The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul
Fall River, 'Mass., Thursday, May 17, 1973 VoI• 17 ,..... "'·0 20 © 1973' The Anchor . $4.00PRICE per year 10¢
Charities Appeal $600,000, Climbing Catholic Charities Appeal Diocesan Director, Rev. Msgr.· Anthony M. Gomes, announced today that the 1973 Appeai has reached $610,244.40. Special gift solicitors are requested to complete 'their remaining contacts this week. Parish solicitors are urged to' make final returns to their parish .centers by Monday, May. 21. . Msgr. Gomes said: "Final donations from the two phases of .the Appeal can be, registered until Friday noon, May 25. The books will be closed then for the 1973 tabulations of parish and special gift solicitations." Diocesan Lay Chairman of the Appeal, Joseph H. Feitelberg of Somerset, stated: "We are pleased with this new total and we look forward to an increase'
within the next few days. Special gift contacts are still outstanding. Many parishes have more returns to report." Many parishes are close to surpassing their 1972 totals. The number of parishes enrolled in the 1973 Honor Booll for exceeding last year's final totals is 10. Since the last reporting, parishes added to the honor roll are: St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis;' Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket; Corpus Christi, Sandwich; Our Lady of the Angels, Fall River; Our Lady of Grace, N. Westport; Sacred Heart, St. Kilian, New Bedford; Holy Family, Taunton. A final report of the 1973 Appeal will be issued five days after the final closing of the books. Parish chairmen, priest directors and special gift solici-
Spiritual Values Theme For Communications Day FATHER BOIVIN
Two Pastors to Celebrate Silver Jubilee as Priests Rev. Louis R. Boivin, pastor of St. Louis de France Parish, Swansea, and Rev. Rene G. Gauthier, pastor of St. Theresa Parish, New Bedford, will, on Tuesday, May 22, observe. the Silver Jubilee of their ordination to ,the priesthood. One of eight children of whom four are nuns, Father Boivin is the son of Mrs. Mathilda (Madore) Boivin and the late Euclide A. Boivin of Taunton. Sisters to Father Boivin are Sr. Anna Imelda, SUSC; Sr. Lucille Theresa, SUSC; Sr. Pauline Louise, SUSC and Sr. Gabrielle SSJ, all serving in vanious ministries of the Diocese of Fall River. Born November I, 1923 in Taunton, he was educated at St. Jacques Parish School and Msgr. Coyle High School. He spent his college years at Ste. Anne College, Church Point, Canada.
After preparing for the priesthood at St. Mary's Seminary in in Baltimore, he was ordadned a priest on May 22, 1948 by Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, Third Bishop of Fall River. Father Boivin, pastor of St. Louis de France Parish in Swans·ea since November 1970, began his priesthood there as assistant for four years. He then served as ass'istant at St. Hyaointhe for a few years and for 15 years at St. Joseph Parish in New Bedford. A ,pallish celebration of the pastor's jubilee will include a 'special Mass at 9:30 Sunday morning, May 20, and a banquet at Venus de Milo Restaurant in Swansea at 12 noon. Rev. Rene G.. Gauthier, newly appointed pastor of St. Theresa Parish, New Bedford, is the son of the late Ignace and the late Turn to Page Twelve
WASHINGTON - The idea that mass media can win large audiences only by presentations which "depreciate the higher Christian or human values" is "a gratuitous insult to the great body of humanity," according to a Vatican communications agen. cy. A statement issued by the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications says it has been "<lemonstrated over and over agai~ that first-class material, presented with skill, good taste and artistry ... is capable of attracting enormous followings." The statement by the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications' was issued to explain and illustrate the theme of the 1973 World Communications Day......::..The Mass and the Affir. mation and Promotion of Spiritual Values." World Communications Day
will be observed this year on Sunday, June 3. The annual, worldwide Roman Catholic observance seeks to promote the development of church-related communications efforts and also to encourage Catholics and others to study the role of communications media in order to understand better their function in contempor·ary society. World Communications Day is sponsored by the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications - whose president, Arch-' bishop Edward L. Heston, C.S.C., has just died-and coordinated in the United States by the U. S. Catholic Conference's Department of Communication. It was established as an international observance by the Second Vatican Council in its de. cree on social communications, Turn to Page Six
LEADING AREA PARISHES Attleboro Area St. John, Attleboro $12,190.95 St. Mary, Seekonk 8,351.00 Mt. Carmel, Seek;onk 8,173.50 St. Theresa, S. Attleboro 6,918.00 St. Mary, Mansfield 6,729.50
Cape & Islands Area St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis . 14,059.00 St. Pius X, S. Yarmouth 11,860.50 St. Patrick, Falmouth 8,967.00 Corpus Christi, Sandwich .8,875.00 Assumption, Osterville 8,178.00
Fall River Area Holy Name, Fall River 22,079.00 Our Lady of the Angels, 13,725.00 Fall River Cathedral, Fall River 11,408.00 Sacred Heart. Fall River 9.732.00 St. Thomas More, Somerset 9,146.00
New Bedford Area St. Joseph, Fairhaven 12,155.35 Mt. Carmel, New Bedford 11,671.51 St. Lawrence, New Bedford 11,517.50 St. James, New Bedford 10,368.25 St. Patrick, Wareham 9,307.00
Taunton Area St. Mary, Taunton 10,121.00 Holy Family, E. Taunton 6,910.50 Sacred Heart, Taunton 6,531.85 Immaculate Conception, 6,050.00 North Easton St. Joseph, Taunton 5,333.00
Appoint New Feehan High Principal Rev. Patrick J. O'NeiH, Superintendent of Diocesan Schools, has announced appointment of Sister Mary Faith Harding, R.S.M. as pl1incipal of Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro.
She 'Succeeds Sister Therese Antone, R.S.M. who has been. princip'al for four years anq leaves Feehan to assume a position on 1fue pl10vincial team of College, the' course will feature the Sisters of Mercy. Sister Mary Faith is a native English-speaking scholars from Rome's academic community and of Pall River and a graduate of offer insights into Vatican agen- the former Mt. St. Mary Academy. She ,is the daughter of Mrs. cies and their operations. Since its foundation in 1970 Deborah Harding of Rodman by Msgr. Richard Mahowald of Street, Fall River and the late Sioux Falls, S. D., the institute William Harding. She has one has been attended by 150 U. S. brother, William Harding, Hyde Park, Mass. priests and three bishops. Msgr. Mahowa'ld said that let- . For 'the past nine years, the ters had been sent to the nearly new pl1incipal /has taught· and Turn to Page Two been libl1ari-an at Bishop Feehan
High School. She isa member of the FlClculty Council, moder-
Rome Seminary Classes Resume F'or Thirty American Bishops ROME (NC)-About 30 American bishops are expected to enroll in a month-long course in theology, liturgy, law and history scheduled by the Institute for Continuing Theological Education for September 1974. Expressly tailored to update U. S. bishops who could not spare the time to attend the regular three-month course at the institute, located at th~ graduate house of the North American
tors of the Appeal should make their reports in person at Headquarters beginning Wednesday, May 23 to the closing on Friday, May 25 in order to receive proper credit for this year's Appeal.
ator of th~ Alumni Associat·ion and f.ormer co-chairman of an accreditation steering committee. Sister Mary Fa'ith holds a bachelor's degree in education from Catholic Teachers' College and a master's in libmry science from Ca'tholic University. She also attended tlhe, University of Del,aware, Salve Regina College and Boston University. Before coming. to Feehan, Sister Mary F~ith was Hhrarian at St. Mary Academy, Bayview in Rhode Island. She was also a supervising teacher at Bayview. She has taught at St. Mary School, Bristol,and Holy Ghost sohool in Prov>idence. 'As principal, she hopes to continue the w9rk done by her predecessnr, especially in areas of public relations and curriculum development.
THE ANCHORThurs., May 17,,1973
----------- The Kiss of Peac~ RClises True Hopes Name Speakers Between Pope Paul and Patriarch At Feehan High
The valedictorian an3 s'alutatopian for the graduating class at Dishop Feehan High School, AtIlebora, have been announced. They are ChrisUna Bergh, Plainville, and Kathleen Sedlak, North Attleboro. Miss Bergh, daughll>,r of Mr. and Mrs. George Bergh, ,is National Hon'or Society vice-president 'and active in many school organizations. She part;c,ipates ,in many sports, especially riding. She will attend Bryn l'rlawr ColIC!ge, majoring in architecture. Spanish Majol' Also an honor society officer is Miss Sedlak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sedlak. Her other 'interests linclude journalism, music and sports. She is a majorette. She will attend the Univ~rsoity of Massachusetts, whenl she will m.ajor in Spanish in pre;>aration for 'a bilingual teach,ing career working with SpanishoospC'lking pupils.
Offers Program To Pa rishes ;' Demonstration evenings in "Couples Communication" techn,jques are offered to ama parish organizations by the Greater FaJl I{iver Family Service Assn., it is announced by Mr.s. Gadl Murray of the agency staff. "The, Couples CommunicJtion program gives husban ds and wives a language for t:l1king, about their problems al13 prac~ ticing communication skills," s':le said. The full program is given over a four-week period with groups of not more than six couples meeting once weekly, but the demonstration srss,ion is not limited in number. Parish organizat'ion chairmen may obtain further -information from Mrs. Murray at 101 Rock Street, FaJl River,' telephone 678-7541.
Necrol()9Y MAY 25 Rev. Michael P. K,jrby, 1925, St. Mary's, Nor-th Attleboro. Rev. James V. Mendes, 1961, Administrator, Our Lady of Angels, Fall River. MAY 30 Rev. Jordan· Harpin, O.P., 1929, .Dominican Priory, Fall River. Rev. Edmond J. Potvin, 1937, Pastor, St. .J,ohn Baptist. FaJl River. Rev. James M. Quinn, 1950, Pastor, St. John Evangelist, Attleboro. MAY 31 Rev. Vincent A. Wolski, OFM Conv., 1964, Pastor, Holy Cross, Fall Rliver.
Friendship No discord should arb;e between friends, but if it doen, then our care should be tha t the fl'iendshJip appear to have burned out rather than to have been stamped.out.-Cicero ......."..""""""""",',""""''''''"'''.''""""111"11""""""'..'..,....., _
THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. PUblished every Thursday at 410 HllIhland Avenue, Fall River. Mass, 02722 , bY the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Rlve,r. Subscription price by mail, Dostpaid ~QO:pe( year. ,
VATICAN CITY (NC) - The kiss of peace between two ancient Christian Churches that have been divided for more than 1,500 years on theological problems was offered in the solemnity of St. Peter's' Basilica May 6 by Pope Paul VI and Coptic Orthodox Patriarch Amba Shenouda III of Egypt. The prelates took part in a ceremony in St. Peter's to mark the 16th centenary of the death of St. Athanasius the Great, honored by both Churches as one of the most important saints of the early Church The Popes and the Coptic Church separated over doctrinal and other differences' centuries ago, but at the Rome ceremony the reconciliation of differences and the stress on what both Churches hold in common still today was uppermost in the speeches of- Pope Paul and the Coptic Patriarch. The Pope spoke in Italian and recalled that "cultural, political, as well as theological reasons, have, beel} used to justify, and even deepen, a division" between the two Churches But, he added, it was a division "that should never have existed." "We cannot ignore," he continued, "this painful inheritance. We recognize we must do much to overcome these wicked effects Above all, we are determined to make sure that this sad inheritance will not continue to influence our relations." The Coptic Pat'riarch, commenting in English on the ancient differences said that "after 15 centuries of study, examination and controversy both on theological and public levels, we are undoubtedly on much nearer grounds than our· ancestors of the fifth and sixth centuries." Patriarch Shenouda said that tensions between the two Churches have, been greatly' reduced, he added: "The world of today, suffering from movements of atheistic, materialistic, sceptic or immoral natures, is in drastic need for the cooperation of churches so that proper human conscience will find support in the 20th century." Reviewing the developments on both a personal and theological level since the beginning of the Second Vatican Council in 1962, ~hen Pope John XXIII had invited Coptic participation, Pope Paul said: "We recognize in these events a sign of God: 'This is the favourable moment which the Lord is giving to us,''' "We share with Your Holiness the determination to take advantage of these signs, with the full awareness that there still exist some obstacles on the the: ological, psychological and institutiona11evel to overcome. We do not deny they exist, but we r~fuse to be afraid," "May we," the, Patriarch an· swered, "through His Providence, which is the work of the Holy Spirit, and for the sake of Hi.. Kingdom, find a proper place for Him in every heart and exhort the expansion of lovl'l, goodnes:.;, peace and justice in His world." At ceremonies ilt St. John's Tower in the yaticlln, the two
PEACE: Brotherly Love and peace were demonstrated by Pope Paul VI and Coptic Patriarch Shenotld'a, III of Alexandria, Egypt, wiith an embrace and exchange of messages in St. Peter's Basilica. The Coptic Church thus moves into closer relations: with Rome, from' which it has been formally separated for more than 1,500 years. NC Photo. prelates signed a common declaration setting up a joint commission to foster future ecumenical efforts by their churches. The two churches ;spoke of their mutual concern over the crisis in the Middle East and for the "thousands of suffering and homeless' Palestine people," In a clear the tens of thousands of Arabs living in refugee camps throughout the Middle East, the common declaration stated: "We deplore ;my misuse of religious arguments for political purposes in this area." It continued: "We earnestly and look for a just solution for the Middle East crisis so that true peace with justice should prevail, especially in that land which was hallowed by the preachin'g, death and Resurrec-' tion of Our Lord and Savior Jes· us Christ," The declaration also touched upon the proble'm of proselytism, which it defined as "acts -by which persons seek to disturb each other's communities: by recruiting new members from each other through methods, or because of attitudes' of mind, which are opposed to the exigencies of Christian love or to what should characterize the rlelationships between Churches," The visit was officially termed: "far from being a me:re visit of protocol . . . rather rich in practical results and fOJ: hope for the future," The visit of the Patriarch is
Famous C~medy For Weekend The senior members of the Connolly Players of Bishop Connolly High SchOol will present the renowned comedy Charley's Aunt, by Brandon Thomas this weekend at the school auditorium. This ,is the' world-famous farce which has moved millions to tears of laughter. Jack Chesney, violently in love with Kitty Verdun, and Charles,' equally enamored of Mis,'> Spettigue, invite the young ladies to their rooms for luncheon in ol'der to meet Char-· ley's 'wealthy aunt from Brazil "where the ·nuts come from," But alias, the mmiona,ire aunt sends word that she will have to defer her visit for a few days. What is too be done? The dear young things must not he com'promised - no, never! - but neither' will the youths give up the opportunity of declaring their love. The problem is solved by fore.'ingamother Oxford undergraduate into '8. black satin skoirt, a lace fichu, a pair of mitts, and an old-fashioned cap and wig. In solving one problem, however, Jack and Oharley create more than ·'they ever expected for Charley's 'aunt has ,a mind of "her" own. The play will be presented at the Bi'shop Connolly High School Auditorium on May 18 and 19 at 8 P.M; Tickets are $1.50 and may .be purchased at the school and at the door. .
Prayer Contest
The New England Liturgical CoIllm'ittee has announced its third annual competition for the Maurice Lavanoux Award in the . CuolNc Arts, consisting of a medal rand cash pl'ize. This considered as another significant . year's competition wtill be for :step in the long. journey toward -the best collection of prayers for the reunion of Christendom. use in family and/or civ-ic celOther major Church leaders to ebrations. Previous contests have visit the Pope include the late been in the fields of liturgical Ecumenical Orthodox Patriarch music and sacred sculpture. FurAthenagoras I of Constantinople ther linformation is avoWilable and Anglican Archbishop Mi- from Dr. Paul E. Shannon, 6 chael Ramsey of Canterbury. Suburban Road, Worcester, Mass.
Bishops Continued from Page One 300 U. S. bishops and that a large number already have indicated they will attend the concentrated' course. ~
Pope Paul >has repeatedly praised the institute in audiences wi,th U. S. priests. Calling the institute one of the "greatest experiences of your priestly lives," the Pope urged the priests to use their new-found knowledge "to bring to your people a profound and true understanding of. the faith which they profess," The regUlar three-month course at the institute will still be offered each spring and fall. The special course for bishops will begin Sept. 1 and conclude Oct. 1.
BROOKLAWN FUNERAL HOME, INC. R. Marcel Roy Roger LaFrance -
G. Lorraine Roy James E. Barton
FUNERAL DIRECTORS '15 Irvington Ct. New Bedford 995-5166
O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679-6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHON Registered Embalmer licensed Funeral Director
JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN Funeral Home 550 Locust Street Fall River, Mass.
672-2391 Rose E. SuUlvan Jeffrey E. SuIllva.l
D. D. Wilfred C. Sullivan Driscoll
FALL RIVER, MASS. 672-3381
PARISH TOTAL·S Attleboro Area Holy Ghost . 6,677.00 St. John 12,190.95 .2,621.00 St. Joseph St. Mark 5,602.50 St. Mary (Seekonk) 8,351.00 St. Stephen 5,422.00 St. Theresa 6,918.00 MANSFIELD St. Mary 6,729.50 NORTH ATTLEBORO Sacred Heart 2,709.00 St. Mary 5,868.00 NORTON St. Mary :-1,939.00 SEEKONK. Mt. Carmel 8,173.50
Santo Christo AssonetSt. Bernard Central VillageSt. John Baptist North WestportOur Lady of Grace Ocean GroveSt. Michael' SomersetSt. John of God St. Patrick St. Thomas More SwanseaOur Lady of .Fatima St. Dominic St. Louis of France
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., May 17, 197·3 1,478.00 2,725.00 3,611.00 5,321.00 3,090.75 5,504.50 6,685.00 9,146.00 5,338.50 4,939.00 5,628.50
Cape & Islands Area
New Bedford Area
UrcwstcrOur Lady of the Cape 3,587.00 Uuzzards BaySt. Margaret 6,061.00 CentervilleOur Lady of V·ictory 4,687.95 ChathamHoly Redeemer 4,R23.00 EdgartownSt. Elizabeth 787.00 FalmouthSt. Patrick 8,967.00 HyannisSt. Francis Xavier 14,059.00 NantucketOur Lady of the Isle 3,416.00 Oak BluffsSacred Heart 1,151.00 Osterville-Assumption 8,178.00 Pocasset-St. John 4,191.75 SandwichCorpl1s Christi R,875.00 South YarmouthSt. Pius X 11,860.50 Vineyard HavenSt. Augustine 1,178.00 WellfleetOur Lady of Lourdes 1,830.00 West HarwichHoly Trinity' 5,057.00
Holy Name 8,707.35 Assumpt·ion 837.35 Immaculate Co'nception 4,160.00 Mt. Carmel 11,671.51 Our Lady of Fatima 3,560.00 Our Lady of Perpetual Help 1,602.00 Sacred Heart 3,397.50 St. Anne 1,772.50 St. Anthony of Padua 2,760.00 St. Boniface 354.00 St. Casimir 827.00 St. 'Francis of Assisi 1,177.00 St. Hedwig . 1,212.00 St. Hyacinth 1,251.00 St. James 10,368.25 St. John the Baptist 5,272.50 St. Joseph 4,418.10 St. Kilian 3,565.00 St. Lawrence 11,517.50 St. Mary 7,546.00 St. Theresa 3,534.00 AcushnetSt. Francis Xavier 2,627.00 FairhavenSt. Joseph 12,155.35 St. Mary 2,713.10 Marion-St. Rita 2,622.00 Mattapoiset,tSt. Anthony 3,704.00 No. DartmouthSt. Julie 6,090.00 So. Dar-tmouthSt. Mary 7,544.99 Wareham-St. Patrick 9,307.00 Westport-St. George 4,385.00
Fall River Area St. Mary's Cahtedra'l 11,408.00 Blessed Saorament 1,499.50 Espirito Santo 1.485.00 Holy Cross 1,817.00 Holy Name 22,079.00 Notre Dame 6,619.00 Our Lady of the Angels 13,725.00 Holy Rosary 3,994.00 Immaculate Conception 5,207.77 Sacred Heart 9,732.00 St. Anne 2,667.25 St. Anthony of Desert 1,215.00 St. Anth'ony of Padua 2,103.00 St. Elizabeth 921.00 St. John the Baptist 2,650.00 St. Joseph 5,071.00 St. Louis 4,513.00 S't. Mathieu 1,931.00 St. Michael 5,087.50 St. Patrick 4,395.00 SS. Peter and Paul 5,666.00 St. Roch 2,674.00 St. Stanislaus 4,443.00 St. W,j(Jiam 4,990.00
Taunton Area Holy Family .6,910.00 Holy Rosary 2,230.00 Immacul. Conception 5,134.50 Our Lady of Lourdes 2,006.00 Sacred Heart 6,531.85 St. Anthony 5,056.25 St. J,ames 3,948.00 St. Joseph 5,333.00 St. Mary 10,121.00 St. Paul 4,608.00 Dighton-St. Peter 1,291.00 North Dighiton3,011.00 St. Joseph North EastonImmacul. Conception 6,050.00 Raynham-St. Ann 3,607.00 South Easton3,813.00 Holy Cross
Special Gifts National
New Bedford Area
$600 LaSalette Fathers, Attleboro Fathers of the Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven $500 Taunton Greyhound Assn., Inc. $200 Rev. James F. Greene $75 .G. Fred Swanson, Inc., Providence $50 Walsh Brothers, Inc., Cambridge $25 Kirkpatrick Company, E. Providence Farley Harvey Co., Boston
$1000 First National Bank of New Bedford $330 Dr. & Mrs. Albert G. Hamel $130 Fairhaven National Bank
$nOO Dartmouth Finishing Sullivan & Foster K of C McMahon Council No. 151. Perry .Funeral Home Macedo Pharmacy
$60 Browne Pharmacys
ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD: On Saturday m()rning in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River Bishop Cronin ordained three young men for service in the Diocese of Fall River. Rev. Horace Travassos, Rev. Steven R. Furtado, the Bishop, and Rev. Philip J. Higgins. $50 J. B. Lumber Co. Sturtevant & Hook, Inc. Pat MCKenna . $30 Chas. S. Ashley & Sons. Inc. $25 Bettencourt Pharmacy .. Central Pharmacy Kearney Real Estate Cranberry Room Local No. 224 IBEW Walmsley & Hall Otis & Co., Insurance Rock Funeral Home Atty. William J. Synnott Novick Jewelers Dr. Carl Persons Cardoza Pkg. Store Roland's Auto Service
Fall River Area $2000 Globe Manufacturing Co. $1200 . Fall River Trust Company $1000 Venus De Milo Restaurant $500 Anonymous $400 First Federal Savings & Loan Assn. of Fall River St. Vincent De Paul Society, Particular Council $300 General Cleaning Co. Newport Finishing Corp. $250 Dr. & Mrs. Francis M. James . $200 Catholic Woman's Club $175 Crosson Oil Company $173.50 Residents of Highland Heights $125 Frank X. Perron Insurance $100 Fall River Sheet Metal Co., Inc. Riveredge Printers, Inc. Radio Station WALE Portuguese Vincentian Fathers Dr. Alceu L. Pedreira Motor Truck Sales, Company $90 Herman W. LaPointe, Jr. $60 Tri-City Office Equipment Corp.
$50 A Friend Sherry & Medeiros Aime Pelletier Electrical Contractor Chace Electric Company Smith Electrical Supply Co. Robert L. Germane Contractor Delia's Auto Driving School .' Plante Jewelers John F. Stafford Insurance Agency Holy Rosary Women's Guild Textile Workers Union of America . Mr. & Mrs. Bernard A. G. Taradash Eugene Pontiff Cook Borden & Company' Almeida Electrical, Inc. Fall River Glass Co., Inc. $35 Elmer C. Slater $30 Swansea Rest Home $25 Mrs. Katherine Crosson Economy Body Radiator Works Esquire Package Store Robert C. Hadley Insurance Agency Somerset Motel . Ralph Keyes Bradley-Scott Clothes, Inc.
Touhey Pharmacy, Inc. Fall River Catholic Nurses Guild Downtown Parking Lots Riverdale Pillow Div. of United Merchants Atty. Philip Goltz Nelson's Dairy Joseph Dudek Jack & Hary Auto Store Amalgamated. Clothing Workers of America No. 177 T.' J. Motor Lines, Inc. Bristol Knitting Mills, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Morley Leonard's Package Store, Inc. Wilfred J. Gingras Insurance J. C. Roofing Co., Inc. U. S. Record Corp. Harold C. Nagle Insurance Sullivan's Motor Sales St. Joseph Women's Guild
The Daughters of St. Paul serve them all ..•
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VACATION RETREAT For Families July 21 Thru August 13 $10 adults per day - $5 children under 16 yrs. OUR LADY OF PEACE RETREAT HOUSE Ocean Road, Narragansett, Rhode Island - For Information and Reservations Call 401-884-767611II11II1l1l1l1ll1l1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1l1l1ll1ll1ll1l1l1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1l1l1ll1l1ll1l1l1l1ll1ll1ll1ll1U1I1IU~lllllllllllllllllllllllIIIh.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., May' 17, 1973
Special Gifts Cape & Islands Area $200 Joseph L. Corey, Jr., Fulmouth Our Lady of the Isle C9nfercnce, f'lantucke~ St. Pius X Holy Name Society, South Yarmouth
"Atty. Edmund J. Brennan Bristol County Savings Bank F.B. Rogers Silver Co. Taunton Stove Co. St. Joseph Women's Guild, North Dighton
$200 Holy Redeemer Chatham
King Aviation Service,-.Inc.
$30 Conference,
Mary R. Brophy Henry G. Crapo
$150 Corpus Christi Conference, Sandwich H. G. Clauson Chevrolet & .Olds, Inc., Falmouth
$100 .Jenkins Funeral Home, W. Fal-' mouth . St. Patrick Guild, Falmouth R. M. Packer Fuel Co., Vineyard Haven "Ladies Association of the Sacred Hearts, Chatham Falmouth Diner St. Anthony Conference, E. Falmo.uth
$75 Salt Winds Beauty Shop, Falmouth Wood Lumber Co., Falmouth Trade Winds Motel, Falmouth ,Stone's Beauty & Barber' Shop Falmouth
$50 Mother Cabrini Circle D of I, Buzzards Bay
$35 McDonald's Paint Store, Falmouth
$25 Mr. & Mrs.' James Wynne, Falmouth Wright Oil Co., Inc., Falmouth Cape Bus Lin"es, Falmouth Maco's, Inc., Buzzards Bay John's Liquor Store, Falmouth Danny Kay's, Falmouth Our Lady of Lourdes Guild, Wellfleet Angelo J. DiModica, Buzzards
Taunton Area $450 Guests of Marian Manor
$200 Holy Family Holy Name Society St. Vincent De Paul Partkular Council K of C Council No. 82
$150 St. Joseph Conference, No. Dighton B.M.C. Durfee Trust Company Immaculate Conception Conference, Taunton St. Mary Conference
$125 Dr. Charles E. Hoye Atty. Richard K. Martin
$100 Holy Family Women's Guild Church Fuel Co., Inc. St. Anthony Holy Name Society St. Anthony Holy Rosary Society Boyden Plastics Co. Dr. Maurice M. Lagace Dr. Joseph F. Nates Judge & Mrs. Roger B. Champagne I Mulhern Pharmacy
$75 St. Ann Conference, Raynham Dr. Normand P. Laroque
$60 Cornelius J. Murphy Insurance Agency
$50 St. Jacques Conference Drummond Printing Co. Sacred Heart Women's Guild Alexio Insurance Agency
Thrasher's Yarn Shop Taunton. Savings Bank Gilbert F. Simmo~s Insurance Agency Dr. Armand J. Yelle . Bristol County Furniture . Children's Shop Coyle Cassidy Mothers' Club Abreau Oil Service Fred F. Waltz Co., Inc. Daughters of Isabella Classic Jewelry Design & Mfg. Co. Plumbers & Steamfitters No. 626 Atty. Peter B. Gay
Attleboro Area' $1200 Krew, Inc.
$300 Jeweled Cross Co. Texas Instruments Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Miconi Sr First Bristol County National Bank
$150 McGowan Insurance Agency
$125 Conlon & Donnelly Co.
$100 Frank & Margaret Curtis' Leach & Garner Co. St. John Conference, St. Vincent de Paul Stephen H. Foley Funeral Home Joseph Curtis Real Estate Patrick J. Duffy FUI1eral Home Sadler Bros., Inc.' St. John's Council No. 404, K of C
$75 James A. Murphy & Son, Inc.
$50 K. F. Bassler Co., Inc.
Beauchaine's, Inc. . Benedict Circle No. 61, D of I Bergh Bros Co., Inc. Hi-Lo Meat Market Interboro Laundry, Inc. National Fence .C. Ray Randall Mfg. Co. United National Bank M. S. Company Frank Miller & Son. Inc. Stone Ends Restaurant Willis-Mackinnon Insurance Agency $40 Harry J. Boardman Insurance Agenncy
$35 Ripley & Gowen Co. Charles Thomae & Son Leedham Hardware Precision Tool & Machine Corporation
$30 Atherton Furniture Co.
$25 Art's 3-hr. Cleansers, Inc. Briggs Nursery, Inc. P. Cavalieri.& Son Deschenes Bros. / Fall Athletic Club Frenchie's Service Station R. S. Gilmore, Inc. Maurice D. Grant, M.D. John J. Grimaldi Louis Grimaldi & Sons, Inc. _ Walter E. Hayward Co., Inc.
Choir Direc1~orsl Guild" Arranges Fa II 'River F,estiva I on Sunday Under tJhe auspices of the Diocesan .Choir Directors' Guild, a Choir festival will be held at St. Mary's Cathedral,' Sunday, May 20 beginning at 2 o'clock an the "after.noon and ending in the evening. The Choir Directors' Guild was estabLished last year when Bishop Cronin named Father WiUiam G. Campbell, Di-ocesan mu~ic consultant, to work with all the chur·ch musiaians of the diocese. Father Campbell, a graduate of the New England Conservatory. " of music, was organist and choirmaster at St. Mary's prior to en" tering the seminary. Ordained in 1963, he became music director at .the Cath'edral in 1966 until 1972. He is presently assigned to Holy Name Ohurch as assistant pastor. . Fr. Gratoratti
B. & J. Jewelry Co., Inc. Lyons Advertising Mandeville Chevrolet, Inc. A. T. Parker Co. Perry Machine Co. Riley Bros.. Lumber Co. Sun Chronicle Wamsutta Drug B.G.W. Associates, Inc. Bliss Bros. Dairy, Inc. Castro County Square, Inc. Eko Company, Inc. . Earl C. Foster & Son, Inc. Kull's Office Supply, Inc. . Nolin's Shell Station N9rth Attleboro Foundry State Line Scrap Co.
$50 Mr. & M,S. Manuel J. Garcia# Marcella McCoy Mr. & Mrs. William McCoy Mr. & Mrs. John Silva Bertha M. Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Oliosi Mr. & Mrs. Tony Vieira Katherine Fernandes Mr. & Mrs. William T. Bennett Jr.
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Martin Tomolonis Mr. & Mrs. Harry Robbins
E. Carrier. cathedral organist and choirmaster. The fourth specialized workshop will be given here by Father Horace Travassos, who will meet with cantors and song leaders at ,the Cathedral School. They will study the role of the can'tor in Cart:holoic Worship, and review music which is appropriately sung in CatlhoHc liturgy.
l1hc Festival will begin at 2:00 with registration at the Cathedral School. The general session convenes at 2:30 with the opening address, MUSIC AS PRAYER IN CATHOLIC WORSHIP, given by Rev. Robert GratoratH, pastor of St. Anthony'·s Church,. Fitchburg. Father Gratoratti, a graduate of Holy Cross Col1'ege, comMoss pleted his .theology studies in At 5:00 P.M. all festival parNorth American College in " ticipants vy.i11 return to the CaRome, and was ordained to the priesthood -in 1962. Specializing thedral tb particij:ate 'in the Conin liturgy, he will add,ress all celebrated FeSitival Mass. All the various groups, cantors, "folk festival participants. gl'oup and festival choir; memAt 3:15, the second sessio:l bers will s'ing the Mass. will .begJin in which there will be In addition to Mr. Phillips' 4 'specialized workshops for the music, choral .music of C. A. pallticipantJs. Mr. J. Gerald Phillips, noted Catholic composer Peloquin will also be sung by' and -organist, will direct Ithe com- the festival choirs, Gloria of the bined choir.s of 'all 'the churches Bells, Taste and See, and" th~ "of the diocese participating in Great Amen. Vaughan W,jlliams the festival in a choral workshop.. old IOOtJh will' also be sung. The combined choirs of St. Anne's Mr. Phillips and the Cathedral Choristers of Fail R~ver wHl sing Caesar Mr. Phillips, founder· and di- Fqmk's Psalm. 150, and Laudate Irector 'of St. Peter's Choir School Do~inum by M. A. Charpen.tier. for Boys, Worcester, is presently A brass ensemble of "Trumpets organIst and chQlirmaJSter at the and Trombones,' with Gordon First Unitarian Ohuroh, WorcesPenman of Somerset at the perter. The Festival Choir willi premiere Mr. Phillips new Lord, cussion, will accompany the Have Mercy, and Holy, Holy group with David Carrier at the organ and Normand Gingras dUfrom his new Mass. rectingthe combined choirs. The Second Specialized Work- whioh will be the principal choir shop will be a folk music session at ·the festival. They will demonheld at the 'Cathedral Sehool. strate ,the role of the choir at Rene LePage, director of St. Pat- Surig Mass. rick's folk ohorale will direot the Mr. Gingras, a graduate of Bossession. It is hoped that f-olk ton University College of music is singers and guitari'sts will come to the session wd-th their guitars organist and choirmaster at St. Anne's Ohurch. He did graduate to take part in the session. work at Ecole Normale de MuOrgan Lesson The Third SpeciaNzed Workshop will be a group organ lesson for church organists who wish to improve t!heir organ . technique in choral and cantorial accompaniment. This sessession will be given by David
Buzzards Bay
POSITION AVAILABLE WANTED: A bilingual organist/choir-master, full time in a large Maine parish. Excellent working' conditions. Write to: FATHER R. L. CORRIVEAU, D.P. 27 Barrett Street Lewiston, Maine 04240
Maurice Belliveau, Mary Bodanza, Mr. & Mrs. John Bourne, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel G.' Fernandes, Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gauvin, Mr. & Mrs. Vict.or Gosselin, M~. & Mrs. Fred Hegg, Mr. & Mrs. John H. Karl, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Landry. Mr.. & Mrs. William Larkiin, Mrs. Francis V. Lips, Mr. & Mrs. August Lopes, Mr. "& Mrs. James Lopes, The MacCormack Family Mrs. Martha Monaghan, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Struble, Mrs. Anthony Valloreggio Mary Matthews & Daughter Mr. & Mrs. Roy Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Poyant, Mr. & .Mrs. John King, In Memory of James & Rose Chantre Mr. & Mrs. Peter Andrews, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Connors, Mr. & Mrs. Michael DellaFemina, Mr. & Mrs. David Fannon, Florence A. Carey. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fitzgerald
'sikue in Paris, and is presently a teacher of piano and organ in Fall R'iver, and on the faculty at St. .Anne's School, Fall RJiver. ' At 6 o'clock there will be a coffee hour for aU festival participants, followed by a' discussion of the day's events. Admission is open to any dhurch .musician. There will be a $2.50 registrat1ion fee which will include a packet of festival and worshop music.
Look for us There's 11 convenient locations in Attleboro Falls. Mansfield. North Attleboro. North Dighton. North Easton, Norton. Raynham. and Taunton.
[ill] unlTm nATIOnAL"
STONEHILL COLLEGE Summer Session Evening Classes . July 18 - July 26 - 6:30·9:30 P. M. Undergraduate Courses - Graduate Courses Liberal Arts Bus. Admin. Science Write: Director of Summer Session
STONEHILL COLLEGE N. Easton, Mass. 02356 -
Tel. 238-2052 - 696-0400
East Falmouth
Rev. Gl:lorge E. Amaral
$100 Mr. Edward T. Mello Mr. & Mrs. Paulino Rodrigues
$50 Mr. & Mrs. William Bonito Mr. & Mrs. John Roderick
$40 P. S. Fuel Oil-Arthur Pimental and Albert Souza
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Antone Vieira Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Figuerido Mr. & Mrs. Manuel P. Rezendes
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Theophilus Oliveira Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Souza Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Dutra Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Mello
$25 Mr. & Mrs. George Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Antone G. Souza, T & T Builders, Mannuel F. Rapoza, Mr. & Mrs. Francirco Tavares Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Luckraft, St. Anthony's Couples Club, Joseph J. Crespi, Mr. & Mrs. Anlone Carreia, Mr. & Mrs. John L. Dias Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. Marks, Carolyn J. Correll us, Mr. & Mrs. David F. Correll us, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick P. Bishop, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick W. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Frederick E. Ward, Mrs. Nathalie Abrams, Lt. Col. 8<. Mrs. W. Joyce, Mr. & Mrs. Myron C. Medeiros, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Monteiro, Mr. & Mrs. John L. Tavares
Edgartown ST. ELI.ZABETH
$200 I{cv. Paul G. Connolly
$100 Roland Authier St. Vincent de Paul Society
$50 Mrs. Isaac Norton
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Ellsworth Fisher
$30 Mrs.
& Patricia Brown
$25 Jean Britcher Mrs. Thomas Flynnn
$400 Rev. William J. McMahon
$100 James Clancy McHugh Family
$75 Emile Ollivier
$50 Wilfred Trahan Wilfred Ferreira
$35 Mrs. Thomas Govctt
Mr. & Mrs. William Brennan Donald DeLinks, D.V.M. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kinchla
. $50 Loretta McKeon
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Martin
$30 Gertrude Arcaro
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Armbruster Mr. & Mrs. Robert Arnold, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Barabe, Mr. & Mrs. Edward 'Bourgoin, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Battee Lt. Col. & Mrs. Walter Bzibziak, Mr & Mrs George S. Cahoon Mr. & Mrs. John Ciummci, Memory of Edith Carriuolo, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Corey Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dorsey, Mr. & Mrs. John Dunn, Mrs. Gerald Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. John Fabrey, Mr. & Mrs John F. Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Myron J. Gaddis, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Glista, Mrs. Bertram Haddon, Joseph P Grace Mr. & Mrs. Warren Heath Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. X. Hill, Mrs. John R. Hughes, Mrs. John T. Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Adam Kaspar, Mr. & Mrs.. Lawrence Kavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kelleher, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kempton; Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lamont, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Thos. L Matthews Jr. Harold McCormick, Joseph E. McTiernan, Mrs. Joseph Miskell Sr., Mrs. John Mulcahy, Mrs. Donald B. Newhall Mrs. Edward F. O'Brien, Dr. &. Mrs. John T..O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Perry, Mr. '& Mrs. Wallace T. Pierce, Mrs. J. Arthur . Powers Mrs. Nestor Robidou, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Stanton, Catherine E. Sullivan, Mrs. Robert Campbell Swanson, Katherine G. Robbins Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rogers, Mrs. Chester Frazier
$300 Rev. William J. Shovelton
$250 Mr. & Mrs. William Cuddigan Mr. &. Mrs. Fritz Ulmschneider
$200 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weyker
$100 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Holy Name Society Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCrystal
$75 Mrs. Louise Oakland
V I SIT 0 R: Archbishop Francis A. Arinze of Onitsha, Nigeria, said during a visit to Philadelphia that although there is a shortage of priests in his country, there is no lack of vocations to the priesthood. Archbishop Arinze was the. youngest metropolitan in the world when he was installed six years ago at age 34. NC Photo. Mrs. Elena Trenholm Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Simmons Mr. & Mrs. David Pitassi
$40 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Turner Mr & Mrs William H. Adair Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James McDonald
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. John Unsworth Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. RobeI't Caswell Antonio Ribeiro Jr.
Helen E. Browning, Mr. & Mrs Arthur Berriman, Angela Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. R. Scott Telford Mrs. Louise Fallon, Mr. & Mrs. George McGee, Lt. & Mrs. James B. Healy, Jane Barker, Irene Anthony Mr. & Mrs. Cosmo Miranda, Mr. & Mrs. Americus Macedo, Dr. & Mrs. Richard Murphy, William Elliot, Lloyd Jarvis Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Toole, Barbara Burns, Mr. & Mrs. John Petraitis, Joseph Medeiros Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gerula Mr. & Mrs. Louis' Dupere, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Blanchette, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bilodeau, Charles Mello, Mr & Mrs Anthony Leitter Mr. & Mrs. John Searles, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Morris Jr., Mr. & Mrs William J. Hennessey, Henry Pestana, Mr. & Mrs. Augustine Ferreira Joseph M. Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. John Ghiorse, Mr. & Mrs. Ken· neth McCloskey, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Kempke, Mr. & Mrs Raymond Silva Mr. & Mrs. John Pontifice, Mr. & Mrs. Everett McPhillip, Mr. & Mrs. John W. Korkuc, Mr. & Mrs John Furtado Jr., Mr. & Mrs.. James Urquhart Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Connell Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sloane Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Holland Mt. Carmel Women's Guild Mr. & Mrs. Manuel DeMattos
$100 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Fowler Francis & Louise Sweeney Mr., & Mrs. Joseph Pare
$75 Mr. & Mrs. B. Rasmusen
$50 Thomas P. Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Packett
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Henri Ozon .
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Felix Julian Mr. & Mrs. Fred Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gamboa
Altar Boys, Our Lady of the Cape, Mr. & Mrs Joseph Trudeau Mr. & Mrs. Henry Callahan, Mrs. Arthur Dickey, Mr. & Mrs. R. Egert Mr. .& Mrs. Philip Collyer, Mr. & Mrs. John Weidler, Miss C. St. Amand, Miss G. Lavoie, Mr. & Mrs: Robert Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Dawley Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Guertin, Annette Hailer, Mr. & Mrs James White, Mary A. McKeon, Mrs. Marion Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Gerald McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. John Clarke, Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Lajoie, Mr. &
$31 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carvalho
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Keough Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Hendricks Mrs. James Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Myron Perry Joseph J. Souza Mr. & Mrs. Paul Micheletti Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Rose
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Young, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kaveny, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Hurley, Mr. & Mrs. William Quirk, In Memory of Rev. James E. O'Reilly
THE ANCHORThurs., May 17, 1973
Mrs. Fred Hewitt Jr., Margaret Welch Mr. & Mrs. A. c. Wagda Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Madaus, Atty. & Mrs. James Julian, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Moran, Mr. & Mrs. Les Usher Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bassett, Col. & Mrs. Dean Yount, Mr. & Mrs. David Hodsdon, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lynch, Mr & Mrs Charles F. Smith, Thomas P. Perkins Jr.
$100 Mrs. James Bell Ralph W. Guida Graeme Lorimer John Mohyde Norman S1. Pierre James H. White
John J. Cavanaugh Robert W. Cook Alice Dobbyn Jonathan Eldridge Henry P. Hamrock Wilbur Hartshorn George Killen William J. Mahoney John J. Martin The Pumphret Family
$40 Marion D. Kane
$35 Lawrence Gray Richard W. Page Freemen W. Phillips Jr. Thomas Sparks
John L. Speight
$30 James Andrews Alfred F. Bowles Michael L. Dunn Leonard Fourgere Lawrence Frawley Mrs. James Greer
$25 Charles E. Baker, Donat S. Barabe, Jean Bertrand, Joseph Brennan, Marie A. Brent Paul Courtnell, Frank E. Devlin, James Enright, Edward FarrelI, George J. Fleckenstein Charlotte Forgeron, Ida G. GalIigan, Mary Gauthier, Andrew Griffin, Thomas J. Haley Ambrose J. Hartnett, John Hynes, Cecelia E. Jackson, Barry Kane, Noemia D. King Ralph R. Lally, Mrs. John B. Loftus, George S MacLean, Fran· cis Maloney, Daniel Marini Marion, Julia & Margaret Martin, Elizabeth I. Norton, William F. O'Brien Jr., Vivian O'Connell, John E. Ratigan Florence Reilly, Joseph Reynolds, Joseph A. Tweed, John Ventola, Mary Genevieve White· ley . Frank Wing, Edward G. Zibrat
$52 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Costa
Protect your home while away !
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Corrigan, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Foley Dr. & Mrs. Antone Oliveira John Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. George Reale
Henry Chambers
$25 A Friend, Miss Kathleen Bresnahan, Winifred Carney, Earl Caswell, J. Downing William Durgin, Doris Goff, William Hazelton, Mrs. Frederick Henderson, Joseph Hertig Rhinehardt Jensen, Mrs. Jack Keenan, Joseph Moran, Emile Perrault, Margaret Riley In Memory of Kathleen Roach, Rita Ryder, Joseph L. Silansky, Francis Smith, Cornelius Spillane Frank R. Sullivan, David Bessom, Mrs. Thomas Counihan, Bruce Hammatt
Bishop' Honored NEW YORK (NC)-Bishop Francis J. Mugavero of Brooklyn was named 1973 Tecipient of the Human Relations Award of the Anti-DefamaJtion League of B'nai B'rith. The prelate is moderator of the U. S. bishops' Secretariat for 'Cath'olic-Jewish Relations and a founder of the Catholic· Jewish Relations Committee of Brooklyn and Queens, an agency sponsored by .the Brooklyn Diocese anc~ the Anti-Defamation' League..
".!:..:-"- - -
Sentry -- Timer
• Turns lights on and off automatically • Discourages burglary and vandalism
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River- Thur.~ May 17, 1973
Continued from Page One which directs that the day be observed "in all the dioceses throughout the world." This will be the seventh such observance. In various places the day is marked by liturgical celebrations, sermons on communicationsrelated topics, and a variety of special events.
_i. pel'.1eCctf"/n.1 '
The Surprise oj Watergate Many things could be said about Watergate-immoral, illegal, inept. But the most compelling observation is-Why the surprise about it? If American society approves divorce, the breaking of a sworn commitment; if soc~ety scrupulously.removes God from public life, the rejection of traditional JudeoChristian principles upon which the nation was founded; if .society condones extra-marital sex, the exploitation of persons; if society calls for abortion, the destruction of helpless innocent human life-if society dges all this, then why the surprise that men in high places violate oaths of office, behave in a. Godless way, exploit persons, attack and destroy other people? The surprise should not be that there is a' Watergate. The surprise. should be that there is only one, that there are not more.
Spiritual Values
rll. GtW~n'1m~nf Me!
.... ,,~-
All Values The statement by the Pontifical Commission explaining the 1973 theme declares that the term "spiritual values" includes "not religious 'values only but all values which have a bearing on the preservation of human dignity and the human decencies."
Prayer-Community and Personal ,Pope Paul has a facility of pointing out-sometimes to an unsympathetic audience-root causes of the age's ills. it is a difficult part. of the Pope's mission to not only encourage good but to warn against unhealthy trends and no one is particularly fond of one who speaks-and who must speak-in this way. A while ago ·the Holy Father gave voice to a problem of the age and a solution to it: "We are overwhelmed, it is true, by urgent and serious events in the daily news, by affairs, questions, difficulties and even by the distractions of modern existence . . . . We must know how to preserve at the same time a certain' grade of personal freedom to be men with one's own proper life, and Christians with a religious life, men aware of and marked by silent moments of reflection, of listening at least interiorly, to. the word of God. We recall that man lives not by bread albne, not only by temporal' interests, but also and above all by every word which comes from the mouth of God." The words of the Holy Father have been echoed-perhaps all unknowing!,y-liy those who are calling for prayer groups, calling for involvement in transcendental meditation, calling for a return to personal prayer. The Church has always called for both community worship and personal worship. Man is a member of society and must worship in a society setting. Man is also an individual and cannot lose his personal identity in a crowd but must also keep this one to One relationship with God. Community prayer and personal prayer-these are the two thrusts of man;s spiritual life that can assure him he is fulfilling his' nature and his duty to God.
Riggs vs. Court . Men-and especially middle age men-breathed a sigh of relief Sunday afternoon when Bobby Riggs came through. with a resounding vktory over Margaret Court. The only problem is that those who had long ago resigned themselves \ to the sedentary life will begin swinging tennis rackets again and wondering why the net seems too high for jumping these days. . Some people have tried to make the Riggs-Court match a battle of the sexes. Those who took that Hne are now faced with a terrible lllow to the whole concept of Women's Lib. Perhaps the only solution they have is to take refuge in the words of Coco Chanel: "For most women, Women's Lib would be a step down." Meanwhile-back on the tennis court
Published weekly by ThE> ,Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7.151 . PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., ·S.T.D. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. ShCllloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll •. _ ~_l~a_ry_
~~~'·'~·I·-:I'·.· • • . POtor little feller Sandwich CORPUS CHRlISTI
$35 Raymond Doucette Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard r!atimer Harold Shurtleff Ml1s. Oharles Whitmore & Family
$300 Rev. William F. Morriss $200 Anna J. Murphy $30 $150 Mr. & Mrs. \Valter Alvezi . Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Caron Hovey Chapin Mr. & Mrs. John Higby Mr. & Mr,s. James Q. Clemmey Mr. & Mrs. John Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Roland DeConto $125. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard DiPietro WHHam O'Connell Mr. & Mrs. William Magnarel$120· la Richard Mannion Louis Pasquale $100 Mr. ~ Mrs. Earl C. Rich Mr. & Mrs. James Bazzinotti Mrs. Charles Russell Mrs. Katherine Brady E. W. Sawyer John Clinton Mrs. Ann Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Robel1t Ell'is $29 Mr. & Mrs. Fred 0, Earle Mr. & Mrs. Earl Flinker Mr. & Mrs. AdQlph J. Gelson Dorothy &' Mary GaHant $25 Leo Kelly Mr. & Ml1s. Ferdinand Alvezi, Mr. & Mrs. James N[jJitello Arnold's Package Store, Mr. & MacDonald's Hardware , Mrs. Joseph Balt-usis, Mrs. Helen Francis McConn Barber, Mr. & Mrs. Harry S. Mr. & Mrs. John McDonald Becker $75 Mrs. Olive Bettley, Mrs. AnLeo Diotolevi . tonio Bianchi, Agnes Bixby, Mr. $55 & Mrs. James Boles, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jacinto Wilfred Burbine $51 Thomas S. Casey, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs: James F. Connor George W. Chapman, Mr. & $50 George W. Chapman, Mr. & Mrs. RJev. Edward F. McI:>aac William Collins, David P. ConMr. & Mrs. Howard Cary soni, Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. ConMr. & Mrs. Peter Cooke HI way Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. L. Mr,s. Sophia M. Cook, WiIIJam Crocker & Mini'am Crowley, Peter Cugno, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert A. Dam Mr. . & Mrs. Richard Currier, Sr. Mrs. Angelo Danti Mr. & Mrs. Richard Donnella .Mr. & Mrs. Ralph DeCubellis, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Dual1te Mr. & Mrs. Carldo M. Di'Pel1Sio, Mr. & Mrs. Willi~m C. Crane Daniel Donovan, Mr. & Mrs. BerMr. & Mrs. Herbert A. Ham- nard Downing, Mrs. Stella Dvorlen ski Mr. & Mrs: M. McNamara Mr. & Mrs. James O. Earle, Mrs. James Mahoney Robem Enos, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Thoma,s Milroy 'Fagnant, Mr. & Mrs. Renata FerMr. & Mrs. George Mooney raioli, Mr-s. Herman Fielding John & Mary Neill Alexander Forni, Edward FranMr. & Mrs. Ernest R. Olson cis, Mr. & Mrs. Danti GalMr. & Mrs. Daniel Ryan lerani, Mr. & Mrs.Militon A. GarMr. & Mrs. Philip Ryan :vin, Mr. & Moo. Justin George Frances M. Silva Mr. & Mrs. John GHlis,Amedio Jolhn Sullivan & Family Ganella, Mrs. Albert Govoni, Mr. John Wilson & Ml's. Ray Granger, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. WiilLiam Ward Charl'es R. Griffin Henry F. Werner Mr. '& Mrs. Joseph. E. Guille$40 mette, Mr. & Mrs. G. F. Hallaran, John Bula Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ham, Mr. Alex Consoni
"The media must not rest con- •. tent with merely refleeting 'life as it is,' even if they are to reo. fleet this without distortion or imbalance," it adds: "They must . take positive steps to improve ,the standards of 'living,' to reaffirm over and over again the distinction between what is and what ought to be." Noting a contemporary ten. dency "to question and belittle spiritual values in all areas of life," the statement says: "The mass media undoubtedly have the power to arrest this process, to halt it completely, and to reverse it ...The media are God's creation, designed for our time. They are His preplanned response to a foreseen need of our time. In contributing their powerful support to the preservation of 'spiritual values' they will best fulfill their 'rich promise' and best serve humanity." & Mrs. Rudolph Howes, Mr. &
Mrs. James Hamlen Mr. & Mrs. Francis Heddy, Mrs. A. Cleveland Jones, Mrs. Julia Kane, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Keohan Oarol Kirouac, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kohn, Marie F. Lasti'h, Mrs. John Uberty, Mr. & Mrs. Walter K. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. A. John MacQuade, Mr. & Mrs. Russell McAuliffe, Dr. Sylvester McGinn, Virginia McLaughlin, Gino Macora,tti Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Magnant, Katherine Maley, Rose Maley, Leo R. Manning, Mr. & Mrs. WlilHp R. Michaud Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Milliken, The Montague Family, Mark Mooney, Mrs. Louise Morgan, Americo Mula Mr. & Mrs. George Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Paul O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel O'Gorman, Wil· liam F. O'Neil Mary & George OntJalani, Louis Papi, Edward Parent Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Parks, Mr. & MI1S. Columbo Pasteris Donald Philbrick, Edwa'1'd Poore, Mrs. Teresa O. Prete, Mrs. Chester Rich, Mrs. Dale Richter Mr. & Mrs. J. Louis Rober,ti, Mr. & Mrs. Edward RondeUi, John Sanford, Mr. & Mrs. JOIhn Scanlon, Mrs. Edmund Serodio Mrs. Lena Sorenti, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel SuUivan, James Sutton, Dante Tassinari, Ml's. Lillian TulDante Tassinal1i, Ml's. Lillian Tully Mr. & Mrs. James P. Walsh, William Watemouse, White Whale Motel
THE ANCHORThurs., May 17, 1973
$1000 Mr. & Mrs. R. Peckham
Mr. & Mrs. E. J. McCarty Mr. & Mrs. Geo. M. Shannon Joseph H. Beecher . St. Francis Xavier Guild' Mr. & Mrs. J. Hobert Dr. & Mrs. Francis O'Nl:lI
Rev. James P. Dalzell
$100 A Friend A Fl1iend
$50 Grace Henry Klingelfuss Margaret Thomas Mr. & Mrs. James Glidden Mr. & Mrs. E. L. New1bouse Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mack
$50 .Iohn R. Reyburn Mr. & Mrs. Gerhard Robichaud Mr. & Mrs. Arthur LaFrenier Mr. & Mrs. Harry Varnum Anna E. Cuiien Mrs. Margaret McCarthy .Joseph Ryan
$40 Mr. & Mrs. Robert McGrath
$35 Mrs. WilLiam Reith Mrs. Rolf Sjolund A Friend
$40 Mr. & Mrs. J. J. McConnell Mr. & Mrs. James Queeney
M1·. & Mrs. Daniel Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Harris Mr. & Mrs. William F. Reith
Mr. & Mrs. D. Francisco Mr. & Mrs. A. Dias Alice F. & Alice P. Connell Mr. & Mrs. J. Medeiros James Brown
$27 The Hamblin Family
$25 Mrs. Uavid Pierce, M. & Mrs. Roger Brown, Mr. & Mrs. John Sheehan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dawley, rytr. & Mrs. J. F. Murray' Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Drew, Mr. & Mrs. t. J. Ball, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Fournier, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Ryal). Mr. & Mrs. Asa H. Stanley Mr. & Mrs. H. Sylvester, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. F. Mullane, Ella McVay. Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Manning . , Mr. & Mrs. E. W. Dery, Jr.• Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ryan. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. Bern-· ard Aikens, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Snow Mr. & Mrs. O. Needham, Helen B. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. John Creney,. Mr. & Mrs. David GaO'shaw Mrs. Charles Coyle, W. J. O'Neil Jr., Paul Slavin, Theodore' L. Holmes, Mr. &. Mrs. John Barrows Wm. P. Tobin, Mr. & Mrs. .John Flaherty, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Doucette. Mr. & Mrs. N. .Nault
Pocasset ST. JOHN
$120 Anonymous
Sprague Spooner Mr. & Mrs. William Shea Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Perrault
$30 In Memory of Francis Mahoney
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Paul Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Dauphin Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dunlavey Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Hadad Mrs~ Kathryn Glynn Anonymous (2)
Vineyard Haven ST. AUGUSTINE
$200 Rev. William F. O'Connell
$50 Oelia Duarte Leonard Martin
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Metell Sr. Mrs. Laura Sherwood
$25 Francis Continho Mr. & Mrs. Francis Duarte Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Ferro .Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Frieh
BROTHER FROM BANGLADESH: There's a new brother for Shawna Barry of Scudder Lane, Barnstable. He's eight-month-old James Chandon of Bangladesh, here being greeted by John M. Clements, director of casework for New Bedford Catholic Welfare Bureau, who handled his adoption; as his proud new parents, James and Sheila Barry, and four-and-one-half-year-old Shawna look on.
Bangladesh Boy Adopted by B~rry Family Our Lady of Victory Parish, Centerville BY ROBERT LEIGH When United Airlines flight 26 landed at New York's Kennedy field one day last month, life took one of those sudden and happy twists for the James E. Darry family of Barnstable.. Aboard the f.light was a precious cargo of children from Bangladesh, among them the Barry's eight-month-old adopted son whom they would see for the first ti~e. . The glare of television camen l'ights and the swirl of people at the airport didn't dampen the welcome the Barrys and their daughter, Shawna, 4 Y2, had prepared for James Chandan Barry. Soon the excitement at New York was behind them and the excitement of home· and greeting friends and relatives ahead of them. AU of the family's attention is now riveted on James, whose Bangladesh name was Areb befor his new parents changed it. First on Agenda Sheila Barry said her son would retain the name Chandon to remind him of his heritage. First on the agenda was his baptismal ceremony at Our Lady of Victory Church in Centerville where he was christened on April 29. The Barrys have been parishioners at Our Lady of Victory since moving to the Cape Cod area two years ago from Boston. Jim Barry is a teacher in the business department of Cape Cod Community College and he promptly told his c.Jasses about the arrival of the chubby, browncheeked baby boy. "We would like'to adopt more children," said Mrs. Barry. "Jim has already asked me when we are going to adopt another one!" The couple's Scudder Lane home is alive with activity these
days as young James learns the Clements said the application ropes of growing up. .for the adoption was sent to Holt "He's very active," Mrs. Barry last September and the response said. "He lifts himself up on came in February that a baby anything and ;loves to play with would be available. the telephone." For young James adoption It was more than a year ago meant a new chance in life. The that the Barrys began to think tribes he came from in Banglaabout adopting a baby from a desh are matriarchal in nature foreign nation. and a' male chHd is valued less Mrs. Barry said she and Jim than a female. felt the need was there. They When James' natural mother thought about a Korean-Cauca- died, the child was for all insian child. tents and purposes abandoned to Jim's brother, a doctor, mar- his fate until the Halt rescue proried a Vietnamese wife and their gram reached him. children, Mrs. Barry said,' are In all, 11 Bangladesh children happy and well-adjusted. The Barrys turned for help to were accompanied to America the Catholic Welfare Bureau in by two women attaches of the . American embassy there. Some New Bedford and to Jack Clemchildren went to the West Coast, ents its casework director. while three stayed in New York Clements contacted the Holt Adoption. Program of Creswell, State and the Barry's new son Oregon, known for its work in and one· other child came to Massachusetts. the field of foreign adoptions. Mrs. Barry said little 'Shawna Soon a telephone call came to the 1820 Federation-type house was puhed into the background temporarily due to James' arrival in Barnstable. hut.she took it in stride. "The Holt agency called us and told us they had a baby from Everyone's Pleased Bangladesh and they had to She insisted James be introknow if we 'wanted him and they . gave us one hour to decide," duced to her clasmates at her Marston Mills nursery school. Mrs. Barry said. "Everyone is so pleased, they 'We Prayed' want to share the thrill with us," "We prayed,'" she said of the said Mrs. Barry. The center of all this attenintervening hour. And they accepted the offer. The rest is now tion, the youngster whose fate Barry family history. was first sealed by tribal decree, Both Clements and the Oregon revived and nearly sealed again agency had to work at top by government decree, is busy speed before the Bangladesh gov- these days chasing his mother's .ernment dropped the curtain on vacuum cleaner, eating sandwiches and learning about his emigrations. "In terms of foreign adoptions, whole new world. His new parents think that Holt claims they are getting as many children as ever," Clem- husky James might grow up to play tackle for Holy Cross or ents said. "But there are more couples Notre Dame. He's certainly got a good start who want children turning to these organizations," he said of at being an All-American boy, the inncreasing demand for chil- a chance he wouldn't have had dren by potential parents and the w,ere it not for the Barrys, Clemdeclining availability of U. S. ents and the Holt Adoption babies. Program.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McAuley, Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell Deacon, Helen Hull, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dinsmol"e, Knights of Columbus -No. 2612 Mr. & Mrs. Herman A. Lehmann, Mr. & Mrs. John Mendonca, KatJhleen Barr & Noreen Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Pollard, Mr. & Mr,s. Myles Rei,s Mr. & Mrs. Howard Landry, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Cody, Mr. & Mrs. Byron Snow, Mrs. Oharles C. Howard, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Santos Mr. & Mrs. Fred Egan, Mr. & Mrs. John Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Char.les Flanagan, Alice J. Hanlon, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Terry, Mr. & MilS. Albert Lavoie Mr. & Mrs. Albert Brock, Mr. & MilS. Lester Simmons, A· Friend, Mr. & Mrs. L. E. Dalton, Rosamund Terry Mr. & Mrs. Robel1t Ruley, A Friend
$50 A Friend Holy Ghost Society
$30 A Friend
$26 Mr. & Mrs. James Cleary
$25 A Friend, Mrs. Rose Peardon, CYO of Sacred Heart Parish, A Friend
ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., May 17, 1973
Provincetown ST. PETER THE ApOSTLE
$300 Rev. Msgt Leo J. Duart
Quilty, John Roche, . Edwin Roderick, Gertrude Rogers, Richard Shea, Robert Snow, Augustus Sylvia Judge Robert Welsh Jr., Lynn Wordell
Rev. John A. Perry A Friend Blessing. of the Fleet Mrs. Mary Roerts St. Vincent de Paul Society
$75 Friends
$50 Charles & Elizabeth DeRiggs , Or. & Mrs. Thomas Perry Margaret Roberts
$30 Mrs. John B. Ferreira
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Carreiro, Mr. & Mrs. John Cook, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Warren Costa, Margaret Cunningham, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Francis & Family . Mr. & Mrs. John Grace, Mrs. Daniel Hiebert, Joseph Lema & Son .Market, Mr. & Mrs. Cvril Patrick, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Phil·' lips Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Poyant, Mrs. Mary Rowe, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Silva, Warren Silva, Mrs. Joan Snow Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Souza, Mr. & Mrs. William White, Wil· Iiam H. Youl1g Insurance Agency
j i#
AWARD 'WINNERS: Bishop James J. Gerrard congratulates winners of scholarship grants at -annual Bishop's Nigltt program of Fall River Catholic Woman's Club. From left, Miss Mona Shea, cha,irman of scholarship committee, Bishop Gerrard, Miss Patricia Driscoll, Miss Susan McDonald; Miss Kathy O'Brien,. Miss Teresa Patten. $35 Mr. & Mrs. JohnJ. Callahan John B. D'Anjou Mr. & Mrs. Colin Gordon
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Govoni John Galligan Cross Insurance Mr. & Mrs. Egidie MOl1lt~iro Albert Guerzoni Mr. & Mrs. Peter Orlik Jr. In Memory of Elinor S. Heth· erson
$125 Catherine Lane Frances & Helen Taylor
. $100 Elizabeth Batson Theodore· Berghaus
James W. Conners John Gegenworth John O'Donnell Alan O'Farrell Rev. Bernard O'Rourke William J. Rioux Richard T. Wales
Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Camphina
$40 Or. Robert Dolan
$35 Timothy Clifford Capt. William House Joseph Mahoney Edith &' Marion McCarthy
St. William's Guild Aids SS.Peter-Paul
West Harwich
Raymond Alvey, John Anderson, Anne Arbach, Julio Barrows, John Bowen Rot>ert Carney, Ronald Carron, Chester Chase, Grace Chase, Joel M. Cloud Edward Cluett,' Joyce Cofrfin, Dorothy Collins, D. Leo Daley, Albert Davenport George Gardner, William Gonser, Russell Hamlyn Sr., John E. Kelly, Robert B. Kelly Mary Kirch & Catherine Srilith Amos Leyton, Charles Masterson, John McCarte, Henry Nelson Norman Nunes,John R. O'Brien,. Charlotte Penna, Robert
$200 Mrs. Mary Stott St. Vincent de Paul Society
Area Catholics conNnue assistance to members of SS. $100 Peter and Palll parish, Fall River, . ·Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Moore whose church building was deMr. & Mrs. HeI!Ty Mailloux stroyed by f,ire last month. Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Matheson In the latest manifestation of $75 concern, the Women's GUJild of' Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kuppens . St. Will'iam's parish, also Fall $50 River, entertained SS. Peter and Paul Guild members at its May . Edwin K. Greer Co. meeting, presenting each guest Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Agneus Veiga with cups and saucers to aid in replenishing china lost in the In Loving Memory of Albert fire. Getchell
Mrs. Ellsworth Atwood, Mr. & . Mrs. John Barrows, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Beckett, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cassidy, Mr. & Mrs. Henrry Goncalves Mrs. Dale Hill, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Klocker, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Moffett, Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Prada, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred W. Sanford Daura Vecchi Deborah-J. Rose, Mr. & Mrs. David Barry, Mrs. Mary Morris, Theresa Morris, Mrs. James Reidy . . Mr. & Mrs. Louis E. Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Sempos, Mr. & Mrs. F. Williams Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Leo St. John~ St. Pa:trick Circle & Altar & Rosary Society Mr. & Mrs'-Edward V. O'Neil, Mrs. Edward Keane, Mr. & Mrs. Hulot Haden, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Skindel' . Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Semedo, Paul English', Mrs. Medio Pederzani, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parece, Mr. & Mrs. James Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. George Barrett, Mr. & Mrs. John Hobbs Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Collins Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeldino Melloni Ann Mulhern Mrs. Clara Stanley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sylvester Mr. & Mrs. John Walsh Wareham Lodge of Elks 1548
$300 A Friend
$150 Rev. Thomas L. Rita
$100 The Darmedy Family Mr. & Mrs. Edward Jameson
$60 A Friend
$50 A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Orlando D. Souza Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Britton Mr. &. Mrs. Napoleon Cabana Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Haven Mr. & Mrs. David Langill Lillian Dion $40
Soldani, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mur· phy, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Precourt Mr. & Mrs. William Sullivan Joseph Hinchey, Rose Servais, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Clement, Mrs. Rochina Cavallo & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Sarro, Arthur Dupree Mrs. Emma Pascucci
Norton ST. MARY
$250 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pires
$100 Mr & Mrs Joseph E. Fernandes
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Murphy / Mrs. Rosa Fernandes Mr. & Mrs. William Kinane
A Friend
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Motyl Rosemary Jameson Mr. & Mrs. Brad Dauphinee
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Titus Mr. & Mrs. Frank Slattery Helen Burns . A Friend (3) A Friend (6) Mr. & Mrs: Robert Davis, Mr. 8r Mrs. Kevin Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Porier, Mr. & Mrs. Armando Giovino, Mr. &. Mrs. John Houghton, James Breen Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mahoney, Mr. ,& Mrs. James Hindman, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Boyden, Mr. & Mrs. L. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Terence Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Narcisco, The McGoldrick Family, Mrs. Mary Maddock, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Gibbs' Mr. & Mrs. Fred Taylor, Louise
Mary Cronin
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Marhevka, Mrs. Vangie Fonseca, Mr. & Mrs. James Powers, Mr. & Mrs. William Flaherty, Mrs. Raymond Shea Mr. & Mrs. Felix _Yarnsites, George Yelle, Mr. & Mrs. Charles BlomeI', Mrs. Albert Hyatt, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Murphy
DANCING EVERY SAT. NIGHT May 19 - The Big Sound of Jimmy Broek and His Oreh. Your Host-AI Tremblay
LINCOLN PARK Rte. 6, N. Dartmouth
Marion ST. RITA
$30 M. & Mrs.. Edward Gallini
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roszkiewicz, Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Don· ahue, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mc- . Carthy, Mr. & Mrs. John Lowney, ~r ..& ~rs.~il!iam H~I)~y
Attention School Groups
Special Arrangements for School Groups
or 999-6984
THE ANCHORThurs., May 17, 1973
D-Da.y Leiss Work for like r·han· Satu,rday for M·om
Attleboro ST. MARY
\ One problem I never anticipated when I was having my eight children was that th~y would grow up someday and would all have to be in different places every Saturday. Last Saturday started simply enough. I got up knowing that Ginny had an orthodontist's Now I had it all worked out: appointment at 9:30, and Gin to 'orthodontist ... Joe to that Ginny and Celia had beach ... back in time for Paul Confirmation practice at to take his girlfriend to play Church from 2:00 to 4:00. Celia and Bobbie both needed shoes, so I planned to take them shopping after the Confirmation practice.
As I was sipping my wake-up cup of coffee, Joseph anounced 'he .had to have a ride to crosscountry practice. "Why do you need a ride? Don't you just run around the track at school?" "Not today, Mom," he said. "Today we're going to .practice clown at the beach ... running in sand wHI strengthen our legs. I promised the coach you would drive me and three other guys. The coach is taking eight guys in his car and we're supposed to meet them at the beach at ] 1:00." "Okay, I guess I can do it." "Good! And will you pick us up at 3:00?" "Good ,Lord, you mean I have to make that drive twice?" (I hate to drive on the causeway and the only way to get to the beach is on the causeway.) "Mom, please? I promised the coach!" • Needs Multiply Then Paul and John came into the kitchen and both asked to use the ca·r. . Paul had promised his girlfriend he would take her to, play practice at noon and pick her up from there at 5. John needed the car to pick up some hardware for a job he was doing on his boat. (We have only one car.) After a couple of lightning calculations I asked John if he could pick up Ihis hardware between ]2:30 and ] :30. He said that would be okay.
. Nursing Scholarship Nursing scholarship appNcations for .the Fa'lI River Diocesan Counoil of Catholic Nurses Schol'arship Fund are now available from the following committee members: Mr·s. Anne Fleming, 29c Rolling Green Drive, Fall River, 02722; AJIlna Donovan, 474 Rockdale Ave., New Bedford, 02740; Mrs. Collotta Robinson, 7 Perry Ave., Attleboro, 02703; Mrs. Mary McCabe, 110 Br;oodway, Taunton 02780.
North Attleboro ST. MARY
$1000 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Smith
$250 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pesce
$225 M.r: ~.~.r~._ G:
l,'I ..!'1?rse Sr.
practice ... Paul gives car ,to John ... John gets hardware ... back in time for me to take Gin and Celia to church . . . go back to beach to pick up Joe ... pick up Gin and Ceil at church .. drop off Joe and Gin at home and pick up Bobbie get shoes for Ceil and Bobbie back in time for Paul to pick up his gir.Jfriend. I was just buttering a piece of toast to have with my second cup of coffee. when Bernadette caine in and said, "Will you drive me to my music lesson this afternoon?" "THIS a.ftemoon!" "I told you about it on Tuesday. It's from 2:30 to 3:30." So that's how I spent last Saturday. Tinker to Evers to Chance Gin to doctor ... Joe to beach · .. Paul took girlfriend to play · .. John got hardware ... Gin and Ceil to church ... Bern to music lesson ... Joe from beach · .. Bern from music lesson . Ceila and Gin from church . dropped Joe, Gin, and Bern at house ... picked up Bobbie ... took Bobb~e and CeB for shoes · .. and back by 5 so Paul could pick up girlfriend. Eisenhower planned D Day . with less trouble On the second trip down the causeway I saw a sign that said, "Breakdown Area, 500 feet ahead," I almost took advantage of it.
$300 Rev; Edward C. Duffy
$100 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Francis Mr. & Mrs. Robert Legare
$75 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Coogan
$60 Dr. & Mrs. Paul F. Shannon
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Gaetan Brochu Dr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Gaudet Holy Name Society St. Mary's Women's Guild
$25 Mr. & Mrs.. Hector Carufel, Anselm Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Lapierre, Mrs Pauline LeFrancois Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Rene Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Strycharz, Mr. & Mrs. Russell J. Sumner, Mrs. Corinne Tessier, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Voccio ST. MARK
$100 St. Mark's Guild
$50 Anonymous John C. Gaffney Robert Cunningham
$40 Ernest Glode
$35 Daniel Kiley
$30 Robert Pedro
MEMORIAL PLAQUE: Mrs. John F. Giblin, president of the Volunteers of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River presents a plaque to Sister Jean Marie, O.F., administrator of the hospital in memory of the late Mrs. Josephine Hurley, organizer of the Volunteers.
Long Now!
$150 $100 Rev. Cornelius J. Keliher Bernard J. Byrnes Mr. & Mrs. J. Donley
$50 Mr. & Mrs. A. Levesque Mr. & Mrs. F. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. John J. Brennan Mrs. Mary Jepson Mr. & Mrs. R. Tousignant
$30 $25 Mr. & Mrs. E. McCrory, Mr. & Mrs. 'R. Gilmore, Mr. & Mrs. John Collins, Dr & Mrs R. Bedard Mr. & Mrs. R. Forbes Mr. & Mrs. John Diamond, Mr. & Mrs. W. Corrigan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hustler, Mr. & Mrs. E. Seifert, A. Mullaney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Charron, Mr. & Mrs. L. Meomartii'lo, Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Clark Sr., Mrs. W. Firth, Mary E. Ripley Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Snell, Mr. &. Mrs. G. Vandal, Mr. & Mrs. G. H. Morse Jr., Mr. & Mrs. J. Sullivan Thomas G. Walsh Mrs. A. MacDnald Jr., A. Nadeem, Mr. & Mrs. F. Butterworth
Mrs. H. S. Houghton, Anonymous, Daniel R. Smith, Edward Galasso, John Hannigan Mario A. Roque, Clyde Depriest, Gerald L. Dorey, James D. Meegan
It Won't Be
Mary & Margaret Kinton
Mr. & Mrs. C. Sharon Mr. & Mrs. J. Kelley
With A
CALORIC® Gas Grille No, it won't belong now befor&the weather breaks and you'll be out in the backyard wanting to cook up a storm. Be the best outdoor cook in your neighborhood with a Caloric Gas grille. The "in" way to cook-out. Buy now and be ready.
PRICED as low as
$100 Irene Boule & Rosa B. Bourassa
Ch".' ,,, D,h",.
N. :and Normal Installation
$50 Dr. & Mrs. Armand H. Dyon
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dion
$25 ~r~ ... ~!5r7~~ ~~r:~~e!. _
Fall River
GAS Company
THE ANCHOR-. Thurs., May 17, 1973
Attleboro HOLY GHOST
$600 Mr. & Mrs. Ray Kelliher
$300 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Murphy, Sr.
$130 .Raymond Broussean Madeline Turley' Mr. & Mrs. Raymond .Guillette Mr.. Edward L. Schulze
$40 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pelletier
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Standley Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Minor
$30 Mr.. & Mrs. Manuel CaHtro, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Duclos Mr. & Mrs. Edward Amesbury Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Elshant
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph LO.ieck Mr: & Mrs. Leo Charette, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Perkoski Mr. & Mrs. Robert Geddes
$1,000 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. O'Donnell
$800 Mr. & Mrs. J. Harry Condon
$300 Very Rev. Henry T. Munroe Edmund F. Henry
$150 Mr. & Mrs. John G. Walsh Jr.
$100 Mr . & Mrs. James H. Lee
$80 Mr. & Mrs. Victor Vaughan
$60 Pat & Marim Lattari
-$50 \ In Memory of Rev. Msgr. John .T. Shay, deceased pastor . In Honor of Rev. Msgr. Thomas F. Walsh, retired pastor . Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kelley Dr. & Mrs. Robert O'Donnell. Mr. & Mrs., James Martins Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kenney
Lumbra William Sharples Elmer Butler Robert Desrosier
$25 Mrs. Paul Beausoleil, Mr. & Mrs. Rodolphe Bruneau, Mr. & Mrs. Lee Gasper, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cotter, Mr. & Mrs. Horace Courcy . Mr. & Mrs. Horace Glode, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hanewich, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Keane, Mr. & Mrs. John Keane, Mrs. Sarah Langlois Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Lariviere. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Major, Mr. & Mrs. Louis McBride, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Moreau, Richard Murray Mr. & Mrs. William O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. George O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Osienski, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Roberge, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Robichaud . Mrs. Nelson Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Therrien, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tomlinson Mr. & Mrs. Aldie Grenier, Mr. & Mrs. John Kenny, Mr. & Mrs. Valmore Lafontaine, Mr. & Mrs. Aime Turgeon Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cournoyer, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Desmarais, Mr. & Mrs. Ederito Fachada, Mr. & Mrs. Franois McInerney, Mr. & Mrs. James Mann Mr. & Mrs: Willi~m Niquette
$300 Rev. Andre
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Lamarche
Mrs. Alex Karol
Raymond Nolin
$400 $300 A Friend
$200 Rev. Roger J. Levesque
$100 Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Bcrarjj Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gmvel Mr. & Mrs. Philip Morris .fI.:., Family Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Vachon Confraternity of Christian Mothers of St. Theresa's Church Holy Name Society St. Theresa Church $60' Mr. & Mrs. Francis GU!an
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Boardman Mr. & Mrs. .Armand i::::hoiniere Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Lefrancois Mrs. Joseph Lunderville Vincent Girard Mrs. Mary Grady Mr. & Mrs. Oscar BourgE1tte Mrs. Paul Bradley
.$25 Mr. & Edward Edward Aleixo Mr. & Mrs. Richard Arikian Mrs. Anna Champney Paul Frazier Mr. & Mrs. Armindo Lourenco Mr. & Mrs. Ro~ert Silveira Judge & Mrs. Frank Smith
$30 . Mrs. Jasper Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs.
Rev. Msgr. Gerard J. Chabc,t
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Duclos
$30 Mr. & Mrs.. Roger C. Kingsley
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Sumner
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. Alan Coo Burt, Mr. & Mrs.路 Alfred McNally, Dr. &, Mrs. James Birch, Mr. & Mrs. Francis F. LaPlante Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Nyzio, Mr. &' Mrs. Daniel Nolin
$35 Dr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Figlock Mr. & Mrs. E.J.E. LaPre
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Delude . Linus Gignac Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Moskalski
Rev. Richard W. Beaulieu Matthew Buty
$40 Joseph Yorkoski
. Mr. & Mrs. John Caponigro
$40 Mr. & Mrs. Normand Carrier Mr. & Mrs. Joseph路 Iwuc Mr. & Mrs. John Plath Robert Whitaker
$35 Maurice Riendeau Sr. Wesley Schondek
$30 ,Claire Hamel Henry A.. Perra Jr.
$25 Gerard Bonenfant, Emma, Rita. Louise Cote, Mrs'.' Rosalie Desrosiers, Francis Guay, Laurea't , Guay Regina Hebert, John Keene, George Mador, Mrs. William McMahon & Elaine, Edna Riley . Mrs. Walter Taylor; Mrs. Le~h Dondero .
$800 Rev. Msgr. Joseph C. Canty
.$150 ,Attorney Talbot Tweedy
$125 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McCarty
$75 Lillian White
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. 'Leroux Mr. & Mrs. John Connors Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Roster
$40 Frank Casella Dominic Casella Joseph Giannini Olivia Giannini
$35 F. Veronica Harrica
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mozzone Mr. & Mrs. William Powers Mr. & Mrs. Anth<;my Gomes & Son Elsie Amaral Mrs. E. Booth Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Raposa Mr. & Mr!=;. Antone Maderios Mr. & Mrs. Willi'am Powers' Mr. & Mrs. J. Mozzone
MUSIC SOOTHES: Musical Instruments to relieve tensions of prison were collected in New York City churches recently. Here Susan! La Morte, 13, a 7th grade Nativity parish in t,p.e Bronx, presents a guitar to Cardinal Terence Cooke to open the collection. NC Photo.
$30 & Mrs. John G. Medas Jr. & Mrs. Henry Ryan & Mrs. Alyre Cormier & Mrs. Louis Bartel $25 Mrs. Francis J. Tummon, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Nunes, Eleanor Dwyer, Rita Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. John Seaberg Mr. & Mrs.'Richard Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Olson Mr. & Mrs. John Steen, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Jackman 'Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. John Dickinson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Reipy, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Griffin, Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Gedritis Mrs. Frank Shumway, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Teixeira, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dooley Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Botellio, Mr. & Mrs. Waldo Witherell, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Castle. . , Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Goslin, Mr. & Mrs. Robert fielding, Mr. & Mrs. William Boardman, Mr. & Mrs. James Donovan Mr. Mr. .Mr. Mr.
$50 Mr. & Mrs. James Cooke
$40 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Trucchi JllIr. & Mrs. Edward Feeney Rose O'Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Perry
$30 J. Perry
$25 M. Andrade, A. Amaral, Eugene Levec:nue, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Volkmann Mrs. K. Heywood, Mr. & Mrs. A. St. Yves. Mr. & Mrs. E. Davis, Art.hllr M::ochado Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Silvia Jr., Me. & Mrs. B. Howard, Mr. & Mrs. Stanly Baran, M. Andrade, Mr. & Mrs. A. St. Yves, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cabral B. Mozzon'e, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cooke
$300 Rev. Msgr. Maurice Souza
St. Vincent De Paui Society of St. Anthony's Church I
$60 Edmund Perry
- $50 Rev. Antonio da Silva Maria P. Figueiredo Leonard Rocha $42 i Joseph Loura
Mr. & Mrs. Marcellus Lemaire
" Andr~w Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. John Dubena Mr. & Mrs. Russell Woodward
I Joseph Mastromarino
Anibal Antunes
Mrs. Phyllis Kable & Sons
,Candida Abreau,Joseph Abreau, Frederick Barker, Wilfred Benoit, V,ictoria .Carew IJohn Coelho, ;John Correia, Anton DaCosta, Louis Danser~au, John Ferreira . ILawrence Fontes, Antonio Gaspar, Antone Gomes, Joseph Gula, Marta Macedo I Raymond Pata, Joseph Rebellq; Edward Semas, John Silvia, , James T. Thomas ,Frank Vaz, Joseph Vaz 'John Abreali, Laurentina Crav~n, Jesse Linhares, Edward P. Martin, Arthur Medeiros Idilio Nunes, Peter Nolan, Joseph Souza
$25 Thaddeus & June Strojny, Mrs. Anna Bartek,' Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Kalacznik, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Tokarz, Mr. & Mrs. John Kokoszka & Family
LEMIEUX PLUMB!NG & HEATING, INC. Sales and Service for Domestic ~ and Industrial ~ Oil Burners
$35 Rita O'Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cayer Mrs. Mary O'Keefe
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Reams $2~
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph,Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Unsworth, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Andrews, Mr. & Mrs.' Manuel Rebello Jr., Mrs. Ann McCaffrey Marguerite Cronim, Gertrude McBreen, In Memory of Alan Fitzgerald, Anne & Kathleen Flannery, Mr. & Mrs. William MacLean Mr; & Mrs. Lidoino Severino, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ferreira, John Reilly, -Mr. & Mrs. William Andrade, Anna Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Francis Soitos, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Souza, Mr. & Mrs. George White
When Savings and Dividends left on deposit 6% 2 and .3 yr. Term Deposit Certificate Now Yields 6.27% to 2 yr. Ter~ Deposit Certificate 5%% Now Yields 6.00% 5~% 90-day Notice Now Yields 5.73% 5~% .Regular Savings , Now Yields 5.47% Compounded Cont.inuously and payab~e monthly Bank b'{ mall -
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Rev. William H. O'Reilly'
$100 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wotjunski
$75 A Friend Keliher Family Mr. & Mrs. William Desrosier
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Thonlas Flangheddy & Family Mr. Cornelius Kelly
$40 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Colton
$35 Mrs. John Meunier Mr. & Mrs. John Correia
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paulson Matilda Cutner William F. Leonard Mr. & Mrs. McDermott
$25 Mr. & Mrs. John Haggerty, James Dineen, Mr. & Mrs. George Sherry, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Perrault, Robert Ames James Garrity, Kavin Dowd, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Dubois, Mr. & Mrs. Silvio Piesco, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Desrosiers Mary Dineen, William Dineen, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Connors, Mr. & Mrs.路 Edward Mador, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoye Mr. & Mrs. Robert Briand, Mr. & Mrs. Leon Landry Mary & Leo Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Roland Arguin May Power Richard Power Marie Power "Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ladebauche Mary Foley John Delaney Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Sullivan OUR LADY OF LOURDES
$150 Rev. Manuel M. Resendes
$30 The Fernandes Family The Adelino P. Paulo Family
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Franco ST. MARY
$160 Rev. Arthur K. Wingate
$100 R. Bentley Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Galvin Mary Nichols G. Sanford Mary O'Brien
$50 Joseph Butler Jr. James J. Balanos Chaisty Family Mr. & Mrs. J. Corcoran Donahue Family Dr. G. Harrington Margurite Hoye John Keating William H. Murray McKeon Family E. A. Pouiot Jr. Constance Lynch James R. Tormey Mr. & Mrs. K. Baker Katherine Tormey Mrs. Ruth Hoffman Mrs. Matthew McCarty
$45 R J. Hill Jr.
$40 D.J. Sullivan J. Wade Mr. & Mrs. D. Doyle
$35 L. Duffy Mr. & Mrs. E. Tonry Esther & Ethel Buckley Mr. & Mrs. W.. J. Casey
$30 Mr. & Mrs. James AVila William & .Catherine Brady
E. Duffy H. H. Galligan Mr. & Mrs. J. Gonzals L. Sousa Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tokarz M. E. McNamara E. Rice Joseph Hood & Family Margaret & Elizabeth Brady G. Tripp
THE ANCHORThurs., May 17, 1973
South Easton HOLY CROSS
$125 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kairys
$100 St. Vincent de Paul Society Holy Cross Fathers
Josephine McNamara
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dray Mr. & Mrs. John Smith
$25 M. Behan, Mr. & Mrs. J.'Burns, M. Claffy, Mrs. Albert Clement, RH. Cormier . T. Dorsey, Mr. & Mrs. R Drake, M. Fitzgerald, Mr. & Mrs. Orlando DeAbreau, C. Fitzsimmons, F. Fitzsimmons Rita Gauthier, M. Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. T. Grant,Robert Hill, Mr. & Mrs. E.L. Kiernan Winifred Laughlin, M. Leonard, . E. Malo & Family, Mary Maloney, Mr. & Mrs. J. Megan Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Mosley, F. Mulholland, John Mulholland, J. Mulholland, M. Mulholland Catherine Murphy, Mildred Murray, .Mrs. F. P. McCabe, Alice McCusker, Mr. & Mrs. J. E. McGovern Alice McKenna, Ruth McKenna, Susan McKenna, Mary McManus, Mr. & Mrs. J. McMorrow. Clotilde Nason, J. O'Boy, E. O'Gara, Mrs. E.' O'Keefe, James' D. Reid J. Reid, C. Steeves ~ Family, D.B. Sullivan, Ruth Synan, G. Powers Mr. & Mrs. J.A. Tranter, A. Yelle Rita Baker, Ralph Buckley, Thomas ~Grandfield, D. Holmes, J.D. Judge Gertrude & Ruth Lawlor, P. McSweeney, D. McSweeney, Mrs. 1. Munise, M. Murphy Margaret V. Neenan, Mrs. F. J. O'Boy, Anna Raftery, Mrs. Wm. Rayment, Mrs. Elizabeth. Sheehan Lillian & Mrs. C. Theroux, Prancis 1. Flynn, Arthur Pouliot, Mrs. F. Tripp, M. Coleman John Connors, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Chamberland, Peter Corr
$120 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Nichols
$100 The Buckley Family Vincent 1. Galvin Katthryn E. Healey Mr. & Mrs. James D. Mullen Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John B. Parkes
$75 Mrs. Charles McCarthy Sr.
$70 Dr. & Mrs. Vincent P. Wright
$50 Rev. John Daly C.S.C. Helen Derby Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Palane In Memory of Rev. John J. Casey from Friend Mary Buckley Charles E. Harvey James Healey Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Ingemi Dr. & Mrs. James D. McCourt Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Dav,id Cleary Mr. & Mrs. Albert Giordano Mr. & Mrs. Thoma路s Gallagher Mr. & Mrs._Edward T. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. James Antosca
$35 Alice U. Harvey Catherine J. Harvey Grace F. Harvey Mary V. Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Ly,ons
$60 Dr. & Mrs. Philip Connelly
$52 Mr. & Mrs. Hugh O'Brien
$50 Mrs. Jennie Overton Mrs. Bertha Cunninghan Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ready Mr. & Mrs. John Pilz $40 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gentile Mr. & Mrs. Paul Coleman
$35 Mr. & Mrs. James Lyons
RAILROAD REFUGEE: In Cambodia where war has halted train traffic, a railroad yard is this refugee girl's home in the capital city, Phnom Penh,swollen by hundreds of refugees who have fled the war-racked countryside. $30 Mr. & Mrs. George Carter JJ;\ Marguerite Carter Mrs. Isabelle Somerville
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Conaty Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Paul Horton
Mrs. Anna C. Loud, Mrs. John Griffin, Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Costa, Mr. & Mrs. George Knapp, Mr. & Mrs. John McEntee Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kron, Mrs. Mildred Deady, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wooster, Mr. & Mrs. Alan Lee Blackwell, Mr. & Mrs. Virgil "'Andr.ews Mr. & Mrs. William McEntee, Mr. & Mrs. Val P. Muscato, Mr. & Mrs. leRoy L. VanDeCarr, Mr. & Mrs. Rober路t E. Slattery,James Abreu Mr. & MilS. Lew Aries, Mr. & Mrs. Ross J. Bridge, Mr. & Mrs.' John Connelly, Mrs. Helen Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. James Dohel1ty Mr. & Mrs. John Graca Jr., Mrs. Michael Harkins, Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Harvey Jr. Healey, Mrs. Daniel Kent Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Kent, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Kent, Mr. & Mrs. Martyn Lincoln, Mr. & Mrs. Robert McLaughlin Catherin McMenamy Mr. & Mrs. William O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. John Reardon, Mr. & Mrs. William D. Simonson Sr.,Mrs. MacKenzie Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Fremont E. Wood Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Dahlberg, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Camara, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stone, Mr. & Mrs. William McAndrews, Eugene Gravelin Mr. & MilS. Michael Goldsmith, Mr. & Mrs. James Simonson
Mr. & Mrs. Levite Carrier, Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Collard, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Conaty, Mrs. Beatrice Devine, Mr. & Mrs. William Drummond Mr. Leo Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dutra, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice J. Kent, Mr. & Mrs. John Lane, Mr. & Mrs. Robert McConville' Mr. & Mrs. William O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Smith Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Roger Turner
North Dighton ST. JOSEPH
$500 Rev. Msgr. Bernard J. Fenton
$150 Mr. Henry Wareing
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Rebello
Valuation Man's rank is his power to upliH.-MacDonald .
Dighton ST. PETER
$125 Montfort Fathers
$50 A Parishioner
$30 A Parishioner Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Smith
$25 Mr. ,& Mrs. Albert Enos Mr. & Mrs. William Grover Mr. & Mrs. John Pelletier A Parii>'hioner (2) Dr. Rose Borges Mr. & Mrs. George Dutra Sybil J. Bacon St. Vincent de Paul Society
tvir. & Mrs. Paul Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. David' Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Dolloff, Mr. & Mrs. William Richardson, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Savard Mr. & Mrs. Paul Brophy, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Burns, Grace & Helena Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Schleicher, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Earl Gardiner, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Madden Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Nowak, Dr. & Mrs. Edward O'Brien, Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Berry, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carney Mr. & Mrs. William Paige
Westport ST. GEORGE
$300 Rev. Lucien Jusseaume
$65 Mr. & Mrs. John Francis Ward
$50 Joseph Adelard Bruneau
$40 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Twark Jr.
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Durand
$26 Mr. & Mrs. Major Wheelock
. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cardoza Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Moore Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Mulcairns Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Reis Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Stevenson Mr. & Mrs. Joel Sunderland Mrs. Eveline Magnant Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. M,urray Westport Package Store, Inc.
See Us First See Us Last
But See Us
Raynham ST. ANN
$200 Rev. William. E.路 Farland
$50 Robert Gray
$40 James Mulvey
$35 Luis Secatore
$30 Timothy Taylor
$25 Manuel DeMello, Robert Smith, Barbara O'Brien, John Dooley, Joseph Keough Le Landgraf, John Spaulding, Alfred Fraga, Joseph Bettencourt
CHEVROLET 1001 Kings Hwy.
NEW BEDFORD Open Evenings
THE ANCHOR-I)iocese of Fall River-Thur., May 17, 1973
Scores .Literary Piracy Via Copy Machine Use When does the use of the copy machine constitute fraud? Once· upon a time, before the day of the copier, mistakenly called Xerox as a generic term (instead of the brand name it is), magazines and n·ewspapers stayed alive by printing top article~, the average catechist finds it too songs, studies and stories. steep. (More information· on it Professors ordered class sets, from St. Mary College Winona, other periodicals fa ttened Minn. 55987.) mother publication coffers with reprint monies, and publicity drew new subscribers. All that has been changed by
More recently I received a notice from Dennis J. Fitzpatrick, founding composer of F.E.L. Publications, Ltd., which has been a leader in church music. Best known is their popular Hymnal for Young Christians. Their success hasn't kept F.E.L. By from being forced to sell an An· NAMED: New president of nual Copy License for $98.76 in DOLORES order to fight the unauthorhed the Catholic Press Associacopying of its music. What a tion is John' F. Fink, execuCURRAN shame, for a primary Christian .tive vice president of Our publisher to <be forced to do this, so that the Christians using his Sunday Visitor. Other new ;~":'; officers are Father Jeremy music will pay for his wares. 'lUll! ;I_~~wm 'f! . Harrington of St: Anthony Bishops Speak the copy machine. It has turned Mr.. Fitzpatrick, pointing out Messenger, vice president, the best of us into literary pi- the illegality of unauthorized Robert Fenton of the Cathorates. If we see something we· copying quoted' the American like, be it recipe, or liturgy, we Bishops: "... it is necessary at lic Digest, treasurer, and Fasimply step up too the nearest this time to speak out about the ther John Dietzen. of the copy machine and reproduce it indiscriminate and unauthorized' Catholic Post, Peoria, Ill., for a dIme, which is 'Probably use of copyrighted materials. .secretary. NC Photo. all right up to a point. But where The practice of private reproduc· .exactly is that point. tion by photocopiers and other Wellfleet Is it when the magazine folds? devices substantially diminishes OUR LADY OF LOURDES the legitimate royalties due com. Or wl!en the printer lets a few men go? Or when the writer posers and authors for their $100 finds his published work reprint- works." Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lussier Archbishop Dwyer went a step ed without permission or recomMr. & Mrs. Albert Rose pense? Or when the school reo further and directed, "that all· $75 produces class sets of plays· in· such reproduced music and/or Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Peters stead of buying the play books? words, currently in use in this $50 . Archdiocese without the express Cause of Death Downs Insurance Agency Mrs. William Purcell Copyright laws today are a permission of the copyright hold· headache. Complicated by the er, be withdrawn and that no Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Rose reality that any reasonable laws further use be made of such Mr. & Mrs.. Arthur F. Joseph $40 passed will soon be obsolete as music, and/or words, ·until the soon as they become law, the permission of the copyright holdMr. & Mrs. John J. K.elley Jr, . laws die in limbo. So respect for er has been obtained, and such $35 Rita Rose other's printed property seems permission clearly indicated in $25 to be the law and there are a lot each such song book or music folder." Laurence Cardinal of lawbreakers. Bravo for the Bishops for The obituaries of magazines' speaking so forcefully on an is- Mr. & Mrs. Norman Norman· usually mention the copying ma- sue it would be convenient (and deau Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Silva chine as one cause of death. Li- thrifty) to ignore. I. hope those braries need purchase fewer ref- who are misusing the copy mao erence books now that reproduc- chines in their clUbs, schools and South Dall'tmoluth tion of whole pages is so Bimple. parishes don't find the Bishops ST. MARY A· lower textbook order is ac- convenient to ignore. companied by a higher copy$400 paper budget. Mr. & Mrs. George Saint AuAs a writer I've had my mao bin terial'stolen and reprinted more $200 times than I care to remember. Continued from Page One Dr. & Mrs. Arthur F. Buckley I know a fellow writer, the Aurore (Champoux) Gauthier of $150 father of a family barely surviv- Fall River. He was born on April Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Donaghy ing on his writing income, who' 3, 1924. $100 discovered half of one of his After spending his early years Mr. & Mrs. Carios Alves books reproduced and used in a at Notre Dame Parish SchOOl and Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Brady large parish adult education pro- Msgr. Prevost High School in Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Glennon· gram. When he protested, there Fall River, he spent his college Jr. was no apology, simply the ·ex· . years at the Seminary of Joliette Mr. & Mrs. James F. McHugh planation that "We're a church in Canada. Mr. & Mrs. Fred DeCristofaro and we're copying for educationAfter six years at St. Mary's Rev. William P. Blottman al purposes." . Seminary in Baltimore, he was Mr. & Mrs. Owen F. Hackett, . None of wants to hoard our ordained a priest· on May 22, J~' material but all of usJike to have .1948 in St. Mary's Cathedral, John J. Hayes the opportunity of granting its. Fall River. Dr. & Mrs. Louis Miskell use. Schools, parishes and teachFather Gauthier served as as$80 who would neve'r consider steal-· sist8lIlt pastor at St. Anthony of Mr. & Mrs. John J. Smith ing a painting steal printing Padua Parish, Sacred Heart Par$75 without a thought. ish 'and St. Hyacinthe Parish in Mary T. Luiz . , $55 The only way for some pub- New Bedford. He was named ad· lishers to survive this print ·theft mini,strator in 1970 of St. Roeh Mr. & Mrs. James Barrett . $50 is to sell a right to reprint at a Parish in Fall River before assteep price. One copying service . su~ing duties as pastor of St. Mr. & Mrs. William Brady for religious educators is PACE., Theresa Parish in New Bedford. Dr. & Mrs. Vito Cimenello This excellent service offers dioFather Gauthier will offer a Mr. & Mrs. Angelo DeMello ceses and parishes good material Mass of Thanksgiving to. observe Mr. & Mrs. Richard Parsons with'reprint r·ights but it's at the the jubilee with members of his Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro Rodriques Mr. & Mrs. 1.ohn. Pilvines cos; .\ o,f.• }~ov~~.~" \.$~~. ~,~;il~~., ~~ dmmedia'te,. tall}i1y il1. attendance.
Silver Jubilees·
, Mr. & Mrs. Neil Fitzgerald !., Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Hemingway Francis J. Mahoney . Mrs. Helen Collopy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. DeMello Mr.. & Mrs. George Ponte $40 In Memory of Amy Beswick $35 , Mr. & Mrs. Manuel DeMello .1 Dr. & Mrs. Harry Mah\')ney Mr. & Mrs. David J. Pimental Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Corbeil Dr. & Mrs. John MachadO $30 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel' Baczkowski Mrs. Nelson Cleveland Mr. & Mrs. Russell Gracie Mr. & Mrs. William A. Mur1
: Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Martin . Mr. & Mrs. Walter O'Brien Rosemary Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Francis Travers $25 I ·Mr. & Mrs. Richard Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Borges, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Boyce, Mr. & Mrs. Joao Carreiro, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Gomes, Jr. i Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Ladetto, Mr: & Mrs. Walter Martin, Mr. & Mrs. William' Martin, Mrs. Luke McCrohan, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mello t Mr. & Mr~. Norman Menard, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Morency, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ponte, Alice Sheerin Mary E. Sheerin, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard· Stone, Rosaire Supre~ant, Mr. & Mrs. C. Sylvia Jr. Mrs. Isaac Dawson Mr. & Mrs. John Downey Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. T. F. Keeping Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Manuel H. Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vieira Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Caron Edward Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Leo Grande Olivia Luiz Mr. & Mrs. David Souza Mrs. Frank Coleman, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Maher, Mr. & IYIrs. James Madigan, Mr. & Mrs. <Charles Nunes Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Coutu James M. Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Quinn Mitchell J. Raczka ! Mr. & Mrs Joseph C. Sebastiao ,Judge & Mrs. August C. Taveira
tiorth Dartmouth ST. JULIE
$250 Very Rev. Thomas J. Harringtpn $200 I Dr. & Mrs. E. Deane Freitas $100 ·Atty. & Mrs. Edward J. Hal'. rington . , Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Smith : Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weaver $80 . . The Halloran Family $50 , Marion S. Freitas i Ellen M. Gaughan I Dr. & Mrs. James Hayden Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Silvia , Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Tomlinson i Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Beedem
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Babiec, Wilhelmina C. Baptist£!, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bobrowiecki, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold W. Bowers, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Burke Mr. & Mrs. Oldemiro Canto, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Chase, Laz· arus Chongarlides, Mr. & Mrs. William Coonan, Mr. & Mrs. Antone DeCosta Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Ennis, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Ethier, Mrs. Frank F. Freitas, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Hackett, Mr. & Mrs. Warren Healy Mr. & Mrs. Jean Heron, Mary A: Keneally, Winifred F. Keneally, Dr. & Mrs. PaulO. LaBelle, Jr. Bert LaForest Mr. & Mrs. George Linney, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Morro, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Paiva, Mr. & Mrs. Domingo Perry Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Pfeninger, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pittsan, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Ponte, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ponte, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Rose Mr. & Mrs. Rene SaVoie, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Simmons, Gail Tsimprea, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Spinelli, Mr. &. Mrs. Edmund Tavares, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vieira Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Vincent, Mr. & Mrs. John Wade, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ward
Acushnet ST. FRANCIS XAVIER $50 Mr. & Mrs. Roland J. LaBossiere $40
Noel Goulet
$35 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hayworth Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Barry $30 In Memory of Alfred A. Langlois Mr. Be Mrs. Gerard Charest Joseph C Normand Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Le Blanc Mr. & Mrs. William F. Taylor $25 Mr. & Mrs. John J. O'Toole, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Girard, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rondeau, In Memory of Henry Phaneuf, Mr. & Mrs. -Leo Ricard . Mr. & Mrs. Ronald· Pimental, Leo, Yvonne & Vi Boucher, Mr:. & Mrs. Henry Govoni. Mr. & Mrs. Leo G. Gelinas, The Sleight ·Family Mr. & Mrs. Norman· Gendron, Mr. & Mrs. George Amaral
BAMBOO , AQUARIUM .." New England's Most Beautiful Aquarium 75 TANKS FOR YOUR • SELECTION
·761·7690 Wide Selection of Accessories. 25 Years of Service to the Public . :~ 726 WASHINGTON STREET ~Route I, So. Attleboro, Mass:
The Hannigan Family $32 'The Westgate Family $30 'E. Gertrude & Mary C. Gleason Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Grenier Mrs. Raymond Markey Mr. & Mrs. John Morris Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Nunes I 'Mr. & Mrs. Dem~is Sherman
The Falmouth National Bank By
FALMOUTH. MASS. \lllIne Green Since 1821
Fairhaven ST. JOSEPH
$100 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Barbero Mr. & Mrs. James Buckley Mr. & Mrs" John Coyne $36 A Friend $35 Mr. & Mrs. John Golcnski Martha Bisaillon Margaret Manghan $30 Mr. & Mrs. Everett J. Barrow $25 Mr. & Mrs. Joaquim August, Mrs. Eva Bisailoon, .Mr. & Mrs. Victor Brunette, Mrs. Marjorie Carey, Mr. & Mrs. Earl C. Chan(ller Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Charadc, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dion, Mr. & Mrs. Antone DeTerra, Mr. & Mrs. James P. Honohan, Mrs. Jamcs Jones, Joseph C. Mello Mr. & Mrs. Clementino Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs: Clifford Rockwood, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Silveira Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rene Vezina, Mr. & Mrs. Lester Smith, Mary Sullivan SACRED HEARTS
$75 Mr. & Mrs. David Sibor $50 Mr. & Mrs. Omer J. Pothier $30 A Friend $25 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Cejka, Arnold Cejka, Rene Harbeck, Mr. & Mrs. Elphege Desroches, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martel
New Bedford ST. HEDWIG
$200 Franciscan Fathers OFM Conv. . $100 Bruno, Hclen & Stephanie Patla
$30' Anonymous
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond LeBlanc, Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Daley, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Okolski, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Szulik Mr. & Mrs. Charles Goulart ST. HYACINTH
$300 • Rev. Ernest N. Bessette $125 Gaspard Lafleur $100 Wilfrid Rousseau $50 St. Vincent de Paul Anonymous $40 Leo Fournier $25 Normand Brassard, Albert Lamoureux, Cora Guilmet, Rita Powers ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST
$150 Mr. & Mrs. Frank -Y. Machado $100 In Memory of Manuel J. Soares $50 St. Vincent de Paul Conference Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Souza $25 Aida Alves Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Correia Germaire Ferreira Mr. & Mrs. Denis Lawrence Dr. & Mrs. Albert Luiz Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Medeiros Mrs. Joseph Ponte Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rezendes Mr. & Mrs. Manuel S. Silva
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., May 17, 1973
$100 LC":lieux Plumbing & Heating Inc. $50 Roland & Gerald LeComte $35 _ Mr. & Mrs. Albert Caron . $30 Mr. & Mrs. Raoul LeBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Barton Jr. $25 Mrs. Alice Contant. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rego, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Lemieuk, Mr. & Mrs. Henry LeBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Laurier Marcoux, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo DeBortoli, 100 YEARS: Redemptorist Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Richard Father Cornelius Warren celST. JOSEPH ebrated his IOOth birthday $300 May 15 at Saratoga Springs, A Friend N.Y. He was actually born $125 June 9, 1873, in Roxbury, Rev. Roger D. LeDuc: .Mass., but moved the cele$100 St. Vincent de Paul bration ahead of the date in $75 .order to mark the day with Mrs. Maurice Dansereau & Father Tarcision Amaral, suDaughter perior general of the order. $60 Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Broui- Father Warren has been a lette provincial consultor, semin$50 ary rector, pastor, author and Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Janson Scripture teacher since being Rev. Marc H. Bergeron Mr. & Mrs Normand St. Gelais professed in 1895. NC Photo. $45. """"'III"""""""""j""'I""""",IIIII""11""""IIlI!!!I""",,'IIIIIII'II"lllllllllll1""'" A Friend $40
Gardner Family $35 Mr. & Mrs. Henri Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pelletier $30 Maurice Charette $25 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Hudon, Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Trahan, Lucil1e Al1ain Mr. &·Mrs. Philippe Methe Mr. & Mrs. P. Letourneau Annnette Collard " Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Leblanc ST. JAMES $400 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hemingway Sr. . $200 Dr. Daniel Harrington $125 Rev. John J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Louis Coholan $100 Mrs. Jeremiah Coholan $75 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dwyer $70 The Mahoney Family $65 Mary Walsh $60 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Crowley Mr. & Mrs. John Callanan $50 Mrs. Evie Perry Margaret Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tschaen Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Quinn Catherine Swansey Mr. & Mrs. William Batty Ji'. Mr. & Mrs. George Young Mrs. Wright Bolton III Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clark , Mr. & Mrs. William Reed John Leva Mr. & Mrs. Robert Arnett $40· Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Mitchell $35 Brig Gen & Mrs. Lawrence Markey Mr. & Mrs. James Mullins Jr. Anna Meehan $32 Sylvester Walsh Clifton Sullivan Mr· & Mrs..J.o/111 Britto.
$100 St. Vincent de Paul, St. Mary's $50 Rev: George E. Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Loranger Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Ziemba ST. LAWRENCE
$300 Rev. John P. Driscoll $200 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Livingstone Jr. $150 Mr. & Mrs. William Kearney $130 Dr. & Mrs. James Bolton Dr. & Mrs. Wm.. Muldoon $125 Mr. & Mrs. John Dunn $100 Mrs. Waiter Collopy A Friend 'In Memory of Michael J. Harrington Dr. & Mrs. George Riley Dr. & Mrs. William Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Richard Saunders $80 A Friend $75 James J. O'Brien Jr. A Friend Mrs. Thomas Osborne $60 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Kenney In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Burke & James A. Burke $3i The Doherty Family Mr. & Mrs. William Souza $50 $30· Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Davis Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hart Mr. & Mrs. Henry Horn Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hummel Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Paul Clark Helen Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. Richard Manning Mr. & Mrs. Albert F'isher Mrs. Alice Lowney Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hassey Robert I:Iayes Phillipe Kane Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Macedo Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Keating Sandra Medeiros A Friend Mr. & Mrs. James Worden Mrs. Elizabeth Vermette Mr. & Mrs. James Cawley Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Finni Janet Connelly A Friend William 'Cawley Mr. & Mrs. James Dee $25 . Mrs. Thomas Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Henry Frenette, Mrs. John B. O'Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lamoureux, $45 Carol De Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs Edmund Harrington James Delano, Mr. & Mrs. RobMr. & Mrs. Edward McIntyre ert Desorcy . $40 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Tavares, Helen Gleason Mr. & Mrs.Roland Lepire, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. James Kearney Mrs. Martin Treadup, Mr. & Mrs. William Downey Mrs. Adam Zych, The Hurley A Friend Family A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lewis, Mr. $35 & Mrs. John Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Frances Koch Edward Maguire, Helen Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Paul LaForest Cornelia Crowe . Mrs. Thomas Foye Mr. & Mrs. Luke Smith, Agnes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Parker Tiernan, Mr. & Mrs. George Jr. Sheehan, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rita Limerick Palmer, Mrs. Joan Hirst A Friend $30 Helen Jarusik, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Marshall Michael Jupin, Mr. & Mrs. ArMary Downey thur Amaral, Peter Zajac, Mr. & Mrs. Florence Brower Mrs. Daniel Hayes . Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Makin Leo Worden, Dr. & Mrs. DanMrs. Roland Mathieu iel O'Neill, Mr.. & Mrs. Edward Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Phillips Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Moretti, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ryan Mary Phaneuf Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wood Loretta Phaneuf, Mrs. Alexan$25 der Whelan, Mrs. Vincent Shea, Frances A. Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Tetrault, Mr. Alan J. Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Edward Connulty Henry Fanning, Mr. & Mrs. John 'Frances Whelan, Mary Whelan, Fletcher, A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pimental Mr. & Mrs. Owen Hackett, In The James Walsh Family, Mary Memory of Anthony S. King, T. Winsper, Mary Marshall, Mr. Mrs. Ernest King. John Luby, & Mrs. Leon Bellavance, Henry Mr. & Mrs. Paul Malone O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. James Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Baptiste, Mr. & Mrs. James McCann, Barbara Sheils, Ellen Robinson, Frances McCarthy, Anna F. Mary Gallagher, Mr. & Mrs. Ed- Meade, Jean Mevis win Haznar Mrs. James Mosher, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Rourke Genevieve O'Connor, Rosemary Mr. & Mrs. John Newby, Mr. & Porter, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Smith, Mr. & Mrs. John D. Zygiel Mrs. John Mahoney
Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Bonneau, Mary Carroll, A Friend, Mrs. Frederick Cook, Dr. & Mrs. A. B. Crowe Mr. & Mrs. Malcolmn J. Delaney, Timothy Gleason, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Goodfellow, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. William Kasper Mr. & Mrs. John Lowney, Amos Morris, Mr. & Mrs. James E. Mur,phy, Veronica O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer R. Page Mr. & Mrs. John Pennington, Margaret Sullivan, Eleanor G. & Mary M. Sullivan, Mrs. Edith Thatcher, A Friend Mr. & Mrs. John Whalen, Ann Whelan, Mrs. Leonard Whitehead, Mrs. "Mary Winterson Mr. & Mrs. Francis H. DeTerra Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hendricks, Mr. & Mrs. Dalpha Levalle, A Friend (4)
Mrs. Edward D. Murphy, Clay- . ton Russell, Albert Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Leo St. Aubin, Mr. & Mrs. John Treadup, Mr. & Mrs Arthur B Walsh Mr. & Mrs. James Buckley, Mr. & Mrs. James Corbett & family, Robert Ford, Mr. & Mrs. Francis LeBoeuf, A Friend Mr. & Mrs. William McMahon, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pierce, Madeline Riley, A Friend IMMACULATE
$300 Rev. A. Castelo Branco $100 Dr. David Costa Rev. Henry S. Arruda Abel Fidalgo . Atty. Armand Fernandes $50 Henry Rodrigues Sylvester Sylvia $40
The Carvalho Family $32 William McCarthy $30 Maria Cordeiro George Silvia Audre Tanguay Charles Mello Gilbert Coelho $25 Batalha Sisters, Al~ce Camara, Albertino Barros, Manuel G. Da Silva, John Medeiros, August Raposa, Abel Rebello, Jose Vasconcellos John Agrello, John Viveiros, Phillip Silva, Antonio B. Pacheco, Victor Rebello, Jr. In Memory of Libania Sol, In Memory of Arthur Gonzales' mother, Phillip Adams, Euclides Cabral
FAIRHAVEN LUMBER CO. Complete Line Building Materials 118 ALDEN RD. FAIRHAVEN 993-2611
S.E. Massachusetrs Finest Food Stores!
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., May 17',1973
In Spring A. Lady's Fancy Lightly Turns to Antiques By Joe and Marilyn Roderick
We have spent a good part of the past week moving mums for the Fall garden. To be more precise, we have been making divisions and transplanting them into the vegetable garden where they will spend, the Summer. If mums are ,left to themselves~ from year to 'year they become She asked if she could confiscate it for her room and before one very woody and overgrown, could say "think about what and although they produce you"re doing," ,she had bougiht
bloom it is of an inferior quality. an antiquing kit, painted the The process of dividing mums stOOl, found a piece of scrap is simple but it requires time and cloth and covered the seat. Whi,le eneF)'. I'm sure that Billy Baldwin and Simply dig up the mum wit:1 a the AID wouldn't flip 'over Lisa's tr.owel (chrysanthemllms are new item of furniture. she envery shallow-rooted) and shake joyed fixing it up and it does add off any excess soil. Gently pry color to the 'girl's' room. the plant apart withou.t destroyUsable 'Junk' ing the roots. mscard any little There's an awful lot of fun and shroots which are far removed satisfaction in taking what looks timm the main stem and gently ,like a piece of junk and making remove new grow.tJh away from it'usable-I've enjoyed doing this the woody seotion of t.he plant. for years .and truly some of ~the Be sure to tak'e roots with the most enjoyable pieces we have division. Thi'S may be a single 'in the house are those I have shoot with very small roots. Get done (many with ibe help of Tom aJS many healthy shoots as pos- Medeiros, whose expertise g\larsible and then discaJrd the woody antees great results). central core. If you l1aven't been infroted Watering Crucial with the antiquing "bug," then I The shoots can then be planted advise you not .to go near an I usually dig a hole with the auctsi'on; !they are like potato trowel, add 'some peat moss and chips-you can never try' "just plant the .shoot. The division will one."There is some mys.terious 'wilt but in two or ,three days it element in spotting that certain should begin to show some thing that you would like to own signs of endurance.' Watering is in Ithe middle of the piles of uncruoial after division, so it is a wantables found at these affairs. good idea to wet the plants Then the wait until your item dOWin for several. days to supply is put up for bids, the fervent some of the moisture the cutting ,hope that no .one else wants dt has lost in transplanting and in as much a,s you do to ou.tbid you, becoming established. and finally the joy when you do After the plant shows some become ,'the proud owner. Of signs of life. I usually fertilize, course, many times this joy turns using a commerdal fertilizer to ,to doubt when your husband give it a good .start. Then the asks "What is that?" process merely becomes one of The only way to avoid thispinching back new growth so catching disease called auction that "the plant becomes bushy or flea market is .to put as much and not tall and stringy. distance as possible. between Mums treated in this way may you and the places .where these be set out in the garden in an things exist-but this takes all out-of-the-way spot and 1Jhen the fun out of ,it. , transplanted to where they will Now that strawberries are rehave their gr,eatest (lffeCt at turning to the stands, what could bloomilng time. ' be more delightful than this In the Kitchen strawberry pie sent in by Mrs. Spring is the time when a Edgar Loiselle of Holy Cross young man's fancy turns to Pa'rish in South Easton. thoughts of sports and many 'Strawberry Parfait Pie women's thoughts' turn to aucl' 3 oz. pack;age strawberry tions, antiquing and '~he new indoor-'outdoor .sport, nea mar- f1av,ored gelatin % cup boiling water ket shopping. % cup crushed ice While cleaning the' cellar 1 pint vanilla ,ice cream cut in Melissa came across a small stool thalt has needed painting <:'hunks 1 cup sliced fresh strawberries and recovering for yeafls - un 1 9 inch baked pie shell cooled fact, Joe and I had it in our fir,st apartment 15 years ago. (Mrs. Loiselle. uses a graham cracker shell) Whipped cream for topping Costa Rica Priests whole strawberries for garnish 1) Put boiling water and gelAsk Union Beneifts SAN JOSE (NC) - Charging a'ti'n in blender container--cover that when illness and old ~ge 'and run on low speed until discome it is every man for himself, solved, about 30 seconds. 2) Whil'e blender is rlinning, a group of Costa Rican priests _ are organizing a' union-type as- add crushed ice cream chunks, a few at a time. Continue running sociation for their protection. "We seek health and life in- container until aU ice cream is surance, retirement'pension and dissolved. 3) Pour mixture into bowl and fair wages," said one of the organizers, Father Walter Aguilar.' chill until dt mounds slightly Of the 368 priests in this coun- 'when spooned (about 20 minutes ' try of 1. 7 million Catho Iics, 243 or so). â&#x20AC;˘ 4) Fold in sliced strawberries are diocesan priests. About one third of them attended the or- and pour into pie shell. Chill 20 ganizational meeting here of the to 25 minutes or until firm. 5) Garnish with whipped National Association of the' cream and whole berries. Clergy.
The, Parish Parade ,
:~ ,
Publicity chairmen of parish organizations Bre asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. ,
ST. STANISLAUS, , FALL RIVER The annual parish variety revue will be held Sunday night, May 20 at Bishop Connolly High School auditorium. Tickets are available from Mrs. Alice Gro~ mada. None will be sold ac the 'door. A sewing group is meeting at 7 every Monday night in the church hall to make i,tems for ibe annu'al summer festival, to be held th~s year on Saturda'~' and Sunday, July 21 and 22. . Bingo' ris played at 7 every I Tuesday night, witsh doors open I 'at 5 o'clock for early arrivals. The St. Vincent de Paul SociTHANKSGIVINIG: "The: etay w.i11 meet at 7:45 tonight in Lord is my shepherd; I shall, tihe lower church. not-want. . . " Navy Lt. I Four hundred loaves of hubki, George T. Coker, back in his' Polish sweet bread, will be on hometown, Linden, N.J., sale -in the school, hall foHowing from seven years imprison-; Memoria'i Day weekend Masses. ment in North Vietnam-in- ! They are being made by the eluding three years in soli- FeHcian Sisters. ,A folk Mass is soheduled for tary confinement - spoke i 7:15 Saturday night~ May 19. these words at a Mass of I ST. WILLIAM, thanksgiving for his safe re- FALL RIVER A Maybasket whist is planned turn. NC Photo. for 1:30 P.M. Sunday, .May 20 in the parish center. ' New Bedfct)rd An installation banquet will take place at 7 P.M. Wednesday, HOLY NAME June 6 at the Skipper restaurant, $1400 In Memory of Mrgr. Leonard Fairhaven. Reserv~tions must be made by Sunday, May 20. J. Daley $100 ST. PATRiCK, SOMEJ!SET ' M . & Mrs. John Gibbons Mr: & Mrs. L. Beauregard A Cfub 800 dinner-dance will $55 , be held Sunday, June 24 at Mr. & Mrs Charles A. Gunning '\ White's restaurant. The event $50 I will he free to paid-up members Mr. & Mrs. Guido Coucci and others may purchase tickets. Mr. & Mrs. 'Salvatore Giam- Proceeds wHI benefit the parish malvo building fund. Marion Keane ST. MARY, Mr. & Mrs James W. Wilson Jr NEW BEDFORD $40 Tihe Women's Guild will hold The Benac Family ,a public penny sale at 8 P.M. Mr. & Mrs. Bernardino Costa Saturday, May 19 in the school Mr. & Mrs. Harold Morse hall, minois Street. Mrs. Joseph $35 Boldiga and Mrs. Alfred DeFreiCatherine Carney tas are ohairmen. Mrs. John V. O'Neil Jr. NOTRE DAME, $30 FALL RIVER Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Gleason Installiation ceremonies for the Mr. & Mrs. Francis' Kennedy Council of Catholic Women will Helen McIntyre take place at 9 A.M. Mass SunM . & Mrs. David Nelson day moming, May 20. A breakMr. & Mrs. Walter Carter fast will follow in Jesus-Mary M . & Mrs. Norris Walecka Academy auditorium. $26 OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL Mr. & Mrs. Dorwin Stockwell HELP, NEW BEDFORD ' $25 I ' The Women's Guild will hold Mr. & Mrs. James ,Duficy, a pierogi sale today through SatM,r. & Mrs. Manuel Fratus, Mr. & ,Mrs. Michael Griffiths, Gerald urday at the church hall, 235 North Front Street. Members Harrington, Louise La Roche , will sponsor thei'r annual Easter Mr. & Mrs. Edward McB ide, Mr. & Mrs. Knut Vikre, Mr. & Swieconka at 12:30 P.M. SunMrs. Michael Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. day, May 27 in the parish hall, Paul M. McManus, Mr. & Mrs. I at whioh time the reno\"ated 'church kitohen wiH be blessed. Joseph Rita The Rosary Society announces a card party for 2:30 P.M. Suni day; May the hall. RefreshST. B~~IFACE ments will b,e served. Mrs. Lillian Corre Mr. & Mrs. Charles Desjardin The Adam Miekiewicz Society ' will hold a Polish Night dinner Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Folco i dance a,t 6:30 Saturday night, ST. FRANCnS OF ASSISI May 26 at 2031 Purohase Street. $50 Proc.eeds will benefit the organMr. & Mrs. Pasquale Nicolacci dzaUon's SOIlolarship fund. $35 i'HOLY NAME, Mr. & Mrs"Baptist Vercellone NEW BEDFORD $25 A yard sale will be conducted A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony, ,from 10 to 3 OLl Saturdiay,' May Armanetti, Mr. & Mrs. Louis ,19 in the church parking lot. In Bono, League of St. Francis of case of rain, lit ,wil! be held the Assist, Mrs. Emma S: Lima following Saturday, May 26. 1
ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT PI'ayers of St. George wiH hold a cast pa.z'ty at 7 P.M. Saturday night, May 19. A potluck supper will be followed by dancing. The Women's Guild will hold a ",soup to nuts" supper at 6 P.M. Monday, May 21 in the school. All are invited and may make reservations with Mrs. James Steadman. A business meetJing for guild members wiU follow the supper. The guild pllans ,a rummage sale and country auction Sunday, June 3. Donations will be picked up and arrangements may be made with Mrs. David L. ,Buckley or Mrs. H. J. Vaiillancourt. New Couples Club officers are Mr. and Mrs. Manny Fernandes, presidents; Mr. and Mrs. Adrien Durand, viCe~presidents; Mr: and Mrs. Samuel Ford, treasurers; Mr. and Mrs. Armand Duquette, secretaries. They will be installed at a banquet and dance at Stone Bridge Inn, Tiverton, Saturday night, June 23. Members will attend 6:30 P.M. Mass at St. George Church prior to the event. In charge of arrangements are Mr.. and Mrs. Roland Thibeau, aided by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nadeau. Various parish organizations' are joining to sponsor a dance from 8 to midnight Thursday, May 31 at Lincoln I>.ark BaHroom, North Dartmouth. Music will be by the Jack D'John trio 'and proceeds will benefit the paroohialschool. General chairman .for the evening is John Figueiredo III, a'ided by a large committee. Chances on color televiSlion sets and a radio are befng sold in connection with the dance. They are avaHable from committee members and after weekend Masses. ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD Under the directoion of Brother Keane of the Sacred Heart Fathers, Fairhaven, the Pi'lgr,im Virgin Statue will be bl'Ought to St. J'oseph's Ohurch, New Bedford. The Statue of Our Lady will anrive on Saturday evening, May 19th and will remain in St. Joseph's Church the entire week from May 19 to the 26th. Evening devotions will be held nightly following the 7 o'clock Mass. Acordia'i welcome is extended to everyone. SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER The Home-School Organization will sponsor a buUet and dance at 8 o'clock on Saturday night, May 26 'in St. WIlliam's Center, Stafford Rd. Mrs. P1atricia Bell, chairman ha'S announced that the Gene Oliver Quartet will furnish the music, proceeds will be for the benef'it of the parish and tickets may be obtained at the schooL ST. ROCH, FALL RIVER Rev. Robert Sevigny, O.M.I. will be the guest speaker 'at the Communion Supper for members of the Council of Catholic Women scheduled for the 7.'larish haIl on Saturday, May 26 following the 4 o'clock Mass 'Pickets may be obtained from Mrs., Guertin, chairman or Mrs. Dwyer, co-ohairman after any of the Masses this weekend.
New Bedford OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION $35 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rogers . $33 Antone S. Monteiro $25 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lopes Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Gomes OLAO Assumption Club Mr. & Mrs. Jose F. Cruz OUR LADY OF FATIMA $200 Rcv~ Arthur C. Levesque $100 Mr. & Mrs. William Belanger $60 A Friend $50 Mr. & Mrs. Clement Damicone Mr. & Mrs. George Desrosiers Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lachapelle $40 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Frey Mr. & Mrs. Paul Frey $35 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Down $30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boldiga Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Langis Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Leger Mr. & Mrs. Jean Lequin Mr. & Mrs. Normand Parent Mr. & Mrs. Paul Parkin Mr. & Mrs Raymond Rousseau Mr. & Mrs. Jean Sevigny $28 Mr. & Mrs. William Corrado $25 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Bouchard, Therese Bonneau, Mr. & Mrs. Bernardo Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Emile Camire, In Memory of Rose (Meunier) Furtado Conference of St. Vincent de Paul, Mr. & Mrs. William Hitchcock, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lawlor Atty. & Mrs. Jean-Louis LeBlanc, Lucille Lequin Dr. Augustus McKenna, Corrclla McKenna, Genevieve McKenna, Mr. & Mrs. Austin Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ouimet Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. James l?enler, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pere'ira, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Poirier Mrs. Loretta Rousseau, Mr & Mrs Bernard Swansey Mr. & Mrs. Armand Viera, Mr. & Mrs. William Winters Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Paul De Milio, Mr. & Mrs Joseph Charbonneau SACRED HEART $60 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Simmons $50 Mr. & Mrs. Orner Tardi Sacred Heart Beano $25 Mrs. Yvonne & Charles Bouchard, St. Anne Society ST. ANTHONY, OF PADUA $200 Rev. Bertrand R. Chabot $100 Rev. Robert W. Dowling Rev. Clement F. Dufour St. Vincent de Paul Society $70 The Beauregard Family $50 Mrs. Louis F. Parent Leo Fortier Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Robitaille $35 Chausse-Dumont Funeral Home Anna Esa & Family $30 Rene Lacoste $25 Laurent Roy, Talsop Lee, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Leblanc, A Friend, In Memory of Thaddeus Gumienny, Gerard Goguen ST. KILIAN $250 Arnold & Anna Weaver in Memory of Milton T. Weaver
MOUNT CARMEL $500 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Fernandes $150 Noe Ferro $125 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hendricks $100 In 'memory of William R. 'Freitas In Loving Memory of Joseph & Agnes Soares Mr. & Mrs. J\bel A. Alves Augustus Silva $80 Leonor M. Luiz $75 Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Moura $60 Mr. & Mrs. Duarte Manuel Raposo $56.11 Maria Gabriella Raposo $50 A Friend A Friend In Memory of Joseph Freitas Mr. & Mrs. Joseph da Luz Louro Mrs. Beatriz Lopes Mr. & Mrs. Hemiterio Souza Mr. & Mrs. Jose 1. A. Ferro $45 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Evaristo Melo $40 Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Vieira Mr. & Mrs. John R. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Jose R. Oliveira $35 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Souza A Friend James David $30 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Lourenco Avelar Mr. & Mrs. Louis Couto Carolina Goulart Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rogers Sr. Joao P. Amaral Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Enos Lopes Mr. & Mrs. Duarte Manuel <.IeMelo Mr. & Mrs. George M. Ferro Mr. & Mrs. Jose M. Hermenegildo Mr. & Mrs. Francis Ferreira' Mr. & Mrs. John Oliveira Mr. & Mrs. Henrique Rouxinol A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Humberto Rodrigues Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rapoza Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Benevides Mr. & Mrs. Oharles G. SouzaMr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Martins Mr. & Mrs. Edmund J. Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Souza $28 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Silveira Jr. $27 A Friend $25 Mr. & Mrs. Serafim Mello, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald S. Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Roderick, Mr. & Mrs. James Almeida Mr. & Mrs. Norberto Luis Pacheco, Mr. & Mrs. David Tavares, Mr. & Mrs. Abilio de Jesus Amador, James Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mello Mr. & Mrs. Mariano Pimentel, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio do Rego, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio M. Fernandes, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Santos, Cynthia deMello Mr. & Mrs. Tobias A. Gaspar, Mrs. Maria Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Richard King, Evelyn Hendricks, Mary Hendricks Raul M. Pereira Jr., Sen. & Mrs. George Mendonca, Elsie M. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel G. ST. ANNE $25 Mr. & Mrs. Aldei La France
Souza Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Charles Vieira Mr. & Mrs.' Ernesto Dinis, Mr. & Mrs. Oswald Castro, Maria M. Luiz, Mr. & Mrs. James Macedo, Mrs. Juliet Lopes Mr. & Mrs. George Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Filento A. Goes, Bernadette Cambra, Mrs. Noemia Cambra, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cambra, Manuel A. Go.mes Norberta de Rosa, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph ~ettencourt, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Andrade, Mr. & JYIrs. Joseph V. Nunes, Mr. & Mrs. James Machado Mr. & Mrs. Jacintho S. Ferro, Mr. & Mrs. Joao R. Rocha, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Travassos, Rosemary L. Ferro
Westport OUR LADY OF GRACE $50 Raymond W. Lavoie Lena St. Pierre In Memory of Stanley Chrupcala $30 Normand Sasseville $25 Manuel Narcisco
Ocean Grove ST. MICHAEL $200 Rev. Joseph A. Martineau '$100 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph McGuill $60
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Brophy
THE ANCHORThurs., May 17, 1973
$40 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ripanti Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gardineo Mr. & Mrs. Caesar Paiva $30 Mr. & Mrs. John Sequin $25 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Conforti Mr. & Mrs. G. Lamontague Mr. & Mrs. Henry Guay Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Beauregard Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Johnson Mr. & 路Mrs. Joseph Pineau Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Gabriel Mr. & Mrs. Gus Dave Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tobin Mr & Mrs J. Conullo Levesque Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Bolduc Jr.
ANCH-5-17-73 Enclosed is my special gift of $, _ to join "my light" with the light of the missionsthe Light of Christ!
Remember the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in your will.
----------------------~ Salvation and Service are the work of
The Soeiet)' lor the Propagation 01 the Faith
Send your gift to: Most Rev. Edward T O'Meara National Director Dept. C., 366 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10001
The Rev. Monsignor Raymond T. Considine Diocesan Director 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., May 17, 1973
KNOW YOUR FAITH God Is -the Greatest Father
God--The Father!
We know God best when we may be turned around. Accordexperience the gift of his love. , ing to this suggesmon, God is the The knowledge born of that love most real Father of all. Other is what we 'try to express in fathers -the ones on ear,thevery picture-word we dare to hardly ever deserve the name in use of him. We know him best cpmparison with him. - "Call not of all when we' have personally father yours on earth-for One experienced his loving kindnes:; is your Father: God" (Matthew enough to feel like calling him 23,9). Perhaps behind this saying lies our Father. the thought of people like the man who once told Jesus: ~'I will follow you; but first let me' go and bury my father" (Matthew '8, 18-22). Anyone who has buried his own father can probably' remember how alone he is on that day. Ever-Present Father You cannot help thinking of that long chain of human gener"Father" is more than just' ations stretching back through another of the images revealed the centuries to "the beginning. Your father was your personal ~n the Bible. Jesus went to particular and considerable effort link with the rest of that chain. to give us the courage to use Now the tlink is broken; your that name when we talk to God. father is gone. You stand alone. From this day on. human life "Father, holy be your name" the Lord's Prayer starts in Luke 11. will go on through you-or not In Matthew 6 it starts: "father- at all. The full responsibihity of the one in heaven-holy be your b,eing a human ,being hits you at name." Of course Jesus knew that moment as never before. Jesus points out that in God God as Father, but this prayer is we have a Father whom we can for us. ' There is a suggestion here and never lose. The life that is in us, elewhere in the New Testament our - whole human existence, that with '~Father'" the usual came from him, just as it did relation of picture and reality Turn to Page Eighteen
Beides the obvious shortcoming of human language to describe God, there are other factors that obscure or distort--the very names themselves that we ' use to address him. Titles that come from another time, culture , an'd world-view require some effort in order to understand aU the meanings conveyed by the words (for example, Holy One, Lord, Rock, Shepherd).
When we call our God by more familiar names like Bride'groom, Father or Judge, however, the obstacles to appreciating the full significance of these titles come from our own time, culture and experiences.' As an example, the place that marriage' has in our society and our own attitudes to married ,love and fidelity enter into our understanding of God as the Bridegroom. The 'same is true of the' title Father. A person's experiences with his or her own father, the place that a father has with his own home and society's estimate of parenthood and family life, color the meaning of the Fatherhood of God. Thus, for the individual whose picture of his father is of a man who was loving, devoted and strong, the Father in heaven can easily take on those characteristics. Revealed Through Son For homes in which the father
,FATHER HEADS WALK: "A person's experiences with his or her own father, the place that a father has within his own hom~, and society',s estimate of parenthood and family life color the meaning of the Fatherhood of God." NC Photo. is dead, actuaLly or through hi~ absence for any number of reasons, the Father will be seen in a diUerent light. At the present
Do the lectors in your parish sma.)) print which renders procregularly proclaim biblical read- lamation more difficult, these ings from a small paperback mis- ,booklets or leaflets contain other salette or from a large, cloth serious drawbacks. In practice bound volume? The former is they restrict the choices open understandable; the latter more to celebrent and planning comdesirable. mittee. Furthermore, small missalettes hardly could be classified as substantial, dignified books. They fail, therefore, to visually impress upon a congregation the value of God's Word. FR. JOSEPH Lay leaders wBl find the "New American Reader's Ll~ctionary" CHAMPLIN aut'horized by the U. S. Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy' and the National Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions, Lay readers (priests, too) gen- particularly welcome in this'conerally feel more comfortable text. with the "everything for this Produced by the Pueblo PubSunday right here" format of lishing Company (1860 Broadparticipation aids. Choices have way, New York City 10023), it already been made for them has a handsome cloth cover, when options路are available; there 'goodsize type, narrative sense路 is less danger of mistake in front . lines plus hyphenated and acof all those people; they can grab cented proper names. Each vola copy yearly, take it home, prac- uine contains the readings for tice and use the familiar text only one Sunday cycle, thus eHmlater at Mass. inating the confusion which can However; in addition to the Turn to Page Seventeen
time also, when there is so much confusion about the relationships of wiV'Cs and husbands, mothers and fathers and the whole fabric of family life, the Fatherhood of God understandably can be con路 fused. Eternal Presence If it had happened that God revealed' his Fatherhood only in passing without any explanation, our undertanding of him as Father might have been unalterably fixed by human experience. But through Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Father has clearly and unequivocally' revealed himseif. As a Father he gives life to his children, but more than earthly me. To those who accept his adoption, he promises eternal life -a share of his own life. He loves his children and provides for their welfare-in ways that only the Father can know as' best for them. Therefore, he requires from his family a trust that what he decides and provides is for their benefit. Finally, like a good Father he wishes his children to be with him not only now but forever.'An~ so he has a permanent home ready for them. The implications of divine Fatherhood and our adoptrlve relationship with him are enormous. He will never desert his family. Within that family the demands of love and concern Turn to Page Seventeen
God Our Father
Sister Bridget was on the school playground during lunch hour when the 'letter from her parents arrived. She read' it and heart warmed. Her parents were coming to visit her the next week, and it had been so long since she had seen them! Her smiling face and glistening eyes communca-ted something of her joy.
Even the children noticed how happy she was and asked why. She told them about her parents' coming visit. They asked many questions especially about her father-what kind of work he did, what he looked like, where he grew up. Sist~r described her father with growing warmth and enthusiasm. Suddenly it struck her that she was talking about her father just as Jesus had eagerly told people a1;>out his Father. She shared her insight with the youngsters, speaking about God, our Father, with something of the same enthusiasm with which she described her own father. As she described. this incident. I ,could not help thinking how meaningful her experience was
for religious educators in general. I haV'C consistenly found that many ~ perhaps most - religion teachers' fail to do what Sister Bridget did so -spontaneously. Teach by Sharing She spoke ou~, of her personal experience. Many catechists never do. They speak about the Bible, about the Church teachings, they faithfuHy follow' an, approved curriculum.' But they rarely talk about their faith from the rich soil of their own experience. Yet religious educ,atjon is increasingly effective through the ,sharing' of ordin'ary daily experiences as they may reveal the presence' of God in human oLife. God :becomes understandable as "Father," to the extent that the qualities of human fathers are appreciated from personal experience. Yet religious education is increasingly effective through the sharing of ordinary daily experiences as they may reveal the ;presence of God in human life. God becomes understandable as "Father," to the extent that the qualities of human fathers are appreciated from personal experience. Christ's Method Jesus taught in thi,s way. Not only did he refer to experiences of human fatherhood in parables but he spoke from experience with his Father. It is more likely that the warmth of his desCl1iptions 1m God, his Father, Turn to Page Eighteen
THE ANCHORThurs., May 17, 1973
Suggests Superiors Read 'Victims of Groupthink'
God ... The F'Qther
One of the most interesting books to come along in' a long time is Victims of Groupthink by Irving L. Janis, ,a Yale University psychologist. It is a study of some of the classic fiascoes of recent history: Pearl Harbor, the Bay of Pigs, the invasion of North " Korea and the escalation in cesses that filter out any threats Vietn~m. Janis asks how in-,' to its ~wn internal conse~sus. " Grou.pthmk can become dlsas~elhgent, SInCere, w~ll-me~n- trously dangerous when the de-
~ng men. ~an make mcredlbly mept deCISions that have grave consequences for themselves and for the rest of the nation.
cision that the group is making has national and international ramifications. Any human group should be aware of the risk of groupthink and should strive to set in motion contrary processes to neutralize the phenomenon. The sucBy cess of the Kennedy staff during the Cuban missile crisis was the result of deliberate decisions on REV. the part of the President and ANDREW M. 'his brother to make sure that the 'consensus-forming pressure could GREELEY be resisted so that all opinions might be heard. Janis recommends three prescriptions as initial counteragents The question becomes even to groupthink: more pertinent when one real1. "The leader of a policyizes that the people who made forming group should assign the the decision to invade North role of critical evaluator to each Korea, for example, were the member, encouraging the group same ones who made the deci~ to give high ,priority to airing sion on the Marshall Plan (which any objections and doubts. This Janis classifies as a "nonpractice, needs to be reinforced fiasco"). The ,Bay of Pigs and the by the leader's acceptance of escalation in Vietnam decisions criticism of his own judgments in were made by virtually the order to discourage the memsame group who had responded bers from soft-pedaling their disskiHfully to the challenge of the agreements." (p. 209) missile crisis. 2. "The leaders in an organPowerful Mechanism ization's hierar,chy, when assignInstead of attributing fiascoe3 ing a policy-planning mission to to the arrogance or the immorala group, should be impartial inity or the imperialism of those stead of stating preferences and responsible for the decisions, expectations at the outset. This Janis sees a complex but power,practice requires each leader to ful psychological mechanism at limit his briefings to unbiased work that operates in cohesive statements about the scope of groups of human beings Who get the problem and the limitations along very well with one another. of available resources, without The more cohesive, the more advocating specific proposals he intelligent, the more affable the would like to see adopted. This relationships within the group, allows the conferees the opporthe more likely it is to fall victunity to develop an atmosphere tim to "groupthink." tha't is to of open inquiry and to explore say, the more likely an unconimpartially a wide range of alterscious, collective psychological natives." (pp. 210-211) mechanism will be set in motion 3. "The organization should t.hat moves the group to filter routinely follow the administraout evidence and ideas that run tive practice of setting up sevcontrary to its own consensus. eral independent policy-planning Some juniors officers at Pearl and evaluation groups to work Harbor, for example. were quite prepared for the raid, but the on the same policy question\ each carrying out its deliberasenior officers-some of the best tions under a different leader." minds in the Navy-had collec~ (p.211) tively conspired (quite unconApplication to Church sciously) to tune out all the eviThere are two particular applidence that a Japanese attack was immiment. Similarly, there cations for the Catholic Church were many lower level govern- of the exciting work that Proment functionaries - including fessor Janis has done. First of many in the CIA-who saw the all, in recent years many. Cathmistakes of the Vietnam escala- olics have become extremely ention, but the unconscious psy- thusiastic supporterS of group chological mechanisms at work dynamics techniques. In their among the top level decision- fervor for the positive aspects makers caused them simply not of groupism" these Catholics to see the evidence that ran con- have chosen to ignore some of the dangers in group dynamics trary to their predispositions. methods. They have almost toContrary Processes tally overlooked the tremendous' It is important to note that in Janis' view of things-unlike that pressures a group can bring to of David Halberstam's-"group bear on individual dissenting think" is not something deliber- members. Reading Janis' book ate or conscious; nor is it some- and pondering on the dangers thing that is limited to just high of groupthink might b~ a yery level government administrators. very healthy corrective for many of the encounter, sensitivity, and It is a mechanism that is at work in all' small, cohesive, friendly marathon enthusiasts in, the groups of human beings. For Church. But one can also begin to unreasons not altogether clear as yet, virtually any group of hu- derstand the problems of high man beings 'is strongly motivated level Church leadership after to set at work psychological pro- having read Janis's book. Many
CONFESSIONAL: "Over a year ago we transformed a relatively unsed office space off one entranc;e to our church into such a room of reconciliation. The results have been ... entirely positive."
Continued from Page Sixteen among its member are equally serious. Sons and daughters demonstrate their love for the Father by their love of one another. And unlike human families very often, his family is always open to new members. Christ: Model In Jesus Christ, of course, we have the complere model of what God's children must be and do and how they must view their Father. True, he was a unique Son, but so are all the Father's sons and daughters. And this uniqueness the Father respects. He deals with us as individuals, urging us to develop and expand the indiViiduality he has in the first place given us. With 'Father's Day only a few weeks ayay, many of these thoughts are open to the sentimentality, indifference or cynicism that fatherhood evokes for many people. The fatherhood of God, however, is a reminder and challenge to all of us, parents and children alike, of what our relationships to bim and to one another can be.
Central Village
Parish Liturgy Aids Continued from Page Sixteen result when the entire lectionary is induded in a single text. Confessional Have you ever confessed to 'a priest "face to face?" Are your confessional areas dark, anonymous 'boxes' or soft, pleasantIyly lighted 'rooms' Is ther,e in your church a place which gives penitents the opportunity to kneel or sit in secrecy behind a screen or to' walk around that barrier and be seated across a table from the priest for a conversational-type confession with witlh him? Over a year ago we transformed a relatively unused office space off one entrance to our church into such a roof of reconciliation. The results have been entirely positive. The number of confessions heard has increased slightly, the quality of them vastly changed and improved, the percentage of those opting for the face to face experience risen from 50 per cent to 75 per cent. My partner ,priest in the parish
and I both find users of this confessional room fall into no age or attitude brackets. Young and old, progressive .oriented Catholics and traditional minded ones, saints and sinners - all ma~e their way into the new space and come back repeated,ly. Triple Option The telling of sin's normally begins in customary "Bless me Father" fashion, but quickly and without priest encouragement oftJen slips into a fuller revela-, tion of the person, the attitudes, the motives behind acts confessed. Our desire in remod'eling this office was two-fold: to oftler individuals the triple opti'O!,! mentioned above and to create an atmosphere which would sPeak more of peace, forgiveness, joy and mercy than our usual dimly lighted, cramped confessionals. This writer is personally convinced that sudh "rooms" should be standard items f\or all new and renovated churches in the fut\lre.
of us have wondered how intelligent, sensitive, and dedicated men of the sort that constitute the American hierarchy could possibly pursue policies which are leading inevitably to the dismantling of American Catholicism. After having read Victims of Groupthink, I think I can understand what is at work. The top level leadership of the American Church is part of a strong, cohesive, internally powerful group, As individuals they may be well aware cif the problems facing the American Church, and without anyone intending it, when they come together- groupthink takes over, and the collective decision, like that of Johnson's advisors to escalate the war in Vietnam, is not greater or even equal to the sum of the abilities of the group; it is far beneath the tatal of individual insights and skills. , Maximize Dissent
Instead of maximizing pres-
sures towards internal consensus, this top level leadership of the American Ch,urch should develop ways of maximizing dissent, debate, freedom of expression, ami a collection of Information from all kinds of other sources that might be expected to have quite. different opinions. Such a maximizing of dissent, I wod!d argue, is necessary on the grounds of pure organizational efficiency quite apart from whatever ethical and philosophical merit it might have. Groupthink is the enemy of all corporate bureaucracies and particularly of those whose principal'decision-makers have strong internal cohesiveness. It is, I think, also the principal devil haunting the American Church. Every bishop, pastor, superior, and administrator in the American Church should read Victims of Groupthink. They might be very surprised to f'ind themselves in the book. © 1973, Inter/Syndicate
Dr. Mr.
ST, JOHN $100 & Mrs. Joseph T; Baldwin $75 & Mrs. John Costa $50 & Mrs. William Forrest & Mrs. Walter Campbell
Mr. Mr. Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Yocum $40 Mr. & Mrs. John Ardagh Jr. $31 Mr. & Mrs. Walter King $30 Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Maher $25 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sylvia, Dr. & Mrs. Philip Lozinski, Lillian Sekonda, Thomas McGarr, Mr. & Mrs. Sigmund Kokoszka Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Dolan, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Raposa Jr., Agnes J. McCloskey, Mrs. Mary Toomey, Anne Forrest Mr. & ~rs. Henry Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Trecida, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Halloran, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Costa, Mr. Be Mrs. Bernard T. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Shaffer, Mr. & Mrs. George Leach, Carl Brodt, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sala, Mr. & Mrs. William Murphy Florence 1. Bessette, Marie Goodstein, Mr. & Mrs. John M. Porter, Patricia Clancy, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sweeney
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18 . THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., May 11, 1973
Greatest Father Continued from Page Sixteen from our earthly father. But with God our link to life can never be broken, the power supply will continue to flow-forever. God will never be snatched away, to leave us standing alone. Limitless Good How good a Father is God? Well, we take it for granted that any father wants to do all the good he can for his son. Jesus makes that fact his starting place in telIing us about God: "If such wicked people as yourselves know how to give good gifts to their sons, how much more will your Father-the one in heaven-know how to give good things' to those who ask him?" (Matthew 7,ll). Jesus says God IS a Father who takes care of our needs bebefore we know we have them. "Look at the sparrows ... your heavenly Father feeds them. He olothes the grass of the field. WUII he not much more then clothe you? ... Your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things."How good is God our Fa1ther? He "so loved the world as to give his only begotten son ... to those who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to the children of God." "When we cry Abba! Father, it is the Spirit himself bearing witness that we are children of God-and if children, then heirs: heirs of God and felIow-heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him." How good a Father is God? there are no limits. "He who did not spare his only Son but gave ,him up for us all, will he not also give us all things together with him?"
Brian Moore's New Novel Conclud~s Inconcl usively Muck Abbey, on a tiny, bleak island off the west coast of Ireland, is the scene of Brian Moore's new novel, Catholics (Holt, Rinehart·and Winston, 383 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. $4.95), and the time is the future,in the 1990s. A priest named Kinsella arrives, on a mis- gious observances of whatever sion from Rome 'and Am- sort have nothing to do with God. At the end, fearfully, he sterdam. Why Rome and begins to pray, at least with his
Amsterdam? It seems that extreme changes have occurred since the Fourth Vatican Council. The Catholic church is so close-
. Unanswered Questions Mr. Moore never writes less than well. But, perhaps intentionally, he hen: leaves us Wit'l questions unanswered. Why, for example, is the book entitled By Catholics? Are we supposed to believe RT. REV. that the whole gamut of Catholics is represented here, that we MSGR. have here the Church in microJOHN S. cosm? The characters are not truly representative of the whole KENNEDY Church. ' Is the book meant to be, in any sense, ~ prediction or a Iy linked to the World Ecumen warning? It does project some Council (at Amsterdam) that the present tendencies into a pO'slatter has much to say about the sible future situation in part grointernal affairs of the lormer. In tesque and in part absurd. One is kept alert throughout the 1990s,' interpenetration between Christian and Buddhist' the reading of the novel. But, as faiths is about to be achieved. it concludes inconclusively, one" But it is endangered by what the .has a feelirig of being let down. Proud Flesh monks of Muck Abbey are doing. Another novelist who never The monks have retained the Latin Mass and believe in tran- writes less than weli is WilIiam substantiation. Since they are re- Humphrey, whose latest book is sponsible for the Sunday services Proud Flesh (KnoPf, 501 Madison' in a town on the mainland, the Ave., New York, N. Y. 10022. Latin Mass is publicly eelebrated $6.95). It cannot be judged a sucthere, and the doctrine of tran- cess: parts of it are superb, but others, although not without fine substantiation preached. touches, are maundering and Center of Pilgrimage woolly. The news media have s'pread Its principals are the Renword of this oddity throughout shaws, a Texas farming family.• the world, and people flock from The father is dead. The mother, many countries for the opportu-,Edwina, is now, as she always nity of assisting at something has been, dominant. She has 10 offered nowhere else. children, all adult, at least The place has become a center chronologically, and all still of pilgrimage, especially since clustered round her with the the suppression of the shrine at exception of the youngest, Kyle, Lourdes. Besides, private confes.sion is available there. Benedic- who has committed the heinous sin of brl'laking free of Ma and tion is scheduled, the sign of the has been away for four"years. cross is still used, as are other Now Edwina is dying. But that practices discarded elsewhere. cannot be. The Renshaws won't All ,this is unacceptable to the Buddhists and lessens the likeli- have it.. A wonderful, indispen, sable woman like Ma? When the hood of union with them. , fact finally cannot be held off. Father Kinsella, who became even by them, they demand that a priest in order to effect social revolution, is to deliver an ulti- she be kept alive until Kyle is matum to the abbot of Muck. located and brought home. Fancy Word~Spinning The monks" non-conforming ways must be abandoned, como, AM Ma's adoring family will pletely and forthwith. There is have to be about her before she resistance by the monks. But the can be allowed to die. It is the abbot's reaction is a surprise. task of terrorized old Doc MetCrisis of Faith calf to keep Ma breathing, as a He gives in. Why? Because he search for Kyle, of whose whereconsiders it his duty to obey. But abouts :nothing at all is known, has he not, until just now, con- ' as conducted. sidered it his duty to disobey? Ma dies. The fact is 'accepted Yes. How, then, aocount: for the in a way, but not fully acknowlchange? To answer that, one edged. Various members of the would have to know what kind family begin 'doing even more bizarre things, and two' of them of man the abbot really is. We get only glimpses, no more pursue a door-to-door search for that cryptic hints, of the abbot's Kyle in New York City. This book is gruesome much true, inner state and quality: For years his external life has not of the time: But the principal reflected the inner man. He has characters are shrewdly done, been in a persistent crisis of and the picture of a sick family faith. He has refused to pray: relationship carried to insane ex"If one did not risk involving cess,' and of berserk family pride, God, one did not .risk one's peace is both plausible and, at times, of mind." caustically funny. There are He kept going because he had some comic interludes, such as a' job' .to' do., And one gets the that involving calculating Mrs. impression that, for him, reli- Shu~lin's cow, Tl'lixie and ,poor i
Dutch Dioceses
Our Father' Continued from Page Sixteen was colored by hils mlationship with Joseph during his years at Nazareth. Children, youngsters or adults, need to be encouraged to draw upon their personal experience with fathers - their own or others-if they are to put flesh on th'e words, "God is our Father." Where their experience is positiVle, relating with love to a caring father in a stable home, the appreciation of God as "Father" is r~latively easy. When individuals nack that trusting, caring, experience with their father, the process is more difficult and painful, but no less n1ecessary. God as Father is interpreted by persons in terms of their apreciation of' human fatherhood. Students' Contribution I have found during four year's work with delinquent adolecents in a State Industrial School that exploring their feel'ings 'and ideas drawn from personal experience in disastrous home situations surprisingly revealed a positive appreciation of human fatherhood. This experiential soil allowed the' ,geed of Illu,mll.lIl11l1'lIl1lll'lWmmlllllllllmlllllmIlIlI1Ul1IlIlI1lUmmllltlllllllllllllllmllll'lttlll
simple Hugo Mattox, that are hilarious. The trouble is that the novel often drifts out of focus and into fancy word-spinning which elucidates nothing and interferes with the narrative's ·drive.
God's Fatherhood to take root and grow-slowly, painfully. ' I T'emember talking' with a boy who w,as regularly beaten by his father. As we talked he ,began to cry as he told about !his experiences. But he had a beautiful image of what a father ought to be, and a clear hope of what 'he would be Uke as a father. That ideal image arising out ofseemringly barren experiences, provided an opening for appreciating G<>d as Father. Religious educators can become better catechists by drawing upon their own experiences and those of their students. Sister Bridget's experience not only reminds' us of God's goodness as Father, but of the value of drawing upon the experience of 'human fatherhood as an important catechetical approach to God our Father.
ROERMOND (NC) --: Bishop John M. Gijsen of Roermond has suggested increasing the number of dioceses in the Netherlands to bring bishops closer to the faithful. There are now seven dioceses: Utrecht, Haarlem, 'sHertogenbosch, Roermond, Groningen and Rotterdam. Groningen and Rotterdam were established in 1955. The others were set up in 1853 when the hierarchy was reestablished after a period of 150 years of suppression.
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104 Allen
New Bedford
FALL RIVER 673-7780
.. Swansea
ST. DOMINIC $300 Rev. Daniel E. Carey $100 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Travers Mr. & Mrs. Norman E. Ashley $52 Mr. & Mrs. James McKay $50 Mrs. Nelson Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Albert Couto Mr. & Mrs. Mario Paradiso Mr. & Mrs. Edward Carey $40 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Morris $35 Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaChance Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cavanaugh $25 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Woulfe, The Clement Family, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Dube, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Martelly, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Rousseau Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Orosz, Mr.. & Mrs. Paul Hastings Mr. & Mrs. Everett Mendes, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Vaudreuil, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Marum Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Calisto Mrs. Sarton G. Albert, Mr. & Mrs. John Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Petit, Mr. & Mrs. William Johannis Mr. & Mrs. William Cody, Evelyn Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Russo, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Costa, Memory of James M. Cox Mr. & Mrs. John Lawlor, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bourne, Mr. & Mrs. Oswald Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kelley ST. LOUIS OF FRANCE . $25 Henry Fortier Emile Boilard OUR LADY OF FATIMA $100 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Laflamme . $50 Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Sryda Mr. & Mrs Russell B. Cochrane Mr. & Mrs. Edward Heffernan $40 Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Harrison $30 Mr. & Mrs. Denis Cardinal Mr. & Mrs. James J. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Charles West $25 Mr. & Mrs.. Joseph F. Branco Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Brilliant Mr. & Mrs. Francis Crook Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Cusick Jr Anonymous James J. McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm R. Melvin Mr. & Mrs. John W. Moran Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. V. Parente Mrs. Georgia S. Sillvia Mrs. Raymond F. Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Thurston Mr. & Mrs. Arthur F. Turcotte
11S-Year-Old School In Canada to Close VICTORIA (NC)--Qne of the oldest private schools in Western Canada, St. Ann's Academy here in the province of British Columbia, will close this June, after 115 years in operation. On June 7, 1858, four Sisters of St. Ann started the school in a log cabin that has been restored as an historic building. The cabin served as living quarters for the Religious and the 12 original pupils. Sister Shelia Moss, principal, cited financial difficulties,. reduced enrollment-from over 300 pupils to 180 in the past five years - and a decrease in the number of teaching Sisters as factors in the decision. to close. .
THE ANCHORThurs., May 17, 1973
Somerset ST. PATRICK $300 Rev. James F. McDermott $250 Dr. Roger E. Cadieux . $150 Roland E. Chabot $125 Har~ld J. Regan $100 Mary E. Quirk Mrs. Charles E. Sevigny $65 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Matthews $60 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Coutu $50 Mr. & Mrs. David Dunne Richard A. Mel10 $45 William F. Ready $40 Mrs. Helen McGann $35 Mr. & Mrs. Fernand C. E. Auclair . $30 Louise Coleman Raymond H. Bibeau Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tinsley Joseph A. Capostagno George D. Janson Mr. & Mrs. John M. Canto Mrs. Vincent R. Dorsey $25 Maurice A. Quirk, Robert Reagan, Thomas D. LaSalle, Mr. & Mrs. Sol Streim, In Memory of Steven Francis Shea George W. Crombie, Francis J. Kilgrew, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Smith, Theresa & Helen L. Ar· chard, Mr. & Mrs. James C. Noonan. Joseph F. Biastoff, Mary E. Judge, Edmund F. Bagley, Mr. & . Mrs. William Gilber.t, Valentino Pallotta Mrs. Frank Souza, Mr. & Mrs. James M. Judge, Henry A. Collins, H. Leo Creamer, James F. Darcy' John Pires, Jr. Thomas J. Daley Edward Casper, Mrs.' Benjamin I!aForce, William V. Mahoney Jr. Harold Meehan, Robert F. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Kelly, Mary E. Lynch, Peter J. Bartek Mrs. David M. Kilroy, Carl J. Costa, Helen & Lillian Reddy, Edward Synan, Oliver C. Perry Jr. William Moran
THE "GOALIE" WORE RED: Cardinal John Carberry of St. Louis reaches to stop a soccer ball which had been bounced toward him from the head of Pele, the legendary soccer star from Brazil, right. The athlete was in St. Louis as part of a national tour to promote soccer among youngsters. The cardinal was at' a St. Louis Catholic high school where Pele talked. NC Photo.
Assonet ST. BERNARD $100 Anonymous $60 Anonymous $30 Mr. & Mrs. Leopold J. Giroux $25 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Parent Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pavao
Fall River
ST. PATRICK $50 . St. Patrick's Women's Guild Mr. & Mrs. Edward DeCiccio Mr. & Mrs. Dan;el F. Scully $40 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Silvia $35 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence J. Harney Mary E. Kilroy James Clegg $32 In Memory of James E. Shea $30 'Caroline & Annie Wilcox J Alida Hart ST. THOMAS M9RE In Memory of Elizabeth Bolger $100 $27 St. Thomas More Women's In memory of Manuel J. Rosa Guild Jr. & David Rosa $50 $25 . Frederick J. Wilding Mr. & Mrs. John M. Gasior, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Daley Mr. & Mrs. Mathew Gasior, John Mr. & Mrs. Roger Fortier O'Srien $45 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McCarthy The Daley Family Daniel McCarthy Jr. $32 Mr. & Mrs. John Morgan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Nadeau Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Paquin $30 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Borkman Michael J. Foran $26 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Regan, Benny Paskavitch Abbie I. Kilroy, MrJ & Mrs. Mar$25 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Marchand, tin Delahanty, Margaret Don. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Malvey, Mrs. nelly, Elizabeth Barlow Mr. & Mrs. Norman Gagnon, Henry T. Munroe, Mr. & Mrs. John W. King, Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. &' Mrs. John Bevilacqua, Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCarthy, J. Moynagh Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. William McHugh ST. ROCH Mr. & Mrs. John Flanagan, Mr. $200 & Mrs. Matthew. Sinasky, Mr. & Rev. Roland Bousquet Mrs. James J. Hamilton $100 ST. JOHN OF GOD Mr. & Mrs. Romain Saulnier $125 SS. PETER AND PAUL Mr. & Mrs.· Lawrence Borge $100 . $50 In Memory of J. Edward Glynn Mr. & Mrs. Jay R. O'Neil St. Vincent de Paul Society Rev. Francis M. Coady $25 . SS. Peter & Paul's Women's Dr. & Mrs. Jesse Baptista Club Mr. & Mrs. Laureano Silva St. Vincent de Paul Society of Mr. & Mrs. Manuel L. Sousa SS. Peter & Paul's Parish Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Provost
ST. STANISLAUS $200 Rev. Robert S. Kaszynski A Friend $150 Paul E. Gibson $75 A FrienJL $70 Mary F. Joy $50 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Cunningham $40 Weglowski Family $30 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Leeming Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cichon $25 Mrs. Frances Winiarski, Mr. & Mrs. Adam Polak, Mr. & Mrs. Waltel' Zoabosz, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pietraszek, A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pasternak St. Stanislaus School, Felecian Sisters, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Soczek NOTRE DAME $100 Laberge Wrecking Co. $70 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ouel1ette $30 Mr. & Mrs. Milton Ful1er $25 Mr. & Mrs. Omer Levesque
$75 Rev. Ronald A. Tosti $50 Thomas H. Cahill & Mr.' & HOLY ROSARY Mrs. William A. Murphy $50 Joseph Conaty Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mazzoni Mr. & Mrs. Edward Crowell Mrs. Lana Ricci Mary Cunningham $30 Mrs. J. Edward Glynn Mr. & Mrs. Frank Stetkiewicz John Tyrrel1 Sr. $35 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kelly $25 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Kish O'Brien III Mr. {It Mrs. Edward Tyrrell The Patricelli Family Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. D'Am$30 brosio, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Graci, Mrs. Francis C. Taylor Holy Rosary CYO $25 Patricia Carey, Mr. '& Mrs. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Ralph Craddock, Mr.' & Mrs. $200 Fred Dolan, John Dolan, Mr. & Rev.. Lucio B. Phillipino Mrs. James E. Donnelly . $40 Charles Dumais, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Henry J. Duffy Albert Farinha, The Farren-Cush· $30 man Family, Mr. & Mrs. Shaun In Memory of Celia Watson Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Timothy Foley & Angela Foley $25 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Greene, In Memory of Adam Brooks, Mrs. Ernest A. Hasprey, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Clemmey, Mrs. Stanley Janick, Catherine Andrew Cook, Mrs. Teresa Hetu, A.. Lynch, Daniel Lynch Mr: & Mrs. Gilbert Lafleur Helen C. S. Lynch, In MemFlorence Lynch, In Memory of ory of Laurence E. Lynch, John . Daniel & Manuel Pimental, Mr. Mahoney, In Memory of the & Mrs. Charles Santos, Edward O'Hearn Family, James E. Rog- Riley, Mrs. Hector Savoie ers Mrs. James E. Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sankiewicz, Mrs. Frederic P. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. James Sunderland, The Sweeney Family, Mr. & Mrs. John Wild· ing Mr. & Mrs. John Alves, Mrs. Jerome Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Nor· man Hathaway, Mr. & Mrs. George Moniz, Mary Tyrrell, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Tyrrell
fkdbdl llendrles
THE ANCHORThurs., May 17,' 1973
$225 Judge Beatrice H. Mullaney
Fall River
In Memory of Michael & Mary E. McDermott St. Vincent de Paul Conference In Memory of Mary L. Harrington Joseph O'Connell
$100 Mrs. Katherine Adams In Memory of John J. Tuite In Memory of Mary H.C. Flynn Mr. & Mrs. John B. Cummings Adelaide Trainor James L. Connor Anne L. Mitchell Family
$92 Mrs. Raymond Heyworth
$75 Katherine Sullivan
$50 John J. Christopher Margaret A. Panos The Dwyer Family Alban Lavoie Douglas Law Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lown Daniel O'Connell
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Murphy Jr.
$50 The Audet Family Walter H. White T. Arthur McCann' $45 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nedderman
$35 James V. Kennedy In Memory of Herman Springer The White Family Catherine I. Trainor Frences M. 'Cummings
Mary Cullen The McArdle Family J.
$30 William Fitzler Ann & Elizabeth Downey & Catherine Flynn In Memory of Maurice Byington Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Bliffins Ruth Brown & Mrs Wm. Cross Elizabeth Roach & Mrs. Oscar Cadoret
$25 Donald Gustafson, Mr. & Mrs. J. Joseph Welch, Daniel V. Sullivan, Helen F. Leary, Manuel F. Crovello Mr. & Mrs. Willard R. Piper, Doris Sullivan, 'William C. Chippendale, Mr. & Mrs. John H. Springer, Stephen R. Lopes William Black, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Burke, Mrs. Jean Mizak, Hannah G. Connors, Mr. & Mr.s. George McCoomb . Mrs. John L. Morgan, Mrs. John C. Torpey, Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaFrance, Mr.. & Mrs. Thomas F. Connors ST. ANNE
$200 Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Ross
$100 Mr. & Mrs. Normand H. Boule
$50 Gerard A. Beaulieu Anonymous
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Prilip R. Thibault
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Romanovicz Donald C. Auger Mr. & Mrs. David Allsop Gauthier Family Anonymous (3) Mr. & Mrs. George Ledoux OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS
CRUSADER READY FOR SKYLAB: Dr. Joseph P. Kerwin, Class of '53 at Worcester Jesuit Institution; Capt. 路Charles Conrad and Capt. Paul J. Weitz.
Holy Cross Grad Skylab Physician Dr. Joseph P. Kerwin, a 1953 graduate of Holy Gross College, will be aboard the Apollo space craU Sunday as it HHs off to rendezvous with the Skyl'ab space ,station oiroling the earth. Dr. Kerwin will be wearing the. varsity letter he earned as'cocaptain of the Holy Cross swim team. Dr. Kerwin and Navy Captains . Charles Conrad 'and Paul J. Weitz, will live in the 100-ton orbiting laboratory for 28 days at an altitude of about 270 miles above ,the earth,according to present flight pl'ans. Capt. Conrad wHl be mission
IIIIl"""""ItI,'lt""'''"I1!tII'I1''llmllll''lIt''lmlnmmUlllllllltllIlllllllll1lIllltlUlllnlllllllllll""mmlilitllHl'llllll11I11I11lllllltlllltllllllllllllllllll:IlIlllI1I111t11111Hll1llllllllllllllllltllll1ll1ll11 1II1t1111111l1111llnlllllllllllUlllll11llmll1l1lll,llll1111llll111"lIlllllllllllll1l1l11lUlUUlllUllllll1I1l111111ll
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Connell Mrs. Angela Wingate Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Leclair
$30 Mr. & Mrs. James Melvin Mr. & Mrs. James A. Robinson Jr.
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Bertrand, Kathryn Dailey, Mr. & Mrs. Frank DePaola, Elizabeth Hall, Jane Haran ' Mrs. Mary Lee, Ann Marie McMahon, Ann Standish, Richard Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. George Sutherland Bridget Thornton, Mr. & Mrs. John Viera, James Wingate Mrs. Amelia.. Carvalho, Leo Fogarty, Mrs. Jeremiah Holland, Lingard Family BLESSED SACRAMENT
$25 Jesse Barreiro, Joaq.uim Mello ST. WILLIAM
$150 Rev. Herve Jalbert
$35 Richard, Hamel
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Chlebek, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Dooley, Mr. & Mrs. A. Gagnon, Mr. &' Mrs. Louis Viveiros ST MARY'S CATHEDRAL
$120 . Leo O'Brien
Roger Lauzon A & W Root Beer Stand
$25. ' Rose Tonelli, Louis Ste. Marie, Edward Langlais, Albert Beaudoin, A Friend HOLY CROSS
$100 Cathedral Women's Guild
$50 Robert F. Coggeshall Rose Dowling Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hurll Dorothy Kirby Gertrude & Eileen Sullivan Loretta M. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. John R. McGinn
$35 Helen Kenney
commander. Capt. We'Uz, pilot Dr. Kerwin foirst found fame by and Dr. Kerwin, resident phy,si- winning 'a nation-wide Lucky ciano He will diagnose and treat StJrike jingle contest and was asany medical problems that may sociate editor of the student litlIi'l'ise during the flight as well erary magaZJine and managing as do research. More than one路 editor of the student newspaper. third of the crew's time will be He oa:pped off his career by writing his senior thesis on "The given 1:0 medical research. , In the audience at Oape Ken- Psychological Aspects of Com, nedy watching Sunday's launch petitive Swimming." He received his medical dewill be Rev. J,ohn E. Brooks, S.J., Holy Cross presJdent, and Dr. gree from Northv.'estern Univerand Mrs. Vincent O. McBr,ien. . si:ty~ completed his internship at Dr. Kerwin was Dr. McBrien's the District of ColumlYi'a General student in 1949 and 1950 and the Hospital, Washington, D. C.; and two h.,ave maintained a close attended the U. S. Naval School friendship since. of Aviation Medicine at PensaDuring his Holy Cross days, cola, Fla.
A Friend
$125 Mr. & Mrs. Rbert Nagle , $100 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Griffin Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Higgins Robert Patenaude In Memory of Alice B.. Norton Dr. Anne Marie Higgins
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGuire Hilda Phillips Mr: & Mrs. John J. Mitchell Henry J. Lemerise Mrs. Anthony Keramis Mr. & Mrs. Herve Be:rnier The Misses Elinor and Alice Lenaghan Frank S. Feitelberg Franco Family Singers Joseph Phelan Marion L. Torphy Atty. & Mrs. William Long Mary V. and Helen O'Neil Mrs. William A. Torphy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pinsonnault . $41 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gladu $40 Mr. Thaddeus Golitz Mr. & Mrs.' Charles Joerres
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Leonard Honor Toohey
$28 Margaret J. Turner
$25 $25
Mrs. Etta Walmsley Richard J. O'Brien HOLY NAME
$250 Dr. & Mrs. Harry Powers
$225 In Memory of Dr. & Mr:s. Edmund Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs.' Paul Arnoe, Mr: & Mrs. William Hargraves, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sullivan, Mr. ~ Mrs. Lionel Braz, Mr. & Mrs.
Fernand Bonnoyer George Hickey, Mr. & Mrs. John Walsh,Sr., Marcella Regan, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Nawrocki, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Mahoney, Catherine Connor
Mr. & Mrs. James Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. James V. Terrio, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Sullivan Byrne Family, Mrs.' Hugh Golden, Mr. & Mrs. William O'Brien, Paul Lyons, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond McMullen Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Callahan, Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Brouns, Eileen Higgins, Mrs. Francis Regan, Mrs. Francis Leary Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Morrissette, Mr. & Mrs. John Keating, Dr. & Mrs. Amine B. Maslouf, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh F. Reilly, The Nash Family Mr. & Mrs. Antone Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. O'Donnell, Mr. & Mrs. William Hacking, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Mickolazsk, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGuill ' . Elinnor Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas .Cullen, Edna J. Murray, The Madden Family, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Sullivan ' In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. William R.', McConnell, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Paiva, Mr. & Mrs. John A Burke,' Mr. & Mrs. Francis Crosson Mr. & Mrs. James Considine, Mary C. Casey, Madeline Casey, William Keating, Jr.
.......... .
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Paul Boulay, George Carayanes, Mrs. John Donovan, Joseph F. Dumais, Mrs. Wallace Fairbanks Mr. & Mrs. Marcellus Feeney, Margaret R Feeney, Wmiam Lomax, Mr. & Mrs. John Lynch, Hugh J. Maguire Mrs. John Markland, Walter Nichipor, Mr. & Mrs. William Nugent, James D. Salvo Edward Daley , Mr. & Mrs: John Lynch John F. Mahoney Hilard Nagle . Agnes O'Brien ST. LOUIS
$40 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Conroy
Edward McAndrew' Irene Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Herman Mello In Memory of Thomas Britland Jr. .Mr. & Mrs. William P. Lynch
$30 Gertrude O'Neil Hilda Myles
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Victor Auclair, Mr. & Mrs Edmund Couto, Mr. & Mrs Joseph Cambra, John Whitty, Mr. & Mrs. John Cronin
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