t eanc 0 VOL. 26, NO. 19
20c, $6 Per Year
Hank Pollard Photo courtesy of Fall River Herald News
Anchor editor Father John F. Moore (left) and Bishop Da-:-iel A. Cronin at height of fill'e
CCA climbs Latest reports of special gift donations and parish contribu tions brin~ the 1982 Catholic Charities Appeal up to $969,688. 20. . Donations from parishes, priests and special gift donors should be made in person to appeal headquarters beginning Wednesday, May 19, until Friday, May 21. The books of the appeal will be flosed on Friday, May 21, at 1 p.m. . This 'coming weekend, every solicitor, parish and special gift, should make a last effort to can vass ev~ry potential donor. These reports ~hould be made to special gift and parish headquarters on next M~nday. Honor Roll Parishes Twenty-three parishes have
be"Em added to the honor roll of parishes surpassing their 1981 final totals since last week's edi tion of The Anchor. These par ishes are: St. Joseph, Attleboro; Holy Redeemer, Chatham; St. Elizabeth Seton, Falmouth; Sa cred Heart, Oak Bluffs; St. Joan of Are, Orleans. Assumption, Osterville; St. John, Pocasset; Blessed Sacra ment, Espirito Santo, Holy Cross, Fall River. Notre Dame, Holy Rosary, St. Louis, Fall River; St. Patrick, St. Thomas More, Somerset. St. Anthony, New Bedford, St. Mary, Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven; St. Rita, Marion; St. Julie, No. Dartmouth; St. Peter, Dighton. Immaculate Conception. No. Easton; St. Ann, Raynham.
Notre Dame lost By Pat McGowan "It was a beautiful edifice, but
you and I are the church." Those were the words with which Father Ernest E. Blais, pastor of fire-gutted Notre Dame .Church, Fall River, consoled his grieving flock at Wednesday morning Mass, the day after their 76-year-old landmark build ing was destroyed. Sparks from a soldering torch in use on a church gutter started the Tuesday afternoon fire. Fan ned by brisk winds, it eventually destroyed some 26 homes and businesses in a five-block area around Notre Dame. Father Normand Grenier, associate pastor, and Roland Masse, sexton, had scarcely time to save the Blessed Sacrament
before the church building was totally involved. About 30 families were left homeless in the conflagration that was battles! by Fall River firefighters and companies from 34 surrounding communities. "I am sad that the church is gone but joyous that I have all my parishioners, that not one was hurt," said Father Blais. He and Father Grenier con· celebrated Wednesday's Euchar istic liturgy, offered in the audi torium of nearby Jesus·Mary Convent, where parish Masses will be said for the time being. "We were all in tears," said Father -Blais. He was at LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro, at a day of recollec tion when news reached him of
the fire. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin was some 50 miles from Fall River, preparing for confirmation ceremonies . at Corpus Christi parish, Sandwich, when he was notified. Both rushed back to the city, with Msgr. Henry T. Munroe, Episcopal Vicar for the Cape -and Islands, substituting for the bishop at the confirmation. "Our first concern is for the people," said Bishop Cronin, pledging the aid of all diocesan agencies in coping with the fire aftermath and assisting resettle. ment of those left homeless. Immediate aid was given by the Grey Nuns of Mt. St. Joseph School and the Religious of Jesus and Mary at Jesus-Mary AcadTurn to Page Three
Golden jubilal"ians
5 p.m. Sunday, May 23, as they join him in offering a. Mass of thanksgiving, t6 be followed by a reception. Since his retirement last May, Father Keliher has assisted at St. Mary's where he was· pastor from Msgr. Considine is known for 1956 to 1971 and where he super his love of children and of Our. vised construction of a new church building. Coincidentally, Lady. He has traditionally per sonally prepared parish first on May 29, parishioners will Msgr. Considine gather for another celebration, Celebrations have' begun for communicants for reception of the 25th anniversary of that con· Msgr. Considine, whose parish the Eucharist; and St. Mary's struction. just completed Rosary Walk is' tendered him a testimonial ban Born in Taunton on June 7, MSGR. THOMSON quet on May 2, attended by some proof of his devotion to Mary. 1907, Father Keliher grad4ated Centered by a flower-surrounded 500 persons. At 7 p.m. Friday, from Immaculate Conception May 21, he will celebrate aMass statue, it includes a' crucifix, a grammar school and St. Mary's Marian medallion and 50 small of thanksgiving. at St. Mary's High School in that city. He at parish, South Dartmouth, where carefully-spaced bushes repre tended ·Boston College for two he has been pastor since 1954. senting' the beads of a five-de years before entering St. Ber cade rosary. The Mass will be outdoors to ac nard's Seminary. . The prelate is one of' six commodate some 1,000 parish .After ordination he was asso-, ioners and friends expected to be . brothers. Famed Father John J. present. Considine, a Maryknoll Missioner ciate pastor' at St. Patrick's The son of the late John and who founded the Fides News Church, Wareham; Our Lady of Alice (Murphy) Considine was Service, died last week and the Assumption, Osterville; and born in New Bedford Oct. 24, Msgr. Arthur was the principal St. Louis, Fall River, before join 1906. After graduating from Holy celebrant of his' funeral Mass. ing the Navy as a chaplain for Family elementary and high Also in the priesthood is Msgr. a two-year tour of duty.. Returning to the diocese, he schools, he attended Providence Raymond T. Considine, retired College for two years before en pastor of St.' William's Church, was at SS. ~eter and Paul parish Fall River, from 1946 to 1956, tering St. Bernard's SeminarY, Fall River. Rochester, N.Y., also attended by The other brothers are Hon. then being named pastor of St. Father Unsworth and Father Walter L. Considine, Fairhaven; Mary's in Seekonk, where he Keliher. . Francis A. Considine, New Bed· served until 1971. FArnER UNSWORTH Msgr. Considine served at St. ford; and George Considine, .From that time until his retire Joseph's Church, Taunton, from North Dartmouth.. ment in' 1981 he was pastor at also teaching at the former St. 1932 to 1947 with the exception St. Mary's Church, North Attle Anne's Hospital School of Nurs Father Keliher boro. . of the years from 1943 to 1946, ing. when he was a Navy chaplain. Parishioners of St. . Mary's For' many years Father Keli He also served on the diocesan He was at St. Mary's, North At Church, Seekonk, will share her was moderator of the Dioce board of education and as chap tleboro, from 1947 to 1954, when. Father Keliher's celebration at san Council of Catholic Nurses, lain to Benedict Circle, North
. Four priests of the diocese will mark golden jubilees of ordina tion Friday, May 21. All were or dained in St. Mary's Cathedral by the late Bishop James E. Cas ·sidy. . They are Msgr. Arthur G. Con sidine, Rev. Cornelius J. Keli her, Msgr. William D. Thom.son and Rev. Bernard H. Unsworth.
he entered his present assign ment. He has served as director of the priests' Eucharistic League and as chaplain to the Foresters. He was named Ii monsignor by Pope 'Paul VI in 1969.
FALL 'RIVER AREA Fall River St. Mary 16,241.00 ATTLEBORO AREA ATTLEBORO AREA Blessed Sacrament 3,469.00 Attleboro Espirito Santo 10,209.00 22,781.00 St. John, Attleboro Holy Cross 3,003.00 Holy Ghost 12,607.00 St. Mary, ,Mansfield 16,094.00 Holy Name 25,017.00 St. John 22,781.00 Mt. Carmel, Seekonk 13,782.00 Notre Dame 10,230.00 51. Joseph 6,625.00 St. Mary, Seekonk ' 13,119.00 Our Lady of the Angels 17,848.00 St. Mark 12,897.00 Our Lady of Health 5,022.00 6,225.00 . St. Stephen 51. Mark, Attleboro Falls 12,897.00 Holy Rosary 6,671.00 51. Theresa 12,331.00 Immaculate Conception 3,399.50 16,094.00 CAPE COD AND mE ISLANDS AREA· Mansfield - 51. Mary Sacred Heart ' 7,670.00 North Attleboro St. Anne 3,920.00 St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis 33,016.50 Sacred Heart 2,825.00' 51. Anthony of Padua 3,459.50 St~ Mary 10,529.00 St. Pius X, So. Yarmouth 32,509.50 / 51. Elizabeth 2,267.00 Norton - 51. Mary 5,266.00 Corpus Christi, Sandwich 23,234.00 St. Jean Baptiste 4,315.00 51. Joseph 7,354.00 Seekonk Holy Trinity, West Harwich 20,238.50 St. Louis 4,252.00 Mt. Carmel 13,782.00, Holy Redeemer, Chatham 15,951.00 St. Mathieu 1,843.00 St. Mary 13,119.00 St. Michael 8,438.00 CAPE, ISLANDS AREA FALL RIVER AREA St. Patrick 6,078.00 55. Peter and. Paul 8,237.50 Brewster-a. L. of the Cape 7,351.00 Holy Name, Fall River 25,017.00 51. Roch 1,800.00 Our Lady of Angels, Buzzards Bay-St. Margaret 5,769.()O, St. Stanislaus 10,912.00 Fall River 17,848.00 CentervIlle-a. L, of Victory 14,020.00 ' 51. William 6,453.00 , St. Mary Cathedral, Sarito Christo 13,808.60 Chatham-Holy Redeemer 15,951.00 Fall River 16,241.00 Assonet-St. Bernard 5,337.00 E. Falmouth-St. Anthony 12,316.00 St. Thomas More, Somerset 14,771.50 Central VillageEdgartown-St. Elizabeth Santo Christo, Fall River 1,485.00 13,808.60 51. John the Baptist 3,090.00 Falmouth'-St. Patrick 15,151.00 ' North WestportOur Lady of Grace 8,199.50 NEW BEDFORD AREA Hyannis-8t. Francis Xavier 33,016.50 Somerset NantucketMot. Carmel, New Bedford 23,982.35 St.. John of God 8,530.00 Our Lady of the Isle 9,222.25 Immaculate Conception, 51. 'Patrick No. Falmouth"':" 10,463.00 New Bedford 23,503.00 St. Thomas -More 14,771.50 51. Elizabeth Seton 9,557.00 St. Patrick, Wareham 12,434.50 Swansea Oak Bluffs-Sacred Heart· 3,297.00 51. Mary, New Bedford 12,166.00 Our Lady of Fatima 10,775.00 Orleans-St. Joan of Arc 15,862.00 St. Julie, No. Dartmouth 11,462.00 51. Dominic .' 7,259.25 Osterville-Assumption 12,523.50 51. Louis de Fiance 9,576.00 Pocasset-St. John 11,970.00 St. Michael 4,200.00' . 7,010.00 Provincetown-St. Peter TAUNTON AREA Westport'-8t. George Sandwich-CorpusChristi 7,192.00 23,234.00 . St. Anne, Raynham 11,866.50 So. Yarmouth-St. Pius X 32,509.50 NEW BEDFORD '(AREA St. Joseph, North Dighton 6,075.00 Vineyard Haven-St. Augustine 4,422.00 Holy Family, Taunton 8,509.00 Wellfleet-Q. L. of Lourdes 3,313.00 New Bedford Sacred Heart, Taunton 8,144.00 West Harwich-Holy Trinity '20,238.50 Holy Name 8,721.00 Holy Cross, So. Easton 7;574.00 Woods Hole-St. Joseph . , .. 2,492.00, '. .. Assumption .....•...". 1,058;00 .'
Leading Parishes
Parish Totals
"":;':~~':~~~~"" ~"l ~~is~,!:
. t,.,
\1' '" . .
'1;;, '\.
Attleboro Daughters of Isabella.
Msgr. Thomson
Friends and parishioners are invited to a Mass of thanksgiving Turn to Page Five
Immaculate Conception Mt. Carmel Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of Perpetual Help Sacred Heart 51. Anne St. Anthony of Padua 81. Boniface 51. Casimir 51. Francis of Assisi 51. Hedwig St. James St. John the Baptist St. Joseph 51. Kilian St. Lawrence St. Mary 51. Theresa Acushnet-St. Francis Xavier Fairhaven' St. Joseph St. Mary Sacred Hearts Marion-St. Rita Mattapoisett-st. Anthony North Dartmouth-St. Julie South Dartmouth-St. Mary Wareham-St. PatriCk T~UNTON AREA Taunton Holy Family Holy Rosary Immaculate Conception Our Lady of Lourdes Sacred Heart St. Anthony St. Jacques 51. Joseph St. Mary St. Paul Dighton-St. Peter North Dighton-St. Josepti North EastonImmaculate Conception Raynham-St. Ann 'South Easton-Holy Cross
23,503.00 23,982.35 4,994.00 3,329.00 3,664.00 2,349.00 5,365.00 1,717.50 2,300.00 3,639.00 1,667.00 6,684.00 8,843.00 10,078.00 1,712.00 10,021.00 12,166.00 3,217.00 4,913.00 10,306.00 5,398.00 1,746.00 4,548.00 '8,735.00 11,462.00 8,513.75 12,434.50
8,509.00 2,930.00 5,848.00 2,896.00 8,144.00 4,337.00 5,916.00 3,273.00 4,225.00 3,471.00 6,075.00 :10,958.00 11,866.50 7,574.00
Prayer plan
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 14, 1982
WASHINGTON (NC) - In a controversy which continues to split the religious community President Reagan has endorsed efforts to 'amend the Constitu tion to allow officially sanctioned prayer services in public schools. Reagan's amendment would allow state and local govern ments to select or compose prayers for use in public schools and would "absolutely forbid" public schools or other govern ment agencies from requiring anyone to participate in the reli. gious exercises. The endorsement came at a ceremony marking the annual National Day of Prayer, an ob servance Reagan s'aid has been held the first Thursday of May since the time of the Continental Congress. It was welcomed by the gen eral secretary of the U.S. Catholic Conference. But Father Daniel F. Hoye also called for passage of an amendment which 'would deal with the "larger is sue" of voluntary religious in struction in public schools. In a May 10 statement, Father Hoye cited the Supreme Court's 1948 decisIon in McCollum vs. Board of Education which barred voluntary released·time religious instruction from public school premises. "McCollum was neither legally nor educationally sound," said c Father Hoye. "In large part it l ~ paved the way for the court's 'prayer' and 'Bible reading' de cisions in the 1960s."
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THE SKELETON 'of Notre Dame Church, both steeples gone, rises above the Flint section of Fall River. (Torchia Photo)
Continued from page one """ '_~ ' ' __ ' __ ' U9 emy. Both opened their. large buildings, immediately adjacent to Notre Dame Church, to fire fighters, other emergency work ers and the homeless. Relief was universally express ed that 41 first communion can didates rehearsing in the church when the fire broke out were evacuated without incident. Haggard after a nearly sleep. less night, Father Blais express ed appreciation to firefighters, , Your Hosts: ' the Red Cross, Salvation Army and "all the priests" who came : ' BRIAN : to the fire scene. : and MA : "When I saw the steeples : CRETE : burning, as I was returning to the city, I was cold. That was 4422 ACUSHNET AVE. NEAR , the sadness," he said, of the land· ,: PARKWOOD : mark twin spires that for 76 ~ NEW BEDFORD, MASS. HOSPITAL : years have dominated the Fall River skyline. : BRING THIS AD AND GET THE : "But a man who lost three homes in the fire came to me and : SECOND DINNER FOR HALF PRICE. * ': * (OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE) : he was co.nsoling me," he said, : in paying tribute to his parish· - WE FEATURE ioners, who have since February : . ,: been engaged in a million-dollar : FINE AMERICAN and FRENCH CANADIAN : fundraising campaign for church : HOM E -S T Y LE COO KIN G : renovations. ~ AT REASONABLE PRICES. : Ironically, the renovations were the cause of the fire. : MENU PRICE RANGE $2.50 - $9.95 : But the spirit qf Notre Dame : Join The Growing Number of ''The Anchor" Readers Who : has survived its ashes. Have Discovered "Something Special" in Dining Out. , "We've got to continue, we're , the church," Bishop Cronin 'told NO DRESS CODE - COME AND RELAXI Father Blaise at the height of the : OPEN: WED. - SAT. AT 4:00 P.M. : fire. : SUNDAY AT 11 :30 - Closed Mon.and Tues. : Paris~ioners have said' amen to that. . . ' .. ~ ",~~"~~,~~ __ ",_"""""_~",,,_,,_~,,_,,,,4
~ ,,
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 14, 1982
the living word
the moorin~·
'Learning a Lesson.
The facts and facets of history have much to -teach us if we are only willing to learn. One' such reflection should, center about how small incidents of international conflict very often become the seedbed of raging warfare. For thi~ reason the current British/Argentine dispu~e should not be dismissed as insignificant., In the past couple of weeks we have seen how the nations of the world are ready to get involved when they hear even distantly the drums of war. , If only these nations could use the same energy in the' cause of peace! Seemingly they refuse to negotiate until after carna'ge and destruction have. occurred. Dip lomacy has little meaning -to those already dead in the freezing waters of the South Atlantic or on the parched hills of Lebanon. The techniques of international mediation have yet to be perfected by our nation; certainly a fact we should recognize as we wipe egg from our face. OUI:" recent efforts .certainly have been somewhat thwarted by our biased and even .bullish interventions in the Falklands war. Ob viously Washington should take some lessons from its recent trials and errors. ' First, it should be quite obvious that disputes cannot . be settled fairly if the mediator already has sided with one of the combatants. Our questionable support of Britain can hardly be termed nonpartisan diplomacy. Such peace efforts are bound to backfire. Next, it would be well for Wclshington to note that despite its superpower image, it can exert only limited in fluence in the face of ardent nationalism. Because we are such a melange of people, we have a difficult time under standing the attitudes of singleminded nations. In particu lar, we have failed miserably at comprehending the striv ings of our Latin neighbors. ., ., Aiiother lesson to be learned for the future is that the United States should have peen prepared for the Falklands situation. 'In spite of our sophisticated electronic photo gathering arsenal of satellites and planes, we did not take the situation very seriously until conflict was a reality. There are other points. for us to note amid the con fusion. It is imperative that Washington begin to pay attention to South America. We have concentrated too much of our energies on the Mideast and Europe while using and even abusing our neighbors to the south. In our lack of vision we have placed our own credi bility in doubt. We can well question some of our ties to Europe. Are we tied too tightly to the European community in the matter of war and defense? Have we any real input into the formation of European goals' and objectives? Have we allowed the European mind to determine American policy? Another question might have to do with the effective ness of our intelligence-gathering capabilities. There is little doubt that we possess the ultimate in technology. A satellite can all but photograph a car Ijcense plate from outer space. But do we turn our cameras on a remote area of the world only when a crisis occurs? Have we the ability to interpret and effectively use the information we gather? These questions, doubts and hesitancies are raised for our national welfare. Our involvement in the British/Ar gentine disgrace ·can provide us with som,e very positive lessons for the future. But are we ready to learn them?
Fall River, 'Mass. 02722
PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, 0,0., S.T.O.' EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR ltev. John F. Moore, Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan ~
I,eary Press-Fall River
'Pray for thyself. and for the people.' Lev. 9:6
.Homosexuality , By ,Michael Gallagher . I knew I was in' trouble as soc;m as I saw the envelope ad dressed to "Michael Gallagher, '0' Film Reviewer." What had stirred my corres pondent's ire was a small piece in Variety headed "Love" 'Quest' Earn 'Offensive' Tags as Catholics Get Tough." In it, I, representative of a tough Catholic, was quoted as judging . the movie "Making Love" in these terms: "Homo sexuality is presented as nothing more than an acceptable varia tion on the normal process. This attempt to forestall moral impli cations is as obviously fabricated as the rest of the film." The letter writer, a member of an organization' of Catholic homosexuals, wanted to protest both what I said about the movie and the "0" or morally offensive c1assifiCation given it. He said he felt. that this movie treated homosexuality positively and that reactions such as mine COllld only harm better understanding of it. I sympathize deeply with my correspondent 'and I ,understand his indignation with regard to the "morally offensive" tag. Film classifications are a poor substitute for a review. They say both too much and too little. Had this man read my full review, he would no doubt have disagreed with me, but perhaps he would not have felt insulted. Here it is in somewhat short ened form; "This reworking of
the triangle motif which has the husband leave his wife for an other man is a pre~ictable, un inspired film. Homosexuality a word not mentioned in a script that uses even the euphen ism 'gay,' but once - is present ed as n~thing more than an ac ceptable variation of the normal process. This attempt to forestall moral implications, etc. etc . . ." What should be noted is that our office, charged with review ing and morally classifying films, cannot be expected to be on the cutting edge of doctrinal change. ' . Extensive sexual activity car-· ried on outside marriage is mor ally wrong, at least objectively so. That said, would the U.S. Cath olic Conference necessarily give an "0" classification to any film with a plot like that of "Making Love" or to any movie that por traying homosexuality non judgmentally? No. Take "Victor-Victoria." We gave it an A4 classification, "adults, with reservations." . I didn't happen to find "Victor Victoria" as funny as did most people, but even though homo sexuality is certainly portrayed non-jugmentally even favorably, the movie did not argue in favor of homosexuality. It was simply about people and the predica ments they get into - the basic stuff of both farce and tragedy. "Making Love," on the other hand, is a clumsy brief for homo sexuality. Most critics panned it as shallow. and contrived. The whole thing is worked out like
mOVIeS an algebraic equation, with none of the messy human!ty and con tradictions of honest drama. So that we don't pity the wife, for example, and so blame the husband, writer Barry Sandler has thoughtfully arranged for her to snag an ideal replace ment, thus everybody ends up happy and affluent. "Making Love" deals with a serious moral issue but fails to do so honestly and seriously. Finally, let's consider the re cent television series "Brides head Revisited" and Waugh's treatment of homosexual love. I refer not just to Sebastian and Charles, but also to Sebastian and Kurt and to ~ebastian and the brilliant, witty, perceptive Anthony Blanche. ' Waugh, a great conservative and satirist, is concerned about moral values but he refrains from judgment, leaving that. to God, who presumably has a much better understanding of the intricate human heart and the force of human passion. The likes of "Making Love," however, have no hesitation in making their facile little judg ments. And when they do, our office is obliged to make counter judgments. It's mpvies we judge, however, not people.
THE ANCHOR (USPS-S4S·02Q). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven· ue, Fall Riyer, Mass. 02722 by the qath. olic Press of the Diocese of Fall RIver. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $6.00 per yea!.! Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P,O, Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722. '
More deacons, fewer on way WASHINGTON (NC) - There has been an increase in perman ent deacons in the United States and a decline in the number of candidates, says the bishops' committee on permanent dea cons. The figures reflect an increase of 519 deacons over 1980 and a decline of 162 candidates. The first report, issued in 1971, counted 58 deacons and 529 candidates. Msgr. Ernest J. Fiedler of the bishop's committee said that the "phenomenal growth" in the per manent diaconate program in the United States "demonstrates the importance of the role of deacons in the life of the church and their acceptance by the church, par ticularly the laity:' Saying that this Is the second year in a row that the number of candidates has declined, Msgr. Fiedler explained that a number of programs are being evaluated after which growth in the num ber of candidates "can be ex pected to resume." The report is based on infor mation provided by directors of 142 diocesan diaconal formation programs or by chancery offices. The report shows that 80 per cent of the deacons are white, 14 percent are Hispanic and 5 per cent are black. Most, 37 percent, are In the 41-50 age group and 33 percent are in the 51-60 age group. Forty-two percent of the dea cons have completed college, 16 percent have completed post graduate work, 36 percent have high school diplomas and 6 per cent an eighth grade education or less. Ninety-three percent of the deacons are married, 5 percent are celibate and 2 percent are widowers. The Chicago Archdiocese has 411 deacons, the most in the na tion. There are 21 Eastern rite dea cons and 18 candidates. Since 1968, 18 petitions of lai cization have been granted to deacons.
Medal of the Just VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Israeli government recently pre sented its Medal of the Just post humously to a Lithuanian priest credited with saving the lives of hundreds of Lithuanian Jews. Salesian Father Bronius Pauk stys, who died in 1966 at age 69 in Kaunas, Lithuania, part of the Soviet Union, was honored for having saved several hundred Lithuanian Jews, "with grave risk of his own life," during the Nazi occupation of Kaunas be tween 1943 and 1945.
Charities head WASHINGTON (NC) - Father Thomas J. Harvey, 43, has been named the new executive direc tor of the National Conference of Catholic, Charities, replacing Msgr. Lawrence J. Corcoran. He is now assistant director of the Department of Social and Com munity Development in the dio cese of Pittsburgh and is pastor of St. Kilian parish, Mars, Pa.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May V4, 1982
Father Considine'
OVER 150 homebound, sick, elderly and other members of the family of. Holy Trinity parish; West· Harwich, came together recently fora communal celebration of anointing, among events held in ob servance of the parish's 50th anniversary. The sacra ment was administered in the context of a Mass at which Father John Sullivan, SS.CC., was principal concelebrant. Mrs. Richard Gomes, chairperson of par ish ministry to the homebound, extended a welcome. Refreshments and entertainment followed the liturgy.
Nurses, directed by Marcie McGlamery; RN, were on hand and parishioners and a Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority bus provided transportation aid. From left, at liturgy, Courtney Russell, Jim Gian 'nelli, Deacon Vincent Walsh, Father Sullivan, Peter Doherty. The youngsters are fifth graders currently studying the sacraments. (Brunell Photo)
Continued from Page Two County House of Correction, both in New Bedford, and direc to be celebrated by Msgr. Thom son at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, May torship of the Society of St. Vin 23, at St. Francis Xavier Church, cent de Paul.
Msgr. Thomson, was dean of
Hyannis, where he served from 1964 until his retirement in April the Cape Cod deanery. He direct
ed construction of parish centers 1981. in both Norton and Hyannis. Noting that his retirement oc He is a noted homilist and .dur casioned a parish reception, Msgr. Thomson, still a Hyannis ing his years of active ministry resident, has chosen to celebrate was honored at many testimon ials, including a 1957 commun his jubilee privately. He will look back over a ity-wide tribute to New Bedford; and a 1967 reception at the Hy~ priesthood that included asso ciate pastorates at St. Lawrence annis Armory on the occasion of Church, New Bedford; Holy his being named a domestic pre Name, Fall River; and 51. Mary's late. Cathedral. Father Unsworth In .1956 he was named admin Father Unsworth, living in re istrator at St.' Mary's, Norton, tirement at the Catholic Mem remaining there until his Hyannis orial Home, Fall River, will ob appointment. serve his jubilee privately. , Born in Manchester, England, Born in Taunton, April 14, 1906, the son of the late David A:pril 18, 1905, the son of the and Mary (Curley) Thomson, the late John J. and Mary (Ethring prelate graduated from St. ton) Unsworth, he graduated from 51. Mary's High School, Mary's High School before enter Taunton, before 'attending Bos ing St. Mary's Seminary, Balti more. Following ordination and ton College for two years, then' his assignment at St: Lawrence's, entering St. Bernard's Seminary. He was associate pastor at he earned a master's degree at the Catholic Univrsity of Am- Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket; St. Patrick's, Wareham; 55. Peter erica. . and Paul, Fall River; St. Killian's, His diocesan appointments in New Bedford; ,and St. Mary's cluded directorship of New Bed ford and Cape Cod Catholic ,Cathedral before being named Charities, chaplaincies at St. administrator of st. Peter's par Mary's Home and the Bristol ish, Dighton, in 1956 and later
Msgr: Arthur T. Considine was bureau, he was· also a consultant principal celebrant and retired to the Vatican Propagation of the Msgr. Raymond T: Considine was Faith, taught contemporary world among concelebrants at the Mass affairs at the Maryknoll semin of the Resurrection celebrated ary and held editorial posts with last Friday at the Maryknoll several international organiza Seminary Chapel,-Ossining, N.Y., tions. lln 1961, he was appointed by for. their brother, Father John J. Considine, MM, 84, who died President Kennedy to the nation al advisory council for the Peace May 4. Corps, becoming its only priest Msgr. Arthur Considine is pas tor of St. Mary's parish, South member. Born in New Bedford Oct. 9, Dartmouth. Msgr. Raymond Con sidine is the former pastor of St. 1897, Father Considine entered William's Church, Fall River, and Maryknoll in 1915 and was or former director of the diocesan dained in 1923., He received a Catho!!c Charities Appeal, homes licentiate in sacred theology for the aged and the office of the from the Catholic University of America the foInowing year and Propjagation of the Faith. Also at the Mass were two in 1955 was given an honorary other brothers Hon. Walter L. doctorate of humane letters from Considine, Fairhaven, a retired Fordham University. He was assigned to Rome as probate judge; and Frances A. procurator general of the Mary Considine, New Bedford. A fifth brother, George Considine, North knoll society for 11 years begin Dartmouth, could not attend for ning in 1924. ' To disseminate news of miss reasons of health. ion activities, he founded the Father John Considine was Fides News Service' in 1927 at considered one of the most prom the request of the Society for the ineent ,and influential Mary Propagation of the Faith. The kn'oll missioners. At the request service provided information in of U.S. church officials, he or five languages worldwide. Father ganized the Latin America bu Considine was its director for reau in 1960 and was its director seven years. His work with Fides until 1968. He also founded Pa took him to Ethiopia in 1927 as pal Volunteers for Latin Ameri a member of the diplomatic ca, an 'organization which coor mission of Pope Pius XI and to dinated the work of lay volun missions in locations from Pales teers in Latin American missions. tine to Japan. While at the Latin America Father Considine was named to the Maryknoll governing board in 1934. In 1946 he be came editor of Maryknoll Publi SILVER SPRING, Md. (NC) cations and director of public A study of the homelessness in re)ations. the United States done for the He also traveled and wrote Sisters of Mercy of the Union by many books reflecting his years the Quixote Center' has recom as a churchman. For several years The Anchor mended that the sisters make a long-term commitment to the carried his column explaining the situation of the church in shelter-housing ministry. Latin America. Quixote is a Catholic com munity engaged in research and In 1971, Father Considine was activism related to soci~ justice. recognized for his lifetime The study was undertaken after achievements when he received the Sisters of Mercy of the Union a Founders' Award from the In sold the building housing their dependent National Catholic central headquarters in i'Potomas, Research and Planning Center, Md., and stipulated that sale pro which coordinates and develops ceeds be used to alleviate home research on the church's religious lessness. and social mission throughout the world. Father Considine retired to Maryknoll nn 1976. the same year pastor of St. Joseplt's, Woods Hole. • In 1960 Father Unsworth was appointed pastor of St. Mary's parish, New Bedford, remaining there until his retirement in 1980. While at St. Mary's he served on the New Bedford Urban Re newal Board. Father Unsworth is a descen dant of St. John Southworth, a 17th century English martyr canonized in 1970. St. John was a native of Lancashire who after being sentenced to death several' times for his priestly activities, then reprieved, was hung, drawn and quartered in 1654. His body, purchased from the hangman for 40 shillings, was preserved at the English College in Douai, France, until 1927, when it was discovered in a good state of preservation and returned !to England. It is now on view at FArnER CONSIDINE Westminster Cathedral.
Shelter housing
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River:"'Fri., Mdy 14, 1982
CLOSED SUNDAYS Daily Deliveries to Otis, Barnstable County Hospital.'
Tobey Hospital, Falmouth Hospital
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,PLANNING NATIONAL 'Council of Catholic Women general assembly are, from left, Mrs. Michael J: McMahon, Mi ss Winifred Coleman, Mrs. Gilbert Noon an, Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes. (Sr. Gertrude Gaudette Photo)
·Hyannis ,to be site of NCCW' parley
, In ~ October ,the Diocesan constitute the NCCW govern Council of Catholic Women ing body between the organ will host, a' general assembly , ization's biennial conven of the National Co'uncil of tions. Catholic Women in Hyannis. Beginning Sunday, Oct. 3, Recently NCCW' and DCCW with 'an executive board meeting, the parley will open officials took occasion of the annual ,diocesan council con its general sessions at 2 p.m. Oct. 4 with' a 'welcome from vention, also held in Hyannis, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and to "walk through" arrangea Mass at which the prelate , ments for the fall. will be the, principal cele Coming to Hyannis will be brant. The assembly will ad some 300 officers and mem bers of tIle- NCCW executive journ at noon Oct. '7. board, diocesan council presi Mrs. Michael ~. McMahon, dents and moderators. They
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Fall River, a DCCW past president and immediate past treasurer of the NCCW, is general assembly chairman. Mrs. Gilbert J. Noonan, Fal mouth, also a DCCW past president, is cocl'iairman. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, DCCW moderator, will be host moderator and will ar range assembly Masses. CQOrdinating national- ar rangements for the meeting' is Miss Winifred Coleman, NCCW executive director.
Peter needs more " WASHINGTON (NC) - Peter needs more pence to avoid a pro jected $29 million 1982 Vatican budget deficit·and 'U.S. Catholics are being asked to join a world wide effort to contribute more to the Holy See's annual collec 'tion, U.S. church officials have announ~ed. ' '
various offices and activities of now raised in the United States the Holy See, including global for Peter's Pence is $5 million. charitable work. Although the modern Peter's The National' Conference of Pence collection dates to the Catholic Bishops has established 1860s, it is rooted in centuries old practices. It is believed to an Ad Hoc Committee on Econ omic Concerns of the Holy See have originated in 889 under to find. ways to respond to the King Alfred the Great as an An Vatican financial bind.' An in ,glo-Saxon tax to support the The collection, known as crease in contributions to pope, subsequently spreading :Peter's Pence, provides funds for Peter's Pence is viewed as one from England to other Euro pean countries. support of papal projects and ,solution. "With greater awareness of the holy father's needs, the col lection can be even more suc In order to 'permit publiCation cessful," said Archbishop Ed May 18 of Catholic ~ties Appeal list. ward T. O'Meara of Jndianapolis, ings, some of The Anchor's regu. chairman of' the ad hoc NCCD Rev. William McDonald, SS., 1941, St. Patrick, Falmouth , lar features will not appear for committee. . Rt. Rev. J. Joseph Sullivan, the next' few weeks. Their pub· Traditionally,~th!! Peter's Pence lication will resume as SOO11l as collection comes the Sunday P.R., 1960, ,Pastor, Sacred Heart, possible. nearest the June 29 feast of SS. Fall River Rev. Arthur C. dos Reis, 1981, Peter and Paul. This year, that Sunday would be june 27, al· Retired Pastor, Santo Christo, though some dioceses take up the Fall River collection on May 30, Pentecost. ' May 17 The average yearly amount Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, D.D., 1951, 3rd Bishop, of Fall River 1934-51 May 19 ' Rev. Ambrose Lamarre, O.P., ({lMPLElE HEATING SYSTEMS' Connie Bettencourt of Swan 1940, Domincian Priory, Fall aLES & INSTALLATIONS sea has been named female athPlOMPT DELIVERIES 1 lete of the year at Salve Regina River , DIESEl OIU Rev. Thomas Trainer, 1941, /Newport College, Newport, R. I. 24 A senior and special education Pastor, St. Louis, Fall River HOUR SERVICE major, she was a member of the May 20 465 NORTH FRONT ST, varsity soccer, basketball and Rev. Antonio L. daSilvia, 1952, N~W BEDFORD track teams. She holds the school Pastor, Our Lady of Health, Fall record for the long jump. River I
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NATIONAL, $400 Rev. Msgr. John J. Oliveira $350 Rev. Thomas L. Rita $300 Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Cour noyer $250 Rev. Hugh J. Munro $240 Massachusetts State Council, Knights of Columbus $200 Joseph V. Tally,' Inc., Provi dence John E. Fuyat, Providence Rev. Christopher L. Broderick $100 Holy Cross Mission House, No. Dartmouth Philip F. Tally, Providence $25 Art Perry's Orchestra Farley Harvey Company, Bos ton
FALL RIVER $1500 . Fall River Trust Company $1400 Slades Ferry Trust Company $500 The Jaffe Foundation $350 St. Vincent de Paul Society Notre Dame Exchange, Inc. $300 In memory of Fr. McNamee, Fr. Coyle & Msgr. Harrington Capri Textile Processors, Inc. $250 Ashworth Brothers, Inc. .$200 Louis Hand, Incorporated John Braz Catholic Woman's Club Lavoie & Tavares Company, North Westport $150
Chace Curtain Company, Inc.
Arkwri~ht Finishing Division
United Merchants & Mfgrs., Inc. Borden & Remington Com pany Fall River Peoples' Coperative Bank Oak Grove Pharmacy $100 Frank X. Perron Insurance Potter Funeral Service, Inc., Westport Fall River Emblem Club Durfee-Buffinton Insurance Holy Rosary Women's Guild Fall River Sheet Metal Co., Inc. St. Vincent de Paul Salvage Bureau In memory of deceased mem bers and benefactors of Sacred Heart Conference Sacred Heart Conference High Point Paper Box Thomas P. Egan, Inc., Somer set
Nira Warehouse Mart, Inc. In memory of Rev. George B. McNamee Lafayette Cooperative Bank $85 John F. Stafford Insurance Agency $82 Andy's Rapid Transportation, Inc. $75 Holy Name Women's Guild $50 Coca Cola Bottling Company T. J. Motor Lines, Assonet Fall River-New Bedford Ex press, Assonet Plante Jewelers J. B. Travers Lumber, Swan sea J. C. Roofing Company, Inc. Simons Supply Company, Inc. Coffee Sam Industrial Cater ers Fall River Fireplace, Inc. Craft Corrugated Box, Inc. Elmer C. Slater Michael F. Fitzgerald Spindle City Dye Works $40 Assonet Bootery $35 F. W. Woolworth Company Irish Specialty Shoppe $30 Plaza Pharmecy, North West port Dr. Richard H. Fitton Jr. Sherwin & Gottlieb & Lowen stein John's Shoe Store $25 John P. Slade Insurance Portuguese V'incentian F'athers Watuppa Package Store, Inc., North Westport Fairhope Fabrics, Inc. Atty. James P. Killoran Atty. Philip Goltz Furtado's North End Provision Company , Baker Tractor Corporation J. Fred Beckett & Son Somerset Lodge Tom Norton Family Insurance Center Atty. Bernard Saklad Hadley Insurance Agency, Inc. F. R. Luggage & Novelty Workers, Local #65 Roger Dufour & Son Piano & Organ Fall River Tool & Die Com pany Fall River Paper & Supply Company Ray's Auto Radiator Works Assonet Pharmacy Assonet Tool Company Apex Shade Company Jerry's Westport Furriiture Company Grundy's Lumber Supply Co., Inc., Westport Jim Rogers Cigar Store Somerset Speed Equipment
ATrLEBORO Holy Ghost $750 M-M Raymond Kelliher; $500 M-M J. Kenneth Murphy Sr.; $100 M-M Robert W. Hoag, M-M Joseph Luerken, M-M Elzear Sicard,' Mr~ Constant Poholek, M-M Douglas Livingston, Mr. John Flanagan Jr., M-M Edward Amesbury; $75 M-M Joseph R. Ambers; $70 M-M James McAndrews. . $50 M-M Leon O'Brien, M-M John Bergeron, M-M John Redlund, M-M Lewis Benson, M-M Charles E. Fox, M-M Raymond Guillette, M-M Frank Pistolese, M-M Alfred Vaz Sr., Mary S. Sullivan, Jean Galligan, M-M A. D. Stentiford; $40 Rosalind Martelli, M-M Stephen H. Sullivan; $35 Madeline Turley, M-M George E. Ryan, M-M Joseph Brousseau; $32 Anony mous. $30 M-M Joseph Poholek, M-M Leo Charette, Alice Perry, l,\i-M Merle C. Holmes, Richard DeMoia, Mrs. Mary Soares, M-M Alfred Carvalho, M-M Frederick E. Lander Jr., M-M Clifford Duclos, M-M Frederick Ellis; $25 M-M John DaSilva, M-M Joseph Machado,
Wolf Jewelry Company Leonard Pharmacy Darwood Manufacturing Com pany Merri-Card & Gift Shop & Music Box China Royal Restaurant George B. Lockhart Inc. Agcy., Inc. Professional Pharmacy Gemco Electrical Co., Inc. Catholic Association of Foresters--Our Lady of Victory Court Main Shell Service Station Quality Produce, Inc. East Main Hardware Ideal Bias Binding Company
Perry Funeral Home
O. F. Hackett Jr. Associates , $100 Macedo Pharmacy Mendell Electric Supply $50 Aurele's Machine Shop $35 Cornish and Company, Inc. $25 Ashley Ford Sales Bettencourt Pharmacy Crystal Ice Company Harary Jewelers Janson's Pharmacy
Kennedy's Coiffures
CAPE COD $1000. Reliable Market, Oak Bluffs St. Margaret Bingo, Buzzards Bay $500 St. Joan of Arc Guild, Orleans $250 Holy Trinity Conference, West Harwich $200 Our Lady of Victory Guild, Centerville Atty. & Mrs. Joseph H. Beecher, Hyannis M-M James F. Pendergast, Hyannis Osterville Radio & Television Our Lady of the Cape Guild, Brewster $150 Sacred Heart Conference, Oak Bluffs St. Elizabeth Seton Confer ence, North Falmouth M-M Paul Hunter, Dennisport The Yankee Doodle Shop, West Harwich $125 Visitation Guild, North East 'ham Trade Winds Motel, Falmouth $100 St. Francis Xavier Guild, Hyannis Sacred Heart Bingo, Oak Bluffs Family Restaurant, Falmouth Wood Lumber Co., Falmouth M. F. Roach Company, North Eastham Harney's Supermarket, South Dennis
Souza's Texaco Station, East Falmouth E. T. Mello Electric, East Fal mouth The Big Fisherman, East Fal mouth Knights of Columbus, East Falmouth Knights of Columbus, North Falmouth Knights of Columbus, Woods Hole Knights of Columbus, Fal mouth $75 Papa John's Restaurant, Oak Bluffs $50 . Atsco Oil Company, Vineyard Haven Hyannis Pharmacy, Hyannis Spartan Cleaners, Hyannis . Mitchell's Steak .& Rib House, Hyannis Ghelfi's Trahan Candies, Fal mouth Elm Arch Inn, Falmouth SS. Margaret & Mary Guild, Buzzards Bay Atlantic Cafe. Nantucket Downey's Liquors, Inc., South Harwich Cape Cod Five Cents Savings, Harwichport St. Anthony's Couple Club, East Falmouth United Concrete Corporation of Cape Cod, East Falmouth Deponte's Sand & Gravel, East Falmouth $45 Anonymous, Falmouth $35 George Ferreira's Grasmere Pub, Falmouth $25 A. B. C. Oil Company, Vine yard Haven Coca Cola Bottling Company, Vineyard Haven Carreiro Florist, Hyannis Frederick V. Lawrence, Inc., Falmouth . Williams Plumbing, Inc., Fal mouth Carpet Barn, Inc., Falmouth Canal Electrical, Inc., Buzzards Bay Buzzards Bay Garage Buzzards Bay Pharmacy Cape Cod Playland, Inc., Buz zards Bay Whitney Wayside Furniture, Dennisport Walker Oil Company, East Harwich Kevin McGrath Insurance, South Dennis Don's Auto & Tire Center, Dennisport Sword & Shield Restaurant, Harwichport Sophisticated Junk. & Antique Shop, East Falmouth Anthony R. Faria, Inc., East Falmouth Fleming's Donut Shack, North Eastham McDonald's Paints, Falmouth Park Cleaners, Falmouth
M-M Robert W. Geddes, Mrs. Otto Ockert, William M. Smith, Mrs. Mary Bullard, M-M Edward J. O'Keefe. $25 M-M Joseph Rocha" M-M Antonio Raposo, Mrs. Merton Churchill, Walter K. Kosinski, M-M Robert Desautel, M-M Anthony Martins, Mary Brogan, Mrs. Clair Henry, M-M Henry C. Aguiar, M-M Leo R. Roy. M-M George Fredette, M-M Walter Tansey, M-M Manuel AlmeIda, M-M Stephen Pula, M-M Gordon Barrett, M-M Elmo C. Finocchi, M-M Alphonse Can nella, John Poholek, M-M Francis R. Lavellee Jr., Mrs. Alice Mandeville, M-M Ralph Tinkham, Katherine Almeida, M-M Robert Jacobe, M-M Joseph Medeiros. $25 M-M William Fountaine, M-M Gaetan Collette, Gaetan Collette Sr., M-M Phillip P. Lenieux, M-M Guy Detellis, Christopher Fox, M-M George A. Audette, Ellen M. Carr, Louise Laird, M-M John Betty, M-M Frederick Proulx, M-M Raymond Castro, Anthony Castro, William Bienvienue, Jennie McCann, Loretta McCann, Lawrence McNally, M-M Bernard Hewitt. Sl Joseph $600 Rev. Roger Levesque; $125 Richard Bouchar; $100 St. Joseph's Beano, M-M Albert Dumont, M-M Ralph Zito; $75 Lucien Paul; $60 M-M Joseph
AITLEBORO $500 Fernandes Realty Corporation, . Norton $300 St. Theresa's Conference, South Attleboro $150 First Bristol County National Bank ,$100 St. Mark's Conference, Attle boro Falls Art's 3 Hour Cleaners, North Attleboro Reardon & Lynch, Attleboro Carey Company, Attleboro St. T·heresa's Holy Name So ciety, South Attleboro Irene O'Malley Real Estate, South Attleboro Thomas R. Leedham Jr., Es quire, South Attleboro St. Theresa's Christian Moth ers, South Attleboro First Federal Savings & Loan Stephen Foney Funeral Home $60 Leedham Hardware, South Attleboro $50 M. S. Company, Attleboro Reeves Company, Attleboro State Line Scrap Co., Inc., South Attleboro $25 Lyons Advertising, Inc., Attle boro Falls Crown Yam & Dye, South Attleboro John Case, Inc., South Attle boro Attleboro Woodworks, Attle boro Vachon's Auto, South Attle boro Andy's Bay State Auto Body, South Attleboro Ro Jacks, South Attleboro Country Haven Nursing Home, Inc., Norton Edgar M. Holmes Insurance Agcy, Inc., Norton
TAUNTON $350 Particular Council of Taunton $250 Holy Family Conference, East Taunton $150 First Bristol' County National Bank $100 Queen's Daughters Aleixo Insurance Agency, Inc. $75 Mozzone Brothers Lumber Yard $35 Riendeau Funeral Home $25 St. Germain & Son St. Jacques Women's Guild Beauvais Bicycle Shop Andy's Market Octagon Service Station United Bay Bank Weir Auto Sales Children of Mary Sodality Holy ~osary Church H & H Machine Company, Inc.
McGee; $50 Conseil Jeanne d'Arc' #263, Union St. Jean-Baptiste, M-M Arthur Dubuc, M-M Walter Herbert, M-M Wilfred Joubert, M-M Conrad Maigret. M-M Mark Mercier, M-M Henri Paradis, M-M Gerard Proulx, M-M George Stafford. $40 M-M Robert Boucher, M-M Gerard Fontneau, M-M Louis Perry; $35 Mrs. Joseph Bellonzi; $30 M-M Robert E. Boulay, M-M Robert Dubeau, Yvette S. Smith, M-M Leger Turcotte; $25 M-M Michael Arata, M-M Arthur Archambault, M-M Richard AUdette, M-M Armand Boucher, Mrs. Lillian Boyer, M-M Ronald Briand, M-M George Briggs, Mrs. Adwilda Cesolini, Yvonne E. Chartier, Stephen Daneau, M-M Joan Davis. $25 M-M Richard Depot, M-M Ernest DesVergnes, Jeannette Dupuis, M-M Andrew.Figuerado, M-M Julien Forget, M-M James Fyfe, Mrs. Muriel G,audreau, M-M Lawrence Governo, Guillette Family, M-M Richard Hanley, Theresa Jette, In memory of George Jewett, M-M Raymond Ladouceur, M-M Donald Larocque. Donald Lavin, Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mrs. Joseph Nadeau, M-M Oscar Pinault, Mrs. Richard Sieber, Melvin Smith, M-M Francis Tetreault.
William Morton, Mary and Alice Donoghue, Napoleon ternity . of Christian Doctrine, Dr.-Mrs. Robert S. S. Cabana; $75 M-M Francis Baldini, M-M J. Baroncelli; Burroughs, M-M Alfrj;!d L'Heureux, Vincent Lynch, $60 M-M Thomas A. Graney Jr.; $50 Mrs. Leo Huott, Dr.-Mrs. Alex. MacIsaac, Mrs. Ralph Mathieu, M-M M-M Emery Visconti, M-M John King, M-M James 'Harold McCormick. Vau'ghan, M-M William J. Higgins, John T. Powers, $75,M-M James Coogan, Mary E. Coyle & Family, M-M Clifford Titus, Louise Capone, Mary Capone; J'ohn Lynch, M-M Ed!Jlund Murray; $60 M-M Edmund ,M-M Edward Sliney; $45 Clarence Leonard. McCann; $50 M-M F'rank Barney, M-M Robert D. Bessette, Agnes Blake, Mrs. David 'E. Blake, M-M $40 M-M Bradley Dauphinee, M-M Richard D'Ono James Egan, M-M Daniel Hanlon, M-M Lawrence F. frio, M-M Arthur Dupree; $35 M-M Albert Fasulo, . Ja.rvis, M-M Herbert Leddy, Mrs. Henry Lefebre. M-M Arthur Remillard, M-M Joseph Phillips, Mary & $50 M-M John J. McDermott, M-M Vincent O'Brien, Edward Driscoll, Lawrence Jackson, Irene Barrows; M-M Eugene N. Perry, Eric W. Spencer, M-M Joseph, $30 Dorothy Zuilkowski, M-M A. Delgrosso, M-M Thomas, Lorraine Vaslet; $35 M-M Ralph Baumgartel, Arthur Kane, Mrs. George Pomfret, M-M James Roach, M-M Robert R. Howard; $30 M-M James Brackett, M-M Bart T. Jackson, Kathleen Secher, W. Chad M-M Raymond Keough, M-M Rogert LaFrance, M-M Maurer, M-M Gary Eagan, M-M John Houghton, M-M George LaBelle, M-M Gerald Lanoue, M-M 'George J. McCormack, M-M Robert Douglas, M-M R. Baldini, McCarthy, M-M J. Donald Robertson, M-M Joseph M-M Alfred Sarro, M-M Glenn Loiselle, M-M James Perry. . Hindman, M-M Vincent Poirier, M-M Richard Curley. $25 Mrs. Beatrice L. Amos, M-M Ralph Arguin, $25 M-M Clifford Pearl Jr., E. R. Jameson Jr. Land Mrs. Susan Armell, Mrs. W. Bechtel, M-M Edmond scaping, M-M Alexander Thompson, M-M Paul J. B,edard, M-M Kenneth Bliss, M-M' Gaetan Brochu, Burke, Jean Mygan, M-M Joseph Devling, Virginia M-M Roland A. Camire,M-M Richa.rd Carignan, M-M Titus, M-M James A. Wills, M-M Ronald Muise, M-M Martin Carroll, M-M Joseph Chandley, M-M Frederick " James Bubeau, M-M John Senna, M-M Frank Candela, Dobras, M-M Louis Emond Jr., M-M Frank F.oley, M-M J. Scarpellini, Beatrice Mugford, Mary Beatty,' M-M Robert Fontaine, Mrs. Bernadette Francis. M-M Earl Beaton, M-M Joseph Piscatelli, M-M Roger DeMarzio, Helen Kenney, Mrs. John Shaw, Margaret $25 M-M Robert Frenier, Mrs. Manuel Furtado, M-M Jordan, M-M Lou Blasetti, M-M Joseph G. Cote. Ernest Gaudet, M-M Thomas P. Giblin Jr., Mrs. $25 Helen Brazil, M-M Carmen Cardinute, M-M Norman Hearn, M-M Charles Kulik, M-M Louis. William Cooney, M-M F. J. Rys, M-M Vincent Labounty; M-M Jacques Leduc, M~M Norman Lemere, McBrine, Roy L. DeGirolamo, Margaret Mahoney, M-M Mrs. David Lynch, Thomas F. Maguire Jr., Mrs. John Henry Ward, M-M Alfred Sarro Jr., M-M Brian Marcinkwicz, M-M Manuel M~llo, M-M James McArdle, Bokoske, M-M Bruce Martin, M-M Gino Bacchi'occhi, M-M Francis McMahon, M-M John McNally, Denise M. M-M John Wilkinson, M-M Robert. V. Barbarisi, M-M Miller, M-M John Morrell, M-:M William O'Brien. Frederick Conlon, M-M Raymond Goddard, M-M $25 Joseph Ostiguy, Mrs. Pauline Patenaude, Mrs. Dominic Poillucci, Mrs. Th()mas. L. Masson, M-M Prudence A. Poulos, M-M George Provost, Mrs. John Bernard S. O'Mal~ey, M-M ,F. Findlen. ' R. Przybyla, M-M Joseph Regan, M-M Frank Santos, $25 M-M J. Crescitelli, Sherino Amici, Geraldine M-M Thomas Silvia, M-M Charles Sirois, M-M Harry Abbott, M-M Chester Jackman, M-M James Cronin, Tankard, M-M Paul Tetreault, M-M Wilfred Thornhill, M-M Richard Brown, Annette Atwell, Emma Pascucci, M-M Lewis Trucchi, M-M Richard V.occio, M-M Clif M-M Donald Moran, Mary Ann Ross, Margaret ford Wallace, M-M Arthur Wildgoose, M-M Clement ,Gardner, M-MJoseph Pernock, Mary Ellen Gremore, Ziroli, M-M Frank Fournier, M-M Joseph N. Sherry, Viola A. Caldarone, M-M John F. Sharpe Jr., M-M M-M Leo Tracey. John Donnelly.. $300 The Darmedy Family; $120 M-M Kenneth W. A~LEBORO Megan; $50 M-M Jos. Houghton, M-M Robert Ledger, St. Stephen $400 Rev. Roland Bousquet, A Parish Jane Richard, The McGoldrick Family, Thomas P. ioner; $100 M-M Charles Dumont, M-M Gerard La Haven; $35 M-M Edwin A. Rego, M-M William Sullivan ferriere, M-M Edward Lapierre Sr., M-M Delphis Jr.; ;$30 M-M Joseph Mullin, William Sheldon, M-M Ringuette, St. Stephen's Women's Council; $60 M-M R. Galanti, M-M Guido Leonelli. Normand P. Beauregard, M-M Normand Latraverse; $25 M-M Kenneth Buja, M-M Leo Francis Annese, $55 In memory of M-M Martin P. Rossiter Sr. Dion Family, M-M Donald Genoa, M-M William $50 In memory 'of Henry Frenier & daughter Le::ma, Palanza, M-M Leo Peloquin, M-M Ralph Petrillo, M-M Alfred Karol, M-M Edward Lapierre Jr., M-M Eleanor Piccolomini, M-M David Sellmayer, M-M Guy Leo 'N. Lapierre, M-M' Delphis Paradis, M-M Lionel Tomase, M-M Michael Eagan, M-M Lee Duclos, M-M . Pa.radis, George Ringuette; $40 M-M L. Albert PeterM. DeGirolomo, M-M William DeBaggis, M-M Goudreau; $35 M-M Archie ,Hebert; $30 M-M Anthony Victor Narciso, M-M Silvio Morini, M-MAlbert Jack Casall, M-M Arthur Karaberis, Charles Landry, M-M son, M-M Gerald TuBs, Mrs. Raymond Ockert, M-M Albert Ousley, M-M John Rogers, M-M Arnold Silva, Joseph O'Malley, M-M Anthony Pellegrini.' • M-M Eugene J. Therriault. ' . $25 M-M Arthur Boudreau, M-M Emil Brodeur, NORTH ATTLEBORO M-M Theodore H. Charron, Oscar Desjardin, M-M Sacred Heart $40 M-M Richard Hindle; $35 M-M Russell Dugas, M-M Herve Dumon, M-M Francis Gerard Desilets; $30 Roger Pinsonnault, Edward Rin Fontneau, M-M Robert Goudr-eau, Albert Goudreau, guette; $25 Mrs. Anita Coutou, M-M Ernest Goulet, M-M Francis Gousie, M-M Raoul Gou~lie, Mrs. Marie M-M Walter Harris, M-M Donald Kirby, M-M Leo Malloney, M-M James McCracken, M-M Raymond Lacasse, M-M Henry Larocque, Mrs. Marielle Mar Paquin, Mrs. Frank Rapoza, M-M Herbert St. George. tineau, M-M 'Guy Newell, M-M Ovila Ouellette, Mrs. Bernard Tattrie. SOUTH ATTLEBORO . st. Th~resa $400 Rev. Msgr. Gerard J. Chabot, V.F.; $300 M-M Raymond Gravel,' So. Attleboro Knights of St. Mary $500 Mrs. John F. Smith; $450 M-M G. Columbus #5876; $200 In memoriam M-M Leo La Howard Morse Sr.; $250 Nelson Gulski; $100 M-M Chance; $150 M-M David Grady; $125 M-M Ronald Bernard Byrnes, M-M Joseph Doran;. $70 M-M Leo Bouchard, In" memoriam of Philip Morris; $100 Mrs. Cloutier, Mrs. Raymond Vandette; $60 M-M Anthony Esther Desmarais, M-M Anthony Moskalski, M-M Dom Anzivino; $50 John Bevilaqua Jr., Mrs. Fran)l:: Fisler, Berardi, William Strandring, Katherine Bradley, M-M M-M Richard Gaulin, M-M Edward McCrory" M-M Ronald Oliveira, M-M Stephen Kozatek. Robert Scarlatelli, M-M Austen Butler, Richard Quinn, $50 M-M Ederito Fachado, Thomas P. Reilly, Edward M-M Joseph Sullivan. Duclos, M-M William O'Brien, M-M William Sharples, $40 Laura Conti, M-M Louis Meomartino; $35 M-M . M-M John Plath, Robert Whitaker, Mrs. George John Collins; $30 M-M Robert Carvalho, M-M Thomas O'<:!onnell, M-M James Mann, M-M Ernest Major, Feeney, M-M" Joseph Stanton, M-M Edward Nolan, M-M Joseph Iwuc; $40 M-M Henry Auclair, Mrs. Sarah Willersinn; $25 M-M John Ahearn, M-M Joseph Dorothy Boisse, M-M Albert Lefebvre; $35 J. Cotter, Bourgeois, M-M William Brunell, M-M Louis Carrozza, M-M Rodolphe Bruneau; M-M Rodolphe Bergeron. M-M John Chaplow, M-M William Charpentier, M-M William Conroy, M-M Francis Considine, M-M William $30 M-M Thomas Winters, M-M Richard Murray, ATrLEBORO FALLS Corrigan, M-M Richard Dalton, M-M J,ohn Devlin. M-M William Standring: M-M Leon Tougas, M-M $25 M-M James Diamond, In memory of Patrick St. Mark $200 M-M Robert Cunningham; $150 Elmer Butler, M-M George Duquette, Joseph Soares, Doherty, Ms Shirley Dunham, Mrs. August Funke, Ann Gavlick, M-M Aime Turgeon, M-M Harold Hane M':'M Ernest Glode; $120 M-M Paul Tausek; $100 M-M M-M Thomas Hoey, George J. Jacobs, Mrs. Thomas wich; $25' Mrs. Joseph Lunderville, Ronald & Mary Thomas Parris; M-M Edmund Tierney, M-M George Johnson, Mrs. Jeannette M. Kelly, M-M Robert Kelley, Fabas, M-M Roland Cote, M-M Morris Vieira, M-M H. Morse Jr., M-M Ron Felici; $50 M-M Michael Mary Kennedy, Alice Littlefield, Rosanna McAfee, Gerard ~achon, M-M Paul Metilly, M-M Antonio Pinto. Murphy, Mrs. Mary Croke, M-M Robert Demers, M-M M-M Henry McCarthy, M-M Thomas McCarthy, Helen Bernard Gamache, Mrs. Marie & Miss Suzanne Nolan, $25 M-M Charles Rozak, Mrs. Rose Hagopian, M-M M. Mullen, M-M Francis Murphy, M-M John Mushey, James F. Brennan, M-M Lawrence Duffany. Richard ~nright, M-M Nicholas Winters, M-M Fred Mrs. Daniel O'Neill, M-M W. Szewczykowski, John SIemon, Marilyn Bazinet, M-M Edward McGoran, M-M $40 M-M Hamilton Solidum, Ernest Frasso; $35 M-M Turley, Ms Anne Marie Vandette, Joan E. Bourke. William Niquette, M-M Adrien Piette, M-M Roger Robert Mangiaratti, Robert Nicastro, M-M Arthur $25 Mrs. Louise Farrands, Daniel Gaboury, M-M Provost, M-M O'Neil Turenne, Charles Farrell, M-M Foley, Ms Cheryl Dowdell; $30 M-M Peter Cragan, Arthur Gaboury, M-M Francis M. Gallagher, M-M Maurice Poirier, M-M Fred Fortin, M-M Eugene Doyle, Lows Desvergnes, Deacon-Mrs. James Meloni; M-M Howard Gaudette, John Gaumond, Mrs. Louis Mc M-M Leo Lyons. Robert Hagerty, M-M Robert Guillette, M-M Charles Adams, Mrs. Eileen Taylor, M-M Frederick Thorpe, Mauer; $28 M-M Michael Disalvo; $27.50 M-M Joseph $25 M-M Edward Tedesco, M-M John Kenny, M-M M-M Stephen Wnuk. _ Jette; $25 M-M Michael J. Duggan; Mildred Gilroy, Richard Lareau, M-M ,William Lynch, M-M Albert M-M Joseph Feeney, M-M Maurice Goulet, M,.M Addessi, M-M Ambrose Corrigan; M-M Orner Letellier, BREWSTER George Smith, M-M Edward Weygand, Roy F. Hagerty M-M Lucien _Viens, M-M Robert Laliberte, Mrs. Paul Our Lady of the Cape $100 M-M Raymond R. Head, Jr.; John Demont, M-M Ralph Allen., . Beausoleil, M-M Charles O'Connor, M-M Ernest M-M Charles Dedon, M-M Leonard W. McHugh, Mrs. Benschneider, M-M Arthur Glode, M-M James $25 M-M Charles LaSala, Mrs. Ellen Hillman, Mrs. William Creamer; $68 Robert M. Kosco; $50 M-M Max Sweeney, M-M Bruce Raymond, M-M Joseph Ledger, J'eanne Kurrle, M-M Arthur Barry, M-M J·oseph R. Higgins, M-M Hugh W. SUllivan,M-M Roger Hub M-M Alfred Joachim, M-M Norman Standring, M-M Feeney, M-M PhiUas Lallier, Mrs. Eliza .Houghton, bard, M-M Leonard Doherty, Elizabeth Sheehy; $35 James Henry, M-M Robert Berard, M-M Maurice M-M Thomas Brennan Jr., M-M Marc Hildebrant, Mrs. M-M Joseph Porcari; $30 M-M Felix Julian, Miss C. Sl. Mongeau, Mrs. JQsefa Chabot, M-M Richard Collette. Edna Coutu, M-M Richard Marcotte, M-M Joseph Amand and Miss G. Lavoie, M-M John F. Miller. Ferland, ..M-M Jerome Pepi, 'M-M James Carroll, M-M. $25 M-M Ralph Roberge, M-M Boleslaw Rec, Louis $25 M-M Ralph E. Butteafield, Mrs. Joseph Trudeau, Francis Moore, M-M John Pollis, M-M John Falocco, F. Bachand, M-M·· William' Coughlin, Mrs. Laura Edna V. Farrell, William Butchard, M-M' John T. M-M Norman Pinsonneault, Dr.-Mrs. Rene Bowquet. J;>elude, 1V!-M Gerard Lee, M-M Rene Therrien, M-M Delaney, M-M Philip C. Berker, M-M Robert Mc $25 Mrs. Grace Fitton; 'M-M James Barry, M-M William Bergeron, M-M Raymond Kelley, Barbara Lellan, M-M William T. Flynn, M-M John R. Robi Kelly, M-M Leo Dery, M-M Donald Harkins, M-M Elmer Paulhus, M-M. Robert.· Dion, M-M Walter chaud,. M-M Thomas P. Lynch, Mrs. Robert E. White, Heagney, M-M Bart Rofino, Raymond Aubin, M-.M Gerald Brillon, M-M John Casserly, M-M.. Francis Mrs. Thomas G. Freeley, Marion R. Lupica, M.,M Paul Paul Estabrook, M-M Roger Achin; . O'Connell, M-M George 'i'e<,iirio, M-M Joseph La'mpu E. Martin, Mrs. George Linehan, M-M Charles X. reux. Sampson, M-M George Kilduff; M-M James H. Bradley. SEEKONK; . $25 Mrs. George E. Walker, M-M Richard Hassett. MANSFIELD St. Mary $650 In memory of the Leonard & Mahoney . M-M John Mlllhern,. M-M Brendan McGrath, M-M familie~; $400 M-M Henry Messier; .$250 M-M John S. st. ~ary $300 Atty & Mrs. Robert Currivan; $200 Robert Huston, Mrs. Harry Cross, M.,.M Thomas Ander Francis; $200 M-MJoseph Hodge" Imported .Auto Parts, . M-M Vincent Botti, M-M Daniel Sullivan; $100 Robert son, M-M Edward J. Carroll Sr., M-M Ralph Salvati, . Maloon, M-M Thomas Markt, M-M George M. Tarutis, Inc.; $155 Dr. John Belsky; $150 :M-M George Agostini; M-M Robert Masterson, M-M Robert Domos, John R. 'M-M Eug~ne Britton, M-M Robert Pietraf~tta, M-M $125 M-M Gerard Cinq-Mars; ,$JOO St. ~ary's ,Confra,.. Warden, M-M William Campbell, M-M Michael Pluto.
ATrLEBORO st. John the Evangelist $500 Edmund Henry; $250 M-M Luca Fantaccione; $200 M-M Harry J. Flynn, Dr.-Mrs. Robert O'Donnell; $150 M-M Robert Kenny; $135 M-M Paul Scanlan; $120 M-M Douglas Reed; $100 Mrs. Melvin Candelet, Mrs. Patricia Carella, M-M James J. Coogan, Mrs. F. Joseph Doyle, M-M George E. Fredette, M-M.R. Giannitelli. $100 In memory of John & Theresa Mahon, M-M Russell Morin Jr., M-M Daniel Nolin, M-M Michael O'Hara, Mrs. Leland Smith, M-M Robert Sweeney, Dr. Anthony Terranova, M-M James VerGow; $75 M-M Donald DesVergnes, Rocca Fantaccione, Roland . Frechette, M-M Gerard LeFrancoies; $60 M-M Peter Driscoll, M-.M Edward Maher; $55 M-M David J. Foley. $50 M-M Edward Bayly, M-M Wilfred Cardin, M-M Richard Doherty, M-MJohn Dolan, Mrs. Adela Dudovicz, M-M Robert Edwards, Mrs. Lucille Felix, Mrs. William Goff, M-M Edward Kelley, Anita King, M-M Gerard LaCombe, M-M Donald Lange, M-M Francis LaPlante, M-M Anthony Magina, Judy Mc Knight, M-M Joseph Milane, Mrs. Arthur Mulligan, M-M Gilbre Rea, Mrs. Philip Rounds, M-M Ralph Sears, M-M Harold Sumner, M-M John White. $45 M-M Normand Pelletier; $40' M-M Thomas Blake, M-M Edward L. Breslow, M-M Robert Coughlin, M-M James P. Fitton, M-M George Gay, M-M Harold' Gentle, M-M Daniel Gilroy, Mrs. Joseph King, John Logan, M-M David Murphy. M-M John Ricker; $35' Helen Bruen, M-M James Martine, M-M Albert Pion, M-M Donald Trainor, Mrs. James Wade. $30 M-M Clifford A. Bodge, Nabby Coffey, M-M Charles W. Dean, M-M Lawrence R. FUton, M-M Gerard Gagnon, M-M Joseph Mahon,' M-M K. W. McGrath, M-M William Morin, M-M Alfred A. Paille, M-M Frederick Woll; $25 M-M Walter Ambler, Mrs. Arthur Anderson, M-M Armand Azavedo, Bernard Beatty, Mrs. Mildred Bellavance, M-M Richard Ben kavitch, M-M Francis Birch, M-M Thomas P. :Bolton, $25 M-M Joseph Bono, M-M Charles Bowen, Mrs. William Bowen, M-M Bowie, M-M Reid Braga, M-M William Brennan, Mrs. Paul Bullock, M-M Robert Cabral, Ronald Churchill, M-M Salvatore Ciccio, M-M Normand Cloutier, M-M Francis G. Convey, M-M Roland Courtois; Mrs. Herbert Clegg, M-M David N. Craige, M-M Daniel Creeden, M-M Daniel Cronin, M-M Gilbert' DaCosta, Mrs. Wilton C. Dale, Mrs. Philip Davignon, M-M Malter A. Ebeling, M-M Frank Fanning. $25 Mrs. George Farrington Jr., M-M Richard Field, M~M. Rot>ert M.· ..File, M-M Leonard Fitzpatrick Jr., M-M James ·Foley; Mrs. Virginia Frenier, M-M Henry Gagn~, M-M JoJm' Gagne, Joseph Gr,aney Jr., M-M Edward Greve,' ~-M Robert Griswold, In memory of William F. Hafey, 'M-M John Hamel, M-M Richard Hanlon, 'M;rs. 'Eileen. Hill, Mrs. Elizabeth Holdgate, M-M Eugene P. Hunt, Mrs. Babtistine Icardo. $25M-M Robert· 'Joy, M-M Michael Joyce, M-M Henry Kelley, Mrs. Mary Kelley, Sandra Kelley, M-M John Kogut, M-M 'Robert LaFerriere, M-M Louis C. Langelier, M-M; Pasquale, ~attari, M-M Leo LeMa.istre, Mrs. John Lepper, M-M ·Harry Loew, M-M Paul Lorincz, M-M Peter 'Lynch, Mrs. Evangeline Maher, Mary Marron, M-M ·Robert· MacDonald, M-M William Maguire, M-M Raymond May~r; Fred McCracken. $25, In memory of Vincent M .McGinn, M-M Francis Mclssac, Mary McKearney, M-M Alfred McNally, M-M Joseph Megan, M-M Donald' P. Mitchell, M-M Norman Morin, Mrs. Baril Mulligan, Ret. Maj. & Mrs. J. T. Murphy USM~, Kevin Myles, Mary Noble, Dorothy Nolin & Benjamin, M-M Andrew Nyzio, M-M Victor 'O'Clair, M-M Edward O'Donnell, Dr.-Mrs. Vincent O'Donnell, Margaret O'K-eefe, M-M Joseph Pedro. $2l? Mrs. Rose Percy, M-M Gideon Plante, M-M John Porter, M-M Donald Price, M-M Edward Raposa, M-M Robert Robichaud, M-M' John J. Robinson, M-M Frank Rose; M-M Herbert Rounds, Helen Schriever, M-M Robert Schwensfeir Jr., Edward Scott, Mrs. Ismay Sharkey, M-M Paul Silvia, M-M William Skivington, Mrs. Mae' Smith, Susan Fiske Smith, M-M William Stone, M-M Norm Thibault, M-M Michael Tocci, M-M Kevin G. Turley, M-M Ernani V¢rgano, Raymond Welch.
NORTON St. Mary $500 Rev. John J. Magnani; $275 Rev. Arthur K. Wingate; $250 M-M Joseph E. Fernandes; $100 M-M Vincent T. Rakauskas; $50 M-M Samuel Arena, Mary I. Camara, Vangie Fonseca, Louise Lynch, M-M Ernest Precourt, M-M George A. Yelle; $40 M-M Donald E. Butts, M-M Andre J. Charpentier, Arthur D. Stentiforcl; $35 M-M John Drane, M-M John J. Ribeiro, M-M Charles P. Wichland; $30 M-M Christopher Belmonte, Richard J. Charette, M-M Thomas ·V. Kelly, Edith McCabe, M-M James Murray, Frances M. Sullivan. $25 M-M Alex Bertone, M-M Arthur F. Brown, M-M John J. Camara, In memory of Jennie Carr, M-M Joseph R. Daley, M-M Earl H. Dion Jr., M-M Stephen C. Ehrlich, M-M John Fernandes, M-M William V. Flaherty, John F. Hanson, In memory of Damon A. Hope, M-M Christopher Johnson, M-M Frederick Kelley Jr., M-M Robert LaCasse, Louise LaChapelle. $25 M-M Francis E. Lanagan, M-M Lawrence La rocque, M-M Cadorna J. Lori, M-M Paul L. Mac Kinnon, M-M William Marvel, M-M Antonio Medeiros, In memory of Helen and Peter Mondor, Mary Nunes, Mrs. Arthur C. Puscheck, In memory of Clarence P. Rich Sr., M-M Henri Yelle. '
M-M Paul Shannon; $40 M-M Roger Dupont, M-M Donald James, Mrs. Patricia Patterson, M-M Anthony Silvestri; $35 Mrs. Austin Prokop; $30 M-M Curtis Bright, M-M Gerald Brissette, M-M Arthur Harvey Jr., M-M Alfred Menesale. $25 Mrs. Frank Andres, M-M Austin Boyle, Col. James Blake, M-M John Blumette, Louis J. Blute, Mrs. John Butler, M-M Frank Capra, Mary Clancy, M-M Joseph Crowley, M-M Harry Dever, M-M William Dugan, Jane Flynn, M-M Joseph Gagliard, M-M James Gordon, M-M Armand Goulet, Mrs. Cathy Griffin, William Grinnell, M-M' Clarence Hanson, M-M John Haugh, Mrs. David Holden, Mrs. Theodore Hoppe, M-M Charles Huber, Diane Kelly, M-M William Kelly. $25 M":M Richard Kennedy, M-M Eugene Kiernan, M-M Ralph LeMay, Mrs. K. R. Liston, M-M Henry Lyons, M-M Stuart MacNown, Margaret Macpherson, M-M Albert Makkay, M-M Burton Merrifield, Agnes McInerney, M-M Francis McVarish, M-M Ubaldo Nugnes, M-M David O'Keefe, Mrs. Thomas O'Neill, Mrs. Anna Parsil, M-M Normand Perron, M-M Richard Prada, M-M Roy Prescott, Mrs. Helen Queenan, M-M James Queeney, M-M Patrick Radford, M-M Donald Roycroft, Mrs. Raymond Russell.
SEEKONK Our Lady of Mount Carmel $300 Rev. Thomas C. Mayhew, M-M William CUddigan; $240 Dr.-Mrs. Dom inick Indindqli; $200 C. J. Conyers, M-M Lawrence Weyker; $150 M-M H. Foley; $100 M-M William S. Carden, M-M William Heaney, M-M Anthony Hen dricks, M-M Jesse Hendricks, John Hendricks, Dr.-Mrs. Richard E. Murphy; $72 M-M Joseph McCabe. $60 M-M John F. Costa, M-M Ronald Derr; $50 Jane Barker, M-M Alfred Boucher, Helen E. Browning, M-M Raymond Corrigan, M-M Michael Durkay, M-M Vincent Frattaruolo, M-M Edward Martin, M-M Peter Matonis, William B. McAuliffe, Mrs. Louise Oakland, M-M Robert Sloane, M-M Ralph Turner; $40 M-M Kenneth Rocha; $35 M-M Larry Marshall, M-M P. Micheletti Jr., M-M Eugene Rebello. $30 M-M Anthony Andrews, Mary G. DeSilva, M-M Roland DiOrio, M-M Herve F. Goyette, M-M A. J. Lemieux, M-M Thomas Michaluk, M-M Joseph Motta Jr., M-M William H. O'Brien Jr:., M-M Dennis Veader; $26 M-M Frank Gamboa; $25 M-M William R. Abate cola, Joseph M. Amaral, Mrs. Manuel Amaral, M-M Raymond Begin, M-M Alfred R. Benoit, M-M William Benson, M-M William H. Bowen Jr., M-M Thomas Brewer, Mrs. M'argaret Carpenter, M-M Henry M. Cosimini, Mrs. Willard Decker, Frank DeMattos. $25 M-M Manuel DeMattos, M-M Paul Drainville, M-M J. James Drapeau, Dr.-Mrs. J. G. Erhardt, Mrs. ' Louise Fallon, M-M Luigi Fiore, Mrs. Martina Fogerty, M-M Alfred George, M-M Walter Gerula, M-M James Handrigan, Mrs. Elizabeth Kempke, M-M Donald Lema, M-M James Lovely, M-M Sergio Macedo, M-M James McGowan, Angela Medeiros, Emily Medeiros, M-M John Medeiros, Gail & Muriel Miller, M-M
Sarkis Najarian Jr., Steven Novega, M-M R. Partridge"
$25 M-M Anthony Piquette, Mrs. Anna Propatier,
Robert J. Propatier, M-M John Raposa, M-M James Risko, M-M George Roderick, Mrs. Morelo Rodrigues, M-M John P. Searles, Seekonk Oil Company, M-M Leonard Silva, M-M Leroy Simmons, Mrs. John Smith, M-M William Toole, M-M S. P. Tracey, M-M Joseph P. Trojan, M-M Thomas Walker, M-M Robert Whit aker, M-M Richard W. Wolfe.
CHATHAM Holy Redeemer' $200 M-M Albert Doherty; $150 Marguerite Martin, M-M Edwin Burke; $100 M-M Robert Byrne, Dr.-Mrs. David F,arrell, Eugenia Hall, M-M Raymond W. Kane Sr., M-M .Richard Klein, M-M Brydon Merrihew, Margaret Nickerson, Elizabeth Norton, Marjorie E. O'Connell, M-M Alan O'Farrell, M-M Robert Pay-ne, M-M Richard Spitzer, M-M Anthony Ueberwasser, John Ventola, M-M John Hay, M-M Norman Normandeau, John J. Nichols. '$90 Ma,rtin McHugh; $80 Elizabeth Bowles; $75 M-M Frank Devlin; $72 M-M Robert Cook; $60 Florence Reilly; $50 Shirley Bloomer, M-M J{)hn Coleman, Thomas J. Desmond, ·M-M Joseph C. Dinand, Alice Dobbyn, M-M Jon D. Eldridge, M-M John J. Fitzgerald, M-M Leonard L. Fougere, Jeanette Fontaine, Mrs. Herbert Hoer, Helen. Killen, Mary T. Leate, Arlene Maloney, Dr. Joan Maloney, Vera Mazalis, E. Page O'Donnell, M-M Albert Reeves, Eli F. Rogers, John J. Sheehan, Mrs. Peter Stagg, M-M Charles Sterling. $50 Barbara Wells, M-M John Clavin, Mrs. Frank Dlugos, M-M John McLaughlin, Nora M. Walsh, $45 , M-M Orick D. Young; $40 John Ford, Robert Bianchi, M-M George O'Malley, M-M Peter Troy, M-M Cha,rles Q~inn; $35 Mary Higgins, M-M William F. Kelly, M-M Vmcent LeBlanc, Dr.-Mrs. Richard A. Weiler Jr' $30 Cecilia J. Aide, In memory of Roger J. Connell, M-M James P. Kerwin; $25 M- MWilliam J. Brennan, Marie Brent, Pauline Jones, M-M Philip Ripa, Joan Wa,rde. $25 M-M. Gerard Barry, Wilfred Boulanger, John N. Br0'Y'n, M-M Paul F. Brown, Bruno Carmen, Harry B. Collings, Anthony Confalone, Marie Cronin, Evangeline Eldridge, Lawr,ence Hunter, Walter J. Ford Jr., M-M Paul J. Frank, Ida Galligan, M-M Richard Griffin, Ambrose J. Hartnett, M-M Walter Hood, M-M John B. Hynes Jr., M-M James J'. Keane, M-M' William Machie, M-M Ronald MacLellail, Jean Malahan, M-M W. Fred McKendree, Margaret Murphy, M-M H. Francis Murphy, Clare Murphy, Janet O'Melia. $25 M-M Donald Parent, Alicia Peterson, M-M Freeman Phillips ,Jr., Marie Powell, M-M James Quinn, Harold N. Scheurer, Mary Smith,' M-M Phillip Stello, M-M Joseph Stephens, M-M James J. Supple Jr., M-M Theodore Tischler, Kathryn A. Welch, M-M Roy J. Wittick, M-M James A. Woods, Catherine L. Woodward, M-M Daniel Lavache, M-M Harold A. Haas.
EDGARTOWN St. Elizabeth $200 Rev. George F. Almeida; $100 Mary R. Fisher; $50 Berube Electric, Inc., Corinne R. Fournier, M-M John Paull, Charlotte Medeiros, Mar garet S. O'Neill, Elizabeth M. Doyle, Albert Kent; $35 Donald J. Maguire, George T. Silva; $30 Patricia Brown. $25 M-M Arnold Kheary, Colonial Reproductions, Inc., Walter Smith Plumbing & Heating, Antone A. Bettencourt, M-M Ronald Muckle, M-M Edwin Betten court, Mary L. Medeiros, M-M Herbert Mercier Jr., Simone M. Prade, Patricia Mello, Joanna Norton, Genevieve Prada. BUZZARDS BAY St. Margaret $150 A Friend; $75 M-M John Riha; $50 Rev. John W. Green S.J., M-M Edward Payton, Mary McDevitt, Anna Shea, M-M Bernard Norcott, M-M Columbo Cristofori, M-M Neil McCallion, M-M John D. Silva; $40 M-M Gordon Oliosi; $35 George O. & Frances M. Stewart, M-M, John· O'Connell, Mrs. Victor Gosselin, In memory of James J. Tamagini; , $30 M-M Melvin V. Burns. $25 M-M William J. Connors, M-M Charles W. Ehmann, M-M Richard Robbins, Major & Mrs. Ray mond R. Fisher, Cecile Robbins, M-M John Burns, M-M Leo A. Gagnon, M-M Francis Supitkowsky, M-M Raymond F. Fitzgerald, M-M Frank Potter, Norman J. Harrison, M-M Paul Duffy, M-M Joseph Zlogar, M-M Alexander Stoma, M-M Edward S. Gustowski. $25 Paul McLaughlin, M-M Francis Samson, Mrs. Theresa M. McMahon, M-M Kenneth Ward, Joseph Curley Jr., M-M Ronald Rogowski, M-M Edward Lynch, M-M Fred McComiskey, Raymond O. Boucher, M-M Earl Reynolds, Helen Foley, Catherine Bowen, Lucy Leone, Martha Monaghan, M-M John Bourne, M-M Charles R. Ellis. CENTERVILLE .Our Lady of Victory $400 Rev. John A. Perry; $200 Henry G. Kiggen; $100 M-M Robert Cannon, M-M Alfred Fournier, M-M Emil Guertin, M-M Charles Miller, M-M James Murphy, Dr.-Mrs. Austin O'Malley, William J. O'Neil, M-M Rene Poyant; $80 Marea Sefton; $75 Mary Bohling, Henry McInerney, M-M Roy F. Pollino; $60 M-M William Bussiere. $50 M-M Paul Donovan, Mrs. Francis Dugan, M-M William Eagan, M-M Vincent Greene, Mrs. Valmo-re Guertin, M-M Daniel Harkins, M-M Thomas Hazlett, M-M Charles Maher, M-M James McCarthy, M-M Thomas Nutlle, M-M Paul O'Donnell, Mabelle O'Neil,
EAST FALMOUTH St. Anthony $400 Rev. Msgr. Maurice Souza; $225 Rev. John C. Ozug; $100 M-M Charles Mahoney, Lt. Col. ,& Mrs. William Joyce; $75 M-M Alfred A. Marks, M-M William Bonito; $60 M-M Lawrence Peters; $50, M-M Walter Fitzgerald, M-M George L. Manning, M-M Charles L. Travers, M-M David F. Correllus Sr., M-M H. McCarthy, M-M Francis Kohout, Clara R. Pacheco, M-M John Figuerido, Margaret & Louise Sweeney, Madeline A. McKenna, Mrs. Clayton Peters, M-M Thomas A. Brown. ' $40 M-M John R. Cabral, M-M Joseph J, Andrade, M-M Antone Vieira, M-M Manuel P. Dutra, M-M Guy 'Nickerson; $35 M-M Frank G .Souza, M-M Manuel L. Tavares, M-M James Moran; $30 M-M Albert Souza, M-M Manuel P. Rezendes, M-M Frederick E. Ward; $25 M-M John Dias Jr., M-M Arthur A. Monteiro. M-M Manuel C. Medeiros, M-M Lawrence Costa, M-M John H. Macedo, M-M Joseph Farland, M-M James F. Grady. $25 M-M Julio Santos, ,In memory of Hilda D. Cabral, George P. Cabral, M-M Robert W. Sylvia, M-M Antone B. Couto Jr., Lorraine Santos, M-M Robert E. Linnell, M-M Walter F. Pogorzelski, Teresa H. Chisholm, Mary L. Robe1l9, Agnes B. Lewis, M-M David Sanicki, M-M Donald L. Robello, M-M Myron C. Medeiros Jr., M-M Francis Skelly, Marge G. Benoit, Francis Lewis, M-M Thomas Arnold, M-M Milton R. Soares, George Mandigo, M-M Antonio Mello, Lorraine Santos.. HYANNIS St. Francis Xavier $600 Very Rev. Edward C. Duffy; $400 Irene E . .& Mary G. Shea; $260 In memory of Grandma McCarthy; $200 Rev. Raymond F. X. Cahill, S.J., Rev. Joseph M. Caplice, O.M.I., Eileen R. & Edward J. Murphy; $135 M-M Thomas Golden; $125 M-M Charles W. Riley; $100 M-M John J. Barrows, M-M William Conlon,' M-M William Naylor, M-M Robert Bastille, Mrs. Kenneth Grossman, Dr.-Mrs. Edward· Halton, Robert Jameson, M-M Marshall K. Lovelette, Eileen F. Lovett, Mary M. Lovett, M-M Edward J. McCarty; Margaret & Josephine McClean, Elizabeth M. Rickles, M-M G. M. Shannon, Clifford B. White. $75 M-M J.ames Carson, M-M Joseph Miele; $70 Mrs. Margaret Raymond; $60 M-M Earl C. Fratus, M-M John J. McConnell, M.,.M John Medeiros, John Veterino; $50 M-M George E. Conley. M-M John J.
Flaherty Jr., M-M Daniel Francis, M-M James Hobart, M-M Thomas Loughlin, Mrs. John A. Rose, Ralph E. Berling, M-M Theodore Bouthillier, M-M Jerry Bowes, M-M William J. Carmody, M-M Thomas Carroll, M-M John C. Creney, M-M Robert Crockett, Anna E. Cullen, Edmund Daly, M-M Edward P. Deveney, M-M Frank Dolan, Paul V. Donahue, M-M Joseph F. Flynn, M-M Edgar F. Greeney, Mrs. G. Roberta Hart, M-M William Hauk, M-M Everett B. Horn Jr., M-lVl Nicholas Karukas. $50 M-M Arthur LaFren'ier, Mrs. Harry Laird, Mrs. Florence Lysaphy, Mrs. Kathleen Maddison, M-M William Marnell, Albert & M. Martins, Margaret C. McCarthy, M-M Thomas C. McGarry, M-M T. E. O'Rourke, M-M Ralph Rocheteau, M-M Robert F. Ryan, M-M Michael Santos, M-M David N .Selfe, Mrs. John Sullivan, M-M Harold Williams, Warren Witz mann; $40 M-M Austin Bell, Alan E. Cavanaugh, M-M Donald Chase, Mrs. Margaret Hallet, M-M Thomas Kenneally, M-M William F. Pillion, M-M John D. Sheehan, Violette Thomas. $35 Mrs. Norma Barter, M-M Wesley E. Bennett, M-M Edwar J., Berg, Harriet Butler, M-M Joseph L. Cairns Jr., Katherine Connolly, M-M Richard F. Cronin, M-M Edward G. Eaton, M-M Victor Enright, Marguerite Field, M-M Paul Galaska, Mrs. Kathryne Garvey, M-M Ronald B. Gibby, M-M John P. Gillen, M-M Ernest J. Landry, Agnes Lucius, James Pelietier, Gerard Richard, M-M Leo R. Scott, M-M Cedric T. Sears, M-M Charles L. Senesac, M-M Leo Skaparas, M-M Frederick J. Thome, M-M John Tolchinsky, M-M A. Trocchi, Mrs. Daniel J. Dunn, M-M Michael Lenzi,
M-M Domenic J; Ragusa, Mary L. Ryan, Marjorie
$30 M-M Richard Dresser, Mrs. Marjory Fratus,
Gerald J. & Agnes L. Lyons, M-M Alfred W. McKenna,
M-M Roger E. Brown, M-M Harry Sylvester, M-M J.
Robert Mee, Marguerite M. & Dorothy A. Mondor,
M-M David Munsell; $25 M-M Joseph H. Boucher,
M-M John T. Broussard, M-M Z. Karolczak, M-M
Norman McLean, M-M William F. Mullane, M-M John
,R .Mullin, Roland W. & Evelyn D. Senecal, Mrs. Robert T. Sullivan, M-M Joseph M. Gemme, M-M Geoffrey
Ahearn, Mrs. Kathleen Aikens. M-M Donald J.
Belliveau, M-M Kenneth J. Belsito, M-M Edward J.
Bennett, Edward Bonney, M-M James Brown.
$25 M-M James F. Burke Sr., M-M Charles Cannon,
Col. F. E. J. Carey, M-M Carl G. Carlson, M-M John
J. Carty, M-M Henry Casey, M-M 1.ouis Cataldo, M-M
John Cavanaugh, M-M Steven Celata, Dorothy M.
qark, M-M John Collucci, Alice Connell, M-M Arthur
M. Connelly, M-M Daniel T. Constant, M-M Douglas
Cotney, Richard Cressy, M-M Joseph Crimmins, M-M
Wallace A. Dana Jr., M-M Adrian Desmond, M-M
Robert M. Devlin, Jeannette Donoghue, M-M Kenneth
S. Drew, Mrs. Catherine Dumont, M-M Roger Edwards. $25 M-M Frank D. Emery, Mrs. Marguerite M. Fallon, M-M James L. Feeney, M-M Carl Ferdensi, M-M
Marshall J. Field, Mary M. Fitzpatrick, M-M William
Flanagan, M-M Bernard Fleming, M-M William P.
Ford, M-M E. H. Galligan, M-M H. William Geick,
t Mrs. Mllrie:I'. Gelinas, Mrs. Thomas O. Giles, M-M
Charles Girard; T. J. Gorman, Mrs. Anne A. Green,
M-Iv,[ Thomas J. Hannon, M-M Thomas Harring,
Thomas F. Hoimes, M-M Charles H. Hurley. , $25 M-M MarUn Joyce, Martin J'. Joyce, M-M George T. Lampert, Virginia Long, M-M Norman Le Francois, M-M Michael Majewski, Mary A. Manni, M-M James P. McCormick, John McGowan, James E. McGrail, M-M John W. McGuinness, Mrs. Audrey McKeon, Charles McLean, Mrs. James McMahon & Frances, M-M John Me,ehan, M-M John F. Meehan, Mrs. Rosanna Mitchell, Henry T. Morin, Ruth Muldowney, M-M Fred Murphy, Norman Na,ult, Lorraine Norman din, Lillian O'Donnell, M-M T·homas P. O'Connell. $25 M-M Spencer F. O'Leary, M-M William F. O'Meara, Malcolm J. Perna, M-M Richard E. Powers, M-M Clovis Poyant, Ruth A. Ricciardi, -M-M Adolphe O. Richards, Mrs. Valerie Richie, M-M Raymond Roberts, M-M Melvin Ru~g, Henry Russo, M-M George J. Silva, Dorothy P. Smith, M-M Philip J. Smith, M-M W. M. Smith, M-M Wallace Smith, M-M A. W. Snow. M-M Brian M. Sullivan, Mrs. Florence Sullivan, M-M Leon Sullivan, M-M William P. 'Sullivan, Mrs. Charles Szymanski, Harold Wells, M-M John Weston. NANTUCKET' Our Lady of the Isle $350 Rev. Philip A. Davignon; $300 Dennis Santangelo; $200 M-M Jerome Walker; $100 M-M Richard Lewis, Kenneth Holdgate Jr., M-M' David Lussier; $60 Donald Terry; $50 M-M Job Lippincott, M-M Paul McNamara, Maxwell Deacon, M-M Francis Santos, M-M Albert LaVoie, M-M Howard Laundry, Margaret Pope, Lucille Pew, Eunice Sjolund. M-M Earl Mayo, M-M Charles Flanagan; $35 M-M Edward Strojny, Dr.-Mrs. George Butterworth, Mary Grimes; $30 M-M Edward Pollard, Josephine Deacon, Capt. & Mrs. W. Folger, Beverly Hilts. ' $25 M-M Ralph Hardy, Nancy Chase, ~elen Levins, M-M Robert Mooney, M-M Richard Kotalac, M-M Richard Sylvia, M-M Wilson Fantom, M-M Donald Gillies, M-M Ronald DaSilva, M-M Donald Allen Jr., M-M Dennis Caron, M-M Henry Huyser, M-M Philip Marks Sr., Brenda Pearce, Eleanor Ferreira, M-M James Cabral, Cammy Oliver, M-M John Santos, M-M Robert Ruley, James Killen, M-M Adam Mastai, 'M-M Richard Mack, M-M James Worth Sr., M-M Michael Lamb, Donald Holdgate Sr., Emily Annis, Lillian, Thurston, M-M Thomas McAuley, M-M David Murray Jr., M-M Francis Lynch. ' OAK BLUFFS Sacred Heart $300 Rev. James F. Greene; $150 M-M Henry Corey; $75 Frank Dorsey; $50 M-M Manuel Coutinho, Mrs. Harold G. Andrews; $35 M-M Everett Rogers; $30 M-M James Cleary. $25 M-M Frank Simmons, M-M John Riley, M-M Primo Lombardi, Arthur Hart-og, M-M Charles A. Davis, Mrs. John Campos, Robert Hanifin, Alfred Metell, M-M John Camacho, Mrs. Elmer Santos, Otis Rogers Taxi, M-M Robert Pacheco, M-M William Norton.
Murphy Sr., Francis B. McConn, Dr. Sylvester McGinn,
J, ORLEANS M-M Ernest Olson, M-M Michael Peluso, Mrs. John
St. Joan of Arc $2,000 In memory of Julia C. Pessa, M-M J. Louis Roberti, Mrs. John F. Scanlon,
Andrews; $1,000 John MacLellan; $100 Beverly Adam M-M Clement M. Schlueter, M-M Robert Sheehan,
kovic, M-M ,Ben Bartolini, M-M J,ames Clancy, David M-M Gerald Sullivan, Lillian M. Tully, M-M Francis
Collins, M-M Alfrfild Gasco, Teresa E. Leonard, M-M Van Nostrand.
Bernard Maguire, Dr.-Mrs. Philip J. Morrison; $60 $40 J'ohn A. Bulla, M-M Donald Fougere, M-M
John S. Ahern; $50 Rebecca Ahern, M-M ,Paul Brewer, William F. O'Neil, Henry Werner, Raymond Barr, M-M
M-M Wa'rd Ellsasser, M-M Lewis Fiori, Mrs. Frances John F. Bernard, M-M .F. Dow Clark, Peter J. Cooke
Govett, Mrs. Fred Henderson, M-M Charles Kenny, III, M-M' George V. Gox, M-M Robert A. Enos, ~rs.
M-MEdward Kerwin, Catherine & Helen Mahoney, , Carl Leino, M-M Gerald A. Tobin; $36 M-M Kevin P.
M-M Alexander Patterson, M-M Walter F. Ross, McLaughlin; $35 M-M Roland E. Cheurefils Jr., M-M
Everett Smith, M-M Eugene Spell~an. Robert E. C.orradi, M-M Arthur Dolan, Julia Kane,
$35 M-MEmile Perreault; $30 John Brennan, M-M M-M William F. O'Connell, M-M Eugene O'Keefe,
William P. Dennison, M-M Roland Frechette, M-M M-M Edward Poore, Mrs. John Ross, M-M Donald
Carl O'Neill, Mrs. Helene T. Simmons; $25 Mrs. Wallis Shackleton, Vincent J. Maio Jr., M-M Thomas
Barnes, M-M Edward I Bresnahan, Mrs. James D. McEachen, Edward J. Rondelli.
Bresnahan, Kathleen Bresnahan, Mrs. David A. Brown, $30 M-M Walter R. Alvezi, M-M James Boles, M-M Dr.-Mrs. Alan T. Cahill, M-M Earl Caswell, M-M Vito . George Fernandes, Marie Hervey, M-M John Howarth,
Civita, Robert J. Connell, Mrs. Charles Connors, Mrs. Daniel & Rita McDonough, M-M Stephen O'Brien,
Thomas L. Counihan, M-M Dominic Creonte, Mrs. M-M Robert E. Swift, M-M Milton R. Cook Jr., Mrs.
Mildred Crowley, Mrs. Helene Dawson, Mrs. John Peter Cuglio, M-M Roland F. DeConto, M-M· Lou
Dickey, Mrs. Rita Dohn j Walter B. Driscoll. Gallerani, Kathleen B. Granger, 'M-M Emiliano
. $25 M-M ~orge Duffy, M-M Frank Dugan: M-M Gavazza, M-M Patrick Keane, M-M Gino Macoratti,
William Eagar, M-M Guy M. Fa'rrell, Mrs. Nancy In memory of Russell McAuliffe Sr., M-M Henry J.
Gogolinski, M-M Jack Grant, Mrs. Rita Grindle, M-M Roux, M-M Joseph Sciacca, Marguerite D. Wallin.
Anthony Guerra, M-M Robert Habbel, Regina Hazelton,' $25 M-M Gerald F. Brown, M-M David Buckley,
M-M John Hogan, M-M Joseph P. Kelley, M-M William Jane Butler, M-M George W. Chapman, M-M Donald
J. Kennedy, Mary Kinne, M-M Francis Lajoie, John V. Cianciolo, Joseph Clinton, David Consoni, M-M
Largey, Mrs. Frank Leonard, M-M Edward J. Lynch, Thomas Cox, M-M -Frank DeRoeck, M-M'Dominic
Johanna McCarthy, M-M Charles Meads, Mrs. Joseph DiGregorio, M-M Paul Dillon, M-M Frank DiMaria,
F. Moran Sr., M-M Earle Mountain, JQhn Murphy. ' Richard T. Donnellan, Ray Doucette Jr., Joseph
Dvorski & Elizabeth Chimes, M-M William K. Earle,
, $'25 Mrs. Josep~ Murphy, John O'Connor, Edmund M-M John J. Eewing, M-M Robert M. Ferrick,
J. Oles, M-M Lucien A. Ozon, M-M Walter Pepple,
Katherine I. Flinker, Mary J. Fuhrman, M-M Jusin
'M-M Frank Popoli, M-M James Quinn, Mrs. Thomas
George, M-M Grattan Gull, M-M Gerard Fo' Goodwin.
F. Rab.bit, Mrs. Herbert Reckards, Mrs. Harriet Royal, Mrs. RIta Ryder, Mary N.' Sheehan, Edward Smith M-M $25 M-M Joseph P. Greene, M-M J'ames P. Ronald N. Smith" M-M Stanley Smith Jr.,' Mrs. - Harrington, In memory of Dr. Richard E. Heywood, Frederick Specht, M-M Keith Staples, M-M Albert M-M James Hoar, Frances Jameson, M-M Thomas G. Starkey, M-M Frank Sullivan, M-M Charles B. Judge Jr., M-M Edward M. Keohan, M-M James M. Sweeney, M-M William C. Whittemore J·r., 'M-M Koloski, Marie F. Lastih, Mrs. Valmore Lesperance, Theodore B. Vautrinot, Mrs. Henry Wiatrowski. Mrs. A. John MacQuade,. Cetherine Maley, Virginia Marlyne, M-M Thomas Mirabito, M-M Thaddeus POCASSET Mogilnicki, The Montague Family, M-M Americo Mula, 'St. John the Evangelist $700 Rev. Jame~ W. Clark; , M-M Walter K. Noel, Raymond A. Oliver, $270 Anonymous; $125 Anonymous; $100 Anonymous, $25 Edward Parent Jr., M-M Columbus Pasteris, M-M Robert Mosher, M-M George Denmark M-M 'M-M Jeremiah Perry~ M-M Charles G. Pizzatti, M-M
Lawrence Perrault, M-M Raymond Lambert Sr. $75 John Quirk, William N.' Rathbun Jr., Mrs. Thomas
M-M Robert Hurley, M-M C. Minihan; $67 Mrs. Paul Skelly, M~M Daniel Sullivan, John Timmerman, M-M
Sabourin; $?O Eileen T. ~ogan, M-M Thomas O'Toole; Walter Welch, M-M John H. Williams, Claire Eo' Allen,
NORTlHl IFALMOUTH $40 M-M RIchard Frazier, M-M John Nelson, Anony Joseph Bazzinotti, Mrs. Antonio Biimchi, M-M Robert
St. Elizabeth Seton $300 Rev. Joseph L. Powers; mous; $35 M-M Wallace MacKinn?n; ·$30 Anonymous. Bussiere, M-M John Cahalane, Eugene Corradi, Mrs.
$120 M-M Maurice Gillespie; $100 M-M Gerard Weid Elinor R. Creagh, M-M Ralph De Cubellis, Barbara
$25 M-M Paul Medeiros, M-M Joseph A. R. Cyr, man, M-M Francis Keating, Mrs. Payson Jones Jr., Duncan, M-M Louis C. Emond, M-M Fred Ev~rett.
E~eanor C. Blaine, M-M Russell Burns, M-M Edward . Mrs. Eleanor & Clare M. O. Brien, M-M Eugene Lmhares, Mrs. Louis Brooks M-M Nicholas M-M $25 M-M William Fitzgerald, Mrs. Paul Flick, J. Dean Jr., M-M Joseph F. Montle, Henry D. Newman,
. Ri~h.a~~d McMorr~w, ~-M 'Malcolm Tobey' M-M Alexander Forni, M-M Eugene Freih, M-M Stanley Mrs. Ralph Creemer, Mrs. Alfred Smith, M-M Paul
~Ilham DesmaraIs, Francis Mackedon, ·M-M Ronald • F. Grabowski, M-M Charles R. Griffin, Bea.trice
Boudreau, Mrs. Thomas Lawrence.
OLeary, M-M Joseph S. Miller Jr., Roland F.Brown Harlow, Mrs. Francis P. Heddy, M-M Walter Hilliard,
$60 M-M Edward McGuire; $50 M-M John R. Kirby,
M-M Don B. Teed, Mrs. Earl Bailey, Mrs. Hary Walker:' M-M Joseph E. Jacinto, M-M Frank Joyce, Peter F.
Mrs. Stephen Kelleher, Mrs. Grace Sullivan, Mrs.
.Kohn, M-M Ronald Koon, Mrs. Howard Langill, M-M
$25 M-M Gerald Keenan, M-M, F-rank Flanagan Manuel T. Medeiros, James Kilroy, Mary C;.'· Morris,
Edward J. Leonard, M-MHarvey A. Magnant, M-M
M-M William H. Kurtz, M-M Ralph Brown' M-M Mrs, Eunice Dahlborg, Mrs. Jeremiah O'Keefe, M-M
George E. Murray, M-M Michael E. -McCarthy, Ltc. &
Kil.mer Joyce, Mrs. Peter J. Mackin, M-M Edward Noel Almeida, In memory of JaneW. Haran, Mrs.
Mrs. Walter McCone, M-M John F. McHugh. .
~llts, M-M Robert Skrickis, M-M Harold Czarnetzki Julianne Palmieri, Ralph DeGregorio, M-M James
M.::M John McCoy, M-M ,John Lima, Michael Cicoria' $25 M-M Bruce Nichols, M-M Brian Oliver, Mrs.
Ward, M-M Charles L. Kenyon, Joseph Lucas, John
M-M Donald Ward, Mrs. Dorothy McCann Jr Mrs' Francis Oliver, Mary Ortolani, George Ortolani, M-M
Bizzozero, M-M Daniel J. Trigga Jr~,-M-M,Paul Halpin,
Herbert Watson, M-M Eagar Beauregard, M-M Ray~ Tivio Papi, M-M Donald Philbrick, Mrs. Chester S.
M-M James J. Lane, M-M William Stone, Mrs. Joseph
mond LeBrun, Mrs. Micahel Fitzgerald, Anonymous. Rich, .M-M Joseph S. Rogers, Patricia Sanford, M-M
D. Hugh~s; $40 M-M John W. Donohoe. Walter Sullivan, M-M James B. 'Sutton, M-M Stephen
PROVINCETOWN Swinamer, M-M Dante Tassinari, Richard E. Tavares,
$35 Dr.-Mrs. William J., Adams Jr.; $30 M-M M-M Tello Tontini, M-M Fred Twomey, M-M Frederick
Lawrence J. Palmer, M-M Donald Hassett; $25 M-M St: Peter the Apostle $750 Rev. Edward J. Burns; Wayland, Mrs. Robert D. Wentworth, M-M Henry W..
William 'J. Doyle, M-M John McCue, L. Richard $100 !VI. Dolore~ Burns; $50 Atty. John C. Snow; $40 Whalen, M-M Robert White, M-M Frank White,
McKinney & Sharon, Mrs. William Stanton, M-M A Friend; $25 M-M Joseph Dirsa, A Friend. Whitmore Family, M-M Stephen B. Wood, Mrs. Donald
Christos Bezdaris, M-M Robert Antonucci, M-M L. Work. . SAN'DWICH
,James Annicelli, M-M RalphE. Bold, Mrs. Francis ' Corigan, M-M Robert Caron, M-M Joseph Coppenrath, Corpus Christi $1,000 Corpus Christi St. Vincent
M-M Thomas Coyne, M-M Francis DiGiano, M-M John de Paul Society, Rev. James F. Kenney; $250 Mrs.
P. Dolen" M:-M James Doherty, Cyrus Doiron, M-M' St.. Augustine $200 J,ames W. Regan; $100 Michael
Walter McFa-rland; $240 M-M Richard A. Hepworth;
William P. Dillon, Mrs. Austin' Egan, Thomas Fermoyle, Fontes, James J. Gillis Jr., Nellie H. Rogers; $50 Daniel
$200 M-M James Megley, M-M Raymond A. Palumbo,
M-M Charles Fermano, M-M Raymond Garafano. F. Burgo, Patsy Nicolaci; $35 Viola Lopes; $30 Frank
M-M John J. Joyce; $180 M-M Harold B. Aackerman;
Lopes; $25 Lester Baptiste Sr., Dora Beauchemin,
$~50 Rev. Raymond .Robida, M-M Walter K. Lynch,
$25 Mrs. John Gibbons, Mrs. John Hughes, M-M
Michael Ca.rroll, William Carroll, Manuel Estrella,
EIleen Crane, Richard R.' Fairbank M-M Dante I
Frank Halady, ,M-M William Kirk Jr., Mrs. John V.
Richard Furtado, Louise G.riffin, Yvonne Hickey.
GalJerini, M-M Herbert A. Hamle~, Mrs. Mary E:
Kenney, Dr.-Mrs. George T. Keary, Anne Marie Lane,
Bra~ford Sylvia, John C. Larsen, Dora Lesage, James
Thompson; $125 Mrs. William A. Martin, M-M Leo J.
M-M John F. Leddy, M-M James Lyddy, M-M Charles
Maciel, Joseph K. Tierney, Petronio Ortiz, Mary
Kelly, M-M Robert. Whearty.
Lawless, M-M Joseph B. Lewis, Robert McGuire M-M
Yankuns, Francis Pachico.
$120 M-M <?harles J. Chiasson, M-M Charles C. Mario Motta, M-M Thomas ,A. Moniz, M-M joseph
Fears, M-M RIchard T. Mannion, M-M Carl Watters, McCann, M-M Martin Millane, M-M Leo P. McCarty,
Maureen Cazeault, M-M Lawrence Ryan; $110 M-M M-M James McCue, M-M Richard Nixon, Mrs. Elise
OUr Lady of Lourdes $80 M-M John J. Kelly Jr.;
Herbert A. Dam Sr.; $100 M-M George C. Campbell; Noyes, M-M Donald O'Connell, Mrs. James, P. O'Brien,
$50 Mitchell R. Chollis, M-M Law.rence J. Rose; $40
Joseph Connarton, M-M ,John F. Crowlh Sr., Peter M-M' Orner Renquin, M-M John Ryan, M-M Paul
M-M Robert S. Dutra; $35 M-M Richmond Bell; $30
Donahue, M-M Joseph Ke.enan, M':M Roy E. Lindgren, Simonetti, Donald G. Southworth, M-M John Sullivan
M-M Donald Brazil, Agnes Peters; $25 M-M William
M-~ John A. Ma-roney, Thomas W.. O'Connor, M-M M-M Richard P. Tracy, Dr. J. Elliott Taylor, Mrs:
Hayes, M-M James Fegan, Ann Palmer, Rachel Ficco,
Thomas Talbot, M-M James C. Tansey, Veronica . Damel C. Ryan, M-M. Albert Skirius. Edna V. Tripp; M-M Dennis Mooney, In memory of
$100 M-M Leo Diotalerr, M-M William Eident M-M Helen L. Dutra, M-M Ernest Silva, M-M Antone Lopes.
Joseph A. Kudera, M-M Paul Lynch, M-M Eugent L. M-M John Thomas, M-M Edward Perry.
OSTERVILLE Maleady, M-M Edward Meade, M-M Paul H. O'Brien, Mrs. Charles A. Peterson, Frances Silva. Our Lady of the Assumption $500 Rev. Clarence EAST TAUNTON
P. Murphy; $100 Rev. Robert T. Canuel; $200 John K.
$.75 Mrs. John B. Handrahan, M-M William 'M. Holy Family $250 A Friend; $90 Joseph Perry; $80
K~lon, Catherine O'Connor, Anonymous; $150 Harry
ChISholn;t, . M-M Norman. F. Kelley, In memory of Stephen Punda; $60 M-M Harold Lindskog; $50 Manuel
Ferullo, Anonymous; $100 Marilyn McCarthy, Grace
Rev. WIlbam' Morris; M-:-M Paul MOrI:issey, M-M Gomes, M-M Arthur Machado, M-M Joseph Mozzone,
O'Connor, Mrs. Thomas Powers, William Laverty,
Robert Reynolds, M-M F.rancis C. O'Brien Barbara Ann M. Murphy, M-M Frank Perry, M-M Joseph
Frank Stevens, Frank Shea, Mrs. James Gallagher,
Hadley, ~7M Martin T. Putnam, M-M Robert'C. Quinn, Raposa, M-M Edmons St. Yves, Stanley .slavick, M-M
Paul Snyder, Jerome Doyle, Anonymous, Arthur
M-M Wilham J. Whamolid; $60 F'rancis J. Fleming, Ernest Andrews, M-M Edward Booth, Peter Deniz;.
Corcoran; $80 Thomas Fallon; $75 ,Oliver Champagny,
M-M John Gillis, JYI-:M CI:tarles E. Hughes, M-M James $40 M-M Frederick Patrick, M-M Francis Perry, M-M
Anonymous. , ,
Walsh,. Mrs. J. 'Wl1llam Bettley, M-M Victor Devine
Carroll Slavick, M-M Thomas White.
Fred W. Fay, M-M James Radloff. '
$50 John Szymanski, Mrs. Gordon Brown, J. Normim $35 Mrs. Mary McArdle, Mrs. Denise Shea; $30 M-M
$50 M-M John V. Bonner, M-M Edward Brennan
Fitzgerald, John Donovan Jr., Anonymous, Frank Joaquin Correia, Robert Currid, Alfred Dutra, M-M
John ~. Brennan, M-M John J. Burke, M-M Bruno T~ixeira., John Coughlin, Samuel Re, Caroline Gilligan, Francis Dutra, James Kenyon, M-M Jo~ph· Mendes,
C~r~om, John & Alba G; Clinton, M-M 'Bernard C.
Sherwood Tondorf; $40 Henry LaBute, Anonymous M-M John Shea, M-M Arthur Collins; $25 M-M Josef
DIPIetro, M-M Antho~y P.Harrison, Clement Horrigan,
Seward Reid Jr., John McGowan; $35 J. Edmund Bartek, M-M Gerard Ducharme, M-M Antone Gomes
M-M Edwa.rd J. LeWIS, M-M Thomas J. Milroy, M-M
Trumbou-r, Anonymous, Mrs. Victor Adams; .$30 Jr., M-M Charles Kalaher, Mrs. Elizabeth' MacHardy,
John McArdle, M-M Michael A. McNamara- M-M
Anonymous; $25 Paul Joyce, Eileen Hurley, Helen M-M Frank Pacheco, M-M Raymond Prunier.
Anton~o Rigazio, James' H., Sibson, M-M 'Joseph
Callahan, Richard Eisentraudt, Frank Dick, Charles Baltusls, M-M Albert Bazzinotti, Mrs. James Bazzinotti,
Cassidy, Mrs. Daniel Cronin, David McCarthy, James $'25 Mrs. Albert Banks,. M-M Stanley Baran, Winifred
M-M Alexander W. Boldyga, Bertrand F. Bouley.
Shields, T. Joseph McCook, John Fernands,. Daniel Buckley, M-M Ingrl\m Byrne, M-M Joseph Castro,
Leary, David, Pina,' Anne Fitzgerald, Roy Smith, $50 M-M Raymon~ H. Crocker, M-M Robert Crowley,
Russell Chamberland, M-M Wm. Charbonneau, 'Mrs.
Thomas B. Hartigan, Ollis Dinsmore, Flaviano, Cifelli, M-M ·Raymond Doucette, M-M Paul B.' Gallant M-M
Edward, Crossman, M-M Jose DaRosa, M-M Joseph
Pius Rooney, Curtis Sanford, Richard Curley, Mrs. Amedio Gonela, M':M Ru~olph Howes, M-M F'rancis , Donnelly,. M-M Ronald Gordon, M-M Armand Moreira,
Francis Butler, ,Grace Flaherty, Thomas O'Donnell,· J.' Kohn, Mrs. Richard Latimer, Mrs..John T. Liberty,
Mary Murphy, M-M John Furtado, Adeline Roberson,
Mrs. Edward Crosby, ·Anonymous(24). Grace F. Morrill, Patrick E. Murray, M-M William E.
M-M Manuel Rose Jr., Barbara Rutherford.
FALMOUTH Patrick $1400 Rev. Francis X. Wallace;. $750 Rev. Jam~s A. McCarthy; $500 Anonymous; $200 Anonymous; $150 M-M Richard Kinchla, John Sheehan Jr.; $120 Anonymous; $100 M-M Charles Bardelis, M-M Lionel Cure, St. Patricks Guild, M-M Paul Goulet, Kathleen Manning, Mrs. Patrick 'McDonnell, Mrs. Edmund N, Sherman, Anonymous; $60 M-M Robert L. Koob; M-M Louis Tessier. . $50 M-M John .Adams, Anonymous, Mrs. Joseph B. Miskell, Mrs. James & Marg,aret Cassidy, Mabel Coakley, M-M M~lvin Dolan, Dr.-Mrs. Edward Fitch, M-M Joseph F. X. Hill, M-M John Jones, M-M Richard Lopes, Lo~etta McKeon, M-M John Maloy, M-M Joseph' Miskell Jr., Mrs. Maria Parent, M-M R. Frank Stone, M-M Philip Stone, M-M Michael Sullivan, Mrs. Eileen M. Finnell; $40 M-M Robert Granfield, M-M Edwin, M~deiros; $35 Gertrude Arcaro, M-M Joseph Armbrus ter, M-M David Carr, M-M Reed Jesse Miller, Mrs. Reed Hamilton, M-M A. Kaspar. $30 M-M Edward F. Adlum, M-M Howard Lannon, M-M Edmund Zmuda, M-M Frank Castles; $25 M-M Harris Averbuck, Capt. & Mrs. L. B. Blocker, Margaret, A. Burke, M-M John J. Cavanaugh, M-M Chester
Christie, M-M John Dalton, Mary A. Donovan, M-M
Robert M. Dutra, M-M James Forman, Mrs. -Edward
Godewiski, Mrs. John R. Hughes, M-M John M. Malone,
M-M Arthur Robichaud, M-M Francis Shea, Miss M. L.
Waggett, M-M Leonard Barr, M-M Daniel Bartolom!!i.
$'25 Gladys Boles, Mrs. Robert Brown, Mrs. John J. Burke, William CalLahan, M-M Bernard Cassidy, M-M John Ciummei, M-M James Conley, Rita Conlon, Mrs. _Francis Dardis, M-M Thomas Deechan, Mrs. John Donovan, Kathryn Dick Family, Mrs. Grace V. Donohoe, M-M Joseph L. R. Dumais, M-M Anthony Glista, Mrs. Bertram Haddon, M-M George Cahoon, M-M Gail Cavanaugh, M-M Myron Gaddis, M-M Thomas Meyer, Anonymous, M-M Clifford Wolski. ' . $25 Mrs. Thomas Keenan, M-M Edward Kempton, R. Kennard, M-M Richard. Kippen, Paul Hopewood,
M-M Joseph Kynch, Mrs. Lewis Lawrence, M-M Aldo
Milanese, Donald Moitozo, George Morin, M-M Fred
erick Morris, M-M John O'Connell, M-M Charles
O'Hara, Charles Rogers, Mrs. Mary Sparks, M-M
Edward Stanton, M-M Edward Studley, In memory of
John P. & Marg,aret M. Sylvia, M-M John Pimental,
Jenni~ Rosenquist, Mrs. Robert Swanson, Mrs. Wallace
Pierce. '
Claire Mullins; $145 Cornelius Lynch; $125 M-M Herve Gertrude Kiley, J-eanne & Aileen Lockhart, M-M SOUTH YARMOUTH Bernier; $120 M-M John F. Fanning; $110 M-M Edward McCullough, M-M Rick Moore, Ronald Murphy, st. Pius X $1,000 Rev. Msgr. Henry T. Munroe; Nicholas Mitchell. Albeit Musto, M-M Steven Nelson, M-M Thomas $350 Rev. Joseph E. McGrady, S.J.; $300 M-M David $100 M-M Rene Nasser, M-M Thomas McGuire, M-M O'Connor, Carlotta Pen-a, Mrs. Joseph Reid, Eileen Hautanen, M-M William Hogan, M-M Joseph Neely; Alexander Vezina, EUzabeth Neiland, Margaret G. Ryan, Alice Saudade, Atty & Mrs. James Stinson, Mary $200 M-M Charles T. Moore; $150 M-M Charles Eager, Dillon, In memory of M-M Miguel I~ranco & M-M & Rose Sylvia, Mrs. Walter Trainer. M-M John Doherty; $125 M-M Frederick Mullen; $100 Napoleon Romer, Mrs. John B. Cummings, M-M John . $40 M-M John Barney, M-M Roger Cahill, M-M M-Nl Paul Cameron, M-M Charles P. Collins, M-M F. Mitchell, Mrs. John C. Fonseca, Leonard H. Phelan, Norman Dagenais, Mary Doherty, M-M George George Cravenho, M-M Eugene E. Duquette, M-M In memory of John C. Harding, In memory of John & Gardner; $36 Joseph Brophy; $35 James Connor, John Henry Fitzgerald, M-M Martin Geraghty, Lillian Margaret McDermott, Atty. & Mrs. Long, M-M William Fitzmaurice, M-M Arthur Frost, Sally McCabe, Mary Holzman, M-M Edward T. Morrow, M-M William T. Hargraves, Atty. & Mrs. James W. Clarkin. Piersall, M-M Robert Welsh Jr.; $30 M-M Thomas Moynihan, Capt.. & Mrs. Edward J. Quinn, M-M Fuce, Marguerite & Ted Hathaway, M-M John Kelly, $80 M-M Frederick B. McDonald; $75 M-M Fred Richard Sedlock, Mrs. John J. She'a, Winifred Stenson, M-M Walter Mason, Cynthia & Mrs. John Merna, Zebrasky, Mrs. Raymond Clancy, In memory of M-M Barbara A. Sullivan. Madeline Sullivan, M-M Howard Whitcomb, Neal Louis B. Devine; $60 M-M Herman Mello, In memory $90 M-M James Dooley; $80 Willis A. Gunning; Holland. of M-M Raymond ·Coogan, In memory of Gladys L.' $75 Mary M. Conroy, Mary G. Hamilton, M-M Raymond $25 M-M Raymond Alvey, Mrs. Louis Arsenault, O'Neil, Rita & Loretta Kenny, Mrs. Edmund C. Ludden, Marjorie E. McCready, M-M John Mitchell, M-M Frederick Baker, M-M Hugo Baroni, M-M Julio Sunderland,. M-M Thomas F. Burke, Daniel T. & M-M Emerson Snow, M-M Joseph Tuscher; $60 M-M' Barrows, M-MJohn Barry, Mrs. Warren Breslin, M-M Marion J. Foley. Joseph A. Glebauskas; $50 M-M James G. Carroll, J·ohn Broderick, M-M Ronald Carron, M-M James $50 M-M Robert Nagle, Mrs. Anthony Geary, Margaret Cortes, M-M John Curley, M-M Douglas Charles, Dr.-Mrs. Walter Christian, M-M David Conlin Catherine P. Harrington, Julia T. Harrington, M-M Donovan, M-M Charles P. Driscoll" M-M Russell T. M-M William Conway, Irene Cummings" Mrs. Le~ Alcide Morrell, Atty. & Mrs. Francis Collins III, Rita Eckel, James Farrington, M-M Joseph Grady, M-M' Daley, Rose Dalldorf, Dr. A. J. D'Elia, Gertrude Doane, Sullivan, In memory of Sister Mary Cecelia, RSM & A. J. Grimley, Edward Hayes, John & Grace Howland, M-M Larry Duffy, M-M Kenneth Durling, M-M James Kathleen Gillespie, Helen G. Law, M-M Gerard Fortin, M-M Clarence F. King, M-M John Manning, Russell & Duval, M-M Thomas Egan, Helen F.arrelly. M-M Thomas Cullen, Catharine Furze, Mrs. George P. Janet Murphy, Mrs. M. Kathryn Peros, W. A. Portley, $25 M-M John Ferguson, M-M John Ferreira, M-M . . Hurley, Katheraine Hogan, M-M Fred Czerwonka, William Scalley, Mrs. Arthur J. Sullivan, M-M Thomas William Flynn, Edward Galick, Mary 'Gately, M-M M-M Henry Desmond, M-M John Carr, Michael J. Walsh, M-M Joseph B. Whelan, M-M Thomas Herbert Gumpright, M-M James Halloran, M-1\1 Fitzgerald, Vincent M. Fitzgerald, Hilda Phillips. Williamson Jr. " Bernard Hanlon Sr., Mrs. Earl Hatch, Joan Hazelhurst, $50 M-M Matthew Sullivan, Rudolph LaVault, M-M $45 M-M William J. Barnes; $40 M-M Daniel J. Mrs. John Heaphy, Richard Hennequin, Ralph Hill, Edward C. Berube, James V. Rezendes Jr., M-M Henry Casey, M-M Ernest Mallet, A friend; $35 M-M David M-M Francis Hobin, M-M Harry Long, .M-M Brian Dussault, M-M Joseph Paquet, Dorothy C. Sullivan, E. Gallagher, Margaret Grimes, M-M Daniel L. Healy, Lucas, Mrs. Arthur MacDonald, Marie Mann, M-M Dr.-Mrs. Alfred J. Roy, M-M Raymond Gallagher, M-M Carmen IZzo, M-M Lawrence Kenney, M-M Joseph McCauley, M-M Charles McVay, Elizabeth ,Mona Shea; M-M Louis D. Coffey, M-M Michael Arthur Lynch, M-M Peter McNamara; $30 M-M Gino Miller, M-M Walter O'Farrell, Julienne O'Keefe. Coughlin, Mrs. Edward B. Downs, M-M Joseph Keefe, Azzola, Emile & Ruth Camandona, Maj. Ret. Margaret $25 M-M D. Neil Parent, M-M Edward Perpall, M-M Wilfred Salois. ' J. Conley, Irene Dempsey, M-M Thomas Eaton, M-M M-M Albin Piela, Anna Raftery, M-M John Raneo, William Griffith, M-M Edward F. Hanlon, Margaret M. $40 M-M Howard Marcoux, M-M Joseph Pinsonneault M-M John Roche,M-M Robert Roche, M-M Arthur Lanigan & Mrs. Clare Lingenfelter, M-M Raymond L. M-M Jan Pietraszek, M-M Antone Fernandes; $36 I~ .Rodenhave, M-M Edwin Roderick, S. S'alhoun, McGrane, M-M Henry Paquin, M-M Matthew Sinasky, memory of Dep. Chief Walter Pietruska, M-M Arthur Georgianna Shatzer, M-M Joseph Shanahan, 'M-M Eveline L. Sullivan, M-M George Talbot. Gladu; $35 M-M Stanley Mikolazyk, M-M Henry J. William Sheehy, M-M Edwin Souaz,' Mrs. James' Lemerise, M-M Vincent Mannion, Mary C. Casey Sullivan, M-M George Tucker, Mrs. Richard Wales, $25 Richard J. Bagge, M-M Albert Barbo, M~M Madeline Casey, Raymond Beausoleil, M-M Willia~ Virginia Watson, Christine Wood. Louis Bardi, Robert J. Beaulieu, Beatrice Bouchard, Hacking, Grace A. Taylor; $32 M-M Louis Shea. Jacqueline Bouchard, Mrs. Yvonne Broadcorens, M-M $30 M-M James Murray, M-M Gaston Plante Jr. Gerald Bruen, M-M Carl Buccella, Edward C. Carbone, FALL RIVER William C. Lahey, Margaret Powers, M-M Theodor~ M-M Charles J. Carey, M-M Robert Carey, M-M St. Mary's Cathedral $500 Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Gagliardi, M-M Richard Wood, M-M Thomas Alecrim William C. Carroll, M-M Ralph W. Cartwright, Mrs. Harrington; $400 Margaret Lahey; $150 St. Mary's Katherine Lomax, 'Helen V. Lomax, M-M Joh~ Joseph Cha·isson, Edward & Eleanor Cleary, M-M John Cathedral Guild, Joseph Magriby; $120 A Friend; $110 Azavedo, M-M Roger Dufour II; $25 Anna Malone Cochran, M_M James B. Coffey, Mrs. Andrew Colgan, Catherine Lynch; $100 Ruth Hurley, M-M Laurence A. M-M Richard Charland, Mrs. Martin J. McDonald' Mrs. Joseph E. Colgan, M-M Andrew Comeau, M-M Coyle, A Friend; $75 Eileen A. Sullivan; $60 M-M M-M Antero Monte, M-M Robert Reynolds, M-M Paui James J. Connell, Edmund Connolly, M-M Harry M. John R. McGinn, Hayes Family; $50 Ann 'Standish, Petit, Mrs. Everett G. Crowley, Mrs. T. H. McMahon, Connolly, M-M Herbert Connors, Mrs. Mary R. Mrs. William F. Hurll, Atty. & Mrs. Edward .J. Corcoran. Francis J. Cronin, M-M Joseph Cullen. $25 M-M Robert Rebello, M-M Ellwood Rounds Harrington Jr., Robert Coggeshall, A Friend, M-M M-M Lawrence Sousa, M-M John A. Burke, M-M J. E: $25 M-M William J. Cunningham, Edward A. Curley,
John Murphy, Mrs. Edward Betty & Family, Helen Cruger, M-M John J. Sullivan, M-M Ronald Banville M-M John Danforth, M-M Wilfred DeBlois, Mrs. B. J.
Burns, M-M James Coyne, Mrs. Angela Wingate, M-M Charles Roberts, M-M Frederick D'Adamo I~ Dempsey, M-M Gilbert Dillon, Andrew Doherty, M-M
James Wingate, Helen Shea.· memory of Beth Bishop Magnuski, Mrs. Th~mas J. F. Doherty, Mrs. Alice Donohue, M-M Matthew $40 M-M Roger Vezina; $35 Mrs. Amelia Carvalho, Sheehan,M-M David T. Sullivan, ·M-M Robert Moniz, Donov'an, M-M Peter E. Dorman, Dr.-Mrs. Ralph H. Daniel Shea, Richard Sullivan; $33 Angela Cyr; $30 M-M John Grant, Mrs. Edward A. Sullivan, M-M Duman, Edward J. Dunleavy, M-M Wallace Emerson, Elizabeth Hall, M-M Leo A. Martin; $25 A Friend, Raymond Monahan, M-M Edward Witkowicz M-M M-M John Farrell, Julia H. Farrington, Margarita In memory of John B. & George Patten, M-M Ernest John P. Harrington, M-M Patrick Leonard.' . Farrington, M-M Hugh T. Fee, M-M William Feeney, Moniz, Mary T. Hurley, Eleanor Shea, Thomas Sulliv'an, $25 Mary Kelly, Honor Toohey, M-M Henry Mrs. James Finley, M-M Robert Finn; Mary Finnegan. Mrs. Eugene Ponton, Mrs. William Ellen, Leo Leary, Kowalski, M-M Elmer Stafford Jr., Mrs. Henry Rels Raymond Leary, Leonard Leary, Dorothy Leary" M-M $25 Mrs. Matthew Fitzsimmons, John Fleming, Mrs.' M-M Normand Coutu, M-M Thomas E. Leamy, M-M. George Sutherland, Mrs. Helen Johnston, William P. Katherine C. Gately, Mrs. Ernest W. Geddes, M-M Thomas Norton Jr., Mrs. Forrest Knight, M-M Paul O'Brien; Mrs. Edward Depin, M-M August Mello. Thomas Gillespie, M-M Albert Gioiosa, M-M Robert Arno~, John Reder, John Keating, M-M George Givin-an, Dr.-Mrs. Arthur J. Gorman, Mrs. E. Marshall . $25 M-M Joseph Vital, M.-M Michael Arruda, M-M Bl1tchffe, M-M Paul R. Dunn; Mrs. Thomas A. Graves, Generosa Hagan, Elizabeth Halpin, James John Kuszay, Richard Bolger, A Friend, M-M Edward O'Donnel, M-M .Joseph Delaney, M-M Francis Cronin Halpin, M-M Donald Harkenrider, M-M Thomas C. Raposa, M-M Frank DePaola, Mrs. Florence M-M Kenneth Reinerio, M-M Anthony LaCava. ' Haugh, Mary E. Healy, Dorothy Hendrick, Mrs. Julia Connors; M-M Samuel S. Moran, Mrs. Bridget . $25 M-M Thomas Moniz, M-M John F. McMahon Hepburn, M-M George Hofman, M-M Arthur Hurd, Thornton, Ip memory of M-M J. F. Grondin, M-M M-M William Hen,ry, M-M John T. Scanlon, M-M M-M Stephen Hunter, Alvin Johnston, M-M George Leo Thibault, M-M Manuel Benevides, Barbara Thomas Charette Jr., M-M William Chippendale, M-M Kent, M-M Richard Kenyon, M-M Ad·am Kurpat, Nikinas, Mrs.· Michael McConnon, M-M Robert Armand Desmarais, M-M Warren Wood, M-M Peter Mary E. Lachinsky, Mrs. George A. Langill, Darigo L. Coulombe, Wilfred L. Jean, Mary Lee, Lillian Reardon, Pacheco, Marguerite Bonner, Mrs. Eleanor Howard Latanzi, Mary Lavers, Frank & Annette Lioce. Edward Mantez. M:'M Tadeusz Bielawski, Ruth C. Sullivan, M-M $25 Jane M. Logan, M-M Daniel Lynch, M-M William Roland· L. Boulay, M-M Abram G. Caswell, M-M , Lynch, Mrs. J'ames L. Mahon, Mrs. Joseph Mannering, Thomas Souza, Mrs. Dorothea Dowling, M-M Timothy Blessed Sa.cram,ent $250 Margaret Sullivan; $75 M-M John Manwaring, Astro U. Marcolini, M-M Elliott Sullivan, M-M Edmund Geary. Roger Lauzon; $50 M-M George Medeiros, Leo Paul Martin, M-M Richard Maxwell, M-M Edmund C. $25 M-M Stephen Nawrocki Jr., M-M Stephen Beaudoin; $35 Parishioner; $30 Albert Beaudoin, Henry Mossey, Ms. Ruth Mulford, M-M Francis'R. Murphy, Terceira, M-M Thomas P. Walsh, Robert S. Mello, Daigle; $25 In memory of Lemay, Perreault, Cham M-M Joseph Mulligan, M-M R. J. McCarthy, M-M M-M James Gibney, Margaret Lahey, M-M Dennis pagne families,. In memory of Hurley, Brandt, Paton William McCluskey Jr., Margaret & Katherine Griffin, In memory of Frank & Marie Isabel Medeiros families, John Mendoza, Mrs. Octave Jusseaume, McDermott, Mrs. James McGeary, M-M Edward J. M-M Charles Wills, M-M Robert Croteau, M-M Georg~ Maurice Stebenne, Yvonne Lafontaine, Roland Lavoie, McGrath, M-M Herman McGrath, Mrs. John McKenn'ey. Kelly, Mrs. Arthur Shea, Dr.-Mrs. Patrick J. Foley, Henry Teixeira. $25 M-M John J. McMahon, M-M George Noury, Mrs. Alice C. Harrington, Mrs. Elizabeth Zalenski M-M Francis O'Brien, Mrs. William B. O'Brien, Mrs. Emma Connors, In memory of Joseph Dziduszko. ' Richard O'Neill, M-M William O'Reilly, M-M Joseph Espirito Santo $430 Rev. Luiz A. Cardoho; $125 . $25 M-M John Donnelly Jr.,. Mrs. Francis Tansey, Panek, M-M Richard Paul, Catherine Polozie, Mrs. Rev. John J. Oliveira; $80 Fragata Family; $50 M-M M-M Joseph McGuill, M-M Leo J. Flynn, M-M Robert Clara V. Porter, M-M Raymond Quayle, M-M Francis J. Meideiros & son, Irene Vascancellos, Tavares Family, Kitchen, Mrs. Anthony D'Ambrosio, M-M Hugo V. Radula, M-M Thomas Rafferty, M-M Raymond Rego Family, In memory of Fr. E. Rego, Souza Family; V'iolette, Chester Nuttall, William Nuttall, Bernard Rafferty, M-M William J. Reagan, M-M Eloy D. $40 Barboza Family, Raposa Family, Costa Family, Sweeney, M-M William Kaylor, M-M William Har Reardon, M-M John Reynolds, M-M Aime Rheault, Moniz Family; $30 Pereira Family, Viveiros Family, '- rington, M-M George Clark, M-M Henry Ferland, M-M M-M Lestrange Ring, Joseph Rotella, James Ruhan, --Careira Family, Viveiros Family, Viveiros Family, Edward J. Dolan Jr., Mrs. Thomas Collins, M-M Mrs. Mary Ryan, M-M Louis St. Pierre, Mrs. John F. Medeiros Family, Souza Family. Edward Grace, Mrs. Nicholas Hurst, M-M Everett Santry, M-M William Servos, Dr.-Mrs. John Shannon. $25 Rebello Family, Miranda Family, Travassos Martin, Mary Ann Dillon, Margaret Parmelee. Family, De Viveiros Family, M-M J. Jacob & Family, $25 John Sheehan, Sally' F. Silver, Mrs. Kathleen $25 Catherine O'Connor, M-M Rene Lavoie, M-M Gil Caetano Pereira, Patricia Estrella, Miranda Family, Singleton and William A. Singleton, A friend, M-M John Tavares, M-M James Costa, Mrs. Louise Ponton, Salvador Family, Medeiros Family, Arruda Family, Edward Streile, In memory of Lawrence P. Sullivan Mrs. James Eastwood, M-M James K. Marun, Relenza De Ponte F'amily, Raposo Family, V'ital Family, Pereira Sr., Mrs. John A. Sullivan, M-M Robert Sullivan, Mrs. C. Manchester, Ida M. Lusignan & Donalda M. Medei Family, Couto Family, Alexandre Family, Luciano Rita Swenson, M-M Richard Terrio, M-M Edmund ros, M-M Joseph Morais, Mrs. Francis Regan, Mrs. Family, A Friend. Tessier, M-M George T'hompson, M-M Francis P. Tighe, Margaret Mercier, Normand C. Oliver, Mrs. Walter Mrs. Frederick Tolley" W. R. Tracey, Esther M. Fallon, M-M Henry Kitchen Jr., M-M John Burns, TWll.gill, Mary C. Turnbull, Joseph F. Walker, M-M Catherine Shea, Anna L. Sullivan, Laura Hackett, Holy Cross $250 Franciscan Fathers; $100 Holy Basil, B. Walsh, M-M Thomas J. Walsh, Mrs. Russell Teresa B. Aylward, In memory of Katherine McNaboe. Cross Men's Club, M-M Raymound Canuel, Calerie B. Weymouth/ Gertrude F. Whelan, Mary White. $25 M-M Roland H. Boulay, Mrs. Francis Crosson, Winiarski; $75 Holy Cross Rosary Society; $50 Mrs. Hilary White, M-M Santi DiRuzza, M-M Jules Szewczyk F'amily, A Parishioner; $40 M-M Robert J. Jacob, M-M Rene Garant, M-M Anthony J. D'Ambrosio, WEST HARWICH Ciosek; $35 Anonymous, M-M Vincent Gancarski, In M-M Wilfred P. Desruisseaux, Mrs. William S,hea, Holy Trinity $250 M-M Joseph Quinn; $200 M-M memory of John A. Pietruszka; $30 Anonymous. M-M Francis Crowe, M-M John Medeiros, In memory Francis Murphy, Mrs. Dorothy O'Donnell, Margaret $25 A Parishioner, M-M Stephen Pirog, M-M Joseph of John B. Hart,. Edna J. Murray, Ruth A. Cutting, Scully; $175 M-M Donald Wolf; $120 M-M Joseph Staffa, Anonnymous, M-M Walter Witengier, 1\1:-M A Friend, M-M Arnold Martin, M-M James W. Connell,. Deering; $100 M-M James Blackmore, M-M. Russell Robert Har,pham, M-M Arthur Caron, In 'memory of Benevides Family, M-M Gilbert Nadeau, Cecilia E. Brennan, M-M Vincent Fleming, Dorothy McLaughlin, Joseph Czerwonka, M-M Thomas Bednarz, Albert Medeiros. M-M James Mischler, Gloria Rose, M-M Philip Cartier, M-M Joseph Mlynek, M-M Bronislaw Beben, .
Waystack; $75 M-M Wallace Raneo, M-M Charles Reid, M-M Stanley Pietruszka, M-M Joseph Barek, John Rys,
James B. Sullivan; $60 M-M Paul Donovan, M-M Our Lady of Health $400 Rev. Joao C. Martins; M-M John Midura, A Friend, Helen Gosciminski.
Vincent Walsh; $55 M-M Joseph Mallard, M-M Gerald $250 Irmandade de Espirito Santo;' $200 1Ioly Name Flintoft; $52 Rita Wayburn. Society; $150 Rev. JO'hn A. Raposo; $100 Council of Catholic Women, Holy Rosary Society, St. Vincent de Holy Name $1,000 Dr.-Mrs. Andre P. Nasser; $500 $50 M-M Albert Bishop" John Brassil, Madeline Paul Society; $50 Portuguese Charismatic Group, M-M
Atty. Kenneth L. Sullivan; $250 Dr. Daniel T. Brown & Anna Unsworth, M-M William Connors, Manuel Mello in memory of M-M Caetano Medeiros
Ha.rrington, M-M George Bolger; $200 Dr.-Mrs. Harry Natalie Conway, M-M Fred Eppinger, Fern-and Four and M-M Joseph Mello; $25 Mrs. Mary Ferreira in
Powers, In memory of Thomas F. Higgins, M.D.; $150 mer, M-M James Gomes Jr., Hester & Margaret memory of Antone Ferreira.
Judge & Mrs. Roger Sullivan, M-M William F. Patten, Griffin, Dorothy Houghton, M-M Gerald Hughes, I
FALL RIVER Notre Dame $300 Gendreau Construction; $125 M-M Roger Labonte; $75 Cecile Masse; $50 M-M Henri Ouellette M-M Robert Phenix, Mrs. A. Frascatore, M-M No;mand Paul; $40 M-M Armand Dallaire; $35 Helena Chace, Emile Amiot, M-M Ademord Allard; $30 M-M Raymond Morrissette, Medora Dupuis, $26 Raymond Thibault; $25 M-M Raymond Boulay, Gerard Berger, Hector Clement, Remi Couture, M-M Paul Dumais, Blanche Dug,al, M-M Roger Fournier, M-M Bernard Gendreau, M-M Thomas Hartnett, 'Laetitia Petit, M-M Romeo Parent, Ernest D. Plante, M-M' Edgar St. Martin. Our Lady of the Angels' $1,000 Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes; $300 St. Vincent de Paul Society; $100 Holy Rosary Sodality, In memory of Lililan M. Theodore, Council of Catholic Women; $75 Tobas J. Monte, M-M Carlos Dionizio Jr.; $60 John F. Branco, M-M Gerald Cardelli; $55 Misses Mary & Pat Cabral; $50 M-M Arthur Rego, George Tonelli, Holy Name Society, A Friend, Rep;,'Robert Correia, M'7M Manuel Bote~ho. $40 M-M Richard Pavao, Joseph Dupont, M-M WilliaJll Rego; $36 M-M Alfred M. Mello, $35 M-M Kenneth Carrier, M-M John Medeiros Jr., Misses Emma & Adelaide Arruda, M-M Joseph E. Costa, M-M Manuel Silvia Jr.; $30 M-M Lionel Rodrigues, M-M Joseph Braga, M-M Joseph, Costa, Mrs. Agnes Ricardo, Children of Mary Sodality, Knights of the Altar, Sylvester Da Silva, M-M Joseph Furtado, M-M William Rego, Arthur Furtado. $25 M-M Leonel Cordeiro, Orner 'Lizotte, M-M Rich ard Arrugo, M-M Herman, Botelho, M-M John Wheadon, M-M Albert Tanguay, M-M Seraphin BriIhante, M,-M Adolfo Santos, M-M Everett Rego, M-M Edmund Vieira, M-M Anthony Cotlho, M-M Joseph Silvia, M-M Manuel Viveiros, M-M Charles Camara, M:'M John Correia, Mrs. Mary Machado, Ms. Carol Hryciw. \ , $25 Our Lady of the Angels Senior Oitizens, M-M Manuel Aguiar, M-M Jose Resendes, Almeida & Son Funeral Home, M-M Manuel Correia, M-M Victor ,Santos, M-M Antone Michaels, M-M Amos Braga, Ms. Leonora Mello, M-M Raymond Medeiros, M-M, Francisco G. Silva, The Furtado Family, M-M Manuel Medeiros, Mrs. Emily Goncalo, Holy Ghost Club, M-M Manuel, Medeiros, Mrs. Octavia Hilario, M-M Jeffrey Santos, M-M Joaquim Costa, M-M Carl Frederick, Alfred F. Almeida Jr., M-M Manuel Velho, M-M Jesse Barreira, M-M Manuel Freit~s, Mrs. Juliette Candeias, M-M Julius Rodrigues. ' St. Joseph, $500 Rev. Paul F. McCarrick; $400 In memory of Cecelia M. Moloney, Mary L. Harrington, Catherine T. Harrington; $225 Hon. B. H. Mullaney; $150 M-M Joseph O'Connell; $100, M-M Wallace Fairbanks, Francis L. Harrington, Julia Mahoney; $75 M-M James D. Salvo; $50 Julia Harrington, Mary Whittaker, M-M Russell Pichette. $35 M-M John Fitzgerald, M-M James Perkins; $30 M-M Robert Gagnon, M-M Hugh J. Maguire, M-M Walter Stetkiewicz, M-M William Nugent,M-M Walter Nichipor; $25 M-M James Boulay, M':M Paul Boulay, M-M Joseph Boyd, M-M Edward Daley, Emily Downey, Honora Foley, Peter Hodnett, M-M Gerald LaChance. $25 M-M William L-omex, Louise Murphy, Eileen Murphy, M-M Daniel Netto, Agnes O'Brien, Eileen Rego, Mary D. Sullivan, Mary Rose Sullivan, Anne Borden, M-M Edward & Judith Phillips, Mrs. Charles Trainor. '
Our Lady of the Holy ROsary $70 Mrs. Lena Ricci;
$50 Peter Lanzisera; $30 The Bevilacqua Family; $25
Kathleen Barr & Noreen Shea, M-M Edward Falandys,
Edith S. Flanagan" M-M Joseph A; McNally, M-M
Edward Oliveira, The Sasso Family, M-M Alphonse
Saulino & Family.
Immaculate ,Conception $iOO Mary L. Lennon & Mrs. Mary Lennon; $42.50 In, memory of Florence, Daniel & Manuel Pifuenta; $35 Joseph Francoeur; $30 Grace Walsh, Mrs. Thomas 'P. Heaney Sr. ,& Thomas 'F. Heane'y Jr., M-M Mario Lacava, Kenneth Boyer; $25 M-M Louis A. Cyr, James Bentley, ,George Char bonneau, Mrs. Elizabeth Conroy, William Benevides. St. Elizabeth $260 Rev. George J. de Souza; $100 St. Elizabeth Altar Boys; $50 St. Elizabeth Ladies Guild, St. Elizabeth Holy Name, A Friend; $30 Agostino Gagliardi; $25 Laura Nobrega, John N. Costa, Jesse P. Martin, Anthony Rodrigues. st. Michaei $600 Rev. Joseph Oliveira; $300 Rev. Manuel T. Faria; $200 M-M Gilbert Oliveira; $100 A Friend, Mary T; Carvalho, Belmira E. Tavares; $85 M-M Antone Souza; '$80 M-M Joao Aguiar; $75 Beatrice Capeto; $50 Dr. Joseph Carvalho, A Friend, M-M Manuel S. Medeiros, M-M Noel Medeiros, Cecelia Oliveira; $40 M-M Joseph V. Fonseca. $35 John Castanho; $30 William V. A,maral, M-M Guilherme Gonsalves, Mrs. Maria Theresa Gonsalves, M-M Gilbert Mello,:' Mary Pacheco, M-M Alvin S. Rego, M-M Jose, Manuel Soares, M-M Virginio C. Tavares; $25 A Parishioner, M-M Belisario A. Almeida, M-M John V. Arruda, M-M Anthony Cordeiro, In memory of Edward Costa, M-M Stanley Dopart. $25 A Friend, M-M Antonio Goncalo, M-M Jose B. Gouveia, Priscilla Latway, Edith & Dorothy Machado, M-M Antone C. Mello, In memory of Guilhermina Viveiros, M-M Richard A. Powell, M-M Edwin S. Rega, In memory of James Viveiros, Mrs. Mary Wick. st. Patrick $600 St. Patrick's Conference St. Vin cent de Paul Society; $250 Margaret Sullivan; $200 Rev. Horace J. Travassos; $100 M-M William Lynch, M-M Daniel Scully, Irl memory of William E. Sullivan; $90 M-M William Rys; $75 In memory of James E. Shea; $50 M-M John Berek, Sarah Spellman, Mary E. Kilroy, M-M Edward: Deciccio. $40 M-M Eugene Connors; $35 Maureen LaForest, Mrs. Joseph Paquin, M-M Albert Arsenault; $30 M-M , Albert Dufresne; $27 In memory of Manuel Rosa Jr. & ' David Rosa; $25 Gregory Boyle, Mrs. Catherine Dussault, Edward Healey, M-M Douglas Poissant, Mrs. Gertrude Lomas, M-M Michael McCarthy, M-M John Morgan Jr., M-M Horace Travassos, M-M Anthony Ruggiero, Frances Martin, Mrs. James Coyle. ' $25 George & Rose Rodrigues, Mrs. John Sylvest!,!r, M-M "Walter Burns Jr., M-M Raymond Suart, M.:.M Rene Perron, Mrs. Joseph Biszko, M-M Michael Kuszay,' M-M Hank' Urban, ,Leonard Bolger, M-M Robert Marcoux, Elizabeth Barrett, Ann & Patricia Hughes, M-M Francis Clegg, M..M, William McHugh, M-M Louis, Salcido, M-M Martin Delahanty. $25 In memory of Timothy & Annie 'Holland, In memory of Elizabeth A. Bolger, Joseph Coady, Mrs. John Coady, In memory of James M. & Edward D. Cox, Mrs. Edmund Peladeau, M-M' Raymond Halbardier, M-M H. Farias. \
Sacred Heart $350 Rev. Barry W. Wall; $125 In Santo Christo $400 Rev. Antonio C. Tavares; $275 memory of Mildred G. Harrington; $100 M~M John J; In memory of Joaqui\Tl C. Reis; $200 In memory of Harrington, Walter H. White;' $75 Sarah Halligan, M-M Justino Simoes, In memory of Antone C. Sousa;" Dorothy 'McLachlan; $60 Leonard J. Hughes; $50 In' $175 Charlmor Furniture Store. memory of M-M George V. Broderick, In memory of $100 M-M Alfred Campos, M-M Alfred Carreiro, M-M Walter H. Cosgrove Jr. & Franklyn J. Cosgrove. Jane Daniel Castanho, M-M L.D'A., M-M Manuel C. Faria, G. Broderick, In memory of Lila and James '\vhite, M-M Joseph V. Medeiros in memory of Medeiros & Richard F. Paul. Furtado Family, John B. Moniz & family, Santo Christo Federal Credit Union, Santo Christo Holy $40 Helen Cavanaugh, Thomas Keane, Mrs. Daniel Ghost Society, Helen L. Oliveira. Murphy, Daniel Murphy; $35 In memory of Herman J. Springer; $30 M.:.M Raymond Rosa, In memory of John $60 M-M John F. Victor; $50 Catholic Council of P. Fleming, Franklin A. Murphy, Mrs. Benjamin Catholic Women, In memory of Joao & Alexandrina Stafford; $28 In memory of the deceased members of Luiz, Maria, R. Pacheco, In memory of John G. Paiva, the Pacheco, Carvalho, Maciel & Mello FainUies; C.M.P., M-M Joseph M. Rego'l M-M Ildo B. daSilva, . $25 In memory of M-M Michael J. Foran, Dominick J. M-M John F. Silvia, Alice Simas, In memory of Antone Maxwell Jr., George O'Brien, M-M Anthony'F. Correia. & Clara Simas, In memory of ~ntonio M. Tavares, His $25 Tromas F. Connors, Evelyn Curtis, Madeline . Honor the Mayor & Mrs. Viveiros; $46 Maria M. Sousa. Curtis, ,William J. Desmond, Mary Grandfield, Mrs. $45 M-M Deodato M. Pacheco; $40 Jesse Carvalho, Edward M. Dillon, Regina M. Higgins, Mrs. James R. M-M Joao T. Gouveia; M-M Joao F. Machado, M-M Mitchell, M-M Wmard Piper, M-M Raymond F. Manuel S. Rezendes, M.,M Adelino Rodrigues, M.C.R., Powers, M-M Leo P. Smith, M-M John H. Springer, M.S., In memory of the Trindade Family; $35 In mem , James W. Steele, Miss M. Doris Sullivan, Walter P. ory of Maria C. Martins, In memory of Jose Antonio M. Wilcox. Couto, D.D.L., Mrs. Grace Learned, M-M ,Joaquim S. Machado & Kevin, In memory of Richard Massolo, M-M Francis L. Mullaly, Alexandrina Pacheco, In St. Anne $250 Dominican Fathers; $200 M-M Edgar memory of M-M John Mendonca & M-M Carlos Pereira. Ross; $100 Arthur & Loretta Tetreault, M-M Roland $30 M:..M Antonio Arruda, M-M Antonio L. Furtado, Bileau, Mrs. Yvonne Fournier; $30 M-M Benoit Canuel; Antonia Furtado & famliy, Joseph P. Gonsalves, In $25 M-M George Ledoux, M-M Honore Goddu, Mrs. memory of Edwin J., Harrington, M-M Edward D. Catherine Bernier, Bertrand Letendre, M-M Albert Medeiros, M-M Abilio S. Mendes, In memory of Joseph Beaudoin, M-M Gerard Tremblay. Oliveira & son Joseph, Mrs, A.P. & family; M-M Jose M. Silva, Augustinho J. Viveiros; $25 A friend, M-M St. Anthony of Padua $1001982 Confirmation Class; Don3.ld Almeida, M-M D.R.A;, In memory o~ M-M $50 Ernest Ladelra; $25 Georgiana Careiro, Arthur Manuel D. Almeida &, M-M John Leite, In memory Teixeira, Helena Tavares. of Antonio Augusto, M-M Victor M. Augusto, M-M Armando Brasil, In memory of M-M John Brilliant. St. Louis $200 St. Louis Women's Guild; $150 M-M $25 M-M Jose M. Car!'!pa, M-M Gualter M. Carvalho, William F. Whalen Jr.; $100 Alice & Kathleen Tobin In memory of Manuel Castanho, C.C., Cunha Bakery, in memory of Michael Tobin, M-M Herman P. Mello; Dule's Variety, M-M Joaquim R. Frias & Thomas, M-M $75 Marion Fahey; $60 Hussey-O'Neill Family; $50 Anibal G. Lage, M-~ Alfr~d Matti, M-M James John Whitty, In memory of John & Florence Philbin; Medeiros, M-M Jose P. Medeiros,' M-M Serafim G. $35 Ja",es Whalon J r . , . Medeiros, James A. Mendonca, Joyce Moniz, In mem ory of Mary Moreira, Cecilia O'Leary, In memory of $30 l'4-M Thomas Carreiro, M-M James' Furtado, Frank Oliveira, M~M Justino Paulo, Herculana Raposa, M-M Gi~bert L'Heureux; $25 Anne Connerton, Mary E. ,J.R.S., Anibal & Beatric Souza, M-M Manuel J. Souza, Connertpri, M-M John Maher, M-M RobertC. White, M-M James Travassos, :M-M Laurenio S. Verissimo & M-M John Cassidy,M-M Elenor, Bollin, Fall River family.' , 'Lugglfge, M-M William W~rd. '
55. Peter & Pau'- $100 In memory of J. Edward Glynn, Mildred Shannon, SS. Peter & Paul Women's Club; $75 Mary Tyrrell; $60M-M Edward Kelly; $50 M-M Edward Tyrrell, Mary Glynn, M-M William O'Neil; $40 Janet A. Dupont, M-M Frank Sullivan, Mrs. Nicholas Tyrrell; $35 Earl Cory, M-M John Wilding, John Tyrrell; $30 M-M Joseph Stankiewicz, Louise Tyrrell, Mrs. Florence Taylor, M-M Fred Dolan. $25 Mrs. James E. Rogers, M-M Nicolas Tyrrell, M-M Michael Dupont, Maureen Ryan, Vincent DiMar tino, M-M Raymond Dooley, M-M Francis Ryan, M-M Pasquale DiMartino,. M-M Frederick Vitullo, Mrs. Ramona Meagher, Mrs. Mary Dutton, Carol Dutton, Helen Willette, Mr:s. Agnes Heffernan, M-M William Tansey, M-M Manuel Moniz, M-M Ronald Martin, M-M William l:Iyland, Mrs. Lillian Cabucio. $25 Clarence & Barbara Lee, Michael Sweeney, M-M Raymond Polak, M-M John Force, Mrs. Jerome Foley, Mrs: Theresa Nientimp, M-M Thomas Farren, In mem ory of the Farren Family, Mrs. Dorothy Hathaway, M-M James Donnelly, Mrs. Helen Ozug, M-M Jose Estrela, Wanda Kozak, M-M Glenn Hathaway, M-M Thomas' Tunney, M-M John Luebke, M-M James Sunderland, M-M Albert Durand, Richard & Charlene Gagne, Kathleen Gagne, John Dolan, Marion Mahoney, Charles Mahoney. St. Koch $400 Rev. Lucien Jusseaume; $150 M-M M-M Romain Saulnier; $75 M-M Alfred W. Dupras; $50 Antonio Coutu; $25 George Berube, M-M Henri Berube, M-M Edward Desmarais, M-M Julien Gamache, M-M Paul E. Pineault. ' st. Stanislaus $500 A Friend; $200 A Friend; $180 A Friend; $150 St. Vincent de Paul Society; Stanley, Sophie, Mary Zmuda; $125 St. Stanislaus Men's Club, M-l\1 Frank Mis, A Friend; $120 M-M Paul J. Tavares; $100 Holy Rosary Sodality, In Memory of Paul & Frances Drzal, Joan Marie Desrosiers, St Stanislaus Women's Guiid, A Friend, M-M Walter Deda, Dr.-Mrs. Joseph McGuill Jr., M-M Walter J. P. Gosciminski. $85 Mary & Josephine Niewola; $75 Stanley Lach, M-M Stephen Kulpa; $70 Joan A. Clark; $60 A Friend, M-M Leo R. Dube & Children, Margaret Peart; $55 M-M Robert Polak; $50 M-M Henry Paruch, M-M Reibert Astle, M-M John W. Deveney, A Friend, M-M Paul Klaege, M-M Louis Angelini, M-M Daniel Rocha; $40 M-M George Pereira, M-M Andre R. LaCroix. $36 A Friend; $35 M-M Charles Ouellette, M-M William Wolowiec, M-M Walter Soczek, M~M John Mayo, M-M Ernest Edwards, M-M Stanley Wojnar, M-M Warren J. O'Connell; $30 Helena Martins, M-M Leo ~avoie, Paula E. Gagnon, A Friend, M-M Michael D'Alu" Anna Laniak, Antoinette Orzechowski, Mrs. Alexander Kocon, M-M Leo Fournier, M-M Edwin Kosinski, Mrs. Janice Chace, Daniel Gagnon & Family. $26, M-M Edward Paul Niewola, Aniela Kruczek; $25 M-M William Brogan, M-M Stanley Pruchnik, 'M-M John Cabece'iras, Judith D. Dolan, M-M Francis Cleary, Monica Ragonesi, M-M Roch E. Vadeboncoeur, Jr., M-M Joseph Pavao, George'Levesque, M-M Lide Price, B&R Lawn Mower, Mary Kudlacik, Christopher Haponik, Matthew S. Jagielski, M-M Joseph Sroczynski, M-M Stanley Pencak, Joseph & Anne Forsach. $25 M-M John F. Simmons,- M-M Robert Wilbur, M-M Philip Violette, M-M Paul L'Heureux, Phyllis Babiarz, M-M Stanley Mis, Mary Makuch, M-M Thaddeus Stasowski, M-M Joseph Petres, M-M Frank J. Rapoza, Mrs. ,Patricia Dopart, Stasia Dussault, M-M Edward Giza, M-M Joseph Quinn, A Friend, M-M Eugene Czepiel, M-M Joseph Cichon, Barbara Dubiel, M-M Frank Jancarik, Lydia Griffin. St. William $500 Rev. William J. Shovelton; $;300 St. William St. Vincent de Paul Conference; $225 Anna Gottwald; $125 Helen L. Donovan; $100 Margaret Constantine, M-M A. Gagnon, St. William's Women's Guild; $75 M-M Daniel Araujo; $50 Christopher Lake. M-M Louis Viveiros, Victor St. Denis, Mae Riley, The Boodry Family, M-M Harry Kershaw, M-M James Finglas; $40 M-M Fred Chlebek. $30 M-M George Rhoads, Roland Talbot, M-M John Bates, Henry, Raposa, M-M David LaFrance; $25 Mrs. John Potts, M-M Peter D'Arrigo, M-M Edward Cabie. Charles Fallows, In memory of William Desmond Crowley, M-M John Powers, M-M Joseph Carreiro, M-M Randall Thurston, M-M John G. Ma.itoza, Maitoza Trucking, Inc., M-M Frank Correia, Mrs. Arthur Deschenes, M-M James McKnight, M-M William Sewell. CENTRAL VILLAGE St. John the Baptist $150 Dr.-Mrs. Joseph 'f. Baldwin; $100 M-M John L-ong; $35 M-M John Ardagh; $30 M-M Joseph P. Halloran; $25 Margaret E. McClos key, M-M Bernard T. Kelly, Beatrice H. Mullaney, Agnes J. McCloskey, M-M David Buckley, Janice Pedder, M-M Richard Trecida, M-M Robert Vieira, M-M Edward Cloutier, M-M Bruce A. Beaulieu, The Lozinski Family, M-M Tobias Flemmin. WESTPORT Our Lady of Grace $500 Rev. Edmond R. Levesque; $100 Anonymous, M-M John Sparks; $75 Anonymous; $50 Anonymous, M-M Joseph A. Campbell, M-M ,William Chace, M-M Donald Gifford, M-M Robert Michaud; $40 Anonymous; $35 M-M Aime Barnaby, M-M Gerald Emond, M-M Eugene Reberson; $30 Anonymous, M-M Frank Motta, M-M Manuel Vale. $25 M-M Alfred Alves, Anonymous, Roger Brodeur, M-M Joseph L. Cabral, Arthur G. Ceasar, M-M George Carpenter, M-M John B. Dias Sr., M-M George Duclos, M-M Manuel R. Faria, M-M L-ouis Fernandes, Dr. Francois J. Martineau, M-M Charles Messier, M-M James F. Murray, M-M Lionel Paquette, M-M George Ponte, M~M John. S¢nay', M-M Gilbert Souza Sr., M-M Charles ,Sullivan, M-M John 'Tev~s, Mrs. Harold Ward.
ASSONET St. Bernard $125 M-M Francis Sullivan; $100 M-M John L. Brown; $50 M-M Robert Blake, Francis Andrews, M-M Felidan Brochu, M-M Thomas Terpak; $30 M-M Paul Levesque, M-M Ronald Lyonnais, Pauline Rebello, M-M John E. Sullivan, M-M Peter Fazio; $25 M-M Edward' Adams, M-M Julio Ferreira, Mrs. Charles Grow, M-M Stanley Janczura, M-M James King, M-M Joseph Maquire, M-M John Raposa. $25 M-M Richard Brown, M-M William Borges, M-M Joseph Corey, M-M Frederick Demetrius, M-M Michael Frain, M-M Roger Lussier, 'M-M Thomas Sears, M-M Edward Thompson. SOMERSET St. John of God $120 Judge Milton R. Silva; $100' John Chellel Jr.; $50 In memory of Bruce Emmett & Hilda Levesque, Joseph Coray, Louis S. Machado, Victor Pavao, Catherine Quental, Mrs. Maria. C. Ventura; $35 In memory of Arthur C. Leite, James Rebello; $30 Mrs. Joan Harper, Leonel S. Medeiros, Manuel Michael, Joao Oliveira, Edgar Rebelo, Louis Rosa. $25 Gil Affonos, Joseph Amaral, Mrs. Mary Berube, M-M Frank R. Borges Jr., Joseph Camara, Antone F. Correia, Mrs. Mary Costa, Joseph Gouveia, Joseph D. Lawrence, Raymond R. Machado, Leopercio Medeiros, Manuel Medeiros, Frank S. Mello, Joseph Motta, Rovert Paiva, Arthur Provost, Laura Saraiva, Laureano Silva, Antone Soares, Mrs. Eulalia Soares, Manuel L. Sousa, Alfred J. Souza, Jesse Velozo, Herbert Wetzel. St. Patrick's $300 In memory of Deceased Priests of Parish; $250 Dr.-Mrs. Roger E. Cadieux, Dr. Roland E. Chabot; $150 St. Vincent DePaul Society, St. Patrick's Parish Council, St. Patrick's Women's GUild, M-M Raymond R. Adam; $125 Eliza.beth M. Trainor; $115 M-M Joseph Matthews; $100 M-M John F. Connor, Armand Fordand, M-M David Dunne, Mary E. Quirk, M-M John M. Canto, In memory of James C. Noonan, In memory Of Anne Flemlng, In memory of Henry J. Kitchen. . $75 Mrs. Charles Rowe; $50 Fernand C. & Robt. Auclair, Robert H. Meehan, William F. Ready, In memory of James C. Noonan, Edward J. Leonard, Joseph Tinsley, Helen L. & Theresa Archard, St. Patrick's CCD Program, Frances M. LaSalle, M-M Alan Amaral, Robert Souza, M-M Carlton D. Boardman; $40 Arthur F. Cassidy; $35 M-M Valentino Pallotta, Mrs. Ann Falvey, Helen Sullivan, Thomas J. Daley. $30 M-M Joseph T,herrien, George Lee, M-M Wm. V. Mahoney Jr., M-M William Moran, John T. Smlth, Mrs. Anne M. Roberts, Marion Frado, Joseph Capostagno; $25 M-M Richard A. Mello, M-M Thomas DeVido, Mrs. Gerald E. Mulrooney, M-M Edward F. Moore, M-M William Cordeiro, Joan M. Pavao, Lillian I. Hadad. M-M Laurent Guay, l\:1-M William A. Neilan, Shirley Cavanaugh, M-M William O'Brien, Daniel Ready. $25 Marie Snyder, Richard Leonard, Mrs. Harold Meehan, M-M John W. Kinnane, Mrs. John N. Daley, M-M Edward Synan, Leo A. Bond, M-M William Gilbert, M-M Robert F. Smith, M-M Alfred F. Belanger, M-M Frank Moriarty, M-M Gerard DeslaUriers, M-M Roland Thibault, Mary E. Lynch, M-M Gerard D. Gagnon, M-M Robert Mathieu, Mrs. Sol Strein, M-M Robert Cox, M-M Raymond Bachand. $25 Mrs. David M. Kilroy, Armand A. Saurette, M-M, Vincent Calio Jr., Frederic C. Dreyer Jr., Thomas Donahue, Francis J. Kilgrew, M-M Arthur Gagnon, M-M Anthony R. Corey, M-M Stephen Odynecky, M-M Joseph Malvey, M-M Norman Mathieu, M-M Louis , Oliveira, M-M Alfred Almeida. St. Thomas More $800 Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan; $400 Rev. John G. Carroll; $200 Rev. Gerard A. Hebert; $125 In memory of Reverend Francis M. Coady, In memory of M-M Joseph F. Foley, Henry Gurl; $120 M-M Francis J. Silvia; $100 Jane M. Borden, M-M Vincent A. Coady, Mrs. William Connelly, M-M Paul Daley, M-M William J. Gibney, Mrs. Ernest E. Grenier Sr., M-M Charles W. Latham, M-M. Francis Lussier. $75 M-M John R. Fennessey; $50 M-M James Crivaro, Edwin Doolan, Barbara A. Dunn & Margaret L. Dunn, M-M Louis F. Fayan, Joseph R. Gagnon, Gibmar Elec tric Co., M-M Charles Hague, H. Earl Heron, M-M John F. Kineavy, Edward R. McCann, M-M Henry J. McGowan, G. Bernadette Mahoney & Helena B. Mahoney, James F. Nicoletti, M-M'John O'Brien, Mrs. James Pappas, M-M George R. Reinhagen, M-M Albert E. Shovelton, Ms. Karolina Trimborn, Charles Burke Jr., Mrs. Luke Urban. $40 M-lY1 Donald Hussey, M-M Richard Kelley; $35 M-M Richard Crowell, M-M James Mullins, M-M Gilbert J. Nadeau, M-M Walter Prayzner; $30 M-M ,Paul A. Borkman, Benedict J. Eagan, M-M James Harrington, Reginald C. Marchand, M-M_ William C. Phaneuf; $25 M-M Joseph Borden, M-M Robert Cray, M-M Edward Kaylor, James McDonald, Mrs. Kenneth McNulty, M-M Jo'hn A. Mitchell, Mrs. Fred Morrissey, Mrs. Katherine Peirce, Mrs. Kathleen Sherry, M-M Edward L. Sullivan, M-M Charles A Adam, J:oseph Bargantine, M-M William H. Barrar Jr. . $25 M-M Frank J. Boyko Jr., M-M John Carvalho Jr., John J. Clorite, Mrs. Ernest F. Coates, Mrs. 'John E. Connolly, M-M Edmund F. Crowell, M-M Marcel Dionne, M-M Gerald Driscoll, M-M Joseph W. Duffy, M-M John Falvey, M-M Daniel Grace, M-M Ralph Guerriero Sr., M-M Normand Heroux, Margaret P. Hession, M-M Joseph D. Hopkins, M-M Hary Hynes, M-M Robert L. Jackson, M-M Moran Jammen, Mrs. Frank H. Johnson, Ms. Jo Anne Johnson, M-M Fred erick !tozak, M-M Philip G. Kukielski, M-M Robert LeComte, M-M Jack McCormlck, Mrs. Charles McDerrltott, M-M Ronald Mandeville Sr. $25 M-M Elbert Mavel, M-M Joseph Medeiros, M-M Robert b. Michaud, Edward Monarch, M-M Thomas F. O'Conn~ll; Mrs. John O'Day, Edward F. O'Gara, Mrs. Austin J. O'Toole Sr., M-M Francis Reis, M-M Ernest
Rogers, Mrs. Dale Rothwell, M-M Arthur H. Roy,
Evelyn Ryan, M-M William Ryding, M-M Stanley
Sieczkowski Jr., M-M Barry Suliivan, Florence M.
Sullivan, Daniel Tavares, M-M William Thomson, M.:.M
James E. Walsh, M-M Donald Waring, M-M William
Whalen, M-M William E. White Sr.
Iacaponi, M-M John H. Martin, M-M Thomas Meredith, M-M Russell L. Nelson, Mrs. Walter .T. Oliver, Edna Pallatroni, M-M John F. Robinson, Marguerite A. Ronan, M-M Mark SevigneY, M-M Dennis Sherman, M-M FranCis S. Smith, Clifford Snell, M-M Augusto Vieira.
SWANSEA St. Michael $500 A Friend; $356 Rev. Clement E.
Dufour; $250 St. Michael Bingo; $150 Rev. Normand J.
Boulet; $106 M-M Charles Viens; $100 M-M John
Farias, St. Vincent de Paul Society, M-M Francis
Crook; $80 M-M Kenneth Gardiner; $75 M-M A. J.
Gabriel, A friend; $60 A friend; $55 A friend.
$50 M-M Raymond H. Duclos, M-M Joseph Hargraves,
M-M Ralph Lepore Jr., A friend, Claire Morissette,
Lillian Morissette, M-M Robert Cardinal, M-M Herve
Lavoie, M-M Raymond Pickett, Dr.-Mrs. James Leffers,
Theresa Metivier; $40 M-M Manuel Silveira, A friend;
$36 M-M Laurent Pineau; $35 St. Michael's Women's
Club, M-M B. Dolin; $30 A friend, M-M Dominic Troy,
M-M Camille Levesque; $26 A friend.
$25 M-M Gerald Sevigny, A friend, M-M William
Mitchell, M-M Alfred Bolduc Jr., M-M Joseph Cyr,
M-M Antone Miranda, M-M Dolor St. Laurent, John
Tunney, M-M Roland Prevost, Mrs. Catherine Furtado,
M-M Norman Beausoleil, M-M John C. Souza, M-M
Richard Araujo, M-M Roger Lamonde, M-M Walter
Malone, St. Michael Knights of the Altar, M-M Al
phonse Cetola, M-M Stephen C. Soderlund, M-M Rich
ard Looker, M-M John Seguin, Alfred Costa, M-M
Edward Kielor, M-M Joseph Janson.
St. Boniface $100 Rev. Roy Yurco, SS.CC.; In memory of Gertrude Kruger, Damien Council No. 4190 Knights of Columbus-Mattapoisett, Ma.; $50 Mrs., Lillian Corre; $25 Bishop James E. Cassidy General Assembly--:4th degree K. of C., M-M 'charles Desjar dins, M-M William Hettinger Sr., In memory of Gertrude Kruger, M-M Mark D. Schmidt.
Our Lady of Fatima $600 Anonymous; $300 Anony mous; $200 M-M Robert P. Laflamme; $125 M-M Gerald F. Morris; $120 M-M Harold Higgins; $100 M-M Russell B. Cochrane, Mona C. Kennedy, Mrs. Donald L. MacDonald; $75 M-M Paul Martelly, M-M Andre G. Michaud; $70 M-M Leonard E. Boardman; $60 M-M William R. Flynn; $55 M-M Adrew Boisvert; $50 Anonymous, Antone S. Aguiar, M-M Joseph F. Foley III, Catherine O'Connell, Mrs. Ambrose Powers, M-M Ernest J. R. Robinson, M-M Bernard Swales Jr., M-M John F. Sweeney, M-M Charles West. $40 Anonymous, M-M Terence P. Garvey, M-M Don ald F. McCaffrey, M-M William T. Rogers, M-M Harold Senay; $35 M-M William F. Cripps; $31 The Louis Rose Family; $30 Anonymous, M-M Frank A. Cusick Jr., M-M Joseph A. DeNardo, M-M John Lyons, M-M Paul J. V. Parente, Hattie Serpa, M-M Arthur F. Turcotte, M-M Peter F. Turcotte; $25 Anonymous, M-M Roger C. Bavoux, M-M George Bradbury,· M-M John A. . Brickhill, M-M James E. Conroy, M-M Thomas Donovan, M-M Thomas Doyle, Mm. Chester Dzialo. $25 Mrs: Alan Gollub, M-M James Graham Jr., M-M Dolor R. Jette, M-M James J. Johnson, M-M Francis L. Kelly, M-M Keith Kenyon, Robert F. McConnell, M-M Joseph M. McDonald; M-M Peter G. McMurray, M-M Alfred Mello, M-M John J. Monte, Joseph .L. Morisette, Mrs. Leroy H. Newbolyd, Mrs. Leonard J. O'Neil, M-M Horace Pelletier, M-M Joseph Pineau, M-M Robert Plummer, John M. Powel's, Mrs. Stanley E. Senechal, M-M Antone Silvia, Mrs. Georgia S. Silvia, M-M Robert Smith, Helen & Elizabeth Sullivan, M-M John J. Sullivan, M-M Michael Sullivan, M-M Kenneth C. White. St. Louis de France $400.Rev. Louis R. Boivin; $100 M-M Armand Francoeur, Raymond D. Ouellette, M-M Armand Gauthier, M-M Emile Cote; $60 M-M William T. McAndrew; $50 M-M Robert Normandin, L. Philp Schlernitzauer, M-M Roger Paquette, M-M William Bourassa & Alice, M-M Normand Fortin, M-M Joseph Duquette, M-M Albert Michaud, M-M Gaston A. Berner; $40 M-M Daniel Berthiaume.
. $35 Mrs. Robert Dufour; $30 M-M Raymond AUdet,
Armand Levesque, 'M-M Rocco Giacobbe, Arthur Cote,
M-M Ambrose Maynard, Mrs. William Fletcher, M-M
Arthur Grimes, M-M Norman Michaud, M-M Walter
Pierce, M-M Joseph Belanger; $25 M-M David Molloy,
M-M John E. Howard, M-M Joseph Rodrigues, M-M
Leo Chabot, M-M Francis McCurdy, M-M Edward
Emond, M-M. Donald Pratt, M-M Thomas Silvia, M-M
William Frias, M-M Edgar Trudeau.
$25 M-M Raymond Levesque, Dr. Raymond Dionne, M-M Roland Goddu, M-M Orner A. Thibault, George R. Levesque, M-M Rene Michaud, M-M David Bank & sons, Roger Laflamme, M-M Raymond Dumont, M-M Leo J. Langfield; lVI-M Francois Tremblay, M-M Rob ert Michaud, Raymond Saucier, M-M 'Gerald Fontaine, M-M Daniel Oliveira Jr., M-M Adelard Larue, M-M Michael Kardosz, In memory of Robert S. Murphy. NEW BEDFORD Holy Name $650 Rev. John J. Murphy; $125 In memory 'of John J. Gibbons Jr., $100 M-M Richard Cole, M-M Leonard Souza 2nd, M-M James Flanagan, Dr.-Mrs. Frank R. Leary, M-M David R. Nelson; $60 George Rogers; $50 M-M Stanley Baron, M-M Charles Cabral Jr., Joseph Foley, M-M Joseph Landry, M-M John Lyons, Monica Zygiel; $40 Mrs. John J. O'Neil, M-M Morris Walecka; $35 Mrs. Edward Hamer, M-M William T. Murphy, M-M Philip' Murray. $30 M-M Leo Cole, John Considine, M-M Joseph Santos, M-M Edward L. Smith Jr., Constance Zygiel, M-M Robert Doyle, Mrs. 'James Murphy; $25 M-M Robert H. Arruda, M-M Raymond Atwood, Mrs. Bjarne Bendiksen, Mrs. Edward Bruce, M-M Herman Bruce, M-M Edward Burnes, M-M Edward Camara, Mrs. Mary A. Conlan, Mrs. Russell Crawford, Eileen Marshall, ,M-M Thomas Medeiros, M-M Manuel F. SimmQns, M-M George Swansey. $25 M-M Frank Bures, David Cart'er, M-M Joseph Cazemiro, M-M Frank Correia, M-M John Correira Sr., M-M Clifford Crowley, Mary David, M-M William Demsky, M-M' Alfred J. Deneault, M-M Oliva Doyle, . M-M Albert E. Frates Sr., Mrs. Lawrence Harney, M-M James Harrington, M-M Rudolph Hebert, M-M Sergio'
Immaculate Conception $150 A friend; $125 Anony mous; $100 Abel & T·heresa Fidalgo, Osorio Borges; $75 David & Loretta Costa; $50 Domingos Sanches, Fran cisco Amaral, A friend, Dolores Freitas, Maria G. Torres, Anonymous, Jose S. Moniz & Family, Manuel & Frances da Silva, Hermano S. Medeiros, Antonio Car doso, Manuel G. Camacho, Maria P. Medeiros; $41 William P. & Dorothy McCarthy. $40 Germano P. Xavier, Anonymous, Mary S. Bet tencourt, Jose F. Ambar, Arthur & Mariana Pereira, Anibal Capela, Arthur George, Manuel R. Pereira, Antonio & Maria Vasconcelos, John & Pauline Medei ros, A friend, Gilbert & Lillian Coelho; $35 Joao P. Jorge, Alzira Cabral; $30 Gilberto S. Cavaco, Jesuino R. deSousa, Joaquim Leite, Manuel daCosta, Maria Z. DaCosta, Maria Pinto, Beatrice F. Dupre, Ezequiel Oliveira. $30 Jose S. Cordeiro, Germano F. Costa, Paul Rodri gues, Luis Rocha, Manuel & Maria Pavao, Isaac Resen des, Maria A. Pacheco, Antonio Lourenco, Joao J. Medeiros; $25 Anonymous, A friend, Fernando Condez, Moses R. Souza, Anibal Vaz, James Silveira, Alfred Camara, Clube Sport Madeirense, George & Maria Ott, Jose M. Furtado, Regina T. Soares, Jose Soares, In memory of Daniel W. Burgess, Joao P. Silveira, Olivia Barros, Antonio Goncalo, Manuel A. Ferreira. $25 Alice Costa, Abilio & Angelina Alves, Mary L. Fonseca, Augustus & Mary Rapoza, Armando L. De Melo, William' & Mrs. Travers, Maria C. Alves, In memory of Mitchell C. Jasinski, Antonio J. Vascon celos, Eduarda Vasconcelos, Albertina Arruda, Henrietta Arruda, Mary A. Pitta, Antonio A. Pitta, Antonio M. Lopes, Jose Carvalho, Edward Fernandes, Joaquim Motta, Edwino & Maria Reis. Our Lady of Mount Carmel $500 M-M Vincent Fernandes; $300 St. Vincent de Paul Society, Our Lady of Mt. CarmeIConf.; $200 In memory of Guilherme M. Luiz; $125 M-M John J. Oliveira; $1201 M-M Joseph DaLuz Louro; $100 Mrs. Mary J. Freitas, Manuel A. Gomes, M-M Arthur A. Hendricks, Mt. Carmel Wom ens Club, Friend; $80 M-M Alfredo Brum, M-M Jose E. Mello; $75 M-M John R. Perry; $65 Friend. • $50 M-l.Y.I James Almeida, M-M Arthur Caetano, M-M Donald Cosme, Evelyn Hendricks, Mary Hendricks, Friend, Mrs. Maria Louisa Medeiros, M-M George Mendonca, Mario Oliveira, Raul M. Pereira Jr., M-M Manuel Rapoza Jr., M-M Emidio Raposo, M-M Hen rique Rouxinal, M-M Antone B. Santos, Mrs. Almerinda Ventura, Friend; $45 Friend; $40 Belmira C. Branco, Friend; $35 Manuel T. Costa Jr., Antone Felix Jr., In memory .of M-M I. P. Lopes & Sons, M-M Manuel Mello, M-M Jose J. de Medeiros, M-M Manuel F. Rapoza, M-M Luiz Reis, Friend. $30.10 Friend; $30 Manuel Andrade, Joseph Branco, M-M Antone Borges, M-M John S. Cabral, M-M George M. Ferro, M-M Manuel G. Martins,. M-M Joseph V. Nunes, M-M Jose DoRego, M-M Manuel Santos, M-M Vic~orino Da Silva,M-M Joseph Silveira Jr., M-M Charles G. Souza, M-M Jose Souza, David Tavares, M-M Manuel Travassos, Friend, M-M Helder J. Nasci mento; $27 Friend. $25 Mrs. Albertina A. Baptista, M-M David Borges, Mary Branco, Mrs. Matilda Britto, Mrs. Maria C. Cabral, M-M Mariano Carreiro, M-M Jose S. Costa, M-M Man uel S. Costa Jr., In memory of Joseph Felix, M-M Jacintho S. Ferro, M-M John Fortunato, M-M Richard King, Mrs. Juliette Lopes, Anna Maciel, M-M Fernando F. Machado, Aristides Medeiros, M-M Gilberto Medei ros, M-M Raymond Medeiros" M-M Serafim Mello, M-M Antone Montero, Mount Carmel Boy Scouts. $2~ M-M Jose R. Oliveira, M-M John A. Martins, M-M Antonio L. Pacheco, M-M Daniel Pereira, Maria Rezendes, Mrs. Mary M. Rocha, Hortense Ribeiro, Michael T. Ribeiro, M-M John B. Resendes, Americo Dos Santos Jr., M-M Charles Santos, Irene Sousa, M-M Edward Sylvia, M-M Manuel Tavares, M-M Amilcar DeVasconcelfos, M-M Antonio Ventura ,M-M Jose F. Ventura, M-M Edward E. Ventura, Maria S. Ventura, Natalina Da S. Ventura, M-M Robert A. Vermette, ~rs. Sophie Viveiros, Friend. Our Lady of Fatima $200 A Friend; $100 A Friend, An"mymous, M-M Anthony J. Pereira, St. Vincent de Paul of O.L.O.F., M-M John Ward; $80 M-M Nelson Soucy; $50 M-M Robert Alvarez, Atty. & Mrs. J. Louis LeBlanc, A Friend, Anonymous, M-M Normand Mathieu, Dr.-Mrs. Arthur Motta, M-M Austin Manning; $35 M-M Gordon Goodfellow, M-M Edgar Langis. $30 Aime Goyette, M-M Joseph R. Vezina, M-M Emile Beauregard, M-M Alfred Bouchard, M-M Ray mond Bourbeau, M-M Maurice Bruneau, M-M Bernado Cabral, A Friend, M"'M Robert Danielson, M-M Clovis Fecteau, M-M Joseph Fournuer, M-M Theodore Fre dette, M-M John Furze, M-M Donald Gaudette, M-M Adriano Graca, Mrs. Claire Gonlund, M-M Joseph Hogan. $25 M-M Samuel Lauricella, M-M Ernest Leucht, M-M Robert Leger, A Friend, M-M Willill.m Pender gast, M-M Donald Messier, M-M Joseph Pereira, Joyce Pimental, M-M Manuel Santos Jr., M-M Marc Soares, Mrs. Germaine Surprenant, M-M Donald Thomson, Anonymous, Doris Thibeault. Dr.-Mrs. Stanley Walsh.
,NEW BEDFORD Our Lady of Assumption $100 M-M Edward Cruz; $50 M-M Joseph Rogers; $40 Holy Name Society, OLOA; $25 Antone J. Ramos, M-M Joseph Cruz, M-M 'Antonio Gomes, M-M Samuel Barboza, M-M, Edward Rogers. Our Lady of Perpetual Help $350 Conventual .Franciscan Fathers; .$200 M-M Andrew Banas; $75 Friends;' $55 . M-M Eugene -Chaberek; $52 Joseph Ogrodnik; $50 M-M Lionel Dubois, Friends; $45 Friend; $35 M-M Thad Irzyk, M-M Joseph Gonet, M-M Henry Cembalisty; $30 In memory of M-M Frank Jeglinski, M-M Felix Witkowicz, Friend. $25 M-M Chet Ponichtera, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Society, M-M Stanley Stankiewicz, M-M Boleslaus Arabasz, Friends, M-M Constantine J. Nowak, M-M Edward Przybyla, Aniela & Charles Nikonowicz, M-M Mitchell Koczera, M-M Edward B.obrowiecki, Dr.-Mrs.. John Wolkowicz, M-M Mitchell Gacek, Al Longpre & daughter. . Sacred Heart $250 Rev. Thomas E. Morrissey; $75 M-M Roger Menard, M-M Orner Tardi, M-M Leonard Simmons; $50\ Knights of Columbus, Bishop Stang Council, Arthur H. Deschenes, M-M Pierre C. Seguin; $35 In memory of LeComte & Denault Familes by M-M Roger·Denault'; $30 M-M Paul Soucy. $25 Knights of Col~mbus Bishop Cassidy Council, Mrs. Bertha Bedard, M-M Manuel C. Botelho, Charles Bouchard, Paul Brousseau, M-M Henri Daigle, M-M John J. Manning Jr.,' Mrs. Rose A. Mathieu, M-M Roland Pion, M-M Roland A. Pothier Sr.; ,Mrs. Irene ,Rainville, M-M Raymond Rainville, M-M Marcel Rogissart, M-M Henry St. Pierre, M-M Eugene H. Sasseville. . . , Sl Anne $300 Rev. Martin L'. Buote; $100St. Vincent de Paul Society; $50 Friend; $40 Rose & Flore Berthiaume, Pauline & HenrI Constant; $30 In memory of Philip & Phyllis Carignan, Friend; $26 Arthur Morem;y; $25 Elizabeth Morency, Fontaine Plumbing,' John Sylvia, Friend, Norman Cayer, John Zager, George, Burke, Aldei LaFrance, Umberto Cruz... Angelo' Fraga, Harry & Orpha Sears, Irene Furtado. St. Anthony of padua $300 Rev. Bertrand R. Chabot; $150 Anonymous; $125 Rev. Marc H. Bergeron; $100 Rosette Daigle, Children of Mary, Ladies of SL Anne, League of the Sacred Heart, St. Vincent de Paul Society; $50 Alice Marcotte, M-M Lionel Robitaille, Anonymous; $40 M-M J. Normand Dumont; $30 M-M Oscar LeBlanc, Rose Boucher. $25 M-M Wilfred Ma.illoux, Imelda & Lena Mailloux, Theodore Mailloux, David & Lucille McGowan, M-M Leon Dumas, Gerard Goguen, Henry, Dube, Sister Servants of Mary, Queen of the Clergy, Anonymous. St. Casimir $200 Rev. Henry Kropiwnicki; $100 In memory of Stella Kulesza; $50 M-M Philip Adams, Mrs. Della Sheerin & Rose Wisher, M-M Stephen Wojtkunski; $30 M-M Henry Roszkiewicz; $25 M-M Stanley Adamowski, M-M Tadeusz Blecharczyk, M-M Charles D. Arruda, Joaquim Bravo, Mrs. Wanda Dabrowski, M-M Fryderyk Gorczyca, M-M Teddy M. Kalisz, M-M Edward Nowak, Mrs. Louis Peltz. $25 M-M Louis F. Peltz, M-M John Polar, M-M Joseph Roderick, M-M Stanley Schick, Mrs. Pauline Ward, M-M Eugene Wajda, Holy Rosary Sodality, Holy Name Society, St. Casimir's. Circle, St. Casimir's Couples' Club, A Friend.
st. Francis of Assisi $400 Rev. Ronald A. Tosti; $200 M-M Anthony Armanetti; $100 In memory of Rev. Wm. R. Jordan, Men's League of St. Francis 'of Assisi; $52 M-M Hormidas J. Marcotte; $40 M-M Louis Bono; $30 Mrs'. Domenic Catalano, M-M Henry Healy, M-M Francisco Morgad,o, M-M Peter Regis; $25 M-M Clement R; Beaulieu, M-M Armand S. Coelho, M-M August F. Mandeville, Dorothy Vikre, M-M David Souza. ' St. Hedwig $100 Stanley Twarog (in Honor of St. Anne); $50 M-M John L. Mello, M-M Charles Goulart; $30 M-M Matthew Dobyna; $25 M-M J'ohn Noga, M-M Mieczyslaw Galanek, M-M Stanley Los, M-M Chester Gadomski, Mrs. Frank Strzepek. st. John the Baptist $100 1982 Confirmation Class, A Friend; $75 M-M Joseph Avila, A Friend, Carol Jean Moniz, Abba Father Prayer Group; $65 In memory of Atty Joseph Ferreira; $60 Mrs. Victorina Cotnoir; $50 A Friend, Sunset Cleaners, In memory of Joseph~F. Estrella, Eva L. Sylvia, M-M Ronald Sylvia; $45 A Friend; $40 M-M Antone G. Carreiro, Maria E. Domin gos, M-M Manuel Freitas, Carlos Masc'arennas, A Friend, M-M Daniel Vieira, M-M Horace A. Wright. $35 A Friend; $30 David Avila, Benvinda Caldas,' M-M James Connelly, A Friend, M-M Arthur. Freitas, M-M Robert Gonsalves, M-M David W. Howes, M-M J. Mascaranhas, 'M-M J. Pimentel & Family, M-M Carlos S. Raposo, M-M Seraphim Salvador, M-M Antonio M. Sousa; $25 A Friend, M-M Manuel Barao, William J. Brockelhurst, Rosalina .Camar_a, Mrs. Eva Carreiro, M-M Fernando Cruz, Mrs. Joseph R. DeMello. $25 Armando A: Dias, M-M. Antone Fernandes,' Acacio C. Ferreira, Patricia Ferreira, M-M John Gon salves, M-M Joseph Gonsalves, M-M John Henriques, Mrs. Donna Ladino, M-M Richard Lopes, Lums Family Restaur~nt, Anthony Mathews, M-M John Medeiros, M-M Francisco Pires, M-M Joseph Rodrigues, Mary Schusner, William Serpa, M-M Manuel S. Silva, M-M Raymon~ Sylvia, M-M Americo Vieira. Sl Kilian' $30 Mary Augeri, M-M Allen Bentley, Janet Hardman; $25 M-M Norman~ Berube.
St. Joseph $1,000 St. Joseph Bingo; $500 Rev.
Daniel A. Gamache; $300 St. Joseph Religious Societies;
$150 St. Vincent de Paul Society (St. Joseph), M-M
Conrad Seguin; $100 In memory ·of M-M Raphael
Beaulieu, M-M H. 'Ernest Dionne, B. Gauvin & G.
Frank Grenier; $60 M'-M Joseph LeBlanc; $50 Anony
mous, Laura Deneault, M-M Ernest Hodson, M-M
Gilbert Tousignant, M-M Thomas Weaver; $40 Anony
mous, In memory of M-M Arthur Guimond, M-M
Robert Masse; $35 M-M Frank Braga, M-M Henri
$30 Anonymous, M-M Webster Bowen, M-M Lionel Marchand, M-M Wayne Pimental, M-M Alfred W. Sylvia Jr.; $25 Anonymous, M-M Armand Beaulieu, M-M Armand B,ernard, M-M Raymond Bessette, Annette ,Collard, M-M George Cote, M-M Henri Des- . rosiers, M-M Roland Fortin, M-M Roger Gagnier, Alfred ,G. Gaudreau,M-M Romeo Labelle, C. Alice LeBlanc, M-M Marc Letendre, M-M Raymond Methot, Rosa Myers, M-M Napoleon Pelletier, Rose Quintin., St. La,wrence $300 Very Rev. John P. Driscoll, V.F.;
$150 M-M William Kearney; $100 M-M Harold S.
Barney; $75, M-M John Tierney; $50 Margaret A.
Doherty, Stephen W. Doherty, M-M Lawrence E.
Finni, In loving memory of John & David Gough,
Dr.-Mrs. William' Muldoon, Mrs. John B. O'Rourke"
M-M Clyde L. Rounseville; $40 M-M Dalpha Lavallee;
$35 Mrs. Blanche Burke and in memory of Charles W.
Burke, Mrs. Mary Winterson; $30 Helen McGrath,
M-M Paul Servais, M-M John Whalen, M-M Paul
E. Marshall. ' .
" $25 Charles J: Donnelly, Chi-istopher Donnelly, Rob
ert Hitchen, M-M Edwflrd Lopes, M-M James McCann,
M-M Samuel Muraco, James F. Murray, John Newby,
M-M Elmer Page, M-M Thomas F. Parker Jr., M-M
William Pentecost, Ralph Souza, M-M Gordon Vieira,
M-M Felix Bruce, M-M Manuel Guerreire, Mrs.
Michael Harrington, M-M William Kasper, James
Manning, Mrs. Patrick Moore, Margaret Sullivan, M-M Richard Riley. , 'St. Mary $50 M-M Normand Boutin, M-M Rod Lussier, M-M George Taber, M-M G1lbert Costa, M-M Rene Carroll, M-M Robert Penler, M-M David Loveridge, M-M Nelson Ostiguy, M-M Gaston De Brosse, M-M John Dexter; $40 M-M Dennis Poyant, M-M Peter Galary; $35 M..M Eugent Haun, M-M Thomas McKenna, M-M Robert Newsham; $30 M-M William Constant, M-M Francis D. Sullivan, M-M John . Freitas. $25 M-M Charles Macedo, M-M James Mendes, M-M Robert Schwartz, M-M Leonard Cotter, M-M William Ochab; M-M Manuel Menezes; M-M George E. Landry, Mrs. Richard '-Greenhalgh, M-M Peter Becker, M-M James Casey, M-M ~esse Mathews, M-M Michael, Rapoza, M-M Gabriel Holmes' Jr., M-M Joseph Walsh, M-M Joseph Towers, M-M, Phillippe Bastille, M-M Robert Petitjean, M-M James Lally, In memory of Henry Trahan, M-M Francis Kwiatkowski, M-M Wil liam Whelan Jr., M-M Albert Pepin, Izaura Teixeira, Mrs. Lawrence Hughes, M-M Howard Lord. St. Theresa $350 Rev. Joseph A. Martineau; $100 M-M Robert A. Cyr, M-M Roger Fernandes; $60 Elizabeth Anne Muhlberger; $50 M-M Henry LeBlanc, M-M Louis Athridge, Mrs. Eleanor Strong, Mrs. Lor raine Desrosiers; $40 M-M Bernard Poyant; $35 M-M Roland, Dumas &, Daughter; $30 M-M Daniel Rego, Roland LeBlanc; $25 M-M Roland Benoit, M-M Henry Labelle, M-M Romain Payant, M-M James G. Kelley, M-M Normand A. Brassard, Patrick Gannon. $25 Mrs. Adrien Lemire, Mrs. Gertrude Charpen 'tier, M-M Valmore Gonneville; M-M Gerard Richard,
Mrs. Ida Guilbert, M-M Raymond A. Guerette, M-M
Gerald P. Rooney, M-M Bertrand D. Allain, M-M Paul
Fontaine, M-M Adrien Angers, Mrs. Emelie Lemieux,
Mrs. Lillian Bouchard, M-M Charles Jodoin, Mrs.
Florence Fortier, In memory of Mrs. Salome A. Bis sonnette. ' .
$40 M-M Henry Fortin; $35 M-M Maurice Burke, M-M John Dwyer, M-M Henry Hart & Family, Casimir Jarosik, Margaret Manghan, M-M Ernest Balboni, M-M Charles ~oseph, M-M Jeffrey Osuch; $30 Mrs. Lester F. Edwards, M-M Walter Silveira Jr." In memory of
Walter D. Smith, M-M Gerard Benoit, M-M Harold
A. Nickerson. $25 M-M Anthony Blanchard, M-M Joseph Blecharczyk, M-M Benjamin Bowcock, M-M Raymond Barton, M-M Louis Braga, Mrs. Mary Coholan, M-M Dennis Duval, M-M Step'hen Foster, M-M Anth9.ny Fernandez, Mrs. Grace Gonsalves, M-M John Lima Jr., M-M Chester Mackay, M-M Michael Moran, Mrs. Kenneth J. Noyer, M-M Anson Paine, Robert A. Paine, M-M Robert Sylvia, M-M Donald Tucker. ' $25 M-M Earl Chandler, May Collins, Martha Collyer, M-M Arthur Cousineau, Eleanor Cyr, M-M Roland Despres, M-M Antone DeTerra, M-M Antone DeTerra Jr., M-M Alexander Duff, M-M George Feener, M-M Alfred Foster, M-M George Gagnon, M-M Manuel Garcia, M-M Albert Gonsalves, IIda Gracia, M-M James Greenway, M-M William Hagen, M-M Robert Hession. M-M Ernest M. Kobza, M-M Joseph McKenzie, M-M Manuel Mello, M-M Manuel Olivera, Joan Parkin. $25 M-M Steven Paulson, M-M Roger Peloquin, M-M Manuel Rezendes, Mrs. Simone Rezendes, M-M Robert Riding, M-M T,homas Rielly, M-M Norman J. Robinson, Thomas Robinson, M-M Robert Rocha, MrS. Bernard P. Rogers, M-M Roger St. Onge, Mrs. Ada Simmons, M-M Thomas Smith, M-M Edward Soares, Mrs. Joseph Soares, Mary Sullivan, M-M Joseph Sylvia, M-M Leon Sylvia, Mildred Sylvia, M-MRobert Wood Jr., Joseph Mel~o.
st. Mary $400 'In memory of the Gero Family; $150 M-M Roland Bourgault; $100 Dr. Robert Gaudreau; $85 M-M Alexander Gonsalves; $70 M-M Matthew Hart; $45 M-M Donald' P. Lipsett; $40 M-M Frank Ma.rujo; $35 M-M John A. Wojcik; $30 Mrs. Mary G. 'Morris, D. Brault, Mrs. Mary Peters, M-M Robert Dorgan Sr., M-M Antone Costa Jr. $25 M-M Michael Hanczaryk, M-M Jorge M. Oliveira, M-M Thomas Wojcik, M-M Donald Pacheco, M-M Manuel Martin, M-M Albin Silva, M-M Normand A., Frigault, M-M Joseph Cataldo Jr., M-M George -Mello, M-M Gilbert Andrade. Sacred Hearts $100 M-M Alan LaCroix, M-M David Sibor; $50 St. Vincent de Paul Society, Sacred Hearts' Confere~ce; $40 Cynthia Roderiques; $25 Arnold' Cejka, M-M Leonard Cejka, M-M Daniel Costa, M-M Larry Martel, M-M Raymond Vary. MARION st. Rita $300 Rev. John J. Steakem; $100 M-M Claude Ellis, Dr.-Mrs. Conrad Golaski, M-M John Kelleher, M-M Warren Mackensen, M-M Ernest Weber; $50 M-M William Doherty, Dr.-Mrs. William Dawson, M-M Richard Roszkiewicz, M-M John Sullivan, St. Rita's-St. Vincent de Paul Society, M-M Glenn Lukowicz; $40 M-M Robert Sweeney; $35 M-M Everett Normand; $30 M-M Edward Gallini, Dr.-Mrs. Robert Johnson, M-M John Lowney, M-M William McLaughlin, M-M Donald Avery, M-M Albert Muren, M-M Richard Arthur, Rarpond Andrews, M-M Stephen Carey. $30 M-M John DePina, M-M Frederick Donovan, M-M Harold Frye, Frances Harrison, Mrs. David Harrington, M-M Jonathan Henry, M-M James Kackson, M-M John Jepson, M-M Fletcher Long, M-M Frank Kozicki, Dr.-Mrs. Brian MeSweeney, Mrs. Kathryn Nowak, Frank Robilotto, Barbara Peckham, Mrs. Edmund Valley, Rosalie Tirrell, Dr.-Mrs. Jean Webster.
MATTAPOISETT St. Anthony $200 M-M Norman Gingrass, Mrs. Joseph Collins; $175 M-M Maurice Downey; $100 M-M Clarence· Verda, M-M Charles Crowley Jr., Mrs. K. Eileen Hurley, Rev. Gabriel Healy, SS.CC., Rev. Larry' W., Morrison, 55.CC.; $50 M-M Edward Ryan, M-M John Gannon, Dr.-Mrs. Robert Gracia, M-M Ralph ACUSHNET Whiterell; $35 M-M Donald DeAngelis, Mrs. Kenneth Tuttle, Mrs. John Reed; $30 Mrs. Virginia Mahoney, st. Francis Xavier' $500 ,Rev. Albert R. Rowley, Louden-'Black Family, M-M Edward Lewis, M-M SS.CC.; $125 A Friend; $100 A Friend, St. Francis Arthur Martin. Xavier Conference St. Vincent de Paul; $75 A Friend; $50 M-M Leo Fredette; M-M Laurier' Cormier, M-M $25 M-M Charles Ruel, M-M John Seaberg, M-M James J. Gleason, The. McCarthy Family, The Rapoza Joseph Sullivan, M-M Peter Wayner, Mrs. Helen Family, The Souza Family; $49 A Friend; $41 The, Tyndall, Frank Pimental, Charles Finn, Mrs. Elizabeth Ducey Family, The Egan Family; $40 M-M Raymond Taylor, M-M William HeIden; M-M Charles Rodigues, LeBlanc; $35 M-M Ricqard H. Barry, Leo, Yvonne & Mrs. Barbara Cornish, M-M Miguel Brito, M-M Wil Violet Boucher, M-M James M. Haworth, M-M Nelson fred Belanger, Mrs. Irene Sanderson, .Mrs. Mary Girard, M-M Leo N. Coons.' . Stellato, M-M Edwin Allard, Florence Huetteman. $30 Lionel Tetreault, A Friend, Thomasina Kaufman,: $25 M-M Charles Caires, M-M William Campbell, $25 M-M Edward Farfalowski, .M-M Amedee Gau-.· M-M Howard Chadwick Jr., Mrs. Howard Chadwick treau, A Friend, M-M George Pimental, The Sleight Sr., 'M-M Alan Fales, M-M John Gibbons, Dr.-Mrs. Family, M-M James Breen, M-M William A. Keefe, Edward Harrington, M-M George Hillman, M-M James . M-M Roland :r..abossiere, The Souza Family, The Sil 'Hubbard Jr:, M-M Walter Hughes, Mrs.' Lucille veira Family; The Rodrigues Family, The Cabral Fam Dextraze,' M-M Richard Langhoff, Mrs. Mary Lovell, ily, M-M John O'Toole, A Friend, Mrs. Paulette La M-M Michael Jennings, M-M Charles Kelly, Dr.-Mrs. flamme, M-M George Blouin, M-M Rosario N. Guy. Frederick Moore, Manuel Sylvia, M-M Frank Cooper, $25 M-M Gerard Ledoux, M-M Roland Robillard, Kevin & Sandra Dawson, Mrs. Josephine Delgado. The Fath Family, The Gates Family, In memory of the· Weeks Boys, M-M Joseph T. O'Neil, M-M Roger Martel, NORTH DIGHTON M-M Robert Chenette. St. Joseph $300 Rev. William F. O'Connell, Henry Wareing; $150 St. Vincent de Paul Society; $50 M-M FAlIRHAVEN Robert Dutra; $40 M-M John Lane; '$35 M-M Vincent Sl Joseph $150 Manuel Sylvia; $100 John B. Furtado; $25 Gertrude Chisholm, Leo Duffy, M-M Davidson, M-M Earl J. Dias, M-M James Honohan, Robert Hebert, M-M Donald Scott, M-M Philbert M-M Armand Marien, M-M Domenick Nicolaci, , Torres, M-M Manuel Vargas, St. Joseph's Holy Name, Matthew O'Malley, M-:M Joseph Sullivan, Mrs. Helen St. Joseph's Women's Guild. Sullivan; $75 M-M James Buckley, M-M Raymond Starvish, M-M Alfred Vincent; $65 Rita B. Antonsen; $60 M-M Donald Sullivan; $50 M-M Dennis Hogan, Parish listings will continue to be published each M-M Grover C. Johnson, Mrs. Margaret Soares, Mrs. week in supplemental form until all nam~ received . R. Stevenson, M-M John T. Ward, M-M Edward Welch, by The Anchor from Catholic Charities Headqua.l1ers M-M Bernardino Fortunato, M-M Joseph Hipolito, have been printed. M-M Roland Seguin. . $45 M-M Antone Perry; $41 M-M Ernest J. P.are; ..
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May t~, 1982
for pregnancy help confideU1tia~
Marking its 10th anniversary, the Bread of Life Prayer Com munity, in conjunction with Blessed Sacrament parish, 2492 S. Main St., Fall River, invites members of the diocese to three evenings of spiritual renewal at the church at 7 p.m. Monday I through Wednesday, May 24 1 through 26. " ...__..__.. The program will be presented IL .~ DR. LARKIN by the Pastoral Theological In stitute of Hamden, Conn., an or ganization of Catholic laity headed by William K. Larkin, Ph.D., and having for its pur pose the spiritual formation of lay persons. ·Earlier this year, Dr. Larkin Direction of
offered a similar renewal pro /' gram at St. Stanislaus parish, Rev. J. Joseph Kierce
Fall River. Author and Producer of
On Monday, May 24, George The New England lPassion Play C. Bosson, PTI vice-president, ''THE CHRISTUS" will speak on "·Primary Vocation and God's Call on Your Life." Tuesday night will feature a videogram presentation by Dr. Larkin titled "The Mercy of God." On Wednesday Dr. Larkin himself will speak on "Mary, the Spouse of God and the Holy Spirit." Each evening, the program will include Mass. Explaining the work of PTI, officials said it attempts to aid TOUR 2 - ITALY, FRANCE, GERMANY, BELGIUM, LUXEMBOURG, ENGLAND, AUS· people to "grow in holiness," de TRIA,' MONACO AND THE VATICAN! fined as an "ever-growing, con (THIERSEE PASSION PLAY OPTION - $291 suming love. for God." GRAND EUROPEAN TOUR! From suc~ a vocation may FOR ONLY come a specific ministry and PTI also trains for such callings. "The theology of the institute is shaped by Catholic doctrine JULY 5-23 and its biblical tradition," ex (scheduled flight from/to Boston or N.Y.! plains a descriptive leaflet. "As (FROM N.Y• .+ $501 theology begins to translate into practical Christian living, we find VISIT LOURDES & ASSISI, (80oth Anniv.!, London & Paris, Rome & Florence, Mun· that ,by being aware of our own Ich & Innsbruck, Venice & Verona, Brus traditions and roots flmd by sels & Bruges, Nice & Cannes, Monte more deeply claiming them, we Carlo & Carcassone, Genoa & Pisa, Avlg· are freer to share the fullness of non & Bordeaux, Heidelburg & Luxem· bourg, Calais & Garmlsch! our lives in Christ as Catholics TOUR 3 - IRELAND, ENGLAND, SCOT· with all denominations." A particular PTI concern is LAND, WALES! An enchantingly new Old World in a language you know and the importance of the priest amongst a people you'll love, hood in the life of the church. FOR ONLY "Therefore the efforts of the in stitute in training lay people are done as a sacrifice offered up for priests" and daily prayer is AUGUST 15 - 30 offered for them. Dr. Larkin, PTI's president, 36, Visit Knock & Cork, Connemara and Cliffs describes himself as a Christian of Moher, Killarney & Ring of Kerry, Blarney & Bantry Bay, Dublin & Galway, psychotherapist. He holds a doc Ennis & Limerick, Longford & Youghal, torate in psychology and the· Waterford, Westport & Waterville! ology from Harvard and a mas Go to London & L1angvllen, Edinburgh &. ter's degree in psychology and Jedburgh, Oxford & Stratford-upon·Avon, religion from Yale. From 1972 to Coventry & York, Gretna Green & Had· rian's Wall, Salisbury & stonehenge, 1979 he was chairman of the Bath & Bristol, Cardiff & Chester, Hamp department of philosophy at AI ton Court & Windsor Castle, Lake District bertus Magnus College, New & Roblnhood Country! Haven, Conn., and he has taught IScheduled flight from/to Boston or N.Y.! (FROM N.Y. + $501 in several other Connecticut col leges. lAir fares subject to change) A former atheist, Dr. Larkin said he was converted to belief SPACE LIMITED - CALL NOW' in God while a student at Yale REV. J. JOSEPH KIERCE and to Catholicism while at Har· , St. Kevin Rectory vard. Impetus to found PTI came, 35 Virginia St., Dorchester, Ma. 02125. he said, from a chance meeting Telephone: 1&17) 436-2771 with MQther Teresa of Calcutta. OR She spo\te of the "emptiness and GEORGE OSBORN·UNIVERSITY TRAVEL CO. 129 Mt. Auburn St., Cambridge, Ma 02138 loneline~s" of middle. class peo ple, he recalled, and he came to Telephone: 1&171 864-7800 believe that he was called upon to alleviate that situation.
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TELLING THE STORY OF MARY AND HER SON More than half the people in the world do not yet know the love of Mary: Through her Son, Mary is the Mother of us all. We come to her. with our joys and sorrows. During the month of Mary, please pray and sacrifice for Christ's storytellers throughout the world, who share the Good News of Jesus and His Mother.
Yes, I want to help missionaries share the knowledge of Jesus and His Motherl Enclosed is my sacrifice of:
0$2,400 0 $1,200 0 $600 0 $300 0 $150 0$50 0 $25 0 $10 0 Ofthe~ 0,1 will send a monthly donation when possible.
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Please ask the missionaries to remember the following Intentions at Mass __
ANCH. 5/14/82
Send your gift to :
THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH Rev. Msgr. William J. McCorl'(lack National Director
New ~~~k.~e~~~:5~Ol16
The Rev. Monsignor John J. O/il'eiral Director
OR Diocesan
368 North Main Street
F~River. ::sachusett~ o~o
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May ~ 4, 1982
WHEN THEIR' MOTHER GENERAL visited them in New Bedford, the Guadalu panas Sisters who serve the diocesan HispaniC community took her to call on Senor Obis po Daniel A. Cronin. From left, Sister Marta Toban, Mother General Estela Avilez, the bishop, .SisterOfelia Rios, Father Maurus Muldoon, OFM, director of Regina. Pads Cen ter, New BedfQrd; Sister Beatriz Cortez, Sister Maria Ines Cobos. The mother. general and Sisters Ofelia are from Mexico, the other sisters have their convent in New Bedford.
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The narration then offers the -KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (NC) omena and landscapes are pro An ecumenical exhibit presents jected. Time lapse photography servant Lord Jesus as the an Christianity as "The Power" at illustrates the growth of living swer to confusion and misery. In the third room, sound and the' 1982 World's Fair here. things. A narrator identifies God light techniques present faith I\. vivid display of sounds, as the moving force in the evo lights and images, the exhibit lutionary process of creation. He and love as the power moving depicts' The· Power as bringing also points out that abuse of modem followers of Christ to order and hope to life. Visitors creation has caused disorder and service, justice and peace. The tour its three chambers in guid chao!!. program ends with the narrator ed groups of 40 or fewer. Six '. In the second chamber a cur- . saying: "Go now in peace, with million are ,expected to view it . cular room, displays, prOj'ections, his power to love and grow. Look by. fair's end. so·und. and narration describe for him in those you meet." In the first room, simulating how humanity tries to cope with :As they leave the exhibit, a' spaceship, mirrored walls be confusion and how some of those visitors may receive literature come screen!! upon which scenes attempts have disturbed the from sponsoring churches, but no of the night sky, planetary phen peace of the' world even more. proselytizing material is distribu ted. Visitors are invited to assist various relief programs and volunteers are 'present to answer questions and 'direct visitors.
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Norris H. Tripp
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 14; 1982
the moil packet
letters are welcomed, but should be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves
Ihe right to condense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed end Include I home or business eddress.
Tribute Dear Editor: Congratulations on the 25th anniversary of The Anchor. In tribute to the newspaper's anniversary, I inserted the en closed message in the April 27 issue of the Congressional Record. (The message was a tribute to the Anchor, followed by excerpts from Bishop Cronin's message in the issue of April 16. Ed.) The Anchor has made such an important contribution to the Fall River community and to the Catholic press nationwide that I wanted to share its accomplish ments with my colleagues. Be cause the paper's mission was so beautifully stated /by the
Most Rev. Bishop A. Cronin, I included excerpts from his anni versary message. Margaret H. Heckler Member of Congress
Birthday rosary Dear Editor; This is my annual appeal to' Anchor friends to pray a "Birth day Rosary" for our beloved Holy Father, Pope John Paul II and for his intentions. His Holiness will be 62 on May 18. Based on the chain of events which have taken place in' the life of Karol Wojtyla from boy hood to papacy, it is self-evident that Our Holy Father is, indeed, a favored son of Our Blessed Mother; and her precious gift to us - the Pope for our times. Consequently, 'Iet us give him our filial love and continuing support for the ever-increasing burdens of his office by keeping him in our prayers, sacrifices and good works. Our Holy Father welcomes messages and greetings from his faithful followers. Monica Zygiel New Bedford
Happiness Dear Editor: "Man can soar to great heights" - a phrase many of us have heard, usually figuratively speaking. Recently, while sitting in the newly renovated 51. Mary's Church, Taunton, this thought came to mind as I gazed up at the lofty ceilling and marveled at the painters, electricians, etc., who "dared to man the scaf folds" ,to accomplish the ~ovely, majestic beauty we now perceive. Rev. Paul G. Connolly, pastor of St. Mary's, undertook this enormous renovating undertak ing made posssible by the won derful generosity of the James Galligan family, and the results of Father Connolly's dedicated, untiring efforts and artistics tal ents can now be happily viewed and appreciated by aH. iIndeed, "happiness was" open house at
St. Mary's on St. Patrick's Day! "Happiness aHso was" our be
loved Bishop Daniel A. Cronin coming to St. Mary's shortly after the ·renovation completion for celebration of the confirma tion of 250 candidates from five area parishes with their parents, sponsors and many devoted priests in attendance. Never was 51. Mary's "new beauty" more meaningful, for on this memorable occasion, faith, prayers, and love for God's Church prevailed and culminated in the tangible personification of 51. Elizabeth Ann Seton's glo rious words - "What joy to be Catholics!" Mrs. John R: Moore Raynham
With 27,OOO.SlIIbscribers, It Pays To Advertise In The Anchor
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Dear Editor: Congratulations on the ex
cellent coverage that your news
paper gave to our St. John's 55
And Over group (Anchor, May 7). Both the story and accom panying photos were outstanding. Our parish family is most grateful to both Pat McGowan and photographer Eddie Rosa for a job well done. However, there was one small paragraph that should be cor rected. The statement in quotes: "After all," he pointed out, "we're tax-exempt. It seems we should do something to justify our status." is incorrect. What I did say and meant was "At a time when a growing number of critics are asking the various churches to justify their tax-exempt status, the churches have many opportunities to ini tiate programs that truly serve the needs of the community." St. John's 55 And Over group has tried to do this in our community of Bourne. Again, a sincere thank you for both your support and coverage. You have continued the finest traditions of the Catholic press in printing this article. Father James W. Clark, pastor St. John the Evangelist, Pocasset·
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River':""Fri., May 14, 1982 '1)
It pays to advertise in The Anchor, the largest , weekly newspaper in Southe~stern Massachusetts, reaching 27,000 subscribers and an estimated 100,000 actual readers. ~~~~~2:82:~~:aa:e~~~~
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Sister Marian Teresa ~~aminesa child at a village clinic.
She· cures the. hahie's
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"Forty-One Years of Service. To The Community"
Diocese of· Fall River
1942 ....... 1982
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The Appeal provides care for the Un wan,ted Baby, Youth;" Eng'aged Couples, M.arriage C.ounselling,. the Sick, 'the PO,or, the Elderly;. Fa~i.l}" Lif~.' Ec;!ucation and many other. people in ·neec;l.
Parish Appeal -:
: May 2 May, 12 .
., Most Rev.. Daniel A. Cronin; 5.T.D.. , . ,...B!shop of, Fall River : ", .
19,750 Volunt:~r 'Solicitors '~iIlDi~ces~~" Director ~ . " visit 107,000 HOl1'\es inthe:Areas'-·,' Rev:- Msgr:. A.niliony M~' Gomes'·'·
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visit to her family, she spoke eagerly of both the assignment she's just left, directing a health project serving 84 villages in the Hanang district of Tanzania; and the one to which she's returning, coordinating the' work of the 37 Maryknoll sisters in the country. "It's my work, it's my call/'. she explained simply. Sister Marian Teresa has been in Tanzania since 1956, except for periods spent at the Mary knoll mo~herhouse in Ossining, N.Y., and in Englandfor studies in midwifery. Her work has included setting up the first Catholic high school in the town of Morogoro, estab lishing and conducting dispen saries and maternity clinics and training health workers. She says that in contrast to conditions in' many third world countries, the Tanzanian gov ernment is receptive and appre- . dative of the contributions of missioners. Reporting on the village pro ject, she wrote: "In four years we- trained 168 village health workers to teach disease pre vention and give simple curative care to the people in 84 villages. We also conducted 12 maternal child health clinics,' accounting for 36% of the mother child health services in the district and' 25% of the immunizations given. "One very interesting aspect of the project," wrote Sister Marian . Teresa, "was the nutrition survey done in each of the project vil lages d~ring the secon,d month of the training' program. 'During the survey all the children under 10 years were examined.
At age 61, Sister Marian Te resa Dury, MM, retains· the en thusiam of a novice for her work in Tanzania, East Africa. In New Bedford for a flying,
4.CL ,'. ',.
'.CC . S· . ·~
"The village health worker was then able to follow up mal nourislied children and to teach the mothers good nutrition and the preparation of nutritious food. In many cases this teaching was the simple addition of an egg to the porridge given to the child. A grand total of 49,487 children were ·examined during these nutrition surveys. "Another interesting' part of the program was the teaching of oral rehydration for children with dia.rrhea. This was an at tempt to reduce the inc'idence of death from dehydration, so com mon when children get diarrhea. Mothers were taught how to pre pare 'a simple salt and sugar solution and to give it to the child who had diarrhea. "A program was also intro duced in the primary schools with the village health workers training the children how to prepare and use this solution. They then taught their parents and neighbors. In many cases the child was cured. In severe cases the child was kept alive until they reached the hospital and could get more extensive treat ment." Sister Marian Teresa is visit ing a sister, Mrs. Helen MeJlo, and a brother,· J. Joseph Dury, both of New Bedford. Another brother, Father. James A. Dury, who served in diocesan parishes, died in 1976. The missioner is a native of Holy Name parish, New Bedford and it graduate of Holy Family grammar and high schools. Before she entered the Maryknoll com munity in 1953 she was a pro fessor of nursing education at Catholic University, Louisiana State University and Boston Col lege. .:. , After a final whirlwind round, of family visits, including fare viells to five nephews, six grand nephews, .four grandnieces and three greatgrandnephews, Sister Marian' Teresa' will' .leave New Bedford. on Sunday. She will partiCipate in ·.a Maryknoll re newal program on the themes of faith and justice before return ing to Ta'nzimia in .late August. . Then MaryknOll'S own dynamo will plunge into her new job.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Fri., May
tv, movie news I' NOTE Flease check dates
and times of television and radio programs against locaJl list· ings, which may differ from the New York network sched ules supplied to The Anch.or. Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate c'ass'f'c1tion (given to films not morally offensive Which, however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive.
New Films "I Love You" (Atlantic): This vapid and pretentious Brazilian fim presents two bored members of the privileged class (Sonia Braga and Paulo Cesar Perelo) acting out their fantasies at tedious length in a luxurious Rio high rise. Jabor presumes to deal with politics in sexual terms but succeeds only in' producing bor ing softcore pornography lacking courage or insight. "Soup for One" (Warners): A nice young Jewish man (Saui Rubinek) wanders through the fenetic' New York singies scene in search of the ideal wife in this sometimes. bright but more often erratic and awkward romantic comedy. Unfortunately, some of the jokes are more mean-spirited than satiric, and this, together with rather heavy dependence on nudity for comic effect, earns it o and R ratings. '
"Partners" (Paramount): Two detectives, one homosexual, pose as a homosexual couple in order to investigate a murder in this failed comedy. Ryan O'Neal and John Hurt struggle with the thin material which turns both homo sexual and heterosexual charac ters into insulting sterotypes. Be cause of this and exploitative nudity, the film has been rated 0, R. Films on TV May 15, 9 p.m. (CBS) - "City on Fire" (1979) A disastrous disaster movie. Un believably dull. Violence involv ing fire victims. A3, R Satu~ay,
Saturday, May 15,. 8 ,p.m. (NBC)-"New York, New York" (1977) - This big oldfashioned musical produces mixed results as entertainment. Some pro duction numbers. are good" but the dramatic element, a romance between, Robert De Niro and Liza MinneIli, lacks warmth and credibility. Because marital prob lems figure prominently, it is mature material. A3, PG WedneSday, May 19, 9 p.rn. (CBS) - ''Who'lJ Stop the RalD!' (1978) - Nick Nolte, Tuesday Weld and' Michael Moriarty star in this taut, effective drama of three amateurs trying to outwit a ruthless drug ring.. Excellent acting by Nolte.· Use of drugs,
ReUgious Broadcasting Sunday, May 16 WLNE, Chan nel 6, 10:30 Diocesan Tele vision Mass. "The Glory of God," with Father John Bertolucci, 7:30 p.m. each Sunday on Channel 25.
Sunday, May 16, (ABC) "Di· rections" - A report on Cali fornia's divorce mediation pro cedure. Sunday, May 16, (CBS) "For Our Times" - Drama and the Greek religious experience. Sunday, May 16, 1-2 p.rn. (NBC) Religious Special Catholics and Anglicans in Eng land, including interviews with Cardinal George Basil Hume of Westminister and Anglican Arch bishop Robert Runcie of Canter-, bury. Sunday, May 23, (ABC) "Di rections" ...:.. A report on how Catholics and Jews look upon interfaith marriages. Sunday, May 23, (CBS) "For Our Times" - The life and times of St. Edmund Campion are pro filed in this documentary filmed in England. On Radio Charismatic programs are heard from Monday through Fri day on station WICE, 1290 AM. Father John Randall is heard from 7 to 8 a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. and Father Real Bourque is heard from 8:45 to 9 a.m. Sunday, May 23, (NBC) "Guide - An interview with Msgr. John Foley,' editor. of The Cath olic Standard and Times, Phila delphia archdiocesan newspaper, about. the future of the Catholic press.
New Monogram Club officers at the Taunton high school are John Field" president; WiIli,am Ventura, vice-president; John Pereira, ,treasur~r; Fran' Silver, secretary. Congratulations go to senior John Brady, awarded a four year, $8,OOO-a-year scholarship to , the pre-medical program at ' Providence College. '
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"On The Cape"
Thursday, May 22, 9 p.m. (CBS) "Time After Time" (1979) - H. G. Wells (Malcolm McDowell) pursues Jack the Rip per (David Warner) to modern San Francisco by way of a time machine in this romantic thriller. Moderately entertaining, but with violent touches involving the Ripper's crimes. A3, PG
NI U R 5 E lit Y ,I N C •
Friday,' May 21, 8 p.m. (NBC) - "Movie, Movi0" (1978) - A good-natured spoof of old-fash ioned Hollywood movies, star ring George C. Scott. A2, PG
strong language, adult situations. A3, R
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall ~iv~r-Fri., May 14; '1982 . ST.ANNE,FR
Iteering pOintl PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be inclUded as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundraising activities such' as bingos, whists, dances, suppers and bazears. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetin~s, youth pro/ects and similar nonprofit actiVities. Fundra sing pra Jects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675·7151. On Steering Points Items FR Indicates' Fall River, NB IndiCates New Bedford.
Reelected to the parish board of education were Rita Raymond, Cecile Miohno and Stephen Mar ciszyn. John Pacheco was elect ed to ·a first term. NORTH lEND ULTREYA, NB
A palanca party will be 'held at 8 p.m. Monday, May 31, at the home of Henry and Dolores Rodrigues on Jarry Street. A holy hour is scheduled ·for 9 p.m. Friday, June 4, at Im maculate Conception Church, New Bedford.
A replica of the icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa will be welcomed by the parish on Sun day, May 23. It 'has been travel ing ,to Franciscan parishes and high 'schools throughout 'the na tion since Dec. 8, 1981, in ob servance of the 600th anniver sary of the original icon's arrival at Czestochowa. A week of events is planned at Holy Cross in conjunction with the replica's visitation. All wecome. ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET
The rosary is being said ,be fore 7 p.m. Mass during May. ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL, FR
A recent awards ceremony recognized hospital volunteers. It was reported that 275 .volun teers worked 41,000 hours in 1981, with top 'honors going to Grace Parenteau, with a total of 8,00.0 'hours over the years; Sis ter Germaine Monty, RJM, 6,000 hours; and Annette Pineau- and Agnes Whalen, 2,000 hours each.
Ladies of Ste. Anne will hold A fellowship meeting will be LaSALETTE SHRINE,
. an open meeting at 6:30 p.m. O.L. GRACE, WESTPORT ·held at 7 p:m. Thursday, May 20, ATTLEBORO
Chaperons are needed for teen beginning Wednesday. in the church -hall. with Mass. Sister A two-part series, "A Century dances regularly held in :the A meat pie supper will be fol Dennis will speak on 'her healing of Social Teaching," will be of lowed' by a "clown" Mass with parish center, including one to witness and refreshments will be fered from 9:30 ,to 11:30 a.m. the parish's Rainbow Mime take place from 7:30 to 10:30 Saturday, May 22 and 29, at the Players. New sodality officers tonight. Teen club officers will served. First communion will be re shrine monastery. Father Donald will be installed after the Mass be installed 'and a Mass of c,eived at 2 p.m. Sunday. Paradis, MS, will explore the and ,the Mime Players wUl offer' thanksgiving will be offered at principles, development and ap 6 p.m. Friday, June 4. entertainment. ST.' MICHAEL, SWANSEA Confirmation will be adminis- ' plications of the church's social A May ,procession will be held justice ST. MARY, S.DARTMOUTH teachings for the past tered to over 100 candidates at 9:30 ·a.m. Mass Sunday, May ST. JAMES, NB Tuesday, June 1. . century. Information: 222-5410. Women's Guild officers in The annual Ladies' Guild ban at a recent dinner were An installation ceremony and ,.23. All boys and girls welcome. Also' at LaSalette, the annual quet will be 'held at 6 'p.m. stalled Judith Viera, president; Theresa banquet for the. Women's Guild HOLY NAME, FR Vietnamese Pilgrimage will tak'e Wednesday, May 19, a,t White's Goulart, vice-president; Joseph will take place Tuesday, 'June 8. . Parish men wishin~ to join place Saturday,. May 22.. All restaurant, Westport. To be in ine Preece, treasurer; Bobbie The Couple's Club installation the St. Vincent de Paul Society New England Vietnamese are in stalled, are Lucille Kolbeck, Theberge and Cynthia Fernan and banquet will follow 6:30 p.m. are asked to meet at the rectory vited to join in a day of prayer president; Mary Mitchell, vice Mass Saturday, June 12. and devotion. at 7 p.m. Monday. president; Linda Guilbeault and des, secretaries. New Women's Guild officers The annual senior citizens' Christine Hayes, secretaries; NATUR~L FAMILY PLANNING ST. THOMAS MORE,
are Mrs. Anthony Geary, presi Theresa Lamoureux, treasurer.
day is set for Sunday, May 23, , Classes on natural family SOMERSET beginning at 2 p.m. with music May' devotions will include dent; Mrs. John Perreirs, vice planning will begin at 7:30 p.m. BL. SACRAMENT ADORERS president; Mrs. Thomas Souza by the Harmonaires. A .religious Benediction after 9 a.m. Mass Tuesday in St. Mary's CCD Cen . Exposition of the Blessed Sac and Mrs. William Hargraves, service will be conducted at 3 rament will follow 9 a.m. Mass ter, 363 Ce~tral Ave., Seekonk. each Monday and recitation of secretaries; Mrs. John Donnelly, p.m. by Msgr. Henri Hamel of the rosary:at 8:45 a.m. Wednes until 8:45 p.m. on Thursday, The series, open to married and treasurer. New Bedford and refreshments engaged couples, will continue day. May 20, the feast of the Ascen will follow. A May procession and distri sion, 'at Sacred Hearts Church, for four months, one session per BIL.SA:CRAMENT,FR Fairhaven. The church's Chapel . month. It is .affiliated with the bution of scapulars to first com First communicants will 'be municants . will take place at ot Our Lady of Lourdes is open NFP program at St. Anne's Hos received at 11 :30 a.m. Mass Sun 10:15 a.m. Mass Sunday. ' daily except Wednesday for pital, Fall River. Further infor Confirmation candidates and day. adoration from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. mation: Pauline 'L'Heureux, 617 sponsors will rehearse at 7 p.m. ST. THERIESA, NB BALTIMORE (NC) - A Jesuit 336-6349. All welcome. Saturday, May 29. Parishioners will honor Father hisorian has discovered an act Joseph A. Martineau, .pastor, on of religious toleration approved ST. JUUIE, N. DARTMOU'JIIH The Ladies' Guild annual ban- ' -his 40th anniversary of ordina by the Marylan'd colonial assem quet will be held at 7:30 p.m. tion at a 4 p.m. Mass Pentecost bly in 1640, nine years before Wednesday at the Wamsutta Sunday, May 30. The liturgy will Club, preceded by a social hour. be followed by a testimonial the passage of another toleration """"~'~~~~~~"~~"""""""""""". banquet at White's restaurant, act considered until now to be An awards banquet for bas ketball players and cheerleaders for which reservations will close th'e first of its 'kind in America. will be held at 5 p.m. Su~day In Sunday, May 23. Information: Jesuit Father Thomas O'Brien Sister Alice at the rectory, 995 the church hall. 0403; Roland Benoit, 995-0403; Hanley, professor of history at K OF C, lFR Mrs. Charles Jodoin, 995-646'4. Loyola College in Baltimore, Council 86· will hold Awards the three-and·a-half page .found Overlooking Historical Westport Point Night Sat~rday, June 19, at the ST. RITA, MA,RION "Act Concerning Religion" dat (lst Right OVer Rt. 88 Bridge) Council Home on Columbus A Marriage Encounter infor Drive. Nominations for "Knight mation night will take place at 8 ing from October 1640 in original of the Year" may be sent to p.m. tomorrow in the rectory. manuscript form' in the Hall of Richard D~ddy, grand knight. The rosary will be prayed in Records in Annapolis, Md. The All Lobsters and Clams Cooked to Order -: ' April's Knight of ,the Month is the church at 8 p.m. on week text of the 1640 act is similar to Stephen W: Lopes. Tohe family days during May. ' Natural. Sweetness and Tenderness are of the Month is that of District that of the 1649 legislation and First communion will be re Deputy and Mrs. A. Roger La best Preserved by our own Sea Water ceived at 11:15 a.m. Mass Sun was "very likely a source for it," Fleur.•, day. , said Father Hanley. Steam Process, Scallops, Fish, Steaks. Scholarship' applications may 'The Catholic Women's Club be forwarded to Raymond F. will hold an installation dinner Powers, 650 Cherry 'St., Fall at the rectory following 7 p.m. LUNCHEON MENU River, and should be received by Mass Tuesday. June 1. . Mon. - Sat. 11 :30- 3:30 P.M. RICHARD L. laFRANCE,
Toleration Act
Early Bird Specials Every Day 4 - 6 P.M. Except ~at. a.nd Sun.
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The concluding Bible study session for the season will be 'held at 7 p.m. Tuesday. The Athletic Association's an nual sports banquet will take place :at 1 p.m. Sunday at the school. SEOULAIt FRANCISCANS, NB
O.L. Queen of Angels Frater nity will meet at 10 a.m. Sunday at Our Lady's Chapel, Pleasant Street, New, Bedford, for forma tion and business sessions, fol lowed 'by Mass.
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All Storeu Now Open ' MONDAY • FRIDAY 1O~5 SATURDAY 9 t04
A copy of the icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa will be in the parish from Wednesday, May 26, through Tuesday, June 1. A Mass at 7 p.m: May 26 will greet the icon and parish fam ilies will keep vigil during the days it is in the church. 'Confirmation will be adminis tered at 7 tonight. Candidates will be escorted by the upcom ing confirmation c~ass. SS. PETER
The junior CYO will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Father Coady Center. The annual CYO awards banquet will take place Satur day, June 5. William O'Neil is forming a missions rosary-making guild. Those . wishing .. ' to participate may call ·him at 672-6346 or meet him in the parish center after 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday.
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proprietor of White's Res taurant, Westport, has been named. to the board of direc tors of St. Anile's Hospital, Fall River. LaFrance's community activities include. service in the house of delegates of the Massachusetts Easter' Seal Society, and membership in the Fall River Chamber of Commerce, the Bristol County Development Coun cil and the Rotary Club.