t eanco VOL. 28, NO. 20
$8 Per Year
Teaching all nations
Most grueling trip
By Father Kenneth I. Doyle NC News Service Pope John Paul II has flown around the world and across several punishing changes of climate to preach the Gospel in the Far East. In the process, he met U.S. President Reagan in Alaska's freezing weather and bare-footed native warriors in the South Pacific's tropical heat. From May 2-12 the pope flew miles to read Christ's message in South Korea, Papua New Gui nea, the Solomon Islands and Thailand. It was the most grueling of the 21 trips outside Italy which the pope has taken during the five-and-a-half years of his pon tificate. The voyage took him to Mount Hagen in the we$tern !highlands of Papua New Guinea, where a Stone Age culture was unknown to the rest of the world until 1934 when three gold prospectors from Australia found a popula tion of 1 million people isolated by mountains. On May 8, the pope celebrated Mass at Mount Hagen, speaking to tribes people in the pidgin. language, telling them that the love of Christ unites them all in one community which shou,ld be marked by love. In Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, he praised the development of Christianity in so short a time. Only a century ago in the Solomons, mission aries were often eaten by can nibals. In South Korea, he honored one of Catholicism's fastest growing populations by making saints of 103 martyrs at the first canonization to take place out side of Rome in the church's modern history. In Thailand, he urged Catholics to regular sacrament8l1 practice in a land where Catholics make up less than 0.5 percent of the 48 million population and where becoming a Catholic takes a courageous decision which places a person outside the mainstream of Thai life. But the pope also acts know ing that he is influencing others besides Catholics. One of the rea sons the pope canonized the Korean martyrs locaUy was so that nqn-Catholics could become more aware of Catholicism. Sou~ Korean newspapers obliged! In a nation where only 4 percent of the people are Cath-
olic, newspapers were filled with accounts of the heroism of the new saints. Similarly in Thailand, the pope's presence brought· new re spectability to Catholicism· in an overwhelmingly Buddhist society. On the morning after the pope's arrival in the capital of Bang kok, a newspaper ran a giant front-page headline: "Pope Wins Thai Hearts." An additional benefit of such a trip is its effect on Catholics throughout the world. How can one calculate what it does for an understanding of the universal ity of the Church to see the pope giving communion to a Papuan whose face is painted red and yellow and who wears a feather ed headdress?
The pope also realizes that as
well as chief shepherd of 700 million Catholics, he ds a world moral leader. He uses that prom inence to call attention to press ing moral problems such as gross violations of human rights in
South Korea.
In a dramatic event in Thai 'land, the pope Vlisited an Indo
chinese refugee camp, taking international attention with him as he focused on the plight of refugees displaced from their homelands by the Commun,ist takeovers in Laos, C4mbodia and Vdetnam. 'He told diplomats that "there is something repugnant and ab normal for hundreds of thousands of human beings to have to leave their own countries because of their race, ethnic origin, political conWeUons or religion.': However, though a powerful moral leader, the pope does not claim to have solutions for every situation. In South Korea, for instance, a student said to him, "Whenever we assert what we think to be true, some of us are taken to prison, some are forced to en-, list in the military and some are driven more to 'leftism." A yO\lng worker added, "The news media do not acourately inform people of our real situa tion and, without labor unions free to present our desires, the lives of workers remain deeply hidden in the shadows of pros perity . ~ . In these circum stances, how should we announce the Gospel to our fellow work ers?" The pope did not gUve specific answers. Instead, he told the youth to bear witness to the truth Turn to Page Sixteen
He/UPI Photo
'l:Iow can one calculate what it does for an understanding of the universality of the Church to see the pope giving communion to a Papuan whose face is painted red and yellow and who wears a feathered headdress?'
Appeal at $1,123,785
Gift donations and parish con tributions Ibring the 1984 Cath
Charities Appeal
Donations from parishes, priests and Special Gift donors should be made in person ,to appeal headquarters from Wed nesday, May 23, until Friday, May 25. The Appeat books will be -closed Friday, May 25. This coming weekend, every parish and Special Gift solicitor should make a' last effort to can
vass every potential donor. These reports should be made to Special Gift and parish head quarters on Monday. Honor Roll Parishes 23 parishes have been added
to the honor roUs of parishes surpassing their 1983 final totals since last week's edition of The Anchor. They are: St. Stephen, Attle boro; St. Francis Xavier, Hyan nis; St. Elizabeth Seton, North Falmouth; St. Joan of Are, Or
leans; St. Augustine, Vineyard Haven; Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet; Holy Cross, Holy Rosary. St. Anthony of Padua, S1. Elizabeth, S1. Louis, S1. Wil liam, Fall River
St. Patrick, Somerset; S1. John the Baptist, Westport; Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Francis of Assisi, St. John the Baptist, St. Kilian, New Bedford; Sacred Hearts. Fairhaven; Holy Rosary, St. Jacques, S1. Paul, Taunton; St. Ann. Raynham.
... .....
End urged to visits
'to l\ledjugorje
THE ANCHOR Friday, May 18, 1984
Stonehill rites this weekend
House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. (D-Mass.) will speak at the 33rd commencement exer cises of Stonehill College, North Easton, at 10 a.m. Sunday.' The college will confer 459 baccalaureate degrees and five honorary degrees. Speaker O'Neill will receive an honorary' Doctor of Laws degree, .ali will Congressman Edward P. Boland. (D-Mass.), chainnan of the House Pennanent Select Committee on. Intelligence. Other honorary degree recipi ents will be Corazon Aquino, wife of slain Philippine opposi tion Ileader Benigno S. Aquino Jr., Doctor of Humanities; in vestment banker Edmond N. Moriarty Jr., Doctor of Business Administration; and Sister Anna Polcino, SCMM, .MD, a surgeon, psychiatrist and founder of Affinnation, a therapeutic center for clergy and religious in Whitiosville, Doctor of Arts. Preceding the commencement, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will be principal concelebrant and homi list at a baccalaureate Mass scheduled for 4 p.m. tomorrow.
NEIL MORRISON, a 4th grader at St. Mary's School, Taunton, was a winner in this year's school science fair. The annual project, a highlight of student life at St. Mary's, is participated in by every 4th and 5th grader. Beginning in January, youngsters select topics, learn how to prepare logs, research papers and models and finally ~et up their displays as attractively' as possible. Judges from area schools select 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners but, says principal Edmund Borges, "Accomplishment is the chief goal of this science .fair. Children at this early age need the feeling of being able to assume a task and see that it is carried out. Who knOWs. ... we might have an Einstein in our midst!"
Leading Parishes AITLEBORO AREA St. John, Attleboro St. Mary, Mansfield St. Mary, Seekonk St. Mark, Attleboro ,Falls Holy Ghost, Attleboro
25,162.00 19,237.00 16,855.00 14,677.64 13,593.00
CAPE COD &: THE ISLANDS AREA St. Francis Xavier, Hyann.s 43,845.50 St. Pius X, So..Yarmouth '42,616.00 Corpus Christi, Sandwich 26,612.00 Holy Trinity, West Harwich 22,446.00 Holy Redeemer, Chatham 19,822.50
FAiL RIVER AREA Holy Name, Fan River 24,767.00 Our Lady of Angels, Fan River $19,085.00 St. Thomas More, Somerset 16,726.00 St. Mary Cathedral, FaH River 15,225.00 Santo Christo, .F:all River 14,007.60 NEW BEDFORD AREA Mt. Carmel, New Bedford 24,159.00 St. Mary, New Bedford 14,522.00 Immaculate Conception, New Bedford 14,375.00 St. Mary, South Dartmouth 13,020.00 St. John the Baptist, New Bedfo~ 12,181.00 TAUNTON AREA St. Anne, Raynham St. Mary, Taunton Immaculate Conception, No. Easton I St. Paul, Taunton . St. Anthony, Taunton
15,539.00 14,895.00 12,359.00 11,541.00 10,811.10
Parish' Totals AITLEBORO AREA Attleboro Holy Ghost 13,593.00 St. John 25,162.00
St. Joseph St. Mark St. Stephen St. Theresa' Mansfield - St. Mary North A,ttleboro Sacred Heart St. Mary Norton - 'St,' Mary Seekonk Mt. Cannel St. Mary
6,411000 14,677.64 6,990.00 11,678.50 19,237.00 3,059.15, 10,970,00 7,836.00 11,286.00 16,855.00
CAPE COD AND ISLANDS AREA Brewster-o. L. of the Cape 16,457.07 Buzzards Bay-st. Margaret 10,449.00 CenterviUe-:.o.L. .(if Victory 18;718.00. Chatham-Holy Redeemer 19,822.50 East Falmouth-St. Anthony 12,740.00 Edgartown-St..' Elizabeth 1,285.00 Falmouth-St..Patrick 15,157.00 Hyannis-St. Francis Xavier 43,845.50 NantucketOur Lady of the Isle 6,883.00 North FalmouthSt. Elizabeth Seton 11,903.00 Oak ,Sluffs-Sacred Hem 3,857.00 Orleans-St. Joan of Arc 17,614.00 Osterville-Assumption 15,350.00 Pocasset:....-St. John 15,678.00 Provincetown-St.. Peter 5,017.00 Sandwich-Corpus Christi 26,612.00 South Yannouth-St. Pius X 42,616.00 Viney~rd Haven-St. Augustine 6,865.70 WeHfleet-Qur Lady of Lourdes 4,143.00 West Harwich-Holy Tr.inity 22,446.60 Woods Hole-St. Joseph 3,475.00 FALL RIVER AREA Fall River St. Mary's Cathedral 15,225.00 Blessed Sacrament 3,002.00 Espirito Santo 11,472.00 Holy Cross 3,077.00
VATICAN CITY A com mission investigating reported . Marian apparitions in Yugo ,slavia has recommended that 'local priests stop organizing pil grimages to the site and stop making a public display of the six young people who say they have seen the apparitions. "The commission cannot ap prove of the·fact that priests and 'lay people are organizi~g pil grimages to Medjugorje and that the public display of the 'seers' is being promoted in the church es, before an authoritative judg ment has been made on the au thenticity of the visions," a commission statement said. The statement was published by the. Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, May 12 at the request of the comrriis-· sion's organizer, Bishop Pavao Zanic of Mostar-Duvno, Yugo slavia. Mostar-Duvno includes the town of Medjugorje, where vis ions of Mary have been reported sin<:e ~981 by the six young peo ple, called "seers" in the com mission statement. The statement cited the "ex emplary step" of CardInal Fran jo Kuharic of Zagreb, Yugo slavia. Last January he prohibited the young people to speak or ap
Holy Name 24,767.00 Notre' Dame 8,170.75 Our Lady of Angels 19,085.00 Our .Lady of Hea-lth 5,270.00 Holy Rosary 9,516.00 Immaculate Conception 5,321.00 Sacred Heart 8,473.50 St. Anne 7,632.50 St. Anthony of Padua 8,757:25 St. Elizabeth . 2,700.00 St. JeanBaptiste 4,443.50 St. Joseph 8,012.00 St. Louis 5,347.00 . St. Mathieu 1,845.00 St: Michael 9,156.00 5t.Patrick 9,143.00 55. Peter & Paul 6,897.50 St. Stal)islaus 8,648.00 St. WHliam 7,296.50 Santo Christo 14,007.60 Assonet-St. Bernard 5,920.50 No. Westport"":"O.L. of Grace , 8,994.00 Somerset St. John of God 9,716.50 St. ,Patrick 9,108.00 .st. Thomas More 16,726.00 Swansea Our Lady of. Fatima 11,548.00. St. Dominic 9,562.00 St. ,Louis de France 10,717.00 St. Michael . 8,021.00 Westpom St. George 7,245.00 St. John the Baptist 6,118.00 NEW BEDFORD AREA New Bedford Holy Name 9,733.50 Assumption 2,803.20. Immaculate Conception 14,375.00 . Mt. Carmel 24,-159.00 Our Lady of .Fatima 4,565.00 Our Lady of Perpetual Help 4,086.00 Sacred Heart 3,586.00
pear publicly in the archdiocese's churches untH a definitive church judgment had been made. The commission asked the young peopJe and priests in Med jugorje not :to make public state ments about the contents of the reported visions, or about al leged miraculous healings at the . site. It als~ requested that reli gious news sources refrain from discussing the matter until the commission's study was com plete. In an interview in Rome May 3, the Fr~nciscan.priest respon sible for the spiritual direction of the six young people said the number of visitors to 51. James Church in Medugorje had grown to more than 1,000 per day. The priest, Father Tomislav V'lasic, said the daily visions oc cur in a small chapel inside the church, where the chHdren pray apart from the general congrega tion. . The visions began in a field outside the town on June 24, 1981, he. said, but later moved to the chapel. The priest said the events had prompted great spiritual growth and were of "great importance" for Yugoslavia and the whole world.
St. Anne St. ~thony of Padua St. Boniface St. Casimir St. Francis of Assisi St. Hedwig St. James St. John the Baptist St. Joseph St. Kilian St. . Lawrence St. Mary St. Theresa Acushnet-St. ·Francis· Xavier East Freetown St. John Neumann Fairhaven St. Joseph St. Mary Sacred Hearts Marion-St. Rita Mattapoisett-St. Anthony North Dartmouth-St. Julie 'South Dartmouth-St. Mary Wareham-St. 'Patrick
3,642.00 2,123.72 2,155.00 5,568.00 1,976.00 8,969.00 12,181.00 9,742.00 1,~7.00
9,643.00 14,522.000 5,218.00 $5,059.00 6,736~00
7,092.00 4,855.00 1,791.00 3,087.00 9,964.00 11,303.00 13,020.00 . 11,325.00
TAUNTON AREA Taunton Holy Family Holy Rosary Immaculate Conception Our Lady of Lourdes Sacred Heart St. Anthony St. Jacques St. Joseph St. Mary St. Paul Dighton-St. Peter North Dighton-St. Joseph North EastonImmaculate Conception Raynham-St. Ann South Easton-Holy Cross
6,304.00 3,617.00 7,475.00 2,873.00 8,212.00' 10,811.10 6,082.00 7,599.00 14,895.00 11,541.00 3,012.00 5,154.00 12,359.00 15,539.00 6,165.00
1······· __····
Coun~ N.A.
• CIfIEN: lion • lilt; •• 5:.
2 are golden jubilaria'ns Their golden jubilees of priest- . ly ordination will be celebrated on Saturday, May 26, by Msgr. Bernard J. Fenton and Father Daniel E. Carey. Both were or dained. in St. Mary's 'Cathedral on that date in 1934 by the 'late . Bishop James E. Cassidy. Father Carey will mark the oc casion with a Mass of thanks giving at 4 p.m. May 26 at the Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River, where he has been chap lain since 1980. A dinner for friends and family members will follow. Msgr. Fenton, who retired in 1976 and who divides his time between Florida and Cape Cod, will offer a Mass of thanksgiving at 2 p.m. May 27 in his native parish, St. Mary's, Taunton. A reception in the school hall im mediately -after the Mass will be foHowed by a dinner at the Riverside restaurant, Middleboro. Information on the dinner is available from the jubilarian's sisters, both Taunton residents. They are Mrs. Alice McDermott, tel. 824-7207, and Mrs. Mary Holmes, 823-2117. Father carey Born in FaIl River Feb. 2, 1909, Father Carey is the son of the late Andrew and Margaret Carey. After graduation from BMC Dur fee High School, he prepared for the priesthood at St. Charles College, Catonsville, Md., and 51. Bernard's Seminary, Roches ter, N.Y.
After ordination he was asso ciate pastor at 51. Mary's parish, North Attleboro; Our Lady of the Assumption, Osterville; Corpus Christi, Sandwich; St. Peter's
Provincetown; Sacred Heart,
Taunton; St. James, New Bed· ford; and Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket. In 1959 the jubilarian was named administrator of Our Lady 'Of Mt. Carmel parish, See konk and in 1960 returned to Nantucket as pastor, where he remained untH 1970, then being appointed pastor at St. Dominic parish, Swansea. He served at that post until assuming the Memorial Home chaplaincy.
THE ANCHOR lUSPS·545-020). secand Class Poslage Pal~ et Fall River, Mass. Published weekly excq t the week of Ju 4 and the
week efter hrIstmas at 410 Hrshland Aven· ue, Fall Rlyer, Mass. 02720 by the Cath·
ollc Press. of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription. price by mall, postpaid $8.00
per year. Postmasters send address changes to Tha Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fill Rlvlr, MA 02722.
In addition to his diocesan ser vice, Father Carey was an Army chaplain during World War II. While pastor in Nantucket, he was from 1966 to 1970 dean of the Dukes and Nantucket dean ery of the diocese. Msgr. Fenton Msgr. Fenton was born in Taunton Sept. 24, 1908, the son of the 'late Arthur J. and Alice (Hartigan). Fenton. After attend ing St. Mary's grammar and high schools in Taunton and Holy Cross College, Worcester, he en· . tered St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, to study for the priesthood. Before entering 'the Army Chaplain Corps in 1942, he served as associate' pastor at Corpus Christi parish, Sandwich, and St. Paul's, Taunton. In an outstanding 24·year career with the Army, he saw action with the '36th Infantry Division in Africa, Italy, France and Germany. He holds the Silver Star for outstanding gallantry' in action' in Italy, two iPurple Hearts for wounds sustained, al so in Ita'ly; and three Legion of Merit awards, the first· for his service in Italy; the second for outstanding service at the Chief of Chaplains' office in the Pen tagon; and the third for his per formance as chaplain for the Army Combat Developments Command at Ft. Belvoir, Va., from 1963 to 1967.
Retiring from the military in 1967, Msgr. Fenton was named pastor of St. Joseph Church, North Dighton, where he served until his retirement in 1976.
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Patient church MILAN Italy (NC) - In an interview with Avvenire, an Italian Catholic daily, Polish labor leader. Lech Walesa said he is pleased with "the patience of the church" in Poland and said that "its road is the only one to follow." Walesa also praised Cardinal Jozef Glemp of Gneizno and Warsaw and pre dicted that he would be "a great primate of Poland. The illegal labor union Solidarity is .still alive and very strong, WaJesa said, "even though in this mo ment our ideas do not have the possibIlity to overcome the
armored tanks." He said "that;.
which keeps U$ alive is the' ex· ample of the church," II
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 18,
···· th 'e' living .
the moorina-,
Let Youth Have Its Day It is perhaps unpatriotic to say that much of the cur rent Olympic madness is our fault. Yet ~he Russian boycott of the Los Angeles games could well have been .predicted, given the rather rash departure of ourselves and our friends from the Mos'cow roster of 1980.
Aside from the patently phony excuses curently being . offered by Russia, the sporting world should have .realiz~ that the 1980 American blackball would not go unavenged. And unfortunately, the pullout of Russia will'have a greater\impact on the Olympics than di~ .our departure from Moscow. The Russians are adept at exploiting con troversial situations. Until and after the Olympic torch reaches Los Angeles, one can be sure that they will see to it that their P4llout stays in the headlines, with this country the media loser. It's difficult to understand 'Americans who accept Russian deceit as truth. A nation that builds walls to keep people prisoners is hardly demonstrating. the epitome of good sportsmanship. For us to think that sports are con sidered a pure entity unto themselves in the Soviet Union is hopelessly naive. The Russians have continuously demon strated that to them sports are but a means' of furthering the objectives of the Communist patty. .What is sad, is that the,)United States. has also 'used the world of sports as a political football for advancing its own interests. Once more it becomes evident that if the true 'Olympic spirit is to be renewed, every effort must be made to get the politicians off the playing field. They. certainly have' done little to further the original Olympic goals. The modem games, first held in Athens in 1896, were intended to pro mote interest in education and culture and to foster inter national understandi,ng through common interest in ama teur athletic competition. . ..~( The inspiration for today's games. came from the anci ent Greek Olympics, patriotic, religious and athletic festi~ vals held every {our years. From their founding in 776 BC, the date from which the Greeks began to keep their calen dar by Olympiads, the four-year") period between games, they offered youth an opportunity for healthy competition. But the ancient games carne to a crashing halt in Roman times after they deteriorated into mere commercial events and were banned by the Emperor TheodosiuS'in 294 AD. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could learn the lessons of history? But in a world of situation ethics, the ideal has very little room to run from the pragmatic. If we can use the Olympic games to protest or punish, then by all means Jet us play politics, not ball. ' If we are truly sad to see the Russians pull out of the garnes, followed by many Communist bloc nations; if we regret that thousands of youth have trained in vain, that the competition of 'the games has been lessened, their vision vanquished and their spirit obscured; if we hope to restore their youthful idealism, then all.nations must permit the young to enjoy that wonderful spirit of life and sports manship proper to them. It is sad to see old people dash the dreams of the young. Politicians of the world, please let youth have. its day!
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River
410 Highland Avenue
Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151
Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.O.
Rev. John F. Moore ~
leary Preas-Fall River
IHe is not worthy of me'that does not tak.e up his cross and follow me/
Matt. 10:38
TV. doesn't· replace church
The audience for religious pro NEW YORK ~NC) The
tional Catholic broadcasters' or "electronic'church" does not take gramming is "what religious au· ganization, said the study con· people away from local churches, °diences have always been; some· firmed that evangelical pro and viewers continue to partici what older, lower in education grams sponsored by Protestant pate in and support (inancially and income, more conservative, independent broadcasters did not their local congregations, say the more 'fundamentalist' and more reach the unchurched. They authors of a study on religious likely to live .in rural areas and basically "will save the saved," television.
in the South and Midwest than he said. those who do not watch religious Ministries such as broadcast The researchers said the "elec tronic church" wins few new . programs," the surveyors found. Masses for shut-ins are valid, he said, but for the uncl)urched a Viewers of religious program .converts and its national audi ence of 13.3 million people is ming are dissatisfied with the "free-evangelism" form of broad smaller than often estimated. "pervaHing moral climate." of cast, focusing on general ques tions of human concern, ·is need general television. By "electronic church," the re ed. George Gerbner, Annenberg searchers meant any religious prograpl sponsored by a religious School dean, said the real com petition of the churches was not group. The study was conducted by the "electronic church" but gen eral television. the Annenberg School of Com The researchers analyzed the munications at the University of May Pennsylvania and the Gallup content of 101 national and local Rev. Ambrose Lamarre, O.P., Organization. For the Ad Hoc . religious programs broadcast in 1940, Dominican Priory, Fall Committee on Electronic Church Philadelphia and Atlanta over a River Research, a broad coalition of three-week pe~iod in 1982.. It Rev. Thomas Trainor, Pastor, church and in!iependent religious compared programs sponsored 1941, St. Louis, Fall River by independent "television min agencies including the U.S. Cath May 20 istries" and those sponsored by olic Conference. Rev. Antonio L. dasilvia, Pas main-line churches. The rese~rchers said viewers of tor, 1952, Our Lady of Health, religious television do. not re . Gerbner said the two groups Fan River duce support' for their own of programs had many similari May 23 churches. Their conclusion is ties, touching upon politics with' Rev. William F. Donahue, based on a national survey con about the same frequency, focus ducted last spring in which 954 ing alike on behavorial problems Assistant, 1944, St. Francis viewers of religious broadcast and mentioning theology only Xavier, Hyannis May 24 ing and 1,049 non-viewers were rarely. Rev. James F. Clark, Founder, interviewed. A main difference, he said, was "Religious program audiences that the independently sponsored 1907, St. James, New Bedford find no conflict between syndi programs, generally nationally May 25 cated religious television pro syndicated, had higher technical Rev. Michael P. Kirby, 1925, grams and more traditional forms sophistic~ti~>n and appealed more St. Mary's, North Attleboro of worship," says the report often for gifts. Rev. James V. Mendes, Ad summary. :'They see them as Paulist Father John Geaney, ministrator, 1961, Our Lady of complementary." president of °Unda-USA:, ana· Angels, Fall River
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 18, 1984
Family Night
A weekly at-hoDle program. fo.r families'
sponsored hy the Dioeesan Offiee of FaDlily Ministry
OPENING PRAYER Oh wonderlul Jesus, thank you for the magnificent beauty of springtime. Thank you for new life everywhere, fresh, lush and sweet smelling. Thank you for flowers and how they speak to us of you. Be with us this Family Night, dearest Jesus, and bless us as we gather in your name. Amen. .
flowers; clever minds. Have each family member think of a flower he would choose to represent himself (example - a violet, shy and humble; a sunflower, viva cious and outgoing). Then choose a flower to rElpresent each fam ily member. Share together. Then pick or buy some f.resh flowers to use as a centerpiece during the week.
Middle Years Family
SOMETHING TO , THINK ABOUT Flowers are such a genuine reflection of God's beauty and grace. Every flower is a master piece of color, shape and texture. They are delicate and each so individualistic if one .looks close ly. The beauty and fragrance of flowers prick our hearts to joy, to love and even prayer. Flowers 'live fully today in tota'l array and vulnerability. Flowers heip God whisper to our souls, "Live fully, love totally, give com pletely."
Plant Nursery Visit. Materials: car and a wee bit of money. Take a trip to a plant nursery and examine all the varieties or flowers for sale. Notice the colors and shapes, shape of leaves. Plan to bring home a few and then plant them in a window box or ~he yard.
Adult Family Scripture Time. Materials: Bible. Read aloud Matthew 6:28
SNACK Rainbow flavored sherbet ice cream sodas or fresh straw 'berry whipped cream pie (if strawberries are available).
ENTERTAINMENT Take an early evening walk as a group and make a Ust of all the different signs of spring time the family sees.
1. Each share his' favorite flower and why. 2. Each share what he loves best about the month of May. " 3. Someone share a· moment he felt close to God re cently.
CLOSING PRAYER -Suggested Prayer: Oh Child Jesus, we praise you and ask that you teach us your ways of -love and giving. Teach us your ways of openness and joy. We praise you little Child Jesus. Make us one in you. Amen.
34. Share your thoughts. Share an experience from the past about a. favorite flower garden.
Me, a flower? Materials: books or magazines with pictures of
Victims at home it for years and went along with it because it took sexual pres- sure and physical abuse off her. The only reason 1 didn't run away was that 1 made an agree sobering experience, one of the ment with my father to cooperate most depressing of my profes if he didn't sexually abuse my sional career. My invitation younger sister." After years of came, not because of any exper counseling, this 30-year-old tise in the topic, but because of woman is active in an organiza my research and work in the tion fighting domestic violence area of healthy families. and child molestation. After four national hearings, It was so sad, so terribly pain the task force concluded that ful to hear and to tell. When I they needed to hear what goes testified on traits found in healthy on .in strong families that pre families that give rise to coping vents the kind of violence which structures that deal with family frequently erupts in hurting fami stress in non-violent ways, I lies. 1 didn't envy the panel who was asked if I found spanking in sat through an eventual 12 days the healthy famlly. of listening to the painful testi I did but it was limited to pats mony of battered and incest sur-' on the bottom or the hands, to vivors. occasions that demanded immedi Survivor is the best word to ate action to prevent danger to describe these adults. As one chi'ldren, and to relatively young female testifier said, "Life in children who do not understand our home was like 1ivdng in a other methods of reasoning. war zone with bombs falling all Speaking as a professional around and no place to escape." parent educator, all spanking is
I testified at the Attorney General's Task Force on Domestic Violence two months ago and it was a
Another told 'a horrifying story of her childhood which began with sexual molestation at age six by her father and continued until age 15. When she finally told her mother about it, instead of receiving the support and help she so desperately needed, she was scolded for provoking her father's sexual feelings and warned not to discuss his be havior outside the family. She testified, "I realized then that my mother had known about
unhealthy. Speaking as a mother, I found some spanking necessary but that necessity ended at age 4 or 5 when other more effective methods produced better behav iors. Our most common spanking technique was to have the child spank his or her own hands. That hurt more than if we did it. But after hearing hours of testimony on spanking as a pre lude to vioJent physical abuse, I am ready to sign a petition
making'it a parent misdemeanor. As the saying goes, "Kids are not for hurting." Kids are for loving, rearing, and turning into well adjusted adults. Physical abuse does not do that and it is not moral, in spite of a belief to the contrary currently being espoused by many. Many ot us have come too close to the breaking point with children to say, "I could never abuse my chIld." If we sanction abuse, even spanking, with a moral overlay, we're giving per mission to parents to abuse under the gui§e of Christian love. We also need to support school efforts which give child ren information on abuse. "If you think someone is doing something that is not okay to your body, check it out," one program suggests. "Tell an adult you trust. They can tell you if it's okay or not and get you help." This is not invasion of paren tal Privacy so much as protec tion for helpless confused chil dren who are victims in ,their 'own homes and don't know where to turn for help.
Reel's last column Editor's note: This is the last Bill Reel contribution to The Anchor. His explanation of why he is discontinuing his column follows: "Due to a heaVy workload, I am forced to discontinue writ. ing for the Catholic press. I hate to give up the colwnn, but there is DO alternative. Catholic press editors and readers have been extremely gracious to me. "Of course, I will continue to read the Catholic press avidly. I believe in the mission of Cath· olic journalism, and am proud to have been involved in it. Per haps at some future time 1 will be able to resume the column. Thanks fer having me."
"I hope this'is a happy night for you - happy in the sense of blessed," the commencement speaker told the 29 Jovely young women graduates of Marymount High School -in Manhattan. He continued: "tI have -unhappy memories of my high school graduation. It was a melancholy day for me because I wasn't going any where. I hadn't been admitted to college, and so I had to return to high school the foltlowing year as a post-graduate student. When I eventually got to col lege, I proceeded to flunk out twice in, two years. That's /the record, I tlike to think. "So I have unhappy memo· ries of school days and academic years, I was a poor student. Why did 1 do so poorly? Be cause I didn't know how to study. Why didn't I know how to study? Because I didn't know how to live. "I'm 44 years old now, and I've been in the newspaper busi ness for over 20 years, and I have children almost as old as you young women who are graduating tonight. What I would like to share with you in these brief remarks is the wis dom of my experience in life, which can be summed up in two suggestions. The suggestions are - and' tI suggest them to each one of you personally to live one day at a time, and to practice the presence of God. "Why do I suggest rt:hat you Uve Hfe one day at a time? It sounds trite and obvious. Atter all, how else could you live it? What I mean is this: Take each day's duties calmly as they come, whether you are at work or in school or helping your parents with chores. Do the task before you 'to the best of your ability. Concentrate. Never worry about past mistakes, and, hever day dream about the f4 ture. "'Living one day at a time sounds easier than it is. Some times I say to myself, 'Gee, I wish I didn't have to wri,te a
By Bill REEL
i I
column. I'm fresh out of ideas. I don't feel Uke being interest ing,' I say this, and instead of going out in the street and get ting a column, or making some caHs to get a column, 1 become .incapacitated by worry, anxiety, ~rritabmty, self-pity and fear of failure. This happens to me when I fail to follow my own good ad vice to -live one day at a time. Can any of you ddentify with me? Sure you can. "Never be discouraged by set backs. Adversity is part of life. When a day begins to go bad, ask God for the grace to accept your situation, and for the strength to do His wiH at that moment. Do this and you will salvage the day. "My second is: Practice the presence of God. I believe deep ly an God, a personal God who is good and merciful, who hears and answers prayers - not al ways with the answer we want - and who is just but never vengeful. I found this God rather late in Ute. I was almost 30 years old when I awakened to God's presence. I had tbeen liv ing self-destructively for some years, and God, working through people, which is the way he gen erally works, came into my life and saved me from myself. "I try, with modest success, to practice the presence of God. This is difficult for me because I'm a sinner. It is sometimes said by scoffers that pious peo ple think they are good. That's not the case with me. I'm pious because I know I'm bad. I'd be much worse if I weren't pious. I'm self-centered by nature. My three favorite words are me, me,. me. ",Do any of you young worn· en know anyone -like that.? Are you ever -like that? Do you ever put yourself selfishly ahead of parents, brothers and sisters, friends? Do you ever hurt the feelings of family members or classmates with unkind or thoughtless remarks? I urge you to invoke the presence of God in your relations with family and friends. If you do, you will be cheerful, charitable women. If you are conscious of the pres ence of God, you will live good lives of faith, hope and charity." "And that is aM that is impor ta.nt. Whether you attend a pres tige college, ·how much money you make, how much money the man you marry makes, the pos sessions S'llch as homes and cars you acquire, the chic social life you enjoy - all thll-t is ulti mately meaningless. I urge you to be happy. 'Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires; God will satisfy them fully.' Jesus said that in the Sermon of the Mount. It was the smartest sen tence ever spoken. Always re member it, God bless you."
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Rive~-Fri., May 18, 1.984
,Natiollal, regional (lea con parleys
'A'ITI.EBOROLEADERS in the annual Catholic Charities Appeal are shown with Atty. James H. Quirk ~r., 1984 lay chairman (left) and Bishop Daniel, A. Cronin. They are Father Bento R. Fraga, Claire and Tobia Anelunde and Arthur Remillard.
e~~ frederic '8 flowers
Moon appeal , rejected
WASHINGTON (NC)'..... The U.S. Supreme Court May 14 re jected without, comment a re quest by' the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. to hear his appeal 'of a 1982 conviction for tax evasion, clearing the way .for Mr. Moon's Tel. 759-4211 and 759-2669 imprisonment. Among those who had urged the high court to take the appeal were Bishop Ernest F. Unter koefler of Charleston, S.C., the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, the' National Council of Ohurches, and other X·RAY QUALITY PIPE FABRICATION denominational groups. SPRINI<LERS • PROCESS PIPING His supporters, who said they PLUMBING. GAS FITTING. HEATiNG do not necessarily agree' with the tenets' of his church, claimed 32 MiD Street (Route 79) he was a victim orreligious per Assonet. MA.02702 secution and that the action ,644-2221' against him could set a prece· dent for attacks against any i ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . church, which. like his, allots financial and administrative con. trol to one person or a hier- archy. . Bishop ,Unterkoefler, in a friend-of-the-court brief joined by such prominent 'lay Catholics as former ambassador C1are :' 87 STOWE ,ST., FALL RIVER, MA ,: Booth Luce, former Sen. Eugene MoCarthy, D-M-inn., and Robert DestrQ, a member of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, said : . M. S. A G U I A R & SON : that the decision against Mr. Moon "could readily be applied ~ to those who hold office in the Roman' Catholic Church, as well as against leaders of other hier archial religions. CLOSED SUNDAYS Daily Deliveries to 'Otis, Barnst~ble, County Hospital,
Tobey Hospital, Falmouth Hospital ,
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. The National' Association of Hie of service. Father Canice Connors, OFM Permanent Diaconate Directors for the first time held its annual Conv., a Toronto priest/psycholo convention in Canada, meeting gist, addressed the topic of suf fering and hurt lin deacon earlier this month in Toronto. Representing the Fall River . couples' dives in a talk entitled diocese were Rev. John F. Moore, "The Crucified Is No Stranger." permanent diaconate director, Father Connors emphasized that persons grow spiritually insofar Deacon and Mrs. Robert D. Le may and Mr. and Mrs. Edmond as they can share their suffering and allow others to minister to D. Audette. ' During the convention Father thheir pain. Follow-up workshops treated Thomas Axe,' NAPPD president, presented leadership' awards to diaconal relationships with bish ops, pastors, other deacons and Sister EHeen Tierney, CND, Man chester, NH, and Father John family, the deacon in the work· Hedderman, diaconate director place and such topics as iburn out. for Salt Lake City, Utah. Father Timothy Shugrue, New Father Hedderman, also key· note speaker for the meeting, ark, wiH be NAPDD president spoke of directors as translators for the coming year, supported "who continue to ctranslate the by Father ~art O'Leary, Hono reality of the diaconate into a lulu, as vice-president and Sister perceptible message for the Charmaine Grilliot, Toronto, as treasurer. • church." On the regional level, a New Dr. Michael L.Lawler, chair man of the theology depa,rtment England area formation day was of Creighton University: Omaha, held Wednesday at Barlin Acres, discussing the sacramental basis Boylston. of ministry, said: "All the bap In attendance were Father Moore, Deacon and Mrs. Leman,
tized are called ,to a oJife of min Deacon Francis Camacho, Mrs. istry because of baptism. The or dained ministers (bishops, priests Audette and Sister Rita Pelletier, and, deacons), are sacramental SSJ. expressions of the entire church's A diocesan retreat for deacons caII to different ministries." and wives wiU be held June 1 The Christian couple, he said, ,through 3, followed June 8 are "ordained". to' a life of mu through 10 by a retreat for pros tual service in the "domestic pective candidates for the per church" and called by the larger manent diaconate and their church, the body of Christ, to be wives. Both retreats will take the sacramental expression of place at the Diocesan Family the call of all the baptized to a Life Center, North Dartmouth.
First couple visit nursing home WASHINGON (NC) - Resi dents of a Little Sisters of the Poor home for the elderly were "just ~rilled" when President and Mrs. Reagan joined them for Mother's Day dinner May 13, said Mother Mary Agnes McPhil lips, administrator. . She said that the Reagans "seemed so warm, so gentle, so simple" as they personally greet ed each of the resident$ of Jeanne Jugan Home for the Aged during, their one-and-a-haU-hour· visit. . The "moment of the day" came when "Mrs. Reagan very Joving ly, very motherly and very per sonal'ly gave a carnation" to ail ing residents unable, to attend the dinner, as the president fol lowed behind her, shaking hands, Mother McPhillips .said. The presidential visit was ar ranged by a White House ad vance team which contacted the home May 8, saying the Reagans wished to spend Mother's Day with the elderly. "It came as a tota'l surprise to 'Us," Mother McPhiUips' said. "They asked us how we were going to spend ,the day" and thlm the advance team made all the necessary arrangements. Dinner included chicken, green beans with almonds, and maca ~oni and cheese. Mother McPhil lips,who sat between the Rea gans 'at the meal, said the presi dent "really enjoyed his dinner" and that Mrs. Reagan had con fided that macaronI, and cheese is among his favorite dishes.
Conversation during the meal "was so simple and relaxed, you'd think we do this every day." She said the president ta'1ked about meeting Pope John Paul II in Fairbanks, Alaska, and . about his upcoming trip to Ire land. After dinner; Reagan spoke of how hjs mother, the late Nellie Wilson Reagan, had held her family together during difficult times. "She taught us about me, I think, hy her deeds as well as her words," Reagan said. The first couple were pre sented with a centerpiece made by residents and a biography of Blessed Jeanne. Jugan, foundress of the Little Sisters. At Mother McPhlllips request, the president visited the home's chapel for a few moments. "I ;reassured the president of our persona1 prayers for him," . she said.
New ME moderator "
COLUMBUS, Ohio (NC) Auxiliary Bishop Francis J. Dunn of Dubuque, Iowa, has been named episcopal moderator for Worldwide Marriage En counter in the United States. , The movement, which exists in 58 countries, was established in the United States 15 years ago and now has 160 U.S. centers.
, ,, , "
" " " " " " " " " " " " . ,'-,
Special gifts •
+ •••••••
$500 Rev. Msgr. John J. Oliveira
$250 Rev. Hugh J. Munro
$200 Rev. Lucien Jusseaume
$75 Ma
Leahy's Liquor Store J. & B.Catering Mary Carter Decorating Center Stacy's Beauty Salon' Grenier Catering' . Andy's Market St. Germain & Son St. Jacques Women's Guild CCD Children, Holy Rosary Church I
Fall River
$:40 In Memory of Florence Cou sineau
$1100 St. Stanislaus Bingo Group First Federal Savings Bank of America
$500 Reed & Barton Foundation, Inc.
$420 Residents of Marian Manor
$372 Waring - Ashton· Coughlin D.D. Sullivan - Driscoll Funerai Directors
Particular Council of Taunton
In memory of Michael J. Mc Mahon Joseph Nadeau's Sons, Inc. Sisters of the Sacred Hearts Louis Hand, Inc. T. E. Lynch, Inc.
$275 Sacred Heart Conference
$200 Norwell Mfg. Co., Inc. St. Anthony's Confirmation Class
$150 St. Jacques Conference
$180 O'Brien's Company
Hector Demers Holy Family Women's Guild, East Taunton Holy Rosary Conference
Chace Curtain Company, Inc. Arkwright Finishing Div. Unit
ed Merchants & Mfgrs., Inc.
D & D Sales & Service, Inc.
$125 $100
Sowiecki Funeral Home
$50 St. Maximillian Kolbe Gui'ld, Holy Rosary Church Polish American Citizen Club League of Sacred Heart, St. Jacques Church I.C.!. American, Inc., Dighton Holy Rosary Sodal:ity, Holy Rosary Church
Almeida Electrical, Inc. St. Patrick Circle #335, Daughters of Isabella Fall River Knitting Mills, Inc.
$75 Spindle City Dye Works
$50 Sarama Lighting of Mass., Inc. J. B. T'1'avers Lumber, Swansea
Riendeau Funeral Home
Briere, Sparks, Inc.
Louis & Jean Tokarz
$25 Aime's Custom Ceramics McGrath's Cafe
Fairhope Fabr.ics, Inc. Furtado's North End Provision Co.
Cape Cod
$85 Tradewinds Motel, Falmouth
$50 Falmouth Publishing Co. Katherine Cove Real Estate, Harwichport
Sacred Heart Religion Center, Oak Bluffs Ghelfi's Card & Gift Shop, Falmouth Burnham & Magnuson, Inc., Edgartown Frederic's Flowers, Bourne
$2,000 Casey Homes, West Harwlch
$1,000 Reliable Market, Oak Bluffs
$500 St. Joan of Arc Guild, Orleans
$400 St. John Conference, Pocasset St. Patrick Conference, Fal mouth Our Lady of Victory, Center ville
$250 R. M. Packer Fuel Company, Vineyard Haven
$200 St. John 55 & Over Fami,ly, Pocasset Aluminum Products of Cape Cod, Dennisport
$125 Visitation Guild, No. Eastham
Pocasset Golf Club George's Place, Harwichport F. A. Eaton Funeral Service, Inc., Harwich Manning's Tennis, West Har wich Holy Trinity Conference, West Harwich St. Patrick Women's Guild, . Falmouth Stone's Beauty & Barber Shops, Falmouth Falmouth Knights of C~lum bus No. 813 M. F. Roach Company, North Eastham Barnstable County National Bank, Hyannis Sacred Heart Conference, Oak Bluffs Ortin's Photo Supply, Fal mouth Elm Arch Inn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Richardson, Falmouth Wood Lumber Company, Fal mouth . St. Joseph Guild, Woods Hole st. Joseph Conference, Woods Hole
$40 Grasmere Pub, Falmouth Hy-Line Cruises, Hyannis
$2200 Krew, Inc.
$600 Fernandes Realty Corporation, Norton
$500 SI:. Theresa Conference, South Attleboro
$350 St. Mary Conference, Seekonk
$300 St. Mary Conference, Norton
$200 St. Mark Conference, Attleboro Falls A. Caponigro & Company
$110 Willis MacKinnon 'Insurance
$100 'Morse Sand & Gravel Stephen H. Foley Funeral Home , P. Cavalieri & Son, North At tleboro Margaret Curtis Realty Trust, North Attleboro
$25 Park Cleaners, Falmouth Frederick V. Lawrence, Inc., Falmouth Hazelton Gifts, Dennisport Barbo's Whitney Wayside . Furniture Company, Dennisport
Sea View Playland, Dennis port Coca Cola BoWing Company, Vineyard Haven Cape Cod Playland, Buzzards Bay Buzzards Bay Getty, Buzzards Bay Garage Hart Insurance, Buzzards Bay Canal Electrical, Inc., Buz· zard's Bay , Buzzards Bay P.harmacy Capt. Harrls Fish Market, Buzzards Bay Travel By Betty Doherty, Buzzards Bay Donut Shack, North Eastham Martha's 'Vineyard National Bank Fern Engineering, Buzzards Bay Doug's Country Florist, East Falmouth Three Way Enterprises, Inc., East Falmouth Jetsoft, Inc., East Falmouth The Rugman. Inc., East Fal mouth
TAUNTON Holy Rosary
Quintal's Restaurant, Buz zards Bay Deponte's Sand & Gravel, East Falmouth
$30 M-M Fred Patrick, M-M Frank Perry, M-M M-M Richard Uloude, M-M Ken Poole Family, M-M Donald Rose, M-M Manuel Rose Jr., M-M Roger Roy, Barbara Rutherford, M-M Edmond S1. Yves, Joseph Turkalo, Stephanie Turaklo, M-M John Zeiba;· $25 Peter Murphy.
EAST TAUNTON ,Holy Family $110 Joseph Perry; $100 M-M Fer nand Medeiros, Stephen Punda, M-M Michael Tokarz, Manuel Gomes; $50 M-M Ernest Andrews, Mrs. Wini fred Buckley, M-M Arthur Machado, ~-M Joseph Mozzone, Ann Murphy, M-M Francis Perry, M-M Raymond Prunier, Stanley Slavick; $45 M-M Henry Sullivan; $40 M-M Anthony Pacheco; $35 M-M Robert Adams; $30 M-M Joseph Ca9tro, M-M Ingram Byrne, M-M AI~red Dutra, M-M Francis Dutra, M-M Ronald Gordon, James Kenyon, M-M Philip LaFrance. $30 M.M Joseph Mendes, Mary Murphy, M-M John Shea, M-M Albert Adams, M-M William Araujo, Mrs. Albert 13anks, M-M Stanley Baran, M-M Joaquim Bernadhio, M-M Arthur Collins, Mrs. Edward Cross man, John Cwiekowski, M-M Richard Ducharme Stevens, M-M Edward Fowler Jr., M-M Joseph Kay, M-M Th~ore Lippold, John Ludovina, M-M William McAloon, M-M Armand Moreira, M-M Edmond Nadeau, M-M Joaquin Correia.
Spartan Cleaner.s, Hyannis
St. John's Bingo, Pocasset
McCarthy & Petrasko Insur ance Agency, Inc., East Fal mouth
International Business chines Corp., Providence
Liberal Club Uni-Con Floors, Inc. Catholic Committee on Scout ing-Moby Dick Council Hathaway Funeral Service
$50 M-M Thaddeus Strojny, Mrs.
Sophie Guresh & Peter J·r., Atty.-Mrs. Marcellus D. Lemaire; $35 Mrs. Mary Dubena; $30 Joanna & Aldonna Majkut,Anna & Stacis Sienko, M-M.,James Ferreira; $25 Francis M. Kozach, M-M Gilbert Levesque, Adolph & John Linek, Mrs. Anita Maciejowski, M-M Robe1"t Nichols. $25 John A. Bobola, M-M Robert Dziekiewicz, M-M Clinton F·oss, P.auline Gula, M-M Gaetano Masapollo, M-M Daniel O'Brien, Mrs. Bridget O'Hearne, M-M Walter Plonka & Wally, M-M Peter Rogers, M-M Francis Sharkus, M-M Walter Wenczak, M-M Frank Ulak.
Sacred Heart $120 M-M Daniel LeBrun; $100 M-M John Kelly; $85 Rose O'Donnell; $75 The Wade F'amily; $60 M-M Edward Trucchi; $50 M-M Clifton Pierce,
$50 Marathon Company Colonial Lithograph Briggs Nursery, Inc., North Attleboro
Country Haven Nursing Home, Norton Johnny's Way, Norton John G. Walsh Construction
$40 L. H. Cooper Company
$35 Community Pharmacy, North Attleboro
$25 Gilbert Rea Shoe Repair Volterra, Goldberg & Mangia ratti Castro County Square Bever age Richardson Insurance Com pany Reinbold Insurance Agency Attleboro Telephone 'Answer ing Service Wagner's Flower Shop Edgar M. Holmes Insurance Agency, Norton Norton Catholic Women's Guild Clarence Rich 'Plumbing, Nor· ton . ,
M-M Arthur Travers, M-M Albert Berard, M-M Willard Olmsted, M-M Francis Souza, M-M Thomas Varden, Marguerite Cronan, Elizabeth Brady, Helen Brady, M-M Coy Folcik; $40 Gertrude McBreen. $35 Mrs. Claude Simmons, William Leger, M-M John Martin, M-M Alfred Andrade, M-M Robe1"t Dewey, Harold Rheaume, M-M Oscar Maynard; $30 Mary Reilly, Richard Martin, Rita O'Donnell, M-M L. Severino; . $25 Ruth Brady, Helen Murray, Eugene Sullivan, M-M Richard Martin, M-M John Trahan, M-M Emond Nadeau, M-M Eugene Braga, M-M Joseph Martin, Louise Kelliher, M-M R. W. Johnson. $25 Mrs. Howard Paling, David Souza, M-M F. W. Kenney, M-M Thomas Zucco, Frances Rose, M-M Leo Conroy, M-M Stanley Roberts, M-M Joseph Enos, M-M Bruno Alegi, M-M S. Mazzoleni, M-M Joseph Lynch, Eileen Reilly, M-M Thomas Halloran, Mrs. Russell Macomber, M-M Theodore Lippold, M-M Robert Lane, M-M Raymond Francisco; M-M Arthur McDermott. $25 M-M William Campbell, M-M Robert Malone, M-M Walter Driscoll, M-M David Driscoll, M-M Antone Piechota, M-M Leonel Ventura, Mrs. Ernest Pr.airie, M-M Forest Paige, Catherine Crowninshield, M-M Robert Martin, M-M John L'Heureux, M-M Nicholas Salamon, M-M Albert Saue-rbier, M-M Horace Costa, M-M Arthur Travers, M-M M. Rebello Jr., Mrs. Leo Brady, M-M John Cullen.
TAUNTON Immaculate Conception $3500 Rev. John J. Steakem; $50 Allan Curley, William Desrosiers, M-M Alfred Florence, M-M Ronald Legere, M-M. Ja,~es Brennan, Mary O'Dea; $40 M-M Sheldo~ Ehrenzwelf?; $30 M-M Frederick Beacienski, Helen Nichols, F~ancls Morrison' $25 M-M Gregory Braga, M-M WIlliam Chausse M-MAndrew Isaacsen, M-M George Nickolds, M-M R~ber.t Powers, Margaret Meunier, Joseph Aranjo. $25 Eileen· Haggerty, M-M Leonard Walsh, M-M Michael Cronan, Mrs. Ralph Handren, M-M Robert Kirouac M-M .Edward White, M-M Edward Lade bauche, 'M-M Walter Precourt Jr., M-M William Lane, M-M William Decouta, M-M T·homas Leonard, M-M Anthony Thomas Mary Power, Mrs. Malcom Tinkham, Mary Walsh M-M James McGrath, M-M Edward Mador, M-M' Roland Arquin, M-M Paul Fitzpatrick. $25' M-M Francis Boivin, M-M Thomas Hoye, M-M Allan Campbell, Elizabe~h Leahy, M-M Thomas Cutty, M-M Stanley O'Bara, M-M .Robert McNamara, M-M William McGowan, M-M Walter Krotckta, M-M William McCaffrey, Mrs. Robert Briand, M-M William Lane, M-M Raymond Riva, M-M Alfred Senechal, Joanne Waddell. Our Lady of Lourdes $250 Rev. Manuel M. Resendes; $50 M-M Robert Mendes, M-M Joseph Cambra, Rev. Mr. Robert A. F,aria; $40 M-M James O'Gara' $35 M-M Alfred J. Pimental; $30 M-M Francis Cardoz~, M-M John P. Baptiste, M-M Arthur Andrade; $25 Paul Camacho, Francis Smith Jr., M-M Gilbert F. Coute, Floriano Santos, M-M Thomas A.· Souza Sr., James Sylvia & Son James, M-M Louis Rego, M-M Manuel Raposo. I
St. Anthony $300 Rev. George E.' Amaral; $150 Raymond Coute; $100 St. Anthony's Holy Rosary So ciety, Anonymous, St. Vincent de Paul Society, M-M John Silvia; $75 Nunes Family, John Ferreil'a; $60 Jose Pereira; $50 M-M Antonio F. Chaves, M-M Fred erick B'arker, M-M Peter Nolan, Mrs. Laurentina Craven, Anonymous (3), Walter Stadinski, M-M Andrew Marshall Jr. $40 M-M Francisco Correia, Anonymous (2), M-M r? Thomas J. Souza, M-M Charles Ferreira; $35 M-M Manuel Gomes, Anonymous, M-M John Coelho; $30 Mrs. Hilda Wyatt, M-M Francisco Aguiar, M-M Adelino Torres, Jose Pinheiro, M-M Joseph Rico, Charles Raposa, ,Anonymous, Manuel Silveira.; $25 M-M An tonio Vieira, Mrs. Filomena Sousa, Medeiros Jr. F,am ily, Joseph Sousa, Henrietta Carvalho, M-M Manuel G. Silva, Victoria Carew, M-M Laurentino Costa. $25 Manuel Perry, M-M Joseph Gula, M-M Joseph Alves, Elsie Abreau, M-M Jose Vasconcelos, Hilda Veloze, Adelaide Marshall, M-M Joseph C. Vaz, M-M' Manuel Travassos, VirginiaR. Rodrigues, M-M Dan sereau, M-M John Camara, M-M Antonio R. Resendes, M-M Antonio Reis, Emma Andrade, M-M Alfred Silva, ' M-M Joseph Am'aral, M-M J"ose C. Cabral, An1tone Almeida, Dorothy Fer-reira, M-M Manuel S. Machado, Anonymous (8), M-M Michael Delaney, M-M Antone Abreau, Joseph L. Amaral, M-M Donald Santos, Man uel Costa, M-M Herculano Costa. St. Jacques $365 Rev. Normand J. Boulet; $150 A Friend; $125 A Friend; $100 M-M Gerard Bonenfant, M-M Paul Racine, Roger & Germaine Parent; $50 Maurice Larocque, M-M Robert Bouchard, Paulette Boutin, M-M John, Keene, M-M Robert Powell, Paul' Ouillette; $40 M-M Charles Rocheleau; $35 M-M Wesley Schondek, M-M William Grundy; ,$30 M-M David Silva, M-M Maurice Guay, Mrs. Alma Pelletier. $27 Yvonne Labonte; $26 M-l}f Lawr-ence Courcy, M-M Charles Beaulieu; $25 M-M.George Car-as, M-M Steve Gordon, M-M Roger Levesque, M-M Frederic Andrade, Mrs. Walter Taylor, Mrs. Leo Murphy, Anna M. Sherry, M-M Theodore Benjamin, Raymond Nolin,
M-M Roger Yelle, Mrs. Irene Boutin, Paul Ouellette,
Regina Hebert, Theresa Blain, ~ynda Keene, M-M
Richard Hamel, M-M Clive Olson.
St. Joseph $250 Rev. William E. Farland; $1'50
William T. Hurley; $100 Willi,am Scully, Maurice
Desrosiers; $60 M-M William McCarthy Jr., Cecile
McAloon; $50 Anthony Tosti, Dorothy Bussiere, Robert
Hill, Gilbe'rt Simmons, John Latham; $40 M-~ Melvin
, $35 M-M David Rose; $32 Raymond Scully; $30 Lois
King, Katherine Cambell, M-M James Reilly, M-M
William pias" Charlotte Carr, M-M Donald Lewis,
M-M Robert Thonias.
$25 M-M Henry Lutz, M-M Daniel Reilly, Mary
McNearney, M-M Stephen Wapenski, M-M ,Joseph
Cor-coran, AJbina Rogers, Mrs. Paul Maynard,' M-M
Joseph Zrebiec Sr., Mrs. William Trucchi, M-M Ed
ward Harraghy, Mrs. Gilbert Briggs, Janice Lawlor,
M-M Edward Lynch, Doris. Bartone, M-M J,ohn Steen,
Mrs. Francis Kelley, Mrs. Id,a LaPI:e, Jennie. Driscoll,
M-M Amerino Almeida, M-M' Charles Pirozzi, M-M
Neil Figueredo, Mary Donahue, M-M Jean Coulomb!1.
,St. Mary $250 Rev. Herbert, T. Nichols; $200 Dr.-Mrs. John Fenton, Clotilde Nason; $100 Dr.-Mrs. Edward,J. Galvin; $80 M-M James Reid, M-M John Gonzals; $75 William Smith; $60 M-M Antone P<>ntes; $50 Joseph Bird, Edward Duffy, Mar-tha Leonard, M-M Joseph Quinn, Thomas Russell, Janice Russell, M-M James Sheerin, M-M Edward W. Tonry Sr. $40 l\j-M Carlton Caron; $35 Joseph O'Boy; $30 Catherine Brady, Lelia Duffy, M-M Merrill Maynard, John Rfce, M-M Daniel Sullivan; $25 M-M Stephen Bagge, Mary Bird, M-M. Paul Brady, M-M Joseph
Butler Charles Fitzsimmons, Mrs. Norman Gordon, M-M Francis' Griffin, Mrs. Edward Kiernan, Margue rite Hoye, M-M John Laughlin, Ka1therine McKeon, Winifred McKeon, 'Mary McManus, M-M David Martin, . Mrs. Mildred Maxwell, Mrs. 'Edward O'Keefe, M-~ Robert Perry,- M-M Robert Quigley, M;.M F~ancls Sullivan, M-M Harry Sullivan, M-M Robert Thigpen. St. Paul $700 Rev. Msgr. Robert L. Stanton; $300 In memory of M-M Daniel A. Stanton; $100 M-M Francis O'Boy, M-M James Cole, M-M George Hathaway; $75 M-M Joseph Reilly, M-M Walter Sowyrda' '$65 Dominic Casella, Frank Casella; $'55 M-M Robel't Hill Jr.; $50 M-M Harold Olson, M-M James Fagan, M-M Leo Leroux, M-M Edw~rd Castle, M-M Ronald Tremblay, Thomas & VeronIca Flang 'heddy M-M Albert Nunes Jr., M-M Michael Larkin, Mary E. Lynch, M-M Rock Desvergnes, Philip & Susan Leddy, M-M John Connors, Olivia Giannini. $40 Joseph Giannini, M-M Edmund Teix~ira; $30 M-M' William Traverse, M-M Jerome Gedrl'tes; $25 Mrs. Phyllis Benoit, M-M Francis Almeida, M-M Thomas Moxley, M-M Richard Lemieux, M-M Maurice Lemieux, M-M Michael Phillippino, M-M George Rogers Mrs. Frank Shumway, Vivian Couto, M-M Richard Neville, Rosemary, Morrisey, M-M Henry Bilodeau, 'M-M Leo Mogallj' M-M Thomas Boiros. $25 M-M Rober~ Fieldin~, Harold Dion, Eliner Meunier, M-M Stuart' Place, Mrs. Henry Ry,an, M-M Edward Johrison, Gertrude Dermody, M-M Norman Menard, M-M William J. Morin, M-M Charles Tatro, M-M Robert Stratton, ,Eleanor Dwyer, Mrs. Joseph Neto, M-M Robert Baskinger, M-M John Gaboury, Janet Reese, Richard Conway, Mrs. W. Bax'ter-Green, M-M Leo Conroy, M-M Wesley Grandmonrt, Mrs. Francis Tummon, John Donahue, M-M Edmond Thadeu, M-M Raymond Rogers, M-M Joseph Rihbany. $25 M-M Eugene McCaffrey, M-M J<>seph Towsend Jr., Annette Munroe, M-M William Acheson, M-:-M Joseph Conlon, Nicholas Virginis, F. Vernon Harriea, M-M Richard Kotkowski, M-M James A; Tranter, M-M Robert Valle, M-M Chester Tokarz, M-M John DeSantis, M-M George Hickey, M-M Robert Desche neau, M-M George Walker, Mrs. Joseph Demers, Mrs. Joseph Costa, 'M-M Joseph Lazarz.
RAYNHAM st. Ann $275 Theodore Kapala; $150 M-M Paul Alves' $100 ·M-M Robert Gray, M-M Carlos Mello, M-M Thomas LaFleur, Josephine Kapala, M'-M George A. Bumila Sr. -& Family, Anna Morehouse, Mrs. Dominic Cirino M-M Louis Secatore; $75 M-M Thomas Zoll M-M' Robert McCabe, M-M Thomas M. Ross, Mrs: Mary E. Tormey; $60 M-M John Pickard, M-M Joseph Bettencourt. $50 Mrs. Robert Copeland, M-M Richard Scovel, M-M James Mulvihill, M-M William Ollerhead, M-M George Gould, M-M John McMullen, M-M John Welch, M-M JamE'1.....J. Hauck Sr., M-M Joseph Fernandes, Mary McGrath M-M David Yelle, Mrs. Don Pickett, M-M 'Edwin Mahoney, M-M Raymond R. Cooke, Herbert Camacho, M-M Joseph DelSignore, M-M William Piche. $40 M-M Paul J. Fountain, M-M Manuel DeMello; $30 Mrs. Sidney Roberts, David McKenna; $25 M-M , J,ohQ Dolan, M-M James Stanton, Patricia Lake, Mrs. Doris Connors, A. Christine Bolton, M-M John Plante, Mrs. Kavin Stanton, M-M Roger Howlett, M-M Daniel Poyant, Richard Adams, Thomas Smith, Mrs. Randolph C. Riley;, M-M James Stringer, M-M Ayres Souza, M-M Joseph Masterson, M-M John Smi't, M-M Michael Hil M-M Andrew Galligan, M-M Patrick Cady, M-M Fr~ncis Medeiros, M-M Michael Fitzsimmons, M-M E. Joseph Laliberte. '. $25 M-M Matthew Tibi, Mrs. Gertrude Larkin, Roy Latimer, Josephine Parker, Roger Horton, M-M John Cockerham, M-M Joseph Sala, M-M Stuart O'Brien M-M Leo Landgraf, M-M Joseph Quill, Mrs. John A: Hall, 'M-M Francis Gendreau, M-M Richard Viera, Keith Hoffman, Mrs. Theodore Hutchins, M-M Antenor DaSilva, Gilbert Lavoie, M-M Robert Reddy, M-M Thomas Galligan. . $'25 'M-M Joseph Madden, Mrs. Joseph Scanlon, Mrs. Thomas Selleck, Mrs. Emil Cobb, M-M Francis Zellner, M-M Stephen Priest, M-M Elmer Sargent, M-M Roland E. Chamberland, M-M Salvatore Oliveri, M-M Robert McCormack, M-M Charles D. Dennen, M-M Walter Moquin, M-M Paul Lane, M-M Francis Ferioli. SOUTH EASTON
Holy Cross $100 Mrs. Paul Brophy, Dr.-Mrs. R. Earl McLOUd, William Cafferky, M-M James Sullivan; .DIGHTON $50 Clarence Boucher, J. Vincent Hickey, Mrs. David F. Hyatt, M-M Frank Lalli, M-M Arthur J. L. Peterson, st. Peter $350 Montfort Fathers; $1'50 M:-M Wil Leo Schleicher, M-M Janes Azevedo, M-M Paul Reilly, liam J. Mendoza; $100 M-M James Murphy, M-M Arthur Ventura; $75 'l}f-M NOl'man K. Smi'th, M-M • Mrs. Frederick Dollof; $45 George Buckley; $43 Robert Connors; $35 Bernard Pietrowski, $30 David Gomes, Arthur Ventura Jr., M-M Paul Ventura; $50 M-M John Leo F. Sullivan, M-M Earl Gardiner, M-M Frank Cassidy, M-M Leo Deslauriers, M-M HamId Mendoza. Madden. $40 M-M John P.elletier; $35 M-M David DeMello, $25 M-M Richard Arkuszewski, M-M Calvin Bourne, M-M John A. Goulart; $30·M-M Charles F. Mello; '$25 Wilma Carpenter, M-M Gerald Deneault, M-M John Mrs. Joseph Araujo, M..M James Davitt, M-M Fred T. Finning, Mrs. Charles Frizado, M-M Thomas erick Gracia, Mrs. Josephine Haggerty, Louis Mendoza, Gentile, M-M Vincent Iacono, George Lowndes, M-M Clinton Rose, Michael Rose; Lionel Vieira. Dr.-Mrs. Paul Marino, M-M Wayne Masefield, M-M Frank Puopolo, Dr.-Mrs. Charles Smallwood, M-M NORm DIGHTON Robert Sullivan Jr., David Welch, Francis Welch, Leo St. Joseph $500 Henry V. Wareing; $300 Rev. M. Br-ophy, M-M John Heppler, M-M Raymond Mucci Willi'am L. O'Connell; $75 Frank V. P.hillipe; $60 M-M Jr., James .Tully, Clinton Fisher, Hugh O'B~ien, M-M Paul Achtelik; $50 M-M Richard Engler, M-M Roger Albert Fleury. Dee, Mrs. Virginia Williams; $35 Leo Duffy, M-M NEW BEDFORD' David Schnopp; $30 Leo Pivirotto; $25 M-M James Amaral, Madeline C. Carter, M-M Edward Donnelly, Holy Name $700 Rev. John J. Murphy; $150 M-M Richard Donahue, M-M Robert Hebert, M-M Anonymous (3); $125 M-M Martin Barry, M-M Richara Joseph Mason, M-M ~tone Rose, M-M Philbert Cole; $120 George Rogers; $100 M-M Eric Erickson, Torres. M-M James Flanagan, Doris K. Lawrence, Leonard NORTH EASTON F. Souza, M-M Peter Giammalvo, M-M Philip Murray, Anonymous (4) ;$75 M-M Robert Sylvia, Al}onymous. Immaculate Conception $366 Vincent L.- Galvin; $50 M-M Stanley Baron, Eleanor Benac, Mrs. Bjarne $'200 KathrYn Healey; /$150 In memory of John B. Bendiksen, Joseph Foley, M-M Jacob Teser, Monica Parkes; $100 Marion S. Felling, Catherine Harvey, Zygiel, M-M Hugh Earley, Landry Family, M-M Grace, Harvey, Alice Harvey, M-M Donald Scarlata, Joseph Landry, David Silva, Anonymous (9); $45 Mrs. J. G. Silva & John Silva Jr., M-M Robert Weller; Mrs. John J. O'Neil; $40 Mrs. Dorine Guiney, Anony $7'5 James A. Linzi; $65 Daniel' Amorim; $60 The mous (2); $35 M-M Edward L. Smith Jr. Buckley Family; $50 Mrs. Romeo Amorim. Richard $30 M-M Leo Cole, M-M John Considine, M-M Clif Buckley, M-MGeorge Carter Jr., M-M Christopher ford Crowley, M-M Dennis Lyons, Mrs. John T. Mills, Corey, Anna Cr.aig, Clyde A. Craig, M-M Albert Mrs. Thomas Poulos, M-M Robert Doyle, Anonymous Dallaire, Mildred Deady, M-M Lyle Grindle. (2), William Murray; $25 M-M Augustino Almeida, . '$50 M-M David Howard, M-M Mar-tin Lawson, Mrs. Mrs. Frank Bell, Mrs. Charles Bramwell, Mrs. Edward Douglas J. Mar-tin, Mrs. Charles McCarthy Sr., M-M F. Bruce, M-M Herman Bruce, M-M Donald Calnan. Gregory Messler, M-M James D. Mullen Sr., M-M $'25 M-M,Joseph Cazemiro, Mrs. Mary David, M-M Robert O'Leary; M-M' Joseph Palano, Edmund J. William Demsky, Mrs. Mary Downey, Mrs. Lawrence Richard; M-M Robert Stone, M-M William F. Sullivan, Harney, M-M Sergio Iacaponi, M-M Thomas Joseph, M-M James 'Thrasher; $43 M-M Jacques Tremblay; M-M Robert Kramer, Mrs. Joseph J. Mikina, M-M $40 M-M William J. McEntee, M-M John Reardon, Damase Moreau, M-M Jose Amaral, M-M Robert H. Edwa.rd M. Ryan, M-M Joseph Urciuoli; $35 M-M Arruda, M-M Raymond A'twood, M-M Frank Bures. Peter Caldera, Concetta Howard', M-M MaI'tyn Lincoln. $25 M-M Lester Chace, Mrs. Mary Conlan, M-M $30M-M John Boyle, M-M Manuel'Silva Jr., M-M Joseph ,Dias, M-M Jeremiah P. Feeney, M-M James William Stoddard; $27 In memory of Alice McEvoy; Harrington, M-M Ernest L'Abbe, M-M J,ohn E. $25 Mrs. Guy ,Ando, M-M Lewis Aries, M-M Alan Macedo, Eileen Marshall, Mrs. William McCann, M-M Blackwell, M-M Michael BrIordy, M-M Ernest Camara, Antonio Morra, Margaret Ronan, M-M Dennis Sher Francis Cardarella, Cecelia Cardoza, Maurice Gharron, man, Clifford 'Snell, Joseph Mularkey, M-M Paul Claire Childs, M-M William Cotter, David Cleary, Murphy, M-M Russell L. Nelson, Mrs.' Walter J. M-M J. Cullinane, In memory of Ralph E..Dahlborg, Oliver, Fred Osuch, Mrs. Edna Pallatroni. M-M James Doherty, Mrs. Ralph 'Dorgan, Anne Durgin. '$25 Mrs. Harry N. Eastman, Joseph Freitas, M,.M $25 Helen Quinlan, Mrs. Ethel Reid, M-M Dorwin James Friesen, M-M James Gallagher, Joseph A. Stockwell, Mrs. George Swansey, Ann Thexton, Galvin, M-M Ernest Gamin-ons, M-M Jci~n P. Gerety, Anonymous (15), Mrs. Michael P. Wilson, Mrs. Mary M-M Mario' Glangrande, M..,M John G1bbs, Mary L. Wilson, Constance Zygiel. . Gouveia, M-M John Graca Jr., M-M James A. Greene, M-M John Kent, M-M Harold Holmes, Anne & Ken Hurley, Richard J. Kent, M-M Herbert H. King. ' Our Lady of Perpetual Help $400 Conventual $25 M-M George Knapp, M-M Francis LeRoy, John Franciscan Fathers; $75 M-M Thad Irzyk; $70 M-M I. Lowndes, M-M Victor Madden, M-MCharles Eugene Chaberek; $50 M-M Rodney Cejka, Rodney McCarthy Jr., Mrs. Charles F. McCal'lthy, Joseph Printing, Inc., M-M Lionel Dubois; $40 M-M Mitchell McGuiggin, Bette McNamara, M-M James .Mitchell, Gacek; $35 M-M Henry Cembalisty, M-M Joseph Kevin P. Mullen, M-M John Murphy, M-M Valmore Gonet, In memory of Frank & Rosalie Jeglinski; $30 Muscato, Ray & Ramona Nichols, M-M Philip M-M Felix Witkowicz. O'Connell, Joseph Pires, M-M William Poliseno, M-M Michael Pugliesi, M-M Mark Pulcini, M-M ·Wilfred $25 OLPH Ladies Society, M-M Boleslaus Arabasz, Roberge, Mrs. Royal'Rollins III, M-M William Russell. \ M-M Peter Borowiec, M-M Wayne Crouch, Mrs. . $25' Kavin Ryan, M-M Camille Saulnier, M-M James Jennie Gauvin, Mrs. Irene Izdebski, Chester Kaszynski, Simonson, M-M John F. Sullivan, M-M Ralph C. M-M Leo Kisla, M-M Mitchell Koczera, Al Longpre & Thomas, M-M Richard Tino, M-M John Tuite, M-M Daughter, M-M Joseph Michalski, M-M Walter David Varella, M-M James Vinskus, M-M Robert Polchlopek Jr., M-M Chester Ponichtera, M-M Joseph Woo;:ter, M-M Robert J. Wright, William Simonson. E. Robida, M-M Stanley Stankiewicz.
Our Lady of Assumption $100 M-M Robert Garrison; $75 Antone Monteiro in loving memory of Francisco, Ignacia, Flora, Mathias, Michelle Monteiro & Barbara M. Lopes & Adelard J. Martin; $40 OLOA Holy Name Society; $30 Mrs. Mary Alfama; $2'5 M-M Joseph Rogers, M-M Albert Houtman. $25 M-M Antonio Gomes, M-M Edward Rogers, M-M Guy Oliverra, M-M Joseph Cruz, M-M John Britto, M-M Thomas Pina, Our Lady of Assumption Club. M-M Walter Galvin, M-M Joseph Baptista, M-M Samuel Barboza, Ms. Mary Fermino, M-M Manuel Cruz.
Sacred Heart $400 Rev. Thomas E. Morrissey; $150 Seguin-Caron, Inc.; $100 M-M ,Gerald LaFrance, In memory of Mozart LaRiviere, M-M William Towers; $85 M-M Roger Menard; $50 Bishop James E. Cassidy - Gen. Asembly 4th Degree K. of C., In memory of Omer Tardi, M-M Normand Seguin, M-M Pierre C. Seguin; $40 In memory o'f Families Denault & LeComte. $3'5 M-M George Manny, M-M Marcel Rogissart; $30 Joseph G. Scammons; $26 M-M Paul Soucy; $25 M-M Joseph Bettencourt, M-M Henri Daigle, Mrs. Doris Donovan, Mrs. Roland Pothier, M-M Joseph Cobert, M-M Jules· Lamothe, Norman Landreville, Mrs. Rose A. Mathieu, M-M Edward Metivier, M-M Arthur Oliveira, Mrs. Irene Rainville, M-M Raymond Rainville, M-M Henry St. Pierre, M-M Arthur Trahan.
.st. James $300 M-M Norman Murphy; $100 Dr.-Mrs. James Quinn, Adelaide Med!eiros; $80 The Mahoney' Family; $75 Anna Meehan, M-M Timothy Mitchell; $50 M-M John Callanan, M-M Alphonse Chenette, In memory of Joseph Freitas, John G. Leva, Alice Lowney, M-M Richard Manning, M-M Joseph O'Brien, M-M Andrew O'Neil, Francis O. Quinn, John Quinn, Gilda Stupalski, M-M John Sylvia, Alice Walsh, M-M William Whalen, M-M Robert Clark. $40 M-M Edward O'Rourke, Mrs. Leo M. Sullivan; $35 M-M Raymond Fontaine, M-M Gerald Lewis, M-M Joseph Menino, Francis Roach, M-M Patrick Baker, M-M James Mullin Jr., Leo Worden, M-M Linden Worden, M-M Francis Baptiste; $39 Mrs. James Bolton, M-M James Giblin, M-M Thomas Paton Jr., M-M Joseph Souza, Mary Marshall, M-M Martin E. Treadup. $25 M-M William Aspden, M-M Valmore Barabe, M-M Joseph Carr, M-M Bradford Constant, M-M John Connor, M-M Donat Cormier, M-M Thomas Couto, M-M Edmund Coyne, Alice DonneHy, M-M Robert Dupont, Mary Gallagher, M-M Leonard Guilbeault, M-M John Harrington, M-M Edwin Haznar, Catherine Hurley, M-M Paul M. Jordan, Helen Jarus~k, M-M Edward Kelley, M-M Oharles Lamoureux. $25 M-M Joseph Lewis, Mrs. Edward Maguire, M-M Michael Nicholas, Elizabeth Noyer, Loretta Phaneuf, Mary Phaneuf, Ellen Robinson, -M-M Herman Saun ders, M-M George Sheehan, M-M Ge01'lge Silva, Mrs. Luke Smith, Mrs. Edward R. Souza, Helen Walsh, Mrs. Alexander Whelan, Frances Whelan, M-M Thomas Whittle.. Mrs. Arthur Amaral, M-M John Arnett, M-M Leon Bellavance,' M-M Henry Camillo. $25 Mrs. James Cawley, Janet .Connelly, Violet Corbeil, M-M Normand Lavigne, Mrs. Truman W. Ross, M-M Henry Tavares, M-M Roger Ohouinard, M-M George DosSantos, Beverly Gracia, M-M John McAllister, M-M William Perry, M-M Louis RoblllaI'd Jr.
Immaculate Conception $600 Rev. Manuel P. Ferreira; $275 Immacula,te Conception Church Charis matic Community; $200 I.C. School of Religion Con firmation 1984, M-M Antonio Cardoso; $100 Manuel Alves, M-M Abel Fidalgo, M-M Antone Goncalves, M-M Edwino Pereira, M-M Abel S. Rebello; $80 Humberta Camara; $75 Dr.-Mrs. David Costa Jr.; $60 J'orge & Maria Nogueira, M-M Gilbert R. Teixeira. $50 Michael Alves, M-M Oliver Cabral, Anival Capella, M-M Manuel G. DaSilva, M-M Honorato Faria, Delores Freitas, M-M George Ott, M-M Antonio M. Pacheco, Joao V. Soares, Maria H. Soares, M-M Antonio D. Vasconcelos; $40 Antonina C. Amaral, M-M Gilbert R. Coelho, Joaquim Leite, M-M Jose A. Men donca; $35 Mary S. Bettencourt, Jose Soares, Regina T. Soares. $30 Fernando Condez, A Friend, Lucia Alipio, Ermelinda J. Amaral, Jose Carvelho, M-M Fernando F. CoS'ta, Beatrice F. Dupre, M-M Joao P. Jorge, Joaquim Motta,' Jose P. Noia, Maria A. Pacheco, Agostinho Pinto; $25 M-M George A. Amaral, Alber tina Arruda, Henrietta Arruda, Manuel Baptista, M-M Manuel Barros, Bettencourt Pharmacy, Agnes Blzarro. $25 In memory of Daniel W. Burgess; Domiciano Carreiro, M-M Eduardo Carreiro, M-M Manuel V. Carreiro, Silvana F. Carreiro, M-M Joao P. Carvalho, John Cordeoro, Antonio Fernandes, M-M Edward Fernandes, M-M Fernanda Resendes, M-M Jose A. Fernandes, Margaret M. F'ernandes, M-M Manuel A. Ferreira, In memory of Mi,tchell S. Jasinski, Esperanca DaJesus, Richard A. Ketchie, M-M Luis Matias. $25 John E. Maynard Sr., M-M Armando deMelo, Maria M. Pacheco, Antonio A. Pitta, Mary A. Pitta, M-M Augustus Rapoza, Michael M. Rebello, Robert Rebello, M-M Joao Riquinha, M-M Michael J. DaSilva, M-M Moses R. Souza, Joaquim S. Sylvia, M-M William Travers, Antonio J. Vasconcelos, Eduarda Vasconcelos, Marina Vasconcilos. Our Lady of Mount Carmel $120 Friend; $100 Manuel A. Gomes, M-M Virginia Macedo, M-M' George Meindonca, M-M John J. Oliveira, M-M Luiz Reis, Mt. Carmel Senior Associate, Friend (5); $60 M-M Henrique Rouxinol, M-M Idelberll> Jose P. Sousa; $50 M-M James Almeida, M-M Donald Cosme, Manuel T. Costa Jr., M-M Victor,oino Da Silva, M-M Jose P. De Mello, M-M Paul Gois, Evelyn Henricks. $50 Mary Henricks, Anna Maciel, M-M Jose Evaristo Melo, M-M Maria da G. Oliveira, Celina Oliveira, M-M Manuel Mendonca, M-M Manuel F. Rapoza, M-M An tone B. Santos, Angelina C. Souza, M-M Manuel G. Souza Jr., Friend (6); $40 M-M Octavio M. Gonsalves, M-M Manuel G. Martins, M-M Dinis L. Matos, M-M Anibal Pacheco, M-M Charles G. Souza, M-M Fer nando Xavier. $3'5 M-M Manuel S. Costa Jr., Antone Felix Jr., Mary R. Mendonca, M-M Francisco Vier,a, Friend (4); $30 M-M Alfredo Brum, M-M Donaldo M. Cabral, M-M Armando Da Rosa, M-M Antonio Fernandes, M-M Richard King, M-M Carlos B. Lima, Aristides Medeiros, M-M Joseph V. Nunes, M-M Steven Oliver, Mariano Pimentel, M-M Charles Santos, M-M Joseph G. Silvwir,a Jr., M-M Edmund J. &ylvia, M-M Edward .E Ventura, Friend (5). $25 Mary J. Athougia, Matilda Britto, M-M Hermano Cabral Jr., M-M Mariano Carreiro, M-M Fernand'o A. Carvalho, M-M Manuel Cosme, M-M Jose S. Costa, In memory of Joseph Felix, M-M Jacintho S. Ferro, M-M Antone Garcia, M-M Kenneth King, M-M James Machado, M-M Joao E. Medeiros, M-M Raymond Me deiros, M-M Edward I. Mello, Lucy A. Miguel. $25 M-M Donald Morris & ViI'gino, M-M Fernando Oliveira, Maria Oliveira, M-M Antonio Luis Pacheco, M-M Jose J. Pimentel, M-M Jose do Rego, M-M John B. Resendes, M-M Leonard Rosa & Family, Marina Salvador, Marico dos Santos Jr., M-M Antonio B. Sousa, Clafre Sousa, Cheryl M. Souza, M-M Ernest Souza, Irene Sousa, M-M Manuel Tollvares, M-M Eduardo Teixeira, M-M David Varao, M-M Louis Vasconcellos, M-M Peter Vincent, Sophie Viveiros, Friend (9). .
st. Anne $300 Rev. Martin L. Buote; $100 St. Vincent de Paul, Friend; $30 John Sylvia; $25 Harry Sears, Agnes DeMello, Elizabeth Morency, Claire Cayer, Irene Furtado, Flore Berthiaume, Norman Cayer, Rose Lafleur, Beatrice Vanasse, Friend (5), Alma LaFrance, Manuel Almeida, In memory of Maurice P. LaFrance. st. Casimir $100 Frank & Edward Kulesza; $50 M-M Teddy Kalisz & Kalisz Plywood, Inc., A Friend (2); $3Q St. Casimir's Senior Citizens; $30 Emile S. Golda, M-M Henry Roszkiewicz, A Friend; $25 M-M Stanley Adamowski, M-M Charles D. Arruda, Mrs. Wanda Dabrowski, M-M Frydery·k Gorczyca, M-M Edw.ard Nowak, Mrs. Louis Peltz, M-M Louis F. Pdtz, M-M: John Polar, M-M Joseph S. Ponichtera, M-M Stanley' Schick, M-M Eugene Wajda, Holy Name Society, The Holy Rosary Sodality" St. Casimir's Circle, A Friend '(5).
St. Bonifa.ce $100 Rev. Roy Yurco, In memory of Ge1'ltrude B. Kruger, Damien Council No. 4190 Knights of Columbus, Mattapoisett; $50 Bishop James E. Cas sidy, K.' of C. General Assembly 4th Degree, Mrs. Lilian Corre, Holy Ghost Society St. Boniface Church, In memory of Mary Butler; $45 Mrs. Louise Mitchell; $25 In memory of Gertrude Kruger, M-M Charles Desjardins, Cecelia A. Stone. St. Anthony of Padua $400 Rev. Be1'ltrand R. Chabot, St. Anthony Church Societies; $100 St. Vincent de Paul, Rosette & Andre Daigle; $50 Lionel Robi taille; $42 M-M J. Normand Dumont; $40 A Friend; $35 Do.rothy Despres; $30 Oscar Leblanc, Amedee Lestage; $25 Lucille' Vieira, Stephen K. Mendoza, A Friend, Wilfred Mailloux, Lena Mailloux, Arthur Janson, Danford S. B. Lee. st. Francis of Assisl $600 Rev. Ronald A. Tosti; $200 M-M Anthony Armanetti; $100 M-M Robert K. Bradley, In memory of Rev. Wm. R. Jordan, St. Francis of Assisi Men's League, St. Francis of Assisi Women's League; $50 M-M Louis Bono, M-M Francisco Morgado, M-M Joseph Oliveira; $35 M-M Gilbert Ferreira, M-M Edward F. Leary Jr.; $30 M-M William Balderson, M-M LeonaI'd Pallatroni, M-M Peter Regis, M-M Wm. N. Whelan III, M-M David Souza. $25 M-M Davis Balestracci, Margaret Barbero, M-M
Clement R. Beaulieu, Judi,th Ann Belli, Raymond
Cambra, M-M Arthur Carvalho, M-M Stephen Car
valho, M-M Joseph Castellina, M-M Edward Fernan
des, Germaine C. Ferreira, M-M Fr·ank Fhcazolo, M-M
John B. Figueiredo, M-M John A. Goodfellow, Mrs.
Richard Holden, Mrs. George Joblom, Edward P.
McCann, M-M Charles Medeiros, M-M Joseph Moniz,
M-M Robert J. Morelli, M-M Leonel Neron.
$25 Joseph Neves Jr., Mrs. Fred J. Peccini, M-M Harry Peitavino, M-M Anthony P. Ponte, M-M George P. Regis Sr., Norma P. Regis, M-M William H. Stephenson, M-M Irving Sykes, Rose Sykes, Mrs. Frank Teixeira, M-M Baptist J. Vercellone, Dorothy Vikre. St. Hedwig $430 Franciscan Fathers, OFM Conv.; $200 Patla Family; $100 In honor of all Franciscan Priests; $50 M-M Charles Goulart, Wnter Twarog Jr.; $35 M-M Matthew Dobyna; $30 Eveline Maleski; $25 John Barylski, M-M Mieczyslaw Galanek, M-M Stanley Los, M-M Joseph Rapoza, Walter J. Szelag. st. John the Baptist $100 St. Vincent de Paul Society, M-M George V,asconcellos, Mrs. Victorina Cotnoir, 51. John's Confirmation Class of 1984, Portu guese Charismatic Prayer Group, A Friend (2); $75 A Friend, St. John's Youth Group; $70 In memory of Atty. Joseph Ferreira; $60 M-M Daniel Vieira; $55 A Friend, M-M Joseph Mota. $50 Abba Fa,ther Prayer Community, M-M Manuel Silva, Ronald & Carole Jean Moniz, M-M Gil A. Correi,a, In memory of Joseph F. Estrella, M-M Antone G. Carreiro, M-M Horace A. Wright, Edwaro & Pauline Macedo, Mrs. Eva L. Sylvia, A Friend (5), M-M Antone Almeida, M-M James Gaffney, M-M Ronald Sylvia. $40 Maria E. Domingos, Mrs. Maria A. Almeida; $35 M-M Manuel Frei,tas, M-M James Connelly; $30 John Mascarenhas, A Friend, Isabel & Agnes Souza, Carlos Mascarenhas, M-M Joseph .Gonsalves, M-M Manuel Travassos, Mary B. Fagan, Dimas Farias, Benvinda Caldas, Alice Fag,an, In memory of Msgr. JO'hn A. Silva. $25 M-M John Gonsalves, M-M John Henriques, In memory of Joseph F. Estrella, A Friend (18), M-M Ernestine Vasconcellos, Jose D. Vasconcellos, Patricia Perreira, M-M Joseph P. JaI'din, M-M Antone Fernan des, Mrs. Natalie Oliver, M-M John Patealros, Ernest Silva, Mrs. Eva Carreiro, William J. Brockelhurst, Antonio C. Botelho. $25 Maria F. Botelho, Mrs. Isabel Botelho, Tiberio Botelho, M-M James Sylvia, M-M Joseph Ferreira, M-M Richard Sylvia, M-M Leo Viega, M-M Manuel Barao, M-M Richard Carreiro, Mrs. Ferando Cruz, M-M John Fernandes, M-M Albert Moniz, M-M Rich ard Lopes, Mrs. Mary Schusner, Richard Mello, Mrs. Patricia A. Mello, M-M Francisco Pires. $25 In memory of M-M Manuel P. Arruda & Fam ily, M-M David Howes, M-M Anthony Mathews, Donna Lee Palys, M-M N. Sunderland, M-M Americo Vieira, M-M Edmund Perry, Mary M. Roderick, M-M AI'thur Freitas, In memory of Mary Dias, M-M Alfred B. Mello, M-M Robert A. Carreiro, Mrs. Maria E. Correia, Manuel Correia, Adolph F. Walecka Jr.
st. Joseph $1,000 St. Joseph Bingo; $500 Rev. Daniel A. Gamache; $300 Anonymous, St. Joseph Reli gious Societies; $150 Anonymous, St. Joseph's St. Vin cent de Paul Soclety, M-M, Conrad Seguin; $100 Anonymous, In memory of M-M Raphael Beaulieu, In memory of Rev. Ubalde Deneault, Marguerite Dionne; $75 Arthur Villeneuve; $60 Anonymous. $50 Anonymous, Dr.-Mrs. Gerald Carrier & family,
Laura Deneault, Roger Guay, M-M Ernest Hodson,
Robert LaFrance, Napoleon A. Leclair, Raymond
LeComte Sr., M-M Thomas Weaver; $40 Anonymous,
M-M W. Dennis Bowen, M-M Frank Braga; $35
Anonymous, M-M Henri Gardner, M-M Lionel Mar
chand; $30 Anonymous, M-M GoI'don' Barber, M-M
Roland J. Fortin, M-M Wayne Pimental, M-M Alfred
W. Sylvia Jr. '$25 Anonymous, Edna Areouette, M-M Armand Beaulieu, M-M Paul Bonneau, Claire Boucher, Eugenie Breault, Annette CollaI'd, M-M George J. Cote, M-M J. Rene Dufresne, Helen For.tin, M-M Ovila Fortin, M-M Roger Gagnier, M-M Romeo Labella, Doreen Langis, M-M Pamphile Letourneau, Mrs. Raoul Mathieu; Rosa Myers, M-M Ovila Nadeau, M-M Henry R. Pimental, Rose Quintin, Lucien Robert, M-M Mau rice Robillard, M-M Marcel Trahan & family, M-M Hilaire Tremblay, M-M Roger Tremblay. St. Kilian $30 Janet Hardman. St. La.wrence $300 Very Rev. John P. Driscoll, V.F.; $100 Dr.-Mrs. Robert Small; $50 In memory of Patrick Daivse, M-M Lawrence E. Finnl, M-M Dalpha Lavallee; $35 In memory of Charles W. Burke, M-M. Edward F. Carney; $30 Mrs. Paul Curry, Helen E. McGrath; $25 In memory of Helen M. Breen, Mrs. Patrick Moore, John Newby, M-M Frederick Santos, Elizabeth Sauliner, Margaret E. Sullivan. st. Mary $100 M-M Dennis R. Poyant, M-M Nelson Ostiguy, M-M RichaI'd Brown; $80 M-M John H. LeBoeuf; $75 M-M John Sardinha; $5'5 M-M Eugene Haun; $50 M-M John Detxer, David Costa, M-M David Boveridge, M-M George E. Landry, M-M Roland Tavano, M-M Joseph Boldlga III, M-M Gilbert Costa, M-M Rod Lussier, M-M Robert Penler, Edward Mac Lean, M-M Manuel Rezesdes, Alice & Hazel Davis, M-M Gaston DeBrosse, M-M Vincent Bertalotto,M-M George Taber. $40 Louise D. Seguin; $3'5 M-M Peter Becker, Doris L. DeFreitas, M':M John Freitas; S30 M-M James Mendes, M-M Paul Boutin, In memory of Bruno Stah1s, M-M Frank Condez, M-M Francis D. Sullivan, M-M Joseph F. A. LeBlanc, Lillian Stumvant. $25 M-M Gabriel Holmes Jr., Izaura Teixeira, M-M John Pimentel Jr., M-M Michael Rapoza, M-M Fred Souza. $25 M-M Charles Macedo, M-M Jesse Mathews, M-M John A. Pedro, M-M Raymond Rocheleau, M-M Bona venture Xavier, M-M John Teixeira, M-M Manuel Menezes, M-M Lawrence Novia, M-M William Arruda, Pauline Mathieu, M-M Alexis St. Onge, M:'M Dana Snow, M-M David Medeiros, M-M James Lally, M-M Michael McDermott, M-M Raymond Pires, Agnes Griffiths, Helen Baillargeon, Robert Sheehan. $25 M"'M Carlos Pacheco, M-M William Ochab, M-M LeonaI'd' Cotter, M-M Daniel Costa, M-M Edwin Thompson, M-M Joseph Winsper, M-M Robert Schwartz, M-M Joseph Santos, M-M LouJs Begin, M-M Alan D. Rebello, M-M Joseph Towers, M-M David Alves, M-M Donald Swain, M-M Arthur Correia, Mrs. Lawrenc·e Hughes, Mrs. Sidney Jenkin son, M-M Donald Drolet.
NEW BEDFORD St. Theresa $500 In memory of Rev. Joseph N. Hamel; $400 Rev. Richard L. Chretien; $100 ,Mrs. Adrien Lemire, M-M Raymond Bourassa, M-M Laurier Marcoux, M-M Henri Valois; $60 A Friend (3), Mrs. Eleanor Strong; $50 A Friend ('5), Mrs. Gertrude Charpentier, M-M Roland Dumas, Mrs. ):'daurice Landry, M-M Henry LeBlanc, Mrs. Emilie Lemieux, M-M Erie Newberg, Mrs. Lorraine Desrosiers. $40 M-M Charles Gomes; $35 M-M Daniel Rego, M-M Robert Boulet, A Friend, M-M Oharles Jodoin, M-M Leo Sylvia; $30 In memory of Mrs. Salome Bissonnette, M-M Normand Brassard; $25 M-M Roger Fernandes, M-M Joseph Mandeville, M-MLaurent Parent, M-M Leonard Poyan.t, M-M Roland Vigeant, M-M Theodore Frechette, M-M Vincent Raffa, Leonard Rock, Ovila Rock, M-M Bertrand Allain,' M-M Roland Benoit,Ms. Theresa Bourassa, M-M Serveul Deneault. $25 M-M Paul Fontaine, M-M Francis Gannon, Patrick Gannon, M-M Va}more Gonneville, M-M Augustin Jussaume, M-M Henry Labelle, Alain Lareau, M-M Gerald Rooney, M-M Girard Sharkey, A Fri'end (2). ACUSHNET st. Francis Xavier $175 St. Vincent de- Paul-8t. Francis Xavier Conference; $100 Auclair Family, Burgess Family, M-M Matthew _Charbonneau, Lowney Family, Sullivan Family, Yates Family; $75 A Friend; $50 Acushnet Men's Ca,tholic Association, Cardoza Family,. M-M Laurier Cormi,er, Fath Family, M-M James J. Gleason, M-M Paul Jones, M-M Roland J. LaBossiere, M-M Raymond J. LeBlanc, Leonard Fam ily, MacDonald Family, Paeheco Family, A Friend (3). $43 Souza Family; $40 Leo, Yvonne, V.iolet Boucher; M-M J.ames M. Haworth; $35 M-M Nelson Girard; $30 Mrs. Lillian Allemao, A Friend, M-M Manuel Medeiros Jr., Lionel Tetreault, M-M William J. Veary; $25 Jose Almeida, Richard Barry, Blaise Family, M-M George H. Blouin, M-M _James Breen, M-M Donald Coutinho, Day Family, Gomes Family. $25 M-M -Raymond A. Guerette, M-M Rosario N. Guy, Mrs. Paulette Laflamme, M-M Gerard E. Ledoux, .Bella LePage, Lussier Family, Nagle Family, O'Grady Family, M-M Joseph T. O'Neil, Paquette Family, Parker Family, Peloquin Family, M-M J. Reilly, M-M Leo Ricard, Roach Family, M-M Roland Robillard, Ryan Family, A Friend (5), M-M Mitchell Smola, M-M William T. Tatro. , EAST FREETOWN St. John Neumann $500 Rev. George E. Harrison; $200 M-M Richard Guarino; $120 M-M Craig Morazes, Debra Cucinotta; $100 M-M Roger Pelletier" M-M Bernard Gleason, M-M John Rita, M-M Elton Ashley; $80 M-M Eugene Masse; $60 M-M Domingos Parau; $50 M-M Maurice Nogueira, M-M Daniel Couet, Doris Thibeault; $40 M-M Fred Tavares; $30 M-M Glenn Deman<:he, M-M Louis Gbilardi, M-M Robert Munroe. $25 In memory of M-M Arthur Desrochers, M-M, Richard Ladeira, M-M John DeGrazia, M-M Daryl: Thompson, M-M Edward Medeiros, Jacqueline Mathieu, Raymond Rousseau, M-M Christian Meyer, M-M Ray mond Bourbeau, M-M S. P. Charron, M-M Peter Lopes, M-M David Sylvia, GertrUde Wood. $25 M-1VI Joseph Cruz; M-M Jose Martinez, M-M . Omer Pepin, M-M David Severs, Mrs. Albert LaFoun tain, M-M Raymond Bedard ,M-M Maurice Bruneau, M-M Peter Durocher, M-M Norbert Ouimette, Cath erine Schinas, M-M Donald Messier, M-M Carmen Contrado Jr., M-M Joseph Hogan, M-M Chris Christo pher, M-M Marc Soares, In memory of M-M Arthur Desrochers, T. D. Supply Co., Freetown ,Screw Mfg. Co., Inc., M-M Charles Arruda, M-M Robert Leger, M-M Roger Lamy. MATTAPOISETT St. Anthony $1000 M-M Paul Duchaine; $200 M-M Leonard Di Pasqua; $100 Rev. Gabriel Healy, SS.CC., Rev. Larry W. Morrison, SS.CC., M-M Robert Davis, In memory of Joseph W. Hurley, M-M Clarence Verdi; $50 Dr.-Mrs. Joseph Costa, M-M John Gannon, M-M Walter Hughes, M-M Thomas Jackivicz, M-M Charles Ruel, Edward Walsh Sr., Edward Wojcicki. $35 Mrs. Virginia Mahoney, M-M William Goetz; $30 M-M William HeIden, M-M ·Edward Lewis'; $25 M-M W.ilfred Belanger, M-M Miguel Brito, M-M Charles Caires, Mrs. Barbara Cornish, M-M Michael Crowe, Mrs. Henry Cercivitz, M-M Donald De Angelis. $25 Mrs. Helen DeMello, M-M Alan Fales, Mrs. Mary Gomes, Mrs. Alice Humphrey, Mrs. Florence. Huette man, M-M Charles Kelly, M-M Donald Lake, M-M August Medeiros, M-M Mark McIntyre, M-M Jack McGarrie, M-M Paul McGowan, Frank Pimental, Mrs. Marilyn .Searle, M-M Paul Souza, Mrs. Ierne Sender son, M-¥ Arthur Smith, _M-M W.illiam Silveira, M-M Joseph Travis, M-M Peter Wayner. FAIRHAVEN St. Mary $200 M-M John T. Ward; $150 M-M Roland Bour-gault; $100 M-M Alex Gonsalves, Albert Lajeunesse, M-M George Leblanc; $80 M-M J·ohn Ferro, M-M Matthew Hart; $65 M-M Notmand Despres; $50 M-M Donald Mulcare, M-M Robert McCarthy, M-¥ Frank Marujo; $43 In memory of Honarina .A1ua:; $40 Mrs. Paul Seguin, M-M Weber Torres; $35 M-M John. Wojcik; $30 M-M Robert Dorgan ~r., Mrs. Mary Peters, M-M Antone Costa Jr., Mrs. M~ry ,G. Morris. . $25 M-:-M Albin Silva, The Rego Family, M-M Orient Benoit, M-M Bernard Boutin, M-M Joseph Cataldo Jr.; M-M M~chael Hanczaryk; M-M Barry Boucher, Asso ciation 1>f the Sacred Hearts, M-M James Joaquin, M-M Raymond Richard, M-M Donald Pacheco, M-M Donald ~ipsett, M-M Paul Sirois, M-M Andrew Martin, M-M L: Dlugosinski, M-M Manuel Martin, Mrs. Mary Anthony, M-M Bruce Oliveira.
Sacred Hearts $150 M-M David Sibor; $100 St. Vincent de Paul Society-8acred Hearts Conference; $30 M-M John Newby; $25 M-M Francis Bernard, Arnold Cejka, M-M Leonoard Cejka, Exeline Cormier, M-M Daniel Costa, M-M Maurice Hevey, M-M Edward Longworth, M-M Joseph Martel, M-M Anthony Rudler, M-M Raymond Vary. MARION St. Rita $100 Claude & Mildred Ellis; $50 William & Reges Henry, Richard & Irene Roszkiewicz, Mary Valley; $2'5 }Jarold & Mary Frye, Rosalie Tirrell, Elaine & Patrick Brophy, Mrs. Eleanor Cushing, Joseph & Elaine DeSorcy, Frederick L. & Lorraine M. Donovan, Judith Fasciana, Francis Harrison, .Frank & Katherine Kozi-cki, Carl & Maureen Lamoureaux, Fletcher & Catherine Long, Dr. Robert & Jeannette Tremblay, Dr.-Mrs. Jean Webster. SOUTH· DARTMOUTH St. Mary $500 Rev. Walter A. Sullivan; $200 Dr.-Mrs. Arthur F. Buckley, M-M G. Albert _Roy; $750 Memory of the Aubertine Family, M-M Carlos Alves, M-M --Armand Rheaume; $100 Dr.-Mrs. Louis Miskell, Mary T. Luiz, Dr.-Mrs. Peter Sweetser, Mrs. Elsie Niemiec, M-M James- Barrett; $90 M-M David J. Pimental; $75 Olivia M. Luiz. $50 M-M Richard Reilly, M-M Joseph Ponte, M-M Harry C. Hunt, M-M Neil Fitzgerald, Mrs. Kathleen DeMello, M-M Paul Clark, Bea.trice Cun'ha, M-M Joseph C. DeMello, Memory of' M,.M T. Baldwin, M-M George M. O'Hara, $40 M-M Edwin J. McQuillan; M-M John Downey, Mrs. Bernadette McLellan; $35 M-M Thomas Rossi; $30 Mrs. Mary C. Rodriques, Mrs. Mary' Pedro, M-M Frank M. Martin, The Griffin Family. $25 M-M William Theberge, M-M H. Manuel Sylvia~ Dr.-Mrs. John· Dias, .Jaequeline Costa, M':M Jose·ph Viera, M-M John Santos, M-M Herve Lapointe, Rich ard Harkins, Mrs. Armand Borges, M-M Humberto Borges, M-M Antone Amaral, Judge & Mrs.-· George Ponte, M-M Donald Dwyer, Joseph G. Sylvia, M-M Silviro Ferreira, Johnson Family, Mrs. Claire, Divis. $25 Mrs. P. Tracey, Mrs. Alice Dahill, Dr.-Mrs. Anthony Fernandes, M'-M Kenneth W. Watts,' M-M Levi Christie, M-M Norman Menard, Joseph W. Darmofal, M-M Victor·J. Ladetto, Marcelle Wood house, M-M Eugene Caron, Mrs. Mary Silvia, M-M Herve L. Leduc Jr. & Dorl>thy Leva; Albert Perrier, M-M Michael Donaghy, M-M Russell Barton, M-M Richard Galligo, M-M Edward Costa, M-M Manuel Resendes, M-M Freddy Groves, M-M Stephen Borowicz, M-M Henry Correia Jr., M-M Anthony Freitas. WAREHAM st. Patrick $300 M-M John Joyce; $200 AUred Pappi, Rev. John C. Daley, C.S.C.; $150 Deacon and Mrs. William Martin; $120 Mrs. Mary !Jutland; $100 Frands Breagy, M-M. John' J. Callahan, Theodore Cass, M-M Thomas Costello, Joyce D. Geary, Marie G. Hobbs, M-M Walter Muchowski, Marie -E. Murphy, M-M Thomas Reidy Jr.; $60 M-M David J. Powers. $50 M-M Robert S. Anderson, Mary C. Beaulieu, M-M Eugene L. Bedard; Rogert T. Elliott, M-M Peter L. Feeney, Anthony Govoni, John Griffin, M-M Don ald Higgins, M-M Robert K}ocker, Mrs. Bel'lthaLund stedt, Mrs. Vito Mazzola, M-M Philip McEntee, Mrs. Helen' MeGlashan, Frederick Pulsifer,_ M-M George St. John, Mrs. Franc~s Vitale. $45 M-M Miguel Camphiria; $40 M-M Kenneth Ferreira, Mrs. Albert Hagen; $35 M-M Bernard Tobin, M-M Charles VanderStaay; $30 M-M Edward Coyne, M-M Antone Gomes, M-M Paul G. Somers, James Vicino Sr., Mrs. Catherine White, William Williams; $26 M-M Joseph Rose; $25 Mrs. John Arnold, M-M Edward -Bouley, Mrs. Leslie Braley, M-M Fred S. BUl'lbridge, M-M Fred Ferioli, M-M John F. Foley. $25 Mrs. Roy Franklin, M-M Michael Galavotti, Rodolph L. Gendron, M-M Joseph Gibson, Mrs. Ruby Govoni, M-M Harry Hinckley, M-M Charles Hunter, M-M William Jones, M-M Epifanio Jorge, M-M Glen E. Leonard, M-M Frank Lopes, M-M Henry, McCray, Mary M. McDevitt, M-M Anthony Montrond, Mrs. William L. Olson, Mrs. Anna Parker, M-M Arthur T. Perkins, Mrs. Ethel Rowe, Mrs. Marjorie Scheh, M-M Robert Short, Mary B. Silva, M-M James J. Toomey, ' , Laura Vecchio SOMERSET st•.Patrick $250 Dr. Roger Cadieux, Dr. Roland Chabot; $150 Raymond Adam; $125 Elizabeth Trainor; $120 Joseph Matthews; $100 Carlton Boardman, Mrs. Frederic Bartek, In memory of James C. Noonan and G~ace J. Doolan, David Dunne; $65 Joseph Tinsley; $60 Raymond Bibeau; $50 Mary Quirk, Gerard Qagoon, Edward J.- Leonard, Dennis Sullivan; ';l'homas Dona hue, Robert Me~han, Arthur Cassidy, Donald Mayer, Edward J. Kelly, Joan Pavao. ' $40 F.ernand & Robert Auclair, Lillian I. Hadad,
Ronald Mills, Charles Demers; $35 Edward Synan,
R. P. Michalewich,- Thomas J. Daley; $30 William V.
Mahoney Jr., Mary E. Belanger, Mrs..Sol Streim, John
Walsh; $25 William Cordeir-o, Robert Cox, Bernard·· B.
Mitchell, Edward Tavares, Peter Calise Jr., Riehard
Silva, Frederkk Storch, Stephen DePaola, Edward P.
Reg·o, Alfred Almeida, Arthur Gagnon, John T. Smith.
$25 Thomas DeVido; Michael Zagaja, Edward M.. Soares, Frank Moriarty, - Raymond Bachand, James Bradbury, Raymond Siller, Laurent Guay, William Gilbert, Thomas & Mary CiIiquini. . $25 Lillian Reddy; Helen Reddy, Mrs. Francis Collins, Joseph T'avares, Frederic C. Dreyer Jr., Mrs. John N. Daly, Annie M. Roberts, Roland Thibault, William Booker, William R. Neilan, Norman Mathieu, John Kinane, Joseph Capostagno, Daniel Ready, Stephen Odynecky, Robert Mathieu, Mrs. Joseph Blastoff, Leo Bond, Louis Oliveira, qladys J, Lopes.
SOMERSET st. Thomas More $1000 Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan; '$350 Rev. Gerard A. Hebert; $250 Barbara A. Dunn; $150 Henry Gurl; $120 M-M Francis J. Silvia; $100 Jane M. Borden, M-M Vincent A. Coady, Cath erine Connelly, M-M Paul Daley, Ida Grenier, Atty. & Mrs. Charles J. Hague, M-M Charles W. Latham, M-M Francis Lussier, Atty. Richard M. Peirce, M-M Euge'ne J. Pepin, William J. Gibney. $75 Katherine M. Sullivan; $60 M-M John O'Brien; $50 Charles Burke, M-M Philip Collins, M-M Edwin Doolan, M-M John Falvey, M-M Louis F. Fayan, William & Maureen Gillespie, Lillian C. Har.t, Frances M. LaSalle, Helena B. & Bernadette G. Mahoney, M-M Patrick Murphy, M-M Albert E. Shovelton, M-M Henry D. Simpson, M-M Rober,t Trafka, Frederick N. Wilding, Margaret L. Dunn, M-M Richard Kelley, M-M James Mullins. _ ' $40 Roger Botelho Jr., Earle Heron, M-M Donald Hussey, Julie Lawlor, M-M George Weathersbee, M-M Harry Hynes; $35 M-M James Harrington, M-M Leroy Learned, M-M Robert LeComte, Shea Family, M-M Edward Sullivan Jr., M-M Richard Crowell; $32 M-M William Ry.ding; $30 M-M Paul A. Bor~man, Reginald C. Marchand, Helen R. Burke, M-M Gerald Driscoll, Elaine Gadbois, M-M Normand Heroux, M-M Charles Leary, M-M John Marshall, M-M Edwin Pallas, M-M Michael St. Laurent, M-M William Whalen. $25 Pauline Briere, M-M Roger Dube, M-M William H. Kirkman, M-M Frederick Kozak, Mary Puhala, . M-M Alphonse Saulino, Jean Washington, Mildred Allenburg, Raymond Aylward, M-M Normand Bes sette, M-M Joseph Borden, M-M Manuel Ilotelho, M-M Leonard BUl'Igmyer, M-M Theodore I. Cabral, M-M John Carvalho Jr., John J. Clorite, Jennie H. Connolly, M-M Eugene Cote, Pearl R. Cote. $25 M-M James Crivaro, M-M Jay Cuttle, Anna Danielson, Lorraine Davidson, M-M Louis B. Devine, M-M Joseph' Diogo, M-M Marcel Dionne, M-M John M. Fahey, Thomas J. Fox, M-M Edward .Gauthier, M-M Francis Greeley, M-M Leo Hayes, M-M Joseph D. Iadicola, Robel'lt Jackson, M-M Moran T. Jammen, Ruth Johnson, M-M Edward Kaylor, M-M Joseph Kulpa, Florence MeDermott, M-M James McDonald. $25 Mary McNulty, Theresa Macedo, M-M Ronald Mandeville, M-M Dominick Massa, M-M 'Leonard Mayo Sr., M-M Frank Mazzarella, M-M Robert A. Medeiros, M-M John Mitchell, M-M Cletus J. Mona :han, Edward Monarch, Atty. & Mrs. Steven .Nadeau, M-M Her-man Neher, Thomas O'Connell Sr., Margaret O'Day, Edward F. O'Gara, M-M Paul R. Pacheco. $25 .Katherine Peirce, M-M Albert Remy, M-M Arthur H. Roy, M-M Charles E. Russell, Ralph St. Pierre, Ruth Schofield, M-M Thomas P. Sherman, M-M Stanley Sieczkowski Jr., M-M Robert Silva, M-M Douglas T. Sotem, Jacqueline Spofford, M-M Michael Stubbs, M-M Barry Sullivan, M-M William Torpey, M-M Alfred P. Travers, Mercedes P. Urban,· M-M Donald P. Waring, M-M William E. White Sr. St. John of God, $300 Dr. George Sousa & Dr. Sharon Sousa; $200 Judge Milton R. Silva; $100 John Chellel Jr., In memory of James Ventura; $75 Edward Boucher; $50 Arthur Carvalho, M-M George Coulombe, John Velozo Jr.; $40 Manuel Pereira, James Rebello; $35 George Amaral, Louis Rosa, Manuel Sousa; 30 James McIntyre, Leonel S.' Medeiros, Laureano Silva. $25 M-M Joseph Antone, M-M Frank R. Borges Jr., John Cabeceiras, Domingos Cabral, William Cabral, Joseph H. Camara, Louis Camara, John Coffey, Aman cio Costa Jr., Joseph Costa, Mary Costa, George Garcia, Joseph Gouveia, Joseph D. Lawrence, Roger Lemelin, John Lima, Louis S. Machado, Raymond R. Machado. $25 Edward Malloy, Edward _Medeiros, Leopercio Medeiros, Frank S. Mello, Alfred Monteiro, David Motta, Joseph Motta, Mrs. Mary Nunes, Robert Paiva, James R. Pereira, Arthur Provost, William J. Reis, Mrs. Olive Santos, Laura Saraiva, Manuel B. Silvestre, Arthur M. Silvia, Alfred J. Souza, Richard Torres, Brian Vieira, M-M An,tone F. Correia. SWANSEA Our Lady of Fatima $900 Anonymous; $800 Anon ymous; $300 Anonymous (2); $250 M-M Robert P. Laflamme; $150 M-M Thomas Doyle, Atty. Harold K. Hudner; $100 Anonymous (2), M-M Leonard E. Boardman, Classic Lawn Ornaments, Mona C. Ken nedy, Mrs. D. L. MacDonald, M-M Paul J. Martelly,. M-M Andre G. Michaud, M-M Raymond G. Thurston. $75 M-M Russell B. Cochrane, Mrs. Ambrose A. Powers; $70 M-M Harold Senay; $60 M-M Bernard Swales Jr.; $50 'Anonymous (7), M-M Joseph Correa, M-M Joseph T. Drury, M-M Keith Kenyon; H-M Charles F. Kinnane, M-M 'John Lyons, M-M Louis Oste; $40 Anonymous, M-M Micahel Laflamme, M-M Donald F. McCaffrey. $35 ¥-M Joseph Busliell, Mrs. William S. Gray, M-M Paul J. V. Parente, M-M Arthur F. Turcotte; $31 M-M Frank A. Cusick Jr.; $30 Anonymous (4), M-M Alfred Bento, M-M Joseph Foley III, M-M James Graham, Mrs. Elizabeth & Miss Helen Sullivan, M-M Peter F. Turcotte. $25 Anonymous (18), M-M Arthur Abrams, M-M John A. Burke, M-M Gordon M. Carrolton, M-M Hebert E. Chace, Edward Coleman, M-M James E. Conroy, M-M William F. Cripps, M-M Joseph A. DeNardo, M-M Thomas Donovan, Mrs. Howard Eaton, Mrs. Mary Ferreira, M-M James Griffin, M-M Everett J. Haskell, M-M Henry Hedge, M-M Charles V. A. January, M-M Dolor R. Jette, Mrs. Irene Koven, M-M Carlos Matos, M-M Robert F. MeConnell. $25 James J. McDermott, M-M Peter G. ~cMurray. M-M Francis McNulty, M-M John V. Medeiros, M-M Malcolm R. Melvin, M-M John J. Monte, M-M Daniel M. Moreira; Catherine O'Connell, Mrs. Leonard J. O'Neil, M-M Horace Pelletier, M-M Manuel V. Ponte. Mrs. Georgia S. Silvia, M-M Robert Smith, M-M Dennis Tavares, M-M Robert Tschirch, M-M Charles West.
St. Louis de France $425 Rev. Louis R. Boivin; $300 St. Vincent de Paul Conference;' $225 St. Louis de France Bingo; $125 M-M Emile Cote, M-M Armand Gauthier; $100 M-M Timothy Thompson, M-M Edward Ward, Raymond Ouellette; $60 M-M William McAn drew; $50 Leo Mathieu, Theresa & Helen Archard, M-M Joseph Duquete, F.R. Luggage & &Novel,ty Wks. Local #65, M-M Leo Chabot, M-M Robert Normandin. $40 M-M Daniel Berthiaume; $35 M-M Lawrence Mannes, Mrs. Robert A. Dufour, M-M Joseph Belanger, M-M Walter Pierce; $30 Al"thur Cote, Mrs. William Fletcher, Thomas E. Hassey, M-M Jean Emond, M-M Roland Goddu, M-M Gerald Fontaine; $25 M-M Henry Bacon, M-M David Molloy, M-M Alphonse Mello, Mrs. Louise Campbell, M-M Raymond Dumont, M-M Joseph Mercier, M-M Edward Souza, M-M David Bank. $25 M-M Rene Michaud, M-M John Walsh, M-M Manuel Souza, M-M Rocco Giacobbe, M-M Donald Pratt, M-M Edward Emond, M-M Francis McCurdy, M-M Arthur Grimes, M-M Francois Tremblay, M-M Robert Sykes, M-M William Webb Jr., George Le vesque, Francis W. Davis, M-M Roger Laflamme, M-M Roger Paquette, M-M Richard Boulanger.
Our La.dy of Grace $400 Rev. Roland Bousquet; $150 Our Lady of Grace St. Vincent de Paul Society; $100 Dr.-Mrs. John Cairns, OUr Lady of Grace Council of Catholic Women, Our Lady of Grace Couples Club, M-M David, Ponte, M-M John Sparks, M-M John J. Marnik; $60 M-M Raymond Cambra; $50 James & Mary Muray, M-l'd Robert Michaud, M-M Joseph Campbell; $40 l\J-M Joseph Goslin, M-M Richard Bussiere; $35 M-M Gerald Emond; $30 M-M Joseph L. Cabral, M-M John Senay; $27 M-M George R. Duclos. $25 Mrs. Virginia King, M-M John Teves, Henry & Susan Gillet, Mrs. Lucy Ward, M-M Charles Messler, Grace Parenteau, M-M James Ferreira, M-M Manuel Gonclaves, M-M William Camara, M-M Manuel R. Faria, M-M John F. MacDonald Jr., M-M Robert Tremblay, M-M David Russell, M-M Manuel Vale. $2'5 M-M Gerald Dupuis, M-M Louis Fernandes, M-M Arthur G. Caesar, M-M Brad Perkins, M-M Wayne Brobder, Irene Gavrlluk, M-M Joaqulm Matos, Everett & Susan Broad'bent, M-M George Carpenter, M-M Donald Nadeau, George & Ana Silvia, Antonio & Norma Silvia, M-M Lionel Paquette, M-M James Barboza, M-M Robert Lafrance, M-M Robert Faltus.
St. DominIc $300 Rev. William C. Campbell; $250 Arthur Cavanaugh; $200 Richard M. Mello; $150 Louis Travers Sr., Leonard Bhophy; $100 Craig Sherwin, Manuel Travers, Joseph Marum, James McMahon, Robert Lachance; $7'5 Harvey Lenon, Norman Ashley; $50 John Gunn. Eugenip. E. Ma'cDonald, Henry Vanasse; $40 Winifred Griffin, Edw9rd Myles; $30 James Carr, Everett Mendes Jr.; $25 Robert J. Bell. $25 Catherine Heald, Walter Laberge, Olgario Phillips, Mary McLeod, John McCarthy, William T. Carey, Beverly Ann Della Grotta, John Bailey Jr., William E. Alley, Thomas Ryan, Michael Ziobro, Ruth Santos, Michael Neves, John Clement Jr., George Harrington, Angela Nystrom, Thomas C. Murphy, Edward Terceior, Louis Rebello, Nancy Pereira. $25 Eileen Deubel, Kenneth Kelley, Russell Malone, Gerald Vasconcellos, Mark E. Axile, Joseph E. Cou sineau, Imelda Bombardier, Thomas Murphy, Arthur G. Costa, Richard P. Thiel, Paul Marion, Francis Salamon, Claire Lapointe, Roland Martelly, William Gempp, Raymond Gagnon, Eunice McNally, John McCann, St. Dominic's Domens Guild" Rev. Joseph Richard, A.A. St. Michael $700 Rev. Roger Levesque; $140 M-M Charles L. Viens; $100 M-M Francis Crook, Dr.-Mrs. James Leffers, St. Vincent de Paul Society; $75 M-M Raymond Duclos, M-M Ralph Lepore Jr., M-M Al J. Gabriel; $60 M-M John J. McAniff; $50 M-M Gerald Gioveno, M-M Edward Conforti, Claire Morissette, Lillian Morissette, In memory of my Father Maurice Metivier - Theresa Metivier, Rita Butler & Ann Keenan, M-M Herve Lavoie, M-M Joseph Ripanti, Dr. Paul A. ,Raymond, M-M Robert Cardinal, M-M Joseph Hargraves, M-M Gus Davi, M-M Joseph Medeiros, John J. Szuba. $40 M-M Manuel Silveira; $35 Camille Levesque, M-M Edward Thompson; $30 John Dunney, M-M Dominic Troy, M-M Alfred Bolduc Jr.'; $25 Dr.-Mrs. James Baker, M-M Raymond Pickett, M-M John Seguin, M-M Gerard Tremblay, M-M Robert Lachance, Mrs. Agnes Davol, M-M Armand Petrosso, M-M Henry A. Dion, M-M Laurent Pineau, M-M Dolor St. Laurent. $25 M-M Antone Miranda, M-M John C. Sousa, M-M· Billy Dolin, Alfred F. Menezes, M-M Norman Thibault, M-M Alan Hutchinson, M-M Charles Anthony, M-M Joseph Cyr, M-M William O'Neil, M-M Roland Pre vost, M-M Caesar Paiva, M-M Albert Mercier. $25 M-M Gerald Sevigny, Alfred Chadinha,' M-M Robert McMahon, Alfred Costa, M-M Gilbert Stans field, Mrs. Lorraine Stone, M-M Edward Kielor, M-M Harold Eastwood, Knitting Circle, M-M Joseph Goyette~ M-M James Bird, M-M Richard Looker, M-M Stephen C. Soderlund, M-M Raymond Walsh, Mrs. Paul L. Tobin, M-M Alfred Correia. WESTrORT St. George $750 Lincoln Park; $240 Rev. Edward J. Byington; $60 Vitallne Rezendes; $40 Edward Wojnar; $30 Kenneth Costa, Mrs. Ronald Perrier, Edwin Silveira; $25 John Jannis, Almaunda Krupa, 'Virginia Leduc, Oscar Martel, Thomas Meggison, Henry Mello, Robert Parent, Henry Tetrault. Charles Tetreault, Mrs. Charles Tetreault, Honore Vaillancourt, Leo Vandal. CENTRAL VILLAGE st. John the Baptist $500 In memory of M-M Justino Simoes; $150 Dr.-Mrs. Joseph T. Baldwin; $125 Anonymous; $100 M-M John B. Penler, Hon. & Mrs. William J. Porter, Anonymous (3); $60 Anonymous; $50 David Farias, Hon. Beatrict H. Mullaney, M-M Ildo B. da Silva, Anonymous (2); $40 Anonymous (2); $35 M-M Robert Costa; $30 M-M Robert Gadoury, M-M Joseph P. Halloran, Selectman George Leach Jr., M-M Donn Robidoux, Mrs. Isabelle Sandberg, Denise Toohey, Anonymous (2). $25 M-M Bruce Beaulieu, M-M Barry Beaulieu, M-M Edward Cloutier, M-M Gilbert Costa, Mrs. Milinda C. Costa, Mrs. Philomena DeCosta, M-M Wil liam Danis, M-M T,obias Fleming, M-M Ray Hurd, Mary E. Kaharl, Mrs. Doris B. Keefe, Bernard T. Kelly, M-M Roger P. Leclerc. $25 M-M Claude Ledoux, M-M John Long, M-M Donald l'dcCarthy, Margaret E. McCloskey, Agnes J. McCloskey, Mrs. Eileen O'Brien, Roger J. Ouellette, In memory of Joseph D. Pontes Sr., M-M L. Michael Prior, M-M Victor Reitano, M-M James Richards, M-M David C. Rozinha, M-M William R. Saccone, M-M Richard Souza, M-M Richard Trecida, M-M Robert Vieira, Anonymous (15).
ASSPNET St. Bernard $200 Rev. Leonard M. Mullaney, M-M Gary Marcondes, $125 M-M Francis Sullivan; $100 M-M J·ohn L. Brown, M-M Benoit Charland, M-M Marianno Rezendes, M-M Robert Barboza; $75 M-M Robert Blake; $50 M-M Leo Conroy, M-M Francis' Kenney, M-M George St. Aubin; $40 M-M Richard Houghton; $35 M-M Paul Lamoureux; $30 M-M John E. Sullivan, M-M Manuel Mello. $25 M-M Edward Adams, M-M Frank Barboza, M-M William Boulay, M-M Michael Correia, M-M Gerald Flecher, M-M Terrence Hayes, M-M John Jorge, M-M Frederick Kelley, M-M Joseph Lulz, M-M Roger Lussier, M-M Ronald Maccarone, M-M Joseph Maguire, M-M Antero Oliveira, M-M John Piekos. $25 M-M John Raposa, M-M Dennis Read, M-M Gregory Rego; M-M Joseph Simmons Jr., M-M William Simmons, ,M-M Francis Smith, M-M Robert Smiith, M-M Dennis Viera, M-M Steven Cordeiro, M-M Gerald DiChiara, M-M Brian Lawton, Mary Lowe, M-M Ed ward O'Neill, M-M Paul Ouimet, M-M Robert Parker, M-M Helen Sasse. , FALL RIVER st. Mary's Cathedral $700 Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington; $200 Joseph Magriby; $125 M-M Laurence A. Coyle, Catherine Lynch; $100 M-M James A. O'Brien Jr., In memory of Gertrude A. Sullivan, A Friend; $60 Josep'h Almeida, M-M John R. McGinn, Claire O'Toole; $52 A Friend. $50 Ann Standish, Ijelen Shea, Mrs. William F. Hurll, M-M John Murphy, Mrs. Edward Betty, Mrs. Irene Lamothe, Daniel Shea, Eleanor Shea, Atty.-Mrs. Ed ward J. Harrington Jr., Mrs. Eugene Ponton, A Friend (2), James Wingate, Helen & Joseph Kennedy; $40 Mrs. Amelia Carvalho, M-M Roger Vezina; $35 Mrs. Stephen O'Toole; $30 M-M Samuel A. Moran, Elizabeth Hall, A Friend, M-M Arthur Haley. $25 M-M Thomas Shaw, M-M Manuel, Benevides, M-M John Kuszay, Mary Kantz, Lucille Levasseur, In memory of Manuel Pacheco, M-~ Henry Co<ttrell, M-M Frank DePaola, M-M Edward C"Raposa, Ma.ry Grondin, Barbara Nikinas, Mrs. Michael McConnon, M-M Charles J.Booth, Bridget Thornton, M-M Ernest Moniz, Edward., D. Mantez, In memory of Patten & Edwards Families, M-M Michael Arruda. $25 Joseph Bourgeois, Lillian Reardon, Wilfred L. Jean, Mrs. William Ellen, M-M Gerald Holleran, M-M George Burns, M-M Francis J. O'Neil, Mrs. George L. Johnston, M-M Fred R. Dolan, M-M Clement Dowling, Maria R. Carreiro, M-M Joseph Vital, A Friend (8), M,.M John K~ska, William P. O'Brien, M-M ..Leo Thibault, M-M Charles Adams, Dorothy Leary, Ray mond Leary, Leo Leary. Blessed Sacrament $60 M-M Roger Lauzon; $50 M-M Leo P. Beaudoin, M-M Albert H. Beaudoin, Maurice Stebenne; $40 Yvonne Lafontaine, Mary & Mary E. Reis, In memory of the Lemay Family & Friends; $37 M-M Adrien Guay; $3'5 In memory of Albert LaFlamme. $25 M-M Paul Lamonbgne, Mrs. Octave Jusseaume, M-M Roger Daniels, M-M John Mendoza, M-M John Gagliardi, A Parishioner (3), M-M WilUam Beauchesne, M-M Gerald Berube, M-M Daniel Paquette, M-M Augustino Gagliardi, M-M Henry Daigle, M-M Roland Lavoie. St. Louis $500 St. Louis' Bingo; $300 St. Louis' Womens Guild; $200 Rev. Ciro Iodice, OFM Conv; In memory of Michael, Margaret and Alice Tobin, St. Louis' Religious Education Program; $125 M-M Wil liamF. Whalen; $100 M-M Herman Mello, St. Louis Fraternity Secular Franciscan Order, St. Louis' Pas toral Program, St. Louis' Ways and Means Team. $7'5 Marion Fahey, Hussey/O'Neil Family; $50 In memory of John and Florence Philbin, John Whi:tty, Gertrude O'Neil, St. Louis' Parish Life Team, St. Louis' Liturgical Team, St. Louis' Gospel Shuttle, St. Louis' Prayer Fellowship, St. Louis' Family Minis try, St. Louis' Youth Ministry, St. Louis' Altar Service, St. Louis' Lector Program, St. Louis' Eucharistic Min istry, St. Louis' Music Ministry, St. Louis Ushers and Crossbearers. $35 James Whalon Jr.; $32 M-M Gilbert L'Heureux; $30 M-M Donald Bollin, M-M Thomas Carreiro; $25 M-M Victor Auclair, Mrs; Henry Hodgson, M-M John Cassidy, M-M Edmund Couto, M-M James Lewis, M-M William O'Neil, M-M Arthur Pregana, Terry Tolley, Daniel Vincent, M-M William Ward, M-M Robert White.
FALL RIVER Espirito Santo $150 Rev. John J. Oliveira; $77. Confirmation Class 1984; $50 Hubert Family, Medeiros Family, Parishioner; $40 Medeiros Family, A friend, Sousa Family; $30 Moniz Family, Viveiros Family, ,L. Viveiros, A Parishioner (2), Rapoza Family, Machado Family, A Friend (3). $25 Ln memory of Jacinto Garcia' & Family, Barreira Family, The Holy Name Society, Antonio Branco, Catherine Hubert, Cynthia Arruda, Viveiros Family, Machado Family, Borges Family, Costa Family, Carreiro Family, Mello Family, Arruda Family, Cabral Family, Medeiros Family, Miranda Family, Senra Family, In memoriam Arruda Family, Medeiros Fam ily, Miranda Family, A Parishioner (2), Oliveira Family, Novo Family, A l!'riend (7), Rebelo Family, Miranda Family, Pimental Family, Carlos Ramalho. St. William $600 Rev. William J. Shovelton; $300 St. William's St. Vincent de Paul Conference; $100 Margaret Constantine, M-M Louis Viveiros, M-M Daniel Araujo, M-M Albert Gagnon; $75 M-M Victor St. Denis; $70 M-M David LaFrance; $50 Mae Riley, M-M John D. Arsenault, Mrs. Sophie Rzasa, The Boodry Family, M-M Fred Chlebek, M-M John Fin glas, M-M Frank Correia, M-M John Maitoza. , $40 Mrs. Bert Galford; $35 M-M Leonard Bernier; $30 M-M John Bates, Charles Fallows; $27 Roland Talbot; $25 Mrs. M. Potts, Mrs. ATthur Deschenes, Joseph Nascimento, Anna Gottwald, M-M James Mc Knight, Mrs. Thomas Moore, James Campbell, M-M Ronald Mardula, M-M Alfred Vieira, Elizabeth Fitz gerald, M-M William Sewell, M-M Paul H. Martin, M-M Benjamin Boudria, In memory of William Des mond Crowley, Mrs. Michael Blszko, M-M John Powers, Henry Raposa. ' ' Santo Christo $320 In memory of Antone Souza & Family; $200 A Friend, M-M Manuel Campos; $100 Santo Ohristo Federal CredU Union, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Holy Ghost Society, Frank Bento, M-M Alfred Campos, In memory of the Parents of M-M Alfred Carreiro, M-M Daniel Castanho, P & A L C, M-M Joseph V. Medeiros, John B. Moniz & Family. $60 M-M D. M. P., M-M John F. Victor; $50 In memory of Joao & Alexandrina Luiz, M-M Alfred Matti, M-M J.P.Me., Maria RosaTio Pncheco,A Friend, Maria C. Rodri~es, M-M John F. Silvia, In memory of Antonio & Clara Simas, Alice Simas, Santo Christo C,C.W., Santo Christo Chi-Rho C1uq, Mrs. Luiza Moniz, M-M Carlos M. Pavao, Anonymous, In memory of Antonio M. Tavares, His Honor the Mayor & Mrs. Viveiros, Augustlnho Jose Viveiros. $40 Maria H. & Jorge Augusto, In memory of Dominic Camara, Jesse Carvalho, M-M Antonio L. Furtado, M-M Gilberto S. Martins, A Friend, M-M A.R., M-M Luciano C. dos Santos; $35 Anonymous, M-M Francis L. Mullaly, Alexandrina Pacheco; $30 M-M Gary J. Correia, A Friend (2), In memory of Mary Moreira, A. P. & Family, In memory of the Parents of M-M Frank Pacheco, M.A.P., M-M Manuel J. Sousa. $25 In memory of M-M John Lei,te & M-M Manuel Almeida, M-M Paul Tavares Araujo, Joseph Borges, M-M Joao Carlos Carvalho, Mrs. Luisa R. Carvalho & Family, Cizaltina Cordeiro, Linda Correia, Cunha's Bakery, Mrs. Mariana, Castanho, M-M Ani-bal G. Lage, M-M Manuel Cabral Lindo, M-M Joseph Machado, M.J.M., In memory of Frank Oliveira, Mrs. Cecilia O'Leary, M-M J.B.P., M-M Antonio Pimentel, M-M Joseph M. Rego, M-M Thomas V. Simmons, A Friend (2) Anonymous (2), Mrs. Eliza Sousa, Tony's Bakery, M-M Ireneu Trindade. Holy Cross $250 Franciscan Fathers; $100 M-M Raymond Canuel; $75 Holy Rosary Society; $50 M-M Robert Ciosek, M-M Joseph Barek; $35 M-M Stanley Nowak, Memorial John A. Pietruszka; $30 Helen & Julia Pytel, M-M Thaddeus Krupa. $25 M-M Arthur Caron, Albert Ca.rtier, M-M Casimir Chrupcala, Frances Czerw,onka, M-M Bronislaw Beben, M-M Thomas Bednarz, M-M Edmund Boronski, Mrs. 'Walter Gosciminski, M-M Robert Harpham, M-M Stanley Maziarski, M-M Staniey Pietruszka, M-M Stephen Pirog, John Rys, Charlotte Swanton, M-M Walter Witengier. Notre Dame de Lourdes $125 M-M Roger Labonte; $100 M-M Alfred Dupras; $80 Cecile Masse; $75 M-M Robert Boutin, $50 M-M Henri Ouellette, M-M Ray mond J. Thibault, Mrs. Annette Frascatore, M-M Normand Paul, M-M Philippe Rioux; $30 M-M Robert Levesque, M-M Ademord Allard, Medora Dupuis, M-M Aime Lachance Jr. $25 M-M Paul Dumais, M-M Umberto Latessa Jr., Helena Chace, M-M Bernard Gendreau, M-M Gerald St. Amand, M-M Romeo Parent, Gerard Berger, M-M Theodore Bernier, M-M Thomas Mellen, M-M Rene Monast, M-M Conrad Desmarais, M-M Leo Berger, M-M Raymond Boulay, Emile J. Amiot, M-M Robert Phenix, M-M Paul Comeau, Mrs. Leatitia Petit, M-M Louis Levesque, M-M Leopold Barnaby, M-M Roger Richard, M-M Eugene Hubert, M-M Roger Fournier. St. Anthony of Padua. $500 Rev. Evaristo Tavares; $100 Antone Camara; $50 Dorvalino Carreiro, Maria Viveiros, Mimuel H. Camara, Emmanuel Resendes, Ernest Ladeira, Holy Name Society; $40 Wilfred Hamel; $30 Maria L. Silva, Comunidade do Amor. $25 Michael Franco, Frank Correira, Joao L. Dos Santos, Cizaltina Gomes, Richard Silvia, Helena M. Tavares, Arthur Teixeira, Osvaldo da Silva, George Bolen, John S. Pereira, St. Vincent de Paul.
FALL RIVER Our Lady of the Angels $1100 Rev. Msgr. Anthony Gomes; $300 Our Lady of Angels St. Vincent de Paul Society; $100 M-M Gerald Cardelli, Carlos Dionizio, Holy Rosary Sodality, Council' of Catholic Women, In memory of Lillian Theodore; $85 Tobias Monte; $65 Joseph Mello, Mary &. Patricia Cabral; $50 Rep. & Mrs. Robert Correia, M-M Arthur Rego, Manuel Silvia Jr., Holy Name Society, Arthur Furtado & Family. $40 M-M Antonio Corvello, Raymond Cabral, William Rego; $36 M-M Alfred M. Mello; $35 Kenneth Carrier, Mrs. Agnes Ricardo & Daughters, Josep~ Costa, Joseph E. Costa, Misses Emma & Adelaide Arruda; $30 Americo Miranda, M-M Carl Frederick, Mrs. Eileen Hennessy & Gail Conroy, Anthony Coelho, William Rego, Mrs. Anna D'Arruda & Daughters, Joseph Silvia. $30 M-M Antone Michaels, Sylvester Da Silvia, M-M David Rogers, Everett Rego, M-M Victor Santos, Manuel Medeiros, Maria Soares, Lionel Rodd-gues, Knights of the Altar, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Charles Camara, Joseph Furtado. $25 Thomas Mello, Mary Thomas, Joseph Lindo. John Moniz, Mrs. Mary Braga, ,Joaquem Costa, William Moniz. Manuel Aguiar, Jose Resendes. Manuel Medei ros, Mrs. Gilda August, M-M Manuel Velho, Richard Pavao, Joseph Ferreira, Ms. Leonora Mello, Antonio Furtado, Thomas Bowden, John Wheadon, Omer '\ Lizotte, Arthur Pacheco Jr., Manuel Viveiros, Philip Concaison, Richard Melanson, William Ra,ckowski. $25 Seraphin Brilhante, Albert Tanguay, M-M Mar celino Mello, Alfred Almeida Jr. & Kathleen Alfred Almeida, Adolfo Santos, Our Lady of Angels Senior Citizens, M-M Amos Braga, Mrs. Angelina Amarello & Daughter, Manuel Carreiro, Manuel Apolinario, Herman Botelho, Edmund Vieira, Julius Rorigues, Mrs. Juliette Candeias, Children of Mary Sodality. $25 Jesse Ba.rreira, J,oseph Cambra, James Silvia, John Martin, Portuguese Holy Ghost Club, Emily Goncalo, Frank Mello Jr., Edward Souza, John Medei ros, Mrs. Mary Machado. Our Llldy of Health $250 Mordomia do Espirito Santo; $200 Rev. John A. Raposo, Holy Name Society; $100 Council of Catholic Women, Holy Rosary SOCIety; $&5 Anonymous; $50 Anonymous, M-M Manuel Mello; $35 M-M Joseph Almeida, In memory of James Carreiro Jr. , \ $30 Francelina Moniz, M-M Ladalino Sousa, In memory of Francisco Oliveira; $25 Anonymous, Afonso Cabral, Lucille Ca·bral, M-M Laurenio Couto, In mem ory of' Antone Ferreira, Joseph Mantz, Mrs. Jose Pimentel, Francisco Silvi'a, In memory of Joseph Vieira. Our Lady of the Holy Rosary $500 Rev. Vincent L. Diaferio; $200 Mrs. Katherine Costa; $100 M-M Emilio Dispirito, The Furgiuele Family, In memory of John J. McGuire & Concetta Margaletta, M-M Law rence Romeo, Holy Rosary Women's Guild; $50 M-M Walter Bronhard, M-M Cyril Marcille, M-M Alphonse Saulino & Family; $43 M-M Lawrence Talbot. $40 M-M Frank Stetkiewicz Sr.; $35 Mrs. Carl Mello, Gerri Mello; $25 M-M Frank BertQncini, Ronald Comeau, Mrs. Frederick Dagata, M-M Richard Emond, M-M Anthony Imbriglio, M-M John Iodice, M-M Roland Marcoux, M-M Henry Ramunno, Joseph Saulino, Alice Sullivan, Catherine Sullivan, Celia Taylor. St. Anne $300 Dominican Fathers; $200 M-M Edgar Ross; $150 Mrs. Yvonne Fouriner; $110 Imelda and Alice Gauthi,er; $50 Loretta Fillion, M~M Benoit Canuel; $40 M-M Honore Gauthier, Jean-Henri Tur geon, M-M Loridas Jolivet; $35 M-M Lucien Dion; $30 Mrs. Alice Gauthier. . $25 Lauretta Gauthier, Germaine Gauthier, M-M Michael Vallee, M-M Thomas Swist, Cecile Sutton, Thomas A. Crump, M-M Albert Beaudoint, Joseph Larocque, M-M Gerard L. Tremblay Sr.,. M-M James Martin, M-M William Snyder, M-M Andrew Madonna, Claire and Henriette St. Denis, M-M Fred Heinig, Mrs. Fernande Blanchette, The Misses Quintin, George Ledoux, M-M Ophir Antaya. Sacred Heart $400 Rev. Barry. W. Wall; $150 James and Florence M. Kennedy; $1'25 Gerald I. Harrington; $100 In memory of Horace N. Hall & Family and M-M Homer Paquin, M':M John J. Harrin,gton, Constance R. Lynch, Margaret F. Tolan, M-M Walter H. White; $75' Jane G. Broderick, Dorothy McLachlan; $60 M-M James Vincent. . $50 In memory of M-M George V. Broderick, In memory of The White Family, M-M Daniel F. Duffy, Grace L. Martin; $40 Thomas Keane; $35 M-M John Dean, In memory of John P. Fleming; $30 M-M Benjamin Staiford, M-M George Trainor; ,$25 Sacred Heart Children's Chorus, Raymond Audet, M-M Leon ard Burgmyer, Thomas F. Connors, Evelyn Curtis, M-M Edward Desmarais, William J. Desmond, Roy W. Dollard, In memory of M-M Michael J. Foran. $25 Mary Grandfield, M-M Kenneth E. Leger, M-M Raymond Levitre~ Thomas E. McVey, Mrs. Daniel F. Mprphy Jr., Ellen Nugent, George O'Brien, Richard F. Paul, M-M Arthur Pavo, M-M Willard Piper, M-M RaymonQ F. Powers, M-M Leo P. Smith, Patricia Smith, l!ldward J. Sullivan, M. Doris Sullivan, M-M Richard Waring, Madeline Curtis.
St. Ij:Uzabeth $275 Rev. George J. de Souza; $50 St. Vincent de P·aul Society, Holy Name Society, St. Elizabetij's Ladies Guild, Altar Boys, Agostino Ga,g liardi; $15 Joseph Martins; $25 Ralph S. Borges, John N. Costa, Laura Nobrega, 'Arthur Rebello, Anthony Rodrigues..
FALL RIVER st. Michael $1000 Rev. Joseph Oliveira; $150 In memory of Manuel, Maria 'and Hortensia Andrade; $100 Beatrice Capeto, A friend; $80 M-M Jose Aguiar; $75 M-M Antone Souza; $50 M-M Diniz'da Costa, M-M Manuel Ferreira, M-M Noel Medeiros, Cecilia C. Oliveira, Belmira E. Tavares; $40 M-M Raul O. Medeiros, M-M Alvin S. Rego, M-M Virginio C.' Tavares; $30 M-M John V. Arruda, M-M Guilherme Gonsalves, M-M Gilbert Mello. $25 M-M BelisarioA. Almeida, Mrs. Mary P. Almeida, M-M Anthony Cordeiro, In memory of Edward' Oosta, M-M John Costa, M-M Stanley Dopart, Anonymous, M.:M Silvino Estrela, M-M._Manuel Frei·tas, Priscilla Latway, In memory of Guilhermina Viveiros, M-M Manuel C. Melo, A Friend (3), M-M Bento S. Pereira, A Parishioner ('2),. M-M Edwin S. Rego, In memory of James Viveiros. ' I,
St. Jean Ba.ptiste $250 Rev. Rene G. Gauthier, M-M Donald Vezina; $100' M-M Raymond Picard, St. Jean Baptiste Catholic Women's Guild; $75 A friend of the Catholic Charities; $60 M-M Donald Levesque; $50 M-M Raymond Francoeur; $46 St. Jean Baptiste St. Vincent de Paul; $43 M-M William Guilmette; $40 Mrs. Jeannette Pa'tenaude & Doris; $35 M-M Omer Harrison; $30 M-M Eugene Gagnon. $25 M-M John Fa.rreli, Maurice Milot, M-M Edmond
Dussault~ M-M Michael, Bollin, M-M Robert Forcier,
M-M Edward Canuel, M-M Albert Guerette, M-M
Charles Grinnell, M-M Arthur Gauthier, M-M Alfred
Berube, M-M Arthur Vidal, M-M Gilbert Canuel, M-M
Horace Moniz, M-M Robert Messier, M-M Henri
Berube, M-M Louis Bouchard, Juliette Casavant, M-M
Manuel Correa, M-M John' Enos, M-M ,Lucien Laroche.
St. Pa.trick $750 Rev. George W. Coleman; $250 In loving memory of Madeline Walsh; $100 M-M William Rys, Sarah Spellman, In memory of William Lynch, In memory of Dlmiel 'F. Scully, Stanley J. Wineta, M-M Walter Burns Jr., M-M Robert Regan; $75 Mary E. Kilroy, In memory of James E. Shea, M-M Edward DeCkcio; $50 Mrs. Eugene LeClair, ,M-M Americo Gazzero, M-M,A1bert Dufresne. ' $45 M-M Eugene Connors; $40 M-M Albert' Arse nault; $35 M-M Nicholas BiLtcliffe, M-M Francis Clegg; $30 M-M Francis E. Powell, M-M Horace Travassos, M-M Robert Marcoux, Mrs. Sarah Gagnon, M-M Robert Bradbury; $27 In memory of Manuel &. David Rosa; $25 M-M Thomas Shea, M-M Frank Mattos, El1zabeth Barrett, Anne & Patricia Hughes. $25 Robert Healey, M-M William McHugh, M,:,M Rene Perron, In memory of Ti-mothy & Annie Holland, M-M Herbert Farias, M-M Henry Urban, Ann Wilcox, M-M Michael McCarthy, M-M John Shea, M-M Ralph, Fletcher, Eleanor Martin, Frances Martin, M-M Ralph Correia, Margaret ~. Anna Whalon, M-M George Rod riques, M-M Richard Coute, In memory of James M. & Edward D. Cox. , $25 Mrs. Joseph Coady, Joseph Coady, M-M John Carroll, M-M Anthony Ruggiero, M-M Robert Aubin, Mrs. Jane Coyle, Mrs. Harold Makeever, M-M Harold Nabb, M-M Martin Delahanty, M-M Michael Kuszay, M-M Samuel Del Piano, Leonard Bolger, M-M Albert Labossiere, Mary Shea.
Immaculate Conception $300 Rev. Terence F. Keenan; $100 St. Vincent de Paul CQnference, John Burgess, Mrs. Mary A. Lennon & Mary L. Lennon; $50 Peter Sullivan, In memory of James S. Bentley, A Friend, M-M Edmond Jean, Gilbert Cyr, Andrew Cook, Louis A. Cyr; $40 M-M John Flavin, Paul Jolivet; $35 Joseph Francoeur, Mrs. Wright Turner. $30 Kenneth Boyer, William Benevides; $25 M-M Thomas McHenry, Mrs. Thomas King, In memory of Thomas J. & Aime V. Fleming, Mrs. Joseph D. Bur 'rows, In memory of Everett Lafleur, James McCarthy, In memory of Joseph Ashworth, Paul J. Saulnier, George Charbonneau, Mrs. Peter Yeaman, M-M Nor mand Lamontagne, Elizabeth Conroy, Mrs. Russell Wilkey. BUZZARDS BAY St. Margaret $125 Herbert A. Dam Sr.; $120 A Friend; $100 Mrs. Rita Haskell, Mrs. Rose Arsenault; $75 John Silva, M-M John Riha; $60 A Friend; $50 Joseph C. DiAntonio, Fred O'Rourke, Robert L. Stefan, Maurice Savage, Andrew J. McGraw, Ann Shea, M-M James Lynch, M-M Manuel Silva, M-M Donald A. Harrison, Mrs. Irene Gosselin, James M..Quinn. $40 M-M John J. O'Connell, M-M Gordon Oliosi; $35 M-M Joseph Zlogar, M-M Raymond Harrison, George Stewart; $30 Norman J. Harrison, Lillian M. Kennedy, M-M Donald Lakin, M-M Melvin V. Burns, M-M James Lopes, Joseph Ehmann, August Cristofori; $25 Margaret Butler, Amos Bousquet, Ms. H. F. Foley, Marson Pari,si, Louis Fachetti, Edward R. Auld, Herbert Zweig, John J. F'arrington, Ida D. Gibson. $25 Helen M. Perkins, Helen Lawrence, Mary Tita Arey, M-M Anthony Baptista, M-M William J. Connors, M-M John Bourne, T,heresa McMahon, Mary Rautenberg, Pasquale Corricelli, Mary McDonough, M-'M Charles Loonie, Mrs. ~oris Bunney, Mary Morvan, Mrs. Catherine Connelly, M-M Willi'am Sherman, M-M Paul Duffy, M-M Lawrence Gionet, M-M Francis Samson, Sally Rogowski, M-M Alexander Stoma, M-M Raymond Boucher, M-M Bernard Burns. $25 Ann-Marie Tobey, M-M Wayne Dudley, Florence Carey, M-M Fred McComsiky, M-M Peter Andrews, Eloise Reynolds, Martha Monaghan, Georgina Lips, M-M Andrew DiPasqua, Cecile RobbinS, John Trant, M-M Walter J. Eno, M-M Eugene Lopes, M-M Frank Rose, M-M August Lopes, Katherine Fernandes, James W. Wadley, Mary Thomas, Vincent Bamford, M. Elizabeth Robinson, Hazel O. Gustowski. CHATHAM
Holy Redeemer $250 M-M Richard Spitzer; $200 M-M Charles Magner, Matguerite Martin; $1'25 Agnes Adams, Joan Ad'ams, M-M Alan O'Farrell; $100 Amelia Allen, Mary Celata, M-M James Enright, Jeanette Fontaine, M-M Richard Griffin, Mrs. Robert Hall, M-M Henry Hamrock, Mrs. Wilbur Hartshorn. $100 M-M John Hay, M-M Ra,ymond Kane, M-M W. Fred McKendree, M-M William Moloney, Daniel O'Leary, M-M John Patten, M-M Norman Normandeau, Margaret Nickerson, Elizabeth Norton, Marjorie O'Connell, Alfred Sankus, M-M Anthony Ueberwasser, Ruth Walker, John Whalen, M-M W. Thomas Whiteley, Margaret Wolin. $75 M-M Frank Devlin, Marlin McHugh, Mrs. Peter Sta~g; $60 Vera Mazulis; $55 E. Cecelia Jackson; $50 Cecilia Aide, Charles Baker, Robert Bianchi, M-M Alfred Bowles, Donald Byrne, M-M WUliam J. Brennan, Chatham Public Market, John Clary, M-M John Clavin, M-M Willi-am Cotter, M-M George Cullen, $50 M-M Frank Cummings, M-M George Curran, ),\iary Dempsey, Alice Dobbyn, James Dolan, Alice St. Stanislaus $600 A friend; $300 A friend, M-M Donovan, M-M Oliver Einhorn, Rosemary Farley, Richard Napert; $20,0 Mary & Stanley Zmuda; $190 M-M Francis Fleming, M-M Joseph Forbes, M-M A friend; $150 St. Vincent de Paul Conference; $i30 Leonard Fougere, M-M Paul Fougere, Mary G. Higgins, Deacon Frank & Mary Mis;-$125 St. Stanislaus Mens. Helen Killen, M-M Louis, Knight, Mary Leate. Club; $110 A friend, In. memory of Paul & Frances $50 M-M Vincent LeBlanc, Arline Maloney, M-M Drzal; $105 M-M Walter J. P. GoscimInski; $100 Mary J,ohn McLaughlin, M-M Brydon Merrihew, Florence & Josephine Niewola, Stanley Lach, M-M Walter Mohyde, Margaret Murphy, M-M Robert Payne, Deda, Holy Rosary Sodality, Rena Robb, Mrs. Alice FIOTence Reilly, William Riley, M-M Richard Rochette, Kret, M-M Leo Dube, Joan Desrosier, A friend. . Eli Rogers, Lorraine Rollins, M-M Charles Sterling, $85 M-M Stephen Kulpa; $80 A friend; $75 M-M M-M Louis Tura, Wayside- Inn. Robert Polak; $70 M-M Thomas Skibinski; $55 M-M $40 Wilfred Boulanger, John Ford, Dr. Joan Maloney; Robert Astle, M-M Paul Kla'ege; $51 Paula King; $35 M-M ,Paul Brown, M-M Leslie Costa, M-M Joseph $50 M-M John Mayo, M-M Leo Fournier, M-M Andre Dinand, Mrs. E. N. Jord,an, M-M George McConville, Lacroix, Mrs. Helena Martins, M-M George Pereira, J,ames J. Quinn, Mrs. Albert Reeves, M-M Edward ThQmas M. Medeiros, A friend, Mrs. Edward Teves & Vitkau'skas;$31 A. Patricia Spei~ht; $30 M-M James daughter, Christopher B. Haponik, M-M Louis Ange Kerwin, M-M John Mulak, M-M Donald Parent. lini, In memory of Adam Polak, M-M Joseph Whl15p. $25 Mrs. Kenneth R. Bloomer, M-M John Brock, $45 A friend; $40 M-M Stanley Wojnar, A friend, M-M Richard Bueker, Francis Carroll, Juanita Torres Family, M-M Stanley Knapinski, M-M Daniel Collings, Genevieve Darling, M;'M John P. Dixon, B. Rocha; $35 Charles Ouellette, Mary Kudlacik; $36 M.,.M J,obn Dominic, Elizabeth Downey, M-M Frank M-M Willi-am Wolowiec, $30 M-M Roch Vadeboncoeur Dresser J'r., M-M Frank Durant, Mrs. Leo Eldredge, Jr., Pauline Ukrainiac, Paula Gagnon, M-M Joseph Evangeline Eldridge, Mrs. Robert D. Eldridge, Mrs. Sroczynski, A friend, M-M Lide Price, M-M Abel William Erskine, William A. Flynn, Mary E. Gi!rald. Roies, M-M Matthew S. Jagielski. Mrs. Alexander $25 Howard GOff, Amelia Gritis, M-M Harold Haas, Kocon, Antoinette Orzechowski,. M-M Edward Girza, M-M Gary Hackett, John W. Kelly, Bernice Kenney, Aniela Kruczek, M-M Robert Rioux, M-M William T. M-M W.illiam Krim, M-M Ronald J. Mc..Clellan, M-M Gonsal~; $26 Valerie Polka. Paul G. Mansuy, M-M Daniel Marini, Margaret & JuUa Martin, M-M .,Joseph McCauley, M-M George $'25 M-M Rich~rd Gauthier, M-M Frank DeMa.tteo, Meservey, Catherine Murphy; M-M H. Francis Murphy. Nancy L. Sullivan, M-M John Cabeceiras, Judith Dolan, Mrs. Patricia DopaTt, Phyllis Babiarz, Mrs. $25 M-M James Nealy, Genevieve O'Connell, M-M Jean Frank, M-M Edward Paul Niewola, Mrs. Chester James O'Connell, J,anet O'Melia, Mrs. John Our, M-M Bednarz, M-M Stanley Pruchnik, M-M .Thomas Pas Joseph E. Reynolds, Margaret Rollins, Mary Ropulewis, ternak, Jrene .Chrupcala, Mrs. Barbara O'Neil, Barbara M-M Edward Sabol, M-M Paul St. John, Mary Smith, Dubiel, M-M Frank Jancarlk, M-M Michael Zwolinski }\I-M James Supple Jr., Ruth Stokes, M-M Richard Jr., Susan Zwolinski, William Gilmore, Mary Makuch, SulMan, M-M Ricba'rd Sylva, M-M Walter Ter-rio, Mrs. George Moura, M-M Warren J. O'Connell, M-M Stan Walter Thayer, M-M Theodore Tischler, Nonna Tuttle, ley Mis, M-M Carlton Camara, M-M Francis Cleary, M-M Julio Usera, Kathryn Welch, M-M Charles M-M Joseph Quinn, M-M Thaddeus Stasiowskl. Williams, M-M Roy Wittick, M-M Edward Zibmt. WELLFLEET Sti. Mathieu $100 M-M Joseph Rivard, Juliette Belanger; $50 M-M Paul Lapointe, l\i[-M Raymond Poisson; $35 Mrs. Eugene J. Dionne; $30 Mrs. Marthe Welte Whalon; $25 M-M Paul. Pineault, Mrs. Philip Vaillancourt, Mrs. Louis deG" Bernier, M-M Nelson Julius Jr., Ann Roussel, M-M Lucien Roy, Mrs. Edmour Thibault, M-M 4-lphonse Mailloux.
Our 'Lady of Lourdes $150 Harry Parkington; $100 Rita Rose; $90 John J. Kelly; $80 John Monahan; $50 Robert S. DU'tra, Mrs. John Wallace; ~5 Flora Peters; $25 William Hayes, Mrs. Austin Rose, Joseph Conway, Denis Mooney, Harold J. Tripp, Antone Lopes, John J. Thomas, Ernest Silva, In memory of Thomas and Robert from their mother, Mary Gray.
Our Lady of Victory $500 Greenbrier Corp., M-M William E. Dacey III, Craigville Motel, M-M Frank G. Mon.aghan; $200 M-M John Wargin; $150 Dr.-Mrs. John J. Curran; $100 Robert Bancroft, M-M H. Stanley Barney Jr., Mrs. F'rancis J. Dugan, M-M Robert Ellis, M-M Richard Gleason, M-M Richard GriffHh, M-M Emil H. Guertin, M-M Francis T. Judge, M-M John MacLeod, Mrs. James Mainey, M-M Oharles Miller, M-M John E. Nowlan, M-M Joseph O'Malley, M-M Roy F. Pollino, Dr.-Mrs. Joseph Ryan, Mrs. John Shea, M-M George Sheehan, Gertrude C. Sheehan. $7'5 Ma'ry Bohling, Mrs. Valmore Guertin, Lillian F. O'Neil, Katherine MacDonald, M-M James T. McCarthy, M-M Joseph Reardon; $60 M-M Leo Barksdale, M-M . Peter Boissonneault, Mary E. Bums, Marjorie Ke,ary, Mrs. Henry Murphy;; $50 Mrs. Frank Andres, Mrs. Robel't Blodgett, M-M Norman Boucher, M-M Law ernce Colwell, M-M Leo J. Coveney, Robert A. Curley, M-M John F. Desmond, M-M Ruben G. Deveau, M-M Richard J. Finn, Kalliope G. Garoufes, Dr.-Mrs. Bernard Hand. M-M David V. Harrington, Dorothy & Ethel Hillen, Mrs. Theodore Hoppe, M-M Henry LYOflS, $50 M-M Robert McDonald, M-M John T. McPhillips, Dr.-Mrs. John McVey, M-M Stephen O'Brien Sr.; M-M Richard O'Connor, M-M John O'Neill, M-M J. J. Pendergast Jr., M-M Anthony Pino, M-M ,Arnold E. Pond, Mrs. Austin Prokop, M-M Luciano Raspante, M-M Ed'ouard Rocher, Mrs. Raymond Russell, Mrs. Graham Scudder, Edwa.rd Souza, Mrs. Alice Toscano, M-M John Turner, M-M Edward Welch. $40 M-M Charles Barrett, M-M Donald James, M-M Francis Walsh; $35 Mrs. Agnes Canavan. M-M William J. Cotter, M-M Dennis Driscoll, M-M Leonard ·S. Francis, M-M Ronald E. Vaudreuil; $30 M-M James Barrett, M-M Paul Charest, M-M Armand Goulet, M-M Andrew J. Kelly, M-M Stephen O'Brien Jr., M-M Edward Twomey; $25 M-M John Anderson, M-M David C. Baker, M-M Austin Boyle, Mrs. Harold Bragle, M-M James Burke, Wilhelmina Burke, M-M Robert Cannon, M-M Frank Capra, M-M Frank J. Carey, M-M Dorman Carpenter, Mrs. Eileen Claflin. $25 M-M Edward Clark, M-M James R. Clarkin, M-M Paul Cronin, Mrs. John Crowley, Dr.-Mrs. Edward V. Cyburt, Mrs. Anne F. Dalton, M-M Merrill Davis, M-M Harry C. Dever, M-M William F. Devine, R. Ibanez & R. DeVi,to, M-M James M. Devlin, M-M WilHam Dillon, M-M James W. Driscoll, M-M Roger Dupont, Janet M. Farrell, Mrs. Mary F. Foley, ·Mrs. Joyce Fuller, M-M Louis Galgani, Mrs. George Garoufes, M-M Willi-am Gent, WilUa1ll G. Grinnell, Mrs. Edith Growe, Eleanor Haggerty, Raymond Hale, M-M qar ence Hanson, Mrs. Albert Harkins, Mrs. Eileen Hi,ggins. $25 M-M Oharles Hills, Helen P. Hogan, David S. Holden, M-M Charles Huber, M-M William Jackson, M-M Ellis E. Johnson, M-M Ohuck Kelleher, M-M William H. Kennedy, Mrs. Paul Kirk, M-M Joseph Kovic, M-M John F. Leary, M-M Mich'ael Legan, M:"M Philip Loughlin, Mrs. Joseph C. Lynch, Margaret Macpherson, M-M Timothy McCal'thy, Louise E. Mc Kenna, Mrs. James F. McRae, M-M Francis McVarish, Mrs. Arthur Maddalena Jr., Raymond Marchesseault, Dr.-Mrs. Thomas Martone, M-M James D. Monahan, Mrs. How.ard Munroe, Mrs. John Murphy, M-M Peter F. Nelson Jr., M-M William Nelson, M-M John Norton, $25 M-M Thomas Nume, M-M Joseph O'Brien, M-M David O'Keefe, Mrs. J. Laurence Phalan, Mrs. Joseph' F. Quattro'cchi, M-M James R. Queeney, Laurette Reilly, M-M Edward S. Roache, M-M Francis Rowen, M-M Stephen Rowen, M-M R. J.Russo, M-M Wilfrid D. Sampson, Mrs. Karl H. Schumacher. M-M Joseph Sheehan, M-M Wilfred E. Shelley, M-M J,ames H. Smith, M-M John F. Sweeney, M-M Walter L. Teehan, M-M Robert D. Thompson, M-M Robert E. Thompson, Mrs. Arthur Tomlinson, M-M Walter C. Verney, M-M Lawrence Verrier, M-M Thomas P. Walsh, Mrs. Albert Webb, M-M David J. Werner, Mrs. Edward Whalen, Mrs. Robel't Wheeler.
st. Joseph $500 Rev. James P. Dalzell; $350 A friend; $300 A friend; $200 A friend (2); $150 M-M Emil Tietje; $100 A friend (2), M-M Francis W. Fewore, M-M Walter Murphy, M-M Oornilius Hickey, M-M John F. Collins, M-M Daniel F. O'Grady, M-M Eugene Young. $50 M-M Eugene Laforet, A fdend (6); $40 M-M Stephen McInnis; $25 M-M August Caneda, Lt. Col. & M. David Geddes, Marie Healey, Frances Croney, M-M Harry Handy, M-M Paul Burke, M-M William Simmons, A' friend (3).
St. Joan of Arc $2000 In memory of Julia C. Andrews; $1000 John MacLellan; $150 M-M Bernard Maguire; $100 Beverly Adamkovic, M-M Ben Bartolini, M-M William Baskin, Teresa Couni'han, Frances Govett, Memory of Msgr. Richard J. Hawko, M-M Joseph Herti-g, M-M Thomas LaTanzi, M-M Robert Lunt, M-M John J. Moore, Dr.-Mrs. Philip Morrison, M-M Earle Mountain, M-M Robert Tr-oy, Mrs. WillIam Vautrinot. $75 Dr.-Mrs. Albert Voelke; $60 John S. ~hern; $50 M-M William Boundy, M-M Elmer Costa, M-M George Duffy, M-M Ward Ellsasser, M-M LewIs Fiori, M-M Arthur Hayes, M-M Thomas Lawson, M-M Albert Norgeot, M-M K. H. Patterson, M-M Roger Pooler, Mrs. Eugene Spellman, Eunice Turgeon; $40 M-M Wallis Barnes, M-M John B. Brennan, M-M Edward Rohmer Jr. $35 M-M David Bessom, Mrs. Francis Callahan, M-M Vito Civita, Mrs. Alfred Gengras, Mrs. Fred Hender son, M-¥ Joseph Kelley, M-M James Millin; $30 M-M Ron Chad, M-M Roland Frechette, M-M George Hoskins; $25 Mrs. Edward Benz Sr., Mrs. Fred Borelli, James Bowman, M-M Edward Bresnahan Sr., Rose and Kathleen Bresnahan, Francis Burns, M-M Walter Bushika, M-M Earl Caswell, M-M Orner Chartrand, M-M Robert Chiarello, Mrs. Anthony Chmielewski, Margaret Condon, Mrs. Oharles Connors, M-M Dennis Creedon, M-M Dominic Creonte, Mrs. Mildred Crowley. $25 Rita Dohn, Ir~ne DuOharme, M-M James Elie, M-M Guy Farrell, Walter Flavin, Frances Fleming, M-M Arthur Freund, M-M Leo Gallaghe.r, M-M Thomas Garvey, Martin Gauthier, Maurice Gauthier Jr., M-M James Graham, Rita Grindle, M-M Anthony Guerra, M-M Robert Habbel, DanIel Hegarty, Charles and Paul Heudes, M-M Robert Jesseau, Mrs. Harry Jones, M-M Robert Kelly, M-M William Kennedy, $25 Mary Kinne, M-M William Krackie, M-M Vernon Landers, M-M Francis LaJoie, M-M John La'rgey Jr., Mary Lo.ftus, M-M Thomas Masterson Sr., Mrs. Herbert Ma'ttson, Eleanor McCabe, M-M Joseph F. Moran, Mrs. Joseph F.' Moran Sr., Mrs. Leslie Morse Jr., Mary Mullaney, Nancy Munro, 'Helen Murphy, M-M Raymond Narciso, M-M Walter O'Brien, John O'Connor, Edmund Oles, M-M Michael Onnembo. $25 M-M Lucien Ozon, M-M Clifford Paquette, M-M Emile Perreault, M.;M David PrIce, M-M August PrIess, Mary Quinn, Helen Rabbitt, M-M Bernard Richardson, M-M Ovila A. Richer, M-M David Roderick Jr., M-M Walter Ross, Harriet Royal, Mary M. Sheehan, M-M John F. Sheridan, M-M Francis Smith, M-M James Smith, Margaret M. Smith, M-M Ronald N. Smith, M-M Stanley Smith Jr., M-M John Sommerville Jr., Mrs. Frederick Specht, M-M Keith Staples, M-M Albert Starkey, Andrea Stubbs, Mary T. Sweeney, M-M Frank Szedlak, Frances Tully, M-M Theodore Vautrinot, M-M Kevin Wells.
EAST FALMOUTH St. Anthony $110 M-M John R. Martin; $100 M-M George Botelho, Lt. Col. & Mrs; William Joyce, M-M Frank M. Teixeira, M-M Richard L. Corey; $80 M-M Anthony Spagone; $75 M-M Arthur Bouzan; $68 Mrs. Jeanette Benson; $60 M-M Lawrence Peters; $50 M-M Charles Berghaus, Mrs. Clayton Peters, Mrs. Ella May Ha,yes', M-M David F. Correllus, M-M Manuel P. Dutra, M-M George Gonsalves, M..M Francis Kohout, M-M George L. Manning, M-M Charles Oliver, Margaret J. & Louise F. Sweeney. $40 M-M ,John P. Cabral, M-M Frank Moniz, M-M James Moran, M-M Antone Vieira, M-M Albert Souza; $36 M-M Ma,urice J. Tavares & Laura; $35 M-M Frank G. Souz,a; $32 Raymond F. Benson; $30 M-M Manuel P. Rezendes, M-M Henry J. Bonneau, Arthur Marshall; $25 M-M William J. DeMello, M-M Joseph L. Tav,ares, M-M Gilbert L. Tavares, M-M Lawrence S. Silva, M-M John W. Barrett, M-M William M. Burke, M-M Paul Wimer, M-M Franklin Botelho, M-M J'ames Cardero, Mrs. Teresa H. Chisholm, M-M Antone B. Couto Jr., M-M Clifford Cruz, Mrs. Leo Day. $25 M-M Donald J. Karl II, Agnes V. Lewis, M-M
Walter Lino, M-M Vincent Luckraft, M-M George
Mandigo, M-M Myron C. Medeiros Jr., Eva Monteiro,
M-M Joseph F. Motta, Mrs. Blanche Perry, M-M
Joseph Peters, Manuel F. Rapoza, M-M David Sanicki,
M-M Francis Skelly, M-M John A. Walker,' Mrs.
Paullne Pimental.
VINEYARD HAVEN st. Augustine' $200 Dean R. Swift; $100 M-M
Michael Fontes, M-M Richard Furtado, M-M Austav
Bender, James J. Gillis Jr., Nellie H. Rogers, M-M
Patsy Nicolaci; $50 Cdr.-Mrs. Daniel F. Burgo; $35
Francis Pachico; $30 M-M Louis Paiva; $25 M-M
Petronio Ortiz, M-M Adri,an Silvia, M-M Richard
Andrade, M-M Theophilus Silvia Jr., Frederick W.
Thifault, Rose GouveIa, Richard Oliver, Dora Lesage,
M-M Manuel Estrella, Barbara Dow, David Kann.
WEST HARWICH Holy Trinity $250 M-M Joseph Quinn; $200 M-M George Morris, Margaret Scully, M-M Donald Wolf; $150 M-M Russell Brennan; $120 M-M Joseph Deering; $100 M-M Archibald Bullock, M-M Vincent Fleming, M-M Maurice Galvin, Regina Gegenwol'th, M-M Louis LaFlamme, Joseph Mallard, Dorothy McLaughlin, Gloria Rose, Marjorie Tivenan, Deacon & Mrs. Vincent Walsh, M-M Philip Waystack, M-M Charles Woolverton. $75 M-M Dominic CIaccio, M-M W,allace Raneo, M-M Francis Recka; $70 Margaret DuFlo; $60 M-M John Barney, M-M J'ames Lombard, Mary Norton, J. Nyd'an; $55 G. Glintoft; $50 Elizabeth Batson, John Brassil, M-M Walter Christian, M-M Timothy Clifford, M-M William Coughlan, John Coyle, M-M Norman Dagenais, Rose Donovan, M-M James Duval, Oatherine & Susan Fallon, John Fitzmaurice, M-M Arthur Frost, M-M Robert Fuchsmann, Margaret & Hester Griffin. $.50 M-M Evon Higgins, Neal Holland, Dorothy Houghton, 'Catherine Hudson, Jeannette Keefe, M-M Richard Looney, Marie Mann, In memory of Mary Nelson, Walter O'E'arrell, M-M Bern'ard Powers, Eileen Ryan, ~~ Alexander Savioli, M-M John Shea, M-M Paul Simard, John Sullivan, Mary & Rose Sylvia, Alfred Thompson, M-M Edward Uppard, Hon. & Mrs. Robert Welsh Jr. $40 M-M HUgh Arnold, M-M George Gardner, M;'M Warren Holmes Jr., $36.50 Cecelia Lyon; $36.60 M-M WillIam Sheehy. $35 M-M William Downey, Mrs. Ralph Whelan; $30 Dr.-Mrs. David Doherty, M-M William Green, Marguerite & Ted Hathaway, M-M William Hubbard, M-M Bernard Miele, M-M Richard Mulc·shy, M-M James Quirk, M-M Arthur Rodenhaven, M-M Edwin RQderick; $25 M-M Raymond Alvey, M-M James Athy, M-M Julio Barrows, M-M John Broderick, Mlldeline Brown, Margaret Brown, M-M David Cahill, M-M Ronald Carron, M-M William Ca,villini, C. N. Chase. $25 M-M Robert Clark, Joyce Coffin, David Conlin, James Connor, M-M Simon Connor; Irene Cook, M-M Matthew Crehan, M-M Matthew Crimmins" Irene Cummings, Rose Dalldorf, Willi-am Daugherty, M-M Cornelius Driscoll, Joseph DeMango, M-M Larry Duffy, M-M Forrest Eaton, Alice Fairclough, M-M John Ferguson, M-M Bhilip Gaudet Jr., M-M Donald Geary. $25 M-M John Gilmore, M-M William GrIswold, M-M Herbert Gumpright, M-M Bernard Hanlon Sr., Mrs. Edward Harriman, Mrs. Lawrence Hewins, M-M Gerald Hughes, Mrs. WilUam Hynes, Gertrude Kiley, James Kneeland, M-M George Lane, M-M Richard Larkin, M-M James Lovinsky, Mrs. Arthur MacDonald, M-M William Maher, Joseph Mahoney, Olive Marston. $25 M-M Herbert Maxwell, M-M Robert McCarthy, ,M-M MIchael McDonough, M-M Charles McVey, M-M James Menzies, Cynthia Merna, Elizabeth Miller, Mrs. Frand Moran, M-M William Murphy, Mrs. Marguerite Nolan, Dorothy O'Donnell, Dorothy O'Neill, M-M Joseph Panzer,a, Mary p.erry, M-M John Raneo. $25 Nellie Raneo, M-M 'Michael Ricci, Edith Ryan, M-M Joseph Shanahan, Lillian Shea, Freda Shipley, Rose Silva, M-M Robert Snow, M-M Joseph Stinson, M-M John Sullivan, Rose Sweeney, M-M Charles Tagliaferi, Catherine Tobey, M-M John Tambolleo, M-M George Tucker, Ann,a Unsworth, Mrs. Richard Wales, Erville Williams, M-M Edward Wooley. OSTE,RVILLE Our Lady of the Assumption $1000 Anonymous, M-M Felix D'OlimpIo; $500 Rev. Clarence P. Murphy; $365 Anonymous; $240 M-M Harold Allick; $200 M-M Ignatius Reed, Catherine O'Connor, John Keelon; $150 M-M John Shields, Anonymous; $100 Anonymous (7), M-M Douglas Plotke, M-M Edw.ard McCarthy, M-M Louis GHbert, M-M Philip Boudreau, Jerome Doyle, Jane Powers, M-M John Adomonis, Dr. Thomas O'Toole, M-M J. Norman' FUzgerald, Paul Snyder, M-M FranR: Fuller, Grace O'Connor. $90 An,onymous; $75 M-M Oliver Champagny, Anon ymous; $65 Anonymous; $50 Anonym0ll-s (10), M-M David McCarthy, 'Edi'th W,hite, HelEm Murphy, M-M John Szymanski, M-M J·ohn O'Donntll, Eileen McIver, M-M Roy Smith, M-M Sherwood Tondorf, GI'ace Flaherty, M-M Robert Dosch, Samuel Re, Caroline Gilligan, M-M Elinus Hadley, Rev. Robert T. Canuel. $40 Marguerite Sheehan; $35 M-M Victor Adams, Anne Fitzgerald, M-M Carl Davis; $32 M-M Curtis Sanford; $30 Anonymous (5); $25 Anonymous (22), M-M Odber McLean, Marie Taveau, Jean Crosby, M~rgaret McGona,gle, M-M Joseph' Scanlan, M-M Gerald McLenan, M~M Rogert McCauliff Jr., M-M J. Edmund Trubbour, M-M Francis Hassey, M-M James McGrath, Mrs. Crawford Hoilidge, M-M Ch·arles Cassidy, M-M John Perry, Catherine Ellis, Ann Hanley. $.25 Mary Hanley, Theresa Cronin, M-M T. Joseph McCook, Dr. Louis Sieracki, Lilly Gomes, John J. Murphy, M-M Jerry Monroe, M-M Richard Grey, M-M Andrew Carmichael, John T, Logan, M-M Pius Rooney, M-M Ronald Butler, M-M Richard Curley Benj-amin Yanchuck, Thomas Hartigan, James Shields' Mrs. Francis ,Butler, M-M Wilfred Harrigan, M-M Arthur Marne'y, M-M J,oseph Shea, M-M J,ames Souza, M-M Gerard LaBute, M-M Robert Franey, M-M Joseph Monteforte, M-M Frank Butler, Mrs. James Gallagber 'M:~ Paul Roma, M-M WillIam Carpenter, M-M Wilham Johnston. .
NORm FALMOUTU ,St. Elizabeth Seton $300 Rev. Joseph L. Powers, M-M William F. Foran; $200 M-M Kenneth P. Ba~les; $150 Rich'ard Fitzgerald; $135 Judge & Mrs. Francis Keating; $125 M-M Albert E. Br-own; $120 M-M Maurice Gillespie; $100 M-M Paul Boudreau, M-M Noel Almeida, M-M Robert Antonucci, Mrs. Ralph Creemer, Mrs. Payson Jones Jr., Knights of Columbus, Mrs. Manuel T. Medeiros, M-M Joseph F. Montle, M-M Donald O'Connell, M-M Ralph Pellegrini, M-M James C. Tansey, M-M' Gerard A. Weidman, M-M John W. Donohoe. $75 Mrs. James J. Lane; $60 M-M Eugene J. Dean; $50 M-M Clifford G. Long, M-M Joseph McCann, Paul E. McGowan, Mary Morris, M-M Howard, Lois Richard, Dr.-Mrs. E. Arthur Robinson, M-M William Rogers, M-M William Stone Sr., M-M Ralph Vaccaro, M-M Christos Bezda,ris, M-M Robert Caron, Ralph DeGre gorio, M-M William J. Doyle, Dr.-Mrs. Ohristopher J. Duncan, M-M Arthur Faria, M-M Paul Halpin, M-M John B. Hardy, Mrs. Stephen Kelleher, M-M Ch'arles L. Kenyon. $42 M-M John R. !{Wby; $35 M-M James P. Colonna, Richard & Sharon McKinney; $30 M-M Ralph E. Bold; $25 M-M Peter;I. Alinskas, Dr.-Mrs. Marc Auger, Mrs. Harry E. Bowen, M-M Joseph Caissie, M-M Domenic Caledonia, M-M John Connolly, M-M Thomas Coyne, Mrs. Eunice Dahlborg, M-M William L. Dalton, M-M William P. Dillon, M-M James Doherty, M-M Walter E. Dolan, Lucy B. Donahue, Thomas Fermoyle, M-M Robert FeNelra, M-M Oharles A. Fermano. $25 M-M Dana Freeman, Mrs. Ronald S. Gallup, Hugh Gibbons, Mrs. John Gibbons, Danielle Guay, M-M Frank Balady, M-M Robert W. Hallgring, M-M Stephen C. Hamel, M-M Paul F. Hannigan, M-M Alden Hanson, M-M Jack Howard, Mrs. Mary F. Huse, John Hughes, M-M Charles S. Innis Jr., M-M John Joyce, M-M Bernard LaCouture, M-M Charles Lawless, M-M J'oseph B. Lewis, Mrs. James Lynch Jr., M-M Leo P. McCarty, M-M James McCue, M-M John McCue. $25 M-M Joseph Martin, Robert W~ & G. M. Miller, M-M Thomas A. Moniz, M-M Mario Motta, Evelyn Murphy, M-M Richard Nixon, M-M Joseph B. Noonan, Ms. Clare M. O'Bri~n, Mrs. James P. O'Brien, M-M Gerard M. Place, M-M James M. Razinha, M-M Orner Renquin, M-M Robert D. Rudden, M-M Charles Ryan, M-M J'amie Soque, Mrs. Stephen C. Sti'essenger, M-M George Syby, Mrs.' Thomas Talbot, Ms. Mary V. Weidman. PROVINCETOWN St. Peter the ApOStle $500 Rev. Edward J. Burns; $450 St. Peter's Conference; $200 A Friend; $100 M. Dolor-es Bums, Cape Cod Oil Co.; $50 Red Inn Restaurant, Dorothy Daly Alkire, M-M Francis Costello; $40 A Friend, Willis Carlos; $3'5 M-M John Cook; $25 M-M Warren Costa, M-M Joseph Dirsa, A Friend, M-M Edmund Dalpe, Mrs. Dorothy Linskey, Eugenie Ruth Rogers, J,ames Santos, M-M Francis Silva, M-M Thomas Francis; $50 Tip for Top's Res taurant.
. Holy Ghost $850 M-M ~aymond Kelliher; $100 M-M Edward Amesbury, Joseph Kelly, John Flanagan Jr., M-M Raymond Guillette, M-M Robert W. Hoag; $75 M-M J·ames McAndrews: Mary S. Sullivan; $60 M-M C)larles E. Fox; $50 M-M Kenneth Stringham, M-M Robert W. Geddes, Mrs. Merle Holmes, M-M George E. Ryan, M-M Lewis Benson, M-M Alfred Vaz Sr., M-M Alfred Carvalho, Jean Galligan, Rosalind Martelli, M-M Joseph R. Ambers, Roger Lincoln. $40 M-M John Rodriques, ChristOpher Fox; $35 M-M George Fredette, M-M A. D. Stentiford, M-MLeon O'Brien, M-M Francis R. Lavallee Jr., Madeline Turley, M-M Edgar L. Gagne; $30 WilHam Bienvienue, Mrs. Alice Perry, M-M Frederick E. Lander Jr., M-M Joseph P. Poholek, M-M Frederick Ellis, M-M John DaSilva, Mrs. Antonio Raposo, Richard DeMoia, M-M Clifford E. Duclos,' M-M Leo F. Charette. $25 M-M Gaeton Collette, Gaeton J. Collette Sr., M-M Joseph T. Arruda, M-M Vidor Smith, M-M Joseph Medelros, M-M William Fontaine, Joan Fon taine, Mrs.. Louise Laird, M-M James Kane, Evelyn Hearn, Mrs. Joseph E. Menard, Mary H. Brog,an, Mary Bullard; M-M Joseph Lojeck, M-M Wallace Gordon, Loretta McCann, M-M Michael Anderson. . . $25 Mrs. Ant)lony DeMattos, John Poholek, M-M George A. AUdette, M-M Raymond O. Castro, Anthony Castro, M-M John Betty, M-M Ma.urice Desmariais, M-M Roland L. Tremblay, M-M Paul Proulx, M-M Earl Marchand, Herbert Arns, M-M Walter Tansey, M-M Leo Roy, Mary Baxendale, Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Joseph Rocha, Mrs. Robert Erwin, M-M Robert Blackader, Lorraine Cabral, Agnes S. Gormley, M-M John A. Amaral, M-M Fr.ank Pistolese, M-M Edward J. O'Keefe, M-M Donald Groft, Mrs. Art·hur DeMayo.
st. Mark $200 M-M Robert Cunningham; $175 Mrs. Rita Gallant; $120 M-M Charles O'Neil; $100 M-M Philip Cronan, M-M J'ames Brennan Ani:ta Gendron, M-M Edw.ard F. McCrory, Mrs: Marie & Miss Suzanne Nolan, M-M George Morse, M-M Frank Spinale, M-M Edmund Tierney; $75 Mrs. Clyde De Priest, M-M Raymond Piers,on; $60 M-M Bernard Gamache. $50 M-M Robert Jacques, M-M Charles Mauer, Mrs. Michael J. Croke, M-M Thomas Gledhill, M-M Dennis O'Neil,. M-M Emilio Gautieri Jr., M-M Richard Gaboury, M-M Stephen Caly, M-M Patrick Duffy, Arthur R. Pyne,' Mr·s. Laurianne Fonseca, Annie Conneely M-M Ernest Frasso, M-M Lawrence Duffany & M-M. Thomas Short, M-M John Falocco. $40 M-M Robert Haggerty, M-M John' Levis, Deacon and Mrs. James'Meloni, M-M Donald Torre; $35 M-M John Precopio Sr.; $30 M-M Joseph Furtado, M-M WiUi'am McBrine; $25 M-M E. J. Ashe, M-M Renato D'Antonio, M-M Ronald Bazinet, M-M John Kiernan, M-M Frank Miller, M-M Paul Lizotte, Mr,s. Edna Coutu, M-M Eugene Godin, Eugene Touzin, Dr.-Mrs. Rene Bousquet, M-M Robert Gilmore. $25 Mrs. P.atricia Daggett, .Mrs. Grace FJitt·on, M-M Henry Violet, M-M Richaro Harris, Judge & Mrs. Edward Lee, M-M Thomas Jones, M-M Malcolm Fales, M-M Michael Ch'agnon, John J. Demont, M-M Paul Morrissey Jr., G. M. O'Donnell, John P. McGuire Jr., John R. McGuire, M-M Harold A. Fuller, Mrs. Wm. E. Semple M-M Edward Smith, M-M Robert Seguin. $25 M-M Rich'llrd Sebastiao, M-M Roger Foisy, Mrs. Daniel Kiley, M-M Gerald Larence, Ms. Mildred Gilroy, M-M Peter Klin, M-M Stanley McMahon, M-M Philias Lallier, M-M James McMahon, M-M Peter Guimond, ,Donald Shanley, Mrs. Leon Holbrook. SEEKONK
St. Mary $725 In memory of Mahoney and Leonard Families; $300 M-M Joseph Hodge, John Lynch in memory of Vincent Lynch; $.250 M-M John S. Francis; $200 M-M John Murphy; $165 Dr. John Belsky; $160 M-M 'George Ag·ostini, M-M J. David Francis; $150 Dr.-Mrs. Robert S. Burroughs, M-M Gerard Cinq-Mal'S M-M Charles Messier. $100 St. Mary's Confr'aterni,ty of. Christian Doctrine, M-M B. A. Dzija, M-M Daniel Hanlon, M-M John Harrington, M-M Alfred L'Heureux, Mrs. Henry Lefebre, Dr.-Mrs. Alex MacIsaac, M-M John Marshall, . M-M Edmund McCann, M-M Frank Padykula, Anne Schiller, Dr.-Mrs. Eugene Gaudet. $75 M-M Martin Carr, M-M Edmund Murray, M-M George Provost, St. Mary's Women's Guild; $57 Mrs. Clement Lesage; $50 Joseph E. Grenier, M-M Harold McCormick, M-M Henri Vidal; St. Mary's Prayer Group, M-M. Robert D. Bessette, Agnes Blake, Mrs. David Blake, Anth·ony & Carol Casel, M-M George Casey, Kathryn Donahue, M-M Gilbert Dubois. $50 M-M James Eg·an, M-M Thomas P. Giblin Jr., M-M Paul Hodge,M-M Raymond Keough, M-M George McCarthy, M-M Richard McNally, M-M Francis Menard, M-M Eugent N. Perry, M-M John Ross,' M-M James Souza, M-M Eric Spencer, M-M Lawrence Welch. $43 M-M Robert Biron; $40 M-M H. E. Morriseau, M-M RogeT Ferland, M-M· William Figura, M-M Gerlad Lanoue, M-M Leo Marcoux; $35 M-M Daniel Arrighi, M-M Ralph Baumgal'ltel, M-M Roland Camire, St. Stephen $400 A Paris'hioneT; $300 St. Vincent Mrs. MaryE. Coyle, M-M Ernest Gaudet, M-M de Paul Conference St. Stephen; $100 Gerard Raymond Hayes, Mrs. Robert Pritchard. Laferriere, M-M Delphis Ringuette, St. Stephen Coun $30 M-M James I. Brackett; Mrs. B. L. Amos, M-M cil of Catholic'Women; $75.M-M Normand P. Beaure Benjamin Braga, M-M Kenneth Bliss, Charles Dauray, gard; $50 M-M Joseph W. Hodge, M-M Edward M-M William Dunn, M-M Robert Erwin, M-M Richard Lapierre Jr., M-M Delphis P.aradis, George Ringuette. Goyette J.r., M-M Charles Kulik, M-M George LaBelle, $45 M-M Albert Goudreau; $40 M-M Robert Goud M-M Francis Laushway, Mrs. J'acques Leduc, M-M reau, M-M Albert Ousley; $35, M-M Archie Hebert, Joseph Perry, M-M Jeremiah Raposa, M-M Paul Claire Stevens, M-M Arnold Silva; $30 M-M~Robert Tetreault, Mrs. Thomas Toppin in loving memory of Thomas Toppin.' . E. Richard, M-M John Rogers; $25 Arthur Boudreau, M-M Emil Brodeur, Mrs. Ernest Courtemanche, Caron $25 Mrs.. Walter Barton, M-M Earl Bastow, M-M Granite Company, M-M Donald Charron, M-M Theo Hector Carufel, M-M Joseph Chandley, M-M Richard dore A. Char·r-on, M-M J. Leo Daneau, M-M Russell Chatigny, Mrs. James Elliott Frank J. F'a,rrell, M-M Dugas, M-M Herve Dumont, F·rancis G. Foritneau, Peter Jacobson, M-M Harold King, M-M John G. M-M Theodore H. Charron. Leonard, M-M Philip Lockwood, M-M Albert Ner $25 M-M Armand Frechetee, M-M Raoul Gousie, <bonne, M-M Rollins, M-M Raymond Skelly, M-M M-M Francis Gousie, Albert Goudreau, lrene Goud Stanley Strycharz, M-M Bert Sulliv,an, M-M Frederick reau, David Gousie, M-M Mark Gousie, M-M Ernest Theberge, M-M David M. Turinese. Marquis, M-M Kendall Nye, M-M Lionel_ Paradis, $25 M-M Francis Walek, Mrs. Keram Arabian, Mrs. M-M Raymond Paquin, Barbara Rezendes, Irene Susan Armell, Mrs. Roger Barney, M-M' RO'bert Rapoza, M-M Terry Richards, M-M Richard Smith, Basiliere M-M Rene Beauchemin, Mrs. W. Bechtel, M-M Herbert St. George, M-M Rober·t Stahl. M-M Arthur C. Bergeron Jr., ·Mrs. M. V. Boldt, M-M Stephen Braga, M-M William Butler, M-M Richard NORTH ATTLEBORO Carignan, George Conley, M-M Neil Copes, Eileen Coyle, Shelah A. Coyle, Sterling Dalton, M-M RobeTt St. Mary $500 Mrs. John F. Smith; $300 In memory Desautel,' M-M J·oseph Don Carlos, M-M P.aul Dumont of Frances H. Morse; $200 Rev. William T. Babbitt; Jr., M-M Arthur Duprey, M-M Louis Emond Jr. $100 M-M James Coogan, Margaret M. Cur-tis, M-M Loui·s Donley, M-M Joseph Sullivan; $75 M-M Francis $25 Ernest Emond, M-M Robert Feighery, M~M Murphy; $60 M-M Leo Cloutier; $50 John Bevilaqua Frank F·oley, M-M ~obert Fontaine, Mrs. Antone J·r., M-M Joseph Cerreto, M-M James Diamond, M-M Governo, M-M Robert Gravel, Mrs. Norman Hearn, Hugh Donnelly, Mrs. Louise 'Fa'rrands, Mrs. Frank M-M Louis Kuffrey~ M-M Armand Labrie, M-M Fisler, Richard Quinn; $40 M-M Louis Meomartino. Michael LaFratta, M-M Aldeod-a Lambert, M-M Donald Lamond, M-M Gregory E. Lockwood, M-M $35 M-M Philip Clark Sr., M-M Francis Gallagher, Robel'lt Legawiec, M-M John Lomas, Mrs. David M-M Robert Kelley; $30 M-M John Devlin, M-M Lynch, Mrs. Thomas Maguire, Thomas Maguire J,r. Thomas Feeney; $25 M-M Herman Asher, M-M Franklin Ballou, M-M William Brunell, M-M Louis $25 M-M Guy Marchetti, Mrs. Joseph Marcinkwicz, , Carrozza, M-M J'ohn Collins, M-M Robert Croteau, Mrs. John McNally, M-M Joseph Meagher, M-M In memory of Patrick Doherty, M-M Dale Gaudette, Manuel Mello, M-M Wesley Morey, Mrs.' Pauline M-M ThomaJ! Hoey, Francis, Leary, Ann Levesque, Patenaude, Alber·t Perry, M-M John Polsson, Mrs. Alice Littlefield, Gertrude Littlefield, M-M Edward Prudence Poulos, Mrs. J·ohn.R. Przybyla, M-M Joseph Mann, Mrs. Louis McAdams, M-M Henry McCarthy. Regan, Alderic Richard, M-M Santos, M-M James sequeira, M-M Joseph N. Sherry, M-M Thomas SilvIa.' $25 M-M Gerard Michaud, M-M Francis Murphy,
M-M George Normand, M-M Arthur Paquette, M-M
$25 M-M Raymond Sinotte, M-M Cha,rles Sirois, Charles, Phalen, Edward Poirier, M-M Kevin Poirier,
M-M Fred SIemon, M-M Albert L. Smith, M-M M-M Homer J. Roy, M-M Herbert Snell, M-M Fred
Tamburro, M-M George Therrian Sr., Wilfred Thorn-' erick Thorpe, M-M J'ames Thurston, Catherine Turley.
'hill, M-M Richaro Voccio, M-M Arthur Wildgoose. St. Joseph $200 St. Joseph's Beano; $100 M-M Raymond Laferriere, M-M -Ralph Zito, Mrs. Alice Pelletier, M-M Albert Dumont, M-M Armand Pin-ault, M-M William SCada,ta, M-M Norman Santos; $75 Lucien Paul, M-M Rene Dubuc; $60 M-M Joseph McGee. $50 ConseU Jean7ne d'Arc #263, M-M Henri Paradis, Stephen Daneau, M-M Raymond Brassard, M-M Julien Forget, M-M Robert Boucher, M-M Arthur Dubuc, M-M George Stafford, M-M ·Richard Audette, M-M Conrad Maigret M-M Ernest Desvergnes. . $45 M-M Robert Turcotte; $40 M-M Alan R. BrH!on; $30 M-M Robert Dubeau, Mrs. Richard Sieber, Yvette S. Smith; $25 St. Joseph's Senior Citizens, Eunice Hutchinson, Joe & Pearl Brannon, M-M Francis' Tetreault, Mrs. Edwilda Cesolini, M-M Oscar Pinault, Guillette Family, Mrs. Omer Gaudreau, M-M George , T. Lamarre, Melvin Smith, Mrs. Edna Arab. $25 M-M Henry J. Sennott Jr., M-M Charles Cloutier Jr., M-M Ernest Girard, Mrs. Edwin Miller, M-M Lawrence Governo, M-M Mark Mercier, Mrs. George Blade, M-M Raymond Ladouceur, M-M Raymond Amadi·o, Pauline Parenteau, M-M Arthur Archambault. $25 Mrs. Beatrice McMuray, M-M Norm'an Hebert, M-M Richard Depot, M-M Joseph Xavier, M-M Edward Landry, Mrs. Uillian Frigon, M-M Rudolphe Boucher, In memory of Louis Perry, M-M Earl J.' Lund, M-M George Lamarre.
Sacred Heart $120 Kenneth Pike; $50 M-M
Maurice Paquin, M-M Leo Piette; $35 M-M Gerard
Desilets; $25 Mildred Richards, Beatrice ·Montplaislr,
M-M George Vaillancourt, M-M Roland Dubuc, Mrs.
Aldea Brais.
'Our Lady of Mount .Carmel $500 Rev. Thomas C. May.hew, C. J. Gonyers Insurance Agency; $250 M-M William Cuddigan; $200 M-M Lawrence Weyker; $150 M-M H. Foley, M-M William Heaney, Hendricks Pools, Inc., M-M Jesse Hendricks, John Hendricks; $125 M-M
Anthony Hendricks; $120 Dr.-Mrs. Dominick Indendoli. $100 M-M Anthony Andrade, M-M Philip M. Grima Jr., M-M Maurice Hurler, M-'M Paul Kilmartin, M-M James A. McDonald, M-M Raymond E. O'Neill;. $72 M-M Joseph McCabe; $60 M-M John F. Costa; $50 Irene Anthony, M-M Dennis Antunes, J·ane Barker, M-M Robert T. Champagne, Mrs. Stephen Clegg, Dr. Pa,trick Conley, M-M Ray Corrigan, M-M Robert Deloge, Mrs. Jeremiah Downes, M-M Louis Dupere. $50 M-M Michael Durkay, M-M Vincent Frattaruolo, M-M' John Furtado; M-M Richard Kendrick, M-M Thomas Kerwin, M-M Frank LewIs, M-M Larry Marshall, M-M Edward Martin, M-M Edward Olean; $42 M-M Manuel Pestana; $40 Jose Doro; $35 M-M Henry M. Cosimini, M-M Robert Desrochers, M-M Sergio Macedo, M-'M James Risko, M-M DenDi·s Veader. $30 M-M Manuel Abilheira, M-M Thomas Brewer, M-M Carmine Ippolito,M-M George McGee, M-M P. Micheletti Jr., M-'M Joseph Motta Jr." M-M John Petraitis, M-M Robert Skurka; $25 M-M W.illiam R. Abatecola, M-M David Amaral, Joseph M.. Amaral, M-M Raymond Begin, M-M Alfred R. Benoit, Mrs. Wilfred Blanchette, Mrs. George Borges, M-'M William H. Bowen J·r., M-M L. P. Capr.on, Mrs. Margaret Carpenter, Mrs. Walter Churchill. $25 M-M Ronald Coleman, M-M Vic'tor Couto, M-M Henry Danesi, Frank DeMattos, M-M Anthony DeSilva, M-M Gilbert F. Devine, M-M Daniel DiPietro, Mrs. Louise Fallon, M-M W.ilfred R. Garand, M-M Alfred George, M-M Walter Gerula, M-M Richard Gregoire, M-M Wallace Guay, M-M Roy Henderson, M-M Al,bert F. Hunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Kempke, M-'M J·ames Lovely, M-M Harvey A. Mace, Wi~iam McAuliffe. . $25 Kenneth McCI.oskey, Angela Medeiros, Emily Medeiros, M-M John Medeiros, Joseph Mello, M-M Samuel Mulholland, M-M John Mulvey, M-M John Murphy, Steven Novega, M-M John A. Nunes, M-M James Olean, M-M Manuel Ormonde, Dr.-Mrs. Anthony Potenza, M-M Winfield Pray, Mrs. Anna Propatier. $25 Robert J. Propatier, M-M James Rennick, M-M ,J.oseph L. Rose, M-M John P. Searles, Seekonk on Company" Mrs. Cornelius Shackett, M-M John F. Sheehan Jr., M-M Leroy B. Simmons, Margaret K. Stevens, M-M Ralph Tomei, M-M William Toole, M-M Stephen Tracey, M-M Joseph P. Trojan, M-M Robert G. Vandal, Mrs. Donald Welshman, M-M Richard W. Wolfe, Emma Zollo. MANSFIELD s't. Mary $500 Atty. and Mrs. Cur.riv·an; $200 Catholic Woman's Club, St. Mary's Conference, M-M William Morton; $120 M-M Gregory Sullivan; $100 M-M Francis Baldini, M-M Daniel Sullivan, Dr.-Mrs. Philip Sibilia; $60 M-M Orlando Souza; $50 M-M Thomas Warren, M-M Dennis Glokas, M-M Joseph Houghton, Miss H. L. Burns, M-M Clifford F. Pearl Jr. $50 M-M Francis Alberto, M-M Bernard O'Malley, Miss J. M. Burns, M-M Raymond Cassidy, M-M Warren Cottrell; M-M John Gi·rard, M-M John Kulig, Mrs. David Langill, M-M Domenic Macaione, M-M Joseph Murphy, M-M Robert Pietrafetta, M-M John Unger Jr. $45 Clarence Leonard; $40 Mrs. R. Baldini, M-M R. D'Onofrio, Babette Douglas, M-M Leonard Flynn, Mrs. William Gormley, Mrs. John Peri; $35 M-M John Antosca, M-M Bradly Dauphinee, Josephine LoDico, M-M Michael Placido, M-M Thomas Porfido. $30 M-M Carmen Gardinute, M-M Joseph G. Cote, M-M F. Ellsworth, M-M J·ohn Houghton, M-M Geribo, M-M Arthur Kane, Mary Lane, Mrs. Fred Phillips, M-M James Roach, M-M Joseph Souza Jr., M-M A. 'Delgrosso. $25 M-M Lloyd Anderson, M-M Domenic
Barbero J'r., Mrs. Irene Barrows, M-M E. Beach, M-M
. Edward Benson, M-M Leo Brochu, M-M Harold W.
BIIown, M-M Richard Brown, Viola Caldarone. $25 M-M Fr·ank Candela, L~ulse Capone, Mary Capone; Rose and Rocckina Cavallo, M-M "Domenic Cimino, M-M C. Cottuli, M-M James Cronin, M-M Richard Curley, M-M Frank DeGiso, M-M John DeP·alma, M-M Joseph Devlin, Harold Downing, Francis Ferney, M-M Lawrence Flemming, M-M Anthony Giovino, M-M Armando Giovino, Luigi Gi,ovino, M-M Charles P. Goff, M-M James Grady. $25 M-M Bart T. JaclQson, M-M John Jardin, Margaret Jordan, M-M Henry Kane, M-M K. Kilburn, Thomas Leonard, M-M Glenn Loiselle, M-M Kenneth Loerwald, M-M Charles Mace, Margaret Mahoney, M-M W. C. Maurer, M-M Walter McGour.ty, Rita McQueeney, M-M Roy Medeiros, M-M John Metrano. M-M Joseph Monteiro, M-M Silvio Morini, M-M James Musto, M-M J,ames N.orill, Mrs. Raymond Ockert. $25' M-M John O'Donnell, M-M T. O'Donnell, Paul O'Neill, M-M John Paioni, James Palladino, Mrs. George Pomfret, M-M Alfred Sarro, Michael Sawyer, Kathleen Seche,r, M-M John Senna, Rose Servais, Louise Soldani, M-M John Strand, Virginia Titus, M-M Gerald Tulis, M-M Willi-am Verzola, M-M Emery Visconti, M-M L. Wagner, Ellen Westlund, M-M Gerald Wright, M-M Albert Zaffini. OAK BLUFFS Sacred Heart $150 M-M Henry Gorey; $100 Frank Dorsey; $75 M-M Nelson J. DeBettencourt; $50 Mrs, Harold G. Andrews, Manuel Coutinno; $35 Otos Rogers; $30 Alfred Metell, M-M William Norton, M-M James Clea.ry, M-M Herbert Combra, M-M Willlam Correlus; $25 Mrs. John Campos, In memory of Dorothy Hackett, M-M John Riley, M-M Frank Simmons, Mrs. Raymond Billings, Mrs. Elmer Santos, M-M Fred Loud.
Please note that due to time constraints and mechani cal considerations, parishes and individual contribu tions are not always listed in the exact order in which they are received a.t Appeal headquarters. Be asSured that listings will be published weekly until all donors have been acknOWledged.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fali River-Fri., May TI 8~ 1984
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IN A TIME of vocation shortages, the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and In firm, who staff Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven, and Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River, received seven young women as novices, while three made temporary vows and four professed perpetual vows. From left front, Sisters Eugene Mary, Kateri Mary, Michaela Mary, Angelo Mary, Cheryl Mary, Rose Mary, Christine Mary, all novices; rear, Sisters M. Joseph Deirdre, M. Joseph Barbara, M. Joseph, Franci~, making temporary vows; and Sisters M. Cyril Methodius, M. Veronica Robert, M. Gerard Daniel, Marie Seamus Carmel, professing perpetual vows. The reception and profession ceremonies were conduct ed at the community's motherhouse in Germantown, N.Y., by Bishop Howard J. Hubbard of Albany.
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Pope urges peace tall{s VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II has asked the Leb anese people to resume peace talks aimed at establishing a united, democratic Lebanon. He has also asked the world's bish ops to support peace efforts in Lebanon and to pray for the con tinued survival of Christianity in the Middle East nation. The papal appeals came in two messages released May 5 at the Vatican while the pope was visiting South Korea. They were Issued after Pope John Paul met April 27 with four Catholic patriarchs with juris diction in Lebanon. In a message to both Chris tians and Moslems in Lebanon the pope called for return to the nation's basic democratic values and for willingness by all fac tions to resume a dialogue toward peace. Lebanon's 3 million popula tion is about evenly divided be tween Christians and Moslems, with many Moslem-led political factions complaining that Chris tians have a disproportionate number of top military and government posts. The disputes have often resulted in heavy fighting during the past 10 years. In his companion message to the world's bishops, Pope John ·Paul mentioned his message to the Lebanese and asked the bishops to publicize it in their communities. He said the necessity for Chris tians to be peacemakers was made m9re imperative by the fact tha~ "those who suffer are Christian brothers." The pope asked prayers for Christian and non-Christian Leb anese and made special note of the histoTY of Christianity in the region and tile current threat to its existence.
Lebanon is the only Middle Eastern country with a major Christian population and the only one in which Christians hold top government posts.
Eagles named to mortgage board Vincent Eagles, administrative assistant to Father Peter N. Gra ziano, diocesan director of Social Services, has been ap pointed community.representa tive to the Southeastern Regional Mortgage Review Board by Paul E. Bulman, Commissioner of Banks. The board reviews denied mortgage applications for owner occupied one-to-four family resi dential properties in Bris.tol, Plymouth, Barnstable, Dukes and Nantucket counties to in sure that mortgage funds are available througliout the reo gion and that no geographic dis crimination occurs. The board consists of three members from the banking com munity and three from various community organizations. Eagles is a member of St. Joseph's parish, Fall River.
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ANCH. 5/18/;84
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Wife, abus'e
By -Dr. James and Mary Kenny Dear Dr. Kenny: After five years of marriage, my husband slapped me for the first time. We have had heated arguments before, but it never descended to physical violence. Most of our arguments lately are about money. He Is unemploy.ed, and I don't think he Is trying hard enough to find a job. He simply lost his temper and hit me. My girlfriend tells me that this Is the beginning of wife abuse and I should threateD to leave him unless he seeks COUDSeUng. What do you think? - Massa chusetts Wife abuse is an unpleasant issue that has too long been ignOred. Your. husband has no right to strike you. Marriage is' surely no license for violence. W:ife abuse is a problem. Is it your problem? And if it is, what are your options? Who decides if you have a problem? The obvious answer: You do. However, the obvious answer may not always be cor rect. Unfortunately, some women have been so indoctrinated in a subservient role that they accept abuse. These women inayneed the help of friends or family to realize they do not have to ac: cept such trea~ent. Others may insist that a single , incident of abuse is reason to break up a marriage. While these represent the ex treme positions, the final judg ment must be made by the wo man involved. What is wife abuse? You will need to make some important distinctions.' Are you to consider physical violence only? Does mental cruelty constitute wife abuse? Does one slap in the five year period, as your girlfriend suggests, presage the onset of wife abuse? The simplest definition is any physical violence that inflicts noticeable, (a bruise or a cut) or lasting damage. However, you must say for yourself what you will and will not accept. . Next, what do yOu want? What are your priorities? Surely you should' refuse to accept physical violence. Is stopping that violence your number one priority? Or are you more con-' cerned with the marital relation ship and your joint style of hand ling disagreements? Finally, what are your options? If you say you are more concern ed with your marriage, then be careful not to react to the first sign of violence in a way that irrevocably jeopardizes your marriage. . I would suggest the following 'steps. First, as one reader of our column wisely' wrote, "Call it what it is, violence. Then refuse to tolerate it."· Tell your hus band directly, "No more hitting or slappi.ng. I won't take tha.t." The second step is to s~ek counsel. Friends and family can be supportive, but are sometimes not too objective. Your priest may be helpful. A mental-health professional (psychologist or cer tified social worker) would be a good choice. If your husband won't go with you, then go alone.
Use their help to clarify your thinking and choices. The third step, df the violence continues and threatens your health, is to leave. You can stay temporarily with fri~nds or fam ily or i,n a shelter for abused wives. Whether the separation becomes permanent will depend on how well your husband can face the problem and provide assurances that it will not hap pen again. You do not have to accept phYliical abuse. On the other hand, don't overreact. Define your priorities and what you will and will not accept. Do what you can to stop ,the hitting. And remain open to the possibility that this problem, honestly faced, may be an opportunity to improve your relationship.
Trip ,Continued from page one as Jesus had done and carry out the ideals of the Gospel, aided by the strength of Christ. On the plane flight returning to Rome, the pope was asked by NC News Service why he had find the complete answer to the Korean students and if he had meant that to read the Gos pels, to pray and to try always to act as Christ would act was the answer to every problem. The pope responded: "That is the basis for the answer to every thing. I am aware that there was a distance between their questions and my' answers. But it is a necessary distance. They should reflect. I should give them from the Gospel someprin ciples from which they should find the complete answers to their questions." ' Throughout the trip, the pope was conscious of the danger that he, not his message, would be come the focus of his visit. In Papua New Guinea, at ,the end of a papal Mass, a crowd of 40,000 began to chant, "Pope John Paul, we Jove you." S~epping back to the micro phone, the pope answered: "No, no, it is not true. You love Jesus." After 21 foreign trips, the pope still seems convinced that they are worthwhile and that he is transparent' enough so that the huge crowds he draws will see Christ. The pope told journalists that he was "very happy" with the trip. \ His journeys may now become even more frequent. His good health was obvious at the end of the May 2-12 journey. His color was good, his energy high. And he had clearly outpaced many of the Vatican staffers and journalists w~o had accompan ied him. Journalists inquired whether he would like to go to the Soviet Union. "Of course, of course," he an~ swered. "The people of Russia are my brothers ... They are a Slav people, and I understand their )anguage." Asked whether such a trip was a possibil:ity, he said,' "all is possible in the plans of provi: dence."
THE ANCHOR-Dioce~e of Fall River-fri., May 18, 1984
Iteering pOintl PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722.. Name of city or town should be Included as well as full dates of all activities. please send news of future rather than past events. NaJe: We do not carry news of f"ndraisinR actMtles sllch as bingos, whlsts, dancp.s. slJpp~rs anrt ha'Mrs. We ere happy to carry netlces of spiritual proRrams, club meetlnRs, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundralslng pro. Jects may be advertised at 'our reRuiar rAtes, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675·7151. . On Steering Points Items FR Indicates Fall River, NB Indicates New Bedford. ST. MARY, NORTON New Women's .Guild officers: Agnes Bartley, president; Claire Kelley, vice-president;· Mary Cronin and Hilda Ribeiro, sec retaries; Pauline Dubowicz, treasurer. ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMEltSET Fifth dominga: home of ·Jen nifer Costa, 79 Brushwood Dr., Somerset. Rosary devotions 8 p.m. nightly, with May 25 ser vice conducted by parish priests. Crowning 11 a.m. Mass May 27. Pensoesavailable from priests for Holy Ghost feast. ST. MARY, NB Parents of children ·to be ,bap tized are asked to meet with Deacon. Lawrence St. Ange to arrange a catechesis session. ST. JOSEPH. FAI~~VEN "R!se and Shl.ne." a new mu sical group, is O1,)en to youth in grades 5 and above. Informa tion: Father Richard Czerwien, 994-9714. BL.SACRAMENT,FR Parents of first communicants are asked to 'bring a loaf of bread to the first communion Mass May 20. The bread will be blessed for distri'bution to fam ily and friends as a symbol of eucharistic sharing. The chil dren will receive brown scapu lars and rosaries handmade for them and confirmation candi dates ,by parishioners. Women's Guild installation Mass and banquet: 6:30 p.m. June 6. ST. THOM~S MORE, SOME~SET
May devotion: recitation of rosary daily befnre 9 .1,..... Mass; procession 10 a.m. May 20. ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH Marriage Encounter informa tion night: 7:30 p.m. May 20, parish hall. All married couples welcome. Parishioners interested in forming a Legion of Mary pre sidium are asked to contact the rectory.
South Yarmouth, Mass.
Tel. 398-2285
ST. STANISLAUS, FR New 'Women's Guild officers: Trma Emond, president; Gloria Mitchell, vice-president; Judy Dolan, secretary; Virginia Kelly, treasurer.
SS. PETER & PAUL, FR ' Parishioners wishing to re ceive confirmation will meet at 7:30 tonight in the church. Parish council meeting: post poned from May.20. to June 10. Women's Club communion ·breakfast: ~ollowing 9:30 a.m. Mass May 20,' Sister CeceJ.ia Downing, OP, St. Anne's Hos pital, will speak on ,the volun teer'srole. PC ALUMNI Annual National Awards Din ner: 7 p.m. June' 1, Raymond Hall Dining Room on the Provi dence College campus. Infor mation on dinner and alumni weekend June to 3, 401-865 2414. SEPARATED/DIVORCED, CAPE Suppor,t Group for Separated/ Divorcpd Catholics: meeting 7 p.m. May 20, St. Francis Xa.vier oar!sh center. South Street, Hyannis. Information: Janet Farrell, 775-8168. . ST. ANNE HOSPITAL, FR Continuing education confer ence on Developing Capable Young People: 9:30a.m. to 4 p.m. May 29. Information on it and a condensed evening pro gram:, 674-5741, ext. 272.
ST. MARY, SEEKONK Vincentians: meeting follow ing 10 a.m. Mass May 20. Father Cornelius Keliher Scholarship: freshmen and soph omores at Catholic high schools may apply to Father Francis L. Mahoney, pastor. ST. ANTHONY, TAUNTON Santo Christo Feast: June 2 and 3, including procession, 11 a.m. feast Mass June 3 and ser mon by Father Gastao Oliveira, O.L. Mot. Carmel parish, New Bedford. All welcome. O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Discussion group: 9:45 a.m. today. 8 p.m. each Wednesday: ul treya meeting. .
PASTORAL MUSICIANS The diocesan chapter of' .the National Assn. of Pastoral Mu sicians announces a workshop presented by Father Michael Joncas and David Haas 7 ,to 9 p.m. today and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. tomorrow at Archbishop Wil liams High School, Braintree. Information: Pat Romeo, 664 2156.
Braille mail CHARLESTON, S.C. (NC) Bishops' receive lots of' mail and Bishop Ernest L. Unterkoefler of Charleston is no exception. But when third graders at St. Mary School, Greenville, S.C., sent him -letters of congratula tions for his 22nd anniversary as a bishop and his 19th as head of the Charleston 'diocese, one stood out - it was written in braille. Laney Troutmann, 8, the fet·, ter's sender, has been blind since birth but does aU class assign ments at St. Mary's with the help of the Greenville Association of the Blind. Members visit the school regularly to help grade her work.
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ST. JAMES, NB Vinr.entians: meeting 7 p.m. May 23, rectory.
SACRED HEART, FR Memorial Day Mass: 9 a.m. May 28, replacin~ the 12:05 p.m. Mass. Acknowledgement is made of a $1,300 gift to the parish from the Women's Guild.
DEAF APOSTOLATE Monthly signed Mass: 2:30 p.m. May 20, St. Anne's Hospi tal chapel, followed by Inter national Catholic Deaf Aposto late me~ting. Sign llmguage classes now 'be ~inning; call Apostolate office, 674-5741, or TTY 679-8373 for information.
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CATHEDRAL,FR May crowning: 10 a.m. Mass May 20.
MEMORIAL HOME, FR Activities: wine and cheese party 2 p.m. today, auditorium; Gospel Singers, 2 p.m. May 20, auditorium; Israeli Day, dinin~ rooms May 24; Golden Jubilee Mass, Father Daniel Carey, 4 p.m. May 26, chapel.
ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA Parish rouncil meeting: 7 p.m. May 20, rectory. Confirmation classes for adults: May 20 and 27, 7 to 8:30 p.m., rectory. Register at rectory.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 18, 1984
uestion corner gradual. I had to work at many things I saw wrong in myself. I ,Dear Readers: started doing some volunteer As 1 go through letters from wo:rk during college to 'get rid readers of this column. 1 often , that worthless feeling. ' say to myself, "I wish I had, I had a lo( to change. But it's written that." been eminently worth it. Twelve The following, written after a or so years ago I saw my life as column devoted to a young man hopeless, going nowhere. I'm in who wanted to kUl bim5eIf, is my early 30s now. Since finding one of them. But it is too inspir God again I've made good and ing and encouraging and could lifelong friends, joined a prayer apply to so many people· - to group" been in two different keep to mySelf. church music groups, graduated My ~ and the thanks of from college, married the best many others Pm sure, to the man in the world, have two fine Indiana reader who sent it. children, found ways to give my time and service and had several Dear Father Dietzen: I was moved to write because positions of authority in various of your column about the young activities. I could go on and on, but your man who felt .1~ke "nothing" at age 22, and couldn't kill himself advice was sound ''Talk to because his brother had already 'someone who loves you and' is concerned about you." done so. My friends (God-given friends, I felt the same way during high school, and I wanted to let ' I'm sure) helped a lot, and so did , you ,know, and anyone' else if G o d . ' want to paint too rosy I don't you could convey the message, how I changed and received a picture. I've h~ disappoint ments, failures, trials and I'm by help. I even copsidered suicide in ' no means pe:rfect. But I, know high school, as I felt lonely, de where I'm 'going, and I know presse4, ugly, worthless. When who is with me. I hope this brightens your day. I got to college I realized that A. It has. Thank you. I had to do something to change A free. brochure answering my life around. questions Catholics ask about I :remember rejecting the Lord confession is available by senci during high school, and how bad things were in' the years after ing a stamped, self-addressed ward. So during my second year envelope to Father Dietzen, Holy of college I made a weekend Trinity Parish, 704 N. Maln St., retreat, and told God I was Bloomington, 01. 61701. Questions for this column ready to come back to him, should be sent to Father Dietzen however he wanted it. , The change has been very at the same address. By Father John Dietzen
'Right and By Cecilia BeI~er A recent cartoon showed an ,'affable, devil adtJressing n,ew ar rivals ,in Hell. "You'll find there is no right or wrong here," he said, "just what works for you.'! _.: Too many of c;>ur young people ,have bOJ.1ght, this argument "It , works for me,' so it must be OK," <!!ley say. ' . · : ,They ll~getting this attitude ";from adults, whether in their · own homes or in the media. There ,is a reluctance, even, in pupits, ,t? say ",This ,is wrong!" We pre 'fer words like' antisocial, dubi-. 'ous, unacceptable or even in ~ppropriate. " : It makes one wonder if some, "~ay one might re~d ~at'it's "in : appropriate" to ,murder" one's p~nts or one's children. Our young people are .being 'raised to believe, that everything "is relative. A university chap · lain arguing this point with a student said, "Are you sure there are no absoImes?" ''Yes'' was I'eply. "~ you abs~lutely sure?" 'queried'~ chaplain. Silence. But ~ople no ~onger dare to answer questions about right and wrong for fear they'll be called stuffy m,oraHsts. . In-.pre~aring a Bible lesson on
thi~ subject i: turned ':to Micah: "He' has sf:1owed you, 0 Dian, what i~ good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, aid to love kindness,' arid to walk humbly ':vi~h your Gqd~" " .. What kind, of .iusti<;~ is it-' to ruin thousands of youth? Is this ",loving kindness?" Is this "walk- i~g, hunibly?" " , . :;. ,I~ .,society, any, 'he,al~ier' for "doing 'its own thing?'; Never has there been so much pill7 popping and tranquilizing. There'is ,noral strength in the Bible. Its authors'do not hesitate' to speak of good and evil, words youth needs to hear from people who are not themselves breaking every rule in the Book. Jesus clearly believed in eter nar. standards of right and 'wrong. And Moses never said that the Ten Comandments were merely 'suggestions and we "should pick out only what works for us. How do we know God's, will? For starters we can look at those Comandments and at the Ser mon on the Mount.
Justice "Justice -is truth' in action."-: Benjamin Disraeli
THIS SONG speaks soberly of the world we live in. Two peo ple release 99 'luft (German for "air") balloons at dawn. The balloons are misinterpreted on radar as missiles and the' "war machine springs to life." The 'result is an accidental nu clear disaster that destroys the earth. The song prompts a question: By Charlie, Martin "How are we to live in a world of such nightmarish possibili 99 LUFT BALLOONS ties?" The question is very difficult You and I in a little toy shop buy III bag of bal100ns . and I can suggest 'only a few With the money we've 'got Set them free. at the break of dawn answers. 'Til one by one they were gone 1. Be realists. We can't expect Back at base, box the software reductions in nuclear arsenals Flash the message, something's out there if we live as if they do not exist We must voice our opposition FloatlDg in the summer sky 99 luft bal100ns go by 99luft balloons floating in,the summer sky . to them. Pack my bag it's red alert there's something here from somewhere 2. Insist on aIternatives. A . else number of U.S. Catholic leaders The war machine springs to life opens up an eager eye support a nuclear freeze. Focusing it on the sky J. Develop a perspective on what really counts. 99 luft 'balloons go by 99 decisions, 99 ministers meet The state of our world should To worry, worry, super scurry prompt 'us to work toward those Call the troops out in a hUI'ry This is what we waited for. aspects of life that endure for ever. This Is it, boys, this is war Love of God expressed in The president is on the' line as 99 luft balloons go by kindness and compassion toward , 99, knights of the air, super hi-tech jet fighters others and development of oui' .Everyone's a, silver hero, everyone's a Capta.n Kirk own potential are values that With orders to identify - to clarify 8nd classify transcend time. Scrambling in the summer sky, 99 luft balloons go' by 99 luft balloons go by Address .correspondence to Charlie Martin, 1218 S. RutherSung by Nena, written by Jr. U: FabrenkrOg-Pete~n.and C. Karges, wood' Ave., Evansville, Indo , (c) 1983 by CBS Inc.' 47714. '
In, -.-our Holy
47 students are members of the New Bedford school's' chapter of the ,National Honor Society, which held induction ceremonies. earlier this month. New-' inductees are Christine Beals, Andrea Britto, Donna De mers, Lisa Drayton, Michelle Du pont, Gary Hathaway, Kimberly Kaska, 'Peter Laporte. Robert Manny, Steven Mar ques, Normenia Matos, Lisa Mi ner, Elizabeth'.Mori~ Mary Ngu yen, Christine Paiva. Karen Paiva, Christine Peter, Marc Poitras, D8,nIelle Poyant, Ronald "Q~tiri,.' Aquila Rodri gues, Sally Teix,.eira, Lisa Vas concellos, Randall' Villeneuve. Senior members are LIsa Am broUlt, Susan' 'Angers, DIana '. Azevedo, "Debra Audette, qu-ol Brancha~d, Christine D~yal" 'Isa bel M. Gago, ; Laurie GobeU, , Kelley Hirst, Susan L Hom, Patricia Hoyle, PatriclaHunter, Denise Leblanc, Susan LeBIai1e. ' Theresa Mandeville, Chris Marques, Paula Pereira, Laura S~ ,Jose Vin~ Anna M. • West, Kendra Wilson, Roger Yergeau. Sister Eugenia Margaret, SUSc, NHS adviser, welcomed ceremony attendants and the maln speaker was Very .Rev. John P. Driseoll, pastor of St. Lawrence parish. NHS ideals were explained by chapter officers, Christopher Marques, president; Jose Vlna gre, vice-president; Denise Le-
blanc, secretary and Therese Mandeville, treasurer. I)
El1en Healey, Rosa Munoz, Kirsten Kryla and Samantha Si monds have been honored as top finishers m a national Spanish examination sponsored by the Massachusetts Bay chapter of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese and taken by some 2,000 students statewide. Ms, Munoz tied for first place in the native speaker category in Spanish II and will continue to national competition. Ms. Healey, Ms. Simonds and .. Ms. Kryla earned honorable men . tions in the Spanish I, II and III categories.
Highlighting the school's spring calendar was fast weekend's three-performance musical, "We Got the Power." Put on by over 100 students, nearly 50 percent of the small sch<;>ol's enrollment, it, like all Holy. Family music programs, was the product of nighttime llIl4 weekend rehearsals , - up to 20 hours ,8 week for some stude!1ts. : Directed by WUHam .J. Lacey, 28 students were inducted into .the show .it;lcluded 'pop and" the Connolly chapter of the Na BrOadway segments and closed' tional Honor Society foIlowing with a Lacey original, "You and ,recommendation by, the Fall I," described as a pop-style bal River school'$ faculty council. la~ celebrating the director's re Honorary, membership was lationship with HF musicians. ·conferred on Mrs. Gracie Burke, , He c~e to tlie s~hool directly for 10 years the chapter adviser. from college' and notes that he Rev. James C. O'Brlen, Con started his teaching career With . nolly principal, was the speaker. this year's graduating class. Al- . He congratulated the students on though on~y 25, he's affection- . their' persona,l accomplishments ately called "Dad" by students. ' and contributions to the school. The new 'members' are seniors Maria Ferreira; Michael Murphy, M. Ana Oliveira, Jennifer Rua, Feehanites recently partici David Sequino, Laura Sunder pafed in Johnson and'Wales Col land, ·Peter Wilde, Mona Phelan. lege's· annual invitational Busi Juniors are Robin Arruda, S:u ness Skills Meet. One student in . san Baer, Momque Cote, Cara each of five skiUs ca·tegories may Escobar, Marya Fleming, Barbara enter the 'meet from each high Gabriel. school involved. Tanja Hayes, Charles La Feehan junior Robert Nicastro pointe, Neil Leahey, Dean Med placed first in spelling and was eiros, Mary Ellen Medeiros, An named state. champion, whdle drea Morrissette, Paul Pacheco. senior James Zito placed second Cristina Pellechio, Kathy Per in computer literacy. eira, Wayne Serra, Susan Stack, Other contest areas were typ Mary Sullivan, Maureen Sulli ing, shorthand and bookkeeping. van, Diane ~zargowicz.
Bishop Con.nolly
Bishop Fe~han
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 18, 1984
tv, mOVIe news
Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-sLlitabl~ for gen· eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: Al-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive.
anguish of adolescence - mod ernized, alas, by foul language, pervasive vulgarity, shower room nudity and a benign view of fornication. Other not-so bright spots are its racist humor and some National Lampoon style Jaughs at the expense of a girl in a body brace. The only redeeming factor is a good per formance by the apP,ealing Miss . Ringwald. O. PG
NOTE Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local list Ings, which may dlffer from the New York network sched ules supplied to The Anchor.
"The Bounty" (Orion) A re visionist version of the HMS Bounty saga portraying Lt. Wile liam Bligh (Anthony Hopkins) as a ·hero, albeit flawed, and Flet cher Christian (t4el Gibson) as an unstable young man bewitched by a' Tahitian beauty. The film is done with intelligence and fine acting by Hopkins and Gib son, but suffers from a sketchy script. Nonetheless, .it is enter taining for mature vdewers. Be cause of the nudity of the native women, whose eagerness in wei· coming the Bounty's crew is an integral part of the story, it is rated A4, PG. "The Buddy System" (Fox) An unwed mother (Susan Sarandon), under the thumb of her own mother (Jean Stapleton), who seems happiest when her daugh
ter is failing at something, meets novel-writing security guard (Richard Dreyfuss) through her 9-year-old son (Wil Wheaton). Things take a aong tinle t,o work out because for most of the
movde both parties th.ink they're
in .Jove with somebody else. This
Is a gentle romantic comedy, sometimes too predictable but sensitive and perceptive. The people in it actually have' to worry about making a ldving, a
bit of realism ffOm Hollywood
as welcome as unexpected. Fairly
good entertainment. Some vulgar
ilanguage and extramarital sex. A3,PG
"Purple Hearts" (Warners) A patriotic soap opera with a Vietnam War background, most· ,ly concerned with the efforts of a Navy doctor serving with the Marines (Ken Wahl) and a nurse (CheryJ Ladd) to resolve the ob tacles that stand in the way of the inevitable final clinch. Be cause of strong language, pre marital sex and one relatively restrained bedroom scene, it is rated A3, R. "Sixteen CancDes" (Universal) A girl (Moaly Ringwald) is devas tated when her family, preparing for her older sister's marriage, forgets about her birtlJ,day. Were that not' enough, she is pursued by a skinny freshman while aonging for a handsome, unat tainable senior. This is an old· fashioned .comedy about the
Films on TV Saturday, May 19, 9-11:15 P.OL EDT (CBS) - "Outland" (1981) - Sean Connery plays a beleagured federal marshal in what seems to be a futuristic "High Noon" set on Iii, one of Jupiter's moons. What the movie Jacks in energy and imaginatiori, it makes ,up for in the sympa thetic way it deals with the friendship between the marshal and a woman doctor (Frances Sternhagen), the only one to support him when the chips are down. Because of fairly. graphic violence, it is rated A3, R.
It pays to advertise in The Anchor, the largest weekly newspaper in Southeastern Massachusetts, reaching 27,000 subscribers and an estimated 100,000 actual readers.
,"(ouo•• t • •
Impact devastates WASHINGTON (NC) - In dustrial plant closings "have a devastating impact on individ· uals, families and communities" which goes 'beyond short-term financial difficulties, said Father Thomas Harvey, executive direc tor of the National Conference of Catholic Charities. In testi· mony March 6 before a congress ional committeei Father Harvey said there' is an "undeniable link between social indicators of stress - death, imprisonment and institutionalization."
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'House of Unity'
"By wisdom the house shall be built and by prudence it shall be strengthened; no furnishing may be found for the rooms of it so rare and so pleasant as true knowledge." - Provo 24:3-4
Religious Broadcast Sunday, May 20 (CBS) "For Our Times" - CBS reports on designating religious buildings as landmarks and how churches re act to-this new practice.
ROME (NC) The inter
national Lutheran-eatholic Joint
Commission held its final meet·
ing in Rome Feb. 27-March 3,
wrapping up 10 years of work by
proposing concrete approaches
the Catholic and Lutheran
churches can take to reunite. The
final document of the. commis-. sion, "Facing Unity: Models, Forms and Phases of Lutheran Roman Catholic Church Unity," . was approved but not immedlate ly made public. As the meeting closed, Pope John Paul II praised the commission's work "in erect· ing the house of unity which we are building together."
Savings? We have a high-interest plan for every savings need!
Do.nt Ik./·Anwf
Saturday, May 26, 9-11 p.m. EDT (CBS) - "Xanadu" (1980) Olivia Newton-John plays a ma terialized Greek muse who in· spires a middle-aged musician (Gene Kelly) and a young artist (Michael Beck) to become part ners in a nightclub. Special ef fects, optical devices and acca· sionally vulgar dance numbers form a visual background to the music of the Electric Light Or
chestra but the end result is
little more than an illustrated
sound-track album. A2, PG
On Radio
Sunday, May 20 (NBC) "Guideline" - Religious educa tor Lewis Luks is interviewed about teaohing religion to high school students. .
LiVing alone is not a h.ealthy ex perience .... particularly If the in dividual feels physical or emotionally isolated from other .persons.
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members of some 11,000 units under C,atholic auspices and that an equaI number of Catholic, youth belong to non-church units. Father Stephen B. Salvador, Serra: Scouts FoUowiOg Christ." " Local Catholic Committees, associate pastor of St. John of A sub-theme emphasized voca such as that in the Fall River God parish, Somerset, represent- tions, a need stressed by six diocese, provide training for lay ed the FaU River diocese and the bishops who ,attended the meet persons, work with local ~C?ut Moby Dick Boy Scout Council' ing. councils to extend and~trengthen at the 28th. biennial co~ference The Catholic Committee's p'~r Scouting under Catholic sponsor of. the National ~atho1ic Com- - pose is to offer church-rela'ted ship, promote the spidtual phase mlttee .on ,Sco~tlng, held last organizations methods of using of Scouting through religious month In San Diego. Scouting as an educational pro- , emblems programs, provide chap Father Salvador was named gram based on belief in God and lain services, and promote under standing of the ideals of Scout to serve on the chaplains' sub- offering character build!ng, citi ing by clergy and laity. committee of the organization. zenship training and personal fit Father Martin Buote, pastor of With six other priests represent- ness opportunities. St. Anne's parish, New Bedford, ing other regions of' the United ' Convemion topics ,included is diocesan, director of the Cath States, he will assist in prepara- single-parent families, religious olic Scouting program. tions for the Catholic Commit- emblem programs, Hispanic out tee's neX't meeting, to be held in reach, Scouting for the handi 1986. capped, youth ministry and ways Solution, "Cast out the scoffer and con- . , The four-day San Diego parley, of encouraging religious voca tions. tention shall go out with him and reflecting its location in Cali quarrels and reproaches shall fornia mission territory, has as It was noted: that over 317;000 its theme "In the Steps of Father Cubs, Scouts and Explorers are cease." - Provo 22:10
Scout retreat
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 18, 1984
400 Boy Scouts and adult Scou'ters attended the 14th an nual diocesan Scout retreat held earlier this month a~ S1. Vin cent de ,Paul Camp, Westport. Sponsored by the Catholic Committee on Scouting, Moby - Dick Council, its theme, We Must Live As We Believe, was de veloped by Deacon James Ferry of Espirito ~anto parish, Fall River, retreat master, with refer ence to the Scout oath and law and ex~ples drawn from television shows.
Father Salva~or at Scout parley
George, you,can't let those Jr, High boys bother you,
The schedule included outdoor Masses, patrol conferences, campcraft, a campfire and an aU-night vigil before the Blessed Sacrament.
Destiny "Thine to rescue the doomed,' to cheat the gallows of its prey; not plead thy lack of strength, when he, the Searcher of hearts, ,the, saviour of ,thy life, knows all, sees all and requites the actions· of man." -'Prov. 24:1-12
. The Catholic Committee chair man is Paul J. Parente and Father Stephen B. Salvador is ch~plain.
Father Bruce Ritter
OUR SAD,YOUNG MADONNAS ist with her infant in a squalid apartment with a broken" As I stepped, off the toilet. After three weeks, they fled the bugs and the smell elevator, my left· knee for the relative cleanliness of the streets. In desperate suddenly buckled beneath .me. A two-foot tiny terror need, scared, almost in shock, Ramona came to us, 18and illiterate. hai:llocked my leg in avise like grip that would have I have a feeling she'll b'e back, I said. She really does made any wrestling coach want the best for HeCtor. ." • proud. He smiled mischievously and tugged on my trousers. I smiled back. My cry for rescue to Chris, one of There's a lot at stake for these kids. We look at the our counselors, could sca'rcely be heard above the mothers and the incredible sadness and pain in their lives. laughing and crying babies, banging xylophones, and one And we look at their innocent babies-and.recall all those very loud toy drum. Little Jesse, mylilliputian captor, was tired old saws about parents and children... the sins of the led away, giggling with delight. fathers... history repeats itself... the apple doesn't fall far from the tree... . Babies? What are babies doing at Covenant House? These babies don't have to 'becoml3-'-they must not f Well, you see, many of the children herehave children of become-the next'victims in an already too long chain. their own. They come to us with their babies because they We know their mothers don't want that for them. They are have absolutely no place else to go. Young mothers, good mothers! They really love their kids just like you love thrown out of their homes, abandoned by their husbands, yourS, and they have great drea'ms for them. We've seen have been coming to us for a long time now. In 1981 we them put their unspeakably ugly childhoods behind and decided that they needed a special place of their own, so . .with a little, or a lot, of help, blossom into responsible,lov we set aside afloor for them. That's how our Mother/Child ing parents. Program was, er, born. The mother/child. floor has been bulging with kids-from 16-, 17-, 18-year-old mothers on But first they need to know that they themselves are'lov down to their three-day-old babies-ever since. ed. And they need that practical help, too: Classes in mothering skills and nutrition. Help in finding adequate The mother/child floor is a lot like Bedlam. housing. Medical. care. Guidance ill budgeting and I poked my head into the nursery. Babies were housekeeping. Legal help with landlords and battering everywhere. The only thing I noticed more than the noise husbands. Tips on how to find ajob; or the skills to get one was the, oh shall we say, aroma of dirty diapers and baby with vocational training. Family counseling and follow-up powder. when they leave us. Hi, Bruce, said a voice from behind me. Our young mothers get all these things, as well as the , support and comfort of atremendous staff. They know that I turned and saw Allison with two-year-old Tommy inl, these girls are just kids themselves, gingerly walking a tow. tightrope between coping and falling apart. Hi, I said. How's it going? It's' hard for a child to love her child when her own Allison is 16. She's pregnant with her second. deposit of love is so shrunken and precarious. So we love them, a lot. In doing that they learn to love their own Her mother was a prostitute who spent lots of time get children. In many cases, the results are almost, ting high, lots of time seeking out the company of some miraculous. very depraved men-and very little time being amother to Allison. Through her mother, Allison met 30- and 4O-year~ "The mother/child floor is a lot like Bedlam." old "boyfriends". One of them got her pregnant. She was 14. She kept the baby. , ' . Allison is finally beginning to come to terms with her Together they were placed in afoster home. But Allison, mother's rejection. We hope that her children will never still yearning for her mother's love and approval, kept run know that same pain. Soon, they will be placed together in , ning away from her foster home. Once again, her mother foster care. introduced her to another "boyfriend". , As I left the nursery, I watched acouple of our kids walk And once again pregnant, she arrived as most do ing toward me down the corridor, pushing strollers that scared, hurting, worried about where to live, and whether held two of the most peaceful-looking babies I think I've or not she would be allowed to keep her kids. things no 16 ever seen. I walked over to one young mother. year-old should have to worry about. . "_ I didn't hiive to a.sk her age. She was no more than 17. I Bruce, Ramona left last night, Allison said. She moved in didn't have to ask her story. Her eyes told the whole of it. with some friends. . . What's your baby's name? I asked. Ramona is a sweet, meek kid; mother of six-month-old Aurora, she said. Hector, a really beautiful baby. Before she wandered in, Ramona had been abandoned by her mother and left to ex(Lots of our girls give their babies, exotic, wistful, Father Bruce Ritter; OFM Conv.• is the founder and President of Wishful, 'dreamy names... somehow that seems to give Covenant House, which operates crisis centers tor homeless and children a stake in beauty arid,faraway things that are no runaway boys and girls all over the country. part of their mothers' lives.) . . ,
Aurora. Beautiful name, I,said. Why'did you choose it? I' used to work at a day care center, she said. One of the other girls, who I really liked a lot, had a baby named Aurora. She named her after some town somewhere-in Nebraska, I think. Do you like it here? I asked. Do you like the staff? Her face changed and her forehead relaxed and her eyes got very big and warm all of a sudden. Oh... yes, she said. The girl standing next to her chimed in her agreement. They're r,eal nice, Aurora's mother said. They remind me of people I met once from California and Colorado. You know, people who are really different and nice, who don't come from around here. She didn't have to explain what she meant. I could spend a lot of time on the mother/child floor. It's hard not to get caught up in the stories of the young madonnas. Hard not to say a thankful prayer for the hope that the Auroras represent. I think of all the names we give tQ the mother of Jesus. Immaculate Mary, Most Blessed Virgin, Q'ueeQ of Heaven, Hope of Sinners. But when we ask her intercession for these girls. only one title seems fitting: Mother of Sorrows. We have awhole floor full of Allisons and Ramonas. Our own sad, young madonnas. Please pray for all of them and their babies. Thank you for helping us baby them alittle. Hundreds of teenage mothers and .their infants come to us each year from the cruel streets. More and more keep coming. We desperately need more space. More staff. Maternity clothes and strollers; an endless supply of diapers. We really need your help to keep on being here for them. We can't do it without you. Please help if you can. -------------~--
I want to help our young mothers grow into respon sible, loving parents. Here's my gift of: $ _ Please print:
F l(WII)
The street is NO PLACE FOR A CHILD .