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Catholic Charities Appeal Response Indica.tesNew Diocesan Record ,

The ANCHOR A.n Anchor of the Soul. Sure and Firm-ST.


Fall River, Mass., Thurs:day, May 19, 1960 PRICE IOc $4.00 per Year Second Class Mail Privileges Authorized at Fall River, Mass.

Vol. 4, No. 20

© 1960 The Anchor·

Msgr~J. J., Sullivan

Requiem Tomorrow



L - a bor Bureau Han db00 k , W rites of Pries'thood'


and look very good. Our Parish Committees did an outstanding job in making contacts last Sunday. Every' home in the Diocese was visited. The results are still piling in to Headquarters, and these, too, are very encouraging. A very healthy growth in the use of pledges is evident. This is a good sign." Headquarters requests that 'all Special Gifts be completed today. Parish Committees will continue to complete their contacts and are urged to make Immediate returns to their Parish.



Declares Survey Satellites Vita I To U.5. D~fense

WASHINGTON (NC) A Solemn Pontifical Mass of Requiem will be celebrated The chief of U.S. Air Force at 10 tomorrow morning in the Sacred Heart Church, Fall research and development River, by the Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D., Bishop of ,says the development of the Diocese, for Rt. Rev. John Joseph Sullivan, P.R., pastor warning and communications of the Sacred Heart .church satellites is essential to U. S. , security. for the past nine years. Lt. Gen. Bernard A. SchrieveJ; lVlsgr. Sullivan, who spent 24 h s told delegates to the golden years of his priestly career at the Fall River Ct- 'ch, died Monday night at St. Anne's )l',)spital, Fall River. A native of New Bedford, son of the late John L. and Elizabeth (Hurley) Sullivan, he was a gradMate of Holy Family High School in. that city. He studied at St. It 'trIes College, Maryland, St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, and St; Bernard's Seminary, Roches~er. The Most Rev. Daniel F. ~'oehan ordained him on June lHi, 1915, in St. Mary's Cathedral, Jioll River. • ·,gr. Sullivan served his olltire curacy of 15 years at the Sucred Heart Church in Fall JRi,v!'lr, and was named pastor of m. Peter's Parish, Dighton, in Turn to Page Twelve


A total of $109,563.55 has been contributed to date in the. Catholic Charities Appeal. The total represents a combination of Special Gifts and ear.ly Parish returns. Headquarters is receiving Parish reports hourly. Each list brings an increase in individual Parish totals. Commenting on the progress of the Appeal to this date, 'ChairmaJl George Vigeant said, "All of us are very pleased with the progress of • the Appeal. Our Special I' Gifts are almost completed


CCA CAPTAIN TAKES RETURNS: St. Joseph's Parish, New Bedford, reports with Charities Appeal donations to the 'homes of the Parish captains. Left to right, Yolande Despres, a worker, Rev. Joseph A. Martineau, parish assistant, Mrs. Doris Fournier, worker, and Muriel Lebeau, captain, exemplify the new method.

Catholic Press Wins Papal Commendation .w

jubilee Catholic Press Association convention' that observer satellites will help offset the , Soviets' -ecrecy advantage. General ~chriever predicted great advantages to the U,S. ASHINGTON (NC) - Pope John says the Catholic from the Midas safellite now Press is especially important and necessary today when being developed. Purpose of the forces of evil twist the printed word in an effort to overMidas, he said, is "to detect throw the foundations of the Christian religion. The Pontiff missile firings" and to give the 'U..S. advance warning time in asse'rted he derives great golden jubilee convention of the which to prepare against a mis- 'Satisfaction from knowing Catholic Press Association. sile attack. that great numbers of the Pope John's message follows: General Schriever joined other We have learned with leasure faithful are "being nourtop authorities in the space and that the Catholic Press Associaished on the w;.olesome food 'f Turn 'to Page Twen*y~'two tbn is shortly to celebrate the , Catholic ,reading mf.' 'lrial, dedigolden jv' 'lee of its foundation, cated to the service of truth and ~ 1 We gladly take this occacon'-iniI:..; suitable religious insion to address .to you a word , uct 1on-" r· • ", ~~'" greeting. The Holy Father's comments were in a message sent to the Turn to Page Twenty-two

Canadian Fa,vors Mer'e Immigrants To Aid Economy

TORONTO (NC)-Canada ne'eds more immigrants, ac~ording to industrialist Robert Winters, mining com-

Diocesan Women Examine Status of, Today's Youth

WASHINGTON (NC)-The vocation of Catholic priests appears for the first time in the 1959 Occupational Outlook p~ny president and former CanBy A vis C. Roberts Handbook, which recently made' its 'appearan'ce here. It is adian Minister of Public Works. "How can a child have personal discipline if he lacks included in a wholly new section· on the clergy, which ~lso '-, declared the postwar boom . includes for the first time, :' , w a s due in part to the flow of , parental ,discipline? Unfortunately we are living in an era nate as one's lifework' involves immigrants. which'says punishment is abhorrent. God.in His infinite reports on the training and considerations which do not enHe'· said 100;000 immigrants wisdom has told ,us our transgressions will be punished. work of Protestant minis- tez: into the seledioU; of a career ': 'nd an average of $59 million tel'S and Jewish rabbis. The in most occupaticins,'~ and that a year, pay. $8 .million in taxes If.we believe th~t" how can as "stimulating, positive and , we 'not provide punishment ,constructive," the Most Rev. handbook, published by' the "it is important for young people and save at le'a~' $8, million'. " for our' children's wrong- James L. Connolly, D.D., Bishop Bureau of Labor Statistics, u.s. interested in becoming clergyRoom for More of Fall River, lauded the, council doings ?". ' Department of Labor, is intendmen to have as much informa"The average new family ared for the guidance of persons planning their' careers. In all, it contains references to 600 oc~upations and 30 major industries. An intrOduction to 'the new section says "the choice of the ministry, priesthood, or rabbi-.

ti(lOaS possible about th~ pro':' ,riving in ,:'anada is. worth to our This wa's a part of a potent fo. its choice of speakers. "I taik given' by Robert· V. Mc- .. ha,ve enjoyed this program," the fession and how to prepare for economy well in exce~s of $3,000 it; the kind of ,life ',it offers, and an'nually," -Mr.: Winters said. Gowan, K.S.G., of No.'Attleboro BiShop said, "more than any in:a panel discussion before more- we've had. It is recognition that its needs for personnel." "With - 'Ir vast la', : area and this organization continues to It hastens to add that a ,young, millions of acres of agricultural , elan 400 members of the Fall person consid~ring a. career' ,as , land we could obviously support R"'';r Dioceslm Council, National , a 'celerate; gets up a full head of Turn to. Page S~xteen" a much greater population than , C"····cil of' Catholic Women, at steam and makes excellent ptogress." our present 17,500,000. ' their severit'· '1nnual convention Mrs. John J. Mullaney of At, at 'Stang, HighSchool last' weekTurn 'to Page Twenty-two . , tleboro and the entire slate of , end. Describing the four 'panelists Turn to Page Twenty-two

Second Diocesan eyO Convention Opens in Taunton on Sunday

The second ~nnual diocesan CYO convention will 'ue held on Sunday, May 29 at the Taunton CYO. All parishes with CYO units are urged to send two voting delegates to the conclave. Plans will be made for the New England CYO convention which will be Diocesan . level so tl1at every parheld in the Fall River Dio- ish will have a CYO Council cese on June '18-19. This will be the final point on the Diocesan convention will em- agenda.

phasize discussions on the four point pl'ogram of the CYO. Efforts will be made in order to exemplify the organizational program that is necessary for Diocesan coverage. In an exchange of ideas, all attending the conclave will participate in an attempt to coordinate all the activities of the CYO. Finally, the means necesaary on the parish, area and

William Doyle of New Bedford and Mary Elien Cronin of Fall River, adult advisors for the CYO, will participate in the convention's discussions. Rev. Leo T. Sullivan is the Diocesan Director of CYO. The area directors are: Rev. Francis B. Connors, of the host city, Taunton; Rev. Walter A. Sulli... van~ Fall River; Rev. Edward C. Duffy, New Bedford; Rev. Bernard \F. Sullivan, Attleboro.

List of' Contributors to Charities, Appeal .. Starts on Page',Four



Monsignor ,Considine 'to ,Receive I-Jonorary Degree at StonehiU The Very Rev. Richard H. Sullivan, C.S.C., president of Stonehill College, announced today that Itt. Rev. Raym:ond T. Considine, Dfocesan Director the Propagation of the Faith and pastor of St. William's Church, 'Fall River, will deliver the baccalauOther recipients of honors will reate address 'to the grad- be Philip Hemingway, transuat,es on June 4 and receive portation executive of New Bedan honorary Doctor of Laws ford; Dr. Martin H. Spellman,


MAY 15-25

degree at the ninth commencement exercises on June 5. The commencement address will be delivered by Luke E. Hart, Supreme Knight of the Knights of C6lumbus, who will also receive an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.

Boston physician; Rev. Brother Ephrem O'Dwyer, C.S.C., provincial of the Brothers of the Holy Cross in the Eastern United States province.

A total of 81 graduates will rec'eive bachelors degrees at the exercises.





THE ANCHOR-o'iocese of Fali River':""Thurs. May 19, 1960



Women to Suppo~ Participation in Mas$


·Denounces. Red


City Officials Community BARI (NC)-Archbishop 'V'"'lRCESTER (NC)-Emphaa need for the faithful to emEnrico Nicodemo of Balli sis on "<;ommunity participation" brace intelligent, active participublicly denounced this city'. in the entire liturgy of the pation in the Church's fuU scope ( rch, _,articularly the Mass, ( . life and worship. Red officials for attending h be~n emphasized at the tenth Vital-Meaningful tradLional religious ceremonies a~nual Wom~n's Congress of the "At least part of our jan, as bonoring its patron, St. Nicholas. Eacb year the people of this DIOcese of Worcester. members of the Church today," Adriatic port commemorate th8 3~000 women delegates he added," is to help the Church 'arrival in Bari of relics of St. heard a bIShop, an educ?tor ~nd tr make the Mass a reality in Nicholas, the original Santa a layman leader of th~ liturgical our lives. It must be real to us Claus. The relics of 'the fourthmovement advocate, a change and we must lead others to apcentury saint were brought here i' the pat~ern of interior prayer pr- ·~te it. We need to make our from Asia Minor by Bari sailora tl') make the Mass a "truly comexperience at Mass around the in 1087. munity. Sacrifice," with active altar vital and mea~ingful." . Highlights of the festivities aN participation by .the !aity . Failier Frederick R~ McManus, a Mass and the arrival of a seaFull WorshIp president of the Liturgical Congoing processio~ at the port Be Bis~op Bernard J. Flanagan of ference and'a professor of canon the '~chr;shop blesses the sea. Wor-eester said the Mass is the law the the Catholic University D·tring the blessing Archprincipal means through which preached at :le congress Mass. bishop Nicodemo took the microCatholics can make their funcA. j GIl III 8ftl'llll ff! ft."'" .. no phone from a commentator detion as members of Christ's Body liW'h"IJ'\.~\WIl!l 1oi)"'lI~m~l!Y AUDIO VISUAL EDUCATORS: "Two out of every scribing. the ceremony to speak more abundantly fruitful rLa. three parishes in the co_untry are using some type of film, to the crowd. He told the people John B. Mannion of Washinga ~ \iiO . filmstrip or recording in their religious education program," that the presence of Bari's mayor ton, executive secretary of the . 15j Monsignor McKeon Debating according tb Father Michael F. Mullen, C.M., who heads the and members of the city's comNa .mal Liturgical Conference, munist-socialist city council at noted that "this isa time of Society of Holy Family High School, New Bedford,will hold 15-member Evaluation Committee of the Catholic Audio- the Mass and procession was crisis for the Church, a time of Visual Educators Association. At left, is Msgr. Leo J. Mc- "uninvited and unwelcome." He . urgency. We need to re-examine its third _nnual Lecture' Debate Cormick, superintendent of Catholic schools in Baltimore said that the mayor had been inconcepts and lattitudes and prac- arid Oratorical Exhibition for at Kennedy d 'd f CAVE NC Ph formed of. this through official tices which have gone too long parents and· friends h 't 7 :30 . an presl ent 0 . otO. channels. ,r -"lestioned - so long unques- Cen t er to mg t a ~'-e program will include a CdChallenge Authority tioned that they have little or no Isen ower a r Ina ontlnl ... Reds' attendance, the JrI-'ming for us here and now in debate on the topic: "Resolved: The That .the Federal Government R -.... our daily lives." Should Substantially Increase o . ecelve .~otre ame onars Archbishop said, was a "fact of The liturgical movement has . " :" , ' '. '. . special gravity" and appeared to 'NOTRE DAME (NC)-Presi- the commencement address. evolved, he declared, because of I ts R e gulation of Labor Unions." . . be a ·"challenge to ecclesiastical Patricia Kruger and Elizabeth dent Eisenhower, an Italian Cardinal :':;:ontini will offer a;· • ' M h ' authQr.ity." He cited the 1940 locese . e aJe,f.S urp y will uphold the affirm acardimilandthe president of the Solemn Pontifical Mass"earlier decree of the' sacred CongregaD , tive and Joseph C. Duggan Jr.' United Nations Genp~-' Assem- in the day at the baccalaureate ". tion of the Holy Office excom...... Tourney., and Susan J. Koch the negative. " bly will receive honorary de- ceremonies. .municating' communists aAd In .~ Nine deoaters from Holy FamMary Jane Walker will 00-' grees at Notre Dame University's Father Theodore M. Hesburg, . their collaborators. ily High School, New Bedford liver the oration which won her. commencement June 5. C C:;.C., 'university president, who " Archbishop Nicodemosaid be and six from Sacred Hearts Southeastern Massac'husetts Zone Honored together with the will confer the degrees, also an- . should have stopped the Mass Academy, Fall River will be of- . championship in the American •President will be His Emiilence nounced honorary 'degrees will . and the procession 'but did not ficial"representatives from this Legion. Oratorical Contest: James' .Giovanni 'Battista Cardinal Mon- be conferred upon: do ) because it would have inDiocese at the Ninth National Mosher of Americ::l11 Legion Post tini, Archbishop of Milan and Archbishop Martin J. o'Coi:!- terrupted Bari's .;time-honored wi~l. make ak presentation to ,. Victor. Andres Belaunde of Peru, nor;. rec t or 0 f th e. N or th Am' Catholic' Forensic' League Grand 1Miss W al er.' erl-. festivitl'es l'n honor of its patron. Tournament, to be held in New head of ,;he U. N. GenerE.1 As- can 'College· in Rome; Dr.. But, he declared, he 'Considered York City Wednesday, May 25 The Bishop James J. Gerrard 'sembly. President Eisenhower Thomas Dooley, Notre Dame' it his 'duty to put the people "on through Sunday, May 29. Oratorical Prize will be awarded "ill be awarded an honorary alumnus who gained fame for their guard against deceit." As The group will participate in for the second year. It is given doctorate of laws. He will deliver his medical program in Laos; Dr. far as the Church is concerned, elimination rounds, semi-finals tei the member of the society who Laurence M. Gould, president of the prelate added, the communist and finals, debating the question has manifested the highest deRedemptoll'ist fathers Carleton College, Northfield, and 10cialist officials were not . of m'crease of regulatl'on of labor gree' of forensic and oratorl'cal . G race, N ew presen. t ·Cen·tenary Minn.; an d J . 'Peter unions 'by the federal govern- proficiency. Chairman of t h e . . . . York steamship line head. As soon as the Archbishop finment. eveniilg will be Clifford T. Marr~' CHICAGO (NC) -A century ., Also D K th H 'II d I'shed speaking, the 'nayor and A banquet and dance are on The public is invited to attend. . of service by the Redemptorist . enne 0 an , the tournilinent program in adFathers in Chicago will be com- . president of the Institute o~ city councillors left. dition to the debating trials. 'The Formosan memorated .,in a May 30 cere- International Ed\:lcation, New Later in the day they issued v U Y rk' Dr Alan T Waterman . a statement to the press and had · e'r deleg mony "at .St. Michael's church 0,. . F a 11 R IV , a t es WI'11 see a '. ave. It""'r to Pope .' , . director of the National Science, it posted' in the city's publie' Broadway' play. and' tour' New .... here . . York'c:ity duririg their stay. ' TAIPEI (NC) _ Catholics of . Foundation, Washington; Chris- places., The ·statement ignored Th6~e to attend iriclude. Mary Formosa have presented an'intriAlbert Cardinal Meyer, Arch-· topher Dawson, British histor- the Church's condemnation of Jane '~Walker, ; Susan . Koch, . . cately carved Chinese-style altar. bishopof.,Chicago, will preach .. ian and professor of Roman. communism and .its sanctions Martlla. SU:llivan,:.Susan Agu'iar,' to Pope John. •at a Mass to·be offered by Bishop Catholic studies at HarVard;aj}.d ·~gainsi those who support it. It Brian' Healy, Richard Perras; M ·.William T. McCarty, C.SS.R., of Raymond Sontag, hiStory profes-.. asserted, however, thl'!t the Reds Elizabeth Murphy, Joseph' Dugsgr. Giuseppe·Caprio,·Apos.. ,~apid. City, ·S.D. The ,Redemp- sor at the University of Califor- . 'iiadbeen of.ficially present d tolicInternuncio to China;' ac-" jorists' first mission center' and .n'ia, Berkeley.. " ,.'.. the religio\,lS ceremonies. fto~/r'F~~il;~iff~~~M;{n~;ed cepted the gift in· the" pope.'s "" parish were established ,at St. . ,'. " . . .,. . ' ,nam: at a '?resentati(;lO ce'remon.Y.,' ;'M.ichae,l.'.s. ,100,'. y.e.ars a,"go, .' Leg.". Q·n. of·.·D.e'c·en·cy .. ,. Welch,:" Mary,' Jll ne Col~ins,. ~t hIS reSidence. Those present"" ..... , . '. IT'S ALL'RiGKT TO Katherine' Danneinann,' Mary' mcluded Thomas Cardinal..Tien"· Precedmg·the centenmal. cel-' The,' followings films are to '."" SHOPAROU~D FOR. Gallagher, Alberta Metras and ~.7.D.,·exiledArchbishop" '''ebration will be. a solemn .tr~d'" be added to 'e' lists 'in their Ann Turner from Sacred Hearts' Peking and Apostolic AdiIiiniS:::' .uum of prayer"m thanksglvmg respective classifications: .. SOME THINGS, BUT Academy. .' : trator 'of TaIpei, 'and AI;:hbiShqp ",for the :se~ices' rendered Chi~ .Unobjectionable for' adults and Addition'ally, . 11 other Holy' Paul Yu Pili, exiledArchbishopcag.o Cathollcs by theRedem~- . ad<llescents: Battle of'tp,e Sexe's; . Family students will attend the . of ,Nanking and rector of For-' ·,tOrlsts. A~"ng the speakers Will .Enemy Glmeral. event and partiClp'ate hi. general' 'mosa's FujeR Catholic Univer-'; 1-- ktxiliary Archbishop William Objectiollllble in partfol- all: 202-206 Rock Street activities. From throughout the sity. ' . D. O'~~ie•. of ehicago, president Circus of Horrors (excessive bruFal, River. nation 6.00;high . school students·' 'Catholics from. ali parts of'the .. o~ the"Ca~holic Church E~~~m- tality; sttggestivecosttiming and are expected to 'takE! part in the island'donated to a fund' d~ive .... 'Sl?n ,Society, . and .A~xlliary situations); Ciack ip. the Mirror IS !!j! PLACE'I'O . tournament.' for the altar E'a h . .• k d ,BIShop Raymond P. Hl1linger of, (suggestive costuming, 'situations GET A PRESCRIPTION . c "a" as e Ch' d d' 1 g ) . , I to give one Formosa dollar, Icago; .. an la 0 ue . , , . . . Condemned: Private Property . , FILLED MiUion,DoUar. Gift " ... " ,(concentration' on seduction NEW ORLEANS' (NC): - A ~::;y·.three cents ID"American' l.aSC8S~.fr~~ rP5~~wfiM«lJ91. , . . forming theme" of this film is .. million dollar iift' ;for the' pur.' '." ~empers of the ASsullJ,PtlOn judged morally dangerous for " chase of a 500~cre' tract' has he M Oli'd14)' .. , S~cle,~y f~OJ:Ili. th~~~ghou.t .t. .. alL Furthermore, treatment· 'is been. madE;. to Loyola. University .plOce~e.wl1,l. pa:tlc~pate m the ,replete with highly' suggestive of the South by J, 'Edg~r Monroe, FllIDAY'- St:Bernardine·· ',;;j' UL ,fourth annualpl1gnmage to ~a . ..... . Siena; Confessor. Simp·le.' ! S a Itt'"'' and. mUSIC). New .Orleans business man and .. e e Shr" , Ine a t' 3 ·sun'd"ay . sequences, d1810gue ' ciVic, leaq~,. to. provide a pos. WhIte. Mass Proper; Gloria; • afternoon' May 22. About: 5000 ", IPlTleW@${t' AhDIi'i1Tl£lilB sible site for the university Preface of Easter. pilgrims 'f r'o rri.' Massachusetts, Alurimi . of Prev~ _i High' shotl.ld the space be nee·iIed."·.. . SATURDAY - Mass of the' Connecticut· and' Rh'ode Island School, Fall River~ v-'ll. meet B~essed Vir~in for Saturday. '.are' expected.' to attend. Rev. Sunday, May 22 at White's ResS1lllple. WhIte. Mass Proper;' Aldertc Melanson Moncton FORTY HOU~S G~or~a; Preface of the Blessed N.,B., generai ch~plain, will taurant Bernard N. Vezina imd Gerard Dufour are co-cl>-;rmen. Vlrgm.. . , . ' , preside.' . . , DEVOTOO~ SUNDAY -.:. V Sunday After ,'. . ....--:?"'.'--:;""'"',...,....,."..=ll":J''''''"'''=~r-7oc-~-r;:--"''7'<:O-:-:-'''Y'<,..,-..,.".,....._ May 22-St. Matthew, F' all . Easter. DOl,lble. White. Mass .\C@[i'il{fOli'IT!ril@ti'o@Il\iS. ·WWVVVV~. River. ; Proper; Gloria; Creed; Preface ~ St. :Kilian, New Bedford. of Easter. May 22-2:00 P.M. St. Patril:k, ~ C~MP $A(6~~D [}={]~~~T MONDAY - Rogation· Monday~ Falmouth, May 26-Convent of the Holy Simple. Violet. Mass Proper; .,. St. Joseph, Woods Hole. . SH,ARO~, MASSACHU$IE'Ii''lJ'S· ' I Union of the Sacred No, Gloria; Preface of Easter. 7.:00 P.M. St. Francis Xavier, . ~ . -', Hearts; Fall River. . TUESDAY -Rogation Tuesday, H~a,?~~s. ..Spacio~s ~irepro~f.. Sleeping Quarters Convent of. the Sacred Si1J1ple. Violet. Mass ,Proper; ...._.~',;,,:_ _.;.,, ~ . , F o r Boys7~ ~4 YearS old Hearts, Fairhaven. , Mount· St. ~lJ:arY'S 'Con--' '. ',NQ,' Gloria; Preface of Easter. '. . Six week.. season: July 3' to 'Augu,st 14. . veilt,Falf R i v e r : ' ''':7EDNESDAY-Vigil of Ascen<.Trinitarian si~. Douqle.. · White:,}Mass ~" Register for 2; ~r. 4, or· 6 weeks May 29-S£. Mary, Mansfield. Proper; Gloria; Second Collect· Father,s '. '. ',',' . Free Tutoring: if Clesired. St. Teresa's Convent,. Fall River. ' . 3t.; Gregory; Third" Collect :: " SATCHER'BREODTHERHS EOFATHRETSACSRECD. HHEAORT Rogatiors; Preface of Easter. Holy Name: Fall River;' THURSDAY-Ascension of Our BOYS WANTED for' the June . ~I?S. Peter. &;Paul, Lcrd Jesus Christ. Double of .Priesthood and Brotherhood. ~ OL Fall River. I Class. Wh'te I . Mass ' ,Proper;·'"Lack ot funds 'NO 1m' ped'· 1 . SHARON, MA,SSACHUSETT.5 St. Joseph, Taunton. Gloria; Creed;P..reface and" meMo THE ANCHOR Communicantes of Ascension. . ' ~ A RESIDENT SCHOOL FOR BOYS Write to: Second-class :nail privileges nU'thorlzeCI (In the principal Mass the Grammar grades ~5-6.7.8 at Fall River. Mass. Published every .Easter ....andle is extinq;uished P. 0. Box 5742 TbullIdo7 at 610 1111rbland Avenue. FaU after the Gospel). Hol';' Da" THE BROTHERS OF 'li'HE SACRED HEART River. Mass.. b7 the Catholic P ...... of the y" Baltimore· 8; ·Md. Diocese of Foil River. Sub.crh'tIOD price of Obligation. b? mall. postpaid 84.00 per 1'eu.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., May 19, 1960

CATHOLIC PRESS' IMPORTANT AND NECESSARY: Cardinal Agagianian, pro-prefect of the Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith in Rome, congratulated the Catholic Press of the, United States for its work with the Church, at the association's golden jubilee convention in Washington. The Patriarch of the Armenian Rite Catholics (left) concludes his talk to the Catholic journalists with outgoing CPA President John J. Daly of Virginia applauding. Frank A. Hall, director of the NC News Service, (left center) won the second annual Catholic Press Association award for his outstanding service. Vice President Nixon (right center) was a guest speaker. Archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle of Washington (right photo) presents an honorary degree of doctors of laws to Cardinal Agagianian at ceremonies at Catholic University in the nation's .capital while Msgr. William J. McDonald, university rector, looks on.

Catholic Press Vita' and Necessary Director of He News- Bureau Wins Cardiria~ Agagianian Tells Editors Outstanding Press Service Award

WASHINGTON (NC)-His Eminence Gregory Peter XV Agagianian , WASHINGTON (NC) - Frank A. Hall, director of the NCWC urged Catholics-and the Catholic press in particular-to share in the News Service, was presented the Catholic Press Association's second annual outstanding service award. The chief of the agency which reports Church's worldwide mission' through "personal involvement in the life of the Church everywhere." The Pro-Prefect of the Sacred Congregation national and international news about the Church to the Catholic preS8 was pr~sented a statuette of olic pres.. at world press confor the Propagation of the ,with the news of interest to, Faith warned that narrow Catholics, to edify them' with Bishop Zurow,este St. Francis deS a,l e s , gresses in Vatican City in 1936 patron saint of journalists. and 1950, and in Vienna in 1957• parochialism is "a paralyzing stories of the triumphs of the Lauds 'Catholic mistake" for Catholice. Church, to ask their prayers for .The NCWC Ne~s 'Service He was decorated a Knight Comthe Church Suffering, and to ~n-:-'lOugil separated by miles of courage the' in the wholesome ileography, by language and hls_ practices of the Faith for their WASHINGTON (NC) ~')ry and custom, though ,unown sanctification. ,The Catholic press of the, T.. . nllwn to each other and with"All of these things are necesGut visible means of communica"' 7, of course, but there is United States has mad~ ~ powerful contribution to the ~ion, every member of the r "uething else likewise Impormaterial and spiritual advanceChurch is brother to every other, tant, and it is a sense of perand he must bear realistically -sonal involvement in the'life of ment of the nation, according to the re~ponsibilities of this broththe Church everywhere, it is r'~hol) Albert R. Zuroweste of crhood," he added in his talk, what I have described as a sense r "eville, Ill. The episcopal chairman 'of the dimaxing the golden jubilee of 'concern.''' Press Department, National <oonvention of the Catholic Press T '''ing Thing Association. Besides his duties Catholic Welfare Conference with the Congregation for the Because the Church is truly speaking at the golden Jubilee )Propagation of the Faith _ the "a living thing," he continued, convention of the Catholic Press Church's chief mission agency _ it is not possible to describe it, ..sociation, said. lhe is Patriarch of Cilicia, of the merely by "some kind of recita"During this ,half - century Armenians, a post which makes tic, of inciderits which touch great progress and advancement Iltim spidtual leader of some upon it." have b'een noted both in our na21m.ooo Armenian Rite Catholics. ' "The true iife of theChl1rch is tion and our Church. In all sinthe story of a li~ing thing, the cerity, we believe that the Cath"We are men with a future as story of Christ in the world o1ic press has been a truthful and well as a past, and we draw from mystically but just as realty as eh . ,mense riches of the saints He wa's 2,000 years ago when He powerful communication 'means b promotipg those causes and and the scholars in order to' lived and taught in Palestine," programs ""'1t have aided the make, in God's providence, an he continued.' , material and spiritual growth of mren more glorious, future for His honor," the Cardinal said. Eterna1 Goal' our nation." ' Notes 'Concern' "In order to record, the trul;! !5.000;000 SUbscribets' history of the Church in the ,days, The Bishop said i'OUr' organiHe emph,asized that d~spite'·· in 'which we live, we must enrecent advances.in science arid' courage our people to see behind, zation has' defended nobly our technolo~y "the moral judgment the passing scene 'into' that, ' nation during th~ strain' and which discerns the good purpose deep.er reality which is the King- , stress of the war years; c;iuring fl'om the evil one must still be dom of God on earth. The di,.' the days of ~depression and pros:' exercised by man himself.': . vine qua'·ty of the Church Mill- perity." "It has helped' 'immeasurably~", he' add,ed, "in\.ipl1olding It' is in view of" the moral tant 'is not merely a phrase, it dimensio!l of turnan life "that is a living realitY,it is Christ the dignity of man, in fighting for the social betterment of the we must neasure the profes" slonal work in 'which all of yO\i, passing through the years of thiS lower and' middle ~lasses, and 'in generation and. through ,all ',daYs 'seeking' justiceimd 'rights', 'irreas men and' women of the press,' even to the end of, the world." spective ot race, cre~d, ~r c~lo~.'· are engaged," he ,commented. , : , ," "This, ·it seems to me, is the '3l.Ibsci'ibers' to the' 'Catholic Describing himself as "a reader difficult ..:hallenge of the ,Cath:- . press, totjll more than 2~;OO,0,OOO and observer' ·of :the Catholic otic journalist, and partIcularlY today,' the Bishop 'saId. 'He obpress on a ..)ery wide scale," he of the Catholi~ ~dhor..,:;.to' make' 'S" vied, too, that' the 'N:.C.W.C. declared: "Of late years I have the .life' of the Church something N-iws Service, under' 'the. ,'direcnotiC'~d Ii quality of what I more ,than merely anotherpor..; tion of the Bishops of the United would like to call ,'concern' in tiOil of contemporary history, to '- 5 ates, ,'is, now in its 40th year your publications which' I did make plain the grace and mysand has received recognition not perceive at ear;ler times. tery of this liv{ng Church,' to re- from many' quarters as a worldPl'rsonal Involvement late it intimately w'ith"'eternity wide news:gathering agency~ "Perhaps in other days it was' without tearing it from the pres"Our assoCiation enjoys it IUfficient to'~nform your readers ent context of time." freedom (of press) that is an enviable one," ,Bishop Zuroweste also said. "Difference of opinions on every subject, except that of defined doctrine' of the Church, makes for' a healthy, progressive Outstanding figures in the will follow the lectures and reand aggressive press. Since true. Litur~ical Movement willpe at' freshments will be served. , , edom is founded on truth ,we Stonehill College for the Second a£ Catholic editors' are dedicated Annual Liturgical Workshop, HonorGothamBanker to the pursuit and 'pr()pagation of scheduled for A.scem;ion Thurs:' . For Aiding R~fugees , truth." ' day afternoon, May "6. ,NEW Y""RK (NC)..,--The Grand' With the theme "Participation Cross of Merit with Star of the In the Mass," Rev'. John H. Sovereign Military Order of Miller, C.S.C., author of "Funda- Malta has been conferred upon mentals of the Liturgy," Rev. Henry A. J. Ralph, banker and William Leonard, S.J., Secretary Knight of Malta. of "le Liturgical Conference, He received the honor for his and Mary Perkins Ryan, author aid to Hungarian refugees. Some of "The Sacramental Way," ~'At 4(' refugees have been given Dartmouth Your Ease in the Catholic job, in the 1'-~1{ where Mr. and Hyannis ChuI'ch," and other, works of Ralph is an official. The ,award liturgical interest, will be among was presented by the Hungarian So. Dartmouth spcakel·s. Rev. John H. Hackett, N:1tional Association of the WY 7-CJ384 episcopal secretary for the Fall Knights of Malta at a ceremony River diocese, will be moderator. in the offIces of the Hungarian Hyannis 2921 Group discussion and Mass Catholic League of America, Inc.

Press Work

Nationally Known Liturgists to Speak At Stonehill Ascension Day Program



is issued by the Press Depart- mander of the Order of Sl ment of the National Catholic rregory the Great in 1944. Mr. Hall is a recipient of the Y,'elfare Conference, the U. S. Bishops' voluntary coordinating Hoey Award, given hjm in 1942 by the Catholic Interracial agency which has national headCouncil of New York for his quarters here. On April 11 last, the J:'/'ews efforts, in the field ,of interracial Service marked its 40th birth- justice. day. The agency issues daily dispatches to 567 Catholic publica- Stonehill to Activate tions in 63 countries with news Honor Society Unit sent in by a corps of about. 260 Stonehill College will actif<'reign and domestic correspon- vate a campus chapter in Delta dents. Epsilon Sig--', national scholMr. Hall has been director of astic honor society. the Press Department of the Notification of Stonehill's acr~wc since 1932. A native of ceptance by the ,")ciety was conOra, Ind" he was graduated from tained in a letter received by Wabash College and attended the Rev. Richard H. Sullivan, pre9Catholic University" of America: ident, from Rev. William E. His journalism career ,began O'Donnell, dean of St. Thomas on the Crawfordsville' (Ind.) College, St. Paul, and national Journal. He mover' to the In-,' president of Delta Epsilon Sigma. dianapolis News and then the The, Stonehill unit will be, Washington Post where he be-' , k"1Qwn. as Gamma Omicroi ' cam city editor before leaving Chapter., 1n 1924 to join the NCWC N~w,s Service 'as a staff writer~ f Mr. Hall wasQ'member of the' ' a ,lVer 0 board of directors of th~ InterForthcoming activities of Fan r' "'onal Bureau of Catholic R~ver Council 86, Kp.ights 01. I'nclude' electl·on." J:ournalists from 193,5 til' 1950. , ,(' >lcmbus fie was vice president: of the Monday, oTune 13, a First ,~riday International Union of the Cath- C'ub meeti!1g June 3 .and a conolic Press from 1950 to 1957. ferring of the, third degree' 'thi. ' Since 1957, he has been 'vice' . Sunday at Bishop Cassidy Coun.presi - ~nt of the Interhational cil heaquarters, Swansea. F~d.eI:a.tiQn of Catholic Press 'Agencies. He rc~resented, the U. S.Cath'-





, First Fri4ay M'~ss '

.TAIPEI, (NC)~President Car':'" 1~:~'P. 'Garcia, of tpe Philippines' . and Mrs. Garcia 'heard Mass and' received Commu~ion on' First ' F :iday during, the President's· six-day, state visit to Formosa. Thomas Cardinal Tien, Apostolic Administrator, of Taipei, offered the Mass. "



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111luminat,ion of Life ,Notable Attraction of Stolpe Novel

Borden & Remington Co.

S60 John F. McMahon & Sons, Joe. Atty. & r~:"s. Hugh J. Golden. $50 Smith Textile Co., William Stang Assembly, Everett Motors. ~aughters of Isabella Assumption Circle No. 74, Ashworth Brothers, Inc., Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Shea, Holy Ros ry Wo~en's Guild, Holy Name Women'.

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy The second <;>f Sven Stolpe's novels to be translated into English, Night Music (Sheed and Ward. $4.50) is more readily intelligible than the first, Sound of a Dist~nt Horn, but probably less powerful and haunting. The reason is that mysticism figures much . less prominently and decis- young Communist theory and to a woman who is a dedicated ively in the new book than Communist. in its predecessor. It is 'far Stepping in and out of the

easier to outline the plot of Night Falk household, in and out·of Music than that of Sound of a the story, is Father Leo, a DoDistant Horn. minican. It is he who has or It chiefly confinds, the' key to each of' the eerns the 'famcharacters, both the major ones ily 'of Prime already mentioned and the sevMinister Falk, ~ral subsidiary ones who play" of an ".,named unportant roles in the workiDg Scandinavian out of the action. eountry. Falk At one point he muses "The eame to politics thing that. is causing' h~rm to from a univermy little flock is not so much sity professortheir actual deeds, but the image ship. He is a that each constructs in his own eO'servative, mind of the deeds and characters 1:::lt, 1 pref:4 his antagonists." This obserle1""'ng the identity and tradi- vatio!'). is crucial to appreciation, t· "lS' of his country in the face Gf the book. . of a double Communist threatSeries of Misunderstandings b" subversion and by aggression. - For, as it comes to a climax, . His task is a difficult' one, one learns that misprison or mig.lince injustice and hardship understanding of others poisons ha're made a sizable element in th.e heart of each figure 'in the the population amenable to drama. Falk has been wrong Communist appeals. al'lout bis principal critic and his In the course of the bOOk, a principal critic has bee~ wrong erisis in national affairs gathers, about him. 'Elizar :th has clung J:':ounts, and is at ieast tempo.. to, and e~aborated on, a, comrarily resolved. But the focus is pletely false version of the renot on political affairs; they are lationship between her husband but the background to a crisis in and the other woman. Falk's own family, all Catholics This( error she has pasSed on of one or another sort. Falk to Regina, with devastating immay be a believer; he certainly pact. Georg has reacted' not is not a practitioner. against the reality in his father's lie and his wife'Elizabeth' have ease, but against a caricature: long been estranged. While he And all have, been disastrously is ,in the capital city, absorbed ,wrong about Christer Wendt. in his public task, she is in reThe idea is carried even furtirement, a se '-invalid, at the ther. Discussin~ with Elizabeth family villa in the country. She ' ' , thinks of herself as exceptionally b~r children's abandonment of Catholicism, Father Leo asks' her devout, leading a sacrificial life. why this has, eventuated. He Unhappy Cynic. ' . suvplies the answer himself" They have two children. Tbe "When,ever one shuns reality, e'lder, Regina, is a young woman is usually because it is encounof exceptional beauty who has tel'ed, in an ,unconvincing form, 1";00 a'reputation as a superb orc, perhaps, in ,a' distorted or danseuse-and as something of a, spurious form!' :' , ,,'" .profligate. She is a bitterly u~That is, the Church, as f{egina happy person, a cynic, who once a!!.d Georg have seen ,it exempli,:" went through a period of acute fiedin S1,lpposed~y,represent~tive piety but now avers that she has -because prominent~Catholics, left, religion behind. h"\s repelled .them. They have The other, Georg, is just about been put off because theY have to drift away from the Church beheld, not the true image, but when the story opens. He is an a grotesque perversion of it. id'!alist who condemns his father Defines Faith . as a pompous, long-wirided, inThere are many themes woven sincere defender of an evil social into this story, many truths order, and regards the Church flashing from it. Why, for exas inextricably involved with ample, does a young person bethat order. c~me a Communist? Of Georg, The two young people, al-' hIS mother says at the end, "I though both ,be~ildered and disdon't believe he really became tressed, are alienated from each a Communist. He became • • • other. ,Even their commo~ scorn what we were not." of th:ir f:.ther is differently in'It is she, too, who gives a BPired in each' case. ,memorable definition of faith,:. Regina hates him for having "Faith means to climb for years destroyed ,her mother. Elizabeth ',up an endless, ladder, and when has revEialed to her daughter you rmally ,reach "the top rung r that Falk, 9n~e ~ad; as his mis:" nbausted,'and are .Jooking for , tress a woman now married, to 'a. hand.,.hold. so that 'you, can :' Dr. Hans. Graber, who is the swing.yourself,overthe, top,::you I; ehief 'Journalist" . critic 'of the ,hear a voice. 'Let ,go. Let your,; prime minister and his policies. ,self fall." . ;, , This dis~loS1lr~)".n:t,~d~c:~henRe. .'"You ,know' how,a person 'j gina was but a child, has had a,grabs,hold when a ladder begins " petmanenf' ctippliilg: effect on to wobble!,. T~'believe is,to.let , her life. yoq,rself ",,~ h,urled, backw,ard Confident~,'S~cretary ~d~ily int'! ,the abyss ,and still , Falk fet's tha•. d...,.,ite his ,know ;tha~ down below a~rong , ,,," . ,..,~.... hand IS gq~ng to catGh yo,u.~:,', . whole family's, rejeetion of him, ,The. reader will encounter doz; he can carry dn' in mastedy fashens .of ' such "striking 'comments : ion and'be his country's saviour. along the way. He, will 'be conHe is borne up by a sense of . cernep, tolearri ,how the complex , self-righteousness, assurance in 'plot works out, what resolution , his abilities and the indefeatable the several charaders teach in support of his confidential secre- gra~plipg with th.eir problems. , tary, "Christel' Wendt, who once But his interest in the drama . sPurned Regina's attentions and will not be his principal prenow acts as a 'kind'of confidant occupation;,tbat will be with the to 'Georg as th~ young man, ,illumination of, life which the makes, a tentative apprQach to "author provides.


Encyclopedia Article .'



I!lAN' FRANCISCO (NC)ALBANY '(NC) - A priest. scholar: of the Albany diocese Auxiliary Bishop Hugh A: Dono.. t ~;, written two articles in the hoe of San. Francisco will lead '. newest ::ditic of 'the Ericyclo.. more than 30 members' of the , lia Britannica. Msgr. Joseph- archdiocese ona piliri~age to P. Kelly, pastor of St. Mary's , the. 37th International'Eucharistic Congress' in Munich, Gerchurch in Glens Falls, N. Y., wrote the articles on St. Teresa many, July 3f. The tour ~ill inof Avila anll l\lessed John de clude visits to Rome Lourdes and Oberammergau, 'Germany: Avila.


Knights of Columbus Bishop James E. Cassidy Council NO. 3669, Atty. &. Mrs. Frank M. Silvia, :rr., Fall River SHeet Metal Works, Louis A. Drape, Inc. Uni,ted Cotton Products Co. ' Mr. & Mrs. Le'lll's Morley, Fan River Peoples Cooperative Bank. Asphalt Sealer Co. . $35.00 " :R~gal Floor. Covering Co., Advance Frocks Corp." :r. A, Boynton Co., Inc., Dr. Roland E. Chabot. $30, Arthur :fl. Driscoll. Atty. &: Mrs. William E. Cro,..

ENROUTE TO NYSALAND: These nurses, members the~. of ~.e Women Vo~unteers for Africa, are completing the $25 Parks Co., Mr. &. Mrs. Frank traInIng pr~gram In. ashington offered for professional lay women Interested In temporary service to the missions Mazzeni, August Hebert &. Son, Printers~ Inc., Needleof Africa. The nurses, with, Betty Behrend, seated, director Riveredge craft Dress Mfg. COrp. of WVA are, left to right, Mary Finan, Washington' Btr- ' , Cook Borden & Co., Leonard nad~tte DeCaire~ Ontario, Canada; Monica Sehumach;r, st- , 'Wa1sb, Smith Lumber Co., Our LOUIS; and LOUIsa Coffman, Cumberland, Md. NC Pho~ .Lady of Fatima Guild, Mr. &


Mrs. Michael Fi~erald. Tri 'City Office Equipment " ,C'" p'., ',F. R. & N. B. BotUin3 John IaconiS; Attleboro Falls • 'orks. Athletic Club. ' Drs. George A. '&. Sylvia D. ·S'. Morris Levine, Frank Feitel~ ~ rg; :rohn Braz, Mass. Catholie Lauro, Rioux &. Turncliff, Riley ()rder of Forester-Our Lady oil Bros. Lumber Co., Davis Ele'ctrie Victory' Court, Levesque FloweIi' Hi La Meat Market. ' Studio:' Bright Top Co., Alice Mul,'., laney, Thrifty Rental & Real ,Delta Electric Co., Francis. E. Estate, Bergh Brothers, Clara ,:'~ary, ,So A. RosS; Henry Jacobe> Sullivan, Dr. Isadore Altman:. ,son.. ~oy Sheet Me.tal Work[\, .' lIne. .'; ,

Special Gifts National Accounts $2,500 Maginnis &. Walsh &. Kennedy. $1,000 The Great Atlantic, &. Pacific Tea Co.

$400 P. A. Tracey &. Co., Ioe


$150 Rev. Henri A.' Hamel. River $U5 $500 Bev. John F. ,Denehy. $100 Mr. &, Mrs. Monsour F~rris, ,.Rev. X. Wallace, La- Catholic Woman's Club of Fall Salette Seminary~E. Brewster, River, Gerald E. McNally, EnterLaSalette Se~inary-AtUeboro, prise Br::mring Co. Sisters of MercY. ' Mr. & Mrs. Alvin J. SuUiVan. $50 '



Walsh Bros.

' Son, Ine. $25 . Will & :saunier Candle Co. Harris Lumber Co. .,

,E': Brodeur &

$10 . Westei'n 'Inc. Fains.



. '.


A 'Friend., ' " ' .. "$250 '" , " Memory Rev. George B., MeNamee, Fall River Savings.Banli, Memory James W. Kearns, :Brady Electric Co., , Uni~n Savings Bank, Duro, Finishing Co., Ideal Laundry." . , $225.00 Donnelly Painting Co. $200 Slades Ferry Trust Co ,G. 'w. Carpenter Contracting Co. , $100 Catholic Woman's Club of Somerset, Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McMahon. Henry J. Duffy Pharmacy. $85.00 ,Mellen Hoter. , ,$80 . D. D. Sulli,van & Sons., " $75,' , , Fall River News Co., Inc., F .. E. Puffy's Pharmacy.' . ,411y. , ~, ,Mrs. ,Harold "S.~ :R. ~uffinton, Mr. & ,Mrs.' H~tor

'NEW'E'NGlANO" ' ,;

.' t:L,A:M.'f'"'::'::'''

' ,Daughters of Isabella-St. p~t-> :rick's Circle, Dr. Gilbert Vincen~ ,Bl'.' I'S Pharmacy, Mr. W. Irving PelrCe & Son, Miller Pontiac CGo .' Mr., & Mrs. :rohn Vogel Deco:!' ~abrics of Fall River, In~.• LiTliP Jay Mfg. Corp. Empire Chevr(!p let,Co. $20·, , Boger' L. Currant,. Pleasa1i:'.l Diner; Inc., I:. Schwartz & Sons, 'Inc.~ 'Tabor"Textile Co., Atty. Terrance Lomax' Jr." Venturim "Brothers. ' . Mr. &. Mrs. 3a:-:les E. Judge J.,M. Darling Co" Dr. Albert ',Roy, F. R.Florists Supply ,Co. .r "iolic Pharmacists' Guild of S1. James. 'Nelson's Dairy. , .'JI'urn to Page !ive





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Tf,urs. May 119, 1960

BLACKFRIARS PREPARE PRODUCTION: The Blackfriars Guild the Fall River Diocese .will present "Our Lady of Fatima" as closing production of the theatrical season. Checki.ng script in left picture are Ralph Martin, director and Barbara Lanzisera, guild president and assistant


Special Gifts . $15 Corky Row Club, Inc., Elmer C. Slater, Ralph E. Loper Co., .James P. Hart, Lavoie '& Hillman, Inc. Robinson's Tree Service, Fall River Tool and Die Co" Reliable Sportswear Co. . American Wallpaper Co., Alpert Brothers, Barbara Pat Dress Co., Alber; Petit & Family, William F. Staples. Pocasset Bottling Co. of Fall River. $10 Champion Paper Box Corp., Inc., Bedford M~g, Co., Tommy ~ King's Cafe, Inc., Mr. Peter Belowitz, Terry & Crawford. Mother Catherine McAuley Guild, Star Market, Mr. & Mrs. , J. T. Cottl'ell, Lynch Vending Co., FI'ank S. Moriarty. Beacon Garment Co., First Sportswear Co., 'T'he Overhead 1'''01', Hande Shoppe, Arkay Pants C""p. Spindel City Dye Works, Lawson Gi'anite & Marble Works, Inc., Faris Furniture Co., Horvitz & Horvitz, Eatwell Provisions, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John B. Waterman, E. Savard, Bobby-Jay Mfg. ";orp., M & G Sportswear, Inc., Lorenzo Anodizing Co. of New England. Flint Sportswear, Fall River & New Bedford Express Co., Murray's Pharmacy, Dr. Adelbert O. Pa~ro'tt, Pearl Wet Wash Laun- \ dry, Gale Motors, Inc. Mt. :rope Grocery, Ventura's Pharmacy, Walsh Pl:t~rmacy,. Corri~a'n Apothecary, Atty. Robert A. Bogle. . Charming Lady Mfg. Co., Inc., Merit Motor Mart Inc., Cape Cod. Dress Mfg. Co., Frank N. Wheeiock & Sons, Sterling Pile Fabrics Corp. ,'Paul McCabe, Stella Anne Frocks, Dr. M. B. Goldin, Dr. Frank Fuller, Jr., Freedman-. Soloff Co. Dodsworth, Inc., Acme Refrig_ eration Co., Burns Saw & Machinery Co., Swan Cleansers, Bayside Mfg. Co., Cropper Florist. Highland Delicatessen. Turn to Page Seven

Holy Father Honors Cincinnati Publisher CINCINNATI (NC) - A publisher is among six laymen of the Cincinnati ai'chdiocese who have l ~cn honored by Pope John. He is Geoi'ge A. Pflaum, head of George A. Pflaum, Publisher, Inc., which specializes in weekly publications for school use. Mr. Pflaum was named a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Gregory the Great.


director. Center, rehearsing scene, left to right-seated, Maureen Harring.ton, Joseph D'Elia, James Pieroni. On floor in front, Judith Callahan. Right, in scene' between mother' and Lucia, one of children of Fatima., Maureen Harrington, seated, Gertrude Miller, standing.

Blackfriars Guild MenlbersHave Lots of Fun Fund-Raising as They, Select Stage Plays

Survey S how 5 Five Per Cent Enter Religion

By Patricia McGowan CLEVELAND (NC) - A Probably no group in the Diocese has more fun fund-raising than does Blackfriars total of 204 graduates of Guild of Fall River. Seventy-five strong, they're a little theatre group dedicated to preCleveland diocesan h i g h sentation of "carefully s.elected plays enjoyable to both young and old." Currently in reschools have entered the hearsal is "Our Lady of Fatima" by Rev. Urban Nagle, O.P. It will be presented Tuesday seminai'y or religious life in the past 11 months, a survey here has. and Wednesday evenings, . There's James Wilcox, for in- Rosary parish> He likes his taste disclosed. May 31 and June 1, at,Sacred stance, of St.. Joseph's. parish, of show business but still better The survey, conducted by Hearts Auditorium, Fall whose specialty is building stage' he likes playing 'he piano. He . Msgr. Williar' N. Novicky, asRiver. Curtain time will be' sets. His wife, Sally, is one of was discovered. for Blackfriars sistant school superintendent, 8:15 the Guild's co: ' 'If director's. whn ' silllg at a Christmas showed that almost five per cent of last June's 4,235 graduates Father Nagle, incidentally, is, For most, Blackfriars is a re- ' performance and was "scouted" have chosen religion vocations. founder of the Blackfriars movewarding hobby, but there are a 1; - -, Lanzisera. Playreading Committee' Another 34 persons were gradu_' ment, which has spread since its' few who hope to make their ates of previous years. The total I ~ginning at Providence College mark professionally. How are plays chosen? A to many American cities. BlackFor the current play, needing playreading committee narrows includes 143 girls and 95 boys. fri:lrs Guilds are autonomous, three youl).gsters, it was neceschoice to five or six Which are In. evaluating the survey', but all share a dedication to the " y to go outside the Guild's voted on by the full membership. Msgr. Novicky said that thou::h providing of good moral 'entet- rank.. Try-outs were held Direction rotates' among memthe percentage of students going tainment. among area students and two ber with Ralph - - . ~tin, organinto religious life seems fairly freshmen from Mt. St. Mary's izer of the Fall River Guild, in good, he will not be satisfied The Fall River group began in Acal;lemy won roles as T .. 'ia and charge of the current production. until it rises to at least 10 per 1954 and presents two plays ~acinta, two of the children of An annual ban' 'et, held in June, , cent. yearly. Proceeds benefit the Fatima. They are Maureen Harcloses the season. "Some parents;" he said, "ac-' Bishop's Fund. Members hold rington, Lucia, and Judith CalOutstanding on this y~ar's tually defy t,\e will' of God and monthly meetings, says Barbara lahan, Jacinta. schedule was an "extra," offered encourage their children to walk Lallzisera, president; but. when in ~d" ")11 to the two regular Franci,- " the boy who shared on every other avenue except plays are imminent rehearsals that which "ads t life as a come twice weekly then are the visions of Our Lady, is played productions. Entitled "I Made Christ's Cross," it combined by James Pieroni, an effervesSister, Brother or priest." stepped up to three times weekly tableaux of the stations of the cent 11-year-old from Holy just before performance date. cross witb a play. It was preAll Get Chance sented for the Fall River CathChemists Association NO JOB TOO 81G Obviously, not all members. olic Woman's Club and was can be in every production, but· Honors P.rofessor , termed' by many members its NONE TOO SMALL "workshops" at monthly meetWASHINGTON (NC)-Fran- most outstanding program. ings. give everyone a chance ~o cis n. Rice, chairman 'of the The c,urrent play, "Our Lady shine. One-act' piays or scenes chemistry department at George- of Fatima," will offer many techfrom longer productions are en- town University, has been named, n" '1 chal'-:mges,. said MissLan~ acted before the memb'er~hip. one of six outstanding chemistry zisera. The Guild will depict the ·.,PRINTERS r' 'metimes 'tec~niques are .stud7' teachers in the United States. vision of Our Lady as se'en' by i~, . as when Joseph D'Adamo, "ala 'om" aad ..,• • the children Of' Fatima and The awards, presented annualan experienced. member, gave , ly by the Manufacturing Chem- will also show the sun whirling LOWElL, MASS, pointers on stage makeup. . in the sky. Fifty will be on stage ists' Association, include a .' Telepboae JLowen Members gain experience not medal, a citation and $1,000. The l ' the (: 'owd scen'e wi tnessing' only in acting, but in allied presentations will, be made at. the Y"" ' ; of the sun. GL l-aaaI . . . GL 7-7'" crafts, . notes Miss Lanzisera. the annual meeting of the assoRev. James McCarthy, curate ciation June 9 at White Sulphur at St. William's Church, is modAad""" P1MItII Pick Three Catholics Springs, W. Va. erator for the guild. Officers in addition to Miss Lanzisera inBOSTON Mr. Rice, a native of Liver. For Advisory Board . pool, England, came to the clude Stephen R. Kay, vice presiOCEANPORT, N. J. WASHINGTON (NC) A (I~ .. f Ann F. Boyle, secretary; pri. . is among representatives United States in 1919. He was on Ernest J. Medeiros, treasurer; PAWTUCKET, I.l appointed to the National Reli- Le faculties of -ew York Uni- ,John T. Trainor, historian. versity, Johns Hopkins.·Univer-: gious Advisory Council of the sity and the Catholic University President's Committee on Government Contracts by Vice of America before coming to' Georgetown last September. Pre!iident P'" " M. Nixon Representatives who are CathLoyola in Chicago olics include Father John F. Cronin, .S.S., assistant director Expanding Campus of the Social Action Department, CHIC' '\GO (NC)-A Federal Where The National Catholic Welfare Conloan of one million dollars has Entire Family ference; John J. O'Connor, probeen granted to Loyola UniverCan Dine fessor of History at Georgetown sity for the construction of a Economically University and Paul D. Williams ·thr__ -f+"ry downtown Univerof Richmond, Va. sity Center which will house a The 22-member· council is a cafeteria, bookstore, facuIty dinliaison group working with the ing room and administrative President's committee. It is con- offices. It will serve 5500 stucerned with the elimination of dents attending classe at the For Reservations discrimination in employment. downtown c"mpus. It is the first step in a $92,000,000 expansion ~ 'her Cronin will serve as vice Phone OS 5-7185 program. chairman.



Family Restaurant


~Weekly 'Calendar dt ID "~~. ).r~ea., , .BY-8

THE. AN.CHOR~Diocese, of ·Fa",Riv.er~Thur.s.:Mqy,1.', :1.26,0

Dl (f'L. C. , .£.i ettge !lor \.u1l31i1W .:1.),

rrIW r~

. ~.e.,

·tl'oD'&Y-',St. ;'Peter 'Gelc' 'ine. :Pope,;,Corlfessor:He'.w3s. born ia "~brozzi,:lta}y,' in: 1221. and i be'came..! : Bcnedicine monk. ;founded(,th~ :::elestinian cOngre:.: ,tLu. After tth,dieath. 6f N ich..Clas I:V,' he ;was'elected' PQpe :in 112 .butresjgned:fout months I later ,and 'returneti .to; his mon;,a~ 'r:ry'at : Mount ~Morrone.He rtjied in 1296:,and was canonized tin ,1313.

.tAll indi~a~ions ~from :,Charities "1\ppeaJ 'reports' indi~ate that tthe response 'this ,year is ~greater ,than ever. 'And lit is .heartening ,to 'notice 'more .andmore .individuals taking allvaJitage;6Pthe ~pledgesystem to·increase their. donation.. ~Some~ prefer to' give their, gifLallat,once'and :let that be end to it..If·aperson can' afford 'to;tlo Jhis, it-is-sure!y an 'efficient way.of acting. :But 'there are many'who have.a .desire ,to ,-give much, and yet their weekly· income will 'uotadniit '.of a .large immediate donation. The answer is ~theple'dge-,-and the gift;Of charityJand'the-spirit·.of.charity·are'sprel!d thro\J.gholif,the wear.


~w¥~ge ,Erom (the ,£ummit

·fJl'OMORROW~St. "Bernardine (of' Siena, ; Confessor.-Scion ,Of a moblefam1Jy, l.he :was ,born in 11380 in ~Siena, ,and· after'.serving , lthe sick in ':public 'hospitals jjdned the 'Franciscans. ·He ,de,dlined ;several, appointments all IBishop, .,but 'jWaS elected Vicar (General'of,his order and. accoml:plished,:great,reforros among .its ..,. lmembers.'t\ccor~g .to ....adiftion, he was~cured::of an impedi_ , ,ment .of speech 'through 'the I Blessed Virgin. '"1e ',died at fA,quila in 1444, and was canon.dzed'five,years later,

:It'should be. quite, clear ,to ever.yone that'the American system 'of government candecononiics ··and ~the· communist' way :of life are irreconciliable. ~Furthermore, 'the Gommunistsare,:pledged to'the ultimate/goal of'spreading'their atheistic· philosophy' by .any· and <every 'means-"-moral ;.and otherwise-to all 'nations of the world. '~.f'.t." ~~:~/, 'That means two. alternatives:' either 'this, country must ~·~.,,7~ resolve to stop the communist plague,oneand ~for .all, by '~'~" '", every means at its disposal-.;.and" since tliismeans 'war it must be ruled 'out; or else this country 'must wage ;an .' .. unceasing war of ideas against Commuriism ineve:r:y corner 'SATURDAY 2St. Valens, .. ~ % /~." r!iJ;,):'" ":" ~ . , " :;':1IJIf!• . " . I Bish. p, ,and ~ COII;l.panions, Marof the earth. I tyrs.Little :is Jmown \of St. This should begin with a 'statement ,by the PJ;esident 'Nalens .:except 'that he 'was a · in simple,easily-understandable ',and translatable terms, :BiShop .6f 'the eai"ly.church. Tr.aof the 'basic; idealsof'the ,American w~y. 6flife,IRespecttfor ,tjition .adds ltha+ ;'he . and ,three the'human person, belief in God,the'freedom'of'the'indivia'c 'rlstian youlhs were put ·to ,1J:~got,r¥ .,tleath:fon:the, ·F.aith. uahcolJpJed -with,a'·sense. of, responsibility ,toIthe 'commuriity, ;F~ace ~Problem' ,~y ,Most· Rev. I' RobertJlJ. m'!'yer, -D.D. reverence] for' the~fami.lYlunit,rdisavowaLof"any' imperialistic "SUNDAY-,FlfL"Sunday aftel' ~Bishop ,ol.!Reno ' ~npetites, \a high 'standard:of .living 'with "no IJessening(Of ;·Easter. ;'Gener-ally ·th' .'date'iD 'There "are moments, ",and. th9Y rm~y itwell -be,multjpUed spiritual ideals, legitimate ,'aspirations-+these "are ~the'~a8­ 'i.thelfeQst:o£':SURi~,\JWidow.' Sl:c pects of the American system that must be stated firmly ,during the months ahead, when American 'Catholics wish "'was an Italian and after 18 year;> ,thatithey could escape~politics altogether. 'They feel, ,ovat .01"marl'!ed;lif~, lost,her ,',',usband and (clearly Ibefore rthe ',world. , two sons,'·She'''p.came "nun The Soviet Union, and ~the 'wotld,.must'also 'seetth:it !,Jeast, many :of:,them do, that ~thel-bitternessf.of fPoliticalt'tle- ,and . under the -rule '6f~St. Augustine , bate .is _bad enough ,without this count:r:y, 'wlii,le willing to confer, with ~the Communists beil).g.j:gnored:is'lllluch on, a .level ·.at ~ Cassia !land idn ~'her ,ila ter liftl in an atmo~pherer6f·sin.cerity, will mot~yieltl(on,prlncjples, !the :intrusion rof &a religious -·With .the i.tbiilkring 'that il.1j,ust4ce ',was--oafflieted Wdtb:'ar,p.uriiiu1I.rna1will not cOIIJproniis-e on' ideals. And thel~eaders of tliis'na.tion ,issuewhich.inevitahly.:awak- can' be curei:i ,by turning a', blifld -lkiY, ,;,wliioh sllhe', bore \ N'ith J'pa<tienceand 'prayer" She "died ~iJ.l must make:it"clear'to the 'Russians. that they wil!'not,be,a 'ens 'the -:~Ieeping' 'dogs rof 'eye upon it. . Oppoi'tmiityV'or ~erv.iee ,r456;,an'd:.:is~Wd'torhavel ha'd I the pa-rt'of'anY'prqpagan'da 'pl~y, and 'th(}ymust~be in ~gree­ • bi-gotry. -Better ;'leFthe!'dogs ''He; 1Thei.GJatholic':Jbodyt in 'AmeNca ,power t~f'.m:iraClesI'both 'duriOC ,'better-let the'iissue, ride ':until merit 'among 'themselves "not to ';:00 'drawn into ,sudh ,a tthe <'daw:n' cof ,,'cerJiainly hhas :1ll0 . 'I1ncon-tI'OLlable 'life 'and . after death. position. ,:urge :to ~precipitate .a ,political ,that:'golden age ", debate charged with .,Ov.ertoFles rMONDAY~t. IDesidecius ('of There 'is ~areal undercurrerit:6f 'fear among :kno~­ · of the future , ,and "uridettones,~of"religiotJs.an- Langres, Bikhop..Martyr.. Tradile'dgeable persons that the ',world ;is <tOn rthe r;brink ~of 'war. -when·it~winclle tagonism. ">Yet it 'JIIlay; ,be "sel"lio- ,tions concerning 'the "silin t \-who Surelyn.o_,.one is'suggesting that 'Uiis 'nation rproV0ke ~the 'forgi ',ten. 'How ously considered ~whethertthere' ·.QsJEishoPJoLI:iangres,I-France, long, '0 !ljor:d, ·Russians ito the point lof ,war wliich, 'in tliis 'nucle~r~,age, "'how';}ong? ·is'.notlan~elemenb6f,,inevi.tabili~y ,conflict about the ,. -:te of l<his woultl 'mean "catastophe'on "a worId"-wide scale. ~But no one in the occasion, 'no less than ,an :reign and martyroom. Genci'ally J-HL,O"-W rha r opportuni~y~of rendering.a servit as"agreedtthat.he died an '&be can :,believe" either,:thaf. the only ,'W~y Ito "avoid ,war .is tto ahead, in ..other ice by"lidvancin;g ,the~maturity~Of. 'th1J:d.centUl'Y. ItllaIso ,-is, agreed ·sUlirender to! the. communist, threat. There is"an·'oldrprover.b w: 0 r..ds, "does, the r~puolic. ' .that iihe 'sewed ,lin northeastern that~~ys,the.lamb: and:the, tiger mled,haverno trouMe~at<all political matur- . 'It .Should:OO '-:the ~'wish 'of :,illl Gaul rand "thatr dur41gJa radd,bY · ity lie? At what ~ between :them ;jf;the' lamb~will only ..anow;itse1fttorbe~eat-en' po. in. t in the <: ." genuine 'Americans that' the' na- 'Teutonic rbal1barJans i he . boldly by its 'aaversary. tion 'reach ·:the "fUll ::potential ~of -sought ,out .their fchief "and flitl!re of .:the . 'Tliis 'is:a time :for .clear "talkiug, 'for firmness, :and:for nation.can"iLbe "predicted, that her promi~,-nbLat 'some~future :begged.nl:lrCYJ£or his"fol·}owers. cool :hea"ds. ,And--,.not .least--';'it is"a ;time, :,too, ,'for prayer. political,juclgment '·will',be'freed or; problematic 'date, but ~now, He was 'struck "down .:lUld j his



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(1JJ [[@®~ ,A~.e ri~G~ (~:a,tho.~ i~~~



.while 'the -responSibility 'reSts 'with us of the ,living 'generation. 'AlIid "this, eeven <at ·:the -risk .-.of 'sayi[lg outl'loud ,:the' things that need toilbe3silidc::or:<if"'distubbiOg the"quietusiWbiCh is:,the cow:al!dls 'solution. ',liThei queirtionwery .largely :anV t 'lves "the .:>political ,~spect ,of thewirlueJof',prudence; ,the' function,tJo{;owhich ,is ,<to Uace .1Up 1M> reality.,with;:courage. JTthere l:is;,a common ;,misinterpretation "of prudence,which ii-would'.defiHe I it 'instead. as .a. fligh t. from realiJy or; a ,:giv.~g in ,when the I.going gets rough. America .has .·exercised ',this virtue .befor~, ,at:·her finest. moments" arid ,has emerged, a'greater i and .strollger ' ,nation "because rt it. In •.the ,.present. instance it . would' seem ~that those ,who 'counsel ~discoucagement.or'.who plead for· a, tabling. of the debate show; a·-totill"disregard 'for •the t~· :esPirit:of'.'their 'country, If "we 'accept 'the' thesis' that debate is useless and to be vaoide'd -<at'all~costs''We,'are aetualyly 'ldeny-ingthe pninci¢e ,.Significant;,Question tVciewed in' :this 'light' the< question (.takes'.JOn ~a significance (tar be;yorid thelpersonaIities involve'd or the iljmmediMe 'prospects' 6f v-ictory.\It becomes -a training grourid:>in ,political maturity. lit maynhave'. other.side 'advan.tages, but ,this, for' thenatiC!n as La w:hole,' is its.great merit. dbJPlaces ·squarely '.before :the A-A:merican • ,penple : a ' decision wbich ,'must· ,be:made, .soonen~or later, Jand-, for '''Whioh :the '..tactics , ofudelay:can:only:,have tbe:effect of illusion. If, as;a result.'6f·.the ordeal,'1we. can -.begin,eto ;1;aik:;as civiJized·.,human.,beings.,and.,dis_ cuss..issues without .the"nonsense ,of. bjgotry, .we.will have. gained ':immeasurab,ly in stature~ammlg the ,.nation_ "of' the "world. It 'needs also' to be ,said .thAt

,from' the preJudices ,which ..at pre ,mt limit and .confine ,it? ;If it',were posSible~,to...point...to,a"date in"the; years; ahead, even 'within "Our figures show that,' in ,therneiUdeca:de, rthere'uwill the Mexibili.ty, Of .a ,.decade, it be;;a'sharpltlroplinrnational requirements for'unskiHeu 'a'lid · m,ight suggest ,the advisability, of semiskilled 'workers. ~But -there 'will ,bEl ~a big increase :in r 'acing a curb .upon dmpatience ' demantl 'for ;people in ·the .professional . and .manager~al ,and, of a bidiqg,the .;question.• If brackets:" College enrollments will tprobably ::double, 1ma-y maturity could' be 'reached ; by , the simple'process'of waiting:for jump even:morelthanfthat." it,:to ripe~, like:'fruit on~a' tree, ~These .words.oLDr..Homer lD. Babbidge, Jr., ':Assistant t',en the part of wisdom'assuredUnited States Commissioner of !Education, vw.ere ..Iwoken ly'would' be ,to ~wait..

DDiftil\g ~in tEtlucation

in a discussion' of the' "cheatiQg in college scandal".thab·was :Pains AccolUpany Growth_ caused by ,dishonesty, (of (course, 1 but :compounded ,also 'rby But .• is 'extremelydoubtftil large classes and impersonal lectures "andlaek'of'coritact that 'maturity is"ever' attained between'the many'stu'derits and the'ovetburdene'd'-teachers. , 'procrastination. It· is . not so 'The 'discussion' brought abotWby' the~scandal"did"r.e:v:eal in 'the case "of 'the individual, the' tranSition'from-puberthese facts, however: that the future ;'is ~goiJ)g .to. demand where' ty ·-to responSible 'adulthood 'is more persons 'trained in thewrofessions"arrdm~nagemertt, ,never accomplished 'without that tthe future ·is c'going to belong ~to "those 1:who "have tears. 'I1he ~alternative is:a "conprepared ffor it,with.'seriousness ~an'd 'with 'a -ffair 'measure di"'.,n "of o:.penpetual rchHdhoo":, of success. And those individua'lsv¢-ho 'choose "to eti~oy much I ,praised by 'nets,but less attractive totthose' "'w.ho· have i·to themselves throughout hjgh t school an'd "take, the path. of put I1p"withdt. . least 'resistance cannot 'expect, to .find "an ',Qpening tin. the i'Nor :does Ihistory "show "mueh labor market of the future for .the -little -;they-'thave otto · ev>idence of <nations or cultures offer. ,achieving maturity',witholit'unThis is not rtoo I'early for 'parerlts 'to "call 'theseJfacts dergoing t the ':\Pains ~and~anguish : w,h i c;h 'accompany I political to their, cliildreIi~s~atterttion" .

, growth. As. civilization; advances · it '('may -not :,follow "necessariiy 'that these elins1be bloody or::this anguisfi testrudive, ;Jbut :it ds · u.llikely ,that llumankind ;,has yet a~-o:nilated'.those qualitiesGO{ , te .perance commonly ascribed to the. angels. We. are, confl1onted',with. clear' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF ,THEDIPCESE OF FALL RIVER evidence that ·in a particular aspect 6f, her national mentality Rublished,weekJy by The-~atholic Press ·of the Diocese.of·'fall River America' has 'not .yet matured. She.'has not'faced up to 'the 'full 410, HighlcmdfAyer:lue implica:tions 6f' her democratic fFO'1I ~River, 'Mass. rOSborRe'5·7J 51 , profession .of 'fafth. 'PUBL:lSHER 'She..is: still .willing. to be l'perMost Rev.' James rL. :,~onAol,'y. i OeD., ~PI10. s·.:aded that i full. citizensh;ip ds , t' ) ~pl'erogative . not ..of ;'all ;,ller GENERAL MANAGER [>ASST. :.GENERALPMANAGER -pe9ple~but onJy~of,somei accor:dRev. Doniel f. Shalloo. M.A. 'Rev. 'John~p.mrisccill i-ll;;,4;o"anaristocracy of, race,and , . ' ,. ":,..,-ANA'GING -EDITOR, creed..Thethepr-y;that ,this im".. ,~H119h JJ'G~!lten, maturity ',can. be' outgrown .!by

!"bh>oocstained.the BOOK of Gos"pels: heo.heId"in"hislhand,' Ma~y "churches' hav.e ~'been :dedicated ,inlhis·-honor.

'ITUESD:&Y ~'l;St. IManabcm, Prephet. :He) ttVe<l ~ in ' the ffir.st centuryrarlcl, 1s":JJlerttioned' qn the Acts . of ·'the 'Ar-'Jstles as the '·foster-brother of King Heroo 'Antipas:;aIid Jas::anprophe1.1 Heds . said ~ to have idie<l ;,a VAnti~ch dn 'Syr.ia. VWEDNESDAY--.,St. ,Grego.,,'VII,' 'PQpe-(!)onfessor. ;He . was 1 . '~nl ,of~poor, parentsdn .T,tlscany .about :1013, ·.waseducate'd ,jn Rome and entered' religious: life in,.CluOY,i'France. a;~ope St. Leo IX, called ,him ltO tRome, where he'servedAheEontiff 'and four of his successors as councidor. 'He was ,archdeacon ~df"Rome.in 1073 . when' he ';was ,elected pope, He'withstood attempts Of Henry IV, Of Germal)Y' to usurp ecclesiastical'powers, an'd at 'lepgtlh the .lno:1arch sought absollHion of ''the Pope 1at ;eanossa. LMer Henry'relapsed, set' up an ..anti,pope -arid "sent ',Pope Gregory int n ~exile. Pope Gregory ,Idieid . at"Sil1erno'.:in' 1085: the"debate 'can'and'should' be'ot i ','ense benefit '<1;0 'Ame~ica,n Catholics themselves. It shou,Id acquaint .this large ..and ..nmor- phous 'group cw,ith certain' realities about itself which by prel_ erencecwould have·:been blinked ,at, especia'lly' in • t'lose areas where its "strength 'has . been taken 'for 'granted 'and 'overestimated. 'It ShoUld crystaJlize its thinkbig, ·both on.ithe' ,theoreUual,Jevel , itbe: relationships of Ohurch l'n'd'State, ·and~.'on"l(;he pracmcal l~vel, 6f"i~s~responsibility 'in'llihe . maturing "of American :.thought ,~ and, action. \'"

VOLUNTEERS ADD', SPARKI.. E: Hospital' routine' at St: Anne's"

Vall: River, is 1)rigntened. by cheerily-clad volunteers. Left, patient Mrs'" Alexandria,Bouisberl, St. Rbchis. parish, is: ser..vemjuice' by· Mrs), William:; St.: A'nne's' parish; and· Mrs. Manuel'Soares, St: Christopher'S, Tiverton. Left, center,. MotHer. Pierre Marie' presents'lOO'Volunteer Hours:~


Special' Gifts Taunton $150 St; Vincent de ,Paul Society_ St. Mary's. $100: Drummond Printing' COl, Taunton News. Co:, St. Ma~!\ Wbv. ~n's Guild, A Friend: Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Martin; Dr. Robert F. Mealy, A Friend, Joseph McCormick, Alan Cusick. Murray's Pkg. Store. ' $50 Bacon Felt Co., Memorial! to Edward & T "lbel Murby, Emco Electrical Supply Co. Dr. Henry A. Alves, Mr. & Mrs. Richard' K. Martin, Stone Charitable Foundation, Walter G. Powers, Alfred S. O'Keefe. St. Vincent de Paul Society~ St. Jacques, First Machinist National Bank, Devine's Milk Lav. Inc., St. Vincent de Paul Society -St. Paul. $35 St. Anne's Society-St. Jacques, Societe Des Enfants De Marie. $25 Edward St. Pierre, Henry Crapo, Dr. '.rmand Bolino. Andrew J. Leddy, M.D., Clifford Cleaners, Bristol County Savings Bank, Allan M. Walker' & Co., Inc., Weir Cooperative' Bank. Cornelius J. Murphy, Tauntonl Guild of Catholic, Nurses, The Enterprise Store, St. Paul's Holy, Name Society, Jonell Chemical' Co. Staples Coal' Co., Hodgeman' Mfg, Co., Dr. John J. Gregg., Sawiecki Funeral Home, Oak;. land Sterling' Co. Tremont Super Mkt., Dr. An.. thony N; Elias, Hector Demers, St. Paul's Catholic Women's. Guild, United. Brotherhood! of, Carpenters. League of' Sa~red, Heart; Sol! K. B'erk, Daniel Doyle, Dr. WU~' liam J. Adams, Jr., General' Work' Clothes Service. $20 Taunton Inn, Dr. Richard Heywood; William DonIe. D. E. ,Murphy Co., Inc. $15 Peter B. Gay, Home Washing' Co., Sally Ann's Beauty Shop" M. J. Flanagan & Sons, Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Carroll, Taunton Cash Market, Samuel Miseph, School Street Pkg. Store. Gus's Grille, Richmond Gran.. Ite & Marble Works. $13 Mehegan's Gas Station. $10 Goldstein & Assiran,Frank' P; Cohen, DaSilvia Electric Colonial Donut Shop, Taunton Printing' &- Dying Co.Ni Brite Chemical CO;, Ed, Cooperstein,. ~.- JenJJ7;' SUr-

Award. Pin. to· Mrs. Frank Brady, as Mrs. Fred Sullivan looks onl Right center, Mrs. Emile>-J. Cote' (seated) St. Louis de France, Swansea; and Mrs. Raymond, A·. Dionne, St. Michael's, Ocean Grove, man: newlYfoope.ned, gift shop; Far right, Mrs. Hiliar.y. White; St. Patrick's, Fall River" takes WilffedtBernier; St'. Anne's parish;. on, wheelohair' expedition.

Red-Smoeked lToluntee-rs, A,tId Ch,eeJjY Note' To St'. A:nne's,.Hospital" FaZl River By' Patricia McGowan "They're the only'- ones you can be sure aren't going,to stick a needle in you,-we love to see them coming!" But their non-needle-ltioking reputation isn't the only reason the volunteer corps at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, have' won a warm, secure niche in patients' hearts. "At first we weren't sure" we'd, be' much helpi' but now, I think we're quite useful." Thus one 100· hours -of service:· m'nutes in pleasant chat. hlolu'r volunteer modestly A'popular· project is the volunDuties include sorting and dissummed up the myriad tasks tributing mail (and reading it teers',' lJ:>ok cart, which' reaches all patients, at least once' and the 91 volunteers p.erform. to' patients who' can't see too In operation for a' year, the group is the special charge of Mrs. Patrick Hurley, member of the Friends of St. Anne's, hospitill p'''dliary, and alSo on the advisory committee of St. Anne's School of Nursing. "The volunteers have given :' 157 hours of ' service since last· April," said Mrs. Hurley. Seven. who'have given over 100 llours were recognized last Tuesday! at III ceremony" in wliich th'ey received ',lue and gold American Hospital ASsociation pins 'specially designed for volunteers. They are Mrs. Frank Brady;. Mrs. John Giblin, Mrs. Fred Sullivan, Mrs. Norbert· Gendreau" Mrs. John Corrigan, Mts. Ray-' round Costa and Mrs. Hilary White. Twelve other women re'" ceived certificates for 50 or more tion, Milot's, Riendeau Funeral Service. Arthur De Champlain, Edgar beChamplain, C.O. Foresters No. 1178, Mass. C.O.. Foresters, Daughters of Isabella. . Farrell Ins. Agency, Dr. Edward' J. Fitzgerald, Hansen & COl, Dagen Funeral Home, Stella's. Costello Buick nic., DeSouza' Bros. Market, Plank & Hansen, FarreH's Cafe-; Dt. William H. Swift. Dr. Thomas O'Brien, Peoples Drug Store, Lamoureaus Oil Co., East Taunton Social Club, Mayfair Cafe. Community Paint Co., Mary. K. Nichols, Taunton' Beverage eC»,. Church' Fuel Co., Russell Bl Myers. ' Dr. H: ~. Roy; Mt. Hope Ma.. chinery, Dr. E. L. Latimer, Wilfred Saint, Grenville Clapp. M. M. Rhodes & Sons, King. Aviation Service, Dr. Stanley R. Parker Jr., Interstate Trans. Co., George F. Riley. Manny's News, Southern Mass. Oil, Mandi.:;o Sand & Gra.vel, Barkan Pearl Co., Foster & Co. Young's Motor Truck'Service, Taunton Rivet Works, Tom Thumb.'Card Shop, H & H Machine Co., St. Germaine & Son. Ray,nh'am Bleachery;. Wilrd~$: Garage, Raynham self' Service Mll~et, BeautyJIlaDdJ.

well), arranging :flowers, giving out juice and milk, feeding' babies and wheeling patients to X'ray rooms. "We have time to do little extra thing~ for patients as well:" said a volunteer; And "just socializing" is high on the list of extra thin;s, said, Mrs. Hurley; !"' tients are delighted to have visitors ~ho can' spend a few

New· Bedford $500· Star Store, New Bedford'Insti.. tution for Saving!!. $200 American Press Lithographer, Margeson Plumbing Co. $100 Knights of Columbus Me-Mahon Council' #151, Bookstore Building. $50 Edward Livingstone Ji~ $25 J. BJ Lumber Co., Lyman & Baker C9., Humphrey, Covill & Coleman, Ins.; Frank Sylviaj Real Estate, Zeiterion Realty Co. "hilip J. Kane, Inc., C. E; Beckman, New Bedford Tire COl, State Road Cement Block CO), Bricklayers, -.Iasons & Plasterers, Union #39: $20Anderson & Olsen, Pothier Monument Co:" Edward G. MCo'o Bride. $15 Cussell's Cleansers, Beneficial Finance Co., National Wholesale. $10 White Cottage Ice Cream COJ, Bellenoit's, Thos. W. Croacher Est., Gaspar's· Linguica Co., Int. Union of Electrical Workers Local #292. . Russell MilhEmch & Harrison, Inc., . Harpoon Harmonizers, Local #224 IBEW, Max Levovsky Real Estate, P. J. Haste. ; Tootel Monument Co., Woodacre Monument Co., Pocketbook Workers Union Local #87, Nil.. thaniel Lipton'" Accountant, Sig Mldttun' Bakery. 'rfam" *-,J Pal'e;; Tea.

Oriental Prelate OrdainsS~aturday' BOSTON (NC)~His,Eminence Gregory Peter XV Cardinal Ag~ agianian, Pro·Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith,' will conduct the first Armenian Rite ordination in the U. S. at a ceremony Saturday. Cardinal Agagianian will ordain the Rev. Mr. Solomon J. Makoul in Holy Cross church, Cambridge, Mass. The' Rev.' Mr. l'.::l'--ul, a member of the Maron_ ite Rite, will serve in the Norwich, Conn., diocese.

often twice weekly with a cargo of the latest books and magazines, ~"'."e purchased specially' for the cart, others .donated; Mrs. Eugene Dionne is in charge Besides serving in the Sacred of the' book cart committee. Congregation for the Propaga.Book Call't tion of the Faith"-the Church's Every morning a volunteer is ('1ief mission agency-Cardinal in the hospital operating room to Agagianian is Patriarch of CHi. man the telephone, thus relievcia of the' Armenians, a post ing nurses for more technical which makes him spiritual leader duties. A gift shop is a brandof some 200,000 Armenian Rite new undertaking, opened last , Catholics. w~ek in the lounge of the hospital's maternity wing. With Mrs. Emile Cote. as chairman it JEFFREY hopes to solve the perennial problem of ~hat to bring, patientS. 0 Funeral Rome Enthusiasm for the program is high among volunteers as well as 550 Locust St.· Fall' River. Mass.· patients. "Hardly anyone' drops (".;t, once they've started to OS 2&2391 come," said one. "When you Rose E., Sullivan leave' the hospital, you feel Jeffrey E. Sullivan you've really accomplished something." All join in praise of. Mrs, Hurley, who has the painstaking job of arranging volunteer schedules so that tasks Funeral Home and workers available balance. 571 Second St. Attired in bright, red smocks, Fall River, Mass. the volunteers add a cheerful note to' the hospital and 'are part 9·6072 of,' the "tender loving care'" pol_ MICHAEL J. MtMAHON icy' designed to get' patients on licensed Funeral D'irector their' feet and out in' the' world Registered Embalmer as .soon 'as possible~





Funeral Home HI,len AubertineBraugh



New Bedford

469 LOCUST STRm FAll RIVER~ MAS'S., OS· 2·3381· Wilfred C. James E. Driscoll Sulli,,~n; Jr.


[0 ~ 0~b1~~~~~®~©~~

Owner and Director Spacious ~Parking Area

WY 2-2957 129 Allen St.

fUNERAL HOMrE, INe. lL MILrcel Roy -

C. LorrILln. Roy

Roaer LaFranC<!


fUNERAL HOME 986 Plymouth A~ Fall River. Mass. Tel. OS 3~2271, DANIel C' HARRINGTON Ueen-. FllftCl,at .... R.gtite~f EmtJatoMr'





THE ANC.HOR-Dio!=ese o.f Fall.,River-Th!J.rs. May ,19, 1960·.' . ' . -.. ',. -.. , ~


Sum'mer Session


At Mt. St. Mary,

Types of Desks Available Make

Planning of Home Office Easy By Alice Bough Cahill When you realize .that professional and industrial coneerns hire decorators fo plan their offices because they realize the psychological effeCt a pleasant, comfortable working place has on its occupants and the boost it is to morale and efficiency, you have rea- you'll be able to make maximum 80n aplenty for providing use _of spa':e, thus rendering Dad with a comfortable, menu - making, ord :ring and quiet and attraCtive spot for household ...counting lots easier.

'Tour home office might be in his "home office>' ' We read about "play areas, any room of the house. While a separate study or the living room dining areas, is a logical place for a desk, the and TV areas," man of the house may prefer one but sometimes, in the quiet of his bedroom. L otir desire Styles of desks on the market to provide our today are legion. Take, for infa ql i I Y with stance, the sectional desk. There's' these' comforts, the corner desk, "esigned to line we overlook: up with other pieces of sectional that very imfurniture. It's smart looking, portant area compact, and a spacesaver. Such \ a retreat where a desk fits into a corner, can be Dad can study, flanked by twin chests or bookwrite, expericase units. It provides c fortment, or just . dose his eyes and dream alone. able leg room, while the· top ofAnd not only Dad, but Mother fers ample- spa~; for studying, needs a spot for planning chores, books, lamp, radio.. Appealing Desk family menus and social engagements and writing notes. ·Jere's a desk with great apThe requirements are so simple peal for the ladies. .It's a tripletheiriisting takes few words: a duty' . desk, French Provincial desk or a tabl.e 'with chair, some style, that's a desk,' a chest, and bookshelves and sufficient light w'" - , LJ,e top is raised, a vanity. While it's' advertised as a desk' arid quiet. There can be efficiency. 'and suitable for' any room,. and it style in the utilization 'of one of does look lovely in. a living your "lost corners" (possibly in room, it seems to us a good Ii den, if not in a separ:;lte r.o 0TTI ). choice for a small bedroom or for a home office. If you are study-guest room. We mention w- availsetting "It to buy a desk; select it as a period style one with drawers that are file able and as one that has up-to. deep and commodious. Avoid the-minute convenience. No matter what period orstyle one of the So-called living room desks tnat are shown in depart,;. desk·you choose, however, you'll ment stores, the drawers of - want it well organized and which will not hold a standard p'-.nned to fit· your own special 8%' x 11 inch commercial type. needs; paper. . We have a reason for suggest:. lng a "lost" corner, "ecause the alcove effect suggests a feeling V of privacy and pleasantly isoVILLANOVA. (NC)-A young · lates the desk's occupant from Navy physicist who recently· the rest of the room; if you are made a major scientific break':' making this. office in a room through in' the' na tional' defense ahared by the family.,: effort was awarded Villanova Use Space University~s Mendei' Medal for . We'd make ·use of the' space scientific'. achievement. ,. ~bout the desk by building a William j. Thaler, 33"received cabinet (large enoug~ for. l!- the medal'at a dinner here from iedger) above. In it you can . Father John A.·Kletkotka, Villastow facts and figures, adding nova president. , : Ipachine; and c;>ther, ~ccoutre~. . The' .19th recipient and 'the' ments of "homework" in an'or- . youngest ever. to . receive th~ tl~riy and acc~ssi\)le\ fashion, so. award, Mr. Thaler is the devel:. they won't be disrupte~ by anyoper of a missile monitor 'detec;;. body's tidying hand. .' tion system which can detect· All of us do "homework" of missile 'launchings and nuclear some ,kind practically every explosions anywhere in the week of the year - work that is worl~.. . 'easier and m<;lre pleasant. if, one He' helpei:l . supervise every has a comfortable and 'converi- hydrogen bomb test since the ient aesk. For :.rother, an "of- first;and directed the trail.,.blaz1'~e" would probably b~ a desk irig Argus Project involving high convenient to the kitchen so she altitude nuclear explosions. His can keep an eye on cQoking or 'specialty is ultrasonic physics, , children at play. . Let's consider this need first. the study of molecules through 'the use 6f sound. All. you need is a corner that will allow a 3r ''1ch space into _, Th~ radio monitoring system which 'you . can buili:l ~ fine ,Mr. Thaler, is credited 'with de:planning desk, with ample cup- .veloping is: k~own a's' "Profect· boards and slotted files above' Tee-~ee' (for Thaier'SProject). and a goc' roomy drawer below. Perhaps· this. corner could be 'Catholic College Senior between kitchen and laundry 'Wins Magazine Co~test room. If :'ou bolt the desk-shelf .. NOTRE DAME (NC)-A sen':' to the wall, you can eliminate ior at St. 'Mary's College here ·su?porting legs. In this way has won first prj-~ .in a national 'college' essay' conteSt sponsored Puerto Rico' Workers by: the Atlantic monthly maga':' zine. Bu~n .Obscene Bo'oks Judith Mellon was awarded CAYEY (NCj~Scor~s of volumes of' pornographic'; m'aterial $100' f':lr her .essay entitled '''Jus:·went ~up in flames at it book tice, Irony. and Art in 'The Ox.,. burning ceremony in the, publi<; .bow Incident,'" a novel by plaza here in Puerto Rico. ' 'Walter von Tilbu-; Clark. The· ceremony was staged by ,1 Miss Mellon, a native o! Gary, the Young Christian Workers. Ind.,. is 'a graduate -~ Bishop Hundreds marched in ~ proces:- N~ll High School in Hammond, sion in which a statue of the Ind. Immaculliie Cortceptio~, was car-' , ried to the p,ublic plaia. i'her,e :New ,Pedfo·r:d. 'Officers obscene, books,' rria'gazines, picMrs., .Bouis L. ,Dumont heads tures, cards and other,.materiai officers . of the New Bedford were fed to the flames while a 'Catholic ~omen's Club for 'the. firemen's alarm bell toiied.' : . ". I ,:coming"se'ason"She will serve a "s~cop.d ter-- in' office, assisted by Mrs.' Vincent' J. Worden, :vice . NQme Del.egqtes F:oresters of Notre Dame 'president; Mrs. William N. Whe· Court, Fall River, ,h;a:v~ m~mefl, ··lan Jr.., second vice' president; Mr. and Mrs..Rodolphe Cantin .Mrs. Joseph -C. Motta, recorl:Ung secretary; Mrs. 'Roland F.Math_ delegat~s to tlte soCiety's national : convention ,at Amesbtiiiy 'Friday . ,leu, .- corresponding -;:secre'tary; tluough r inday, June 17 to ..w_. 19. ~~s...Thomas ~-i~NFy,'tr~~:~'it:~l"'

Vi Ilanova Honors' N9 Y PhysicI.st.



YOUTH LEADERS: New officers of the District Council of Catholic Youth, elected at Kennedy Center, New Bedford, .are, left to right, Nicl,de Kalife, vice-president; Edward Tighe, president; Gerald Normandin, treasurer, and Marie Hampson, secretary.

Chaplain' of Fashion Uses .Shows In Aiding Girls for Marriage' TURIN (NG)-Father Michele Peyron, son ,of the Mayor of Turin, 'is common.ly called the "chaplain .' fashion." The Turin priest has won his nickname from the series of fashion shows he ha::; organized a_ part of his efforts ~o encour" a:o, Christian fashions in women's wear. I The fashion shows have grown out of the "Tower of Ivory" cent~r he founded .to prepare ~o~ng or.ls for marrIage. By.stagmg the show: Father ~eyron attracts young women to his center, which offers education and cons.ultation in medical and psychological problems. Exercise Fascination "Our'religion does not prohibit women from exercising their fascimition. On the .ther hand, Christian morals counsel . . . in matters of fashion that a woman cannot carry out her work in the apostolate if she presents herself in a slovenly or outmoded man': ner," Father Peyron said. .



Not Commercial Unlike most fashion shows, those of the center have no commercial purpose.· The clothes shown are not sold, and persons are free to copy any styIe they like. . .Even after the girls are mar:' ried they'often return to the center; Father Peyron' said. "The happily married wife is always our best advertisement," he de:' CIared. .


North Attleboro No rt h Attleboro CatholJe Women's Club Officers for the coming year will include Mrs. R.l1ph Patunoff, president; Mrs. ,Ernest Valley,vice president; Mrs. Emil Fetzer, secretary; ;Mrs.' Jo.hn Stanford, recording secret~ry; Mrs. Bernard Byrnes, ~easurer.

New, Bedford Dance The Catholic Young AdultLJ prganization, New lJedford, willi .hold a semi-fo' '.1al dance fr:)J~ 9 '- 1 Friday night, June 3 at th{) New Bedford Country Club. lI1isi;J Suzanne Deschenes and' Noell Charron are eo-chairmen.



-STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM FLAVOR OF THE MONTH Available in ~ Gallo:n, Qua.rts C!ind Pints

Strawberry Ice Cream for parfaits, Milk Frappes; and Served With Pound Cake..

.. -.\ '


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"And I think that no one denies, how great the ,mission of women.is today, as it was yesterday· and as it will be tomorrow. For it is man who makes history. But women form the men," he added. The 'center gives two shows a year.' The fashions are not the products of big name fashion houses, but the work of the girls who attend the' center. The shows have attracted large crowds, .including . many nonCatholics.

Summer school for elementary and high school students will be conducted at Mount Saint Mary Academy, Fall River~ for the sixth consecutive year. Sister Mary Carmela R.S.M., principal, announces that classes will be held every morning from 8:45 to 12 beginning June 27th. They will continue for six weeks, ending Aug. 5. Each class will be held for a double 'period of one and one half hours. It is possible for a student to enroll in one or two courses. English, aritlimetic and developmental and remedial reading will be taught at the elementary school level. All high school subjects, including commercial, will be given. Special pre-high schOOl courses in foundation mathematics for sec 0 n dar y school, intensive course in English Essentials, introductory French for Englisb speaking pupils, and reading with special emphasis' on comprehension and vocabulary drill will be offered. Classes will be conducted by the- Religious Sisters of Mercy. Each instructor is carefully selected and. fully certified to teach her assigned subjects. Summer' school 'brochures are now available and will be mailed to interested students on re,. quest.. Further information may be obtained at the school. Sister Mary Carmela urges that application be made' at once. First consideration will be given to early registrants. .



..A.Q~.Atdk " __

PENN'i FO~ PE~NY ;,~Y~V:~, ..........


B.Eii"FoOD .B1):V




I I I i i I i i i _ " , , , , ~ ,

Prepared - 'bu'~" Ci:fI'nyM'isses Out on the May,'Procession

THE ANCHORThurs., May 19, 1960

Slate May Social, Day of Prayer

By Mary Tinley Daly May processions: in every parish, every school, throughout the country in the month Of May, hundreds of thousands of children and young people reverently pay tribute to the Mother of God. Their youthful voices sing her praises. Their arms are filled wjth the full-length mirror. The zipfragrant blossoms, abundant per stuck. Good heavens, after during her month. ,They' aU ,that work? It wasn't the, wear fresh clothing befit.:.' zipper, it was I-a -niddle-age t"'1 the solemn and joyful occa':' sion. ' ,

Activities on the calendar of Hyacinth Circle 71, New Bedford ,Daughters of Isabella include a May Social sponsored by the Catholic Action grr',lp to be held in Moose Hall Tuesday, May 24Members may r-'ng guests. Members will attend a state meeting in Boston Saturday, June 11, and Juniors will sponsor a cake sale at the Star Store this Saturday, and a June Formal at Kennedy Center. The Marian Group will hold a Mystery Ride in July and the Glee Club announces meetings held every third Monday. All will participate in World Day of Prayer Wednesday, June 29. The Circle will sponsor a holy hour and benediction at ,Holy Name Church at 7:30 that evening. Families and friends of members are invited to attend.

spread that all the mental envisioning in the world wouldn't


helpers.' With a few tuggings, the zipper It was in ~'tis closed its teeth on my breathles)i spirit that we middle. readied Ginny The dress was OK Ginny for a May prowould be in the May procession! cession. Next, a pI, :Ie call to the little White dress? home on Valley 'Road: ''Maura No problem. has a cold? Sniffly? And a posOne Eileen, sible fever?" Advice re nose Mar k i e and drops, aspirin and "call back if Mary had worn successivelY, she is still having trouble." when they were students at Later: Maura sleeping? Fine. Visitation-revisitation at Visi- Johnny and Lu's' plane was an tation, we thought. Simple,: hour and a half late? Well try white pique, with semi-circula£' ,-: to get a nap. Your homework is skirt, modest round collar. Noth-' , done, your May procession duds I'lg wrong except a yellowed .. i are ready. Other kids fine! (;int, and no belt. '; Good,' ..... long, too yellow and, " r: '.' " minus' a belt," Ginny wrinkled" JJedbme was late. The, Br-r=r", !lei' .nose in disapproval. ", " rJ!. the alarm clc~k came all too soon. Minor Miracle ' , ' , • "Yau 'I''1 never recognIze . 't." routine: break- , I ' , Into , the day's ' " i d "It fits. That's ilhe ,fast" pack lunches, fmal press of 1I p.rom ~e . . " the May procession dress. IronmOlD thIDg. By the tIme you're ,ing board beside stove I turned bade, home £rom Johnny and" .. " ' , • - "~ th' dre ill b white bacon shces as 'the iron heated: AA;. IS ss w e . '. Sleeve caught in dress brought cmo:.lgh, short enough, and It ~U it right smack into the pan of h:J.ve a belt. Now, run alo~. , ' I bacon grease. . . The Johnny - and - Lu bit, we ' . .. " . must explain. , " Damilge llTetrlevable. Gmny. For the first time in_hy, for ,,, rm ~ ~orry.. What can w.,e do?" ihe first time since their honey""Can t walt. Gotta go, from moon-Johnny and Lu were able, " Ginny as she dashed for her 7:30 to go away together for a short " bus. . lGm>iness trip. To p~phrase the <Now, WIth a hopelessly lieoi;g:za (._ the buses, it was "Leave" stroye~ dre:'5,a won~erment of children to us." "Us" beiJng how'GlDny IS to explam why she Lu's mother and sisters the is not among those present at maid, and Johnny's folks,' with the May procession, I.must write <:ladl assigned a not-too-ardu lUs a_ lette~ of explanation to the DUrt of taking responsibility for I r eadmlstre~s. . . ' .. t"· five children in the small 'I "Dear SIster Roberta, the horne on Valley Road. Final as- fir-,' dr.af~ began, "Ginny w~ liignment was a day-and-evening'i' ba~,. sItting for her brother s winenMary and Ginny were in ,"J'''ldren, .thought her" ,cl~thes clmrge. .. .. ,,, "were readIed and • •. GlOny While those two were baby- would hate that. , Elitting, we turned attention -to "Dear Sister Rob~," came May procession regalia: first, the seco~d draft, ';his 18 a long lIhorten that antique-white dress. explanation of .•. make a belt out of theelttnl Finally: "Dear Sister Roberta,· material retrieved from "hem. (frank statement ofiact) "Please Came the washing. From yellow, eti~ GinDy's absence from the thing turned PINK - toG the \May procession. Sincerely, much bleach. Where do Y'OU,go Mary T. Daley.~' from here? You go to co1Ol"remover: boiling, stirring, with fight Move to Extend • stench that engulfs the hoWle. then rinsings world-without-end. City Dance Reg,ulation QUEBEC (NC)-Eight organFinal result was restoration of izations representing 5,000 moththe dress to a snowy WHITE. ers of this city have filed a petiI slipped the thing, still damp and clinging, over my head ~d ' tion 'with Quebec Mayor Wilfrid slithered it in place. I knew Hamel opposing extension of what is meant ,by "a wet blan- dancing privileges to cabarets ket." Mentally envisioning mi- and restaurants where liquor is self a 14-year-older, with a dry sold. The petition of, the organizaand ironed dress. about to enter • MaT procession, I stood before tio~s, most of 'them Catholic, asks retention of the present practice which prohibits" the sale , of liquor in dance halls.' The 'petition says that certain' restaurants and' cabaret ' "lrs are - - - 'dng permits fo. ,rig on 'their, premis~s. .' The petition lauds the, city administration for the high lev<>l of pUblic, morality maintained in QUebec and for the "energetic: , fight" which the municiPal authorities are staging against the evil ctf obscene, publications. The mothers' organization.contend there atre::ldy "are' sufficient ,p~ces where dancing, is permitted. They state an "ex,teDsion of .. lcing "authority to restaurants and cabarets would provide temptation for too manT >:,oung people.~


TO SPEAK: M~s Rita.P.


MAY CROWNING: Margaret Carter, center, crowns the statue of the Blessed Mother at the arinual tea of Junior Circle No. 71, Daughters of Isabella, New Bedford, when members entertained their mothers. Patricia Roza, left, reads the Act of Consecration as Joyce ,Strong, right, chairman of entertainment, looks on.

Nuns See Mother Profess Vows

W' SHP'T~TON (NC) - Six nuns saw their mother pronounce her initial vows here in the cloistered community of the Franciscan Nuns of the lI.!1oSt Blesse<' Sacrament. Sister Mary Gertrude of ate Sacred Heart, the mother of 10 children-nine of whom entered RIO DE JANEIRO (NC)- centered ,)n the Catholic aposthe religious life, professed Iler Brazil, is ~aid to be 95 per cent tolate. It takes two forms: dis- vows before Auxiliary Bishop 'Catholic, and there is a woman seminating Catholic news and Philip M. Hannan of WashingjournaUst working in a one-room working for a Universal Thanks- ton. office in Rio de Janeiro who is giving Day. The 64-year-old mother of six doing her best to keep it so. Translates Copy girls and four boys was invested She is Alice Isnard Tavora. into the community in 1958. She , In her small office on Avenida director of the Brazilian office of Rio Branco, the, main street of , is the former Mrs. James A. Noticias Catholicas, Spanish and' Rio de Janeiro, Miss Tavora Burns of Columbus, Ohio. Portuguese language editions 'of translates into Porfuguese the ('" her six nun-daughters, the NCWC News Service. copy -sent in Spanish from Notithree are Franciscan Sisters To M;~~ Tavora, Brazil's major cias Catolicas headquarters in from Joliet, Ill., an.! two are problem is summed up in two Washington, D. C. r tre Dame Sisters. The other, words: "Religious ignor~nce." Sister Mary Agnes, is a member S"'e then mails her translations The solution: "Send us more of her mother's congregation. to about 80 Catholic papers in priests." , ,, One son is married, another A native Brazilian, Miss Ta- Brazil and 10 radio stations. Acdied while a Jesuit seminarian 'cording to Miss Tavora, there vora speaks four, languages: Portuguese, Spanish, French, are only two strong Catholic llnd a third will be ordained a and English. Her entire life is papers in Brazil: "0 Diario,.., .r~suit priest in June. Her fourth published in Belo HoriZohle, and son, Father John Burns, O.M.L. "Jomal do Dia,"' published ia is stationed in Brazil. Hits Lack -of ,Financial ' 'Porto Alegre. There' are only four Catholic dailies in the coumAid to .private Schools Fall River 0 of I CONY'ENT STATION (NC)~' tcy,she added. Assumption L" :ocl:e, Fall River "There should be more prctpa.; Daughters of Isabella, will hold The president of the College of ganda for the Catholic press in a potluck supper preceding its St. Elizabeth said "~,ere it is unBrazil," she '>aid. "One reason' June meeting. Members wiU fair for society to de!1y financial "Neighbors Night" obhelp to students' a'ttending pri- , why' it is weak is lack, of adver- , attend tising; ,"ot" er is that people servance sponsored by the New ,vate ("""lleges.' , have, no money to support a " Sister ~T" iegar!le Marie, head Bedford unit of the 'organization. ,i: the 61-year-'-' New JerseT strong Catholic paper. It's a shame that we have no major liberal arts college 'r,r women In Hyannis conducted by- the 'Sisters ,of Catholic paper iii Rio de JaCharity,,'made her statement in neiro." For All Real Estate "I cannot stress too much,· announcing that thecc)llege will Requirements Consult: "r"'-- tuition by $i50' in Septem- she stated, "wh~t a great help N': is. The subscribers are very ber, 1961, toa total of $900 • fond of its .service, and I have year. Sister recommended that citi- received many letters from bishzens Jive incrE'3sing attention to ops and priests lauding the work 473 MAIN STREET ' tax credit plans and legislative of NC." Hyannis proposals for direct government SP 5-0357, SP 5-0253 grants to tuition-paying students in colleges not supported by taxes. "It is manifestly unjust," she added, "tha"t s'lcjety should pay almost in full for community 1- ~~ - ·its derived -in public colNew Mobile Gas Station leges, while, by denying assist273 CENTRAL AVE, We piek up and deliver ance to students in private Colears for servicing leges, it discriminates against IU,: 28 &; So. Sea Ave. NEW ,BeDFORD young Dien and women who "wish to exercise their constitutional WEST YARMOUTH' f edom to attend' the college WY 2-6216 SP 5-0605 of their choice." , Matt Stt'ele - Prop.

Woman Journalist Leads' Effort To Combat Rei i'gious Ignorance



MATT'S Friendly Service

To Benefit Dominicans St. "Catherine's FtindRaising Groop will hold ;l wliist part,. S:lturday, June 25 to benefit the 'Dominican Sisters of Park Street, Fall aiver. Mrs. Joseph White is chairman" Next regular meeting is Tuesday, June 14.

The sign of Quality; • •

Sacred Heart Home

Dames Patrr"' ~"se of Sac:' , , " -red Heart Home, New Bedford. Kelleher, Dean of ,will hold their 35th ,armual College School of NurSIng. ,bridge and whist party at 1:30 will address the Diocesan ,Wednesday afternoon. June 8, Council of Catholic NU1'9f8 at Stevenson'•. Tbe public: i8 at their Spring plenary meet- inv~:ted. MN. Frank, Chartier q &...' t be h eId at St. Arme•.. ' ,~. assisted bJ' Mrs. Jeaa lUg 0 B:i&:tin and !dial Vivian SupreHospital this Saturdq. aant. ,




*, ,*


N~. Easton


E. Ikidgewater Randolph !r Plainville Qndfhe 'new, Ikockton East ShoppingPJaza

, f ,.ld.""



Mrs. John Carytwell. , Mr. & Mrs. Jos. Roderick, Mr. & Mrs. James Fillion, Mr. & Mrs. 'Francis Belssell, Mr. & Thomas Comiskey, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Schofield. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Peckham, Mr. & Mrs, Herbert Boff. Henry P. Swist, Mr. & Mrs. 'GordoR Hackett. Mr. & Mrs. John Bates, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Thibault, Mr, & Mrs. Norman Brodeur, Mr, & Manuel Pacheco, Mr. & Mrs. William Neilan, Mr. & Mrs, Albert Williams, Mr. & Mrs. C. A. Clement, Winifred McKenna, Mr. & Mrs, An~ tone Costa, Mr., & Mrs. Jesse ....Souza. \ Mr. & Mrs. Michael O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs, Paul Cote, Mr, & Mrs. Manuel Telles, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sullivan, Joseph I!ettencourt. Mr. & Mrs, Hector Dlloe, Mr. & Mrs. Bert Galford, Mr. & - frS. Antonne Martin, -Claire Neville. Mr. & Mrs. James McKnight. - , Mr. & Mrs, Albert Ga~non, ,Claire Sampson, Mrs. Emile Viens. '

'THE ANCHOR-:-Di~ceseof Fall River-ThlJrs. May 19~1960.


Seasonal. Activities "

The' Parish Parade

ST. MARY'S, ST. MARY'S, _TAUNTON SOUTH DARTMOUTH The last meeting of the WomS1. Mary's Guild will hold a Communion breakfast following en's Guild was held this month. '9 o'clock Mass Sunday, May 22. ~~,etings will resume Thursday, Sept. 8, and a rummage sale is SACRED HEART, planned for the' same month. 'NORTH ATTLEBORO , Rte. Anne's Sodality will hol,d The parish will sponsor Boy a potluck supper at 7:30 r.r:uesday night, June 14. A whist party Sc ~ Troop 52, with John Medas 'to be held at Sacred Heart ...chool Sr. as scoutmaster and Joseph Thursday', June 2 will benefit .F" idell as assistant scoutmaster. LaSalette Foreign 1'"' "ons. ~rs. Thirteen boys are pioneer members. Rene Hebert is chairman. Apilgri; 1ge toLaS~lette shrine will be held at 7:'10 to- ST. pros X, NEWMAN/CLUB BREAKFAST: Head table guests at ·night ',vith Mrs. Paul Paquette SOUTH YARMOUTH The, St. Piu.s X Guild will hold the first annual Communion breakfast'co-sponsored by the In charge of arrangement;;.: . . a food .saleat .Yarmouth Shop- ' Newtn~n Clubs of New Bedford Institute of Technology and ST. MARY'S, ' 'pint: Plaza, beginning at 9:30 NE~V BEDFORD . Saturday morning, June 18. Bradford Durfee College. Fall River, at Bii,lhop Stang High St. Mary's Guild will hold an Members are requested to donate School were, left to right, Milton Berube, president of the Inf~"mal dance Saturday, June' two food' items each; New Bedford club; Walter E. Conrad. faculty advisor- of 4, at ~': of C Hall with Mrs. Ray.:. The annual Summer bazaar the Fall.River·group; Rev. John V. Driscoll, S.J., of Boston, rond Gamache as chairman. New officers will be instal'ed will be held in the church hall College, guest speaker; Dr: John E. Foster, director of the Monday; June 13 at ceremonies from 3 to'9 Monday, July 18. New Bedford college; and Richard Durette, president of Central Villaoe to be held at Harbor Beach " A $100 donation was made to the Fall River cl~b. ·the Catholic Charities Appeal. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST ·Lodge, Mattapoisett. , , The.June me:"ting will feature , $200 ST. ANNE'S, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Harney. ,a program with .lides and film Rev. Wm. R. Jordan. 'FALL RIVER Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Barabe, Boys will be enrolled into a on the activities of the Cape Cod JohnA. Diskin, Mr. ,& Mrs. $50. ne"'ly-organized Cub Pac. at 'J Extensio_ ' . 1ervice, 'presented by Anthony- Viveiros, Korzenski Mr. & Mrs. Casimire BartkieAttleboro . ( Family; 'Mrs: Howard Worthing- wicz, ·Mr. & Mrs. William For-. Friday night in the ·schoolrec- Urs. :vIary E. TlIomas" ~ome $125 Economics Agent. , rest & Family, St. John's LadielJ reation hall. , , First National Bank of Attle- ton. Mr. & Mrs. John Downey, Mr: G~d. OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, boro. OUR LADY OF FATIMA,. ,& Mrs. Albert Champoux, Mr;' $20 NEW BEDFORD $60 '. & Mrg. Louis Viveiros, Mr.. &' Charlotte Madeiros, Mr. & The W ',en's Club will, hold .sWANSEA - Conlon & Donnelly. Mrs. Michael Biszko, William Thomas K. PorteI.': ' • mother-daughter .social at 8 .. The annual. parish fair will be $50 , ' .$10 ' ., St. John's Mothers', Club, Ryder. Wednesday evening,' Ma:' 25 at held' from 1 to, 10 Sa'turday. , Mr:& Mrs; Henry Arruda;Mr: M1. Carmel auditorium. Mem~rs through Monday, May 28 to 30, Catholic Nurses' Guild of Attle- . ~ Mrs. nose Burns, Mr, & Mrs. may bring their mothers or..other unqer co-sponsorship :of, th~ boro Area, Alcazaba Circle,' . James. Nichols, Robert Rogers; . & Mrs.' Joseph' .Audet,Emilv Mrs. William ,Moss, Margaret Beaulieu, . Mr. & Mrs. Augus';. guests. Miss Gilda Lima i§ ~hair­ Women's GUiid and the Holy Daughters of Isabella, St. VinName So6iety, ' with' Mrs. Wil- cent de Paul .Conference of St. Cahill. . tine Botelho, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur man. John, Cahill, Mr. & Mrs. Jos. Denault. The Mission Circle is prepar- liam Andrews and, Vincent" J. John's Church. Campagna, as co-ch~irmen. ' . $25 M. Krupa,·Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mr.:& Mrs: 4rmand Desjaririg clothing bOxes and' request~ " Booths. will~ inc'ude, apr~ns, . Better Homes' Products, Rear..; ~ Cafferty, -Mr. & 'Mrs. Raymond:, dins, Mr: &,.Mrs.. Anthony 'F. ·donations of blankets, sheets or gifts, dolls, and rE;freshments. don & Lynch, Stephen H.' Foley Fisette; Mrs. John Sinith. . . Ferreira, Mrs: Antonio Ferreira 'clothing of all kinds. A green thumb ·booth wiY also Funeral Home, M. J. Wall Co. Mrs. James McKnight, Mr. & - Mr. & Mrs. Tobias Felemming.: Sr:', --";RESA, be op~n Thursday and Friday Mrs. Norman Thran, Mrs. Rob- Mrs. Mary Hendricks. ' SOUTH ATTLEBORO 'Mr: & Mrs. Bernard Kelly, ert J,"artridge, Jeanne .Gregory, , The general meeting of .study evenings, May 26 and 27, to ac'. . . , , Mr..& Mrs. Leonard Smith; , Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Kirby, Mr. clubs of District Four, Diocesan commodate shoppers, for, MemoMary Eccles, Mrs. Aloysius & Mrs. Marra, Mr. & Mrs. Ernesls Council of Catholic Women, wili' rial Day p'~nts. Refreshments, a Iyer Eccles, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Martin, . Mary L. Medeiros. be held at 8 Wednesday night, available at all times; will in. Memory of JOhn C. PartingST. 'WILLIAM Perry, Mrs. Bella Howe,' Mr: & May 25 '- the church hall. Rev, clude clam chowder, and' clamton, .Mr. & Mrs. "Andrew Perry, Mrs.' Valentine Palmer.. cakes. . $500 Francis McCarthy, Diocesan Thomas K. Porter, Jr., Mr. & MI.'... & 'Mrs: John Texes Mr 'moderator of studY' clubs, will .. Satilrday will be Kiddies', Day itt. Rev.' Raymond T. Considine & Mrs. Louis Fontaine, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rezendes Mm. $100 ~~k.' ' . " with Mr. and Mrs. Roger Michaud . Mrs. Jos. Brouillard, Paul Ridge;' Muriel Rogers. New Holy Name Society offi~ and Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. The Donovan Family Lorraine Rose, Mrs: Esthel1' . Mrs. Wesley Koehler. Cochrane in charge of events, $75 ' , cersare Walter Downarowicz, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hoenigke- Samson,. Mrs. Isabelle Sandpresident; Gerald Brillon, vice which will include a trike paMr. & Mrs. George Hurley Mr. & Mrs: James McKane, Mr: berg, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel S. rade ' for .children seven and $40 f"-~sident; Raymond '}ravel, secretary; Arthur Glade, treasurer; : 1l:lnger and a bike, doll carMrs. Margaret Boodry & Fam.- & Mrs. Stanley Michalewich, Souza, Manuel Vincent, Frien~ Christopher Lake, Jr., Mr. & "-·H'!r DelUde, marshal. Turn to Page Eleven riage and costu""~ parade for Dy, ' eight to 12-year-olds: $25 ~~:EA:~CK'S, Mae Riley, John J. Honan, ~dIDlT dIDlT dIDlT dIDlT dIDlT d1thT d1thT dIDlT dllt;~d1thT dIDlV dIDlT dIDlT dIDlTd1th~ St. Patrick' Circle will hold a NOTRE DAME, Katherine Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. ~ , ~ rum age sale Thursday and FALL RIVER . Francis Gauthier, John E. Mur- I"": :""t Friday, JuPo " and 3.• ~"s, Helen The last meeting of the Coun- phy. ~ ~, Walsh is ,chairman. A fOo~ 'ale cil of Catholic Women for this $20. ..: Is planned for Saturday, July 2 season will be held at 7:45 MonReddy Family, Mrs._ -Louis ~ L' C ~, y :th Mrs. Joseph Stott in charge, day evening, May 23 in Jesus Greenberg, 'Mr. & Mrs. Roland ~ 'Ii: OW ost - ~asy Terms and covered dish supper' and Mary Academy auditorium. Pre- Tatbot, Mr.' & Mrs. Bernard ~ :': ~ r


Special Gifts

Appea I Gifts 'F II RO

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th~~~~seL~ANS ;a ~

'ye,ar scholarship for a graduate S~.rine is set for Sunday, MaY, & Mrs. Harry Wood, Mr. & Mrs; :~, ~.,; NEW OR USED CARS ~, of Wareham' high school plan- 7" Reservations should be'made Arthur Doucet.~. ~.' , ning to attend a Catholic college. ~ith the spiritual dev,elopment Martha Hobbs, Mr. & Mrs. ~ ~~ , Applications are now being're';" . committ'e'e or a'ny. Councl'l of:". John Maitoza, Mrs. Lilllan . R ear-,' ..: "d ' ,.".:.tj~ ceived. ' f~cer.. . , :. ". ".: I , ' don, Mr.. & Mrs. George N.evillej ~ . e : ' ,' ,. ·JYIr. ,& ,Mrs~ ,Walter. Jamck.& .. ...: . ,1;;:"1 ST. E LIZABETH , 'FALL ST.• , MATmE,U." " r.·YER HenryF. Lord, Mr. & Mrs.. Wil.,. " r: ,~ , ~, · A "di'nner meeting Sunday,·FALL ~I.VEJ:t. "".. liam McPartland: ..:. .~ 'June i2' -will- close the' season's The Women's Guilcj, will}:lo.ld,; ., $IZ .~ ,'. '~' · '. ',an i!113tallatioI)- p,anquet Su'nday,' M 1 C 1 M ' a...::" 6'" activities for the Women's Guild, J 12 t'th W'll So' . ,Ermi,ne ero a, aro yn er-, ~ 'C ' .' S . '11 b ,'b" une· . ,a e lOWS mer1 AI' M l..<!! ~ , arnab,o,n , unday ~I ~ O. - .' r-~. ... '.~t·' ~tilar.meeiIng will' ' 0 a, Ice ero a. ' ': ""'d , : . , .' ". • "," . 6> I served' '3unday, June 19 when, b h'ld M d M 23 '. ih . ' , . ' " $10 :. ' . . . . : : . , : ,I~ ~kes on!y a, few, .~lInutes :to . a r r a " g e ' flowers il1 be presented, to men' . e . ~ 'h' 'llo~,.ay, ar ,.m ,e . Mr. & Mrs. John Zajac, Mr~'~' ,.... . ,. ;',' , ". ~1 attending ,....~~s. parIS a.,., &; Mrs.::AI<iei Pi~ard; Elizabeth··..: ',' ." for.your ..Auto,.Lo8;ft at any .. ~f'oar SANTO C~RISro" " ' . Fitzgerald; ,Susa~Fitzgeral~.. ~'" ..., . :,' ' '. . : .' ' '. ' ,~ I





~~~~f:aIX~isanto"Christo wi1i;~~O~~~~": ," ' . , : '. JO~~.E".:a~~;.JrEdwar.d ' Shaw, "'~' ._ ~':NEIG,HllqRttOOP' ~ANI<S ~ :'Miss Anne·'Marie Powers. will . ...: 6"'~

, 'b" o'b"served t-hl's' Sa'turday' a"o'd' . Simday with processions, Solemn Mass and various social, activities.· ,,~ JOHN 'BAPTIST • E'W", B'"'DFORD . ' . :- ., .' N , The' b.owling_'t~am'wlll hO,ld its annual ba nquet at 7 S,unday, :r, -~ay ?2. at Whl·te"s. restaur'an,t.' r -N officers are Manuel Car,doza, president; George' Alex': " J' ander; vIce president.; .oseph Darmofal, secretary; Al- William Jr., ,treasurer; Joseph. Rebell,o, ·t pu bli CI y. ST. AU G U STINE, VINEYARD HAVEN, The Haiy ..Name Society will hold a baseball. trip to Boston


Mr.&. Mrs: Raymond Murphy'," r: ~, .. " ,.'. '. ',' " ., .... ' , - . : " ..,.. ',:' , head .,t'he, Promp t.·'~(m " f'd' ' . , Women's' Guild .,for. the . Mr.&, Mrs. Robert Sullivan,. Mr.' . ~ I en t' laI..S ervlce .' ' - ~, coining ·y,.e;lr. Serving with. he,r & Mrs. Thomas Clifford, Mr. & ~ .' .', ' . , ". '.' ' ~ ~ will be ·Mrs. Harold Bassett" vice Mrs. ,Edward.' Bronhard.. . ~. You do.. not. need' to be a DepOSItor . . ' ~, 'pre!1i,den~; .¥j..;, ~ohn .Fitz.gerald N P I r: ~ . Mr. & Mrs. apoleon Olr er, ~ . PI ' .... " I" ":'. .' h Y ',' . ~ , Jr." ,r~cording secr~tary; Mrs., Mary M.' Quiim, James A ..Quinn: ace y.our nsurat;l(~~ WIt' our Own Ag~nt- ~, Murray; corresponding S tanley, C . youservlce . w h en ~ .ote, Mrs.d Edwar" & : ~ . th e man b es t qual'f" I Ied to gIve ~ Secretary; Mrs. Edward C;l11en, 'C 1 '/ F :<;;I d 't . ~ , aro yn o~. -' " 'Ii..: . you nee '1 • ' I;;"~ , sure.r. They will ,be seated at J M K G df' Id r:: ' or Th ' igI'., .: ~ , , ul.'s~y . nigh t, 'J ·~ne 9at a F ,ames, '1 M c& enna, M . G ran JIe" . . '''i! I;;" .b~nqu~t.at StoJ;le Bridge Iim~ amI y, r. rs. eorge os- '..: ~ eph, .Mrs..Mary Larrivee, Mrs; , : ~. .' ~~.: .. , .. ' '~,.n.~ ~' ~, ., Raymond, Fisher. ..: _,. ~.~ ~i 'SACRED, HEART, . '.' ;, Mr, & ·Mrs. Hormidas Beland,' ~ ", ~" ," OAK' .BLUFF.S, M r. & Mrs. Harry Kershaw" Mr.' '<a ~ I ...: 1;;":.. Sacred'Heart',Gl"ld will honor & Mrs. Leonard Worsley, Mrs. r: ,,~... ',,' e. first ,communicants witi\ a' M t B d M & Mr "'d I;;:" argare or en, r. s.'..: CENTER BA,NK-Pu,rcha'se 'and.WIII·la'm Sts. " ~. breakfast·Sunday morning, June John Golden. ~ . ' e : "

..:'' 'd'. -

''''d. ":

. .-., es


12: A reception_ honqring Rev. ,Gerald Shovelton, form,er curate. will also be held during June,


.Mr. & Mrs. ~rthur Deschenes•. ·...: . NO,RTH END, BANK-Cor. A'cushnet Ave. and C,off·ln Ave. M & M Cl t B k M ~ ~ r ~rs. :~nue;n ~~rr':Ss:~' V~:~' ~'SOUTH END BANK-Cor.' C~~e'St. & R~dney Fre'nch Blvd.

~l~~~a~OJd~~OB~~:s~~f~:~Je~~ :~~~:n~o~l, T~~;SX:::;, ~~fy. ~s4' i:~~~~taney, Mr.

Richard J. Shannon, vice 'pres- _ ir. the parish hall: Regular meet:"


&. Mrs. J~hlr Mr. & Mrs. JeremIah Kehoe;.-·




.. M~mb'~r Federai'

... ... "

.. ..

Dep~si';' I~suran~e C~~poration

, , " , .

" ,



' ,- .~I.


\h~:~;;~~n~o;~ t~p~;;l~:~~r~~~~ . ~n~ii?:~~~~.~ujld ar~ adjOUrned ~:~~·M~~o:;S.~t~~~:~~~ ·:·~~ ~~~ W.~~~.~.itW.~~~ ~ ~~~.~J6~r~

Appeal Gifts Taunton ST. JOSEPH $200 Rev. Patrick H. Hurley. $100 Holy Name Society, Assumpta Culld. ' $25 Mr. & Mrs. George Manning, Belen & Margaret Smith, Mr. & Mrs. \lexander Veradt Sr. & Family, The Wren ~amily, Mr. & Mrs. T. NevfIle, Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Kennedy. $20 Maribeth DahfIl, Dr. & Mrs. George Schloemer, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Coughlin, Mr. & Mrs. Wi':iam Scully, Helen Dahill. $15 , Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Caiozzo; The Kervick Family, Charles Lawlor., $12 Mr. & Mrs. George, Cayer, Beverly Tierney. ' $10 Mrs. Robert Whittemore, Mr. A: Mrs. Joseph Thomas,Mr. &" Mrs. Fred Wise, ~I{r. & Mrs. Philip Lemieux, Daniel' Reilly. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ziarkoj Osborne McClellan, Mrs. Mary McNulty, Joan Frazier; Mrs. Louis Frazier. rene Frazier, Mr. &' Mrs. Lou'" Chaves, Mary Jo·~ Manrmng, Cornelius Tierney, Patricia, Y



Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Lewis, Ii.rancis J. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. I?rank ("'egan, Mr. & Mrs. John rr.. McGovern, Mr. & Mrs. James

&; M;rs. James Carvalho, Mr. &; Mrs. Raymond Taylor, Mrs. Peter Tobino. Laura Bisio, Mr. & Mrs. Italo Bernacchio, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gasciolo, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Correia. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Davidson, Mr. & Mrs. Omer Frappier, Mrs. Celestine Waibel, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Laffan, Mrs. Mary A. Mees. Mr. & Mrs. Edgar McAloon, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Dermody, Mr. & Mrs. R. 'Hebert, Mary Moran, Julia Moran. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kelly, Fred Bouchard, Mr. & Mrs. ROnald Jacob, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Ducharme, Mr. & Mrs. Fernand Medeiros., Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hoye, Mr. • Mrs. Joseph W~ Hill, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McBreen, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Iv. , "eiros, Mr. & , Mrs. Edward J. Lynch. ~'irginia Burke, William Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Martin, Ruth B. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. John Cleary. Mrs. Annie M. Coyle, Christine Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Phillips, Alfred, C. Shearing, John Tigano. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain, !\.ir. & Mrs. Gilbert Simmons, ~.lr. & Mrs. Dominic Ti~.mo, Mr. & Mrs: Albert Nunes _J,r., Nora Sweeney. Mrs. Edward Sweeney, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. LaPre, Mr. & Mrs. 'George Boiros, David F. M:o" 'n, Anna Drinkwater. Alice May' FlYnn, Mr. & Mrs. J'~ln L. Coady, James MicJ:taels, Mr. & Mrs. George A. Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. john Santos. " Katherine Hern, Frances,'Papazoni" Margaret, Darcy, Mrs., ,Frank Peterson, Edward J. Peterson. Kathleen Peterson, Edward ,McAlOOn, Mr., &" Mrs. 'Henry

THE ANCHORThurs.• May 19, 1960



LEAGpEFOJR POJLAND CONVENTiON: Six Bishops a,nd 300 delegates· p~rticip4ted 'in the Seventh Triennial Convention of the Catholic,Lea,guefor Religious Assistance , t() Poland, held in Scranton, Pa. Re-elected officers are, left to right: John Azkler, president;·Mrs. Catherine A. Hajek and Msgr. Edward J. ;Smaza, Chicago, treasurer. NC Photo . ' Mr. & Mrs. Edward Koss; Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Corey, Mr. & Mrs. James B. Lanagan, Mr. & Mrs. John Williams. '


George Wilson, Arthur Salmen, Charles Stratton. John O'Meara, Terrance L. Dineen, Alvida Lanouette, Gilbert Arruda, Dr. Charles Hoi, land: ' Mrs. Helen Malone, Arthur Callahan, Mrs. Bertram K. Haddon, Harold E. MacFadden, Richard Lopes. John Lauzonis, Mrs. John T, Hannon, 'Edward L: Studley, Bento Correia, John Malone. ' Onifrio Papsodora, Mrs. John , Cookson, Joseph Lapointe, Mrs. Alice O'Neill, William Callahan. Mrs. Thedore Bettinen, Ray:" mond Williams, Robert Dpggan, Raymond P. Knispel,James Engel. ' Mrs. Louise Jordan, William Lewis,' John Medclros, John Varao, Lewis Romiza. Arthur Medeiros, Mrs'. C. Cuimmei, Philip, Stone, John. D'Donriell, Anthony Glista. , Richard Wolseley, Dav~d Maseda, Mrs. Jack Marshall, Louis Botelho, Mrs. Clarence Anderson.

ST. BERNARD . $150 Rev. John E. Boyd. $100 Mr. & Mrs. Mario Rezendes. $'75 Rev. Adalbert Szklanny. $40 A. Gertrude Gould. $30 McHale Family. $25 Mr. & Mrs. RoO 'W. Blake. Marguerite Gould, Mr. & Mrs Norman Lafleur, A friend. $20 Mr. & Mrs. James Blackmore $15 A Parishioner, A friend. $10 Mrs. Edwarcl Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bevilacqua, Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Bolduc & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Boucher, Mr. l! Mrs. Jobn Brown; Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Callaghan, 'Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. -'lanuel F. Ferry, Helena V. Gould, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Jose. Mrs. Lloyd Neville, Mr. & Mrs. E~- 'ard Potvin, Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Robert, Carlton F. Rezendes, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Rezendes. Mr. & Mrs. Marianno Rezendes, Jr., Mr. & MIlS. Joseph Schauer, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. George Simmons, Mr. &' Mrs. William Simmons. , Turo to Page Twelve

ST. PATIUCK $250 Rev. James Gleason. $100 McCaffr~y. James H. Smith Mr. "c Mrs. Charles PirozzI, . $60 VATICAN CITY (NC)-FedMr. & Mrs. Everett Menice, WilGilbert J. Noonan erico Alessandrini, vice director lliam P. Reed, Mr. & Mrs. Jesse $50 of L'Osservatore Romano, VatiMedeiros; Mr. & Mrs. E;dward can City daily, has been apRev. William E: Farland. McMorrow. $40 ' pointed a Chamberlain of Honor Mr. & Mrs. Chester McGuire" John P. Sylvia, Jr.' of the Cape and Sword by Pope Mr. & Mrs. John Latham, Mrs. John. , $30 Harold Benson, John Cleary, Mr. Kell~" -r., Loretta Doucette. • Mrs. Holida Paradis. SACRED HEART $25 " Mrs. John J. Downing, Mr. &; Dr. Norman Starosta,' LawrMrs. Theodore Wojcik, James $350 ence Burdo,' Mrs. Frederick Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. James F., ,Rev. Francis McKeon. English, Joseph L. Corey, Jr. Carmody, Mr. &; Mrs., Joseph $75 Dr. George DeMello. I'aunce Jr. Rev. Francis B. Connors, Rev. Wallace T. Pierce, Richard Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McKenna, Edward J. Mitchell, St. Vincent Tobin, William Gaffney, MichM~. & Mr John Trucehi Jr. Mr. de Paul Society. . ael Ames, John S. Keoq,ane. & Mrs. Ray LaFrance, Caesar $25 NEW BEDFORD $20 Campi, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn John Welch & Family, Mr. & J. Arthur Powers, Edwin Me.;. Walker. Mrs. Louis V. Cook, Mr. & Mrs. deiros, Joseph X. Hill, Martim INDUSTRIAL OilS Mr. & Mrs. Paul Maynard, Robert E. Girard. Sullivan, Frank Tavares. Mrs. James Maxwell, Esther $24 Vera Brabrook, Mrs. Alice HEATING OILS Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Pacifico Mr. & Mrs. John Grace. Creemer, In Memory of Capt. Catanelli, Harold Morris. $20 ' J. W. Murphy, Jr. . TIMKEN , $15 Mr. & Mrs. George McCabe, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Madeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Murphy, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dray. Jayme Moniz, Joseph B.Mis-' Oil BURNERS JOSEPH M. F. DONAGHl & Mrs. Amalio Annunziato, Mrs. $15 kell, Jr. Dr. Arthur J. Wagner, oWiler/mgll'. C"arles Ponsler, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Unsworth, James Q. Lyons, Mrs. Edwin & Service Tripp. ~seph Sevigny Jr. Kathryn Donahue. 142 Campbell S'J. $12 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Dutra', Mr. $12 '. New Bedford. MaSl:l. Edward Carroll & Mrs. Edward Trucchi, WilMr. & Mrs. George Meunier, 501 COUNTY ST. WYman 9-6192 $10 !iam Gregg, Charles McCaffrey, John Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew NEW BEDFORD Harold McCormick Mrf? Wal-, Mr. & Mrs. Walter O'Hearne. C. Strojny, Mr. & Mrs. Antone HEADQUARTERS FOR' ter Bennett, John E. Noonan, Mr. & Mrs. John Shea, James Silva. COLONIAL AND Mrs. George Blake, W1lliam H. ' Kenyon, Mr. & Mrs. Antone $10 WY 3·1151 TRADITIONAL FURNITURE Costa, Mr. & Mrs. ,William Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O'Neill Jr., Goss. John P. Rose, Ralph Moniz, T'ucchi, Mr. & Mrs. James H. Mary E. Nichols, Sarah Nichols, John Flaherty, Edward Enos" eleary. Mr. & Mrs. B. Lewis McDermott, George Denmark. ' Mr. & Mrs. Arthur LaPointe, Mrs. Marcelline White. James McCabe Norman BeValdes Family, Mr. & Mrs. AIMr. & Mrs. Roy Prairie, Mr. & noit, Dr. Philip I. Wessling, Lee. f '1~. Silva, Mr. & Mrs. CorneMrs. Patri.:k J. Murphy; Mr. & INC. Bourgoin, Edward Bourgoin. .. ' Iius Kelleher, Mr. & Mrs. Ber- Mrs. Lafayette Nolette, Mr. & D8rd Walsh. Mrs. Herbert A. Lee, Mr. & Mrs., , John MalloY,Leo Griffin, Sr.' . Mr. & Mrs. Michael Welch, William J. Coe Sr. ' Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Betteneourt, The' Carney'F!lmily,.. Mr. "', Mr. & Mrs. David St. Germain,' Mrs. Framils Soitos; lYIl'. & Mrs. ' , ~. & Mrs. Anthony'Arena, Mrs. James Clark, Sheiia Clark, .lohn .. . . INSURANCE -AGENCY Edward~llegan. H. Cronan. "" Mr. & Mrs. John A. Shea, Mary E. Cronan, Helen U., ,. , , ~II Kin'd. ,~ Insura.,ce Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Tierney, C,"~nan, Edward S. Brown; Mrs. 96 WILLiAM STREET, Mr. & 1VTt:s. Henry S. Fur~ado,Sr., , Adelaide, Carney, Mrs." Ann NEW BEDFORD. MASS. , -," William McEvoy, Mr. & Mrs. Sweeney. , ARTHUR J. DOUCET FR:'~':CIS J. DEVINE :,: Charles Sylvia. .., .l\If"'. & Mrs. Leo Landgraf, Mr., DIAL WY "S'15a' , Janice Lawlor, Charles' V. & Mrs. Arthur McDermott; Mrs. :' Personal Servic('j : Lawlor, Lawrence Lawlor, Mr. Samuel McClellan, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. George' Menoel'~, Mr. & Lester Crowninshield, Mr.. & Mrs. Richard Donahue. Mrs. Casmir Zyskowski. ' ......•..~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ . Mary Donahue, Mr.. & Mrs. . Galen, Rheaume, Alice Carey, ," "Mac" saysRussell Menard, Mr. &: Mrs. Ed- Gertrude Carey, Mrs. Mary.~ Be Thrifty - Be Wise ward Dahill, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph . Rheaume, Harold Rheaume. Ask your, M,eotmC1n for €:I Faunce, Mrs. Estelle Margarido. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent McAloon, , SfJles' '&' DAVIDSON'S' , Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nixon; Mr~ Mr.. & Mrs., Leo FillTell, Mr. &,' , &; Mrs. John McNamara, ~r., & Mrs. Charles Delano, Joseph, (Mac~regor ~rcind) Mrs. E. EmmettoCalvey, Grace Kevicim, Mrs. Ellen ~renrian. ROUTE'28 McManus, Francis McManus. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Cornaglia, Ha~'ch"'·1,4 Bakeln the Bag-'No Basting Mr. & Mrs. Robert SmUh, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Braga; Mr. Harwich' ~-67 • Mrs. Edward Lynch, Mr. & & Mrs. Thomas Wynn, Mr. &, Real Scotcfl, Ham Flavol'lI Mrs. Thomas Cunniff, George E., Mrs. Howard Donnelly, Mr. &' "WINNING FAVOR Murphy, Robert T. Murphy. 'Mrs. Wilham Geisler. WITH ItS FLAVOR" Mr. & Mrs. Harry Nic~ols,Mz:, , ..Joseph Grace, Mrs.' 'Lucy. ' It Mrs. Roger Kingsley Jr. Mr. & Berry, Mr. '& Mrs. Edwar~ Na-,,' , Mrs. Roger Kingsley, Louise Mc- deau; Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Cunha.., Kenna, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mu- M··. & Mrs. Ethei Alwardt. by .ell. Mr, & Mrs. Robert Dennen, Mac Gregor' Raymond Brocklehearst, Joha Mr. & ,Mrs. Joseph La~infa, BRAND 'l\'ucchi Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Mr. & Mrs. Jobn Provost, Mr. & JUST' at All LeadirtQ Tosti, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ca... Mrs. Stanley Roberts, Mr. & Johnny Lemos Florist Ileiro, Mary McNerney. Mrs. John Lucey. ASK FOR Food Stores Mr. & Mrs. Arthur ChaBSe7., Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rheaume, SWEfTNICS in Massachusetts H,yannis Sp. 5-2336 ME. & Mrs. Earl SimmOlls, Me. Mr.,&Mrs. FrancisW. Kenney., • • • q. "...• '

Honors Newsman


OIL (0., lIt


Furniture Store


D & D Sales and Service, FRIGIDAIRE







• 363 SECOND ST.





"REAL ESTA·TE Re'ntql$ West Harwich


F.,o·w er S':



He,nry' Teix,eira



'.•.'"" ..>.,,., ......


.. ;\1'


THE ANCHOR-Diocese 'of ~all River-Thurs. May 19, 1960

.Sweet Slavery

Appeal. Gifts Fall River



God Love ,You

Mr. & Mrs. John Eastwood, Mrs. John Neilan. By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D. ST. ANOTHONY OF PADUA Mr. & Mrs. Henry Leary, John , Why is it that Catholics always feel so "free" in the Faith, while ·' . $300.00 ., Neilan, Elizabeth Neilan, Mr. & .those outside regard us as "enslaved"? Catholics "freely" assent to Rev. Laureano C. dos Reis. Mrs. James Kepple, Mr. & Mrs. the truth that Christ is present in the Eucharist; nin-Catholics say $100.00' James R. Hannon. we are' "forced" to submit to dogmas; Why are we like children · Atty. Milton R. Silva,: Silva Vincent M. Fitzgerald, Misses enjoying the game of life, .while they see .only the rules and the Fum, 'al Home. Mary & Elizabeth Guiney, Mr. boundary lines? . . $50.00 & Mrs. James' H. Martin, Mr. &. Rev. Joao C. Martins. !\irs. G. Richard Duffy, Mr. & The -reason is this:' Where: th~re Is ~Iove, there Is DO law. Where 525.00 Mrs. Frank McGuigan. there is,no love, everything 'is law: There is no law that a young J:oseyh ~"rreiro. Mrs. Anthony Leonard & Carol ' man who loves a woman should give her $15.0 'Ann, Mr. & Mrs. H, Patrick gifts, or. when married that· he, give her a . Angie's Fashion.. Shea, Mr. &. Mrs. Edward D. ,wedding ring. But when love ·.leaves, law .. . !U2.00 O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas 'comes in .and each' watches the. oilier for Lydia Achou. P. McNally, Mr. & Mrs. James fear of being cheated. . . $10.00 S. Wilson. Louis M. Oliveira, Manuel The Johnston Family, Mr. & For the Catholic who ,loves Christ in the Oliveira, Jose Coreira, 'Manuel Mrs. Roderick Hart, Mr. & Mrs. 8hurch, everything is done.' which .love re-· !,T')l'!ueira, Manuel Moniz, Jr._ Simon Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. quires....:.e.g., not eating' meat on. FridilYS, or. , Joseph Sousa, Manuel Santos, William Hacking, Mr. & Mrs. keeping oneself in the state of grace, or I' William' Meli o . Jr..Floriano .. John J. Harrington. .. . . . "C . Marcella A. Regan, Mr. & Mrs. supporting the. Holy Father's Missi,?ns. It i~iK\ «!:arvalho, Manuel H. amara, " '. . . James E. Donnelly; Grace' Cuttle, .at once both lIberty andslavery-hberty totAl Jr.. do' all that love demands; slavery to ChristMM , William Reis, Antone Camara" Mr.' & Mrs. Angus' Bailey; Mr. .NEW'MAN MEMORIAL: wh~ is' loved ~bove ail thiJ,lgs. ' . , '. 'Austin McCauliff. ·Frank·B. Silva; Tiargo B. Silva, . . I~a1:iel Medeiros., . . Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ferreira, ,Los Ap.geles 'sculptor Carl Mrs.. Raoul T. Gagnon, Mr.' & RQmanelli executed this bust . The. sees' to : Frank. Carreira, Antonio. Vitruths revealed by Christ, but forgets that we submit to them as veiros Antonio .Cabral, Orlando ·Mrs. P. Henry Desmond, Mr. & of Cardinal Newman for the ,.. Mrs. James E. 'Mullins, Mr. Wilobedient ch'i1dren to a loving Father; Ignoring the love that is in Conforti, .tose C. Viveiros. 'liam F. Murphy. Cardinal Newman, Memorial our' obedience, they see only th~ submission 'and .conciude that we . HOLY NAME ·Thomas Cooper,· Jr., Mr..& Committee' of the' National are forced. In a certain:· sense, 'we are forced; we are enslaved; $300 Mrs. William King, Mrs. Francis . Newman Club Federation. aye, more! we "bring ,our minds captive to Christ." B~t. we do it with so much love that it is a sweet slavery. The youlig man who Mrs. Charles Boqner. Collins, Sr., Daniel Foley, Mar-· N~Photo. . $250 ion Foley. . Wishes-to marry a young woman asks to be' her i'slave" all his Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tansey. . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E.' The-· lif~,'llnd if she consents, be regards it as his. greatest "freedom." $150 . berge & Claire; Gertrude FlanDr. & Mrs. Ha'ri-y Powers. agan & Mrs.. Joseph. B. Flami,.. . . ·Nob.o~y is forced to give to .th~ Holy Father to support his . . ,'$100 ." gan, Mr. & Mrs. Alfre,l Beaulieu, 135,000 missionaries. All sa'crifice~ are spontaneous, free and love-, Continued From Page One Mr.·& Mrs. Joseph,F. Ph~lan, .'Mr: Richard. B.. O'Connor & inspired. But to those who have no love, a. sacrifice to the Holy ' ·r·.' &. Mrs.' Richard Donovan, Family, Louise, '&Ruth Walch. Father's )\'Iissions seem~'like an unnecessary. submiSsion to a "touch." D Oct. 1930. Following a fOlli year What is your reaction? Are.you touched;'or do yo~ think you are Dr.. &Mrs. F. J. D'Errico, Dr; & . Mrs. Walter. Fallon, )\rfs:: Ca-: pastorate in the Dighton padsh, touched"?' . ' ., . . : . . .. .., . :Mrs. Jeremiah·.Sullivan.. . ,therine .Hoefling, Mr. &. ,Mrs.. he was transferred' to' the Holy .."being .' .. ,.' . . $~5, .' '. "'. /John.·F. J{ane', Anna Malone, Mr.' Ghost' Parish, A·ttleboro. in tile ,i ,', Mrs.' I>av.id w.Bolan~,. : ..,'& Mrs. Joseph Payton. 's~m~ ·capacity.)nJuiy· .195'1, . ", Gem LOVE YOU to ·M.M.M.. for"$5 "I am 'nine years old and in · .' . . . ' '560 . , ,~ :.' ';.Bernadetter·W81sh', ',:Mr;&' 'Mrs:' . . ,.. ,ihefourth grade. i w~s 'savirig up my mon~y to, ~u'y' ice skates, };lut -:.. ,....~.. M·ay ·A... Leary. '.. . . ;., !·".JQh·ri ·~.ul_livafi.;·.l.iI;:·M .. & 'Mrs: M..;gr. Stiilivan succeeded Bishop since: Uie wfnter is all ove~ I wui :not need them. this year" I am ..... . .ConriollY as pastor of the Sacr~c;I sen~ling you this fivedo~larsOl:hadsayed for y'our::.pOQr childrell." . ;:. '-', . . .. .. $50.00 .... .,r Frank 'M, ~offey:, Ger~rude' Kel,. Heart Parish, Fall' River.. : . ' .. Patrick" PheHm,. Dr.. ·.& ~Mrs;·· ly,·Mr.·.& Mrs:..·Luke.Urban:· . ': to J.M. "for, $2 .'!Here·ls two dollars' with pra'yers,' that' some ·~ul John Dunn~ .. Dr. MargaFet::, S:· '" "Mr:' &. 'Mrs; :- Tliomas :eullen, .. On. :Feb. i958: pope:.Pi~s XU· may' c~me·to. know, 19ve"arid.:serv~''Gpd.'' . :. '.to•. T:F:~· foX $.3; "r~­ Doherty;: Dr. : & Mrli, ·Catr<?~l.. i· ·.HildaP.h~1lips·,·'FheBur~e1s, Mr: .elevaied Fath.er Sullivan .to the eight ·years :old and I aJt1 soop ,goirig to inlik!! my'first .H;oly, C,otri- .. "Gettings, Mr. & ,Mrs. Micha.el·'H.· & Mrs: Francis ·H.arrfson., M,:.·&. dignitY'of a. p'omestic Prelate munion;:One'day I saw 'apicture in your Mission' magazine of . ' little 'ooy who looked so hungry that' I· wanted to do: som¢thingfo.. ~ullfvan.·· .' ' . ' " M:rs.A.n;thonjr ,Neves::,,": ... '. with ·the: title ·of Rt. Rev. .l\lsgr. · Mr.' &' Mrs. Joseph· E. Mtil- . , .-,,"onn·H.. ·H~nrron,~'V.incent:J.- '. : M,:sgr.- S~~livan was ~ meD:\per. him. I told my mother I was going to put a'nickei oiithe window' sill ev.ery· time .I 'wanted··to ..buy a cani:iY bar.· I finally 'saved thie laney, The McDonald Family". Murphy; M,ary V::M!,ir,phY,Mary.- of the-Board·.of.Diocesan ConThe Misses Connors. . '. O'Neil,.. Helen O'.1';leil.-",- .. ; . $3.00 and I would like you to see that~ine little bOy gets it.'" .. . $35 . : Mrs. James A.,BoYnto·ri,· Ger-: s!-lltors, .and· former .. Moderator . " ' 0 ' . the. Catholic 'Woman's C.lub. : Mrs. W, Arthur Leary . trud.e .L; . M,ercier,- M/;' ~. Mr.s.:: of Fall' River. imd" Diocesan' '.; A .stray· earring, or· cuff link that you have around ti:le house_ · 530f A,rqiel' Audet, . Jr.; ... Marcella Director for the . Guild of the: ·could mean a meal'for a starving orphari; Broken ey~ glass frame. : MI< & Mrs. jiuuesB... Kelley,' J;,ogan, .¥r;' ~'. Mrs: Thpmas J., 'couid mean bandages for aieper.' Bracel~ts y~u no)ongeJ; wear.......: : Jr. Logan. .' . ' . ,' Blind. a-ny discarded"jewelry-":'orold ',gold-":'i{ you' will send it· to us-w.iH . $25.00 :' . , Mr. &; ,Mrs..Robert.Nagle, ~he: : His interest,in the· youth ill . be resold; and the money wi~l aid the poor and the homeless'in the Dr. & Mrs'. Bernard Cronan, '. Patenaude Family; ·Mr.. & . Mrs. eviden,ct;!d by a park fn the Attlefive' continents of th'e "'·orld. . . Margaret E. Shea, Mr:&' Mrs. Raymond Holen,.Sr., Mr. &Mrs. boro 'city being named for him. Joseph W. Cummings, Helena V. Thom;lS H. Sears,Mr. & Mrs. /. Msgr.: Sullivan is survived by Cut out this column, :pin your sacrifice to it and .mail it to the . I Sullivan, Mrs.' Max Meyer. Michael\.Hanley. . three sisters, .all living in New, Most Rev. 'Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Society for Gertrude & Alice Lynch, Mrs. . . Mr. & Mrs. Barney Levesque, Bedford. They are Mrs. Thomas the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y., . Joseph LaCroix, Gertr.ude!\i. Mr. & Mrs. William Coady, Jr., . E." (Elizabeth) Kelley, Mrs. or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. ~AYMOND T. CONSIDINE, , Quirk, Mr. & Mrs, John Bying- Mr. & Mrs. Fred Brissette, KathJames W. (Terese) Blossom, and 368 North Main Street, Fall River? ·MaSs. ton, Mildred V. 8arroll, Mr. & erine Battersby, Mr. &. Mrs. Mrs.. Joseph P. (Irene) FitzMrs. Joseph Latessa. Thomas Hammond. 'patrick. . Several nieces and $20.00 , Mr. & Mrs. George Nugent, nephews also survive. DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL Sarah Moran, Mabel Moran,' Mr., & Mrs. William R~ady, Mr. .Invite young gir" (14-231 to labor .. The 'Chancery Office has anThe Lenaghan Family, Mr. & & Mrs. Francis Tansey, John J. ·Christ·. vast vineyard as an Apostl. 01· the nounced that this afternoon at Mrs. Daniel Mahoney, Mr. & Donneily Carpet Co., Mr. & Mrs. Editions, Press. Radio, Movies. and r.le-' 4' o'clock, the Office the Dead. Mrs: J. T. C. McGuire. Francis Carey. . .ision.. With the.. modem meanl. th_' will ,be. chanted at .the Sacred Claren'ce' 'Bonner, 'Mr; & .Mrs. ',', . Joseph, Carey, . Margaret A. t,\issionary Silters, bring· Chrilt'l Doctrine Heart Church. Most Rev. James: Leo V. Gaffney, Mrs. Frank Mullaney, !VIr. & Mrs. Francis E. ''10 all, regardless of race., color or cr"d. Kingsley. . ' . . McCurdy, ·Jr., Mr. &·Mrs. Albert J. Gerrard, V.G., P ,R., pastor of '.""011 fa, inl~rmation w,ite to. ' St.' Lawrence's Chu~ch, New $15 . ,Larrivee, Mr. & Mrs. John %~l..: . REV. MOTHER SUPERIOR Bedford,' will preside and chant ··SO ST. PAUL'S AVE. BOSTON 30, MAil. Catherine P. Harrington GenMcAndrew. the third lesson. The first and evieve A. Harrington, Ju'lia' T.· . Anna Mae Owen, Mr. & Mrs. Harrington; Lawrence J. HusJames'Owen, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas second. lessons' will be chanted. sey, Jr., Catherine A. Lysaght." Collins, Mrs.· Mary M. Tavares, by' Rev. Felix S. Childs and Rev. FAMILY: -TREA'·T.· Thomas F.'Walsh. . ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brindley, Mr. & Mrs. Walter French. Mary .. Lysaght, Nalley Carroll, ,. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Leonard, The officers of the Pontifical Mrs. :Tonn':Orpert, 'Mr. &. Mrs; ,Mrs. 'Thomas Simmons, .Mr.. &. ,JI~ ss of Requiem to be 'celeMartin J. McDonald; , , .Mrs. Wilfre4 Morrissette; Mr. & brated by Bishop Connolly ha.ve Mr. & ·Mrs. Alfred: Dupe, Mr.' Mrs. Timothy :T. Murphy;. MI'. &. also been announced by the & Mrs. Walter E. eonrad, WilMrs. Arthur Messier. '. Chancery Office. Rt. Rev. HumHam·Ready. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Doyle, Mr. b"er'to ,So 'Medeiros, Diocesan & Mrs. Patric~C.. Murphy. , l' ~12. Chancellor; assiStant priest; Rt. Turn 'toPage Thir~~en ' ';. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Powers, 'SIZE Rev: James Dolan of'St. Mary's :'Mr. & Mrs. J. J: Sullivan, Mr. & ..... I '\ Church, Taunton, ~nd Rt. Rev. Mrs. Charles Genaldi." I~ John J. Shay of, St. John's Church, Attleboro, deacons of . $10 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Reirierio, .. honor. . . UNION WHARF, . " FAIRHAVEN, MASS. Mr. & Mrs..FranciS Cronin, Mrs. WASHINGTON'(NC)':'- The . , Deacon' ~~dsubdeacon of the' Mary Murphy & Family, Ella National Newman 'Club Federa_ Mass respectively: will be Rt. Dempsey, Edward J. Dolan. . tion has started a fund-raising Madeline' Casey,'· Mary:' C... drive fu commission a sta tue of .Rev. Alfred Bonneau of Notre Dame Church; Fall 'River; and 'Casey, Mr. '& Mrs. Thomas A. its patron; Cardinal Ne~inan.. . , O'Do/mell, Mrs. James' Kearns, . Miniature 'and life-.size,·repli~, Rt. Rev. Raymond T. Considine of .St.. Willianl's ,Church and Mr. & Mrs.. Thomas Norton: . ;cas of the statue 'are intended fof Diocesan Director of the PropMr. &; Mrs. William H~nry, Newman Club'. centers, u'niver,.Mrs. Janice . Curry, Mr. & 'Mrs. sities ar. i iinpol'tant ::public agation of. the Faith. ' John F. McMahon, Mr. & MrS. places with the original to be . Rev; George E. Sullivan, pas-' A. D'Ambrosio, In Memory of placed ata ;location. of internator of St. Dominic's. Parish'; COMPLETE James W. Steele, Sr. tional prominence. Swansea, ~ill qe'the elJlogist. Mr: & Mrs. Raymond F. Leary, Los Angeles sculptor Carl Acolytes will.be'·Rev. Roland RENTAL WORK UNIFORMS Mr. & Mrs.,James F. Smith,'LilRomanelli 'Was commissioned to • Boule and Rev. Robert L. Stan_ lian Birtwistle, Emma McDerwork'on .the miniature and ton. Rev. Daniel F . . Shalloo, mott, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Dil,lon. size busts.l. .. Also Rec::laim Industrial. Gloves thurifer; Rev. Robert S. KaszynKatheryn F. Power, Mrs. To aid in raising funds for the ski; book bearer; Rev. Vincent Daniel J. 'crotty, HelEm' E. original ·statue,. the' Cardinal Diaferio, candle bearer; Rev.' Crotty, Mary M. Crotty, William Newman Memol'ia1 CommittEie,: Roland 'Bol,lsquet, 'gremiale bear..; E. Crotty. headed by Bill Carlos, chairman' d R M . 1 A' The Byrne Family, Genevieve . of the sOutl central California er; ~n ev. anue' ndrade,. ' . mitre. bearer. . ' C . Du f fy, Mrs. Charles V.Car- province; is presenting miniature , Successor to rOll, Mr.' & Mrs. Edmund 'Geary, replicas to each person who' Rev.. John :a:. Hackett w.iil be 'New Englond Overall & Supply Co. Margaret ·Keefe. , donates $50.. Contributors 'of .master of ceremonies.' . ' . . 20 Howard Ave., 'New Bedford . Mr. & Mrs.' Thomas J. Henry,: $100 will receive life-size . Interment will'be in St. Mary's Phor\e WY '7-0'78'7 or WY '7-0'788 . Margaret T; Hen~ry, Walter Heis, .'. rePlicas... . . . . , ... , ... Cemeter.y,·Ne'w' Bedfor.d•... ' ...... I




~s ~u"mittin'g

Msgr. Sull~."an








LI'VE ·'S9c lb· L '0 ~B S E R S' . ',KING 39c ·lb.



ewma'·n.•·'te$ P·I,.an· Statue of Patron




.INDUSTRIALc~~~~sSERVI(E .Wh'YBuy -W~ ~Supp'y








. '

Appeal Gifts Climbing

THE ANCHORThurs., May 19, 1960

& Mrs. Roger Sherman, Mr. & Mrs. C. David Sullivan,Mrs. ST. THOMAS MORE Robert Kroker, Mr. & Mrs. Rich :d O'Brien. $125 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Foley. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kirk$75 man, Mr. & Mrs. Norman PerMr. & Mrs. William J. Gibney. ron, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Locke, . $40 Margaret Morgan, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Miller. Mr. & Mrs. H. 'Earl Heron. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wiese, $35 "dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Matth- Mr. & Mrs. George Fredenburg, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Ryding, Mrs. ews. Elizabeth C. Haggerty, James L. $30 Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Blood- Collins. good, Mr. & Mrs., Richard Pit-' Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Ahern, 'Mr. t:mger, Mr. & ·Mrs. Francis C. & Mrs. Joseph D. Iadicola, Mr. & Charrette, lVIr. &, Mrs. Joseph ''':. Henry J. McG'owan, Mr. & Kenny & Family. Mrs. John A. Carreiro, Dr. AI$25 }' ~rt E. Perron. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Doolan, Mr. & Mrs. Chester J. GoodM'·. & Mrs. Geral'd A. LaLiberte, win; Mr. & Mrs. Edwa'rd Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. John Kearns. Mr. &. Mr. & Mrs. William Marland Jr., Mrs. John C. O'Brien, Mrs. Vir- ,Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Driscoll, Mr. ginia C. Jackson. ' . &: Mrs. Eciward Kaylor. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Sieczkow-' Mr. & Mrs.' George Russell, ski Jr., Mr. & Mrs. George R. Mr. Mrs. John J. Flynn, 'Mr. ,&. Harrison, Mr. & Mrs. John' J.' . Mrs.'& 'Joseph Borges, Anawan



North Westport OUR LADY OF GRACE $200.00 ~ev. MauriCe H. Lamontagne. $100.00 Alexander Walsh. $50.00 '.ev. Rene, R. Levesque, Adrien D. Picard. ~20.00

Arthur Berger, Lena St. Pierre, Auguste Chouinard. $15.00 Manuel R. Faria, Vincent Nanni. $12.00 Normand H. Sasseville. , $10.00 Dr. Roger ViOlette, Homer R. Briand, Emile P. Gendreau, Walter A. Michaud, Joseph A. Goslin. OFFICERS OF CATHOLIC PRESS. ASSOCIATION: William Costa, John Barboza, Newly elected officers of the CPA are, left to right, Floyd 'Augustus Rivers,' William DeAnderson, editor" The Advocate, Newark, vice-presiden,t., Nadal, Gerald Emond. Charles K. Bradbury, Leo G. Clorite, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Mo-' Bonded Collection Service,Mr. John J. Daly, e<;litor, Catholic Virginian, retiring president; 'Belanger, George W. Simmons, bouck, Mr. & Mrs. Nelso~ P. & Mrs. Joseph P. Mulrooney.'. Father Pet'er Rogers, O.M).,' editor, Mary Immaculate Joseph Estacio, Jr., Gedeon J.. Doyle. . , . Mrs. Herbert Tickle, Mr. & Magazine, San Antonio, board member ; and Father Nevins, Banville. . Mr. & Mrs.Cletus J. Monaharl, ,Mrs. john A. B~ote, Mr. & Mrs; . 'd ' t NC Ph t ' William King, Joseph MaMr. & Mrs. William Marland," Louis F. Fayan, Mr. & Mrs. John ' preSI en . 0 O. chado, Joseph N. Michaud, Dr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Mangione, F. Kineavy, Mr. & Mrs.IThomas & Mrs'. John T. Scanlon Jr.,Miss Manuel Arruda, Mrs. Herminio Homer Briand, John B. Dias. George W. Hopkins. r rns. '. ' Dolores Burns, Mr. & Mrs. James Pacheco Family, JO'se Mello, AnJr es J. Walsh, George Morin, $24 . Mr. & Mrs. Frank Misforsk:i, Rego. , . ' • ibal & Beatrice Souza, Alfred Marianno Costa, Arthur E. MacMr. & ~s. Edward J. McCann, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Creainer,Mr. ' Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Collins, Mr. Carreiro: . Domild, Thomas Brown. Mr. & Mrs. Zigmund Jackim. ' '& Mrs. Raymond J.' Murray, &- Mrs. Willi,' Aguiar,. Mr. & Sophia Mello, Adelaide Soares Maurice Bernier, Ligouri Le$20 Kathryn ·G. O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Earl W.Williams, Mr. & &, Son, Antone Soares, Cavaco (' '. Paul E. Gagne, Louis Mr. & Mrs. John Jentz, Elea..' }llI'rs. Frederic Bartek. Mrs. John, T~rcotte, Mrs. An- .Family, Victor Aguiar Sr. ArrUda, John J. Gleasol). n'or Mulloney, Mr. & Mrs. James' , Mr. & Mrs. James F. W'p.ite ;Jr., drea Leonard. Aires Moni:l;, Antonio BeneviTurn to Page Fourteen F.Nicoletti, Mr. & Mrs. Peter"'- -'. & Mrs. Anthony C. Martin, . Mr. &: Mrs: Manuc' Silvia Jr., ,des, Sr., Joseph Moniz, Mario Chicago, Clhurch B,e,l.ls Pepka, The Du'n~FamilY. '" 'Mr. '&':M:rs. Leo D.Sullivan, Mrs. Mr& Mrs. Arthur M..Sullivan,' Peretra, Flora Moniz. &'Mrs: 'He;pna.n W. Neh~r,. Mary & Patricia Cabral, Christ.:., 'Stolen From Tower Mr. &·Mrs. Richard Dyer; 'Mr., Fz'·ancisE. BurgesS, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Thoma'; Healy, Mr.' & Arthur'M. Kelly. Mr. '.Mrs.Joseph Puhala" Mr. ovam,'Nery, Joseph Nunes, Do. CHICAGO (NC) -'-A "ligntMrs. Austin J. O'TOOle, Mr. & 'Mrs. Evelyn"Pomfret, ·Mr. &&.Mfs~'Ronald Mandville.. , ".lores, Veiga,' Jose Cavaco'& fingered" band has stolen two Mrs. ~ohn Bi~onette.,. : \,' I" , ••Ml;'s.G~~be~t Lowney, Mr; J¥; Mrs. . .. Mr. &. Mrs. John F. ,haw, Mr.. Family. , church be:ls here, each of which " $15 " " . ' . William C. Hickey,. Humbert¥. & Mr;. Frl;l.nk H., Johnson, Kath'Al'ltqne Souza,.Jose Raposo,. weighed a ton. " , .... 'Mr: & Mrs. Reginald ¢:"l\f~r-..Lo'pe~, ~r: & NIl's.. "Willi~~. J}. erine M. :';;an~ing, M:r, & Mrs. ).Viar'i;mo,F. Mendonca, Mrs. Man': . . 'The early m'orriing'theft. chand, Mr., & Mrs.' George J. Murray. '. .',.. ., '.. . Marcel ,Dionne, Mr. ~ .Mr~. J~~? ,uel Silvia, Daniel Castanho, Carl' oCcurred at old. Santa Maria .Br()u~h, ' Mr... ·& ,Mrs.. Joh~".M~:" " . 'Mr.. & 'Mrs. LeonardSJ..; ~f.hel"da,. Marsde!:1.:..,· , Frederick. ' . 'Addoiorata' ch~rch'~which is' be,Mahon, Mrs.' Dorothy ,F~.·)fi/lU-. ,.:!t;, &.. l.\;frs.. John A.;' ~h91(!.' . -Mr:,' &.·'Mrs. -Fr.ancis 'Maher,' Joseph Silva, Antone Cabral, ing rebuilt nearoy..' , " .. cane, Mr..&".Mr~: William .E. .', Mr~ '&. Mrs. George Jld:cNamara, ·Mr.& Mrs..Joseph SL·Onge,Mr.. "E,verett .'Ferreira,. 'Richard Ta-:' 'The'bells apparently were' dePowers. " ~. ,,' ' . . :' '.' ,.)far~aret .•\. Nash', Mrll·. CaUl,:, & Mrs. Gordon' Haggerty; Mr. & vares, .Jose Bandeira. . , tached froln" .'-;1' shackles in the . Mr. & Mrs. Valmore 1.11.1'-:: e~irie J: Synan. Mrs. Edwin . Ca9-orette,Mr...~ ~Antonio -Tavares; 'Hildebel"to' 55-f60t tower of th;e old church, chambault, rMr. & Mrs.' Joseph. . Mr:'& Mrs. john A. cainpbeil, Mrs. John L. Clement. B.ernardo, Michael Motta; Man':: 'tlie. tower lou:vers' were bi'oken. Therrien, lVI .' &~ Mrs. Josepp. ;ii.. Dr. & Mrs. Donald Peter'8, Mr. &, Mr..&' Mrs. .william .Whelan, uel" M. Sardinha'· Jr., Joseph, sQ the bells 'could be lowered. Feitelberg, 'Mr. &, Mrs. Robert Mrs. Frank I,.eary, Mary L. 'Joseph K:erriga'n', Mr. & Mrs., Medeiros. ' . One bell broke the sidew'alk at Lopes,Mr; & Mrs.' Josuab May- 'Tooiney, John Daley. Jr. , . . . Alphonse E. BerUbe, Mr. & Mrs. . Carlos C. Pereira, Delia Per- the foot. 01 the tower.' .' all. Mr. & Mrs. Francis -W.· Car- E1ward ·D. Perry; Mr. & Mrs. reira, John Sousa, Joseph Buck: The .bells: were.' not iiltended Mr. & Mrs. LinWOOd Wordell; . roll;'" 'ly C. Benson, Mr. &'Mrli: , ' Norman OrmSton. ley, Emilia Gomes. , ,161' use in the new church, which Mrs. Thomas E. BOYlan, Mr.&.' Gerard Poitra's, Mrs. Elizabeti:J, . Mr'. &·'N!rs. Francis J: Gardeila, . Joseph Macbado, John Teix- will have electronic bells, but Mrs. ;hester Greene, Mr. & Mrs. M. Smith, ·Mr. '& Mrs. Joseph' Mr. & Mrs. ~ilgene ToOl'p""'. Mr.. eira, Maria S. Sousa; Jose Ar:" the church had been offered Paul Daley, Mr. & ·MrS. John . Gondela. ,. , . .;, . & Mrs. Wilfred Benoit· Jr., ,Mr. ruda, John Silvia: , '$500 each for the bells. . Fitzgerald. ... '. · ' M r . '& Mrs. George King Jr., & Mrs. Charles.A. Bergeron, Mr. Manuel Silvia, Manuel C. Ra..:. $12 . ·Mr.' &'Mrs. John.'i'Doona'n,' Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Wilding. poza,~Georgianna Rebello, Maria Mr. & Mrs. Jack Arnould. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Coady, Mrs. Ed' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McDonald" Martins, Edmund'Madore. . A Delicious & Mrs. PeterPaskowsk'i;'Mr: &: ward' Panara, Mr. & Mrs'. Joseph Mr : & Mrs. Charles McDermott, A Friend, Joseph Cabr'al, Mrs. Mr•. William A. Potter. F. Fl" 'Y Jr. ' M r . & .M,'s. ':"homas Martin, Mr. Manuel Fernandes,Palmeda DoTreat $10 . ," Mrs. Daniel F. Shalloo, Mrs.&. Mrs. Willir''1 Mooney, Mr. & mingos, Manuel Elizardo Jr. . 'Emeril Lagasse; Angelina SouMrs. Katherine Peirce,Mr,. & John E. Lawton, Sarah B. White, '.Mrs. Francis Duffy. M,·s. Loddy Kadlec, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs..T",~ep!1 M. Quinn, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sullivan,za, Manuel Pacheco, Mrs. Joseph Walter Mardulla, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. John T. O'Neil. ,Mr. & Mrs. Raymond. J. Fitz- Camara, George C. Silvia. '···1liam F. Croke, Mr. &, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cagno, !\rr. :' '~mons, Mr. & Mrs.\Jean P. Jose'Antunes, Joseph Elizardo, J eonard Mahoney. & Mrs. George R. Rei"hagen, Mr. (·'}te, Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. La- Manuel Elizardo Sr., Jose CorMr. & Mrs. E. Raymond 'ReadY,' & Mrs. John' Sullivan,' Mr: & v'oie, Mr. & Mrs. Francis L.. reira, Justina Paulo. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Connors, Mr. Mrs: 'Charles E. Lane, Mi'. & Buote. ;: M,·s. Francis X. Levesque, Mr. Mrs. RiChard Barrar.· Mrs. BridgetM. Lynch, Lillian, & Mrs. Antone Botelho, Mr. & 'Mr. & 'Mrs. Leonard O'Brien, Lynch, Mr. & Mrl1.Roberf. MiElectrical MI'S. John Babcock. Mr ·'lichard Wallace, Mr.' & chau'd, ~r. & Mrs. Joseph Ta:' Mr. & Mrs. John Mei'cer, Mr. Mrs. William S. Coombes, Mr. & var~s, Mr. &·Mi's. Edwa~d Moore.. Contractors & Mrs. Peter Benevides, Mrs. Mrs. William Webb, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Rita Bake~' Mr. & Mrs., renry F. O'Neill, Mrs. Virginia . J-.mes F. McIntyre. G: Jrge S. Phillips,' Mr~. James - Daley, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Mrs. William Lee, Mr. & Mrs. W. McNamara, Mr. & Mrs. ~n- , Duffy. James Crivaro, Mr. & Mrs~ AI- drew DiGiammo, Mrs; Mae Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F:elag, The bert T. Estes Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Ed- BridLe, Mr. & Mrs. Edward B: . O'Neil Family, Mr. & Mrs. Clif- ward T. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Toulan, Mr. & Mrs. George J. · t~~ Hcrndop, Mrs. Lenwood J.. Francis Reis. Drapeau. · Williamson, Mr. & Mrs,. :Paul Mrs. Peter Trainor;.Mr.. & Mrs. . Mrs. Marion E .. Padams, Mr. 944 County St. '~ , · Corcoran. Gilbert F. Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. ,& Mrs. Paul Butler;.. Made Rite Chips New Bedford, · Mr. & Mrs. James Biltcliffe, Ralph Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Ger., Fall' River Ask for Them Today · Mr. & Mrs. ,Williilm Leary, Mr.. 'aId Curt, Mr..& Mrs. John R. : & Mrs. Edward Dacey,- Mr. & Fennessey. . " SANTO CHRISTO :.Mrs. John Panara, Mr. & Mes. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dorgan Jr., $50 . :'Joseph F. Wilkinson;. ." Mr.'& Mrs. Alexander Yata, ~r. . Dr: Raymond R. Costa. :,' Mr. & Mrs. John' J. Stanko, James Bowel', Mr. & Mrs.. Wll$25 · lV"-. & Mrs. Clarence' Parker, liam Torpey, Mr. & Mrs. TheoJohn Brilhante.. Mr. & Mrs. Michael McInnis, Mr. dore Danis." .. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Cadorette, ' Children of CatechiSm Classe:s. & Mrs. Raymond Gel1raughty, M ~. .~ M rs. J osep h D''. Hopkins. Mr. & Mrs. AlgridStukas, Mr. $12 Mr. '" Mrs. John .A. Charves, & Mrs. Robert Profio, Mr. & Mrs. . Raul S. Faria. Barbara r''''ligan, IYJrs. Thomas Alfred Alves, Mr, & Mrs. Wil$10 HIGH' SCHOOL ROAD Hartley, Mr. Joseph Rogers, Mr.. liam H. BarraI.' Jr. . Silva Family, Texeira Faluily, & Mrs. Joseph J. Cetola: ~r. & Mrs. Robert H. O'Neil, Maria 'Fernandes, Manuel FurMr. & Mrs. Richal;~. J. Loftus,' Mr.. & Mrs.. Francis Rogers; Mr., tado, ¥anu~l. C;ordeirQ & Marie.. Mr. &. Mrs. Raymon~ S.. Moquin, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Jf;dodek, Mr. Lillian F. O'Neil SP 5-1178' & Mrs. Angelo Bor:ges, Mr.. & Mrs. Robert Gunn. ' " Atty. & Mrs. ;FranCis Kerrigan, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Borges, Mr. & IIYOUR BANKII Mrs. Arlharid C. Bernard; oMr:' &: I Mrs. James Hadad, Mrs. Anne Colon. The Smalley ·Family,. Mr.. & SOMERSET, MASS. - Next to Stop & Shop J\i"rs. Thoi-Q.as' F. O'Connell, Mr. • ~ • invites your participation in the & Mrs. Charles A. Gougl:t, Mr. & ,growth of a new Banking Institution Mrs. William H. Talbot, Mr. & Mrs. William O'Brien. :, • . 'COMMERCIAL and SAVINGS SERVICE Mr. &' Mrs. Robert Tierney, • MORTGAGES - AUTO and APPLIANCE LOANS Mr. & Mrs. Leo Guertin, Mr. & .Accou~ts !n~ured Up To $10,000 Mrs. George A. Santerre, Mr..& Mrs. Fred J. Sullivan, Mr.. & Member Federal Deposit Insuranc'e Co. -: - '. Daniel J. S'llmon. &:tarold J. Regan, President Mr. & Mrs. ",ohn Branco. Mr.













.. 14

Squires Sponsor Y.outh Night

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 19, 1960


W.elcomes.'$pring Sweetly By Joan Meadows


(from Easter until Ascension Day) . Byzantine·Rite· Christ is risen from the deadHe has crushed Death by His Death And bestowed Life upon us Who are lying in the tomb. Pra-ise be to Him! AFTER- MEAL JRACE

-(from Easter until Ascension Day) Christ is risen! He is truly risen! Bake a pan of chocolate walnut ~ake for the ·family. They'll love the rich flavor. Chocolate,,' buttermilk and walnuts form the : : trio responsible for this fine' " cake. It's delicious frosted with a f-luffy white icing and mighty . p ~tty, too. Stud the top with :cgan t walnut halves if it's to b;;' served for a special occasi~n.

What dessert Is more typical of spring than sweet-tart rosy rhubarb pie?' And when you add fresh 'strawberries -- urn! Here's the recipe~




Filling: b' h d 2 cups straw ernes, was e , capped and halved 2 cups --"ubarb, cut in I-inch pieces '1 % cups, sugar JA, quick,cooking tapioca . 6cupt b l' fl . or a espoons our % teaspoon salt' I teaspoon grated orange rind

(optional) . 2 tablespoons butter or'margarine Coml-in dry ingrr 'ients, add to :ruit and toss lightly until fruit is well-coated. Place strawberry-rhubarb mbdure in. pari' al}.d 'dot with butter. Roll out top crust and place over. fill':' ing; .. trim'and crimp edges., Cut gashes to allow-steam'to escape. Bake in 425 degree ~. oven.for 40. to 45 minutes, until cru9t is" nicely browned,. .


. ' '..

Here is a recipe fo'r··homemade pie crust that '~s reported ~ ~~ "beginner-proof." A w.ord to the wise: Too much water :iOughenli pie crust. To assure' tender pastry, measure water righ't from the tap and add it all '1t once to the flour. FIVE MINUTE pm CRUST 2 cups unsifted an.purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt " cup lard JA, cup water Combine flour and salt. Add . lard and blend with pastry blender until mixture resembles coarse meal. Measure water right from the taOp and add "~ll at once to flour mixture. Pressdough. with knif.e until. dough just holds tCJether. Form into 2 balls. Roll out , bottom cr.ust and. fit i.nto a 9-inch pie pan. CRIEAME:- TUNA ON ASPARAGUS 1 tablespoon chopped green pepper 2 tablespoons butter % teaspoon dry mustard, optional %. teaspoon pepper I 7.ounce can tuna, drained and flaked 1 3- or 4-ounce can sliced mushrooms, drained 2 tablespoons lemon juice I pound fresh or canned aspar ~ " ~oo k ed' . , . ' . ' .'.,'." ~g.•..... 1 'tablespoon chopped onioD

ClfIlOCOLATEWALNUT CAKIE 2 l,ounce squares unsweetened

. :If.! 1 1% 1 1


..' A[p)[?)~@~:GBff[$.)·Higher .... '. '. ,©lIl'~e«Jln$Reject Stand" S'1'. .JOAN' OlF ARC' . '$150 Rev. James E. Lyn·ch. " $100 Rev. Ralph W. Guida.

chocolate cup shortening cup sugar . cups sifted all·purpose flour tea.spoon soda teaspoon vanilla 2 egg yolks

. $50 Rev. FranCIS M. Coady. $30 Joseph Gerald Gallant.

l teaspoon salt



J' ---"'ONVILLE(NC) '-:'The General Assembly of the SO!1th- .. ern Presbyterian Church has. re- . j~cted a'resolution w:.: '1 would nave pu~ the churc? on l'~cord' as oppOSlr .•a CatholIc. PreSIdent. . The. resolution was defeated by an 0 'rwhelming voice vote at thl" meetIng. -' ., ."

$e5. Sellew, EUWld"d'··

Bishop Feehan Circle 168, Columbian Squires, sponsored by Fall River Couneil 86, Knights of ColumbUS; will sponsor a "Conference for Teenagers" to be held at the Knights of Columbus Hom~, at 209· Franklin .Street tonight at 7:30. The Squires (Junior Knights of Columbus) invite all teenage boys and girls to attend the affair. Rev. Reginald M. Barrette, of St. Roch's Parish, will be the principal speaker. Admission is free. Refreshments will be served. Confession guides will be distributed by Squires. Chief Squire Paul Dutra strongly urges all his brother 'Squires and all the ,Knights of Columbus of Council 86 to personally invite all the teen-agers of their acquaintance to this very important and beneficial con.ference. . ,


.SenG Holy Hour New Bedford Serrlins' will hold their monthly Holy Hour at St. Mary's' Church, South Dartmouth at 4 this Sunday afternoon. Rev. Arthur G. Considine, pastor, will conduct services, assiste~ by.:'.ev. John V. Magnani.

- .....- - . . . . ; . . - - - - - . . . . . . ; . . ; . . . ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ..



1 cup buttermilk or sour milk Smith, Crowley, The %. cup walnuts . First Nntional Bank of Prov-.· .. '. '~.. . , . , . Da)' are Called ROgaUoDDays Irom tbe Latin. before AscensioD Melt chocolate over hot, water 'incetown ·(Orleans. Branch)' word siirDilYb,lg Askin.:. OD each RogatioD Day the LItaJiJ' of: and' set a;ide to cool slightly. . , Emile Olivier. . . t /h the Saints is rec~ted and a special Cream shortening. and sugar toAlfred Stein~~tz, Robert. ~'bo.. ~IJ,. . Mass Is c~lebrated, ask~g God·~,. gether "lOroughly; Add unbeaten . Peno, Jr., James T.· CJlincy, . .t..' oPtS' . bless the earth with good crops. This' eg'~ yolks and.blend thoroughly. Cape CodTr~st_Co; Harwich. , .~! ~. year,on these day.. the Catholics of" :"'lend 'in chocolate.. ·Sift together Port, Frank Kineke." .(1;1, 0 .MONOKSEITO lu ETHOPIA, will' flout,. salt a:nd s()4a~,. A,dd to $20' ~: 'a'~, also be !lSking God, to bless them witb' cream.ed, .mlxture· alternately Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Norris, + . + .' benelaotors wbo will belp them build wit~ ·mttermilk. Bbnd in ~~anillaWalter Gavin, Arthur . Baron,,:. . .• Dew Church.' Their present Church' and,':' - '~d walnuts. Turn intoouSkY. is 80 inadequate that most of' the 1250 " greased 8-inch ;square pan..Bake $18 Cathollos must .attend Mass lu' the " in mQd~rate, oven (350 degrees open. They have' been saving mODe" F.) 35 to /-: m'inutes: Cool. Frost' James Coogan. . Dr Holy Flllhtr's Mission A!" themselves but their salaries are So with' white froSting :made with $15 &.. tht Orimta/ ChtnTh small that they have Dot beeD able to 2 g whites,:,':" John· Leary, MurrayiJ~th, 'r . ' aCcumulate very mucb. $4000.00 would c'RAB SALAD SUPREME Leonard Tarvers. allow 'hem to berlu the construction. Will 'loa help?


512 .' Richard Viprino, William McBASILfANS ARE. BUILDERS Donald, Thomas J. Fox,' Mrs., Our BASILIAN CLUB seeks members. The dues are one dollar ~ymond Ertel, J. Leo ,Altman. a month. The mo.neyls used to· build . Mission Schools. By $10' , - , membership iD this .Cl1.!b you help to "build" good Catholics. James DeLory, Jr., Ahha .lIen- .. nessey, Kathryn Hennessey, ErFEAST OF THE ASCENSION nest Saulnier, Leo Gallagher. Wilfred Ferreira, Marcel Nor"Go 'Ie into ·the whOle world and preach the Gospel to ever)' geot, Gordon Nadeau, Irving S.· creature.'" This was the command of Our Lord, given to the Lee, Joseph King. . ' Apostles; on the day' of' His Ascension into beaven; and Saint ComHelen' Carron, Ronald C,arron, Mark teIIs us that they ' b'. Fla):te bcrab. Dice I egg.. . t "golllS' forth, preached everywhere." me cra" egg, ce ery, plffilen 0 John Shakliks, George D4ffy Jr., At St. Joseph's Seminary, lu India, VARand alll1onds. ,.' lemon juice, ~lend' salt, mayonnaise, pepper and Manuel Pacetti .' GIllESE Cand JOSUAare preparing •to preach Mrs. Mary E. Jones, . .Louis . the Gospel to their ·countrymen.. After veal'S _ Tabasco. Toss with crab' .mix- .Smith, J~an Ellis, George ])avis, of training they will be among the Jeverture. Makes Serve at once on crisp let- James Davis. . . . . tuce. 4 servings. G Cit' growmg group 0 f . na tiva .Ind i a~ priests. The It0ger Bassett, ' . ar on .oentinary course covers It period of.six yearo . Clark, 'Henry Callahan, Arthur' and cost of educating II boy, for the priestS;1Yl<!:@li"dhJlm Mothers 'R. Johnson, Charles Corbet~. hood is $600. Since they come from poor Breakfast Mea~ Ronald Del~ney, John. Del;. . families, they are praying that some bene'actor will assi'st' them fin'anci aIIy. In EgyP.. • The Suco.rdium Club of Sacred aney, Gorge Duffy. ,. Sr ," ',.Jo'seph " . C t J h B W 'dl SISTER LIS" d SISTER IRENE Hearts Academy, Fall River, will. ouran, 0 n . el er. ... an are novsponsor a father-daughter Com- . Joseph S., Doucette,Gl.arence Ices In the religious oommunity. of 'the munion breakfast for freshmen Vanasse, Hermaldo R. Kelley, FRANCISCAN. SISTERS OF THE IMMU.~, and sophomores followlng 9 Rita, 'Sivee, Franci!lX.O'arien.LA'l'EHEART OF. MARY. TheY.are preparo'clock Mass at the' Academy ,W~.lter rl~vin,. ¥~onne D•.. , lug $0 teaoh ,little chiidreD the..truths of the Backus EmIle DeVIlle Mrs. . G~s~I.. The. traiD~g, of. a. nun takes' two'.. ,chapel.. ,;this.,",-' Sunday, . ' : . ." 'd" AI ·K·l.'·; 'k" k' ".1. ".earl ,aD .. d "o~ .- .. SOO. It.' vou. oould...p'.. ~.,' ~.... '.,-'" AllanD. Ry er, ,~x Im~ ~ • ,," " 'II # Rev. George Colby,' C.S.C., of .. , .G:eorge Morin, Dr. ~ra!1c.i.s; P." 'J'., : .. '.. .... wi.the r iD wllOle ,0,: ~,part'lor' the. :educa8 .priellt ." ~ lJ,un, yoa. .woul~·~, 8ading ·'mlPeal~a~lF. i ~ ~::;ep:~OI:'I~our HD01Yt CrOtshsMi~ISlI·.onHouse, North '. O'Meara, Henry.. Fitzg~ralc;l, .Dr. ... HOD 1% cupa milk ar ".otI',w~ . c.elebrate Mass, ;JulianDoqertY,J.ohn D<We. : .,' III baving:~e G~peJ:,rea~hed}~ eV!l.r)';,C!.eBtlare.: I . ' . ' .!.:~ 1 tel!sPQQ.p capers (optionlll' ,.. 1 SP~l!-k. Mrl!. Thomas F. Di-, Theodore & Beverly. ,Young, . ~"".'. ; " . ' ., ..,..... ' . . . , .. . ' ... ., ... "'slices buttered toast ... . , NuccUs chitirman'ofthe event,.· Geo~ge. Granville, J()hn .Q',Irara, ' A ROSARY FROMTHE::!lOLYLAND:-:-We 'wJli"be happY :.":.: Met}l<?d: saute -green ,Pepper .!,-slll~tedJjY::.1)oiird~eni.bers. Mrs. Jack K.eenan, ~. &!;.. .:MnJ. .en~y,p~on~.. ¥. a,..el)1~mbranc!l.of;he~p'.g!!e~.,to til~.Refptie,e~·" and onion in butter i.intil' _"lden' .:,' The:,b~~akfast'repea'ts,a sim-' w.illiam, A.. Bow!!~.; . . . . . from Pales~ine. ~C)r $10.00 .• Refugee child can beoutfttted·,for·c brown; agd flour a..': .drY m~~ "Har event for junIors and seniors "'.' Joseph; Craffey, Elwyn' ~9ane 'c J:irst' HolYCommun(oD .. : .. for $.10;()(i a Refugee lamiiy ~ 'J,~. tard, salt and pepper; Gradually 'a' the academy, at which Father ., R9Y. P~rr~ult,Leo M~ller, Jos-. liven a week's supply..of ..food:.,' " , '. ' ..•~·'c.·.;:, .' ':' .~ a :d !lk,·coo~,·· stirring con- , CoillY also Spoke. ". epq. L"SIlansky.,·,.· '" . '." stantly'" uI;ltil. ~Iilixture boils 1 " , ...> " " .' . Robert Hathaway, .. E4,ward.:.· . MEMORIAL DAY.. lute':' 'Add remaining ihgreA get-acquainted party fo~~ Benz,Sr.~· Maximilian .;:Friese , ' dien~:.,hear,th()~oughly. 'Serve .. mothers;·of.incOn:J,ing freshmen . Charles . Borgarello, ltobert. REMEMBRANCi:'OIl'1'Hi!: WAR DEAD-bonor to tbem ilia' o let :'asparagus' o'Dhot buttered and pre-primary s~u.dents will". Clark. ' , . ' . ,.' ., ,.- : ",~triotfci ,d~ti;' pray~rs lor' them 'a Christian obligation.'Thro·ugh. toast,: ': " . . ,b: held Friday evening, June 17,' Leroy A. Ballbitt, ·Dr. J~mes out our great country,' oil 'May 30, there' will' be many religious . from 7:30 to 9 in. the school H. Leach. .' . se~icell and paklotic celebrations iBl memory of the deceaSed' Fall·:~.Riv~r C auditorium:·." Tur..n.'.' to. l:'ag:~,. Fifte,':eun:' .. who"louirhtlli' our :*ars; gfaveo· will' be visited and our . memories will Impel Usc·to more ferVent prayerS for our de-" Plans:Thir,d De'gree ..Jllil!dA' I·.r.e~·,· ':'ceased loved ones; Raving Masseo said ·for the"War Dead Is' a Fall River Council, J$:nights of u'Um !(JI1l·1l . . I;, ........ way of showing that'we'realize the debt we owe them. Why' Dot' Columbii~ 'Willc~rifer"'tpe third ...!I. ·•• fa.l·t.~ "'laave"MalJlloelebrat'ed ))),"one ofi)urMissioDariefi for ODe your degree,Sunday'night, on.'mem-' II [f" IfiijvQ'iJl 1m ··.~latlveii;C)r friends'whoSll: memollj' yOU' wig.·' be recalling' n' ' bersof '.classmunedln;me-·ory MESILLA PARK (NC)-Lay,i'Church." .. ' . ':. :: .. '.Mem?rial·"Dqyf·"',c,": ,·c·,:, "." ',." of Rev. Joseph. L. Cabral, a for-. peoT)le sho?ld. ~ot look' upon, '.' 'l'he, Lo1Jisi~nap,re~I1~,.,.s,peak;' '. . " . " . . '." ,.;'.~ . ;..'. mer knight and'late -pastor of themselves':'siinply as volunteers", ihg at the ninth arinual meetinglTi:UNG~,ESS qIFTS' 'ENABLE US. ~ HAVE NECEsSARY' Our Lady'hf Angels Church. when they help the Church, but' 'of the L~:f' Cc:lmmittee' .Of the . . 'FUNDS FOR EMERGENCY NEEDS;.. ." " The ceremonies ·will take place ".~ath~~ as,workerspei'forming a.-:,C. Cri,einp.ha!lii.ed . that 1.ay.·p.¥plo:.i .~.:. :: G "'~'OliS' s' '<": ~:i "" in Bishop Cassilijr' Couhcilquar;; duty.··.; .': . . . . . m u s t aid priests in ~teadingtbe··... .' ·r···:· s· . ters".Milfor<r Rc?iid,-:' Swansea 'at:' ", Bi.~hop:.~ha:rles' P·;;;,,<;reco' of. Faith.. .He said the job of priest&! 8 P.M.- The second and first. de- . Ale~a~dria, La;, 'chairml1n of the is to direct such efforts,but the grees· were bestowed by couricil .12-meinber. U. S. Bishops' Com- principal responsibility for carFRANCIS CARDINAL' SttELLMAN, , ......... offiCers' earlier this week. . ~ mit~ee,for!,~h!! Confraternity, of rying them out rests on laity. . Magr. , ......,. l'uOIty, Nat" ~ The council will elect. officers:' ; ~hr~stiaIi. Docpl1irie,·. said "our' "Each person has a function t i D ' ...... toe June 13 when polls· will be op~n' '.' lait'y' needs 'to' be' impressed with. perform. There should be no. in- . CA'~NeAR .1ASt·WUARI ASSOCIATION' trom 5 to 8 P.M. Nominations the fact that each person has a~~.adivemembers o( the Mystical . ~'Lexhjgton .Av~ 46th SL Hew'Vorte 17, N~ Y•.' ,\ will close at the ~aY 23 meeting. function to perform in God's,::pody:7.be stre.s~ .!. • ..' . . ." ' : ' ; ." , . . " . , ' " . ';

: 6'f.::ounce can crabmeat' 1 cup sliced celery % cup slivered roasted almonds '1 hard cook~ e g g . 2 tablespoons diced pimientO % cup mayonnaise 1 tablespoon lemon juice Bla«:k pepper % teaspoon salt " Dash Tabasco sauce Lettuce'







0"", ...!lunary len-

Alexa' n' Ir;'mphfts' . D·u"'y.'''of'' "La-,e ty to Snra.ft.. . '.".:· '. .;


.'t:·' .:. . ai, __,,'.atf_ cit


·'0''.,,' ,m .


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. May 19, 196015

Appeal Gifts

James Thompson, Mrs. Joseph Tomlinson, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tripanier, Mr: & Mrs. John Vieira, Mrs. Laura Vieira.

New Bedford ST. 'JAMES $300 A Friend. $100 Mary E. Whelan. $75 Catherine Swansey. $50 Mr. & Mrs. William Best, Paul Clark, Mrs. Geremia1\. Coholan, Mrs. John Duff, Mr. & Mrs. William Hendricks. The Hurley Family, Elizabeth M. Phaneuf. $35 Mary M. Walsh. $30 Mrs. Julia Kennedy. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Barabe, Mrs. Wright Bolton, III, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick E. Corbeil, Mr. & Mrs. Jules P. Correia, Mr. &I Mrs. Raymond Fontaine. A Friend, Mrs. Delia Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kerwin, Eileen Lardner, Anna Meehan. John O'Connor, Dr. William O'Connor, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Luke Smith, In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Sullivan and Agnes G. Sullivan, Margaret T. Walsh: $20 Ann Dawber, Mr. & Mrs. James W. Clark,' Nellie Fay, Mary E. Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Frenette. Mr. & Mrs. James Giblin, Joseph Hampson, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Harrison, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hummel. Mrs. Margery Kulas, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Macedo, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mackay, Mr. & Mrs. James P. Mullins, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Rourke. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pinnington, Mr. & Mrs. Francis O. Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Storer, George Swansey in Memory of Elizabeth Swansey,' Agnes Tiernan, Thomas Whittle. $1'7 Mr. & Mrs. Armand Langis & Family. $15 Margaret Cairns, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Luckraft, Genevieve Murray, Mr. & Mrs. William Whalen, Mr., & Mrs. Vincent Worden, Mr. & Mrs. Adam Zych. $12 ' Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gonzales, Mrs. Herbert Lockwood, Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Pariseau, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Soares. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Stephenson, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tschaen, Jr., Sylvester Walsh. $10 Mr., & Mrs. James Almond, Mr. & Mrs~ Arthur Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Aspden, Mr. & Mrs. William Aspden, Dorothy Avellar. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Avellar, Mr. & Mrs..Joseph Avila, Eileen Backus, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Balandyk, Mr. & Mrs. Humbert Baldo. Mrs. Thomas Bancroft, Mrs. Clifford Bates, Mrs. Samuel Baty, Jr., Barbara Best, Mrs. William.Blanchard. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Borges, Mr. & 'Mrs. Damase Bou'chard,!\Jrs. Lillian Bowen, Mr. & Mrs. John Britto, Mr. & Mrs. James ~. Brocklehurst. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Buchkowski; Mr. &I Mrs. John Buckley, Mi:' & Mrs. John Callanan, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Camacho, Mr. &I Mrs. Jos,eph Camara. Mrs. Eulalia Campos, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Cardoza, Arthur Carney. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Caron; Adeline M. Carvalho, Isabel Carvalho. ' Mrs. Joseph 'Carvalho, Virginia Carvalho, Mrs.' Clarence J. Casey, Mr. & Mrs. FrancisCavanaugh. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Chmiel,Mr. & Mrs. Roger Chouinard, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cole, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Collins, Mr.' & Mrs. Jose Conde. Edward Connelly, Margaret Connelly, Mary Connelly, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Connor, Mrs. Alice Connulty. Vincent ,Corry, Louis Cotnoir, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Cotnoir, Mrs. C .lmille Coughlin, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Coyne. ' Helen M. Crowley, Mrs. Agnes Cummiskey, 'Mrs. Richard Darling, Mr. & Mrs. William deBem, Mr. & Mrs. George V. DeSantos. Mr. &: Mrs. James Delano.


Mr. & Mrs. Joachin Viveiros, Kathleen Walden, Joseph F. Waldron, Mary V. & John J. Waldron. William F. Waldron.

Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Walker, Richard Ward, Helen Walsh, Margaret M. Welsh, Mrs. Eliza:. beth Whelan. Frances J. Whelan Paul Whelan Mr. & Mrs. William Wing, Leo M. Worden, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zych. Turn to Pa~e Seventeen 51



WIN SCHOLARSHIPS: Coyle High seniors awarded scholarships by :J;loston College are Joseph F. Callaghan, right, of St. Bernard's parish, Assonet, four-year partial tuition, and Walter J. Arabasz, left, of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, New Bedford, the Presidential Scholar~ ship of four years' tuition. Mrs. James Middleton, Mrs. John Devine, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Devlin, Jr., Robert Devlin, Violet Middleton, Florence MitMr. & Mrs. Pau: Dextraze. chell, Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Mit. Mrs. ,Lois Doninger, A Friend; chell, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Molloy. Mr. & Mrs. John H. Dowd, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Duarte, Mr. & & Mrs. John Morris, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. William Duclos. T:loma Moss, Mr. & Mrs. AnMr. & Mrs. Roy Edwards, Mr. thony Moura, A Friend. 8 Mrs. Charles ,J. Edmundson, 'Frederick, Munro, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Estrella, Mr. James Murphy, Joseph Murphy,' & Mrs. Arthur Faria, William Mr. & Mrs. Norman Murphy, , Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Normandin. Faria. , Mr. & Mrs. -Niles L. Fay, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Neary; &: Mrs. Michael' Feeley, Mr. & Manuel NevCJ, Mr.• & Mrs. MiMrs. Edwin Fernandes, Mr. & chael Nicholas, Mr. & Mrs, Ar':' Mrs. Albert' Fields, Mrs. Mary thur Nichols, Mr. & Mrs. neorge Flood. Noblet. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Foley, .. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Oberg, EvMr. & Mrs. Joseph Folger, Mr. 'erett J. O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs.' Patrick Flynn, Mr.; & Francis O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. John Foster,John E. Foster. ~- mry O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Mabel Foster, William Leonard O'Brien. Mrs. Mildred O'Connell, KathFoster, iearmette Fournier, Mr.& Mrs. Mai'io Fraga & Family, Mr. erine Oesting, Mr.• ; Mrs. Frank Olejarz, Mrs. Edith Oliveira, & Mrs. Arthur Furtado. Mary A. Gallagher, Esther Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Oliveira. William O'Malley, Thomas Gelder, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gerrard, Elzira Bibau, Mr. & Mrs. O'Rourke, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ouimet, Mr. & Mrs. Albert PaWilfred Gill. checo, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Parent. Lawrence Gleason, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Armand Paulo, Charles Gobeil, Mr. & Mrs. Michael C \ulart, Joffre Gracia. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Percival, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Perry, Carol Mr. & Mrs. William HarringPerry, Mrs. Frances Perry: ton, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hart, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Harry Perry, Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Hathaway, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hayes & ,Family, Joseph Perry, Louis Perry, Loretta E. Phaneuf, Mary E. PhanMr. & Mrs. J ... ~zph Hebert. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Hecner, Atty. euf. Mr. & Mrs. John F. Polycarpo, & Mrs. Edward Hicks, James Hannah T. Power, Mary E. Holden, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Houbre, Mrs. Ernest Humphrey. Power, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mrs. Sarah Hutchinson, Helen Ramshead, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ramshead, Sr. Jarusik, Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rebello, Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Leo KavanMrs. Eric Redfern, Mr. & Mrs. augh, Jr., Agnes Kearney. Donald Richaud, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kearney, Mrs. Maria Edward Riley, Mr. & Mrs. Kearney, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel V. Francis Roach. ~~ing, Mrs. Margaret A. King, Mrs. Harry Roberts, Paul Mrs. Mary King. Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Arthur Kreider, Mrs. Robinson, Terence J. Rogers, PaMildred Kristenson, Mr. & Mrs. tricia Russek. John LaBrode, Mr, & Mrs. RoMr. & 'Mrs. James Ryan, Jr., land LaForest, Mr. - Mrs. George Mr. & Mrs. John, H. Ryan, Mr. & Laliberte. ' Mrs. Robert st. Pierre, Mr. &: Stella Lambalot, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Knut Salhus, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lamoureaux, Mr. & Mrs. 'Herman Saunders. L. Joseph Langloi~, Mrs. Mary 'Mrs. Mary A., Savage, MarLapointe, Mrs. Grace R. Lard- , garetScott, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy ner. ,Shea, Mr; &" Mrs. J. Arthur Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Larea~, Sheehan, Loretta' Sillery.' ,Mr. & Mrs. JOhn Law, Mr. & Mr. &,Mrs. George Silva, Mr. ' Mrs. Charles H., LeBlanc, Sr., & Mrs. Manuel 'Silva, Mr. & Mrs. John G.' Leya, Mrs. Evelyn Herbert Smith; Mr.' & Mrs. ArLevesque. " thur Soares, ,Mr. ~ Mrs. Carl Mr. & Mrs.' Richard Lister; Soares. Mrs. Celina Lunny & Daughter, Mrs. Francis P. Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Lillian LUScomb, Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Souza, Mr. & Mrs; Mary Macey, Mr. &: Mrs. Fran- Manuel Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Rocis X. Maggio. bert Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mr. & Mrs. Edward Maguire, ' Sparrow. ' Mr. & Mrs. John Maguire, Mr. James Stanton, Mrs. Otto Sten& Mrs. Micpael Mahoney, Sheila zel, Bernhard Stoll, Mr.' & Mrs. Mahoney. Edward Sullivan," Edward L. Mr. & Mrs. James Maitland; Sullivan, Edward L.Sullivan Jr. Mr. &. Mrs. Francis Manning, Elaine SUllivan, Maureen SulJIl:r. & Mrs. Charles Marinelli, livan, Patricia' Sullivan, William, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mayall, :Mr. Sullivan, Harry Swain. , ~ Mrs. Francis McCarthy. ' Mr. a.'Mrs. Walter Swaja, Mrs. , Mr. & Mrs. Timothy' F: Mc- ' Alfred F. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Crohan, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Edward McGuire, Kathleen Mc- Antone Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. DanLa'ughlin, Mrs. Estelle McLeavy. , i~l Sylvia. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McNeeley, ,,' James Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McNulty, ' Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph SylLydia Medeiros, James Meehan, via, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mello. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Sylvia. William ,Mellody, Maurice Mrs. M. Josephine Talford, Mr. Mendonca, Mr. & Mrs. John &: Mrs: Milton Taylor, Mr. & Mendoza, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Anthony Theodore, Mrs. Metras, Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Edward Theodore, Mr. & Mrs~ Henry L. Terrien. Michaud.






Large Roasting

Chickens READY-TO-COOK 4% TO 5 LBS

49~ .

For a limited time only! ,Vigor.ous and W.iney!


'3 LsI BAG

75~ ' "

1 LB BAG . • . 61 c: '


Pontiff Receives 'Afri~an 'Officials

.fHf ANCHOR-Dioct:s~,of ~a~. ~jver-Thu~$. May 19,,,1,960,,:j'

"Oc~upations Repott ' . "should seek the' counsel of a religious leader of, his faith to aid him in evaluating " his' .'qualifications for the .pro::' fession." . The section treating speCifically with the Catholic t prie'sthood advises young men o. .. ~ the gu' 'anc~ and counsele: their parish priest." This section notes that there are: diocesan and religious order . . 't priests, deals with the 'na u~e of work" performed by Catholic . t priests, states where prIes s are employed, outlines "training and other qualifications," evaI ua t es "outlook," and states "where the to go for information." Where Employed Under the heading "where 'employed," the handbook says about 50,000 priests served t~e more than 35 million Cathohcs in the U.S. in 1958, and states

'j. clergyman

that they worked as urban and rural pastors, or as ·.teachers, miSsionaries or chaplains. It says "Catholics are concentrated in 'the' Northeast and the Great Lakes region, with smaller con~ntration in Califomi!l. Texas.' and Louisiana!' . . Dealing with the training and

- --

VATICAN CITY (NC)-Representatives of a half dOZeD African nations paid their homage to Pope John in connection with his consecration of 14 new missionary b~shops..


The African government officials came to Rome for .the c 'tion rites in ~ •. !-'''ter's Basilica, ar.d the Pope granted. the:n a sPecial audience. .,

qualifications of a priest, the'· . handbook says in part: -"Young 'men are,never denied entry into seminaries because of lack of funds. In seminaries for secular priests, the bishop may make arrangements for loans to the students. Those in religious seminaries are often financed by contributions' of benefactors.

Qualities "Among the qualities considered most desirable in candidates for the Catholic-priesthood are a love of and concern for people, a deep religious conviction, a desire to spread the Gospel of Christ, at least average .intellectual ability, capacity to speak and write correctly and f fluently, and more than average DETROIT (NC)-The bu.lk, 0 skill in working with people. an estate valued at three ml1ho~ 'Candidates for the priesthood dollars has been left to Detrod must understand that priests are archdiocesan institutions. and ,not permitted to marry and are chartiable organizations here. , de~icated to aJife of chastity." The : bequests were revealed h A In surveying the "outlook" in when' the estate of Josep'~. .... 'this, as in other professions and Schulte was filed in probate ! 'occupations, the handbook Says:' court last week. who died Apri,l. "A gr'oWln . g num b er 0 f prIes . ts Mr. Schulte, .. will be needed in the years 11 at the age of 84, was a former ahead to provide for. the spiritmanager of the Detroit branch of, ual and' educational needs of the the Cadillac Motor Car CO.q;l" rising number of Catholics in pany.,. director of the Beaver" i the nation." .. ', Realty· Company, and co-owner The statements regarding the

At 'the audience he told them during the' 'consecration -cere-' monies he felt that he had gath~ ered together all the peoples represented by each of the new bishops.

ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT: Father William C. Repetti, S.J., archivist at Georgetown University, is showing three Washington, .D.C. boys the original of Mark Twain's "Tom Sawyer." It is valued at $40,000. NC Photo.

Detroit Cha ritges Ge t' Large Estate

M Four . ore A L M

nurfles, completing a l!ly,.apqsrol-. training program here, will leave New York City June 29 to do misSion work Nyasalan.l ... .sC'..·theas't Africa. They are me-bers of the Women Volunteers for Africa, 'a lay, organization' working in .cooQeration with the White . ;Fath~rs and White·. Sisters, in !D'

;mr:::;'st~~or~~rger h

wer~\,.$ 30

1ST. MARY'S, TAUNTON Seniors will make a retreat May 27 to May 29 at Cathedral Camp and freshmen an~ sopho., mores· will-. be accommodate~ frpm June 3. to 5. This retre~t will supplement the .school's arlnual' day of recollection. :A May procession will ~onor . OJir Lady on Wednesday, May 25.' Lucille Dem,:,rs; ~enior presid~pt, will crown ,the Blessed VJrgin and .Elaine Van Za'ndt, ,.4arbook editor, recite the aGti of consecr~tion. Memb,ers . of : the senior. class will be i 'an hQnor guard and the re~inder o~ !the s~udent body will jOin:.ill singing, 'Marian hymns. Magr. J'~ines Dolan wili" speak .on tr~e . ~~votion to Our Ladi. ., ;Also on the evening of May 25 the annual junior-senior r'ec:~tion will be held ill the &Chool auditQriurr.. Juniors will ,. aponsor a dinner for the seniors, present them with gifts, and stage an entertainment. The event will mark' the beginning of CO,~mencement activities. . r ',EVOST HIGH SVHOOL,. " FALL RIVER . Six,·,seniors have earned col.., lege scholarships. They include: Roger Desautels, a full scholar~ ship to Holy Cross, where he will major in languages; Paul Marti!\. full scholarship to the CoaSt Guard Academy; Marcel Perry, , full scholarship to Providence College, and Raymond Pouliot, full scholarship to Boston College. Both will major in scienpe e' , 'mathematics. Raymond ProulX has alsO, been' awarded • Providence College scholar,. s' jp:' He intends to study for 'the priesthood. ' . Arthur Turgeo~. h3s b~n named' winner of a ··scholarship~ to Boston University. He will maror in journalism. .... , ew Honor So'ciety officers inel'~de: Michel Methot, presiden~;: r"..Uf· Charland, vice president; .' Francis Trenholme, secretary;,. Paui 'Pelletier, trosurer.

Gold Medal


ROUTE 6, HunLESON AVE. Near Fairhaven Drive-In , . It~lian Dinnen Our SpecialtY Service On PatIo

- jurisdiction of Bishop under .the Cornelius Chitsul.o .. of. Ded;za. .' \ Louisa Coffman of' Cumberland; rv., F.inan Md., and Ma "'~i ... of Wash-. ington, D. C., will assist at a' '. medical center ~t Likuni, a misQuality Household Products sion operated, by the White 110e Shoppmg .~~ 'fha. Co_ Fathers. ..., lo Y_r Mom. The four nurses are the second SPICES • COSMETICS group .from the Wom'en VolunMEDICINAL • HOUSEHOlD



,teers for Africa tij volunteer to·

32 Hedge St.

. work if). the missions, Last October five Baltimore nurses joined ihe missions in Uganda. '




Work I~urses Prepare to ~ ay issioners in Af. rica . W,ASHINGTON (NC) - Four, . sein's disease (l~proSy) colony ~I

beql,lestll' tr~if!.~ a~dd wObrb~ of ministers, :AfMrica.. S 'h' ch St' an ra IS were .pre- .' omca c urna er of . 000 t th Sisters Serv- prIes I 0 e late H~art-of' parE;d "in cooperation with lead- Lou; and Bernadette DeClaire ants~~f.i2~ o:;,m:cu St -Joseph's" . ehi of these faiths," the hand- " of Ontario, Canada, wil1 devote Ma~y",. th' A °d' "d $15000' , boOk .states. . . three years of service to a HanHn......" for e ge, an ',. ' 'the University of Detroit and, ./ St, Mary's parish.


The Pope stressed how necessary it is to know one another, to love one another, to under~ stand each other, and when nece"sary to be able tt'J comfort one anoth< as a preparation for a better future.

WY ....2221


Perfect Whipped







~, )':New Magazine. .


NEW YORK (NC)-As8c:tcl,- " , , ated .Catholic Publishers here published the first issue ,o( . , •. " 'bi-monthly publicatiem.' "J<,now.," whlc~ will sPecial~'

" -


. ' ':,' x:ecommending



6Uni~y formation.' " ' ; ,


• I







'.", ; ' . . . . . .






Baked in F~n River and, Rushed ~ . ,YOUt' Neighborhood Store Minutes" ' , After It Leaves -the Bakety ov...... ~_

: '.

. .~. I: 1

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THE ANCHOR-Dic*ese ofFall River-:-Thurs., May 19, 1960

, •

:4. "" ~ 4


~ ~I,




~f"J" \

_. ~!~ ..Li~ .. 'l~~_ ~l~ AT PROVIDENCE CONSECRATION: Scenes at consecration of Msgr. Thomas F. Maloney, former rector of the American College, Louvain, Belgium, as Auxiliary Bishop of. the Providence Diocese. Left, Bishop Connolly with Most Rev. Honorius Van Waeyenberg, Rector Magnificus of

AppeaI Gifts New Bedford ST. THERESA

$250 Rev. William E. Collard. $100 Mr. '& Mrs. William Belanger. $50 Rev. Clement F. Dufour. $25 Mrs. Flc·..~nce Paquin, Roland & Mrs. Roland Gaouette, Mrs. Cecile Boudreau. $10 George '& Mrs. Girard, Emile Beauregard, Mrs. Margaret Beauregard, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Langevin, Mr. '& Mrs. Orner E. Raymond. Mrs. Joseph Therien, Albert Lagesse, Mr. '& Mrs. Leo Cloutier Mr. '& Mrs. Conrad Lemay, Mr.' '& Mrs. Clement ;Brodeur. Dr. '& Mrs. Hector Roy, Ovila Rock, Mr. '& Mrs. Alfr~d Lemie..x,Yvonne Desrosieris, Mr. '& j - ·s. Antonio Lemieux; 1IIfr. & Mrs. Edouard·tote, Mr. & Mrs. Robert BoUlet, Mr. '& Mrs. Mederic Vigealit; Mr. & Mrs. Edward Girard, Mr. '& MrS. Joseph Langis. : Mr. & Mrs. Gaston'toranger, Mr. '& Mrs. Raoul Leblanc, Mr. & Mrs. Rodolph Ric~ei:', Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rousseal., .Mrs. Ernest Chapdelaine. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Loranger, Arthur Fecteau, Richard Fecteau, Mr. and Mrs. Clovis Fecteau, Mr. '& Mrs. Gerald Walles. Mr. & Mrs. William Savoie, Mr. '& Mrs. Eddie "'3ellefeuille, Mr. '& Mrs. John J. Texeira, Mr. '& Mrs. Wilfrid Belanger, Mr. '& Mrs. Aime Goyette. , Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Franklin, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. George Cote, Gerard Richard, Mr.'& Mrs. Albert Charette, Marcel Masse. Mr. '& Mrs. Ovila Nadeau, Patricia A. Thackery, Mr. & Mrs. William Millette, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Munroe, Mr. '& Mrs. Paul Landrevllle. Mrs. Joseph Rock, lIdr. & Mrs. William Frenette, Arthur Frenette, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Carrier, riTr. Sl; Mrs. Lucien Moreau. Family of Arthur Dagesse, Paul Langlois, Mr. &. Mrs. Roger Frigault, Mr. & Mrs: 'Joseph Lebeau, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bernard. Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Dubois, Rose Kobes, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lussier, Mr. '& Mrs~ Eugene Roy, Lebland Tool & Die Co. ' ST. KILIAN

'$100· .. Dr. & Mrs. Vincent· Sarlo. $20 :: Mr. '& Mrs. Herve ICaron, Mrs. P~',line Fredette, Il~njamin & James Harrold, Mr. ,&. Mrs. Err-'st Kobza, Mr. '& Mr·s. Roland Ross.

$15 " James W. Carney, Mr. & Mrs. Tadeusz Swiszcz. ., $12 Walter, Ford, Mr. & Mrs. John

.Golenski, Mr. &. Mrs. Edwin' Weeks. $10 Mr. '& Mrs. Albert Abrain, Helen Allard, Mr. '& Mrs. Joseph Alves, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Amaral Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Anderton. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Arsenault, Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Augeri '& Mary, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Bachand, Mr. & Mrs. Emile Barboza, Mr. & Mrs. Robert B~njamin. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Benoit, Mr. . & Mrs. Leo Blais, ;,IIrs. Kather':' ine Bli'ven, Margaret E. Boucher, Mr. '& Mrs. Kenneth Brightman. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cabral, Frat '<; Carroll, Arthur Cormier, Mr. '& Mrs. Roland Dalbec, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph,DeMello. Mr. & Mrs. Lambert Desnoyers, Mr. '& Mrs. Manuel Dias, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Doyle, Mr. '& Mrs.' Russell Farley, Mr. '& Mrs. Wilfred Fauteau. Mr. '& Mrs. Manuel Ferreira, Hr. '; Mrs. John ·C. Ferdinand, Mr. '& Mrs. Normand Filiault, Catherine Finnell, Louise Finnell. . Mary Finnell,' Isabel Fitzgerald, Francis 'Francis, Mrs. !"anche Freitas, Dorothy Gagnon. .. , Mr. '& Mrs. Thomas Gatheral, Mr. & Mrs. Donat Gauahier, Mr. & Mrs. Rene' Gendron, Bernice Gibbs, Dorothy Gibbs,'. Mrs. - Iary Gibbs, Ann J. Haggerty, Mrs. Llllian Hamburger, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Hamel, Mrs. Jimmie Harris. Charles Hearne, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Henriques, Mr. & Mrs.' Wllliam Higgins, Mr. & Mrs. Char~es Hoffmann, Barbara Hunt. Wllliam Hunter, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hurley, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Joseph, Mr.' & Mrs. Adrien LaBrie, Bernadette LaCroix. Dorothy LaCroi~, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph' LaPlante" Mr. & Mrs. , James McGann, Mrs. Annie Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. John McKenna. John McQuade, Mr. _ & Mrs. "'eorge Macabelle, Maurice Magnant; Dorothy Mahoney, Mr: & Mrs. Arthur Maillet., Mr. & Mrs. Eilio Martin, Mr., '& 'VII's. Donald Matthews, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Medeiros, .Mr, & Mrs. Joseph .Mello, .Mr:& 'Mrs; Adrian .Messier. Mr.. & Mrs. Oscar Metivier, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Michaild, . J~es Moran" ~rs. Catherine £n Soutb Yarmoutli


Route 28

'~~"11 '7~


Distiol(live Molel

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South Yarmouth 3 Exeter


the Catholic University of Louvaine.· Center, the newly consecrated Bishop. Right, Bishop Russell J. McVinney of Providence and behind 'him Archbishop Egidio· Vagnozzi, 'Apostolic. Delegate to, the United States. -who officiated at the consecration ceremony. "

:South', Korea Opens ,Catholic .University waste time by. encouraging agricultural work. The school's aim, ,he stated, :~ to "educate and in.struet for f~mily life on the land to avoid the flight to the towns." He 'said' the schools do not wilDt to turn students "into Imitation 'doctors' who only want office employment." . This, does not mean, the Ca'rdinal saie', that the Church in ,Mozambique is against the' in,tellectual development cif young Africans. What is' wanted, he went on, js to make educational progress slowly and prudently ,so that a responsible elite can be traineq, He noted that he has rep~atedly' urged an expansion of secondary education and pointed out the need for a univ~rsity; , He answered charges that school costs .are excessive by comparing the cost, of mission schools here a'nd'in neighbor-ing' . territories. He said that with ih'e help of go'vernment subsidies the 453,355 students here aretauglit at annual cost of $1,925,000. In the Union of South Africa, ,he stilted, it costs $14,840,000 to educate 7'.... '·1, pupils and the cost for teaching 133,000 students ,in' Northern Rhodesia is' $2,065,000. '

Murdock, Mr.'& Mrs. John Murphy. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Nobrega, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Nowicki, Ralph Oliver, ,Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Pelland, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Perreira. Mr. & Mrs. George ,Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Perry, Mrs. Mary Pfaffenzella, Mr. & Mrs. Andre Poirier, Joseph T. Poirier. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Poirier, Ralph Quintin, Mr. & Mrs. JereNAGOYA (NC) -More than miah Regan, Gerald Rego, Mr. & 1,000 students have 'applied for Mrs. Antone Reis. entry to Nanzan ,University's Mr. & Mrs, Lionel Rioux, Mr. newly established school of eco~, Mrs. Richard Rose, Mr. & Mrs. nomics. The Japanese goverriRoger Sansoucy, Mr. & Mrs. menthas fixed its complement John Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Robert ,at '200' students. Na'nzan UniverSeifert. ,'sity, which has its campus here, I Mr. & Mrs. Frank Silva,·Mr. & , is staffed by Fathets of the 'DiMrs. John Silva, Mr. & Mrs. John "vine nTo r d . ' , Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Townley, Thomas Townley. R. A. WILCOX CO. Elaine Valliere, Gladys Walda. Turn to Page Eighteen 'OFFICE FURNITURE

. SEOUL (NC}-South Korea's first Catholic' university opened 'its doors during'demonstrations " thatfoppled the government of President Syngman Rhee. Classes at Sogang College be'gan with 158 students enrolled. 'Many applications were refused" because of a lack of space for 'additional students. The college, situated on heights overlooking the Han River, is. staffed .by American Jesuits of the Wisconsin prov'ince. At present it has a 16classroom building, but plaJIl!1 call for 18 buildings on a 50-acre campus, and a faculty composed . l~rgely of Korean lay professors.


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',Appeal! Gift'$) ~ttleboro' ST.'. JOBNf $1'00~

Mr:' St· MtS3 HiuTyr Cbndbnj. D~: St· Mrs. Jblin1nonerganj .John. M"al-'-,'1' &. Family;. Benjamin. Nolin, Dr; AntHony: Terranoval .. $90'· Dr. & M'r~. Viitcent;O~Dbnnell! $15iMrs> Alice? Stob)js~ $50 Mr;. &, Mrs;; Russell' Brennan;. G'eorge' J!ipson;. Mr: &. Mrs.' James :K3. MUrphy. . $40' Myles Daly,,,Mr:, & :~:rs., Fred! rohse; '$30' ~"t,. & Mrs. Luca-Fantaccione;. Mr; & Mrs. Arthur Foley. $25.' Mr. . - frs. Paul Bellavance &. Joan, Mr: &. ~lI'rs. Charles Bowen, Mr.-& Mrs. Walter'Cunningham, Mr. & Mrs. James Fit· Um, Leo Galligan. . Louis Galligan, Edmund. Henry, Mr; & Mrs. John P. Lee; Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mahon,. Mr·;. &~Mrs; John ,Mullaney. Mr. & Mrs. Bazil Mulligan, Mrs) Roy Nelson, Mrs. Elizabeth> Nolan; Mr: &.~Mrs...AlOer;t'-P.errYl Mrs, Francis; S'ugbr.ue, • $20' John B. Antaya Sr., Mr·. &to Mrs, Charles.: Cam, Mr. & . Mrs, Brendan. Corbett; Mr. St· Mi"s; James' Croke' Jr., Mrs~ James Doy:le;"'. 'Mi'. &:. Mrs;. Raymond; Gazzolaj Mr,. & Mfs. :C. Howard, Lynch. · Eleanor McCracken,. Mr. & Mrs. Robert MCGill,.,Mr... & Mi:s~ John. Mello. · . 'Mh' & Mrs;' Edward'Millet & 'J"::atherine Zilcli~, Mi'. 8i Mrs. ArtHur Mondor; ,Mr: &t'Mts: Paul' Morin, Mr: & "'lIrs. Arthur:C. ivI"'ligan. " Mr'. &i'Mrs; RODen Nolan; Mrs. Blanche Ronco, Mi': 8i'Mrs~ How.;, ard "igg, Mt: &. Mrs: Edward' Stanton, Francis' Stelter; Mrs. Bertha Wells. $15' ril"-:. & Mrs:· John' R': Bell, Mr. &. Mrs. John J: Carroll; Mi:: & Mrs. George D'riscoll, Dt. & Mrs. Edward, Fontneall', Mr. &i' Mrs. Gerard Kenton. MbBtien Family; Mr. & Mrs. James A. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. David Rushlow;. Peter Silvia, Mr. &. Mrs. Jolin' WojciecHowski. . , .'


Mrs. Mary,. Barnett, Mr. & John Bassett; -Mr. & Mrs. E' Jrett Donnelly; Joan' Flynn, ·Mrs. Rita McAteer, Mr. & Mrs'.: Edward, Scott, Mrs~ William ,Weber; , $10: . Mr. & Mrs. Roger'Adams,.Xristide Almeida, Mt; & Mrs.. WUlia:n Augatj BernardBeatty; Mrs. Rose ·.Bellavance. Mrs, Louise:'Berry, Mr'. & Mrs. Francis BIrch'; Mr....& Mrs. James Birch, Mb & . '1':; 'Clifford' Bodge, Mr. & Mrs. Thos. Bolton. Mh & Mrs;, Raymond Boucher, Mr. & Mrs; Joseph'Bono, Mr. & · Mrs.. Francis', Bowen" Mrs:. Wil-. .liam Bowen,. ..Adrien~Bosh, Mr~ &-Mrs.: Edward·Bor-er; .Mr. : &to, l\:rs.. Leo Bresette, Charles •Prown, Mr: &i-Mrs, Charles,Bry· son, l\Ir. & Mrs. Richard Busch. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Byers, : Mrs. Mary Brask\,Mr. &·Mrs. O. E '. Cameron Jr',. Mr; &, Mrs. Francis Canary, Mr: & Mrs: Wilfred Cardin. 'VIr. & MrS'.- RODed'; Callahan, Mrs. Edward.Cassidy,Mr. &·Mrs. · Robert CassidY" ,Mrl &i'Mrs. Robert Chapman; Mt: &-Mrs; Marcel · Cllar.ron. Mr. &.Mrs. Charles Clarke;.Mr.. &. Mrs. Richard' Cleary; Mr. & Mrs. Herl:tertt Clegg:, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Collins,. Mr., &. Mrs. · 'J.1liomas· Coleman.. ' Miss Gladys Connelly,. Mf: & Mh. George Conlt~y; Hugn. T~ {' -bett, Mr. 8i Mrs. Rooerl ; Conely, Mr. &1 Mrs: Ar.thur:·' Cordle. Mr. &- Mrs. Henry Creedon, Mr. & Mrs. James Croke Sr:, Mr. ; & Mrs. Raymond Croke; Mary Croke, Mr.. & Mrs. Daniel J: Cronin. Mr. & Mrs. Earl' Cruff; M'r: 8i !iIrs. John A: Cummings,.James Currie; Miu'y'Currie, Mrs~ Emma' Davey.' Mr. &. Mrs, William: Demers,\ Nft:: .8i, Mrs;;· Ethest~ Demers,. M'r: &G' Mrs: Russelll Denne~.Ilifh' &;.

· :r -·:s.

Mrs; Josep!t.\ Desrosieir,. Mit &\ IJeo; Delil'osier! Mrs. BradfoJ'd~ Dorrance;. Mr'; , &i,Mrs. Jamesr.Doyle;.Mr,.....&,.Mts. Tliomas DriScoll; William' JI Duffy; Mrs;;, IIawrence':' SW;r.err. . Mrs. Ludivine-· DYer;. Rbeca' Fantaccione;' Mrs.· Willilrd( Fit*" ton; Mrs. Mar~/ Flavin;. Fredl Franz. Mary Galligan" Tliomas; Gil. riepy" Mr. &. Mrs.. Paul, Garon/. Russell· Gately, Mr: &i' Mfs(; George' Gay,. Mr. & Mrs; Louis. Gazzola/.Mi'( . &, Mrs. Rocco Gianitelli,. Mr. &, Mrs. Francis X; Giblin, Mr.; &, Mrs. Daniel GUroy, Mr; &'. Mrs,: Theodore Gingras. Mary & Louis Gorman/.Mr'. &. Mrs. Lyford. Gorman; Virginia, Harney, Mi'; '&. Mrs. Willter' Heagney, Mr. & Mrs. Huoert' Hen,"essey. Katherine Higgins, Mrs. Gladys Holdgate, Mrs; Grace Homer. Mrs. Nicholas Humlak,. Mrs. Helen Ivers;. Mr; & Mrs. James Jackson; Mr: & M'rs, Raymond Jacques, Bea" trice Janson, Mr. &'Mrs. John;R, Jan~., Mrs. Sarah Johansom Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Karol} 'Mr; & Mrs; John Keane' Mr & Mrs. Edward Kelley, .Mr.'&.M:rs.' Francis Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. HEmry: Kelly. An:~!lH. King·, Mrs: Maryv.K'ilJ. burn,-:-Mr. &.Mi's; George~KoldeIj. Mr; & Mrs;· Gerard LaCombe,-. Mr. o:·'Mrs.;.Earl T aMiirche: Mi', &.-Mr~:>James,.H~ :Lee,' Mfs.; Lena' Lee,. Mary; Levis, Mn &,. Mrs. Joseph~'Lewis, Mi': &. Mts~· .T' Jeph'" W: Lewis. John·I..;oew; Mr. 8i,Mrs! Har!'Y" !;oew, Mr. &D. Mi:s~ Donald! Mllc.;, Donald; Mr: & Mrs~ Hugh' Me'" Brien; Fred' McCracKen: Mr. & Mrs~Henry'McCraclCen; Mi'; & IIenry McCracken; Mt: &. Mrs.' James Mceracken,' Mr.: & Mrs. Donald: McCaulE!yf Mi':: & Mrs. MattheW' McCarthy. Elsie McQonald; Jennie' Me"Donald, Mr; &. Mrs: Almon' Me';' Manus; Mr; &. Mrs.· Josepli' Mcl'~ally, Mr, & Mrs. Alfred' J! Me.;, Nally, Helen: Madden. Mr. &: MrS~1 William Maguire, Mr. & l\J:rs. Edward'Milher. Mrs. Everett·, Millloy, Mr: &, Mrs. James, _Martins,. Mr; &, Mrs. Eugene Martin. . Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Marvelle, Mr. & Mrs. John Meegan; Mt. & Mrs. William Michel, Mr. &JMrs. Arthur,Mondor;Mr:&·Mrs.'Elttm Bl Murphy. . Mrs.: Eugenia; Morin;, Colleen Mullaney:; Edward Murphy, Mrs. George: Murphy, Mr: 8i,J Mrs. Joseph ·Murphy. Mrr & Mrs:. Joseph". T: Mill':" ph)"! Mr:.&.Mrs. JamesiMurray, Mr, &; Mrs: Albert Nardini; Mrs.. John.:...:Nihall' &. Family; Ellen Nitso. Mr; &- Mrs;, Charles·Nolan;,.Al':"· . thur Nolin, Mr. & Mrs. Jblin. Nunes,' Mr. &. Mrs. Charles ('I''dtien, Mr, & Mrs.: Donald O'Brien. . . ~rs.· Alice O'Connell; Mi';' & Mrs., .Joseph O'Donnell, Mrs. Margaret.L.· O'Keefe; Miss;Mar:.. ~_ret M, O'Keefe, Mrs. Thomas O!Keefe,' Mr; &Mrs.• Stephen:P~ine;Ed_ ward.P.atenaude,. Beverly,' Percy, Mrs. James'Percy,.Janet;percy.. Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Pelletier, Mr. &"Mrs.' Joseph Perry; Mtr & Mrs. John Picchi, Josepli'Pinkos Mr. & Mrs. William Reilly. ., Mrs. Aimaf Reynolds, James V'. Rey:nolds;,Mr: &rMrs.. Charles: Rivard"Mrs. Mary Ricker- Eleanor Rbbinson." ' John E:. Robinson, Raymond, Robillard, Mr. &t. Mrs. Robert· Rohman, Mrr & Mrs;, Philip E. Rounds, Mr,. &i, Mr~ Joseph ::y:an. Dr~ &E' Mis. Fiore Rullo; Mt: & Mrs. Edward' SCl;lnlon, Mr. & Mrs., Arthur. Spadoni" Mr. & !\frs. Edward' Sheehan'" Mr. & Mrs.. ·Piml Silvia. Mr: & Mrss.Tfiomas. Silvia/.Mr. 8' Mrs. JO'sepn Soares" Me: & Mrs. Josep~' Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Stelter;, Kenneth Stone. Mrs. Madeline Stone, Mh & Mrs.· James Tannock, Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Toole, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ty, Mr. & Mrs. James.H. Sullivan: Mr. & Mrs: Emil Wilbur, Mr. & Mrs. John Wilson; Mr. & Mrs. p'Jterr Wood~ Mt~ &i'Mrs;: JolimT. Wh1te~ Jr., Mr. &- Mrs. Walter White, Mr; & Mrs;· Jame. Zmudszlt;y,:'



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;M'ANCHOR""!"Dtocese of.F.olI' Riv4tr-'Thur.s" May 19,,196.0

ALMOST TIME FOR CAMP: Holy Cross Seminarians at North~Easton get into trim for baseball ,as they prepare for an active summer.as·counsellors at newly-opened Camp' Sebaik ·inMaine. Left to r.ight, :Ken' Silvia, S~ Mary!s Cathedral 'parish, Fall River, umpires ;.'·Michael 'Moo~, ID.ublin,

Appeal Gifts Swansea : ST. DOMINIC ;$300.00 ·Rev. George E.' Sulll"a.ft. '$50;00 R. B. Negus Lumber ,.(00.,', IDe., A friend. .$25.00 James C.iMur:phy,Leo:J.'A:Bh, Harvey Lellon. '$20.00 ' Paul J. Hardiman;~Nieholas.J. Frizen, 'Ernest . Gendreau, :Edward S~uza, James :,MClMahon. ,$IS.00 M. Doris Sullivan, Peter 'A. Lee, John R. CooneY,'Paul Hastings, Stephen" F .•.:Mathias. <$IIMO Herbert 'Rego, .~loseph Couitt, Joseph Labounty, Geol'ge 'Ventura. "$10.00

Philip Griffin, . John .-Santos, Sr., James F. Murphy,~Ann'Ash, Antone Santana. George Paradis,' Edward "R. Barry, Walter .Mulkern,' Gerald B. Vaudreull, Deubel Fami;l.y. Delia"& MarJaFur.tado, Arthur J. Cavanaugh,. JoseR.,SoWla,·J'r., Rose '>antos,' Wilfred G:ourville. Carlos Medeiros, "Albert ·Dube, Joseph Reis,. John ;<R, ~Mello. Frank Dowling. John Giblin, . Jr., . Thomas Bourne, Albert Rousseau, Robert '"I. Berard, Leo Benard. Alban A. Clairmont, Robert LaChance, Olgario' PhBJ,ips,'Julia D. Rose, Thomas J. Lawlor. Joseph Dias, Natalino 0hiavettone, CharlesF. Kinnane, Barton G. Albert, Norman tE.. Ashley. Anthony Botelho, Robert Tschirch, "'~rle Johnson, 'Anthony Travis, Thomas Hazel. Santo Pulvirenti, Harvey Lenon, Jr., Paul Cantelmo, .Daniel Barry, Gertrude A. Cain. Joseph Calisto, Joseph Gadbois, Alfred Carlino, Lloyd F. Jarvis.

Mass Commemorates 1,150th Anniversary MUENSTER (NC) - Bernard Cardinal Alfrink, Archbishop Of Utrecht, offered'a pontifical Mass in the cathedral bere. on:.l.le 1,150th anniversary of the death ('. St. Ludger, apostlet 6fFrisia. The ceremony' was' broadcast by the Dutch Catholic 'Br- --1casting Company and a German network. St. Ludger 'was ;Bishop of Muenster lin the' time. of Charlemagne, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire'. ,His mission territory of Frisia, is~a, lowlan-l rei;' 'n near the North -Sea, . now partly in Germany ..and in.ltbe 1:atherla nds

Ireland, catches; !Bob Naughton, County 'M~yo, ·swiIJ.gs :bat. Center, you'ng .camperprepares tbedfor inspection. Right, .seminarians pack for trip to -Maine..Left ,to 'right, ,Jim Bruno,Bob Kennedy ,and Tom Day. All in all, iUooks like;algQod :time is in.the making.

Holy CllossSeminarians 'Prepare to Staff New Cam:p ,:foT jB~,s 'in.Maine iWoods ;Studerits:.atiHoly Cross'Seminar-Y,rNorthEaston, ..wilI:.gee~the,·e6nnnletion{of"two.sum­ ,mer:'s '.work:next month llWhen"Camp:'Sebaik :for'boys :()pensdn 'North '.:se.bago, 'Maine. Thi! .'seminarians,.under ldirection:df:iH6Jy~CrossCoagjutor ~BTOthers, ihave !been :renovating ..an dl.bandoned,CaIQ.p'..site·'·for ,operationlQy :Holy Bross Fathers :ag:an I;QP 1to .date 'facility 'for (60tb9ys.\. GampiQgli.will .begin • oounsellors ;.at ..Camp· Sebaik. me:3ssary 'for .the ':full llPirtual ,~June' 25: aJidelose ''Aug:ust20. "'ITheY will live .. and .work ,with .aad t(1)ysical 'development <c~f JB9Ys :from.':;lges-ejght.to '14 <the i boys, ,arid it :will 'be . their ,every Icamp'::r," "not~ Father 'will ,be ;.ace~pted "for 'eight, daily. rellPons'ibili.ty to..give indi- 'DeFriuo.. 1


:lour, and: two"Wee~periods.."Acttivities\"WiIl> be under the sl,lper.vision. of"Rev.. Jo~Ph .IF.' Hanna, C,S.C.,·who'for ma~Y'years,has {given .missions ; alidnovenas throughout I the '.FallRiver 'Di,c.sse. IlmpOriaDt ;FJeld ·!-Bev. iGeo~ge '-S. : DePrizlo, 'o-.S.C., 'Holy': Cross Provincial, "has :long, desired. to. Ihave. a 'share .>in: the. im/!lor.tant~and-everl'gro:w­ ; ~ ·','cld- f !American' Catholic .( camping. lin <,other "parts <1'6f \the count"Y1Holy, CrOSS"Failhers:"and .seminarians ·:have ,'conduoted , CaD;lPs' fol' many. years and -in' this ,:tradition, Fa;ther tHanna Iwas.,as"signed: tOI organize, and'.direct· the :.new caIIJP. l'North 'Sebago ds 'located [·on Lak' '-'Sebago, :·30 miles 'from 'Portland, ; and ,accessible :to . all 'means t Of ,transportation. "Holy , (". - - 'semiIiarlans '.will . act ;as

.,v.i(iuaL.attention, and. guidance' :so ~$1Z;00

. Mr.;.& !'Mrs.. Raymond Lavoie, :AlbertIMercier,'·Mr. &:Mrs.'Alfred' Carrita, \Mr. "& :Mrs. '!:.eo Callahan, 'William '~ys. .Mr. k,& [Mrs...John 'Nazareth, Mr.· & '1':'"rs. :Henbert'Pilkir:rgton, rMr...<& .Mrs. Horace Travassos, I·Mr. ,,& I-Mrs. Leonard .'Souza, I·Mr. .~.&I\Mrs. 'Raymond' Sullivan. .·~tthur·Prouix,'Mrs.Geol'gelR. :'Ra4lMI,fMr.:;& Mrs.Rene!1~eau­

.lieu. ~$1fuOO

<.1f.<tguire 'Faniily, . M; ...~ael ~Wbitty, {.Mr. .-& '\Mrs. ··Manuel lRibeiro, 'Mr. :.& 'Mrs. 'Warren ,O'Glonnell, hMr. 1.& 'Mrs. 'Donald ill\~'.)rrow.

'iTbe ~p·.wiUJbe "fully staffed ,equipped to 'provide the lbest .in,campiJ;!gm ·the ideal ,campi~ •territo:ry "(jf .Maine," ,said "'. ~. Provincial. IInquides regardiJ,lg the camP .may, be,;directed·,oo-Rev. ,Joseph IF. ~Hanna, C.S.C., ::835 Clinton .'Avenue, ..Briqg~port, Conn. :an(f

.Joseph :Massey & Ann, Clam {Miner. IMr..'&:Mrs. .Edwin True, Mr. & tMrs. llidertc Richard, Mr. & tMrs. 'Rebert Desrosiers, Mr. & IMrs. .James Keithan, Helen Il?erry. IMary 1Fel1fY,r.Mr. & ·Mrs. Johft :J. 'WalSh, '.Edward F. Brosseau, I,Mr."& 'Mrs.. ~AIfred Bernier, Mr. 1& ;,Mrs. "Paul TMcCann, Mr. & IMrs.. William 'Rosa. IMr. ;'& I·Mrs. 'Antol".d! DaPonte, IMr.i& ~'1rs,lA1bert DQ.perre, Har'.vey DlJPere,Mr. & Mrs. Napoaeon ·Ro~,IMr.'& ·Mrs. Joseph Valentino. lMr. '&Mrs.Edwar.d Haponik, lll.:r.:& Mrs.--Edwaril. Arruda, Mrs. Theresa'Messier,·Mrs. Mary MullaneY,:Mr. '&·Mrs. Alfred Danis.

!'Mr.!& :Mrs.,.John C. 'Marshall, :Kenneth'Tr-enholme, ·Mr. & Mrs. Gearald :W.lRe~, 'Mr. ·&Mrs. ·~homas'MeIvin,Mr ..& 'Mrs. 'ArthurG.. Emard, :·Mr..& Mrs. :l4\y·,11hibaUit,·Mr.-,&'-Mrs. 'Albert fA~~he 'Perron. lDufr~sne,:·Mr.·&·'Mrs.,John WillJ\fr.:& 'Mrs. i'Nicholas Tyrrell, IIiams, :,Mr. ,& :,Mrs. ~ymond !A. IMr...·& "Mrs.. H~rbert Duperre, rGauthier. 'Francis .~.I'Mr. ·&'Mrs. Louis .{'Mr. .1:& ·.Mrs. ;Joseph Griffin,' ·P. ~·Moore,'Eeter 'F. 'DuffY. -<Ann .' Griffin, Mrs. Margaret IMr..'&'Mrs..:.J'oseph.Holt, Mary "'-'~nsett, :Mrs. 'Kenne.th 'Hulllg, f& )EvaHarr~ton, 'Mr. & Mrs. IMr.:&;Mrs. 'Arth:ur'Noiseux. George IBilteliffe.& Family, Mr.' I'MI'. ,,'& 'Mrs. Josepb -Sa1}terre, /&:lVIrs.'Wm.·M. Purdy,:& Family, lMr.,'&.oMrs. Leo Pelchat, Joseph .Mr.:&:Mrs.1Rolan'd. Curt. {Mr. <'& I Mrs. William Hamel, IFlynn,:Mr.& Mrs. William Bru,neau, rMr. &oMrs. Matthew IMr.I&:Mrs.~Okseniak. G..'Isior. 'IUrn'to i1l"lU'e' Twenty-one JIn ,.memory.,6£ 'Margaret: Fitzsimmons, Mrs. Martin Welch & I Mary, 'r..·,;. 'Mary .Hatril,'lgton,· , (O~ Geraldine Harrington, Mrs. Edna (Ceraldi & 'Mrs.·AnnThraves. (for all

I'Mrs.IJames Whalon, Mrs.'Anna lBurns, I'MrJ& 'Mrs. "Manuel 'Ar•mCla,l·Mrs.,Benjamin. Paskavitcl1, .J6hn.'J. 'Fletcher. 'C~therine Connors, Joseph ·Harrington,. Jr., John McHugh, : Sr., IMr. ;,& "Mrs. George Curry 'ST. PATRICK :Mr.. & Mrs. Norman Connell. l$3S0.00 .' \ fMr. /.& !'Mrs.. P. :rletcher, "Mrs. :Rt.Rev.'Edmund 'J. Ward. ,Mary 'Moran, ·Mr. & Mrs. 'Vernon Kill;>y, Mr. & Mrs. Roland ~$7S.00 : Senechal, -Mr. & r'rs. James 'Joseph \M. Donnelly, ,Mrs. :Rev. John ·P. Cronin. iR'E~L Charles E. Donnelly. & Margaret ,Garpenter,Mr. & Mrs. JohntMc4$60;00 !A. j ,n-neHy, Mr:&·Mrs. Thomas ~Hugh, 'Jr. Thomas Ryan. .Bra(1y. 1$30.00 t:Mr. l'& ;Mrs J. Cunnir;rgham, 'Consult .Mr. & 'Mrs. ':'atrick Leary'& .MrJ'c!' <rs. Edmund Couto, Mr. ·Mr. & Mrs. H. Buckley, Mr.. '& Patricia, Mrs. John A. Coady & & Mrs. John T, O'Leary, Mrs. Mrs. W. Cowell Mr. & Mrs. Family. 'Paul Joinville, Mr. & Mrs. Sam. 'Charles Holland,.Mr.. &Mrs.,Ed_ • $2S;00 Crane. ward Dubiel, Mr. & Mrs. Chester ~"r. & Mrs. Daniel ScullY,Mr. Goscimiriski. .l\II"r. & Mrs. Vincent Mannion, & Mrs. Thomas F. Vanasse, Mrs. Mr.• &\Mrs. 'Peter. Szargowicz, ',Mr.1<& Mrs. Robert E. Marier, JohnL.' Sweeney, Mary Ne:w- 'Mr.·& Mrs. John .Viana,:Mr."& ;Mr.i& t·Mrs. Roy J. M.url'ay, .Mr. man '&. James' <Dlegg,'Mr. & Mrs~ ;Mrs. Rene ~ratt, Hazel Devine. /·&:Mrs.· Raymond McOann,rMr...·& 'Charles Veloza. I'Mr. & Mrs. John.Jos. MOrgan, IMrs. Louis .Ferreira, Thomas I 'AlidaF. Hart, Mrs. Eliza·beth fMr ...·& Mrs. Norman'-Berard, Mr. .L. ' Carroll. Dennisport . Kennedy, lOr. l& Mrs.. Joseph .'&I'Mrs. Hugh'Curry,·,Mr. &·Mrs. lAnastasia K. Mayes, Violette Norman,Mr.l& Mrs. John-Bevil- .'John J. Powers, .Jr., '~ry .MAIN\ST. :KaY,·Louise R. Kay, Mr. &·Mrs. ,acqua. Theresa Driscoll. . . $241.00 ['Mrs. 'Ella Fitzler,Mr.. & Mrs. .Mr. :& ·Mrs. 'Anthony R. ~Rug­ .J6hn Fitzler, Mr.,&·Mrs. Everett giero, Marguerite. Darmody. ·L.iewis, Mr. ,& Mrs. Anthony .$20,00 ;&111 River - New 'Bedford ·Highw~y-+No. fMr....& :Mrs.. Edward G .. De- :Zmuda, Mr. .& Mrs. 'Arthur JUICY! TENDERSlZZLtNG! ('f{j!~~ Ciccio, William DonnellY,'Mr.·& :Riehard. I'Mr.:,&. Mrs. \William'Haley,' Mr. ' :Something Newl 'Mrs. Edward Gagnon, Mr.&,Mrs. Wm. F. ,J. itMassey, Edward J. .& l\Mrs.Joseph ·.Drol;>yski, )lac~Choose "¥Our' Own LSteaks i-.kowski 'EamHy, 'Elizabeth ~R. "HealeY. . All 'steaks ondil$play 'for fJour . lBataow, Catherine: & Elizabeth $15.00 choosing ,Mr.•·&Mrs.. Joseph "13elaJ;1ger. 'CarroU. :Special Arrangements :Mr. ,& .Mrs.. James ·Nicoletti·& I·Mr.. & .Mrs. John .,Malloy,· Mr. Weddings and Parties Family, .·Adrian ,J.H\,Ighes ,& L&.,Mrs.,M.,P.·RQgers, Mr..&Mrs. . Family. .J6hntWbipp&.Family, Elizabeth for ,;Reservations ~$t(;OO '.v.lBarret~,1Mr.~"&tMrs. .;,John.F. ·:..,,hone 4OSbOrne 2liR la6 lMr.-Nk \Mrs.•tAndrew;·SUlliv.an. ;}l'..annm¥.

Fall River




<CAPE ,COD cReaJ Estate

cExchange, :Inc. EXeter f8-2291 8-2292



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Tf:Iurs. May 19, 1960






It looks so good! And, it tastes even better!; why- ordinary 'bread tslo~ly 'beaten a ton at See',and . taste' for'-yourself the'. delicious dif-·, a time can never compare with Suribeam's ference in Batter 'WhippedSunbeaJ!i 'Bre~d. heavenly smoothness..:.S\lnbeam's delectable Ourexelusive,ne·w:ll1iracletnixer.'wliipg'bat.:.-· " ,fl·avor. Try Batter Whipped .Sunbeam! Con:" .. ter"'in 'small b~tches ,~t hign' speed~' That~s'" : vince 'yourself, that it's truly. better bread. ' ,




Sunbecun .COMPARE Sunbeam is whipped at high speed-the way you whip Gream -to make truly better bread !

Its Batfer Whipped "~~~".w




. "

mond Lafleur, Mr. & Mrs. Ar- THE ANCHOR·thur Lalumiere, John Latulippe, . '.. Tllurs., May 19; 1960 Mr.,& Mrs. Manuel Leitao. Anna Long, Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph . of Manuel & Daniel Pimental. Lopes, William Mitchell, James Mrs. Ernest Samways. McManus, James McCarthy.. Florance Sullivan, Henri TesMrs. CatherIne McCann, sier, Arthur Thibodeau, William Joseph G. MorrIssette, Mathias Thistlewaite, Antone Vieira. Murphy, John O'Brlen, Elizabeth Mrs. Raymond Viens, Mrs. O'Neil. Clara Whitehead, Mary WhiteRichard Paul, Mrs. Jeannette head, Faith Ziccardi, Mrs. Nellio Pearson, Roger Petit, In memory Zwink, A -friend A.M.S.

Appeal Gifts

Forgette, Mrs. Ida. Callahan, Desmond, Barbara Ferron, John O'Neil Jr.. Edward Zygiel, Edna Hughes. Mr. & Mrs. John O'Neil, LawOvila Fortin, Mr. & Mrs. Al$100 ban Correia, Ruth Morris, John lor Family, H. F. Reilly Jr., EdMr. & Mrs. H. Frank Renty, Morris, Richard Gosson. ward McGrady, Sarah V. AnderMrs. Christopher J. Crahan, Dr. Mr. & Mrs. James Pimen~al, son. & Mrs. EJmund Neves, MarMr. & Mrs. Leo Creamer, Mr. & Patrick F. Fitzgerald, Michael garet M. Sullivan. r-:-s. John Regan, Mrs. Mary HIckey, Mary Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. $50 Mello, Normand Payer. Daniel Duffy, Charles Duffy. Daniel Cooney, Mr. & Mrs. Anibal Silva, Everett Ferris, Frank A. Sullivan & Family. John S: Burns, In Memory of Mr. . Mrs. Albert "',,\yer, Mary :r"~s. Margaret Renaud, Arthur John & Margaret McDermott, Smith, Anthony Ferreira. Borges, Mrs. Margaret Cripps, Mr. & Mrs. William Hargraves, Sumner McDonald, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Sevigny. Mrs. William Cardin, Edmund Robert Carr. John Kilroy, Walter White: l\Itr. & Mrs. James Little, Mr. O'Connell, Misses Doran, Regina & Mrs. Daniel F. Murphy Jr., In Higgins. Virginia Draddy, Mrs. Lena r-lt? ory of John & Margaret Edward Doran, William Devitt, Alley, Mrs. Ro~~ Seaman. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Dick' Cut- Donald Corrig~n, Laura HolliWilliam Whitt. Anna Packer, tl·~g. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Custy, n John Corrigan. $35 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Mc- . Mary Finucane, Arth··- DeCosta. Mr. & Mrs. William J. Pelton, Mullen, Dorothy Higgins, Leo P. Carol Ann .HarrIngton, Mr. & Michael Grace', Mr. & Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. Catherine M. Trai- Mrs. Raymond Nestor, Francis Tuite, Catherine Furze. nor, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Donovan. Regan, Edward Fraze, Maureen $30 Catherine Kennedy, Florence Dallagher. Thomas Synnott, Mr. & Mrs. 'K~nnedy, Mae Carragher, Mrs. Fernande Watkinson, Mr. & Patrick J. Hurley. Charles. Trainor, Edmund Re- Mrs. John Haggerty, Robert Har$~5 rington. Jean Auger, Joseph zendes. Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Boulds, Zagaja. ~'Nen McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Murphy, Louise DesJohn Simas, Mr. & Mrs. Harold John L. Turner, Art:lUr Vallee, Marais, Walter Wilcox, Kathryn O'Y-Iearn, Marie Sardinha, John J. Sullivan, William H. V. & Margaret Whelen. Thomas Keane, Helen Lynch. Evelyn M. Farrar, Mr. & Mrs. Miller. Joseph Araujo, Gerald T. Ma.:1line Glavin, Madeline Lawton, Honor Connor, Anna Francis E. Sullivan, Catherine Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Curtis, Charles F. Curtis, Jo- Smith, Mrs. Sarah Sullivan. J:- ;ghes & Marga:·~t A. ' seph Caouette, John F. Sullivan. Frank McCann, Tohn M-:Cann, William J. Barrett, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Beaulieu, Thomas Mary Lou Keating, William F. James Sullivan, Mrs. Jeremiah White, Leo Levesque, Mrs. Alex- Keating, Hubert Perron. H. Leary & Family, Mr. & Mrs. ander Young, John M. Leonard. John F. Moran, Mrs. John KilWilliam cross, Florence Burns & ·"'ary Mason, Helen Sullivan, roy, John Kilroy Jr., Mrs. Joan Alice Costello. l\~t'. & Mrs. John E. Kiley, Mrs. Paul, Joan BenjamIn. Jeffrey. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hammill,. JoSeph De:Mr. & Mrs. John Lindsay, WilCharles F. Bliffins, Atty. & Mrs. laney, liam Hussey, Edward Wilson, Thomas E. Marum, Mr. & Mrs. Tohn Kiley Jr., Raymond Au- Maureen Wilson, Francis Hearn. Dennis C: Hurley, James Ken- det, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Dunn, ,Dennis Durand, Mrs. Edith nedy, Jolt., L. Morgan. Alvin Hoar, Mrs. 'lvin Hoar. Kiley, Mrs. Lillian G. Darmody, . $24 Barbara Banks, Clarence Mrs. Lillian Dunlop, Mr. & Mrs. Micha~l Pankow. Banks, Harry Hambly, Elizabeth .,Elwal'd Carroll. $22 Rlilach, Daniel Roach. , llenjamin Troia, Walter WilFred j. Harrington. Alphonse LeGendre, ,Thomas son, Walter McVey, Edward ThI, $20 P. Sullivan, Mrs. Alice Harring- bault, Joseph Thibault. f'lliva A. Pelletier, Rose Far- ton, Helen G. Law, Margaret Mrs. Gertrude Hunt, Theorell, :\'1r. & Mrs. '="' omas Burke, 1\:"": u1hy. dOl'.e Bramorski, Alfred Au~t. Catherine O'Hare, William Mr. ~ Mrs. George Keavy, Catherine O'Brien, Mary Cooper. Whitehead. Margaret Donovan, Albert WeI'Mary Roberts, June Ann RobJane Broderick, Leonard Vo- kel', John J. Clancy, Geneyieve er.ts, Henrietta Reynolds, Mrs. gel, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Waring, Murry. Leanna LaRoche, James F. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Smith & FamMary E. Quirk, Elizabeth Mc- " Kenney•. ily, Margaret Desmond. Carthy & Elizabeth M. Crowley; William Kenny, Mrs. James Mugaret O'Grady, Mr. & Mrs. Annie E. Quirk, Arthur Pavao, Ramos, Mr's. Henriette Koslor, , Arthur Beland, Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert J. Doherty. Henry Kosior; J9s~ph, Cote. Joseph Welch, Mr. & Mrs. WilEdward Fay, Thomas Loftus, Awla' Mit!=hell, Orner Petit, liam Mercier, Mrs. Margaret Mr. & Mrs. C. Joseph Driscoll,.' Gerald Delisle, Edmund Mitcb-, Flynn & ;Mary Flynn. Mr. & Mrs. James J. McMahon, en, :Eugen~ Yail Jr: Charle$ Mitche", Mary Y. & Mary Skammels. !Mrs.·.Hugh 'Lennon, Mr. &i Alice Harrington, Mrs~ Annie Mr. & Mrs. ,Toseph Trainor, :Mrs. Samuel Stone & John, Mrs. McGuire,' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas'A. Joseph M. Reilly, Genevieve R. Cliarles VanWart, Charles CurMcCann, 'Miss E. Louise Beattie. Hathaway, Anna J. Hathaway, Mrs. Leo Canuel. Mr. & Mrs. John Moynagh, Joseph R. Hathaway. DOPald Danis, Arthur Shea. Mr. & Mrs; Matthew Shea Jr., Dorothy McLaughlan, Mr. & William' Heaney, Mr. & Mrs. William 'Fitzgerald, James W, Mrs. Frank Farrell, Juliette· ~al' Joncas, Mr. & Mrs. RayFitzgerald. ' Delahanty, Margaret E. Cole- Jr - . i McDonald. $18 man, Mrs. Frances Andrade. S~pben Port, Joseph Costs. Mrs. Elizabeth Leonard & John McGuill, Lillian Madden, Elizabeth·L. Ruth Henry, John Fagan, John ,Fall River $15 Sullivan. . Andrew J. Lyons, John O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Labrie, IMMACULATE CONCEPTION $400.00 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Quinn, Mrs. James F. Reed, Charles Sullivan, . Re\!. Felix S. Childs. : Duggan and Alice, Jennie Mrs;' Richard Donahue, Richard . V. Griffin, Donahue. $100.00 Kenneth Sutcliffe, Herman & Sara' Porter, Mrs; Edward In Memory of Robert E. NewMargaret Springer, James F. Kaufman, Abel. Marceline, ' b\11"Y. Darcy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Don- Thomas L-ftus, Loretta Norton. .$35.00 nelly. Eileen Sullivan, Ellen O'Too.le, ,Thomas J.Fleming. Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Stone, William McNamara, Mrs. Harold' $30.00 Edward Rogan &. Family, Dor- B. Guthrie, Mr. 'l1; Mrs. Charles Mrs. Henry J. Duffy. othy Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Donovan. . $25.00Dolan, The Patten Family. Mr. & Mrs. John J.·Harrington, Kathleen Blood, Florence Madeline I. Riley, Thaddeus Mr.. & Mrs.· Roland Boulay, In L b T"karz, Mr. & Mrs. George Mc- Memory (,f Lawrerlce F. Downey, ync .'. ,;> Coomb, Mr. & Mrs. .Raymond In Memory of Thomas H.. and . Mrs...· Tere:O'~~tu; Joseph. Powers, Mr. & Mrs; 'Joh~ F. Thomas'L. Flynn, In Memory of Le' & F '1 N Lyons. . '., , '. . .' " ,F 'tllel ,J. Martin. ; . w~, ., amI y, . ancy AnD '. . Mrs. Mary McCarthy, James . 'In Metnory of John & 'Mary '. Turner. .,'. Rei]':', Loretta. ,Gavin, ' Grlllce .' ,Down~y'., Mr•. & M-rs., R9 land" ,. "..... $15.00 ,'.. ;',. Daley, Mary C. Daley. ," Dube~ Mrs,' JUllll Beattie, Mr. & ' Gi'ace Holden,.. Thoma~' . P. Grace Martin, .qr~ce ~unn, 'Mrs. RobeJ;t'Nedderman, 'Doni!~d i,~ea;~~!.& FamI~~,~ DO~D~~., Margaret Dunn, Irene Cummings· . Black. ,I" .': I ; \ ~'. , , \ \ '.' SperdUti~ .. .' ; .. '.-. & Family, John M. Malloy, ,TimAgnes Black, Catherine Mur. . $12.00 othy Shea, Mrs. Julia Murphy. phy, naul Cullen, Elizabeth Eugen~a C~ffey, Mr. & Mrs. $14 Owens, George Trainor. . Roger PmauJ . Mr. & Mrs. John J. Burke. William Waldron, George L. $1~.OO, ';'" .". " $12 .O'Brien Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph~0h.R.·.Ml;>erna~".Lloyp.,lJ.~:: . .,' Mrs. Ann Stafford, Joseph Me- Dennis, Jane Door, Jo1,lp,.J.. Hall. ,inger, Alex ~a~lI~lller,. Mr. & ,. Donald, Edgar T. Fortin, Arthur Wi~~aJ!l,-.. Desmond', . Manuel Mrs. John ~~,frge~, Mr. & Mr~.' ," 'Paiva, Mr. & Mrs. John J, Rob- Amaral, Mrs. Letitia" LYn.cb; .. I.Jose Borges;':. ' . < .• " ,. erts. '.' . ; " , W'lliam Slater, Catherine & .lIflrs. Earlaoq Bralley" Jame~ Richard Souza Mrs. Mary Thomas Roberts. " . '. Bntland, J~.; ..Thomas . Brown,. Kantz, John 'Fay, 'Michael P9wMr. & Mrs. Matthew A. Shea Gregoris &;' G.i,lbert Calara, Mr~ ers, John/Torpey. Sr., Mrs. Jamf!S E. Walsh, Wini- Dolores Ca~.gello., : , Raymond T. St. Pierre, Mrs. fred McDonpugh, Mr. & Mrs., ,James E... Carey, Jr., Mr,: & 'I .Lrose Menard,. .Benjamin Sherman; Agnes .Mrs.. Norman,.~ Caron & FamIly. $11 . Coyle.' . . . " , 'Antone Carrerro,. Thomas ClemMrs. Mary A. McCabe. Grace Lambert, Eli~abeth ,p1ey~, ~ohnCoelho. $10 Coyle, Thomas' Wilson, Leonard WIlham COrboy, Mr. & Mrs. Katherine Gorton, Arthur Sullivan, Dolor.es Welch. Rober~ Costa! ;Anthony J. Coute, Benjamin, Joseph Szelag, Mr. & John Dean, Mrs. James H. & . Fr.ancI~ Delahanty, Mr. & ·Mrs., Mrs. Robert Guilmette, Roy Dol- Nancy Walsh, Frank Murphy, Mlchae~ Dolan. . . lard. ' (' .evieve Skammels, Mrs. MargaretL. Dugan Rose~ary. Mrs. Roy Dollard, Roy Dollard J-.,es 'Mitchell. Dussaul~, Char!es Feeley, EdJr., Mrs. ,Helen Mays, Manuel ,James Mitchell, Thomas White, ward FItzmaUrIce, Leonel Gar-' Mello, John Hallissey. Leonard Burgmyer, Mr. & Mrs. ganta. . . Richard Nizolowski, William Fred Demetrius, Thomas ConJohn Gaspar, Leo N. Gaudette, White Jr., John Curry, William nors. Leo GaUdette, Jr., Henry S. M.Jran, Daniel Sullivan. '::atherine O'Neil, Bruno An- Gillet, E~ward Hennessey. ""'homas McVey, Mrs. Ellen tonelli, Misses Ella & Anna Mrs. John Hutchinson, Ra7-

Fall River




is tbt stCrtt

.of 9)lonie' ·tBrtob?


, •••.y


Monks'@ Bread is meant to be the staff of life. It was originated by the Trappist Monks at the Abbey of the Genesse. These hardworking, devoted men may not eat meat, fish, poultry or eggs but depend largely on this unusual' bread for their nutrition. Although it was never meant to be sold, this hearty, tall-loaf bread .is now being'made available to everyone. Th~ Tip-Top Bakers, who have been licensed by the Abbey to bake "Mortks'QP Bread, follow the originaheeipe in'every . detail.. The ingredi~~t~,; are the fanest in nature. You'll find deli.~ 'MOIiks'@'Br~~d unllke'any bread you've ever tasted. Try it iii white, whole wheatotraisin, Distributed bY'Tip-Top@Bakers"



THE ANCHOR-Di?cese of Fall River~Thurs. May 1.9,1960

Wom®Iill' E~Olmine

Facts of Society Must··Conform ~ To Teaching


Continued From Page One house," when he declared, lrificers with one exception were,:"", "Eighteen million teen.,.agers in re:'elected by the council. Mrs. this country were not picked up . by police for any(crime 'whatso.- .les E. O'Brien of Fall River was erected third vice-president, ever last year." r·· ~et the tone the office held formerly by Mrs. : of ~ositi.. ~ .approa.ch employed Frederick Tuttle of Fall River. b. all the speakers. He 'id DiScuss Youth . there is Ii great need for vocaPanelists who enlivened the tional guidance and "example is program, discussing the progress ·.he b~~" tel' -'ler." Dr.- Hayden. of youth socially, vocationally. told .the council the 1950.census spirituall. and within "he famNew Bedford and Fall River l1y, were Mr.. McGowan, deputy showed 50 per cent of the chil';' district governor of the Diocesan .dren had not entered high school. . Serra" 91ub,' 'a 'Knight of St. He ex·e. :ed great interest in Gregory, and Diocesan past "the results of the current census. president of the S~--~ Club; He sai~,. "Students of the upMrs. Harold L. Hayes Jr., Cape per one-third of high school Cod district chairman of youth don't go to college: And 50 per of the council; Dr. James R. Hay- cent of the college students dQ den, assistant superintendent of not .1nish their ~ducation.. He New Bedford pUblic schools,' estimated that in the 1960s "the Charles A. Stiles of Fairhaven, jor.s -nost in . ~mand will be president of the executive board . ,!hose requiring the most trainof the Confraternity of Chris- mg. tian Doctrine and Bishop ConNeed Guidance nolly. "Our young people today canBishop Connolly, Auxiliary not afford to waste time and Bishop James J. derrard and the talent. Guidance is a way of speakers were luncheon guests helping the child to ,help himof the council at the cafeteria of self and solve his own problems. Stang High. The best way to "start to think "Better Youth for a Better about a job," Dr. Hayden said, ~omorrow,'" was Bishop. Con"is on - the - job trair ··1g." He 'nolly's subje::t. He said, "In the said certain service clubs in New process of helping 'lr young Bedford talk to children about people we all know .there 'are t:.. life work. ProfesSional and str'·'ns. Ofttimes they are due to· business men give freely of their lack· of parental understanding, time, the speaker said, telling a or ta~iturnity in the homes." He child "the cold, hard facts about warned mothers about being too their work." arbitrary and demanding, say"Youth. and Social Life" was ing "love is needed by the child the topic for Mrs. Hayes, who more -than anything-a love that said "youth needs social 'life to

.LOUISVILLE· (N C-) Se'cretary of Labor James P. Mitchell said. here that American education will be

a failure, so .long . as the facts. of U.:S. society do not conform. to the ideals taught.in school.· ~'Education i fails when the principles it. teaches 'appear meaninglesl! or artificial in the society around it," he said (May 13). : . " r-"e Cabinet member added: : "To teach a child respect f6r human rights and reverence for the principle of equality, and then graduate him into a society that denies them both' because of expediency, is to charge education with Ii prearranged failure-but the 'ailuT,) is not in the classroom :Jut in the society." Mr. Mitchell spoke after rec"':ving the sixth annuual Bella~.,ine Medal of Bellarmine College from Archbishop John A: Floersh of Louisville, chancellor of the school. 'Stressing the current crisis in U. S. education, Mr. i Mitchell pointed out that at present there a... · an estimated 1,883,000 more children in U. S. elementary and INDUCTS MOTHER: Father Thomas Garvie presents high schools than there is room his widowed mother with crucifix as Oblate of the Little for.. in i6 years, ~e said, there Sisters of·the Poor in Baltimore as~ his two sisters, both w:-.And 1 be 76. million young people Little Sisters of the Poor, look' on. Oblates make private of school ages in this ~ountry, teinporaryvows of poverty, chastity and obedience.' NC requiring ~OO,OOO new classr.ooms and some 509,000 T ! teachers. Photo. In these' circumstances, he added, he supports Federal aid understanding and a for school construction, either in Touching on the subject of should start in the home and . Continued From P~geOne nqurished on the wholesome the form of direct grants or by "steady~' dating, the BishOP face- continue in the church through During these' 50 years the as- food of Catholic reading matesupport of local bond issues. '. tiously c'alied the .practice the CYO and allied organiza- sociation has in'deed, rendered rial, dedicated to the service of "heresy in oilr day." He said tions. "Our Lord began his pub- sign~l services to the Church in truth and containing suitable Leaves for Korea' ' "going steady has some advan- lic L~~ at. a social gathering," the' North American continent re:ligious instruction. ST.. COLUMBANS (NC)tilges. They (girls) could get Mrs. Hayes s'aid, "and He ended . and it is due largely to its effort~ . The apostolate of the Catholic sicker of'the 'guys sooner." it a supper with His beloved that the Catholic Press has Press is all the mox;e necessary Father Timothy Connolly, S.S.C., . He' lauded Catholic education apostles." . shown such a remarkable in- F': oj important today when the Superior General of the Society and said 'onl{Catholic education Laity's Role crease both in the number' of forces of evil are making insid- (>~ St. Columban, will visit the provides 'a 'deep teaching "of A description of the wo~k of r 'lblications and in their circu- ~o'us use of the' printed word in congregation's missions in Korea, it· was announced here.' Father moral and ethical values." . the Confraternity of Christian I.8tiori. an effort to subvert and over'ly, whose headquarters Bishop Connolly said he "will D;ctrine was given by Mr. Stiles Importan~Necessary throw the very foundations of Cr" are located at Navan, Ireland, n t rest" un'til a Confraternity and he urged "the laity to take a :this achievement is a motive the Christian religion. vi :ited the society's '. S. pro(' Christian Doctrine is, estab- more active part' in teaching for legitiJpate pride, on the part Meritorious Work vincial headquarters here in Jished in every parish in the Christian Doctrine. Religious in- ('f th.e association..It is. also a Therefore, while W') cordially Nebraska. . D.iocese. He" noted that Pope struction of boys and g~rls is source 0 f much sat ISf ac t Ion f or felicitate the association on the Pius X, whose statue is near the only a part of confraterni.ty . Us, and We' 'are greatly. com- ~onsoling success that has' at- . cafeteria at Stang High, ordered work.· We. get them into discils- f or te d y b e th k i d ge th a t nowe tended its va.liant efforts We that the conlt'aterh.·ity'be·estab':' sion clubs after school . s~c h conSI'dera.bl e num b ers. 0 f would exhort. it· to even greater ' . . .their . : COX lished throug'' hout the world. He years." ., 0 ur b i d chid . F II e ove 1 .re nare b em g zeal .in the pursuit of its noble . :1 -. c.alled for lay.teachers· to'·assI·st· 0 owing the panelists , Bene,/ . obJ' ectives·.· .' .. J HO,me ,.made 1.0. confraternity' viTork,' espe-· <iicUon was celebrl:\ted by BisJ:!op . . . . 5,' ,We feel confident ~'l.at Divine . :CANDIES' '. , ,;-'CiaUy' '~those -familiar:'with ·the C . onno·II y, b.ef ore: a .teml?orary· . ~()rd ~/ Gpd,"the :iturgy'of the alt~r on ,the stage of :the aiJdi- . Continued From Page' One ~;~~~ ':~~e g:~~ a~~nt~~: e::? CHOCOLATES church,' 'tlle ~ac'raments and. the' ,tc-:·lUm. . Of the 124,700 immigrants who ;"W''e' :n'e'ed' a'n a'rmy. of Delegat.es were welcomed. by' carne . . to C ana'd a ~n . 1958 , a b ou t and gage!! this m'~rit.orious work; 150 Val:ieti~s ~ ..in'inpledge of. that' heilverily ,T. ·.-sler'l'es.· ro-," ,lihd', 'wO::len ':who' ,have .,theR!. Rev. M.sg~. Hugh 'A; Gal- ;half,were dependents 'and a higb ,: favour, We impart fr:"m Our' . . RO.UT~ 6 ~ear · 'td' d , .. 'd" d t" d th' '. Iagher,.pastor·of St. . James t' - . ,. . ' dOl' , v ;a'tthl~... , an .. , un. er~ .an elr ..C.pur.cli, 'N..ewBedford..',. an.d by propor IOn ,were sponsore. n 1. heart'to YO!!,: veil~~able ~rother, ..Fairhaven . . ' a relatively· small propor~iori had an.d to the. officers, board' of . ' . . ,. -Auto Theatre .,' ., ..M. r. Mc'G'·ow··an,:;fathe·.r· 'o'f SI"X' :t"e' Rev. Thorn.as·r. t . . , Walsh ' dl''': ..t 0 s.ee'k' wor.k'10 th·· e openlpark e, directors, staff and coilaboratOrs . FAIRHAVEN~ ~ASS. children, discussed, "Youth 'and' ocesatl moderator:' The' national' Mr. Wiriters said. ' . ' ,. .... . ". :ui~")familY.'" He i 4.Youth has anthem' .was . sung' with Mrs. . Ease Barriers .' o(the Catholic Press Asspciatio", :'fiv',e' fu:ndame'ntal .n'e'eds' I'n' the' Thomas E.' Farren acco'mpany. 'particu . 1arly. Qur apostolic ...._ .J Jmmigrant& ~ere, tion." special . . . . . . benedic-" .. .: ..........- . '_ ' '.:, ... ~ome. "T' ;"need love and af.,. . ing: ." .' . . .. helpful in agriculture, oil, iron,' . r~--...,..,..,.--_·-·--·.fe.etton f.r,o'i:U'.their pare!lts. Lack A£!et.t.h~ busiri~ss ~ss~onarid '~ranium arid 'niCkel' develop'-. "TOH.on.o.r. B,is..ho·p. ·1 I" II'. . . ..c.f love' is the ·lea:ding. cause of electIon of officers' the Fall River m ~nts. Mr. Winters said yoUng . ...·E.!ar!y Juv.~iji1ede\linque*y.' .:,' CYO gleec.:lub,ell.fertained witli. male' newcomers were' more .': MembeI:s of the Diocesan I . .. " .. . ...."Tliey n~d I!ecurity·.in the _yocal select~~ns.led by tht;! Rev.' ,'mobile:and'willing'to accepf'all' Cath~lic. Guild. for the .Blind I .1 '.. ;family; . Children ·.ne·ed encour- '. PaulG. C.onn!JllY, di,t'ector..... types of work: ' . " .. . fI;om' New 'Bedford, . Taunton, '1' :!lgeln~nJ ~ri~' pa.rents,. in. turn, ,' .. O~'c~rs . ~or .::~he, . year are . He'·. sugge~ted that Canada - J\ttleb.or~. 'a1?-d F~ll River willi' c'· ;. . • , '1 n :should 'insi~t on. respect for' their ." ~Ishop p~nn~lly,.hono.rarypre&-, !Ihoul.d follow Australia's exam- h9 oJ.: Bl!lbOP .Connolly a~ .2:30 . 0 ~. '1 . al1thoriti, '.'1'.'he.. parents" allthor-' .. ·Id~nt; Fa.ther. "Walsh, di.oceila,··n pl.e of g'ranting many' freepas-· ..Sa~Qrday afternopn, June 4, when I . , .'. ;..I : , .,. d t M M ' " ' . -. .' "BIShop's Da "i h ld t S d L . .. '.ity isb,estowed' directly by God' ~~ era o~.; .,. rs: .' ull~ney, pres": slo\ges'forselected cases He also" . y ..s . e a acre. . -' . " ' ; " .. . ' -.nd parentI! ar.e answerable to. . Ident.· VIc~;..presldentl! ilre l\'Irs.said 'the- need. for qualified per:'" H~art School' auditorium, Fall' ~------.'- . qod·on..ihe way. theY, exeric~se, Jo~n.Bartows,HYannis,lst;Mrs. son ° to requalify·'in' Canada River; ~~ir alithority." .... ArlstIdes ~ndrade', Taunton, 2d; should be lifted and· that ob..· ., .He . urged 'parents .to punish M3. O'Brien,:, 3d; l\{iss. ,I:.ilJ~an 'siacle§!o nE.lwtom~rs'.entering: A. D' MeMUL·LEN .'. 8'~d''Jisciplirie their children to 'c' Rosa, New. Bedford, 4th;' Mrs.' Canadian. trade unioris should be " Inc. '~ach "personal discipline," and ~ Albert Jacksorr, M;;insfield, 5th. eliminated. '. .'MO·V ER S called for spirituai training with..Mrs..Frederick. Tuttle, Fall SERVING in the family circle sta,rting. --ith Rl.ver, IS. r~cor~lI~g secretary; "joint participation in family MISS CeCIle Brals; North AttleFall River, ~New Bedford Continued From Page One. prayers." . . ' .' .. boro, ..corresponding secretary; Cape C;:od Area · The Rev. Leo T. Sullivan of. Mrs. Thomas Charron, North At- missile field in a -pe~ial con~en- . Agent: N.ew. B~dford, diocesan mQderatleb~ro, treasuI-'!r; Mrs. James '1; - sessi<;m. Others taking part . AERO MAYFLOWER tor of the youtli committee in~ W. Leith, New Bedford, auditor.; included ·"'r. T. Keith Glennan, administrator of the National troduced Dr. Hayden who t~lked Mrs. E~ward P. Scott, Attleboro TRANSIT CO. INC. 'about "Youth and' 'Vocational parliamentarJan;' Mrs. Winifred .\.eronauttcs and Space Admin. .. ·K I T C Hi: N S '-. Nation-wide Moven Guidance." . Laughlin, Taunton,. historian' istration (l'f: SA); Dr. Homer.E .. "AIl)8rlca's: most envied ·.kltchens' WYman '3-0904 Newell, 'deputy director of the · . Dr. Hayden "brought down the' !\'[rs. Michael A. Malone, Fal~ 304 Kempton St. New Bedford mouth, .director. space flight program;. Milton' Mrs. Raymond W. Hamel 'of P )sen, deputy' director of ve-. Researchers Select Attleboro. is Diocesan Retreat ; . .::les and Seorge W. Low, chief Ine~' . St~Louis' Jesuit Le'ague presidenfimd Mrs. Mar- of the n:anned space flight' .proST. LOUIS (NC)'-Flither Rob- .~aret McAvoy' of Attleboro is gram. Middlebor~ Road,: Route. lB' . Dr: .Newell 'conceded it is ert J. Henle;' S.J., acting aca- pioc;esan Council of Catholic EAST FREETOWN demic vice' president of St. Nurses president.. sometimes difficult to "foresee Please send Iiter.atyre Louis' University. has beert .' Miss Kathleen. C. Roche and specific' applications;' of NAsA' elected to·the executive commit- Mrs. James W. ··LtlUl V~ •• ~., r~sear.ch programs. in ~uter . Have sale'sma'n call at M tee of the University Corporation Bedford were general chairmen space. obi ig'!tion. 'However, he' added, "the fact t?-for. Atmospheric Research. The of the convention; Miss Emily C. corporation' is an association for Perry of I\Iattapr" ,tt was chief that the laws· of the universe Name ; . registrar and Mrs. O'Brien of form the very basis of our ent· development of research faAddress :· cilities and programs in meteor- Fall Rive, and Miss Louise B. - g1 :eering sCiences underscores ology, astrophysics and allied Finnell of New Bedford were co- the need to pursue this part of City _ fields'.' chairmen ,of hospitality. the program vigorously."


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Pope Commends' Catholic Press


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]"~IEANCH6R~Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., M~y 119, 1960

CADDIES IN THE MAKING: Boys from 10 Fall River parishes have participated in caddy classes :sponsored by the CYO. Left; Jeff Burns, St. Patrick's, demonstrates stroke :toPhiIip. BeaulIeu, .ImInac~lateCon­ eeption. Center, Joe Read, assistant instJ,"uctor of CYO class, holds set in readiness as Crestwood Country Club Pro John Anastas selects wood.

Greater New Bedford Highs Dominate Belmont Relays By Jack Kineavy A strong second place performance by the New Bedford High trackmen in the Belmont Relays last week, when viewed in the light of their winning effort at St. John's a week earlier, indicates that the Crimson' are going to have to be reckoned with in the day to drop the Cardinals one State Meet at White Sta- game off the pace in the Narry dium, Saturday, May 28. League scramble. .. Durfee and Coyle continue to Coach Al Boucher's squad compiled a seven point total at Belmont, only one point less that co-winners r"~""""':...."...; '."'\ New ton and . ' Boston English. Fairha" High competing L. crass D bro ugh t the area its second m a j 0 r track title in succes,. sive weeks. The . ..' Blue edge'd ' Dartmouth, 1~!. 11, in the 14 school division. A third 'area' representative, Somerset, pulled up fourth. Highlight of the Meet was the record-smashing feat of the Blue's mile relay team l;omposed of Jeff Lewis, Mike DeForge, Sherm Rounsville and Jeff Purvis. Fairha'en's clocking was 3:32.7, shaving' a full 7 seconds off the 'previol,ls recOl:d held by St. Mary~s of Waltham.. Fairhaven's: wafer-thin margin of victory over' Dartmouth was made possible by Somerset's one-tenth of a second advantage over Dartmouth in the 880 yard relay; Dartiniouth, in turn, had' the same slim margin over Fair-' haven. Concord won the event in 1:35.6. So close was the race that only four-tenths of a second separated the victorious Patriots from the fo~rth plaee Blue. The big item on the schoolboy track agenda is the }\farry Meet at Somerset's Hanson Memorial Field tomorrow. The host Raide-' will be shooting for their 8th consecutive victory in the annual competition and they are peavily favored to' win. Other' schools participating are Case, Appone,quet, Falmouth and Dighton. Weather Factor For the first time this Spring inclement weather raised hob with schoolboy baseball throughout the area.· Action was compacted into Tuesday and Thursday dates, the only fair days of the week., Despite the difficulties imposed by wet grounds 3:ld the consequent lack of practice, only one major upset occurred. Seventh place Apponequet edged Case, 3-2, on Thurs-



...... .~.L Jim Lenaghan, left background, observes with Pat Lovitt, Greens Committee chainnan at Crestwood. Right, Jim Lenaghan points out proper grip to Fred Sayward, Holy Rosary (holding club) and Ronald Labonte, Notre Dame. Lenaghan and Read have been instructors in the weekly classes which started in Jari~ary.

Conquers Pol io To Earn Place ·On:8all Team . DETROIT (NC)-A former polio "poster boy" who undenvent five summers of cor r e c t i v e surgery has

eyo · Sponsored

Caddy Course Graduates Ready for Work

Forty-two boys from 10 Fall River 'parishes will have emI'1yment as golf caddies during weekends and summer vacations, thanks to a caddy class sponsored by the CYO. Classes have been held weekly since January and students t:assed' a q:.liz by Pat I itt and John Anastas of Crestwood

Country Club "with flying colors," ..ccording to Ji:.i Lenaghan, advisor. to U- ~ group. "Next step will be actual field e- perience "t Crestwood," said Mr. Lenaghan. The course opens May 29 and the boys will be transported there by chartered bus Saturdays and Sundays until the close of school md every day through the Summer vacation. Follow Mannal The course of inst-- 'tion followed by the new caddies was taken from the Massachusetts Golf Association Caddy Manual and was given by Jim Lenaghan and Joe Read. "Caddying," said Mr. Lenaghan, "will keep the boys out in the fresh air and be suffi. ciently' strenuous to build up their 'physiques' and give them a health foundation that will l!tay With them many years:'

"made" his high school's varsity baseball team as '\ starting first baseman. After an exhausting amount of patience and determination, EdPeruvians to Receive show the way in Bristol County, ward Figlioli, a 17-year-old two gaines out in front of third- junior at St. Joseph's High Relief From Agency place Fairhaven which fell vic- School here, has f'nally satisfied LIMA (NC) - The poor of time to'Vocational, 3-2, in last his desire to' participate in com- ·Peru· will receive $1,500,000 week's play. Presumably, the ,r':!titive sports. worth 'of food, clothing and next meeting 'of these old rivals .A victim of polio when oniy m~dicirie through the U. S. Cathwill determine the circUit's even-l1h years old~ Ed spent many . olic Bishops' worldwide relief t~al champion. Both appear years in hospitals. For three agency. destined ·to 'represent' the 'area's y~ars he wore a brace from his Catholic Relief Service~Na­ larger ''loop 'in Class A of' the pelvis to ,his .feet, in addition to tionat' Catholic Welfare Confe!,':Eastern' Mass. Tourriament·in using .two arm. crutches. enc( announced that the first Ju.ne. " ., . '.' ·:--.:'While i~ grammar school, Ed . shipment will arrive next month.. At th~,s wrItIng the. Narx:.~.~IC- . '. underwent, corr~ctive su,'gery, About "half a miilion Peruvians ture was nebulouf! FIrst divl~lOn' . 'for five straight. Summers. The. of all 'faiths will befit. The. teams . wer~ .~cheduled ag~mst , operations. were performed in rellefgoods. are donated by the one anot1.ter on T~esday. Som~t- ,,' June so ;that he would be ready:, U.~. government. set w~s ~t Case ~ .the. leadmg. ~ for school in September. i The d~stribu~ion of relief game, while the Dighton-Prevost· , 'I 1946 d 1947 E d ' r : ,ods in P-,.u .is part of a CRScontest resolved third ·place. A ..... n . an . " was ~ NCWC. .program already apSomerset victory over Case' lected~ as .th~ Umted Foundation proved for .: ..' t South American would put the Raiders two full, Torch:D.r.ive. s. po.ster boy. . . . countrie1? .The.others are Brazil, . 'games ahead with five to go. A' . A c'?Illpetentfirst baseman and C'lile, Colombia, Ecuador, ParCase win ... ould move the Cardi- .,ra better than average batter, Ed aguay, Uraguay and Bolivia. nals into'a tie with Somerset for' has began. f playing when still T wo more coun t· CHARLES F. VARGAS rles, Argen t·ma . league leadership. . wearing a' oot.cast :":nd usingQand Venezuela, are all)o expected 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE '\.. couple of former Durfee .crutch.. Af~er dtscardmg the cast .. to take.part in the program. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. greats' are ·in 'statting roles 'for' and cru~cli, he mana~ed to comtheir' college: .freshmen teams:':' pete ~ucc~ss~~l~y With se~:ral 'I}fJOVl)or Cgthoa~c H~ro Bob· Hargraves is catching for other,ca!1didates for ~he pOSitIon. the Holy CrosS yearlings and '. I But, Qas.e.ball. is not th~ only . At New Army C~nti'e!l' John Cippolini is at shortstop' "athletic eJ.?-i:leavor undertaken by .' BAY CrfY (NC)-The new for the Friar Frosh, Stan,Kupiec the deterIl).jned youngster. tJ. S. Army Reserve Training who played with· Hargraves and , Lasi' Fali .Ed earned' a letter Center in this Michigan city has Cippolini at Durfee is shortstop- . for varsity 'fooipall at offensive been named .in memory of a ping for Dean Academy. Headed center on the 1960 St. Joseph local Catholic high school gradfor Dean, by the way, is· All- squad. uate W;ho was killed in the SolDiocesan fullback Joe DiGiammo Broth~r Lucien,· F.S.C., St. omon Islands in 1944. of Somerset. r '. Joseph's athletic director, had The $300,000 center, dedicated . 10.7.0 Underway special praise for Ed's remark- . on Armed Forces Day is in honor /01 C.Y.O. Intermediate ~aseball able spirit and achievement. of 1st Sgt. James J. O'Rourke. Leagues were scheduled to get "More than anything, his playA 1937 graduate of St. James underway this week. New Be.d- ing is .illustrative proof that· a ford has thirteen teams enrolled, handicap ,can be overcome," he lfigh C;chool, Sgt. O'Rourke Fall River eleven. !A. new entr, said. "He is "not only an inspira- earned a Silver Star and two in the New Bedford circuit IS tion to others similarly afflicted Purple Hearts before he was' killed in action in the Empress St. George's o.f Westport. Moving .but to the entire team as well." Bay Area of the Solomons. into action a week hence will be . 1 . the C.Y.O. Suburban League Ask~ Warm Welcome which this year boasts entries C·h I' P'I . COME IN - SEE' - and DRIVE from New. ·.:Sedford·and.Attle- For, ,at 0 IC Igrlm$ boro. , . ' . '.. '..'" BAYREUTH (NCY--A Luther-. It's too early to 'evaluate tl.t~' an bjshop urged Protestants in results of the-Kuennfor,Colavito Bavaria to welcome Catholic pil~ "The World's Most Beautifully Proportioned Cars" deal, 'but fir$t ·mon.th ~statistics grims to Munich's International at indicate that Cleveland got' the Eucharistic Congress with the better of th~ swap. Kuenn/ de- same hospitality Catholics exfending A: L. batting' champion, tr :ded to Protestants at last is hitting ata .317 clip, while year's. Evangelical Church ConColavito can't seem to get un-' gress. tracked in his new surroundings. .... . ~ltop Hermann DietzfelbinFORD DEALERS FOR OVER 38 YEARS Rocky is a paltry .183 at the ger said. Protestants must vie plate with but four homeruns with Catholics in a holy compe1344-86 Purchase St. New Badford, Mass. and eleven runs-batted-in. tition of charity..





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T;i:: ;,i'!-' '0'·- '--:ese of Fall River-Thurs. May 19, 196(,

IDi'oces-~n Women . Convene



at ,Bishop,

.WITHA.l.IXllIARY.:,Seotedwifh Auxiliary Bishop Gerrard "wen<.Mlss Margaret lahey, Fall River (lna Rt. Rev. Msgr [Hugh A, Gallagher, New Bedford district moderator.

FROM TAUNTON: pl2tlsh Qod

NI,..el ....•J

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