Catholic Charities total at $1,318,294.56 The Appeal books will close on Friday, May 23 at I p.m. This coming weekend, said Msgr: Anthony M. Gomes, CCA director, every parish and special gift solicitor should make a last effort to canvass every potential donor. These reports should be made to special gift and parish headquarters on Monday.
Latest reports of Special Gift donations and parish contributions have brought the 1986 Catholic Charities Appeal total to $1,318, 294.56. Contributions from parishes, priests and special gift donors 'should be made in person to Appeal Headquarters from Wednesday, May 21 through Friday, May 23.
VOL. 30, NO. 20
Friday, May 16, 1986
23 parishes have surpassed their 1985 final totals since last week's edition of The Anchor. These honor roll parishes are: St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay; St. Elizabeth Seton, No. Falmouth; O.L. Assumption, Osterville; St. John the Evangelist, Pocasset; St. Augustine, Vineyard Haven; . Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet.
Espirito Santo, Our Lady of Angels, Our Lady of Health; St. Anthony of Padua, St. Louis, St. Patrick, Fall River. . St. John of God, Somerset; Our Lady of Fatima, Swansea; St. John the Baptist, Westport. St. Anne, St. Boniface, St. Hedwig, New Bedford; St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet; St. Mary, So. .partmouth..
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly
By Pat McGowan
Should you ever be called on to organize a convention, run, don't walk, for advice to the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. After 33 years of experience, members are experts at fielding glitch-free meetings. Saturday's gathering at St. John of God parish center, Som~rset, was no exception. There 461 members, speakers, priests and guests moved smoothly through a day that began, after opening formalities, with a keynote address by National Counc"il of Catholic Women president Toni Bischoff, and an awards ceremony. Mass, with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin as principal' celebrant, closed the morning session and luncheon was followed by a brief program from the Bell Ringers' Choir of Fall River's First Baptist Church. The afternoon program featured six concurrent workshops: The Role of Woman as Church, presented by Kathy Barboza; Effects of Alcoholism on the Alcoholic's Family, Thomas Croke; Reasons for and Ways To Cope with Suicide-Compassionate Friends, Sandra and Michael Sousa; Bread for the World, Sheena Pappaladro, Sister Rosellen Gallogly, RS M, Mrs. Hilda Dagenais, Mrs. Gilbert Noonan. Also Organizational Development, Mary E. Sullivan; A ProLife Constitutional Amendment, Jeffrey Dongvillo. Toni Bischoff Speaking to the convention theme, "The Affiliate Woman: Love Gathers Us Together," Mrs. Bischoff, of Columbus, 0., mother of four and grandmother of eight,
AT DCCW CONVENTION, from left, Mrs. Aubrey Armstrong, DCCW president; Bishop Daniel A. Cronin; Mrs. D: Bruce Bischoff, NCCW president; Mrs. Michael J. McMahon, convention chairman. (Gaudette photo)
"You have so much power"
DCCW grassroots vital I
said that the grassroots members of DCCW are the ones "who will really make a difference to our church today." She cited as an example of positive influence the fact that after NCCW delegates complained that room televisions at a convention hotel carried a pornographic channel, the channel was removed from sets in the hotel chain nationwide. "You have so much power if you only realized it," Mrs. Bischoff told the audience.
She asked her hearer~ to "let the bishops know how you" feel about the forthcoming pastoral on women." A hearing on the pastoral, to be issued by the U.S. bishops and to deal with women's concerns, will be held next month in the Fall River diocese. Urging DCCW members to increase their ranks, the national president challenged them to "make this group three times bigger by the next time you meet." She told of a man seeking the Catholic church in a strange town.
Immaculate Conception, Taunton; St. Peter, Dighton; Holy Cross, So. Easton.. Page 2 of this issue of The Anchor lists leading parishes and parish totals. Beginning on page 13, a listing of Special Gifts and parish donations may be found. Listings will continue in future issues until all have been published.
Several people couldn't help l\im, but one finally said, "I know where it is, it's where they play bingo!" "If only the reply had been 'I know where it is, it's where they help the poor!'" said Mrs. Bischoff. In an interview preceding the convention, Mrs. Bischoff listed among NCCW goals outreach to young women, including the widowed, the separated and divorced. "We can't say that we older women know what's good for the younger ones," she said. "We must bring them in and See what they
58 Per Year
want; and it may involve changing traditional ways of doing things." Mrs. Bischoff said that NCCW is offering a program for potential diocesan and parish leaders and ,that regional workshops will prepare women to return to their councils as trainers. Claudette Armstrong, Fall River DCCW president, said that women from this area will attend a July session in New Jersey and in turn will hold a diocesan training day in September. As national president, Mrs. Bischoff said she spends an average of one week a month at NCCW's Washington headquarters, where she noted that among parttime workers is Ruth Boardman, an alumna of the former Sacred Hearts Academy'in Fall River. The president has on several 'occasions represented the eightmillion member NCGW at White House briefings. She also travels to many diocesan conventions such as last Saturday's. "They're such an inspiration, I hardly need a plane to fly me home," she declared. Blonde and tanned, Mrs. Bischoff is involved with her husband Bruce in operation of a swimming pool facility. The couple also do much electronic timing of swim meets and are very proud of a daughter who at age 16 broke a man's record for swimming the English Channel that had stood for 13 years. Award Winners Following the keynote address, Bishop Cronin presented the Margaret M. Lahey Our Lady of Good Counsel Award to an outstanding DCCW member from each of the five council districts. This year's recipients were Lauretta Messier, Fall River District I; Turn to Page Twelve
Abortion suit seeks thousands of documents WASHINGTON (NC) - Thousands and potentially millions of church documents are at stake in . the subpoenas which led the nationalagenciesofthe U.S. Catholic bishops to be declared in contempt of a federal court May 8. "Every sermon, bulletin announcement, newspaper listing, meeting notice, etc., may be relevant ifit deals with 'abortion,"said the bishops'chieflegalcounsel, Wilfred R. Caron, in an affidavit to the court.
The subpoenas, originally drawn up in 1983, include a six-page listing of the kinds of documents that Abortion Rights Mobilization wants released to it in its six-year effort to force the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and U.S. Catholic Conference to lose their tax-exempt status as religious organizations. The two conferences received separate but identically worded subpoenas ordering them to let the abortion rights group review, among
other things, extensive internal documentation, including memorandums and any records of conversations or meetings relating to their pro-life activities since 1973. U.S. District Judge Robert Carter of New York ordered the NCCB and USCC in February to comply with the subpoenas by March 7. The organizations refused, and on May 8 the judge cited them for contempt. Caron's affidavit, filed -April 4
to protest the district court's order, In addition to thousands of pages called the subpoenas "invasive" of documents in the files of the and "intrusive." NCCB and USCC, the subpoenas The bishops' agencies feel "exseek names and current addresses treme discomfort at the prospect of present or former Catholic offiof allowing (Abortion Rights Mocials since 1974 in 16 state Catholic bilization) access to the internal conferences and 18 archdioceses deliberations of the principal poli- . or dioceses. cymakers of the church," Caron Caron said in his April 4 affiand other NCCB-USCC attorneys davit that the list would consist of added in a May 12 appeal to the at least 160 present or former 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Catholic officials, each a potential seeking a ~tay of the lower court's Turn to Page Six $1 OO,OOO-a-day fines for contempt.
i' •.' THE ANCHOR - Dioc~se of Fall River - Fri., May 16, 1986
Leading Parishes ATTLEBORO AREA St. John MI. Carmel, Seekonk St. Mary, Seekonk St. Mary, Attleboro Falls St. Theresa
30,427.00 19,674.00 18,653.00 13,850.00 12,796.00
CAPE COD AND THE ISLANDS AREA SI. Pius X, So. Yarmouth SI. Francis Xavier, Hyannis Holy Trinity, W. Harwich Corpus Christi, Sandwich O.L. of Victory, Centerville
48,001.99 40,537.00 32,422.00 27,840.50 24,735.50
FALL RIVER AREA Holy Name Our Lady of Angels SI. Thomas More, Somerset Santo Christo St. Mary Cathedral
27,386.50 , 20,993.00 17,775.00 16,551.00 15,824.00
NEW BEDFORD AREA St. Mary, So. Dartmouth Mt. Carmel Immaculate Conception St. Mary St. Patrick, Wareham
30,415.00 27,015.45 21,275.00 17,262.00 13,241.00
TAUNTON AREA SI. Ann, Raynham Holy Cross, So. Easton Immaculate Conception, N. Easton St. Paul SI. Mary
19,260.00 14,250.00 13,583.00 11,627.00 11,283.00
Parish ·Totals
Mansfield-St. Mary North Attleboro Sacred Heart St. Mary Norton-St. Mary Seekonk Mt. Carmel SI. Mary
6,192.20 6,758.00 8,676.00 19,674.00 18,653.00
CAPE COD & THE ISLANDS AREA Brewster-O. L. of the Cape 22,271.60 Buzzards Bay-St. Margaret 13,001.00 Centerville-O. L. of Victory 24,735.50 Chatham-Holy Redeemer 13,237.00 Cotuit-Christ the King 11,702.00 East Falmouth-St. Anthony 13,620.00 Edgartown-St. Elizabeth 1,660.00 Falmouth-St. Patrick 16,548.00 Hyannis-St. Francis Xavier 40,537.00 Nantucket-O. L. of the Isle 11,486.00 North Falmouth-"SI. Elizabeth Seton 15,909.00 Oak Bluffs-Sacred Heart 3,860.00 Orleans-SI. Joan of Arc 22,545.00 Osterville-Assumption 14,765.00 PocassetSI. John the Evangelist 21,389.00 Provincetown-St. Peter 5,504.00 Sandwich-Corpus Christi 27,840.50 South Yarmouth-SI. Pius X 48,001.99 Vineyard HavenSt. Augustine 6,951.00 WellfleetOur Lady of Lourdes 4,515.00 West HarwichHoly Trinity 32,422.00 Woods Hole-St. Joseph 3,630.00
ATTLEBORO AREA Attleboro Holy Ghost St. John St. Joseph St. Mark St. Stephen St. Theresa
9,994.00 30,427.00 7,989.00 13,850.00 6,927.00 12,796.00
Fall River St. Mary's Cathedral Blessed Sacrament Espirito Santo Holy Cross Holy Name .t:/otre Dame
15,824.00 2,670.00 12,646.00 2,962.00 27,386.50 7,5?7,00
Our Lady of the Angels Our Lady of Health Holy Rosary Immaculate Conception Sacred Heart St. Anne St. Anthony of Padua SI. Elizabeth St. Jean Baptiste SI. Joseph St. Louis SI. Mathieu SI. Michael St. Patrick SS. Peter & Paul SI. Stanislaus SI. William Santo Christo Assonet-St. Bernard No. Westport-O.L. of Grace Somerset St. John of God SI. Patrick SI. Thomas More Swansea Our Lady of Fatima St. Dominic St. Louis of France . SI. Michael WestportSt. George St. John
NEW BEDFORD AREA New Bedford Holy Name Assumption Immaculate Conception MI. Carmel Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of Perpetual Help Sacred Heart SI. Anne St. Anthony Padu~
20,993.00 6,405.00 12,603.00 5,478.50 8,288.50 9,581.00 11,180.00 5,601.00 5,200.00 6,568.00 6,278.00 2,368.00 9,194.00 11,897.60 7,609.00 7,215.00 7,174.50 16,551.00 6,610.00 9,570.00 13,535.45 8,120.00 17,775.00 14,248.00 11,789.25 12,971.00 8,516.40 7,713.00 8,178.00
12,745.00 1,223.00 21,275.00 27,015.45 5,211.50 3,990.00 5,180.00 3,375.00 6,340.00
SI. Boniface St. Casimir St. Fra ncis of Assisi . St. Hedwig St. James St. John the Baptist St. Joseph St. Kilian St. Lawrence St. Mary St. Theresa AcushnetSt. Francis Xavier East FreetownSt. John Neumann FairhavenSt. Joseph St. Mary Sacred Hearts Marion-St. Rita Mattapoisett-SI. Anthony North DartmouthSt. Julie Billiart South Dartmouth-St. Mary Wareham-St. Patrick
TAUNTON AREA Taunton Holy Family Holy Rosary Immaculate Conception Our Lady of Lourdes Sacred Heart St. Anthony St. Jacques St. Joseph SI. Mary St. Paul Dighton-St. Peter North Dighton-St. Joseph North EastonImmaculate Conception Raynham-St. Ann South Easton-Holy Cross
2,481.00 3,209.00 5,306.00 2.136.00 10,782.00 13,003.00 8,977.00 1,629.00 9,236.00 17,262.00 6,405.00 7,261.00 9,747.35 8,340.00 5,221.00 1,555.00 4,289.35 8,485.00 12,171.00 30,415.00 13,241.00
9,665.00 2,540.00 10,249.50 4;301.00 ' 9,624.00 8,113.00 5,046.00 9,477.00 11,283.00 11,627.00 4,556.00 5,530.00 13,583.00 19,260.00 14,250.00
Vatican issues report on cults VATlCAN CITY (NC) - Although religious sects or cults are often, they respond to
deep human needs, says a Vatican report issued May 2. Such sects challenge the Catholic
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Church to create "caring communities of lively faith" and to giv~ more attention to "the experiential dimension" of Christian faith, the document said, declaring that sects and cults should'be seen as a pastoral challenge. The document said mainstream Christians should avoid a naive view of such religious movements, but that their attitude towards sincere believers "should be one of openness and understanding, not condemnation." The report, issued by the Vatican's Secretariat for Christian Unity, was titled "Sects or New Religious Movements: Pastoral Challenge." It said that some sects and cults employ sophisticated techniques of "social and psychological manipulation" to gain new members. It cited "love-bombing" by other sect members and isolation of a recruit from friends, family and other outside influences. It added that in many countries "powerful ideological forces as well as economic and political interests are at work through the sects" for purposes "totally foreign to a genuine concern for the 'human.' " It gave no details to support that allegation or to identify groups using sects. The report was based on consultation with bishops' conferences and experts around the world and was a joint project of the Va~iqm secretariats for Christian unity, for non-Christians and for non-
believers and the Pontifical Council for Culture. The report was presented as an interim rather' than a definitive document, including a list of"questions for further study and research." A. cover letter to bishops' conferences from the Christian unity secretariat said a more scientific study was planned .on causes for the spread 'of sects." " The report stressed that certain characteristics, such as "attitudes of intolerance and aggressive pro~ selytizing," do not in thems"elves make a group a sect. It was noted that "the most immediate pastoral problem" for the Church is that of dealing with Catholics involved in sects. "Psychological skill and expertise are required," said the document. It said sects appeal because they seem to offer ready answers to many "needs and aspirations," among them the need to belong, the search for wholeness, the need to be special and the need of spiritual guidance." The report said people "at loose ends," whether young or old, are easy prey to manipulation and simplified answers to the difficult problems of life. Catholics, it said, cannot stop at 'condemning and combating sects. They should "stimulate our own renewal for'a greater pastoral effic. acy." The report recommended, in addition to developing closer communities within the Catholic Church, a "strong emphasis on the
need for evangelization, catechisis, education and ongoing education in the faith." Its recommendations included "rethinking... the traditional 'parish community system,' " consideration of more "basic ecclesial communities," and more openness to activities within the church such asthe charismatic movement and healing ministries. Commenting on the d'ocument, Father James LeBar, a priest of the New York archdiocese who is Catholic chaplain at a psychiatric institute in Poughkeepsie, NY, said it offers an excellent analysis of the problem of sects an'd cults. The priest, who has worked with ex-cultists for the past· 10 years, said "It's really a primer, a basic education book on cults and a basic resource for pastoral action. Father LeBar said he does not recommend forcible deprogramming, but will "indicate" it if a family seeking to get a son or daughter out of a cult is unable to talk to the child. He said he much prefers "exit counseling," in which a counselor Turn to Page Twelve
'NOTICE . Soine regular Anch~r features will be supplanted for the next few weeks by Catholic Charity Appeal listings. All will return as soon as possible.
THE ANCHORFriday; May 16, 1986
'Father Herve Jalbert
Bishop Daniel A. Cronin presided this morning at a Mass of Christian Burial for Father Herve Jalbert, 78, who died Monday in Fall River. The Mass was offered at Blessed~ Sacrament Church, Fall River, from which Father Jalbert retired as pastor in 1978 and where he was parochial vicar from 1938 to 1955. The eulogist was Father Rene G. Gauthier, pastor of neighboring St. Jean Baptiste parish and a longtime friend of Father Jalbert. A native of St. Basil, New Brunswick, Canada, the son of the late Frederick and Olive (Cyr) Jalbert, Father Jalbert graduated from St. Anthony of Padua grammar school in New Bedford, LaSalette High School in Hartford, Conn., . and Assumption College in Worcester. He prepared for the priesthood at St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester and was ordained June II, 1938, by Bishop James E. Cassidy. After brief service at St. Mary's Home, New Bedford, Father Jalbert was parochial vicar at Blessed Sacrament and in 1955 was assigned to St. Hyacinth parish, New Bedford, where he was parochial.vicar until 1962 and from 1962 to 1966 was administrator, then returning to Blessed Sacrament as pastor. In 1978 he retired to the Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River. He is survived by four brothers, Cyr and Claude of New Bedford, Felix of Central Falls and Emile of Pawtucket, both in Rhode Island; and by three sisters, Yvonne Gaudette, Gisele Girouard and Aurore Turcotte, all of New Bedford.
OUR LADY'S RELIGIOUS STORE 936 So. Main St., Fall River CEMETERY LIGHTS 11:00 To 5:30 Sunday Thru Saturday
Tel. 673-4262 ENFIELD, NEW HAMPSHIRE Brand New luxury Townhouse On Sandy Beach At Mascoma lake On Former laSalette Seminary Property Adjacent To Present Shrine. 2 Bedrooms & loft On 3 levels Fully Equipped. $650 PER WEEK CAll (603) 632·7800 ASK FOR PATRICK
Joan Dickmann, C.L.V.
Religious educators.peek in crystal ball
COLUMBIA,Md. (NC) - Religious educators will use videotapes more than ever to teach religion as the 20th century draws to a close, diocesan religious education directors predicted. They also predicted that more adults than children will study religion. During a convention of the National Conference of Diocesan Directors of Religious Education, 293 of 335 participants answered questions on trends they anticipate for the next 10-15 years. The survey showed that 64 percent of respondents are more supportive of religious ed ucation programs than of Catholic schools.
Among findings: - 92 percent of the respondents expect video to become essential in religious education. - 87 percent expect more parish catechetical training while 74 percent fear parishes will find professional directors of religious education too expensive. - 81 percent predict the focus of diocesan religious education offices will shift toward adults as both teachers and students. - 63 percent expect parishes to continue emphasizing child-centered programs. Participants hoped for greater emphasis on religious education for the handicapped, competitive salaries for directors of religious education, and an end to tensions
Confirmation for adults Following annual tradition, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will confirm adults from throughout the diocese at St. Mary's Cathedral ceremonies in the context of S p.m. Mass on Sunday, the feast of Pentecost.
THE ANCHOR iUSPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass.. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 High· land Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid $8.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.
between post- and pre-Vatican II outlooks. They were split about 50-50 in judging whether these hopes will be realized. In a pre-meeting statement, conference. directors urged international consultations before any universal catechism, suggested during the 1985 world Synod of Bishops, is drafted. They also urged that such a catechism be written for adults and said their organization would welcome the opportunity to participate in the process.
William T. Durkin and Associates 10 North Main Street Fall River, MA 676-1800 Retired and Need More Income? If You Are 65 $10,000 Will Provide You With $982 Per Year.
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Diocese of Fall River - Fri., May 16, 1986
the moorin~'
the living word
The Soviet Mistake Chernobyl has become a household word. May it also become a learning experience for all. There is no doubt that the global community has been set a tragic lesson on nuclear power. Despite all that is being said and will be said,. one should not be so naive as to think that the nations of the world are about to abandon existing or proposed nuclear-powered plants. ' However, all should be aware of how important it is that the world family be able to depend on one another. Nuclear questions aside, the gross indifference and ineptitude of the Soviet Union should be a real eye opener for those who have harbored sympathetic hearts for the Communist system. To some extent all governments suffer from inertia, excessive bureaucracy and officialdom. aut it is more than obvious that the Soviet system suffers from some uniquely Communist defects, primarily its total disregard for the individual and its attitude that the state is supreme. There is no such thing as individual freedom in the Russian state. Why should we surprised that Moscow did not tell the world of the Chernobyl explosion when it did not even inform those in closest proximity to the accident of the dangers of radiation? So many in the West live in a political Disneyland. Why do so many feel that we can change a Marxist state? Why can't the Soviets be seen for what they are? Certainly utopian dreams should be somewhat dashed by the Kremlin's lack of response to international outrage. From the Chernobyl scenario, it should be obvious that decades of authoritarian control from the center and the dominant role of the Communist party have anesthetized and numbed regional and local authorities. Incentives for individual initiative are few and the cost of error is greater than in the West. By its very nature, the Soviet demand for ,secrecy and collective action deprives officials of information needed to make swift decisions and forces endless rounds of consultation. Marx and his followers seem to have forgotten the maxim that if one wants to put something into a state of complete inertia, one should delegate it to a committee. The process may well spell the ~ownfall of the Soviet Union. The ominous cloud at Chernobyl clearly showed the rest of the world that Russia's leaders could not control the fallout drifting across their borders. They tried to cover it up by their usual tactics. They tried to control the news. They found out not only that it was impossible but that they had to ask for help, acknowl~dging their lack of safety precautions and rescue plans. Once again, the Russian people were the victims of their own government. What does this mean for all of us? Trite as it may seem, Chernobyl should teach us all that no nation is an island, that 路each is part of the whole. If we are to survive the atom, we need' each other. It is obvious that the deadly antics of nuclear energy cannot be controlled on an individual basis. We must share the information and data that hopefully will prevent another Chernobyl. There must be closer monitoring of nuclear stations as well as workable safety and evacuation procedures, not only by state but by international agencies. The environment is a fragile trust. Our crimes against it may well plummet us into self-destruction. We can avoid this only by honestly sharing the knowledge needed to ensure that the Three Mile Islands and Chernobyls of the ~orld do not bec.ome the instruments of our annihilation. The Editor
NC photo
"Thy children shall be like olive plants, round about thy table." Ps. 127:3
The moral issue of hunger By Father Kevin J. Harrington
foods such as beef and beer than to feed people directly with grain. Much attention has been focused First World energy consumption on the issue of world hunger. For also robs the Third World, since instance, last year's USA for Africa many energy sources could be proraised the consciousness of young ducing fertilizers. The arms race people through the music video also diverts both uncounted dollars "We are the World." . But while such efforts are noble and the creative energies of our brightest people from building a and somewhat successful, they can better world to developing armalull us into a false sense of security. ments. World hunger, unfortunately, will World hunger may be today's persist after music videos and benemost significant moral issue, with fit concerts have run their course. only the nuclear arms race possibly The hunger problem needs study an equally strong contender for by economists, agricultural experts, that title. demographers and meteorologists. But unlike the nuclear issue, the There is also a growing need for an Church has had to confront the honest assessment of the way in problem of hunger from its incepwhich First World indifference and tion. The Acts of the Apostles misdirection have caused needless . shows clearly that the earliest Chrishardship in the Third World. tians shared all they had with each How often have First World naother. In those days, the Gospel tions demanded contraceptive polistory of the rich young man whom cies for the Third World as a first Jesus told to "sell.everything you step towards a solution to the have and give to the poor" could problem of world hunger? While be proclaimed without causing disthe First World may be controlling comfort. its population through contracepIn contrast, the medieval Church tives, it is doing little to control its own consumption of natural resour- found that other familiar saying of Jesus, "It is easier for a camel to ces. pass through the eye of a needle Contraceptives can indeed pre- than for a rich man to enter the vent exponential growth of the popUlation but cannot control the insistence on the part of the privileged few on living in unprecedented NEW YORK (NC) - Archbiluxury. Yet with fewer and fewer shop John F. Whealon of Hartpeople enjoying the fruits of the ford, Conn., recently named an earth, there is less and less chance honorary life member of the Amerfor peace or justice in the world. ican Bible Society is thought to be The painful truth is that the sin- the first Catholic bishop so hongle most important cause of hunger ored. is the shamefully poor distribution The society, founded in 1816, of the world's resources. emphasizes a nondoctrinal approach in its work of translating, The diet of people of the First publishing and distributing the World has a great impact on Third Scriptures. World hunger, since it takes, for Archbishop Whealon was recinstance, .more grain to produce
kingdom of God," so hard to accept that it invented a totally fictitious gate at Jerusalem called the Needle's Eye, in order to soften the impact of the Savior's words. Jesus also condemned the indifference of the rich man who feasted in splendor while totally disregarding the need of Lazarus the beggar. The reversal of the wealthy man's fortunes in the next life is a reminder of Judgment Day, when we are told that the least of our brethren will be our accusers. Perhaps the most pertinent parable for our day is the story of the man who built larger and larger bins to store his grain so that he could eat, drink and be merry and not worry about the morrow. How must he have felt when his life was required of him and he learned that he would be judged not by the grain he stored but by the grain he shared. Today the First World nations, with their monetary power lord it over the debtor nations of the Third World; but let us hope and pray that the Spirit will operi our hearts and minds to the overriding moral issue of world hunger.
Archbishop Whealon honored ognized for his efforts in involving Roman Catholics in the Bible cause. His influence led to widespread use of the Good News Bible in parochial schools. Among other Catholic honorary life members of the society are Jesuit Father Walter M. Abbott, one-time director of the Vatican Office for Common Bible Work, and Britishjournalist Malcolm Muggeridge.
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., May 16, 1986
piping s)'stems
550 Locust Street Fall River, Mass.· Rose E. Sullivan William J. Sullivan Margaret M. Sullivan 672-2391
tr "k~.
DESPITE BEING wheelchair-bound, Marri-Lou Leo:' nard, center, of Fall River's Cathedral parish makes her Catholic Charities Appeal collection rounds in her home, Fall River's Hudner Building. Presenting her collector's kit are from left, Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, Cathedral rector and parish CCA committee members Frank Reis, Grace Foley and Al Ferris.
32 Mill Street (Route 79) P.O. Box 409 Assonet, MA 02702 644-2221
. . •
. ,
The five Catholic nursing homes in the Fall River diocese scheduled a wide variety of events for residents during National Nursing Home Week, which concludes tomorrow. The week is intended to promote public interest in and an awareness of the lifestyles of nursing home residents. Catholic Memorial Home in Fall River offered a concert by the St. Stanislaus, Fall River, parish choir, a buffet brunch and an Oldies but Goodies fashion show, with residents and staff modeling styles of yesteryear under direction of Mrs. Dolores Ferro. At Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven, residents of ten area nursing homes gathered for a get-acquainted social with entertainment by the Musicians' Union. An open house included guided tours, presentations by department heads and a display of crafts items.made by residents. Yesterday employees were honored at a luncheon and ice cream social. . A musical by The Rainbow Group was offered at Sacred Heart
Home, New Bedford and yesterday, a special coffee hour there featured entertainment by the Musicians' Union. Residents also dis~ played arts and crafts projects. Representatives ofMadonna Manor, North Attleboro, joined residents of other area nursing homes for a luncheon at Foran's restaurant, Plainville, and at a Staff Appreciation Day assisted in preparing and serving a meal. Yesterday, Manorites also made and munched pizza. At Taunton's Marian Manor, residents enjoyed a Mother's Day luncheon with their families, and during the week had an ice cream social and a Senior Olympics competition featuring wheelchair races and other games. Bingo and a pizza party highlighted Tuesday, Oriental food was served Wednesday and families returned Thursday for a wine and cheese social.
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III came to the Salesian school and I learned a trade. And while I was there I learned about Jesus. It was something I had never heard before. God is our Father, and Jesus came to us as our brother~ And He stays with us. Can you imagine what these words mean to someone who has been looking for God? ... " - Tero Khako Tero Khako is from a remote village in India, and left his village to attend a mission school in a distant town. Tero is one of many people around the world who will come to know Christ through missionaries supported by your contribution to the Propagation of the Faith. .
Some Marian Manor residents will attend a Nursing Home Week dinner today at the Venus de Milo restaurant, Swansea, arriving via a . Taunton bus company trolley designed with yesteryear in mind.
'Support Your.. Catholic Missionaries
CELEBRATlNG Ethnic Day at St. James-St. John School, New Bedford, by wearing national costumes are, from left, Tina Pavao, Portugal; Daniel Cardoza, Colombia; Victo-· ria Barros, Cape Verde; Agnes Ng, China and teacher Robin Benoit, Poland. (Rosa photo)
The Propagation of the Faith Reverend Monsignor John J. Oliveira 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720
YESI I want to support the work of our Catholic Missionaries. Enclosed is my gift of:
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When possible I will makea monthly giftl
Address City
Tel. 678-5651
Nursing Home W~ek sees many activities -
-...,_ State
Please ask missionaries to remember my intentions at Mass: ANCH 5/16/86
6 THE ANCl:tOR -
Dioce~e of Flill River:~ Fri., May 1"6,i98-6
..... ,
,", , .
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HOW The Sister was moving among the slums of a city MANY in India. Unbelievably, she heard sobbing comMORE? ing from a trash barrel. Brushing aside the flies and the vermin, she looked. Beneath the filth and debris was an old lady crying from tearless eyes as her life slowly ebbed away. Tenderly the Sister lifted her, placed her on her shoulders and took her to the Hospice for the Dying. Before she died, the old lady told the Sister, ""m not crying because I was in the garbage. I'm crying because my son put me there. He had to. There was not enough food for the family." ... Tragically, this scene will be replayed many more times. But you can help to lessen it. Will you? Here is how ...
WILL 0 In the hands of our native Sisters your gift in YOU any amount ($100, $75, $50, $25, $10, $5, $2,
HELP? $1) will fill empty stomachs with rice, fish, milk, vegetables. Our priests can start a model farm for their parishioners and teach them how to increase their crop production for only $975. We will tell you where it is located. 0$15 a week will enable an aged person to spend his or her declining years with simple dignity cared for by our Sisters.
THEY The Victory Centre for Women, at Guruvayoor, HELP is conducted by the Franciscan Clarist Sisters; THEMSELVES it is specifically for the rehabilitation of handicapped girls and women. The building they now' live in is old, has no ventilation, and is actually dangerous for them. Both the Sisters and the women they serve are financially unable to construct the training and lodging centre required for the work with handicapped and deaf students. They need $6,000. Would you help to provide a future for them? Why not do it in honor of someone you love, perhaps as a family project? YOUR Have you made your Will? Did you remember
LAST(lNG) God's poor and needy? They can pray for you
GOOD after you have gone. Our legal title: Catholic DEED Near East Welfare Association, Inc.
HONORED FOR their service to the Diocesan Department of Education at a recent farewell reception were Sister Doreen Donegan, SUSC, director of religious ed ucation, second from left, and Sister Patricia Halliday, SND, assistant director, right. At Holy Name Church parish center, New Bedford, well-wishers included Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, third from left, and Father Richard W. Beaulieu, department director. (Rosa photo)
Thousands of documents' sought Continued from Page One candidate for a subsequent subpoena. "Based on reasonable review of the subpoenas and of case developments, tne USCC-NCCB and many Catholic dioceses and entities face the specter of several years of discovery," he said: "It is -realistic to expect that the discovery process would divert church resources away from pastoral and policy efforts in the pro-life area to attend to the very detailed discovery planned by the plaintiffs." Documents that Abortion Rights Mobilization has demanded include: - Any documents reflecting "financial support by the USCC, the NCCB, or any state Catholic conference, archdiocese, diocese, or parish church" for activities of 12 state and national pro-life organizations. - All documents indicating "involvement of any church personnel," from national officials to parish employees, in any of those 12 pro-life organizations. - All "communications, memoranda; directives, letters or any similar documents" between national, state, diocesan or parish employees
Dear Monllgnor Nolan: Please return coupon with your offering
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NEAR EAST MISSIONS John Cardinal O'Connor, President Msgr. John G. Nolan, National Secretary Catholic Near East Welfare Association 1011 First Avenue. New York, N.Y. 10022 Telephone: 212/826-1480
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or the church regarding "compliance or lack of compliance'with" provisions ofthe Internal Revenue Code for tax-exempt charitable organizations or support or opposition to political candidates. The subpoena asks names and addresses of top state Catholic conference officials since 1974 in California, Florida, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin. Caron EDICTAL CITATION DIOCESAN TRIBUNAL FALL RIVER. MASSACHUSmS Since the actual place of residence of THOMAS R. MCMAHON is unknown. . We cite THOMAS R. MCMAHON to appear personally before the Tribunal of the Diocese of Fall River on May 27. 1986. at 10:30 a.m. at 344 Highland Avenue. Fall River. Massachusetts. to give testimony to establish: Whether the nullity of the marriage is proven in the BARNES·MCMAHON case? Ordinaries of the place or other pastors having the knowledge of the residence of the above person, Thomas R, McMahon. must see to ilthat he is properly advised in regard to this edictal citation. Henry T. Munroe Judicial Vicar Given at the Tribunal. Fall River, Massachusetts, on this. the 12th day of May. 1986.
~ May 24 Rev. James F. Clark, Founder, 1907, St. James, New Bedford Rev. Patrick Heran, S.S.B.c.c., Former Rector, 1985, Sacred Heart Seminary, Fairhaven May 25 Rev. Michael P. Kirby, 1925, St. Mary's, North Attleboro Rev. James V. Mendes, Administrator, 1961, Our Lady of Angels, Fall River May 30 Rev. Jordan Harpin, O.P., 1929, Dominican Priory, Fall River Rev. Edmond J. Potvin, Pastor, 1937, St. Jean Baptiste, Fall River Rev. James M. Quinn, Pastor, 1950, St. John Evangelist, Attleboro
noted that two of those, South Dakota and Virginia, have no state Catholic conference. Data on bishops and pro-life directors since 1974 are sought by the subpoena in the archdioceses or dioceses of Washington, D.C.; Arlington and RichmoJ1(t Va.; Baltimore; Brooklyn and Rockville Centre, N.Y.; Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, Pa.; Worcester, Mass.; Fargo, N.D.; Sioux Falls, S. D.; St. Paul and St. Cloud, Minn.; St. Louis; San Antonio, Texas; and San Diego.
Haitian bishops ask reforms PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti(NC) - The bishops of Haiti, the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, have listed literacy, agrarian reform and employment as three priorities for their nation. In a pastoral letter, the bishops also called for decentralizing political, economic and social power to promote development in provinces; eliminating "corrupt elements" from public administration; and ending "mistrust, back-stabbing, lies and scams." "The first priority of these people is literacy," said the bishops. They have launched a campaign to make 3 million of Haiti's 6 million people literate within the next five years. The primary goal of agrarian reform should be "equitable distribution of land," the bishops said, noting that the incomes of 4 million Haitians depend almost entirely on agriculture and that "not even 22 percent of the urban population earns a salary." The bishops suggested decreasing the price of basic commoditites and organizing a public works program to fight unemployment.
THE ANCHOR- Diocese'of Fall River - Fri., May 16, 1986
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BISHOP DANIEL A. CRONIN, center, meets with members of the Taunton District Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at their annual co~munion Mass and dinner, held recently at Sacred Heart Church, Taunton. From left, second vice president and secretary john Connors; Vincentian director Father Daniel L. Freitas; president Horace Costa; Bishop Cronin; spirit isor Father William E.F~rland; public affairs chao William McCarth r.Joseph Roderick a~~ am za. (Kearns; , .. cause chairman
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Option for poor, common' good linked NOTRE DAME, Ind. (NC) The "preferential option for the poor," cited as an ethical principle in the U.S. bishops' proposed pastoral letter on the economy, supports traditional Catholic emphasis on the common good, scholars said at a recent symposium at the University of Notre Dame. The three-day meeting on "Catholic Social Teaching and the Common Good," drawing some participants from unions, business and academic circles around the country, was a contribution to thought on the economy pastoral. Several pointed out that although the "preferential option for the poor" cited in pastoral drafts appears to conflict with the common good tradition, in fact it does not. "It can be asked whether the 'option for the poor' has replaced concern for all of society," said J. Philip Wogaman of Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. "What about our option for the non-poor? Did Christ die only for the poor?"
Such questions are relevant if the poor are considered the only "losers" in economic life, Wogaman said. But if poverty or oppression of some is seen as harming all in society, he said, then "giving priority to the poor and their needs is ...the correct approach to dealing with the needs of the rich. Seen in this way, 'option for the poor' is 'option for all.' . . . A conflict between these two can only occur where the prosperous are taken to be the enemies of G9d, on the one hand, or where the plight of the poor is not understood to contain the~plight of the non-poor." Richard T. De George of the Uhiversity of Kansas said that by using the principle of the common good "in a substantive way," the U.S. Bishops "raise the challenge of rethinking a good deal of the way we do business" because they challenge Americans "to see justice not only in an individualistic way but in a communal way." Jesuit Father Gerald Cavanaugh, head of the department of man-
Children suffer in Third World UNITED NATIONS (NC) Many children still suffer despite 40 years of effort by UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, says a member of the Vatican's U.N. observer mission. Resources earmarked for children are declining in most regions of the world, and child malnutrition is "substantially on the rise," although world food stocks are at a record high, said Sister Janet Davis Richardson, a Sister of St. Joseph of Peace. She spoke to UNICEF executive board members at a meeting' focused on children endangered by war, environmental disasters, economic exploitation, abuse and neglect. According to UNICEF figures, worldwide military expenditures ainount to $1.9 million a minute
and during that minute, 30 children die from lack of food or other necessities. However, UNICEF officials also said that child survival and development programs have grown in many countries, with expanding immunization programs and new therapies countering dehydration caused by diarrhea having "measurable impact" on children's health. UNICEF estimates 14 million children died in 1985. The agency expects to spend $400 million on its projects this year, with $102 million going to aid Africa's 70 million children.
Comfort "Comfort; that stealthy thing that enters the house a guest and then becomes a host and then a master." - Kahlil Gibran
agement of the University of Detroit, said the language of preferential option for the poor as a moral norm "is probably less open to bias" than the "common good" language because "the powerless are front and center. . . . W,hen using the common good as the moral norm, it is easier to trade off the interests of the poor for the greater welfare ofthe larger group." Father Charles E. Curran of The Catholic University of America, said that at first sight the ideas of common good and a preference for the poor seem "somewhat opposed." In fact, he said, "the preferential option for the poor is putting into contemporary and even somewhat biblical language a point which was enshrined in the older Thomistic tradition's notion of distributive justice." The key word is "preferential," he said, and this must be "distinguished from an exclusive option for the poor, which would definitely deny the common good tradition. "
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Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., May 16, 1986
HALLETT Funeral Home Inc.
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Birthday wishes
Dear Editor: Once again, I remind my Anchor friends to pray a "birthday rosary" for our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, who will be 66 years old on Pentecost Sunday, May 18. May God continue to gift him with the wisdom so necessary in carrying out his awesome duties. And kudos to The Anchor for giving us Vatican View. Monica Zygiel New Bedford
Guild honors past presidents
Women's Guild past presidents of Our Lady ofMt. Carmel parish, ~aaaaee~2222a32~~~.Aee~ Seekonk"were honored at a recent communion breakfast. Father Thomas C. Mayhew, pastor and guild moderator, officiated at a preceding Mass. The guild has been involved in INC. various fundraising activities and supports the church building fun~. Members have assisted St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, and Birthright. They also sponsor an annual scholarship for a senior high school parishioner. The guild's only three-year leader thus far has been Donna Motta.
FOI "OMPr 14 Hour S,,",1C't' Chotl~,
Mluy Oliver, a two-year president, will serve again for the 1986-87 season. Other two-year leaders are Mary De Ma~tos, first president of the organization; Jean Lyons, Sadie Gamboa and current president Linda Nason. One-year presidents honored were Irene Blythe, Laura Galimberti, Jill Guerney, Caroline Mello, Eileen Corrigan, Patricia Oliver, Theresa Rose. Jane Damiani, Eleanor Whitney, Beverly Melanson, Dolores Andrews, Agnes Rose and the late Emma Hill.
Volunteers honored 52 adult volunteers at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, were recently recognized at a luncheon ceremony. Sister Cecilia Downing, OP, director of volunteers, said Grace Parenteau of Westport, an 18-year volunteer, topped the list with 11,000 hours in the hospital gift shop. Other top volunteers were Elodie Mytkowicz and Antoinette Orzechowski, 5000 hours; Evelyn Mahon and Joseph Tavares, 3000; Loretta Moreau and Rosealma Ouellette, 2000, and Phyllis Chrupcala, Mildred Dutka, Eva Jabbour, Barbara Medeiros, Margaret Vieira and Mary Wojcik, 1000.
Offa .. OAlGlCM AVI.• fALL IMI
ALTAR BOYS representing 51. Joseph's parish, Attleboro, from left, Brett Partington, Kevin LaLiberte, Eric Langlois, Heath Partington and Terry Masse. (Motta photo)
Serra dinner
Spaghetti and respect By Joseph Motta New England Patriot running back Mosi Tatupu, drawing a connection between the respect fans have for his football team and the appreciation Attleboro area Serra Club members show altar boys in their deanery, spoke at a spaghetti supper held recently for the boys by Serra members at St. Mary's parish center, Norton. ' Tatupu, a six-foot, 227 pound player recognized for his team attitude and leadership skills by head Patriot coach Raymond Berry, told the approximately 125 young men about his New Zealand home and his football career. It took him eight years of team,work to get to the Super Bowl, he said. "The only way you can succeed is to work together," he told his young listeners. Serra, an organization which seeks to foster vocations, has 32 members in the Attleboro deanery and "tries to instill the spirit of vocations" it:! young men and women, according to president Robert Barradis, a member of St. MarkJs parish, Attleboro Falls. "We just try to set a good example. We show the young people we're
interested in them," added Bernard Gamache, one of four charter members present. Among the hungry altar servers were Terry Masse, 12, and Kevin Laliberte, 13, both representing St. Joseph's parish, Attleboro. Kevin became an altar boy because his older brother told him how much fun it was and how good helping out felt. And Terry? ") used to envy the altar boys. ) wished I was old enough to serve, too." Soon he was, he said, and added his name to St. Joe's roster. Club treasurer Paul Achin of Sacred Heart parish, North Attlebor9, says that Serra members want young people like the altar boys to know that adults respect them for their service and also have deep admiration for the men and women who have chosen reli-' gious life. The Attleboro altar boys seemed to know and appreciate this. But they didn't dwell on it - there were seconds on spaghetti, right?
The Secret "~he world belongs to the enthus-
iast who keeps cool. .. William McFee
, Agca ailing
Member F.D.I.C.
ROME (NC) - Convicted papal assailant Mehmet Ali Agca, 28, has been transferred from a Rome prison to an unnamed guarded clinic, where he was to undergo treatment for tuberculosis, his lawyer said recently. Agca, 2~, has suffered from a mild form oftuberculosis since his 1981 arrest. Last April, he was treated for the lung ailment in the . hospital section of Rome's Rebibbia Prison, where he is serving a life sentence for shooting Pope John Paul II.
Motta photo
zo~ -o
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St. AnneJs Hospital, Fall River, Massachusetts
Z c:: o
In appreciation for all that you have done we will have an open house on June 1st, 11-3.
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The new 6MV rotational accelerator, used at St. Anne's Hospital, is the most advanced radiation therapy equipment available today. This modern radiation equipment provides optimal treatment of cancer.
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Our highly qualified staff are here to serve you Physicians, Registered Nurses, Reception Staff, Dietetic Services, Social Services, Tumor Registry, and the highly qualified services of a Physicist and Technologist. (I')
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. The new Oncology/Radiation Therapy Center was designed to meet the emotional needs as well as the physical needs of cancer patients. The sunlit waiting area is furnished in oak and pastelcolored upholstery. Plants and floral arrangements accent the decor and are picked up in the various prints which line the walls of the Center. The Center is located in the southwest corner of the hospital campus away from the main hospital building, providing privacy for the patient and a reserved parking lot.
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(L-R) Jeff Kelly, Administrative Qirector; Judith Chagnon, R. T., Chief Radiation Technologist; Martin Fraser, Radiation Physics; Gerry Bouchard, Tumor Registry; Marilyn Cote, Secretary; Jacqueline Maltais, R.N.; Radiation Medicine; Phil Silva, R.T., Radiation Technologist; Richard Hellwig, M.D., Hematologist-Oncologist; Linda Valley, Executive Director-Hospice Outreach; Maria Quindlen, R.N., MSN., Nurse Manager; Anita Mendes, R. T., Radiation Technologist; Neil Sherman, M.D., Director, Radiation Medicine; Ella Whelan, Tumor Registry; Harold Hudner, Esq, Trustee, St. Anne's Hospital; Simon Kim, M.D., Radiation Medicine; Jane O'Connell, Tumor Registry; Mary Jane Rimmer-Doherty, R.N., Nurse Oncologist; Anne Mitchell, Oncology Social Worker; Carol Hazen, Oncology Dietitian; Connie Morrissette, Secretary; Janice Barlow, Secretary; Sr. Mary .Margaret Mello, O.P. Pastoral Care. Not Shown, Carol Gribbons, R.N., Nurse Oncologist.
"No longer must you travel great distances for st~te-of the-art treatment" - "We treat you where you live, in Southeastern Massach usetts"
COME VISIT US DURING OUR OPEN HOUSE, SUNDAY JUNE 1st, 11-3 P.S. It would be appreciated if you could let us know if you plan to attend by calling 675-5688 by May 28th. Parking is available.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 16, 1986
Prayer "You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might pray also in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance." -Kahlil Gibran ONlY FUll·lINE RELIGIOUS &In STOllE ON THE CAPE , .
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In Ft. Simpson, a chair awaits WASHINGTON (NC) - A northern Canadian diocese has been reimbursed by an insurance company for losses resulting from the 1984 cancellation of Pope John Paul II's scheduled visit to the region - amid talk that he will try again in 1987. During his 1984 visit, the pope was to have met with Canadian Indians and others at Fort Simpson. Heavy fog forced cancellation of the visit. Fort Simpson, a town of about 1,000 people, is 600 miles south of the Arctic Circle. About 5,000 people had turned out for the papal visit. The Canadian bishops' conference had insured the papal visit to cover losses if all or part of it could not be completed. The negotiated settlement for $256,189 represented 50 percent of claims made by church organizations and covered $51,934 of losses suffered by Fort Simpson's papal visit committee. A particular concern was the reimbursement of those who had traveled great distances to meet the pope. He ~aid one group traveled more than 1,000 miles by bus from the northern Saskatchewan and Manitoba provinces and another group (Jew 1,000 miles from White Horse, Yukon Territory. Money received by the Fort Simpson papal visit committee,' which represented the area's Indian groups, ~ill go into a trust fund in preparation for a papal return visit. The pope has repeated a desire to try again to visit Fort Simpson. Many gifts prepared for the 1984 visit, including a chair constructed from moose antlers, a tree trunk and beaver fur, still await the pope.
Feehan teacher honored Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, faculty member Eleanor D. Kenney will participate in a summer institute in classical studies for high school teachers at Skidmor~_~()llege,Sarat~ga, N.Y. Her selected course, Greek Legacy in Latin Literature, will be preparatory for her scheduled presentation of"Mythology and You" at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts and Bishop Feehan. The institute will be held from July 14 to August 8. Mrs. Kenney has taught at Feehan since 1980 and has been a classics teacher for over 27 years.
LONG-STEMMED silk roses, symbol of short life and martyrdom, are sold by Dorothy Hardy and Sophie Fredette, left, members of the New Bedford chapter of Massachusetts Citizens For Life, to members ofthe King family of St. Mary's parish, New Bedford. Pro-lifers sold the roses at 18 diocesan parishes over the Mother's Day weekend. (Rosa photo)
Ministry is parley topic KANSAS CITY, Mo. (NC) The concept of ministry and guidelines for recruitment, formation and evaluation of church ministers were discussed by Father Richard McBrien, head of the theology department at the University of Notre Dame, at a recent conference sponsored by the archdiocese of Kansas City, Kan., and the diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Mo. Father McBrien offered a threelevel definitio'n of ministry as: - Any service rendered to another person or group in need. In this sense, he said, "ministry doesn't just belong to Christians." - Any service rendered to others in Christ or because of Christ. This ministry "is rooted in oUr baptism," said the priest. "Every member of the church is called to ministry at this level, but unfortunately too many people stop at this level."
While their frustration is understandable, he said, "the complaint I cannot abide" is that of priests who say, "Now what is there left for me to do?" Father McBrien listed six guidelines for recruitment, formation and evaluation of church ministers: basic human wholeness; possession of basic theological and moral virtues; a positive sense of the church; a basic capacity for communication; sound theological competence; and social, political and cultural awareness. James Whitehead, a pastoral theologian, and Evelyn Eaton Whitehead, a developmental psychologist, spoke on the model of the church as parent shifting to a model of church as partner.
Coyle and Cassidy
Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton, juniors Roger Roy and Liam Ehrenzweig are among the - Any service rendered to oth- 250 young men and women nationers in Christ, in the name of the wide selected to attend the Air church and for the sake of carrying Force Academy Summer Scienforward its mission. "Ministry in tific Seminar in Colorado Springs, this sense is rooted in some act or CO. Eight Coyle and Cassidy Latin form of designation by the church itself," including but not limited to students are among the 1986 recipordination, he said. "One of the ients of National Auxilium Latigreat signs of renewal in the church num Awards, given for superior is this proliferation of designated achievement on a national test. They are Jason Macedo, silver ministries. " medal, maxima cum laude; SuThe priest's role, Father McBrien said, is the "nearly impossible job" zanne Birnie and Marina Sheriof coordinating the talents of min- dan, magna cum laude; Richard isters without suppressing or Polude, Kathryn McManus, Sharron Birnie, Christine Teed and inating them. He said that many older priests' Michelle Riconscente, cum laude. complain that they were "ordained for one job description only to find that now in midstream they're operating according to another." The Continuing Medical Education Program ofSt. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, has merited a four-year accreditation, the high-. WASHINGTON (NC) - The est rating awarded by the c~mmit archbishop of Paris, visiting the tee on medical education of the . United States, said the state of Massachusetts Medical Society. Following a site visit by Dr. . French Catholicism worries him. Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger said John F. O'Halioran, the hospital that with the lowest number of was commended for "leadership in the development of a well-attended churchgoers in Western Europe, program." Particularly noted were "France has been submitted to the the dedication of Dr. James Stubmost serious and deepest religious bert, hospital director of medical crisis in Western Europe." He deseducation, and Eileen Pelletier, cribed the past 150 years of French medical staff coordinator, and the attitudes toward the church as support manifested by the hospital recurring cycles of openness and staff and education committee. anti-clericalism. -
Highest rating
"Russia will spread her errors throughout the world cauSing wars and persecution of the church."
French Catholics
Mary' at Fatima July 13., 1917 ELEANOR KENNEY
Iteering pOint, PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722.. Name of city路 or town should be included, as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We路 do not carry news of fundralslng activities such as bingos, whists, dlnces, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual flroRrams, club meetinRs, youth proiects and SImilar nonprofit activities. Fundralsing proiects. may be advertised at our regular rates, obtaInable from The Anchor business office telephone 675路7151. ' On Steerin~ Points Items FR indicates Fall River, NB Indicates New Bedford.
S,T. CAMILLUS CLUB, VINEY ARD HA VEN For transportation to a healing service to be conducted by Maria Rocha 4 p.m. June I, St. Margaret's Church, Buzzards Bay, contact Margaret Penicaus, 693-0368. ST. ANTHONY OF DESERT, FR Marking the parish diamondjubilee, Cardinal Bernard Law will be principal celebrant of a Mass of thanksgiving in the Maronite rite at 4 p.m. Oct. 12. Concelebrants will include Maronite Archbishop Francis M. Zayek, Melkite Archbishop Joseph Tawil, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and Msgr. Norman J. Ferris, pastor of St. Anthony of the Desert. A banquet will follow at Venus de Milo restaurant, Swansea. DEAF APOSTOLATE, FR International Catholic Federation of the Deaf banquet I p.m. May 25, Venus de Milo restaurant, Swansea, with Mass at 5 p.m., Our Lady of Fatima Church, Swansea; Crystal Springs students will receive first communion at a 10:30 a.m. signed Mass May 26at St. Bernard's Church, Assonet; Mass and social 2:30 p.m. June 29, St. John the Baptist Church, New Bedford. KIMWELL NURSING HOME, FR A May crowning ceremony was held this week under direction of volunteer Yvette Caron. DIVORCED & SEPARATED Cape and Islands ministry: meeting 7 p.m. May 18, St. Francis Xavier parish center, Hyannis. Elaine Piepgrass will discuss family dynamics. Information: 771-4438. Greater New Bedford ministry: meeting May 26, showing of Father John Powell videos; June II, Rev. Robert E. Heskett speaking on stress; June 23, open discussion. All meetings 7 p.m., Diocesan Family Life Center, 500 Slocum Rd., N. Dartmouth, entrance through rear door. ST. ANNE, FR Cub Scout pack meeting 7 p.m. May 23; CYO living rosary 7 p.m. May 29. DCCW, NB New Bedford District Council of Catholic Women: Mass and living rosary 7:30 p.m. May 19, St. John Neumann Church, East Freetown. All welcome. O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Parish council meeting 7:30 p.m. May 20; bus. service available to June I healing service to be conducted by Father Ralph DiOrio, information 548-4392; Bible study each Tuesday after 9 a.m. Mass. SS. PETER & PAUL, FR Openings ~xist in the parochial school for grades 4, 5 and 6; alumni committee meeting 6 p.m. May 21, school; reunion for '80s graduates 7 p.m. June 7, Father Coady Center; parents' meeting 7 p.m. May 21, center; family picnic May 25, St. Vincent's Camp; Women's Club installation banquet at Sunderland's restaurant to follow 6 p.m. Benediction June 5; mothers with c~ildren birth to 3 years old wish to start a group, information 674-4208. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN Couples' Club potluck supper and film showing 6:30 p.m. Sunday; blood bank 8:30 a.m. to I p.m. June I, to volunteer call 993-2061.
ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL, FR Junior volunteers ages 14 to 18 needed Saturday morning. Information Sister Cecilia Downing, 6745741, ext. 2080; health care providers' conference, "Adolesence in the '80s," 8: 15 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 19, to cover substance abiJse, suicide, pregnancy and behavior problems in teens, information 674-5741, ext. 2483. ST. JAMES, NB CYO meeting and miniature golf session 2 p.m. May 18; CYO adult advisors' meeting 7 p.m. May 20, rectory; first communion 9:30 a.m. Sunday; teenage retreat team meeting 12:30 p.m. tomorrow, parish center; Ladies' Guild banquet 6:30 p.m. May 21, Century House. LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO . Afternoon of reflection 2 p.m. Sunday, People's Chapel on Mary's Presence in the Bible, led by Rev. Leo Maxfield, MS. All welcome. BL. SACRAMENT, FR First communion 10a.m. Sunday, children are asked to bring a loaf of uncut, wrapped bread to be blessed and brought home to share with family and guests; Mass and healing service 2 p.m. May 25. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, TAUNTON Women's GUIld bus trip to Copley Place May 31, information 824-3374. ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET Confirmation I day of recollection II: I5 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sunday, beginning at church and continuing at Nanaquaket retreat facility; Women's Guild Cape Cod bus trip June 10, information 675-0067; those interested in being lectors are asked to call rectory.. CATHEDRAL CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER, E. FREETOWN Pentecost breakfast 9 a.m. tomorrow with Father Tom DiLorenzo; post-confirmation retreat for Holy Name parish, Fall River, today through Sunday. ST. PATRICK, FR New Women's Guild officers, to be installed at 7 p.m. June 2 at Independence Harbor, Assonet, Marguerite Silvia, president; Frances Halbardier, vice-president; Grace Correia, treasurer, Elizabeth Murray, secretary; scholarships are available to parishioners entering high school, information at rectory; Plumbers and Steamfitters U. A. Local 77, are thanked for donated labor in renovating convent plumbing and heating; organist needed for II a.m. Sunday Mass, information at rectory; holy hour 2 p.m. Sunday; first communion 9 a.m. Sunday. ST. MARY, NB First communion 9 a.m. tomorrow; Scouting awards ceremony 9 a.m. Mass May 18; bus leaves parkinglot6p.m. May 19 for attendance at charismatic Mass at St. Stanislaus parish, Fall River. ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, SWANSEA First communion at 9:30 and II a.m. Masses Sunday; information on sending children to St. Vincent's' Camp, 673-9549; donated clothes and toys are available at rectory; new parish council officers, Pauline Dufour, president; Joseph Belanger, vice-president. ST.GEORGE,WESTPORT New benches in front of the church are available to memorialize a loved one, call rectory for information; newly confirmed adults will be lectors and giftbearers at 10 a.m. Mass Sunday, refreshments will follow in church hall. CURSILLO FIESTA Mass followed by dance, 7 p.m. tomorrow, Mass. Maritime Academy.
ST. JULIE, N. DARTMOUTH A display of first communicants' photos on the church bulletin board was arranged by Muriel and John Levasseur. ST. MARY, SEEKONK Vincentians meet after 10 a.m. Mass Sunday; adults interested in ministry to junior high through college youth are asked to call the rectory; Women's Guild is sponsoring the Father Keliher Scholarship for high schoolers, information at rectory; youth softball I:30 p.m. Sunday, directed by Father William Baker. ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA First communion at 10 a.m. tomorrow; children will attend 10 a.m. Mass Sunday fpr a parish welcome and to sing one of their first communion hymns; banners made by the class have hung in the parish center throughout the week for all to see; badges for the children are a gift from the Women's Guild. THE BRANCH, FR An ecumenical Christian outreach and drop-in center seeks a manager for four hours daily, five days a week. Information 672-5381, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, FR Council of Catholic Women meeting 7 p.m. May 20: ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN . Donations of old crayons and markers requested by the religious education program; summer program planned for one week in July, 9 a.m. to noon, grades K-6, volunteers may call rectory; flowering plants requested for Marian shrine during May; Wednesday adoration volunteers needed, call rectory. FAMILY LIFE CTR., N. DARTMOUTH Engaged Encounter weekend begins tonight; Lamaze natural childbirth class May 20. SACRED HEART, FR Memorial Day Mass 9 a.m. May 26; Mass for feast of Sacred Heart 7:30 p.m. June 6, followed by ice cream social in new parish hall; new Women's Guild officers Mrs. Thomas E: Kitchen, pres!d~nt; Ms. Jacqueline Serra, vice-president; Mrs. Richard Waring, secretary; Mrs. Manuel J. Soares, treasurer. Board meeting 7 p.m. June 17, parish hall, all members invited. The Rose E. Sullivan Scholarship went to Nancy Kitchen, the president's daughter, who will attend the University of New Hampshire. . ST. JOSEPH, FR First communion 9 a.m. June I. HOLY NAME, FR New school board members needed, volunteers asked to call rectory; new Women's Guild officers Betty Duffy, president; Claudette Montour, vice-president; Maureen O'Rourke, Margaret Patten, secretaries; Catherine Audette, treasurer. CATHEDRAL, FR Kristin Rocha, Bobby Kennedy, Toni Greene and Louise LeDuc are winners of scholarships sponsored by the Women's Guild; special Mass 10 a.m. Sunday to mark conclusion of religious education program for year, awards to be made, May crowning ceremony with Lori Botelho crowning Mary, aided by Stephen Sapp; confirmation of adults at 5 p.m. Mass Sunday. ST. STANISLAUS, FR Exposition of Blessed Sacrament 11:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. Sunday. CHRIST THE KING, COTUIT/MASHPEE Relgious education graduation and a~ards Mass II :30 a.m. Sunday, Queen of All Saints Chapel, Mashpee; Catholic Women's Club meets 10 a.m. to noon Thursdays, religious education center. Rosaries have been given to all CCD children; devotions II :30 a.m. Mass May 18 at Queen of All Sanits Chapel; parishioners invited to participate in Cape Irish Children's Program" information: 477-0066; 888-3337.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH Baccalaureate Mass for parishioners graduating from high school 10 a.m. May 25. NOTRE DAME, FR Youth Council meeting 7 p.m. Sunday, rectory.
16, 1986
New Question SAN JOSE, Calif. (NC) - San Jose Bishop Pierre DuMaine, who likes to visit children in schools and CCD programs, says most questions asked him are routine, except for a brand new entry from one third-grade class: "Where do you get your hair done?"
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ST. STANISLAUS SCHOOL GROUNDS 37 Rockland St., Fall River, Ma (Off Broadway) MUSIC BY: John Demerski & The Villagers (Sat. May 24th, 7-11 P.M.) AND The Sound-A-Bouts (Sun. May 25, 2~4 P.M.) ALSO FEATURING - Chicken B.B.Q, American Foods, Polish Heritage Booth, Polish Dancing, Kiddie Land Games of Skill & Chance
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 16, 1986
Scanty aid
Cornwell Memorial Chapel, Inc.
DUBLIN, Ireland, (NC) - The bishop of Belfast, Northern Ire,land, says he hopes the U.S. bishops' aid fund for his country wiJI help provide jobs in the strife-torn province. "I hope that some of the money will be available to help promote local industrial enterprise," said Bishop Cahal Daly. But the U.S. Catholic official overseeing the fund since its inception last January said only $5,793 has thus far been donated.
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,All the World Needs a Creed •.. .,' , 'CREED '-..\ ,1
...... .',..'~...\\. .~.'
... "-
,.',' ... ~.(} l_-- ~'.
Mildred Almeida, New Bedford District II; Anna Keough, Taunton District III; Louise Capone, Attleboro 'District IV; Deolinda Eldredge, Cape & Islands District
V. Saying he wished to meditate "for a moment on the role of Mary in the Church, " Bishop Cronin said that devotion to Mary accompanies vibrant religious life and that when Marian devotion wanes fervor abates. He recommended that DCCW members follow the example of Pope John Paul II in their devotion to Mary and suggested that she be looked to for aid in problems of youth and married life. With regard to vocations, he AT TOP, Bishop Cronin with winners of Margaret M. said, "Tell Mary 'It's your Son's Church-ask him to send us more Lahey Our Lady of Good Counsel Award, from left, Mildred vocations.' " Almeida, Louise Capone" Anna Keough, Lauretta Messier, He asked the women to pray the Deolinda Eldredge; above, Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocerosary and concluded by reciting san and district I DCCW moderator; Bella Nogueira, diocesan with them the latter part of the corresponding s'ecretary and luncheon chairman; Dorothy Hail Mary. At Mass, the bishop took as his Curry, diocesan first vice-president; Mary Geary, district I topic the assigned reading from president and coffee hour chairman. (Gaudette photos) the Book of Acts that describes Apollo as "full of spiritual fervor.!' "From the time we leave this liturgy until the end of our lives, wouldn't it be wonderful to be known as full of spiritual fervor?" , Continued from Page Two that used to char,acterize some he' asked. ' seeks to reach a cult member at a Catholic religious orders. The difconcluding remarks, Mrs. Arm, strong noted that the convention favorable time, or "voluntary de- ference, he said, is that such orders had two aims: "To show you how programming," in which a person were open only to Catholics freely vital the grassroots are to the has free choice as to whether to ' seeking a deeper level of commitment. Church; and to address your own, return to the cult or leav.e. With cults, however, such comconcerns." Father LeBar said cults often Mrs. MichaeIJ. McMahon was have rigid rules similar to those mitment is sought at the entry level, he said, and techinques are convention chairman, aided by a used that "pile on guilt" or other': large committee. Subcommittees wise deprive one of free choice. wer,e luncheon, Mrs. Manuel NogFor several years Father LeBar ueira; coffee hour, Mrs. Anthony ROME (NC) - In the wake of and Jewish and Protestant leaders Geary; decorations and souvenirs; Mrs. Raymond Poisson and ,Mrs. the Chernobyl nucleaneactor acci- , in New York City have coordiEugene Gagnon; hospitality, Miss dent, the Vatican is considering a nated seminars to combat cults. Dorothy Curry; first aid, Mrs. study on the possible hazards which One to be held May 20 will help Joseph Belanger; special guests, nuclear energy plants pose to hum- , campus ministers and chaplains to Mrs. James Quirk, Mrs. Aristides ans, said Cardinal Agostino Casa- reco'gnize and deal with college Andrade; invitations, Mrs. James roli, papal secretary of state. Such and university cults. Among campus movements of A, O'Brien Jr.; convention packe,ts,' ,a study would be done by the PonMrs. Stephen Bouley; registration, tifical Academy of Sciences, he concern, he said, are the College Mrs. Raymond Lavoie, Mrs. Albert added. Nuclear power is an issue Association for the Research of Jackson. "which even worries us in a time of Principle (linked with the UnificaA convention banner was de- peace," the cardinal said, noting tion Church), Navigators, Mara, signed and executed by Mrs. Arm- that so far, the academy has stu- natha, the Intervarsity Fellowship, strong and Mrs. Bertrand Paten- died only the issue'of nuclear wea- Jews for Jesus, and the Campus Crusade for Christ. aude. pons.
V,atican reports
SPACE LIMITED" - ~ALL NOWI REV. J. lOS£Pit-k'ERCE Saint Kevin Rectory 35 Virginia St., Dorchester, Ma. 02125 Telephone: (617) 436·2771 OR GEORGE OSBORN·UNIVERSITY TRAVlL CO. 129 Mt. ~uburn Street Cambridge, Ma. 02138 Telephone: (617) 864·7800
Continued from Page One
Designers and Manufacturers of World's Finest Religious Masterpieces, Jewelry and Gifts. Ash for Creed at your favorite 'Jeweler's. Religiol,4s Shop or Gift Store.
--Nuke study
Cluskey Bros. Thermco, W. Yarmouth, Green Spot Garden Center, S. Yarmouth, Yarmouth Glass & Mirror Co, So. Yarmouth, Bennett Plumbing & Heating, Falmouth, Smith's Variety Store, Falmouth, Barbo's Waysid.e Furniture, Dennisport, Doane Beal & Ames, Inc., W. Harwich
Attleboro Nationals
Corpus Christi Guild, Sandwich Reliable Market, Oak Bluffs
Swank, Inc.
Rev. William H. O'Reilly
Rev. Msgr. John J. Oliveira Rev. Msgr. William D. Thomson Bova Publishers, Inc., Boston
SI. Margaret Conference, Buzzards Bay
$300 Our Lady of Victory Conference, Centerville The Bank of Cape Cod, Teaticket
Nickerson/Bourne Funeral Home
Sacred Heart Conference
Rev. H. Stanley Barney
Falmouth Cooperative Bank SI. Patrick Guild, Falmouth Stone's Beauty & Barber Shops, Falmouth
$200 Rev. Laureano C. Dos Reis
$100 Jesuit Fathers, Connolly High School
Cape Cod $2500 Corpus Christi Conference, Sandwich SI. Pius X Bingo, So. Yarmouth SI. Pius X Conference, So. Yarmouth
$2000 Casey Homes, Inc., W. Harwich
Lawrence Ready Mix Concrete Co., Falmouth Bank of New England, Barnstable County, N.A., Hyannis Tim's Auto Body, Pocasset SI. John Guild, Pocasset Attorney Richard J. Cain, Osterville
$50 Poets' Corner Press, Nantucket Hallett Funeral Home, So. Yarmouth Linhares Pre·Cast, Inc., So. Yarmouth Reef Realty, LTO., W. Dennis
$1700 Our Lady of the Cape Bingo, Brewster
Ferreira's Grasmere Pub, Falmouth
$25 Bradford's Hardware, Hyannis, Coffin's Gift Shop, Nantucket, Hardy's, Inc., Nantucket, Mc-
SI. Pius X Guild, So. Yarmouth
PARISHES FALL RIVER 51. Mary's Cathedral $750 Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington; $200 Cathedral Guild; $135 Catherine Lynch; $100 In Memory of Mary P. Considine, In Memory of Rose M. Dowling. In Memory of Rev. Edward F. Dowling; $52 AFriend; $50 Joseph E. Almeida, Helen Shea; $40 Lydia Pacheco; $30 In Memoriam: Antone A. Pache~o, Jr., M-M Clement Dowling; $25 Arthur Russell, M-M Fred R. Dolan, Helen Morin, Mrs. Raymond Hayes, Blanche Patten, AFriend $125 AFriend; $120 M-M James E. Conforti; $100 M·M James A. O'Brien, Jr., Ruth Hurley, In Memory of Robert Coggeshall, AFriend; $75 AFriend; $55 AFriend; $50 Daniel Shea, Eleanor Shea, Mary T. Hurley, M·M Gerald Holleran, M-M Robert Coulombe, In Memory of Ann C. Lingard, M-M Joseph P. Kennedy, M-M John Murphy, Atty. & Mrs. Edward J. Harrington; $40 Mrs. Anelia Carvalho, M-M Frank DePaola; $35 M-M George Burns, AFriend; $30 Joseph &Maria Bourgeois, M·M Arthur Haley; $25 M·M Michael Arruda, M-M Joseph Botelho, M-M Francis J. O'Neill, Mrs. Irene Bryanl, Belmira A. White, Mrs. Raymond Reynolds, James Melvin, Lucille Levasseur, Donna Luz, Mrs. Ruth Johnston, Kathleen Sullivan, M-M Leo Thibault, M-M Charles Adams, Margaret G. Diskin, Timothy P. O'Brien, Mrs. George L. Johnston, AFriend $250 Cathedral Conference, Sl, Vincent dePaul Society, A Friend; $150 M-M Laurence A. Coyle; $100 Eileen A. Sullivan; $75 James Wingate; $65 Joseph Kennedy; $60 AFriend; $50 Louise Carpenter; $35 M-M Philip Rocha; $40 M·M Roger Vezina; $30 Elizabeth Hall; $25 Eva Levesque, Mrs. William Ellen, Mrs. Edward Betty, Dorothy Leary, Leo Leary, Raymond Leary, M·M Manuel Benevides, M·M John Kuszay, M·M Robert Schofield, Joseph Dunse, Antonio Tavares, Mrs. Ernest Moniz, William P. O'Brien Our Lady of the Ancels $1500 Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes; $325 SI. Vincent dePaul Society; $120 M-M Carlos Dionizio; $105 In Memory of Lillian Theodore; $100 M-M .Daniel Machado, M·M John Branco, Rep. & Mrs. Robert Correia; Holy Rosary Society; $95 M·M Tobias Monte; $75 Misses Mary & Patricia Cabral; $50 M·M Arthur Rego, M·M Victor Santos, M-M Alfred Almeida Jr., Arthur Furtado & The Furtado Family, Holy Name Society; $45 M-M Richard Pavao; $40 M·M William Rego, Misses Emma &Adelaide Arruda; M-M Luiz Souza & Maria Viveiros, M·M Alfred M. Mello; $35 M-M Kenneth Carrier, M·M Lionel Rodrigues, M-M David Rogers, Mrs. Agnes Ricardo & Agnes & Veronica Ricardo, M-M Joseph Silvia, M-M Joseph Costa, M·M Everett Rego; $30 M·M Thomas Jezak, Mrs. Mary Thomas, M-M Richard Arrugo, M-M Herman Botelho, Joaquim Costa, M·M William Moniz, William Rego, M-M Jose Gervasio, Juliette Candeias, M-M Antonio Furtado, M-M Seraphim Brilhante, M·M Charles Camara, M·M America Miranda, M-M Antonio Soares, M·M Jose Costa, Margaret Souza, Ms. Mary Carreiro & Mrs. Rose Medeiros, M·M David Arruda, M·M Antone Michaels; $25 M·M Richard Coute, M-M Sylvester Da Silva, M-M Dennis Medeiros, M-M George Pacheco, George Tonelli, Gilda August, M·M Paul V. Midura, M-M Omer Lizotte, M·M John Wheadon, M·M Albert Tanguay, M-M Manuel Aguiar; $25 M-M Raymond Medeiros, M·M Augustino Gagliardi, M-M Fernando Mello, M-M Manuel Linhares, M·M Amos Braga, M-M Manuel Freitas, M-M Antonio Santos, M-M Manuel Viveiros, M·M Manuel Medeiros, Mary & Hilda Ferreira, Alice Paiva, M·M Manuel Correira, M-M Edmund Vieira, M-M Manuel Apolinario, M-M John Moniz, M-M Benjamin Amaral Jr., M-M Jeffrey Santos, Mary Machado, Holy Ghost Club, M·M Richard Melanson, Emily Goncalo, Manuel Medeiros, Knights of The Altar, Children of Mary Sodality, Mrs. Angelina Amarello & Madeline Amarello, M·M Julius Rodrigues, M·M Adolfo Santos, Mary P. Freitas, M·M Carl Frederick, Ms. Leonora Mello, M-M Arthur Pacheco 51. Stanislaus $250 SI. Stanislaus Church Confimation Class; $220 Stanley & Mary Zmuda; $150 SI. Vincent dePaul; $111 M-M Walter Deda; $125 M-M Frank Mis, SI. Stanislaus Men's Club; $110 M-M Joseph Gromada; $100 Mary F. Jay, M-M Robert.Polak; $75 Mrs. Edward Treves & Daughter; $65 M·M John W. Deveney; $60 M-M Louis Angelini, M-M John Mayo, M-M George Pereira, Weglowski Family, Christopher Haponik; $55 M-M Paul Kloege, Mrs. WalterSoczek, M·M Joseph Cichon; $50 M·M Leo R. Dube, Stanley Lach, Mrs. Jean Frank, Paula E. Gagnon, Mary & Josephine Neiwola; $40 M-M John L. Rogers, M-M Stanley Wojnar, Charles Ouellett; M-M Frederick Weglonski, M·M Michael D'Alu; $32 Miss Aniela Kruczek; $35 M-M Warren O'Connell, Paulette Barlow; $39 AFriend; $25 M-M Thaddeus Stasiowski, M-M Louis Mazurek, Stanley Rys Jr., M-M Stanley Pruchnik, Walter Moson, M·M Eugene Hadala, Mrs. Anthony Dubiel, M-M George Daley, Mrs. Joseph Mello, Joseph Ozug, M·M Peter Pietraszek, Helena & Frank J. Boyko, Henry Mis, M-M Carlton Camara, M-M William Gonsalves, Mrs. Mary Gosciminski, M-M Roy Toulan, Denis Butler, Mrs. Frank Jancarik; $30 Torres Family, M·M Leo Fournier, Judith Dolan, Donna Michel, M·M Sophie Rioux, Mrs. Joseph Murphy, Barbara Dubiel, Mrs. Chester Bednarz, Edward Niewola; $27 M-M Thaddeus Karcz; $26 M-M Gregory Rego
$400 SI. Mary Conference
Rev. Msgr. Joseph R. Pannoni
SI. Ann Conference, Raynham Taunton District of SI. Vincent de Paul
$175 SI. Joseph Conference, No. Dighton
$150 Mechanics Co-operative Bank Regal Food & Liquor Mart
$100 Holy Rosary Conference Sowiecki Funeral Home Coyle-Cassidy Bingo Committee The Leddy Family-Davol/Taunton Printing Co Attorney Theodore J. Aleixo, Jr. SI. Peter Conference, Dighton
$75 Holy Rosary Sodality, Holy Rosary Church
New Bedford $500 Our Lady of MI. Carmel Confirmation Class Perry Funeral Home Sea View Fillet Co., Inc.
$150 Norm's Catering
$100 Macedo Pharmacy George P. Ponte Ins. Agency
$75 Murray F. DeCoffe Automotive Service, Inc.
$50 Craft Corrugated Box, Inc. Simon's Supply Co., Inc. State. Road Cement Block, No. Dartmouth .
$40 Rex Monumental Works
$350 $200 John Braz Ins. Agcy., Inc.
$100 Durfee-Buffinton Ins. Fall River Shopping Center Assoc. Zayre Corp. SI. Thomas More Conference, Somerset Poirier, Inc. . In Memory of Rev. George B. McNamee Eastern TV Sales & Service Potter Funeral service, Inc., Westport SI. Thomas More Women's Guild, Somerset
$50 Gibmar Electric Co, Somerset Dr. Richard H. Fitton, Jr. Gamache Trucking Co.
$25 M·M Leo Cyr, Swansea, J. Fred Beckett & Son, Frank S. Feitelberg Real Estate, Fairhope Fabrics, . Inc., Imperial Glass Co., Inc., Watuppa Package Store, Inc., Watuppa Package Store, Inc.Westport Fruit Market, William's Jewelry, Inc.
$25 Crown Travel Center, Inc., 0 & A Enterprises, Guido's Plate Glass, Pallatroni & Gingras, Inc., Mattapoisett, Vander Electric & Equipment
Fall River
$50 Octagon Service Station, Raynham Mulhern's Pharmacy SI. Joseph Women's Guild, No. Dighton Attorney Alan Medeiros Attorney Edward A. Roster
$400 Anderson·Little Co., Inc. Louis Hand, Inc.
Friends of SI. Mary's, Nantucket
Rev. Roland B. Boule Rev. Gerard A. Hebert
$500 SI. Anne's Credit Union
$25 Nite & Day Golf Course, Raynham, John Bright Shoe Store, Raynham, Wilfred Saint, Daniel F. McNearney Ins. Co.
Durfee Attleboro Bank
$700 SI. Vincent de Paul Society, Particular Council of Greater Fall River
$35 Donie's Tire & Appliances, Raynham
Our Lady of the Cape Conference, Brewster
SI. Maximillian Kolbe Guild, Holy Rosary Church CCD Children, Holy Rosary Church Polish American Citizen Club
Special Gift & parish listings will continue to appear weekly in order received by the printer until all have ben listed.
$1800 White's Family Restaurant, Westport
$1000 Gold Medal Bakery Duro Finishing Corp.
55 Peter & Paul $150 Mrs. J. Edward Glynn; $100 SS Peter & Paul SI. Vincent dePaul, Mildred Shannon, Mary Tyrrell; $67 M-M Edward Kelly; $55 Florence Taylor; $50 JanetA. Dupont, Alfred Farias, In Memory of J. Edward Glynn, M-M William O'Neil, M-M Raymond Polak, Mrs James E. Rogers, John Tyrrell; $45 Earl Cory; $40 M·M William Hyland, M-M Frank Sullivan, M-M John Wilding; $35 M-M Joseph Stankiewicz, Louise Tyrrell; $30 Dorothy Hathaway; M-M John Luebke, M-M Frederick Vitullo; $25 Lillian Cabucio, Mrs Daniel Carey, M·M Norman Corneau,ln Memory of Rose Donovan, Carol Dutton, Mary Dutton, M-M Thomas Farren, Mrs Jerome Foley, Jeanne & Margaret Frechette, M·M Robert Frederick, Deborah Harding, M-M David Latinville, M-M James Macedo, Angela Maitland, Mary McGuili . . $25 Brenda Mendoza, M-M Manuel Moniz, Pauline Murphy, Theresa Nlenltmp, M·M Joseph Pavao, M-M Marcel Perry, M·M Richard Raposa, M·M Francis Ryan, Maureen Ryan, Michael Sweeney, M-M Nicholas Tyrrell, M·M William Waskiel, John Dolan, Kathleen Gagne, Richard Gagne, Mrs James Sunderland Holy Cross $200 Franciscan Friars; $100 Holy Cross Mens Club, M-M Joseph Barek; $50 M·M Robert Ciosek, John Rys; $35 M-M Stanley Nowak; $30 Szewczyk Family; $27 M·M Waller Witengier; $25 M·M Arthur Caron, AI Cartier, M-M Bronislaw Beben, M-M Thomas Bednarz, M-M Edmund Boronski, M·M Casimir Chrupcala, Helen Gosciminski $25 M-M Robert Harpham, Henry Holk, Holy Rosary Society, Gladys Giza, M-M Bronislaw Kozack, M-M John Midura, M-M Stanley Pietruszka, Stella Pietruszka, Stephen Pirog, Fred Rys, Standard Pharmacy, M-M Joseph Starosciak, M-M John Pietruszka, John Skomro 51. William $600 Rev. William J. Shovelton; $150 M-M Daniel Araujo; $100 M·M Albert Gagnon, M-M Harry Kershaw, M-M David LaFrance, Mary Doucet; $75 M-M Victor SI. Denis; $50 Mrs. Sophie Rzasa, M·M James Finglas, M-M Fred Chlebek, Margaret T. &Irene D. Boodry, LoUIS Viveiros, Gerald J. Doucel, M-M Frank Correia; $40 M·M Clement Paquette, M·M Herbert Boff; $30 M-M Norman Pigeon, M-M John Bates, Roland E. Talbot; $25 Mrs. M. Potts, M·M Raymond Hague, M-M Paul H. Martin, M·M Joseph Caouette, M-M Anthony Viveiros, M-M Alfred Vieira, M·M M. O'Connell, M-M Paul Gardella, Mrs. Thomas Moore, M-M Walter Janick, James Campbell, M-M J. Martineau, Mrs. Arthur Deschenes, M-M James McKnight, Mrs. Michael Biszko, M-M John Wilson, In Memory of William Desmond Crowley, Mrs. James McCarthy, Henry Raposa, M·M Benjamin Boudria, Anna Gottwald, M-M John Maitoza 51. Anne $200 M,s. Yvonne Fournier; $100 SI. Vincent dePaul Society; $50 M-M Benoit Canuel; $45 M·M Reginald Bellerive; $35 Jeannette Croteau, M·M Gerard Tremblay; $25 M·M John Parker, M-M Herman Medeiros, M·M Raymond Brodeur, M-M Albert Beaudoin, M-M Fred Heinig, Mrs. Alice Auclair, M·M Marvin Scofield, M-M William Cyr, Henriette SI. Denis, M-M William Snyder Blessed Sacrament $50 M-M Albert H. Beaudoin, M·M Leo Paul Beaudoin; $40 Yvonne Lafontaine, AParishioner; $30 AParishioner; $25 M-M Donald Gauthier, M-M Roger Daniels, Mrs. Irene Montpellier, M-M John Mendoza, M-M Willima Grace, M·M Augustino Gagliardi, A Parishioner Espirito Santo $ 450 Rev. Luiz A. Cardosa; $100 Espirito SantoSI..Vincent de Paul; AFriend; $75 Espirito Santo Women's Guild; $50 Viveiros Family, In Memory, AFriend; $40 Manuel Costa, Barboza Family, Jose Viveiros; Jose Oliveira and Family, Cordeiro Family; $30 Carlos Oliveira, Luiz Carvalho & Family, Luis Vasconcellos & Family, Silvia Family, In Memorium, AFriend; $25 Perry Family, In Memorium, Jose Albernaz, Arruda Family, Antonio Moreira, Costa Family, Joseph Viveiros, Antone Cabral, Viveiros Family, Correia Family, Oliveira Family, Medeiros Family, Cynthia Arruda $30 Duarte Viveiros; $27 Antonio Miranda & Family; $25 Borges Family, Francisco Estacio, Manuel Lopes, Rebello Family, Arruda Family, Joao Luciano, Viveiros Family, Noel Lindo, In Memory of Rev. Jorge Silveira, First pastor of Espirito Santo, Maria Barreira, George Miranda, Manuel Raposo & Family, Rego Family, Robert Couto, Americo Ramos, AFriend Sf. Michael $ 175 Rev. John J. Oliveira; $120 Manuel Machado; '100 Evelyn Almeida, Beatrice Capeto, M-M Gerald H. Silvia, AFriend; $75 M-M Antone Souza; $50 M·M M~nuel S. Medeiros M-M Noel Medeiros Cecelia Oliveira, M-M Alvin S. Rego; Anonymous; $45 Wilham V. Amaral; $40 M·M Ronald W. D~faul~ M-M Silvino Estrela, M-M Joseph V. Fonseca, M-M Antonio Goncalo & Family, M-M Richard A. Powell; $30 M·M Clemente Arruda, M-M John V. Arruda; M-M Jose A. Camara &Family, M-M GuilhermeGonsalves &Family, Mrs. Maria T. Gonsalves & Family, M·M Gilbert Mello, M-M Jose Oliveira, Jose Alves Raposo, M-M Jose Ferreira Soares, M-M Anibal Teixeira, Mrs. Alice Weems
$25 M-M Arthur Amerello, M-M Jose FCarvalho & Family, In Memory of Edward Costa, M-M Stanley Dopart, AFriend of Catholic Charities, M-M Antone Mello, Mrs. Marganda R. Pacheco, . M·M Edwin S. Rego, M·M Manuel Souza, Mrs. Octavia Ventura, In Memory of GulihermlOa Viveiros, Joseph Violante, In Memory of James Viveiros, Anonymous, AFnend
Santo Christo $600 Rev. Antonio C. Tavares, In Memory of Isaura Reis and Father; $300 M·M Manuel Campos; $200 M-M Norman A. Alves; $150 Frank H. Bento, Mrs. Maria E. Sousa; $100 M·M Alfred Campos, M-M Alfred Carreiro, PAL.C., M-M Joseph V. Medeiros, John B. Momz & Family; Santo Christo Holy Ghost Society; Santo Christo SI. Vincent dePaul Society, Santo Christo Federal Credit Union; $75 Santo Christo Chi-Rho Club; $60 M·M John F. Victor; $50 J.L.B., M-M Antonio Souza Cavaco, In Memory of Manuel Farias, Maria Rosario Pacheco, M-M Carlos Manuel Pavao, Mrs. Maria Genoveva Pavao, Alice Maria Raposo $50 Rodrigues Family, Santo Christo C.C.W., Santo Christo Holy Name Society, M·M Luciano Cabral dos Santos, M-M Jose Silva, M-M John F. Silvia, Alice Simas, In Memory of Antone &Clara Simas, In Memory of Joao & Alexandrina Luiz, In Memory of Dominick Camara, In Memory of Antonio M. Tavares, His Honor the Mayor & Mrs. Carlton M. Viveiros; $40 MJ.B., Jesse Carvalho, Costa Family, M-M Joao Francisco Machado, M-M Edward Martins & Daughter, In .Memory. of Joseph Oliveira & Son Joseph R. Oliveira, Alexandrina Pacheco, Pereira Family, Mana &CeCIlia Rezendes; $35 M-M Adelino Almeida & Son, G.L., M-M Francis L. Mullaly, M·M Manuel Sousa Pavao; $33 Mrs. Luiza Moniz; $30 Araujo Family, Botelho Family, J.M.C., In Memory of Gary Joseph Correira, Mrs. Hilda M. Medeiros & Family, In Memory of Joset. Melo, Pacheco Family, M.P., M-M Manuel T. Pacheco & Family, M·M Joaquim Pereira, M-M Joao Raposo & Son, M·M Manuel J. Silva, In Memory of M-M Manuel Silvia & Family, M-M Veriato Soares & Daughter, Anibal & Beatrice Souza, M·M Manuel Vieira &Son; $27 M-MJoao C. Simas & Family; $25 Lori Ann Aguiar, A.M.A., Leticia Almeida, M-M Antonio A. Amaral (Tony's Bakery), Dorethea Arruda, M·M Robert J. August & Family, Barboza Family, M·M C.B., M·M Arthur Bernard, M·M Manuel R. Borges & Family, Dolores Brilhante (In Memory of Brother Manuel Brilhante), Maureen Brilhante (In Memory of her Parents & Brother Manuel), Gabriel Cabral, M-M Antonio P. Camara & Family . $25 M-M Jose Camara, M-M Francisco Carvalho & Son, J.C.S.C., In Memory of Manuel Castanho, M·M Francisco Cordeiro & Daughter, M·M Manuel R. Costa, M-M Jose V. Couto & Family, Cunha's Bakery, M-M Jose Silva Dias, M-M Joao Bernardo Farias & Family, Mrs. Diamantina Fernandes, M·M Alirio Fontes, M·M Antonio L. Furtado., V.M.S.M.. M-M Ambal G. Lage., J.M.M., M·M Alfed Matti, M-M Jose Pavao Medeiros, J.M., John Mendonca, M·M Anthony Moniz, F.M. Jr., M·M Jose Moniz & Children, M·M Michael Moreira $25 Mrs. Cecilia O'Leary, M·M Manuel Oliveira, M-M Mariano Oliveira, M·M Antero Paiva & Family, In Memory of the Mendonca & Rereira Family, J.B.P., Pimentel Family, Mrs. Herculana Raposa, M-M Joseph M. Rego, A.R., M·M Agostinho da Silva, M·M DIOdato Pereira da Sliva, J.R.S., M-M Druval M. Tavares, J.B.T., Mrs. Maria Tavares & Family, M-M Renato R. Tavares, E.T., M·M Ireneu Trindade, M-M Laurenio S. Verissimo & Family, G.L.V. Our lady of Health $450 Rev. Joao C. Martins; $250 Mordomia do Espirito Santo; $200 Rev. John A. Raposo; $100 Council of Catholic Women, Holy Rosary Society, Anonymous; $63 Confirmation Class of '86; $50 Jeremias Rego, In Memory of James R. Carreiro; $35 Anonymous, In Memory of Joseph P. Vieira; $30 Anonymous, Francelina Moniz; $25 In Memory of Antone Ferreira, In Memory of John Gonsalves, Anonymous, Gil DeAlmeida, Manuel Geronimo, Christine Mello, Maximina Oliveira, M·M Robert E. Paul, John G. Raposo, Francisco Silvia, Louis Xavier Sacred Heart $150 Constance R. Lynch, Sarah Halligan; $125 Gerald I. Harrington; $100 Margaret F. Tolan, AliceC. and Mar¥ V. Harrington, Sacred Heart Women's Guild, M-M John J. Harrington, M-M Walter H. White; $90 M-M Robert Nedderman; $75 In memory of the White Family; $50 Mary Grandfield, Leonard J. Hughes, Miss M. Doris Sullivan; $40 M·M John J. Sullivan, Thomas Keane; $35 M-M John Dean, M-M William Slater; 30 M-M George Trainor, In Memory of John P. Fleming, Franklin A. Murphy, Edward J. Sullivan, M·M Paul R. White; $25 Sacred Heart Children's Chorus, Doris Audet, Dorothy Audet, Loretta Audet, Muriel Audet, Anthony Beaulieu, Leonard E. Burgmyer, Robert Carey, William J. Desmond, M·M Roy W. Donard, Mrs. Chester Gosciminski $25 M-M Raymond Levitre, Lawrence Lopes, M-M Stephen R. Lopes, Grace L. Martin, Mrs. John M. Regan, In Memory of George McCoomb, Thomas E. McVey, Minnie H. Morris, George O'Brien, M·M Harold O'Hearn, Joani Leger, Richard F. Paul, M-M Arthur Pavao, M-M Willard Piper, M-M Raymond F. Powers, M-M James Roberts, M-M Kenneth E. Leger, M·M Manuel Silvia, Leo P. Smith, John F. Sullivan, Patricia Taylor, Mrs. William Walker, M·M Richard Waring Holy Name $500 In Memory of the Lynch Family; $225 In Memory of Dr. Anne Marie Higgins & Dr. Thomas F. Higgins; $200 M·M Herve Bernier; $150 In Memory of M-M Frank E. Duffy; $100 In Memory of Bernard F. Sweeney, Jr., RobertJ. Nagle, Leonard H. Phelan, Catherine P. Harrington, In Memory of Joseph F. Phelan, In Memory of Patrick J. Phelan, Elizabeth Neilan, M·M Alexander Vezina, M-M Gerard Fortin, W. R. Hargraves, Jr., In Memory of Kathryn & Maybel O'Mara, M·M Robert B. Reid, In Memory of Catherine Worden & Grace Sunivan, In Memory of the Parents of M·M Charles Franco, M-M Fred Zebrasky, Mrs. John B. Cummings, M-M John Carr, In Memory of Cornelius L. Lynch, M-M Thomas McGuire, Dr. & Mrs. Rene P. Nasser, M-M Herman Mello, Mrs. Raymond Gallagher, In Memory of Catherine Boylan, M-M Thomas F. Burke, M-M William Hargraves, In Memory of John & Margaret McDermott: $75 Margaret M. Whalen & Kathryn V. Whalen; $60 M-M Louis Shea; $52 M-M Norman J.Roy
$50 M·M Jan Pietrasek, M·M David T. Sullivan, Emma Connors, Mrs. Elizabeth Zalenski, Margaret J..Turner, Rita V. Kenny, Loretta P. Kenny, Helena Kelley, M·M Nadilio Almeida, Collette fortin, M·M P. Henry Desmond, M·M Robert Rebello, M·M Edward C. Berube, William Heaney M·M Richard Charland, Mrs. Eleanore C. Howard, M·M Henry J. Lemerise, M·M George Nugent' Gertrude l. Mercier, M·M Joseph Charves, In Memory of the Lenaghan family, In Memory 01 James Bradshaw, Mrs. Margaret Mercier,ln Memory of Apolonia &Michael Gromek and Joseph Dziduszko, M·M Wilfred Salois, Mrs. Fred Brissette, M·M Thomas Cullen, Michael fitzgerald, Vincent M. FItzgerald, Or. & Mrs. Alfred 1. Roy, Mrs. Edward B. Downs, M·M lionel Braz, M·M James Murphy $45 M·M Howard Marcoux; $40 M·M William Hacking; M·M Stanley Mikolazyk, Grace Taylor, M·M James Johnson, M·M John Grant; $35 M·M Edward Grace, M·M Elmer Stafford, Jr., M·M Angelo Stavros, Helen V. Lomax, M·M Kenneth K. Maru" M·M Wilfred Driscoll, Mary C. Casey, Madeline Casey $30 M·M John Donnelly, Jr., M·M Paul R. Dunn, M·M Henry Kitchen, Jr., Daniel T. Foley, Manon Foley, Mary C. Bigelow, M·M Jeffrey F. O'Brien, M·M Antone Fernandes, Mrs. Joseph McGuill, M·M Raymond McMullen, M·M Everett Martin, M·M George KellY,ln Memory of Frank & Maria Isabel Medeiros, M·M 1. E. Cruger; $25 M·MPaul Arnoe, M·M James Gibney, Honor Toohey, M·M Roland Gagnon, M·M George Biltcliffe, Thomas F. Burke, Jr., M·M David Bishop, Mrs. Thomas A. O'Oonnell, In Memory of Dennis Sullivan, Mrs. Anna K. McDowell, Or. & Mrs. Joseph Rockett, Jr., M·M John Cummings, M·M Wayne Almeida, M·M Ronald F. Cabral, M·M Rene Lavoie,ln Memo!y of Margaret l. Sullivan, Richard Roderick, M·M Henry Kowalski, M·M David Ouellette, M·M Dennis Griffin, M·M Henry Sullivan, M·M James Wilcox, M·M Henry G. Ferland, M·M Frederic J. Poirier, M·M Hugo V. Violette, M·M Arthur Latessa, Yolande Laliberte, M·M Joseph Morais, Mrs. Francis Bonner, M·M Armand Nadeau, In Memory of John B. Hart, M·M Edward Quirk, Mrs. Francis O'Errico, M·M Donald Peck, M·M George Clark, M·M William Hartington; M·M Ellwood Rounds, Mrs. T. H. McMahon, M·M Joseph Malvey,ln Memory of Ruth A. Cutting, Mrs. Walter Fallon, Cecilia Medeiros, John Keating, M·M Edward 1. Metras, M·M Robert Croteau, M·M John Sheahan, M·M Joseph Delaney $25 M·M Charles Wills, Mrs. James Eastwood, M·M John White, Daniel 1. Kelly, Jr., M·M Edmund Hussey, M·M Edward Costar, M·M Brian Gettings, M·M Gerard Mack, M·M Edward Witkowiez: M:M John Tavares, M·M Bernard Ryan, Mrs. James Sullivan, Elizabeth Clemmey, Mrs. Wilham HIggins, M·M Peter Sarantakis, Mrs. Nicholas Hurst, M·M Charles Frascatore, Alvaro Cabral, M·M Maurice Ouellette, Mrs. Francis Tansey, Anna l. Sullivan, John Reder, Ida M. Lusignan, linwood Wordell, Thomas & Elise Guay, In Memory of Katherine McNaboe, M·M Manuel Rapoza, M·M William Kilroy, M·M William G. Grady, Cecile Oube, Mrs. Francis Regan, M·M Thomas Stanton, Pamala Smith, Margaret M. McCaffrey, M·M John Azavedo, M·M Reginald Cousineau, M·M Joseph M. Krupa, Jr.,ln Memory of John V. & Mary C. Donnelly, The Benevides Family M·M William H. Lake
.SI. L9uis de Fran.ce $425 Rev. Louis R. Boivin; $300 SI. Vincent de Paul Conference; $150 M·M Armand GauthIer, M·M Richard Dufour; $125 M·M Emile Cote; $120 M·M linwood Cyr; . $100 Raymond Ouellette, M·M Timothy Thompson; $60 M·M Milton Brouillard; $50 M·M Joseph Morro, M·M l. P. SchlerOltzauer, M·M Daniel Berthiaume, Theresa & Helen l. Archard, M·M Albert Michaud, Leo Mathieu, Nicholas Molinski, Mrs. William fletcher, M·M Arthur Grimes $40 M·M Lawrence Mannes & Mrs. Diana Boas, M·M Joseph Belanger, M·M Keith Marsden; $35 Dan Perti, M·M Edward l. Sullivan, M·M Roland Aubut, M·M Roland Goodu, M·M Francis McCurdy, Mrs. Robert A. Dufour; $30 M·M Ernest Jean, M·M Raymond Audet, M·M Gerald Fontaine, M·M Jean Emond, M·M Arthur Paul, Jr. $25 M·M Robert Gauthier, M·M Milton Brouillard, Jr., M·M Eric Araujo, M·M Leo Chabot, In Memory of M·M Henry Belanger & son Francis, M·M Kenneth Carr, M·M Thomas Silvia, M.M Rene LaVOie, M·M George Blaser, M·M William R. Bibeau, In Memory of Rev. Bernard A. Lavoie, M·M John McCarraher,. M·M Roger Laflamme, M·M Edward Emond, Mrs. Joseph Duquette, M.M Raoul MeSSier,. M·M RIchard Boulanger, Ronald Duquette, M·M Russell Phenix, M·M Donald Powell, M·M WIlham Webb, Jr., M·M Gerald E. Costa, M·M Rene Michaud, M·M Leo 1. Langlield, M·M Edward Larrivee $25 M·M Leon Dunnam, M·M Richard A. Smith, Francis W. Davis, M·M Daniel GHotti, Dr. & Mrs. PhIlip Robitaille, M·M Clement Nadeau, Aime Perron, M·M Paul R. Marchand, M·M Antone DeCosta, M·M Edward Motta, M·M Byron Chace, M·M Francois Tremblay, M·M John Medeiros, M·M Robert Sykes, M·M Hector A. Clement, M·M Edwin Booth, M·M Vincent Bessette, M·M Raymond McConnell, M·M Donald Levesque, M·M Raymond Levesque, M·M Richard D. Levesque
Immaculate Conception $200 Immaculate Conception Conference, SI. Vincent DePaul; $125 Mrs. Mary A. & Mary l.Lennon; $85 Raymond & Rita Lafleur; $50 Gilbert Cyr,Louis A. Cyr, M·M James Gillet, M·M Edmond Jean, M·M Mario Lacava, M·M Callis A. Plante; $40 In Memory of James S. Bentley; $35 M·M Wnght Turner, M·M Thomas McHenry; $30 In Memory oIThomas 1. King, In Memory of Anne V. & Thomas 1. Fleming, William Benevides $25 Arthur l. Bergeron, In Memory of Joseph D. Burrows, M·M Gerard Cantara George Charbonneau, Mrs. Elizabeth Conroy, James McCarthY,ln Memory of Raymond McMur;ay, M·M Pedro Miguel, M·M Carlos Oliveira, Anthony Pascoal, M·M William Soares, M·M Joseph Szeliga, Mrs. Margaret Wiles, Mrs. Peter Yeaman
Our Lady of Grace $100 M·M Arthur G. Caesar, M·M Robert Labonte, M·M David Ponte, M·M John Sparks, Dr..& Mrs. Gilbert Vincent, Our Lady of Grace Couples' Club; $50 In Memory of Lillian Gillet &Wilfred Caron, M·M Raymond Cambra, M·M Richard Bussiere; $40 M·M John Senay; $35 M·M Aime Barnaby, M·M Gerald Emond, M·M Edward Nowak $25 M·M Arthur Alves, M·M Eugene Benoit, M·M Wayne Brooder, M·M William Camara, M·M George Carpenter, M·M Donald Danis, Normand & Paula Gendreau, M·M Thomas Kenny, M·M Robert Lafrance, Mrs. Deohnda Lepage, John F. MacDonald, III, Patricia MacMillan, Mr. Edward W. Makuch, M·M Donald Nadeau, M.M lionel Paquette, Miss Grace Parenteau, M·M Brad Perkins, M·M George Ponte, M·M Gilbert Souza, Sr.
SI. Joseph $600 Rev. Paul F. McCarrick; $750 The Misses Valerie, Bernadette, Alma Foley; $400 In Memory of Catherine T. Harrington, Mary l. Harrington and Cecelia M. Moloney; $250 The Honorable Beatrice Hancock Mullaney; $150 Joseph D. Harrington; $100 Mrs. Leroy Borden; $60 M·M John Kiley; $50 Honora Foley, M·M John Mercer; $40 Mildred Powers; $30 M·M Damel Netto $25 M·M Leonard Alves, Fernando Barboza, Mrs. Jeanne Bernardo, Anne Borden, M·M Joseph Cyr, M·M Ernest Howarth, M·M Gerald LaChance, John 1. Lynch, John Mahoney, M·M James Mendonca, Eileen Murphy, Louise Murphy, M·M Manuel A. Pavao, Alfred Raposa, Mrs. Eileen Rego, Santo S. Rizzotto, Mary Rose Sullivan, M·M Edmond Souza SOMERSET SI. John of God $400 Dr. George & Or. Sharon Sousa; $225 Judge Milton R. Silva; $200 SI. John of God Womens Guild; $150 SI. John of God Holy Name Society; $100 Lawrence Borge, Mrs. Judith Branter, Edward Bucher, John Chellel, Jr., William Marciarelli, Eliza Rego, William 1. Reis, In Memory of James Ventura $50 Lucia Gagnon, In Memory of Ignacio Andrade, Joseph D. Lawrence, Raymond R. Machado, Oavid Motta, Mary Murphy, Catherine Quental, John Rodrigues, Joseph Viveiros, SI. John of God Alter Boys, SI. John of God Prayer Group; $35 Robert Paiva, Louis Rosa; $30 George Amaral, Alfred Coray, Andre DaCosta, George Garcia, Manuel Michael,Laureano Silva, Leonel S. Medeiros, Antone a.Vargas • $25 Antonio Aguiar, John Aguiar, Joseph Andrade, Joseph Antone, Albert Bernardo, John Cabeceiras, William Cabral, Joseph H. Camara, Louis Camara, Aristides Cordeiro, John F. Costa, Mrs. Mary Costa, Joseph Costa, John Ferry, Antonia Furtado, Joseph Gouveia, Paul Grillo, Frederick Kudlacik, Edward Malloy $25 John lima, Evelyn Machado, James Mcintyre, Edward Medeiros, Leopercio Medeiros, .. Frank S. Mello, Raymond Mello, Joseph Motta, Mrs. Mary Nunes, Manuel Pavao, HenriQue Pereira, James R. Pereira, Edward Perry, Raymond Perry, Albert & Dolores Platt, Arthur Provost, Deodato Rebello, James Rebello, Richard SI. Pierre, Mrs. Olive Santos, Edward Saraiva, Laura Saraiva, John M. Sequeira, Richard Silva, Manuell. Sousa, Joseph Souza, Jr.; Daniel Tavares, John D. Valerio, Jesse Velozo
SI. Patrick $250 Dr. Roger E. Cadieux, Dr. Roland E. Chabot; $200 M·M Raymond R. Adam; $125 M·M David Dunne; $100 Edward M. Soares; $60 lillian I. Hadad; $55 M·M Donald Mayer $50 M·M Vincent Calio, Jr., M·M Robert 1. Churn, M:M Thomas B. Donahue, In Memory of Harold Meehan, Robert M. Meehan, M·M Michael Miranda, M·M FrankS. Moriarty, In Memory of James E. Noonan, Joan M. Pavao, M·M Roland Poitras, M·M Frederick Storch, M·M Dennis Sullivan, Leonard 1. Worsley; $45 M·M Arthur F. Cassidy, M·M Gerard Deslauriers, M·M Ralph Laganelli; $40 M·M Fernand C. Auclair, M·M George Lee, M·M William F. Ready, John T. Smith, M'M Edward Synan; $35 M·M Raymond H. Bibeau, M·M Thomas 1. Daley, Mrs. Sol Streim; $30 M·M James E. Bradbury, M·M William Cordeiro, Daniel Ready, M·M Raul O. Silva $25 M·M Raymond R. Bachand, Mrs. Mary Belanger, M·M Robert P. Benevides, M·M Tobias Borges, M·M Peter P. Calise, M·M Lawrence Charves, Thomas & Mary CinQuini, John F. DeCambra, M·M lionel Desrosiers, M·M Stephen DePaola, M·M Edward Duncan, M·M David Eldon, M·M Charles Fisher, M·M Joseph Foster, M·M William Gilbert, M·M Laurent Guay, M·M . James P. Johnson, M·M Francis J. Kilgrew, M·M John W. Kinnane, M·M Hen.'i Leboeuf, Fernando' Matos, Francis 1. McCarty, M·M Don Mendonca, M·M Richard Michalewich, M·M William Miller, M·M William Moran, Joseph Morin, M·M William Moniz $25 M·M Edward F. Moore, M·M Raymond Mullen, M·M William A..Neilan, M·M William O'Brien, Mrs. Robert Pineault, Benvinda Ramos, M·M Luis Ramos, Helen & lillian Reddy, M·M Thomas Reis, Jr., Alfred Rezendes, M·M Ronald R. Richard, M·M Raymond Siller, M·M Richard Silva, Norman M. Simmons, M·M Joseph 1. Soioka. M·M Lawrence H. Souza, M·M R. Souza, M·M Edward Tavares, M·M Joseph Therrien, M·M Conrad Thibault, In Memory of Joseph Tinsley, M·M John Walsh • SWANSEA Our Lady of Fatima $I000.Anonymous; $300 Anonymous, M·M Robert P. Laflamme; $200 Our Lady of Fatima Women's Guild; $125 Anonymous; $100 M·M Leonard E. Boardman, Harold 1. Higgins, Mona C. Kennedy, Mrs. Donald l. MacDonald, M·M Andre G. Michaud. Our Lady of Fatima SI. Vincent De Paul Conference, M·M Harold Senay, M·M Craig J. Sherwin, M·M Michael G. Sullivan, M·M Bernard V, Swales, Jr.; $75 M·M R~ssell B. Cochrane, Mrs. Ambrose A. Powers; $60 Anonymous . $50 M·M John Arsenault, M,M Joseph Correa, M·M William F. Cripps, M·M Joseph T. Drury, Miss Anne V. Fayan, M·M Keith Kenyon, Catherine O'Connell, M·M Louis Oste, M·M Mark Shea, M·M John F. Sweeney, M·M Robert Tschirch, Anonymous; $40 M·M· John A. Brickhill, Mrs. Winifred Griffin, M·M Donald F. McCaffrey, M·M Paul J.V. Parente, M·M Arthur F. Turcotte, Anonymous; $35 M·M Frank A. Cusick:Jr., Mrs. William S. Gray, Anonymous; $30 M·M Joseph M. McDonald, M·M Peter G. McMurray, M·M Alfred Mello, Mr. Joseph l. Morissette, M·M Robert W. Mosher Mrs. Elizabeth A. Sullivan $25 M·M Arthur Abrams, M·M Edward J. Bryda, M·M John A. Burke, M·M Gordon Carrolton, M·M Herbert E. Chace, M·MEdward 1. Colman, Jr., Mrs. Kenneth 1. Compton, M·M James E. COOlOY, M·M Joseph A. DeNardo, Mrs. Raymond 1. Dumont, Mrs. Chester Dzialo, Mrs. Howard Eaton, Mrs. Mary 1. Ferreira, Mrs. Joseph F. Foley, III, M·M Conrad P. Fortier, M·M Robert Greenhalgh, Sr., ·M·M Everett 1. Haskell, M·M James T. Hodkinson, M·M John T. Hunt, M·M Russell Jennings ' . $25 Mrs. Irene Koven, M·M Christopher Long. M·M Thomas C. Maiato, Mr. John 1. McCarthy, M·M Robert F. McConnell, Leon Menard, III, M·M Daniel M. Moreira, Mrs. Katherine Mullen, M·M Robert Oliveira, Mrs. Leonard 1. O'Neil, M·M Hubert 1. O'Neill, M·M John Perry, M·M Robert Plummer, Jr., M·M Manuel V. Ponte, M·M Stephen D. Seery, M·M Antone Silvia, Mrs. Georgia S. Silvia, M·M David A. Smith, Mrs. Mary l. Smith, M·M Robert A. Smith, M·M John 1. Sullivan, M·M Delbert G. Thurston, M·M Kenneth C. White, Anonymous
St. Michael $800 Rev. Roger Levesque; $125 M·M John Farias; $100 M·MCharlesViens, Dr. & Mrs. James M.Leffers, Jr., John 1. Szuba; $75 M·M Ralph Lepore, Jr.; $60 M·M Manuel Silveira;' $50 The Keenan & Butler family, M·M Herve Lavoie, M·M Robert Cardinal, Mr. Edward Conforti, M·M Gerald Dolin, M·M Raymond Duclos, M·M William O'Neil; $35 M·M James Bird, M·M Billy Dolin, M·M Robert McMahon, M·M Edward Thompson, M·M Dominic Troy $30 M·M Walter Malone, M·M Laurent Pineau, M·M Roger Lamonde, .M·M Richard Araujo, Marion Audet, Dr. & Mrs. James Baker, M·M Walter Bean, M·M Alfred Bolduc, Jr., M·M Thomas Case, M·M· Alphonse Cetola, M·M Alfred Costa, M·M Francis Crook, M·M Joseph Cyr, M·M Biagio Del Toro, M·M Robert Flannery, Lorraine Frain & Lauretta Pelletier, Mrs. Agnes Davol, M·M Raymond Gaudreau, M·M Gerald Giovino, M·M Joseph Goyette, M·M Joseph Janson, M·M Joseph Hargraves, Mrs. Louis Kazan, M·M Edward Kielor, M·M John C. Sousa, M·M Rene Lachapelle, Jr., II·M George Labreche, M·M Adrien Lamarre, Jr., M·M Amorin Machado $25 M·M Antone Miranda, M·M Robert Peloquin, M·M Armand Petrosso, M·M Raymond Pickett, Mr. Leo Pineault, M·M Roland Prevost, M·M Dolor SI. Laurent, M·M Santos, M·M Craig Smith, M·M Stephen Soderlund, M·M Gilbert Stansfield, Mrs. Lorraine Stone, M·M Norman lhibautt, Mr. John Tunney, M·M Alexander V~zina, M·M Raymond Walsh
SI. Dominic $350 Rev. William C. Campbell; $250 M·M Arthur Cavanaugh; $200 M·M Richard M. Mello; $150 M·M Robert LaChance, M·M Louis Travers, M·M Leonard Brophy; $100 M·M Joseph Marum, M·M Michael Ziobro, M·M ManuelTravers, Sarah Medeiros, M·M Harvey Lenon; $75 Mrs. Norman E. Ashley; $60 Eugenie E. MacDonald $50 M·M Joseph Barboza, M·M William F. Johannis, M·M Henry Vanasse, M·M John Gunn, M·M John McCarthy, M·M PaUl Hastings, Deacon & Mrs. Eugene Orosz; $45 M·M John Silva; $35 M·M John R. Schaefer, M·M Everett Mendes, Jr., M·M James Carr; $30.25 Ruth Santos' $30 M·M William T. Carey, M·M William Gempp, Beverly Ann Della Grotta ' $25 M·M Thomas Ryan, M·M Paul SI.Laurent, M·M John Gibney, M·M Matthew Kochan, M·M George .Hartlngton, M·M Kenneth Beaulieu, M·M Edward Simmons, Nancy Pereira, Bruce Ferreira, M·M Thomas D. Wells, Eileen Deubel, M·M Michael Neves, M·M Joseph Castro, Joseph B. Travers, Jr., M·M James 1. ~orman, M·M John Heywood, M·M 1. Hinchcliffe, M·M Gerald Vasconcellos, Dorothy Coleman, M·M William 1. Souza, Mrs. Kenneth Alley NORTH WESTPORT
NEW BEDfORD SI. James $200 Mary Foley; $100 SI. James Catholic Youth Organization, M·M Patrick Baker & Kathleen, Dr. James Quinn; $50 M·M William Whalen, M·M Richard Fontaine, M·M John 1. O'Neill, Ruth Gomes, Adelaide Medeiros, Mrs. William Burns, M·M Paul Jordan, M·M Joseph O'Brien, In Memory of Erline Mullin, Mrs. Raymond Tschaen, M·M Paul Hart, M·M Donald Medeiros, Alice Lowney, M·M John Callanan, Cathleen Dupont, M·M Robert Dupont, M·M Richard Manning, In Honor of the Unborn, M·M Timothy Mitchell $40 Mrs. Leo Sullivan, M·M James Delano, M·M linden Worden. Neal Wall; $35 M·M Herbert Wall, M·M Joseph Souza; $30 Helen Jarusik, M·M Manuel Travassos, M·M George Silva, M·M Edmund Coyne, Janet Connelly, Grace and Mary Regan, Catherine Hurley, M·M Vincent 1. Worden, M·M Robert Jenkins $25 M·M Roger Chouinard, M·M George DosSantos, Beverly' Gracia, Michael and Rachel Jupin, M·M Christopher Hendricks, Mary Phaneuf, Loretta Phaneul, M·M Armand Pereira, Gale Constant, M·M Donat Cormier, Mrs. Murdock Myette, Mrs. Edward Sousa, M·M Gustavo Tavares, M·M Paul Rezendes, M·M 'Jeffrey liborio, M·M Edward Pavao, M·M John Sylvia, M·M John Medeiros, M·M Richard Rostron $25 M·M William Aspden, M·M Joseph Bettencourt, Mrs. James Cawley, M·M Valmore Barabe, Mrs. Manuel Correia, Mrs. Luke Smith, Jane livsey, M·M William Batty, Jr.. Mary Castellina, M·M James Pettey, M·M Henry Tavares, Mrs. Alexander Whalen, Mrs. Edward Maguire, M·M Richard Lafleur, M·M Thomas Paton, Jr.. M·M Charles Lamoureus, M·M Robert Lyle, Helen S.Lewis, Mrs. Francis Roach, Frances 1. Whelan, Ellen Robinson, Violet Corbeil, Jacquelyn l. Reis, Alice Donnelly, Winnifred Folger, George Sheehan SI. Theresa $600 Rev. Richard l. Chretien; $500 In Memory of Rev. Joseph N. Hamel; $200 A Friend; $100 M·M Raymond Bourassa, M·M Roland Dumas, M·M Charles Jodoin, Mrs. Henry LeBlanc, M·M Laurier Marcoux, Mrs. Eleanor Strong, M·M Henri Valois; $75 M·M Roger Renaud, A Friend; $60 A Friend; $50 M·M Paul Fontaine, M·M NormandA. Brassard, Mrs. Lorraine Desrosiers, M·M Charles Gomes, M·MAlfred Lemieux, Mrs. Emelie Lemieux, M·M Eugene Lemieux, M·M Gerard Richard, M·M Leo Sylvia, A Friend $40 M·M Daniel Rego; $35 M·M Robert Boulet, AFriend; $30 In Memory of Mrs. S. Bissonnette and Conrad Bissonnette, M·M Paul Carrier, M·M Robert Reney, A Friend; $25 M·M Edward Correia, Mr. Maurice Gamache, M·M Valmore Gonneville, Ida Gilbert, M·M James G. Kelley, M·M Vito Morra, Mrs. George l. Parent, M·M Laurent Parent, M,M Romain Payant, SI. Anne'sSodality, M·M Girard Sharkey, A Friend SI. Boniface $500 M·M Norman Murphy; $100 Rev. Roy Yurco, SS.CC., In Memory of Gertrude Kruger; $50 In Memory of Jonathan C. Dos Santos, Gracia 'For exceptional children, Bishop James E. Cassidy, General Assembly 4th Degree K. of C., Holy Ghost Society of SI. Boniface Church, Mrs. lillian Corre $25 M·M Christopher Lepage, M·M Charles Desjardins, M·M William Hettinger,ln Memory of Gertrude Kruger, Maria Wood, Alberta I. La. Pierre & Gladys f. Grey Sacred Heart $500 Rev. Thomas E. Morrissey; $250 Seguin & Caron, Inc.; $150 M·M William Towers; $100 M·M Gerald LaFrance, M·M Leonard Simmons, M·M Lucien Vanasse; $90 M·M 1. Roger Menard; $80 M·M Raymond Laliberte; $60 M·M Paul Dufresne, Mr. Norman Landreville $50 Miss Deborah Andrews, M·M Joseph Bettencourt, Bishop James E. Cassidy, General Assembly 4th Degree Knights of Columbus, M·M Joseph Cobert, In Memory of LeComte &Denault Families, M·M Normand Sequin, M·M Pierre Seguin, M·M George Smith; $40 M·M Maurice Lecomte; $30 M·M Ralph Hanks, M·M Jules Lamothe, M·M Eugene H. Sasseville, M·M Paul A. Soucy . " . $25 Diane Baillargeon, M·M Manuel C. Botelho, Mr. Charles Bouchard, M·M Rene Boutin, Mrs. Armand R. Bussiere,M·M Henri Daigle, Mrs. Jeanne Fournier, M·M Charles Lafleur, M·M Preston LeBoeuf, M·M Dorius Masse, Richard C. Menard, M·M Edward Metivier, M·M Arthur Oliveira, M·M Robert Poulin, M·M Attilio Raffa, Mrs. Irene Rainville, M·M Raymond Rainville, M·M Henry SI. Pierre, M·M Stanley Skypeck, M·M Arthur Trahan, Marietta F. Vanasse, M·M George Vigeant, M·M Donald Westgate SI. Anthony $200 Rev. Raymond A: Robida; $500 Parish Societies, Rev. Bertrand R. Chabot; $100 Adrien Beauregard, SI. Vincent de Paul, Alice Rymut, Friend of SI. Anthony; $50 Sisters of Holy Cross, lionel Robitaille, Anonymous; $45 Patricia Powell; $30 Leo Picard $25 Eva Benoit, Leo Berube, Lawrence Gallagher, Zoella Dufour, Emillen Dupont, Jean Duval Family, Friend of SI. Anthony, Henry Johnson, Rolande Lambalot, Eugene Laplante, Stephen Mendoza, Mrs. Joseph Remillard, Lucille Vieira, In Memory of Flore & Arthur Deneault, 'In Memory of Medora Loranger, Anonymous, A Friend .•. SI. Francis of Assisi $100 In Memory of Rev. Wm. R. Jordan, Joseph Marshall; $60 Louis Bono; $50 Arthur Carvalho, Joseph Oliveira, Francisco Morgado, Peter Regis, William N. Whelan III; $40 Paul Vancini; $35 Mrs. Domenic Catalano, Henry K. Healy, Anthony T. Neves . $25 Elena Baccelli, Judith Ann Belli, Salvador A. Belli, Anthony Cardullo, Joseph Castellina, Armand S. Coelho, Joseph Colletti, The Francis DeTerra Family, Germaine C. Ferreira, Gilbert Ferreira, The Gallant Family, John A. Goodfellow . . Mrs. George Joblon, Armand Joia, Edward F.Leary Jr., Romeo LePage, Robert Maccini, Robert J. Morelli, Juan Otero, George P. Regis Sr., Norma P. Regis, Victor Reis, Antonio 1. Santos, Alfred Severs, David B. Souza, William H. Stephenson, Mrs. Frank Teixeira, Baptist 1. Vercellone, Dorothy Vikre . SI. Joseph $500 Rev. Daniel A. Gamache; $1,000 SI. Joseph Bingo; $300 SI. Joseph Religious Societies; $150 SI. Joseph'sSI. Vincent dePaul Society, M·M Conrad Seguin; $100 In Memory of M·M Raphael Beaulieu by Therese, Simone & Alice Beaulieu, G. Frank Grenier, M·M Arthur Villeneuve & Family; $50 M·M W. Dennis Bowen, In Memory of Rev. Arthur Deneault, M.S., and Rev. Ubalde Deneault, Mr. Roger Guay, In Memory of M·M Arthur Guimond, Mr. Henri & Mrs. Marcelle Hebert, M·M Ernest Hodson, Robert V.LaFrance, M·M Andre Laurier Marcotte &Family, M·M Thomas Weaver, Anonymous $45 M·M Leo A. Fredette &Family; $4 M·M Frank Braga; $35 M·M Henri Gardner, M·M lionel Marchand & Family, M·M Raymond Methot; $30 ~·M Roland Dufresne & Family, Anna Dupuis, M·M Ronald R.Lamarre, M·M Alfred W. Sylvia, Jr. &Family, Mrs. Dolores Trial &Family; $25 Mrs. Edna Arcouette; M·M Philippe Bastille, M·M Armand Beaulieu, M·M Raymond Belanger & Family, M·M Kevin Bellavance, Miss Blanche Bernier, M·M Paul Bonneau & Family, Mrs. Alfred Bralewski & Family, Annette Collard, M·M George 1. Cote, Mrs. Mary I. Dansereau, Mrs. juliette Duval, M·M Ovila Fortin $25 Laura M. Gregoire, M·M Rene l. Jacques & Family, Mr. Arthur Janson, M·M A. N. LaFlamme, Mrs. Doreen Langis, Misses Adrienne & Alpheda Langlois, Dr. & Mrs. Clarence LeBlanc, Mr. Napoleon A. Leclair, Charles & Claudette Levesque, Jeanne Levesque, Mrs. Jeannette Marchessault, Marie·Ange Mathieu, Rosa Myers, M·M ·Manuel Rapoza & Family, Michael & Jan Reedy, Annette Richard, M·M Rene SaUlnier & Family, Mrs. Susan Smigel, M·M Jeff Sylvia, M·M Hilaire Tremblay, Anonymous
SI. Kilian $35 Janet Hardman; $30 Mary l. Augeri; $25 Elvira Damasio, Vincent Fernandes, Elizabeth Mosley, Evelyn Nadeau, Margaret Paul, Virginia Paul, Mary·Ellen Ribeiro, George & Imelda Vezina . .' SI. Lawrence $300 Very Rev. John P. Driscoll; $75 In Memory of Patrick Davis; $60 Stephen W. Doherty, Mrs. Mary B. Wheaton; $50 M·M Lawrence E. finni, M·M Arthur Kirkwood; $40 James F. Murray; $35 M·M Edward F. Carney; $25 In Memory of Helen M. Breen, M·M Ned Emmons, Mrs. Joseph E. MacFarlane,James Manning. M·M Thomas F. Parker, Jr., M·M Donald H. Racine, Ralph Souza SI. John the Baptist $150 In Memory of M·M Manuel Andrade; $125 Victorina Cotnoir, SI. Vincent de Paul Society; $100 Denis & Carole Lawrence, SI. John the Baptist Prayer Meeting, George & Dianne Vasconcellos, M·M Daniel Vieira, AFriend; $75 M·M Joseph Avila, AFriend; $60 A Friend; $5D Abba Father Prayer Community, M·M John Alves, Virginia Botelho, M·M James Connelly, Hilda &Gil A. Correia, M·M James Gaffney, Norberto Pacheco, Alberto Pereira, Manuel & Frances Silva, Eva l. Sylvia, M·M Horace Wright, A Friend $40 Maria E. Domingos, Octavio O. Fragata, M·M Norberto Frias, Jose F. Pacheco, AFriend; $35 Bevinda Caldas, Irene & Henry Pimental, AFriend; $30 M·M Armando Almeida, M·M Walter F. Amaral, Manuel P. Brum, Carlos M. Cardoso; M·M Richard Carreiro, Mrs. Camillo Costa, M·M Joao S. Dias, M·M Manuel DosReis, Judith Freitas, M·M Jose E. Gomes, M·M Mario 1. Melo, M·M Carlos S. Raposo, Miss Isabel & Agnes Souza, AFriend; $27 M·M Joseph Gonsalves" $25 Mrs. Lucy M. Alexander, In Memory of M·M Manuel P. Arruda & Family, Joseph Baptista, Jr., M·M Manuel Barao, Eva Carreiro, M·M Virato Costa, Mrs. Fernando Cruz, Armando A. Dias, Marge & AI Ferreira, In Memory of M·M Joseph Ferreira, M·M Arthur freitas, M·M Horacio Furtado, M·M John Henriques, Mrs. Donald Henry, M·M Joseph F. Martin, M·M Anthony Matthews $25 M·M Nestor Mesquita, Joao Pacheco, M·M John Pateakos, Manuel Pimental, M·M Francisco Pires, Edward Oliver, M·M Carlos Raposo, Mrs. Mary Roderick, M·M Arlindo Rodrigues, M·M Joseph Rodrigues, Victor Raposo, M:M Jesse V. Santos, Mary Schusner, William R. Serpa, Carmen Silva, Alice R. Souza, M·M James Sytvia, M·M Leo Veiga, M·M Americo Vieira. M·M Arthur Vieira, M·M Ludgero Xavier, M·M William Wanat, AFriend SI. Anne $100 SI. Vin~ent de Paul Conference, AFriend; $50 Angelo Fraga; $45 AFriend; $35 Arthur Morency; $30 John Sylvia; $25 Alma LaFrance, Raymond Kobza, Agnes DeMello, Rene Fontaine, John Zager, Arthur Michaud, Bertha Medeiros, Marcel Morency, Elizabeth Morency, A Friend Our Lady of Assumption $100 M·M Robert Garrison; $50 Deacon & Mrs. Antonio M. DaCruz; $25 M·M Antone Monteiro Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish $475 Conventual Franciscan Fathers; $500 M·M Andrew Banas; $200 Anonymous· Special Intention; $100 In Memory of Rev. Rayner Ziemski, OFM CONV.,In Memory of Rev. Stanley Kozikowski, OFM CONV.; $60 M·M Thad Irzyk; $50 M·M lionel DUbois & Family, M·M Joseph Michalski, Rodney Printing, Inc., Anonymous $52 Anonymous; $45 M·M Mitchell Gacek, M·M Chester Ponichtera; $40 M·M Henry Cembalisty, M·M Felix Witkowicz; $35 M·M Joseph Gonet, In Memory of Frank and Rosalie Jeglinski; $30 M·M Walter Polchlopek, Jr. $25 M·M Edward Bobrowiecki & family, M·M Peter Borowiec, M·M Ted Cioper and Family, M·M Wayne Crouch and Family, Mr. Henry Galus, M·M Arthur Goyette, M·M Leo Kisla, M·M Mitchell Koczera, Mr. AI Longpre and Daughter, M·M Edward Przybyla, Mr. Charles Rutkowski,. M·M Joseph Siwik, Anonymous SOUTH DARTMOUTH SI. Mary's $700 Rev. Walter A. Sullivan; $600 Rev. Thomas l. Rita; $300 M·M G. Albert Roy; $200 In Memory of Aubertine Funeral Home, Dr. & Mrs. Arthur F. Buckley; $100 Albert Perrier, Dr. & Mrs. Louis Miskell, M·M Jeffrey A. Meek; $50 M·M George Wright III, M·M Edgar W. Moorhouse, M·M James F. McHugh, Shirley Perry, M·M Richard Reilly, Evelyn Sebastiao, Claire Divis, M·M Edwin J. McQuillan, M·M Leonard Mello, Natalie P. Souza, M·M Neil Fitzgerald, M·M Frank J. Mello, In Memory of M·M Thomas Baldwin $40 M·M Harry O'Neill, M·M Frederick D. Cole; $35 Frederick Corbiel, Mary B. Gracia, M·M Victor J.Ladetto; $25 M·M Fernand Racine, M·M George Wright, M·M John l. Caruso, M·M Gerald Hickey, M·M Manuel H. Sylvia, M·M William l. Wilde Jr., Jeremiah Coholan, Mrs. Philip Tracey, M·M James O'Malley. M·M Matthew Martin, June O'leary, Mrs. Leonard Rose $25 M·M Geral C. Pride. M·M Joseph E. Viera, M·M Bruce Monte, M·M James M. Boyle, Jdg. & Mrs. George Ponte, Joseph G. Sylvia, M·M Kenneth Gifford, Dr. & Mrs. John Dias, M·M Richard O'Barry, M·M Michael Donagny, Alice Dahill,Louise Buckley, M·M Pallatroni, M·M Ernest Santos, Mrs. James Madigan, Mrs. Manuel Rodriques, M·M Herve 1. Lapointe, M·M Stephen Carter, M·M Paul Ferro, M·M Louis D. Melo, Marcelle Woodhouse EAST fREETOWN SI. John Neumann $500 Rev. George E. Harrison; $200 Dr. & Mrs. Chester Baron; $120 M·M David Ferreira; $100 Dr. & Mrs. A. William Mercier, M·M Gerald Masaitis; $50 M·M William Collins; $35 M·M Glenn Demanche; $25 M·M Raymond Bourbeau, Pamela Clift, Suzanne Thompson, M·M Michael Masse MARION SI. Rita $100 Claude &Mildred Ellis, Edmund H. McCarthy, M·M Daniell. Murphy; $50 April M. Bell, William F. & Reges Henry, Mary Valley; $35 Mrs. C. Joseph Nowak; $30 John & Kay Lowney, Albert & Irene Muren $25 Jean Champigny, M·M John DePina, Guy Dinocenza, Harold & Mary Frye, Elinor Griffin, Ronald & Mary Labbe, Ronald & Joan McDonald, Mrs. John Nolan, Barbara l. Peckham, Mrs. Dominga Perry, Marion Pharmacy, Wareham Pharmacy, Richard & Gertrude Simcock, Harry Smith, Frances Weber fAIRH.AVE.N SI. Mary's $100 Dr. & Mrs. Donald J.'Mulcare; $85 M·M Matthew Hart; $50 M·M Russell f. Partridge, Dr. & Mrs. Denis Brault; $35 M·M John A. Wojcik; $30 M·M Robert Dorgan Sr.; $25 Mr. George Laronda, Mr. Albin Silva, M·M David Couto, Mrs. Evelyn Martin, M·M Richard Girard, M·M Paul Sirois, M·M Michael Mendoza, Mr. Alfred Teixeira, M·M Paul Langlois, M·M Bernard Boutin Sacred Heart's $100 M·M Alan Lacroix; $40 M·M Henry G. fortin; $25 M·M Francis Bernard, M·M Daniel Bolton, M·M Daniel Costa, Arnold Cejka, Paul Demanche, M·M Lawrence Fortin, M·M Ernest Kobza, M·M Larry Martel, M·M Anthony Rudler, M·M Raymond Vary . SI. Joseph's $500 Manuel Sylvia; $200 M·M Arthur Frates; $I25John B. Davidson; $100 M·M Robert Bach, M·M Earl 1. Dias, M·M Armand Marien, Matthew O'Malley, M·M.Alfred Vincent; $75 M·M Bernardino Fortunato, Mrs. Margaret F. Soares $50 M·M Antonio{)ampos, Jr.. M·.M Roland 1. Despres, M·M John Dwyer, James Ferris, M·M Henry Fortin, M·M Grover C. Johnson, Mrs. Augustus Medeiros, M·M Stanley Palys, M·M Thomas Rielly, M·M WalterSilyeira, Jr.; $45 M·M Ernest Pare; $40 M·M Jose Ambar, Grace Rose; $35 Mrs. Roberta Braley, MrS. May Collins, Mrs. Charles Dexter, ·M·M ·James Lanagan, Ms. Margaret Manghan, M·M Roger SI. Onge; $30 John Kubiski, Ms. Albertina Simas, In Memory of Walter D. Smith . $25 M·M Carl Almeida, Joseph Begnoche, M·M William Benoit. M·M Benjamin Bowcock, M·M Brian Camacho, Mrs. Bernard Carter, Mrs. Joseph Charade, M·M Antone DeTerra, Jr., M·M Eugene Desrosiers, M·M Matthew Donovan, Roland Dubois, Frank Folger, M·M Steven Foster, Jr. M·M Napoleon Gladu, M·M Albert Gonsalves, IIda Gracia, M·M James Greenway, M·M Roy Greenson, M·M Philip Harding, M·M Earl Hebert. Mrs. Edmund Joseph $25 Normand Lavigne, M·M lizandre Lopes, M·M Paul Lopes, M·M Frank Makara, M·M E. Medeiros, Joseph Mello, M·M Barry Motta, M·M James Murphy, Anne Nerbonne, M·M Jose Nobrega, Mrs. Kenneth Noyer, M·M Manuel Olivera, M·M Anson Paine, Manuel Paiva, Mrs. Norman 1. Robinson, M·M Robert Rocha, M·M Hugh 1. Shanahan, Jr., M·M James Smith, Mrs. Joseph Soares, M·M Gabriel Souza, M·M Charles Tetreault, M·M Francis 1. Tucker, Mary E. Tucker, M·M Louis Veilleux, M·M Robert Wood, Jr., Mrs. Amancio Xavier . WAREHAM SI. Patrick $3DO.M·M John Jo'yce; $200 .Rev. John C. Daly, C.S.C., Mr~. John 1. Callahan, M·M Thomas .Costello; $100 M·M George Barrett: Francis Breagy, Joyce. D. Geary, M·M Frank Krysiofolski, Emily and Deborah Rose, M·M Albert Tocci; $75 The Maloney Family, Frances A. Murph~ $50 M·M James Cunningham, M·M Alan Giovannini, M·M Colin Gordon, John Griffin, M·M Hulot Haden, M·M Robert Klocker, M·M Philip McEntee, Mrs, Helen McGlashan, M·M Frank Medige, Desmond Murphy, Ann K. Nolan, M·M Romain Payant, M·M George SI. John, M·M Chester A. Skinder $45 Mrs. Gertrude Sullivan; $40 Jeanne F. Neale; $35 M·M Charles Cassidy, M·M Lucien Deverger, M·M Michael Galavotti, M·M Edward Gaspa, M·M Albert.Santos. Mrs. Bernard Tobin; $30 Mrs. William Rogers, Jr., M·M Paul 1. Williams; $25 M·M David Barry, M·M Henry Borghi, M·M John 1. Boyle, M·M Raymond Bump, M·M Ferdinando Cassani, M·M ArthurCollins, Jr., M·M William C. Collins, Mrs. Francis A. Costello, M·M Edward Coyne, M·M Charles Crocker. $25 M·M Carlton Eldridge, M·M John F. Foley, Mrs. Roy Franklin, M·M Guerreno Govoi, M·M Richard Kiernan, Mary McDevitt, Mrs. Francis M. MurphY,liliian Murphy, frederick J. Pulsifer, M·M Joseph Rose, M·M Harold Tomkinaon, Anne M. Tottle, Laura Vecchi, Sarah Vogel MATIAPOISm SI. Anthony's $125 In Memory of Joseph W. Hurley; $100 M·M Real Breton, M·M Charles Crowley, Jr., M·M Joseph Hassey; $75 M·M Norman Kelley; $60 M·M David Mcintire; $50 Barbara Brady, M·M William Carter, M·M Lee Estes, M·M Charles Kelly, M·M Robert Tapper, Helen Tyndall; $35 M·M William Goetz, M·M William Heldon, M·M Arthur Mello, Mrs. Kenneth Tuttle $25 M·M Andrew Babola, M·M Wilfred Belanger, M·M Charles Caires, Mrs. Henry Cerkovitz, M·M Howard Chadwick, Jr., Shirley Clark, M·M John Costa, M·M Michael Dahill, Charles Finn, Gerald Fitzgerald, M·M Ernest Horrocks, Jr., Florence Huetteman, Winifred Leary $25 M·M Donald Marvin, Dr. & Mrs. Thomas McCormack, M·M August Medeiros, Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Moore, frank Pimental, M·M Gene Pursley, M·M Leo Roy, M·M Richard Sanders, Irene Sanderson, M·M John Seaberg. M·M Thaddeus Walega, M·M Joseph Zychowicz
ACUSHNET SI. Francis Xavier $300 H. Raposa Family, Ryan Family; $200 M-M Matthew Charbonneau; $100 George Fletcher, Hamel Family, M-M J. Rogers, Shirley Family, Sweeney Family, Tessier Family, A Parishioner; $75 Roland Lapalme, Parishioner; $60 Yvonne Longworth; $50 Leo· Yvonne-Violet Boucher, M·M Laurier Cormier, M-M James Gleason, M·M Raymond LeBlanc, Pme Hill Flower Shop, Rose Family, Taber Family, AParishioner $45 Allan Family, Cabral Family, Robinson Family, Parishioner; $40 M-M Ja'!'es Haworth, M-M Geo. Pimental; $35 M·M Lp.o Coons, Bella Lepage, M·M Wm. Veary, AParishioner; $30 M:M J. Castelo, M-M Roland Labossiere, M-M Manuel Medeiros Jr., M-M Lucien SI. Amand; $25 Lllhan AHemao, Ms. Florence Beaulieu, M-M Albert Bergeron, M·M Maunce Bourque, Boyce Family, Dianne Brunette, Callahan Family, John Connelly '.,. $25 Robert Deterra, Manuel Ferreira, M-M Raymond Guerette, Henry GOVOni, Hmey Family, M-M Gerard Ledoux, M·M J. O'Neill, M-M Maurice Pepin, M-M Richard Rawchffe, M·M Leo Ricard, M-M Ronald Rodrigues, M·M Mitchell Smola, M-M David Roberts, M-M Roland Robillard, Sexton Family, AParishioner, AFriend TAUNTON Our lady of lourdes $1,000 Rev. Joseph Oliveira; $100 Rev. Mr. RobertA. Faria; $50 M·M Charles M. Raposa, M·M Alfred Rogers, M·M Robert Mendes, M-M Glen Forret. Manuel Phillipe, A Friend; $35 M-M John P. Baptiste, M·M James Corey; $26 M-M Manuel Coelho; $25 M·M lawrence Young. M·M Thomas A. Souza, M-M Louis Rego, M·M Jose Botelho, Paul Camacho, M·M Joseph Ferreira, M·M Kenneth Perry, M·M George Martin, M-M Daniel R. Dupont, M·M Gilbert F. Coute, AFriend Immaculate Conception $500 Rev. John J. Steakem; $75 M-M Alfred Florence; $50 M-M Gregory Brage, Allan Curley; $35 M-M Leonard Walsh $30 M·M Andrew Isaacsen, M-M William Lane; $25 M·M Alan Corliss, M·M Louis Dupont, M·M Robert Kirouac, M-M Edward Mador, M-M George Paul, M-M Richard Paulson, M-M Bernard Sypek, M·M Edward Walsh, M·M William McGowan, M·M Stanley O'Baron, Harold William Sacred Heart $720 M·M Richard Andrade; $300 Rev. Cornelius J. O'Neill; $100 Elizabeth Brady, M·M Joseph Kuper, M-M John J Kelly, M-M Edward Trucchi; $75 The Wade Family; $60 M-M Francis Souza; $50 M·M Albert Berard, Helen Brady, M·M Robert Dennen, M-M Joseph F Enos, Mary Kennedy, M·M Thaddeus Kuczewski, M·M James Leonard, M-M Robert Martin, M-M Gilbert Perry, M-M Arthur Travers, M·M Thomas Varden; $40 Gertrude McBreen; $35 M·M John Cullen, M-M Robert Dewey, William Leger, M-M Oscar Maynard, Mrs. Claude Simmons, Mrs Francis Soitos; $30 M·M Horace Costa, Edna Lincoln, M-M L. Severino, M-M Thomas Zucco; $25 M-M Bruno Alegi, M-M Alfred Andrade, M-M James Andrews, Mrs. PLeo Braqy, Mrs Leo Brady, Ruth Brady, M·M Eugene Braga.. M·M Ray Brodeur, M-M Wm Campbell, M-M Claude Cornaglia, Catherine Crowninshield, Eileen Cumiskey, M-M Walter Driscoll, James Flynn, M-M Coy Folcik, M-M Joseph Isidorio, Matthew Juczek, M-M John Lheureux, M·M Alphonse Laine, M-M Robert Lane, M-M Philip Lemieux, M-M Roland Lortie, M-M Joseph Martin, M-M David Mason, Phyllis McClellan, M·M George Meunier, Helen Murray, M·M Emond Nadeau, M-M Forest Paige, M·M Francis Pelletier, M-M Antone Piechota, M-M Gerard Pigeon, Mrs, Maria Plummer, Mrs. Ernest Prairie, M-M MRebello Jr, M-M George Rezendes, M·M Galen Rheaume, M·M Frank Rose, M-M Paul Sabin, M-M Nicholas Salamon, Vincent Sands, M-M Dennis J Scully, M-M Benjamin Seekell, Edward Smith, Debra Souza, Eugene Sullivan, Mrs. Irene Torres, M-M Arthur WTravers, M-M Casnur Zyskowski SI. Paul's $800 Rev. Msgr. Robert L. Stanton; $400 In Memory of M-M Daniel A, Stanton; $125 M-M Salvatore Spinelli; $100 M·M James Cole, M-M Joseph Reilly, Mary E. Lynch, Mrs. Henry Ryan, M-M James Ouffy Jr., M·M Robert J. Hill Jr.; $80 Dominic Casella, Frank Casella; $75 Robert & Helen Stratton, M-M Albert Nunes Jr.; $50 William Traverse, M-M -Maurice Lemieux, M·M Robert Alexander, Pamela Robinson, M-M Paul Plumb, M-M Philip Leddy, M-M John Connors, Mrs, Francis J. Tummon, Elearior Dwyer, M-M Philip Farley, M-M Edwin Sokoloski $40 M-M Walter O'Shea; $35 M-M Joseph Mastromarino, M-M Joseph Goulet, In Memory of Lorraine Place, M-M Robert Valle; $30 M-M Robert Jose, M·M Edmund Teixeira, M·M James Ramsey, Mrs. Joseph Oemers, M·M Henry Bilodeau, M-M Rock DesVergnes; $25 Mrs. Wendell Robinson, M-M George Rogers, M-M Henry Bilodeau, Rosemary Morrisey, M-M Joseph Flaherty, M·M Richard McCormack, M-M Richard Nunes, M-M Manuel O. Souza, M-M Joseph Rihbany, M-M John G. Medas Jr., M·M Joseph Conlon, Joseph Harwood, Mrs. Richard Bresnahan, M-M Paul Oriscoll, John Donahue $25 M·M Frank Tonini, M·M Thomas McDonald, M-M Charles Metzger, Jan Demers, M-M Robert Fielding, M·M George Walker, Joseph &Esther Ferris, M-M William J. Morin, M·M Jay Medeiros, Harold Olson, M·M Francis Prado, Frederick & Susan Vieira, Mrs. W. Baxter·Green, M·M Leo Conroy, M-M James Tranter Mrs.Yvette Acheson $25 Mrs. Wesley Gandmont, Mrs. Joseph Neto, M-M John T. Holmes, Mrs.,Gerald Caron, M-M Robert Baskinger, F. Vernon Harrica, Annette Munroe, M·M Normand Menard, Phyllis Benoit, Nicholas Virginis, Arthur Lima, M-M Brian Eddy, M-M William LaBrie, M-M Paul O'Boy, M-M Joseph Lazarz SI. Joseph S250 Rev. William E. Farland; S500 Dr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Figlock; S200 Mrs. William Hurley; $150 M-M Maurice Desrosiers, M-M Joseph Santos; $100 M-M William Scully, Mrs. Paul Maynard; S75 M-M William McCarthy, Jr.; S60 M-M A. Cravenho; $50 Mrs. Edward Correia, Florence Nixon, M-M Peter Gay, M-M Robert Hill, Henry Kelleher, M-M Anthony Tosti S40 Raymond Scullt; S35 Leo McCann, Lois King, Katherine Cambell, M-M James McCaffrey, M-M Francis Guay, Charlotte Carr; $30 M-M Richard Travis, M-M Philip Medeiros, Gilbert Briggs, Dr. & Mrs. Michael Broutsas, M·M Daniel Reilly, Kathleen Peterson, M-M William Dias; $25 M-M Joseph Ricketts, M-M Richard Paulson, Jr., M-M Charles Pirozzi,Janice Lawlor, Mrs. Theodore Wojcik, Theodore Wojcik, Jr., M·M fJenry Lutz, M-M Amerino Almeida, M-M Glenn Walker S25 John Latham Mrs. Judith Cooperstein, Mrs, Joseph McKenna, M-M Neil Figueredo, M·M John Annunziato, M-M Alfred Borges, M-M Joseph Corcoran, M-M David Riva, Michael Wojcik,' Doris Bartone, M-M Edward Lynch, M-M Edmund Mulcahy . SI. Jacques S500 Wesley Schondek; S50 Gerard Bonenfant. John Keene, Maurice Larocque, Raymond Nolin, Paul Ouellette, Arthur & Paul Ouillette; Mrs. Robert Powell, Charles Rocheleau; S40 Jean Paul Bourdeau, David'Silva; $35 William Grundy; S30 Maurice Guay, Miss Clairina Hamel, Miss Yvonne Labonte, Mrs. Alma Pelletier, George Pelletier, Roger Yelle; $28 Lawrence Courcy S25 Frederic Andrade, Mrs. Lorraine Barefoot, Theodore Benjamin, Miss Therese Blain, Mrs. Alvini Dufresne, Regina Hebert, Thomas Luz, David Moreau, Walter Nunes, Clive Olson, Roger Parent, Denis Proulx, Mrs. Anna Sherry, J~mes Silvia, Mrs.,Walter Taylor, John Tripp SI. Anthony's S300 Rev. George E. Amaral; $150 Raymond Coute, Anonymous; S100 M-M Donald Santos, M·M Edmund Perry, Mrs. Aristides A. Andrade, John Ferreira, Anonymous; S90 Nunes Family; S75 M·M Manuel Camara, Jr.; S60 Jose Pereira, M-M Gaulter Raposo' $50 Joseph Sousa, Manuel Medeiros, M-M John C. Correia, M-M Peter Nolan, M-M Frederick Barker, Mrs.-Laurentina Craven M-M Francisco Correia, Anonymous; S40 M·M Luis M. Freitas, M·M Jose C. Cabral; $35 Anonymous; S30 M-M Idilio Nunes, M-M Jose Pereira, M-M Manuel Gomes, M-M Thomas King, M·M Francisco Aguiar, Mrs. Hilda Wyatt, Vasco Barros"Manuel Silveira, Filomena Sousa, Manuel Travasso, Anonymous . , , $25 Margaret Luz, Henrietta Carvalho, Elsie Abreau, Anthony Burgess, Adelaide Marshall, ' • Edward Cabral, Anna Lee Nystrom, Hilda Veloze, Georgina and Mary Abreau, Raposa Family, M-M Joseph Rico, M-M Joseph R.Amaral, M-M Norman Butler, M-M'Stephen Correia, M-M George Carvalho, M·MManuel King, M-M Antonio R, Resendes,M-MJesse M. Linhares ' ' '. S25 M-M Minuel S. Machado, M-M John EmoM, M-M'Antone de Souza, Mr. Manuel Perry, M-M Laurentino Costa, M·M Louis Dansereau, M-M Adelino Torres, M-M Joseph Gula, M-M' Charles Santos, M-M Mariuel Andrade; M-M Janies Oliver: M-M John Andrade, M·M Silvino'S. ' Sousa, M·M Manuel Silveira.. M-M Joseph Amaral, M-M Manuel Costa: M·M James Pereira, M'M Joseph C. Vaz, Anonymous . Holy Family S125 M·M Fernand Medeiros; $100 Stephen Punda; S60 Ann Marie Murphy; S55. Gerard Ducharme Family; S50 Manuel A. Gomes, M·M Joseph Kramer, M-M Ernest Andrews, . M·M Wm. McAloon, Stanley Slavck, Mrs. Thomas White, M-M Arthur Collins, Edward W. Booth, Mrs, Andrew Dooley, M·M Joseph Mazzone, M-M David Orcutt, M-M Raymond Prunier, M-M Henry Sullivan, M·M Wm. Emsley . S40 M-M Anthony Pacheco, Kenneth Poole Family, Mrs. Edward Crossman, Mary Murphy; S35 James Kenyon, M-M John Shea, Ann Perry, M-M Edward Fowler Jr., M-M Francis Dutra; $32 M-M , Joseph Castro; S30 M-M Joseph Mendes, Mrs. Barbara Rutherford, Alfred Dutra, Mrs. Charles O'Leary, M-M Carlos Dejesus, M,-M Ronald Gordon, M-M Joaquin Bernadino, Sadie Berthao, M-M Ingram Byrne " , S25 Adeline Roberson, St~phanie Turkalo, Joseph Turkalo, M-M Joseph W. Martin, M-M Fred Patrick Sr., M-M Francis Emond, Winifred Buckley, M-M Edmond SI. Yves, M-M John Mullen, Ann Bettencourt, M-M Everett King, M-M Raymond Jeffrey, Pauline Mozzone, M-M Stanley Baran, M-M Wm, Araujo, Mrs. Armand Moreira, Mrs. Albert Banks, M-M Donald Marshall, M-M Eugene Lecuyer, M-M Wm. Adams, M·M Russell Chamberland, M-M Joaquin Correia Immaculate Conception S364 V'incent Galvin; S250 Kathryn Healey; $150 Joan R: Parkes; $100 Alice Harvey, C. Harvey, Grace Harvey, M-M D.lngemi, M-M RobeitO'Leary, Mrs. J, G, Silva Jr.ln Memory of John and John Jr.; S75 The Buckley Family, M·M F. Mahon'ey, Mrs. Douglas J. Martin, M-M James Simonson; $60 M-M Lyle Grindle S50 M-M Joseph Arsenault, Mary Campbell, The Cleary Family, M-M A. Dallaire, Mary Delgado. Helen Doherty, M·M Michael Goldsmith, M·M Alfred Gomes, M-M David Howard, M·M Martin Lawson, M-M Daniel Maher, Mrs, Charles McCarthy Sr., M·M Dennis McMenamy, M-M J. 0, Mullen Sr., M·M Paul Olean, M·M Jon.,Reardoh, M·M Edward Ryan Jr., M-M Robert Stohe, M·M James Thrasher; S45 M·M J. Tremblay. " . , , S40 M·M Ernest Camara. 'Marguerite Carter, Edward Marshall, M-M,Wiliiam McEntee; $35 M·M James Friesen. Concetta Howard. Virginia E. Rogers; $32 M-M Alan Blackwell; $30 M-M John Fresh. M·M William Kirby, M-M Timothy Nolan, M·M Edward Olsen; $25 M-M Lewis Aries, Mrs, Henry ,Baxter, M-M'Edward Bumpus, M-M J. .c,amara Sr.. M·M Francis Carda rella, Cecelia Cardoza, M-M Walter Chojnacki, M·M Eugene Colella, M·M Albert Corte', M·M John·.Crowe , S25 Patrifia &~lfred paCosta, ~rs. Ralph Dahl~org. Mildred Delaney. M;M Robert DiFabio: M·M James Doher!y; Mrs. Ralph Oorgan, Edward Duggan, Mrs. Harry, f'/.. Eastman, M-M pilOl Fruzzetti, M·M W~lIace Fulc~er, M·M James.Galiagher, M·M E. Gammons, M-M John Gi6bs, M;M. Lawrence Gouldrup, M-M' John Graca Jr., Michael Graca, M·M Gerard Griffin, M·M'Wiliiam
Griffiths, M-M John Hall, M-M Donald Hines, M·M Harold Holmes, M-M Robert Kenney, M-M Richard Kent. M·M Herbert King. MoM John Lardner $25 M-M John Leahy, M-M Robert Leonard, M-M Francis LeRoy, Mary Lordan, M-M William Lupica, John Maguire, John Marshall, M-M William McAndrews, M·M J. McAufiffe, M·M Charles McCarthy Jr., M-M Philip McCarthy, Leo McEvoy, Joseph McGuiggin, M·M Francis McKeen, M·M Robert McLaughlin, Charles McMenamy, M·M Jeffrey Morse, M-M John Mowatt, James D. Mullen Jr. Kevin Mullen, M-M John Murphy, M-M Valentine Muscato, Mrs. George Newman, M-M DaVid Nolan, M·M Philip O'Connell, M-M Raymond O'Malley $25 M-M Manuel Paulino, Joseph Pires, M·M George Pratt, M·M Richard Rhodes, M-M George Richardson, M-M W;Ured Roberge, Mrs. Royal Rollins III, M-M William Russell, MarkSantangelo, M·M Camille Saulnier, M-M William Simonson, M-M John Sullivan, M·M William Sullivan, Dr. & Mrs. Eduardo Talusa~, M-M Ralph Thomas, M·M Richard Tina, M-M David Varella, M-M Edward Welch, M·M George White RAYNHAM SI. Ann $325 Theodore Kapala;"S250 Thomas J. Whalen; $200 M-M Edward Selleck, M·M Alfred Machado; S100 Josephine Kapala, M-M Patrick Cady, M·M Raymond Dumont, M-M Raymond Cooke, James McCarty, M-M Robert Gray, M·M George Bumila, M-M David Hutchinson; $75 M·M John McMullen; S60 M-M Oscar Vitali . S50 Ronald Kane, M-M Edmund Goodhue, James F. Powers, M·M Joseph DelSignore, Roger Therous, M·M Arthur Howell, M-M Michael George, M·M James Mulvihill, Edward Almeida, Mrs. Robert Adams; $40 M·M Paul J. Fountain, M·M Ayres Souza, M-M Francis Zellner, Barbara O'Brien; S35 M·M Henry Foley, M-M George Lake, M-M James Biltcliffe Sr., Mrs. Sidney Roberts, M-M Robert Reilly; S30 A. Christine Bolton, Mrs. William Ollerhead, M·M Terence Bradshaw $25 M-M Elmer Sargent. Paul Wynn, M·M Everett Menice, M-M Ronald Pike, M-M Joseph Madden, M-M Henry Hill, Mrs. Daphne Downing, Mrs. Alma Cordeiro, M·M John Dolan, M·M Gerald Smallhoover, Michael Timmins, Or. & Mrs. Gerald Goveia, M·M Fred Petti, M-M George Fairbanks, M·M Richard Labonte $25 Bruce Tetreault, M-M Gerald Brewer, M-M Antenor DaSilva, Gilbert Lavoie, Mrs. Thomas Selleck, Mrs. Doris Connors, M-M John Lanagan, M-M Walter Cahoo~, M·M Robert Smith, M·M Richard Tonry, M-M William Clifford, M·M Albert Ribeiro, M·M Anthony Litos, M·M John Smith, M·M Joseph Masterson, M-M Daniel Jones, Linda Brouillette, M-M Marcel Marotte Mrs. Joseph Varao ' S25 Josephine Parker, M-M Frederick Santos, Mrs. Donna Lorimer, M·M Robert McCormack, M·M John Plante, M·M Richard Macolini, M-M Charles D. Dennen, Muriel Dolan, M-M Joseph Keough, M·M Francis J. Lucey, Mrs. Paul Rodrigue, M-M Thomas Galligan, William Peckson, M-M Frank Majcher, Thomas Smith, M-M John Welch, M·M Paul Dooley, M·M Wayne T. Higgins, Joseph LeMay, Richard Bagge, M·M Phillip Belanger $100 M-M John Pickard, M-M Thomas M. Ross, M-M Edwin Mahoney, M·M Thomas Shepley; $75 M·M Carmine Carucci, M-M Joseph Bettencourt; $50 M·M George' Dion Jr., M·M Jean Jacques, Mrs. Manuel DeMello, M-M Louis Secatore, William Piche, Anna Morehouse; $35 M·M Robert Perkins; S31 M-M Alfred Maillous; S30 M-M Timothy Taylor, M·M Stephen Hall $25 M-M Stephen Tracy, Roland E. Chamberland, M-M Francis Dunford, M-M William Phillipe, M-M David Rocha, M-M Daniel Wildes, M·M Michael Fitzsimmons, Arthur Souza, M-M William Casey, M-M George Phillips, M·M Leo Champagne • ' S25 M·M John G. Manganaro I, M·M Edward Gallagher, M-M Joseph Linhares, M·M Andrew Galligan, M-M Francis Ferioli, M-M Edward Gaudette, M-M Stephen Buckley, Thomas Santoro, Mrs. Joseph Scanlon, Joyce Wallace, Mrs. Guy Volterra, Mrs. Emil Cobb, M·M Joseph SQuizzero, M-M William Sale ATTlEBORO SI. Joseph S200 M-M Raymond Laferriere; S150 M-M Ferdinand Ziegler; S125 SI. Vincent de Paul Society; $100 M-M Alan Brillon, M-M Albert Dumont, M-M Armand Pinault, M-M George Stafford, M·M Alfred Pelissey, M-M Ralph Zito; $80 M·M George Largess, S75 M-M Julien Forget, Lucien Paul, M·M Conrad Maigret, M·M Vito Montaruli; $70 M-M Joseph McGee $50 Rose Albert Jr., M·M Armand Boucher, M-M Ernest Desvergnes, M-M Arthur Dubuc, M-M Robert Boucher, Laurianne Fonseca, Mrs. Muriel Gaudreau, M-M Thomas Foley, L'Union SI. Jean Baptiste (Conseil Jeanne d'Arc #263), Mrs. Beatrice McMurray, M·M Edward Mellon, M-M Henri Paradis, M·M Gerard Proulx, Mary Troufield ' $40 Mrs. Doris Bellonzi, M-M Robert Dubeau; $35 Yvette Smith; S30 David Fontneau, M-M Norman Hebert, Eunice Hutchinson, Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mrs. Richard Sieber; S25 M-M Thomas Coleman, Mrs. Edna Aata, M-M Arthur Archambault, M-M Joseph Billington, Jr., Mrs. Susan Desrosiers, Mrs. George Blade, Bertha Fanning, Edna Guillette, M·M Ronald Briand, M-M John Duphily, M-M Adrian Geoffroy, Albert Earl Dumont, Mrs. Blanche Cesolini, M-M Ernest Girard S25 M-M Lawrence Governo, M-M Richard Hanley, Mrs, Alice Lacaillade, Janice Laferriere, M-M George E. Lamarre, M-M George T. Lamarre, M'M Edward Landry, M-M 'Earl Lund, Mrs. Warren Mackinley, M-M Mark Mercier, M-M John Morin, Mary O'Brien, M-M Roger Paille, M-M Roland Pariseau, Mrs. Beatrice Peck, Mrs. Alice Pelletier, M-M Oscar Pinault, M·M Joseph Pouliot, Melvin Smith, M-M Francis Tetreault. M-M Douglas Welden, M-M Robert Whaley . H.olyGhos!S900 M-M Raymo~d Kelliher; S100 M;MRobert W. Hoag, M-M James McAndrews, Constant Poholek, M-M Alfred Vaz Sr.; $75 M·M George E. Ryan, Mary S. Sullivan; S60 M-M Fredrick Ellis; $50 M-M Joseph Ambers, M·M Lewis Benson, M-M John C. Bergeron, Christopher £: Fox, Anita E, Girouard, Rosalind Martelli, John A. Poholek' , , S40 George Fredette, M-M Antero Pereira, M-M Leon O'Brien, M-M Antonio Raposa, M·M Roland Tremblay, Madeline Turley; S35 M-M George Fredette, Francis Lavallee, M-M Joseph Poholek, M-M Donald Twed~ S30 M·M John A. All)araf, Mary Bullard, M-M Mariano Castro, M-M Leo F. charette, M-M Francis Ferrara, M-M Fred E. Lander, M-M Edmund H, Lewis, Alice Perry ,S25 M,-M Anthony Martins, Adrian Antaya, M·M Joseph T. Arruda, M-M George A. Audette,M-M Raymond Audette, Loretta Blais, M·M''F[edrick Brasier, M-M Joseph Brousseau, Lorraine C. Cabral, Mrs. James Cadero, M·M Raymond O. Castro, M-M John P. Cloud, Gaetan J. Collette Sr., M-M Gaetan Collette, M-M James E. Cooper, Richard Correia, M-M Charles Fox Jr., M-M Robert W. Geddes, M-M William Habershaw, Mrs. Merle Holmes ' ", S25 M·M Eugene H. Lacroix, Mrs. Louise Laird, Mabel E. Lewis, M-M Joseph Lojeck, M-M Earl Marchand, M-M Thomas Martin, Mrs. Joseph E. Meriard, Mrs. Raymond Mutlow, M-M Edward J. O'Keefe, Donna Pereira, M-M Frank Pistolese, M-M Frederick Proulx, M-M Paul Proulx, Helen Smith, M-M Edward Stanton, Mrs. Ralph Tinkham, M-M Richard Trabuc~o Saint Mark S150 Mrs. Joan Morse, M-M.Frank Spina,le; $125 Or. &Mrs. John Killion" M-M John Falocco, Ms, Marie & Suzanne Nolan; $100 M-M Richard Sebastiao, M-M Edward McCary, M-M RaYll!ond Pierson, M-M Wilfred Joubert;.S50 M-M Denis Paridis, M·M Leonard Roberge, M-M Robert Demers, M-M Joseph Murawski, Ms. Annie Connelly, M-M Peter Guimond, Deacon & Mrs. James Meloni, M-M Robert Sullivan, M-M Gerald L. Dorey , S40 M-M Paul Ruzanski; S30 M-M Antonio Orlando, M·M James'Gravel; $35 M·M Arthur Foley, M·M Joseph B. Furtado, Donald Shanley, ~phn McG~ir~, M-M John D. Coyle, Mrs. John Murray; S25 Mrs. Paula Correia, Mrs. Joseph Feeney, Mrs. Catherine Barone, Ms. Grace Feid, Laurence Feid, M-M Arthur Simoneau, M·M Norman Rogers, Mrs. M.ary Weeden , c S25 M-M Leon Campbell,.M-M Thomas Piggott, M-M Ronald Bazinet, Mrs. Alice, Dean, M-M Anth'ony 'Gazzola: M-M Eduardo ,LaPlante, M-M Richll'd Neely, M-M:, Harold A. Fuller, M·M Lawrence Dorr, M·M Paul Clark . St:Stephen S400 A Parishiorier; $100 M·M Edward LaPierre, Sr.; M-M Edward Lapierre, Gilberte Ringuette; S80 M-M Normand Beauregard; S45 M·M Albert Goudreau; S50 Richard Corrigan, M-M Jack Maloney, Michael Maslen; M-M Terrence McGiII,.M-M Delphis Paradi~, M-M Lionel Paradis, George Ringuette; S35 M·M Ernes! Carpenter; $30M'M James Donahue:M-M Albert Ousley, M-M Richard Smith . . S25 M-M.,Ronald Andrews, M·M Arthur Baril, M-M Jean Bergeron, M-M,Theodore Charron, Mrs. Marie Courtemanche; M·M Frederick Curtis, Oscar Desjadin, Louis Desvergiies, Mrs. ,M. Gienn Ooucette, M·M Russell Dugas, M-M Herve Dumont, Fran~is G. Fontneau, Mrs. Henry Frenier, M-M Armand Frechette: M-M James Giammarino, M-M Marcel Girard, M·M Francis Gousie, M-M Raoul Gousie, M-M Robert Heap, M-M Florent Hudon, Mrs. Theodore LaCourse S25 Donald Magnuski, Sr., M-M Ernest Marquis, M-M Raymond Paquin, M-M Alfred Peloquin, Roger Peloquin, Irene Rapoza, M-M Laurent Raymond, M'M Robert White, Arthur SI. George, M-M Herbert SI. George, Robert Stahl, Irene Trudel, M·M Peter Varrieur, Mrs. Diane Wilhelm Globa St: John the Evangelist $5001n Memory of The Henry Family; Very Rev:John J. Smith; S400 M·M John,Walsh, Jr,; S300 M-M James J. Coogan; S275 M-M Luca Failtaccione; S250 M-M Harry J. Flynn; S225 M·M Thorn Cuddy Jr.; S200 M-M PaulRockett, Mrs. Leland Smith; S150 M-M John Reardon, M-M Robert Sweeney, M-M Robert Kenny; S135 M-M Paul Scanlan, M-M John Mcintyre; S125 M-M Douglas Reed, M-M Robert Reeves " , $100 Or. & Mrs. Richard Shea, M·M Thomas Castro, Kevin Lawless, M·M Daniel Nolin, R. Fantaccione, M-M Donald Price, M-M John Hamel, M-M R. Giannitelli, M-M Gerard Lefrancois,ln Memory of Theresa & John Mahon, Mrs, William Goff, Mrs.. F. Joseph Doyle, M-M Harry Borden, M-M Albert Magnuson, M·M Wm Crowley, M-M Edward Maher, M-M Kevin Myles; S80 M·M Donald Lange; S75 Mrs. Arthur Mulligan, Frederick Conrad, M-M Wilfred Cardin, Marilyn Blake; S65 M-M John Costello • S50 M·M Roger E. Forget, M-M Albert Pion, Rita O'Donnell, M-M Donald Pelletier, M-M Victor Gulino, M-M Gilbert DaCosta, M-M John Walsh, M-M Charles Bowen, M-M James Martins, Mrs. Catherine Baxter, Helen Sheehan, Or. & Mrs. David Ison, Vincent Nihan, M-M Garry Whe,elock, M-M Charles Dean, M-M Arthur Nunes, M-M Carlton Redding, M-M Ralph Sears, M-M George Gay, M·M Gilbert Rea, M-M Frank Carroccia, M-M F. ,Boschert' , ,. S50 M-M Edward Kelley, Mrs. Adela Dudovicz, Mrs, Francis Kelley, M-M S. Gulino;Mrs, Arthur Anderson, Nabby Coffey,.M-M Edward Bayly, M-M James Dulude, Mrs, Cecile Schneider, M-M John Dolan, M·M Walter Ambler, M-M Richard Hanlon, M-M Robert Edwards, Mrs. Herbert Clegg, John Bussiere , , S40 M-M Malte Ebeling, M-M Anthony Magina, M-M Joseph Collins, Mrs, Eleanor Weiss, Mrs. Bazil Mulligan, M·M Robert Alegi, M-M Edward Greve, M·M Adrian Bosh;S35 Mrs, Vincent Pedro, M-M John T. White. 'Jr..,M-M Oonald Trainor, M·M Horace.Landon, M-M Paul Palermq, Joseph Botelho, Barbra Botelho, Mrs, Rovert W. Sharke,y, M·M Robert Parker, Mrs. Irene Bolton, M-f.1 Robert Rohman, M'M Edward Perry, Mrs, Helen Shanley, Thomas & Thomas J. Bolton, : S30 M·M William,Yklloshyn, M-M Edward Murphy, M-M,David Caldwell, Bernard Beatty, Mrs. John Souto, M·M Henry Beaulac, Mrs. Julia Murphy, M·M John Horton, M-M.. Harold Dansby, M-M Jose~h Pacheco, M·M Alvin Cassidy, M·M Robert Nerz, Gertrude McBrien, M-M Francis Birch,
M·M William Healy, M·M Robert Robichaud, M-M ,Richard Fesik, Ronald Churchill, M-M Giorgio Rey, M·M Robert Lee; $27 M·M Robert Caruso $25 Mrs. Loretta Heagney, Mrs. Grace Porter, Michael Harrington, M-M John Bessette, Mrs. Annette Birch, M-M Paul Bellevance, M·M Joseph Bono, Margaret O'Keefe, Mary McKearney, Patrick McKearney, M·M William Morin, Mrs. Ann Dupee, Marguerite Mondor, George Bussiere, M-M Lawrence Brenick, M·M Dean Winslow, M·M John Mungo, M-M John Salley, Mrs. Richard Zern, Mrs. Paul Cooper " $25 M·M William Flynn, M·M Everette Medeiros, M·M Alan Burt, M-M Normand Cloutier, M·M Richard Field, M·M Michael Keane, M-M Reid Braga, M-M Robert'M. Fife, In Memory of Vincent M. McGinn, M-M Daniel Flynn, M-M Raymond Mayer, M-M Joseph Pedro, M-M Joao Pequeneza, M·M William Willis, M-M Gerhard Daday, M-M Joseph Carter, Angelina Shepherd, M·M James Pinocci, Robert Rounds S25 Mrs. Philip Rounds, M-M Charles Clarke, Mrs. Mildred Bellavance, M-M Daniel Cronin, Walter Smith, M-M Joseph Caponigro, Bonnie Chapman, M-M Leo Rushlow, Thomas & Stephen Gulino, M-M Kevin Turley, M-M Edward Shea, M-M John Fleming, Marieange Kirovac, Helen Schriever, Beatrice Paquette, M-M Mark Traversi, M-M F. Kenneth Callahan, M-M J. Harry Condon, Jr., Mrs. Anne Hyland $251n Memory of Margaret &Ian Davis, Kathleen Martin, Mary Martin, M-M Harry Loew, M-M Andrew Nyzio, M-M Kenneth Parker, Helen Madden, M-M Eugene Hunt, M-M John Kelley, Margaret Doran, M·M John Hannan, M-M David Craige, Mrs. Thomas Clinton, M·M James Birch, Oorothy Nolin, M·M Maurice Goulet, M-M Philip Dorrance, Mrs. Virginia Owyer, M·M Brian Graveline, Virginia Frenier, M·M Paul Garon, M·M Ralph Castro, M-M Armand Azevedo $25 M-M Leroy Yarboro, Judy McKnight, M-M Neil Spellman, M-M George McCauley, M-M Patrick Gorman, M-M Frank Fanning, M-M Edward Healey, M·M Richard Blais, Mrs. Helen Roftinoli, M-M Roland Grenier, M-M Russell Frederickson, Mrs, Alfred Goulet. David Holander, Sharon Topham, Mrs. Wilton Dale, Michael Holmes, M·M Frederick Marshall, Mrs. John Walsh, M-M John Galligan, M·M Raymond Coppola, Mrs. Ernest Anderson, M-M Kevin Blake, M·M Alfred Lortie $25 M-M Paul Lorincz, Fred McCracken, In Memory of William F. Hafey, M-M Harln Batchelder, M-M Joseph Megan, M-M Arthur Taylor, M-M O. Geminiani, M-M Jerome O'Brien, M-M Lawrence Habershaw, M·M George Matros, M·M James Richmond, Mrs. Linda Pemberton, Mrs. Vernonic Sciolto, M·M Charles Goulet $25 Mrs. Angela Lewis, Mrs. G. Farrington, M-M John White, Mrs. Bridget Nolin, M. E. Bergin, M·M Michael Burgess, M-M John Di lanni, M·M Frank Flaherty, Mrs. John Lepper, Evelyn Sheehan, In Memory of Mary Hart, M-M John Gagne, Mrs. Elizabeth Holdgate NORTH ATTlEBORO Sacred Heart S250 Rev. Roger O. Leduc; S100 M-M Maurice Dargis, M·M Francis Ouellette; S90 M-M Nelson Duphiney; S50 M-M Warren Boehling, M·M Normand Cloutier, M-M Richard M. Dargis, M-M Richard Leydon, M·M Paul Sauve; S40 Joseph Achin, M-M Normand Achin; S35 M·M Ronald Achin M-M Raymond Alger, M·M Gerard Desilets; S33 M·M Wilbur Weldon; S30 Mrs. Yvette Hamel, M-M Normand L'Homme, Mrs, Marielle Martineau, M·M Charles Meunier, M-M Alfred Weldon S25 M-M Henry Achin, M-M Andrew Bennett, Jr., M-M Roger Bourassa, M-M Orner Briere, M-M John Carr, M-M Henry Champagne, M·M Arthur R. Cloutier, M-M Albert Davignon, Mrs. Claire Deschenes, Mrs. Flora Destrampe, M·M Richard Dion, M-M Roland Dubuc, M·M Roland Fregault, Miss Doris Gagne, Charles L. Griffin, M-M Donald Kirby, M·M Joseph Landry, M-M Eugene Marchand, M-M Rodolphe Morel, M-M Robert Ouellette S25 M-M Maurice Paquin, Lena Parenteau, M-M Leo Piette, M·M Paul Poirier, M-M John Rego, Mrs. Lillia~ Seymour, M-M David P. Sigman, M-M Raymond Thibault NORTON SI. Mary S750 Rev. John V. Magnani; S250 M·M Joseph E. Fernandes; S100 James Dunlap, Vangie Fonseca, Ethel Precourt. Gilbert L. Simmons, M-M George A. Yelle; S75 Mary I. Camara, Anne Hiltz; $60 M·M Samuel Arena; S50 M-M John Bartley, M-M Neal F. Biron, M-M Robert Burkhart, M-M Joseph R, Daley, M-M Robert J. Devlin, M-M John Drane, Robert A. Menard, In Memory of Peter Mondor, Helen Mondor, & Dorothy Mondor, M-M John J. Ribeiro, Frances M. Sullivan, M-M Felix P. Yarusites $40 M-M Charles P. Wichland, M-M Henri Yelle, M-M Christopher Belmonte; $35 M·M Alex Bertone, M-M Norman H. Cookson, M-M Joseph S. Jolly, M-M Cadorna J. Lori, Edith McCabe, Victor Waz; $30 M-M John J. Camara, M·M Theodore Candiloro, Mary Cronin, M-M John F. Doherty, M·M Thomas V, Kelly, M-M William Marvel S25 M-M Edward D. Bartley, M-M George J. Bauza, M-M Thomas Bryant, Sr., M-M James W. Burton, In. Memory of Jennie Carr, Richard J. Charette, M-M Nelson Charest. M-M Josep.h F. Cummings, M·M Stephen C. Ehrlich, M-M James F. Famulare, M-M James O. Frick, M-M John M. Gomes, M-M Ralph Gustafson, M-M Thomas B. Howell, III, M-M Christopher Johnson, M·M James Kelly, M-M Robert L'aCasse, M-M Lawrence Larocque $25 M·M Douglas MacMaster, John L. Maigret, M-M Norman). Marshall, M·M John J. Mannix,' Jr., M-M Antonio Medeiros, Mary Nunes, M-M David Precourt, M-M Robert H. Ouellette, M·M Santiago M. Perez, Mrs. Arthurc, Puscheck, Clarence P. Rich, Jr., In Memory of Clarence P. Rich, Sr., M-M Jonathan D. Rowe, Theresa Rushlow, Margaret M. Stenerson, M·M Leo Schleicher, In Memory of Herbert Schriever, Rita M. Scott, M-M Joseph Materia MANSFiElD SI. Mary's S550 Robert M. Currivan, Esq., The Darmedy Family; S200 M·M WiIIi~m Morton, S100 Or. & Mrs. Philip Sibilia; S75 M-M Lawrence Jackson; S60 M-M Thomas Graney, Jr., M-M William Lawrence, M-M S. Pazniokas, M-M Edward Sliney; S50 M-M Oarrell Benson, Miss H. L. Burns, Louise Capone, Mary Capone, Dominic & Diane Cimino, M-M Warren Cottrell, Lillian & Letty Dian, M:M Kevin Jackson, Phillip Genatossio, M-M Oomenic M'acaione, M-M Joseph Murphy, Mrs. Raymond Ockert, M·M Wayne Pyron, M·M Frank Signoriello, William Sullivan, Jr., M-M' Thomas Warren . . ,. . $45 Clarence Leonard; $40 M-M Bradly Dauphinee, M·M A. Delgrosso, Richard D'Onofrio, Mrs. Fred Phillips, M-M Michael Placido, M-M James Roach; S35 M-M John L. Craven, M-M Charles Norton; $30 Domenic A. Barbero, Jr., M·M Carmen Cardinute, Mrs. Edward Chace, M·M William DeBaggis, M·M Philip Giangarra, ,Lena Inglese & Family, M-M Joseph Souza, Jr. S25, Mrs. Harry Alden, George Barlow, Mrs. Irene Barrows, M-M Earl Beaton, Mrs. ~dward Be.nson, William J. Breen, 'M-M Frank Candela, M·M James Card, M.M Orner A. Chagnon, Mrs, Ralph Chambers, M-M Raymond Collins, M-M Richard Curley,M·M Frank D'Ambra,Mrs: Salvatore DeLutis, M-M Ralph DePillo, M-M William Dissinger, M·M Brian Eagan, M·M Malcolm Fales, M-M Anthony Givoino, Luigi Giovino , , $25 M-M William Higgins"Mrs, Willi~m Holske, M·M John Houghto~, M·M Joseph Houghto~, M-M Robert Introini, M·M Todd Johnston, Kenry Kane, M·M James Kinder, M-M John King, Lorrarne Larkin, Thomas Leonard, Mrs. Josephine LoDico'.'Margaret Mahoney, Mrs. Beverly. McConnell, M·M John McMair, M-M Robert Mei, M-M John Metrano, M'-M William T. Moreau,M-M Silvio Morini, Gladys Morse, Joseph Motyl, M-M Mark Niederberger. . . '. $25 M-M Edward O'Malley, Paul O'Neill, M·M John Paioni, James Palladino: Agnes Picciandra, M·M Joseph Piscatelli, Ida Jane Richard, Mrs. Kat~leen Secher, M·M David Sellmayer, M-M John J. Silva, M-M Gerald Tulis, M-M William Verzola, M·M Emery Viscont, Caroline Wade, M-M Joseph. Walent. Ellen Westlund, Judith Wyman M-M'Albert Zaffini· .
SI. MarY's S850 In Memory 'ofThe Mahoney &Leonard Families; S500 M-M Bernard O'Toole; S340 M-M Joseph Hodge; S300 M-M John S. Francis; $175 Or. John Belsky; S150 M-M John Murphy; S125 M-M John Harrington, Or. & Mrs. Raymon Riley; $100 M-M Edmund Murray, Dr. Robert Burrouhs,Dr. &Mrs. Alex Macisaac, M-M Martin Carr,M-M Pa41 R. Oliveira, M·M Alfred L'Heureux, M·M .B. A. Oziga, Mrs. Foster Boldt, M-M Edmund McCann, M-M Daniel Hanlon S80 M-M.H. E. Morriseau; S75 M-M Herbert Leddy, The Misses Kelly, M-M George Provost; S50' M-M John Ross, M-M Francis Menard, M-M Joseph Palana, SI. Mary's Prayer Group, M·M Joseph' R. McKilchen, M-M Lawrence Kokoszka, Agnes Blake, Mrs. David Blake, M-M George McCarthy" ~~l~
$50 M-M William O'Brien, M-M Gerald Lanoue, Mrs. Antone Governo, M-M John Marshall, M-M Michael Tamburro, M-M Eric Spencer, M-M Carl J.Tetzner, M-M Roger Lafrance, Kathryn Donahue, J. McDermott, M-M Lawrence Welch, M-M Harold McCormick, M-M James Souza, M-M Robert D.Bessette, M·M George Casey, M-M Joseph Don Carlos; S40 Mrs. William Figura, M·M Raymond Hayes, M·M George Labelle, M-M Roger Ferland, M-M Leo Marcoux $35 M,M Paul Tetreault, Mrs. Robert Pritchard, M-M Bert Sullivan, M-M James Brackett, M-M Charles Fisk, M-M Ralph Baumgartel, P/I-M Louis Thoinas .. Jeremiah' Raposa, M·M John Tobin; $30 Rene BeaUChemin, M-M Robert Gravel, M-M Joseph Perry, Mrs. B.t:. Amos, G. & B. Jette, ' Charles Dauray, Mrs. Manuel Furtado, Mrs. Joseph Strycharz, Oralee Ghazi( Armand & Rose Labrie, M-M Benjamin Braga, Mrs, Jacques Leduc , . . 'S25 M·M Thomas Costa, M-M Richard Carignan, The Cartier Family, M·M Michael Mahoney, Mrs. Roger Barney, M-M Howard Vaslet, M-M Peter Jacobson, M·M Clifford Wallace, M-M Edward Harrop, M-M Edmond Bedard, Mrs. Thomas Maguire,M-M Frank Foley, M-M John Lomas, M·M Robert Feighery, M·M H~w'ard Walsh" Thomas Maguire, Jr.. M·M Albert Nerbonne, M-M Joseph Meagber, M-M Stephen B. Braga: M-M Richard Voccio, M-M Eugene Harvey, Susan V. Tracey , 'S25 Edgar A. Jan~lIe, M-M Louis Kuffey, M·M Louis Emond, Jr., M-M Donald Lyden, M~s. Pauline Patenaude, Mrs. Rita Jacolucci, Wesl~y Morey, M-M ,Charles Sirois,M-M W. Cushman, Mrs, Charles Costa, M-M Henry Yerets,ky, M·M William Fletcher,.Mrs. W. Bechtel, G. L..Conley, M-M William-Duquette" M·M Arthur 'Cloutier, M-M Robert Fontaine, M·M Fre~ SI~mon, M-M. James McDade, M-M Gaston Vandal .." , , " '. ' S2,5 M,M Philip Lockwood, M-M Richard Comeau, M-M' Fredrick Theberge, M-M Stephen Sevigny, Mrs. Anne Sevigny, M·M Eugene Ciavola, M-M George Therrian, Sr.,M-M Robert Boskus,. Mrs, David Lynch, M·M Robert Kenneally, M-,M Charles Scott, Jean, ttl, Van Eeghen, M-M Robert Desautel; M-M K, Marcotrigi~no, Mrs. Angela Rob'ertson, M·M. Fran~ Fournier, M·M Arthur Wildgoose, M-M Clement Ziroli,..M-MGeorge SI. Laurent, '.' $25 M-M Sylva Langlois, t.1-M Kevin Hurley, tII-M Roger F~rr~n, Yvonne LeBlanc,'t,f·M Edward Perron, Jr., M-M Josepti Regan, M-/II,.Rqnald Boivin, Mrs. JQhn. R. Przybyla, M-M Jos~ph Chandley, Alderic Richard, M-M.Sterling OallQn, M-M _N. Trahan. M-M Roger"Reeves, M-M Richard Goyette, Jr., Stanley Strychary, M-M'Harold King, M:M'Hector Carutel .
Our Lady of Mount Carmel $300 Rev. ThomasC. Mayhew; $200 William J. Anthony, Lawrence Weyker; $15 M·M Jesse Hendricks, John Hendricks; $100 Helen E. Browning, Mrs. Mariano Cavallaro, M·M Maurice Hurley, M·M John Raposa, M·M James Roberts; $75 M·M Robert Pereira, $60 M·M Ray Corrigan; $50 Mrs. Linda Bosworth, M·M Richard A. Costa, M·M Louis C. Dupere, M·M Michael Durkay, M·M John M. Ellis, Joseph Fitzgibbon, M·M Gerald Foley, M·M Vincent Frattaruolo, M·M John Furtado $50 M·M Carmine Ippolito, M·M Edward M,artin, M·M Sarkis Najarian, Jr.. Mrs. Louise Oakland, M·M William Quirk, M·M Eugene Rebello, M·M Randall P. Silveira, Mrs. John Smith, M·M Stephen P. Tracey, Mrs. George Wood; $45 Antonio Ribeiro, Jr.; $40 M·M Alfred R. Benoit, M·M Anthony L. Peters, M·M Dennis Veader, Sr.; $35 M·M James Drapeau, Mrs. Elizabeth Kempke, M-M Frank Lewis, William B. McAuliffe $35 M·M John Medeiros, Mrs. Anna Propatier, M·M George Roderick, M·M James Viara; $30 Mrs. Manuel DeMattos, M·M Alfred George, M·M Richard Gregoire, Kenneth McCloskey, Angela Medeiros, Emily Medeiros, M·M Joseph L. Motta, Jr., M·M Michael O'Connell, M·M John Petraitis, M·M Ralph Tomei, M·M Joseph Trojan $25 M·M Antone Alexander, Joseph M. Amaral, M·M Anthony Andrade, William E. Benson, M·M Arthur Bianco, Sarah L. Blackledge, M·M B. Blais, Mrs. Wilfred Blanchette, Mrs. Eva Bosworth, M·M John J. Bovi, M·M William Bowen, Jr.,Sruce Boynton, M·M Thomas Brewer, M·M Michael Campbell, M·M Paul Cosgrove, M·M John F. Costa, M·M Victor Couto, M·M Wayne Derosa, M·M Anthony Desilva, Jose O. Doro, M·M Paul E. Dunn $25 Or. & Mrs. John Erhardt, Mrs. louise Fallon, M·M Michael Filumenia, M·M Norman Galimberti, M·M Edward J. Gallagher, M·M Walter Gerula, M·M Gaetano V. Grima, M·M Ronald Hebert, M·M Roy Henderson, M·M Albert F. Hunt, M·M Gerald J. Lima, M·M James Lovely, Joseph Macedo, M·M Lawrence Martin, M·M Stephen McCarron, Or. & Mrs. Franklin McCool, M·M Thomas J. McGovern, M·M John McKenzie, M·M James McNulty, Joseph Medeiros, Jr., M·M Samuel J. Mulholland, M·M Manuel Ormonde $25 M·M Alexander Pratt, M·M Joseph Rebello, M·M Donald J. Robillard, M·M Joseph L. Rose, M·M Kenneth Scolaro, M·M Joseph F. Soboda, M·M Robert Stefanik, M·M William Toole, M·M James Torres, M·M Richard Veader, M·M Richard Vermette, Mrs. Peter Zollo CENTERVILLE Our Lady of Victory $300 M·M Thomas Hazlett, Mrs. Raymond Wynkoop; $250 M·M James Murphy; $200 M·M Anthony DeDecko, Dr. & Mrs. Austin O'Malley; $150 M·M George Crawford, Sr., Henry Mcinerney, M·M James Pendergast; $120 M·M Richard Burton; $110 Lillian F. O'Neil $100 M·M Robert Donahue, M·M Alfred Fournier, Mrs. Daniel Galvin, M·M Joseph Grant, M·M Richard Griffith, Clarence F. Hanson, M·M Wayne James, Linda M. Jones, M·M Francis T. Judge, M·M Francis E. Kilday, Michael Legan, M·M Henry Lyons, Katherine MacDonald, M·M Charles Miller, M·M John E. Nowlan, M·M Joseph Piccirilli, M·M Rene L. Poyant, Mrs. E. Seifert, M·M Charles F. Sherman; $80 M·M Stanley McLean, Marea Sefton; $75 M·M Charles Barrett, Mary Bohling, M·M William Bussiere, M·M Job lippincott, Agnes L. Mcinerney, Patricia Patterson; $60 Mrs. Graham Scudder, M·M Paul H. Shannon $50 Mrs. Frank Andres, Mrs. Agnes Canavan, M·M Robert Cannon, Mrs. Eileen Claflin, M·M Lawrence Colwell, Mrs. William J. Cotter, M·M James Cotterall, M·M Leo J. Coveney, M·M Merrill Davis, M·M Michael J. Dean, M·M Michael DeBenedictis, Dr. louis DeRosa, M·M John F. Desmond, M·M .Harry C. Dever, M·M Dennis Driscoll, M·M John Dunton, M·M Louis Galgani, Kalliope G. Garoufes, M·M Michael Gilligan, M·M Jon A. Glydon, Or. & Mrs. Bernard Hand, M·M Daniel Harkins, M·M Robert J. Hyland, M·M Donald James $50 Edward F. Juliano, Samuel Keavy, M·M Owen Kiernan, Mrs. K. R. Liston, M·M John T. McPhillips, M·M Burton Merrifield, M·M Joseph Murphy, M·M Stanley P. Nowak, M·M Arthur O'Keefe, MabelleO'Neil, M·M Arnold E. Pond, M·M Marcel R. Poyant, Mrs. Raymond Russell, M·M George Smith, M·M John Sweeney • $40 Mrs. Mary F. Foley; $35 Col. James Blake, Dorothea Clancy, M·M Andrew J. Kelly, Mrs. Howard Munroe, M·M Richard E. O'Connor, M·M Francis Walsh; $30 Gretchen Deichert, Kathryn M. Destafano, M'M Daniel J. Gallagher, M·M Armand Goulet,'William Grinnell, M·M Edward J. Ledwith, M·M Stephen O'Brien, Jr., Mrs. Katherine Phalan, M·M Dennis Thureson $25 M·M Lloyd E. Allen III, M·M John Antrim, Mrs. M. G. Bailey, M·MJohn Baldner, Dr. & Mrs. G. Curtis Barry, Mrs. Gilbert Bearse, M·M George Bonda, Mrs. Harold Bragle, M·M Joseph' Brescia, M·M Jeremiah J. Buckley, Dr. & Mrs. loren C. Burger, M·M Edward M. Butler, M·M Frank Capra, M·M Dale A. Carlisle, M·M Robert L. Childs, M·M Chester Ciborowski, M·M Edward Clark, M·M James R. Clarkin, Dr. & Mrs. William J. Connolly, M·M Lester Cook $25 Helen S. Corsa, M·M Louis Costello, M·M J. David Crawford, Mrs. Carlton B. Crocker, Mrs. John Crowley, M·M James M. Devlin, M·M William J. Dillon, Mrs. Frederick Donovan, M·M William H. Dugan, Mrs. lorraine C. Dunnett, M·M RoberfFellows, Jane Flynn, Mrs. George Garoufes, Mrs. Miriam Grillo, Mrs. Edith Growe, Mrs. Albert Harkins, M·M Arthur Harvey, Jr., Helen P. Hogan, M·M Richard Kennedy, M·M James Keville, M·M Richard F. Kiley $25 M·M Ralph lemay, M·M James McCarthy, M·M Timothy McCarthy, louise,E. McKenna, M·M Edward J. McLean, M·M Francis McVarish, M·M Charles MacAleese, Margaret Macpherson, Mrs. Arthur Morash, Thomas F. Murphy, M·M Peter Nelson, M·M John Norton:Mrs. Ubaldo Nugnes, M·M David O'Keefe, Mrs. Harold Papazian, M·M Edward Perry, Mrs. Edward S. Roache, Mrs. William Robie, M·M Stephen Rowen • $25 M·M Wilfrid D. Sampson, M'·M Daniel Severino, Mrs. George Sieverts, Mrs. Robert Starck, M·M Joseph Stefens, Mrs. Walter Teehan, Mrs. Arthur Tomlinson, William Waechter, M·M Thomas P. Walsh, Atty. & Mrs. Don Weber, Robert J. Wenger, Mrs. Edward A. Whalen, Mrs. Robert Wheeler, Mrs. Olavi Wiinikainen WEST HARWICH
HolyTrinity $300 M·M Maurice Houten; $200 Margaret Scully, M·M Donald Wolf; $150 M·M William Lacey; $100 Ron & Marie Murphy, M·M Edward Jala, Frances George, AntoinetteOonlan, Paul G. Carney, In Memory of Maria & Anthony Perry·Ponte $75 M·M Francis Recka, M·M Albert Bishop, Mary Higgins, Alice Saudade, M·M John Sullivan, Jane & Charles Samko, Amos leyton, M·M Eugene Favret, William E. Connors, M·M Timothy Clifford, M·MNorman Dagenais, M·M ThomasO'Connor, M·M Cornelius Driscoll, M·M Carl Meyer, Madeline & Doris Monroe, Donald & Jane McGowan, M·M Bernard Powers, M·M Paul Hendrick, Louise Marlowe, Mary & Rose Sylvia $40 M·M George Gardner; $35 M·M Harry Long, Anna Raftery; $30 Leo & Joan Shea, M·M William Cannon, M·M Edward Hathaway, Mrs. Alphonse Desrochers, M·M William Green, M·M Edwin Roderick . $300 Elizabeth Dolan; $200 Atty. &Mrs. Joseph Downes, M·M William Sweeney, M·M Russell Brennan, Constance Collinge; $125 Regina Gegenwarth, In Memory of Francis Taylor; $100 M·M Vincent Fleming, Patricia Bennett, In Memory of Mary Nelson, Deacon & Mis. Vincent Walsh, E. Jean Whitney, M·M John Ferguson, M·M Ralph Barnes, M·M Rufus Pina, John Griffin, M·M Albert Tessier, M·M William Brown, Mary Vincent, M·M Charles Woolverton, Eileen Ryan, M·M Frank Duffy, Natalie Conway, M·M Joseph Mallard $55 M·M Gerald Flintoft; $40 M·M Warren Holmes, Jr.; $35 M,M Donald Lopes, M·M Joseph Perry, Marian MacAulay, M·M Herbert Patriquin; $30 Mrs. Robert Gott, M·M Richard Bueker $50 M·M Timothy Barrett, Mrs. Howard Clark, M·M Paul Cuddy, M·M James Duval, Dr. William Failla, Helene Hargrove, M·M William Heffernan, Marie Kelly, M·M Salvatore Miceli, M·M Walter O'Farrell, Alice Pumphret, Alfred Thomson, M·M Harold Weldon, M·M Russell Wedge, M·M William Grant, M·MRussell Hamlyn Sr., M·M Philip Waysstack, Gladys Welch, Margaret Deviney, Evelyn Clarke, M·M Raymond Pasquina, M·M Arthur Frost, M·M Jerome Murphy, M·M Eobert Fagan, Hester & Magaret Griffin, M·M John Coyle, M·M John Ormond, M·M E. T. Hollis $25 Mrs. T. Joseph Cody, Jame Connor, M·M Lawrence Duffy, Elizabeth Donohue, Ms. Decler, M·M Herbert Gumpright, M·M Joseph Gavin, Gertrude Kiley, Edna Kelley, M·M Dan larkin, M·M George Lane, H. Gertrude McLaughlin, Esther McCullough, Edward McCullough, Elizabeth Miller, M·M William O'Grady, M·M Anthony O'Donnell, Edith Ryan, M·M Jan Van Den Berghe, lynden Wordell $25 M·M Nicholas Butera, Julio Barrows, Eleanor Feeney, M·M Jeff Watts, Samuel J. Calhoun, M·M James Egan, Elizabeth O'Grady, Helen O'Grady, M·M Michael Ricci, Mary C. Whelan, Abbie· Pierce, M·M Thomas Murphy, Mildred Ryan, M·M Hugh Arnold, M·M Donald Brouillette, Rose Anne Steele, Catherine Drahan, lucy Bryan, Madeline O'Neill, Frances Glynn, M·M Ralph Krause, Mrs. John Anderson, Olive Marston $25 M·M Fred Giannelli, M·M Stanley Wiard, M·M Edward Deedy, .Lucille Waiver, Elizabeth Hitchiner, Irene Cook, McM Joseph Shanahan, Erville Williams, Yolanda Durling, M·M William Conway, M·M· Raymond Alvey, Mrs. Fred Curtis, Dorothy Hewins, M·M Joseph DeMango Jr. Catherine & Susan Fallon, M·M John Broderick, M·M Edwin Burns, Mrs. Donald Bradley, Irene Cummings, Helen & Mary McKeon, Rose Dalfdorf, M·M Francis Concannon, Cynthia Merna, Richard McCormick, M·M George Dunning, Helen Kelley $25 Edith Quirk, M·M Vincent Roscio, Mildred Mazanec, Cornelia King, Dr. &Mrs, John Roche, Dorothy Nelson, M·M Bernard Minkus, M·M William MacDonald, Amy Carbonneau, M·M Michael McDonough, M·M Thomas Egan, Mrs. Frederick Baker, M·M Bertram DuBois, Mary Dyson, Mrs. James Menzies, M·M Victor Benson, Felicia Juras, M·M James Athy, Wanda Juras, William Maher
NORTH FALMOUTH SI. Elizabeth Seton $350 Rev. Joseph L. Powers, Mrs. William F. Foran; $200 M·M Robert F. McOermott; $150 M·M George J. Power, Jr.; $125 Mrs. Ralph Creemer; $100 M·M Paul Boudreau, Judge & Mrs. Roger B. Champagne, M·M William F. Costello, M·M William J. Doyle, John Hughes, Mrs. Rose H. Hurll, Mrs. Payson Jones, Jr., Mrs. Martin lawless, M·M Joseph F. Montie, M·M Francis Murphy, M·M James H. O'Connell, M·M William H. Rogers, Dr. & Mrs. David Sullivan, M·M James C. Tansey, M·M Ralph F. Vaccaro, M·M James A. Wa.rd, M·M Gerard A. Weidman $75 M·M Paul Halpin, Clare M. O'Brien, Mrs. Julianne Palmierei; $50 M·M William G. Andrew, M·M James Annicelli, M·M Frank Arbusto, M·M Francis P. Bagarella, Mrs. Christos Bezadaris, M·M Richard Boudrot, Mrs. David Bullock, M·M Anthony Caruso, Ralph DeGregorio, M·M Francis OiDiano, M·M William F. Dillon, Lucy B. Donahue, M·M William Flaherty, Barbara J. Kamicker, M·M Charles L. Kenyon, M·M James J. Kilroy $50 M;M Charles W. Harvey, Mrs. Joseph D. Hughes, William L. Lacasse, Mrs. James J. Lane, Mrs. Charles Lawless, M·M Clifford G. Long. M·M Joseph McCann, M·M'Joseph McCarthy, M·M Paul McGowan..M·MFrancis M. McManus, Mrs. Manuel T. Medeiros, Mary Morris, M·M Martin Miflane, M·M Robert Noonan, M·M Donald O'Connell, William H. Orp~n, M·M John A. Ryan, M·M John T. Shea, Patricia Sonnabend, Donald Southworth
$50 M·M Ralph Stitilis, M·M Herbert Sullivan, M·M John Sullivan Mrs. Thomas W. Summers; $40 M·M John Walmsley, L. Richard & Sharon McKinney; $35 M. Veronica Weidman; $30 Mrs. Thomas Talbot; $25 M·M Peter J. Alinskas, M·M Paul April, M·M Curtis Arthur, Mrs. David Bercovici, M·M John F. Connolly, M·M James Corr, M·M Thomas Coyne, M·M Earl Creemer, Mrs. Eunice Dahlborg, M·M Gerard E. Daly, M·M William L. Dalton Jr., M·M William DeCroce, M·M James Doherty, Paul E. Dussault $25 Thomas Fermoyle, M·M Charles A. Fermano, M·M Robert Ferreira, M·M Evans J. Flynn, M·M Paul J. Ford, M·M Dana Freeman, M·M Leon Furfey, Mrs. Ronald S. Gallup, Mrs. John Gibbons, M·M Hu'gh Gibbons, Mrs. Carlton Grant, Jr., M·M Albert Green, Danielle Guay, M·M Paul Hannigah, William P. Hendel, M·M Karl Herendeen, Mrs. John Howe, Mrs. Mary F. Huse, M·M Robert Inman, M·M John Joyce, May Kenny, M·M Walter P: leahy, Mrs. Joseph B.lewis, M·M William R. Lewis, M·M Francis D. Maguire, M·M Richard Mahoney, Mrs. Edward l. Maurer, M·M Joseph MazlUcchelli, M·M Richard A. McCabe, Richard E. McCormick $25 Mrs. John McNally, Robert McGuire, M·M James McCue, Robert W. & G. M. Miller, M·M Thomas A. Moniz, M·M Charles E. Morgan, M·M Mario Motta, Joseph Mulkerin, M·M Richard Nixon, M·M Joseph B. Noonan, M·M Paul Noonan, Mrs. Elise Noyes, Mrs. James P. O'Brien, M·M Joseph Pine, M·M James m. Razinha, M·M Omer Renquin, M·M Robert D. Rudden, M·M Frank Scarito, Mrs. HerbertSemino, M·M Sherman Schuck, M·M Charles Smith, M·M James Stack, Mrs. William Thompson, M·M Gregory Varjian ORLEANS SI. Joan of Arc $1000 John A. Maclellan, In Memory of Julia C. Andrews; $250 M·M William Durgin; $150 M·M Joseph F. Leonard, M·M Bernard Maguire; $125 M·M Frank T. Szedlak, Jr.; $110 M·M William B. Vautrinot; $100 Beverly Adamkovic, M·M Wallis Barnes, M·M Ben Bartolini, M·M Paul Brewer, M·M Elmer Costa, Mrs. Thomas Counihan, M·M George Duffy, M·M Alfred l. Gasco, Frances Govett, M·M Thomas R. Lawson, M·M John P. Monks, M·M John J. Moore, Dr. & Mrs. Philip Morrison, M·M Robert J. Troy, Dr. & Mrs. Albert Voelkle $75 M·M Howard Floan, M·M James Millin; $50 M·M Anthony P. Alves, Mrs. James T. Clancy, Mrs. Joseph F. Durant, Mrs. M. J. Elliott, M·M Lewis B. Fiori, M·M Arthur Freund, M·M Thomas Garvey, Rosalie Smith Gengras, M·M Harold J. Hawko, M·M Joseph Hirschberg, M·M Raymond A. Horan, Ruth Kantorski, John Kelly, Mrs. Gordon J. King, M·M Francis lajoie, Atty. & Mrs. Thomas LaTanzi, Eleanor McCabe, M·M Joseph F. Moran, M·M Francis J. Neal, M·M Alexander H. Patterson, Mrs. Herbert Reckards, M·M Ovila Richer, James E. Robson, M·M Robert Rotti, Harriet Royal, Mrs. Robert Whitesell $40 Helen Rabbitt; $35 Mrs. David Besson, Sr., Mrs. FrancisJ. Callahan, Mildred Crowley, M·M Roland J. Frechette, Mrs. Robert Kelley, Mary Kinne, M·M Carl O'Neill; $30 Kathleen & Rose Bresnahan, M·M John B. Brennan, M·M Ronald Chad, Mrs, W. A. Hazelton, Mrs. Fred Henderson, Paul & Charles Heudes, M·M Joseph P. Kelley, Mrs. J. Bruce Munro, Helen Murphy, M·M Raymond Narciso, M·M Albert Norgeot, Mary Quinn, M·M Keith Staples , . $25 M·M Wayne Anderson, Mrs. Edward Benz, Eryn M. Bradley, M·M Thomas A. Brady, M·M Edward Bresnahan, Francis X. Burns, M·M Merton P. Burt, M·M Neil Butler, M·M Fred Carey, Jr" M·M Earl Caswell, M·M Anthony Chiarappo, M·M Robert Chiarello, M·M Vito Civita, Ellen Covell, M·M Dominic Creonte, Helene Dawson, Mrs. John Dickey, Rita Dohn, M·M Francis Dugan, M·M Joseph F. D u n n ' . $25 M·M James Elie, M·M Guy Farrell, Elizabeth Ficco, Frances Fleming, M·M Paul F. Foley, Rita Grindle, M·M Maurice Gauthier, Sr., M·MRobert Habbel, M·M Carl Hartung, M·M Arthur M. Hayes, Alice Healy, M·M Joseph A. Hertig, M·M John G. Hogan, M·M H. Edward Jans, M·M Robert Jesseau, James Kelleher, M·M William J. Kennedy, M·M Anthony Kulig, M·M Russell Landrigan, M·M Vernon Landers, M·M Fred laPiana, M·M John Largey, M·M Howard led Duke, M·M Brian leonard, Mrs. Robert linton $25 Wendell & Doris Maston, M·M Harold Martell, Mrs. Herbert Mattson, M·MCharles Meads, Mrs. Edward J. McCormick, Jr., Dr. Ernest McKenna, M·M Walter McPhee, Florence Moran, Mrs. leslie Morse, Jr., Mary Mullaney, M·M Walter O'Hazo, Mrs. Frank J. O'Hearn, Edmund J. Oles, M·M Lucien A. Ozon, Mary G. Paget, M·M Clifford Paquette, M·M Emile_Perreault, M·M Roger Pooler, William Quinn $25 Cecile Richer, Agnes Rohmer, M·M Walter F. Ross, Grace Schmidt, Mrs. Fred Specht, M·M William Stempsey, M·M Robert Sullivan, Mary T. Sweeney, M·M Robert Shady, Mrs. John Shakliks, Sr., Mary M. Sheehan, M·M John F. Sheridan, Mrs. Steven Shervanian, M·M Allred J. Smith, M·M Francis Smith, M·M Stanley E. Smith, Jr.. Frances M. Tully, M·M Kevin H. Wells OSTERVILLE Our Lady of Assumption $500 Rev. Clarence P. Murphy; $1500 Anonymous; $1150 Anonymous; $300 Anonymous; $250 Anonymous; $200 M·M Frank Stevens, Catherine O'Connor, Grace O'Connor, Anonymous; $150 M·MJohn Shields, Anonymous; $100 John Keelon, Dr. Katherine leland, M·M A. J. Mathis, M·M ·Jeremiah O'Connor, M·M leo Galvin, Thomas Hartigan, M·M Edward Hannan, Mrs. Thomas Powers, Jerome Doyle, Mrs. John Corcoran, Dr. & Mrs. Chas. Haskell, Anonymous; $75 Anonymo~s; $60 M·M Kevin Donnelly, Anonymous $50 M·M T. Joseph McCook, M·M Kenneth West, M·M Carl Davis, Gregory Fosella, Mildred logue, M·M Robert Sims, Dr. Daniel Leach, Paul Kudarauskas, M·M John Murdock, Mrs. Edward Crosby, Ruth Cunnion, M·M Victor Adams, /Irs. John Kavanagh, Anonymous; $40 Raymond Kirchoff, Anonymous; $35 M·M Joseph Scanlan, Anonymous; $30 Eileen Mciver, Florence & Norma Keane, M·M Wilson Perry, M·M Curtis Sanford, Anonymous $25 M·M Odber McLean, M·M Arthur Smith, M·M Henry lane, M·MArthur Andres, M·M Edward Murphy, M·M leo Murray, M·M John Perry, M·M John Pina, Eileen Hurley, Ernest Thompson, James Shields, M·M Joseph PriorI Teresa Cronin, Mrs. Francis Butler,M·M Francis McQuillan, M·M Jerry Monroe, M·M Joseph Monteforte, M·M Frank Rockett, M·M Richard Curley $25 M·M Vincent Locke, M·M John Stevenson, Mrs. Sherwood Tondorf, Barbara Corcoran, M·M Russell Jacobson, M·M Charles Cassidy, M·M Ernest Swift, M·M Eduardas Jansonas, M·M William Carpenter, M·M Frank Dick, Mrs. Catherine Moriarty, Anonymous EAST FALMduTH SI. Anthony $400 Rev. Msgr. Maurice Souza; $200 M·M Albin Gusciora; $100 M·M William Bonito, In Memory of Justino & Maria S. Simoes, M·M Manuel G. Souza, Jr., M·M Frank M. Teixeira, M·M.lhomas A. Brown, M·M Richard lo Corey, Sr., M·M Charles Mahoney, Madeline A. -McKenna, Jeanette Benson, Clara R. Pacheco; $75 M·M Daniel l. Pacheco, M·M Walter Fitzgerald; $60 M·M John G. Clinch . $50 John W. Barrett, M·M Arthur Bouzan, M·M David Correllus, Sr., M·M George Gonsalves, Ella May Hayes, Lt. Col. & Mrs. William Joyce, M·M Donald Karl, Elvida T. Lewis, Patrick W.lewis, John H. Macedo, M·M George L. Manning. James Moran, M·M Guy Nickerson,.Geraldine Robbins, Donna Sofuolis, M·M William Burke; $40 Randolph J. Rapoza, M·M Albert Souza, M·M Manuel C. Medeiros. $35 M·M Theophilus Oliveira; $30 M·M Charles Davis, Jr., M·M Daniel Ferreira, M·M Vincent Luckraft, Arthur Marshall, Mrs. M. L. Rezendes, M·M Robert W. Sylvia, M·M Manuello Tavares; $25 M·M William J. DeMello, M·M Gerard R. Alves, M·M Donald Audlee, M·M William M. Burke, M·M George P. Cabral, Jr., Mrs. Hilda D. Cabral, M·M James Cardeiro, Richard lo Corey, Jr. M·M John Dias, k, In Memory of Mary T. & Gualdino Ferreira . " $25 M·M Frank Figuerido, M·M Joseph Figuerido, M·M Walter J. Fraser, M·M louis Fucillo, , M·M Philip Fullin, M·M Curtis Hill, M·M Harry Hill, M,M Richard G. Hirtle, Marjorie Howe, Francis Lewis, M·M George Mandigo, M·M Antone Martin, Jr., Mary J. Meodoza, M·M Myron C. Medeiros, Jr. Adaline Moniz, Blanche Perry $25 M·M Joseph Peters, M·M Walter F. Pogorzelski, M·M David Sanicki, M·M Paul Servis, M·M lawrence S: Silva, M·M Francis Skelly, louise Sweeney, Margaret Sweeney, M·M Milton Servis POCASSET SI. John The Evanaelist$350 A Friend; $200 M·M George D. Denmark A Friend; $120 A Friend; $100 M·M Robert Mosher, M·M lawrence E. Perrault, Mario Timothy Villanti, Robert Collyer, AFriend; $80 Thomas E. Fantozzi; $75 Marie T. Johnson, M·M Robert T. Galante, M·M John F. Nelson, M·M Paul Medeiros; $60 M·M Bernard Pleau, AFriend $50 Mrs. Louis J. MacArthur, M·M Willard E. Olmsted, Catherine C. Connelly, M·M Wallace MacKinnon, M·M Daniel F. Foley, Mrs. Otto Becker, Marie Cuddy, M·M Arthur Hallam, M·M Charles Resevick, M·M Roger W. Beals, M·M· C. Minihan, M·M Albert Giordano, M·M Paul CardaIino, M·M Edward Cassidy, M·M Daniel Asquino, Gregory P. Riley, Florence Kirshner, M·M John Knutila, M·M James Marzelli, A Friend $40 Richard & Donna Sassone, Donald D. Gerry, M·M Joseph P. Sullivan, Jr., M·M Tim Rice, A Friend; $35 Robert J. Perchard, M·M Philip M. Kittredge, M·M Robert Mulcahy, Mrs. Charles Emmons, AFriend; $30 Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald, Vincent E. Corsano, Mrs. Wesley Taylor, AFriend $25 M·M Frank Todesca, H. Gerard Czarnetzki, Beatrice Franciose, Richard Rocheleau, M·M William Beninghof, M·M Walter Shea, M·M Bernard W. Dolat, M·M Richard Coughlin, M·M Barry M. White, M·M George E. Delaney, M·M Robert Keane, M·M Bernard J.O'Donnell, M·M Joseph Ciampa, George Whalen, M·M Henry J. Goff, Miss Agnes Rogers, M·M William Henry, M·M Clarnece Tracy, M·M Michael J. Harrington, MCMRalph Brown, Robert Riley $25 Marie C. Kane, M·M Nicholas Williamson, M·M Fred Dunbury, M·M Paul J. Vella, Mary Boyle, M·M David Judge, M·M Dan Shalkauskas, M·M Ralph Whitcomb, Mrs. Judith Long, M·M Raymond LeBrun, M·M John McCoy, M·M Stephen Bertrand, M·M John Coughlin, M·M Joseph Arcail, M·M Angelo J. Dimodica, M·M Thomas O'Reilly, M·M Fred Comings, M·M Donald Ward, M·M Gordon Wixon $25 M·M Charles Costello, M·M Michael Cicoria, M·M Leo P. Jacobs, Mrs. Benjamin F. Dimlich, Cornelius J. Minihan, M·M John R. Dillon, M·M Harold Czarnetzki, Mrs. M. T. Paulus, M·M Benjamin Liziewski, Mrs. Helen Borman, A Friend SOUTH YARMOUTH SI. Pius Tenth $1500 Rev. Msgr. Henry T. Munroe; $500 M·M James Peterson, Kurt Ristau; $450 William L. Parker; $400 M·M James McGonagle, M·M Harry Varnum; $300 Dorothy P. Ewing, Mrs. Gouveia; $250 Mrs. Gerard Pupuis, Mary A. Falla, Philip Gunther; $240 M·M David Pearson; $200 M·M Charles Eager; $150 M·M Arthur lafrenier; $125 Mrs. Ernest Eastman, M·M James L. Keany; $120 M·M Paul Cameron $100 M·M Albert Anastaio, M·M Michael Arpano, Fernanda Buodreau, Joseph M. Carbeau, Ruth Donovan, M·M Eugene Duquette, lillian Edwards, Marie Farrell, M·M Martin Geraghty, M·M Edward J. Gleeson, M·M Joseph Grady, Mary G. Hamilton, Jeremiah Herlihy, lillian Holzman, P. J. Johnson, Mrs. Charles Keryanis, M'M V. R. Leeffe
$100 John J. Kelly, H. M. Leen, M·M John Maclelland, Marjorie E. McCready, M·M William T. Moynihan, M·M R. W. Neitz, M·M Edward F. O'Neil, M·M James T. Phillips, Capt. &Mrs. Edward J. Quinn, M·M Thomas Rafferty, Grace ReillY,louise Scalley, Roland Senecal, Corinne H. Shea, Mrs. Joseph Whitehead; $80 Mary J. Donovan $200 James Kelly, Herbert A. Kenney, Mrs. Joseph F. Mitchell, Atty. & Mrs. James Quirk, Sr.. M·M George Wefers; $100 Mrs. Edward Morrow; $75 M·M Joseph Jasper, M·M Raymond Ludden, Mrs. loW. Marchildon, John E. Marques, M·M lawrence McGillivray, Mary C. Ormiston, Emily M. Piekos, Harold Shaghnessy, M·M William Yoo; $60 Edith Black, M·M Joseph Giebauskas, M·M Francis Martin $50 M·M Gino Azzola, Mrs. Harold Beach, Mrs. Yvonne Broadcorens, M·M Daniel J. Casey, Rita Church, Betty M. Colgan, Anne Conley, Margaret J. Conley, M·M Victor Costanzo, M·M Patrick Cox, Carl A. Cricco, M·M Francis H. Cronin, M·M David J. Curtin, Josephine G. Davern,M·M Thomas P. Dean, Edward Dunleavy, Mrs. Brooke Evans $50 M·M William Gagnon, M·M David E. Gallagher, M·M Thomas M. Gallagher, Katherine C. Gately, Mrs. Paul Grady, M·M Donald Harkenrider, M·M Joseph Hayes, M·M Joseph Higgins, John·Grayce Howland, Henry W, Jacobs, M·M laurence Kane, lawrence Kenney, M·M George Ken!, M·M Clarence F. King, M·M Adam J. Kudarauskas, Anna Kvicala, Evelyn M. Kvicala, Mrs. Alexander Maclellan, Mrs. Joseph Mannering, Mrs. John Manwaring, M·M Bernard mcCabe, M·M Edward J. McGrath, Kenneth McGuire, M·M John McLean, M·M Peter McNamara, M·M George R. McPhillips, M·M Frank V. Medeiros, Jr. , $50 M·M Laurence Morse, M·M John J. Norris, In Memory of Dennis & Nancy O'Connor, M·M Edmund J. O'Brien, Theresa H. Occhiolini, M-M John O'Dowd, H. C. O'Neil, M·M Gerald O'Neill, Madeleine V. Paradis, M·M Brenton Ray, M·M Peter Regan, M·M George Roberts, Joseph Ryan $50 M·M G. W. Sears, M·M R. G. Sibley, Robert S. Soukup, M·M Henry Sprissler, M·M K. E. Streight, Mrs. Arthur J. Sullivan, Dr. & Mrs. E. Sullivan, M·M Paul Sullivan, M·M Robert R. Surrette, M·M Eugene R. Tilley, Charles VanRiper, Agnes B. Walsh, Karol B. Wyckoff, Eleanor Zappula, M·M Michael J. Zielinski $40 M·M Edward Hanlon, Anne McGivney, Mary I. McGowan, M·M James O'Connor, M·M Edward Robinson; $35 Dr. & Mrs. Peter Amorosi, Richard Brenner, M·M Herbert Connors, M·M John B. Giorgio, Dr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Gorman, M·M John Kozlicak, M·M Norbert Parent, M·M Joseph Perna; $30 M·M Charles E. Colbert, M·M Charles M. Cronin, Richard Croteau, M·M Billy J. Gieselman, Mary F. Grant; M·M William Griffith, M·M Edward Madden, M·M Vincent McNamara, M·M Richard Quirk, M·M Wesley Richardson $25 Mgt· Katherine McDermott, Mrs. Richard Angeley, M·M Michelangelo Altieri, M·M Lester P. Albee, M-M Donald Burke, M·M George Blazin, M·M William H. Behan, Nella Bosworth, M·M Anthony Chiulli, Thomas F. Burns, M·M Norman Babineau, M·M J. P. Brennan $25 M·M J. G. Burke, M·M John W. Barnes, M·M Kenneth G. Bacon, John P. Campbell, M·M Robert Cuff, M·M Edward Carbone, M·M John Curley, Kathleen A. Condon, Mrs. Edward L. Condon, Mary Corcoran, M·M John E. Connolly, M·M William C. Carroll, M·M Andrew Comeau, • M·M John Carroll, Paul M, Campbell, M·M James J. Connell, M·M Robert Cunningham, Catherine E. Crowley $25 M·M John Callahan, M·M John Danforth, Mrs. James Desmond, M·M Patrick Dineen, M·M Charles Dias, M·M Charles Deady, M·M George T. Dowd, Mrs. Edward M. Duggan, Joseph A. D'Agostino, M·M Wilfred DeBlois, Gail Doyle, M·M Henry Diffenderfer, Mrs. John Donovan, Mrs. Francis Davenport & Judy, Mrs. Wallace Emerson, M·M William Esposito, Herbert Evans, M·M Russell T. Eckel, M·M Robert Finn, M·M louis Florio $25 Mrs. Matthew Fitzsimmons, M·M John Fahey, M·M Hugh T. Fee, Mrs. John J. Foley, Marietta V. Guillette, M·M John Gallagher, M·M Albert Gioiosa, Mrs. E. Marshall Graves, M·M Robert Genivan, M·M William Garrity, Eleanor C. Gallagher, Mrs. Frank J. Gallagher, John J. Gill, M·M John Houst, Mrs. Wm. Heptonstall, M·M William Hefler $25 Mrs. Henry H. Hanel!, M·M Gerard Heffernan, M·M Francis J. Heenan, M·M Edward Hall, M·M Richard E. Halloran, Mrs. George James, M·M Wilbur Johnson, M·M Earland Jordan, M·M John J. Jackmauh, M·M Charles Knox, M·M Arigo L. latanzi, Dale Laasch, M·M John Lally, Mrs. Daniel Lynch $25 Eileen lake, Jane M. logan, Yvette Lacharite, lanigan family, M·M Robert J. LeBlanc, Mary E. Lachinsky, M·M Frederick C. Miller, Mrs. John G. Manning, M·M James A. Maloney, M·M Joseph Mullen, Evelyn Martin, M·M George Magurn, M·M Elmer McCauley, Mrs. Thomas P. McDonough, M·M Ernest Maillet $25 V. J. MacLellan & V. H. Zimarouska, M·M Frank W. Martinelli, M·M David Murray, Mrs. Frank McGrath, M·M Haynes Mahoney, Mrs. James McGeary, M·M R. J. McCarthy, Brian & Donna McGrath, M·M Donald Mullaney, Mrs. Joseph Norton, M·M J. F. O'Donnell, Mrs. Charles J. O'Connor, Helen Ottaviani, J. P. Oloughlin, George Orsulak, M·M Claude O'Boyle, James F. O'Connell . $25 M·M Austin O'Brien, M·M William F. O'Grady, Bernice J. Poutas, M·M Carl E. Peterson, M·M Joseph Panek, Clara V. Porter, M·M leonard Pinto, M·M Cecil Patrick, Mrs. Roland Quayle, Mary Ryan, M·M Eloy D. Reardon, James A. Rennie, M·M Eugene Remie, Rita Swenson, M·M James Stephens, Jeanette SI. louis, M·M Robert Sutherland, Donald E. Sheehan, Charles '0. Samuelson, Edna Suhl $25 M·M Robert Sullivan, In Memory of Lawrence Sullivan, Mary, M·M John Sullivan; Mrs. Malcolm Slayter, Gertrude Santry, Dr. William R. Tracey, M·M Edward Tierney, M·M Leroy Twombly, M·M Richard Terrio, Mrs. Frederick Tolley, Esther Turnbull, Mrs. J. Chester Wheeler, M·M Joseph Walker, Mrs. Walter West, Robert Wallace, Gertrude Whelan HYANNIS SI. Francis Xavier $1000 Very Rev. Edward C. Duffy; $500 Rev. Alber J. Ryan, Rev. John C. Ozug, M·M Richard W. Peckham; $300 M·M Thomas Golden, M·M Edward J. Murphy, M·M Charles W. Riley; $200 John E. & Elizabeth C. Grady, Ms. Mary Shea ·In Memory of Irene E. Shea; $180 M·M James P. Madden; $110 M·M Mashall K. Lovelette; $100 M·M John Barrows, Mrs. James Carson, M·M Raymond Chasse, M·M William Conlon, M·M John J. Corcoran, M·M John Flaherty, Jr.. M·M James Hobert, Robert Jameson, M·M Ernest J. Landry, Eileen F. Lovett, Mary Lovett, Kathleen Maddison $100 Mariner Real Estate, Margaret C. McCarthy, Josephine & Margaret Mclean, M·M John Medeiros, Dr. & Mrs. John Miller, Myrtle H. Morin, M·M larry Newman, M·M Patrick O'Connor, Richard J. O'Toole, A. O. Richards, Lucienne B. Roy, M·M Ralph Rocheteau, M·M Frederick B. Sampson, lillian Senteio, M·M M. G. Shannon, M·M Elmer T. Smith, John Vetorino, Dr. & Mrs. Francis X. Walsh, Barbara E. Wheeler $75 Judge & Mrs. John P. Curley, Jr.. M·M Daniel Francisco, M·M Thomas C. McGarry, M·M John McKenna, M·M John T. O'Connell, M·M Michael Santos; $70 M·M Austin Bell, Mrs. Dorothy Shannahan; $50 M·M David Bisbee, M·M William Carmody, M·M Arthur M. Connelly, Mrs. Mary Courtnell, William J. Creighton, M·M Joseph Crimmins, Frank J. Dolan, M·M Richard Dresser, M·M Edward G. Eaton, Roger & Zelia Edwards, M·M Victor Enwright $50 M·M Joseph Flynn, Rita Freeman, Elean.or Greenberg, M·M Charles Harkins, M·M Thomas Kenneally, James F. Kenney, Mrs. Harry laird, M·M Joseph McManus, M·M William F. McTague, M·M Mozart Moniz, Ruth Muldowney, M·M Richard J. Murphy $50 M·M John F. Murray, Margaret O'Neil, M·M lucien Poyant, M·M Raymond F. Roberts, .Lillian C. Rounds, M·M Melvin F. Rugg, M·M Joseph Ryan, Mary Ryan, M·M Robert Ryan, M·M Walter Shuley, Marjorie Sordillo, M·M Frederick J. Thome, M·M Harold W. West, M·M Robert Whitty; $40 Harriet Butler, M·M William T. Corey, Alice D. Degnan, Georgie M. Fleming, M·M David J. Fraser, Mrs. Mildred Joslyn, Guy Lentini $40 Virginia Marion long, M·M William Mather, M·M Alfred McKenna, Mrs. Guilford Mudgett, Mary C. Murphy, M·M John R. O'Neill, M·M William Pillion, M·M Richard E. Powers, M·M Joseph. Gerard Richard, M·M Charles Senesac, M-M John D. Sheehan; $35 M·M Edward J. Bennett, M·M Edward J. Berg, Catherine F. Bourbeau, M·M tlmo A. Conway, Mrs. Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Richard Lucius, Florence A. Maher, Mrs. Rosanna Mitchell $31 A. Patricia Speight; $30 Mrs. Kathleen Aikens, M·M John Best, Mrs. Virginia Campion, Louis Cataldo, M·M ·Gordon DeMartin, Mrs. Thomas Hannon, M·M Norman LeFrancois, Mrs. Esther Murchison, M·M Roger Sellers, M·M Leo Skaparas; $25 Mrs. Norma Barter, Marie Berg, Dorothy Beucler, M·M John Broussard, Mrs. Roger Brown, M·M Francis T. Buckley, M·M James Burke, Sr., Barbara T. Cannon, M·M John J. Carty $25 M·M Angelo Cataldo, M·M Frank W. Clancy, M·M Eugene Clark, M·M Daniel Coffey, M·M Thomas Conlon, Katherine Connolly, Manuel J. Coute, Richard Cressy, John F. Dempsey, Lorraine De Young, M·M James H. Doherty, Jr., Anna M. Donahue, Ethel M. Drew, M·M Frank D. Emery, M·M Timothy J. Flaherty, M·M William Flinn, M·M E. H. Galligan $25 Mr's. Marie T. Gelinas, M·M Theodore Gelinas, M·M Thomas N. George, Mrs. Madeline Golenski, M·M David I. Hannon, Mrs. Charles Haskel, Mrs. Frances Hayes, Mrs. Helen C. Herlihy, M·M lawrence B. Holmes, Wilhelm Kadunc, M·M George A. leonovich, M·M Timothy linehan, M·M Francis Macinnis, Mary A. Manni, M·M Lawrence Marsland, M·M Edward F. Mastrangelo, M·M Timothy McAuliffe, M·M Francis McGee, Francis McGilligen $25 Mrs. James McMahon, Eileen McVeigh, Eileen G.Meany, M·M John F. Meehan, Mrs. Helen Mendes, M,M Simon Miller, Mrs. Edwin lo Moeller, M·M Joseph Montminy, Mr. Mooney, Christina Mulcahy, M·M John R. Mullin, M·M Ralph Noonan, M·M William O'Meara, M·M Joseph J. O'Neill, James Pelietier, M·M John A. Prendergast, M·M Edward J. Purcell, M·M William Reavey, M·M George Robertson, Nora Roland, M·M Raoul Ross, M·M Charles Samborski, Mrs. Frances Senteio $25 M·M llichard G. Smith, M·M W. M. Smith, Mrs. Marilyn H. Snow, M·M Jerome L. Soles, Spirit of Jesus Prayer Group, M·M Charles Szymanski, M·M Robert S. Taylor, Robert Thornton, M·M Harry Tibbetts, M·M George A. Vigneau, M·M Robert E. Welsh, Mrs. Ruth Williams, Janice L. Wilson WELLFLEET Our Lady of Lourdes $200 M·M Ernest Rose; $120 Kathleen Dundas; $100 Rose M. Gross, M·M John Monahan, Rita Rose; $50 M·M Francis X. Guindon, Francis & Mary Ueberwasser; $35 M·M Arthur Silva; $30 M·M John Doucette $25 M·M Robert Franklin, M·M William Hayes, Barbara Houstoun, M·M Joseph Ingram, M·M HerbertWood, William F. Dillon, Anne McCarthy, John O'Sullivan, M·M Frances T. Roberson, M·M Robert Rose, Lorraine Kmiec, M·M Denis Mooney, M·M'John Thomas, M·M Edward Coleman, Joseph Conway
Special. Gift and parish listings will continue to appear weekly in the order received by the 'printer until all have been listed.