
Page 1

Catholic Charities Appeal Total Nears Quarter.Million Mark .-----------------',



An Anchor of the Sot.l. Sure and li'irm-ST. PAUL

Feill River, Mass. V I 2 ...• 20 __ 0_.__,_1_"'0_.

Thursday, May 15, 1958 Setond Cia.. Mail Pri",i1elfetl A_u_th_o_ri_.e_d_a_'_F_al_I_R_i",_e_r._M_R_Ss_.

PRICE 10e Pe_,_,_o_ar $4_.00 __

B'ishop Turner to Ordain In New Bedford Church . Most Rev. Kenneth R. Turner, S.F.M., Bishop in exile of 'Lishui, China, will confer the Sacrament of Holy Orders Saturday morning, May 24,' in St. Anthony's Church, New Bedford upon Rev. Mr. Maurice C. Duchaine of St. Theresa's parish, New Bedford; and of the Missionaries of Our Lady Rev. Mr. Charles H. Poirier of La Saiette. ' Rev. Mr. Duchaine and Rev. of St. John's parish, Cam­ Mr: Poirier will receive assign­ bridge, Mass.; Rev. Mr. Ar­ mand J. Giroux, Southbriqge, ments in the Fall River Diocese, while the newly ordained La Mass.; . ~ev. Mr. Robert J. Camp­ bell, Easthampton, Mass.; Rev. Salette Fathers will be assigned

Consistent, generous Parish and Special Gift returns in the Charity Appeal have swelled the present, total to $221,984.10. The strength of parish contri­ bution and the'devotion of the solicitors point towards a successful completion

of the Appeal.

Eight Parishes of the Dio­

cese have attained the honor

group of those who have sur­

passed their contributions of

last year. Numbered among them

are the Parishes of St. Roch's

Fall River, Corpus Christi of

Sandwich, St. Augustine's of

Vineyard Haven, St. Bernard's

in Assonet, St. John the Baptist

of Central Village, Our Lady of

the Isle on Nantucket, Our Lady

, of Grace in North Westport, St. Louis de France of Swansea. While the Appeal officially ended yesterday, many returns remain to' be made. Mr. James E. Bullock, Lay Chairman of the

1958 Appeal, urged all solicitors

to complete both contacts and

returns with all possible speed. ' Mr. Bullock said at the Appeal

Headquarte'rs this morning: "My

thanks go to all who, cooperated

in this greaf charitable venture

of 1958. Your sacrifices of money,

time, and goods to aid our broth­

ers in need' are the objects of my

personal appreciation.

"Those who h~ve stray re­

turns 'to make can expedite our

task at determining the final'

figure of success by turning

these returns in quickly. Again,

thank you for your loyalty to

Charity and your' willingness m

share your time and' resources

with the needy.

Praises Catholic College Stand In Education SAN FRANCISCO - Dr. John P. Hagen, director of. the Navy!s Project Van­ guard, said Catholic colleges are to be' congratulated on bucking the "all science" ap­ proach 'T 'w current in U. S. higher education.

Dr. Hagen, a M~thodist, came

here to address the annual Navy League convention. ' Wondei'ful Job ' "Our college students need, more '''ork in philosophy and the Turn' to' Page 'Nineteen .



Mr. Guy J. Gervais, Woonsocket, R. I.;, and Rev. Mr. Raymond P. Hubert, Woonsocket, members


,by the superiors' of their com­ munity. ,"

, Turn to Pa~e Five

Figures Show Role of, Lay ,Teac:her Increases'in CatholitEducation WASHINGTON <NC )-Statistics released here today stress the increasingly importarit. role of lay teachers in Catholic education show that between 1946 and 1956 their numbers increased by 156 per cent.

Bishop' Cas$idy Requ'iem'Mass On Satur~a'y' A Pontifical Anniversary Mass of Requiem for the'repose of the sourof the late Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, D.D., third Bishop' of Fall River, will be celebrated Saturday at 10 o'clock at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. This will be ihe' seventh an­ niversary of Bishop Cassidy's death.

• The biggest single leap was '2,768, and in 1956, 14,092-an in­ m the elementary schools crease of 409.1 per cent. ' where the number was said High schools: In 1946, 3,752; to have jumped by about 409 1956, 6,897-an increase of 83.8 per cent. per cent. The figures indicate that lay Colleges, universities: In 1946, teachers are perhaps the mo~t 6,690; 1956, 12,966-an increase significant aspect of the tranSl- of 93.8 per cent. tion Church education is going through to cope with the greatest T~e total number of lay. teach­ enrollment increases in decades. ,ers 10 these three levels 10 1956 was 33,955 as compared to 13,210 And there are amp Ie groun d s in 1946. for saying that the number of lay At present, there are no studies teachers can only continue to on what the cost of lay teachers increase. Leading Catholic educators is nationally. A survey that have predicted that continued probably will deal with this is enrollment growth may me,an now underway at the request of ' that by 1960 grade and high the U. S. Bishops. schools will have doubled en­ The increase in lay teachers rollment since World War II's also effects the place in' Catholic end. schools of' Religious instructors, HEADS NURSES: Cap­ The current statistics indicate who are the backbone of the lay teachers now are about one various school systems. Current tain Ruth A. Houghton, of every five per,sons staffing figures indicate that, while reli­ USN, of Andover, Mass., ~hools on a national basis. This gious VQcatioas are high, the graduate of Boston College proportion very likely will swing number of Religious in schools and Catholic University, has more in their direction if enroll­ has increased by only 22.5 per ment continues to grow. cent during the period 1946-56, been sworn in as Director of Lay teacher statistics reveal: as compared to the 156 per cent the U.S. Navy Nurse Corps. . .ade iChools: In 1946, were jump of lay teachers NC Photo•

BESTOWS BLESSING ON MOTHER: Rev. ConTaci Lamb O.S.B., blesses his mother, Mrs. William X. Lamb ill St. Paul's Church, Taunton, as his father awaits the be­ stowal of his son's benediction.

Annual 'DiocesaJi Voctations Novena Starts' Tomorrow " A solemn High Mass for Vocations wIll be celebrated at 10 A.:M. next M~nday at Notre Dame de Lourdes Church, Fa)l·River; at 10 A.M. Tuesday at St. Anthony's Church, New,Bedford, and at 10 A.M. Wednesday at St. Mary's Chur~h; Taunton. Rt. Rev. churches, as w~ll as in the ~Sgt."Janies J. Gerrar'd,- schools, of the 'Diocese. V.G.,wiU be celebrant of, The Mass in Fall River on Monday will be attended by aU ' each M ass. , priests' 'the area, the entire The annual Diocesan Novena . student bodies of Monsignor for- guidance and for the foster- Prevost High School, Dominican ing of vocations to ,the priesthood Academy, Jesus-Mary Academy, and the ,religious lif,e will begin Sacred'Hearts Academy, Mount , tomorrow and close on Pentecost St. Mar' Academy and the eighth Sunday,' May 25. During this' grade 'pupils of I<'all River and period a special prayer will be' Swansea. recited by both priest and people Rev. Edward J. Mitchell of after Mass and all 'other public Sacred Heart .church, Taunton, devotional services in' the / Turn to pa:g.~ Thirteen


Make Benedictine's Vestments At Girls' CYO in Fall River One of Father Conrad Lamb's most beautiful ordination gifts, a set of Solemn High Mass vestments, is the work of three Fall Riverites who had never seen him until last Sunday, when he celebrated his First Solemn Mass'at St. Paul's Ch1!rch, Taunton. making his paper patterns,

The three are Mrs. John Father Lamb's previous experi­

Sullivan of Sacred Heart ence as an electrical engineer

stood him in good stead. "Pat­

parish, Miss Catherine Coughlin, St. Joseph's, and Miss terns are much like blueprints, after all," explains Mrs. Sullivan, Mary Cronin, St. Louis. In Feb­ ruary they began work on the "and Father did a good job!" vestments under the sponsorship' Experience Helped of the sewing department of the So did Mrs. Sullivan and the Girls' CYO in Fall River. Labor­ ,Misses Coughlin and Cronin. ing until after midnight on many "When we cut into that beautiful occasions, they put hundreds of material, we were nervous, to hours of work into the 12-piece put it midly," tht~y confess. BlIIt set. the combined experience of Miss Nor are Father Lamb's vest­ Cronin, home economics teacher ments of ordinary design. As a in the New Bedford school sys­ Benedictine, a monk of Marmion tem, and Mrs. Sullivan, veteran of 'years of home sewing, jo;'ned Abbey, Aurora, Ill., he is par­ ticularly interested in liturgical to produce an artistically beauti­ correctness and he prepared the ful job. Miss Coughlin's a11­ vestment patterns himself for important part of the project was the guidance of the Fall River that of obtaining' the materials sewers, following medieval and other supplies needed for Turn to Pal:e Eleven norms for their Gothic style. In



<:.-, ' .. :,-


Ho~y Fa~.u.~;1::H:.:9h


Alumni to,: Mo',k-, Golden Jubile,e: The Holy Family

i .. "

...... ; .

. -THE ANCHOR Thurs., May, '15, .1958

..', Stonehill Names





sociation, will !Jbse.rv~ it'~·J.i.Ibil~: ee with Communion Mass and'

breakfast on :Sunday. morning, :Abraham Brook~ has been a~

June ;8; Mass will be celebrated pointed. general chairman and

at 9 :.o'clock at'. St: Lawrence P.eter. C.: .. McCon~-';'ty, .co-c~ajr-

Church and the breakfast..will be man. of the. ;forth-coming. held {nthe Kennedy Youth' Cen- . ,.... '. $106:000 Easton' Canl'paign . ter Gym. 7a!1l.Currj: onheClass~ ... 'Stonehill College's . $5-million ' of 1931 will ser.ve as gen,eral development program, according chairman for the event.. to announcement made today'by This year will mar~ the 50th college officials. . anniversary of the. first gradu. The $100,000 fund is to'be ap-..;" 'ating c.ass fr.om Holy Family .' plied to ,the $325,000 objective High School arid elaborate plans '. being raised for the new Stu~ II' have been initiated to honor the dent Center and Cafeteria, sched­ 50 and 25 year classes. More thaQ uled for completion on the North ' Easton campus this fall. The . 50 Alumni members will serve on the general committee, Mr. over-ali' fund .is being raised' in ,. Curry has ·announced. honor of the 10th anniversary of" The Communion Mass at St. the founding of Stonehill Col"-

Lawrence Church' will be said lege.

by Rev: Edward Killigrew, pasA native of Fall, River, Mr.

tor of St. Kilian Church in New Brooks is an attorney and .pro-

Bedford and a member of the 50prietor of an Easton' insurance year Class. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. agency. He is a graduate of DJ.rJoseph Sullivan,. pastor of the 'fee High School, Fall River; Sacred· Heart Church in Fall Boston University College of' River and also member of the Liberal' Arts and 'Boston Uni-' Gold~n Jubilee Class, will deversity Law School. He is an in­ ·liver the sermon. structor in insurance. at NorthMr. Curry has named Edward ' . eastern Vniversity. Carney to head the ticket com. BOSTON ARCHBISHOP GUEST at North' Attleboro Catholic Women's Club ban­ . M ' George M.. Dow', d' F ran kl'm, M ass.;'M os t R' and Mrs. Brooks mittee' Atty. Maurice 1)ownc:y quet. Seated left to right; onsignor e~, at Mr. 45 Center street, Northreside


and D;.·Robert Durant to obtain Richard J. Cushing, Archbishop of- Boston; Rt. Rev. John J. Shay, Pastor of St. John s , ton and' have two sons, David

a guest speaker; James Flanagan, .Church, Attleboro.. Standing, Mrs. 'rhomas 1I0ey,.Committee ~hairman (left) aJ}dMr~•.. and ·Robert..

Margaret Austin,· John :Qoherty, ,. W 'CI b Marietta Vanasse. and Theresa· Thomas Mullen, President of.the North . AttleboroCath~lic. omen s U'" A .native' of Quincy; Mr;·Me:.:-, Berube'to serve on the publici, ; ;:~ . ,. . . . ~' ':.'" " 'Conarty "is princlpal" of' Oliver .. '

ty committee. Miss Yvonne LeOffers High SC,hool'''' ,::,.. Parish Totals' Gets Grant, to Anies 'High School; North E8~

( Page' will.act as. official seere,.. :Cre··.'·d. its fo.r M.I.·I i·t·ary.·.. ,".'.:. Parishes ~e-potting~ere: .:. Math Teachers' ':'" ,,··tori:He i~'a g~~i:li.13te· of·Tha~~,.·~:. tary' for the entire general com: ". . ". ". . ".' ~' ""Academy' Harvard 'College arid mittee. ' . 'FAIRBANKS '(NC) ~A" new ,Fa~Ll,liver. 3430.60 NEW:Y()R.K (NC) - ~or~_. ~ Bomon.. univet:si~Y ' '.. ,:' Over'500 Alumni are ex·pected.. prograni'is in oPeration af"Mon,;,' :,'·~~~rs::~ysacrament '47'5.00 .'ham -Umv:rsIty's summer mstl- .' ," Mr, a~d ~ts.·:M,c~onl!l't~.,re~ to attend the Mass· and break- '. roe' (Catholic) High School Ilere .... '829.50 'tute for h.lgl1 school tea~hers of· "': sig~ .at 55 Ce~~ei.St., ::East~n~. a~~ .'

ito 'fast,,,according to ,Mr. Curry.·under which military'p~rsonilel Esp!r Santo, .:' 9;785,00·.·· mathematICS has, :recel\'~,.. ~ ha':'e:two_sons; ...p.~ter ..and~~, ".

There are seven living. mem-, and' their dependents inay. 'r~~ . . ::HoJy. N:a~e . . 2 720.00 . ,gra!1t..of $47,050 fro~ the,Ni},tJol) .' and four aaughters, Lmn, ~1.I~

bers of the 50-year class and ceive high 'school credits'." ",,"'" '" Notre D,ame ". . ....1338.'15 ... al ~«Ie~~e.Fo'¥lda~l~n.; ....... ,,: .'." 'ibeth,SuzanneaIJd, ~arr. A.~n~:::

these as well as the'25 year clasS. Jesuit Father George. ..1;ipileau,... O..L. oLH~alth :." 919:00 In addItI0J?- to tUItIon, salarIes '.., . . . . .'

and ih~p'res~nt graduatirigCla'ss superintendent o(.C!lt!l()li~ ," Holy Rosary: < •.. , 1 964.20'.' and" oPE..:rat~ng " .e~petIses,~ th~,. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - -....

wiil 'have special·tables.schools in the Vicarite, Apostolic;, Im.·Gonc,eptlOn '9'5'53 35' . grant Will prOVide funds,.~or...

G'uests ..vili include Rt. Rev. of Al~ska, said that i50.s~rvice Sacred Heart 1:253:80 . travel a?-~ th: su~port of. teach- ".

Msgr. James J. Gerrard, pastor men. and 15 civilians', are. en- ;., St. Anne 'i 13320 ers partIclpatmg III the program.

of :St. Lawrence Church,. New rolled. . St. An~hony of· Padua. '399'.50. The cou.rse will begin July, .7, . . St. ElIzabeth d 11 Bedford' Rev. Justin Quinn also Father BOileau said .the proSt. Joseph . 1'74980 an WI conclude Aug. 14. \ of St. L~wrence, Coach Edward - gram has aroused so much inter1'805'00 Graduate credit of six .semester Lowney of Holy Family High . est .that it is being extended to .St. Louis '912'00 hours may be obtained froni and' New Bedford. Mayor arid . Eielson Air Force Base, 26 miles ~~: ~~:~~w 2852'00 Fordham's School of Education NEW BEDFORD M"s . b an k s, an d to "m'o're 2',766'.54' upon sati.sfactory completion of .. . FI'ancI's J . Lawler. Mr , f rom F air SS. Peter & Paul Lawler is a member of the 25remote Air Force s i t e s . S t . Roch 1,301.50 the courses. INDUSTRIAL OILS yea'r class. <' Mass Ordo . St. William 2,638.00 I New Bedford HEATING OILS FRIDAY-'St. JJbaldus, Bishop Holy Name ALUMINUM

3,823.75 and Confessor. Simple. White. 186.00 Holy Rosary TIMKEN HALF-SCREENS

Mass Proper; Gloria; Second· . Perpetual Help 602.00 Collect for Peace; No Creed; 899.00 '0 . God, we earnestly. beseech St. Ann'e 0 Measured OIL BURNERS Preface' of Ascension.". ~ Thee to bless this diocese with st. Antliony of' Padua . 1,687.00 . and many priests, brothers 'and' sis­ 216.00 St. Casimir . SATURDAY-St. Paschal 'Bay­ Installed 497.50 ters who will love Thee with . lon, Confessor. Double. White. , St. Francis of Assisi u.p .to 32x32 . 532.25 their whole strength and gladly Mass Proper; Gloria; Second ·St. HY:lcinth sp.end their entire lives to serve 6,518.15 . Collect for Peace; No Creed;· ·St. James TRU-SEAL' 501 COUNTY ST. Thy Church and to make Thee 1,687.00 . Preface of Ascension. St. John the Baptist Aluminum Window known. and loved. 2,129.00. NEW BEDFORD St. . Joseph

SUNDAY-Sunday Mter the Bless our homes, b~ess our

1,518.75. 328 Durfee Street, 'Fall River Ascension. .Double. White. :St. Kilian 3-1751 families. 6,465.25 St. L!'Iwrence Mass Proper; Gloria; Second OS 8-8022 Portsmouth 84 Choose from them all those .1,944.00· St. Mary. Collect St. Venantius, Martyr; who are needed for Thy holy 1,588.00 St. _Theresa Creed; Preface of Ascension. work. Taunton MONDAY-St. Peter Celestine, Mary, Queen' of the clergy) ... 2,286.00 Pope 'and ConfesSQr. Double: 1m. Conception Pray for u!5. Pray for our priests 830.80 O. L. of Lourdes White. Mass Proper; Gloria; and religious. Obtain. for us 1,548.15 Sacred Heart Second Collect Sf Pudentiana, many l1!0re. Amen. ' 1,556.00 St. James Virgin; Third C'ollect for 2,372.00 Peace; No Creed; Preface of St. Joseph Lourdes Devotion 5,804.25 St. Mary' Ascension. Services to honor the appear­ 1,680.50 St. Paul. ance of .the Blessed Virgin to TUESDAY-St. Bernadine of Attleboro Bernadette at Lourdes in France Siena,' Confessor, Sirpple. 1,8~1.75 . Holy Ghost • PARTIES • BANQUETS' '., .W£~DINGS 100 years ago' Will be held tomor­ White. Mass Proper; Gloria; St. John . 8,184.00 row morning-at 11 o'cloc~' at Second Collect for Peace; No S. Joseph 1456.00 • COMN\~~I()N BREAKFASTS Stonehill College's Grotto, built Creed; Preface of Ascension. St. Mary 2,199.25 '. , in 1954 as a replica of the orig­ WEDNESDAY-Mass on the St. Stephen l·,025.oo inal Lourdes. Feast of the Ascension. Simp,e. ·St. Theresa .., . "656.70 .. 1'343" PLEASANT ST~': ~..,' '. . FALL RIVEI ;: ";::1" White. Mass, Prop~r; second. ..Towas Collect 'for 'Peace; ·.No Creed; Assonet FORTY ;H~UR$ OSbOrne .3-7780 1,040.50 Pr"eface. of. A,scension. Buz~ards Bay ... 938.00 'DEVOTION THURSDAY-Mass as on the · Central -Village 1,010.00 May 15-Convent ·of· the Holy Feast of the Ascension. Simple. 'Chatham ".' ~,:.:. 790.00 . . .J; Union of the Sacred :·.White. Mass Proper; Gloria; ·Fairhaven--,St. Joseph· 1,003.50· Hearts, Fall River Second Collect for Peace; No . ,Sacred.;..H eart .. ;.: " .-103.00 ...,. Convent of the Sacred . . Cre~d;~~reface _~t ASC~fl!!io~. ;Falmouth c' "'1,619.00. '". \. . ~¢ai:ts;~:¥,~jr~~ven:;~': -~. .iTtnJIiSDA:Y -:. ·Ma~i·. :as~j{..:: the !HyaI'lJl.is ·...~,5~4.50: . 3,262.50 Mount 'St.' Mary's Con.' Feast r i'the As~e~sion. s~ine. 'Mansfield Nantucke~ . 3,11;J~~~ ~_'._ 'rent, Fall River Whi,te. Mass Proper; Gloria; '. 545.50. May 18 - St. Matthew, Fall. 8econd.Colleet for Peace; N:o ·No. Dighton 4,768.0~r,..c River' . .. ..1 . Creed; Preface of Ascension. :No."Easton'·; Since their fouDdotil)n~ 'In: 18M,' the·,·" .' 'No. Westport· 1,015.00 '. Brother. of Mercy have. been help.- . St. Kilian, New Bedford .Norton' . . .. 912.00 ." Ii,,, the unfortunotil. . ' . ' .'. ;." ,., ...



Ald.·. ":',,





Novena Prayer For Vocations


.Sales & Service














. t,'


May' 25-S8. Peter' arid Paul;


.:,Legion ;o!::·.D~cency .'

The following films are to be added to the lists in their re­ spective classifications: : ' Unobjectionable for. Adults and Adolescents-Time to Love June .. l-St. Joseph" ';t'auntQn and Time to. Die. Holy Name, Fall 'R~ver·

U~obje~tioiiable' for .t\,dults-­ Field Without a Face, Haunted THE A.NCHOR Strangler, Maracaib9. SeeOnd-cl..... mail .pr;vilegee.. aut»oriiied . Objectionable'in'Part for AUat Fall River," Mass. Published evel'7 ' Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall Machine Gun Kelly, Sorority R!ver, MI1lI8., by ~ Catholic ~i'''.'''' of the Girl, This Angry Age. .D,ocese of Fall R,ver·•• 8ubscrtPt.OD·· ••Ioe, . , , .. ..--,.. -_..'~ .. ,

"" _II, poStpaid ' •.00 per ,eu. Condemned-Mltsou. Fall River St. Mary:, Mansfield.. . St. Theresa's .. Con·vent; Fall River




' : , ••

Ocean'Grove"'·· 1;897.00' ProvincetowD "., .., ."626.00 Sandwich 2,036:85 .. ·Seekonk . ' ,. '665.00: Somerset""-St.·· .John' 465.50' - . St. ThOmas' 2;564.00 ·So. Dartmouth 2,171.00'" So. 'Yarmouth" . ...,,, . 1,497.00' Swansea~St. Dominic" 1,441.00'" St. Louis"" .... 1;336.00':""" Vineyard Haven ." 1,296.35' .) Wareham.,. ... ;··,· ..·2,237.00, . ·, W·. Harwich .: . c. 83·2.l(k"~. ·W«>ods Hole 313.00

".~ ;·.Nurling men ond·boy.. ;kh·. and poor; .regordl..., of .roce and' creed, In. their .own .hol)1.l. '. . " .• , •. Conducting hOme" hlr,. the ag"d . an~ infir",. .' .,. ." • ; • Operating forma. C!nd perf~"", Ing ather dutiel/ cooking. IIlOln.

tenanee; etc. .. .' ,'. '. The' Brothers of Mercy _d .you.. !'or 'more .complete ·lnforma,· tIo'1.conca.rning a vocation with ...... .-r.rlte. , '. . . :'

Reve.r.end .Brother,.Pnpvinclal· IANSOM RD.


.. i -: .. ,~

Hardheaded Realism

Hold Hope for 'Kh'rushchev Through Power of Prayer By Joseph A. 'Breig Cleveland Universe Bulietln

Columnist Bob Considine, not:"long ago', told the story of Mrs. Marie Aubuchon, who is praying for Nikita Khrush­ chev. 'Mrs. Aubuchon is on the staff ,of the magazine Hospital, Progress, published in ,St.' the Father in Heaven for any­ Louis. E~lCh day, she includes thing in His name, the Father in her prayers a petition would grant it. Christ did not stop wfth words. *0 Khrushchev's Guardian


He healed the centurion's serv­ ant because the centurion had DIOCESAN LEGIONNAIRES: ·Rev. Edward A. Oliveira, of Our Lady of Lourdes the faith to ask Him to do so. He gave sight to the blind man · Church, Taunton, is shown before boarding ship with some of the members of his pilgrim­ because the man sat shouting for age. They are, from left to right, Miss Clotilde Nason, Miss DotothyDrummond, Taun­ help at the side of the road, and ,'ton, Miss Florence' Bessette, Father Oliveira, Miss Mathilda Cutner and Mrs. Maria would not shut his mouth. · Costa. "Thy faith hath made 'thee

whole," said Christ time after

time' to those for whom He

worked miracles. And yet the

faith of many r(miained dis­

gracefully weak.

Council #86 Knights of' Colum­ Archbishop William O. Brady burgh, C.S,C., university presi­ bus is planning to re-activate of St. Paul and Secretary of dent. Pharoah Tough, Too Archbishop Brady will preach The prophets who preceded Bishop ~eehan Circle #168, Ll;lbor James P. Mitchell will be Columban Squires, on Sunday, principal speakers at the Uni­ the baccalaureate iiermon during Christ had much the same ex­ versity of' Notre Dame's 113th a'Solemn Pontifical Mass to be 'perience with people. The Jews May 25, at the Catholic Com­ were as wont to doubt and to mun'ity Center on Franklin' annual commencement exercises celebrated by Most Rev. Leo A, Street, Fall River. The hall was Sunday June 1, it was announced Pursley, Bishop of Fort Wayne, stray as ... well, as you and I. made a"ailable through the today by Rev. Theodore M. Hes- in the stadium. , Admittedly, Nikita Khrush­ courtesy of Rev. Walter A. chev is a tough case. ,He is stiff­ Father Hesburgh will confer 'necked and bullheaded. He had Sullivan, C.Y.O. Director. Start­ an honorary degree upon Arch­ bishop Brady, a Fall River the brutal bad manners to' go ing time for the ceremonies' will be 2:00 P. M. native, who has spent most of into Hungary and lecture the The funeral of Sister Mary his priestly life in the St. Paul · : The general purp.oseor the people his tanks had crushed. ' Athanasius, ,R.S.M., formerly See. "Elevated to the hierarchy But the Pharoah of Egypt was Columbian Squires is to supple­ Mary McNamara of Taunton, by Pope Pius XI[ on June' 10, ment the teachings of the Cath­ a tough baby, too. Moses, by the power of God, olic Church, home and school by was held from Mount St. Mary's 1'939 and named Bishop of Sioux , proved his mastery of the pagan an active participation of boys in Convent, Fall River, last Frday. Falls, he served as head of the South Dakota See until June 16, priests, who seemed to have evil ' a program 'of stimulating activ­ She entered the Sisters of 1956,- whEm he was named co­ spirits at their back. Still, the ities under the guidance of ex­ Mercy in Providence' and was pharoah stood his tyrannical empiary Catholic men. The professed Dec; 28, iS99.. Her adjutor archbishop of St. Paul with the right of succession. He principles taught. by those three ground. basic institutions are the means . teaching assignments were in became Ordinary of the Arch­ "Let my people go," said God by which young men come to Proyidence, Pawtucket, New diocese on Oct. 11, 1956. to the phai'oah through Moses. realize the usefulness of their ,Bedford -and Fall River. Awarded a doctorate in sacred But the pharoah hardened his leisure-time contributions to Rev. John McNamara, wb~ theology from the Angelicum in heart and said no., society. Therefore, the general ,w.as pastor of the Immaculate Rome, Archbishop Brady served He refused' to yield until1ln objective of the program become Conception Church, Fali River, for six years as rE;ctor of the St. angel had slain all the first-born two-fold: to assist young Cath­ from' 1938 until his death in Paul Seminary. sons of the Egyptians. Then he olic men through the dangerous 1941, was a brother of the de­ told Moses and' the Israelites to period of adolescence; to develop parted Sister of Mercy. begone. leadership among older' boys by Very Rev. Arthur W. Tansey, But his pride reasserted itself ' affording them 'frequent oppor­ NEW YORK (NC)- His Emi­ Bence Samuel Cardinal Stritch afterward. He sent his troops tunities to assume responsibility, rector of the Cathedral, was celebrant; Rev. Walter A. Sulli­ has recovered quickly from the after the Jews, with the result demonstrate initiative and. di­ van, deacon, and Rev. Paul F. amputathn of part of hiS right that the Red Sea, which opened rect 'their own affairs. McCarrick, sub-deacon, at the arm "because his psychological for Moses, closed and swallowed In order to carry out the gen­ Solemn High Mass of Requiem age is not 70," a surgeon who Egypt's army. eral aims of the boys program, that was offered in St. Mary's Khrushchev is tough-but no attended the Cardinal in ,Rome the Squires are 'organized into Cathedral. tougher than the pharoah was. declared, a unit called a Circle, sponspred Out of Honest Hearts by a Council of KnIghts of Co­ Dr. John L. Keeley, who Rt. Rev. James J. 'Gerrard, lumbus, featuring a four-fold aerved as a medical ,adviser in If Khrushchev is a sincere V.G., pastor of ~t. Lawrence's program of Spiritual, Civic-Cul­ Rome dUI'ing the arm amputa;'· man, he can be converted. He Church, and Rt. Rev. Hugh A. tural, Social, and Physical activ­ tion of the Archbishop of Chi­ ,can hardly be any blinder than Gallagher, pastor of St. James' eago, said: "Some people, are was Saul, who was changed into ities. Seventeen boys will com­ Church, both of New Bedford, prise th~s first group. The mini­ old at 50. Others are young at St. Paul. ' and Rt. Rev. Humbeato S. Me­ mum age is 14, 'roo I would say that His Emin­ deiros, Diocesan Chancellor, to­ If Khrushchev iJ insincere, his ence is a young 70." • gether with many diocesan angel, with God's permission, AdvisoryBoard Dr. Keeley described the Car­ ,can put an armlock on him. The following' officers of priests, attended the Mass. dinal's condition as "exception­ My own guess, which may be Council #86 will serve on the ally good." He said he does iiot worthless, is that Khrushchev, Advisory Board: Ernest F. Pot­ think there is any possibility of : although a roughneck is far from ter (Grand Knight), Joseph A. Trinitari,~n a recurrence of the blood clot­ .California Redwood-Brass the sinister, calculating wicked­ .. Keogh (Deputy Grand Knight), ting 'ihat led to the amputation ness of the late Joseph Stalin. nails and hinge~12" x 12" x Albert L. Champoux (Chancel­ of the Cardinal's arm. He stated, 10"-Non-breakable 6V2" sta­ Nobody has ever suggested lor), Francis L. Lowney (Finan­ that ther has been "some dis­ tue of St. Francis, nicely that Stalin cared about anybody. cial Secretary), Rev. Felix S. colored - Ready to hang' on cussion" about an artificial arm But Khrushchev is reported to Childs (Chaplain). BOYS WANTED for the tree or post.' for the Cm'dinal, but added that have been smashed when his son Priesthood and Brotherhood. The following members of be did not know of any' final was killed in World War II. lack of funds NO' impedi­ Enclose check or money or­ Council #86 will serve as coun­ decision on the matter. Of course, there are such, sellors for the Squires: Daniel der, postpaid, $6,95 ment. things as crocodile tears, but B. Foster (Chief Counsellor), Write to: maybe we can give Nikita the . JOHN R. GOLDEN CO. Rev. Feiix' S. Childs (Father benefit of the doubt. P.O. Box 5742 51 Sman Street Prior), Paul Dumais 'and Man­ In any case, both history and Baltimore 8. Md. uel Mendes (Assistants to Father Fall River, Mass. theology tell us that Mrs. Aubu­ Prior), Wilfred Driscoll (Civic­ cho'n is not b~ing naive. Prayer Cultural Counsellor), Jose Silva really can work miracles. It can Jr. (Assistant to Civic-Cultural change rascals into saints, and if ' Counsellor), Henry Letendre necessary it can rip things Wide (Social Counsellor), William F. gpen. Coady (Assistant Social Coun­ Come ,to think of it, what did sello'r),' Edward Madore (Physi­ the Virgin Mary prescribe for cal Counsellor), Jesse MedeiroS the conversion of Russia when (Assistant Physical Counsellor). she appeared at Fatima in Por­ Othel:' 'Knights who havevolun­ tugal! Honest .prayer out of teered to help the Counsellors, honest hearts. ' "' : are Jam'es CaFey, 'John Ventura Mrs. Aubuchon, after aU,: ill 'a and John Vi~ra. hardheaded, realist. More' power . Mr. Dumais and, his wife are· --o( prayer-to her. ' lay leaders of the Catholic Fam­ ily Movement. ' , Mr. Driscoll and Mr. Silva are members of the Durfee High fa~ulty:teaching social studies. WASHINGTON (NC)-Post­ Mr. Letendre and Mr. Mendes master General Arthur S. Sum­ are ,active the Boy Scout merfield has announced ,the es­ tablishment of a new Post Office Movement. L~cal Mr. Madore has' had many executive position .of judicial 'officer, designed to give postal ,years experience as' baseball officials "more effective means coach for St. Anne's C.Y.O. team. , of'dealing with" {'ersons who. use Mr. Carey has experience as the mails for obscenity or fraud. Appointed to the post was eoach in the Little League. . All Knights of Columbus in Charles Ablard', 27; of Enid, Mass~ Okla., former assistant to, the gQ9d standing are invited to at­ ,Post Office department'. ;ener-' tend' the investiture,' as are all .'Ill 'oeuuaJ.:, : ' , Pl'ieats of the area. ~AKDINAL STIUTCB

Angel. She hopes that, the celestial spirit will find some way of enlightening the milld and soft­ ening the spirit of the 'Soviet communist boss. Failing that, Mrs. Aubuchon is not squeam­ ish. She says she won't object if the angel finds it necessary to use strong-arm tactics. . Who is she, she inquires with all reasonableness, to quible about an angel's method of oper­ ation? At first thought, you might say that Mrs, Aubuchon is naive. Bu t .let's see. CoUld Move Mountains Ctirist was emphatic about a lot of things. But never did He bear' down harder than when talking about the power of prayer. At times, He seemed almost exasperated over the .lowness of Ris followers to un­ derstand. Bluntly, he'told them that if

their faith were as much as a

grain of mustard, they could say

to a mountain, move, and move

At would. '

One of the last things He said to them was that if they asked

K of C Squires To be I...vester

Notre Da'me to Confer Honoll'ary Degree on Archbishop Brady

Sister of Mercy Jubilarian Dies


CQrdina' Stritch 'Is A Young 70'





New Job to Speed

Obscenity Work

(First and Tourist Class)




Consult Your

Travel Agent or


419· Boylston Stree,t



ILisfof Confribu.torsto195S·Cat:hoUc·ChaHties Appeal I

James N. Buffinton & Co., Advance. Frocks Corp., Albert G. Pierce, J. Frea Beckett & Son, Loft Candy Co.

C. L. Lynch '& Son, Sullivan Signs, Max Meyer,' Frank X. Perron, Ideal Bias Binding Co., pro Alan ·G. Simpson. $20 . Frank Feitelberg, H. Schwartz & Sons, Inc., Tri-City Equip­ ment Corp., J. T. Hughes, Henry JacobsOn, Atty. Ray C. Westgate. $15

. Ralph. E. Lop'er Co., Fitton Furniture & Movers, Cozy Cab & Bus Co., Nelson' R. Cherry. Atty. Terrance Lomax. Robert A. Clark, Roland Des- , marais; F. R. Paper & Supply Co. $10 Highland, Drug Store; Atty. Milton A. Westg~te, Pleasant Diner, . Inc., Federation, Lacord­ aire & Ste:. Jeanne d'Arc, ,Inc: National Finance Co., Liberty Loan '& Realty Co., ..Inc., Ken Lac· Chemical Co., Inc.. Lawn & Garden Equip. Co.; Wilbur's. 'August'Hebe~t &' Sons, Cham­ pion Paper Box Corp., Inc'., John F. Flanagan, Inc., Wiliiam .J. Bashall, Munroe E1Eic. Supply & Hardware' Co. James Kane, Beacon Garment' Inc;., Columbia ',Weaving,Mills, Inc., :Qr. Kenneth,N. Shand, 'Jo~" sephGabrall Roofing" Hathaway ~lineral ~ervice, Dr: Joseph V. . . $50 . Avon Curtain Co., Mr. and Medeiros. Fall River Glass Co.• Lorenzo Mrs. Everett B. Mills, Louis A. yard, Ciiffor:d E. .Smith, Drape, Inc., J. Whitney', Bowen, ~. Simon's Supply Co., Inc. Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Jobp. B. Wat~rman, Atty:' F;rank A. nodrigues, Atty. McGowan. W. Irving Pierce & Son, Louis' William C. Crossley, Mt. Hope Grocery, . M., RiChard Brown, , Hand, Inc., Robert L. G€ r main Acme Refrigeration Co., Stella Contractor, A Friend; John F. Anne. Frocks. Economy Radiator Doyle Contracting Co. Manuel Rogers. & Son, .Catholic . Works, John W. Cain' & 'Son, Milton Epstein, Bove Guild' for the. Blind, John f. Atty. . Stafford & Co.. Atty and Mrs. Chevrolet Co: Universal CIT Credit Corp­ Wm. P. Grant, Mr.-and Mrs. oration, LeComte's Dairy, Atty. Thomas Hudner. . Atty. and Mrs. James H. Ken-. Charles I. Turker, Ernest L. yon, Chace' Mills Curtain ·Co., Peirce, Atty. and Mrs. Isadore Levin, Stafford Furniture Co. Corcoran Supply Co. _ . '$35 Atty. Richard K. Hawes. .$25 Richard Morgan Thompson, ONE STOP Norman F. Thompson, In Mem-. ory of Frank E. Duffy, RelnY . '. S,HOPp,ING C:;NTE~ . Moving Co., Henry M. Shea & ,. Television • Furniture' So.n. . • •Applian'ces • GroCery . St. Patrick's "Women's· Guild,. North End Laundry, Atty. James '104' Allen S'.• New Bedford' Seligman,,, Slater Paper Box WYman 7-9354 . Gorp. Profe.ssiol1al ·Pharmacy.

Fan River

'Special Gifts

$1500° Fall River Herald News !' $600, ',' Atty. and Mrs. John T. Farrell $500 . , R. A. McWhirr Co., Fall River ,Gas Company, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Montie, A Friend, Cherry & Webb Co. $350.00 .J. & j Corrugated Box Corp. $.?50

Artcraft Fixtures Division, Special' Products Co. of Tenn., Inc.,' Citizens Savings Ban~ A Friend. $150 . John Coughlin' Funeral Home. '$125 . . Atty. and Mrs. J.Edward Lajoie. \

·Diocesan-Wide. . $3,000.00 :

Kaler, Carney & Liffier $1,0110 . First. National Stores, The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. $500 Stop ~ Shop, Inc. $100 Rumford St~l Products,. F. S. Payne Co. $50

Mr. ArthUr H. 'Bouler

. $25 . Will &'Baumer Candle Co., D. Dixon Donovan, Inc., A Friend. $15 . DiNatale Marble Co.


. $100 Catholic Nurses Guild of the Attleboro Area'. ' $70.00 . Conlon & Donnelly Co. $50 R. F. Simons Co." Alcazaba Circle -.D. of' I. Bebeault's Phar!Dacy. ,$25 W. E. Richards Co., Mr.' &; Mrs. Joseph Gaynor; Carey Bros. $20 M. J. Wall. Co., William Dun~ lap .' • $15 Taunton Printirig Co.; .BriStol , 'Londons & Floyds, The Rob­ $25 County Radio~J.R. Tallma'ii, bins Co. Sullivan. Funeral Hollie, ·Hath..; Ins.', Daniel Doyle, Boyden'plas­ $10 Charles ·E. Willis Insurance, tics Co.• ' Hon: '. Frahk E;' Smith, away.Oil::Co., Inc., Dr. &. Mrs. Eernard Connell, Alfred's Beau­ . B.P.O.E. ·No. 150, Nicholas Cour;' .William B.' Muldoon,. Hubert S. Kelleher, Zeiterion' Realty Corp., tyo Salon, .B. A. MacDonald Ex~ cy. Leahey's Liqu'or Store; Inc.. Donovan Amusement Co., Mr. RobertC. Saltmarsh. press Co., Bowen Br06. . ··C. E. Beckman, Dr. George Bruce & Lindstrom, Brown's, &; Mrs. George F. Tyson. Starbuck, Ryan & Scully, Inc., L. H. Cooper. $20 Dr. Richard Heywood, 'Hon. Herman's Liquor Store, Dr. Am­ .Joseph ,E~·Warner, Taunton Inn. brose Finnell, ·Dr. James H. Ma- . $150 honey. " '. . $15 . , McGowan Iilsurance Agency. Raynham Bleachery, Sol K. Dr: Jean J.Webster, Emory E. $100 Berk Co.• Frank P. Cohen, Dr. Wallace,. Dr. John B. O'Toole, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Doyle. Thomas F. Doherty, Jr., DeJ::l11o-, Jacob Teser & Norris Trip Co., $50 dy Cleansers, Bill Hewitt's Cafe. Inc:, Dr. Thomas H. Flynn, Dr. A. T.- Parker Co. $12 Louis Miskell, Dr. GilbertV. $30 Peter B. Gay Foster. Duvernay Council No. 42 - St. $10 Jean Society, Nolan's F:lower $20 General Works Clothes,' Inc., Shop. Lincoln Stores, Inc., Atty. Plahk & Hansen, Mass. Catholic Charles Mitchell, Atty. Paul J. Diamond'S' F~ral Home, AlOrder of Foresters, Mayfair Cafe, McCawley, Atty. Julia A. Joyce, rt. A. Morawski, MichaelJ. Russell B. Myers, Parker House, be Dr. A. R.-Amarantes, Dr. James Croke Real Estate, Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius J. Murphy. · Silva Funeral Home, Mozzone M. Quinn. J. P~ ·Reynolds. Bros. Lumber Yard, Church FueL. A FHlmd, Breneke's Pies, · L. C. Rondeau Trailer & Sates, Schofield Hardware CQ; Co.. Inc., :A Friend, Costello Harold F. Goulston, Dr. Aubrey Buick, Inc., Daniel F. Mcl'lear,. J. 'Pothier,' Holmes Coal Co., N. $2.0 .,. ney, Ins. Co., Mt. Hope Machin- '. B.TypographicalUnion No. 276. Webster Co., Falls Shopping ery Co., George F .. RileY;·Meh~ Center, V. H. Blackenton & Co., gan's .Gas Station: :: . :",' '. $~~, Inc. .$15' Dr. Armand V., Bolino, Ed.. R.'. J., 'Saltmarsh; ,Raymond mund J.BreniIari. Manny's New~McK. Mit~h~iI, W:.'T;:·Grant Co., .' A. R. Brais Co..•. A/Friend... "Hillside chib,"Sally Ann's Beau,:, Dr. 'Max Weinshel, Cornish & 'AOelicious COlJ1ple~e, No. Attlebo~~2.~Oas,Co. , ty. Shop, Taunton Co-Operative;' Co" :Iric. . .. . .,," , "Treat Samuel Miseph, Dr. William H. SeQuin·s;.Joseph K~ileher Ins., . .. $10 . " . 'Bennett, Wilfred Saint, Oliver's Dr.:A, 'Senesac, M &.·.K Coffee Eugene Gucwa, Enterprise .. , .Market, , ...,. _ ., c" , ., • • House.,. '. . -., c 'Case & Display. Co:,:"Dr. 'Robert '. . ,.,'. . ..., .. y/elch, Dr. Edmund T. Welch, PerryL's Jdenny SAtatioln, ~td-' ' . ' .$10·· .. .Joseph' A .. <;Xrimaldi.· , Lee' aun ry, ma gama e Henry A. Baitkiewicz, Pothier Ralph Hall, Home Town Mo- Meat Cutters, Octagon Service Monument Co., E. F. Whitehead, ' tors, Davis El€ c tric Co., Surcur:' .Station. Chandler: Manufacturing 'Inc.: LiOIi's Club' of, 'New Bed­ For GREATER

sale Ste-Jean d'Arc _ Assomp- Co., David B. Dean & Co., Leon- ford;' .' . 'ety, Eugene W·. Campard's Inc., MO<:lern Plastics En. .. N~W BEDFORD

tion SocI ·Dr. Fran,klyn 'Berry, Booth 'bell Stonesetting' & Engraving. gineering. ' THE. · uthern' Furniture Co., So. Eastern Past C 0., So A · .Frl·end, Gibney's Wheel. . T h e S'1ee 1Cey F Chief Rangers 'Assn., 'Federal os t er & . C 0., Al ignl'ng Service•. Kozy Cabana. Mass. 0 I. t· 0.,. C D r. W' I'11"lam Motor Trans. .. Co.; Dr. Leonard P N olanrlO ~ousa Bros. Welding Co., .Dr. lOgO., Maurice Grant. Drs, Herbert & H.. Swift, Royce, Alumi.riu~ R.. Charnley.

Elsie Loeb, Lyon's Advertising. Corp., Pr~sbery Bros.. WIll?, s.. Perry Liquor· Store, Inc:;

Agency. . .' _. ·.Alleys, Presbrey Refractones, Fami~y Pharmacy, Max Levov­ of. New ~dfor~, Mass"·

, · C sky ReaLEstate, F .. S: Brightman

" :B &, L Cleansers, Rattey's· orp. .. " , . . . C'· 'F W W· l' th & C

Drive:"Iri' The· Towne Shop. Dr. John SmIth, Farrell InsurQ". " 00 wor, o. Main Office . · ''''. ance Agency, Dr. James H. O~Kerry F;ashioris, N. 'A.. Textile Brien, Leddy Variety. Corp., Dr. MiltonT. Macponald, ', . .Ul1ion. and PleasantSts. .. North End Branch $200 'N'e~ P- J.Haste, A FriEmd, Dr. David, Taunton Daily Gazette. "' :G. MacFarland. 1200 'Acushnet Ave.. $100 $ 5 0 0 ' Case Jeweler. Co., .Dr.. Nor. Member Federal DepOsit· ,~ Asic for Them TOday Dolan. Funeral Home, Mr, & 'Star 'Store, ,N. B.' Institution. mand R.Gamache, Tuck - Jew-

,Insurance Corporation Mrs. J. H. Martin. The Queen's for Savings. A' Friend.' . . elers, United. Brotherhood of

Daughters, :t Wrn. . J. Fenton," - . . -$250::':--., ".~... Carpenters.. &- Joiners of Am.

George B'. ·Sanford. Dr. Har61d, Cantor; 'Lider &

" $50 Catholic .:Wome~'s Club of Lider; Arthur Goldys, William Mrs. Philip Cusick, Laughlin's New BedfQ~d.. " J. Carter & Co. Market, New Process Twist ""':" $l.Oq'i<{ ; ,Hatha}Vay's LaundrY,Calvin. Drill; ·Hon.· John E: weiCh, Edward V. ',:(..ahe'y, Cherry & Clothing Co., Paul L. Smith Ins. ." ,-' .; . . . . ' . .. '. . Co.. Bookstore Building, Rey-. A gency.'"A".' 'D' . gt on.. G eorge C. H arrlO ..., M c M u 11en I'nc., Dr. Charles E. Hoye, Edwa;d nolds DeWalt. Dr. Paul Walsh. . O'Brien, Frank J. Smith, Arm.or. $50 " ·.·Dr. Herschel Heinz, Standard· 'Bronze & Silver Co., Machini~t's' .' Dr:,Wilfred Rousseau, General Electric Co:;' .·Keating's, 'Alice National ·Bank. Plastering &·Tile Co., Dr. Alber~ i Kelleher, Atty. Foster R. Iler-' $30 9 G. Hamel. Dr. J. P. Ponte, Jr.'; , 'man; Dr,,:::John Sermingham... : .. Dr.· John ·F. Mulhern; Jr.·· .., .~DeBross",OH,-.Co,. Mr.::&':':Mrs.: '., :'Russel('Millien~ ·t(Harrison, • • : ~ '-:. '!t '..• 1. " - : . . • • • ~ $25 " ' I - . ~"". • Joseph, F.' Francis. . ,...:.\0 /: '..' . ":'thc., J. J. Duggan & Son Roofing;"" . Dr. B. Edwin Zawacki,James· Co, Dr: Joseph ·Buckley,Qr. ;W.il- .:PuritY·i:·DiaPer~:;>Serv~~;<":·J .. B. 1:. Miles, Wait~r G:'P6wers, S6;::··~ :lia'm P: ·Walsh.· Brimley>Seef· L1,1mper Co. . White Cottage, wiecknF.-iJrieral :Hoine,.,BiiiJtolc'~:,C9.;;Babbitt·.$team?SJ.?fdaTtY'Go;,:Ice cr~~'.inc,,· Correia '&.Son9.' ".

County Savings Bank, Mulhern A .F-r-iend,·Hinian Krivoff, Riv~'·;':::'Tr<i'~er~·-P~ckage'·"Stoi~."'''Dr. I]

Ph.arma~y. . " , ' ", '." ersi~e.DeY.¢lol?IJ:ient Corp,<r~",.;~~· Max Bhifu:( Dr: Fred:Singleton, , ...

Dr. Theodore R. Thayer, Henry Dar~rnouth . Finishing' Corp.,' ~:x: 'Moriu~ental -.works, Mr.c· .JI.., Aives, Jr., DJ):S" .. Hectort~. partmqutp, Textile <;::orp., N.·· B.:, Arthur Contant. ' .. REA D,....,.-. Demers, Eugene J; Sullivan, Mc- . Reconstruction Corp.• J. F. ,St. ': .Atty;: Sanitiel Lipman,' Centra(. Cabe Sand &.'Gravel,··Williams,·:::; AUbin' Co:,: .Park> 'Oil Co.,:' A, ·Pharmacy". ·Dr. Anthony Car-, Lumber Co., Inc., Richardlhmt:- .. ,F.riend"Dr. john W. Glenn. John' 'valho, Miss'Lucy Boardmanj • N.," Iq. ' ... , " . '.. ".' ..... i Paulding Inc,! A ~rr~~~" . :B. ·Wailpap~r:·td:-::' .


North' At·tleboro· .









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mE ANCHOR. Thurs., May 15, 1958


Toledo Prelate Moves to Halt Sunday Sa les TOLEDO (NC) - In • move against Sunday shop­ ping, Bishop George J. Reh­ ring of Toledo has called upon his faithful to support merchants who close their estab­ lishments on the Lord's Day. In a pastoral letter, Bishop Rehring told his people that store operators who' forego op­ portunity of gain by Sunday closings, deserve "extra consid­ eration throughout the week, the only time they do business." The s e merchants, he said, "should not be permitted to lose out to their conscienceless com­ petitors" who thus may become "convinced all the more surely that Sunday desecration does not pay even in material re-' turns." Customer Guilt "Store owners doing unneces­ nry business on Sunday are guilty of grave sin; managers, clerks, salesmen and other help­ ers are culpable also unless they have sufficient reason to excuse them," Bishop Rehring said. "Perhaps more than anyone else, people who patronize or visit, these stores on Sunday are 'at' fault; 'they incur gUilt to the extent of their part in unneces­ aary Sunday work." The campaign against Sunday .hopping, commenced in the Toledo diocese in 1956 when Bishop Rehring issued his first· pastoral letter. At that time, one of the large grocery chains ann'ounced it would open Sun­ days- because of competition. Sinful Operations Recently a, citizen group ar­ ranged a meeting of representa­ tives of large grocery stores. Four of six chain operators were represented. They agreed to close Sundays provided the other two chains would do like­ wise. It was in view of this development that 'Bishop Reh­ ring issued the second pastoral letter. He said: "No one should view the situ­ ation with complacency or indif­ ference. Sunday is the Lord's Day. It should be spent'in pay­ ing proper homage to the Crea­ tor and Lord God of the uni­ verse; no part of it should be utilized in unnecessary manual and servile work, nor should it be violated by cooperating in the sinful operations of others, even by small purchases that could be made anytime during the week."

Aids Fund to Catch

Synagague Bomber

BIRMINGHAM (NC) - The Catholic Week, newspaper of the Diocese of Mobile-Birming­ ham, has contributed $100 to a. reward fund being raised for the apprehension of the person or P' 'lons who attempted to dyna­ mite a large Jewish synagogue here. . The paper's editor, Msgr. Frank Wade, said the check was being given "for the apprehen- . slon and cOllviction of those re­ sponsible for the brazen attempt to dynamite the Temple Beth­ El in Birmingham. We were deeply saddened by this terrilUe act," he asserted. .

Maryknollers .Serve

New Mission Area

, MARYKNOLL .;(NC) - The' Ma'ryknoll Fathers have agreed k> take ,over seven parishes in an undeveloped area of some 1,200 square miles in the follow­ ing Province of Davao on Min­ danao Island in the Philippinet; A mountainous, sparsely set­ tled area,most of the l;ommuni;' cation between tow nil and vil­ lages on Davao is by ·sea. The region has exceptionally ~er;". the volcanic' 'soil and· ',a fine climate. The area hlls a' popula­ .&ion of 365,000· (mostly pag•• tribes). ,, . This' new area is a' pioneer territory; to which· the. govern­ Inent ,is encouraging' settlers to Inove from' overcro'Wded DOrtb­ _








First Ordinations' 'in New Bedford Church Saturday May 24 Continued from Page One Rev. Mr. Duchaine The'son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo­ seph P. Duchaine 6f 3570 Acush­ net Avenue, New Bedford, Rev. Mr. Duchaine will offer hi,s First Solemn Mass at 11 A.M~ May 25 in the church of his ordinatiOli, St. Anthony's. As archpriest he will have Rt. Rev. Msgr. Albert Berube, pastor of St. 'Anthony's; a8 deacon, Rev. William E. Col­ lard, pastor of St.' Theresa's Church, New Bedford; as sub­ deacon, Rev. Damieo Veary, SS, CC.,of St. Anthony's, Matta..; poisett. Rev. Eugene Van Ant­ werp, S.S. of St. Mary's Semin­ ary, Baltimore, will' be the preacher. Rev. Mr. Duchaine was grad­ uated from New Bedford High School and Holy Cross College before entering St. Mary's Sem­ inary. Rev. Mr. Poirier Rev. Mr. Poirier, whose par­ ents are Mr, and Mrs. Charles H. Poirier, 42 Thorndike Street,

Somerville, stUdied at .schools in

Cambridge and attended Boston

Popes Cites Parental Education Rights VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope

Pius XII has sent an autographed

letter to Bishop Franz von Streng

of Basel and' Lugano, Switzer­

land, to mark the' opening of, a

Catholic normal school in Zug,

the country's smallest canton.

The Pope wrote that "parents have the right to. educate and train their children, a right established by God with great exactness in natural iaw and ,throu&h Revelation." He noted that the Church has defended that· right, but at the same time declared that it also recognizes the right of the state in requiring citizenship train­ ing. "The school must contribute to the civic education and train­ ing of all, that is, the training , which the state has the right to expect of its citizens" while "the Church is entrusted with the task of religious and moral edu­ cation of humanity," th~ Pope wrote.

Australian Ordinary

Plans Movie Board

MELBOURNE (NC)-The for­ mation of a "film classification board" for the Archdiocese of Melbourne has been approved by' Archb:~hop Daniel Mannix. The Archbishop had taken this step pending the creation of a national motion picture office along the lines of the Legion of Decen,CY in the United States.



Rev. Mr. Camp~ell Church, Woonsocket, with KeY. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Mer­ Honorat T. Gauthier, M.S.. rill Campbell, . 171 Pleasant preaching the sermon. Street, Easthampton, Mass., Rev. Officers of the Mass will be Mr. Campbell, M.S., attended Msgr. Stephen Grenier, pastor parochial schOol in his home of Holy Family, archpriest; Rev. parish of Our Lady of Good Henry J. Dauphinais, M.S., dea­ Counsel. He entered the minor con; and Rev. Donald L. Pelle­ seminary in 1945 and the La tier, M.S., subdeacon. Salette maj9r seminary in Attle­ Rev. lKr. Hubert boro in 1952. His home parish will be the First Solemn Mass will be eel' scene of his First Solemn Mass, ebrated in his home parish of with his pastor, 'Rev. Leon Sau­ St. Joseph's, Woonsocket, on vageau, acting as archpriest; May 25 at 11, A. M. by Rev. Mr. Rev. ,Gustave Gosselin, M.S., Hubert, M.S. His parents are professor and spiritual director Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Hubert.~ at the major seminary, 'as dea­ 574 Robinson Street, Woon­ con; and Rev. Charles GenClreau, socket, and he received his pri­ curate at Immaculate Conception mary education at St. Joseph's Church, ::"itchburg, as subdeacon. school, 'entering the La Salette Rev., Mr. Campbell's preacher minor seminary in 1946. will be Rev. Paul Dalbec, M.S., Rev. Rene H. Ch"bot, profes­ provincial secretary for the La sor of dogma at the La Salette Salette Fathers. ­ major seminary, will preach at " Rev. Mr. Gervais the First Mass. Archpriest will A graduate of St. Anne's paro­ be Rev. Joseph Baril, pastor of chial schOOl, Woonsocket, Rev. St. .Joseph's; deacon, Father Mr. Gervais, M.S., is the son of Chabot; and subdeacon, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Philodore Gervais, Elmeric A. Dubois, superior at 48, Westwood Road, Union Vil­ the Attleboro seminary.. Rev. lage, Woonsocket. He attended Mr. Hubert also has a sister in Holy Cross Priest ~ La Salette seminaries at Enfield, religion, Mother Mary Louise, N. H., and Attleboro. He will F.M.M., who is stationed at the To Head Fairfield celebrate his First Solemn Mass WORCESTER (NC)-Father on May 25 in Holy Family Franciscans' Hospital for Chil­ dren, Brighton, Mass. James E. FitzGerald, S.J., dean of Holy Cross College, has been named president of Fairfield University in Connecticut. He succeeds Father Joseph D. Fitz­ JUNE 29 - AUGUST 10 Gerald, S.J., who has been as­ Resident Camp for Girls - Ages 5-15 signed to Jesuit provincial head­ quarters in Boston. The two Operated and supervised by experienced Sisters and Coun­ priests are, not related. . selors. Superb living conditions. ,Enjoy o'ur beau'tiful, large,. new Crystal Blue 1958 Swimming Pool in its first season. Weekly Fee '$35.00 Registration $5.00 Phone,GE 4-2079 or GE 4~0143 or write to: SISTER MARY THOMAS, I.S.M. 3070 'Pawtucket Avenue, Riverside, R. I.

College for two years. His sem­ inary studies were made at St. John's Seminary, Graymoor, N. Y. and St. Mary's Seminary, Bal­ timore. He will celebrate his First Solemn Mass at St. Clem­ ent's Church, West Somerville. .Assisting him at Mass will be the Rt. Rev. Robert P. Barry, LL.D., archpriest; Rev. Daniel Saunders, S.J., deacon; and Rev. Edward Mitchell, of 'Sacred Heart Church" Taunton, sub­ deacon; Msgr. Barry will also preach the sermon. 'Rev. Mr.' Giroux Rev. Mr. Giroux, M.S., is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Armand N. Giroux, 145 Fiske St., South­ bridge, Mass. He will offer his First Solemn Mass at 11 o'clock May 25 in Notre Dame Church, Southbridge, assisted by Rev. Rene Lemoine, M.S., director of the La Salette minor seminary, as assistant p~iest;' Rev. Roland Vandal; M.S., professor at the major f~minary, as deacon and preacher, and Rev. P~lUl' Cho­ quette, curate at Notre Dame Church, ~s sub-deacon.






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Smut Pub/fiher

Vocation Novena

Tomorrow the great novena to the Holy Spir!t begins. During the period between the Ascension of Christ into Heaven and Pentecost Sunday, the Apostles and the Blessed Mother gathered together' in prayer. It was the first novena. And their prayers were brought to a climax in the coming of the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity upon them on 'Pentecost as the Chu'rch was launched on he~ mission iil the world and through all time. .. . This first nine-day period of .prayer has been' the pat­ tern for all novenas ever since. This novena that begins tomorrow is surely the novena that should see all the faithful prayin'g with the Church for the light and strength of the Holy Spirit. , The Bishop directs' that the faithful of this Diocese use this opportunity of prayer to- ask God for vocations to the priesthood and brotherhood and sister's life. He asks our prayers that the Holy Spirit will. so touch the hearts of many young men\ and women that they will see that 'God .is seeking their lives to do His. Will. And the Holy Spirit.must give them the courage to make the sacrifice, to hand over their lives generously to th~ service of Christ in His Church. There is a particular efficacy about such novena prayers, for the faithful of the Church of Fall River will be acting in a concerted prayerful intention that will have power before God: God will not only inspire the hearts of many young men and women but he ;will enable their parents to see the privilege that is theirs-to be found worthy to . give a son or daughter to the total service of God.

On Again - Off Again, The much-discussed and often-proposed summit con­ ference among the "big" powers of the world is going .through another series· of' "on again-off ',again-gorie again" man~uvers.



Thurs., May 15, 1958

Weekly ~alendar

Of Feast Days

..TODAY-Ascension Thursday. which commemorates the com­ missioning of the Apostles by Christ and His Ascension· into heaven. Generally this date i8 the feast of 'St. John Baptist de Ia Salle, ConfesSor. A' French priest, he founded the Christian Brothers and became an Apostle of Christian education of youth. He was, born in 1651 at Rheiml ~of noble parents, but gave all his wealth to the poor upon his ordination. He overcame many obstacles before his institute of Brothers was approved by the Holy See. He died in 1719 and was canonized in 1900. TOMORROW - St. Ubaldus, Bishop-Confessor. He was bishop of Gubbio, Italy, and was noted for his courage in meeting and · dissuading Frederick Barbar~ ossa, who then was laying waste to Italy and was threatening Gubbio. He died in 1160 and was canonized in 1192,. SATURDAY St. Paschal Baylon, Confessor. A Spaniard, he was born in 1540 and became a Franciscan Brother. He was noted for his humility, penance, and prayer, and his devotion on over-exuberance. Besides, it to the Blessed Sacrament at the il! possible and proper to chape­ Altar singled him out as the ron such' local affairs in a man­ Saint of'the Eucharist. He died ner that does not make them leSll in 1592 and was canonized in pleasant but which makes' ex­ . 1690. In_ 1897, Pope Leo XIII cesses unlikely. Even the' re­ proclaimed him -tlie . Patron in quirements of dress, which elim­ Heaven of Eucharistic Con­ inate "jeans'" and sweater sets gresses. .and which insist uPon dreSs jackets for the boys, have' an " SUNDAY - St. Venantiull, . effect that is. salutary. Many 'Martyr. He was beheaded for such dances are held 'reguhirly. the Faith at the age of 16 at and when maturely managed Camerino near Ancona, Italy, in' the persecution under Emperor have very little difficulty. Decius about 250. Two other What we have to remember Christians are said to have died here, as s often elsewhere, is with him. that youngsters should not' be MONDAY-St. Peter Celes­ placed ir situations which are tine, Pope-Confessor. He was too volatile for their youthful born in Abruzzi, Italy, in 1221 capacities. We cannot expect and became a Benedictine monk. them to act as ~dults, and, while He founded the Celestian con­ - we allow them areas of free gregation. After the death of decision : spart of their matur­ ing process, we do' SQ only within Pope Nicholas IV, he was selected Pope in 1294 but resigned four ,boundaries' that protect their best interests. .It is no insult to · months later and returned to his monastery Mount Morrone. He the young to take care of them died in-1296 and was canonized and to make impossible' their in'1313. exploitation by the UI1scrupu­ , lous. At the same time, however, TUESDAY-St. Benardine of we must not deprive them of Siena, Confessor. Scion of • the. legitimate enthusiasms .if noble family, he was born in youth even where these may 1380 in Siena, and after serving seem undIgnified or lacking in the sick in public hospitals ,true q,uality. · joined the ,Franciscans. He de­ clined several appointments as ,Bishop, but was' elected Vicar General of his order and ac­ complished great reforms among 0 its members. According to tra­ MANCHESTER (NC)-Bish­ dition, he was cured of an im­ op Matthew F. Brady of Man­ pediment of speecn through the chester has paid tribute to the Sisters' of Mercy fOJ: an outstand-, ~lessed Virgin. He died at Aquila in 1444 and was canon­ ing CQntribution to education in ized five years later. New ~Iampshire. He spoke at a Mass of Thanksgiving Which WEDNESDAY - St. Valenll, commemorated the centenary of Bishop, and Companions, Mar­ the Sisters in Manchester. tyrs. :.ittle is known of St. Val­ . :Recalling 'the humble, and ens except that he was a"Bishop even hostile, surroundings ~f the of the early church. Tradition adds that he and three Christ­ S·IS t ers 0 f M ercy as t h ey started their century of service, ,Bishop · ian youths were put to death Brady declared: . for the...Faith. - "Unfortunately, the .commun­ ity to which they came ridiculed and 'openly showed its 'contempt, a community that even today re­ 'luctantly, unshamedly and silent­ ROME (NC)-'Conventual ly, but with supreme indiffer­ ence, ,is witness to the fact that Franciscans have received half of its educational system word that the Chinese com­ is carried on by this and sister munist government has religious orders to its financial ousted the acting Prefect Apos­ advantage but in appalling con­ tolic of Hinganfu in Shensi tradiction of its smug distorted province. ,sense of justice.", The Hmganfu prefecture apos­ "All this is, in a. sense,'"Bishop tolic, erected in 1928, is entrusted Brady, said, "unworthy of the occasion of joy 'and happmesS' to the Conventual Fathers. Its that we all feel, but it is such Prefect Apostolic, Father Pietro Maleddu, O.F.M. Conv., jailed a stark reality that it cannot be . by, the 'Reds and later expelled, ignored nor can we as a com­ is now living in Italy. munity fully appreciate the·con­ tribution of the Sisters of Mercy A spokesman at Hie Conventual .to the New Hampshire scene generalate disclosed that' the without passing comment on pro':prefect is a native priest, but what the educatioll picture of said his name could not bc 'given .New Hampshire would be today for security reasons. He ex­ wit' out. their mag'nificent con:' plained, however, that· after tributi'ln to' it. Every third child Father Maleddu's expulSion it in a Catholic school in New was decided t~at each rem'aining Hampshire. is ta~ht by the, Si8priest would succeed automatic­ ten of Mercy." " ',..,. ally in line of seniority.

The Pilot: Kids As·Kids

(The following editorial ap­ peared in the May 10 edition of The. 'Pilot, Catholic newspaper ,of the \rchdiocese of 'BQston.) Several facts are clear through the haze of political Boston is in the news again analyses and rumors. and this time with the' Rock n' . There is no possibility that th.e communists have changed Roll. Last Saturday evening at the Boston Arena some wander­ their basic policies. Their tactiCs may'change, their methods ingminstrel of the R-R art gath­ . have' a chameleon adaptability about them, their voice to ered together about six thousand the world can grow gentle or strident in turn, but the funda­ teenagers for an evening of f exhilaration with 'the latest mental total goals are always the same-theurtherance of tunes. The results were' catas­ . an atheistic totalitarianism, and this on a world-wide scale. tropic-di.Iring and after the per-, _Another fact is that the free powers of the world dare formance. the police reported hoodlumfsn}, assaults, stabbing, -not approach a conference with the communists with the . and a kind of juvenile reign of hope that they are dealing with men of sincerity. ~ terror in that section of the city. A European diplomat recently stated tha.t he saw no As a result of all this we have observed that the R-R minstrel danger in a summit meeting and in the agreements that~' is haVing his show. banned in would, there be reached. He argued that no country ever other cities along the Eastern intends to keep any agreement it makes if it does ntlt believe seaboard and further lihowS of this to be for its own welfare. And should the situation this kind are already banned in 'I . b d . th our city. . change, there. would be no scrup es In a an onmg e agree­ ' Certai~ly no one will dispute ment. the_ right of city authorities to To approa~h a,ny conference with that cynicism and step into a situation as volatile . as'this and to put an end to.dis­ lack of integrity is to waste time staging ,a gigantic hoax for orders which threaten life and the amusement of free men of the world and to the despair 'public order. The bans make .of those who can hope no longer. It is not diplomacy-it is 'good sense and the exploitation play-acting. And the price of such a production is much too 'of the young for profit is about as crude a business operation as high. can be imaginea. Moreover, it A summit conference could have impressive by- has been charged that the music at the Boston fracas al­ P roducts, even if no agreements were arrived at.. It could ... master lowed himself the opportunity to bring the freemen of the world closer together: it could.' disparage the local police in his force the communists once again to reveal themselves in remarks to the teenagers, their God-Ies~ aims, and maneuvers. 'gives a pretty good idea of his . sense of civic responsibility: And yet it is all too shange th~t when 'communism, At the same time we must ask 8peaks out boldly of its intentions to bury the free-world, some further questions about many. men of the free world "caJ1l1ot take such a. challenge R-R itself. It has been main­ as a serious proposal of intent. They talk of exaggeration, tained, and with good logic, that . the misuse of this form' of music of playing to the gallery, ,of propaganda statements. They should not bring a ban on the are willing to take anything out of such a, statement but the' whole R-R field. City authori­ obvious meaning of the words. They nurture 'the idea that· ties have been careful to make sO{l1ehow one can do business with the communists and sur-. a distinction between the ex­ ..•,I' ve<ll. It I'S the old legend of the feud betw'een the lamb and cesses'dances at the which Arena may and the de­ cent feature the tiger-the tiger argued-that there was no need of strug­ R-R melodies. It is possibl{dor . gle and friction between the two, that all could be settled youngsters, w h 0 surely have a t h ' t" b t r 'ght t be easily and happily if the lamb would allow itself to be eaten the I 0 en uSlas IC a ou music styles of their own by the tiger. . times, to 'have' dances and enter­ We pray that our' representatives consider a summit tainment under auspices which, keep' J'uvenl'le excl'tement f eonerence wi~h a great deal of caution, a realistic e,'alu­ erly ch~n~elled. o' prop­ ation of the aims of the communists, and a refusal to allow Along ,this line it would not themselves to. be tools in a communist propagan~a parade. be difficult to set up I'Ules which would separate on ~ kind of ex­ pression from another. Anyone who knows anything about mass psychology can apply the ele-' mentary rules in this case. Why a mob of several thousand young­ sters, '. indiScriminately assem­ bled, should l:ie gathered to­ gether bycso~called promoters OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL, RIVER whose .jnt~iests are neither with the children or the community PUblished Weekly by The :atholic Press at the D'iocese at Fall River is the. first question. The same 410 Highland Avenue . children in small groups, with Fall River, Moss. OSborne 5-7151 responsible _supervision, and 'gathered 'on a' neighborhood PUBLISHER basis .:oi.Ild have entertain~nt Most Rev. James LConnolly, 0.0.. Ph.D. without excess or' vhHence. 111 this" atmosphere the normal reGENERAL MANAGER ASST: GENERAl'MANAGER '-straiIlts' of the home ,and the Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll neighborti~od, the fact of being : MANAGING EDITOR known and being' among acAttorney Hugh. J. GOlden .paintances, have their effects

Prelate Pra .·ses f M ~hich Sisters erey

®The Ai\fCIIOR


·China Reds Oust Another Prelate


Reds in Rumania Restrict Prelate

Says Competition Hurts Russians At Brussels

VIENNA (NC)-Bishop Aaron Marton of Alba Julia, believed to be the onJy Catholic prelate still at liberty in communist Ru­ mania has been placed under strict police surveilance. 'Accord­ ing to reports received here the 61-year-old Bishop has been for­ bidden to perform any religious or pastoral duties that are not strictly liturgical and do not take place either in his own resi­ dence or in the cathedral.

LOS ANGELES (NC)­ ,The Brussel's International exposition is the ideological crossroads of the world, not just a merchandising trade expo­ sition-and the Russians are al­ ready protesting. Francis J. McGuire, U. S. &cavel director for the Commis­ sioner General of the Holy See's pavilion, so describes the expo­ sition's significance. Because of this, he said the Vatican is repre­ lented. Mr. McGuire said many American visualize the exposi­ tion as a marketplace of autos, tractors and atomic reactors. The 52 nations participating, however, are aware that this is a competitive showing of 'the concept 'of man and his destiny, the travel director declared. Icebox Fortress Civitas Dei (City of God), Mr. McGuire said, occupies four, .acres adjacent to Russian and U. S. pavilions. The U. S., Civi­ tas Dei and Russian exhibits in that order, are. drawing the .reatest crowds. "Competition is keen," Mr. McGuire said. "Russia's pavilion, already tagged an 'icebox fort­ ress,' depicts in a cold atheistic manner the influence of com­ munism on' farming, education, ,philosoph~' and government. "Contrasted to this, Civitas Dei illustrates man in terms of crea­ tion, the life, death and teachings eI. Christ." . 'Church Silent' Competition is hurting· ,the Russians. Mr. McGuire said the Russians have already protested the Catholic pavilion. Civitas Dei shows the "church silent" with Russian troops guarding a cOl1centration camp. The Russians' demanded this Ulustration be removed, charg­ ing that the Church was "insert­ Ing a controversial issue into a fair dedicated to peaceful over­ tures," Mr. McGuire declared. Mr. McGuire, advised Amer-. lean Catholics to view the Brus­ lei's exposition in the light of . . ideological competition.

Cordinal Cites'

Christian Living

MONTREAL (NC) - Paul Emile Cardinal Leger, Arch­ bishop of Montreal, has called upon young Canadians "to be­ come witnesses to Christ in this JOth century of science, luxury and pleasure." Cardinal Leger spoke to 6,000 .chool children at an all-day celebration commemorating the SOOth anniversary' o~ the found­ Ing of the first school in Ville Marie (today's Montreal) 'by the Blesscd Marguerite Bourgeoys, foundl'css of the Congregation of Notre Dame.

New Bedford Boy

Wins M IT Award

R01and T. Doucet Jr., a senior at St. Anthony High School New Bedford, has been awarded a scholarship at tne Massachusetts Institute of Technology. M.I.T. officials have, advised Roland that his scholarship will cover tuition, room and board. Recently, he won a third place In the Massachusetts State Sci­ ence Fair. He will enter M.I.T. in Sep­ tember and major in electrical engineering.

Bishop Marton, elevated to hiS See 19 years al~o, has been under police surveillance before. In 1951, he was under surveillance for several months and was later jailed. He was released in 1954 and permitted to resume h~ duties with relatively little in­ terference. Toward the end of last year he' was questioned 'about anti-communist statement. he was' alleged to have made.


RETREAT WEEK-END: Three members of youth groups in Fall River leave for a week-end retreat at Cathedral Camp. They are left to right, Robert Sullivan, William Russell, both of the Cathedral Parish, and James McKeon, St. Patrick's Parish.

'$ets Aside Immunity Privilege

For Cho ritable Organizations

TRENTON. (NC)-The New bers of the Young Women's Jersey Supreme Court has re­ versed an old legal principle Christian Association, fell down a flight, of stairs and suffered which granted immunity to non­ profit charitable organizations injuries. and institutions from .suits lor The two justices who dissent­ injuries due to negligence. ed from the majority decision In three decisions, the court held that the court was not em­ voted 5 to 2 to reverse lower powered to oVerturn the immun­ court rulings and ordered new ity precedent. trials in suits for damages In recent years several cases against the Newark Eye and urging the setting aside of the Ear Infirmary, St. Luke's Cath­ immunity precedent have been olic Church in Hohokus, and the heard by the court, and in each Young Men's Christian Associa­ case, the principle was upheld. ~ tion, Westfield. In the past year, however,' two Justice Nathan L. Jacobs said new justices have been named in the majority opinion that to the court and a new chief when a legal principle no longer justice presides. serves justice, it should be put, Current Notions aside. • In the majority opinion, Jus­ Follow Other States Harsh injustice is created, he tice Jacobs said the immunity said, by the immunity principle doctrine was born in a mistaken decision in England in 1839, and in that ir\jured persons are pre­ vented from getting damages even though this ruling was later reversen, the .original decision for injuries resulting from negli­ was intr.oduced into Massachu­ gent conduct. setts in 1876. The high court's ruling, al­ though going against previous Referring to the first use of decisions, is in agreement with the principle in New Jersey ·in rulings already delivered in 1925, Justice Jacobs wrote that 'about 20 other states and the the decision may have "accurate­ District of Columbia. ly represented the then prevail­ Twenty-six other states have ing notions of public policy." upheld l' e principle, although "But 'times and circustances in some instances it has been' modified to some extent, such have changed," he wrote, "nad we do not believe that it faith­ as in Illinois where a court ruled fully represents current notiolUl charitable groups could be sued for negligence only if they were of rightness fairness." insured against the results of such a suit. In the case of William S. Cal­ CHICAGO (I"C) - Claretian lopy versus the Newark Eye and Father Joachim de Prada, 57, Ear Infirmary, Mr. -Callopy, in editor of the Voice pf St. Jude his original suit, charged negli­ monthly magazine, died in South gence on the part of the hospital Chicago Hospital after a heart after he fell while wearing band­ attack. ages ov~ his ey.es after an oper­ Father de Prada was also di­ ation. . . rector of the·National Shrine of New JusticeS St. Jude, of which the magazine The suit against St. Luke's was the official 'organ, and treas­ was filed by. Mrs. Harriet F. Dal­ urer and provincial consultor of ton of Ridgewood, who charged the Eastern province of the she w!ls hurt- when she slipped Claretian Fathers. and fell in the church vestibule. The suit against the Westfield F " YMCA was filed by Mrs. Lucille Benton of Cranford whQ, after • OFFSET using ,the '{MCA's pool at a time LITHOGRAPHY when it was reserved for mem- .

Heart Attack Fatal


Arrange Lourdes Day For Worcester Sick



WORCESTER (NC) A Lourdes'Day for the sick of the Diocese of Worcester is planned June 5. It will commemorate. the Lourdes Centennial and will be held in conjunction with the annual Corpus Christi observ­ ance in nearby Barre. The evening services will in­ clude a Mass offered by Bishop John J. Wright of Worcester. Assumption Brother Gerard Brassard, association director; said the idea of the day "is to bring to the sick of the diocese a little spark of hope and joy by .howing them, in. a modest but impressive way, what Loul'da

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Ginny' s~easles Climax','Rpund Of May 'Weekend Activities

-THE ANCHOR Thurs., May 15, 1958 '

Fall RiverWomen Honor Chance II or

, ,.By Mary Tinley Dal~y,' ' ' No'matter where you live, you are undoubtedly play­ ing the necktie-and-white-gloy~ circuit, just as we 'are. Did you ever see week-ends'like these? Not since last May, at any rate. , The Sodality you belong growing toward maturity; that to is having its Communion they must not only be ~'jelly, };lean" but '~soup" conscious and , breakfast; your club is hav­ ing its fund-raising fair, that his little friend Lulu was

Rt. Rev. Humberto S. Medei­ ros, Dioc~san Chancellor, and, his mother, Mrs. Antonio Medei­ ros, 'were the guests of honor at the annual banquet and install­ ation of officers of the Sucord­ ium. Club of the Sacred Hearts ,Academy, Fall River, in the 'convent hall. Msgr. Medeiros, club chap­ lain, was presented a check by, _~Mrs. John F. Coyle, retiring president. He praised the work of the organization' foJ;' ,the con­ vent and the sisters and con­ cluded his brief remarks by asking the members, to try their ,very best to be better women of prayer for themselves and their children. Mrs. Coyle also presented a money gift to Rev. Mother Anna Gertrude, S.U.S.C. for the re­ decoration of the convent chapel. Installing officer Mrs. Alvin J. Sullivan seated the following suite: President Mrs. David W. Boland; Vice-president Mrs. Al­ fred J.Roy; Secretary Mrs. Francis V. Carey; Treasurer Mrs. Samuel J. Hacking; Directors: Mrs. 'John"'F. Coyle (one year); Mrs. Elmer R. Stafford Jr. (three years); Mrs. Henry V. Miller and Mrs. Joseph Campbell (each two years). Standing committee chairmen 'who 'were appointed by Mrs. , Boland are Mrs: Thomas A. O'­ Donnell, membership; Mrs. Francis P. McGuigan, program; Mrs. Tho;mas F. DiNucci, hos" pitality and Mrs. J. Joseph' Welch, publicity. Mrs. Sullivan was chairman of the banquet committee.

or whatever; there.is a tea for not yet ready to 'be' Scout. ~ "Am I a jelly beaner or a, this, a luncheon for that, a May, souper?" our scout asked as we festiv;ll. ' met her outside, in the' pouring And these are

rain. just your own

,"You're super!" we hustled her wind-up actiV­

to the car parked down the ities for' the

street. ~ year. There are

Detect Symptoms also your hus-'

Then a dash home, rescue th,e . band's and your

roast, a quick dinner and a once­ children's.

over with the curling iron to This, wa's Ginny's now-straightened hair, Ginny's week­ a quick-change for her 'into a end. in necktie pink dress and over to school for and white the year's end "recital." Came gloves respec­ the singletons at the piano, then PLAN REGIONAL RETREAT' CONFERENCE: Mrs. tively we went the duets, interspersed with "Se- M lections from the Glee Club"argaret' Oliva of Milton, president and Bishop John J. on Saturday afternoon to the open 'house at, her grammar that's where, Ginny plus 119', Wright of Worcester, episcopal advisor ,of the National others came in. 'Laywomen's Retreat Movement, discuss plans for the ninth school, saw the school papers­ some good, some bad-talked to Back into the drenching rain, Mid-western R,egional Conference. It will be held in Indi­ the 'teacher, ,met ..the other par­ and home. Off with the white anapolis, Oct. 17-19, 1958.' NC Photo. ents. ' gloves, off with the necktie, Sunday afternoon: don the re­ Giimy's pink dress replaced by galia again for the' awarding of a bathrobe as homework started. medals to the Catholic Girl "Why, you're not even keeping Scouts of the area. That Sunday your columns of,figures straight, AKRON (NC)-The generos­ ganization," Miss Egan said.' ''"It aiternoon service was an exam­ Ginny," we remonstrated. ple of good programming if ever "Tired? Want to get up early, ity of the Catholic Daughters of has been continuous and' consist": we saw it-and we have at­ America in assisting' the needy, ent, and your gifts have extended and finish?" . te~ded more Scout "do's" than "Guess I'm tired," Ginny homeless and hungry, overseas' to all parts of the world even we'd ever like to attend 'again! yawned, "but my eyes hurt so!" has been praised warmly by into those areas still in' dark' We were skeptical at first, we . We' glanced at our youngest. Eileen Egan, projects supervisor ness.~' admit; because of course, we had The normally pink cheeks were for Catholic Relief Services'­ to be in our places a half-hour almost scarlet, the forehead ­ National Catholic Welfare Con­ Dames Patro~esses ference. ' ahead of time-and had ;left the splotchy. 'We gave her the once­ The official of the worldwide Plan Annual Meeting . Sunday roast in a slow oven. over. "We shall give out the 260 in­ Dames Patronesses of Sacred Measles! No doubt about it. relief and rehabilitation agency dividual awards," came the Three-day-we hope. And how miintained by the U. S. Bishops Heart Home, New Bedford, will Inc. announcement after the singing many has she infected? said that "in the past decade hold their annual meeting Sun­ of "The Star Spangled Banner." more than' $500,000 in money day in the new wing of the home.a Ah, May! The Head of the House and I and gifts in, kind have passed Rey. J. Omer Valois, first chap­ FUNERAL SERVICE glanc~d at each other dismally. through the CRS-NCWC of­ lain, now a resident <.>f Joliette, Other sets of parents exchanged fices from' the Catholic Daugh­ Canada, has been invited to at­ 549 COUNTY ST. ,MARYKNOLL, (NC) - The ters 'of America as individuals, tend. \> similar glances. We'd all seen Maryknoll Lending Library re­ the length of the printed pro­ NEW BEDFORD, MASS. and also from their' corporate Committee members include ceives many fine comments on units." , gram.

Miss Vivian Surprenant, Mrs. the films it loans to schools each "Your contribution representS Ralph Pelletier, Mrs. Euclide Seven-Minute Sermon

the largest of 'any Catholic or- Fisette, Mrs. Roland Payette, "Plus a sermon yet," groan­ '_JP,onth. But its latest film; "The Mary­ ingly murmered the Head of the Mrs. Gaston DeBrosse, Mrs. Drama Entertainment House, pointing to the program. knoll Brother," received a pleas­ George A. Collet, Mrs. F. Omer Somehow, though those 260 had ant, though unusual, letter from Grenon and Mrs. Ernest Lavio­ a young student in a Brooklyn For Nurses Guild their individual moments in the lette. The B. M. C. Durfee Dramatic sun, it didn't take too long. Each parochial school. Funeral Mrs. Frank Chartier and Mrs. "I liked your fiim. on 'the Club will present a one-ad' play set of parents, like ourselves, Simonne Rousseau are co-chair­ , Maryknoll Brothers very much," Directors before members of the' Fall awaited just one or two or pos­ men of the 33rd annual card sibly three names. It- was the ,the letter began in a' young River Catholic Nurses Guild party to"be held June 4 at Gau­ 469 Locust St., Fall River "sermon" that had us scared as handwriting. "They do good during . theit meeting next· dette's 'Pavilion, Acushnet. work for the people who have Wednesday night in St. Anne's ,OS 2-3381 we thought of that roast in the nothing. I would like to join Hospital. Miss Barbara Wel­ oven. But what a sermon! It couldn't' the, Maryknoll Brothers and do lington will direct the group. NICKERSON Mrs. - George E. Sullivan Jr., have taken more than" seven the 'same.'" Signed Catherine McKenna, age nine, of Brook­ newly-elected president of the FUNERAL and minutes but we could have let lyn. ' . Guild, has appointed the follow­ the roast dry up, listening far MONUMENT 'ing members as chairmen of longer. Aimed .pight straight at FUNERAL HOME standing committees: ' Cape Women's Council SERVICES his audience of Girl Scouts, not Eleanor Higgins, spiritual Miss over their heads at the parents, BOURN'£ • SANDWICH. MASS; 986 Plymouth Ave. Re-elects Officers welfare; Sister Ascension, mem­ Rev. Edward J. Stokes, S.J., told 'Officers of District No. 5 Dio­ Fall River bership; Mrs. Thomas H. Mc­ Serving of his "girl friend," Little Lulu. cesan Council of Catholic Wom­ Nally~ fil1ance; Miss Katherine CAPE,COD "She's a Lulu, all right," he en, were re-elected at a meeting OS 3-2272 smiled and his listeners smiled attended by 74 members of area Nash, by-laws; Mrs. Francis J. and Surrounding Communities Simpson; program; Miss Kath­ with him. affiliates at St. Pius Tenth hall, leen'McIntyre, hospitality; Miss "She wanted to };Ie a Girl South Yarmouth. . Frances Cash, education, and Scout," Father Stokes said, "but They include Mrs. Martin Mrs. Bernard J. Mangione, pub-. O'ROURKE JEFFREY E. her mother wouldn't let her be­ Joyce, president; Mrs. John Bar­ licity. Funeral Home cause she wasn't ready. -Arid do rows, 'vice-president; Mrs. 'Ar­ SULLIVAN you know why?" thur Maddelena; Jr., recorder; 571 Second St. Funeral Home "Why?" came the whispered Mrs. Joseph Galizio, treasurer; Fall 'River, Mass. response from the rGWS of green Mrs. Phtlip Dempsey; corres-, 550 Locust SL 9-6072 uniformed figures. ponding secretary; Mrs. Con­ Fall Riv.er, Mass. \, , Soup and Jelly Beans I stance Fortune,' ,parliamentarian, MICHAel J. McMAHON OS 2-2391 and Mrs. Earl A. Kittell, auditor, "She told me the reason her­ Licensed Funeral D'irector Rose E, SuUlvan publicity director and historian. self," ,Father 'Stokes went o,n. Regi~tered Embalmer J~ffrey E, Sullivan "She said, 'Father, I got so in­ terested i the jelly beans that ' Council at Convention, I forgot the soup.: " : I Miss Mary ,Quinn, R.N., and THE , ',The Girl Scouts perked up. and Mrs, William J. Maloney, R.N. THE DAUGHTERS giggled, every pair of eyes on the both o{Fall River, are represent~ , FIRST NATIONAL speaker. ' ing the Fall River Diocesan BANK " " "You ,see," 'Father Stokes said, Council' of. Catholic, Nurses, at Attleboro--South Attleboro '"Lulu went to the' store to buy the, bil~nniai convention of the HOLY GHOST, soup for lunch; she bought and National Council of Catholic paid for it, then she bought some Nurses being held today through. devote their liv,es to teaching , jelly beans and began sorting Sunday at St. Louis, Mo. FOR on elementary, high school Theme qf the 'convention' is them out-the green ones here, ,OUR LADY'S and college levels, do district the red ones there. . .. And she "Catholic Nursing: Its' SnirituaI. nursing, catechetical work, walked home without the soup!" Professional and Social .Values.'; MONTH 'God expects you to h'ave fun," and are engaged in mission Statues Father became seri<,>U's, "He work among th~, Negroes, Pictures PHILADELPHIA (NC) - In­ kl'\.ows you like jelly beans, He of Alabama and Africa. Is wants you to like them. He wants tellectual activity within the Catho'i~ Literature' God calling you to work with you to' play and to laugh--"':'He' Church, ranging from academic us? For information write to: even wants little girls to giggle... scholarship to the intelligent use, of television and literature in the But He also wants you to re­ Emily C: Perry' TtiE MISTRESS ,OF NOVICES home, will be discussed dUring a member the soup." 562 County Street In a few more brief sentences,: Study Week of the Lay Aposto- ' Opposite St. Lawrence Church THE HOLY GHOST PROVINCIAL HOUSE

Father, Stokes noted that Girl late at St. Joseph's College here, New Bedford. Mass. 72 Church Street Putnam, Connecticut

' Scouts are ,trustworthy and Aug. 17 to 23. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~""'~"', ~.~.,~, ~,.,'~~~~

Commends Daughters of America ,For Generosity to World Needy' .

Michael Co Austin

, Wrong Place

D. D. Sullivan '&



Catholic , Charities 'need' Your Support


'of the

Study Week'






Today's Fashions"




Success of Chemise bep~nds On Well Chosen Accessories By Ellen Ken~y Accessories make "The Chemise!" Yes, indeed, the 8uccess of ·the 'chemise depends on what you wear with it. You see, proportion changes in design demand !lew directions in accessories! Cleverly top the narrow chemise 'with awide hat, angled newly,revealing white, or a deep, rich Jersey a souffle of hair. Spark cream tone! . ehemise simplicity with Your new Summer dr,esses bright beads, looped by the need cool control! (Even though yard. Counterpoint shorter che­ mises with classic flat handbags. Reflect your costume color with matching-tint stockings. With hems uP. shoes grow to a new glide-level for balance: Toes taper, middling heels curve under lean pumps or T-straps. All these seemingly "little things," the accessories, add up to make a wonderfully different you! . Patent leather comes into its own this Spring and accom­ panies some of Spring's loveliest fashions! Furthermore, it length-. ens its beautiful ebony scope, as sun. rays grow longer and 'Sum­ mer is here. Without a shadow of a doubt, your most becoming accessory. with brilliantly col­ ored linens, sprightly-shaded cottons is atent leather shoes plus matching handbag.. Newest Version As mentioned in this column recently. "The· Trapeze" is a charming new adaptation of "The Chemise." It's the shape of 1958! It features a free-swept line that fits at your shoulders and bosom, flares out at the waist, then Swings away to take a dramatic wide stand. at the shorter hem. . . It's the newest version of che­ mise, but has a beguiling fashion idea all its own! Indeed, "The Trapeze" is the silhol1ette that stopped the presses in Paris, and captured the imagination of the whole world! It is fresh, young. and altogether delightful! The flowering print comes into its own this season and what could be prettier? You'll admire it in softly curved sheath dresses, in flaring skirts, in silks, chiffons, taffetas, crepes and in the modern magic-like blend of dacron and cotton. Yes, it's just the time to brighten up your wardrobe with a flower print! The shirtwaist dress follows the prevailing trend of the sea­ son and achieves great American good looks. Faultlessly tailored with the smooth details of a man's custom shirt, these' ele­ gant dress fashions are subtle interpretations of the eased che­ mise and the relaxed line. For Summ~r Fun The white terry cloth lounge robe is tops for now-througn­ Summer wear. It Will lead a double life; at the beach it will be a necessity and, into the bar­ gain, will flatter your newly acquired tan.· At home it will be utter luxury-to hop into from the bath, to enjoy as casual lounge wear, wl1ile you're relax­ ing: and sunning! One charming version I noted yesterday had a .nap front and was belted with • seaworthy rope! A new adventure in active

sportswear is color-f\.ln sun ~nits, combined with cotton twill! Whether you're a beach comber, • boater" or a backyard longer, you'll love the sporting look at its most· practical, most whimsi­ cal best. These colorful knitted coordinates are scheduled to add wonderful zest to your Summer of'fun in the sun! Sweaters on Seene Whether you plan to wear it around the corner, or around the world, the new, wonderful dacron blend suit is your ticket! It all but· takes' care of itself! Furthermore,it's the best travel­ er's aid I know, because it com­ bines fashion with practicality. It's weight is practically nil; wrinkles are non-existent. It washes and drip-dries in a snap and requires no Ironing! Sweaters emerge on 'the fash­ ion scene, boxed and lengthened, relaxed a la Chanel, and top some 0:.. the loveliest of Spring's jumpers, slacks, skirts. They're delightful in pastel tones, deep, vibrant ton\.s; exqUisite in chalk

unwaisted, a chemise does need control.) You needn't cinch in your waist, but you do need a tapered look at the hipline. The new garments ("The Sarong," for instance) hold in the thighs, eliminate a cinched waist and any untoward bulges! They give you a supple look inside a che­ mise, yet are delightfully cool, soft, light-weight and comfort­ able. Prices are modest, too! Summer hats are brimmed with beauty and complete the' picture with Summer dresses. Some are widely brimmed; some have a lift to show off your bangs! Big bow trims are new and some hats are vivid in color to show off your lovely print dresses! Flowered Hats A little cloche makes a Sum­ mer suit hat and' adds a real town look to a cotton suit.' It's so light, you'll forget you have a hat on. In white, with white gloves it looks so heavenly cool, too! A little "Head-Fancy" is pretty at night! Try a little clip­ on affair as the finishing touch to a late-day dress and show off your smart new hair-do! Fur­ thermore, the lavishly flowered , hats are nothing short of-delec­ table! Wear one, and collect com­ pliments on its pretty whimsy! If you like, a delightfully indi­ vidual touch is the the flowered wreath, matched to your chic new flower print dress! All-in-all, the Spring-into­ Summer Fashion Picture is breathlessly beautiful and pro­ Vides a charming. setting for ,you . today's lovely Amercian woman!

DOCTOR AND FAMILY AF~ICA BOUND: Dr. Gregory O'Conor and family, of West Hartford, Conn., are piCtured before their.departure for Uganda, British East Africa. Dr. O'Conor, acknowledging a, lay apostolate need, will organize and direct the recently built hospital and clinic in Nyakibale Mission, Diocese of Mbarara. Left to right are: Thomas 10, Sally 4, Mary Ruth 8, Dr. O'Conor 34, holding Peter 18 months, Jean 13, Mrs. O'Conor and Joseph 6. NC Photo.

Cardinal Suggests Parents Spend Leisure Time with Children COLOGNE (NC)-The home and the .factory are the 'major battlefields on which the mate­ rialistic spirit of our day must be met and defeated, Joseph Car­ dinal Frings, Archbishop of Cologne, has declared. Said the German'Cardinal: "If you know'the teachings of the Church and use them as basic principles in your dealings with other people in the home and on the job, the social teachings of the Church, which are poten­ tially alive in the encyclicals of the popes, will become part of the living conscience of every Catholic. When you know them and live by them, they will grad­ ually'permeate the world. Then the world will' be safe from

New Bedford. Council Re-elects President

Miss Kahtryn T. McCarthy was re-elected president of New Bedfor'd District, Diocesan Coun­ cil of Catholic Women, at it. fifth annual meeting in 51. John the. Baptist Hall. Also elected were Mrs. Joseph S. Rego, vice-prE~sident, and Mrs. Homer J. Mandeville, recorder. Miss Lucille R. Benjamin was re-elected treasu.rer. The nominating committee in­ cluded Mrs. James W. Clark, chairman; Mrs.' Rudolph A. Paradis, Mrs. Mary/O. Leonardo and Mrs. Mary P. Quinn.

atheistic. materialism," he said. , The Cardinal also called upon parents L .. use their leisure time to greater advantage. He pointed out that children who know how to play properly grow into wholesome members of the Church and community. "Whole­ some play develops into useful leisure... · he said. Cardinal. Frings urged parents to share their leisure time activ­ ities with iheir children. "Living together. worshiping together, relaxing together-these are the prinCiples of Christian family life," he said..

Oblate Missionary to Conduct Weekend Retreat for Women


Monument Works

Our Lady of Good Council Fall River. From the New Bed­ Retreat Leagu'e has completed ford area are Miss Louise Fin- .' nell, Miss Emily Perry and Miss arrangements for the Spring re­ b'eat tomorrow, Saturday and .Mary Cole; from Taunton, Mrs. Sunday in the Diocesan Retreat ~ugh Neville, and Miss Margue­ House, East F.reetown, '(\lith Rev. rite Smith; from Attleboro, Mrs. Thomas J. Reddy, O.M.I., editor John J. Mullaney and Mrs. of the Oblate World, as retreat Hamel; also· Mrs. Gilbert J. Noonan, Falmouth, and Mrs. master. Father Reddy is a missionary Martin Joyce, Hyapnis. Hostesses are Mrs.. Mullaney, Oblate of Mary Immaculate Mrs. Noonan and Miss Lahey. Reservations may be obtained by contacting any of the com­ mittee members or by calling Rev. William F. McMahon, Dio­ cesan Director of Retreats, at the Retreat House. The retreat will start at 8 o'clock tomorrow night and con­ clude at 3 o'clock, Sunday after­ noon..

'AL' ALBANESE. Prop. Designing & Manufacturi~ 195 ROBESON< ST .. NEW BEDFORD

Just abov.e Shawmut Ave.

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STO~.. and bank the convenient- way right in o,te lobby at The Fall River National Bank

Officers Elected Officers of the Coyle Mothers Club of New Bedford were

elected at the annual outing held . in the Red Coach Grill. Elected were Chairman Mrs. Henry Brouillette; Co-chairman Mrs. William J. :t'rought; Treas­ urer Mrs. Chester Kawa and Secretary Mrs. Zephyr D. Pa­ quin. FATHER T. J. REDDY. O.M.I. preseiltly stationed at ihe Pro­ vincial House of the Eastern American Province on Boston's Jamaicaway. He is a native of tti~ Archdiocese of .Boston. . Father has preached exten­ sively through ihe East conduct­ ing college and high school re­ treats. closed retreats, novenas .and Days of RecoHection. He has appeared several times on TV for the Diocese of Buffalo. N. Y., and ha::;been the guest speaker on CBS national pro­ gram, "The Church of. the Air." Name Committees President Mrs. Raymond Ham­ el announces the following com­ mittees: Reservations, Chairman Miss Edith Sears, Mrs. GeOrge P. Hurley, Mrs. Ann' Tuttle and Miss Margaret M. Lahey, all of

.-r..... . ' ..

"'"' ,"iII,•.



A SERVICE FOR IEVERY NEED • . • • .• • • • .• .•


Mrs. GeorgeSliott To Direct Banquet . Mrs. George Shott .has been appointed chairman of the .an­ nual banquet of the Somerset Catholic Woman's Club to be held next Tuesday night in Stone Bridge Inn. Rev. Patrick· O'Neil of St. Thomas More Church, club moderator, will be a guest. President Mrs. John J. Ferry will co'nduct the annual meeting followed by election. of officers.

Easier Now 'BAGHDAD (NC)-As a resuIt of the union of Jordan,and Iraq into the Arab Federation, Cath­ olics in Iraq are· now able to make pilgrimages to· the Holy Land with much less difficulty than before.

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Vineyard Haven

Parish GBfts



ST. MARGARET'S $500.00 Rev. David O'Brien. $uil,OO Oyster B;:Ir (Mr. and Mrs. .Thomas McDonough) .. ­ . $50.00 St. Vincent de Paul onfer­

ence. $25.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Bosnengo, '. Sts. Margaret and Mary Guild. . $10.00 Tucy ,Bros" Mr. !"nd Mrs. George Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. William McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. A. Clayson Tucy.

Chatham HOLY


CHANCELLOR HONORED: In the presence of hi.s

ST. AUGUSTINE'S $150.00 Rev. John T. Higgins. $50.00 St. Augustine's Womell'l! Guild, St.. Augustine's Holy Name Society. . $25.00 St. Augustine's St. Vincent de Paul Society, Mrs. James Boyle. , $20.00 Anthony Costa,' Michael Fon­ tes Jr. , $10.00 Mr. and Mr!? Ernest. Duarte, . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Trahan, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ouellette, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall McDonough. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morris,' Mr. and Mrs. Francis Duart, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Blackwood, Mr: and Mrs. Frederick Thifault, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Hickey. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wklter Kszysty­ _.niak, Mr. and Mrs. Bolesiaw Nickowal, General and Mrs.' William Ennis, Mrs. Frank Oli­ . veira, Mary Reilly. Manuel' Sequeira, . Antone .Swartz, 'MaJ;tha's Vineyard. Funeral Home, Dr. Joseph Frisch, Thomas Rabbitt. Vineyard . Slip ,Cover Shop, Bert's Barber Shop, Smith Brothers Contractors; Hjnckley Lumber Co.' .



ANCHOR 10 Thurs.,-THE May 15. 1958 $25.00 Mr. and Mrs. P. F.' Lavedan, Mrs. John Cain, Mr. and Mrs. A. A .. Miller, .Doane, Beal & Ames. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conroy, Ernest Links. $20.00 ·Mrs. George Messenger. $15.00 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Fin­ ley, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Vachon. . Mrs. Mary Grant. $10.00 Marie. Stone" Mrs. WallaCe Bassett, Carl Maloney, Mrs. Frank Pardee, Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Sullivan. Sarah McGlinchey, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Collinge, Marion Halbritter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Downey, Mr. and Mrs. James' I. Blute. .Betty Halbritter, Dr. and Mrs~ Arthur D'Elia, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Long, General and Mrs. Vincent Jacobs, James' Connor. Miss Catherine Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Precourt,' Holy Name Society, Mr. and Mrs. Th'omas Cummings, Charles Eastman.

$100.00 ~other, Mrs. Antonio S. Medeiros of Fall River, Rt. Rev. Mrs. Frederick J.Byrne. HumbertoS. Medeiros accepts gift from Mr~. John Coyle, $50.00 . Mi. and Mrs. Arthur' Corkery. president of the Sucordium· Club· of the Sacred Hearts . $30.00 . Academy, 'Fall River. . . ' A Friend, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel $15.00 Mrs. Kenneth Holdgate, Mr.' and B. Casey. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Mrs. Paul Warman, Mrs. Frank $25.00 Conway' imd Family, Mr. ~nd - , Chatham Trust' Co., Nickerson Bogar Mr. and Mrs. 'James A. Mrs. Albert Ega'n Jr. 'Lumber Co., Cecile Doelger, Hann~n, Mr~ and Mrs:' Paul T. Mrs. James Glidden, Mr. and~ Marie Doelger, Association of .Webber. . $12.00·.. ~ Mrs. John McLaughlin,' John the Sacred Hearts. Mr. John Coyle, Mr. and Mrs. McGlinn, Ml's. William Hender­ . $15.00 Michael Lahiff. son, Mrs. Mary D'unham and SACRED HEARTS ·.Doane, Heal .& Ames,' Daniel $10.00 ,.,. Ethel. . Shanahan, Mr. and Mrs. John, $10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Bran­ Mrs. Angie. Laprade, Mr. arid Cavanaugh, Mr. and Mrs. R.· R. Wa~reham Mr. and Mrs. Herman Roy, Mr. Mrs. Joseph Lennon, Mr. and Lally, A Friend; Mr. and Mrs. agan, Mrs: Colemen J. Coyne, and Mrs. Adrien Desrosiers. ST. PATRICK Andrew Doherty, Edward Finn, Mrs. Thomas McAuley;' Mr. and George Killen. ST. JOSEPH $200.00 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glydon, Mrs. Charles Barr,. Mr.. and Mrs. $10.00 $100.00 St. Patrick's Conference of St. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Cole, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Panek. James Moriart~'. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McGann; Vincent de Paul. lind. Mrs. John Roy; Mr. and . John F. Glynn, Mr. and Mrs. '. Mr. and Mrs. Luiza Mendonca, Mr. and Mrs. Donald 'Oswald, " $50.00 Mrs. Eli Rogers, Mr: and. Mrs. Joseph Greelish,. Mrs. T,homas Mary Mendonca, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gerrett Schuler; Rev. James W. Clark, Isabelle Anthony Capriccio, A Friend, J. Grew Mrs. W. Harry HeptonRichard Mack, Mr. and Mrs: $50.00 Cumming. Thomas .Haley, Margaret Killen, Stall, Mr. and Mrs. James P. K.el­ John Fee, Antone Medeiros. A Friend. $20.00 IIII'. and Mrs. Patrick Sullivan. ley, Mr, and Mrs: Jos. Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Ke~neth Pease, . $25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred. Pappi, Mr. and Mrs. George Magurn, .Mr. and. Mrs. Joseph Sen~cal, , Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Cardoza; Harry RhodeI', Mr. :and. Mrs:. Mr. and Mrs. William T.Mar­ Mrs. Ernest King,. Mr. and Mrs.. Medio Pedezani, Mr. and Mrs.. Mr. and -.frs: Charles Pittle, Mr.' ST. PATRICK'S nell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Charles Stackpole, Mr. an"- Mrs. and Mrs.· Joseph A. Saladino. Edmund Valley. McGuerty, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lester Simmons: $15.00 $250.00 Murphy, Mr. aria Mrs. Charies $20.00 , Rev. James E. Gleason. O'Neill, Mr;' and Mrs. .1'. L. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Harris, Mary Stott, Mr. and' Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. David W. Fitz­ $25.00.. Speirs, Mr.' and, ·Mrs. Paul E. 'Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bowen, The Charles Kiernan, Mrs.' Thayer. gerald, ./L Friend, Arthur, J. " New BediOl'~ Bargain Store;. suliiv~ln. ..:' Terry. Family, Mrs. Llllian. Francis. Mullen. I . ..: 111'.' and Mrs. Joseph Brown. . " '. Thurston, Mr. and Mrs. Howard' $10.00 $15.00 . $20.00 '. I Laundry." .

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Collins, . . Mr. and Mrs. James Costello, W'}'lliam" H.Keating,· Capt ..., Mrs Edw}'n Shepardson Mr Mrs... Fred .Smith, Catherine' Gla~ys and Carol Raymond. ': '. OU'R" LA' D'Y 0'F. T.'·HE.· 'ISLII: . . , . . . William' :J:Cregan.· and Mrs: Allen E. Norcross, Mrs.' Smith,Mr.. and Mrs:. Chal'les $10.00· ,, $15.00 .' . $100.00:..·. . Charles Pearl, Mr.. and Mrs. Precourt, Mr. and Mrs. Edward. .Valmore J. Archambault,' A ., .. ~.MrL· M~rian . Tukey, 'Major .St. Vincent· .de· P~ul CODfia-': . Peter I. Sylvia, .Mr. and Mrs: Coriroy. . Friend, Zephire R. Bissaillon, '. EugeiutW: LaRocca; Mrs. Lewis ternity. JoaqUin M. Ramos.. . . . Mr. and Mrs.' Robert Kiernan, 'Francis Buckley, Mr. and ,·Mrs•. "Lawrence, Dr. and Mrs~ Gerald.'. $'75.00 .' .. 'MisSes Anna and' Mary Gaffney, .Emile Genest. '. : ',Rev. Daniel E. Carey. ,,' Mr. and Mrs.. Edward J. Tar-:­ ·L. Doherty,- Jallles' 'Q; Lyons,. ..is, -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph .Souza; '. Mr. and Mrs. John Reinhardt, Mr. and Mrs. Louis·B. G,old, ". -·lIrs. Frederick English.. " $50 00 ' . . . . Mr." and Mrs. Charles Brown, . "-:.' . $1'2.00, I ' · . . . . . . . . , .

Nellie' Sylvia;·Mr.· and. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James Goggin and. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Vose. . Mr. and' Mrs, Charles P. Flana-. ·Manuel.Reis, . Mr. . and Mrs. Mary. Goggin, Mr. and Mrs. J.ohri ',' ,Mrs. 'Ellen Soares. '. Can, Mr. Albert ~avoie,Mis8es';"RichardF;D.owling.. Barbara FranCis,' Amy Brewer, . Harrison" Josephine and' Edward . ". $10.00 . Alice and Ma'ry Roberts,' Martin. Mr.' and Mrs. .John 'Lowney, Kenney, Mr. and ~rs.. Jo~ph Mi: ilnd·Mrs. Manuel Emeram, .Fole;y, Mr.' and Mrs. Robert B.' .Jerem·iah O'Connor, Cmdr. Sarah McLallghlin, Mr. and Mrs. A. Koback. . . Arthur '. Rapoza, Mr. and Mrs. Deeley. . and Mrs.· Isadore Souza, Mr. ana Thomas Reidy. . . Mr: .. and Mrs. l:Ienry" OIdcm; Joseph Cardeira, ·Dr. Joseph" Mr. and' Mrs. Preston Man:" Mrs. William' Turner, Bridie . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eldredge Mary B. S\lllivan, Mr. and Mrs.. Accardo, ,Lt. Dennis Comolli. . chester, T; J. McGee Council K. Ledwell, Mr.' and Mrs. Maurice and' Family, Mr. and Mrs. ·Ro­ Joseph B. Sullivan, Dr. Edward Mrs: George'Blake, Capt. Marc of C, St. Mary's Guild~ .. Kiley.· . mainPoyant, Mr. a,n~ Mrs. Fran­ Vogt. . . Robert, Angelo Burgess, Dr. E; $35.00 . Mr. and Mrs. Mictlael Sivik, Cis Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Tripp, Dr. and Mrs. Philip '1. . . Joseph Visco. . Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Dinsmore, 'Maynard, Mr. and Mrs. Clement Wessling.

$25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Byron Snow, Helen Spillane. . . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Mer­ Mr: and Mrs. Charles E. Flana1 Hull, Josephine Deacon. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mona­ rick Mrs. Francis Carmody, Mr. gan, Mr. and .Mrs. Clinton H.. Julia Ayers, Mrs. Robert· han, ..Tohn Galligan, Margaret and '·Mrs. Daniel V. Bartolomei, Murray, Mrs. P;:lul' Klingelfuss, Mack, Mr.' and Mrs. Casimiro Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Con­ Plumbing - l1eating,' Lt. Paul Kaminski, George Fon:' Mrs. Rolf Sjolund,Mr. and Mrs. Caton, Mr~' and Mrs. Bertrand ley. lleca..

Paul Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Over 35 Years Smith's Variety Store, Fal­ . ter Glowacki. Mastai. . of Satisfied Service' mouth' Firemen's Association,. Mr. ;md Mrs. Albert Fee, Mrs. HOLY TRINITY· 806 NO. MAIN STREET Mrs. Joseph B. Miskell, Mr.' $20.00 Ralph Harvey, Mrs. Annette $100.00 Frank Engel, Mr. . and Mrs. Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph Veit, Mr. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs.' Ernest Fall River OS. 5-7497 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Welch. Joseph B. Miskell Jr. and Mrs. James Worth, Mrs. Gor- . Lema Sr., Mrs. No~ina'n Mc­ Walter .Bennett; Wallace .T. don McDonald, Mrs. Noreen Cleave. Pierce. Shea and Betty Ann, Mrs. Harold' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruley, Ryder Sr. . ' . Mr. and Mrs. Hugh ·Fitzpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. Charles .Fleniing, Mrs; Anna' Tunning, Mr~ '.~ and' -. FOR THE The Misses Jane and Julia Sulli- Mrs. Francis Sylvia, Mr. and ST. PETER THE APOSTLE van, Mr.' and Mrs. Maxwell Dea- . eo.'n, M.,rs: Charles G. Snow. r -.: Mrs. John Blaser; . ~ ...:.' .... ' '.:: $200.00 Bertha Angers, Mr. and Mra. ;(A legal rese~v~ life in5ura~ce organization) . Rev, Leo J. ·Duart. $1'7.08 . Bernard Holmes,' Mrs. Helen IN FALL RIVER AND NEW BEDFORD AREA "$75.00 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Muiph:r• . Barnes; Mr. and ·Mrs. Allen Men between 25 'and 'SO years of age may apply in writ; Rev. Francis M. Coady. $15.00 Norcross, A Friend. $25.00 ino 10 D. 'e,ad',.. •• O. Box 170. CoM...d. I Mr. and Mrs. Francis McGarMr. and Mrs.' Joseph P. Dooley, 'Catholic Daughters of Amer­ Hampshire. Qualified applicants will be well trained and: vey, Mrs. Sophia Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. F-rank L. Hardy.. ica Court, Provincetown.. will receive good pay. , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glowacki, $15.00 Mrs. Sidney.Thurston, Mrs. Mary Chauncey' Hackett. Galligan; James and Gladys . $10.00 ,; Worth. Gabriel Fratus; Joseph Ma­ $12.00 cara; In Memory of Joaquim Mr. and' Mrs.. Clifford Ryder.

.CrQss, Katie Williams and' $10.00

Charles Williams; F. A. Days, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Huyser, Inc., Mrs. Joseph 'Ferreira, Mr. and Mrs. John Santos Sr., "'it's .r"- wh~le .01 a drink'"

Miriam .and Bess~e Corea. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray,

Yarmo~th. Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Towhill, 17 DELlC.IOUS FLAVORS

The Foster Family. BEST SINCE 1853

ST. PIUS TENTH. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel F. Sylvia, $700.00 Mr. and Mrs. Antone F. Sylvia WE DELIVER F.OR. ANY WORTHWHilE PU.~POSE Rev. C. L. Broderick. . Jr., Jane Sylvia, Mr. and Mrs. CALL .~ $50.00 Anthony R. Sylvia,. Michael , AT ANY OF OVR THREE BANKS Holy Name Society, Mr. and Perry. . 0 , . WY 9-6264 .. ~ Mrs. Philip E. Dempsey, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John .Barrows, and 9-6265 and Mrs. Peter LeSage. Mr.. and· Mrs. George Haddon, .-: : !loud! Bank GJe~RCIIANIS N~r~~:ank $40.00. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick'Vallett, 2 Rodney . 'f'-M...:...--"';"ABANV Acushn« Mrs. Joseph.Maynard. Mr. a'nd Mrs. John Driscoll, ' _ _ Bhd. .., ~ ft D. A... $25.00 '. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hal~y;. .Miss Madeline C~Brown, Mr: . Mr. and Mrs. Albert'Silva;Mr; ~ns, OF ..NEW IEDFORD MWI Mrs: Bernard,": Shea, Mrs. and Mrs. Tobias Flemming and 45 SCHOOl ST•. , Anna M. Unswort\1::'. Carolin~;·Mr; A. Terrioi·Th9mas .. ·. MAIN 1AN1C - rutCHASE . . . WIllIAM STREETS




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West Harwich



Catho'lic O.rder 'of Foresters







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Hira'm' Whe'a'ton d S I


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THE ANCHORThurl!., May 15, 1958

, Three Dimes Each

Continned from Page One the vestments. This involved much correspondence, and s~v­ eral trips to ecclesiastical supply houses in Boston. One detail in particular en­ tailed cooperation from several sources. Father Lamb's "blue­ prints" called for various sym­ bolic designs to be cut out of gold leather and attached to the vestments. A half hide of the specially treated leather had to be procured, then it had to be eut, a ticklish job. This was done by Edmond G. St. Laurent, assistant director, of fine arts' for Fall River sc'hools; then the leather was tooled into the re­ quired designs. Ample Cut




God Love You


By Most Rev. Putt,on J. Sheen. 0.0.

The Temple of Jerusalem had thirteen trumpet-shaped boxes

into which the faithful ponred their offerings. One day Our

Lord sat and watched those who dropped in money. A poor

widow came with the two smallest pieces of money in existence;

together they were worth less than one cent. That was all the

money she had-all. If she gave one half of her possessions, it

would have been tremendous; it would have been like a man

who had a million dollars giving $500,000 to the Society for the

Propagation of the Faith.

Our Lord sees what everyone gives. When He saw her give all she had He called the attention of the Apostles, saying that she had given more than all the others because she had given everything.' Evidently, Our Lord judges our giving not by what we give, but by what; we have left, We can never get the whole world into our hands but we can wash ourselves of the world,



olive-green and goldlined, are of ,ample cut. The cope is a half. ' eircle of material 12 feet in GIRLS' C.Y.O. PROJECT: Sister Rose Angela, S.U.­ radius, and the chasuble is simi-S.C., and her brother Father Conrad Lamb, inspect

·larly full. This is in line with the beautiful vestments that the Girls" made for

, the design of, anCient vestments, .. the .newly-ordained Taunt~:m p:ri.estri" With the religious are

a.s.B:, c.Y.a.

':'~~~h ~::::rsmae:a~~s:ot:ero:~:~


Now, look into your purse. How many dimes have you? If it be one send that one to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith; if it be seven send all, seven. Though you will not be giving up all your pOsSessiol1s to help the Missions in Africa or Asia. at least you will be giving up all your dimes. That will give you some sense of sharing the love of the widow who kept back nothing and of Magdalen who broke the vessel of perfume and Il'ave everything. .

,Mrs. John J. Sullivan, Girls' Spiritual Activities

ments. The very word "chasuble" director, and Miss Catherine M. Coughlin. The third mem-­ comes from the Latin for "little . ber of the trio who made the vestments is Miss Mary house" and the garment, cut like . Cronin •.bus~' !It a Vocational Convention' when the picture a poncho, was a very efficient was taken. We speak of dimes because last year the Catholics of the shield against wind and rain. United States gave the Holy Father, for the Missions of the world, "Nowadays at the elevation of three dimes each-the equivalent of a package of cigarettes, The' the hos. and chalice, when, the ~ SlY Methodists sent to their central Mission office an average of $2.05 altar boy raises ,the priest's each, or almost seven times as much as Catholics. chasuble, it's merely a symbolic m;Q,,~ona gesture," 'said Mrs.. Sullivan. spoke at the University of M,is­ ' COLUMBIA (NC)--.:...A Protest­ ~'But in foru,ler times' vestments ant magazine editor character­ souri •School of Journalism. Shall we to whom Our Lord gave Himself '8Ildy, Blood, Soul were vOl,uminousthat 'this ized evangelist Billy Graham's ,alld Divinity in Holy Cominunion r'eturn to Him'so little to bring assistance was needed in oi'der mass meetings as "emotional Referrhg to Dr. Graham's the Eucharist to Africa. Many converts there walk fifty miles ' . t' ' ht b balls" which stir a public clamor mass' meetirig, Mr. 'Fey, who is th a t th e pnes' to MaS'S on Sunday. And yet all 'we ask is .1ha:t in the name 01 s arms mIg e a ·membi..I' of the Disciples'· of .nimpeded." ,Father Lamb's "for moreo'f the same kind of Our Lord you give all yon possess in the way of dimes. vestments, foli6wing ancient tra­ ·exciten'lE!nt." "Christ· church, declared: 'dition; will require the acolyte's Dr. 'Harold E.' Fey, of' the ,."·'S,'.i,x moilths after a ca,'m,pa,ign , GOD LOVE YOU to W.W;C. for $5 "0111y a beginning we hope." 'services In actuality, not merely " Christian 'Century' magazine, in Madison Square Garden . ill s y m b o l . ' , · . ' (New York)' o'rtDe C~w I'alace ..• to, Mr. & Mrs. A.J,C, for $30. "We are sending this check your way to ,pass alon'g a bit of Love to the poor and needy of the Valuable, help to the sewers h d' h ~San ,F,rancisco),. the onl:Y' ,ob- .. . am ra 10:, as 'sett>able' effect of one of those world.~' •.. to A.L,L. for $3,5Q "In the name of God, lam sending . was'g,ven bY' Rev: Walter A: Sul- .,.:-, And,: even l'n my salary al'd' livan, ·FaWRiver CYO director. " .nlAyed ,..., :its ' part " Father Lamb's . emotional balls is more people "thl's' amoun't of an l'ncr"ase ... • the rst dividend mother, Mrs. William. X. L a m b , . . from a new in'vestment." '.' ' He is the same height as Father 149 Norton Avenue, Taunton, clamoring for more of the sa,me Lamb, a towering six feet three was' slll'prised last week to re­ kind of excitement." Here's a Golden Opportunity to help the lW:issions. Send us ,inches,and he was' in frequent ',ee~v~ 'a telephone call fr.om a Speaking of the responsibility your old gold and jewelry-we will' resell it aJlld the DtOney 'will demand for fitting sessions.'! . radio amateur, in Boston relaying , and', freedom of therei.gious be' Used to aia our Missions. Look around your house-you may SOS lor Pall a.message 'from 'her 'son:' ",Where wess, Mr, Fey called for seritlus find a' rinll' or a bracelet you no loiJger wear. gold eyeglass 'Another 'vestment maker in ' 'is my pall?'" It turned, _o,~t that . d'epth in reporting religiOl.~s·mat­ IrameS,' one cuff' link that has lost . Its mate~ As you look think Pall RiVcr has' b'een Sister' Rose "J,VIrs, ,Ro/llild D. Mot,o!" tIi,e sis­ . (ers. He said that "th~ peace of .f our mis~lonaries then 'se'nd us' what 'you can. . 'Angela ot:·Sacred. Hear'tS A~'ad- . J~r.in California, ha<J, sent ",the mind cult, mass revivalists and the' mah 'who piimed medal .' en:'y, ,Fath~~ L~lllb's' sis~e~;; She.", P!lll. ,4sed to, covertlie".chali~~ at " has made a' set 'of, ,white vest- " Mass" t~. Sister Rose Al1gela., for .(St. Christopher niedafj on a Cut out ,this column, pin your sacrifice to it· and mail'it to the , ments' 'for 'the newly "ordained finiShing. touches. Father Lamb, 'Spade'rock'ell> are 'types'of "wI- ,..M6stlWv~ Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Society for " priest:' A'sister:ln CalifornIa has ,however, '.had lost .track oi it, :garisnl.'·of rei'igion" which should:' the' Propagation of the, Faith,,366 Fifth Avenue,'New York I,N. Y.. be challerlged' by the' religious" Ol'::your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND 'T. CONSIDINE, , , also been ,in:on 'the: 'project; ~~k- ,,'hence c~lled ham ,r.a,!iio 'j,pto frig altar'lineris. . , " .service to..locate 'it. "" I 'pr'ess. :",:, ;, ;' :, 368, ,North ,Main Street, Fall 'River, Mass.

Proes t ta

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.' " ',: .'·need young Ame,r.iicori$ ,: w~th a· -spirit 'of sacrifice and the " "'will "to' dedi~ate the'~selves t~the sal~~'tion,of"the 'IImos't' .' '.':,', '··'Cibandoned. souls!·"',::,:,, "'~'"


•• ' , ' ' . '



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'The "Redempt~rists work in the U.S.A. in the West in Brazil' in Paraguay. If you are anxious to Indies write to or visit know more about the Redemptorists REV. FRA N(,'~ .T. E "r, A, N,

r.,~~.R ..



FA niERS ",",


Oc'ean' Grove.

Francis Lordan, William LOrdari,', ,Mrs. Anna C. Loud. ST. MICHAEL'S Edward Lyons Sr., Mary MacAulay, Mr. and Mrs. David $250.00 Magner, Mr. and Mrs. James Rev. Joseph A. Cournoyer. Marchand, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent $150.00 ST. JOSEPH'S Mathers. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Faria. $25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc$50.00 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Turn'er, Menamy, Mr. and Mrs. James Dr: and ·Mrs. Raymond Dionne. Miss Frances Goffin, Mr. and',' D. Mullen Jr., Frederick Murphy $40.00 Mrs. ,Joseph Carey. Jr., Mary Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Mr., and Mrs. Louis Fayan. $20.00 William Murphy. , $20.00 Misses Katherine and Mary Mr. and Mrs. William Nelligan, 'Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. CaHa:' Broderick. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Nolan, han, Miss Loretta Galvin. " $10.00 , 'Lawrence Pasalacqua, Joseph $15.00 Mrs. Anne Sylvia, Mr. and Pires, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick '" Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brophy, Mrs. Geoffrey Lehy, Mrs..Eliz- , Readdy. Mr. and' -:s. Herve Robert; Mr. abeth Collins, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Raymond Sweeney. ' Mr. and Mrs, Raymond, Rich'Joseph Sylvia, Daughters of ard Katherine' Murray,' Leroy $14.00 Isabella. Robert, Evelyn Ryan, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Toye. Mrs. Leo Savard. $12.00 , Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schleicher, The Leonard Boardman FamST. BERNARD'S Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Spurr, ily, Mr.' and Mrs. James John:' $100.00 Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Stornante, 'son, Mr. ;roseph Cox and Daugh­ Rev.•lohn E. Boyd, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sullivan, ters;' Mrs. Marianno Rezendes, Mr. Mildred Sullivan. $10.00 and Mrs. Anthony Terpak. Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Sweet, Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Bros­ $85.00 .'. Francis Sweet Jr., Mary Texeira" nJhan" I,\{r. and Mrs. pa ':I iel , Rev. Adalbert Szklanny. Mrs. Margaret Watt, Mary Watt,. 'Cahill, Mr. and Mrs. A"!adeo $40.00' " < Mary Wesley, A Friend.. , ,Dittami,: '~Mr. and Mrs. John ", ·Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.,Blake., '.CLASS LEAD~RS: .Offi~ers of the soph.omore class ,Mrs. , ',Dr., Jacob Brenner; Abraham, :Far,ia!!;Mr. an~ ~rs. Frederick ",', $30.00 ,at 'Dominican Academy,: Fall River, are;'left t~'rlgh~, seat~d" 'Brooks ,Insurance, Chr.islopher,Fazzina 'and 'Family. ' ~ ,"A. Gertrude Gould; '. • :Nancy.c4J;',tis, Soph B yjce-president,' and JUdl~h Dlas,. Soph ' Brophy; Mary Buckley,: Thomas:"'Mt:~':-;d"Mrs.Arthur' GardeJl~ '" , '25.00, -artcLFamily, 'Mr.' and Mrs. ~ president; Standing'; Cecile Rory; Soph' A vlce:.presldent, , J. and Marietta Canari. ..,\, Mr. and Mrs. Linus Mullaly, , Ah>hon' N.' J. Carfson, Mar:- ~Grenier;' Mr. an~, Mrs. Jobn T • 'and' Patricia Cabral; secretary. .,. " ' ., '/ , A Friend. ,iIuerite Carter, lVI r . and' Mrs. Horan, Misses Blanche and $24.54) , PiltrickCoffey, ·Man,uel Correia, 'Yvonne Jolivet, Misses Mona and , . $25.00 _ , ' ," , $15.00 _ ,The Bolduc Famiiy. ""A'Fril';nq, Mr. and Mrs. Uugent "Mr., and 'Mrs. Leo Harlow, Mrs: Mary Correia. 'Catheri~e Kennedy. ' $20.00 Ch'illi, Mr. and'Mrs. John Dunn, Alice ,Harvey, Mr., and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Gazi-, Mr. and Mrs. John Lindo,.Mrs. Norman N. Bleau Sr. and Nor­ Lawrence A. Lyons, Mr. and ano, Mr. and Mrs. Be,nedict,' Alice Lizotte', Memory of Mrs. man N. Bleau Jr., Marguerite ',The Donoghue Family, A Friend. Mrs. Filion and Dion Family, Mrs. John B. Parkes, Mr. and Scully, 'Agnes Sweeney, ,Brock- "Delvina McCallum, Mr. and Mrs. Gould,Joseph Lima. Mansfield Council #420 K. of C;, Mrs.,' WilliamP; Ryan, Mrs. ton Tool Co., Betty Jean Shoppe. Arthur McLear, Mr. and Mrs. , $10.00 , Mary Delgado, Elizabeth Taut- 'William Mahoney. St. Bernard's Women's Guild, ,The Misses O'Malley, Mr. and Edward Tracy, Mr. and Mrs. .Tames Fitzgibbons. ges.' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Martin, A Friend, Mr. and Mrs. John,}... Mrs. Andrew 'Pa,zsit, Friends. , $20.00 $12.00 Matthew' and Mrs. John. Roberts,

Brown, Joseph Callaghan, Dudek Mrs. Mary Garofa,no and Fam- , 'Mr.' and Mrs. Vincent P. , E Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Tunney,

Fa'mily: ' , ' OUR LADY OF GRAC Mr: and'Mrs. Charles F. Williams ily, Mr. and 'Mrs. WilliamWatWright. HelenaV. Gould, John Hanni­ $150.00

, . d " $10.00

Rev. Maurice H. Lamontagne. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Raymond gan, Mr. anct Mr~. Norman ,La­ "terso'n; A FrIen . ',' ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Begin, $100.00 Wilson. fleur, Mrs. M. J. Marshall and , ' $15:00 , , Mr. and Mrs. Ross J. Bridge, Mr. , Atty. John J. Harrington. ~~ ~ ~ Miss Mary Marshall,' ,Mr. and ' Mr'. and', Mrs. Antopio Capo- .. and, Mrs. Timothy Bryant, Abbie , 'Mrs. B. Russell Meinhold. $40.00 'riigro; Mr. and Mrs. Ricjlard B,all, Buckley, Josephine Buckley. .' Marianno Rezendes, 'Jr., Mr. Mr. 'and Mrs. Edwa,rd Finn, A Alexander ,Walsh. Margaret, , 'Buckley, Mary . 'and Mrs. Kenneth Rezendes, Mr. 'Friend, Dr. arid $25.00 Mrs. Raymond ..Buckley,'., William Cahill, Mr. , " a'nd Mrs. Thomas Roussell Jr., , ,Our' Lady of Grace Catholic 'o'ckert. , , lind ,Mrs.' George A. Car,ter Jr., , Mr. and, Mrs. Joseph Carroll, ,Women's Club, Adrien Picl;lrd Sr. - '" " $10.00:" ' '. ,Mr. and Mrs. ,Robert F. Clifford, Mr: and Mrs. "Benoit Charland,' , . " $20.00 'K Friend Mr. and lofrs, ,James " ,'Charles 'Coelho, Mr. and Mrs. 712 Acushnet 'Ave. , :Mary C. Lowe, Anna W. McHale, Normand Michaud. B~een and-'Family"Bruno 'Fam- ,James S. Conner, Mr, and Mrs. , Rose' E. McHale.. .. : $15.00· " , New Be'd1o,d ,', .. Mrs. 'Margaret Neville, Mrs. ilY, .Mr.' and Mrs. ~ohn,.T. Casey, Joseph' Connolly, Mary, Conroy, Manuel Faria. 'Frank Devine; Mr. and Mrs. Winifred·'Cunningham. Bus. Ph. -WY 2-3089

'~ohn \V. Porter. , $10.00 ' Williimi Farquharson. Clement" Coughlin, Edward Normand Gamache, Augustus Res~' Ph\ WY 4"8770

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fontanini, 'Coughlin, Elizabeth Coughlin, Rivers, Auguste Chouinard, Lena Mr. 'and, Mrs. Joseph Kuzdzol, John L. Dailey, Mr. and Mrs. St. Pierre, John McDonald. ST. JOHN T~E BAPTIST Mr. and Mrs~ William Markt. ' Robert T. Davies. $200.00 FRANCISJ. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Britton, Mrs. Mildred Deady, Mr. and Rev. William R. Jordan. Mr and Mrs. Edward Cody,. Dr. Mrs. Lester Delaney, Robert ST. MARY' $150.00 ' and Mrs. .Francis DeStefano, Dray"Easton Taxi, Mary V. Fitz$200.00 Mr. and Mrs. John DenadaI." Friends. gerald. ' Rev. William D. Thomson. $35.00' $30.00 ' , Mr, and Mrs.: Patrick LonerVincent G. Galvin, Mr. and 222 UNION STREET

,,,,Mr. and Mrs. C. Bartkiewicz. 'gar!; Mrs. Mary Mee.s" Mr. and -'Mrs. Thomas Gentile, 'Mary' Gil~ Mr.. an'(1 Mrs. Peter Mondor TELWY 6-9784

" $25.00 ':Mrs. Alfred. Sarro" Celestine ,.dea, Mr, and Mrs. Clement Gill, and Family. , ,Mr. and, Mrs. William Forrest,' Waibel' The Welch Fa!llily., :' 'Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Greene. NEW BEDFORI? MASS.

$25.00: St. John's Women's Guild. Mr. ~nd Mrs.' Elwyn Atwell;' Greyhound Package Store, Mr: and Mrs. William V: Fla­ i • $20.00 Mr. Charles Bellavance, Mr. and Anne Harvey, Catherine,Harvey, 'herty, '1'.' J. Holmes & Co.; Inc., A Friend. ,Mrs. Lawrence Bryal},..'Mr. and, Mrs. Co'rnelius' Ha'rvey, Grace .T. It: Kilburn Glass Works, Inc: ,GENERAL $15.00" " Mrs. Edward ~hace, Dr. ,and Mrs. 'Harvey. ' $15.00 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Albanese, Charles ·Cole!la. '" , __ . ' Mary Harvey, Harvey'&Mar, Bristoi 'Farms, Mr. 'arid Mrs. .INSURANCE Mr. and _Mrs.: ,John, C9 sta,' l\.ir,,:, "l'4r.',aJ:l~tMr,~.'~W ilJh,un: Cull.en,; ::~: ket;:i\'1l'.~;;d:M;s:'i~ITi"es Heaiey~ Charles ·Wickland. ' , arid Mrs':'Bernard KeilY;'Mr.'anil"Mr. and ~~rs. Bartolom~o.q~rieo';;"kathrynHealey, Margaret,Hea, $10.00 Mrs. 'John A. Murley., Mr:, and, Mrs. John ~urrIvan, A ley; Mr~,. Amanda Heath., i Mr. and Mrs: George Bauza, $10.00 Friend, Mr, and Mrs. ~aymond' ,:-L. A."Ancient Order of Hiber- Mr. " and ·Mrs. Andrew Radnor,' A. WILCOX CO.

St."John's CYO, Mr. and Mrs. DeWalL " _ ',," niana, William N.Howard ""InMr. and Mrs. John Simkins and Anthony Ferreira, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Lord Drug Store, Mr· and:: surimc'e, Mr. and Mrs: Jai'n es ,Family, Clara Tucker. ' OFFICE FURNITURE

George Leach, Agnes C. Leonard" Mrs., Frank McDonald, Mr. ,and' 'Jones Mr. and Mrs.' Walter lD S'tOek for Im':'ediBt. Oel~ft7 • : Char.lotte Madeiro's. , -,' Mrs. William McLaughlin; 'Mr. Kates: Joan Kelley. ~" ' • DESKS • CHAIRS' Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Rezenand Mrs., Harold Qualters, A Mr: and Mrs. Joseph Kelley,

FILING CABINETS des, Donald' F. Sandberg, Mrs. Friend. ' . Mr.. and Mrs. John A. Kelly"Mr.

• FIRE FILES • SAFES: Mary B. Shea, Mr. and, :r-'Irs. "and Mrs. Carl Kempf III, Mr. MAKES YOUR FOLDING TABLES Al)thony Travers, A Friend. and Mrs. Charles F. King, Wil­ '. CAR RUN BEnER AND CHAIRS liam Knapp & Son. . ST. JOSEPH'S r-, Albert E.- LaRosee, Mr. 'and $20.000" . ST. STEPHEN'S At New Car Dealers Mrs. Daniel Linehan, Mr. and 'Dr. John H. Doyle. and Service Stations $100.00 .22' BEDFORD ST. Mrs. Samtlel Lombardi, Edward , $15.60 , Everywhere Mr'-"and Mrs. ,Leo Roy. LomeI' Jr:, Mary ~'" Long. FALL RIVER 5-7838 , Mr. a~d Mrs. Richard'~. Mar­ $15.00 Thomas Long, Eileen Lordan, t i n . ' , Arthur Desorcy and Fam!IY. $10.00' $10.00 ".' _. Mr.' and Mrs. Joseph Mason, Raoul Lacasse' and Family,' Mr: .and' Mrs. William Ly:nch, Joseph Ratte, Mr. and Mrs. Cor'­ Messrs. David and J!>hn J:;erry.. nelius Murphy, Mr. and . Mrs. Albert Bessette, Mr. and Mrs~ Gedeon Lacroix, Easto~ "i Mr. and Mrs. Achile Hebert, IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Mary Charron, Mr, and Mrs., $200.00 "~, 4". Henry Tremblay, Mr, and_Mrs. . A Friend.' Luc Pelletier. ' $~OO~OO



Thurs., May 15, i 958





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Mr. and ~r:5:~~ncisD.'Mone.

ST. MAR )"S Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCar­ $500.00 thy. Rev. Edward L. O'Brien. : , '$25,QO' : __ ' , ,_ " ,Virginia Correia, Cornelius'" $100.00 , A Frie,nd. ,,­ " Har'veyIJI, Mr. and Mrso--Michael, : '$50;00 J. Hegarty" Mr. and Mrs. James Napolf..on cahana, Dr. an~ Mrs. 'D. Mullen Sr., Mr.' and, Mrs. Anthony Gassol1, Mr. ahd Mrs. ,Anthony' ,i'Pires, -North \ Easton Thomas Haven. CounciL #238 K of C . , ' , In memory of Father' ElIiot~ '. Dr. 'and Mrs.' Michael' Del;' In memory of Father Harrold, Colliario, Helen Derby, Atty. Robert Cunivan; Mr. arid ' $20.00 ' St M'''' Craig,, ,Dr. Gerald M rs. A rt h ur Ba b lne". a r , } ' , Mr,s",:,George s", ,, Catholic Women's Club. , . F.Gray, Margaret E. Harvey,

St. Mary's 'Conference of si.", MQry' N!Jlan. .

Vincent de Paul. .' " M r . and Mrs. Wm. Furlong,·Sr.,

~35.00 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. Heath, Mr. Father Paq,uette Class <;If K, alld,Mrs. DOlJ1enic, Ingemi;' Mary of c . , H. SWl::l::pey., ."


Sage and Sand

Denies Lack o,f Theological Competence in America ,

By Most Rev. Robert J.,Dwyer, D.D. .


Bishop of Reno

The ~nouncement that Harvard Divinity School has authorized a chair of Catholic theology' strikes one as almost as breathtaking as Margaret FuUer'scelebrated acceptance of the universe. The late George Apley would




The Parish Parad,e SACRED HEART, OAK BLUFFS Applications for membership to the new Knights of Columbus Council will be accepted by the pastor, Rev. James McMahon, on Friday and Saturday, June 6 and 7. The new council will be known as "Our Lady of Lourdes."


large committee. The motorcade will leave the parochial school yard at 7 o'clock.

ST. JOliN THE BAPTIST, CENTRAL VILLAGE , The Woman's Guild will con­ duc~ its membership tea from 3.30 to 5 next Sunday afternoon in the parish hall with Chairman Mrs. Casimir Bartkitwicz and Co-chairman Mrs. John Costa in charge. A rUJTlmage sale, sponsored by the Women's Guild will be held from 9:30 to 2, Saturday, May 24, in the parish hall under the chairmanship of Mrs. David Gif­ ford and Mrs. Edward Whitty. Articles are requested to be left in the hall from 1 to 40n'Thurs­ day, and Friday afternoons of next week. .. A, .break~l;lst will be' served to ,the First Communion Class -fol­ lowing the ,9 o'clock mass, Sun­ day morning; May 25, in the par­ ,ish ,halLwith members of the Women's Guild ,in charge of 'ar­ rangements... Chairman Mrs. Henry Schelter

announces : whist party for I

Q'clock Saturday night, Jun'e 7,

. in the parish hall. Rev. Raymond A, McCarthy, Director of the' Family Life Bu­ reau, was the guest speaker at the Mother-Daughter Commun­ .ion breakfast which was held last Sunday morning.

never have sto?d .for such change his viewpoint, if not his nonsense, and It IS doubt­ principles, every decade or so. SACRED HEART, ful if the reflective hero of It is doubtful if there were a

NORTH ATTLEBORO By Love Possessed is any dozen village Newmans among

Mrs. Lionel Lallier has been happier about it' than his less our Catholic theologians whether

appointed in charge of a fashion reflective predecessor. one 'of them could get m~ch .of a

show to be sponsored by the It should be hearing in those pef1?dlcals

Ladies of St. Anne Sodality, at least consol­ which are supposed to skim the

next Tuesday night in the par­ ing, from their ~ream of American inteUectual­ ish hall. viewpoint, that rty.

A portable radio will be WINS GOLD MEDAL: Ignore Quiet Work

the chair is to awarded· togetl'1er' with the Robert A. Lawler, son of be filled' by so Certainly it would be thrilling award of a $10 hat certificate. New Bedford Mayor ~nd The luck," number for the cer­ distinguished. a if our Americall Catholic theo­ c hoi a rand 'logianscould begin to produce Mrs~ Francis J. Lawler and .tificate ';ill be found in bags gentleman as men gifted with the powe-r of president of the junior class containing fudge to be' sold dur­ Christopher 'language and Who could thus at Holy.Family High School; ing, the· program.' Dawson IIi nee 'achieve widespread' popularity . . .I was awatded second place' English Cath:' IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, 'without sacrifice of competence. and, a gold medal in the ora~ FALL 'RIVER 6lics are rep­ ' If the late Monsignor John M. uted'to be' Mrs;, William F. Bennett, tory division of the Massa­ C'oc>per;'for 'example,· had pos­ really quite, re~ president of the Womer.l's Guild chusetts High School Sp.eech 's~ssed;' 'aloni' with .his extraor­ .spectable. . ' .' announces that :ihe installation dihary grasp of the relations of Contest ,sponsored by Suf­ For there are, we are told, no

banquet will be held at· 6:30 theology with the human sci­ American Catholic theologians ences, the ability to clothe his folk University, at Boston Tuesday. night, ·June 3. in ~orthy of the name. Well, pos­

White's; .Mrs. Bennett and. the thought in words that evoked Saturday. sibly 'wo, the Jesuit Fathers the richness of his enthusiasm .registrars will be in charge of 'John Courtney Murray 'and Gus­ ,the arrangements. Tuesday, Interest Increases

for truth, we would not be look­ tave Weigel. But ~ven they are ing for a name to pacify the May 27, has been set aside for I'n Adult Education

hardly to be mentioned in the critics. He was the first to ac­ the deadline on reservations. same breath ·w~th those Great WASHINGTON (NC) -More knowledge his, limitations, in SACRED HEART, than 100,000 persons, were en­ Chams of contemporary Prot­ humble acceptance of his role as NORTH FAIRHAVEN rolled in adult education pro­ estant thought, Reil1hold Nie­ a precursor rather than a . The' Ladi~s of· St. Anne will ST. PATRICK'S,

grams conducted during the past buhr and Paul Tillich. ' prophet. year, by 80, Catholic schools and sponsor a Maybllsket whist party F~LL RIVER

, The ruck of Catholic practi­ It is simply' not true that Cath­ at 7:30. Sund,ay night, May 25,

10 dioceses across the nation. The officers of the Holy Name

tioners of theology in this coun­ olic America is devoid of theo­ in the church hall.· More than Society have been announced for

,These figures were cited by try, say our informants, lack logical competence in the per­ 100 prizes will be awarded. .

Capuchin Father Sebastian Mik­ the coming 'year. They are

breadth and vision, even where, sons of representative men of ias; director. of,the institute of , In charge of refreshments are Francis' J. Quinn, president;

in isolated instances, it might be high training' and intense dedi­ Chairman Mrs. Alice Gladu and

adult education at the Catholic Raymond J. Suart, vice-presi­

grudgingly com;eded that they 'cation. It is an excesSively nar­ Co-chairmen· Mrs. Adrien DeSio:" dent; Raymond T. McCann, sec­

'University of. America here.. are adequately trained ·for their 'row .." parochialism (nowhere He. also pointed out that the siers and Mrs: Francois Mercier. retary; William X. 'Murray Sr..

task. more manifest than in our great leading Catholic' adult education . ST::JE'AN BApTISTE, , treasurer'. .

Grounds for Complaint urban centers)th~t is capable of centers :are St. Louis University' FALL'RIVER Rt. Rev. Edmund J, Ward, pas­

This, at any ra~e, is the sub­ ignoring the work that is going and St. John's Adults Schqol in . Final arrangem'ents for the tor, introduced the speaker or

stance of what has been adver­ on, quietly and 'efficiently; in a .Philadelphia, each with an en­ installation of officers. which will the evening, Father LU'ciea

tised by a chorus of critics, hundred centers the country rollment of 11,000, and the Cath­ take place at 7 o'clock next Ducie, C.P.

mostly lay, in the pages of sev­ over, in seminaries and colleges olic University, ·where 3,900' are Tuesday, night in White's were eral of our more articulate jour­ and universities, where theo­ SANTO CHRISTO,

'completed at a meeting of the enrolled. nals of opinion. John Cogley, logical studies are moving for':' FALL RIVER

Father Miklas called attention Women's Guild held last Mon­ writing in Commonweal, for ex­ ward. It might_be regretted that to these f,igures' as dramatizing day ~ight. Reservations may be Newly-elected officers of the

ample, is profoundly distressed time is often .lacking under the the growth of Catholic adult edU­ secure'd by contacting Mrs., parish council of Catholic Youth

by the lack of Catholic theolog­ various academic pressures, but cation. He will direct a work­ Oscar 'Phenix no later than next are President Howard Taft Jr..

ical leadership. There are echoes the will to advance the cause, shop for educators on principles Saturday. Vice-president Edward Pereira,

here of the criticism of those as we' can attest from our own and problems of Catholic efforts , A' JTlystery ride will feature 'Secretary Rita Castanho and

, foreign observers of the Amer­ obser,vation, is strong and re­ in the, .field, to be held. at the .th~ next monthly meeting to be Treasurer Patricia Robb. The lay

. ", ican scene, notably D. W. Brogan ~~~l Catholic University from June 'held Monday night,' June 9, with adult advisors are James Men­

and Evelyn Waug~, wh,o, have Theoloeical popularity, with 12 to 24. ~ Mrs. Eu~ene Hebert heading a donca and Patricia A. Cabral.

described the Catholic Church ;n ~ts; prOmise of direct influence America as a magnificent phe­ over American thinking, is far nomenon without a brain. fr'om being an unworthy objec­ It is, we take it, conceded that tive. But until' the trumpet Catholic America is not expected, sQ.I,mds, ,we are not too badly off or not immediately to produce with mere competence. a rival to St. Thomas Aquinas. ',!, . The complaint, rather, is that our Catholic theologians, with pain­ , t,. • fully few exceptions, have done "C~ntinued from Page One '," very little to influence public will preach. Music will be sung think'ing or even Cat~olic think­ by the Choir of Jesus-Mary 'ing. ' .' Academy, Now there is no doubt that All priests of the New Bedford there are some grounds for this .area will attend the Mass on complaint, Excuse it or rational­ ize it as we may, the fact is that Tuesday at St. Anthony's, at which Rev. James F. Lyons of up to the present the impact of Catholic theological thinking on Immaculate Conception Church, America has been weak. We Taunton, will preach. Student bodies in attendance will include have not yet produced a·theolo­ Holy Family High School and St. gian, much less a school of theo­ Anthony's High School of New logians, whose words are sought Bedford and Sacred Hearts as the lawgiver's and'whose lec­ Eighth tures are fQllowed as the Most Academy, Fairhaven. grade pupils in N~w Bedford, Wise Bavian's.. . Acushnet and Fairhaven will Competence and Popularity also attend. St. Anthony's .High But there are two things which School choir will sing. must be sharply distinguished Film Available here: theological competence Rev. John F. Hogan, director and theological popularity. It is of St. Mary's' Home, New Bed­ no' reflection on Professor Nie­ ford, will preach at the Mass in buhr's competence to say that he Taunton, which will be attended has chiefly excelled in the gra­ by all priests of the Tauntpn cious art of making his theology area, the student bodies of Mon­ palatable, even when he is most p'essimistic about the future of signor James Coyle High School and St. Mary's High, and the the human race. eighth gr~de pupils of Taunton, ~ He has invited his readers to share with hi~ in hiS exhilarat­ ~ Attleboro and ,North Attleboro. St. Mary's High ChOir will sing. ing search for a theology, • Every exciting flavor of Coronet by Hood Daily, attendance at Mass and process, which is still far from . . . is it masterpiece. From the finest buttered attaining its goal. In this he has the 'reception 'of Holy Commun­ pecan's to the. costliest imported chocolate, all a heady audience in America, .. ion by the children is recom:­ ,·the fruits and flavorings are literally the finest mended for the Novena period. where a great many ser.ious The sermon in all churches of people are convinced that the available. And the lavish measure' of cream in the Diocese on Vocation Sunday, real value of theology lies rather Coronet - besides adding smoothness and bodt May 25, will be on vocations to in its testings than in its findings. - acts to bring out a richer degree of flavor. the priesthood and religious life. If Niebuhr's strength lies in :fry all the magnificent Coronet flavors. You'll A film, "To: the Altar of God," his very weakness, the opposite love each one best, ·until you try the next! taken at St. Mary's Seminary, is is true of the Catholic theolo­ available for showing in schools· gian. A man who has fixed points of reference and who is or before other interested &toups..

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~~;,~:onk 'OUR' LADY.OF:'.~'·:3t'.<t.~-~;·

-THE ANCHOR Thur.h. Mf?'Y .15, 1958 -fl . •

. ~OUNT CARMEL " . . - $250.00 ,.. Rev. James E. O'Reilly.. $25.00

Alderic Jacques.


John Hendricks, Peter Voccio. o $10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Adrie'n Vincent, ·.John Vincent, Mr. and Mrs.' .'Henry. Harris, Mrs. Mary Mc­ 'Carthy,' John Trainor" Edward <Roy.

$'75.00 Rev, Cornelius J. O'Neill. $25.00 . Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Guil­ lette, Mr. and Mrs. James K. Nerney, Margaret and Dorothy O'Leary. $20.00 .. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kelli-' her, Mr. and Mrs. ,Joseph Mar­ tins and Family. $15.00 . . Mrs. 'William Richardson, Mr. . and Mrs. Manuel Carvalho, Mr. ST. MARY'S and Mrs. Gerard J. Kenton, Mr. $150.00 and Mrs. J9 h n Wiggin, Mr. and Mr. Pierre Lonsberry.

Mrs. Charles Lewis, Mr. and $100.00

Mrs. Chester Martelli, Mr. and Rev.. Cornelius J. Keliher. Mrs. Elzear Sicard. $35.00 $10.00 Mr. and Mrs. David Blake. Mr. and Mrs. John Maguire, $25.00 . Alice McDermott, Edward Grif­ Mrs. Leland Smith, Mr. and

fin, Su.san Nolan, John Cloud; ··Mrs. Richard Blake. .

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hewitt, .: $20.00

Me. and Mrs. Raymond Brous­ . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Coyle'

seau, Mr. and Mrs. John 'Capo­ ;k., Mr. and Mrs. Orner Ferland, nigro; Mrs. Craig Pope, .Mrs. .JIIr. and Mrs.. Jobn Francis, Mr. Florence Audette. . Mr. and Mrs. Roland' Ttem­ .and Mrs. J. _'\.ime Lambert,. The .. Lynch Family. . .

blay, Mr. and Mrs. Gabriei Da . $15.00"

Costa, ·Mr. and lV!rs. ": Mr. and Mrs. Cyril K.· Breh.,. Naylor; Mrs." Cecilia Silvia, Mr. Y 'nan MI.. a;ldMrs.JOhnConnell ' ' ' ' d t an.d. lVlary Louise An- .. and' Mrs: George Ryan. . '141'.' and Mrs. James J. 'Coogan, '59 CLASS·OFFICERS:· Kathleen Perry (left) en' Shirley Mr. and Mrs. ,Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph LaPalme, drews,' vice-president, of the.Juniorclass qt Sacred. Hearts Academy, Fairhavell. Fraricis Flaherty, Mr.' and ~rs. ' and Mrs. William O'Brien. . • David Foley, David Carr', Lo­ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Perry, $15.00 $20.00. . 'retta McCann. . Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ringuette. ).VII'. and. Mrs. Edward J. Mc­ Mr. and M~. Wl.lh~mw~ui~~~, ST. DOMINIC'S ,Mr. and Mrs. Constant Poho$12.00 . Cann Mr. and Mrs. James W. Mr. and Mrs. ranClS . ms , lek, ·Mr. and'Mrs. Michael.Quagv Mrs. Mar E. Coyle, Mr. and KI'llo~an Dr. and Mrs. Luke McCrohan, .. $300.01' I' M ;, M Ph'l' D L . J and ' MI·s. Manuel DeMello. la,. ant' r: anu .rs. 1 Ip e. BUrl, .Mrs. Arthur Brpchu,. , Mr. and .' ' $10.00 '.M' .. r·. . . Rev. George E. S u·II'Ivan. Mrs. Manuel' Pedro, Mr. cMr ·Mrs. Avila Grenier. . Sallv A. Benson, Mr. and Mrs. $15.00' . ·$30.00 a'nd Mrs. JalTIeS Cadero; Mr. and _$10.00 . Richard M. Bloodgood, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. JohnJ:'Dugan'. Thomas C. Murphy. . ".Mrs~ Benjamin' Bi.aga. . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baumgar- Mrs. John A. Carreiro, Mr. and . . $25.00 tel, Mr. and Mrs. John Bielagus, ,Mrs. Joseph W. Duffy, Mrs. St. Dominic's Women's Guild. $10,00 Dr; and Mrs. John Belsky, Miss .··Dorothy ·F. Finucane. I :, Rose Dupre, Mary Coughlin,. $20.00 Agnes Blake, Mr.· and Mrs. Wm. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gr~ene, ,Mr. and Mrs. Normari Menard, Harvey. E .. Lenon, Paul Hardi- . Blake. . M'r: and Mrs. Frank Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond' Boyce, .. man, Nicholas .J. Frizen. . "SPECIAL. MILK Mr. and Mrs. John BUben;.Mr. . Mr. and Mrs. John F. Jentz, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hayes.' . ,$15.00 . From Our Own and Mrs. Martin Carr, Mr. and . anq M~s..John J. Joyce, Henry Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Single~orden & Urban Famiiy, Ste­ Mrs. Wm. E. Coyle Sr., Mr. and J. McGowan. . ton, Mr. and Mrs. Homer J. phen Ma~hias. Tested Herd" '.. Mrs. Wm. Curtis, Mr. anq Mrs.. Mr.' and' Mrs. Leonard Ma­ Messier,' Mr. and· .Mrs.. Henry ' $1,0.00 .. Acushnet, Mass. WY 3-44~7 c:harles D0herty. . . h~ney, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel.F. Valenti, Mr.. and Mrs, .,.John john .Simas, BOI:,ge" Sand .& Mr and ,Mps;. Eugene Ferland, : Manning Mr. and Mrs. John A. .: Costa Jr., Mr. and Mrs. (~harIes ., a'ravel, Robert '0. "a.erard, JllIIl.es • Sp'~clal Miik Mrs. QillherineFis!i,',Miss Cath- ,.Schofi.eld,.Mr. and Mrs. Joh~ J. " Desmarais. . . .' • M~rpliy; 'Joseph Travers,SUlll­ ". Hom!'gen!zec:f Vito .~. Milk erine 'Fisk . .'Miss .M~riIyn Fisk", Stanko, Mr: and, Mrs. Jos. F. . Helen Collopy'; Mrs: Dor- . ner Stacy." . Mr. and·lVIJ:S. Thos. J." Flanagan Wilkinson. .. othy Hor~n, Mrs.' Ann DeMello, Ait>eCi Berard Sr., Frank Ta-', '. Buttermilk • . Tropicana Or.ange Juice Mr. and Mrs. George J. Brough, Mr. and 'Mrs, .. Jos~ph .Glennon, vares, John R. Mello, M. !>oris. ·Mr:.a·l~d:··Mrs:·:WriJ.;·;·rletche~, "Mr. and Mr's. Mark Cleaves, Mr. "Mr.·and Mrs~. Louis YiiHra.. ' I • Sullivan, . , . .' • , Coffee and Choc. !Milk:, ,.~ Eggs""" Butter: ':. p . Mr.·E.dw.ard Fol~y, Mr..and Mrs. "and·Mis.·Richard Dyer, M.t. and ',' Mr: ~,lld"'M,rs.:Mi,~~a~i·s?1Jih,': . ' . " , "! ., <JoSepil\·G~lvin,· Mr.. ,ll,nd Mrs. .Mrs. Roger W:F~rtier;Mr.a'nd :: Mr.a~ ..Mr.s.', J()s.eph ..~ylyja. .. . "Att.l,e~~~.o .! ' : , . . .. " .... .~



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,:::~~~:..gl:l~~u~;;.Mt:~ ::~ndckson Mrs.' ';)W~t~aa::~~~.'~~fi~~:';~(;r~n~, ,.~~; .~: ~~.~~~~:~~:~~eli~~~:~.... . . .Mr~S:~11d~ Mr's.:~wis . J!1





":'W; H.~R I'LE~Y &.. ·SO·..... 'I'n'c'

, ' 'The Guiney FarrinY,' : Mi. and' Mrs.. Eugene'" Caron, Rev. . . . . . " ;, ... ' '.' .r. ani;! l\1:rs"~~"K;enp~y, Mr. . 'abeth ·C. Haggerty, Mr: and Mrs." 'Hilda Kii'lg: :' .'." ,., . f;j,·.~~·::<.r ..J:;;,$100.00· .. c,· ~,\."'':;,. and Mrs::·,Gel>rg¢o}~a.~e.ne, Mr.' UO'HoetorGeorge w. ·.Hopkins. - ' , . -.. " . ~ ; ·jl::~M·r. an(f.:Mts.ivI:an~eI O. 9 s- .,C' ...,:,: .' .I~.,. ·, ,. • a and. Mr. ". '.Mr. and Mrs.. JOseJPh D · '. ST. LOUIS .. .. ,"'\.".' :'., . ..' ".1 and Mrs. anu\il e. 0.' ",'.j kins Mr. and Mrs. oseph en" '$1\)0.00" '., , , Miss June M~rc!!~~·.~'~J).,.r. and ne.y 'and F,.amily,·..M,r. an.d :Mrs. t·).·:',· .... ., CtTIES SERVICE . :- .. . . M d n., . . d M Rev. S. J. Goyette. . Mrs. A. IVl<IClsaac,';l);:an ml·S. 'Francis J. Kilgrew, Mr. an .•rs. . ~DISTRIISUTORS .. Harold McCormicK:; Mr. .and 'WaIter Mai"dula, Mrs. ,John " " $50'.00 . , . 11 M.ql.. R Q bert .. Mars1and. . ' ·Mrs.:J: J. Mc N ay, 0 . Rev. Ernest E; Blais. .; '.,' ·:Pritchard.. . Mrs:' Henry F. O'Neil, 'M"r- . $25:00 " ;.: .. . "Gasoline .. Mr; and Mrs. Oscar St.. J9 hn ," 'g~ret 'Morgan, . Mr. and Mrs. St. A~n's Sodality' of St. 'Lo\lis . Mr. 'and Mrs:·Donald Traill; Mr. Thomas F. O'Connell, The O'Neil.' de France, Orner Trude'a~;Henri '" Fuel and.Range . and Mrs. Joseph Trojan, Mr. and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fortier. . ". . Mrs. John Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. W. Powers. . ,


. Lawrer e. Welch. '. ' . Mrs. Margaret Renaud, Mr. JosephF. Dufour. Mrs. Walter Amos, Mr. and and Mrs. Dariiel Salmon, Mr. Olt' BURNERS Mrs. Walter Barton, Mr.l .,and 'and Mrs. Leo D. Sullivan, Mr: $15.00 SU.MMER SCHOOL

It'll's.. Joseph F. Bienvenu'e, ·Mr..· and Mrs. Bernard V. Swales, ~ Fernand AuClair, Heliodore G.. E. 'BOILER BURNER UNITS JULY 7 to AUGUST 15

and Mrs. James Correia, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Tierney,' Leclaire. Mrs. John Duffy.' Sarah B. White. . 6 weeks - 2 hours daily

For ,prompt delivery

$10.00 The Elliott Family, ;Mrs. . call Wy. 5-7024 or write fo.[

& Day & 'Night Service

Rocco Giacobbe, William Thomas Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Bulletin . Lucien Lemonde, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, Joseph I:.assonde,Omer · Rural Bo,ttled Gas Ser~ice ST. THERESA'S Henry. Nesbitt, Mr. and; Mrs. Parker,. '. Olivier . Ouellette,' Arthur Patenaude. Charles Menard. , ,,61 COHANNET SY: $300.00 c. Mr. and.Mrs.: Wrri. Skeese, Mr. . Edouard Pl~ilte, Ge()rge R. TAUNtON , Rev..Gerard J. Cha~. and,Mrs.' Roland Smith, Mr.;and . I..eveSque,· Pierre Picard, . Dr.. Attleboro', ~ No; Attleboro . .. 908" Pur~hase . Str~et .... ·,·Mrs.. Herbe.rt ,West . ,.. 'Leoruird Bilodeau, F.·X. Auclair. $15.10 . .. . . ?'~~l . ,. " ~ ~~ '. . •. ',:" "1 ..., ., ". Taunton '~ym~lld 'Levesque,' Francois Louis_ McBride, Francia Car­ . New Bedford,", : ',;--. '-rr:e~blay. . ., ,




::;tT~: ~'~.~:,.':.'.:





South Attleboro


The .Campbell



," Somerset·... '·:··:


. . ' '.














$10.0' George' St.. Gennain,' Lo~is Desmarais,. Raymond Vllcboo, . John Filpi:'

Rev. Bento R. Fraga. $25.00 Atty. and .Mrs. Francis' J. .rr~iro. . . $10~OO Stephen and Mary.Silvia, Vic­ tor and Evelyn Pavao. ST. 1'HOMAS MORE ;' $250.00 .Rev. Joseph K. ·Welsh.· $'75.00 Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill.. ' . $35.00 Mr. ,!uld Mrs. G'eorge R. Har­ risOn, ,Mr. and Mr,s. Joh ll ·. F. 'Murphy Jr. $25.00 Carl BrocH; Mr. and Mrs. John Clorite, In ,Memory of Dr. Fred­ erick J. JackSon, ·Mr.. and Mrs. 'l'iiomas E. Matthews. . 'Mr. and Mrs. Francis Charette; MI". and Mrs. William J. Gibney, • . and l\1:rs.' Geqrge J. Shott. . ..'


~uth Da.rt~outh ST. MARY'

$400.00 Rev. A. G. Considine. $100.00 Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Ma-' honey; In Memory of Thomas B;lldwin. $50.00 Mr. and . Mrs. Thomas M. Greene, Aubertine Funeral Home. $35.00 Mr. and Mrs. 'Joseph Donaghy.'. ' $30•.00 The Silveir!l Family. 525.0.0 Mr. imd Mrs: Gerald Murphy, Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Corley, Mr. and Mrs. ~ral1;k Coleman, '~f. " .' ,. ..:. 'sio;oo ". . and Mrs. Thomas M. Quinn, Mr. Mr. ·and.Mrs. NelsOn P. Doyle,., ahd Mrs. Josep? 'iR.Gl~n,n0'1.. Jr.;,:~. 1Ir. ani! Mrs.. Austin.J.. O'Toole..'.•,:" Mr. and Mrs. ,Angelo,: De14leUo; ,


",:. '.- :

":-.ndMr~::Wllli~'H::S.ileri-¥.'. K.~~A,l$~n. ~.i,:.\;'.<

";': '"'-d~:;X;:;':'7l:~~4: (~~.::~~~~~.\*:, ..


.,J' , .








Do not let the Sun go down . upon your anger.


Taunton, Mass~'

46 Ta'unton Green

. Eph. 4:26 ;,



"Our Hea,tblg Oils M.ke


.• "

1t'.rm Fr,ielld;s"




~. ~TOt;-l 'Route'123 ... ...-.... ",. :.,:.-~


•." .•

~'''.''~' ...,



NOW'5 BIG ,STOReS':'lO' $ERVE VOll BmERf' ~:., ....:.:... '.'...~ NO. ,EASTON . ·E.:~'8R"oG~WATE~ .:'.' ItANP'9~r.t4.: ..:.. <," .~~~I"'~~i. . Route 138.,.".: .

"'. ".~.-, ,.,~;"'.~.",.'


.".~o~te ..,lt8-.,,,,,~,,,·, ,



:h;t.J~ ... ~-/t-~


The Yardstick

~Hopes Labor Will Cooperate

With Senate, Subcommittee By Msgr. George G. Higgins Director NCWC Social' Action Department On May 5 a Subcommittee, under the chairmanship of Senator Kennedy of Massachusetts, started public hearings on a wide range of pending bills in the field of labor legis­ lation. Senator Kennedy has announced that the Labor Committee is clearly com­ in 1947, but that they had re­ mitted to report a bill by fused. "Now if that action hasn't

June 10 at the latest. . taught them a lesson," he con­

It' remains to be seen 'eluded, "I am very sorry, be­

whether th€ Committee's, bill cause they'll get a very extreme

bill if they, don't at least try to

will be enacted' during the cur­ work with us."

rent session of the Congress. In

In our opinion, the Senator's

the opinion of

point is well 'taken. Let us hope

man y observ­

that it will not fall on deaf ears

ers, it might be

in the councils of organized

better to post­


pone action on

it until next


A year from

now, with the

Con g ressional UNITED ,NATIONS (NC)­ elections behind , The Economic and, Social € o un­ CIVITAS DEI: Vatican Pavilion at th~ Brussels International Exhibition is just us and with less cll has established a new exec­ political "fall, adjacent to the U. S. exhibit. Small sightseeing cars on .a cable, may be seen passin~ out" in the atmosphere, it is utive committee, of the program next to the exhibit. NC Photo. argued that there will be a much of the United Nations Refugee better chance of controlling the Fund, naming the Holy See one of its 24 members. ' . extremists in both parties. For­ The new committee has been tunately the extremists were N 9 TRE DAME (NC)-Though life, 'said Msgr. Francis ;r. Lally, and those who witness them are thwarted a few weeks ago in established in accordance with scandalized from further. seek­ their ill-advised attempt to rush a request from .last year's Gen-' geared tr defend the faith editor of the Boston Pilot arch­ ing," he emphasized. eral Assembly to the Economic against corruption, the CatholiC diocesan newspaper. through a numb~r of question­ and Social Council. Its purpose press must not "stand like a Msgr. Lally delivered the ser­ able bills on which there' ~ad been no public hearings at all. , is to determine general policies citadel set upon an island with 'mon at a Mass marking the 94th under which' the U. N. High its bridges'drawn up." anniversary of the founding of Legislation Inevitable Com~issioner' for Refugees 'It must enter the world to Ave Maria press and Ave Maria The extremists in,the Congress plans, develops and administers speak for Christ and to present magazine, a national Catholic cannot be controlled indefinitely, programs, to review the funds ' t):Ie central concepts of Christian weekly. however, unless the labor m,ove-' made available to him and the Speaking of the obligations he

ment is willing and able to dis­ programs proposed or carried sees for Catholic writers, Msgr.

cipl;ne the extremists within its out. Lally said: "To call oneself a . " own ranks who are blindly op­ The Holy See is one 'of three Catholic and to propose a proud

posing legislation of any kind in states which aJ:e not members ,WINOOSKI PARK (NCF-The policy of political isolation is to the fIeld of labor-management of the U.' N. to 'be elected to the . Society of St. Edmund will hold set aside a' man's responsibility relations. '. executive, committee, the.others a general meetip.g starting 'June 'for his neighbor and thus to The labor movement might just as well reconcile itself to' beipg t.he. Federal Republic "of ,'!O at St. Michael's College in, announce a contradiction ill ' Vermont. terms," he s~id. the fact that some legislation is Germany ',and Switzerland;': , The u. ·s. delegate,·' ,Christo~' Delegates from, Edm'undite . "In like manner," he ron­ inevitable nO later than the next' session of the Congress and'that pher H. Phillips; said 'it is tra- 'houses in this couritry, Canada, ,~lnue~, "tospea~.of the unique

ditiopal for the Soviet 'UnioJl, to ~qgland a~d France will attend. ,~ea!1lI~g of ~,mversal rede~p­

the only possible way, to ·fore­ stall the enactment of repreSSiye oppoSe m.ai.ter~ relating 'to'. '~e General meetings are held each ... ~~n,a~d to re~~se ~elp to nattons

. 1ft ~,ant; to be, aware of' the

legislation is to cOoperate with U.N,' Higb Co'rIunissiorier and 'SiX years. . the moderates of both pOlitiCal his work for refugees.' " <' . , "'The Society is headed b; Fath- : ·pods~bt·c Im~StSiOd~ of. t~e C:hUlbch

. . ,,',', 'er Jeremiah 'T'. P uri:li 'S'S'E'. an .... 0 er~ e Iscr,mmatton y parties ',in the dratting and en,", ,. 1, .., race and r t· , 11 . lf

'iirst American to serve as 'super~ , ' _.' co ,or,; . 0 ca ,onese. ' .. actment of good legislation; " '

r general sl'n e' th d ' " .' .Catl:\ohc;:, and to exclude anyone ' 10 . ,. c e or er was ., ,.... 'h . . ' A year ago it ·looked as th'ougtl . founded in 1843 at Pontigny' ',' ~troro ..J,~.~~I~ ,embrace of Charthe labor movement bad fully

France ' ~ ,X..:... . , reconciled itself to this faCt;

.. ." ·:T~e~. are not Christian parStatements were made at that Se,rvites Select' ..... . . . -ew' adoxes, these are not the necess-" time'which clearly indicated that ary compromises' with an Ul)­ labor was pr'epareq to support Provincial 'Superior redeemed world. These are ,sim": 'constructive legislation. In reLAKE 'BLUFF '(NC);--Father pIe Christian incqmpatibilitieli cent months, however, there has Louis M. Cortney, .O.S.M., 43, been a tendency, even on the has been elected Provincial Su­ par't of some of the most respon­ perior of the American province sible elements in the labor move­ of the Order: of Servants of Mary ment, to welsh on these commit­ 'Truck Body Builders (Servite Fathers). He will serve ments. Aluminum or Steel a three-year term. The new Pro­ . Fortunately, however, the pen­ ~Alllswers

944 County St. , vincial' succeeds Father Joseph dulum now seem.s to be swinging A. Srill, O.S.M. . , NEW, BEDFORD. MASS. back again to where it was a , Father Cortney was born Sept. I WY 2-6618 year ago. A few weeks ago, for 9, '1914, at Hebron, Neb. Or­ example, the AFL-CIO General dained in 1939, he taught for a Board supported "properly , year, th~n was appointed proviD­ drafted, properly considered nec­ ~i~l Secretary of the community, essary and adequate ,legislation I tn 1940. in the area of labor-management Touhey's Phannacy celebratf"!IJ III NEW BEDFORD MARY-In 1949 he was named assista~t ' Improper practices." ?6tb Anniversary by' bringlnll: ' .. KNOLLER to celebrate 35th provincial', a post he held until ' By the time this column ap­ Fall River another' FIRST _ .... 'anniversary of Ordination 1952, continuing also as provin­ new ElectronIc' Secretary t · pears in print, this general state­ serves yoo when, tbe Druj;' Store ment of AFL-CIO policy will on May 26th•.,Rev: John: J. ," cialsecretarY,_Since 1952 Father 18 closed' (between 10 P.M• • iIlI probably have been reduced to Considine, M.M: Director of . Cor~ney has been prior and pas­ • ,",M, (lllily llJId' Sun.lays ~ a set of particulars in testimony the Maryknoll P·ublicatl·o'n . tor of St.' Joseph's Church in tWeen 1 P.1\(. aod • P.M.) ,Carteret.. New. Jersey. before the Keimedy SUbcomm'it- ' tee. It ·is our hope that in ihis Department and noted auth- rl, &~~"';"'_n_n--'_"" Third Order Regular 'of set of particulars the AFL-CIO or on Mi!'lsiology, is a brother will meet'the m.oderates of both to the Rev. Raymond T. Con-. . St. Francis political parties at least h~lf way. sidine, Diocesan Director, of. Offer to Young Men' and Boys Otherwise, as Republ~can Se~­ the Propagation of the Faith - special opportunities &0 ator Ives of New ~ork Has study for the Priesthood. Lack ''For Your Protection warned, organized, labor will and Rev~ Arthur G. Consi. of funds no obstacle, AND FOLLOW THESE

Buy From 'have only itself to blame if and dine, pastor, of St. Mary's For further Information, write SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS

when 'Congress enacts repressive Church, So..; Dartmouth. to legislation that would be harm­ FATHER STEPHEN, T.O.R., ful to the entire labor move­ Give your name, addres'l 'fhell 132 Rockdale Ave. FRANCISCAN give YO\lr order or presClrillliflD, ment. ' New. Bedtord State whether your order is 10 be PREPARATORY SEMINARY Will Labor Listen c ' ~llled for or delivered nnel 11.'1 .p 0, BOX 289 WY 5-7947 In a recCllt radio broadcast Pup Tent 3.99 soon ns the store is re,op.~ned ROLLIDA YSBURG 12, PA. the Senator, urged the leaders of your order will be promptly rllr~ ried out 'Without causing ,you any organized labor to cooperate J ,~:,~t'; Wall rent . delay or inconvenience. .'. with the Kennedy Subcommitt:., ., 5x7 - 11.50

tee, of which he is a member, in

drafting a reasonable bill. ' UMBRELLA TENTS . If they refuse ,to do this; he said, "the legislation finally is . 7x?"':'. $~3.84 likely to be written on the floor OVER 50 STYLES .IN STOCK

,·Prescription Specialist. of the Senate' and by that process Since 1883" they're apt to get the very th)ngs Also FISHING" GOLFING they oppose most and not a eonCAMPING- AND SCOUTING .'.. IT at SURGICAL APPLIANCES sidered bm at all. I bope they, EQUIPMENT . will cooperate." , ,HEARING AIDS Senator Ives added that labOr .CA.RTER'$.' 'A.r.t1ui,· Prop.: '.­ leaqen had been asked tel' 'N-' ,'- WIIio",.:$t;·& ·'Acu.hnet AYe. ,14-56. COURT STUR ';,. "'" ·"TAU"TON,MASS. eper.Uon wtken·"tbe Conltre' .....<hcfford . ';', ,." ':: ':102,

Holy See Aids Refugee Work

Declares Catholic, Press Must Speak for Christ,


,'Edmundites Plan General Meeti'ng

75th Year



That Your Calls When.

The Drug Store

Is Closed


The Franciscan ,Fathers,'


OS 5..7829



----------- -, ,TOUHEY'S EDSEL






·r;l '..,' ."".. ".,

....·*ltiN;:~;:T~.:~~. •"..

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1 ,I


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R~k."Sl,.F~!' .', '.:' [ ...".. " ;trW' . jt

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.. , !" • '.,'"




~ :ramil y , Mrs. Fred Hathaway ;~d'; "'Z,·,I,~

·,·-it; ':. y.,.~.

I ,16 .' .' ;--THE ANCHOR ,..

. Family, Josep~ Horgan.' .. ' Mrs. 0; 'W. Howard, Mrs. Rose . Johnston, The Kelliher Family, Alfred Leonard, George Lovely. ' James J;..unney, Francis McDermott, Patrick McDermott,' Frank McKenna, Dr. 'Clement - Maxwell. John PO)oVer, Marie Power, Mary' Power,' Mrs. Mary Rausch, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Riva. Raymond Riva; William-'Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel, Santos, Raymond' Souza,. Walter Sroczinski. . Mike Stavrou, Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas Theriault, Robert Walsh and Family, A Friend, Henry Wotjunski; A Friend.

~~hurs., May 1,5', 1958 J




S'l\~':'J()S~;~;S ,.,:i,··"'·;,"·

$50.00 St. Joseph's 'Assumpta Guild. $2'5.00 Mr. and Mrs. ·WilliamT. Hur" ley, Peterson Family. , . $20.00 Mary Dyer,·Mr. and Mrs. Hel1ry Kelleher and' Family, Mr.aI1d Mrs..John A. Shea,· 'I i . ,'J r·, $15.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Caiozzo, Mr. and Mrs.' Edward' F .. Ken­ nedy, Charles Lawlor and Fam:.. ily, Mr. and Mrs. George Man­ ning, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whittle, Mrs..George Williams. $13.00 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin and Family. $10.00 Te,resa Arieta, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bettencourt, Laura Bisio, Raymond Brocklehearst, Eliza­ beth Buckley. Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Cam­ eron, Mayor and Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs. Jo­ seph Correira, Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ ward Dahill, Helen Dahill. Maribeth Dahill, Margaret Darcy, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Diogo, ~~r. and Mrs. Joseph Faunce, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Faunce, Jr. Alice May Flynn, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gauthier, Mr. and Mrs. William' Hallahan, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hoye, Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly.. James Kenyon, Kervick Fam­ ily, Cecile McAloon, Edward McAllon, Frank McAloon. Mr.. and Mrs.. George 'McCabe, Mr. and Mrs Roderick McDonah, Agnes McKenna, Gertrude Mc­ Kenna, Mr; and Mrs. Fernand Medeiros. Maydell Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. 'Ed­ ward Nixon, Mr. and Mrs. A. E . Nunes, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Papazoni. Edward Quegan, Mrs. Edward Quegan, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Ryan, Walter Scanlon, Dr. and Mrs. George Schloemer. Mr. and Mrs. John Shea, Al­ fred C. Shearing, Mr. and Mrs: Joseph N. Souza, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Taylor, Anne Thomas. A Friend, John Tigano, Mr. and Mrs: Edward Trucchi, Fran­ cis Wrenn, Parold Wrenn. •

ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST . $500.00 Rt. Rev. Msgr. John J: Shay. $150.00 Mr. and Mrs. Jame!;i A. Carey.· , $100.00 . Benjamin Nolin, .Mr. Fred Bullock, Mr.. and ·Mrs. Harry Condon, The Mahon Family. . . $75.00 Rev. James F. McCarthy, Rev. Edward A. Rausch .. $60.00 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Murphy Jr. $50.00 9UR LADY OF LOURDES Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brennan, $75.00 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Coogan, Rev. Edward. A. Oliveira. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Romero, $10.00 Dr. Anthony Terranova and Joaquim Correira, William R. Family, Mrs. William Walton. Martin, James Sylvia, Anthony $40.00 Gonsalves, A. J, Pimental. Myles Daly. $30.00 SACRED HEART Mrs. Alice Stobbs, Mr. and $50.00 Mrs. 'Luca Fantacci6ne. Rev. Edward J. Mitchell. $25.00 $25~00 Edmund Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Alice and Mary Corrigan. John McCarte, Mrs. George The Reilly' Family," John Bergy, Mr., and Mrs.' Charles Welch Family. Cain, 1'41'. and Mrs.. Walter Cun­ $15.00 ningham, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mr, and. Mrs. Joseph LaNinfa. Foley, Miss Mary Gilles. $10.00 George Janson, Mr.. and Mrs. HEADED NATION'S FIRST PARISH: F~ther Fran­ Mrs. Florence Carney, J. Fran­ " Fred Lohse, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph cis Cronan, Mr. and Mrs. John .Mahon, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. cisco Lopez 'De Mendoza Grajales, pastor of the first parish McMorrow, Rita O'Donnell, Rose Mulligan, Mrs. Elizabeth Nolan, in continental United States, is portrayed, in an ll-foot Mr.· and Mrs. Francis Sughrue.. statue, the 'work of Yugoslav Sculptor IVan Mestrovic, of O'Donnell. Robert Paling,. Mrs. and Mrs.-, $20.00 the faculty of Notre, Dame University. It, will be seen at Joseph S. Rose, Mr, an!! Mrs. W. Mr. ':and Mrs. Paul Bellavance, Ernestine and Florence Moran, the Mission of Nombre De Dios (Name of God), the 392Wallace S~ith, .Mr. and Mrs. Francis Unsworth. Dr.. Frederick Murphy, Mr. 'year-old 'church at' St. Augustine, Fla. NO Photo. .' Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Braga, Louis Galligan. son, Alexander Karol, Anita lL Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bren­ Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kelly, Mary Taunton' King. 'nan, . Miss Rose McBrien, Mr. E. Nichols, Sarah' Nichols, Hel­ Mr. and Mrs. George Kohler,' IMMACULATE CONCEPTION and Mrs. Arthur Mondor, Mr: ena Raggett. $25.00 and Mrs. Basil Muliigan, Mrs. . Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Kudrnac, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rag­ Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Moore. Blanche' Ronco, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James Lee, Mr.­ gett, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford . $15.00 . and Mrs. John Lee, Mrs. Lena Edw'ard Stanton. ' Shachoy, .Mr. and Mrs. ·Thomas Lee. Thomas Flangheddy arid Fam­ . $15.00 Whalen. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Loew, Mr. ily, Leon' Guillemette, Mrs. Mr.. and Mrs. Edward L~e, and Mrs. William Madden and· . SAINT JACQUES Donald MacLean. Mr. and Mrs. Jolin R. Bell, Wil­ $100.00 liam J. Duffy, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Helen Madden, James· Maher, $10.00 Mr. a'nd Mrs. John Maher,' Oscar In Memory of Mrs.· Georgi­ George Beaulieu, john ,Beau­ Gazzola, Celestine Whalen. anna Frechette. lieu, Thomas Bettencourt, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowen, Maher. Mr. and Mrs. John Martins, $20.00 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowen, and Mrs. Gilbert Correia, Allan· Raymond Nolin. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McBrien, Curley imd Family: , $12.00 Matthew Dennison,Effie De­ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farrell; Miss Maria Mc~rien, Eleano~ A. Henry Mc­ Euclide Boivin, Sr. Mr~ and Mrs. James Fitton, Mr. . McGracken, veney, Mary' Dfnneen,' William Cracken. , $10.00 and Mrs. Daniel Gilroy. ' Dineen, Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. Alice McGregor, Mr. and Vital Bourgeois Family, A The McBrien Family, Mr. and Doherty.. Friend, Janet Bumbough, Paul Kevin Dowd, John 'Doyle, Mrs. Mrs. John Mullaney, Mr. and Mrs. Almon McManus, Mr. and ALBURY (NC)-The net value Robert Nolan, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Alfred 'McNally, Mr'. apd Mary E. Driscoll. and Lionel Carbonneau, 'Elzear Cyr. Mrs. James K. Murphy, Iv,lr. and of .cooperatives sponsored by Edouard Goguen, Andre Le­ David Rushlow. Masse,. Mrs. Remington Elton, Mrs. Joseph O'Donnell.' $10.00 blanc, Arthur Nadeau .Family, Australia's ,National Catholic William Fagan. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Keefe; . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Anderson, Paul Turco'tte, ,Emile Vaillan- Rural Movement has grown to John H. Ga~ligan, Mr: and . more t,han$2.240.000. Mr. and Mrs: George Fredette, Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles T. O'Neil, Mrs. John Goggin, The Goodwin court. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Paille, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Mutch, Ar­ James Percy, Mr. and Mrs. Al­ thur Nolin, Albert Ousley. bert Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene' Perry" Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Perry, Mr. and Mrs. William Parker, Mr. and Mrs. James Russell, Mr. Corrine Riley, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Edward Sheehan, Peter Joseph Ry~n. Silvia, Mrs. Howard Sprigg. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bou­ Mr. and Mrs. Francis Stelter, cher, Mr. and Mrs. John Carroll, Mrs: Edmund Stone and Kenneth Ray Cooney, Dr. and Mrs. Ed­ Ston~ Mrs. Madeline Stone, Mr. ward Fontneau, Leo Ga!ligan. and Mrs. Marcel Toupin, Mr• . Mr.' and Mrs. Earl LaMarche, and Mrs. John G. Walsh, Mr;_ Mr.. andMrs. Peter Marron, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wood. and Mrs. George Pion, Mrs. Ismay' Sharkey, Mr. and Mrs. ST. JOSEPH'S Harold Sumner. $200.00 ~., Mr.. and Mrs. William G. "

Rev. Ubalde J. Deneault.

Weber, Mr. and Mrs. John Wil­

son, Mr.-and Mrs. Harold Bella­ $50.00

vance, Mr.. and Mrs. Thomas' Rev. Henry R. Canuel.

Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. Francis

$20.00 ..... Bowen. . Jean Baptiste St. Pierre. Mr. and Mrs.' Thomas Cole­ $15.00 man', Mr. and' Mrs... John Keane

Mrs. Yvonne Hamel.

Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kelley, Mal')' Levis, Mr. and Mrs. How­ $n~oo. atd·Lynch. Dr..Wilfred.. Morin. ·Mr. and Mrs.. Clayton Mac~ $10.00· Donald, ~lsie McDonald, Jennie .Hector.. Boucher, Felix Des­

McDonald, Ellen Nitso, ·Mrs. ~ Tl10mas O'Keefe···.and Margaret marais, 'I:he Pion Family, Mr.

and Mrs. 'Elzear Laferriere, John O'Keefe': You need not dispose ~f a 'good furnace or "oiler B: Pinau~t. -. . :Wilfred· Paille, Mr. and ,Mrs. to enjoy the advantages' of clean, 'safe, depend­ Mary Boudreau, Armand Bou­ Robert Rohman, Charles Sav­ cher, Arthur Pelletier, Albert afi'e, Mr. and Mrs; Henry Woodable GAS heat. Now> ~hj'le your' 'present fuel come. . . Prefontaine, 'Wilfred St. Jean, supply is lOW, is an excellent time to convert to ·Mr. and Mrs. Francis' Birch, ,Joseph McGee. Mr.' and Mrs. William Bowen, GAS. Coast to Coast GAS heats mor~ h~mes than Charles Brown, Mr. and Mrs. O. any other fuel. Ed. Cameron,·Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ CONTRACTORS ard Cleary. " Louis Colombo, Arthur F. and Connelly, Laurel Cooper, Mr. and' 'Mrs. James Croke Sr., Mr., BUIL.DERS and.'Mrs. Frank Cronan. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Cronin ,.In .the Fall River area you may Jr., '.Mr. and Mrs. John Dean, John B. a GAS Conversion Burner for only ~ .99 per month. Mr. '.and Mrs. E;rnest Doyle,Mr. , . , . and Mrs. Fred Endle'r Jr;, Fred Franz Jr. ,Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ga­ mache, Harvey Gariepy, Mr: and and Sons,lnc. - :7 Mrs. George Gibb, Mr, and Mrs. , Hubert Hennessey, 'Miss Mary OSTERVILLE' Higgins. . . , .... .. . ." . . GArden 8-6509 : .G lemel1t Jeffers, Mr. and Mrs: Orner Jette, Mrs. Sarah Johan­


Co-ops Grow

a goo'd














Education Envolves Discomfort


THE ANCHOR':" " . T~urs" May 15, 1958

Learning Is Strong Force To Aid Life Adjustment By Donald McDonald" Davenport Catholie Messenger

And, much as I res pee t the value and recognize the place of the sciences, they are not . 1en t to genera 1 learnl'ng eqUlva


Lawyers Discuss Church-State Issues Callmly


I wish I could be more optimistic than I am about the' possibility of restoring lear~ing as the ·number-one. ob­ jective in American schools, both public and private. While I am not pessimistic, I cannot be confident about future status of learning. other time, will involve some . For one thing, as I believe discomfort so far as the. student I mentioned before in this is concerned and. that this in it­ space, after a generation of 'self is not necessarily bad or classroom indifference in. the sciences, we seem to be veering - i n . goo d, . American extremist fashion - to the other pole in which all students will be saturated with maximum dosages of mat h, physics, chemistry, etc.


psychologically unhealthy. Insidious Error Start out with the premise that "life adjustment" is the ultimate goal of education and you have starte~ theattritioiJ. of learning and scholarship, whether you intend that attrition or not. This is an insidious, creeping kind of error. Countless policy and practice decisions have to be made in a school~should this text, which is more difficult be used? shall we continue drills in spelling, grammar and arith­ metic? how much of an athletic program shall we insist on?'­ and always, when there is a commitment to "adjustment," the decision goes against those policies and practlces which would encourage learning but which would make children tempora­ rily unhappy because most chil­ dren are unhappy when they have to buckle down to work.

. VILLANOVA (NC) - Legal opinions ordinarily hotly con­ 'tested in church-state contro­ versy were discussed calmly at a two-day conference of the Villanova University Institute of Church and State, Some 40 participants, includ­ ing law professors and attorneys seasoned in church-state court cases, contributed to the discus­ sions which were based on the theme, "Sectarian Freedom in a Democratic Society." GiftS and Trusts Professor Elias Clark of Yale University Law School said freedom of religion must include a guarantee of seetarian liberty permitting each denomination to have its own members in its own churches, schools and charities. He urged that any trust which promotes religion should' be up­ held'by the courts; gifts or trusts directed against religion, or against a specific sect, ought to . be opposed. ' William T. Coleman Jr., of the Philadelphia bar, and John G. Stephenson, of the Villanova Law School, agreed with Pro­ fessor Clark that the present trend of U. S, Supreme court decisions condemning racial segregatton should not be used by lower courts to obliterate religious distinctions in trusts. State Aid Father William J. Kenealy, S.J., professor of the Loyola (New Orleans) Law School, ad­ vanced the view that the Con­ stitution does not forbid direct State aid to sectarian schools, but also actually requires that public funds be made available to relieve parents who, for reli­ gious convictions, ~end their children to private schools. He cautioned, however, that there are weighty reasons to doubt the prudence of accept­ ance of public aid by private schools. Public aid to parochial schools. he said, would increase the free­ dom of some citizens, and im­ pair the freedom of none, and in no proper sense would in­ volve an establishment of reli­ gion.

or wisdom. This seems a commonplace distinction, but it is one that is seldom adverted to among the vociferous science enthusiasts these days and one can only sl,lspect that they, in fact, are equating scientific knowledge With wisdom. Second, though the "progres­ PLANTING 2,000 PINE TREES: The first step in sives" and "life adjusters," who covering 20 acres of Stonehill College'!,! beautiful 558-acre pretty well took over American WORCESTER (NC)-Plans for campus made barren by carting away fill for the nearby education about 30 years ago, a new $1,500,000 St. John's Pre­ state superhighway. Rev. Thomas C. Duffy, C.S.C., direc­ are silent these days, we have paratory School have been an­ no cause to believe they have nounced by the' Xavierian tor of the college development fund, gets a hand from John seen the error of their ways and Brothers. Crowley and Paul Cummings, both ·of Stoughton. . are now "oing to get out of the The school will be located in way so that scholars and scholar­ Shrewsbury, nearby suburb, and ship can be brought l;1ack to the the first units are expected to be SAN SALVADOR (NC )-For­ bers morally and culturally, but classroom. ready for occupancy by Sept. mation of the new National also at promoting moves to bene­ It is far more likely that othey 1959. The present school in Wor- Union of Catholic Workers has fit the workers' materially. are simply staying under cover, " cester will be continued in oper­ been hailed here as the answer "The Church has offered her hoping this ill and irate wind ation, t: ugh its use will be to those who say that "the solution in a series of documents will blow over, after whiCh they .limi~ed to freshmen and possibly Church goes' on preaching its and encyclicals which have will emerge and set up business sophomores. . soCial doctrine but in practice served as the inspiration for at the old stand. only doles out bottles of milk." labor laws in various countries, Adjustment Theory OrientaCion, San Salvador including our own, even though The only way I can see to COLEBROOK (NC) - The weekly, noted that 200 workers, attempts have been made to hide overcome these two difficulties 'Shrine of Our Lady of Grace among them the leaders of the this fact," Orientacion said. It is for the American people to conducted by the Oblate Fathers, trade union movement, have added that the Church "has done develop a 'sustained, intelligent has opened· its 10th season of public opinion about what they outdoor religious services here been drawn together by the new more than distribute bottles of want in their schools. The pub­ in New Hampshire. It will close group. The· organization aims milk-it has established effec­ lic opinion must be durable in October. "not only at broadening its mem- tive principles." enough to outlast the obstinacy of those who would perpetuate the errors in our school system. It must be intelligent so that what is good in our present sys­ tem will be retained and what is bad in proposed changes will be kept out of the system. No one, I think, wants to go back to the bad, old days when children got birchings as regu­ larly as goiter tablets. And no one today, even among the arch­ conservatives, is prepared to de­ fend, or demand a return to, a system of teaching insesitively hurled knowledge at the chil­ dren on a sink-or-swim basis. Now, in the interest of intelli­ gent public opinion on education, let us examine the "life adjust­ '. ment" theory. Should Be Constructive We all want our children to be " adjusted to life and reality, if by "adjustment". we mean the ability to cope with life, to meet '=5' . life and life's problems with a certain serenity and equability that is nl't to be confused with passivity and complacency. ("Life adjustment" must cer­ tainly include a Willingness, an eagerness, to correCt and reform those things in life that need to be and can be corrected and re­ formed; and· if the schools are not turning out that kind of a constructive - revolutionary citi­ zen, why that is one more mark 'Whether you remodel Y,our kitchen, buy a new home, or just against them.) purchase a new rangeWhere the "life adjustment" devotees went astray was in (1) putting "adjustment" ahead of learning as the primary objec­ tive of education; (2) failing to see that learning itself is one of 'WomenWho know ••• Cook Electrically Cool-Clean~Fast-Thrifty-Modern the most powerful forces for "adjusting" a child to life; (3) forgetting that the schools are only one of the "life adjustment" institutions in a child's life; and (4) not understanding.' that all genuine education, at one or an­

Planning Shrewsbury Preparatory Sch.ool

Catholic Workers Form New U"ion

Tenth Season



Be Sure to


See Your Dealer or




Armand Froment, Annette Lau­ $15 Mr. and Mrs. George Perry, randeatl, Mr.' imd Mrs. Pierre Dr. M. H. Demers, Sr. The Madde'n Family.. ' Levasseur. $14 . Margaret E. Shea, The Le,nag­ Mr. and Mrs. Leo L'Homme, Jules 'Raiche Family. han Family, Mr. imd Mrs. John - $12 • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .Maltais, T. Crowley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taunton Leo Vezina. Marie-Anne Clement, Helena ~ G. Daby, Atty. and Mrs. James S'J: PAUL'S C hac e,' Ferdinand ·Francoeur. A. Heaney. . $300.00 ST. LOUIS Family, Henri Ouellette.· $15 Rev. John J.Griffin. "$50'. , , $11 Mr~ and Mrs. John F. Sullivan, $'15.00 , Rev. Edward J. Burns. Hormida Dupuis Family. Rev. Joseph F. O'Donnell. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Couto. . $25 $10 George' Driscoll, Dr; and Mrs.' $50.00 The Doran Family, Dr: and Cecile Anctil, Alcide ChOUi­ ·John Cunningham. Joseph Carvalho, Mr. and Mrs. nard, Paul Courchaine, Irene and Mrs. ,George Horan, Dr. Thomas Thomas Dunn, Mrs. Thomas F. $30.00 Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Wmiam Blanche ~ouchard, Armand Dal­ Mrs. Carmela Casella lind and Eileen' Higgins, Mrs. Eugene F. Whalen, Jr.

laire. Sullivan and ·"Family, Mr. and !'amily. $%0

Loretta 'Fuller, Marie and Mrs. Chester Nuttall and Family.. $20.00 Isabel Dearden, Mrs. James Blanche Lariviere, Orner Leves­ Bernard F. Sweeney and fami­ Mrs. Fred Fountain, Mr. and que, Anne-Marie Masse Family, Connerton Family, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Matthew McCarty, Mr. and ly, JYlr. and Mrs. William M. Ayl­ John Maher. Orner 'Paquette. ward, Mr. and Mrs. 'Martin, 'J. Mrs. Joseph Tremblay. $lS Rosa Ledoux, Alfred Renaud McDonald, Mrs. Matthew Man­ ~ $15.00 The . Cantwell FamilY, Mrs. Family, Hermenegilde - Trem­ nion, Mr. and Mrs. Dariiel Ma­ Mr'. and Mrs. Paul Michney. Harry Koosel, Mr. and Mrs. Al-. blay Family, Max Zand. ·honey. . . $12.00 fred McNally Family. 'Irene Fontaine, Family of Jo­ Elinore Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Eileen and Mrs. 'Edward Hen­ seph Gendreau, Albert Petit, $10 John Hogan. arid Katherine, .Er­ chey. Clara Poirier, David Patry. Mrs. James Benson, Alice Fa­ $10.0'0 nest Floyd, The Mahoney Fami­ hey, Marion Fahey, Mrs. Mary ST. KOCH'S Arthur Benoit, 'Mr. and Mrs. ly, Mr. and Mr~. Rom~o McCal-, Harrison, Mrs. James Shanahan, Manuel Braga, Milldred Braga, lum. $100 Margaret Kehoe. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Brown, $10 Re? Adi'ien Gauthier, Rev. . Catherine and Gertrude O'Nen, Mr. Edward Carroll imd Fam­ Hannah C. Higgiris, Mary J. VISITS DIOCESE: Rt. ~ Reginald M. Barrette. Mae R. Russell. The Wordell . ily. Higgins, Katherine. Battersby, Rev. Gerald Benkert, Family, Jane McDermott, Mayor $50 . Mr. arid Mrs. Edward Castle, Mr. and Mrs. Russell McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. Th9~a.s Cote, and Mrs. John M. Arruda. Abbot of ·Marmion Abbey, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cham­ Mrs. Fra~k Kingsley. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Black, Aurora, Illinois, preached at A Friend. pagne, Mr. and Mrs. John Con­ Mr. and Mrs. John 'Po pwyer, Mrs. Joseph Camara Family, $20 the First Solemn Mass of nots, ·Mr. and Mrs. Leo Conroy, Marcella Regan,. Mr. and Mrs. The Pierre Crispo Family, A Mrs. Patrick and Catherine Hig­ Mr. and Mrs. Alyre Cormier. Anthony Keramis, Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Conrad Lamb, at . Friend. gi~s. Catherine Horan. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Corr, Edward Warwick, Mrs. Thomas St. 'Paul's Church, Taunton, Margaret Johnson, Mr. and $16.25 Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Egan, E. Burke, and Angela Burke. Mr; and Mrs. Gilbert Guimond. Mrs. Orient Laplante family, Mr. Sunday. Father Lamb is a Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Foucault, _ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Se~rs,. and Mrs. William P. Lynch, Mar­ $15' Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Grandmont, In Memory of 'Heru-y ~untmg,' 'monk of Mat:mion Abbey. A garet McAndrew, Mrs. Mary Marie Rita Patenaude. Mr. F. 'Vernon Harrica. Mr. 'and Mrs. Elmer Stafflrd, Cr., native of Taunton he is the Phillips Family. $10 · Mr. and Mrs. Edward John­ Mr. _and Mrs. Frank M. Coffey, . brother of Sister Rose An­ Margaret Sullivan, William George Berube, Mr. and Mrs. 8On, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. Fra~ci~ Doolan. Emile Cousineau, Mr. and Mrs. and Isabelle Tierney. gela of S'acred HearUi· Acad­ Kelley and Family, Mr. arid Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. WIlliam Connel­ Henry' Menard, Mr. and Mrs. Ro­ ly, Mr. and Mrs: Eugene Ivers,_ e.my, Fall River. land Menard, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Mr. and Mrs. Vmcent Johnson, Mrs. Herve Bernier, Mrs. Eliza­ 1iam O'Donneil. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Rober~. Matthews, . beth Carney. . Mr, and Mrs. Manuel Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Zebra­ . . .' .. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mitchell, uld one of the parishloners to tbe wo.rried priest, :'my familJ' oan Mr. and Mrs. Frank Serpa, Mr. sky., . ;:; . Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Lemerise, . ...,. wHb relatives while youose .our bomc for a churcb." The ·and Mrs. Thomas Unsworth, Dr. and Mrs. Carroll Gettmgs, Mr. and Mrs. George Duffy, , problem berc .. a common one. In Sebu · Lillian White. . Anne and Mary Kelly, Gertrude Marion Foley, 'Francis M. Sulli~ .~~ ,~ S t l7). (Ethiopia) the Craoe 01 God bu been Mr. Leon Bora,. Miss Marion Kelly, Dr. and ·Mrs. Benard CrG­ van. 'V '", poured. out In abuiJdance thrOUgh tbe sao­ · ~ampbell, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ~8il, Mr. and Mrs,. James H. Mar­ Mr. and Mrs. George Flanagan, .c.. .::~~:.~. or. riflce 01 the. missionaries and the small Goslin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hun-. tin. .. .. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Urban, Mrs. ehur!lb simply became unsafe for the use L.. M E " J k' . Vincent M. FItzgerald, Mr. and Arthur Fallon; Mr. and. Mrs. IIJCr, rs. flC 0 I. M Th dd Gol'tz Mr and ~ :3 01 the large number of converts who oame Joseph O. LincoiJrt Mr. and rs.· a eus ~, .Arthur Lavoie, Mr. and Mrs: e11; . .to seek Christ. This cenerous family (con­ ' J h Mrs Eugene PontIff, RIchard William J. Aylward, Mrs. Henry B t' h ld r Mr. and Mrs. E'verett · Mrs. Stuart, Pl~ce, Mrs.. osep + ,erts themselves) who rave up their bome J'. Shea. . Roster and FamIly, Mr. and Mrs. ~l~ e e, ~. 110 that tbe sOn 01 God mlght have a place .John Rountree, Mr. and' Mrs. IMs. M . . D ley Mrs HOLY ROSARY' to Uve. cannot remain wltb relative. lor­ Sal . t S· 11' rs. aunce a, . $200 va orDe p~neE' I. T'be" M Daniel Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. ever. A new Cburch ·must be built and Rev. Joseph R ..Pannonl. .Mrs. enms . I rlls, r. Everett Crowley, Thomas Sulli­ 11r Holy Fathm Miuilm AiJ the cost "m be $3,000. WiU you belp te · and Mrs. Roger Yelle. n Nors Margaret and Ma17 $100 provide lor the constantly I'rowlng nUlll­ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cole, Mr' va, .' jx tIN Onmlai 9-rJJ John W. Varanese. B yrne.. !Nil' 01 Catbolics In Ethiopia' . , d M J H D ff Jo­ '. . , $'75 an ~s. ~~es ... u. y, . . Thomas F. Welch, Mr. and Mrs. -Rev. Vincent F. Dialerlo. IICph Glannml, ?~Ivla Glanmnl, John F. McMahon, Mabel and MASS OFFERINGS ARE THE ONLY· SUPPORT OF YOUR $50 . Mrs.. Eugene, HeinIg. Sarah Moran, Mrs. John Orpen, .HEROIC MISSIONARIES HELP THEM TODAY AND YOU WILL In Memory. of 'Dr. J\ntonio S. . MI~d~ed 0 Connor, Mrs. Thom­ Mrs. Joseph Giblin, Mr. and Mrs. ,HELP YOURSELF AS WELLI Ventura, Holy Rosary Women'. • WIlliams. Thomas J. Logan. THB PRIESTHOOD IS A GIFT BEYOND DESCRIPTION-but Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Burke, Guild. the road to It' Is lonr aDd hard f~r the boy who feels that God hal $25 Mr. and Mrs. James Collins, Ber­ ..lied him. The. bardshlps are Inoreased 'In the Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Sl.sca HOLY N A M E n a d e t t c Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. Cor~ poor lands 01 the Near East where evel'J' lIOn Is and family, Fisk Mills, Inc. $300 ne,Hus'Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. James Important for the mone, he oan: brlnl' bome. The $10 · I Mrs: Charles Bonner. E. Mullins and Family. families of IBRAHIM and KAMAL are wI\IInl . Gilbert Croghan, Mr. -and Mrs. Holy Rosary Teenagers, Con­ to I'lve their sons to God-and' beyond this they $200 Janles A. Boynton, Mr. and Mrs. fraternity of the Rosary. have notllinl' to give: Will you pay the liemlnary . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tansey. John E. Cruger, Mrs. Frank Mc­ IMMACULATE CONCEPTION . $150 e.penses for one of these boys? Tbe cost Is $100 I Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Gallery. Dermott, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred a' year for the six year seminary course necessary $400 $100 DiIbe. . lor each boy. You can pay the money In any manner of Installments Rev. Felix S. Childs: Dr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Sulli­ GertrUde M. Hurley, Mr. and, wbile your adopted son is 'preparlnc1blmsell to be "another. Christ.$100 ·nn, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Powers, Mrs. Herman R. Mello, Helena In' Memory of Margaret G. , Kelley, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Bai­ SISTER MARY' LABOURE AND SISTEK ~a:. and Mrs. Richard Donovan. ley, Mrs. Mary W. Higgins. . Lynch by the Lynch Family. MARY PETER wlsb to elye all they bave to sen. $'75 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Henry, $50 Cbrlst In tbe poor of India. They bave youth­ Rev.. James A. McCarthy, Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nagle, Mr.. Immaculate Conception Wom­ bealth-a cenerous hurt. Will you supply the and Mrs. John C. Corrigan. and Mrs. Raymond Holen, Sr., en's Guild. one thing they lacU Each I'lrl needs $150 a year $50 Mr. and Mrs. Ma.tthew Sullivan, $25 for the two year period. of novitiate training. You Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Golden, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Crosson. Mr. Henry J,' Duffy, Thomu can pay tbe money In any manner of lnstallments Mr. and Mrs. Michael Foley, Mr. Tl1e Mannion Family,. The J, Fleming. while your "adopted daughter" prepares to serve and Mrs. Daniel Coughlin, Mrs. Nash Family, Mr. and Mrs. iames $20 the poor 01 tbe MJ'stlcal BocIy. Charles Hurley, Mr. and Mrs. Conlin, Mr. and Mrs. William' Eli Barnaby, Margaret Co~ , .Hector Mongeau. '. ,Cleare, Maurice King._ THE HANDS OF THE HOLY FATHER ARE THE HANDS OF

nell. . May' A. Leary" Mr. and Mrs. A:ilna L. Sullivan, Yolande CHRIST. FILL THEM WITH GOOD THINGS FOR THE POOR OF

$15 John E. Connolly, Dr. and Mrs. Laliberte, Mr. and Mrs'. John TIlE MISSION LANDS OF THE NEAR EAST.

Thomas· F. Heaney and family, John Carvalho, Misses Anna E. Bailey, Kathleen Braney, Gene­ 'Dominick Sperduti. "THEIR EYES OF FEAR BITE INTO YOUR MEMORY," writes .and Helen Shay. vieve C. Duffy. $10' Father King after a visit to a Leper Hospital. He waa visiting Ut. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Phelan, 'Nancy Carroll, William t. Mr. and Mrs. Jose Borges, new patlenb and trying to make tbem feel at bome Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Phelan. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Alioe Condon, F. R. Catholic • • . but It Is many days before these poor lIOuls $35 Smith, Catherine A; Lysaght, Nurses Guild, Teresa Hetu, Ev­ . realize that wUb' tbe Sist~rs they will- bave. a saf. Mrs. David W. Boland:Mr, and Mary Lysaght. erett Lafleur. ' bome, kindness and proper eare. Soon the poy. Mrs. Edward J. Delaney, MI:, and Mrs. Martha Kearns, Mrs. Latulippe', Florence J 0 h n erty, seorn and harsh treatment 01 the world "III Mrs. Frederick Doherty. Charles O'Neil, The Barrett Lynch, John F. Mooney, J"ames be but a bad memory. Would you like to belp $30 Family, Grace Cuttle. Pelletier, Mrs. Clara Whitehead. lene Cbrlst In' these. the most for&,oUen of His The McDonald. Family. Anna Malone, Mr. and Mrs. Mary Whitehead. children? One' dollar a montb imd a pra,er for $25 Fred Brissette, Mrs. Lester Os­ Mrs.' Gordon Andrew, Eugenia the Sisters who stafT the Leper Hospitals will brinl ;:;;--; Margaret G. Dillon, The Misses borne, Firiglas Family, Mr. and Coffey, James H. SUllivan, Henry . J'ou the graces whleh only .the prayers 01 the .poor ean obtain. Donovan, Mrs. LouisB. Devine MI·s. Edward-Halpin. J. Kitchen. . . and family, The Crotty Family, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brind­ MEMBERSHIP DUES ARE STRINGLESS GIFTS ..• and the" OUR LADY OF HEALTH J Mr.. and Mrs. George L. Sisson. ley, . Clarence Bonner, Mr. a";d are extremely Important. They make It posSible for the Holy Father Gertrude and Alice Lynch, Mrs. Michael Hanley, William $20 to meet many obligations which arise suddenly· and require prompt The'Misses Connors. Ready, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Angelo pere,ira. action . . . AND ... they make It possible for you to share In the The Kenny Family, Helena V. Tansey. ' $10 daily Masses .. , prayers . . . saciiftoes •• -. merits of those In tbe Sullvian, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Mr. and Mrs. Barney Levesque, Manuel F)-eitas, Leopoldina ml~ion field. JOIN· TODAY! Knight, D'r. and Mrs. James Sul­ The Misses Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Souza, August Santos. ANNUAL INDIVIDUAL MJijMBERSHIP .•.•••••••"'•.•••••.•.. $1 }ivan, Mr. apd Mrs. Noel Giard, James. R. Hannon, Mr. and Mrs. -NOTRE DAME DE LOURDES ANNUAL FAMILY MEMBERSHIP ; : $5 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Davitt.. Lyman Lynch. PERPETUAL INDIVIDUAl. MEIUBERSHIP .•.• , •••••.•••••.. $20 MI'. and Mrs. John W. Roche,' The Murphy Family, Mr. -and _ $500 PERPETUAL F~MILY, MEMBERSHIP $100 Gertmde M. Quirk, Mr: and Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Cullen, Mildred V. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Alfred Bonneau. Howard Melker, Patric'k Phelan, Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Don­ I $100 . GIVE TO W1N THE WORLD OF THE NEAR EAST FOR CHRIST. Dr. and Mrs. John Partridge. nelly, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Dr. William Boudreau. ~"'__ ~_ ~ .Mr. and Mrs: Joseph W. Cum­ Keeley. 'mings, Dr. and Mrs. John Dunn,' Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Geary, Rev. Roger Re? Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ferreira, Mr. and Mrs. John Keatirig, Mr. fRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN; President The Neilan Family. . and 'Mrs. George Nugent, Mrs. Gerard Boisvert, Rev. Adrien E. Msgr. Peter P. Tuohy, Nat'l Sec'y $20 Nora Chippendale, William P • Bernjer; Dr. Joseph A. Fournier.. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. C. McGuire, COdy. $25 , Send all communications tol Mr. ,and Mrs. William Henry, Mr. and Mrs. :Walker War­ Dr. 'Adelard Demers. ~ATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION . Mary H1lrt, and Mrs. Jame. 'rener and Family; 'Mr..e-and Mrs; 'Dr. Roland. Ave.at."6th.St:.. New,York 17, N. Y. B. Kelley, 'Jr; Lillian Hart; i'rllD- . William Hackfug': Jr.,. -Mr."and .~... Shaui:bneSsy~ 1: " . ···.. MN; "Rklilard-sDaley,', Mr~..:an4 ."NteniJ[,· Dr. ·!toger. VioletWl..>.· " - " ... j"'~"~. •~.•'"!.,,~,~-~~-~~--~~ ....._ - - -....._ J


-THE'ANCH()R' Thurs., May 15, ;1958







.Fall River



$~~ ~oirier,

<--• ...J­





b1ti J~ar ~tlJDS$ionsl.aitl ~89l.exin9ton

THE ANCHORThurs., May 15, 1958

May Crowning

Spotlighting Our Schools MOUNT ST. MARY'S


Members of the Glee Club, under the direction of Arthur Paquette, B.Mus., guest con­ ductor, entertained at the Daughters of Isabella meeting held Monday night at the Cath­ olic 'Community Cnter, Fall River. Glee Club members are trained by Sister Mary Gabriella, R.S.M., F.T.C.L., bead of the music department. The annual spiritual retreat for the students will be held' on Wednesday, Thursday and Fri­ day of next week in the acad­ emy. The Rev. Edward Winsper, S.J., will be the retreat master. The students will participate in the Missa Recitata (Dialog Mass) on Wednesday and Thursday; on Friday, the students will sing the High Mass for the closing day of the retreat. The final exercise of the retreat will be the Crown­ ing of Our Lady's Statue in the convent garden. Nancy Cordeiro, vocal IlOloist, and Louise Boulay, accordion IlOl0ist, were guest artists at the Fall River Pops Concert held last week in FaU River. Both girls are students at the Mount. SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY, FAIRHAVEN The seniors are holding a "ear ",ash" next Saturday at Laugh.: Jin Chevrolet, New Bedford. The tickets, which may be pur,.. chased in advance, are one dollar and are valid between the hours of 9 and 6. The profits will go for the benefit of the year book, The Aymerian. On Sunday night, the Glee Club gave a repeat performance of their concert at the Veterans' Hospital in Brockton. Mrs. Doris Sullivan accompanied at the piano, and Edmund H. Des­ Rosiers directed. MSGR. COYLE HIGH,


Seniors accepted by the vari­ ous colleges are George Arquin, University of Mass.; Robert Bishop, Boston College; Michael Barber, New Bedford Tech; Frederic Bartek, Boston and Providence Colleges; Alan Bagge, Wentworth; Geotge Costa, Stonehill; Thomas Cum­ mings, Stonehill; James Conroy, Providence College; James Coo­ gan, Boston College and George­ town University; and John Cor­ bett, Northeastern University and Stonehill. John Dubena, New Bedford. Tech; Armand Desrosiers, Provi­ dence College; Charles Donovan, Providence and Stonehill Col­ . leges; Paul Dooley, Providence College; Silvino D'Arruda, Brad­ ford Durfee Tech; James Do­ herty, U. S. Merchant Marine Academy; Fred Fitzsimmons, Notre Dame; Robert Freccero, Boston Coll~ge, Northeastern University and Bridgewater . State; Henry Forcier, Stonehill and Boston College, and George DaVid, Bradford Durfee T-;ch. Richard Grace, Fordham Uni­ versity, Providence, Boston and Stonehill Colleges; Richard Guillette, Stonehill and Provi­ dence Colleges; John Harring­ ton, St. Anselm's and Providence College; John Kennedy, Provi-' dence College and New Bedford Tech; Stanley Koss~ Providence College; Ronald LeFrancois, Northeastern' University and Stonehill; John Lariviere, PrOVi­ dence and Boston Colleges and Georgetown University; Robert Loew, Stone!lill and Boston Col­ leges; William Lowney, Temple University, University of Rhode Island and Mass. College of Pharmacy, and Joseph Lima, Ncw Bedford Tech and Went­ worth. Richard McMorrow, Provi­ dence Coll~ge; Louis McAdams, Stonehill and Providence Col­ leges; Brian McManus, PrOVi­ dence, Boston and Holy 'Cross Colleges; John McNamara, Northeastern and Notre Dame Universities; Daniel Nerney, Rhode Island School of Design and Mass. School of Art; Wil­ liam Purdy, Mass. Institute' ot Technology; Walter Precourt, Providence College; ,Timothy Robbins, University of Maine;

Normand Racine, New Bedford Tech, and David Stuart, Notre Dame and Georgetown Universi­ ties. Norman Sharkey,. Stonehill; Robert Schriever, Boston School of Practical Art; George Souza, Providence and Boston Colleges and New Bedford Tech; Stephen Turkalo, Columbia University; Walter Hughes, Babson Institute; Thomas Wynn, Providence Col'7 lege; Lawrence Welch, Boston College, and David Yelle, Boston College. SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY, FALL RIVER Next Sunday has been set as the date for the traditional May Procession. Each student will bear a lighted 'candle in honor of Our Lady ot Lourdes. The freshmen will form a living rosary with 'each girl reciting 'her part. The sillging of Marian hymns will be under the direc­ tion of Sister Stephen Mary, S.U.S.C. Under the leadership of Mary Elizabeth Boland, junior, an archery tournament will be held during the week of May 24. Six­ teen freshmen and sophomores are competing in the tournament. Sister Mary Hortense, S.U.S.C., Sister Mary Adrienne, S.U.S.C" and Sister Ann Thomas, S.U.S.C., attended a lecture given by T. S. ' Eliot at Boston College. "The Role ot'the School News­ paper in Inspiring Right Choices" was the topic of Lynne Collins' , speech at the Merrimack College Publications Conf~rimce. Leslie Salvo year-book editor, spoke on "Art Versus, Photography." Thirty-four sophomores, junion and seniors attended the con­ ference. Sophomore journalists are try­ ing to make deadlin~s in the preparation of their test issue of Shacady News. Appointments to· Shacady staff Will depend on the type of work accomplished. Evelyn Leve~que iS'editor of the publication while Patricia Dris­ lan, Susan Roy, Ann Marie Shea and Gladys O'Connell serv.e as page editors. JESUS-MARY ACADEMY, FALL RIVER Mo~her St. Victoire, principal of Notre Dame School, and Mother St. Lawrence, commer­ cial teacher: with seniors Diane Caron, DoriS Dupont,' Cecile Nadeau, Claudette Carob, Claire Picard, Maureen O'Connor and 12 juniors_ were guests at open house at Johnson Wales Busi­ ne'ss School, ProvideI!ce, R. I. "A Charm Class" formed part of the interesting program. ' Mother Mary Mediatric and Mother St..John Berchmans, ad­ visers of the Journalism Club, assisted at the Merrimack Press Conference. Juniors Jocelyn Cyr, Monica Smith, Elizabeth Lee, and sophomores Pauline Le Boeuf and Lorraine Croteau at­ tended variOUS panel discussions and lay-out, editorial and pho­ tography. The Family Communion Cru­ sade held last Sunday in Notre Dame Church was a gratifying spiritual succce'lls-"The Family that prays' together, stays to­ gether." ST. MARY'S HIGH, TAUNTON Catholic l)'niversity exams were administered last Monday, Tuesday and 'Wednesday in sub­ jects taken by members ot all four years. Next Wednesday, members of the eighth grade and those ot the high schools in the Taunton area Will atte.hd the annual Vo­ cation Mass at St. Mary's Church. The High School Glee C.lub will sing this year. ThcMass of Stella Maris by Sistel;' M. Florentine,' P.H.J.C., will be used for the responses in- the Proper of the Mass and the Gloria and Credo will be taken from the Mass of the Angels. National Hospital Week has been observed by many students who attended the "open-house" ceremonies 'at various hospitals. PREVOS' HIGH, ' FALL RIVER Th~ fourth annual oratorical contest was held in Jesus Mary Academy Auditorium before the student body.


Ex-Red Denies

Supreme Being

PRESIDENTIAL CONGRATULATIONS: At cere­ monies in the Departmental Auditorium in Washington President Dwight D. Eisenhower - congratulates Georg~ Kesler, winner of the tenth annual national essay ,contest for secondary' schools sponsored by the President's' Com­ mittee on 'Employment of the Physically Handicapped. A student at Aquinas High School, Augusta, Ga., he was awarded the top'. prize of. $1,000. NC Photo.

Praises Catholic College Stand . C~ntiDued from Paa-e 0_ to back up their scientific studies," he said in an interview. "That's where Cath­ olic schools are doing a wonder­ ful job, in addition to SUPP9rting and expanding the fine science departments many of them, have." An alumnus of Georgetown University, conducted by the Jesuits in Washington, he singled out his alma mater as an exam­ ple of what is needed, observing that Georgetown requires all science majors to take courses in philosophy. Dr. Hagen is on leave from his post as lecturer on radio astron­ omy at Georgetown while he heads the U. S. earth satellite program during the Interna­ tional Geophysical Year. Awaits Date Discussing satellites, Dr. Ha­ gen said the Russians have "de­ veloped rockets with greater thrust" than the United States .and "obviously are ahead in ih~ ability to put 'big hunks' into space." , "But what about the reliabil­ ity of their instruments and their gu'idance systems?;' he ·asked. "They haven't yet released any data derived from the sputniks. Let's wait until the end of the humanitie~

Winners were Ronald A. Val­ court, senior; Paul E. Lambert, junior; Paul A. Martin, sopho­ more Michel Methot and Robert Poiiras, freshmen. HOLY FAMILY HIGH,


The Unlimited Banquet of the Future Junior Achievers will be held tonight in the New Bedford Hotel. The toastmaster will be Miss Elaine Kijak '58. The new slate of officers for the Junior Achicve~ent' Groups includes five Holy 'Family stu­ dents: Vice President, William Balderson '59; Second Vice­ President, Edward Callaghan '59; Recording Secretary, Sandra LeClair '59; Corresponding Sec­ retaary, Mary Jane Walker '60; Sergeant-at-Arms, Jeffrey Nunes '59.



International Geophysical Year (Dec. 31, 1958) arid then eom­ pare notes." Dr. Hagen said the effect ra­ diation will have upon space flight is still an open question. Encoura~es Experiments "We have known for years that the sun shoots out corpus­ cular radiation," he said. "We suspect that's the source ot the deadly rays just discovered some 680 miles above the earth. They are protons and electrons trapped in the earth's magnetic ficld. . "How seriously' would they affect space flight? We don't know. Maybe spacecraft could zip through so fast the rays wouldn't matter. What it really means is that we must develop more accurate instrumentation for future satellites, with a greater capacity for measure­ ment." Dr. Hagen 'said high school rocket, experiments should be encouraged, adding that his own son belongs to a school rocket club.. But he warqed: "The only qualification is safety. Th'e ex­ periments IT)ust be performed under the expert direction ot a stable adult."

SCHOOL Maintenance Supplies



DALLAS (NC) - John Gates, former editor of the defunct Daily Worker, communist daily, said here that he believes in "religious ethics" but not "in the superJ;latural or a supreme be­ ing." , Gates made this reply whell he appeared on the panel of a st.udent forum at Southern Meth­ odist University. One of those on the panel with him was Herb­ 'crt Philbrick, former counter­ spy for the FBI. But the ex'pected clash be­ tween Gates and Philbrick, who have been bitter enemies for years, failed to materialize. The two antagonists shied away from any personal attacks. In reply to the question '''Are you a religious' man?-which was asked by an SMU professor -Gates replied: "I am not a religious man in that I do not believe in the supernatural or a supreme being. But I believe in religious ethics, right and wrong, and I don't believe It necessary for a ~rsoPl to have '" formal religion." In reply to other questions, Gates said he does "not want te be classified as Marxist" al­ though he does "believe i~ some Marxist ideas." As a form of government f..­ the United States, Gates said be is in favor of a "democratic: socialism whcih will retain aD the great· feature:; of our gov­ t"rment."



Member R. T. T. G.




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Halligan, Mary Webb,Edward . .. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Canniff, Julia Sullivan, Arthur Andresen, Elaine .Andresen, Miss Mary Walsh.

Fall River

M. coughlin.


$100 Rev. Euge'ne Dion.

$50 Rev. Roland B .. Boule..




· :Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Hamel.

Dr. and -Mrs. Paul DeVillers, A, Friend..


Joseph Brault Family.



Adelard Gauthier, Benoit Gau­ thier, A Friend, Martel Family, Clara 'and Wilfrid B,oucha.rd. ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA

'$200 .Parish Societies of the Sacred Heart Parish.


$100 Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy, B. ,Frank Reilly, Dr. Edward Neves, Sacred .Heart Women's Guild, Dr. Earl E. Hussey.

$75 ·Rev. ! John G. Carroll, Rev. John J. Regan, Dr. Roger Cadi­ eux, Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Mooney.

$50 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sevigny, James Connor, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Burns, Mr. James Steel~ In Memory of Louise V. Fair­ clough, Miss Agnes McNerney, John B. Cummings.




Jose Carreiro..

. $10

HOUSE FOR THE SUFFERING': The new 300-bed hospital at San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, of which Padre Pio' of Petralcina~ famed stigmatic Capuchin priest is founder and director. Management was assigned by' Pope Pius Xli: t'o the Congregation of the Third Order Francis­ cans of Our Lady of Grace. NC Photo.

Manuel Silva, Alfred Vascon­ cellos. ST. ,JOSEPH'S

$75 Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo.



In Memory of William S. and Maud A. Conroy.

$50 Mr, and Mrs. F~ank Halligan, . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Trainor, Rev: William J. Shovelton, In Madeline Connors. Phyllis Corrigan, Fred J. Har­ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Golden; rington, Miss Angela Harrington, l.\:'Iemory of Catherine Marcille, Valeri~, Bernadette and. Alma' Mr. and Mrs. Frank A.Curtin, Catherine Murphy, Joseph Don­ Foley.. $35 In Memory of Thomas L.· and nelly: $25 Miss Margaret M. Sullivan, In Thomas 'H. Flynn, Ann and Eliz:" . James Carey, Franc~s Burke Margaret, Connors, Mr. and Memory of Agnes Harrington' abeth Downey, Mrs. Julia Beat": and· family, Francis Waring, .Mrs.' Wm. Hurll, Catherine' T. and Cecilia Carrig. tie. John O'Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and Mary·L. Harrington, Mr. and $30 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nedder­ . Beland, Eugene Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Train­ man, . Mr~ and Mrs.. Edward . The' Boy Scouts· and Girl Mrs. Joseph O'Comlell, Sr., The er and family, Thomas Synott, Downs, Herman Springer, Mar-' Sc'outs of the Sacred Heart Par.,. Misses O'Brien. Harry Sears and Sons, Frances .lohn Connors and Hannah G. garet Springer and Annie Mc- ish, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Costa, Connors, James Kennedy, Mary Carthy, .' Kevin and Marjorie . Martin A. Reardon, Timothy . P., MaryR, and Charles A. Shay, Mrs. Mary Walker: . ~ Catherine and Ellen Coughlin.' Smith, Mr; and Mrs. Edward F. Shea.' . . $20 $25 . Hughes. . Leonard Sullivan, The Misses ·Mr. ,and Mrs. Joseph O'Con­ · ·Dr. and Mrs. Henry 'Bolen, .' Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hus­ Doran, Edward J. Dora.n, Ella'" lohn Reilly, Anna G. and May S~y, Kenneth Sutcliffe, Mrs..Mary, d'ore F.·O'Neill, William H. Kirk-. /nell,. Jr. . $15 V. McCarthy, William ·Barrett, Heywood, Miss Edna Hughes, man. . Mr. and ·Mrs. Leroy Borden, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Murphy. Mrs. Margaret F o r d . . ' John J: Desmond, In Memory Mrs. Frank D. V. and Eleanor Mrs. Jeremiah' H. Leary and Mr. and· Mrs. John J. Burke, of Mr.. and Mrs. P. J. Halligan, Brady, Mr. and Mrs. orohn Con­ family, Mr. and Mrs. John Tuite, Anne Breheny, Agnes' Black, James Barnes, Miss Rosetta Sul­ In Memory of John and Margaret Donald Black, Mr. and Mrs. Fred livan, Mr. and Mrs. Nestor Silva. nors, .Douglas Law, Mrs. Ellen Mahoney and Julia. McDermott, Mr: and Mrs. Wil­ Demetrius. : Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sullivan, The1VIcArdle Family, Mr. and liam Hargraves. C. Joseph' Driscoll, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harring­ Mrs. Jolin T. Smith, Annette and · Colonial Casket Co.,. James Mrs. George Sullivan, Stella Mc- ton, In.Memory of Mary McCar­ Heywood, Louise Desmarais, In Carthy, John R. Spencer, Joseph thy Brownell, Mr. and Mrs. John Katherine Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. James ·Wilcox. . Memory of Margaret Smith, Dennis. . • J. Harrington, Leo E. McShane. . . $10 Michael Grace. F. MacDonald, Mrs. Mary Joseph Griffin, Sarah Griffin, Anne and Catherine Coughlin, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hackett, Leary,. Leonard Burgmyer, Mr. .Mr. and Mrs:' Andrew Plocica, Mr. and Mrs. William Doran, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sullivan, and Mrs. Thomas McVey, The Thomas White, Jose Silva. Eunice Dion, Mrs. Thomas Duffy, Mary, Kathryn and Lillian Mad­ Sullivan Family. Miss Mary C. Cummings, Miss Mrs. Wallace Fairbanks. den, Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Walter Wilcox, Miss Anna Margaret Cummings, Miss Fran­ Mrs. John' J. Fitzgerald, Sr:, Boulds. Murphy, Mrs. Kathryn R. Doher­ ces Cummings, Margaret O'Gra­ Jane Haran, Julia M.Harring­ Mrs. George C. Killg, Mr..and ty, Miss Margaret Tolan, Mar­ dy, Wiliiam ·Desmond. , ton, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius J. Mrs. Francis E. Sullivan, Cath­ garet Moran. ..; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Reilly, Harrington, Ma~garet Hession. erine Roberts, Katherine :Furze. Josephine Louette, Mary Bres­ Mr: and Mrs. James J.'McMahon, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Higgin­ $20 lin, John J. Mahoney,.Miss Loret­ . Michael Geary, Maurice Bying­ . son, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ;Miss Margaret Coyle, Francis ta Gavin, William Mercier.' ton, Mrs, Mary Griffin and Jen-' Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Holland, Mr. and "Mrs. Alvin S. Mrs. William Mercier, Mrs. nie. Kelley, Elizaqeth Leary, Mrs. Hoar, Quinlan Leary, Mrs. Mar­ James Sullivan, James Sullvian, . Riley Family, ·Mr. arid Mrs. °Johri P. McMullen and family. garet Flynn and Mary. John M. Eastwood, Sara Ander­ Michael McNally, F ran ci s Miss Kathryn and Margaret James Reilly, John Curry. Raymond Audette, Annie E.' son, Mr. mid Mrs. Thomas Don­ Meagher, Mrs. Thomas F. Momi­ Whalen, Irene' Cummings and ghan, Sr., Edward Moran, Mr. family, Hillhouse Convalescent and Mary E. Quirk, Mrs. Dennis' nelly, Miss Helen King.. Hurley, Dennis Hurley;' Arthur Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lopes, Mrs. and Mrs. Daniel J. McCarthy. Home. ' . Mary aild Miss Margaret Mor'" Margaret McCloskey, Mr. 'and Margaret Desmond, Alice C. Shea. and' Mary V.Harrington,Mr.· . . Miss Agnes Riley, Eleanor riss, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas',Burns, Mrs. John J.. Moloney, Henry Mullaney, Walter 'McVey; Mr. Elizabeth. Oy.rens, Mis. Edith Munroe; Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Mrs. W.· Harry ·Monks. , Murphy' and family, . Mar y Miss Jane 'BroClerick, Mr. and' and :Mrs.· Thomas A. McCann, Goncalo ~nd family. Mrs. Frank Shea, Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien; ..

Mrs. Joseph McManus, William John J. Sullivan. Daniel Duffy, Charles Duffy, Thomas Roberts,. Mrs. Harold I :M~. and. Mrs. John O'Day, Mil­

Davis and' family, E. Louise Miss' 'Cecilia' McCormell/ Mrs; Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph . dred Powers, Mr. and Mrs. AI­ Beattie.. PatriCia. Selleck, Mr. and. Mrs. Coauette, Mr.' aild ·Mrs. Jerry ,bert -E. ShoveIton, Mr. and Mrs. · Marga~et Du~l:, Mr. and M . Wjlliam McConnell. Ciullo. .~red Sherry;'. Mrs. Harold Smith, rs.. . .Mrs. ' Loretta -Turner, Letitia .' JohnFraney,Margaret Mary' Mr. and Mrs. Paul St. Sing. . Frank LaBossiere, Mr. and Mrs. . Mar­. . Dennis SUllivan,' Mr. and Mrs. .loh n H. Springer, Kathleen Gal., . L·ynch.,Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Val:' Fay, William Chippendale, . lee, 'Miss A.nna· and Ella Des-' tin F. Mitchell, .Kathryn Drogue: fery, Leonard Hughes. , Leverett Teague.: .. ond, A.lbert Payer. Miss Mary V. O'Hearn, 'Mr: 'Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph Welch, m ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL John: Coyle, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Thomas Stapleton,. Miss Thomas Connors,. J 0 h n M' . M'.a I ­ $250. lOy, William Fitzgerald, Mr. and ··.Thomas P .. Sullivan, Mary Mc- . Margaret, RileY, William Devitt, Rev. Arthur W. Tansey. Mrs. '. George McCoomb,' Miss . Carthy, Miss Heien' Sullivan, Miss Louise Ryan. $200 .Grace Martin. • Dennis J. O'Brien and family. Miss M.· Clorit.e, Miss Mary . . .... Mrs.. Margaret Hammill,. Miss Ryan, Grace Phelan,' Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Rourke. · · Mr. and. Mrs. John L. Morgan, .Charles . M. Ward, Mrs. Charles Fox and' Family, Mr · . and Mrs. Bliffins, . Mary Mason, Edward . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marum, John E. Kiley, Timothy F. Sul­ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Owsney. Thaddeus Tokarz, Joseph R. Miss Mary C. DaleY"Miss Grace livan and family.' Daley, Mr. and Mrs. Dick CutMr. and Mrs. Matthew Shea, Hathaway, Anna Kiencke, Mr. ling. . Sr., The McGovern-McCabe fam­ and Mrs. Normand Fontaine, . 'Raymond Holmes, Margaret F. ily, Clarence Banks, Richardi 'Mrs. Mary O'Sullivan. . The Only Cath.olic College in the Diocese of Fall Rwef' Mrs. A. Eagan, Mr. and. Mrs. .L owneY, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Waldron, Genevieve Skammells. . Mr. a'hd Mrs. BenJ'amin Sher- Patrick' J. Hurley, Mrs. Helen. Halligan, Lodivine LeMoyne. $12 . man; Walter Polak, John 'J. Sweeney., Jeffrey Sullivan, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Fitz- Polak, Atty. and Mrs. John ,Edward T. Murphy. O'Neill, Regina Higgins. . Eugene Grace, Johri patrick, Jr., Mr. and Mrs.. Fred . ' M McGuill, t F R. 'Dolan; Mr. Owen F. Hartnett. Dorothy Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. Ella T. Dempsey, argare . $1~ .' Everett Lahey, HeienLom'ax, Leneghan, John Harrington. Wilfred Beaulieu, Elizabeth L. Catherine, Lomax, ·Edward·Mon-· " . M~ ..and Mrs. Walter !loberts, Leona'rd, Oliva 1\..' Pelleti~r., w~i- arch."' . "'-. ~ :~: Ka!J'tleen Ha,rrir1gton, -'Sarah I C. liam Slater; Ursu~a Riley. . . . Mr. and Mrs. John:J. Moynagp,. . liE. . . . · Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murphy, . "t"UL",!U" Alice· Bailey;' Catherine Kauf": , •.. Wb :bli-'fM man, Mr. and Mrs: Robert Carr. I.


""trOl/II.J. .... :;'.',.

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8,~~~~n~a~~~. a~~r~~. D;:~~~; ~

· McNally, Mr: and Mrs. 'John M. r;.e(\nard,Jonn FagaJi~ .-: ... :!dr. and Mrs. J()seph SUI~iv:ari, . Milton Sullivan, Miss.HonorToo.:.

'h~y:' Th'o~~s .. O'Brien,Agn~s.

· Coyle .:and Elizabeth, James ·H.. :· . '. '.:: . 'F:itzPlltrick, Sr::-:·:·. · John Simas, "Juliette .Delehan:,;· r. '; ty;>Margate't'·E. Coleman, ·Grace'·

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.'. .'-j.'. Corrigan, 'Laura Hollihan; .... •InJohn Memory of. Mrs.··Isabelle ·A.··'·

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• Balancing the .Books


Prelate As~erts 'Tipsy' Drivers Are CrimiD1als


Lillian Roth Cites Doubts On Matters of Religion

MONTREAL (NC) - In many fatal traffic accidents, "death has an ac.complice in the form of alcohol," His

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy Lillian R.oth's "Beyond My Worth" (Fell. $3.95) is a ~uel· to, ;her. best-selling "I'll Cry Tomorrow." In the earlier book she told of the heavy drinking which ruined her career in show business, of her discovery that she was an alcoholic, of her 1" d . struggle to rehabilitate her- y~~ The Meddlesome Friar and self, and of her comeback the Wayward Pope, Michael de as an entertainer. She also la Bedoyere is detailing the

Eminence Paul-Emile' Cardinal Leger, Archbishop of Montreal, has declared. Persons who drive an auto­ mobile after having had too much to drink are no. better than criminals, the Cardinal told reporters during a press con­ ference.

Cardinal Leger remarked that "every time the Church makes a statement about similar social problems, there are always a number of persons who seem surprised at our lM:tions.'.'

"But on these occasions," he added, "the Church is merel, pronouncing a sentence or a judgment resting on moral laws, which are the basis of civil and criminal laws.'

described the circumstances of 'clash, at the end of the fifteenth her converSion to the Catholic century, between Savonarola religion. and Alexander VI (Hanover

Now she not House.. $4). only rei ate s Many hold Savonarooa,. the . what has hapfiery Dominican friar who re­ 'CHEVERUS MEDAL' AWARD: Henry Cabot Lodge, pened since, but formed the city of Florence, to goes back in be a saint and a martyr. It is U. S. Ambassador to the United Nations, is greeted at fuller d eta i I common tQ reg.ard Alexander, Hartford, Conn., by Archbishop Henry J. O'Brien, at cere- . over some of who was Rodrigo Borgia, as the monies conferring the Bishop Cheverus Medal upon the the' dark days worst of popes, an unspeakable diplomat. Awarded annua])y by L'Union St. Jean Baptiste of the past. monster of iniquity. She rehearses Modern scholarship has done d'Amerique during its national convention, the medal is. the events ata great ,de;11 to clear AlexaJ;lder's, presented; for the promotion of French ideals and cultural ten din g the name. True, he was a creature values. J. Henri Goguen, (left) is national president of

Mrs. John King, In Memory 01 publication of Of his times-the Renaissance, the organization. NC Photo.. John Lacy. her' first book . with its .sensuality, luxury, vioMr. ana Mrs. James Lund" and Mrs. .Raymond McCann, and the' making of the motion lence. True, he had, before' his, River .James E. Saunders, Mr. and Mrs. 'Constance Lynch, Mr. and Mna.­ picture version of it. In particu- election,' a mistress who bore George A,. Morgan, Edward and Walter J. Burns. ST. MATHIEU'S lar, she gives an account of her him children, and for the' latter Ann~ Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. dealings with people who, having he was ambitious. But .the Bor­ SS. PETER & PAUL $150 Donald Quinlan. read her story, sought her aSsist- gia legend is la~gely fiction, the ~ . Rev. F,'Anatole Desmarais. $'75 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sou~ . $25 . ance, either in person or by work of unscrupulous enemies.. Rev. John P. Driscoll. Mary Tansey, Mr. and Mrs. R~ . $30 letter. Sinnerthoug~ h~was, AI~~". Albina, 'Ida, Valeda LeBoeuf. mond Vasquez. Evidently she has 'helped a ander was an exce~lent adminisDaniel J.; Helen and Catherine $10 . great many, some individually' trator. and.)lad an.ex,act .i~ea ·of St. :.Mathieu's Women) 'Guild, Lynch.. New Bedford. and some in groups--in prison~ the responsibilities and the. spir.­ Mr.. lind'· Mrs. Olivier Cantara, $25

.Mr:and Mrs. Gustave 'Mattos;

in a home for the aged, 'in an itual functions of hiS office. Grace . Parenteau~' Mr.· and Mrs, ST. ANNE'S Army hospital for extreme men- Savonarola's searing strictures Arthur Hazard' and Arthur Le":' . :P4arion and ,Anne O'Hearn, Dr. . $100.00 tal cases, etc. But she repeatedly on bis:morals, Alexander did not. Clair, Esma LeComte, lI!Jr. and ~nd .Mrs. Edward Shannon, Mr. Rev. Armand Levasseur. insists that those who came to resel)t or seek to revenge. But he Mrs.. 'Octave 'Berube and Jean and Mrs. Francis Taylor. $75.00 . $20 f; her for help, actually helped her. was adamant when the friar, Berube.' Sodalities of St. Anne's Charles Burke,' Jr., Mr. an.d One chapter deals with her sought to deny, overthrow, or ish. Mrs. .Jo~n W. Falvey.

present religious position. bypass the authority of the Holy . ST. ELIZABETH'S $50.00 . $15

"Where exactly do I stand?" she' See. • $175 Mr. and Mrs. Adrien Desr~ Mr. and Mrs. Charle~ Burke, asks. "Inside the Church or out? . Savonarola "set up his own Rev. Joao Medeiros. iers. Joseph Conaty, Margaret Con­ I honestly don't know." She divinely-based certainty as . $25 $25.00 stantine, Peter Garity, Winifred quotes a priest as telling her, against the Pope's canonical auGilberto C. Medeiros. Rev. Ernest Bessette. Hasprey. "Lillian, what you are going thority,'~ says the author, and ' $15 $20.00 Charles Hodkinson, Mr. and through is not your fault, not this Alexander would not tolManuel S. Borges. Mrs. Laura Lemlin, Mrs. COif­ Mrs. William' Hyland, Sr. and my fault, not the Church's fault. erate. Hence the condemnation ST. PATRICK'S delie Langlois, Theodore Lan­ Maureen, Mrs. Thomas H. Mc­ It has to do with God's plan for aild dispatch Of the friar. $75 viere. Nally. you. He will clarify things for Mr. de 'la Bedoyere does a Rev. Leo M. Curry, Rev. John $10.00 $12 you in His time." remarkable job of focusing on . b t h P. Cronin. Dames de Ste. Anne, Charl~ Anna F. Sullivan. W h at accounts for her uncer- th e issue e ween t ese two fig$50 . Lebeau Family, Mr. and Mrs. $10 tainty as to whether or not she is ures. He is not writing a biogJ h · h Rev. 0 n J. Delany, Samuel Leo Bolduc, Mr. and Mrs. Robed Mrs. Isabel, Bailey, Charlotte inside or outside 'the Church? rap h Y 0 f elt er, but selects from J. Priestley. Begnochl', Mr. and Mrs. Luciene Britland, Matthew Burke, Mr. "I withhold myself from certain the copious materials about each $25 Brunette, Mr. ElOd Mrs. Jose" and Mrs. Edmund F. Crowell, man-ordained laws. . . I must enough to estaplish his character Holy Name Society, In memory Lav?ie, Sr. The Cunningham FamIly. continue to seek truth in my own and synopsize, his history. He of Mr. and Mrs. George V. Brod­ Mrs. Henry B. Daley and Fam­ way." . sketches in their era, with its erick, The. Coady Family, Mr. ily, Mr." and ,Mrs. James Don­ What are the "man-ordained peculiar culture, itS politics,its and Mrs.WUlian! T.· Donnelly; nellY,Mr .and Mrs. John Downey, laws" in question? "For instance, religious state and conflicts. And Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Norman. INSUJtANCE

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Driscoll, if a baby dies before it has be~n he. makes crystal-clear the Henry V~ Hopkins, Mary Noon, . William J. Farren. APPRAISER baptized, the Church says that ,it essence of' the. difference be- MfS.· John L. Sweeney. M~. and Mrs. Thomas Farren, does not go to Heaven. Yet I tween 'the two men. . $20' REALTOR Jl![atthew Grace and Elizabeth cannot conceive that God, 'Who ·He is a' partisan of neither." M . d M Ed d G D G'r a c.e,. Charles Harrington, has allowed the separation o·f' While 'he admits to 'a natural Ciccio, i , . r. an " . war . . KileAlida,rs., Hart, Abbie Katherine Harrington, R 0 s e OS 2-2000 mother and child here on earth, leaning. toward Savonarola; he roy, .MaryE·. 'Kilroy, Mr. and Hart. would not reunite them forever perceives, and heavily stresses,' Mrs. Michael McCarthy. 1320 No. Main SL: . -Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Has­ in the hereafter." wherein·the friar was wrong. ," . $15 . FALL RIVER prey, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick But this completely misses the Although this book deais with Mrs. Charl~~ :oimnelly, Adrien Bayes, Eileen Keavy, Mr. and point. In the first place,. eternal something which happened 31:- J. Hughes and family, Mr. and happiness springs from pOl?~es-· most 500 years ago, the very l,\1:rS., James J. ,Nicoletti, Mr. and sion of God. Our destiny is union same: sort of. encounter 'between Mrs. John' Blake, The Wilcox ~' Electrical· with Him, not with our mother claims of 'divine guidance and Family.'" ' or our child or anyone else. canonical authority happens over Cusa~k family, Sheila Higgil1ll, (:ontractors Secondly, to enter the super- and over again. The :author's Thomas Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. .~. JOSEPH M. F. DONAGHY natural state of heaven, one must study Qf a classical example Jame!\ E'. Shea, ]i:lla and Mildred owner/mgr. possess the supernatural means, sheds ligI:l.t on every other .ex- Sullivan. which is sanctifying grace. ample. $10 142 Campbell St. An unbaptized infant lacks the The second biography.of CarMichael Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. . New Bedford. Mass. means. He goes to a place of dinal Merry del Val, Secretary of Joseph Keefe) Margaret Wim'­ . WYman 9-6792 perfect natural happiness, limbo. State to St. Pius X, to appear in sette, Mary Newman and James ­ Neither he in limbo nor his a year. is Give Me Souls by Sister Clegg, .Mrs. Maria Cash. HEADQUARTERS FOR

944 County St. mother in heaven is in the least M. Berne,Ua Quinn,O.S.F. (New~rances . ~ash, .. Mary Burke, COLONIAL AND

unhappy; in different ways they man. $3.75).· Mr. and· Mrs. ~dward Giignon, New Bedford TRADITIONAL FURNITURE,

possess God, and that is all that The author'd~eply admires her Mr. and Mrs. John Souza. . matters. The objection is based subject, and With good reason. Mae ,and. 'j!:lizabeth ,Barrett, on sentimentality, not on reason. . She has· worked assiduously at :\'frs.. Martin Welch al,1dMary, Again, Miss' Roth says, "In . gathering data about him and Mrs. Jeremiah Harrington, Ger­ going over the words of Christ whipping.it into coher~nt, read- . aldine HarriT\gton, King Philip oh, so many times, I found that able shape.' Intimate details Settlement Women's Club. . He insists that we pray to the abollnd. There are many crisp Mr..•md'Mrs. John Cavanaugh. Father which .is .in Heaven. He anecdotes. Mr. and ~rs. Rico DeNadal, Mr. has never stated that we pray. But one reader, at least, would and Mrs. Tqom~s Brady; James to Christ." . ,like mO.J:e. objectivity, more Derrig, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. This could be discussed' at frankness about crucial incidents Drobyski.' ...,. ' length, but surely it is answer :. :and . relationships, and' much' Mr.. and Mrs: Vincent 'Ferris, enough to point out the divinity fuller tr.eat~ent <'f the .role of Mr. and Mrs. Americo Gazzero, of Christ. He is God, hence pray- .the c~rdu~al In the pontiflcate ot Mr. and Mrs. James E. Judge, lng to Him is emihentIy right .St. PlUS,. Almost 30 years have, In memory . of Wil~liam J. MaSo it is with the other matters passed SInce the .death of Car- loney,. Cl.a:ra Mii~~r. '. " which, in a very 'casual way, dinal Me.r~y. del Val; .it is time Mr. and·Mrs~: Will}am Bruneau, Miss Roth cites a.scorning. be- . for a., Cr,lt!.c. al. study Inste~d of· . Mr:' and .Mrs.·, Charles.Veloza, . aff t -t t h t Mary: and :Ej"aHatr,lngton'; Mrs. .. tween her and full acceptance of ' .. ec!on~e' ,n~!J:es. ElizabethKennedy, Mr.-and Mrs.::"" the Catholic Faith: She seems to .. Complete Lourdes Book Wil1ia~ ;Q~,~Fieh:;'.·.. ~~ . '::. " '.- • have athall on·the iaeil- . ";'''Tlie .. , Complete' Book on· ·t fno thcrasp 1"''' th . . :Jos~ph. .Thomas ;Harriilgtop, .., ., .....' . , t I yo. e ,"<'Jure as . e. Mystical .. LouI>des'~..".that is.the claim made'. Mr. and' Mrs. Theodore, 'Blouiq, Body of Christ, or' on the author- 'for' Our Lady of Lo"tirdes bY' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bixzko, .{)~·'A"~nl'. ity with which He explicitly" ett"c"MonsigriOl"'Jose'ph Deery (New-, F" ranClS . Q' .". ::"'Mr';':l!nd··";' ulnn', ''''''s. .~. ....' , " man.. .$..,50).,: .l'h~ book comes. Daniel Scully.;., .' '."" ': . . Clowed it. .:'!', .. '. One feels thal Miss Roth is 'very close to fu.lfilling the claim.; ·Mr. and Mrs. AnthQny Rl!ggie-, . completely sincere -in her posi- It tells' '. of· the apparitioris of rQ,. Mr. and· Mrs~. Martin_ Dela- ~. tion, and would pass no comme!1t Bernadette's. later life and the hanty, Mr. and Mrs: John Whipp o'n it if she had not made' a developments ,at L:ou;des in the and Family, William·. Maddep, . ".~. ..' '.'... ' public issue-Of it: .Once" she' has last"century. With;" 70 illustra- George Fletcher, Jr. . " '," . fAI.tRIVE~: 8~5286 " :'; ".,' ',-:';1:. .put it before anyone and every-., . tions;it.,aSSembles·in one volume . Ralph J. Fletcher family, ·Mr;; . one wh reads ~er. })9Q.k,:,~tlC~ .. m,0A'l7:-319?1lt..;H.Q.Y\".des than does' and Mrs. Jo.seph.,White, Mr. and

must expect that 1t WIll be ana- any other work. " 'Mrs. Frederick' Del:ihunt,· Mr. . . '.


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Celia White, Thomas Whitge, OUR'LADY OF PERP~TUAL' .,' ,.. HELP Mr; and Mrs. ,Thomas Whittle, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Worden.. ' $200.00 ,.. ST.WI~LIAM'S: Vincent Worden, Mr. and,Mrs. " ' . $100'J " ; " . Franciscan Fathers Friars AdamZych. ' The Donovan Family. .Minor Conventllal.

. . $35 . $20.00

ST. JAMES The Boo9-ry Family. Ignatius Kaszynski Family. $300.00 , $,~5 $15.00 Rt. Rev. Msgr. Hugh A. Gal: Mr: and Mrs; Francis Gauthier, . ·Jankowski Brothers' lagher. John :J.Honan, 'Mae' Riley,. M r : , ' $10.00 and. Mrs~ . Rolancl' 'Talbot" .TYr':' ::Casimar Smeka Family, Mar$50.01) lieU's: ·Market. ' i a i l Olemberski Family,. Rev. Edward C. Duffy, Rev.. $15 . ,S.T.,· A"NTHONY OF'~A.DUA, Albert F. Shovelton, The Hurley_ Mr. 'and" Mrs;, Arthur. Doucet" . . Family, Monsignor Noon ParMI'. and ·Mrs. John ~ Kane, MarY. ' , '., $500.00 ";, ' ish Circle, Elizabeth M. ,Phaneuf. M. Quinil;':Mrs. Mary Raposa and, .Rt, Rev: Msgr. Alberi:Berube'$25;00 Henry Ra'posa: . ' , . $50.00 ,'-::,." ,. . Margaret' N. Burding, Mr. and ,'$10 .. • . " 'Re,v. Bertrand R,Chabot;~Rev: .- Mrs. Philip Hemingway, Jr., Mr. Mr, and Mrs. Man\lel Albernaz,. 'Henri 'Charest, Rev. Claren:ce~, and Mrs. Francis J. Macguire, Mr. and 'Mrs. JC?seph Barabe; ~r: d'Eiltremont.' M~.·alld Mrs. John. C. Martin. and Mrs.: George' Booth, Mrs> . $38.00 Margaret Borden;· Mr. and Mrs. ,William Beauregard Family. $20.00 John' Busheil. " " . 21.00,::: " . Margaret Cairns, Mr. and Mrs. lohn ·.'cahill; 'ShirleyCarroll; Mrs.. Anna:Esa a'nd Family:.. Edward Mackey, Anna Meehan, , " , " . ';fJarrie't M. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Genevieve· Connelly,' Mr.' and $20.00. , ' ' . ' Mrs. Daniel Carvalllo, Mrs. Louis Henri L. Galipeau. , ,Thomas Rogers, Dr. . Joseph , . .'Gleason. ' Greenberg.' $15.00 . $15.00 Mr: and Mrs. John Haggerty, . Mr. and Mrs. Alfred' Dimeault. Mr. and Mrs. William Best, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hall, Mar· ' '$10.00 Clifton Sullivan. tha Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Brassard, . $10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L.· La .Janick, The Jarabek Family. '. Mr. ane: Mrs. Joseph Baptiste" Caroline and Elizabeth KorzePlante, Mr. and· Mrs. Eugene A. neski; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ma- ,LaPlante, Mr. and Mrs. Isaie .Mr. and ~ 'rs. Fred Bergeron, Mr. lone, Mrs. Margaret Maloney, Marcoux, ·Mr. and' Mrs.' Andrew and Mrs. Damase Bouchard, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Camillo, Mar­ Mr. and Mrs. John Maitoza,rh'e Daigle. Malloy Family. ' Mr: and Mrs. Gustave La- garet, James ane. Edward Con­ Mr. and Mrs. George Neville, marche, Mr. and Mrs. Armand' nelly. ' Mr. and Mrs., Charles Costa, R Cote, 'Mrs: Marie L. Levesque, Mr. ·and Mrs. John Murphy, .rames H. Nestor, Mr. and Mrs., 'Mr. and Mrs.' Euclide Fisette, ·Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Coyne; James Devlin,.Mr. and Mrs. John. Aldei Picard, James ·A. Quinn. Mr. Jules Lamothe, A Friend. Downey, M. Agnes Ellison. '.,. Mrs. Liliari 'Reardon, rhe Red­ ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI' Mr. and Mrs. Everett L. Em­ dy 'Family·,~r. and ,-Mrs.' James $200.00 . ery, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph FawStevens" Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rev. Alfred R. Forni.,'" cett, :'Il'ellie Fay, 'Mr: and Mrs. Viveiros, Mr. and Mrs; Harry '$~5.00 ., .:t ·'FrankT. F,rancis, Mr. and Mrs. lrood. ' St. Vincent de Paul Confer-' . Gilbert Frazier. e~~: Dr. and Mrs. VirH:erit Sarlo. ' A 'Friend, Mrs. Daniel Har-' , ' . . $11.00 rington, Harriet Hart, Robert . HOLY, NAME M~. and Mrs. Ferdinand Bac­ Hayes, :Mr:" and Mrs. Michael , ,$500.00 ;

eeili,. . ' '. ' Hummel. o' ' , . St., ~i~c~nt d~·Patir.S~ietr'­ - . . '$10.00 Mr. and MrS.' Stan1Eiy H~dlowe, '. $400.00, 'I

. :. Dr. and ·Mrs. Joseph N.F\pni, Mr.a'nd Mrs. 'Adam Lacala,Mrs. . A· Friend.,' , ,'1'. .: Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Vancini. ,Alice Lqwney, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Luckraft; Mrs. Cornelius $150.00 ' ST; JAMES McCarthy. '.' Giusti'Baking Co: ",' '. '.$125.00 '. , $1"00.00 ' , Minnie McDonald, Mr. and Mr: and Mrs.. Philip Heming-' , Mrs. Harold Mills, Mr. and Mrs.­ Rev. Thoma'S ·F. Daley:' way. Edward Mullarkey, Mr. and Mrs. ,$10~.00 .' $50.00 James P.' Mullin,Jr., Mr. ',and William.H.. Loughlin. Mr:s. John J. Duff; Dr..Wiiliam Mrs. Thomas Murty. $75.00, , and John O'Connor. '. Mrs. William Norse, Mr. and 'Harriet I. :-McDonald. :\'drs. Francis O. Quinn, ,Mr. and $50.00' $25;00 Mr: and Mrs. Richard Cole', Mr. and Mrs., Frederick E. Mrs. John T. Regan, Mr. and Ill'. and Mrs. Michael McLaugh-. Corbeil, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mrs. Francis Roach,- Mr. and lin. ' , ,Mrs. Gordon B. 'Ruggles. R. Hart, Elizabeth Swansey.

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ryan, $25.00 $20.00

John J. ,Flanagan,. FranCis Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ker~in, Mrs. Anna Sadler, 'Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, Mr., and Mrs. Mieqael. Mrs. ~ary M. Moran, Mr. and Joseph Santos, Mr. and, Mrs. Mrs. John Pholar, Margaret Manuel Simmons, Mr. and Mrs.., Wilson. Julius Sottak and Mary Sottak. Walsh, Mary M. Walsh. $20.00 Mr: and Mrs. George Sylvia, Arthur Bancroft, Sr., Mary A. $15.00 Cole, Marcel Dupre, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fon· Charles Tarpey, Mr. and Mrs. 'Mrs. Theodore Fredette, Ray:' taine; Mrs. Julia Kennedy, Mr. Edward Thornber, Agnes Tier­ 'nan, Mr. and Mrs. John Tom-" mond Lima. I '. and Mrs. Michael J.\ McNulty, ,Mr. and 1\1rs. Timothy Man- Mr. ~nd Mrs. G~orge Sheehan, linson. \ ' Frances Wh~lan, Mary E. Bing; Nathaniel Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Whelan. Whelan. $15.00 $10.00 i .' Mrs. Joseph ,Benac, and Fam'­ Thomas R: Almy, Mrs'-Roberta ST. HYACINTH fly, Mr. and ,Mrs. James Clark, Ashley, Eileen Backus, 'James L. Lilliam T ...Cole; Mr. and Mrs., 'Barrett, Mr., and Mrs. William' $150.00 .rames', Leith, John'V. O'Neil;Jr., Batty, Jr. . , Rev. Aurelien L.' Moreau. lohn Pendergast.' Anne C. and Mary A. Brim­ $25.00 , $10.00 ley, Arthur and Arnold 'Carney, ' 'M,r!!. Dora LaFrance. Bancrof~' Family, John Bar­ Mr, and Mrs. James W. Clark, . $15.00 low, Mr. and Mrs. Prior Bassett, Paul ("lark, Charles B. Clavin. Mr: and Mrs; Albert Lamour­ Orner Bellenoit, Eric Besso. Mr.imd Mrs. Vincent Cotnoir, eux. Charles Bowen, Edward Bruce,. Mrs. Robert Crowe, Helen Crow­ $10.00 Walter' Carter, Thomas' Cawley, ley, Anne Dawber, Mr. and, Mrs. Dr, and Mrs. J. B. W. Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Cole. Edward Duggan. -"'Patrick Conlan, Mr. and Mrs. ' John A. Foster, Mary A. Gal­ , Mr. Donat Couet, Mrs. Rose Le­ 'doux, Mr.' and Mrs. Gaspard M.Francis Considine and Fam:-. ' lagher, Mr. and Mrs. Josepl,J. Ger­ Lafleur, The Theodore Benjamin, Uy,:1\1:r. and Mrs. Charles Couza. ard, Mr. 'and Mrs. James L. Gib­ In Memory John F, and.Cath- lin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gobeil. Family, The Charles Tarpey Co erin F. Daley; Alice M. and Ha" JosepQ. Ha.n1pson, Mr: and Mrs. Family. sel-E. D a v i s . ' William Harringtbn, Mr. and Grace Connelly, Fred Doyle, Mrs. Joseph· Harr'ison, Mr. and Clarence Dupu~s, Crales Econo..: Mrs: Paul T. HJrt, Mi, and Mrs. mos, Eric' Erickson. Thomas Hartigan. . Mr.. :tI1d Mrs;·James J. Foley, ·.Mr. and ·Mr,s. William HenMe. ,arid ,Mrs.: Patrick Foley, dricks, Mr. and Mrs'- David Hick­ Stephen Francis, Jame~ Gleason, ey, Attorney, and Mrs. Edward .roseph·F. Gorman. . Hicks, Mr. 'and Mrs.. Mortimer . Frederick Greer, Anna Har- Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs: Armand' rington, Leo' Harrington, Mrs: Langis. ' ,. CHARLES F. VARGAS 'friary, Harrington, Maurice· Har:" ' . .'John G. Leva,'Mr: and··Mrs. 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE riclgton., " . Arthue Macedo;' Mr. :and Mrs." ·..'NIW· BEDFQRD, MASS: " Winifred' Harrington, ~rs. Matthew McA-voy, ·Mr~·and' Mrs. laimds Hickey, William Houli- Timothy F. McCrohan, Mr. 'and " ·,.:lIian, 'Julia Kane,· Lillian Kane. . Mrs. John J; ·Mayall. ,'. .' , .Phil LaCompte, Stephen Led-' . Patrick Meany; Mr. and Mrs. 'well, Ed,win ,Livingstone, Lou'-Frederick Mulcairns" "'William';' .. i8e Mackay, Mrs. Anne Maino. . O;Malley, Mr. arid Mrs.. Ed~ara John Manning, Mr. and Mrs. O'Rourke, Elizabeth·O'Rourke:· " . Jonr McDonald,' Edith ·MCIn·-Mr. "and Mrs. :Armand: .Pafi· . lyre, Thomas Meredith. seau, Mr: and Mrs. Thomas Re­ . ' .Mr. and Mrs: Thomas F. Moore, gaD, Mrs. D.,-J·. and.Ellen Robin-' 7.: .-Mrs: Thomas Moriarty, Constan-son, ,.Mr, . and 'Mrs. j;: ,Arthur, ' ,. U tine Murnin, Joseph Norris; Sr., Sheehan, Jame!i Stanton. Mrs. Joseph O'Brien" " ,Mr.. and' Mrs. ,William, ,H. 'i.' "'L.J ". . ,,()l , ~r. and Mrs. John J.' b'~eil Stephenson; PatriciaSu~livan" Mrs: Mary Phelan, Mr. and Mrs. William Sul~ivan, George.E. Witliam P. Powers,.Hugh, Shan- Swansey, Mrs. M.:Josephine Talahan,· Joan Sheehan. . . . 'ford... :,,' ... ' ~ , ~ugene F.Sulliyan, Mary.Sui~ "'" Mr. I an,d,' ··Mrs. ,~aynion,d ~Van, George Swansey,.Leo TipTschilen,; Joseph ,F.' :Waldron" " ., . ping,,.,GeoJ,"ge Walker. " . William ", F. " ·,Waldr.on;,.-~ Helen '; -i... >;pr.~ . ~,~~ar2- .J:. W:~~c~,·l\1:I:r.· :WalSh', Mt;·~ildJMrs .. ~ylY,e~ter ,." ,> '.' '.. ' " ." " ;,.;,:",,', 'James WI1son.,T,he ~",~~~. :,Walsh.. :, . " " ';;:. ,:...

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. Comp Iete' S'po'rts rogram Helps Tra'in Missionaries·


Ti~~~h;n;a;I~~\;amud Lawton,

Mr. and Mrs. George Limiey, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Maguire, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mattos, Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCabe. Miss Dora MeCarthy, Mr. and Mrs," Francis E. McCarthy, ~. and ·Mrs. James McQuade, Sr;, Heleti' Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mullaney. Miss Alice Murphy, Mr. and. Mrs. William Murphy, Mr. and ··Mrs. Louis A. Perras, Jr., Mr. and tion. dent of the old Canadian-Arrier­ Mrs. .Tames A. Ryan, Thomas B. Tim Manning and John Olson tean League and he organized;

Ryan. turned in spectacl!lar. jobs for . the Border League and the

Mr.. "and Mrs. Leo Shea, Isa­ Ames. Manning Norther' New' York .State

belleE. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. anchored . the Leag!-1e. In addition, he was

Herberi Wall. 440 and 880 yard . 'den t

Mr. a'nd Ml·S. Fred Fredette, . part-owner and vlce-presl wins, while 01­ of'the Utica dub in the Eastern

Mr. ,and Mrs. William Maley, son was '

Miss .Genevieve Murray, Mr. and . ththet key, . L eague. man m e wo­ Father Martin was an out­ Mrs. William O'Donnell, Mr. and mil e victory. standing pit.:her in his under-'

Mrs. John J. O'Malley and FamThe champion-,o graduate days at Fordham Uni­ By. ship was parti­ versity.in the Frank Frisch ei·a.

Mr. Edward E. Fitzgerald, Jo. cularly gratify­ seph .B. Toomey, Mr. and Mrs. A native of South Boston, Father

ing to Ames' Martin had a' fling' at profes­ E. K. McIntyre, Mr. and Mrs. coach, Val Mas­ sional bar before entering the.

Manuel Sylvia, Alice ·Cashman. cato, who edged ··t h' f N Mrs. Temple COI'son, Irene his former Concord mentor, seminary, pI c mg or ew Sadler, Mr. and MI's. John D. fi ·tt· e Haven and Albany. After h i s . / .', h Skip O'Connor, f or t e rs 1m. t· d Val went on from Concord to ordination, Father Mar m rna e . ,YOUTH ADORATION DAY: This is the official Carney, Mr~ and MI·s. Raymond a few semi-prO appearances and Zygiel, Mr. an.d Mrs. Thomu excel at Notre Dame. pray' card issued for the second national Youth Adoration Speak:.g of Notre. Dame re­ therein lies a story. C Markey. minds us that Dartmoutl;I's track Need a Third Base~aD? Day to be' celebrated on Pentecost, Sunday, May 25. N Ida and Louise Hoye, Mr. and eoach Al Porters, is also an Red Smith, the celebr~ted Photo. , . Mrs. Arthur Walsh, Mrs. Albed· alum~us of the South Bend in-. New York- sports columnist, .re-. nell)da Finnen, Misses Margaret' Elizabeth O'Connor, Mr. and C. Wobecky. stitution. AI is in 'his first: year lated the tale early tbis we~k. It. .and 'Eleanor Sullivan. . Mrs. Paul Saunders. CORPUS CHRISTI...;.. Sandwiela at the Little Green helm. Judg­ seems, that .. Father Martin's, Robert Gellette, John N.· '$20.00 " ST. TERESA _ Sagamore i1'lg from the '·size of the Dart-.'. Ogdensburg' pari~h ,was ~n dire,." O'B,rien" Mr. and Mrs. Odee L. ST. JOHN- Pocasset mouth squad that I;o.mpeted .. need .of a playgroUJld for the, Landry Mr. and Mrs. . Dr. and Mrs. James Bolton, .. . k t t . . lJ25.00 , T h o c m .aJs... ' Mr. and Mrs... Patrick Davis,.Mi.ss . against Case l~s~. w~e . .' III e~es children:, Funds lacking, Father , Parker, j'r., Mr. and Mrs.. .;.Anna M. DrIscoll, Mr. and MI S.. , Mr. 'and Mrs. William Doyle, in the sport ~s. ,r\lnn~ng " ~I.g:. Mart~l)., unde~ the name of Doc Baines.. -. Robert A. McIntyre, Misses Ag- Capt. Mafie ];;aw10r. '. The . G~een Will, go af.~r. t e. 'O'Reilly, m.ad ea . fe~ app~ar- . 'Mrs~Abigail .Finni, '. Nell{e ':El~:- :'nes, Mar.y and Katherine.Q!Mal.... , Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Don­ Narry htle tomorrow at omer­ ances ,.with a l~cal seml-:prp nme. darn; Mrs, Ernest Kil1g, F~?ren·ce. ley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Phelan. , .~ldson, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. George. set. He ,.~CllieYf;ld such wldespr~~d.. Charloner,'Mr. and }'drs. J;larley E. Towers, Mrs.. Lillian C. St. John's Pow.erhouse ", accl~iJ:rl t~cl:lt the. matter.soon w . 'Smith~ :,.~, ..: . '15.00 , $15.00 _ '. One of' the, most outstapding came to the attention of ,~Isho.p Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ;Pederson, MISS M,argaret D0":'Vney, Mr. Mrs. John Clinton, Francis D. team victories ever ·turned in Joseph Conroy. Red tells It thIS Mr.' iInd Mrs. Harold J. Leonard, .and !VIrs:.~eorge ~ayes, M~. ,and, Mackedon... . '" by a Massachusetts Catholic .way:. .... . Mrs. L\loy'~ Koch, Mrs.~d~ardMrs:RobertMeggison and ~'om­ $13.00 school was St. John's grand slam "'The Idea of:a' prrest gwmg D. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs..Wil-. ,'. ily, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pelczar~ ., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schuck;.,.­ in Class C' at Belmont Saturday.: scandal, putting' off collar and' liam O'Brien. . 'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ·V. Smitl,l, $10.00 In sweeping to its four victories, cassock for a ballplayer's fl~n- Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nunes,' Miss Ellen ·A. Sullivan.' .' Mr.. and Mrs. Frank Murphy, the Danvers school used 11 men, nels! A man of God .appearIng Miss Mary L. Downey, Mr. Ma~­ $12.00 In Memory of Mrs. Minnie Her­ only five doubling up. Coming. in public as a profeSSional ath­ 'rice F. Downey Mary T. Win­ Monica Zygiel. bert, Patrick F. Hebert and on the heels of its Class A New lete! And for what?' 'Sevel1 ty­ sper, and M~s. Paul Servais. $10.00 Family, ·Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence England Catholic championship, five dollars.a game,' Father Mar­ Miss Ann Downey, Mr. and Joseph Amaral, Mary E. Ban­ Perrault, Stephen Forde, Mr. and St. John's has firmly established tin said. . Mrs Charles W Deasy Mr and non, Teresa Beehan, Mr. and Mrs. William T. Carr. itself as a track powerhouse. "'Seventy-five dollars!' ~is Mrs: .William H: Barte:, Mr: and Mrs. Furgus Bolton, Mr. and Mr. and·Mrs. William Bennett, At Divine Word Seminary in Excellency said, 'Do 3:'0u thmk Mrs. George St. Aubin, Mr. and Mrs. - Vincent Brimley. Mr. and Mrs. James G. Connor, Duxbury you will find a com­ they could \lse a third base­ Mrs. Thomas Myette. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Buckley, Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. McLaugb­ plete sports program and a man?' " . M~. and Mrs. Fred Peccini, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burke, lin, Mr. and Mrs. Nestor Robidou, model one for 100 per ce~t par­ Frances Burke, T. Harold Burke, Ruth Coen. . W~th BiS?OP. Conroy's per~I1ls­ and Mrs. Joseph Peters, Mr. and ticipation. The seminary is bet­ ~lOn, D~c 0 Rel~ly kept on .pltch­ Mrs. Patrick Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Priscilla Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fib­ tel' known as Miramar, a niinor mg unt,il the chIldren of hIS par­ Cornelius Connors Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Camp­ gerald, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Keat­ seminary preparing boys of high ish had their playground. Michael Griffiths.' bell, Mr. and Mrs. Edward, Clou­ ing, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene .1. school age for the' missionary Mr.' and Mrs. Lawrence Weav­ tier, Victor Thomas Condi, Mrs. Silva, Mr. and Mrs. Martin !'. priesthood. New Bedford er, Mr. and Mrs. Leo C. Higgins, Margaret E. and Laura M. Cul­ Lawless, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Transformed Swamp Land ST. Lt\WRENCE 'Jelen Driscoll, Catherine Tri­ . hane, Dorothy Curry. Hallam, ·Jr. The school is conducted by the $100.00 bou Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Arey. Mr. and Mrs. John Curry, Mr. In Memory of William A. and Divine Word missionaries, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ·M.. Conroy. Miss Helen Moore, Mr. and and Mrs. '!•. Demoranville, Helen . Ellen McLaughlin, Mr. and MrL the boys in training at Miramar $50.00 Mrs. John Lally, Mr. and Mrs, Doherty, Margaret Doherty,· Charles Williams, MI'. and MI'l'I. will some day go to missions in Mr. and Mrs. Timothy' Keat­ John J. Malone, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Doherty. John Wilson, Corenti Brothera, China, Japan, India, Indonesia, ing, Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah J. Francis' C. Mahoney, Mr. and Thomas J. Doherty, Martha Mary O. Mackey. the 'Philippines, Africa, New Kelleher, Atty. and Mrs. Mau­ Mrs. Aldei Sawyer. Doublas, Miss Ellen Downey, Lawrence Cleare, Sandwicb Guinea and South America. rice Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. M. J, Norton Mr:' Helen A. Driscoll, Mrs. Mary and Co-opertive Bank, Sandwicb In football, baseball, basketball $40.00 and Mrs.' John Stager, Mr. and Eileen Driscoll. Hardware, Daniel Murphy., and hockey the boys compete Mr. John N. Powell. Mrs. 'Maurice Hurley, Miss Eli~­ Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Driscoll, Claudia Forni. with other schools or club teams. $25.00 abeth Reilly. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Duffy, Adele Tyback, Mr. a1td M .... Last Fall every boy in tile school Mr. and Mrs. Philip Tripp, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harring- Mrs. Agnes G. Esslinger, Mr. and John F. Creeron, Mr. and Mn. played on either the varsity or Neil C. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Sarah ton, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Folger, Mrs. Richard C. Fontaine, Ed- Alferio Pas:lilro. junior varsity football teams. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mr. Edward Harrington, Mr. and , . In the intra-mural program par­ Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ken­ Mrs. John McHugh, Mrs. Cath- • ticipation is 100 per cent, and nedy, In Memory of Mr. and arine R a y m o n d . . • • • this holds for football, soccer, Mrs. '::"imothy J. and Agnes G. ST. LAWRENCE basketbail, hockey, volleyball,. Sullivan, Dr. Arthur L. Brunell $100.00 Extra 1ge. KING handball baseball 'and track. and Family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mahoney.

Every day after school all the Ford, Ann, Helen and Margaret $50.00

SIZE King Size boys play whatever, sport is. in Gleason. . Rev. William E. Farland, Rev. LOBSTERS LOBSTERS season. On. Thursdays and Sun­ $22.00 Justin J. Quin.. days the big gal1'!es are, Ilched ­ '. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin De. $25.00

uled, either varsity or class Piro. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Collopy,

lb. ~,.., C lb.

games. ... $20,00 ':. , Miss Ma.ry Downey, Mr. and !\frs.

...... . . Play-erso! 'visiting teams' cast William H. King, Mr. arid Mrs. John~" Kenney. Helen"ahd, an envious eye 'oVer the athletic John J. Walsh; Mr: and Mrs~Ed­ facilities of the school. Yet it ward Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ was the boys' themselves, to­ mund Kelley. UNION WHARF FAIRHAVEN. MASS. gether with the priests ..and $15.00 brothers, who transformed Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beedem, swamp land into the. football Mary Gleason, G~rtrudeGlea:" field, baseball '. 'diamond, and son,' Mr. an~. Mr.!!. "Jam!!s Mc­ ":. ' .. '.-". pond that provides swi,r:nming in Kenna, Mr. Richard D:~ and Miss Anth~acite: &. Bitumiho~ ',:" ., Summer and two hockey rin~.B Helen Regan. " " . · · t D~ You Work' 'i~ a Fact~ry, in Winter. . . Mr. and Mrs: Leo Kenny, Mr. '·COA·L Garage. Mach.ine Shop: or .. Learn &0 Give.and Take and Mrs. Joseph St. Aubin, Mr. . Gasoline Station? , . '. " .. The sports p'rogr~m at Mira­ and Mrs. Victor: Turpin, Miss Automcit\c toal Stokers, mar has an ultimate purpose Margaret M. Goggin, .,Edward We ,pick up Clnd ;deliver. clean Bog Coa";' . Wood .' beyond the exer'Cil}e. and recrea-. Harr~qgton, J~ ... _ _ " and, repair overalls. Also:' we 'have tion it provide~·,J.or Q9.YS .wbo Mr. and Mrs.. Edward Harring­ Charcoal: . o complete line ·of Coveralls'. Pants have an intensive course·of ton, Sarah Murray,.. Mary A. ., and Sh irts for sale. ' .. study: Ori the fields of sport the Keneally, Dr.' and Mrs. Wm. We reclaim and wash any oily, boys are trained in qualities that O'Donnell. dirty or,. greasy rClgs. SU.GO . will prove vital' in missionary Mr. and Mrs. James T. Mosher, . work, team-work, the ability to Why Buy When' We ·Supply live and take;' determination, Mr. imd Mrs. Leo F. 5t. Aubin.' $10.00 and never to quit when things .~ Mrs. Philip C. Proctor, Mr. and look tough, Many tbings 10 Jnto the training of missionary Mrs. Francis Gilliri; Stephen V. 640 PlEASANT ST.

priests and a very imp'ortant'part Hayes, Angela J.Hayes, Mr.. and .... : NEW BEDFORD Mrs. W. Hayes. ill ~i. eomplete training II pro­ z~ ·ii~ward··Ave.:N'ew B~d'ord Mr. arid ·Mrs.G. McCarthy, Yided by sports. WY 6-8271-28-3 .-Pbooe WY 1-6424 01' WY 1-642:• • • • •.-1 BaiebaIlloat one ataWeA­ .Winifred :.'. Keneally, Jobn Fin-

By Jack Kineavy .. Sou"theastern Massachusetts' ~chools were .well repre- . sented in' the' State' Rehiys at Belmont Saturday. Oliver to the D tjtle, swept everything but the mile" . Ames, enroute' ., . in its class. Dartmouth ran fourth in. the same grouping and, Barnstable pulled up sixth. .est supporters' last' week wh~n

Attleboro placed fourth in C Rev. Harold Martin passed away

.d' .k d'th' 'I'n the' rectory of St. Mary's

and N ew Be df or ran e e Church, Canton, N. Y. Father'

· f A compe t l~ , same in t.heast Martin was at one time presi:'















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