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t eanc 0 VOL. 43, NO. 20 • Friday, May 14, 1999



Council of Catholic Women hear message on Gospel of Life .



At 46th annual convention, diocesan women gather to elect new officers and present awards. By JAMES N. DUNBAR

SOUTH DARTMOUTH - Sister of Life Lucy Marie urged hundreds of members of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women convening May 8 at St. Mary's Parish Center here to "broaden the horizon of believers so that they will see things in the perspective of God the Father in Heaven because 'our whole Christian life is a journey to the Father." Sister Lucy Marie, from the Sisters of Life at Our Lady of New York, Bronx. N.Y., was. the keynote speaker at the convention, for which the theme was, "Father, Giver of Life, Help Us to Respect Life." The talk was central to the day of events that included a business meeting, report by outgoing President Theresa Lewis, election of officers, and a Mass at which Msgr. George W. Coleman, Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia for the Fall River Diocese, was celebrant and homilist. Msgr. Coleman also presented the Our Lady of Good Counsel Awards given annually.

During the afternoon session a panel dis- Hanks of Sacred Heart Parish, New Bedford; cussion addressed the top,ic, "Abuse of the Eld- District III, Eleanor DeMello, St. Anne Parish, Raynham; District IV, Rita Leduc of St. erly and Children." Mary Parish, The new ofSeekonk; and ficers include District V, Ida President Russo, St. Lillian Plouffe Elizabeth of St. Joseph Ann Seton Parish, North Parish, North Dighton; TreaFalmouth. surer Pauline Taking exVezina of St. cerpts from Jean Baptiste Pope John Parish, Fall Paul II's enRiver; and Recyclical "On cording Secrethe Coming of tary Mary Jo the Third Foley of St. Millennium," Ann Parish, and from the Raynham. Gospel acRecipients count of the of the Our Lady Prodigal Son, of Good CounSister Lucy sel Awards Marie said the were: District I, journey or pilSusan Santos grimage to the of Our Lady of Father - the Grace Parish, theme of the. Westport; DisSISTER OF LIFE SISTER LuCY MARIE current prepatrict II, Annette

ratory year prior to Jubilee Year 2000 - "Is truly one that takes place in the heart of each person. It extends to the believing community and then it reaches for the whole of humanity. It is a journey of conversion." And that, she said, involved the theological virtue of love. "In today's modern society, conversion is a necessity," the nun said, "because the very foundation of a true view of human existence seems to be lost." She called attention to the tragic shootings at Columbine High School in Colorado, total disrespect for human life and the glamorization of immorality as with freedom of sexual expression. To restore a respect for human life in society, Sister Lucy Marie called on all the assembly of women to be models of Christ. "Just as Christ revealed the Father and his love, so we are called to do the same." she said. "We have so many prodigal children in our society and I think your role, and mine, is to help them find their way. For this world is in desperate need for the love of a father - our heavenly Father. In the Prodigal Son story, it really is the story of the merciful Father." Noting that like the son who chose a Tum to page J3 ~ DCCW

Middle school students gather for millennium Mass, fraternity By MIKE GORDON ANcHOR STAFF

Catholic Charities ,Appeal off an encouraging start



Cape Cod parish i$ first to exceed its last year's contribution.

FALL RIVER - Our Lady of Lourdes Church, nestled on the outermost border of the Fall River Diocese in Wellfleet, is the first parish to exceed last year's returns in the 1999 Catholic Charities Appeal. Father John F. Andrews, pastor of the ,church in the Cape Cod region, has long been recognized for his particular devotion to the Appeal, having served as one of the regional directors of the spring-season fundTurn to page six - CCA

FALL RIVER - More than 600 students from the nine area Catholic middle schools gathered at Notre Dame Church for the third annual Middle School Mass last Monday. Themed "The Year of the Father," the Mass was an opportunity for students to share in their faith and worship as a meaningful community of believers. Father Richard W. Beaulieu, pastor of Notre Dame de Lourdes Parish, was celebrant at the Mass and said that it is a very positive event for middle school students. "It's, a great opportunity to bring students together spiritually and recognize that they are special people. The kids enjoy the day," said Father Beaulieu. Readings during Mass were done by students and a representative from each of the nine Fall River Catholic Schools, Dominican Academy, Espirito Santo, Holy Name, Notre Dame, St. Anne, St. Jean Baptiste, St. Michael, SS. Peter and Paul and St. Stanislaus schools offered prayer petitions. Edmond Allard, a sixth grader from Notre Dame School, led students in song with the help of music teacher John Travers. Following Mass students walked to La Fayette Park where they shared lunch and conversation. Sonia Borges, a sixth grader of SS. Peter and Paul School, was attending the Middle School Mass for the first time and said she was enjoying the day. She carried her school's FATHER RICHARD W. Beaulieu, pastor of Notre Dame de banner in the processions at Mass. "It's nice to get together Lourdes Parish, Fall River, smiles as he welcomes students to with friends and students from different schools," she stated. the third annual Middle School Mass last Monday. It was themed Anne Conlon, principal of Notre Dame School, was talking "TheYear of the Father." (Anchor/Gordon photo) Turn to page 13 - Middle School

Bishop O'Malley, all Mass. Cath.olic 'bishops to testify. on anti-abortion bi~1

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a historic first, the

four bishops will team to speak before the Legislature.

- Pope John Paul II, Homily at Kalisz,June 4,1997


Bishop Sean

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Fall River, will join with Cardinal Bernard F. Law of Boston, Bishop Thomas L. Dupre of Springfield and Bishop Daniel P. Reilly of Worcester on May 18 to testify together on a bill banning partialbirth abortion.


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Jean Armstrong Marilyn Audet George Botelho Frank Campagna Ruth A. D'Errico Rev. Vincent Diaferio Walter J. Eaton Dr. Ramsis G. Elias John Farrell Lorna Fernandes Paul Fillion Maria Franco Kerry A. Griffin Roger L. Lemaire Christina Lopes Zulima Luz Pauline R. Murphy Raymond E. Parise Richard C. Paquette Mary Ann Pelletier Raymond Pelletier Henry Pollard Alphonse S'aulino Carmela Saulino Joseph C. Saulino Angelina Semine Augustine Silva Gail SqUillace Mary O. Sullivan Anita Vezina Jose P. Vieira William Whalon In Honor Of: Mr. & Mrs. Fred PelcZarski

FALL RIVER - Holy Cross Brother Richard (Eudes) Hartnett, 84, former principal of what is now Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton, from 1951 to 1961, died May 4 at Dujarie House, Notre Dame, Ind., after a long illness. He had celebrated his 60th year of religious profession this year. . Born on March 2, 1915 in Bayonnt<, N.J:, he received his habit of the Congregation of Holy Cross


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CULVER, Ind. (CNS) - Staff .members at Catholic newspapers in Gary and Indianapolis earned a combined 36 awards at the Woman's Press Club of Indiana competition. Among the awards were 11 first-

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®bituary on Feb~ 1, 1938, and made his first profession of vows on Aug. 16, 1939. He professed his final vows on Aug. 16, 1943. Brother Richard graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a bachelor of arts degree in history in 1944 and with a master's degree in education in 1950. In addition to serving at Coyle and Cassidy, he taught and admin- . istered at schools staffed by the

Catholic publications cop

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on the death penalty issue and three of the four attended a legislative hearing on the matter. Twenty-eight states have enacted laws to ban partial-birth abortion, while President William Clinton has twice vetoed bans passed by Congress. The Office of Pro-Life Activities of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops conservatively estimates 600 to 2,000 such abortions are perfoimed annually in the United States, most for non-health related reasons.

Brother Richard (Eudes) Hartnett, esc

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The four ordinaries - bishops of dioceses - will address the Joint Committee on the Judiciary, which is considering several abortion-related bills. "The unprecedented decision of Cardinal Law and the bishops to attend a legislative hearing as. a team demonstrates their commitment to promoting life in all its stages," said Gerry D' Avolio, executive director of the Massachusetts Catholic Conference. Earlier this year, the four ordinaries held ajoint press conference

May 22

May 23

Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:25ac,6-7ab; In 16:29-33 Acts 20:1727; Ps 68:1011,20-21 ; In 17:1-11a Acts 20:2838; Ps 68:2930,33-36c; In 17:11b-19 Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a,5,711; In 17:2026 Acts 25:13b21; Ps 103:12,11-12,1920ab;Jn 21:15-19 Acts 28:1620,30-31; Ps 11 :4-5,7; In 21:20-25 Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1ab, 24ac,29bc30,31,34; 1Cor12:3b7,12-13;Jn 20:19-23


place finishes for the Northwest Indiana Catholic, newspaper of the Diocese of Gary, and four for The Criterion, Indianapolis archdiocesan newspaper. Karen Callaway, photojournalist at the Northwest Indiana Catholic, received top honors for black and white sports photo, black and white news photo, and black and white photo essay in a nondaily newspaper. Angela Moore, features editor in Gary, won for an article on Catholic

Brothers of the Holy Cross in Indianapolis, Ind.; Chicago, III.; Flushing, N.Y.; Warwick, R.I.; Rome, Italy; and Sherman Oaks, Calif. He retired from full-time ministry in 1987. Brother Richard is survi.ved by two nieces and a nephew. A Mass'ofChristian Burial was celebrated at St. Joseph Center, Valatie, N.Y., on May 8. Burial was in the community cemetery.

Indiana awards education, and Anne Drake, graphic designer, collected firsts for a black and white ad and two color ads. Brian T. Olszewski, editor of the Northwest Indiana Catholic, won for a black and white retail display ad, as well as for newspaper editing and layout. From The Criterion, Margaret Nelson earned firsts in the color feature and photojournalism categories. Mary Ann Wyand won for a color photo essay and for best feature story i.n a nondaily newspaper.

In Your Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming week NECROLOGY May 17 " 1951, Most Rev. Jatnes E. Cassidy, D.D., Third Bishop of Fall




\ May 19 1940, Rev. Ambrose Uamarre, a.p. 1941, Rev. Thomas Triurlor, Pastor, St. Louis, Fall River 1988, Rev. Arthur C. Uv~sque, Pastor; Our Lady~of Fatima, New Bedford \\ ~;;::.:.__.--/

~a~y-- 20~"""""""


1952, Rev. Antoni.9_L:-1!aSilva, Pastor, Our Lady of Health, Fall River ~-::--........ \\


May'23 1944, Rev. William F. Donahue, Assistant, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis \ \ 1995, Rev. Alfred J. Guenette, A\A. . \\

PRIESTS CURRENa'LY SERVING 1II11I1I111111111111111111111

THE ANCHOR (USPS-54S.mD) Periodical Postage Paid at FaIl River, Mass. Publishfd weekly except for the first two weeks in July am the week after Christmas at 887 Highlam Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02710 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese ofFaIl River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The An:!lor, P.O. Box 7. FaIl River. MA (Jl.712.



May May May May May May May

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev.

Roy II Xurco, SS.CC. Brian ~I~ino Geo~gef\Almeida

DaVid M~ ~ndrade John F. iXndrews Henry S. Arruda Stephen J. ~ila






Officials say that they hope to train another 70 high school students in youth ministry again this year.

other denominations, but to foster an appreciation of our Tradition. The team hopes to enable the candidates to plan and coordinate activities and prayer which, while creative and youth-facilitated, can be implemented in their own faith EAST FREETOWN - Not con- communities." tent with having trained nearly 700 Some of the weeklong session teenagers from across the Fall River at Cathedral Camp will focus on Diocese in youth ministry for their the art of leadership, communicaparishes and schools since 1989, tion skills, leadership styles, group the Christian Leadership Institute' dynamics and planning skilJs. returns to Cathedral Camp here from Other sessions will explore aspects June 27 to July 2, to get more young of discipleship and how that is empeople involved. bodied through prayer and liturgy, According to Doug Rodrigues, moral decision making, sacramenthe program director, the purpose tal living and service. of the CLI "is not simply to form Rodrigues said that the CLI cancandidates with skilIs in manage- didates are chalIenged to use their ment and leadership. It also seeks skills and talents in planning sesto provide catechesis by which the sions for specific portions of the candidates can come to a fulIer un- daily program; morning wake-up, derstanding of what it means to be morning and night prayer, meal a Catholic Christian disciple." blessings, daily liturgy and evening He said the team wants to focus socials. on the idea of what it means to be The journalizing process of the Catholic, "not to the exclusion of program 'also encourages partici-














pants to log their reflections daily and to consider what the materials presented as welI as their experiences, telI them about themselves, their gifts, skills, and their faith and community identity, said Rodrigues. Candidates will be divided into groups of approximately six students, each assigned a group leader who will work closely with them throughout the week. A former campus minister at Bishop Stang High Schoo.1, Rodrigues is currently the associate director of pastoral planning for the diocese. He recently earned his master's degree in theology from the University of Notre Dame. The CLI team, comprised of adults with credentials in ministry, education and leadership programming, include parish youth ministers Sue Chapdelaine of St. Anne's, FalJ River; Frank Lucca of St. Dominic's, Swansea; Rich Rodrigues of Sacr~d Heart, Fall River; and Elena Sardinha of St.

Boston Catholic Charities gearing up to help Kosovar refugees' nounced that 20,000 Kosovar refugees would be admitted to the U.S. BOSTON - The head of Catho- mainland, and diocesan resettlelic Charities in the Boston Arch- ment agencies began immediately diocese said her agency has re- to seek people to offer them shelter. ceived some "very generous offers" Boston Cardinal Bernard F. Law, from individuin a press Gonals and parference two ishes to help "Boston is a priority refudays after the res e ttl e gee destination for the AIadministration's Kosovar refu- banian refugees because April 21 angees. of the presence of a strong nouncement, D ire c tor Alb' I • h " said that "the Eli s abe t h aman pOpulatIOn ere, first responsiZweig told The said Joseph Doolin, presibility of the Pilot, Boston's dent of Catholic Charities. Church and for archdiocesan all of us is to newspaper, it respond with would be two or three more weeks aid to the immediate needs of refubefore the first refugees arrived. gees." "The processing is not happenUnder the White House plan, ing that efficiently on the other side refugees with relatives in the United (the Balkans) and until that can States will be given top priority as happen we won't be seeing anyone NATO seeks to protect the Kosovars anytime soon," she said. who have been driven out of their The Clinton administration an- homeland in Yugoslavia. Boston's Catholic Charities set up a 24-hour hot line for AlbanianAmerican local residents to inform officials about their relatives liv& THEIR SECRETS ing in the refugee camps along" the Kosovo border. Notification will then be sent to relief officials workNEVER ALONE ! ing in the Balkans. "Boston is a priority refugee When St. Catherine destination for the Albanian refuLaboure was only nine gees because of the presence of a strong Albanian population here," years old, her mother said Joseph Doolin, president of died. The child climbed Catholic Charities, who made the into a chair near her point that his agency was not seekdying mother and took ing specifically to help Catholic refugees, just those who want to a statue of Our Lady in come to Boston. her arms asking Mary Two transitional homes for famito be her mother now. lies have been established in the Then she would not Medford and Brighton areas and, according to Charities officials, have to face life alone. other sites have been identified in eastern Massachusetts. Joining Cardinal Law at his © Daughters of 51. Paul, Pauline Books & Media press conference was Father Arthur www,pauline,org F. Liolin of the Albanian OrthoCATHOUC NEWS SERVICE


dox Archdiocese, who expressed gratitude to his Roman Catholic counterparts for their efforts. "These (refugees) are the family of Mother Teresa. This is the area of her heritage. They are in such need. I am sure her blessed intercession for her folk will be extended," he said. Elsewhere in the country, Church refugee agencies were also responding to the need to find homes for refugees. In the Detroit Archdiocese, the refugee resettlement division held a walk-in session to process affidavit forms of persons who would like to sponsor relatives from Kosovo.


Anthony of Padua, also Fall River. Educators include: Keith Caldwell, an English and Theater Arts teacher from Barnstable High School; Chris ConnolIy, chairman of the theology department at Bishop Connolly High School; and Dorothy Lopes, who is involved with the United Interfaith Action program. Other team members are: Tim Acton and Cathy Carpenter from the Echo retreat program on Cape Cod; CLI graduates Carleen Carpenter, Anne Janerico, Andrea Perkins; and Scott Waite, a nurse at St. Luke's Hospital in New Bedford. The support staff includes: Joan Cuttle, who directs liturgical music, of the Diocesan Office ofAIDS Ministry; Louis Bud Miller, director ofYouth and Young Adult Min-

istry, and Jason Kenney, coordinator of that ministry. "Our young men and women are not simply the Church of tomorrow, they are the Church of today," said Doug Rodrigues. "CLI trains some of the best leaders and servants for young people: their peers." He said that "oftentimes in our service to the Church we plant 'trees, but are not able to enjoy their shade and fruit until later on down the line, if at all. Sometimes it's discouraging, but through CLI, which has trained so many young people, we often have the privilege to reap the benefits of our service early on."


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THEANCHOR ~ Diocese ofFall River-Fri., May 14, 1999

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THEANCHOR - Diocese ofFallRiver- Fri., May 14, 1999.... .


the living word

A matter ofjustice The Church has always taught that the community exists for the common good. The fathers of Vatican Council II in their "Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World" reflected that the common good is to be understood as "the sum total of social conditions which allow people, either as groups or individuals, to reach their fulfillment more fully and more easily." The common good impacts the life Of everyone. It requires the social well-be.ng and development of the group itself. Certainly, it is the proper function of authority to arbitrate in the name of the common good between various and diverse interests. However, it must always be oriented toward the advancement of all. In such a moving ahead, change is in~vitable. The healthy status of the common good does not remain. fixed.' It is the role of the state to not only defend but to promote the cO,mmon good · of civil society. In the ongoing debate over the direction and maneuverings of the ..Woods Hole,'Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket.Steamship' Authority. it would be advantageous if s~me of the prInciples for the common good were observed. The Authority has project~d ..~uc.h ~~: ~~gative im~getl1at it has been forced to hire a · publi<;: relations firm. Ii has become obvious, even to themselves, that they need anew makeup job to save face:.Ho~ever, by their· words and' ~ctions it appears that this new imag~ is only"skindeep. T~ereaLissues at hand are being suppressed as the Au· thority attemp·ts. to ,'pr:oject a more favorable media image. Bristol, Barnstable, Dukes, Nantucket and Plymouth counties ·are the filSt~st growing areas' of the Commonwealth. The tourist industry is. spiraling rapidly. From the people's standpoint, the need for~new.ldeas, methods and projections demand that the · Authority change the Way it does business. It cannot' remain an independent fiefdom. While ignoring the obvious modern trends · while supporting. the past and being oblivious to the future, it · has done little to seek solutions for current wges. This entrench· ment is hurting.thy'·common :good. It destroys job opportunities, places a massive strain on service and denies equal rights to competing businesses. As such, the Authority has become too authoritarian. The concept of responsibility anq accountability· to the common good seems to be an elusive quality as it attempts. to ensure the status, quo. All the image-making will be in vain when such a mind-set pervades the current structure' of the Authority. 'It must change for the benefit of all concerned. If it continues with its tunnel vision on the common good, it moves beyond redemption. With this in mind, could we once more suggest that the Massachusetts Department of Transportation replace the Authority? In this regard, perhaps our elected officials on Beacon Hill might be a force in accomplishing this change. People cannot serve two masters. If there is a state agency in place, as there is, why support another with tax dollars. It makes a great deal of sense to merge the Authority with a state department that can oversee the needs of our communities with vision and with justice'. In the meantime, the dialogue must continue. There is simply too much at stake to jeopardize the well-being of all the parties involved. To support the real welfare of the common good, the Authority~sdutybound to.makejnformation readily available. It also shbuldextend a presentation of information to consumers who are in the free exercise of their lawful rights. After all, we are dealing with a matter of justice. ' .~ . The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of.the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P.O. 80x 7 or call telephone number above

EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore

GENERAL MANAGER Rosemary Dussault ~

NEWS EDITOR James N. Dunbar


Anchor/Gordon photo



To raise or not to raise priests' salaries By FATHER EUGENE HEMRICK

esan priests pay for their own cars, clothes and items like a television "Are you in favor of a multi- set, sporting equipment and books. tiered pay scale for priests?" Priests also pay fede'ral and Social I read this question in Touch- Security taxes. stone, a publication of the National· Many priests support aged parFederation of Priests' Councils. It ents. Those same priests are also raises an issue today's priesthood generous in giving to the poor. Unbeknownst to many, relineeds to address better: Should priests receive salaries commensu- gious-order priests with a vow of rate to the work they do? Or would poverty often demand a layperson's higher salaries reduce the image of salary. This is. not .to get more priesthood as service? Would be- money for themselves, but because ing in the same financial category without this salary their orders with the laity cause the priesthood couldn't continue to exist. to lose its spiritual distinctiveness? Many religious orders have 'more Let's look at some of the sur- retired priests than active priests. prising facts. Most newly ordained Since there are fewer active priests, priests, like most newly married their salaries must be larger in orcouples, begin their ministry deep ._ der to help support those who no in debt.'Unlike seminary education longer contribute financially to the in- the past that was either free or community. relatively inexpensive, most semiThese facts alone make clear that narians today finance their own the old theory that priests shouldn't education, induding tuition, room seek. larger salaries needs rethinkand board, books, a car, clothes, etc. ing. Priests, like lay people, go into During seminary formation, debt. And most priests are on their seminariflns are not allowed to have own when it comes to finding ways outside jobs to defray expenses. to pay that debt. Neither the dioAfter ordinati'on, salary scales make cese, the bishop nor the parish are paying their debts very difficult expected to help. Still, some people still point out and sometimes nearly impossible. Once out of the seminary, dioc- that men aren't supposed to go into CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

the priesthood for money, but rather are expected to heed Christ's command to leave everything and to follow him. The problem is that priests may not be out to make money for themselves, but they do need money to pay back others who have a right to be paid, or they need money to support parents and family. And as for Scripture's admonition to leave everything and follow the Lord, what does the word "everything" really mean? Does it mean disdaining all earthly possessions, or is it an admonition to discard an inordinate desire for goods - the sort of desire that causes us to lose sight of.God? Those to whom the scriptural admonition was first addressed, by the way, belonged to a community to which all members contributed their earnings. Diocesan priests today do not have the' bevnefit of such a community. How should priests be compensated? It's a difficult question to answer. The financial burdens on today's priests are much different than in the past. I think we need some down-to-earth thinking about the fiscal realities today's priests face.






















" " . . . . . .




THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., May 14, 1999

Msgr. James McCarthy named New York auxiliary bishop By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

CARITAS CHRISTI recently honored six individuals with the Caritas Christi Medal at ceremonies in Boston. Cardinal Bernard Law and Dr. Michael Collins, president of Caritas Christi, flank the honorees, from left: Fall River resident and member of Holy Rosary Parish Mary Ponte, a former nurse and longtime volunteer at Saint Anne Hospital; Archbishop Oscar Rodriguez, Archbishop of Tegucigalpa, Honduras; Alice O'Reilly; James Creagan, the U.S. Ambassador to Honduras and Sister of Providence Mary Caritas, former president of Mercy Hospital, Springfield. (Photo by Harry Brett)

WASHINGTON - Pope John Paul II has named Msgr. James F. McCarthy as auxiliary bishop of the NewYork Archdiocese. Bishop~designate McCarthy, 56, is pastor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Shrub Oak, N.Y., and served as secretary to New York's Cardinal John 1. O'Connor for more than a decade. Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo, papal nuncio to the United States, announced the appointment in Washington on Tuesday. Bishop-designate McCarthy was born July 9, 1942, in Mount Kisco, N.Y. He was ordained a priest of the New York Archdiocese June I! 1968, after studies at

Cathedral College and St. Joseph's Seminary.

APPRECIATION NIGHT FOR EDDY 'BRAULT 75TH BIRTIIDAY Saturday, June 5,1999 Mass at 4:00 o'clock at Blessed Sacrament Church South Main Street, Fall River Receptionfol1JJwing at McGovern's Family Restaurant Social Hour6-7p.m. Five Course Dinner 7 p.m. Dancing 8:30 p.m. to 12 a.m. Jimmy Martin's Orchestra



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TIffiANCHOR- DioceseofFall River- Fri., May 14, 1999





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Testifying against- the death As March came to a close, there was encouraging news from Massachusetts. That state once more defeated continuing efforts to reinstate the death penalty. Ever since 1976 when ,... the Supreme Court re-established the death penalty as punishment for murder, only 12 states have been holdouts. Massachusetts is one of them. I was in Massachusetts the day after the deciding vote was cast. Some students from Boston College, a Jesuit By institution, have formed an anti-death penalty group. They wanted to hear the voices of some anti-death-penalty people who are survivors of homicide victims. I was invited, along with Clementine Barfield and the Rev. Walter Everett, a Methodist minister, also parents, like myself, who have lost a son to murder. We are all members of Murder Victims Families for Reconciliation, survivors who oppose the death penalty, striving to live the Lord's way - with love and forgiveness overcoming hatred and vengeance.


We were joined by Mike Carlucci, the man who killed Rev. Everett's son. The minister and the murderer together tell one ofthe most touch_

of our opposition is the inviolable dignity and right to life of every human person." I was especially touched when the paper reported that Bishop Daniel Reilly of Worcester said that the "hardest question is that of murder victims' families:' In his words, 'There's where we have to help people, to lead them through this time of grieving, this time of loss" when they feel violated. The newspaper paraphrased . his further comments this way: 'The Church and the faith are so important, Antoinette Bosco because there is a spiritual dimension to getting beyond grief. Being reconciled with the Lord, the perpetrator and others involved is not easy, ing stories of forgiveness, redemption and 'rec- and takes openness from both victims' families onciliation that one could ever imagine. and perpetrators." A few days before we spoke at Boston ColBishop Reilly perfectly expressed what we lege, hearings had been held'on the death pen- speakers at the Boston College program have ~ty bills at the state house in Boston. One of the learned..Barfield, for example, refused to stay in outstanding moments was when Cardinal Ber- personal mourning. In her state ofMichigan she nard Law testified. The Catholic Free Press, initiated and organized what has become a naweekly publication of the Worcester diocese, tional movement to save our youth from vioreported that Cardinal Law said, 'The base line. lence.

The Bottom Line

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She calls her grassroots organization Save Our Sons and' Daughters. What she has done should be a model- for communities across the nation. With more than 10 staff members, the organization provides grief counseling and supporf to survivors of homicide victims, training in violence prevention, crisis intervention, peer support and something more - a peace program. Barfield is creating "peace zones" in her city of Detroit. "A peace zone," she says, "is violence free, drug free, gun free. It is a place where peace activities are held and peacemaking training is conducted." When they can &et these peace zones linked together, the entire city will be "a place of peace." Her ·work to combat violence and Rev. Everett's work to promote forgiveness arethe good that comes out ofthe evifofthe pain suffered after the murder ofa toved one. Life and death are left in God's hands; ours is healing work. I affirm what Cardinal Law said: The death penalty does not help victims' families.


parishes aren't satisfied with simply exceeding last year's total but are deContinued from page one termined to attract all of the support 1. Donly, diocesan director of devel- they can from their parishioners." raising campaign. ''FatherAndrews assures us that al- opment, concurred in acknowledging Msgr. Harrington and Donly though he has already surpassed last the achievement of Father Andrews agreed that iUs still very early in this year's total, a record-setting amount and his generous parishioners. year'sAppeal campaign, and although ''We're certain that this is the first initial returns have been very posifor Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in its own right, he still intends to continue of many parishes fromall areas of the tive, there is still much work to do to find ways to add to this year's re- diocese that will follow in the foot- before this year's effortcan be regarded turns," commented Msgr. Thomas 1. steps of the Wellfleet COInmunity of- as an unqualified-success. faith," said Donly. 'The great thing, Harrington, director of the Appeal. Returns are still being processed At Appeal headquarters, Michael as was ~e case last·year, is that the in all parishes in the diocese and outreach to friends of Catholic.Charities in business, industry and the profesPRINTING MAILING SERVICES sions throughout southeastern Massachusetts continues to be made.





TELEPHONE (508) 679-5262

. (508) 673-1545

Prospective donors are invited to contribute through parishes throughout the diocese or by communicating with Diocesan Headquarters at 344 Highland Ave., P.O. Box 1470, Fall River, MA 02722.


ASSONET St. Bernard $500 M-M Fred Bopp; . To peace, prayer, and holiness $125 Mrs. Margaret Donahue, James Donnelly, M-M John leb; $120 M-M John Piekos; $100 M-M Antonio Coutinho, M-M Charles McCarthy, M0Pn 10, 15O,(J(J(I tItIId be u.s. .. 51 F. . . . CoatrieS. M Mariano Rezendes, M-M Timothy Santos. Great Prayerbooks Audio Tapes. . ..' .. ATILEBORO Mmy's Call - 4 Keys To Heawn ..... $1.50 Video Tapes • ' St. Stephen $100 M-M Theodore Mmy's Call-Mmy,TeacbMo to Pray 1.50 Candles ~ L..-_-'-----'........;.~I Charron, M-M George Bosh, Edward Mmy's Call - Together In Prayer.... 1.50 Compact Disc . MaIy's Call _Book of Prayers .SO R08lIJY - 15 Docade-AlUiIO :....... 3.00 Lapierre, Charles Dumont, M-M EdMary's Call - Gloty To The Trinity 1.50 Statioos of The Cross-Audio 3.00 ward Corbett. Holy Ghost $250 M-M Robert A R08lIJY of Healing, Dana Audio 10.00 Mmy's Call - Way of the Cross ........ 1.50 0 - . the Rosary Sr.' ._~,j"",. Dubeau; $200 Rita Goffinet; $120 Mo O.J , •.-..~IO ..... 10.00 Excellent Reading" Gifts The Pope-Life of JoIm Paul fiVCR 24.00 M Charles Fox; $100 M-M Manuel The Fatima Prophecies, T. Peiruko. 12.95 A Celebration of Padre Pio -VCR. 29.99 Amaral, M-M Wallace Gordon, Pauline Ellis, M-M Leon O'Brien, Mrs. Seven Days With Mary.M. Bro_ .. 6.50 Prophecy & New Times -VCR 22.00 Lewis Benson. St Michael, Rev. LovaJIli 2.75 Living Pn:seooe (MiIBc1es)VCR 24.95 St. Joseph $750 Rev. John M. 30 Fawrite N0WD8S .75 Ocean of Men:y-Pope Paul VCR 24.95 Sullivan; $400 M-M George Largess; Walking Wi1h St. Rapbael,LovaJki.. 2.75 Audrey's Life-VCR .: 24.95 $300 M-M Leonard Pinault; $200 MSt. Gabriel The Archangel, LovoUI 2.75 Tm Hour Votive ,-Blessed ea..25 M Albert Dumont; $100 M-M Robert MimcIes of Trimsformation :..... 7.95 Six 08y Votive, BIes.sDd ea. 1.75 Boucher, M-M Albert E. Dumont, David Hea~'s Messages for the Family.. 14.95 Live in Concert,O'Brien-CD 14.95 Fontneau, Adib leind, M-M Ralph . What Jesus Sew &om the Cross 13.40 Stations Of The CJ'OlllI,Dano.CI 14.95 lito. St. John the Evangelist $300 Dr. Letters to Gabriel, K ~""" 14.99 Motbas Dearest,SrMary Lucy-CD 14.95 In The Presence Of Our Loni 14.95 How Gnlat Thou Art, Kochis-eD. 14.95 & Mrs. John J. Killion, M-M Leroy Yarboro; $250 M-M Kevin P. Beagan, The Twelve, C. Bemarri R1Jffin 9.95 Statues M-M John Costello, M-M Earl D. Kelly; Listening To God, Fr.BiO McCanhy 2.00 Tbe Last Supper 8" I.oas , 11.25 $225 Ralph Sears; $200 M-M MelVell Secn:ts of the Eucharist, M Brown.. 5.50 Way Of the Cross 3Y," Tall 5.75 T. Cronin, M-M MiChael Kane, Edward The Joy of Bein8 Catholic :... 2.00 Divine Mercy S" Tall 17.50 Kelley, Anne Meloni, Mrs. Edward After Life, MicJroel Brown 6.50 Guardian Angel with Boy 8" Tall. 14.00 O'Donnell; $160 M-M Frank C. The Miracle Makers, MTo/I:m ......• 5.95 Ouantian Ansel with Girl 8" Tall 14.00 Bellomo, M-M Richard Doherty, M-M A l.arBe Print Prayer Book 1.00 St Patrick g" Tall ;............ 13.00 John Mcintyre; $150 M-M Walter Ambler, Edward F. Casey, M-M RobA""doruIIiIm".",.u."",,,,,,,, ert Edwards, M-M Stephen Fontneau, • :I ",0. B1aJJd MfJI1wr."",., , . WIriL Clara Rounds, Mrs.· Leland Smith; SM w. us IIwy 241P.Q.Bn IQ ShIpp. l'urcIra1es under $10 00 rxJd.l1 00.. $145 Arlene Doherty; $120 Mrs. ~ MO 65281~162 $1000 qldU 00 Clifford Dieterle; $100 Mrs. Donald , ALI. PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED W1TI-I Abbott, Ann Balser, Mrs. Paul Bullock, ~ FAX tifi8.388..563 'VISA OR MASTERCHARQE ONleY M-M Thomas J. Carroll, Mrs. Earl CrWf, Write fer a fioee abIIog DI' VWt. at . . web 1Itr._.~

Our 1Ady Is calling you """


M aru's Call


Mrs. Jeanette Cummins, M-M John Kiley, M-M William Kilroy, Mrs. Blanche Dolan, M-M Malte A. Ebeling, M-M .. MacDougall, M-M John Mark, M-M J. Frank Fanning, Mrs. James Foley, Mrs. Paul McDonnell, Dr. & Mrs. James E. William Goff, M-M Eugene Goulet Sr., Nadeau, M-M Kenneth Perry, Hon. & M-M William Habershaw, M-M Rob- Mrs. Joseph Reardon, M-M Walter ert Haggerty, Julie Hammond, Will- Roncka, Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan, iam Hannan, M-M Shawn Jorde, M- Christopher Sabatini, Louis Sautt, Mrs. M William Jost, M-M Gerard Kenton, Anthony Silvestri, M-M Thomas M-M Peter Lynch, M-M Joseph Strachan, M-M-Daniel J. Sullivan, MMahon, M-M Edward G. Mellon, M-M M Edward M. Tokarz, Dr. & Mrs. Jo-· Victor Mercurio, M-M John Mungo, seph Vogt, M-M Stephen E. Wallace, Julia Murphy, Linda Nicholson, M-M M-M William J. Whelton. CHATHAM Jose Pedro, Madeline Reardon, M-M James Rocha, M-M Anthony SChepis, . Holy Redeemer $500 M-M RichHelen Sheehan, M-MGerardVachon. ard Smyth, Dr.·& Mrs. Richard Weiler; BREWSTER $350 Knights of Columbus Pope Paul Our Ladyofthe C8pe$1 ,500 Our VI Council # 7312; $300 Association Lady of the Cape Bingo; $500 La of the Sacred Hearts, Mrs. irene Healy; Salette Missionaries, $350 M-M $250 Jeannette G. Fontaine; $200 Mrs. Charles X. Sampson; $300 Mr. Rob- Joseph Nolan, Philip Ripa, Dr. & Mrs. ert· Daly; . $250 M-M· Rudolph M. J. Soare's;$150 Constance Grenache; $200 Bemard' Hayes, M- Gormley, M-M John Miklus, M-M PeMHughP.Devine;$150M-MStanley ter Taylor; $125 M-M William S. Warden; $125 M-M Charles Dedon; Sheehan; $120 M-M James Drew, M$120 M-M William Waas; $100 M-M MFrancis Flemming; $1 00 M-M Peter Gene Preziosi, M-M Harris Dalrymple, Acton, M-M Robert Agnew, John M-M Stephen Lonsdale, M-M Rich- Allison, R. Gilbert Berg, M-M William ard Hassett, MaryTustin, M-M George Cotter, M-M Joseph W, Donohue, MMalone, M-M Jeremiah SUllivan, M- M James ~l1right,_M-M Leonard M Theodore Dumas, M-M Joseph Fougere, M-M Paul Kirby, M-M EdMcKenney, Mrs. Virginia Manganelli, ward F. QUinn, M-M Sean Summers, M-M Frederick Sciarappa, M-M Rob- M-M Dale Tripp, Dr. Joan Maloney, ert Lombardi. Carole A. Millis, M-M Bryce E. White. BUZZARDS BAY DARTMOUTH St. Mary $750 M-M John Kelleher; St. Margaret $250 Mrs. Stephen Swinamer; $150 M-M' Timothy $500 Dr. & Mrs. Roger Pocze, Rev. MacDonald; $100 M-M James Bailey, Terence F. Keenan; $300 M-M M-M Joseph Sweeney, M-M Brian Lawrence D. Art, Rev. Michael Racine; McLellan. . $240 John F. Folan Esq., $200 Karen CENTERVILLE Medeiros, $150 Olivia M. Luiz, MaryT. Our Lady of Victory $1,750 Rev. Luiz; $100 M-M Manuel P. Melo, M-M Msgr. HenryT. Munroe, P.A.;$500Mrs. Daniel O. Saulnier, M-M Edwin J. Helen E. Dugan, Liam P. Monaghan;- McQuillan, Barbara O'Hara, Jeremiah $300 M-M Michael A. DiBuono, Capt. Coholan, M-M Jose Pacheco, Mark & Mrs: J. A. Smith, Mrs. Raymond Ventura/Donna Chmielewski, M-M Wynkoop; $250 M-M James EHol- Watter Francis, Theresa Almeida, Mrs. land; $200 John P. Barrera, M-M Ri- Louis E. Cormier, Margaret Dias. chard R. Boucher, James C. Clancy, EAST FALMOUTH M-M John J:Collins, Mrs. Joseph C. St. Anthony $600 Mrs. Joseph Cullinan, M-M Patrick Lee, M-M Sullivan; $360 M-M John Michaels; Stanley McLean, M-M Alexander D. $325 M-M Melvin Gonsalves; $300 Morgan, Mrs. Joseph D. Murphy, Mrs. Mary Jane Chisholm, Mr. John Madeline Ouellette, M-M James R. Coppinger, Mr. Franklin Perry; $275 Queeney; $165 Richard Kennedy; M-M George Costello; $250 M-M $150 M-M J. Richard Dugan, M-M. Joseph P. Losi; $200 M-M Richard PauiJ. Lynch,M-MJamesT. McCarthy, . L. Corey, St. Anthony's Council of M-MRobertWelsh;$125M-MJohnJ. Catholic Women, St. Anthony's Brosnan, M-M Donald Morris, M-M Couples Club; $125 Mrs. Alvira David Pollock; $1 00 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Corey, Margaret R. McGaffigan, MAsiaf, M-M Robertw'J.Bastille, Mary M Anthony Spagone; $100 Mr. JoE. Bums, M-M Joseph L. Caims, Mrs. seph Andrade, M-M William Bonito, J. Robert Cannon, Dr. Rosalie M-M Thomas A. Brown, M-M John Colman, M-M William D. Corbett, Mrs. Burke, Mr. John Cabral, M-M Ralph William J. Cotter, M·M Thomas Chasse, M-M Edward DUdley, Mrs. Beatrice Emerald, M-M Louis Creighton, Dr. & Mrs. Louis DeRosa, M-M George F. Dietel, Irene Farrell, M- Fucillo, M-M Philip Fullin, M-M WiIIM Henry Fellows, M-M Timothy P. iam Gilmartin, M-M Richard Garrity, M-M Thomas F. Gearin, M-M Halstead, M-M Stephen P. Holmes, John F. Grady, Mrs. Edward F. Hannan, M-M George Howarth, Mr. Edward Turn to page seven M-M Paul Hebert, M-M Richard F. __. ,4 __ .




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Continuedfrom page six Kendrigan, Mr. Leo Luckraft, Mrs. Elizabeth McCarty, Miss Madeline McKenna, M·M Edward MacKinnon, Mary & Lillian Mahoney, M·M Ben Maitre, Mr. Collin Murphy, M-M John Negri, M-M Joseph Paruti, Mrs. Shirley Pecue, Mrs. Blanche Perry, Mr. James S. Pine, M-M Julio Santos, M-M Frank M. Teixeira. FAIRHAVEN St. Mary $150 Anonymous; $100 M·M John Botelho, M·M George Boucher, Miss Lillian Desrosiers, M· M Donald Lipsett, the Rudler and Plaud Families, M·M Raymond Vary. St. Joseph $300 M·M Domenick Nicolaci; $200 M-M Arthur Frates, Ms. Susan Lacey, M-M .Raymond Starvish; $100 M·M Richard Bordas, Mr. James Ferris, M·M Daniel A. Mello, M·M Ronald Seguin, Ms. Alberta Silveira, M·M Eryk Szatek, Mr. Leslie D. Trott Jr., M·M Roland Vanasse. FALL RIVER St. Stanislaus $1,250 A Friend; $1,200 Rev. Robert S. Kaszynski; $725 M·M Dennis Cunningham; $550 M-M Desire LeGuyader; $500 M·M David Carlos, The Biszko Family; $400 M-M Thomas Pasternak; $300 A Friend, M-M Paul Klaege; $250 A Friend, M-M Thomas Skibinski; $230 A Friend; $210 M-M John Deveney; $200 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph McGuill, A Friend, M-M Robert Wilbur, M·M Kenneth Tremblay, MM Ronald Feijo, A Friend, Mrs. Helen


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Conrad; $175 M·M Joseph Quinn, Mrs. Maria D'Alu; $160 Mary & Josephine Niewola; $150 Mrs. Alice Kret, Deacon .3. Mrs. Frank Mis, S1. Vincent de F'aul Society, Jan & Honora Torres, Beverly DeMoura; $140 M-M Andre LaCroix, Warren O'Connell; $125 M·M Matthew Cunningham;.$120 M-M Joseph Minior; $1151n Memory of Raymond Walkden; $110 M-M Thomas Drewett, Miss Eleanor Roberts, M· M George Pereira; $104 A Friend; $100 A Friend, M-M George Wrobel, M·M Ted Waskiewicz, A Friend, MM Steven Rys, M-M Edwin Reid, M· M Stanley Pruchnik, Bob & Jo·Ann Polak, Mrs. Eileen Paul, M·M Henry Paruch, M·M John Minior, M-M Stephen Kulpa, M-M Casmir Iwanski, In Memory of Joseph F. Gromada, M-M David Feeney, M-M Robert Emond, Miss Barbara Dubiel, M-M Leo Dube, M-M Thomas Cournoyer, Ms. Joann Bozzuto. Santo Christo $500 Santo Christo Rosary Sodality; $200 Santo Christo Council of Catholic Women; $165 John B. Moniz; $120 Mary Souza; $100 Manuel Alves, Maria Alves, Irene Campos, Mary Carreiro, Jesse Carvalho, James Medeiros, M·M Nuno Medeiros, Francisco Moniz, Dolores Mowery, Eduarda M. Silva, Antonio S. Tavares. Espirito Santo $325 Espirito Santo Confirmation Class; $300 A Friend; $250 Carlos Medeiros; $1 00 M·M Thomas Landry, Cizaltina

Is marriage possible on death row? Q. As you can teU from my address, I am in prison. I provided an alibi for someone who killed three people, and by the Texas Law ofParties received the same sentence as the murderer. I am 41 years old, and have been on death row 14 years. I was married 21 years ago. My wife left me after h'lving a number

Questions and Answers By Father John J. Dietzen of affairs, which her family (not Catholic) encouraged because of my Catholic background. After my divorce I dated a lady with whom I had been close in high school, but later we went different ways. She wasn't ready to commit to another marriage until her son grew older, and I respected that. We have maintained a close relationship since I've been here, planning to marry if I ever got out. As the years passed, that looked less and less likely, and we began talk of marriage ''in case the worst happens." The truth is we have entered a civil marriage, with my brother standing in as proxy for me, but that is not enough for either of us spiritually. We had a sexual relationship together before either of us were married, and after our divorces, but that is impossible for us now, of course. If I am to die here, I want to go knowing that our marriage, and our life together, is sanctified and right in the eyes of God. if I do somehow get the chance to be free again, we want to be properly married. Being married only under state law, as we are now, is meaningless for moral and spiritual considerations that are

important to us as Catholics. The priest I talked to said nothing could be done now, and maybe that's true. However, I am asking, and will be thankful to you for any further advice you can offer. (Texas) A. Obviously you are already well

aware that the most important thing for you now is to be as close to God as possible, especially through the sacraments and prayer. Whatever has been done in the past, a spiritually fruitful and holy life is possible for you now, even in your present situation. I assume from your letter that you, as well as the woman you married, are already on that path. Unless your and her previous spouses are deceased, no marriage in. the Church would be possible without an annulment or some other action to deal with those marriages. What exactly that might entail will depend on several circumstances surrounding your first marriages. I am sending a brochure which will explain briefly what would be involved. To be practical, it is not likely that an annulment process would be pursued as things are now. But you could ask the priest again if it is possible to initiate any action. If not, don't worry. You are doing everything you can by your prayer and reception of the sacraments. God understands that. ·If things tum out that you become free again, however, you will have an opportunity to deal with your former marriages. I am proud of you for your goodness in desiring to do the right thing with God, with your faith and with your wife. I'm sur~ others who read this column will join me in praying for you and your hopes.


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Correia, Carlos Luciano, M-M Messias Pedro. St. Anthony of Padua $850 Rev. John C. Martins; $400 S1. Vincent de Paul Society; $300 Holy Name Society; $175 Mrs. Emery (Mary) Gomes & Sons; $150 1999 Confirmation Class; $140 M-M Joseph Cabral Jr.; $100 M-M David Aguiar, S1. Anthony of Padua FCU, Holy Rosary Society, M-M Joseph Sardinha. St. Joseph $500 Miss Alma Foley; $350 Mrs. Raymond Heyworth; $200 Mr. Dennis Manchester; $150 Mr. Joseph D. Harrington; $120 ·M-M Edward


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lHEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall·River'2.. Fri., May 14, 1999 LeBlanc Jr.; $100 M-M Michael Moreira, Miss Julia Harrington, Mrs. James Perkins, M-M William Nugent, M-M Bernard Tomlinson, Mr. Dennis James Hickey, Ms. Filomina Barresi, Mrs. Ethel Diogo, M-M Thomas Corey. St. Louis $100 M-M Gilbert I.:Heureux, M-M Andrew Rebello, Theresa Ryan, John Victor. St. Anne $2,000 Dominican Fathers; $125 Andre & Yvonne Carrier; $100 Robert & Colleen Aubry, Loridas & Emilie Jolivet, Roger &


Lorraine Richards, Richard Carvalho, Imelda Ferland, Ronald Gagne. Notre Dame de Lourdes $300 Rev. Roland B. Boule; $200 Medore Dupuis; $175 M-M Gerard Duquette; $125 M-M Romain Saulnier; $110 Cecile Masse; $100 M-M Robert Levesque, M-MTheodore Bernier, MM Robert Phenix, M-M Robert Boutin, Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Fournier, M-M Leo Berger, M-M Roland Desmarais. Immaculate Conception $145 MTum to page J J


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THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., May 14, 1999

Bishop criticizes Georgetown for letting po~n publisher speak By PATRICIA WOR CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

raphy awareness campaign in October as part of National PornograWASHINGTON -A Washing- phy Awareness Week. Information ton bishop called it "indefensible" packets were sent to all parishes, that Georgetown University would with a request for Catholics to speak allow a recent campus appearance out against pornography. by Hustler magazine publisher In his brief talk Flynt said the Larry Flynt, who spoke about the mainstream media has .often been First Amendment. reluctant to come to his support, Flynt, whose appearance at the but that the cases he has been inJesuit-run university was sponsored volved with are as much about proby a student group called the Lec- tecting their journalistic freedom ture Fund. told students he does not as his. "In a free society, we have to care i(they agree with him person- tolerate things that we don't necesally, .as long as they think about sarily like so we can continue to be what the First ...---, free," Flynt Amendment said. "No Catholic university Georgetown issues he raises should provide a platform s p 0 k e sma n mean to them. But Wash- which furthers the degradaDan Wackennan ington Auxil- tion of women, immoral besaid Flynt's apiary Bishop h ' d th . I' pearance was William E. Lori a vlor an e antl-re 1the sul;>ject of REV. JESSE JACKSON walks with three freed U.S. soldiers across the Yugoslavian said allowing gious opinions Mr. Flynt some criticism by students border into Croatia. Jackson negotiated with Yugoslav President Siobodan Milosevic for the Flynt to speak represents. This is "tterly was "unbe~ contrary to the Catholic and faculty. He release of Steven Go'nzales (left), Christopher Stone (2nd left) and Andrew Ramirez (right), lievable" and rioted that " in d e fen _ identity of Georgetown UniBishop Lori's who were being held as prisoners of war. A Catholic priest was among the delegation that a'ccompanied Jackson to Belgrade. (CNS p~oto from Reuters) "e~sl'ty." sible." VI I, statement was "Mr. Flynt's ~ Bishop William E. Lori preceded by appearance has discussions nothing to do between the with free speech, as some may archdiocese and the university on claim," said Bishop Lori in a state- thesubject. ment issued later that day. "No Wackerman said Georgetown's Catholic university should provide policy on free speech and expression a platform which furthers the deg- permits speakers on "a wide range of By MARIA L. TORRES' radation of women, immoral behav- issues" and that such appearances on while 011 patrol near the Yugoslav- faith, prayer and family were underCATHOUC NEWS SERVICE ior and the anti-religious opinions campus do not constitute an endorseMacedonian border. Rev. Jackson, a lying components in"little Andy's" Mr. Flynt represents. This is utterly ment by the university. LOS ANGELES - Faith, prayer civil rights activist, negotiated their safe release. . "We feel Flynt's active attempt and family unity figured into the safe freedom as the leader of an interfaith contrary to the Catholic identity of R"odriguez, actnilnistrative asGeorgetown University." to profit by his shameful exploita- release of the three GIs held captive delegation that traveled to Belgrade, sistant at St. Alfonso's Church in East A press release on Bishop Lori's tion of women is wrong," for 32 days by the Belgrade govern- the Yugoslav capital. The delegation Los Angeles, said the entire family statement noted he was speaking Wackerman said. "Not to mention ment, say family members of one of included Jesuit Father Raymond was "really glad about it." on behalf of Cardinal James A. that his publications completely ,the soldiers. ''We're very grateful and thankHelmick, who teaches at Boston ColHickey of Washington, who was miss the sacred and spiritual dimen"Helt overwhelmed withjoy when lege, and the Rev. Joan Brown ful," she said. ''The two things (our sions of human sexuality." I found out (Andrew) was being re- Campbell, general secretary of the family) had to remember all along out of the country. The release also noted that in "Nevertheless, as a university we leased," said Frank Jasso, uncle of National Council of Churches, and was to keep the faith and to have June 1998 the U.S. Catholic bish- stand by the free speech rights of StaffSgt.Andrew A. Ramirez, 24, of other religious leaders. hope; without those two things, you ops called for Church leaders to students and the speakers they Los Angeles. According to Jasso, Vivian can't accomplish anything." speak out against pornography. In choose," he said. "In a university, "I feel very good and very happy Ramirez traveled to Germany with Rodriguez, who has three sons of addition, it said, the Washington the best response to controversial about it. It was an answer to our Andrew's father, Andy Ramirez, and her own between the ages of 19 and Archdiocese sponsored a pornog- speech is more speech." prayers," he told The Tulings, newspa- Andrew's older siblings, Nadine and 30, said she and other family memper of the Los Angeles~Archdiocese. Steve Ramirez. Jasso said the family bers sought solace and support from Raffiirez, StaffSgt. Christopher 1. banded together throughout weeks each other through togetherness, conStone, 25, of Smiths Creek, Mich., of concern over Andrew's safety and versation and prayer: and Spc. Steven M. Gonzales, 22, of overall well being. "I prayed every night, for Andy "We kept the faith real good," he and for the entire family," said Huntsville, Texas,were released May 2 into the custody of the Rev. Jesse told The Tulings. "We're a very large Rodriguez. ''During the entire ordeal, Jackson after 32 days of captivity in family and we're pretty close. Every- we talked to each other, cried with war-torn Yugoslavia. The soldiers body was involved in keeping the each other and prayed together." were reunited with family members faith." "I have a lot of faith in God and in . in Landstuhl, Germany, on May 3. 'OIivia Rodriguez, Andrew's Jesus Christ," said Jasso, "and I pray The GIs were captured March 31 cousin, reiterated the sentiment that for more faith every day of my life."

Family of freed soldier sayfaith, prayer were factors in relens~, an'

Another war: More yellow ribbons ~

Legionnaires set ribbons to honor troops, refugee relief effort.

yellow ribbons as a tribute to the troops involved in the air campaign against Yugoslavia and the humanitarian relief effort for Kosovar refugees. Post Auxiliary volunteer By GREG MCCANN Carolyn Ulicki, a parishioner of St. CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE Mary Cathedral in Saginaw, said SAGINAW, Mich. - As a all proceeds from the sale of the combined show of support for 'ri~bons would be donated to American military personnel and Catholic Relief Services to care for refugee relief efforts in the refugee children who have been Balkans, members of the Ameri- dislocated in Kosovo. By mid-April ribbon sales in the can Legion in Saginaw have A WOMAN and child peer out from the plastic covering on kicked off a yellow ribbon cam- Saginaw area had already.raised a truck as they pass into Morina, Albania, from Kosovo last paign and challenged other $1,000 for CRS, she said. Ulicki said she remembered how . . posts to do the same. week. Se~eral t~ousand refugees from th~ reglo~ around Pec, Designating May 1 as Yellow successful yellow ribbons were in YugoslaVia, arnved at the border crossing saying that they Ribbon Day, the campaign encour- showing support for the troops in l:Iad been deported路by S~~b fQr_c~~.(9~~\p~.o.t9Jr9m R~utersl _. aged the purchase and display of. the \991 GulfWar and askep her-

self "Why not do it again?" . Deb Swidorski, diocesan CRS coordinator, said all donations for the Kosovar refugees would be sent to the national CRS office to purchase food and medicine through the World Bank. _ Saying that people in the Saginaw Diocese are very quick to aid those in crisis, Swidorski said local Catholics donated more than $107,000 to aid victims in Central America when Hurricane Mitch devastated the region last fall. "Catholics really responded well to the needs during Hurricane Mitch, and I'm hoping they respond as well in this situation," she said.




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THEANCHOR- Diocese of Fall River-Fri.,May 14, 1999

Sisters of Charity of ·Quebec celebrate 150 years of caring NEW BEDFORD - The Sisters of Charity of Quebec celebrated their order's l50th anniversary during a special Mass at Sacred Heart Home with residents, family and staff. The Mass was concelebrated by Sacred Heart Father Paul Price, chaplain of Sacred Heart Home, and Father Edmund Fitzgerald, executive director of the Diocesan Health Facilities system. Sacred Heart Home joined the Diocesan Health Facilities system of skilled nursing and rehabilitative care facilities in September or 1998. According to Sister Therese Bergeron, RN, BSN, director of pastoral care at Sacred Heart Home, the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of Quebec was founded in 1849 by Mother Marcelle Mallet with a mission of caring for the poor in all situations, especially orphans, the sick and the elderly. Today, the Congrega~ion continues its mission of universal charity throughout the Province of Quebec, the United States, Japan and South America. Sister Bergeron, who has served Sacred Heart Home for over 40 years, is one of six Sisters of Charity of Quebec who provide the home's residents, families and staff with compassionate pastoral care. The Sisters of Charity of Quebec have served the greater New Bedford community for more than 80 years.


LINDA BOBB, a Marian Manor volunteer, receives a certificate of appreciation from Thaddeus Figlock, the Manor's director of volunteers, as Administrator Thomas F. Healey looks on.

National Volunteers Week honors those who give so much THE SISTERS of Charity of Quebec celebrated the 150th anniversary of their congregation in New Bedford recently. From left are Sisters Therese Gagne, Therese Bergeron, Monique Lesage, Gilberte Masson, Therese Fornier, Blandine d'Amours and Yvette Tremblay. .

FALL RIVER - Diocesan dents with activities, performing Heath Facilities volunteers were' clerical work or helping on the honored with special parties, units. certificates of appreciation and In every aspect, volunteers are gifts during National Volunteer truly appreciated for the companWeek. ionship and support they give to Volunteers can help in a vari- the residents and staff of the Diety of ways, such as assisting resi- ocesan Health Facilities..


Diocesan Health Facilities offer respite care FALL RIVER - Caring for an aged loved one can be a full time job. Do you need a vacation, but wonder who would care for your loved one while you're away? The Respite Care Programs at the Diocesan Health Facilities will ensure a pleasant stay for your loved one ... and peace of mind for you. ' Individuals admitted to any Diocesan Health Facility for a respite stay receive comfortable accommodations, round-theclock nursing services, tempting meals and therapeutic activities. Respite care accommodations can be made for stays lasting one to 30 days on an "as available" basis. Please contact the Diocesan Health Facilities admissions direc· tors for more information. - Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River, 508·679·0011; - Madonna Manor, North Attleboro, 508·699.2740; - Marian Manor, Taunton, 508·822·4885 ; Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven, 508·999.4561; - Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford, 508-996-6751.

... ~TVT

We celebrate life.

Diocesan Health Facilities provides the individualized care adults and frail elders need with the compassion they deserve. Our five conveniently located, skilled nursing and rehabilitative care facilities specialize in short.term and extended rehabilitative therapies, pain managemeqt, pastoral services and specialized Alzheimer's care. Bethany HouseAdult Day Health Care and the Care .

Manager Program offer alternatives for continued independence in the community. Come visit and see why Diocesan Health Facilities is making a difference in so many lives. Bethany House Taunton, MA 508·822-9200

Care Manager Fairhaven, MA 508·999·4561

Catholic Memorial Fall River, MA 508·679·0011

e tt~

Madonna Manor N. Attleboro, MA


Diocesan Health Facilities www.dhfo.org Sponsored by the Roman Cat~olic Diocese of Fall River

Marian Manor Taunton, MA 508·822·4885

Our Lady's Haven Sacred Heart Fairhaven, MA New Bedford, MA 508·999·4561 508·996·6751

II .. National Nursing Home Week- June 9 · 1S


1 0-

THEANCHOR- Diocese ofFaiJ River--:- Fri., May 14, 1999.'




By CATl-IOLIC NEWS SERVICE NEW YORK - The following are capsule reviews of movies recently reviewed by the U.S. Catholic Conference Office for Film and Broadcasting. "The Castle" (Miramax) Sophomoric satire in which a good-hearted Australian family of nitwits refuses to let a planned airport expansion rob of them of their home and the qase goes to Australia's highest court. Director Robert Sitch's goofy underdog tale is undercut by heavy-handed treatment of the comical situations . Minor menace and vandalism, occasional profanity and recurring rough language. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-III adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating' is R restricted. "Idle Hands" (Columbia) Gross horror-comedy in which a pot-smoking teen (Devon Sawa) cannot control his murderous hand, and even after he chops it off the disembodied hand continues on its bloody killing spree at the Halloween school dance. As directed by Rodman Flender, the sick humor isn't amusing and a tasteless parade of death scenes just adds insult to injury. Nasty violence with much gore, pervasive teen drug abuse, crude sexual references, brief nudity, occasional profanity and recurring rough language. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification

is 0 - morally offensive. The Motion Picture Association ofAmerica rating is R - restricted. "The Mummy" (Universal) Spirited horror adventure set in 1920s Egypt where a treasure-hunting Yank (Brendan Fraser) and an archaeological librarian (Rachel Weisz) inadvertently revive a 3,000-year-old mummy (Arnold Vosloo) whose evil powers of destruction seemingly know no bounds. Writer-director Stephen Sommers stuffs the lavishly shot action movie with spooky special effects and a comical tone that generally adds up to rousing, old-fashioned enter.tainment. Recurring sty Ii zed violence and fleeting par-' tial nudity. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-III adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 JOHN HANNAH and Brendan Fraser star in the adventure film "The Mummy.". (eNS - parents are strongly cautioned that some material may be inappro- photo from Universal Pictures) - priate for children under 13. "Xiu Xiu: The Sent-Down Girl" (Stratosphere) In the waning days of China's Cultural Revolution a young gifJ (Lu Lu) sent by the government to Je"arn horse-herding techniques on the remote western plains alongside a stoic herder (Lopsang) eventually By GERRI PARE allows'local officials to use her ing. Oberon orders Titania tricked obvious. Not to be outdone is Kline's CATl-IOUC NEWS SERVICE sexually in hopes of getting perinto adoring actor Bottom (Kevin hilariously hammy Bottom. Young mission to return ,home. Director NEW YORK - A new adapta- Kline) whom Puck transforms into lovers West and Bale pale by comJoan Chen's bleakly poetic melo- tion, "William Shakespeare'sA Mid- part donkey complete with hairy ears parison. drama captures the desperate loss summer Night's Dream:' (Fox Search- and face. Bewitched Titania finds Flockhart brings spirit aplenty to of innocence and ensuing tragedy light) is moved forward in time to him irresistible. her role of the suddenly beloved Helas symbolic of so many lives dis- turn-of-the-centur-y Thscany where Writer-director Michael Hoffman ena, but her forest mud fight with rupted or destroyed in that era. Sub- - lovers used the newfangled inven- . has some fine actors to work with, Friel's Hermia seems a cheesy pretitles. Brief violence "including sui- tion of the bicycle to enter the magi- although not all excel at spouting cursor of female mud-wrestling cidal behavior, some sexual en- cal, fairy-filled forest Shakespeare trippingly from. the shows. counters with nudity and an inAs lavish wedding preparations tongue. Pfeiffer's TItania is breathtakingly stance of roug!t language. The U:S. unfold for the Duke (David Strathairn) However, the visual production is beautiful, her skin burnished to a Catholic Conference classification and his fiancee (Sophie Marceau), an a triumph. A luminous glow suffuses golden gleam and she is a comic is A-IV - aduIts, with reservations. angry father (Bernard Hill) insists that the Tuscan countryside and the en- sight to see so enraptured of the bes- . The Motion Picture Association of his daughter Hermia (Anna Friel) chanted forest is fairly sprinkled with tial Bottom. marry Demetrius (Christian Bale), al- fairy dust. Male and female physical America rating is R - restricted. The overlong movie could use though her best friend Helena (Calista beauty is everywhere to be appreci- some judicious cutting, perhaps in Flockhart) loves him. ated, save for the top half of poor the weaker opening and closing secDemetrius does indeed intend to Bottom. Briefly in the background, tions, which focuses on the basically marry Hermia, but she and Lysander a few feminine fairies fleetingly frolic nonexistent chemistry between the (Dominic West) are in love - and topless for those quick of eye. Yet Duke and his' chosen bride. decide to cycle into the forest at sun- trouble is taken to merely suggest the Fans ofShakespeare will appreciset to elope. Helena leads Demetrius would-be lovers snooze in the buff. ate the original text and the sumptuthere after them and in the meantime . Best maintaining the mood of ous production values; those who goes directly to the person, who is an acting troupe also arrives to re- comic whimsy is Tucci's Puck, whose fInd the Bard daunting will indeed indeed the one who searches and does hearse a play for the wedding recep- body language is a delight and his be challenged. the inviting:' Archbishop Foley said. tion. ease' with the Elizabethan language The Catholic Media Council This is probably not the definiAlas, in a wondrous forest such as works primarily among countries in tive version of "A Midsummer's this, mere humans are subject to the the developing world and in Central Night's Dream"; the lovers don't Movies Online whims offantastical sprites and their and Eastern Europe. Archbishop' seem as real as the fairies, but its merry Can't remember how a recent Foley said that in many of these . devious doings. wispiness does cast a certain spell. film was classified by the USCC? At odds with each other are the places, indigenous languages would Due to romantic complications Want to know whether to let the fairy king and queen, Oberon (Rupert make Internet sites much more attracand fleeting nudity, the U.S. Cathokids go see it? Now you can look Everett) and Titania (Michelle tive. lic Conference classification is A-IT film reviews up on America Pfeiffer), so loyal Puck (Stanley Tucci) In discussing what the Church can adults and adolescents. The MoOnline. Once you're connected to does Oberon's bidding to distract him do in路othermedia, the aichbishop said: tion Picture Association of America AOL, just use the keyword CNS with merry mayhem. rating is PG-13 - parents are - local Catholic radio remains to go to Catholic News Service's Just a drop ofJove potion will renstrongly cautioned that some matehighly effective, bringing' ~'an intionline site, then look for movie der a sleeping he or she infatuated by macy, a portability and a presence rial may be inappropriate for children reviews. whomever is fIrst seen upon awakenwhich no other medium can match;" under 13. - the printed word, which has a wonderful history in the Church, is invaluableas ameans ofinfoni'iation, Cath~lics formation, inspiration and continuBy CATl-IOLIC NEWS SERVICE路 ing education- even though people announcement on its publication. sometimes are more attracted by the Other booklets in the series discuss physician-asCHICAGO - Claretian Publications in Chicago more ''romantic'' media like TV; has released an eight-page, full-color booklet exam- sisted suicide, welfare reform, abortion, capital pun-Catholic news services, which ining how U.S. Catholics can fight racism and work ishment, immigration ang the environment. provide news about the universal and . "We don't have to look very hard to see all kinds for social justice in the country. particular churches, representthe"nerAnthony Walton, author of the booklet titled Qf racism permeating our culture," said Claretian Favous system of Catholic publica"Catholic Wisdom on Racism," writes that racism, "in ther Mark J. Brummel, editor of Claretian Publications'" a quiet way" encroaches on society, especially in the tions. "We hope 'Catholic Wisdom' booklets will cre-.: in Tv; the Church should do a way resources are divided. ate a much greater awareness and understanding of better job of promoting knowledge Walton, who has written numerous articles and es-' the wisdom the Catholic Church can offer in the pubofthegood work it does, and in form- . says on race relations, suggests ways Catholics can lic debate and personal thinking on today's critical ing professionals who can help probecome more vigilant in the fight against racism. 路issues." duce programming that is enriching For information about the booklet, contact The new booklet is the latest in a series on "Cathoand not degrading. lic Wisdom" that features Catholic social teaching "on Claretian Publications, 205 West Monroe St., Chi--I. - _today_'s_most.I1r~ssing-so_ci~l..~JJd life issues," said an cago, IL 60606 or call (800) 328-6515,

'A Midsummer Night's Dream' magically brings classic to l.fe

Catholic Web sites should use interactive format ....

VATICAN CITY (CNS) ChurCh-sponsored Internet sites should provide information about the faith in an interactive format that engages peoples' interest and answers their questions, the Vatican's leading communications official said. Atthesame time, theChtucl1 should . work fora greater presencein more traditional media;' ;uch as radio and the printed word said Archbishop John P. Foley, presidentofthePontificalCoun. cil for Social Communications. Archbishop Foley, who was recently named by PopeJohn Paul IT to his fourth five-year term as head of the pontifical council, made the remarks May 6 at a meeting of the Catholic Media Council in Aachen, Germany. The archbishop said Catholic Web sites should operate as much as possible in local languages, providing information about the Church and its teaching. He said such sites might offer answers to users' questions or even opportunities to discuss personaldifficulties with experienced priests or counselors. A Web site is an effective and nonintrusive way to reach young people with the message of the faith, he said. "Itcould even be better than doorto-door evangelization, bec'ause it L...-


Booklet aims to help U.S.

fight racism


Continuedfrom page seven

M Raymond Lafleur; $100 M-M Albert W. Jalbert, Miss Mary Lennon. SS. Peter & Paul $500 Winifred M. Hasprey; $200 Mary Tyrrell; $100 Dawn Cabral, Albert N. Cartier, Dr. Pablo R. Cordero, M-M Norman Comeau, M-M Henry Hawkins, Holy Cross Men's Club, Irene Leclair, Helen Pytel, Luiz Rocha, Joseph Sabat. Our Lady of the Angels $1,000 The Tavares Family, Rev. Evaristo Tavares; $150 The Monte Family; $1 00 BiIIO.Moniz. FALMOUTH St. Patrick $5,000 Rev. Francis X. Wallace; $750 Rev. James A. McCarthy; $500 M-M Robert Dill, The Wood Lumber Co.; $200 Dr. Edward Fitch; $100 Mrs. Anne Clancy Botsch, Grafton Briggs Landscaping Co., Dunkin' Donuts, M-M Charles V. Fay, Lois Girard, M-M Michael Goulet, Joseph F. Hill, Mrs. Michael Kapulka, MM Robert Leavens, M-M Charles Ligotti, M-M Richard Lopes, Paul McGonigle, Mrs. Agnes McGrath, MM Armand Ortins, M-M Milton R. Steele, Stone's Barber Shop. MARION S1. Rita $750 Rev. William G. Campbell; $500 M-M Richard I. Arthur; $150 M-M James Canty, $100 Claude Ellis, Mrs. Jeanne Hickey. MASHPEE Christ the King $2,400 Rev. Ronald A. Tosti; $2,000 Edw. F. Daly; $1,600 M-M John P. Urban, $600 MMCarleton Meredith; $250 M-M Philip R. Elia; $200 M-M Arthur E. Desrosiers, M-M James F. Lyons, M-M John Flynn; $125 M-M Paul Simonetti; $100 M-M Scott Pelley, M-M John S. Richardson, Jean Blevins, M-M Robert Baum, MM Robert Jutstrom, M-M Donald F. McCarthy, James R.Walker, M-M Geo. C. Leach, M-M Anthony W. Malta, MM Arthur D. Howell, Mary Abreau, MM Kenneth P. Sneider Sr., M-M Ernest R. Macinnes, M-M John C. Ostrom, M-M Frank Bottos. . MATTAPOISETT S1. Anthony $5,000 M-M Paul Duchaine; $750 Rev. Barry W. Wall; $300 Mrs. Joseph Collins, $250 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Costa; $200 M-M Michael Dow, M-M Charles Kelly; $150 Mrs. Real Breton, M-M Kevin Costa, M-M William Matthes, M-M Patrick McCarthy; $125 M-M. Edwin Allard, M-M James Lind; $110 M-M David Mcintire; $100 M-M Wilfred Belanger, Barbara BocIge, Mrs. Charles Caires, M-M William Carter, M-M Frank Cooper, Margaret Doane, M-M John Gibbons, M-M Kenneth Lovell, M-M John Perry, Barbara W. Silva, Tim Watterson & Cathleen Dupont, M-M John Vaughn. NEW BEDFORD S1. Theresa $700 Rev. Roland Bousquet; $100 M-M David Britton. Our Lady of Fatima $500 Rev. James F. Greene; $200 Margaret Caravan; $100 Robert Berche, William Fortier, Harry Green, Jean M. Sevigny. Immaculate Conception $800 In Memory of Joaquim & Isaura Reis; $500 In Memory of Deceased Members of St. Vincent de Paul Society, Anonymous; $400 Rev. Brian E. Albino; $250 M-M Victor F. Rebello Jr.; $200 M-M Hermano S. Medeiros; $100 M-M Eduardo M. Borges, M-M Durval R. Costa, M-M Jose Soares, Mrs. Theresa Rdalgo, M-M Antonio J. Vasconcelos, M-M Antonio Alves, 'In Memory of Mitchell Jasinski & Souls o of Purgator.y, M_M Antonio D. Vasconcelos, M-M G.A.R., M-M Michael J. DaSilva. Sacred Heart $125 M-M Joseph Bettencourt; $100 Norman Sequin. Holy Name $1 ,400 Rev. Msgr. thomas J. Harrington; $500 M-M James Flanagan; $200 Mrs. Henry Collard, Patrick Wilkson; $150 M-M Joseph S. Finnerty; $125 M-M Lester Chace; $120 Donald Buckley; $100 In Memory of Martin & Helen Barry, M-M

. Terence Beehan, M-M Maurice Bourque, M-M Joseph Brunette, Mrs. Leo Cole, John Correia, M-M Alfred J. Deneault, M-M Hugh Earley, M-M John Rood Jr., M-M Stanley Gaj, Helen Mcintyre, M-M Paul Levalley, M-M John Macedo, Mrs. Gilbert Medeiros, Mrs. Sara Murray, George Rogers, MM Robert Sylvia. . S1. Lawrence $1,000 M-M Richard T. Saunders; $750 M-M David R. Nelson; $300 Gerald Lawler; $200 MM Joseph P. Harrington, M-M Walter Loveridge; $125 M-M Paul E. Marshall, M-M Martin E. Treadup, $100 Mrs. James Pittman. NORTH ATTLEBORO St. Mary $1,000 M-M Nelson Chafee; $400 M-M Francis Leary; $300 Louise Farrands; $150 Mary Kennedy, M-M James Hall, M-M Gerard Kaelblein; $100 M-M Leo Cloutier, M-M Alan Ross, Anthony Velletri, Helen Theriault, Mrs.Thomas Feeney, M-M Francis Cc:msidine. NORTH DIGHTON S1. Joseph $1,000 Daniel Hoyng; $600 Frank Costa; $150 Vincent Scully, Francis Torres, Donald Scott; $135 Frank Phillipe; $100 Amalio Annunziato, Martin Gray, Lillian Plouffe, Michael Caswell, Grace Murray. NORTH EASTON Immaculate Conception $400 James J. Gavin; $250 M-M Donald Jackson, Barbara Mahoney; $200 MM Brian Hoffman, M-M Richard Rhodes, M-M Raymond O'Malley; $150 M-M Philip Tarallo, M-M Daniel Dowd, M-M Robert Wooster; $120 MM William McEntee; $100 M-M Thomas Chamberlin, Esther Dellelo, MM Lewis Aries Jr., M-M Daniel Polillio, M-M Albert Arruda, James Gorman, M-M Alfred Gomes, M-M Ronald Day, Charles McMeflamy, Dr. &Mrs. Christopher .Corey. . NORTON St. Mary $500 M-M Thomas DeMarco Jr.; $300 M-M Joseph Femandes; $200 Mrs. Samuel Arena, Darlene Boroviak, M-M John Callahan, M-M John McGowan, Paul Varnum, M-M John D. Winters; $125 M-M John Bartley; $100 Mrs. Elizabeth Berry, M-M John Drane, Mark Giblin, M-M Michael LaPadula, M-M Joseph Materia, M-M Thomas McGovem, M-M Jonathan Rowe, MM Jean-Paul Sirois, M-M Lawrence Taylor, M-M Henri Yelle. OSTERVILLE Our Lady of the Assumption $2,900 Rev. Thomas L. Rita; $500 MM Celestino DiGiovanni, M-M Emest J. Gavel; $300 M-M James Costello; $250 Patricia Finn, M-M Maurice F. McCormack, M-M John D. Sullivan; $200 Mrs. Virginia Adams, M-M Ronald Day, Grace O'Connor, M-M Francis L. Swift; $150 M-M Robert C. Dauer, M-M David E. Driscoll Jr., M-M Francis R. Staffier, M-M Frank Sullivan; $125 M-M David Bradford, M-M David McCarthy; $120 M-M Anthony J. Freitas; $100 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Antkowiak, M-M Fred M. Bean, M-M Philip M. Boudreau, M-M William H. Bright, Bettie K. Brophy, M-M James P. Brown Jr., Hope Burke, Mrs. David Burns, M-M Francis P. Luca, M-M Charles Cassidy, M-M William Cunningham, M-M Leonard DeLuca, Robert Elskamp, M-M Paul E. Fair, Margaret Haggerty, M-M Joseph Logue, Gen. & Mrs. Frederick Lough, Ann Madden, M-M Arthur Marney, Mrs. William McCormick, M-M Melvin J. 'Pauze, the ReynOlds, M-M George Rucker, M-M John F. Savage, M-M Joseph T. Scanlan, Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Sullivan, Marie Taveau, John Van Amsterdam, M-M Lawrence Welch, M-M Shelson White. SEEKONK Our Lady of M1. Carmel $5,000 Mrs. d. AnthonyVenditti; $1 ,200 Francis A. Venditti, $600 Hendricks Pools, Inc.; $500 M-M Henry Foley; $380 M-M John Hendricks; $350 M-M George


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Heaslip; ~ M-M William Cuddigan; $300 M-M Louis Indindoli, M-M Harold Sloane; $200 M-M Thomas

Castle, Jane Barker, M-M Jesse Hendricks, M-M George Medeiros, Ken Miller, M-M Fritz Ulmschneider; $175 Mt. Carmel Wom~n's Guild; $150 M-M Albert Berry, M-M Robert Desrochers, M-M Raymond Silva, Mrs. Ralph A. Russo; $125 M-M Ray Corrigan, M-M David Eddington, MM John Furtado, M-M James A. Hall, M-M Peter Hebda, M-M William Ward; $120 Mrs. Jeremiah Downes, M-M Daniel Leite, M-M Joseph McCabe, M-M Richard LeClaire; $115 M-M William McAuliffe; $100 M-M Alfred Benoit, Peter Capello, Debra Caron, M-M Ralph Castno, Mrs. George Creighton, M-M Gilbert Devine, Mrs. Louis Dupere, M-M Gregory Garcia, M-M Alfred George, M-M David Gering, M-M Bemard Gorman, M-M Jeffrey F. Griffin, M-M William Heaney, M-M Stephen Jacques, M-M David B. Kay, M-M Thomas Kerwin, M-M Donald Magliocco, M-M Edward Martin, M-M Peter Matonis, M-M John Mellen, Mrs. George Mihailides, Mrs. Anna Murtha, M-M Raymond A. Murtha, M-M Edward Olean, M-M David Pereira, M-M Raymond Callahan, Betty Lyon, M-M Roger Paquin, M-M Anthony Peters, Robert J. Propatier, Claire Provazza, M-M Alfred Quattrucci, M-M William Quirk, Antonio Ribeiro Jr., Mrs. Manuel Santos, M-M Robert Saxon, Seekonk Oil Co., Mrs. Comelius Shackett, M-M Carleton Skinner, M-M David Soars, M-M BruceTerrien, M-M William Toole, Russell Vincelette, Mrs. Catherine Walsh. .' St. Mary $400 Barbara Harrington; $300 M-M John S. Francis; $250 Harold Kelleher; $200 Paul & Maureen Rego, Mrs. Thomas Toppin, Edmund & Donna Pollitt, Todd & MaryLou Moran; Daniel & Corinne McKinnon; $150 M-M Leo Marcoux, Joseph & Dorothy Parana, Jacqueline Walsh; $125 Paul & Sandra CinqMars; $110 M-M Harold McCormick; $100 Beatrice Amos, M-M Raymond Keough, Doris Murray,路Eileen Barker, M-M John Bobola, Ruth Pattangall, M-M Alfred Karol, Ann Sherry, M-M


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THEANCHOR-DioceseofFallRiver-Fri.,May 14, 1999


Robert Bessette, Eugene & Yvette Wallin, Jay & Patricia Poirier, M-M Richard McNally, Jeanne Martel, William Vigneau. SOMERSET St.Thomas More $1,100 Dr. & Mrs. Francis James; $1,000 Catherine C.

Connelly; $500 M-M Eugene J. Pepin; $350 Barbara A. Dunn; $300 Raymond Aylward; $250 M-M Edward J. Blake Jr., Arthur Frank; $200 M-M Leonard Burgmyer, Atty. & Mrs. Stephen C. Nadeau; $175 Rosemary Tum to page 15


Make The Way ollhe Cross At HOrnet

Mon. -Sat. 10:00-5:30PM


673-4262 936 So. Main St., Fall River


Fr. Robert Lynch O.F.M. P.O. Box 23 Boston, MA 02112-0023

HELP US PRESERVE MARRIAGE FOR OUR CHILDREN For thousands. of years marriage has been defined as the union of a man and a woman because the family made up of a mother and a father is best for children. But there is no law in Massachusetts--tfl.at-ddffies-marriage. And now homosexual activists want ro use the courts to force "homosexual marriage" on Massachusetts against the will of a majority of the people.


Homosexual Activists want your children to be taught that "Homosexual Marriage" should be part of this picture.

Please call your elected representatives on Beacon Hill to tell them that you support the Massachusetts Defense of Marriage Act (House Bill 472) preserving marriage as the union of a man and a woman.


Sponsored by the Massachusetts Coalition for Marriage

For more information please visit our website:


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. .., ~

14, 1999

WORKSHOP - MOTHERS &DAVGHTERS NURTURING OURSELVES & EACH OTHER Christine Homen Saturday, May 15 - 10:00~4:00 ,Theater - $25 0'

COFFEE HOUSE: ELIJAH Saturday, May'15 - 6:30 p.m. Cafeteria - Good-will90nation

HEALING SERVICE WITH MASS Sunday, May 16 - 2:00 p.m. Fr. William Kaliyaoan & La Salette Prayer ,Community , .

GRIEF EDUCATION PROGRAM Monday, M,ay 17: 6:30 p.m. "'When Fear Becomes a Prison" Thursday, May 20: 1:00 p.m. "Letting Go to Begin Anew" , -" . Counseling-Center. - $1-0 per ses.sion

,'~~ '''~m' 'C'o~ g-~ /DiU Ae done on eudA, a6 N iJ



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Consecration to the Divine Will . Oh adorable and Divine Will, behold me here before the immensity of Your Light, that Your eternal goodness may open to me the doors and make me enter into It to form my life all in You, Divine Will. Therefore, ohadorable Will, prostrate before Your Light, I, the least of all creatures, purmyself into the little group of the sons and daughters of Your Supreme FIAT. Prostrate in my nothingness, I invoke Your Light and beg that it clothe me and eclipse all that does not pertain to You, Divine Will. It will be my Life.._the._cent.ecoLmy.intelligence, the enrapturer of my heart and of my whole being. I do not want the human will to have life in this heart any longer. I will cast it away from me and thus form the new Eden of Peace, of happiness and of love. With It I shall be always happy. I shall have a singular strength and a holiness that sanctifies all things and conducts them to God. Here prostrate, I invoke the help of the Most Holy Trinity that They permit me to live in the cloister of the Divine Will and thus return in me the first order of creation, just as the creature was created. Heavenly Mother, Sovereign and Queen of the Divine路Fiat, take my hand and introduce me into. the Light of the Divine Will. You will be my guide, my most tender Mother, and will teach me to live in and to maintain myself in the order and the bounds of the Divine Will. Heavenly Mother, I consecrate my whole being to Your Immaculate Heart. You will teach me the docfiuie Of the Divine Will and I wiltttsren most attentively to Your lessons. You wiil cover me withYour mantle so that the infernal serpent dare not penetrate into this sacred Eden to entice me and make me fall into the maze of the human will. Heart of my greatest Good, Jesus, You will give me Your flames that they may bum me, consume me, and feed me to form in me the Life of the Divine Will. Saint Joseph, you will be my protector, the guardian of my heart, and will keep the keys of my will in your hands. You will keep my heart jealously and shall never give it to me again, that I may be sure of never leaving the Will of God. My 'guardian Angel, guard me; defend me; help me in everything so that my Eden may flourish and be the instrument that . draws all men into the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Amen. ( In Honor of Luisa Piccarreta 1865-1947 Child of the Divine Will)



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Caritas prepares Kosovoaid program to last through wi~ter VATICANCITY(CNS)-Aglo- was still supplying food and medical bal Catholic humanitarian agency is aid to Caritas Albania, while shipping preparing a flexible program to care food and clothing to a camp in Skoder, for Kosovar refugees through this Albania, being run by the Austrian winter while continuing immediate Red Cross. The Italian branch of Caritas had relief. Caritas Intemationalis was coor- ~ent staff members and volunteers to dinating the efforts of its 154 autono- ,Albania to supplement local humanimous, national offices worldwide to tariangroups and Church activities ensure "an efficientsystem which covers all the possibilities without dupli"Even though everycation," spokesman Johann Ketelers one wants to contribute said this week. The agency mapped out its long- , to the relief effort right term strategy when representatives no\1/, and the need is from more than a dozen national ofgreat right now, we fices visited its Vatican headquarters have to begin thinking Apri130, Ketelers said. about what will be "Even ,though everyone wants to needed in several contributeto the reliefeffortright now, and the need is great right now, we months:" have to begin thinking about what -:- Johann Ketelers, will be needed in several months," he Caritas Internationalis noted. ';So the mirin, target is winter, spokesman when housing and hot food will be even more urgently' needed, no mat,in the short term. ter where the refugees are." Caritas' Austrian office, for exCaritas Switzerland indicated it ample, wasdeve!opmgpre-fabricated,was prepared to continue supportwooden houses that could be'erected ing relief programs for the next two either in refugee camps outsideYugo- .. years, including a refugee camp it slavia or in the gutted and abandoned was administering in Lezhe, Albavillages of Kosovo, should displaced nia. The Swiss branch of Caritas had already set aside one half of its budpeople be ableto return there., ' At the same time, Caritas Austria get for programs in ~e second half

of 1999, its delegate said. Meanwhile, Caritas Switzerland's immediate efforts included aid packages for families with children, health care and food distribution to the local population of Albania - which was experiencing some shortages due to the demands of the refugee camps. Several of the Caritas member organizations described their plans as "flexible" and "mobile" to reflect the needs of the shifting refugee population. Sanitation and medical care, along with technical assistance and psychological counseling, were among the current programs most frequently mentioned by delt;:gates from the various Caritas offices. , Caritas Intemationalis spokesman Ketelers said food aid programs for Kosovo refugees "now also include a component of cooked food, because we have been able to get cooking equipment and temporary kitchens implemented." He said reliefprograms were "radically different" for refugees based in Albania and in Macedonia: In Macedonia, about half a dozen camps held tens ofthousands ofpeople, while in Albania Caritas was assisting at 41 centers .with anywhere from 200 to 3,000 refug~s each.

One year after Swi~s Guard murders, recruitme~t changes are announced By CINDY WOODEN CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE "

VATICAN CITY .,- One year after a Swiss Guard murdered his commander and the~ shot himself, the new head of . the corps announced new procedures for selecting members of the Vatican corps. , The recruitment of men for the 100-strong corps which guards the pope will be entrusted to a central office in Swit~erland with a uniform examination of candidates, including psychological evaluations if necessary, said Col. Pius Segmuller, whom Pope John Paul II appointed to lead the guards after the 1998 murders:' "The tragic year 1998 has passed," Segmuller said. "Many scars and still-open wounds are silent witnesses of May 4, 1998," i when a young Swiss Guard killed Col. Alois ' Estermann and his wife before turning his ser~ vice revolver on himself. .: In a statement to the press on the first anniversary of the deaths, Segmuller said the Swiss Guard and its role at the Vatican should be compared to "an elderly lady, which requires pati,ence, regard and especially sensitivity to avoid destroying important customs and traditions." An investigator's report on 路the murders, released in February, said drug use and a brain cyst may have contributed to actions of the young guard, Cedric Tornay, who murdered Estermann. It also said Tornay seemed psychologically immature and unstable and that he was angry at Estermann for dis~ ciplining him and for denying him a promotion. On May 6, the anniversary of the date in 1527 when 147 Swiss Guards died protecting Pope Clement VII, A. SWISS GUARD stands alert inside St. Peter's Ba35 new Swiss Guards made formal silica during a service earlier this year. (eNS file photo by oaths to protect the pope. Nancy Wiechec)




1HEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., May 14, 1999 Continued from page one

distant land, so sin puts us at a distance from the Father, said Sister Lucy Marie. The message is, she said, "That the son is symbolic of all us sinners; that in loving others and helping restoring respect for human life, we humbly accept that we are in need of the Father's mercy. That is the beginning for us." In her final report to the group, Lewis gave an account of her stewardship, telling of the programs presented to enrich their spiritual and social life. Those included weekends of prayer, the annual retreat, an ecumenical day of prayer, a leadership seminar and the annual bishop's ball, which the Council co-sponsors. She thanked her officers, moderator, Father Brian J. Harrington, Bishop Sean P. O'Malley and Father Stephen J. Avila and staff at the Chancery for their cooperation. "Let us continue to do, th~ Lord's work in His vineyard," she said. "Let us continue to be Women ,of Love -. Aspiring Hope, and forgive those who have offended us as the Lord forgives us." . President Plouffe, in her acceptance talk, credited her mentor, the late Virginia Williams, a charter member of the Taunton Council of Catholic Women',: for sharing her talents and encouragement during the 10 years Plouffe has advanced

to the DCCW leadership position. Taking a theme from an ecumenical address on the Gospel of the multiplication of the loaves, Plouffe reflected that the extra leftovers from that fe.eding was a sign of sharing with others. "Perhaps that is our message this year; to look at what we may have feared to share or perhaps were unaware we had to offer," said Plouffe. "Perhaps what we need to look for in ourselves is that gift which we were unaware others could use." Noting that the theme for the

new millennium year is "One Bread, One Body, One Lord ofAll," the new president urged the membership to personally adopt the DCCW's mission statement. "I hope that you find it in your hearts to share your gifts, not only at the parish level, but also through your local districts as well as the Diocesan Council." She announced that a transitional meeting of the DCCW board will be held Thursday, May 20, at St. Joseph Church, North Dighton. The meeting will be hosted by the ' Taunton District.


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.- f.\ NEW OFFICERS of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women elected at the co'nvention last Saturday, are, from left, Treasurer路 Paulin~ ~e~ina of StJ~an the Baptist Parish, Fall River; President Lillian Plouffe'of St. JOSl;lph Parish, Dighton; and Recoraing Secretary Mary Jo Foley ot'St. Ann Parish, Raynham:


Middle School

Continuedfrom page one

with students prior to the Mass. She stressed the importance of forgivesaid the day and Mass "are a good ness and welcoming others in our chance for kids to get to know one lives. "The story of the Prodigal Son another and show the spirit of the jubilee." played an important part in ColoThe idea for the Mass came from rado after the tragedy when those thoughts Pope John Paul II reflected students had to attend school in regarding possible preparations for their rival high school. There were the new millennium. He suggested no signs of dislike but only signs that young people gather to celebrate of welcome and hugs. All of us come Mass and Father Michael Racine of together as brothers and sisters in St. Mary's Parish, North Dartmouth, Christ," said Father Racine. Following the Mass students took that suggestion to heart and wanted to see that happen in Fall received a special coin with the River. Fall River principals and Fa- inscription WWJD as they exited ther Beaulieu, who was director of to the park. Sixth grader Brian the Education Office at the time, . Duarte of Notre Dame School played a prominent role in making helped hand them out and said that the Mass a reality. the initials stand for the popular Father Racine was homilist and phrase "What Would Jesus Do." touched on the theme of returning Students were encouraged to carry to the Father as the Prodigal Son them in pockets wherever they did in the Gospel. He stood among went. "It gives you hope and you the students as he spoke and can use it if you feel like you're in

FATHER MICHAEL Racine talks to students during the annual Middle School Mass for Fall River Catholic Schools. It was held at Notre Dame Church and more than 600 students from the nine area middle school attended. (Anchor/Gordon photo)

trouble," said Duarte. Sister Anne Marie Landry, assistant superintendent of schools, said the Mass is a wonderful opportunity for students to interact and worship together. "They can pray together here as a group and it gives students 'a chance to see that the Church is larger than their own community." The Mass was concelebrated by Fathers Marc H. Bergeron, Michael Racine, Stephen A. Fernandes, Luis A. Cardoso and William T. Garland. David Sharland, a transitional deacon, assisted. Next year's Middle Schools Mass will be themed the "Year of the Eucharist."




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THEANCHQR -:-:7 Dioc.;ese ofFall River..,.-Fri., rytay 14, 1999"






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Catholic Schools • .OUf Catholic Youth ..









WHAT A GARDEN -'Pre-K andfirstgrad~st~dents at Notre Dame School, Fall River, played flowers ir:' tr,e school production ~f ."A!ice, il") Wonderla,nd:' r~cently. Ali gr~des p~rticipated ,in the play, part of .the school.'s "Fine Ar,ts, Night.", "" ' ,

CHAMPS - The;$t. Mary's School'and Parish Girls' Group A basketball ,team,,'r'ecently wqn, the New Bedford Cya Championship and were runners-up in the Diocesan Championship. They are coac~ed. by Jill Simas and Dennis Malloy. From left, front, Kirby Fortin, Jenna Reilly:and Jennifer Malloy; standing, from left, Gretchen Rodriques, Heather LaCroix, Ashley Pratt, ,Bethany Lemenager and Ashley WO,oUey. .



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·St.Mary..Sacred Heart students enjoy' a ,v~riety '~f, class activities" .




NORIHATILEBORO-Students . at St. Mary-Sacred Heart School have been keeping' busy in recent weeks and enjoying their studies too. Here's 'what they've been up to. ' Kindergarten students have finished working on the alphabet, telling tiine on the hoUr and half hour of , clocks ,and are discovering the world, offractions. They held aMother's Day Tea on May 7. ' , First graders are k~ping an illustrated jOl.\rnai as they watch caterpil- . lars grow and change,as,part ofa unit on insects and recently took a ,field trip: to 'the Puppet'Theater Of Brobkline. Students have also been sharing family photo albums ',as' part of a neighborhood and community . ,~ unit.' , 'Thesec,ond grade ~Iass'completed ' its poems on :spnng'and have' been: working creating lines 'of 'symmetry· ' and 3I:t work with,ge<?metry. A weather unit fOCused on cloud,S,' wind attd the water cycle imd in religibn, students learned the Ten Commandments and

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the Golden Rule, A trip to the Mystic Aquarium was made by third graders where they saw ' starfish, penguins; dolphins'and many other sea-life creatures: They are learning about multiplication iii math and enjoyed a recent visit from'imthor/illustrator Margo Lemieux'. . A unit on 'the'ocean has been a reCent highlight' for' fourth grade sci~' ence students and in reading class they've,been sharing thoughtS on,ad-, venture b09ks. They also t!aveJed to the Mystic,Aquarium,and are writing to pen. pals from ,the, S~nt Thomas' School in Fairfiel~, Connecticut. ' , Fifth graders have been- learning about the Civil War and the period called the Reconstruction which followed. They have,also been'studying adjectives;ooverbs and prepositions. ~ 'math, 'stu~ents have been working with long division and fraCtions. ' .-StudentS in.'the'six~' gra'de haye been- working.oil pe;ceritages, ratios , and cus~omarY' measureme!!ts. Reports ~ere done on th.e Statue . . of, Lib.... ,


erty and the students have !Jeen stuc:iY-, ingthegeography ofWestern Europe, World War I and World War II. In religiou~ ci~, students have recently dis~ cussed the Beatitudes and St. John Baptist de la Salle. ' " : ~eventh graders recently completed ~eir vocabulary books and 'have been reading about,Greek and Roman myths. Students are also reading a class-wide novel "Ja~ob Have I Loved" llIld jn science, they have been studying the respiratory -~d circ~latory systems. , .' .oradu~tion is fast approaching for eighth graders and ,~ey will,gatht:r, on June 9 at Anne's Place restaurant in Norton for a special dinner. Gradmition will be held on June 11 begin-, ning with Mass a~ St..:Mary's Church., S~dents recently .vis~,ted Boston, on a fi~ld trip ,where th~y spel).~ timt;: at the observatory of the John Hancock B_uilding, ~,njoyed,theDuck,Tour; lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe and a waJ)c thro~gh the outdoor Holocaust Museum'and·FaneuiIJlaIl.

SEVENTH GRADER Stephanie McGovern of St. Jean Baptiste School, Fall River, was the first place winner in this year's Lion's Club Poster Contest in District 33~S. Presenting th~ award certificate' and a $50 U.S. Savings Bond are Lion member Lillian Noga and Lion President Muriel Patenaude. The theme of the contest was "Sowing the Seeds of,Peace:'








, HILARY CLARCQ', a sophoniore'atHishop Feehan High Schoql in Attleboro, has ~een selected'to represe~t herschool in ,the upcoining,Eastern Massachusetts'Hugh O'f;3rian Youth Leadership Seminar ~une .11-13. It will feature panels and activities on volunteerism, community service, education a~d media. ; " '

'FIRST COMMUNION was made by second graders of St. Mary's Parish, New Bedford, 'this month. They are students of teacher Crystal Burt.

.. Twins turn childhood computer know-how into talent for Web design MEfAIRIE, La. (CNS) - Twins Brad and Brian Schoolmeyer werejust eight years old when they started asking the computer repair guy questions about their home computer and reading everything about PCs they could get their hands on. By the time they were freshman at Archbishop Rummel Catholic High School in Metairie, they began learning how to design Web sites and helped build an award-winning site for their all-boys school. 'They pretty much do well at everything they try;' Gay Schoolmeyer, their mom, told the Clarion Herald, newspaper of the New Orleans Archdiocese. 'They put their full energies into everything." She said her sons, now 16 and sophomores at Rummel, have always picked up new skills easily and have never done anything half way. They are identical, although Brian is slightly taller and a little more shy than outgoing Brad. They converse in an easy-going, friendly ''twin-speak;' seamlessly and unconsciously fmishing each other's sentences and elabo-

BRIAN AND BRAD Schoolmeyer joke around while working on their school's Web site at Archbishop Rummel High in Metairie, La. They have formed the Web Crew, a club with 25 members, to help run the site. (CNS photo by Elizabeth Perry, Clarion Herald) sponsored by CiSco Systems. The school's site http:// www.rummel.idsno.com!- was named CEARCH's "Star School ofthe Month" last July. 'The site is 100 percent done by the kids and we are very proud ofthat;' Smith said. When she first asked students in her class if any of them knew how to build Web sites, the Schoolmeyers said they did. They really didn't but knew they could learn, said Brad. ment for a lot of teens is: Thou shalt "We learned a lot through trial and not betray a friend. error;' added Brian. I can't tell you how many discusThe first site, launched after Christsions I've had with teens in which I mas 1997, included the school handasked a question like this: "If your book, general school information and friend was doing something wrong, extra-curricular club news. Soon it exor even harmful, and resisted your panded to include sports, service clubs, advice and help, would you tell that alumni updates by class and capital kid's parents about his problem?" campaigns. How would you answer that? Most As the site has expanded so has the teens I've dealt with have said, "Abso- group helping run it- 25 members of lutely not!" They would never, ever anew school club called theWeb Crew. tell, because that would be betrayal. They are planning a fifth revision of You'd be going over to the other side. the site to include links to individual But the code extends beyond the sites for teachers to post detailed homecircle offriends. Teens may sit in class- work assignments. rooms and watch their classmates do 'The first year we had maybe seven wrong: cheat, lie and harass each other. kids;' said Smith. ''Now we tum them Unless there is an honor code in place, down. We have tryouts just like the most students, even those with agood , basketball team." conscience, won't do anything to stop Brad and Brian also design Web the dishonesty. and cruelty that goes sites for outside businesses and fix on around them either by dealing with teachers' computers at school. On top those involved d~tly or informing of that the Schoolmeyers have a busy an adult about what's going on. schedule ofclasses and extracurricular Think ,about it. Think about all the activities. stUff that goes on'in your world that Brad is president of the Southern violates the values ofdecency, respect Association of Student Councils, and and honesty, that. you never do any~ both he and Brian are involved in stUthing about What's keeping you from dent government, the Key Club,' stutakil)g a stand? . dent council, LaSallian Youth, the NaOne word would probably sum up tional Honor Society, and Operation the reason: ''Fear.'' Is that it? Head Start They also play basketball If there's a friend involved, you're and volleyball with a recreational certainly afraid of losing a friend if league. you let,his parents know his drinking Brian said they go to their classes, might be getting out of control. work on their computers during lunch, If it's a matter of you letting a participate in school clubs after school teacher know about a cheating ring, and devote three hours a night to harassment or some potentially dan- homework. Then they go to a Key gerous activity, you're certainly not Club meeting, then a student council unreasonable in fearing that the scorn meeting and then volleyball or basbeing heaped upon victims of harass- ketball practice. ment might be turned your way. Sometimes they don't get to their Worse, you might see retaliation Web site until 9 p.m., but at 10 p.m. in your future. they have to tum off the computer. I don't know the answer to this one. ''When we don't get enough sleep Itjust seems to me that the basis ofthe our parents get aggravated;' Brad said. problem is a situation in homes and ''When we first started working on the schools in which teens and adults are Web site we didn't have all the people Ii ving as if they are opposing sides in we do now. Now we farm out the work. a war, and it's tragic. If we have to add something new we It's even more tragic when the vic- build the pages, but that's usually only tims are real. one, once in a while." rating on each other's ideas. The Web site they built, with help from advanced reading teacher Mary Smith and copy by junior Chris Sommers; won an award from Cisco Educational Archives, or CEARCH,

The first commandment for many teens By AMY WELBORN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

In the weeks since the Littleton horror, blame has been cast far and wide. Culture, guns, high school hell and parents all have been woven

. ~~t:ll Coming .1If1~~'~.





through a tapestry that still, at this writing, presents the puzzled viewer with an undefined, frustratingly mysterious image. . But as we search for clues and try to understand, a persistent thread keeps entering our sights. It's not a solution. It's nQtan explanation. It may not even have anything directly to do with Littleton, But it persists, entering the discussions, ducking out again before we can really 'get a handle on it. " It's aproblem that haunts the edges of those "risk factors" we keep hearing about almost every time a new case of unexpected teen violence comes to our attention: silence. People know things. They see things, and they sense things are wrong. But they rarely speak of it, and when they do, silence's comrade inaction - takes over. In my dealings with teens in school and parish settings, I've been amazed by many things, bOtll good and bad. One of the negatives that has always frustrated me more than almost anything else is the teen code of silence. This one isn't about "Don't ask, don't tell." It's more about "Ask, and we won't tell anyway." The strongest bond that most teens have is with their peers. It outweighs anything they have with parents. To a surprising number of kids, it's' more important than values or ideals. In other words, the first command-

THEANCHOR-Diocese ofFallRiver'- Fri., May 14, 1999

Continuedfrom page 11


Teixeira, M-M Bruce Young. $150 M-M Norman ~ St. Jacques $200 M-M Mark Bessette, Margaret L. Dunn, M-M Ri- Bissonnette, Yvonne LaBonte, M-M chard Kelley, M-M Dominick Massa, Robert Leal; $150 Maurice Larocque, M-M Francis J. Silvia, M-M Michael M-M Wesley Schondek; $105 Mrs. Stubbs; $125 M-M Louis F. Fayan, M- Alma Pelletier; $100 Mrs. Lillian M Emest Rapoza, Jean O'Brien; $100 Bannon, Mrs. Edmond Marrotte, M-M M-M Kenneth J. Beaulieu, M-M Frank Clive Olson, M-M Robert Souza. J. Boyko Jr., M-M Albert Capeto, M-M Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Milton Davidson, M-M Joseph Diogo, $150 M-M Marcellus D. Lemaire, MM-M David G. Driscoll, M-M Gerald M Gilbert Levesque; $125 Mrs. Anita Driscoll, Frederick J. Ducharme Jr., M- Maciejowski; $100 James & Sally M Roger A. Gaspar, Rita Grant, M-M Ferreira, Anne Kalacznik, David Walter A. Gustafson, Mrs. Donald Turkalo, M-M Walter Wenczak. Kenney, Dr. & Mrs. William H. Langfield sacred Heart $960 M-M Richard Jr., M-M Charles Leary, Dr. & Mrs. Andrade; $500 Helen Brady; $400 Eduardo Leonardo, M-M Wilfred Rose O'Donnell; $150 Ruth Carveiro; L.:Heureux, M-M Robert Medeiros, M- $120 M-M Edward Trucchi; $100 MM Richard S. Mignacca, M-M Ernest M Donald Raible, M-M Lionel A. Mizher, M-M Donald H. Morrow, M- Langlois, M-M Evans Lalia, Kathleen M James Mullins, M-M Robert S. & Anne Flannery, Gertrude Carey, MO'Neil, Mary Philipp, M-M Walter M Gilbert Perry. Prayzner, M-M Joseph Reidy, M-M Our Lady of Lourdes $600 St. Leo L. Rodrigues, Frances' Ryding, Vincent de Paul Society;_$400 Holy S.T.M. Retirees, M-M Edward Sullivan Ghost Society; $200 M-M Richard Jr., M-M James Sullivan. Veilleux; $100 Mrs. Georgianna SOUTH YARMOUTH Arruda, M-M Brian Carr, Paul E. St. Pius X $1,200 M-M K. E. Camacho, M-M Kenneth W. Perry, Streight; $1,000 Eileen Ruane, Jennifer Smith, M-M Thomas A Stanley & Rosalie Graveline, Rev. Souza, M-M Gilbert F. Coute, Anne M. Msgr. John J. Smith; $500 M-M Will- Bettencourt, M-M George E. Silva, Miam McDonald, Melissa O'Rourke, M Russell Reed, Shannon Whitman, James & Anne Quirk, M-M Louis M-M James Keough. , Florio, M-M William Yoo, M-M Robert WEST HARWICH , Bender; $400 Mrs. William Smith; $300 Holy Trinity $2,000 M:M Robert M-M Edward Baggan, M-M Thomas W. Udell; $1,000 Rev. William J. Bailey, M-M Charles Eager, Theresa Shovelton; $500 M-M Robert Geary, Brown; $250 William Daly, M-M Tho- Lawrence Hyde, Hon. & Mrs. Gerald F. mas Donohue; $200 M-M Frederick 'O'Neill, Ruth Sheehy; $350 M-M Miller, M-M Francis Pignone, M-M James Brennan; $300 M-M Maurice Edward Fitzgibbons, Richard Houten; $250 M-M Richard A. Croteau, Thomas Miskell, Judith 'O'Connell; $200 Atty. Joseph W. Maguire; $175 M-M Emerson Snow; Downes, M-M Anthony Salvato, M-M $160 Margaret Cortes; $150 Marga- Arthur F. Watson; $150 Mrs. William R. ' ret Flaherty, Mrs. John Gallagher; 'Barron, M-M Louis A. Chadik, John $125 Judith Gallagher; $120 John & DeVincentes; $125 Claire Schmidt; Casey .McLoughlin; $100 M-M Luke $100 Mrs. John Berry, John R. Fannon, M~M Charles Ducie, M-M Blackburn, M-M Joseph M. Boucher, Chester Mrozek, Mrs. Job H. Uppincott, M-M Everett Boy, Dr. & Mrs. Edward M-M James Ryan, M-M John Brady, Mrs. John Branley, Kathryn MacLeliand, M-M Robert Fleischer, Brophy, M-M Donald Brouillette, M-M Catherine Flynn, John Perry, M-M John M. Doyle, M-M Cornelius J. John McCormack Jr., Robert & Janice Driscoll, M-M Richard C. V. Fish, Gilmore, Mrs. William Scarpello, M-M Patricia Gallagher, M-M John J. Gay, Peter Randall, M-M George Vigneau, M-M Michael Glasheen, M-M William M-M Charles Berghaus, M-M Joseph Greenwood, M-M Donald J. Haggerty, Perna, Thomas Desmond, Arthur M-M Raymond L. Hebert, Catherine McLean, Albert Curry, Corienne Shea, P. Hogan, M-M Donald Hurley, Eugene & Joan Kir1<, M-M Richard Larkin, Bernice Poutas, Mary McCall. John Locchi, M-M Michael Margotta, SWANSEA St. Louis de France' $300 M-M Mrs. Frank Matrango, M-M Richard Armand Gauthier; $100 Mrs. GaiLA. , Meaney, M-M Martin E. Moran, William R. Mosher, M-M Henry Mullen, Mathieu. St. Michael $1,000'In Memory of M-M Paul O'Brien, M-M Peter Idola Hargraves; $550 Mrs. Yvonne O'Rour1<e, M-M Thomas Peterson Jr., Vallee; $155 In Loving Memory of M-M Anthony J. Polonis, Kathryn Catherine G. & James P. Fox; $130 M- Prindiville, M-M David Roderick, M John Farias; $100 Carolyn Evelyn Savini, Mrs. Richard I. Shea, Hetherson, M-M Raymond H. puclos, Susan Smith, Mary Sylvia, Dr. & Mrs. M-M Manuel Silveira; M-M Edward A. Thomas Szymkowicz, M-M Ernest Dymek, Dr. & Mrs. RobertWilcox, Eliza: Tesconi, MrS.AlbertTessier, Margaret . beth Comisky, M-M MiclJael PachecO, Walsh, Mary E. Walsh. WESTPORT M-M Norbert Flores, M-M Paul Our Lady of Grace $700 Rev. RiGagnon. St. Dominic $200 M-M Donald chard L. Chretien; $200 M-M John Souza; $100 St. Dominic Women's Leonard, M-M Joseph Moniz; $150 Guild, Laurie Walters, M-M Donald W. M-M Manuel Vale; $125 Dr. & Mrs. France Jr., M-M Frank Flynn, Dr. & Mrs. George Silva; $100 M-M Jean Boule, Phyllis Carpenter, M-M John Duclos, James N. Baker. M-M Peter Duclos, M-M John TAUNTON St. Joseph $1,000 M-M Robert P. Haggerty, M-M Dennis Heaton, M-M Hartung; $800 Joseph A. Medeiros; Norman Lamontagne Jr., Our Lady of $250 Betty Tigano; $125 M-M John Grace Council of Catholic. Women, Lewis, Mrs. Gertrude Taylor; $100 Dr. M-M Patrick Ruddy, Michael Vincent & Mrs. Michael Broutsas, Joan Frazier, & Unda Belliveau. St. John the Baptist $1 ,000 M-M Dorothy Garvin, WiliiamJ. Menard, MM Mario Moniz, M-M Paul Rago, M-M John·P. Raposa; $250M-M Eugene Joseph Santos, M-M John Sferrazza, Kennedy; $200 M-M John Fazzina; M-M Charles Smith, Michael Wojcik, $100 M-M Paul Bono, M-M Robert Condon, M-M Joseph Costa, Hon. & Mrs. Theodore Wojcik. St. Paul $1,000 M-M Robert Mrs. James M. Cronin, M-M Paul Bessette; $500 M-M John Mullen & Jennings, M-M R. Christian Lafrance, Katherine; $300 Alan Thadeu; $110 M-M Eilliot Lamontagne, M-M Carlin M-M Joseph Mastromarino; $100 M- Lynch, Agnes McCloskey, Janice M Manuel Cabral,M·:M John Connors, Pedder, Margaret Byan, Mary Silveira, Mary Cormier, Jean Fonseca, M-M M-M Leo St. Aubin, M-M Paul Sullivan, Richard Hooben, Susanne McGlynn, Francis Toohey, M-M Donald Wilusz, Barbara Morrison. M-M Edmund Eileen Zalewski. Dussau~;


Mercy Siste,r has love of fly-fishing, tying lures

TIffiANcHOR-DioceseofF3ll River-Fri., May 14, 1999'

Iteering pOintl


"Ry fishing is so relaxing, so life giving, and you can be one with FOlIT SMITH, Ark. - Mercy Sis- nature;" she told the Arkansas ter Carol Anne Corley loves trout Catholic, newspaper of the Little' fishing, and she is a master at tying Rock'piocese. Sister Coriey had been an avid lures. Her skills in the sport have even fisher for many years when she de.t>rought her notoriety beyond Arkan" . veloped her affinity for tying flies. sas, induding an appearance on 'The When her brother became critically Lafe 'Show with David Letterman" ill and the two of them could no longer go to the streams together to on CBS-TV. But her love of fishing goes be- . fish, he taught her to tie lures using yond sport and has made her some- an exotic array of colorful feathers, yarns, glass beads and delicate tools. thing of a stream-side philosopher.


ATlLEBORO,-The musical group by ahealing service. All welcome. Elijah will perform at the La SP]ette Shrine MASHPEE - A progmrn entitled Coffee House on May 15 at 6:30·p.rn. All . "Nurturing Yourself During Pregnancy," welcome. Fafuer Dennis Loorrtis, provincial su- will be held at Christ the King Parish Satperior for ·the Immaculate Heart of Mary urday from 10-11 ant Refreshments will Province for the Missionaries ofOur Lady be served. All welcome. For more informa~ of La Salette, will celebmte Mass in the tion call 420-2445. Shrine'schapel Sunday at 12: 10 p.rn. This NEW BEDFORD - A Eucharistic Mass ofremembrance will honor mothers and fathers and veterans whose names have Day ofPreyer for peace ip the world, vocabeen enrolled with the La Salette Mission- tions to the priesthood and religious life will ary Association. For more information call be held on May 20 following the 7:30 am. 222-0027. . Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help A healing service will be held at the Church. It will include Exposition of the Shrine Sunday at 2 p.m. It will include Blessed Sacmment and Mass at4 p.m. All. celebration ofthe Eucharist, hymns and the welcome. opportunity for people to be pmyed over andanointed individually. All welcome. For NEW BEDFORD - The business meeting ofthe Hyacinth Circle Daughters more information call 222-54 10. oflsabella will be held on May 18 at 7p.rn. EAST FREETOWN - The Free- in the CCD center of Holy Name Parish. town Parish Nurses will hold its first an- An evening with Mary and the rosary will nual blood drive Sunday from 8:30 am. to follow. All welcome. 12:30 p.m. It will be held in St. John Neumann Hall at Cathedral Camp. All welSOUTH YARMOUTH - A Sepacome. For more information call. 763-2240. mted-Divorced Catholics Support Group will hold its next meeting on May.17 at the FAIRHAVEN - The Spiritual Life Parish Life centerofSt. Pius X. Welcome Comrrtission ofSt. Mary's Parish is spon- is at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting begins at 7 soring a free pmyer workshop entitled ''Cen- p.m. Dr. Ernest Collamati ofRegis College tering Preyer;' on May 25 from 7-8:30 p.m. will give a talk entitled "What Love Is and .in the church hall. Sacred Heart FatherWil- What Love Is Not." For more information liam Heffron, pastorofSt. Joseph's Parish, call Father Richard M. Roy at 255-0170. Fairhaven, will be guest speaker. All wel- All welcome. come. For more information call the St. Mary's rectory at 992-7300. WAREHAM - A celebmtion of Blessed Damien, Apostle to the Lepers, will FALL RIVER - A Novena service take place Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Sacred in honor of St. Anne will be held Sunday, Hearts Retreat Center, Great Neck Road. It beginningat3 p.m. at St. Anne's Parish and will include healing pmyer and Mass. All Shrine, 818 Middle St. It will b(: followed welcome.

Thanks • • • "Idon't know how we would survive without your help. This is why we are indebted to you. Be assured of our daily prayers so that God will bless your intentions and good works. Please, do not grow tired of reaching out to us." Father Felix Kumani, Rector Seminary of St. Peter the Apostle, Nigeria

In 1997, through the generosity ofour benefactors, the Propagation of the Faith/St. Peter Apostle provided $18,000 to help educate 36 young men studyingfor the priesthood at the Seminary ofSt. Peter the Apostle in Nigeria. The Society for the PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH

.. .all of us committed to the worldwide mission ofJesus Reverend Monsignor John J. Oliveira, V.E. 106 Dlinois Street. New BedCord, MA 02745 Attention: Column ANCH.5/14/99










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THE 'TYING NUN' is Sister of Mercy Carol Anne Corley of Fort Smith, Ark. (CNS photo by Charmaine Beleele, Arkansas Catholic)

When he died on Christmas Day 1994, Sister Corley inherited his equipment - ju~t as she had been given his love of fly fishing. 'This has. so much potential. It's an art, it's a sport, it's a craft, it's a prayer," she said. "You don't have to preach about God when you can just put someone in his hands by a stream." It was through' a teaching demonstration at the San Mateo International Exposition in California that she began to receive a lot of attention far beyond the boundaries of Arkansas. Then when someone on the Internet dubbed her the "tying nun," she caught the attention of the Letterman show on CBS. 'She was asked to appear on the show, so that meant a trip .to New York and presentation oftwo special lures. Sister Corley created "Dave's Swimming Minnow," a googley-eyed lure with a prominent toothy smile, for which the comedian is known. The second lure, 'The Letterman Shrimp," was as serious as the "Swimming Minnow" was funny. A former nurse at St. Edward Mercy Medical Center, Sister Corley's real mission is to help women recovering from breast cancer, especially those who have had mastectomies. She said there is a national nonprofit program called. Casting for Recovery, organized with the idea that women facing their new challenges after breast surgery can be helped in their recovery by coming together in the great outdoors for a retreat to learn how to cast. They also can learn how to tie lures and support each other while' doing it. SisterCorley hascontributed ach3Ir ter to a soon-to-be-released book called 'The.Women's No Nonsense Guide to Ry Fishi!1g," and all proceeds will go to Casting for Recovery.

Florida lawmakers pass first statewide voucher program By CATliOUC


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - The Rorida Legislature has given final approval to a statewide voucher program, which a Rorida Catholic education leader called "a significant breakthrough." Gov. Jeb Bush, who campaigned on the issue last year in the Rorida gubernatorial race, said he would sign the measure, which was approved by the state Senate April 30. The House approved the proposal two days earlier. Critics have said they will file suit to block its implementation. Under the bill, all students in Rorida's worst public schools will be eligible for vouchers of about $4,000 a year to help pay for tuition at private or parochial schools, or parents could choose to send their children to another public school. The bill has been dubbed the "A+ Plan", and the vouchers are called. "opportunity scholarships." "The legislation is a significant 'breakthroughbecause it is the first. statewide ... voucher program in the

nation," said Larry D. Keough,education coordinator for the Florida Catholic Conference. Vermont and Maine have voucher programs targeted to children in rural areas where there is no public school nearby. The cities of . Cleveland and Milwaukee have citywide voucher programs. The language of the bill "specifies that parents will be afforded the right to choose the schools :- be it public, private or parochial- they deem are best suited for their children •who are in chronically low performing schools," he said. Under the program all public schools would be rated annually by the state on a grade scale from "A" to "E" The voucher is eligible to students whose school has received an "F' grade in th~ past year and it has received that designation for the second time in four years. Keough said schools' grades are based on student achievement levels on the Rorida ComprehensiveAssessment Test, as well as on data on attendance, dropouts, discipline reports and student readiness for college.

Students in four schOOls from three Florida counties will be eligible for the program in the 19992000 school year. Florida has two million children in 3,000 schools. One estimate says as many as 169 schools could get an "E" The voucher program would require no new tax money. Schools with top grades from the state would be rewarded with extra money. Participating schools would also have to demonstrate fiscal soundness, comply with federal anti-discrimination provisions, meet state and local health and safety laws and codes, and be subject to administrative criteria of a nonpublic school accrediting body. Opponents said the program violates the constitutional separation of church and state. Florida's constitution says that "no revenue of the state or any political .subdivision or agency thereof shall ever be taken from the public treasury directly or indirectly in aid of any church, sect or religious denomination or in aid of any sectarian institution."

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