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968 1T1hi0 Anchor


PRICE no.: p0l' V_r

C E f President.. InY@~ved. ~,n Catholic Education

Appeal Contributions Are Close to New

AII-T'ime Mark The 1968 Catholic Ohanties Appeal total reached $583,379~34 this morning, Last Oh:ail"man Roland A. Lafrance announced at Appeal Headquarters. The Lay Chairmallll Staid: ~'The Qooks of the Appeal will close on Friday at noon, May 24. It is hoped that aU parish solicitors and S1Pecial gift voluntee I" workers will. oomplete their remaining con­ . toots this week." Mr. Lafrance continued, "it is a'very "... _.._ ....BlPParent that every area in the diocese is charity-conscious and this is all due to the yearly appearance of new programs of' ohari'ty becoming realities. Charity is oontagious and love of neighbor in need has Fifteen leading parishes: beoome an essential way of Holy Name. Fall River$22,659.5@ life for members of aU sects St. Lawrence, 19,921.3lD New Bedford and. denominations through­

NEW YORK (NC) - 'The head of the nationwide Citizens for Educational Freedom and the director of the Bducation Department of the U.'S. Catholic Conference are JiWesently hooked-up in a cOllUtrovei'sy relative to Catholic ~cation which had its iUl. tePtion in a Jesuit periodical. -"") M ignores the fairest 'anell ,National C E F President, most effective education pro­ Ifi....,.l Meckl,eborg of Cinci ••- goom ever adopted in this IlI'<MI country. . llL'



has criticized !.Isgr. J'ames Donohue but the latter has

"We agree with Msgr. Dono­ . hue that Catholic schools are facing a financial crisis. But we

~lied that his critic "should . (jI) back and carefully read, the trilCle" which is'in line wt'th the d.isagree on both. the cause and lltand taken QY the U. S. Bishops the cure," Meckleborg SSlid.. lli:i their' recent St. Louls con" "He attributes the schools' ~ave.. 'difficulties to 'the failure ,of the REV..ROBERT J. LAUGHJ.IN Asserting that the .prelate:s' ilaithful to support them ade­ ~cle has caU1led a national requately.' He does not' even ad­

.tion among parents which 'vert to the true cause--the basic 9aIlges fro m "disappointment fuct tha t Catholic parents· are' (Ift(J "disbelief to anger and alltalt~ so heavily and so unjustly

~ish," Meckleborg listed four for public education that 'many objections' to the . position he of them 'Can no longer afford, the ldIeges the prelate has' enunci- schools of their free choice,", the OIled: Ohioan asserted.

.~) It is opposed to the cieal' The CEF solution is to ask lMooing of the Second Vatican that education "funds, which are lII9uncil. " raised by equitably taxing all ~ It, would encourage state families, be equitaQly distrib­ ~nopoly at the expense of 'reuted to· all families, Mecklen... llGious freedom in education. -borg said. This could be done ~~ It is impractical and' eco-' u.nder a plan similar to the GI !iIilimically unsound. .' Tum to Page 'E,we.nty

Taunton Priest

In Army

Cqrps Post:

Penna. School ·Aid 'Measure 'Achieves Crucial Backing

Rev. Robert J .. Laughlin, assistant· at $t:· 'Joseph's Church, Taunton has been C<'llled to active duty in the u. S. Army Cliaplains' CorPs

PHILAPELPHIA (NC)~Public 'and 'Catholic school officials have hailed the passage by the Pennsylvania House .. Representatives of a bill which ena'llles the st:~te to pur­ thaBe educational servic~s from non-public .schools. ·John ~;dinal Krol o~ Plliladel- Philadel~hia, praised the bill's umia has calleQ, the vote a passage asserting: . ~tesman}ike action" which : "It . ~ just as important· for ~howed an understanding of parochial schools to survive as

with the rank of Captain. He leaves today for Fort BliSl/, EI Paso, Texas, and reports for duty on Saturday, May 18 as' <II. post chaplain to the Army Ail' Defense. The son of.' John F. and Ma'r­ jorie J, Dooley Laughlin, mem­ bers of St. Mary's Parish, Taun­ ton, he was born in Providence. Fr. Laughlin attended St. Mary's Turn to Page Two'

6b.e erisis now facing all education-both non-public and publk. . 'file Cardinal sald the law­ makers' action, "while it rec­ ognized the justice and wisdom

CiJf aid to n'On-public education,

Eliso recognized that today trou­

&lie for non-public educatioo dJirectly spells trouble for public OOucation.

The' Cardinal has also coun­

IJelled the state Senate and Gov. Ilaymond P; Shafer that pareots "'\have not been deceived-nor .,ill they be deceived-by spe­ aous pleas that, however much \\he Commonwealth may spend 160r other purposes, rigorous aus­ ~rity must be observed where aon-public school children are. IillOncerned" or "by tactics, both erude and subtle, aimed at de-' llay , confusion or the ultimate Cleath in committee of this vital~ l\y needed legislation." , Richal'dsoro Dilworth, presi­ l\lIent of the Board of Public Ed­ McaUon and former mayor 9Il


it ia f()r ~lIblic :;lchools to sur­ vive." Turn to Page Two

St. Ja'mes, . New Bedford St. John, Attleboro "llt ill evident from the ll'e­ :M:t. Cal'mel, New Bedford sp'onse to this' 1968 Appeal to St. Mary, Fall River the Heart that the 'sugge8tions of St. Joseph, Fairhaven Bi9'hop::..Conn~11y at the opening Holy Name, New Bedford meeting were taken to heart. His St. Josepjl, indicati()n that there is a need New Bedford fur overnight car~ for the'men­ St. 'Pius X, tally retarded has ;been stren~tb.­ So. Yarmouth ened ~ the generosity of thee St. Mary, So, Dartmouth populace." St. Thomas More, Somerset "'J'lhe Bishop's announcement that am. investigation Jis .being , Sacred Heart, made into the need 01.' a home . '.Fall River St. George, Westport for the aged and chronically ill St. Patrick, Wareham ~ Cape' Cod has ~~ ack.no~l­ edged ·by the number who re­

sponded. to ·the theme 'At least • dollar more in 1968'." . Otllt the 1194 square mile Dio­ cese of Fsll River....


14,791.00 12,048.00 10,966.00 9,902.00 9.546.80 9,298.06 9,125.5@· 8,959.1WI 8,515.00° 8,468.00 8,365.oq

8,270.5@ 8,172.7i

Holy Cross Dean

Is New Jesuit

Mr. Lafrance hopefully assert- .


cd: "It is my sincere prayer that again this year we will top .all The Jesuit. Provincial head­ past figures, an acknowledge­ ment of the appreciation of the .<lu'arters in BOston announced faithful for the many and varied the appointment of Rev. services offered by· the diocese William' G: Guindon, S.J., as to young arid old alike." . the new Father Provincial ->f the New England Province off Twenty-one .parishes are' on the Society of Jesus .to succeed! the Honor Roll· of parishes eX- , the Rev. John V. O'Connor, S.J. ceeding la'st year's ,~nal total. The appointment will become The new parishes added since .effecti ve on June 13. the .last publication are: Espiriio tather Guin!ion' is presently Santo, St, Anthony of the Des':: Vice President and'Dean of the ert, St.. Louis, &to ltoeh, .. St, College of the Holy Cross, Stanislaus, Fall River. , Worcester. ~. native of Boston, .upon completion of his sopho­ Our Lady, of Purgatory, St.; more y'ear at M.L.T. in 1936, he Anne, St, Francis of Assisi, st. e"tered the Jesuit Order. Hlclv,­ Mary, St, Theresa, New Bedf9rd. jng received his A.B.. and M.A. degrees' from' Boston College Also Holy Filmily, St. JQseph, and licentiate degrees in Phil­ Tawlton; St. Stephen, AttlebOro; 099phy' .and Theology from St, Francis. Xavier, Acushnet; Weston College, he was awarded St. Bern·ard; Assonet. '11 Ph.D. 'degree in Nuclear The­ Our Lady of the Isle, Nan­ , ory by M.LT. in 1948. 'After oi..dination to the pries.t­ tucket; Assumption, Osterville; St, John of God, Somerset; St. h()()(j, by Cardinal Cushing illl 1950, he spent the final year of George, Westport. Turn to Page Two

For Cigarette Money· You Can Bring Tot Hope, Chance for Education

" " ' - 0 - -_ _ .



Five dollars a month isn"t vel'y .muc;h':'-far less than many people spend on cigarettes, allU occasional beer or a night out. But for 8 year old Pasquale Ahka of Burma it's

the difference between destitution and hope, between complete illiteracy and at least

the rudiments of an educ,ation. Pasquale is one of 6,000· "orphans of poverty" cared.

for by missionaries in Bur­ · t He is enthusiastic about the cause I have a certain hunger rna, India an d E ast P a k IS an, project, especially since th roug h " de 0 f my h ea, rt an d thOIS " -mSI and he's the special "son" it he has acquired two sons. "I hunger can only be satisfied by of Theodore LeBlanc of St. have two daughters,'" he ·said,· pleasing' God. God, doesn't only'


Frands Xavier parish, Hyannis. 1MI'. LeBlanc haS been sending $5 monthly to the Foster Par~ts Mission Club at 9800 Oakland Avenue, Detroit, Michigan for the past three years; and Pasquale, is his second adopted child. His first he explalns, is now beyond the age level cared for b,v the missionary plan.

"but no son of my own." ,Some' want us to love Him; He also time ago he wrote to one of his wants 1J1S to work for Him., I orphans telling him this. - "Dear hope you will still have this Son," ne wrote. "This is the first letter to read when you are a time I ever wrote to a lovely grown man. young boy and I like to call him "Seeing your picture has made my son, because I never had at me feel that you are certainly son, as much as I would like to worth while to have, to love, to have one. 'support, and I am going to try "I hope, you don't mind, beTurn to Page Three



G. GUINDON, 1:1..


,/ ··:,Ccmcelebratior.

THE ANCHbRi.Oiocese' of.fall J~)ver-'Thurs., May l~/ 1968'";. ;,', '1ifJ!1ii')lf{;\$:JE!il~r::"

2, ': ,", ., (:1 " l' ..


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~'@ U'5sh :{f~fa~s



'FALL, RIVER" . ',



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';.' "For Msgr..: :C·hildJ~


Four"' :l1ormer Wrates.:o£

St. kill,an


Rt. . Rev. Msgr. FellxS.· O~ilde .will join: His Excellency, James L. Connolly, to eoncelebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving in honet' of the Monsignor's Golden J&o . bllee in the Priesthood. Concelebrating with BishOjJ -Connolly are: Rt. Rev. MsgJr.. Robert L. Stanton, Rev. C0r­ nelius J; Keliher, Rev. James :1:7. Kenney and Rev. William .It, Sbovelton. . Preaching the homily will be o personal friend' of Msgr. Childs; the Most .Rev; , Thoma!) . K. 'Gorman, D.D., D.Sc.Hist., , 'Bishop of Dallas-Forth Worth, " Texas. " " 'The Mass will 'be offered a:t ," sa'cred . Heart, . Church, Fan .River. tonight at 7:30 wi'th a re­ r ception 'for pariS-Moners and , friends in the ·parish ba'll after • the Mass. " ,. i


. 3,286.00 19,921.30 6,830.50 5,148.00

.; .St. 'Mary ' " . $ '9,902.00 St: Lawrence . Blessed Sacrament 974.50 St. Mary Espirito Santo 1,913.00 St. Theresa Holy Cross 1,229.00 TAUNTON Holy Name 22,659.50 Holy Family 5,479.00 . Notre Dame 5,564:00 Holy Rosary , 1,793.00 Immaculate Conception 5,570.00 OUr Lady ofthe Angels 8,111.25 OUr Lady. of Health 2,692.40 Our Lady of Lourdes .3,658.75 Holy Rosary 2,674.00 Sacred Heart 6,677.00 IrWnaculate Conception 4,815.77 st. Anthony 4,534,00 Sacred Heart 8,365.00. St. James . 4,458.00 " St. Anne 4,457~00 51. Joseph "7,089.00 st. Anthony ·of Desert.. 1,110.00 St. Mary , 6,536.00 51. Anthony 'of Padua 2,08~.OO St. Paul ·~,48~.OO St. Elizabeth, 1,025.00 ' ' •. 51. John the Baptist .., ' 3,053.00 A'll.'TLlEnJORO St. Joseph 5;339.00 Holy Ghost .. , 6,0~O.OO St. Louis . 3,445.00 St., John . .'l2;048.09, St. 'Matthew .2,052.50 . St. Jo~eph,': 4,371<.00. St. Michael ' 5,185.50 St. Mark . . .' . 7,434.50 St. Pil'trick 6,427.00 St. Mary ';8,141:00 . 58. Peter and Paul 5,568,00 8t. Stephen . ,,'·.4;567.00 St. Roch 3,347.00 8t. Theresa ,. .,' '6.193.38 St. Stanislaus .' 3,363.00 NORTlHl A'll.'TILJE.BORO , .. ~o ~@ n ntOl It. nDo r;::lo st. William 4,898.00 Sacred Heart 4;985.75 I:r I'J ~ ~ ~ IJU U U l'J Santo Cqristo 3,628.80 81. Mary 7,508.00 \ " . Continued from Page ·One NlEW BlEDFORID TOWNS School. ,Taunton; Coyle Higtl Holy Name . 9,298.00 AcushnetSchool, Taunton, and studied foo Assumption . 1,068.00 St. 'Francis Xavier . '3,965.00 ,NEW CHiCAGO AUXILIARll.ES:·. Msgr. Michael R.· . ~ priesthood. at Gardi~&1 I r t Concep ti on 551390 Ass' t-St B rd 209600 . . , ,.,.: 'd'" rd" to·· f the.are. " hd"lOC~~,~ ·1, ,Plain; 0 Connell SemInary, I JamalClll ". ·mmacu a e' •. Bre~s~er-' erna .. ,', . ",Dempsey (left) pastor an eoo rna r 0 .S,t. Jerome's .,Colleg~ ~~~'~aar:e~f Fatiina . ".1~::~:: Our Lady of the Cape i~.oo Inner Oity Apostola-te and Msgr. AlfredpAbrapmOWlCZ, a~il-~- ,Kitchener, ,Ontaria, ,Canada; Our Lady of . Bu,zzards Baydiocesan 'officialis, have bee~ named by ope aul ,as aux and st. Mary's Seminary, BaltiPerpetual Help 1,691.00 :St. Margaret . . 5,272~00 iary Bishops 00 John 'Cantinal COdy of Chicago. NC Photo. .~le.,. • • I Our Lady o~ Purgatory 592.00 Centerville-It • : Dunng his semmary. ,<iays, Ill§ . .,. Sacred Heart' 3,976.30 '. , Our Lady of ViCtory' ~,413.45 "' . Jl ' ~' ' 10 b B'·· , 'served as a counselor at Catbeao St. Anne 2,624.00 Centr.81 Villa·ge--..:.·. ' ..... 'pe,~sal "m;:YB ms o~, ,u", ,lD-.drat Camp, for. seven::seaSODlJ St. AIithony of Padua" 5,038.00" St.- John Baptist '" '2,241.00 . ' . '''. R d M tel,"'B " .'rds ~a .' ,and .one season ,at: the St. Mary"!J . .. st. Bonl'face' .', 311.·00' Chatham-' ., ' , . .... ,~, e '" , 0 uzza y Home Day ,camP in New Becic­ .. 3,471.00' . ; atlona '. I·., , -.weUs Oil Servi~ Oak BI,,'u..ff,s ,...a-.~ ·St. Casimir' . '703.90" Holy Redeemer vru.,. . . . • ......... ." Finley's Package s.tQre, .,,SO. > ' Ordam·, . ed b y BIB . hop.'C onnooy no"

. , t , S t . Francis. of ASsis!"" 2;I~:25, ,Digl:itl?n-:-&t. ~ter ..;' 1,7UI:OO',. iq-:-. . . 51:- Hedwig." 594.0:3,' Ea!lt Fal~outh- ,', ,,, ", ,.' Rev. Leo M. Curry" ,. ,:'1 -~·Yan;n~uth.\ ~, ;' f " , ." .... Gn ,May'l1" '1963 in S1o. Mary'o St. Hyacinth', ',1,100;50., ,St: 4nthony' "."".:,,': 274800': . . ' ... , $150" ", "'; . ,,' W~t:Delm1s,P~rmaey ,,,,Cathedral,, Fall River;". Fathe? ; h av~ . , :.,:, . 'stonehill College·' . t'.... ,. ;:Anonymous" ,.. ,.. '", 5 vi,,'gs. ,Laughlin, was assigned on M"'" St, James . 14,791.00 F-au: B Col Federal ..... St. John the Bapti"t ,6,573.35 5t. 'Joseph ".' 9,546.00 Holy,Cross'MissionHouSe ... " . . ay ... ony· . a. n .. 18. 1963 as an, assistant at'Our St. Jo~ph 1J,12&.50 " 'St. Mary" . 1,238';00 ' $'75 . 1r,.Lc)an. A-ssoc.. ~o. Yarmout~, Lady of the Angels Church, Fall .. Sacred Heal1ll.; . . 750:50' Jack&· Harry ·Alito,Stores, .., ,WaYSIde Studl~, So. Yarm~~~, River. On Dec. 9, ~964·the new FaImouth-'St. Patrick 8,000.00' . $25 ..,Bass Rithver LlquOJ;,Soore, So. Army Chapla~ ,was given bill M 'oSS Orrdo II . . ' ·KHrkpatrickCo. .,,~armou· '.' ... ' present assignment at ,St. JlcF FR-IDAY'-:St. Paschal Baylon,' '~~~~cis Xavi~r .' '7,600.00 E. Brodeur & ~n' Inc. '~ormack's Pharmacy, .. ,So. . 8ePh:s Church. Taunton. Gonfessor. III Class. White., Mansfield-;-St. MarY '7,291.65· . 'C'ape Co'·.d ' Yarmouth ' ". ':n.' Seven other members of tIM> Mass Proper; Glory; Preface .. M tta . tt- '. ;, Angelo's Market, So.: Ya~u... :Fall River Di.ocesan Clergy ~ a pOISe . . $~"5 ' al of Easter. . 51. Antho ' tOl 00 ...... ,, Doane" Beal & Ames' FUJl~r ving in the armed forces are: SATURDAY - St. Venantius, N 't-'n y . ,. St. Vincent .Conference-.St. Service, So. Yannouth Anny Air Force: Rt. Rew.. ' 'an e t , . FalIn h Martyi'. III' Class. Red. Mass Our Lady'of the"'Isle" 3.350.oo·,Patrlc~" out· . " ' " Patti's:Rib House,"W~ DeDDis ',' Magr. John'. ·F. Denehy, Hew. Proper; Glory; Preface'~ 'North'Dighton-:-' """" f.·,..,· .'., . $~90.; ,... "'" ',Ray's ,Plaza' Barber 'Shop" So. ... Louis J. Joseph and,Rev. Jame8 , , .,:E.a~t~r. ..., ',"': . 51. 'JoSeph ".; .:',. Stone's Beauty &: Bar~r SbopI,.. Yarmouth ' ·'i, t ,; ' , . ! , ' l!'. Greene.' ' I •• , SUNOAY-Fifth "Sunday after . North 'Easton~ .. ..'" ."Falmouth.. ,: ;, ." 'T!im·tO Pait! :Four .," Army: Rev. Francis ,X. Waia " . Easter. IT ClasS., White. Mass . ·.lmInaculate C<)nCep~()D7,542.00' ~.. ." $51 ;' . '." ". t ' , " , ' • : , '.'.' • _e.,' . " Sac~ ~eart .P~sh, Ho-ly· , .' '. ,,'. ..Navy: Rev.- 'Benoit .'GaJJaDto . 'Proper;'Gloty; Creed,; Preface' North Westpo~' ,.. ' . '."'" t Oak "'.... u_ ' 'of Easter. ' .. :..... ,.' , "oUr LadyofGra~- • 3,721.00 ..N am.e,Soc'ley, ,gnu.us ''''. '. a~ COO' 'I ";" Rev. John W.Pegnam"and Rewo .,:., 'MONDAy-.::st.· Bernardine·, of Norton--St.Mary' " .. 5;018.00 '$50 •. ,' . . . , " ,.•..• ' ltlchani P. Demers. '·r.' . Siena, Confessor.' III Class. ()~. Bluffs,-:. . . "-',' , Dr. & Mrs. John MitcheJJ, Fa!CODtin~ed,trom Page One ' Sacred Heart' ,," .. 2143.00~~th , .. ~. , Edward, ~. Hug~es. : .:'" Same f~r"AII White.- Mass' Proper; Glory; Preface of ,Easter. " '~an"Grove--' .,' " , . . St. Vincent de PauI'Confe~. ,archdiocesan superinte~den~.of . RHINELANDER (NC) - A OR ·St:. 'Mic,hael . ,'","~". 4,602~~ '~cred Heart O~. BIl,lffs " . sChools, ..cioIninenteci;,,,,, Rogation Monday. n Class." Orleans-' " ; . - ' '.' ' Sacred Heart,Gtllld"Qak Bl~.' "We're,' grat,ified., tpat the lKlifoz:m tuition fee ol'$20 hllll Violet. (with litanY' of special St. Joan of' Arcf .. , 2,284.50 st: Elizabeth Gujld,,:Edgart~w:n . House has Tecognizecl, its~re- been set for all students, in Wi&­ oonsin Catholicschoolil, in the . prayers) Osterville--AssumptiGn 5,008.00 . Fruean Electric Co., So. Y~_ ~nSibili~y to" all :the.children' TUESDAY-Mass of preceding Provincetown., mouth and' 'Ye,...hope that the Seriate Diocese of Superior. The fee m­ eludes the cost of books. St. Peter 1,88~U5 _ $25 . will, do likewise." , .Sunday. IV Class, White. :lVIass .Proper; Glory; Preface Raynham--St. Ann 3,575.00 Dr. & Mrs: Edward ~itch, Fa}F8I' From Home. of :Easter: Sandwicli- ' mouth· Father John P. Gargan, asslst\ Rogation TU~~~y, II Class. Corpus Christi 6,384.50 The'Sliady Nook, Falmouth ant ~a~~~l~ ~.th:n;rchdiOFuner-t! Home seekonk-'-Mt. Carmel 6,952.00 . ·.Angelo's :Market Buzzards BIl7' eesetat~~a Caerd· a I KrelPr~ VI'olet. Somerset. 'sen lve 0" IDa ro_ 550 Locust. Street WEDNESDAY-Vigil- of Ascen. the' Pennsylvania Catholic Con­ Fall River,. MJ:ass. sion. II Class. White. Mass ~~:: ~~~r: God . 4,500.50 £erence, said "we are. very enProper; Glory; Preface of :"St. Thomas More . '85".~.5 .....9•.850 0 eouraged~' by passage. of. the 672-2391 " I ' Easter. . ' -avo Continued from Page, One b'll . H II d it ". t first • 1 " : 'OR' SOuth Dartmouth. his JeSuit course at Florence, . 1 . e ca e, . a grea .' .. St. Mary " ' 8,5i's.50 s~p toward' the goal not only Rose E. SuUiv3D Rogation 'Wednesday. n Class. .Soutli Easto_ ~., Italy. . of tackling present 'financial Jeffrey E. SuUivan Violet. . Holy Cross Father GUindon served on the problems 'but also of allowing . 2,02'7;50 faculty of Fairfield Unive~," " '. to think: 'in teOrms 0, ':f' a THURSDA.Y-Ascensl'OI!' of' Our South ·Yarmoutfl-;... ..,n~ .us . even. Lord Jesus Christ. I Class. st. Pius X Fairfield, Conn., as Assistant future for the schools 'Which we .O'ROUR,KE White. (The Pasclial Candle Swansea- '.' 8;~.59 . Professor of Physics from- 1951 D9w'.provide." ., . 1xti 'shed after the """ ,. , to 1952. In 1953, he ·was named" "Thi' .. - Ie f ngu1 uva,Our'., Lady.of Fatima" 5,c~,'.00." .s 15 certainly, a ~ove for­ Funel'a' Home . . 1M .--.. Chairman of' the Physics De­ pe 0 the pcmClpa ass) ' St. Dominie' 4...1'5.,.... ward, " said William 0 Valente, ..... uv partment. at Boston. College, pres1'den· t of ,the archd'lOcesan 57·1 Seco.nd Street St. Louis 01.' France' 4,267'.00 f' Educati on, "bu t' if. the Where, h.e, established'a doctoral- '---":-d , Vineyard Haven- ~. . 0 Fall River; Mass. St A program. . . .. governor' is going to veto ~ or FORTY HOURS War~ha~~~~atrick ,53~.oo . In:196~, ~ter completio~ of II, if he's going to useJt,is influenCe 679-6072. l'.ellfleet8,1?2.75 .year .of',post-dGCtoral ~dles. iB 'in the Senate to' p,revent its , ' MICHAEL J. McMAHON D,EVOTION PliyslcsatCornell UOlverSlty, passage we're -still very far Uc:ensed Funeral ,Director May l~t. . Casimir," ,New Our Lady of Lourdes 1,870.00 ,Fa~her. Guindo~ .was appointed' from' h~me.'" . . , , , Bedford; Villa, Fatima, Registered Embatmer W~ Harwich-' to the Physics Department at the ,..., ' , " .. , , ,', '. Taunton. Holy Trinity . 4.279.25 College of the Holy Cross. . May 23+,-Sacred Hearts Con­ Westport-St. George . 8;2,70.50 Worcester: In 1965, he "was · . i:-. r;.:~·.:,:· Yertt1c·,_~aJF~ver. , named the 'first Director of·the· :'.' ; ::, Ls.COji.:ventB' ..of ithe Sacred ""'College's Data Processing Cen-\" " .U~ . ':. .;" I:" ''':'1 ~;~~»;~~~~~~i:~;f)imaven. , .~,. .ecrol,ogy.,. ter;.in ,19/j6/he was appoiiJ:ted,:" 'cUNE~AL: HOlME: INC ~"'. ~O!:...",' ·Mt'f;St.f'.:,~~ry Convent; . ,,' , , " . MAYZ4 -:: : Vice Presid'ent and Dean l>emg ", ...., ' ..... '... '\ ",", " . . ,..• Rev.. '~ames F. Clark, :,1907, in charge 'of the College~s aca::' '. :.',,;rt . Marcel Roy.,-~ 'Lorrame Roy." ",:469 'lOCUST STIlEET ~,,>:' "~.~~;-. L~!~ ~~~tr:;.:, ~., •-'. : .' • t. Founder,.St. James, New ,)Jed~ demi'c -affairs. . , , : - ,,'; \ .",,,"', Roge~~L!JFra~ .." " '. rl.~~::'·~~~YI-" ~~/. ;~I: 1'>;"rl:E r~~CHOR. . FAll,... RIVlER;, MASS.

,;ford.,,·· ':;" "Father::GUm'doit'is the sOri;fif" ·"'·FUNERAL;D~RECTORS··, ­ . ... • - Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, . ". '., 672.-3381:' -'

MAY 25 ..} ;.J;i'rederick.A.Guindon of Arlh'ig,;;:'" ,0 IS·'n-iingion··'iCt. ...,. (.. Mass.. PuI!lished every.. Th~rsday'at.'.c410. 'tOll; ,~nd. the,;late Angela Garl:." '...,., " -'New"Bedford" ,'. '.' ,Wilf~d . Higllland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722_. ." Rev, James V. Men~~s. :)961, 'James E. oy" the Catllollc Press of the Diocese'· of fall Administrator; Our 'Lady of l~rid G\~indo? A brother, Fr~. ".', ~,.' ... 9.95~51~' ,. .. .' Dri$coli. ,·· .... ::.$,.~U,ivan, Jr. River. SubscrIption. price by mall,. postpaid Angels, 'Fall River~" J, . . CIS, ,reSIdes m West Concord:"" .. ,. <. $4.00 per year .





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S. h i'A'· d .'. ! ...

Msgr. :


New Provincial'






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D.-D.'S;glliw«in' &, Sons FUNEut'HOME !

C:· ..:'


financial Qu~tas le'place Tithing', In T~xcis See SAN ANTONIO (NO) Parishes in the San Antonio archdiocese have been 'as­ sessed financial quotas to


provide necessary revenue for administrative and operational costs of the See during the aremainder of 1968.. Archbishop Robert E. Lucey, en a letter to all pastors in the Gl'Chdiocese, announced the iltUota arrangement, which re.., places the parish tithing system maugurated earlier this year. The tithing plan, which bad!. fallen considerably short ,of es­ timated revenue projections, was puspended at the request of lay m.embers of the archdiocesan council of administr8'tion. It had ~n established at the start' of t!he year, following a recom­ mendation by the archdiocesan senate of priests. , , Xn his letter, Archbishop Lucey noted that the lay mem,':' bers 'of the coUncil ''were most concerned when the amount proJected by the senate' of priests based on income of pre­ vious years fell about o'ne-third Ghort of the goal for the' first <&lul\rter of the year." , It was antidpated that this ij1ear the tithe' would' bring in about $625,000, covering' admjn­ il:Btrative and operational costs ~f the archdiocese. Revenue col­ il\ected during the first quarter of the year, however; indicated that funds raised under this ar­ nngement had fallen one-third libort of the projected goal. In place of the tithing plan, Che archbishop said, the 'arcdioc­ eaan finance office has figured the quota for every parish on itle next taxable incOme for 1967. ,'I'he quota has been broken 4Iown into eight payments due in the finance office on the 10th Cilay of every month' beginning ~th May 10. Some pastOrs have - already, «lOnducted a campaign ,in their parish to raise' the necessary funds," the archbishop said. "In justice to the archdiocese, to the parish and, to the people,': he, went on, "every parish should llIave, the people make a pledge ,to give; otherwise, the people will 'expect the pastor to take 'Che quota out of the ordinary income of the parish.",

THE A N C H O R - 3 Thurs., May 16, 1968

Jersey Diocesan Papers Arrange

'Ad' Campaign NEWARK (NC)-A New Jersey Catholic Newspaper Group has been' organized by the state's four diocesalll


weeklies in an effort to attract state-wide advertisers. . Members are The Advoca&! of Newark, the Beacon, Pater­ son; the Monitor, Trenton and Camden's Catholic Star Herald, They have a combined circulm­ tion of 276,539. Peter A. Confalone, AdVll)­ cate advertising manager, ex­ pects the plan to prove attrac­ tive to "those who handle the production and placement of advertising for chain stores, re­ gional distributors of nationally sold products, brand-name mer­ chandise, and institutional 00­ SCOU~'ING AWARDS: Recipients of St. George' Awards for Scouting are congratu-' ver£ising" as well as those sell­ lated by BIshop <?onno~ly following c~remonies at St. Mary's Center, Norton. Joseph ing Church-related products. Dollar Sales Potential Murphy of Mans~Ield, dIocesan lay chaIrman; Joseph Cyr, Swansea; Gerald Brillion, So. He said advertisers will now Atbleboro; the BH~hop; Earl Bonneau, New Bedford; and Arthur Willis, New Bedford. be able "to reach every part 01 , the state with a, total circulation package offered by ,~o other news media." In addition, establishment of ,~ontin~ed from Page One upon Akha girls, and their mar-.. ,contacted hill tribes, and are not the' group offers the advantages of one rate and one invoice to to make you feel as if you are riage does notoenefit the par-" m friendly people on the whole part of my family as my son. ' ents in any way. A girl is a dead being more frightened of out~ the advertisers, he note.d. "On my knees at ',night I pray loss to her parents after she had siders than hating them. Confalone ,called "the Catho­ :!!or you >I< 0 • it morning whe're reached the age for marriage" ' 'l'InouSaods' Wait lic market a good customer" and ~ are, and I pray' that you and it is not uncommon to ,he~r. noted that "Catholic families The 'children, like Pasquale, represent 41 per cent 'of New learn at school and -,that you of Akha' girls being sold as slaves. The women do most of sponsored by the Foster Parents . Jersey!s population.'" mind your superiors; I want you r the work, both in the fields and Mission Club, ai-eunder the to grow up to be' s,trong in body, Another advantage, he'pointed at home. The children must aiso care of PIME missioners (the and with the 'spirit of God about work very hard along with the Pontifical Institute for Mission 'out, is that "the Catholic press you. I want you to be able to uniquely reaches a vast institu­ stand among men, and stand women. Women are beaten mer- Extension). To date more than' , tional market not otherwise ac­ cilessly for the slightest offence 3,200 children of the 6,000 under wi.,thout fear, and when you do cessible," then. you' will know that the agains,t the men and are some- care have been "adopted," but To help sell the idea, he said, the others are still waiting. spirit of the Lord !Is about you.. , times, ,clUbbed to death. I adso pray for your true father The form of punishmept that Letters from the orphanages brochure listing market and cir­ and mother, because where you is equivalent to the death pen- have stated: "You have' no idea culation statistics is being mailed alty, to, an Akha man is to have what a tight squeeze it is to' to large:scale advertisers. Sales live they must have had a hard. long and' weary road to follow. his queue cut off. The, psycho- feed and care for these children to the Catholic market last year totaied '$3,8 billion, he reported. I know you must love them be­ logical eff~ct is enough to actu- in these inflated times. Food cause both' my Father and ally drive the poor unfortunate prices are at aI) all-time high. : , ,We have so many starving chil­ Mother have gone ,to ;,Heaven,. into insanity. Now Ordinary ,so I know yo~ ~I:)el as I do. Al­ , There is a high" death rate ,dren-and the Fathers: are al­ HONOLULU (NC).- Auxi1J.­ ways remember your father and ~mong [tlie ~kh,a; t~ey .do~ not vvay~ aS,kingme if Detroit is not 'iary ~Bisbop John J,. Scanlon of mother would have done as I mtermarry with other tribes' the 'soon goIng to adopt the children this Pacific Island See for the ,am doing if tl'!ey had the same Akha represent one 'of the l~ast-, they sent in months ago (pic­ tures and descriptions). Am ,not past 14 years 'has been installed opportunity as I have. badgering you-but we've got as head of the Hawaii, Diocese, 'Akha Race' succeeding 69-year old Bishop hungry kids!" "May God' this ltight ,and Anyone interested in this John J. Sweeney who resigned every Iiight take my place' and child-saving project is invited because of ill health. The new embrace 'you for me; may He Ordinary will be 62 On May 24 to write to' the club at its ,De­ cuddle' you in your sleep' may next. , troit address~ He ~old y~ur soul to'keep'; may He caress you as I want to. Love

and find the' way to prl\Y

Ha'me~ bHimHim from your heart,' bodyRt. Rev. Msgr. Henri A. Hamel, and soul. I can't help but say 'pastor of St. Jean the Baptiste that my heart will always love .church, Fall River was princi- you.'" [:'.:, ,pal celebrant of a concelebrated Little Pasqua~e, is Burmese, t", " Mass of Requiem offered a member of the Akha race, one ~ Monday morning at St. Anne's' of <the more backward tribes of ~.•,.;,:, ,r. '\';" ' <Church, Fall River for' the re- the country.' Men of the tribe '-' ~~ pose of the soul of ,his 'late must wear a short queue, with\~]~"~, ,mother, Mrs. Anna :&Ouchard out which thciy t~ink they "will ,It, Hamel,' who died ThursdaY, go insarte. " t PER ANNUM May 9. ' , ,; . Akha, 'women are very short, ,t:';~ Concelebrants with Monsignor' say the" missionaries, 'but, the f\~ PAID QUARTERLY PAID-UP

Hamel' were Rt. Rev. Msgr, An:' men are about, five feet six ;',.'" h y'>'

ebony' M. Gomes, Rev. Edmond 'inches inhei&h,t,although'ln- . ~'1:¢"'tf;Jt$t,';


Tremblay, Rev. Adrian' Remy, bree,ding in: 'sma~r communit,ies., P::~*"'f>.'}',.,i'_

Bring ',Children Education is

Mass of Requiem For Mrs.



eo " f' ,',

t, r' ,',





t~~~~~, ~~:,eie~~dw~~d ~~:"nts



'::"e for many malforma3: Mitchell, Rev. Henri Charest, The Akha eat nearly everyJJ .t and Rev. Gerard Chabot. thing that could be possibly .Most Rev. James' J. Gerrard, eaten from the jUl'lgles, includ"

Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese, ing maggots and animals thought .'

was present in the sanctuary., "unelean" by other tribes. They'......

'iIIld gave final absolution. Bish'- have 'not learned to use grind­ PASQUALE ABKA .-p, Gerrard's chaplains were ing stones, and pound most of

!lev. ,Raymond M. Drou,in, O.P., their grain by hand or' foot­

'~d Rev. David A. O'Brien. pounders. The women spend ll':n addition to Msgr. Hamel, 'much of their time weaving me is survived by four sons and !/lome-spun cloth from the cottwo daughters. They are Roland ton they, grow themselves. The .I. Hamel of Newport News, Va.. young people are out constantly ..... Dr. Albert H. Hamel of New looking for' edible' jungle prodBedford, Dr. Fernand B. Ha-' ucts, coming home in the evemel and Normand A.' Hamel, Ding to show proudly the day's 94 TREMONT STREEt' ~ :of'Taunton; Mrs. ,George fiDd of maggots, grubs, larvae (/Leonia» Lapointe of, Paterson. . at. bees and wasps, and varioUlil ;AUNT9N, MASS. •. J. ,.and,,· Mrs., George" L., jungle ,~getables. Tell. 822-0621­ ~) ~Wt '0( Fall ~ivero Yeq aWe value 111 p!acelI \ II-


Deposits Welcomed in Multiples of $200.00 up to $30,000-on Single' and Joint Accounbl Up to $60,OOO-for Coroo rations D~VIDENDS PAID 4 TIMES A YEAR

'february, May, August and November


Casey-Sext'on,<J Cleansers • ....

I nc.


·AII Deposits Insured in Full

Taunton co-operative bank Main Office:," Winthrop Street, Taunton

Branch Office: 1400 Fall River Ave., Seekonk

IDr. ,Alfred, J. :Brodeur ' "Atty, -& Mrs. William ·P. Gr~n!l . Flymi's 'Package. Store ($30 Michaud & Poirier AIberlPetit· "i. 'Dr: Richard :H:li1 itton' ,'. ( ... R. G. ,Chauinard,Funeral Hom~ 'Inc. lAtty. Peter ~ Gollias

THE ANCH0R-Diocese'of Ea 1I;:Riv.er"':;T-hur,s ,,;·M.qyll:6, 117-68


\©~@J[j]),~jD\U1T® \@~\ ,,~(1!J@l~@O' ~O@ ~@;!ill:@©l~ 5Q'@.pTI@aS)· ffi~cdJ (©ffk~~@J:®Ulf\lO~ ll[C@@:U:,O

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Students' at· aoyleHjgh in Taunton 'mourn 1the4 tle.1 th~ Of juniovArnold ~Duarte in,;-amautom6bHe accident. Gla'ssm<l~es attended,the funeral Mass cas an honor guard.and.a~l$pe<iici! ,Mass was ·offered .at ':the school. 1Studentls ffrom Hll'Ost Diocesan ·highs \werein,at­ '.to;the ~present tthree~pcr­ tendancei last ,weekend: at the .added 'formance 'sChedUle. '. 'Massachusetts Association: tAnother rrecent ~ G:(lyle~Cassidy Of "Student {Gouncils conven­ ,joint :projeet.was ;'atteno,ance .at

tionat 'Westfield ~High~Schaol." [And at 'PrevastHigh ·in. 'Fall River "the 'Natianal Hanar ~&a­ ciety 'held 'elections ,this week for ,next--year!s. officeFs. 'As 'Au­ tumn :leaves signal the :end : Of the'·c.Henaar year, tthe ,changing 6f.theoguard'in schaol arganiza-, tions i in'dicates that theaca'dem­ k~year:is neatly', over. . ., .IHere~s~aflother;electionrepart:

'.Jesus.llMary 'Aoademy in ,Fall

River~has'name'dE~aine !Duliatilt

'as~stu'dent 'caundl,presideillt rfor

the lupcaniing 'year., 'Gertrude Noska ~willl,be .v-icetPrE!sident. .Alsa <at ..JMA, ,more news af eollege ,.and .hU;{her ,education. acceptances: "Michele .Baule, .SMTI; .Karen .Raeheca, BCC;

Jacqueline 'Mayn'ard, ,Neu' ,En­

,gland.SchoatoLMechanicaIDen­ tistUY. .' .

'. ".Ej,ght,girls.have.,been ..accepted

for .. eontinuiJ.g .edllcatian .,at

Diman Regianal Vake: .Debarah

l\;farcti.an'd., .S .u. s'a n 'Thi.ba.ult..

Qlaire. 'Bernard, ·Jacq.ueline

Gauthier, 'Diane ..Fa rest, 'Alice

Lapairite, .•Carol :AnA 'Ramunno

and. Jacqueline Maynard ..

"Tut.key'SlJPper IHUI1gFY? .Mt. . St. .MarY 'Aca'q­ emy .cafeteria ,in IFall .River ,is . the pla,ce ta be tanight. ·A tur­ ·keypie S\.l-pper will be servei:l to' all camel'S 'at· a' tiny 'pi'ice. .'Jaseph 'Perry \6f 'Stang High in 'Narth 'Dartmauth 'was 'named :·president 6f the 'Southeastern 'Mass. 'RegiamH' .HonarSacieties 'Assn. 'at a recent 'convehtion at Carainal Spellman High .. Alsa 'at, Stan'g, ,the ,Junipero:Glub is ')l:~eping . buSY. 'Y~sterday. they .. saw 'a .Red :Sox ,game iii '~6stan' 'and 'later 'tliis.'manth :3 'p,arenti;' .riigHt ano'in$tallatimi;'6f'offi~ers 'is ;plarrned. 'Events for., the 'year 'will '~ind up with a picnic '.on 'Nantucket Island. , . "New ,Natiamil"Honor 'Saeiety officers' at 'Mt. 'St. 'Mary: are LPa_. 'triCia'Talbot, pTesiaent; -Suzanne ,Paquette, vice-president; Ohel'yl 'Furtada, secretary; Donna Ca­ \bml, ttreasuTer. ; Today, ,tomalTaw and. Satur­ tday ',GQyle ian'd 'C-assidy IHighs, tboth (Onrau liton, 'will team1uplto tprai:lllce a "lively musical, '''Fio- . Iil'ella." Ed .Malaof .will ~play the ttitle rale ,and' Fia-i'ello's : (first "Wife wili tbe rpartriJyed lb'y 'Alice Welaze, his 'secaild by 'Batbara . 1McDonald.IGurtain ltime \will be UI:15 each riight ,and If rdemand ~arrants.. ffout.th 'night 'ma;)' be' r


'~Amen:a ·~m:ew Jersey ::School Bus ;Lo.w

,; TRENTON (NC)-Gov., Rich~ .ard J. Hughes 'has signed 'into ,law l:a llimltin'g 'QmeAdment 'ito ithe 1967 schoal busing,law,~hillh lpravided Iprivate 'scllaol IPllPils, "twith the' same 'benefits 'acca'rdeil IPublic ~schGol ,child·ren. Prepared b~ the Republic~n­ ulOntralled LegisMhrre .to 'cut ibacluon same expenditures au­ tth'orixe{I bY 'last ~year.'s . Dema­ rerotic lL.egisliiitU're, lthe .'amend,. ~erit 'limitslbusillg"cantr,;Jets 'for Eptivate.sscthool 'students 'te ~$150 iper ~pupil. !;,where ,costs 'would 'oxeeed

lth:h . amaurit, ,the :;$f50 ,is .to be

igi-ven (aireetly to the ;parents'

,of "therehllCl 'with either the par­

<ents-or lthe ~schaal rthe child

:lattends-+m<rkio!g theinown ,bus­ rO'g <?arran>gemert.ts.


ll80yerRaper ~Go. ~Inc.

'Gendreau ~RuTniture

,:"'. ';T, lHughes

W, Irving Peirce f& 'Son "Gendreau ;MoviQg, Trucking 1& H~igging ,Co. dnc. ~Swift (& ;£0. -Green 'Starage .Warehouses

~F. i-W..:Woolworth I,CO.

JAl:berty.',I:.oant& ,Realty' Co.:be.·

:.$25 kEflOnomy Banyo' 1& !-Radiator' tWorks,"Lewis (Grayf&Solls :Go-i :Rem· ~River :Beauty -'Academy, . 'American ,Federation Of 'State-· ,. :Gouritx· 'Municipal ,EmplOYee::! ibOcaUNo. 11118, IAFI,.;cro . ·~B;&~srFishei'ies(of Fall 'River,

;a' 'film ;and ,'discussian iOn 'the ;subject ,Of ,!:lSD. 'Presenting,the :prQgram 'was 'i\~.HtedDrewniak: :Cheersfor metty "Ann 'RicaTd ali 'Mt...St. Mary '.Whols ,TcwHveil ·an ~$1l00 'grant, 'renewable .an­ nual.JyfframT·EmeEsan ~GoU~geJjn. ,Boston, vwhere.;shelhopestuirfur­ ther i'a ;oareer 'in .the r'dramatic a:r.ts. ~ rJlJelsonJsjDairy,~FaIFRiveT'Steam 'Math fAwar'd & Gas Pipe Co.:'Thomas Abbott,. 'Stang"Hi'gn's ''IDa th 'team came ~SouSa's ~hata 'Se,rvice,John P. in third in the last N atre Dame . 'Sla'de &'Son "MathTLeague"111eet' 6f'the 'seasan, ':Howard ,W. 'Duffee, "HalJ\!l lheld ~at Car'dinal Cushing "High 'Music'Store, J .C.'-Roofing' Co. lIne in Boston. fHawever, ,by wi'Hue (]/1otor':,Truck '-Sales ('Co. v af accumulated. "points, '!J1e·te.am,. ~~allcRiver 'Florist 'Su.pPly'Co... merited the' league traphy f.or ~. "!R q~'ravers 'Lumber, Dr.,:Jo~ its avenlll' perfarmance for, the' 'ei\h 'W. Medeiras, _St. JosePia year: . Women's Guild, A "Friend . ~d :8t3cng1s /-Robert muquette .' ; \David Friar,'Salvo, Machin~ placed third in the lltate science .., '-Co.;saJvo's· GoldenTqOds,J:qsePJa rfairtheldsat iMIT.}Hisrpra3ect~was. ( , 'Lima, AimePelletierEI~ct,rica1l .entitled "~DNA: :Key ,to IHenid-. l 'Oontraclor. '..,1" ,,ity'!' ., , ? :' " ~~irler :Buick ·I~c. ': .' '. Spanish ~Honor 'Sfocrety '-:, 'STA.'NG:'COUNClIJI.. OllS: 'Studerit :council' officers!:Jat "'1Ii:.{B '~J!f" Eight 'students 'at Sacred $tal1g'Hilih, School,:North Dartm:olitlj;,aI:~"seated"from')e'1!t, ~f"II ~.W j~r<w 0 r: .... ,. ' .Hearts' .Academy,- J-F<all' I-Rhter, \'Cynthia~Assad, .viae~presjdent; SUe Aim Machado;~secretm.w:·; '$500, Itoak <part' in !the ffi'Fst ',int"tiation JMriteida ·Bus :Li~es, ,eeremonytofrthe 'Spariish tHonor ' FEtanding,me!iry \Wartl,lpresident; ~Rau)ub~BroSiers; .$105 'Societyras r menibers,6f the new­ ,~ptaln~Frankls.F.ish!Mam~ 'The 'Rome 'Restaurant 'ly :formed - I chapter, ··'l.Quij • !$lOO '

'~~e:@D~@'~ Israel 'Franklin, 'Dr. John 'PaUl ~Otesca."·.mhey carc'sen ior ,~J oalll1a ~Oontinental 'Screw Co.

"Gooper, "R. A; Jett~ 'Funeral tRega; ~ju~iors (Claudia uindo ;Gontinued arom tP3cge' .Two I;EmeBt ,J. Flaod

':Ham~,.B. '&~J.:J6welry.Inc. ~an'd 'I:.inda lI;apcs; sophomoTes $55

MaJ:tha }Bochenek, $andTa 'Po­ ~~f~,eb.orr-o 'A iFlriend

(d.es~y,' ,Melinda .Soares, ,MiJr­ ~f;~U ~'RiYer' $50

~$1000 I.garet .iMcGraw ,and Cheryl:Mos­ ,$1500 :IC!o:!lStaI lFishet'ies

.'sa. ,These ,-students maintained "-R:rew'Ine: ,Globe lManufacturing (00. "~uberti.ne 'Euneral "Homl8

,the rreguired 90 Jper.,cent aveF­ ·~20~ ',$1250 $40

.agcin ,Spapish. . . <St. "Vincent de 'Paul <;:oriferen~ JB. JM, {C. JDurlee' Trust.~ao. . r. ( !Mr. i& Mrs. ~Carmino 1U'enm •.

~St. 'John'lpal'ish , $1000 . ·.'l1he Ihanar csociety- was found,­ '$30

"$175 . .,Guimand ,E-arms. '.eo lin ~1953 tby tthe ."Amet'ican ,tAs­ '\Goor1s (Can'dy

Wenus de 'M~lo -seciatian,6rmeachers "of~Spanish : First Natio:nal 'Bank 'of 'lUtle­ ''Brito's iMeat iMarkets

.,. mnd Portuguese far-stuolfnts 'Iboro Gald ,Medal.·Bakery , ~$26

\wha :have :,shawn a Ilive,inteTe8t .- '$1'00 ($800 \ :.Jay.(& ~Bee 'Fillet t Co.

Jin tthe. tbeautiful ~Spanish \:and ~W. '-H. ~Riiey & -Son, Inc. JMantle 'Plumbing & :Heating . $25

i'R6r:tuguese ,languages. 'mhermot- ... , ~Pati'ickJ: Dtiffy 'Funeral Co. . 'iAieIlo ·Bros. Inc., ~George ,(SaP­

Ito is' ~_0All 1together;' <ann !.the Set,vice. ' . Z$7.50 ,. ,nique, Iilll Vee ,Dee, ,Humpbre]l.,

colars are red and ,goltl. '. '~wank ~JItrc. · .Slades Ferry TJ:ust Co. (!COviU& ',Cc)Ieman :Inc., 'A TrienC!

('Club afficers-are CheT)'1 !Mos­ "'Stephen ':H. 'Fol~y ;:Flun~ral . '$6~0 , .,:AUy lr'Raymond liMck. {Mj,tcheJll 4VIason1.F.ur,n.iture .Co. '. "sa, presiderlt, ;'Barb~ra "Nasser., IHome, ..• .', :' .\ Teamsters'iUnionIBocal·No. ~59 " . iBeactl-MdGarner" Co, . .$500 secretary, 'and ~BethanY :,Sti·ke', ',tA .Friena > . , '

Adams & Adams, "Brode~ .. 'A.tty, :&.Mrs.',Jiarold ,ClaJidn .treasurer. ' " .

lltllailliine (Co. Inc., Gauae~ . • ,j$60 '~$300 • ~a'Va)jo~ 'Inc., General 'Vendms ·'Sa·att.lBros~ rCa. ;~E·aIl ;River ,Savings ,Bank Co. •...L· .. O· . , IAttleboroITI.ions'.Club . ~$250 , ~50' . , . 'I)). '~L, <'Hathaway '& Sona, Jm&o,

.:81. 'Vincent (de Paul , ~ {City (Auto J>Parts, TN. <lB. ''Fillet ':c.,

A.a: r > lMr.l& ·~Ml's. lHaTr,y JJ. ~E}ynn' {RaJ:-ticular ;;-Council 11lnc.,1IRochester 'Clothes Inc:..

;,,-~m JMT.l&~s.\William'lR.~F,)ynn $200 '\'MiChaeI C. lJAustin·.:p.unena ,\W'ASHtrNGT0N (NC) - The !Motiri~smin'eTsJfne. ...:An<Jnymous . liHome, ,[catholic "Nurses "GdlJCl . . Washington branch -af tthe ·Na­ IBEHlavance lInc. ,~hts (Of ~Columbull ~aoimeD " tlGYeater H.lD.,IHerman's LoiQWlI' "tianal ''A'ssaci~tion (of' :'Fheatre .'{Garey (GoIl}pany ,

Mo. :36:iFallJtlU.ver .., <S1ore, jJuStin mdtbi~g Co.,'l~ Owners ~as unanimaus]y -adopt.. , 'lllheIRol)oins (Company

~St.•v.ineent (de. Faul l"Sooie1i:v, ':J,ievesque ,~& lRe'deriques ·'GGmtMe ed the "tgreensheet" ,service,.6f 5$205 ,Notre iDarne "change .Inc. 1::Pat - McKenna's Roeda1IIa

the Film Board c1assifica'tion . 'lChai'les "!I'homas ~& .-son , ~17J5 ' Y 8HD11, 'tUnion fIiiqU~'Co.

system for rating mavies. , tOY0-.''Bt. JJohn 'Parish · Lafayette Cooperatj.v~nBank Under 'the "system, mavies aTe lCb-as. fE. "Willis .Jnsuronee ~125 T:aunton . rated . far adults (A): matu're JAgeI'l'oy.IInc. . · IIDr.. \WilHam ../Ereeman

'yaurl'g rpe'Qpl!e (M>Y.) :'<In'd family ,rFoster :r-MetJal ·'Prod. ,Inc., jAD.­ $])10

. , ~$154

.audience (FA) .. The 'ratings ~son IiMotor.s Un'!;", Pelh~lie'r.<s fAu­ , "',Cuetts rOflMarian!Man«t' '.

fAf:Flri~d \wlll tbe luse'd ,in all. ads with ttom6tive ·~Ser.vfce, 'Pleasant ~$130 ~$]JOO the ,symbals displayed promin­ lRh3Tffi30Y,., .'Attlebaro IMotor ;cst. iVincerltldernaul~ tRiveredge JRi'inters Irie: 'ently, and 'in 'all' ather media. ~saies '~~', . " ' , Swansea Construction Go. :111m:. ~.c:red' HeanJP.arish r uoli'cizi 'g"lmavies OWll Iratirigs'" . rB'}ynn.s JHarow:are' Go., .W.I'E. .:6acred1}Hean \Women'sJGuDi! ,In Imemor.y ('of .Juttge ,'l.Josepb '\~lll !:be ~taken fro'~ the Film' lRicll'a"rii~(Go. .•L. tHui'ley :$100 rBQard ,seFvice. a5'etentire f&Boule WIlholemUe , . .-:A IT<rien''d ~GroeeTS' . The 'decisian represents ~a ~be ~Sand l&(Gravel

lbreakthrough 'in ,the rrating .of ~$1250. \lClover (Club (of \RaIl lRiver . i!ChaJl'leslR. (Galligan

ma,vies ,by the Washingt.on Mr.c& Mrs. Raymand Lambert .ulhern~s .tFharmaey

lMT. 1& ltMrs./Alvin ,JJ. (SumvalG, 'N'A'T0. .For years exhibitors ~$r50 ]!Plym~uth.miintin'g!,ao.lInc. : ~$50 have faught aff. attempts ;.at Robert V. McGawan Insuranee ;1DnaDIm'On'd !Rrinting ((Co. 1MI'. t!1& 'Mrs. <Ge'T,;lld lMcNal1y classifications .of rmovies. /Agency . . $'5

. . . . Ifahllntable 'lJ'owldeea.J tM:lttiieu C0il'\Go.'

!The d3¢tion',0f ,the Washington - () 1.$100 !$36 .fJay wees nne.

J;IWtibi 'iBaroCh !1l1loifr 'exhibitors came clase· on, the' !Mrs. JRlizabeth 4Groke $eaTs lRoebuCk ~ •.

clteels'tof "a ,U:S. d;upreme Gourt Jahn .R. ~Blackin'gton

~ , :'dedsi'an -;.wnhili ,voioed "a ·Dill,. '. '~$50

.~J:fiieDd 'f$5cr las, Tex., film classificatien Deblois' OihG<>. 'Soca Cedla 'Bottling'Gel. ~H6}yJRosary \Women!S ((GUlli· law ontthe:;graund of vagueness. McNally's"Package Store" ~1Crapo (Gamaehe 'lIPruClilng "OG. But thecC(')uTt'iA'dicated a sufft;' Atty.tRonal'd M.. lBrais f$Z5

"4Fmnk"lX.1IPerron IInsuronee . . . '~1Ulton fAuto' ~SUJlPlT ~tlMI,

ciently explicit law cancernidg B~rgh~ros;

".Atomic':Fence IfCopp, rp'raper aan'd iimp'rol'ler- films. for ~$25 .

. "~Kenna~s(Gfft'Shop

Dr, Alan' G,cSimpson

A Frien'd

the 'yaUJ)!g "would ,:be ~accepta\He ,. JlTanagansett (Sales' 'lfte.

ao '·the ccoutt. .c"Achini.s "Gavage

IA 'Friend

'tfOlBeame tInsurance ~



d ,.. , I"

.. ..."


•oneet'bre wners Swi&f:






Educator Sees No Alternative" To Catho~~c Schoo~ Pr09)l'Q:M

THE ANCHORThurs., May 16, 1968

Mak2; P~ace; SigJ'

WA.SHINGTON' (NC)-'lf fi!lte ®!laull'eh is to bring ChristianiaS'-, (Dl ~ y'oung;there' is "no' alter- ' fJ9tl~ to the continued ei1fort El!lL~ part ,of Catholics to main­ ~ to extend' and to perfect, llIw Catholic school system,'" ltC­ aommg, to, a paper prepared. be-­ !bie.' bis death by, Msgr. Neil' Co d'.amour, l'Wted· Catholic edM~k.. .

general counsel.., induded, dis-. cWlSions 'of.leg<l1 &sp'ects of edu.. ~tiona I. medical and' socill1' problems faeed by tile- Ghurcbl' in' the' U. S. S6me; 120 i delegatee attended; tlte· sessrons., Opened. with, 'welcoming re­ marks, by. BUffalo's Bishop J·ames. A'l. McNUlty,' episcopal chairman of~' ttie, , USCC's office:' of genel'al' counsel, the meetmg fte paper was read by Fatiier> colltinuli!dl with: @. Albert Koob; 0: Proem., elr~ LatioJ' ~ R¥ll.tionm; ~ive secretary, of the Na~ A disCtlSsion ofl ownership'l of: Cional Catholic Educational ~ Church property·'by Father'John ooeistion (NCEA), to diocesan' J: MeGratnof:Wltshington, ,D, a. l'awyers and~ headS of state' and .A discussion of labor, relations Bnterstate Catliolic conferencell il\. the Church, led. by,' Father ~ met here'for discussions on, CIw legl,\l affairs of' Catttolic' Robert Reicher Of Cnkago and Msgr. Harold A., MUFray; dire~" fnBtltutions. tor of the usec's health ancIJ. Msgr. D'Amour\, who had ~n hospitals bureau. ooheduled to\ address, the m~t... Workshops- on' abortion" and tn{fo: died in San Francisoo, on talC and social ~security' pro~ where he w~nt, to attend, tbe IiSth annual. NCEA convention. lems. An analysis· of'~nt'litlgli\"

M' ~e' tirn.e of, his. death, he.: was ' non· involving tb:e~Church.. 11' special. NCEA' assistant,· Ql!ll OOal'ds·of edWlationj Financial Crisis S-PGniSti~ !kl' his, papm-, Msgr: D'Amour RO!ied' that "tHe'sitiJation c»Ftlie Catholic schools is a critical situation ¢olll:*'Tliere' can be' no' SAN SEBASTIAN'(NC)-Fel.. doubti that unless something:' is, low·' Bl:lsq,ues" were' told ' by! S'an" done' and' dbne soon there! wi"' Sebastian's bishop that violence' be' DOl CatHolic schoolJl;; me is norway:; to', Solve. problems', arul· eriGis. is, al financial crisls.19' that- a' Ctiristian spirit of coexis­ l!Ie' maintained that Cattlolfes tence'musttpveVllliI over>vioien~, <!lill\l afford. to continue'" Weir The" warning, of Bishop' Lo- . lJcliool system but tliati there' ren1lOo' BereaciarttJa' was' sounded' Nas, been a' "faIlure' to', brin(;S;'ttle' on. tlie'eve of'Basque'FattierUmd ~ clearlY' before. the' peo­ Day:~ The' celebration' was; s!iori;;' ~. and' it isra'failure toJpl'Ovid~ liveth as· poUee~ banned' public Woe' peopl<!l: witli a, structure' demonstrations' an'd' took' action lltrough whicH' they' earr work against- those' who defiecL the lind·, particip.a~. im the schooling' onH~l'\ Htmdredsc were.' arrestefli

~ USe' young,'"

kl. Blls£lue nationalist move", HIe' recommenuded mOFe~ laY'" ment;,. seeking~ recognition: cd, lll' tlIGIltrol, of Caiholic, education, regional language~and traditions· amd' said; ''Tlue.' boards ot edu­ and;· greater' polltlcal' autonomy, <letion, must. bca' established;' and· ia. regllrded·, bY'lth~central'.go\>­ •£Wren' totali, jllrisdiction over emment: im Madrid:! aSJ lU "separ~ . ,CaU'olic .education!' H~ further. ~tist~' attemP.t( which woWd' • DaCOmmended~that polic)ry mak~ weaken, the' nation. 1'Dg'. eontroF. be' given diocesan Bishop, Be.readartua said. vio­ ~l.boards. lence' just. "engenders more'vio­ Gentml, FjDI11!16!~ lence:'" Appealing; for•. hannony, llin the area.\ of finances; Miigr. the' bishop." said. "Violence is~ to· Ir:A:mour. called for, central; di­ be' condemned" no. matter who, G033an' financing; development employs it."· oi1l. m." progressive' form oi' UlJta­ "We' al'e' therefore asking, all C$oer at· the'locaL level; coDtHbu­ concerned - public authorities, 6lOns. from industry tQward~ ttte' pl'iestS.;and lay, persoris,!'"he"said, ~ervatlon,or non.publlc edll­ '<to' follow. the,> teaohingsJ of, <&IUoh), and: increased, suppar.t Chdst, andlsn0w< moderation; re­ ~i state' and, fooeral govern'­ spect,: and: undersUmdiilgi, thus, ~t§." , .. causillg' the' peace~ of· Cbrist>: to, shine:"' ,

~~. ~eetlng; tHe' fourtb~ s,non':' _red by the United I Stiltes.

<ibtttolic Conference's of,


'Wa rlf~ B(]sque's


Heo¥yi Rain~ Hblts






resentatives. of the" Ronum,

~nniversa~ Catholic and.Anglican Churches,

NEW OIIDEANS (NCr - An f!>a.ve' issued: lIl' report' relative' IlIUlldoor' anniversary: celebration tlttended ' byl some' 6000: here':was, to.thei r' Windsor;' Enghmd"meet:" ing~ of' lll' joill't .sub;,.commlssfon rttte.rruptCd by; heavy' rains discussion of, . the; 'theolbgy< of, shieh' Archbishop Philip1 M. marriage and its:, application to Donan of. New Orleans called marriages between memoers of, Gl "direct act of Gbd'" sufficient eo, excuse those present from tHe' two Churches. Among the topics discussed h SJnday'Mass obligation, were' the indissolubilitY., of'mar.,. 'it'he' rain began as the: homi­ riage; the sacramental statUs.> of I!llst, MSgr~ Henry C; Bezou; marriage; and, the' duty' of' ImI'­ lUChdiocesan: superintendent· of ents. for' the' religious; education ootbools, mentioned "tropical of chilaren•. otorms," When the shower 'sub­

Accol'ding' to' 0: joint: (lom­

llltded. shorUYI an, announcement w-as made tliat the' Mass· would, munique:

oontinue. "Considerable' attention was

As, the' announcement: was given, to' problel'n5", raised, by, rnede' the' rain' began again' and· canonical requirements COlll­ Archbishop' Hannan announced· earning: Roman Catholic· up­ W2' dispensatiolll . bringing: of, children of; mixed 'lI'iie' celebration was in' honor, mal'l'iages; esp.ecially/ iQ: those' cases where' undertakings" about at the' 175Ur' anni versary,' of, the this,are'unaccept,able to the non­ ~unding of the diocejle of t.ou­ C9iana and' Uie·' Flbrldas and, the Rbman. CMhollc' partY' OD" the grol,lIIds of· conscience;' If': was, ~th anniversary of the' ~o\lnd, llng' of' the' city of New Orleans. 'agreed, that all' serious' proposals 'ltm!Ie- concelebrated M~ was· for> ~lvinir this, problem' and alll contril:iuti,ons ~'and' designs I)re~ed~ by a pageant· higb­ fighting 'outstanding events. im' fur' pastoral guidance' in' sucb situations shtiulat; be carefUlly Ctie· histbrr of. the' Cb'urellt. ill


J)lCw Orleana.

-aDm' S~mI)a·thetica1ly c:onstcie~'"


~t~ MCT~~'S' ~bur

•rr L.os.; AngeGes'\

LOS ANGELES' (NC)'­ Black and White hands grip-. ped, in a "Sign of Peace" here 3..<; 50,000' persons took part in the 21St annual Mary's H6u~ observance in the' COli­ seum" :p\e ·crowd. was led.' by" Father Patrick Pey,ton, C.S.C., founder of the 'worldwid~, Family. Pfaye.r Crusade; as they prayed the Ro~ary in this city's largest in­ terracial ·pl'ay.er service' for world· ,and' racicl peace. After the' Rosary the crowd was asked to make the "Sign of Peace' by shaking hands, neigl;l­ bo~-V\.-jth'·neighbor.

SCOUT,']]E<ADERSWF CAPE;'AND)ISIJNNDS~'R~iv" ing honors at~ th&' annual Diocesan, Scouting Day were:' Arthur Wills of. BUzzards Bay;St: G~orge'A'ward~ Sp,raglle' Spooner of ;POl!laBsett PllHcan Award(, ;Mary HowarcrofTruro~' St. Anne Award,; Mts:;; Catherine ~lturch'er'of'Harwiett;Our­ Lady;· of; GoodlCounseLAward; Charles" E. Flanagan"o:FNim­ tucket.. ai~d 'Ma:nllle}, g~ 'Duarte' of' Vineyard' Haven,.) both> recipients. of the Pelican Award4

B'reakthroug)~ New-tnk{ CJ:d\lto,licr ~igh~Gradt.ate· lFirst'Negro,' 1:'0 MaGda Pcrin'cetofti1 mesftmam Class) and, gels- along' fine, with them. RRlOOElf.oN, (NC.)t-A'.. g~d­ nate" 0~1 Essexc, CatlioliC'" HIgh· H~- is:.a. meml)e:rl of' ttiel~~socia.. ' School. if\" Newark),. lias.; l)ecome' tian.o/i· Blaek<Collegtans aridl1th\!"" the' first'. Neg.\'lN eve!",t elected· Ptlneeton:' Debate;' Panel. ami· president. of· his,cl~at~Piiiule" hopes. to, go ,into.' law eventuallYi ton University:. . ' Contrasting,:. life' in P'rincetbn Elliobt. MO,Grmallr. scholarship, wilb\life·in.Newark, he'notesW was, somewtiat ' ffustratinW' ~.. studenL wh-o chose.:: Princeton over.-Yille and:. Harvard. because' cause~ "50. many" peop~ are< gf);<­ ingi~aoout their life:here-ownh lnO" the"role~o" the'NelITo. liad.already' kn0wledge- of. what, is... gQin3: Olll' been, recog;J;lized-; whilee "Rrince­ in, a' city, like" Newark,'" tonstUl held,on toAhe oldister­ eotY:P.e5i' cam~aigned" for, the post; of. F.reshman; leader, for ~'Oov,e. OJfiG~ two, weeks.·

Hec' saYs. the" 500 Negroes,' en­ TOil Was"iirrgt.On~

r911ed. at Rrinootbn this·, term·

WASHINGTON! (NC) - Tfie" are "half of all the Negrges at U.S, Bishops' Committee for Lat­ Princeton in its" 221 y,ears." ini America" has: annour:roe<C tlr.:m, Dt:pI61'es· Vioie.ree;·' th~' Latin' America, Bureau.> Rro-o "T1l'a6!s aJ horriDle< situation/· gram· Office has been mo.ved

here'from .Davenp.ort, 16wa.·'

he' added'. Wh'Dl0'Mool'mal1l'id~ang~redby' The' move' will consolidate the socii! as~ects"oilA'mericannliving,.. pvog,ram; offfce"- with the" Latin­

tie's- nObl a:t camPJul1 radicaL America' Bureau, of" tHe' Uidted

"Black;~ stUdents," '~.:'sa!d""must Stiltes, Catholic COnference';. l~

realize' th'atl ttiere'~ aJree conduits, cated dn· Washjngton~,

short of! ha:vingt OW'J' brothers

The" announcement said: "Th~> killed'l and, destroying; ourselves, , move-' to, Washington,. DJC.,. c:en'­ where' we can~ make: ourselves heard and:i bring; aboutt chang~; tralizes alhfunctions of the:Lat.. in' .t\.\nerica.. Bureau and will in­ "VJolence' bring;, violenc~and crease-- Uie-~ efffcient' coordina­ w-idespl'ead violenee' can only:­ tiol1ll ofour efforts.''' briilg.. abend, Uie desttuetlom of tile' bla~k: man,"

, ,'MooFffi3ni' 18~ is·not"unused to' , j, "R'·I CITY) leadership~, roles:. A\ native of

~ewark; ,he.' was. class i prestd~t at" ESsex; Ga tholic'and, alsooInresSLAB' BRIDGE ROAD ' ",jdent· ofl the: NatIonal Hi..:YC or­ ASSONET; MASS:- 02702) ganization. Hets' been;tO' 'Norway' , TliL644-5556.: for a.world.YI convention, holds BaUERS, RErUBED/ .20 1 trophies" fol'. debating;: took part ,in, the'1963lMarch 'on'Wash­ TUBES REPLACED ington. and' was~ one of three' 24 HOUR SERVICE Frincetonians attending: the- fu­ !FULL IN5URANCE .COVERAGE neral' of'Dr:Martin Luther ·King.

Lack of Knowledg~

At' Prin'ceton, he' has three

"~V .wnite' students for roommates OU r


Human P'i"oblem· This year's service- was aY~ ranged by: coInege' students' c1 the,' Los', Angeles area. Jnc~ Tweedy, student chairman, told the' crowd: "Today's problem is a' human one belonging to tM oh'uman- £amily~ so' we' are- here Ii\&. a ,lamB)'; to., expl.'eSs our' trust im. G6d, aHd de.votion to, Mary/" James.. F1rancis Cardinal Me­ lnty.re· oj;; Los., Angeles led·la. a recitation of, prayers fol.'. peace and for the war dead., Taps woo sotmded ' f6,,· the' dea(h A"pl'oceasion ·oli 'th'e 'laity'join­ ed) tft2" card~n<ll and·; a group., oil p,l'iests. ifill fOFming\ 8.\ "liviJl[g . cross'~ in. the> Coliseum, du.ring th'e- service. '

Elect Sufler.iorc LOS'ANGEUES, (NC) - ~ Sisters. <».: Social Ser.vice have elected' Sister Rosemary Marlt­ ham·as.superior· general: to. suo­ ceed' Sister:' F1tederica' H6F~ath,' who iniroducred tire-' Sisters. ~ Califol'uia· 41 y,ea.rs, ago.




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lieadi,ng Garde", Cen~er:





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Your Gull. Hil,/Route Man ;s Always at,- Your· Service! i




THE ANCHo.R~Di.o,cese of. Fall River-Thurs., May.16, 1968

1 Task

Wilumfl A~(j)lllJfl Cel!'fl@itm Mt[)1J)ies?

·Cincinnati Plani $t1250,OOO.Figh~ OIfi)[P@w®U'frr

The person who is intellectually bright and emotionally CINCINNATI .(NC) 0 = balanced may still have difficulties. And one of the~e is Archbishop Karl J. Alte5? that such a person can ~asily project h.is own qualities of said the Cincinnati archdia-. mind and makeup to others and assume that these are like cese' would allocate $1.26 him. . million in the next five years for'racial and poverty problems. A case in point is some recent discussion 'about certain He also said that' a. new ceIl;=o movies shown In some of the communities around the tral planning and budget como Diocese. Certain paHsh priests, with an understanding of mission would be established! the impressionaale, adolescent. mind and the adult who can to evaluate projects and allocate

be easily influenced, have taken exception to tl1ese movies

resources under the program.

To attain the $1.25 millio~ and have cautioned of, their deleterious effects. This.is not

fund, the archbishop said a matter of taking a patronizing view towa:rd other people $250,000 would be set aside' eacb but the pasfural concern of a shepherd for /those in the year for five years "through flock who just cannot vi~w such thi~gs without the strong stringent economy of our reao

likelihood of spiritual harm and emotional health danger.. '

sources." lit! The new commission, to ba . 'No one is trying to tell adults what they can Be.e. No '\ .. composed of laymen' and priests one is trying to teil intelligent and balanced adults that from the Pastoral .Councillp these pictures will .corrupt' them. But the priest who has. Priests' Senate, and other 'arc~ the' welfare of his flock at heart will certainly ~ution that diocesan groups, will set up aJlil

office with a fulltime executive this can happen. And he knows th~t in all too many cases

'secretary and staff. it does happen when the· viewer does not. have the intelli­ Projects to be chosen' wif& gence or the training or. the emotional balance to perceive "conform to the social apostol­ the theme that is behind the picture. . ate· of the Church as stated m: It may be true .that a mature person can look upon tbe Constitution of the Second

Vatican Council on' the Churekl the portrayal of sexual perversion in' a movie and see not

in the Modern ·World," the"iIrclr the sensational presentation-surely intended, since this is .'. :'bishop .said. . .. .~ the burden of much':o{the ·advertising for the movie-,.but , The commission:" will establisili the sad sickness and tragic waste of humanity behind it. C~mmon~ priorities for projects, approve . .. . ". ,. " ."·annual· budgets for periods Uii> It J~lay be that a ~ature person will see all the themes and . . to five years, and avoid fra!§­ 'elements in their proper perspective. . '. ~@IHi'~~ l!Jlrodl~li'$fr<dll1'il<dJDoUSJ cf ~$'$""e$ 'C@me~ '/mentirig its grants 'int6 ine£feo­ . But ilm't it asking too much to expeCt that a fifteen­ 11'" Il. n· A. A · . tive amounts, he· added. •.. ~ I year old young man or woman cando the. same? J\nd isn't .'. 1F1i'©1l'il'\l ·~~lPJfrH$(i' - t.\::1~fhnJ@ug~. Meefrmg . ;:.·'In· a letter to the clergy, Be­ there such a thi?g as the l~,t~p;late feai":":::::~ha:red'~y" some GREEN LAKE (NC) _ The rom, m., and Dr'. , Rob~rt··(c.. ·ligious,. and la~ty of the archdio­ noted drama and film critics-that there IS a p1.lm afoot second meeting between the ':Middleton; pastor' Of Hyde Park . cese ~nnouncmg the pro.g~.am, to make respectable and accepted what is morally perverted subcommittee of the American . Union Church, . ChiCago;" 'on ;.: Arch~:llshop Alter declared: . We and UI.matural ?And the brainwashing for this starts with · Baptist. Commission ,on Chris-' "Believer's'· Baptism and, the ·7eaf.flr~ th~t the Chur{:h. as 'an of Confirmation." . InstItutlon IS eager to share the tian ' Unl'ty and the subcommit- Sacrament the young. . responsibility in solving the 1Ji' these two areas, although many problems of modern so­ The' cry that movies must portray reality is am old tee of the Bishops' Commitee for Ecumenical and 1iIterreli- there are recognizable differ- ciety, particularly in the field oR ~me, and a trite one. If this were so, m9vies ·would have a gious Affairs was held recently ences, there was founll ~o be racial justice, equality of, op. field day in the sewers and dumps of the world, in the at the American Baptist Assem- considerable common ground, pottunity for the socially un­

cancer wards and morgues of hospitals, in the alleys and bly here in Wisconsin. and the conversation based on derprivileged, especially in the

disposal heaps of the cities. Movies must portray reality but Papers were· read by Father the papers was productive of area of acute poverty."

Government Responsibility

in a selective way, so that reality is portrayed with artistry Robert Tiisco, profess<;lr of his- Detter understanding and of He said "our financial particl­ and without becoming a vehicle for' spiritual or emotional tory at the Catholic University. 'continued consideration. of the of' America, and Dean George. issues involved, ° participants pation in the contemporary war harm; America is indeed a land of freedom, but .this does W. Peck of Andover-Newton said. on poverty and racial injustice not. operate without limits. As Supreme Court Associate . Theological Schooil, Newton cannot be envisioned apaJl!l Plans for the next meeting . from our permanent commit.Justice Thurgood Marshall wrote in the Dallas case deci­ Centre, Mass., on "Christian eion: "It does not' follow that the Constitut~on requires Freedom and Ecclesiastical Au- call for' an extended 'session in ment to existing charitable aD41l tbority," and by Father John A. which effort· will be made to . educational projects. absolute freedom to exhibit every motion picture of every Hardon, ·S.J., professor of ·sys- prepare a contribution. f'rnwin~ "The Church is already efta' kind at all times' and in all places." And Justice William' J. :; tematic theology at Bellannine out of the papers, to the Roman gaged in a wide-range prograJll!l J.' Brennan has s'aid,' "Obscenity is not within the area of School of Theology, North Au- Catholic-Protestant· dialogue lD of assistance to the underprivi­ the United S·tates. leged, whether in the .care cd

·protected speech' or press." . There may be much difficulty in deciding what is ob- lenlcls . StClteme!mt In addition, new studies are orphans, dependent' children

being undertaken on "The Na­ . ~nd their families, or relief till>

. scene. 'But one of the sta,ndards used by the Supreme Court ture and Communication of the aged. It particularly .is. eo­ is the attitude of the locale. And those who consider a movie Schoc~ Grace." It. is also hoped that the g;:lged in a vast edu<;ationai pro­ 'harmful would be remiss in their' duty if they' did not rally CHICAGO I(NC)-Citizens for work of these two committees gram supported entirely by. the voluntary contributions of the others of like mind around them and, spealdng for a sig­ Educational Freedom (CEF) en­ · will be useful to and will- pro­ faithful." . . vide resource material for ecu­ nificant sector of the locale, pOint out that this type of dorsed a Republican policy state­ . The archbishop said "the chief menical conversationS in local thing is not acceptable in this community. To keep silent ment callj.ng for equal treat­ responsibility. for solving the ment of all school children in ·communities. would amount to allowing a theater executive to determine distribution problems of poverty and of pro­ of government aid the stqndards of a community. tf\Cting human rights, with all! but questioned the statemept's Of course, there is the added element of example. St. 'emphasis on state agencies in '!ro®!hlfr ·N.Y. Land! So§e' its' implications and conse­ quences, must ultimately be t:1ld . Paul has pointed out that s()me things are lawful but are making aid available. of the government.' . IF@1f Ne~li'@ HOUlsnng The endorsement came from not expedient. Some movies may be viewed without harm' The members' of the Church " BUFFALO (NC)-A taxpay­ by the mature adult-layman or nun or priest. But if he the CEF executive committee ers' group : has 'organized in' are Qbligated to support' these meeting here. The, statement was loves people then he nlUst, be concerned with their Christian. issued nearby Lackawanna to oppose governmental programs by cre­

by the Republican Na­ welfare. And such a love would dictateothat certain things tional Coordinating Committee. the proposed sale' of 25-acre atil)g a sound public opiniOill

and likewise by the conscien­ tract of land by the Buffalo Di­ . ',.are unwise or musb be bYP¥sed in order to. give example Paul C. 'Meckleborg of Cin­ tious exercise of their· francbJse to those who could be brought to harm. A person is rar~ly .einnati,' CEF' president, said the ocese to 'a Negro organization a.nd suffrages." ... construction of an integrated a solitary individual acting ina vacuum-he is a member · '~basic principle of the commit-, for housing development. lee report-that government' aid . . . of a community and his speech and actions affect the com­ A~(:hbishopPlans: education should. be distrib­ The group-,-Taxpaye~s IJiter­ munity for weal or woe. He~must be conscious of this always. to uted on. the basis of fair and · ested bi Civic Affairs in Lacka­ · 'Pgstorf;llCouncil . Else his claim to love people is merely~hat---:.'a.Claim, not ~ · equal treatment . of ·.all school' wanna-says. its opposition is . SAN FRANCISCO (N0) _ eommitment. . . .. ehil9ren, including those in ·not based. on any racial mOtives · Preliminary steps have' beeIl '~~


Fiilld :


.r4\ .. '




OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF Tl-fE DIOCESE OF FAll RIVER 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 . . PUBL.ISHER .• , Most Rev.' James l. Connolly, ·0.0., PhD. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloc. M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll MANAGING EDITOR H.uoh J. Galdaa .


nonpublic schools--demonstrated but rather' on the fact. that sew­ taken toward the formation .. .. a sincere and total comMitment· erage and schools in the .area _a pastoral council of pries*&, .; iosolving "today's educati6nal are inadequate to serve the 100 · Religious and laity for the, sea problems." . . single family homes plan!le9" Francisco .. archdiocese.. / . Meckleborg added: HCE.F has Ten lay members w h o " Replying, Kevin Kennedy, di­ been working for 10 years to 'serve on the council's organia­ ocesan attorney, said he ~as in­ secure . freedom, equality ,and ing committee have been named . excellence in education for all . vestigated the matter and found to date by the ArchdiOcesall that the group has "no need. tG . children, including those. at­ Council of Catholic Men and the tendiQg Christian. and Jewish be concerned over the proposed Archdiocesan Council of CatDoo sale." . day schools. The implementa­ olic Women. tion of the committee's recom­ He noted the City of LackaThe' organizing committee , . . mendation to' seek equality in wanna has appropriated $100,000 eventually be made up' of $OIDIl aid will help bring this about." fOr a new sewer in the area and. ,25 members-six priests, f~ He called on the· Republican that '.the board of education is ReligIOUS and 15 laymen. The platform committee to make the negotiating with the diocese for .' cOlpmittee will prepare propo&o prim;iple an "integral part" of .purchase of a nearby piece of' als for the' final form the area.. .its platform. in this election land for construction of &l DeW . d~ocesan pastoral council s· .. .year. all!Wol. take.


Acushne,t ft. FRANCIS XAVIER $50 Mr. & Mrs. John Santoo $30

llli'. & Mrs. Leo G. <tklinB3 $25 lillI'. & Mrs. Pierro ~ouche1' .& L!'amily

Assollllet S'lr.BERNAlltD $20Q Ml'. & Mrs. Anthony 'il'expak $125 !£av. John P. Cronin $40 Kenneth Rezendes S2S 1\'1r. & Mrs. John L. Brown ror. & Mrs. Thomas Terpak

BU~:l:ards Bay,' J ST. MARGARET

6200 Rev. John G. Carroll $5G Eugene Lopes In memory of Manuel An­ ttrews and Enos Lopes Mr. & Mrs. John Gray $30 1ft memory of Enos Lopes Mr. &; Mrs. Frank Lopes Mr. &; Mrs. William McCoy. Mr. &; Mrs. August Christofori Dorothy Pina $Z'J • • &: Mrs. Joseph e. Arnold $25 Mr. &; Mrs. Eugene Sweeney, Mrs. Hazel Mazzeo, Mr. &: Mrs. IL I. Keleher, Mr. &; Mrs. John Gibbons, Mr. &; Mrs James Dug-


Mrs. Benjamin Femandeso eatherine Bowen, Mrs. Cather~ iDe Degan, Mr. &; Mrs. Ralph BlQgiotti, Mr. &; Mrs. Walter

Mrs. Henry L. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy,' Mr. .& Mrs. ThomEls Murphy, Mr. .& Mrs. Stephen O'Brien Sr Of Mr. & Mrs. George A. Smith, Mr. & Mm. Thomas J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Norbert Young, MI:. & Mrs. John F. Aylmer Jr., Mm. Mary T. Gr&ce, Mr. & Mrs. W<Il:;me James, Mrs. Will Price

DI1'. & Mrs. Joseph T. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Casimire Bartkie. wiea: ' ' The Forrest Family

$75 Mrs. Robert Little S50 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lebel, Mr. &; Mm. John Norton, Mr. &; Mrs. .John J. Pendergast, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pendergast Mr. & Mrs. John Kilcoyne Mr. & Mrs. Richard Griffith $40 Margaret Fawcett &;


Dorothy Fawcett Mr. & Mrs. George Reale $30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cairns Mr. &; Mrs. James Murphy Mrs. Matthew Finn Mr. &; Mrs. William Hettel'­

-.an Mr.


Mrs. Graham ScuMer Kalliope G. Garoufes ' &;


IIIr. & Mrs. Norman' Boucher, Michael P. Burke, Mr. &; Mrs. Sames J. Gannon, Hazel Connor , . Mr. &; Mrs. William Dacey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roy Dupuy, Mr. • Mrs. Austin Durant, Mrs. George Garoufes, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gillis, Mr. &; Mrs. Val­ more Guertin Dr. & Mrs. James H. Johnson k., Mr. & Mrs. Neal Lanning. Mr. & Mrs. John Lebel, Mrs. Katherine R. Liston, Mrs. Mary ,c.. Maddalena , Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Maher. MI'. & Mrs. Edward Maher, Dr. ., Mrs; Raymond MartiD, Mr. Ie

RECOGNITION FOR SCOUT WORK: 'l"he New Bed­ ford Area recipients were: Barbara Lafferty of New Bedford, St. Anne Award; Louis NQbrega and Louis Cardoza m Fairhaven, both received the Pelican Award; Antoinette Orlowski, Norma Avila and Irene Medeiros of New Bedford, l!'eCipients of Our Lady of Good Oounsel Awards.


Mr. & Mrs. Chllrlea Costa MI1'. .& Mrs. Daniel B. Souza Mr. &: Mrs. John. 1:. Brady Mr. &; Mrs. Richard Treclda Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph Halloran Mr. &; Mrs. Bernard T. Kelly, ' Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel Raposa Jr., Chadotte Medeiros, Mr. &: Mrs. Antone DeCosta, Elsie Co II: Elsie Travers Henry Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Dolan, Mr. & Mrs. Emest Martin, Mr. &; Mrs. George '1'. Leach



N@tmh!!d(@t OUR LADY[ OIF 'Ji'IBlJE lI§lLll£


Mr. & Mrs. John Costa Mr. & Mrs. Fred Best Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Moriarty Dr. S. & Dr. Philip Lozinski $26 Mr. &: Mrs. Francis J. Maher

Mr: & Mrs. Joseph Willette

Mrs. Isabelle Sandberg


Rev. George E. Amaral


.A Friend

$11.00 Antone Costa Arthur Rabesa Mr. &; Mrs. John A. Reine ell Son Mr. &; Mrs. Robert lll. lRodell'<>


$80 Rev. Joao C. Martins $'75 Mr. .& Mrs. William Bonit@ $6li Mr. & Mrs. LawlI'ence Peters $40 Mrs. litose P. Tavares &: Fam-­ IJ,}-

A Friend Mr. &; Mrs. Antoae Vieira $80 Mr. & 'Mrs. Peteit' Carvalho

. Mr. &; Mrs. Manuel Emerald Frank E. Grace Mr. &; Mrs. Frank G. Souza 'Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph E. Souza $25 , .,.III memory o,l Maria Bonito, Harold L. BakeII' Co. Inc., David .... Correllus, Mr. &: Mrs. Wil­ J.iam DePonte, Mr. & Mrs. John L. Dias . Mr,& Mrs. Manuel P. Dutra, Fal~outh Lumber Inc., Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Lawrence, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph M. Lewis, Mr. &: Mrs. Louis H. Marshall Mrs. Julia Mello, Mr. &; Mrs. 'Arthur Monteiro, John B. 'Pa­ checo, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Souza Jr:, Mrs. Lena & Jane F. Soliza Mr. & Mil'S. Sylvester R. Ta­ vares & Soil, Mr. &; Mrs. Fred­ .mck]i.. ~

$30 .

Paul F. K.eane Jr. $26 Frank Pimental $25 Dr. Stanley Mysliwy, ROS3 Steeves, Alb~rta Silveira, Mary A. Sullivan

Mr. & Mrs. Oharles Yocum $Jl.II0

East Fammouth

$100 Mrs. Austin O'Malley Mr. & Mrs. Philip Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Rene L. Poyant


Frank Sylvia

CentrGI VHlage



$250 Joseph Collins






Dtgh1l'on Mr. &; Mrs. Keith Songer, Mr. , It: Mrs. Emiliano Gavazza, Mr. ST. PETER .. Mrs. Edmond Villani, Mr. & $50 Mrs. Bernard Burns, Mr. &; Mrs Mr. .& Mrs. Leo J. Deslaurier.s ,Joseph Andrews I.e.I. Organics Inc. ' Marcella McCoy, Mr. &: Mrs. $30 Bmest Perry, Ida Monterio, St. Peter's Holy Name Society o $25 Katherine Femandes, Artnlli' .JOis Mrs. Sybil J. Bacon, Mrs. Sid­ Mrs. Mary Matthews, Mr. &; !!ley paplan, Mrs. Frederick Har­ "1In!. Ed O'Melia ~ Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Rose

Rev. James F. Lyons


Arm Fawcett, Mr. & Mrs. Rich&rd P. Gleason, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O'Nell



Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Murphy, Doreen Eastman, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ liam Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Boyden, Mr. & Mrs. John Ryan




tflE A~8 Thurs., May 16, 196

1IIl'lI. stanley McLean, lloa. •






$35 Mrs. Robert McGratl:l $25 Mr. & Mrs. John Mendonca, Mary L. Reith, Mr. & Mrs. Mi­ chael Lamb.



North Dighton ST. JOSEPH

$Sot Rt. Rev. Bernard J. Fentoa

$l1t Mr. &: Mrs. Richard M¥tin $100 Mr. &: Mrs. Henry WllIl'eing Mr. &; Mrs. James E. Willianw $80 Rev. Thomas C. Mayhew $2$ Mr. & Mrs. William T. Bliss, Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Collard, Mr. &; Mrs. Donald Emond., Mr. &: Mrs. Maurice J. Kent, Mr. & Mrs Norman LaFrance Mr. &: Mrs. John Lane, Mr. & Mrs. Hauy F. Lyons, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Marsden, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Neville, Mr-.-« Mrs. Harold J. Roberts, A Friend (2) Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Coelho" Leo Duffy, Mr. &; Mrs. Anthony R. Mastromarino. Mr. & Mrs. George L. Gray, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hebert Mr. & Mrs. Russell McDer­ mott, Mr. & Mrs. Philbert Tor­ res, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Turner, Mr. & Mrs. George Vargas, Mit. & Mrs. Manuel P. Vargas

:at. Rev. William D. Thompson Mr. &; Mrs. John B. Davidson $101 Mr. & Mrs. Lionel J. Dulude Mr. &; Mrs. Hubert Keane lVIr. &; Mrs. Pasquale Nicolaci $100 Mr. &; Mr3. Donald L. Payette Mr. &; Mrs James Hobart $36 In memoJrY of .John P. &; Lllliaro Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hogan B. Shea $30 $60 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Borges Mr. &; Mrs. Thomas Murphy Joseph & Elmira McKenzie $55 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kovic Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Bresnahan Mr. &; Mrs. Alfred Vincent $50 $26 Mr. .& Mrs. Manuel M. Borges Mr. &; Mrs. David Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Manuel MorriG Bridget Gregg Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Doyle Mary Gregg Mr. & Mrs. Rene Vezina Winnifred Walsh Mr. & Mrs. John Kubiski Irene Shea $25 Mary Shea. Mr. &; Mrs. Aaron Parr, Johllll !,ISS Conley, Mr. & Mrs. James Coch­ Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Archer ran, Mr. & Mrs. James Honohan. Mr• .& Mrs. Arthur Fisher Mrs. Pauline Benoit. Mr. .& Mrs. John Sances Mr. & Mrs. Albert Moquin, :~30 , Mr. & Mrs. John Walsh, Mr. &: Virgil Casey Mrs. Paul LopesJMr. & Mrs. , $2G Frank Nunes, Armand Guil­ Harriet Butler mette Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Reardon

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Souza, Mrs.

Mr. & Mrs. :E:dmond Dery Study Week on Soil Marjorie Carey, Patrick Nicolaci, $25 ,Mrs. Emelia B. Dulude. Stanley Winalski, Mr. & Mrs. In Vatican Gardens Norman Nault, Mr. & Mrs. Rich­ VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Falmouth ard Gureghian, Mr & Mrs Harold Pontifical Academy of Sciences lEllis, Mary E. Grenier ST. PATRICK opened an annual study week Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Thomas, in its headquarters in the Vati­ $150 Dr. & Mrs. James Dunne, Grace :\Rev. John J. Regan can gardens attended by 24 sci­ M. Golder, Mary T. Toner, Mr. .& entists, including specialists from $100 Mrs. Lawrence Balegno In memory of Mary C. Shea the United States and the So­ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Ryan, viet Union. A Summer Visitor (2) Mr. & Mrs. James Queeney, $'75 The study week was devoted Cecelia M. Haskins, Mr. & Mrs. to an examination of organic ma­ Mr. & Mrs. Roland Barabe Harold Peck $50 terial and the fertility of soiL lEileene Finnell Among the assembled experts, :m Thanksgiving 10 were from the U.S. and three Mansfield ][n memory of Raymond L. from the Soviet Union. Other ST. MARY Herlihy nations represented were' Italy, $100 H. A. Barrows France, India, West Germany, The Darmedy Family Anonymous Austria, Spann, Brazil and Aus-­ 'A Friend $40 valia. Mr. &; MrS. 19dward Jameson Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Medeiros Atty. & Mrs'. Robert Currivaa

Dr. &; Mrs. Norman Starosta $85

'$30 ' A Ji'riend

01. I SYSTEMAnc Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Doherty $!it • 10". SAVINGS Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Knispel Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Kuzdol Mr. & Mrs. William J. Lynch MONTHLY DEPOSITS , $26 . $25 01. a INVESTMEIII' Mr. & Mrs. Albert Fasulo, Mr. Edward Augustyniak • 10 ye. SAVINGS &; Mrs.. Gerard Precourt, Mr. &: AnonY,mous ' NOTICE ACCOUNTS Mrs. Ralph Sarro, Mrs. Maude &: 'MI'. &: Mrs. Nestor Robidoa. a REGULAI Margaret Welch, Mr. &: Mrs. $25 year SAVINGS Mrs. 'James Cassidy, Margaret Malcolm Fales ' Cassidy, Loretta Doucette, Mr. &; Mrs. Myron Gaddis, Mrs. B~ss William Hewins

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Makely,

The Misses McKeon, Mr. & Mrs.

Bank By Mail

Donald Panaccio'ne, Stanley

Reeves, Harry C. &: Ann B.

We Pay The Postage Richardson . _ • YARMOUTH SHOPPING PlAlI Mrs. Max Cohen, A Summer

Visitor, 'Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs.

• SOUTHYARMOUTII • HYANNIS John J. Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Paul • DENNIS PlJII • OSTERVILlE Kelliher

Mr. & Mrs. Albert HOrmaD

5 50

5 00


River Savings Bank


Morth Easton

lHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., May 16, 1968 I'

IMMACULATE CONCEPT1OII $250 Re~ JOhn J. Casey $50 Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Ingeml Mrs. Charles McCarthy Sr.. $40 €c>nley Funeral Home $35 lltlr. & Mrs. T. William CondOll $25 Clement J. 'Coughlin, Dr. &I Mrs. James F. McCourt, Mr. ,. Mrs. V. Muscato, Mr. & Mrs. Wi}.. liam O'Connell, Mrs. Benedkl Scully

")\bility to Look Forward


Determinant of Survival ~

By Barbara Ward

r: This is a year of crisis in the world. All' the civilizing , Institutions and arrangements we painfully pieced together in the alftermath of the last great struggle are falling apart or badly shaken. The United Nations suffers from a creep­ ing paralysis of action and eonfidence. The B ret ton Woods monetary arrange­ ments creak' at the ,joints.,

unemployment rates of young Negroes above 25 per cent in many areas, a sharp decline in world trade would increase un" , ST. MARY, "be Common Market is marking empioyment and add, critically, $1000 'time. The Atlantic Alliance looks to domestic pressures. 1: Fernandes Super Markets . . . tmsteady. Eco­ There is, moreover,' another" , $400 iDomic assistance deeper, if less precise reason for Rev. Thomas F; Daley programs have, rejecting any plunge back 10 Kilburn Glass Industries ~ lost their apPeaL isolationism. All the political, '$250 Disarma:­ intellectual and moral' ferments Anonymous IDent halts at the of our age' sPeak to and for an $150 !!'est Ban Treaty. mankind. The scientific di~ 8t. '¥incent de Paul &oo.IeIII :And the strains courSe is' open to all minds­ $100 there is JlI() Maoist' physics or :within nations John F. Gomes' statistics' on the class front or, -French v'ersus :Mrs; Patrick Devlin un-American, biology - and in­ , $60 English in Can­ creasingly scientists them­ Anonymous a d a, Fleming Selves' as members of a world­ 1'ersus Walloon $50 wide 'intellectullJ1 eommunity.' :Mr. & Mrs. Joseph FODseea In Belg.ium, "', The. ,spirit ,of· 'the Founding John Drime black versus white' ~erica, MOTHER OF THE YEAR: Mrs. Elizabeth Grossman'," Mr. & Mrs. Anthony T. PiI'tW eolor versus color all over the Fathers, boldly proclaiming their 'World-spread the divisions 'and truths' "self-evident" to the , BQdine, of Velva, North Dakota is the 19,68 Mother of the'" Mr. & Mrs. Charles Drane

hostilities f,rom the interna,tional ,whole of mankind, lives on' 'm Year. The 70-year old Mid-Westerner holds a bouquet Mrs. Charles Ash

,;,the Wilsonian vision of a world tID the domestic scene. $40

system based on the rights and presented to her after s-he was honored in New IYork CitYo &> the'temptation is' strong to Loretta Flanagan duties of respOnsible 'nation-'" Mrs. Bodine and her retired farmer husband, Frank, are' turn away from a world of trou­ Mr. & Mrs. Charles Valentille the parents of 18 children, 80 grandchildren and ei,ght great­ bleabroad and concentrate on states. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Harrk! Communism claims 'to' Wlder­ grandchildren. NC P1?-0to. . domestic problems. It is strong­ $33 est of all in a country like the pin a universal system of broth­ Mrs. Peter Mondor"Bf FamiJ3'; United States where a tradition erhOod. And both the liberal $32 and, Marxist version' of world' of isolationism has been dom­ Mr. & Mrs. Josepli Russell . inant in the past, where foreign' order has older roots in the $30 'trade makes up less than 10 per Biblical vision of the Coming Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Clegg of the Kingdom. It is not irrel­ eent of the national economy­ $25 In Britain the percentage is evant that the most violent and Mr. & ·Mrs. Charles Blomet/t nearer 30 per cent-and where destructive upheavals of our age Mr. & Mrs. William FlahertJi. the geographical fact of two turn on the suppposed separate­ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jolly .... wide shielding oceans does not ness of blood and race-th'e Nazi Mr. & Mrs. George Sabourin. seem to have been completely extermination of the Jews or Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Wichland today's racist violence. annulled. Sr. . Final Determinants :No Isolationism

Norton Catholic Women's Clue But; of course, all this is iDu­ , "l'be larger movements of "Don't Be A Woman If You Can," sang the dark-haired Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sabourin, Mro mon: To the strolling astronauts Manis mind and spirit may singer wi,th a satirical lilt to her voice. 'I'he song was evi- & Mrs. Ernest Precourt, Mr. & eircling the globe in 90 minutes, 'sometimes seem irrelevant l!8 . b Gersh ' d . th e 1930's an d b 0 t:'L.' ,Mrs. Chester Vota, Mr. & Mrs. dently wrItten y Ira WID urmg ,11 'Anthony Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. the continents are stepping governments' battle with domes­ stones, tbe Oceans are streams. tic issues and citizens protest lyrics and melody were strange to my ears. Nevertheless, Manuel R. Vital ' ' ~rs. Harvey Wal·ker, Mr. To the orbiting bomb site or :risiilg prices or rising taxes or the message that both Mr. the intercontinental rocket, 1lbey botb. But the lesson of history Gershwin and the golden- the woman, of the house to Mrs. James Powers, Mr. & Mrs. are simply irrelevant. As for ':' is that the final determinants" 'voiced soprano wanted to worry, even more, Homer Si~mons, Mrs: Ar:thuI', : trade; America learned in 1929 not only of human greatness but 'th +.". • Why, this Summer, probably Brown, AnonymoUS lIVngue III one of the biggest pre-party' bow even a small direct' stake even of human survival" liem eon V e y ( WI' in the world economy can add : the ability of the nation or cuI­ , cheek)' tel then- listeners was decisions the wife will make is Family Values to economic dislocation in a ture of people to avoid the blindl that the female of the species whether all tbe males in the is faced with a crowd are going to' wear their time of global crisis. alleys of 11 static, hackwaro­ WlASHINGTON (NC)-''Tbe turtlenecks to tonig.ht's barbe-' Authority of Love," by William TodaY,a large number 'of "looking, uncreative philosophy. life of never- cue. -, America's largest, most pioneer- Arab civilization entered its' e n d i n g : Maher, described as "a new While being a woman is II 'view of family values in a ing corporations 'do 30 and 40 long decline when it, turned, its decisions. What full-time job (there are many changing world" and designed )ler cent of their business abroad back on the Renaissance revival color nail polish, da,ys when I'd love· to move to for use by discussion groups of and depend for prosperity upon of learning. Spain and Portugal what type make~ some deserted beach in Maine from six to 16 persons, has been world trade growing, as it has sat on their gold fro~ the New up, what style with no near neighbors to curl published here by the National grown for 20 years, by 6 and '1 World and ossified while the hairdo-:-world- my hair or put my makeup on Council of Catholic Men. . )ler cent a year. To precipitate a Low Countries traded with it shaking deci- for), I do believe most women

slump in the world economy by and prospered. China refused 10 sion - making. While most of ,wouldn't trade' being a female

attempting to take America out ~ncede any' merits to the in,­ ,for fhe world.

of it would not solve America's coming "barbarians" of Europe usa d m i ito internal problems. In fact, with and entered a century of isolation making m 0 r e

and decay. Japan prepared for important deci­ Cease' Publication sions than this, I must admit INSURANCE ,AGENCY, INC. the West and survived. SAULT STE. MARIE (NC) that Mr. Gershwin knew a little ' -Two Canadian weeklies in the Church Group Backs Today, to abandon the ardu­ 96 WILLIAM' STREET ous, challenging, cr~ative tas~ about the weaker sex. Such Sault Ste. Marie diocese, (the Abortion law Cnal1lge NEW BEDFORD, MASS. of "inventing man's"f~~ure" just things as the length of our Noithern Ontario Record, and ATLANTA (NC) - Atlanta's when the physical resources for skirts; the right stockings for its French counterpart, L'Infor-' 998-5153997-9167 Christian Council, an ,association such a task aTe at hand, 'Would certain outfits and when to, mation), 'have ceased publica-' PERS~NAL SERVICE of clergymen which includes wear or not wear a hat may not, tion~ because of increasing ·finan­ be an abdication which a com­ some Catholic priests, Jias voted munity like Ain'erica '''dedicaied need a conference by the U.N. cial problems:. to support a bill relaxing the to the 'proposition" : of ' human but they do assume a role ,of, state's abortion law. ' freedom and greatl1ess - could importance in the life of the The measure has been passed· not carry through without the average woman. With fashions by . the state Legislature, and most profound loss of nerve and changing as fast as they are Gov. Lester Maddox, is now de­ confidence. 'Never befo~e in lately, a gal not only needs the ciding whether to sign it~ human 'hiStory has a co",ntry Kennedy millions, but also The vote was taken at the re­ existed in which, year 'after daily copy of Women's Wear fluest ot' Gov. Maddox. The final year, the goods and services Daily to keep up with the latest -tally was 11'1 for the m~asure, available to set a pOlicy: free trends. six against. The six were priests, ­ from material restraiIits ,grow among them Auxiliary Bishop by some $40,000 millions - a ' Even the Melll Joseph Bernardin of Atlanta, larger sum incidentally than the t;;kirts are up, down, and in' who asked that the Catholics be whole of India'sn!ltional in­ allowed to state their position ~me.' between. ,No wonder w~g!'!.t', ," in the council's report to' MadAnd so far we have spoken headaches! One year the hair­ dox; , only of the context of secular dressers, are straightening our, Dr. Bevel Jones, president of hopes and necessities. But the loek!!; the next they're after Picn~cs the, Christian Council, said the Atlantic world still has Chris­ them with electric curling irons. CONTACT'MANAGER - LINCOLN PARK vote should not be considered tian roots and leaElings. These, What's In' one month is defi-', .. • •:.'\" • ,".'<. \ ' . - . - .. as expressing the official coUJi­ too, I are ,relevant', and will De nitely Out the next and now 999-6984 _" 636,-2744 r. cil position on abortion. even ~e men are going' to cause ~amined next week. ,




~~ These Are Days of Change In Fashion Kaleidoscop~




RATES FOR, "School' -Outings and SfEC~Al

THE ANCHORThurs., May 16, 1968 I

By JoseJJJlli anai OOarill'yn Roderick


One 01. the children'GJ projoots the g·arden thie yeM' be to plant and care for the dahIias. Dahlias 'are fairly eaSy to grow and require litt;!e care, so they are a parti~ _rly good plant for: children. We have ordered about five JaeW varieties and expect to pot them into the gardem III'e our mcst reeent i.lcquisitioll just about the time this ar­ and I'm quite eaget" to see them tiele appears. We are going open their buds so tIllat our Mary statue may be surrounded to skip the dwarf dahlias Wa with the beauty· nt deserves.



Grayce Felmann

Mr. & 'Mrs. George Fernande.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jacinto

Francis Mackedon

Mrs. Edward O'Brien

.Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sawyer Corpus Christi'-St. Theresa's Women's Guild George N. Vogel $26

Mrs. Manuel Britto Mr. & Mrs. Bernard DiPieti.'\lt Mr. & 'Mrs. Roland DeConto Mr. & MrS. Amedio GQnella Mrs.' 'Albert' Govoni' , ' ElIS1o\'orth Hawkes Mr; &;' Mrs; ;John McArdle Mr. & Mrs. Paul O'Connell . ,',,' Mr. & Mrs. Edward Osgood' Mr. & Mrs•. Rayrpond:Lussie!'., ' .

ifellr and plant the large decora­ Duting the latter part of April,· tive types, whIch shoulld be m white tuliPs and daffOdils sur­ joy fur the c'hlldren. round~ 'her, but . all but . one J;>ahliali,.,~Il¥e really CQm~'f'''' have 109\ their be~tY until next long way in recent years. My . .. . : .' : fmpression ", ot", dahlias:. 11A'M ./il..:, Spri!1g.·,· , wa,Yl!.i>r~~, J~UJ~h liJ:Jlited,W".t}\Gr II: mOst' buy SQme ')?ansiE*! in, $25 ' : . ' . , ,\. " .. wer-Iarge ugly r¢s ·and purples shades ot~lue to'carrY ~~er this Mr. & Mrs;: Walter 'Alvezi, I tilat are so common in,,~J;4~n~' sm.~~~, ~a;raen :' 1,pltil tp'~ . white··· .Lawrence Balboni, 'Mrs. 'Jamell ',,, This does not have to be the dlUSle$' and blue and . white as- ' -" Barber, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Bi­ ease today. I am particularly­ ters of Su'mmer arrive. anchi, Mr. & Mrs: John Bulla. . fund of the cactus dahlias which n's great deal of fun havi~g Brunuo Borghi, Mary Carafoli, bave a spidery quality giving a Mary garden. All during the Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Caron, Mr. & HONOR WOMEN iN sCOUTING: Receiving honors at @.hem a delicate appearance drea'ry, months of January anell Mrs: John CliritGn, Mr. & Mrs. which the ol~er dahlias com­ February. one can search· the the recent Awards Day in Norton Dolores Travagliollle Richard Currier., . pletely lack. '.' ..... cat~log:ues .for blue and white of ,RaYnham, Mrs. Alfred RaJPOsa:,p,f.:.F~1l JUver ,.app ~rs. Mi: &.~: ~gela:DiModi~', '. How to Stake bloQ9'~~... . ' \ ':'. " . J ohhc of Fall River, recipien.ts ,of ,the ,Our Lady of ' ,Frede'rick J. Dunbury"lIIIr & Mrs .. Some, time' around the middle, C H I ak of May we will plant .the tube~, . Melissa ~akes her First om- G()()(} Counsel .A:wax:d; Rep. Marga:ret"eek er; gtiestspe .; Thomas ,D4nlavey, . Mr. '.~ Mrs.. " wlli~tJ.,:alreadYI have 11' bit of, rnlW4m: this 1 month. a,rid after~r' M~','Laureston 'Jack'son of EASt: Taunton, St. "Aiin~" Ro~rt E~os, Henry: (;agner, , 1V.!;rt ,.&, ~rs. )\iilton ,Geltz, ~r. · that hectle weekend;. which I'm', ' ,~ .. L:,'M'., .! S '" Pl·' "':'1': ,-';;""; 'D "1' A' ;i:' '., growt~",~bout six inches deep', 9urE( wnf includes. cro\;VJling, . AW~~;·. rs. tuatt acepa.un~Pt"",!, e ~can .,warYo ' ...... .& Mrs.. Justin George,' Mr. &. '. and partially fill· the planting,. it ViiHuid:' be riice' to have our ' ' '" ,I , " " ..• ' Mrs. Richard., Latimer, Mr.. &: '.' , $35 Mrs.. Milton ~eltz, Jr.,. Mr. 8:&. Ilwle with soft soil so as not t» own, personal little crowning"illl" " . ·.10" .'. I&urt the new growth. As, the I oUT"own', backyard. Last year" ,." ",-I, aK .

',; Irrederick McGrath' Mrs. Fred ,Har~ins, plant, t:l'9W 8 we will slowl;y fill', we~ili. ,~s qui,te infonnaUy .);~A,((~D HEART

$30' M,I;', & .M~, ,,John. T, Liberty, . in the plantmg hole and stake, and i thought it was quite lovely. ' -. . .$100

Mr.. & Mrs.' Earl, Flinker, Mr., Jrran~esco, Popoli ' CIte area around' it so that when It's amazing bow easily young Rev. "George F; Almeida <­ ,,& Mrs., Paul J. Hassett, Mr. & .;.. , ' '", ,$25 >the plant begins, to mature~, children will join into an acJM[r; & Mrs. Alfred Doyl<a Rev. James IF. Buckley, David Mrs, Mervin Hardwick, Mr. &: fltakes' ~in be 'i!li place. CUvity 'such as a ~wning and $15 Eessom, Dominic Creonte, A +Wrs. Richap:l Hopwood.. We ~ave.come to .the conelll"'"" "there ~rtalnly couldn't be III A Friend Mr. & .Mrs. Leo Kelly, Mr. & Friend, Robert Peno $40 Ilion that many of the newer better way'to remind them that Leonard ,Francis, Walter Flavin Mrs.. Frank Kohn, Mr. & Mrs. Mr..& Mrs. Alfred MeteR ~rieties of dahlias need rrery th:is' is the month of the Blessed ' William Marganella, Katherine Emile' Perreault, Henry Cham.­ IltUe staking, 90 we usually set Mother. $35

Maley, Rose Maley. bers, Wilfred Ferreira Jean Britcher.

Mrs. James Mahoney, Joseph lin the thin green stakes which One other gift oi May 10 the Joseph -Hertig, Cornelius Spil­ lire sold' iri bundles. These are A Friend

-Milliken, .Mrs. Roy Morgan, Mr. ]an<a abundant rhubarb. crop that ap­ $30 & Mrs. Gino Marcoratti, Mr. & 80t as noticeable as the twiga pears both in our yaros and im Mr.. & Mrs. Ellsworth 1l'ish:ei' Mrs. John MacQuade. . ed sticks we formerly used and the markets. I must warn the $26 Me strong enough to keep the readers that this rhubarb pie Mrs. Nan McCann, Mr. & Mrs. .Po. Friend plants upright. recipe makes a very runny (but OORPUS CHR][8T1 Walter G. McCone, Mr. & Mrs. $25 Afte; planting and staking, delicious) pie but ·this is the Michael McNamara, Mr. & Mrs. there 18 very little to be done... way"my 'husband likes it and . -,Mrs. Margaret & Mary I. Mati­ $3S@ Cornelius Minihan, Mr. & Mrs.· .. If the p,lan~ are started in, ill ''you, know .what they say about eiros, ~rs., John O'Neil, Mr. &: . ~ COrpus . Chiisti-St. Theresa's George lVIooney. . St. Vincent de Paul Society· " .' pLace where, they will get full . 'the wav ~ a man's heart . Mil'S. ,Edmund Bernard $160 Mr. & Mrs. Frank ,Ward ,Sr... iJWl for a, gooq part of the day, ,'. )..,.., ' . .' Mil',' & Mrs;' ,George E. Towen Mr. Be lY1rs. Thomas W09d, Mr. flJ.ey will thrive with very little ,,'" ...... :. , Rhubarb Pie . OCean· Grove . , $150 ' & Mrs. ,Toseph,a. Reynolds, Mrs. ltelf fr~p,. the. gardener. An oe-"I Z cuPs cut-up rhubarb (make MICHAEL Mr. "&' 'MrS. Jolin a GreeaWilliam Rus~ell Jr., Jean Sulli-'· .eas1~nal f~rti~zing might be de-. ,"" ,.'. surethey',re pinkish'·to· '., , ,; ,;., '$50 ,. . . .. .van. IIir~ble!.,as it ~s with every plant". " : . to give color to your pie) Pettme.. halgh" . ., , Mr.. &' Mrs: 'Raymond " .. · $ 1 2 0 Mr. ,,& Mrs. Charles Sturges, but is not necessary to iAsqre., , :1 % ' cups ,sugar . . , ' $40 \ . , Mr. &- Mrs'. ·Richard· R. Man-" MIl'.,. &. Mrs. ,Paul Marchisio, II'Owth.· % ,·teaspoon salt Mr. ,& ~~. EdwardMartm " 'ni9ilr. George Ortolani; Mary Ortolam. In the FaBthe plants can be 1 % teaspoons cornstarch . $30 .

Mr.. & Mrs.. ,Luigi Pasquale. '.I'd' , "'1' ·$100 ~ted and stored ior next year's 1 .egg , Mr. &" Mrs. Edward ,Crearnefi , ·Mi-'.·& Mrs:. DOnald Lonergan' Mi'. & Mrs. Donald PhilbriCk, planting. This Is where we faD.' Z, Tablespoons butter Mr. & Mrs. William C.. O'Neiil

Mr;, & Mrs, Joseph Whalen. Mi';; &" 'Mrs: John MacDonald . eom~le~eIY. F~r.some reason. we.". 1)·. 'Cut the rhubarb Into 1­ , . $25 St! Joti'n's: Conference, Sl. V. don't"get them out of the ground, ,..inclt pieces.' Do not peel. Cover, A. .Friend, A 'Friend; Mr. &: . . don't take proper precautions with boiling water for one min-' Mrs. Moise Authier, st. Michael'lI de P ... FIRST COMMUNION $'15 in storing, and as a result lose ute and drain quickly. C.Y.O.; Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Du­ Mr. & Mrs. Fred 0; Earle 3r: the tubers over the. Winter. This 2) Combine the sugar, salt Quette Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ellis . lis shameful but I have done it and cornstarch and blend well. Mr. & Mrs. Aloysius· Gabriel, $50 fur too many years to deny It, 3) Beat the egg and combine UN LIVING COLOUR Mr; & Mrs. James Bazzinottl but maybe t9lis year I can de- with all the other ingredients Mrs. Annette Lacroix, Mr. &: Mrs. Philip McHugh, Arthur Mr. & Mrs. George Campbell fi'end upon the chJldren to do except the butter. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Herbert A. Hamlen' Gte job as it should be done. 4) Spread in a 9 inch pie Pelletier, Pinea'u MacDonald's Hardware lIn the Kitchen ' plate that has been lined with Mr. &. Mrs. Laurent Pineau. , Mr; &- MrS. Martin Lawless · . ,. .. ,pastry. Dot with the butter and Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sexton, Mr. M~ 'lS building her house. :arrange strips of pastry across Lt.Col.Marie Lawlor· W1~h apple blooms . :t'he tQP of the filling to make a'. & ~rl1;,.DolJlillic Troy ,Mr. & Mrs. John PhaneUf (lhe 18 roofing over the gltm- lattice: ! ., ' " Mr.r&Mrs' H.'Sprague'Spoon': ." , Oll'ieans, . 'er .. '", ",' , llJ)ering rooms.. . '. 5) the p.~siry with'lil · : Richard I.e Galhenne .litt'Ei' ~gg and .water that have '. , Mr,.,:&· Mrs.· Edgar Tolmie

ST. 'JOAN OF AR<O· May 1S certainly one of the 'bee "..,'.... 'ed' 'to th . . ," Mil.' & Mrs. John,·Wilson,

. , " $100 .'

nux ge er. ' , ' . h . n ~veli~~ r mont s of the year.,'. 6) 'Bake in a:.425· oven for 35 I ,,: ,", '. $35'

David'1; McHUgh

April's s}w'rYe~' have. done their '00 40' 'minutes' . .... . ." J liijles 'T:. CIllOCY

Mhl: 'PatH :Abtomavage & jjol):well and the blossoms of the .,,,.: "I' . . . ., $75 A"·"'n . . H~ Abromavge frui,t trees give a touch of gran­ Emile Olliver'

Mrs."Christopher Brady <!leur to even the plainest yard. Junior Foresters Plan Mr'. & Mrs. Earle MacDonald .$45

;With daylight' saving time the David Rich

Mr. & Mrs. William Tybacll: beauty of the days stays with WJ Ride, Announce Grants $4@

Mrs. Olulrles Whitmore longer and the lengthy twUighta THE FINEST QUALITY

Fall ~ver Junior Foresters Mwa",d Smith

vge us to partake of that an­ IS WORTH THE PLEASANT

will hold a mystery ride at 6:~ dent art-walking. Wednesday night, June 5. Res­ SHORT DRIVE lOTHE

'.Ii." his poetically beautiful. ervations will close Wednesday, Is Treasurer AREA'S LEAp'_NG STUDIO

IlI10n th has also been chosen by May 29. They may be made with Mrs. Edwin A. Willia~s, Fan 8teSthetically wise churchmen as Nl!-ncy Su~van, chief ranger. OPEN SUNDAYS River native' and sister of Msgr. e!le month of Mary. Little girw The state high standing com­ 'Joseph R. Pannoni, pastor of Duri"'9 'Commu~ion Season, all over the world offer Jiloral n crowns to Our Lady of Purity, mittee of .the. organization has Holy Rosary Church, .Fali Rive~,. ebeMother of God, and' church . announced two $500 grants to . has l)een ''narried treasurer of the BRIDAL PORTRAITS prospective college students, Denver Archdiocesan' Council 9£ paups such as first Communl­ ami : DeIuJ18' 'Qualit, Candids mnts alwaY'S Include the crown':' based primarily on need. Appli-' Catholic Women. In this capacit)1 RESERVE YOUR DATE EARl, <eations available from Foll'­ she 'will' be active in making log of Mary as part of their cel­ ester' beadquarters at 347 Com­ preparations for the forthcoming . ilbration during this month. monwealth Avenue, Bostolll. EVANS STUPIOS Den\rerconvention of the Na': MalT Garden Our Mary ~rden is one 1e<H' Also opeA is • partial seholar- tiOnal Cou!1cil of Cat~olic :Wom- . 13 MAIN ST.-TAUNTbN IIId this month and is 81Ul 'far ' ship to OUr Lady of the Em.. en ,which will be attended b1' Tel. 822':1181 tideiateti from this DioCese. . . . perf~ TYf~ ~bite Makw CoUe.se. Cbi~





"!B'lu'ffs '.'

'" '. ,'"


,'" ,8"':






fa~ous for




... ~_.::










..... !J3S , .


, . Mr. II

,I, .,;


Richard Parsol'ifl

,;~. "Mr. &: Mrs.' Manuel DeMello

• Mr. &: MrS. Harry O?Neill • . ,'


~O,. j, e

Mr. &: :MrS.' JObn Pilvinea , 'Mr. &: Mrs: Carlos 'Alves Mr. .&: l\IIrs. Walter O'Brien Mr. &: Mrs. Willi8m A. Mw;:... phy Helen F. & MargaretGam~ Dr. & Mrs. John Machado Rosemary OQuinn Mr. & Mrs. William S. Bra~ Mr. & Mrs. Edward Doyle $26

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. MahGil? Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Y. Murp~ Mr. & Mrs. Francis S. Winspeu

The Union and Bergen Holy NEWARK (NC) - After 60 however, years, the Essex County Ji'eder-' Name Ji'ederations, ation of Holy Name So~ieties have shifted the date of their parades from the' second Sun­ has broken ranks and will no wnger sponsor 'parades for Holy day in October. to the last Sun­ day in September to avoid con-' Name members on Holy Name flict with the televised broad­

Sunday, the second Sunday· of c!!St of the World Series. October. The decision not, to ~_hold ~5 para,des but to subs,titute re­ ~@D'\l'il~Ii'Sf)ll' Mr. & Mrs. Vincent· Hay~ gion::jl orallies in various, churches Mrs. Dorothy Horan, Mr: & Mrs, came, after two years, of c~>n trQ,.. ST. .iJOHN OF GO)])

(;eorge G. Sylvia',' Mrs: Luko versy. It was concufl'e~ in by

$50 . . ' ; ,, . Mcqrohan, Mr. & Mrs: j\lbem') the federation's' executive board Catholic Youth Organization and' parish osp1xHual eli'rectors NEW ~EATURE: Barbara Ward, author of a, new RoSe. "" H9ly Rosa~y Society· becauseo~ff\lling. attendance Anchor Column beginning' -tOday page 8 is' seen' with'.' St. Mary's Guild,' Mr.' 1& Mrs, st Vincent de Paul ~, · .ovr u~ d I D'Jrector, S··' ' "·E.rnest Simm.ons, 'Mr.'·'&' 1UI'_ snd. the high cost.· for. bands. ' 1. . ,arym eon (l'.U't')· t:::.1, ec~ta:ri~t fur" ••.,..,.,

M sgr. M $30 , More, ~han' s{j., paj.i~hes had. World Justice' and Peace, NCCB and Msgr. Joseph'Gi-emil,'Edward H. &:'ClQutier," Mrs. Alice Arr:ud~ . .'", Green, Mr. Mrs. PaulSamue1l

Ferr~ 'participated in the two' Essex' $25' lion, Secretary, PQIltifi~l Commission for Justice and Peace. ,llIlr. &: Mrs. Joseph Pontel, County 'Holy Name parades beld Dr. & Mrs. Jesse 'Baptista, Mr. . NC Photo. . .... Shirley Perry, Mrs. Mary PerJ'3!:, each year: Up' to recent years, ll/IJ:. & Mrs. George M. O'HarD two parades were necessary be..: at Mrs. Manuel. L. Sousa, Th~ Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Frank CoiemaZl. cause of the large 'number oi Ventura Family. ~ . Mr. &; Mrs..George Coulombe Mrs. Helen Collopy, Dr. t:; ,participants, Mrs. Vito Ciminello, Judge ll& , . Parades", ho,w:~ver, wii,~' coil..'" 'ST::PATRIC)('" "., ,. . Mrs. August TaV:£lira, Mr,. & Mre. tiJ.lue to ,be peld in New Jersey's $250 ,": Paul G. Caron, Mr. &. Mrs. DoJllc> Hudson, Bergen "and' Union aId Sauinier. . ' J, ' . · ·lIlev. James F. McDermott .A,rchbislhop Pledges to Seek ,," COuntiejl, alth0!Jgh ~tt~r:dance ,, $135 ; I . , ' • Mrs. Ellen S.Glermon, MallJ b.as fallen off in those locationo lHIarold J. Regan Closer '. C(t)operaiHcn . E. Sheerin, Alice C... I3heerin; ~s~. ., ,::,' ':,.:"

$120 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald .Moreilcy, . .

, '.'fl':. in memory of C. Donald (Oro,:NEW, YORK, (~C).., Arch- . Bible to Archbishop' CQ~ke. & Mrs. Joseph A. Frasier Jr. .1, mm ,: , , "" bishop Terence J. Cooke of New edition contained both the He­ "OsterviUe Mr. & Mrs. Fre'derl.ck"Corbe~ . $110 " ,I, . , "York piedged before members brew text'. of Hebre\Y $qriptures Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Caron, JameQ OUR oj;., ASSVM'~TION Dr. '& Mrs. Roland E. Chabot of the American' Jewish Com';' .and the Vulgate-:-a Latin version M. Quinn, Mr. '& Mrs.. Arthur .& , ., $1011 , ' . ','. . ' ,$100' .. ' '. ~ttee here to continue' s~king of the Scriptures by~t,: Jerome Ethier, Mr. &. Robert Jt. Our Lady. of the Assumption, , St. Patrick's C()nferen41~' ~ closer' relationships . be/tween ~n, the fourth c~ntury. : . Sullivan.. ....,' . " . Parish St. Vincent ,de ,Paul Con- Vincent de Paul ' ..' . 'Catholic and Jewish 'brganiza"I hand it· to you as a founda·...0 George' . Wright, ,; Mr. ',& Mm. ference ':' , ," ".': \ . $5~, . ,', tions. 1:i,on. stonE:l on which, ;~ur two Mr. & Mrs..A. J. ;l\Aathili, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo·:E.· JIl'lynn ", Archbishop Cooke toi'd some faiths continue to bring' about a' Thomas M: -Quinn. l .' " $50 . Mr~ & Mrs. Walter, Martin, llIihi. ~ Mr..& Mrs. Leo Creamer 00 leaders of -the committee at . better world for mankinq," Pros':' MI;". & Mrs. Philip Boudreau · . ' .. $50' a luncheon in his ,honor at the kauer said. . . & Mrs. John Enos Jr., Josephil1lCl Mr. ,& Mrs. Richard Cain William Fraser - AJC headquarters:' Other speakers included Phil- M.. Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Manual . $25 ! · Maurice A. Quirk. ,"In 1968, we' Catholic people ip E. Hoffman, chairman of the N~ne~, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hicu' . Mr. & Mrs, 'Oharles E. Cassidy" Edmund F. Bagley. are anxious to salute our Jew- '. commJttee's executive board,:, Marion' Freitas, Mi'. &Mm. IIlr: & Mrs. ,John :!3oteUio, Mr; .& Doris LaFrance ' ish brpthers anew. ConsCiolis of and Charles H. Silver, member .Joseph Ribeiro, William Lundy Mrs. Royal Gaffney , $45 our common heritage or' salva-· of the AJC committee on inter­ Joh,n Pires Jr. tion in .. the covenant made be- religious affairs and president Sou'th Easton ,P rovincetown $40 tween God and Abraham and of Beth Israel Medical Center HOLY CROSS ST. PETER Edward Pettine his descendants; we pledge our-, here. , $100, . " $150' ' '. Joseph ,'Matthews selves. to continue fostering ~v. Joseph :If. Ha,i;l~a, ,C.S.cg, Rev.' LeO J. Duart .Joseph H. Feitelber'g stronger 'and more' extensive" $125 $75 ' $100 ' , ' .' .' $35, . , , . bOnds. of mutual respect, c~n.Rev.' Allan L. Bu,tIer,' C.S.€ , . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D6na'ghY Blessing of tlie' Fleet' F~nd .. Mr.. & M'rs. WilliamF'. :Rea~, rem and cooperation.'~ $50 " $100 $75 ' $30., . 'The luncheon was the first" St. Vi~ent de Paul Confes­ &. Mrs. Edwin Bi'~dy :1 ;" , Rev. John A. 'Perry' .', . John Johnston,' l>avid'Dunne ., pUblicev~I}It a.rranged 'by a'" $50 : ' . , Edward .T. '.Blaine Jr., The Do~ . Jewish group' for the 'archbishop Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Owen F.' Hacketl. ~ce , 'A Friend . "', rey Family. r,. . ,'."-' since his'installation April 4. ~The Silveria "F~mi1y .~:i " \..' .. Dr. & 'Mi:s. 'Thom~s F.' :P~r~ .. .$2'7'" / Stressing an ecumenical theme " Manager Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hayes . . $ 3 0 . " ,'. ,'" . Cyril Amarelo ·th~ archbishop' said' opportuni~ SPRINGFIELD (NC)-Car1e­ $'75 Mrs. Isadore Ferreira' .:",' $26.. ," . ties were extraordinary. for ton A. LaPierre, native of tlriI!J Rev. John V. Magnani . '·Mr. & 'Mrs'" J6hn Fetreira Louise Coleman, John 'M:' Can""' . Judaism ',and Catholicism to ,.weste~n Massachusettfl' commu­ $'70 ": I .' $25'" . . ~. , . . . work together. \ . r :V," 'nlty who ~t~ended Western New .. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Smit.h , . 'A' Friend,Catilolic I))i'ughters I ' , : ' ,$25' " "The .pursuit of justice in . England College prior ,to ,serv­ .. $60 of A~erica, A Fri'end, Mr. &:," : ~il~iapl V. Mahoryey:Jr:, Ed-' ·ciyil. :rights .and the resolution ing w-ith the Air Fb~ce'i'n France.; ~ Mrs. W1lliamLoughliri' :Mrs. He~m.an· DeSilva", Holy ward'. Casper, James E . .poutu,. of our serious urban problems has been appointed .advertisins , $55 Name SOCIety " ~?ward .~. C Ke)ly, Norman W. are surely areas in which our manager of the Springfield di. Dr. & Mrs. John Dias . George 'Leydon, Mr. & Mrs. ~Immons. . cooperation ,can bear rich fruit," ocesan newspaper, The Cath~' $50 \ C~ril Patrick, Warren .Silva, A Mr. &. Mrs. Douglas E. Chap- be said.·' Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro' ~odrigues l~c Observer. He has been asso­ ,Fnend; Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuei' man, Joseph W. r-opes, Edward . . F<!undation Stone , . Mr. & MrS. PhiliP Heming-' ciated with a photOcopy compa"" Souza .~. Leonard, Maureen Matthews, . Jo~ephM,Proskau~r, honorary: way Jr. in nearby Hartford.. . . Pierre RPicard. ' . ,.president, of· the committee and Mr.. & . Mrs. Victor' Ladetto .Seekonk . Matthew Mur.phy, Mr. &. Mrs: a former State Supreme Court Mr. & Mrs. George Ponte .T~ph . Rodrjgues, Helen Mejustice, presented a silver-bound Or.' ~ 'Mrs. E. 'Dearie' Freitas .,' OUR· LAD;Y.OF MT. C"A'RMEIL" , Cann, Helen·& Theresa 'Archard Mr. & Mrs. Angelo DeMello' T : r $)100' , . Dominick ,Ciarfardini!' ' PLUMBIN~ & H~ATING. INC. Dr. & Mrs. LoiJis'Mick~il $25 Mr. &. Mrs: WHliamCuddigan Harold Meehan;. LOliise M. FrancisJ.:· Mahoney . Atty. & -Mrs. Frank' A Rod­ .:..........a. ~ Sales, anc Service

Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Ulmschnei- ," .MurphY"Helen" & Lillian 'Reddy rigues,. Mrs. Henry 'T.· ·Munroe,·' .. -/Dr. & Mrs.' Peter W. Sweet.~er . , ~ ,for Jomestic .~er Mary E. Judge, Alfred ·G. Moi~ ..: . $30 , 'ano InGus trial Mr. & Mrs. John R. Flanagan; ·tozo. . - . ,\0; $75, , Mr. &"Mrs. Mary Travers ail Burners Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Marchand. George Coleman &: ,\F~inily, Dr. & Mrs: Edward Horan Mrs. Nelson .Cleyeland'" 995-16.31 .St. .Thomas More Women's Carleton D. Boardman,,'Stephen $60 $40 . Guild ' ' ,2283 ACO:;HNET AVENUE J. Biello Jr., Vincent Riley, Mr. & Mrs.. Wi,lliam Morrissey Attl. & Mrs. Thomas F'. Burke' Mr....& Mrs. Terrance J. L~max . NEW BEDFORD Thomas J. Daley.' $50 Mr. & Mrs. James Barrett GeorgeW. Crombie, Frederick' Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Berriman Mr.. & Mrs. Sam'uel Santoro . Stol'ch, Richard A. Mello, Mr. Mr. '& Mrs. Philip Hill ~JmmmlllllllllmllllillllllllllmlimmlilimmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllmllllllllllllllllllmmmllllllllllDll! Thomas McCann & Mrs. James M. Judge, James $40· Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Bartek F. Darcy, Henry J. Henault. Mr. & Mrs, Jack Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. William T. Arch- . Edward Synan $35' ard

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Olean ST~ THOMAS MORE

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph TU'rner $125 $26 South Dartmouth Mr. & Mrs .. Manuel DeMattos ·Mrs. Joseph F. Foley Sr.


$100 $25 Dolores Burns ' Arth~r Aguiar; Helen E. $406 Mr. "!' Mrs. WjIlialTl' J. Gibne~r Brownlllg, Mr." ,& "Mrs; Frank ·Mr. & Mrs, George St. A~bin Gamboa, Mr. &' Mrs, 'Lloyd Jar­ Dr. & Mrs. Francis James $250 : Mr. & Mrs·. Charles Latham , vis. Mr. & Mrs. Donald' Joost . . $60 Rev. Arthur G. Considine : Mr.' & Mrs, .~oJ:1n Langwell, $200' ., Cl1arles Mello,' Mr. & Mrs. Wal­ Mr. &.M~~: R?ier W. Fortier Mr:'&. Mrs. Fred De~;'istofaro ter Smith;' Mr.·&M~s. Philip . . $50 l'oole;Mr.: & Mrs. D: 'Anthony $150 ·Rlr.. &,Mr~; Alber.~ E. Mob9uck . \T.endit~i .' :., (,,'" • " " & Mrs. J-oseph R'GJellnon ' ';Mr. ". $30 , ' . . . Jr. ' '.. : Mr. ~ Mrs. Eugene Voll; Mrs. MASS. .~, ~dwJn Zawacki . ..... ' · .Mr: ~"Mr~. P~uI.D.a_iey _. " .:Mr.· & ,·:Mrs. "Carl Giordano ~IIII1I1I1I1IJIJJlJlJllllllllllllllmlllllllll"IIIIIJIIIIIIII!lHiIIllIHIIWIIIIIIIJ11l1illlllilllllllilllllillliIIIlIIIlIIIIIIJIII_


M",tual, Respe~t. Cooke







With Jew~r






ii\,DY .
























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Thurs., May 16, 1968



Opposce V ~rmo~tl' ReieC!lsedJ Tsme

.Dwyer Appoin-ts layman ·As Administrative Assistant ,I

PORTLAND tNC)-Arcbb~sh­

"'Relations wirth pastors in h


RUTLAND (NC) The Church-state committee of the Vermont chapter of the Amer­ ican Civil Liberties has rec­ ommended legal action against the agreement in periodic re­ leased time for religious educa­ tion between Mt. Anthony Union School Board and, the Bennington Religious Education Foundation, unless ACLU ob­ jections can be ironed out. ACLU opposes thE:' agreement on the foll9wing grounds:

BREF agrees to subordinate religious subjects to required 1W::'I1001 subjects but not 'to elec­ tives; thus there is the possibii­ ity that el~ctives will q~ denie«ll to students' in order to accom­ modate religious courses. ANNUAL AWARDS DAY: Fall Riverites receiving BREF by-laws require mem­

recognition for their work in scouting were: Mrs. Anthony ber groups to participate in

ST. PIUS X ST. PATRICOC J. Pannoni, St. Anne Award; George A.' Thomas, PaUlll ecumenical programs. A C L 1lJI,

this excluded certain fun­

V. Stevens and Mrs. AgneS Boudreau, all recipients of the says $101 $100 damentalist groups from. using Mr. &; Mrs. Maurice Pires kmes Quirk . ;". .Pelican. Award; Mrs. Raymond JLa9roix, Our Lady of Good, ' the ecumenical' center an411 . ' : :0' , $1~ > ,,I! Mr. & MrS. John, L. MacNeil Counsel Award. therefore from released ti~ . lLuraLeddy . '1', l Mr. & Mrs. AH'red Pappi program. , 1'),.\' Joseph Cipkowski'·. ,', $'75 . Public school giliaance coun­ John Doherty' . . ' I, Rev. Leonard M. Mullaney $26 " 1 selors cannot perform' their re­ , $51 $60 " , Mr. & Mrs.. John Lopes ." sponsibilities without tie'coming Claya Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Baptiste Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tagliaferri SACRED HEART involved in a student's decisiolIll Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Kiernan Mr..& Mrs. JameS 'l:l1ute ". $100 ' ,I $50 ....1 ,', as to religious courses verSUD "I JohnD. 'Sheehan $50 . $25 Mrs. Eva Morin " ' electives. ACLU charges thia , $30 '.' Clinton Voss ,. : Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Riley, Mr.. . ·Mrs. Blanche R .. Pre,Gourt would place "inherent compul~ Norris. Gladding , 1 '\'! Dr. &: Mrs. Arthur':Hickey & Mrs. John Roche, Mr. &: Mi's~": , $60 sion" on the guidance co.unseloIeo John <;ioyle '. Isabelle L. Cumfuirig' " Daniel. Barry Jr., Mr. ~: Mrs.. The. Achin Family, .(Amoid At tor n ey Donald ·Hackel!., Raphael Al"tavilla Dr. &: Mrs. Larry G:'S,eitn Amos Ley ton, M,rs. Rqla, J;ld E. ROad)" ., ' president of the local .chapteli'~ II \ I I: $26 $46 . Connors. " ,$30 said the iChurch-state commit­ Joseph McNeil Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Robbins . Mrs. John Zinkevj<;h, Mr.,&; Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Paquin &: tee is now arranging a 'meetin~ Angelo 'Lanza $35 Mrs. Thomas Lovinsky, NIr. &:' Family with BREF to discuss ACLU . $26 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Moore Mrs. John Ormond, Mrs. Ruth objections to the BREF schoo:! $26 Frank Toner, Fra.nk O'Nefi. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Krystolfolski Farrell, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin RodMr. & Mrs. Henry Aubin lk board agreement. Thomas Hague, Gladys Hinck­ $3C erick . Family We said, however, that he w ley, Joseph Dias Mr. & Mrs. Hulot Haden - Mary A. Cummings, Mr. & still un convinced the program Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bessette Robert Perry, William Lopez, Dr. &: Mrs. Robert Johnson Mrs. Dennis Duggan, Mr. c!lt meets constitutional require­ Mr. & Mrs. Roland Fregault Charles Eager, Ant'hony Mar­ . $26 Mrs. Jack E. Syl:via, Mary Muir ~ "$25 ments of church-state separa.­ tino, Robert Manchuk Mr.' & Mrs. William Henry Vince'nt, Mr. & lVII'S. CQurtney tion. Mrs. Irene' Brady Eveline Sullivan, Ronald Mur­ Mr. & Mrs. Eldric H. Barry Jr. Chase . Mr. & Mrs. William DumQulin phy, Edmund Pelletier,. Gerald $25 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Carleton, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Ouellette $25 McNaught, George Milligan Mr. &: Mrs. Fletcher Long, EdMrs.- Everett C. Bacon". Mrs. Mrs. Tracey Halstead, Mr. & Frederick Hatch, Emi~ Muel­ ST. MARY 1 win K. Greer Co.,Rosalie TirGrace Chase, Mrs.. Ai1~stasia Mrs. EdWard Smith".:Georg~ ler, Margaret A. Haley, John 'rell, Mr. & Mrs. John Zorn,. ~r". Craffey, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent $300 Jacobs Jr., Walter McCann, :MIllo Sullivan, Maurice, Lyn~h &; Mrs. Frederick. M:;Iyn<:lrd. ' , ' Menz ,=-Rt. Rev. Edward ,B. ~ooth & ·Mrs. Emile Plante . .James Kelleher, Paul T. Web-' 'Mr. & Mrs..Tames Brogioli, Mrs. Lillian Dowd, Mr.. & Mrs: ' $200 Cecile Brais, Mr. & Mrs. Rob-­ ber, Roland Boucher, Barry Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Campinha, Joseph Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. ;Rich:;A Friend ert Croteau,' Mr. & Mrs.: Robe~ 'Kane, Ger'ald Bruen . . . ,.... ard /Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Pa~1,", Costigan. $lOO . James Connell, Myles 'Heffe't;" F,:snces Mayhevv:. -. John Lowney . Bacon, J. M. Cloud . ":Mrs. Howard 'Morse MI'. & Mrs. Ronald .Donley" nan, John Hegedus, John Mr. &:' Mrs. Ellsworth, Atwood' Charles D. Reid, Dr: & Mrs. Rev. William Blottman Mrs. Marshall Hammond, Mr. IE Grimes, James Ruhan $'75 Mrs. Rudolph Berthold William'Falla, Mr: & Mrs. 'Chester Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Mr. &; Mrs. Raymond TousigA Friend (2), Mr. & Mrs. Jos» Marini, Mr. & Mrs, Carl' John~... ,nar t eph Ferland, Mr~··& Mrs ..iWilliam OUR LADY OF LOURDES $50 .. . son Copley, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Rowe 01!~ ~ADY ~F FAt~A , .,: " ;'. ' Mr. & ~rs. Edward Coogan., Mr. & Mrs. Stanley MeMahon;, Christopher Marcotte, Mr. &: $360 . , ,$2.50 . : ': ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wessman Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Irvine, MlPo Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Donald. R. KnaUB' Mrs..WiIliam Brady, Mr. ~ Mrs.' Mrs. MaUde McCabe & Mrs. Gilbert Bergh T. Joseph Cody,' Mr. & Mrs. $30 $100 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Donley Willia~ C. Welch, John. F. Don~ Mr. & Mrs. Chal'1es J. Chovl­ A Friend, . , $~~ . lay ~n Mr. & Mrs. Charle~ Frazier Mr. & MrS"Edward Connor . $51 ST. DOMINIC $36 1i!Ir. &r. Mrs. 'Paul Lus'sier John Murray , '. $.50 $40~ ..


Mr. & MJ;S.~·oseph G. Pete" Rev. James A. McCarthy .Mr. & Mrs. F~ancis Murphy ... ST. GEORGE $100 . .1.'.

," ,'$~O ·1 , $100 . Wellfleet jSavil,lgs/.Banlt:

St. ViJ)cent ,de Paul Society .. ' , Mr. "& Mrs.' Robert Carvalho" $35, Rev. Richard L. Chretien

$50 Sc.'Dartmouth A Friend; 'i ,Rita Rose Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kinnane Potter"s .Funeral...Service

.Mrs. John Mushey . Cllnd Hvanni~ . ,$25

"$30 , " $50 :Gertrudc'& Alice Littlefield A Friend, Mr. ,& Mrs. John Mr: & Mrs. Anthony Perry . . $26 St., Vincent·. de Paul Confer:-, So. Dartmouth 997·9384 Berrio, Mr. &.Mrs. Clifford De-' Mr. & Mrs. Edoua'rd Lacl10ix ence Mrs. Michael Nolan I;.ory, MI'. & Mrs.. Arthur, F. Jo':" lHIylllnnis.2921 $25. " Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Smith' John Bev'ilaqua Jr. seph, Mr. & Mrs. John, J. Kel­ Mrs. Barton G. Albel't, Leroy Mr. & Mrs. John F. Ward Mrs. Edmund Welch F. Perry, Mr. & NIl's.. Law'rence ley 'Jr., Mr. & Mrs: Arthur Silva. $30 A Friend; Carlson Funeral Ferreira, Mr. &" Mrs. Donald Dr. '&' Mrs. Lawrence Luby Souza, MI" & Mrs. Louis Travero Home, Downs Insurance Agency Mary & Veronica Newett Inc., Mr. & Mrs. George S. Dutra ST. LOUIS OF FRANCI& Oscar Stebenne Mr. & Mrs.' Alfo~s F. Encke Joseph Vieira In loving memoi-y of William $300 . WITHOUT TRAFFIC 8. PARKDNG PROBLEMS J. Gill by Mrs. William J. GiJJ, $25 . in memory of Joseph F. Du­ John Thomas, Wellfleet Package CDt the Mr. & Mrs. Eliodore Allard,

four, by wife l$t. son Store St~nley & Shirley Babiec, Mr.

$250 & Mrs. .Eugene Berche, Mr. &

lRt. Rev. Arthur G. Dupuis $185 Mrs. Charles Doran, Mr. & -Mrs.

SOMERSET, MASS. .... Alford Dyson Dr. Raymond Dionne HOlLY 'TRINITY Emelia Fontaine, Alice Har, $100 Rev. Ernest E. Blais . $iOO rison, Mr. & 'Mrs., Jo~eph V" The, most f.riendly, democratic BANK Offering "Mello, Ml': & Mrs. '''Stanley Mr. & Mrs. Francis McCur3) .Judge &. Mrs.:Eugene A. Hud~ Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mus- , , $50 oon .. carelia , ' Mr. & Mrs. Edwal'd Plante Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Raneo ' Mr. & Mr's. Joseph Pacheco, Club Accounts Auto P.oans . Mr.&· Mrs. Andre Cari'i~r: $50 . ' Mr. & Mrs. Henry Pica'r1d, Ste. Checki~g Accounts Busln,ess Loans $36 0 MI'. & Mrs, Arthur LaFrellleT ' venson's Restaurant, ·Mr. & Mrs.. Mr. & Mrs. Leonel Paquette .. Savings Accounts Real Estate Loans $30 Joel Sunderland,. St. George's ,. $30 ~t' S~rTu~r~et :Sh'~pping Area-Bright~a? S,t.. Bridge Mr.' & Mrs. Bemis Boies "1 Holy Name Society, St. George's ·Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Linoouri The Misses Sylvia :Women's ·Guild $28 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporatio" ~. &:. lI4rs. Joh.nL. De107 . Mr. & 1.1'.·s. Romeo Leo Dubreuil .Mr., .&Mrs. Albert Michilud GP Robert J. Dwyer of Portland

m"e2 cd: parish development llnd

appointed a layman, Robert .ll. financing, day-to-day contrelof lVleQuarrry, 43, as his adminis­ fiscal affairs of the diocese, plus vative assistant, effective May L ·the variety of other tasks that The action was studied IlDd need to be done well make this ' step mandatory. at this time." recommended by the archdioc­ esan council on' temporalities. The Oregon prelate said $25 "placement of a'layman in a top 1m memory of Donald Boilard, position in the management of Mr. & Mrs. Emile Cote, Mr. & Church affairs follows a pattern Mrs. William Fletcher, Mr. & that is developing in many dio- Mrs. Henri Fortier, Mr. & Mrs. ceses, parishes and institutions lCrmand Francoeur throughout this «:out;ltry. > Mr. & .:Mrs. Daniel'Leary, Mr..

"The complexity of 'l)lllnage- & Mrs. George R. Levesque, Mr. ment of a modem ,chancery & Mrs. Francis Lussier, .Mr. &: office in our day places al1O-'., Mrs. Dona~ Paren,t, l\ir..& ,l\tIrs., , ,~ther too much, respqn~bility Manuel SO!Jza, ·M,rs. Orner T.ryn­ Gil the. Ordinar~" be, OMtinued.: deaWl.

South Yarmouth


North Attleboro







We IIfleet: :





West H. l'llrwich


Comp';et~ One-Stop Bonking





of,F.~1I Riv.e.r~Thurs.,


May'16. 1968

S~@[i@~. C'h.@m~@[f8~. ~frfr@~~ On ~®~[f~tary'O~: [L@.~@~ . t\ '








!By Msgr. George G. Higgins . On April 17 representatives, from more than 30 con­ «ierned national organizations' met in Washington to form a Joint Committee on Occupational -Health and Safety. 'I" '


tlClence' and concern am the

can to. focus America's con­ \

."GodFo,g;v~ My ;towaldl~~'I. ",,":';'

One wonders, also, at the Chamber's obvious disdain for lives:',and prevent a~clde,nts·: .~ts 0,Yl'n crec:t1bility-or does it 1',"-' and ~l1nessat· work., ;More,.. ::.really have such little respect I,' specifically" it will lend r~! for Us' 6wn membership's intel­ .)':. :: I"': .': ~.~ • ~. d-l' Ii." .. 1 , flUPP6rl ito 'the' so-CallM ''t>c<!u'..;.':,);igenc;e -8Sto belleve that 'such' The· following,..is.,a let-ter.'fro~ a mission&.!rJ' to ,,~meone patiqp,al "Safety ., '. . Ii ridieu~i)\is~ prejudiced artic~e -criticized::his ,appeal for· help...!tis so thought-prQ.v~qg".w~,.~ and :H' e a I t b .would: 'pe ',embraced' by Amen:.. printing:-lit',in its , entirety. Read ,it'-meditate UP.9.U.. ~t."Show., nt, to, Act of:1968 now "'.''can busiilJssmen, the vast ma,­ ti ' .' , ' . , :'. . .' ." .; ill friend •.And lthen,,;do something\abo~t it. '.','" II,,:) ,., ,. ' ... , pe.ndlng ih ...the .. jority: of ,':-Whom are committed ":1: I-I,""';, C 0 ri 'g "r',e s s'·:. . .'" to truth and fair play?' .. ":~A, friend w~o~ telling:.me\-that you cU4Q~"tbllll1+,'1Duchof. thl1l." As co::Cti'iirrman . ....' 'f'", .,. ,i'" .... " ,':' .", ',',. c­ Mission appeal X gave recently.' Your comment was: 'AID lFatlb.er of' 'this Joint prude Treatment was "interested in was money r With this yoa' damD. me as a Committee, I In my.-judgment, the Chamber faIse, , prophet. But, even supposing your words were true (and noted, with redoes itself, and its membership.; . X'd· like to think.. they aren't),- I·am quite willing to face God's .gret, at our ~rst a distinct disservice by treating Judgement with this OD mYll'eeorcL ­ m e e t' i n g •such" it serious matter in such A R TI S .T: Miss Lillian in Washington " .. ll cni'dely demagogic manner. that .t,h~ ~er-::." Surely the Chamber 'knows 'nBrulc;, Chicago artist, pIe.'ll}Oo . " "Mahatma:' Gan'dhl otlee' said': "If Christ ever visits' India; .He had bett~r Visit iii the forio" of:" bread!' I agree" 'with" GahabC r i can . busmess ' , ".,. 'f "h d for 'reaSons "of' .. that the sponso~s an d suppo rt ers.ned and .. executed . murals in :mlJl:!:\r,u Ya eU:i:. d' to ·oin'· OUr,i ,.Qf the. Occupational Safety,and'v! the ·erlsto"Redentor.chureh: ,.:rodayl'·under.:.'pri'Y'ilegell coilntries"are caught in a pitffid 'struggle' . an!ls~~' e e .~., ,.""" /. :Health Act of 1968·,hav~ no de-: din San Miguelito parish;' Pa,:,:, .,fur surviv'al~' Millions 'uponlnillioris of human bclngs;:.::made each to God's·'image· and' redeemed by Christ's' bIOOd-' 'litarvatio~-: l!' '. ", vsire whatsoever to hamper" or'-"r , . . h'I ork live 'iii' hovelS not' fit· for dogs. To' you 'theSe 'are only' woNis; but I q~!\, ~oped. ag~inst ,f:J.~pe.,~t:',; harass A,J:Deocan ind~try;wh,~se;':" ?ama, a mIs~Ion !' 1 e,~ . ­ ~e _ ;N.a~01~~ . AssOCl8:bo~, !d" "prow.li!~ is, unequalled and P88:v: mg then: ~ reSIdent artIst 10 me they 'are' meriandwomen 'Of flesh and"bl~'witli''haUrited, Manu~acturers, f\>r examp~e~,~n,d . pelped,:~ to achieve. the.h~gh.,.:. : with R"mlSslon·team-supp9~'· eyes, emaciated limbs, with children ciiligin'g to "t~ein, 'fril*i anc!! frightened;"facing"tt 'future wbere the ;only certainties are hunger 6h~ :V:,s;~,pJ,1llIll:ber.of Co~e~", :est· standard of living 6f' aD1 ed by the archdiocese of Chi­ and want.:· My' 'oWn 'eyeS' have them. Not by one's"O!:two's, llIught find it poSSIble to oooP':"., c:ountry in the world. " . NC Pl.-to", erate with the Committee' iii"" . ' eago. uv • mind you; DOt by dozens;. but by thousand.il 'and' hUndted:f 'of thou- . The fact lS, however, that we, aupport 0 f th~ enac tment ...of,: eft· h . I . ot sands. Calcutta alone has over a half million' 'lioinMeSB' 'On: its' streets. fective Federal legislation in as ana lon, .av~_ Slmpyn ", Have you ever 'seen a starving mother lie down ,w~th, b~r' DabT ...._ f' Id f h alth and welfare. faced uP.. , rea1Jstlc~lly to the'!, on the pavement at night; sinki'ng int<i' the 'merlli'fui 's61ace' tbat ....." Ie 0 e ,, "',', ,"! problem. ofoccupatlonal he~th ,_ :' :'. , sleep brings, that brief blotting out of her' misery and hopeleSsIl:ess T It now turns out that I was and safety. Thousands of work-" llIaive' in holding to any st:'-ch ers are still being ki,lled need-' 5 bope, for the Chamber o~ Com- lessly, or being injured im'd dis­ BRUSSELS' (NC) -Leo Car­ "If ,you were a missionary, what woald you wald to give merce, far from supporting the abled and infected on the job by. dinal Suenens of Malines-Brus­ ~t starving mother?' The love of Christ:. Yes. Bat what fol'lll Occupational Safet! and Health largely preventable accidents sels announced that arohdioc-' would 'Christ's love take! lID the Gospel, did Christ teD the Ad of 1968, is VIgorously opand disease. . esan authorities have decided flO hungry and Ute sick th~ llIe woald l't'!member them in HIs night .posing it. split St. Joseph's College,. an prayers 't Today the world is weak and feverish with athelstilll­ Probl~ Gets Worse.• hdi h I _. W I Demagogic Attack arc ocesan sc 00 "'" 0 uwematerialism; but the cure of materialism is Dot spiritualism. The It is, true that many large Saint Pierre, 'a Brussels suburb, CommuDists says that man is only body_nd soal doesn't matter. In the April issue of its offt- lndustn'al establl'shments have . into two distinct and auton&­ -' 1 Nati ' B .' ss" The answer to that lie Is Dot that maD 'is only. soul-and bocI7 ' ....a organ, ,on s usme, excellent employee health' and mous sections, one French-' doesIIl't matter.. the' Chamber launched what r' safety recoi-ds. They are to be. '" 'speaking and the other Flemish,­ ". can only characterize as a dem-: h' hi"" d d d tho .'. k' g '. ,'" :'. --.---,,., ....ogle.·and: a.l.n1ost hysten.·cal.a.i;:..·.. 'lg y commen e, an' ey' spe~.ln. -.. '. , . " ' ...would not be affected by the. "Remember the'Inearnation. GOd became.D;lan;, ibe, Word wu tack a'gairist the bill itself and .basic standards that would' ~' The 'a·rchdiocesan communi": . made flesh. We adore 'Christ, His souI' and .. divinity.;, but also Hill a"aiDst one of its: . , que said: "To attain a peacefUl 'bod' is mcorpora . t e d now. ' .LU - Ch rl'at as 1't I.... . t o . 'ts . L 'bo Secleadingp~ taryi Wi!" lset under the ' proposed legl8la~" y and blood. ' ..M,a,nk'nd .1 ~~epw! t a r re, ': ,,'d-' tion n.ow before CongI-eSll.... \'f.,'-'. eo:-existence it has proven nee­ flesh. a.nd spirit .'this oneness with Christ"promises mankind the eo- IU :, '.' Ir .z . esSary to avoi,d' even the com­ '.' .".", ., . The real need for' safety and onl yi 90t U'Ion to its .'sf' n and its sufferings; toits-, ,hunger' and its Thi~ ,~rticle is sham~fw,.", ... ,health standards is to be"·j,.,;:'-'l" mon use of laboratories, gym­ hates, For Christ in'iove embraces and elevates all; He excludes lIlI1i~l~'.lding. Ominously. entit~~ ,in plants employing under 500, , nasiums' and, :.pupils' dining nothing; He redeems: in His totality; He ,preserves 'earefully: the -r.lf~.~r,Death F?r Y0';U" BU;Sl-i~" workers, These plarits, as/a r·ul{~;\· halIs." ,hierarchy of value betweenmatt'er and .spirit, but, He repudiates as Des~':'"l.t. ~harges m lurid. terw,.tl. offer little or pr()tectiion'fot"!, Peaceful 'coexistence evapo-;: nonsense any driver~that would advocate loving man'lI soul while .es.l~tJeli.~ scare .the WIts o,:,-t , .. their wor~ers.-'and y~' they, .. rated earlier this ,year in near­ des~ising and Degleetinghis body. Ilhl"'.·.... I, . " , -: ,"; ef Its readers (buslll,essmen, ~or, constitute' over 90 per cent' of" by Louvain,iWhen Flemish-" l • t • .~ 'I .. the most part) that the, Secre-:-:.. , all working' establishments. .. .' speaking students demonstrated! "You imply;othat ,I should be ashamed beCause' 1 begged too tary o~ Labor "wan~ the ~wer" So the problem is a veryr<>'ll' ~', against the refusal of; the,' lIIIlueh; whereas' actually I'm ashamed .because 1 begged too IIttl0­ 60 shut y'ou down m the name one and is' constantly gettinll F 'h ki f Ity te cf health or safety'" renc -spea ng acu I didn't have the courage to say what 1 reaDy think. It is this. . worse, It must be faced ho,,~_•. y leave town home of the CaAb­ As long,.as our :J>:outh are spending more on cokes,' potato chillS. It also warns, its constituents and honorably. It is deeply re- olic Unive~ity of Louvain. dances, eomic books, bowling alleys ,than they are giving to the f:ba~. "a man you once refused to grettable that the. U, 5, Chamber Missions (and God knows they are!); as long as Catholics' give hire" with ·".110 education and no of Commerce is not able to face Demonstrations, often violent, more for cigarettes, golf, magazines, liquor, cosmetics, hair-do's J;lotertial talent," whose "~in the problem in such a manner.' spread to several otper' Belgian than they are giving to help the world's poor (and God knows experience consisted of cashing " cities, and Prime Minister Paul they are!) then CHristianity can .never halt Cominunism because welfare checks," could threaten , Vanden Boeyants' refusal to ac­ '"to padlock your gates anc!- have . CenSMrr~s CoHege . cept the demand of Flemish.. ilI1 is a Christianity that has rejected a bleeding, crucified Chrise! Paul would have!) you.' fined $1000 a day if yOu WINONA (NC)-The Amer:'-:- 'eabinet minist~rs for the trans':': ][ didn't have the courage to preach this don't do as he says." . . kan" AssOciation of Uruversity" ',fer of the French-language sec-' ,: 31!d ,~hat makes me ashamed and 'afraid: 'Christ's d~sc~ipiioD • u"':_ Professors has censured' St. . "·\ion of the 'University ca~ed the ". the ,Last Judgment haunts me. He is Do(going to. quiz me .Olll ObVlollSly Fa""",.. ,) , f 11 f h'" ' .. to about .m,. " .

Mary's 'College here in'Miime"-'\' a 0 ·lSgovernm~nt.. . , subtle theological doctrines; He is 'not TPen, in, a barefac~d" ·false­ sota fot firing an instructor 1ivho':"" ; " . '.':';'" , ' mystical experiences. He is going to put to me (aild to youandll8 , hood, the, Cha,mber articl~ .s.t.a~~ :, marI'i~d . outside the.' Church:' .,,: The sItuation at the uDlverslty all of 'os) one blunt question: 'I was huilg.~y~ ~iil ,:~oy-: 'i~ed :~e 't, II that "Labor Secretary ,Willard :,18 one aspect of the larger con- 'J was Daked, ~d .~.~u ,elot~e Me '!" . Wirtz blandly e~plained to Co~- The mstruct~r ~arned a s,tU~e~t _;,Pict bettween the Flemings and " .... 1 ~men' that getting peOpi~ ~t th~, C,ollege of .St. :rheresa h~rei": .the Ji'rench.,.speaking Walloons.:•.'. "What. shaD I say then ? 1, who was so' faint..heaned, when aSIx­ (as safety inspectors) would be' m a clVll ceremony m the Spnng, ,The Fiemings are a majority in no drawback. He said he could of 1967. lJ.~ had b.een warned by the country but they fear that . inti for money' to help the poOr? I had a priceleSll product to sell; .taff his safety policing team St. Mary s preSIdent, Brot?e.r the Walloons are attempting to llInd yet I sold it with less skill, with less enthusiasm than men with the hard-core unem­ J. G~egory, F .S,C.• Jpat a Cl':~ preserve, their present dominant show when selling Kraft's cheese, or Buicks or the latest wrinkle­ ployed," . ~ar~age would lead to hIS posItion in the nation. ' " remover. And DOW, returned to a country where millions have disffilssal. " . been left wounded and stripped naked by the thieves of colonial­ One wonders what the Cham';' 'Ism and world-economics, I am like a useless Good Samaritan; for ber of Commerce hopes to I have so few detJarii to give to the innkeeper to :car.e for them, ~mplish by such a patently I have so little wine or oil to pour into their wounds. Why? Be­ Interested the Religiou.s Life! lIaIse attack on Secretary Wirtz cause like you I felt it was shameful to beg, shameful to ask: -a conscientious and dedicated' Christians.~. share with their own -brothers 'and sisterS the gift. ~blic servant. God has given in 'such full measure, pressed down and flow­ ;, ~ .. ..ing ov~r!' On ~e, day of jUdginen~ may God forgive for 'Ii17 cowardice; and may He have mercy on us both.~ :. ' .:! '~ how'you can ~tte~di",g ,Open House : ! c~NciNNATI (NC)-The ne~ ~ I . MY. , ST. JOSIEPH SCHOOL lltro,vincial of th~ Cincinnati, . SALVATION AND SERVICE are tile won· Of The Society .; \ -', ' province of the Society of Mary,' . 'for the lPropagationof the Faith. Don't ~ • Co,!arcI !Cut out this 56 St. Joseph Street, Riv_.Mass.·

Father William Ferree. S.M.,: 'coIUJDD and seDel yoUI' offeriDp to: Right IlevereDtl Edward T. O'­ .. , . hi.. May. 24 ,"'rOugh Su~day, ~y. 26

will assume his DeW duties INl Meara, NatioiaafDiredor, 366Flfth Avenue, New York, New York Aug: 15. Father Ferree hu .' " -, CaN 672..2943

10001, or' direetV ·to yoUI' local Diocesaa Director Tlie IlL written widely in the area oi Raymond T. CODSldiDe. 1611 MOrih MaiD Street" FaD "ver, Ma.aa­ ,::Reservatlons for th~ weekend. dOse Tu~day •. May ,21

, . uueU.a02'JH . , Catholic aocial thought.

J:., .,.









Card.enal Splits Brusse I School










• \,




" .


,', , .


ask me



LOVE GOD ·Through .SER:VICE··'










• I


Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Bellevance, , THE ANCHORMr. & Mrs. Harry Bollder., Mr. Thurs., May' 16, 1968 & Mrs. Robert Bowler, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Busch, :Mr. & Mrs 'DJomas Castro Mr. & Mrs. Joon Clegg, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Cloutier, Mr. & Mrs Thomas Cuddy, Mrs June The Sisters of Charity at Mt. DeMayo, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson St. Joseph School, Fall River, Duphiney will hold an open house pro­ In memory of Sarah R. & gram for girls interested in the Hutson M. Estes, Mrs. Agnes religious life from Friday, May Foley, Mr. & Mrs. James Foley, 24 through Sunday, May 26. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gaynor, Mr. Guests will remain at the con­ & Mrs. Ray Gazzola . vent and share the daily activi­ Mr. & Mrs. Charles Groclunal, '1 ties of the Sisters. Mr. & Mrs. William Heussler, The program is intended te Alice & Mary Hunt, Lillian permit girls to re-evaluate their Imhoff, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest spiritual life. "We need to dispel! Jewett the demon of apathy and indif­ Anita H. King, Mr. & Mrs. ference for Christian living," Anthony Magina, Mr. & Mrs. decl~lfe Spokesmen for the proj­ Joseph Mahon, Fred McCracken ect. Mr. & Mrs. EdwalI'Cll McKay Further information is avail­ Kevin Myles, AlYCfl O'Keefe, able from the ,Mother Superior, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Parmenter Mt. St. Joseph School, 56 S1­ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O. Precourt, Joseph Street, Fall River 02723. Mr. & Mrs. William ReYlOOlds DIOCESAN NURSES CONVENE: At the annual spring telephone 617-672-2943. Reser­ Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Rounds, Mrs. Howard Sprigg meeting of the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic vations for the we.ekend should be made by Tuesday. May 21. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chapman Nurses held Saturday at St. Anne'~ Hospital, Fall River, Mr. &. Mrs. Rock DesVergnes Mr. & Mrs. Henry ]"lynn, Leo were: Rev. Cornelius J. Keli'her, moderator; Mrs. Anne Galligan, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fleming, Fall River; Mrs. eollotte Robison of Attleboro, Mrs: Ildward O'Hearne, Mr. & Kelley president; Miss Helen Shove, Taunton; and Most Rev. James Mrs. Silvio C. Piesco, Marie Power . Mr. & Mrs. George Kohler, Mr. . J. Gerrard, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese. Richard Power, Mr. & Mm & Mrs. G. La1'erriere, Mr. & Mrs. George SherrY, Mr. & Mrs. Jos­ Francis F. LaPlante, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred 51. Yves eph P. Sylvia Jr., Mr. & MI'&. James H. Lee, George McGovern . & Mrs. Eugene McGovern, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Voyer Mrs. Charles Kenyon J. Arnold Tetlow, Leo & MarY, Ruth & Vincent Nihan, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. George Caiozzo . Walsh ~rs. Frank Pimento, Mr. & Mrs. ST. STEPHEN Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coueny Mr. & Mrs. Charles Colton" Albert Robisrow, Mrs. Gertrude $30 Mr. & Mts. George Powers k. May B. Power, Mr. & Mrs. Rich­ Rogers Mrs.· Dorothy & Arthur Boiu Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rose Jr. ard Rebello, Mr. & Mrs. Johlll Mr. &: Mrs. Edward. Sheehan Graban, Mr.. & Mrs. Edm~d ST. THERESA Mr. & Mrs. Edward Stanton· HOLY ROSARY .'8rennah . $75 $30 SACRED HEART

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Arata M·r. & Mrs. Walter Bednarz Attlebocr'o $50 $100

Mr. & Mrs: John Dubena ST. .JOSlElI"llI . , Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Berardi Misses McMahon

Mr. & Mrs. Loui.s Tokarz $500 So. Attleboro K of C $75

Rev. Ubalde Deneault IMMACULATE CONCEPTION $30 Rev. Francis B. Connbl'S

$75 Mr. Mrs. Donald Carrier Mary K. Nichols

$300 Mr. &: Mrs. Herbert Lavigueur Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Reilly $60

Rev. William H. O'Reilly $5@ $25 J. Howard O'Keefe $100 Mrs. Alice Pelletier Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Roussea1ll $30 Hon. & Mrs. Roger Champagne $35 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Atwell Mrs. Mildred Seekell $50 Mrs. Yvonne Hamel Mr. & Mrs. James cotIke Mrs. Marilyn Bazniet Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Des­ $25 Confraternity of ChristilUl $26 rosiers Alme Paille, Mrs. Aurore Par­ Mothers Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Prairie The Keliher Family adis, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Demers Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Harris_ Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cournoyer, Dr. Clement C. Maxwelli. Mrs. Joseph VesVf~rgnes, Louis Mr, & Mrs. Louis Desmarais, Mr. $25 :Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wojtkonski DesVergnes, Mr. & Mrs. Elwood Mrs. B. Lewis McDermott" & Mrs. Elmer Buttler, Mrs. Mar. . . $46 Frigon, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Dubuc, Mrs. Luke McBreen, Mr. & Mrs, celino Souto, Mr. & Mrs. George The Flangheddy Family :Mr. & Mrs. Arthur MunIins James Corliss, Helen Murray, Tedino . $40 Mr. and Mrs. George McCaffrey ST. MARK

Elizabeth & Joh!! Doyle Helen McBreen, Mr. & Mrs. $35 $280

Taunton Coy Folcik, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cornelius Kell~' Arthur Ciofli

Varden, Mr; & Mrs. John Gold­ $30 $100

HOLY FAMILY rick, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cayer Mr. & Mrs. William J. Fagan William Parker

Mr. & Mrs. William Gallaghe~ $54)8 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Taylor $50

Eugene Sullivan, Ruth Brady, Rt. Rev. William H. Dolan .Philip Cronan

$26 Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Shachoy., $101 Mr. & Mrs. Richard. PmJlson The Welch Family $35

Holy Name Society $25 Horace Benson

Mr. & Mrs.. Rene St. Yves, Mr.. $100 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Corey & Mrs. Evans Lava, Mr. & Mrs. ;James A. Murphy

Rev. Daniel Moriarty Allan Curley, Mr & Mrs Thomas Stephen Mazzoleni, Jeannette $30

Holy Family Women's Guild Curry, Mr. &. Mrs. William Whittle & Mary Lou Pellegrin~ Mr. & Mrs. Walter Bellavance

St. Vincent de Paul Society Desrosiers, Alicc~ Doherty . Mr. & Mrs. Francis .L. Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Pierce $60 Mr. & Mrs. R. L. Duncan, Mr. Ronald X. Mollins

Mr. & Mrs. James Denbow, Mr. & Mrs. William Davidson & Mrs. John Flaherty, Mr. & George Gibb

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Blais, Ap. . $52 Mrs. WUliam li'itzpatrick Jir., $25

thur Marron Mr. & Mrs. Russell Chamber­ Mary Foley, The Friary Family Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Duffy, Ed­

Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Galligan, mund Rice, Edward J. & Ger­ land $50 Mr. & Mrs. Jean Gamache, Mr. trude C. McCue, Mary & Rita

The Crosby· Family & Mrs. John Haggerty, Mr. & Regan, Arthur J. Barry.

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Deniz Mrs. Andrew Isaacsen, Mr. & Gerard Kenton, Albert 0.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mozzone Mrs. Leon Landry Gingras, Albert L. Gallant, Law­

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Newhall Over 35 Years

Mr. & Mrs. William McCaf rence Duffany.

Toupey's Muffins of Satisfied Service

frey, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Mc­ Fred Endler Jr.

$40 Dermott, Mrs. Owen McCarthy Robert Jacques

Reg. Master Plumber 7023

William Emsley Mr. & Mrs. Charles McManus, JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. ST. MARY $35 Mr. & Mrs. James Mahoney 806 NO. MAIN STREET

Mr. ,& Mrs. Stanley MarkoWfiki $150 Mrs. John Meunier, Mr. & Fall River 675-7497

. $30 . Mr. & Mrs. George Agostini Mrs. Robert Muhlhern, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Robert Durant Mr. & Mrs. John E. Avola $75 Mr. & Mrs. Antone Madeiroo Mr. & Mrs. John S. Francis Mr.. & Mrs. Francis Perry Mr. & Mrs., Ernest Gaudet Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Gomes & $511. Manuel It. 6 at The Narrows in North Westport Omer Ferland Mr. & Mrs. Thomas White $50 Willette-Horta Family Mr. & Mrs. James Egan Mr. & Mrs. William Powers Where The

Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy $25 Entire Family

Dr. & Mrs. Paul Shannon Confirmation Class of 1968, Can Dine

$35 Manuel Rose Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Jos­ Mrs. W. J. Amos Economically

eph Raposa, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur $2{; Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Drainville Machado, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Silvia $25 FOR Mr. & Mrs. Charles Geer, An­ Mrs. Cyril K. Brennan, Rich­ RESERVATIONS ard Churchill, Mr. & Mrs. James gelina Correia, Mr. &: Mrs: John PHONE Coogan,' Mr. & Mrs. Thonaas Zerba, Albert Amaral, Mr. & Gannon,' Mr. & . Mrs. Francis Mrs. Joseph Mendes 675·7185 -.\. ., Giblin .. Mr. & Mrs. John Valadao, Mr. i Mr. & :Mrs. Avila Grenier. Mr. . & Mrs. Edmund St~ Yves.




Manuel Castro

:Raymond Kelliher


Rev. Stephen J. Do'wney


Rev. Robem F. Blrby $50 Manuel Ca'TValho Philip De Lawi Howard Bristow Arthur Lordeill William Webster Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pelletier $411. ­ .Alice McDermott

$41V James McAndrewe

Luigi Pinacoll


Edward Amesbury Raymond Brousseau Raymond Guillette· Lavallee Family. Jose V. Defa·rias Peeheeo Constant Poholek Mary Sullivan Madeline Turley Mr. & Mrs. Roger :Forget


Joseph Goyette

Edwin· L. Nune!!

Roland Tremblay

Lucy McNally

$25 Daniel Carvalho, Mm-jorle Castro, Ray Castro, Leo Cbu­ rette, Merton Churchill. John Cloud, Gabriel Dacosta, Clifford Duclos, Frederick Ellis, Jean Galligan. Roger Goulet, John H1iYes. Parry Laird, John Leaden, J0­ seph Lojeck,. Rosalind Martelli, Lawrence McNally, IDrnest Miguel Alfred Vaz. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Perry Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Elshant ST. JOHN $650

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Condon


Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Walsl>l $125 Dr. Anthony Terranova $100 Mrs. John B. Blottman Mr. & Mrs. Edward HenFy Janson Family John McMahon & Family Mr. & Mrs. V. Frederick MUl'­ phy Mr. & Mrs. 3. Kenneth Murphy Dr. & Mrs. Vincent O'Donnell $80 Mr. & Mrs. Russell Brennan $55 Mr. & Mrs. John W. McIntyre $5e Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Casey Myles Daly Mr. & Mrs. Francis Flaherty Mr. & Mrs. John Mansfield Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Mulligan Benjamin Nolin Ernestine & Florence Moran Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Murphy $40

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Clegg Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. King

Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Rea

$35 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lange Mr. & Mrs. John Mullaney Mr. & Mrs. Harold Sumner $3ll Mr. & Mrs. David J. Foley $3C Mr. & Mrs.. John Carty Mr. & Mrs. Norma:p Legg . Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mullowney Dr & Mrs Robert 'O'Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Bowen Place Mr. & Mrs. Francis ,Stelter Mr. & Mrs. George ,Wefers Peter Silvia $28 Mr. & Mrs. Clement V. Smith $21l . Mr. & Mrs. Walter Cronin Louis Galligan $25 Mr. & Mrs. Clark Reon, Mr. .& M~. Gerard LaCombe. Mre. Helen MlJrnhv .



Set Open House for Area Garis

Montie Plumbing &

Heating Co.



family Restaurant



Mary, ,&: Evelyn B.eildrIclw Mr. & Mrs. John R. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Souza Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Vieira Mr. & Mrs. Louis. Couto Mrs. Maria C. Ferro Carolina Goulart Mr. & Mrs. Enos Lopes Jesso Mello m memory of David Paul Sylvia

THE ANCHOR-" I :'l Thurs." May 16, ).9.~8


TC!!Mnton S'll.'. ll"AlIJlL


Rt. Rev. Joseph C. Canty


Mr. & Mrs. Henry RYlllm


lII1atthew McCarty


Clayton Rennie

$'75 Dr. William Fountain $50 Raymond Di Resto Mr. & Mrs. Hector Deme~ lVIr. & Mrs. Wesley Grandmont Mr. & Mrs. John Connors "


Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Silveira

k $26 Mr. & Mrs. August Fernandes Sylvia Family Mrs. Maria M. Luiz Mr. -& Mrs. Fernando P. Tav­ ares



, " 'Robert Stratton $3@ ',' St. Paul's Holy Name Society Mr. & Mrs. Waldo Wibb,erefi .. "'Oiivia Giannini ' ,: Mr. ,& Mrs. Charles Kingsbury $26

ida & Sadie Drugan

Lillian White

$25 Vivian & Robert Couto, 11. ,Yernon Harrica, Mrs. Franc" ,'6. Tummon, Ele8lllor, Dwyer,' :lusan E. Egan Mr. & Mrs. Alyre Cormier. ;Joseph Giannini, Mr. &:' :Ml"5. L1II\an Taylor, Leonard, Goslin. Beatrice Peloquin ,Hugh Patenaude" Salvat9re ,Spinelli, Manuel Ml1rtin" Mr. & Edward Castle, Mr. &: ~ :W:. O'Donnell ' Mr. & Mrs. John BotelUo, JIll'. &: Mrs. John Dickinson, 1IIr. & Mrs. Joseph Reilly, • . Paul's Women's Guild Mr. & Mrs. Henry Brady William Driscoll, Dominie teasella, Anna Casella,' Jll'rank: e&sella, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Labrie, Joseph McCarthy


ST. ANTHONY $30 Mary Bettencourt $26 .Joseph de Costa $25 J'rederick Barber, JosephMti­ , tromarino, Cora Smith





'Rev. Ambrose E.,


BoWeD '

,Memory' of the Very Rev. llfIsgr. , ,Patrick H. Hurley , $101 : Rev. John F. Moore

$100 Rev. Robert J. Laughlin Holy Name Society in mem­ llJl'Y of the Very Rev. lVLsgr. ~trick H. Hurley $50

Senior CYO in memory of the Very Rev. Msgr. Patrick lEI. Burley Junior CYO in memory of the Very, Rev., Msgr. Patrick lEI. ,Burley Assumpta Guild and Mothen ,:aub Attorney &: Mrs. Wal1er .. ,lbwers ., Mr. &: Mrs. William, ScuIIT st. Vincent de Paul Soclety'<Jf . . Anthony's Church ' $30 MI'. &: MrS. Francis Frazier The Garvin Fanlily Mr. & Mrs. John E. Murpbj' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Santos •. 'Mrs. George WilliliIna '" '




ChesterW. Camoon, LoU-' he Connelly, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cunniff, Helen :paniIl, Maribeth ,Dahill Mr. {It "Mrs. William Donnelly, MT:.& 1\1rs. Raymond B. Harnois, Esther Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. John 6 It.elly, Mr. & Mts. Edward Jr. Kennedy Mr. &' Mrs. Roger Kingsley, J'ao.. Mrs. Estelle Mararido,<Mrs. lames Maxwell, Mr. & Mrs. Jo­ EPh McKenna, Mr. & Mrs. JOb

LSheeby . . .. ..

. \


Belen Smith, Margaret'Smith, Margaret L. Walsh, Mr. &: Mrs. Henry F. Werner, :Mary Wrelm Antone Abreau, Joseph Amaral Anibal Antunes, Charles Ferreira Antone Gomes Maria do Cmrmo PiniS,Semaa l!tIeal Estate < ,

ST. .JAMBS $250 lltt. Rev. Alfred J. GendreaUl 08 Rev. Daniel Gamilche


Bev. Andre P. Jussaume

Mm. Loretta$~~ley, AlkedJ.

Marrotte & Family


$llOOO " , lllt. Rev. James J.DoI~ 'PA. $200 . . 'Anna V. O'Keefe-In memory af ~~t~er Ann:l~~e.~USC Mr. & Mrs. William J'entOD ; lllr. O.

st. Vincent de Paill Society fa


COMi\USSION ON CHRISTIAN UNITY: Among the 200 ecumenioall~ ~inded cle~­ men and lay leaders who attended general assembly of the Mass. CommISSIon on ChrIS­ tian Unity at Holy Cross College, Worcester, were: Rev. James Breeden, chairman ofHu­ man Rights Committee" Mass ,Council of Churches; Rev., ~ichael G~e?, Roxbury; Atty. Richard Martin of No. Dighton, a member of the Fall RIver CommiSSIon; Edward Mc­ Donagh, lay eoordinatm' of the Diocesan CeDe

Arth~rOONereo $50

Harold Sheehan Mrs. Claire R. Augei' Richard Bentley $35

Margueri~ ~

Josepli Quinn, GeOrge' B. Sanford, Helen Shove, Dem. J. SUllivan

New Bedford llIOlLY NAME $200 Gertrude & Loretta Daley, in memory of Rt. Rev. Leonard J.. Dilley $1@0 Rev. Henry T. Munroe Anonymous Marion Keane Dr. & Mrs. ,rohn B. O'Toole JT. $100 John D. Sheehan $50 MI'. & Mrs. J<lseph Marshall! $40 " , Mr:' & Mrs. Gregory Derby Mr. & Mrs. Frank McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. James WilsOn Jr.. '$36 ' Mr. & Mrs. ~harles Gunning $35 Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore J. Giam­

"maivo \'



In memory of Lillian, Mary' &: 'Alice .Adams Benac Family J<lseph & Julia A. Foley Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Markey Mr. & Mrs. J<lhn Reul ' $27 llI1r: & Mrs. Lucien Beauregard . $26 MI'. & Mrs William Pendergrast Mr. & Mrs. William Powers Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wilson'


Holy Name Society

$SO Loyal Parishioners H MT. & Mrs. Robert Garrison $25 0ur Lady of the Assumption Club, In memory of Amaro Du­ arte,. Palmira Silva, Agnes Thomas, Edward J. Joseph

nmnACULATE CONCEPTION $100 Rev. America Martins, C.M. $50 Dr. David Costa Vietor Rebelo A Friend A Friend $8S Butter Bread Bakery $3@ ,$ylvester Sylvia

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bettencourt Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cambra, Iv.ir~ & Mrs. Anibal Furtado, Manuel A. Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Chris P. Gonsalves Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rapoza JT.. Mr. & Mrs. Humberto Rod­ rigues, Mrs. Leopoldina Sou~ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Arruda Jr.. Mrs. Rosalina Camara, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Correia, Mrs. Maria Lopes, Mr. &; Mrs. Raymond Medeiros ' Mr. & Mrs. Frank Motta, Mr. cl: Mrs. Manuel Neves, Mr. &: Mrs Joseph V. Nunes, Mr. &: Mrs. Emidio Rapoza; Mr. &: Mrs. Joao P. Rocha, Augusto C. Silva ' OUR LADY OF I'ATIMA $350 Rev. Ernest N. Bessette

$100 MI'. &: Mrs. William Belanger . $50 Mr. &: Mrs. Emile Beauregard $45 MI'. & Mrs. Clement Damicone

$40 Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Hotte $30

Mr. &: Mrs. Normand PareDi Therese Bonneau Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Charbon­ neau Mr. & Mrs. J<lseph Arsenault $26

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Parkin $25

Dr. Augustus McKenna, Cor­ ella MeKenna, Mr. '&: Mrs. Gerard Guillotte, Mrs. Henri Galipeau, Mr. & Mrs. Luciem $26 , Poirier William McCarthy . :Winifred Carney &: Kathleen , Roche, Mr. & Mrs. Charles , $25 ¥ite.hell Jasinski, Abel Fidalgo 'Franklin, Mr. & Mrs. Clovis Batalha's Family, Dr. Manuel Fecteau, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Camacho, Maria Alves Lawler Holy Name Society: , " Mr. & ,Mrs. Thomas Bancroft Euclides Cabral, Henry Rod­ Jr.. Peter Duff, A Parishioner, rigues, Edward Souza :Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lachapelle



$200 Mr. &; Mrs. Arthur Hendricks Ruth Dias

Franciscan Fathers, O.F .M. In memory of William R. Lelia Duffy

Conv. Freitas $50 .roseph Wade

$76 $25 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Banas Leonor Luiz $35 William Behan &; Margaret $5% Jankowski Family Behen, Esther & Ethel Buckley, Mr. & Mrs. Edwim V. Rod­ $Z6 Ralph Buckley, Mrs. Albert rigues Kaszynski Family Clement, Th<lmas Con $58 $25 101m Cross Jr. Family, Rene $25 Mr. &; Mrs. Abel A. Alves Mr. &; Mrs. Che'ster Ponich­ H. Cormier, Mrs.' Deline Cyr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bramwell, Mr. &: Mrs Vincent Fernand~ tern, Mr. & Mrs. Walter S~liga Edward Duffy, Dr. Anthony 'Mi'S., Catherine Carney, Mr. & lit. Carmel PTA ' &: Christine, Mr. &:' Mrs. .An­ Elias .' MI"S. Guido ,Coucci; Mr. &: 'Mrs. Mr.&, Mrs. Charles Vieira tbony Zerbonne Mrs. Robert Freeman, :Nr. '" Hugh T.- Earley, Mr. " Mrs. Mr. &; Mrs. JOse L. A. Fer-ro, MIs. Edward GalVin, Johm. Kea- ".l&mes Flanagan ' Noe Ferro .. ooa LADY OF PURGATORY Ung, Emery Malo, Mary Ma-'Mr.& Mrs. Theodore' Fredette, , $50 Mr. ,lft Mrs. JQlleph Lewis " lone,. ::·Mr.' &;'Mrs. Peter J. Giammalvo, , ; ~. George' ,Saad Mt:.& MJ;"S.Albert Lopes Dorothy " Marguerite:' Me­ ·.. ·MrS'~ Lillian O. Guthrie; Albert $25 Mr. & Mrs. Hemiterio Souza ,Manus, Mary- McManus, Harold . Hill-in memory of Mrs. Alice ~. J.oseph Sodality " . $35 '.Mosher, Mr. " Mrs. Poirier, Hill Our Lady of Purgato1'7 Ladies In memory of Luci'nda, Amaro J'&mes Reid Mr. &; Mrs. M. Jones, Mr. " G.tP.Jd: " Janice Russell, Leonard Souza MI'S. John Sweeney, Mr. '" Mrs. 6; Manuel Roderick Castelo , Joseph A. ,John Mr. &; Mrs. Frederick' Tripp, Norris Walecka '

Edward Tonry Mr. & Mrs. James Dufficy,

J~s Avila" Mrs. John' CaIT, . 'Mr.&' MrS: Albert FrateS, Mr. &; William J. Casey, James Cole. Mrs. James Gleason, Mr. &: Mrs Donahue Family -Michael Griffiths, Mr.' &i'Mrs. , . Elizabeth Doran, Harold H. Wm. F. Houlihan & family, Mr. Galligan, William Hansen, Mr. '& Mrs. Ray Hurd.. COMPANY &: Mrs. Edward Lehan, Francia Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gbrdon M(:Cahe , M r . & Mrs. Joseph F. Gorman , " Patricia McCabe, Alice McMr. & Mrs. Gerald -Morrissey . Complete line 273 CENTRAL AVE. CuSker, Michael McCusker, 1\111'8 Mr. & Mrs. George Needham , , Building ~CIIterials Michael McCusker, James E;,)}fr.,& Mrs. Elmer Paul 992-62~,~ McGovern Patricia McSweeney, David GUll'! LADY OJll' ASSUMPTION a SPRING ST., ,FAIRHAVEN J!I. Martin, Joseph Megan Sr.. $416 , ' BEDFORD Mrs. Lawrence Munise. Thomas First 'Hol,y CommuniOn Class" 9?3-2,,s11 Murphy -1961





New Bedford


. Thurs., May 16, 1968



$55 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Simmons $410 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred L. Bouchard " $25 Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Sequin Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Botelho Mr. & Mrs. Francis Omer <Grenon ~'ll' •


$75 Rev. Arthur C. Levesque . $25 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur PowelIl 1II1r. &' Mrs. Ulysse Auger St. Anne Credit Union ST. ANTHONY OF PADUlA

$500 Rt. Rev. Albert Berube, FA $85 Beauregard Family $80

Rev. Bertrand R. Chabot $51 Louis Parent $33 Esa Family $30 The Andre Daigle Family 0 $26 '. ' Alice Contant Alfred Gauthier $25 . Gerard GOguen, Mts: Wi~ Masse, Leo Hebert . Antoinette Gelinas A Friend'· ~'I:l'. lFIltANCllS OJF' AS~llSn


Pasquale Nicolacci

$26 Louis Bono League of St. Francis of Assial $25 .

RobertoJ. Morelli


$200 • Rev. Roland B. Boule $50 . Mr. & Mrs. Gaspard Lafleur $40 Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid B. Rowl!Je8U

$25 st. Ann Sodality, Mr. & :Mrs. Normand Brassard, Mr. &; Mrs. Joaquim Candido Jr., Mr. IE Mrs. Roland Dumas, Rita Pow­ ers, Cora Guilmet ST. JAMES

$100 Rev. John J. Smitlb Joseph Murphy A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Louis Coholan Dr. Daniel Harrington Dr. & Mrs. James Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Robert Taber $90 Rev. Thomas E. O'Dea . $50 Mrs. Mark M. Duff Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ke~ Mary E. Whelan A :friend $45 Dr. William O'Connor '$35 .

Mr. &; Mrs. James BoJto.B Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Plll8OIII:l $30

Mr. &: Mrs. James A. W ~ Mr. &; MrS. John Pholar . Mr. & Mrs. Henry TavaNe $28 Mr. It Mrs. Georee YGUDI $26

:.t. It Mrs. John C. JIIartiI:l :Mr. It Mrs. David Bautanem .John .JiI. Quinn $25 Charles B. Clavin Mr. & Mrs. George Sbeeba!II Frances Whelan I. Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph D. BeIQ, Alice T. lDonnelly, JOOln E. FoB­ Cler, 11&. &; Mrs. Vime:mt JI\ete!;>a

Dorothy Curry· Mrs. William S. Downey A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mahon Francis McCarthy. Theresa Beehan Mary E. Carron Mrs. Anne E. Hooper " $27 Mr. & 'Mrs. Nelson Dumaine Ida & Louise Hoye Elizabeth Killigrew. $26 Mr. & Mrs. Donald MacMullen Mr. & Mrs. John F. Treadup Mr. & Mrs. James Goldrick , Angela J. ~ayes Margaret E. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Aslak Tobiass~ Mr. & Mrs. Charles Burke Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Harring­ ton Mrs. Josephine Whelan & AID $25 Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah. Brady, Anna M. Brady, Elizabeth Cal­ ELKS ASSOCKATION AIDS HOME FOR INCURABLES:' Sr. Paul, stiperior at lahan, Mrs. Frances Connolly, f::,. . the .Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home, Fall River, accepts a check from' Michael J. Friend' Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cormier. MeNamara in behalf of the Mass. Elks Association. Attending the ceremonies were: Mr. & Mrs. A. B. Crowe,. Mnl. ·front, Tobias M. Furtado, trustee; Bishop Connolly, Sr. Paul, John Fox, Exalted ,Margaret E. Culhane, Mr, & Mm.. Ruler; Mr. McNamara and Leo V;' Gaffney 'of the 'Elks public relations committee. Rear: Edward J. Duffy, Alice Fennes­ ,Sr. Mary ·Alice and Sr. Mary· Christine. ·.sey. : ,," ." Mr. & Mrs. John Harney, Mm. ;"Helena Kennedy, Marie'Mm­ $135 S'll'.,J10IHlN 'll.'IHIJE BAIP'll'TIS'll' $50

honey, Mr. & Mrs. James Man­ ;Rev. Arthur K. Wing~te Mr. & Mrs. He.nrl Bro.uill.ette

ning, Mrs. Thomas Osborn·e., $601 '{ ,

, $100 .. .Mrs. Louis Vaudry Sr.

Rt. Rev. John: A. Silvia '

, "Mr. & Mrs. Perry Coholan $410

, Mrs. Charles Pelczar, Claytl>D $126

'., ~r',8f Mrs. John Dunri '. The Leblanc Family

Russell, A Friend, Misses Mary , ,Rev. Manuel P .. Ferreira

, Mr.. &, . Mrs. Edward J. ~ar­ & Eleanor Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Mathieu

rington Jr. $100 Robert Tweedie. ' .. .1 $35

'I , • .. ,Mr. &: .Mrs.. Timothy K~ati~g St. John the Baptist CCD,ChU­ Mr. & Mrs. Alfred. Gaudreau

... " Mr, & Mrs. Edward Tynan. Mr. & Mrs. Paul McCabe ,. A Friend $33

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Wobecky. ·Mr. & Mrs. James McHugh In honor of St. John the Baptist '.' Mrs. Angela Beaulieu .. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Ba~boni. $75 $31 . $75 .Mrs. aeorge Breen, Almyra 83 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Kenney In honor of Santo Ch'rist~ Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Hodson .Dorothea Brennan, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph Smith dren $30 ·J·ohn Chase, In memory ~ $60 Frank Silvia Jr. Mr..& Mrs. Alfred Lemaire deceased members-St. Vincen1 Dr. & Mrs. Robert Durant $68 Mr. & Mrs. Norman Boutin de Paul Society Mr. & Mrs, James Hayden Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. G. Albert Roy Mr. & Mrs. James Dee, Robei1 Mary & Winifred Keneally $61 Mr. & Mrs. Hilaire Tremblay L. Doyle, Mr. & Mrs, Alben; Mr. & Mrs. Mauric~ Downey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Vel'S Mr. & Mrs. Stephen· Yates . Fisher, Mr. & Mrs. James Galli­ Mr. & Mrs. John B. O'Rourke' $51 $28 ghan, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lemos The Misses Downey :aon. & Mrs. George P. Ponte Mr. &,Mrs. John Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Paul McCawley Mrs. George V. Kelly, Mr. & $50 $26 $52 Mrs. Paul McGowan, Alben A Friend (4) . Henri Pelletier Elizabeth & Helen O'Connor' Smith, Mr. & Mrs. William Mr. & Mrs. John Gracia. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Pelletier $50 Whalen Jr., Mr. & Mrs. William Dr. & Mrs. Manuel F. Sousa Francois Boyer 1\I1r. &, Mrs. Thomas Beedem Chapman Dr. & Mrs. Manuel F. De1ll1ello. . Mr. & Mrs. John Green A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ford, Ml? Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Motta Mr. & Mrs. Arma!1d Lafond Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Finni & Mrs. Edward Hill, Mr. & Mm. Dr. & Mrs. ·Joseph P. Ponte $25 ,.Mr. & .Mrs. G. McGovern , Raymond Hunt, Mr. & Mrs. Wm, MJ;. & Mrs. Joseph C. DelVleDo Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Methe, MT James J. O'Brien oTr. Jeffries, Philip J. Kane , A Friend (2) 4k Mrs. Gordon Barber, 1II1r. &: Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Saun­ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kenned31. $40 Mrs. Maurice Lavallee, Mr.!, & ders Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McFarlane" Mr. & Mrs. Walter Oliveira Mrs. Norman St. Gelais, M,r. &: Mr. & Mrs. Paul Vermette $30 lVlrs. Norman Ostiguy , In memory of Michael C. A Friend. Mr. & Mrs. Roberi A. Makin, Helen Moore 0 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gracie Lucille Allain, Mr. & Mrs. :Pius ,Austin

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Barry Allain, Mr. & Mrs. A. Bertrilnd, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Murphy., Neil C. Fitzgerald

Mr.. & Mrs. Arthur Fredette Mr. & Mrs. Alexandre Montminy Elizabeth O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. A Friend (2)

$26 Mr. & Mrs. P. Letourneau Elmer Page, Mr. & Mrs. James Mrs. Thomas Mahoney

St. John Ladies Guild Mr. & Mrs. Isidore Viens, Mr. Pittman, Mrs. Joseph Rosen & - $40

Mr. & Mrs. Vasco Villela ,& Mrs. Albert J. Bastarache, Gertrude Cuttle A Friend

$25 Mrs. Emery Menard, Mr. & Mrs. Cuttle An'na Driscoll

Mr.' & Mrs. Nestor Mesquita Alfl'ed Sylvia Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Ambrose Smith & Fam.­ $35 A Friend (2) . Edgar Trudeau ily. A Friend John Murphy . Mr. & Mrs. Antone Moura Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Fortin, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Phelan Joseph Souza Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Hudon, Mr. A Friend Mr. & Mrs. George Alexander, & Mrs. Frank Braga, Grenache William J: O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Edward Costa, 11111'. &; Insurance Co., Mr. & Mrs. P. Mr. & Mrs. M. Rezendes l1)~BROSS Mrs. Raymond Cabral, Mr. &; Jodoin & Roland $32

,'.:, : Mrs. Charles W. Duponte, Mr. & Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Carrier, Mr. A Friend

".1 :Mrs.' Gilbert Ferro . & Mrs. Rene Dufresne, Mr & Mrs $31

In memory of Olympia &; Au­ lV1axime Leblanc, Annette. Col­ . Mr. & Mrs. Willis Goodwin

gustine Gonzales, Mr. &;. Mrs. lard, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Leblanc $30

.Joseph Martins, Mr. & lIIlrs Rich­ Mr. & Mrs. Arcade Marcoux, ard Perry, In nonorof '5an¢o Mr. & Mrs. Orner Grenon; Dr. & Mr. &; Mrs. Kevin DawsOn

Christo, Mr. & Mrs. Mamiel A. Mrs. Clarence LeBlanc,- Mr. &; - .'. Mr, & Mrs. Roy Mason

.365 NORTH FRONT STRER Silva '. . Mrs. R. L'Heureux,' Theotime Mr. & Mrs. August Medeiros NEW BEDFORD Mrs. Eva Sylvia, Mr. ~ Mn. Leblanc Mr. &: Mrs. Edward 'Mitchell William Walla'ce . Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rossi Mr. " Mrs. Henri LeBlanc 992..5534 ... Mr. " Mrs. Jayne Cordoza, Mrs Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. 'Ryan, ST. KI~ A Friend Arlbur' Carreiro; MariOOl :Freitas ooooooooooooooo $30 A Friend, !lin. Albert S. I.uil3 Mary Augeri, Hervey CaFOll !!IIIIInllllllllllllllnllJlIIlIlllllIIlIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIII"illllllllllllllHlIlllllmmlllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUllliullJlIIIJl!: $26 .... JlOSlElPB Tile Albert Leeming Family $ZSG $25 • • & Mrs. Marcel J1cy Friend, Allen stringer, Jos­ $160 eph Masse, Paul Pelletier :~ ,§ Mr. &; Mrs. Corad seguin Mr. &; Mrs. Herve Cout~ ST. LAWIltENCm:




'Heating Oils 'and Burne'rs

IIIT~e Lobs!er Boat·



Domenie Oatalnno

Vincent de Paul Society $1041 :Rev. Louis R. Bowen Rev. Roland Bousquet Atty. " Mrs. H. Ernest Jl)i~ $51'


. . . II;

.ell. . ME. &: Mrs. Fronds DepUste, Belen L. Crowley, Mr. iI; Mro. :William Bill, Mr. &; Mm. Jo:h1ll "lrin, Mr. &; Mrs. .Adam ~


MIs. Afthu


$500 Mr. & Mrs. James H. Mahoney'

k. $250 Dr. .& Mrs. Arthur Buckley $1~5

! IE


IS ·comlnt . bringing


Mac·Lean s





Tel. 997-9358 ~


$200) l\'fr.: &: MIsi 1't'ijChael Regllll" D'\1; &: Nfrsi Harry.' Rbwa'S) $1i75', : 011. &' Mrs" 'l1li:omas,HigghWj.. . '$1'50:.

Dr: &: Mrs, &dte, E; Nasser.. "

Says ~~:tt:~Grd J)o~esffi' r?ffiCi!St N;ove~ ~2Jt(eeptiG11I':Glllly'frn~e , .!By, lilt.

,~eVJM Msgg;,.Mnn; $.




$125:> M"rr ab. Nfl's, , JbHn: DUnn,.

"Very Ooften ,'and' ~specially; im the' ev.e~ing: when'" 'Witn~ Jlner bEother" she wa!ked' out in tn~fields;beTo,w( S~~qU'a:teI:;

HblX' Name' St'. :Vihcent'ae,Pilul SO,f1.iety: U$'t05; Mrs,. Michael! E: OlRourl!:e,

Mignon' kneW the meaning of' oli:U age. It wa~, tne"ll.rtt~r of· depantu'lle'. witholIDt, farewell;, the' nostialg.J~l, 6lior voices anru faces which alOng; \Witli. his' y;oung:owire: m~ ;Ilrad· gone;, the' Sladness: of visi,t; is; to be fbilbwe& Dy! one • ~Soe'.' Wl108e' chilcfren ll~v:~' from. _Nesta; wno; .is, bringing;' . dioo' among' strailgers~. the het:" son; Pattick;;, to, EhgHmdl (in~perience,

persistent· disBelief that a:li!fe­ ~e couln. end in the. minor,: key without r.e a.I. ~aning or sa,.



Mr. /ftc Mrs; Clarenoo" Mal~ Edward; P; Grace &: Family, Dr. & Mrs. Can:oll1 P? Gettings, Mar­ guerite Bonner;.. Mr. &: Mro. Geoflge' F-Limag~n,

, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Donovan,

Mr. SC; Mrs. JamesJ'Ie. Mamm. Mr. & Mrs. John F. McMahon, Hannahl C.. Higgins Eaward, F-: F-itzgerald; Mr; ~ Mrs: AntHony· Geary; Mt-. &·Mm. .John J. Sullivan, Mr: &t. Mto. James H. Hudner, Mr. & Mm. John J. Gallagher Joseph A. RY'a~,

V.incent. F-itzgeralti:' Db: &',Nfrsi Jbhn. Delaney,)' Nfr: &' Mrsi Rbger: Sltllivan.. Dr; &: Mrs; V.ictorBalumbo; ) $'7'5', . DlJrothy C: Su1livan' .

sutJ~~se~l:Y, W~tlil ~ vie~! to· His,




Alfred; J: BOnne&1l $75"

Rev. Bernard Lavoie.

Re.V! J" A'd·nen' Bernier


Rev. Robert, Hl Dowling;

. $50

oDr.' William Boudreau,

. Dr. Adelard, Demers

Feniinand Erancoeur.

Henry 0. Ouellette

" $35·

Robert- Phenixl'


Armand, Dallaire'

mto, a: um;versl~~.. .' : $50' ,. Ea'ward's \l~sit. i,s. a; great!. SUCl'" M'r: &: Nfl'S•. Thomas; McGuiret ~•. Nngnon enj:oys, tlie ,opp~r;l\'[r: &E Mh. Wenry,.' P: SHell' '-'ror.'~'Tl\usdoes

huntLy: to. perI?rIn'.. BU:tt~a~. . Mr.: &: Mh, William. R; aa..­ 'll"ne 'Thr.e.e

reatl)".makes· tlie' 0c.cmnoID"ex .... ' graves. 'oTt: . Siiitors begin

'citing:-)s"Ed'wandfs; disco;veny: of." ... E'rancis; Devine" ,4Atlantic - Lit­ ~e" diame.s. and! o~el! .J?~e~ of THe'Madden :Ei'amUy;; «te;. Bro~, 3i'f;

tite' late· Su; ~u:r,. wlhcfu~esta,,M-r: &E·.Mrs; Gustave' Mattos.. lB'ka-cOnt street:

has; kept all these yt;ars. .

l\'frs, Anthon:v.i Keramw" " : moston,. MlmsJs;

Edward. says' tl\at tliey may' . . ..

Helen. Shay/ (Jl2106, $6). It is

ba'fe'some'value~ MignoOleager-, NEW'ASSISTl\N'F: Th1l1,ly­ lVlh. &. Mrs, J.ames A. Heane,l' Ell first no~.

ly; seizes, upOJi, the! idem of g~.;.: ' 011'e' vear- olai ]\ran' J'. Wanles81 M'r: & M~, NiCHolas; Mitl:lielli' R, G" Desmaraia~

~. W'~rli; o~

~ing:. some' desJ?erafel.y,' ,nee~ed, J'r: j~ the' new' ~ssistant. dilo.. In,' memory of}Jo-hn'&~Margaret oAtty,.. Eugene' Heon,

litfuhaJ'~ .Jones,

Income .. Edw;~.r~ prolBlses. to, 111,., t ' f' th'· . TjTSCC: Famil~' MbDer;mott·, $26. IIImdl it: 18l exeev­ terest a pubhsner: rec ~l' 0 e \lJ ., .T' US, Pouliot-Frascatore" F ~ tionalaily fine.

Nesta now arrives, and she Life Bureau. Father'of"tll~, M~. & Mrs. Romeo McCallum' Armand Lussier Mignom is the' w;ido.~ ll.ady, and· her mother set to quarrel- children, Wanless was form­ · _ $.42 . $25, ~soDl-Williams;, wen.into b$ iAg'. What one;, p~oposes,. the . edy with. the' U.S. Depart­ .,' '€ l ltHel'ine' G: & MalT':Uysagbt Leopold Baraby.; .Bi~rtrancL~ ~es;, Her.' brothen-lS Freddy. othel" aut'o~atiCa:ll'y: oppo~es. men t of' H'ealth" Echlca:tiOIU; , $!O: lay; ~" J. Cappuccillil, Roger" ~ Rober.ts. It, cJ.ergymam oi soc\:$. The- house IS, full of tenSIOn \ . NC.'Pli to' . '; Mr. &&.Mrs. John.MitcheWl Cacon, Helena Chace~ cmd., a.-v.:nte.c at sOllts., 'Ilhe: fields and! bic.keuin{f, Into) thiil. ~~os-and· Welfaret o .. , Angus Bailey., Sr. litre: tbose of a., faron. ifll W3>!es. phere' comes, <i:hall1es Milford, Octave O. 'Desmarais, PaUl. it. · Mr, ',&: Mrs, JoseDht ElnsoD­ likother, and. sister. are: spendmg III, vetly young!, emplb~ of{ the 'Duma,!F" :Pt1\ &i J" DU.Rui~ ~ger neault· ~r last years; ill> the: ,house publishing firm of I:IeinZ';. He' is G: Fournier, Milton D; Fuller tiD which: ~ were born.- 3RG! tot, examine' and'. appraise', the , $35', RaYmond, Gibeau, .Antonio. Ill:. .,' SlJl: ~Ryr IXougllt' up;. Their. famil~ WJ)S mt-8tW:. Mi'. & Mrs. John Hardfugi ' I!.agasse, H: &- E~ {;arocqu.e: einer Mr, &. Mrs, ·Thomas)Brlhdl~ Levesque, Romeo'LevescI\le;.Ge1"- . fII: reoman stOCK wl\icft reached Sfea:&, I.~\ $34, .

,Mr. &i; Mrs. MiChael Fitzgerald; ant::Lussiec. Mr. &'Mrs. Robert Hali!

. , bigh point: in'. theW :fatherr Mignon. maKes' much, of him, , '$Z5

Hd~~\ &:. Ma~' O:NeiL.. Me- Lussier-- Eamily, D) ~ ~J Ro&ertil; a' poni£reaY':m­ cosset\; him, putlr 0111 .tier' most · Mr. & M'rs; CHanes. H"odkinsoa· chand. Family:; fl>.., &t A. Masse, MI'. &:' Mrs. J~hn Hitghea·

. fIiea), who 1mB" elected 1;'0;. P'lw),NI:-. . da-zzllng' act, sure that· ll'. ':fa;vor­ Lillian Hart. . Roger Ouellette' ... IlteRt-. able- word froJ1ll hiint will bring; ST;TiIERES~ Mary Hart·' , Albert Parent; Edmour JlL ene' gathers1 tliat: Fredttsr Itas­ hetr' a' .furtune~ B'ut'; nis: opfuioll $150'6'1

~ver l~ft the li'ttl~ ~~er' of of' tfie- papers: is: unfa-v{)r.able'. Poiriel'j Wilfiid. Poi Edgv Lawrence Henry· St. Martin Mit> Br.ead, Baking; COi.

:Walesj haMi by- the sea,. ~l'e- ~ personaUi¥ of- Sir. ~ur, •. $200'J $30' lIIe. two' eke ou.t. a penUl'l<*S. ~ing: tlh:ouglt them, seems: !o-­ DOLl'l KOS AIlT' 0Jristence.. Wiitfu Mignon:. if!; Pas· Mm.' odious: Mi'gnoru abruptly Florence Bois-vert Elinor & Alice> Lenaghan, iIIeem dl£feren;t; She ma'Ul'rem switches off' t:!le" cham} and. $10'0"

Mr. &r Mh;, Herve' Berni8ll; .

$50) Arthur' Henson-Williams; who-- . Mi'1'f'&dl dep-a-rtS: ., Eli-za, B,oisve:rtt

MI'. Ii;< Mrs. f<ra'nk MazZoni, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gliffin.

W got intoo' the' ciJ\lill se&riUe', T.hen. comes' a.. jpwmaHst· Therese Boisvemt

Margaret H, Powel'lrJ

$26 : $3.0 eItent into the cabinet' secreta\l!iat named JacK: cappland; Mignon, Mr. &. Mrs. Thomas, MarcucCt M 1': &;;" Mrs, CHester.-- N"u~ID

and~' lJ.oy.di Georg~, She ha5- hav.in-g. lear.nedl from Milford· Raoul LeBlanc.: .M''tI:. ,&, MhlI Jbnrr Kirltzrutro· $25 IIve¢ in London 'and mo;ved ifl: tfutf tfiere are chunKs: 01,' gos­ $26, Mon,' lie Mrs! Ernest, DlGlammOp $26: <Srcles far, more selected' than: Bishop. Stan~ <l:ouncil, It. oil: c;: Hi',; lIS, NIts.. ~ICl S~tId&wlCz. lite. flunili :o.efghborhood cou-ld sl-p-a-bout the great, ill. the: dia­ !iFr: &;; Mrs, James.RI,MedeIi-oe , ' $25 i , , ries, has gpt iiJl touch: witli 'a TIie" Men1s! ConfraternitYl oflTtie l.\IIJi-., &: IDs; Howarcf lIifiU'COtpt Aldege> Cote; Theodore EN-' ~ •paper cl\lled: the: Simda.~ l':I.gej .Rbsaryr, Holy.1 Rbsaryr cy.:e, , Madeline' Casey; " MignOIh has, aTh actress:1\' qu,al:.. hoping~ tHat il;.· mig/lt serialize ehelite; 'I1hadli;, Steak, Houoo-, Me. & Mrs. Al11ertt ])'IA'mbrosio MarY'~. Casey;, .'. fly. She: is. like a player doing" -and pay well' for'-jiIicy, .e'lC­ • M,i;: "&-.~r's. MichaebHanle7' 8be: part, of: a gl'8nd: dame. She' ..J-~ .,. the t certl"'" ., I , .·~5 lr«ectS the stYle o~ ; gJ'ea' . Cit,ppland is.. a; vul'gacian, anel !&ditft Evans; Of' lleIr" looks, a' boor, and He proves' to, De: a Mn:,&tM'TS; Edwardi.E:,SUattlu7. ~RY'S CA~Dllt:AL: oo~one says, "Tnat upperClass,' thief as well,. Among, tlie lette~ ~,4t:; lYfrs, .WilliiuDl Hackin-g:.JJr-... ONE: STOP' <:llOtI:hitryw-oman'lr . compl~on '. he finds some from celeor.ated' St. ¥incent', de, Rllul SOcie. Mtt. &<.Mts:' Fl-rankF. RllCht8t,Mil: ok .SHOPPING CENTER',· lIfld, tfiose' la~' lidS-: to> h'e'l" eyes people; like Winston: el'turchiH, . $-'15, Mrs; Matthew'SUllivan, Rudo!pbl laftdI the' l'on'g'," rather,' 'ofi:"centre­ ahd, th~se He steals. " . La¥ault< e Tefevision; .) Grace",] Rev,: William'.G. G8mpbeDJl Jila<ie' li'R:e Vi'rginia' Woolf. OR-ly Mignon's illusions aboutal11 ac­ $511. EmesttFloydj Mr. &Hdi-s; fioanIt e) APP.Jiances) F-Umitu.. lUder and greyer:'" cess of comparative-' weaUh, al'e Bose- DOw,ling! Kingsley; Mr: It Mrs;. WillilUll' . Worried, About, MoneS' deflated, apd so. is slie~ SHe i~, lOit~ Alten St." N&w' B8dfOnI' $50l . Kav.1ol). Mr:.. &, Ml'S'i, ~,~, Sll\-.. The old' House' is shal:ib,y aRd suddenly mucn older. in: bearjng Ef'nest Kilroy' Mrs; Raoul T~ Gagnon·&,EawaM. 997-9354.> 1St disrepair, and tlI.ere is. not and. spirit. The oont'ention:. wHh· $35; ~rion' Foley,; 'Mi': &- MtIL

II penny available, for sprucing' hel' d:augnter sharpens., Thomas, ab. Marga.ret;Kenped,. Michael Sulli va~ l.\It~ 8b-:JlIr5;;

it ~ In' fad!, tliere' is- ,not, a Handsomely P.m. $3J:~ , Riciiard' Monte;. M.r: &,' M1'5O

II'et1TIY' for an~thing; but' slu'ict Then\ unlie·ra1l:l.~, a st~l1get', HeUm Joy' ~3G> .'. ,,;'.. .James: Donnell~;" :Mr;, Ii, MhIo

BeCesstties, althoug!\l. Mignon Iiobert Couzens, 'appeilrs.. , ,He Nicholas: Wurst .. ". , . '.

manages' i show: of secure and has bought the stolen,' 'letters .ill' M!!; &:' MrSi. Eugene, Bertrand; R\.ttll,P: WillCh&i I:.oul~Waleh gncious 'livihg~ She is deeply London and' ,presuming. t~at Mr.. k MrS'. , Eugene~ LeClail''­ Katherine A. Harrington, ArtHur­ worrted about making. ends iV[i'gnon' had gbren them to 'a .Mr.. &-. Mrs. ~ohm RI McGinal na~Qie-;'- M;"r; 8i'M,Is. 1piymond:~~. meet,. ann 10neL~ in. ~s: quiet ~a'1er 1'0' be' sold( lias~ come)n M'r: &: Mrs; Michael H~es' II: 'Mit'tieit\ 'Mi-: &; Mi's•. X'oseRli' D19n place. . .' " 1 ' search of furtlier materials. He' Family> . Mi'::' lIt, Mrs; F-red ZeoraslCr. Mrs. L.awrenc~ Rlidd: Only' two local people- n'I'igfif 'haS, 3P client, an Amer;ica~ col­ Hec~·"M-ongeau;, Mi-: &':MrS: Helen Kenney &e called friends of MIgnon and::' lege, interested! iII' buldhg, dOc­ Daniel'IYrahoney, Mr &ii, Mrs,J6tin, N'cllie' &:Lillian: Q'Heam., Wred'diy. One> is; Rshfeyr Corbett, tmtentl;, for, reseal'ch'. He. takes Keating, Margaret. Hession. II successfull real.. estate man, al... Sir A'l1thur's. papers,. and $26 Mrs: A'lfred' A. DUbe; M:r;. & who has married Mignon's niece. Mi'gnon is handsomel~ paid/. . Mrs,' Josephine. Hilrle¥: Mrs. Robert.F. SmitH; Mr:,&lMm•• The other is; Rohama Lloyd's, the l':I.l:l should! now: be weill But $25 NOl'ffian' J: Rby'; .Alur Mae~ OWeD.; Mlegitimate daughter bequeath.... Nesta is leaving, per:naps: never Sarah Booth.

p~ J. Sheil' 0' ed1 an adjoining property' to., R'o<­ 'to see her mother ·again. Patrick Mr. & M[s., Wiil!red, Canagban

. . barna, and she and her earthly has' become', enga'ged! to> a\ girl Francis Stone, Mr. & Mrs.

, l!Iusbancf Martin' farm it': with, means. Rohama and! her James Coyne, Mr: &. Mrs. Arthur Mignon has a daughter" now husbandl have. decided, to 'grve R'I-\ssell, Mr. &. M'rs. .Ja~ea, A. Dn. her. early forti~s, married and up tIlerr farm, and move to the Robinson Jr. lliving in Rhodesia,. She: also.. has . city. Ashley- is: somewhat. alien­ Mr. & Mrs, Joseph. O'Co.nn~ II" favorife nephew' whom she ,ated.,. The' remaining" years, al­ Little: " , . ,.",. . "'; brought UP\ EdWard! Lloyd-Bal..;. "tho'ugh. less uncertain 'Hnaneial­ . ' .... : ... !entynej. a professor and author. l.iy, will be' lonelier: HGI:X'CIltOSSL n .. ,;1.1 She- speaks.afspa-rag1ngl'Y'· of both; . novel is. rich' 'in' high $25 . :., ai' Nesta,;, because' she: and' her 'comedY'·. MI'. .Jones, is a deligHt­ Mrr. &: Mrs, Ben' 'Bebelr, ·Mit:' &l \ <l"eiughter ha~ always. been at full'y witty writ'er: He is alSo Ml;~. Raymond A, CanueL, odds; fJf Edward, because he expert in chara<;ter-creation. ,. -, HOEY' NAME fmever comes near her any more. HIs ~ople' ha:ve- the tang, of 6'$~~ Wasl1i'ngtqn StrBet: Fair1\~veft , , 1 ''­ Discovers, Diaries 'actuality. "He weaves· liis plOt 99'4-5058' But now' lie' writes t~ say cAeft1~,. a'lways; keeping: om:l" ili­ In mem<lry' of' Charlea I; llIIAIi'­ !!bat', he if, pI.ann:in'g: II.~. t.erestedJ and! im suspens~, gal'et Eo :Bonne~ , ~ ' g~ttIng:















$aOC" .- ' . : .' '.- .





l'~Z:E ANCHOR­ r&tull's., .May 16, V968


~<OUL.&'1I.'.!E OONCE1l"'Jl'JlO:OO $125 immaculate Conception ~­ ~Y~nce, St. Vincent de Poul . , $IG~' JrD memory of John P. FleminB $1;41

'i!.',homas J. Flemming

$541 Mr. & Mrs. John Long Mrs. Genevieve Hennessey m memory of J. Delma Bur.. . rows Immaculate Conception "Wom­ en's Guild



. Thf :P. T. Crispo FonJ1y


Mr. & Mrs. Thomas 'Cow


Irene 'E. Levasseur

NIl'. .& Mrs. Manuel SoaYeQ

mr.& 'Mrs. Paul Giroux




Rev. Robert S. Kaszynskl


81. Stanislaus Conference, ED Vincent deb Paul Society . $15@

'J.. Friend

, I $1041

lFlIoly Rosary Sodality

\' $75

.A Friend


Everett J. I,.afleur


Bertha Ashworth

., $35

Leo Burns

Joseph Roderick

$30 , , $55 Clare Sullivan J1IJr. Jlt..MJ;s. Walter J. P. ~ Mys. Catherine Brahy laiminski Donald Munro $5D Rosemary Dussault dl1l @(j)i:l St. Stanislaus Men's Club Watson ~£O ' $27.77 In memory of Raul & Fr,a~ Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. MelleJl1 ID=l $26

$25 Peter Sullivan

iYIr. .&; Mrs. Thomas Pietr~ . ~ Mrs. Clarence Sullivan

'Il'Jlr.i&~. Henry Paruch JECURilDENlCAL PROGRAM: 'Parlicipant3 in·ecumenical evening of recollection for paZ',;, $25 . 'A -. Friend Alice Sullivan, Romeo Potvin G'ilts and friends of exceptional children held at Holy Name School, Fall 'River,are, fram 8'11.'• Vr:::Li:L!llU\1 , " :Mrs. Wright Turner, Immacu­ IeftR, , ,lreateQ, Mrs. John Meehan, Immaculate Conception parish, North 'Easton; Siste;r late Conception CYO, -AFriend .Martha Mary, O.L.V:M., North ,Easton; standing, Mrs. George F.~,Gifiord, St. 'Mary'!:!'" ':" _$250 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Benevid<Cl:l 'Rl..Rev.. Raymond'i'. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Campbell . Notth_Dartmouth,OOD.'specia}'-educlttion·teacher; Miss Jean Sullivan, 'St: Theresa, Sag:~~', ,«11b~, FA. Florence Lynch, Teresa Metal, , more Beach, Diocesan COD chairman rfor speciaJ -education; Miss Janet BarhelIe, 'St. Domi.. , $12$

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tettault,' OwGlll ' lllIic,S\vansea, eo-chairman':' Miss 'Barbelle displays oloth lmJmerspecially made for program, ·':.Rev. 'Edward 'J. Bul'iW'

LUe, .;IlIlr, '& Mrs. Edward Iwan­ $160 by, D(,)r,nal children she teaches. " ':Gerll'Ude V. Kennedy atJ :' - r­ .;. I , -In' memory of Mrs. ~ . Mr. & ,Mrs. <lienry La~unesse" JnmCJl).ory,oflJohn W. M:tguir.e'­ Wood-','

$30 $~5 Eqward N. Parisee, .:Mrs. ,GeQy­ -The' 'Banks Family lVIr. & Mrs. Thomas Vanasse Mr. & Mrs. George Biltcliffe,_ .'Mrs. 'John E. Connolly

eett~ Lab,e~ge ,::Katherine Sullivan· Mr. & Mrs. GeOl,ge Silvia, Mr.,~ Mr. & Mrs. William Rys ~ames .E. Fitzgerald Fam.ijy-·

$30 SACRED miAlltT In"memory of Mr.' & Ml's. l'JIlrs. Raym'ond Hanna, Mr.. & Mrs $51

-L!r. ,&; Mrs. Charles Wills Raymond ,Lavoie, Mrs. Mln"Y Thomas 1I.Spellman . ;Mary WI. & Helen.L. Dom)Voo

$125 $26 ilJ\lullaneY, Elizabeth Barlow Mr.' & Mrs. Raymond SuaT! , $50 lOr. Daniel J. Mooney

1'Jllhomas Sullivan Alida Hart IBoodry 'Family '$100

~'$25 'Ss~ P~'D:R AND P A'UIL $27 'St. William's Women's GuUd Andrew J. 'Farrissey

~ulia ,Mahoney lVIr. & Mrs. ;Ed.ward S. Haponik $40 $100 '$00

,MaO' Cullen, ;James Lenaghan, $26 Mr. & Mrs. 'Fi'anciB Gau1htc7 . In memory of Ms~:r. Francia Prances C. 'Shaughnessy

·Uf. i& Mrs. Lown, Mrs. Wa))ace Mr. & Mrs. William Rosa $35

P. Connelly, P.A. '$50

F.airbanks, Mrs. John Markland Mrs. Margaret Borden

St. Vincent de Paul Conference 'Ene 'Audet Family

~2'5 Dennis ,Sullivan Family

Pl?ltrick .Callahan

'Mrs. Mary J. Harrington, $66 '8'11.'. :x,OlUlIS


il'.iIcCann Family; In memoryoi' '$40 Margaret Constantine '$30

James Doucet

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. ,Foran, Mr. & Mrs. James W. ~ $50 'Susan 'McMahon'

tl'Jlargaret O'Grady

Mr. '& Mrs. Patrick Leary, ;rv\lr. $31 :Jv.(r. '& ~s. 'Norman Rousse~~ ~26 ·Mr. ,& Mrs. John Maitoza George Sullivan 0& Mrs. Thomas Delzenero , John Tyrrell -Mr..& Mrs. William P. 'Lyncll Mr. :& Mrs. Arthur P ..~: Mr. & Mrs. William Cr~ (2 William, Bruneau, Carolyn QertIoude O~Nen . , ,$3@ reinil :Mrs. Joseph Akers W-ilcox, -Annie Wilcox, Mr. &; Mr.. & Mrs. ..Edmund Crowell' , 'Timothy McCarthy . $25 . $30 Mrs. Manuel Silvia, Mr. & 'MY&. :,. , -$2'5 Mr. & MrS.:Charles Joerres ", HeJ)ry Rqposa, Mr. & Mm' Mildred G. & Gerald X. 'l!llm>­ lH!~nry .Moss 3IaJ,'garet Kehoe Mrs. -James cEo Roger-s& James'-' Roland Talbot, Rose Lope:l, M:r. JiIngton ,Mr. ,& ·Mrs. William Donnelly, E: Jr: .MaJ;garet Sullivan & Mrs. Edward Bronham, MlIr., $26 -,,illohn 'O'Brien, ,Mary Noon" 'Mr.

<Mr. :& .Mrs. Edmund Cputo' . $25 . lJr.. Mrs, Robert' Sullivan, Tholllfla3 Mr. .& -Mrs. Charles R Cu~ ,&; -Mrs. Joseph ,Biszko, Mr.. &;

Mr. & Mrs. Michael DlIPont a" Eccles !tIr. & 'Mrs. Willard 'R. P.il~ ,Mrs. -,John Bevilacqua

·ST. MATHIEU Janet, "Farren Family, Mr. & Mrs Christo;-Jh~r Lake .Jr., l1/!rs. Frederick ,J. Harrington Rackowski Family" Rico De­ ~25 Haward Wo:-thil1gton, Geruiv.i~. Thomas Farren, 'liVlr.:& ·Mrs. v\'n-' $25 Nadal,' ,Mr. ,& Mrs. Theodore' Hr. &; Mrs. Normand Chouinard ConnOlly" Mae :Riley, -:Mrrn. Mr. & Mrs. William MercJeir, \l8louin, ,Mr. c& Mrs. Willimm liam 'Shea,' Catherine A. Lynch :Mi. r& 'Mrs. Roger Dufour Oonstance L-yhcl), Daniel Lynch' Louis Greerib2rg Katbi-yn 'M. Drogue, John ~. r}l[1cHugh, :Patricia !deary Sullivan's r:otor Sales, :&!Jr. 'i}:i!eten C. 'So 'Lynch, Mr. '& ;lVI-TS. O'Neill, -Catherine O!NenI, ·Dlr. ST. MICIIAlElL. IMr. f& 'Mrs. 'Manuel Viana, ilOOanuel'Margarida, :fohn Mahon­ -& Mrs. RO.:l:lld .Cook, 'Mr. :& Edward .J. Steinhof (Mr.i& 'Mrs. EdmunH Cahill, ':n.m, ey, 'Edward ;Murphy , $250

Mrs. John DONllrl, 'Francis J>e!-' Margaret :M. '_SulHvan, ,..Joh:n omeJn()!'Y of 'Ma1!y .'A. -& .Jamll;'ll Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca

.ahanty. lVh: <& eMrs.· Raymoncll ~r. ,&, 'Mrs. Frank SuIliv.an Ill. ~O'Nell,. !Mr. :& 'MI'8. '0c0J;:1!e IMeRieon, ·In .memory 'of ;wmiGm .$110 .

(Mr.. ~ lMrs. cGeo~ ~. JMoJ$m ~ lIeGooDib,Anne .L. JiIl'IitebeJll. J. iMaloney, 'M'l'6. Lillian rMm:cn­ '1Leo 'Olivei ra

'<OhaI'les JR. 'Sulltvan

Mrs. John 'P. Fleming oaJS8uM; , '$50 tI'lI!'.i:Il. ,John ,lFlotts

ST. ltOClll ,MIl'. • !Mrs. ,Eli IA. '0ba1ln'liA, tMr. i& lMrs. ,John lMorgan ,Jl]Jll'., :Rev. Luciano J. Pereira '$25

$409 IIrs. Frank :Hunter, <Madeline ~ IM'r. .l& lMrs.Clarence ;;T• .Harney, :iBelmira Tav:a~s ',~r. 4k Mrs. ,James stevem 'lRt. \lIWv. 'Reginald 1M. '13aI'T~ Biley, 'William' C. ' Gbippendale, . l1Ii!lr.,lk 'Mrs. Thomas Cf'. 'Meagnell', $31i)

OvJb hl'tin, ,JohnT. ,~a~. ~1j) Mr..& Mrs. Thomas Carroll, ~. tMbert ~Capeto

~liift~e Kce.mer' Anonymous 1~,iMrs. !Martin Dehihanty ~C.:Mello'

, ' $125 'ST. ANNE .'S~ 'FR~'NCISCO (NC)-'AJ

Ulibbie I. Kib'QY,'MaryE. ~l­ $25 , 'tMr. & !Mrs. Romain Saulnier <ill o~e ;fac~ors 'Which produ66

'$50 IMr. ,6; Mrs. Angelo Sta'llroll, :.lfQy, 1MaJ:'garet Donnelly, Helen ,'Iliots -Ere' 'PFeBeht in San Fran~ ~ Mr. 'at ·Mn. 'Edgar 'Ross $51 .IIr. ,&; ·Mrs. Manuel L. Carreno, .& 'Mildred Sullivan, !Mr. ,Zli; iM1'!S. ~$25 cisllo,' .:accordir1g 'to ia "Little, <Mr. &::Mrs.~tonio Coutu JRalph 'Fletcher ....tonio Franco, Arthur Macba­ , , .l,US0 , lJ.'he '~Benefeuille "Family, '-1Ih. Kerner Report'! prepared by ~n <memory -Of. Timothy <&.~ aiD, 'fllr. &; Mrs. James King Mr. :& ,Mrs.. Boger V:alcourt sOme 30 -.students ,at,s t. P21trick'l1l • 'Mrs. Francis :Almeida, "Mn!. -nie 'Hoiland, -Mr. -4!Ir; \Mrs. Benry . Jlosep~ 'Rego Sr. Seminary 'in ,'l'iiIenlo Park. Chez Lapri ' La'lllra Auger, Mr. &: Mrs. Loabi Buckley, James Clegg & Family :Beaulieu. Dr.. &;. Mm. ;MpbcnlIe ;sT. -P'A'lrRICm:: !? lVIr. <& ,Mrs. i~lichaelKuszay, Poirier UIlIJllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIRIlIlIIIt_IIIII!lllllllllllllllIlmlllllBlII!!l1II1II1II1I1I11I11111Il!l1l1!IIIIIJ:1l11lll111t1111HmlllUlm '$500 lVln;: Lillian Cabucio 111'.'& .Mrs. Sylvere 'P. 'JUwmll. 'Bt.'Rev. John E. Boyd iMr. <& Mrs. Manuel Lette, iM:r. Cedle Sutton :$IM

- 8< J]11J[rs.:Hen~ P. UrOOn ',8r., iMlr.

.Jobin A.. Coady [.Ii; ~F-ami1l:v

& -Mrs. Ronald Cabucio, Mrs.





:Alton W.XiJlg, )!\fr. ,& iMm.

:Rev. Adalbert 'A. &klanD;f lCJov.is Saucier '

1Ir. ~ tlln.iDaniel " ~ ]lev. 1ames 'P. Dalzell ,Mr..1t Mrs. Andrew Barresi, JIr. J<It ');b;-H :W-altw ~.:BW'DII • Mr. ,<1r; :Mrs. Vincent :A. lUannioD ~.~'ENIl k :8rOJ I.Mr.i&tMrs: EaW6rd 'DeCie­ CJ)().{O'A'V ,)lOTICE . 'liM .ao, :Mrs._ 'li]li.23beth 'iKenlif,ld,y, ~IME • • • l . . . . .Ja'ma'1".ltJltlGJ'.. ~ SWeeney ·liIr. A Mrs. Frank Labecki 'OPEN

A11eIIl foJ. IIIIc'JI)eft-tt . 'GeJaldine ''Har~ . Louisa 'V. 'Sweeney, -Mr.&: ~II. A'CCOUNT

.~ i:aeJ1a {IItg/PJDB

·Ba)1mond V.,lBarret:lle, 'lli!Ir.<tJt iMlIlII \.... '4k ilIIn. n-icl !5eUJ'jy

,.'"meet :I:om~ JIll .~&F7 'eI. . . . . . . . ':& ' .

..... .A. '0001'0,. , -Ill meInory .~ 1Ull'. ~ . . : llaymond Thibault Qwrr.terly

Dr.:& '·:Mrs.lIilialT White,(Da,.. . ·'~-JlleV.lB~ (Offices 1ft:

tel tlileOarthy ,h OJ ~al'd J'J.. . . . . <lin. JOhn 'BWU -fte I ~ TIiJIiO,y

Baldwin, In memory~ 'Jamell '• • :.11 MR. 'Woodl'O'll' ~ rA1lliLEBORO 'FAILS

. NORTH .A.TTlEBORO J&. :Sba,y, >Mr. & 'l'i&s•. (~ ~ II. CaytoD.

BIi0" ' ~ ;X. llIoniIolil • • • 'lIIa.;1DaDiel :~.'~ -.wwIlIIllIlIllIllItlIlItlUlIIlIlIlIIlIllllllllIlIIlIIlIlIlIlI!lllltalIllllIUIIIIIIHI!IIIIIIIIlIUIIIIIIIIUIIIIlIUIIIIIIlIIIII"


-. ;­



..'NOW 'PAYS • • •

J'oS'a:Ph ..-

Bishop ,Scores' PrQphets ' ~f .'Poom For Attitud'e ill, Ch'urch Renweal

THE ANCHOR"":'Diocese Of F~ Riyer.,..Thurs., May 16, 1968 :. . .


The ~,Parish Parade 1ST. MARGAR'ET; • BUZZARDS BAY SS. Margaret-Mary Guild will hold its annual penny sale at 1:30 Tuesday night, July 2. The main fund-raising project of the guild, its proceeds go chiefly to benefit parish youth activities. Prizes will include an afghan, money tree, blender, camera and items of furniture. New guild' officers are Miss Ursula Wing, president; Mrs.Hay­ don Coggeshall, vice-president; Mrs. John McManus,' treasurer; Mrs. Bet:nard, Burns and ' MrS. Arthur Wills, secretaries. The annual meeting will be ll1eld Wednesday, June 5th, at which time the new officers will' be seated and annual repor,ts will be heard. A banquet is plan,ned for Wednesda,y, June 12.


SACRED HEART, NORTH ATTLEBORO The CCD adUlt discussion: club will meet at 8 Sunday , night, May 19 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,J. G. N. Bonnea,u. lIIOLY CROSS, SOUTH EASTON The Men's' Ciub will hold an .aII-day 'public fair and clam­ .bake 'Saturday, June' '15 'on the parish ' grounds on p,urchase Street.' Lucius Mendes and Roy E. Owens are co-chairmEm.

lI!OILYNAME, FALL RIVER' First Communion will be re­ ceived by children at 9 o'clock Mass Saturday morning, May 25. The traditional J.\oIay crowning • will take place the following day. The patish council will meet at 7:30 tonight in the rectory and the CCD executive board will meet at 7 tomorrow night, also in the Irectory. Intermedikte baseball players will practice tonight at 5:30 at North Park. Rev. -George Harrison will concelebrate his first Mass at 2 Sunday afternoon, May 19. Pa­ rishioners are invited to attend the Mass and the following re­ ception and first blessing in the school hall. ' . SPEAKER: U. S.· Senator Contemporary music will ac­ Edward W. Brooke of Massa­ company the 10 o'clock Mass ,chusetts will be the ComSunday morning, May 19. 'mencement speaker at the

ST. KILIAN; NEW, BEDF.ORD, , ­ , A" c:ake' sale ,sponsored b)j: the Women's 'Guild will' follow aU Masses this SU'nday and will be ... held' in the ·lower: church: on Davis Street. Mrs. Joseph Bab­ iarz is chairman. A guild Communion break­ fast wil~ be ~erved jn the school following 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, June 2. An installation banqu~t is'slated foY'6:30 Wea.ne~ay night June 5 in the New Bedford Hot~i. To'be seated" are' Mrs. Herve A. Caron,president; l\I,Crs. Babiarz, viCe-president;, Mrs.. Helen Viveiros, secretary; Mrs. Leo Blais, treasurer; Mrs. William J. Richard, hOspitality chairman.

tiued, ~thatthere are treasures bUried in, nature which haft been hidden for centuries and only recently .-discovered, how much more is it true that there treasures in the deposit of fai th which are yet to be un­ covered." "It is true that there is confu­ sion in the Ohurch today, but that is because we are like a putterfly leaving a cocoon. Our wings are still wet. We stumble and fall. But that is the way we make progress," he said. Bishop ,Begin' advised the faithful to be patient and to hold fast· to old truths, but also asked them to be willing to look at those truths in new, richer ways. "These so-called days of con­ fusion are really ,glorious days because the Church has neveJr been more alive," Bishop Begilll

RICHMOND (NC) - Bishop Floyd Begin of Oakland took dead aim at prophets of gloom who see the present state of the Church as' one of, confusion alone: "Faith is something living, something alive. But Pope John was aware that for so many Christians faith was more crys­ talized than ,living, more' dead, than alive. Pope John broke the crystal," the California prelate said. Speaking at the ordination of Father Joseph Taranto in St. Cornelius church here, ,Bishop Begin said, "some pessimists , have gone so far as to curse Pope John for destroying the Church." But Pope John, the' bishop explained, asked Chris­ tians simply to take another look at the deposit of faith. "If it is, true, the bishop con-




Catholic University of Amer­

ica's 79th Co~mencement. The .seriator:was , bQ,rn in, Brookland, D. C. near the University in 1919. The ~,800 degree. candidate's, comprise the largest graduatin'g class in CU's history; two thirds, Q( them graduate students.


-AND t








. .....



It's cold In th9 Holy Land at night, and families uprooted',bY the· war 'ast June 1IleltP"huddled FALL RIVER'· ,,' on the ground. ,They're lucky,to have ,a "pup. , Mo~hers' qub officers. will be tent" to keep out the wind and rain•••• Th41 In ,charge of a supper, at Jean's SANTO CHRISTO, new, refugees Rumber at least 250;000. (ther. Farm: to be held following 5 ,$100 are 1.4 million all told), most of them pennlies. @'c1ock Mass Sunday afternoon, Mr. & Mrs. ManuelG. Faria

and without work. Pray God they'll be epared . May 19. Tickets are available $75

epidemics' that come from hunger• • • • ,,,

from the officers or at the 'Ca,Rev. Daniel L ..FreitaS .. tlJ.E;!p.r:al. school: Members may $35 PEACE Bethlehem our lay volunteers are cooking hot

~ring friends. ' John M. Brilhante 18 meals for thouliands of hungry school children,

helplnl to keep tham In school. Ws • practical

S]'.LOUIS, OUR LADY OF ANGELS. $26 THE FALL RIVER FALL RIVER 'Edward Lopes PRU'T way to make peace••••. Refuges teenagers­ $25 0' with hammor and pliers. not gun,!, In their hand. Mrs. Wilfred St. Parishioners are ·reminded . Arthur Placido, L eonor S'l 1 vla, _HUMAN' -are becoming carpenters and electricians In . ' Michel and Mrs. Anthony Rebello are in that Thursday, May 23, the feast Mr. & Mrs.', Alfred Carreiro, ­ the century-old salesian FatherS' school. thanks 0harge, of. a :i>.ublic ."mammothof the Asc~nsion, is a holy day. Flora Mciniz,John F. Victor. " " GOOD­ tci$275,scholarstilpa fro'R:! r~ad~rs of thl~ co.. penny sale" to t~ke place at 7 The annual blessing of auut:' .. Manuel S. 'Martins' " .,. " . : ;.,' ,,}t~g:; umn ••• And at the Pontifical Mission OrP!la,;agEt, I' }N'ednesdaynight, May; ,22 in the mobiles will be held, at 1:30 " r ,: THiP Sister Ellz~beth~Ma;'iel. ,m~kin'g ,Qld, dress~ ehurch'auditorium,'tmder: spon- ~t.!nda~"M~Y?l? in the church &11 ' .. " n· '". ;' . '; - ,,','. ".r F·ORCS ...· , look like.' ne~ for the 60 little 'homeless Illrls 'eorship )of the Women's Guild.' par,kiqg lot,. Alscio'n May- 26 ";IT.' ~Gn Members 'will attertd' a Com..: ,-" " , ' " , . 'adopted' ($10,.8 ·month) by our ,readers••• ~ munion" 'breakfast', also' in .the ,Will bethe install~ti~ii"banquet 'e',' : " , "Peace is the fruit of moral force~human good ha)l, 9:15' Mass' Su.n- " Wom(NC )--,-A' ' '_not of the· force of arms," Pope Paul said in day 'mornIng, May 26. .Daniel ... · ' .' . ~ ~. reorg'an'iza'tion of t'he structure :\ reference to the HOly' land. -He asks us to ,pray 'Grace will speak'and Mrs. Ray- ST. JOSEPH,' ..." '" " of the Oaklahoma City-Tulsa di­ (and work)'for peace", "8 gift of love, strong and, ", mond. Morin" and Miss Agnes FAIRHAVEN ' , . iOcese' has been approved by , courageous; which only' Christ can give." ••• Murphy are, jn'.charge ,of ar-... The .following slate of'officers 'Bishop 'Victor J. Reed and di~' We thank you for your goodness and yo'.'r love. , arangemen!s. , ' , .: " 'will b,e" in'stalled ori ~Wednesd~Y " ,C~SilU c?nsultors: " '. "; ., '



~~ t~z ~~uh~l~' ~~ ~~~?c~~~k


,ton.eorganlze." . Diocese Structu'lI'e .







The gUll.d s last meetmg for evening, June·.5. at Marc's Res-' Under the' reorgamzabon plan. - file se?son IS s~heduled for Tues-' taurant; Fairhaven: ~Mrs. Dena " 'much cif" the administration of

day. mght, June 4. Fernandez,' , president"; Mrs;-' the 'diocese 'will be controlled by ST. PATRICK, Helen Burke, vice-president· a new' pastoral board: The board, '. ,JFALLRIVER ,. , M r s . Shirley' Rose, secretary: of which Bishop Reed will be Mrs. Mary' Blanchard treasurer~ chairman will include, the vicar , Res,ervations are necessary' for " and Miss genera, l ' t' e 1ec t e d b y the Mrs. Frances , Souza' ,a pnes Q Women's Guild buffet supper Laura Soares; cochairmen of the' clergy, a lay treasurer, a repre­

to follow 5 o'clock Mass Sunday sick committee. ' , !ientative .elect,ed by the 'diocesan evening, May 19 in the parish Reservations for' t'he l'nstalla- Little Council, and a lay ,secular School cafeteria. Serving will' aff . b h 'n f begin at 5:45, according to an- tion ba~quet must be made by . mrs meme:s w o. WJ. u,nonouncement-made by Mrs. Wil- Wedne!lda'y, May 29. ,", ,tton as a full-bme execubve ~c-.' ,,' , , reta9C' " I ' liam T. Donn~lly" chairman. ' " ',', ': '. , ' All diocesan departments ,1~u~Wspeaker,.. at 7.0'cl.ock', Will M. e1l'hodish~"A!f'l!C!lDnS!t'~,", ..."Whose,' operatio'n. is not ',dictated be Cmdr. Richard Petenson' of :lJ i the Strategic Planning' 'Sc~ool,. ~X'·. :, " • ,~ ~~~~~~~;o;~~eo~:~~a~t~~:Naval War.College, 1'lewport, , DALLAS'(NC) ~ The ne';jy,' boarQ.. T1te ,board, ;Wili name .de­ formed United MethOdist church., partment heads ljInd approve all has advocated~ abolition of tax "'-prog'ra'ms su'ggested by' them. Nursin'g .exemption priviieges for clergy- ... '~ .. men. Opens in Vietlllani The church's gov~rning con­ : QUI NHON (NC)-The new PR'OGRAM fer:ence h;:ts termed the exemp­ nursing school of the U.S. Medi­ : TIMELY, R"EUGIOUS FORMATION cal MissionaryuSisters was open-' tion "special privileges" and has I warned that its continuance ed here in the presence of ,Cath­ could lead to a movement of ~RlaR olic military chaplains, repre­ ' _ sentatives of U.S. and Korean i'anti;dericalisJn .'" B~~oth€R o~, PRI€ s t army units in·this area and mem":' ' 'rhe confE!rence alB<. urged

bers of various religious com.. local congregations' to make:vol,..

Let us tell: you how you can serve. Write 'untar:y contributions- in lieu of

munities in this vicincity. .' for, free literature lit The 'new building, erected ~ith property. ,tax;es, for, essenti8I .'", .., " : " no· 0llligation; , pOlice and fire . , the cooperation of the 'Vietna- . servi~s Sli~h ~'Fr'Aldan/iI.F.M:; ~: , mese, ministry. ,0£ . health, and, protection,' :provided 'by local _ " , .ST: LAWRENCE ;RIART governments. '. .- ' '!.S. and Korean Army' units, tJS MlnOll st. • Milton, Mass. 02• • opened with 16 students, ,includ­ , The' Unit"ed Meth~ist, church ing , some'. Vietnamese Catholic , is an 11 milli6n ·member denom.:.·, ' , ' Name·'.'· "

Sisters. ination formed, by the' recent

.,,_ .. : .. , .It was blessed by Bishop Dom­ merger of the Methodist chllrch' -;

~ic 'Hoang van ,Doen, SOP.; ei. ,and : the Evangelical" Uriited' Ikotnef o· P.riest 0 ,A8e-'__ '.... ... Qui Noon. ' B~thren church. ' ", '­

Clergy' T



,D Sick babies In EastJordan get, tender, loving, free medical care In the baby·clinic In Zerka run '. by lay. apostle, Claire Glorieux.-Will you give her a hand? For costly, Imported medicines aha needs only $25 a week In '68 ($100 a month, . HOW, $1,2oo'all told). Please help Claire save babiep.' . TO 'lves.

MAKE D We'll deliver these Immediately, in your name,

P:~CE? to war victims desperately in need of them: Ii

I". ; family-siie"tent ($85). a sewing-machine ($50), ,I: .., ./ './'~ 'l'~ ".-~ " .'" , a . bicycle, for B"nurse ($25), soap. and, talc for .' :babies ($20), Brallle books ,for the blind ($10), (lll " " "It'!. ' l '" kerosene stove ($6);a·blanket ($2); a lamp ($1)., " , , 0' You ,Can feed on entire family of war victims l~ . ,'for only $10 a month: I,n thanks, we wlil senell .' :. . you an' olive wood Rosary from the Holy land.



:~p:bAi:ED:EDUGtTtoNAL ,capUChin





• ,_





•• f '





, '~' ' Dear IlNCLOS6D . Mons'gnor Molam , ' I FOR



CO··77. - ­

$ _ _.......





'return coupon 8TItUt with your ~fferins






,;..---..: ~' ftI'TI._,__ IlP







. "Wrlte~."CiJ. OLIO MtAR'!MT WILI'Aq AMOo., , ,

MSGR. JOHN •• NOlAN, Natlona'''''" ;



, ,J:,e'

C1ison Avenu.·New ,Yprk, N.Y.:l0011 ,


J. F(U.lcon ,-"!l84O,,, ,


.Toug"est Spring S.son


TIfEANCHORThurs., May 16, 1968

Norton Hi,g:h.. Diamond CI'ub'

Honoh,B8Q,Q Team Rated : ~@o 1] ,.

Tops T ri·-Ya'lley· Dj'visDon

CHICAGO (NC) - St. Louin High of Honolulu, Hawaii, was rated the nation's top Catholic high school basketball team for . the i967-68 season in the 18th annual poll published by the New World, Chicago archdioc­ esan newspaper. But the No. 1 team, which compiled a 29-0 season record and has run up a record of 97-6 ov~r the last four years. failed to place a. player on the All­ American Catholic high .school first team. , . The top five players selected, .. all' seniors, were Cyril B'abtiste, 6-9, 215 pounds, .A:rchblshop . Curley High, Miami. Fla':; Tom 'Riker, 6-10, 210, St. D'ominic, 'Oyster Bay, N<> Y.; Mike Kup­ pich, 6-5Jh, 195, Shanley, Fargo, N. D.; Greg Davis, 6-5Jh"Schlar­ 'man, Danville, Ill., and John Somogyi, 5-11, 175, St., Peter'~, New Brunswick, N.J.

'I1he Tri-VaYJey Conferenee, or, mOre properlY, the Cl0\7eYl' Valley CoDf~, probably is the least .known of all area IIChoolboy leagues but right now it ~ the mo:st important of all imldfar tIS the Norton :residents, in the :northern section of Brisbol,are ooneerned. ment is eoneemed, nnd also And, the reason is obvioUs. 00ca1ll8e it is on the periphery of Norton High is setting the both the diocese and Bristol pace in Division B Gf the Tn­ County, it is obliged to go north Valley elrcuit whieh !ncludes ,ODd west, outside Bristol Coun­ 14 other teams ~de the four ty for near equal-sized oppo­ counties which nents. eomprise t b 'e Thll! Lancers realize .that last Donthe'as­ year's 12-3 mark was good tern Dection of enough only for second place in, t ~ e Co.lIlqlon­ their division. Riding a 7-2 rec­ wealth. No other (at our presstime) the' B' section: DchQOI located leaders in the Tri-Valley '!";lCe within the dioc­ must diSpose of their' mQSt for-' lZSan t2rritorial midable rivals this week to stay lines competes out· :rront. Norton will be look­ b1 ~e Clover . ing 'again toward the State Valley eompe­ championship 'if it survives the tition.· Because most difficult three-game week Norton 13 one Bartek of the Spring schedule. The • of the smaller sdtco'ls in Bristol Lancers gaIned the' State '66 di­ County, insofar aa boy' enroll- visional.C?bl:lmplonshiP final,;·

Hitters Support Bouchard .and~ A.flen .


MASS FOR HANDICAPPED: F'ather Cosmos Rorb, The annual selection's are . . .. . , made' by Robert L.. Speeter, ',' OFM Conv., resident of ~oston's St. John of GOO Manor, Mjnneapolis attorney, 'w'ith the one of the principaleoncelebran'ts of a Mass durin~ a . ~id ,of scoiJts in all $ections of :Day of Recollection for the Hand~capped at St. John's Semj-. ~~ coun.try. His hobbr haD , NC Ph to. ... " ,., .' , ,gamed him the. reputaHon a!l



Fairhaven'is one')l101ch lower ·lm..~' junior, and southpaw Ken AI- . both competitions.· '.' , Right bander Art Bouchard, a


~~k::~sm:eteNoe:r:;.:: th~~~~n:~;:"~ro:~·,'.·


one of the nation's foremost au­ '. ,f:horities o;n Catholic hi~W school!

Coll'eg'C 'Tuitioln,

. ,.~sketPall

talent. ,". which has iooked 'as· good. the cinder path powers, has only I as' any of· the "opposition' thy,· ,two meets remaining (at c.»r .... ew Jersay Association Favors Leg'islative . season. Allen is undefeated ,in .. ·.presstime) tD 1COJrT81 the track.... ... four league starts whilec~ucb-. la~rels, and, app~rs to be in .. 1 Approval of Finchlcial.'Assistance .Plan :. aid Sports a 3-1 league~~~", goocJ position to capture anothell' .:, SeniOr Mike W)'DD, captain Cape title. NEWARK (NC) -~he ~' 'ii!¥ein September. The )ssoci~-" ' ST..~UIS (~C)-The dthoJie and left fielder, and' Juniornm . But Dennis:-Yarmouth must" dation of Independent Colleges tion asserted that stud~nts fre­ ...HomIletlc Society. h~ chal)getll Endy, catcher, have pac::ed ~e . yet ~ake-off ~e. ~entOO and Univers~ties in .New JerSey quentlyare unable to attend the its. ;name to the C~lnst~an ~reach­ offensive attack thus .far .in the . competition to mlllntain Its one­ has asked the State Legislature. eollege 'of their choiCe . .in !'leY" Jng Conference m ~ ~~fort.te .. bid for both. tbe diviBiOmGl and game hold on first place in the to· enact 'a t~ition ai.4 program \ .Jersey 'because of fina~cial con- ~ect the broadenmg. of ")tg .,leairue cbampioiIshi~._. . .' .' " . b~ball~~rcuit. DOW pending in the' senate. siderations. membership to indu?~ Pr~testant While NorJon .. 8cl1ieving ~ the small Cape school dr­ The association represents 15 Present financial' aid pro­ clergy and laYo~artlcIPahon. . fayo;r~ble attention for Bri~. ~t; th;'~~h .and I~lan: institutions, including Seton Ball grams are iDadequate ''to meet • The change was made at the County in th itbe· 'Sedi' a!=tue, an WIC IS cli ngmg . , University of South Orange~, the needs of all qualified stu­ .'IlOciety's 11th ,annu~ ~onventioJ:l DO,arem gomg ..... ~ a slim.one-game ''"''-nts'' 4'"e "'~~~;atl'oh said, . where four young priests wero ..... exci'·ting eraces .•wo on H .ch N t advantage d Pr .ovet·· four other Catholic cOlleges ., :. ..." ...--..... in CaPeway'Conferenees le'agUe!;' to~rwl a~ tan 1 o;mce- ," The colleges want,tpetwti~ 'Wbil~ the state scholarship prO-" 'elected to leadership ,posts in the Wbicl\ embrace. ~Jrinou.th.. and:" pea~ hea~e:xio~m: ~ish ~ aid legislation to beco,!llle eff~. gram does not reach enough' 'soc.lety.' . ":' Ba.rnstable Co~tle:'at ~ .o,tber· thrilling 811 the American League' .' 'people. ,. Tbey. are' Fat.1Ulrs· William extreme of the clioC:ellan·1em- 'perinani, race last &eason.. With ofVernacul~'r. The right of Hew Jersey stu­ T0C!pey, C.S.C:,., ,pr~si~ent; tory. . , . :. t ~e \ ~Sition evenly Dala~' . . ,... 'dentS "to seJCct an iristituti~1). Th~mas Carron, vice-presIdent; Regl~nal' Dennis-Y.armouth .··there l!ithe distinct possioility ""in light of their own orientations" ,Anthony Scannell, O.F.l\4:" mem­ fi~ ~ the Cape baseball 'com- of a fOur-way tie for first. at ." , ' in~rests and ambitions must be be:r:of th~ board of direcwrs; anCl petition and second in the' tradl:. ·the end of the campaign. M~,J;-: " VATICAN CITY ,(NC)-Dev-'preServed/' the association em", q.~de Primeau, ,C.SS.R." memloop while Lawrence Higl) ql ··thas' Vineyard and Chatham~. otees of Latin must keep in phasize<t: ,ber o!theboard ,of dire~tors. ::~m:tbthefi: .in ~~. too far back to seriously tIi~~t-., " mind ~at use of l O e a l l a n g u a g e s F a t h e r Toohey teaches 'at Holy , . ~.g . '. en for the crown. They m~t bas been introduced . into the . .' • C C 11 i W hi ~_ .>I Ba~table Is thin! in .»oth ~e content themselves in the role Church for the sake of the 881- ' Brother Loses .Llfe· F~::r ~a~llnis m~':n~ran~ baseball and tl'ac:k leagues and of spoiler from here on in. ,vaUon of souls, Pop~ Paul" VI : ,'the steering cotylmittee of the lI"elDinded a .group of, .LatinistS n Igerman ~r .... National Federatiol\ of :Priestll who had taken part in aniIu~ DAYTON (NC) ...:.. Marianist senates. Father Scannell is presGolf Title' Begins Monday . al prose and poetry competition. Brother Roman Wicinski, a na- ident of the Franciscan Institute tive of Cleveland, Ohio, was At this time of the year while compete full tllUs year's cltam­ ,The Pope ~anted anaudi­ killed during a battle in the Ni_of Radio arid Televisipn anm the diamondmen are fighting it pionship tournament. The event· enee to the .wInners of the ~~r­ gerian civil war, the Society of Father Primeau is director of the out for league laurels and a will be contested at Putterham tame~ Vatieanum compet1tio~ Mary provincialate here was Redemptorist COmlnunicaticD possible tournament b e r t h , Meadows golf links in Brook­ orgamzed by one of the Chure'? 8 notified' by, the U. S. State De­ ... Centell' in London, Onto schQOlboy golfers are sharpen­ line on .June 10. staunchest supporters of Latin, pratment . . ing their game for ~e State There are 1"1 sports be!ng Antonio Cardinal Bacci of the . tournalDent. . played in Massachusetts by high Roman Curia. According to reports, Brother While golf has DOt received lIS school youngsters. Attesting t4l Pope Paul told hiS visitol'll ':Roman was killed in a clash be- . much publicity as some of the the popularity of golf is the fact that Latin still today hlis a priv- tween Nigerian feder:u tr:oopa. Where ·A other Spring sports it is rapidly that it rinks sf.xth in the Dum:" Beged place in lltur¢cal eere­ and those of secessionISt Blafra GOOD NAME becoming one of the, most pop­ ber of schoola participating with monies. Nonetheless, Pastoral at .Asa~ where he ha~ been , ,.1 .ular interscholastic competitiOns 201. The only' sport!! .ranking reasons ,have dk:tated USe of the asSIgned. In January of thiS Year . bI the Commonwealth. There ahead of golf are'· basketball, Yemacular to make active par_ to serve as princi~ of a. school Means A :, are presently 26 leagues ill, baseball, football, Wack taDCl· tieipatlon of the faithful in' sa­ the Marianists are trymg to'· Massachusetts comprising 210 eross country. lIlftld rites easier, be 'explainecL .~n. GREAT DEAJ. relK>ol!J which ue expected .. ; Area golfeJl'S will have the oJ)-' . Previous to that assignment, portunity' to compete on. a state­ Supreme Law he had' been head of a Marianist b' h e - I wide basis DOt only in the team While praising the eultura1l house of formation for' Africans' PI-tt . S urg ounci eompetf.tion on June 10 but also and educational value CIf tbe at Ekpoma, near Asaba, since To Attack Racism in the. individual eh~mpionsbip~. Latin language, the Pope said: January, 1965.. PlTrSBURGH (HC) -Plans This' year's individual quali­ ""It Shoulcll "not be forgotten for implementation in the Pitts­ " fying rounds will' be played lit tilM t!he Latin language must burgh diocese of the U; S. hish­ . six sites' beginning next 1\«on:" above, all be at 'the service cIlf ops' program to' help solve the day with the qualifiers adv;me­ the. pastoral care of sOuls and nation's racial crisis will be ing to the championship round. not (used) for its own sake., formulated at the fourth .dioc:" Th~" 36 7 hole, ch~mp'ionsliip play- . ·Andwe say this because there • ';';1 esan pastoral council .June 15 off . 'Will "be,; be.~': at. the Sa(Jdl~ . are those who, beillg ~agger"'" and 16. . . Hill :~~untry-~~J':pn June ~. atedveneraters ~ ~e;f1Dtiqueh'" . . .: 'Bishop John J. Wright 'of Tne' end ..of aiIOtlier scholastic Ot, fora r;e+tain empty searc ' , 'Pittsburgh will summarize' tbe" yearils. in: sight:',:,,»-ut, for hun- ftmthe beautiful, or being eon­ ,. NEW BtIDFORD \ I . •. racial program adopted by' the . dro~ of:~,#nQo#~·~thJ.etes ~eft;s. tl'~~. by· reason;· €f,' prejudiced I., •• bishops at their April meeting is ·Still .Cl\Ile .~al oh':the horIZOn. OpInion to every chan~e, hav.e .. "}ii' Sf:' 'I;otIis. "Bishop' Wright:ls f ,. Whe"th~i';, be, ~a.rti~P.ates in' tolf, spoken sharp words.ibefiause \,of,., .. fOOl '!J!OfJiJrg};s riPiseopal'chairinan' of· the&x:iEil"" baseball;' . #'ack:~: tennis ithe the _ recent chang~ ,;brougbt ·~e·j:ClBmouth. NationQI Bank ... Adtion:D.¢P.aHmerit,. tinU~:cll :;' a~le~:will ~.#~fdueto give. biB about. In this £leld,··t!Oo{lt?e...... · I . ' . , FALMOum. MASS.'·· ., ., PR:~~' }~W$U1JD~gs s tat S'''' Cath'6lic Conflirente,.; all, ."~().':~.{.;'t;b~:. title SI­ p~e ~w:. is tP.~, ,mUv.atlOIm· gf, .;. "By the' Village Green SlriC/(182) '. W~ch formulat~ ~~,P~~ e.oompWiil." .;' .i".";- ~ ~


'H'omiletic Society ,"",'Changes .No.me



U.se For' Salvatl·on·


I ·N·· -











,',: ",::,::





Hits 'Collection for Minorities

"fHE ANCHOR­ Thli~s.; 'May 16, 1968

ST. 'PAUL (NC) -A Speclai archdiocesan collection on be­ haH ot' ,racial minority groups was criticized as a "tuppence" by one of the leaders of 11 "March of Concern" on behalf of the poor. . Griticism of the special 001-, 'lection was voiced by Denlliis Landis, president of the Natioool ,'Ass~iation of Laymen: He and two other -leaders of the "March 'Of Concern" had asked earlier :tor an immediate contribution of $370,000 by the st. Paul and Minneapolis archdiocese to m­ ner-city work., ,Eighty persons participated In' the all-white marCh after which a statement requesting the $370,000 contribution was presented to archdioces'an offi­ cials on the steps of the chan­ cery building. The officials said the archdiocese' would reply in. letters to Landis and the othell' leaders of' the march.

Continued from' Page One Bill of Rights' which gave "abso­ Ilute equality of treatment to all veterans, rich and poor, white and Negro, Religious and secular," he declared. "The adoption of a similar , IlProgram on the elementary and lllecondary level would be a wajor advance toward tt,e American goal of equal justice under the law. It would equally beilefit poor families, in the 111l"ban ghetto, middle class fam­ lilies who ,exercise their consti­ wtional right to prefer public schools, and Christian and Jew­ fish· families whose consci~nces' require them' to' seek a God­ ~ntered education fOL', their (children," he declared. The CEF would expect suc:h a ~lan would have, the fU;U, ,en:' dorsement of ,the director bf the USCC Educational Department, be stated, since it is inaccordl BLESSES NEW DIOCESAN CCD CENTER: Bishop Connolly assisted by Rt. Rev. with principles enunciat~ by Msg~. Reginald M. Barrette, Diocesan Chancellor, left,' and Rev. John' R. FoIster, c0:­ € r iticizing the sPecial' colleC­ '~e education decree of the SeC­ director of the CCD in' the Fall River Area blesses the new diocesan catoohetical building tion, 'Landis said: "If we believe ctnd . Vati~~n ·Council. the' riot report, we kIiow we've at 446 Highland Ave., ,Fall Riv~r. Local Tax Rates

: reached' a situation in' our ~ , "Weare disturbed by the im:­ . mety, and our Church where ,'tOken demonstration': hi . not ."lic~tion that, either the Churc~l

~r the state will be any better : enough, It's'time for a real CQ!n­ (j)ff if we unilaterally close ,mitment." ' , Catholic schools without con-, , aulting the parents who built '~em, We are more disturbe~ by ~. 'PAUL (NC) 2. just would be better if we,were told Father' and' 'Hail Marys." It Msgr. . Donohue's gratui ou~ ,didn't seem like Lent;" a 37­ what to do because morepeomore." . ehal'ge that, 'the'Catholic, ele- .. year old Minneapolis housewife pIe would do it then~" , A 13-year-old' girl- expressed mentary 'school differs, Htlle 's~;d. "It' could be' ,a g':"_'" l'dea- , ", a 'sl'ml'la"r sentl'm'ent, "If the' IIIIIIIIIII"~. ,jfI:om the 'public school:' Can ~ vvu But there were those who i€ bis be interpreted, as, less than' people choosing their own pen­ disagreed. :An. ' 80 - year - old Church tells' 'you to do it, it's an attack 'on Catholic Bishops, ance.' But, 'as for me; i didn·t housewife said~ 'she and her ,just.. a la.w,", ~~e 'said. ~If you: and educators'for faHing·to,live 'do' an'ything." , ,husband had,' made "an extra .dO It on your own, it means .. " . ' .. '; . ; lSi> to theChuroh's clear guid~- ~ Area Catholiesrepeatedly e~- eff-ort to help, sick people and more.'" ,' . 0 , '!lines?" he asserted." ',pI'essed the ~ame basic'thought people in trouble"· during ~e, ,Some said their children had· . , ; " - .,' . . ' ,', "Can we close their schools ,-:---human nat~re being ,what it Lenten season. "done more" -, during Lent: , :P*INTED ~ND 'MAILED ilnd seriously' expect parents to ,is, people don't do. ,any,:r.nore "W~ like, that kind of pen- -than they themselves had. Most .' , ' , . ,. , ' , ' - ", 'eontinuetheir financial' sacri­ .than they have to. '" , , ance," she said. "It is more o!the children's p«:nan~ men-, Wnte' Or 'Pho~ 672;;.1322' 'fices ,through the' organization ' 'l'hirty,..five Catholics,' their meaningful-just like the pen- tlOned were' ,positive, ac~ . "," :' .. " which has' destroyed' their' free­ names' choSen at random, froin' ance you get in the confessional " avoiding' quarrels, helping, 234' SeCoR"Ct Str~t...;, Fa," River , liomof choice?". he asked. ' 'subscription lists of the Catho­ ~ now. It's doing something pos., ,al'()und the' hoUse, 01' 'j~ being' "And if most Catholic schools ,'liCBulletin,' newspaper oftbe itive i'ath,erthan,. just 'Out" ',agreeable. · In'e. closed, most. of their n,ve 'St. Paul and Mimieapolis arch­ 'diocese and New mm' diOcese, ' ,million students will be forced 'were asked about iliJ'ir Lenten ·into public "schools, where it is . , " tNbstantially more experisive to ,',observance this year. "The pet:­ '. , . sons intei-Viewed inClUded. 'educ'ate them' than our current' . . ­ ·Costs. Who, will· pay. the bill? ,dents of St; PauI,Mirine8i,>olis, ''Il''he city, state ,and federal go~-' ,lIubu.r!>~n, an~ rural a~as., , -.rnments which, Msgr. Donobue ,. :WIth, fe~"ex~epbons, ~h~Y · oomits, " a~' already heavily , ,', saId ,L,ent was ,n.o,t as ~~aruflg'!burdened'" ,pe' declared. ' ,_ ~~~ fo~ ;the~'as 'lt~a~ been ,Ul}- ' , ,. " '.' ~~r. tpe' stnct 9hurch rules, of ,_ Prelate s Answer , 1iew yearS back:" ' , ','. "r ' And, Msgr. Donohue" an': 'w'hile some feit lhat' "tlie;new'< · ~ered, saying:', "Lent" could, ideally; "be, more , :'" "Mr. Mec;kle'nbor~ is sending meaningful", o~h~rS ex~ress~d rio .\, ilIp ,all~oke cscreen of words. hope' for,' changi~g what-' they ';;Which confuses the iss'ues touched called '''human- nature.... ' : T · <:tn fn my Ani.efca artiCle. I sug' ,Like Old WaF ~gest 'he g-o back atid read the A ,55-ye'ar-old'fireman" was ·GriU~, : article , 'over, carefully., His bruta'lly ,honest:. '. .' ~talement,in pefense'of the CE.F ' "I like to be regimented," he ,position, .:vis, a vis ,aid, to private . said. "It's too easy to avoid do.. '. formor~ con,venient ,*hools, is' a good one but it has ,iog anything. We're all' eaSy go­ ~ery litt~ to do with anything iog, you know.:.......that'sthe trou­ cookouts! f[ said ,in America. He has. in ble with us." /r;act, , set up a strawman that he "I'm old fashioned ",' said a j)\ight demolish it. 40-year-old" housewif~ ,fN)Jll a· Without charcoal messl 'Sp~ici4 bri-, ,':. GratuitoUs Statements "progressive'" city parish. , "I' , ,quets form bed of self-cleaning, coals.,', "Mr. Mecklenborg' is .correct like the old way. I defi!1itely It's '0 sturdy gr~lIe, 'too-heavy guage' In assuming that I would fully felt L~nt used to mean a lot. steel, with, porcelain enamel insido. endorse any progra~ of fe,deral more." Model Some Disagree aid that ,would protect parental and, out for 'weather-proof; long-Iast-' ll1N One 17-year-old high' school right in education. Nothing in ing, dependable service. See all the tbe America piece' contradicts boy, who admitted he 'hadn't handsome, convenient Caioric Gas' done anything in -the way 01 '~is. . 'Reg_ $109.95 \ Grilles ­ now I . Lenten penance, said he felt- Hit "There are, however,. a num­ ber of gratuitous statements 01 Establishe$ Social

Special P,rice, Mr, Mecklenborg~s that, are il\­ ~efensible. , Justice Commission

"I would like to address my­ ,EASY BUDGET. OAKLAl'!'D (NC)' - Bishop self to one' of them. He asserts Floyd L. Begin of Oakland has , .' tha t the article 'is opposed t. announced, the, establishment of the clear teaching of the Sec()rid' _ diocesan Com~ission in Social' T~RMS :Vatican' Co.unci!.' I w:ould ask justice and several other steps just what 'clear teaching' I op­ aimed at eliminating "injustices :Sale' Satu;ady:~~ay 18th, '. ,pose, " ,., in the' area. Quality i:ducatioD' Praying that the '·'sacrifice" · "I have already indicated of the late Dr. Martin Luther I, . - 'agreement wi-t/:l his quotation King Hmay ', bear much ' tfruit from .the Declaration on Chris­ among the 'human ,family i.n our ,tian Education. Is there some'­ area" the Caijfornia prelate ask­ ComponrJ . fl'ting that I haven't found in ed, support by the people of the the Vatican Council documents 'diocese for social justice legis­ 155 NORTH MAIN STREET-PHONE OS'5-7811~ ,that is' in opposition to aiding lation in the areas, of housing , the poor and disadvantaged? aI]-d welfare.


L'e"n'te'.n 'Penance Left Many Dissatisfied Prefer Strict, Rules of- 'Church' , "it







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