• ,
Appeal Total Reaches $425,655 Figure Is Two-Thirds of '62. Record
The ANCHOR Fall River, Mass., Thursday, May 16, 1963
Vol. 7, No. 20 ©
PRICE lOc $4.00, per Year
1963 The Anchor
. The' 1963, Catholic Charities Appeal total edged up today to $425,655-a figure which is a little more than two-thirds of the $630,103 contributed last year when a new record high mark was established. "Success seems assured this year," Lay Chairman James F. Mooney Jr. stated today, declaring "returns are continuously arriving from both parish and special gift sources." Twenty at the area meetings has past, is again leading all par per cent of the 110 parishes made proved to be the focal point for ishes in total contributions with from Mansfield to Province the degree of success attained.' a figure of $18,640. town have already surpassed Parish after parish has reported St. Lawrence's parish in New
previous record totals, Mr. Mooney reported. "And it is this sustained strength of contri'bu .tions that give positive indio cation of a very successful 1963 Appeal," the Lay Chairman declared. "The strength of the Appeal has been equally divided. Good increases have been received in Special Gifts anti a large group of Parishes is definitely headed for the Honor Group. The re sults of the intensive emphasis on ten dollar contributions
large increases i'i this category. 'Mixed with a much deserved commendation for the work of al' solicitors is a request that all late returns be made at once. This will enable us to establish the final total in a very quick manner. Headquarters will be open to receive and to tabulate all re turns for several more days."
Holy Name parish in Fall River, which has annexed first place honors many times in the
Bedford is in second position in the latest standing of parishes announced at Catholic Charities Appeal headquarters today with St. Francis Xavier of Hyannis in third place. St, James of New Bedford and Sacred Heart of Fall River round out the top five in to day's tentative standing of parishes. The 20 parishes which have already achieved new records in contributions are listed OD Page Two of this issue.
Msgr. Hamel 'Heads Fall River Pa'rish Bishop
The Most Reverend Bishop today announced the av· pointment of a pastor, the transfer of an assistant, and the first assignments for two newly-ordained priests.
Rt. Rev. Henri A. Hamel, a coionel in the Air Force now serving a;l InspeCtor Chaplain (.}eneral of the Air Force Com ~~nd and Staff Chaplain MATS at Scott Air Force Base, 111., has been: appointed pastor of St. Jean Baptiste C h u r c h, Fall River, succeeding, the late Rt. Rev. M.P,L. Lariviere who died on :(\'Ia;y. 2. Msgr. Hamel's ap pointment is effective on June · '1 w'hen he returns frl;>Ill the Air MONSIGNOR HAMEL F~J,'ce. , ... " ':. , . :.-._.-.-.' . "Rev, Daniel Mop~rty;' ~s.:. si~tant at St.. Mary's Ca'~h~.ral .....'. in F'all' River i.s transferred' 'to ~ .-, st. Mary's Church; No. Attle .{';~ ~ -~. boro as an assistant. , The' Bishop has also assigned the two priests whom he or dained on May 11, with Rev. The Provincial of the Sis ters of the Holy Union of Edmund A. Connors assigned to ¥ary's Church, New Bedford, the Sacred Hearts, Mother St. and Rev. Robert J. Laughlin as-. Mary William, S.U.S.C. has signed to Our Lady of Angels .nnounl;:ed that Sister Therese Church, Fall River. These ap Aflna, S,U.S.C., formeriy princi pointments of the three as pal of St. Mary's High School, sistants are effective Wednesday, '. Taunton, has received a full six May 22. ':~. 'Wee k scholarship, including Father Connors replaces Rev. room, board and tuition,to Ox .': " ford University, England for the . James A. Clark whom ,the Bish op has released from diocesan· ~:,,,,,. Guming Summer session. work to serve as Assistant t)j .'...... is candidate for a doc ; :. tprate 111 hIstory at Boston Col-' rector of the Latin America ,. lege where she has been ona . . . .iI, teaching fellowship for the past ''''.~ • two years. ~: She also was a recipient of a ~, • E:oe Foundation Fellowship in ~-t'. American Studies in the Sum li.'!.• ,~ mer of 1961. ~~~ '.' ·Sister will sail' for England Friday, June 21, and after the ".'<\~.' Summer session will continue St. James parish in New ~ •• >'ber research at Cambridge Uni .~. '.'.. _~:.' . 'versity and in London. She will Bedford will mark the dia '.: ~ fly back Sept. 15 in time to re mond jubilee of the founding o'; ..•..~ume her teaching at Boston of the parish on May 26 .' eollege. with a Solemn High Mass and. a banquet. Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall River, will pre side at the 4 o'clock afternoon Mass which will be celebrated by Rt. Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher, pastor. Most Rev.' James·J. Ger rard, Auxiliary Bishop, will preach the sermon. Bishop Ger rard is a native of St. James parish: Rev. Edward C. Duffy will be deacon at the Mass and Rev. · Thomas E. O'Dea will be sub 'deacon. Rev. Albert F. Shovel ton will direct the choir. Rev. William A. Donaghy, S.J., former Holy Cross College Pres ident now assigned, at Boston College, will be the principal speaker at the jubilee banquet which will be held at 6 in the Kennedy Center, New Bedford.
·.' I ':~.'
""-a.. .
Brilliant 'Record Merits Oxford. Scholarship
Siste~ ~
'Retiring Air Force Colonel Bureau of the N.C.W.C., Monsignor Hamel,' son of Mrs. Washington. Anna M. Bouchard Hamel, 1059 The new pastor of St.•Jean's, . No. Main Street, F'all River, and the late A.delard Hamel, was born in Fall River and educated at St. Mathieu . School, Fall River, and the Seminary of Joliette, Canada. He studied phi losophy and theology at St. Ber nald's Seminary, Rochester, N'.Y.' .
Charges Catholic Aim Is To Ruin Public Schools
CINCINNATI (NC) - A Protestant minister accused the Cathoiic Church here of trying to thwart the Consti-·
Following his ordin'ation by the late Bishop Cassidy on June 15, 1935, Msgr. Hamel spent the Summer at Cathedral Camp, tution and wreck the public East Freetown, and in October schools. went to St. Anthony of Padua ,Dr. G. Barrett Rich, pastor of Church,. New Bedford, as an as New York's FourthPresby·terian ' sistant where he remained until church gave a talk. here spon he' entered the Chaplain Corps sored by the local chapter. of of the U.S. Army tn February, Protestants and Other Americans 1942. He served ,with the Army FATHER MORIARTY, ' United." ' .. iii the European theater during The forqter Cincinnati pastor, World' War II arid then served tie Prelate' with the title of
who was one of the founders of in- Alaska' and the Aleutian Right Reverend MonsignOf' ia,
October of 1960, with the in the-Cincinnati POAUchapter, Islands. Msgr. Hamel then trans Turn to Page Three told several hundred listeners ferredto the Air Force. He that: served as Deputy Staff Chaplain "The Catholics are demanding of the Air Force in Europe and' has also held the posts of Deputy Turn to Page Three Staff Chaplain for the Training
Command at Scott Air' Force Base, Deputy Air Force Chaplain for the Far East, and Staff A Pontifical Requiem Mass Chaplain of the Atlantic Divi-' for the repose of the soul of Commencement exercises sion of MATS. the late Most Rev. James E. at Stonehill College will be Cassidy, D.D.. Third JJishop At the request of Francis Car
of Fall River, will be sung dinal Spellman, Military Vicar held on Sunday, June, 2.
Right Rev. John Tracy Ellis, by the Most Reverend' Bishop for the Armed Forces of the Professor of Church History at tomorrow morning- at 10 in St: United States, and with th~ ap Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, proval of the Most Reverend the Cat hoi i c University of on the twelfth anniversary: 01 Bishop, Pope John elevated the America in Washing,ton, D.C., Bishop Cassidy's death. . will address the 140 students chaplain to the rank of Domes who will receive their degrees. The baccalaureate services for the class will be. held on satur ckiy, June 1, with Right Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros, S.T.D., . Chancellor of the Diocese of Fall River, as the baccalaureate sp,eaker.. During the graduation exer cises, honorary degrees will be The Jesuit educator is a native early days of St.' James Church, conferred upon Monsignor Ellia of St. James parish. were the first baptism of John Turn to Page Three Events which highlighted the McCullough; the first marriage, that of James McNeeley and Ann Lotus; formation of Sunday School classes; organization of the Father Clark Sewing Circle and the first confirmation, ad ministered by Bish?p Harkness. On May 15, 1890 breaking of the ground for the new church took place and on Oct. 25, 1891 Bishop Harkness laid the corner stone of St. James Church in the presence of more than 10,000. Into the cornerstone box wer,e placed records showing that Leo XIII was Pope; Benjamin Har rison president of the United States; William E. Russell gov ernor of Massachusetts; Oharles S. Ashley mayor of New Bedford and Rev. James F. Clark pastor of the church. Father Noon was appointed assistant in 1900, a year pre ceding Father Clark's silver BISHOP GERRARD . MONSIGNOR MEDEIROa Turn to Page Seven
New Bedford, Parish to Observe . Diamond Jubilee on May 26
Stonehill To Give Six Honorary Degrees
Special Gifts
THE ANCHOR-·Diocese of Foil Ri"er-Thurs., May 1.6, 1963 o
~ational $2,500 Maginnis ~ Walsh & Kennedy $1,000 First National Stores Inc.
Diocese of Fa II River
Rt. Rev. Joseph C. Canty
Mrs. James Reynolds, Thomd J. Rush. Pasquale Cavalieri & Sons Chabot Bros.' Monarch Machine Works Ine. Hi-Lo Market Tondreault Auto Sales
Rt. Rev. Henri A. Hamel
$250 .
Rev. Francis X. Wallace
Rt. Rev. Henri A. Hamel, Chaplain (Colonel), U.S. Air Force, to St. Jean Baptiste Chur~h, Fall River, as pastor. Effective Friday, June 7, 1963.
Rev. Daniel F. Moriarty, assistant at St. Mary's Cathe dral, Fall River, to St. Mary's Church, No. Attleboro, as assistant. Effective Wednesday, May 22, 1963.
Bishop of Fall River
The fifteen leading parishes of • the Diocese are: Holy Name, $18,640.00 Fall River St. Lawrence, 13,518.25 New Bedford St. Francis Xavier, 12,655.50 Hyannis 'St. James, 12,644.00 New Bedford Sacred Heart, 10,784.50 Fall River St. Mary, 9,848.00 No. Attleboro 9,565.00 St. John, Attleboro Mt; Carmel, New Bedford 8,984.95 St. Joseph, 8,235.72 New Bedford St. Thomas More, 7,951.00 Somerset Immaculate Conception, No. Easton 7,81 9.25 Holy Name, 7,685.00, New Bedford St. Mary, Taunton 6,875.25 St. Mary, Fall River 6,749.00 St. Patrick, Wareham 6,649.00
Necrology MAY 1'7 :Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, D·.D., 1951, Third Bishop of Fall River; 1934-51. . ,. MAY 19 Rev: Ambrose Lemarre, O.P:, 1940, Dominican Priory, Fall River. Rev. Thomas Trainor, 1941, Pastor, St. Louis, Fall River.' , MAY2G Rev. Antone L. da Silva, 1952, Pa:stor, Our Lady Of Health, Fall River. . , MAY 23 Rev. William F. Donahu~, 1944, Assis,huit, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis.
May 19-5t. Casimir, New .Bedford. Villa Fatima, Taunton May 23-Mount St. Mary's Convent, Fall River. Convent of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts, Fall River. Convent of the Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven. May 26--St. Mathieu, Fall River. St. Kilian, New Bedford. ',June 2--8t. Teresa's Convent, Fall River. . St. Joseph, Taunton. Holy Name, Fall River. June 9--SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River. LaSalette Shrine, 4-ttle.., boro. St. Mary, Mansfield. Our Lady of Purgatory. New Bedford.
Mass Ordo FRIDAY-St. Paschal Baylon, Confessor. III Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Preface Of Easter. SATURDAY - st. Venantius, Martyr. III Class. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Pre face of Easter. SUNDAY-V Sunday After Eas ter. II Class White. Mass Pro per; Gloria; Creed; Preface &f. Easter. MONDAY-St. Be):nardine of Siena, Confessor. TIl Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Preface of Easter. TUESDAY-Mass C)f previous Sunday. IV Class. White. Mass. Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Pre face of Easter. WEDNESDAY-Vigil of Ascen sion. II Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Pre face of Easter. THURSDAY-Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; Preface and Communi earttes of Ascension. ' Holy Day of Obligation. (In the principal Mass the Paschal Candle is extinguished).
$125 $100
Superior General Visits Houses In Diocese
Henry Systermans, SS.CC.; Su perior General of the Congre-, gation of the Sacred Hearts. Father Systermans arrived in Fairhaven from Rome last week to conduct the visitation of the United States Province. Follow ing his stay in this Diocese he will visit other communities of his Congregation in the Arch dioceses of Washington and Los Angeles and the Dioceses ot. Manchester, Rochester, Colum- ' bus and Winona. Father Systermans, a Belgium and the sixth Superior General of the Congregation since its founding in ,1800, has char~e of , 2,025 priests and brothers iil 29 countries. ' . Father Systermans has ,recent ly visited other areas which are part of the United States Prov ince-Ireland, Japan, and Abaeo in the Bahama Islands.
Set New Mark
c. Po HARRiNGTON Tel. OS 3-2271
OS 9·6072
Licensee. Funeral Director
and Regislered Embalmer
Licensed Funeral D'irector
Registered Embalmer.
FAll IIVEI 5-7"
M. H. Gerritt & Co.
Thomas. W. Reed Co.
Rev. Cornelius P. Murray
Tracy Smith Company
Dominican Tertiaries
North Attleboro $1500
Creed Rosary Co.
Beauchaine's Inc.
J-oseph Rioux
Swift & Fisher
Mrs. Eva Morin
$10 A & L Polishing Co., A & M Tydol, Inc., Peter J. DiRenzo- Home Town Motors, Earl C. Fos ter & Son, Gaudette Leather Goods Co., Inc. Joseph A. Grimaldi, Eugene F. Gucwa, North Attleboro Floor
Covering Co., Rezza Oil Service,
The Valentine Co.
Michael A. Vigorito, Altar Boys ,Sacred Heart ChurCh, Eugene W•. Campbell, Dr. Joseph F. Ca~ey.· Jr., The Commercial Press of No. Attleboro. Dr. John P. C-ooper, DaYk Electric Co., Mr. & Mrs. Edwia Hinchliffe, Walter B. Edwarcbl; George C. Forget & Sons. John A. Fuller, Builder, Ha vey W. Gay Electric Co., Gor dem's Cleansers, Theodore Mat inowski, McKeon Dance Studio. . North Attleboro Fire Extm.: ~ishel' Co., Thorpe Automotive Co., George Troupin-AccouJllt ant and AUditor, F. E. Viens a S~n, Avanti Club. Arthur Alix Oil, Duke's ·A. :Body, Ernie's Shoe Repa., Franklin Hardware Co., Geo maine & Marsella, Cont. H-omer Alden Co., Inc.. RaJ' mond'F. Laramee, Lyons Adve.. tising, Pensavalle Drive .Ritel TliJ.omas E. Wallaee.
Mrs. Elizabeth Croke
Diamond's Funeral DeWitt Animal Hospital Inc. Mrs. Eliza Houghton A Friend
Anthony T. Correia
, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Levis
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Confirmation Class Theresa's Church
$75 Stephen H. Foley Funeral Homa -Mary Foley Peters
Falls Shopping Center Albert Horman Jolly Cholly's Drive In Doctors George A., & Sylvia S. Lauro Lavery Irvine Co. Inc. ' ,Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. Lyons North Attleboro PlumbiUl: & Heating Co. , Bergh Brothers Co. Inc.
Michael Croke
Israel Franklin
Mervin C. Gay
Nellie Lavery
Philip W. Lincoln
The MnIstone 11M:.
Confirmation May 19-4:00 P.M. St. Vincent'll, Home, Fall River.
Funeral Home HeI.n Aubertine Brough. eiWDer ant Dlr:edor
Spacious Parking Area' WY 2-2957 11. AlleDf st. New Bedfor'
.........., B .....
lIarcol Kol' - 0. Lorral.... . . , Roller LaJ'r......,
550, LOOuH, $t. Fall River., Mass.
OS 2-2191,
WY 7'·7830
Rose E. Sullivan
Jetlrey E. .Sullivan
FUNERAL HOME 986 Plymouth Avenue
Fall River, Mass.
571 Second St. Foil River. Mass.
for, Im••diate DeUTOI7
$50 Rev. Edmond Tremblay E. Brodeur & Son, Inc. A Friend
W. H. Brine Company
O'ROURKE Funeral Home
Ia Stoa
Rt. Rev. Bernard J. Fenton Rev. John F. Hogan LaSallette Seminary, Attleboro Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. $85 Rev. William A. Galvin $75 Rev. Joseph L. Powers
For the last week, the Dio cese has been host to a dis tinguished religious leader in the presence of Very Rev.
Golden Jubilee
Rev. John H. Hackett
Parishes that have surpassed last year's total al'e: Fall River-Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Our Lady of the Angels, Our Lady of Health. Holy Rosary, St. Louis, st. Mathieu, st. Roch, St. Stanis laus. ,st. -Wllliam,~ Santo Christo. ' Taunton - St. Ja.cques, st. Paul . Attleboro-St. Stephen A reception and opim, ho~ Acushnet-St. Francis Xavier Centerville-.-O.L. of Vieto17 will be' held at St. Francis Chatham-Holy Redeemer resLient, 195 Whipple Street, Fall River,' Sund3:JT afternoon East Brewster-our Lady 01.
from 2 to 5~ Bishop' Connolly the ,Cape'. '.
will' 'be celebrant of' Solemn' Hyannis-St. Francis Xavier ,
Benediction at the dose of the . Nantucket-our Lady &f. 1Ibe
program. Isie , 'On Saturday morning at 6:15,' ,Orleaj'lS-St. Joan of Arc a Mass will be celebrated in the' Seekonk-:\\'U. Carmel , ,Some,rset-St. John of God Oonvent Ohapel for all living and deceased mem bers· of . the . Swansea-St. Louis of France Residence.
Rev. James E. O'Reilly
Rev. Benoit Galland
Rev. John F. Denehy Stonehill College
~~f6!r;;§_ Leading Parishes
Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Curran Aglae's lIat Shoppe
Stop & Shop
Rev. Edmund A. Connors to St. Mary's Ohurch, New Bedford, as assistant. Rev. Robert J. Laughlin to Our Lady of Angels Church, Fall River, as assistant. Effective Wednesday, May 22, 1963.
Doran & Johnson Manufaet\Jlllo ing Corp. Walter McCann Frank M. Miller & Son, Inc. S"dalities-Sacred Heart School
D. D. S.,lIivan & Sons FUNERAL HOME 469 LOCUST STREET FALL RIVER, MASS. OS - 2-3381 Wilfred C. Jam.. I. Driscoll Sullivan, Jr. THE, ANCHOI second Class Postaee Paid at F'" __, Mass. Published every Thursday • 4H
~~~r: ~::SIW:t J.~II Dr:::e ~s~.I1~ Subscription price Ily lIlIIil. JlQ$tIlIkI " •• per
THE ACADEMY OF THE SACRED HEARTS Co~Educational Summer Institute 'JUNE 24 to AUGUST 2 COUNSES: for Pre-High School, /:figh, School, Pre-College Students CLASSES: limited to sman groups CURRICULUM: writing, advanced literature, mathematics, languages, reading and vocabulary building, typing, briefhand, social studies. AIM:. Enrichment, enjoyment. improvement HGISTRATION:. June 3 •. ~ or .by special appointment PHONE: OS 2-4862 OR 2-7~2
.. ..
Special Gifts '
Thurs., May 16, 1963
Stonehill College
eraunton Daily Gazette
Thomas Donelan
$100 Queens Daughters-Taunton Atty. Benjamin Friedman Particular Council of TauntOft $50
Orsi Brother~
Bristol County Trust Co.
$30 Henry Crapo , $%5 ;Bacon Felt Company, Casey ~xton, St. Paul's Holy Name SQciety, Taunton Mason Supply, William C. Tripp, Inc. McNearney In~urance Co. Diogh tonIndustries; Cornelius Murphy In~rance Agency, Laughlin M!lrket, Societe De Enfants De Marie Taunton. .J .M. Wells Furniture, Farren l'osurance Agency. $20
:Pero Insurance Agency
, $15
, Clifford Cleaners, New England Brass, Dukelow Electric Taunton Hardware & Plumbing Supply, Cotillion Room. $10 .c~mmunity 'Pajnt Co., Philip I. Assiran, Burkes Canteen Ser Vice, Frank P. Cohen, Daughters of Isabella. Mechanics Cooperative Bank, Henry J. Perreault, Presbrey Refractories, Edward St. Pierre, Inc., Taunton Beverage Co. Taunton Rivet Works, Rayn ham Self Service Market, Wards Garage. Barbers Journeymen No.. 789,' eostello Buick, People's Drug Store, Colonial Donut Shop, Ed mund Fitzgerald Plumbing. Davol Printing House, Taun ton Building Trades, Francis Mc Guirk, Andrews Office Supply Bristol County Golf. Berry Paper Stock, John Gon zals, .El. Eng., Halian Naturall lIIltion.
Continued :I1rom Page One and Monsignor Medeiros; and upon Mr. John J. Drummey, prominent Boston CPA and at torney; Mrs. Mary I. Bunting, President of Radcliffe College; Entery J. LaLiberte; A.I.A., Stonehill College architect;· and Mr. Charles J. Lewin, Editor of the New Bedford Standard Times and President of WTEV TV, New Bedford.' Msgr. Medeiros Msgr. Medeiros' was born in Portugal and emigrated to the United States in 1931 with' his iamily who settled in. Fall River. He graduated from Durfee High School, later receiving a B. A. and M. A. degree from the Cath olic University in Washington. He was ordained in 1946, and after 'having !!erved as a parish . priest for several years, returned to CUA, where, fullowing studies in Washington and Rome, he re ceived 'his Doctorate in Sacred Theology in 1952. He served in various capa~ities at the Chancery of the Fall River Diocese prior to being named a Domestic Prelate by Pope Pius in 1958. He has been pastor of St. Michael's Church in Fall River fur the past thrj:!e years. Mrs. Bunting, fifth President of Radcliffe College, is a well known scientist and educator who began her professional career as a microbiologist. She was graduated from Vassar in 1931 and received her Ph. D. from the University of Wiscon sin in 1934. The mother of four children, Mrs. Bunting was married to the la'te Dr. Henry Bunting of the Yale School of Medicine. She assumed her position at Rad cliffe in 1960, coming froin Douglass College. a part 01 Rutgers, where she was Dean , of the College' for five years. New Bedford NEWLY ORDAINED: Bishop Connolly greets Rev. Edmund A. Connors, left, and Atty. Drummey was gradu$500
Rev. Robert J. Laughlin, right, following their ordination Saturday morning in St. Mary's . ated from th~ College of the '!'he Star Store
Cathedral. Holy Cross WIth a B. A. degree and received his M. A. from $%50.00
Harvard and Bachelor of Law eatholic Woman's Club
degree from Boston College. He Harriet Transport Co.
was a member of the faculty, $150
as well as Chairman of the Ac Almeida Bus Lines Inc.
counting and Finance Depart DeBl'Osse Oil Co.
ments, at the latter institution Sullivan & Foster
for twenty years and was co $100
founder of its Business SchooL Reynolds DeWalt
Blue Ribbon Laundry
Continued from Page One Father Moriarty ordained by the Most Reverend He has' been Financial Advisor Knights of Columbus, McMahon vestitute taking place in the The new assistant at St. Bishop on April 25, l!~59, in St. to the Archdiocese of BOstOD Council No. 151 Cathedral on Dec. 11, 1960. Mary's Church, No. Attleboro, Mary's Cathedral. .He served at for 18 years. Mr. Lewin was born in Wis Alden Corrugated Container Speaking at the ceremony was Father Danie! F. Moriarty, was St. Francis Xavier Church, Corp. . Most Rev. James' H. Griffiths, Hyannis, and Sacrt.'d Heart consin and graduated from the D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of New Princeton Clothing Co. Ine. Church, Fall River,and more University of Wisconsin, where he was elected, to Phi Beta Mr. & Mrs. James McHugh York. Also elevated at the same recently, a·t the. Cathedral. Kappa .and was also tapped for Continued from Page One Dartmouth Finishing Co. time was another chaplain from Sigma Delta Chi, national pr0 N. B. Reconstruction Corp. the Diocese, Army Chaplain two billion dollars to support fessional journalism fraternity. Prelate at Blessing their schools." Nash Realty Corp. (Col.) Bernard J. Fenton. Since taking. up residence in "Public schools face disaster if Dartmouth Textile Corp. New Bedford, he has been active parochial schQOls are supported Of Stamp Museum Hyman Krivoff . WESTON' (lII"'C)-Francis Car': in its civic affairs, including the with public funds." . .$'75
Protestant congressmen are dinal Spellman, Archbishop of United Fund" Junior Achieve Stapley Oil Co. Inc.
Worthington Bakery, Novick New York, and Postmaster Gen ment 'ana the New Bedford Sym-' "terrified" of the Roman Catho $50 Jewelers, Hendrie's Ice Cream, lic Church. eral . J. Edward Day were ph9ny Orchestra. He, received Southeastern Supply CO. F, W. Woolworth. "'. Co., S. S. 'Rich, who several times' em. among dignitaries on hand for' the honorary degree of. Litt. :D. ' Brenneke's Pies Kresge & Co. phasized that POAU is "not anti. the' dedication of. the new Car~ from the New' Bedford, Institute . GeOrge Bernique' '" Co; Shawmut Diner; Sidney's De Catholic," admitted that the dinal .Spellman .Philatelic Muse.:. of. Technology in 1958. . . Coater's Inc. um at Regis College here. . partment Store, Pe~er J. Haste, Mr. LaLiberte, a native 011. General Plastering &; Tile C~ Dr. Robert Rosenberg, Dr. Fred Catholic Church seems to him The· museum houses the exten. Hudson, Mass., received hia "more. friendly." COlltinentai ElaStic Corp. sive ~amp collection given to . furmal architectural andengi;' Singleton. . But, he added, it is "also more $35
Latham Funeral Home, Brock powerful, demanding more, and th~ . college in 1948 by Cardinal neering . t~aining at Franklin Philip J. Kane, 'Inc.
Avenue Pharmacy, Dr. Barney getting more than ever before." Spellman. The collection is re Union and Wentworth 'Institutes -, . $30 g~rded as among the finest in J. Margolis, Sadow's, Roger's in Boston, and served as Chief In Rich's opinion, the public Ideal Dairy Ice Cream Place. schools are "the foundation of the country. Begun during the Civilian Engineer arid Superin eox's Candy Souza's Pharmacy, Atty Arthur democracy," and if aid is given Cardinal's student days in Rome, tendent of Construction for . the $25 Goldys,' Lider & Lider, Glaser to Catholic schools it would it.has been shown in .more than U. . S. Corps of Engineers at If. B. Stevedoring Co. Morris Glass Co., Roy Paper Co. make a shambles" of the public 300 exhibitions in this country Camp Myles Standish,'J1auntoo, Shuster Co. and abroad. during World War II. Paramount Pharmacy, Rex schools. Macedo Pharmacy Monumental Works, Bush & Co., Ryan & Scully Inc. Dr. Max Blum. Pharmacists' Guild Beneficial Finance Co. Thomas W. Croacher Estate, Humphrey, Covil & Coleman Bristol Clothes Co. Inc., .Perry Council Affiliate Charles S. Ashley & Sons The Florist, Judson Cleaners, WASHINGTON (N'C) - The Cornish & Co. Inc. Almy & Co., Otis & Co. National Catholic Pharmacists H. Witkind Motor Trans. Co. $10 Guild received a certificate of Atty, Louis Stone Family Pharmacy, Lariviere affiliation from the National Colonial Restaurant Supply 'Co Pharmacy, Prescription"center, Council of Catholic Men at a Bettencourt Pharmacy, Cen Petit's Pharmacy, Inc., Lincoln meeting here of its officers and tral Pharmacy, Eagle Linen Sup Pharmacy. .executive committee. pi,. Co., Park Motors, Inc. Senecal Pharmacy, Wamsutta The certificate was' presented $20 ,Pat McKenna, Reca Pharmacy, Finance Co., I. A. Perry, Hawes by NCCM executive director Electrical Co., TWUA Local 1129, Martin Work to the guild's pres 2:30 P.M. Ashley Ford Co., Sturtevant & Hathaway & Sons, Freddie Jones ident, Timothy P. Keating of Hook Inc. New Bedford. H. M. C. Cutlery PAR~.New Seminary A report issued by the guild
$15 said its primary purpose is to
educate its members to a better
Parker, Paul Smith Insurance Co fort Fathers will solemnly dedi cate their new seminary here on understanding of their moral
Oliver Pharmacy CROWNING • BENEDICTION Thursday, May 30. It replaces an obligations. It was also agreed
$10 earlier one on the same site in that guild members will be bet·
Dr. Sidney Moldin, Sears Roe Everyone Invited buck & Co., Poulos Pharmacy, this Long Island community and ter pharmacists if the hold mem
Bristol Acceptance Trust Co.. will accommodate 120 young bership in other pharmaceutical organizations . ... Clarence E. Burt. men.
Fr. Moriarty Transferred to No. Attleboro Newly Ordained Assigned'to New Bedford, Fall IRiver
Public Schools
Special Gifts
Outdoor Rally Sunday, May 19, 1963
New Bedford
THE ANCHOR·-Diocese of FatlR....;er:..:.nruYS:~Moy 16,1963' MilSEms,PTasterers ·lnternafi;;n~ UniOn No.1!. Canada Dry Bottling Co., Dr. Arkwright Warehouse COl1p. Maurii=e Morganstein, Atlantie Davis Mills Corp. News Co., Inc., Green's Storage Midland Print Works Fall'River Warehouse. Precision Thread Co. Handbag, Pocketbook & Nov $1250 United Labor Council of Great-, elty Workers Local No. 65, Dr. 13.M.C. Durfee Trust Co. er Fall River . $1,000 Bruce Derbyshire Leonard Walsh Thomas Walsh Moving Co. F. L. Collins & Sons, Ine. William N. Wheelock & Sons; $75 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. McNally Inc. St. Patrick's Women's Guild; Globe Manufacturing Co. Anonymous, W~lter C. Fraze, Mathieu Oil Company Fall River National Bank Fall River Steam & Gas Pipe $60 Firestone RUbber' & Latex Robert L. Germane Contractor Co., S. A. Ross, High Point Peper Box Corp. Products. Co. $50 Slater Paper Box, Robert A. Venus De Milo Colonial Wholesale Beverage Caritas Guild Clark, Valcourt Hardware Co., Corp. $500',. S. S. Kresge Company Duro Finishing Corp. Dr. Alan G. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tansey Cook B<lrden & Company Slades Ferry Trust Co. Walter A. Furman & Co. Mr. & Mrs. Norman F. Hochu General Scrap Iron, Inc. J. & J. Corrugated Box Corp: Mr. & MtlJ.Lewis Morley R. A. McWhirr Company United Cotton Products' G. W. Carpenter, Inc. Joseph Lima $300 Holy Rosary Women's' Guild . Union Savings Bank Ken-Lac Chemical Co., Ine. Fall River Five Cents Savings Duplicating Methods, Inc. Bank Atty. Francis Meagher Fall River Savings Bank Edward M. Corbett $250 Holy Name Women's Guj'l'd' 1963 Confirmation Class--Sanllo Manuel Rogers & Son, Christo. North End Laundry Almeida Electric Company Chace Mill's Curtain CO~, :me. $200' JBrist<l1 Knitting Mills, :Ene, A Friena Arthur R. Driscoll $125 U. S. Trunk Company Fall River News Co., Inc. Dr. Frank J. Lepreau Radovsky & O'DonoghuE! Simon's SupplY Ce., Inc. Ann Dale Products Louis A. Drape, Inc. $120 $35 D. 'D. Sullivan - WilhedJ ~ St. William's' Women?S' GllIli~dl Driscoll Funeral Home Regal Floor Covering $100 James P. Hart, $30 Dr. William Freeman C.P. Harrington FuneraI Home Bernard A. G. Taradash, ' $25 A Friend Brow's Pharmaey, N'elsol\\'s' Lafayette Co-operative Banll: Arkwright Finishing Div. ,Dairy, Booth .& Durfee, Inc., United Merchants & Mfgrs. Inc. Tioga Sportswear, BriclHayers;,
Special Gifts
C~nial CaSket Company, 1... ~zo E. !aV'a1'd!,. Open: .Air M3l"lIet, Dr. Burton D. Bryan.
epn\ Cabral Roofing CO" :rile.
Dr. Alex FriedmlUl, Gold Seal Adam's Super Drug Store, rib. Albert G. Pierce, Mass. CatholN Tank Company, Mr. George H. ' Order of Foresters-Our Lady Hodapp. Charles Gough Aluminum of Victory Court,. Mass. CathoDe Order of Foresters-Our Lady WindOWS, Linoourt & PapPQII Insurance, Michaud & Poirier, of Fatima Court. The Spectator, Pine Sportsweu, $20 Roger L. Currant, Answering Inc. George B. Lockhart Insurance Service, HiIton's Bakery. Hathaway Funeral Serviee, Mr. . Agency, Inc., '1'. Williamson & M1's; James Judge, Powel'S In... Heating Contractor~ Alton Eo. surance Agency, J. M. Darling' Nichols, Cyr Foods, Lawn & Co., Morris Finance Co. Garden Equipment Co. Atty. Lincoln D. Brayton Economy Body and Radiator $15 Works, Loomfixers' Union, Atty. Fall River Radiator Works, Dr; Milton A. Westgate, J. T. Hughes. H. Stuart Seglin, William F. Sta T. K. Webster' Co., Inc., Alberi ples, Dr. Albert Resnick, Cozy Petit, Fall River Hearse Co., Cab & Bus Co. Swansea Package Store, Yellow American Wallpaper Co., Dr. Taxi of Fall River. Wilson E. Hughes, Dr. Robert H. Crawford Electrical Co., Intel' Moe. state Venetian Blinds, Fitton Tom Ellison,' Inc., Mul'len, Movers, Auerbach Bath Robe Brothers Jewelers. Corp. Atty. Milton Epstein. $10 Laws<ln GEanite & Marble Mike's Restaurant, Pacheco Works, Inc., Nash Lighting Fix Brothers, Aluminum Anodizers, ture Co., Inc., Pearl Laundiry.. Inc., Dr. Albert Weiser, IDr. Faris Furniture Co., Harold Co David Prial. Nagle Insurance Agency, Ine. Dr. Everett Radovsky" .TOlD! James Kane, Center Garment: neymen Barbers Union No. 33], Company, Henry Jacobson, Lot Dr; Frank Fuller, Jr., Bay Side' ing Laboratories, Eastern :ho Manufacturing Co., Inc., Lowell> vision Co., Inc. stem Dress Corp. Wagner Hat Co~, Inc., D<>de Leonard PharmacY, ESs JBee worth, Inc~, AUy. Philip S. Dr. . Manufacturing Co., Inc., Lorell>- toft!.
The other da,. one oil the famed CEDARS. OF LEBANON, died. Obituary notices, appeared' in four Middle East news-
$ t Ln .~~,~ '" - ~IJ,.'
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. NORTH EASTON The Women's Guild and' the Daughters, Of Isabella o:ll Easton will hold their annual Commun ion Breakfast, Sum;ay m0rning at Bruno's, North Easton, follew in,g 8 o'clock' Mass. Guest speaker will be Father Philip Kelly, C.S.C., present di rector of' the Ret1.'eat House in Easton. All women of the parish are' invited.
ST. THERESA, SS. PETER & PAUL, SOUTH ATTLEBORO FALL RIVER Twenty-six new members A benefit Maybasket whist were received into the Confra ternity of Christian Mothers at PaJ!'ty will be held at 8 P.M. Mon day, May 20, in the church hall. the final meeting of the season. Mrs. Roger R. Dube is chairman Last year's activities were re corded and read by Mrs. Thelma and lVlrs. William F. O'Neil is co Goff, recording secretary. chairman. Mrs. Stanley M. Jan A penny social was held fol ick, chairman of the Women's Guild nominating committee, lowing the meeting, in charge has announced the following of Mrs. Mary Ellen Boardman, slate of new ,officers: President Mrs. Dorothy Hagopian, Mrs. Maureen Ferrera, and Mrs. Ann 1\o:rs. William F. O'Neil, Vice President Mrs. James Walmsley, Gawlik.' A buffet lunch was served. Treasurer Mrs. William J. Sun derland Jr., Recording Secretary Mlrs. Everett C. Cowell" Corre OUR LADY OF TIlE CAPE. sponding Secretary Miss' Mary BREWSTER AND UEN,NIS Tyrell, Board of Directors: Mrs. ·The Women's Guild wiN! hold' RageI' R. Dube, Mrs. Stanley Ill. corporate Communion at the 8:30, Janick, Mrs. Cowell. The instal Mass Sunday morning, May '19~ lation banquet will be held May followed by breakfast all the 21 at the Copicu,t Lodge. Barbecue Restaurant in Dennis:. First Holy Communion break. port. Guest speaker will Ibe Rev. fast will be held next Sunday Rene Lemoine, M.S., superior fd in the church hall folllllwing the the LaSalette Seminary. 8 o'clock 'Mass. Mrs:' James A. CYO officers 101' the e&mdng McKane' and Mrs. Raymond: A. year include Frani Swift, l'lJresi 'Dooley are co-ehairmen. dent; Diedre Ryan, vice-presi'" dent; Theodore Ellis, seeretary, and Thomas Fox, treasurer. 8'1'. JOHNBAPTlS'JI', The GU,ild will hold its regu CENTRAL VILLAGE ular meeting at 8 Tuesday, May 21 in the parish hall. A mother and daughter break fast was held by the Ladies Guild in the church hall follow ST. ROCH, ing the 7:30 Mass Sunday. Father FALL RIVER: Thomas Tobin, a Holy Cross Mrs. William Snyder is chair Father, gave an interesting talk. man for the Council of Catholic Prizes were awarded' to Mrs. Women's family corporate Com Catherine Haworth, Mrs. Estelle munion breakfast next Sunday Ferreira, Mrs. Hilda Cabral and in the parish hal!. Mrs. Ronald Mrs. Marie Souza. The door prize Fortin is chairman of the dinneJr was won by Miss Mary Lewis. . meeting Tuesday,. June· 4 a1: ./\. dessert whist party will be Pocasset Country Club. ' held at the home of Mrs. Charles The Men's Council plans a liv Yokum, 463 Adamsville Raad. ing rosary and crowning of the Central Village, at 12:30 P.M. on Blessed Virgin on Sunday, May Wednesday, May 22. Everyone is ,26, the day ,OD ,which ehildren welcome to attend. will make their First Holy Com,; Officers will be installed by munio'n. Rev. John Carroll at 7 P.M. The parish bowling league will Thursday, June 13 in the church. have its banquet Saturday at After services the banquet will Bruno's, No. Easton. Joseph Pa be' held at Holiday House ill quet is in charge. Departure time Mattapoisett. from the school is 6:45 P.M.
,0' :2.
The'Parish P~1f'~d:~, MT. CARMEL, SEEKONK The fOllowing officers will be installed by Rev. John J. Mur phy at a Communion supper at the Grist Mill in Seekonk on Thursday, May 23: President Mrs. Normand Galimberti, Vice President Mrs. Anthony Hen dricks, Secretary Mrs. Anthony Andrews,Treasurer Mrs. Joseph Castro. Rev. Lester L.Hull, for mer pastor, will be the guest speaker.
Mass in Chapel
Legi:on of Decen'cy The following films are to be added to the lists in their respec." tive classifications: Unobjectionablefor General
Patronage-Flipper; Lilies of the Field; Two Daughters.
Unobjectionable for AdUlts- The Magnificent Sinner; A. Day
in. Court. Objectionable in Part for All
-Marilyn (This film, a taste less and unscrupulously com
mercial exploitation of the late
Marilyn Munroe, consists of, ex
cerpts from various of her 20th Century Fox films, which mainly highlight suggestiveness. in costuming, dialogue, dancing and situations. Particulal'1y of fensive is the pornographic and
coarse treatment given to a se
quence taken from an unfinished
'I1l1mple... Cleopatral and St. Helen' orclered them. one for. her royal barge. tile other for the Church of the Holy ,SeP1dehre. In modem times, their ,woodJ:was' used in Sacre' Coeur Basil:' :&Holy Fathtr's Mission Aid iC!3J .aris ••• Now there are jusfi 4OO len, with only a dozen or 80 of I:.. the rL: • J ".i.. _J J." vrifIJiaI VJImT.J aneient origin. Not far from the famecf trees, some Lebanese' laboring people are trying, valian&Iy to build a church for their p.arish, BEIT-EID, in the Maronite diocese of SABRA ••• No longer, they hope, mnst they assist at Mass in their all-too-small building where in winter many had to staad outside. TbrougJ:t, their Bishop and' parish ,priest they ask us to aid them to the amount of $3.000, enough to pay . for materials like cement and, iron which must be purchased. • • • Will you help? ' ' ,
Reverend Mother St. Landry, Superior of Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford, will observe the Fiftieth Anniversary of her religious profession on Saturday. A S<>lemn Mass will be sung Saturday morning in the chapel of the Home at 9 by Rev. Roland Brodeur, a former pupil of the jubilarian when she was at St. Joseph's Home in Fall River.,
Mother served at that Home as teacher and treasurer for 14 years. Following her stay in Fall River, Mother St. Landry served as Superior at Holy Savior Or phanage in Quebec" then ten years as a member of the (kn eral Council a,t the Motherhouse in Quebec. and since 1961, as Superior in the New Bedford Home. ' On Saturday afternoon guests at the Home will give Mother a.
reception which will be attended by priests, Sisters and many of. Mother's. friends and fCilrmer pupils.
To. Honor Nun
papers • .' • Why?
trees' . are historical and legendalrJl. deeply rooted in the life and hills of Bible: 'lanelS'. . . The' Prophet Ezechial ....li:e of them, as did the Psalms. Solomon used them, for buDding the
THUNDER OVER JORDAN Jordan is much in the 'news today. Political llllIiest; plans to divert the waters of the Jordan River into the Negev, the find ing of the' oldest theater of the Middle East in the "rose red city of Petra"-and in the midst of these happenings, the con~ tinuing, sad, never-solved problem of the PALESTINE REFU GEES . . . They fled their homes in the 1948 Israel-Arab war and were taken into hospitals and convents, orphanages and schools. Temporary quarters were built ... Their needs were many and are still enormous. Will you help with a '$10 FOOD PACKAGE which will keep 'a family for a month? ••. And 'for the :ijedouins, blankets are needed which cost $2. ! ! • Re member the!11 now!
Billy P., a nine-year-oid from Las Vegas, Nevada., writes us: "I have a great desire to help orphans . • . I receive a dollar a, month for lIlY chores' and I would like to give it to the ol!Phans~"
You know, Billy, the priests and sisters In the Middle East will be encouraged by your generosity. They too are helping orphans •.. We have OM ORPHANS' BREAD CLUB to help these children. Your MOJlthly sacrifice of $1, and a prayer keeps it going! KINDLY SEND US YOUR MASS OFFERINGS. ftey He often, the sole 8UPPort ~f the li5,000 priests unde. our care in 'Die 18 Mid'dle East and Near East countries. ADOPTING A SlilMINAlUAN OR NOVICE? This means
paying, the co9ll of their training. A seminarian needs $100 a year for six years. a sistelr-to.-be needs $150 It year for two ;Jears.. We have many names such as PIETRO TEAME and! BERNARDO TESFAL, ~tuC;i~ng with the CisteJreians' in Italy for missionary work.Mso SISTERS BERN.ARDIN& AND MERCITTA of the Sisters of the Destitute In Alwaye, India. PL&4SE REMEMBER US' IN YOUR WILL. Our title: THE CATHOLIC NE'AB ,EAST WELFARE ASS'Oa,ATION. Dear Monsiguor: !lhclosedi find ••••..•••• for •••••••••••••••• ~._••••••
Name ,..' .' ~treEJlt,
,. ••••••'~
e.••' ._.
"1#' • •'
eIiiy •••• , ••• '" • , ••••••••••'.' •••' •. Zone
~'J2ear'&stOlissiOU$JItt , ,.;
Sec" ""
T. Rja•• Noi'l ciII; c-mnlcatfo.. to: ,¢ATHOLIC NEAR EASY WELFARE ASSOCIA1'ION send'
480 Lexington Ave. at:46th St.
New York 1:7/H. Y.
St. James in New Bedford
THE ANiI-!ORThurs., May 16, 1963
To Mark Diamond Jubilee
Claims Attitude Shift in Migrant Worker Problem
Con~inued from Page One tabilee anniversary. In'the next lew years, ground was broken tor the construction of the Con vent of Mercy, west of the lIhurch. The present church basement was started in 1891 and the first .ervice was held" there on May J:5, 1892. For the next 12 years the basement served as church and Sunday School room as ~ther Clark and his parishion em worked faithfully to obtain funds to begin the completion of the building. Finally in the Fall of 1904, Cheir hope was realized, suffi cient funds had been secured and' work on the upper building was begun. The superstructure was com pleted early in·1907. In the cen ter of the front is a tower 175 teet in height containing a bel fry and surmounted by a cross. On either side.of the main tower atere are two smaller towers. The church cost in excess of $100,000 and has a seating capac Ity of 1,100. It is 65 feet wide and 170 feet long with transept extensions 10 by 29 feet on each .de. Granite Walls . The walls are of granite and IIOck face ashlar with granite trimming. The interior of the church is exceptionally attrac tive. Pews, pulpit, altar railing IlIld vestment cases are' of beautiful hand-carved oak, the work of Thomas and Company of Worcester. Within the chancel are three lItars made throughout of finest Italian marble. The middle altar II 30 feet high and is handsomely earved. On one side of the front of the base is carved a bunch of grapes _d on the other, a sheaf of wheat. The inscription on the • de of the altar reads, "Erected ill memory of Michael and Mary .oon (Monsignor Noon's par ents) by their loving children." Fl8ther Noon donated the sta tions of the Cross when he was .nior curate to F'ather Clark. The front of the church houses Gte organ lof.t and choir gallery. On Nov. 24, 1907 St. James' Church, regarded as one of the most beautiful in the city, was dedicated by the late Most Rev. Daniel F. Feehan, Bishop of Fall River. The stained-glass window~ of • . James which portray the mysteries of the rosary are re 8llrded by many as the finest in CIte Diocese. The clear reds and blues and sharp greens and golds ill the stained glass reflect beau _ully in the sun's daily path. Father BradY Father Clark died May 24, 1907 and was succeeded as pastor by the Reverend James J. Brady. After a brief period at St. James, ~ther Brady returned to St.
Kilian Church, his former pas torate, and later returned to Ire land where he died in 1941. Rev. Mortimer Downing was assigned as pastor in 1907, and, following his resignation in 1913, Father Noon, a former curate at St. James, and then pastor of St. William's Church, Fall River, was assigned pastor. Several yeal.'s later, in 1916, Father Gallagher was appointed assistant at St. James where he was to return as pastor 31 years later. Under the guidance of Father Noon the parish was able to burn its mortgage in 1920, erasing a huge'debt on the church prop erty. In December 1924, parish ioners of St. James united for the celebration of the 25th anniver sary of the ordination of their pastor with the presentation of a check for $4,650. During World War II Monsi gnor Noon, who had been in vested with that title by Bishop Cassidy in 1937, unveiled at the church a framed honor roll carying the names of 650 men serving in the armed forces. Jewel Case of Church A new and charming baptistry 'was provided in the church dur ing extensive renovations in 1926 and 1927. For years Father Noon had dreamed of making the bap tistry the "jewel case" of the church. His dream came true through Oarro,ll and Sally Bill, noted Boston artists, who did the fine murals both in the church and in the new baptistry. The figure of St. James, patron saint of the church, surmounts the baptismal font. It was de .signed by Matthew Sullivan of Boston. Made of wood, the fig ure was on exhibition at the Mu seum of Fine Arts, Boston, be fore it was brought to St. James. The paintings on the wall of the baptistry form a series of panels of groups, each complete in itself and showing saints who are intimately connected with the church. On one wall is a mural of St. John the Baptist with six acol ytes. Another wall shows St. .James and St. Theresa. A third depicts St. Paul. While each panel is complete in itself all are united by a sim ilar background treatment ap propriate to each saint and forming a continuous landscape. Statues of St. Peter and St. James were installed in the ves tibule of the church in 1928 but were removed in 1953 to the rec tory grounds. The marble statues were the gift of the Father Clark Guild. Today pastor, curates and pa rishioners of St. James continue through their devotion and work to make their church one of the most flourishing in the city.
'Catholic Education. Best Start For Vocation/·-Capt. Dwight KANSAS CITY (NC) - They eouldn't get Capt. Edward J. be in Kansas City at that time. Dwight Jr., first Negro named The Air Force has moved the to the country's manned space class starting date from June program, back here to address 1'1 ro May 13. 1I1e 5raduates at his alma mater, I must reiterate that I am in Bisnop Ward· High School-but deed honored at your request. 1hey got the next best thing. Never did I realize when trudg Father Francis Maher, school ing through the halls of Ward principal, extended the invita that the education I was receiv. tion to ·Capt. Dwight only to ing there was so important and llearn he will be going to another would take me so far. Q-pe prep school-prepping for The world we live in is a 3Pace flight. beautiful handiwork of God. In But Father Maher was so my Nork, I study the earth as taken with Capt Dwight's letter well as the vastness of space and that he now has circulated it as its wonderful design. It is then • sort of address by remote con· that the true meaning of its pur trol from the would-be astro pose and our purpose becomes uut. It reads in part like this: evident. . Dear Father Maher: Purpose on Earth Having received your letter, If you could possibly convey I respectfully thank you, the fac alty, and the student body of to the graduating class for me Bishop Ward High School for that no matter what vocation is JOur congratulations and well undertaken, be it religious life, the military, or the business wishes. I am elated at the ex world, they cannot lose sight of tremely high honor you have be stowed upon me by your offer to our purpose here on earth: To serve' God. lIPeak at the school commence A good Catholic education is ment exercises in May. Regretfully, though, Father, it the best beginning to any voca will not .be possible for me to tion·· •
ELIZABETH (NC) - At titudes toward .the migrant worker are beginning to change according to U.S. Senator Harrison A. Williams of New Jersey. Advances in agriculture, Wil liams said, have contributed to the problems of the migrants. . The economic advantages of large farming operations have led to the near-disappearance of th'e- family farm with its stable, year-round work force. Crop specialization has resulted in short harvest period which re quire a large work force for only a brief period. Migrant laborers who fill these needs, he said; live in a marginal world of sub-standard housing, health and education. Living conditions provide an open invitation to sickness and immoralitY. Fa mil yearning might come to $2,000 a year with all hands at work. Critics Switch Over "Most people aren't aware of how serious the situation is," the New Jersey Senator said. "These people have the lowest standard of living in the country." Williams, who is chairman of, SENIOR PARISHIONER RECOLLECTS: Rt. Rev. the Senate subcommittee on Hugh A. Gallagher, pastor of St. James Church, New Bed migrato'ry labor, said "we've ford, retraces the history of the New Bedford Parish on been working patiently to ove!"" come the opposition" to bills to the occasion of the 75th Anniversary with 94 year old aid the migrants. Everyone Anthony Loftus, a senior parishoner, but now of Our Lady's growers included - he said, has Haven, Fairhaven. a responsibility to eliminate the problem. . "It's a matter of awakening community responsibility. We've been tremendously encouraged by the changing attitudes of some people. In a few cases, titude, understanding and atmo MIAMI (NC)-A better atmo those who. started out as critics sphere and less tension between sphere now exist between mem have become our strongest bers of various Christian faiths. backers." Christians of all faiths has re sulted from the Second Vatican ''The atmosphere is one in Council, Bishop Coleman F. Car which we can sit down and talk roll told more than 100 ministers about things we agree upon," MIAMI BEACH (NC)-Floyd at a meeting of the Greater Mi Bishop Carroll continued. "But Anderson, manager-editor of the ami Ministerial Association. before we do that it is important Central California Register, The Bishop's address at a that we each understand what Fresno, and president ()f tl\e luncheon in Riverside Methodist the other believes. Perhaps by Catholic Press Association, re church hall marked the' first honest, sincere discussion and ceived the association's award time a Catholic clergyman had study we may end finding out "for the most distinguished con appeared before a group of there is not nearly as much dis tribution to Catholic journalism" Protestant ministers in this area. agreement as we thought." during 1962. Bishop Carroll previously had spoken on the Vatican Council to members of st, Philip's Epis copal Men's Club. Bishop Carroll told ministers the "intangibles resulting from the Council and the approach to various subjects by the Council have been great indeed." Sincere Study "The very fact that I am here and the very fact that you are here under the circumstances is a result of th~ Council," Bishop Carroll said. He said a better at-
Less Tension Between Christians· As Result of Vatican Council
Gets Top Award
To Honor Bishop DAYTON (NC)-Bishop John J. Wright of Pittsburgh will be awarded an honorary doctorate June 1 by the University of Day ton at its 113th commencement.
More ana more buyers of NEW and USED CARS are taking advantage of the
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New Bedford Hotel
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Ri¥er~Th~rs" Moy,J6"1963" .., '
Worthwfihe ' Recipes
Once Again Once again cries are raised urging the United States government to involve itself in family planning programs in foreign countries. It is a campaign that could have far reaching 'and, serious consequences. All those concemed with population expansion are in agreement that aid should be given to peoples of developing nations, enabling them to understand better the problems that accompany rapid propulation growth. • _ But the suggestion that artificial birth control is the answer to all problems and the one sure solution to the difficulties or' food production and distribution is a danger ous - as well as immoral ~ one. , The United States government cannot put itself in a pOsition of advocating racial suicide to the emerging countries of the world - especially since the Soviet Union has' gone on record as saying that the problem is a techni cal ~one of raising the standard of living, not of reducing the birth rate. This whole issue needs much clearer thinking in high places than it has been getting'.
. .By Rev. john R. FoIster... 51.. Anthony's Church, New 8ectfonl
CONFIRMATION I It is said thafman at birth is one of the dumbest ani mals. If the life of some animal is threatened-let's
Rededication All over the Diocese and the world, youngsters are receiving Holy Communion for the first time. All over the Diocese 'and the world, young men and women are re ceiving the Sacrament of Christian maturity - Confirma tion. - These are not simply solemn ceremonies, occasions for tears of joy and -expressions of sentiment. They are times for~s~ntiment. yes, but for much more than that. , These are occasions for older folks to look into their ow'Q. lives and to see what kind of paths they have walked sin~_e their own First Holy Communion day. They are tim~ for Christians to remember their' own Confirmation and·to ask what kind of strengthening influence they hav~ ,allowed it to have in their own lives. : When youngsters receive Holy Communion for the first time or are made spiritually mature by the Sacrament of Confirmation, they should become sources of added strength to the Church, not replacements for older foUes who have grown weary of doing good and tired of living their Christian vocation. " First, Communion and Oonfirmation days, should '~e tim~s of joy for those receiving the Sacraments ,andtiines for"rededication for all. '.
"Display of. Hooliganism" .~
':1'he embarrassment felt and expressed by several
ed~a~ional authorities over the irresponsible reveling' of
students of their colleges occasions sympathy and ques tionIng. ' "
.It is' only to be expected that occasionally the rebel spirit that is a part of growing up might show itself in some quick act of a student or a group. That such acts' of rebellion might flame into f1,lll-scale riots, contempt for authority and defiance of 'hiw and order poses some pertinent questions about the job education is doing. ' ,And a disturbing aftermath of the trouble is the reaCtion of many students that theirs was a rightous dis play, and the efforts of police to restore public order an exarrtple of b r u t a l i t y . , ' ' , ', . {, ,
'If such be the thinking of some college students; and if these can have such an influence that they can create a mob and bring about what President Goheen C!f',Princeton has called a "shocking display of individ.u'al arid, collective hooliganism," then college' authorities had 'better';reeJtamine th~ aims and means of education. And they should ask if the present trend of giving an extraordinary degree of freedom to college students is not placing: too 'much re sponsibility into the hands of those who,se present actions show them incapable of exercising it in a 'mature and re sponsible way. '
.. ~he fdJ~
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weeKly by The CathQlic Press ot the Dioce$e
ot Fall
.. 10 High1and Avenue
Foil River, Mass.
OSborne 5-7151
PUBLISHER ...-.. Most Rev.· Jo'mes/ L.· Connoli GENERAL MANAGER
Daniel F. Shalloo. M.A.
y,' D.D.,,~-PhD~
Rev. John P. Dnscoll
Hugh J. Golden
C'fhnOlA.Clh thE WEEk With thE ChWlch By REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA,
MONDAY-Rogation Day. Our TODAY-St. Ubaldus, Bishop, Confessor. Another Mass of a-_ "asking" is based on two certain ties. One, that rain and dry confessor and ,again we celebrate weather (First Reading) and the deeds of the Christian life, The' deeds of worship (First bread (Gospel) and all the Reading) and the deeds of sec-, "creatures" and earthly realities for which bread stands are good ular activity (Gospel). Neither, we learn, is for the Christian and are releyant to God's plan measurable in purely human , and God's pattern'. Two, that we have in Christ terms. The wisdom of the Spirit a relationship to the l"pthpr within us' confounds the wisdom of the world around us', Only He' ' which involves utter confidence. who is' the ground of our being The First Reading is also 'con cerned that our asking be in the and- the sources of our "talents" framework of unity and solid can. judge, arity with the cO'",,~,,"H""f TOMORROW St. Paschal disciples: "confess your sins to, Bay,lon, Confessor. The deeds of, one another and pray for -<me a Christian, in order to be wor another." thy., of being associated with, TUESDAY-Rogation Day. The . . being caught uo in, the offering procession before Mass calls <In 'of our Lord's Body and Blood, all our brothers and sisters in the must be the 'deeds of men who look for the coming of the Mas ,Faith to pray with l/"l a'nn, 'fnr ter' (Gospel). They must be us, to join in our asking. This deeds informed by the habit of "litany of the saints" expresses working for the completion and the Christian's conviction that perfection of the world a'1d for he never prays alone, even in the its ultimate transformation by' moments of his most private dialogue with God. Always he Christ's coming. prays "in Christ" and therefore SA'l'TTRJlAY - ~t. Vp"l',"H1Il:, in real union with all of Christ's . Martyr. In Easter time it is easier members. to see the death of a victim, as WEDNESDAV-Rogation Day. well as all sufferin~ and pain, as the, Father's pruning and trim-, Vigil of Ascension. The Mass of ming, (Gospel) for the sake of the Vigil may be celebrated in productivity, fruitfulness, life. place of the Rogation Mass. "Glorify me with thyself, 'with A tea time religion of human re the glory that I had with thee spectability will not hel!) in con fronting thp. naran"" "f "nnarent before the world existed," prays' . Christian faBur"! (First Reading). , Our Lord in the Gospel. The, Father answers this Only faith in Jesus and in His rising again as the First-born of prayer with the Ascension event. the new creation can praise God The First Reading points to the 'various ministries which all in the presence of martvrdom. Christians must undertake (lay FlFTH SUNDAY AFTER men, Clergy, and Religious) dur EASTER. "He it was '''ho 'put ing the little whiie of His per me' on the road that leads to sonal absenee. This is the time life," we sing in the Offertory for' perfecting' creation "to the Hymn. "He has not allowed my mature measure ,)f the fullness steps to falter," so the Lord's of Christ." rising a!!ain is comoleted by His, return to and everlasting glory with the Father. This week',; fea.ct of th"! A "'Cf'n sion' (Gospel) is th~ inevitable MO:r.,"REAL (NC) Paul conClusion of our Faster cele Emile' Cardinal Leger, Arch bration, The "road" is Jesus bishop of Montreal, estimated Christ and the "life" to which it there are more than 10,000 juve learls is the unalloyed hanpiness nile delinquents in Montreal, and' fulfillment we call heaven. each of whom costs the city an' Fis ",aving work of a",sumin!! average of $2,000 a year, "manhood into God" is finished At the blessing ofa new only. with his return to the $4,000.000 cultural and sports Father, The pattern is perfected. center, the Cardinal said there It remains for us to he fittp.d are not enough such centers to by faith and grace into,it. So the meet problems facing young First Reading teaches about the people today. He deplored the Christian's resPQnsibilitv as he general indifference of the pub looks into the "law of freedom" lic to these problems. established by thiit Patte-n, He said it is a pity so many The gospel, prepares us, too, young people waste their time for the days of-asking (Rogation)' because of carelessness and in which precede Ascension. Our difference. While spiritual guid asking will be not only for peace ance is necessary for youth, in and plenty and profit but also telligent programs were even that the whole of human life and more' necessary to bring out the activities may become part of the go.od.in YO,ung hearts, the Car dinal said. ' pattern of return to the Father.
Says Montreal Has 10.-000 Delinouents
say by fire, it shall craWl, jump, hoP'--do anything to get away. But a child? It s h a 11 fatally stare at the ap proaching flames from its crib! We are all so .weak at birth. True, the powers latent within us are )Wt only a hove animals but, thanks be to God,even ;uper human. In our treatment of the magnificent Sacrament of Bap tism we took a glimpse of the unexpected powers showered , upon us by Almighty God. We were not only given an ideal and', the power to live up to it but we were thoroughly and completely cured of the in. herited loss of Adam. And even this is not enough! We were truly adopted to be anl;l live as, with all the rights and duties of, children of God. Baptism Not Enough In a world such as ours, with the work to do which God has Uti ' ' do, Baptism is not enough. "No man is an island ., • • we are our brothers' keepers· * *" Baptism not only saves us through ClITist's divine power but it cre ates us as a tiny living cell in the Mystical Body of Christ. But a cell cannot· live independently of the rest of the Body. It must obtain the necessities for its con tinued existence froni that Body and it must also contribute its own little "talent" to tl~e well, ' being of the entire Body. This it does,' in the Mystical Body of ' Christ, especially through the woi-king out of the graces re-: ceived in the Sacrament of Con firmation. Christian Initia.tion The reception of a candidate into the Church was not the' simple administration of Bap tism and then a seven-year vaca tion ,'before the new Christian would begin to act and operate as a Christian. Christian initia tion comprised of course Baptism and then Confirmation and the reception of the Blessed Eucha rist (even for children and in fants!). So as to 'steer clear of all abuses and attempt to better and more clearly teach, the meaning of the Sacraments to the Chri8 tijlns of certain ages, the Church separated these three necessary' Sacraments. Today" so separate are they that often some fail to'· grasp their true importance. No One Alone There' cannot be' a selfish yet true Christian. Chr,ist's charity cannot but.....' flow through the veins of those who bear His Name and physically receive Him as their nourishment. "In Baptism he (man) receives power to do those things which' pertain to his own salvation, for- ' asmuch as he lives to himself: whereas in Confirmation he re. ceives power to do those things which pertain to spiritual com bat with enemies of the Faith." (Sum. Theo!. III Q 72, a.5; Chri.. ' ,tian Life and Worship, Ellard). Christ's innumerable examples' of the glass of water to a beg gar, a talent well spent, the Good Samaritan; His own 'Life freely and willingly offered as the slain L,amb in sacrifice; the Spir itual and Corporal Works of Mercy that are to be so divinel;, rewarded * * * all for others. One cannot be a Christian un less each one in his own limited way relive the works of Chrnt ' * * * for others. How?: ·Simple • * * it'simpoa sible· .,. except 'for the help of Christ· and that He created ADd' , ,; rurn to Page seven
THE ANCHOR'-Oiocese of Fall River..:..:Thurs., May 16, 1963
Doctor Charges Abortion Racket In Puerto Rico
SAN JUAN (NC)-Act ing Gov. Roberto Sanchez Vilella of Puerto Rico has pledged action against the mounting number of abortions performed on this Caribbean island. Several public officials have characterized· the situation as "very serious," and Dr. Jose Licha, chairman of the Puerto Rico Medical Association, has charged this island is now being used as a base for an "interna tional abortion racket" patron ized by women from the U. S. mainland. Meanwhile, EI Debate, Catho Dc weekly with islandwide cir culation, has appealed to the , people "not to draw the holy wrath of God on this country by committing such a vile action • ,. ,. which along with so many other moral and social evils" ,. ,. disgracefully separate t his Christian country from the SERRANS HONOR BISHOP: Bishop Connolly, guest Lord's blessing." of honor, discusses the evening's program of the Annual Formerly in Havana Acting Gov. Sanchez Vilella Bishop's Night at the Fall River Serra Club, with Mrs. .aid he will confer with the Sec Eugene F. Sullivan, Jr., left, and Dr. Eugene F. Sullivan, retary of Justice concerning the .Jr., right, Serra president. situation and possible ways to combat it. He emphasized that only doctors and citizens really can cope with this problem. Dr. Licha said he learned of tlh e "international abortion Praises Church in U. S. for Personnel racket" from a physician whose identity was not disclosed. He Sent' to Latin America said the racket originally was BOSTON' (NC) - Pope John in Latin America," which is "so based in Havana, Cuba, but has expressed thanks for r -1) important and imperiled a memo when the U. S. broke off diplo matic ties with the Fidel Castro given to the Church in Latin ber of the Mystical Body of Christ." regime, the base of operations America by dioceses and reli gious congregations of the U. S. was switched to Puerto Rico. The Pope said the Bighops of Women from the U. S. main the U. S. are doing "priceless "The knowledge that this ef land come to Puerto Rico for fort is not made without sacri work" for the Church in South week end stays to have abortions fices touches Us deeply," the America. They "not only en performed, it was charged. Pope said in a letter received courage men and women Reli gious to undertake new founda here by Richard Cardinal Cush ing, Archbishop of Boston and tions in the South, thus depriv ing themselves of such services," chairman of the Bishops' Com he stated, "but have, with their mittee for Latin America. diocesan clergy, assumed the di A~o;~st The Pope's letter was an ac rection of numerous parishes." knowledgement of a report he WASHINGTON (NC) - The The Pope 'said that "special received in a survey of efforts 1r. $. Supreme Court has re recognition" is due to the Pio~ versed a Colorado Supreme by the Church in, the U. S. to Society of St. James, founded by Court ruling which ,permitted meet Latin America's need· for Cardinal Cushing," "which has . an airline to refuse to hire a religious personnel. already furnished 78 priests," Negro pilat. The report said the number of half of them from the Boston " The high court was unanimo~s priests and Religious in Latin archdiocese to the Church in in rejecting the argument that America "rose from 2,530 in Latin America. August, 1961, to 3,205 in Janu
states may not bar discrimina tion in hiring by interstate car. ary, 1963, and gave other statis.
riers because this area of. law tics on U. S. Church aid. to Latin Sen. Kennedy Heads
eomes under Federal jurisdiction. . America. It was included in a
Drive for Center The court thus ruled in favor letter sent to the Pope by Arch bishop Joseph T. McGuckE!n of of Marlon D. Green, a Negro WASHINGTON (NC) - Sen. pilot who had applied for a job San Francisco, chairman of the Edward M. Kennedy of Massa with the Continental Air Lines, Subcommittee "for Recruitment chusetts appealed here for par of the U. S. Bishops Committee ents of students and alumni of and the Colorado Anti-Discrim ination Commission which had for Latin America. the University of Virginia to ordered Continental to enroll support a new Catholic Center Curtail Domestic Needs Green in its training program. there.
In his letter to Cardinal Cush
Among those filing amicus The Senator, an alumnus of ing, Pope John said: "We realize curiae (friend of the court) the university's law school. briefs in the case were the Jus. that it is not superfluous per is chairman of a campaign: to tice Department, 16 other states sonnel that is sent to those coun raise funds for St. Thomas Hall, tries, but that grave domestic which have anti-discrimination the proposed center for the uni Jaws like Colorado's and the needs are curtailed in order· to versity's 650 Catholic students grant laudable aid to the Church Catholic Council on Civil Liber and Catholic faculty members. ties. The new $550,000 center will Prelate to Dedicate replace a former private home now used to provide sacramental Five Dioceses Top Chapels at Shrine and educational facilities for 50 Per ·Cent Mark WASHINGTON (NC) - Some Catholics. It will be staffed by WORCESTER (NC) - There 4,000 pilgrims are expected to Dominican priests who will teach come here Sunday, May 19 for courses in theology, philosophy, are five dioceses in which more Church history and Scripture. .than 50 per cent of the total the dedication of three newly population is Catholic, led by completed Vincentian chapels at the Diocese of Providence, R.I., the National Shrine of the Im First of Kind
which is 61.1 per cent Catholic. maculate Conception. WASHINGTON (NC)-A di Washington's Archbishop Pat The Catholic Free Press, rick A. O'Boyle will bless the vision of space sciences and ap newspaper of the Worcester dio cese, made this report. It added chapels dedicated to St. Vincent _plied physics, believed to be the that following Providence are de Paul, St. Louise de Marillac, first in any university anywhere, has been established in the foundr~ss of the Sisters of Char these Sees; Lafayette, La., 57.9 ity, and the Miraculous Medal, Catholic University of America's per cent; Corpus Christi, Tex., 57.5 per cent; Worcester, 55.99 a devotion promoted by the engineering and architecture school. per cent; and Buffalo, 50.6 per Vincentian Fathers. cent.
Pope Is Grateful
Reverses Ruling Negro
Worthwhile Recipes Continued from Page Six gives in His Sacrament of Con firmation. In the following ar ticles of "Worthwhile Recipes" we hope to explain the ceremo nies and implications found in the administration of Confirma tion and thus shed some light on 1IJ.e treasure, the talent, the powers and obligations given us ill this all important Sacrament.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FaIlRiver-Thurs., Moy 16, 1963
Approve Private College Aid
Advises Institutional Routine For Mentally Retarded Child
WASHINGTON (NC) - The House Education Committee has approved a $1,195,000,000 pro gram of Federal aid for con struction at public and private college universities. Church-related institutions of higher education are on 3Il equal footing with others in the measure which was approved 25 to 5 and sent to the House Rules Committee. The proposal would help fi nance academic facilities such as classrooms and laboratories. Excluded are facilities to be used for "sectarian instruction or religious worship" or those "to be used primarily for a program of ... school or department of divinity." ' The committee action was tan tamount to rejection of the Ken nedy administration's repeated requests that Congress keep in tact its "omnibus" bill of 24 proposal for all levels of educa tion.
By Father John L. Thomas, S. J.
Asst. Sociology Prof.-St. Louis University
"We've been debating our problem for the past nine years and need advice. One of our sons, aged 14, is menta!ly retarded. A series of tests run when he was about fIve showed that part of his brain had suffered injury, and would never develop normal- . ly. The doctor advis.ed·. us to all Americans that they should' encourage and support cum send him to an institution, munity, state, and federal pro but we decided against it. grams designed to deal with the
Lately he seems to sense that problem. something is badly missing and There is serious need for more grows so tense research, on the nature and that we m u s t causes of retardation, for more give him tranadequate diagnostic and clinical qUilizers. He is services, . for additional resi never aggresdential institutions, s p e cia 1 sive, yet we schools and professional staffs, must keep him and for enlarged vocational inside the house ageacies to deal with rehabili and watch him tation. DIOCESAN CATHOLIC NURSES CONVENE: St. constantly. The As President Kennedy has Anne's Hospital, Fall River, served as headquarters for doctor has again pointed out, we have made con advised us to siderable progress in dealing the plenary meeting at which Mrs. Mae Fitzgerald, left, Population Question place him in an with physical handIcaps, disease, president, Bishop Connolly and Mrs. Kathleen Sherry, righ~, institution. We and mental illness, but "we as a Conference Subiect program chairman, shared important roles. just can't decide what would be nation have for too long post NOTRE DAME (NC)-A con the right thing to do. What poned an intensive search for ference of Catholic sociologists, would you suggest?" solutions to the problems of the theologians and other specialists You and your husband face mentally retarded. That failure will be held this Summer at the a very difficult· situation, Har- should be corrected." University of Notre Dame te riet, because any decision you Now let us return to your study the population question. make will necessarily involve question, Harriet. You and your NEW ORLEANS (NC) - The When Fidel Castro came to George N. Shuster, assistant te heavy emotional costs. Experi- husband are to be commended friendship between two girls power, however, things changed. the president of the university, ence shows that parents and for seeking expert medical ad one Catholic, the other Jewish "Everybody in Cuba is in dan said the meeting is being planneil other members of the family vice as soon as it could be given has led to the resettlement of a ger," Mrs. Pelaez says. "i. was as "an attempt to bring together tend to develop a special kind reliably and also for accepting Cuban family here. worried that they would take my sociologists, mora) theologians, of affection and concern for a the diagnosis of impairment at husband. You have to live it to etc., to consider various aspect.l Mr. and Mrs. Rolando Pelaez handicapped child, with the re- that time. know what it is." of the situation." sult that it is not easy for them Some parents are reluctant to and their five children have Family Reunited to make an objective appraisal seek advice or to accept it even found new lives in the United of the situation if a change . though they have clear evidence . States, thanks largely 'to the In the Summer of 1959 Martha Prelate Denounces seems indicated. that their child is not developing friendship between the oldest Pelaez had attended Louisiana daughter of the family, Martha, I think that parents find it normally. Such reluctance may Miqratory labor State University and developed 80 difficult to' reach a decision result from a false sense of and Mary Lou Levy of Gretna, . close friendship with Mary Lou CAPE TOWN (NC) - The about placing their child in a shame and neurotic guilt or from "La. Levy. The girls corresponded Archbishop of Cape Town de Pelaez, a C~ban naval officer special institution because they ignorance that diagnostic ser when Martha returned to Cuba. nounced South Africa's migra secretly fear that they may be vices are available, yet it is very for 15 years, owned a home in As the Cuban situation wors tory labor system, noting that it mptivated by the desire to escape unfortunate because the child Havana, a farm and a plantation. ened, Miss Levy offered Martha has a damaging effect on the a burden rather than by sincere may either be blamed for not refuge in her home if Martha family life of Negroes. parental love. As I shall. point advancing' more rapidly or Archbishop Owen McCaJlll wished to return to America. Anti-Smut Crusade out later, parental love may also denied the special care needed Martha came to New Orleans also said that a proposed labor be mistaken in its aims and con- to develop fully what capacities WASHINGTON (NC) - Rep. in September, 1960, lived with direction system would put sequently lose Sight of the real it may possess. . the Levy family in Gretna and Negroes in a "defenseless, servile Frank C. Osmers Jr. of New Jer interests of the child. Needs Trained Care condition in the urban areas." 'sey has called for a "national got '1 job as a secretary. Soon Describes Condition Further, I gather that your crusade" to combat obscene . the rest of the family left Cuba, He spoke at a Mass in St. Mary'. Because mental retardation is son has now reached an age at rr aterial in the U. S. too, and all were reunited here. Cathedral here. a rather inclusive term and which' he is becoming in widely misunderstood, it may be creasiIigl y difficult to manage. useful to describe it in some Although there may be various detail. Briefly, it refers to the reasons for his growing tense lack of intellectual ability re- ness and awareness that "some sulting from arrested mental dething is badly missing," it seems velopment, and it manifests it- likely that his restriction to the ". self in poor learning, inadequate house and lack of suitable com social adjustment, and delayed panions are contributing factors. achievement. Hence I feel that ~you should Generally this condition is give your doctor's advice very either present at birth or begins serious con sid era t ion. In during childhood, and the causes reaching a decision, you must are many and opscure. Mental try to judge what will be best retardation should not be con- for your son and the other fused with mental illness or with children. His present condition a specific disease. suggests that he may well reRather, it is a sign or symp- quire the routine order, trained tom of either mongolism (con- care, and regulated freedom genital idiocy), birth injury or available only in an institutional infection, or even inadequate environment. stimulation in early childhd'od. To place him in an institution The retardation can be so severe would not be "letting him down,' that the afflicted person never as you put it. Indeed, it will leaves protective care, or so mild probably require greater love that it is detected only under and humility than trying des stress or through special tests. perately to keep him at home. 126,000 Births Annually Perhaps because it has re Georgetown Junior ceived little publicity until re Colleoe to Close cently, few people recognize the Blue Star Sign means full scope of the problem. Ac WASHINGTON (NC )-George cording to fairly reliable esti town Visitation Junior College home buyers can mates, some five million per "for girls which has been oper sons in this country are re ated since 1919 here will close ••• tarded. In other words, it dis in June, 1964, it was anpounced ables 10 times as many as dia by Mother Margaret Mary 8 out of 10 new home buyers across the U.S. betes, 20 times as many as Sheerin, president. choose economical, quiet, effiCient, clean, tuberculosis, 25 times as many The college facilities will be as muscular dystrophy, and 600 turned over to the preparatory modern Gas heat ... enjoy lower fuel bills, times as many as infantile par school for girls which has been proved performance. More than 26lh million alysis. operated on its present site satisfied homeowners use heat. Gas units can LIVE MODERN And it strikes- those who are since 1799 and is one of the na be planned to use the same ducts for both least able to defend themselves tion's oldest Catholic schools for - the children. Every year girls. The schools are conducted heating and cooling, so that Gas cooling easily FOR LESS roughly 126,000 babies are born by the Visitation Sisters. can be added at any time. who will be mentally retarded. Increasing costs of operations WITH ••• It is no "respector of persons," of the two schools, a shortage for it may afflict the child of of Religious personnel and other the rich or the poor, the urban factors caused the decision ·to dweller or the farmer, the cap close the college. With the col tain of industry or the manual lege closing, the prep school will laborer. be able to accommodate addi Need for Research tional students. There are 112
I have mentioned these facts girls who live on the campus and
155 North Main St. Telephone OSborne 5-7811 not merely to show you that 76 who live off campus a,t the many other couples face similar college. The present prep school situations, Harriet, but to remind enrollment is 212 studenta.
Girls' Fri,endship Leads to Cuban Family's Resett Iement in U.S.
Home buyers' foyorife
Fall River
Thurs., May 16, 1963
Pope John Wins Balz'an Award
By Mary Tinley Daly The month of May, the month of Mary. In certain other eountries of the world, the month has sinister connotations. But in this country, the United States of America, under the special patronage of the Blessed Virgin, it is heart warming to note tributes to Such more or less formalized the Mother of God. East, devotions are perennials, sup west, north and south, one ported and sustained by the en finds people paying homage thusiastic response of Catholics to her as the mother of the Divine Saviour. It seems so natural some how, during this month with all its beauty of flowers and blossoming trees and shrubs, its air softened fro m t 11' e harshness of winter and as yet unblis tered by the searing Sum
mer. Doctor's Shrine The almost spontaneous re sponse to Our Lord's words ad dressed to St. John, "Behold thy mother," echoes through the centuries and is reflected during these weeks in various ways. We see many manifestations of this response: . In the Midwest is a spaciously beautiful shrine on the private estate of an eminently success ful doctor, a shrine which may be visited by those who come to pray. Envisioned' by the doctor during' tragic days on a lonely Pacific isle during World War n the shrine is concrete evidence of his love for the Blessed Mother and a desire to spread elevotion to her. On a national scale, there is the annual May Novena at the National Shrine of the Immacu late Conception in Washington. Seventh largest church in the world, second largest in the United States, and the largest Catholic church in this country, this is a mecca for Catholics who would pay public tribute to Mary during her month. A "must" for tourists visiting Washington, the Shrine has particular significance during this month as thousands of world tourists reverently visit this church dedicated to Our Lady. Close by the National Shrine Js the Franciscan Monastery, with its R <> s a r y W a 1 k, its Lourdes Chapel where Mass is offered outdoors early every morning in May. Amidst a breath-taking array of gardens, pilgrims crowd the chapel for each morning Mass. In your church, wherever you may live, May devotions are held.. And in Catholic schools, .from elementary to college, are held May processions, rosaries, hymns, all adding up to increased devotion to Mary during her month.
everywhere, and growing year by year. Supplementary to these, one notes spreading private dedica tion to the Blessed Mother dur ing her month. For instance, in many a home with a garden there is a "Mary shrine." It may be as lavish as the Midwest doc tor's, or it may be as modest as a simple waterproof statue, semi protected from the weather by a pointed roof. Around it are planted marigolds and other "Mary" flowers.
Such nooks abound in Amer ica, in the gardens of rich and poor and the in-betweens, each adjusted to the family's taste, its pocketbook and its greenness of thumb. Indoor Shrines Indoors, too, May altars adorn thousands of homes. In the more prosperous, they may occupy an entire wall of the "family room," a well-chosen statue surrounded by a profusion of plants and flowers, with possibly soft in direct spotlighting. In a more modest home, there will be a simple table, covered with a white cloth, holding a statue of the Blessed Mother flanked by tiny vases of flowers -pansies, lilies of the valley or whatever is available. There the children say their prayers at night, stop by for the Morning Offering before breakfast. Somehow, even in a one-room apartment, there seems space for the speci;tl May altar. In one such, the small Virgin statue was on a TV tray table, in a corner right next to the pull-down Mur phy bed. The four girls sharing the apartment prayed the Rosary before this tiny shrine every evening after dinner. And in 'many cities and towns throughout the country, during this Month of Mary, groups of teenagers gather to pray the Rosary on the rectory lawn, after school and before dinner and homework. This is reminiscent of a custom carried on in the famed speech and drama department of the Catholic University of America for many, many years. Not just in May, not just in October, but every day just as surely as the campus chimes sound the hour of three, faculty and students of the department not in class at that time gather to pray the Rosary, led by Father Gilbert Hartke, O.P. T h u s America in Mary's month.
Prelate Urges C'athol ics Support
Freedom From Hunger Drive
NEW YORK (r-t"'C)-The head of the worldwide relief agency of U. S. Catholics hal! urged .trong Catholic support for the current Freedom From Hunger Campaign. Auxiliary Bishop Edward ·E. Swanstrom, executive director of Catholic Relief Services National Catholic Welfare Con ference, told a meeting of Cath olic women in Seaford, Long Island, that the campaign is "de signed to alleviate and eliminate the terrible scourge of hunget that plagues so many today." The campaign is sponsored by Z'l member nations of the United Nation's Food and Agri culture Organization. Its high Ught will be a World Food Con cress to be held in Washington,
Statue to- Academy WEST POINT (NC) - The Catholic chapel at the U. S. Mil I:tary Academy here has received a four-foot statue of Our Lady of. Fatima as a gift from Portu euese Army officials.
D. C., starting Tuesday, June 4. "So long as so many of our fellowmen must go without enough to eat," said Bishop Swanstrom, "we Catholics must not fail to respond. In justice and charity we cannot close our minds to the sufferings of the hungry."
Name Mrs. Crowley . For College Medal CHICAGO (NC) - The 1963 Magnificat Medal of Mundelein College here will be presented to Mrs. Patrick F. Crowley of Wilmette Ill., by Albert Cardi nal Meyer, Archbishop of Chi cago, at the college next Tues day. Mrs. Crowley and her husband serve as executive secretary of the Christian Family Movement. The medal is presented annually to an alumna of a Catholic col lege for "distinguished contribu": tion to American life." Mrs. Crowley is an alumna of Trinity College, Washington, D.C.
fHE ANCHI )1'(.
Devotion to .Our .La-dy Bursts Into Full' Bloom in May
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pupe John has been awarded the $160,000 Balzan Peace Prize in a triple ceremony at the Vatican and Rome's Quirinal Palace, once the residence of the popes and now the official home of Italy's presidents. It was the second time the prize has been awarded and the. first time it has been won by an individual. The first awa:j went to the Nobel Foun dation of Stockholm. The prize is named for the late Eugenio Balzan, editor of the Milan newspaper, Corriere della Sera, who left Italy for Switzerland dur'mg the fascist era. The prize was given in "public recognition of your activity in favor of brotherhood among men and among all peoples through appeals for peace and to the good will of men, and of your recent intervention at the diplo matic level."
PHARMACISTS JOIN NCCM: The president of the National Catholic Pharmacists Guild, Timothy P. Keating;" left, of New Bedford, receives a certificate of affiliation to the National Council of Catholic Men from Martin Work, NCCM executive director. The affiliation between the re cently organized 125-member group and the NCCM took place at' an executive committee meeting of the NCCM in Washington. NC Photo.
Nun Tak'es Flying Instructions . .In Af' I Communlty nco T o A ·-d FRAMINGHAM (r-t"'C)-A nun from -Massachusetts will soon obtain pilot's license and op<,rate a plane in serving mem1.Jers of her community in East Africa. Sister Michael Therese, a member of tht. Medical Missionaries of Mary, is taking flying instructions at Bedford Airport. Soon after she receives her pilot's license, she will leave for Africa. Her duties will consist of fly ing members of her community ~o posts in the Eldoret diocese's desert area of Turkana. The Medical Missionaries plan to operate a central hospital in Turkana, with several outlying ~tations.
Ecumenical Banquet To Climax Program
Gets Canadian Post OTTAWA (NC)-Romeo Mai one, a lea'der for five years in the Young Christian Workers movement, has been named as sistant director of the interna tional affairs department of the .Canadian Labor Congress. ••••••••••••••••• 1
~'4 1122 RIVERSIDE AVENUE SOMERSET JUlt Nortll of Brightman Street Bridge
6:00 P.M.
Blesses Building
Agency Sends Turkey First Polio Vaccine
SEOUL (NC) - Archbishop Antonio Del Juidice; Apostolic Delegate to Korea, blessed a new NEW YORK (NC)-The first $250,000 building at Sogang shipment of polio vaccine ever . Jesuit College here. Present at to enter Turkey has been sent to the ceremony were Archbishop that country by Catholic Relief Paul M. Ro of Seoul; Yun Tae Services-Natinal Catholic Wel rim, Korean Vice Minister of fare Conference in response to Education, and former Korean an appeal from Turkey's Minis Prime Minister John M. Chang, ter of Health. whose daughter Teresa attends Six thousand units of Sabin the college. oral vaccine were sent by Cath olic Relief Services as a gift to the children of Turkey and will COME be distributed through the Turk
ish Red Crescent (an organiza
AND SEE! tion similar to the Red Cross) to
help combat childhood polio in THE Turkey. Arrangements were made with the Pfizer International Drug Company to fly the vaccine to Ankara, the capital of Turkey, where it was received by the Minister of Health and other government officials.
New Buick
British Parish to Help House Old People
LONDON (NCj - The parish of Our Lady of the Annunciation at Addiscombe near London has formed its own housing associa tion to look after aged and desti tue parishioners. Some 300 parishioners are lending the association money at low interest so that it can buy a large house and convert it into eight separate units for elderly people. Volunteers are to carry out the alterations. s:S%%%%%:
COLUMBIA (NC) - Courses to be taught at the Newman Center under construction here will be accredited by the Uni versity of Missouri. Next fall the Catholic center will offer two courses, each of which carries three semester hours credit as electives. His tory of Christianity will be taught by Father Donald Kem per, while the life and teachings of Jesus will be taught by Father Frank Stangl. .. .. For some years the ~mverslty has accepted for .credl~ courses taught. a.t the M.lssourl Sc~ool of RelIgIOn, an mterdenommationa.I insti~ution, an~ at the Baptist Chair of the Bible.
ERIE (NC) - An interfaith "ecumenical banquet" will cli max day-long festivities under Catholic . auspices underlining interreligious harmony here Thursday, May 30, Memorial Day. Some 1,500 persons of all reli gious faiths are expected to at tend the banquet at which Arch bishop John Mark Gannon, Bishop of Erie, will be host. Other highlights of the day will . include presentation of papal honors to two Protestant laymen and awarding of honor ary degrees by Gannon College, a Cetholic institution, to an Episcopal bishop and a Jewish judge.
OPEII 8:00 A.M. -
founded in Ireland in 1931 and its motherhouse is at Drogheda, Ireland. The U. S foundation is in Winchester, Masa. Sister Michaei Therese will be the first member of the commun ity to use a plane in medical mission work.
University to Credit Newman Courses
. .::..5.~~~::~::~~~.~:':':;: M.~~~J
THE ANCPOR -Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May .16,1963
California Bishop Scores Proposed Family Planning
Says Lundberg's Analysis Of Catholicism ~Is False
SACRAMENTO (NC) Bishop Alden J. Bell of Sacra mento has asserted that a proposed California state
By Msgr. George G. Higgins
Director, NCWC Social Action Departmeht
What will our lives and our institutions be like 25, 50, 150 years from now? Sociologist Ferdinand Lundberg of New York University is bold enough to try to answer this staggering question in a new book entitled "The Coming W 0 rId Transformation" This irreversible trend has (Doubleday, Co., Inc., $5.75) been under way for many years, Professor Lundberg's unin but it was given a new impetus hibited predictions about the in Pope John XXIII's encyclical;
future of government, capital 'Pacem in Terris" (Peace on ism, science, and education will Earth). be of less im New Impetus mediate interest "The doctrinal principles out. to readers of the lined in this Document," Pope Catholic press Jolin reminds the faithful, "* * * thaI his dismal provide Catholics * * * with a analysis of the vast field in which they can future of reli meet and come to an understand gion in the ing ,.both with Christians separ Western world. ated from this Apostolic See, "On a very long and also with human beings who term trend," he are "not enlightened by faith in confidently as Jesus Christ, but who are en serts, "religion dowed with the light of reason as we know it and with a natural and operative appears to be on thE" way out." honesty." All of the tra-iitional religions, Citing a passage from his he says, "may be expected to be earlier encyclical, "Mate~ et long in dying as their practical Magistra" (Christianity and So role diminishes under the erosion cial Progress), the Holy Father of new techniques and insights further reminds the faithful that, and the emergence of new types in their dealings with their non Catholic neighbors, they are to of personalities." Sense of Humor? "show themselves to be animated Sir Charles Darwin, of all peo by a spirit of understanding and ple, has said all that needs to detachment, and disposed to be said about this pessimistic work loyally ill the pursuit of prophecy: "While pone of :us can objectives which are of their help hoping that when anyone· nature good, or conducive, to . undertakes to prophesy .the good." . .. Cushin« Pa.storal future, the facts will prove hini wrong." . Even ~~~e re~entIy, Cardinal The . fact that this quotation Gushing .of Bosto•. 'hils made the from Darwin appears on ·the . same point very forcefully iii his frontispiece of "The·· Coming. magnificent Pastoral 'Letter . World Transformation". would Aprii 28" "'ihe Church and .Pub seerr. to suggest, by the way, that lic Opinion:" Repeatedly' ill the Professor Lundberg-in spite of course of this Pastoral the Car- .' 395 pages of gloomy evidence. to diDlil.challeng~ the laity to C0. the contrary-may still have a operate. wholeheartedly with lIense of humor after all. their non-:Cathqlic neighbors ill In any event, while we . are the service of the community. not going to be so silly as to If Professor, J;.undberg were to argue with Lundberg the .proph take the trouble' to study .I'ope et, we should iike to disa'gree John's new encyclical and Car on one point in particular"":""with dinal Cushing's recent. Pastoral Lundberg the sociologist. As a on the role of the laity in, the sociologist, he is not very well Church, he might want to revise informed· on contemporary Ca his pessimistic outlook on the tholicism. future of Catholicism Encourages Oooperation On the other hand, he seems "Catholic leaders," he says,' to be so strongly persuaded that "attempt to insulate their com municants by indoctrination and Catholicism is out of date that perhaps no amount of evidence self, segregation, reducing inter action with non-Catholics' to a to the contrary would lead him to change his mind. In any minimum * * * But the Church cannot prevent the necessary event, Catholics will want to interaction of :ts communicants study these two documents very carefully. They will find' in on the basic economic and po them a new source of optimism tical levels and on the general about the future 'of religion. cultural level." Copies of the encyclical, Twenty or 30 years ago this "Peace on· Earth," maybe ob analysis of Catholicism might have appeared to be at· least tained by writing to the Publica superficially plausible. At the tions Office, National Catholic Welfare Conference, 1312 Massa present time, however, it is pat chusetts Avenue, Northwest, ently false. The trend today within the Washington 5, D. C. Price: 3OC. Copies of Cardinal Cushing's Church is to encourage the faith ful to cooperate to the fullest Pastoral, "The Church and Pub lic Opinion," are available from possible extent with non-Catho lics "on the basic economic and the Daughters of St. Paul, Ja maica Plain, Boston 30, Massa political level and on the ge!l chusetts. Price: 250. eral cultural level."
of .
Says Children Near Brazilian City Lack Facilities for Education NEW ORLEANS (l'o"'C)-Five 'hundred miles up the Amazon River in the rural areas sur rounding the city of Santarem, Brazil, about 80 per cent of the children can't go to school. Most of them would like to, but ,the schools are few and far between and there are no mod ern means of transportation into Santarem. This was disclosed by Brother lulius Wadekamper, who is now teaching at the Holy Cross IChool in New Orleans. He re ,:ently returned to tbiscountry Ifter eight years at· the Holy Cross' Brothers' h~gq school Junior college and formation Douse in the Santarem area. Though 70 per cent of the peo ple in the rural Santarem areCUI
are illiterate, Brother Julius said, they are interested in edu cation and "will do anything to get their children in school." The Holy Cross Brothers have operated a school at Santarem since 1951. In 1960 they opened their formation house in a rural area outside of Santal'em. The Brothers hope eventually to expand their teachi.ng activi ties in Brazil by having enough native candidates for the broth erhood to turn the formation house into a novitiate. "Our purpose is education," said Brothers Julius, "and we hope to accomplish this in Brazil by having increased native voca tions-Brazilians who will be trained to teach their fellow cit izens."
OLD FOLKS FROLIC: Solicitors for the annual Cath olic Charities Appeal were entertained at their meetings by 35' guests. from Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven. Mary Keane, .86, left, and Pat Meaney, 92, right, shared the spotBght with the old song' and dance . routine, . ":MIss Spring." . .
u. S.
Tries to Establish Alliance Fo.. Progress in ..Hemisphere·, WASHINGTON (NC) - The' United' States is working hard in Latin America and hoping for tim~time to make the Alliance for Progress work.. Castro's. Cuba-recognized as a staging area for communist aggression in this hemispher~ has given a new urgency to the development of Latin America's human and material 'resources. . This is made crystal clear in remark of high State Department officials. For example, Edwin M. Martin, Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, told a Congressional committee: "Our own destiny is inextricably bound up with the development of a hemisphere-wide renewal which s long overdue. The alternative is a series of convulsions
Italian President Gets Papal Honor ROME (NC) - Italian Presi dent Antonio Segni has received the highest papal honor, the Supreme Order of Christ, at the Quirinal Palace here, the offi cal residence of Italian presi dents. Archbishop Car 1 0 Grano, Apostolic Nuncio to Italy, pre sented the award the day before President Segni Was to visit Vatican, City to see the Balzan Peace Prize presented to Pope John. Archbishop Grano visited the Quirinal almost a year ago to present the President with the second highest papal honor, the Order of the Golden Spur.
Delegate Sees Need Of Science Scholars RENSSELAER, (NC) - The Apostolic Delegate in the United States said here in Indiana that' there is need for -"Catholics who are scholars in science." Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi said the emphasis in education has shifted from humanities to science. He urged Catholic edu cators to "give to the young pe0 ple what the world today re quires. We must give them ex cellence."
whose consequences .cannot be foreseen. but which are more likely ~o serve the objectives of our adver.saries than the inter estsof .Latin America· and the United States." . Assistant 'Secretary Martin also Slilid "we are providing aid to our sister republics in public safety and anti-subversive efforts • • * in the framework· of a long-term program * * * to main tain order and the strengthen democratic institutions so the Alliance may have a chance to ripen." Scholarships in Cuba An estimated 1,000 to 1,500 young people from various Latin American countries went to Cuba in 1962 on the pretext of pursuing normal studies. But they also received instructions in guerilla warfare and subver sive tactics, our officials claim. Other sources estimate that in any year there are 25,000 young L a tin Americans studying abroad, perhaps· as many as 8,000 of them in communist dominated countries, and that Cuba alone offers them' 2,000 llCholarships. Civil police officials in Latin America have asked for assist arice with training programs in riot cOntrol and other threats to public order. As a consequence, a public safety program is an integral part of AID's program, in an effort to meet these re quests.
sponsored program of birt1a limitations would "in the end compound the very problems which the sponsors of such legis lation seek to alleviate," The California prelate made his comment in reference to a State Senate concurrent resolu tion which seeks to put the Legislature on record as stating that "family planning services should be included as a regular part of an adequate health care program." The resolution urges the IState Department of Public Health, itt cooperation with local health agencies,' "initiate, supplement and furnish such services." Now But What Later B!shop Bell said: "Any artificial limitation upoa birth which f r u s t rat e s the natural power to generate life i1s an offense against the law of God and of nature * * * Those who propose a state-sponsored program for the dissemination of birth control information and devices assert that such a pro gram will help to eliminate the burden of caring for children (J(f those upon the relief rolls. "The elimination of poverty, disease and unemployment are all desirable goals. We do not believe, however, that the proper solution to the problem. of poverty, .disease and unem ployment is the elimination' (J(f the poor, the sick and the unem ployed.· . "Once the sta'te embarks upon a policy of limiting births, it ",ill inevitably be faced with the de ,Ci9ion of determing whose births will be controlled. . "Once the principle' is recog nized, . however,' there are De practical restraints which may in 199ic be imwsed upon ~he state's power to ta:k:e or to de~,. life. . .
Hospitals Get Federal Grrr"l't$.
WORCESTER (NC)-The two Catholic hospitals in the Diocese of Worcester are recipients of grants under the Hill-Burton Act which provides Federal funds to assist hospital construction. St. Vincent Hospital, Worces ter, is planning an expansion program which will add some 125,000 square feci of floor spac~ and 114 new beds to the existing structure. It received about $300,000. St. Camillus Hospital, which recently announced plans for construction of a 48-bed hospital for chronically-ill men in Whit insville, will receive $348.215, or about one th.rd of the construc tion cost.
College Graduates' Abhor Commitment ST. PAUL (NC)-Father Theo dore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., said here that too many students graduate from U. S. colleges and universities with "an abhorrence to commitment." "The very nature of truth demands commitment," Father Hesbul'gh, president of :"J'otre Dame University told 300 area Notre Dame alumni and their wives at a dinner.
SLADE/SFERRY TRUST COMPANY SOMERSET, MASS. Assets Over $2,600,000 in 3 Years The most friendly, democratic BANK offering
Complete One-Stop Banking Checking Accounts Auto Loans Savings Accounts Business Loans CluL Accounts Real Estate Loans At Somerset Shopping Area-~rightman St. Bridge Member Federal Deposit Insurance C;:orporation
~---~ -~~-~~---------_._--'---------------------------------------------"""1
$1,000 Rt. Rev. Leonard J. Daley
$300 St. francis Xavier St. Vin cent De Paul Conference
$200 A Friend
$100 Rev. James P. Dalzell Rev. John Pegnam A Friend
A Friend
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Adolphe Richards Mr. & Mrs. Rene Poyant Mr. & Mrs. George Lysaght Mr. & Mrs. Morton Downey A Friend . St. Francis Xavier Guild Doane, Beal & Ames' A Friend John Eyre Mr. & Mrs: Paul T. Lebel $50 Bishop William Tyler, Geneml Assembly, Fourt!" Degree K. of C., A Friend, A Friend, ·Mrs. Joseph J. Keane. Mr. & Mrs. Francis H. Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Morin, Mr.' &: Mrs. Hobart L. Morin, Dr. Benjamin Kepnes, Misses Mary & Bridget Gregg. The Barnstable County Na tional Bank of Hyannis, In Memory of Elizabeth Smith Pay 1lOll.
Ellen O'Neill Guertin Bros. Jewelers Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Rioux A Friend Edward L. Bennett Walter M. Gaffney Assoc. . $40 ~E. Thomas, Murphy, Mr. & -.Mrs. John P. Curley Jr.,·Mr. Be 1!lIrs. David ·Stevens. '$30
.. Mr. & ·Mrs.' John R. Reyburn ~ Mr. Be Mrs. John A. MacLean , A Friend $29' Mr. & Mrs. Frank Garvey .. '$25 ., A Friend, Misses~Catherine &: ·Helen Lowney, Dr. & Mrs. 'Wai 'fer J. Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. John 'Vetorino; Mr. & Mrs. H<lrry'Varnum. , Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Maher, Mr. '& Mrs. Victor ~Woodruff,' Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Flynn, Mr. &: Mrs. John·D. Cannon, Mr. & ,Mrs. Robert White. . , Mr. & ·Mrs. William Mather, , Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ryan, Mrs. . Catherine D. Towey. Mrs. Margaret Murphy, A Friend. Dr. & Mrs. Francis O'Neii, Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Coyle. William 'J. O'Neil Jr., Mrs. Francis King, 'Mr.&: Mrs. John T. Gelinas. Mr. & Mrs. James Crawford, John Sheehan, Mr. &' Mrs. Ed 'ward Halloran, Phillippe Roy, Fay E. J. Carey. Mr. &: Mrs. 'Richard Powers. J. P. Miga, Mr. & Mrs. John Hart, Mr. &' Mrs, Harold Ellis, Tobin's Hardware, Mr. & Mrs. L. J. Catania. . Hyannis Pharmacy Inc. Rita Cobb. Mr. & Mrs. John Barrows, Eleanor Resmini, Baxter Trans pol"t Inc., James F. Pendergast. $20 Wiiliam P. Morse, Mr. & Mrs; , John Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Wal ter Zamites, Earl Fratus, Mar garet Murphy. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dwyer, Mrs. Fannie Mendes, Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. 'Harry Sylvester, Mr. & Mrs. Austin Bell. ' . Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Mossey, Mr. &: 'Mrs. Graham Scudder, Arthur Poirier, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bouchard, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Clement. Mr. & Mrs., Joseph Thomas, Mrs. Charles Swift, Tho mas Nunan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bednark. Mrs. Elizabeth P. Hunt, Mr. &: Mrs. Girard Richard Mrs. Law rence J. McCormick, Mrs. T. Santry & Family, Mrs. John Lycett, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Casella. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Aylmer, Mrs. Alma Alberghini &: Jane Alberghini, Mr. &: Mrs. William Cotter, Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred Junior Mr. & Mrs. John Craig Medei J:lC)S, Mr. & Mrs. Marcel,A.. Ken 'ney, William Murphy, Harriet Butler, A Friend. . Mrs. Edltl;l Q'Connell, M.r.. ,&: Mrs. Henry F. Burns.
Mr. &: Mrs. 'Anthony George, Mr. & Mrs. William O. Bill, Mr. &: Mrs. John F. Keveney, Mr.
&: Mrs. Donald J.' Belliveau, M. Louise Hayden. Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. O'Neil, Mrs. John Terry, Dr. & Mrs. James Dunne, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Francisco, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bray. Mrs. George Garoufes, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Haydon, Peter Nelson. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Trocchi, Mr. & Mrs. E. J., Bennett, Mr. &: Mrs. Roland· Auger, Mr. &. Mrs. Chas. Harrington, Aubrey D. Kelly & Eleanor S. Kelly. Myers Co. Inc., Anne McKeon, Mr. & Mrs. Simon Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Piknik.
$14 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred McKenna
$12 Mrs. Mary E. Rogean Mrs. Maurice Killen, Mr. &. Mrs. David Parker, Mr. &. Mrs. Norman R. LeFrancois. Mr. & Mrs. Rasmus Klim,m $11 Mr. & Mrs. George T. Lampert
Field, Mr. &: Mrs. GeorgeMc Nulty. Dr. Robert Thrope, Mildred's
Chowder House, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Burnham Carchrie. Mr. & Mrs. Donald. Chase, Mrs. Sylvester Francis, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Houle Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Nerie Allain, Mrs. Catherine Springer. J. Boles Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nixon, Robert Jameson, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Rivard, Thomas J. Manning.. Mrs. Angela Spinney, Mrs. Alice McGinn, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Nixon, Mr. & Mrs. R. Donahue. Mrs. Helen Bassett. Mr. & Mrs. Lester Leonardi, Sally Serpico, Mrs. Elsie Archer, Mrs: Frances Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. George Tryder. Mr. & Mrs. C. Gerald Murdy, Mr.. & Mrs. ~awrence Balegno, Mr. & Mrs. James Muldowney, Mrs. Arthur Fisher, Mr. & Mrs, Francis T. Buckley.' Mr. & Mrs. Theopore Bastier; Mr. &. Mrs. Henry Chambers, Mr. & Mrs. Edward BonneY, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Bell, Mrs. Mary Cordeiro. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Proc', Mr. & Mrs. William J. Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Kelley, Cape Cod Travel Age n c y, Earl Crowell. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel G. Medei ros Jr., Mrs. Mary Santos, Acme Pharmacy, Barnstable County Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany. Mrs. Catherine White. Mrs. Kathleen Aikens, Mr. &. Mrs. Victor Misiewicz, Mr. &. Mrs, Arthur Snow, Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Anperson,. Mrs. Bernard Aikens. M~. &. Mrs. Michael Coady, Mrs. Marie Howes, Mr. & Mrs. Francis ,Watson, John LaFrance Sr., Mr. & Mrs. AnthonJ': Perry. , Mr. & Mrs. Daniel'Hatton, Mr. " ~ Mrs. Arthur.. Morash, Mr. & Mrs. Everett Bisbee, Mr. &. Mrs. James Pelletier, Mr. &. Mrs. ' , Charles H. Koeing, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Merritt, Mr. & Mrs. George Murray, Mary Fair cl~ugh, Mrs. Agnes Peltopen. Mr. &: Mrs. Louis Silvia,Mr. &:...Mrs. R. J. Harron, Mr. &. Mrs. Charles, Kelly, Mrs. Bruce Ray mond, Richard .F. Murphy. A Friend, Mrs. Marian Peter
son,' Mr. & Mrs. John F. O'Mal ley,. Lawrence O'Rourke, A Friend. Cecelia K. O'Rourke, Mr. & Mrs. Cosmo Montagna, Mrs. John Connelly & J'ames Con,., nelly, J. P. Morin, John Mul-' keen. . M. &. K. McDermott, Mr" &. Mrs. Joseph Zitola, Frank Mar shall, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nel son, .Mr. & Mrs. David Sulli
Margaret Moran, A Friend, PRO BOSS: J. Walter David Cremin, G era I d V. Sheerin, Marion Bennett. Kennedy, the new commis Mr. & Mrs. Julio Canarias, sioner of the National Bas Jam€ - Powers, Mr. &. Mrs. Leon ketball Association, is a Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Louis former social worker for Catholic Charities and sports Catald<>o , John B. Baldasaro, J. J. Sax publicist for the University ton, Mr. &. Mrs. William MuIane, of Notre Dame, his alma Mrs. Margaret M. Linnell, John mater. He is serving as F. Vetorino. Thomas F. Vetorino,' Mr. &: Mayor of Stamford, Conn. Mrs. Felix Poire, 'Mrs. Marie NC Photo. Sherman, Miss May C. Fay, Joseph Doucette. West. Marie Taveau, Mr. &: Mrs. Jose E. DeMello, Mr. &: Mrs.' Manuel Coute, Mrs. Winthrop Bonaventure DaRosa, Mr. & Mrs. 'Quinlan, Mr. &. Mrs. Simon' Manuel Ries, Mrs. Jeannette MilteF, Mr. &. Mrs. Oliver Ver-' Shephard, Mr. &; Mrs. Maurice roiU. F. Doherty. . Mrs. Thadea Normandin &. Mrs. Jeanette Otto, Mr. &. Mrs.. Lorraine Normandin, Mr. &: Mrs: Luke Le onnovlC, . h M'r. &. Mr' , s. Edward Beucler, Mr. &: Mrs. John'Quealey, Mr. &: Mrs. Louis Edmund Babinea'u, A Friend. . Godley Family, Mr. & Mrs. Sant~, Helen A. Greenwood. George W.' Wallace, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Perry, Dennis O'Hearn, Christopher P., William- Covell, Mr. &. Mrs. Considine, Mrs. Elwinna NickerHoward Fahey.. son, Mr. & Mrs. Harry B."Ryder. ,: Mr. & Mrs. Robept· Mannjng, Mr." & Mrs. "George Connell, . ¥~. &. Mrs. J:ames P. Murphy, .Mary F.·Connell, Mi'. &.,Mrs. Leo ;Mr. & Mrs.. James Murray, Lil HOgaR, Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand ,~ian E. Shea, Irene E. Shea.' Gallant, 'Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Mary G. Shea, Mrs. Helen J. Dias. .Allbee, Web ster Copithorne,' Elizabeth Madden, Stewart W. Adelard Benoit" Mr. &. Mrs. HambliIl, J. Lincoln MacDonald, Jerry.Robert. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Botello, Mrs. , Mr. & Mrs. Raymond,Wheeler, Amelia Richard. Mrs. Frederick L. Chicoine, Mrs. Mrs. Mary Roderick, Irving K. Albert Bourgois, Mr. & Mrs. Morrissey; Mr. & Mrs. Frank Joseph Borowick, Mr. & Mrs. Mason, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Michael F. Burns. Klimm, ·Mrs. Ruth Parece. Mrs. Lydia Peters, Mrs. Doris Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Martin, Mr. Crowell, Mrs. Lena H .. McGla &. Mrs. Ralph C. Rocheteau, Mr. . mery, Mrs. James F. McCarthy, &. Mrs. Clement Brophy, Mrs. M. Constance Fortune. John Diggins & Judy Diggins, Mrs. Dorothy Covell, Joseph Patricia. Kenneally. Hardy, Mr. & Mrs. Owen Needvan. Mr. & Mrs., Arthur Cloutier, ham, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Oono Mr. &. Mrs. Francis Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Karukas, van, A Friend . ,Mr. & Mrs. Roger Paron, Alice . Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kenneally, Mrs. Harold Brunelle, William Edward J. Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Godin, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mc Smith. 'John F. 'McCaul, Mr. &. Mrs. Bride, Mrs.. Frances Anderson. Mrs. Charles Jones, Mrs. Mr. &. Mrs. W. Flana~an, The Joseph Rosbrough, Mr. &. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Flaherty, Joseph McManus, Mr. &: Mrs. ;Toseph Gerrior, Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Kelly, Mrs. Leonard Bacon. Theodore W. LeBlanc, .Casey's Leon Chausse. Radio' & ,T.V. Service, Jolin Oral E. Maloney, Mr. &. Mrs. Mr. ~ Mrs. Robert O'Rourke, Dempsey. " . George BrOUillette, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Della Prada, Mrs. Alice . Mr.' & Mrs. Edmond Dery, C.' Christensen, Mrs. Anna Lacy, Niedzwecki, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Frangione, Mrs. Francis H. Buckler's Auto Paint Shop, Mr. 'Mr. & Mrs. W. Murphy. _. & Mrs. George Grennan, Mr. & john W. Spence, 'Mrs. John Hurley, 'Mrs. Richard Slavin, Mrs. TheMcGinley, Joseph DVI(ight, Mr. & . Mr: & Mrs. V. J. Enright Jr., resa Bergen. Mrs. Albert Fallon, Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. McLean, Mr. & Mrs. G~orge Leol).novich, Mr. & Mrs.
, Mrs. Eva Chase', Mrs. Mildred Ken Daly. Lai:lrie. Mr. & Mrs. Harry 'MadWillard Ellis, Mr. &. Mrs. Robert G. Clasby, Mr.&. Mrs.
William Mullaly.
. dox, A' Friend, Mrs.' E'lsie M. F'rank DeBella, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Smith. mond' Tuttle; Ovide Dumas, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Holmes,
Cape Cod Furniture Store, '& Mrs. Arthur Provencher. Mr. & Mrs. john McKeon, Mrs..
Sears Package Store Inc., .Air. Mr. '&. 'Mrs. Francis Kidwell, Michael Gulachenski, Mr. & Mrs.
port Motors Inc., Emerson Clean- Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan, Mr. & Edward Anderson, Mrs. Gert
ers, Mr. & Mrs. C. M. Lanning. Mrs. Arthur Marston, Dorothy rude Rommell. Mrs. Carl Hallgren, Mr. & 'Shannahan, Mr~ &: Mrs. Kenneth .:,Mr. & Mrs. William Smith, Mr. Mrs. Laure ,Landry, Alcibade Drew.' & Mrs. Arthur Gauthier, Mr. & Soucy, ,Mr. & Mrs. Cranston Mr, &: Mrs. John T. Shanna-· Mrs. J. E. Lynch, Mrs. Sally Wilt Montcalm, Alys LaCrosse, Mrs. han, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Levan Clifton, Francis O'Neill. Theresa. Mudgett.. gie,Mr. . & Mrs. Thomas' L. Leo Goulet, ,Mr. & Mrs. Ed Mrs. George Robbins, Mrs. Ed- Geilear. Mr. & Mrs. Meric Gen ward Kelly Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Cedna DeMoranville, Mrs. Anna naco, Thomas Ayers Jr.
Peck, Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. John Madden, Mr.
Mrs. Regina Fusselle.. & Mrs. Clifford White, Mrs. Mrs. ,Geraldine Medeiros, Mr. Ethel Sullivan" David Crowell, &. Mrs. Milton Howard, William Mrs. Margaret Fitzpatrick.
L. Carey, Mr & Mrs George Sou..; Mr. & Mrs. James Brownlie,
tier, In memory of Leonard ..charles Hennessey, Mr. & Mrs.
Hickman. Harold Williams, Mr. & Mrs.
Mrs. Normq Barter, Mr. & Mrs. Gerhard Robichaud, Mr. &: Mrs
Francis K. Dwyer, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Senesac.
Frederick Golenski, Mr. &. Mrs. Mrs. Hollis Lovejoy, Arthur
Southeastern MassachuseHs'
William Sullivan, Mr; & Mrs. Emerson, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard
Largest Independent Chain
Harold E. Casey. Everett, Francis R. Dorey, Mr. Mr. &: Mrs. James P. Shattuck, & Mrs. O.P. Denoncourt. Mary A. Ellis, Mr. & Mrs. Roger ,Charles Riordan, .Mrs. Francis
~... Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence O'Rour.ke, Mr, &, Mrs. Ralph
We Give Gold Bond Stamps Marsland, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Ames, Capt. & Mrs. 'John L.
THE A....'I'"I-I'"'I"'-'
Thurs., May 16, 1963 ric Sears, Mrs. Elsie Bearse, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Meusse. Dr. Walter J. McDonough, Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph Bonna, Roland Hochu, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dore. Mrs. Mary Costelle, Mrs. Cecilia Moore, Mrs. Beatrice Silver, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Amado, Mr. William Quirk. Mr. & Mrs. Joaquim Rosary,
Mrs. Raymond Paine, Mr. & Mrs.
Joseph Brito Sr., Mr. & Mrs.
Eugene Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Gonsalves. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brito Jr., Mr. & Mrs', Louis Pina, Raymond Paine Jr" Mrs. Catherine L. Johnson, Mr.' & Mrs. Eugene Tavares. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DaCruz DaLuz, 'Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Barros, Mr. & Mrs. John Rosario, Richard Farrenkopf, Mr. &. Mrs. Michael Pinto. Mrs. Ora McElhaney, Mr. & Mrs. John Moda, Mrs. Mary Curazzari, Agnes O'Neil, Dora Chase. Mr. & Mrs. William Orsmby, · Mrs. John Threlfal, Mr. & Mrs. James T. Richer, Ann McCor mack, Mr. & Mrs. John Dantos. . George Swansey, Mr. & Mrs. William MacDonald. Mr. & Mrs. William Nelson, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Farrell, Mrs. Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Fellows. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mather, Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Corrigan, Mr. &; Mrs. Robert McCarthy, Margaret G. Smith, Mr. &. Mrs. William E. Robinson. Mr. ,&: Mrs. John J. Roberts, Mr &; Mrs Francis Dolan, George , T. Durkin, Mrs. David Pierce, Lt. &: Mrs. ;Francis Durby, Mrs. Leo Lewis. · , Mr.. & Mrs. Durward Stebbins, : Mrs. Henry Johnson, Mr. & Mrs.
Norman McLean, Mr.' & Mrs.
, Milan O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Amaral. Mr. &. Mrs. Rico Sablone,' Mr. Be' Mrs. Lawrence Holmes, 'Mr'. & · Mrs. 'Edmund Souza, Mrs. George Robertson, Mrs. Alice Mooney. Joseph F. Finn, Mrs. Herbert
· Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard
Robsham, Mrs. Arthur Mana
seilan, Mrs. Thomas Burke. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph St. Peter,
Lillian Senteio, Mrs. Gregory
Senteio, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Fratus, Mr & Mrs Louis St. Peter. Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Joslyn, Mrs. Esther Hearn, Mary A. Mc Garry, Mr. & Mrs. M. Lovelette, Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregg. Mr. & Mrs. Warren Morse, Mr. &. Mrs. Alfred Vieira, Louis Sav ino, Mrs. Bertha Halloran, Mr: & Mrs. Marshall Field. John Hinckley & Son, Mr. & Mrs: Alvino Dutra, Mr. & Mrs. George Igo, Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Gleason, Mrs. Stephen Clarke Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Gonsalves Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cabral, Dr: Lawrence H. Rivers, Eleanor V. Kinsman, Mrs. Rita Rockwood. Mr. & lVII's. William Naylor, Mr. & Mrs. George Beaudry, Mrs ·Leo Fondini, Dr. A. W. Mandel stan, Dr. Joseph Robinson, Hall Cleaners.
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write to
Registered Representative
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Winchester Mass.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., May .16,1963
Says Education
Without Religion Is Mistake
Jesuit Missionary Explains How to Beat Brainwashers
SPRINGFIELD (NC)-lt is a mistake to exclude Ie ligious values and influencel from the educational system,
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy Father John W. Clifford, S.J., was for three years a prisoner of the Chinese Communists, and for all that period his captors attempted to brainwash him. What the exper ience was like, he tells in his book In The Presence of My Enemies (Norton. $4.50). But this is not primarily a He was moved to a second personal narrative. The au prison, put in with a batch of who endlessly dis thor wants to set out the prisoners cussed the miraculous wonders
...to .. !-,.
elements of brainwashing and to show that, if one is properly prepared, the
ing process can
be successfully
resisted. Father
Clifford, now
46, was born in
San Francisco
and belonged to a very happy family. The idea
of the priest.:
hood was in his mind early. but it was only when he was in college that he decided to act upon it. He entered the Society of Jesus. From the start, he hoped to be sent to China. This did in deed prove to be his assignment, and he had become deeply at tached to the country and its people when, in 1949, the Com munists took over Shanghai, where he was stationed as a teacher. At first the Reds acted with restraint, to allay the fears of the people and disarm them. Then gradually, the pressure mounted. A radically different society, in accord with the Marx ist ideology, was the goal, and the drive to achieve it was ruth less. Filth and Squalor Father Clifford expected. to be arrested, and when he was seized, on June 15; 1953, it came as no surprise but as the culmi nation of four years of waiting. He presents a lengthy review of the treatment accorded him. . lot varied, bu;' its objective did not. Always the aim was to in duce him to confess to spying and hostile activity in the inter est of western imperialism. Such a confession would be used to demonstrate to the people that China was indeed in danger and that draconian measures, to uni fy and strengthen the country in the face of a wily and unscrupu lous enemy, were fully justified. He was first put in a cell measuring 12 feet by six and housing six prisoners. The food was sparse and wretched. Daily two basins of water were pro vided, in which all six prisoners were to wash. Twice a day a prisoner might be permitted to go to the lavatory. All was filth and squalor. Fight for Soul The prisoners were to keep absolute silence, and from 5 A.M. to 9 P.M. were to sit in a certain, unvarying position, med itating on their crimes. What such an existence, day after day, was calculated to do to a human being, is easily imaginable. Father Clifford saw at once that he must fight for his soul, for his mind and will, for con trol of his emotions. The hours of silence he used to recollect all the pleasant hours of his life, to reconstruct books he had read, to review canon law, to pray. He disciplined himself to this, and soon had a routine of it go ing. In addition, he worked out a method of keeping track of the calendar and of the liturgical seasons (although he was to be without Mass and Communion for a dreary series of 888 days in' all). Refuses to Write He also· yelled back at the brutal guards - something they were completely unused tol And when his formal interrogations began, he protested his inno cence, charged his captors with persecution, then held steadfast ly to silence. He refused to write out the story of his life, as ordered, and to sign anything at all. The Reds tried other tactics.
invariable ri!:!htness and of the Communist re /time. When seven months of that did not break him. he was put into a .dun!:!eon; next he was ~ubiecten to interminahle reoe tition of the same. lemrthy accu satorv haran<tue alternatinf! with periods of bein!!, reouired to stand ri!:!idly at attention for honTS. This was followed by a month in a padded cell. In the next cu bicle was a lunatic who slept durin!! the rl"v but screamed an ni<tht long. When this treatment was tried on him a second time, two lunatics were used-one on dav shift. the other on night shift. so that· Father ~1H'forrl Itot no respite from the horrible racket. and no rest. Attempt Confusion The Communists then tried mixing the sweet with the sour. He would be ltiven a cell reason ably clean. with an unboarded window allowin!:! fresh air to enter. something like a bed. bet ter fare, and access to Red Cross parcels which had been sent to him. He steeled himself to resist such seduction. because he knew that it would be quickly and ar bitrarily supplanted by harsh treatment. in an attempt to con ftise and destroy him. He was a mass of prickly heat, boils. infected splotches, stink bug bites, as well as emaciated and exhausted, when he was told of the agreement, on Sept. 14, 1955, by the terms of which Red China and the United States were to exchange, the first, American prisoners. and the. sec<md', any Chinese in the U. S. wishing to go to China: Offers Mass In Prison But relesase was not at hand for Father Clifford. He came to trial only at the end of October, 1955, was found guilty, and was given a three-year sentence. It was thereafter that he received a Red Cross package· containing packets marked vitamins but· containing . miniature· hosts, a tiny bottle of Mass wine, and chalice an inch tall. 'Surrepti tiously he· offered Mass 41 times.' Without prior notice his re lease came on May 10, 1956. Out of prison, he was kept under house arrest for :five weeks, then sailed for Hong Kong on July 4. Analyzes Ordeal He stresses the indispensabn ity of knowing the Communist enemy and the techniques em ploYed by him. He analyzes his own ordeal to bring out the counter-measures w h i c h defeat the wily, persistent, conscience less and· merciless agents of a system that· is satisfied with nothing .. short of: total submis t!oodnp~"
EXPECT GREAT THINGS: Arcadio Cardinal Larraona, C.M.F., left, president of the Second Vatican Council's Com mission on the Liturgy, and Paul Emile Cardinal Leger, right, a member of the Coordinating Commission preparing for .the Council's second session, evinced their beliefs in recent interviews that the Council will initiate a new era in the life of the Church. NC Photo.
Seeks Evidence New England Mountains Topp·ed Hi~alayas BOSTON (NC) - A Jesuit priest is working far under ground to prove that New Eng land's rolling hills once were higher than the towering Hima layas. . Father James W. Skehan, S.J., chairman o:f the geol!>gy depart ment at Boston College, is study ing the physical and chemical composition of rocks in the $16 million water tunnel being dug across central Massachusetts. Wearing a yellow slicker, hard hat and mud-splattered sweater, the priest digs samples of rock while working alongside labor-
Emigrants' 'Ambassador' Crossed 'Ocean 530 Times in~43 Years UDINE (NC) - The inter-. nationally known "Ambassador of the Emigrants" has gone into retirement here in Italy after crossing the ocean 530 times. Father Luigi Ridolfi, 81, has unpacked his traveling bags for the last time and has retired to his native village of Avasinis near here to liye in an almshouse which he founded. The Italian priest's first voy age to assist emigrants was made in 1925 when he accompanied a group of Italians to Argentina. The following year he made his first trip to the United States for the same purpose. Since then he has constanUy traveled to accompany Italian emigrants to every part of the world.
Men's Council Lau ds Top Intellectuals
The strength and resources re quired :for victory over brain washing he details. These are principally intellectual and ATLANTIC CITY (NC) spiritual. They are what is with Four o:f the nation's top intel in a man. , lectual leaders received awards It is the kind of inner life, not at the biennial l'."'ational Councll the degree of health or vigor of of Catholic Men convention here. the physical organism, on which . The honors for intellectual depends the issue of the batUe leadership established in 1961 by with the brainwashers. the NCCM to emphasize "the critical importance of intellec tual leadership in the lay apos tolate," went to: Thomas P. Neill, St. Louis MONTREAL (NC)-Paul Emile University professor of history; Vincent E. Smith, philosophy Cardinal Leger assessed the Sec pro:fessor and director of the ond Vatican Council as "the be ginning of a new era in the life Institute in the Philosophy of of the Church." Science a,t St. John's University, Already it has done great Jamaica, N.Y.; William K. Wim things for the universal Church satt, Jr., English professor and .and the entire world, and we fellow of Silliman College, Yale have every right to expect that University; and Charles M. much more ·good is s1lil1 to Herzfeld, director for ballistie come," the Archbishop of Mon missile defense, Advanced He treal told the N.C.W.C. New. searcll Projects Agency, office SeI'I ot. U.s. secretary ot. Defense.
Council Starts New Era in Church Life
ers who are building the atIue duct. Father Skehan has discovered a type of feldspare in the tunnel which is found only in the cen· tral part of great mountain chains. He considers this evidence of the presence of great mountains in New England 300 million years ago. "The Himalayas are only 10 million years old. In another 150 million years they will look much like the hills do today in Massachusetts," he said.
In Toronto he was given the name "Ambassador of the Emi grants" because of his untiring activity in bringing the problems of a large community of Italians in that city to the attention of the authorities.
Blesses New Base Of Relief Services NEW YORK (NC) - Brook lyn's Bishop Bryan J. McEnte gart blessed a newly completed "in-again-out-again" operation base of Catholic Relief Services - National Catholic Wel1are Conference here. Bishop Edward E. Swanstrom, CRS-NCWC executive director, assisted at the ceremony. The base is newly furnished warehouse. Already more than 15 million pounds of clothing, ahoes, bedding equipment and other supplies collected in the 1962 Thanksgiving clothing cam paign have been processed through the warehouse and sent to the needy overseas. Some 250' persons are working at the ware house.
James F. Dixon, president Oil Antioch College, said here ill Ohio. Dixon, speaking at Witten burg University at the annuai brotherhood I:>anquet of the Springfield unit oi Frontiers In ternational, told his audience he fully understands the "Church State dilemma," but added that society will be adversely at. fected "if we keep on making our schools amoral." It is possible now for a persOll to spend "half of his life"-from kindergarten through higher edu cation-in an educational situa. tion which is not "value-ori ented," he observed. The college president attack! ing racial discrimination, said that "the universality of preju dice is one of the common'humaa problems" and he stressed that words alone, or values alone, are not enough to solve the race problem. "Action must flow from vd ues that are held," Dixon said.
Hold Conference On Ecumenism SAN FRANCISCO (NC) Specialists in education and the ecumenical movement have bees taking part in the fourth national conference on Doctrine an« Ecumenism which concludes here today. Sponsored by the Paulist In~ tute and the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, the meeting has discussed guiding principlea for ecumenism. A highlight of the sessions waa !i discussion of Protestant-Cath olic relations between FathelP Gustave Weigel, S.J., of Wooclo stock College, and Dr. Robelt McAfee Brown, a Prellbyteriaa minister and theologian, of Staa ford University. Others who spoke included Father Thomas· F. Stransk~ C.S.P., an American staff mem ber of the Vatican's Secretariat for Promoting Christian Uni~ and Father Daniel J. O'HanloD, S.J., of Alma College, Los Gatoe,
Name Parish School For First Pastor PITTSBURGH (NC)-A pastel' here asserted the tradition of naming schools for saints is out of place in the 20th century. Accordingly Father Thomas a. Murphy, pastor of Resurrectioa church in suburban West Mifl lin, dedicated the new parisll school and named it the J ameli L. Lavelle Memorial School ill honor of the parish's first pastOl:o now dead.
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WY '7-8816
Watch tor 8iInI
Whlle oat for • Drive
stop lit tbIa Delllhttul Spot
lei'fllicl ~lY"
NationafHonorSociety Receives
Memb·ers, Other Students Score
In Science, Latin, Debating
THE ANCHOR~ Thurs., May 16, 1963
K of C .Program
Still Mounting
Back at work after last week's two day holiday occa sioned by the Diocesan school convention are students of the 12 area high schools. As usual, though, they're finding time for a bit of relaxation along with the e~tra work upcom ing final exams require. At music department will present Jesus-Mary Academy in Fall its concert and swing bands in River seniors bave been re- combination with the school glee eeived into the Alumnae and club.
NEW HAVEN (NC)-A total of 4,655,026 inquiries have been received during the 16-year his tory of the Catholic advertising program sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart also reported that 497,257 per sons enrolled for instruction as a resul'!; of the ·campaign. The program was inaugurated by the K. of C. in January, 1947. Through ads in magazines, .. newspapers and Sunday supple m:en.ts of general circulation, 'Catholic truths are explained and inquiries are invited. Some inquiries result in requests for instructions in the Catholic Faith by mail.
Parents Association. Miss Claire The concert band, under di Amiot, senior president, received rection of Brother William membership cards for her fellow Lowney, C.S.C.has scheduled classmates and Mrs. George N. music of various s1;yles and dif ,Sevigny was named new presi- fering tempos. To be featured dent of the group. will be a beguine, "Serenata," At the same ceremony nine and Badinage for Brasses." lesus Marians were received Also on the program are into the Madonna, Chapter of scores from "Greenfellow" and 1b.e National Honor Society. "Holiday in Paris," together Eleven were accepted as proba- with the jazz version of "Anvil tionary members. The unit plans Chorus" and an arrangement of • trip to Goffstown, N.H. in the "Everything's Coming up
near future. Roses."
"Solving Equations by Paper Brother William .Babbitt'sglee Folding" was the intriguing en- club will present a series of old try of Bishop Stang's Alfred favorites, including "Kentucky Saulniers into the Massachu_ Babe;" "April Showers" and setts State Science Fair held "Creation," while soloists John last week at M.I.T. The project Colton and Tim McNulty will be won him an honorable mention featured in a show boat medley. certificate. Also winning certi- Also to be heard are li barber ficates were fellow Stangites shop quartet and a "Mitch Miller William Rousseau, whose exhi- Medley." F AmHAVEN ACADEMY: Glee club officers at Sacred bit dealt with probabiliUr; and Far .East Robert Murray, presenting a At Fall River's Mt. St. Mary Hearts Academy, Fairhaven are, front, Blanche Gautreau, study of hurricanes. Academy, basketball is in the secretary; Lillian Blanchette, President; rear, Mary Ellen Also at the North Dartmouth news as seniors play sophs in in Wojcicki, librarian; Diane Rondeau, vice-president. high school, William Rousseau tramural finals. Y.earbooks are and George Niesluchow:ski are claiming attention, too as seniors added to previously announced swap autographs and "remember rent series and students from honored Holy F.amily debaters, undefeated all season, with first winners of Auxilium Latinum when" messages in the pages of other schools are cordially in vited to attend. place in the league. Tohis is the awards; They will receive me- their brand new annuals. second s t r a i g h t year Holy Also at the Mount, 'excite 1Iallions and ribbons for having Tomorrow morning students at maintained medalist scores in Dominican Academy will hear ment's running high over the Family has .received the trophy annual contests over the past Brother M. Celestine of .the Senior Prom, scheduled for marking this achievement. Ac cepting it on behalf of the school three years. Brothers .of Christian Schools. Tuesday, June 11, following were Atty. Maurice Downey, LeCiOD.f Mary ',Vhe missionary will speak and graduation by two days. With team ,cGaC'b, Rieh.arD Perras, Ed the theme "Days of Wine and At Dominican Academy, Fail ~w slides on missionaryaetiv Roses," the prom will beheld war<l Parr. Tho ma s Azar, River, Charlotte Pelland, a sen- ities in Burma, where he is ,con in the academy gym. In general Marilyn Mulcairns, Mary Ellen tor, ii receiving congratulations JreCted with a school enrolling charge Or.oW'J.-ey, Maureen. :O'Grady and is Linda Ferreira. from her felklw .students for some 4,000 boys. He-is at present Kathleen Kennedy. Nor is thought ·of others for "'viag been awardedayear',s em a fundraisin,g tour of the gotten in the whirl of student tuition scholarship to St. Anne's . U'nited States and Canada. . Hospital School of Nursing. She :Together with 'students from activities at the Mount. Orches bas consistently m a i n ta i ne d·other area high schools, Bishop . tra .members were found at the bighest honors on the principal's 'Stang representatives will be at Veterans Hospital in Providence last week, whel'e they enter . . . and is .active in the glee a .banquet Monday .nigt. Spon dub, on the memory book .sta£(, sarelii'. by the English Speaking tamed patients 'with a varied. _ the orehestraand on the Union' of G~ater New .Bedford, program. Irene Griffith,. Tim 0 thy bowling team. the event will be .one occasion . Busy with preparations for for the pr-esentation of awardsin O'Leary, Russell Foley .and Kathleen Sciscento repr-esented participation ina Legion of an essay contest on ~'The De Mary rally. at 2:30 this Sunday velopment of the English and Holy Family Student Council at . the MassaChusetts, Stu den t afternoon in Buttonwood Park American Constitutions." ue Holy Family High School Plans for next year's debate Council State Convention at .rodents. The New Bedford season were laid at a regional Nauset Regional High School, . Orleans. There they participated school will be represented by the meeting at St. Catherine's Aca in election naming officers to the entire membership of its so- demy in Newport. Representa dality, with six girlsodalists thies' froni Diocesan high .schools 'State Student Council Board. UnderfeatedTeam acting as guards of honor in the were" among those present and . At Dominican Academy - ad . May procession which is to :. r~sponsible for carrying' on the vanced piano and violin students feature the event, while the rest" work of the Narragansett Inter will be .heard ina recital in. the of the sodality members will - scholastic Debate League.' scho.ol auditorium Sunday after- . march. . Amina( ~eeting noon. Also at the Fall River Music's in the air at Coyle Annual Honors Night is among school, 'varsity basketball mem High School in Taunton. Annual end-of~year act i v i tie sbeing ·bers are looking forward to the Spring Music FestiV'al is set for looked forward to at Coyle High anp.ual banquet of the Girls' WIN N E R:Fall River 'rhursday, Friday and Saturday, School. It's scheduled for early 1Narragansej;t Basketball League. May 23 through 25. The Coyle . JUM. This week saw Catholic' The event .is set for Monday, Cat hoI i c Woman's Club Scholarship w.inner Anne University examinations taken May 27 at .Stevenson's restau ., by Coyle boys, with the books rant. Louise Gibbons, senior at the being closed . on that project Another Narragansett League, Academy of the Sacred . . . yesterday. ·thisone the. debating ~nit, has Hearts, Fall River, will. Sodality Union Meeting, sche major in mathematics at dUled for Ascension Thursday, B :os ton C 0 He g e. She is May 23, at Mt. St. Mary Aca- . dem)". Theme of the day will be daughter of 'Mrs. Edward C. "The Apostolate ·of .Leisure," Gibbons CYf 88 Farnham B (\) STO N (NC)- Richard' with two main talks .being de voted to the topic. Following the Cardinal Cushing was honored Street. addresses, the audience w:ill dis here for his activity in ac cuss them in small groups. quaintingAmericans with 1lhe At 'Holy Family High School story of Our Lady ofCresto PLUMBING & HEATING. INC. six students have abetter· un showa, patroness of Poland. , . :for Domestic .derstanding. of how their city is The Archbishop ,of Boston was ~ & IndustrIal . gov.erned. Taking part in- .New nominated to membership 'in the ~ Sales and Bedr-ord City Government Day Confraternity of St. Paul, ·the Oil Burners Service were Margaret O'Leary, asses First Hermit, better known as sor; .Paul Ponte, purchasing the Pauline Fathers. Their head wY 5-1631 . agent; Thomas Azar, city clerk; quarters are in Poland. The 2283 ACUSHNET AVE. Alice. O~Leary, Richard Perras honor . was bestowed 'at Em NEW8EDFORD and Robert Peccini, councillors. manuel ColI e g e by Father ~The six visited the depart Michael M. Zembrzu,ski, D.S.P., ments to which they were as director. of .the Shrine of Our signed, gathering much "inside Lady of Czestochowa in Doyles information" on city planning.. town, Pa. Inc. MOVERS
Debate Dances They dance for a good cause SERVING
TO SALVE: Fall River' o at Mt. St. Mary's Academy '" '" '" Fall River, New Bedford
Academy. of the Sacred To raise funds to send debate REST HOME FOR THE AGED Hearts' senior Nancy M. league Cape Cod Area
members to the National . MEN AND .WOMEN AgeD':
Davis, daughter of Mr. and Catholic Forensic League con Beautiful Surroundings
Clean. Comfortable Living
Mrs. William Davis of 178 vention in Pittsburgh, students WONDERFUL FOOD Shawmut Street, plans to. have been sponsoring Friday TRANSIT INC. night dances at the Catholic Antoinette Picard. Prop.
Nation-wide Movers attend Salve Regina College Co~unity ME 6-4921
Center, on Franklin WYman 3·0904 on a Fall River Catholic Street in Fall River. Three more Russells' Mills Rd. B. Slade Cor. Rei.
S04 Kempton St. Ne.w Bedford Woman's Club Scholarship. DARTMOUTH
dances are scheduled in the CUI'
P,oIish Cong.regation
Ask Instructions Hart reported that during the period from May 1, 1962, to May 1, 1963, in the lTnitedStates there were 240,573 inquiries while 32,207 enrolled for instruc tions, while in Canada there were 23,582 inquiries and 1,985 enrollments. During the same period in other countries of the world, the report .said, there were 5,831 inquiries and 1,625 enrollments. The report disclosed 76 in quiries had been received from China during the year with one application for .Instructions. From Cuba there were 30 in quiries and 3 enrollments; Hun gary five inquiries and Yugo slavia one inquiry with no en rollments.
Help Rebuild Quebec AngJican Church VALLEYFIELD
oUe ~enerosity lar,gely was re-l••
,sponslble for the restoration of"" . historic St. Mark's Anglican'" .church, rebuilt after it wl:\s swept i:1y fire. An estimated one-third of the throng who attended the dedi cation rites w.ere Catholics. Pres ent were Msgr. .Jean Denis Cadieux, rector of the Catholic cathedral, who had made an .ap peal from his pulpit to his pa rishioners to help restore St. Mark's, and Father Omer Tes sier, assistant rector of the Val leyfield Catholic Seminary.
Honor Fr. Klekotka WASHINGTON (NC)":""Father John A. Klekotka, O.S.A., presi dent of Villanova University, was among those receiving Vig ilant Patriot Recognition AWlirds from the All-American Confer ence to Combat Communism. The awards were presented by Dr. Daniel Poling, editor of the Christian Herald magazine and a founder of the conference.
Over 33 Years .Experience
,4 Show 'Roomsto serve you
Hyannis Falmouth L 'Main St. 696 E. Main St. SP5.()686 KI e.;1560 Orleans ProvincetoWli lloute 6 '1158 . 585 !15 Commercial St. . Harwich - 1494
New 'England's Playground
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 16, 1963
Attleboro ST. STEPHEN
Cruz, Mr. & Mrs. William Far rell. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bois, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Gaumont, Mr. & Mrs. James Cunha, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Andrews, Mr. & Mrs .Guido Petrillo. Mr. & Mrs. William Whalen, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lindberg, Mr. & Mrs. Godefroy Gagnon, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gagnon, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Dubuc. Mr. & Mrs. Normand Daigle, Mrs. Chester Goodwin, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Richard, Ronald Landry, Mrs. David Moline. 'Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bizier, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Soucy, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond' Theroux, Mr. & Mrs. Oharles Landry, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Berard. Mr. & Mrs. Donald La moureux, Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Francois Gousie, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ber geron, Mr. & Mrs. Alex. Goud reau Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Long & F'amily, Normand Turgeon, Lil lian Lamoureux, Florence La moureux, Eleanor Lavallee. Mr. & Mrs. William Crowther, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Gabriel, Mr. & Mrs. Augustine Rapoza, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Peloquin, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Provost. Mr. & Mrs. Leon Cayer, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Gauvin, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Vital Lacasse, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zabek. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Aussant, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Livesey, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lima, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Macomber, Claire Daneau, Mr. & Mrs. .Deona Brousseau.
$500 Mr. & Mrs. Leo Roy & Family $200
Rev. J. Omer. Lussier
$100 Morse Sa·nd & Gravel Co. Mr. & Mrs. Felicien Brochu $25 Mr; & Mrs. Edward Brittona, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Letebvre, Mr & Mrs. Robert Cloutier, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bessette, Better Home Products Co. Allen Blanchard· Lawn Mower Sales, Lapierre Stone-e-Iea Golf Course, Anita Guimond, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Date, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Tremblay & Family. .,. $20 . Mr. & Mrs. Gedeon Lacroix, Mr. & Mrs. Eric Maslem, Mr. & Mrs. Delphis Paradis, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Denis, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dumont. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Lavergne & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Laferriere, Mr, & Mrs. Julien Marquis & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Marquis, Mr. & Mrs. Martie Rossiter & Family. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gendron, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tremblay, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Racicot, Leon Koloo stian, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Tremblay. Mr. & Mrs. Lue Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Leblanc, Mr. & . Mrs. Lionel Paradis, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Aussant, Mr. & Mrs. Archie Hebert. Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Gingras, Mr. & Mrs. Herve Dumont, ST. MARY Aldea Erickson, Mr. & Mrs. Wil liam P.arkinson, Mr. & Mrs. J. $35 Bte. Lajoie. Mr. • Mrs. John Marshall Mr. & Mrs. John E. Healey, Dr. & Mrs. A. MacIsaac Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hebert, Mr. $25 & Mrs, Norman Graveline,. Mr. Mr. & Mrs. John S. Francis, & Mrs. Gilbert Loranger, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Avila Grenier, Dr. Mrs. Leo Hetu. William A. Morinville. Mr. & Mrs. John Rogers, Mr. $15 & Mrs. Walter Gelinas, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hodge, Mrs. Mrs. Arthur Baril, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Levesque, Irerie 'I'aylor. Mary E. Coyle. $10 Doris Contois, Alm'a Contois, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chandley, Janet Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore de Grenier, Mr. & Mrs. James Drew, Mrs. Louis Stebbins. Mr. & Mrs. Marcel La Palme, Sophie Gagnon, Mr. & Mrs. An Mr. arid Mrs. Arthur Boudreau, tone Governo. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Governo, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Dube, Mr. & Mrs. Treffle Caron, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. J. Aime Lambert, Miss Rose Lambert, Mr. & Mrs. Edouard Goudreau, Rita Goud Clement Lesage, Mr. & Mrs. reau. . Russell Partridge. $10 Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Raposa, Janet Cossar, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. James Rogan, Mrs. Gerard Raymond, Albert Goud Eva ~weeney, Mr. & Mrs. Her. reau, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond bert West, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mar Seguin. tin. Mr. & Mrs. Donat Raymond, Manuel Am:tral, Mrs. Richard Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Hemond, Mr. Marsland, Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Mrs. Eugene Landry, Mr. & Gendreau, Mr. & IV~rs. Joseph Mrs. Henri Davignon, Mr. & Dufort, Mrs. A. Hall Worth. Mrs. Alfred Karol. Eva Cayer, Mr. & Mrs. Ar ST. JOSEPH mand Tougas, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rapoza, Mr. & Mrs. Francis $500 Fonteneau, Mr. & Mrs. William Rev. Ubalde Deneault Daigneault. $35 Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Mrs. Yvonne· Hamel Goyette, Mr. & Mrs. Philippe $25 Jalbert, Mary Cole, Eva Para Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Zito dis, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Hebert. Mr. • Mrs. Oscar Desrosiers Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Hebert, Theresa Danue, Mr. & Mrs. $20 Mrs. Jean Baptiste St. Pierre Joseph Boilard, Gloria Siekeira, Ona La Palme. Mr. & Mrs. Aldage Pelletier " Mr: & Mrs. Frededck Sher Pauline & Paul bert, Hilda LaPalme, Mr. & Mrs. $15 Arthur Plante, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. • Mrs. Bernard Lofgren, Lorenzo Daneau, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. Donat Desrosiers Raymond Pelletier. $10 Mrs. Joseph Nadeau & Daugh. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Daneau, Peter F. Gagner, Mary. Charron,' tel'S, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Prefon Mr. & Mrs. William Stubler, taine, Mr. Rosario Proulx, Mr.. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Arnold. Lionel Demers, Mr. P h i'l i P Mr. & Mrs. Henry Martin, Mr. Plante. & Mrs. Raoul Lacasse, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Smith, Mr. Mrs. Albert Allard, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Robert Renaud, Mrs. Alfred Ladebauche, Alma Mar William Nolin, Mr. & Mrs. chand. Rosario Cote, Mr. &M.rs. Oscar Mr. & Mrs. John April, Mr. & Soulard. Mrs. Thomas Bousquet, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sears, Mr. . Mrs. Theodore Charron Sr., Mr. • Mrs. Paul A. Goulet, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Charron Jr.. & Mrs. Lionel Forget, Dr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Charles GaUdet. Eugene Roy, Joseph Antaya. Mr. & Mrs. Delphis Ringuette, . Lillian Audette, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Filipe, Mr. Lawrence Governo, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Theodore Lacourse Oscar Courcy, Mr. & Mrs. Gobin Motors, Dorothy Boisse.' Gerard Juaire, Gaetan Collette Mr. & Mrs. Leo Chagnon, Rita Jr. Brochu, Lorraine Brochu, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Oliver ~ille, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Nicholson,. An & Mrs. 'Donald Mitchell, Mr. & geline Brochu. Mrs. Norman Thibeault, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Floyd McKinney, Mrs. Frank Almeida, Robert Al Mr. & Mrs. Walter Laliberte meida, Mr. • Mrs. Everett Helen Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lavin.
$10 Will Save
God Love You By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D. D. When you read this column, I will be in Rome making an annual report to the Holy Father and his Congregation of tfte Propagation of the Faith on hOw ,well we have fulfilled. our stewardship duiing the past year. . As the representative of the Holy Father'.s. Pontifical Mis sion Societies in the United states, we are responsible for the following duties: 1. To inspire the bishops, priests and
faithful of the United States to aid the
Holy Father in caring for 80,000 sehools;
10,000 hospitals and dispensaries; Z,OOO or
phanages; 400 leprosaria; 590 homes 1101'
the aged; and 300,000 missionaries. in
various parts of the world.
2. To inspire the faithful .of the
United States to fulfill the words of the
Holy Father that he is to be "first and
principally aided." The Pontiff does not
say that lie is to be uniquely aided but
that, as Vicar of Christ, he is to be the
first one thought of in missionary aid;
secondly, the principal part of the aid is
to be given to him. .
Diocesan Sodality Union To Hear College Head Five hundred young men and women from eight high schools in the Diocese will hold the annual Queen of Peace Sodality Union Conven tion this year at Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River, on Ascen sion Thursday, May 23. Opening talk at the Conven tion will be given by the Presi dent of the newly-formed South eastern Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dr. Joseph L. Driscoll. Morning and afternoon panel discussions and sessions will In clude sodalists from the partici pating high schools and also col lege students, former officers of the Sodality Union. Two mem bers of the Holy Cross Sodality Speakers' Bureau will also ad dress the Convention-Francis Kelly, and Daniel Stella. A noon Mass will be cele-' brated by Rev. Joseph L. Powers, Directors of Religious Edu~ation at Stang High School and Presi. dent of the Sodality Board of Moderators. Other feature speakers at the Convention will be Mr. Augustus Silva, Dean of New Bedford In stitute of Technology, Rev. Ger ard Boisvert, Sodality Union Spiritual Director, and Rev. Robert Kaszynski of St. Stanis laus Church, Fall River.
Pope Heqrs Concert
Knowing the duties that have been imposed upon us as we make our report, suppose we asked you to take over at this point. How would you feel if the Holy Father asked you how much the Catholics of the United States gave him for all the MissioDII of the world last year? Especially if you had to answer, "Twent~ eight cents!" Would you boast of the f.act by saying: "Your Holiness, every American Catholic so loves the Missions that be has denied himself, throughout the 365 days, the equivalent of one package of cigarettes or the equivalent of one-half a cocktaiL The richest country in the world has sunk ·the Cross deep into its own heart to make this generous offering of twenty-eight cents!" 'Would you say that? Well, how do you think we are going to feel? Aren't there 100,000 of you who could sen.d $10 to The Society for the Propagatio'n of the Faith right now? 11 you don' ('m going to lose my job! GOD LOVE YOU to :I. E. for $5 "Today I was feelin&' absolutely' depressed and convinced that I wasn't going to lie able to dig out from under a mass of assignments. Then I read your. column and my sense of proportion was restored. Use this as the lIoly Father sees fit." * * * to Mrs. J.A.L. for old I'old and jewelry "It's only catching dust around the house, so you might as well use it to 'catch' souls." * *. to C. A. for $1lI "When my lost wallet was returned to me, I decided to give ail the money in it to the Missions. I want to heip the pOOr Of .the world." * *. to M. A. R. for $30 "How can I buy a dreSs for a graduation dance when so many in the Missions have 'nothing to put on their backs! TIley need this money more thaD I need a prom dress." . At a loss for gift suggestions? Turn them into a gain for The Society for the Propagation of the Faith by selecting our smart cuff-link sets (ovaloI' square), tie clasp or ladies' charm. Made of gold-colored Hamilton finish with the raised red insignia oi the Society, these items are ideal for seminarians, class awards, graduation gifts. Specify the items you desire, enclose a minimum offering of $3 for each piece and send your name and addre81 to The Society for the Propag-ation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, New York.
VATICAN CITY (NC) - His Holiness Pope John heard a con cert played for him last Tuesday in the Vatican's Clementine Hall by the Bamberg Symphony Or chestra of Germany. The Pion Family, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Rainville, Mrs. Eva Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dubeau, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Giroux. Edna Viens, Mrs. Harold Chat terton, Mr. Aime Paille, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Paul, Mr. & Mrs. George Paul. Lucien Paul, Mr. &: Mrs. Ray mond Lafontaine, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Belanger. Mr. Henry Lamarche & Mrs.. Caroline Oden, Mrs. Addie Jette . and Theresa Jette, Mr. & Mrs. Pineault, Mrs. Lilly Boyer. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dubuc, Mr.. & Mrs. Paul St. Germain. Mrs. Theodule Mandeville,' Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Bergevine, Mr. & Mrs... N.arcisse Plant, Mr. & Mrs. AI- . fred Letourneau. Mrs. Etienne Boudreau, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Pelletier, Mrs. Ag nes Desmarais, Yvette Smith, Er- . nestine Heroux. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Bourque, Mr.. . & Mrs.. George Chaisson, Helen Lapointe, Mr. & Mrs. Camille DUdemaine, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Proulx. Mr. & Mrs. Amherst Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Leon Nolan, Mrs. Vida Dussault, Mr. & Mrs. Jean Fortin, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Trem blay. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Simpson, Ger ard Salvas, Joseph Salvas, Lucien Salvas, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lafer riere. Mrs. Elzear Laferriere, Mr. & Mrs; Joseph Doucette, Mrs. Rita Irving, Mr. & Mrs. Amedee Mar ien, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Joubert. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Brissette, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Figuerado.
Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Societ:f for the Propagation of the' Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y., or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND o:r. CONSIDINE, 368 •North Main Street, Fall River, Mass.
St. Francis
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. '.
. Ward. Mr.
&: Mrs. John Wfghtmu. ....... 'GBOS~
Mr. &: l'iIra. RaJ' Zlto. PH
Mr.&: Mrs. Edmund. Anelanlie, JIlto. &; Mrs.. Manuel Cutre
Mr. &: MM. D. Cassidy, Herbert sse Clegg; Mr. &: 1'tilrs. Gabriel D. M... &; Mrs. Boward Bristow . Cc>sta, Mr. &; Mrs. John Fer ·Mr. &:. Raymond Kelliher.' n.ndes. . ID. MemorY of Rev. Thoma. A. . Amos Fredette, Mr. &: Mrs. McNulty .ram~ _Furtado, Mr. &: 1l4rs. $to Francis Hynes, Mr. &: Mn. AnonymOlU F~ancis Langevin, Mr. &: Mrs. . f%5 Albert Lortie. Mr. &: Mrs. John Caponigro, Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Lyons. Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Casey, The John Maguire, Mr. & Mrs. Lavalee Family, Mr. & Mrs. Ar George M 0 qui n, Dorothy thur Lorden, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Leary, Margaret O'Leary. Edward Turley. Robert Pedro, Mr. & - Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Guillette . George Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. BerMr. & Mrs. Luigi Pinacolitram Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred $20 Scanlon, Mr. &: Mrs. John Soper, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Brousseau, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sullivan. Miss Marjorie Castro, Mr. &: _ Mrs. David Foley. ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST $15 Daniel Carvalho, Mr. & Mrs. $55 Manuel Carvalho, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John W. McIntyre Roger Goulet, Mr. & Mrs. James. $50 Nerney, Mrs. Rosalind Martelli. Mr. & Mrs. William Parker Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nelson, Mr. $40 &: Mrs. Constant Poholek, Mrs. Dr.. &: Mrs. Harold Thompson William F. Sheehan. $25 Jean Galligan Mr. &: Mrs. Brendon Corbett, Mrs. William Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Murphy, Mr. $10 & Mrs. William F. Lovell, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Richard Adams, Mrs, Edward Kelley, Mrs. Anson Mr. & Mrs. George Aguiar, Mr. Hall, The Misses Ernestine and &: Mrs. John Ahearn, Virginia Florenee Moran. Ahearn, Mr. &: Mrs. O. Ahlquist. $20 Mr. Lionel Almeida, Mr.'&: Mr. &: Mrs. Harry Borden Mrs. Edward Amesbury, Mr. & $15 Mrs, Manuel Amoral, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. &: Mrs. John Wilson, Mr. Joseph Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Rich. .& Mrs. Almon McManus, Mr. &: ard Arruda. ,Mrs. Thomas Castro, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. George Audette, John R. Bell. Mrs. Florence Audette, Mr. & $10 Mrs. J. Aveioro, Mr. & Mrs. Wal Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Keane Jr., lace Baker, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Roy Murray, Jacqueline Ma Battersby. louin, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Benson, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Martin. Senora Boucher, Mr. & Mrs. D. Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Byers, Bra'!monte, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Mr & Mrs Paul Silvia, Mr & Mrs Brastow, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Joseph Dwyer, Mrs. Frederick Brooeur. Rod~ll, Frank Hunt. Mr. & Mrs. M. Bullard, Mr. & Mr: & Mrs. Kenneth Elliot, Mrs. Joseph Castro, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Carvalho, loseph Costa, Arlene Charette, Mr. & Mrs. Everett Richard, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Charette. John Bassett, Mrs. Havila Fisher. Mr.·& Mrs. John Cloud, Mr. & Katherine Goff, Charles Mrs. Amos Couture, Mr. & Mrs. Brown, Donat Pion, Mr. & Mrs. A,nthony De Mattos, Mr. & Mrs. . Edward Scanlon, Mr. & Mrs. Ted Ellis, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Rudolph' Romagnoli. Elshant. 'Mr. & Mrs. James Frazer, Kent Mr. Robert Erwin, Mr. & Mrs. Frazer, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Plante, Robert Erwin, Mr. &. Mrs. M. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Audette, Farias, Mr. & Mrs. N. Fisher, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Cameron. lIlr. & Mrs. Roger Forget. . Mr. & Mrs. Roger Fontneau, Mr. & Mrs. Leon Frigon, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. George Paille, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph 'Freitas, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. James Meloni Jr., Mr. & Edward Furtado, Mr. &. Mrs. Mrs. Alfred Levasseur, Mr. &: Zoseph Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. John Mr". Richard Denzer. Flanagan Jr. Mr.&: Mrs. Robert MacDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fontaine, Mr. Mr. &: Mrs. J. H. Newman Jr., Ie Mrs. R. Gervais, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. &,Mrs. Herbert Fisher, ·Mr. Martin Gill. Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Mrs. Antone Mello, Mr. & Mrs. G-ilroy, Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Grady. Norman E. Smith. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Greve, Mr. &I : Mr. & Mrs. John Pickering. J(rs. Thomas Hannon, Mr. & )\fr. & Mrs. Edward Healey, Mr. Mrs. Hubert Hennessey, Mr. & &: Mrs. Antonio Barros, Mrs. Mrs. Bernard Hewitt, Mr. & Mr.. Mary I. Healey, Walter Logan. Merle Holmes. Mr. &: Mrs. John Nunes, Mr. &: Mr. & Mrs. Clifford' Homer, Mrs. Harold Fuller, Helen Bruen, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Howe, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Paille, Mr. & 6: Mrs. James Kane, Mr. & Mrs.' Mrs. Peter Wood. Thomas Kelliher, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Morin, Ed.' Fred Lander. ward Smith, Mrs. John Hodge, Mr. & Mrs. Archie Lavigne, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Taylor, Doris Le Clair, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Driscoll. Charles Lewis, Mabel Lewis, Mrs. Grace Homer, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Louise Liedka. Aristides Almeida, Mr. &: Mrs. ·Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lojeck, Raymond Nolan, Mr. & Mrs. Ill'. & Mrs. Joseph Luerken, Mr. John A. Powers, Mr. & Mrs. • Mrs. Chas. Mahan, Mr. &: Mrs. John Gagne. Richard Marc!:., Anthony Mar Mr.. & Mrs.. Ralph Allen, Mr. &IDs. & Mrs. Harvey Barton, Rose Bel Elizabeth Martins, Mr. & Mrs. lavance, Mrs. Elmer Bennett, Mr. Anthony Mello, Mr. & lIIlrs. Z. & -Mrs. William Bowen. ' . Menard, Mr. &: Mrs. O. Mercier, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Boyer, Ill'. & Mrs. Ernest Miguel. Mrs. Alan Burt, Mr. &.. Mrs. Ar IIr. & Mrs. Edgar Minor, Lo nold Burke, Mr. & Mrs. George reUa McCann~ Alice McDermott. Bussiere, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Dorothy McManus, Mr. &: Mrs. Cronin. Larry McNaDy. John Donahue, John Evans Jr., :Mr. &: Mrs. William Na7lOr, Mrs. ~osepb Fredette, Mr. • ok Mrs. Paul'Nemer, Mr. & Mn. Russell Frederickson, Mr. III'S. Andrew 1'II"imiroski, Mr.·. ok Mrs. Raymond Gallup. Mrs. Leon O'Brien, lIIr. '. Mn. MD. Joseph Hughes, Mr. Ie Iobn O'Neill. Mrs. Joh~ Francis Kelley, Joseph Va1edo de Faria Pa Arthur Nolin, Mr. & Mrs. Earl chaco, Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel Pedro, Niquette Jr., Mr. &: Mrs. Richan! 1Ir. &: Mrs. Ar1hur PelT)', Mr. & !t'aslund; 1Irs. Nels "Plath, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. &: Mrs. Willlam McCoa Cni~Pope. nell, Rose'McBrien: Mr. &Ml'lI. Mr. &; :Ma. Daniel Rapoaa. Clarence Rawlins, Mr. ok Ml'lI. IIrs. Taylor -Reese. Mr. • JIIIft. James Zmudsk,., Mr. &: Mrs. John Reynolds, .Mr.&: . . . :J'osepb 1tJ'aD. DouglallRheaume, Mra. CiareDce Mrs. Ma.!:7 Ricker, Mr. &: Ml'lI. .berts. J'obA Rieker, Mr. & Mrs. Irvine 111'. ok ·Mr.. Zoseph Reclla, Mr. Gulmond, Mr. • Mrs. Frank 6: Mrs. EJzeer Sicard, Stepae. Pimento, .lames, McBrien. Sicard, Mr. • Mrs. CIulrielt Mr. ,.. Mrs. .lohn Dean, . lIousa, Mr. &: J(n. ArchieStenU Mrs. Albert Robistow, Mrs.Maq _d. Pilleo. Mrs. William .1. Servant, -Mr. ok Mn. Robert; Ste¥eM. Mr. Ie Kra. Homer BillihOp. 1Ir. &: Mr•. A. Travers, Mr. • Mh. Leslie Gage. Mr. &: Mrs. Mrs. R~and Tremblay; Mr. 6: Y. .1. vterq, Mr. 6: Mn. JO'ha • • • A. Va. Jjfr, WjIU.oP ......i _
HE ANCHOR-DiGCe'Je of Fait River-Thun., May 16, 1963
Ftrst National's famous quality
Ham ... Sweet and Tender
Shank Half
Face Half
Cut Up LB 37c
READY TO COOK - 4 to 5 LB Avg -
Freshly Ground Several Times Daily
Ground Beef Spare' Ribs FRESH
Barbeque with Your Favorite Sauce - Delicious
Same tow Sell-Service Prices in All Storl)s in This Vicinity -
Golden Ripe, Mellow.and Sweet, Ideal for
the LunchboA
2 29c LBS
Toftlaloes Juic:e Dri'nk
33c 79c
(We Reserve tli. Right to timit Quantities)
Red Ripe - favorite Saladlngredient5
F1NAST - Pineapple-Grapefruit
1QT140% -CANS
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lQT140z CANS
Friend's Hash. -~ 37c FtNAS-T - Highly Unsaturated FINAST Salad OillQ~~~'69cfP:Jt- 37e NOODLES
ILUmERRY - Fresh flavor ' . " k-. FILLING PII t~~ 39c Fine, Wide, Medium ,,. .msloe Fflrit
45c 25c
I.throo.- TISSUE 2 DRledI. 2·4Y.ozCAt6'te Underwood's 2 ~ 39c
FfavOl'f\j DeI.ntePea.s '31~ 49c SAUCE
Who1e 2 39c 4 .Cranberry SAUCI d:. 43c 08.SEY-
Wf\ite Or CoIor.d'
. WOk off" Sale
Sweer, Tender"
OCEAN SPRAY - Strained«
8011 CANS
..·ro.;:..: . . . :<.. ':.":'"
.... .
OPENING DAY AT THE EIGHTH ANNUAL DIOCESAN CATHO LIC TEACHERS CONVENTION: Left photo: Bishop Connolly, right, discusses the opening session with 'Brother Bartholomew, C.F.X., left, keynote speaker, and Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, center, Diocesan Superin tendent of Schools. Center photo: Members of the Catholic Teachers Association deciding on the specific session to attend are left to right: Brother Stefan, C.S.C. and Brother Lowney, C.S.C. of Coyle High, Taunton;
North Attleboro ST. MARY
$1,000 :Rev. Edward B. Booth
$75 _ Rev. James R. Porter . ,Rev. Armando A. Annunziato.
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Aime Grenier James T. Coogan Mr. & Mrs. Edward Coogan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Galvin Mrs. Joseph Condon Mary & Margaret Kinton Mr. & Mrs. Edward Czekanski Mrs. William Ford Raymond McCarthy
$40 Mr. & Mrs. -Francis Murphy
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kinkead
$30 Gertrude Cassidy
$25 John & Lorraine Stapleton - Mrs. Alice Barnhill Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Kivlin Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gillooly Mr. & Mrs. James Bailey Mr. & Mrs. August Funke, ·Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Bella .ance, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Raftery, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferland, Mr. • Mrs. William Kiehn, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence T. Graham.
$20 Mr. & Mrs. George McGee, Mr. • Mrs. Joseph Sullivan, Mrs. Michael Nolan, Robert A. Wess man, Marie Bolster. George Jacobs Jr., Mrs. Joseph Sheals, John Corrigan, Louise Corrigan & Anne White, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Rowe, Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. McDonagh. Mary V. Reilly $18 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Boisvert
$15 . Mr. & Mrs. George Vandal, Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Berthold, Agnes Curley, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Barry, Joseph Petrone. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Dorey, Mr. & Mrs. John Diaz Sr., Mr. & Mrs. John Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Clark, Mr. & Mrs. John Lang, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Kiley. Mr. & Mrs. Clement Shuon, Marjorie Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Cummings & Anne E. Murphy, Mildred Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Doran. Mr.- & Mrs. Robert Guillette, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Vandette & Family.
$10 Marie Scanlon, Mrs. Mary Beaulieu, Mrs. Lea Lee, Mr. & Mrs. William Corrigan, The Shuman Family. . Margaret Flaherty, Mr. & Mrs. John McCormack, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Phippen, John J. Mul len, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Johnson. Mr. &- Mrs. Peter Mullen, .David McQuaid, Mary Kennedy, Mrs. George Jacobs Sr.. Chester Cb~
. ..
Sr. Marie Joseph, S.S.J., St. Joseph's, New Bedford; Sr. Gilles-Maries, O.P., St. Anne's Fall River; and Sister Mary Auxilia, O.S.F., St. Mary'. Home, New Bedford. Right phOto: Sr. Mary Carmelita, R.S.M., Mt. St Mary's Academy, Fall River; Gilbert Costa, Immaculate Conception, New Bedfor<;l; and Sister Mary Kateri, R.S.M., of Feehan High, Attleboro, a blood sister of Mr. Costa, discuss Chairman Costa's session, Geography Turns Spaceward.
Alfred Grimaldi, M~rllyn Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gallipeau, Mrs. Alphonse Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrs. Galiano Fratoni, Mr. & Mrs. -Grimaldi, Mrs. George Roessler, Michael Arata
Florence Leary, Judith Rice, Mr. Robert Gallant, Mr. & Mrs.' Edmond Seymour, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Guissti
& Mrs. Edmund Rice, Mr. & Arthur Ronhock. . Arthur Gaboury. John Casserly, Richard Gula Mrs. Bernard McKenna. ' . Ralph Purcell, Jennie Devlin, Paul Bonneau, Aime TurgeoD, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fisler, John Mr. & Mrs. Rollins Maloney, Thomas McHugh, Mr. & Mrs. George Tedino. Mrs. John Mushey, Mr. & Mrs. Reardon, Mr. & Mrs. James Mc Wilfred Leger, Marcella Mc$10 Keon, Mr. & Mrs. J. Turonis, Edward Mullaney, Frank J. ·De Lean. Helen Green" B ill I' the I e m I Yorio, Mr. & Mrs. G. Howard M~. & Mrs. William. Rowe. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Smith, Mr. Ayotte, Mrs. Emile Gosselin, Morse Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Plante, & Mrs. Patrick Grimaldi, Mrs. Maurice Laliberte, Charles Bal Mrs. Fred Marcoullier, Susan Arthur Dusablon, Grace & Gert Elmer Lightfoot, Kiernan Fam ser. Martin, Mr. & Mrs. James Dia rude Bride, Mr. & Mrs. George ily, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Michaud. Mary Laliberte, George Beau mond, Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Norman, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Mc Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Paulus, An regard, Edward Pion, Lew Chabot, Sarah Monahan. Gowan. thony Velletri, James R. Stack, Monast, Jean Laliberte. EjJeen Lorden, A Friend, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaPorte, Mr. Mrs. Catherine Frazier, Alice . Emile Boivin, Ernest Parmen Littlefield, Gertrude Littlefield, & Mrs. Richard Martin, Jennie & Mrs. George Schmidt. tier, Roland Desmarais, Vidol' Mr. & Mrs: James Whalen, Angus, Mrs. Edward Wolf. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Bellavance, Gosselin, Yvonne Ouellette. Catherine Coady. Mr. & Mrs. John McKeon, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. William Connelly, Henry Gawlik, Horace. Courcy. George Robitaille, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Frederick J. Marcoullier, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Casey, Mr. Napoleon Chabot, Steven Cehel Kenneth Cox; Mr. & Mrs. Wil Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dupras, & Mrs. Peter Picchi, L. F. Mat sky, Jean Lescault. liam Brennan, Mr. & Mrs. Evelyn C. Lewis, Gertrude owitz. Lucien Viens, John Kenny' Thomas Brennan, Eleanor Bum Emerson. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Achin, Mrs. William Niquette. pus. . Albert E. Malinowski, Mr. & Catherine Chatterton, Mr. & Marceline Souto, George Bus Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zaino, Mrs. George Caron, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. William Copley, Eleanor by, Laurent Dubuc, Joseph Cot James W. Coogan, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Johnson, Genevieve Riley. ter, Harold Hanewich. Edwin O'Leary, Mr,' & Mrs. S. Cinq-Mars, Mr. & Mrs. Patsey Julia Riley, Michael O'Rourke, Louis Roach, Stanley Nyzio, Richard Dalton, Mr. & Mrs. Al Cavalieri. Mr. & Mrs. John Leydon, Mrs. Francis McInerney, Joseph Ru bert Gallant. Mr. & Mrs. Hector St. Pierre, Catherine McNamara, Mr. & tana, Blanch~ Palardy. Mrs. Theresa Hill, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Paiano, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mullen. Adrien Descenes, Denis Va Robert Hill, Mr. & Mrs. William Mrs. Walter Ross, Gatherine Robert Battersby, Chester chon, Edmond Proulx, Albert Whitehead, Mr. & Mrs. Jere McNally, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Briggs, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Reilly Colaccio, Jean Morissette. miah Flanagan, Mr. & Mrs. J. Gr'ay. Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John laconis, Mr. Ernest Benschneider, Lyle Roger D. Carriere. Mr. & Mrs. McKenna, Mr. & & Mrg. Louis Dubowicz. Woodhead, Robert Holmes, Rus Alice Mullaney, Mrs. Helen Mrs. Frank DiFiore, Mr. & Mrs. William Diamond, John Kel O?Neil, Karl Brogan, Lovely, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Havey", Clifford C. Stauff, Mr. & Mrs. ley, Mr. & Mrs. John Klienkauf, sell Mrs. Donald Betts, Mr. & Mrs. . Maurice Sheehan, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Connors, Mr. Louis Genest, Bernard Sirois, James . Henry, Ralph Grossi, William WoloshYri. Joseph Oalcagni. & Mrs. William Lee. Rodolphe Bergeron. Mrs. Russell Carr, Mrs. Henry Mr. & Mrs. Don E. Guthrie, Mary Bride, Joseph Withing Gerard Gelinas; Helen SwieR C. Collins, Mrs. Maude McCabe, Mrs. William Joyce, Mr. & Mrs. ton, Frances Reilly, Thomas ton, Nancy Boyd, George Clegg. Ann Hill, Arthur Gaudette. Edward Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. John Monahan, Thomas Lynch, Mr. & Clarence Charron. Mary Mulloy, Mr. & Mrs. Fitzgibbons, James Riley. Mrs. James Schmidt. . Louis LaCivita, William How Joseph Doran, Walter L. Simms, Alice Weatherbee, Mr. & Mrs. land, George Demers, Gerald Mr. & Mrs. John Oharron, Mrs. Lowell Merry, Joseph Haas, Mr. Brillon. Stanley Sheldon. &; Mrs. Andrew Robillard, Elea Mr. & Mrs. John McGowan, nor Zinram. ST. THERESA James McGrath, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Mona Francis Murphy, Helen Wright, , $50 WASHINGTON (NC) -Com han, Mrs. Louis Rousseau, Mr. Clara Sullivan. Mrs. !'QuI Bradley munity Facilities Administratioll & Mrs. Donald Girard; Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. George Ji'isher Sr., commissioner Sidney H. Wool $25 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Fisler, David Mrs. CharlesF. Legg, Mr. & Mrs. ner has announced approval 01 Robert Cournoyer Donald W. Dillon. MaGee, Mrs. Marie Schofield, a college housing loan of $860,.. '11be Wall Family Mr. & Mrs. Francis Verge, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Budjinski & 000 to the University of Dallas, $20 Mrs. Robert Fenton, Mr. & Mrs. F'amily. conducted by the Diocese of Leo Lyons Mr. & Mrs. F. Vaillancourt, Joseph Fontneau, Mrs. Clifford Confraternity of Christian Dallas-Fort Worth. The money Bunker, Mr. & Mrs. Robert St. Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wambold Mothers, George Boyd, Vincent will be used for construction of Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John E. Rioux, Martin. -DeQuattro, Norman S. Germain, two residence halls, one for mea. Mr. & Mrs. William Logan, Mr. & Mrs. William W. Hickey, and one for women. Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Erickson, James Mann, Clifford Duclos. Blais Family. Mr. & Mrs. Emil Plante, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Jackman,\ Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Rego. & Mrs. Allen Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. Henry DeMeo, Mr. & Mrs-. John Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kelley, Connors, Mr. & Mrs. ThomatJ Richard Beaupre, Mr. & Mrs. McMorrow. Paul Bernier, Mr. & Mrs. Ulmer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boisson Lanteigne, Mr. & Mrs. Adam neault, Elizabeth McKeon, Mr. Spadoni. & Mrs. Edwin Zaleskey, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. George Keagan, Mrs. Robert Seguin, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Goddard, Mr. & Mrs. CONVENTIONAl-.G.1. - F.H.A. FINANCING Leon Regan. Charles Sullivan, Mr. & Mm Call on "S anytime and talk over your plans Mr. & Mrs. George Whalen, Eugene Fournier, Sandra FoUl' John Bevilaqua, Russell Dean, nier. Mary Curran, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mr. & Mrs. Roland Bellavance, NEW BEDFORD Tatro. . Mr. & Mrs~ Raymond Sturdy, Mr. Mrs. Lillian Dunca\1, Mr. & & Mrs. Thomas Kearney, Mr. Mrs.. Newton Woodworth, Mr. & Mrs. George Darrah, Richanl & Mrs. Walter Turcotte, Mr. & McCretton. Mrs. Norman Fontaine, Oharlotte Edwin Wilmarth, Mr. &; Mra. McPheters. Francis Gayton, Earle J. Come){, Mrs. John Monahan, Mr. & John Kieman, Mildred Mc '191 Purchase Street Mrs. William Conroy, Mr. & Enroe. Between Mrs. Edward Garlick, Richard Mr. & Mrs. John Araujo, Mr. William .. Union ste. J. Healey Jr., Benjamin Rizzar • IIutaII la,hIp lallll & Mrs. Armand J. Caron, MJ:. dini. & _ Mrs. Thomas Hoey, Mr..
College Loan
WE HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY FOR HOME LOANS If you're buying· or building -look to us!
Mrs. Blanche ·~.Mr•• /
Leo Yelois.
-1 ..... _.,
I." • •
TEACHERS THROUGHOUT DIOCESE COMPLETE SESSIONS: Bishop Gerrard, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese, left, analyzes the second day's program with Sister Magdalen Julie, S.N.D. of Stang High. Center,
Fairhaven ST. JOSEPH
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel A. Oliw18 $25 Anonymous, Dr. & Mrs. Edward L. Soares Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hinsley Mr. & Mrs. John Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Barbero, Mr. & Mrs. Roland E. Barabe Charles A. Stiles Mr. & Mrs. David W. Fitz gerald Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Sullivan $20 Mr. & Mrs. William H. Carey Mrs. Mary G. Costa Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Teixeira Mr. & Mrs. James R. Walker $15 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Hogan Mr. & Mrs. John Rogers Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas F. Tang ney Mr. & Mrs. Earl J. Dias $10 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Savoie, Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Zubrisky, Mr. & Mrs. Louis B. Gold, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Blowers, Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Sakwa, Miss Mary B. Sullivan. Mr. John A. McDonough, Mr. James F. McDonough, Mr.. & Mrs. Thomas J. Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kobak, Mr. & Mrs. Normand F:. Gaudreau. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Oliveira, • Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Jacquel, Mr. & Mrs. Everett H. Tichon, Mr~ &: Mrs. Roland Tripp, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Martin. . Mr. & Mrs. John Jarvis, Mrs.. Marjorie Carey, ]\fr. & Mrs. Manuel Arruda, Mr. John Bar ton, Mr. & Mrs. Norman A. Benoit. Mr. & Mrs. William Bartlett, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Antonsen, Mr. & Mrs. Augustine A. Luongo, Mr. & Mrs. Anibal P. Ferro, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel L. Gonsalves. Mrs. Rose Benton, Gladys Blanhce Martin, Mr.' & Mrs. Louis G. Pietragalla, Dr. & Mrs. Denis D. Brault, Mr. & Mrs" Jo seph McDonald. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fitzsim mons, Mr. & Mrs. Francis L. Holstius, Lillian Gracia, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Gagne, Mr. & Mrs. William Machado, Mr. & Mrs. John Jarvis. Mr. & Mrs. John Jarvis, Mr. &: Mrs. Roland Tripp, Mr. & Mrs. Everett Tichon, Mr; & Mrs. Charles Oliveira, Mr. ,& Mrs. Joseph A. Kobak. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen 'L.: Foster, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick:F. Wolan ski Mr. Louis Pacheco Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. LeClair. Dr. &: Mrs. Jerome Brault, Mr. I
&: Mrs. Manuel L. Brun, Mr. &: Mrs. Walter Silveira, Mr. &: Mrs. Paul A. Lopes. : Mr. &: Mrs. Earl M. Faunee, Mrs. Julia M. Sylvia. Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Y. Young Jr Mrs Beatrice L. Quinn, Mrs Mary Lanen, Mr. & Mrs. Roland J. Despres, Mrs. Adelaide. F. Xavier. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Reilly, Rose Desnoyers, Mrs. Edythe Rankin, Mr. & Mrs. Frederic J. Franklin, Dr. & Mrs. Harold E. Kerwin. Mrs. Elizabeth A. McQuillan, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Govoni, Mrs. Michael J. O'Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Clementino Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie W. Baker. Gertrude A. Stiles, Edwin R. Stiles, Ellen Downey, Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Lague, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Allard, Mr. & Mrs. James F. Murray. SACRED HEARTS
$20 Mr. & Mrs. Armand Becotte' Mr; & Mrs. Laurent Parent $15 Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred Lussier Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ward $10 Mr. & Mrs. George Leblanc, Mr. & Mrs. Anto'nio Pepin, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Bernard, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Rogissart, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Holt, Mr. & Mrs. William Taylor. Mr. & Mrs. Antone Rodriques, Mr. & Mrs. Elie Ogier, Mr. & Mrs. William Gallagher, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martel. Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Dube, Mr. & Mrs. Leonarr~ Cejka, Mr. & :drs. Joseph Donat Faford, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pepin, Arnold Cejka, Rene Y. Harbeck. ST. MARY
$50 Mrs. Frank Morris $25 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew R. Hart Judge & Mrs. Ernest C. Hor rocks . Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Machado $20 Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Baran owski Fernando Couto Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ehmann $12 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Bourgault Mr. & Mrs. M. Rego Mr. & Mrs. Weber R. Torres $10 Mr. & Mrs. John Adriano, Mr. &: Mrs. Lyles Bissonnette, Mr. & Mrs. John Botelho, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bouley, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Cabral. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cataldo jr..
Bishop Connolly bestows one of the Science Awards on Maurice Levesque of Prevost High. Right, Sister Mary Owen, R.S.M., of Bay View; briefs Bob Tosca before the Physical Education demonstration.
Mr; & Mrs. John Caton, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Costa Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Dlugosinski, Joan Ehmann. . Mr. & Mrs. James Evans, Mr. &: Mrs. AgnaIl Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. C. Frates, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Frigault. Dr. & Mrs. Robert Gaudreau, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gonet, Mr. & Mrs. William Greene, Mr. & Mrs. Leo R. Grenon, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hendricks. Mr. & Mrs. James Joaquin, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lajeunesse, Mrs. Dorothy Machado, Arthur W. Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Joseph. Mr.. & Mrs. Manuel Martin, Dionesia T. Medeiros, John Medeiros, Mrs. Manuel Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ogara. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Raphael, Peter Rego F'amily, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Roderiques, Mr.' & Mrs. W. Rose. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sirois, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Waynet, Mr. & Mrs. John Wojcik, John O'Neil. Mr. & Mrs. John Rezendes, In memory of John &: Mary Francis.
. North Attleboro SACRED HEART
$350 Rev. Joseph S. Larue $100 Rev. Edmond L. Dickinson $75 Rev. Roger D. Leduc $60 Mrs. Irene Boule, Eva & Rosa Bourassa $30 A Friend $25 Louis. Bardier Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kirby &: Helen Mr. & Mrs. Ralph PatunOiff $29 Anatol Achin Family, Mr. &: Mrs. Ernest Achin, Mrs. Aurore Labrie & Family, Robert &
Eleana Laplante, Mr. & Mrs.
Raoul Precourt.
Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Rainville & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Emile Vaguaner & Raymond.
At New Car Deal....
-..d Service Statione
Alma &: Rita Achin Mr. & Mrs. Leo Froment
$16 Mr. & Mrs. George Mercure $15 Mrs. Imelda Achin & F'amily, Rayhald Chauvin, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Clavette, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Cloutier, Marie Col lette. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Desilets, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Dupuis, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Guertin & Family, A Friend, Mrs. Cedelie Gagnon & Daughters. Mr. & Mrs. William Kummer, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Surprenant, Mr. & Mrs. Romual Thibaul';. Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Canuel, Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Courte manche, Mrs. Laura Desautel, Mr. & Mrs. Dona Desilets & Family, Aime Dufault & Louise. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dion, Mr. & Mrs. Ulysse Dupuis, Mrs. Al bina Fontaine, Albias Guay, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Jarvis. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kirby, Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Lalancette, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph LaRochelle, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo J. Mailly, Mr. & Mrs. John Mona. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Podsiadlo, Mr. & Mrs. Bertraud Prefon taine, Edward Ringuette, Mr. &;
Mrs. Joseph Veilleux. $13 Flora Dessert $10 Mr. & Mrs. J. Ernest Beaure gard, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bes sette, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bleau, Mr. & Mrs. Aurele Bourgeois, Mr. & Mrs. Aldei Bouvier. Mrs. Eva Cayer, Adelard Chabot, Mrs. Clara Chabot, Mr. & Mrs Pierre Chabot, Mr & Mrs Raoul Choiniere. Mr. & Mrs. Henri Chretien, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cloutier, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dargis, Mr. & Mrs. Rodolphe Deschenes, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Doiron. . l\;Ir. & Mrs. Robert Dubeau, Dr. & Mrs. Armond Dyon, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Fontaine, Mr. &
Mrs. Ernest Fournier, Mr. & Mre.
Roland Fregault.
Gendron & Zilch Family,
Arthur Girard, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Goulet, Mr. & Mrs. Fer nand Goulet, Mr. & Mrs. Theo dore J. Guimond. ·Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Goyette, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Jurdak & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kane, Mr. & Mrs. Albani Labrie, Eugenie Labrie. . Mrs. Blanche Landry, Mr. & Mrs. Georges Landry, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Letourneau, Mr; & Mrs. Roland Letourneau, Mr. & Mrs. Robert McCall.
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Meunier, Mr.
& Mrs. Emile Morin, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Ouellette, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Ouellette, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Paquin. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Parent, Alida Poirier, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Poirier, Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Poirier, Mrs. Virginie Poirier & Alice :aoude. Mr. & Mrs. Michel Proulx, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Riendeau, Mr. & Mrs. Amedee Ringuette; Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Ringuette, Mr. & Mrs. Hector St. Jean, Mr. & Mrs. George Vaillancourt. Mr·s. Aldea Brais Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Bourgault
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Marcil
Pay Raise ST. LOUIS (NC)-Lay teachers in St. Louis archdiocesan high schools will get a major boost in pay next year, the School Board of Pastors has announced. Teacher with a bachelor's degree are eligible for a top salary of $6,700.
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announces additional accommo dations for men and women 24 Hour Care Special Diets Open for inspection always
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Charcoal B,.iquets
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New . .dfortl
.. j
Mrs. AntGnlOMarlnt, Mr. • Mrs. Elliott, Bryant, Mr. tk Itf.... Homer Le~ 'Mr. • JIn. Williun .,. MU0ne7. '. ..: 1Ir. & Mrs. William BradJ'. Mr. &I, MJ:w. Jack· Byl,,: Mr. • Mrs. .James Blute, Chief .1oha S. Kaneo • Family, Sylvls ·GirIs. Mr. • Mrs. Franc.ia VanBuren, MR. Ann Cronin, Mr. & Mrs. Bclward . Blute, Mr. • Mrs. D. •
' ." ' Thurs., May 16, 1.963
Provincetown ST. PETER THE APOSTLit
$250 Rev. Leo J. Duart $150 Anonymous Leo Daley. $56 . Mr. & Mrs. .Joseph Stacy, Mr. Rev. Thomas C. Mayhew & Mrs. F. Barker, Mr. & Mrs. St. Vincent de Paul Society' Richard Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Perry Trainer, Mr. • Mrs. Joseph La Anonymous brecque. $25 Dr. & Mrs. William Riley, Mr. Judge & Mrs. Robert A. • Mr:;. JOhn f"tBcy, MI'. • Mrs. WeLsh, Mr. & Mrs. John Fer George Colbert, Mrs. Donald reira, Holy Name Society, Wal Strout, Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. ter Welsh COlincil-K. of C., Moye. Catholic Daughters of America. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lovinsky, William H. Young Insurance Mrs. :Edward Cluett, Mr. & Mrs. Agency Robert Gott, Mr. & Mrs.' John First National Bank of Cape McAlevy, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cod Cummings. $20 . Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Mur Miriam & Bessie Corea, Mr. phy, Mr. & Mrs. William Stinson. • Mrs. Edward Dahill, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bent. Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Patri~ Mattapoisett Mrs. Alice Williams ST. ANTHONY $15
$ Ito Mrs. Rose E. Pedro
NEW DIRECTORS GET ACQUAINTED: Three new members were elected to the JI)}m P. Delaney , Mr. & Mrs. Louis Salvador
six-man board of directors of the Catholic Press Association at its annual convention in $EO . $10 Mr. & Mrs. Victor Dem.sld Mr. & Mrs. George Zuck, Mr. Miami Beach. Shown talking over their new posts are from the left Father Donal O'Mahony, Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Keane Jr. It· Mrs. Joseph Ferreira, J. S.S.C., editor of Far East Magazine; Gorman Hogan, managing editor of the Catholic $15 Arthur Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sentinel, Portland, Ore.; and Father Terrence P. McMahon, executive editor of the Catho Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Snyder Days, Duarte Mottors. lic Transcript of Hartford. NC Photo. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Glennon Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Silva, Charles Whalen. Mr. & Mrs. George Gaspa, Mary , $lt Daniel Ring, William Rodg~rs, 1. Jacobs, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Mrs. Daniel McGrath, Mrs. Harry viere, Roland P. McGee, Thomas Mr. & Mrs. William J. Duggan, Holbrook, Mr. & Mrs. ,Robert J. Wilcock. George St.Martin, Rene St.Mar . Volton, Annie L. Silvia. . tin, James W. Sherrington. . Mr. & Mrs. Charles McGowan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Stephens, 'Parece. $20 Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mun.aney, Ethel Gallus, Mrs. Ada Guer Mrs. Elizabeth Silva, Joaquim George Leyden, Mr. & Mrs. 'John Albert & Rene Blais Mr. & Mrs. Edward Palardy, Me. Silva, Joseph B. Souza, Frank F. Cook Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Willis zoni, Albert Guerzoni, Mr.. &: Hannibal M. Gonsalves' .& Mrs. Arthur Smith. Sylvia, Sugene Szala. . Carlos, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cote. ,Mrs. John Guerzoni, Mrs. As Gladys & Rene SaVoie Mr-s. Marian Tinkham, Joseph sunta Borsari. Raymond T. Therien, George Mrs. Flora Corea, Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Strunk Luiz, Mr. & !Mrs. Fred Cunha, Thomas, PeterTravers,' RQger Mr. & Mrs. John Nolan, Mr. & Herman DeSilVia, Mr. & Mrs. Florence, ,Ailen, Mr. &: Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bressard~ Mr. Tougas, Kenneth Walker. ' Frank Aresta, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Francis Francotte, Mr. & James J .•McMahon, Donald Pitt John T. Ward,' Major Whee. : & Mrs. Arthur Leary. George Lemos. Mrs. Robert Bruce, Mrs. Fred & . man. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Morgado, 10cK,Joseph Zajac. Capt. Manuel Henrique-Boat Harry Smith, Mr. & Mrs. An. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Alves, Mr. thony Monteiro. Sea Fox, Capt. Fernando Salva Walter Filipek, William Mar & Mrs. John Makuch, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Jackson, dor-Boat Michael Ann, Anony Richard P. Munroe, Alex Joseph Ferra, Mrs. Mary Hales West Harwich Mr. & Mrs. John Rodrigues, Mr. celino, mous, Mr. & Mrs. Domingo Jos ander Stevenson. & Mrs. John Sylvia. eph. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Dirsa. &: Mrs, Danta' Fava, The Cross ,BOLY _TR,INITY Michael O'Grady, Daniel J. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Wacaser, Mr. & Mrs. Antone DeCosta, Insurance Company" Mr. & Mrs. Slattery. $100 Mr. -& Mrs. David Gough, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. George Silva, Robert Harold Terpeny. $12 , Holy Trinity 'Conference of St. & Mrs. Edward Days, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Milton Laycock, 'Kelle;y:, John Agna, Mr: & Mrs. Mrs. Paul McDevitt, William & Homer Beauparlant, Gideon Vincent DePaul's Society Richard Veara; . ' Manuel Fernandes, Mr. & Mrs. Faith Leahy. Anonymous Mary Lewis, Mr. 8i Mrs. Joseph Kenneth Semedo, Mr. & Mrs. DesRoches, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene " $35 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nobreca, Laplante. " Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Basil Santos, John Reinhardt. Mr. & Mrs. John L. Merna Mr. & Mrs. John A. Langlois. John E. Luby Mrs. Joaquina Roderic~, Mr. .Mr. & Mrs. Warren Silva, Mr. & & Mrs. Charles Roderick, Ber $25 , Mrs. John Corea. $10 AssQciation of the Sacred Mr. & Mrs. Powell Murchison, nice Federici, Mr. & Mrs. Fran. Wilhermina Baptiste, Chade. Chatham Mr. & Mrs. Frances E. Rogers, cis Kingston, Mr. & Mrs. Domin. Barboza, John Barros, Alipio Hearts, Mr. & Mrs. James Besso, HOLY ltEDEEMEtt Mr. '& ·Mrs. Raymo-nd J. Rioux, Anonymous, Lands End Marine go Baptiste. Bartholo, Adelard Bouvette. $100 . Mr. & Mrs. Epipanio Jorge, Supply Inc., Mayflower Cafe. Charles Brightman, Gilbert H. Arthur J. Welch, Henry C. Malo_ Mr. & Mrs. Herman Prada & Daniel 'Shanahan Blue Sea Motel; B. H. Dyer & Carmel, Joseph R., Gorm.ier, ney. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Vegliante. Sacred Hearts Associatioa Co., Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Carpenter, Son, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Stephens, Manuel Correia Jr., Norman Da Mr. & Mrs. Donald Fleming, Mr. Silva. Ernest Links, Mrs. Charles Fin $50 Monument Fish Company, Nick ley, Mrs. W. 'F~ W,alsb. Mr. .& &: Mrs. Manuel Alves. Holy Name SOciety erson Funeral Home. , Alden DeMoranville, Freder Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Pires, Mr. Ick DiCorpo, John Frechette, ,Mrs. Frank 'Carleton. ·Mr. & Mrs. lohn Mohyde Mr. & Mrs. Marion Perry, Mrs. Mr.. & Mrs. Roy Ward Holy Name Society, Mrs. A. E. lohn 1. King, Mr. & Mrs. Warren &: Mrs. Kenneth Keekin, Mr. & Cha·rles Gardner, Antone Ger Craffey, Eaton & Blute Funeral Crawley, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Mrs. Thomas Clements" Mr. &: mano. • Mr. & Mrs. Hobart Tompktu E. Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Mrs. Charles Ellis, Mr. &: Mrs. Stephen D. Grace, Joseph ,A. Service. $40
Dalpe. Charles Lalli., Grenier, Lewis .1. Hamer, Joha. ~ $15 Mr. & Mrs. John Cavanaugh
John Demarest, Mr. &:. Mrs. J. Hayes, Roland R. La.mar:re. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Avellar, Mr. Mrs. Florence Urban $25
John Callahan, Mr. & Mrs. James • Mrs. Anthony Menengas, Cor Niclterson Lumber Co., JIr. • Aurele Ledoux, Leo S. Lor $20 rine McCarthy. Getchell, Mr. & Mrs. Richard anger, Richard E. Mal'tan, Albert Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J.Stevens, 3lIIrs. Joseph Czinlrota. Steigerwald, Mr. & Mrs. John Maher, John A. Miznik. Ann M. Viau. $20 Texeira. Raymond Peck, Leo 'Matton, $15 Mr.. Mrs. Frederick Steffe Wareham Harold Coyne, 'Mr. &: Mrs. Donald Ouellette, Thomas past Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Lavedan lin, Chatham Furniture Store. Raymond Dennehy, Mr. & Mrs. enaude, Mrs. Ronald Perrier. $15 Miss Catherine Lane ST. PATRICK Robert Sweeney, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. James Jackson Emily Porter, Roland RobU $10 Leighton Hutchinson, Mr. & Mrs. lard, Lionel P. Roderick, Rusill Mrs. Frank: Sanborn, Mr. • ~10 $75
Richard Wickenden. Family, Thomas Ryan. Mrs. Raymond J. Alvey, Mrs. Nickerson Funerat Home, !:tit Rev. Leonard M. Mullaney
Mr. & Mrs. Egidio Monteiro, Edmund Rymsey, Oscar Ste. Mildred Hennessy, Mr. & Mrs. . abeth Batson, Mr. &: Mrs. GeOr~ $30
Skipper, Mr. & Mrs. William Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Crocker Mr. & Mrs. Arigelo Giberti, Mr. benne, Thomas P. Sullivan, Joel Joseph Feranandez Jr.,' Mr. • $25 ' & Mrs. Romain Poyant,' Mr. & . D. Sunderland, Donald' Sylvia. Mrss. Manuel Pena. . White, Mr. & Mrs; Arthur Nolan. Mrs. Francis Monahan, Mr. & Franklin Sylvia; Leo Tardi, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Centeio, Mr. &" Mrs: Carter,Mr. • ·Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson Mrs. Martin Ober. ' Henri Tetreault, Mrs. Dorothy Mrs. Carl Johnson; Mr. & Mrs. Norman Nickerson, Mr. &: Mrs. 'Dr. & Mrs. William Dawson Alice E: Monahan, Mr. &: Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Francis Mayhew . Mrs. Christopher' Rkhard Chase, 'Mr. &' Mrs. Wil Arthur Kenny, Mr. &: Mrs, Joha Albert Andrews, Tony Bacchieri, Townsend. !iam F. Downey,' Mr.&M:rs. Gi1rein.,Mr. & Mrs. .J'oseph Or Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Roderick lando. .' '''', Mr.- & Mrs. Thomas Mirabito, Edmond Vaillancourt, Hon~re Walter MasOn. $24 . Mr. & Mrs. Harold Cleveland. Mr. _& Mrs. Robert Moore Vaillancourt,' Edward Wojok. 'Mr. & Mrs. .John Monterio, Mr. & Mrs. EdW3l'd Kilk~. Desmond Murphy, Frank Bar $20 Lucille Aguiar, EliodoreAl Stanley Gonsalves, Mr. • Mrs. 'lit'. & Mrs. Theodore IiYon. boza. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Collina lard, August F. Arruda, John .C. .Joseph Gavin, Mr. &I Mrs. Wa "Purtian Clothing Co., Mr. & . . . Mr. & Mrs. William Spillane Avila, Frederick J. Baldwin. liam Robicba1lll, Mrs. Maril}"A .lobo. Hallinan, Mr. & llIn.Ar tIlur LaFonune. ' Mr. & Mrs. George Barrett John E. .Bernier Jr;, Alfred Soum. ' Westport John T. Galligan Borges, Alphonse Bourbeau, ·Mr..& Mm. Hemy RaIleo, Mr. JIll'. &: lI4.rs. Everett Eldr «t«e $15 Raymond Brito, Mrs. Rosallu ST. GEORGE Cabral. . ' Mr. & Mrs. JosepL Rose ~ ~.y $12 Mrs. Milton Chace Sr., eharl~ $Stt Mr. & Mrs. William Patioc Callaghan, Raymond Cogswell, ~. Lorenzo R. M&ral. $11 . Roger Couture, .J~es M. Cra'Je. Pot
SMA_ON, .MASSACHUS£ITS ..... Raymond Fava Alfred J. Desmaraia, 'Willri4 George Considine
$10 . Donpierre, 'LeoRomeo DubreuJI. ..... SflACJOUS FIREPROOF ~EEPING QUARfERS $50 Mr. Leonard & Miss Margaret Oliver ~itzgerald, F~' "x. .".. Edwin .1. Smith for :Ioys7.10 UYeaA Old ~, Doyle, William Me~y, Mr. & 'F1)-nn. Mr. & Mrs. John F. ,Wan( .... _ week HCl5Oft1 June 3G to Avguat 10 ~ Mrs. Manuel Fernandes, Mr. & .Herbert Foiay, Edward Gan& Enun~ P.ABftond . Mrs. John DePina, Mr. It Mrs. ;-. gan, Amedee Goulet,'J."bomM " ' R e g i s - t e r for 2, or 4. or 6 weeb '.$15 .Joseph Gomes. Heron Jr., Almedor Houle. ,~ .......t.t.rfng .• DesirecI T. Rudner ItennedT Mr. & Mrs. George Santos, Mr. lames BaRrahan, Beatrlee He It Mrs. Arthur Baptiste, Mr. & OF THE SACRlDHEA1tt , $II
bert, Karol Kawa, LuciRet.Ya... Mrs. Edwin Rose, Mr,'·& Mrs. Donald Sylvain
leUr, Phllias Leduc. lohn English Jr., Mr. • Mm. $II Normand Marceau, J'oaet* Richard Kiernan. Charles Collins Marshall, Joseph Medeiroa, Joa ~ SMAIOJI. MASSAaIUSEnS ~ Mr. & Mrs. Vlclorio Galle.rant, David H. Butler quim Mello" Manuel ·MClinheire. Kr. & Mrs. Joseph Stee, Mr. '& Edmund L. Kelley A. aESI09f1' SCHOOl FOR IOYS , Manuel 'Monk, Kenneth Moore, .~y Mrs. Joseph Govoni, Mr. • Mra.. Maty & Veronica KeweU Iohn 'Morris, Ida Nervitle, Robert Tassinari, Mr. & Mr•. Potter'. Funeral Service Louise Padelford. Grammar Gr-a_ 'l'homas Kendrigan. Joseph Vieira Robert 1:. PlU"eQt, SOIm D. .~ 1MI IROnIEU _ , . SACUD MAar ~ Mr. & Mrs. Charles O'Rowil:e. St. George Conferenee-S.Y;P.. QUinlan, Wilfrid Reale, JOb'S. Ilk. & Mrs. Mario Govoni. Me. 41 Leonai'd LaOCloili, OscIIrLari aew,. Thomai Richal'da. ~
......y • •
. ." ,
..CAM.P .SACRED t:'·EART. ~ y
............. ...........
Osterville OUR LADY
$250 Rev. John F. Higgins $100 The st. Vincent dePeuI S0ciety Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Sims Mr. & Mrs. Philip Boudreau Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Ken nedy Anonymous
$75 Rev. Ronald A. Tosti $50 Our Lady of the Assumption Guild Daniel Brothers Inc. Matthew S. Birtwistle Mr. & Mrs. John Shields Dr. John O. Niles $35 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shieldfl Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Beecher Catherine Hansberry $25 Mr. & Mrs. Howard Sears, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Coombs, Dr. & Mrs. Charles Haskell, Mr. & Mrs. Sherwood Tondorf, Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cassidy, PUSHES MARTYRS' CAUSE: Father Anthony J. Mrs. Henry Creange, Mr. & Mrs. Wouters, W.F., postulator for the cause of the Martyrs of Francis P. Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Desmarais, The Cotter Uganda, displays one of 22 illustrations on the martyrs Family. which he brought from Rome. Father Wouters, Procurator The McKeon Family General of the White Fathers, stopped off in Washington, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cain during his two-month tour of the U.S. NC Photo. Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Callahan Jr. $20 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cammett, Mr. & Mrs. O.S. Garofalo, Mr. Margaret Hansberry, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Manuel B. Maderios, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Louis Miskell Thomas Hartigan, Mrs. Andrew Mrs. Dorothy SanbOrn, Mr. & O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. James Mrs. Arthur Marney. $40 Shields.. Mrs. Dorothy Maloney, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Charles Murray Mrs. Walter Sanford, Mr. & Mrs. The Parenti Sisters, Anony $25 William O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. mous, A Friend. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Boyce, William F. Childs, Mr. & Mrs. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Coleman, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Shea, Mr. & William Carpenter.. Mrs. Terrence Rogers, Marie Mr. &, Mrs. John Bowes, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Murphy, Mr. & Bruton, Mr. & Mrs. George C. & Mrs. C h a I' I e s Stavredes, Mrs. John J. Dugan, C.· W. Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Thomas Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. Frederic~. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Travers, Mason. Frederick McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. Kathleen Heron, Helen Brough Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hassel John Lahteine. broeck, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hilda Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. ton, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel De Richards. Leo Gregoire, Mr. & Mrs. Frank' Mello, Angelo DeMello. William Lundy,. Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Neil Nightingale Frazier Jr., Mr. & Mrs. E. $12 Lester Carroll, Mr. &: Mrs. John Francis S. Winsper, John C. De Mello, Mr. & Mrs. David J. Bol. Mr. & Mrs. Roland Ashley Parker. ton, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Fra Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Aylmer Mr. & Mrs. William Boule, sier Jr. Mrs. Mary Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Butler Rosemary Quinn $10 Raymond Schneider, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. John Machado Mr. & Mrs. William Fother John Pizza, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mr: & Mrs. Francis J. Mahoingham, Bernard O'Niell, Mr. & Daniel. ney Mrs. Robert E. McCarthy, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Victor Adams, Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. Archibald Senesac Mrs. James Hansberry, Mr. & Margaret Shields, Pat I' i cia $20 Crosby, Mr. & Mrs. Shirley Mrs. Walter Hamblin. Dr. 8l: Mrs. George Gendron, Mr. & Mrs. James O'Niell, Crosby, Mrs. Mary Swartz.. Mrs. William Kelly, Josephine Mr. & Mrs. Pius Rooney, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Singleton, Violet Holton, Mr. & Mrs. Hartnett, Mr. & Mrs. John & Mrs. Patrick Murray, Mr. & Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Borden Mrs. William P. McEvoy, Mr. Thomas L. Maher, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Ethier, Judge & Mrs. Zwicker. & Mrs. W. Scott Elliott, Josep.h August Taveira. Mr. & Mrs. Richard VanKleef, Santos. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Caron, Mrs. Amos deBarros, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Rose and Anthony Souza, Miles Pawloski, Mrs. Jennie Mr. & Mrs. Harry Thomas, Mr. Mrs. Nelson Cleveland, Mosher Pina, . Mr. & Mrs.' Christian & Mrs. Frederick Whiteley, Mrs. Family, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Albert & Franklin Adams, Dr. O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. James Bar Mendes. rett. The Stein Family, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Burton Trask. $15 Ralleigh Avallone, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rose, AI':' Mr. & Mrs. William A. Edward Duarte, Mrs. Mary Mc phonse Beaumont, Mr. & Mrs. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond John B. Rogers. . Pherson, Dorothy Guest. Mr. & Mrs. Warren Davis, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Seward Reid Jr., Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Etu, & Mrs. Robert Elskamp, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Sennett, ¥r. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Reardon, Mrs. James Bateman, Mr. & Mrs. John Linehan, Mr. & Mrs. 1.. Mr. & Mrs. John C. Sylvia. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Wyatt Leo Flaherty, Mr. & Mrs. Joa Lally, Mr. & Mrs. Willie Fre Mr. &: Mrs. Carl Giordano quim Tavares. chette. Dr. & Mrs. Antonio Fernandes Mr. & Mrs. David White, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. William Neslein, Mr. & & Mrs. James Flynn, Mr. & Mrs.' Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Maurice F. Hayes Mrs. Francis Wyman, Mr. &; William Adams, Mr. & .Mrs. Rob Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Welsh. Mrs. Elmer James, Mr. & Mrs. ert Lebel, Mrs. Louis Byrne. $12 John Murphy. Mr. & Mrs. Redmond J. Fitz-' Edward Moorhouse, Mr. &; Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sullivan, gerald, Mrs. Lydia Cabral, Mr. & Lt. and Mrs. Wade Stevens, Mr. Mrs. James P. Souza, Mr. & Mrs.' Mrs. Alexander Jones,' Mr. & & Mrs. Alvaro Mattos', Mrs. Lil Charles Johnson, Elizabeth Mc ,Mrs. L. Roger Labelle. Mr. & Mrs.' Claude Bernier lian Cain, Mary Murphy. Quade. $10 Mr. & Mrs. John Johnson, Mrs. John & Bernard McQuade Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Cravo, Mr. Gertrude H'<lyden, Mr. & Mrs. A Friend, A Friend. . & Mrs. William J. Neary, Mr. & Ronald Banfield, John Duarte Mrs. Joseph Ponte, Mr. & Mrs. Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Antone Souza· South Dartmouth Arthur Lemberg, Mr. & Mrs. Jr. /' William Martin. Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Murphy, ST. MARY Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Morgado, John R. Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Ben Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Martin, Mr.· jamin Yanchuck, Mr. & Mrs. $500 & Mrs. Earl Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nealy, Mr. & Mrs. Rev. Arthur G. Considine H. A. Barrett, Mrs. Mary JohnDonald Manchester Sr. $104 Mr. & Mrs. John Loughman, ,. Mr. & Mrs. George A. D. St. . son. . Miss Bertha Johnson, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs; John Heher,Mr. & Aubin Mrs. Robert J. Sullivan, Mrs. Mrs. John Pina, Mr. & Mrs. Ed $100 Bertha Augusta, Mr. & Mrs. ward Crosby, George Souza. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Brndy Manuel Botelho Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Charlotte Burnham, Mr. & Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Flynn Manuel Botelho Jr. Mrs. John R. Souza, Mr. & Mrs. $75 Mr.. & Mrs. Manuel Winder
Kenneth Bailey, Amelia Fernan Rev. John J. Magnani dez, Mr. & Mrs. F. Lester Fraser. Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hemingway lick, Mrs. Charles Lawrence, . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Medeiros, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. George Germani, Jr. & Mrs. Wilfred Mosher, Mr. &
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Coombs, Mr. & Mrs.' Joseph Donaghy ,Mrs. John V. Medeiros.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Monroe,· Dr. & Mrs. John Dias Nancy Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. William Jackson, $60 Thomas Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Al Joseph Barry. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Smith fred Deschenes, Mr. & Mrs. James Barry, Mr. & MrB. $50 Donald Carreiro, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Curley, Dr. & Mrs. Mrs. William Loughlin Hugh Burbank, Mrs. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. GlennOQ Eugene Bariteau.
Mr. & Mrs. John Brooks, Mrs.
Perry, Mr. & Mrs. J. Dexter Jr. Ernest Parker, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Swift. Mrs. Isaac Dawson ward Costa, Mrs. Hazid Con John J. Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Pierre O. Blais,
THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Foil River-Thur~., May 16, 1963
kling, Miss Mary B. Gracia. . Griffin, Richard Griffin, Mr. • Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Mello, Mrs. Manuel Bettencorurt. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R .. Lyonnais, Marion Freitas, Mr. & Mrs. Mr... A. L. Guisti, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Bettencourt Jr., Louis Frank Mello Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Guba, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Syl Joseph Brown. via, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence O. Mr. & Mrs. Orvington S. Wampler, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fielding, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bolton. A. Robichaud, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Mr. & Mrs. John S. Cooper, Valenti,Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Quil1t1 Arruda, Mr. & Mm. Alfred Gon Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Frank Motha, salves. Richard Harkins, Mrs. Peter M. Mr. George St. Marie, Mr. & Foley. Mrs. Louis Cormier, Miss Mary Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Perry, Mr. Plezia, Mr. & Mrs. Calistus & Mrs. Joseph Salvador, H. Sylvia Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Luke Rogers Co., Evelyn Kelley, Harnn. Florence Menard. Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Parsons, Mrs. Theresa McDonald, Mr. & Buzzards Bay Mrs. Richard Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Alves, Mr. & Mr6. ST. MARGARET Armand Rezendes. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rapoza, $50 Mrs. Raymond H. Chase, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. E. Francis Burto. Mrs. Norm a n Menard, Mr. SS. Margaret & Mary Guild George Wright, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McDonough James Mackay. Tommy's Oil Service Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pedro, $40 Georgianna Pedro, Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Teehan Valmore DUbreuil, Mrs. Mary $25 Donovan, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Tiny Jim's Town Club Mendonca. . Mr. & Mrs. Edward Payton Dr. & Mrs. Malcolm Arsenault, Mrs. Louis Vieira, Mrs. Agnes $20 Delaney, Mrs. Alice Dahill, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. -oseph Delsie & Mrs. John Brown. Robert McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Avilla, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dechene
& Mrs. Lionel D. Polycarpo, Mr.' Capt. Harris Fish Market & Mrs. Armand Poitras, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Biagiotti Mrs. Joseph Moniz, Mr. & Mrs. $10 Ernest Santos. Mr. & Mrs. Fred McComiskey, Mrs. l?orothy Horan, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lane, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Alfonse, Mr. &. Mrs. Richard Jones, Mrs. Juliette Mrs. Joseph L'Italien, Mrs. Al Razay, Irene F. Christian. bert Amarantes, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Columbo J. Chris James Kavanaugh. tofori, Mr. & Mrs. Reynolds, Ur Mr. & Mrs. Philip Murphy, sula Wing, Mr. & Mrs. A. Clay Mrs. Eli Ferguson, Mrs. Ann De son Tucy, Mrs. Ria Cristofori. Mello, Mrs. Helen Collopy, Mr. Baker's 5c to 1.00 Store, Mr. & & Mrs. Philip Tracey. Mrs. Paul Ashnault, Mrs. Ver Mr. Chester Smith, Mr. & Mrs. onica Pye, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Richard Zerbonne, Miss Ruth Bedard, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nick Deasy, Dr. & Mrs. Alvin Sim erson. mons, Miss Cynthia Leal. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Malothe, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Leal, Mr. John Mcllo~amarn, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Joseph Ponte, Mr. & Mrs. August Cristofori, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carvalho, Mr. & Mrs. Al Thomas Dunbury, Mr. & Mrs. bert Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. James Mauro Ajancenas. Costa. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McGraw, Mr. & Mrs.' Norman Daniels,' Mrs. David Kashner, Mr. A: Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Davidson, Mrs. John King, Mr. & Mrs. Do~ Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Souza Jr., aId Piette, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Louise Bettencourt, Mr. & Mrs. Pierce. Narcizo Cordeiro. E. J. Keleher, The Demers Mr. & Mrs. Louis Spencer, Family. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Medeiros, Bosnengo Hardware, Cran Mrs. Alvarina Cordeiro, Mr. & berry Highway Realty, Bollet! Mrs. Albert DeMello, Mr. & Mrs. Package Store, The College Shop, Marcelino Mello. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Labretto. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur P. Sylvia, Walter Pina, Mrs. George Gib Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Buotte, son, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Scully, Mr. & Mrs. George Desmond,' Mr. & Mrs. Albert Monam, Mrs. John Roberts, Flora & George Breen. Florence Andre. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Nuovo, Wil M a I' g a l' e t Gamble, Helen liam G. Garvin, Mr, & Mrs. Paul Gamble, Henry Gamble, Mr. & Getchell, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mrs. Manuel H. Sylvia, Mr. & Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mrs. Gerald Morency, William Fitzgerald. J. Sheehan. Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Rosaire Surpre Mr. & Mrs. Nassible Nisby, The nant" Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bob Paines, John Dellea, Mr. & Mrs. rowiecki, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred John Gonsalves. .... Martins, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wallace, Goulat, Mrs. Ernest Kerwin. Mrs. Irene Andrews, Mrs. Charles Mrs. Alexander St. Pierce, Mr. Tomkinson, Mr. & Mrs. William & Mrs. Joseph Glennon, Mr. & McCusker, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Mrs. Walter Janiak, ·Mr. & Mrs. Coghlan. George Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Homer Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Villani, J. Messier. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Angus, Mr'. " Mr. & ¥rs. Rene Bouchard, Mrs. Francis Paulette, Lena Go&o Mr. & Mrs. Henrique DeMattos, salves. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Barbero Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tomlinson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Ringutte Jr. Mrs: Frank Leary, Mr. &!: ~s. Manuel Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Man uel Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Vic torio Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Fran cisco Rapoza. Mr. & Mrs. Lionel J. Saint, Mr. & Mrs. Earle K. Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Cordeiro, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Nolan, Mr. & Mrs. We're Famous for Frank S. Gracie. • CHARCOAL STEAKS Katherine L.Griffin, Mrs. Jo • SEAFOOD • CHICKEN seph A. Frasier Sr., Cornelius
restaurant _ lounge • PRIME RIBS OF BEEF ..
The' KEYSTONE Office Equipment Salesroom NEW AND USED Wood and Steel Oeakl and .haln· ateel tilina eabinets.· loeken. .helv.
Ina. tables. atoraae eablnet.. lafs. wardrobes. etc.
.~~ ;r~::. S~
NewBe~tord WY 3-278'11
DINNER DANCING Every Saturday Night
and his orchestra
Reservations accepted for: .• Weddings • Banquets • Stag and Showers," 91 Crandall ~d., Tiverton off Rte. 177 Tel. MA 4-9888 & 4-9979
A Friend, Mrs. George Imhof. Mr, & Mrs. Arthur Kane, An ST. MARY nieLaMarre, Mr. David Lane $250 & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Hohann Mr. Joseph F. Corliss Lettl, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Lodico. $125 A Friend, A Friend, Mr. & Mr. Robert Currivan Mrs. Leo MalagrJda, Miss Edith $50 Mancinelli, A Friend. Catholic Youth Organization Mr. & Mrs. Edmund McDon St. Mary's Church
ough, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mel . Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Haven
chiorri, Mr. & .;Mrs. Chester Knights -of Columbus No. 420
.Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Capo- Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Nor ciso,Mr. & Mrs. J,ohn O'Donnell. nigro Jr. Miss Eleanor Ottaviani & Mary Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Gasson
Friend, Mr. James Palladino, Mr. A Friend
& Mrs. Attilio Pedini, Mr. & Mrs. A Friend Armand Picchi.
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Porfido, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Parente
Mr. Peter Provost, A Friend, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Ridley Fred Rossi, Mr. John Rotella. $25 ' Mr. Joseph 'Rotella, Miss Eva Dr. & Mrs. :::harles Colella Mr. & lVII's. Orl. DiGiampietro, ' Salachi, Mr. & Mrs. RalPh Sarro The Misses Dion, Mr. & Mrs. Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Sloan, A Friend. Albert Lewis, A Friend. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Tartaglia, Mr. , $20
& Mrs. James Tarte, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. George Pomfret
John Todesco, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs; William Stein Joseph Todesco, Mr. & Mrs. An Mr. & Mrs. Victor Turinese Mr. & Mrs. William Watterson nesino Uva. Miss Rosemary Uva, Mr. & $15 Mrs. William Verzola, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Currivan Florence Ward. Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Ander son, Mr. & Mr's. Philip DiMonte, Mr. & Mrs; James Harrigan. Norton $11 ST. MARY'S Mr. Lawrence Jackson $200 $10 Kilburn Glass Industries Ine. A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Al $100 phonse Avallone, Mr. & Mrs. Ruggiero Baldelli, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Devlin $60 Ellsworth Beach, Mr. & Mrs. ,Cyril Bellavance. Polly's Restaurant $25 Mr. & Mrs. Norman Boily. Mr. & Mrs. 'Clarence Brazil, Mr. & Mrs. Rosa Fernandes, Mrs. Mrs. Armand Brunelle, Mr.. & Alan Nelson,' Mr. & Mrs.Home~ Mrs.CarmenCardinute, Mr. & Simmons, George Yelle,Mr; & Mrs. Henri Yelle: Mrs. Edward Chace. Mr. & Mrs. Arthw:- Choquet, $20 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Connolly, Robert Devlin, John Martins, Mr. & Mrs. William Cullen, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas ,J. O'Bden, . Rib.eiro Bros. &; Mrs. Joseph Cutillo" Mr. & iMrs. Peter Demers. $15 Mr. & Mrs. James DePillo, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bernier & Mrs. Charles Farinella. Mrs.' Vincent J. D'Angelo Herbert Flaherty, Mr. &.Mrs., $11 Gilio Funari, Mr. & Mrs.' Ar Bristol Farms mando 'Giovino. $10 Mr. & Mrs. John Houghton" Manuel D. ~uiar, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Jameson, Henry Brouchu, Leo Brochu, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kafte, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bryant Jr., Mr. Henry LaRochelle, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs.' Kenneth Carr.' Robert Lee. Mrs. Avery Clapp, Mr. & Mrs. Miss Celia Lerette, Mr. & Mrs. James Collins, Mr. & Ml"s. Cyril Angelo Linari, Mr. & Mrs. Ru Gagne, Mr. & Mrs. John 'Halli '-dolph Lambardi, Mr. & Mrs. han, Mary Harrington. Patrick Lonergan, Mrs. Lillian Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kelly, MacDonald. Mr. & Mrs. Adlore King;, Mrs. Mr. &,Mrs~ Thomas Malay, Mr. Evan Koutrouba, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. John F. Maloney, Mr. & James Marcure, Georgette Mas Mrs. Michael McCarthy, Mrs. sie. Beverly McConnell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Virginia McGrane, Arthur Michaud. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Montesanti, Mr. & Mrs. Celestino Morini, Mr.'& Mrs. Martin O'Malley, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Morini, Mr. & & Mrs. Edward Paradise, Mr. & iMr,s. Charles Morrill, Mrs. Don ' Mrs. Santiago' Perez. ald Morse Mr. & Mrs. Albert Mr. & Mrs. Francis Prado, Niemi. ' Andrew'Radnor, Mr. & Mrs. , Mr. & Mrs. Maieolm Packer, Armand Ric h a r d, David
Mr. & Mrs. John Paioni, Mr. & Schreiver. Mr. & Mrs. Walter
Mrs. Joseph Pernock, Mr. Mah. Stanford.
'10n Pomfret, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Teixeira,
Precourt. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Thibeault,
'Mr. & Mrs. Edward Proteau, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Zwilkowski. A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Jay Rea 'gan, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Rich North Dighton '&rids Mr. & 'Mrs. Omer Sanville. .~. & Mrs. Robert Shepardson, ST. JOSEPH Mrs. Gilda Smith, Mr. & Mrs. $100 William Thayer, A Friend" Mr. Mr. & Mrs. James E. Williams, & Mrs. Robert Weir, Mrs. Cecile In Memory of Margaret A. Wil Wilder. liams
Mr. Shierino Amici, Mr. & ,$50
Mrs. James Avallone" Mrs. Wini
St. Vincent DePaul's Society fred J. Ball, A Friend, Miss '$25 Mary Beatty. John Silva Mr. Robert Bell Sr., Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Mastro Mrs. Richard Bellavance, Mr. & marino ; Mrs. Alfred Belli, Mr. & Mrs. $2G James Bent, A Friend. ' Mr. & Mrs. Roger Turner '. Mr. & Mrs. Al Bielan, Mr. & $15 , Mrs. Paul Boyden, The Brutcher Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Procopio : Family, Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Car $10 'bonetti, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mr~ & Mrs. Edward McGilli. Catalano. vray, Mr. & Mrs. John Lane, Mr. A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. John & Mrs.. William Ferreira, Walter Cody, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Whitmore Jr.,' Mr. & Mrs. Ed 'Colella, Mr. & Mrs. J.Qhn Con ward Donnelly.' nell, A Friend. Mr. & Mrs. Roy Menard, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Creeden, & Mrs. Frederick Borden, Mr. & Mr. Fred Creeden, Mr. & Mrs. John Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. John Crotty, Mr. 8£ Mrs. Wilbur Strang, Mr. & Mrs. Jo Guido Cutillo, A Friend. seph Butler.
, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel DeChellis,
Mrs. Norman Woodward, Mr. ~r. & Mrs. Peter DeGiralamo, & Mrs.Bruce Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. .. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DePalma, Mr. Frederick Wilbur, Mi. & Mrs. '& Mrs. Joseph DiFiore,Mr. & Antone Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. Jo Mrs. William Flynn. seph Mason. . A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph ,Mr. & Mrs. Germano Ma,theus, Garland, Miss Catherine Gasson, Mr. & Mrs. Percy Simmons, Mr. Miss Mary Gibbons, Carmeia & .Mrs. Milton Sherman, Mr Giovino. Harry Lyons, Alice Phillips. Mrs. Irma Gleason, Mr. Gor Mr. & Mrs. Peter Fitzmaurice, ,don Hardie, Miss Mildred Han- Mr. & Mrs. Norman LaFrance,
THE ANCHOR-Diocese ofJ=all River-Thurs., May 16, 1963
NEW TESTAMENT DOORS: The largest single-cast' bronze doors even made in the U.S. have been ,added to the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, Belleville, Ill. Called the New Testament ,doors, they depict the four evangelists on the right, each holding his individual symbol. In the center is the tree' of sacrifice with palm branches" the sy~bol of'martyrdom. At left the V}rgin Mar~ is shown with the Christ Child, her foot crushing the evIl serpent as the Magi look on. The doors, which weigh 275 pounds, each, are seven feet high. NC Photo. '
Miller, William McDonald, Mrs. Eleanor Nevin, Elwyn Doane, John Dove. Dr. Julian Doherty, David Bessom, Frank Purpura, Leon ard Tarvers, Fred Carey. John Leary, Walter Gavin, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence L.' Vanasse, Adam T,artaglia, Mr. & Mrs. Leo R. Scott. Eugene T. Davis, Leonard Francis, Mary SOuza, Mr. & Mrs. Gaston Norgeot, Mr. & Mrs. John Hamilton. Emile Izzo, Henri Ozon, Lucien Ozon, Mr. & Mrs. John Harrington, Edward O'Brien. Clayton A. Stafford,' Emilien Perreault, John Donohue, John B.Weidler, Charles Grindle. Hernaldo R. Kelley, Harriet Deschamps, George Bissonnette, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hathaway, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Benz ,Sr. Janet Coli ins, Mrs, Zita Meacham, E. J. Oles, May Ho gan, Helen Conlon. John O'Hara, Alfred Stein metz, Paul H. Riordan, Leonard Maza, Leo Barry. Dorofei Klimshuk, Mar eel Norgeot, Blanche Turcotte" Louise & Mary Bessom, James Davis. Joseph E. Doyle,Robert Clark, Kathryn Hennessy, Anna Hen nessy, James DeLory Jr. Joseph King, Sarah McCann, Theresa Hardman, Helen Car ron, Yvonne Backus. Joseph L. Silansky, Emile De Ville, Mary E. LaPiana, Fred LaPiana Jr., B rid i e Power Casey. John C"Onnors, Joseph C"Our ant. James llkovich, Ray Perreault, Vernon Landers, Florenee Mil ler, Ernest Saulnier. ' James E.Nichols, Nickerson Funeral Home, Edward 'Rohmer Jr.., Gordan Harris, Theodore Young, Warren Daniels;
Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Doherty, Mr.
& Mrs. William' Fleming. Mr. & Mrs. William O'Connell, :Mr. & Mrs.' Harry McConville, . Mr. & Mrs. Milton Bowen, Mr. &; Mrs. Robert 'Hoye, Mr. & Mrs., Oliver Collard,. Mr. & Mrs. John Synan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dutra, Mrs. Kent, Mrs. Eva Caron, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Courcy. John Moniz Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Catabia, Mr. & Mrs. William Conaty, Nancy Durfee, Mr. & Mrs. Franklyn Weeks. Mr. & MI"s. Thorpas Marsden, Mr. & Mrs. James O',ConneU, Mr. & Mrs. Edwil). Ready, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Lawrence, Joseph Cillnb~a. Francis Avilla, Mary & John Freitas, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Mulhern, 'Ron'ald R. Tetreault, Henry Conaty. , Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Tetrault, Mr. & Mrs. Henry P. O'Connell, Mrs. Mary Beckwith; Mr. '& Mrs. Harold L.Sherrington, Mr. & Mrs. William Holmes. Mr. & Mrs. Burton Simmons, Mr. & Mrs. John Beynart; Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hubert, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Donnerberg, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. McMullen. Mr. & Mrs. George Fostin, Ralph & Madeline Woodward, Mr. & Mrs. William Bleau, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Smith. Mr. & Mrs. Edward,' Roy, Bauline Martin.
Orlean~ ST. J()AN OF ARC
$1%5 ' Rev. James E. Lynoh $'75
Emile Ollivier .$60 Anonymous
SouthYol'mouth ST. PIUS -TENTH
$250 H.Qly Name Society $100 Mrs. Arthur Morawski St, Vincent de Paul Society '$'75
Mr. & Mrs. Peter LeSage $50 $5.0 John Coyle Rev. Francis M. Coady Harry J. Doher.ty $28 Mr. & Mrs. James H. Quirk Cape Coo Trust COID,pany $25 Orleans Branch. Mrs. Thomas Hague Sr. $25 $20 Mr. & Mrs. W:alt!'lrFlavin, Mr. & Mrs. Paul .'I'()hnson Jeremiah Crowley, George H. $15' . Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mr. & Mrs. Robert JQhnso~, Peno, Mr. & Mrs. James ,'T. Mr. & Mrs. John McKenriey, Mr. Clancy. " " & Mrs. Edward Robinson, Mr. & Edward Smith, Edward Mar Mrs. Charles E. Still. tin-Orleans Inn. $12 $20 . Walter C. Marlini Jr. Paul Ollivier, Cornelius Spil $10 . lane, Ceil Remillard, James Elizabeth Allen, .Anonyffious, Rawl, Harvey A. Yonce. Mr. & Mrs. George Barabe, Mr. Raymond FO,ran, George S. & Mrs. James Bestford, Mr. & Duffy Jr. Mrs. Howard Branagan. -. Dr. James H. Leach Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Bryan, $15 Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Calcasola, Wilfred J. Ferreira, 'Donald Major M. J. Conley, Mr. & Mrs. Woalwer, Mrs. Stanley Smith, Richard Dudley" Mr. & Mrs. Leroy A. Babbitt, Leo F. Gal- Treffle Gervais. lagher. ' Mrs. Irene Janson, Mrs. John R. Bruce Hammatt, George S. :Kelly Sr., John M. Kelly' ;Jr., Duffy Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Maxwell, Orner R. Chartrand, Francis Mrs. Leo G. ,Mercurio. Fettig Mr. & Mrs. David Murray, Mr. $12 & Mrs. Richard Norman, Mr. & Eva Marie Dane Mrs. T. M. Norton, Roland $10 'Quayle, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Margaret Joyce, Ada Meehan, Reilly. Central Village Keith Staples, Jane 'Keenan, Lawrence Shanahan, Mr. & GeOrge P. Norgeot. ' Mrs. Patrick Welch. ST. J'OHN THE BAPTIST '$200 Arthur Gallant, T. FranK .Sul livan, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Mr. & Mrs. John DeNadal Ruggles, Mrs.' William Quinn, $10 Mrs.. Gertrude Messier, Mr. G-ordon Nadeau. & Mrs; Manuel RaposaJr., Mr. & Gerard S. Perreault, David Just Across The
Mrs. Tobias Flemming Jr., Char Lebeau, Manuel Santos, Douglas Coggeshall St. B~idge
lotte Madeiros. , Deeley, George Granville. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Creedon, John Delaney, Ronald Chip Finest Variety of Mrs. Eva Lawrence, Mr. & Mrs. man, Henry Fitzgerald; Leo Gill, , SEAFOOD· Francis J. Maher, William Regan. Henry Veit.
Served Anywhere - Also'
Rte. 138, .....0. Easton, Mass.
Each weekend of May and June Men, Women, Couples Tel. 238-6863 Write: Fr. Kelly, esc, Dir.,
WY 2·0682 OS 9-6712 E. J. McGINN, Prop.
rltE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-:Thurs., May 16, 1963
NEWMAN CENTER ALTAR: The Most Reverend Bishop celebratedherst. All four Massachusetts ordinaries participated in the event a Pontifical Mass at this main altar in the $750,000 Newman Center ofCardinal Cushing of Boston, Bishop Weldon of Springfield, Bishop FIana the University of Massachusetts which was dedicated Ias·t night in Am-gan of Worcester and Bishop Connolly. augb, Mrs. Katherine Keena, Mrs. Edward Keough, Mr. &; Mrs. Martin Lawson. DlMACULNrE CONCEPTIOlf Mr. &; Mrs. Walter F. Lesh, $45 Mrs. James Lindsay, Mr. &; Mrs. ~. Frank Conley John R. Linehan, Mr. &; Mrs. $25 C. Luciano, Mr. & Mrs. William Bruno's, Dr. Gerald F. Gray, Lupica. Mr. &; Mrs. Leo Harlow, Dr. & Mr. & Mrs. R. McCarthy, Mr. 1InI. Walter Judge. &; Mrs. William J. McEntee, Jo $20 seph McGonigle, Mr. &; Mrs. E. Mrs. Herbert L. Everett McKinnon, Leslie Mitton. $16 Mr. &; Mrs. William Murphy, Mr. &; Mrs. Robert DeBesse Mr. & Mrs. Richard Oakley, Mr. $15 Mr. &; Mrs. Robert T. Davies, &; Mrs. Roy Owens, Mr. &; Mrs. Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph Gill Sr. &; Frank Panciocco, Mr. & Mrs. Family, Greyhound Pac k age Richard Parker. . Mr. &; Mrs. F. Pittard, Mrs. store, Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro M. Waiter Ralph, Mrs. Royal Rol Souza. lins III, Mrs. Benedict Scully. $12 Mrs. Robert Shaw. Mr. &; Mrs. Louis Vanderstreet Mrs. Isabelle Somerville, Mrs. $10 Henry H. Steinberg, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Amen . Joseph Stone, Mr. & Mrs. Robert dola, Mr. & Mrs. John Bell, Mrs. Stone, Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan. Edith Bentley, Mr. & Mrs. Clar Mr. & Mrs. William Svirsky, ence Boucher, Mr. & Mrs. Chri Mr. & Mrs. John A. Sylvia, Mrs. topher Brady. John Toomey, Mr. & Mrs. James Mr. & Mrs: John Brady, Henry Tully, Mrs. Ellery Willis. Brousseau, Mr. & Mr~. Samuel Mrs. James Winters, Mr. &; cabana, Mrs. Albert Cady, Mr. Mrs. Lawrence Wood. • Mrs. Ernest Camara. Daniel Amorim, Grace Amo Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Camber, rim, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Amorim, :Mr. &; Mrs. Anthony Cardoza, Mr. & Mrs. James Barrett, Mr. & :Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Carr, Mr.. Mrs. R'.lymond Belair. &; Mrs. Thomas Casey', Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. John Bellino, Mrs. Walter Chojnacki. Abraham B roo k s Insurance, Mr. & Mrs. William Condon, Joseph Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. &; Mrs. John Connolly, Mary Timothy Bryant, Mary Buckley. Joseph Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Conroy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gor mier, Mary Lynn Cosgrove. Frank Caliri, Mr. & Mrs. R. Mr. &; Mrs. E. Cunniff, Mrs. Chassey, Mrs. Mary Coy, Mr. & Ralph Dahlborg, Mr. &; Mrs. Ar Mrs. Geol'ge Cravenho. thur DeCouto, Dorothy Dorn, . Daughters of Isabella, Mr. &; Mr. &; Mrs. J. F. Downey. Mrs. John DeCoste, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Drew, Mr. Francis Deveney, Mrs. Frede • Mrs. N. DUhamel, Mr. & Mrs. rick Dolloff, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Herman Fickeisen, Phyllis Fie Donaghue. keisen, Mrs. Cecelia Firth. William Farren Sr., Roger Mr. & Mrs. William Fourner, Ferron, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Fox, llIr. & Mrs. John Freitas, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Francis Freeman Sr.. :Mrs. T. D. Green Jr., Mr. &; Mrs. A Friend. .John Griffin, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rita Furlong, William Furlotlg Hannigan. Sr., Joseph Galvin, Mr. & Mrs. Mary-Rose Harvey, Mr. &; Mra. Adolph Gelson, Mr. & Mrs. Welter Healey, Mr. & Mrs. Wil David Gomes. liam Higgins, Mrs. James Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gorham, Hoover, Mr. & Mrs. Warren Hop Mr. & Mrs. William Hansen, Mrs. Margaret Hayward, Mr. elk eoocL :Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Hovasse, Mrs. Harold Hill, Mr. & Mrs. JIIk. • :Mn. Lawrence Kavan- Huold Holme&
North Easton
William N. Howard & Son, Joseph Hurley, Mr. & Mrs. Vin cent Hurley, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas James, Mr. & Mrs. John Kent. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kent Jr.. Mr. & Mrs. George Knapp, Wil liam Knapp, Albert LaRosee, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Lombardi. John Lowndes, Edward ~. Lyons, Mr. & Mrs. Carmin Ando, Mr. & Mr6. Charles Barboza, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Brophy. Mrs. James Brophy, Mr. • Mrs. Robert Burrows, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Campbell, Mrs. Francis P. .Cannistrano, Mrs. N'.ltalie Caswell. . Mr. & Mrs. A. Dallaire, Francis Flood, Mr. &; Mrs. Her man Franco, Mr. & Mrs. R'.lY mond Gosselin, Mr. & Mrs. Clif ford LeBel. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Malinosky, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paiva, Mr. & Mrs.. Lawrence Pasalacqua. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Phair, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Reil. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Ruane, Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Russell, Mr. & Mrs. J. Travers, Mr. & Mrs. Wil liam VeFdi. Francis Welch, Rosemarie Wesley, Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. McCluskey, Mrs. Josefa Magnu ski, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Maliff. Mr. & Mrs. James Marchand, Mr. & Mrs. George Martel, Mrs. Juliette Mathewson, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Milano, Horace Mit chell. Helen Nagle, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nievern, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Nolan, Elizabeth O'Con nor, O'Connor's News Store. Mr. & Mrs. Emil J. Osiecki, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. L. Peter son, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Peter son, Mr. & Mrs. John Pilz, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Platt. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Puopolo, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Silva, Mrs. Warren S ted man, Agnes Sweeney, Mary Sweeney. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Techiern, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tino, Mrs. Margaret Watt, Patrici'.l Wilde, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Wilde. Mrs. Margaret Williams, Wn liwn Yaskonis.
Oak Bluffs
$100 Our Lady of Lourdes Counclt
$25 Mt. Carmel Women's Guild Mrs. William Bishop Read's Dairy Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Young $15 Mr. & Mrs. Al Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Borah $10 Edward F. Bow~n,' Mrs. Re gina Canning, Mrs. George S. Duncan, Mrs. Louise Fallon, Mra. court ViI:ginia Ferreira. $111 Mr. & Mrs. Victor Fredette, Mr. &; Mrs. Eugene Costa, CYO, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Jobe, Joseph DeBettencourt's Service Station, . Machado, Mrs. William McAd Mrs. Richard Frost, Mrs. James ams, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Me Martin. Bride. Mr. & Mrs. Earl J. Peters, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. John McCa~. & Mrs. Peter L. Regan, Mr. & Manuel Moitozo, Manuel Motta, Mrs. Everett Rogers, Louise Mr. & Mrs. A. Nazareth Jr., Ad Thomas. rianne Oliver. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Oliver, Mra EDGARTOWN
Gordon Partington, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Jo ST. ELIZABI~TH'S
seph C. Pariseau, Mr. & Mrs. $50
Arthur Schreiner. ·St. Elizabeth's Guild Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Silva, Mr. $30 & Mrs. John Sousa, Mr. & Mrs• Miss Jean Britcher Francis Yankee. $25 Roland Authier Connor's Market Harborside Inn $20 Harborside Liquor Store $10 Depot Corner Station, Edgar town Cafe, Edgartown Drug Store, Edgartown National Bank, NEW IEDPOID Mr. Thomas Flynn, Martha Vine yard Co-operative Dairy. Knights of Columbus $50 Mr. &; Mrs. Henry Corey Holy Name Society Sacred Heart Guild St. Vincent de Paul Society $25 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred MeteU $15 Mr. & Mrs. Antone DeBetten
Electrical Contractors
VWAi q'..r;"
New Bedford
944 County St.
Sides & Service 501 COUNTY ST. NEW BEDFORD WY 3-1751
THE At-'" . ~ .. ' Diocese oHoll River-Thws.,.Moy 16, 1963
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Annis, Mr. Mrs. Thomas Norcross, Jane
ST. AUGUSTINE Wallach, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur
Howes, Alice Farrier.
$100 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mack, Mr.
Rev. Cornelius J. O'Neill
& Mrs. Daniel Murphy, Florence
McLean, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie
Holy Name Society Costa, Mrs. Lester Bachman. St. Augustine's Guild
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hannon,
Mr. &; Mrs. Cyril J. Blackwood Noreen Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
$30 Mr. &; Mrs. Boleslaw. Nickowal Barr, Harold Dunham, Rosalena
$25 Mr. &; Mrs. Frank Dinsmore,
Mr. &: Mrs. Landon Hum phreys, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mr. &; Mrs. Adam Mastai, Casi
miro D. Cat 0 n, Josephine
· Fontes Jr., Mr. &; Mrs. Frede rick Thifault, Hon: & Mrs. James Deacon, Mr. & Mrs. Byron
Boyle, Mr. &; Mrs. Manuel Veirll Snow.
Mr. & Mrs. F'rancis Santos,
& Linda.
Mr. & Mrs. John Santos Jr., Mr. $15
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony, Costa, &; Mrs. John McCall, Mr. &; Mrs.
Mr. & Mrs. ,Francis Metell, Mr. Manuel Thomas, Mr. & Mrs.
Norman Day.
&; Mrs. Richard Shannon. Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Howes, · $10 Mr. & Mrs. Petronio Ortiz, Mr. Rosemary Howard, Mrs. Charles Pearl, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mc &; Mrs. John Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Auley, Austin Tyrer. Albert O. Fischer Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Ann Henderson, Mr. &; Mrs. · Benjamin C. Mayhew Jr., Mr. &; 'Frank Hardy, Emily & Carrie · Mrs. Edmund B. Hickey. Miller, Marion Curtin, Albert · . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. An· drews, Mr. &; Mrs. Thomas Glowacki. Ethel Dunham, Mr. & Mrs.
Moore, Mrs. Frank Oliveira, Richard.~wis, Lillian Thurston,
Capt. &; Mrs., Walter Kszysty niak, Mr. &;. Mrs. Gabriel Mello. Michael Perry, Mr. &; Mrs. John
· Mr. &; Mrs. Frank Estrella, McLaughlin. Mrs. & Mrs.• Herman Johnson,
Miss Alveda Lopes, Miss Mary Mrs. Ernest Whelden, Mr. &
Lopes, Richard Oliver, Anton Mrs. Franklin Lamb, Rosamund
'Swarts. &: Molly Duffy, Donald Terry. Mrs. William P. Ennis, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Senecal, HONOR JOURNALIST: Msgr. James I. Tucek, right, Mary Sieberlick, Mr. &: Mrs. Sarah Terry, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Eugene Frieh, Mr. &; Mrs. Wil head of the Rome bureau of NCWC News Service and Press Dorais, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Fitz liam Hagerty, Mr. &; Mrs.' Ken Director of the English language desk during the Second .patrick, Thomas Quinn. 'neth Hearn. Vatican Council, receives Villanova University's St. Augus Mr. &; Mrs. George Haddon, Mrs. John T. Hughes, Mr. &: tine Journalism Award from Father Louis A. Rongione, M,rs. Manuel Maciel, Mr. &: Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Toombs, Mrs. Anastasia Dooley, Mr. &; Mrs. O.S.A., university librarian and moderator of the campus Marshall McDonough, Mr. " Mrs. Harold Morris, Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel Araujo, Mr. & Mrs. An newspaper. NC Photo. tone Sylvia. ,
Raymond Billings Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Reis, Mr.
, Mr. &: Mrs. Charles Conroy Jr., Mr. &; Mrs. Alfred Ferro, Mr. &: " Mrs. Clinton Murray, Mr. &: Jeanette B. McLanathan, Joseph William Johnson, Mr. &: Mrs. William· H. Kirk" Mrs. Harry Mrs,. Jol,tn, Topham" Mr. &!: ,Mrs. 'E. Medeiros Jr.
Mrs. Francis Coutinho, Mr. " . John McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pendergast, Albert J)avid1;on. Mn. Fra!1cis Duart, Mr. &:, Mrs. Mr. &: Mrs. :aenry Kelly, Mr. & James Wherry. . Scaramelli;' G era I d Uniacke, . Manuel ,Campbell. . ," Mr. &; Mis. Arthur ou~iette, .,,' B. J. HoIffies, El..b:abethLaw- "·Mrs. Gladys Winikainen, Mr: &: Mrs. Robert Ferreira, Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Long, Mr.. &: Mrs. Peter 'Mr. &: Mrs. August B. ¢anipos, renee, Bertha" Angers, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Powers: William Brown, Paul Lavalle. ,Ostrander. Mi'. &; Mrs. Richard Furtad.&, Mr. Mrs. Allan 'Norcross, Mr. " 'Mrs. Robert W. L l o y d . ' $10 . " . Mrs. Conrad G. Kurth, Mr., &: .,'J'oan Morton, Thomas HamMr.· &; . Mrs. Robert Anderson, 'Mrs. .Louis 'Paiva. ' ,-' . ." ,'. bUn,' Mr. &; Mrs.' Ernest· Lerna John Aylmer Jr., Walter Baker
Sr., Mr. &; Mrs; Lester Simmons, ,zr., Hon. & Mrs.' Raoul· Beau-
Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Butler. dreau, Mrs. Gilbert Bearse.
Mary GIidde,n" ..Mr. & Mrs. Mrs., Roy Beau'd~y, Mrs.
'OUR'LADY OF 'THE ISLE Everett Lamh, Mr. &; Mrs. Ed- ,Donald:Booth, Francis C.,Brown, $200 ward Tarv~s. Albert Sylvia, Mrs" Eileen ,Buckley, .Robert Rev.· Daniel' E. Car~y Walter Hatch. 'Cannon. . $100 Harold Ryder ,Jr., Mr. &.,Mrs. Ben jam i n Chase; 'Robert .,. A Friend Anthony 'R.' 'Sylvia, Oscar: and ;Childs, Mr. Wilton Childs, Emer Martin Foley Marion Folget','Mr. &; Mrs. Mark son 'Cloutier, Pasquale ·Colella. $75 Johnson, Mr. & Mrs.' Jeremiah William B. Colleary; John Rev. Robert F. Kirby Towhill.· . Connelly, Mrs. Anne . & Miss $50 .... Mr. &. Mrs. James F. Egan, Mary Cross, Robert F. 'Cross, EdA Friend Mrs. John Salvas, Frank Murray, ward Dean. . , Mr. & Mrs. Charles Yarbrough Mr. & Mrs. Albert Egan, Mr. & John Dean, Dr. Frederick J. Island Service Co. Mrs. John J. Fee. Duncan, Roy Dupuy, Robert F. $30 Mr. &; Mrs. Antone Sylvia, Elliott, Thomas Fellows. ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert McGrath Ursula Holdgate, ,Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Matthew Finn, Thomas E.
$25 Preston Manchester, Mr. &: Mrs. Gay Jr.; Mrs. Florence Green,
Marine Lumber Co., Pacific Albert L. Sylvia, Amy Brock. Edward Harrington, Irving R. Rational Bank, James E. Worth, . Elizabeth C. Sylvia,. Mr. & Harrison.' ' Grace Klingelfuss, Albert La .' Mrs. Joseph Dooley, Mary E. Albert Hurley, Donald James, voie. /;Murphy, Ellen &; James Mayo, . Dr; Jack Jaxtimer, Dr.' James Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Flan Ethel Mooney. 'J'ohnson,. William R. Kelley. egan, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kirby, : Dr. & Mrs. Fred Vallett,' Roger Larribee, Miss Marion Mrs. Rolf Sjolund. Sarah Morris, Mr. & Mrs. 'Elmer Long & Virginia Long, Donald $20 Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund PolLyons, Allan G. MacDonald, Mrs. Annette Gardner, Mr. &: Mrs. lard, Bertha Conway. Mary McDevitt. . "Maxwell Deacon, Mr: &: Mrs. Edwin Scully, Bridie Ledwell. Mt'chael , M ,cD onou gh , ' M rs. Clifford Ryder, Mr. &: Mrs. Mrs. Ernest King yirginia McEacheron, Francis Michael, Lamb, Mr. &; Mrs. Pat
McKenna, S tan ley McLean,
rick Harris. Frederick, Maki. _ $1~ '
$15 Donald Martel, Frank Mello, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mrs. Elizabeth Crowbar OUR LADY OF VICTORY" ;J!>~n Mo,niz, .Ed~ard Mundo, $1i) Ruley, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Francis Murray. . Haley, Patrick Robinson, Mr. &: , $175 , Vera Brabrook, Mr. &; Mrs. Al Norman Nault, Mrs.. Donald phonse Blanchard, William Buck Rev. Howard A. Waldron' Mrs. Joseph Cody. . . $100 Nickulas, Ubaldo Nugries, Austin ley, Mr. &; Mrs. James Boff, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles E: Flana O'Blenis, Joseph O'Brien. Valmore Guertin gan, Helen Hull, Mr. & Mrs. Al & Mrs. John Cavanaugh. . $60 Stephen O'Brien Jr.. Enlile bert A. Fee, Arthur Quinn, Mr. Charles Corey, Joseph Carr" ,Dr. & Mrs. Austin.F. O'Malley Parent, Bradley Parite:r: John ,J. Mr..& Mrs. Edward Carroll, Mr. .. &: Mrs. Albert Egan Jr., " Pendergast Jr., Joseph Perkins. Gladys Worth, Mr. &; Mrs. . '.$50 , ~. ¥rs. James Cassidy, Mrs. Richard Post Jr., Mrs. Will.is Anne Carlson. ' Richard Grif.fith, J'obn ,Kil Kenneth Pease, Elizabeth Smith, coyne Herbert E. Payan, John Robbins, ~rs. Reginald Sawyer, Mrs. John P. MacDonald. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Capo J. Pendergest Sr., Dr. & Mrs. lIJIr. Joseph L. Sheehan, Frank rale, Corey's Ferry, Mr. & :M:rs. $10 lin Simmons. 'Augustus T. Canty, Mr. & Mrs. Edith Perry, Mrs. Manuel Alfred Sheehy. Alan Small, Thomas P-. Smith, Jose,Ph L. Corey Jr., Corey's Bus. Gomes, Mr. &; Mrs. Ronald da $35 . H(m. & Mrs. Henry L. Murphy W. Arthur Smith, Joseph, Ste Ruth T. Cosgrove, Mr. &; Mrs. Silva, Marjorie Toner, ,Mr. & fens, Philodore Tetreault. Mrs. Shelby Campbell. ' $25 F L. Ciummei, Robert Cloutier, Joseph Terry, Richard Tier Mr. &; Mrs. John Santos Jr., James J. Cannon, William Mr. &; Mrs. ~nto Correia Rob ney, Mrs. Robert Tho.mpson, ert Dugan. Mrs. Mary Mauldin, Mr. & Mrs. Hetterman, Tho m as Murphy Donald Araujo, Mr. &; Mrs. John F. Norton, Stephen B: Mrs. Raymond Thornton, Francis Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. El walsh. Manuel F. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. O'Brien Sr. dredge, Jesse Enos, Falmouth Martin Walsh, Edward' Welch, Enterprise, Robert Gillis, Mary Peter I. Sylvia. John E. Van, Tassel, Joseph & Anthony Glisa. Mrs. William Reith, Marion Cartwright, C h a i- 1 e s Higgins, George Wetmore, Alfred Wil mouth, Dr. & Mrs. James Colgan. Reith, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Huyser, Margaret Rourke. Patricia Galvin, Anna &: An Ray Faria, Edward ,Gibbons, thony Hamilton, Issoksons Louise Sophia Thompson, Mr. &; Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Cairns James Killen. Ellis Johnson, Mrs. John Ken $20 L. Jordan, Elizabeth Kuhar. , Harold Bragle, Miss Hazel nedy, Mrs. John Kimball. Caroline Flemming, Mr. & Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence P. Kav Tobias Flemming,' Mr. &' Mrs. Connor, Miss Ann Fawcett, Miss Mrs. Florence Lally" Robert .anaugh, Thomas J. Kelleher, Mr. Frederick Coffin, Mr. & Mrs. Dorothy Fawcett, Miss Margaret Long, William Murzie, Mr. &; , &; Mrs. Herve Lajoie, Mr. &; Philip Marks, Mr. & Mrs.' John Fawcett. Mrs. Nelson LaFreniere,. Michael Mrs. Richard Lopes, H. V. Lawrence Inc. . Driscoll Jr. Mrs. Anna B.' Hannan, John Burke. Mr. &; Mrs. Charles Stackpole, Lebel, Edgar Levesque, Mrs. , Mr. &; Mrs. DonaId White, ¥r. . William Maloney, ,Mr. &; M~. Agnes Sylvia, Mr. &; Mrs. John Elinor Starck. &: Mrs. ,Joseph Davis, Mr. & ;Mrs. Robert Metell, Alice Murphy, $15 James F. Driscoll, Mrs. Joseph Mr. & Mrs: Aldo Milanese, Mr. S. Conway, Mr. & Mr~, Joseph J. Arminda· Corr.eia, Anthony J. Corey, Mrs. Gordon Bailey. & Mrs. Frank Makeley. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fleming. DeCrosta, Mes. 'Mal'Y Maddalena, , . 1YI,r.,~Mrs. Joseph Shvia,~~s. Ef!\Vard A.Ma,rtiy,.~."~..
Vineyard H'1ven
John Malone, M~s. Matthew Mansworth, ~argaret Mullen, Mr. & Mrs. Harold McCormick. Mr. &; Mrs. Harold E. MacFad den, Mrs. Mary McNamara, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. McTiernan, Mr. &; Mrs. John Osborne, Ed ward Perry. Elizabeth Peters, Fredrick Parker, Paul Peters Agency, David Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. John Romiza. Mrs. John Radcliffe, M. & Mrs. Charles Russell, Raymond Ostlie, Mr. &; Mrs. Lawrence Palmer, Dorothy Rogers. Agnes Rogers, Kenny Rogers, Stanley Slater, Kenneth Smith, Sarah Shepard. Shady Nook Restaurant, Fran cis A. Switzer, Mr. & Mrs. Miltnn Stelle, Savery Chevrolet, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Stone. Mrs. Charles Trimble, Mrs. Leonard Tyler, Mrs. Edwin Tripp, Mr. & Mrs. John White, Leo J. Webber. Clifton Veary, Mrs. William Yeary.
ST. ANTHONY $500 Rev. J. M. B. Avila $100 Antone Cos'a Real Estate $50 Ideal Fuel Oil Co. $41 Myron Tavares & Family $40 Manuel P. Rose $30, Children's Paradise- Shop Manuel O. Souza $25
Edward S. Anderson, Manuel P. Dutra, Louis I. Marshall, My Medeiros Sr., Gilbert Moniz '" Alice- Moniz. . . Mrs. Manuel B. Pacheco Jr., Elmer Robbins, Frank G. Sotiza, FrancisCo Tavares,_ AntOJle Viei,ra, Frederic Ward. $20 , , Lois. :Abrams,' Peter Carvalho, 4rthur W. Marshall, Joseph T.
Medeiros, Antone Oliver &;
. Manuel F:Rapoza & Family,
Manuel R. Rebello, David Teix eira. . $15 William C. Bento, Manuel E . Burgess, . J 0 s e p h Marsqall, GeOrge J .. DeMello, Manuel F. 'DeMello, Louis DeSouza. $10 Knights of Columbus, Gharles Botelho, Manuel F. Botelho, George W. Burgess, James Car reiro. Joseph L. Dias, Emily Emer 'aId, Mary Emerald, Rose Emer ald, Frank T. 1 :cNally Jr. Charles Medeiros, Frank T. Medeiros, Ernest Motta, Frank Nunes, Manuel P. Romiza. Fred. P. Rose, Belmiro DeSouza, Lucille- DeSouza, Olive DeSouza, Joseph L. Souza. Louis S. Tavares, Manuel Valadao, Oscar Wolf.
ROUTE 6, HUTTLESON AVE. Near Fairhaven Drive-In
'Italian Din~ers Our Specialty Service On . Patio
• Television • A.ppliance.. 184 A.llea St., WYman
• Furniture • Grocer;J New Bedford 7-935.
WY 2·6216
Mrs. Andrew A. DiGiammo, Mr. ~ Mrs. Daniel Donahue, Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Donovan, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Doonan. Mr. &Mrs. Thomas Dorgan Jr., Mr. & Mrs. George Drapeau, Mr. & Mrs. John B. Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. ~{oger H. Dubois, Barbara E. Dunnigan. Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Dussault, Mrs. Richard Dyer, Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Fayan, Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fennessey, Mrs. Dorothy F. Finucane. Mr. & Mrs. Josepr F. Foley Jr., Mr. & Mrs. George Freden burg, Mr. & Mrs. Jean Gallant, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Gamache, Mr. & Mrs. John Gasior. Mr.·& Mrs.' Noel J. Giard Jr., Mr. & Mrs. C)tanley J. Godek, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gondela, Rita Grant, Mr. & Mrs. Robert 'Gunn. Mr. & Mrs. John Hadalski, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Haggerty, Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hamilton, Mrs. Clifton B. Herndon, Mr. & Mrs. William Heroux. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hussey, Mr. & Mrs. Harry V. Hynes Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Idacola, Spencer J. Johnston, Mr. & Mrs. Loddy Kadlec. Dolores Kasher, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kaylor, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Keavy, Mr. & Mrs. Augustus Kennedy, Ann Kenney.
THE ANC'HOR Thurs., May 16, 1963
$125 Swansea Mrs. Joseph F. Foley $100 ST. DOMINIC Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Gibney $50 Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Latham Memory of Peter A. Lee Jr. $50 . $25 ' Rev. Joseph F. D'Amico Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P~rry In honor of St. Joseph and St. $15 . Thomas More Mr. & Mrs. -Joseph Borden Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. CoadY $10 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Killoran Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Frizen Dr. Bernard Mangione Julia Rose, Beverly Farley, Mz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. & Mrs. Craig Mulligan,· Mr., a Mathews Mrs. Edward Myles. Mr. & Mrs. William Silva Mrs. Paul Deubel & Eileen ~ $40 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Silva, Mr. et Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McCann Mrs. George Ventura, Mr. & Mra $35 Donald Souza, Mrs. Rober( George W. Hopkins Tschirch.' $30 Mr.' & Mrs. James V. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Earl Heron Mrs. Barton G. Albert, Mr. a Mr. & Mrs. John J. Joyce Mrs. Francisco Tavares, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Cletus J. Monahan Mrs. Henry Baldia, Mrs. Nata Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tierney lino Chiavittone. Mr. '; Mrs. John Boynton Mrs. Agnes Leonard, Mr. & Edwin Doolin . Mrs. Benedict DePietro, Mr. & $29 Mrs. Joseph Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cummings August Wozny, Edward & Ellen $25 Barry. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Daley, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Vaudreuil, Mrs. Peter Flagg, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Roland MartelIy, Mr. John Flanaga r . , Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Philip Griffin, Mr. &. Roger W. Fortier, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Daniel Moniz, Mr. & Mrs. J. George R. Harrison. B. Travers Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Heffernan, · Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Roberts, REGISTER IN PROTEST: Catholic mothers registered Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Hopkins, & Mrs. Raymond Enos,' Mr. ST. PATRICK Mrs. George King, Mr. & Mrs. their children for public school classes in the Kansas City & Mrs. James Holleran, Mr. & Gerard A. Laliberte, Mr. & Mrs. suburb of Raytown, Mo., in protest against the Missouri, Mrs. Joseph H. Bouhinger, Mrs. $100 Gilbert F. Leonard. legislature's refusal to permit parochial school students Joan Hornbeck. St. Vincent de Paul Society Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. McMil Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Ryan, the use of public school bus transportation. A widespread $25 lan, Mr. & Mrs..T ames F. Nico Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Silva. Miss Mary E. Judge influx of parochial school children in Missouri public schools
letti, Mr. & Mrs. John O'Brien, The William Archard Family caused overcrowding and forced some schools to close their
Mr. & Mrs. Austin J. O'Toole, ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE Annie M. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Pepka, Mrs. doors. NC Photo. Forence Burns & Alice Costello Daniel F. Shalloo. $50 Mrs: Helen McGann $20 St. Vincent de Paul Society ST. JOHN OF GOD Mrs. Francis Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. Eugene Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Valmore J. Ar $20 Charles Russell. chambault, Mr. & Mrs. John A. $20 $200 Mr. &' Mrs. Alfred Parent' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan, Mr. Carreiro, Barbara A. Dunn, The Mr. & Mrs,. Fernand C. Au Rev. Augusto L. Furtado $10 Misses Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. Chester clair, Miss Helen Reagan, Mr. &; & Mrs. Joseph St. Onge, Mr. &; A Friend, Mr. &; Mrs. Roland $100 Mrs. Daniel J. Salymon, Mr. & Greene. . Mrs. Donald Montle. Dr. '" Mrs. Americo Almeida Bienvenue ,Mr. &; Mrs. Wilfrid 'Mrs. George,A. Santerre, Mr. &;, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Griffin, Caron, .Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cote, $15 Mrs. Samuel Santoro. $20 Mrs. Thomas & Eleanor Hartley, Mr. &; Mrs. Richard, Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cote: ; Mr. Thomas Rose Mr.' &; Mrs. John T.Scanlon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Healy, Mr. Walter Jackson, Mrs. Walter· Mr. '& Mrs. Dona Parent, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Shea. $10 Michael J. Higgins, Mrs. Frank Jackson. . Riverside' Floor Covering, Ine., , Mr. &; Mrs., Joseph Sheappard. Mr. &; Mrs. Francis Mullaly, Franco American Woman Club, H. Johnson: ' $10 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Sherman, . :Mr. &; Mrs. Victor Pavao. Mr. A; Ine. Mr. & Mrs. John Kearns, Mr. Miss Anna' '''''Connell' Joseph Mr. &; Mrs. Stanley Sieczkowski Mrs. Edward Pereira.
& Mrs. Henry J. McGowen. R. Benedict, Mr. Victor Cordeiro, Jr. '
Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Sulli Mrs. Daniel A. Flynn, Mr. Mar. OUIl LADY OF FATIMA Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Silvie, '
van shall Brisbon'. Mr. &; Mrs: Shirley M. Smith, $16 $25 . Mr. Roland Thibeault, Mr. Mr. &; Mrs. Charles Smith, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. William Pittman ST. PETER Mrs. Marguerite Gendreau Frank Souza. ,&; M~s. Konstanty Sokokosky, $15 $15 $50 Mrs. Rennie Altham, Sally' A. Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Picard, Mr. Mr.. &; Mrs. Paul Stachow. Mr. &; Mrs, Edward A. Cotter Arnold, Hoffman &; Co. Ine. Mr.' &; Mrs. John J. Stanko, Benson, Mr. & 1\1Irs. William S. &; Mrs. George Belcher, Mr. '" Mr. & Mrs. Russell B. Coch $.8
rane." ' Coombes, Margaret L. Dunn, Mr. Mrs. Edward Cronan, Mr. &;. Mr. &; Mrs. James Sullivan, Mr. Anonymous & Mrs. Francis J. Gardella. Mrs. Frank J. Monarch, Mr. '" &; Mrs. Fred Sullivan, Mr. &;
$10 Mrs. Arthur Sullivan, Mr. &; $25 Mr. & Mrs. Carlin Lynch, Mr. Mrs. Arthur D. Harrington.' Mr. & Mrs. Howard F. Eaton, Dr. & Mrs. Charles Souza & Mrs. Gilbert J. Nadeau, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Francis Foster, Mrs. Francis R., Sullivan. Mary E. Eaton, Mr. & Mrs. Vin , Mr. & Mrs. William H. Talbot, Mrs. Peter Pa'skowski, Mrs. Miss Mary A. Coleman, Mr.. &; $15 cent J. Giannola, Gail A. O'Brien. William A. Ryding, Dr. & Mrs. Mrs. George Coleman, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tavares, Mrs. Anonymous
Donald Peters. Wllliam & Mrs. Fleming
Mrs. Joseph S. Faria, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Tickle, Mrs. Francis Toolin, Mary L. Toomey.
Mr. & Mrs. James Hadad, Mr. Alfred R. Gagne, Mr. & Mrs. Ed $12 Mr. & Mrs. William Torpey. & Mrs. Charles Hague. r ond Massad. Raymond & Mrs. Garceau $12 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Toulan, $10 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon P. Burke, Joseph Kerrigan, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Trafka, Mr. ~ Mary Sullivan, Daniel & Mrs. & Mrs. Joseph J. Trainor, Mary Mr. & Mrs. James Crivaro, Mr. John F. Kineavy, Helen King. Ferrie, Ernest J. Cote, Joseph & Elizabeth Trainor. & Mrs. Gerald Driscoll, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kirk '~ I Mrs. Peter C. Trainor, Mr. IE Mrs. Lawrence, Seraphin & Mrs. James Mullins, Mr. & Mrs. man, Mrs. Robert K. Kroker, Mr. Mrs. Teves. William A. Potter. & Mrs. Joseph Langfield, Julia MIlS, John Turcotte, Mr. &; Mrs. Leo J. & Mrs. Deslauriers, Leo
$10 Laraviere, Mrs.,John E. Lawton. Luke Urban, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Mr. & Mrs. William Aguiar, Frank Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Hum. Vargas, Mr. l~ Mrs: James E. '" Mrs. Abrain, Roland E. & ~ 365 NORTH FRONT STREET ~ Mrs. Guillet, Joseph & Mrs. Mrs. Arthur Aldrich, Mr. & Mrs. bert Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Walsh.
" , r Mr. &; Mrs. William Wha-len, Rose" Henry & Mrs. Magan. William Barrar, Mr. & Mrs. Lowney, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. , NEW BEDFORD -. Edward F. & Mrs. Goulart,
Frederic Bartek, Richard Batch McCarthy, Mr.' & Mrs. Charles Mrs..Mary Wild, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Wilding, Mr. & John & Mrs. Cassidy, Francis &; , WYman 2-5534 I
elder. McDermott. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bates, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. William R. MeDer. Mrs. Joseph F. Wilkinson, Mr. Mrs. McDermott, Alvan & Mrs.
Constantine, Mrs. James Bacon. & Mrs. Alphonse E. Berube, Mr. mott, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mc. & Mrs. John R. Williamson. Mrs. Helen Wolstencroft, Mr. . .Joseph F. & Mrs. Pavao, Wil
& Mrs. James Biltcliffe, Mr. & Donald, Mr. &; Mas. James F. Mrs. Albert Blanchette, Mr. & McIntyre, Mr. & Mrs. George &; Mrs. John Wood, Mr.' & Mrs. liam J. & Mrs. Mendoza, Edward
Linwood, WOrdell, Mr. &; Mrs. &; Mrs. Silvia, John & Mrs. Pel
Mrs. Joseph Borges. McNamara, Frank Magoni. letier, Anna Dutra.
Mr. & Mrs. James Bower, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Louis P. Magoni, Stanley Zembo. Mr. & Mrs. John Babcock, Frank & Mrs. Dutra, James
& Mrs. Robert Bradley, Mr. &; Mr. & Mrs. John L. Mahon, Mr. Mrs. Everett Bridge, Mrs. Mae & Mrs. Reginald C. Marchand, Cat,herine Barlow, Mr. & Mrs. Dutra, Alphonse & Mrs Carpen
ter, William F. & Mrs. Bene.
Bridge, Mr. & Mrs. George ;;So Mr. & Mrs. Walter Mardula, Mr. Phillip Bolen, Mr. &; Mrs. Gil Brough. & Mrs. William Marland, Mr. &; bert Botelho, Mr. & Mrs. Peter vides, Clayton Atwood.
• PHARMACY Alfred & Mrs. Francis, Mrs.
Benevides. Mrs. Gerald Browning, Mr. '&; Mrs. Ralph Martin. Mrs. Francis E. Burgess, Mr. Wilhelmina Torres, Louis A.
Mrs. John A. Buote, Mr. & Mrs. Joshua H. Mayall,Mr. &; Mis. Rose Family.
Arthur Brulotte, Dolores Burns, Robert Michaud, Mr. & Mrs. &; Mrs. Wilfred Christian, Mr. & • Hearing Aid e.o. Mr. & Mrs. Thoma~ Burns. John A. Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. ,Mrs. Paul Corcoran, Charles Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Cadorette, 'Edward Moore, Dr. G. Richard Cronan, Mr. & Mrs. Jay R. Cut • Surgical Appliance Co. SERVING Mr. & Mrs. Louis H. Cadorette, Moore. tle. -
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Duffy,
Mr. & Mrs. Gregorio Calara, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond S. FINE ITALIAN FOOD Irene A. Shea, Prop.
& Mrs. Daniel Calas, Mr. & Mrs. Moquin, Mr. 0.; Mrs. Daniel F. Bertha Felag,' Mr. & Mrs. Ray John A. Campbell. Moriarty, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. mond J. Fitzsimmons, Mr. &;
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel R. Car Morrow, Mary W. Mullins, Mr. Mrs. George Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. 202 - 206 ROCK STREET RESTAURANT and LOUNGE Frederick Kozak.
reiro, Mrs. Francis W. Carroll, & Mrs. Joseph P. Mulrooney. Mr. & Mrs. Carlos E. Lane, Dr.
on Lake ~abbatia Mr. & Mrs. Fred Cichon, Mrs. Mr., & Mrs. Daniel J. Murphy, FALL RIVER, MASS.
Samuel Clarke, Mr. & Mrs. Jo Mr. & Mrs. William D. Murray, & Mrs. Arthur LaSalle, Mr. &
1094 Bay Street OSborne 5-7829 - 3-0037
Mrs. William Lee, Mr. & Mrs. stlph E. Clarkson. Kathryn G. O'Connell, Mr. & TAUNTON VA 4-8754
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cleaves, Mr. Mrs. Thomas F. O'Connell, Mary William J. Lee Jr. Mr. & Mrs.
~ ;;Sohn Mercer.
& Mrs. John A. Clorite, Mr. & E.O'Gara. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Maitland, Mrs. Henry A. Collins, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Olivier, Eliz_ YOURS TO LOVE AND TO GIVEI ' Mrs. Philip Collins, Mr. & Mrs. abeth O'Neil, James O'Neil, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Perry, Bernard Connell. & Mrs. Robert H. O'Neil, Mr. & the lif. of a DAUGHTER OF ST. PAUL. love God Mr. & Mrs. George R. Reinhagen, mar., and giv. to lOul. knowl.dg. and lov. of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Conroy, Mr. Mrs. Paul Palumbo. God by ..rving Him in a Mission, which u••• the & Mrs. Henry Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Rheaume Paquette, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Rogers. "r..., Radio, Motion Pictur.. and TV. to bring Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sroczynski, Jean P. Cote, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Parker, Mr. His Word to .ouls .verywh.r., Z.alous young Creamer, Mr. & Mrs. William F. & Mrs. George S. Phillips, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent P. Smith, lirls, 14-23 y.ar. int.r....d .. this unique Croke. .John M. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Paul W. Pobzenik, Mr. &; Ap••tolate may write to: Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Curt, Mr. Mrs. Gerard Poitras. Joseph Therrien, Catherine Var REVEREND MOTHER SUPERIOR & Mrs. Louis Curt, Mrs. Virginia Mrs. Charles H. Pomfret, Mr. low. DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL b. Daley, Mrs. Anna Danielson. &; Mrs. Joseph Quinn, Mr. &; Mr. &; Mrs. William Webb, !Ie ST. PAUL'S AVE. IOSTON 10. MASS. Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. DarcY,lI4r," IrIra. Raymond Read7, Mr. II :Mrs. Lenwood J. Williamson.
co. Heating Oils ~ and Burners ~
THE AI'lCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 16, 1963 24 -------------------
North Westport OUR LADY OF GRACE
$200 Atty. & Mrs. John J. Harring IOn.
Parish WOJllen
$35 Council
$10 Teen-Agers'Club, Mrs. Philip Barnaby, Mariano Costa, John Ferreira, George Marceau, George Morango, Edward Pel letier.
$400 Rev. Ambrose Bowen $140 Mr. & Mrs. George E. Towers $100 Corpus Christi-St. Tneresa St. Vincent de Paul Society· Mr. & Mrs. John McDonald $'75 Rev. William F. Morris $50 Mr. & Mrs.' James Boles, Mr. &: Mrs. William Bullock, Mr. & Mrs. William T. Carr, William Doyle, Marie Lawlor. Bishop Feehan Council K of C, Mr. & Mrs. John Phaneuf. ' Mother Cabrini Circle, D. of 1. $40 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Donaldson 3r. $30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Brosnan Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Kennedy $35 John Farrahar $25 Mrs. Albert J. Govoni, Mr. & Mrs. Martin F. Lawless, The Maley Family, F l' a n cis D. Mackedon, Dr. Stephen Malone. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Per reault, St. John's Women's Guild, Mr, & Mrs. John Wilson. Mr. & Mrs. George C. Camp bell, Corpus Christi-St. Theresa's Ladies Guild, Mr. & Mrs. George D. Denmark, Cornelius F. Fay. ' Mrs. A. Cleveland Jones, Mr. &: Mrs. Frederick V. Nugent. $24 Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Ellis $20 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Alvezi, Mr. &: Mrs. William F. Bennett, Mr. &: Mrs. Stephen Forde, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert A. Hamlen, Wil liam M. Janse. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Rey nolds Sr., William H. Russell Jr. $16 Mr: & Mrs. John F. Creeron $15 Mr. & Mrs..Antonio Bianchi, Mr. & Mrs. James Brogioli, Mary L. Cronin, Col. William W. Drummey, Robert Enos. Mr. & Mrs. John Gallo, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Janse, Charles H. Libby, Mr. & Mrs. Earl T. Mac Donald, John A. McArdle. Mr. & Mrs. John F. Nelson, Mr. &: Mrs. Redmond O'Callag han, Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Prete, Mr. & Mrs. H. Sprague Spooner, Mrs. Harry Walker. Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Ehrman $12 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eccleston Mrs. Madeline Gray In Memory of William A. & Ellen F. McLaughlin. $10 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Ahern, Mr. S!: Mrs. Ira B. Austin, Mrs. Gregory Alves, Mrs. Antonia Amado, Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Bars. Mr. & Mrs. James A. Baz zinotti; Mr. & Mrs. Ted Bazzi notti, Mrs. Virginia Bazzinotti, Mrs. Barbara Beane, Mr. & Mrs. J. William BettIey. Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Blais, Anna J. Boido, Mrs. Katherine Brady, Mrs. Manuel Britto, Mr. &: Mrs. John Bulla. Mary G. Callahan, Mrs. A. M. Cardoza, Mr. &: Mrs. Howard Carlson, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Caron, Mrs. Edith Chamberlain. Mrs. Edith Chames, Mr. & John Clinton, Mr. & Mrs. Kemp ton J. Coady, Mr. & Mrs. Frede rick H. Comings, Mr. & Mrs. Alexander. S. Consoni. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Corradi, Mrs. Howard Crowell, MI'. &: Mrs. Paul Crowley, Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Currier, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel DeCosta. Mr. & Mrs. Roland DeConto, Mr. & Mrs. B~rnard DiPietro, Mr. & Mrs. Carl DiPietro, Min ,die Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. William L. Doyle Jr
Edward Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. Lester Ducet, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dunlavey, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dvorski, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Dwyer. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Earle, Mrs. Mark Ellis, William J. Ellis, Mr. & Mrs. George Fernandes, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Flannigan. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Flinker, Mr. & Mrs. William Foley, Claudia Forni, Mr.. & Mrs. John Forni, Mrs. Martin Forrest. Clifford Fougere, Henry O. Gagner, Mr. & Mrs. Dante Gal lerani, Mr. & Mrs. Lester Geary, Mr. & Mrs. Milton Geltz Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James George, Mr. & Mrs. Justin George, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Giampietro, Mr. & Mrs. Amedio Gonella, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Halatyn. Mr. & Mrs. Francis D. Haley, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Hamlem, J. James Hamlen, Ellsworth A. Hawkes, Mary E. Hebert. P. Freeman Hebert, George Hennrikus, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hilliard, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Hoey, Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Huff. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jacinto, Mr. & Mrs. Kilmer J. Joyce, Marjorie Keating, Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Keating, Charles Kiley. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Latimer, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Liberty, Mr. & Mrs. John E. Lodi, Mr. & Mrs. Waldo Lumbert. Mr. & Mr:s. John A: Mac Quade, Mr. & Mrs. Gino Ma coratti, Mr. & Mrs. Cazimera Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Mc Ardle, Mr. & Mrs. Edward' Mc Ardle. Mr. & Mrs. Charles McHugh, Mr. & Mrs. John J. McKeon, Paul J. McLaughlin, Virginia McLaughlin, Mr. & Mrs. John Mendonza. MI". & Mrs. Frank C. Miller, MI". & Mrs. Joseph Milliken, Mr. &: Mrs. Cornelius Minihan, Dr. & Mrs. Minihan, The Montague FamilY-. Mr. & Mrs. George Mooney, Mrs. L ill ian Mooney, Mrs. Eugene Morrow, Mr. &: Mrs. John Murphy, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Murphy. Mrs. Harold 'Nickerson, Mr. &. Mrs. Edward L. Nye, Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose O'Brien, Mrs. Ida O'Brien, Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Ochab.. Mr. & Mrs. William O'Connell, Mrs. Alfred Oliver,' Mrs. K. Ojola, E d ward Parent Jr., Charles H. Parks. Mr. & Mrs. William Parks, Mrs. Louis Pasquale, Mr. &: Mrs. . Fred Passaro, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pederzani, Mr. &: Mrs. George Pereira. Mr. & Mrs. Salvadore Pires, Mrs. Gustavo Pola, Mrs. Theresa O. Prete, Mrs. Chester Rich, Mr. & Mrs. Nestor Robidou. '. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Rose, Mrs. Charles Russell, Mr. & Mrs. William Russell Sr., Louis Roberti, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Rooney. Mr., & Mrs. Edmund V. Sero dio, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Shay Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheehan Richard C. Shinnick, Mr. & Mrs: Francis Silva. Mr. & Mrs. John L. Smith Jean M. SUllivan, Mr. & Mrs: Francis T. Dweeting, Mr. & Mrs. James B. Sutton, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Tiernan. ' Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Tolmie, Mr. & Mrs. Grato Tonello, Mr. & Mrs. Tello Tontini, Mrs. Lillian Tully, Mr. & Mrs. William Ty back. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest R. Van Buskirk, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Wei mart, Mrs. Charles G. Whitmore. John Carafoli, Mary Carafoli, Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Costello, Mrs. Louise D. Crowe, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Doucette. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Fougere, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Francis, Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Hassett Jack's Package Store, Mr. & M~s. Lino J. Maiolini. John F. McCoy, Leo McKenna, Mr. & Mrs. Michael McNamara, Thomas Montague, Daniel Mur phy. George A. Ortolani, Mary Or tolani, Mr. & Mrs. Dante Quat tromini, Mrs. Douglas Pyrdy, Mr. & Mrs. Clement Rei. Mr. & Mrs. Edw~rd Ronde-IIi, Sandwich Cooperative Bank, Louis Sassone, Mrs. Eugene J. Silva, Frances M. Silva. Mrs. Herbert Watson, Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Williams; Yankee .I. Gagnon, Alphones Gariepy.
OFFICIAL WELCOME: President Kennedy greets. Edward F. McElroy of Chicago, national commander of the Catholic War Veterans, at the White House. The president and the head of the veterans' group discussed their mutual opposition to the admission of Red China to the United Nations, and legislation' to permit veterans to reinstate their GI life insurance policies. NC Photo.
line Cote, Mrs. J~ne Cronan, Terrance Curran, Ernest W. Dawson. Terrance Dorsey, Mr. & Mrs. George Fantacone, Arthur Fer reira, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Augusta Flanagan. Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Foley, T. Joseph Gall i g a n, Albert Gaudette, Michael Grady, Mr. & Mrs. William Haggerty. David Higgins, Kat hIe e n Hogan, James Kelliher, Leonard Labrecque, Mrs. Mary Lambert. Mrs. John Lawson, Wilfred LePage, Francis Lynch, Brian McClellan, Robert McClellan. Joseph Mador, Marjorie Magee, Mary C. Maloney, Sarah Maloney, David H. Martin. Antone ~attos, Mr: & Mrs. Francis P. McCabe, Mr. & Mrs. William F. McGowan, Patricia McSweeney, Joseph'Medeiros. Mrs. Mary Moriarty, Harold Mosher, Francis Murphy, Harold C. Newhall, Francis J./O'Boy. Barbara O'Brien, John O'Con nell, Anna V. O'Keefe, Joseph Padula, Mr. & Mrs. William P. Parker. Edward Quinlan, Mario Riva, Mrs. Frank Roster, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Sanford, Ann & Cathe rine Scanlon. Florence Shaw, Ralph Shaw, Joseph N. Scarano, Francis J. Shaw, Mrs. Joseph Sheehan. Clara Silvia, Jennie Silvia, Veronica Silvia, Richard Smer don, Mrs. Richard Smerdon. Albert Smith, Leonard Sousa, Louis Toledo, Coreena Vargas, Leonard Walsh. Mrs. Ronald Wilkins, Anony mous.
Richard Mahoney, Frank 'VIajcher, Margaret Martin, lrnest Medpiros, John Mrocka. ST. MARY Catherine Murphy, Dr. Joseph $100 Murphy, Dr. Thomas O'Brien, Anan' P. Cusick John O'Connell, John O'Hearne. Andrew Leddy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Perry, Mr. & Mrs. William Fenton Joseph Quigley, William Regan, ST. JOSEPH Wilfred Saint, Helen Seaver. $50 Thomas Selleck, Shaw Real Dr. John Fenton $250 I!:state Service, Annette J. Sjo Dr. George Harrington Paul McCusker Mrs. Walter Mr. &: Mrs. Kenneth Baker &: lund, Mr. & $35 SkwarIo, Joseph P. Silvia. Family Julia Smith, George Wilbur, St. Joseph's Women's Gulla Dr. Joseph Nates John Alden, Harry Alexander, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Turner $25 Andrew Dooley, Joseph Wade, Mrs. Wilson Angell. $30 Rita Baker, Josephine Betten Dorothy and Marguerite Mc Frances B. Goffin court, Marion E. Campbell, Carl Manus, Margaret V. Neenan, Mrs. William McCullough Charles O'Connell, James Ward. ton Caron, Joseph A. Betten court. $25 Mary Fountain, Dr. O. A. Dr. Carmine Carrucci, Wil Nereo, T. A. Poucel, Patricia John F. O'Rourke McClellan, Catherine Winston, liam L.· Clifford, William and .Mr. & Mrs. William Simmons Mary Costello, Dr. Edward Dr. B. Edward Zawacki. $20 Coyle, Catherine Curtin. $20 Margaret Curtin, Robert Dias, Falmouth Council Knights of. Mr. & Mrs. Harpen, Helen Lal Joseph Dooley, Leo Farrell, Ed Columbus, Patrick' Reilly. fan, Edward McNamara, Miriam .lrd L. Fenton. Shephard, James Judge. $15 Mary Fitzgerald, Ann Fitzsim Clotilde Nason, Daniel O'Con Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McInnis, ,ons, Mary Fitzsimmons, John nell, Anna H. Raftery, Mr~ litzsimmons, .Mrs. Richard Gatz, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Metell, Mr. & Clara Theroux & Lillian Tb Mrs. George Nickelson,. Mr. & David George, Mrs. Lewis Gil roux. Mrs. Eugene Young. bert, Theresa Kennedy, Ray Andrew Driscoll mond Lamoureaux, Robert $10 Dennis McSweeney Lyons. Caroline Clarkin, Mrs. John $15 William Lyons, Paul McCor Clarkin, Lawrence Clarkin, Rob Alice McCusker, Michael Mc- , mack, Joseph MacDonald, Emery ert Clarkin, Mr. & Mrs. William Cusker, Mrs. Michael McCusker, Malo, Elizabeth Malo. Clarkin. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moran, James McDonough, Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gleason, Esther C. Sullivan. Marion, Joseph Megan Jr. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Hart, Mr. & Ruth Dias, Mr. & Mrs. James Megan Sr., Judith Megan. Mrs. Forrest Higgins, Mrs. John F. McMorrow, Francis Sullivan. Robert Menard, Williat:n Mul Joseph Cote, Mr. & Mrs. Pat hern, Edward Mulvey, John Holdsworth, Mr. &: Mrs. Charles McNeece. rick Lyons, Philip Murphy, Murphy, Joseph O'Donnell. Mrs. Mary Jane Metell, Mary Russell Peterson Family, Mrs. Joseph O'Hearne, Mrs. Daniel C. Morris, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ralph S. Reckard. Perry, Elaine Pivirotto, Law Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Nace, renee Pivirotto, Robert Powers. $12 Ruth T. Pyne. Mr. & Mrs. Quinn, Mrs. Wil Henry Murray, Alice Correa, Mr. & Mrs. James Reilly, Mr. liam Rayment, Evelyn A. Rice, Merrill Maynard. &: Mrs. Anthony Silva, Willard John Rice, Andrew Scherben. George H. Cayer Smith Masonry Company, Mr. & Charles Seekell, Helen Shove, $10 William R. Silva, Manuel F. Mrs. Dominic M. Vadala, Mrs. Marie Van Wagner. Richard AImeidllj Robert Bo Silvia, Mrs. Manuel F. Silvia. Mrs. Arthur Weeks,. Lt. Col. reri, Stephen Boreri, Frank Cal Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Slusack, Andrew L. Wessling, Jr. lahan, Lawrence Callahan. Elle-n Smith, Daniel B. Sullivan, William Chamberlain, Mr. & Stephen Sullivan, Ruth A. Mrs. Thomas E. Clark, Mr. & Synan. Mrs. Peter Conlon, John Corr, Thomas Synan, James A. Tran Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Corr. ter, Mrs. Mary VanZandt, Mrs. INSURANCE AGENCY, INC.
T. Howard Corr, George E. Kenneth Waine, Edward Walsh. Dion Sr., Robert E. Dion, Mar 96 WILLIAM STREET
Marion Welch, Mrs. John garet Dowd, Mrs. Charles Du Welch, Michael J. Welch, Paul NEW BEDFORD, MASS.
charme. Zopatti. Marguerite Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. Mary Barrington, Richard WY 8-5153 WY 7-9167
Walter Fitzgerald, Winifred Barrington, William Cameron, Flaherty, Mrs. George H. Foley, John Carroll, Ruth Cayton. PERSONAL SERVICE
Mrs. August Fournier. Mrs. Dominick Corrigan, AdeJoseph Forunier, Edward F. Gorey, Mary Gorman, Thomas Granfield, William F. Hanna Jr. Robert Hannigan, William Hanrahan, Mabel Harrington, Robert Hill, T)onald Holmes. Marjorie Hubbar, Matthew Johnson, Edward L. Kiernan, Mrs. Edward L. Kiernan, Wini fred Laughlin. Richard Leite, Martha Leon ard, James Lunney, William Mc • PARTIES • BANQUETS • WEDDINGS Caffrey Jr., Nellie & David Mc Carthy. • COMMUNION BREAKFASTS John McElroy, Dorothy Me Glynn, Grace McGlynn, Monica 1343 PLEASAKor ST. 'AU RIVEI McGuire, Alice McKenna. Mr. & Mrs. John McKenna, OS~rn. '-7710 Ruth McKenna, Susan McKenna, Edward McLaughlin, Elizabeth McMorv
Woods Hole
Taunton SACRED HEART $500 Rt. Rev. Francis McKeon
Goldrick. Mr. &:Mrs. John Doherty,' Mr. & Mrs. John O'Donnell. Mr. &: Mrs. George Silva, Mr.
& Mrs. Joseph Sylvia, Mr. &
Mrs. George Crombie, Mr. &
Mrs. Robert J. Lynch, Mr. &: Mrs. James B. Lanagan. Mr. & Mr,. Henry Milko, James Kevican, Mr. & Mrs. Charlies Delano, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Harpin, Mr. & Mrs. George McCaffrey. Mary Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Claude Cornaglia, Mr. & Mrs. John B. Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Lafayette Nolet, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Simmons. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh W. Flynn Sr., The Gaffney Family, John Nichols. Mr. & Mrs. William Andrade, Mr. & Mrs. David Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Bazinet, Mrs. Ver onica Bolduc, Mr. & Mrs. Fran cis Boyd. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence P. Brady, Mr, & Mrs. John Braga, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Buttermore, Mr. & Mrs. William Clemmey, Mr. & Mrs. James Corliss. Marguerite Cronan, Marie Cronan, Catherine Crownin shield, Ella Crowninshield, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Cunha. , Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Delano, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fernandes, The Fitzgerald Family, Mr. &: Mrs. John T. Flannery, MJ;. & Mrs. John Haggerty. Louise Howard, Mr. & Mrs. James Leonard, Mrs. Edna Lin coln, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lin nane, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lynds. Judith Makin, Mr. & Mrs. John R. Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Maynard, Mr. & Mrs. Ron ald Maynard, Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. McDonald. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mendes, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Mendes, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Renaud, Mr. & Mrs. John L. Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Rose. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Saben, Mr. & Mrs. Be~jamin Seekell Jr., Marion Sherman, Edward Smith, Roberta Smith. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Strojny, Mrs. Ann Sweeney, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Sylvia, Virginia Waldron, Mr. & Mrs. Casmir Zyskowski.
Mr. & Mrs. John Kelly St. Vincent de Paul Society Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Makin $50 Anonymous $30 John E. Reilly $25 Mr. & Mrs. Robert McClellan, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mulcahy, J. Howard O'Keefe, Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Pierce, Mr. & Mrs. Dan iel J. Ryan. Thomas Whalen, Raymond Whalen, Mrs. Jeannette Whittle. Dr. Anthony Elias Francis Cronan $20 Anastasia & Catherine Gorm ley, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Mador, Mrs. R. Harold Allen, Irene Tor res, John Duar~. Mr. & Mrs, John Lucey, Ann & Mary Reilly. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lynch $15 Rose O'Donnell, Rita O'Don nell, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Prairie, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Andrews, Mr. &: Mrs. William P. MacLean, Rusconi-Varden Family. Mr. & Mrs. Lidoino Severino $12 Mr. &: Mrs. Claude Simmons Cornelius Field $10 Mr. & Mrs. Leni Palazesi, Helena Baggett, Mrs. Gilda Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. John Leon ard, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Webster. Mr. & Mrs. Leon Landry, Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Kelleher, Wil liam McCaffrey, Mr. & Mrs. Har old Wood, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony White. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kucek, Mrs. Harold Dull, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Caron, Mr. &: Mrs. Eino Sil van, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pelo quin. Mr. & Mrs. William V. Hogan, Mrs. Barbara Peck, Robert Sim mon-, Mr. &: Mrs. John Goldrick, Catherine McCabe. Virginia Mehegan, Mrs. Grace Munroe, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence O'Neill, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Taunton Whalen, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur McDermott. ST. PAUL Mr. & Mrs. Leo Landgraf, Mr. $500 & Mrs. Joseph Laninfa, Mr. & Rev. John J. Griffin Mrs. William F. Murphy Jr., Mr. $10G & Mrs. Stephen Crosby, Walter Rev. Joseph F. O'Donnell Waltman. $5' Mr. & Mrs. William Campbell, John Cunningham Mrs. Joseph Hayes, Edward ' Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ryan Gregg, Mr. -& Mrs. Theodore A Friend Belanger, Mr. & Mrs. Edward $35 Callahan. Mr. & Mrs. Hector Demers Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McManus, $30 Edward S. Brown, Mr. & Mrs. _ Mr. & Mrs. James Duffy &: Francis Unsworth, Mrs. Mae C. Family McCarthy, William & Annie $25 Cotter. Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Rennie Mr. & Mrs. John McMorrow, Mr. & Mrs. Waldo Witherell Mr. & Mrs. Antone Costa, Mar$22 garet Slattery, Mr. & Mrs. RobMr. & Mrs. John Steen ert Dewey, John E. Sullivan. $20 Mrs. Anna Sullivan, Michael Mr. & Mrs. Alyre Cormier, Mr. Sullivan, John McMorrow Jr., & Mrs. John DeLang, Dr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Lorden, Mrs. Walter Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lucas. Gerald Caron, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Mary Andrews, Mrs. Josephine Farley. Tasso, Mrs. Audrey Prebrey, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Foley, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Berard, Mr: Manuel A. Martin, Beverly & Mrs. George MacLean. Oliveira, Manuel & Mary Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dowd, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Spinelli, & Mrs. Francis Perry, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tremblay. Mrs. John Briody, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Chester Jackman, Philip Lemieux, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lamoureau. Manuel Rebello Jr. $15 Mr. & M~s. Richard Tonry, Mr. A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. :Louis & Mrs. Joseph Fitzpatrick, Mr. Bartel, Eva Brunelle, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Edward Feeney Mr. & Edward Castle, Olivia Giann'ini. Mrs. Matthew Strojny, Mrs. 'Mr. & Mrs. Wesley GrandE.thel Alwardt. mont, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. LinMr. & Mrs. John Lacombe, court, Mr. & Mrs. Aime St. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lema, Mr. & Pierre, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mrs. William Cullen, Mr. & MFs. Silva. George Dooley, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Mrs. Francis J. Tummon Flynn Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred ChamMr. & Mrs. William Gorman, pagne Mr. & Mrs. John Haggerty, Mr. $12 & Mrs. Robert Murphy, Mrs. Eileen & Mrs. Edward Henchy Catherine McCann, Mr. & Mrs. $10 Gerard Pigeon. Mr. & Mrs.' William Acheson, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Corey, Mr. & Mrs. James Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Prairie, Mr. & Matilda Andrade, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Richard Blais, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Audet, Mr. & Mrs. John William Gallagher, Mr. & Mrs. L. Baptist. Walter Ziajor. LeRoy Bernard, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John T. Mahoney, William Berry, Mr. & Mrs. Wil Mr. & Mrs. Frank Longo, Wil- liam Boarman, Mr. & Mrs. Al liam Meehan, Mrs. Howard fred Bourget, Lawrence Brad Dhadwick, Mr. & Mrs. Harold shaw. Gilman. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Braga, Mary K. Nichols, Mary &: Mildred Braga, Mr. &: Mrs. Alice Corrigan, Mr. &: Mrs. Jo- Richard Bresnahan, Kathleen seph Torres, lVIr, &: Mrs. Charles Carroll, Rita CarroIL
THE ANCHORThurs., May 16, 1963
$25 Joseph Abreau $20 Mrs. Cnr'l ~~i't] & Jean Smith Mr. & Mrs. Peter Nolan $15 Alice K,' , .'. ~Torma ... , Silva. :
Joseph Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Barker, Her b e r t Camacho, Oliver Cardoza, Olivia Chavez. . John Correia, ,":¥r. & Mrs. Paride DeThomas, John Fer nandes, Peter Fernandes, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hartung. Alfred Jacinto, Gilbert King, Gabriel Perry, Mr. & Mrs. John RegQo;d\1)'s, Irene Rocha. 'Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Teixeira Jr., Artiilir Tremblay, M):. Gab rial Vieira, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Vieira, Dimas Viloze. Antonio Abrum, Ida Amaral & Daughter, Antone Bernardo, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bettencourt, Henry Borges. Miss Ida Correia, Mrs. A. Cor reia, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Costa, Mr, & Mrs. John Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Seraphim Costa. Louis Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. John Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ferreira, Mrs. Mary Ferreira, SURPRISE VISIT: Vietnam's President Ngo Dinh Mr. & Mrs. George Gonsalves. Mr, & Mrs. Arthur Henrique, Diem enters the verandah of the Medical Mission Sisters' Holy Family Hospital in Quinhon, where he paid a recent Antone Jardin, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mai surprise visit: Showing him around the hospital are Sister toza, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Morey. M. Virginia Sayers, M.D., left, medical director, and Sister,· Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Morris, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Perry, Anthony M. Karen Gossman, hospital administrator. NC Photo. Rebello, Francis Roche, Mr. &: Anna Casella, Car 0 lin e Mrs. George Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Francis Roche. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Rose, Clar Casella, Dominic Casella, Frank Stuart Place, Mrs. Stephen Pro ence Rose, Frank Rico, Mr. &: Casella, Timothy Casella. nicki. Mr. & Mrs. James Ramsey, Mrs. James Rusconi, Robert M. Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Cazeault, Mrs. Rita Robert, David Rogers, Scully. Roland Cazeault, Mr. & Mrs. George Silvia, Silvino B. Richard Chaves,' John Connors, Mr. & Mrs. James Rositer, Mr. Sousa, Alfred Teixeira, Mr. & & Mrs. John Rountree. Mrs. J o~n Connors. Mrs. Vasco Teixeira, Richard Mr. & Mrs. Edward Roy, Mr. Mrs. Mary Conway, Mrs. Veilleux, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph James Cooper, Margaret Corr, & Mrs. Adjutor St. Pierre, : Viveiros. Mr. & Mrs. George Sheldon, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Cottrell, Mrs. Ralph Shuemaker, Aristide Robert Couto. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION St. Pierre. Vivian Couto, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Silva, Mr. $75 Dennis Craven, Mr. &, Mrs. & Mrs. Albert Solari, Mr. & Rev. James F. Lyons Frederick Demers, Mr. Frede Mrs. Manuel Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Rev. Barry W. Wall rick Demers Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan, Mrs. Myron , $50 Joseph Demers. Sweet. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wotkunsld Mr. & Mrs. Harold Dion, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Glen Tiberis, Mr. $25 & Mrs. Robert Dion, Raymond & Mrs. Edmond Thadeu, William Mrs. Cecelia Reilly DiResto, Mrs. Raymond DiResto, Trahan, Mrs. Donald Tweedy, Mr. & Mrs. John T: Donahue. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Unsworth. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Veradt, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Drewniak, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vogt, Mr. & James Driscoll, Mrs. James Dris $10 Mrs. Clement Wade, Mrs. Clif coll, In memory John P. & A Friend, Peter Burns, Mr. & ford Walton, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mary L. Drugan, Iil memory Mrs. Charles Colton, Mrs. Robert
F. Welch. Clara I. Dontigny. ' Currie, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Whittle, Dupont.
Mr. & Mrs. Henri Ducharme, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fitzpatrick,
Mr. & Mrs. John Felong, Mr. &: Mr. & Mrs. John Winters, Mr. Joseph Witschey, Mrs. Joseph Genevieve G 0 ugh, Lillian Mrs. Manuel Fernandes, Mr. & Witschey, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Gough, Mr. & Mrs. John Gubala, Mrs. Robert Fielding, Mr. & Yelle. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Guillemette. Mrs. Walter Finnegan. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Cole, Mar Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hanieski, Montcalm Fournier, A Friend, Corriveau, Raymond Mrs. Ralph Hill, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. Joseph Giannini, Mr. & Mrs. guerite F'rank Jonis, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Raldo Giovanelli, Mr. & Mrs. Corriveau, Mr & Mrs John Dick inson, Mr & Mrs Leopold Di Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Raoul Gousie. Kiley. > Mr. (& Mrs. Andrew Gravel, Monda. Eleanor Dwyer, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lavoie, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. James Hackett, Mr. Donald Emond, Mr. & Mrs. Rob & Mrs. Leo Marot, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. John Hall Sr., Mr. F. Vernon. Harriea, Mrs. Joseph ert Fielding, Mrs. Paul Lewis, James McGrath, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Roderick McDonah. James McKittrick, Mr. & Mrs. Harwood. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Morrison, Charles McManus. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hudson, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Murray, Mr. & Mrs. G. Everett Parlow, Joseph Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Marianno Rebello, Robert Jose, Miss Catherine Thomas Noonan, Mr. & Mrs. Wil Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Charles fredo Norat, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Riva, C. Nunes. Orville Smith, Mrs. Edward Kelley. Mr. & Mrs. George O'Connor, Wooley.
Mrs. Russell Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kingsbury, Eli Ladebauche, Hugh Patenaude, Edward Roster,
Leon Trahan. Mr. & Mrs. James H. Lamb, Mrs. HOLY ROSARY
Robert Beaulieu, Mrs. Arthur
Mary Lazarek. $25
Mrs. Ulric Lepage, Helen Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Black Mr. & Mrs. Russell Woodward, Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. 'Manuel well, Ernest Botellio, Mr. & Mrs. Children of Mary Sodality. Antonio Brandao. Lopes, Mr. James Lynch, Mr. & $20 Mr & Mrs Franklin Brown, Mr Mrs. Leonard Martel. Franciszek Bielenda & Daugh Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Martin, & Mrs. James Cassidy, Mrs. Wil ter liam Coleman, Mr. & Mrs. Fran Miss Mary Masterson, Mr. Ed $15 cis Demers, Mr. & Mrs. William ward McCaffrey, Barbara Mc Mrs. Magdalena Tokarz Driscoll. Mann, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mc $10 Mrs. Theodore Dupuis, Mr. & Mann. Mr. & Mrs. John Arcikowski, Mr. & Mrs. John A. McRae, Mrs. Nelson Fontaine, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Foucault, Alfred Miss Sophie Bednarska, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Medas Jr., Mr. Bertha Bolster, Mr. & Mrs. Her Fraga, Judith Frechette. & Mrs. Manuel Mello, Mr. & A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. John bert Cardoza, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Mrs. Henry Menard, Roland Gaboury, Rosemarie Godfrey, Dukacz. Menard. Mrs. Apolonia Dykas &: Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mendonca, Mr. & Mrs. Everett Grady, Mr. Daughter, Mrs. Mary Dykas, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Johnson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Michney, Mr. & Roger Kingsbury Jr., Joan & Mrs. Lewis Faulkner, Mrs. Mrs. Gerald Mitton, Mr. & Mrs. John Morris, Mr. John Murray. Labrie, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mary Gazda & Family, Miss Mr. & Mrs. Richard Neville, LaBrie, Robert Labrie, William Pauline Gula. Mr. & Mrs. John Kokoszka, Labrie. Miss Mildred O'Connor, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ladebauche, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kosinski, Mr. Mrs. William O'Donnell, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Machnik, Mrs. & Mrs. Frank Kusekowski, AI Mrs. Manuel Oliveira, Mr. & donna & Joanna Majkut, John Joseph Masterson, George Men Mrs. Lewis H. Oliver. Markowski,
Alice Olson, Harold J. Olson, ard, Mrs. Donald Moehle. Mrs. Anna Plentus, Mr. & Mrs.
Robert Moniga, Mrs. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Paul' Ouillette, Mr. Racicot, Corila Rodier, Judith Augustine Perry, Mrs. Stephania
& Mrs. Joseph Pacheco, Mr. & Rozowicz, Severin Sowiecki, Mr. Stratton, Robert Stratton. Mrs. Charles Paquette. Harriet Strong, Mr. & Mn. & Mrs. Matthew Sroczynski, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Roland Paquette, &: Mrs. Walter Wenc:Lak. Stanley Urban, Lillian White. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pero, Mr. &
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 16,-1963
& Mrs. Charles Benjamin, Mr. & .....rs. Charles Bianchi, Mr.. & Mrs. Arthur Bird, Mr. & Mrs.
William Braga. $350 Mr: & Mrs. Joseph Carreiro, Rev. E. S. DeMello Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Chisholm, Mr. ~~ Mrs. John L. Coady, Mrs. Mil $75 dred Collis, Mrs. Rose Cotter. Rev. Edward A. Oliveira Mr. & Mrs. Edward Crownin Gilbert Furtado shield, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. $25
Dr. !fenry A;' Alves Jr., Mary. Faunce Jr., Anna Fenton, Helen Mattos, RQ~"Mattos, Edward Fenton, Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Gay. Mr. & Mrs. David Grant, Mr. & Franco, Joseph F. Gracia. Mrs. Walter Hogan, Mr. & Mrs. $20 Henry Jusseaume, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur P. Costa, Joseph Jorge. Roger Kingsley Jr., Mr. & Mrs. William Carter Lawrence Lacaillade. $15 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Laffan, Rose Elias, August Varella, Charles Leonard, Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph Cardoza. ,Paul Leonard, Robert LeVasseur, .TameI' Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Livermore. $12 .. ·.·:····,·-:. ,'" . ,'·Mr. & Mr·s.Henry G. Lott, Mr. Joseph Enos ...... & Mrs. George McCormack, Mr.
John Baptiste & Mrs. Vincent McDermott,
Joseph McDonald, Mr. & Mrs.
$11 Lloyd McGo"ern. Frank Phillipe ,Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McKenna, $10 James P. Silvia, Manuel Faria Owen McKenna, Mary McNear hey, Patricia Manning, Mr. & Sr., Arthur Dorato, George Mar Mrs. Russell Manning. tin Jr., Antone Fraga. Estella Margarido, Mr. & Mrs. Caesar Nunes, Frances Silva, James' Gonsalves, George de Patrick Masterson, Mrs. Mary A. Mees, Mr. & Mrs. Everett Me Moura, Manuel Rocha. nice, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Menice. Joseph Pereira, Joseph E. Ter Margaret Menice, Mr. & Mrs. ra, Joseph Coute, George Silva, James Moran, George Murphy, Antone Moitoza. Raymond Senechal, Antone Maydell Murphy, ·Mr. & Mrs. Silvia, Jennie Julio, Mario Gar Edward Nixon. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Oliviera, cia, Joseph Medeiros.
Edward Medeiros, Joseph Enos Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Pacheco, George Cambra, George Martin, Frances Papazoni, Mrs. Holida Paradis, Mr; & Mrs. Frank Frank Deniz. . Alice B. Alves, Joseph Mello, Perry. Frank Pirozzi Jr., Mr. &. Mrs. Frank Santos, Arthur Gomez,
Peter Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Frank P. George. Gil Bettencourt, George Costa, Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Thomas Murphy, Joseph Vieira, Sheehy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Thomas. John H. De Silvia.
Mrs. Agnes Thompson, Mr. & Louis F. de Souza, Lydia Car
los, Augustus Carlos, Anthony Mrs. Antonio Tosti, Mr. & Mrs. John Trucchi, Mr. & Mrs. Ber M,artin. nard Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Val Adelino Paulo; Edmund Lan ders, John Fernandes, Gilbert F. Winter. Coute, Roderick Latour.
Adeline Paulo, Louis B. Rego.
William Souza, David F. Medas,
$100 Chester Butts. Alfred Meunier Ferdinand Abreau, Gregorio $20 Reto, Leo Berard, Gerald Read, Miss Laura Beauvais George Ferreira. George Mador Ernest DiFiore, Doleta Gracia, $10 Arthur Coelho, Arthur .Silvia, Donald Beauvais, Adelard Maria Machado. . Charbonneau, Hector Cham Tiago Rodrigues, John Men pagne, ,Rene Cormier, Mrs. donca, William King, Alfred G. George Cyr. Souza, Frederick Babiczuk. Albert Desrosier, Philippe Du Roland Lortie, Gabriel Silv'a, Richard Olson, Joseph Cambra, moulin, Henri Emond, Normand Gaouette, Normand Hamel. Walter Baptista. Mrs. Eva Lafrance,' Richard J 0 s e p h Andrade, Anthony Gonsalves, Joseph P. Silvia, Lamarche, Honore Levesque, Jo Armando M e d e i r 0 S, Alves seph Masse, Elias Martin. Albert Perreault, Elmer Per Medeiros. Joseph Silvia, John Correia, reault, Leon Richard, Fernand Joseph Lopes, Alice Brown, Roy, Louis Soucy. Joseph Tremblay, La~re Carlota Silva. Joaquim Correia, Antonio Tremblay. Perry, Antonio Gonsalves, Alex
New Bedford
andrina Cardoza, Louis Arruda. Thomas San t 0 1', Arthur' OUR LADY , Andrade, Alfred Rogers, Antone OF THE ASSUMPTION Gray Jr., Francis Cutner Jr.
Francis Motta, Alfred Pimen
$40 tal, Angelo Medeiros Jr., Joseph Holy Name Society Mattos, Anthony Mattos. $25 Cecelia Mattos, Angelo Medei Our Lady of the Assumption ros Sr., August J. Silva Jr., Club ' Joseph Bettencourt, James O'Neill. Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Gomes Gabriella Mendes, John F. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur N. Duarte Abrum Jr., Napoleon Rabideau; $10' ' Antonio F. Costa Jr. Abel De Theodore F. Almeida, Mr. &. Souza. Joseph A. Pinto, William Mrs. Edward V. Leighton & The resa, Joseph Senna, Mr. &. Mrs. Vieira, Manuel Goulart, An Antone S. Monteiro,' Mrs. Clara thony Medas. Rose. Mrs. Anthony Barboza, Mr. & ST. JOSEPH Mrs. William Carmo, Pedro F.
$200 Graca, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Fayal,
"{ery Rev. Patrick H. Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Andrade.
Antone Graca, Mrs. Ruth Costa $100 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Fernandes: Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Mealy . Gilbert Lisbon, Mr'- & Mrs. Jer $75 .onimo da Silva. Rev~ John F. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Cromwell, $50 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Livramento, Florence M. Miller Felix Monteiro. $30
Dr. & Mrs. Maurice Lagace HOLY NAME
$500 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kelleher, Rev. John J. Hayes
Mr; & Mrs. Richard Werner.
$20 Anonymous
Louise McAloon, Mr; & Mrs. '
$50 Manuel Silvia, Mrs. Thom~s. Rev: Lucio B. Philippino
Wheeler & Daughters.
$25 , $15 Mr. & Mrs. Walter King' Mr. & Mrs. John Latham, Mr. &. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald -Moriarty Mrs: Leo Long, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wilson
ward J. Lynch, Robert Murphy. $20
.; . $12
James J. Clark, ,Frances Mc- , ~r. & Mrs. Wilfred Desmarais earthy, Mr. & Mrs. William P. . $10 Powers. 1\'Ir..~. Mrs. John Andrade( Mr. J'ohn J. O'Neil
KEEPS LONELY~VIGIL: Fra Avemaria, the' blind friar of the Hermitage of St. Albert of Butrio near Voghera, Italy, stands beside the empty tomb of the exiled King Edward II of England who is said to have been buried there in 1336. Both the friar, who took up his pious vigil in 1923, and'the king were victims of tragedy and both found peace on the mountain of St. Albert. NC, Photo.
$100 St. Vincent de Paul of St. Mary's $50 Mrs. Richard Hawes Mr. & Mrs. Richard VaUadoa Mr. & Mrs. Richard Valladoa $30 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Racine Mr. & Mrs. James Dawson $25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boldiga, Mr. & Mrs:, Gerard Guillotte, Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Maloney, Mrs. Joseph Penler, Dr. & Mrs. Wilfred Rousseau, Mr. & Mrs. William Toolin. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boldiga, Mrs. Joseph Penler, Dr. & Mrs. WilITed Rousseau, Jayme Silva Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Guillotte. $20 Mr. & Mrs. John Barry, Mr. & Mrs. James Dawson, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Laronda, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Loan, The O'Grady Farnily. $1'7 Mr. & Mrs. Howard N. Lord $15 Mr. & Mrs. Tadeusz Swixzcz Mr. & Mrs. Peter Becker $10 Mrs. Ada Allard, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. Ed ward Angelo, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bell. Joseph Bertoldo, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Boulet, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Campbell, Mrs. Wilfred Carney, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Cormier. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Byron Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Gurl, Mr. & Mrs. Law rence Hotte, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Laquerre. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Leech, Mr. & Mrs. Morris Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Marashio, Mr. & Mrs. James McCafferty, Mrs. Rita Michaud. Mrs. Joseph Mullins, Mr. &. Mrs. Frederick Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Enoch Newsham, Mrs. Mar garet O'Gara, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pepin. Anna Pittle, Mr. &. Mrs. Ed~ ward Quinlan, Mr. & Mrs. An tone Quintal, Mr. & Mrs. Leon ard Reddy, Mr. & Mr·s. Henry Rivet. Kathleen Roche, Mrs. Mary Senecal, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sur gento, Mr. & Mrs. John Texeira. 'Topolewski Family, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond· Veronneau, Mr., , & Mn. John Vickers. Ada Allard, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Angelo, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Beaulieu, The Bell Family. Joseph Bertoldo, Mr. & Mrs. Byron Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Gurl, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hotte, The Laquerre Family. Mr. & Mrs. Morris Leonard, The Marashio-Bachand, Family, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Enoch Newsham, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pepin. Mr. & Mrs. Antone Quintal, Mrs. Mary Senecal, Mr. & Mrs. John Texeira. Mr. & Mrs. Ray mond Veronneau, Mr. & Mrs. John Vickers. . Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Frates, Mr. &. Mrs. George Rothmyer, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Chaves, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Chadwick. .
$15 ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI Grace Donnelly, James J.' $50 Gleason, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Mr. &. Mrs. Pasquale Nicolacl Strong, Frederick Ward. $25 ' $10 Ghilardi Family Gerald' Anthony, Antoine B a l - ' $20 thazar, Mrs. Theresa Blossom & Mr. & Mrs. Domenic F. CataMiss Rita L. McGlynn, Edgar' lano $15 Boudreau, 'Jeremiah Carey. Manly Mfg. Co., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Choquette, $10 Mrs. Helen Cowell and James Rose. Alves, Mr. & Mrs.' An. Cowell, Kathleen Downey, Ger thony Armanetti, Mr. &. Mrs. ald Francis, Richard Gero. Libero Busnengo, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Tohn P. Harring Ciborowski, Natalie ton, Robert L. Kramer, Leonard Chester Langlois, Romeo J. B. Magnant, Foley. Mr. & Mrs. Leonel Neron, Helen Maloney. , Mrs. Lillian Norse, Leo A. Charles & Catherine Pallatroni, Ouellette, Wm. F. Pendergrast, Mrs. Irving J. Sykes, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Jessie Ponte, Mitchell Wilfred Tetreault, Theresa Wil son. Sojka. Mr. & Mrs. John Baccelli, Mr. James W.· Stott, Georg~ Thomas, Herbert T. Thornton, & Mrs. Emilio Balestracci, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. George Vigeant. Arnold Avellar, Anne Ayl. Mrs.' . Julius Galuska, Emma ward, Francis i. Aylward, John Lim a, Confraternity of St. Francis of Assisi. Barlow, Raymond Boswell. Mrs. Isabel Breault, Mr. & Mrs. James Bryan, Miss Kathleen Coholan, Miss Louise Coholan, lV.!:ary Connell. William Connell, Rose Cough lin, . Raymond Damm, Charles Economos, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Fichtenmayer.
Hargraves, Patrick J. Harring ton, John Houlihan, Teresa M. Boarding and Country Day School for Gi1"18 Houlihan. under the direction of the William F. Houlihan Jr., Ches Religious of the Sacred Heart. ter Kawa, Therese Kreider, Mrs. Roseanna Laplante, Daniel Man. College Preparatory Course. ning. Leonard Mason, Mr. &. Mrs. Announces t~e Opening of a Albert Mayall, Joseph McCormick, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mere dith, Charles Mousette. Joseph Ste. Marie, Edward Tighe. JUNE 24 - AUGUST 3 ST. BONIFACE
Advanced work in high school subj,cttf Frank & Jennie Barrett, Fred Combining a balance'd program of study and recreation. Lang, Mr. &. Mrs. Charles Des jardins, James & Mary Butler, Further information concerning either Boarding William Schmidt, Mr. &. Mrs. School or Vacation School sent upon request. Emil Seaberg, Herman &. Louise Simon.
Convent of the Sacred Heart
Rt. Rev. John A., Silvie $150 In memorY" of Charles Y. Vargas ' $100 A Friend Manuel J. Soares Aubertine Funeral Home St. Vincent de Paul of St. John the 'Baptist Church $50 Rev. George E. Amaral Rev. Luiz Cardosa Mr. & Mrs. William R. McGraw Attorney George P. Ponte Dr. Joseph P. Ponte Jr. Atty. &. Mrs. Joseph Vera $40
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Motta $35 Dr. & Mrs. Norbert Fraga $31.05 Couples Club of St. John the Baptist Church $25 Dr. & Mrs. Manuel F. DeMello, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Ferro, Mrs. Frank G. Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Wil liam Wallace. Mr. & Mrs. Nestor Mesquita $20 Liberty Market, Mr. & Mrs. Serafim Mello, Mr. & Mr(l. Frank Perry. Mr. & Mrs. George Alexander, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fredette, Alice Gonsales, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Perreira, Mad o1 ;'1e A. M. Souto. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Gil Amaral, Dr. & Mrs. Albert S. Luiz, Mr. & Mrs. Adolph F. Walecka Jr. Mrs. Victorina Cotnoir" Miss Mary B. & Miss Alice Fagan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferreira Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Furtado. $12 Mrs. 'Mary Barton $10
& Mrs., Jose Almeida, Miss AIda Alv~, Mr. & Mrs. Albert B. An
selo, Mr. & Mrs. William Arruda.
Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Blanchet, Mr.
& Mrs. Antonio Braz, Mr. & Mrs.
Frank J. Burgess, Miss Bemvin da Caldas" Mr. & Mrs. J~yme Cardoza. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel F. Cardoza, Carreiro Family, Mr. & Mrs. Er nest Correia, Mr. Joseph A. Cor reia Jr., Mrs. Mary B. Correia. Mr. & Mrs. Teotonio Corvelo, Mr. & Mrs. Camillio Costa, Mr. & Mrs. James Cousens, Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Cruz, Mr. & Mrs. Edward DeMello. Mr. & Mrs. John C. DeMello, Atty. Edmund Dinis, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Dutra, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Edwards, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Elen. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Encarnacao Mr. & Mrs. Cesar Fernandes, Atty. and Mrs. Joseph Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. 'Joseph T. Ferreira, Mrs. Maria J. Ferreira & family. Mr. & Mrs. George Fish, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Flores, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Franczyk, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Freitas, Mr. &; Mrs. John Gonsalves. William Gonzales, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Gracia, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gracie, Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hall. Mr. & Mrs. John Henriques, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Lawrence, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Lima, Mrs.. Francisco Maduro. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Manzone, Mr. & Mrs. Jos~ph C. Martin, Mr. & Mrs. William Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Meades, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Medeiros. Mr. & ,Mrs. Ralph Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Gil Mello, Mrs. Othy lia Mosettig, Mr Manuel F. Motta & Family; Mr John J. Oliver. Miss Lydia Pacheco, Mr. & Mrs. John Pateakos, Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Perry, 'Mr. & Mrs. Er": nest Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Perry. Mrs. Olivia Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Candida Poente, Mr. & Mrs." Americo Ramalho, ,Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rebello, Mr: & Mrs'. Vir ginia Rego. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Rose, St. John's Ladies Guild, Atty. and Mrs. An tone 'Silva, Mr. &; Mrs. Frank Silva. Miss ,Leopoldina Silva, Mrs. Mary O. Silva, Mrs. Marjorie Singleton, Mr, & Mrs. Manuel Souza, Miss Marie Souza. Mr. Ervin Spach, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Sylvia, Miss Helen Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. 'Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Syl via. .
Mr. & Mrs. Walter C.' Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Texeira. Mr. & Mrs. William Texeira, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Leland Williams. Mrs. Nancy Williams, Miss Ju dith Wichersky & Mrs. Georg ianna Connor, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wiley.
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Albit,o, Mr. & Mrs. L. G. Bettencourt Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Bolton, Mr. & Mrs. 'Raymond Botelho, Mrs: Edwin Brock. Mr. & Mrs. 'Gilbert S. Brazil; Rita Brown, "(". & Mrs. Antone Cardoza, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Cairns, M.r. & Mrs. Arthur Carreiro. Dr. & Mrs. Antonio m De Cas tro, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold F. Conde, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Corkum, C.Y.O. of St. John the Baptist Church, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Days Sr. ' Mr. & Mrs. Nor'mand Despres,
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Duponte,' Mr. & Mrs. Ecward Dutra, Mr. & Mrs. John Farias, Mr. & Mrs. George Ferro. , Mr. & Mrs. Edward Finni, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Fraga, Miss Deo linda Funcia, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gonsalves. Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Grace, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Gracia, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Haun, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jacintho, Miss Claudia' Lewis. Mrs. Mae Lewis, Miss Angelina'
S. Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lopes Miss Evelyn Marshall, Mr. & Mr~. Jose Martins. ' ' Mr. & 'Mrs. Louis Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mathews, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Medeiros, Mr. &
Mrs. Edmund Moniz Jr., Mr. & Mrs. (' ~or c Neves. Mr. & Mrs. William Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Oliver, Patri cia's Beauty Shop, Mr. & Mrs. FI~ank Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Perry. Rubert Perry, Miss Mathilde Pina, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pinto, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Reis, Mr. Milton Richrriond. ' Mr. & Mrs. William Roberts, Mrs. Mary Rogers. Mrs. Mary J. Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Sabino, Mr. & Mr'. Geor'!;e Sant~>, Mrs. Mary Schusner, Ernest Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sil va, Mr. & Mrs. John Silvia, Jo seph Silveira. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Souza, EI. sie Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. George P. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Syl via, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sylvia. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Tavares, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Tlvares, Mrs. Mary Teixeira, Mr. & Mrs. William Varao. Angelina Vargas, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Vieira, Emilijl V~eira" Mr. , & Mrs. Vasco Villela.' , , '\ir. & Mrs. Donald Adams, Mr.
$100 Mrs. William Freitas $50
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. dricks
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cabnil, Children of Mary Sodality, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. DeMello, Mr. & Mrs. Antone B. Santos. ';20
Mr. & Mrs. Antone Correia,
Mr. & Mrs. John Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Joao Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Ed mund J. Sylvia. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Eugenio &; Nancy. $10 Mt. Carmel PTA, Mr. Manuel Almada, Mr. ,& Mrs. Amel'ico Arruda, Mr, & Mrs. Alfredo Bar boza, 1'!atercia Bettencourt. Vivian Borges, Mr. & MI's. An tonio Braz & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Cabral, Louis L. Cab ral.' Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cabral. Mr. & Mrs.. Arthur J. Cae tano, Rosalina Camara, Candida Canto, Silvino Castello, l\~r. & Mrs. Walter Correia. Beatrice Cunha, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel DaSilva, Alice C. De Mello, Francis Ferreira, John Ferreira. ' ' Mr. & Mrs. Jacintho S. 'Ferro, Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Gaspar, Manuel A. Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Goula~" Mr. & Mrs. Joao Grada.' , Mr., & Mrs. Shirley H. Jerni
JAMES $75 Monsignor Noon Parish Circle $60 Mr. & Mrs. William Hendricks $50 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Crowley Dr. & Mrs. Byron Ford Mr. & MTS. Edward Kerwin'
.HE A.t-.lrl'''''~'hurs., May 16. 1963
Mrs. Joseph Santos, Mr. & Mn. Timothy F. Shea, Mrs. Vincent Shea. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Smith, Mr. &: Mrs. Stephen Stupalski, Patricia Sullivan, William Sullivan, ltb. k ,Mrs. Aldol" Surprenant. $40 Mr. & Mrs. George Sylvia, Mr. Harriet Perry & Mrs. Manuel Sylvia, ,John $30 Szulik, Mrs. M. Josephine TalMrs. Theodore Gladu f&rd, Mr. & Mrs,:'ADthony Tejx $25 eira. . ' : ~", : '" ' Mrs. Edward Arnett & Jo:in Mr. & Mrs. Edward Thornber. Arnett, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Barry, 'Mr. k Mrs. Francis Torres, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Corbeil, & Mrs. Vincent ,Sylvia, Mr ... Mr. & Mrs. John C. Martin, Mary Mrs. Williarr Trought Jr., Mr ... E. Whelan, Mr. & Mrs. James A. Mrs. Arthur Trundy. Worden. Mr. It Mrs. William ,Tuite, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Smith Gene and Armand Vermette, $20 Mrs. William Wade, Mr. & Mrs Mrs. ~arl Anderson, .Mr. ~., WillJ~.,w:iikinson, Mr. & 'Mrs. Mrs. JulIus So.ttak & Fam~lY. Mr. ';VinceofWord'en: ". , : & Mrs. LoUIS G. SylVIa, Dr. Edv'ard' ArF\IC;j.a/ Mr. & Mra Joseph Gleason, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Feeley, Mr. & Mrs. Jo,.. Joseph Towers, Frances Whelan. seph Hendrickson, James Hol. Anna McGurk, Mr. & Mrs., den John Pholar, Agnes Ti.erna~. Mr. & Mrs. Elmo McAuliffe. OUTSTANDING: Floyd Mr. & Mrs. Nathamel GIfford Kathleen McLaughlin, Dr. ... Anderson, managing-editor $15 Mrs. H. F. Noyer, Katherine Oes Mrs. Mary F. Barabe, Carol ting, James O'Hearne.
of the Central California Mr. & ,Mrs. Roland Pomfret,
Register, Fresno, and presi DeSouza, Janice DeSouza, Audent of the Catholic Press gust Dutra Jr. and Roberta, Hannah T. Power, Mary Power. Dutra, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rapoza, Mr. Association, has received the Madruga. & Mrs. Charles Reed.
CPA award "for the most Sheila Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rezendes, Mr.
distinguished contribution to Manuel Nunes,' Mrs. Thomas '& Mrs. Josep·l Stephenson, Mrs.
Catholic journalism" during Reagan, Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Donald 'Swan, Mary Walsh, Mr&. Whelan, Leo M. Worden, Mr. & William R. Walsh. 1962. NC Photo. Mrs. Adam Zych.
Lucy Cardoza $30
gan Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Jor $12 Mrs, Joseph P. Duchaine
dan, Gregorio Luiz, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Enrico Picinisco Jr. $25
Antone Macedo Jr., Alice Ma chado. $10 Rolan.d Gaouette, Margaret
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Arnett, 1\fr~ and Emile Beauregard, Mr. "
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Martin & Geraldine, Joseph F. Martin, Mr. & ,Mrs. Janles Arruda,' Mrs. Mrs. Theodore Frechette.
James W. Aspden, Mrs. Alonzo $20
& Mrs. Joao Mascarenhas, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Aldege Cote, Mrs. Paul Magnant, Edionido & Atkinson, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Baker. & Mrs. Ronald Fortin.
Maria Martins. Mr. & Mrs. Pietro Battistelli, $12 Mr,' & Mrs. John Medeiros. Mr. Mr. & Mrs. ZephYr Paqui~
& Mrs. Joao Mello, Mr. & Mrs. , Mrs. ~amuel Baty ~rr., Mr. & $10
John Mello, ,Mr. & Mrs. George Mrs. ,Joseph Benevides, Mr. &, Mrs. Earle H. Blanchard, Mr. & Conrad Robitaille, Eglanti..- '
Mendonca, Ma.-y R. Mendonca. Cloutier, Joseph Rousseau, .1omr. Mr. "& Mrs.' Francisco Moniz, Mrs. Damase Bouchard. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Boudreau, J. Texeira, Rodolph, Richer, Mr.
Alrr.erinda ,Paiva, Mr. & Mrs. : Joseph A. Paiva, Manuel Paiva, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bourgault, Mary & Mrs. Edward Bussiere, .WiI- "
Boyle, Mrs. Undine' Brown, Mr. liam LaBlanc, Mr. & Mrs. Tbeo
Mary A. Perry. doe Picard, Mr. & Mrs., Donat
Shirley T. Perry, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Leo Caron." Mr. & Mrs. Roland Caron, Desmarais.
Joseph Rato, Mr. & Mrs. Joao R. Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Gagnon.
Rocha, In memory of Theresa Thomas Carr, Charles Carro]]; Mr. & Mrs. John F. Cashman, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest BerUbe, Mr.
S.Rose, Charles P. Rose. & 'Mrs. Albert Caron, .1000'. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel P. Santos, ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chlebus. CharlesB. Clavin; Mr. & Mrs~, Auto Body~ Mr. & Mrs,. J~'''' Virgil C. Santos,' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sebastiao, Mr. & Mrs. ,Arthur Cole, Mr." & Mrs. Mau- ,Laronda, Mr. ,& Mrs. 'Roland John Sequeira, Mr. & Mrs. Joao rice' Constant, Mr. & Mis. Wil":' DuDe. liam Coonan, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Lyonnaia,' Silva. Mr., & Mrs. Orner E. Raymon~' Mr. & Mrs. 'Manuel Silva, O. Correia. M'1':' & 'Mrs. Charles Cpsta, Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Lemaire, " Maria 'de Lourdes' Silva, Carol Silveira, Irene' Sousa, Da'vid John Costello,Marian Crosby; Mr. Joseph Lecomte, Mr. & Mn.,' Mr."& Mrs. James Curry, Mr. & Eugene Roy. Souza. ' Mr. '& Mrs. Joseph Guerin, Francisco Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs'.' William' Damos. Mr. & Mrs. William 'Debem, " Mrs. joseph Therien, Mr. &Mra. RoJ,)ert Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred· Dp,SQuZa, Theodule Bolduc, Mrs. Emma Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. James 'Devlin, Mrs. 'Robert Dias, ,'LeBlanc, Mr: & Mrs. Gerald CoMr. & Mrs. John Downey. ' .. Wallis. ' Sylvia. ' ' Mr. & Mrs. William Duclos, Mr. & Mrs. Charles FrankliD Mr. & Mrs. Louis Vasconcel- ' Jr.,. Mr, ,& Mrs. Aime Goyette, los, Angeline Velho, Mr. & Mrs.' Mrs. Everett L. Emery, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. '& Mrs. Raoul Gagnon, Mr. II George Viegas. Lawrence Foy, Catherine Fur- Mrs. JOseph Hogan" Mr. &MFs. Il\IMACULATE CONCEPTION tado. Paul Bedard. Mr. & Mrs. James Gallig;m, Mr: &: Mrs. Bertrand Poula..: $300 Joseph Hampson, A FrIend, Mr. lVIr. & Mrs. John Medeiros, :M:!'; Rev. A. A. Gastello Branco & Mrs. Milton Hinchcliffe, Mr. & Mrs. RobE!!'t Guerney, Mr. II $50 & Mrs. Ephraim Jeffries., , , Mrs. John Jackson, Mr: & Mrs. Rev. Augustino Pacheco Agnes Kearney; Mr. & Mrs. Normand Roy. $20 George Kellett, Mrs. Mortimer Mr. & Mrs.' Roger LeBlane, Gilbert R. Coelho, Silvester Kennedy, Mrs. Manuel V. Kin'g, Mrs~ Lucille Bourgeois, Mr. II Sylvi;I: " • Thomas Lister. Mrs. 'Leopold Rock, Mr. & MrS. , $10 Eileen Louro, Mr. & Mrs. Man.,. Armand Dudevoir, Mr. & Mr': Joao Alves, Mary S. Betten uel F. Lauro, Theresa M. Louro, Grant' T. BuSh, Mr. & Mr.. court, Hildeburto Borges, Dr. M: Mrs. 'Michael Mahoney, Mr. & Charles Tanguay.
Camacho, Noel Chaves. : Mrs. Richard J. Manning.
Edmund St. Dree, Joseph Goss, Mr. & Mrs. Edward lVIc,Aloori, Antonio A. Costa, Manuel Fer Mr. & Mrs. James P. McGrath, reira, Jaime Fonseca. Mr." & Mrs. Lionel Mello, Mr. & Charles Mell:>, Elizu Pacheco, Mrs. Manuel Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pacheco, Francisco Harold Mills.
Peoha, David Roderick. Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Modesto,
CALL Izalina Sa, Manue~ Sa, Joa- Regina Morrissey, Mr. & Mrs. quim Salgado, Adriano Vaz, Edward Morrow, Mr. & Mrs. Virginia Frias. Leonard O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard O'Brien. ST. KILIAN Mr.' & Mrs. Manuel Pacheco,
James J. Park, Joan Park, Mr. 8f
$50 39 MAIN RD., TIVERTON, R.I. Mrs. Armand Pariseau, Mr. & The Finnell Family Mrs: Manuel Ponte. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Rene: Radne, Mr. A Friend & Mrs. Anthony Richards, Mr. & $10
IRAYELING! ' Sisso"1 Travel Bureau, Inc.
HeriryLyonnais, Ernest Be.
~~:ter;~~~ciy~b;a~~:' ~illiam i'i Dorothy La Croix, Alfred Mar- : tin, Lawrence Martin, Charles ,. Ca':on Jr., Irene Anderton. : John Kennedy, Milton Wea: • vel', Norman Singleton, Margaret Paul, Virginia Paul. , , ..': Ernest Amaral,Wilfred Val(! liere, Kenneth Taber. Conrad : LaCro,ix Jr., Wilfred Perry'. ' . ' . No'rmand' Cloutier, Franei~ : Filipek, AlphonSe Hebert, Irene •
'BIS'l1l Al"'LL'-O--~;~'S 1'" GA,RA'G'E
'24.tI,our W~ecker Serv'ice 653, W~shin.gton, Stre..et, Fairhav." WY man 4-5058
Pawelczyk; Rene Bachand, Joh",: ' ~:~ii~:iiii~~;;~~~~=ii~R~~n~~~~ii~iiiiirf Pontes. Harvey Gould. ' '.
THE P""CHOR -Diocese.of Fall River--'Thurs.• Mf;JY 16.1963
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Folger, Mr. & Mrs. John Harney, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Healy, Kathryn T. McCar ST. LAWRENCE thy. $200 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Myette, Mr. & Mrs. James H. Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Cyril O'Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Primo Tarini. Ir. Mr. & ·Mrs. Charles Berry, Mr. $125 & Mrs. Leroy Marden, Miss E. Dr. & Mrs. Jean Webster Taylor, Theodore Calnan, Mrs. $100 Marie L. Cambra. Rev. Arthur K. Wingate .~ Mrs. Patrick Carney & Francis Mr. and Mrs. William Conroy Carney, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Casa Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Koczera vent, Mrs. T. Wm. Clynes, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Philip Tripp Mrs. Wilfred Demers, Helen Me. . $75 Grath, The Paine Family. Dr. & Mrs. William O'Donnell $10 Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Harrington Mrs. Ralph B. Andrews, Mr. ~r. & Mrs. Robert Bedard, Mr. & Dr. & Mrs. William Walsh Mrs. Herve Berube, Mr. & Mrs. $50 John G. Britto, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Taber James Buckley. Victor T. Kondi William Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Paul McCawley Thomas Carney, Mrs. Myrtle Rev. Justin J. Quinn Cash, Mr. & Mrs. John Chase, Dr. & Mrs. James Bolton .Mr. & Mrs. John L. Conlan. Mr. & Mrs. P. Coholan Barbara L. Connor, Patricia The Misses Downey Connor; Mr. & Mrs. James W. Dr. & Mrs. Robert Durant Connulty, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Cross,· The Misses Gleason Mr. & Mrs. John D. Kenney'· ·Mrs. M. Crowley. Gertrude Cuttle, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Mahoney Stanley DanzeIl, Mr. &. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Paul McCabe Francis DeTerra Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Anne & Helen Meade __ $35 . Thomas Donahue, ·Mrs. John Donnelly.
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Perras Jr. Mr. & Mrs. T. Donovan & Mar. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Phelan
garet, Mrs. Eleanor Dussault, Mr. $30 & Mrs. Norman Edwards, Mr. & Dorothy Curry Mrs. Joseph Frates, Mrs. Theresa Mrs. Mary Foster and Family Frawley.
The Misses Hannigan Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Goodfel Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Smith
.low, Mrs. Mary Grenier, Mr. & $25 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Finni, Mrs. C. Hinkley, Mary Howard, Mrs. Mary Galligan, Mrs. John ~ancy Howard. Mrs. Hugh Carney, Mr. & Mrs. W. Glenn, William E. King, Mr. William Chapman, Mrs. Fred. • Mrs. Edward Lopes. Dr. & Mrs. J. Mahoney, Mr. &; erick Choquette, Mr. &; Mrs. E. Mrs. Elmer Page, Mr. & Mrs. Cipriiani, Mr. & Mrs. James Cor ,Joseph Rivet, Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. bett. Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph T. Correia, St. Aubin, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mr. & Mrs. Edward Counsell, Saunders. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bancroft, Mrs. George F. Cronin, Mr. & Elizabeth Callaghan, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. William Crowley, Mr. & . Daniel Dwyer, Mr. & Mrs. Wile Mrs. Raymond Cunha. :lohn .Curry, Rose-Maria De liam Humphrey, Elizabeth V. Mello, Mrs. Leonard DeMoran I'oster. A Friend, Julia Joyce, Phillip ville, Mr. & Mrs. E. Desrosiers, :I. Kane, Paul & Marion Keane, Mrs. Daniel Downey. Patricia Duce, Mr. & Mrs. W. Mrs. Pemberton Nye. Elizabeth & Helen O'Connor, Duce, Mrs..Lewis Dutra, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. AlBert A. Silva, A Mrs. Edward Ennis, Mr. & Mrs. Friend, Mrs. Mary Wheaton, Mr. Francis Fonseca. Mr. & Mrs. George Gagnon,
• Mrs. J. J. Connor. Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Downey, Mrs. Genevieve Gallagher, Mr.
Mr. & Mrs. James Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. John Gardiner, Mr. &
Mrs. J. Gaughan, Robert Gel • Mrs. Thomas Wood. lette. $24 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Goggin, Mr. & Mrs. Pires Mr. & Mrs. Severino Gomez, Mr. $20 Mrs. James GOldrick, Mr. &; & Mrs. Lawrence Gonsalves, Ada Mrs. E. Harrigton, Mr. & Mrs. Groebe, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hart. The Hayes Family, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Ar. thur Kirkwood, Christopher :I. Herman Heuberger, Mrs. Laura Hogan & Beverly, Mr.·& Mrs. Limerick Jr.. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Long, Mr. Raymond Hunt, Chest·er Kar szynski. &; Mrs. Joseph MacFarlane, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kennedy &; Mrs. Edward G. McBride Misses C. & A. O'Malley, Dr. &. Mr. &; Mrs. Donald Lake Mr. &. ~.~rs. Francis LeBoeuf, 'Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Pothier. Mr. & Mrs. G. Rhoads, Robert Mrs. Roland Lemaire, Mr. & e. Richardson, Mr. & Mrs. Fran Mrs. Raymond LeValley. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Loveridge, cis· Shurtleff, Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. John Lowney, Mr. & ~ Sullivan, William H. King. Mr. & Mrs. Francis McCarthy, Mrs. Paul Lowney, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs.. George McGovern, Manuel Macedo, Katherine Ma Helen . MorrIson, Mr. & Mrs. honey. Mrs. Mary Mahon, Mary E.
Oharles Pelczar, Mr. & Mrs. Manning, George McCarthy Mr
Leo Shea. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ford, Mrs. & Mrs. A. McGaughey, Mr. &' Mrs: Margaret Hogan & Family, Mr. Hugh McKenna. Mr. & Mrs. William Medeiros & Mrs. Gerald Lewis, Polly & Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mullarky'
Grace Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Ber Mrs. Daniel Murphy, Mrs. Hazei
Dard Murphy. John N. O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. J. Newby.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Nobrega R. Porter, Alice Smith, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sparrow, Mrs. William Norris, Mr. & Mrs: William R. Norris Elizabeth Mr. & Mrs. John F. Treadup. O'Brien, IYIr. & 'Mrs. John $15 . Mr. & Mrs. RObert Brunelle, O'Brien. Helen O'Brien, Mary O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. John T. Curry, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O'Neill &; Mrs. Hugh Gillis, Ida & Louise Hoye, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lemos. Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Ame~ico Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Parker Jr., Oliva!. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Oliver, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Peters, Mr. & Mrs. James Pallatroni, .Mrs. &; Mrs. Joseph Pierce, Mr. & Mrs. R. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Pedersen, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Perry, Mr.· & Mrs. An Fergus Bolton. Mary E. Carroll, Mrs. Frances thony Piva. Mrs. Mary Ribeiro, Mr. & Mrs. . Connolly, William Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. Emile Marchessault, Mr. & Raymond Rivard, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Ambrose Smith & Family. Frank Rogers, Lucy Sherman ' Theresa Beehan, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Souza. Paul Curry, Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Sullivan, Mr. Goggin, The Misses Goulding, .& Mrs. Gordon Sylvia, Mr. & Mr. 8:t Mrs. Edmund Harrington. Mrs. Norman Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Frances Harrington, Mr. Joseph J. Theodore, Mr. & Mrs. A. Tobiassen. &; Mrs. Frederick Kelley, Mr. & ..L" Mrs. John J. Malone, Helen C. Mr. & Mrs. Herbe1"t Travers McCarthy, Mr & Mrs John Lally.. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Tuttle, Mr. &. $14 Mrs. Allan Wall, Mr. & Mrs. A. Nora Leary Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Weber. $12 Mr. & Mrs. James Wooler Mr Mr. & Mrs. Edward DeCosta, & Mrs. John D. Zygiel, Mr.
New Bedford
BRIDGES BUT NOT BUSES: This footbridge which crosses Minnesota Route 494 was constructed by the federal and state governments for students attending As sumption parochial grade school in Richfield. While this safety device was built solely for the protection of Catho lic school children in crossing busy highways, parochial school students in Minnesota are not allowed to ride public school buses designed to protect school children from traffic hazards. NC Photo. Mrs. William Kruger, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lafferty, Mr. & Mrs. L. Lamarre. . Mr. & Mrs. Dalpba Lavaliee, Mr. & Mrs. F. Lawler, Paul Le Boeuf, Mr. & Mrs. Jphn Lynch, Mrs. Annie & Miss Mary Mac Farlane. Jennie McAuley, Mr. & Mrs. William K. McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Albert McMullen, Mr. & Mrs. M. Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs.' Lewis Melanson, Eleanor Mes quita. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Metro; Mrs. Agnes Moriarty, Mr. & Mrs. Owen Mt:.rphy, Mr. & Mrs. A. Nunes, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Osborne. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pina, Au gustus Ponte, Beverly Ponte,' . Mrs. Anne Porter; Mr. & Mrs. R. Potter. Mr. & Mrs. W. Quinlan, Mrs. Manuel Rapoza, Mrs. Gerald Roche, Leonard Roche, Peter Roche. Mrs. Joseph Rosen, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph ~~oyer, Mr. & Mrs. John Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund San tos, Mr. & Mrs. James Shea. Mr. & Mrs. James Sheerin, Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Stewart, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sullivan, Mar garet Sullivan, Isabel L. Sylvia. Mr. & Mrs. Elmore Treadup & Nora, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tynan,
Mr. & Mrs. William Whelan, Mr. & Mrs. F. J. Winterson, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zajac. Mr. & Mrs.' Christopher Baines, .Mr. & Mrs. James Bar ron, Mr. & Mrs. William Beehan, William Beehan Jr., Mrs. Ar .thur Bennett Jr. Mrs. George Braley, Mrs. Hilda L. Briggs, Mr. & Mrs. James Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Wil liam Bruce, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Burke. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Carter, Mr. & Mrs. R. Cartwright, Mr. & Mrs. Edward ;T•. CronlVl, Anna Crossley, Mr. & Mrs. James F. Dee. In Memory of Frederic G. Douglas, :M:artha Douglas, Eileen Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs.. Edward Duggan, James Durant. Mr. & Mrs. John Durant, Mr. &; Mrs. Ned Emmons, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ferreira, Francis Fish, Edward J. Foster. Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore G. Giam. malvo, Edith Gifford, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Guerreiro, Mr.- & MTs.John A. Harney, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Harwood. Mrs. Mary Hutchinson Mrs. Annie Horgan, Russell jordan, Margaret & Catherine Judge, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kelley.
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Charles King, Mr. & Mrs. P. Laforest, Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Lawless, Joseph T. Leonard. ·Mr. & Mrs. M. Leonardo, Mrs. Edward J. Lyons & Frances, Mr. & Mrs. John Macedo, Louise MaMr. & Mrs. Walter Howard, Mrs. Winifred Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. James Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Abrantes, Mr. & Mrs. A. Attridge. Mr. & Mrs. George Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bosse, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bramwell, Mr. & Mrs. A. Broadland, Mrs. Arthur L. Brunelle. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Burke, Mr. & Mrs. H. Butts, Mrs. Daniel Cal laghan, Mr. & Mrs. Gamberino Camaioni. honey, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Makin.
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Makin.
Mrs. Raymond Markey, Mr. &
Mrs. Patrick McCarthy, Mr. &
Mrs: Charles McKenna, Mr. &
Mrs. Arthur Mello. Mr. & Mrs. John Midura, Helen Moore, Murdock Myette, Mrs. Raymond ~ormandin, Mr. & Mrs. John Pacheco. Mr. & Mrs. James Payton, Mr. & Mrs. F. Peccini, Mary Peck ham, Rosemary Porter, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Quill.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Henry Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. Jarrie~ Quinn, Rich ard F. Regan & Helen Regan, Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Riley, Mr. & Mrs. Llewellyn Roberts. Mrs. Annie Roderick, Mrs. Mary Rosen, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rossi, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond San terre, Mr. & Mrs. A. Santos. Mr. & Mrs. Antone Santos Mr. & Mrs. O. Senesac, Mr. &. Mrs. Robert Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Silveira, Mr. & Mrs. Rus sell D. Smith. Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. G. Swansey III, Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Varsel, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Vasques Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Wall. Neal Wall, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weaver, Mrs. Josephine Whelan & Ann.
AnLEBORO'S Leading Garden Center
DO·NNELLY South Main & Wall SR.
$250 Rev. Armand J. Levasseur $'75 Rev. Roger J. Levesque < $50 Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Desrosiers $20 Mr. & Mrs. Leo Bolduc, Mrs. Cordelie Langlois, Miss Claire Dumont, Theodore Lariviere, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fontaine. $15 Duclo's Pharmacy, Gabrielle & Bernadette Cayer, Mr. & Mrs. Ulysse Auger, Marie Lebeau. $10 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lariviere, Mrs. James Petty, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Sicard, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Morency, Mr. & Mrs. John Townley. Mr. & Mrs. John Vassella, Mr. & Mrs. John R. Sylvia Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Larocque; Mr. & Mrs. Alcide Valois, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lebeau. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Faria, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel SUllivan, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Mailbot, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Plourde, Jeannette Four nier. Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Lussier Mrs. Mattie & Miss Yvonne La~ fleur, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ouimet, Mrs. Alma Grace, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Chartier. Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Morency, The Raymond Family, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moniz, Mrs. George Goulet, Saint Anne's Sodality. Mr. & Mrs. Aldei Lafrance, Tbe Gaudreau Family, Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Carignan, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Brunette, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Caron. Mr. & Mi's. Arthur Allain, Raoul Bernier, Mr. & Mrs. Ray mond Guerette, Lucille Lebeau, Mrs. Yvonne Lariviere. Claudette Michaud Felix Fournier, Mr. & Mrs.' Charle. Payette, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sears, Mr. & Mrs. '11homas McKenna. . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Taylor Miss Elaine Mailloux,Mr. & Mrs. Clement Mailloux, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Powell, Mr. &; Mrs. Paul Lariviere. Mr. & Mrs. Rene Charbon neau, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Aubut, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pinette. SACRED HEART
$200 Rev. Henry R. Canuel $75 Rev. Lucien Jusseaume $25 Richard Nerbonne $20 Roland Roberts, Gerard & Ruth Boudreau. $10 Mrs. Amedee Abrain, Roland Auger, Charles & Mrs. Yvonne Bouchard, Gabrielle Choquette, Mr. & Mrs.' A. Deneault. Delmas Deslandes, Blanche Fregeau, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Hebert, Mrs. Edouard Hevey, Edouard Houle. Antoinette LaFleur, Mrs. Ella Merchant, Mr. & Mrs. O. Ner bonne, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Pothier, Mr. & Mrs. Adman Rock. Mr. & Mrs. William Silver, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Vaudry Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Robert Conway, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Camire, Mr. & Mrs. George Lavoie Jr. Jeannette Hebert, Joseph Li zotte, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Soucy Henry Leclair, Mrs. A. Sevigny & Family. Mr. & Mrs. M. Lapointe, Mr. & Mrs. James O'Donnell. HOLY ROSARY
$200 , Rev. Ernest R. Bessette $10 Olea Racette, Stephen Lich tenberger, Leon Branchaud., Lydia Mott, Edmund Dauteun.
Commercial. Industrial
Painting and Decorating
135 Franklin Street
Fall River
OSborne 2-1911
Adelaide C. Trainor
$100 Sacred Heart Women's Guild Sacred Heart Men's Club Dr. & Mrs. John E. Manning Mr. & Mrs. John B. CUTJ;lmings Dr. & Mrs. Edmund Neves $50 Mildred, Loretta, Dorothy, Doris and Muriel Audet In Memory of Mrs. Joseph A. Hammill, Mrs. Wm. E. Harring. ton, Mrs. John J. Clancy. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Callahan Elizabeth M. Trainor $30 Frederick B. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. George Sullivan $25 Alice C. & Mary V. Harring. ton, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Har rington, Margaret R. Sullivan, Louise E. DesMarais, Mrs. Anna F. McManus, William J. Barrett. James A. Heywood, Mr. & Mrs. Nestor G. Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Hughes & Margaret A. Hughes, Margaret C. Riley. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew A. Shea Jr. Catherine I. Trainor $20 Mrs. Mary T: Morriss & Mar garet Morriss, Mr. & Mrs. Alvan J. Hoar, Mrs. Catherine Lomax & family, Mr. & Mrs. Fred me,. metrius. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Andresen, Mr. & Mrs. Ba'rtholomew Mc Nally, Mr. & Mrs. James D. Barnes, Mr. & Mrs. James Barnes, Mary L. O'Sullivan. Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Daley,
John D. Carmichael, Mr. & Mrs.
Antonio Barreiro, Mr. & Mrs;
James R. Mitchell.
$15 Mr. & Mr~. Daniel J. Delaney', Catherine O'Hare, Dorothy Sul livan, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hen nessy, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gagnon; Mr. & Mrs. James Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sutcliffe, Miss Margaret F. Tolan. ' Mr. & Mrs. James Darcy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Donnelly Sr. ' Mr. & Mrs. John M~ Malloy $12 Helen M. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. John F. McGraw M. Ursula Riley
Joseph W. McDonald
Mr. Vincent Canole, Mrs. Anna McHugh, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond AUdet, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis F. Delaney. Mrs. Catherine Roden, Mrs. Marguerite Bousquet, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Swage, Mr. George C. Harnett, Miss Elladore O'Neil. Mrs. Odella Carpenter, Mrs. Delia Powers & Dorothy Pow ers, Mr. & Mrs. Harvey LaBrie, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Delaney, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Welker. Helen L. Sullivan, Kathpyn M. O'Brien, Mrs. Alma M; Halliday, Mr. & Mrs. John E. Kiley Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John E. Kiley Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. IJ)unn, Mary E. Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. Pat,. rick 'Murphy, Mr. Thomas P. Sullivan, Mrs. Mary McCartb~. Mrs. Eleanore Howard, Cath~ erine Howard, Helen F. LellllY, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Geary, Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Gibney. Mr. & Mrs. Owen M. MeDon· aId Hannah G. McDermott, Ml>s. Catherine Wallace, Mrs. Anita Geary, Mr. & Mrs. John W. Deveney. , Catherine F. Coughlin, Mary J. Coughlin, Mary Walsh, Ellen L. Coughlin, Mrs. Loretta Mc Donald. Miss Anna Murphy, Mrs. Mary, E. Sullivan, James J. Carey, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas White, Francis M. Burke. Maureen Dallagher, Mr. & Mrs. James T. Carey, Mr. & Mrs. Rf>land L. Boulay, Mr. & Mrs. Louis P. Lopes, Mrs. Margaret Moran. In Memory of Wilfred Baker by the Baker Family, Mr. & Mrs. Charles O'Connor, Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Hunter, William Chip pendale, Mary F. & Rose C. Riley. Mrs. Mary R. Heywood, Cath erine Dillon, Mr. & Mrs. Ray mond Murphy Jr., Mr. Frank DuValley, M. Doris Sullivan. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pelo Quin, Mr. & Mrs. James L. Gib
Mr. & Mrs. TOOmas Staple
Mrs. Anne T. BishGPI Thomas D. Tolan. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Lynch Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Hamel to."
Thurs., May 16, 1963
ST. .JOSEPH $100
Jr., Mr. James M. Carey, Miss Julia Sullivan, Jennie V. Gri:f
Capt. & Mrs. Joseph O'Connen Allen J. McDermott
Memory of Maurice F: St. Vincent de Paul Society Byington, Mrs. Sarah V. Ander 'In memory $52 of William S. II: son, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Sullivan, Maud A. Conroy Mr. & Mrs. John Polak, Mr. & $50 Mrs. John T. Trainor. ' ,.,c,o... & Mrs. Louis Kroger John F. Fagan, Mr. & Mrs. Mr~ .&Mrs. Harry Sears Gheorge BFeaculieu, MrM ", ,', $25 " ' · l' &s :::. T 'omas . ormors, s "', Mrs'. Raymond Williams, Catb- , garet F. Cox & Miss Helen P. erine Sullivan, 'Mrs. ~,; fIarold Cox. Smith, Margaret Connors. Mrs. Henrietta Kosior, Mr. '& Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Dorman Mrs. Henry L. Ko'sior, Mrs. Rose St. Joseph's Women's Guild Baldwin, Mrs. Mary Mello, Mr. $20 & Mrs. Everett F. Ferris. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. John Hajder, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Higginson Robert P. Hajder, Mr. & Mrs. Sr. Eugene Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Henry Munroe, Mr. &: James Hoyle Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Peter Collias, Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Lapre. Charles Trainor. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Pizio, Mr. $15 & Mrs. John F. Hallisey, Mr. & Mr ,& Mrs. John Connors, ~ Mrs. Anthony F. Camuso, Mr. ON WASHINGTON SCENE: Attorney General Robert~ ~&,~s. Raymond Golden. & Mrs. John A. Powers, Ellen d f th F d" .' $12 Nugent. F1~ Kennedy accepts' the Brien McMahon awar o. . e ,9~'" HelEm McAvor" In memory cd Miss Eileen Sullivan, Mrs. ham: University Club of Washington for outstandmg servIce James F. Gray. EliZabeth Fernandez, Joseph R. from Father Lawrence J. McGinley, former president of $U Hathaway, Genevieve R. & the university. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare & Mrs. John Pavao, Min. ..,. Anna J. Hathaway, Mr. & Mrs. " " I b l k NC Ph t Pauiline Rebello" Mr. & Min. Francis J. Quinn. Alrthony J. Ce e reeze 00 s on ' O. Donald Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mr. & Mrs. Francis Bigos, Mr. 01JB' LADY OF THE' ANGELS ESPIRlTO SANTO Fazio, 'Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Co. &. Mrs. Thomas J. Beaulieu, Mr. $200 sidme. & Mrs. William Davis, James H. $50
Rev. Joao,V. Resendes MI'. & Mrs. Henry Medeil'GSt Morey & Family, Mr. & Mrs. John, C. Travis
$30 Mr. & Mrs. John Ward, Ma17 John L. Dean. $25 Rev:, Manuel Andrade SU:Lli~an,~r. & Mrs. Frank LG.Jm, manie! F. Sullivan, Kathryn p ck & Troop 76 Boy Scouts $25 bardl, Emily Downey. . M: Drogue, Mrs. Lillian Guthrie, ~t'o' Vie'ra Victor Santos EspiritQ Santo C.Y.O., Mr. &, }il'. & Mrs. Frank Harnn?1'@)~ Mr. & Mrs. John M. Simas Jr., Rift :.~ to I , , Mrs. Antonio Oliveira~ Mr. & Mrs. Harvey MontlgmJIP. Miss Dorothy McLachIan. c ar ou. Mr. & Mrs. John George Dr. & Mrs. Edward Cataldo, ~ Miss Helen Cavanaugh, Mr. ' . $15 $10, & Mrs. Edward Kelly. . & Mrs. Micl1ael "Murphy, Mr. & Jose' M. Lmdo Mr. & Mrs. Jose T. Olhreira, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Laliberie" Mrs. Paul B. Cullen, Catherine $10, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel S. Pacheco, Mr. & Mrs~, James Murray, M\P'Phy, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E., Emil:w & Odilia Costello, Man Mr. & Mrs. John Nunes, Mr. & Edward Galligan, Mary Cr~ Kitchen. uel Costa, John T~encha~a Sr., Mrs. Joseph Medeiros, Mr. AIl:::' Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Lavoi~. Mr. & Mrs. J'8mes' F. Rooney, Louis Manso, FranCIS AgUIar. tonio Cauto. "" , M r . & Mrs., Arthur PD~_ Franklin A. Murphy, Mrs. Frank Mrs. Louise Wheadon, Manuel Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pavao, 'Mr. Jeanne Cahill, Mr. & Mrs~ Wil B. Lindsey, Miss Rosetta W. Su1 Furtado, Antonio Carreira, Louis & Mrs. Manuel M. Silva; Mr. & fred Salois" Mr. & Mrs. Frallm. . livan, Mr. & Mrs. John Fay. 'Mello, Peter Silva. , Mrs Antonio Alves, Mr. & 'Mrs. Powell, Mr.' &: Mrs. Geol!'ge., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cote, Mr. " Marceljno, De Mello, Leonel· ' Jess'e Moreira Mr. & Mrs. 'Man Arruda. , &, Mrs. Raymond J. McMullen Cordeiro, Edmund Vieira, John uel Medeiros.' " ',', Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Dan~" Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Leo LaFleur" Carreira, Arthur Souza. Mr. David Medeiros,' Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. James Doherty, Mrs. Maureen Harrington, Margaret Leo Burns, 'Fortunata Travas Mrs. Simon Cabral, Mr. &' Mrs. , Mary' Shel'IIlan, Mary McNally., & Herman Springer. sos; Manuel ,Arruda, Manuel Herman Borges, Mr: & Mrs. Ar. William Greany. , Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Dennis, Alves; John Roderick. thur Vital, Mr. & Mrs.' Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wallace,. N(lra McLaughlin. Miss Mary Carreira, Mrs; Souza.' In memory of Arthur E. Buc~e.,.., ' Helena' Sousa,' Manuel Costa, Mr. &' Mrs. Manuel' Vincent" Mary O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. James 1 Manuel Catrina, Orner Lizotte. Mr: & Mrs. Joaquim M. Nunes, Connearney, Mr; &. Mrs. Leo , ST. LOUIS John Perreira, Mrs. Dorothy Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Costa, Mr. & Griffin. , . $25 Janssen, Coray Family, Raul Mrs. Edmund Pavao; Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John McAymrl, Dr. Hanrahan Family, Mrs. Marion Fernandes, George Pontes. , Louis Perry. , & Mrs. Joseph Clark, Mr. & M~ l\:;:urphy. Carl Dionizio, Mr. Edward Mr. Manuel Miranda Jr., Mr. Wi~am Heffernan Jr., Mi. II; Casimiro; Joseph Duarte, M~. & Mrs. Roberto Simoes, Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon Goulet. $20 M~nuel Rebello, AntonioRl Mrs. John Pieroni, Mr. & Mrs. ST. ELIZABETH Mr. Ann Tuttle. belFo. Vincente Costa, Mr. & Mrs. $15 John Moniz, Joseph Kice, John Joseph M. Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. $200 Margaret & Edward McAn Camara Jr., Manuel Perry, Man. David Gergora. Rev. .Toao de Medeiros drew Frank Shay, Betty Shay, uel' Camara. $30 Holy Rosary Sodality BLESSED SACRAMENT Irene' Reynolds. Rev. Ernestc R. Borges $200 $10 $25 SANTO CHRISTO St. Vincent de Paul Society Mr. & Mrs. Edward Vadebon Mr. & Mrs. Manuel S. Borges. $100 $14 coeur Mr. & Mrs. John Fielding, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Araujo. Rep; & Mrs.' Manuel C. Faria Eugen Roussin Mrs. Susan Powers, Mr. & Mrs. $i5 $75 $10 William Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Miss Evangelina Furtado Rev. Daniel L. Freitas' Antonia Bourque, R,omeo ward Moisan. $10 Champagne, Emile Auger, Ro-, CYOof St. Louis,A Friend"M. $50 William Letender Jr., Vincent land Lavoie, Rodolphe Simonin. Julia Brenner,' John Whitty, Mr. Sb. Vincent de Paul Tetuan, Joseph Mello Jr., M;m.. Anonymous, Paul A. Bedard, uel C. Silvia, Manuel B1anco. & Mrs. Edward F. Murphy. $35 Henri Desilets, Alfred Levesque Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Linney, Mr. & Mrs. John Brilhante Agostinho Oliveira, Joseph & Family, Arthur E. Desrosiers. Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Sullivan, Mr. RodrigueS', Manuel Furtado, Nor $20 & Mrs. Nathan De Moranville, man Cabral. 1!st' & 2nd Grade ChHdren ST. ANTHONY OF DESERT Mr. & Mrs. John Duclos, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Norman Rodriguea $15 $200 Mrs. Joseph R. Raymond. Sil'va Family, Flora. Moniz. Rev. Joseph Eid Mr. & Mrs. FrankSkammels, $100 $12 Mr.' & Mrs. Frederick McHugh, .. Dr. & Mrs. James J. Sabra Antonio' Benevides Mr~ &' Mrs: Joseph Motta, Mr. &: $25 Mrs. RallJh Hunt, Mr. & Mrs. $10 Mr. &, Mrs. Victor Badwey' Louis Furtado. Maria Pacheco, Vera Cavaco, . Mr. & ~. Thomas GaJib Joseph A. Charpentiel"
Mr. & Mrs. Walter E~ Quinlan, Amelia Soares, Antonia Furtado Reg, Pharm.
15 Mr; & Mrs. Joseph Correa, Mrs. andl Son, Stella Souza. m. WY 6-0772, Blessed; Mother Guild'. James Benson, Mr. & Mrs-. .. Victor S. Aguiar, Evelyn Ma $11 ,PRESCRIPTIONS Joseph Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert cl'rado' Antone Rezendes, Manuel Mr. &, Mrs. Vincent Shea, Willette; Margaret Kehoe, Mr. & 1902 ACUSHNET AVE. Fidalgo" Mr. & Mrs. Maximiliano $10. ' Mrs: Walter Wilkins; NEW BEDFORD 'I!!l:v:aros; Holy; Rosary Sodality, Holy, Adel'aide Soares Patricia Cab;,. Name Society, Children of Mary, HOLY CROSS l'aI; Mary Cabral,' Manuel Silva; , CYO organization. $200 Nl'i': & "Mrs: Joseph Souza. Mr. & Mrs. Faheem J. Assad, lIJennis Pimentel, 'Jose .An Franciscan Fathers Mr. & Mrs; Joseph R. Assad, Mrs. tunes; Lillian Diogenes, Laure Saleem Assad & Family, Mr. & $25 Plumbing - Heating ano Silva. Mrs. Peter Attar, Mr. & Mrs;, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Szulewski Fouad Corey; Over 35, Years Rosary Society of Holy ~ross HOLY ROSARY Mr. & Mrs. Albert Faris, MrS. Church of Satisfied Service $20 " Tanous Faris & Family, Mrs. $12 Mr. &: Mrs. Dennis PatotJo Peter George & Family, Mr. &: 806 NO. MAIN STREn'
Mr. & Mrs. R. Canuel $15 Mrs. Charles. Howayeck, Mr. & Fall' River OS 5-7497
Jolin Salvo &, Family. Mrs. Louis Howayeck. ' ' $10 Mr. & Mrs. George' Howayeck, $10 Militia of Mary Immaculate of AMerica Bacci; Mr., & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred P.' Massoud, Holy, Cross Church, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Campos, Peter Cante~ol Mr. & Mrs. Edward :Massoud, H~ Collura, Mr. & Mrs. J. Kollar ski, Holik Family, Mr. & Mrs. Mr.:, & Mrs. Salvatore Carpinelli, Samuel. Nagem, Atty. Michael Sahady. ,Fhank Colaneri. M. Regan. Mr. & Mrs. Saleem Sabady, Councillor & Mrs. Edward E. Antonina Szpak, Mr. & Mrs. C. Magriby, Mr. & Mrs. J.' Rys, Dolan Mr. & Mrs. P. A. Emile Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sarkees, Mr. Inc~ Mary Rys, Mr. M. Gula and Duran'd, Mary & Bert Ferioli, & Mrs. Mitchell Sweet. Mr. August Badway, Mr & Mrs 94 TREMONT STREET Mils. Francis Joseph, Mr. & Mrs. Family. Louis Badwey, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Anna Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Jo~. William Leary. TAUNTON, MASS. Mrs. Albert J. Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Saab, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Swi. Staffa, Mr. & Mrs. W. KurowskI, Tel VAndyke 2-0621 Mr. & Mrs. J. ZUkowski, Mrs. John S. Sousa, The Sons of Italy dey, Mr. & Mrs. Nasib Shaks, Mr. & Mrs. George Shaker. -Loggia Veneto. E. Bradbury.
Mno' .
• •• 'Cleansers • ••
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 16, 1963
William Hacking, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Simon Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. HOLY NAME Charles Peloquin. $300 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Sullivan,
In memory of Charles E. &: Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Walsh, Jan
Margaret Bonner ice Farrell, The Misses Anne &
$125 Mary Hampston. Dr. & Mrs. John C. Corrigan Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wordell, $100 Mr. & Mrs. James Flannery, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. 'William A. Torphy & Mrs. William Aylward, Mr. & Mr, & Mrs. Hector Mongeau Mrs. Elia Giusti, Mr. & Mrs. Jos Dr. & Mrs. F. J. D'Errico ' eph F. Doran. Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Higgins Mr. & Mrs. John Bailey, Yo $90 lande LaLiberte, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs..J ames Sullivan Louis Gleason, Margaret Skehan, $75 Mr. & Mrs. John Mullaly. Rev. Donald A. Couza Mr. & Mrs. James Lawlor, Wil $50 liam F. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. George L. Sisson Francis Dolan, Mr. & Mrs. John lVIr. & Mrs. Eugene Pontiff Dziduszko, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Dr. & Mrs. John Carvalho Urban. $30 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Bochenek, Mrs. Daniel J. Crotty & family , Mr. & Mrs. George Nugent, Mr. Atty. &: Mrs. James A. Heaney & Mrs. William F. O'Neil, Mrs. George Driscoll, Joseph Giblin, Mr. & Mrs. David $25 A. J. Burns. Mrs. Clyde A. Murphy, Helena Mrs. Honora, Sullivan, Mr. & Y. Sullivan, Elinore Kennedy, Mrs. Joseph Escobar, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nagle, Mr. &: Raymond Phillips, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Antonio Luongo. T. Comiskey, Anna Mae Owen. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W., Cum Mr. & Mrs. James Owen, Mrs. mings, Mr. & Mrs. J. T. C. Ambrose F. Keeley, Mr. &' Mrs.
McGuire, The Nash Family. The David P. Patota.
Kenny Family, Mr & Mrs James Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Rockett Jr.,
B. Kelley Jr. Mr. & Mrs. R. F. McConnell, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Brissette, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cullen, Alice • Mrs. Thoma.s F. Burke. Condoll, Mr. & Mrs. William Mr. & Mrs. Howard Melker Higgins. Mr. & Mrs. George Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Mitchell Margaret E. Morgan, Mr. & Mrs. Mr.. & Mrs. Cornelius Lynch Mario Antonelli, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Sullivan John E. Cruger, Ann Sherry. The Madden Family Mr. & Mrs. William Henry, Mrs. John Welch Frances Warrener, Raymond Mrs. Thomas F. &: Eileen. Beausoleil, Mr. & Mrs. Edward HIggins Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mahoney O'Donnell. Mr. & Mrs. William Lynch Mr. & Mrs. James E. Donnelly, $20 Grace 'Cuttle, Barrett Family, The Byrne Family, Mr. & Mrs.' Michael Lowney, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Foley, Mr. & Mrs. An Raymond Monahan. Iho'ny Geary, Catherine A. Ly Harold Higgins, Mr. & Mrs. .gM, Mary Lysaght. Henry Horn, Mr. & Mrs. E. L. Mrs. Frank Kingsley, Mr. &: McCarthy. , Mrs. ,Thaddeus Golitz, Clarenee NOTRE DAME Bonner. $200 Mr. & Mrs. James Higgins, Mr. N.D.S.V.P. Exchange • Mrs. Kenneth Reinerio, Mr. &: $75 Mrs. John Johnston. ' Rev. J. Adrien Bernier Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brindley $35 $15 Robert Phenix Mr. & Mrs; Henry J. Lemerise, $30 William 'Ready, Mary Smyth, Mathilda Lussier Family Mr., & Mrs. James A. Reilly, $25 Hannah C. Higgins. Armand Raiche, Edward La Mary J. Higgins, Rudolph La Vault, Mr. ,& Mrs. C. F. Leonard., croix, A Friend. $20 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Lynch Jr. Dr. Maurice Demers, Omer Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Phelan, Harrison. Mr.. & Mrs. Frank Plichta ':Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Powers, $15 Geo. A. Benoit, Cecile .B. Mr. & Mrs. Romeo McCallum, The Donovan Family, Mrs. Mary Anctil, The Paquette-Ledoux Biggins. ' Family, Emile J. Amiot. , $12 $12 Paul Lamontagne Mr. & Mrs. Howard MarcouIC, Mr. & Mrs. John Gallagher. $10 Wilfrid J. Poirier, The A. &: C. $10 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sullivan, Marchand, Misses G. & A. Lus Mary, V. Murphy, VincentJ. sier, Armand Lussier, Roger La Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Leo V. bonte. Gaffney, Mrs. Thomas J. HarCecile Gendreau, Conrad Des rington. ' marais, J.' M. A. Alumnae, Paul Dumont, Albert R. Berger. Marcella Regan, Mrs. Ed Victor ,Delisle, OsCar Boud~ ward J. Halpin, Mr. & Mrs. Rjchard Dussault, Mr. &: Mrs. reau, Alberta Moreau, 'Leo Fer':' .Joseph Dion, The Finglas Family. land, Esther Desrosiers. ' Marcel Roy, . Omer CarOll,' The Misses Elinor &: Alice Lettaghan, John W. Cummings, Achille Labonte, Albert Lusig' . Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Neves, Mr. nan, Arthur Chabot.· It Mrs. Francis Tansey, Mr. &: Thiboutot - Dufresne, 'Leopold Mrs. William Watson. Desrosiers, Omer 'Thibault, Rob ert Forand, Earl Gillett. Helen G. Law, Mr. &: Mrs.Ed Adelard J. Canuel, Jos. E. ward B. Downs, Mr. &: Mrs. Wil fred Morrissette, Mr. & Mrs. Mercier, Donat Villandre, Leo John Sullivan III, Gertrude L. Soucy Jr., Andrew Poitras. Mercier. Arthur Lhomme, Aime' La Mr. & Mrs. William H. Moran, chance Jr., Normand' Sevigny, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Conboy, Desmarais-Dorais Family, Lydia Mr. & Mrs. ~ussell Pichette, Lavigne. Kathleen Pearson, Mrs. Roland Liboire Tetreault, Arsene Reed. Dextraze Sr., Alcide Desmarais, Mrs. Daniel Shaughnessy, Jos. R. Gagnon, Normand Bro Mr. & Mrs. Frank McGrath, deur Family. .!d Kathleen Smyth, Florence Ma Rolan,. -.<.;arde, Edward Bou lone, Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Har chard, Roland O. Bisson Jr., rington Edgar St. Martin, Armand Bro Mr. & Mrs. Robert Matthews, deur. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lavoie, Mrs. Louise St. Laurent, lS'ap Le:' James Kearns, Mr: & Mrs. James vesque, Rabul Vallee, Normand R. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. William Petit, Donald Bernier.
Walsh. ' Adelard Bernier, Maria Dow
Mrs. Timothy A. Lovett, Mr. ling, Robert Chouinard, Edward & Mrs. Thomas H. Sears, Mr. & Rivard, Nap Vaillancourt. Mrs. Louis Couto, Mrs. Winston Edmond 'Lizotte, John E. Ankastrfan, In memory of Henry Ponte, Alma McPadden, Chs Bunting, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Dil Cholette, Emile Roussel. lon. Camille Desrosiers, Adrien 'Emma McDermott, Mrs. James Cote, James Morrissey, Oscar J. E.: Sullivan, Grace Sullivan, Dube, George Pouliot. ' ~ary C. Ward, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Angelina Lapointe, Homer McGuigan. Lapointe, Arthur Forest, Antonio 'Margaret Lahey, Mr. & Mrs. J. Bernier, Ronald. A. Levesque.
Fall River
AMAZING RECOVERY: Father H. A. Reinhold of Pittsburg, one of the nation's best known liturgy experts, and the author of four books on theology, is back at his typewriter after an amazing recovery from the dread Parkinson's disease. The subject of a new treatment, Father Reinhold, only one of 2,000 patients who have been helped by the new technique, which involves the destruction of certain brain cells, was operated on at St. Barnabas Hospital for Chronic Diseases, New York. NC Photo. ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL
Mr. & Mrs. William Gorman, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Lynch, Mr. '& Mrs. Eugene LeClair, Mrs. Margaret Morrissey, Francis A. and Lena Moran. Mr. & Mrs. James A. Robinson Jr., Mr. & Mrs. James A. Robin son, Joseph Lynch, Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Carroll, Gertrude Har~ rington. Joyce Wolstenholme, Jeanne Wolstenholme, Judith Wolsten holme, Manuel Almeida, 'Mrs. Emma Sullivan and Jane. The Loughman Family, Mar garet Murphy, Helen M~rphy, Dorothy Sayward, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Ryan. . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Desrosiers, William Burke, Mr. & Mrs. An thOny Machado, Mrs. Cathrine MOffat, Mr. & Mrs. John Hart. Mr. & Mrs. Rene Tremblay. Harriet Wingate, Mary Maleady. Rita O'Loughlin. '
Mr .. Roger Guerette. James Charbonneau, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Mannes,. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Barselou, Thomas Hough, William Long. ' Mr~ .., Frank Labounty, Ray mond O'Toole, Gerard Goyette, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Aubrey, Samuel Pullen. Henry S. Gillet, Leo J. Mar coux, Mathias Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Rob'ert Martel, Louise Gas par. Mr. & Mrs. William Ledo, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Gagnon, Eugene Bourdon, James E. Powers, Gro ver Shurtleff. Charles Sicard, Mr. & Mrs. William Mellen, Mrs. Patricia Y. Bennett, George Charbonneau. Rudolph Fragoza. Lillian Wallbank, Mildred Curry, James McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Ravenelle, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Lopes. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Camara, Charles Carvalho, Arthur Paul, Mrs. Opalma Marchand, Char lotte Nicholson. Alice Nicholson, Raymond Estrella, Conrad Ouellette, Ed-, ward A. Sweeney Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chouinard. Mr. & Mrs. John M. Eastwood, Leo Longchamps, Leo J. Caine Jr., Carlton Hindle, William Brailey. Joseph Andrade, Mary Har rington, John G. Burgess, Mrs. Hilda Wilkinson, Edward Board man. Christopher Keene, Henry Venturini, William McHenry, Emile Gaudreau, Mary Medeiros. Raymond Lafleur, Mr. &' Mrs. Robert St. Pierre, Mrs. Lillian Lynch, Mrs. Philip Roach, John V. Aguiar~ Emile Pineault, Everett La fleur, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Ga mache, John Albernaz, Ade.lia Connell. John O'Brien, James F. Moore, Wilfred Marchand, Anna M. Simpson, Mrs. John Walsh. Grace Walsh,' Roger Messier, David Bixler, Mr. & Mrs. James L. Sweeney.
$50 James F. Diskin $25 Mrs. Ellen and Miss Helen Kenney, William J. and Cecilia Sheehan, Mrs. Josephine Hurley, Mary Hurley. ST. MICHAEL $20 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Holleran, $100 Mr. & Mrs. William White, Mrs. Gilbert Oliveira Frank Whelly, Catherine Lynch. $75 $15 Rev. Gilbert J. Simoes Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sewell, Mrs, Elizabeth McGinn & Wini $50 Miss Evelyn Almeida fred & Margaret Britland, Mr. &' Mrs. Jerome Foley II, Mrs. $25 Margaret Kelliher, Mrs. Ken August Curt drick Reynolds, Mrs. Laurence $20 Kidd. Dr. Joseph Carvalho, Gerald $12 Mulrooney. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Santiago $15 $10 Mary Carvalho, Gilbert Coroa. Mr. & Mrs. 'Jerry Grondin & Joseph Motta Jr. Family, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cot $12 IlWMACULATE CONCEPTION trell, Sara E. Booth, The Fer loseph S. Correia reira Family, Ann Standish. $10 $.25 Amelia Standish, Mr. & Mrs. The Pelleiter Family 'Arthur Ama,rello, Alfred H~la Francis Powers, George Contant, $20 rio Camara, Albert Capeto, Joao Mrs. Veronica Curry, Edward Mr. & Mrs. James E. Donnelly Estrella, Joseph Ferreira. Daylor. $15 ' Gerald Freitas, Henry Gua,.. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Manning, Jane H. Sullivan, Dominick M;lDuel Latway, ~ntonio Lindo, John O'Brien, Margaret G. John Lindo. Sperduti, Jean Sperduti, Rose Diskin, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Mul. Manuel C. Medeiros, Noel Me mary Dussault, George S. Gas rooney, Mr. &: Mrs. William H. deiros, Antone Mello,' Gilbert par, Margaret Connell.. Caine: Mello, Lawrence Mello. ' $12 Mr. &, Mrs. Arthur Ferreira, Diane Motta, Julia Motta, Ce 'John Hinchcliffe, Mrs. Henry Mrs. Eiizabeth Fitzgerald, Mr. &: ciiia Oliveira, Antone Pereira, Hindle. Mrs. George Kimball, William Manuel Perry. $11 O'DoTlnell, Mr. & Mrs. Owen 'Alfred Rocha, Gil Santos, Leo William J. Dugan Finnegan. Sl;h~mck, Manuel Silvestre, Rich $10 Mr. & Mrs. Giiles Collins, Mr. Alfonso Oliveira, Mrs. Michael ard Simmons. & Mrs. Raymond Reynolds, Wil 'Jose Souza, Joseph Souza, P. Ryan, Donald Ralph, Jolin liam White Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wolstencroft. ' Coffey, Grace Hindle. Charles Pevide, Rosalie Feliz John E. Pettine, Benjamin Mc berto. , ST. ROCB Mr. & Mrs. John Kirby, Alice Bride, Mr. & Mrs. James TOlin, $25 Fitzpatrick, Grace Kirby, Mr. & Ronald Archambault, Roger J. Mr. & Mrs. Romain Saulnier Mrs. Eugene Bertrand, Mr. & Lafrance. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Amiot, Mt·s. Edward Bryant. $20 Mrs. Austin Walker, Francis ~ilton Garvin, William Guil Marie Rita Patenaude mette, Agnes Whittle, Albert Stone, Joseph Dunse, Patricia $15 Gagnon. Sullivan, Charlotte Kiley. Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Dansereau Edmund Couture, William Da Edward Darcy, Mrs. Robert $10 vies Jr., Robert Cavaco, Mr. & Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Virginio Lau Mr. & Mrs. Albini Bouchard, Mrs. John 'Long, Gilbert E. renc, William Gastall, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Henri Berube, Mr. & Dailey. Mrs. Joseph O'Connell. Mrs. Alban McCallum, Mr, & Mr. & Mrs. Paul Boissoneau, The Connors Family, Mr. & Mrs. William Morrissette, Mr. & James O'Hara, Antone Camuso, Mrs. Mark Sullivan, Alice M. Mrs. Anastasia Hickey, Mr. '& Mrs. Edouard Patenaude. Higgins, Mr. & Mrs. John Mc Tague, Mr. & Mrs. Chester E. Kulpa. Mrs. Agnes Rosa, Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Fennessey, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hall, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Martin & Family, Elizabeth Hall. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Biltcliffe, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Murphy, James Keating, Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Cummings, Mrs. Margaret Dennehy. Mrs. Nellie Thibault, Mr. & Mrs. Myles Standish, Mr. & Mrs. 12 -14 COURT ST., TAUNTON, Tel. 824-8644 Manuel Benevedes, Mrs. Robert Lally, Mrs. Catherine Leary.
Fall River,
rH£ ANCHOR-Dioce!oe of Fon·River-Thurs., May 16, 1963
Dominican Fathers $110' Dr. &I Mrs. Paul De vrn:D $30 . Mr. &; Mrs. William St.Georttes $!5 Loretta G. :Fillion A. Friend $20 A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Bellerive, Edilbert Brault. Dr. A del a I' d Demers, ,Adelard Gauthier. . Agnes Guy, Mr. &; Mrs. Fabien Phenix, Cec~e Sutton. $15 The Misses Couillard, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph O. St.Denis, Pauline Sorel.
$12 MY. & Mrs. Charles W. Bin-.: inger, Arthur Braneo, Mr. & " Mrs. Charles Gagnon, Mr~ &; Mrs. Edward C. Miclmo. $10 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Auclair. Mr. & Mrs. Emile Beaudry, Mr. & Mrs. Antonin Bedard, Mr. & Mrs. James M. Blackburn, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Boulanger. . Arthur Bourgeois, Estelle .':" Bourgoin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cabral, Louise Caron, Mr. &; TRAIN FOR LAY APOSTOLATE: An institution Mrs. Edouard Cote. founded and maintained by the diocese of Padua, Italy, has Mr. &; Mrs. Fernand Cote, Mr. ove!' the ·Past 13 years provided more than 80 medical mis &; Mrs. Albert Coulombe, lIIfr. &; Mrs. Rene O. Desmarais, Mrs. sionaries for the Church's missions in India, Formosa, Duncan Doyle, Mr. &; Mrs. David Japan, Jordan, Iraq, Israel, and 14 African nations. The Driscoll. Univel"Sity College of Medical Missionary Aspirants was Bertha Duclos, Alice Dwnont, the idea of Dr. Francesco Canova of the University of Mr. II: Mrs. Herve Forcier, Leo J. Gagnon, Alphonse Gariepl'. Padua~ who recognized the great importance'that a hospital Caliste; Gauthier F lit mil y , Gauthier FamiIy, Mr. & Mrs. Honorius Goddu, Mr. & Mrs. Loridas Jolivet, 'Rita Ken.ney. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ken.ney, Marie Lafrance, Blanche ,La FALL KIVEll Fairhaven-5acred Hearts 451.00 pointe, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel st. Mary $6,749.60 Falmouth-St. Patrick 5,711.00 Lauzier, Marie Lebeau. Blessed Sacrament 1,535.00 HyanniS'-Arthur G: Lecours, Eva Leten Espirito Santo 1,293.50 dre, Mr. &; - Mrs. Armand Levu St. Francis Xavier 12,655.50 18,640.00 seur, Mr. &; Mrsc Louis Levesque, HQly Name 6,202.50 , 93!!1.25 Mansfield-St. Mary Mr. &; Mrs. Thomas J. Levesque. Holy Cross MattapoisettNotre Dame 5,600.00 Bertha Martel, Mr., &; Mrs. st. Anthony . ~,149.50 Beu! MmeI, Martineau Family, Our Lady of the. ~l:s 4,&llUJ& 2,278.50 NantucketMr. & ¥rs. Edouard Melanson, Our Lady of Health Holy Rosary 2,689.00 Mr. & Mrs. Albert L. Michaud. Our Lady of the Jste 3..018.00 Octav:ie Monquin, Blanche Immaculate Conception 5,294.25 No. Dighton-St. Joseph 1,739.00 Ouellette, Mr. & 'Mrs. Arsene Sacred Hea.t't 10,784.50 North EastonPelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Joseplt R. St. Anne 1,863.25 Immaculate Conception ',849.25 St.. ,Anthony of Padua 1,731.00 Pelletier, Gilberte' Poitras. Romeo Poulin, Marie Louise St. Anthony of Desert 1,032.00 North WestportOur Lady of Grace 2,118.50 Robert, Mr. & Mrs. Walter St. Elizabeth 1.012.00 2,457.50 Romanowicz, Mr. & Mrs. Albert St. John the Baptist 2,603.00 NOrton-St. Mary 5t. Joseph . 5,164.50 Savard, Ida Simard. Oak BluffsAlbert J. Sirois, Mr. &; Mrs. S1. Louis ~,%15.25 Sa~red Heart 1,560.00 Edward Soares, l\lr-. c!t !\In. St. Matthew 2',003.00 Oceall Grove.Roland Sorel, Mr. & Mn. H~ St. Michael 3,250.35 2,339:.50 St. Michael Tremblay, Mr. ,& Mmr. Antone St. Patrick 5,lJ81.5(}1 Va i 11 a nco u r t, Mr. & Mrs. 5S. Peter &; Paul 4,503.00 Orleans-St. Joan of Arc 1,808.00 Philippe Vinc~lette. St. Roeh. 2;672.65 St.' StaniSlaus 1,734.00 Ostuville-AsswnptiOll 2,661.00 St. William. 4;.5IUJO Pro"'Vincetown-St. Peter 1,464.81 %,629'.00 Santo Christo, , " 2,OO6,5Q Ranyham....:..st. Ann Sandwich- ' € o rpl.is Christi 3,931.50 Seekonk-Mt. Cannel 3,957.50 'rhe Fall River Area CYO win Soinerse~' . hold its Third Annual Art Festi.. . Acushnet-" .. 3,229.65 val on Tuesday,' May 21, at 1J:30 St. John of Gad St. Francis' Xavie!' 3,431.25 St. Patrick . 4,435.00 P.M. ill the .Ca,toolic Cornm.~1:!r ASSonet-St. lilernard' ~,161.09. St. Thomas More' 7,95UlCl Center en Franklin· Street. Features of this year's FestiVal BWJZards. Bay> So~th Dartmouth .St. Margaret 3,&89-.{)0 include a May. Shrine conted by G,21UO ,51. Mary tbe, parochi.a~S(:hools, of the uea Cente.rvilleSouth Yarmouth~ and a mission display· of arti. Our LaQy of 'W~ 2,493.00 5,032.00. ,st. Pius X faets by the Columban Fathenf Central Villag~ Swanseaand Sisters. . 51. John Baptist 1,799.00
Our· Lady of Fatima' 4,692.G8 There will also be a display of, Chatham--'o ' 3,05CU)& St. Dominie: the. ~rks, at th~ Area. Art "Holy Redeemer 3,406.00 St. LOuis of France, 3,'100.50 Classes, ~ Prom Ideal Poster 762.00 Vineiard Haven showing designs of dresses to be Dightqa,-St. ,pe.ter St. Augustine 1,485.00 worn at formal, affairs, and the East Brewster- . Our Lady or.the ,Cape 1,358.00 ' WarehaJn.-,:...stc Patrick 6,~9.00 Poster Art displa;y contest be tween the Cathedral and Sacred East FalmouthWest HarwichHeart Junior High, Camp Fire, ,St. Anthony,. : 1,824-.00 Holy Trinity 2,477.00 and Blue Bird groups. Fairhaven-St. Joseph 5,132.75· Westport-St. George 2.,396.00 The F~stival wiH. concludle Fairhave~-st;l. Mary 1,204.75 Woods Hol~St. Joseph 1,597.00 with the awarding of prizes to winners in the various categories. ~.I~I'-'()~_~_(J~_tl_n.-.u~~~-.o-' _1I_li_e.-.":.
directed by a Catholic doctor could have in contributing to mission work. At right, Archbishop Pietro Sigismondi, Secretary of the 'Sacred Congegation for the Propagation of' the Faith, blesses the missionary crucifix assigned to Dr. Marco Fabbri as he prepares to depart for Nigeria. At left, a group' of medical mission students experience a happy moment as they wait for assignments around the world. NC Photo.
.. :'
Here Are Totals to Dote for Each Parish In Diocese
Fall River Holds CYO Art Festival
Jewish Newspaper Lauds Pope John ' MINNEAPOLIS (NC) - A Jewish I newspaper here has praised Pope John as a uZadik -a man of infinite righteous ness." The American Jewish World, weekly publication serving Jews in Minnesota, commended Pope
Jolm in an editorial for his
eHorts to promote Catholic-Jew
ish friendship and for his recent peace encyclical Pacem in Ter ris (Peace on Earth)'. "We Jews regard him as a Zadik-a man of infinite ri&Jli. eoa_esa-ior he hu endeared ~ to 1U . . no other III 1be . . . boistery ei the ppaq," . .
.lewWl . . .lilllUcL
I I t
CLASSES - JUNE 24 - JULY 26 FIVE DAYS WEEKLY 9:00 A.M. to 11 :30 A.M.
REGISTRATION: May 18 and 25 - 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
May 26 to 29 - 7:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M.
Application fo,. admissio.1l may be. made on days other than those stated- above by appointm.nt~ •
TAUNTON NEW BEDFORD Holy. Family 1,478.5t Holy' Name 7,685.00 Holy Rosary 760.0' Holy Rosary 495.00 Immaculate ConceDtion 3,788.50 Immaculate Conception 3,251.50 2,984.50 O. L. of Lourdes Mt. Carmel 8,984.95 Sacred Heart 4,117.00 O. L. of Perpetual Help 200.00 5t. Anthony 2,783.00 O. L. of Purgatory 50.00 St. Jacques 3,746.041' Sacred- Heart 3,345.05 St; Joseph 4,793'.Oft S1. Anne 2,083.25 St. Mary 6,875.211 St. Anthony of Padua 3,133.00 St. Paul 4,346.51 St. Boniface 221.00 511. Casimir 441.00 ATTLEBOkO St. Francis of Assisi 1,212.50 Holy Ghost 2,650.oe· St. Hedwig 150.00 St. John 9,565.01 St. Hyacinth 1,293.00 St. Joseph 3,520.OG St., James 12,644.00 St. Mary 4,772.Ot St. John the Ba~ist 5,126.80 St. Stephen 3,396.56 St. Joseph 8,235.72 'S1. Theresa 4,057.58 St. Kilian 2,952.50 NORTH A'1'TLEBORO St. LaWTenee 13,518.25 2,23,6.00 St. Mary 4,454.00 Sacred Heart 9,848.00 St. Theresa 3,583.00 St. MarY
Administers Confirmation to 280· At Home for Me....tall.y Reta rded LAPEER cr.. .' C) - Archbishop John F. Dearden of Detroit ad ministered Confirmation to 280 Catholic patients at 'the Lapeer State Home, Michiga.n's largest and oldest institution for the mentally handicapped:. The ceremony mark.ed the first time that Confirmati<!'ll has been administered to patients at the bome itself. Religious instruction classes have been conduded at the in stitution for the past five years,' but only in the last two years has the program been e.,"tpanded to include the mentally retarded. . 'At present, about 50 Catholic patients are under instruction, in preparation for making their First COIllJIlunion this year. Volullteer Teac:bers The age of participants in the
Be Thrifty - Be Wise Ask your Meatman for a
Bake in'the Bag-No Basting NMac" says "WINNING FAVOR Real 'Scotch Ham Flavorll
.~ ~~born• •~.!~~.~~!~!.._._._._.-J
MAYAGUEZ -(NC) - An is landwide rally of the Holy Name Society of Puerto,Rico will take place here on Sept. 1 and 2.
·Holy Name Rally
(MacGregor Brand)
i i
religious' instruction c I ass e S' ranges up to 70: The majority of those' in the Confirmation class were' 'over '40. . '.: 'The religious instruction pro.': gram is' conducted by' 26 volun..; teer teachers of the Confrater-:< nity of Christian Doctrine. Prot estant and, Jewish instructioD' classes are also conducted at the'· home, 'but the Catholic program, is the most extensive.
'Catholics amon'g the institu tion's 3,-000 resident' patient. niunce.rssome 1,000. . ',' ..
JUST at All Leading ASIC FOR Food Stores SWt'ETNICS in Massachusetts
THE ANCHOR Thurs.; May 16, 1963
$100 . In Memory of Rt. Rev. Msgr. John J. Kelly SS. Peter & Paul Conference, St. Vincent de Paul Society
$75 John Tyrrell $60 Mrs. Henry Daly & family $50 In Memory of Rt. Rev. Msgr. John J. Kelly Joseph Conaty
$35 DI". & Mrs. Edward T. Shan non MI". & Mrs. Francis Taylor $30 Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Hodkin son $25 Mr. & Mrs. William Patten, Mr. . & Mrs. Frank Sullivan, Eileen Keavy. The Sweeney Family Mr. & Mrs. George Gregory
. $20 Mr. & Mrs. James Rogers. Ed ward Murphy, Catherine A. Lynch, Helen C. S. Lynch, Charles P. Leary, Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Glynn. Mr. & Mrs. Roger R. Dube $16 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kelly
$15 Constance Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Americo DeMarco $12 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Leahy $11 Mr. & Mrs. FranCis Souza $10 . Edward Bo:wden, Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale DiMartino, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Machado, Lillian IV!. Rob erts, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Men donca. Daniel' Lynch,' Mr. & Mrs. • James Lundy, Ida Bagnall, Mr. &: Mrs. James Lync.h, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick McCarty.
Mrs. Eileen Blais, Julia Cahill, Mr. & Mrs. William Lomax, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dupont, Mrs. Agnes Mason. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Mithers, Nor man A. Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Zygiel, Mr. & Mrs.
.Thomas Callahan, Mr. & Mrs. John King. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sheahan,
Mr. & Mrs. William Dempsey,
MI"s. John W. Driscoll, Mrs. Evelyn Crowell, Edmund Crow ell. The Mattimore Family, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Croke, Charles Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mulcahy, Mr. & Mrs. Leroy T. Mills. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dillon, Mr. &. Mrs. George Oliveira, Mrs. Mary Shantlon, Mr. & Mrs. James Sunderland, Mr. & Mrs.
Eugene Cabral. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Millerick, c Mr. & Mrs. William O'Rourke, Everett Bray, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Vieira, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Travassos. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Raymond,
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Harney, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gosselin, Mrs. William F. Cummings, Bernard
Kelly & Angela Maitland.
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Autote,
Elizabeth Grace, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Nowicki, Mr. & Mrs. David Mott, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Dupont. John Dolan, Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Michael . McMahon, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Shaw: Mr. & Mrs. Robert Greene, Mr. &: Mrs. James Cox, Hazel Durfee, Mr. & Mrs. James Quinn, Helen Foster. Teresa Foster, Charlo.tte Brit land, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gree ley, Mrs. Edgar Richards, Mr. &: Mrs. Shaun Fitzpatrick. Mr.. & Mrs. Charles Dumais, James & Helen Parker, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Casey, Mark Bell, Mae Pjmental. Mary Cunningham, Dennis Cunningham, Mr. & Mrs. Wil liam Shea.
Mr. & Mt:s. John Dopart, Wal ter Sanocki,Mr. & Mrs. r.e. Autote, Mr. & .Mrs. M. Golem biewski, Mr. & Mrs. ThaddetU $75 Chrupcala. Rev. Robert S. Kaszynski Mr. & Mes. Benjamin Polak, $25 Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Bolger, Holy ROsary Sodality, St. Vin-' Mr. & Mrs. Jan Kowalczyk, Mr. cent de Paul Society, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Joseph Cichon, Mr. &: Frank J. Boyko Jr. Mrs. Joseph Banalewicz. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Warchol. $20 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wojcik, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zwolinski Mr. & Mrs.. William Wolowiec, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Peter Pietraszek, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kulpa, Ge'nevieve Pachurek; Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Mis. Kocon Beef and Provision Co. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Soczek, Mr. $15 & Mrs. Walter Tabak, Mr. & Mrs. CYO St. Stanislaus 'Parish Walter Polak, Frances Winiar $10 . Stella Dyl, Mr. & Mrs. Henry ski, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Klaege. Walter Deda, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Paruch, Mrs. Joan Perry, Mr. & Mrs. John Janik, Mr. & Mrs. ward Girza, Jean Drzal, Helen & Genevieve Pietraszek, Mr. & Adam Polak.
Mrs. Walter Pudlo. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Goscimin Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Stasiow ski, Edward Kocon, Mr. & Mrs. Casimir Babriarz, Mr. & Mrs. ski, Mr. & Mrs. George Wrobel, Stanley Rak, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Jan Wnenta, MalT Zmuda, Stanley Zmuda. Kosinski. Mary and Sophie Zmuda, Mr, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Petres, Vic toria Michno, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin & Mrs. Walter F. Zdabesz. Kosinski, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew ST. WILLIAM Gosciminski, Anne Drzal. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Knapinski, . $500 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Angelini, Mr. Rt. Rev. Raymond T. Considine & Mrs. Henry Zdon, John Jan$75
czura, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas PieRev. James A. McCarthy
traszek. $25
Elizabeth Urban, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Dooley, Leonard Judge, Helen and Alice John Connelly.
Weglowski, Mr. & Mrs. Maciej $10
Weglowski, Walter and Chester _Nora M. Sullivan, John J. Sul-
Weglowski. . livan, Idalina P. Mello, Mr. &:
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Korze- Mrs. Wilfred Cadieux, Mr. &
niowski, Mr. & Mrs. Julian Mrs. Louis Viveiros. Weglowski, Stanley Pypniowski, Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon Poirier,
Edward Iwanski, Mary Gagnon. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fisette,
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Krupa, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Coppinger, Mr. &:
Dorothy Wolowiec, Mary KUdla- . Mrs. Daniel Carvalho, Mr. &:
cik, Frederick Kudlacik, Mr. & Mrs. George Manchester. Mrs. Frederick Vitullo. Mr. & Mrs. John Synnott, Mr. Casimir Ferneza, Thaddeus &. Mrs. Antone Almeida, Mr. &: Kaminski, Josephine Repski, Mr. Mrs. Jeremiah Bolger, Mr. &: & Mrs. Frank Janas, Mr. & Mrs. . Mrs. Frank Harrington, Mrs. Joseph Sroczynski. Harold Robinson. Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Lawlor, Mr. & Mrs. "Franklin Manning. Helen Kosinski, Mr. & Mrs. . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Murphy, Joseph Whipp, Mr. & Mrs. . Mr. & Mrs. George Joseph, Mr. Joseph Amaral, Honorata Men-· & Mrs. John F. McPadden Jr., czywor. . Mr. & Mrs. James Stevens. $100 Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Boyko Sr.
NOVICE: Mis s Theresa Benjamin, Oxbridge, was invested as a Novice in the La Salette Sisters by Very Rev. Lionel Le May, M.S. superior of the Attleboro Seminary. . ST. MATmEU $10 . Mrsl Aurora Amarantes, Mr. &: Mrs. Leo Arsenault, Alice Boulay, Mr. & Mrs. Olivier Can tara, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Char land. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Deslau riers, Mrs. Rose Gauthier, Mrs: -Alphonse Houde, Mr. & Mrs. Herve Lavoie, Mr. & Mrs. Har old McNerney. Mr. & Mrs. Leon' Paquette, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Pratt.
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