VOL.47, NO. 19
• Friday, May 16, 2003
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year
New principal appointed at Coyle-Cassidy
TAUNTON - Dr. Mary Patricia Tranter has been named principal ofCoyle and Cassidy High School. She replaces Dennis R. Poyant who had served as headmaster and has left to assume another post. In announcing the appointment of Tranter, Superintendent of Schools George A. Milot said she will playa key role in a change in structure at Coyle and Cassidy that will be beneficial. Milot said a decision has been made to change the high school's structure to the president/principal model prevalent in many Catholic schools. Under that plan the principal would run the school on a day-to-day basis. The president would be the head of the school, the chief administrator, whose primary responsibilities are the preservation of the mission, the development of a vision for the school, and the chief financial officer. A search for a president for Coyle and Cassidy has begun, Milot said. Tranter is no stranger to Coyle and Cassidy High School. "Dr. Tranter's experiences at Coyle and Cassidy, along with her educational background, make her the ideal person for the position," said Milot. "She is a graduate of the school and has been a teacher, department chairman, guidance director and academic principal. She exemplifies the Catholic, Christian characteristics that are implicit in this position." Tranter, a resident of Taunton, graduated magna cum laude from the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester in 1984 with a bachelor's degree in biology. She Tum to page six - Coyle
Charities Appeal underway
FATHER RICHARD L. Chretien, pastor of Notre Dame Parish, Fall River, congratulates two of the 34 second-graders who made their first Communion at the church last weekend. With Father Chretien are Zachary Camara of Notre Dame School and Hayley Boutin from the parish religious education program. (AnchodJolivet photo)
FALL RIVER - The 2003 annual spring season Catholic Charities Appeal in the Fall River diocese is up and running. Initial reports from the various parishes of the 101 throughout the diocese are already being processed and some of the returns are being published in this edition of The Anchor and will be listed as the weeks of the campaign continue. "Several parishes have reported to us that they are about to launch their second mailing initiatives," reported Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, director of the Appeal. A special issue of Sharings, a newsletter promoting the Appeal and highlighting the many services provided by a medley of agencies and apostolates of the diocese, has been issued under the direction of Michael J. Donly, diocesan director of Development. "In their follow-up mailings, parishes usually include this version of our newsletter to offer prospective donors even more information about the Appeal," Donly noted. At the outset, Donly offered the challenge that if donors increased this year's gifts by just five percent, the goals of the Appeal as to the totals needed to meet the rising demands, would be met. Some of the early indications reflected that Donly's suggestion was being met, and he was optimistic. The Appeal this year is especially affected by proposed severe budget cuts at the Massachusetts State level regarding health care costs for the elderly. It means needy inpatients filling the nearly 800 beds in five Tum to page 10- Appeal
lIE DIOCESAN Council of CaIhoIicWomen held its 50th annual convention May 5 at Christ the King Parish, Mashpee. Bishop-Elect George W. Coleman, left phok). was on hand to r~ the Council's golden anniversary. With the bishop-elect are Our Lady of Good Counsel Award recip!ents Oon~gh Fitzgerald. District V; LorettaBhier. District IV; Louise Pimental, District III; Mariana Raposo, District II; and Dorothy Antaya, District I. At nght, outgoing . President Belly Mazzucchelti grools Margo Chevers, keynote speaker; and Diocesan Moderator Father Philip A. Davignon. (Photos by Maddy Lavoie)
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Friday, May 16, 2003
Father Raymond A. Robida
.Notes From the Hill This brief synopsis ofpolitical goings on in Boston and Washington is provided by the Massachusetts Catholic Conference (MCC), the public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state and governed by the bishops ill each of the dioceses ill tlie Commonwealth.
hearing was the looming decision of the state Supreme Court, expected sometime this summer. Many think the court will compel the state to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. If the court rules that way, H. 3190 would reverse the court by amending the state constitution. . BOSTON - Preparing for a The committee heard powermajor hearing at the State House ful testimony from supporters of involves lots of work. Getting H. 3190 that no one could accuse ready for two major hearings in of being "homophobic". They inthe same week is nearly impos- cluded former homosexuals and sible. On Monday. April 28, the a civil rights activist related to Judiciary Committee debated Martin Luther King. same-sex marriage. On Thursday, One witness, Randy Thomas, May I. the Health Care Commit- said that he knew what it was like tee debated cloning. Each hear- to experience "hate, prejudice, ing took hours to complete. The and indifference" both as a homodrama was high because the sexual and now as a former gay stakes are high. This week "Notes of II years. He supported the on the Hill" covers the marriage amendment not out of prejudice heming, and next week covers the but out of gratitude. He told the cloning hearing. committee, "I am grateful that the Powerful Testimony on culture around me held to the defiMarriage nition of marriage between one The Judiciary hearing fo- marl and one woman. This inhercused on H. 3190. a proposed -~nt principle:of id.v~ 'and commit-.· ·constitutional amendment. The ment has revealed a greater love Marriage Affirmation & Protec- than homosexuality could provide tion Amendment (MA & PA) re- me and I gratefully embrace hetaffirms marriage as the union erosexuality." between one man and one Rev. Jarrett Ellis, grandwoman. nephew of Dr. King, planned to Overshadowing the entire appear personally before the committee but missed a connecting flight. His written testimony was JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN submitted, in which he told the FUNERAL HOME committee that "I have met 550 Locust Street former homosexuals, but I have Fall River, Mass. not met former blacks." He disputed the charges made by oppoRose E. Sullivan nents of traditional marriage that William J. Sullivan limiting marriage to one man and Margaret M. Sullivan
Turn to page 12 - Notes
FALL RIVER Father Raymond A. Robida, 83, a retired priest who resided at the Catholic Memorial Home, died May 5. Born in New Bedford, the son of the late Ludger and the late Clara (McLean) Robida, he graduated from St. Anthony's Elementary School in New Bedford. After completing studies at the LaSalette Minor Seminary in Enfield, Conn., and the LaSalette Major Seminary in Attleboro, he was ordained a priest by Bishop James E. Cassidy on May 22, 1948 in St. Mary's Cathedral. Father Robida served with the LaSaiette Fathers in a variety of roles, as a treasurer, assistant pastor, mission procurator and superior in the United States and Canada. After incardinating
FREElOWN - Robert M. Smith, 81, of East Freetown, the owner and operator of fishing vessels, died at home May I after a long illness. He was the husband of Germaine M. (DuBois) Smith, and the brother of Msgr. John J. Smith, pastor of St. Pius X. Parish, South Yarmouth, and Mercy Sister Mary Nora of New Bedford. Born in Somerville, the son of the late Ambrose and the late Nora (Sparrow) Smith, he had lived in New Bedford prior to moving to East
FALL RIVER - Holy Union Sister Elizabeth Magdalen Clayton, 87, of The Landmark, died May 2 in the Catholic Memorial Home. Born Charlotte Anne Clayton in Baltimore, Md., she was the daughter of the late 1. William Clayton and the late Mary E. (Braun) Clayton. She entered the Hply Union Novitiate in Fall River on Aug. 11, 1934, made her 15, first professio~I of vows on March • 1936 and her perpetual profeSSIOn on
Daily Readings May 19 May 20
May 22 May 23 May 24
May 25 e
Freetown ;35 years ago. He was a member of St. John Neumann Parish. He graduated from New Bedford Vocational High School. He was a decorated U.S. Navy veteran ofWorld War II. He was a member of the Freetown Veterans of Foreign Wars Post and the Fishermen's Union. Besides his wife of 57 years and his priest brother and nun sister, he. leaves two sons, Robert D. Smith and Steven M. Smith of East Freetown; three daughters, Sandra M. Furze of East Freetown, Michele P. Darling of
Lakeville, and Cynthia A. LeBlanc of East Freetown; two other brothers, Phillip'Smith of Dartmouth and Michael Smith of Fairhaven; another sister, Patricia Manning, of New Bedford; 13 grandchildren; and nieces and nephews. He was the brother of the late Ambrose Smith, James Smith, Julia Gamba and Nora Feener. His funeral Mass was celebrated May 5 in St. John Neumann Church. Interment was in the Veterans National Cemetery, Bourne.
Sister Elizabeth Magdalen Clayton SUSC
Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-5,15-16; In 14:21-26 Acts 14:19-28; Ps145:1013ab,21; In 14:27-31 a Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; In 15:1-
and as a parochial vicar at St ThereSa's and St. Anthony's in New Bedford, St. George's in Westport, and St. Joan ofArc in Orleans. Father Robida retired for reasons of health in 1990 with residence at St. Anthony's in East Falmouth. He . moved into the Cardinal Medeiros Residence in 1996, and prior to his death he resided at the Catholic Memorial Home. He leaves three sisters, Holy Cross Sisters Yvonne Robida and Lucille Robida ofManchester, N.H., and Mrs. TheresaAudette of New Bedford; and a nephew. His funeral Mass was celebrated May 8 in St. Mary's Church, New Bedford. Interment was in Sacred Heart Cemetery, New Bedford.
Capt. Robert M~ Smith
May 21
into the Fall River diocese in 1978 he served as temporary administrator at Corpus Christi Parish, East Sandwich;
Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3,10; In 15:9-11 Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-12; In 15:12-17 Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:2,3,5; In 15:18-21 Acts 10:2526,34-35,44-48; Ps 98:1-4; 1 In 4:7-10; In 15:917
9rtalis it easierfor tftose you few 1111111111111111111111111111111
THE ANCHOR (USPS-545.Q20) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July ani the week after Chrisuna5 at 887 Highlanl Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese ofFall River. Subscription price by mail. JXlstpaid $t4.00 per year. POSTMASTERS send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.
Aug. 26,.1941. Before entering the novitiate she graduated from Western High School in Baltimore and attended StayerBryant College for a secretarial courSe. While in the novitiate she studied at Sacred Heart School of Education in Fall River; later earned a bachelor's degree from Manhattan College in New York; and a master's degree in teaching science from The Catholic University in Washington, D.C. She also studied journalism at St. Bonaventure College in New York, and received a certificate in theology from Providence College. She taught in New York, New Jersey, and Maryland; at Sacred Heart
School and Sacrt;d Hearts Academy. in Fall River; and at Coyle and Cassidy High School in Taunton. After retirement she assisted in the Holy Union Finance Office in Fall River. and was a sacristan at The Landmark. Sister Elizabeth is survived by nieces and nephews Margaret Shipley, Mary E. Shipley, and Paul, William and Andrew Shipley, as well as her sisters in the Holy Union Community. She was the sister of the late Edwin 1. Clayton and Martha Shipley. Her funeral Mass was celebrated May 5 in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. Burial was on May 6 in St. Patrick's Cemetery, Fall River.
In Your.Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming week May 19 1940, Rev. Ambrose Lamarre, O.P. 1941, Rev. Thomas Trainor, Pastor, St. Louis, Fall River 1988, Rev. Arthur C. Levesque, Pastor, Our Lady of Fatima, New Bedford
May 20 1952, Rev. Antonio L. daSilva, Pastor, Our Lady of Health. Fall River May 23 1944, Rev. William F. Donahue, Assistant, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis 1995, Rev. Alfred 1. Guenette, A.A.
May 24 1907, Rev. James F. Clark, Founder, St. James, New Bedford 1985, Rev. Patrick Heran, SS.Cc., Former Rector, Sacred Hearts Seminary, Fairhaven
May 25 1925, Rev. Michael P. Kirby. St. Mary, North Attleboro 1961, Rev. James V. Mendes. Administrator, Our Lady of Angels, Fall River .
.Religious with area ties celebrate anniversa·rles
Pray the rosary.
Do·minican'Sisters of Hope NEWBURGH, N.Y:-Atajubilee liturgy and dinner gathering on A·priI22, 2003, at the Center ofHope in Newburgh, New York, the Dominican Sisters of Hope celebrated several jubilarians observing 50th and 7(Jh anniversaries. The jubilarians have served in several states including: Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, as well as Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, and Quebec, Canada. . Celebrating 75 years arc Sisters Andrew Mary Leger and Mary of the Cross Landry of Newburgh, New York and Sister Anita Rosaire Fay of Arlington, Va. Born in New Bedford, Sister An~ drew Mary Leger, currently retired from active ministry, has enjoyed many years of ministry as an elementary school teacher. In Massachusetts, she taught at St. Anne School in Fall River (I 928-47, 194849, 1954-61, '1972-74) and St. Francis Xavier School in Acushnet (1947-48, 1949-54, 1961-68). In New York, she taught at St. Peter's School in Plattsburgh (1968-72): From 1974 to 1995 she did volun"teer service at St. Catherine Convent in Fall River. Sister Andrew Mary retired to the Dominican Sisters Center of Hope in Newburgh in May 2002. Sister Mary of the Cross Landry, cun'ently retired from active ministry, has enjoyed many years of ministry as an elementary school teacher. In Massachusetts, she taught at St. Anne School in Fall River (1929-1958) and St. Francis Xavier. School in Acushnet (1958-1965). In Ncw York, she taught at St. Augustine School in Peru (1965-68). In
Quebec, .canada, she taught at St. director in i 995. Prior to 1970, she. Philippe School in St. Philippe taught at both elementary and high (1970-78). From 1978 to 1995 she school levels at·Dominican A~addid volunteer service at St. Francis . emy, St. Anne School and Bishop Xavier Parish in Acushnet and then Gerrard High School, all in Fall at St. Catherine Convent in Fall River. River. Celebrating 50 years are Sisters EDICTAL CITATION MEMORIAL DAY Janine Parent, and Mary Angela DIOCESAN TRIBUNAL WEEKEND FALL RIVER,MASSACHUSETTS Smith of-t'Iewburgh, NewYork; Sister Barbam Anderson-of Yorktown MAY 23-26 Since·the actual place of residence of Heights, New York; Sister Virginia MARYBETH MEDEIROS RACINE is unknown. ST, JOlJN NEUMANN CHURCH We cite MARYBETH MEDEIROS RACINE Hanrahan of Mahopac, New York; CATHEDRAL CAMP-E. FREETOW to appear personally before the Tribunal of Sister Gloria Hillman of Sarasota, the Diocese of Fall River on Thursday, May Florida; Sister Agnes Holmes of 29, 2003 at 10:30 a.m. at 887 Highland ~ON-ST()p FA ,[".1 JlA"ILY ~ FU .. Wellington, florida; Sisters Pa~cia Avenue, Fall River, Massachusetts, to give Kennedy; Sister Joseph Marie testimony to establish: . ·Levesque of East Free~own, ·Mass.; Whether the nullity of the marriage AMUSEMENT RIDES exists in the Alfonso·Medeiros case? and Sister Maura Schefter of HighOrdinaries of the place or other pastors land, New York. having the knowledge of the residence of Also born in New Be9ford, . ENTERTAINMENT the above person, Marybeth Medeiros Sister Janine Parent, known early Racine, must see to it that she is properly in her religious life as Sister" advised in regard to this edictal citation. SUNDAY Marcelle Marie taught at the el(Rev.) Paul F. Robinson, O. Carm., J.C.O. Judicial Vicar t;mentary level' in Massachusetts Given at the Tribunal, at Dominican Academy in Fall Fall River, Massachusetts . River (1955-56 and 1973-80), on this the 5th.day of May, 2003. Saint Anne School in Fall River (1956~57 and 1988-96) and Saint Francis Xavier School in Acushnet (1968-71). She was principal at Saint Francis Xavier School from 1971-73. Sister Joseph Marie Levesque is currently director of Cathedral· Camp in East Freetown, Mass. Prior ministries include education and ministry to the congregation. PreviFeitelberg Insurance has been navigating the insurance ously, she was treasurer for the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of . marketplace since 1916. Let us put your business insurance Si~na and Dominican Academy in program on the right course. Fall River (1970-1994) and motherhouse plant administrator for the motherhouse (1981-1994). In 1994, she was appointed business manager at Cathedral Camp and Retreat Center in East Freetown be. fore accepting her current role as NQN.fORO'n onGAHl1.A'TI()N
aWe· cannot direct the w~nd·, but'·we can adjust the sails.:"
Sisters of St. Joseph HOLYOKEJ Mass. - The following Sisters of St. Joseph will be celebrating special anniversaries at Mont Marie here on June 10: . 85 Years . Entered in 1918 Sister Marie Lucie FaucherAntoinette Faucher - Born in Canada, entered the SSJ of Fall River from St. Jean Baptiste Parish, Fall River, taught in the schools of the dioceses of Fall River and Lake Charles, La. for 48 years and served the Fall River Community· until her retirement in 1982. She became a .resident of the Mont Marie Retirement Community in 1991. On Oct. 29,1997 the Community at Mont Marie celebrated her centennial birthday. 75 Years· En.tered in 1928 Sister Marie Joseph LeBlanc - Alielle LeBlanc - Born in New Bedford, entered the SSJ of Fall River from St. Joseph Parish, New Bedford, taught in the
-.~ ~
schools of the Diocese of Fall River for 52 years and later served as a teacher's aide, receptionist and aide to the elderly. Sister joined the Retirement Community at Mont Marie in Holyoke in. 1992. Her sister, Sister Bertha LeBlanc is a resident of the Mont Marie Health Care Center. 70 Years· Entered in 1933 Sister Blanche Benoit - Sister Marie Cecilia - Born in Fall River, entered the SSJ of Fall River from Notre Dame Parish, Fall River, and taught in the schools of the Diocese of Fall River for 38 years. She moved to Mont Marie in Holyoke after the merger with SSJ Springfield in 1974 and served in the Conference Center, switchboard and gift shop. In' 1988 she joined the Retirement Community at Mont Marie and in 2003 became a residen~ of the MODt Marie Health Care Center. Tum to page /2 - Religious
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Friday, May 6, 2003
the living word
Rebuilding America As American troops slowly return from the war in Iraq, Washing~ ton is pr~paring to rebuild the infrastructure of that battle-tom lan~. Daily news reports inform us that millions of dollars will be needed to get theJraqi people back ,on their feet. Large international contracting firms look with financial longing at the many opportunities at hand. " Of course the very 'subject of oil, the wealth of Iraq, is shrouded in 'a cloak of secrec·y. . The Americ.an people are being programmed by a flow of informfltion that is less than reliable. The comings and goings of State '. Department pel"sonnel has become a Middle East merry-go-round. Diplomats are popping up all 'over the area creating a diver~ion and . distraction that clouds so. many of the very real issues that are criti~ cal to regional peace. We ~re told that 'there is a road map being' implemented that will achieve this goal. So far it seems to be going' nowhere. All this cQnfusion is causing a national bewilderment. The government does not seem to understand' that America needs to be rebuilt. Weekly the country faces critical domestic problems that are being jgnored by Ouija board economics. ' ' I , 0!1e of the prime concerns that irritates the nation i~ the ongoing rise in unemployment. A recent study reflected that 563 Americans each hour of each working week are losing their jobs. There are more than nine million reduced to part-time work. There are few who truly believe that at this critical time in the marketplace a tax reduction will really have a positive effect on the economy. People need work, they, need jobs, and they need economic security. Another concern is the sorry condition of local, state and national " efforts to renew our educational sys,terns. While many cities and towns plan to make drastic cuts in their schools, there are no solutions being offered by state and national leaders. The ongoing battle CARLAS'PEIGAL SHOVELS DEBRIS FROM HER. HOME RECENTLY AFTER A TORNADO between the governor of Massachusetts and the leadership of the RIPPED THROUGH HER MOORE, OKLA., NEIGHBORHOOD. A SLEW OF EARLY MAY state's university system might be'a political fair fight. However, it TORNADOES WREAKED'HAVOC IN COMMUNITiES IN THE MIDWEST AND SOUTH. will affect more tuition increases as well as more cutbacks in services and programs. Again, it is the people who suffer.No one seems ' ' (CNS PH?TO FROM REUTERS) to be able to get a handle on our decaying e~ucational systems. What about the disgrace .of our national healthcare system orthe "YOU.ARE MY REFU<?E IN niEDAY,OF DISASTER" (JEREMIAH .17:17). lack of it? Our'Federal'government has failed to come to the aid of people who really need special medical care. Cutbacks, the lac~ of a . national insurance program and the rising cost of hospitalization are very scary things, especially for. the elderly and the truly. poor. Millions of Americans cannot afford to be sick, and those responsible to . come to their aid have d~af ears. . These are but a few areas where the nation needs intensive c·are. Why can't we'give,equal time to the condition of America? Do we have to spend all our efforts in questionable international undertakBy FATHER EUGENE HEMRICK siveness. It knows where priests are a lay minister - or deacon ings? Why can't the resources of this nation be expended to llelp , CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE at in their ministry, and it minces might detract from the priesthood's solve our own national problems? It is time that the social and jusDuring a radio program known' no words about the exact causes of attractiveness: ' tice issues that affect so much of our American life be rightly and poor morale on 'the grass-roots And too, many officials argue .. ' for its little factual tidbits, an anpromptly addressed. We must not be fooled into a false sense that' that they do not want to see the lines nouncer reported that 70 percent of level. being a world power all our problems are settled. Increase in power Let's look an excerpt from the lJetween the office of the pnesthpod documents that are filed away are is not always accompanied, by control of that power for the benefit never read again, , document's "Profile of the Problem and the office of the laity blurred. of people. The accelerated pace of history is such that one can scarc'ely The 1988 document went on to This may be true. Nonetheless. of.Morale." It says: keep up with it. An immense series of new probiems demands a new there is a "filed way" document that "Role expectations among . say that there were a significant endeavo~ of effOlt by those in power to find solutions. As we try to I think people should read again. It clergy leave many feeling trapped,' number of priests who had settled solve world problems, we must nor ignore ~he difficulties ttl&! are is titled "Reflections Of! the Morale overworked, frustrated and with the for "a' part-time presence to their infliciing hardship on our own land. To date, we have not donea of Priests," and it was published by sense of little or no time for them- ' priesthood. Many feel they, have very good job in this regard. America is in great need of some loving the U,S. bishops' Committee on selves. The continuing' shortage of worked hard and long to implePiiestly Life and Ministry in 1988. clergy casts its shadow on both ment, or at least adiust to, the pracand gentle care. ' ' I have several reasons for rec- present ministry and-.future hopes, tical.consequenc\.. ... of Vatican If. The Executive Editor ommending that this document be .official directives which foeuli on They sense that much of that effort revisited. duties 'only the priest can do' tend is now being blunted or even be~Fi~st. the document is more to increase the workload and make trayed, and they elect to drop out quietly." . relevant now than when it was first for less effective ministry," published. The problems it spoke With the recent sex-abuse sc'anThis candid statement couldn't to have grown immensely since it dal, the clergy shortage not only has be truer today with the divisions addressed them. continued to escalate but also has that have occurred between those " OFFICiA( NEWSPAPER OFTHE'DiOCESE OF FALL RIVER meant that numerous pasto~s who wishing to lead the Church back to ~The document is also one of pub'lisMd weekly by the Catholic Press of the Di~cese of Fall River the frankest discussions of morale each had responsibility for one par- the past and those who want to en" • _887 Highland AveniJe P;O. BOX 7 ever to issue from the bishops. It ish now have responsibility for sev- ter the third mil1ennium employing Fall River, MA 0 2 n O ' . Fall River,MA 02722-0007 post-modern methods of coping raised cf;rtain eyebrows when it was eral. Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX 508-675-7048 first published. Some people, Utilizing lay people and deacons with its challenges. E-mail: TheAnchor@.Anchornews.org,· wanted it hushed up because they to the best of our capacity would Perh~ps with these few exSend address changes toP.D, Box, pall or use· E-mail address thought it rocked the boat too much greatly heIp relieve this problem. amples of a bishops' committee and would only lead to more mo- But as yet, there's still.that uncom- squarely addressing crucial prob" EXECUTIVE EDITOR . '. rale problems. , fortable feeling among, some offi- lems of the priesthood you can sec Rev; Msgr. John F. Moore What makes the document es- cials that if the laity take on 'more why I say that certain documents EDITOR, NEWS EDITOR OFFICE MANAGER pecial1y valuable today is its sensic responsibility, do a good job and should never be filed away for 'David B. J.olivet , James N. Dunbar Barbara M. Reis ·.tivity to the grass roots and its inci- enjoy it, the attractiveness of being' good . .j
Retrieving a filed-away docum'e.nt: Priests' morale '
Friday, May 16, 2003
Who were those kid's? All Catholic laity should be required to attend a first Communion Mass every couple of years. If we do that, we'll never lose sight of exactly what the Eucharist is. We'll never again take it for granted; and we'll always cherish the moment we're able to 'share at the table eath time we attend Mass. I received my booster shot last weekend at Notre Dame Church in Fall River. My eight-year-old Emilie was prut of a class of34 youngsters who were invited to the Lord's banquet for the very first time. What I saw was miraculous. Of course there was the miracle of the Transformation of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ, but there was another transformation that blessed day. Rather, I shoul~ say there were 34 transformations. Let's use Emilie.as an example. On any given day, this typical sec-. ond-grader comes home from school with her uniform looking a bit more disheveled than when she left some seven or ei~ht hours ear-
lier. But that doesn"t last long. Within minutes she steps into' her phone booth and seconds later emerges wearing a SpongeBob Tshirt, jeans, and sneakers - all nice and comfy, ready to complete her
r----------My View
'From the Stands By Dave Jolivet homework. With her academic responsibilities fulfilled, she provides mom and dad with a Readers' Digest recap of her day, grabs a, snack, pets the dog and hits the door running. If we're lucky, we can make it to the window in time to see Emilie's ponytail flying in the breeze as sh~ speeds away on her bicycle or scooter. Shortly after lift-off, she's back home to get her scooter if she initially rode offon her'bicycle, or :vice versa. In an almost Jekyll and Hyde
metamorphosis the tidy little girl who left the house only moments before is now covered witl;1 grass stains and her relatively well-coiffed hair has taken on a life of its own. With a quick "see ya," she's off -again. She'll be back though -'- this time with chocolate-covered cheeks looking for a band-aid and a water bottle. By the time she's home for the day, Emilie just about has time to wash up, wolf down supper, catch the end of "Lizzie McGuire," say her prayers and rest up to start the whole cycle again the next day. And I'm willing to wager that's the daily scene in many an eight-yearold's home. But as I mentioned earlier; last Saturday was miraculous. Our typi. cal second-grader awoke feeling excited and a bit nervous for her big day. A beautiful white lace dress replaced SpongeBob. Delicate curls filled in for the usual ponytail. Gold cross earrings substituted for the customary dolphins in each lobe. And her fingernails were painted to per- .
Knights hold ~nnual convention HYANNIS - The Massachu- Donovan and Michael 1. Baldner. setts State Council of the Knights of . "It was a fabulous weekend," said Columhus held its I08 th annual con- Knight Edward Medeiros of vention May 2-4 at the Sheraton in Swansea. "We voted on different Hyannis and it was attended by resolutions and more than 2,000 many representing some 47,000 people attended." Medeiros went on' Knights ofColumbus throughout the to say that he has been a Knight for 'Bay State. 50 years now and he's "very proud" Those convention c!elegates held of the work the Knights of Columelections at the gathering electing .bus continue to do. officers and supreme delegates. OfAlso elected we~ delegates to the ficers elected were: State Deputy supreme convention. They were: Thomas M. Ledbetter, State Secre- Frederic K. Hagman Jr., Thomas P. . tary Richard F. Guemero; Vincent McGinn, Antonio Ledesma, Edwin M. Rumasuglia, William F. L. Hiester, George E. Dionne Sr.,
Frederick L. Waggett Jr., Charles L. Comeau and Edward B. Medeiros. They and State Deputy Ledbetter will represent Massachusetts Knights ofColumbus at the supreme convention in our nation's capital this August. The Knights of Columbus have over 1.6 million members worldwide and is t,he world's largest Catholic Family fraternal service organization with charitable donations exceeding the $100· million marl< and 56.7 million hours of volunteenervice annually.
St. Mary's Knights of Columbus lend a hand' NORTON St. Mary's Knights earlier this year requesting . Columbus who approved the maxiKnights of Columbus Council No. ' assistance converting their van to mum contribution allowable. The money for the Darling fam11690 recently presented the Dar- aid their son Matthew who uses a ling Family of Norton with a check wheelchair. The local council, ily was collected during the Knights for $7,000 to help make their van working with the Dar.ling family, annual Tootsie Roll Drive which submitted the necessary documents ended on Columbus Day weekend. handicapped accessible. The family contacted the to the state offic;e of the KnightS of Last year, thanks to the generosity of the residents of Norton, the St. Mary's Knights of Columbus collected more than $2,500. According to Knight Tom Castello they were excited to be able to return three times that amount to a family in their town.. The Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive collects money to support mentally and physically 'handicapped individuals in the state and last year the Massachusetts Council donated a ,total of $399,378. Charitable gifts totaling $24,403 . have been made in.the diocese to . recipients for hearing aids,.van con..1, versions, car seats, van lifts, wheel'~I~ chair lifts and therapeutic rehabiliTHE ST. Mary's Knights of Columbus present a check to tation bikes. the Darling Family of Norton to help make their van handiIf you know SOlJleone who can capped accessible. Pictured are, front row: Sarah Darling, benefit from the Knights ofColumKen Darling, and Matt Darling, Rear: District Grand Knight bus Tootsie Roll Charity Fund . Norm Corrive.au, District Deputy Tony Medeiros, Judy Dar- , pleasecontactTomCastelloat508ling, and Grand KnightPaul Grenier. 822-7239. •
51 fection - in marked contrast to her usual hit-and-miss method. Mom and big sister took care of every detail. I had nothing to do with Emilie's transformation. My job was to keep the dog away from her. By the time all the second-graders arrived at the church hall, there were 34 shinny, sparkling eightyear-aIds who felt very good about themselves ....:- and about why they were there. ' At Mass the cherubs sang, prayed, and listened like they never have before, and maybe never will again. They received Jesus with a. sense of awe, excitement, and love that should. be present at every
Mass. How happy Christ must have been that day. How proud our Blessed Mother must have telt. Eutharist the way it should be - innocent, heartfelt and pure. I guarantee that the 34 angels who received their first Communion last Saturday at Notre Dame Church were clad in SpongeBob Tshirts, jeans and sneakers the vety next day. The same old secondgraders as before - with one major difference - they' can now~ share at the Lord's table whenever they attend Mass. And they'll do it for all the right reasons. Commellts are welcome at davejolivet@anc/wnlews.org.
Sisters ofSaint Joseph of13oston Your donations are used for our ministries and the care of our retired Sisters. Please send your donations to: The Sisters of Saint Joseph of Boston Office of Development 637 Cambridge Street Brighton MA 02135-2801. 617.746.2114
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Two Fall River Priests
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Join your Spiritual Directors Fr. Ralph Tetrault (retired pastor of St. Patrick Wareham, Cape Cod) and Fr. George Almeida (retired pastor of Our Lady of Fatima, Swansea, MA) on this 15-Day vacation including a 7 day Alaska Cruise with Holland America Line and a 7 day Pacific Northwest vacation. Mass will be celebrated daily on board
ship for those in the group who wish to participate. Your group will fly into Seattle for- a night before a scenic motorcoach drive to Vancouver where you'll board your five star ship the ms Zaandam. Travel through a wondrous'maze of forested island and glacier carved -fjords, past charming coastal villages, migrating whales and calving glaciers to Juneau, Skagway, Ketchikan and spectacular Glacier Bay. After the cruise you'll start a six night motorcoach tour visiting British Columpia, the Cascade. Mountains; Washington; the Grand Cooley Dam; Lake Coeur d' Alene; Montana; Yellowstone (Old Faithful) and Grand Teeton National Parks; Jackson Hole, Wyoming; Idaho Falls; Utah; the Great Salt Lake; Mormon Tabernacle; and more. You'll fly home after a night in Salt Lake City. Prices. for this 15-day vacation start at only $2180 '(per person, double occupancy) including taxes, port charges, 7 nights in quality hotels, transfers, baggage handling, .Iots of escorted motorcoach sighteeing through out the Pacific Northwest, the 7 day deluxe Alaska cruise and round trip airfare. $50 deposits are now due.
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What is .meant·by. the .
Friday, May 16, 2003
of 9/11 victims speak
'. The tragedy of Sept. 11, 2001, conscientiously exploring peaceful options in our search for justice, ' has been cited over and ov~r as an aggres~ion that put the United we choose to spare additional States,at w~. Today we hear innocent-families the suffering that Whatever the meaning of this repeatedly of the "war against we have already experienced as passage, no matt~r what sins you .terrorists," whoever they are, well as to break the endless cycle may have committed or how bad wherever they may b e . . of violence and retaliation you think they are, nothing is more But while I hear over ~, i1l}portant fOf you (and for all of and.over that the United ------------us) than to trust totally in God's .Statesn6w has a right to 'unconditional love and put your~ declare pre~emptive wars wherever we may feel . ' self in his'merciful hands. ' While in some ways youI: chil- terrorists are harbored, dren are not today what yo,u hoped, some very special people, you obviously have been a good feel differently. They are By Antoinette Bosco mother to' have family members of persons killed in the :---'"""':'"'....... them tum out to be the kind of September II massacre; engen~ered by war." _ people you say nearly 100 of them, who have . , begun' an organization they call 'They chosetheit name from a they are. God will always' "Sept. II th Families for Peaceful .' quote by the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.: ''War makes poor chisels ,bless yO!! fQr TomolTows." . Colleen Kelly, whose brother. . for carving out peaceful tomorthat. was,killed, explained what they're rows." ''That's what we're all It does no about. "We don't want violence . about," says Kelly. ''We don't ' good. to fret perpetu.ated as a way to retaliate or want 911 I 'used for more violence, about such avenge their deaths. Ifwe;re ever' deliberately picked." . things. If we going to heal, we have to say that , ' This young Catholic mo¢er of have sinned, God our Father is even though great injustices have ' three went to Iraq in January there with open arms to welcome. OCCUlTed against us, 'I forgive where she saw that "Iraq was not us back; and the Holy Spirit is al- ' 'you.''', , just Saddam. I saw.the faces of the ways ready ~o help us go there. The 'organization's mission Iraqi people. It makes the worry so Please talk with a priest and get statement declares that it was much more intense. It makes it back to the sacraments. You've 'foimed "to seek effective, nonvioharderto wage.a war when you been away too'iong. lent responses to terrorism and humanize the people. You have to ask, how do we see Chri.st and' '1\ free brochure .describing identify. a commonality with all ourselves in the,other?". basic Catholic prayers, beliefs people similarly affected by Kelly commends the U.S. and moral precepts is available' violence throughout the world. By by sen"ing a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father John Die~zeJ.l; Box 325, Peoria, IL
unforgivable sin? Q. lwish to return to the sacraments after 34 years, but I be, Iieve I have shined more than once against the Holy Spirit. The Bible says this particular sin can never be' forgiven. . All my children and grandchildren are loving, unselfish, caring and generous people, but none of them are good Catholics today, and my fauIt.
Answers, By Father John J. Dietzen
The B'ottom' Lin e
sessions scheduled for this week are: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Seekonk, May'19; arid:Our Lady of Lourdes " Parish at the Visitation Church, . , North Eastham, May 21. Both fro1"l) ,7-8 p.m.
. '
.",()T O?~'S:frj~c~p_n})f~~,9~;,~~§e.~J~:·:-: ~.Q1i~~~o.¥~~~~~.j~ntJ~;~ll-
ous' sm e~en at:the:£!1<?'l11ent 9f <.ther,Dlet~nat·the:s~J!1ead(}ress, death. ,_. or E-~ail: iidietzen@aol.com..
", Appeal-vi:deo airs',on cable TV FALL RIVER - A 30-minute ....:... Falmouth, channel 13; May informational program on the 18 at 3:30 p.m. . ' 2003 Catholic CharitiesAppe~1 is,c 'Lower Cap~ Ar~a airing on local cable access chan- (Brewster. Eastham, Orleari;s, nels' in many cities and towns. Provincetown, Truro arid tl}roughout the Fall River diocese... Weilfl,eet), channel 17, May 20;at The schedule is as follows: ' '9 p.m. ' , - Barnstaple, Chatham, Den-'-- Marion,' Mattapoisett and , nis; HarwiCh, and Yarmouth, Wareham, channel 9, May 18 and ~ channel' 1-7, May 20 and 27. at 2 . ·25 at 7 p.m., p.m. and May 22, ,and 29 at 1:30· :- Martha's Vineyard, chanrtel p.m. .', . ,8, May 18 and 25 at 9 a:m., ~' - Bourne, channel '13, May - Mashpee, channel 17, M~y 23 and June 4 at 7 p.m. 19 and 26 at 12:30 p.m. and· May" -:- Dartmouth, Fall River, and 22 and 29 at 5:30 p.m. " ': New Bedford, channel,9, May 16 ' - Raynham,chanl1el 9:'May at 7:30·p.m. . 22 a~d 29 at 5 p.m. - Easton, channel 9, May. 19' -Westport, channel 17, May 18 and 25 at 2 p.rti. and 26 at 5 p.m.
... Cim~j~uedfrom pag~ 0'le
received a doctorate in medical sciences from Harvard Univer-
Conference of Catholic Bishops for their moral leadership in opposing the If¥I war.. "I' ~ pretty sure Jesus would not advocate the bombing of any coun,try," she said. "For self-preservation, we have to find other ways~" . . Another member, Rita , Lasar, writing inThe New York Times, deplored that . the S~ptember II death, of her brother "has been used to justify th~ deaths of thousands of Afghan men, women and children. His death has been used to' . justify the pre-emptive strike against Iraq. His death has been used to justify the rounding up and incarceration of many ordinary citizens of Islamic heritage, all in the name of making America safer. I don't feel safer, and if you ask most Americans, neither do they." . 'Members have written several times to President Bush, reque~ting.to meet with him. Eventually they ·received "an acknowledgment from Condoleezza ~ice, saying the president was 'very busy,'" said Kelly, who believes seeking peace is the only way to "honor our loved ones.'" The Sept. II th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows Website is at www.peaefultomorrows.org.
------------1."""";,.......:..__.. . .
IfJ go to confession and receive'absolution I will still wonder if the priest is orthodox or too lenient. Can you tell me what is a sin against the Holy Spirit? I want to get back to Commun-. ~on. (Ohio) A. Christian theologians have pondered the same question for hundreds of years. St. Augustine, '" St. Thomas and others believed that by "unforgivable sin" (Mt 12:31) Jesu~ meant the sin of final un.repentance, a refusal' to' r~pent - '6i651';' '- ,;-':; .
sity in 199.1. .' Following. post-doct?ral s.tudy at LT -Mass· MedIcal, School iI;l Worcester in 1991, Trapter came to Coyle and· Cassidy as a director of scheduling.S!Jbsequently she was' ~ teacher, leader of the science department,and.then as director of guidance. Since 2002 she has been the school's academic principal.
" ATTLEBORO - La Salette grounds ofthe Sacred Heart Fathers. Shrine invites people to come and Lunch will follow. For more inforpray the Stations of the Resurrec- mation call Alice Beaulieu at 508tiol) tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the 995~2354. .. church. As people prayed the StaHYANNIS - The St. Francis tibns of the Cross during Lent,the Stations of the Resurrection reflect , Xavier Parish, RENEW Prograrri is on the events from the Resurrection sponsoring a living rosary May 19 to Pentecost. For more information at 7 p.m. at the Sacred Heart Chapel, call 508-222-5410. Yarmouthport. Participants should The annual Pro-Life Living Ro- ~eet at the chapel at 6:45 p.m. Lita~ .sary will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. nies of the Blessed Virgin and the . at the Shrine. La Salette Father Philip Sacred Heart of Jesus will follow. Salois will .be guest speaker. Mass The evening will c'L9se with Benewill be celebrated at 4:30 p.m. diction of the Blessed- Sacrament. For more information call 508-775CENTERvn..LE- Pax Christi 7781. ' will preSent "From Family Violence to Healthy Relationship: Where is the MASHPEE - A Mass o(ReHelp?" May 21 from 6-8:30 p.m. at membrance for all infants who died Our Lady ofVictory Parish Center: before or shortly after birth will be MaryMcGrail ofCatholic Social Ser- held May 25 at 10 a.m. at Christ the vices Will serve as moderator. Re- King Parish. This includes those freshments will follow. chil~ren lost by miscarriage, 'still , . . birth or abortion, Family members EAST FREETQWi'J - The are invited to attend and enroll their MotheroftheSorrowfulHeaItrosary loved ones names in a book of remakers will hold a teaching session membrance. Those names will be on how to makeeordrosariesforthe read during !"tass. lniissions May 19 from 5:30-7 p.m. at the St John Neumann's Church MASHPEE...,... The-Third Order library. For more, information call ofCarrnelites,wi1l meet Sunday at 5:30 Carol Spoor at 508-644-2645. p.m. in SUude's Chapel at Christ the King Church for prayer, rosary and ,FAIRHAVEN - A Mass will study. Formore information call Dottie be celebrated May 25 at II am. at Cawley at 508-477-2798: St. Joseph's Church in memory of Frank Duff, founder:of the Legion MISCELLANEOUS - The ofMary, and envoys Edel Quinn and diocesan Office ofAdult Education Alfie Lambe. Recitation of the ro- is presenting Rosary Holy Hours for sary at the statue of Our Lady on the World Peace throughout May. The
NEW BEDFORD The FranCiscans of the Primitive Observance are sponsoring a 24-hour prayer vigil May 31 through June I at an. abortion facility in New .Be4ford. It will begin with.an 8 a.m. Mass at St. John the Baptist Church and a procession to the building will follow. It will conclude with the'cel- . .ebration of Mass at 8:30 a.m. June ' I. Volunteers are needed to keep two-hour vigils. For more informationcall Mary Anne LetoL!rneau at 508-996-3055. NEW BEDFORD - The ' Daughters of Isabella Hyacinth Circle No. 71 will meet May 20 at 7 p.m. i.n the parish center of floly , Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church. For more information calf Mary Macedo at 508-993.9.179. NORTH EASTON - The group Formation ofAdults in Catholic Tradition meets Thursdays from 7-8:30 p.m. now through May 29'at the Father Peyton Center, 518 Washington Street.'Holy Cross Father Joe . Esparza will lead a discussion on "Prophecy in the Gospel." For more , information call 508-238-4095 ext. 2013.. SOMERSET- TheSt. Thomas More Parish Vocation Team will sponsor a holy hour for' vo'cations May 22 at 7:30 p.m:in the church. It will include prayer, song and Benediction ofthe Blessed Sacrament. Refreshments will follow. For more information call 508-673-7831.
anthob Boys and girls and litur.gy
Friday, May 16,2003
If you're into androgyny - the "This is girls' stuff." Or, for the idea that maleness and femaleness more refined, 'This is women's are of no real consequence for our work." Now try to imagine lives and loves, our discernments suggesting to any of those boys and our destinies - read no that he consider a vocation to the further; you will only suffer priesthood. elevated blood pressure. Having been one and having If, on the other hand, you agree that there are deep truths about us, about the world, and even about God contained in that famous phrase from Genesis, "male and female He created them," then By George Weigel come with me to a typical suburban parish where I stopped for weekday Mass a year ago. lived with two, I have no illusions It was late in the morning and about 13- or 14-year-old boys. More often than not, they're the parish school's eighth-graders were attending Mass as a class. slovenly, clumsy, easily distracted, There were perhaps 50 youngmoody, fractious, and goofy sters, evenly divided between boys often serially. There's not the and girls. Yet here was the slightest question in my mind that, liturgical batting order (so to at this particular Mass (or any speak): all three cantors were girls; other, for that matter), the girls in the lector was a girl; one of the question sang more beautifully, two altar servers was a girl; both read more articulately, and served gift-bearers were girls; and both more reverently than their male counterparts would likely have Eucharistic ministers were elderly women. done. I am also deeply impressed I guarantee you that the same by the many good works done by thought, inchoate or explicit, went women as Eucharistic ministers. though the head of every eighthBut permit me to suggest that no pastor, teacher, or school principal grade boy in that congregation:
The Catholic Difference
serious about promoting priestly vocations would ever organize a . Mass the way that one. was .organized. Eighth-grade boys are restless enough with "Church stuff." Do we really want to suggest that this is all a girl thing? The Catholic Church will not ordain women to the priesthood because the Catholic Church is not authorized to ordain women to the priesthood: that is the clear teaching of "Ordinatia Sacerdotalis," and it is
not going to change. Why that is the case is a serious, complicated theological question. The most intriguing answers begin with the fifth chapter of Ephesians and its teaching on Christ's "spousal" relationship to the Church: Christ loves the Church as a husband loves a wife. A priest, according to Catholic teaching, is an "icon," a living re-presentation, of the eternal priesthood of the Lord. The "iconography" of Christ's spousal gift of himself to the Church is most intensely embodied in the Eucharist, in which Christ gives his flesh and blood to his spouse. That requires a priest who can represent ("make present again")
Christ in his male donation to his bride. The radical equality of men and women, both made in the image and likeness of God and both redeemed by Christ, does not mean that men and women are interchangeable as icons of God's presence to the world. That's not easy to grasp in a unisex culture that treats maleness and femaleness as a plumbing issue, not a question of "iconography." But that's how the Church thinks about these things, because in the Catholic sacramental imagination, stuff counts. Why? Because we live in a divinely-ordered world in which the extraordinary is revealed through the ordinary. So maleness and femaleness count, just as bread, wine, water, salt, and oil count, in this sacramentally configured universe of ours. And in the final analysis, that's a far more humanistic way to look at sexual differentiation that today's androgyny.
What does this have to do with eighth-grade Mass at your local parish? It means deliberately avoiding liturgical androgyny and trying to "compensate" for the male priesthood. It means arranging the liturgy so that boys have at least as large a role as girls. It means getting more priests involved in distributing Communion. It means making a conscious effort to avoid telling those scruffy, distracted, self-conscious about-to·, be-men, "This is girls' stuff." George Weigel is a senior feUow ofthe Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C.
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Sentinary, deacon forlllation ~ rolls drop;'lay Dlinistry up By JERRY
eight years, was down slightly, from 816 .last year to CAlliOUC NEWS SERVICE 808 this year. The racial and ethnic background of theologate stuWASHINGTON - For the first time in five years, the number of students in U.S. Catholic seminary dents has become more diverse since CARA first betheologates dropped in 2002-03, according to data re- gan tracking such data 10 years ago. In 1993, 79 percent of theologate students were leased by the Center for Applied Research in the white, 11 percent HispaniclLatino, eight percent Asian Apostolate. The number of high school and college seminar- and two percent black. This year only 66 percent were ians also declined, as did the number participating in white, while Hispanics rose to 14 percent, Asians to 12 percent and blacks to four percent. Another four permanent diaconate formation programs. The nation's Catholic lay ecclesial ministry forma- percent were listed as "other," including Native Amerition programs, however, registered an enrollment in- cans and some not easily classified, such as multiracrease of more than 1,000, from 34,414 in the 200 1- cial and some foreign-born students. Nearly aquarter ofall theologate students were born 02 school year to 35,448 in the current year. CARA reported that most graduates of lay minis- in a foreign country. Among the theologate students, 2,489 were pretry programs use their formation for volunteer ministry, but substantial numbers are hired full time or part paring for diocesan priesthood and 925 were prepartime in catechetics, pastoral administration or other ing for ordination in religious orders.. The biggest boom in ministerial formation in the Church ministries. CARA, a Catholic research agency based at past two decades, however, has been in formation for Georgetown University, published the new data in its lay ministry. When CARA first surveyed those pro"CARA Catholic Ministry Formation Directory 2003." grams in 1985-86, it found 206 programs with an enThe 41 O-page directory provides detailed information rollment of 10,500. In 2002-03 there were 313 degree- or certificateon all Catholic priestly, diaconal and lay ministry formation programs in the country as ~'ell as an over- granting programs with a combined enrollment of 35,448. view and analysis of national data and trends. In response to a question about subsequent placeAmong seminary tigures, the theologate, or postgraduate, enrollment is the most significant indicator ment ofgraduates oflay ministry programs, CARA said of future ordinations. In the fall of the 2002-03 school it received responses on 2,082 of last year's graduates, year there were 3,414 postgraduate students, down 170 slightly more than one-fourth of all the graduates. Of those, 1,198 reported obtaining ministry positions as from the year before. The number ofcollegiate seminarians, however, hit volunteers; 660 found full-time employment in minisa modem low with 1,376 - down 218 from last year's try and 224 found part-time employment in ministry. Of those finding full-time jobs, 228 were in 1,594. That number is likely to go down further next year, since two college seminaries - in the Los An- catechetics, 135 in pastoral administration, 93 in clinigeles and Boston archdioceses - are slated to close cal pastoral ministry, 84 in youth ministry, 33 in littheir doors at the end of the current school year. The urgy or music and 87 in other parish ministries. Most institutions running lay ministry programs do not syscombined enrollment of the two this year was 96. The number of seminarians in high school studies, tematically track the placement of their graduates, which has fluctuated in the 700s and 800s for the past CARA said.
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PILGRIMAGES/ TOURS / HEALING RETREATS Immaculate Conception Church Under the spiritual direction of:
Rev. Joseph P. McDermott Pastor of Immaculate Conception 122 Canton Street Stoughton, MA 02072
. ITALY: June 16-26, 2003 Planned visits to: Venice, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Francis of Assisi, Loreto, Lanciano, San Giovanni - St. Padre Pio PHOENIx/SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA: Oct. 8-17, 2003 Exciting trips are planned to the Grand Canyon, Sedona, Montezuma's Castle, Meteor Crater, the Petrified Forest, and the Painted Desert. Also, visit St. Thomas the Apostle & Canaan in the Desert (the garden of Jesus' Suffering & Resurrection) in Phoenix, St. Timothy's in Mesa, & St. Maria Goretti's in Scottsdale FRAMINGHAM, MASSACHUSETTS: Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 2003 Three-day Healing Retreat: Marist House - Friday evening to Sunday afternoon Each trip includes comfortable rooms with private bath. Mass, usually, each day. Fr. Joseph McDermott will serve as your Spiritual Direetor. There is time for relaxation, socializing, etc. For brochures with itinerary, prices, and conditions, contact Margaret Oliverio. For further information, Please call Margaret Oliverio
781-762-2029 or 781-344-2073
Fall River,diocese marks its centennial The following are the next in a series of historical sketches of the parishes comprising the Diocese of FaU River, founded in 1904. The series will run in chronological order from oldest to newest parish, according to diocesan archives, concluding in March, 2004, the centennial anniverstU] of the diocese. Please note that ALL parish histories will run in the order they were founded - including parishes that have been suppressed or merged. Histories ofmerged parishes will run according to the timeline.
81. Hyacinth Parish, New Bedford The rare event of an ordination in a local church took place in September NEW BEDFORD - French-speaking Catholics were moving in large numbers into the south end of New Bedford in the 1880s to work in many of the city's 1950 when parishioners witnessed the ordination of Father Julien Rousseal, S.S.S. of New Bedford, and Father Donald Brouillard of mills. Chicopee. Land for what subsequently would became St. Hyacinth's 路ST.~jHYAtINTH In May, 1955, a four-ton marble sculpture, "Mary, Queen Parish was purchased in 1888 and for two years a mission , :~tycHlJfiCH, of Hearts," dedicated to World War II veterans, was blessed was conducted in a basement, the first part of the new church on the church grounds by Bishop James L. Connolly. to be constructed. NEW'BEDFORD The parish was established by Bishop'M.atthew. Harkins The parochial school closed at the end of the school year of ~rovidence, R.I., of which this region was then 'a part, on in June, 1967 a victim of shifting population in the area which caused dwindling enrollments; as well as the wooden house Aug. 17, ,1890, with Father Antoine Berube as its first pastor; ministering to 700 families.' ,', ' of worship's need of a costly overhaul. Father Berube left St. Hyacinth's in 1913 and was sucSt. Hyacinth's became the city's second French church an outgrowth of Sacred Heart Parish in the North End.. ceeded by Father Arthur Lavoie, who died in 1917. A parish school including grades kindergarten through' Other pastors included Father Charles Clerk, Father Adrien eight, was opened in 1894 and staffed by Sisters. of the Holy Gauthier, Father Armand Lavasseur, Father Roland Decosse, Cross and the Seven Dolor~. Father Albert Berube, Father Eugene Dion, Father Aurelien The original convent was razed and in '1951 a hew one Jalbert, and Father Henry R. Canuel. was set in a building purchased next to the church rectory When the parish celebrated its72 Dd anniversary of foundon Country Street. ing in 1962, it consist~d of 250 families. Originally a three-story church, St. Hyacinth had been the At the time of its closing Mass on Jan. 20, 1977, celscene of intensive renovations, during one of which the third ebrated by, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, the parish registration story was removed and its roof lowered. was just 100 people: It was a busy parish with a Holy Name Society, Ladies of Records of St. Hyacinth's 113 years of service were then St. Anne, the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a St. maintained in the 'archives of St. Anne's Church in New Vincent de Paul Society, and an active CYO. Bedford.
.--.--; . Santo Christo Parish-:-;;FalllQver .' . .: . . '-,;.'
FALL RIVER - This oldmili' city in the 1870s was quickly becoming one of the most industrialized cities in the country. Many Portuguese families from New Bedford came to this city in search of work in the cotton mills and looked to practice their Catholic faith and traditions as a community. The first Roman Catholic mission to tend to the needs of the Portuguese community in Fall River was founded in 1876 by Father Antonio M. Freitas, a native of Sao Jorge in the Azores and the pastor ofSt. John the Baptist Pdrish in New Bedford. St. Anthony of Lisbon, better known as St. Anthony of Padua, was chosen as the patron saint of the mission where Mass was celebrated once a month on Sunday. In May, 1889, the Portuguese community purchased the Baptist Temple at Columbia and Canal streets and in late autumn the first Mass was said there. The mission was served by visiting priests and continued to be known as St. Anthony's. Answering the call of the growing number ofPortuguese Catholics in Fall River, Bishop Matthew Harkins of Providence, whose diocese included this region at the time, elevated the mission to a parish on June 26, 1892 and named Father Candido de Avila Martins as its first pastor. The parish received a new title, Senhor Santo Christo dos Milagres ("Holy Christ of the Miracles"). Since most of the Portuguese in Fall River are from the Island of St.
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. Mic~~ei iri the Azores, the image of 'Ecce'Homo, also knowii as Santo Christo, was well known and is the focal point ofreligion on that island. In 1906, two years after the Fall River diocese was established, Santo Christo's second pastor, Father Francisco Silveira Mesquita, obtained permission from Bishop William Stang to build a new church. On May 5 of that year, the basement of the church was dedicated and Masses were celebrated there. It was under the pastorate of Father Manuel A. daSilva that a rectory was built in 1915, and the building of the upper church which, while incomplete, was used for services beginning in May of 1927. Father Francisco C. Bettencourt became the fourth pastor in 1928 and began a capital fund drive to complete the church. The project was finalized in 1948 with the insta11ation of pews and lighting fixtures. Three Carrara marble altars and baptismal font were imported from Italy. The Gothic style, Santo Christo Church was dedicated by Bishop James E. Cassidy on June 13, 1948, the feast of St. Anthony, the patron of the first mission. Father Francisco C. Bettencourt, later to be named a monsignor, becarne pastor Nov. 1, 1928 and served for the next 32 years. Many changes to the church property were made during his pastorate. He acquired land at Ferry and Canal streets and erected a state of St. Francis Xavier; on land bordering Columbia Street he erected a statue of Our Lady of Fatima and the three shepherd chil-
dren; and a lot near Columbia and . Canal Streets he transformed into a garden and erected a statue of St. Anthony. Upon the death of Msgr. Bettencourt in 1960, Father Arthur C. dos Reis became the fifth pastor. He supervised the repainting of the church's interior and repair of stained glass windows as well as removed other church properties. When Father dos Reis retired in 1972, Father Antonino da Costa Tavares, who later was named a monsignor, became the sixth pastor. He made many renovations and acquired a building on Mulberry Street bordering the church parking lot which was converted into a parish center in 1982, and is named in his honor. In the late 1980s, St. Anthony's Shrine at Columbia and Canal Streets was remodeled under ajoint venture of the parish and the city, and was renamed Santo Christo Square. Father Joao Cipriano Martins served as pastor from June 1991 to June 1995. Under his leadership numerous improvements were made to the church as well as revitalizing parish societies. The current and eighth pastor, Father Gastao A. Oliveira, has served since 1995. Father Brian A1bino is the provincial vicar and Osvaldo Pacheco is the coordinator of religious education. The rectory is located at 185 Canal Street, Fall River, MA 02721. It can be reached by telephone at 508-676-1184; by FAX at 508-676-9701; and by Email at scpI892@apol.net.
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Friday, May 16, 2003
Rumors brewing: Beatified friar really did not invent cappuccino By JOHN THAVIS CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE VATICAN CITY - When Father Marco d' Aviano took his preaching ministry to Vienna in 1683 and inspired the city to turn back the Turkish invasion of Europe, he surely never dreamed that he'd be remembered four centuries later - as the patron saint of cappuccino. Pope John Paul II beatified Father d' Aviano last month In the post-September 11 world, advancing the priest's sainthood
milk and sugar. The result was so popular that the first Austrian coffeehouses soon sprang up. What did Blessed d'Aviano have to do with all this? "Absolutely nothing," said the postulator of his sainthood cause in Rome, Capuchin Father Vincenzo Criscuolo. "It's a story that was invented after the fact. Which is too bad, because it's generated a lot of interest." Most reliable sources say it was a Polish army officer, Franz Georg \~ ~, Kolschitzky, who
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historic standoff be',. filter out the grounds, tween Christianity sweeten the infusion and Islam, which and make it a lighter Christianity won. beverage with milk. Dire predictions His coffeehouse in were made about the Vienna made him a beatification: Musrich man - well beJims would be infore the days of francensed. European chising. pacifists would boyA numberofltalian cott the papal Mass. coffee experts, howVatican security ever, say the beverage would be beefed up was christened against potential ter"cappuccino" only in rorist attack during the 20th century. And the ceremony. . not everyone agrees All that turned out that the name derives to be a tempest in a from the color of the coffee pot. Capuchin friar~' habit. Instead, controSome think the drink versy was brewing was named for the over a dubious hood, or "cappuccio," cappuccino claim. of foam that adorns a Some newspapers beCAPUCHIN FRIARS Sisto Zarpellon, from Italy, I 1 d gan to credit Blessed ~nd ~Iazej Strzec~minski,. from POlan.d, sit under ~p~uccino. m a e d' Aviano with adding Jolly Im~ges. of fnars while they enJ~X c~ps of The history of coffrothy milk to Turkish cappuccino In Rome. The recent beatification of fee is mostly legend, coffee, thus inventing Capuchin Father Marco d'Aviano revived mythical and the Church plays th~ ~rink that fuels tales about the monk's supposed role in inventing its part. Coffee supmllltons ?f people the classic drink made from espresso and foamed posedly was first each mornm~. milk. (CNS photo by Alessia Giuliani, Catholic Press brewed by a sheepThe ev~dence? Photo) herder who noticed Well, the Italian word that his flock became "cappuccino" was thought to have originated from hyperactive after eating coffee beans; soon enough, the brown color of the Capuchin religious habit worn he was enjoying a caffeine buzz, too. Still, most Christians called coffee the "devil's by Father d' Aviano and others of his Franciscan order. If the friar didn't mix the first cappuccino drink" and when its popularity grew in Europe some himself, maybe it was named in his honor. priests wanted it banned. It was banned in the OttoBut the story owes more to journalistic creativ- man Empire for a short time because it was considity than to tradition. ered a satanic substance, along with tobacco, opium According to historians, the retreating Turkish and wine. After the debunking is over, it's doubtful that soldiers abandoned several hundred bags of coffee beans when they left the Vienna battlefield. The Blessed Marco d' Aviano will ever be made the paAustrians found the drink too bitter, so they added tron saint of coffee drinkers.
JUANA GARCIA joins workers and labor activists in a May Day march and rally in downtown Los Angeles. The demonstrators called for a stop to immigrant bashing, detention and deportation, and for amnesty for illegal immigrant workers. (CNS photo by Michelle Gahee, The Tidings)
Rest, therapy 'rejuvenate' pope for trips in 2003, spokesman says MADRID, Spain (CNS) - After staying home for nine months, Pope John Paul IT opened his 2003 travel schedule with a recent, short trip to Spain. Joaquin Navarro-Valls, Vatican spokesman, said that the pope was "rejuvenated" by rest and physical therapy. The pope's speech, which had been slurred and becoming more and more difficult to understand, has shown marked improvement since September. And once again, especially when meeting with young people, his public gatherings were peppered with impromptu remarks and quips in response to cheers. But the pontiff, who will turn 83 Sunday, has great difficulty walking even a few steps and stands only when he has something to lean on:
either a lectern or the railing of the moving platform aides push in liturgical processions and in getting him to and from the airplane. The Spain trip marked the first time Pope John Paul has used his new wheeled chair during a Mass abroad. The chair, which aides can raise and lower, allows the pope to celebrate liturgies while seated. The May 3-4 visit to the Spanish capital', Madrid, was the first of five likely trips this year, NavarroValls said. The Vatican has officially announced plans for a June 5-9 visit to Croatia. The spokesman said the others, in various stages of planning, include: Banja Luka, BosniaHerzegovina, in late June; perhaps Mongolia in late August; and Slovakia in September.
Pope welcomes 32 new Swiss Guard recruits, thanks corps for service
INDIAN-BORN Dhani Bachmann, a naturalized Swiss citizen, is sworn into the elite guard that protects the pope and Vatican. (CNS photo from Reuters)
VATICAN CITY - PopeJohn Paul IT welcomed 32 new recruits for the Swiss Guard and thanked them for the protection and service they offer in Vatican City. Addressing the recruits and their families in an audience before their swearing-in ceremony last week, the pontiff said their pledge to defend the pope was not an empty promise - in past centuries some of their predecessors gave their lives in service to the papacy, he said. The colorful ceremony is held each year on the anniversary of the day in 1527 when 147 Swiss Guards died defending Pope Clement vn during the sack of Rome. The new recruits swear an oath to keep
special watch over the pope and his residence. The recruits officially sworn in this year included the Swiss Guards' first dark-skinned member, Dhani Bachmann, a naturalized Swiss citizen who was born in India and was adopted at the age of five. Like others in the group, he has been serving in the guard for several months. Swiss Guard recruits are required to be Swiss citizens, unmarried Catholic men between the ages of 19 and 30, and at least five-feet eight-inches tall. They must have earned a high school degree or apprenticeship certificate and completed the Swiss military's four-month "boot camp," required of all Swiss men.
Friday, May 16, 2003'
Family Theater aims to see Gospel message accepted in Hollywood
Gastao Oliveira; $130-MIM Mario Botelho, MIM Carlos Pavao; $11 0Mary Souza; $100-M/M Duarte M William, Sylvia, M/M David Aguiar, Natividade Caetano, Mary Brown, MIM Mauric~ Manny, MIM ' Carreiro, Aurelia Ferreira, M/M Francis G. Poitrast, MIM Walter Eduardo Fonseca, MIM Antonio Oliver, MIM Glenn A. Demanche, Pimentel, Regina Silva; MIM AnMIM Fred Tavares. tonio S. Tavares. Fairhaven Falmouth St. Joseph: $1So-MIM RichSt. Patrick: $S,OOO-Rev. ard Bordas, MIM Stanley Wojcik; Francis X. Wallace; $750-Wood $110-MIM Donald LeBlanc; $100- Lumber Company; $500-M/M Joseph Begnoche, Ms. Martha Robert Dill, M/M WiUiam F. Bisaillon, Armand Cote, M/M O'Connor, Mrs. Hamilton Wood; Daniel Gomes, MIM Philip Harding, $300:-Lawrence-Lynch Corp., MIM Mrs. Susan Mosher, MIM Leslie Raymond F. Martin, John J. Trott, MIM Alfred Vincent. , Norton, Mrs. Robert Snyder, MIM St. Mary: $250-ln Memory of James Sughrue; $2S0-MIM RichRev. Matthew Sullivan, SS.CC.; ard L. Kinchla, M/M Michael J. $2OQ-MIM George Boucher; $120- Markow, M/M Armand Ortins; Miss Blanche Pepin; $100-M/M $200-St. Patrick's Council of Matthew Hart, M/M Raymond Catholic Women, Mrs. James L. Vary. .Conley, M/M Amancio Correia, Fall River Robert E. Curran, Dr/M Sam Espirito Santo: $350-lrene Donta, Dr. Edward Fitch, M/M Vasconcellos; $315-Espirito Santo Michael R. Grady, M/M Robert Confirmation Class; $3oo-Anony- Leavens, Ann E. Reeves, Mrs. Ann mous; $200-M/M Duarte Silva; Shread; $150-M/M Leo J. $120-MIM Messias Pedro; $110- Lachance, Deacon/M Patrick MIM David Jordan; $100-Anony- Mahoney; $125-MIM David Carr, mous, MIM Rigoberto Calderon, MIM Richard Lopes; $120-Jane A. MIM Jose Pavao, Mrs. Jose Sal- Hopewood; $100-Mrs. Elizabeth vador, MIM Fernando Oliveira. DeMello, Neil F. Doherty, Georgia Holy Rosary: $300-Conrad J. Doyle, MIM Charles V. Fay, Cyril Pineau It; $200-M/M Albert & Olga A. Fennelly, MIM Larry D. 0' Ambrosio; $12S-Joseph Flick, M/M Chester Frazier, In Pacheco; $100-MIM Bert Caron, Memory of Charles D. Haynes, Kathleen Costa, M/M Joseph Grace King, Mrs. Richard P. King, Guidotti, MIM Alphonse Saulino, Rosanna Lamothe, James T. John Saulino, MIM Juvencio Silva, McDonough, M/M William J. Alice Sullivan, Catherine Sullivan, McEachern, Paul McGonigle, MIM George Wrightington. Edwin Medeiros, James Nidosijko, St. Anne: $2S0-Paul R. Dion; John & Helenjean Parker, Mrs. Karl $2oo-Roger & Lorraine Richards; Prewein, Mrs. Theresa Stone, $1 oo-Lola Valcourt. Georgina Tavares, MIM William H. St. Josep'h:' $500-Atty/M Winnett, Mrs. Harold P. Woods.. Raymond Picard;$325-Chris & Hyannis Maureen Audet; $3oo-MIM RobSt. Francis Xavier: $1,Soo-Mr. ert Leonard; $2S0~M/M Daniel Charles Riley; $500-MIM Kenneth Wilkins; $175-Mr. Joseph D. Colmer, M/M David Connelly; Harrington; $160-Mr. James Ponte; $48O-Bernard Nugent, Jr.; $3OO-MI $120-M/M Thomas Corey, MIM M William Cericola; MIM Michael Edward LeBlanc, Jr.; $100-MIM Santos; $200-Mrs. Virginia ShepJoseph Gagne, Mr. Orlando herd; $1So-MIM Robert C. Kelley; Conforti, MIM Paul A. Borkman, $12S-DeaconIM Richard Dresser, Miss Julia Harrington, County Mrs. Ma~orie Chipman; $1 Oo-MIM Commissioner Arthur Machado, Joseph P. Curley, Mrs. Mary M/M Robert Ravenscroft, M/M Crimmins, Mrs. Gilbert Dailey, Mr. John T. Smith, M/M William Alfred Fournier, M/M Jo~eph Nugent, Mr. Robert Berube, Ms. Mahoney, M.L. Morrison, Capt.IM ' Christine Read, M/M James Robert O'Brien, M/M Joseph Gibney, Lucille G. Aguiar, M/M Rausch, Edward Bennett, Barbara Belisario Almeida, M/M Clifton Corcoran, MIM James Decourcy, Morrel, Jr. MIM Joseph Donahue, MIM WillSS. Peter & Paul: $250-Jo- iam Flanagan, MIM William Geick, seph Sabat; $150-M/M William M/M Thomas Giardino, M/M Tansey; $125-Wafter Bucko, Albert ' George Kovatch, Madeleine Cartier, Dr. Pablo R. Cordero, LeBlanc, MIM Thomas Loughlin, Raymond Kret; $1oo-Helen Pytel. Mrs. Kathleen Lovelette, MIMThoSt. Stanislaus: $1,500-A mas McGarry, Mrs. Jean Mitchell, Friend; $1,000-M/M Dennis Richard Mijchell, Edward Powell, Cunningham; $450-MIM Alvaro M/M Richard Roberts, Mary R. Antunes; $375-M/M John Rowell. Deveney; $350-M/M Michael Mattapoisett Souza; $300-Maria D'Alu, M/M St. Anthony: $200-Mrs. Thomas Wrobel, Rev. Mr. Frank Norman Gingrass; $1 oo-MIM WilMis, Christopher Haponik; $250-MI liam Carter, MIM John Perry. M Scott Szczupak; $226-M/M New Bedford Ronald Feijo; $2oo-MIM George Holy Name of the Sacred Pereira, In Memory of Edward . Heart of Jesus: $1 ,SOO-Rev. Cunningham; $190-Josephine & Msgr.Thomas J. Harrington; $500Mary Niewola; $175-Jan & Honora MIM James Flanagan; $300-MIM Torres; $15Ci-MIM George Wrobel; Eric Erickson; $2S0-MIM Joseph A Friend; MIM Stanley Pruchnik; S. Finnerty; $2oo-MIM John Lyons, $140-MIM Joseph Minior; $125- MIM John E. Macedo; $160-MIM Barbara Dubiel, M/M Casimir Robert Arruda, Donald Buckley, Iwanski; $11O-ln Memory of Jo- Mrs. Henry Collard; $150-Rev. seph Gromada; $1 oo-Holy Rosary DeaconIM Eugene H. Sasseville; Sodality, Stanley Rys, Jr., Emily $145-Constance Menard; $12S-MI Przewoznik, M/M Richard M Joseph Brunette, MIM Charles Gauthier. McKenna In Memory of Mary M. Santo Christo: $850-Rev. Continued on page /3
Continued from page one
Diocesan operated nursing homes are impacted. If those parings are realized then it is the funds raised during the current Appeal that must be tapped to help offset the loss in state revenues. Contributions may be made to the 62nd annual Appeal by contacting any of the 101 parishes or by communicating directly with Diocesan Headquarters at Post Office Box 1470, Fall River, MA 02722. It can be reached by telephone at 508-675-1311, or at the Website www.catholiccharitiesfallriverdioc.om路 The initial returns are as follows: HOLY CROSS Father Patrick Peyton, shown in this file PARISHES photo, founded Family Theater. (eNS photo) Assonet St. Bernard: $225-John Piekos; $100-Charles & Estelle McCarthy, Wilfred & Patricia Canto, Albert & Jacqueline Remy, Scott & Leslie Blevins, Peter & Ruth Charland, Mariano & Julia Rezendes. Attleboro St. John the Evangelist: $500-M/M Thomas Cuddy, Jr.; By ANDREW WALTHER Bing Crosby and Jimmy Stewart, to $300-Mrs. William Goff, MIM Earl CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE spread a moral message, especially D. Kelly; $2S0-MIM Edward Casey, HOLLYWOOD - Once a through radio. "Family Theater of Dr/M John Killion, M/M Edward month, across the street from one the Air," the radio show Father O'Brien; $200-M/M Richard seedy gentleman's club and beneath Peyton started, ran weekly for 22 Doherty, MIM John Dolan, Robert a billboard for another one, several years, making it the longest-running Edwards, M/M Eugene Goulet, young Hollywood professionals ' radio program in history. Family Susan Higgins, M/M Richard Marsh, Mary McBarron, Ralph enter a nondescript, cement block Theater also produces films and teleSears; $180-MIM Frank Bellomo; building that houses Family Theater vision shows. $17S-M/M Mark Cuddy; $160Productions. At the "Prayer and Pasta" meet- Elizabeth Robey; $154-John They arrive for "Prayer and . ~ngs, "the group" us~ally says the ro- McIrWre; .$150-M/M Robert Gay, Pasta," and.their mission is to,pray', .sar)r. or we will-pray fromprepared' M/M Edward Greve, M/M John , that "the message of the Gospel and ,material in a vespers kind of format," Kane, MlM Gerard Kenton, MIM the Church will be more accepted Tyree said. "It's like ta1<ing a retreat Daniel, Nolin; $140-M/M Robert in Hollywood," according to Hoiy for anight, and praying with other Haggerty; $120-M/M Victor Cross Father Willy Raymond, direc- , people who share -similar interests, ' Bonneville, Mrs. Paul Cooper, MI ' - in a sacred environment." ,tor of Family Theater'M David Foley, MIM Paul Harris; In an interview with the NatiOlial .Family Theater'also runs a.Rite $100-M/M Louis Aracri, Ann' Catholic Register, Father Raymond ofChristian Initiation ofAdults pro- Balser,MIM Thomas Carroll, MIM said that with Catholic values often gram for Hollywood professionals John Carty, MIM Charles Clarke, under attack by, the,entertainment . who want to convert or "revert" to . Adela Dudovicz, M/M Charles Falugo, Paula Flynn, Yvonne industry, he is fighting to save the Catholic faith. Barbara Nicolosi, director ofAct' Gagliardi, MIM Edward Gagnon, Hollywood's soul., He is trying to give Catholics in One, a t.raining and mentorship pro" Julie Hammond, MIM Dan Ison, the entertainment industry the spiri- gl1lm for Christian write~; directs Mrs. Ricky Liston, M/M Alfred tual support they need to be true to, the program - hosted at Family' Lortie, MIM Peter Lynch, Michael the Church in their work, and he - Theater - with the help of Father ,Morley, M/M John Mungo, M/M Richard Pimble, M/M Robert wants to embrace non-Catholics in Raymond. the industry who want to become Father Raymond agreed that the Robichaud, Roberta Tinkham, M/ M James Tower, MIM Mark ValCatholic. program is well-suited to those whose ley, Lanh Dieu Vo, M/M John "Prayer and Pasta" is a program needs "cannot be met by RCIA in Walsh, Alison Wood, MIM Leroy that brings Hollywood profession- the parish, and who share our con- Yarboro. "cems about culture and the media" als together to pray, eat and talk. St. Joseph: $300-MIM AlbertFamily Theater "is a spiritual 'The Church should be~e Dumont; $1 OO-Kevin Dumas, MIM oasis surrounded by restaurants. middle of such a situation," he saia. Victor Bianchi. night clubs and strip clubs," exAnd though some in Hollywood Buzzards Bay plained Brian Tyree, a writer and still "believe that inside every ProSt. Margaret: $200-Dona director who has attended a few of Lifer is a murderer looking to get Swinamer; $1S0-Fernanda M. the monthly meetings since they out," she said, things are getting bet- Secher; $125-Mary Fuller; $100began in 2002. ter. Father Raymond agreed. It is Esther Baker, Marguerite "On one of my first visits to Fam- starting to become "cool to be Guerrera, Eleanor Mahoney, Francis Dineen. ily Theater. the actual location struck Catholic," he said. East Freetown me as a metaphor for the industry According to Nicolosi, one key St. John Neumann: $1 ,200itself. It's an industry with a scan- to turning Hollywood around mordalous reputation, but one indi- ally is to help moral people become MIM Cornelius Murphy; $300-MIM viduaL or one company like Family professionally successful. She said Russell LaBrie; $2S0-Guy & Sarah Theater stands out, and can make a that when well-meaning people Cousineau, M/M Arthur Blais; , big difference," Tyree said. make mediocre moral movies, they $2oo-ln Loving Memory of Yvette Lorraine DeMoranville, MIM Roger Family Theater was founded in hurt their own cause. Lamy; $1S0-MIM Jose Gonsalves, 1947 by Holy Cross Father Patrick "The Church's mission is not to Peyton, known as the "rosary priest." make movies, but to give artists a MIM Peter Lafreniere, MIM Peter Gross, Ms. Jeanne Losack; $12SHe died in 1992 and is now a candi- spiritual foundation, and to help MIM Michael Conway; $105-MIM date for sainthood. them figure out their vocation," Michael Murray; $1 oo-MIM Daniel Father Peyton worked with Hol- ,Nicolosi said. What is needed, she Costa, Ms. Deidre A. Fountain, Iywood legends such as GregorY;tdded, is "a community of apostle AttyIM Donald H. Barnes, MIM RiPeck, Bob Hope, Loretta Young, artists who have their act together." chard Motta, Maurice Bruneau, MI
Friday, May 16, 2003
Sainthood ~use begins for America~ who .founded Christ Child' Society By
In her autobiography and spiritual diary, Merrick wrote, "I find I am often led away from God by the 1,000 preoccupations and interests of my family. When this happens, I should rest a while, think and pray, and God will surely come to my assistance." At her funeral in 1955 Washington Auxiliary Bishop John McNamara said, "She took her cross and out of it fashioned abridge over which she and others could walk on their way to God."
I G-HfTffi~:'~~~'l, I~
son can overcome obstacles to live out Christ's love for others WASHINGTON - A disand transform lives." Diane L. Scalise of abled Wa'shington woman who founded the Christ Chi'ld ' Scottsdale, Ariz., president of the National Society and gained national fame in the 1900s Christ Child Society, for her outreach to needy "'. '-.. praised Merrick's "devochildren may be on the tion to the Christ Child ... path to sainthood. (and her) legacy of serThe Vatican Congrevice to needy children." In a recent letter to gation for Saints' Causes notified Cardinal friends of the society, I Bibles· Books • Videos..--,.;··~', HEATING, INC. Music· Gilts • Cards ~~ , Sales and Service Theodorc E. McCarrick Scalise noted that ' 88·A Sial. Road (RI. 6), N, Dartmoulh ,,A.,,' , for Domestic and Industrial of Washington that nothMerrick's words, "Noth(508) 997,1165 • Fa, 1508), 997'01,,2,,~\~' Dp.nMon,5aI9:3IJ-5pm '-.o_~~ Oil Burners ing is too much to do for ing stands in the way in opening the cause of ,a child," are being 508-995-1631 p possible beatification brought to life with 'the 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE ~Vq}J.~,~fmT,'oI., , IfI':J and canonization of launching of a new iniNEW BEDFORD J)brff~tJ)l"!: : .~ .. ____ ' _ _ '_".;....._ .. _.;.....:.:. __ tiative, "Challenging Mary Virginia Merrick. . Merrick, known simPoverty: One Child at a PRACTICE THE DEVOTION OF THE FIRST SATURDAYS, Time," aimed at directly ply as "N).iss Mary" to AS REQUESTED BY OUR LADY OF FATIMA her friends and to the involving Christ Child 'thousands of children volunteers with at-risk On December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia she helped in her lifefamilies. (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "Announce ill my time, was partially para. The National Christ name that 1 promise to assist at the hour ofdeath with the graces Iyzed in a fall at 14. Child Society, with headnecessary for the salvation oftheir souls, all those who Oil the first quarters in Bethesda, Confined to a bed or Saturday of five consecutive months shall: wheelchair by her painMd., is one of the 1. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Communion; 3. Recite the ful disability, she • nation's oldest Catholic Rosary (5 de,cades); and 4. Keep me company for 15 minutes while founded the Christ Child nonprofit voltinteer orgal!,editating on the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the' intention of making reparation to me." " Society to serve needy MARY VIRGINIA Merrick of Washington is. niZati?ns and today has In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be children in ,~887. T~e pictured with a child served by the National anes.tlmated7,000mem-, by the words: "In reparation for the offenses preceded frai I but dyn.amlc Christ Child Society a national group she bers In 40 chapters across committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." woman established the coun.try. The letter' saying Confessions may be, made during 8 days before o~ after the settlement houses, sum- founded In 1887. (CNS photo from Catholic first SaturdaY,and Holy Communion may be received at mer camps and conva- Star:dard) Merrick's canonization eitherttle mo'rning or evehingMass on the first Saturday, lescenf farms for poor ' cause may mbveforchildren in the Washington area. "How blessed we are that the ward came from Cardinal Jose Born to a wealthy family, she cause for beatificatfon of a Saraiva Martins, prefect of the "The help receivedfrom the devoted her life to serving the woman from this archdiocese has Congregation fo.r Saints" r f'\ Propagation of the Faith is literally poor. She was well known for her approval to move forward," he Causes. He referred to Merrick V J our 'lifeline, ,,, says one seminary sanctity. In 1915 she earned the said. "Mary Virginia Merrick is as "serva Dei," Latin for "serrector in India. Although the University of Notre Dame's a true example of how one per- vant of God," which is her title f.Jl seminarians grow most of their own rT1 ;'1", \ food and their parents are able to ~ .J \~ offer some financial assistance, these students would not be able to prepare to serve their people as priests without help offered through 'the Propagation of the Faith. "Daily the By JOHN THAVIS ' The archbishop has "the right and the duty to seminarians pray for the great sacrifices made for CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE , be v.igilant over the pastoral ac'tivity carried out them, " says another rector in that cOflntry. "We VATICAN CITY - The Vatican's decision to , there," said a statement from Vatican spokesman continue to ask God to bless you and the important . ' place a local bishop in charge.of an Italian pil- Joaquin Navarro-Valls. .conrribu'tion you make toward the Church in Indi?l. " A Vatican source said officials of the Holy See, grimage complex founded by St. Padre Pio of Pietralcina has sparked an uproar among the Ca- the archdiocese and ~he Capuchin order would ~ With God's grace and your help, young men who be meeti~g to discuss details of the new arrangepuchin friars at the site. hear Christ's call to follow Him as priests may A decree last week announced that Pope John ment. But members of the Capuchin community, Paul II had named Archbis,hop Domenico respond "Yes!" well into the future. Through a Gift D' Ambrosio as a delegate to oversee the sanctu- backed by local Catholics, were not pleased. Annuity with the Propagation ofthe Faith, you can . ary of San Giovanni Rotondo and its related in- They said it seemed like "a return to darker help the future missionary work of the Church and stitutions. He was in~talled as archbishop of times" when Padre Pio',s own activities were in~enefit as well. A Gift Annuity with the Propagation ' Manfredonia, Vieste and San Giovanni Rotondo vestigate'd and temporarily curtailed by the .. of the Faith can provi~e you with income for your Vatican, decades before he was proclaimed a . the same day. 'lifetime at a favorable rate of return. Please write for The Franciscan Capuchin order, of which Pa- saint in 2002. infonnation; your inquiry will be kept 'in confidence. "The, decision seems hostile and punitive," said dre Pio was a member, has built the site into a a letter from Caplichin Father Paolo Cuvino. The major pilgrimage center that attracts more than seven million people a year to the town on Italy's letter, sent to Archbishop, D' Ambrosio and the The Society for THE PROPAGATION OF TH~ FAITH Vatican, was published 'by the Italian news' Adriatic coast. www.worldmissions-catholicchurch.org Rt;V: John E. Kozar, National Director, 366 Fifth Ave., NY, NY 10001 San Giovanni Rotondo is also home to dozens agency~ ANSA. Reverend Monsignor John J. Oliveira, V.E. 106 lllinois Street • New Bedford, MA Father Cuvino said the Capuchins recognize. of commercial and ch~ritable activities carried out o Please selld illforlllatioll 011 your Gift Alllluity Program over their pa'storal that the Vatican has authority in Padre Pio's name, including a large state-ofFor the Church in.the Missions today, I enclose.:. role and their related operations, biIt he said the the-art hospital, a television station, homes for ,0 $100 0 $50 0 $250 $10 0 Other $ _ _ the elderly and an olive-oil business. Work on a decision was made without any consultation and __ huge new church is nearing completion this without giving a reason. Name AJl/_C_"_._OS_'1_6IO_3 During Mass at the shrine a Capuchin priest spring. Address. --'-, _ A Vatican statement said the Capuchin order broke down in tears after announcing the Vatican City -'--__ State Zip _ would still run the sanctuary, but under the su- move. He was applauded by the congregation, Please reillember The Society for the Propagatioll of the Faith some of whom shouted, "Long live Padre Pio." pervision of the archbishop. _ _ _ _ _ _ II'hellll'r;t;llg orchallg;lIg YOllr Will. ---~----' CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
Laetare Medal, one of the most prestigious honors given to the nation's Catholics. She died in 1955 at the age of 88.
now. that her cause has been opened. The National Christ Child Society said a' lay advisory board to assist in Merrick's canonization cause would be named-soon. If the congregation and pope agree that Merrick led a life of heroic virtue', she will be named venerable. After one miracle -attributed to her intercession is verified, the candidate may be declared blessed. A second miracle is ordinarily require4 be'fore she can be proclaimed a saint.
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Vatican gives' bishop oyersi,ght of St. P~dre Pi.o shrine, upsets friars,
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, 'Continued from page three
Sister Madeleine Marie Scho.ol, Webster, Mass. and Cormier - Beatrice Cormier worked in the Oblate Retr~at· - Born in New Bedford, she House'in Hudson, N.H. She entered the SSJ of Fall River joined the Retirement 'Commufrom St. Joseph Parish. New nity at Mont Marie Tn 1992 and Bedford, She taught in the serves as the Goordinator of the schools of the Diocese of Fall Retirement and Formation LibrarRiver for 40 years and worked ies: 60 Years - Entered in 1943 as it homemaker in the Fall Si,ster Louis Joseph Bellenoit River Provincial for 10 years, 'She joined the Fall River Re- - Marcelle Bellenoit - Born in tirement Community in 1987 Fall River, entered the Fall River and the MO,nt Marie Retirement , SSJ from St. Jean Baptiste Par'ish, Fall River, taught school for Residence in 1992, 25 years in the Diocese of Fall ,65 Years - Entered in 1938 Sister Cecile Lafond - Sister River, and served asadministraVeronica - Born in Fall River. tor and bursar of the Fall River she entered the SSJ of Fall River Community. In 1992 she retired and taught in the schools of the' at St. Joseph Residence, Mont Diocese of Fall River for 37 years Marie where she' serves the Re-' and at Divine Heart Seminary, ' tirement Community as hairDonaldson. Indiana, She served dresser and crafts room supervi. as a school secretary at St. Louis sor. "
from page two
one woman was like radal dis- put th~ amendment on the Nocrimination, vember 2006 election ballot. . , Maggie.Gallagher, nationIt will be ·an uphill' battle: ally syndicated columnist and Legislators report being inunfamily researcher. told the com- dated with.E-mails and phone mittee tpat "marriage every- calls from opponents of MA & where is r~lOte'd in the great idea PA. According to Maria Parker, that the people who make the' MCC's associate director for . baby should take care of each Public Policy, "What is ilt stake other and the baby they have in Massachusetts is marriage . made toget~er.The fact that sex we know it. Marriage is up for between men and women grabs! We need to galvanize sometimes makes' babies is the our grassroots'. We need your great biological reality, which hefp! In the next "Few weeks, evin h~ndreds of wildly different eryone must reach his or her cultures, consistently generates state senator and stat~ representhe marriage idea." tative to urge support for marDr. Jeffrey Satinover, a psy- riage as the union between a chiatrist trained at MIT and man and a wo·man."· Harvard, told the committee People at the grassroots althat, based on "decades of re- ready have made an impact. search on fami ly structure .. , Focusing on just the committ~e every departure from the tradi- members days before the Juditional, stable, mother-father ciary hearing, MCC alerted its' fami ly. has severe detrimental MCC-Net in key districts. Calls effeots upon children." Using and E-mailsstarted«oming.in. scientific studies by gay re- persuading several members of searchers to buttress his testi- ' the committee to telegraph their mony, Satinover challenged as . support for MA & PA. , "simply fiction'" many .of the Contact your State Senator Claims he characterized as and State Representative now. "central to theargumeJit that MAIL: Hon. [your elected the definition and privileged official's first & last name] State status of marriage ought to, be House Boston, MA 02133 , E-MAIL: go to !i!:m;LL expandeo." "Marriage is up for grabs!" www.state.ma.us/legis/ for list. The Judiciary Committ,ee ing of legislators and their E· did not vote on MA & PA. The, mail addresses-it's especi~lIy hearing took, place two days important to put your home adbefore the reporti,ng deadline, dress in the E-mail. . at the same time the all-con,PHONE: Senate Clerk Ph: suming budget debate star.ted in 617:722-1276 HO'use Clerk Ph: !he House, According to news . 617-722-2356 (The clerks will reports, these constrai nts made forward phone calls to your it tough 'for committee mem- senator's and representative's hers to process the testimony offices). and reach a decision. YOUR MESSAG~: "I supAs a resu It. after the dead- .port. H. 3190, because. I believe line passed, the am'endment re-' that marriage is the union beceived an adverse report by,de- tween one man a'nd one woman. f\lult. Its sponsors, led by Rep. l·urge Sen.lRep. _ _ to vote Philip Travis, plan to move for yes on MA & PAl Letthe people a vote by the full legislature if .decide!" and when a joint session of both More information can be the, House and Semite is called found online: at" this summer. One vote this year www.macathconf.org. Your . and'another in 2005-06 would help is critical.
Friday, May 16, 2003
POPE JOHN Paul II listens as a group of violinists play at the end of his general audience recently in St. Peter's Square. The pontiff turns 83 years old Sunday. (eNS photo from Reuters)
Single, defining DloDlent? Hard ,) to find' ~ne in this papacy Those who would interpret the last 25 years through' VATICAN CITY (CNS) - On a flower-decked stage at a Rome university, an all-star cast of Vatican the l~ns of"anti:communism" ~ould misread the pope, offiCials opened what"promises to be this year's most said Bishop Rino Fisichella, rector at Lateran Univerimportant ecclesial production: the 25th anniversary sity and host of the ~onference. He noted that the pope of Pope John Paul II's election. has said his whole approach to the human person was The anniversary doesn't come around until mid- "not born on the terrain of polemics with Marxism." A journalist said communication was the key' to October, but by early May the speeches were already flowing and the analyses taking shape. The confab at this pontificate. A theologian said it was the concept Lateran University was the first of many conferences, of self-transcendence, along with the relationship beseniinars, r~)Undtables and book presentations that will tween truth and freedom. commemorate the event. . The more people talked, the more difficult it seemed The pope, who's never made. a big deal of personal to find a single d~firiing angle or perspective to this anniversaries, is planning to upstage himself by beati- papacy. This is a pope, after all, who has visited synafying Mother Teresa October 19. That's right between gogues and mosques, preached Christ as the only savthe dates marking his election, October 16, and inau- ior, ~drawn firm lines aga,inst dissentin the Church guration Mass, October 22. and excommunicated self-styled "'traditionalists." He's But others envision a big anniversary party. Vatican asked forgiveness'for Church mistakes through the being invited to centuries,yet insisted that the Church has a light and sources said the world's cardinals , Rome for the festivities, and thousands are expected dutY to pn:ss its moral teachings in modem politics. to make the trip from the pope's native Poland,' too. A survey of the last 25 years reveals many imporItaly, which considers Pope John Paul an'aaopted tant moments and many historic gestures in different son, has announced it is celebrating the "happy mar- directions. As one ~cademlc pu~ it, the perfect label riage" between the Polish pope and Italian, culture in a for this pontificate is: "Can't be labeled." Vittorio Messori, an Italian writer' and frequent series of programs to take place "in 25 cities around the world. co.mmentator on Vatican affairs, offered an insight into The Lateran University conference kicked it all off, how thi~ pope broke ·the "Italian monopoly" on the . and the place was lit up with red beanies - more than papacy. He said that when Pope John Paul was elected . a dozen cardirials and current 'and' former heads of' there was apprehension among many who believe that Vatican offices took rostrum and tried to give Pope Italians hold a special type of "papal charisma" that John Paul's papacy a focused appraisal. makes them uniquely suited to sit.on the throne of St. One initial conclusion: People can eXpeCtto hear Peter. the' words "interp~tive key to this pontificate" a lot in But as it turns out, he argued, Pope John Paul has coming months. Everyone's trying to find one; but . been t)le classic example of this "Italian" approach, with this pope it's not such a simple job. reaching out with openness to all while tenaciously - For one cardinal, the key is the pope's missionary preserVing and promoting the essential aspects of the drive. For a Polish bishop, it's his links to S1. Stanislaus, faith. This pope has known how to combine "mercy the Polish martyr. One scholar cited the P9pe's .spe- and firmness~ dialogue and dogma, modernity and tracial and early interest in married love as a central ele- dition, ecumenism and identity," Messori said. ment of this papal ministry. Others pointed to his If the three~day Lateran conference proved nothMarian devotion or his penchant for saint-making or ing else, it's that·this papacy"has produced a generahis teaching ministry as reflected in his 14 encycli- tion of Church experts skilled in explicating the cals. thoughts and writings of Pope John Paul.
Pope says he tried to take Christ's mess~ge to ail people VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope John Paul II saip an important theme of his nearly 25 years as pope has been trying to bring .Christ'sliberating message to people in all walks of life. The pope made the remarks in a meeting recently with participants in a Rome conference that aimed to review the first quarter-century of his poritificate from a variety of pastoral and theological perspectives: . I~ his short speech, the pope did not present a review of his papacy, but offered a few thematic pointers. -"In every phase and stage of my university life and pastoral ministry, one of the essential points of reference for me was attention to the'human person, who is at the center of any philosophic~l or theologi-
,cal investigation,'" he said. For that reason, he said, he found the theme of the conference appropriate: "The Church at the Service of Man." He said that 24 years ago,' in his first encyclical, "Redemptor Hominis." he emphasized that the path of the Church's mission runs through the . daily lives of human beings. . "The message of the Gospel is for every person of every. race and culture, so that it can be a beacon oflight"and salvation in the various situatiQns in which one lives," he silid. '. Vatican officials have said th'at all the world's cardinals will be invited ..,- though not formally convoked by the pope - for the 25th anniversary celebrations in Rome. No official program of events has been announced.
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Continued from page 10 Sherman, M/M Howard Ricketson;' $120-John Robinson, Jr.; $1 OO-M/ M Jose Botelho, M/M Stanley Baron, MIM Terence Beehan, M/ M Allen Bessette, Lawrence Harney, Jr., MIM John Mulligan, Mary Wilson. Immaculate Conception: $180-M/M Eduardo Borges; $150Antonio Frade; $125~MIM Manuel Sousa; $120-M/M Antonio M. Lopes; $1 OO-In Memory of Mitchell S. Jasinski, MIM Jose P. Noia, M/ M Mario Neves, M/M Edward Souza, M/M Humberto Vieira, Pinto Family, Noe Medeiros, M/M Louis Ayres, Holy Rosary Society. Our Lady of the Assumption: $100-Deacon/M Antonio M. daCruz. Our Lady of Mount Carmel: $1,500-Rev. Msgr. Antonino C. Tavares; $1,000-A Friend; $600A Friend; $500-ln Memory of Guilherme/Maria M. Luiz ·from Leonor Luiz, A Friend; $250-MIM Michael deAlmeida, A Friend; $200-A Friend, M/M Frank M. Cardoso, Our Lady of Mount Carmel's Women's Club, Cacilda Norte; $150-M/M Arthur Caetano, M/M Carlos M. Farias, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Holy Ghost Society, A Friend, M/M Hildeberto J. Sousa, Theresa Avelar Tavares; $125-A Friend, M/M Luis Pacheco; $100-M/M Paulo N. Bicho, M/M Joao S. Cabri:lI, M/M Alsuino B. Cordeiro, Daniel Felix, . Julieta Ferreira,' M/M Jos.e Figuerido, A Friend, M/M Larry Grieco, Evelyn Hendricks, M/M Carlos B. Lima, M/M Serafim Madeira, Paul George Matos, Maria Angelina Medeiros, M/M Eduardo I. Melo, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Senio!,&, MIry! Francisco Morgado, M/M Jose Custodio Nunes, MIM Antonio Oliveira, M/M Eduardo Pacheco, Ma'ria C. Pereira, MIM Luiz M. Reis, M/M Henrique Rouxinol, M/M Gilberto M. Tavares, M/M Arthur A. Vasconcellos. St. Francis of Assisi: $1 ,300Rev. Albert J. Ryan; $500-M/M Norman Bergeron;· $200-ln memory of Louis Bono; $125Monica Zygiel; $100-MIM David Cabral. $1. John the Baptist: $750Rev. Maurice O. Gauvin; $700Joseph J. Baptista; $500-Margaret Arruda, Anonymous; $300-ln Thanksgiving, In Memory of Vito Gerardi, Anonymous; $250-A Friend; $150-Anonymous, A Friend; $100-M/M Jose daSilva, Anonymous, MIM William Calvin, Maria Freitas, M/M George Vasconcellos, In Thanksgiving. St. Joseph-St. Therese: $3,000-Rev. Roger J. Levesque; $500-Anonymous; $200-Anonymous, Deacon/M. Maurice Lavallee, M/M Marc Letendre, M/ M Steven Menard; $150-M/M David Burr, M/M Antonio·Vieira; $125-Anonymous, M/M J. Rene Dufresne, M/M Henri Valois; $120-Anonymous; $100-Anonymous, . In Memory of M/M Raphael Be!il!lieu by Therese, Simone & Alice Beaulieu, M/M Jay Bowen, M/M· Maurice Galipeau, Roland Jodoin, M/M Conrad Letendre, Lucien Robert, Solange Tetre:,ault. North Attleboro St. Mark: $500-Paul & Barbara Briggs; $200-Robert &
,,' ' . , 1 ' ' '
Friday, May 16, 2003 Patricia Guillette; $150-Thomas & Patricia Gruppioni; $100-Elaine Carlos, Kenneth & Patricia Silva. North Dartmouth St. Julie Billiart: $2,000-ln Gratitude for God's Blessings; $1 ,OOO-MIM Victor Reis; $250-M/ M Joseph H. Jodoin, M/M Roger Peloquin; $200-Dr/M PaulO. . LaBelle, M/M Andrew D. Quinn, M/M John Saraiva, MIM William J. Synnott, M/M Sylvester Sylvia, M/M Scott Berger; $125-M/M Edward Sylvia; $120-M/M Gerald Crofford; $1 QO-MIM Kevin Barrett, M/M Richard H. Brown, M/M Joseph Camara, Mrs. Elaine Carolus, MIM Herman Couto, M/ M Richard DeCosta, M/M Norman Dussault, MIM John G. Gann'on, Mrs. Alice Gracia, MIM Anthony Luzzo, MIM Edward Metivier, M/ M Robert Ouellette,. M/M Robert R. Piche, MIM Alexander Phillips, M/M Orren Robbins, M/MThomas D. Sbordon, Miss Agnes Souza, Miss Isabel Souza, MIM Gilbert· Tavares, Miss Lorraine M. Vital, Mrs. Norma Winsper. . North Dighton . St. Joseph: $1 ,OOO-M(M Joseph Correia; $500-St. Joseph's Bingo; $200-Mr. Francis Torres, In Memory of Emma Milot; $150-Joseph Figlock; $125-ErneSt Fresta; $100-Robert Murr:ay, Richard Slavick, Donald Cleary, Harry J. Gurney, Ralph Charlwood, Paul Jefferson, Marc ,Murley. North Falmouth St. Elizabeth Seton: $1,000M/M George Power; $509-M/M Peter Connolly; $350-DeaconIM William Martin; $3oo-MIM Richard. LeDuc, M/M Gustav Swanson; $200-Judge/M James Nixon; $150-M/M Bernard Nee, M/M George Pelletier; $'125-M/M Donald Hassett, Mary Morris; $100-M/M. Lloyd 'Beckett, M/M James Burns, M/M William Connors, MIM Jack Howard, Dr/ M John Manning, M/M Joseph Miskell, Elise Noyes, Veronica Weidman. Norton . St. Mary: $100-Elizabeth Berry, M/M Joseph R. Daley, Edna Nelson. Orleans St. Joan of Arc: $400-M/M EClward Maas; $225-Helen Rabbitt; $2oo-DrlM Larry Hartung, John Preu, MIM Hector Robitaille; $180-Aileen O'Duffy; $150Elisabeth Rewcastle, M/M Walter Ross; $125-M/M Walter Tivnan; $100-M/M Walter Brady, M/M Raymond Caefer, M/M Donald Chenevert,'M/M Richard LeClair, Dr. Elizabeth Liddle, M/M Allen McAlpine, William Miller, Anna Morse, Peter O'Meara, MIM Richard Panuczak, MIM John Reeves, M/M Patrick Reynolds, M/M Sewell Rose, MIM Fred Sauer, M/ M William Stempsey, M/M Robert Troy, M/M Peter Wall, M/M Theodore Young. Provincetown St. Peter the Apostle: $300Jacqueline Rozza; $150-Robel1 Russell; $1 aO-John Conlon, Adam's Pharmacy, Ruth Dwyer, Ronald Lopes, Mildred Bent, Charles Lawton. Seekonk Our Lady of Mount Carmel: $860-M/M William Kearney; $800Hendricks Pools; $520-M/M Edward Martin; $500-MIM Kenneth Centazzo; $400-MIM Michael H.
John F. Gunn, Florence Elizabeth Ferreira; $200-'Mary Bell, MIM Robert Bessette, Jr., M/ McNerney, John Lyons, Harold Savignano, Anne Hunter; $100M Charles Brett, Dr/M Stephen Higgins, Gadbois Family. Mrs. R.M. Lackie, In Memory of Falco,MIMJohnHendricks;$350Taunton Juli M. Babbitt, In Memory of M/M Thomas Castle; $300-M/M Holy Rosary: $300-Michael J. Evelyn E. Gonsalves, Mary Law. Mark Canuel, M/M Jesse Tabak; $200-M/M Gilbert less, M/M Thomas Hogan, Hendricks,' M/M Peter Levesque, Mrs. Anna Sienko; Cynthia Outhouse, Florence MacDonald, Russell Vincelette; $175-JohnKearns,Jr.;$150-M/M Steemson; M/M Michael $250-MIM Thomas Kerwin, MIM Marcellus D. Lemaire; $125-M/M Galavotti, M/M Robert Mutchler, Jose Reis, M/M George Smith; John Kearns, Sr.; $100-Mrs. M/M Fred Ferioli, Mrs. Roy $230-RobertPropatier;$200-MIM Shirley Czepiel, M/M Edward Franklin, MIM Robert Anderson, Frederick Castrataro, MIM John J. Goldrick, Miss Anne Kalacznik, Marie Murphy. Wellfleet ~ Connors, M/M John Costa, M/M Mrs Stella- Leonard M/M David Andre~ Farringto~, MIM Richard Turkalo. ' Our Lady of Lourdes: $500Immaculate Conception: M/M David Gray; $150-M/M Gregoire, Susan Miller, MIM Frank· Mooney, M/M ~ohn Mulvey, Sr., $630-ln Memoryof Rey. Thomas Stanley Kuzia; $100-Nina M. M/M MIchael 0 Co~~ell, M/.M Jo- .E. O'Dea; $350-ln Memory of Anderson, M/MWiliiam I. Horigan, seph Percy, M/M Wilham QUirk, M/ Genevieve & Helen Simmons' Sr., Jane M. Lee, Janis R. Plaue, M Richard Sosebee, M/M Ronald $150-Norman Belanger; $125~ M/M Richard V. Spencer, M/M Souto, Anthony Stanzione, Margaret Sullivan; $120-Jeanne , Robert Wallace. Westport . Doreen' Studley, M/M Richard . Campbell; $105-M/M Manuel' St. George: $200-Anne Mane Veader, Mrs. Catherine Walsh; Coelho; $100-M/M Patrick . $150-M/M Peter Capello, M/M Sullivan, M/M Alfred Florence, Arruda, In Memory of Alfred Harvey Mace" M/M John Genevieve Lecuyer, Debra Arruda; $120-Michael Vincent; MacKenzie, M/M.Robert Perreira, Botellio, Mary Masterson. $100-M/M Jason Breault, M/M M/M' Kenneth Robinson, M/M St. Joseph: $800-Joseph A.. Adrien Aubut, Edward McGinn, Hobert Vandal; $125-M/M John Medeiros; $500-M/M Richard Joyce Napert, M/M Robert Sw.alCarney, M/M Richard Costa, M/ Santarelli; $275-M/M Angelo low, M/M Joseph Lavallee, LUCille M James Hall, M/M August Pinheiro; $200-Dr/M Michael Pimentel, M/M Normand Mathias, Ruth Santos, M/M Broutas; $140-M/M Alfred Ouellette. .' Randall Silveira; $120-Eliza~eth Borges; $125-M/M John Lewis; St. John the Baptist: $200Marsland; $115-Anna McAuhffe;'$11 O-Jean Garvin, Dorothy, Mary Hallene & Edward Ferreira, . $100-r~J1/M Bruce Bennett, MIry! 'Garvin,MIMRobertMartin;$100~ Denise Toohey; $125-M/M Paul Bllo~e.au, M/MJames Blythe, Ann Levesque, Mrs. Therese Edmund Thadeu; $100-Dr. M/M William Carden; Mary Santos. . Deborah Almeida, Virginia King, Ca~tino, M/M Jose~h C?st~, Joan St. Paul: $400-M/M Bruce M/M David Latinville, MIM Donald Creighton, ~nn ~aneD AmiCO, M/ Young; '$325-M/M Johl1 Dubena; McCarthy, Agnes McCloskey, M Mark DIPetnllo, M/M James $300-M/M Peter Lamb; $200-MI Mary Silveira, M/M Joseph Costa, Drapeau, R.uth D.upere, M/M M Robert Bianchi, M/M Allan Francis Toohey. . . Norman Gahm~~rtl, M/M Alfred Colleran, Richard Hooben; $12.5George, M/M Wilham Hean~x, M/ Virginia McCormack; $105-M/M OUR LADY'S' M Gary Jones, M/M William Joseph Mastromarino' $100-. Carol Baxter-Green: M/M Kaczouka, MIM MatthewKeen~n, RELIGIOUS STORE John Korkuc, Margaret Lea~ltt, Rudolph Bessette, MIM Richard Mon. - Sat. 10:00 - 5:30 Vera Maced~, Ernest Mansohllo,' Brennan, MIM Edward Castle, Sr., PM M/M Valentlm Mendes, M/M M/M Timothy Clish, Carolyne GIFTS Harold Messenger, M/M Edward Corliss, Gertrude Dermody, MIM Mota, M/M Samuel Mulholland, Brian Friary, MIM Frank Peloquin, CARDS Anna Murtha, Manuel C?rm~:>nd~, M/M Vincent Ring. BOOKS Alice Pickett, M/M DaVid Pltassl, Wareham M/M Kevin Rabbitt, M/M Alfred St. Patrick: $1 ,500~Rev. Raymond, Jr., M/M James Rob- Arnold R. Medeiros; $500-Mrs. erts, M/M Joseph Rose, M/M Claire Gordon' $250-Kenneth &' 936 So. Main St:. Fall River David Sanders, Seekonk Oil Cor' , poration, Amelia Silva, M/M Anthony Silva, MIM Carlton Skinner, Eucharistic; Holy Anthony Soboda, M/M Edward Hour and devotions Squier, M/M William Toole, MIM to Our Lady of Sales And Service James Torres, M/M Joseph D. LaSaiette and Tremblay, MaryTurcotte, Florence Fall River's Largest Turner, Mrs. George Wood, MIM Divine Mercy are held Display of TVs John Machado, Jane Barker, M/ every ~ednesday M Curtis Young. evening at .~: I 5 p.m. . South Dartmouth ZENITH • SONY , St. Mary: $500-Rev. Terence in the Shrine Church F. Keenan, M/M G. Aloert Roy; 1196 BEDFORD ST. at LaSaiette Shrine $150-Miss Olivia M. Luiz, Mrs. FALL RIVER 941 Park St•• AHfeboro Theresa Almeida; $100-M/M Jo508-673-9721 seph Cherry, M/M Edward Barros, Dr/M Mark Ventura,. Barbara, O'Hara: The Franciscans Swansea Immaculate Conception Province St. Dominic: $175-M/M (OFM) Harvey Lenon; $1 OO-Frank Flynn, Vocation Director: M/M Henri' A. Brodeur. St. Louis de France: $600Hr. Charles Gingerich, ofm M/M Normand Lecomte; $1 OO-M/ Email: Charles848@aol.com M Louis F. Aguiar, M/M Gerald E. Web Site: , Costa, MIM Armand A. Gal,lthier, WWW.FRANCISCANVOC.ORG M/M Joseph Pereira. ' St. Michael: $1,000-Hev. 1-800-521-5442 (days) Philip N. Hamel; $200-Joseph 1-8&8-521-5442 (evenings) Bushell, Hugh Kenworthy; $175918-863-0042 Alfred Mello; $150-Louise 918-863-0041 (evenings only) Cochrane; $130-Stephen Malo; . FAX: 918-863-0112 $120-Daniel Azevedo, Arthur USA Turcotte; $100-Fall River Electri459 River Road, cal Associates Company, Inc., Andover, MA 01810·4213 . Manuel Silveira, Michael J. 'McGee, Joseph D. Santos, CANADA 2210 Lawrence Ave. East George Bedard, Ronald Fontaine, Toronto ONT. MI P 2P9 Ronald Gomes, Robert F. McConnell, Blanche Prevost, o
Eastern Television
School volunteer wins award
Friday, May 16, 2003 "
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,FALL IHVER - The New "Ten years ago, Santos' husEngland Association of Catholic band Antonio, was diagnosed Develop'ment Officers recently with multiple sclerosis and over', awarded Libelia Santos. a volun- the past five years his.c;ondition teer at Espirito Santo Scho'ol, has deteriorated," said Bolton; with The Volunteer Distinguished "but she continues to volunteer at. the school for every fund-raising Service' Award. "Santos has becn a parcnt vQI- activity and school sponsorcd , unteer in our Catholic school. for event. We applaud San(os for hcr thc past 25 ycars," said Mary F. commitment and dcdicationto the Bolton. principal ofEspilito Santo students, staff and operation of School. "Shc displays a passion Espirito Santo' SchooL" and dcdication fer our school'and NEACDO is a local nctwork its studcnts," said Bolton.Shc is of professionals ancl voluntccrs 'an example of someonc who is who staff thc development pro"living her Catholic faith," added' grams of Catholic schools around lhe principal. . New England. Members include Santos volunteers on Tuesdays principals, dircctors, alumni, 'adas a librarian. Other days one missions and pubiic relations might find her answering phones;' . staff, pastors, school board merri~ ... assisting teachers or helping in the bel'S and volunteers. Its fall. conSECOND-GRADERS from Cristi~a Raposo's class at St. Anthony School, New Bedford, lunchroom. A.ccording to Bolton ference will be held October 9 9t display baptism projeCts they did during a recent lesson. Th~ir storyb<;>ards included pictures it would b~ hard to clock all the the College of the Holy Cross. For ~nd symbols of the sacrament. . . hours that Santos has given to the' 'more. il}formation call 'Matt school. ' F i t z s i m o n s at 617-469-80.00.
, SAMANTHA CARBERRY of Notre Dame School,' Fall River, weighs vegetables at'Stop and Shop Supermarke.t for a school project. It involved students doing extra chores and using extra moneY,to purchase groceries for families that are ,': less fortunate. Fellow classmate, ChristiniaLambertson looks over produce in the background. . ~ " r---~-----";---
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NEIL LOWE of Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, holds a plaque he ' received from the Catholic School Counseling Association as the 2003 "Guidance COunselor of the Year." He was chosen from more than ,100;, entries and has been a member of the school's 'fac- , ulty fo'r more than 3.5 years.
SIXTH-GRADERS Patrick Gouveia, Chantalles Chaves and Taylor Bolarihho (above) of Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, New Bedford, display maps and diagrams of the . eff~cts of eutrophication on plant and animal life in rivers and lakes. It was part of ,a group project' in 9cience class .. At, left, Brittney Ferreira, -Adam 'DeFrias and Elias Lagesse prepare to share their findings with classmates.
the anch~
Friday, May 16, 2003
St. Anne's School teacher naIDed Teacher of the Year By MIKE GORDON ANCHOR STAFF
FALL RIVER - Fifth-grade teacher Sandra Bernier cried at a recent assembly at St. Anne's School, but not because she was sad. Bernier had just leamed that she was named a Wal-MaJt 2003 Teacher of the Year earning her school a $1,000 award from the retail chain. "l am speechless," declared Bernier when she was called to thQ stage by Principal Felipe Felipe. "l thought the bishop was coming. I am so surprised!" She and other teachers from the school gathered for a 9 a.m. assembly with students and staff from the Fall River school not knowing what was in store. Principal Felipe then summoned sixth-grader Kyle Moniz to the stage to read an essay he had written in which
he nominated his fifth-grade teacher, from the year before, for teacher of the year. That teacher was Bernier. In the letter Moniz called Bernier an "inspiration for all her students," and someone who had a way with teaching. Moniz recalled that he had struggled through fourth grade and over the summer was not looking forward to entering fifth grade because he had received poor grades that year. His confidence was down, but a new teacher changed all that. "She had a way with teaching," wrote Moniz. "Mrs. Bernier always had a smile on her face and the doors were always open for extra help or if you just needed a friend to talk to. She taught us to believe in ourselves." Wal-Mart Good Works Coordinator Chris Gillette, of the Fall River store, 374 William
2003 TEACHER of the Year Sandra Bernier says a few words to students and staff at St. Anne's School, Fall River. From left are: Wal-Mart Good Works Coordinator Chris Gillette; Bernier; store manager John Wayne Bennett; nominator Kyle Moniz; and Principal Felipe Felipe. (Anchor/Gordon photo)
KYLE MONIZ, a sixth-grader at St. Anne's School, Fall River, shares a moment with his mother Kim and pastor Father Barry W. Wall of Holy Rosary Church before reading his Teacher of the Year essay. His nomination earned fifth-grade teacher Sandra Bernier the title of teacher of the year and $1,000 for the school. (Anchor/Gordon photo)
S. Canning Blvd., said the nomination from Moniz stood out because "he was already路 out of the grade and in junior high." Bernier was chos~n frQm 42 among local nomina- . tions and now will be eligible to be named Teacher of the Year for Massachusetts. Should she win that honor and a $5,000 award, she would go on to the nationals. She received a bouquet of flowers, a plaque, a blue Wal-Mart vest that reads "2003 Teacher of the Year," and $1,000 for her school. "I love these kids and that was a wonderful class I had last year," said Bernier. "It was a pleasure teaching them." Gillette said suppOlting education is something very important to Wal-Mart because "teachers are very important people." She went on to say, "They do so much for our children. This is an opportunity to give back to them and to our schools."
Store manager John Wayne Bennett, who presented an oversized check to Bernier, was impressed with the enthusiasm that all students showed the fifth-grade educator. "It'~; an awesome feeling to do something so posi路 tive like this," he declared. "We are very proud and excited abollt this," said Principal Felipe. "The studenls love her and respect her." Kim Moniz beamed as she sat next to l1l'r son before he read the nomination essay. She was very proud of Kyle and called Bemier;1 "phenomenal teacher." As students went back to their classes, teacher and student stood and talked and one could see that Bernier left an impression on the sixth-grader. "She is a good friend as well as our teacher," asserted Moniz. "She's a really good friend to everybody."
Am I doing what God wants 路me to do?路 By EFFIE CALDAROLA CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE He told me about waking up from a sound sleep, sitting upright in bed and thinking, "I should be a pl;est." This happened to him four or live times over the course of two or three years, despite the fact that he really wasn't giving a priestly vocation much thought during the daytime. He didn't know what was causing these wake-up calls. But tinally he thought, "I better check this out." And after seven years at Mt. Angel Seminary in Seattle, Scott GalTetl is about to be ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Anchorage. Wouldn't we all love to hear a message so loud and clear that it insistently wakes us up from a
sound sleep? Whether we're trying to discern a vocation to the priesthood or agonizing over which college to choose, we'd love to get that clear sign from God. The Archdiocese ofAnchorage, where I live, has two seminarians being ordained this spring. That may not sound like a lot if you live in Chicago or New York, but for Anchorage it's a jackpot. Like most places nowadays, Anchorage greatly needs priests. We don't have a large Catholic population - around 30,000. But we're spread over an area more than twice the size of Washington state, and many of our 14 rural parishes are remote, and some are inaccessible by road. And out of 16 diocesan priests, only nine are actively working in the archdiocese, supplemented by priests from religious orders or
other dioceses. That means the ordination of two priests is like finding a new well on dry land. The other man to be ordained,
Tom Lilly, had what you or I might consider a more typical "call." Tom was in his mid-30s and happy in an Air Force career he planned to see through to retirement. But something tugged at him. "Am I doing what God's calling me toT' he found himself asking. Am I doing enough? He didn't want to just "mark time" and let
the years pass by, he said. Finally, he too decided to give the seminary a try. Both men said their time of indecision came before they entered. Once in the seminary, they didn't look back. When Scott and Tom had their experiences of feeling called, they went to people they respected and shared what they were hearing. They also noted what people were saying about them. Both of them were active in their parishes and heard people say, "You would make a good priest." They realized that this might be another way that God was speaking tp them. Tom and his parish priest both told me that the paJ'ishioners themselves contributed to Tom's discernment. "My call was validated by a praying commllnity," Tom said.
The high school and college years are times of tremendous thought about "what comes next." Sometimes we hardly know where to begin. Few of us will be fortunate enough to be awakened from a sound sleep with a ready answer. It's good to listen to those insistent desires in our hearts or those nagging questions at the back of our minds. It's good to hear friends, parents and teachers when they tell us what they perceive to be our gifts. Experts tell us that today's kids probably will go through two or three careers in their lifetime. Maybe that means the priesthood or religious life is somewhere in your future. But no maller what lies ahead, keep Tom Lilly's question alive in your heart: "Am I doing what God's calling me to'?"
Exhibit at Knights' museum pays tribute to pope's peace efforts
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The story of the, Apostles: Jude Thaddaeus
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (CNS) Also on display are: a rosary - "John Paul II: A Passion for made by hand from iron nails by irnPeace," the latest featured exhibit . prisoned members ofPoland's SoliBy JOHN HEIRD at the Knights of Columbus Mu- darity labor movement; a little lamp The next Apostle on our Journey of the seum in New Haven, explores the used by the pope at the interreligious Twelve is Jude Thaddeus, who is also known . pontiff's ceaseless efforts to bring day of pmyer for peace in Assisi in as Judah, Trionius (man with three names, as peace to all people and nations of 2002; and a miniature of a Gdansk, the world, especially during his Poland,'moriumentput.uP after the designated by St. Jerome) and Judas, dependlong pontificate. . .collapse of cbrimiunism in Poland. ing on which language (Greek, Hebrew or In an interview about the exhibit, The side-by~side scenes of, the Latin) you are reading. Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson. Nativity and the Last Slipper, elaboTo make matters more complicated, this disnoted that the pope himself has de- rately carved mit' of mother-ofciple is also referred to as "Labbaeus whose scribed how he " ,pearl; were a gift surname is called Thaddaeus" (Matt. 10:3) and came to know the from, Palestinian simply Thaddaeus in Mark's Gospel and Ju.National Authorhorrors of war, das, the brother of James, in the Acts of the terror, and opity Chairman Apostles. pression "from Yasser Arafat.. It Once again we are faced with within," by living is a reminder of the challenge of studying an under the totalithe 'Prince of Apo~tle about which there is tarian systems of Peace's birth and little known except Nazism and a vivid rememhis name. As with brance . of the communism. past disciples, even pope's neverHe noted that that is a point of PbpeJohnPaul's ending efforts to controversy. There passion for peace bring peace to the is even a dispute as come1i from, Middle East. to whether the Greek above all, his Some objects "Judas of James" identity as a recall terrible priest. times during means son or brother in The show acwhich Pope John its designation. Just to cents key moPaul cried out the keep it from being too ments through message of easy, one more ingredithe years with peace. The soment in the stew is that photos, text and ber gray-whitethere are two other dissome artwork black painting ciples with the same name and religious obcalled "De in Greek: "Judas called jects, mostly gifts Profundis" deIscariot" and "Jude." (Who said given to the pope picts shadowlike Bible study was easy?). for his peace effigures carrying He has one cameo appearcrosses over a forts. ance in the Gospel of John Photos are field of snow. (Chapter 14 at the famous Last:- '" They are Poles projected as wallSupper). There the writer is careful to make size pictures in being deported to sure that the reader does not confuse Jude with Siberia,andinthe the museum's Judas Iscariot (John 14:22). But since we don't two feature galmiddle of them know who the James ("brother/son of' in Acts) leries. On a powalks Christ caris, let's just refer to him as Jude Thaddaeus,. THIS 1984 sculpture by PoI- rying a cross. dium sculpted disciple of Jesus. An arresting like an open ish artist Jan Smigacz depicts So what is the story on this Apostle - anbook, the pope's Jesus Christ, his body pierced sculpture of a 'other one that is barely mentioned in the Bible? statements appear by'a missile and his face con- pierced Christ by As true with the rest, it is a fascinating story. phmse by phrase t' rt d' . h C ed f Jan Smigacz was as "picture 0 e In angUis. arv rom given to the pope The Apocryphal Gospel of the Ebionities, repages" tum. The a tree ~ranch, the work captures in 1984. In this. ferred to by the early Church father Origen, phrases include: the pain and horror of war. (CNS unpainted wood narrates that St. Jude was among the disciples "Truth will build photo courtesy Knights of Co- sculpture, Christ that received the call at the Sea of Tiberius. peace." "Justice lumbus Museum) cries out in agony In another ancient text, Jude was identified will build peace." as he is pierced to be of the house of Joseph, yet another idenentirely through by a missile. "Freedom will build peace." :tifies' him,withthe' house of Judah. But if he A major sculpture titled "The , , , Huge photos change to highlight were the son of James the Greater, then he , .' Pope.. John Paul saying outdoor Papal Farnily" by Anneta Duveen : would be of the lineage of Judah. The apocry, ' Mass for 'hundreds of thousands, was unveiled at the show's openphal book, The Acts of St. Peter, indicates that , meeting with world leaders in the ing. It depicts a very young Karol . St. Peter assigned Jude to be in charge of "the name of peace and praying the ro- Wojtyla with his mother, Emilia, Island of Syria and Edessa." This, however, is and father, Karol Sr. sary in the Canadian woods. A single line of snapshot-sized The family, appearing as three " a result ofa serious corruption of the text since photos on one wall recalls the pon- busts, will be displayed at the John,:. there is, no "Island of Syria." Damascus, the capital.of the inland country of Syria, has been tiff visiting Our Lady of PaulII Cultural Centerin Washing-. Czestochowa shrine in Poland and ton, after this exhibit ends Oct. 1. . described as an' '~island of green" in some an, cient texts (because of the rich oasis area), so Rome's main synagogue; hosting Greeting visitors in tqt< . the fi,ist interfaith prayer day for museum's spacious lobby is a dis~ . this could, be a, resolution to the controversy. ,Also there is abundant tradition that places St. peace in Assisi, Italy, in 1986; and play with a single piece of statiO, greeting a crowd of five million in nery. It bears a single sentence the ' Jude in Ectessa, a'ieading city of ancient Ar. . 'Manila, Philippines. pope wrote specifically for this ex-: , menia. " The Vatican has loaned some hibit: "As long as I have breath . All Christian traditions indicate that Chrisitems connected with the pope's within me I shall cry out: 'Peace, tianity was preached in Armenia by Thaddaeus peace efforts to the exhibit. One ar- in the name of God.'" and Bartholomew, and the accepted chronoltifact is a large bronze lamp that he More information about the exogy states that St. Jude ministered there for lighted at Sarajevo's Cathedral of hibit is available by calling the mueight years (35-43 A.D.). Tradition also indithe Sacred Heart in 1997. seum at (203) 865-0400.
cates that St. Jude spent the years 43-66 A.D., and was joined there :by Bartholomew in the year 60. According to Armenian tradition, Jude Thaddaeus became the first patriarch of the Church. One very attractive legend has Abgar, king of Edessa, corresponding with Jesus, inviting him to come to that'land to escape the persecutions in Palestine: Jesus reportedly replied that he must stay in Jerusalem to fulfill "all things," but after he is taken into heaven,. he would send a disciple to minister to them. The story goes on to say that Thomas sent Thaddaeus to Edessa, where he preached the Gospel and healed many people, including the king. The fact that he traveled and ministered in the barren and dusty lands for the Gospel's sake is enough to inspire us to somehow live the Gospel in our lives in the modern world. Happy Digging!
Ask Dr. Dig: Any idea what the "Tree of Life" was in Genesis 2:9? -James Dear James, If you mean, was it an oak, elm or apple tree? No, not really. In ancient writings that phrase usuafly means a full and happy life on earth and, by extension, per.'," petuallife. Dr. John Heirdis a Bible historian and archaeologist. He is a writer and lecturer on biblical backgrounds and the development director for the Diocese of Little Rock. Write him at drdig@lampcom.com.