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Amluw of the Soul, Su're and Firm-


PRICE 10¢ Vol. '14, No,) 20 © 1970 The Anchor $4.00 per Year Fall River, Mass., Thursday~ May 14, 1970

Court Opinion Means Schools to Close Following Monday's advisory oplDlon of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court that ruled unconstitutional under the Massachusetts constitution a proposal that would provide state funds to pay teachers of secular subjects in non-public and parochial schools, Rev. Patrick J. of all elementary and secondary O'Neill, D. ·Ed., Diocesan school students are educated in non public schools. It. has been Superintendent of Schools estimated that the common-

issued the following statement: "NaturaHy I am disappointed with the deci!:>ion of the Court, and to say that help will cor.w later does not in any way lessen my disappointment. Each city and town will now have to pian in a realistic manner for a larg.~ increase in enrollment. "There is no doubt that at least ,one-third of our schools will close in June, 1971; I reel now 'that this number is very conservative. The average Catholic parish can no longer continue to pay for the rapidly rising costs of education; for sev· eral years now each parish has been subsidizing the school and forcing the parish into debt. "We have done all we can to present our case. Now we must' prepare for the transfer of thousands of our students into the public school systems." In Massachusetts 19.1 per cent

wealth would incur an additional cost of 179 million dollars a year should all the state's private and parochial schools close. The folloWing increase in tax rates per $1000 assessed valuation would ensue in the cities and towns located within the boundaries of the Fall River Diocese if all Catholic Schools closed: per thousand Acushnet 34.60 Attleboro 6.40 Dartmouth 13.80 Fairhaven 34.60 Fall River 46.20 New Befdord 25.50 No. Attleboro 24.80 Swansea 34.60 Taunton .39.70 Westport 26.90 Boston would be obliged to increase its rate by $26.50, Worcester by $23.20 and Springfield by $14.10.'

Install Albert L. Gallant Diocesan CC'D President Albert L. Gallant, a member of St. Mark's ParIsh, Attleboro Falls was irli,talled as the new president of the Diocesan Confraternity of Christian Doctrine at a banquet held Tuesday night at the CCD Center, Fall River. , Mr. Gallant has been active for many years in catechetical work throughout the diocese and has been in,-


volved in the ecumenical movement. He was elected to the regular two-year term by members of the Diocesan Executive Board of the CCD and will succeed Mrs. Mary Fuller of St. Margaret's Parish, Buzzards Bay. A registered professional engineer, Mr. Gallant is employed' as manager of Engineering Facilities for the Foxboro Company., He has attended both the Rhode Island School of Design and Northeastern University. Married to the former Rita Henry, they are the parents of three married daughters, and a son whQ is currently serving in the United States Navy. Turn to Page Six



Bishop Connolly Jubilee On Sunday, .May 24 His Excellency, Most Reverend James L. Connolly, will concelebrate a Solemn Pontifical Jubilee Mass of Thanksgiving to celebrate his Twenty-fifth Anniversary of Consecration as a Bishop. The Mass will be offered at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, on Sunday, May 24, at five o'clock in the afternoon. Concell;)brating with Bishop Connolly will be Bishop James J. Gerrard, Auxiliary Bishop of Theresa Church, South Attle- peau is the Assistant Music DiRev. Robert S. Kaszynski, rector. Fall River and Titular Bish- boro; Selections to be played or Pastor of St. Stanislaus Church, op' of Forma; Bishop Hum- Fall River and Rev. Lucio B. sung are: Organ Prelude (Choral berto S. Medeiros, Bishop of Phillipino, Assistant Pastor of Brownsville, Texas; Rev. Msgr. ,Holy Name Church, New BedRaymond T. Considine, P.A., ford. Pastor· of St. William Church, Masters of Ceremonies will be Fall River; Rev. Msgr: Maurice Rev. Msgr. Reginald M. Barrette, Souza, V.F., Pastor of St. An- Chancellor and Pastor of Notre thony Church, Taunton; Rev. Dame Church, Fall River; Rev. Msgr. Christopher L. Broderick, Thomas J. Harrington, VicePastor of St. Pius X Church, Chancellor and Episcopal SecreSouth Yarmouth; Rev. Msgr. tary; Rev. Paul F. McCarrick Gerard J. Chabot, Pastor of S1. and Rev. James H. Morse, Assistant Pastors at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. Sacred Music for the rite will be executed by the Cathedral Choristers and Chamber Ensemble under the direction of Rev. William G. Campbell, B.Mus., Assistant Pastor at St. Mary's Fall River. DALLAS (NC)-A nation- Cathedral, David R. . Carrier is the Catheal Jewish leader character- dral organist and George Cam-

Anti- Ecumenical Approa,ch Seen Toward Schools

ized 'the crisis in this country's Catholic schools as an

American, not a religious, prl;lblem. Rabbi Marc Tanenbaum of New York, national director of the American Jewish Committee, in an interview here asserted: "I am troubled by the uncreative, inflexible, wooden response to this crisis by members of other faiths and the general public." The Jewish leader came here to participate in a Southern Methodist University symposium on Jewish Christian relations. He also visited Catholic' Bishop Thomas J. Tschoepe of Dallas. "We have a stake in Catholic kids, as we have in all kids black kids, Mexican-American kids," Rabbi Tanenbaum stressed. ' He. underscored the importance' placed on "excellence in education" in the United States. He described the idea that the .. religious education otisis is pl\fely a religious problem and only a Catholic concern as "preecumenical visions." Turn to Page ~ix

in B minor by C. Frank and Cortege et Litanie by M. Dupre), Processional (Entrata Festiva) by F. Peeters; Kyrie and Gloria (Missa Brevis) by F. J. Haydn. Response to the First Scriptural Reading (Ps. 23) by Sr. Theophane. Alleluia by Campbell. The homily will be delivered by Most Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros, Bishop of Brownsville and until his elevation to the episcopate, Chancellor of the Diocese of Fall River and Pastor of St. Michael Church, Fall River. The choir will continue with Creed (Mass in English) by 'T. Marier; Offertory Motet (Ps. 148) by G. Holst; Holy, Holy, Holy (Missa omnes Gentes) by A: Turn to' Page Six

Charities Appeal Proceeds Nearing $600,000 Mark· Catholic Charities Appeal Diocesan Director, Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, announced today that the 1970 Appeal has reached $570,250.84. National and. Special Gift volunteer solicitors will complete their remaining contacts this week and parish solici- ' tors are urged to make final ing next month for, the building of the new St. Vincent's Home returns by Monday, May 18. in Fall River." Msgr. Gomes said: His Excellency, Bishop James "Final donations from the two phases of the Appeal can be registered until Friday noon, May' 22. The books will be closed then for 1970 final tabulations." Lay Chairman, Joseph C. Murray of North Dighton stated: "We are pleased' at this new total and we look fQrward to a dramatic leap upward within the next few days. Bishop Connolly has announced the beginning of the construction of a new school for the Exceptional Ch5ldren at Attleboro and the ground break-

J. Gerrard,

Auxiliary' to the Bishop of Fall' River and this year's episcopal chairman, said today: "I urge- all parishes to complete their contacts and make returns by the end of the week. Contributions from al1 priests and parishes should be made immediately to headquarters since the 1970 Appeal books will be closed at noon a week from tomorrow, May 22. Bishop Gerrard in praise of collectors said "there has been Turn to Page Five

PARISH TOTALS· New Bedford Area

Leading. Area Parishes



FaU River Area! . I

New BedfordFall RiverI Holy Name ,,8,41.7.02 St. Mary 10,838.p Assumption 341.00 Blessed Sacrament 1,119.pO 1,423.00 Immac. Conception 2,740.35 Espirito Santo Mt. Carmel 10,740.00 Holy Cross 1,608.pO Our Lady of Fatima 2,990.00 Holy Name J8,615.~9 Our Lady of Per. Help 2,146.70 Notr~ Dame 7,529.~5 2,944.75 Sacred Heart Our Lady of Angels 10, 771.~5 St. Anne 2,155.00 · Our Lady of Health 3,155.50 St. Anthony of Padua 2,935.00 . 3,033.pO ' Holy Rosary , St. Boniface 255.00· Immac. Conception 4,632.77 . 9,375.pO· Sacred Heart· St. Casimir 748.00 St. Francis of Assisi 1,002.50 St. Anne 2,109.00 St. Hedwig 722.50 St. Anthony of Desert 862.00 1,191.00 St. Hyacinth St. Anthony' of P.adua 2,129.~5 10,715.50 St. James St. Elizabeth 428.00 ' St. John the Baptist 4,777.00 St. John the Baptist 2,187.25 2,155.00 St. Joseph 4,163.00 St. Joseph St. Kilian 3,087.00 ·St. Louis , 2,583.pO 17,428,00 St. Lawrence St. Mathieu 2,010.34 5,821.25 St. Mary St. Michael 3,953.00 3,061.00 St. Theresa 4,915.00 St. Patrick 6,204.00 SS.· Peter and Paul AcushnetSt. Roch 2,055.00 St. Francis Xavier 3,109.00 3,488.00 St. Stanislaus FairhavenSt. William 4,222.00 St. Joseph 10,496.75 Santo Christo 2,142.50 St. Mary 2,134.00 Assbnet-Sf. Bernard 2,143.00 Sacred Hearts 738.50 Central Village-:! MattapoisettSt. John Baptist· 3,362.00 St. Anthony 3,122.00 North WestportNorth DartmouthOur Lady of Grace 3,777.9° 'St. Julie 4,000.00· Ocean Grove- . I St. Michael 3;036.~5 South Dartmouthi St. Mary'. 6,539.50 Somerset4,012.90 St. John of God Wareham-St. Patrick 6,768.00 St. Patrick 5,809.1;>0 Westport-St. George 5,492.00 St. Thomas More 8,219.?0 SwanseaI Attleboro All'ea Our Lady of Fatima 6,229.99 4,206.qO St. Dominic AttleboroSt. Louis de France 5,121.83 Holy Ghost $5,365.50 I St. John 9,628.00 St. Joseph 2,131.00 Cape & Islands Areb SPLENDOR OF TRADITION: Maureen Bradley, eighth grade St. Mark 4,174.00 · I student at S.t. Mary's School, No. Attleboro and daughter of St. Mary 8,383.25 Brewster-, 'Police Lieut. and Mrs. Dani~1 J. Bradley cro~ns. .the statue of the St. Stephen 4,701.00 Our Lady of the Cape 1,917.00 ., Blessed. Virgin: in ,traditional ceremon.ies at St. Mary~s· Church, Buzzards Bay-"', . . : . St. Theresa 6,545.00 St. Margaret' 4,029.50 No. Attleboro. Mansfield-St. Mary 7,331.60 CentervilleI North Attleboro Our Lady of Victory 5,372.~5 Sacred Heart 3,063.00 I St. Mary 9,955.00 Chatham,- . . Holy Redeemer 3,296.00 Norton-St. Mary 4,805.50 Consistory to Approve Canonization I Seekonk-Mt. Carmel 7,768.12 East FalmouthSt.. Anthony 1,234.qO .of \ English Martyrs Falmouth-St. Patrick 7,873.25 Mass Ordo HyannisI VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope canonizatibn w·i11 take place St. Francis Xavier 7,915.00 Paul VI will hold a consistory in most probably in October. FRIDAY-St. John Baptist de NantucketI the Vatican on May 18 to apLaSalle, Priest. Memorial. The canonization of the English Our Lady of the Isle 2,740.00 prove formally the canonizatiion White. martyrs, who were executed four Oak Bluffsi of 40 English martyrs. . centuries ago after· England Sacred Heart. 1;299.00 SATURDAY-Mass (Choice of The ceremony, which is purely Osterville-Assumption 5,156.00 a formality in the lengthyproc- broke with the Church of Rome,· Celebrant). Weekday.· has been the subject of heated Pocasset-St. John 3,335.~0 ess 'of canonization, will bring debate in England. SUNDAY - Pentecost - Sunday. ProvincetownI together bishops, patriarchs, abAnglican leaders have mainSolemnity. Red. Mass Proper; St. Peter 1,480.00 bots, and cardinals living in and tained that the canonization of Glory; Sequence; Creed; Pref- Sandwicharound Rome. ' . the martyrs will not foster the ace of Pentecost. Corpus Christi 5,026.5,0 Meeting in the Vatican's· con- common cause of ecumenism South YarmouthI sistorial Hall, the assembled MONDAY-Mass (Choice of Cel-· St. Pius X 6,192.50 prelates will giv·e their approval ' between the Roman Catholic I ebrant). Weekday. Church and the Anglican Church. Vineyard Havento the canonizations. i Critics of the canonization St. Augustine 600.0 0 TUESDAY-Mass (Choice of CelNo specific date for the canonWeIlfIeetebrant). Weekday. . ization has yet been announced, include Anglican Archbishop Our Lady of Lourdes 1,962.00 but the Congregation for the Michael Ramsey of Canterbury. I WEDNESDAY - St. Bernardine West HarwichCardinal John Heenan of. Causes of Saints compIe ed the I of Siena, Priest. Optional. Holy Trinity 3,645.0p necessary preparations in March, Westminister, on the other hand, White. and it is generally understood- has urged the Vatican to canonI .that the solemn ceremony of ize the martyrs as defenders of THURSDAY - Mass (Choice of Taunton Area .. freedom of conscience and of the Celebrant). Weekday. authority of the papacy at a Taunton~ Necrology I time when both are under severe Holy Family' 1,075.00 attack. MAY 16 Holy Rosary 2,149.00 The 40 English and Welsh Rev. William McDonald, SS, Day ·of· Pray<er Immac. Conception 5,363.0p' martyrs - men and women Our Lady of Lourdes 2,374.1f 1941, St. Patrick, Falmouth. May 17-Villa Fatima, Taunwere beatified in 1929. They are Rt. Rev. J. Joseph Sullivan, Sacred Heart 5,677.5p ton. among over 300 known to have St. Anthony 3,837.615 P.R., 1960, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Sacred Hearts Convent, died for their fa·ith in the 16th St. Jacques .4,575.0p Fall River. and 17th centuries during the Fall River St. Joseph 5,466.0p MAY 17 Convent of the, Sacred times of the Protestant persecuSt. Mary 9,144.50 _ Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, tion. Hearts, Fairhaven. St. Paul 3,839.5, D.D.; 1951, 3rd Bishop of Fall North DightonRiver, 1934-51. May 24-Mt. St. Mary ConSt. Joseph' 2,430.0f vent, Fall River 'North EastonMAY 19 St. Joseph, Taunton · Immac. Conception 6,353.5p Rev'. Ambrose Lamarre, O:P., St. Theresa Convent, Fall Inc. Raynham-St. Ann 4,218.00 1940, Dominican Priory, Fal( River. South EastonRiver. I Holy Cross - Rev. .Thomas Trainor, 1941, 3,051.0? f 1I,me11'0 I Service. Pastor, St. Louis, Fall R·iver. I Edward F. Carney THE ANCHOR . Self. Honesty. · 1 549 County Street Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, MAY 20 , I Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 New Bedford 999·6222 Rev. Antonio L. da Silvia,. Integrity begins with a persoJ,1 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall being willing to be honest with 1952, Pastor, Our Lady of Serving the area since 1921 River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid himself. -Flint Health, Fall River. $4.00 per year. II

Died for faith



Michael C. Austin



Attleboro Area .

St. Mary, North Attleboro St. John, Attleboro St. Mary, Seekonk Mt. Carmel, Seekonk St. Mary, Mansfield

9,955.00 9,628.00 8,383.25 7,768.12 7,331.60

Cape & Islands Area St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis St. Patrick, Falmouth St. Pius X, South Yarmouth Our Lady of VicMory, Centerville Assumption, Osterville ,

7,915.00 7,873.25 6,192:50 5,372.95 5,156.00

Fall River Area Holy Name, Fall River 18,615.59 St. Mary, Fall Rivei' 10,838.11 Our Lady of the Angels, Fall River ·10,771.75 Sacred Heart, Fall River 9,375.00 St. Thomas More, Somerset' 8,219.50

New Bedford Area St. Lawrence, New Bedford Mt. Carmel, New Bedford St. James, New Bedford St. Joseph, Fairhaven Holy Name, -New Bedford

17,428.00 10,740.00 10,715.50 10,496.25 8,417.02

Taunton Area St. Mary, Taunton Immflculate Conception, No. Easton Sacred Heart, Taunton St. Joseph, Taunton .Immaculate Conception, Taunton . .. ,.... " . . . . .


9,144.50 6,353.50 5,677.50 5,466.00 5;363.00 .~


Open College ST. LOUIS (NC)-Notre Dame College, maintained· by the School Sisters of Notre Dame for. the past 45 years as a school for Religious, will open its doors to lay women students beginning with the Summer term. The school is a four-year liberal arts college which, over the years, has graduated thousands of teachers now assigned to schools staffed by the School Sisters of Notre Dame.

D. D. Wilfred C. Sullivan Driscoll I, . FUNERAL HOME 469 LOCUST STREET FALL RIVER, MASS.. 672-3381

O'ROURKE Funeral Home 57l Second Street Fall. River, Mass. 679-6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHON Registered Embalmer licensed Funeral Director

JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN Funeral "ollie 550 Locust Street !Fall River. Mass.

672-2391 Rose IE. !3ullivan Jeffrey E. Sullivan

• National $500 . Rev. Francis X. Wallace $400 P. A. Tracey Co., Inc. $200 Rev. Msgr. Joseph Cournoyer $125 Rev. Leo M. Curry $100 Rev. William W. Norton $50 Curtin & Riley $25 Kirkpatrick Co.

Cape Cod $300 St. Vincent de Paul Conference - St. Patrick Parish, Falmouth $105 Salt Winds Beauty' Shop, Falmouth $100 Edmund C. Wessling, W. Roxbury St. Patrick's Guild, Falmouth Wood Lumber Co., Falmouth $75 Shoreway Acres, Falmouth 50 Trade Winds, Falmouth Dr. & Mrs. John Mitchell, Falmouth $35 Walsh Realty, Teaticket A Friend, Falmouth $30 Dr. & Mrs. Edward Fitch, Falmouth McCormack's Apothecary, So. Yarmouth $25 Joseph L. Corey Jr., Falmouth Falmouth Coop Bank Wrrght Oil Co., Falmouth McDonald's PaiJ1t Store, Falmouth Falmouth Office Service Wareham Savings Bank, Falmouth Harold L. Baker Co., Falmouth Screencraft Products, So. Yarmouth Fruean Electric Co., So. Yarmouth ST. FRANCIS XAVIER $500 St. Vincent de Paul Society $50 John O. Hart, Esq. Joseph J. Reardon, Esq. John P. Curley Jr., Esq. $30 Dragon-Lite Resaurant $25 Carreiro, Florist R. B. Corcoran Co. Christmas Tree Gift Shop Spartan Cleaners Inc.

NAMED: Bishop Connolly has named Rev. Thomas J. Harrington, vice-chancellor and Episcopal secretary, to be diocesan chaplain to the Comitium of the legion of Mary.


THE ANCHORThurs., May 14, 1970

Special Gifts Fall River $2000 F. L. Collins & Sons, Inc. $HOO White's Family Dining Room & White Spa Caterers !HOOO Venus de Milo Gold Medal Bakery J. A. Schroeder Constructi!',", Inc. $750 Slades Ferry Trust Co. $500 Montie Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. $400 Citizens Savings Bank $200 Catholic Women's Club Knights of Columbus Coundl No. 86 $175 Robert A. Wilcox $150 , Crosson Oil Company Textile Workers Union of America . $125 I. T. Almy Associates $100 Mr. & Mrs. John B. Cummings Atty. John T. Farrell Peerless Laundry A Friend Fall River Glass Co. A Friend Frank X. Perron, Insurance Agency Chorlton Foundry Co., Inc. Bord~n & Remington Co. Gerald McNally Construction Co. Thomas Walsh Moving Co. Sherry & Medeiros Pacific Oil Co. Tioga Sportswear Co. $80 Beetle Plastics $75 Jack & Harry Auto Stores $50 A Friend Dr. Joseph V. Medeiros Regal Floor Covering Valcourt Industrial Supply St. Patrick's Women's Guild Letendre & Boule Wholesale Grocers A Friend Jackson Company ,Beacon Garment Co., Inc. John F. Stafford Insurance Agency Slater Paper Box H. Schwartz & Sons, Inc. East Main Hardware Robert A. Clark Carpenter's Union No. 1305 A Friend Mrs. Katherine Crosson High Point Paper Box Corp. Keyes Oil Heat Co. Atty. Kenneth' Sullivan A. H. Leeming & Sons, Inc. Eugene Pontiff $35 R. G. Chouinard Funeral Home Boyer Paper Co., Inc. Bernard A. G. Taradash $30 Michaud & Poirier Insurance Mr.·Be Mrs. James F. Kerr $25 Furniture Village Wilbur's Dr. David Prial S. A. Ross Quequechan Products Corp. W. Irving Peirce & Son Elmer C. Slater Crawford Electrical Co. Danfred Jewelers John W. Cain & Son, Inc. J. T. Hughes Gendreau Moving, Trucking & Rigging Co. Gendreau Furniture Fall River Permanent Firemen's Benefit Economy Body & Radiator Works Mr. & Mrs. Lewis R. Morley J. Joseph Madowsky Thomas Abbott Poirier Buick, Inc. A Friend Somerset Lodge

New Bedfordites Join in Recital Two New Bedford organists will present a concert at 8 on Sunday night, May 17 in St. Anthony's Church, New Bedford. The orgainists will be Michael Labens and his student, Davis Balestracci. During intermission, the St. Anthony's Church Choir, under the direction of Mi. Lebens, will be featured. Admission is free. Mr. Lebens, a native 'of Brussels, came to this country in 1953 and since his arrival has been organist at St. Anthony's. Mr. Balestracci, a senior at New Bedford High School and organist at the South Primitive Church in New Bedford, has studied organ for. nine years under Mr. Lebens and Mr. Edmond Des Rosiers.

Germans Prepare For 'Synod 72' PRINCIPALS AT SCHOOL CONVENTON: Meeting on ,opening day of the 15th Annual Catholic Teachers Convention of the Diocese of Fall River held at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, were: Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, D.Ed.; Bishop Connolly, principal celebrant of the opening Mass; Rev. C. Albert Koob, president of the NCE-A, guest speaker. Grand Central Market Professional Pharmacy Downtown Parking Lots Center Garment Co. Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America No. 177 Joseph Borge & Sons, Inc.

Attleboro ,$1250 Fernandes Super Markets, Inc.

$180 Attleboro Trust Co. $100 Leavens Mfg Co., Inc. $40 Pelletier's Auto Service $30 Insurance Willis-Mackinnon Agency $25 Attleboro Motor Sales Pleasant Pharmacy

BONN (NC) The largest socio-religious survey ever taken in Germany is being conducted in preparation for "Synod 72," the synod of West German dioceses to be held in 1972. Every West German Catholic over 16 years of age is to receive the questionnaire. More than 21 million copies of it are to be distributed, with a covering letter from each person's bishop At a press conference here. Julius Cardinal Doepfner of Munich, president of the German Bishops' Conference, said the survey is expected to achieve "a clear stoell·taking of all opinions existing" in Germany on the Church and its tasks in the modern world.

Every Cather-even the youngest-should ~ead Maryknoll's free booklet on wHls! dixteen pages, clearly written and colorfully illustrated, tell why you should make your will and how to go about it. Charts on page 3 show what . your heirs can lose if you die without a will. Page 5 discusses why -you need a lawyer's help in drawing up your will. Page 6 goes into detail about how to start and what to include. No father, young or old, should neglect his will. Maryknoll's booklet will convince you!

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Please send me your booklet on making a will. I understand there is no obligation.









',', . ,



THE ANCHOR-Diocese-of-'Fatl River-flwrs. May 14, 1970' ; .

Special Taunton $540.40 Guests of Marian Manor $250 Taunton Daily Gazette $200 . St.; Vincent de Paul SocietyHoly Family Conference $150 . St. Mary's Conference, Society of St. Vincent de Paul Bristol County Trust Co. Thomas Donelan Particular Council of Taunton -St. Vincent de Paul Society St. Vincent de .Paul SocietySt. Joseph Co!,ference $100 Rennie Manufacturing Co. Babbitt & Simmons D~rmody .Gleaners A Friend Taunton Cooperative Bank Dr. Theodore A. Thayer Boyden Plastics Co. James E. Miles Insurance Agen~y, Inc. Mulhern's Pharmacy Confirmation Class of St. Anthony's Parish $75 Goodnow's Nu-Brite Chemical Co. $60 Nason Oil Company . $50 Dr. Henry A. Alves, D.M,D.· .Emco Electrical Supply W, H. Riley & Son Inc. Weir Pharmacy Drummond Printing Co. B.P.O.E.· No. 150 Elks Charles R. Galligan St. Joseph Holy Name Society Stone Charitable. Foundation Allan M. Walker & Co., Inc. St. Ann's Men's Club St. Vincent de Paul Society, St. Ann's Conference St. Ann's Women's Guild St. Anne's Society, St. Jacques' Parish League of Sacred Heart, St. Jacques Parish St. Vincent de Paul Society, St. Jacques Conference $30 Casey Sexton Cleaners Mt. Hope Machinery Co. St. Vince,nt .de Paul SocietyHoly ,Rosary Parish , $25 Community Paint -Co. Daughters of Isabella Dolan-Saxon Funeral Home Hopper Feeds Engineering Co. J. M. Wells _ Dr. William E. Barnes Hanson & Co., Inc. Hathaway Construction Co. .Heritage Gift Shop Children of Mary Sodality-' Hqly Rosary Parish Leahy's Liquor Store, Inc. Mason Box McKenna's Gift Shop Narragansett Sales Octagon Service Station Polish American Citizen Club Dr. Samuel L. Poplack Powers Pontiac, Inc. Rosemar Silver Co., InG. St. Paul's Women's Guild St. Pierres, Inc. Taunton Stove Co. Bristol County Furniture Confirmation Class _of Holy Family Parish McNearney Insurance Agency O'Hearne Insurance Agency A Friend Assumpta Guild, St. Joseph Parish Societe des Enfants de Marie, St. Jacques Parish Taunton Chapter of Catholic Nurses

North Attleboro

$220 Nelson Gulski $200 , Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Wright $150 Mr. & Mrs. Leon Pini $120' McGowan Insurance Agency,

LaSal·ette Plans Folk Festival

GiH~ . $100 L'Union St. Jean Baptiste Duvernay Council No. 42 . Doran & Johnson Mfg. Co. Dr. James DeWitt $75 Hi-Lo Market $50 Mrs. H. S. Houghton Manufacturers National Bank of Bristol County Atty. & Mrs. John P. Pollis ' . $40 Pete's Barbefshop Dr. Robert J. Welch $35 Aty. & Mrs. Ronald A. Brais $25 North End Social Club Wescott Construction Co. Dr. M. D. Grant Frenchie's Service Station

New Bedford

MARIAN MEDALISTS: Among the 20 educators receiving Marian Medals On Thursday morning at the Teachers' Convention, were: James lanagan of Coyle High School, Taunton; Miss Mary McMahon 'of Bishop Cassidy High, Taunton; Sr. Alice Gregoire, SCS. of St: Anne's School,' New Bedford; Sr. Stanislaus Joseph,SUSC. of Bishop Cassidy High, Taunton.

More than 30 groups of Folksingers will participate in a Hillside Folk Festival, Sunday, May 17 at La Salette, Route 118, Attleboro. The outdoor event on the -La Salette grounds will begin at 12 Noon and will last throughout the afternoon. The program is. under the direction of Rev. Andre A. Patenaude, M.S., music director for La Salette. The non-sectarian festival will include groups from Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New Hampshire singtng popular and religious folk songs including Each original compositions. group is expected to perform for 15 minutes. Admission is free. Among the groups taking part will be the Plainville Folk Association which includes 6 units; The Pebbles and Heather Cutting, both of Fall River; The Lynfield Singers of Woonsocket; The Jag, Ourselves, and the St. Anthony High School Folk Singers, all of New Bedford; and the Singing Sisters of Ste. Chretienne of Salem, Mass.

$2000 Standard-Times Publishing Cq. $300 A Friend $250 Harriet Transportation Co. $160 . Favor Compulsory Chape~ Attendance Sacred Heart Home PoHsh Cultural Club $150 At Servke Academies DeBrosse Oil Co. Adm. Moorer's testimony came Installs Cardinal WASHJNGTON (NC) - Adm. Sullivan & Foster DAYLESTOWN (NC)-A new as the court heard arguments in H. Moorer, Chief of naThomas $125' val operations and chairman- the case of nine service academy member, lauded as one of' the Universal Roofing & Sheet designate of the Joint Chiefs of cadets and midshipmen who great Polish-Americans of today, Metal Co. Staff, testified at. the U.S.' Dis- have challenged the mandatory was installed as, a member of Captain frank's Fish Market trict Court here that "an 'atheist chapel rule. The Ameriean Civil the American Council of Polish $100 could not be as great a military Liberties Union is representing Cultural . Club. 'He is C'ardinal Mass. Trucking Corp. leader as one who 'is not an the nine. John Krol of Philadelphia. A Friend atheist." The installation took place at Earlier, assista~t secretary of Chamberlain Mfg. Co.' Speaking in supp.0rt of com- defense for manpower and re- the annual pilgrimage of PolishLocal No. 361 ILGWU ' pulsorv chapel atendance at the serve affairs Roger T. Kelley also American Catholics to the NaOld Colony TransportatiOn . nation's service academies. tcs'tified .in support of mandatory tional Shrine of Our Lady of Co., Inc. Moorer said 'that the purpose of chapel attendance. Czestochowa here in PennsylPrinceton Clothing Co.; Inc, compelling cadets to go to Ghapel vania. Joseph Wnukowski, counthat the policy Commenting Ernest J. Flood is to "enhance their leadership had been given car e f u I cil president, officiated at the . $50 and tl1eir command ability." study by the Department of De- installation of new members. Peason-Miller .:1. Asked why members of .th~. fens.~, ,KeH~y.sai~ tl)e policy gives., Norris Tripp' & Co., Reser,ve ,Officers'. :rrll;ining Cor.ps, . cadets and midshipmen <!n . Building Materilils,Inc. .are not compelled to go to aWl;lr.~ness ,of; ';!i' ~orc_e.,..gr.eater' A Friend ' church ·services;' the 'admiral re- ,than" themselves;' that they call Roy Paper Co. marked ·-that . "ROTC' officers upon in moments of crisis * 0;0 * Sharkey's Tire & Rubber C·o. would be much better officers I'm referring to what most people Shuster ·Co. of New Bedfor;d if they had been required to go call God." Adams & Adams· to chapel." ' He added that the academy A Friend " superintendents had agreed in Havenwood Motel CITIES SERVICE April, 1969, to allow men to skip Park Oil Company DISTRIBUTORS was established chapel when it Coastal Fisheries that attendance would be "coun$35 Gasoline terproductive or abrasive." Browne Pharmacy Students' belief that compulPHILADELPHIA (NC) - Nine Fuel and Range Atty. Thomas M. Sullivan First chapel violated Quaker leaders have challenged sory $25 Israel to take the first step Amendment guarantees of free-" Brenneke's Pie towards peace in the Middle dom of religion was not consid, Glaser Morris Glass Co. ered a valid reason to be excused OIL BURNERS Local No. 39 Bricklayers, East by pledging to pull out of. from chapel. territories claimed by the Arab Masons & ·Plasterers Union For Prompt Delivery New Bedford Catholic Guild nations and occupied by Israel & Day & Night Service since the end of 1967's six-day for the Blind war. Oliver Soortswear G. E. BOILER 'BURNER UNITS In a 20,OOO-word study reLafrance' Jewelers leased here, spokesmen for the Perfection Oil Co. Americcln'sEconomy King Rural Bo"led Gas Service American Friends Service ComC. E. Beckman & Co. F"r the' Best Deal Come To Catholic Pharmacists Guild of mittee urged Israel, as the dom61 COHANNEl ST Broadway Rambler inant power in the Middle East-, St: James INC. TAUNTON to withdraw from the captured J.C.'s Office RAYNHAM, Mass. on Rt. 138 lands and to aid Palestinian ref·Kay Jewelry Co. Attleboro - No. Attleboro ugees as indications of Israel's 768 BROADWAY Henry's Restaurant Taunton CHARLES .J. DUMAIS. Pres. commitment to peace. Herman's Liquor Store The Quakers suggested that the Dr. & Mrs: Edward D. MackArab nations respond to Israeli ler Olivier & Sons Steel Fabrica- overtures by making an "unequivocal public commitment" to tors . Humphrey, Covil & Coleman, accept the state 'of Israel as an Inc. I independent nation. The study Dr. H. F. Riley also suggested that interested parties negotiate to define the Ryan & Scully, Inc. frontiers of Israel. Sturtevant & Hook, Inc. Prepared by Quaker' leaders Bowlers Country Club Browne Pharmacy from the U. S., Great Britain and Canada after two '-years of travel Cardoza 'Package Store and study, the report is an effort Fleurent Construction Co. A Friend to cut through the emotional atMarine Radio & Electric Co.' mosphere that frequently obMathieu Pharmacy scures discussion of the Middle Pat' McKenna's East crisis.. Cornish & Co. Insurance "We firmly belie.ve," authors Enos Home Oxygen . of the report declared, ."that it D. L. Hathaway & SQns is possible t,9 be both pto-Jewish H. M. C. Cutlery and pro-Arab. We believe that Jay & Bee Fillet Co. to ignore or to deny the essen- • • . IIINT BY 1111 mp & SllMEaSET, IUSS. • N. B: Fillet Co., Inc. tial rights of one group will lead Sea Food Dealers Assoc. to the ultimate destruction of U., S. Ring Binder Corp.rights of the other." ,

For Better Leaders'



H. 'RILEY & SON, Inc.

Propose Mideast P.eace Plan






= •



• •

The big little bank.

I S i g on service when you I need a little help!




= = I.





THE ANCHORThurs., May 14, 1970


ST. MARY ST. ANTHONY $1,000 $1500 Attleboro Dyeing & Finishing Mr. & Mrs. Paul Duchaine Corp. $50 • $150 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pimenta'i Mr. & Mrs. Robert Durant $25 $125 Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Flood, Rev. Cornelius J. Keliher Mr. & Mrs. James H. Gifford, Mr WASHINGTON (NC) St. Vincent de Paul Society & Mrs. Robert A. Gingras, Mr. & A former automobile firm $120 Mrs. Norman F. Kelley, Sean J. executive and Peace Corps O'Connor Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Larivee Edmund Perry, Mrs. Kenneth official has been named di$100 W. Tuttle, Mrs. Eugene R. Sackrector of the newly established Mr. & Mrs. George Agostini man, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Sanford office of research, plans and proMr. & Mrs. John Marshall Jr.. Alberta Silveira gram for the country's two top $75 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sylvia Catholic organizations. Dr. & Mrs. John Belsky Appointment of John J. O'Neill, Mr. & Mrs. John S. Francis No. Dighton 49, native of Glenridge, N. J., $60 and an economic specialist, was ST. JOSEPH'S Mr. & Mrs. B. A. Dzija announced here by Bishop JoMr. & Mrs. John Murphy $500 , seph L. Bernardin, general secreRev. Msgr. Bernard .1: Fenton $55 tary of .the National Conference $110 Dr. & Mrs. Alexander Macof Catholic Bishops and of the Atty. & Mrs. Richard Martin Isaac United States Catholic Confer$50 $50 ence. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Secatore Frank Barney After graduating summa cum $35 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bartek laude from the University of Anita Sabouirn Mary Cazemiro Rochester, O'Neill served 10 $25 DeBlois Oil Company years with the Ford Motor Co., Mr. & Mrs.' David Chadwick, Mr. & Mrs. James Finegan RESEARCH LEADER SPEAKS: Principals at the Friday morn- Dearborn, Mich., and four years Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Coelho, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. James Egan & Mrs. Richard Donahue, Mr. & ing session of the Teachers' Convention were: Most Rev. James with the Peace Corps in Liberia Mr. & Mrs. John Harrington Mrs. Jol:1I1 Lane, Mr. & Mrs. Roy J. Gerrard, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese, who presided at and later as deputy secretary in Mrs. Ralph Mathieu Menard the session; James D. Koerner, Ph. D., .guest speaker, Senior Washington. Mr. & Henry Messier Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Murphy, Mr. Research Fellow at the, Education Development Center, Newton; Dr. & Mrs. Paul F. Shannon Long Range Plans . Mr. & Mrs. Wm. J. Sitko & & Mrs. Antone Rose. Dr. & Mrs. Sr. Mary Urban, RSM., Diocesan Supervisor. George Schloemer, Mr. & Mrs. The new office is designed to Nancy Roger Turner, Mr. & Mrs. Frankdevelop long range and annual Mrs. Mary Smith lyn Weeks objectives, plans and programs Mr. & Mrs. James Coogan for the two agencies. It will' also Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Harney Brewster coordinate research activities of 8 ,Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hodge Duquesne Students to Aid University the various conference units and Mr. & Mrs. Richard Voccio OUR LADY OF THE CAPE sponsor research related to proSt. Mary's Women's Guild In Financial Crisis gram needs and objectives. Holy Nllme Society $50 Bishop Bernardin said primary Seekonk Council No. 5108Dr. & Mrs. John D. Sheehan PITTSBURGH (NC) - There more than 600 students, pushing, Knights of Columbus $30 was a student demonstration at shoving, shouting-all intent on responsibility for program plan$40 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald McCarthy Duquesne University here-un- vol un teeing to embark on the ning, research and evaluation will remain with individual units Mr. & Mrs. David Blake $25 expected but welcomed by the fund raising venture. Helen Reilly Ronald J. Hague. Mr. & Mrs. institution administration. The 91-year-Old university is within the two conferences. He $;15 Manuel Packett. Mr. & Mrs. conducted by the Holy Ghost added; the new office will have responsibility for coordinating Arthur Dickey. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Some "t,500 of the 7,500 stu- Fathers. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Blake planning of conference units in A. Callahan. Mildred S. Lvnch dents enrolled were at an assemMr. & Mrs. Joseph Dufort light of decisions reached by the Annette M. Hailer, Mr. & Mrs. bly listening to Father Henry J. Mr. & Mrs. Clement Lesage board-level committees for reRoy W. WinQate. Anna Uns- McAn.~lty, ,C.S.;3p." university Release Mrs. W. J. Amos Statistics search, plans and programs. worth & Madeline C. Brown ,', .' president, and' Rita A. Ferko, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Legare Mr.'·& 'Mrs: Philip Collver, Mr<; Port Vue, Pa., lltudent congress On Dutch Catholics $30 Marv Johnson; ,Mr. & Mrs. Fred president, discuss the financial THE HAGUE (NC)--Qnly half Mr. & Mrs. Jacques Leduc John Lynch B. Harney, Mr. & Mrs. John Koz- crisis facing the university. of Dutch Catholics attend SunContinued from Page One lowski Vincent Lynch day Masses, according to figures They were asking students to released by the Catholic Social a need for call-backs on COntacts Mr. & Mrs. Edward Murray help raise $1 million of an antici- Ecclesiastical Institute here. and I am grateful to the solici$25 Oak Bluffs pated $5 million 1970-71 school Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Arguin, However, the institute noted tors who are doing this so willyear deficit. SACRED HlEART Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Baumgartel, that many Dutch Catholics be- ingly and well. and I thank the Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Biron, "The rumor is spreading of lieve that they can be good people who are so anxious to $250 Agnes Blake, John Blake another tuition raise, which is Catholics even if they do not go give. This indicates the affection Reliable Market Mr. & Mrs. Richard Blake, one of the solutions considered, to Mass each Sunday, so long as aJUI loyalty of all the people for $50 William Blake, Mr. & Mrs. Kenbut no such step has yet been they feel they are leading truly Bishop Connolly in this year's Holy Ghost Society Inc. Appeal dedicated t.o his episcopal neth Bliss, Mr. & Mrs. 'Martin Mr. & Mrs. James S. Rego ·Jr. taken," Father McAnulty as- Christian lives. silver anniversary." Carr, Mr. & Mrs. George Casey sured. Miss Ferko said it would $3~ The institute's statistics show Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chandley, be logical to raise tuition, but it that although the Catholic popuA Friend Mr. & Mrs. Sterling Dalton, would restrict education at the lation of Holland· has increased . $25 Grace Preferable Kathryn V. Donahue, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Regan. Anna uiversity to the select' few who by a million since 1956, SunGet pla<;e and wealth, if posCharles Dauray, Mr. & Mrs. Wil- L. Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. Everett could afford it. day Mass-going dropped from sible with grace; if not, by any liam Dunn Rogers, Rose M. Peardon means get· wealth and place. She called for at least 500 64.4 per cent in 1966 to 51.5 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Emond Jr., -Pope students to volunteer to go out per cent in 1969. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Farrell, The The institute's report disamong. the people of Pittsburgh, Fisk Family, Catherine Fisk, Maryland Project business firms, alumni and other closed that there are now over Marilyn Fisk sources, to help raise the neces- 5.2 million Catholics in the Mr. & Mrs. Avila Grenier, Mr. In Financial Bind Netherlands, more than onesary funds. & Mrs. Lewis Jackson, Mr., & BALTIMORE (NC)-Maryland third of the country's 13-million ONE STOP Mrs. Alfred L'Hereux, Mr. & Project Equality, Inc., in a fiThat's when the demonstration population. o Mrs. George LaBelle, Mr. &. Mrs. ,nancial bind, faces closing or a started. While the speechmaking SHOPPING CENTER Norman LeMere drastic curtailment of its oper- still was in progress, a disturb• Television _ Grocery Good Company Mr. & Mrs. Leo Lapierre, Mr. ations.. ance occurred in the rear of the • Appliances _ Fruniture & Mrs. Leo Marcoux, Mr. & Mrs. . John R. Burleigh, II, executive auditorium. The noise came from A man has to live with himEdmund McCann, Mr. & Mrs. director of the state's unit of self and he should see to it that 104 Allen St., New Bedford George McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. the Chicago-based national inh~ always has good company. 997-9354 Harold McCormick terfaith equal opportunity agenNew York Priest Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Eugene McGovern, cy, said. the problem stems from Mr. & Mrs. John P. McGuinness, delay of most of the 12 par- Wins Pea~e Prize Mr. & Mrs. Norbert McKenna, ticipating churc~ and synagogue NEW YORK (NC)-A priest Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Mournighan, groups to fund their share of who halted a riot with a candleMr. & ·Mrs. William O'Brien Sr. the 1970 budget approved last light procession here was preMr. & Mrs. Eugene Perry, Mr. October. sented with the St. Francis, Burleigh said there has been Peace Medal by the North & Mrs. Joseph Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Russell J. Sumner, Mrs. Alice a communications breakdown American Federation of the Thibert, Mr. & Mrs. Laurent between individual projects and Third Order of St. Francis. The presentation was made to Thibert their sponsors, rather than unMr. & Mrs. Thomas Toppin, willingness of sponsors to ful- Msgr. Robert Fox, head of Full Circle Associates, a community Mr. & Mrs. Donald Traill, Mat- fill previous commitments. Father John F. Cronin, S.S., action program, at a liturgy for thew J. Quigley, Mr. & Mrs. St. Mary's Seminary moral the- peace in St. Francis of Assisi Henry Yeretsky, Edna Masgay Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sherry, ology professor and president of church. the Maryland unit, said inabilHe was cited for hts peaceMr. & Mrs. Leo Tracey Mr. & Mrs. Richard Church- ity of sponsoring groups to meet making effort in Spanish HarSpecial Arrangements for School Groups ill, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Emond, new requests seems to result lem and for quelling a certain FOR DETAILS, CALL MANAGER Mr. & Mrs. Rocco DeFruscio, Mr. from a national pattern of de- riot there three years ago by Mrs. Francis GjI>lin, Mr. & Mrs. creased contributions felt by staging a candlelight procession 636-2744 or 999-6984 nearly all churches. Fred Theberge through the streets.

Top Conferences Appoint Director Of New Office

Volunteer Help

Charities Appeal



Priests" S'enate \

. =.,j

To Be 'Like Christ The position of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Church is not'a matter of speculation or of theology but of faith. She was the one from whom the Second Pers<;>n of the Trinity took a human body. That position of hers is unique and certain. Nothing can touch or alter it. While Catholics do not make Mary more than God and should not insult her by surrounding her with superstitions, they dare not make her less than God made her -the one person in all humanity who can call. Christ "Son" and hear the reply "Mother." If God so honored Mary, then followers of Christ must pay her honor too. . Traditionally, May is the month of Mary. This is not merely a sentiment of, devotion. It is not just for children and processions and crownings.. Mary is a part of the faith. The faith cannot be kept whole and entire if it excludes her. As Christ came to mankind through Mary, so men .can turn to Mary and seek through her intercession and ' by her help to be brought closer to God. Thete was a king of France called 'Philip the Fair because he was so handsome. And when people would compliment him on his striking looks he would answerThank you, they tell me I look like my mother.' Jesus surely looked in His appearance like Mary., And Mary can help those who turn to 'her to look like Jesus in their inner lives. And that is the whole meaning of Christianity-to be like Christ.


Completes Board F'or Due Process The Priests' Senate of the Diocese-of Fall River was informed by Rev. Lucien Jusseaume Pastor of St. Mathieu

Church, Fall River and Vicar for Religious, that Sister Mary, Catherine Burns, S.U.S.C., Bishop Cassidy High School, Taun. ton; Sister Marie Ascension, O.P., Ste. Anne's Hospital, Fall River; and, .Brother Roger Millette, F.LC., Msgr. Prevost High School, Fall River, have been appointed members of the Diocesan Due Process Board pending the establishment of a Senate for Religious in the Diocese. In turn, the Senate elected Rev. Lucio B. Phillipino, Assistant Pastor of Holy Name Parish, New Bedford; Rev. Joseph L. Powers, Administrator of St. Mark Parish, Attleboro Falls; and Attorney John P. Pollis of North Attleboro, as its members to the Due Process Board. The Board is now complete and should begin organization in the near future. The Priests' Senate also changed its constitution to limit its members only to diocesan priests of the Diocese (Religious Continued from Page One The world situation are "com- will have their own Senate) and "The Catholic ought to be able pelling us to deal with each other decided that seats on the Sento count on genuine response and as human beings," while ate will no longer be based upon Many people think of a fund-raising effort in terms help from the Jewish and Prot- churches and, synagogues ,no ethnic considerations but only estant communities," he said. longer are abl~ to dominate life as by the number of. votes individof a building or a facility. ual priests receive. He emphasized that all private in the past, 'he said. Buildings and facilities are needed, of course, in or- and religious .schools face a A pressing challenge, is man's By. a vote of 11 to 9, the Sender to. serve others. J similar crisis. own. intellectual growth, Rabbi ate decided to retain the princiNoting the over-all growth in Tanenbaum said. ple of unlimited tenure of office But the main thrust of the' Charities Appeal is on communications between religiby Senators and to keep un· helping people. If· they need, buildings-and buildings are ous' groups, including Southern "The capacity of man to cut changed fOr the time being the conservative groups, Rabbi Taninto his own biology has made necessary to house the elderly and sick and retarde~­ present procedure. The only exsaid the Jews have ben- great moral dilemmas. Science ception is that starting this year then buildings are built. But the emphasis of the Appeal enbaum e"fitted by a general atmosphere has -the ,capacity. to make man is the person-to-person mission of kindness .and concern of. ecumenism. since the six day .. 'in tq~ ).mage pf man. andhi'~. flb- . - with the election of. a new 'Senate ,during the Summer that is carried out. war in Israel in 1967. He credit- solutely no moral accQuntability ptiests elected" by seniority 'Money given to the Appeal supports devoted' per- ed the Second' Vatican Council' 'to"tipyone:" 'he' decTa'red. ~ ...;. groups will be seated for one 'normalizing rerations beRabbi Tenenbaum said he re- year; priests elected at large son-Sister or lay person or priest":"""who reaches out in . with tween Catholics and Jews. gards the need for dialogue be- will serve for two full years. the n';lme of Christ to one in need, to one Wpo has a prob"We're all living off' the °me_ . tween scientists and theologians Hereafter, one half of the Sen-' lem, to one who needs help. mory of Pope John XXIII, who as "most" important today. ate wiH be elected each year. The mission of Christ is thus carried out in this saw what religious hatred could Rev. George W. Coleman, As."This is where Christians and lead to through his experiences sistant Pastor of St. Louis Parour day. Jews can really work together," during World War II," he said. ish, Fall River, presented a reAnd the Lord gives to those of this day the opportu-' Benefits of the ecumenical he' added. port from a committee to estabnity to share in His mission, to sacrifice for His mission, movement have been numerous, lish goals and directives for inthe rabbi said. to serve others in His Name. . creasing effective communica"It has freed us up to know tion and for a loosening of tendThe buildings are there to be used. But the monu- ourselves better, to think freeencies toward polarization within Continued from Page One· . ments of the Catholic Charities Appeal are the monuments ly. about ideas and let them go the Diocese as a whole. The newly elected CCD head is of devotion of those who work and the strengthening of where reason and the spirit. take Some of the recommendations a member of the Fall River Ecuthose who' are helped and the knowledge that Christ in them," he said. menical Commission and also of this committee were that His works of mercy still walks among men. serves on· the Massachusetts· there be renewed effort to see to Commission on Christian Unity it that an effective Diocesan ~ and the Southeastern Massachu- Pastoral Council and local ParContinued from Page One setts Advisory Commission on ish Councils .function to the fullest extent; that the clergy have CireIla; Eucharistic Acclamation Christian Education. The adVisory opinion of the Massachusetts Supreme (Christ has' died) by R. Wollen; Mr. Gallant is a member of St. better opportunities to further . their education and contact with Court does not say that the aid to private schools' bill Great Amen by A. Peloquin; Mark's Parish Council. one another. ' is a bad one.' It says what one of the nation's lead- Lamb of God (Mass in English) Most Rev. James L. Connolly .by A. Peloquin; Communion The proposals of this commiting constitutional lawyers has said-that the Massachu- Motet (Let all mortal flesh keep was guest of honor at the ban- tee were accepted by the Senate setts constitution is the most restrictive of all state con- silence) by G. Holst; Hymn of quet which was presided over by and will be sent to the Diocesan Thanksgiving (Te Deum) by F. Rev. Joseph L. Powers, Diocesan Personnel Board' and the Senate stitutions :in this area. . Recessional (Hallelujah, CCO Director. Committee on Priestly Renewal Meanwhile, students' must be educated. If' parishes Peeters; Amen) by G.' Handel; Organ for Implementation. Father Powers lauded the work cannot afford to do this in parochial schools, the already' Postlude (Prelude and Fugue in. Rev. Msgr. Henri A. Hamel, Mrs. Fuller, the first woman heavily-burdened communities must assume the full task. Eb major-St. Anile). by J. S. of pastor of St. Joseph Parish, New of the diocese to hold the post Bach. of president, and cited the great Bedford, called the priest study Taking part in the presentation progress made in CCD work dur- days (clergy. conferences) most I of the gifts will be youngsters ing her tenure of office. He made fruitful for the approximate 90 from the Nazareth School for special note of the significant who attended them. Plans were made for future priest study Exceptionalof Children repre- development that was realized in days. \ . . ~ . sentatives Diocesan and la:r organAdult Religious Education De~ Rev. James A. McCarthy, pasizations. partment over the past two years . . A banquet will follow at ·and attributed the growth to the tor of St. John the Evangelist White's Family Restaurant in dedication of the Buzzards Bay Parish, Pocasset, commented that OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE ,OF FALL RIVER his financial survey of priests Westport for invited members of leader. . Published weekly b.y The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River the hierarchy, clergy, represenwas discouraging and inconclu410 Highland Avenue Mrs. Fuller will continue to sive and in no way presents a tatives of religious orders of men Fall River, Meiss. 02722 675-7151 and women in the Diocese, and serve on the Diocesan CCD mandate from the clergy. lay representatives of each of Board, which is composed of 'lay This was the final meeting of PUBLISHER _ the 114 parishes in the Diocese. religious personnel from all sec- the present Senate. Elections for Most Rev. James 1. Connolly, D.D., PhD. Bishop Gerrard will" be the tors of the Fall River Diocese. " the new Senate should take GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER banquet speaker and Rev. Msgr. The board serves to coordinate place within the next six weeks. Rev. John P. Drisc'oll' Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Daniel F. Shalloo, General Mana- the various programs of the Con- The new Senate shall meet on MANAGING EDITOR ger of The Anchor and pastor of fraternity in the diocese which,' Friday, Sept. 11, 1970, at the .Hoyl Name Church, Fall River, in 1969, involved approximately Catholic Memorial Home in Fall Hugh J. Golden, J.D. ~Leary Press-Fall River will be master of ceremonies. 50,000 youths and adults. River. I


National Stake on School Crisis




Bishop's' Jubilee


@ dJ.'Tb'e'

. ANc'HOR/-) .




THE ANCHORThurs., May 14, 1970

Tourof,Homes Project. Must Exclude Carson Domicile

South Yarmouth ST. PIUS X $200 Holy Name Society of St. Pius

By Mary Carson

A sure sign of Spring is the fund raismg campaigns run for the benefit of a local Sister's novitiate. They offer a tour of the homes of some of our more prominent and wealthy citizens. I live' in a grand old house, built in 1888, which has been in a collection of odd buttons OUr family since 1925. We awaiting the discovery of the bought it from my parents garments to which they belong. a few years back and al- The baby's crib is in that cotner; though the sisters haven't asked . t erme ye t ,I't cou Id rna k e an m esting addition t I t o t h' elr our.. an Ch even. provide t e running commentary 0) 0) " As we enter b the back dOO;' notice the fine old brick stoop. In keepin with g . the practical nature of the he' t d om, inS ea of :stone lions . ., . gupardlng e.lther Side, you Will se~ the family keeps two empty milk cases. As we pass t~ro~gh the entryway, w~ Im~~dlate,y come upon the main dining room. It also serves as the !un:h room, breakfast nook, mldmgh.t ~nack b.ar, ~f~e; scho?1 un-famlsh!ng station a~d In, between IS used as the chlldre~ s study hall, also as the arts .•md craft workshop, dressmaking center and general ca~ch-all for. arms full of anything that has been lugge.d home from school. The room IS the perfe~t example of the mo~ern mUltl~purpose room. It IS also the kitchen. . . Now let ~s go on to. t~e hVlng roo~. Notice the onglnal old c~rmces..around the edge of ~he high ceilln.g.. (Try not to not~ce all ~he .onglnal. co~webs w~lch persist In lodgl~g In the httle cracks a~d crevices.) .The Windowed sun-parlor reminds us of the era w~en ~very elegan,~ home ha~ ItS, sunparlor where the ~Istress.of the household could enJoy. a view of the grounds. (If y~u Will ~ook between ~II the fingerprints on those wl~dow.s, you can obs~rve the t~afflc gOing by.)' It prOVides a dehghtfully warm, sunny play area for the baby-also a dr.afty play area for the baby on Windy days. Room of the Unfinished This is truly a "living room." You will notice it has all the appointments of a large family of children-partially Gone jig-saw puzzles, half-finished coloring books, complete with scattered crayons, a dumped carton of blocks, the middle stages of a Monopoly game, and the remnants of a Chinese checker game which has been in the family for generations. You will notice the surface of the coffee table has achieved a patina all its own-the result of innumerable card games. The furniture has developed a natural looking sag in the form of draped bodies. The floor is covered with wall-to-wall children. As we go up the front stairs, observe the beautiful rosewood banister, rubbed down by many little grubby fists having clung to it for support in learning the art of climbing stairs. Try not to touch it; it's still sticky from the last child. Here is the master bedroom. It has been said the way a woman keeps her bedroom offers deep insight into her personality. If this is so, you may draw your own conclusions. Notice the pile of mending on her dresser, concealing a confiscated water pistol.' There is also

the baby's toys are scattered on, around, th' . about and under everymg., Collector s Paradise Also observe the selection of reading material: on his side, a . . I d' tnple encyc ope la qn SCience, nature and the history of ~ur country. He also has.a collectl.on of Thomas Merton, an~ a se~les of textbook~ on tropical f~sh. Now examine her selectIOn: "Peace of Soul" "How to Im' . prove Your Vocab~lary In 30 Days," and a "Chtldren's Best Loved Cia 'cs" SSI . In other tours, the next room is referred to as the "powder room." Here it goes by many names. The fixtures, while not technically antiques, have some unusual old features. Notice the accumulation of rust thoroughly embedded under the drippy faucet. It has survived the test of all cleaners. Observe, too, the bathtub on legs. This medieval design has the capability of separating a woman's mind from her bodyparticularly if she is eight months pregnant and is now wraoped around one of the back legs: You will observe the transition from antique to modern in this room. While the fixtures are old, it has the tlp-to-date convenience of a 20 gallon plastic garbage pail- the perfect laundry hamper for a family with many small children. Now we progress to the children's rooms. This room is shared by the two older girls. You can tell it's a girl's room because there are pink bedspreads draped over the floor and the furniture-except the beds. It appears orderly as long as you d.-m't look under the beds, into the closet or try to open the dresser drawers. The bedspreads cover the remainder of the possessions which will not fit into the aforementioned hiding places, and neither girl ~an pick up because each insists It belongs to the. other one. !he younger girls, who share thiS next room, a,re not as subtle. The closet, dressers and bo?kcase ar~ empty so everyth!ng can be In easy. reach. ~nyt~lng they are lookmg for IS nght there-on the floor. Clos~d Temporarily We go on to the boys' rooms. They are enthusiastic campers, boatme'n, fishermen, ball players, readers and garbage collectors. If I can just force the stuff out of the way so we can open this door, you will be able to observe 0) ,~ '~maybe it's better you don't observe. Let's consider the boys' rooms closed temporarily for overhaul or fumigation -depending on what they find when they start digging into the treasures brought home from last year's Summer camp. As we go down the back stairway, watch your footing. I keep putting things on the stairs assuming one of the children will notice and take them upstairs and put them away. I don't know if touring my home will raise very much money for the Sisters and their novitiate, but at least it ought to strengthen them in their vocations.



FAIRHAVEN AND FALL RIVER REPRESENTATIVES: Among the Fairhaven and Fall River residents receiving the Marian Award at Feehan High during the annual Diocesan Teachers Convention, were: Rev. John G. Cornellier, S.J., principal at Bishop Connolly High, Fall River; Sr. Pauline, SSCc. and Sr. Agnes, SSCc., both from the Sacre~ Hearts Academy, Fairhaven.

Attleboro ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST $850 Mr. &' Mrs. Harry Condon $175 Mr. & Mrs. Luca Fantaccione $135 Dr. Anthony Terranova $100 Dr. & Mrs. Vincent O'Donnell Mr. & Mrs. John G. Walsh Jr. Mrs. John B. Blottman , In Memory of' John & Theresa Mahon . $75 The Janson Family $60 Mr. & Mrs, John W. McIntyre . Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Lewis $50 Ernestine & Florence Moran Mr., & Mrs. Edward Kelley Myles Daly Mr. & Mrs. James H. Lee Mr. & Mrs. A. Leo Mulligan Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mullaney $40

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Clegg Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lange $35 Mr. & Thomas Cuddy Mr. & Mrs. George Wefers Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Jewett Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kelley Mr. & Mrs. David J. Foley $30 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sheehan Anita H. King Mr. & Mrs. John Carty $25 Mr. & Mrs. Alex Karol, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard LaCombe, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bonin, Mr. & Mrs. John Braun, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Silvia Mr. & Mrs. Roger Fontneau, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Perry, Mr. & Mrs. John Picchi, Sandra Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. 'Philip Rounds Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rockett, In Memory of Hutson & Sarah Estes, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gaynor, Mr. & Mrs. George Bonner, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Ray Gazzola, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rohman, Mr. & Mrs. James Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Mo'rin, In Memory of Vincent McGinn . Mrs. Gertrude Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. James Wade, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Cloutier, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mondor Jr., Mr. & Mrs. James Fitton Mary Sheehan, Mrs. Joseph O'Donnell, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony' Magina, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bellavance, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sweeney . Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Anderson. Mrs. Margaret McAvoy, Mr. ,S< Mrs. Richard Busch. ,Mr. & Mrs. Clark Heon, Dr. & Mrs. Richard Shea

Celestine Whalen, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O. Precourt, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Fitton, Fred McCracken, Edward Tatro, Lillian Imhoff, Rocca Fantaccione, Mr. & Mrs. William Delude ST. JOSEPH'S $75 Rev. Roger P. Poirier Doris Levasseur $35 Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Mercier $30 Mr. & Mrs. Norman Ringuette Mr. & Mrs. Jean Joyal Mr. & Mrs. Roland Brochu Mr. & Mrs. Francis Paul $25 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Castro Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Lavigueur Mr. & Mrs. Robert Desautel Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Henri Paradis Richard V. Boucher Conseil Jeanne d'Arc No. 263 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bellonzi Eunice Hutchinson

$100 John G. Doherty Martin Geraghty Joseph Cipkowski $75 Vincent Mangiante $60 Clarence F. King $55 Francis Conroy $50 William Redmond Clara Fitzgerald James L. Keany Margaret & Hester Griffin Philip J. Hart $40 Arthur E. O'Leary 830 Gertrude F. Whelan Harry Doherty Lanigan Family $25 Thomas Hendrick, John Malloy Raymond Mello, D. J. Sullivan, Eugene Deveau Wilfred J. Paquet, Francis Kirwan. Anthony Cammarano, John Sullivan, Maurice Lynch Richard Terrio, Thomas P. McDonough, Frank T. Toner, E. L. Maillet, Joseph P. Higgins ' Mrs. Elgin Gould, Chester Savery, John J. Gill, Walter E. Wright. Dr. John J. Carroll Cynthia Baker, Joan Baker, Mrs. Dorothy Schoonmaker, Anonymous, Walter West James J. Connell, Vincent Roberts. Douglas Donovan. James Kelleher. John Gallagher Mrs. Paul T. Webber, Arthur Hurd, Richard Cox. Charles E. Still, Mrs. Edward O'Leary Sr. Arthur Trinque, Joseph McNeil





I ,ill "',\"

On Our Stage

ST. MARK'S $100 Dr. & Mrs. John Killion William Parker Mrs. Frances Ciolfi $50 ' Lawrence Duffany & Family Bernard D. Gamache Anonymous (2) $40 Charles T. O'Neill $30 Ronald X. Mollins M. Jacob Belt '$25 Joseph Dias, Chas. E. Lennartz Mrs. Robert W. Sharkey, John Ross, Horace Benson Anonymous (2), Mr. & Mrs. Leo Devlin, Mrs. Patricia Kuhn, Albert O. Gingras, Robert K. Cunningham Dr. & Mrs. John Falvey, Emilio G. Gautieri Jr., Gerard Kenton, Daniel KHey, Harold J. Rioux Robert S. Puhl, Robert Romero Robert J Healey, George McCabe James L. Dever Roland Maloney, John Precopio, Herve Gendron Sr.

Tues. & Wed. MAY 19, 20

8:30 P.M'. "."OADWAY·"

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ANNE RUSSELL M.4Mlf, Cast of 50 Beautiful Costumes Orchestra & loge $6.90 Bal. $5.65 - $4.40

Phone 677-9357

"Save Witll :Safety" at




Buzzards Bay

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 14, 1910


Loungewear Gifts Argument

$250 Rev. John G. Carroll

Against Feminist Movemetlt

$100 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lopes Mrs. Robert Fugue

By Mall'ilyn Roderick


Anyone for lounging?' I doubt there's a negative answer in our readership for breathes there a female alive who do~n't enjoy relaxing at home in something feminine and comfortable. The feminist movement may have something but I rather enjoy being a . woman and certainly the de- species comes across this col. f h I h umn I would like to mention signers 0 at- orne c ot es that sleepwear and lounge wear are giving their, all to make make marvelous gifts. These are every w~man look every inch a woman. Elegant or sporty, whatever your type, there is a relaxing outfit for you. For the former fabrics are ultra, ultra running in type fro m slinky satin to plush velour and all of course are tr"immE;d with yards . and yards of feathers and frilis. Wrap Is Classic


If you are the warm, generous, all-around girl that loves to cuddle up in a tailored housecoat (a-la-college dorm) she too can find the unfussed, but smashing looking design that is cozy; tailored, yet very, very, womanly. This type of design is called the "wrap" and it does this very thing. Of classic design, the wrap is quite reminiscent of the man-tailored robe but· the fabrics are so lush, brushed Arn'el paisley, thick nyIon. plush, that looks and feels life fur and terry that .looks like velvet-that the look is totally feminine. Caftan, those exotic Arabian night inspired robes, are back again and they are as mysterious and romantic looking as the middle East is suupposed to be. If your house is drafty and you like to cuddle up in something warm, yet exotic, this is tlJe type' of robe for you, in fact, one tYPE: put out by a house called Periphery is made of a Persian printed wool challis and it comes with an attached hood. That way you don't even get a draft on your neck. ,

Worn Visiting" The most exciting' part of so many of these lounging and athome outfits is that they can be. worn to other people's homes as well as your .own. This convenience will nullify the -little extra cash. If by. ch.ance any of the male

Priests Approve Draft Counseling Services


While at this writing I'm sitting around in an old pair of slacks and a warm Arar! ISle sweater (it's it bit' chilly even though it is May) I certainly would opt for a lovely looking robe if I had a choice. ' Ideal Gifts


$50 SS. Margaret & Mary Guild Marcella McCoy Mr. & Mrs. John Gray Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joyce

$35 Mr. & Mrs. John Silva Mrs. John Burns Mr. & Mrs. John Riha


HO"'~ORED AT SCHOOL CONVENTION: The following were, . honored by Bishop Connolly, who instituted the Marian Award: Sr. Marie Angela, 5SJ., seated, of St. Joseph's Convent, Fall River. Standing: Sr. Mary Cheribinia, OSF, St.. Mary's Home, New Bedford; Sr. Alphonse Marie, SSJ.' of St. Joseph's Convent, Fall River; Mother St. 'Jean Baptiste, R.J.M. of Jesus, Mary Academy, Fall River. '

South Dartmouth ST. MARY'S

$425 Mr. & Mrs. George A. D: St. Aubin

$250 . $150

So if there are birthdays coming up or wedding anniversaries, hubby cannot go too far astray, if he picks up some of this new loungewear for .his better half.



$55 Mr. & Mrs. William McCoy

Rev. Msgr. Arthur G Considine


Teaching of Values WASHINGTON (NC) - Two national education groups and Georgetown University here will sponsor a five-day Summer symposium on the pros and coris of teaching a set of values. I The National Catholi~ EdJcational Association and the National Council for Social Studies of the National Education Association are coordinating :the Georgetown symposium, scned' uled for 'June 22 to 26. Discussion will center, on whether educators should attempt to teach a definite value system or the process of value analysis, where students can conscientiously develop their own values. ,

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Glennon Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. F. Donaghy Mr. & Mrs. Fred DeCristofaro

$125 Rev. John V. Magnani

$100 Dr.' & Mrs. Louis Miskell Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Brady

$70 Mr. & Mrs. John H. Smith

$60 Mary T. Luiz

$50 Mr. & Mrs. David J. Bolton The Silveira Family Mr.· & Mrs. Angelo DeMello Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hemingway Mrs. Alvaro Rodrigues Mr. & Mrs. George P. Ponte Dr. & Mrs. John Dias

$40 . Mr. & Mrs. William Brady , Mr. & Mrs. James Barrett

$35 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Parsons Mr. & Mrs. John Pilvines Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hicks Mr. & Mrs. Manuel DeMello Dr. & Mrs. Vito Ciminello James M. Quinn'


Prelate Urges Daily

Dr. & Mrs. Carl A. Pitta


· Recitation of Rosary.;.

DUBUQUE (NC)-The priests of two Iowa dioceses have approved establishment of, draft information and education services. . Proposals to set up' draft counseling services were ap- ' proved by the Priests' Senates of the Dubuque archdiocese and the Des Moines diocese. In "addition to setting up the information and education services, the Dubuque senate voted' to send a statement to draft boards in northeast Iowa indicating the several acceptable positions of conscience a Roman Catholic can take concerning war. Only. orie priest-senator. voted against the proposal. , The Des Moines senate took similar steps, including approval of a statement to be sent to draft boards in the. southwestern diocese of Iowa.' .' • f • , .... • ..::.... ._. •.... ..........,.. ..'.' ~

items that most' women enjoy owning but, in most cas~s, hesitate to buy for themsefves. If it's·a toss-up between a luxu~ious robe for yourself or your toddler's new shoes, I'm afraid there's very little choice and and even' if the decision isn't quite as black and white as that choice, just the fact that most loungewear it~ms fall into the category of luxury, rather than necessity, may put them beyond the budget of most priceconscious housewives. However, just because they would he$itate to buy them for themselves, doesn't mean that these same women wouldn't· .adore getting one as a gift.

Mr. & Mrs. William Brady


Mr. & Mrs. George Wright Mr. & Mrs. Walter O'Brien Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Martin William Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Frederick D. Cole Dr. & Mrs. John S. Machado Helen & 'Margaret Gamble Rosemary Quinn

LOS. ANGELES (NC) - :Los Angeles' Archbishop. 'Timothy Manning urged Catholics here to pray the rosary daily as a prime expression of reverence to' the Blessed Mother "the ultimate' .sign of orthodoxy." $27.50 Urging that special prayers to A Friend Mary be offered for priests, , $25 Archbis'1op'Manning urged, "Let Mr. & Mrs: Carlos Alves, Mi". every home have :.l shrine housing her image decorated with & Mrs. T.P; Keeping "Sr., Mary flower and light, around wrich Sheerin, Mr. &'Mrs. Luke Haran . Mr.' & Mrs. Ernest Simmons. the family may .gather with Mrs. Anne DeMello, Olivia M. guests and neighbor.'" I Luiz, Mr. & Mr1? George O'Hara The archbishop's request ap- Jr.,:Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ponte .. peared in a pastoral letter 'that Judge & Mrs. August C. ;Fav:: instructed all parishes 'and ,reli- eini,·Mr. & Mrs. Armando Borges giouscommunities in the arch- . Mr. & Mrs; .Ernest' Santos, Mr. & diocese to hold holy hours on, Mrs. Frank J. Mello, Mr.:& Mrs. the first Sunday of May. The Nelson Cleveland . " ' pastoral emphasized that the ms- . .' Mr..·& Mrs. Victor Ladetto, Mr. · ary had not been .discredited: & Mrs. Vincent, Hayes, 'Mr. & · "despite the learning of the wise Mrs. Charles Nunes,',Mr;'Bi Mrs.. on1e_s. H .~ ._~_ ".; . ".' t" Edward Doyle,. Mr..&"Mr~. Eu''''i


gene Caron Shirley Perry, Mrs. Mary Perry Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Caron, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Coleman, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Maher . Mr..& Mrs. Joseph A. Frasier, Mr. & Mrs. Francis S. Winsper, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Svlvia, Mrs Isaac Dawson, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dwyer Mrs Dorothy Horan, The Johnson Family, Mrs. Helen Collopy, Mrs. Luke McCrohan,' Francis Mahoney .

Attleboro ST. THERESA

$125 Rev. Roger L. Gagne

$60 Mr. ,& Mrs. Michael Arata

$50 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gillan' $40 Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Blythe

$35 Robert Whitaker

$25 Confraternity of Christian Mothers, Mr. Linus Gignac,Mr. & Mrs. Roland Cote, Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Lariviere, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tomlinson Mr. & Mrs. Aldie Grenier, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Girard, Mr. & Mrs. John Casserly Mr. & Mrs. Lee Casper, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. George Tedino, Mr. & Mrs. George . Busby, Mrs. Marilyn Bazinet

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Charles Lindberg & Mrs. Frank Lopes & Mrs. Philip McEntee & Mrs. Harry Robbins & Mrs. Gordon Oliosi & Mrs. Maurice Savage & Mrs. Richard Dobbins

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Victor Gosselin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bonvie, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Stetson Griffith, Mr. &. Mrs. Robert Studley Dorothy Pina, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Dias, Mrs. Francis Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Monteiro; Mr. & Mrs. August Lopes Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Oliva, Mrs. F. V. Lips, Mr. & Mrs. John Enos, Mr. & Mrs.' Richard GauVin, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Landry, Herbert Dam, Gerard Monte, Mr. & Mrs. Samson, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kleindienst Charles Ehmann Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Zlogar, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Eno, In Memory of James Tamagini, Mr. & Mrs. John GiQbons .. Mr.. & Mrs. Melvin Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Bedard, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Todesco, Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Joy, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dechene Lt. Col. & Mrs.' V. E. Lind!?Iom, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Ellis, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Verrier, Mr. & Mrs. James McMahon, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Payton Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sheehan, Mrs. Veron~ca Pye, Mr. & Mrs-. Patrick Nee, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ellis, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Day Mr. & Mrs. Emiliano Gavazza, Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Cristofori, Mrs. Charles Cahoon, Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Garneau, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cardoza . Mr. & Mrs. Taft Zea"y, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene McCabe, Catherine Bowen, M~. & Mrs. Joseph Scully, Mrs. Charles Fuller The MacCormack Family, Mrs. Martha Monaghan, Mrs. Mary Burchill & son Donald, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wenzel, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Perry Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ehmann, Ida Monteiro

Special School Outings, Group Offer, $4. per Student Offer includes: Special Luncheon, Swimming Pool admission and Free Rides All Day. Additional details, Call Mr. Conrad FerIa: (401) 737-S000,Collect.

THE ANCHORThurs., May 14, 1970

Terror and Confusion Often


Usher in Each Morni.ng

HOLY GHOST $600 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Castro $500 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kelliher $325 Rev. Stephen J. Downey $200 Mr. & Mrs. George Carey $150 Dr. & Mrs. John Lonergan $100 Rev. Robert F. Kirby Mr. & Mrs. Constant Poholek $50 Raymond Brousseau Marjorie Castro Anita Amado Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lorden Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Nunes Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pelletier

By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick With all the striking and boycotting that has. been going on lately, I'm surprised that no one has struck to abolish mornings. I, for one, certainly feel that we should see what can be done about starting the day off after noontime. Without a doubt, it would give us all a new pel's flying and the only calm of the family was Snowperspective on the day. My' member ball. own personal morning starts If anyone hears of a group about 6:15 - an un-Godly hour any way you look at it but if you are anything like me and you like to start the morning with reading the headlines in the morning paper, then it demands the stamina of Hercules and the tolerance of Lincoln, plus the optimism of one of the saints. At their best, the headlines do nothing for your digestion and at their bleakest, they are enough to send you back to bed for the next 20 years. Breakfast Problems

-, i

working to abolish mornirgs please contact this columnist.


In the Kitchen The recipe for these easy, but tasty bars was given to me by my student trainee from Bridgewater College, Mr$. Michael Barboza of Holy Name Parish in Fall River. Sheilah, who is a new bride,- finds these a sure-fire husband pleaseI'. Magic Cookie Bars

Y2 cup

(1 stick) butter or margarine, 'melted When one finally recovers 1 Y2 cups graham cracker crumbs from the effects of the latest 1 cup (6 oz. package) semiworld news, if that's possible, sweet chocolate pieces breakfast still has to be faced 1 t.6 cup flaked coconut and there's something about this l'h cup condensed milk time of the morning that truly 1) Pour melted butter or marstymies my gourmet urges. Some garine into the bottom of a 13 x mornings are made for leisurely 9 x 2 inch pan. brenkfasts but others are "cold" 2) Sprinkle crumbs' evenly' cereal mornings and best gotten over the melted butter or marthrough as quickly as possible. garine. Invariably, if you do plan a fair3) Sprinkle the nuts evenly ly decent "well-balanced" break- over the crumbs. fast that's just the morning no 4) Scatter the chocolate pieces one feels like eating. over the nuts. Things' don't really get hectic 5) Sprinkle the coconut evenhowever until after breakfast ly over the choc::olate pieces. and then utter chaos reigns. 6) Pour the sweetened con"Where's my schoolboolt, I've densed milk evenly over the cojust got to do my homework." Conut. (By this time it's seven o'clock.), 7) Bake in a 350' oven 25 "Homework!" is the' ··parental' miutes or ((HllJ\1 "',ip~,tly, browned retort fl',0in 'l)ot1'l" Jde'''and Me. on top. Coo)' me pan' 15 min"Why didn't· you do that· last utes. night?" The answer to this is generally that age old retort-"r forMansfield got." ST. MARY'S Bathroom Routine $150 St. Vincent de Paul Society None of this, however is as $80 upsetting as the "bathroom rouA Friend tine" that we encounter every $50 morning. (We do have a second Miuy & Alice Donoghue bathroom that was built with Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Gasson much inconvenience not to Mr. & Mrs. Eugene .Britton mention exp~nse) but for some $31 reason or other the kids prefer Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Bulla Jr. our bathroom. It must be their $30 desire for' togetherness.) The Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sullivan other morning in a five by eight Mr. & Mrs. Frank Prohodsky foot bathroom, Meryl was brush$25 ing her teeth, Joe was trying to Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mahoney, comb his hair, r was brushing Mr. & Mrs. Edward Finn, Mr. & Melissa's hair and Snowball our Mrs. Ralph Sarro, Mr. & Mrs. cat was nursing her four off-, Fred Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. William spring under our feet-(that par- Gorman ticular day she had decided that Mr. & Mrs. George, Farnun, the downstairs bathroom was Rose Servais. Mr. & Mrs. Brad the place they should reside. . Dauphinee, Mrs. Rockina Calallo Needless· to say, it wasn't long & Family, William Jackson, Mr. before nerves were frayed, tem- & Mrs. James Vaughan


NEW YORK (NC)-Qne of the nation's most liberal abortion laws will go into effect here on July 1. But the New York City Council may add at least one stipulation-a seven-month residency requirement. "The State Legislature has spoken on the subject of abortion and the debate is closed," said Councilman Bertram R. Gelfand, the Bronx Democrat who introduced the residency bill. But he said the City Council had aa responsibility to make sure the 18 municipal hospitals and over 50 voluntary hospitals, which city funds help support, "are operated for the benefit of the residents of New York City."


LAITY RECOGNIZED: With the increase of the, number of lay teachers in the Catholic school systems throughout the nation, members of the laity were also recognized for their dedication in the field of education. Among the religious recipients honored were: Sr. lia, FMM. of St. Anthony's Convent, Fall River and Mother Theresa of Jesus, OP. of St. Catherine's Convent,' Fall River, while Miss Nancy Walsh of Dominican Academy, Fall River was among the mem~ers of laity'receiving the Marian Medal.


Residency Requirement. For A.bortion Asked


Centerville OUR LADY OF VICTORY $200 Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. McCaffery $100 Rev. Edward$50 E. Correia ..J Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Acton Mrs. Robert Blodgett $35 Joseph Cairns $30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kovic $25 John Anderson, Mr. & Mrs.:j Valmore Guertin, Mr. & Mrs. W. Hetterman, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bearse Mrs.' Wray Lockwood, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paradise, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Silvestri


North Attleboro

ST. MARY'S $450 Rev. Thomas F. Daley $300 Kilburil Glass Industries, Inc. $103 St. Vincent de Paul Society John F., Gomes $50 . Mr & Mrs Joseph E. Fernandes Mr. &.Mrs. Anthony T. Pires Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fons'eca Mr. & Mrs. Charles Drane Anonymous '.J " , Ariolwmous '-.. ' Mr. & .!VIt;?/,Jose,· f:l'!rnande~ Mr. & Mrs. 'Michael J. Murphy $25 Mr. & Mrs. Charles BlomeI', Mrs. Homer Paulus, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Vital, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wichland Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bryant, Sr. John Drane, Mr. & Mrs. William V. Flaherty. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gallagher, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Medeiros. Mr. & Mrs. George Sabourin, Beatrice Paquette, Roland Paquette, Mr. & Mrs. Felix Yarusites, Anonymous, Anonymous Mary Cronin, Mr. & Mrs. John Norton, Mr. & Mrs. James Powers, Mr. & Mrs. John Ribeiro, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sabourin Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Teixeiro Jr., George Yelle

ST. MARY'S $400 Rev. James F. Kenney $75 Mr. & Mrs. Levesque & Family $50 A Friend Mr. & Mrs. John Collins Mr. & Mrs. Francis McNally Mr. & Mrs Robert A. Wessman $40 . Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Atwill $35 Mr. & Mrs. August Funke .. $30 Mr. & Mrs. Rohert Carvalho $25 Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Redding, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dupras, Mr. & Mrs. George Bankert, Mildred Leary Mr. & Mrs. Albert O'Heir, Irene Smith, Walter McCann, Mr. & Mrs. George Morse Jr. Major Margaret W. Condon (USA Ret.) Mr. & Mrs. Walter Szewczykowski Alice Mullaney Mr. & Mrs. Herbert R. Snell Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Cinq-Mars

Seekonk MOUNT CARMEL $250 Rev. William J. Shovelton $100 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Smith $35 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Olean $25 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel W. DeMattos Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lyons Mr. & Mr~. Anthony Venditti


Mr. & Mrs. James McAndrews Mr. & Mrs. Luigi Pinocoli Mrs. Madeline Turley $35 Mary Sullivan $30 Mr.. & Mrs. Edward Amesbury $25 Jean GaUigan, Malcolm Fales, Mr. & Mrs. Guy Detellis, Mr. & Mrs. Mert.on Churchill, Daniel Carvalho, Mrs. Manuel Carvalho Bernard Gaiandrella, Mr & Mrs Norman Boivin, John Bergeron, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Tremblay, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sullivan Walter Sanford, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rizzardini, Henry Quinter, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pistolese Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Leon O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Minor, Edward R. Milligan Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Mercier Loretta, Jennie, Eleanor McCann, Joseph Luerken. Lavallee Family, Mrs. Parry Laird, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hoag Mr. & Mrs. John Haves, Mr. & ' Mrs. Robert Geddes, Mrs. ManlIel Soares, Mr. & Mrs. George A:udette, Mr: & Mrs. William Adair Antone Dias Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Aguiar, Mr. & Mrs. William IIkowitz, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lincoln, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Pimental, Mr. & Mrs Charles Balser



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,HE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 14, 1970




OUR LADY OF LOURDES $400 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Knaus' $100 A Friend $50 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Peters Jr. $40 Massasoit Trailer Park $35 A Friend $30 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kelley 'Jr. $25, Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Cardinal, Mr. & Mrs.. Clifford DeLory, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Doucette, Mrs. Doris Eaton, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Filliman \" Mr. & Mrs. Norman Gill, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur F. Joseph, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Remy, John Sherwin, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Silva

$550 Corpus Christi-St. Theresa's St. Vincent de Paul Society $300 . 'Rev. William F. Morriss $100 Mr. & Mrs. Fred O. Earle Mr. & Mrs. John McDonald $75 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ellis $50 Mr. & Mrs. George Campbell Mr. & Mrs. James Bazzinotti Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Caron Mr. & Mrs. Herbert A. Hamlen MacDonald's Hardware Store Mr. & Mrs. John Wilson . $40 Mr. & Mrs. J0seph Jacinto $35 Mr. & Mrs. Michael McNamara Mr. & Mrs. William E. Tyback $30 -. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Alvezi Lawrence Balboni Mr. & Mrs. John Bulla Mr. & Mrs. W. Har.vey Chapin Corpus Christi Women's Guild Mr. & Mrs. Bernard DiPietro Mrs. James Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. George Mooney Mr. & Mrs. William O'Connell Mrs. Charles Prete Mrs. Charles Russell Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sawyer The Shanahan Family Mrs. Charles Whitmore $25 Arnold's Package Store, Mr. & Mrs. James Boles, Mrs. Christopher Brady, Mr. & Mrs. John .clinton, Mr. .& Mrs. William Daley Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Roland DeConto, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Downing, Mr. & Mrs. James Earle, Mr. & Mrs. Dante Gallerani Mr. & Mrs. Milton Garvin; Mr. & Mrs. Milton Geltz _Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Justin George. Mr. & Mrs. John Gillis, Mr. & Mrs. Amedeo Goneila Mrs. Albert J. Govoni, Mr. & Mrs. James Hamlen, Ellsworth Hawkes, Mrs. A. Cleveland Jones Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kohn Mr. & Mrs. Richard Latimer, Mr. & Mrs. John MacQuade, Rose Maley Mr. & Mrs. Harvey A. Magnant, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Manning, Mr. & Mrs. John McArdle Mrs. Nan McCann. Mr. & Mrs. Norman McEnaney, Dr. Sylvest~r McGinn, Mr. & Mrs. Charles McHugh, Mrs. Erwin Metcalf . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Milliken, The Montague I"amily, Mr & Mrs George Monte, Mrs. R. Sherman Morgan, Grace F. Morrill Mr. & Mrs. George Murray, George Ortolani, Mary Ortolani, Edward Parent Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Parks, Mr. & Mrs. William Parks, Mr. & Mrs Luigi Pasquale, Mr & Mrs Donald Philbrick, Mrs. Chester Rich Mr. & Mrs. J. Louis Roberti,' Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rondelli, Mrs Ann Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. James Sutton, Mr. & Mrs. Dante Tassinari, Mrs. Edgar Tolmie Mrs. Lillian Tully

,Westport ST. GEORGE

$250 George Considine $60 St. Vincent de Paul Conference $40 Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Stebenne Mr. & Mrs. Joel D. Sunderland Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wilcox $28 Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Picard $25 Mr. & Mrs. Almedor Houle, Claire Magnant, Mr. & Mrs. Roland P. McGee, St. George Wo-men's Guild, Westport Package ~tore, Mr. & Mrs.' Major Wheelock

PRINCIPALS AMONG RECIPIENTS: Sr. Zita Foley, RSM., of Nazareth Hall, 'Hyannis; Sr. Mary Rose, RSM. and Sr. Mary Fidelis, RSM, both of Mt. St. Mary's, Fall River and former principals of Holy Family High School, New Bedford; Sr. Charles Francis, RSM. present. prinicipal of Holy Family High.


OUR LADY -OF THE ISLlE' Mr. & Mrs. Victor Adams, Mrs. $125 Joseph Daniel , Mr. & Mrs. T. Hartigan, Mr. Rev. James P. Dalzell & Mrs. A. J. Mathis, Mr. & Mrs. $50 A Friend John E. Sullivan Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Mr & Mrs Charles P. Flanagan William Adams, Mr. & Mrs. $35 Francis Butler A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Richard Curley, $32 Mr. & Mrs. J: Keelon, Dr. & Mrs. The Hamblin Family Edwin Mroz, Mr. & Mrs. J. Nor$30 man Fitzgerald, Mr. & 'Mrs. AlMrs. Grace Klingecfuss fred Giberti Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Harris , Dr. & Mrs. John F. Shea, Mr. Grace M. Henry & Mrs. Louis McMurrer, Mr. & Mrs. Ursula Holdgate Mrs. Paul Cote, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Rolf Sjolund , Ralph Shea, Zilpha Wright Mr. & Mrs. Francis McGarv~y Mrs. Leo Flaherty, Mr. & Mrs. $25 James Shields A ~Friend Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Devine Pocasset Mrs. William Reith Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lamb ST. JOHN Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell Deacon '~ $150 Mr. & Mrs. Adam Mastai, Mr. Mr. ,& Mrs. John Greenhalgh & Mrs. Daniel Murphy, Mr. ~ $100 Mrs. Howard Laundry, St. Mary's Mr. & Mrs. William Carr Conference-St. Vincent de PaOI , $50' Society, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Haley Mr.. & Mrs. George Denmark Mr. & Mrs. Byron Snow, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Perrault Mrs. Jeremiah Towhill, iVlr. & Mr. & Mrs. Earl MacDonald Mrs. John Santos Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Louis MacArthur Albert Brock, Mr. & Mrs Thomas' Mr. & Mrs. Martin Lawless McAuley, Mr & Mrs Albert Brock $30 Mr., & Mrs. Charles Annis, Anonymous' Helen Hull, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph $28 Dooley, James M. Wherry, Mr, Mr.& Mrs. Raymond Lucier & Mrs. Edmund Pollard: $25 Mr. & Mrs. John M. ,Coady, Mr. &: Mrs. Charles Blais, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stackpole , & Mrs. Fred Dunbury, Mr. & Mrs Morris Reynolds, Mr & Mrs Fred Comings, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo DiOsterville Modica ASSUMPTION Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Reyonlds, Mr. $500 Our Lady of the Assumption & Mrs. Charles Sturges, Mr. & Women's Guild ' Mrs. Joseph Whalen, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Turner St.. Vincent 'de Paul Council Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Louis $250 DeCicco, Mrs. Mary Murphy, Rev. Clarence P. Murphy " 'Capt. ,& Mrs. John O'Connor, Mr. $100 ' & Mrs. John McHugh Mr. & Mrs. John Reilly Rev. Hugh J. Munro, Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Shea East Falmouth Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cain Mr. & Mrs. John Shields ST. ANTHONY Charles Desmarais $300 $75 In Memory of Manuel Amaral Judge & Mrs. Philip Boudreau' Sr. $50 $150 Margaret Sheehan A Friend Mr. & Mrs. J. Callahan Jr. Sf-Anthony's St. Vincent de Mr. & Mrs. George Trumbour Paul Dr. & Mrs. Charles Haskell $50 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Snyder In Memory of Mr, & Mrs. AnMrs. Preston Wright tone S. Lopes $35 Edward T. Mello ·Mr. & Mrs. Sherwood Tondorf T. & T. Builders $31 $30 Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Munroe & Mr. & Mrs. Theophilus Oliveira Jerry III Mrs. Beatrice Emerald $30 $25 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Coombs St. Anthony's Council of CathMrs. Andre O'Brien i olic Women, Tony Andrews, Dr. Mr. & Mrs. John Bowes & Mrs. Charles Tavares, Mr. & $25 Mrs. Arthur Ciambelli Mr. & "Mrs. Charles Cassidy, Mr. & Mrs. John Botello; ThomReverse Result as Lyons, Mrs. Rose Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Driscoll The man whose only aim is to John F. Shea, Mr. & Mrs. jo- get to the top usually Winds up seph P. Alduino, Marie Bruton, at the bottom. -Glasow I


$150 Sacred Hearts Fathers . ' $100' James Gormley Association of the Sacred Hearts Saint Vincent de Paul Society $75 John Mohyde $50 Wilbur Harfshorn William Bqdden .Chatham Trust Co. Cecile Doelger George Killen John Martin Dr. Jacques May William Pumphret Anonymous $40 Mrs. Walter Rogers Emily Judge Orick Young $35 John Roy $32 John Speight $30 William Cotter Lawrence Frawley Elvira Greer Freeman Phillips Jr. $25 James Andrews, Francis Archibald,Donat Barabe, Sergius Bernard, Alfred Bowles Arthur Brent, James Cronin, Frank Devlin, Carl Doelger, Frank Dresser Chester Eldredge, Kenneth Eldredge, Evangeline Eldridge, Joseph E. Geser, Alexander Griffin . Richard Griffin, Thomas J. Haley, Mrs. James Jackson, Marion Kane, R.R. Lally John Loftus, Frank Maloney, Daniel Marini, Martin Family, Elizabeth Norton Vivian O'Connell, Florence Reilly, Joseph Ropulewis, Alfred Sankus, George Smith Thomas Sparks, Patrick Sullivan, Friend, Anonymous

ST. PATRICK'S $150 Rev. John J. Regan $110 Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert J. Noonan $100 Mr. & Mrs. William Brennan Atty. & Mrs. Patrick McDonT'ell Mrs. Michael Ames $75 Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Flynn $50 Mrs. Max Cohen Loretta Doucette Mrs. Eileene M. Finnell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Miskell Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Olenick Mr. & Mrs. Melvin E. Dolan Meribah Stanton . $40 Mr. & Mrs. Nestor Robidou $35 Mr. & Mrs. Lee Bourgoin Dr. & Mrs. Norman Starosta Mr. & Mrs. John R. Martin $30 Mr. "& Mrs. Edward Augustyniak Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Martin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Costa Mr. & Mrs. Manuel P. Lopes $25 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Buguey. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Battee, Mr. ~ Mrs. John Bizzozero, Mrs. Charlotte Ciummei . In Memory of Edith Carriuolo, Margaret Cassidy, Mrs. James Cassidy, Major & Mrs. Bernard Flpry, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Glista Mrs. Bertram Haddon, Mrs. William Hewins, Mrs. Elena Hermann, Mr. & Mrs. A. Kaspar, Mr. & Mrs. John Kelliher Edward Loyko, James Q Lyons Mr. & Mrs. James McCabe. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Makely, Mr. & Mrs. John L. Maloy . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martin Jr., Mrs. JO~!'lph Miskell Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Wallace T; Pierce, Mrs. J:' Arthur Powers, Mr. ~ Mrs. Charles Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Reeves, Robert Campbell Swanson, Mrs. John P. Sylvia Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Edward Studley Mr. & Mrs. John DeMello, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Horman, George Morin, Mrs. Robert Lloyd, Mr. & Mrs. David Peterson Loretta McKeon, Mary McKeon, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Rebello, Mr. &. Mrs. Elmer Ross Mr. & Mrs. William J. Goss, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hazelton, Mrs. Bernard O'Hayre, Mr. & Mrs. George J. Sharpe, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Stanton Mr. & Mrs. Walter Swain, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Toran

Hard to Split Virtue and decency are so nearly related that it is difficult 'to separate them from each other but in our imagination. -Cicero


Own Downfall


There was .one who thought he was above me and he was above me until he had that thought. -Hubbard



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$75 $60



Mr. & Mrs. John Smith

Rev. John A. Perry Blessing of the Fleet

$50 Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Patrick in memory of Bertha Patrick Francis Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Perry

$25 In Memory of' Dr. Francis Amaral, Catholic Daughters of America Court No. 851, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Cook Jr.. Mr. & Mrs Warren Costa, Elizabeth & Charles DeRiggs Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Dirsa, Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Hiebert. Mr. & Mrs Eugene Poyant, Mrs Mary Rowe, Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel J. Souza


$100 Mr. & Mrs. James Hobert

$75 Atty. & Mrs. Joseph Beecher

$65 E. Thomas Murphy

$50 Mrs. Arthur Archer

$30 Mrs. Joseph Thomas Mr. & Mrs. George Silva

$25 Atty. Charles McGrath, Mr. & Mrs.' Theodore Holmes, Mr. & Mrs. John Flaherty, Mr. & Mrs. Everett Bisbee, Mrs. Richard Donaghue Agnes O'Neil, Alfred Giangrande, W. F. Pillion, Mr. & Mrs. Asa H. Stanley, Mr. & Mrs. John Barrows Mr. & Mrs. Normand Nault, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McManus


$75 Mrs. Charles McCarthy Sr.

$55 Mary Buckley

$50 Helen Derby Mr. & Mrs. Philip Connelly Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gallagher Mrs. Francis D. Mone

$30 Thomas Fagan

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cox, Mrs. Wilfred C. Jutras, Mrs. Margaret Watt Mr. & Mrs. Francis Cardarella, Mr. & Mrs. George A. Carter Jr., Mrs. Eugene Geldart, Mrs. Daniel Kent, Albert E. LaRosee Mary K. Linehan, Mrs. Anna C. Loud, McCarthy Coal Co.

Raynham ST. ANN

$100 A Friend of Catholic Charities

$50 Richard Ouimet Joseph Nardozzi Thomas Ross

$35 Barbara O'Brien Thomas Coughlin

$30 Leo Landgraf Dorothy Walford

$25 Mary McGrath, Robert Gilmore James Mulvey, Manuel Gomes, David O'Connor Mr. & Mrs. Walter O'Brien Elmer Sargent

Sou th Easton HOLY CROSS

$100 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kairys Holy Cross Parish Men's Club

$75 St. Vincent de Paul SocietyHoly Cross Parish


Dr. & Mrs. Earl McLoud Mrs. Jennie Overton Mr. & Mrs. James Jones Mr. & Mrs. John Pils

$260 Dr. & Mrs. John E. Fenton $150 Mr. & Mrs. Wm. J. Fenton $100 Mr. & Mr. Louis Gilchrist St. Mary's Women's Guild

$40 Mr. & Mrs. Hugh O'Brien



Christopher Brophy Mr. & Mrs. Leo Schleicher


$25 Joseph Gill, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hegarty, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. David Gomes, 'Mr. & Mrs. Richard Chassey Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Pietrowski, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Brophy, Robert Kane, Dr. & Mrs. Walter Judge, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Dolloff Mr. & Mrs. Albert Fleury, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gentile, Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Berry, Margaret Brophy, Mr: & Mrs. Paul Brophy Mr. & Mrs. William Higgins, Mrs. John Toomey, Robert Connors, Mr. & Mrs. James Lyons, FINAL LECTURIE OF SERIES AT SMU: Participants in the BishFrancis Welsh op Connolly Lecture Series concludin'g program, conducted at Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Gaziano, . SMU, "'!ere; Anthony J. John, faculty adviser to Newman Club; Mr. & Mrs. Seneca Stone Rev. Vincent Dwyer, guest speaker; Rev. Harold Wilson, assistant at St. Patrick's Church, Fall River; William Baker, Newman Taunton Club president at SMU. ST. JACQUES



Rev. Msgr. Alfred J. Gendreau

$100 Rev. Roland Bousquet Rev. Andre P. Jussaume

$75 Matthew Bury

$50 Mrs. Leona Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. Francis Guay & Laureat Maurice Larocque Raymond Nolin Roland Pelletier

$35 Roland Auclair Maurice Riendeau Sr. Wesley Schondek

$30 Claire Hamel Roger Parent Henry Perra Jr.

$25 Bilodeau Family, Gerard Bonenfant, Adelard Carbonneau, Camille Dimis, Arthur Dowd Rodolphe Dusseault, Dr. & Mrs Fernand Hamel, Regina ,Hebert, Laura Jarry, George Mador Leo Murphy. Eva Nolin, Agnes Edna Riley, Charles Rocheleau, Wallace Lee Taylor, Henri Vaillancourt Joseph Donnelly, Rita Parent, ST. ANTHONY

$275 Rev. Msgr. Maurice Souza

$125 Rev. Antonio do Silva

, $75

St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Anthony's Church of Taunton

$60 Cora Smith

$50 Mary' Enos Francis Pacheco

$30 Edward Martin $26 Joseph R. Amaral

$25 Candida Abreau, John Abreau Joseph Abreau, Anibal Antunes, John Coelho Daniel Costa, Laurentina Craven, Louis Dansereau, Antone de Souza; Frank Duarte Joseph Gula. Robert Hartung, Frank King, John Lopes, Maria Macedo William Martin, Joseph Mastromarino, Arthur Noia, Francis Rego, Edward Semas Ferdinando Sousa, Mary Vales, , Frank Vaz, Joseph Vaz , Lawrence Fontes, Maria Figueiredo, Joaquim Camara, ,Frederick Barker, Frank Lewis Antonio Gaspar, Antone Perry, Leonard Rocha. Maria Silva, James T. Thomas




Rev. Msgr. Leo J. Duart


THE ANCHORThurs.; May ] 4, 1970

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dray


$700 Rev. Msgr. Joseph C. Canty

$100 St. Paul's Holy Name' Society Mr. & Mrs. Matthew McCarty

$250 Franciscan Father-s, OFM Conv


Mrs. Wesley Grand-

& Mrs. John Connors & Mrs. Leo A. Leroux & Mrs. Edward Roster

$35 Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Silva Mrs. Francis J. Tummon

$30 Olivia Giannini Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Witschey


$100 Mrs. Joseph H. Martin

$25 Edward T. Julian; Thaddeus & June Strojny, Mr. & Mrs. Marcellus Lemaire Richard Januse, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Tokarz, Mr. & Mrs. John Kokoska, Holy Rq~ary Sodality

Germans Aid ESSEN (NC)-:-This country's Catholics contributed a record amount of $13.5 million in 1969 for aid to the Church in Latin America. The figure was announced at a meeting here of the steering committee of Adveniat, the German Catholic aid agency for the Church in Latin America. Most of the money was collected at Christmas midnight Masses last December.

...... .

$25 Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. James Cleary, Helen R. Dahill, Maribeth Dahill, Mary Donahue Anna Drinkwater, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Frazier, Katherine Hern, Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. J. LaPre Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Lewis, Leslie McNulty, Mary McNulty, Judge & Mrs. Frank Smith

Best of Everything All I want of the world is very little. I only want the best of everything" and there is so little of that. -Arlen





$35 $31

Mr. & Mrs. Real Samson $25 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dewey, Francis Cronan, Eugene Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Belanger, Allan Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. John T. Mahoney, The Gorman Family, Mrs. Frank Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Scully _ Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Duarte, Mr. & Mrs. William Andrade, Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Pierce, Mrs. Alice Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Correia Mr. & Mrs. Evans Lava, Mr. & Mrs. John Goldrick, Mr. & Mrs. Rene St. Yves

Taunton Co-Operative Bank Announces Higher Interest for Savers


Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Santos


$30 Mr. & Mrs. John Dubena Mr. & Mrs. Russell Woodward

Mr. & Mrs. William Scully Dr. & Mrs. William Donahue

$30 Robert J. Hill D. J. Sullivan $25 Miss M. Barrington, Margaret & Elizabeth Brady, Mr. W. Carney, Mr. R. H. Cormier, Miss R. Dias Dr. Anthony Elias, Mr. F. Gemme, Mrs. F. Gemme, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lehan, Miss M. Leonard Mrs. P. H. Lyons, David H. Martin, Mr. & Mrs. J. McMorrow, Patricia Sweeney, Dennis Sweeney Mr. J. McNamara, Dr. Thomas O'Brien, Mr. J. O'Hearne, L. Palazesi, Mrs. J. Rowley Mrs. J. Sheehan, Miss H. Shove, Thaddeus M. Strojny, Andrew McBreen, J. R. Tormey, Kathleen Tormey

'Mary K. Nichols

. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Plonka

$25 Mr. & Mrs. William O'Donnell, Joseph Giannini, Mr. & Mrs. John Botellio, Eleanor Dwyer,' Mr. & Mrs. Lyman Taylor Mr. & Mrs. James Ramsey, Mr. & Mrs. Alyre Cormier, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tremblay, F. Vernon Harrica, Robert & Vivian Couto . Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Gedritis, Frank Casella, Mrs. Henry Menard & Gertrude Simpson, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Castle, Dominic Casella Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Goslin

$35 Joseph Wade



$50 Mr. mont Mr. Mr. Mr.

Dr. Edmond Fitzgerald Mrs. Albert Hoffman Dr. Normand Larocque

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· · · · · · · · · · . b · · · · · · · · •• · ••

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 14, 1970


Interno'tional Act~onf Nj'fJedea For Wo·r~d Deve~opment By Barbara Ward

The present debate about internationalizing more of the aid given for world development carries to the planetary level a change of view first worKed out inside our Atlantic.. societies. 'One of the great changes in political attitudes to take place in the 19th cen' tury within the Atlantic na- ghettoes where poor citizens' lack of skills and health and tions was a new attitude status have still to be attacked' towards the poor. During the in a sufficiently determined and years of the great Victorian, boom,' which lasted for nearly f 0 u r decades, the general at- . titude of the' wealthy and re- ., spectable classes -the people AIexander' Hamilton called "the rich and well born" - was to' argue, that if people w ere poor, it was because they were not ready to work hard and help themselves. ' The argument was not wholly irrational. For the white citizens of Europe and North: America these were times of boundless opportunity.. When a man could emigrate with his family almost .-.free .of charge across the Atlantic, when the Homestead Act' open,ed up vast stretches of free land' in 'the West, it w~s· just marginally possible to argue that people were miserable and halfstarved and out of work because they would not get up and go after the possi,ble opportunities. Admittedly, it was fairly irritating to be "lectured into thrift and continence" by eminent Vietoriail ladies born to large "'irP' vate- income~. But in those' days,. the poor were supposed t() be quiet and grateful. I

Changing Picture By the turn of the cent.!!Ty, . things were changing. The land had filled up.. Competition between the rival industrial Atlantic powers put pressure on markets and intensified the tend~ncy of the new. world, economy to grow by fits and starts, with periods of alternatirg boom and bust. And at the bottom of the . "busts'.', millions of capable, responsible, industrious" workers lost their jobs and,'with' no in-. surance and, in many lands, not· even poor relief, first· used up their savings and· then sank into semi~starved despair. The hideous uriderwodd of industrial poverty described in the later tales of Charles Dickens or the angry novels of Emile Zola portrayed a' scale of workless misery which went beyond the reach of any handouts of charity or any benevolent issue of coal and blankets by concerned duchesses. And it was involuntary worklessness. The men were trapped by the system. Only when, after the Second -World War, governments accepted direct responsibility for . employment - in' 'other words, . changed the system -:- djd this particular horror .disappear in most industrial countries. Even so, it persists· in terrible pockets of poverty such as America's

University Senate


SOUTH; ORANGE (NC)-Establishment o,f a university sen-·· ate which would give students, alumni and faculty a voice in campus affairs;' is under consideration a.t Se.t9n: Hall Univ&sity here in New Jersey. .~,



sustained way. the risk we confront in large parts of the developing world today is a comparable breakdown PROMOTION: Brother Andre of the whole system. We have a worfd market. The prosperity Cote, former tea'cher af Prevost of the wealthy Atlantic natibns . High School, Fall River has been depends in some measure on named new academic dean of their ability. to trade all .round Walsh Coliege~ Canton, 0., a t!}e world and. buy their raw co-educational ·liberal arts inmaterials from every quarter of stitution. the globe. r In the course of building' up, these planetarr exchan'ges, they Taunton have introduced public health, modern technology, some modIMMACULATE CONCEPTION ernized education' and a devel-. $325 Rev. William H. O'Reilly oped expoV trade into large parts of the developing conti-' $100 nents. Their influence, investRev. Barry W. Wall ment and· 'intervention have . Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Desrodrawn the developing countl'ies siers . into the thickening world web $85 Mr. & Mrs.l:Jenry: Wojtkunof trade, capital- "and develppment. ski . But the system is stiill largely ·$50 run from command posts in the Mr. & Mrs. William Desrosiers Atlantic world; just as the The Keliher Family American economy at the begin$45 . . ning of this century was largely Cornelius Kelly" run from the "command posts" $35 of banks and trusts on the EastMr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Flangern seaboard. . heddy' & Family S · $30 .'ystem at Fault '.' . Mr. & Mrs. 'Patrick McDerAnd, again:" as ,\,was!.,the· dlse mod": " ;, '_i;!JA ,'J<; '.' .H.! with. the domestic eGonofny:;only' )VIr. & Mrs. Timothy Taylor",;: 40 years ago,': the .'system .! as Mrs, John Me'unier such is not wor),<ing well,. or, at Mr.. & Mrs. Charles L. Kings. . least, not well enough for the bury $25 . poor. Then it was a question' ofDr. & Mrs. Armand V. Bolino, poor classes. Now it is a question of poor nations. But in both Mr. & Mrs. 'William H. Carter, cases, it is the system, not the -Allan Curley, Mr. & Mrs. Thompeople working in it, th~t, is as Curry, Matilda Cutner largely at fault. Mary Dineen, William Dineen, Over 'the .last 20 years, the Mr. '&Mrs. John P. Flaherty, developing nations have grown Mr.. & J\?,rs. William' J. Fagan, more rapidly than did the Atlan- Mary Foley tic nations a hundred years a~o. Ella Gilroy, Mr. & Mrs: RobAnd they have provided 80 per ert Glenn, Mr. & Mrs. John Hag· cent of their own capital. No gerty, Mi. & Mrs. Andrew Isaacone can say that they have been sen, Mr. & Mrs. William Jones slacking. On the" contrary, they Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ladehave never worked so hard. But bauche Mr. & Mrs. Leon Landry, the prospects' for the Seventies Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mador, Mr. are that this growth rate will & Mrs. Armand Mello, Mr. & not be sufficient to end intoler- Mrs. Thomas Mulrey able poverty for at least 30 p-er Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paulson, cent of .their people. ' M r . & Mrs. 'Silvio C. Piesco, Among these unfortunates, Marie Power, Mary B. Power, unemployment, slum dwelling, Richard Power low diets and poor health will. be Mr. & Mrs. Richar~ Rebello, .the condition of life. The world Mr. & Mrs: George Sherry market system, as we practice it Mr. &' Mrs. Charles Colton, today,. simply does not offer the Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Kiley, Mauway to a decent living for some- reen Kiley, Mr. & Mrs. Charles thing like .two billion of the McManus world's people. I Mr. & Mrs. Roger Perreault, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Silvia Jr. Need New' Ways OURLAD'y OF LOURDES Hand-outs by nations-foreign aid, technical assistance-lessen $125 the. misery a little. So did 'the Rev. Msgr. E.' S. de Mello Victorian duchesses. But· t~ey $60 do not cure it. For a cure, we Dr. & Mrs. David F. Gouveia must look to. new ways of run$40 ning our total world systet:n. We Mr. & Mrs. James P. Silvia must use aid and investment and $30 trade' in a' concerted strategy Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pere rather as, modern governments Mr. & Mrs. Adeline Paule use overall budgetary and eco$25 M & M nomic policy to keep the economy 'steady, growing ande,m-' . r. rs. John P. Baptiste, ployed.' ! . St. Vincent de Paul Society, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Pimental; Mr. & This can only be done by' qm- Mrs. JamesO'Gara, Antone Gray certed international action. And Mr. & Mrs.' 'Francis Cardoza, this is. why more and more ex- Mr. & Mrs. Albert G. Meitoza, perts want an internatiomll (Ie- .. Robert Mendes, Mr. & Mrs. Ed· ward S.· France' velopment strategy:

Arthur J. Andrews, Carroll Gift Shop, Mr. & Mrs. Richard MulMOLY TRINITY cahy Mrs. Nellie Raneo, Mr. & Mrs. $100 Judge & Mrs Eugene A .Hudson George Sweeney, Mrs. Adelaide Messenger, Edward Maguire, WilMr. & Mrs. Russell Brennan Mr. & Mrs Daniel B. Thompson liam F. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. MacIver Mr.. & Mrs. John Raneo, Mr. Catherine M. Griffin & .Mrs. Joaquim Pena, Mrs. El$60 vira Baptista, Mrs. Amy CarbonMr. & Mrs. Theodore Berghaus neau, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Egan • Mr. & Mrs. William Derwin; $50 Mrs. Mary Grant, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wales Thomas Peterson, Mr'. Mary PierGertrude Gibbs sail' Mrs. Joyce M. C9ffin, Mr. & Raymond J .. Rioux Mrs. James "Athy, Dr.. & Mrs. Betty & Marion Halbritter David Doherty, James Connor, $31 ' Mr. & Mrs. John Gonsalves Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Brady, Mr. & Mrs. John J. McCarte $30 Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Lavedan, Catherine, Mary, Rose Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Taylor, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. John Lopes & Mrs. Amos Leyton. Mr. & Mrs. Mary A. Cummings Harold McKenna, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Chester Powers Frank Ball Mr. & Mrs. T. Harry Long . $25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gilmette, Mr. & Mrs. Isaiah Kelley, Mr. Mrs. Charles Geoghagan, Mr. & & Mrs. Arthur Frost, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Norman Dagenais, Joel Dean Garfield, Mr. & Mrs. Les-' Cloud, Mrs. Gladys Zinkevich , Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Barry, Mr.' He St. George, Mrs. Charles Cole& Mrs. Dennis ·Duggan. Mr. & man Mr. & Mrs. .Courtney Chase, Mrs. Albert Davenport, The John Mrs. Joan Mason; Mr. & Mrs. Mullins Family

West Harwich



·Make. Your Gift A Living Memorial Do you have an approaching birthday in your family? An anniversary? Wedding? Ordination? Graduation? Are you look. . ing for that extra special remembrance? Have you had a death .in your family, or among your relatives or friends. or in the military? Are you searching for some meaningful way, to express your sympathy as well as your desire to secure a lasting. memorial for a loved one? ' Memorial Cards from The Society for the Propagation of the Faith can be the perfect answer to these needs. What are these cards? They are a sign' of your donation, given in another's name, to the worldwide missions of the Church.' The' offering you make will immediately be. on its way to t,he missions-helping to build a chapel or educate a native priest or restore a school or provide needed medicine-whatever is most urgently needed. Your gift, on behalf of the living or deceased, will be a pledge of your lov,e:,and concern for the missionary a,ctiyjt)f,"l?t,\th~:,~,hqrc~f'l" ,l, :.r,!, . .'<~;. \i " , ••• .Attractively designed, ~f;MORIAL CRRt5~/l cOme ·'1t!·a Ylla~'lt­ some folder.. with accompanying mailing envelope," There .is" 'a choice of four photo-prints: Pope Paul VI, the Crucifixion (Salvator Dali), Pieta (Michelangelo), and Madonna and Child; and two certificates: for the living or for the deceased. Remembrance certificates bear the words: "In your nam~ a generous gift has been donated· by (YOUR NAME) as a living memorial to be used in the worldwide mission work of the Society. This act of Charity unites you to the love, work and .prayers of the lJIissionaries of the Church, and the poor whom they serve." Memorial certificates read:· "In memory of (NAME) a generous gift has been donated by (YOUR NAME) as a living memorial to be used in the world· wide mission. work of the Society. Your' loved one is thus embraced in the love, work and prayers of all the missionaries of the Church, and the poor .of the world wnom they serve." MEMORIAL CARDS are available through the National Office or through your local Director of the Propagation of the. Faith. (See address below). I

Dear Father: Please send me



Enclosedis my donation in the amount of $

(A $2.00

minimum offering is suggested). photo-prints: . certificates:

o o o

Pope Paul VI

D'Maddonna and Child


0 Crucifixion


0 Deceased


, : : , : : , ,

SALVATION AND SERVICE are the .work of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Please cut out this column and send your offering to Right Reverend Edward T. O'Meara, National Director,- Dept. C., 366 Fifth Ave, New York, N~Y. 10001 or directly to your local Diocesan Dir~ctor. The Rt: Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720










,, ,,: :







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.... Clayton Russell, A Friend, Mary & Eleaneor Sullivan, Mrs. ST. LAWRENCE Edward Varsel, Mr. & Mrs. John . $250 Whalen Dr. & Mrs. Jean Webster Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Ashworth, $200 Mr. & Mrs. James Aylward, Mr. A Friend & Mrs. Paul Boucher, Anna M. Mr. & Mrs. E. Livingstone, Jr. Brady, Mrs. Arthu... Brunelle $155 Mrs. Wilfred Demers, Mr. & Rev. Arthur K. Wingate Mrs. Henry Fanning, Mrs: Ed$150 ward W. Galligan, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs" Cameron Durant Arthur Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. Paul $130 LaForest . Dr. & Mrs. Robert Small Mr. & Mrs. Dalpha Levallee, . $125 . John Luby, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Kearney Mankhan, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dr. & Mrs. James Bolton Manning Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Koczera Mr. & Mrs. Emile Monfils, Mr. Dr. & Mrs. Wm. Muldoon & Mrs. Edward McBride, Rose$100 mary Porter, Mr. & Mrs. EdDr. & Mrs. George Riley mund Santos, Mrs. Kay Schinas Mr. & Mrs. James H. Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. George Swansey Jr. III, Mrs. Ambrose Smith, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Glennon Leonard Whitehead, Mrs. WilMr. & Mrs. Timothy Keating liam Yates _ Dr. & Mrs. William Walsh OUR LADY OF MY. CARMEL $85 $300 The Misses Downey Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Fernandes $75 $100 A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Abel A. Alves $60 In Memory of William F. Mr. & Mrs. John Tierney Freitas . $55 Mr & Mrs Arthur E. Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. George McGovern Mr & Mrs Edwin V. Rodrigues St. Vincent DePaul Society $50 Mr. Augustus Silva A Friend Mr. Noe Ferro The Doherty Family $75 Neil Fitzgerald Mrs. Beatriz Lopes' Col. & Mrs. S. Ross Langlois Leonor M. Luiz Elizabeth F. O'Brien $50 Helen L. O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Albino DaSilva A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Hemiterio Souza Phillip Kane Mrs. Maria C. Ferro Loretta Lamarre $40 Mrs. Thomas Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Pereira Anne & Helen Meade Tavares & Family Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Mitchell John E. Ferro Elizabeth & Helen O'Connor $35 Robert Oliveira Mr. & Mrs. August Fernandes Mrs. Thomas Osborne $32 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Edmund J. Sylvia $40 Edmund J. Sylvia, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Fletcher $30 Mr. & Mrs. ·Thomas J. Long Mr. & Mrs. Enos Lopes William J. O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Frank Motta & Mr. & Mrs. Roy Mason, .. Linda Theresa Beehan Mr. & Mrs. Charles G.· Souza $38 Mr. & Mrs. Louis G. Torres A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Vieira $35 Mr. & Mrs. John.R. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Coutu Mr. & Mrs. Louis Couto Mary & Ann Downey . $27 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hunt Mr & Mrs Joseph G ~i1veira Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Murphy $25 Mr. & Mrs. William Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. James Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. Baptist Vercellone Mr. & Mrs. John C. Almeida, $33 Mr. Joao' P. Amaral Jr., Mr. & Francis McCarthy Mrs. Jos~ph Bettencourt, Cecelia Bettencourt $31 Bernadette Cambra, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Dumaine Mrs. Raymond Cambra, Cynthia $30 A. Costa, Rosemary A. Costa, Robert Ford Mr. & Mrs. George Ferro Mrs. Roland Mathieu Manuel A. Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ryan Chris P. Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mr. Myron Tripp Kenneth King, Mrs. Maria Lopes, Dorothy Curry Mrs. MariaM. Luiz Mrs. Vincent Hughes Mr. & Mrs. David Macedo, Mrs. William Downey Theresa Macedo, Antone MatMrs. George V. Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph MacFarlane thews, Mr & Mrs Gabriel Moura, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nunes Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mahon Mr. & Mrs. Jose R. Oliveira, Mrs. Frances A. Koch Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rapoza Jr., $25 .Mr. & Mrs. Humberto Rodrigues, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Anderson, Mrs. Mary G. Sylvia & Family Charles Balboni, Mr. & Mrs. W. Mt. Carmel Parent Teachers Bonneau, Mary Brimley, A Friend Association, George Moniz, John Mr. & Mrs. Albert' Fisher, Roderiques, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Timothy Gleason, Mr. & Mrs. G. Souza Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Goodfellow, Mrs. Michael Vieira Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Kennedy $50 Mr. & Mrs.- Wm. H. King, Mr. Rev. Manuel Andrade & Mrs. M. Macedo, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. David Costa Wm. Maley, Mr. & Mrs. James $30 Mosher, A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Nobrega Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Andre Tanguay Jr., Mr. & Mrs. James Ryan, Mr. $25 & Mrs. Leo' St. Aubin, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mello, Mrs. Edwin Silveira, Mrs. Edith Manuel Sol in Memory of Cibania Thatcher, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. J. Sol, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cabral, Winsper Mrs. Mary Bettencourt, Mr. & Elizabeth Callahan, Agnes Mrs. Abel Fidalgo Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. Milton Elgin Service Station, Mr. & Healy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kelli- Mrs. Edward Rose, Mr. & Mrs. her, Mr. & Mrs. William Jefffies Euclides Cabral Mrs. Albert Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lemos, The Meggison OUf MOll'aRity Family, Mr. & Mrs. Charles MatMorality is simply the attitude tos, In Memory of Alan J. Mori- we adopt toward people whom arty we personally dislike. -Wilde

New Bedford

THE ANCHORThurs., May 14, 1970



50 PLUS 5 IN TEACHING: Sr. Agnes Paulet, a member of the Sacred Hearts Order and now teaching in St. Joseph School, Fairhaven, is now completing 55 years in instructing children attending schools under the guidance of the Fairhaven order of nuns.

Fairhaven ST. JOSEPH $100 Mrs. James Dunn $50 Gerald Tache $35 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gon!ialves Jr. $32 Mr. & Mrs. August J. Gonsalves $30 Mr..& Mrs. Roland Sequin Mr. & Mrs. Walter Silveira Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Jerome Brault$29 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Wolmski $25 Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Loughlin, Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Dube, Mr. & Mrs. NicholasF. Tangney, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Gaudreau, Days' Electrical, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Alan Boling, Mrs. Mary P. Gage, Alice Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sylvia, Joann P. Longden Mr. & Mrs. George Fortin, Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Bowers, Mr. & Mrs. Donat Desmarais, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rezendes ST•. MARY'S $100 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Bourgault St. Vincent de Paul Society $50 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Hart $30 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Alua & Nancy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cataldo Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ehmann ' $25 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Costa Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Botelho, Mr. & Mrs. Augustine Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Greco, Mr. & Mrs. Weber R. Torres, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bouley

North Dartmouth ST. JUUE $250 Rev. John F. Hogan $200 Rev. Thomas Harrington $100 _ .' Dr. & Mrs.- E. D. Freitas $75 Winifred & Mary A. Keneall~ $60 Dr. & Mrs. James Hayden

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Pappi $75 Mr. & Mrs. Claude Ellis $70 Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Baptiste $50 Mr. & Mrs. Ageus Veiga Mr. & Mrs. Richard Zens Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jackson . Isabelle L. Cumming Mrs. Helen McGlashan Mr. & Mrs. Hulot HadenMr. & Mrs. Fred~rick Maynard Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Moore Mr. & Mrs. Edward V. O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kuppens Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Hickey Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Veiga Mr. Albert Guerzoni Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Niccoli $35 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Krystolfolski $30 Mr. & Mrs. Herman Prada $28 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Semedo $27 Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Campinha $25 Rosalie Tirrell, Mrs. Mary Tavares, Mr & Mrs Peter Fernandes Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Valley, Sara McLaughlin Claire Colleret, Mr. & Mrs. William Henry, Mr. & Mrs. John Lowney, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund .McCarthy, Laura Vecchi Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sullivan Sr., Mr. & Mrs. James Vicino Jr., Mr. &- Mrs. George St. John, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Gomes, Mrs. F. Edward Kiernan Mr. & Mrs. John Grenda, Mrs. Medio Pederzani, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Precourt, Mr. & Mrs. WiI- . Iiam Nolan, Philip Yeager Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Yeager, St. Patrick's Circle, Mr. & Mrs. Milton King, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Orlik Jr., Mr. & Mrs Ellsworth Atwood Fred J. Pulsifer Jr., Mr. & Mrs. James Brogioli, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cahoon, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Stephens, Mr. & Mrs. Delmo Pezzoli Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. John Zorn Mrs. Julius Babbitt, Harry L. Rhodes, John W. Rhodes & Son, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Connor, Mr. & Mrs. Fletcher Long -Cross Insurance Company, The Wareham Savings Bank, Mr. & Mrs. George Barrett, Mr. & Mrs. Francis McWilliams, Jr., Mrs. .Amelia Baptiste Mr. & Mrs. Milton Laycock, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Crocker

$50 Mrs. Lawrence Weaver Mrs. Paul R. Vermette Mrs. Albeit A. Silva Mrs. Thomas Burke Mrs. Thomas J. Beedem Mrs. Emmett P. Almond $40 Mr. & Mrs. John J. McKinnon $35 Dr. & Mrs. James H. Mahoney $30 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Nunes Mary Newett John J. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. John Morris Mrs. Raymond Markey Mrs. Maurice M. Lyons Mary D. & Elizabeth G. Gleason Mr. & Mrs. John Enos Jr. $25 Mrs. A. C. Wobecky,' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vieira, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Tavares, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Philbert Silveira Mr. & Mrs. Rene Savoie, Mr., & Mrs. Malcolm W. Rush Jr. Mr." & Mrs. Albert Rose, Evelyn Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rebone Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pittman, Half & Half Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Pfeninger, With most men life is like Mr. & Mrs. Domingo Perry, backgammon-half skill and half \ Joseph Muscarella luck. -Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mahoney, ' Mr. & Mrs.' Maurice P. LaFrance, Mr. & Mrs. Freddie Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Cloutier, Mr. & Mrs. George E. Breault See Us First Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Babiec, Mr. & Mrs. Edward V. Hill, Mr & Mrs See Last Warren Healy, Mary V. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah V. Barry, Mr. & Mrs. M. Gonsalves But See Mr. & Mr. & Mr. & Mr. & Mr.. & Mr. &



Wareham ST. PATRICK'S $300 Rev. Msgr. John A. Chippendale $125 Mrs. Mary. Stott Mr. & Mrs. John MacNeil

Sturtevant & Hook Est. 1897

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Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Poirier, Mrs.' Josegh Rousseau, Mr. - & Mrs. Raymon.d Rousseau, Mr. & Mrs. Je,an $evigny ,

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 14, 1970 )

Asserts Preachin,g Go!pel .First Concern of Church'


$275 Rev. ,Bernard H. Unsworth $100 Mr. & Mrs. John Nicola<;i St. Vincent de Paul Society $50 Mrs. 'Mary Penler Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Maloney $40 Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan & Mark $30 Mrs. Vincent Peternal Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Kobza Mr. & Mrs. Leo Robida Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Resendes

By Fr. Andrew M. Greeley In any kind of major organizational change two things must happen: Goals and values must be reformulated, and interaction patterns (or structures) ~ust be modi~ied. One of the more discouraging aspects of the contemporary renewal in the Catholic Church tinkering with ecclesiastical is that both on the left and structures. The campaign, for on the right most of the em- popular election of bishops or phasis is on structure and for a change in celibacy is, simvery little on goals and values. I was recently at a superb meeting of scho.lar.s,

~rin:a;:nc~;~~ld "

with the devel- \, . opment of the:: co-responsibility; in ,the Church.:" '" '""""


and canon lawyers tended to ' emphasize the need for a structural change while some of the social scientists there (including one non-Catholic) were much more concerned about the reformulation of goals._ ,One would have expected exactly the opposite. After all" it is the social scientist who is to be concerned with structures and the theologian who is to be concerned with the theology. Such' a stereotype of the academic disciplines i1" not altogether valid. The social scientist knows - perhaps better than does the theologian and the canonist-that structural change in the absence of reformulation of goals and values is likely to be s~lf-defeating. The sociologist may be in complete sympathy with the popular election of bishops, modification of the election of Pope, limited tenure for pastors, even for modification in eclesiastical celibacy (and this sociologist is certainly for all such changes); but he also realizes that the democratization of 'the Church structure is likely to make little difference if the Church does not have a clear idea of what its message ought to be in the environment in whiCh it finds itself. Quite the contrary, most of the problems the Church faces it will continue to face even if all the popular structural reforms ~hould become a reality. More Difficult Task Some time ago, my friend Eugene, Kennedy wrote an article about the "non-issues" in current ecclesiastical controversy. It seems to me that the nonissues are still verv', much with us, that we are' devoting so much time' and energy to agonizing over institutional <::hange that we have' lost sight of that message which we call the Good News and in the need to state that Good' News clearly, powerfully to the 'world which, curiously enough, is probably better disposed to receive now than it has been for many centuries. Of course, the reformulation of the Good News and the preaching of it with vigor and confidence is a far more difficult and demanding task than merely

Critisism Test ' -It is ridiculous for any man. to criticize the work of another' if he has not distinguished himself by his own performance. , -Addison

plicity itself when, compared with the preaching 'of the Gospel. I am not advocating the aban~ donment of the battle for structural reform but I am contending that even when the battle for reform is won, it will be a', very frustratin'g victory b~cause we will discover that it has accomplished so very little when so very much remains to be done. We will have 'essentially cleared away the non-issues and we will be forced to face the real issues. I

Real Tragedy It is 'n-ece~sary, therefore; that all the; weaknesses of the 'draft of the Fundamental Law of the Code of Canon Law be severely criticized. It is a serious disappointment; while it will probably drive no one out of the Church it is likely to weaken even ,more the already waning credibility of ecclesiastical authority. , ' As one who believes in the necessity of both order and law in any organization , I can only deplore the harmful impa,ct on both order and resp,ect for law that the draft of the Fundamental Law is going to have. But there are far more important tasks .for us than either drafting Fundamental Law or criticizing inadequate drafts. The real tragedy. of the slow pace of structural reform is that outmoded structures have become an obsession; we have not been able to take our minds off the obsession long enough to realize that the modern world is hungry for the' Gospel and that we have a marvelous opportunity for bringing the Good News to millions of people.

Means to End Whenever I try to make this point to people a typical reaction is to suggest-either in a friendly way or an unfriendly waythat I'm being "pious," an<~ that the real "nitty-gritty" is the question of, how we are goin'g to, overthrow the "establishment" or "obtain freedom for priests." There is not much one dm do in the face of the charge qf pious irrelevancy but it' does seem to me that those' who ,spend most of their tim~' and energies attacking the institutional' structures share one strong value with ,those who spend their time defending it: they have, turned a means to an end. The in'stitutional struCture, reformed or unreformed, i'g but a mean~ to ,preaching the' Gos'pel to' the world' in 'which we find ourselves. . I do not think that many sympathetic outsiders looking: at Roman Catholicism today would observe much about preaching the Gospel , about bearing witness to, the'Good News of life and of love that Jesus has brought 'to the world. They would see.... intense concern-to the point of obsession,with 'institutional reform; a curious lack of concern with what' the Good News could meari today. , In other words, I fear the sympathe'tic outside observer would 'conclude that for most of us the , Good News is a'non-issue.

$26 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Sylvia

$25 In Memory of Edward W. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Gaston DeBrolise, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pepin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McKenna Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Ziemba, Henry Fortier, Mr. & Mrs. Rod Lussier, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Leaver & Family Mr. & Mrs. Roland Provencher, Mrs. Clotilde Dalbec, Mr. & Mrs. William Camara, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred DeFreitas, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Des Roches Lillian Gracia, Mrs. Rose Harris

Getting Ahead Getting ," along with others is the essence of getting ahead, success being linked. with cooperation. -Feather


Somerset Po rish CCD, f'eature The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine of St. John of God' Parish, Somerset will sponsor a program dedicated to ecumenical involvement and Chr,istian commitment on Saturday, May 16 in the Somerset Junior High School on Brayton Ave. It is open to the public of all faiths. · The day will.open with registration from 9:30-10 and will be followed by a conference, on the liturgy to be given by Rev. Peter N. Graziano, assistant at Holy' Name Parish, Fall' River. A question periOd will conclude , the conference.' From 11 to noon, a demonstration on the new rite of Bap·tism will be exemplified with Rev. Luiz G. Meridonca, pastor, baptizing the son of Mr. and' Mrs. 'Joseph Andrade. Music will be supplied by the parish choir 'under' the direction of Rev. Henry S. Arruda. Following lunch, there will be a teen-age Happening with Cinrad Benoit providing music and leading folk singing. Robert Murphy, chairman, will lead a panel' consisting of Janet\.Barbelle of Swansea,Mrs. Emma Andrade of Taunton, Peter Mello of Somerset and Mr. Henry' Johnson of Somerset's Congregational Church. The top,ic will be ecumenical involvement and Christian commitment. · Mrs. Del Quental will conduct a demonstration class to First Communicanfs based on the Come Alive theme. The program will close with a multi-media on the Eucharist under the chairmanship "'of Father Arruda and the celebration of the Holy' Eucharist.



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the neediest. Simply tell your , lawyer our legal title: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION.



Dear ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND $ Monsignor Nolan: FOR' .

, $35 Mr. & Mrs. N'ormand Pa'rent - $30 Mr. &, Mrs'- Joseph G. Char." bonne'au· A Friend $25 Mr. & Mrs .. Emile Beauregard, Therese Bonneau, Peter Duff, Mr. & Mrs. Clovis Fecteau, Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. ,Franklin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Frey, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Gaouette, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Guillotte, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lawlor, :Dr. Augustu~ McKenna, Mr. & Mrs. Austin Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. James Penler, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Perreira

in the

orphans. Some barely exist by begging for milk,

'/ New Bedford OUR LADY OF FATIMA $250 'Rev. Arthur C. Levesque $100 Mr. & Mrs. William Belanger $50 Mr. & Mrs. Clement Damicone Mr. ,& Mrs'. Roger Lachapelle A Friend


Holy Land are boys and girls. A great many are

Please return coupon with your 'offering THE: CATHOLIC








NEAR EAST MISSIONS TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue· New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/yUkon 6·5840


$50 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Heffernan Mr. & Mrs. Harold K. Hudner $25 Mr. &. Mrs. Francis Crook, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hazel, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur F. Turcotte

New Bedford

THE ANCHORThurs., May 14, 1970


$400 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hemingway Sr. $300 Rev. Msgr. Hugh A. Gallagher $250 A Friend , ST. DOMINIC $150 $100 Dr. Daniel Harrington Mrs. Nelson Doyle $100 St. Vincent de Paul Rev. John J. Smith $60 Mr. & Mrs. Louis H. Coholan James McMahon A Friend $25 Dr. & Mrs. James Quinn Mr. & Mrs. John McCarthy, Mrs. Jeremiah Coholan Mr. & Mrs. Edward Carey, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Perry J. Coholan & Mrs. Albert M. Couto Mr. & Mrs. Robert Taber A Friend Central ViUage $75 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST A Friend $100 Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Parsons Dr. Peter Piccinini Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tschaen $30 Sr. Mrs. Isabelle Sandberg A Friend $25 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. John Ardagh Jr. The Mahoney Family Mr. & Mrs. Henry Arruda $60 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Halloran Mr. & Mrs. Michael Crowley Dr. & Mrs. Byron Ford $50 Mr. & Mrs. John Callanan New Bedford :.1rs. John Duff Mrs. Mark M. Duff HOLY NAME Mr. & Mrs. James L. Giblin $1000 Mrs. Evie Perry In Memory of Msgr. Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Francis O. Quinn Daley by Loretta & Gertrude Mary M. Walsh Daley Fred Kelley $300 Mr. & Mrs. Luke Smith Rev. Msgr. John J. Hayes Mary C. Halloran $125 Mr. & Mrs. David Hautanen Rev. Henry T. Munroe Mrs. Alexander Whelan $100 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kerwin Dr. ' & . Mrs. Ambrose Finnell In Memory of Ambassador $40 Ellen Gaughan Joseph P. Kennedy from a friend Mr. & Mrs. John G. Leva Mr. & Mrs. John Gibbons $50 $35 Mr. & Mrs. Hugh T, Early Anna Meehan Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore GiamMr. & Mrs. JamesP. Mullin Jr. malvo Brig. Gen. & Mrs. L. B. Markey Mr.. & Mrs. Lucien Beauregard Mr. & Mrs. James Bo)ton . $45 Mr. & Mrs. FrancIs Roach Mr. & Mrs. James Wilson $31 . $40 , Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. GunMr. & Mrs." William J. Souza ning $30 Mr. & Mrs. Norris Walecka Mr. & Mrs. John Alfonse $35 Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Barry Mrs. Omer Bellenoit Joseph & William Cawley $30 Mr. & Mrs, Paul Clark Mr. & Mrs. Francis ~ennedy The Connelly FamilyJ The Benac Family Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Hart The Gleason Family A Friend· $25 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hummel Mrs. Arthur Bancroft Sr., Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester A. Mit& Mrs. Kenneth Brightman, Mr. chell & Mrs. Charles Cabral, Mr. & Helen. Walsh Mrs. James Dufficy, Joseph GerMargaret Walsh rard . Mr. & Mrs. William E. G. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon .Goodfel- Batty, Jr. low, Mr. & Mrs. Michael GrifDr. William O'Connor fiths Gerald Harrington, Holy Mr. & Mrs. John T. Regan & Name C.Y.O., In Memory of Family John F. & Catherine A. Daley Dorothy & Joseph Baldwin Joseph Norris, Mrs. John P. A Friend O'Leary & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. James A. Worden Elmer Paul, Mr. & Mrs. George $25 E. Swansey Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Berry, Michael Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Alfred. Choquette, Mr. & Mrs. James A. Cawley, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Guido Coucci, Mr. & & Mrs. Robert S. Clark, Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Derby, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. William Damos, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Gorman, In Memory Henry Frenette Mary. Gallagher, Robert Hayes of Alice E. Hill & Mrs. Francis Holt, Helen Mr. Mrs. Rose Jones, Daniel LysJarusik, Mrs. Armand Langis & ko, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Markey, Jane Langis Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Moriarty, Mr. Mrs. Grace R. Lardner, Mrs. & Mrs. John O'Neil Alice Lowney, A Friend, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. William P. Powers, Mrs. Francis J. Manning, A.nne Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Rita McGurk OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION Henry O'Brien, Mr. & Mr5. $50 euf, Mary E. Phaneuf, Felipe Robert Garrison Ramos. $26 euf, Felipe Ramos Joseph Silva Ellen Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. $25 George Sheehan, Clifton Sullivan Theodore Almeida Patricia Sullivan, William SulliJoseph Rogers, Antonio Gomes van Our Lady of Assumption Club Catherine Swansey, Mr. & Mrs SACRED HEART John Sylvia, A Friend, The James $100 Walsh Family, Sylvester Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Normand Seguin' Mr. & Mrs. William Whalen, $50 Mary T. Winsper"Leo M Worden Anonmyous Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Amaral, . $45 Mr. & Mrs. John Britto, A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Alfred L. Bouch- Mr. & Mrs. William R. Flood, Mr. ard & Mrs. 'Raymond Fontaine $35 ' Mr. & Mrs. John C. Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew O'Neil, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Seguin


New Bedford ST. HEDWIG $25

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin' Okolski ST. ANNE

$225 Rev. Roland B. Boule $150 Rev. Roger Levesque $50 Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Desrosiers $30 Gabrielle & Bern'adette Cayer





Golden Jubilee Sr. Agnes Gagne to Commemorate SO Years As a Member of Sisters of Charity A Mass of thanksgiving will been dedicated to teaching Enbe offered at 9 on' Sunday morn- glish as a second 'language in ing May 17 in the chapel of Mt.St. the French classes. At the presJoseph's School by the chaplain, ent, Sr. Agnes is the receptionRev. Lucien Madore, to com- ist at the Fall River school. memorate. the golden jubilee of Sr. Agnes Gagne. . At two o'clock in the after- ." ST. JOHN TH£ BAP1fDST noon of 'the 'same day, a recep$275 tion by the children of the school Frank G. Silva Jr. will be held in the school and $50 will close with Benediction of Marion S. Freitas the Blessed Sacrament. $40 Sr. Agnes was born in New Mr. & Mrs. Walter Oliver Bedford, the daughter of the $25 late Jean-Marie Gagne and the The Fagan Sisters, Mr. & Mrs. late Virginie Beaudoin. The Ju- Laurent Guillette, St. John Ladies bilarian entered the Sisters of Guild Charity in 1918 and pronounced her temporary vow in 1920. PerST. KILIAN petual vows were taken on Jan· Edward Dowd uary 15, 1926. Charles Ponte Her entire religious life has Dr. Vincent Sarlo Clara Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Leo M. Sullivan, Frances Whelan Mary E. Whelan, Mr. & Mrs. William Wing Mr. & Mrs." John Clements, Helen L. Crowley; Mrs. Julia Kennedy, Frederick Munro, John ,M. Quinn Mrs. Vincent ·Shea, Dr. & Mrs. . Edward C. Vogt Mr. '<\ Mrs. Vincent J. Worden Charles B. Clavin, Patricia Guilherine, Mr. & Mrs. James Hampson & Marie C. Hampson, Mr. & Mrs. William Hill, The Hurley Family The Normandin Family, Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Rourke ST. JOSEPH'S

$150 Rev. Louis R. Boivin Children' of Mary Lique du Sacre Coeur Dames de Ste. Anne $100 St. Vincent de Paul Society $75 Rev. Roger D. Leduc $50 Gardner Family $35 Mr. & Mrs. Normand Boutin $30 . Mr. & Mrs. Henri Gardner $25 ·Robert Lafrance, Mr. & Mrs. George Blaise, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rapoza


$200 Franciscan-Conventual Fathers $75 Andrew Banas $40 Jankowski Family $25 Rose Feeley, In Memory of Frank & Rosalie Jeglinski, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Society Katarzyna Pifko, Chester Ponichtera, Walter Szeliga I


Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fontaine, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Hardiman, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Morency, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Powell, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Raphael St. Anne's Credit Union Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sears Mr. & Mrs. Ulysse Auger, Mr. & Mrs. Aldei LaFrance, Mr. & Mrs. John R. Sylvia Jr. ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA $250 Rev. Bertrand R. Chabot $106 Rev. Clement E. Dufour $50 Germaine D. Chadwick Louis Parent Lionel Robitaille S1. Vincent de Paul Society $35 Robert Lagasse $25 Alice Contant, David Dumas, Gerard Goguen, Frederick Gryss, Thaddeus Gumienny Damase Janvier,' Talsop Lee, Adelard Marois, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Meny, Anna Poitras Rene Brissette ST. BONIFACE

$50 Mrs. Frederick Sylvia ST. j'RANC!S OF ASSISi $100 Edward R. Sieminski $51} Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Nicolacci $25 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bono, Mr. & Mrs. Domenic Catalano, Catechism Classes, Ghilardi Family, League of St. Francis of Assisi Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morelli, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Grande ST. THERESA'S

$60 Dr. Arthur Motta '$51} Eliza Boisvert $30 Leo Fredette Raoul LeBlanc $25 Normand Mathieu, Gaston Loranger, Ovila Rock, Gerard J. Richard

ORTINS Photo Supply - 245 MAIN STREET FALMOUTH - 548-1918 ARMAND ORTINS, Prop.

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lamoureux

WH ITE'S Family


Rt. 6 at The Narrows in North Westport Where The Entire .. Family Can Dine Economically FOR RESERVATIONS , PHONE


.... 16'

ST. LOUIS $100 In Memory of Peter A. Lee Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William F. Whalen

.THE ANCHOR-Diocese. of Fall River-Thurs. May 14, 1970

Piocesan Students Finalize Plans .For, Post-High School Educatm@n .As' Graduation Approaches'

Jr. In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McCarthy $60 The Misses Connerton $30 In Memory of the Creigh Family Ella Hanrahan

As graduation day approaches and seniors are making plans for the festivities surrounding the reception' of their diplomas on commencement day, the vast majority are concerned with their plans for furthering their educa'tion. The mailman has bePlante, University of Massachucome the most welcome call- setts; Rose Marie Proulx,. Rhode er at the homes of seniors, Island College; Donna Rarus, for it seems that -he holds New England School of Art. . in his hand the destiny of every senior waiting for college acceptance.Many have been notified but others are still anticipating that the letter will be from the college of their choice. Feehan High School seniors who have already received ac~ ceptances are:


College Acceptances Ronald Almeida, University of Massachusetts; Richard Antone, Providence' College; Catherine Aussant, Johnson & Wales Junior College; Cy~thia Be,nson, St. Leo's College,: Fla.; Margaret Blythe, Rh9de ~sland ¢ollege. Judith Bolandz, University of Massachusetts; Frederick Bolton, Westfield Stat~ College; Paul Bristow, Wentworth Institute; Thomas' Burda! Lowell Technological Institute; John Cinq-Mars, Providence College. Stephen Conley, Providence College; John Curtis, Fitchburg . State College; Stephen Eyzk, University of Tulsa, Okla.; Kathleen, Canary, Bridgewater State College; John Curtis, Fitchburg State College. Michael DeClemente, Suffolk University; Michelle Denis, Katherine Gibbs Secretarial School; Denise Desrosiers, Bryant College of Business Administration; Louanne Diamond, Katherine Gibbs' Secretarial School; Dennis Dolan, American International College. Ellen Englehart, Bridgewater State Teachers College; Raymond Janson, Lowell Technological Institute; Owen Johnson, Providence College, Terry Kiley, Framingham State College; Wal·ter Kosinski, University of Rhode Island. /'.:. Louise Fiore, Weaver Airline School; Robert Gay, Bridgewater State Teachers College; Charles Lafond, Lincoln Collegei Donald LaFratta, Assumption College; Lee Ann Lavendure, Westfield State College. Carolyn Lee, St. Joseph's Col, lege, Conn.; Nancy Lee, Faulkner Hospital School of. Nursing; Monica Lennartz, University of Connecticut; Young Lew,' Carnagie Institute. Mary Marcinkwicz, University of Rhode Island; Maxine Mayer, Roger Williams College. . James Morse, Southeastern Regional Technical Institute; Colleen Mulligan, Salve Regina College; Suzanne Ouellette, Johnson & Wales Junior College of Business; Joanne Palana, Berkler School of Music; Dyan Parker" Trinity College. Roger Pelliter, Rhode Island School of Photography; Stephen Pinocci, St. Thomas More Preparatory School, Conn.; Joan

Mary Ellen Ricker, Bridgewater Teachers College; Serena Swift, Stonehill College; Denise Tessier, University of Rhode Island; Stephanie' Theriault, Northeastern University; Dennis Travers, Bridgewater State Teachers ColJege; Dianne Watts, Andover Institute of Business. Robin Wessman, St. Michael's College; Mary Wims, University of Rhode Island; Mary Zachman, College of St:. Benedict, Minn.; Michael Zito, Michigan State -College; James' Quinn, University of Rhode Island. , Edward Bleau, Rhode Island College; Charlene Colomb, Massasoit Community College; Suzanne Marquis, Rhode Island Junior College; and Roger Fregeault. Rhode Island Colleg~. Addition~ members of. the Jesus Mary Academy senior (flass in Fall River have been notified of the following acceptances: Denise Pietrocatella, Boston UnIversity; Denise Petit,' Lucille Levesque, Jeannine Daign'ault, and Diane Caouette, the Licensed Practical Nursing Program at Diman RegIOnal Vocational High School; Pamela Dufour in the Medical Assistant Program at the aforementioned school. .

Ann Tuttle


$25 Alice Bailey, Mrs. James Benson, Mr. & Mrs. John W. Maher, Hilda Myles, James Whalon Mrs. Mary Cantwell, Peter Cantwell, Margaret Dor&n, Rita Doran, Thomas Doran, Margaret Kehoe .

Oceal'il Grove

ALMOST OVER: Almost over are high school days for these seniors at New Bedford's Holv Familv High. From left they're Pat Harrington, Cheryl Reading, 'Carol' Mangan, Pat Loris, Rosemary Ryan. Mary Silva is ot the right 'rear.

Fall River

SS. PETER & PAUL $100 SS. Peter & Paul Women's Club $50 Joseph Conaty Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Glynn $35 Mr. & Mrs: Edmund Crowell Theresa Foster Mrs. James E. Rogers & James E. Rogers Jr. Drama and Social , $30 Mrs. Helen Burke The Bishop Stang Drama Club' Chartes J. Burke" Jr: and Music Department wit! ~pre­ $31 sent the musical "Brigadoon" on Mr. & Mrs.. Charles Joerres Friday, Saturday and SUllday. $25 . nights in the Stang High gym. ' William & Mary E. Daley, Mr.. Gerald Morrissey will direct, & Mrs. Joseph Stankiewicz, Mary while the musical portion of the Cunningham, In Memory of Lawproduction will be under' the Jrence E. Lynch, Mr. & .Mrs. Jerguidance of Sister Marie Eliza- ome D. Foley beth Gurry, SND, and Miss John Dolan, Mrs. Joseph LawCheri' Grenier will be choreog- lor, Catherine A. Lynch, Daniel rapher. Lynch, Helen C. S. Lynch Curtain time is 8:30 and tickJohn C. Mahoney, Edward. ets will be available at the door. Murphy Admission is $1.50 for adults ST. PATRICK'S and one dollar for students; $70 The Christian Life CommuniAbbie & Mary .E. Kilroy ties of J.M.A. and Prevost. $50 Connolly will sponsor a pa~ents' Mr. & Mrs. John Blake dinner dance on Saturday night, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Scully May 23 in St. Anne's auditorium, ,$30 Forest Street, Fall River. . Alida Hart· $28 Foresees. Changes,' . Mrs. James E: Shea $27 in Unity Movement , In Memory or'Manuel J. Rosa MANCHESTER (NC) - The Jr. next phase of the movement for $25 Christia'n unity may bring frightMay & Louisa Sweeney, James ening changes and conflict; an & Dorothy McCann, Mr. & Mrs. official of the World Council of John Marshall, Edward Healey, Churches said here in England. Mr. & Mrs. George Biltcliffe Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Suart, Speaking at an ecumenical conference, Dr. Albert H. van Mr. & Mrs. Martin Delahanty, den Heuvel, director of the Mr. & Mrs. Robert Regan, Mrs. Council's communiciation depart- . Elizabeth Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. ment, said that because of, such Clovis Saucier prospects in· the next thrust NOTRE DAME toward unity "we need to' have' $100 courage." Rev. Robert W. Dowling "We are all afraid of change," $50 Saturday Mass he declared, "so I ask you to Dr. & Mrs. William Boudreau YOUNGSTOWN (NC) - Per- . pluck up -your courage and acFamily of Anne Marie Masse mission for fulfillment of the cept the fact that the ecum~ncial $30 Sunday Mass obligation at Sat-· movement will pass through a Family of Adelard Demers urday evening' Masses has been violent change. "' Octave O. Desmarais "In fact, it may be a process granted by Youngstown Bishop $25 James W. Malone. The privilege of continuing change because Family of Paul Dumais. Family was also extended to those what is right for today may not of Lucien Roy, Robert Tremblay, who assist at evening Mass prior be right' for tomorrow. . The Mrs. Annette Frascatore, Evanto holy days of obligation. Sat-, changes will be stupendous. The geline Foster urday evening Mass may begin wildest 'dreams we now have of Gilbert Poisson, Family of any time after 4 p.M., the Bish- tomorrow' will be considered Maurice Demers, Wilfrid Poirier, op noted. conservative in 10 years' time." Family of Armand Raiche

OUR LADY OF ANGELS $25 ' Fermando Martin's Senior Citizens Jesse Barreira OUR LADY OF HEALTH $50 A Friend $25 St. Vincent de Paul Our Lady of Health Women's Guild OUR LADY OF THE HOLY ROSARY $60 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Toomey $25 Mrs. Philomene Pannoni Germane BLESSED SACRAMENT $36 Mr. &> Mrs. Richard Hamel $30 A & W Root-Beer Stand '$25 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lauzon Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ste-Marie Mr. & Mrs. Norbert Mercier ST. ANNE $250 Dominican Fathers $100 Mr. & Mrs. Normand H. Boule $40 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Paquette $25 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Beaulieu Mrs. Dora Gauthier Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nowak Dr. & Mrs. Alphonse Poirier Donald C. Auger

ST. MICHAEL'S $100 St. Vincent de Paul $75 Rev. Maurice E. Parent $40 A Friend $25 Mr. & Mrs. William C. O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. John Szuba, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mailloux, Mr. & Mrs Paul Tobin Mr. & Mrs. G. Lamontagne, Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Troy

Somerset ST. PATRICK'S $50 Doris LaFrance $35", Dr. Thomas Clark $25 Carl J Costa, George D Janson, . ST. THOMAS MORE $100 St. Thomas More Conference Society of ,St. Vincent de Paul $50 St. Thomas More Women's Guild Thomas McCann $30.. ,., Mr. & Mrs: :terrance, J: Lomax Jr. $26 Benny Paskavitch $25 Mr. & Mrs. James Crivaro Mr. & Mrs. c1etus Monahan Mrs. Frank H. Johnson Barbara & Margaret Dunn, Florence M. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. James Muliins, Grace Taylor

Swansea ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE $100 A Friend



True Greatness



Integrity is the first step to true greatness. Men love to praise but are slow to practice it. -Simmons


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.i-§ D & D SALES, AND $ERVICE, =



I §







iillllllllllllllllllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III III III III1111111111111111111IIl1l11ffi

Two Million Request Drug Pamphlet " . Published by The Christophers NEW YORK (NC)-Tfne Christophers have lit a candle to illuminate the drug problem, and two million people have responded. The nationwide Catholic movement,. whose motto is "It's better to light one candle than to curse the darkness," chose drug abuse as the topic of its most recent Christopher News' Notes, a pamphlet issued seven times annually. The pamphlet des--c--::;r-" It also says citizens should cribes kinds of drugs, their -1" "be willing to have some of their effects, and the addiction taxes allocated to reasonable possibilities of each. It also anti-narcotics measures." And it

gives practical steps a concerned person can take to help cope with the problem. Fath~r Richard Armstrong, M.M., director of the Christophers, announced in late April that requests for the drug pamphlet, which the organization supplies free of charge, had passed the two million mark. Big Picture The response "proves conclusively the tremendous need for accurate constructive literature on this critical problem," Father Armstrong said. He said reorders have come from drug rehabilitation centers, parents, teenagers, teachers, pharmacists, church organizations, drug addicts and campus groups. Newspapers around the country have offered to make copies available to their readers. The pamphlet urges that those concerned about drugs "look at the big picture." "Addiction was ignored by all but a few when it was confined to poverty neighborhoods," the pamphlet says. "Now that it has invaded campuses, suburbs, and centers of affluence, we are all being challenged to examine and eliminate the injustices in- society that are alienating the young and the poor." The pamphlet urges the concerned to "back responsible effo~ts ~o give youn& people. and mlllority groups' truly meaningful roles in cleaning up cities, and in working for education reform and stepped up drug rehabilitation programs that really mean business." . Root Cause Spiritual Opposition to treatment programs for addicts, the pamphlet warns, can be a sign that concern about drugs "is mainly theoreticaL"

Fall River ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAl; $150 Rev. Paul F. McCarrick $50 Ernest Kilroy Altar & Rosary 'Soc:iety St. Mary's Cathedral School Rose Dowling $40 Catherine Flynn $35 In Memory of John & Alice Moran Angela Wingate $30 Catherine Lynch Mr. & Mrs. John R.McGinn Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Leclair Rita O'Loughlin $25 Mr. & Mrs. James Melvin, Robert Coggeshall, Richard Grace, Mary Little Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Benevide's, Francis & Lena Moran, Mr. & Mrs. Frank DePaola Dorothy Kirby Gerald Holleran Francis Stone HOLY CROSS $25 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Canuel Mr. & Mrs. Ted Krupa ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA $50 Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) $25 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Medeiros



FREE PAMPHLIET: Various· drugs. and their effects are discussed in a pamphlet issued by the Christophers. This is the cover photograph of the pamphlet which the Christophers issue free of charge. NC Photo. r'l

SACRED HEART $125 Adelaide C. Trainor Elizabeth M. Trainor $100 Deceased Benefactors of St. Vincent de Paul Society, Sacred Heart Conference, St. Vincent de Paul Society Walter Furman In Memory of Wm., Dorothy, James & Bartholomew Mitchell $75 Frances C. Shaughnessey $65 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Tuite Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Murphy Jr. $50 Mary Flynn' , Mrs. Ruth Cutting George Driscoll Mary Louise O'Sullivan $40 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Steele $35 Catherine I. Trainor $30 Richard E. Hennessey & Family Charles V. Porta In Memory of Francis "Happy" Dolan Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Mitchell Leopold J. Giroux $25 The Coughlin Family, Mabel M. Smith, William C. Chippendale, Madeline I. Riley, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lyons John F. Coyle, Elizabeth Roach Mrs. John C. Torpey, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Welch, Frederick J: Harrington Thomas Kitchen, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Maddeleno, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Beland, Dorothy McLachlan, Mr & Mrs T. Arthur McCann Chester J. Gosciminski, Mr. & Mrs. Willard R. Piper, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Hallisey, Anna G. McCarthy, Mary Ann Dillom

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of rail Rive~-Thurs. May 11,. 1970


The Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River


ST. MARY, SOUTH DARTMOUTH The 20th anniversary year of the Women's Guild will be commemorated at the annual Mass to be 'offered at 4 on Sunday evening, May 17 and the Communion Supper that will be served following the Mass. Brothers from the Sacred Hearts Seminary, Wareham will join the parish choir in providing the musical selections. Rev. Richard Delisle, M.S. of the LaSalette Center of Christian Living, Attleboro will be guest speaker at the supper to be held in the Parish Center. The guild will sponsor a dessert card party in the Parish Center on Wednesday evening, May 27. Mrs.' Edna Travers, . chairman, has !lnnQunced that proceeds will be used for the purchase of dressing supplies for the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Cancer Home in Fall River. Serving as co-chairmen with Mrs. Travers will be Mrs. Eileen Colemand and Mrs. Beverly Singleton.

ST. PATRICK, FALL RIVER Mrs. Manuel Silvia, president of the Women's Guild has announced that the new slate of warns that -appliances and other officers will be installed at the goods offered "dirt cheap" "may Communion Supper to be served have been stolen to support a in the school auditorium on Sunday evening, May 17 followheroin habit." The p,amphlet says both the ing the 5 o'clock Mass. Reservations may be made root cause, and the solution of with Mrs. Louise Regan, presithe drug problem is "spiritual." The drug abuser must experience' dent; chairman, Mrs. Silvia or " a conversion from irresponsi- any member of the board. Entertainment will be provided bility to responsibility." Those not on drugs, the pam- by Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Nadeau. phlet says, must recognize defi- ST. LOUIS OF FRANCE, ciencies in' their own attitude, SWANSEA '''so often cold and unloving," The new officers of St. Anne's both toward the drug problem Sodality will be installed on and "toward the personal and Wednesday evening, May 20 institutional dishonesty t hat following the 7:30 Mass. The folmakes it profitable." lowing will be inducted: Mrs. Raymond Levesque. president ST. JOSEPH for a two-year ter:m; Mrs. Eva Laliberte, secretary for a two- ST. JOSEPH, $325 Rev. Msgr. George E. Sullivan year term; Mrs. Normand Jolivet FAIRHAVEN will fill the vice-president's of.$225 The installation of officers for fice for one year. Judge Beatrice H. Mullaney the Association of the Sacred the business meetFollowing $125 Hearts will take place at the aning in the parish hall, Rev. Wil- nual banquet scheduled for 7 on Rev. William F. O'Neill liam J. Cullen, S.J. of the Bishop Monday night, June 1 l!lt the $100 Connolly High School faculty Cathay Temple. The Misses Foley In Memory of Mary L. Har- will speak on "Changes in \ToThe officers will be: Mrs. Euday's Church." rington " gene McGoldrick, president; Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. Louis E. Kroger William Tucker, vice-president; ST. MARY, Joseph J. O'Connell Jr. Mrs. Conrad Blanchard, secreNEW BEDFORD $75 tary; Mrs. Joseph Fernandez, The Women's Guild will conMr. William Hurll Mrs. Ralph M. Souza and Miss duct a baked goods sale ,after all Laura Soares will serve as co$60. the Masses on the weekend of chairmen of the sick committee. Leroy Borden May 16-17. The following items Mr. & Mrs. Nestor G. Silva Mrs. Vincent: Bonczek is banwill be offered: baked beans,. quet chairman. Mrs. Mary Walker potato salad, breads, cakes and $50 ST. MARK, fudge. ..The Dwyer Family Anyone desiring pick-up ser· ATILEBORO FAlLLS Francis L. Harrington vice for their articles may call Mr. & Mrs. John L. Mercer Miss Angela Medeiros, p~esi­ Katherine Sullivan Mrs. Francis Lynch at 5-0537. dent of District No.4 Diocesan $45 Rev. Paul G. Connolly, assist- Council of Catholic Women, inMrs. Richard' Lown ant at the parish, will direct an stalled the following officers. to $40 evening of entertainment for serve the Women's Guild during John J. Christopher members of the Catholic Guild the coming year. $35 for the Blind. Refreshments will The slate consisted of Mrs. Julia Harrington be served by guild members. Adelard Johnson, president; Mrs. Charles Murphy & Family Mary Temple, vice-president; OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS, Mrs. Albert Gallant, secretary; The McArdle Family FALlL RIVER Daniel O'Connell Mrs. John Ryman, treasurer. Jane Haran Members of the executive The Summer schedule of $30 Masses will be: 6 and 7 in the board are: Mrs. Emery Pineo, Mrs.. Thomas H. Duffy morning will be in Portuguese; Mrs. Robert Moore and past Marcellus Feeney Family 8, 9. 10, II, and 12 noon in president Mrs. James DeWitt.• $25 English. The following were named Frances Brough, Mrs. Arthur Members of the Holy Rosary chairmen: Mrs. Gerald Dorey, E. Cote, Eunice Dion, James Sodality will receive Holy Com- hospitality; Mrs. Anthony SquilDowney, Robert Gagnon munion in a body at the 8:30 lante, sunshine; Mrs. Ronald William Gaudreau, Hannah C. Mass on Sunday morning, May Mullins, membership; Mrs. DonHiggins, John Lynch, John F. 17 and then attend a Commu- ald Tatro, publicity. Mahoney, Julia Mahoney Mrs. Thomas Santos served nion Breakfast after the Mass. Margaret McCloskey, Mr. & as mistress of ceremonies for the Mrs. William A. Nugent, Agnes ST. JEAN BAPTISTE, evening's affair. O'Brien, Mrs. John W. Porter, FALlL RIVER Mildred Powers Junior Girl Scout Troop 1113 ST. ANNE, James D. Salvo, Sears & Re- will hold a weekend camping trip NEW BEDFORD bello Family, Mr. & Mrs Timothy at Camp Wind in the Pines with '. The Scout groups of the parThompson Mrs. John Maitoza and' Miss ish will serve a ham and bean Mrs. John Dawson Diane Martin as leaders. supper from 5 to 8 on Saturday Helen McAvoy . The Council of Catholic Women night, May 16 for the benefit IMMACULATE CONCEPTION will hold its May meeting at 7:30 of the parish school fund. A $50 Monday night, May 11 in the cake sale will be conducted at Mrs. Teresa Hetu church hall. Mrs. Adrien Barabe the same hours. Adult tickets Mr. & Mrs. John Long is chairman for a social hour, are 99c and children's tickets Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sullivan aided by Mrs. Ernest Mercier. are 55c. $40 Mrs. Henry J. Duffy $35 Mary Whitehead . $30 . Rosemary Dussault & Mrs. Summer Session Evening Classes Joseph Watson Leonel Paiva June 22 ·Ju~y 31 6:30-9:15 Margaret Sullivan $25 UNDERGRADUATE COURSES Mr. & Mrs. Lucien ,Bedard, liberal A.rts • Bus. Admin. • Math. John G. Burgess, Mr.' & Mrs. Write: Director of Summer Session Wilfred J. Charette Sr., Joseph Francoeur, Edward Gazarro Florence .Lynch, Edward Riley, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Schneider, N. Easton, Mass. 02356 - Tel. 238-2052 - 696·0400 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sheehan




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 14, 1970

'House Divided' Proposes 'Remedies for World's IUs By Rt. Rev. Msgr. JoB1!.1 S. Kennedy

Thomas and Margaret Melady, in their book House Divided (Sheed and Ward, 64 University Place, New York, N.Y. 10003. $5.50), ask us to con~ider the sad spectacle of. the peoples of the world separated by great gaps: iri varieties of belief and unbelief, ten "a commentary for the time in' race, and in resources. of resurrrection" which, borrowThese divisions keep men at ing from St. Augustine they enodds just when it is vital that title We Are Easter People (Her-

The Parish Parade MT. CARMEL, NEW BEDFORD Joseph MelIo and Richard Bar, boza of the P.T.A. will serve as co-chairmen for the Family Outing planned for Sunday, Aug. 2 at Camp .Massasoit, Mattapoisett:. Mrs. Lucy Markam, chairman, is now finalizing plans for the Communion Breakfast to be served on June 14 to the members of the graduating class of Mt. Carmel School and their parents.

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, they come together and work der and Herder, 232 Madison TAUNTON Ave., New, York, N. Y. .10016. together for the solution of I $6.50). , - ' The 75th Anniversary of the critical problems parish school will be commemocommon to all. 'Easter People' rated at the Third Annual Parish The authors Ball scheduled for Saturday, contend that beThey express the hope that it May 16 in the church auditorium. lievers and non"wilI be helpful to those who A social hour will be held from believers, in fact wish to understand more fulIy 7 to 8, dancing from 8 on and a all men of good the spirit in which t.he Church buffet will be served. will, could agree worships." AlI alumni and alumnae are in support of rhe centrality of the. Resururged to attend and renew accertain princirection in Christian belief, and Of\~.Il.EAVE: Rev. Patrick Coyle, ples having to' of its continuous celebration in SS.Cc. has returned to Sacred quaintances of years gone by. Tickets are $5 per couple. do with the inChristian ·liturgy, is frequently Hearts Monastery, Fairhaven, herent dignity of asserted, but seldom concretely where he awaits re-assignment ST. JOHN, man, responsidemonstrated. ' , bility for the international comSuch demonstration is ~eeded, in the Navy Chaplain Corps fol- POCASSET mon good, and the elimination since for gp.nerations, and indeed lowing 13 months of service ·in Mrs. Gordon Wixon, chairman, of illiteracy, disease, and poverty. centuries, Easter has been ·hardly Vietnam. has completed plans for the Among believers, they propose more than a comet in the liturgiCommunion Luncheon to· be that those of one religion ac- cal year. , . served to the 23 firstcommunifa~~ River quaint themselves with the tencants on Saturday, May 16 at Material for Meditation ets of other religions, which, in ST. ROCH the Pocasset Community Club most cases, would lead to mutual . When people have been' habitunder the sponsorship of the $250 rsepect and a much higher de- uated to an inadequate focus on Women's Guild. Anonymous gree of cooperation. Easter, it is not enough simply The annual lawn party will be $200 In particular. they consider to tell them that they must now held on Saturday, July 4 under Mr. & Mrs. Romain Saulnier religion in Africa and Asia. regard this feast as sovereign the chairmanship of Mr. and Africa, ,they point out, is "a and alI-pervasive. There must be $100 Mrs. George. Pereira. world filled with religion," and a long and effective pro¢ess of - Rev. Rene G. Gauthier they take up the character of conversion. $50 : native religions and the question NOTRE. DAME, Mr. & Mrs. Alex. Vezina This book will prove immenseof whether, with the end of colo- . ly helpful to that end. The auFALL RIVER Joan Snyder nialism, the Christian churches thors say that it is "not ,a techMr. & Mrs. Antonio Coutu The Council of Catholic Women are finished in Africa. (No.) Mr. & Mrs. Roger Valcourt nical study, nor a working model will sponsor a Maybasket whist for the preacher or catechist, $45 party at 8 on Saturday night in Racial Division nor a series of meditations." The Crispo Family the school halI on St. Joseph' Moving on to the racial gap, Yet it certainly can be useful to $35 Street. Admission is one 'dolIar the authors give special notice preacher and catechist, and is Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cote and refreshments will be served. to that phenomenon in the source material for fruitful med$30 The Early Bird Attendance prize United States. But it has its "itation. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Giroux wilI be drawn at 8 o'clock sharp. counterparts elsewhere: in Asia Irene Levasseur It is good in its historical secThe instalIation of the new and Africa, for example, where tions, and offers much in expliMr. & Mrs. Normand Levesque slate of officers will take place 'one might not think that such cation of the scriptural passages . $25 . at a canQlelight ceremony at the discrimination could exist in the to be used in future during Lent Mr. & Mrs. Donald Domingue, 7 o'clock Mass, Monday evening, absence of whites. It does. and at Easter. Reading 'of it now, Mr. & Mrs. Alban McCalIum, May 18. Knowledge of the other and in preparation for the year and Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Isidore Fimowing the ceremony, a . contact with the other are rec- years ahead, would be an ex- Lapre luncheon will be served. in the Mr. & Mrs. William Snyder. ommended as means of overcom- celIent idea. Jesus Marie Academy Auditorium Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lev!tre and entertainment will be fur~ coming raciai division. Here, and 'Lies and Truth' in some other parts of the book, nished by the Notre Dame ST. MATHIEU the authors' prescriptions seem An unusual' and fascinating Chorale Group under the direc$225 a bit simplistic and overoptimis- book is Lies and Truth (Macmil<ltion of Mrs. Oscar Barnabe. Rev. Lucien Jusseaume tic. Not alI racial antagonism, by lan. 866 3rd Ave., New: .York, Husbands are urged to accomany means, is based on lack of N. Y. 10022. $5.95), which is the $125 pany their wives to the evening's knowledge or contact. Rev. Thomas E. Morrissey work of Marcel Eck, a French events. Turning to poverty, the au- psychiatrist. Dr: Eck makes it $100 thors remind us' that two-thirds clear that this is not a treatise Dr. & Mrs. Omer Boivin of the world is said to go to bed on morality, and that its prin. $50 . Fall River hungry every night. Miserable cipal concern is with truth. Edgar Poisson ST. STANISLAUS want is alI too prevalent, in, $27 You might suppose thai: lying $100 shameful contrast with the af- could be easily defined, and the In Memory of Richard N. 'PinSt. Vincent de Paul Society fluence of the rel,atively few. subject quickly exhauste<;l. But sonnault, by Mr. & Mrs. Albert St. Stanislaus Women's Guild. Dr. Eck' will show you that the R. . Pinsonnault Mean Trouble $25 $65 . subject is wonderfulIy cO,mplex. Mr. & Mrs. John Cabaceiras, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gosciminski THrough. its intricacies he And the spreading of radio Anonymous receivers in the have-not areas makes' his way surefootedly, and Dr. & Mrs. Roland Chouinard, has begun to acquaint the desti- the reader is drawn on bug:eyed. Mr. & Mrs. George Cummings,. $33 Joseph Cote, Mrs. Dora Fiola In Memory of Edward M. Forctute with the far superior standConcerned With Truth Mr. & Mrs. Gedeon Dufour & zyk (Forczyk Family) ards prevailing elsewhere, thus Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lapointe, arousing expectations and de$30 Dr. Eck touches on the archaic mands which mean trouble un- sense of truth, the equivalent of AlphonseMailloux.Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Alice Kret less there is a better distribution success (as witness the puzzling Raymond Poisson, ·Mr. & Mrs. $25 Philip Vaillancourt of property and goods. episode of the dying Isal,{c and Walter Pypniowski It is in this section on the dihis two sons); a child's sense of SANTO CHRISTO Mrs: Walter Conrad, Mr. & vision of resources that 'the truth; the lie as an attack on Mrs. Thomas Pietraszek, Anon$50 Meladys are best at the proposal loyalty; the relationship of· lying ymous Manuel C. Faria of remedies. They hold that the and freedom; pathological: lying; $25 requirements of the myriads of lying and professional secrecy; Frank Perry, Jose Jacinto Carpoor people cannot be met with- promises and fidelity to them, valho, A Friend, Edmund & Elout the involvement of the pros- and much else. perous nations. This glancing catalogue may eanor Silvia, Louis S. Machado, But they are equalIy certain make it appear that the book J9seph V. Medeiros that the underdeveloped nations does not fulfill Dr. Eck's intenJ. TESER, Prop. ST. ANTHONY OF. THE can never be bettered by outside tion of concentrating on. truth. RESIDE~H1AL DESERT . aid alone. They are specific, for Bu the ,reviewer would ,be lying INDUSTRIAL $125 example, about what the South were he to say that truth· is not COMMERCIAL Chor-Bishop Joseph Eid . Asians must do for themselves. the overriding concern' here, 25;1 Cedar S~., New Bedford Josephine Massingberd Ford and the book ends with a stir$100 993-3222 and Ralph A. Kiefer have writ- ring calI for witness to the truth. Dr. & Mrs. Andre P. Nasser ~,..,.,. .........(

Norris H. Tri.pp SHEET' METAL

HOLY ROSARY, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will conduct a rummage sale from 10 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon on Saturday, May 16 in the parish hall. A snack bar will be available for all attending. The Holy Rosary Society will receive Holy Communion in a body at the 8 o'clock Mass on Sunday morning, May 24 and will then proceed to the parish hall for a Communion Breakfast. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER The Honey Bees will hold a Hootenanny in the school auditorium following the 7:15 Mass on' Saturday night, May 16. Admission is $1.00 for adults and .50 for children. .The Men's and Women's Clubs will hold a joint installation on Saturday evening, May 23 after the 7: 15 Mass. In conjunction with the installation, a buffet supper will be served and a dance will close out the evening's events. Tickets are available from members of both organizations. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, CENTRAL VILLAGE Mrs. Esther Perry, chairman, has announced that a May Basket Scholarship Whist Party will be held at 8 on Saturday night in the parish hall. Admission is one dolIar and refreshments will be served. ST. MARGARET, BUZZARDS BAY The executive Board of 5S. Margaret and Mary Guild will hold an executive board meeting on Wednesday night, May 27 in the home of Mrs. Richard Post on Onset Ave. The guild will conduct a series of' cake sales udring June, July and August. Mrs. John Gray will serve as chairlady of the July sale scheduled for St. Margaret's. Buzzards Bay, while Mrs. WiI· liam Brady will head the committee for the August sale planned for St. Mary's in Onset. ST. CASIMIR, NEW BEDFORD


Louis F. 'Peltz, chairman, has announced that St. Casimir's Circle will conduct a rummage sale from 9 to noon on Saturday, May 16 in the church hall, 2048 Acushnet Ave. ELECTRICAL


944 County St.

New Bedford


... THE



By PETER J. BARTEK Norton High Coach

.\t. .'~, ...................................... ~I Diman Regional Will Host Narry Track Championship

championship trophy. The Blue Raiders. have shown considerable depth in dual meets and have been receiving outstanding individual performances throughout the season. Coach Bob Lane has his outfit primed and ready an only a major disaster Can stop the railroading Raiders. Entering competition this week Blue and White owned a 7-0 over-all record and were undefeated in five loop encounters. With the dual meet season championship wrapped up, Coach Lane has his tracksters

maximium number of points for his club. One of the young coaches chief decisions will center around senior Steve Clark. In Somerset's seven meets Clark has recorded seven successive "triples" with victories in tpe 100 yard dash, the 220 yard dash and the long jump in all encounters. The fabulous speedster has been clocked at between 10.1 and 10.6 consistently in the 100 and has recorded a 23.2 time for th~ 220. In the long jump Steve is a better than 20' leaper.

'Triple' Clark Eyes Meet Records According to meet rules an individual may compete in one running and one field event not counting the relay: Therefore, Coach Lane will have to decide whether h<l wants Clark in the 100 or 200. The choice will undoubtedly be determined by Coach Lane's feeling regarding his clubs second place man in each event and his thoughts as to how other coaches will schedule their contestants. If the weather man cooperates, Saturday could be a record breaking day for Clark as well as for other Narry competitors. . Among those considered as possible record setters are Fran Brough of Somerset who has been completing the 880 yard run in just over two-minutes. Old Rochester's Peter Trow, Narry League basketball scor-


16 Event Program Promises Action Senior Ken Kitchen of Case High in Swansea may not break a record in the one mile run, in fact, he may not even win the event; but if determination is a criteria for excellence Kitchen will be in the race right down to the wire. The dedicated trackster had led the Cardinals

Servites Elect New Pr·ovincial BERWYN (NC)-Fathe'r Justin M. Ryska, O.S.M., has been elected prior provincial of the eastern U.S. province of the Servants of Mary (Servites). The new provincial, ordained in 1959, was director of communications for the American province, and prior of Our Lady of Sorrows Monastery in Chicago. Since February, 1969, he has been an, administrative assistant to the eastern province and engaged in historical research. The 225-member province includes three priories in Ireland and the prefecture of Zululand, South Africa, in its jurisdiction, in addition to its U.S. priories.


ing champion, is being tabbed as a possible in the 440 yard run. The all-around athlete has been clocked at close to :54 and could conceivably better that mark in stiff competition. Ed Lussier is undefeated in his speciality, the two-mile run, .and is definately shooting for the Narry record. If conditions are favorable he could break the 10:20 mark. Another mark that might fall victim to the Somerset attack is the javelin record. The Raiders Dave Seward is capable of bettering 170 feet and has yet to find his peer in dual competition. Dighton-Rehoboth's Gary Sanson will be eyeing the pole vault mark before he starts down the runway hopeful of taking the record back home with him. Sanson has cleared 11 feet this season and is improving continuously.

to one of their finest track campaigns in quite a few years and has won the admiration of Coach Joe Santos in the process. Because of a depth problem, ,Kitchen has been forced to compete in events' other than his speciaIfty. And, it has been in only the past few meets that he has begun to lower his time in the mile. Whether he has brought his time down far enough to compete with the likes of Kevin Gartner and Rick Pyatt of Somerset will be seen Saturday. With 16 events scheduled there will undoubtedly be' plenty of torrid action throughout the day. The docket lists nine running events, six field contests and the relay. The running events include the 100 yard run, the 220, 44.0 and 880 yard runs, the mile and two-mile runs, 70 yard hurdles, 120 yard high hurdles and the 120 low hurdles. The field events to be contested are the shot-put, discus, javelin, high jump, long ,jump and pole vault. The final event of the day will be the 880 yard relay.

of Fall River-Thurs. May 14, 1970


Billy Connolly, Terry McCormick

Nominated for Ale Athletic Award Dartmouth ResidentsCandidafes for College Honor By Luke Sims

<1' • • •

The Narragansett League will hold its annual All-Narry track meet Saturday morning commencing at 10:30. Diman Vocational Technical High School of Fall River will host the event for the first time in the school's short history. On the eve of the 16 event preparing for Saturday's imcompetition, Somerset is portant contest. Coach Lane's major task will considered a heavy favorite be to place his standouts in the to procure another Narry proper events so to insure the


Billy Connolly and Terry McCormick, a pair of Southeastern Massachusetts residents, are among 51 athletes who have been nominated for the Athlete of the Decade award at American International College. McCormick, of North Dartmouth, who carried the AIC colors across the golf links in the early sixties and Connolly, who quarterbacked the football team during the past three seasons, were the only Southeastern Massachusetts athletes to be nominated. Connolly, the son of Southeastern Massachusetts University Athletic Director Harry 'Mickey' Connolly, enjoyed an excellent grid career at the Springfield school. During his senior year, Billy was honored at the annual Alumni Varsity banquet for his selec· tion as Most Valuable Player in the Yellow Jackets' homecoming game. Inspires Team During his three years as signal-caller, Connolly enjoyed several fine individual performances, but the most impressive came in last year's 21-0 rout of Northeastern when 'he tossed for a pair of touchdown passes. His targets were flanker back John McHugh and the school's alltime rushing leader, Glenn Dumont. The latter had nothing but praise for Connolly. "Billy's determination and guttiness were indeed inspiring to me and member of the team," boasted the star halfba~k at the MVP award presentation. Together, Connolly and Dumont accounted for 5,835 career yards. In his career, Billy set a new AIC record for total offense, breaking the old mark of 2,995 yards held by Bob Anaetas which was set in 1958. His combined running and passing figures totaled 3,012. The Conndlly~s reside at 11 Arrowhead Lane, Dartmouth and are communicants of St. Mary's Parish. McCormick, who received a Bachelor of Arts degree in psy.chology upon his gra'duation in 1963, was a three-sport star at AIC. In addition to golf, Terry was a member of the basketball team and the crew.

Fall River HOLY NAME


$250 Dr. & Mrs. John Dunn $150 Maureen O'Rourke $100 In Memory of George P. Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nagle Dr. & Mrs. Andre P. Nasser ' Mrs. Michael E. O'Rourke $75 In Memory of Gladys L. O'Neil $60 Mr. & Mrs. Romeo McCallum In Memory of John & Margaret McDermott $50 Catharine Furze Mr. & Mrs. James Kelley Jr. Mrs. Anthony Keramis Alice & Elinor Lenaghan The Franco Family



The Dartmouth native won several tournaments during his college days, some of which were nOt limited to school competition.

As a sophomore, he teamed with New Bedford's Stan Nowak to capture the prestigious 31st annual August: Invitation Fourball. Tournament at the Country Club of New Bedford. It marked the first major victory , for Terry who was a last minute substitute for Nowak's regular partner who was sidelined by a back ailment. CYO Wi:nner Shortly after graduation, McCormick shot a two-over-par 74 to win the Senior Division (under 26) championship of the New England CYO Golf Tournament at the Crestwood Country Club in Rehoboth. McCormick is presently serving as golf coach at Bristol Community College. The Athlete of the Decade in each of the school sports will be announced shortly and from the respective winners an athlete of the Decade will be selected. '

$40 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pinsonneault $35 Helen O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. John J. Harrington $30 Margaret H. Powers Mr. & Mrs. Fred Zebrasky Mr. & Mrs. AI Zervis· Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Downs Mr. & Mrs. Howard Melker $28 Mrs. Michael Hanley $25 Mr. & Mrs. William Aylward, Mrs. Walter Fallon, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mahoney, Mary Hurley, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Marcoux Mr. & Mrs. Francis McGrath, Mary A. Dolan, Mr. & Mrs. George Flanagan, Mrs. James A. Heaney, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Sullivan The Madden Family, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Nuttall, In Memory of Edward F. Fitzgerald, Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Savard, Mrs. 'John Welch Mrs.Thomas Col1ins, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hodkinson, Marion Kane, Margaret McCallum, Mrs. Arthur Shea Mr. & Mrs. William Angelini, Frederick B. McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. William F. Keating Jr., Mr. & Mrs. William O'Brien, Margaret A. Borden Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Dusoe, Mrs. Theresa Sul1ivan" Rita Sullivan, Benevides Family

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.... ,

.. 20

THE ANCHORThurs., May 14, 1970





Taunton ReLY FAMIILY $250 Rev. James F. McCarthy $200 Holy Family Women's Guild Rev. Daniel Moriarty , . $50 In Memory of Manuel Amaral Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John Avola Mr. & Mrs. Russell Chamberland Mr. & Mrs. William W. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. -Deniz Mr. & Mrs. Antone Madeiros Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mozzone Hannah O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Raposa



I II :



Mr. & Mrs. Antone Gomes & Manuel


I i







{~. :;·II


Mr. & Mrs. William Emsley Mr. & Mrs. Manuel F. Rose Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas White $30 ,Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cameron Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Dutra Mr. & Mrs. Charles Geer Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kenyon Steve Punda Joseph. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Charles ,O'J"eary .& Michael $27 Mr. & Mrs. John Plentus $25 Elsie M. Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Brassard, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Caiozza Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cooke, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coveney, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Dutra, Mr. & Mrs Lorenzo Gresso, Dr. & Mrs. Richard Heywood ' Mr. & Mrs. 'Roger La~ace, Mr. ,& Mrs. Robert Larkin, Mr. & Mrs Eugene Lecuyer, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Leddy,' Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lema . Mr. & Mrs. 'Arthur Machado, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Markowski, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mendes, Mr. & Mrs. John McCarthy, Mr. &. Mrs. Antone Pereira Mr. & Mrs. William Powers. Mary Raposa, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred St. Yves Mr. & Mrs. Edmund St. Yves; Mr. & Mrs. John W. Shea, Mr. & Mrs. John Zeiba






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. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roderick . , $100 .Rev. Antonio P. Pinto, C.M. Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Oliveira $30 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Capeto . Manuel Silvia $25 Manuel Rogers & S'ons, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Rocha Jr., August P. Curt - .

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