. & Mrs. Antone J. DeBetten­ court, Mrs. Rise Peardon $10 Mr. & Mrs. Marion Amaral, C.Y.O., Mr. & Mrs. Charles Davis, Mr. & Mrs. John DeBet­ tencourt Jr., Mrs. Richard Frost Giordano's, Holy Ghost So­ ciety, Anna L. Oliver, A Friend, The Ritz A Friend, Whiting'a Milk Company

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.



& & & &

Mrs. Ralph Simoneau Mrs. Ray Stratton Mrs. Emil Tietje Mrs. Eugene Young

St. Elizabeth Guild

$20 $25 Mr. & Mrs Salvatore Bevacqua Jean Britcher . Effenberger Family & Mrs. El­ Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Ellsworth Fisher liot, Mr. & Mrs. H. O. McComis­ keY,·Helen McKenzie, Jane Mc­ Harborside Inn Inc. Laughlin Wells Oil Service Ruth T. Pyne, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ $20 Mrs. Margaret & Miss Mary lard Smith, Mr. & Mrs.· Eugene Mysona I. Madei~os $15 $15 Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Beliv·eau, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Mello, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. George Ferris, Harry cSt Mrs. ~'ohn O'Neil E. Handy, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert $10 Hart, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mason Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Betten­ Mr. & Mrs. James McInnis. Mr. cO,urt, Edgartown National Bank, & Mrs. Stephen McInnis, Mr. & Mrs.. Thomas Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Robert McKenzie, Mr. & Stuart Fuller, Irene B. Henley Mrs. Fred Metell Jr.. Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & :\tl:rs. Fred Higgins, Mrs. Forrest Higgins, Mr. & Mrs. Olive Ja(kson, Mr. & Mrs. John George Nickelson F. Madei!'os, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert $10 Mercier Jr., Norton & ,Easter­ Caroline Clarkin, Mr. & Mrs. brooks Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Thomas Charles Clarkin; James Clarkin, Jr., Vineyard Gazette, Mr. & Mrs. John Clarkin, Lawrence Clarkin Mrs. Joseph White, George Wil­ Robert Clarkin, Mr. & Mrs. loughby James Corr; Mr. & Mrs. Francis Corrigan, . Mr. & Mrs. Anthony ~'oods Hole Dangelo, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Fleming ST. JOSEPH

Mr. & Mrs. Dana Freeman, Mr. $275

& Mrs. Thomas Gleason, Mr. & Rev. EC.win J. Loew

Mrs. Joseph Goudrea, Mr. & Mrs. $5G Frank Halady, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Mrs. Albert Bradley

Hallett Margarll'! Langton

Mrs. Eleanor Hanley, Captain $35 Joe Joseph, Mr. & Mrs. L. A. St. Joseph's Womens Guild McCaffery, Richard E. McCor­ Mrs. Claudia ~ndergast· mick, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mc­ $39

Neece Mrs. Richard Mayo

Joan Mederios, Mr. & Mrs. $25 Mr. & Mrs. William Simmt>nl Manuel Medeiros, Mrs. Mary Mr. & Mrs. Paul Archambault Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Goulding Mr. & Mrs. Francis Keating

$25 Holy Name Society Arnold's Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Herman DeSilva Mr. & Mrs. John Ferreira Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Silva Mrs.. ~Iary Hackett $20 Mr. & Mrs. William White, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Taves, Anony_ mous, Miriam & Bessie Corea, Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Patrick $15 Monument Fish Com pan y, Robert Kelley, Boat Jimmy Boy, Boat Shirley & Roland $11 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Menangas $10 John Agna, Mrs. Mary Browne, Mr. & Mrs. Louis O. Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Coelho Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cote Mr. & Mrs. John Corea, Mr. & Mrs. Warren Crawley, Duatte Motors Inc., Mr. & Mrs. Howard Days, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fer­ reira Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Fratus. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jacobs, Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Jason, Mr. & Mrs. Domingo Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Kacergis, Mrs. Mary King, Lands End Marine Supply, Boat Liberty Belle, Mary Lewis Mrs. Dorothy E. Linskey, Mary Morris, Mr. & Mrs. Powell Mur­ chison, Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Rogers, Mrs. Lucinda Rose Mrs. Frank Rowe, Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Warren Silva, Boat Silver Mink, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Soults Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Souza, Mr. & Mrs. George Zuck, Mrs. Alice Williams


$25 Mr. & Mrs. James Coogan $10 Mr. & Mrs. Fqmk McCarthy, Col. & Mrs. Frank E. Lodge, Mr. & Mrs. George T. :\:..inehan, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Cody, Mr. & Mrs Joseph Walker, Mr. & Mrs. George Verhulst

Enjoy Dining IN THE



New Bedford Hotel

liVE' 2-CLAW

8-14 Ibs.




49c lb.


Maclean's S'ea Foods

0Idsmobile-Peugot-Renautt ~I

_ 67_I Middle Street, Fairhayetl




faunton ST. ANTHon


Be'\'. Evaristo Tavares


Manuel Fontinha

$25 Joseph Albreau

$20 Joseph Aguiar, Antone A. Brown, John Camara $15 Anibal Antunes, Manuel Ca­ mara $10 Georgian Abreau, John Abreau, Francisco Aguiar, Er­ nest Almeida, Joseph Almeida Paul Alvernaz, Domingo Ama­ ral, George Andrade, John An­ drade, Jose Areias Angelo Arieta, Joseph Arruda, Joseph Bartel, Antone Bernardo, Joaquim Bernardino Daniel Borges, Henry Borges, Braga Family, Joseph Buller Joseph Cabral Stephen Callahan, Camacho Family, Herbert" Camacho, Vic­ toria Carew, Henrietta :::arvalho Joseph Carvalho, Luis Chaves, Manuel Chaves, Maria Chaves, Manuel Chaves John Coelho, William Collins, James Copeland, Ceaser Cor­ reia, Joseph Correia Joseph Correia, Alice Costa, Frank Costa, Gilbert Costa, Serafim Costa Manuel Craveiro, Nelson Cruz, Edwino DaCosta, Luiz Danse­ reau, Antone DeSouza Maria DeSouza, Paride De­ Thomas, Edward Dias, Frank Duarte, Jose Duarte Beverly Ducharme, Edward Dutra, Manuel Faria, John Fer­ nandes, Herbert Ferreira Maria Ferreira, 8eraphin Fer­ reia, Antonio Figueredo, Antone Fonseca, Fontes & Anderson Lawrence Fontes, Anthony Frank, Manuel Gallego, Antonio Gasper, Antone Gomes Mary Gomes, Robert Hartung, Arthur Henrique, Alfred Ja­ einto, Daniel Kerr Manuel Leanues, Charles Leonard, Irene Leonard, Man­ uel Lima, Jesse Linhares Manuel Lopes, Wilfred Mador, Rose Mendonca, Luis Martin, Horace Medeiros David Mello, Manuel de Mello, Arthur Medeiros, Frank Medei­ ros, Robert Mendes Priscilla Moody, Manuel Mor­ ris, Louis Mueda, Mariano Nas­ tri, Nunes Family Joseph Oliveira, Richard Pa­ checo, John Paiva, Antonio Peixopo, Edward Perry John Perry, Manuel Perry, Manuel P. Perry, Celestina Pina, John Pinto Manuel Rapoza, John Rego, Joseph. Rico, Francis Rocha, Irene Rocha Leonard Rocha, Frank Rose, Frank Rose, Joseph Sa, John Semas Alfred Silva, Agnelo Silva, Cecilia Silvia, Eva Silva, George Silva Manuel Silva, Pedro Silva, Irene Soares, Anthony Souza, Filomena Souza Joseph Souza, Leopoldina Souza, James Thomas, Malcolm Torres, Joseph Travis Joseph Vaz, Manuel M'litoza, Mary Vaz, Chritiano Victoria, Charles Viera Gabriel'Vieira, Joseph Vivei­ ros, Gilbert Amaral, 'Mary D. DeCouta, Sadie Soares, Dimas Veloze, John Vieira ST. PAUL $50 [n memory of Rev. John J. Griffin Dr. & Mrs. Walter E. Campben $20 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Cormier, Mr. &; Mrs. Manuel Oliver, Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph Tremblay $10 . Mrs. B. Atchison, Mr. & Mrw. Earl Blackwell, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bettencourt, Mr. & Mre. William Berry, Mr. & Mrs. A. Brandao Mrs. William Coleman, Mrs. Mary Conway, Mrs. James CooJ)er. John Dickinson, :Mr. II:


Mrs. :Roland Dusseault Susan E. Egan, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Emond, Mr. & Mrs. Everett Grady, Mr. & Mrs. Rob­ ert Hudson, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Johnson Jr. Mrs. Ulric Lepage, Mr. & Mrs. James Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Ste­ phen Martin, Mr. & Mrs. George Menard, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Murray Alfred Patenaude, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Puccini, Jerome Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Souza, Har­ riet Strong, William Trahan, Mr. & MrS'. Alexander Veradt OUR LADY OF LOURDES $350 Rt. Rev. E. S. DeMello $'75 Rev. Edward A. Oliveira

$50 Richard Bentley Dr. George Harrington $25 James D. Judge Harold H. Galligan Dorothy E. & Marguerite Me­ Manus Mary E. & Josephine ... MeNamara Clotllde Nason William Smith Joseph Wade $20

William & Margaret Behan, Mr. & Mrs. James Burns, ~lia Duffy, Joseph Fournier, Dr. Charles Grady Helen Laffan, Francis Mtuphy & Family $15 Ruth Dias,. Edwarci Duff.L


Falmouth ST. PATRICK

$300 Anonymous


Mr. &Mrs. Michael Ames $50

St. Patrick's Guild $40 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Medeiros Paul'Champagne $25 Bourgoin Enterprises Margaret Carey Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Emerald Falmouth National Bank $20 Mrs. Clarence Anderson, Wil­ liam Callahan, Cmdr. & Mrs. John M. Joseph, Edward Perry $15 John T. Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Harold McCormick, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Starauch

$50 Dr. Henry A. Alves Jr., D.M.D. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Franco, Rose Mattos Mary A. Mattos $15 James Silvia, Antone Rapoza, Joseph Cardoza, James Sylvia Sr. August Varella $12 Frank J .. Phillipe $10 Leonora De Costa, Alfred Rogers, Thomas S. Santos, Ce­ celia Ma'ttos, Anthony Mattos John F. Parker, Joseph L Mel­ lo, Joseph Gracia, John H. de Silvia, Louis F. de Sousa, Jos­ eph Lopes John Correia, Marie Gracia, Joseph Andrade, Manuel Gou­ lart, Anthony J. Medas Antone Grey Jr., Francis Cut­ ner Jr., Joao D. Souto, Alfred Pimental, Harold Woods Joseph Silvia, Armando Me­ deiros, George Cambra, John Baptiste, Joseph Bettencourt Alberto G. Moiteze, Walter Baptiste, George Martin, Angelo Medeiros, James O'Neill, Wii­ hermina Martin . Elmer A. Sault, Antonio Var­ gas, Anthony Martin, Antonio Mendes, Gabriella Mendes Genevieve Rabideau, Ernest Cardozo, Arthur Andrade, Geo. Costa Sr., Joseph J. Vieira Sr. George Perry, Joseph Mello, Anthony F. Costa Jr., August J. Silva Jr., Francis Motta Lydia Carlos, Augustus F. CarlOs, Rose Family, Barbara Dupont, Manuel Enos Gilbert F. Coute, Alves Med­ eiros, Chester Butts, Ernest Dl Fiori, Lawrence Medeiros James Balelo, Arthur Coelho, James Corey, Richard Olson, Virgilio Perry George Ferreira, Roland L0r­ tie, Mary Ann Rogers, Manuel Rogers, Charles F. Sousa Adeline Paulo, John Fernandes $10 Antonio Gonsalves, Antonio Perry, Raymond Paige, George de Moura, Alice B. Alves Frank M. Santos, Arthur J. Gomes, Joseph Medeiros, Joseph Enos, Joseph Silva Carlota Silva, Frances Silva, Adelino Caldeira, Joaquim Cor­ reia, Arthur Pina Lee Caldeira, Joseph Francis, 'Leo Berard, Anthony de MoUlla ST. MARY'S $100 Dr. Joseph Nates


Thurs., May 14, 1964






·······.·«·········.··· I . l

AMERICAN IN PERU: Msgr. James C. Burke, O.P., of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., is Prelate Nullius of Chimbote, com­ prising some 2,000 square miles in northern Peru. He has been instrumental in the distribution of land to the campe­ sinos and peasants. Msgr. Burke, who has a quick sense of humor and a ready smile, holds one of his young friends. NC Photo

Sara Maloney, Catherine Mc­ Cartny, Alice McCusker Michael McCusker, Mrs. Mich­ ael McCusker, Louis Raposa $10 Norma Barber, Albert Bren­ nan, Robert A. Calvey, Marion Campbell, Mrs. Dora Carey Mrs. Dominick Corrigan, Rob­ ert Dias, Elizabeth Doran, Mrs. Charles Ducharme, Homer Fa­ gan James L. Fahey, Mary Fitz­ gerald Joseph E. Fload, Mrs. Augustus Fournier, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Galvin Monica Goggin, Thomas Gran­ field, Francis Griffin, William Hanna Sr., Mabel Harrington James Holmes, Mrs. Marjorie Hubbard, Agnes Laughlin, Win­ ifred Laughlin, .Mary & Nellie Leary

Martha Le9nard, Emery Malo; Irene Malo, Catherine McKeon, Madeline McKeon Rita McQuiston, Mary Mori­ arty, Alice & James Murphy, Catherine Murphy, Philip Mur­ phy John O'Connell, Raymond Platt, Robert Richardson, Thos. Selleck, Cecelia Sheerin

Mary C. Sheerin, ~dward Tokarz, Edward Tonry, Mrs. James Tormey, James Tormey Kathleen Tormey, Mrs. Joseph

Walsh, Frederick Wellwood John Wittig, Herbert Wittig, 'Mario Zonghi HOLY FAMILY

$'75 Rev. James F. Kenney $25

Russell Chamberland

Joseph Raposa

$20 Edward F. Cameron


Antone Maderios, Joseph Cal­

ozzo, Charles Geer

. $12

Gilbert Souza $10 William P Lane, Robert Nolan' Alfred Willette, JIohn Quinn,

Henry J. Sullivan

Mrs. Adeline Roberson, Dan­

iel Cabral, Edwin L. Davis, Er­

nest Andrews, Mrs. Mary An­


East Taunton Social Club,

. Mary Raposa, Daniel O'Connell,

Vincent Skwarto, Mrs. Mae Mc­ Aloon William McAloon, Mr. & Mrs Gerard Ducharme, Mr. & Mrs. Francis White, Frances E. White Mrs. Theresa Rogers Raymond Cooke, Mr. & Mrs. Ted Lippold, Joseph Turkalo, Robel1 ,. Coveney, Daniel Nune, GeoI'llw ~owers Jr., Elsie Am­ aral, Manuel Silveira, Peter Deniz, Mrs. Charles Geer Frank Faria, Richard White, Mrs. Mary Murphy, Mark Dris­ coll, Margaret Guckevan John Furtado, John Valadao, John Dorsey, George Dorsey JM1'...... CULATE CO'·_­ '1

$12 Mr. & Mrs Patrick McDermott

$10 Mrs. Alfred Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dupont, Mr. & Mrs. William Gilbert, Mrs. Eileen Gorey, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Han­ ieski Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heap, Mar­

garet King, Mr. & Mrs. Charles

Kingsbury, Mrs Edward McCabe

Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Matta

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wade, Mrs. Eva Wesley


Mrs. Louise Cook, Mrs. Joanne Irving, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wa­ 'sierski $10 Vera Brabrook, John BradY.

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Bourgoin,

Newton Cadell, Mr. & Mrs.

Stanley Bazycki

Mrs. Al£ Carlson, James Cava­

naugh, Mrs. John Ciummei,

Ruth T. Cosgrove, Mr. & Mrs.

Richard DeMello Mr. & Mrs. John DeMello Jr..

Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dufresne, Mr.

& Mrs. Joseph Frangione, John

Fulcher, Mrs. Doris Franklin Falmouth Enterprise, Joseph Hurley, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Innis, Lucien G. Jeglinski, Mr. & Mrs. William Keating. Raymond Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. William Leary, H. V. Lawrence Inc., Mr. & Mrs. Albert Law­ rence, Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop Lumbert Mr. & Mrs. William Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. John Malloy, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marshall, Mr. &; Mrs. Arthur Medeiros, John Medriros George Midgeley, John Oser, Mrs. Frank O'Neill, Mr. & Mrs. Dino Paglierani, David Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Mello, Mr. & Mrs. James M. Razinha, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Riehl, Mr. & Mrs. George M. Rubino, Mary San­ Souci Shady Nook Diner, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Soza, Anthony Solimine, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Schauber­ ger, Mrs. Antone Medeiros Fred Toran, Mr. & Mrs. John Varao, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Webber

Mother of Year VANCOUVER (NC) - Mrs. Gus Gottfriedsen, 46, is the first Catholic Indian selected as Can­ ada's Mother of the Year.


BALTIMORE (NC) - Baltl­ more's Archbishop Lawrence J.

Shehan will be the principal speaker at the National Work­

shop on Christian Unity sche­

duled for June 'I) and ,'7 llere.

famous for













n J ""





New p .... ·~(~ ..d ST. JOHN THE RAPTIS'I'

$150 In

Memory Vargas






$100 In




$75 Rev. Luiz Cardoso

$50 Rev. George E. Amaral Mr. & Mrs. Frank Martin Mr. & Mrs. William McGraw Attorney George P. Ponte Dr. John P. Ponte Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Souza Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vera

$35 Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Ferro

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Ferreira Mr. & Mrs. William Wallace Mrs. Frank G. Silva ' Dr. & Mrs. Manuel DeMello Mesquita Pharmacy Mr. & Mrs. Antone Silva Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fredette Mr. & Mrs. Richard Perry Mr. & Mrs. Carl Fernandes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Barry John F. Gracia 'Mr. & Mrs. John Gracia

$20 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Perreira, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Williams, In Memory of Olympia and Augus­ tin, Gonzales, Mr. & Mrs. Serafin Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Adolph F. W:~lecka Jr. '


Mr. & Mrs. Jayme Cardoza, Liberty Market, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. John Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. Ray­ mond Cabral Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Flores. Mr. ~ Mrs. Ralph Medeiros, Mrs. ViCtorina Cotnoir, Mr. & Mrs. Celestino Macedo. William J. Ferreira '

$1% Mrs. Mary Richmond



$10 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Adams, Mr. ~ Mrs. Edwin Albino, Mr. & Mrs. Julio Alfonso, Gloria An­ drade, Mr. & Mrs. Albert B. Anselmo Mr. & Mrs. Antone Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Arruda. Mr. & Mrs. George Athaide, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Barao, Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Barros Mr. & Mrs. Theofilo Barros, Mr.. & Mrs. L: G. Bettencourt Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Blanchet, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Botelho, Mrs. Clara Brist Mrs. Edwin Brock, Manuel Calado, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel F. Cardoza, The Carrciros, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Carreiro Joseph Carreia Jr., Dr. & Mrs. Mark Castro, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Conde, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cor­ deiro, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Cor­ kum Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Correia, Mr. & Mrs. John Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Costa, Mrs. Olinda Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cryer, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Davidian, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Days Sr., Mr. Mrs. Alfred DeCosta, Mr. & Mrs. Edward DeMello, Mr. &: Mrs. John C. DeMello Mr. & Mrs. Normand Despres, Mrs. Beverly M. Duarte, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Duponte, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dutra, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ellen, Mr. & Mrs. Manual Encarnacao, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Faria, Mr. & Mrs. John Farias, Manuel Ferreira Mr. & Mrs. Edward Finni, Mr; & Mrs. Angelo ,Fraga, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fraga, Mr. & Mrs. Ar­ thur Freitas, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Freitas Marion Freitas, Mr. & Mrs. ,roseph Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Funcia, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Gonsalves Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund L. Grace, Mr. & Mrs. Antone F. Gmcia,


Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Halln N{r & Mrs. John Hennquel:> Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Homen, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jacintho. l\(r. & Mrs. Albert Laoontagne. :'IIr. & Mrs. Antone LClwrence. The Leighton Family Mr. & Mrs. Idefonso Lemos, Claudia and Mrs.' Mary Lewis, Angelina S. Lopes. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Les­ ter Lucas Mr. & Mrs. Frank Machado, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Manzone. Mrs. Louise Marks. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel C. Martello. Mr. & Mrs. John Martin Mr. & Mrs. Jose Martins. :\trs. William Martin, Mr. & ·Mrs. Manuel Mathews, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Medeiros .Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. William Mello. Mr. & Mrs. Edmund, Moniz Jr., Mrs. Ida F.Nevelle, John J. Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Oliver, Lydia Pacheco, Patricia's Beauty Shop, Gilbert Perry, Mrs. Ida C. Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Perry Mr. & Mrs. Norman Perry, Mrs. Olivia Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Pimental, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pinto, Mercedes Pitta Mrs. Sadie Poente. Mr. & Mrs. America Ramalho, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Rapoza ,Joseph C. Re­ bello, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rodri­ ques Mrs. Anthony Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Rose, Mrs. Maria' Sabino, Mrs. Mary Schusner, Carmin Silva Ernest Silva, Joseph & Mary Silveira. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Simmons, Mrs. Marjorie Single­ ton, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Souza Julio & Eva Souza. Mr. & Mrs. John C. Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Man­ uel Souza, Mary Squza, Ervin Spack Anthony C. Sylvia, Elsie Syl­ via, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Sylvia. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Teixeira Mr. & Mrs. William Texeira, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Vieira, Emilia Vieira, Mrs. Nancy Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Vasco Villela Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Tavar~s, Mrs. Angelina Vargas. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Vieira, Mr. & Mrs. H. Albino Wright


$100 Mr. & Mrs. Armand W. Becotte & Family

$25 Mr. & Mrs. David Sioor

$20 Mr, & :vrrs. George LeBlanc

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Lussier, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ward-Keegan, Mr & Mrs. Leonard Cejka

$10 Mr. & Mrs. Donat Fafard, Mr. && Mrs. Eugene Berche, Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Desrosiers, Mr. & Mrs. Elphege Desroches, Mr., & Mrs. Antone Roderiques Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Desrochers, Mr. & Mrs. Elie Ogle, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. An­ tonio Pepin, Mr. & Mrs; Louis Rogissart Mr. & Mrs. William Gallagher, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Martel, Rene Harbeck ST. JOSEPH

$25 Mr. & Mrs. William H. Carey Louise LaRoche . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Kovic

$28 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Saunders

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Barbero Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kavanagh, AnOllY'fTlr'lS

$10 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Brun, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Silveira, Frank Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. John Jarvis, Mr. & Mrs. Normand E. Gaud­ reau, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Anton­ sen Mr. & Mrs. Gerard C. Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Demedeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Blowers, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Gomes Mr. & Mrs. Raymond HardiOfl, Mr. & Mrs. John J' Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. MoquiA

Allen Murphy. Mr. & Mrs. Rob­ ert Murphy. Anne Flannery, Kathleen Flannery, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Flannery, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh W. Flynn Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Arthur McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Joseph LaNinfa, Mr. & Mrs. Leo La!1dgraf, NJ;r. & Mrs. Wallace Smith, F.red Miles, Helena Raggett Mr. & Mrs. Charles Delano, Eileen MacCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Linnane, Mrs. Audrey Presbrey, Mr. & Mrs. Edward _ Callahan Mr. & Mrs. William Campbell, Mr. Walter Waltman, Catherine McCabe, Mr. & Mrs. John GOld­ rick, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Scully Mr. &; Mrs. James E. Gray, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Farrell, Mr. & Mrs. William Lane, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas -Perry, Mrs. Grace V. Munroe Mr. & Mrs. Clarence 'O'Neill, Mr. & Mrs: Thomas Whalen, . John F. Cullen, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph . Burke, The Gaffney Family Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Harpin, . .. James Kevican, Marie Cronan, COMMEMORATIVE MEDAL: Struck In gold and pre- " Mary K. Nichols, Mary and Alice sented to Paolo Cardinal :l\larella, Papal Legate to the New· Corrigan . York 'Vorld's Fair, by Francis Cardinal Spellman of New, :tyIr.. & Mrs. Harold' Gilman, k th IS me d a I h as b een 'd' Y or, eSIgne d b' y scu I p t or A" lb'Ino. Mr. M && MMrs. CArmand F I 'kA. J Audet, h . F . Ii " f P P I VI d r. rs. oy 0 CI , o n . Manca. One SIde shows the" eads 0 opes au 'a!1 Vargus. Mrs. Francis Keithan John XXIII over an exterior' view of the Vatican Pavilion Mr. &. Mrs. William Gallagher, at the Fair. The reverse side depicts the Piehl bv Michel­ Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Butler. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dewey. Ma.rgaret angelo on exhibit there. Rrom':e conies are available as Vat­ .lean.'PaVI'1'IOn souvemrs. . NC Ph 0 t'O. Slattery, Mr. & Mrs. RIchard Cayer' , O

Mr. & Mrs. Maurice F. Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar F. Morency, Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Souza




The Misses McMahon

$30 Mr. & Mr~. Robert Dray' John E. Reillv

$25 Mr. ~ Mrs. Clifton Pierre Mr. & Mrs. Louis V. Cook John E. Sullivan Thomas Whalen. Raymond P. Whalen. Francis Cronan The Reilly Family. Mr. & Mrs. William P. MacLean

$20 Mr. & Mrs. James Cooke, Mrs. Jeanette Whittle, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Rose, Mr. &: Mrs. Jo­ seph Lynch, Mrs. R. Harold Allen Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Crosby, ·Mr. & Mrs. B. Lewis McDermott, Mr. & :Mrs. Richard Mulcahey

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Amalio Annunziato Mr. & Mrs. Francis Andrews, Mr. & :VIrs. Stanley Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. George Crombie, Joseph Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mer­ cier, Rita O'Donnell, Rose O'Donnell, Mr. & Mrs. John Mc­ Morrow Mrs. :!:dna Lincoln, Mr. &: Mrs. Alan F:.tzgerald

$10 Carol Andrews, Mary Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Barboza, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Brassard, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Correia Mr. Itt Mrs. Gilbert Cunha, Mr. & :Mrs. James Dorsey, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Duarte, Mr. &; Mrs. PaUl Fraga, Mr. ~ Mrs. John GI'ela Miss .rosephine Haraez, Mr. &: Mrs. Billy Joe Lawson, Mr. & Mrs. William D. Rose, Mrs. Anna Sullivan, Mr, & Mrs. Richard Tonry Mr. & Mrs. George White, Duane Allison, Mr. & Mrs. T\1eo­ dore Belanger, Mr. & Mrs. Amato :Biondi ,~ Family, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Blais Mrs. Veronica Bolduc, Mr. &; :VIrs. William Bowers, Elizabeth lBrady, Helen Brady, Mr. & Mrs. li"rank Brown Mr. & Mrs. John Bukin, Mr. Be lVIrs. Albert Buttermore, ~uth Brady, Mrs. Walter Cahoon Mr. & Mrs. James Corlisll, Mr. Ill: Mrs. Arthur Crosby, Mr. Be

IKra" Lester CrowinBllieW. Ilk• •

Mrs. John Devlin, Mr~. l!'abet1e . Dolan, Mr. John F. Donovan Mrs. Harold Dull. Mr. & Mrs. Edmund T. Fib:l!erald. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fitzpatrick. The Fitz~erald Family, Mr. & Mrs. William Galla~her Anastasia & Catherine Gorm­ ley. Mr. Joseph Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Knott. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kuczek. Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Kuczewscki. Mr. & Mrs. James B. Lanagan. Nellie. Linnane, Mr. & Mrs. James P. McKenna, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald, Maciejowski, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Mahoney Arthus Marron, Mr. & Mrs. John R. Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Milko, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ liam T. Murphy, Jr. Helen Mur­ ray Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Nichols, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ross. Mrs. PaUl Saven, Mr. & Mrs. Benja­ min Seekell, Sr., Marion Sher­ man Edward Smith, Nellie Smith Family, Roberta Smith, John B. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Soi­

tos Mrs. Ann Sweeney, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Clin­ ton Westgate, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Anthony White, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Ziajor, Mr. & Mrs. Cas­ mir Zyskowski Mr. & Mrs. Frances' Perry, Mary Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Albert Alegi, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Flynn Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Philip Lemieux, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dutra, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lannigan, Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hindle, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Guresh, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dennen, Mr. & Mrs. Al­ bert Berard Mrs. Josephine Tasso, Mr. &: Mrs. Charles 1 'cGlynn, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Feene7. Mr. & Mrs.




Commercial • IndustrlGl


Painting and Decorating

Fal River OSborne 2-1""

135 FranldiR Street

Mr. & Mrs. Antone Costa, Mrs. .Joseph Maguire, Mr. & Mrs. Evans Lava, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ liam Vaillancourt, Mr., & Mrs. Manuel Rebello Jr. John McMorrow Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John O'Donnell, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Webster, Mr. &' Mrs. Joseph Leonard, Mrs. Gilda Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M38­ trobarino, Mr.' & Mrs, Bruno Alegi HOLY ROS;i\.RY

$20 Franciszek Bielenda & Daugh­ ter, Edward T. Julian, Mrs. MagdalenaTok~rz & Son, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Woodward

$10 Mr. & Mrs. John Arcikowski, Sophie Bednarska, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Biedrzynski. Mrs. Anna Biedrzynska, John Bobola Mr. & Mrs. Frank Duda, Helen Dykas, Mrs. Mary Dykas and Sons Pauline Gula, Mr. & Mrs. John Kokoszka Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kosinski, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kusekowski, Aldonna & Joanna Majktit, Mr. & Mrs. James McMahon, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Pelczarski Mrs. Anna Plentus, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Plonka, Mrs. Stephanie Rozowicz, Mr. & Mrs. Jozef Si­ enko, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Ta­ vares Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wenczak, Alice Zadrozny

Where A






THE ANCHORThurs., May'14, 1964

BISHOP AT METHODIST CONFERENCE: Marking the first time a Catholic Bishop addressed a Methodist General Conference, Bishop 'John J. Wright, left, of the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh is greeted by three Metho-

New Bedford ST. JAMES $300 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hemingway $100 Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Perry $'75 Mr. & Mrs. William Hendricks The Hurley Family $50 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Crowley Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Francis O. Quinn Mrs. Roberta Ashley Mrs. Wright Bolton III Dr. & Mrs. Aloysius Harney $40

Harriet Perry

$35 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Harrison Mrs. Julia Kennedy $30

Mrs. Theodore Gladu

Agnes Tiernan

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lapointe Mr. & Mrs. 'Charles Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Smith William Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. William Whalen Mrs. Edward Arnett & John Arnett Mr. & Mrs. Fred Brotherson Mr. & Mrs. George Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. John C. Martin Dr. & Mrs. Edward C. Vogt Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Whelan Frances Whelan Mary E. Whelan Mr; & Mrs. James A. Worden $20 Mr. & Mrs. John Britto, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Frenette, Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gobeil, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hummel Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Sullivan, Patricia Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Matthew McAvoy, Anna McGurk, Mr. & Mrs. Ar­ nold Parsons, Mr. & Mrs. John Pholar, Leo W. Worden $15 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mayall, Minnie McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Quinn, Mary Winsper Roberta Dutra & August Dutra Kathleen McLaughlin, Mr & Mrs 1\fanuel Nunes, Mrs. Thomas Reagan, Celia White $12 Mr. & Mrs. Lionel J. Sears Lucy Cardoza, Mr. & Mrs. James Hampson & Marie T. Hampson $10 Mr. & Mrs. John Aguiar, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Akucewicz, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Alfonso, Mr. & Mrs. William Aspden, Mary Baptista

Mrs. Samuel Baty Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Benevides, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bergeron, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Bernard, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ liam J. Boyle Mr. & Mrs. Henry Camillo, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Cashman, Isabel & Florence Chaloner, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Charron, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chlebus Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Donat Cormier, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent S. Cotnoir, Mr. & Mrs. John DaLuz, Mr. & Mrs. William deBem Mr. & Mrs. James Delano, Mr. & Mrs. George DeMello, Mr. & Mrs. John H. Dowd, Mr. & Mrs. John Downey, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ liam Duclos Mr. & Mrs. John Enos Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Michael Feeley, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferreira, Mrs. Mary Flood, Mr. & Mrs. William R. Flood Mr. & Mrs. Mario Fraga, Cath­ erine Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. Omer Gagnon, Mrs. Robert Hall, James Holden Thomas A. Holden, Helen Jar_ usik, Agnes Kearney, Mr. & Mrs George Kellett, Mrs. Mildred Kristiansen John G. Leva, Mrs. Helen Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Live­ sey, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lorenco. Robert Madeira Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Mann ing, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Matros, Mr. & Mrs. Edward McAloon, ·William T. McAvoy, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McNeeley Mr. & Mrs. James C. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nicholas, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie R. Nichols Jr, Dr. Patrick H. O'Connor, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pacheco Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth petty, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Ponsart, Hannat T. Power, Mary Power Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rapoza, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Santos; Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Saulnier, Mr. & Mrs. Karl Schenk Margaret Scott, Timothy' F. Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Souza, Jan­ ice Souza Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Souza, Bernhard Stoll, Mr. & Mrs. AI­ dor Suprenant, Mr. & Mrs. Hen­ ry Swain, Mrs. Donald Swan Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sylvia, James Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Ray­ mond Szulik, William Veary, Armand Vermette Mr. & Mrs. William Wilkinson

John Ponte, Joseph Izyk, George Fonseca, Francisco E. Correia, George Marcelino Seraphine Soares, Joseph Lopes, Manuel Medeiros, Manuel Pires, Sylvester Sylvia , Joseph Branco, Angelina Da­ vidson, William ,A. Spiker, An­ gelina Baptista, Claudio Dragon John R. Dutra,. Benevinda Rego, Silvana Morrell, Maria Frias, Jose Goes OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL 'HELP $200 Franciscan Fathers OFM 'Conv $25 In Memory of Frank & Roza­ lia Jeglinski $10 Mr. & Mrs. Homer Mandeville ,.' ST. MARY $500 Rev. Bernard.J. Unsworth $'75 Rev. Edmund A. Connors $20. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Newsham . $15 Mr. & Mrs. William ConstaJ'l't $10 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Charves, Mr. & Mrs. William Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Mauric'e Foster, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Romanowicz, Mr. & Mrs.. Paul Ethier Anonymous, Mrs. Anne Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Richard Percival, Mr. & Mrs. Roy St. Germaine, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. James Penler, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Beaudoin, Mr. & Mrs. John Hughes, Mr. & Mrs. Lee Patnode Mr. & Mrs. Francis Callahan, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Porter, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rousseau, Mr. • , Mrs. Louis Vincente

dist bishops. Left to right, the three are: Rev. Vern Middle­ ton of Pittsburgh, Rev. Fred Corson of Philadelphia and Rev. Hazen G. Werner of Columbus, Ohio. Bishop Wright is a member of a Vatican Council Commission. NC Photo. Mr. & Mrs. William Wing, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zych Mr. & Mrs. James Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Baker, Mr. & Mrs William E. G. Batty Jr., Mary ·Boswell & John C. Boswell, The Brennan Family . Helen Cardoza, Charles B. Clavin, Mr. & Mrs. William Coonan, Mr. & Mrs. Joaquim Costodio, Mr. & Mrs. Robert De­ sorcy Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Duarte, Mrs. Everett L. Emery, Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Gifford, Mrs. Henry Greer, Mr. & Mrs. John Hayes Florence Hendrickson, Sheila Hendrickson, Mrs. Edwin Her­ mort, Mr. & Mrs. Ephraim Jef­ fries, Mrs. Evelyn Levesque Mrs. Michael Mahoney, Sheila Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Elmo Mc­ Auliffe, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Mc­ Donnell, M. & Mrs. Frederick Mulcairns Dr. & Mrs. H. F. Noyer, Mr. &

Mrs. Leonard O'Brien, Mr & Mrs Armand Pereira, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­

win Perry, James Perry Mr. & Mrs. James E. Pettey, Loretta E. Phaneuf, Mary E. Phaneuf, Mr & Mrs Roland Pom­ fret, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Reed Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rezendes, Mary G. Santos, Mrs. Vincent Shea, Loretta Sillery, Mr. & Mrs. Gustavus Slater Mrs. M. Josephine Talford, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Trundy, Mary C. Walsh, Mrs. William P. Walsh, Kathleen and Richard Ward, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Zajac SACRED HEART $100 Raymond Laliberte $50 Mr. & Mrs. George Vigeant $25 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Simmons, Mr. & ,Mrs. Robert Begnoche, $15 Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Jackson & Joyce $10 Mr. & Mrs. ~obert J. Allain, Donat Audette, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bourgeois, Mrs. Albert Brunette, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Camire Mr. & Mrs. Philias Cormier, Roger Davignon, Delmas Des­ landes, Mrs. Anita Epstein, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fontaine 'Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Forgue, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Grenon, Dr. & Mrs. Jean Paul Grenon, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Grenon, Edouard Houle Mrs. Dolores InmanjMr. &.


Mrs. Rene Lafrance, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Lapointe, Mr. & Mrs. J. Leon Lavoie, Mr. & Mrs. Homer LeBeau Mr. & Mrs. Jean Lequin & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Herve Le­ vesque, Anonymous, Edgar Marmen, Mrs. Oscar Michaud ' Levi Muise, Mr. & Mrs. J. O'Donnell, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Poitras, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pel­ letier, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Richard Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Rock,Mrs. Malcolm Tripp, Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Vanasse

Urges Communities To Help Migrants

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION $300 Rev. A. A. Castelo Branco $50 Rev.•Augustino Pacheco Rev. Manuel M. Resendes $25 Ernest M. Medeiros

Abel Fidalgo

$20 Victor F. Rebello Jr.

$15 A Friend $12 Sidney Jenkinson $10 Joaquim Salgado, Joaquim Motta, Manuel Sardinha, Maria' Bettencourt, Joao A. Ferro Anthony J. Pereira, Victor F. Rebello Sr., Norbert Beaulieu, James S. Correia, The Macedo Family Antone Soares, Philip Silva, George Martins John Damasio Jr., Euclide Cabral, Edith Tomascik, Joaquim Gomes, Arthur Gonzales, Rich­

ard Parsons, Laurinda Burgess,

Christine Damasio, Sam Coelho,

Arthur Roderick Maria M. Mello, Joseph Rod­ rigues, William Travers, Joseph Silva, Manuel G. Da Silva Everett Lewis, Rosa Carreiras, Charles Mello, Maria Soares, Esalina Sa

CHICAGO (NC) - Local com­ munities must start now 0'11 their own initiative to do some­ thing for uneducated and illit­ erate migrant workers, a priest told a regional conference meet­ ing of the U.S. Labor Depart­ 'ment here. Father John A. Wagner, exe­ cutive secretary of the Bishops' Committee for the Spanish Speaking, declared that this country is faced with a large pool of permanently unemployed persons, and that communities cannot afford to wait for massive Federal aid. "We must provide some basic education now," he said. "There is nQ community in the United States so small and so lacking in resources that it can't do some­ thing to improve the lot of its poorest of the poor and give some hope for the future 1G them."


co. ~ Heating Oils -.' and Burners ~

~ 365





WYman 2-5534

"Save With Safety" at





-,. Mrs. Roland Hubert, Mr. &: Mm. Ju~tin Perry Jr., Roger Melanson Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Leblanl:, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jusseaum,:, Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Menard, Mr. &: Mrs. Donald Pelletier, :Mr. & Mrs. George Hebert ST. JOSEPH

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Boyer, Mr. $200

& Mrs. Adelard Pacheco, Mr. &. Dr. & Mrs. Albert Hamel

Mrs. Jerome Doyon, Anne Mari~ $100

Trudeau, Mr. &: Mrs. Edgar Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dianne

Trudeau Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Trahan

Mr. & Mrs. Leo Racine, Mr. !~ $50 Mrs. Roger Varieur, Mr. & Mr;. Marcotte Family John Ansay, Corinne Maranda, Mr. & Mrs. 'Albert Roy Mr. &: Mrs. .John Pacheco Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Jansoo Mr. & Mrs. Henri Brouillette Mr. & Mrs. Ernset Frechette, $30

Mr. & Mrs. Laurier Choquette, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Seguin

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Quintin, Mr. &: Mrs. Henry J. Hebert, Mr. &: $25

Mrs. Paul Frenette Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Mathieu

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Place, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Hocl.s0n

Misses Larocque, Gilberte Co·· Henri Phaneuf

dere, Mr. &: Mrs. Ernest Bau·· Normand Ostiguy Family

chard, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Be;;·· Mr. & Mrs. Louis Leblanc

sette Lucille Allain

Mr. & Mrs. Maxine LeBlanc, $23 Mrs. Rose A. Marchessault. Mr. Michaud Family

&: Mrs. Joseph Quintin, Mr. &: $20

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dupent, Mrs. William Ouellette, Dona1; Labrie Mr. & Mrs. J. Rene Dufresne, Delia Labrie, Mr. &: Mrs. Ro-· Clement Languirand, Mr. &: Mrs. land G. Bolduc, Mr. &: Mrs. Ovila. Adrien Lemire, Mr. & Mrs. Al­ fred Sylvia Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Bolduc, Mr. &: Mrs. Roland Guay., Henri Verville Leblanc­ $16 Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel Souza" Mr. & Mrs. Roland Fomn Thomasset Family, Mr. & Mrs.. $15 George Simmons, Mr. &: MN.. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Gauare!.1J, Frederick Duguay, Mr. &: Mrs.. $12 Robert Masse Mr. &: Mrs. Adrien Csdene, Mr. &: Mrs. Domina Bedard" MI'. &: Mrs. Leon Branchaud, Mr. Mr. &: Mrs. James W. CQggeshalL .• Mrs. Alphonse Pelletiet" Mr. &:Mrs. Hubert Levasseur, Mr. &: Mrs. Stanislas Kocar, Mr. $1' Misses Piche, MI'. It Ma. &: Mrs. Adelbert Toussaint Mr. &: Mrs. Luigi Fiano, Mr. Rerve Adam, MI'. &: Mrs. Na~ " Mrs. John Cofer, Mr. &: Mrs. ~n Bertrand, Mr. &: Mrs. Rene Gerard Guillet, Mr. &: Mrs. Henri lacques, Mr. &: Mrs. Ovila Foc­ Tremblay, Mr. &: Mrs. Rene· Un Mr. & Mrs. Roger Cou·l'noye-r. L'Heureux Mr. & Mrs. Georges Chamber­ &: Mrs. Nonnand RobitaiUe, Mr. & Mrs. Roger GaumGnt. Mr. lain, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Wian, Mrs. Cecile Parent, Mr. de Mrs. • Mrs. Albert Palmieri, Mr. " Theodore Mozenski, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Alphe~ Robitaille Mr. &: Mrs. Reginald Chandte-r, Joseph G. Bedard Mr. &: Mrs. Fred Smith, Mr. It Renner Family, Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur L. Gaudreau, Mrs. Marie Mrs. lllormand Dumas, Mr.. It Yiolette, Mr. & Mrs. J'osepft Mrs. Alphonse Lizotte, Mr. &: Mrs. Leon Poyant, Mr.&: Mrs. Fournier Mrs. Elizabeth Jaillet, JIIr. &: Normand Fredette Mr. & Mrs. AJrthur Rioull:, Mes. Normand Desrosiers, Mr. It Mrs. Frank Goulart, Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Frechette, Mr. &: Mrs. Louis C. Pincince, Mr. &: M1"S. Sylvio Leblane, Mr. &: Mrs. -Cit;\!'­ Joseph Fournier, Mr. &: Mrs. eace Perryman Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph M1lro61!i!t, Clarence Demers Mrs. Christine Dufresne, Mr. Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Allain, M·r. A: Mrs. Raymond Leclair, Mr. &; &: Mrs. Joseph It. Vezina, Mr. &: Mrs. John Quinnin. Mr. .It i!I&i. Mrs. Henri L. Valoi'S, Mr. &: Mrs. Gerard GonneviUe, Mrs. Merilda Raymond Charette .

Mr. &: Mrs. Baymend P3t­ Leblanc Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Marchand, aal1de, Mr. & :Mrs. haa LlIC

'Parent, Dora Paquin, Mrs. Syl­ Mr. &: Mrs. Leo Boucher, Mr. &: .-io LeComte, Armand Deshaies Mrs. Eugene Pepin, Mr. &: Mrs. Mrs. IreneMaillowt.Mr.1e Pius Allain Mr. &: Mrs. Wilfred Pothier, Mrs. Joseph L. Begin, Mr. &; IIIrs. Manuel Alves, Mr. &: Mn. Mr. & Mrs. Donat Duhamei, Rita Maranda, Mr. &: Mrs. Jean Romeo Landry, Mr. It Mrs. Goc­ Boutin, Mr. &: Mrs. Pierre Me­ 40n Barber Mr. & Mrs. Donald Racine, Mr. lanson Ic Mrs. Wilfred Breum. Mi'. .It Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Daigle, Mr. Mrs. Ronald Tardif, Mr: ~ Mn. " Mrs. Roland Marcotte, Mr. &: Roger Pelletier, Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Mrs. George R. Duval, Albert Leroux Gosselin, Mr. It Mrs. Al,phee Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Farla&d, Fournier Mr. &: Mrs. BaymondGosselin, Mr. &: Mrs. Bernard HuliGn, Mr. Mr. &: Mrs. Wilfred Ostiguy, &: Mrs. Walter Midura Jr., Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Beaulieu, Mr. &: Mrs. Catherine Paquette, Mr. &: Mrs.. Armand Bernard JIIrs. Pamphile Letourneau, Mr. HenriPeUetier, 1IIr.&: Mrs. .It Mrs. Armand Beaulieu Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Melihe, Adrien Charpentier. Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond 81. Gelais, Mrs. Marie Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Weaver, Anne Masseau & Family, Mr. &: Jeanne Weaver. Mr. &: Mrs. Ray­ Mrs. Roger P. Fredette mond RQndeau, Mr. A: Mrs. Mrs. Lumina Lamontagne It Emile Saulnier Mr:. & Mrs. Aldege LeVti5Je1ir, Family, Francois Boyer, Alexan­ dre Seguin.. Mr. &: Mrs. Calixte· IIr. & Mrs. Edgar Lebeau, Mr. &: Mrs. Stanley Milas, Mr. & Mrs. Belliveau, 'ThereseC1)ulombe Alfred Petit, Mr. &: Mrs. GastoR Mrs. Angelina Beaulieu, Al­ fred Trahan, Mr. &:Mrs. Adden Charbonneau Mr. & Mrs. George Lelievre, Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Champagne, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Andre L. Marcotte, Dora Babineau, Mr. &: Mrs. Al­ F. Alyre Leblanc Mr. &: Mrs. Auguste Remoud, cidas Magnant, :Mr. &: Ml's. Mrs. Blandine Palardy, Mr. Be Laurent Dupont Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Blanchette, Mrs. George Benjamin, Mr. &: Mrs. Normand Hudon, Mr. It Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Machnik, Mr. &: Mrs. Armand Bergeron, Mr. &: Mrs. Simon Languirand. Mr. &: Mrs. RQland Laplante, Mrs. Rene Davignon, Geor,e Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Pelletier, Mr. Renaud Family Mr. &: Mrs. Albert Dube, Marie Ie Mrs. Wilfred Cote, Mr. It Mt's. Napoleon Laflamme, Mr. Ie lift'S. LGuise Nolin, Mr. &: Mrs. ElI­ mOild Charette, Mr." .Ma. Licien Beaulieu Philias Jodoin,lIt'. At MN. Jt.eger ~r. &: Mrs. Manue~ RaplJZ4}, Ilk. & Mrs. Orner MUll':, Mi'. 'Ii; ItisliQnnette


Medeiros, Mr. &: Mrs. Armand Messier, Mr. & Mrs. Roderiek Murray . Mrs. John O'Brien, Dr. &: Mrs. Lawrence Quinn, Mrs. Sarah Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs. James A. Rice, Everett !,;ingleton Mr. & Mrs. James Stott, :Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Thornton ST. HYACINTH $158 Rev. Herve Jalbert $50 Rev. Rene G. Gauthier The George Vigeant Family

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., May 14, 196'-

New Bedford



UNVEILING roDAY: A nine-foot head of Christ will form part of the mammoth mural on the facade of the new Notre Dame University Memorial Library at Notre Dan~ Ind. The granite mural, extending 11 stories above the library'g entrance, measures 132 by 6 feet. It will be tm-'

veiled today. NC Ph9t(J. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Boyrailllll, Irene & Rose Arcand, Mi'. ;!r; Mrs. Marcel Goyette, Mr. Be Mrs. Connd Lamontagne, Mr. ;It Mni. Areade Maroux Lo:~etta Desrochers, Mr. -& t.'In. John Pombo ST. ANNE $25 St. Anne's Credit tlniea $28 Mrs. William LemUn, Marie Lebeau, Mr. & Mrs. Arihyr Fontaine, Claire DumOflt $15 Mr. &; Mrs. Philippe ·Ca~.naft " Felixina Carignan, Mr. It ill'S. UlyS!e Auger $1% Mr. & Mrs. AnnaDa .lliue, !liT. CIt Mrs. Thomas Sharples $10 Mr. &: Mrs. Albert BeaUl'~ar"

Mr. Sr; Mrs. Frederick Hemat, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Brunette, Mr. c1: Mrs. Mablon Peter BOI'dge Mr. & Mrs. Ernest -ca1'8ll. Mr. &; Mrs. Normand 'CaTer, Cercle Champlain, Mr. & M~•. Frank Chartier, Floriaa Desau.­ tels, Mr. &: Mrs. Laurent Du­ hamel Mr &; Mrs. Samuel Faria, • . &; Mrs. Rene A. Fontaine, Felix Fournier, Jeannette F01H'Rier, Mrs. Cecile Goulet Mm. Alma Grace, Mr. ~ :llIn. Raymond Guerette, Mrs. Mattie " Miss Yvonne Lafleur, Mrs. Cerd~~lie Langlois, Mr. It Mrs. Paul Lariviere Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Lay. Sr., Mr. lit Mrs. Joseph Lavoie Jr., Mr. 8: Mrs. Charles Lebeau, Mr. &: :tv.:rs. Pierre Lussier, Mr. &: MI·s. Thomas McKenna Mr. &: Mrs. Clement Mailloux Elain~ Mailloux, Mr. " Mrs. Frede rick Melancon, Claudette Miclulud, Mr. &: Mrs. .iJ8ileph Man.i;: Mr. &Mrs. Marcel Morency, Mr. &: Mrs. Victor Morency, Mr. &: M:~s. Charles Payette, Mn. Jamell Pettey, Mr. &: Mrs. Leuis Plour:ie Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ouimet, Mr. &: Mril. Harry Sears, Mr. " Mrs.

Alfred Sicard,Mr. &: Mrs. John R. Sylvia Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Townley -HOLY NAME $'75

l\ev. Henry "T. Munroe Dr. &: Mrs. John B. O'Toole Jr. $5t Anonymous

$%5 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Derby Mr. &; Mrs. James McCarthy &; Miss Frances McCarty Mrs. John O'Leary &; Family $20 Mr. & Mrs. James J.Clark, Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Fonseca, Mr. " Mrs. "Theodore Fredette, Mr. " Mrs, Joseph F. Gorman, :Mr. &: Mrs. Dennis Lyons Mr. & Mrs. WilliamP. Powers, George Rogers, Mm. StanleT Walsh $15

Mr. &: Mrs. F. J. Aylward, Mr. It Mrs. Edwarrl Bruce, Mr. &:

Mrs. Edward Bruce, Albert Hin, Mr. &: Mrs. Jean P. Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Rimmer,

Mr. &; Mrs. Harold D. P. RyaR $11

Patricia Bancroft, Mr. &t Mrs. Raymond Bourbeau, Mrs. Wil­

.Iiam J. Carter Sr., Mr. & Mrs.

Joseph Constant, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Costa

Mrs. Joseph Cotter, Mrs. Rru;­

IlIill Crawford, Mrs. Mary Dalton,

Alice Donovan, Stephen Francis. Margaret Goldrick. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Govoni, Mr. It Mrs. Francis Harding,In memory of Edith Alcarez, In memory of Jehn &: Catherine Daley by Mr. and Mrs..Antbony Gallagher Mrs. Rose .Jones, Mr. &: Mrs. Ernest L'Abbe, Mr. & Mrs. Ches­ ter Lajmue, Daniel Manning Albert Mayall Mr. It Mrs. Joseph McCGr­ miek, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. McLoughlin, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert

Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Fournier'


Dr. &: Mrs. J. B. Robert $15

Mr. &: Mrs. Roland Dumas


Mrs. Mina Gould, Ernest Gould $18 Mr. & Mrs. George Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Fontes, Mr. &: Mrs. William Gemme, Mr. &: Mrs. Norman Sauve & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Hughes Desautels Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Lima, MI'. &: Mrs. John Santos & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Robert, Mr. &: Mrs. John O'Malley Jr., Yvonne & Jennie Damm Mrs. bvila Boucher, Mrs. Rita Monty, Emma Cyr, Joseph Bel­ anger, William Gamache ST. FKANelS OF ASSISI


Mr. &: Mrs. Domenic F. Cata­ lano $15 Manly Mfg. Co. Inc $11

Rose Alves, Mr. It llI:rw. A..­ thony Armanetti, Mr. &: Mrs. John Baccelli, AIdo Balestra~i, Mr. &: Mrs. Emilio Balestracci Lucy Battistelli, Mary Bertola, Mr. &: Mrs. Chester Ciborowski, Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Ferreira, Dr. &; Mrs. Joseph N. Finni Natalie Foley, lIlr. " Mrs. Julius Galuska, Emma Lima, Mr. & Mrs. Leonel Ner<m, Man­ uel &: Theresa Sylvia &: KMe Ezemoli :Mr. It Mrs. Wilfred Tetreault, Theresa Wilson ST. IlUAM $4" Rev Walter J. Buckley $!II St. Vincent de Paul-St. Kil­ ian's Conference $11' Honor of Sacred Heart $51 Rev. William E. Farland $15

Holy Name Society

Ernest Kobza .

st. Kilian's Ladies Guild


st. Kilian's Couples Cluli Ernest Berube, A Friend

$11 Ronald Gauvin, Joseph Xew­ ton, Phyllis Newton, JOft Cer­ l'eia, Paul Dagt>sse Wilfred 'Perry, Mildred Per­ eira, Bradford Tripp, Gabriel Holmes, Paul Rouselle

Evelyn Chieppa, Rene Ba­ chand, Fred Lewis, Altte!'t Henrique, ~orge Perry Raymond Rivard, Joseph Ber­ nier, Maria Miller, .John Silva, Joan Murley Agnes Silveil'B, Catherine Murdock, Annie Boyle, R.bert Cormier, Conrad Pel1etieT Janet Hardman, Stephen Ka­ mionek, Elizabeth Kamionek Joseph Noyer, James Sullivan 3r., Albert Abrain, William P. Donlan .Jr., Geor:ene '1'~19l' Manuel Pires, Maurice Spirlet


Appoint Layman


(NC) - A lay,man has been named a vice-president at the Jesuit Fathers' University of Dl~troit. Be is Francis A.. Arlin!:haus, dean 01. tile JlChool's e¥ening division, wbe Itas 1teen named vice-president fer' ...­







Nantucket ST. MAllY 011& LADY OF THE ISLE

$200 Rev. Daniel E. Carey $'75 Rev. Robert F. Kirby

$50 Martin Foley A Friend A Friend A Friend Island Service & Fuel Co.

$35 Mr. & Mrs. Robert McGrath

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Pollard Mr. & Mrs. Charles Yarbrough A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Flana­ gan Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Ryder James E. Worth Mrs. Rolf Sjolund Marine Lumber Co. Pacific National Bank Albert Lavoie Grace Henry

$20 Antone Dias, Mr. & Mrs. Max­ wen Deacon, Annette Gardner, Mrs. Charles Pearl, Alice Far­ rier Jane Wallach, Mr. & Mrs. Pat­ rich Harris

$15 Mrs. Albert Egan Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ruley, Mr. &; Mrs. Robert Haley, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kirby, Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Jl'kanagan Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Pease, Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph CodY, Helen Hull, Gladys Worth, Patrick Robinson ArtburJ. Quinn $I! Mrs. William Reith, Mrs. Abl'lHll Niles $11 Mr. &; Mrs. Charles Stackpole, Margaret Thurston. Mr. & Mrs. Ray DeBettencourt, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Santos, Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph Cabral Noreen Shea, Mrs. Charles Barr, Thomas Igoe, Caroline Flemming, Mr. &; Mrs. Tobias Flemming Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Senecal, Mrs. Ernest King, Mr. & Mrs. Philip K. Marks, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Coffin, Sophia Thomp.



Towhin Frank Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Mark Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. James 'F. Egan, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Davis, Mr. & Mrs. John McCall Mr. & Mrs. John Santos Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Santos, Sally Terry, Mrs. Sadie Terry Lillian Thurston, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nicholas, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lamb, Ursula Holdgate, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dinsmore Mr. & Mrs. Albert Fee, Mr. & Mrs. Adam Mastai, Josephine Deacon, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Caton, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mur­ phy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Dooley, Mr. & Mrs. James Wherry, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Holmes, Eliza­ beth Lawrence, Bertha Angers Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Norcross, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Fitzpatrick, Mr. & Mrs. George G. Haddon Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Reis, Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Murray Nellie Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. An­ tone, Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Fee, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Strojny, Ethel Mooney Austin Tyrer, Bridie Ledwell, Walter Hatch, Robert Mooney, Sarah Morris Mrs. John Salvas, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Egan, Evelyn Rickman, Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Howes, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ranke, Michael Perry

North Dighton ST. JOSEPH $350 Rev. Leo M. Curry

$50 Mi>. &; Mrs. Jam~ E. Williams $U

Mr. &; Mrs. Anthony Mastro­ marino




Thurs., May 14, 1964 Mr &; Mrs. .1oseph Leonora M. Winkle


Central Village ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Bettencoul"lt


250 MILLION STAMPS: "The glow from that fire can truly light the world," - a quotation from the inaugural address of the late President Kennedy appears on the new five-cent commemorative U.S. postage stamp. It will be issued nationwide on Friday, May 29, the 47th birthday anniversary of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. NC Photo. tone Amaral Mrs. Leona O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Russell McDermott, Mr. & Mrs. Germano Matheus, Mrs. Ann McCaffrey, Mrs. Mary Beckworth Nancy Durfee, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Silvia, Mrs. Allan Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Borden Mr. & Mrs. John Silvia, Mrs. Burton Simmons. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Neville, Mr. & Mrs. John Simas, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas CliffeI'd Mr. & Mrs. Donald Corr, Mrs. Mary Chronis, Mr. & Mrs. 'Robert Sherman, Madeline & Ralph Woodward, Mr. & Mrs. Robert DutFa Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Coelbe, Mr. II: Mrs. William Ferreira, Mr. &; Mrs. Robert McGuirk, Mr.

& Mrs. William K. McCarthy Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Clement Hoye, l\Ir. & Mrs. Raymond Harwood. Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Boucher. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Butler, Mr. &

Mrs.' John Leddy, Mr. & Mrs. Jobn Farrel, Mr. & Mrs NQr­ man Courcy Mr. &; Mrs. Edward Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Donahue, Dorothea Silva, John Ferriera, Mrs. Glenn Burgmann Mr. & Mrs. William Rasmussen Jr., Mrs. Ralph Simmons, Mr. &

Mrs. Antone Medieros, Mr. .!It Mrs. Frank H. Silvia, Mr. & Mrs.

George Vargas Mr. &; Mrs. Manuel P. Varg~

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dernoga, Mr. & lll's. Robert Secotori, Made­ line Carter. Mr. & Mrs. Bernani Hyland Mr... Mrs. Edward McGillil'­ ray, Mr. &; Mrs. Alfred Souza,

Miss Lillian Sekonda, Miss l\[-c.1."Y Medairos, Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Burba, Mr. & Mrs. An­ tone C. Vieira, Mr. & Mrs. Geol'ge Medeiros, Mrs. Esther Samson Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Albanese Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Marra, MJi'. & Mrs. George T. Leach Sr., Mr. & Mrs. George J. Costa, Mrs. Catherine Wood Mr. & Mrs. John Ardagh, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Travers

Centerville OlJB LADY OF VICTORY $25 Margaret Rourke

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Burke, Mr. &; Mrs. James F. Driscoll, Jeannette B. McLanaghan

$10 , Florence Lally, Frances An­ derson, Arthur Ormsby, Mr. Ai M1!'5. Donald White, Robert Po_ ers Jr. Mrs. Harry Davidson, :l'.Ir& Robert Elliott, :v.Ir. & Mrs. Davicl, Plill'ker


MlLWAUKEE (NCl - Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy will be ' the speaker here at Marquette University's 80th annual grad~ atien exercises Sunday, June ., aDd will receive an hoDOFaJ7 deeWJ'ate Gf laWs.

Mr. A: Mrs. Edward M. Berube Mr. & Mrs. Henry Conaty Mr. &; Mrs. TfM!od.ore J. Devine Geol'ge Milot Walter Scanlon J~Jm Silva Mrs. Larry Spidle

$%. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Turner, Robert Turner, Mr. & Mrs. John Lane



Mr. & Mrs. 'Franklin Weeks, Home Washing Co. (F. Weeks), , Mr. &; Mrs. William Callahan, IK>n MWan Reith, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Pivirotto, Mildred Harrigan, James Killen, Ethel Chase, Mr. Dr. John H. Doyle $12 & Mrs. Henry Huyser, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Donald Scott Mrs. Ronal da Silva Mrs. Herman Johnson, Mr. &; $10 Mrs. John McLaughlin, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kelly, Mr. Mrs. Frank Sylvia, Rosalena & Mrs. Frederick Wilbur, Mr. & Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Mrs. Bruce Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Sylvia Mr. &; Mrs. Walter Johnson, Anthony Procopio Agnes Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs, Manuel Mr. & Mrs. Harry Lyons, Mr. F. Sylvia, Misses Carrie & Emily & Mrs. WUIiam Conaty, Henry Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hardy Conaty, Mr. & Mrs. Norman La­ Ethel Dunham, Mr. & Mrs. France, Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. John Blaser, Albert Glowacki, Roberts Mr. & Mrs. John Driscoll, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Doherty, & Mrs. Arthur Howes Charles Seekell, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Mr. & Mrs. Antone Sylvia, Mr. Menard, Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Mrs. Edgar Bowen, Mrs. Erla Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Catabia Butler, Mary Glidden, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. John Beynart, Mr. Mrs. Arthur Desrocher & Mrs. Milton Sherman, George Mr. & Mrs. Lester Simmons, & John R. Glynn, Elizabeth Albert Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. An­ Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rose tone Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mr. & Mrs. Percy Simmons, Tarvis, Misses Rosamund & Mol­ Mr. & Mrs. Harold Sherrington, ly Duffy l\1r. & Mrs. Charles Perry, Mr. Thomas Hamblin, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Amos Fredette Augustus Roche, Mr. & Mrs. Al­ Mr. & Mrs. John Evangelho, lan Norcross, Anastasia Dooley, David Perry, John M. Perry, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Araujo & ::'\I]rs. Humbert Costa, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. John Mendonca, Mrs. Francis Torres Mr. & Mrs. Robert Murray, Mr. Lillian Pivirotto, Mary Pivi­ & Mrs. Peter 1. Sylvia, Ann Hen­ rotto, Philbert Torres, Mr. & df'rson, Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Mrs. Frank O'Connell, Mr. & Vallett l\olrs. Vincent Furtado Mr. & :Mrs. Thomas McAuley, 1\11'. & Mrs. Wilfred Hebert, Marjorie Toner, Mr. & Mrs. Emma Milot, Arthur Milot, John Topham, Mr. & Mrs. John Claudia Milot, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph liam Duarte Hannon Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Collard, Florence McLean, Mr. & Mrs. l\Ir. & Mrs. Milton Bowen, Mr. Maurice Dee, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie & Mrs. Alfred Adamczyk, Mr. & Costa, Mrs. Lester Bachman, Mr. MrE. James O'Connell, Mr. & & Mrs. Richard Mack Mrs. Thomas Marsden Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kotalac, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Duffy, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Kiley, Mr. & Mrs. George Gray, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. John S. Conway, Oscar Maurice Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Folger Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Josepll Mason, Mr. & Mrs. An­






THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 14, 1964 C:i1!%?fu"Wi;:m,%TIl1:.;:'::~[~)iK'~~'RWt.~"Ei~1i~1iWl0"2:W~J.!~



ST. STANISLAUS. FALL RIVER The PTA and Alumni will do­ nate a stained glass window to the church. The unit also an­ nounces a ham anl. bean supper from 5 to 7 Saturday night, June 13, in the school hall. Mrs. Helen Majkut is ticket chairman and proceeds will benefit the window fund . . A breakfast will be held for first communicants Sunday, May 17, and hostesses for a meeting set for Wednesday, June 3 will be alumni. OUR LADY OF ANGELS. FALL RIVER New Council of Catholic Wom­ en officers will be installed at 6:30 Sunday night, June 21 at a Seekonk restaurant. Mrs. Dorothea Almeida is in charge of the banquet to be held at that time. A whist is planned for 7.30

Saturday night, May 16 in the

P!lrish haU, with Miss Irene Fur­

tado as chairman. Tickets will

be available at the door.

Next regular meeting is set

for 7:30 Wednesday night, June

3, also in the hall.

The Holy Ghost Feast spon­

sored by the Liberal Club will

be held on Saturday and Sun­

day at the club grounds. All

. societies are asked to partici­ pate in the procession on Satur­ day afternoon at 1:30. The Boy Scouts will conduct a . .Parents' Night on Saturday, May 23, at 7:30 in the parish ball. ST. JOHN BAPTIST. NEW BEDFORD The Ladies Guild announces a whist party for Tuesday, May 19. June events will include a Communion supper Sunday, June 21; an auction at 7:30 Tuesday night, June 9 in the parish hall; and a Mass in honor of St. John the Baptist, at 8 Wednesday morning, June 24. ST. JOSEPH.


The Women's Guild will spon­ sor a' Spring frolic Saturday night, May 16 in Knights of Columbus Hall, Swansea. Danc­ ing, a buffet and prizes will be featured. HOLY NAME,


Mrs. Richard E. Wordell, president; Mrs. John J. Kirk­ man, vice-president; Mrs. Wil­ liam A. Renaud, secretary; and Mrs. Frank King·sley, treasurer are the new officers of the Women's Guild. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. FALL RIVER Mrs. Henry Gillet is re-elected president of the Women's Guild and will be aided by Mrs. George Charbonneau, vice - president; Mrs. Norbert Baldia, secretary; Mrs. Andre Latessa, treasurer. The unit will be hostess to first eommunicants at a breakfast this Sunday. ST. ANNE,


Officers of the newly-furmed Council of Catholic Women are Mrs. Herve Cummings, presi­ dent; Mr·s. Leo Gariepy, vice­ president; Miss Pauline Lavoie and Miss Lucille Gauthier, sec­ retaries; .Miss Claudette. Pelle­ tier, treasurer. They will be in­ stalled in a church ceremony followed by a banquet at 7:15 Monday night. June 1ST. PIUS X.


Women's Guild members will serve breakfast to first commu­ nicants following 8 o'clock Mass this Sunday morning. Coffee will be served to parents. The unit's annual communion breakfast will follow 8 o'clock Mass Sun­ day morning, May 24 at Hyannis Inn. Mrs. Florence Piette will speak.


YOltl' drounlS C'Olne true with


ST. PATRICK. FALL RIVER To be installed at the Pocasset Club at a banquet set for n Monday night, June 8 are new Women's Guild officers, includ·· ing Mrs. Robert Regan, presi· dent; Mrs. Manuel Silvia, vice· president; Mrs. Lester Ball, treasurer; Mrs. Joseph Richards and Mrs. William St. Pierre, secretaries. The unit announces a Com­ munion breakfast for Sunday, May 17 in the school cafeteria. It will follow 9 o'clock Mass. SACRED HEART. FALL RIVER New Women's Guild officers are Mrs. Kenneth Leger, presi­ dent; Mrs. Joseph Ta3Qor, vice­ president; Mrs. James deMelo, secretary; Mrs. John McGraw, treasurer. The annual banquet will be held at 7:30 Monday night, June 1 in the school. HOLY NAME. NEW BEDFORD The Woman's Guild will hold an installation banquet Monday, June 8 at White's restaurant, North Westport. Reservations will close Monday, June 1. SS. PETER AND PAUL.


An installation banquet for

the Women's Club will be held

at Stone Bridge Inn Wednesday,

May 20. To b~ seated are Mrs.

James Walmsley, president; Mrs.

Gerald Dore, vice-president;

Mrs. Rocco Postiglione and Mrs.

Mary Tyrrell, secretaries; Mrs.

William Sunderland Jr., treasu­

rer. A rummage sale is being

held from 9 to noon this morning

at the school.



The Women's Guild announces its annual Communion breakfast to follow 9:15 Mass Sunday morning, May 17. To be held in the church hall, it will feature Joseph Feitelberg as guest speaker. Mrs. Oliver Dawson and Mrs. John Brown are co­ chairmen. At a testimonial, the unit hon­ ored Rev. Edward J. Burns on the 10th anniversary of his ordination. Mrs. Wilfred St. Michel, president, presented a gift on behalf of members and a calendar party was also featured on the program. A whist party with Mrs. Thomas Standish as chairman, is set for Thursday, June 11. . ST. MARY, NORTH ATTLEBORO The final meeting of the year of the Parish Guild will be con­ ducted Tuesday night at 8 o'clock in the school hall. Mrs. Albert Rose, president, will con­ duct the business meeting. Mr. Neil Weinstein, N.S.LD. of Mason's in Fall River, will speak on the topic "Fashion of the Day in Color and Arrangement". ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL. FALL RIVER Mrs. Eugene Ponton heads the Women's Guild for the coming year, supported by Mrs. Dennis Lynch, vice-president; Miss Rita O'Loughlin and Miss Honora Coyne, secretaries; Miss Helen Goff, treasurer. They will be installed at a banquet Monday, June 1 at the Catholic COmIJUlD­ ity Center. SACRED HEART, NORTH ATTLEBORO The Holy Name Society will hold a free bowling party at 8 Thursday night, May 21 at Fox­ field Lanes, Foxboro. OUR LADY OF FATIMA. SWANSEA The public is invited to a May basket whist to be sponsored by the Women's Guild at 8 Monday night, May 18 in the church hall on Gardners Neck Road. Door prizes and refreshments will be featured. Mrs. Donald Lesage is chairman.




Super-Right Quality Htavy Steer Bee' HgADS PRESS: Serving the c h u r chin Austria, KATHRESS (Catholic Press Agency) is headed by Dr. Richard Barta, editor - in ­ chief, who is also press rep­ resentative of Car din a 1 Koenig. The agency's mem­ bers comprise the Catholic publio:;hing houses of Austria and the Conference of Bish­ ops. NC Photo.

New Bedford ST. THERESA


Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Duchaine


Rev. Clement F. Dufour $25 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Gaouette Mr. &: Mrs. Charles H. Frank­ lin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Emile Dalbec $20 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Fortin, Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Bellefeuille $15 Mr. & Mrs. John Laronda $12 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Genereux $10 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bedard, Mrs. Edmond Blain, Jeannette Blain. Mr. &: Mrs. Theodule Bolduc. Mrs. Annette Bonneau Mr. c~ Mrs. Leo L. Cloutier, Mr. &: Mrs. Georges Cote, Mrs. Eernest Desaulniers, Mr. &: Mrs. Maurice Deshaie, Mr. &: Mrs. Roland Dube Mr. Jit Mrs. Alphonse Dubois, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Dupre, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph S. Fortin, Mr. &: Mrs. P,ml Frey, Mr. &: Mrs. Raoul Gagnon Mr. ~t Mrs. Francis Gannon, Mr. &: Mrs. Charles Gaudette, Mrs. Adeline F. Godber , Mr. &: Mrs. Valmore Gonneville, Mr. &: Mrs. Alme Goyette Mr. &: Mrs. James Hickey, Mr. &: Mrs. Normand Lacroix, Mr. Albert Lagesse, Mr. & Mrs. .Roland :Landry, Mr. & Mrs. AI­ ;[)honse Lemaire Mr. &: Mrs. Romuald Mailhot, :M:r. & Mrs. Armand Moreau, :YIrs. FI,)rence Paquin, Mr. &: Mrs. Luden Poirier, Mr. &: Mrs. Roland Poirier Mr. &: Mrs. Daniel Rego, Mr. c~ Mrs. :Robert Richards, Mr. & Mrs. Co::trad Robitaille, Mr. &: Mrs. Alf:red Samson, Mr. & Mrs. Hoger Savaria Mr. &: Mrs. Noel Sevigny, Mrs. Gertrude St. Laurent, Mr. &: Mrs. Chules Tanguay, Mr. &: Mrs. Artnur Gignac, Mrs. Peter Duff In Memory of Yvonne Desro­ siers, Mr. &: Mrs. Wilfred Belan­ ger, Mr. &: Mrs. Henry Picard, Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred Lemieux, Mr. &: Mrs, E:ernard Sassaseville Mr. & ){rs. Emile Camire, Mr. &: Mrs. :Conat Desmarais, Mr. & Mrs. Abel Jorge, Mr. &: Mrs. Theode Picard, Mr. &: Mrs. Ken­ neth Sherman Mr. &: Mrs. Wilfrid Ledoux. Mr. &: M:~s. Arthur Lussier, Mr. &: Mrs. Albert Lamontagne, Mr. &: Mrs. J:>seph S. Morency, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Berneche Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Gurney, JilE. &: MIS. Jost:ph GueriA





Large For Roasting 4~ to 5~ Ibs



',:::;:;:;:::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::i~~




Top Round Roast 65 c Face Rump Roast L.75 c c Porterhouse Steak La 89 Sirloin Steak HeA~~e~e:::RN 85 LB



Buy Right; • t Buy Super-Right • •• And Get Guaranteed •••



Apricot, Raisin or Cherry










for Banana, Choc., Choc. Cream, Lemon, Strawberry

frl... show. I. thl, ad lIUaraoteed thr. Sat.• Mil 16 & effecUvt at All A&P Super Mlrke" II _ _ "uRlll • ,1.lllll. T-.. ,,04ucta • lUlu lIfO/IlbU... '" IllII ..~ . . '1114 ~ .".,.

New Bedford

Thurs., May 14, 1964

$300 Mr. & Mrs. James H. Mahoney Jr.

$250 Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Buckley

S150 Dr. & Mrs. Jean Webster

$125 A Friend

$100 Michael Austin Mr. & Mrs. William Conroy Caritas Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Buckley Mrs. Nora E. Kenny Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Koczera Dr. & Mrs. Robert Small

$75 Mr. & . Mr. & ton Jr. Dr. & Mr. &

Mrs. Maurice Downey Mrs. Edward J; Harring­ Mrs. William O'Donnell Mrs. Philip Tripp

$50 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy K"'eating Dr. & Mrs. Robert Durant Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Dwyer Victor T. Kondi Mrs. Thomas Mahoney Dr. & Mrs. James Bolton Loretta Lamarre Mr. & Mrs. Paul McCauley Dr. & Mrs. William Walsh A Friend Mr. &; Mrs. Perry Coholan Theresa, Ruth & John Harney Mr. &; Mrs. Robert Taber $4. Stephen Hayes &; Angela Bayes Margaret, Gleason $35

Mr. .& Mrs. Charles Phelan U8 Julia Joyce Elizabeth Cassidy Mr. -& Mrs. Alan Campbeil . Dorothy Curry William E. King Mr. & Mrs. L04is Ostric Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Smith

$25 Mr. &; Mrs.. William BalderSOB Mrs. Pemberton Nye Miss E. Callaghan Mr. & Mrs. John J. Connor Dr. & Mrs. A. B. Crowe Mrs. Mary Galligan Mrs. Sumner Gersin Dr. Francis Hinds Mr. .& Mrs. James M. Kearney Mr. & M,rs. George MC(rt>Vern Elizabeth &;' Helen O'Connor A Friend Mrs. Arthur L. Brunelle Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Finni Mr. & Mrs. :John Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Long Mr. & 'Mrs. Chal:les.Pelc;1:ar Mr. & Mrs. Henry Perry Mr..& Mrs. Paul Saunders Mr. & Mrs. James Shea ' Mr. & Mrs. Philip Serman, Family A Friend A Friend Mr.. & Mrs. August '~edeir~ William J. O'Brien .. . Mr. & Mrs. Robt!Ft'Shea If. Friend



THE ANr"':"'R-



Theresa Beehan, E. Vincent Brimley, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Griffin Jr., Mrs. Emelia Halvet:­ den, Pauline & Grace Moore Anna l?riscoll" Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ford, Mrs.· William Fos­ ter & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ liam Humphrey, Mr;' & Mrs. Gerald LeWis, Dr. & Mrs. A. J. Pothier, Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose Smith & Family Agnes M. Brad:'-Edward G. McBride, Mr. & Mrs. John Har­ ney, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph St. Aubin Mr. & Mrs. Leo Beaudry, Mr. & Mrs. Alfr~d Couto, Mrs. Catherine Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. J. MacFarlane, Mr.. & Mrs. James A. Ryan'· . Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan, A Friend $17 Mr. & Mrs. Alb'ert L. Fisher

!!i15 . Margaret Austin, Gertrude R. Boyle, Alice Cashman, Mr. & Mrs.' Paul Curry, Mary Agnes White Mr. & Mrs. A. Attridge, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bancroft, Mrs. hanee5 Connolly, Mr. It Mrs.

A 75TH ANNIVERSARY GIFT: A vestment clasp, used by the late Pope Pius XII is preRented to Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York by Paul Cardinal Marella, rep­ reRenting Pope Paul VI. The occassion was a dinner marking the Cardinal's 75th birth­ clay. More than 4,500 persons were present in the Waldorf-Astoria hotel, New York, the largeRt number ever to attend a dinner in the famed hotel. Looking on are New York's Governor Nelson Rockefeller, left, and Mayor Robert ",Tagner, who presented the Car­ -tUnal with .a medallion of the City of New York. Cardinal Spellman was enthroned as Archbishop of New York 25 years ago May 22. NC Photo. Ovila Frechette, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ mun<l Harrington Alice Murphy, Mr. .& Mrs. Fred Peccini, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Peters, Mr. & Mrs. George Wez­ Riak. A Friend Mary E, Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cloutier, Mr. -& Mrs. John T. Curry, ·Mrs. Genevieve Gallagher, Ida & Louise Hoye Helen -C. 'McCarthy, Kathryn T. McCarthy, The Paine Family, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Parker Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Arsene Rousseau Mr. & Mrs. George ~hoads, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Touhey, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Calnen, Mr. .& Mrs.. E. J. Harrington, Mrs. Hannah Reilly, William Taylor " $12

, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest T. Balboni, Julia E. Barty, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ ward C. Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Healy, Dor.a McCarthy, Helen McGr.ath, Mr. & Mrs. Cyril O'Leary . Mrs. William T. Clynes, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Macedo, ·Mr. & Mrs. Emil Cipriani Mr. & Mrs. B'enjamin DePiro, Eljzabeth Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. J. T~odore $11 , Mr. & Mrs. Eugene De$t;osiers



Mr. & Mrs. William Beehan, Mr. & Mrs. Herve Berube, Len­ non Burke Family, Mrs. Francis Connolly, Mrs. Temple Corson, Mr. & Mrs. Emery Cusson, Mr. & Mrs. Albert 'Gamba; Mrs. Gladys V. Hawes. :'Mrs. Kath­ erine Holmes, Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Horan . Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Hughes, Mrs. Margaret Johnson, May­ belle Keefe, Mr. 4, M.rs. Thomas Kelley, Mr..&.l'4rll. Arthur Kirkwood :....'. . John .Luby; Mt: &:.'Mrs. Ed­ ward Ma-nley" Mr., & 1\1rs. James Manning,M'r.& Mrs. Richard Manning, Mrs.' Agnes Moriarty Mr. & Mrs. Charles Morse, Mr. & Mrs. :P'rancis Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Owen Murphy. Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCann, Stephen 01'­ borne Albert Perrier, Mrs. Anne Porter, James Porter, Mr. &

Mrs. R. Saunders. .lVIr. & Mrs. Herbert Silva Eleanor Sullivan, Mary M. Sullivan, Mrs. Alice Alexander, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Baillargeon, Eva Bamforth Mr. & Mrs. Eric B::-sso, Mr. & Mrs. John Boyle, Mr. & Mrs. John G. Britto, Mrs. Daniel Cal­ laghan, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cal­ -laghan, William ·B. Clarke Mr. & Mrs.' John' Conlon, Patricia Connor, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ ward J. Cronan, Mr. & 'I,fr", Wil­ liam C. Davis. Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ ward J. Delisle

Mrs. i\nna DeMontigny, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph DeTerra, Mrs. John Donnelly, Mrs. Elizabeth Dooley, Kathryn Doyle Mary Dreaddy, Mr. & Mrs. Phili'p Dreaddy, Mr. & Mrs. John Driesen, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Duggan, Mr. &; Mrs. Louis L. Dumont James Durant, Mr. .& Mrs. John W. Durant, Mrs. L~wis Dutra, Mrs. Mary Edwards, Rob­ ert Gellette Charles Greeder, Mr. & Mrs. John Greulich, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Halloran, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hamer, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Harrington Mr. -& Mrs. Edward Hill, Dr. ·&Mrs. Robert Horan, Mr. -& Mrs. William Hughes, Margaret & Catherine Judge, Susan Kane Francis Lafferty, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Langlois. Mrs. Ellen Les­ carbeau, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Le­ vesque. Mrs. John Lynch . Mr. & Mrs. John E. Macedo, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Maguire, Mrs. Margaret MahoneY,Mrs.

Nellie C. Manning and Mary, 'Mr: & Mrs. Roland Mathieu . Mr. & Mrs. Eugene McCoy, Mrs. Joseph McDonnell, George S. McHenry, Mary McKerma, Jean H. Mevis . Mrs. Everett Mills, Helen "MoOre, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Morris, Mrs. Ann Murphy, Mrs. Daniel M;uri;>hy . Mr'.&: Mrs. Philip Murray, Mr. &;. Mrs. Thomas Myette, Mr. & Mrs. 'lames Neves, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Newton, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Oliver . Ita O'Neil, Wilford S. Peek­ ham,' Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pires, Mr. & Mrs. James Pittman, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Provost , Dr. '& Mrs. Raour'Provost; E<I­ :ward Putman Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ 'Harrl Quinlan,'Mr. &. Mrs. James P:' Quinn. Mrs. 1\1ary Rosen Mr. & rill'S. Antone Rutkow­

ski, NIl': & Mrs. Raymond San­

t:·rni. "Tr'& J'.!n Edmund Santos

Mrs." Eugene Sheerin, Thoma~

'Sheerin . . 1\11'. & :\Trs. Francis Shurtleff,

1\:1.rs.. Cecelia Slocumb. Mr, &

Mrs. Russell Smith. Helen Sta­

g.er. :111". ~ Mrs. Francis Sulli­

van Gl'ace Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Primo Tarini, !VII'. & Mrs. Omer 'rhcber!!e, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew' Tiernan. Mr. & M'l's. Victor Turpin

:\11'. & HI'S. E'lward V. Tynan,

~Tr. & :\ll's. E. F, Varscl, 1\11". & '-rs. A'ltonio Va'ques. Mr. & ~.lrs .. :"'1''1'1 W:1 11. W('~siak Fam­

ily - ,An~ :he"e, Katherine,

Jospnh & Charles. :\lrs. James J ..".-: l~n F'. -.,~< Wil1dnson, lVlrs. Flol'en.:e Andrade, Mr.

& Mrs. William H. Barter, Mr. & Mrs. George Bolger, 'Bridget

Burke, Mrs.. Mary C. Burns Mr..& Mrs. Henry Butts, Mrs. M.arie L. Cambra, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Anuszcyzk, Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Baines Mrs. Arthur Bennett Jr., Mrs. Amedee Blanchet, Mr. & Mrs. Felix Bruce, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur .Buckley, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth 'Burke Mrs. John W. Calnan, Francis Carney, Mrs. Hugh Carney, Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Cote, Mrs. Agnes Esslinger Mr. & Mrs. John Everton, Mr. & Mrs. William Fortier, Mr. & Mrs. William Furey, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ghilardi, Ann Griswald Mrs. Timothy Haggerty, Dr.

Orrin Hall, Mr. & Mrs. John

Harney, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hart,

Mr. &; Mrs. H. Heuberger

. Mrs. Anne E.' Hooper, Mary

Howard, Nancy Howard, Mr. &

Mrs. Walter Howard, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Hunt

Mary Elizabeth Kaharl, Janet Kaszynski, Edward' Kelly A Friend, Mr. & Mrs, Andrew J(ennedy. Mr. & Mrs. Charles King, Mr. & Mrs. William Kruger, Mr.' & Mrs. Earl Man­ ning Jennie McAuley, Byron Mc­ Cullough, Mr. & Mrs. Emile Monfils, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mor­ . ris, Elizabe~h F. O'Brien Helen O.'Brien, Mary T. O'­ Brien, . Mr. & Mrs. Americo Olival, Mr. & Mrs. R. Powers, Mrs. Alice Raphael JyIrs. Manuel Rapoza, Mr.'&; .Mrs. Charles Reckords, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rivard, Mrs. Annie Roderick, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Royer Mr. & Mrs. John Ryan, Mrs. C. ;Edmond. Savoie, Mrs. Mary


MAKE A RETREAT at Holy Cross Fathers Retreat House Rte. 138, No. Easton, Mass.


Stening. :\11'. & Mrs. John J. SuIl-ivan, l\'fark Sullivan Mrs. Frank Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Texeira, Mr. & Mnl. William N. Whelan Jr. Mr. & J.\'Irs. Lawrence Caton, Mr. & Mrs. John Chase, William Clarke, :lilary Coholan,- Mr. &: Mrs. James W. Connulty Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Costa, Mr. & Mrs. E. Counsell, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Couture, Anne E. Cur­ ry, John Curry 3rd Mr. & :\lrs. Francis Crape, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cunha, Ger­ trude Cuttle, Mr. & Mrs. James F. Dee, .:\11'. & Mrs. Frances


Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Donahue, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fonseca, Mr. & Mrs. George Gagnon, Grace Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Goodfellow Mr. & J.\'l:rs. Joseph Griffin, George Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. .Patrick Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. Mil­ ton Healy, Mr. & Mrs. Charlee Hinkley Marjorie Hitchen, Mr. & Mns. James D. Hunt, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Isabel, Mary J. Kenne:J" Mr. &; Mrs. Leo P. Kenny . Mr. & Mrs. William King, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Larkin, Mrs. Mary Ledvina, Mary Louise Ledvina, Mr. & Mrs. Paw Lo-wney 'Mary' MacFarlane, Mr. &: Mrs.




Mrs. A.' McGaughey, Helen' F. Mcl}urk. Maurice Mahon ., Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Mangh&n, Mr..&. Mrs. Edward Manley, Mrs. Emile M.archessault, Ann Mul­ cahy, Mr. & Mrs. T. Mullark~ Mrs. Hazel Murphy, Mr. II Mrs. Philip Murphy, Mr. &: Mrs• John O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ liam O'Donnell, Mrs. Eliza~ O'Malley . .Mrs. John Orcutt Jr., Mr. • Mrs.. Joseph Perry, Mr. &: M .... Josepb Pina, Mr. & Mrs. &7­ mond Potter, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Pumilia Mrs. Mary Ribeiro, Frarnle8 Ross, Mr. & Thomas W. Roesi. Mr. &. Mrs. Paul Rousseau, ~ &. Mrs. Charles Rousseau . Mr. &.' Mrs. John R. Ryan, MY. &; Mrs. August Santos, Mr.. Mrs. James Sheerin 2nd, Mr. II Mrs. Edwin Silveira, 'Mr. & :Mrs. lfenry Sopel . Mr. -& Mrs. Donald Sullivan, Isabel Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Nor­ man Sylvia, Fred O. Tetreault. Mr. & Mrs. Herbert. Travers, Ml". &. .Mrs. E. Treadup Mr. & Mrs. Herbert WaD, Neal Wall, Mr; & MNl. Arthur Walsil, Mr. & Mrs. William Whelan ·Jr., Mr. &. Mrs. Arthur B.. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. William Winspeso. The Wyer Fa.mily, Mr. &: Mrs. 't'­ Michael Zaja.~, Mr. & Mrs. .roB Zygiel, A Friend



rislau.rant & 101.1~ We~re

Famous Fo-r--' • .CHARCOAL STEAKS • .SEAFOOD • CHICKEN • PRIME RIBS OF BElIEF - .DINNER DANCING Every S-turday Night featuring

HENRY COTRELl and his orchestra

ladies: May 15- 17 Young Ladies-May 22-24 Married Couples, May 29-31

Reservations accepted for:

For info. on retreats or days of recollection, please write or coIl Director: tel. 238-2051

91 Crandoll Rd., Tiverton'

• Weddings • Banquets' • Stag and Showers

off· Rte. 177

Tel. MI' ' -OR8 & <4-9979


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 14, 1964

Mansfield ST. MARY $700 Rev. Edward L. O'Brien $150 St. Vincent DePaul Society $100 Catholic Womens Club The Darmedy Family $75 ,Rev. James F. Kelley $50 Mr. & Mrs. A. Paponigro Jr. The Garofano Family In Memory of Father Elliott In Memory of Father Harrold Mr. & Mrs. John Wisniewski $40 Mr. & Mrs. Leo Parante $35 C.Y.O. St. Mary's Church Mr. & Mrs. William Morton $30 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Britton The O'Malley Family Mr. & Mrs. Frank Prohodsky Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Ridley $25 Dr. & Mrs. Charles Colella The Misses Dion Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kirby Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lovely Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Ocken Friend Friend Dr. & Mrs. Philip Sibilia $20 Mr. & Mrs. Roy Boyden, Mr. & Mrs. Philip DiMonte, Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bellavance $16



Mr. & Mrs. Louis Antosca, Mr. &: Mrs. John Casey, Mr. & Mrs. Fleming Hopper, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Howard McRae 'Mr. & Mrs. Francis O'Hare, Mrs. Emma Pascucci & Joseph, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Precourt, Mrs. Mary E. Shields & Mildred, Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Titus Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shepard­ son, Mr. & Mrs$i2awrence Bryan Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sliney, Miss Rosemary Uva, Leo Markt $10 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Antosca, Mrs. Elwyn Atwell, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Atwell, Mr. & Mrs. Shierino Amici, Mr. & Mrs. Raldo Baldini Mr. & Mrs. Primo Baravella, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Baril, Mrs. Marie Barnes, Mr. & l\iIrs. Rob­ ert Baumberger, Mr. Edward Beatty Miss Mary Beatty, Mr. & Mrs. PaUl Bedard, Mr. & Mrs. Elwin Bell, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bell, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bellavance Mr. &, Mrs. William Bellew, Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Benoit, Mrs. Alice Berry, Mrs. Helen Brazil, Mrs. Elaine Briggs -.,. Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Brown, Mrs. 'Vincent Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ liam Bruno, The Brut·~ller Fam­ ny, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Brutcher Mr. & Mrs. Berry Caldwill Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Frank Candela, Miss Louise Capone & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carey, Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Carbonetti Mr. & Mrs. Carmen Cardinute, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Carpeno, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cataloni, Mr. &: Mrs. Michael Catalano, Miss Lucy Chafe Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Chase, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Cinelli, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Clif­ f()rd, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Cle­ ment Miss Mary Cody, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cooper, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Connolly, Mrs. Mary Conley, Mr. & Mrs. John Connor Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Connor, Mr. & Mrs. John Coyle, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Creeden, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Creeden, Mr. & Mrs. John Creeden John Creeden, Mr. & Mrs. ArneI'. Crescitelli, Friend, Mr. & Mrs. William Cullen, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cutillo Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dalton, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Damato, Mr. & Mrs, Bradley Dauphinee, Miss Gail Dauphinee, Mr. &; Mra.


Robert Davis Mr. & Mrs. William DeBaggi~ Mr. & Mrs. Samuel DeChellis, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Dee, Mr. & Mrs. James DePillo, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Devlin Mr. & Mrs. Armand Dion, Mr. Stanley ,Donlan, Mr. & Mrs. James Dorigan, Katherine Dris­ coll, Friend Mr. & Mrs. John Duarte, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Dubois, Mr. & Mrs. William Eastman, Miss' Jean Faria, Miss Mary Faria Mr. & Mrs. Charles Farinella, Mr. & Mrs. George Farnam, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ferrara, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Finlay, Mr. & Mrs. Al­ bert Flamma Miss Kathleen Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. William Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fox, Mr. & Mrs. M. Frisoli, Mr. & Mrs. James Gallo Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Garland, Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Garland, Mr. & Mrs. Octavio Geminiani, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Giovino, Mrs. !ram Gleason Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gleason, Wallace Gordon, Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Gouveia, John F. Han­ lon, Miss Mildred Hannon Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Hil­ ton, Dr. & Mrs. Wm. J. Hogan, Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Houghton, Mr. & Mrs. David Houghton Mr. & Mrs. John I. Houghton, John F. Ienello, Mr. & Mrs. Simon JOhnson, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jones, Mrs. Margaret Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kane, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Keane, Mr. & Mrs.' Spencer Kelley Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. John King Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kovich, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Konen, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Kuplast, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kuzdzol, Friend Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Leanues, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lee, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Lonergan,' Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Lombardi Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lussier, Mr. & Mrs. John MacLeod, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Malagrida, Daniel F. Maloney, Mr. & Mrs. William Matta Mrs. Beverly McConnell, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund McDonough, Mr. & Mrs. Jean McKean & Ted Farrell, Mr. & Mrs. James Mc­ Laughlin, Mr. & Mrs. John Mc­ Intyre Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mecca, Mr. & Mrs. Harry MeHie, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Sil­ vio Morini, Friend Mr. & Mrs. John Musto, Mr. & Mrs. James Musto, Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln Musto, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Al­ bert Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Musto, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Niemi, Mr. & Mrs. John Norton, Mr. & Mrs. John O'Donnell, Miss Mary O'Hare Mrs. Mary Ottaviani & Elea­ nor, Mr. &, Mrs. John Paioni, Mrs. Mary Palanza, James Palla­ dino, Mr. & Mrs. Allen Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Paulson, Mr. & Mrs. William Pedini, Mr. &Mrs. Raymond Pelerine, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pernock, Mr. & Mrs. E. Elliott Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Poirier, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Porfido, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Proteau, Mrs. Blanche Radnor, Mr. & Mrs. John Ramondetta Mr. & Mrs. Jody Reagan, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Richards, Mrs. Rita Roach" Mr. & Mrs. James Russell, Miss Eva Salachi Mr. & Mrs. Albert Sankey, Mr. & Mrs. Omer Sanville, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sa'rro Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Sarro, Miss Rita Sarro Mr. & Mrs. Roger Schmidt, Mrs. Pauline Schuessler, Harry &ialoia, Miss Rose Servais, Friend Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sliney, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sparrow, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. William Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. James Tarte, Joseph Taves, Mr. & Mrs. Fred

l~'-iiifiJRW-'''~\ \ ,:' Lr'fJWeJU FOR










BISHOP-ELECT: Father Uobert Anglim, C.SS.R., a member of the St. Louis Pro­ vince of the Redemptorists, has bee n named Bishop of the newly erected Diocese of Coari in Brazil. For the past three years he has served as superior of the Order's vice province of Manaus, Ama­ zonas, in northern Bra7jl. NC Pho';o. '


LI29c 7 Rib Cut

Fresh Tender Pork for Roasting

J Rib Cut



HAMS 47 37



Shank Half Taylor, lv.:r. & Mrs. Joseph Tay­ lor, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Terenzi &: Mrs. Albina Terenzi Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Titus, Mrs. Virlirinia Titus, Miss Filo­ mena Tode!ico, Mr. & Mrs. John T.odesco, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T,odesco Mr. & Mrs. John Unger Jr., Mr. & Mrs. A. Uva, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Vallett, Miss Rose Vasa­ lll~lli, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Walent Mrs. Florence Ward, Mr. & Mrs. Waller White, Mr. & Mrs. William White, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ liam Wishart, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Zaffini Mr. & :VIrs. Eleo Zaffini, Mr. & Mrs. Mario Zaffini, Mr. & Mrs. Llo)rd Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Antosca, Mr. & M'rs. Joseph Arayas Mr. & Mrs, Alphonse Aval­ lone, Mr. & Mrs. Ruggiero Bal­ delli, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Belli, M:~. & Mrs. James Bent, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bonvie Mr. & Mrs. James Breen, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Brunelle, Miss Viola Ca1aloni, Mrs. Rochina Cavallo & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Copparini William G. Cunningham, Miss Pauline DiFiore, Mr. & Mrs. Conley Ea,~an, Mr. & Mrs. Mal­ col.m Fale!:, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Falotico lVII's. Mary Finn, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Fon tanini, Mr. & Mrs. Lindo Galanti, Miss Mary Gib­ bOllS, Mr. & Mrs. Merl Griswold l~riend, :Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kingsbury, Mr. & Mrs. Roland LaPlante, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Le­ mieux, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Charles Morrill, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Vi.ctor Narciso, Mr. & Mrs. George Pomfret, Mahlon Pomfret Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Sarro Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Eobert Shaw, Frank Signoriello, Miss Louise Soldani, Mi!ls Ellen Stanford, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Stanford, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tedesco Jr.



Sha!'k Portion




'ace Half



flORIDA - VALENCIA - Full of Juice, Rich in Vitamin C

ORANGES 4 B~G 59c Red Ripe Beauties - Salad FaVOrite





Ame~ica's Favorite

FIG Nabisco NEWTONS 3 Highly Unsaturated ,Shortening FlNAS' ITALIAN - Imported

Tomatoes PEELED Thin or Regular - Also Elbow Macaroni

Spaghetti FlNAST



5ge 3ge 37e



:I LB 3 oz CAN

2~ PK

'SPAGHETTI SAUCE - Meat or Mushroom

Chef Boy.Ar.Dee





Pea. Red Kidney, Yellow Eye

55' Friend's Beans 2 Exciting Blend of Ripe Tomatoes and Choice Spices Finast Ketchup 6 ~~Tl FINAST - Tart, Tangy, Delicious Grapefruit SEOIONS 2 Jl~1 49' FINAST - Pure Concord Variety Grape Jelly 2 1ge lLB120z CANS



OIRTINS Phot~o, Supply ~245 MAIN STREET FALMO'UTH-KI 8·1918 ,I'RMAND ORTINS, Prop., ~~


FINAST - Smooth

'eanut Butter



lemeLOw Self·Servlce Prices In All Sloresln Thl. Vlcln"1- iii ewe Reserve tlie Right to (lmlf Quantities)

THE ANCHORThurs., May 14, 1964


Priests' Hostel



Continued from Page One

plans for a home for aged priests

to be erected in the West End of

the Hub.

Each guest has a three room

suite of study, bedroom and

bath. Each study includes a

library section and there are

radio and television provisions

in the C()mmunity room.

The pleasantness of the dining

room is enlivened by a ma~nifi­

cent view of the Taunton River

and Mt. Hope Bay.

There is a small chapel, where,

health permitting, a priest can

say daily Mass, but in other

particulars each guest's time is

his own.

Known so well and so far,

even priests from other sections

have been listed as guests

through the generosity of Bish­

op Cassidy and the present OJ;~

dinary, Bishop Connolly.

The Carmelite Sisters staff

the Priests' Hostel.

$100 Mr. & Mrs. William A. Torphy Mrs. David W. Boland Dr. & Mrs. Paul Dunn Dr. & Mrs. F. J. D'Enico $90

Dr. & Mrs. James Sullivan


Rev. Donald A. Couz~

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Shea

$50 Mr. & Mrs. Gustave Mattos Mrs. Anthony Keramis Dr. & Mrs. Carroll Gettings In Memory of John & Mar­ garet McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Phelan $40 Mr~. W. Arthur Leary $35 Mr. & Mrs. Linwood Wordell $30 The Kenny FamilY' Hannah C. & Mary J. Higgins $25 Elinor Kennedy Margaret E. Shea Emma Connors La"'7ence J. Hussey Jr. Mr. & l\!rs. George Flanagan The Hammond Famil~' The Madden Family Ali ee & Gertrude Lynch Mrs. John J. Partridge Mr. & Mrs. J. Burke Shay Mr. & :\!rs. Fred CzerwcnJ;;a Mr. & 1'.'Irs. Leonard Phelan Mr. &.: !\'Irs. Xicholas Mit:1l<=U Mildred V. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. J. T. C. Ic':'cGEire The X~lsh Family Mr. & Mrs. Corneliu;: Lyr:.ch Mr. & :\Trs. Thomas F. Ru:-:':e Mr. & :'oTr'S. Fred Brissette Mr. & :vIrs. Roger Sullivan Mr. & :'IIrs. Chester Kuttall Chester Nuttall Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Ryan $20 William Ready, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Plichta, Mr. & Mrs. Wal­ ter Neves, Mr. & Mrs. .Tames Higgins, Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Golitz Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G€-ary, Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Griffin, Mr. & Mrs. Linus J. Mullaly, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kingsley $15 Mrs. Julius Cohen, Mr. & Mrs Henry J. Lemerise, Ernest Floyd Helena V. Sullivan Mary A. Dolan, Mr. & Mrs. C. F. Leonard, Mrs. Mary Higgins, Elizabeth P. & Mary K. Guiney, The Higgins Family, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh F. Reilly Marion Foley $10 Mary C. Casey, Madeline L. Casey, Margaret Hession, Mona M. Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Leo V. Gaffney, Mrs. Thomas J. Harrington, Marcella Regan, Bessie Shay, Mrs. Helen A. Rego Mary C. Connors, Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Drislan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Canniff, Margaret Lahey Mr. & Mrs. Roderick Hart, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Matthews, Mr. & Mrs. William Hacking, Kathryn F. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Urban, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Hurst Mr. & Mrs. John Dziduzko, Mr. & Mrs. William O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Frank McGrath, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Horn, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Dumais Dr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Roy, Mr. & Mrs. John Mullaly, Mr. & Mrs. David' P'- Patota, Mr: & Mrs. Edward A. Ney, Angus Bailey Sr. Mr.· & Mrs. Luiz V. Miranda Mary V. O'Neil, Helen O'Neil, Mrs G. Richard Duffy, Katherine Battersby Mrs. William J. Aylward, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Monahan, Mr. & Mrs. Thpmas Henry, Mrs. Ar­ thur Barnaby, Mr. & Mrs Alfred Beaulieu Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Ivers, Mr. & Mrs. John Bailey, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Hayes, George W. Rig­ by, Gertrude M. Hurley Mr. &: Mri. Matthew Golen,



Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Alfonso, A :Li'riend, Mr. & Mrs. William Sullivan, Mr. & ·I\I:1's. James Kepple, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Tansey Mr. & Mrs. John P. Harring­ ton, The Finglas Family, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Gagliardi, Kath­ leen Pearson, Mr & M::-s Edward Logan Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley iJIikolazyk, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Marum, Kathleen McIntyre, Mr. & Mrs. Armel Audet . Mr. & Mrs. JosepJ:-. Escobar, Anna Mae Owen, Mr. & Mrs. James Owen Mr. & Mrs. George Biltcliffe, Mr. & Mrs. T. A. O'Donnell, Mr. & Mrs. Francis McHenry, l\'I:-. & Mrs. Bradley McDermott, lVfr & Mrs. George Duffy Mrs. Edward T. Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. Milton Read, Mr. & Mrs. James Conlin, Alice Condon, Mrs. Charles E. Brady Mrs. Edgar Stanton, Catherine Shea, Anna L. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Elia Giusti, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ liam Renaud Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Doran, Mrs. Timothy A. Lovett, Mr. & Mrs. James E. Donnelly, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Couto, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Sears Mrs. Henry Bunting, Helen F. McManus, Mr. &: Mrs. Jam~1l Lawlor, Mr. & Mrs. William Bar­ low, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Keigher & Family LoreW Daley, The Mahoney Family, The Rogers Family, :Mr. &; Mrs. Raymond Conboy, Robert P. Duchaine Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Roy, Lawrence H-enry, Mrs. Frank McGuigan, Mr. & Mrs. P. Henry Desmond, Mrs. James Almond Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. O'Con­ nell, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Mur­ phy,. Mr. &: Mrs. Henry Sullivan, Mabel M-oran, Mr. & Mrs. WiJ.­ lam Henry Mr. & Mrs. John F. McMahon, John Waldron, Mr. & Mrs. A. D'Ambrosio, Mr. & Mrs. J lS'~ph Shelley, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard For­ tin Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas F. Calla­ han, Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Dolan, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Phe· lan, Genevieve C. Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cullen Mr. & Mrs. William King, James H. Martin, Ann Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Marcoux, Mrs. William J. Webb Ella Dempsey, William Nut­ tall, Bertha Genault, Grace Cut­ tle, Mr. & Mrs. William T. 1\'an­ Ding, III

IVlargaret Rita Sullivan, Edna J. Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Morrissette, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Drapeau, Mrs. John Orpen ST. PATRICK

575 Rev. James E. Murphy $50 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. George V. Broderick Mr. & Mrs. Charles Veloza $25 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Bums Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Hilary White Patricia Leary Mr. & Mrs. John Bevilacqua $20 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Leary, Wil­ liam Bruneau, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Biszko, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ liam Pizio & Alice, Mr. & Mrs. William Rys $15 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Haponik, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Belanger, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Shea Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Blouin $13 Mrs. Jane Nodine $12 Mrs. Alton King, Mr. &: Mrs. George McCauley, Sunset Hill Basketball Team $10 Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Robertson, Mr. &: Mrs. John McHugh Jr., Mr. &: Mrs. Henry Picard, Mrs. Mary Baldwin, Mr. &; Mrs. Manuel Rodrigues' Mr. & Mrs. John McCarraher, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Couture, Mr. " Mrs. Lawrence Poirier, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph DeMello, Mr. &: Mrs. America Gazzero Mrs. Aurele Gamache, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Pawlik, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Murphy Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Lowney, Mrs. Evelyn Oliver Stella Brabant, Mr. & Mrs. Al­ :fired Menard, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Charette, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Castanho, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Costa Jr. John Barressi, Lorraine Ber­ nier, Herbert Farias, Mrs. Mary Bertholde, Mr. & Ml'1l. C. P. Corle Mrs. Margaret Wimsett, Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Lavoie, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Thibault, Mr. & Mrs. Brian McCann, Mrs. Joseph Silva Mr. & Mrs. David Barlow, Mrs. Elizabeth Munroe, Ralph Cooper, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Waterhouse, Mr. & Mrs. William Atkinson Mrs. Lillian Lovenbury, Mr. & Mrs. Horace Travassos, Mr. &. Mrs. Horace Ferreira, Mr. &

Mrs. Joseph Duponte, Mr. & T,::rR. Wm. Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Antone Barboza, Mrs. Frank Sewell, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Luz, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Foy, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ryan Mr. & Mrs. John Farnsworth, Mr. & Mrs. John Jean, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wargat, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Duperre, Mr. & Mrs. Rene J. ::'Vlarois Anne Griffin, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Carpenter, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Macek, Mr. & Mrs. Frede­ rick Delahunt, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Crudele Mr. & Mrs. John McKeon, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Pitera, Mr. & Mrs. Mary Leary, Mr. & Mrs. John Souza Joseph Allen Maureen LaForest, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kuszay, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marcoux, Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon Jean, Mary E. Hickey Virginia Murray, Mr. & lVII's.

Joseph Griffin, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ferron, Clara Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Barrette Mrs. Anna Hampl, Mr. & Mrs.

George Botelho, Mr. & Mrs. John Kenyon, Mr. & Mrs. Julius Rackowski & Family, Mrs. Mary Newman James Clegg, Mr. & Mrs. Les­ lie Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Drobyski, Mr. & Mrs. John Morotti, Elizabeth McCann Mr. & Mrs. Louis Silvia, Mrs. Mathilda Healy, Mr. & MI'S. Eugene Connol'S> Mr. & M1'5.

Christopher. Lynn, Mr. & Mrs. George Lynn Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Okseniak, Mrs. Mary Rougier, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Lepage, Mary Shea, N apo­ leon Marier Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Mousseau, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Roarke, Mr. & Mrs. James Coyle, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Jusseaume, Mr. & Mrs. Milton Bednarz Mrs. William Holmes, Lillian Gardula, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tr2vis, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Piela, Mr. & Mrs. Murl Floyd Joseph Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Moran, In Memory of Raymond McCann, Phyllis Bol­ ger, William Bolger Mr. & Mrs. George Silvia, Michael Culkin Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nadeau, Mr. & Mrs. Wal­ ter Deda, Elizabeth & Catherine Carroll Mr. & Mrs. John Malloy, Eva McDonald

St. Francis Residence FOR YOUNG WOMEN 196 Whipple St., Fall River

Conducted' by Franciscan


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THE ANCHORThurs., May 14, 1964

Seminarians Join .Interfaith Vigil At Memorial

Fall River s'"

ANNE $125

Dr. .& Mrs. Paul DeVillers


Adelard Gauthier


Mr. .& Mrs. Russell Beaulieu, Alfred P ..Bernard, Mr. .& Mrs. Edward Berube, Mr. & Mrs. Fernand Cote, Joseph Coulombe Mr. & Mrs. Louis G. Cusick, Mr. .& Mrs. David Driscoll, Mr. .& Mrs. Richard M. Dussault, Mr. .& Mrs. Herve Forcier, Mr. & Mrs. Emilien Gagne Mr. .& Mrs. Arthur Gendreau, Cora Giroux, Mr. & Mrs. Oliva Laprise, Louise M. Morneau, Mr. && Mrs. Louis Levesque Bertha Martel, Blanche Mar­ tel, Cecile Parent, Mr. .& Mrs. Fabien Phenix, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O. St. Denis

HOLY CROSS $200 Franciscan Fathers OFM Conv $25 Rosary Society Charles .& Evelyn Szulewski $15

Holik Family

_ $10

Edward & Norbarta Abisla, Henry .& Cecelia Collura, Ray­ mond .& Mary Canuel, John & Phillis Davenport, Edward & Josephine Mello Stanley .& Genevieve Nowak, Militia of Mary Immaculate, Anna Perry, Norman & Carole Phenix, Walter & Eleonor Plaz­

WASHINGTON (NC) - Cath­ olic seminarians have joined Protestant and Jewish seminar­ ians in a 24-hour silent prayer vigil here at the Lincoln Memo­ rial that will continue until the U.S. Senate acts on the civil rights bill. Auxiliary Bishop-elect John S. Spence of Washington, writing for Arc h b ish 0 p Patrick A. O'Boyle, has asked the nearly 90 Catholic seminaries in the Wash­ ington area to take part in the vigil.

CIVIL RIGHTS VIGIL: Out~ide the Lincoln Memorial in Washington three seminary stu.dents, a Protestant, a CatholIc and a J~w, ~tand in a thr~~-hour shift before being reheve~ by c~lleagues.. More t~an 2~IO semmarlanR have partIcIpated in the prayer vigil ~ha;to~lll contmue untIl there IS actIon on the civil rights bill in the U.S. Senate. NC

E. Kiley, Mr. .& Mrs. John Kiley Jr. Alber: Welker, Joseph R. De·· SACRED HEART laney, George Keavy, William $500 F. Lyons Jr., Julia Harrington 'tt, Rev, Felix S. Childs Anna L. Rowley, Mrs. Douglas Chapmarl, Mr. & Mrs. James $125 Panos, :li'rancis Regan, William Dr. Daniel Mooney :F. White Jr $100 Kenneth E. Leger, Mrs. Leo Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Hackett Baldwin, Mrs. Mary Kantz, Dr. Earle E. Hussey Arthur Borges, Marjorie M. Mer­ Edward M. Corbett Bey, Rotert F. Smith Dr. John E. Manning Guild M. A:ma Keavy, James W. Sacred Heart Women's Keavy, In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. .$'75 Patrick J. Halligan, Stanley Owsney, Margaret F. Lenaghan Rev. John J. Regan iek Josepl: G. Barretta, Joseph A. $35 Michael & .Pauline Reagan, Ward, Laura M. Sullivan, John Dorothy .& Regina Higgins lohn .& Rose Rys, Mary Rys, J os­ M. Leonard, Mark Sullivan Catherine Furze ' eph' Sabat, Lewis .& Mary Sarti Margaret G. McCarthy, Wil­ $30

_Antonina Szpak, Miecz & Lucy liam J. Desmond, Henry, ·W. William, F. Fitzgerald SuUI-', Champalme, hwrotny Jam e s Croke, Mr: ..& Mrs. Francis E. ~roseph M. Reilly van Raymc-nd Torpey, Mr. .& Mrs.' , Frederick B. ~cDonald ])aul E. Lapre, Grace A. Taylor, ~rohn F. Fagan, Barbara' Hart $25 . John Manning, Anna Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Eo Sullivan LOS ANGELES (NC)_uQuick l~qward J. Sullivan, Mary Sulli­ Mrs. Henry W. Degnan Draw McGraw" did his bit for van. Elkdore F. O'Neil . William J. Barrett the missions., He brought along . Catherine Lomax, Helen. Lo~ John ·F. Coyle his TV gang, an unlikely bunch, , max, John J. Patota, Mrs. Odella Hannah G. Connors who go by the names of Super­ Carpenter, Manuel L. Silvia Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Deme­ Snooper, Blabber-Mouse, Huck­ Mr. & :\1:rs. Robert Nedderman, leberry Hound, Yogi Bear, Lippy trius Mrs. Julia Beattie, Mr. & Mrs. Madeline I. Riley the Lion, Wally Gator, H6key William Davis, In Memory of Wolf, Snagglepuss, Fibber Fox Catherine L. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sulllvaft John, Mary & Lawrence Downey and Peter Potamus. by Ann ill; Elizabeth Downey, In James P. Murphy They all came because their Memory :>f Thomas H. & Thomas boss, Daws Butler, who draws John H. Fay 1.. Flynn by Catherine Flynn them and does the vcice charac_ $20 In' Memory of DanielJ. Martin terization for the whole crew, by Mrs. Mary Martin, Madeline Helen P. Cox, James A. Hey­ brought them. Connors, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph wood, Walter H. White They came to the annual meet­ Mr. .& Mrs. James R. Mitchell, Golden, Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. ing of the Mission Circles of the Mr. .& Mrs. John C. Harding, Halligan, Mary C. Finucane Los Angeles archdiocese. Repre-­ Madelyn Curtis, Milford Mit­ John D. Carmichael, Dr. Edward sentatives of the 180 circles who chell, Mrs. Madeline K. Glavin, installed new' officers, heard a J. Steinhof, Charles F. Curtis George L. 'O'Brien Jr., Ann Charles l:. Curtis, George Beau-' report on their year's accom­ Kienke, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Heq plishments and were encouraged Moran, John T. Haggerty Catherlne Murphy, Daniel V. _.,. to continue. ' Sul'livan, Catherine O'Neill, Eliz­ $15 . They' got a special growl from' abeth Crowley, Joseph A; Ward Yogi Bear. Alid anespecialli Herman .& Margaret Springer, Francis J. Waring, Sarah C.' meaningful . exhortation from Mr. .& Mrs. James Barnes. Halligan, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Thi­ QUick Draw McGraw-uReach!" Francis J. Quinn, Leo Fogart.y, bault, John L. Dean, James Mr. .& Mrs. Patrick F. Murphy, Leary Leonard J. Hughes, John M. Cor­ Vincen1: D'Andrea, Albert Lar­ rig'llll , John rivee, Joseph Almeida, Frederick Richard· E. Hennessey, J. Morial'ty, Anthony Rogers Shay , Mrs.• l:velyn Farrar, Jacob ALEXANDRIA.. (NC) . - The , " l ! ' ., " Janusz, Mr. & Mrs. William A.· president of, the Unitarian,": Joseph W.Mcbonald Healey I:r.ene H, Porter, Mary Univer.salist Association Said Louise O'Sullivan " . here in Louisiana that the uni­ . $lt, ' , . , Jennie V. Griffin, In Memory­ versality of the Catholic Church , .Edward Harrington, Walter' . F B yIn . gton, 'l\1r , •. 0:j' M aurI(~,.. <ur, & lihown at the' Second Vatican' Roberts, . Chester Go'scimiriski,' Mrs. Will i am F. Connelly, Council amazed him. Lawrence Hayden, Mrs. Melzar ThomasJ Lynch, Anna & Ella F. "I knew about the strength P. Sampson Desmond and universality of the Catholic Mr. & Mrs. Omer Boucher, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Staple­ Church, but the degree of this universality amazed me," said The Patten Family, l~rank S. ton, William J. Devitt, :.,Raymond J. McMullen, Mary J. Coughlin, Dr. Dana McLean Greeley in an Ardagh, William Keat;nn' Jr. Raymond Holland, Cecilia Clo­ C,~therine F. Coughlin interview. rite, Mr, & Mrs. F'ernand Bon­ Ellen L. Coughlin, Mary Walsh, He said he was surprised too noyer, Rosetta W. Sullivan, Mrs. Rita A. Soper, John Flavin, Ed­ at the "candor and controversy" ward Zygiel involved '., council debates. Agnes A. Barrett Ruth V. Henry, Leo P. Smith, Thomas J. Dolan, Armand "The fact that there were differ­ ences of opinion and that these Owe n O'Shaughnessey, Mrs. Caron, J(·hn Kilroy, Alfred R. Francis A. Dunn, Mrs. Eleanore Medeiros, Mr. .& Mrs. Samuel differences were stated and re­ Stone spected made a deep impression Howard Helen P. Leary, Fernando T. John J. Stone, Mr. & Mrs. John upon me," he said, noting also the Ugenuine hospitality" of the Furtado, Manuel Tavares, John F. Hallisey, Raymond Audet Keavy, Thomas J. Halliday Muriel Audet, Doris Audet hierarchy to non-Catholic dele­ Alfred S. Ault, Kathr 1\f. Mildred Audet, Loretta Audet, gate-observers. He called it "true fellowshig in action." O'Brien, Mary E. Mason, John Dorothy Audet

'Quick DrawM'GrGW' Gang Aids Missions

c;hurch Universality Amazes Unitarian

Fall River

Ten theological students at a time, representing the three major faiths, will maintain the day-and-night silent vigil. Protestant and Jewish repre­ sentatives from all along the East coast are taking part.

INDIA: AFRAID To ENTER THE CHURCH Eig'hty Catholic familiel> in the village of VAIKOM in Kerala State, India, lU"e having a difficult time preserving their faith. They live surrounded by high cal>te Hindus, Ezhavas and Valas, rich and baving beautiful temples. The poor Catholics two years ago built a makesbift chapel mostly. of leaves. Today it cannot hold the parishion­ ers. Be"ides it is in danger of col­ lapse. The people are afraid &0 enter and stay outside during serv­ \ces. VAIKOM is also a strona: Marxist center, even called the MOllTh, Hoi, Ptdh",'s M;lIiot1 AU cow of Kerala •.. Under the direo. &ion of their pastor, Fatber Francia lor ,h, 0,;",,111 Chllreh Thachil, the people wish to bulld a Dew chapel. They will dve their labor, what little money and bulldln, material tbe, ean but they !,leed $4,000 for the work. WUlyou belp. tbem with a donation! Maybe yop'll Uke te build a MEMORIAL CHAPEL here for some Irlend or 10TH ODe. PIe... do what you ean for tlJeae pOOr people.

A STRANGE AND AWESO.M:E STORY This comes out of the Jesuit annala.. In the years between 1610 and 1'730, some '760 ,letters were received In Rome from .results, begging their superiors to send' tliem to' the mission•. Many said they were awakened at night with dreams of savage­ In far-off lands, dying without priests. Some signed their request In blood ... Per~aps today a hidden inspiratlon draWl lome missionaries on to work for God. We do know the tre­ mendous zeal and sacrifices of those in the Near and Middle East countries entrusted ~o our care. You can help by: 1. Giving a STRINGLESS GIFT for an urgent mission need. 2. Sending a DOLLAR each month &0 one of our l\IISSION CLUBS. They serve the aged, the sick. orphans and help &0 bulld schools and chapels. 3. By taking out a membership In our association. Only $1 a year for single persons; $5 for a family. 4. By buying e needed CHAPEL ITEM. The cost runl from $3 to $1-00. Gifts sucb u Altar linens, Stations of tbe Cross; ete. IIdSS STIPENDS ARE A CONSTANT NEED. OFTEN THEY ARB A PRIEST'S SOLE DAILY SUPPORT.

ADOPTING A PARISH Cons1der the good Which would come if oach of the 13 000 American Cathollc parishes adopted a poor parish In ·the Near' or M1ddle East. Some parishes might, for Instance,help pay the expenses for, the education of a seminarian which cost $100 a year for sIx years or help a Sister-to-be like SISTER MARY LlSEUS or SISTER MARY ANGELUS whose tra1ning eoltl IlliO a year for two year•.

FmST COMMUNION ·Maureen f'. wrltell "I am'lroln, to receive mlJ' f'lnt Ro17

Communion thll year and I waDt a little .Irl to have a

dress and veil like me."

.Dear Maureen: Your kindness wiD brio, the poor ahlld a

.reat jolJ' and J'OU .rea' IP'acel ••• '18 will buY a eIll..'


.'0 outfit:


Remember us 1n your win. Our legal tltle: Th'•. Ca~hollo Near, East Weitar. AnoolatIoo. Dear Monll1gnor Ryanr Enclosed· plea.. find Name





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~'l2eartDstO)ssioos. FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President

Mit" Joseph T. Ryci., Nat'l Sec'y

Send all communlcatlob tal


330 Madison Ave. at 42ad St.

New York. N. Y. 10017



Fall River

Bt. Rev. Raymond T. Considine $100

$100 Mayor & Mrs. Roland G. Des­ marais


In Memol'Y of John & Mary Dempsey In Memory of Mary Dempsey


Rev. Bernard Lavoie

st. William's Women's Guild

$50 Antonio H. Lagasse Dr. William Boudreau

$12 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martineau



The Clement-Chace Family Mr. Armand Dallaire

$25 Mr. Normand L. Durette Jos. O. Levesque The Pouliot-Frascatore Fam­ fly

$20 Mrs. Cecile Anctn, Alfred' Roch, The Courchaine-Bouchard Family, Ferdinand Francoeur

$12 Raymond Morrissette, Mrs. Annette Boivin, Gerard Roussel, Normand Paul

$10 Edgar Boucher, Roland C. Boudria, George Brault, Frs. X. Caron, The Delisle-Simon Fami­ ly Phil. A. Desrosiers, Oscar J. Dube, Adelard Fournier, Joseph Lemieux, The A. & G. Levesque Family Anmmd Lussier, The Misses G. & A. Lussier, William H. Maynard, Jos. E. Mercier, The Paquette-Ledoux Family George Pouliot, Eddie Quinn, Mrs. Maria Raiche, Raymond R<>y, Roland Roy Omer Thibault,' Jeanne E. Brodeur, Normand O. Brodeur, John Domingos, Gerard DUfault Joseph, Froment, Rene Lacha­ pelle, 'Lionel Levesque, Jos. R. Levesque Fernand Thibault, Gabriel Thiboutot, Jos. H. Valiquette, Donat Villandre, Ademord Al­ lard " , Leona Allard, Raymond Arse­ nault, Ovila J.. Barnabe, Albert R. Berger, Antonio Bamier Armand Boudria, Arthur Oba­ bot, Josephine ChWot, Adrten Chagnon, Remi A. CQuture The Desmarais-Dorais FamUy, J. C. ~land Dioime, Ronald Dube, Albert Du~ault" Loren.


Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Alan Jarabek, Mr. & Mrs. George Joseph, Frank Cor­ gino, John A. Diskin Mr. & Mrs. Charles McCloskey The Malloy Family, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Barabe, Mary M. Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. James Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Dion, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tavares Jr., William Lake, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hinchcliffe, Mr. & Mrs. John S. Diogenes Mrs. Gordon Howard, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gagnon ST. ROCH

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas




Mr. & Mrs.. Donat Perron

$10 Mr. & Mrs. Li<>nel Dansereau,: Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Normandinf ST. JOSEPH




Capt. & Mrs. Joseph J. O'Con- 'I nell , ~,~ Allen J. McDermott Mrs. John L. Clemmey


$5Z In Memory of William S. • Maude A. Conroy



The John W. Connors FamJ1y Mrs. Mary Walker


J4lseph O'Connell

Mrs. J. Harold Smith

. Katherine Sullivan

Mrs. Raymond Williams


Mary Cullen

FOR FIRST COMMUNION: The traditional long white dress compl€tes the picture for this little girl in San Salva­ oor who has just made her First Communion. Hundreds of these dresses were contributed by the National Council of Catholic Women in cooperation with Cathoiic'Relief Ser­ vices-NCWC. The dresses were hand-sewn and then donated ~ the Holy Father's StoJWOQms for redistribution. NC Photo;

.'$20 , 58. PEftR II PAUL



Mr. & Mrs. George Beaudry, Mr.


Bliss' Oil Comp8;ny, Margaret McClOskey; Mr. & Mrs. Dennie Sullivan '.

Leo Ferland, George Gamache, Antoine Garand, Albert Gue'­ $10 rette, Ernest F. Jean Georfre Arruda, Frank Austin, Aime Lachance Jr., Roland Harold A,ustin, Mrs. Gerald Lagarde, R-oger Langlois, Lydia Bee~an, Jose Borges Lavigne, The Lavoie - Antaya ,Paul Boulay, JQhn Britland, Family Gerard Cantara, William T. Car­ Donald R. Levesque, Edward penter, Joseph Clayton Levesqu" Armand Litatien, James Conneamey, Ann T. Gerard O. Lussier, Mauriee Coughlin, William Coughlln, Mathieu ' Armand Couto, Mrs. Clifford Laurent R. Maynard, Oscar Crabbe ' Maynard Jr. M. Luce Morris­ Joseph Cropper, Frederick sette, Adrien N-ormandin, Walter Danis, John Delaney, Frank Do_ Novaski herty, James Doherty Olivier: 0 u e 11 e tt e, Romeo Miehael 'Dolan, Emily· Dow­ Parent, Richard Perl'Y, Edward ney, John· Fitzgerald, Omer For­ G. Quinn, Maurice Raiche tin, John Furness Lucien Roy, Lionel St, Pierre, Robert· Gagnon" Mrs.· Walter Robert Sicard, Joseph, Springer, , Gander, James Gavigan, Wil­ Ernest, Teasdale, ,Liboire Tetre­ liam Grealiy, William Guilmette ault ' Mrs. Edith Hallifax; Vincent Hancock, Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius HOLY ROSAR~ , Ha'rrington, Julia Harrington, $100 Holy RO'sary" St. 'Vince;nt' de 'James Hickey, Mrs, William Higson ' . Paul Conference ," John Hughes; Edward· Kelly, John W. Varanese . Roland, Laliberte; Ann Lane, :$20 " , 'John-Lane Mr. & Mrs.' Johh Salvo' Ann McAvoy,' Owen Me Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. D'Ambrosio Go~an, Mrs. John Markland, $15 Charles Matt-os, John Mendonca Mr. & Mrs" Dennis~ Toomey .. Jarrles Murray, Joseph Nie­ $10 jadlik, Agnes O'Brien, Louise Italian American War Vet­ O'Brien, Daniel O'Connell erans Fall River Post 10, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pemberto.ft,' Mrs. Joseph Andrews Sr., Mr. & James Ponte, Francis Powell, Mrs. Frank T. Barresi, Mrs. Ter­ Luciano Senra, Mrs. Mary Sher­ esa Bertoncini, Mr. & Mrs. War­ man ren Dearden Manuel Silvia, David Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Iadicola & Sullivan, Joseph Louise, Molly Orabona, Lewis Thomas Thomas, J. Robert Turner Sarti Margaret Turner, Donald Mr. & Mrs. Antone Campos, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cantelmo, Mr. Vacchi, Joseph Welch, James Wilcox, Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Mrs. Manuel P. Costa, Marietta Wills Colueei & Family The DePaola Family, Mr. & Wilmer Zinser, Edward Leary, Mrs. Dominic DiCarlo, Mr & Mn Mrs. Marjorie Mroz, Mrs. Peter Delbert Frank, Mr. & Mrs. An­ Sarantakis thony Paiva, Ernest K. Tambor­ Dr. Daniel Dorman, ll'rank' ella Mello, Emily O'Brien, Kal'Y Philippe LefeboM O'Brien

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Giroux, Eliz­ abeth & Matthew Grace, Mr. & Mrs. George Gregory Mrs. Rita Griffin, Charles Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. James Humphreys, Mr. & Mrs. William . Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Georg~ Johnston Margaret Johnson, Bernard Kelly & Angela Maitland, Mary C. Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson P. Lavoie, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Levesque Mr. & Mrs. William Lomax, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGuill, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick McCarty, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Margarida, Mr. & Mrs. Leroy T. Mills Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Miranda, Mr. & Mrs. William Molloy, James Moran, Anne M. Murray, Mrs. Pauline Murphy Mr. & Mrs. William Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Raposa, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ray, Mrs. Edgar Richards, Mrs. Thomas Rodgers Mr. & Mrs. Norman Rousseau, Anna Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Cor­ nelius Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. William Tansey Louise Tyrrell, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Zygiel Mr. '& Mrs. George Bernard, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Chrupcala, Mr. & Mrs. William Dempsey, Howard Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. Nor­ 'mand Hathaway Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kilroy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Levesque, Mr & Mrs. James Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. A:bdellah Mizher, Mr. & Mrs. George Moniz Mr. & Mrs. Harvey, Montour, Mr. & Mrs. JameS Quinn, LilliaJl M. Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sheahan, Misses Maureen & Syl­ via Sheahan, Mr. &,Mrs. James Sunderland BLESSED SACRAMRNT

$100 Rev. Roland' - 'ule $1Z

Mr; & Mrs. Marcellus l"eeDt17, Gerald Kelly, Joseph Reilly



Thurs., May 14, 1964






Catholic 'Women's Club

$50 Margaret Constantine • Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lowney Helen, Catherine & Daniel Lynch $40

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Taylor

$35 'Dr.


Mrs. Edward T. ShanDOll

$30 'Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Tyrren

$25 Mrs; Helen Burke Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Foley Katherine Harrington Eileen Keavy The Sweeney Family Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Lynch Mr. & Mrs. William Patten .Mr. & Mrs. James E. Rogers Mary Tyrrell


.Mr. & Mrs, Fred R. Dolan" Loretta & Edmund Humphreys, Mrs. Catherine Keating, Edward Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Slater '

$15 Mr. &; Mrs. Louis' Cyr, Mr. &;, Mrs. Roger Dube, Mr. & Mrs. William Garvey, Mr. & Mrs. Edward 'Tyrrell . ·Constance Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Leaonard Mattimore & Carol

$11.50 ' Mr. & Mrs. Francis Souza



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Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Autote, Mrs. Gilbert Beliveau, Francis J. Bennett, Mr. & Mrs. George A. Bishop Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blanchard, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boyer, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Brooks, Mr. &; Mrs. Eugene Cabral, Charles J. Cavanaugh Julia Cahill, Mrs. Thomas Cahill, Thomas' Cahill, Joseph Campbell & Mary M. Campbell, Mrs. Maria Carreiro Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Casey, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Clement, Thomas Connelly, Mr. & Mrs. Everett Cowell, Mr. & Mrs. James Cox . Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Di Mar­ tino, John Dolan, Mr. & Mrs.. William Donovan, Janet A. Du­ pont, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dupont Hazel Durfee, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Faria, Anne Ford, Helen Foster, Teresa Foster Mr. & Mrs. Victor Frederick, &;

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Henri DeGagne Jr., WilbY· Leveille, . Robert Cry, Paul A.. Bedard, Alice & Jeanne Gama.­ che The Brault Family, Emile Auger, Albert H. Beaudoin


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 14, 1964

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$1,000 Rev. Edward Dowling $30 Mrs. Henry J. Duffy $20 In Memory of Thomas Heaney Jr. $15 James 'E. Donnelly $10 ..... ~. & Mrs. Arthur Benson, James Btitland Jr., John Curry, Mildred Curry, Albert Gagnon Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Gagnon, Milton Garvin, Mrs. Patrick Hayes, Mrs. Alfred Lomas, Wil­ liam Long Benjamin McBride, Mr. & Mrs. William McHenry, Mr. & M,rs. Harold Matthews, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Monte, Lorraine Rioux Lydia Rioux, Mr. & Mrs.Rob­ ert St. Pierre, Henri Tessier, Mrs Wright Turner, Henry Venturini Agnes Whittle, Ely Barnaby, Mrs. John Blood, In Memory of Delma Burrows, Mr. & Mrs. James E. Carey Jr. John P Carvalho, Gerald l'lou­ , tier Sr., Walter Cosgrove, Ro·..:e'ct Cuillo, Joseph Foley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fournier, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Gage. G~rard Goyette, Mrs. Lillian Lynch; Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McHenry Roger Messier, Mr. & Mrs. William O'Driscoll, Mrs. JoOft O'N~il, Donald Quinlan, Ml·S. Hector Savoie Mr. & Mrs. James L. Sweeney, Benjamin T a v a I' e s, Franc' ~o , Tavares, Mrs. Margaret Wiles SAINT LOUIS $50 St. Louis Women's Guild $30 ' In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Conroy • $25 In Memory of Patrick & Cath­ erine, Garrity & Thomas ,Cassidy James Whalon $20 Hilda Myles $15 Mrs. James Benson $10 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Adam, Mr. &; Mrs. Gerard Bouchard. Agnes Braga, F.rancis Clarke, Mrs. George Christiansen Mr. & Mrs. James Conroy, 1\" 'garet Conroy, Katherine Gil­ lespic, David Grac:l; Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hargraves Edward J. Holland, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Willette, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Hunt, Mr. & Mrs. Tito Jacomino, Margaret Kehoe Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Leite. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Magill, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Moniz, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McCarthy William Sullivan, Edgar Thi­ bault Charles Bevilacqua & Family ST. ELIZABETH $200 Rev. J oao de Medeiros $2!i Mr. & Mrs. Manuel S. Borges Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Araujo $10 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Pontes, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Tetuan, Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Governo, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Melo Jr, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Cabral Miss Evangelina Furtado, ... Friend

Manuel Faria, Albert Fournhr Alfred Gonsalves, Joseph Gon­ salves, Mario Joaquim Maria C. Luz, Edmundo Mach­ ado, Jeronimo Machado, John Machado, Seraphim Machado Francisco Raposo Marques, Al­ fred Mello, Maximina Oliveir.a, Francisco J. Pacheco, Joao Pen­ acho . . Antonio T. Pimental, Gear/Ie Rego, Mary Rioeira, Manuel Rocha, Sergio Santos Monica Silvia, William Silvia, Francelina Vincente, John Vi­ veiros Thomas McHugh, Louis V. Medeiros, Maxime Saraiva OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS $40 Mrs. Maria Mello $15 Council of Catholic Youth $10 Mar.uel DeMedeiros, Amelia Correia, Council of Catholic Women, John Camara Jr.

$75 Rev. Joseph Oliveira Rev. Gilbert J. Simoes $10 Manuel N. Reis, Joseph Rego, Manuel Reis, Aristides Cordeiro, Thomas Mahon Paul Archambault, Manuel Carvalho, Manuel Freitas, Al­ bert Domingos, Arthur J. Rebel­ lo Cosmo Cupola, Manuel ~er­ reira, Maria Pachecco, Janice Leonardo, Carol Castro Joyce M. Souza,. Belmira Camara, J 0 s e p h Machado, Joseph Perry, Joanna Meyrelles Arthur A m a I' e 11 0, Antone Mello, Noel Medeiros ST. l\IATHIEU

$25 Dr. & Mrs. Paul Lambert RELIGION AND PSYCHLATRY: Discussing the role $15 Rose & Armande Gauthier of ]'elig-ion in psychiatry at the national convention of the $10 American Psychiatric Association, are left to right: Rabbi Emilia Bourgault, Mr. & Mrs. Meyer Goldman, Dr. Jack Ewald of Harvard, and Rev. Theodore Carrier, Alphonse Francis P. Rowley, S~J., outgoing president of the Associa-' Mailloux. Maxine MichaUd, Mr. tior... NC Photo. & Mrs. Edmour Thibault


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