Catholic Charities Appeal Reaching for New Record
TO $5
Returns Ahead of Y66
ANCHOR Vol. 11,. No. 20, May 18, 1967
fall River, Massachusetts
© 1967 PRICE 10c
$4.00 per Yeor
The 1967 Catholic Appeal
total today reached $561,
342, a figure· approximately
$115,000 ahead of the cor
responding date last year when
a newall-time record was es
The "gratifying" and "appre
ciative" response of the faithful
Turn to Page Two
S1'ANG SENIORS ENTERING RELIGIOUS LIFE: JFiIl':-lt row, John € a rreiro and Richard O'Brien; second row, Robed Powell and Richard McNally; third row, Arnold Medeiros and David Pepin.
1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 ,- 1958 1957
? $741,117 $712,083 $680,111 $671.18~
$630,103 $627,554, $566,367
$502,327 $366,207 $3~4,477
RELIGIOUS FUTURE: First row, Pauline Raposa and Christne Homen; second row, Stephen Fernandes and Richard Roy. Third row: William Sullivan, James Airozo and Raymond Martel.
Bishops 13 Stang High School Seniors to Enter Write On Religious Life After Graduation, Liturgy By Patricia Francis
Of the eleven young men who They are James J. Airozo, 18, will enter minor seminaries after John Correiro, 18, Stephen Fer WASHINGTON (NC) For thirteen Stang High graduation, nine are destined for nandes, 17, Raymond J. Martel, :A call for broader and deep School selliors, graduation 'the diocesan p.t:iesthood and two 19, 'Arnold C. Medeiros, 19, Rich ard D. O'Brien, 18, David Pepin, ~ liturgical relTewal and a exel'cisesJune 14 will 'mean ' order.enter the Sacred Hearts 18, Ric~~ard M. Roy, 17, and Wil \l)t'ief cdticism of unauthor al} end to 'more'than high R :hard P. McNally, 17, and liam F. Sullivan, 17. ized liturgical innovations high school days. Within a short time, Robert J. Powell, 18, will enter Christine Homen, 17, daughter llightcd a Pastoral Statement on , they will be saying good by as the 'S:'l~red Hearts Novitiate in of MI'. and Mrs. Manuel Homen lEoitur/{ical Renewal issued Mon well to families and friends as Wa"eham June 29 to begin their of 29 Grant Street, New Bedford, ~Y, May 15, by the National they begin a lifetime of dedica studies for the priesthood. wi!' enter the novitiate of the ~onfcrcnce of Catholic Bishops. tion to God and God's people. Candidates for the diocesan Cacnelite Monastery 'in South Distributed at the 'discretion of Eleven' of the boys in this clergy will brgin their studies Dartmouth oct. 3. A graduate of llndi vidual bishops to all the. year'" graduating class-believed at one of three minor seminaries: . of St. John the Baptist School, IIn'iests of the U.S., the statement the largest group ever in any St. Mary's in Kentucky, St. Christine has a brother, Peter, . . I!""aiscs liturgical renewal already single school-Will start studies Thomas in Bloomfield, Conn., or 18. Pauline Marie Raposo, 17, ~lTied out and encourages refor the priesthood, Two girls will Cal'dinal O'Connell in Jamaica P!ain. enter religious life. Turn to Page Ten Turn to Page Six
Asserts Council Ends Traditional Role of Priest NOTRE DAME (NC) Vatican Council II ended the traditional role of the priest who "watched only over his own little flock," a seminary rector told a symposium on priests in contemporary society here. Father Louis .J. Putz, C,S.C.. rector of Moreau Seminary, Notre Dame, said that as a result of the council "almost overnight the priest is challenged to break down the walls of his own little ghe~:o.
"He is asked to accept the big Turn to Page Six
New Assignments ·Ior Eight Assistants
sistant at St. Joseph's Church, NOl'th Dighton, t9 assistal1t at st. Franeis - Xavier, Hyannis. Rev, Bernard R. Kelly, assist ant at St. Mary's Taunton, to assistant at St. James' Church, New Bedford. ..
Priesthood by Bishop Connolly in St. 'Mary's Cathedral on May 22; 1954. Father Burns had also taken post-graduate studies in Semantics and Litui'gy at the Uhiversity of Notre Dame, Indi ana., The Fall River curate sel'ved in: St. Joseph's Church, Fall River, before going to St. Louis Church and holds p,osts in the Diocesan Tribunal. .
1"n New Bedford, the lion of Mrs. ulate Conception School, Everett, Catherine (McHugh) Clark and Mass.; Cathedral High, Boston; Maryknoll Seminary, Glen Ellyn. the late James W. Clark. After studies at St. Mary~s npnois; Father Mayhew com School aod Holy Family High pleted his studies at St. John's The new assignments are ef SeminallY, Brighton, Mass. School, New Bedford, he attend fective next Wednesday, May He was ordained to the priest ed St. Charles Semimlry in Bal rM. timore. Father James W. Clark hood b;' Bishop Connolly in St. Rev. Thomas C. Mayhew, as: then completed his priestly Mary's Cathedral on April 25, They are: sist;mt at St. Peter the Apostle's studies at Sf(, John's Seminary, 1959. Since· his ordination,' he Rev. George F. Almeida. as- Church, Provincetown, to St. has served as assistant .at St. Bright"n, Mass. Gistant at St, Anthony's Chul'ch, JoSeph's Church, North Dighton. . Peter the Apostle's Church, Most Rev. James L, Connolly Taunton, to assistant at the Rev. John A. Perry, assistailt ordained Father Clark to the Provincetown. Father Clark SacI'ed Heart Church, 0 a k at the Sacred Heart ChuI'ch, Priesthood at St. Mary's Cathe Father Kelly Bluffs. Oak Bluffs, to assistant at St. Father Clark, the new Taunton dral on Feb. 2, 1956. Rev. Edward J. Burns, as Father Kelly was born in West Peter the Apostle Church, Pro assistant was born July 21, 1929 Father Clark served as assist sistant at St. Louis' Church, vincetown. ant at St. Patrick's Church, Springfield, Mass. in March 1933 Fall River, to assistant at St. of Bernard G: and the late Mrs. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ( Wareham before coming to St. Father Burns William's C'hurch, Fall River. Joseph's Church, Fall River. He Kelly. He graduated from West Father Burns, son of Mrs. Ann is the Assistant Director of ,springfield High School and at Rev. 'James W. Clark, assist P AVLA and the Extension Lay tended the University of Massa ant at St. Joseph's Church, Fall (Reilly) Burns and the late Ed chusetts and Elm Bank Minoli' River, to assistant at St. Mal'Y's ward Burns was born in Fall Pontifical Anniversary Mass Volunteers. Seminary in Wellesley, Mass. , River on May 25, 1927. He at ChUl'ch, Taunton. of Requiem for the repose of the Father Mayhew tended the Wixon and Durfee soul of our beloved Bishop After completing his semina17 Rev. George W. Coleman, as High Schools)n Fall River. studies at St. Mary's Seminary, Cassidy will be celebrated on Father Mayhew, the new No. IJistant at St. Kilian's Church, After studies at St. Meinrad Monday morning, May 22 at 10 Dighton assistant, SOil of James Baltimore, Father Kelly was or New Bedford, to assistant at Si: Seminary, Indiana, lllld St. o'clock by BishQp Connolly in F. and Mary (Higgins) Mayhew . dained to the priesthood in St. If,,ouis' Church, Fall River. Peter's College, London, Ont.,. the Cathedral of the Assumption, was born in Starks, Me., on July Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, on liev. Terence F.. Keenoo, M- Canada" he was ordained to the Fall River. 3, 1931, After studies at ImmacTum to Page Three
Tnlllsfer of eight assiRt ants is announced today by ~he Most Rev. James L. Con nolly, Bishop of Fall River.
Cha rities Appeal Total Climbs
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 18,1967
Continued from Page One. was announced today bY"- Lay' Chairman Charles U. Kelliher of Attleboro as he intimated that "it is within the realm of specu lation that we will exceed.:iast year's record high of, $741,117." "Currently," the enthused lay chairman observed, "we'arc run ning about $115,000 ahead of 1966 when the diocese achieved . . a record high." Mr. Keliher hopefully asserted: "It' is my sincere prayer that again this year we will top all past figures, an acknowledgment of the appreciation of the faith ful for the many arid varied ser vices offered by the diocese to yo,"~g an'd old alike." ' , f : :.
AcushnetSt. Francis Xavier 3, 179.'m 1,534.00 Assonet-St. Bernard Buzzards Bay 5,816.2[5 St. Margaret Centerville-Our Lady of Vietory 2,454.~ Central Village-St. John Baptist 1,415.00 ChathamHoly Redeemer 4,288.00 ASSIGNMENTS 743.~ Tighton-St. Peter . Rev. George F. Almeida, assistant at St. Anthony Church, East BrewsterTaunton, to Sacred Heart Church;-Oak Bluffs, as assistant. Our Lady of the Cape ],431.5@ East Falmouth-Rev. Edward J. Burns, assistant at St. Li>uis Church, Fall 2,449.00 St. Anthony River, to St. William Church, Fall River, as assistant. FairhavenSt. Joseph 9,337.90 Rev. James W. Clark, assistant. at St. Joseph Church, Fall St. 'Mary 1,081.25 River, to St. Mary Church, Taunton, as ,assistant ' 760.C@ Sacred Hear.tS Falmouth-St. Patrick' 9,587.5@ Rev. George W. Coleman, assistant at St. Kilian Church, R':'. REV. ANTHONY M. GOMES ; Hyannis-- . New Bedford, to St. Louis Church, FaIl,.River, as assistant. FAlLlL RIVER " '-' '. St. Francis Xavier ':9';407.5(ii) 'I \ R~v. Terence F.' Keenan, assistant at St. Joseph Church, ,~oll ~o n' '.' St. t\faiy " $ 9 7 7 1 . 1 5 Mansfield-St. Mary '. i :'9;193.4~ No. Dighton':' to ·St. Francis ,Xaviet: Church, Hy'annis,' ~s ,~.BDV®U' !WLQJOU,<e®" Blessed Sacrament "1;261.00 ,'Mattapoisett-- '.'d assistant. CC'ial!. 1i.""C', n, n rm~' Ji] Espirih- Santo "iS64,OO" ,St. Anthony' ' j 2,840.CV ~1&11 1f~~ OOUU\Si " i J ' H o l y Cross 1:211.00 NantucketRev. Bernard R: Kelly, assistant at St., Mary,' Church, Members of Our Lady' of An- Holy Name 19,225,21 Our La~y of the Isle a,267.CO Taunton, to St. James Church, New Bedford, as assistant. gels parish, Fali River, will mark Notre Dame 4,521.00 North Dighton5,211.00 Rev. Thomas C. Mayhew, assistant at St. Peter the, Apostle the 'silver jubilee of Msgr. An- Our Lady of the Angels 7,587.00 St. Joseph Church, Provincetown, to St. Josellh Church, No. Dighton. thony M, Gomes, pastor, orr Sun 'Our Lady of Health 2.494.00 North Easton day, June 4, In charge of ar- Holy Rosary 3;200:50: Irnm~culate Conception 8,056.00 Rev. John A. Perry, assiaiant at Sacred Heart Church, Oak · 'rangements are Antone MiChaels, Immacu1a~e Conception 5,.448,00 North WestportBluffs, to St. Peter, ~~ Apostle 'Church, Provinceto~J,I. . commhtee president' 'Alfred F. Sacred Heart .. 7,~14.00 Our Lady, of Grace ,2,558.0@ assistant.' . : ' Almeida, vice-president;' Mrs. 'St. Arine, ' . '·'4;~40.75 "Norton-5t. Mary .', 6,099.00 . Mary Silvia, secretary; and Jo-, 'St. Anthony of the Desert' 695.00 Oak Bluffg-;.' Assignments effective Wednesday, Mar 24; ,1.p67.' 2,244.00 seph M. Theodore; treasu'rer. ' sf. Apthony of Padua ·.~1 992.00 Sacred Heart ; 1.· .. 1 . . St. Elizabeth'" , "":l68.00 OCean Grove-' , . :;A ju' ·ilee Ma~s,~at; 4~30, SHnday St."'Joimtlie Baptist" 3,160.00 .St. Michael·" , . "4,399.00 .:. oJ j'lp rfternooJ,1'will be. followed by St. Joseph 5,065.00 "':'Or)eari~ .'il 'banq'Jet atWhit:e's 're~t~Yrant. .I! \. Resc 'vations may be m,~d~·. with St. Louis ~. 3,354.50 . . St. ~oan 'Or' Are 2,557. • ·t b ". , . St: Matthew ." ',t,304.50 'OsterVille-Assumption' '4,]66.00 ", 2 876.25 Provinceto~t"':Petet'·· 325.00 comml tee ~em ers ~r with Sf'Michael" " .. . , ,.,.:,,'\ . '6:576,00 Ra)"nham-St. "Ann ." "8,414.00 ~rthur .Iteg~~ Mrs. GI~r,la Be:n e - St. Patrick ':Ides or Mrs: Doroth~a ~lmelda, . 'SS: Peter' and Paul .... "4,550.50 Sandwich-'-': ,tic~-,tco-chalrmen. . .' . , 8t: Roch ' . '~;958.IO Corpus Chrjsti 8,334.00 ; A prograt~ bOO~thWtllhl b~ bse,ssued .. St. Stanislaus .l685.00·; !·Beekonk-"'Mt. 'carmel' ·4';~25.00 m connec I?~. WI ,e o. ~v-', ;'st. WilHam '. .' :4,919.50 Somerset ./ ane:e. D~ad.. ~ for publIcatIOn . Santo :Christo 1,855.50 St. John of God 3,536.00 ~ nar.;e~' WIll be Satul"day, May 51. Patrick 6,5]5.00 $25 · '20. ' NEW BEDFORD .• "St. TbomasMore '7,970.50 " :,," 'Name Speaker Holy Name' '7,942.00 South Dartmouth- Memorial to Edward &: habel $125 r~. Henry C. Lincoln will Asumption '810.25 St. Mary Murby 7,772.00 'St. Vincent de Paul SoCiety of , s:'eak at the ban'quet, it is an- Immaculate Conception 4,263.89 South Easton Catholic Assn. of Foresters Sacred Heart Church 110unced, and music will' be by Mt. Carmel . '8,029.40 Holy Cross St. Elizabeth Court ' 2,730. • Sacred Heart Women's Guild Buddy Braga's orchestra. John Our Lady of Fatima 2,277.99 South YarmouthTaunto,\ Mason' SiIpply Co. $100 M. Arruda will be master of Our Lady of ' S t . Pius X " 5,567.50 Bristol Athletic CI~b Particular Cou'ncil of Taunton ceremonies. , Perpetual Help 568,00 SwanseaMozzone Bros. Lumber Yard Society of St. Vincent de Paul 'Born "':1 Taunton, Msgr. Gomes Sacred' Heart 3,833.10. , c' :Our Lady of Fatima, '5,547.84 Societe des Enfants de Marie, James E. Miles InSurance studied at local schoc' 'md at ,St. Anne 1l,434.00 st. Dominie, " ,,,4,343.00 'St. Jacques Parish Agency Inc. ',." t, 'ided Notre Dame University; St. Anthony of Padua, 4-.e88.50 St. Louis of France 4,610.50 Farrell 'Insuraric~ Agency Alfred S. O'Keefe · His s··Jdies for the i>'~iesthootl, St. Boniface 275.00. Vineyard Haven-, .' Mt. Hope Machinery Co. Dermody Cleaners were made at St. Bernard's Sem 5t: Casimir ...',526.75 St. Augustine 1,267.OG Powers Pontiac.· .. ' ' ,"
Thomas E. Donelan mary, Rochester, N. Y. and the' St. Francis of Asslsi ,- .1,835.00 Wareham-5t.Patriek .7,283. • Cabral's Dairy,
Drummond Printing do" Seminary of Angr~, 'Terceira,. St. Hyacinth '1,636.00 .' JPell11eet ," " Dr. William E. Barnes
Mulhern's Pharma,cy Azores, , ,St.. James ,12,181.00,.. IOUI' Lady of Lourdes, ),654. • Boyden Plastics' Company
St. Mary's Women's Guil? 7,,()84.35 west Harwich--·, His assignments in the Diecese St. John the Baptist Hathaway Constructi~ Co.
$50 9,776.58 have included 11 years as eur ,.,St.-Joseph
Holy Trinity 4,779.81: ,Paragon Gear Wor~'S·Inc.
Sowiecki Home 3,760.00 Westport-St.Georle ate at ~t. John Baptist Church, St. Kilian
,e,992.51 St. Pierre Inc.
Babbitt & . Simmons . '" 17,008,50 Woeds Hol~ New' redford; and eight years at St. Lawrence
" Williams Lumber 'Co. 11M:.
Nu-Brite Chemical Company '5,349.00 Santo Christo Church, Fail River. St. Mary
St. Joseph , , , ,,)162'. O'Hearne Ihsurance Agency $20 ,
4,8&5.00 "",He, was named administrator of St. TAeresa
Stone Charitable FoundatiOD Our -..ady of 1961 and {lommunity Paint Co.
TAUNToX AllanM. Walker & Ceo DlC. was then appointed pastor. Burke's Canteen Service
Holy Family 3,490.50 The prelate has been active in $35 $15
, yo' "I ,and Ca;la ,progra'ms and Holy Rosary 1,716.00 Weir Cooperative Bank Dagen Funeral Home
;FUNERAL HOME, INC. Immaculate Conception 5,550.50 has been outstanding in his ef A.J.M. Electric Motor Service Our Lady of Lourdes 3,883.00 forts on behalf of the Bishop's .. MaFCe, Ror- Q. LorralM ' Farrell's Cafe, Sam~el Mireph ,6,507.00 Reger .&aI'ra_ Charity Ball. His parish is a ,Sacred' Heart Mandigo Sand & Gravel, New St. Anthony 2,589.5fl consistent leader in Anchor sub FUNERAL DIRECTORS England Brass CO., Taunten, . MAY 30 3,835.00 sc·· 'ion returns, with 710 pa , St. .Tames 15 irvington Ct•. Flower Studio, Town &: CelHltry - '. Jordan HarpiJ., O.P.: 1'929, 4l,389~00 rishioners now receiving tbe -St. Joseph Motor Inn, Woolworth's - Dt)l:ninican Priory, Fall River. 995-5166 St. Mary
7,886.00' , Diocesan paper.', Rev. Edmond J. Potv11J, 1937, St. Paul
,4,844.00' In 1964 Msgr. G<>mes w~s In New Becfforcl' P,stor, St. John' Baptist; Fall vested' as a domestic prelat.o by' / ATrLEBORO River. JjI'ishop Conn~'ly. 6,820.:iG . ,Holy Ghost "-v. James M. Quinn; 1950, '~100 " St.' John , 12,785.00' Pastor, St. John' Evangelist, Stephen H Foley F;uneral :HeJne OIROURKE
. St. Jeseph
4,960.00 ,.(ittleboro. " W. H: Riley :&Son Inc. St. Mary .
7,676.00 Funeral Home
LONDON (NC)-Catholic Co MAY 31 4,470.00 $60
adjutor Archbishop Philip JIi'. St. Stephen
Rev. Yincent A. Wolski, O.F.M., _'
7,582.50 --'71 Second Street Saari Bros. ClI.
'Pococ" of Toronto has' received St. Theresa Conv., 1964, Pastor, Holy Cross, an honorary doctor of divinity NO~TH ATTLEBORO
Fall River. Fall River, Mass. '$50
degree from Huron Anglican Sacred Heart 4,000.7£5
Apco ,Mossberg
679-6072 College here in pntario~ St: Mary, 13,663;00
Attleboro Lions Club '
Diocese of Fa If River
~;:7iII~"',,,~:=~ '~": ~'
:Special ,Gifts
, Anglican" Honor
May 21-51. Casimir, New Bedfcrd.· . Vi,lla ]faUma" Taunton. May 28--Corpus Christi, Sand;:' . wich.. .." , St: Theresa Convent, Fall a.Iv~r·r . ,".'
Guild of At-,
~~i:'sM~~~=~in~: Flynn The Robbins .Comp'any· $35
:JYir. & Mrs.
11111.11 II"!'!! II!J 811111 I I . II • • Pa II B
: • : •
" •
'J B,
: CO.' : 'i ~MONTHL Y CHURCH •
II" " ,',
"" . - "
.. Licensed Funeral DirectoF
'R~gis!ered Embalmer
$25 -. 11- ': So; ~pprt~~' " 111"'" 550 ~ust"~tt~d'''\t Attleboro Sun: Publishing Co;' II'.' d H . :.;, III ' .. . ' . , , .'; " II ", ,.an y,o.n,n, IS.. ",';' III PRINTED'·' AND -In ...&JlAILED " .Fan Ri,ver•. Flynn's ,Ha~dware ! "" 11f£ Portuguese American Club I I ' · · · ' · ' . ",' III , " . ' . ,.,i672-2391' , SOCond Cl,ass p~tage Pald·at Fall RJve~ W. E. Richards Co. II So.,Dcli'tmouth,;'997-9384 III ,'-Write· Or:-Phone 672-1322 ., MaSs. PublIShed, every Thursday, at '41u· . . . . , .. ' -,' , ) II ' ., II " HIghland Avenue.. 'Fall' Rlvel. ,Mass••.02722 'c,' . ehas'. 'Th'omae':& Son Inc. II :J.fVfil nnis• 2921 '. "" , B o s e ,1l·SalJlvaa,,, L~ =~:I~'I~s~ J1~Ii~~"'. ..",.::.:..' .:'::p"'a-' <T~.h·:'" '.' II· ' . -, • ,.'-3".Second Str~ -,Fan Riyes;~:, Jeffrey ·B.SuIHvaB :' ,'..... t4;OO per.,.,. ". ,. • ' .. " ... . ,',. ' .. ~ ....:~•. ..,... ,g~, .... :r.~"'_' ~;~.I1t• • • • • • • '1 ..,."".;... ' ......... .,....' .' . ' . '. . .
_0. _. -. t.t
T.HE ANCHOR-Dil:>cese of Fall River-Thurs., May 18, 1967
Eight Diocesan Parish Assistants Given New Assignments ~ontinued from Page One May 7, 1961, by Bishop Connolly. Iloltowing ordination, he was /Ui signed to Holy Name Church, Pan River, where he served until he was appointed to St. Mary's, lfaunton, on May 13, 1962.
Special Gifts eontinued from Page Two
North Attleboro $150 Mrs. Elizabeth Croke Nelson Gulski Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Wright. $100 Doran & Johnson Mfg. Co. Swift & Fisher Co. W. H. Riley & Son Inc. Joe Curtis Real Estate $'75 111I'0. Attleboro Catholic Women'Q Club Mo. End Social Club $65 tluests at Madonna Manor $50 Beauchaine's Inc.. Donley Mfg. Co. Mrs. Herbert Houghton Dr. D. Eugene Leco . Morse Brothers Inc. Pete's Barber Shop Mr.. & Mrs. Thomas Mulligan \ Hi-Lo Market $40 ' Edward N. Cooke Plate Co. IDe $35 Lavery - Irvine Co. Rioux & Tunnicliff Builders Benedict Circle No. 61 Daugh tlml of Isabella $25 Miller's Dept. Store A Friend The Rome Restaurant $20 Pariseau Construction Co. St.. Anne Sodality Sacred . Heart Church $D.7
CYO Sacred Heart Church $15 Dr. Romeo C. Ouellette Sousa & Demayo Mrs. Emma Dacy, Altar Boy~ Sacred . Heart Church, Senior Choir - Sacred Heart Church, Elmer Lightfoot, Riley Bros. :Lumber Co.
Fan Rmver $12S@ B.M.C. Durfee Trust Co.
F. L. Collins & Sons Inc. Venus de Milo 'White's Family Dining Room 6: White Spa Caterers
Slades Ferry Trust Co.
A Friend
Catholic Woman's Club
Gerald E. McNally
:Webb Oil c:ompany
Father Perry Father Perry, Oak Bluffs as sistant, the son ·of Albert S. and Gertrude (King) Perry, was born in Pawtucket, R. I. on May 10, 1937. After attending Attleboro pub lic schools, h~ studied" at Msgr. Coyle High School and Cardinal O'Connell Seminary, Jamaica Plain. He completed his priestly' studies at .St. John's Seminary, Brighton, and was ordained by Bishop Connolly on Feb. 2, 1963. Since his ordination, he has served as assistant at Sacred Heart Church, Oak Bluffs.. $200 Workell'S
Textile Union of America St. Vincent de Paul Society Notre Dame Exchange Inc. A Friend St. Vipcent de Paul Society R. Particular Council A Friend $150 Confirmation Class, 1967-'-St. Michael's Parish $135 Herve Lagasse $125
Cliff Nursing Homes
AImy Associates
$120 D. D. Sullivan - Wilfred C. Driscoll Funeral Home $100 Borden & Remington Co. . Midland Print Works Arkwright Warehouse Corp. . Chace Mills Curtain Co. Inc. Arkwright Finishing-Div. of .United Merchants & Mfgs Inc. Atty. John T. Farrell Walter A. Furman Co. St. Stanislaus School Henry J. Duffy Pharmacy Fall River & New Bedford Ex press In Memory of Rev. George Mc Namee In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. James W. Kearns
Dr. James J. Sabra
'Louis Hand Inc.
, $60 Carl N. Beetle Plastic.s Corp. $55 O'Neil Fisk Tire Service Inc. $50 ' ;Frank X. Perron . Slater Paper Box Daughters of Isabella Assump tI<m Circle No. 74 Atty & Mrs John J. Harrington Robert L. Germane Contractor Lecomte's Dairy Smith Lumber Co. Thomas Kidd Contractor Simon's Supply Co. . Edward Brayton A Friend Mother Catherine McAuley Guild St. William's Women's Guild Mrs. Katherine Crosson Tn-City Office. Equipment Corp. Building Materials Company Gamache Trucking Co.· ..
$35 •
Nelson.R. Cherry Flynn'il P.ackage Store Inc. tions of the major Christian reU .' $30 gions in this country is scheduled Limcar Construction Co. Inc. .·Aul. 2l in·Kansas eity, Mo. ,....... Thomas J. Ashton &··Son ..
log of experts on worship tradi
Father Coleman Father Coleman, son of George W. and Beatrice (Shea) Coleman, was born in Fall River on Feb. 1, 1939. He attended Somerset Village School, Msgr. Coyle High School, Holy Cross College, Worcester, and St. John's Sem inary, Brighton. After studies at the North American College, Rome, he was ordained to the priesthood by the Most Rev. Francis F. Reh, . Seminary Rector, on Dec. 16, 1964.1 ' Since his' ordination, F<lther Coleman has served as assistant at St. Kilian Church, Ne~ Bed ford. He was named Co~Director of the Greater New Bedford CCD in 1966. $as
Fall River Paper & Supply C()., Joseph Lima Liberty Loan & Realiy Co. Albert Petit Michaud & Poirier Nelson's Dairy Green's Storage Warehouse Giroux Insurance Agency Ine. F. W. Woolworth Company Amalgamated Clothing Work ers of America No. 177 · Somerset Boat Co.
Thomas Abbott
Booth & J;>urfee Inc.
Auerback Bathrobe Corp.
B & S. Fisheries
Bristol Knitting Mills Inc.
Cook Borden & Company
David J. Friar
Cascade Drug Co.
· Professional Pharmacy
Grand Central Market
Horvitz & Horvitz
Jackson Company
Robert A. ·Clark
· Shelburne Shirt Co. Inc. W. Irv\ng Peirce & Son. · Harold C. Nagle Insurance Agency Dr. David Prial William Archard & Sons Catholic Assoc. of ForestersOur Lady of Victory Court
· Atomic Fence Corp.
Dixon Burial Vault Co.
Venturini Brothers
H. Schwartz & Sons Inc.
Hathaway Funeral Home
Father Almeida Father Almeida, assistant at St. Anthony's Church, Taunton, is the son of Manuel and Anna (Medeiros) Almeida. Born in Newport, R. 1., he attended Wil- . lett School, Attleboro High School and St. Thomas Seminary, Hartford, Conn. After studies at St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, and Our Lady of Angels Seminary, Ni agara, he was ordained to the priesthood by Most Rev. James J. Gerrard at St. Mary's Cathe dral on May 1, 1965. Father' Almeida served as assistant at St. Michael's Church, Fall River, before going to Taun
$15 American Wallpaper Co. Overhead Door Atty. Alfred S. Sherwin Van' Dyke Store Modern Furniture Co. Lawson Granite & Marble Works Inc. J. T. Hughes Mell Jewelry Co., Dr. M. B. Goldin, 'Atty. Robert A. Bogle, Hilton's Bakery
Pa rish Gifts
West Harwich
$100 Judge & Mrs Eugene A Hudson $50 Theodore F. Berghaus Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Raneo $35 Mrs. Gertrude C. Gibbs $30 Catherine, Mary,. Rose Sylvia $25 Mrs. Nellie P. Raneo Mr. & Mrs. John S. Raneo Mr. & Mrs. Lynden G. Wordell Mr. & Mrs. Alex Arsenault P .. Howard West Mary Muir Vincent Mr. & Mrs. John McCabe The John Mullins Family .Mr. & Mrs. T. Joseph Cody Mr. & Mrs. Harold McKenna Catherine Lane Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Sylvia James Blute . Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Edwards Dr. William Falla William J. Carto Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Miles
FALL RIVER, MASS. 672·3381
Wilfred C.' Driscoll
James E. Sullivan, Jr.
Heating Oils
- and, BUl"ners.
Mrs. Joseph Connell Mrs. Margaret Burrage Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan Mr.' & Mrs. Walter Trainer Mr. & Mrs. Richard Shea Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Riley Mr. & Mrs. George L. McKim Charles D. Reid Mr. & Mrs. Robert Briggs Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rioux 1.. M. Cloud ·Mr. & Mrs Thomas H. PeterSOD Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Adams Charles F. Rahn John E. Kelly $20 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Murphy. Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Sampson" Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hathaway
Herbert R. Morse, Mr. & Mrs. William Robertson, Mr!l. George Knight, Mr.. & Mrs. Francis A. Lyons, John Donlay . Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hamlyn" Mr. & Mrs. George Gardner, Mrs. Kenneth Blundon, Mrs. Isa bel Gomes & Sons, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Conway
Nantuck~t OUR LADY OF THE ISLE A Friend
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Robert McGrath $25 Pacific National Bank A ~-iend P- ..· & Mrs. John B. Mendon~ Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lamb $20
Mrs. William Reith
'Mrs. Ursula Holdgate
;!JUIIIUIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11I1111I111111111111I11I11I11I11I11I1111I1111I11I1111I1111I111I11I11I11111111111111I11I111I1111I111I11III 1II11~
LAY APOSTOLATE & SODAUTY PILGR~MAGE ~ ~ HOLY LAND-Jet - KLM.'& C.P. directed by Rev. Skoney ~ ~ Director of Detroit Archdiocesan Federation of Sodality ~ ~ Unions. Visit: Attend'World Congress of lay Apostolate and ~ § Sodality Congress at Rome-Holy Land (Jordan and Israel) § ~ Padre Pio-Fatima (50th Anniversary of Apparitions)-Oct. ~ ~ 3-Complete $1298 ~
~ ~
~ ~
Father Keenan ". ·'ter Keenan, the new Hyan nIs curate, was born in New Bed ford son of Thomas F. and Annie (Hart) Keenan on April 30, 1937. In New Bedford he attended St. James School, Holy Name· and Holy Family High School. He studied for the priesthood at 81. Thomas' Seminary, Hart ford, Conn. and St. Mary's Sem inary; Baltimore, before being ordained by Most Rev. James J. Gerrard on May 1,.1965. Since his ordination, he has served as assistant at St. Joseph's Church, No. Dighton.
CHRISTMAS HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE-ROMEAir jet ..:. LKM and MEDitERRANEAN CRUISE- T.5.5. Olympia - Departure-Dec:. 13-Complete ; : : :: .. : $1298 His Excellency,. Most ·Rev. Ladislaus Rubin, of. :Rome, Italy, is spiritual director. 5peF.'d Christmas· in Bethlehem. FURTHER DETAILS: CONTACT . .' . Mrs~ Peter (Sophia) NOWOSIELSKI ;.... 6718 Seminole Avenue . WA 4-6132 . Qetroit, Mich 4.8213
~ ~
~ ~
§" §
.; \1.,"
THE ·ANCHOR;-:. ,. Thurs., May 18, 1967
. ,. . ST. JOAN OF ARC
Rev. Wm. J. McMahon $100 Mr. & MrS. James Clan\eY $75 Mr. & Mrs. Emile Ollivier $50 Rev. James F. Buckley $30 Mr. & Mrs; Edward Smi1lh $25 .Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Carey Mr. & Mrs. William Kisby J.Ylr. & Mrs. Ricliard Ronan David Beesom Mr. & Mrs. Leonard .Fralllcis . Mr. & Mrs. Francesco Popoli Wilfred .Freeiera' Mr. & Mrs. G!'!,O.rge H. Thompson. . . . ,.. " .' . Mrs. Bridie O'K:eefe . Cornelius Spil~ane Fredrick McGrath Mr. & Mrs. Henry D. Chambers Mrs. Agnes Rohmer A Fr!end Bertha M. Flavin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Peno . A Friend $20 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs'. Robert Clark, Mr. & Mrs. James Bowman, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Malley, Mrs. Frank Kineke. , A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. James Rawl, Mr. & Mrs. Orner ChartranJ, St. Joan of Arc CYO, Mr. & Mrs. Burce Hammatt. William Fallon, Mrs. Frances Govett, Mr. & 'Mrs. Wilfred Trahan, Mrs. Regina Hazelton M & M W A It r. rs. ~115' . Haze on.
Eoistl', ~!l'ewst~r;: ..
$25 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
l; Mrs.-Carl,D:;Ivis, & Mrs. 'Howi:lr~sears
Mrs. James J. Cosgrove
& Mrs. J.ohn W.Queen'
& Mrs. Donald Coombs
& Mrs. Charles Cassidy
& Mrs; Edward Stimets
& Mrs. Sherwood Tondorf
Mrs. J. B. Atkins·
IItlE':'. ~]ENNlIS ~. KANJE" Q.r~
~~[]'~rm@ ~®{[[J'®@{[
~~([ f@ff
Patricia C. Baty Marget E. Blake Mr. & Mrs. Henry Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Craffey Mr. & Mrs.. Avard Craig l\IIr. & Mrs. William· Creamer, 'Mr. & Mrs; Luois Crocker',. , :'. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Ellis ,.-,: Mr. & Mrs·. Walter F. Gannon·; Mr. & Mrs.. Hichard Hassett ,',i .Mr:- & Mts.•Paul LaBrecque .... Anthony McGowan ,. ,,~, - Mr. & Mrso:Manuel Packett. ,"1 Col &·Mrs. Dean Yount· ',I.
W ©mm@O'U
Rev. Dennis C. Kane, O.P., as sociate professor or' philosophy at Providence College, will 'con duct the annual Spring retreat for all women of the· Diocese at the diocesan retreat' house in East Freetown. The retreat will open Friday evening at 7 and will end Sun day afternoon at 3, Reser.vations may be made by calling 763':'8874, the retreat house, or registering on Friday 'night upon arrival. . Father Ki:me served as rector and 'dean of studies at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary, Nairobi, KeJJ~ ya; for the past two years and prior to that period taug};1t at the Dominican College in Provi
Mr. &' Mrs. Theodore Young, M=s. Burton Trask, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Donahue, Mrs. Donal~ Souza, Mrs. Dorothy San rary Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. George born, ratricia Donnelly, Mr. & Lusardi, Mr. & Mrs. Ja'nes Mc- Mrs. Edward Crosby.. de~ce. Cabe.· Mr. & Mrs. E. Lester Carroll,' Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Oles, Mr. Dr. & Mrs. Edwin 'Mroz, Mr. & & Mrs. Leon Allinon,. Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Leo Flaherty, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. &·Mrs. John O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Stephen O'Brien Sr. Donald Walwer, Mrs. Cecelia . '~.' ~l~.·~.. ~/·?the.ringh~m, .',I'homas
Mrs. William Price III .
Remillard,' . Mr. & Mrs. Frank· I;'urpura.. :..:.: .. . . Mr. & Mrs.. James'Lynch, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Scaramelli : Leonarq ';:rravers, l\[t. &Mrs.~ & .Mrs·: 'Samual Mille.r,.·.·Mr. & $20 J:oseph Silansky, Mrs. Mary Mrs, Rudolph Gagnon; .'Mr. .& Mrs: Harold Bragle; Mrs,.Leon Friese, K~ithShlples, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. John T. Sullivan. ard Healy, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Paul Ollivi~r., . Mrs,.Crawford H.Hollidge, Mr. Ja~es,·Mr. & Mrs, wi~liain D. P; · Mr. &·Mrs.· Joseph Bagdon," .&Mrs.·Ht'm'ry Godleski-'.·· Murphy, Mr. & Mrs,. Peter Nugnes. Mr. & Mrs: Edward Benz, MI:. & ; ,Cenfe:r·v·olle,;·. Mrs. Harry> MacDonald, Mr.. & . ., i .. , Mr. & Mrs. Ubaldo,.' N~gnes,' · .. .. i01Dli; :LADY .OF ':ViCTORY Edwin F. Ranagan, Mr. & Mrs. .Mrs. Armand 'Lajoie, Mrs. Stan.' '$200-' : ' ley Smith. . Leonard Storer. . ",. '. A Friend · Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Foran, • $15.. . $100 Mr. &.Mrs. John. Benoit, 'Mr~.& Mr. & Mrs.' John Weidler, Mr. &; Rev. FrancisM. Coady Mrs: James Blake, Mary A. Cadi Mr;;. Richard Holmes, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. l\1cV«;!y gan, Mr. & MrS. Bento Correia, Henri Ozon, Mr._&· Mrs. Ernest $50 .: Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. er.os·s Jr.. Saulnier. Mr. & Mrs. John Kilcoyne Mr. & Mrs. William J;>evine, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fettig, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. JohnJ. Pendergast Armand Goulet, Mr. &. Mrs•. Doris Goff, Mr. ~ Mrs. Leo Gal Sr. ' . lagh~T Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Gau Edgar Levesque, Mr. &, Mrs" Dr. & Mrs. Alfred M. Sheehy Charlc 1 MqcAleese, Mr. & Mrs. thier, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas $40 ". O'Connell. . Edward Mara. Mr. &: Mrs. Paul· Lebel . Leroy' Babbitt, Mr. & Mrs. Mr.. & Mrs. Michael McDon '" $30'. Dorofei Klimshuk, Dr. Lucien oug'l, 'I\{r. & Mrs.. Staniey Mc Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cairns lBouchard; 'Mrs. Mary Souza, Mr. Lean, Mr.' & Mrs.' Herbert D. Mr. & Mrs. William Hetterman Nickerson Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Mrs. Leon Allmon. Mr. & Mrs. John Norton Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Oles, Mr. O'Brien, Mr.. & .Mrs. Stephen $25 It Mrs. James McCabe, Mr. & O'Brien Jr. . Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Acton Mrs. George L.usardi; Mrs. Mary Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Neill, Mr. & Mrs. James J. Cannt>n Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. John Dona Mr.. & Mrs. John J. Pendeiga'St Roy Dupuy-' hue, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore 'Youn" Jr., ·Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Van-· Mrs. Matthew Finn Mr. & Mrs. Mario Russo. Houten, Mr. & Mrs. Francis A, Mr. & Mrs. George Garoufes Walsh.' . ..: L Kallipoe G. Garoufes· . Ost~rville Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gleason ASSU:\IPTION Dr. & Mrs: James H. Johnson Jr.' . $500 OUR· LADY OF LOURDES Rev. James F. Kenney Mr. & Mrs. Neil Lanning . .. ? $300. ::. $100 . MJ:. & Mrs. Charles Maher . Mr. & Mrs. Donald R: KnaWl Rev. ~onald A. Tosti Hon. & Mrs. Henry L. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Frank Shea .$50
Mr~ & Mrs. James Murphy Mr, & Mrs. Paul'Lussier
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Kennedy :Mr. & Mrs. William Murzic .'
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas POW<ill1S Assumption Conference st ~ ~ . -.Vincent de Paul Society $50 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Snyder lVIr & Mrs. J. Norman Fitz gerald · M.·& Mrs. John Shields . '
] Mr: & Mrs. Charles R. Des J__ ar31S
Mr. & Mrs~ Philip Boudreau
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Haskell
Our Lady of the Assumption
653 Washington Street, Fairhavell1 Guild
$30 994-5058 Mrs. Andrew O'Brien Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph Danim
Wei Jfleet .'
••••••••••• ••e•••••••••••
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. PeddDs $50 Mrs. Mary Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Norris $35' Miss Helena ,Brooks
& Mrs. Francis Butler
J &: Mrs. ,Tames Shield~
Mr. & Mrs. Royal Gaffney
Mr. & Mrs. john Reilly
Thomas H. Lyons
$20 "
John Shea, ..Mr.. &: Mrs.. Dpniel
Fly-nn, Mr.' & Mrs.. Pius B. Roo Dey, Mr.·& Mrs. Robert, Shields,
Mr. & Mrs. John Pina, Shiela
M~hr. 1& Q~rs .. JMames~ LeMbel, IC ae UlDnj '. r.. ,,0 rs...
Charles Connors,. ,Mr. &. Mrs.
John Botello, Margaret. Hans7
beriy. . • Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hassel-
brack, Mr. & Mrs. William Car-
penter, Mrs. ·Yesley Durant, .Mr.· & Mrs.Viptor Adams. $15 . . Mr. & Mrs: Peter Fermino, Mr. & Mrs. James Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. WarreJl Davis, Mr. &. Mrs. Shir ley Crosby,' Mr. & Mrs.. Luke Lally. . Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Mathis, Mr.. & Mrs. Wilson Perry, Mr. & Mrs. F'''''lO Dunnigin, Mr.' & Mrs. James. David, . Mrs. Charlotte Burnt om. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Shea, Marie Bruton, Brian· Jones, Mrs.· Margaret "'allivan, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cote. .
OlJR LADY OF THE.. CAn '. $200 .',. 1. . .,)
& Mrs,. Fr~d"'Cus'l:~ ,.:'
& Mrs. Thomas Hartigan
& Mrs. Richard P. Gannon
& MrS. Howa~d Hohdin' "
Mr.. & Mrs. Charies Cammett
'Mr. ~ Mrs. John Murphy
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
Woods' 'Hble
!JBf!§ArITILIL@rooS @~~~@E
24·H«»llSr Wre«:! SeU'wD<ee
$250 .
Rev. Edwin J. Loe:w
" $75
eJaudia Pendergast
. Mr. It Mrs. J obn McCue
at. Joseph's Womens Gumi
Eugene Young
TI;le Baysiders
$25 - Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lewis Dr. & Mrs. E. Arthur RobinSGJll Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rooney', Hope Stratton' $15 .; Mr. & Mrs. Paul Archambeaul\ Mr. & ,Mrs. RQland Beliveau, MB. Abner Briggs, Mr. & Mrs. Egan Degens, Mrs. Forrest Higgins•• '1 Mrs. Robe~ F .. Leonard, Mr.,'&; Mrs. FreQ,erick .Metell, Mr. .'& Mrs., George T. Nickelson, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stearns. .
"Ol!r.toCu;l, i~gone
and we are hungry," he totcl Monsignor Nolan In Jerusalem. '~I've looked everYwhere for a job:" ••• Seventeen years old) a Pal~stl!l' refugee, he had come t.o our of~lc~ for one week's food '($2.50) for hIs mother ancl youngerstst~rs. HIs mother, a widow, Is blind ••• "If Ihad'~'Job, we could keep the family to gether," he said. "Without·a job, what will • do?".· •• Meanwhile in Bethlehem, 30 minute. away, eight young refugees on Pontifical Misslo!'i scholarships ($275' each) were completing thelt training as carpenters, electricians, tailors an~ mechanics In the famed Salesian FatherG school~ They now have jobs, and they'll never lIeed our help again•••• For only $275 alta. gether ($23 a month) you can give a deserving young man ·the self-help craft he needs to takl) care of hlms~lf for life. We'll select him care fully; ask him to write to you, and you may meet him If someday you go to the Holy Land. Training .hIm can, be your way o~ winning th. war on poverty 9Verseas, as the tioly Fathet urges. '• •• Our go~1 this year .is 100 new schola", ships ($27,500). Will you give one, or more thail onel Na~ the ~holarship(s) for someone yoll love, or, In memoryl
WATCH Remembe'y the PaJ,estine refugeesl They're th.
FOR people (they now number 1.~ million) Who lost
THIS their .fa·rms and jobs In Palestine as a result of
WEEK'S the Arab-Israeli war 19 years ago. For those sUO
LETTER cooped up In UN camps, the Pontifical Mission
this week by mail tells about them, the chi/drell
In particular, asking your help In the Holy
Father's name. .
o $1,500 puts new equipment In Father RobertG'
home for deaf-mute youngsters In Lebanon.
$125 buys the sewing-machine a young girl . needs to support herself. n $120 feeds a needy family all year. $10 I. food for·s'month. ·i,: "', o $2 gives baby a'warm blank~t.
' ..
, -.1:
'. .;. ,\.,\.
I ..... •
. I.
"tEVISINQ Say It la' for our;,"corporate purposes" If YoU
YOUR want your bequest Used where the Holy Fathet . WILLI says It's needed most. Our legal title: CATHOLIO NEAR ~ST .WELFARE ASSOClAnoN. . ,
.' ,.
.. '. Dear Mcmslsnor Nolan:
Please NAM ... R return coupon with your . offering CITY
$ ,.,-_ _,.,..
. ,'.:
_• ••
N~A~~A~T/. M~~~~fQJ~S
FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President MSGR. JOI;iN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue·NewYork, N.Y. 1001' Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840 I
HOLY REDEEMEIl $400 Jli'Ir. & Mrs. Ralph Guftda $2liO Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McHale
,tto . A Anthony A Friend A Friend
A Friend
$35 Mr. & Mrs. William S. Bonito Mello Electrical Co. € e cile Doelger MI'. & Mrs. Frank M. Teixeira Mrs. Veronica Shelley Mr. & Mrs. Antone Vieira Association oil the Sacred $3C Searts MI'. & Mrs. Peter Carvalho Mr. & Mrs. James Gormley A Friend :A. Friend Manuel L. Ferreira $5@ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Souza . $25
Mrs. H. Kaiser Mrs. F. Archibald ~hildren's Paradise
Mr. & Mrs. John Cavanaugh Jack Marshall & Sons
St. Vincent de Paul Society Mr. & Mrs. Louis H. Marshall Holy Name ~()ciety In Memory of Antone Martin $40 Arthur & Beatrice Monteiro Mr. & Mrs. George Kttten MI'. & Mrs. George Pinto (P) $30 MI'. & Mrs. Elmer Robbins Mr. & Mrs. Wllliam Cotter Mr. & Mrs. Herman Rodrigues Mr. & Mrs. John Roy St. Anthony's Council of Cath oDe 'Women :Mr. & Mrs. John ·Speight Mr. & Mrs. PatrIck Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Tavares Alice Dobbyn Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Tavares A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Teixeira Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Ward Mr. & Mrs. Orick Young $20 $25 Mrs. Nathalie Abrams, . A Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Brennan Friend, Mrs. Mary Flora & Son, Mrs. Arthur Brent Mr. & Mrs. Frank Grace, Mr. & ehatham Trust Co. Mrs. Walter Grace, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Concannon Walter Lucas Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dresser Manuel F. Rapoza & Randolph, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Kolodzik Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Frawley Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Tavares, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Tavares, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. R. R. Lally & lVIrs. David Teixeira. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Keyes $15 Dr. & Mrs. Jacques May Mr. & Mrs. Germano Afonso, The Martin Family . Joseph Bento, In Memory of Mrs. Walter Rogers . Mary Bonito, Mr. & Mrs. George Mrs. Isabel Ringheim F. DeMello, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Mr. & Mrs. George Sullivan DeSouza. Mrs. George J. Smith Lucille A .. DeSouza, Olive De Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Sullivan Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Mr. & Mrs. Philip Stello Dias, Antone Medeiros, Mr. & Mr. &. Mrs. Richard Sylva Mrs. Manuel C. Medeiros. Mr. & Mrs. Wllliam Bodden John B. Moniz, Mr. & Mrs. Mr.. & Mrs. Carl Doelger Jr. Manuel Netto; Frank Rego, Sis Mr. & Mrs. Leo Eldredge ters of Holy Ghost Society, St. A Friend Anthony's Woman's Club. Mr. & Mrs. John Mohyde Cecilia Souza, Irene Souza, Mr. & Mrs. John Moye Helena Tavares, Mr. & Mrs.' Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Geser Manuel Valadao, Mr. &: Mrs•. Thomas Haley Joseph Costa (P), Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent LeBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Phillips Richa'rd Carvalho (P). '
$100 Mrs. Frederick J. Byrne
A Ftiend .
$20 Mr. & Mrs. Donat Barabe, Mr. • Mrs. Alfred Bowles, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. John Loftus, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Maloney. Mr. & Mrs. Harold .J. Moye, :&f1lian & Thomas McCallum, Mr. & Mrs. C. Parker Whittle, fte Pumphret Family, A Friend. Mr. & Mrs. James Andrews, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Corrigan, Mrs. Frank Gilman, Dr. & Mrs. iJoseph Ropu],ewis, Thomson on
$15 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Atwood, Mary B. Black, Tennance Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Clark, Mr. • Mrs. James Cronin. Mr. & Mrs. Louis D'Entremont, Mrs. Chester Eldredge, Mr. Be mrs. Frank Florian, Mrs. James ~ckson, Mrs. James Greer. . Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Geser, Mr. & Iks. Alexander Griffin, Mr., &. Mrs. 'John Gilrein, Mr. & Mrs. ~eph Grise, Lawrence Hunter, · A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel .arini, Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm MacDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Robert McNeece, Mr. & Mrs.. Joseph Orlando. Mr. & Mrs. John Our,. Mr. & Mrs. Eli Rogers Jr., Andrew Began, Mr. & Mrs. John Rod erick, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sparks. A Friend, Mrs. Herbert Wood ward, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fitz gerald. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ericson, Mr. Ie Mrs. S. nanlon, Mr. &. Mrs. Kenneth Proctor, Mr. & Mrs. i'ldward Zibrat Sr., A Friend.
East Falmouth ST. ANTHONY
Rev. George E. Amaral
A Friend
ST. PATRICK. $200 Thanksriving $100 . Mrs. Joseph Robbins Anonymous $50 Mrs. Eileene Finnell H. A. Barrow Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tobin $40 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Francis Van Allen Mr. & Mrs. John Martin . $30
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin E. Dolan
Harry C. and Ann B. Richard- . son Loretta Doucette Mr. & Mrs. Nestor F. Robldou Edward Augustyniak € m dr. & Mrs. John M. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Edward Perry
'. In
Rev. Donald A. Couza
Mu'. & Mrs. Henry Corey
Rev. John A. Perry
$50 A Friend Our Lady of Lourdes Councll Knights of Columbus .
Holy Name Society
Sacred Heart Guild
A Friend
A Friend
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Alley A Friend In' memory of Antone G. & Jane L. Camacho
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DeMont
A Friend
$20 ,. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Meredith Fisher, Mr. & DEACON: Robert G. Gil Mrs. James Kenney. $15 mour, Jr., C.S.C., son of Mr'. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lucas, Mr•. and Mrs. Robert Gilmour of & Mrs. William Norton, Mr. & New Bedford wil1rreceive the Mrs. Everett RogE!rs, Mrs. Anna order of diaconate on May 27 . Ryan, Lucy & Louise Thomas.
in Notre Dame Seminary, Wa~hington.
It Grocery
• Appliances It. Furniture 104 Aglen St., .New Bedford 997-9354
James Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Doyle
Lawrence Kavanaugh St. Elizabeth Guild
Major & Mrs. Bernard Flory $35
Att & Mrs. Edward W. Farrell ·Miss Jean Britcher
Knights of Columbus $30 Mrs. Leonard Tyier AU's Package Store Mr. & Mrs. E. C. Well Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Albert K. Sylvia .Jr. $25 $20 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Berube Mr. & Mrs.. Arthur R. Medei-· Mr. & Mrs. William Brown ros, Mrs. Hugh McCartney, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Burke & Mrs. Mrs. Louis Tessier, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Flynn Elmer Ross. Mrs. Ernest Campos $20 Edgartown Cafe Mr. & Mrs. J. F. X. Hill, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Ellsworth Fisher Josephine Daley, Michael Grady, Mt'. & Mrs. Theodore Henley Mr. & Mrs. Fred Toran, Cmdr. & Sr. . . Mrs. William Gage, Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Amaral. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Studley, Janice A. Reis, Mr. & Mrs. James Engel, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Smith, Mr. & Mrs. John Osborne. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Wamboldt, Vera Brabrook, Mr. & Mrs. Frank ':'avares, John T. O'Meara, Mr. & Mrs. Myron J. Gaddis. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rudden, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. James M. Razinha, Mrs. John C. Irving, Mr. . & Mrs. John Dunn. Major & Mrs. Frederick Cam eron, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fran gione. Mr. & Mrs. Romeo LaFond Jr., ~atherine Dugan, Mr. & Mrs. John Giabbai Jr., Leo Begley, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Robichaud, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Cavanaugh.
WYman 3-6592
Mrs. Margaret & Miss 'Mary L Madeiros Mrs. Isaac Norton Mr. & Mrs. Jqhn O'Neil Wells Oil Service $2(1 Roland J .. Authier, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Mello, Mr. & Mrs. John Ryan. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Bettencourt, Patricia Brown, Mrs. Teresa B-own, Edgartown Coffee Shop, Mr. & Mrs. George Goulart. Harborside Liquor Store, Mrs. Philip J. Norton, Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Willoughby.
Vineyall'd Haven ST. AUGUS'lrIINIE
$1000 In Memory of Joseph F. O'Don nell Sr. $50
Holy Name Society
Women's Guild
Mrs. James Boyle
$30 Mr. & Mrs. William Figueiredo. $25 Mr. & Mrs. George Anthony Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fontes Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Frieh Mrs. John T. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin C. May hew Jr. Mr:.& Mrs. Francis Metell Mr. & Mrs. Boleslaw Nickowall Mr. & Mrs. Frederick ThifauM $20 Cdr. & Mrs., Daniel Burgo, Mrs. Dean Swift Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Syfvia $15 Bert's Barber Shop, Anthony € o sta, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Duart, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Ferro, Mrs. Landon Humphreys, Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Kurth, Gertrude C. Matz.
"Economy" Auto loan Plan
THE ANCHORThurs., May 18, 1967
Oak Bluffs
St. Vincent de PaulCouncn of
(J'Ia1iotuie BANK
LEMIEUX PLUJIMIBBNG & HEA'1l'DNG, INC. Sales and Service for Oomestlc and Industrim Oil Burners
mN NEW BEDFORD SOll'1l'H E.\AINI<-Cove St. at Rodney French ~oIlDUevlllllr«lJ WEST BAINI<-!(empton Street at Mill Street LUND'S CORNIER BANK-Acushnet Ave. neCllr lund/'s Cornw DARTMOlUliH ImANK-Darllmouth Street nea~ lItockdaUe AY<J.
NORTH BAINII<-Acushnet Ave. at Coffin Ave.
CIEN'1l'1E1FI ISANK-Purchase and William Sts.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 18, 1967
Role of" Priest
. On Pilgrimage
Continued from Page One wide secular world.· as his pDa mary interest, and this comes 8Sl a shock to his complacent spip,. itual system." . Father Putz discussed three new dimensions in the changing role of the priest hi the modem world: "The 'horizontal, or the wideping of the priest's ministry; the vertical, or the study of mM in his depth; and ~astly, the tran scendental, or the current thee logic' renewal." In the widening of his minis try, he s;:tid, the priest "must \)e concernesd about his fellow man no matter where he be if he is in need."
.Alienated Collegians A survey is a wonderful thing. While giving ·one i;he time to postpone a decision or a comment, it clothes it self with proper scientific decorum and conjures up visions of serious poll-takers armed with impressive folders and asking world-shattering questions whose answers are duly ,recorded in all their scopes and detail. And the results of a survey can be used for any . thing from a doctoral dissertation to a. best-se1~er. The results also-fortunately-can be u.sed to assert what common sense has always maintained. .A psychiatrist from the Mid-West hfls published a . paper on the growing problem of the alienated student who talks' about being washed up at twenty-fiye, who takes drugs or smokes cigarettes .without labels, and seems bored and apathetic' .and unhappy and cynical·.and def-' initely hostile to the rest· of mankind. The survey of the - problem comes up with a cause for all this-"A student can spend month!> ona large campus without . having a conversation with. a person over thirty." This I isolation from ·the adult world breaks a subcultttre "dedicated .'to a rejection of the values of the adult world. Common sense comes· up 'with the same answer, T~e Christian concept of charity and the brotherhood of all men says the same. No group should be alienated from any other group. Adults must always go out of their WaY to be kind and helpful and to work with and for those who are children ,those. who are students; those who are trying to form their minds and lives and values. It is all too· true 'thatstudents see adults only 'in positions of authority at a distance-on a lecture piat form, behind a desk, on formal occasions, where the per sonal contact is missing, where there is n'o opportunity for dialogue. . . Any gre,at teacher has always been the one who knows his students well, who talks to them before. and after class, the one to' whom a student can go not only about class matters but about matters of . life. The au thority is no less, but the contact between student and teacher clothes it in humanity, in Christian concern, puts it in the context of one person helping another, of th~ late great philosopher Martin Buber's "I and Thou." And that,. after all, is the Christ-like approach to people-no group living its life separated from ~other, no element in society cut off from the others, but all with·a concern for one another that cuts across cultural and in tellectmd and social lines and embraces all in the spirit of Christ. "
. Repose Repose. Tnlly the word is a beautiful one, carrying all the connotations of peace and quiet and rest that weary' bodies and souls long for. The Hospital Ship Repose is stationed off Vietnam to receive the casualties .from the terrible struggle going On there. Its presence isa result of the war but is also a prayer too-that peace' may · come to that ravaged land and people. Our Lord's farewell gift to His apostles was one of · peace. The person who is a child of God and has the grace of God in his soul is a pel:son at peace. . And that pe:ice must be not only 'an individual ex perience but the gift ·of the mim of good will to the' world. •All men, must pray for peace and work for peace .and enI. couFage those whose positions make them guardians of the fate of.the world and of, mankind to keep peace as the unceasing goal of every word and act. Peace mqst carry with it justice and charity. But. it is a goal never to be lost sight of. .:,' Those in authority' have the terrible burden of using War in Vietnan.l as a means of bringing about eventual peace. They need prayers ..t hat their judgements may be wise and truly tn ),ringing peace to Vietnam.
Continued from Page One daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emidio (Maryana Andrade} Raposo of 122 Winterville Rd., New Bed ford, will enter the Ipswich No viatiate of the Sisters of Notre de· 'Namur-who staff Stang in September. A graduate of Mt. Carmel School, Pauline has an older 'ste~ Theresa, 19, <lnd two brothers, John, 16, and Emidio "We call him MickeY"-ll. One of the prospective Sacred ·Hearts .Fathers· is from Fall River and the other '~ fmm New Bedford. Rjchard McNally is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McNally of 655' June Street, Fall .River. A member of St. Joseph Parish, he graduated from St. Joseph School l?efore entering Stang. He has two brothers, Michael, 20, and Patrick, 5. . Powell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Powell of ]257 . East Rodney French Boulevard, r3W Bedford. He was graduated' from his parish school, St. Anne's. He· has two brothers, Richard, 24, and Thomas, 20. and two sis ters, Susan, 11, and Laurie, 6. . Of the prospective priests des tined for service in the diocese, six are Residents of New Bed ford, one lives in Fail'haven, -one in Somerset and one in Fall' River.
lIIlelp lEach Other Father Putz said that the be~ way the priest can show this concer' is by being involvedJn the problems of the world, not necessarily personally, "but . 'through his alert parishioners. through the laity." Through the study of man js his depth, he continued, the priest can act as "the medium oj! Christian maturing." In this 11'e gard, he advocated that pastoral th~ology become part of the standard seminary curriculum and that psychologists be part of the seminary staff. Speaking of the current theo logical renewal, Father Putz said Luc:ll~, 21, and Annette, 11. "the priest must fin"'. him Medeiros is the son of Mr. and self at home in the Church's Mrs. Albert C. (Odilia Chaves) new atmosphere of change." He Mcc,-iros of 145 Canal Street, suggested that priests help each Fall River. He is a member of other in this regard by forming Santo Christo parish ~nd attend study grou::,s where apostolic, • ed the McDonough SchooL He the( 'ogical and pastoral informa has four brothers, James,. 22, tion can be shared. John, 20, Henry, 17, and Joseph, 15, and a sister, Mary. Mic~ig«lJ1nJ '~O'Brien is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nor-"'ln L. (Ruth Powers) O'Brien ·of 101 Euclid Ave., Som MARYKNOLL (NC)-Students erset. A member of St. Patrick's parish, he attended the Village at state-operated Central Mich igan University in Mount Pleas School in' Somerset <lnd St. ant, Mich., have adopted their Mary's Cathedral School in Fall second South Korean orphanage. River. He'has two sisters, Judith Both orphanages are directed by Ann, 19, 'and Mary Jane, 6. Father Edward J. Moffett, M.M., Pepin, is the son or Mr. and a Maryknoll missioner. Mrs. Norman L. (Lucille Couet) The 8,000-student university's Pepj,... of 1216 Sassaquin Ave., New.·· edford. A graduate of St. most recent charge is the Blessed Theresa School, he is a member· Andrew Kim Orphanage on Paengyong Island, in the Yellow . of Our Lady of Fatima parish. Sea just below the 38th Parallel He 'las four sisters, Ann, i"5, It has 192 children. The students . M::Irgaret 14, Marie, 5, and are sending $200 monthly. Y~'hy, 9 months, and two broth Supported by the university ers, Mark, 10, and Robert, 3. student body for the past seven Roy 1s the ;5on of Mr. and MI;S. years is Father Moffett's Mu G. Albcrt (Claire LeComte) Roy San Orphanage, located above . r • 26 Fielding Street, New Bed Seoul. Mu San is partially self . ford. Ve is " member of St. jo supporting, according to Father f·:ilh Church and was graduated Moffett. Th~ orphans farm land from the parish school. He has which was purcha'sed for them ·.... '0 brot~ers, Robert, 18, and· by the Michigan students several ~aymond, 16, ~nd t;lree sisters, years ago. Diane, 14, Elizabeth, 9, and Jacquel;~e, 6. -
Collegians Adopt 'Orphanage
Airozo is the son of Mr. .and Mrs. John R. (Ez'lUra. Silva) _l-irozo of 306 Wood Street, New . Sullivan is the son of Francis .Bedford. A member of Our Lady . J. Sullivan of 33 Huttleston Ave., of the. Immaculate. Conception r ·':haven. A member of St. Jo parish; he attended the Ashley seph pa";~',. 'he w')~ graduated School ano;! Normandin Junior from the parish school. He has High School before,· entering a brother James, 21, and a sis ,Stang. ::-e has" sister, Maryanne, ter, Joan, 19.. 13, and. two . brothers, 'Paul, 10, d David, ,8. N«!lfJ'i)'j}~S Correiro .. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. (Emily Jewii$~ WeI '. Correiro of 19 Bentley. . F -':RFIELD (NC)-Two Prot-· c Street, New Bedford. He is a estant ministers and a Jewish member of Holy Name parish rabbi have been pamed as chap and aU ,nded ML Ple~sart School lains at Fairfield University, a and Normandin Junior High Jesuit ·.,stitution here in Con School. He h<ls a bmther, Rich necticut. ard, ]6, and a .:ster, Cheryl, 12. Father William C. McInnes, Fe'rnandes is the son of Mr. S.J., university president, sOlid. and Mi·s. John (Irma Rogissart) the appointments mark the first Fernandes of '''''5 ~aswell Street, time that direct provision for OFF'CtI.~L NEWSPAPE~ OF THE D10CESE OF FALL P'VER New :·dford. 2\ member ,of St. student. of religi-ons other Ihan P'fblished weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River' Mary's parish; he w IS graduated Catholic has been made. He 410 Highland Avenue ·from St..Joseph School.' added ·that the acti-on was takea - . rtel is the son of Maurice in order 10 provide a truly ecu,.. Fall River, ¥ass. 02722 675-7151 . A. Martel vi 991 Hromestead 1. _emf : setting for students wbo PUBLISHER Street, New Bedford. A nwmber come to .the university." . Most Rev. James l. ConnoHy.· D.O., PhD: ~f St. The-~<;a Church, he ·was ·"As the number of Jewish
,graduated from the r arish school. and Protestant students increase
GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL -MANAGER He has a brother, Roger, 23, and at Fairfield," he said, "it is only
It. ·Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. . Rev. John P.Driscoll .four sister. Sister Jacqueline fitting and proper that we pre
tAANAGINGEDITOR ¥ ·-tel, C.S.C., stationed 'in St. vide for them an effective
Hugh J. Golden Alban, Vermont; Constance, 22, spiritual direction."
Pittsburg Pr~ests'
Ask Celibacy Study
PITTSBURGH (NC) One hundred and twenty-four pri'ests here have signed a statement asking the bishops of the United States to study "the issue of an 'optional clerical celibacy." The signers include 98 diocesan pri~!'ts and 26 Religious. '. The signers responded to til survey conducted by the Associa Con.>f Pittsburgh Priests in c0 operation with the National As sociation for Pastoral Renewal. Questionnaires were sent to III total of 850 priests and 294 re sponded. Of those responding,; 1"1 ~a' .Jred a study of celibacy i- the 124 signing the re quest to the bishops Opposing the study w'ere 101 of the we spondents.
News Agency CmCAGO (NC)-The Easle" Rite Infonnation Service, ...... sored by the St. Nicholas ef tM Ukrainians Byzantine-rite Bio cese here, has been established to' disseminate news about 1be Catholi.: Eastern rite<il.
South Yarmouth ST. PIIlIJS
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hayes
St. Pills Tenth Guild
Mr. & Mrs. James Quirk
Mrs. Gertrude Santry
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Eastman Mrs. Clara Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kenney Mr. & Mrs. Clarence F. King Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence McGrath Fran~ Norton Dr. & Mrs. John D. Sheehan, ~40
Mr. &: Mrs. Edward P. Hayes
Beatrice Mollica
Margaret Paddp.n
$25 Mr. & Mrs. John G. Armstrong Mrs. Hollis Batchelder Mr. &: Mrs. Roland R. Boucher Mr. & Mrs.' Joseph Colgan Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cox Mr. &: Mrs. John Crawford Mr. & Mrs. John Cunniff Mr. & Mrs. Harry Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Donlan Douglas E. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. William Erisman' Finley's YO Liquor Store, Inc. Margaret & Hester Griffin Mrs. Thomas Hague MI'. & Mrs. Myles F. Heffernan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Shirley Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Barry Kane Mr. & Mrs. James Kelleher L:lI1igan Family Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Lanza Mr. "= Mrs. Frank Linhares Mr. & Mrs, William Lopez MI'. & Mrs. George Lucier Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Lynch MI'. & Mrs. William F. MacKin Mrs. Catherine MacLelland Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Mannering The McCarthys Mr. & Mrs. Edward·J. McGrath }\lfl·s. Frank McGuerty Mr. &: Mrs. John McKenney Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McNeil Mrs. William F. McPhail Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mello· Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mesmer Mr. & Mrs, Edward H. O'Don nell Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ormon Mr. & Mrs. George Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Roberts Mr. & Mrs. James Ruhan MI·s. Malcolm Slayter Fae Best Stevenson Mrs. Eveline Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sullivan MI'. & Mrs, John Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Parker Welch j.Vlr. & Mrs. P. T. Webber $20
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Baker, The Mrs. Coyne & Walsh, John &: Walter Glynn. Mr. & Mrs. George R. Hofman, Mrs. Irene Jansen. Mr. & Mrs. George Magurn, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Robinson, John J. Shaw, Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Sullivan, Anna 'I'jghe. $15
M,·. &: Mrs. Louis J. Caruso, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Chaisson, ll'rancis Cloran. Mr. & Mrs. WH 8am Coffey, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Mond '1:. Correllus. Rose Cotell, Mrs. Francis Daley. Mr. & Mrs. John David lIOn, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Deveau, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Driscoll. Mrs. Franklin Greene, Mr. &: Mrs. William Griffith, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hague, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hennessy, Mrs. W. H. Hepton
stan. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kirwan, Mr. & Mrs. John Leahy, Mr. &: Mrs. Philip Mack, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Maxwell, Mrs. Eleanor McClaskey. .Lawrence McGrath, .Mrs. JOl;eph Mullan, Mrs. Esther Perry, Mrs. & Mrs. Cadido Pinto, Mr. &: Mrs. Roland Quayle. Mr. & Mrs. William Robinson, Paul Sullivan, Mr. & lVII's. Frank T. Toner, Mr. & lVII's. William 'il'urner, Charles Weinel's.
Fall River CCp-ers -:4-dopt Ecuadorian
Youngster in Zeal for Involvement
By Dorothy Eastman
Thurs., May 11, 1967
Buzzards Bay ST. MARGARET
$j;OO Rev. John G. Carroll
Eight year old Betty Gonzabay long eyelashes. She is obedient $5G is one of the luckiest little girls . and a good student in her first A Friend in the slums of Guayaquil, Ecua grade class and arithmetic is her ~25 dor. Through the Foster Parent favorite' subject. Robert McDonald Plan she has recently acquired Betty has· decided to become a Mrs. Hazel Mazzeo seven new foster mothers and· dressmaker when she grows up. Tiny 'Jim's Town Club seven new foster fathers. - She is the oldest of three chil Mary & Donald Burchill dren in her family. They are in fact, the entire Mr. & Mrs. Carl Harrington Her father. is a hardworking senior class of the CCD high DOl'is M. Griffin man, trying to build a better life school of religion at Holy Name Tucy Bros. for his family. He earns $45 a parish in Fall River: Dennis Al , Redwood Motel Inc. month· selling fish, and finds his meida, John Azevedo, Gene ':!3el Bourne Mill income inadequate to provide the den, Robert Boardman, Karen Mr. & Mrs. A. Clayson Tucy children with their basic needs. Donnelly, Ann Donneiiy, Jeffrey Mr.•, Mrs. Leroy Perry Their diet is limited to filling Dunlap. Jay McGinn, Steve Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Becker . starches and there is never Pietru*a, Pamela Ritz, Kathy Frank Cook enoughto· eat. Shea, Mary Salois, Doreen Soucy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Curley Their home is a can shack on' and Sally Walsh. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin N. Rose ,a' dusty' and unpaved street. The class had ~n discussing Mr. & Mrs. Leonard BurgesJI When- water is needed it is car the idea of Christian involve Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Burns riedin buckets f,'om a commu ment and they wanted to trans E. J. Keleher nity spigot, and the toilet facil late their lessons into action. But Herbert Dam ities are pl'imitive. The cooking bow would they go about it? , Charles Ehmann Jr. is done in the same room and Last January their teacher, Rr~ert Fogg the only furnishings are two Father Edward Mitchell, brought Mr. & Mrs. Ernest H. Forni beds, a mattress, six chairs, a to class an advertisement he had Dr. & Mrs. Robert Cooney table' and a wash stand. come across for the Foster Parent Mr. & Mrs. John Bourne With the' $15 a month the stu Plan. Thwugh the Plan, 'the ad Mr. & Mrs. Earle Reynolds dents send to Betty, PLAN said, an individual or a group Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cahoon provides a monthly cash grant of could adopt an impoverished Mr. & Mrs. William Haskell Jr. $8 phis clothing, supplies and child in Greece, Hong Kong, Louis Eacobacci s~ial medical care for Betty Korea, the Phillipines, Viet Nam, and her family. In addition, there Columbia, Ecuador or Peru. The $15 is' encouragement and guidance foster pal'ent would promise to Mr. & Mrs. Albert Calise, Mr. from PLAN'S social workers. contribute $15 a month toward & Mrs. Edward Kenney, Mr. & the support of the child. Not only the foster child, but Mrs. Lucio Oliveira, Mr. & Mra. The Plan stJ'essed the personal her entire family benefits. The Ralph Johnson. relationship between the child PLAN philosophy of maintaining and his foster parents who would the family unit has made it pos"': exchange letters regularly. sible for thousands of families The class. discussed the ad, and to be held together. With PLAN BETTY GONZABAY the idea appealed to them. They aid, the child can be kept' in the decided to "pass the hat" once a family where he belongs. month and each contribute what foster parents could have one for The Holy Name students are his wallet. COMPANY he could from wages or allow anxiously awaiting Betty's first Father. Mitchell took a picture ances. "letter. They will receive both of the class to send to Betty. Two What country would their fos her original letter and the'trans Complete line
of the students drafted a letter ter child come from? This ques latiGn into English. to her telling how happy they all tion took much deliberation. One Building Materia's
When they graduate they hope were to have her for their student suggested they choose a the next senior class will carry country that gets little or no aid friend, and how grateful they all on so that the .senior class of the 9 SPRING ST.. FAIRHAVEN
from the U. S. government. The were that they could share with Holy Name CCD will have Betty childl'en in such a country would her. for many years to come as their 993-2611
The Foster Parent Plan social' be more in need. Ecuador was little sister in Christ. worker who chose Betty for the chosen on this basis. Holy Name students says that Would their new child be a boy or a girl? The class flipped Betty is a shy little /prl, with a coin to decide - and "It's a long brown hair, black eyes and girl!'" the new parents cried. Pamela Ritz was appointed treasurer of the monthly con $20 tl'ibution and the first $15 was - Mr. & Mrs. Walter Smith, Mr. sent to the Foster Parent Plan, & Mrs. Russell Hiller, Mr. & Mrs. along with their application. Thomas Reidy Jr., Mr, & Mrs. In March the class was notified Adolph Billotte. fOR HOME DELIVERY CAll 998-5691 that the child they had "adopted" Mr; & Mrs. John Alves, Mr. & was eight year old Betty Gonza Mrs: Francis Farrell Jr., Des bay. Along with Betty's biogra mond Murphy. phy came her picture. One of the Mr. & Mrs. Robert st. Jacques students had 15 duplicates made DARTMOUTH, MASS. M the snapshot so each of the $18 Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Campinha
Can Whip Our Cream, but
You Can't Beat Our Milk!"
'Your Gulf Hill Route Man ;s Always at You, Service t
$15 Mr. & Mrs. Winston Bendall. ,Joseph Gilpin Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rose; Mrs. Margaret Reed, ST. PATRICK Mr. 8< Mrs. Antone Gomes. Mr, & Ml·S. Filenio Cardoza, $50 Mr. & Mrs. Jedino Melloni, Mr. MI!'. &c Mrs. Richard Steigerwald & Mrs. Bartlette' Cushing, John '$35
Lowney, Mr. & Mrs. David MI'. & Mrs. Richard Arthur
Bar!)". ' Berni<.-e· Federici, Mr. & Mrs. $30
Robert TassiI\ari, Margaret Jack Mr. &< Mrs. Clinton Vose
son, Mrs. Francis Alender. DIl", &: Mrs. Joseph Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Govoni, Mr. $%5 & Mrs. Manuel Sylvia, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sullivan Mrs. William Rogers Jr. Sr,
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Demeo MI'. & Mrs. Robert Bruce Mr. & Mrs. William McLean Mr. & Mrs. John Zorn Mr. & MI·s. Frederick Maynarell Mr. & Mrs. Richard Zens Mr. & Mrs. Ellsworth Atwood MI'. & Mrs. Elderic Barry Mr. &: Mrs. William Henry Sr• Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Collins Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Thoma,; Choate Albert Guerzoni Mr. & Mrs. Josepl1' Norris .
Mr. & Mrs. James Brogioli
992-62]6 NEW l3\E[l)rfO~~
Ro-II another
"strUte" on the energy Y8U
from a slice of Batter Whipped Sunbeam Bread
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of F~II River:-Thur~~1M~y 18, 1967
Ii. Sullivan, Mary Rogean. :
William Meagher, Robert B,; O'Rourke, Mr. & Mrs. McKenn~ Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Minnihan Mr. & Mrs. Leo R. Hogan .lI\, Dr. [ Mrs. john C. Minihan CORPUS ClHIRISTll
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Field.. Mr. & Mrs. George Monte $400
Ralph Rocheteau, Mr. & Mrs. .Mrs. Edward O'Brien Rpv. Ambrose E. Bowen
Robert O'Nefi,' Mr. & Mrs. Riall. ,Mr. &. Mrs. Redmond O'Cal $250
J. Sablone, Mrs. Guilford Mudg laghan St. Vincent de Paul Society,
ett, Mr. & Mrs. Horace Roderic&; Anne Borghi '8t. Theresa's Council
Alice Godin, Mr. & Mrs. Ave-. Bruno Borghi $150 lino J. Dutra, Lawrence H. ~ Lawrence Cleare Mr. & Mrs. John R. Greenhalgh era, Richard F. Murphy, Mr. & Mr.' & Mrs. John Clinton Mr. & Mrs. George E. Towers lIllrs. C. Gerald Murdy. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cornick $125
Kathleen F. Aikens, Mr. & MrS. St. Theresa's Ladies Guild Rev. William F. Morris,s.
Victor Woodruff, George S. :m. A Friend $120
MC!,Tuity, Mr. & Mrs. ArthurW" Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Di Modica Mr. & Mrs. R. T. Mannion
Snow, Mr. & Mrs. Owen Ne~ T. Lester Doucet $100 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dunbury .ham. A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Snow, Ii; Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Faber Mr. & Mrs. John .McDonald N. Frangione, Mr. & Mrs. F.ranIE William Janse St. John's Conference, St. Vio Mather, Mr. & Mrs. Albe11fi Dr. Stephen Malone lent de Paul Trocchi, Roland A. Auger. . Mr. & Mrs. Paul Marchisio· $'75
Mrs. Maurice Killen, Mr. ,. A Friend Anonymous
Mrs. Lawrence B. Holmes, :Nils. Mrs. Louise Morgan Mr. & Mrs. William Carr
.. '&'Mrs. Walter J. Piknick, Mr, & Mr. &: Mrs. Columbo Pasteris Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ellis
Mrs. Clifford B. White, Mr. 'Ie ·Mr. & Mrs. Dante Quattroniini Mr. & Mrs. John Higby'
Mrs. Edmund Daly. . Mr. & Mrs. Charles Reggianl . $50. ' , ., John F. Keveney, Lillian &,. Urban Thomas, . Mr. '; Mrs. ·Peter Beck~r .Jr. , .' Senteio, 'M. Constance Fortune. &' Mrs. William.. 'ward Bishop Feehan K.C. of Bourne Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Marslancl, Mrs. Dorothea Weatherby ))'0.294 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Whalen DIOCESAN NURSES: At Spring pl~narY meeting of Mr. & Mrs. William Flirm. . A Friend
Mr. & Mrs. John Wiison Fall River Diocesan Council Catholic Ntirses held at . . . .Cecelia M.·Haskins, Willi_ M:lcDonald's Hardware ,
Mr: & Mrs; PaulO'Connell . Mr. & Mrs. C. l!). Farr~ Anne's Hospital, Fall River, are, from left~ Sister Patricia ~ :Bill, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Lawless
Joseph P. Ryan', Mr. ~ Mrs. RoJ»,;. Mr.'& Mrs. William O'Connen ;Norman McEnaney .
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Olsen ' , the hospital, afternoon speaker; Bishop Connolly; Mrs... ert O'Donnell, Mr. & Mrs. Robed Mr: & Mrs. Charles Prete
Helen Shove, T~unton, council president;. Mother 1'l!arle W., ~derson.
,George Ortolani Mr. & Mrs. John PhaneUf
Robert & Elizabeth ClasbS,
Mary 0rtolani Ascension, hospital superior;·Rev; .comelIus J. KelJ~ Mr: & Mrs. Lawrence Perrault
Mr. & Mrs. William F. SullivaD:
Charles H. Parks council moderator. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Morin
Mr. &' Mrs. Fred Passaro Mr. & Mis. James Mtirp~
Marie Lawlor , .' . . . Edward J. Barry, John O'Malle,p.
Mr~ & Mrs. Luigi Pasqu~le Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dumont. Mr. & Mrs. George Campben Hya,nl'llis Mrs.. Joseph' J. Keane, ViCtor
Mr. & Mrs; Newell Percy . , ' Mr. & Mrs. Edmund C. MosSe;,' , , '$40 . ", Mr.' &: Mrs. George Pereira Mr,' & Mrs. Lawrence Balegno J. EQ~ght Jr., Mr. & Mrs. '.Fran..
ST. FRANCllS XAVIER ,'. A Friend eis D. Garvey,' Mrs. Marg ar6lt
Mr. &. Mrs. Donald philbrick John T. Sullivan " : Mr. & Mrs. Joseph BrosmaJl $500 Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Reynolds ' ·Mr.: & Mrs.,Joseph .1'. ReawdOn Raymond, Mr. & Mrs. John Co
Mr. &:' Mrs. Francis Carpenger Rev. William '.D. Thomson"· Mrs. Charles Russell , .. ,,,, J. R. Queeney ,.. . McKeon, S.adie M. Threlfal). , $35' . $250 _ Rita Cobb, Mrs. Mary San~ Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sawyer" , Hyaqnis Package Store Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bazzinottl Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Newman Joseph W. Galligan; Mr. ,& Mrii. The Shanimhan Family Marian Bennett $100 . . Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Caron ' ,. Joseph McManus,· Mr. & Mrs. CI. Mr. & Mis. Sprague Spooner. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cairns Mr.. & Mrs. George Denmark Rev. Paul G. Connolly' J. Brouillette, Charles R. D6~ · Jean Sullivan '. .
BerijaJ!linKepnes,D.D.S.. Mrs. Cl}arles G. Whitmore , St. Francis Xavier Guild 1'4J:. &' Mrs. Joseph E. DeLoj.y. ' Mr. &.Mrs: Joseph Sullivan...
Chase Laundry Inc. Mr. ~ )I>1')"s. H. J. Keane $;10 Mr. & Mrs. James Sutton
'Cilarles' H. McGrat.h, Esq., In Memory of John'· P.· & . 'Ellen M. O'Neill
Mrs. Katherine Brady Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Tolmie
Mr. & Mrs. George Fernandes Lillian E. Shea,. Mr:& Mrs. Tello Tontini
Mr. & Mrs: Arthur Fisher
$25 Mr. &, Mrs. James Hobert & Mrs. Wmiam Tyback Mr. & MrS. Dariiel Frariciseo
Bridget & Mary Gregg A Friend Mr. & :M'rs. ErnesiVanBuskIrk · CharlesA. Coyle Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martin A Friend. Mrs. Harry Walker r.:rs. Margaret M. Brooks
:Major & Mrs. Donald F. Arth , $'7~ Mr: & Mrs. Francis W. WaRt 'Mr. &: Mrs. George Igo
Lawrence Balboni ' -. John P. Curley Jr..
. ~ irgil M. Casey
. $50
Mr. & Mrs. James Barber $20 Mr. & Mrs. N. P. Karukas
. Beach Package Store George H. Lysaght
. Marjorie Keating, Mr. & Mrs. Mr: & Mrs. Harold F. Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Bia~cbi ' 1Mr. & Mrs. Harry Varnum ,Pefer'Kea,ting, M.r. & Mrs. "W:aiter Mr. &' Mr!l: Eugene Rioux
Mr; & Mrs. Roland F. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Adolphe Richar~ , Alvezi, Arnold's Package Store, Aim~ F. Vetorino . '
Mr. & Mrs. John Bulla Edward Bennett ' Mr.·& Mrs. Walter Fagnant. . ,,' Vetorino Bros.
Mary Carafoli Thomas Murphy E: Mi-.'& ]\/fro, Justin George, Rose
·,Mr.. & Mrs. 'ArithonyPerry
john Carafoli irene E, Shea Maley, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Mc~
Marie Taveau .
Mrs. A. M. Cardoza Mary G. Shea Greavey, Mrs. William H. Russell, &'Mrs. William Mather
Mr. & Mrs. W. Hovey ChapiJl Mr. & Mrs.· David A. Stevens & Family. Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Dolan
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick COIPings Bishop William Tyler Knights Mr. & Mrs. Edward Francis . ',Mr, & Mrs. James D. Crawford
1\1r. & Mrs. John Creeron of (' )lumbus Fourth Degree Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Thomas
· Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. ladicola, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cugno Barnstable County Nationlil '" Mr. & Mrs. J. ·Paul Lanza
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Currier Bank of Hyannis Mr. & Mrs. Normand Nault Sr.
Mrs. Mary Marcille. Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Davis Joseph H. Beecher ,Mr. & Mrs. Robert Klimm
Mr. & Mrs. Roland DeConto Robert G. Benson Margaret Moran
$15 Mrs. James McDermott: Mr. & Mrs. John R. Reyburn John F. Dempsey
Ralph Cuddy, Mr. &. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard DiPietro Mr. & Mrs. Irving Morrissey Angelo's Super Markets Ioe.
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond 'Doucette Josep~ Dvorski, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Dr. & Mrs. Francis O'Neil Edward J. Souza
Dwyer, Mrs. Ralph Emerson, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Thoma Dunlavey $40
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mitchen
& Mrs. Frank Flanagan. Mr. & Mrs. Fred O. Earle Jr. Earl Fratus
Harriet Butler'
Mr. & Mrs. Lou Gallerani, :\\IIr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Enos . $35 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Constant
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Fernandes Sr. & Mrs. Lester Geary, George Mrs. Arthur Archer Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sylvester
Hennrikus, Mr. & Mrs. ?1udolph Mr. & Mrs. Earl Flinker Mrs. W. R. Coyle Jr. · ¥r. & Mrs. B. Everett
Howes, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Huff. Thomas R.' Farrell James & Evelyn Pendergast Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Casella
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kohn, Grayce Felmann, Catherine D. Towey Charles Libby, Louis F. Lopes 'Mrs; Marguerite Flaherty $30 $20 , Sr., Robert MacDonald, In Mem Milton Geltz Jr. Mr. & Mrs. T. C. McGarry Mrs. Alfred A. Junior & 8011l,
ory of Willim, Ellc"lC& Michael Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flinn Milton Geltz Sr. . Mr.. & Mrs. Gerard Richard.
McLaughlin, The Montague Fam Mr. & Mrs. Amelio Gone~ Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Kelly I Mr. & Mrs. James Murray, Mr.
ily. Mrs. Albert J. Govoni Eleanore Resmini & Mrs. Emile Guertin, Edward J.
Mr. & Mrs; Americo Mula, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hadley Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Swill Bennett, Dr. & Mrs. James P.
& Mrs. William Parks, :Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hayes $25 Dunne, John F·. Vetorino.
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert A. Hamlen Mr~. J. Louis Roberti, Mr. & Mrs. James F. McMahon & Family Mr. & Mrs. John H. Hargrove, Edward Rondelli, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. James Hamien Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Ryan Edward Shay Jr., Mr. & Mrs; Ellsworth Hawkes Mr.: Mn, John J. McConnen : Mr. & - ~rs. Francis Aylmer, Mrs. 'Anthony George. John Sullivan. 'Freeman Herbert R. Gureghian
~r. .1l: Mrs. Byron Hall, Mr. &
Mr. e::. Mrs. John Babcock, Mr. Mrs. Rodney Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Richarc1 Hopwood Mrs. 'Edwin F. Gilbert, Mr. &'
& Mrs. Maurice Cleaves, Joseph Lt. Col. Philip J. Hallein
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph·E. Jacinto Mrs. E. Stuart Rounds, Mrs. Jane
F. Felag & Family, Mr. & Mrs.' .Mr. & Mrs. John Sances Mr. & Mrs. Kilmer Joyce James Hadad, Mr., & Mrs. Wil
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Loughlin E. and Miss Jane E. Murphy, Mr. 'Robert B. Kennedy , & Mrs. William O'Neil. liam Kirkman Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lucier John LaFrance . Mr. & Mrs. George Silva,' Mr.
. Mr. & Mrs. John O'Brien, Mr.
Mary A. McGarry Mr. & Mrs. John A. MadQuade & Mrs. Charles L. Senesac &
,M::. & Mrs'. John D..Sheehan & Mrs. Edward Sulijvan, :Mr. &
Francis D. Mackedon Son, Mrs. Alice King, Mr. &; Mrs.
Mrs. Antone Vargas, Mr. Mrs.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Maher Mr. & Mrs. Gino Macoratti William Davis; ~
Donald Waring, Mr. & Mrs.' John
Mrs. Winthrop M. Quinlan Mrs. James Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. C,harles P. Flynn Katherine Maley R. Williamson.
$15 Joseph A., Capostagno, Mr.. & Roger E. Paron Mr. & Mrs. Leo Manning · Robert H. Jameson, Mr. &"1IIIrs.
Mrs. Joseph H. Dlicharme, Mr. & Tor Kennelley Mr. & Mrs. William Marganella V-"'lon Powers, John Baldarsaro,
Mrs. William T. Cameron. Grace Golder Mr. & Mrs. William Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Louis' Santos, Mr; &
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bars, Mr. ' ... Mary T. Toner Mr. It. Mrs. John McArdle Mrs. Raphael Perry.
Mr. & Mrs, Charles McCann Jr. & Mrs. Winthrop Davis, Mr. & M. J. Co'-te Mrs. N:.111 McCann '' Simon I. Miller, Mr. & Mrs.
Mrs. Tilson Denham, Col. Wil-:. Mr. & Mrs. Antonio L. Dias David' McCarthy, Mr. • lIIIrs.
'Mr. & Mrs. Earl MacDonald liam -r:. Drummey, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & ]\"rs. Francis M. Farren Robert Ofianferanti. Mr. & Mrs. Edmond W. Dery Geral' 'J. Haye., :"tlr. & Mn.
Mr. &'Mrs. Charl€ McHugh . Frederic~ J. Thome, Margaret Mr. & Mrs. John F. Nelson, Mr. Jr. ·Mrs. James McDermott M. ---!let.
Paula Dumont Mr. & Mrs. Michael McNamara & Mrs. Edward, W. Osgood Jr., William Lavin, ,Richard ~•.
Patricia Dumont Joseph Milliken Edward Parent Jr., A FrIend.
& Mrs. Samuel C. Barrett, Mrs. Mary Reed, Mr. & Mrs. Laurian ST. J O S E P I l T . :::=lement, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar 5100 I ·Morency. Mr. '; Mrs. Gerrett Schuler ~ Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Wall, Neal Mr. & Mrs. Domenick Nicolael . ·F. V"all, Mr. & M~s. Henry Fleu $50 rent, Albert BlOUIn. M & M PIN' 1 Mr. &. Mrs. Samuel R. Costa, r.. • rs. asqua e ICO ael William Markey, Mr. & Mrs. Patnck Nicolacl William Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Sam$410 uel Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Mr. ~ Mrs. Earle Larkin Newton. $35 Jacqueline Custodio, Mr. & lVIr. & .~rs. Lester Edwards Mrs. Harry Booth, Mr. & Mrs. $30 William Rielly, Marguerite Car-:Mr. & Mrs. John Davidson roll, Dda Gracia, lVlr. & Mrs. lVIr. & Mrs. Arthur LeClair Frederick Wolanski, lVIr. & Mrs. lVIr. & Mrs. Manuel Olivera Edward Patenaude. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Hector J. RobiMr. & Mrs. Maurice Burke taille, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Brun, Mrs. Elizabeth McQuillan Mr. & Mrs. Rog~r Archambault,
'M -1 C lVIr. & Mrs. MarlO Rose, Mr. & Jer:~ C;:nor yr Mrs. George Surprenant, Mr. & .' Mrs..Manuel Gonsalves. M ·r. & M rs. A' rman d M anen'
Thurn., Mciy 18, 1967
St. Anne Friends Give Dictaphone "r,'riends of St. Ann~'s Hospital, Fan River, are friends indeed. The women's auxiliary of the only Catholic hospital in the Diocese has just presented Moth er Pierre Maria, administrator, with a $150: check for a prrtable dictaphone to be used in the pediatrics ward. The machine will elp doctors keep up with case histories and other data needed on their young patients.
lLatest of Many
The gift is only the latest of
many presented by the Friends.
t, , Their major means of fundrais n(Ir. Mrs. James E. Ml,lrphy H ST. :MARY , tt' i g is tl;1e attractive hospital gift h. . $80 shop Which they staff and main Mrs. May P. Gage l,
" St. Vincent dePauJ Socle~y
.tain. The shop chairman is Mrs. AUce & Clementine Mayer ~i Emile Cote and the treasurer, , \I
~.". $25 "Mr. & Mrs. William Tucker who ma'de the check presentation f··.. *:M:r... r ·Mrs.· Charles Ehman
.'" Mr. & Curtis Lopes .' .' to Mother Pierre, is Mrs. Adelard Antone Rego & Family Mr. & Mrs. Anthony E. RoSe Demers Jr. Sacred Heilrts Association Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rogers ' Mr. &: Mrs. Augustine Perry Com})ined wit: . hat' ceremony Mrs. RC'l;)ert Correia Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hanczaryk
was a pro~ram including a talk Mr. & Mrs. John Viera Dr. & Mrs. Robert Gaudreau
by Atty.. Harold K. Hudner on Mr. & Mrs. Roland Blouin Mr. & Mrs. Paul SIrois the forthcoming Battle of Fall Mr. & Mrs. John Bartlett Mr/& Mrs. 'Matthew R. Hart . Ri"l'!r celebration and a tea for Mr. & Mrs; Ernest Bouley " ,," ,.sMr::& Mrs. Weber',R. Torres '1 .. . hospital'pe.rsomiel. . .. , Mrs. Cecilia Touro ." " . '. ". . -,.' . ' , '-----~ Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel M. Melio '. " Mr. & Mrs. ArthurCoiJsi~~au \ ' , Another, fundraising event to Jr. , " I Dr. ~ Mis. Chester aB'ron ,j: PARISH JUBILEE: .ShariJ:~i,,:~il.· ,th';;: ~!Ve,~'ts . of" Our benefit St. Anne~s will be a Mr. ,& Mrs..John A. Wojcik ... George Viveiros ' .! .'. Lady of Purgatory, New Bedfordigolden,juPilee"eelebration Colonial be co-sponsored v ';-. Mr. & ·Mrs. Antone. Costa Jr. " . Mr. & Mrs. Ernes~ Dion" Friday, June . .16 by the three were; ;Mrs.IMichael Magaletta and ,Miss, Rose Sadeck,.'OCD hospitals in the city of Fall "." ,Mr:. & Mrs. Joseph Ferro , "Mr.,&' M r !!. Paul Murray Mr. & Mrs. James Gouveia in'struc'tors; Most Rev. Francis 1\1. Z'ayek,' Apostolic Exarch River. Representing St. Anne's in ' .. Mr. Mrs. Manuel Mer-riB I Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Hoefei ... \ \ Mr~ & Mrs. Manuel Martin of, the, Maronites in the United' State,~ ;·.R.~v:;, George, Saad, preparations will be Mrs. Frank Mr. & Mrs. Joscph:Roderiqun Joseph C. Mello' .. ,,'. S. Plichta, ball treasurer, Mrs. pastor 'of the New Bedford jubilee ~hur~b;, , Normand Blouin . Joseph Giblin and Mrs. Henry " ':'. . .Jules Blouin S. Feitelberg.. '",', ' .. ",: :" "$15 Mrs.' Aurore Silva ," . S.... ANTHONY Mr. & Mrs. H'att>ld J.Roberts, .. 'Mr. & Mrs. Earl Marth(l i, " " l • ': " , : ' . . S"" 1'HOMAS ·MORE MI". '&: Mrs~ 'Joseph' ~inaral; Mr. "',.' ST. JOSEP~ .Mi'. ' :'.!: Mrs. Joseph sulUvtili 1\11'. ~ Mrs. ~:~:~h ColUne & Mrs.; MaIiuel·Bourges. ~100, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Moquin .... & Mrs. Charles McGowan " $100 Lillian 'Privirotto, Mrs. Richard Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gibne, Elsie Silva St. Vincent de Paul Conference Tadlock, Mr. & Mrs. Humbert Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Walsll $200 N.D. . $Sf! Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Scott, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Tangney . '. & Mrs. David Haley Mr: &: Mrs. Richard K. Martin '. Mr. & ,Mrs. John Evangelo. Mr. & Mrs. John Boynton Mr. & Mrs. Louis Cardoza $100 Mr. &' Mrs. Henry Wareing Mr. & Mrs, Roger yv. Fortier Mr. & MrS: Joseph Vargas, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lacerda' Eugene F. Phelan, Mr. ,& Mrs. James E. Williams Mr. ~ Mrs. Albert E. Mobouck John Keane,. ,A Friend, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Clementino Medei Mr.. & Mrs.. ClarenceVer<U $50 .es : Mr. "t Mrs. Frank F. Sylvia Mrs. David Grant, Mr. & Mrs. $25· Women's Guild St. Joseph's Robert Sherman. Mr. & MrS. .Tames Murphy $'75
:r. ~" Mrs. John Flanagan N.D. . A Friend,'.' Mr. & Mrs. George Mr. ~ Mrs. John Maharey Louise Dupre
MI'. & Mrs. Arthur Marchand 'Social ACtivities Committee St. Reb':!lI{), Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cot Mr. o~ Mrs. Antone Medeires $50 Mr. &: Mrs. Henry J. McGowan ··J~'N. D." 'trell.' " ,. '.. ' ., Mr. 8· Mrs. Joaqulm CU$tedio Susan McGowan Mr. & Mrs.'rhomas Bums Confirmation Class 1967 St. J. Walcal RealtY·'i"rust Mrs. Beatrice Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Gordan Mangham Thomas McCann N.D. . 'Mr: & Mrs.'Richard A. Donahue .lVIr. & Mr$. Joseph ·A. St.. Onge ·..Mr. & Edward Perrault Mrs. Daniel F. Shalloo $35 Dr. & Mrs. William Adanljl ", Mi'. & Mrs: Berilard Hyland Mr.' & Mrs, Paul B. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Roland J. Despres M & M J 'h C P Mrs. James E. Muldoon' ,r. rs. osep , . erry ,$35 , ,i St. Thomas More Women'l1 • I e C arey " .' ' , : lVIr. & Mrs. Edward BeruDre M rs. M arJor " $25 . . Guild ST.. JfO~N OF GOD
Mr. & Mrs. ArlIndo Dias Sr. "'1 ·Mr. & Mrs. Wilham Hubbard
$25 , ,$5Q
Mr. & Mrs. Je'an Bourbeau .... Mr.. & Mrs. Joseph Farley
Mr., & Mrs. Anthony Mast~ . H;oly Nall)e Society
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pimental Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Renahan
. '$2i) ~ 'Mr. & Mrs. Mark McIntyre A Friend
Dr. & Mrs. Jesse Baptista ,AIlc P I' Mr. . Mrs. Paul F. Keane Jr. A Friend
Mr. &: Mrs. George Correia . Mr. ~ ~r7Philip Har41ng Mr. & Mrs. Sebastien Aiello ·John Ferreira
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Anson Pahle Mr. & ~r~. John Makuch Onie Noel
,· $ 2 0 Robert Paine Mrs. WIlham Corey . Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Collard & Mr. & Mrs. George Rebello .Cecile A. Daley J~" Downey . Famil:. , '$15 . 94 TREMONT STREET Knights of Columbus, Gen. Mr. & M'rs. James H. GIfford F.ose Mello Mr. ~ Mrs. Edward Machado, Assembly 4th Degree, Bishop Mr. & Mrs. T~omas Karst Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cabral tAUNTON, MASS. Mr. &:Irs. John G. Nobrega, Mr. .lames ~assidy Mr. & Mrs. VIctor. Demski John A. Mello .&.. Mrs. Arthur Tavares, Mr. & Tel. 822-0621 Mr. IV. Mrs. Albert Gonsalves George H. W. SmIth Jr. Mr. & Mrs. R. Holbrook Mm. Daniel ViEdra. I ,. Charles Whalen . M r. &·Mrs. Will am 0 BrIen Jr. Leo 'Privirotto D . & M St 1 M r Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Donovan r . . rs. an ey ys lwy lVl . & Mrs. Antone Rose Dr.·& Mrs. Jerome Brault Mr. & Mrs. Real Breton. Mildred Harrigan Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Despres Dr. & Mrs. Clayton E. Kmg Leo' Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Dube .... -.Mr. &: Mrs. Antone Nunes Mr~' &IMrs.. Joseph Murray Mr.,[ Mrs. Anthony Sylvia MJr. &.Mrs. Eugene' Sheets , . Mr.. & Mrs. Manuel P. Vargas Mr. & Mrs. William Bartlett .1\, John A. Callahar Mr. & Mrs. David Fitting .1 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Benoit . , I, . $20.. ;,Sahdra Tetreault· Mr. & Mrs. Edward Raposo' '.; ·Mr. & Mrs..M.elvlll. J. Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Coelho Mr.·& Mrs. George Fortin Mr. &;,Mrs. KeavY"Mr. . :Mr;~ &, Mrs. Frederick Louns .; Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bowers ,,& Mrs. Leo Lanvlere, Mr. & Mrs. bury" I,' . ,Peter. WayneI', Mr. &, Mrs. Ed ,Mr.'&: Mrs. Antone Rose ".. & M J$2 4 D' ward Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene $29 ......r. rs. 0 h n las '. MOran. '" .' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Butler, MI'. $20 $15 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Surprenant, Mr. [; Mrs. IJewelyn Roberts, &: Mr!' Norman LaFrance Mr. & Mrs. George Vargas Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DiDome- IVI.. & Mrs. John S. Wainio, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Murphy D1co, Carol A. Raymond, Gladys & Mrs. Arthur V. Leary, Mr. &: Mr. &: Mrs. John Lane 10. Raymond, Mrs. Eli Braley: Jr. Mrs. A. J. Fernandes, Mr. & Mrs. $17 u r . & Mrs. Maurice Downey, R. H. Bertrand. Mr. & Mrs. Roberty Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Delmo Iacaponi. Mr. & Mrs. JamE'~ Moran Sr., Dr. &: Mrs. Bernard Carter, Mr. Mr.' & Mrs. Roy Lynch, Mr. & • Mrs. Bradley Taber, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Perry, Mrs. Robert Mrs. Joseph S. Martin, Mr. &: Verkade, Mr. & Mrs. E. J. McMll'S. Louis Gold. Carthy Jr. $16
George W. Liberty, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Doris Dawes
Thomas Brennan, EL abc ::1 Mar Reg. Master Plumber 2930 $15
' y, William 8" Faith Leahy, 'l/Ir. GEORGE M. MONTLE Mr. & Mrs. Normand J. De . &; Mrs. John R. Moynihan.,y . , " . . Over 35 Years -.en, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gaut ,.Mrs. Helen Callahan, Mrs. Leo lIeau, Mr. & Mrs. Valdemar De- Libbey, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. of,. Satisfied Se"':'ice Baked by your Sunbeam Baker Oliveira, Mrs. Edward Tucker, . Sylvia, 1\.1rs. '.Iden Kinney, Mr. , . 806' NO. MAIN STREET :William ,D. Hagen. .' '& M'ra. T. MulVihill, Mrs:> Law- FoGO River 675·7491 Mr•. ..:.. ,Mrs. Johl1 Staffon, Mr. l R"ep'~ Gr~en.
M+ ++
North Dighton
.... Cleansers .....
Montie Plumbing &
Heating Co., Inc.
John v. Creeden Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Combis. Mrs. John A. Briggs, A Friend, A Friend, A Friend,. Mrs. Clare Gulan &.Family. ( Mr. & Mrs. George W. Murphy. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Creeden, Mr. & Mrs. Philip DiMonte, Mrs. Rita Hindman, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Catalano ' A Friend, Mr. & 'Mrs. Anthony Porfido, Antonio Lombardi, Mrs. Frank WeJJman, Mrs. Mary Faria & Miss Mary Faria ' Mr. & Mrs., Primo BaravelJa, Mr. :. Mrs. Vincenzo Capone & Daugt. ·er, Mr. & Mrs. Fleming Hopper, A Fri'end, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Souza. Mr. & Mrs. James Lucas, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Porier, Mr: & Mrs. William Verzola" Mrs. Veronica McAuley, A Friend. Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Linari, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. John Houghton, Carl Gara fano, Mr. & Mrs. Attilio Pedini. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kane, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chalifoux, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Remillard, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Spiezio, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Falotico. Mrs. Antonette 'Ragno & Grace, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Belisle, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Finn, A Friend, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Leo: mieux.
,THE ANCHORThurs., May 18, 1967
U.5. Bishops Continued from Page One sp,onsible leadership for further development. It also criticises those who in novate without authorization but saves its severest cr,iticism for those who have neglected reforms. The statement says: "A grave fault, however, lies with those who have resisted or neglected the liturgical program of the Council, those who have accept ed it only internally, those who hav~ simply refused to embrace the renewal. ' "There is no excuse for indif ference among the pastors of the flock, and,' if we must reprove the" ,innovators, we must even more strongly and postively urge priests - pastors and assistants, seculars and religious, old and young - to fulfill our common hopes of renewal." The nine-page letter opens with an 'appraisal of the bene fits of reform" embracing the good efects of a widened use of the vernacular, the use of homi lies, and the celebration of Mass facing the people. It encourages the use of alternate readings at weekday Ma'sses; praises the, practice of saying the Canon aloud; hopes for the use of the vernacular Canon. The central part of the letter calls for widened liturgical ed ucation and a growing involve ment of all the People of God in liturgical celebrations. Then, 'speaking of experimentation, the statement points out: "What may not be so 'evident is that a very wide !field of diverse litur " gical practice is now open, with in tjle limits set by the present discipline and regulations. "Parish differs from parish, occasions and circumstances dif fer, and no single, rigid pattern of liturgical celebration is now possible and desirable. Almost every priest knows ,the limits of such diversity and flexibility not all priests appreciate how wide the opportunities are for planning lively and intelligible celebnttion." The bishops asked for involve ment of all preaching in the mystery of Christ's death and resurrection and man's place in the history of salvation. Calling for widened use of weekday homilies, the bishops emphasize that liturgical preaching flows tfrom the proclamation of the Scriptures in the assembly. It is not, they warn, an explanation ' of liturgical forms and rites. Unauthorized' liturgical inno vations "are diversionary," the bishops state. "They turn us away from the tasks already mentioned. They divert us from ,the educationaL work of renew": al 'and from realizing the full potential of the present liturgy." "Furtherl)1ore, this kind of un authorized initiative is divisive ,of the Christian community. It can create fragmentary commun ities which are closed and, nar row, ultimately out of commu nion with their brethren." The statement urging cooper ation was approved by the na tion's bishop,s at the Chicago meeting of the NCCB in April.
TRIPLETS FIRST COMMUNION: James, Paul and Daniel Lopes of St. Mary's Parish, New Bedford, received their First Holy Communion on Sunday.
Mansfield ST. MARY $500
A Friend
Mrs. William H. Barrar, Mr. &
Mrs. James C~ Noonan, Manuel Silva, Mr. . & Mrs. James :M.
Judge, Thomas J. Gracia.
Mr. & ·Mrs. George W. Ca~
penter, Mrs. George L. Goodfel
low, Maureen Matthews, James
E. 'Coutu, James Courcier, Lillian 1. Hadad, Mrs. Francis & Ruth .Munro. ST. PATRICK $17
$500 Mr. & Mrs. Saul Strein
Rev. James F. McDermott $15
$200 Mr. & Mrs. George Coleman,
Dr. Roge~ E. Cadieux Mrs. John Roberts, Thomas &
$125 Patrick Powers, Charles Lacerda,
Harola J.Regan Mrs. Mary Gannon Dr. & Mrs. Roland E. Chabot Peter N. Barile, James Lane, ( $100 Alfred J. Valcourt, Peter HioMr. & ,Mrs. David M. Kilroy telis, 'Arthur F. Cassidy. Richar<;l J. McNally ,", Edward M. Soares, Raymond. $50 H. Bibeau, Francis J. Mullins, Rev. Bernard F. Suliivan 'Albert A. Levesque, Edward M. H. Leo Creamer Synan. Mr... ' Mrs. Angelo E. Flynn Alfred F. Morris, Florence l\IL Mr. & Mrs. Edmund F. Bagley Burns, Robert A. Cashmon, John $40 F. DeCambra, Joseph F. Biastoff. John M. Pires III Mrs. Benjamin Friend, Daniel Mr. & Mrs. John Pires Jr. Berthiaume, Thomas J. Daley, $35 Austin O'Toole Jr., John F. Lopes Joseph H. Feitelberg & Family. Mr. II" Mrs. Wm. F. Ready John J. Ferry, Robert Kub $30 ner, Mr. & Mrs; Edward AlveS,
Carlton D. Boardman Armand Forand, An'thony P.
David Dunne Sabatino.
Mrs. Vincent R. Dorsey, &" Eugene Raumer, Thomas Hus-
Family sey, Thom~s S. Cinquini, Robert Roger LaFrance P. Benevides, Daniel Salmon Jr. $25 Alfred L. Farrell, Mr. & Mrs. ·Joseph Matthews' Thomas.Reis Jr., Robert P. KileJl,
Edward Pettine Albert Duperre, A.' George
Mary & Louise F. Coleman Stuka.s
Mrs. Frank Souza Mr. & Mrs. Roger Tefft, NorStephen J. BieJJo Jr. 'man L. O'Brien, Edward D. Alfred G. Miotozo Hart,. Thomas C: Eagan, Charles Fernand C. E. Auclair Fisher, Helen & Lillian Reddy., Mr. & Mrs. ,Francis J. Kilgre1l1 Manuel 'C. Botelho.
Mr. & Mrs. Jas. E. Sullivan" Ronald Hadad, Henri ~
Dr. Thomas Cl~rk tremps.
$250 Mr. '& Mrs. Eugene Ii. Farren, $200 A Friend $150 St. Vincent De Paul Society $100
Catholic --'omens Club
Memory of Fr. T. P. Elliott
Memory of Fr, H. B. Harold
Memory of E. L. O'Brien
The Darmedy Family
A Friend
A Friend
$75 , Rev. Martin L. Buote Atty & Mrs. Robert Currivan $50 Rev. James F. Kelley The Donoghue Family Mr, & Mrs. Orlando D. Souza Mr, & Mrs. William Morton 1\"", & Mrs.' Thomas Haven l\T:', & Mrs. Harold Qualters $35 .
'The Dion Family
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Clemmey
~IIHI/IIIIJIIIIIIIJ!I"I/11I1J"""I1I"""""/IIH"/II"IH""IIJI/IIIIJIIIJIIJ"IIII11I1JII""II"1111111"IIJ"""IJI~ , Mr. lr. Mrs. Frank Prohodsky Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kudzol ' STORE HOURS: Mrs. Charlotte DeW'all Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Britton , $25' , ,_=:_ Mr. & Mrs. Armando Giovino Thurs. & Fri. 9 a.m. 5:30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sarro Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. $20 'Mr. Mrs. Albert Leguori Closed all day' . Mr. I'~ Mrs. Albert Jackson Mr. & Mrs. James Avallone, Fral. k Signoriello Mr. & Mrs. Louis Antosca, Filo lYIrs. H. Roach mena Todesco, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. John Stone Ritz, Mr. & Mrs. George Farnum, Mrs. Emma Pascucci A _'riend; Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. &Mrs. Paul Ferrara Tel 997·9358 Paioni. ' Mrs'. Helen Brazil Me. & Mrs. James Harrigan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davis Cla;:ence Leon;:lrd, A Friend, Mrs. Mrs. ~"ester Dee Irene Barrows & Mary Lennon, A Friend James Palladino, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Annette Atwell John Todeo~o. RIESIDENTIAl lVr--. " Mrs. Harold Downing Mr. & Mrs. Francis Baldini, A A Friend Friend. SCHOOLS CD CHURCHES A "'riend $15 ~NDUSTRIAl 0 BUNKER A Friend ·Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Gasson Mr. &; Mrs; Joseph Pernock, Mr. & Mrs. William A. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. James L. Cronin, Mr. !Q) ~lQ)SOIi\il O~ll. ~lUJRNfE~S A Friend ' & Mrs. John Piasecki, Mr. & Mrs. Comple~e ~eati"g I"stalla~ions Mr. Mrs. Alfred Sarro Robert Paulson, Mr. & Mrs. / ::!4 lHIour Oil Burner ServicG;'! Dr. & Mrs. Philip Sibilia Frank Nones. Mr. c" Mrs. Ralph Sarro Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Porfido, Mrs. Rosemary Uva Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tighe, Mr. & Margaret & Mrs. Mauc1'! Welch Mrs. ~lbett Niemi, Mr. & Mrs•. Mr. & Mrs. e:. Elliott Phillip Carmen Cardinute,. Mi. & 'MTs. James Dorigan: . Mr.. & Mrs. Stephen Conroy New Bedford Mr. & Mrs. Joseph ~inchey 640 Pleasant Street let 996-8271, The Vasanelli Family, :Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. l?aul Boyden Mrs. Will.iam Sullivan, A Friend,
~_=~ _ M~;~a:; TU;s~~: :0";to:;~~
= ~
lI(Clrkl2 1F<OlU'om<Ol 5)U'«lJfrt!Jl~ lJ~ Si<o>Il.O U'1h1 VO®U'lJ'il<Ol1Ml WASHU':GTON (NC)-A del egation of South Vietnamese. bishops, priests and laymen flew to Fatima, Portugal, to re ceive a statue of Our Lady which they will take back to Vietnam, it was qnnounced here by Msgr. Harold V. Colgan, director 01: the Blue Army. , The presentation of the statue, eonsecrated at Fatima" was made on Saturday, the 50th an nivers~' - of the first apparition of the Blessed Virgin at Fatima.
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Titus A Friend A Friend Mrs. Doreen Eastman . Mr. & Mrs. James Russell Mr. & Mrs. Charles Damato Mr. ~ Mrs, William ishart . & Mrs. William Gorman Mr. & Mrs. Fred Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Murray Mr. & Mrs. Lee Kingsbury ,Mr. & Mrs.'Charles Messzoley Mr. & Mrs. John K. King Mrs. Mary Antosca & Miss C. Deprizio . Mr. & Mrs. Henry Giovino Mr. & Mrs. Victor Turinese 'El ~anor Kennedy Mrs. Margaret Jordan Mr. & Mrs. John Powers Mr. & ,Mrs. Gerard Precourt M~. & Mrs. Kenneth Kingsbury Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bellavance Mr. & Mrs. Albert Decele - ~r. & Mrs. Edward Guillette Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Fales Mr: & Mrs. Walter Stanford & EJJen A Friend A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Giles Dognazzi Mr. &'Mrs. Albert Fasulo Mr. & Mrs. Victor Narciso Rose Servais Mr. & Mrs. John F. Hanlon' . Mrs. Georgia C. Imhoff
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Murphy
,Mr. & Mrs. John O'Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. John Currivan
Mr, & Mrs. David Conley
A Friend
Leo A. :Bond
John Johnston
l\(lr. & Mrs. Pierre R.
Gilbert Perry
Mrs. Helen McGann
Ali,) C. Costello
Theresa & Helen Archard
Francis Bednarik John Hogan
Norman M. Simmons
Francis Charette
William Lima
Mr. & Mrs. John M. CantG
William V. Mahoney
William Dussault Jr.
Edward J. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Harold MeehaD
Edward Casper
Edward J. Leonard
Cyril Amarelo
Roger Thibault
Robert Farrell
Charles Carpenter
Richard A. Mello
J osepll W. Lopes
Mary E. Judge
John T. Smith
William Moran
George Lee
'--...;.;...------~':".-.:..:.' '~'-----~...
North Easton
Rev. John J. Casey
~100 . Anoilymous , Mr, & Mrs. John Parkea Mr. & Mrs. Charles McCa~
St. Vincent. de Paul Socle~ $lli3 A Friend $87 Vincent Galvin
T"ev. 'John J. Steakem $511 A Friend A Friend lVk IV. Mrs. John Boyle Ma ry Buckley Helen Derby Mr, & Mrs. Albert Giordano Mrs. Francis Mone Harvey's Market Mr. & Mrs. Domenic Jrngeml $410
THE ANCHORThurs., May 18, 1967
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Henkel, Damon Hope, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Pel letie"·M '& Mrs. Albert Rob-' bins. Mr. Wm: Sr. & Mary Rogers, Mrs. - ymond Shea, Mr. & Mrs.' Felix Yarusites. Rosemary Howard Mrs. Edward Barron, Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Berube, Mr. & Mrs. John Berg, Bristol Farms, Mrs. Avery Clapp. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dion, Mr. &' Mrs. Victor Waz, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Arena, Herbert Silver, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Teixeira, Mr. & Mrs. Benedict Yelle, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Yelle.
~W(illIJ\l$@@ OUR lLADY OlF' lFA'I1'lllWA
$30 Mr. & Mry;. Chades J. Chorlton
lHIOM.EWORK SESSION: Interracial exchange of students was held between the all. Conley Funeral Home
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Botelho, Mr. Peter Masaitis
white Holy Family school in nearby Stow, Ohio, and the integrated St. Peter school, & Mrs. Arthur J. McLear, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. V. Muscato
Akron. Each school took turns in being host for a full school day of classes. After Mrs. Edward S. McNerney, Mr. & $35 classes the visiting students of each school /Went to the home of a host-student for Mrs. John T. Pimentel. Mr. & Mrs. William Condon MI'S. Theresa Haggerty snacks or homework or both; t~en supper, and an informal discussion in the evening Alice Harvey Mrs. Ernest L. Wood whE}n parents picked up the visitors. In this homework session, left to right, are: Dan $30
~ $2@ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lenney
iel Knipp, 12, Holy Family; Eddie James Worth, Jr., 13, and his sister, Helen, 10, .both James J. McDermott Mrs. Isabelle Somerville
$15 St. Peter; and Suzanne Knipp, 9, Holy Family. NC Photo. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Getchell
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. $25 Thurston A Friend Mr. & Mrs. John Barry, Mrs. Raymond Gosselin, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Homer L. SimmolW ST.' DOMINIC A Friend Carl & Dorothy Hanson, William Walter Lesh, Mr. & Mrs. Ber Mr. & Mrs. Frank Souza $50 nard Manning. Mr. & ~rs. Raymond Bergeroo LaheY,McCarthy Coal Co. Mr. & Mrs. Manue' Vital J. B. Travers Lumber Co. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Mc Aqbie Buckley' $15 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wickland . $25 Namara, A Friend, James Buck Sr. ,~r. .& Mrs. George Carter 3tt.. Anthony Alho, Daniel Amorim, Leroy F. Perry ley, James Simonson, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Arthur Brown Cieorge Copeland Mr. & Mrs. Charles Begin, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Paiva Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Clegg Clement Coughlin , M~. Joseph Bodio, Mr. & Mrs. T, David Greene. Mr.'& Mrs. Albert'Dube Mr. & Mrs. John Mello Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Precourt Edward Coughlin Thomas Bono Jr. S~ LOUffi DE FRANC~ Mr. & Mrs. Davi~ A. Rocha Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Daley M,.. & Mrs. Christopher Brady, Mr. & Mrs. Walter' Chojnacki, $1'75 Mr. & Mrs. Chester Vota MI'. & Mrs. Richard Dalton Mr. ,& Mrs. William Buchtman, Mr. & Mrs. Zames Rooney, Mr. Dr. & Mrs. R,lymond A. Dionne & Mrs. William Lupica, Mr. & Anonymous Mary Delgado Josephine Bllekley, Mary H. $50 ' Mrs. John Fresh, Mr. & Mrs. Mary L. Cronin William Derby Buckley, Francis Burns. Dr. &' MI·s. Robert Dufour .John Fernandes Catherine & Josephine Dineen Marguerite Carter, Mr. ,& Mrs. Carmen Ando. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Adelor P. King Mr. & Mrs. James Doherty Carl Chace, Mr. & Mrs. Osear Mr. & Mrs. Henry Berthiaume Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sabourin Norton Mr. & Mrs. Robert Downey Conceison, Bart Conroy, Mr. & Mr. / Mrs. Emile Boiland George Yelle ST. MARY
Mr. & Mrs. John Freitas Mrs. Leon Corsini. Mr. & Mrs. William Bourass & $20 $400
Alice Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Geldart Mr. & Mrs. Albert Corte, Dr. Rev. Thomas F. Daley
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bernier, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Gomes Richard Daigle, Mr. & Mrs. Har Mr. & Mrs. Paul Boyer
J. R. Kilburn Industries Ine. Mrs. Thomas Curran., Mr. ,"; Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Graca Jr. old Daly, George DeWitt & Son, Mr. & Mrs. Emile Cote
$200 . Alex Nelson, Mr. & Mrs. Judson Jo!'n Graca III Mrs. Helen Doherty. Mrs. Thomas Manning Stafford, Mr. & Mrs. Frank .T. Michael Graca Mrs. Edith Dorgan, Mr. & Mrs. $100 Teixeira Jr., Mr. & Mrs. James Mr. & Mrs. William Griffmu John Downey, Mrs. Wayne John F. Gomes Pontolilo. Mrs. Michael Harkins Evans, Mrs. Marion Felling, Mr. St. Vincent de Paul Society Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gouveia & Anne Harvey & Mrs. Russell Fox. INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. MI'S. Patrick Devlin Mary, Mr. & '!\frs. Thomas Kelly, Catherine Harvey Mr. & Mrs. John Gomes, Mr. & $50 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kelley. Grace Harvey Mrs. Raymond Hailey, Mr. & 96 WILLIAM STREET
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Drane $15 • ,Mal'y V. :ij:arvey
Mrs. J. Fred Hall, Mr. & Mrs. NEW BEDFORD, MASS.
John Drane Mrs. Margaret Bartley, Mr, & James Healey
Charles Hallahan, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Jose Fernandes Mrs. George Bauza, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. &' Mrs. William Higgins
Daniel Healey. 998-5153 997-9167
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Fernan:" Henry Brochu, Mrs. Georg" Cota, M:r. & Mrs. Richard Hooben William N. Howard & Son, Mr. PERSONAl SERVICE Mr. & Mrs. James C. Fitzgib ~r., & Mrs. Roy Howard '. & Mrs. Paul Ivanoski, Mr. & Mrs~ des Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fonseca . bons. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kelly Lawrence 'Kavanaugh, Mr. & Mr. &' Mrs. Michael J. Murphy 1}l,l,>~rt LaRosee Mrs. Charles King, S. Henry Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pires lI(Ir. ,Mrs. Martyn Lincoln ' Kingston. Mrs. Charles Ash Dr· ,l\I; Mr!;l. James McCourt Mr. & Mrs. Paul Legare, Mr. & $40 IVIf.·, & Mrs. Francis Mahoney,. Mrs. Francis LeRoy, Mrs. Arina Roland'C. Paquett" & Beatrice Mr. & Mrs. John Marshall. "Laud' ,MI': & Mrs. Carroll' Luxton, ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moran Mr. &.Mrs. Richard Main.' .. Paquetfe $35 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Mullen Jr. M;·s. Douglas Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Valentine Mr. & Mrs. James Mullen Sr. Mrs. Francis Martin,.!"Ir. & Mrs. $30 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nagle ' wiiiiam'McAndrew:-, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Peter Mondor & Family Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Patano Richard 'Mathers, Mr. & Mrs. Loretta Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Martin Rossiter Charles McCarthy. Mrs. Joseph Russell Mr. & Mrs. George Santos Mr: & Mrs. John McEntee, Mr. 0', 'l$AINQUETS @ WlE[OlD~ING$ (j) fA~nlE$
, $25 Mr. .k Mrs. Michaei Walsh & Mrs. William McEntee, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bryant Sr. Mrs;, Leo ,McEvoy" Mr. & Mrs. Kat.hi·yn Healey Mr. & Mrs: Lawrence Carroll ~. C()MMUNIO~,,~~IEAKIFAS'i1'$
Mai'liar~t Healey Geo' {I'!. 'McGarry, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. George Desormeau M,r. & Mrs. George Knapp Thomas J. Murray Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William V. Flaherty ~ ~4,3 !PLIEASANt SiRE" IFAIl.l\. IItUVrE~• Linehan ' , Mr. & Mrs.. Ross Bridge, Mrs. Cyri'lie Gagne
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Murphsr Alfl'ed Cournoyer, Mr. & Mrs. 993-771®
Mrs. Mary Hunt . '
Frederick J. Murphy Jr. Edward Kron, John I. Lowndes. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jolly Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ryan Mr. . Mrs: David Nolan, Mr. Aime Morin ,
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Spurr & Mrs. Stephen Nolan Jr., Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Paul Nerney
Mr. &. Mrs. ·Robert Stone Ml·S. Philip O'Connell, Mrs. Lucy "fr. "<: Mrs. Charles PO!;t
$20 Pettip<,w, Dorothy Pittard. Mr. " ~ °rs. James H. Powers
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Aries, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. George Pratt, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Roland Roberge
M,. John Carroll, Elizabeth & MI·s. John Reardon, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. George Sabourin
(Coughlin, Edmund Delgado, Mr. Mrs. Fran" Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Schriever
WITHOUT TRAFFIC & PARKING PROBLEMS &. Mrs. John Delgado. Robert Richard, Mrs. James & Family Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Desmond, Roach. at the Mr. r Mrs. Thomas Donaghue, Mr. & Mrs. William L. Flynn, Leroy Robert, Mr. & Mrs. Wil L liam Russell, Anna Sheehan, Mr.
eo Harlow, Mr. & Mrs. C. J. & MI's. William Simonson, Mrs.
ll!arvey Jr. SOMERSlET, MASS. Lillian & Margaret Holmes, Paul Smith. l'll'ellic & Jane Kelley, Mrs. DanMr. & Mrs. Alvaro Sousa, Mr. tel Kent & Anne Marie Moller, & Mrs. William Stoddard, Mr: & lI'ihle most friendly, democratic BANK offerinlID Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kent Jtt., Mrs. Dominic Stornante, Mr. & Complete One-Stop Banking Mr. & Mrs. Laurence A. LyontJ. Mrs. James Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Jrrene Poirier, Agnes & Mall7 Jacques Tremblay. Club Accounts Auto loans Sweeney, lV & Mrs. John SylMrs. William Walsh, Mrs. Mar Checking Accounts Business loans vAa, M. DilVid Varella, Mr. 8: garet Watt, Mar~' Watt, Mr. & Savings Accounts Real Eslate loan$ Mrs. John Wallent. Mrs. Robert Wooster, William The Falmouth National Bank At Somerset Shopping Area-Brightman St. Bridge Winifred Cunningham, MIl'l»." Yaskonis. FAlMO,UTH, MASS. Lillian Dias, Mrs. Wilfred Jutras, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Campbell, 'Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ., By'the Village Gre!!'n Since 1821 MI!'. & Mrs. William Landll7' Mrs. Mildred Deady, Mr. & Mrs.
THE ANCHOR-Dioc~se of Fall River-Thurs., May 18, 1967
Soua-h. Dartmouth ST. MARY $600
A Friend $300 Mr. & Mrs. George St. Aubin
Central Village ST. .JOHN BAPTIST
Lentz, Edgar W. Mr. & Mrs. Rosaire Surpenant, . Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Santos, .Mr. & Mrs. Louis Spenct!'r, Mr. & Mrs. Calistus Sylvia Jr., Mol', & Mrs. Arthur P. Sylvia. Mr. & Mrs. James Baldwin, Mrs. Thomas Bancroft, Mrs. Rob ert Bishop, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cordeiro, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mello Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Teixeira, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Bouchard, Flora Vieira, Anna Vieira. Mr. & Mrs. Charles La Pierre Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Monjeau, Mrs. Mary: E. Culotta, Joan Rocha, Dr. & Mrs. Alvin J. Sim mons, ,Mr. & Mrs. Philip Tracy, Mrs. Mildred De Valles, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick D. Cole.
$150 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Giordano $125 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R.Glennon Jr. $100 Mr. & Mrs. Owen. F. Hackett Jr. Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Donaghy Mr. & Mrs. Edv."in Brady $75 Dr. & Mrs. Peter W. Sweetser · Rev. John V. Ma~(nani! $60 Mr. & Mrs ..John J. Smith Westport $50 ST. GEORGE · Mr. & Mrs.' Angelo DeMello Mr. & MI's. John Enos Jr: $500 ...
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hemming ·Rev. Lorenzo H. Morais
way Jr. '$250 .
Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Ladetto George Considine
Dr. & Mrs. Louis Miskell $100
Dr. &·.Mrs.E. Deane Freitas A Friend
Mrs. William Loughliln Potter's Funeral Service
Francis Mahoney . ' $50 Mrs, Helen M. Collopy Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. John Dias" Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. J;)r.iscoll . :$35 Joel Sunderland . , Mr. & Mrs. Jameg' Barrett George Barlow Atty & Mrs. Thomas F. Burke 'Edwin J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Manuel' DeMello $30 (. /, John· F .. Ward
Mr, & Mrs. Robert Davidson $35
. .... Helen & Margaret Gamble' T. Hudner. Kennedy
· Mr. &. Mrs. Frank Travers '$30
Thomas Wilcox'
Dr. & Mrs..John Machado $25 Oscar Stebenne
<;} $25
Mr. & Mrs. Armand Borges Mrs. Nelson Cleveland Joseph Bercier .
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Coleman Leonard Langlois Mr. & Mi·s. Frederick Corbeil Mary & Veronica Newett Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Doyle. Ronald Perrier Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ferro James Britland
Mr.' & Mrs. Vincent Hemiilg Raymond D'Alessio
way ,_. Paul 'A. Gosselin
Hilda King Alice Hanison .
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Maher Edmund Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Gerall! Murphy A. Therese Laurendeau· Mr. & Mrs. William A,. Murphy Claire Magnant · Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Nunes Eveline 'Magnant The Johnson Family Roland P. McGee peorgianina I;'e~lro Joseph 'Muscarella Mr. & MI;s..John F. Pilvines· . Gregory Rocha Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Quinn St..George Women's Guild Jr. St. George Holy Name Mr. & Mrs. John Saunders St. Vincent 'de Paul Conference Mr. & Mrs. Walter Martin Jacob Strunk Mrs. Homcr J. Messier Stevenson's Restaurant Mr. & Mrs. Eugcnc RheaUlne Joseph Vieira Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nunes $20' Mr. & Mrs. Wijlimn Neal'y Anonymous, Albert & Rene M ... & Mrs. A. Z. Ziclinski Blais, Richard E. Mahan, Joa-' Mr. & Mrs. Manucl J~othelo quim Mello, Alexander Steven Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Caron son, Edwal'd Wojnar Mrs. Isaac Dawson Charles Dora.n, Oscar Lariviere MariOn Freitas James J. McMahon, John L. Rob MI'. & Mrs. Walter O'Brien inson Mr. & Mrs. Harry O'Neill $15 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Sylvia Edward Carney, Mrs. Miltolll Jr. Chace, Albert L~nglois, Aurele Judge & Mrs. August Taveira Ledoux, Alice Manchester Mr..& Mrs. Francis S. 'Winsper Manuel Moinheiro, Laurence MI'. & Mrs. Joseph A. Frasier Palmer, Thomas Patenaude; Wil Jr. . liam &. Ella Rodgers, Joaquim Mrs. Helen Broughton Silva ' . " '.-' , MI'. & MI's. CarlQs Alves ' Eugene Szala, GCOI'ge, TI-i'oma.s, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T.omlinson Freaerick. Th~lrip~.9~1 . . ·~·~· , . · Rosemary' Quinn' . Eugene. Bercne;..'j'{j)l)leo '.:teo · Mr. & Mrs'-William S. Brady,'.' bUbl:euil, Gilber(I>uHhy,' 'oiiv~i: . Mr. & Mrs. David,·J. Bolton' ' . Fitzgel'ald, Francis X.' 'Fly'nn' ,·Mr. &.Mrs. Frank'Mel1 iI'" .--',;,. ':Rita Gonsalves, Adel~~'dGre~:'; ·Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Davis' , ier, Lawrence Maynal'd, John · Mi,. & Mrs. William ·Hines . . Morris" Michael O'Grady . Mr. &' Mrs. Gerald' More"iicy Do'!ald '. Ouellette, Rene M t' G t S . . Mr. & Mrs. John J. Dugan . Mr. & Mrs. John De Mello. Sr.: '. ar 111" ... us ave, JQS eph So~,;al, M.anuel Soal'es . $20 Anthony Sylvia, Franklin Syl via, He1il,ri Tetrault . . ' . MI'. & ·Mrs·. Edward H. Clou tiel', Dr~ & Mrs. George Gendron, Mrs. Luke McCtohan, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Menard, Mr. & Oppose Ab.orti~n Mrs. Joseph Singleton. . TALI,.AHASSEE (N C.) -.A Mrs.' Louis Vieira. MI·s. Dor-" Lutheran minister· and a. Presby othy Horan, Mr. & ·MI's. Albert tel"ian elder joined Catholic doc,.. ]lose. tOI'S, lawyers and a housewife in ' Mi·s. Josephine Folev, Mr. & . M,:s. Thomas M. Quin;l, Mr. & opp.osing a bill to revise Florida's abol'tiol} laws. They spoke before Mrs.. Joseph Luiz Jr., Mr. & Mrs. a packed gallel'y as the combined. Raymond 'Boyce," Robel:t Law Senate and House welfare com . rence. mittees. held. hearings on the bill. .$15 'l'heyfollowed a panel'of doctors. Antone' Abi'elJ, Mrs. Andrew from the Florida Medical Associ- . Doy.1e, MI'. & Mrs. William .Har-. ation who suppor~ed the; mea rington, Mr. I!K. Mn;. Joseph sure.
$200 . Mr. & Mrs. JQhn DeNadal
$120 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Yocum
$100 Dr. & Mrs. Jos. T. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Casimire Bartkio<> wicz The Forest Family
$50 Mr. & Mrs. John Costa $25 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Best Mr. & Mrs. David L. Bucklem Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Costa Mr. & Mrs. Joseph· P. Hallor~ Mr. & Mrs. Louis Lamontagoo Mrs. George T. Leach Dr. & Mrs. Philip Lozinski Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Maher Charlotte Medeiros Mr..& Mrs. Thomas Mori,:u'ty Mr. & M. ~. Thomas K. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Raposa JilT. Mr. & Mrs. JQseph Millette Mrr Isabelle Sandberg Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Souza Elsie C. & Elsie Travers $20 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Martin, MIi'. & Mrs. Donat Desmarais, Mr. .& Mrs. John A. Murley, Mr. & Mrs. William Murphy•
RELIEF IN ·VIETNAM: Anxious hands reach out for . Mr. & Mrs. Richard Treeida, Jife-givingfoodsupplies supplied by Catholic Relief Services, l\Ifr. & Mrs. Irene Caswell, Mr. & Antone DeCosta, Mr. & Mrs. the American Catholic relief and reconstruction agency, as Mrs. Roland Fauteux, Mr. & Mrs. A~ .part of the civil pacificatioJ~ pn:>gram in South Vietn~m. mand Goyette. Msgr. Roland Bordelon; 'who has made a. survey of the QRS Mr: & Mrs. Clarence Kir~ programs. in Vietm~m,.is a five-year veteran in overseas Mr. & Mrs. Claude Ledoux, Man work with CRS, on'leave from his diocese of .Alexandria, uel Martih, Gertrude MessieJr, Mr. & Mrs. Jeff O'Brien, MII'& La. NC Photo. ! Jaek ·Preston. '.>
~~. '-YOU
THREE LOCATIONS If you're looking for the best in banking service, ~omeon
in. to The National. Bank. Withthe opening of our'Stafforc;l
Square Offic'e, ·we'r.e now nearer to even more of the Greater Fall River area, and each 'of our offices. ha~
just ab:out every .service you could~~i"if for yourself and
your .f~mily.:We ·mea' I it when we· say we've your "Fun
. Service 'Bank"! .
" 55 NORTH MAIN ST: ..158 SOUTH MAIN ST. • 1001 PLEApANT,ST. : I,·
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Jette Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kirby Juliette & Lillian Labrie. MT. CARMEL' Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lallier $100 Mr. & Mrs. 'Florian Lapre Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Smith Mrs. Anna LaRochelle ,$50 Mr. & Mrs. Normand L'Homme Mr. & Mrs. Edwa'~d 'McCrystal Mr. & Mrs. Robert McCall 11111' & Mrs D. Anthony Venditti Lionel, Martineau $35 Mr. & Mrs. George Mercure Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Olean Mr. & Mrs. Norman Ouellette $25 $21 William Elliot Mr. & Mrs. Roger Pinsonnault Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Jal'vis . & Family Mr. & Mrs. Sel'gio Macedo The Achin Family, Arnold Rd. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. FrederIck Fortin Mr. & Mrs. Cosmo Mirando Mr. & Mrs. lIenry Guimond' Mrs. James F. Mitchell $20 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Santos, .' Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Achin, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Smith, :C" Deschenes; ,Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Tooie ,Herve Descoteaux, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley F. Young Paul Dion, A Friend, Mr. & MI'S, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Leo Rainville. Women's Guild Rita & Alma Achin, Aldea $20 r Brais, MI'. & Mrs. Maurice Dar Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lyons, Mr. gis, Mr., & Mrs. Russell Miller, & Mrs. Joseph Meno Jr., Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Leo Piette, Raymond Mrs. Jamcs F. Murphy, MI'. & , Vaguener. Mrs. Arthur ROIIJ'ke; Arline S15 Schreiner, MI·.~ & Mrs. Charles Achin Family, Old Post Road; Schultz Mrs. Louise Achin, Bernadette Alix, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Alix, $15 50seph M. Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Barrette. Salvatore Barchi, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & MI's. Albert Bleau, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Bonneau, Mrs. .Joseph Coleno, Lorenzo Q. Colu Clara Chabot, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Juea, Leon DeBonis Mr. & Mrs. Jqremiah Dowl)es, Charlebois, Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Mr. & Mrs. Paul Given, Mr, & Couturier. Mrs. Marguerite Couturier, MI'. Mrs. Joseph lIannon, M", & lVII's. ManuellIendl'icks Jr., MI'. & Mrs & Mrs. Gei'ard Desilets, Mr. & MI·s. Edward Dion, Mr. &, MI's. Raymond Keo'ugh Roland Dubuc, MI'. & Mrs. Ge Manuel Motta, Mr. & Mrs. AI hed 1'lazareth; Mrs. W. 'GOl;don "rard Dufault. Mr. & Mrs. William Dumoulin, lPal·tington, Mr. & Mrs. Jos~ph Swift ' Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Dupuis, !\'II'. & Mrs. Robel·t Laplante, MI'. & Mrs. Michel Pl'Oulx. Mr. & Mrs. Ocean Grove ,Emile Seymour. ST. MICHAEJ~ Mr. & Mrs. J;:tomual Thibault, $75
Mr. & Mrs. George Vaillancourt, Rev. Maurice E. Parent
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Weldon. $30
$15 Mr. & Mrs. Adhul,' Grimes
Adelar Chabot, Chaput Family, $25
Dods Gagne, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Mr. & Mrs. Arthul' CUI't
Weldon, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Davol
Yeldon. 'Mr. & Mrs. John Fill'ias ST. MARY Mr. & Mrs.. Nicholas Ionarona $800 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mailloux Rev. Edward B .. Booth Mr. & Mrs. William C. O'Neil $100 A Friend Rev. James A. ]jury Mr. &' Mrs. Joseph Pineau Rev. Armando A. Annunziato Mr. & Mrs. LaUl'ent Pineau Mr. & Mrs. James Coogan M,·. & Mrs. Gerald Sevigny Mrs. Howard Morse Mr. & Mrs. John Szuba $50 Mr. & MI's. Dominic Tl'OY Mr. & MI's. Aime Grenier $20 Mr. & Mrs. George Roach Mr. & M~s. Daniel Cahill, Mr. $40 & Mrs. Walter Malone, MI'. & Phippen Family M,'s. Philip McHugh, Lillian & $35 Clairc Morissettc, MI'. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Sumner John Oliver, MI'. & Mrs. Caesar $25 Paiva. Mr. & Mrs. George Bankert $15 John Bevilaqua .lr. Theresa Al'I1old. Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & :'v'II'S..foseph Feeney Leonard J. BCl'llbe, MI'. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Riehard Forbes JR. Bisson. M,'. & MI·s. Albert Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gaboury Bolduc, MI'. & Mrs. Alfred Stan Icy McMahon Bolduc. Albert O'Hcir Mrs. Margarct Butler & ,Fam Mr. & Mrs. Michael O'Rourke il,Y, Mrs. John Duclos, MI'. & Mrs. Joseph l'>etrone Robcl·t Flannery, MI'. & Mrs. Mal'y Regan Armand Pctrosso, Mr. & M,·s. Mal'joric Shea Leo Pineault & El'Ilest, MI'. & WaIte I' Simms Mrs. Edward Thompson & Mrs. Mrs. Edmund Welch John Bu,·ke. ,Mr. & Mrs. Fredc,'ick Wright
North At,tleboro,
Mrs. Yvonne Hamel
lfhurs., May 18, 1967
$30 Mr. & Mrs. John Dorothy Mr. &, Mrs. Norman Ringuete Mr. & Mrs. Francis Paul
PROFESSOR: Father Ray moml Brown, S.S., is to be come visiting professor of New Testament at Union Theo)ogical Seminary, New York, in the second semester, 1967-68. NC Photo. o
Attleboro ST. JOSEPH
$650 Rev. Ubalde Deneault
Mr. & Mrs. Roger DesVergnes
, '$75
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Lavigueur Miss LaUl'a Deneault' , $60
Dods LeVasseur
$50 Rev. Rene R. Levesque Mi's. Alice Pelletier Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Champagne Mr. & Mrs. Armand Boucher Donald Doucette Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Desrosiers
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Zito Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mercier Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Cote Mr. & Mrs. Robert Demel's Mr. & Mrs. Rene Dubuc Mr. & Mrs. Richard Castro Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mullins Mrs. Adelard Turgeon Mr. & Mrs. Henry Proulx Louis DesVergnes Mr. & Mrs. Joseph ,DesVergnes Mr. & Mrs. Hector Dubuc Lucien Paul Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Boisse Mr. & Mrs. Jean Joyal Susan Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Henri Paradis Henry Pelletier Mr. & Mrs. Paul Goulet Conseil Levis No. 88 of the L'Union St. Jean Baptiste D'A merique Mr. & Mrs. Richard Castro Mrs. Homer Gaudreau' ' Mr. & Mrs. Roland Brochu Mr. & Mrs. Elwood G. Frigon
$20 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGee, Lelia Boudreau, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Fonrouge, Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Rocheleau, Mr. & Mrs. Conrad 'Maigret Mr. & Mrs. Armand Doucette, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dubeau Mr. & Mrs. Harold Demers, Mr & Mrs. Ernest DesVergnes, Mr. & Mrs. Geol'ge Juaire $15 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Brassard, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Mousseau, Florent Hebert, E:unice Hutchin 80n, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Proulx. Agnella Boudreau, Eva Boud reau, Mr. & Mrs. RUdolphe Bou cher, Mr. & Mrs. John McKay, Mr. & Mrs. Jean Duphily. Mr. & Mrs. Armand Pinault, Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Turcotte, Mr. &Mrs. ArUm!; Legere, Mr. & MI·s. Gerard Fontneau, Mrs. Erfward Peck.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Jl1lson, MrS\, Elzear Laferriere, Mr., ~ Mrs. Norman Beauregard. MI'. & Mrs. Eugene Toracinta, lVir. & Mrs. Norman Hebert, The Pion Family, Mr. & Mrs. Law rence Governo, Mr. & Mrs. Nor man M'cunier Romeo Michel, Mr. & Mrs. ,Ev erett Lavin, Mr. & Mrs. Gaetalhl Collette ST. MARY
St. Vincent De Paul Society
$50 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Francis Holy Name Society Mary Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Laurent Thibert
Mr. & Mrs. Clement Lesage
$25 Mr. Mr. MI'. M I'. Mr. MI'. Mr.
& Mrs. Raymond Begin & Mrs. James ,Coogan & Mrs. Avila Grenier & Mrs. Le Mere & Mrs. Frank Padykula & Mrs. Rudolph Pierce' & Mrs. Peter Pinocci
$20 MI'. & Mrs. Fred Bartek, Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sitko, Mr. & MI·s. George St. Qermain.
$15 Mrs. W: "er Amos, MI'. & Mrs. Benjamin Braga, Mrs. Mary E. Coyle, ~lr. & Mrs. Charles Rock & Family, Mrs. Mary Poirier ,MI'. & Mrs. Gerard Cinq-Mars, Mr. & Mrs. F. Theberge, Mr. & Mrs. William Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. John Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Herberi West.
Honorary Degree' SPR1NGFlELD (NC)-Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston wiDTI receive an 'honorary degree from American InternationaTI College here on June 11. Otheli' degree recipients will include actress Helen Hayes and tele vision newsman Walter Cronkite.
$20 '
" Mi'. & Mrs. ·George 'Auty; Mr. SACRED ,~mART &", Mrs. Richard Beaupre,'M'r. & , $100, : ' , ~I·S. Edward, Brown", Mildred Boule & Boul'aSsa.F.\mily' Le;\I'Y, George McGee. , Mrs. Blai)chc PJ'e'court " Madeli~e Struek; Mi-: & M~s. $711: " ., Geo'rge' Vandal, Anthony "Velle Rev. Roger D. Leduc tri, MI'. & Mrs. Edwin' Zaleskey., ", $50 $15 Mr. & Mrs. J'ohn BUI'ke Mr. &. Mrs. 'Gerald Bessette, Mr. & Mrs. Pcter Tatarian Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cerreto, ,MI'S. , $40 Fred Cote, Mr &, Mrs. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Veilleux Furtado, 'Mr. '. & Mrs. Douglas $30 ' Gaudette. " . Louis Bardier Mr. & MI's., Batrick Grimaldi, $25 MI'. & Mrs. Gabl'iel Hagopian, Mr. &. Mrs. Normand Achin MI'. &. Mrs. Roger I. Hodon, Mr. Mr. &. Mrs. Ronald Achin & Mrs. Josepll Kelley, Mr. & Mr. &. Mrs. Henry Aubin Mrs. Stephen hinfield. . Mr. f; Mrs., Dnniel Bessctte Mr. & MI·s. Eugene Martha Jr., Mrs. Irene Brady Mr. &,Mrs. Thomas McMo'now" Ifr. &. Mrs. Rich.u·d Dlon MI·s. G. H. Morse .f,·., Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Roland Fregault ,', Robert Mullaney, Mr. '& . Mrs;' Mr. & MI·s. Fel'l1and Goulet Thom::s O'Donnell. Mr. & Mrs. EdwaI'd Guertin '& Mr. & Mrs. Edwin O'Leary, Family Mr. & MI·s. Paul Plumb, Louis' Anita Guimond Rousseau, Mr. & Mrs. Thom4ls Mr. & ·Mrs. James Hannon Rush, Mr, & Mrs. Willialu Wolo:" ~ FI'iend shylL.
Patio GAS Grill
~ow barbec~e the eas,y way-With controlled gas-heat, Permanent ceramic, bTiquets light,' instantly, give' real charcoal flavor., ~Iiminate , messy ashes. Weatherproof al,'minum hc)us jng.
CALORIC , (Outdoor)'
THE ANCHOR.Thurs., May. 18, 1961
Attleboro ST. JOHN
nOO Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Ciolfi' $125 Jl)r. Anthony Terranova $100
Mrs. Aldor Bibeault lOr. & Mrs. Vincent O'Donnen Dr. & Mrs. Harold Thompson $75 Rev. Edw.ard A. ~ausch Dr. & Mrs. Lino· Tiberi $50 Ernestine & Florence Moran Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Victor Vaughan
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
eph W. Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Ed ward Maher, Mr. & Mrs. James Maher
Oscar Maher, Mr.. & Mrs. Eu
gene Martin, Mr. & Mrs. 'James Martins, Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Mc Brien, Mr. & Mrs..Daniel Mc Carthy Susan McGinn, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent McGinn, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth McGrath; Mr. & Mrs. Eugene McLaughlin, Mr., & Mrs. Almon McManus ., l~'{r; & Mrs. A~red' McNally, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Morin, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mulleady, .Mr. & Mrs. James Murray, Mrs. Roy Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nolan, Ar thur Nolin, Mr. & Mrs. Robert • O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. O'Donnell, Mr. &. Mrs. Stuart' O'ltara Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alv~ro Oliveira, Mr: & Mrs. John O'Neil, Dr. &' Mrs. Edward Paolino, Mrs. Mary Pelissey, Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Pel letier Bertha Pelletier, Malvina Pel letier, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Pelle tier, Edward G. Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pion Mr. & Mrs. George Pion, Mr. &, Mrs. Robert Puhl, Mr. & Mrs.
John J. Reardon, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Roca, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Roy Olix Salley, Edna Salley, Mr &: . Mrs. Euvo Santala, Mr. &: Mrs.
Philip E. Shanley Sr., Mary Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Richard Silva, Mr. &. Mrs. Raymond J. Simoneau, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Sousa, Mr. Be: Mrs. Anth ony Squillante, Mr. Be: Mrs. Francis Stelter' Mr. & Mrs. James Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. John R. Sween~y, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sweeney, 'Mr. & ,Mrs. Arthur Thompson, Mr. &. Mrs. Richard Wagle
$15 Mr.·& Mrs. Richard Marsh, Mr. & Mrs. Harold McCutcheon, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Aguiar, Mr. & Mrs Joseph Rocha, Walter Stanford Edward Schulze, Mr. & Mrs. George Jacobs, Mr. & Mrs. Rob ert Stevens, Mr. & Mrs. Breridan Corbett, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Caponigro Mr. & Mrs. James K. Nerney, Mr. & Mrs. George Ryan~ Mr. & Mrs. Merle Holmes, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Mer ton Churchill James Crook, Clarence Fisch bach, Mr. & Mrs. William. Bien _ venue, Mr. & Mrs. George Hart, Mr. & Mrs. Leon O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bishop, Mr. & Mrs. John Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. John' O'Neill, Mrs. Manuel Soares Francis Hynes,M.r. & Mrs. Malcolm Fales, Loretta McCann, Florence Audette, Mrs. Charles Tranter Mr. & Mrs. James Furtado Bernard Hewitt, Dr. Richard .. Bx:ousseau, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Valade, Edward Gilroy
Mrs. Herbert Clegg Mrs. Herbert Fisher ' Mrs. Norman E. Legg COORDINATOR: Mrs. Mrs. Bowen Place Winifred R. Long, an elder in $25 Ralph F. Arquin the Presbyterian Church, is Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bellav~nce administrative assistant for Mr. &. Mrs Robert Cunningham coordination of program arid ST. STEPHEN Mr. & Mrs. Francis Flaherty research 'at the National $300 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Flynn Leo Roy & Family Catholic Educational Asso Mr. & Mrs. Clark Heon $200 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Kenton ciation, . Washington. Since Rev. Donald E. Belanger' Mr. & Mrs Francis F. LaPlante 1953, Mrs. Long has been in $100 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Martins charge of NCEA's finances Mr. & Mrs. Felicien Brochu
Mrs. Joseph O'Donnell and membership procedures, Dodgeville Finishing Co. Alice O'Keefe Morse Sand & Gravel Co. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O. Precourt and more recently its· re $50 Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Rounds· search activities. NC Ph..9to. Joseph T. Lavergne & Family Peter Silvia St. Anne's Sodality Mr. & Mrs. Edward' Stanton n6 Holy Name Society Mr. & Mrs. George Wefers $40' C Rosalind Martelli $20 Jean Galligan Mr. & Mrs. Aifred Ladabauche Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Cardin, Mr. Arthur Boudreau & Family Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sullivan & Mrs. Rock DesVergenes, Mr. &. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Daneau Mary Sullivan
Mrs. Nelson Duphiney. Mr. & $35
Madeline Turley Mrs. James' Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bessette Mr. & Mrs. Roger Goulet Gerard Gagnon Mr. & Mrs. Edward Britton
Edwin Nunes Lillian Imhoff, Mr. & Mrs Ray Mr. & Mrs. Everett Wheelock, A:nthony DeMattos $30
IlIlOnd Jacques, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Woll Mr.· Mr & Mrs Raymond Bergevine $25 Jewett, Mr. & Mrs. James Kelley '& Mrs. Jolin Zeyen, Mr. &' Mrs. $25 James E. Zmudsky Mr. & Mrs. James Crowley Anita H. King Mr. & Mrs. Archie Hebert Mr. & Mrs. Donald Antaya, Mr. & Mrs. William Fontaine John Kupstas, Mr. & Mrs. An Mrs. Dorothy Boisse & Arthur Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pist9lese lthony Magina, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh John B. Bowen, Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boilard Braun, Mr, & Mrs. Robert ChapMr. & Mrs. Raymond Roy McBrien, Fred McCracken Mr. & Mrs. Roger H. Racicot Mr. & Mrs. Guy Detellis Anonymous, Mr: & Mrs Robert .man, Arthur F. Connelly Mrs. Irene Rowland Gladys Connelly, Mr. &: Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Souza Nolan, Mrs. Thomas O'Keefe &: Mr. & Mrs. Luc Pelletier Mr. & Mrs. Eleazar Sicard Margaret, Mr. & Mrs. John Ross, Henry Creeden, Mrs. Mary CurMr. & Mrs. Arthur Cate rie, Margaret Dennis, Mr. & Mrs.' Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Beauregard Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sheehan -& Mr. & Mrs. Eric Maslen William M. Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel DeCosta Michael Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Lacasse Mrs. James Doyle, Mrs. Ludi':' Mr. & Mrs. Roland Tremblay Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Paille, A Mr. & Mrs. Frank .Rapoza vine Dyer, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence McNally D'riend' Raymond Pelletier & Family $18 Freitas, Mrs. Leslie Gage, Mr. & Marjorie Castro ' Mrs. Jeannette Tremblay & Mr. & Mrs. Ed~ard Scott Mrs. Edward Galligan . Lucy McNally Fa~il~' $16 Mary Galligan" Mrs. Mathias' Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Perry Mr. &. Mrs. Alfred Karol . Galligan & Angela, Mr. & Mrs: Mr. & Mrs. Victor Smith Mr. & Mrs. Albert Goudreau Mr. & Mrs. George Cravenho Alex Karol, Mr. & Mrs. William . M1'S Manuel Carvalho & Daniel Mr. & Mrs.-John Rogers $15. F. Lovell, Cecelia Masse Daniel Carvalho Mr., & Mrs. Charles Landry Mrs. Marie Adams, Annie Adel ' Mrs. Robert Mayer,Edward Mr. &. Mrs. Parry Laird l\1"r. & ,Mrs. Robert G. Cloutier Mr. & Mrs.-Vincent Alimenti, Mr Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. James Mui":: Mr. & Mrs. Ed Amesbury
Allen Blanchard Lawn Mower &: ,Mrs. Raymond R. Audette. ray, Ruth & Vincent Nihan, Mrs. Mr.' & Mrs.. Ii.eo Char~tte Sales, Bernard Beatty ,Bridget Nolin ' . Mr. & Mrs. Man,uel Almeida Caron Granite Co. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Belanger, P~.til R~agan\ Mr. &: Mrs.. John. - Mr.' ~ Mrs. Frederick Ellis St Vincent de Paul Conference Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bellavance, Redding, Mr. & Mrs Paul Rockett Mr & Mrs Edward Berthiaume Mr. & Mrs. Donald Charron MI1.&·Mrs.Robert·Bibeault, Mr.' . Mr., & Mrs. Joseph Ryan, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hoag .' A Friend &Ie Mrs. Edward Boyer, Mrs. John William Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Elshant Mr. & Mrs. Lester Gorman' K. Callaghan . Mr. & Mrs. V. Joseph Viera, Philip Dulude Leo Denis & Family Mr. & Mrs. Maurice R'. Cam.": Mr. & Mrs. Harry Dowdall Mr. & Mrs. Roland M. Trahan eron, Mr. & Mrs. F'; Carpenter Jr. HOLY GHOST Antone Dias Medeiros Benjamin Soucy & Family Mr.. & Ml·S. David" Carreiro, Mr. $1000 Helen Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Hemond, 'Be Mrs. Thomas Castro, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kelliher Henry Quinter. !VIr. & Mrs. ,Wilfrid Lefebvre
Mrs. Kenneth Charest $500 ". Ju.liette Medeiros .
!VIr. &:(\'Irs. Clarence Nadeau Mr. &: Mrs. Andrew I. Chap.;on, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Castro"': Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Pimental'" Ernest Doucette Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Ciccio, Mr. $300 Mr. & Mrs. Russell Sellars Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Maynard &; Mrs. Daniel Collins, William Rev. Stephen J. Downey Mr. ,& ,Mrs. Carl Sousa ' Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Carpenter . Co'omb, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cor$100 . MaryE. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Herve Dumont . !beil ~r. & Mrs. John Caponigro Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Bullard Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Walter Cronin Mrs $75 Louis McClusky Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Aussant Philip Davignon, Mrs. Jtin~ DeRev. Robert F. Kirby Zelmira Travers Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dumont Mayo, Ernest W. Doyle, Mr. & $60 ' Mabel Lewis - A Friend
Mrs. Frank Fanning Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bosh
Mr. & Mrs. Delphis Paradis Rocca Fantaccione, Mr. & Mrs.' $50 _ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Aveiro Paul Gendron & Family Lawrenc_e. Fitton, Mr. & Mrs." Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Guillette :J¥Ir. & Mrs. Roger Forget Mr. & Mrs. Francis Pariseau lames Fitton, Mrs. Agnes Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Philip De Lauri Mr. & Mrs. Ray Castro A Friend fir. & Mrs. Russen Fontneau Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lorden Robert Travers Mr. &' Mrs. Charles Gaudet Mr. & Mrs. Paul Garon, Mr. & In Memory of Mrs Rose Conlan Mr. & Mrs. Donald Augat Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Lacourse Wirs. Emilio Gautieri, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Constant Poholek Mr. & Mrs. Robert Geddes Mr. & Mrs. Normand Daigle Louis .Gazzola, Mr. & Mrs. Dariiel Mr. & Mrs. John Cloud Mr. & Mrs. Johri Leaden Mr. & ,Mrs. Julien Marquis
£. Gilroy, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Mr. & Mrs. Howard Bristow Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Arruda
Gingras $ 4 0 ' $24 Mrs. Bertha Loranger & Linda
Mr. & Mrs. William Goetz, Mrs Alice McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Silva Wilfrid & Louis Brousseau, Mr.
John Gourlay, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mr. & Mrs. Luigi Pinacoli. $21 & Mrs. Edward Lapierre, Mr. &
Guimc:.>nd, Mr. & Mrs., Salvatore $37 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nolin
Mrs. Albert Ousley, Mr. & Mrs. Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. John Hayes A Gulino, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Gerard Laferriere
. Paul Tremblay & Family, Mrs.
Hd~ ~ o ' • Mr. & Mrs. Leon Holbrook, Johnson's Finding Company Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Minor Alma Comtois & Doris, Mr. Be:
Sandra Kelly, Mrs. Mary Kelly, Mr. & Mrs.. Donald Pelletier Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Poholek Mrs. 'Lionel Paradis, Mr. & Mrs.'
Romeo Vanasse, Domino Janelle'
Mr. & Mrs. George Kohler, Mr. Mr & Mrs Raymond Brousseau Henry Ty • Mrs. Coleman Lee Jose V. DeFarias Pacheco .$16. & Family ':. Mr.'& Mrs. Armand R. Tougas,
Mrs. Charles Lennartz. Mr. &: Lavallee Family '. Mr. & Mrs. George Winsor Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Landry, 1l4l'.
Mrs. Elmer Lee. Mr. & Mrs. JoGIn memory of FrJohn Laughlillll _ ..,' Mr. & Mrs. Arthur StaDdleV & & & &
&; ~rs. Eugene 1. Therriault, Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Dube
Mr. & Mrs. Armand Dube, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Stebbins, Mr. &; Mrs. Donald Levesque, Mr. &: Mrs. Charles Levesque,' Mr...;& . Mrs. TreHle Caron " 'Mr. & Mrs. Edward Goudreil'll4 Mr. & Mrs. Russell April, 10seph Ratte, Mrs. Rose Cloutier & los-,. eph, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Rossiter John April & Fanilly, Mr. &: Mrs. Theodore H. Charron, Mr. & Mrs. Roger H. Froment, Mr. &: Mrs. Louis N. Lamoureux, Mr; & Mrs. Romeo Hebert Andre Ladabauche, Mrs. Eva Baker, Mr. & Mrs Albert Richard Mr. & Mrs Donald L. Lamoureux Mr; & Mrs. Leopold Marquis Mr. & Mrs. Harold Pedersen,· Mr. & Mrs. Alexandre Goudreaua Jr.. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gaudreau
As of January 1st
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.. 11II& IIIaIlI streIla --
Dominican' Academy Nuns Trounce Freshmen at Volleyball Tourney; JMA' Girls Write Gospel Version
Thurs., May 18, 1967
What becomes of Dominican Academy volleyball players? Apparently they enter religion; at least, that's the only explanation we can think of for the decisive victory won by the Dominican Sisters at DA's freshman-faculty match. Two games were played at At DA Jennifer Pollard has re the Fall River school, with ceh ld a $200 grant from the the Sisters triumphant in Union of St. Jean Baptiste, She'll both. Juniors at Jesus-Mary major in sociology at UMass.
Six of 45 seniors at Holy Fam Academy, also Fall River, have tried their hand at scripture, ily have received scholarships. pro('lucing a modern version of The~"re Daniel Larkin, going to the gospels entitled "The Gospel PC; Timothy Place, scholarships According to the' Juniors." In from: ':: and HC; Dennis Ken nedy, Stonehill; Steven Lawless, booklet form, these Bible narra tions are on sale, with proceeds S~·- ~; Maria Medeiros, "''',ming ham; Cynthia Torres, Campbell's benefiting the class treasury. School of Business. Election campaigns are in full lH!onor Students swing at Mt. St. Mary Academy, Six Prevost seniors have been Fall River, with voting to fake place tomorrow. The balloting named as maintaining an average of 90 or better for'their entire wi" decide officers for the com high school career. They're ing school year. Gabriel Andrade, Paul Carrier, The Christian Youth Move ment of Prevost and Jesus-Mary Paul Dextraze; RoJ)ert Lambalot, Aca,' ~my has a full schedule Philip Sabra and Edmond Trem of month-end events before it. blay. All are' entering cc",'ege in A cake sale is slated for Saturday September, with the exception at Zayre's department store; of P'Iul Carrier, who intends to there']' be a visit to children of enter the Jesuit novitiate in July. Dominican Academy girls mer St. Vincent's Home on Friday, iting highest honors for the thiJ:d May 26; and a Marian consecra tion ceremony will be held marking period are Theresa Chouin'ard, Joyce Macek, Denise Wednesday, May 31. The ambi tious group also plans a program Turcotte, Diane Cloutier, Patricia 1 carry through the Summer Maurano, Michele Dion and Debra Lay. months. Juni"rs at the Mount heard an Glee Club address by a business college of The Holy Family High School. ficial recently. Se discussed op glee club will present its second portunities open in the business annual concert tomorrow night v"ld. Also at Mount, students at Keith Junior High School in recently enjoyed Mt. St. Rita New Bedford; and also at HF the Day with a picnic and visit~, with school's basketball champs are young religious at Mother of anticipating a testimonial ban Mercy Novitiate, Cumberland, quet on Sunday at Lincoln Park R.I. Ballroom. The tennis club is in And Prevost boys heard a dis process of choosing its varsity cussion on marriage by Rev. te:::m. Robert Kaszynski. They also had Marie Fratoni, Feehan High's a dance, "Something Different," Anchor reporter, tells us that at which "good lighting, infor Janet Daigle of the Attleboro mative signs and op art" were school has been elected secretary featured and Prevost's mysterous of the Southeastern Mass. UniQn bird, "le Penguin, ras on hand. of National Honor Society Chap At Feehan 73 per cent of the ters and that another Feehanite 183 seniors will go on to higher in the news is Charles Rogala, education. Come September, one of five national winners of they'll be enrolled a1: 12 nursing a teen magazine contest. Char schools, one pharmaceutical lene submitted an essay c good . school, 26 colleges, six tech grooming and a picture of her schools, three business institu"'; self to win the award. She'll be tions, eight junior colleges, four f(, ... tured in the October issue of beauty academies, one airline the periodical. school and one computer pr~ To Judge Cheers gramming institute. Quite ~ Judges for cheerlcading finals selection. Also at Feehan, the school was, to be held Wednesday, May 24 at DA will be Mrs. George Snyder host, to a meeting of PACE, "8 development project of visual f Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River; Miss Virginia Frost, B. M. aesthetic education." If you,wish C. Durfee High School; and Miss to know what that is, ask Sister Hope MacFadden, Ne'J Bedford' Mary Edna ,'of the Feehan's fac ulty, who's, a PACEr. High. ' Upcomhig AcUvities Held on Tuesday 'at Cassidy High in Taunton was a softball On Sunday Mt. St. Mary Acad playday for Catholic high' emy's orchestra will join forces schools. Participants included with that of La Salle Academy to teams from Cassidy, SHA Fall present a concert. The. glee club' River, Jesus-Mary, and DA. orchestra and guest orchestra will play solo numbers and At Cassidy the head cheer leader come September will be merge for a finale. And tomorrow at Feehan the Margaret Alexio. With her will be heard Mary Berube, Suzanne student council will sponsor an Braga, Eileen Doherty, Briana informal dance. Frosh and sophs Doherty, Carolyn McCaffrey and held their annual dance last Fri day and the senior prom took Nancy Morin. Another playday: this one place Monday. Hol'- Family debaters recently today and featuring volleyball. participate~ in a novice debate It's at SHA Fall River and play ers will include girls from DA, tourney at Mt. St. Mary Acad Mount St. Mary, Cassidy and emy, Riverside, and also at HF Stang, in addition to the SHAers. the year-book, Maria,was dis tributed to eager students by Scholarships, AWards editor James Sweeney and co Still the~ come, the laurels for editors Karen Bowers and Patri graduating seniors. At Mt. st. cia McMullen. Mary, Ann Marie McMahon and Problems of Democracy stu Nancy Duffy received Catholic Woman's Club schola,:,ships. Ann dents at Feehan have been see Marie is headed for Bridgewater i.- pr" ,ciples in practi ce as they and Nancy for Fitchburg State. have attended sessions at the Carol Morton merited a $100 Attleboro courthouse. DA freshmen, even though grant from the Greater Fall River Business Bureau. She'll' beaten by faculty members in attend St. Anne's School of volleyball, will strive for laurels at their interclass competition, Nursing.
$350 Rev. William H. O'Reilly $50 Immaculate Conception Wom en's Guild $40 Mr. & Mrs. George Dooley & Edward $25 Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Colton Mr. & Mrs. Willian! Jones James Dinneen Mary Dinneen William Dinneen Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kingsbury Mr & Mrs Edward Ladebauche Bernadette McCabe Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Rose Mr. & Mrs. John Silva $20 Mr. & Mrs. Eclmund Brennan $15 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Gubala Mrs. Daniel Moore. Mr. & Mrs. William Slater
JHIil)NOR STUDENTS: Among officers of National Honor, Society at Feeh:m High School, Attleboro, are, from left, Michael McGrath, treasurer;"Lynne McNally, secretary; John Warburton, president. Absent from picture, Elyse Par me'tnier, vice-president.
$200 Rev. Edward A. Oliveira $50 Dr. & Mrs. Henry A. Alves Jrr. $30 Mr. & Mrs. James Aleixo Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cabral $25 Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Silva Our Lady of Lourdes St. Vin cent de Paul Society
. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Cardoza
Mr. & Mrs. James Sylvia, Jos eph Cardoza, Mr. & Mrs. George C. Moitoza $15 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Baptist, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel M. Lima, Mr. & Mrs. Robert de Moura, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Mello
pitting 9A against 9B. They'll and "'ar memorials of France clash Thursday, May 25. were the' subjects of Sister's Also at DA the juniors are slides. hard at work on preparations for And juniors, freshmen and 'the jr-sr banquet, to be held in sophomores also attended a tlfe school auditorium on '''day -rama" ~t La Salette re Wednesday, May 31. Their theme treat house, with the program in is said to be colorful, bright and cluding discussions, Bible vigil delightful, but it's ,also top secret, and Mass. and no one's talking. Teachers' Day Worlcll Wars Student councillors at DA will
Programs at Jesus-Mary have spC" ~or a teachers' day June 4 to
Mel'll C:o~$Q,B h6rs enabled students to contribute express student appreciation for
CHICAGO (NC)- A pri'~st and
towards CARE packages and the faculty; and also upcoming at six laymen will serve as III Board
May baskets for the needy. DA is the senior prom; an or At SHA Fall River students chpst.r<. program at 8 Sunday of Consultors for the Chicago
were hostesses to 12 girls from night featuring Anne lV"n~guerite province of the Sisters of Mercy,
Cassidy High, completing the ex Michaud, a harpist, and a variety evaluating the province's over
change program which began sh 'at 8 Friday night, May 26 all management policies.
with SHAers visiting Cassidy for and Sunday night, May 28.
a day of classes. Also at SHA, New officers for Holy Family's
juniors heard an illustrated lec- . Junipero Club are Kevin Har
ture on World Wars I and II, rington, president; Karl Fryzel,
Where A given by Sister Therese Anna, vice-president; James Hayden,
S.U.S.C.,a member of the faculty secretary; Richard Taber, treas
GOOD NAME of Boston College. Battle sites urer.
Attleboro ST. THERESA $200 St. Vincent de Paul
, $100
Vachon Motors Inc.
$50 Mrs. Jasper Lumbra Mrs. Paul Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Michael Arata Mr. & Mrs. W. Downarowicz $35
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Andrews
Mrs. Margaret Whitaker Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Moskalski $25 Ernest Major Leo Lyons Normand Carrier Mrs. Mary Blythe James Mann Ederito Fachada
Raymond Brown
Thomas Higgins
Robert Foley Mr. & Mrs. Robert St. Hilaire Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cournoyer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tomasso Mrs. Marilyn Bazinet Mr. & Mrs. William O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. William Leach Mr. & Mrs. George Busby Mr. & Mrs. Marcelino Souto CYO-St. Theresa's Mr. & Mrs. Edward Messier Mr. & Mrs. George Gariepy $20 James Henry, Mrs. Helen' Green, Robert Holmes, Armand Moreau,
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Rousseau
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Steele
Maurice Desmarais, Peter Mc 0 Sweeney, Bernard Nabach, Em
erald Levesque, Louis Roach.
Raymond McHale, Robert
MiIik, Karl Brogan, Rodolphe
Bergeron, Rodolphe Bruneau.
Adrien Deschenes, Raymond
Tanguay, John Casserly, Lyle
Mr. & Mrs. Francis McInerney,
Mr. & Mrs. James Lafrancois,
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rozak,Mr. &
Mrs. Lawrence Guisti, Mr. & Mrs
Richard, Murray
Mrs. Robert Specht, Horace LaCroix, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bon
neau, Mrs. Andrew McLean, Mrs
Irene Pitas, Mr. & Mrs. William
Means A
CHEVROLET 1007 Kings Hwy. NEW BEDFORD Open Evenings
l%L~J~rUlFf% ~'BI'1DIll1E~~
NA\ 1r1@NA~ @g fJIlRI§T®a.
lOR-[')i~~e of fall..River-Thur-
T·· S
·lRY :10
. Rt. Rev. J
May 18, 1967
$50 Manuel Fontinha A Friend' $25 Joseph. Amaral Eva Barker Manuel Camara Joseph Carvalho Shirley Furtado Antone Gomes Robert Hartung Jesse Linhares Joseph Macedo Andrew Marshall Jr. Willial11 Martin' Peter Nolan Maria Pires Elsie Semas
James Silvia Filomena Souza
James Thomas' $20 John Camara, Frank Vaz, Jos . eph Vaz .
$,15: .:: Joseph Butll!l.r, Victoria 9~~~w, Clifford Cruz, 'Louis Panser~au., John Enos, John' Gouveia,' Alfred Jacinto ' '. Nunes Family, Manuel Perry, Alfred Rose, Frank Rose, Man uel· Silveira Joseph Souza, Perry de Thomas Joseph .S6'uza. -
McSweeney, William Murray & Family, Joseph O'Hearne, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Parkinson Carruth Steeve!" Edward Tokarz
's J. Dolan
• -;;6
$500 Rt. Rev. William Dolan ! 100 . $100 Charles R. Co .~lligan Holy Family Women's Guild Dr. Joseph F:'1tes St. Vincent de Paul Society 575 $50 Mr. & Mrs. William W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Russel ChamberA Friend land Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mozzone $50 Dr. Normand Larocque Mr.·& Mrs. Thomas White Chaisty FaJ!lily Mr. & Mrs. Thomas White '"
Mrs. Mary Moriarty & Sara $36 Maloney Mr. & Mrs. William Emsle~
Mrs. Manuel Semas $25 Dr. John Fenton Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mendes Dr. George Harrington ···Mr" &·Mrs. Charles Kenyon :ij:arold Sheehan Mr. &·Mrs. Bruno Mozzone
A Fr.iend '. i :Mr: & ·Mrs. Daniel Cabral .! $40 :Mr. & ·Mrs. Antonio Gomes & Mrs. Claire R. Auger ,~miiy' " . Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Keefe ., .. Mr: &:Mrs. Francis Perry' '. $30 . . 'Mr: &: Mrs. John Do~";W:' Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Machado Lelia Duffy Mr·. & Mrs. Camille Dietlin · Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. William'Powers Esther & Ethel Buckley " : Mary ~aposa Ruth Dias Angelina Correia . Dr. E. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Davis New ·Bed{ford , $25 .,.'.:. $20..··•• SACRED HEART Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Callanan Mr,·&Mrs. Charles Geer .! .. ' $50 d ;'" , .... : },\fl'. Albert Clement lW:~; &;'Mrs: ;·A).f~ed Du~ra·. Mr. &.Mrs. Leonard Simmonll Edward Duffy Mr.&'Mrs. Thomiis' Coughlin PEOPLE'S LEADER: Father Anthony TraJi van Phan, ., .", .. ," .,~· .. ·$40· ';'" . Marguerite Hoye pastor at Bac Ha H~mlet One,s,tands,b~fore. his ch,~rch ~~0~~~~.e~·1..5' c'. __ ' . ' ., .. ~. Mr. & Mrs. Omer Tareli Mary McManus .$35 and the statue of Our .Lady j)f Fatima...NC.Photo. Mr. &. Mrs. Lloyd McGovem · .. iwri;; '.'Tneresa· Rogers; Mr.:' &: Mr. & Mrs. Alfred L. Bo~~hanl Alice McKenna :Mrs.>CEiorge- Dorsey, ·Mr. &. Mrs. . . $2'2 . , Ruth McKenna Mr. &: ·Mrs.Albert Nunes"Jr:, '!J~phRaposa,lI!tr:.&M~; WH Mr. & Mrs. 4rthur:Desc~nelJ Susan McKenna, .. liarn:Willette, M£& Mrs. Gerard . Mr. & Mrs': AnthonY; Vieira, Mr. $25 !:dward McNamara & Mrs.' Edmund Texeira;. Kath DUcharme.' ' . . : Dr. & Mrs. P\iul Grenon .:.i Dr. Thomas O'Brien leen Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. John.T. ' Mt:·;·& Mrs. Edwin DaVis, Mr. &: Atty & Mrs. Raymond Leto.UI'Joseph O'Donnell Donohue, .,,: .' · MtS~:Robert Larkin; Frances E. neau Anonymous ' " '. Mr. &. Mrs. Stephen· Parisi, ~,Mr. & Mrs. .:J0seph CaStro, Mr. & Mrs. Jean RI'Plant~.. James Reid Mildred" Braga, Manuel, Braga, Mrs.. Adeline Roberson ..-<' Mr. & Mrs.· Roland Roberts Janice Russell Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Cazeault, Mr. Fr~nk Mendes, Robert Larkin, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur TrahaD Leonard Sousa Mr.. &' Mrs:' James' Pacheee, Dr. & Mrs. Robert Fielding,'_ Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Souc;y Me/fill Maynard . Gertrude Simpson ~ .Mrs: Richard .Hey\yOo(f, Mr. & $20 . Mrs. Bertha Bettencourt ·M,rs:, Albert. Burgess' '. Mrs. W., Baxter-Green, Mr.&: Mr.·& Mrs. Jules Lamothe .William Silva Mrs. Leo Conroy ...·Mr.,&· Mrs. Alfred .Amarld, Mr•. . '. . $15. . Robert J. Hill Jr. &: .Mr~. Anton'e¥edejros" Mark: John Belotti, Mr.' & Mrs. Ar ST. JOSEPH Robert J .. Hill Sr. . _.n.riscoll, Mrs. Mary-~UrP~, thur Tetrault, Mr &. Mrs Antonio Mr. & Mrs. Lionel LaFrance $50 CJJ,ampagne" Charles Tetreault Mr. & Mrs. Edward TOIll7 Attorney & Mrs. Walter G. Marcia Champagne John Keating Powers ST...THERESA Harold Mosher Ml"; <:t'. Mrs,· William Scuny " '. $1500 ... : Wilham & Margaret Behan $30 . Mr. & Mrs. ;Paul Duchaine · Ralph Buckley Mr. & Mrs'. ·Joseph Santos . $2:»0,.: William DeStefano . $25 Rev. William E. Collard .Donahue Family Mr.. & Mrs. Francis T. Cough .$50 .. , Dr. Anthony Elias lin '. Rev. Clement F. D.ufour·. · Mary Fountain Dr. & Mrs. William Donohue
Winifred Laughlin . Katherine Hern Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Motta Joseph Mador
$20 Mr. & Mrs. RaOJ,lI. LeBlaq.e Alice McCusker Anna Drinkwater, Mr. & Mrs. $25 . Michael McCusker Edward J. Lynch, A Friend" Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Richard Mrs. Michael McCusker $15 Mr. &: Mrs. Emile Dalbec Dorothy & Marguerite Mc- . Mr. & Mrs.·Peter Bartek,:Doris Mr. & MrS. Eddy Bellefeille Manus 0 Bartone, Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Mr. & Mrs. Armand DudevoiT Joseph Megan Sr. Gay, Mr. &. Mrs. Edward Hoye, $28
Mr. & 1'4rs. Charles J. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lane. Mr. & Mrs. Laurent Parent Margaret Neenan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McKenna,
$15 ST. lPAUL Evelyn Rice Mary. McNearney, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Mederic Vigeant, Mrs. Joseph Rowley John Santos. $108 Mr. & Mrs.. Paul Fontaine, Mr. & Daniel B. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Rennie ST. JAMES Mrs. Wilfrid Leclair Denis Sullivan $~5 Mary VanZandt $50 Robert Stratton & Family Joseph Wade Laureat & Francis Guay $25 ,$25 ' AnLEBORO'S .
Joseph' N. Scarano Mrs. Catherine R. Campbell ,,'.': Leading Garden Cente,
George ·Mador· ~ .. - ''It- '1 Martin $20 $20 .
Mr. & Mrs. .o!'rank To~i Ernest' Mediros, Ramon Cotto, Mr. & Mrs. William Driscoll
lltenne,th C~yto!1' 'J;h~~~ Corr, Ernest E;' 'Carreaux, Witiiam ;' :John Gab6ury' . Mr. & Mrs. Edward Galvin,Anna McMahon Family, Lazare TremRaftery ';" ' ' . .,. ,.... ' Mr..& Mrs.· Henry· Brad.y billy' " . .., South Main .Wall· Sts, . Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Machnik William J •. Casey SACRED HEART . ,,,., $15 . Mr. & Mrs.·Rayinond L~brie Joseph Four;n~er . . ..... $500 .'. Gloria Hudson, Maurice Rien $30' . , $15' :at. Rey. Francis McKeon' deau, Frank· Tabak, Francis Mr. & Mrs. John. Dickinson 222-0234 $50 Peter Tobin, Nora .Whitters, Welch Jr. $25. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Rose Elaine Pivorotto, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Heriry Menard J. Howard O'Keefe _ Kenneth Waine, Robert Sullivan, Eleanor Dwyer' Mary Lou Pellegrino & Jean-· Helen Bird, Peter Caramos, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore DuptWi Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cote, Peter B. nette Whittle Lillian White Curran, Anna Donovan $38 Joseph Witschey o Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Murphy &:. John Fernandes, Marion Gaff Robert Couto Family Savings Banlc life Insurance ney, Martha Leonard James E. Patricia Manuel Oliveira Real Estate LoaM Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Correira McGovern, Lawrence Pivirotto J. Leo Conroy Jr. Robert Richardson, Arthur $25 Christmas and Vacation Clubs $20 Francis Cronan
Shaw, Lillian Theroux, Armand. Catherine & William Kelley,
Yelle Mr. & Mrs.·Armand A. Audet Savings Accounts Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tremblay. Mr. & Mrs. Coy Folcik William Boyle, MariOIl Camp Mr; & Mrs. Aime St. Pierre. bell, William Carney, Edmund Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Prairie 5 Convenient Locations Finnegan, Walter Fitzgerald . $15 Mrs. B. Lewis McDermott Mrs. Charles Gillon, Mabel Har Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Knott ~ '.ary ~ Eileen p . c. &: rington, Mrs: John Lawson, ·Em Mr. & Mrs. Louis V. Cook Mrs. James T"O" _Mrs.. ery Malo, Marion .G. McDonald' Mr & Mrs William P. MacLeam Edward T' .. . . _.i. Walter '0---";' Dennis McSweeney, Patricia The ;'.,Welch ·. .... . Family .. . Anonymou
Check These B""king Services
•• • ••
.,. ~ ,; .. "
.;., ~ . l , ... I . '
) '" I -... 0\. ' ••
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Homen Mr. & Mrs. Norman Lepire Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pedroso Mercedes Pitta
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rodriques Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O. Silva Julia & Eva Souza Mr. & Mrs. Mathew Souza Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. A. Vasconcelles A Friend', Mr. & Mrs ·Fernando Cruz, Lucy E. Dias, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Lomba, A Friend Mr & Mrs Celestino D. Macedo Dr. & Mrs. Michael ~orton III ST. l!UILll.&N • $41011
Rev. Walter J. Buckley $2011 5t. Vincent de Paul Society
.YOUTH .SYMPOSIUM: At a symposium on youth's influence in modern society by the U.S.C.C. Youth Depart ment in Washin~ton, the Rev. John S. Wood, executive director. Youth Ministry, National Council of Churches, New York, meets with his opposite number, Magr. Thomas Leonard, director of the Youth Department, U.S.C.C. NC :Photo. _..,
New Bedford ST. JAMES
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hemingway Sr.
$100 Mrs. Jeremiah Coholan ..,. Dr. & Mrs. James S. Manley Mr. & Mrs. Louis Coholan
$75 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tschaen Sr. $65 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dwyer $60 . Mr. & Mrs. Michael Crowley $50 Mrs. Wright Bolton III Mrs. John Duff Mr. & Mrs. William Hendricks Mr. & Mrs.. Edward Kerwin The Mahoney Family Mr. & Mrs. Andrew O'Neil A Friend $40
Mr. & Mrs. John Markey
Anna Meehan
Mrs. Carl Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Barabe Edward, Mary & Margaret Con nelly Mrs. Thomas Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Smith Joseph & William Cawley Agnes Tiernan $25 Eileen Backus Mr. & Mrs. Francis Baptiste Frederick Brotherson Mr. & Mrs. James A. Cawley Mr. & Mrs. William Coonan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Desorcy Robert & James Devlin Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dumont Mr. & Mrs. Henry Frenette Ellen Gaughan Mr.. & Mrs. Francis Holt Mrs. Marguerite Macey Mr. & Mrs. Edward Maguire Mr. & Mrs. John C. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Leonard McDo~ Dell Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester A. Mit ebell Mary Ouimet Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Rocha & Anna Rocha In Memory of Timothy J., Mal'iY A. & Agnes G. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Leo M. Sullivan Patricia Sullivan William Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. John Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Towers Leo M. Worden Mr. & Mrs. Henry Zajac Mr. & Mrs. James Bolton Mr. & Mrs. Louis Boudreau Helen L. Crowley Dr. & Mrs. Byron Ford Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Frates Mr. & Mrs. David Hautanen Kathleen McLaughlin .John M. Quinn
$125 In Memory of Milton Weaver and Medora Loranger.
$50 A Friend Holy Name Society St. Kilian's Couples Club .$27 Albert Leeming Family $25 Mr. & ·Mrs. Manuel Dias Mr. & Mrs. Allen Bentlu Dorothy Ferreira Dorothy Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Paul PelletiG"· $22 Mr. & Mrs. John Dury
$2@ Mr. &.Mrs. Joseph Masse
THE ANCHORThurs., May 11, 1967
$15 . Mr. & Mrs. John Gilmore Richard Rose, Barbara Gouveia .Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Whit taker Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lemos, Orval Langelier, Allen Strihger, St Kilian's Ladies Guild Mr. & Mrs. Frank Silva ST. M.&IltW
$541 Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Malon'W· $211
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Coucci
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Leaver
nYOurchiid thiS
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bosse, Fran . cis Coffey, Nellie Fay, Mr. & Mrs Edward Mackay, Everett J. O' Brien William O'Malley, . Mary T. Winsper, Peter Zajac $15 Mr. & Mrs. William Aspden, John Bauer Jr., Joseph Cherry, Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Corderre, Mr: & Mrs. John Downey Mr. & Mrs. James Hampson & ·Marie T. Hampson,·Agnes Kear ney, Sarah A Keighley, Margaret Kinniery, Isabel Lima William T. McAvoy, James Meehan, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Ra posa, Mrs. M. Josephine Talford, A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lamoureux Mr. & Mrs. ~tephen Stupakski ST. JOHN TIHIE BAPTIST
$100 Honorable Edmund Dinis In Memory of Manuel J Soares $50 Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Martin A Friend (3) Aubertine Funeral Home. Dr. & Mrs. Manuel F. DeMello Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gonsalves Mr. & Mrs~ John Gracia Hon. George P. Ponte Dr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Ponte St. John Couples Club
I; 1
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fredette $25 Mr. & Mrs. Antone Arruda Joseph Arruda Mrs. Beverly Duarte Mr. & Mrs. Charles Duponte Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gracie Mr. & Mrs. Walter Oliver In Memory of the deceased members of my family-Lillian M. Olivier Mr. & Mrs. Richard Perry St. John Ladies Guild Mrs. Thomas E. Zipoli Mrs. Helen Brough Mr. & Mrs. Jayme Cardoza Mrs. Patricia Dumas A Friend (3) ·Mr. & Mrs. Laurent Guilette Mesquita Pharmacy Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Rego Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rezendes St. John's CYO St. John the Baptist Holy Name Society Mr. & Mrs. Antone L. Silva $20 Mr. & Mrs. John Furtado Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Americo Ramalho Mr. & Mrs. Frank Souza Dr & Mrs Antonio De m Castro In Memory ot Olympia & AuguSa tin Gonsalves, Dr. & Mrs. Albert S. Luiz, lfrarik. Santos, Mr. & Mm Adolph Walecka $:n9
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. VieiFa $:n5
Mr. & Mrs. James Boyle Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Correia Mrs. Victorina Cotnoir Mr. & Mrs. Edmund L. Grace
lomd II-not giVe something
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. . . . Be at widespread trop~ ad d&seatie WJIida causes severe disfig meme..t,· atppJed boDeli, blindness and eNDtuaI c1eatJI. ht Cbe most startling fact aboct JawB is how little it takes te
cure It-$lO. A ehiId like dds has you to turn to. ·10 'MiSsion lands millions
Uke him are without care. Dear Mon
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THE ANCHOR-Dioces,e of Fall River-Thurs., May 18, 1967
New lBeQlford ,ST. JJOSIElPlHI
$700 Rt. Rev. Louis E. Prevost $250 ' Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Roy Dr. & Mrs. Albert Hamel $200 Mr. & Mrs. Francois Su1Uv~n, $160 Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Segu,in $lI.50 Mr. & Mrs. Herve Couture $100 Li "ue du Sacre Coeur Da~es de Ste. Anne Enfants de Marie $75 Rev. Roland Bousquet Mr. & Mrs. Francois BouChard $65 Mr. & Mrs. 'Maurice Dans~reau
Mr. & Mrs. Normand Osf*guy A Friend Mr. & Mrs. G. Albert Roy $3~
Mr. & Mrs. Luigi Fiano Mr. & Mrs. A. Gaudreau $30
Mrs. Raphael Beaulieu &c: • ughters Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Hodson Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Lemaire Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mathieu Mr. & MJ;'s. A. Bertrand. &c: Iramily, $~8
Mr. & Mrs. John Maguire $25 Mr. & Mrs. Normand Boutin 'Francois Boyer Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Dufour Mr. & Mrs. Mourice Fortin . Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse, Pelletie,r Mr. & Mrs. Norman St. Gelai,s Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Trudeau Mr. & Mrs. Isodore Viens , Mr. & Mrs. David L. Wilcol( A Friend Aurele Brodeur Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Charette Mr. & Mrs. Rene Dufresne Mr. & Mrs. Henri Leblanc Mr. & Mrs. Maximc Leblanc.. Mr. & Mrs. R. L'Heureux A Friend " Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Perryman' "A friend Alma-Piche Henri Phaneuf Mr. & Mrs. Alphege Robitaille Mr. & Mrs. Michael Trahan Lucille Allain Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Barber Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Burke , Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Lamon;' llagne . The Leblanc Family . Mrs. Jeanne Levesque Mr. & Mrs. A. Montminy Yolande Robitaille $24
Mrs. Emily Cormier, Robert Lafrance ' $22
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Giranl
Mr. &' Mrs. Armand Beaulieu, A ~riend, Mr. & Mrs. Adheman Demers, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Lan C1iry, Clement Languirand. LeG Marcotte, Lina Marcotte, Louis Marcotte, Mr. & Mrs. E. Plaud, Mr., & Mrs. Matthew Winn. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Olivier, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Robillard, Mr. &; Mrs. E. Melanson, Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Fortin $15 Pauline Bertrand, Mrs. Paul Bonneau, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Fortin, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Fre dette, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Mar ehand. Mr. & Mrs. Ger,ard Marche sauit, Mrs. Phillas Fottin, Mr. lit Mrs. ,Tean Belliveau, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Souza. , Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Alves, Mr. & Mrs. Pius .Allah" Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Belliveau, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Braga, Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Breault. l'herese Coulombe, Mr. & Mrs.
R. Marcel Davignon,Mr: & Mrs. Joseph Fourriier, Mrs. Laurette Gall, nt & Bernadette Gallant, MI', & Mrs. P. Jodoin. Laroxque Family, Mr. &, Mrs. Robert Masse, Masseau Family, Pauline Ostiguy, Mr. & Mrs. George Renaud., .', Mr. & Mrs. H. Verronneau, Mrs. Marie Violette & Family, A Friend.
ST. ANTHONY OIF PADUA $600 Rt. Rev. Albert 'Berube'
, $75
Rev. Gerard Boisvert .
Rev. Bertrand R. Chabot
Rev. Rene G. Gauthier
The Beauregard Family
$50 Mr, & Mrs. Armand S. Cote Mr. & Mrs. Louis Parent Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Robitaille Aurele Cormier St. Vincent,de Paul Society $35 Talsop Lee
Esa Family
Robert Lagasse
Germ'aine Chadwick
Leo Robida AdeIaI'd Marois A Friend (2) Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Mailloux Anita Charpentier Henry Dube Elzear Cormier Alfred Gauthier Eva Benoit Lucien-Belanger Andre Daigle Alice Contant Damase Janvier Ernest Payette Leo Hebert & Family Laurent Roy Godelive Soucy Jules Gagnon Marcel Splrlet Armand Cormier David Rego Wilfrid Masse $20
Alice Rymut
Yvollne & Louis Lafrance
Ailtoinette LeBert & Daughters $15 Bertha Duquette, Thaddeus 'Gumienny, Gerard Gouguen, Al fred P. Soucy, George Gamache Roger Barthelemy, Wilfred Blanchette, Hormidas Boucher, Victor Belanger, Joseph E. St. Pierre ' Fred Tetrault, The Ross Faro- , ily, Michael Srnecz, Antoinette Gelinas, Valida Jackson . Odina Sasseville & Adrienne Castonguay, Roger -Rioux, An toinette'St. Pierre, Irene Frigault Julien Menard Family Mrs. William Mindle, Claire Cournoyer, Donat Letendre ST. FRANCIS OF ASSIS"I . $50 Rosaria Nicolacci $25 Ghilardi Family Robert Morelli
Joseph Barbero \. Vincent Vancini Aido Balestracci Angela Hackett, Paul Vancini ST. HYACINTH • $50 A Friend $25 Mr. & Mrs. Valmore Barabe
En.eCTRDCAL Contractors
4~@ ..
944 County St. New Bedford
r 1!9
NClItion«ll~ $5000 A Friend
$850 Fernandes Super Markets Inc. $250 Milton Bradley' Co. $125 . Holy CI'OSS Fathers-8t. Joseph Hall $50 Rev. CIal'ence J. d'Entremont Joseph, V., Tally Inc. ' Rev. Kenneth' A, Michael $50
Rev. Edmond Tremblay
, $25
A Friend
E. Brodeur & Son Inc.
New Bedford $600
Glen Coal & Oil Co.
Seguin & Caron Inc.
Harriet Transport Ca.
$150 COlll'ad Seguin Body Company Debrosse Oil'Co.. ' $100 Massachusetts Trucking Co. A Friend Macedo Pharmacy Universal Roofing & Sheet Metal Co. Knights of Columbus McMahon Council No. 151 Capt. Frank's Fish Market Daughters of Isabella Hyacinth Circle l'jo. 71
$75 A FI'iEmd $50
A Friend
Calvin Clothing Corp.
Rodney Metals Inc.
Ideal Dairy
Cox's Candy
, $25
Atty. Jack London
B.P.M. .
L & S Concrete Co.
N. B. Fishermen's Union
Raymond Mck. Mitchell
Reca Pharmacy
Glennon Roofing Co.
Local No. 224IBEW
,Park Motors Inc.
Brodeur's Machine Co.
Jay and Bee Fillet Co.
Louis Stone, Atty.
People's Super Market
Crystal Ice Co. Inc.
, $15
. Novick Jewelers
Glaser Morris Glass
'Adams & Adams
Cape Cod Area $150 A Friend
$100 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Smith -= Smith's Surrey Room Falmouth Diner Atty. & Mrs. James H. SmIth
A Friend
Hunt Club
Dr. & Mrs. John Mitchell
Coonamesset IIlIl
A Friend
. st.
Dr, & Mrs. Norman Starostlil
$25 Dr. lit Mrs. George DeMello 'Jerry's Bar & Grille Dr. & Mrs. Edward Fitell Ortins' Photo Supply Falmouth Co-operative Banllt Falmouth Package Store Paul Peters Insurance Agency George H. Ferreira Construc~ tion Co. Harold L. 'Baker Co. Ine. John Keohane $15
'Falmouth Auto Body Inc.
Walker Motors Inc., Falmouth Ford, Kinchla's Ine., Danny Kay's, Harold Baumeister Jan B. Kopy
Week-End Meat Speciale I
2'11 to 3 LB Average
, Fully Cooked
Virtually No Wast.
Ilasy to Carve
Produce Speciale'
IABI-JUICI - 100eyo Pure"'; "The Rnl Thing"
Orange Juice ~~;L 38c Sweet Corn 5 29c
Golden,!!ars - Bursting with Flavor
Grocery Specia[s'
.Gem' Salad Oil
Por Cooking or Salad.
Grapefruit Juice
"Y~R" GARD.. Unsweetened
00 41QT140~ CANI.
Grapefruit Sections
00 51. S Tomato Soup
1Oe ·lW
1011101: CAN
,AJax Laundr,Delergen'"
S9c o
Bomo [ow Solf·llorvlco PrlCGl! Tn 7\11 Our Stores In This Vicinity' cl (We Reserve tlie Right to limit Quantities)
New Bedford HOLY NAME
$600 A Friend
Rev. Henry T. Munroe $50 John Gero Mr. & Mrs. Charles A Gunning $35 Mrs. Eleanor Benac & Family Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Derby S30 The Mello Family $25 Julia & Joseph F. Foley Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Fredette Gerald Hanington Albert Hill In Memory of Alice Hill Mrs. Rose Jones Mrs. Teresa O'Leary & Family Mr. & Mrs. William P. Powers Grace Sheehan & Family Mrs. John Whitmer Mrs. Mary Wilson $20 Mr. & Mrs Stephen Cavanaugh
Mr. & Mrs. James Gleason Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Thornton $15 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bures, Mr. & Mrs Patrick Conlan, Mr & Mrs Arthur Cormier, Mr. & Mrs. Al ban Lancaster, Mr. & Mrs. John E. Macedo Mr. & Mrs. Leo Ouellette, Mr. & Mrs. James Stott, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Sullivan
TWO PILGRIMS: Sister Lucia and Pope Paul VI, after the Mass at Fatima, Portugal, greet crowds at tending the ceremonies. Between them is Msgr. Mario Nasalli Rocca di Corneliano, papal master of ceremon ies; at right is Amleto Cardinal Ci cognani, papal secretary of state and former apostolic delegate in the United States. NO Photo.
'HE ANCHORThurs., May 18, 1967 .&SS1lJMlll"'ll'ION
,>' I
$53 . in Honor of the 1967 Firtd\ Communion Class $25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Silva J. R. Smith Edith Fonseca
Henry Gibeau
Edward Cruz
Mary G. Ramos
Mrs. Jennie Pires Edward J. Joseph $ll.5 Mr. & Mrs. William Stevens, Hilda Fortes, Mr. & Mrs. Antone R. Gomes, Mrs. Eugenia Duarte, Mr. & Mrs. William J. Santos Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Turneli'. M,r. & Mrs. Theodo~e Almeida OUR !LADY,
• > '.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Szeliga &.Z Christine Mr. & lVII's. Anthony Zerbonne Mr. & Mrs. Czeslaw Ponichterlll Kaszynski Family $20 Mr. & Mrs. Zygmunt Stan kiewicz $15 Evelyn Jeglinski l\1r. & Mrs. Joseph Gonet :
$300 Rev. Ernest N. Bessette $100 Mr. & Mrs. William Belanger $~5
Mr. & Mrs. Clement Damicone
S40 Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Hotte $30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Arsenault
$29 Mr .& Mrs .George Desrosiers $25 Mr. & Mrs. Emile Beaurega~d Therese Bonneau Mr & Mrs Joseph Charbonneau Mr. & Mrs. Clovis Fecteau '1 Mrs. Henry Galipeau Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Guillotte Mr. & Mrs. Norman Parent Mr. & Mrs. Paul Parkin Kathleen Roche $20 A ParishiOl;er $15 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bancroft Mr. & Mrs. George Brasseur Mr. & Mrs. Emile Camire Mr. & Mrs. Louis Charpentier Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Constant Mr. & Mrs. Emile Cormier Mr. & Mrs. William Corrado Mr. & Mrs. Leo Doyon Mr. & Mrs. Donat Fortin Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fl'ey Mr. & Mrs. DO\lald Gaudette Mr. & Mrs. Joseph' Leger Mr. & Mrs. Austin Manning Dr. Augustus McKenna Corella McKenna Genevieve McKenna Mr. & Mrs. Umberto Reale Mr. & Mrs. John Sardinha A Pal'ishioner IMMACUILA'lr.~
$75 Rev. Americo Da S. Martins, C.M. $35 Richard Parsons $30 " Sylvester Sylvia Victor Rebello Jr. $25 Maria Alves Albertino Ba rros The Batalha Family Joseph Cabral Arthur Cabral Dr. Manuel Camacho GilbeJ;t Coelho $2. Mary Lou Bettencourt, Eta elides Cabral, John Damasio $li Mary S. Bettencourt, Hildbert Borges, William Furtado, .James Gaffney, Adelino Jardim George Marcelino, August Ra poso, Francisco Roque
Pope Stresses Peace in Church~ World . FATIMA (NC) - Twin themes-peace in the Church and peace in the worJd were stressed by Pope Paul VI in his sermon at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima. The Pope urged his listen~rs to pray for peace in both the Church and the world. Without peace, he warned, the conse quences in each case woul~ be grave. Pope Paul preached at the Mass which he offered to mark the 50th anniversary of the ap parition of the Blessed Virgin at Fatima and the 25th anniver sary of the consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. His words were he~rd by a vast throng here and by an international audience watching and ,listening via television. . The Pope warned of the threat to peace in a world whi;Ch "has not progt'essed morally :as much as it has scientifically and technically" and where "a part of humanity is still in a state of need and of hunger." As for. the Church, the Pope praised the spirit of renewal awakened among Catholics by the ecumenical council. But he, cautioned sternly against "arbi trary interpretation" w h I c h would replace traditional teach ing with "new and peculiar ideologies." Interl!llal Peace Turning to the two "special in tentions which have character ized this pilgrimage," Pope Paul spoke first of the Church-"tlle Church, one holy, Catholic and apostolic." "We want to pray""" for its internal peace." he declaxed.
"The ecumenical council," he said, "has reyitalized the heart of the Church, has opened up new vistas, in the field of doc trine, has called all her children to a greater awareness, to a more intimate collaboration, to a more fervent apostolate. We desire that these be preser~ed and ex tended." But, he continued, the internal peace of the Church is also threatened by excesses. "What' terrible damage," he said, could be provoked by arbi trary interpretations, but author ized by the teaching of the Church, disrupting its traditional
and constitutional structure, re
placing the theology of the true
and great Fathers of the Church
with new and peculiar ideologies
-interpretations intent upon
stripping the norms of faith of
that which modern thought,
often lacking rational judgment, does; not understand and does not like." Pope Paul prayed that "the love of God now and' forever reign'in the world, that His laws guide the conscience and customs
of modern man." '
Continuing Conflicts Turning to his second major theme-peace in the ~orld Pope Paul noted that the world today is in "a phase of great transfonnation due to the enor mous and marvelous progress in the knowledge and in the £on quest of the resources of ~ earth 'and of the universe." Even so, he said, "you ean easily see that the world is not happy, is not tranquil, and that the first cause of its uneasiness is its difficulty in entering in" harmonious relationships, its dif
ficulty in following the paths of peace." "Everything seems to lead the world to brotherhood, to unity, but instead the heart of mankind still bursts with tremendous, continuing conflicts," he said. He singled out "two condi tions" which in particular threat en the world's peace: "It is full of tremendously deadly arma ment, and it has not progressed morally as much as it has scien tifically and" World in Hanger "Moreover," he added, "a great part of humanity is still in ;\
state of need and of' hungel1'. while it has been awakened to the disturbing consciousness oj( iiS 'own need and the well-being which surrounds it."
'~Therefore we say the worJCIll is .in danger," Pope Paul de clared. "For this reason we have come to the feet of the Queen 011 Peace, to ask her for the gifa, which only God can give, oK peace." While peace is a gift of GoGll, he said, "it is not always a mir aculous gift which works iiG wonders in the hearts of men, III gift therefore whicl'i has nee«!! of free acceptance and of free collaboration." .' For this reason, he said, "our prayers >II * * after having beellli turned towards heaven, are turn ro towards the men of the whole world." Pope Paul urged men to "strive to be worthy of the divine
gift of peace."
While contemplating the pres
ent ,world scene "with fright
ened eyes," Pope Paul said, mCI1l should at the same time be trust ing in following 0 "the counsell which Our Lady gave us, that oil prayer and of penance." He said it is God's will tha1\ the world should never again have to face "wars, tragedies anGll catastrophies, but the conquest ot! love and the victory of peace."
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THE ANCHORThurs., May 18, 1967
$52 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin V. Rodrigues $50 ' , Mrs. Lucy Vargas $40 Noe Ferro $30 . Mary & Evelyn Hendricks ~. & Mrs. John Perry
$25 Cecelia Bettencourt Rosalina Camara Rose Espinola , Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferro Mr. & Mrs. Charles Frates Caroline Goulart Mrs. Maria Macedo Parent Teachers Association of Mt. Carmel Mary Perry Shirley Perry
/ Mr. & Mrs. Joao Rocha
Augustus Silva
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Souza Jr. . Mr. &·:Mrs. Edmund J. Sylv!a $20
Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Norman Farias Mr. & Mrs. Jacintho Ferro Bernice Rose \ Mr. & Mrs. Henrique Rouxinol $1'7
George Moniz $Jl6
Mr. & Mrs. John Senra $Jl5
Mrs. Mary Andrade,' Mr. &
Mrs. John Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Correia Jr., Cynthia Cos ta, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Couto. Mr.· & Mrs. Antonio A. de Pinho, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph En carnacao, Deolinda Freitas, Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Furtado ,& fam ily, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Goulart. Isabel F. Goulart, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Liborio, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Louro, Joseph d'a Luz Louro, Manuel Martins. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Melo, Mt. Carmel Troop 11, Boy Scouts,
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Moura, III merinda Paiva, Manuel P8lva. . ,Raul Per;eira, Luiz Beis, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ricardo, Mr. & Mrs. John Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Manuei Rose. Mr. & Mrs. Joao Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Sylvia, Raymond & Delores Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Gil bert Torres. Anna Varao, Sophie Varao, Mr. & Mrs. Dionesio Vieira, Mr. & Mrs. John Viveiros
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,New, Bedford ST. LAWRENCE
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Mahoney ~. ~250
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Bucklq $200 Dr. & Mrs. Jean Webster Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Tripp $150 A Friend
$125 Dr. & Mrs. William O'Donnell Dr. & Mrs. Robert Sman $100 Rev. Arthur K. Wingate Mr. & Mrs. Perry Coholan Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Downey Mr. & Mrs. Paul McCabe Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Harrington Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Eblen
:Mr. &; Mrs. John Tierney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wood Mr.·& 'Mrs. Albert Anderson Mr. & Mrs. :Rob,ert Brunelle Mr. & Mrs., Ed~ard Cormier Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Coutu Mr. & Mrs. Nelson,Dumaine Alice Fennessey Mrs. John W. Glenn Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Guerreiro Mr. & Mrs Edmund Harrington Ida '& Louise Hoye Phillip J. Kane Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Langlois & Susan Kane •
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lemos
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Kakin
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Page
Mr. & Mrs. James Ryan
Mrs. Helen Sullivan
"lVlrs. Josephine Whelan & Ann , $241 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Oliver
$20 Mr. & Mrs. William Botelho Mrs. Arthur L. Brunelle Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Smith Mr. & Mrs. John ,Fletl:her $65 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Gonsalves Ruth B. & Hope F. McFadden E. J. Harrington $60 Mr. & Mrs. M.· Harrington Loretta Lamarre Mr. & Mrs. William Jeffries $55 Mary Louise Kelley The Misses' Downey 1V.l;rs. Frances A. Koch $50 A Friend (2) . Helen C. McCarthy Kathiyn McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Beedem Mr. & Mrs. William Kearney Mrs. Ambrose Smith & Family Mary & Winifred Keneally Mr. & Mrs. John T. Curry, Mr. & Mrs'. Robert Ford, Mr. f.:. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Paul McCawley Edward Hill, Jennie McAuley, Anne & Helen Meade The Joseph A. Burke Family 'Mr. & Mrs. William J: Win,spell'. Richard Sparrow A Friend A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Harrington Mrs. Thomas Mahoney Joseph Amaral "'lizabeth & Helen O'Connor Mr. & Mrs. James Dee '<lohn L. Powell A Friend In Memory of Michael C Austin Angela J. Hayes Neil C. Fitzgerald . Mrs. Anne E. Hooper
A Friend Mrs. George V. Kelly
$415 Mrs. Hazel McCrohan
Margaret, Ann, Helen Gleason Mrs. Robert McIntyre
Mr. & Mrs. George McGovern Helen Moore'
$410 Joseph Mullen
Christoper J. Limerick Jr. Mrs. Charles Pelezar
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Hughes , Margaret Sullivan ' Mr. & Mrs. Louis Perras Mr. & Mrs. Paul Vermette $37 Mr. & Mrs. Martin: Bordwick, Mr. & Mrs: Thomas J. Long Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCann, Mr. $35 & Mrs. Allen Moriarty, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Charles Phelan Mrs. Joseph St. Aubin, William Mr. & Mrs. James Hayden Yates Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Murphy $15 . Mr. & Mrs. Leo St. Aubin Mr. & Mrs. James Anderson,: $30 Mr. '& Mrs. 'James AylwarlJ,: Mr. & Mrs. L. Fil_:li Charles Balboni, Mr. & Mrs. Wil Mr. & Mrs. Willis Goodwin liam Bonneau, Mary Briml~y , , , Mr. & Mrs. James Kearney Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Carr Jr., Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Myron Tripp & Mrs. James W. Connulfy, Mr., A Friend (2) & Mrs. William Growley, ,Ger John Murphy trude' Cuttle, Mr. & Mrs. WilliamMr. & Mrs. Edward L. Ryan C. Davis .' Mrs. William Downey , Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Driscoll, $25 . Francis, Fish, Mrs. Genevieve' Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Barry Gallagher, Francis Gillin, Mr. &' Mrs. Ge,orge Breen Mrs. John F. Goggin Mr. & Mrs. Charles Burke Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gosselin, Mary E. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Owen Hackett, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. .:fames Gaughan Charles E. Harrington, Mr. & Timothy Gleason Mrs. Patrick Hayes, Mr. & lVlrs. A Friend Harold Holmes Elizabeth Killigrew . Mr. & Mrs. John Hughes, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul LaForest &, Mrs. Leo P. Kenney, A Friend Mrs. Maurice Lyons (2), Mr. & Mrs. J:osephT. ,McMr. & Mrs Edward G. McBride . Mr. & Mrs. Donald McMullen Cawley.,' Mr. & :tWrs. James Mosher, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. J. McQuillian & Mrs. Joseph, Mundorf, Mr. &: Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mahon Mrs. R. Porter, Rosemary Por Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mahoney ter, Mr. & Mrs.. H. Schniaeling Mr. & Mrs. Roy Mason Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Silveira, Mr. & Mrs. James E. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. William A. Silveira, John N. O'Brien St. Lawrence Parish Couples Mr. & Mrs. G.'Swansey III, Mr. Club .' & Mrs. James Sweeney,' Mr. & Mrs. Norman Sylvia Mr. & ,Mrs. Albert Wobecky Miss Theresa Beehan
Joseph Southworth; Mrs. Ur .' .a M. ~~ady
sula Tetterow, Mr. & Mrs. Wil Mrs. Frances Connolly
liam Whelan Jr., Mrs. Robert A. . Friend • Wilson I'orothy Curry Mr. ,0: Mrs. Leonard Baillar Mr. & Mrs. Paul Curry geon, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bedard - Or. :.z: J'1:rs. James Goldrick Chri~topher Best, Mr. & Mrs~ 1\" . & Mrs. John Harney : ichard Bur' ~, Anne Curry. ~ -r. & Mrs. Andrew Kennedy • cia Duce, Elizabeth Fos Mr. & Mrs. K. Kristiansen ter,C ••lerine "i'oye, Mr. ,Mrs. Rit Limerick Ti:-',a' Foye, Robert Gep-a-. Mrs. Dennis S. Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Hayes, Mr. & Francis McCarthy Mrs. Paul Healy, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Jos. MacFarlane Raymond Hunt, Mr. & Mrs. lid . & Mrs. Charles Mattoo Thomas Keeping. -:.izabeth F. O'Brien Edward M. Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Helen L. L'Brien Dalpha Lavallell, !.I.'s. Margaret lid y T. O'Brien Mal'oney, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph William J O'Brien Manghan, Mary E. :Manning. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Ross1
'HE ANCHO' Thurs., May
; Union'
- St. Anne's ( Mr. & Mrs.
v Sears
Laura ".'"ert Lemlin's HI' ware Mr. & Mrs. T."T) R. Sylvia k ~15
Mr. & Mrs..•1'mand Bolduc' Mr. & Mrs. T.ucien Brunette Gabrielle & Bernadette Cayer"' Mr. & Mrs. Norman Cayer Robert Cho('uctte Mr. & Mrs. Henri Constant The Gaudre::u Family Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Nerbonne St. Anne's Sodality In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. AJ.. . ;,exis ,Savaria Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Sicard
NJIGERJIAN LEADERS: Among leaders of the Church in strife-torn Nigeria are, l~ft, Bishop Brian Davis Usanga, auxiliary of Calabar, who has been named general secretary . of the Nigerian bishops' secretariat, and Bislitw Francis Arinze, coadjutor to the Archbishop of Onitsha, who will represent the Nigerian bishops at the Synod in Rome this Fall. NC Photo. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McAvoy, The McCulloughs, Mrs. Joseph McDonnell, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh McKenna, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Rev. Armand J. Levasseur
St. Vincent de Paul--St. Anne's Conference ,~ Sodalities of St. Anne's Parish $75 Rev. Roger J. Levesque $50 . Rev. Arthur C. Levesque Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Desrbsiets'
Helen Nelson, ~r. & M,rs. John Newb~', Mr. & Mrs. James Pal latroni, Mrs. Yvonne Parr, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pierce. Mr. & Mrs. J. Henry Quinn, The Roc}1- Famiiy, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rogers, John :"'yan, Mr. & l'1rs. Oswald Senesac. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Shea; Mr. & Mrs: ''lilliam' Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Rob. Sullivan, William H. Taylor. Patricia A. Calnan, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carrier, Mr. &; Mrs. John Chase, Mrs. George Cronin, William Doyle , Eileen Driscoll, Mr. &' Mrs. Robert Lawrence, Paui L~Boeuf, Mrs. Annette Lowrie, Maurice Mahon Mary & Mildred McKenna, Helen McCoy, James McCoy, Pauline & Grace Moore, Mrs. . Hazel Murphy ~Mrs: Anne Poi'tert Mr. & Mrs. George Rhoads, Mrs. Shirley Rogers, A Friend,. Mr. & Mrs'. August Santos ' Ellen A. Sullivan, Mr. & Mr5. Arthul' B Walsh Jr., Mrs Stephen Wong Mrs. Lewis Dutra, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Harwood, Mis, Gladys V. Hawes, Mr. & Mrs. John Lally, Mr. & Mrs. Frank LeBoeuf Margaret Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Manning, Mr. '& Mrs. John Murray" Mr. &' Mrs. wiI liam,F, O'Donnell, Mr. & ,Mrs. Thomas Parker Jr. ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan, Mr. & Mrs., George Schinas, Mrs. Lois Sullivan, Allen Wall ~ ....
Marie Lebeau ~25 , Atty. & Mrs. Ulysse Auger Mrs. Rosina,Choquette Mr. & Mrs. Umberto Cruz Claire DumQnt Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fontaine Euclide' Guillotte Mr. & Mrs. Leo Levesque Maurice Levesque ' Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Lussier Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McKenna Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Morency Mr. & Mrs. Armand Pare : Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Powell
ST. ClIilllllWlIrrt
$120 Rev. Casimir Kwiatkowski $25
'Eva White
ST. ]L01D1!S
$100 St. Louis Women's Guild St. Vincent de Paul Conferem'l!l of St. Louis Parish
$25 Mr. & Mrs. George Crosson Margaret Kehoe Mr. & Mrs. William P;-,Lynell John H. McAndrew Edward McAndrew Timothy McCarthy Susan McMahon Hilda Myles Gertrude O'Neil Irene Reynolds Mrs. Mary Walker James Whalon Mrs. Ann Walsh Tuttle Mr. & Mrs. Robert White $20 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Souzo $15 ' Mr. & Mrs. John Blackburn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Moniz Mr. & Mrs. William O'Nei~ Mr. & MFs. Edmund Couto;'Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Motta, John Whit
7 Pell'ry
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$25 Mr. & ,Mrs. Frederick Sylvia John Fretias . . $20 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Folco ;'Mr. & Mrs. Herman Simon
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of Fall River-Thurs., May 18, 1967
Mr. &·Mrs. Woodrow Tracy Abbie I. & Mary E. Kilroy In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. George V. Broderick Mr. & Mrs. Walter Burns Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Blake'
. A Maybasket whist will be sponsored by the Women's Guild at 8 Saturday night, May 20 ,at the' Village School, Somerset. Tickets will be available at the door or from Mrs. Richard Mul laney, chairman. The guild'~ third annual Com munion breakfast will take place at Dighton Rock Manor Sunday following 8 o'clock ~ass. Rev. John P. Driscoll, assistant man, agel' of The .Anchor, will speak. Plans are under way for the parish's annual lawn party, to be held this year from Thursday, June 22 through Sunday, June 25. Victor Cordeiro is chairman.
$40 Joseph M. 'Morrison
Women's Guild members heard an -ddress ·by Mrs. Mary Fuller, Diocesan Co-Chairman of Help ers for the Confraternity of
Christian Doctrine. Her topic
was "Working for Christ through' CCD." A Commuriion breakfast for graduating c~niors will be held Su~day, May 28 following 9 'o'clock Mass at st. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis. Mrs. William Carpenter, Osterville, will speak. Chairmen are Mrs. Philip Tetreault and Mrs. Ste ph, B. O'Brien Jr. Reservations will close Thursday, May 25.
Sheila Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. James Nicoletti Mr. & Mrs. Henry Buckley Mr. & Mrs. William Donnelly Rico DeNadal Mr. & Mrs. David Costa Mrs. Angela Jackson Mr & Mrs Vincent A. Mannion Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Cahill Mr. & Mrs. Antone Daponte Mr. & Mrs. :WilHam McHugh In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Foran ST. THERESA, In memory of John W. Maguire SOUT Y ATTLEBORO Mr. & Mrs. Martin Delahanty ST. MARY'S, Mr. & Mrs. John Bevilacqua NORTH ATTLEBORO New officers of the Confrater-' Mary Noon
nity of Christian Mothers ·are A graphic display of religious Mrs. Ann Gawlik, president; Mrs.
McCann Family
education projects, followed by Arline Lariviere, vice..,president;
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lavoie speakers and' a film highlighted Mrs. Pearl C$lse, treasurer; Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. William Rosa the CCD open house sponsored Barbara Vachon and Mrs. JoAnn Mr. & Mrs. Henry Moss by the parish. Artwork, music Dubuc, secret~ries. Mr. & Mrs. Larry Poirier and Biblical choral speech were Twenty-nine new members Mary Sweeney . also on the program. Gu.est. have been received into the con Mr. & Mrs. George Biltcli#e ~aker Mrs. ~obert BabOlan fraternity and ritembers heard. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Luz . stre~s~d the. Importance of \ Sister Mary Mercy, R.S.M., prin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Delzenero ChrIstian envlromnent. ere cipal' of Feehan High School, . Mr. & Mrs'- William Burke Jr. pa~e'!ts assume ~esponsIbIhty for speak on' the Christian concept Mr. & Mrs. William Rys AFRICAN CRAFTSMAN: Sculptor'in wood completes »ebglOUS education. . of woman at their annual Com'Ronald'Turgeon . , . a corpus fora large crucifix.: at a handicraft center for Rev. Jose~h' L. Po~ers, ,DlOC- munion breakfast. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Morin religious art in Lindi, a port city on the Indian Ocean in _an CCD DIrector, ~Isc~ssed the Sponsored by the parish unit Mrs. Gertrude Lomas seope ,of ~he ,~rgan.IzatIo,n... a~d. of the CCD was a talk by' Rev. southeastern Tanganyika. NC 'Photo. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Meagher the color fIlm, Meeting ChrIst In James Kelly, St. Mary's' parish, , In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. ecD" s.hown. , Ma~sf.ield, to area teenagers on' J~mes' E. Mc~eon '.',', ' " Co~e, Anpe & Catherine Cough ST. JOSEPH Coordm1\t.lI~g the program as the occasion of the first Youth . Mrs. Alton W. King lin, William Gaudreau, ,Peter -' $500, Sist,er PatrICIa Mary, parochIal Communion Mass and Supper Mr. & Mrs.C~~t:ence J. HarneT Hodnett, Mr. & Mrs. Edward D.' Rev. George E. Sullivan lICb.?ol principal. Mr. and M~.. held by the parish.' In charge of Fitzgerald. . . $20 E~Ile Plant~ headed the hOSPI- arrangements was Mrs. Thelma' .. $200 David Matthews, Heloise & Mr. & Mrs. Leo Callahan tality commIttee. Goff, CCD president, aided by a Judge ~eatrice H. Mullaney Gertrude McMullen, Claire Nagle Mr. & Mrs. Julius Rackowsld ST. MARGARET, youth committee headed by Miss $100 'Mildred Powers, Mary D. Sul & Family, EdmundBergeron, Mr. BUZZARDS BJ Y Diane Rarus. Mrs. John L. Clemmey livan, Mr & Mrs Frank Lombardi. & Mrs: John Ferus. Fred Shay $16 SS. Margaret-Mary Guild has SAf''lED HEARTS $15 . $75 Paul Boulay before it a slate of new officers :r-~OR-il FAIRHAVEN Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sears, Mr. Rev. Edmund T. Delaney itic4J,ding Miss Ursula' Wing, Ladies of St. Anne will receive $15 & Mrs. Edward Baldwin, John The Misses Foley president; Mrs. Haydon ,Cog': corporate Communion at 8 George Arruda, Anne Borden, O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. James'Mc Dr. Louis Kroger geshall, vice;.president; Mrs. o'c' =k' Mass ~~nday morning. A John R: Correiro, Mrs. Howard Closkey, Mr. & Mrs. Ralp):J. Cru, $60 John McManus, treasurer; Mrs. meeting will be held in the Davol, Frank Doherty dele ' ~ , Harry Sears Family Arthur Wills' imd Mrs. John Wat- church hall at 7:30 Monday night, Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Durfee, Mr. J!l: Mrs. Norman Desjar $52 , ers, secretaries. ' at which new bylaws will be dis John Fitzgerald, Mr. & Mrs Rob- . In Memory of William S. and ert Gagnon, In Memory of' James dins, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lewis, Officers will be elected at the cussed and voted upon. Mr: & Mrs. Manuel Lima, Mr. & May devotions are being helel :Maud A. Conroy , June meeting and in'stldled at F. Gray, William Guillmette Mrs. Raymond Thibault, 'iw.r. & $50 , Wednesday 'night, June 14 in nightly except Sund'ay' at 7' Cornelius Harrington, Mr. & 'Mrs:' Joseph Ferreira. ' , : ' , William Hurll . Mrs. ' ehurch ceremonies. A banquet o'clock. Mrs. Gerald Lachance,.Mr. & Mrs Mr. & Mrs. Roy Murray, Mr. & , , Mr. & Mrs. Leroy ,Borden • • wJll, follow' at 'Glady's. ,Diner, .John ·McGovern,Owen:: McGow ,Mrs. 'Alvin Connors, Walsh.Fam $T. JOSEPH, 'Mary L. & Catherine F. Har Buzzards Bay. an, Mr. & Mrs. Michael McNally. ily;' 'Mrs. Loretta O'Comlor, In , rington The unit donated $iOO to the IF;' - T RIVER ,Mr. & Mrs. John Mendonca, memory of William J. Maloney. Hillard M. Nagle First communicants will reCatholic' Charities Appeal and Mr. & Mrs. James Murray. Fran Mr. & Mrs. John Sylv~ster, Nestor G. Silva also voted to present a .light fix ',ceive at the 8:15 Mass Sunday cis Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Anne M. & Patricia M. itu~~es, Mrs. Mary Walker ture t" St. Mary's Star of the morning imd will then' be guests ' Netto, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Nich In Memory of Eva Harrington, of the pastor for breakfast. A $45 "',sea 'Church in Onset.' ipor Joseph . Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. The McArdle Family ,," A penny ,sale 'Nill be sponsored May cr()wnine ceremony will Emily O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. .Charle·s Peladeau, Mr. & Mrs. take place Sunday afternoon. $30 . . Thursday, July 6; Prizes 'will· inThomas Sullivan, Mr. &. Mrs. Henry Urban'. The' Women's Guild will spon-: The Connors Family clude cameras, kitc):J.en appli SOl' a penny sale in the school Mr. & Mrs. Bernard G. Tum- , Leverett Teague, Mr. & Mrs Wil ances, a radL>.and a hair dryer. liamNugent, Mrs. Monica Walm An executive board meeting is hall Saturday night at 8. linson sley announced for 8 Monday night, OU~. I ':..DY OF ANGELS, , $25 Margaret ·Turner, Mr. & Mrs. ~' , Ma'y 22' at . the home of Miss In Memory of John F. Hughes \LL ~IVER Edward Cullen, Arthur Pires, Wing; .Head of the Bay Road, 'John J. Christopher Mrs. Charles Ross, Edward Wa The parish Holy Ghost feast Buzzards Bay. Mary Cullen her Jr., 'Joseph Niedjadlik , will be observed Friday through Mr~ ,& Mrs. Clement Dowling Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Higgins'on Suuday, May 26 to 28. Officers Mrs. Hanna Duffy 'ST. JOSEPH, Sr. . are John J. Souza, Lawrence The Dwyer Family FAIRHAVEN . Benevides,' Mt:s. 'Mary E. Velozo; ST. MATTHEW Mrs. Franklin Fairhurst "'lew officers of the Association Mrs. Dorothea Almeida and Mrs. Mr. &. Mrs. Marcellus Feeney Gf the Sacred Hearts are Mrs. Mary B. Silvia. $75 . . Francis L. Harrington . EmeHa Dulude, president; Mrs. ~ev. Edmond L. Dickinson 'Julia Harrington Irene Desautels, vice-president;· $25 . SANTO CHRISTO" Mrs. & Miss Mary Lennon Mrs'. Helen Burke, secr~tary; Dr.' & Mrs. Paul Lambert , $100 Julia Mahoney Mrs, J~annette Dulude, treasurer. $15 Faria & Son Funeral Home Margaret McCloskey They will be installed Monday,M- & Mrs. Roger Dufour ." June-19 at Mattapoisett Inn. ·Re~ $65 Donald McGovern el'v:ltions may be made with Mrs. ' Mr. & Mrs. Henry Merc~r' . . .
Joseph Ro~e or Mrs. Mary Blan chard.
' Union Mary C. O'Brien == == Fa n~1 River Manuel Martins Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John O'Day ' = = INe. == ST. ANNE Alzira Faria Mrs~ Margaret Panos § § $50 Laureano Silvia Joseph Reilly ~ .~ , Edgar Ross $30 Norman AIV;;O . Jr.cecile Sutton.." , Flora Moniz M~:&Mrs. Dennis Sullivaa, ?
famous for ,
~~n~~a~~~f~:~n~:~e~:i J~:e~it
~~~s~s ~~~:so~nL~~~~I~?:~ien ~
A::r. , .Reginald, B~lle.rive Adele Gagnon . Mrs._Cora Giroux :' : Alphonse Poirier./: Mrs. Arnold Stankwi
: " \ · , i ' ":,:",
',', Fur,tado, Joseph Souza; AntonlQ Car- . reiro; Sophia Mello ,', ' Manuel ,F.' Mello; Anibal Lage, Louis.S. Machado, ,Manuel- Silvia, ·,Joseph'V-'-.. MedeiroS "
~!n!U'..<;J: 'g,: _'!!?-~.~~~ .,,::... '•. ~...~"..." ~~Y,~,,!;m~s.~~!.~~~.
P;.o~w;e~rese~~~ ....~Anal_.· -',
'R,:EAFpRplGLIEA,RHAeT. 'EIOS ~ AIR' - C·ONDITION'I'N'G ,'. . . . " ..
"I~ .•
'Mrs.,Gilbert Ferreira . '§. Mr. '& Mrs.-'Richard LOWD' == .'~' _: KatMtine 'Sullivan',. § ..: , ' '" " .~ , . -§', . " ' , : ... $20 : ' '. :" <§, 'FALL '§-. ~f'~.,<,,: Mr~.- Jose B,oJ,'Bes,: Mrs. Arthur . "iitHIIIIIIIIIUllIOIIOIUlllunlllillilillniJUUlIIIIUIIUlIlIlIIlllilliiiiuunnUUIW/II/l11i101l1l1f1llMaUll/II""'''''': ','.
363 S'EC'''')N,D ST;'
THE ANCHOR~3 ' oII!!C;, 'The Brissette Family
Th urs., M ay 18, 1967 The Kenney Fanniny
Mary Hart
Lillian Hart SACRED HEART Holy Name SCcieay
$150 George Pontea
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brindiey
Dr. John E. Manning $15
Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Harrington
$100 Mary Raposa, Leonllnll CllbmJ, JJohn B. Cummings Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Geary
Rapoza Family Joseph G. p.,. Mr. & Mrs. John C. Harding
$75 reba Margaret H. Powers
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E. SumVBn Mr. & Mrs. Howard Melker
$25 Frances C. Shaughnessy $15
Mr. at Mrs. Clarence J. Malone Patrick Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ant1me8
The Nash Family Michael Sullivan OVR LADY OF lliIlEAU1FB Emma Connors $35
Vincent & Mary V. Murphy James Kennedy
$A5® Mr. & Mrs. William King $30 Rev. Manuel M. ResendeB Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Sullivan Sarah Anderson ~50 lVIona M. Shea lVIr. & Mrs. Dennis Hurley Ladles Guild Mr. & Mrs. Herman Mello $25 ~3@ . Madeline I. Riley Marguerite Bonner ", Manuel Mello Mr. & Mrs Michael H. Sull1van lVIr. & Mrs. Frank M. Hun~ A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Lemerise The Coughlin Family Joseph Prenda Elinore Kennedy : D~vid Creamer
~25 ;Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hammond D'r: 'Francis Dwyer
Joseph Almeida .Alice & Elinor Lenaghan • '" 'J'oh'n F. Coyle J'ose Alves lVir. & Mrs: Frank Kingsley'. Dr. Edward Steinhof
, . Antone Ferreira Mr.. & Mrs. George Flanagan .' Flore,nce Sullivan
~2@ Marion L. Torphy Edward Leary
Herman Carvalho
Mrs. Raymond Talbot . Elizabeth L. Leonard
Francisco· C. Silvia
$1l5 lVir. & Mrs. Robert J. Griffin HONORED BY FORDHAM: Vince Lombardi and his Ruth Brown
F'rederick Torphy . John M. Corrigan
James Carvalho, EvangeJlne L. Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Luongo wife, Marie, are interviewed by Kyle Rote, former New. Elizabeth Roach
Caudell, Jam~s Costa, A ll'rlermcll, , ·Mr. & Mrs. Michal"l Hanley York Giants split end, now a broadcaster. The Green Bay Charles Gagnon
Luiz Gomes Serephim Machado, John F.' Mrs. John Partridge
Packers' coach, who played his college football at Fordham Albert Canuel :Mello, Arthur A. Oliveira, Mezi,.. . Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. ])oWN! University, received Fordham's Inl'1;O'n;Cl' ]VI'eo:ll from' his '. Mrs:. John C. Torpey .. Hector.Mongeau • '
. ·'Mr. & Mrs. Edward MitcheM), mlna Oliveira, Arthur Pereim . Edward F. Fitl/:gel'ald'
alma mater. NC ,fhoto. . ", $20 Helena Pereira" GeorlJimm& Mr. & Mrs. 'Mkrtin McDonalcll '-'_1":-, ' ' . Milrgaret M. Sullivan !tello. , Anna Malone Ernest Floyd, Marcella Regan,. PETER J£!; PAUL. Heien'P. Cox .. 'Claire M. Hart Mr. & Mr~. James R. Medeiros, . Ed\vard Daley BLESSED SACIltAlWENT " Mr. & Mrs. William 'Hacking Mr. & Mrs. 'Arthur 'Messier . $100 ' . " , 'E:'Louise Beattie SS Peter & Paul Women's Club· ". E'dW' ard J. Sullivan $25 . '. .... M r.. & ,Mrs. J ames H . H u dner, ., .K a thleen Smyth, Mary S myth, Rose Tonelli Mr. &; Mrs'- Norman, J. no)' ,', lK<l~~I~en i Pearson" Mr. & Mrs.,.: ·$60 Mr. & Mrs: John MOI:an' '. " $20 ,', Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Almeida Leonard Phelan, Mr. & Mrs. Ed.. ,. John'Tyrrell '" $15 Mr. &. Mrs~ Jarri~ Partridge Mr. & Mrs. James H. McMahon mund Geary Ellen Nugent, Kennet'h' -SuaMr. & MrS: Maurice' Po'iri'eir . ',;" ·Mr. & Mrs. FranCis Carey Lena Doran, Anna D e v i n e " , $ 3 0 'cljffe~' M~. & Mrs. Matthe~ A '., $1'7 . . ' Mrs: Joseph LaCroix' lVII's. Theresa Sullivan. ,', lPet~rGarity 'shea Jr~, John· F. McGraw, 'Roland Lavoie Family' , 'Lawrence Henry . . Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Sullivan; ll4'r. &; Mrs. Charles Joerres . 'J;}i~;P.~f! F: Connors, '.',:, $15 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Ouellette Mr. & Mrs. James E. Donnelly, John ShaY, Mr. & MrS. JCllll1 Mr. & Mrs. Emile Auger, Mr. Mr. & Mrs.. Edward Murphy Mr. & Mrs. William O'Brien, Mr. - $25 Berube, Anne Packer .. . Mr. & Mrs. James Cox & Mrs. Aime Goulet, Lucien Me Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Dusoe & Mrs. Robert Matthews, Mr. & Laura M. Holihan, Angela Hav Mrs. Jose SI'lva ' William & Heleh. M. Lowney I H P tEl' thot Family, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene . Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Colll'n~.. Mr. & Mrs, Frank.Sullivan rington, rene . or er, 1Z2Roussin, The Michel Family · Margaret McNerney Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Greeley, The Sweeney Family . beth Owens, Dorothy McLachlalD Ernest Floyd Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Clark Jr" Mrs Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Turek In Memory. of John Malloy, HOLY ROSARY Gertrude M. Hurley Honora Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Burke Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Talbot, Mary $50 " Mr. & Mrs. David A. J. Burna Ray'mond Monahan, Angus V. O'Hearn, Mrs. Cathel'ine NIe MI'S. Helen Burke Mr. &; Mrs. Dennis Toomey Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Leonard Bailey Sr.
Mrs. Evelyn Crowell Cuskcer& Mrs. Michael Geary $25 Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Grace Mrs. Peter Donnelly, Harold
.Mr. &; Mrs. Michael Dupont & 'Mr, & Mrs.. Harold Wilson, Mrs. Acquilino DiSpirito <I; Carole Kilroy, Mrs, Edmund C. Sunder- , .Janet Robett ·F. O'Melia, Irene AHoly Rosary C~O MI'. &; Mrs. Joseph Paquet land Mr. &; Mrs. Thomas Farren N~ble, 'Thomas Keane, Elizabeah $20 Mr. &; Mrs. Arthur Lavoie . Mary Ellen HigginS; Mr. & Mrs Crowley' The James Patricelli Failli]y , . Mr. & Mrs Frederick .ZebraskY iui~ 'V. Miranda, Mr. &. Mrs. Mr. &; Mrs. Leopold Giroux Thomas J. Dolan, Mr. & Mm. D. M Mr. & Mrs. George Johnston .......arles MI'tche..., WI'lll,'am'·."'. :Mr. &; Mrs. Albert D'Ambr~ ll M r.... ,Mr. rs. Th omas D unn. J1taymon d C em b oy, Byrne F amI"1y, & Mrs. Joseph Lawlor """ IY :Mr. &; Mrs. Ernest J. D'Ambl'08iG\, . Mr. &; Mrs. Francis Ferrance Ursula }14. Riley Edward Murphy W~ite Jr. The Furgiuele Family Mrs. Mary Machado . Mr. & :M:~s. George Duffy, MaMr. & Mrs. Fr'lncis Taylor $15 ST. .JOHN THE BAPTIST Mr. & Mrs. William Renaud\)el & Sarah Moran, Anne Kelly, Mr. &; Mrs. Nicholas TyrreJn
MI'. &; Mrs: Mario Luecioltl $25
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Graffam :Mary Kelly, Mrs. Anthony C. MaJ.'y Tyrrell . MI'. &; Mrs. Carl Melle 6 Leonard & Carol A. · Mr. &; Mrs. Pierre Brouns $20 ~rancis Lauzon
Daughter. . Mr. &; Mrs. Robert Messier
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Morais Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wordell, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Brilhante The DePaola Family, Mr. III $15
Mrs. John We~ch Mr. &; Mrs. Thomas Henry, Mv. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tyrrell Mrf. P. A. Emile Durand. Mr. & Mrs. John Farrell, ,MIi'.
Mr. &; William Aylward Ii Mrs. Bernard Ryan, Mr. ~ $1'7 &. Mrs. Ernest· Haslam & St>n.
Mrs. William H. Connelly Mrs. Stanley Mikolazyk HOLY NA~E , Kowalczyk, Family Mr. &; Mrs. John 14; Leonard Mr;'&; Mrs. Matthew·L.lbecki §l
$2~ Gertrude Kelly ST. WILLIAM Family, Doris Patenaude' Mr. &; Mrs. William A. Tooph" $15
Mr. & Mrs. John Keating Jay Deliveries Mr. &; Mrs. Americo De Marco
, Dr. &; Mrs. Alfred J. Roy $50 $U'75 .John DOlan, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
The O'Mara Family M.I'. & Mrs, Harry Wood $20 ]f)r. &; Mrs. Richard Donov8r! Dumais, Mrs. Elizabeth FarrelD, Mr. & Mrs. AUred Dube . $35 Mr. &; Mrs. Normand LevesqlMl ., $150 Mr. & Mrs. Shaun Fitzpatrick, · Mr. &; Mrs James J. HarringtQo Mr. &; Mrs. Fr;ancis Gauthier lII1~. &; Mrs. Alex Vezina Dr.. &; Mrs. Thomas F. HiggADII J7: · Mr. & Mrs. Williar:n Hyland . $25 Mr. &; Mrs. Hugh J. Goldeln Mary C. Kelly, Mr. & Mrs Wil $15
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Smith Jame~ F. Borden $125
Mr. & Mrs. Albini BoucharCl
$20 :Mr. & Mrs. Edward 'Bronhard liam Lambert Sr., Mr. & Mrs. :Maureen O'Rourke
Joseph McGuill, Mrs. John T.
Yolande LaLiberte . James Doucet
$100 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond GolerJ Mr. & Mrs. Bert Galford &. · Meagher, Mr. & Mrs. William Mrs. Michael E. O'~oull'ke Murphy Bernadette Walsh Family May A. Leary Mr. & Mrs. John O'Connor, Mr Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dion Christopher Lake Jr. 'rhomas J. Hudner &. Mrs. Francis H. Ryan, Theresa . Mrs. Catherine Hoefling' Mr. &. Mrs. K. Nascimento Dr. &; Mrs. John Delaney Mary Lysaght Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pobzeznik Ryan & Francis H. Ryan Jr" Mr. Mr &; Mrs William E Crowtbes' & Mrs. John. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs Catherine A. Lysaght "·Mr. & Mrs. Roland Talbot '
Q. Vincent de Paul; Conferemce John Wilding Gertrude Keating Mr. & Mrs. James Stevens
. Mr. & Mrs. John Viveiros, Mr. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Reinerif!) Genieve Connelly
Atty. & Mrs. Jameii A. Reaney & Mrs. William Garvey, Mr. &' Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Griffin $Jl5 Mr. &; Mrs. John Burke • Mrs. Stanley Janicz, Mrs'Thomas Nancy Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Barabe $60 :' McNally, Mr. &; Mrs. Stephen Mr. & Mrs. William Henry, Mr Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Doucet Mrs. W. Arthur Leary .
Moore, Alice Stanton &: Mrs. Thomas Stanton, Louise The Gottwald Family The Mattos Family
E & Ruth Walch, Margaret Lahey Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Hedger $50 $15 Martha Hobbs Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGufll'le Patricia Keating, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. John Hodnett Dr. & Mrs. Ramsis Elias Francis Leary, Margaret E. Shea, MI'. & Mrs. Walter Janick Mrs. Michael Foley Mr. & Mrs. Donald Foley, Ella Mr, & M£s. Joseph Ma\:tineau Dr. Margaret S. Doherty Dempsey Mr, & Mrs. Charles McCloskey Francis Devine Margaret Skehan, Mrs. John lk .Maureen P~AN Mary J. & Hannah HiggiJll!l 'White, Mrs. Walter Fallon, Wil Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ph1gley Mrs. Anthony Keramis . Ham &; Shirley O'Neil, Mr: & Mrs Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Raposa Holy Name Society Edward J. Harrington •... ,' Mr·.' & Mrs. Louis Szurleys .Joseph ~. Phelan ... Special Rates to School and Parish Groups Mr. &. ·Mrs. Thomas Cullen, Ml·S. John Potts, 'Mary lVI. In Memory of John & Mar(lal'et ·Mrs. Milton Read, Mr. & Mrs. Quinn;·' . Ik:DermoU .For ·B.e~t Dotes For .Y~ur Picnic, Outing, o~ CI~mbake. Mr. &; Mrs. Hall'old HiggimJ . Hugh F. Reilly; Mrs. Kathleen 8,')\, ELIZABETH L. Braney &; Mary Louise, Mr. & CONTA~ MANAGER at ~!ncoln Par~ $4C ,$25 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Bunf)ic' Mrs. Frank McGrath ._ .:.' Phone t99-6984 or 636-2744 ,. i :ll;l'r.•• & .MI:S...Francis L .. ..c,owe, ...,.. "Manutll" S. Borges Mr.... !4rtJ; ~ Romeo McCaUual,
Fall' River
THE ANCHOR..;. Thurs., May 18, 1967
ST. MAR1\' $100 St. Mary's Cathedral Guild $80 Thomas Ryan
Rose Dowling . Gertrude O'Loughlin
$45 • Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hayes . $30 . Catherine Lynch
Mrs. Theresa Fox William Bradbury Jr. Benoit Lelievre Mr. & Mrs. James Coyne Lariviere Family Robert Coggeshall . Sarah Booth Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Callaghan Helen Kenney Mary T. Hurley Lillian & Nellie O'Hearn Mr. & Mrs. Eugene LeClair Mrs. Raymond Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Foley Mrs. Lawrence Kidd Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Holleran
$21 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Moriarty
$20 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Robinson !Sr. . Mrs. Edward Doolan, In Mem ory of Mrs. MargaJ:et Morrissey, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Russell, Mrs. Jere Holland,. Margaret Diskin
$15 Mr. & Mrs. John Viera, Mr. & Mr·s. Vincent Fay, Donald Sim mons, Doo~ey Family Ann, Stan dish . Francis Stone, Rita O'Lough lin, Mr. & Mrs. John Frain, Mr. & ·Mrs. William. A. J<lhnsori, Nancy Sullivan Bridget T.hornton, Patricia' Whelly, Mr & Mrs George Booth John Honan . .Mrs Charles Cavanagh, Charles E. Cavanagh, Mr. & Mrs. Ed ward Betty & Family, Mr. & Mrs Conrad Vandal, Mrs. Louis Pon ton Leo Thibault, Thomas & Frank Holland, Mr. &·Mrs. James Mel
. HOLY. CROSS 'Frnnciscan Fathers;OFM Con".
$25 RO'sary Society of Holy Cross Michael & Pauline R~agan Raymond &·Mary Canuel 'Stanley & Genevieve Nowak Charles & Evelyn Szule"vski
Ted & Jean Krupa, John & ~tella Pietruszka, Walter & !t'ene Witengier, Celia & Helen Plichta, Michael & Catherine Bednarz,. Jos.'· h & Janice Rebello, Sophie IRzasa. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Abisla .NOTRE. DAMIE
. $500 Rt. Rev., Alfred J. Bonneau
$150 Mayor & Mrs. Roland G. Des-'
,$75 Rev. Roger P. Poirier Rev. Bernard Lavoie
Rev. J. Adrien Bernier Dr. & Mrs. William Boudreau Dr. &, Mrs. Adelard Demer's $37 The A. M. Masse Family
$35 In Loving Memory of Luc DUmont Mr. ~ Mrs. Ferdinand Fran eoeur $25 Memory of Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Aubin Frank Blanchette The Canuel-Lajeunesse Family Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Caron The Chretien - Longchamps IF. 'ly Mr. & Mrs. Oc~ave O. Des
•.......-_ _. _ '..••oJ.
.. POPE..AT FATIMA: Pope Paul gives blessing to the 'n:tade famous by apparitions of the Blessed Virgin 50 yeam' huge throngs attending t.he~ass last Saturday at Fatima; ago to thr~e humble shepherd .children. NC Photo. Portugal, as he made a one-day flying' v,sit to the shrine Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Du~ais
The Hormidas Dupuis Family
Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Dui'ette
Mr. & Mrs. Antoine Fontaine
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Fournier
Mr. & Mrs. Milton D. Fuller'
Eugene Heon
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Lagasse
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lamontagne
The David Larocque Family
Romeo Levesque
The Gerard Lussier. Family
The Mathilda Lussier Family
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Parent
Mr. & Mrs; Robert Phenix
The Pouliot-Frascatore Family
$21 .
The Edmond Rheaume Family.
Mrs. Cecil Anctil, Mr. & Mrs. '
Paul .Courchaine,' Mr. & Mrs.
Orner Harrison, Mr. & Mr·s. Ar mand Rai~he. .
$15 Helena Chace, Mr. & Mrs. Nor mimd Clement, Mr. & Mrs. Ar . m'and Dallaire, 'Olive Desmarais, The Misses A. & L. Desautels.
Mr. & Mrs. 'Wilfrid Duquette,
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gibeau, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Guimond, Mr. &
Mrs. Maurice Mathieu, Mr. &
Mrs. Oscar - -aynard Jr. .
Tpr J. B. 0; Levesque Family, Mr."& Mrs. Edmour R. Poirier, The Lucien Roy Family, Mr. & . Mrs. RaymondJ. Thibault . IMMACULATE. CO~CEPTION
Hol~ Name 'Society
. $ 2 5 ' I'
Mr. & Mrs. Howard' Cote
Dr. RaymQnd B .. Fournier'
Florence' Lynch Teresa Hetu
Joseph Marchand
Mrs. Catherine Brahy Mr~. Delores Cangello & An thony J. Coute Alice Sullivan 'Edward & Juliette Sheehan
T.v@ If'ore .'all River BaJlldtag Firsts -
Details i
"first with the Finest in Helpful Space-Age Banking"
.$20 Helen Murphy, Joseph Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Santos
$15 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Nicolau, Mr. & Mrs. Afonso Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs Joseph. Benevides, John Gas par, Mrs. Catherine McCann Mrs; Mary Taylor, Lomer La-, pOinte' '
ComiJlg Soon!