Oiocesan Growth Exceeds National Rate
The ANCHOR ,,0
1966 The Anchor
$4.00 per Year PRICE 10e
Name Principal of New
Official Directory Lists
46,246,175 Catholics
-According to the 1966 Official Catholic Directory, just issued by P. J. Kenedy & Sons publjshing firm, the increase in the number of Oatholics in the Diocese of Fall River amounted to 6,688 or 2.4% gain, while the national increase totaled only 1.3%. There are now 277,916 Catholics in the Fall River Diocese while the last report in 1965 listed! 270,228. The total Catholic population of United States dioceses with a total Catholic growth of 267,582 and the 12[ is now 42,246,175, an in population of 26,290,478. The dioceses 337,974. figure includes the two The seven archdioceses witilli crease of 605,556 in a year. later millio~ Catholics reported by
The increase was achieved dur ing a year when the fewest, number of converts in 12 years entered the r"mrch-123,149. There was a decrease' of 3,060 converts. compared to the 1965 statistics and the smallest total since 1953 when 116,696 entered the Church. The directory said the 1966 tot~l of Catholics includes those in the 50 sta~es, families with armed services perspnnel at home and abr9ad, as well as members of the diplomatic corps and other services abroad. The total represents a 10-year in crease of 12,672,158, or 37.7 per cent over the 33,574,017 recorded in 1956. There are 29 archdioceses in ·the U. S., with a Catholic pop ulation of, 19,955,697, and 1211
the Military Ordinariate. The 29 archdioceses reportt'!d a
Catholic populations in excess of one million are ChicagoD Turn to Page Four
Diocesan Vincenti(!JIns M~et At ,Regional Conclave
Vincentians from the Fall River Diocese are well repre sented on the program for the fir s t northeastern regional meeting of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, to be held this weekend 'at the DeWitt Clinton By appointment of Very Rev. John V. O'Connor, S.J., Hotel, Albany, N. Y. Provincial Superior of the Society of Jesus oj New England, At a panel on Vatican Council the Rev. John G. CorneIlier,8.J., wiII assume the duties of II to be presented Sunday, Rev.· Edmond L. Dickinson of Sacred P.rincipal at the new Bishop C<?nnolly High School in. Fall Heart Church, North Attleboro River. Father CorneIIier enwill be moderator, while panel tered the Society of Jesus at members will inClude Rev. John Shadowbrook, Lenox, where E. Boyd, pastor of St. Patrick's he made his novitiate' and Church, Fall River, and Rev. Edward S. Sharpe, Holy Ghost began his college training. Upon Church,Attleboro. To receive receiving his Master's Degree special consideration is the from Boston College, he was asbearing of the Constitution on 'signed to Baghdad College, the Church in the Modern Baghdad, Iraq, one of the mi~ World on the work of the Vin
sions staffed by New England Jesuits. During his stay in the The Spring meeting of the centians.
Serve as Leaders
Middle East, he taught at the Diocesan' Oatholic Pharma Among Vincentians serving as College and then studied Arabic cists Guild of St. James will group session discussion leaders, at the Language House in Bagh be held Saturday night, May. summarizers and coordinators dad, spending some time in Leb 28, at 7, o'clock at White's Res will be Thomas H. Cahill, Leon FR. ,EDl\lOND L. DICKINSOl'( anon and Jerusalem. taurant, Route 6, Westport. Gauthier, James S. Gillet, John He returned to the United E. Kane, Christopher J. Lake discuss "Salvage Operations iil States to complete his theolog Rt. Rev. Henri A. Hamel, pas ical studies and was ordained in tor of St.John the Baptist and H. Frank Reilly of Fall Fall River" at a special meeting 1959 at Weston College, the Jes Church, Fall River, and chair . River; and James Fitton of for delegates active in store and uit seminary in ,Weston.· man of the Diocesan Commission Attleboro. clothes room' projects for their 'Albert.Petit of Fall River will Vincentian' conferences. A year later he received his on Christian Unity, will discuss Licentiate in Sacred Theology the' work of the Commission in and then devoted a year to· the the Diocese. ' study of Ascetical Theology at :Reservations may be made by the Jesuit house in Pomfret contacting Virginio C. Macedo, Center, Conn. Upon completion Timothy P. Keating, Nestor .lEV.' J. G. OORNELLIER. S.I. of his seminary training, Father ' Mesquita, and Joseph Rebello Cornellier was assigned to the of New Bedford, or anyone of faculty of Cheverus High School, the following from Fall River, A dual announcement by the CathoUc Charities Appeal Portland, Me. Albert F. Dussault, Norman R., Headquarters is strongly indicative of a new high in this Tum to Page Four Caron .or Anthony R. Ruggiero. annual "Appeal of the Heart". A totalof $657,394 has been
Bishop Connolly High.
Diocesan Guild' Of, Pharmacists M·eet May 28
Catholic Cha:rities: Appeal Heading for New Record
CCD Graduation At Cathedral On Tuesday
realized and thus gives strength to the expectation for ~ new high, plus the announce.
ment that 39 additional par- Mt: Carmel, Seekonk; S~.
ishes have been added to the Thomas More, Somerset; St. 20 previously reported par- Mary, So. Dartmouth.
Most Reverend Bishop Connolly wiII preside at grad uation ceremonies at' 8 o'clock Tuesday evening, May 24th in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. Recipients of certificates will ' be some 65 lay teachers in the Confraternity of Christian Doc trine who h a ve completed teacher-training courses held in all five areas of the Diocese. Courses were held in each area by the Reverend Regional Directors, assisted by area -reli gious. The religious education Tum to Page Two
Ordinations Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of the Diocese, will or dain three deacons to the priest hood on Saturday morning, May ~1, at 10 o'clock in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. The ordi- '. lIlandi are: Rev. Mr. Paul E. Canuel, son of Mr. and Mrs. lRobert M. Canuel, 19 Oban Way, Swansea; Rev. Mr. Raymond A. Robillard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Robillard, Westport; and Rev. Mr. Harold J. Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Haroldl Wilson, Fall River.
MEETS APOSTOLIC DELEGATE: Brother Daniel Sullivan, O.F~M., brother, of Rev. Leo T. Sullivan, pastor of St. Ann's ,Church, Raynham, meets Archbishop Augustine Sepinski, newly consecrated Apostolic Delegate to the Holy Land, at Terra Sancta College, Amman, Jordan. From left, Rev. Stephen Sabbagh, Archbishop Sepinski, Brother Daniel, Brother Ambrose Beam.
ishes exceeding their 1965 totals. St. Pius X, ,So. Yarmouth; OUi' From Fall River, seven par- Lady of Fatima and St. Louis of ishes surpassed last year's total France, Swansea; Holy Trinity, contributions. They are: Holy West Harwich; St. George. West~ Rosary, St. Anthony of the Des- port; St. Joseph, Woods Hole. ert, St. Elizabeth, St. Matthew, The three leading parishes in St. Patrick, SS. Peter and Paul, the Diocese are St. Lawrence, and St. Roch. New Bedford; St. Mary, No, At~ The nine parishes from New tleboro; Holy Name, Fall River. Bedford, were: Assumption, Mt. Carmel, Our Lady of Purgatory, Sacred Heart, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Casimir, St. Hyacinth, St. Joseph, and St. Mary~ The investiture by Bisho~ Four Taunton parishes are Connolly of four pastors as Pro listed this week as additional tonotaries Apostolic will take members of the honor roll. They place on Wednesday night, May are: Holy Family, Sacred Heart, 2:', at 8 o'clock in 'St. Mary's St. Anthony, and St. Joseph. Cathedral, Fall River. The foul!' St. Joseph, St. Stephen and St. monsignori who have been hon Theresa from the Attleboro area ored by Pope Paul VI are: Rt. have become new honored par Rev. Albert Berube, pastor of ishes during. the past week. St. Anthony of' Padua Church, In addition to the above, 15 New Bedford; Rt. Rev. Raymond 'pa'rishes from various sections. , T. Considine, pastor of St. Wil of the Dio.cese have passed their liam's Church, Fall River, anell 1965 parish totals. St. Bernard, Diocesan Director of the Prop Assonet; Holy Redeemer,' Cha agation of the Faith; Rt. Rev. tham; St. Peter, Dighton; Sacred James Dolan, pastor of St. Hearts, Fairhaven; St. Francis Mary's Church, Taunton; and Xavier, Hyannis. Rt. Rev. Hugh A. Galagher, pas Also, Our Lady of Grace, No. tor of St.. James Church, New: We.stport; St. Ann, Raynham; Bedford.
Bi~hopS" ,'Role
THE ANCHOR-Dio~ese ofFa'fRiver-Thurs: May 19, '1966
New OIl'Be@u1S !](( @f ~ . [j}®UilJ cmn@Jll'~e ©f [Do~~[i'OWi)O[{1)@U'o@11ll O!J'U lr[i'@~~ M®®fr'
Focal Point ~f C,@uln<efin WASffiNGTON (NC)-M
NEW ORLEANS (NC) - The Henry Landry, Jr., chairman the First V'atiean Counci'il ,Knights of Columbus here have of the track meet, and Dr. Ernest was "the council of thfJ branded as, "completely and utJ. ' Cook, .Jr., president of the
terly false" a charge that a New Orle-ans Metropolitan K. pope," so the Second VaticalID.
of C. Chapter, denied the charge Council was "the council of tnntl Negro Catholic high shool ,was barred from a K. of· C. ' track in a letter published in the bishops."
meet because 1>f race. Clarion Herald. This descrIption was given ~
But, Hal Berrigan, sports edJInvited Schoolls Auxiliary Bishop 'J 0 h n S\" ltor of the Clarion Herald, New Five years ago: they said, they Spence of Washington, who saiell Orleans archdiocesan newspaper, discussion of the role of bishoPll were asked to contribute money' said he "absolutely" stands by to help pay. for the medals waS "surely the bridge on whicl;i his earlier charge that ,"color the two councils met." ,.-, was the common denominator" awarded by the two local One of the major achieveLHSAA districts for district' ,for participants. .track meets. " . ments, of Vatican I was definiDl ,':' At issue is whether St. Augus- ; , '. ' , '. . 'the ',fallibility of the pope" while one of the major themea . ,'. tine High School was denim! ad- ',~. Th7 folowmg year ,we ~ta~ed_, mission in the meet because it .•.. t?e first, annual K. ~f lDvlta:-., '" of' Vatican II was the place ~ :,is a Negro 'high school or. betIona!. trac;k meet, mVltIng the bishops in the Church.
cause it is not a. member of the schO~!S who ~ad asked for our Bishop Spence ~ gave the sere
LouisIana High School Athletic' help, they saId.. . ':,. ,,: . mOD ·at the consecration ot the
Association. "We agreed with all theothe!-'.. Most Rev. Edward J. Hermanml
Berrigan claimed in his col- schools that. we wouldn'~ let ip. as Titular Bishop of LamzeUa' unin April 21 that St. Augustine schools that .we.ren't members," and'Auxiliary Bishop of Wash had the physical qualifications Landry told the N.q.W.C. News ni~n. to enter the meet and "certainly ,service, and since then the ·meet . :Subordlnate to· Papacy had"a mutual religious tie." Race has been limited to district BiShop Spence noted that thfJ was the only reason for the members. .authority of bishops .to govena St. Augustine applied for adis now undergoing a "sweepins school's exclusion, he said. mission to the association and clariPcation and re-definition.1Il was approved by the five Catli~' Bishops derive their functiOllll A~fec~s olic schools in the district, ,but" frQID their posItions as succes- was .turned doWn by the state' STANG HOSTS' STUDENT COUNCIt$:. Among' the sOrs 'to the apostles, he said. But IHtedwBg~ meeting, althoug? t~e ~chool ~ad 500 representatives of student councils from high sch.oQls at .the same time, he added, thf) .:;;.The Most Reverend Bishop has . met all the asSOCIation s reqWI:e~ ,throughout the 'State of Massachusetts who- 'convened at ~ty o~, the C~1Ur~h ~ ass.urec!\ ments. S't . H"h N D'art·mou : th;",;ove;r' th" k d . 1 ft· , . y, the., subordlOation of 1Odi... approved the nomination made ' .. p'. p . ' ; : ' ' ' ' "ang 'lg;, O. .e--·wee en were', e . --Vidual bishopsto',the Ch'loIir ClS1 by Very ReverendG~r~ M. . L' 'd . ~d·,eC ukrp. o~ed' '. 'hi"-t ;.. . right, Patrick Carney,: president· of Stari& Studlmt Coun- .. Pe~er7'7'the .papacy. . " . R kwit lski .. t . . an ry an 00 sm awe .' . ~ .""4, .,,'. . . ,.osl f oa d 'F' ~ms Miner. PI:°C·V1O- . School--.:;.,Ardibishop Shaw'High"cil.;:Lin:da. Pierce, Sandwie.h High; Kenn,eth; Krieger, estFrom the occupap~. o~, ~ CIa r er nars, or on- . ' . "'f' Id':H' h ", ' . '. ,... , " . chair in fact, as from a nuc1e-u. ventual of the, assigiunent of School-had. 'also. been deJ!led "I ~'le I'W ~\ . , . " , . ' " r·,,....·'·,~L.~t th'· . " . :.. ,-., dmi" . t th.. "'t'-1.:· ,..... ·t .' . ox Vl ....... y, e ep.scopal C911~~
.Jte~:'GasimirZ~chQW~ki,Q,F.M.·:a s&on.o' e,me<: ueca~e~ ",.,:,.,,": .\, "'" '';'''.'' ...,.. '" " '" .. ",., derives its.,own authorlt Conv., as Parish assi,st~ntNew: pastor at St. '..'atlOn. 'W?S ,not ;.a" member of the'assocl~ .c. ·',S·· ·d·.·' y ' "Iiii .':·IP~' U e,nt·~tl·O.n " . . ' y' Hedwig's Bed,ford'. 'J , . ,;, .• , ' , ,~ . 'mated. .- <. 'I'
t o ..
;" -.em .. m
'u '--'::'."
..... G':....:, .•... P 'I"t' ','S'''t p'.' .",Necrology ,Father. Zuchowski, repJ,8ces the districts caJinotbe blamed . J I eorgoa re a ,e.. rg~s... I~uns. e ace, MAy 80 R1:iv:aeniY Kozikowski, O.F.M. on ~e Knights of Columbus;"· .. ,:. "'. ". ··For .Entire Archdiocese. ':hRev;JOrdanHafPih,O.p.;1929, Conv.-·· - th'eir'-letter said.' "qul""prime", ,.", , ... -, ...,.' . ." . Domi~c,:anPriory,FallRiver:) . -'pu}Jlose in promoting'this'track . ATLANTA (NC).......Nuns.of,an .meeting. ,.'.... Bev; Edmonc! J.Potvin, 193"1, , ';", , ," meet is to eilcotirag~ arid' assi$t· coDUXLwifties,' servmg' m the' KeYno~er" was.. ~ister. ~n Pastor; St. JOM the-Bap~ist,·.FaI!I Interfaith Ser.icesf - ., in'th'e'-developinent of'track ror;ai'cndi9ce~e of·Atla~ta.at 'areli- Ri.chard, 1).ead,.. of ·.the theology River." .. I "high school boys. " . ' . ' gio~ congre~. here hear(f .Ar~h- ". departnie~t ..at Webster College .' :.. Jiuries" M: ~uin~,··'1~5C. .0 or· en ennoa' ·':"Som{of·the parll.cipating '-bishOp ~l\urJ~.Hallihan'cal~for ,,!n.St:. Loui!!, who caUed . uponpastor, St. Jo~ the.Ev!Ui{(eliBt, "~itJr; diversity and creativity" . the ·nUD~.. present.to .both.,conAttleboro• .
OTTAWA (NC):.:....Religiousschoois"inthe·'track meet particip'atior. i~ the o~servance integrated schools. Had they Em_tiont Relig'i'ous Vvomen,' . , ,.~AA~Iy.retui-n·.to .. the source of ~MAy'3i""" ·...l,.
of Canada's Centennial .in. 1967" ·tered:Negro athletes' ihey:wouid 'Utgiri(theassembledntiri~'to their Ch'ristianlife, and .con.
Bev. Vincent A. Wols~i,.O.F.M.
.will be'of an, ·ecume.nicalnature . have :been permitted 'to nID;We ."set '~i:pa(le.''for the entire'arch- stantly eXlleri,ment to. make that y . with 31 religious faiths malting ': have never restricted the entry' diocese" in their imp1Eimentation ,life meaningfQl during changing Con 1964,Pastor, l:i,o)y .ero.,
joint· plans _t.h:·ough . the' Cana- 'of a boy 'because of his 'race .or .··of : tl1ie-teachingsof·.· VatIcan' ·'times. . Fap,.,. ver. ., '.:.. ,~ ;,"
dian Interfaith ConferenCe:".. ''-creed'' and have permitted' the Council II, Archbishop Hallinan Sister An~~chard,.a Vatican ,Ata'recentmeeting her~,:~he ; participating' ~chools .. to en'ter' :set "thetm:'-e'for the two-day 'Council .obse~er, uSlldmany: .. , eonfer~nce completed plans.,.for 'anYOne of their choice;" . . true examplell. to illustrate her':, ......\ . •. '. "11. V a: centennial procla~ati!>n.to be . ' ... G[f.('Qld01l©'J~5~n talk ?r1 th~ Ch~lDgi~g rClleof. the !Funeral Dome read at, the beginning .of the ' '. " '" . nun 10' modern. spclety.. . ' ' "year iii. all.churches, temples, 'Meet T~lrnigh1!' ,.teachers .' Continue!ifrom Page One .. The corigre~S ,atSo beard re__ ,.:' 550 Locu~,·St~~'t. . 11lc~ived a. two. year ~ .. in d "" II ... M and· mosques; an interfaith' anNew Bedford Catholic Guild . courSe in. ,C~istian Doctrine, por"" ,epth. on the l'olenuns ': ",'... ,; l"a ,n- ver.. an. thology of modern and tra~-· for the Blind will meet at 8 to- ., two year. courses in Elementary in the archdioces.e. could play in OS 2~2391 tional p:ayers and hymns; and ,night at ..Knlghts ,of. Columbus ,.Grade ,Methods, cine . year ,in the fields o~ Religious develop';' RoSe E. S11llUVaBI ~e wnting of a special centen- Hall•.All ~embers .are urged t~ Secondary. Grade Methods .or IJ.lent, liturgI~al renewal, educa ma.l . hymn to be used by all . a~tend; .. as . ~nal .an-angements Special Education Courses. ,ti~n and SOCIal and he;alth ser.V"""ey Eo Sulilvail will 'be-- made: for the annual The ,evening's. ceremony will Vlces.
'lfeliglOUS groups.' , b~~uet' iD.. JUne. ~. . bring the founding. phase of
Orleans ( ; u i l d ' 'CCD teacher-training to asuc-
'M 0 d "eessful'clo~e. One year courseS-;The St. Joan of Arc Women'll ." . ass'. r. 0, Spread over a 20-week periodFuneral· Ho,ne Guild will sponsor a social Fii"; ..' FRIDA"'-St. '.Be~ardine of ::U- ·.will continueto"be offered" to FUN~RAL HOME, INC. j . ' ',571 :Second Stlr~et ~. , day night, May 20; at 8 in ,the:' ena,. C~eBSC?r: .. m Class; 'parished :CCD teachers ·so"that l!!. Marco. Rery - G. LOrraine RlIY .. school hall on Bridge Street. ·At·· White; Mass Proper; Glory; ,no 'they :maybecome" profIcfent , . Roger Lafrance ':Forl Riv~lt, . MCISS~~·,. : the.8 o'clock Mass. on Sunday, _ Creed; Preface' ofAscension. , 'both irlChristiari Doctrine and .' ,,:.," FuNERAL" DIRECTORS. morning, June 5 the members:· SATURI;)A:Yr-Ma S S 0 f the "in 'the methods 'to be used 1ml 9.6072· . ,. ~ - 15· Irvin'gton Ct• ., of the Guild will receive eor- ,. Blessed Virgin for Saturday. '. tlieir n!sPective classes. ., .. . MtCHAEL J •. MCMAHON . IV. Class. White. Mass Proper; "":An" Ii!dvanced .and specia:llzed »Orate Communion. .. " ~"" 995-5166 Licensed Funeral Db'ector .Glory; no Creed; Preface ofcoursels'wo' beingplan'ned for ',' "New Bedford
r Register : IEmbaln,• . .Blessed Yirgin. . ' 'those(ulacnerswho have illready SUNDAY~unday After ~Ase«m- '. gained their. teaching eertifi " sion. n. Class. White. Masu cates. . ._;
Proper; Glory; Creed; Preface
. ., of Ascension. Tu·it-ion. 'Hikes' ,~EVOTION .'1:MONDAY-Ma<;s of Ascehsian'BAL"l'IMORE (HC) -'Father
.' IV Class. White. Mass Proper: Joseph A. Sellinger, S.J., presi
Kay 19-M 0 Un t St: Mary'a WITHOUT TRAFFIC I PARKING PROBLEMS G19ry; no Creed; Preface 'of " dent, has 'announced Loyola'Col~ . ..' ~ Convent, Fall River;. at the Ascension. TUESDAY-Mass of Ascension.' lege here will raise its fulltime
Conven1. cd the Holy IV Class. White. Mass Proper; tUition It'lltes ,~ $500 per semes
Un:·on of the Sacred Glory; DO Creed;, Preface ot' ter in September, 1966. and to
Hearts, Fall River. Ascension. $5!'') per semester in Sept. i96'l.
S:OMERsa, MAss. Convent at· the Sacred WEDNESDAY-St. Gregory VXI, Hearts, Fairhaven. Pope and Confessor. m Class. Thfl most friendly, d~moci'~tic B.ANK offerIng
May 22--8t. Matthew, F a I R White. Mass Proper; Glory; . River. . 2nd Prayer St. Urban I,' Pope Completc~ One",Stop Banking
SL Kilian, New. Bedford. and Martyr; no Creed; Preface Club' Accountll Auto Loan. 46'9 LOCUST STREET
of Ascension. , Checking Accounts BUlliness Loans THURSDAY - St• .- Philip Ned, f~~U RIVER. MCIS80
,;: nlE AIICIIOII Confessor~ 'm Class.' White. Savings Accounts Real Estate Loans . OS 2-3381
S8cend Class PosUige PalO at FilII' RIvGr.l Mass. Proper; Glory; 2nd 1Ibss. PubllaheL eveo Thursday at. 41u At Somerset Shopping Area-8ri,ghtman St. Bridge Prayer St. .Eleutherius, Pope Wilflffi@g ©" eD@!iiOOQ "§. , Highland Avenue1- Fell River. Mass.. 02722 . lit tho catholic rress ot tile Diocese of Fan and Martyr; no Creed; Prefatle b = J Member Federal.,.·Deposit gMur~nCtt CorporatTon. DrVseDmJ ~\\llUU~c:!Il'il •. JJr,
t··· /.I.,'··k
Ct' '.'
CeD .
D. 'D., Sullivan &Sons
.. .Rlvel. Subscription price .. llill, poatpa!tl ;4.00 penreil, ..... _ _ . _ __
Special Gifts
"(V'fE ANCl'10T<-
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dwyer
Thurs:, May 19, 1966
teelair Construction €G. '
llWyal Garment Co.
ttorky Row Club, ][nc.
Wolf Jewelry Co., Gendreau lRarniture, J. N. Gendreau Ine., Paper Company, Ida Fer aIal!D.des
National $300
Set Cape CCD Athletic Day
Rev. Francis X. Wallace
$250 Rt. Rev. John F. Deneby' Rev. Benoit Galland
The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine of St. Patrick'S Parish, Wareham, will spon'sor its annUlQ al field day for the school of Re ligion on Saturday afternoon. May 21, at the Wareham Athco letic Field starting at 1:30..
All students from grade one through nine are eligible to par ticipate. Refreshments will be available and the trophies willl ~e awarded 'at 4 o'clock. William Paling, general chair man will be assisted by RaYQ mond Antell, CCD president, the executive board and a large committee. Th ~ public is invited to attend.
New Bedlf@ll'd
Rev. James E. O'Reilly
Rev. Patrick O'Neill
Jr. S. Payne Co.
James J. Wilmot Co.
lGtandard-Times Publishing Co . $100@ m!emingway Transportation line.
Almeida Bus
John Terrence O'Duggaa
lItudio Inc.
William A.Riley
. .
Harriet Transport Co.
Jl)ahill eo. Daughters of lsabel1la Kyo& aaah Circle No.' 71 Nash Realty. Corp. Jl)artinouth Finishing Co. Dartmouth Textile Co. N. B. Reconstruction Corp. Mass. Trucking CorP•. Macedo Pharmacy
. Fall River $1000 ·Montle Plumbing & Heaetag • . Inc.
Globe Manufacturing Co•.
Jr. L. Collins & Sons, Inc.
$600 . C. W. Carpenter, Inc. $500 Gerald E. McNally Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tansey
$75 Ernest J. Flood . If:apt. Frank's Fish Market $60
. $320
Anderson Little Compan, Jlne,
@teorge Bernique & Co.
Women's Club . $250 Almeida Electric Co., JIne. Webb on Company
Shawnee Mills . ·eoastal :Damien Fisheries ,Council Knights of
JUBILARIAN AND FAMILY: Enjoying a. private . evening with his family on the eve of his 50t~ a~mversary 8.6 a priest, Francis Cardinal Spellman greets hIS SIster, Mrs.. Marion Pegnam, the mother of Lt. John W. Peg~am, U:S. N.R. Ch. Corps and former aasistan~ at St. FranCIS XavIer Church, Hy·annis, and his brother, Dr. John Spellman.
II 0b Cardina.1 Spe man serves bel ee Ordinatio....n G0 Id en J U.I
Special Gifts North Attleboro $125
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wright $100 Joe Curtis Real Estate Oscar Hillman & Sons Mrs. Eva Morin W. H. Riley & Son, Inc. A Friend Swift & Fisher Co.
$75 • NEW YORK (NC)-Some 90 members of t~e. U .. S. ll'>eWitt Animal Hospital, roe.' tholic hierarchy led the many religious and CIVIC dlga h d I h f $50
nitaries .in' capacity filled St. Patrick's cat e ra ere or McNally's Package Store
Sperry-Debloi~, Inc.
the celebration by Francis Cardinal S~llman of a Mass of $.0
Thanksgiving m.arking . the .. . . $30 bishop of Zagreb ,and succesllor ,.. Hi-Lo Market
• . 86 eharles. S .. Ashley 8& Sons 60th annivers~lY, of his or-·tic)' CardinalStepinac, has been. ·No. Attleboro Foundry Co. r.... '1$0 . .. . $35 '. .. ,. ~;' $25 dination. The Mass, t~e high- tquri,ng Slavic communitIes ,in St. Vineent· de Paul SooIe@r llBEW, Local No. 224 light of·· the,.anmversa17 the United States for the past Dr. Domenic. Basile' "'rtic~IAr Co~cl,1' . '" . ..to;.,. "",nowes. • '1' ' L'"oom. ·A~ v~~· Wo-'- '. ob'~ ~rva' nces, was.' offered at. a two. weeks arid is at present.l a . .'Dr. & Mrs: Kenneth Atwlll . i. T. AlmY A9.Sociates . ~r E, B~c;kman ~<.;,: specially constructed a I ta Il' house guest of Cardinal Spel-: $30 $IIN} • '. !\Jabbitt's St~am' Specialty th..· placed in the center of the'sane- :man". . : : Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mulligaa ~rllid JIe~aIir CC]~ruefA.... .$!5 Sttu'st r ~o tUary 90 that the eongregatio~ JamesF'rlulCis Cardbial :Mc-' : ". '.:
Pharmacy",. , __ '" '.' Browrie. ..... ,'c .. :, • , able , ....." parti.eipate -fully in In'ty:,,"e" o'f' LoS '. A.rig'eles," joseph . .'Michael J. Croke ,·'iti Printers', Me.tal Sp~~:Craft, Inc. , ierma~'sLiquor Store' the praye~sand hymns, . Cardinal 'Ritter of St. Lo.uis and Piymo,lth· ~hlting Co;, iRe. · .Mi'lIer's Dept. Store . , The 75-ye~r-old prelate was ,. LawrenceCardinal'.Sheh\ln .•f ' Union" 'Liquor CO.... '.\'. .' A'Fldend ...•.....'.,.,.. ,.'. · Westcott :Construction C.. , Mr: &: Mis. A1-flil·J.. Sullt~ .' ~ ~ttr: ~~~~' !-.ohd~,:',.'. ., .' ordained ':M .the .priesthood· for .~altimore also had come 't~ fNehw 'Fetzer's Garage . . . ' Local N~. 899; UAWjA,FI.:-CIO the Boston 'archdiocese on May' 'York for the anniversary p t e A.FrleDci'· '.. . .. ,', 'Albe~t Horman ..... " ' '$11·. . .' Bricklayers, MaSons &Plu- 14, 1916,io the '<::huteh of St, ,ranking'prel~te' of ~he; United' Attleboro Coal Co. ~i-S I.N.. Uni~n Nf,».3$,.. . ApPolinaris in Rome~He .offered Stales;' , '. . ,' . Mathieu' Cb:' '. ..... $20
JIfump'hr~y,Covil:'~ Colemao, his first Mass at the' altar of. The'Pope was represented by '$50 " · Antonio T. Correia
~. the tomb of St. Peter in ·the Vat-the' Apos·t.0lic Delegate in Wash: Cook BordEln & Co. .' W. T. Whalen Engineering 0.. ~ornish & Co.; Ine. ican where; nearly 30' years' ington,·· the'Most . Rev. ; Egidio Ashworth' Brothers, . It,le; .Richard Precourt, Builders _ Siit Edge Textile Mills, 1M. l~ter, he of!~red his first Mass a6lVagnozzi, an old friend of ~arFall River Emblem Club $15 Star Fiilet Co:, Inc. . a cal'dinal. dinid Spellman~s. Bishop: ~on- . U. S. Trunk Co. .
Edward G. Lambert Ins. AgenCF Suy's PharmaCy": Born' in Whitman, he was noi.ly~ together with 90· assemAtty.'.& Mrs. William~. ftran~
ga'aduated. from Fordham Uni- bled archbishops and, _bisho~ Elmer F. Lightfoot, Sousa & De il:ape Cod Fabrics, Inc. Letendre &. Boule Wholeolle
.lMachinery Sales 'CorP'versityand received his doctor- came from dioceses' throughout mayo, Home '& School Assn~ tkocers ,. Sacred Heart Parish Schmidt Mfg. Co. ate in theology from the North the ~ation. ' Gamache Trucking Co. Fireside Motors, John J. Grim Aillo Brothers, Ine. . American College in Rome. FolGeneral Scrap Iron, ine. aldi
N. B. Catholic Guild for BUDd lowing ordination he returned to Daughters of Isabella Assu~' Ryan & ScUlly, me: . the Boston archdiocese wpere he
CIon Circle No.. 74 Gleimon Roofing Co•. ' served as an assistant. pastor,
A Friend Reca Pharmacy . archdiocesan director of Catho Building Materials Compan,. $20 ' lic literature, and assistant chanMrs. Katherine Crosson l!:nos Home Oxygen Therapy cellor and archivist. Mitchell Company-Heating • ., .Gollis, Slocum Mills InC., Consecrated in 1932 $35
Peitavino Silk Mill Inc., Jay-Bee' In 1925 he was recalled ~ Smith Lumber· Co.
finet Co" Crystal Ice Co. Ine. Rome to serve as an attache of A Friend
Jaoy Paper C o . ' the Papal Secretariat. of State, $30 273 CENTRAL AVE. $15 the first American to serve in Dr. Richard H. Fitto. JIr. Jl[enry?s . Restaurant~ 'TraverS that capacity.: After distinguish J. A. Boynton <::0., In~. WY 2-6216 !Package Store, My Package iog himseif in the Vatican as a $25
Store, Local No 1113 UAW,AFL- papal tra~s~ator he .was named Tri~Cjty Office
NEW 'BEDFORD Corp. , . ~~' eI6, Wefer & Parker, ·N. it. TiN Auxiliary bishop of Boston b;y llecrice. . . Pope Pius XI.' He was conse- . Drobysk! .Wallpaper Co. crated Sept. 8, 1932, by Eugenic» Amalgamated Clothing W ~ Cardinal Pacelli; who later 00 iIIl'S of' America eame Pope Pius XII. He was the M. Joseph Maciowsky
'125 "MISSIONARIES ME THE 'RRST PEACE CORPS H JlI8cryJ.: :Boardman Insuranee first American to be consecrated Bristol Knitting Mills, Inc.
-SARGENT SHRIVEl _ncY,Ine. . iin St. Peter's basilica.
Aime PelletierElectri~al Today's Missionary is deeply involved iA the problems $lot Ilractor I~ 1939, he was n~med arch
First Federal Savings Lollll nNshop of New York by Pope of the World. "
Mt. St. Mary Alumnae ~ .li:ssOc. Poirier BUick, Inc. Pius XII and in 1946 was ele
To build a better world by bringing the Peace of . . $55 Miller Pontiac Co. vated to Cardinal. Christ into the Spiritu~I, Social, Economic and Educational liellavance, Inc.. During his service in New Carpenters Union No. 1800 life of underdevelope.d countries, . York, Cardinal Spellman has
. $50 Dr. David S. Greer Atherton Furniture Co. distinguished himself through
Mag!'ni's Ferry Landing Demers Brothers the vast expansion of, Catholic lEarner C. Slater work in Africa, Latin America, Japan, Fo~m.osa,. New 1lII. S. Company charitable aI,ld educational sys Mrs. Elizabeth A. Deneh,. Guinea, Indio, Indonesia, and the Southern MISSions KlI the tems, and has 'been an outspoken Zip's Package Store Frito-Lay, Inc. United States. champion of racial justice.
Duplicating Methods $25 U. S. Record Corp. lDlaughters of Isabena - MeaSince 1939 he has served as
!!laba Circle Write today for information to Catholic Assoc. of Forestem Military Vicar for the U. S.
Marathon Company (Our Lady of Victory Court armed forces. During the war F. W. Woolworth Co.
Leedham Hardwar<9 years and since he has been a Tyrell's Market
M. J. Wan Co. fl'equent visitor to military out Ralph, Keyes
$20 posts around the world.
Attleboro Motor Sales $20 Those in attendance included
., Leonard Pharmacy Blythe Pharmacy the Primate of Yugoslavia,
Duxbury,' Mass., 02344 Joseph P. Manning Co. $15 Fl'anjo' Cardinal Seper. The 50
H. S(:hwartz & Sons, Inc. Ripley & <Sowen eo. ¥ear old prelate, who is Areh
A Friend St.' .Vincent ..de Paul-l\T~ Dame Exchange . . . Textile Worker!! .UniOll . ~ america' . . Knights of Columbo. C._oil
Clolumbus Calvin Clothing Corp. States Nitewear Mfg. ~., Jr~ UlT. S'. Ring Bind~r. Corp. $35 i!-bilip J. Kane, me.
lIr'I 'lJ
• . • . •-....
. . -' .'
"famous for
Divine Word Missionaries
..... !
0 JJ®wish UlI1iVEB'S.ity 'to 'Examine . References in Cotholic T ®@~l1lings
May 12, 1966
First PrirrocBpal
WASHINGTON (NC) - A scholarly examinatil>n of the portrayal of Jews and J'udaism in all types of Catholic texts has been launched at the Catholic' University of Louvain i.n Lou vain, Belgium. The study, ~imed at carrying out the recommendations of Vatican Council II's Jewish dec laration, is being jointly spon sored by Louvain and the Amer ican Jewish Committee. Announcement of the under taking was made at the 60th an nual meeting of the AJC by . . Canon FrancOIS Houtart, dIrector . , S . R 1" R f L o ouvam,s OCIO- e IglOus e search Center, and Philip E. H ff h . f th AJC oman" c aIrman 0 e . board of governors. To be carried out over a 15 month period, the study will at tempt to determine., how the
Continued from Page One Father Cornellier is presently ,the head of the Modern Lan guage Department at ClM!verus High School, Portland. He ill a member of the Maine Chapter of the A.A.T.F. and ,has been active in promoting the new aural-oral methods in the teaching of mod ern foreign languages. He was a participant in the NDEA pro gram of French studies held at Rivier College, Nashua in 1963. During the Summer of 1964, he attended the Overseas NDEA Institute, sponsored jointly by the U,S, Office of Education and the University of Massachusetts, that was held in Arcachon, France. During the course of the Institute, he· traveled extensive ly in France. In addition to his language in terests, in which he has a second Master's Degree, Father Cornel lier has been active in organil: ing the .activitiesof High School Christian Action, Sodality, and Community Service groups. ' Born in Lowell
A native of Lowell, 'Father Cornellier is the son of Maxime J. eorn~llier and the late Regina (Frappier) Cornellier. His sister, a Sister of the Presentatiori of ,Mary, is presently 'stationed in Manchester; His brother, a Major in the U. S. :Air Fcorce, is attaChed to the Air Base at Ran toul, Ill. The Principal and faclllty -of .Jesuit priests ~md Scholastics will welcome the fi.Jst Freshman class t<l the new Bishop Con nolly High School on Sept. '/', 1966. Commuting from their tem !?orary residence ,at Our Lady of Round Hill Retreat House, in 30uth Dartmouth, they will use ~he new classrooms at St'.· Wi! :iam's Catechetical Center -OIl Chicago street as' the tempor :.uy school building until the' ')ermanent facilities are com }leted o,n Route 24. As a Jesuit institution, Bishop Connolly High School will ,have ' 'Jut one purpose: to aid each., young man .towards full devel·, opment - intellectual, spiritual, :md physical.
Dioc'esa n Growth
Continued from Page One
:.l,340,OOO; New York, 1,840,500; 3oston, 1,815,113; Los Angeles, 1,621,101; Newark, 1,5'72,845; De troit, 1,510;000, and Philadelphia, 1,346,095. Brooklyn continues a:: the ~argest diocese, with a Catholic )opulation of 1,585,712, and' others with more than 500,000 are: Pittsburgh, 924,088; Buffalo, 113,640; C 1 eve 1 and, 868,667; Rockville Centre, 837,113; Tren ton, 624,137, and Providence, .348,141. The directory fists ,252' mem :Jers of the hierarchy - an in crease of five; five cardinals, 30, archbishops, and 217 bishops. ' An increase of 561 in the num :Jer of the clergy, brings the '_otal of ordained priests to 59,-. :93, the' largest ever recorded. . There are now' 36,419 or 494 ) more diocesan clergy and 22,774 Appalachian Mission :)riests of religious communities, :m increase of 67. There are 1,411 Rev. James J. Wilmes, Eastern field director for the Glenmary '1ewly ordained priests listed for Home Missioners ·of America, ~he .first time. One 'cardinal, six ,ishops, one abbot arid 850 will describe his personal expe riences with the poverty prob ~)riests are listed in the necrol lems of Appalachia in a radio ogy. program to be carried at 11 Sun day night, May 29 on Boston Professed Religious pers()n station WEEI.. He will explain ::el inclUde, 12,255 Brothers, a how Glenmary Missioners aid '':ecrease of 16, and 181,421 Sis Appalachian residents with the .ers, representing an increase 'of 'help of prayer, humility and 1,467. faith.
ist at· St. 'Anne's Church aRd a teacher' clf piano.and organ.
__ ,
,I• .;
Now Playiog
Do YQU read &ur.10ur melt to you, that It. ••• If'H; YOU'll receive In the next few days flt-yoy . haven't receivee it Illrudy), our Invitation to help the Holy Father do what Christ did In tM Holy laRd•••• In, Bethlehem, for Instance. At the PontiflC81 Mission Orphanege four of our Sister, ere giving .. home to 40 little Arab gIrls who otherwise milht have been lost forever•••• In Jerusalem the P.onHff~el,Mls6jon office provldee clothing (collected In the U. S. A.) to the aslnll and the crippled, babies, the destitute, (6,000 families altogether)":"'a. well as food and medI cines•••• Refugee boy, are becoming tailors the Salesian School In Nazareth, automObile mechanics at the Benedictine School, In leb
anon•••. Blind girls learn to read in the (inl
Strip, deaf·mute boys begin to speak at Father Roberts' home near Beirut. It's al~ possible be- ' cause you support the Pontifical Mission, for Palestine. . . . What Is the Pontifical Mission?, It's the Holy Father'll'self·help relief agency for '1.2 million Arab refugees, begun 17 years e8f> by Pope'Paul- himself (then Monsignor Montini) after the Arab-Israeli War. Your own mission ol mercy in the Holy land, It serves Moslems \':ell as Christians on the basis of 'need, not creed.' ... If you do not hear from us this ",eek, Why not write to us? We'll tell you how you celi help.
In Jerulifllelll cloistered nuns of the Convent
of Mary Reparatrill offer their sacrifices .n~ spiritual work ev~ ,.cond Sunday for our ben.. factonl. What lise can yotl tie thle,week?
l:wIn LaDY
~~J .E. . Winner,of 8
to" - •. :
Friends of St. AnneSett Duo-Pia'no Concert for Sund.ay, ;"ay, 22 ·Genentl chairman of the con-' cert committee is Mrs, Paul' A. Giroux, aided· by Mrs. Joseph C. Giblin.. president of the Friends of St. Anne. Also active in planning the event are hoard members of the Friends and a large ticket committee. Mrs. Eu gene J. Dionne is handling pub licity.
PLAN CONCERT: Helping plan a duo-piano concert for the benefit -Of St. Anne's Hospit~.l building fund, Fall River, are, from left, Mrs. Frank S. Plichta; Mrs. Raymond B. Fournier; Mrs. Joseph C. Giblin, prE~sident of the Friend~ ef St. Anne; Mrs. Daniel J. Eag~n.
Mrs. Cecile Clement Grobe and Mrs. Pauline Milot Duf{)ur will present ~ duo-piano concert at8 Sunday night, ,May 22, in St. Anne's Auditorium, Fore s t Street, Fall River. Sponso~ed- by the Friends of St. Anne's Hospi,. tal, the event will benefit the institution's building fund. Also to be heard is vocalist Miss Vivianne Ouellette, wh-o will be accompanied by Normand Gin"" gras. Mrs. Dufour, a graduate of Jesus-Mary. Academy, received
a bachelor of music degree from Boston University' School of Fine and Applied Arts. She' has appeared, in a 50-piano concert iO} Symphony Hall, Boston, under direction of Arthur Fiedler and is a past president of the Fall River Music Club and Junior Music Club. She holds member ship in the National Guild of, Piano Teachers. Married to Dr. Robert Dufour, she is the mother of two children. Student at Juilliard - "Mrs. Grobe studied music at
the Juilliard School in New York City, where she was 'an assistant in the preparatory' di vision, and also taught at the Carnegie School of Music. She' has given recitals' in Carnegie and Steinway Halls. She is married t-o John G-robe, a research technician. They have one daughter. Miss Ouellette, a veiee student at the New. England Conserva~ , tory, is the winner of several' ~music scholarships arid the daughter, of the late Roland Ouellette, or,ganist at Blessed Sacrament Church, and Mrs. Ouellette. Normand Gingras holds a B,Mus. degree from Boston Uni versity School of Music and has' also, studied at the Paris Con servatory. Presently he is organ
Jewish world, both ancient and modern, is presented,inCatholi~ religious materials used through. out French-speaking Europe, Africa and Canada. Frencll. language is spoken by an esU mated 60 million Catholics. Also to ~ un~ertaken as pall4 of the proJect WIll be the estab lishment of a scientific method • ~or study of references to Jewl!J l~ other .languages and othell' A-mds of literature. :rh~ . project will ~e carried out, Jomt~y. at Louvam .by tile SO~lO-ReligIOUSRe~earch Centelr. WhICh was created m 1956 and isl . t' d' . li . . . g th III er ISCIp nary, JOlnm e so .' l ' d th 1 gy' • a d CIa sCle~ce.s ~n eo 0 , n the CatechIstIc Research Cen 'ter, a branch of ' the Higher In stitute' of Religious Sciences, which is part of the theology faculty and whose particula!' purpose is teaching. '
Acudemy Awards
includipg Best Picture.
AITD~ff ~fr~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~I~~~
sfANIfY HOllOWAY I'illfffiO HID!'WHlIl GIll1tS COOK. , 11ltt/I1IIl1I "IHWOORf BIKR-
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AlAilJAYi[RflfR ,JACKi.'iR'NfR.6mi'CUKOR ~lJ
Ihr~ Thurs. aT 8:00 P.M. Fri. & Sat. at 8:30 P.M. '.
$35 will buy. 8, ~IQU2h for a hungry farmer Illi India, IfJving J1iS'famll~ twice as...much food.
$8.50 will buy 10,009 'miracle' Daplone teblets, enough for 43- lepers tor one Yearl
A To ren1t:mber lhe milliloni In your will. tell your " GOOD WilL '
lawyer our legal mle Ie CATHOliC NEAR EAST W... Allsoe/ATloN.
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NEAR EAST IVIISSIDNS FRANCIS CARDINAL SPEllMAN, President MSGI~. JOHN G. NOLAN. National SecretaI)' Write: CATHOLIC NfAR EAST WELFARE ASS09. 330 Madison Avenue 'New Y9rk, N.Y. 10011 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6-5840 '
'Acushnet sf Francis Xavier 3,401.05 Assonet-8t. Bernard 1,656.00 Buzzards BaySt. Margaret 5,197.00 GentervilleOur Lady of Victory' 4,059.75 Central VillageSt. John Baptist 2,270.00 ChathamHoly Redeemer 4,219.00 . 1,679.00 Dighton-8t. Peter East BrewsterOur Lady of the Cape 1,713.00 East FalmouthSt. Anthony 4,704.50 Fairhaven-8t. Joseph 11,523.30 St. Mary 1,918.33 Sacred Hearts . 893.50 Falmouth-St.. Patrick 9,540.50 Hyannis-St. Francis Xavier 12,9,37.00 Mansfield-8t. Mary 7,659.75 Mattapoisett- . St. Anthony . 3,990.50 FALL RIVER' m. Mary 10,031.00 NantucketOur Lady of the Isle 3.046.00 Blessed Sacrament 1,752.00 lEspirito Santo 1,872.00 North D'ightonSt. Joseph 4,145.00. Holy Cross. 1,125.00 Holy Name 16,991.16 . North Easton Immac. Conception 7,421.00 Notre Dame 5,639.00 North WestportOur Lady of the Angels 7,002.80 Our Lady of Grace 2,596.25 Our Lady of Health 2,310.15 5,023.00 Holy Rosary 3,290.00 Norton-St. Mary . Oak Bluffs immaculate Conception 5,777.17 Sacred Heart
1,405.30 Sacred Heart 10,791.75 Ocean Grove
St. A.nne: 4,528.00 St. Michael
3,478.00 St. Anthony Orleans-
of the Desert 2,034.75 St. Joan' of Arc 2,516.00 5t.- Anthony of PadUQ 2,277,00 Osteryille...:....Assumption 3,765.00 st. Elizabeth . 1,268.09 Provincetown---'St. John the Baptist:p3!);60 . St. Peter 2,198.50 St. Joseph5,578.0~ Raynhain-8t. Ann 4,075.00 St.Louis 4,1:170.00 , Sandwichst. Matthew 2,355.34 Corpus Christi 7,317.00 st. Michael . 5,549.55 Seekonk-Mt. Carmel 6,412.50 St. Patrick 7,366.00 Somerset55. Peter & Paul 5,993.00 St. John of God 3,892.00 St. Roch 2,848.00 St. Patrick 6,080.00 st, Stanislaus 2,566.50 St. Thomas More 8,627.50 St. William 4,874.00 South Dartmouth Santo Christo . 3,674.00 St. Mary 8,202.95 South Yarmouth NEW BEDFORD St. Pius X 8,957.50 Holy Name 9,145.00 SwanseaAssumption 1,773.00 Our Lady of Fatima 5,173.67 ][mmaculate ConceptiOlil 3,998.50 . St. Dominic 3,989.00 13,515.50 Mt. .Carmel St. Louis of France 4,027.83 Out Lady Vineyard Haven·200.00 of 'Perpetual Help St. Augustine 1,383.00 Our Lady of Puri:atoll7 1,055.0G Wareham-8t. Patrick 8,475.95 4,456.27 Wellfleet &;acred Heart 2,417.00 St. Anne Our Lady of Lourdes 1,997.00 st. Anthony of Padua . 5,905.50 Wes', Harwich354.00 St. Boniface Holy Trinity .3,954.00 St. Casimir 1,1M(j0 Westport-st. George 7,791.50 St. Francis of Assisl 1,823.00 Woods Hole150.09 St. Hedwig St. Joseph 3,158.00 1,903.09 South Easton st. Hyacinth 14,690.43 St. James Holy Cross 2,293.00 8,349.60 st. John the Baptist St. Joseph 11,324.92 st. Kilian 4,426.00 22,944.00 IB\t. Lawrence St. Mary 6,461.75 5.409.26 st. Theresa ST. CATHARINES (NC) - A Byzantine mosaic which has TAUNTON been described as the largest of Holy Family 4,458.00 its kind in North America, is Holy Rosary 1,950.00 being compleLd here in Canada ]Immaculate Conception 5,463.75 'for the Catholic parish of St. Hy Our Lady of Lourdes 3,599.00 aci,nth in Dunkirk, N. Y. Sacred Heal·t . 6,613.00 The mosaic, 18 by 40 feet, St. Anthony 4,832.25 St. James 4,350.00 combines the Last Supper, the St. Joseph 6,617.00 Crucifixion and the Resurrec St. Mary 10,709.24 tion. It weighs more than 2,200 ~. Paul 5,385.00 pounds and will be set in con crete on the wall behind the ATTLEBORO church's main altar. . 2,503.00 Holy Ghost There are more than 1,500,000 16,832.50 • St. John tiny pieces of special mosaic 5,151.50 st. Joseph 7,380.50 glass in about 60C different St. Mary 4,418.50 shades, all of which were hand St. Stephen cut one centimeter by two centi 7,358.55 at. Theresa meters in size. NORTH ATTLEBORO
hered Heart 5,399.50
St. Mary ll'1,274.74
THE ANCHORThurs., May 19, 1966
Lawrence, $22,944.00 New Bedford ~t. Mary, ~orth Attleboro 17,274.74 Holy Name, Fall River 16,991.16 St. John, Attleboro
16,832.50 1B\t. James,
14,690.43 New Bedford
Mt. Carmel,
13,.515.50 New Bedford
lit. Francis Xavier,
12,937.00 Hyannis St. Joseph, Fairhaveft· 11,523.30 8t. Joseph, .U,324.92 New Bedford
lSacred Heart,
10,7fH.75 Fall River 10,709.24 ~t. Mary, Taunton S·t. Mary, Fall River 10,031.00 . St. patrick, Falmouth 9,540.50 Holy Name. 9,145:09 New Bedford , St. Pius X, ' 8,957.50 So. Yarmouth
Ready Huge Mosaic f@r U. S. Church
fall River Student
Honors Lawmakers HONOLULU (NC)-Two state .enators were among five lay lDen of the Honolulu diocese honored by Pope Paul VI with Knighthood in the Order of St. Sylvester. The legislators al'e Sens. Vincent Yano, a native of tlhis city -and an attorney, and lohn J. Hulten, who came here from San Francisco and is a reaR Mate appraiser-COIlllultant.
Miss Helen L. MeIrmis of Fall River, student council chairman at Merrimack College, North Andover, Mass., was among col lege representatives who gave a $1000 check to Cardinal CushIng in a recent ceremony at the Cardinal's residence. The contri bution from the Merrimack stu-' dent body honored Rev. Bart Cahill, a 1957 graduate now ser ving with the St. James SocietT -.in Peru.
Oppose Semanarr Use of Public School Rooms PROVIDENCE
The Parent-Teacher Associ~· Hon of the Esek Hopkin: Junior High School has ask ed a school committee to revok, its plan to rent classrooms t, Our Lady of Providence Sem:' nary. The school committee mem bers on April 18 approved a ref.. olution autho!'izing rental of.l, classrooms on the school's thiJ: floor to the' seminary for a ff_ of about $60 per day. About 3(1' students in the ninth thrbu~. the 12th grades were to use t1.. classrooms to relieve seminan overcrowding, Msgr. Arthur j . Sullivan, seminary rector, sak Classes for college level sem, narians would continue at th'. seminary's present location L Warwick Neck.
FAIRHAVEN AWARDS: Hallie Lacasse, St. Joseph's School, Fairhaven, and Sheila Dorgan,_Sacred Hearts Acad emy Elementary School, Fairhaven, have been declared . winners of scholarships to'Sacred Hearts Academy, Fair haven.
Missioners Increa'se Secretariat Says Nearly 10,000 Now
Serving Overseas
But some members of the Ese' . Hopkins Junior High PTA saiL at the meeting that the pIal represented an "intrusion" 0: city facilities by a sectarian ir.. stitution. They also criticized th: school committee for passing t1.. resolution in what they consk ered an underhanded manne:. ·without giving them a chance to be heard. Edwin A. Lynch, school prill cipal, added that the school com· mittee's plan would force the re location of Esek Hopkins stl'· dents who· would .normally be using the classrooms, thereb:' upsetting class size.
WASHINGTON (NC)-A total increased from 1,025. to 1,100 of 9,292 Catholic missionaries over the two-year period. from the United States are serv ing overseas, according to a re port on overse;lS missionary per sonr.e1 compiled and soon to be published by the U. S. bishop's Mission Secretariat. The number, as of last Jan. 1, represents an increase· of 1,166 missionaries for a 14 per cent gain over the 8,126 serving over seas on Jan. '1, 1964. Included in the curret;lt total are 3,948 priests, 901 Brothers, 200 scholastics, 3,693 Sisters, 1 novice, and 549 lay men and women. Gains were reflected in the number of missionaries in all continents with the exception of Europe and North America where slight numerical d.ecreases were shown, the survey showed. Latin America . M 0 s t significant increases were in Latin America.. where a total of 3,241 missionaries repre Convenien~ly sented at 32 per cent gain over the 2,456 working there in 1964. The 1966 total included 857 mis sionaries in middle America and, 2,384 in South America. Among these were 34,_ lay persons, some 62 per cent of all United States lay missionaries serving around the world. Serving in the Dominican Re AUTO LOANS - HOME IMPROVEMENT public this' year were 36 from the United States. The 1964 re lOANS - PEP-SONAL LOANS port had shown 41 missionaries in the Dominican Republic. DRIVE-IN SERVICE AT ALL BANKS The number of missionraies in Mexico increased, from 138 in 1964 to 209 this year. Catholic missionary personnel from the United States in Africa
Located Neighborhood Banks in New Bedford
Weaver'to Speak PITTSBURGH (NC)-Robert C. Weaver, Secretary of the De partment of Housing and Urban Development, will receive an honorary doctor of social sci ences degree and deliver the commencement address at Du quesne University's 88th com.. menceQlent exercises here Jlille 5.
C/'IaJJonae ·BANK
CENTER BANK-Purchase and William Sis.
NORTH BANK-Acushnet Ave. at Coffin Ave.
SOUTH BANK-Cove St. at Rodney French Boulevard
LUND'S CORNER BANK-Acushnet Ave. near Lund's Cor...
WEST BANK-Kempton Street at Mill Stre'"
DARTMOUTH BANK-Dartmouth $treet near Rockdale A...
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fail River-Thurs. May 19, 1966
In Why the Name of Freedom is it that people get frightened
at the very mention of the word censorship? Hurled in their faces it is enough to make them back away from a legitimate com plaint and stand by while all sorts of questionable activi'" ties take place under the guise of freedom from censorship. Such has been the case in the State-supported Uni: versity of Massachusetts where deserving citizens of the Commonwealth receive an education at a most moderate rate, thanks to the taxes paid by the citizens of this State. In several issues of a college paper, some adolescents with a. perverted sense of humor or a juvenile attempt at satire
have seen fit to resort to blasphemy involving the Catholic
Church and the Mass. And when reproached for' their action they have taken refuge in the cry of censorship. Freedom of speech or the press' is not an absolute. thing. How many times have people accepted with approval the remark of Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, "No man has the right to cry' 'Fire' in a crowded theatre." There is such a thing as censorship rising from the common good'. Holmes'· example is a clear case of this. Then there is censorship rising from the demands of truth. No teacher would Ewer' be allowed to teach that two and two make. five. Truth itself and the universal regard for truth would' step in and invoke legitimate censorship · 'in this regard and ~ll would approve. Finally, and this is applicable to the U. l\:1ass. case, there is a censorship ris ing from good taste. No one, for example, would be allowed to refer to "kykes" and "niggers" his talk or writing before he would be besieged with legitimate complaints and· pressured to apologise for his terrible lapse of manners. And were he to refuse to do 80, he could take refuge only his right to be a bad-mannered individual and' could nave no justifiable defense when he was refused the oppor tunity to speak or write aga;in; Ask any ra~io or television station; any. newspaper or public forum, what their attitude ~n ,this would be. ' . .. . It isa sad day when blasphemy and'bad manners are · tlefended in the nameQf freedom: Real intellectuals nave · s.uffered· for. the right to think and to express thei~ honest " thoughts; members of the press and COmmunications media " have fought at great perso.nalpri.ceto in~ure that they be . 'free from interference and rigid control. But no one of· .," . these would ever classify blasphemy', and. bad· .taste as · legitimate areas of fight . ·freedom. No one ,Qf ..them , w9uld .... · 'such a shabby and spurious fight in the name of freedo~.
C ··D: . ..p
(News of parish Confraternity f/J. Christian Doctrine activities is. we~ .. Gomed fo'r this column, as are suime9 tion of subjects for future columnS. Correspondence may be addressed Ro Edward P. McDonagh,S Hunting Stre~ ~rth Attleboro, Mass. 02760.1
Edward lP'. McDonagh Problem Solving At times some of us te~ to look at our CCD programt:i in terms of problems. m admit that I did. There ~ .' By
problems about money and ~ lack of it. Getting workers :folr the CCD unit is a probleDlb Space, equipment, communica tions, schedules-all problems. Most of all, though, there aJl$ the students in our schools o! jeligion~ Most teachers. ". and school administrators. strugg_ with' the problems of alarmi~ absenteeism and student disiti terest. There are times when the Whole CCD program 10oks'liIuJ one giant problem. Yet every .once in while W() are privileged with the insigbil that the CCD is more of a chD lenge than a problem. The spon
J,Ollrna . III~~. ~t As'ks 'hl> From-Ct'" Le'G derslp .. en e.·,..
, CI.th 0'111Ie C
A"JHICAGO (NC)-The Church, in .America ill in fGf . .!l~J.'S and.workers who attended , ltbe CCD Leadership' Day ai 8Qme rocky days unless a "leadership from the center" iD ~8hop Cassidy High School laS developed soon, a 'Catholic jOlllmalist said here. Writing in . m~nth received that insight.' theinagazine .U.S. Catholic, Dan Herr of the 'J.'1h9ll?~S ~_ ,~.. ' ':rhe Lead~rship Day' was n~c ' . .Agimmic~".It was solid. trainiDll Association said ferment ,... and Ii 'perfeCt e~ample' of whal! that lb.as resulted from Vati- biblical ~ knowledge' lvho JlUIl G!aD be done with' proper pIa:. c:oUI~cil II)s jostling a around trying.' to ··shock .~r nimg and good :execution> Tillie
friends . with the .latE,st lQ8WII 225 students who atten'ded WeJe from the c:ie~mythoiogi.cai frOnt i;(," enthusiastic, interested' .... . Ben; ·made several suggestions .. • • ' ." ", ", '., well-behaved that we were' ail for easing'. the tension: opening. . "What I am sayin~,.of ~~; amazed.. You '11.'ad ,to,'. fight :the ehannl~ls of conimunicat~on "up .is th a t there ... .- a d espe!·~.t e Deo;u - _ . .ieinptation .. .. . y'. Of . : believing and d,()wn' within, the. Church,". ~or leadersbJ,p from the ~nter 'were"in the middle of a pleasaDt more detailed planning, more * * * Thisle,lideI'l!hip shO:u.ld ~~.~" dream.:' . ' . ..... . patien4~eon ihe pa~t of authori-. from all levellJ of ~he~ Ch~rch ~ ' ..Th~se students, whEm treated tieS ("an indiyidu;l} should be America; .But.lnn~ess:·}t ec>~ ~:'Y~iin,g,ladies aDdg~.iltlemea.:· allowed to make a fool of him- soon, we. may look· bac~ ~t ,~~. With'valid opinons and interests., A law professor at the University of Illinois has 00))'" self publicly without risking de- past few months as a period of . :wesp<>nd'ed .beaut'ifuilY. . T h e'~ eontrlbuted tc,. the discussions: .·trasted "manuals issued .loy various automobile makers· on capitation") and an end to blasts relative calm," Herr wrote: from "on high" that the Catholic He s,a.id. it :was evid~Ilt that,ll. T,h,ey. c,om.munic.a.ted. They litelJo car safety with the ads put· out by the same compani'es P ress is' communistic or ~ n~w sJ?1nt 0 f f ree d om h a d .~ ally' f~rced me, .by their 'exam l describing what can only ~ called the recklessdrlving of occasion of sin. . nved m the Church, ·but ~ pIe to reVise .my judgment cd which their cars are capable. It is a classic example of the Courtesy' tre?Oists and fanatics could brin~. ~.' '. I "Most of all, conservatives and ch~os to the Church and wreck These .'are the same studentll right hand notknowing-or is it not ~ring?-what the. progrellsives alike must return the progres!j made so far, 12B!eB8 who are disinterested :in tb8 left ha'nd is doing. . . to old fashioned courtesy," 'Hen something is done;.he. said. elasS' who contribute only to tlie . The manual exhorts. the driver to drive carefully, wrote. "On the pa'rt of the i.ebel> • • 8bse~tee statistics. These 'ate tbil .. quietly; with smooth slow starts, without anger, while the lious, we could do with a lot less " . .' . " , " .' Stud~' "Problems~', I spok.e of earlier. -ads talk about the moan of the engine; a booming exhaust truculence. and. downright Tud~ II Now I' have to' look closely" T' . . 'u.." II.. .my 'own attitude to' See' jf I note, the human cannon ball driver, gettil1g mad and stamp.. ness· 4' • Perhaps it is even pO&- . p" sible that' in this new' ecumen- '. ~ rt~. or~ haveil;t missed the boat. It 1001I8 . . " ," ing on~'s foot on the throttle, etc. . ' ag,~. we could' start t r e a t i n g " , . . . . ~~e .~he . l;>igges.t..part o~ . . . ,. . ". . The automobile makers and even. those involved ,in leal fellow Catholics if they WASHINGTON•. (NC)...,.- ~... ' "problem" 'has'been I'ni su.. were Protestants or Jews." . . ~aSter.. ·~~eraJ. La'Yfl~nl~~ !'" ., . . . adverti'singar-e' beginning to see that this 'dou\?le game . ~'Most ot. the p\ll;>l~cityth~ O'Brien announced expansion CIlf ~t)f wecon~.u,tdo '~halle~ dust· about up.. Responsible members of the' advertising days sE!e!J1S ,to be given. to. ~ part-time college stude~t hiring' ~ students .wlth good progra~ ' l " " ; . ' ,dustry have been raising c.autious.·Voi.Ces·. for' the. last year "he °d" d n._ . .. -ed on' finailciai need' 'aDd ·1!~J.1 .. as ~ead~rship Day; ~ tremist:!" ,.. ' sal., ~n ....., J'e:': . . '. ".' "prQblems'" will'be solved; 0 ; . or so in soft-sell ~pleas for. more honest, writing,:more ~ suit is that not only are the . .atisfaet~rY scholastic' peFfoa&:,. thanks'to :the Teaching .BrotbeJlt ',liev'ablepromotio'ns, more responsibleelaims. The wild an.d ·bishops alarmed by the demands an~.· . ,." ..: ~7' i;·Sisterii'coinini.ttee·o{·the·CcD Originally scheduled to. doee . .. . . ., · reckless approach is profitable and flashy for~the short .for an end to restraints, but II growinl~ body, Of; American April 15i the hirlngwin' be for the lesson. .. 'haul but in the long run ·betrays itself·and. turns public. Catholil:S are.seriously concerned tinuecfthrougi{'tbe rei:naf;iJder :·:"U was aimed at thestudenll . , Opinion' away from the self~styled opiniOn makers. . , about the present, . sc'ho'ol Ye'ar'" .... _....... but elf
and .future of ...NIC v'~rl·t!·n· ..... .. " foUnd' its mark with.
. Auto makers. are having second thoughts about their the Church. . .. 'Part-tiJrie"'work has been. 101' 'a 1he spOnsors•. Need max.imum of 16 hours a week'M ---,. ads anq the claims for their cars, and after an initial . . Congratulations to St. John .. "We hear of seminarians who $2.37 an hour, but is being eil- - GOd; 'Somerset, for their succesS ," attempt to bluff the 'matt4~r 'through have'decid'ed that the 20' hours,' o':sr'iem luI day of recollection on M8lf fr~nk and open approach. is the better onEl after all. (The . want to be able to date while On panded:tO . vacation C C * of a one-man camadded.' . i~:' More than 40' studen ts: w~ fact that Congress ·is breathing' doWn their necks helps;) palgn :I'or a priest's union; of To quallfy for the p~lrt-time present at 'the retreat conducted :What is n~eded is complete integrity all around-in studentll, with a smattering of work students must be ~'ert:lfjed ~. bythei~ school authorities 'by Fr. Thomas Lawton, ·C.s.c. the making of safe cars and in the claims made' for these , . needing 'the. employment to eon- ~t the 'Holy' Cross Retreat Ho~ by advertising and in the driving advice iiven to motoristS. De Pciul University _ . tinue their Eiducation and' muSt f!tonepill. . An elements must' be honest and jibe with one another. ·ve·s $1 'M' OliO . be' maintaining a satisfactoJ'Y Reee. I .•.on scholastic record. . laymen to Serve CHICAGO (NC) - ' lDePaul For work this Summer, those -..., . ' '. .. Universilty has been named as hired under ·the part-time PlYSchool Board .. the recipient of.8 $1 milliOD gram will be offered employ-··· .,..... , . '. . ' '. . gift from the Arthur J. Schmitt ment in post· offices where they' '. D<>YER .. (NC). - St.' Thorn. - Foundation. Iri appreciation for work now, or in post offiCes D :~quinas' High School here· is the 1Ibe gift;; DePaul will name itS . their home areas, if the laUer ~irst,inN!,!w.Hainpshire:s Man: 'newest l:ampus facility, a build- offices 'have·., need fOlr 'their' chester,diocese.to form a'schOGI .. >. ~rd, of. laymen and priests, .a,
OFFICIAL N~WSPAPER OIF THE DIOCIESE, OF FALL .R'''U· ing housing libraries, classrooms, liervices;·· .'. .. ' .;, O'i3ri~n said the program ilda 'directed. by Bishop Ernest ~
Published weekly by The Catholic Press o(the Diocese ~f Fall RivM . 'and faculty offices, for the bead Of the foundation. . . ' line' with' the ,9bfectives ,Of 'tbe : Primeau;.. , .' . :.: . . .. 4 1 0 .t-fighiand Avenue . ' . .' i .. Schmitt, ~ounder andchatr- President's Youth Opportunity· "The'. board is· composed .. Fall. River, Mass;'02722 . .'. 675-7151. . man emeritus' Of the Ampbenol Camp8ign~ 'To date, aboult' 9,000 - ,three; priests,' two parents· frOJa ~UBLISHER . . .... . . ~orp., B~advie~, Ill.) is' ;nong- : have been hired par-i-time, and, each chiss 'year .and school ~
Most Rev. dameS. L. Connolly, D.O., PhD.;" time benefactor of lDePaul and . aD ' as-yet-undetermined =addi- . i'ninistratOrs. It serve 'in ; .
MANAGING EDITOR the· .Vincentlan .. Fathell's 'Il100 ". tional number will be' r~cruited· " advisory' ~capacity . and, assist JIi
Mugh J. Golden : ~ trIM: !lmstitutiQlll. ill the lllear-future. " . ' '. ·jQ~ulating.school·policies;
Keep Them Honest·
good number of Oatholics.
na..·. Expa. n·d. i me· '" .
.: . . .
ecm.. ar'
• ~ I
·i.Salutes Lay ,Theologians ::As 'Necessart for' Parish '
Thurs., May 19, 1966
• NEW ORLEANS--:-Ful1-time lay theologians are be-, coming a necessity in the' religious education of adults, 'the director of an institute to train them said here. Father Eugene R. Zimmers, 8.J., di,rector of the University of San Francisco's Institute of Lay have had significant success in Theology, said in an inter validating marriages. view the 50 full-time lay He also said much of their theologians in parishes 10-month course at the institute
ST. JOSEPH $50 :Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Barbero $35
Mr. & Mrs. Lester Edwards
Mr. & ,Mrs. James Lanagan
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Marques
A Friend Mr. & Mrs. John B. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Earl Martin $20 Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Downey $15 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Galligan, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Morris, A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Cesolini . Mrs. Mildred Lacerda Mr. & Mrs. Manuel L. Brun. Mr. & Mrs. William Cabral, Mr. .& Mrs. John Rebello, Roger Su prenant
is conce'l'ned with "motivation" around the country are the an 8Wer to the need for practition -getting a parish going. Men selected for this work are ers of practical theology on the graduates of Catholic colleges or parish level. They concern themselves pri universities and are carefully marily in getting adults to be screened. They are trained at come committed Christians in the institute at their own ex the full sense of the word, .'not pense and are relocated at their ius t "sacramental Cath01ics," "own expense--an'investment of said Ernesto Garcia, assistant di some $15,000. Professionals rector of the institute. ' Commitments ,; : They are paid professional ,They try, Garcia added, ,to get salaries by the parish for which commitments from the "so-called they work, though it is often less outgoing Catholic," the indiffer than they earned previously. In the "next few years, Garcia ent Catholic, the defective or "lapsed" Catholic and from said, the lay theology assistant those in the community who will be standard in "practically ST. MAlltV NUR.SES MEET: At Spring meeting of Fall River have no commitment to any every large parish." Some par ishes which have had such an' Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses are, ftom left, Rev. church. $80 Father Zimmers, who founded assistant,he added, are consid-· Cornelius J. Keliher, moderator; Mrs. Stanley J. Koczera, St. Vincent de Paul ' the institute six years ago/said ering hiring a ',Second. $25 St. Lawrence's parish, New Bedford, outgoing presiqent; the laymen trained at the insti Stella D. Pacheco Miss Helen E. Shove, St. Mary's, Taunton, new president; tute are men who were success' 'Jos. Roderigues Bishop James J. Gerrard, qinner speaker; and Mrs. Thomas iul in varied fields of work--es Assoc, of Sacred Hearts pecially those requiring personal J. Fleming, Fall River Catholic ~urses' Guild president. $15 contact-and are, contributing Mr. & Mrs. Albert L. Labrie, their "experience of the world" STANFORD· (NCr-A rabbi's Peter Rego & family, Mr. & Mrs. to the work of the Chu'rch.. ,'d C~ntral request to conduCt Jewish Sab 'Honorabus Soar~s, Mr. & Mrs. Intangible ' ," ST. ,JOHN THE BAPTIST 'bath services, outside' of Stan-, Charles Klubowicz, Mr. & Mrs. Since their work is largely -in ,~ucien Dlugosinski $200 tangible, their success cannot ,ford, University's Me m 0 r i. a.l has been 'rejected by ..... Mr. &: Mrs. John DeNad~ .. ,Mr. & Mrs. George Beaulieu ,Sr be measured statisticallYI' "be church univerSity. '''',''. .' ,I' 'said. $30 Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Dorgan Sr, .' The univerSity: explained that I Garcia, a former Proctor, and , st. I!!idore Council No. 4a73. Mr. & Mrs. John Botelho, Mr. & last February. the trustees ap K. of C. . Gamble executive, said the theo . MrS. Matthew Wayner, Mr. &: logians do a lot of door-to-door proved sectarian worship on ,tqe . Mrs. Jos. Ferro $!5· contact and home visitation, and campus on_~ trial basis, b\lt stip . Mr.' & Mrs. Armand Goyette Mr. & Mrs. Horacio Ferreira. ulated the· Services be held in '.' St. John the Baptist Women's Mrs. Hermine Metivier Memorial church.. Guild . Rabbi. Charles Familant, di .' $20 rect()l" of Hillel Foundation here, SACHED HEART Mt". &: Mrs. Milton Breault said the. Christian symbola in the $20 $15 ehurch are "incompatible" with Mr..& Mrs. Leonard Cejka
Mr. It 'Mrs..Arithony F. Fer EAST GREENBUSH (N,'C) ~ Jewish. worship. reira . $15
The Wliversity has permitted 'V~~ers in this suburban ,\l:Cpooi Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel Raposa Jr. Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Martel
.. daily ,kaddish ,services for Jew district across the river from Mr. &: Mrs. Francis J. Maher Mr. &: Mrs. Rene Breault
.the New York state capi~' ,:l1t .ish" students ...in ',.the Wome~'s Albany resoundingly ce~urect . Clubhouse on the campus for their school board for ,~~ng several weeks. Rabbi Familailt $20
to accept state and federal funds said this indicated the university Mr. '& Mrs. Joseph Corey
because "acceptance violated the is ."sympathetic ". to the need of , $15
u. S. and state constitutions....· , Jewish services and added. there Earl Manning .
By a vote of 1,027 to 69~, they ,is ,little difference between the expressed dissatisfaction witp an daily kaddish and Sabbath INC. earlier refusal by the boar4 to , ser,vices. The univers~ty committee,.OR · ~ccept federal funds under T~ties religious activities is scheduled 1: anci 2 of the ElementarY., ,;ptd Secondary Education Act of to discuss Jewish worship at a , 1965. " '" meeting. Meanwhile Protestant A vote of 995 to 773 signified and Catholic clergy have indi apparent displeasure with the cated they will,refrain from sec ,hoard's 'refusal to impiel1).ent tarian services on the campus ,the New York State textbook 'pending arrangement for Jewish loan law, because it would services. "benefit parochial ·sch~~s.": : Of 2,400 eligible voters, more than 1,800 took part in the ST~ school election. ., '.. llIOLY REDEEMER . Voters crossed religious' lines $100
to repudiate the board's, action '.' A Friend ,
, " ,ir., refusing, federal and 'state ""A Friend .
. $5@, . fU11~S on the grounds that' th,ey , A nLEBO'l~O'§
"violated the separat~on" . "of ,., .. Mr. ,& Mrs. Thomas Corrigan '''Il.eading Ga'rdell'il CentsII'
church and state."·' , , Marie Doelger . Religious affiliations in. the ·'Cecile Doelger . CON,lL(Q)~ ~ .$chool district are divided about $25 equally betweerrProtestants ailld Mrs. M. Chamberlain · Catholics. . '. " Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Maloney e 'Over 100 Rides $outh Main. &, WaUD Sijo• . Mr. & Mrs. Gerard .Marches e Chowder,· & Amusements . sault clamcakes an~ ATTILE~ORO • Olympic s'iz© M«ll~~~ Se<l:ondl Trw Nickerson Lumber Co. watermelon Swimming' Pool . elk 2·0~3~ Sdl'iloo~ BusiD'll1ii1 1 Mr. & Mrs. George·Sullivan ., '. all yOill ~ ',Mr. & Mrs. E. Joseph Geser can eat • Worlds DOVER (NC)-A second at- $20 . Only $1.08' largest ,Shore tempt to permit free busing (}f Mr: & Mrs. John B. Loftus ~"""'I~""'" nonpublic school pupils has been .' : Mrs. Frank Gilman ' ' Dinner Han made here in Delaware with the '"Mr. &. Mrs. John Mohyde f • $4.00 worth of tickets ... can • Reservatioln introduction of a state 'constitu~ $l!i' '. __ .." :,' ",' .' ~ be used un all .Write" lir call tional amendment by Rep. 'James ,Mr. ,& Mrs., Donat Barabe, , ,",':,". ", CO., w ." ,( R. ' Q u i g l e y . . .. ,. ~ rides in the coned
Stanf~rdl Rejects Rabbi's ~equest
Voters Censuie School Board, .
~ONN~[lJL Y -,
S~~(6~ALL. GmlOlU F CAFff~~ ~
· F@[j'
:·,,'DEBROSS '011..
·~~~elr~~ouQu~;ee:d':;:~.t ,f:.:,,,,, -Orderlnqlliry .,; ,;:",,:H~ati.ngOils .. C and Burners." . '.'US NORTH. FRONt STREET'
Park . ;' Only $2.00 · passed by the General Assembly FREIBURG (NC) -The Ger- "\" • 'Offer ·.·not valid 011 Sundays and Holidays .J, and then ruled unconstitutiwaal "man defense ministry bas, 01"-. ., · by the Debware SupremeC(}urt.. "der~d an inqul~ ~to charges, ,by · The ~,ew amendment wou.~ .pro- ,~,bur<;~ and, Freiburg city offi- .\ , , 'Y~pe that, tqe busing ;coul~.;be : !qi;i,lls, ,that vibrationS c.ausec;l .bT I. : " . ' : . , : NEW IEDFORD. 1 ~rmitted "~otwitbstapdl~g;,~ I.:~«b.;ts of jet ~ta~, ai'~.er~ ' ..... , '.' , ' :'; ~maginc the,FJ;"ei~rc,.~',.:':' ,,,.' wYman 20.5534 '" " ~ . t::i.siOCl" of the state cons.~~g-
. '
.;.I'IWJllm wI'
..i);"'IiJ!!'I:~';I~f!l\1l {li1')
;~""~~ -,".":I~J,J1jJSIH
!ilIt{ j))r;&s
:Conrad Feria, Mgr. REgent 1·71•
.Women's Council
8., East Falmouth ST. ANTHONY $200
AnonymoUs, Mrs Judith Schley Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Valadao, Mr.' & Mrs. Manuel S. white Sr.
East Brewster
Anonymous $100
Arthur Rabesa
Herman & Alvaro Lopes, Mr. dk'Mrs. John Roderick in mem C!EY of son, Paul . $40 P. S. Fuel Oil Co. $35
William Bonita Frank M. Teixeira Sr. $30 ;
Manuel P. Dutra Manuel Emerald Theophilus Oliveira Marianno R. Tavares $25
La Salette Fathers Mrs. Louise C.' Cosgrove $60 Walter J. Tuffy '0
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P ..Perkins Jr. .' Marsciene A. Perrault: Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Norris $30
Harry J. Casey $25 Helena Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Dean Yount, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Packett
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Callahan
$20 Janet L. Drew ,Mr: & Mrs. Arthur Baronousk7 Mr. & Mrs. Avard Craig' Mr. & Mrs. Philip Collyer Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hassett . Mr. & Mrs..Warren .DOe ' " Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Ellis Mr.' & Mrs., Louis Crocker
Favors Program WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Council of Catholie Women went on record here as favoring "a five-year authoriza tion" of President Johnson's fo.... eign aid program, with an appro priation of money "no less thalll he has requested.", Mrs.A. G. Patterson of Austin. Minn., told the U. S. House of Representatives Committee em Foreign Affairs that "the foreign • aid program of the Uriited States is the conscience of the Ameli-> can people." It is, she added, "our response to' the amazing generositY· of l!l loving Father Who sees US8S the c'!stodians of His great. gift. , .with which 'Ne may feed' HUJ poor, clothe His naked ',ones, ,Nancy Sayward :Ma17 ADD Demetrius. . ~eal His sick, house His home less, educate His illiterate, So that· 'the glorious, world He has created for all His creatures may survive in peace." :Si>eaiting ~s 'national chairm. Mt.' St. Jt!.ary and Sacred-Hearts of ,the NCCW's Committee oit. Foreign Relief, Mrs. Pattersoll Represented in Academic Award!; . . cited a resolu~io.n adopted by the Mary Ann Demetrius of Sacred scholarshiPs from Fan River women's council saying it saw Hellrts Academy and Nancy Catholic Woman's Club. ~e foreign relief program as They ,were chosen by a 'com "an opportunity to' implement Sayward of Mt. ~t. Mary Acad mittee heade<l by Miss Belmira- the hope of Pope John XXIII ex" ~r are winners of $250 cOllege , E. Tavares. pressed in 1961'• Miss Demetrius, daughter of.' Pope JOM said then it was bill Dighto~ Mr. and Mrs. Frede:rick Deme prayer that with richer nations BT. PETER trius, is fifth ranking student, . aiding the poorer ones men may , $250 in her class and is active in the come to "feel themseives broth R,e-v. William H. O'Reilly National Honor Society, the ers; for all are sons of the, same school ·orchestra and llturgicai loving Father Who is in heaven.$50 ]I.C.I. 0rganics Co.
cl;l()ir, She. ~s prefec~' <;>ur' Technologist of Year Lady's ~~lity. She mtends to __,.' $30 /
enter Stonehill College and ma-' CHIc:AGO (NC)-5ister Ma17 MI'. Ai: Mrs; John Cassidy
jor in science.. ., . , , ' '" .' . ·'Rosarii ~f the Li,t~le Company '" Mary Hospital here is the first , . , ,':'$2~,'
, .'MASl! S8YW~ , . , iDember'of a religioUs' order to HI:»y Name SpcietY. Miss Sa;Yward, daughter ot Mr; tie named by the Illbiois Medical . ~t. Yincent de Paul and~rs; Harold., Ssyviard,' ,TechnoloiPsts .asSOciation as'ttMi $20 served 'l'l!l' ,ci3.s,J 'president ,fo~,TechnologiStof.t~~Year: Amon. "0 Mr. as, Mrs. George Borges ' 1hl'ee., years at Mt., St~,Mai'y the contributions for which the , $15', " . ACademy. ' She' iti8l:nember of nun was cited ",vaS the establish. the glee ~l\ib and, sdence aUb '.'ment 01 the 'first. irilining prO. M.r.. &:, Mrs. Edward Goulart." .'and, is a. cheerleader: '$he pian.., . gram' 'for' certified ,labOratory' lb. ~'Mrs. ":Edward Linharee, to attend Bridgewater' state Co}..' ,SlStantB to galn 'the 'approvai GI lege. " , ' ..' .. ' -' : .., professionai societies. ' . ""oDlen'~ Guild'
Frank Figueirido Foundation Builders IDe. Jean's Bakery Mrs. Manuel B. Pacheco Jr. Elmer Robbins Manuel P.Rose St. Anthony's League of Caa... olic Women' .
Manuel R. Soares
Frank G.. Souza
$15 Joseph E. Souza
Mr. & Mrs., Paul LaBrecque Tobey So~za
Mr. & Mrs. Ft:ancis Gallant AnOQymous Mrs. Mary Healy Clark Francisco Tavares ,Mr;& Mrs.. Arthur Dickey '. Sylvester Tavares &: Son Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln Brog! Joseph Teixeira Mr. & Mrs. Ja~es White' . Frederick E. Ward Joseph John'~drade Hyannis Mr. & Mrs. David Correllus Sr. B'll'.FRANCIS XAvmR Anonymous , $500, .'. Mr. & Mrs. Arth,ur Lawrence Very Rev. William D. Thomsom Mr. & Mrs. John L. Lopes St. Vincent de. Paul 'Confer~ Jack Marshall &, Sons' , mce at. Francis.Xa";'ier Parish' . Mr. & Mrs. Myroh,Medelros h . :$100' ,0,' '. ", Mr. & Mrs.. Myron Medeiros Sr . BranDis Ph~rm~cY.Inc.~·' . An<>nymo~s ' . , . $50" ~_ . AOOnymous Charles Riordan .'' Arthur Monteiro ,Mr:'.!i: Mrs.~GeOrge·Lysa~ Janies Nidositko .. , $30" ".
Mr. & Mrs. George Pinto Mr. " Mrs. 'William Cotter
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel P Rezendes' , Mr. '&'MrS. John" mirt, .
Manuel W. Rose James F., PepdergaSt'
St. .A.D.thony'sMen's Club of ,,, . ' .. $25 . -, , ]Brick Kiln Road ' " Mr. & Mrs. Robert B~Dljon
, Mr;' &: Mrs. Julio Santos Ai: Mr. ~ Mrs:' ~thony Gl:\selio
tliunily :l\ir. &,Mrs. 'Robert Coten
Anonymous Mrs. Winthrop Quirilan
Mrs. Manuel O. Sou:m ~ Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Raymond
daughter Anthony G. White .
, $20 Baxter Transport Inc.
Mrs. Nathalie M. Abrams, Half Mrs. Nelson Marchant' "
~ld L. Baker Co., Anonymous, Mr. & ,Mrs. Joseph' Ryu «Ii
Joseph G.' Ferreira, Mrs. Mar,. Resthaven \' , Flora & son $20 Mrs. Manuel Lewis & son; Arthur Poirier Walter Lucas, Arthur W. Mar Mr. & Mrs. Charles Senesae shall, Manuel F. Rapoza & Ran $15 ' dolph Manuel R. Rebello, Frank Mrs. Cecelia Haskins,' :Mr. & . Souza Jr. Mrs. Hollis, Lovejoy, Neptune Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Correira, Room, Carpets of, Cape Cod Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cray, Mr. &' Mr. & Mrs. Albert ~. Leland" Mrs. Francis Lewis, Mrs. Patrick Mrs. Alice Lorett, Sarah Mc -Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel De Glinchy Souza· Anonynious, John B. Pacheco, Iralmouth' Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert L" Tavares, ST;, PATRICK
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Tavares, $35
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice L. Tavares Dr. & Mrs. Norman Starosta
$15 $25' Anonymous, Robert Alwardt, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tobin: Mr. &: Mrs. Jo~ii R. Martin Edward S.Anderson, ,,Joseph falmouth National Bank Bento, William Bonito in Mem cry. of his mother, Mary Bonito :Mr. &: Mrs, Marcel Albert .' " ',' EJ;ll~st Cabral, George ~. ~aWar,eham Savinli's Bank, ' " Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas F. Maguire bral, JeSSe Costa, Joaquim Figo NancyB0u. ' '.. . , .lneirido, Joseph FigUeirido ' ,,' AnonYlllous, Richard· JiIi~ , , " , "nO. , " .' , ',}drs; Joseph A .. Martin sr.;, 'Frank Haro~d L; Baker' Companr" MCNally, Anonymous" Major '& ,MrS;" Bernard 1'leI7" .' ManuelF. de ~MeiJ.o, Job B. V~f8 ·Beauty Shop " f ",: ':Mon~z, Manuel NettC?, St,' AiA-- : ' MarY, .fL. ,& Loretta' McKeoil ' ;Mrs.;~ce Cre~er'" . " ... "thony's Women's Club, ,bene :. '.SanUago· ' " . . :M.r. ~ Mril. Leo 'qriffinh;' . . ." SisterS of the 'Holy Ghost So', $ 1 5 ' , , .' ~. :. : eiety, 'Belmiro DeS~~ 'C~Ua Mr: ~ Mrs_. Leonard Tyler, Mr. ' '. ,: S9~Irene Souza, ,Louis.: 4& 1111'8. James-~., ~zinha, Mrs. ' , ':" ..... Souza ,.',... Jielene Malone, Tradewinds Mo , ," ;, ,l~uci~e '~o~ :M:anu~ G. ,tel; lll~.Johil C. IrVing"" " ... ,;, " '$o\l~,'&: eoD, Olive peSouaa,·,~;,at .,:Mrs.Dino·paglier~ ' Wayne' Arthur Sousa, J1re~1' S. Jfr. & Mrs. FraQk,'Makely, FBi.;" 'l'raven . mouth AutO Body; LOretta 'Dou- .'
....', ~ . ~~~. ",..~~.~.::/\do~p~ __ ~~s~. Mr. & Mrs. Jesse C. Botellio,
Anonymous,. Mai'y I. Costa, lDanleI Lopes" , , ' ' , James 'G. Souza Jr., Mr~ &::M1'13 'Germano Afonso, Mr. &: Mrs.. Joseph Costa, Anonymous, AD'~~~Jdedtli,r~, " ".. , ." <.>.L
~.~, M;rs.,.~u,h Mc¢~rin~y"
"'CathoJic '~~ub Scho~arships Ac~demi~s
as- '
1. ~fra.red heatern that ,take the 'chin out of outdoor night airl 2. Modern Gaslights that bring' back the.charm·of the .GcJslight EraI' 3: Barbecue grills with ..~usable,lteramic ~oals that .leov~ no ~~t, 0,", ashesi~. i;uau ,forches that light Upc)'C)Ut' 'patiol' 5.. 'H~atec:fwater .for~the sWimrningpoOl, and 6; ~adiant h"ati",g ~eI' ~, htfla~sto"~ :All Go,s: •• all ci,vailClblt1,,~ow~ ~·.m.~k~ your pQtio: ~blt, ~., or .V,\tg any season of~ )'ea~1 : . ' . , , ,
.. ..- ...
.. :",
.•.. ::".,.
••. ! "
:. : ...
Mis. Josephine Natoli;M'r. " Hrs. Ronald Bielicki, Mr•• MrS. Robert Whalen . . ' Mi';---&, Mrs: Vincent Gentile, , :Mr~ & Mrs. Richard LopesiMr; & . Mrs. Jan Kopy, Robert, Haydea, . .,~~' ~1'Il.J'~~, ~~~ ...
,1=011 ,Rive:r 1'55 e.
NoutDi Main
.;, -,E.
St. ..
"-Co"mp'any ,,'!Telephone OSborne 5-7811
;',:"Annua,1 Worry' 'Cfinic, ',Proves
Thurs., May 19, 1966' ,:. ,
~8~®,if.W ,~.[(Q)W~~ C(Q)~~'@~Y
rulM~Lt@li'@~ fZ3@)J ST. lW:- JltlGAllUE'll'
]By, lWalI'Y 'lI'nImDIeY IDaRy' .
"Are you' worried?" asked the piece in the newspaper, fjAre you female? You are? Then you're just the woman we're looking for." Why, this was, an announcement of the Second Annual Worry Clinic! After having so thor~ughly enjoyed the session last skin psychosis" producing al year, we wouldn't miss this most unbearable tensions for for anything! For a whole youngsters unequipped to enter year now we'd heard admon or remain in college.
A. Parishioner
-25 $25 Bourne Mill Mr. & Mrs. Fred McComiske;v Mr. & Mrs. John Cummingg $20
'Twas a helpful arena, with itions from the Head of the House, "Don't worry," "Quit suggestions popping up from worrying," "Worry never oolved many a Voice of Experience. At last, all of us packed up our own l.\I1ything" and little bundle of worries and ,.IlL the familiar headed for home.' old saws. But And we were, reminded once , that's a man for .more of the comforting writing ,you. :Now, ,this of st. Franeis de 'Sales, entitled was an invita "Your Cross": tion! Promptly 'Yolir Cross' at 9:45 on that "God in His divine wisdom bas particular from all' eternity beheld 'the morning we cross He bes~ows up-on you joined several His precioUS gift from His heart. hundred other "He ~ntemplated. this cross female worriers of all sizes, shape; and ages, . with His all-knowing eye before bestowing it upon you. all prepared to worry Qway "He pondl'lred over, it with 'openly and unabashedly ,for 4lk hours, even, througll. the lunch.., His divine ~nd; .He examined it with,His!ill-ilvise,justice; wit,h Si8t.~r Vitalienne, ~S.<;C. and :Sister. SS.CCo 000 period., .. . M~ry q~rgi~' . His loving mercy: He'. warmed it Take Your ,Choice, ; ,To give everybody a fair through and through; and with chance, we were, allowed to, b,oth His hands He weighed it pick our own coterie, of fellow to determine' if it be one 'i>unce fretters, divide ourselves into.. too hea"Yfor you.' . "He' blessed·.it With' His all ,., Siste';' Yitalienl'.'l6 and Sister· Marie Georgia
elasses, the way they do with holy Name; w~th His 'grace He . race horses. There wal:!, the 'Nov Have Give,~ a Cerifuryof, Teaching
ice Class, "Babies, Brides,Budg~ anointed' it; 'And' with His con 'ets";' the Amateur,' "Readin', solationclIe p~rf1.lmed it through Two Sisters .of the Sacred' " 'In Oct. of the 'same year, the Ritin', Rumpus" f-or mptehers of and 'through;' an'd then' • once Hearts and of Perpetual AdO"'· , jubilarian wa:~ appointed head rttore ';Hecolls1dered . you' and five, six ,and seyen.-yea,f-:olds; ration: stationed' io' Firlrhavellll·· mistress 'of the boarding "school . .. . the Semi-Pro Class, "Friction, your courage. are celebrating their golden jtl\~ and religion' teacher in grades . "Fin~lly it comes from heaven Wractions, Fumin' " for those re bilee as memb.ers of that con~ "I and 8 and' als-o conducted 8$ a special message .of God to o gponsibll~ for pre-teeners; the. gregation. .They are Sister classes in the high school divi Advanced Cl,ass on "Dates, De-, you, an alms of the' all-merciful Vitalienne H\:ber" SS.CC., IllDell sion of the ·Academy.. bates, Discipline" and ~he Master love of. '~Od fpr you:" . , Sister Marie Georgia Huber, She was appointed to the comClass, worriers over 40. " .
SS.CC. mercial department at the . Having w~rried our. way f~ Co,'tho.lies..' Urge,. Qu·,' ek Sister Vitalienne was born m Academy In 1930 and she has years through .. the first .. fOW'
. the Saar, Germany, and entered also been in charge of the Glee groupings, Master Class was ob- , . Action on 'Sc.hool Aid
,the congregation in Holland m Club that presented its' 18th an "riously our disJt of .tea. We were. Dual concert last Sunday." strangers, each Wi,th. a problem.' LONDON' (NC)-Qulcic action 1911. The very anonymity provided a on government prop-osais'to in During her period of studying Sister Marie Georgia therapeutic atmosphere as each, crease subsidies for church-run in France, W"rld War I ~ .. Sister Marie Georgia, also of participant gave a brief state schools from, 75 per cent to' 80 IllIld, she was sent to Madrid. German descent; was 'born in ment of what was troubling her. ~er cent of operating costs h38. ,Spain, where she made her pelf~ Westphalia arid eniered' the con That first go-round relaxed' ten- been .urged by Britain's Catha.. petual vows in May, llna."grega:tion; in Belgium in 1918. 'Five days after her entrance she Dion, loosened tongues. Pretty, lie Education Council. was transferred to the 'Novitiate flOon each one became concerned, . In its appeal to the goverrl<> in 'Paris. personally concerned, in trying merit, the' Catholic group asked North Westport The. Westphalipn novice met to help one another. that new legislation be in force OllJ:B. LADY Olll' GRACm: her co-jubilarian in Madrid in One ray' of sunshine in the in time to apply to a new 1916 where the war forced them aroup was Hazel, a widow re progr~m that begins in April, $ll.S cently retired after 30 years of 1967. Archbis~op George /Ii.., O. Lady of Grace 'li'een-~ro" ~ make their ,novitiate. Coming to F::tirhaven in Sept.. teaching school to support her Beck of Liverpool, council chair 01llb, Antone Carvalhc 1916, her first three years were only daughter now married. "I man, also expressed doubts that devoted to the pupils of the first love this change of pace," she tlle proposed five per cent' full grade at the Academy of the told us. "I took an apartment s,ubsidies would cover additionllll . Sacred Hearts: right across the street from a demands on the Catholic system. . S'!'. JOAN OJ}' JlE&<lJ
In 1920, she was asked to re school so I could hear that final $1!P
place a Sister at St. Joseph's bell in the morning and snuggle James J. McCaba
School, Fairhaven, for one week back under th2 covers!" Politics, Honor frCIIlT1lciscOJIT1I NI!JJIfil and has staye for 46 years at For Thel1'ap~ Work lI:ommunity activities and a deep the Fairhaven school. Oste!l'Wg~B@ sense -of religion keep Hazel's ¥ life meaningful to herself, un MILWAUKEE (NC) - Sistei' ASSUM!"TlION doubtedly to her friends, and Mary Edward Smith, director ~ $15
ttought-provoking to us, her St. Michael's ,Speech and Hear . El? '£g MnJ. Gerard LlIl ~19a
ltellow worry-warts. illg Center at Mount st.. · Cla;r0 During the last hour. of the Cpllege, Clinton, Iowa, has beem session, all groups met together .'awar'ded th~ William R. Duffel" Honor IPru0s1J' for a resume of highlighted wor MeJ:ll0rial Award by Marquette ·,COMfANV ries: babies screaming when left Uni~erstty.;·, ", . ,. ' . ' , ,BROOKLYN (NC) - Fatber with, a sitter, toy wars; thumb The ;F.ranciscan .'nun, 'wh@- , Joseph F. Hanunond, director ~ 8 u c kin g, underachieving in .' holds, II ,Jlllaster'~,.c:legree· from,' thesoeial adion department ·Of COrflplete, L.i~~
ochool, sibling rivalry, fOrcing., Marquet~,. ,was Cited foll' hel?' BlroOklyn c;:atholic Charities, will Bunding M~teil'h~W~
VB. dropping ,0:1; pil¥lo ~essops,.. 'pioneering efforts in' estabiis~' ,receive the lIlIsgr. Monahaa teenage fads and foolishness" ,ing the outpatient speech, thell'-' LzbOi' Awar!i' at the 25th ,mnn1Jllc> dating, use of the ear, "sheep- spy clinic at the coilege md' bell' "'I!l CommunioJi breakfast of tilll1:' ' 8 SPRI~G 51., fAiRHAVEN·
unusual success in teaching pei',:",. Associatiolll of' Catholic Trade fPi>roo!dYIT1l Schools HdV$;' sons without vocal 'OOids,'b '., UniollilstD (ACTU.) e:!l Sundlll:V" .WYmQJ~ ~.:l6 UU
C!osed Cil1'cuV11' TV. , speak. May ~ I . . BROOKLYN' (NC) ..:... b.ca " " , ' Brooklyn diocese's closed-circuit' ..tJ»<=O~.=.=.=.~=.=::p,=oc=.=o"i".O=O.='~,
- Fa=irhaven Jubilarians"
Carol Anderson, Francis M. Grant, Mr. & aMrs. August CriB tofori $IS Mr. & Mrs. G. Fred Hegg, Mra. Doris Robbins, Mr. & Mrs. Her bert Zweig, The Gedens & Mary Smith, Buzzards Bay Theatre Tuey Brothers, Mr.' & Mrs. Edward O'Melia, Mr.' &: Mrs. Armand Bedard
'Norton ST. MARY $60
Rev. Don.ald J. Bowen, , . $50 . Mr. & Mrs. Michael Murphy Anonymous $25 Mary L-ouise Keogh Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Sabourm $20 VictOr ,Pelchat Philbert Pelchat . $15 Mrs. ~rthur Brown,. Mr&. Avery Clapp, Manuel ~
North Dighton ST. JOSEPH, $25
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Secatore St. Joseph's Women's 'Guild St.. Joseph's Holy Name St. Joseph's Social Activities Mr. & Mrs. lohnC. Murray Mr. & Mrs. John Leddy '$20
Leo Pi virotto $15 Mildred Harrigan, Mr. & Ml'8a Joseph Vargas, Mr. & Mrs. Rich !llrd A. Donahue, Mr. & Mrs. An tone Rose,. Mr.·& Mra. Edward W. McGillivray
Raynha~ ST. ANN $59 St. Ann's Men's Club
$25 Virgil Grignon Louis A. Secatore $2@ Edward G. Maloof Mrs. Walter O'Brien
5025% 4050% 4Q25%
Bass River
S@win~$, Bank
'EJ $ fj
;~go:~i;1~~F§' -I ..R::;:Mr~~?:~:::~~~':
two of New York City's fiv<2 boroughs.
. The closed-~ircuit system, us "'mg "iis . foUr' ultra:@gll:a frequency (UHF) channels, now
learries . programs. ~ scie~ .•'
social studies, art and language£!
for students in' grad~ ~
:through 10, _alo~g .with ma~
two" o£
'0" .... ,
"", ",'" . . '
~~YOJM .C,~a'D. Wfruutp2, 'OMU' .Crr®~[ffii]~·lli)(1jJtr ,', ',' 'Venn C~U'D91f lB3®~li' . Q)[W[J . ~~o~~ ~~:\l'."
M~ f). ~1NJ«;~ i(j) @l!J{!)W
]$J/ $HAWMU1r-:$1IU:ff ·--·0·····
'~',.~ ~ 206i.... ~~
':.: .... ·.~~CIt ~~~lQ1,,~, ';'T""~' ...,.~ _ _~
, A,Bw'(JJJ'lf$ IW'!t .'If.@f!,N[j'
'F6~: H'OME' .QElIV~R'V:'CALl WY
Bf5,' ':]\l.: .;.
f ., .. '
8-5691 '
iG~~TI~' ~""-._"".-~.c;-.>-~"'~~PR~~· "",'~'f!'!j>ii~.
'. Yi;;rJlfp' :@.~~~ . [J={]jjOD ~@(J,!)~\f) -~(JJJTJiJ
''!! ....</:·~;.i.l;I.~ ..
~ ..~.~~ . )~.
DARTMOUTH; MASS. ........l:__
10 .THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan Ri~er-Thurs. Mall1sfield ST.. MARY $100 , Joseph E. Donovan A Friend $50 A Friend The Donoghue Family · Mr. & Mrs. Harold Qualters
A Friend $40 · MI'. & Mrs. Ralph Sarro $30 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Britton Mr. & Mrs. Roy Boyden $25 The Lane Family Mr. & Mrs. Francis Baldini A Friend Mr:'&' Mrs. Robert Lovely · Mr. & Mrs. William V. Haym:s Dr. & Mrs. Philip Sibilia Dr. & Mrs. Charles Colella Mrs. Charlotte DeWall Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Arthut Babine $20 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred' Sarro, Fred Findlen, Frank A. Signoriello, The McIntyre Family, Mr. & Mrs Charles Bellavance . Kathleen Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Zaffini A Friend Mr. '& 'Mrs. Edward Kane $15 • Edward C: Donahue; Mr. & Mrs. ·William Randall, ·Mr. & Mrs Alfred Kuplast, Mr. &: Mrs. Fred Kelleher, Mr.' & Mrs. Edmund Deltano Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kane, Mr. A; Mrs. Samuel Dec'henis; Mil-' 4lred Hannon, Mr. & Mrs. ,John Teixeira, Mr.' & MrS. Albert Murphy , Mr. & Mrs. Walt~r Stanford, Maud O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Philip DiMonte, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bed aid, Margaret Welch Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Cuneo, Mr. & Mrs. Carmen Cardinute, Mrs. Helen Brazil, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Combis, .Mr. & Mrs. Edward Finn Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pernock, Mr. & Mrs. Howard McRae, Fil omena Todesco, Mrs. Roach, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Podido Mr. & lVIrs. John Currivan,. . Mr. & Mrs. Gene Ceccare\le Mr. & Mrs. Henry Lemieux, Mr. & Mrs. William McAloon, :Mr. & Mrs. Victor Narciso, Mr. .& Mrs. Omer Lajoie, Mrs. Marie Barnes . Mr. & Mrs. Frank Nones, Mr. & Mrs. Merle Griswold" Mr. & Mrs. Edward Jameson, ·Mr. & Mrs. Vincenzo Capone, Mrs. Gladys Morse' A Friend, Mrs. Arinette Atwell Mrs. Mary Brown, Carrie De Prizio
Provincetown ST. PETER $250
Mrs. Mary Hackett Anonymous $15 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Dirsa, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Harding, Mrs. Dorothy Linskey, Warren Silva, Mafalda Cerumbella Mr. & Mrs. Isadore Ferreira Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Perry' Mr. & MJ;'s. Gabriel Fratus
Walter Welsh COl!ncil, K. of C. A Business Friend Mr. & Mrs. James J. Cordeiro Mr. & Mrs. Herman DeSilva Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Patrick Mr. & Mrs. Augustus Reis Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon Poyant William H. Young Ins. Agen~y JlJt1ge & Mrs. Robert A Welsh $20 AnonYmous, Bessie & 'Miriam Corea, Mr. &, Mrs. .' Emmanuel Souza, Mr. & Mrs. William White Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dahill
$300 Anonymous $100 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Smith St. Vincent de Paul Societ.y
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hill
Mr. & Mrs. D. Anthony Ven detti . Dr. & Mrs. Edward L. HOl'aft . Knights of Columbus, Seekonk Council No. 5108
L. Romano Construction Cc.
Oak Bluffs SACRED HEART $200
Very Rev. James E. McMahon $100 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Corey
Rev. John A. Perry
$50 . III memory of the deceas~d .. members of the Pacheco Family Sacred Heart Guild A Friend
$30 A Friend Alfred M. Metell Electric & Refrigeration $25 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Billings A Friend The Lamp Post Mr. & Mrs. peter L. Regan $20 . . Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Thomas $15 Mi:'. & Mrs. Antone J. DeBet tiencourt, Mrs;--Rose M. Peardon: Mr. & Mrs. William D. Norton; Anna L. Oliver, Mr. &. Mrs.. Evel'ettRogers, Mrs. Elizabeth Sylvia ,', ' ,.
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Borah $30
Mr. & Mrs. Joaquim Hendricks
FO:R LIFESAVING: School Patrol
of the American Automobile Association
$25 Helen E. Browning Mr. & Mrs. Manuel DeMattoo John Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. Everett McPhillipS Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Olean Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Pelletier Read's Dairy Inc. Mr. & Mrs. George Taylor Holy Name Society, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish Women 1s ;}uild, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Hendricks Jr. '$20 Mr. &. Mrs. Anthony Hendriclw . , ' '. Mr. & Mrs. John Langwell Lifesa.ving Medal Mr. & Mrs. James Murphy was presented to' ;Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Santos
,:lI.t:r. & Mrs. ~~rles:'Antoniaft, & Mrs. John Burgess, wi! rey pins the medal' on Amy L., LaFraniere, 11,' a Catholic 'liam J. 'Gahan, Mr & Mrs Robe" pupil at Halle School, Cleveland. George Kachlein, Vice-' Kaveny, Mr. & Mrs.' Josepilll president of AAA" holds the citation. NC Photo. Lyons" . Mr.. & I Mrs. Alfred Nazareth, Mrs. Ardelia Oliver, Mr & .MNl William Roessel, Mr & Mrs .Al bert Smith, Mr & Mrs Robetrt Stellmack. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schul'b, 12 Students' Receive Lifesaver Medals Mr. & Mrs. James Urq~hart At Washingtoll1 Ceremonaes Mr. & Mrs. James Baker, '1'. WASHINGTON (NC) _ Ten rate in~olving school children Franklin Beal, Mr. & Mrs. Rob ert Brennan; Lorenzo Coluluca, 'boys and two girls who are has dropped nearly 50 per cent, Mr. & Mrs. Hillary Robinette ,school patrol members received he said. the Gold Lifesaver Medal of the . The medal is awarded only American Automobile Associa for an authenticated act of life tion at ceremonies in the U. S. saving and' generally only to patrol youngsters who have ac Capitol. Vice-Pr.esident Hub er t H. tually risked their own lives. Humphrey pinned the medals on Among' this year's winne'rs the youngsters, aided by George \vere Sam E. Moschella, 13, of F. Kachlein, AAA executive vice Nativity School, Brooklyn, N. Y., president, who said membership who grabbed a girl as she ran __ ~IJ WYman in the patrols is now' at an all into a car's path and pulled her ~.6592 time high 'of 900,000. Since the to safety.. patrols were organized in the An ll-year-old girl at Halle CHARLES F. VARGAS early 1920s,the traffic. death School, Cleveland, Amy L. La 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE Franiere, whose "alertness, defi ance of danger and prompt ac South Dartmouth . NEW BEDFORD, MASS. .tion" were 'responsible for her ST. MARY rescue of a five-Yl~ar-old boy $50 . from the path of a fast-moving Dr. & MJrs. Louis Miskell car at an intersection, also won '$25 the award. William Lundy Mr. & Mrs. John J. Dugan. ~ ~ $15 II • Hild~, Bernice' & Manuel Syl via, Robert Boulanger, Mr: & Mrs. James H. Mahoney, ·'Mr. & D • Mrs. Louie H. Haskell Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Vincent P. Sylvia /ill • III iii ~ SO. Dartmouth . _ Noo'tl'~ [E(QlSU'@11l IIM!MACULATE CONCEPTION : . and Hyannis : $100 . II Mr. & Mrs. Charles'F. McCal'- aJ . III So. lOartmouth WY 7·93n4 II thy Sr. Q $50 ill lliyannis 2921 . II " Mr. & MJrs. John R. Boyle ~ III $15 ngR~m~mm~~~~~~~g~ Anna Craig, Clyde A. Craig, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dias, S. Henry ,Kingston, Mr. & Mrs. .Lawrence Wood
12 youngsters, -ten boys anf! tw.o girls, for saving. the lives'-
of schoolmates in traffic. Vice President Hubert H. Humph"
IEdlgartown ST. ELIZABETH ' $50 St. Elizabeth Guild' , Mr. &'Mrs. Alfred Doyle Holy Name Society $35 Mrs; Corrine Fournier $30 . AI's Package Store $25 Mrs. Margaret & Miss Mary L Mad'eiros Mr. & Mrs. Albert K. Sylvia JIll'. Jean Britcher Mr. & Mrs. William Brown' Mr. & Mrs. Ellsworth Fisher Wells Oil Service $20 Roland Authier Mr. & Mrs Frederick Sherwood Edwin Lopes' ,$15 Mrs. Thomas Flynn, Mr., &;. Mrs. Theodore Henley Sr., Mr. & Mrs. John O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. George T. Silva Patricia Brown, Theresa Brown Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Campos, Harborside Liquor Store
$50 Mr. & Mrs. George Campbell Rev. Leo J. Duart' Mr. & Mrs. Charles Prete $100 $40 Conference of St. Vincent de Mr. & Mrs. ;Frank Carpenger Paul $30 $75 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Fernandes 81' Rev. Thomas C. Mayhew $25, . $50 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Cleare Dr. & Mrs. ~homas Perry. Dr..& Mrs. Stephen Malone A Friend $20 A Friend lfIIr. -& Mrs. Johp. O'Connor $30 Mr. & Mrs. Dante Quattromini Mr. &. Mrs. John 'Ferreira Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Dwyer , $15 . $25 Irene'Christian, Paul E. Lewis, Catholic Daughters of. Amer- . Mr. & Mrs. William Marganella, Ilea Samuel O'Gorman Holy Name Society - Bishop Feehan Assembly, K. ~f
Seekonk MT. CARMEL
M<aJll'll'(QJjpouse{/'l!' ST. ANTHONY.
$50 John P. Delaney $25 Holy Name Society Mr. & Mrs. Norman F. Kelley $20 Mr. & Mrs. James H. Gifford $15 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Wainio Mr. & Mrs. William B. Keavy Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. McDermoU Mr.' & Mrs. Manuel Correia Mr. & Mrs. John Langlois
Honor Patrol
= J B : :.LUMBER CO,: !
foI ,uklttlellNlY.!
G~~RAGE 24·Hour .Wrec:ker Service 653 Washington Street, Fairhaven WYman 4·50S8 '
South Yarmouth'
THE ANCHORThurs., May 19, ] 966
ST. PIUS TENTH $1000 Rev. Christopher L. Broderick $250
Holy Name Society of St. Pius X
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Martin $100 Mr. & Mrs. John Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Dennis' O'Connor St. Pius Tenth G.uild $50 Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Altavilla $25 Mrs. Hollis Batcheldor Doane, Beal & Ames A F.riend Mrs. Mary Geist Jennings Oil Mr. & Mrs. Barry Kane Yarmouth Furniture Company Dr. & Mrs. John D. Sheehan $20 Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Baker c $Jl.5 Bay Colony Federal Savings & Loan, Mrs. Rose CoteH, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cox, Mr. & Mrs: William Griffith, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lahiff Mrs. John Medeiros, Mrs. Hope lfI. Moulton, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Mulcahy, Mrs. H. M. Terry & Eileen, Mrs. Eveline Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Muse Mr. & .Mrs. Philip Mack
Choose Catholic Mother of Year
MIAMI (NC)-A Miami city commissioner who is a Catholic: mother of four was chosen Dade County Mother of the Year here by members of a Protestant church. Mrs. M. Athalie Range, first Negro and second woman to sit o _ Miami's governing body, was named for the hQ,llor by the choir of St. James African Methodist Episcopal church, of which her late husband was at member. Mrs. Range received ~ the church's trophy from Father Martin Walsh, of the Commu nity Relations' office of the Catholic diocese ~f Miami, who praised her for her contributions as a moH.er, business woman and humanitarian .. Mrs. Range, who won the Catholic diocese's 1965 Gold Medal for Meritorious service, is chairman of the Negro-Cuban Affairs committee of the Miami diocesan Council on Human Relations, a member of the Dade County Community Relationo Board, a' licensed funeral direc tor an.d president of a local! bank. .
'MOTHER OF YEAR' Miami, Florida's first Negro commissioner, Mrs. Athalie M.
Range, member of· Holy Redeemer Catholic parish here, was hOnored as the "Mother
of the :Year". 'by St. James African Methodist Episcopal Church. 'Father Martin Walsh
.. ''Of the. Diocese of Miami Office of Community Service makes the presentation. Mrs.
'. Betty Brown, center, was 'chairman of the event.. NC Photo.
ST. PATRICK . $100 Fath~i:Cal1ahan Council, K. (l<f C. No: 4139 . . , .. ' . " Mr. &: Mrs. Joh~ M'ac N~il .. . . . Mr. &; Ml'S. Joseph Goulding West Harwich $50 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Archambault Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Baptiste Mr. & Mrs. Paul Noonan HOLY TRINITY $30 $20 $30 Mr. & Mrs. Hulot Haden Dr. &; Mrs. William Smith Mrs. Margaret Burrage $25 Effenberger Family &; Mrs. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Harold O'Connen Elliot Ladies Assoc. of the Sacred Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Maynard Mr. & Ml'S Bernard Cavanaugh Hearts Albert Guerzoni Mrs. Abner Briggs o Mr. & Mrs. Edwin D. Vegliante Mrs.. Amelia Baptiste
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Beford Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Leo St. John
Mr. & Mr~. Robert Leonard $20 $20
Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Higgins Mr. & Mrs. William Downey Mr. & Mrs. John Alves $15 Mrs. M. Phyllis Gomes Mr. & Mrs. Egidio Monteiro Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sylvia, Mr. . $15 Edwin K. Greer Co. & Mrs. Charles Stearns, Mr. & Mrs. Eva Marie Dane Mrs. Francis Alender Mrs. James McInnis, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. William Stinson a Mr. & Mrs. Robert St. Jacques Stephen McInnis, Mary Miller Mr. & Mrs. Alex Arsenault Isobel Griffin, Mr. .& Mrs. Mr. &: Mrs. Julio Barrows $15 Fred Metell, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Govoni, Mr.' Mason, Mr. & Mrs. G~orge Fer Mr. & Mrs, Joseph Monterio & Mrs. Fred PUlsifer &; son, Rosalie Tirrell, Mr. & Mrs. Eu ris, Mr. & Mrs. J'{aymon~ Ken-. Jiley gene Tavares, Mr. & Mrs Charles Westport Westgate Mr. & Mrs. John Berckerle, , Mrs. Arthur Kay, Mr. & Mrs. ST. GEORGE, Margaret Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. John McCue, Mary C. Morris .John Zorn, Mrs. C. Joseph No $25 Veronica & Esme Newett wak, Dr. & Mrs William Dawson Somerset Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kiernan ST. JOHN OF GOD
$20 MiJ:hael Mellon(, Mr. & Mrs. $50
James J. McMahon Henry Gonsalves, Mr. & M~s. Holy Name Society
$15 Miquel Gomes . $15 Joseph G. Bollea, James Brit Millard Monteiro Mrs. Mary Thomas Mr. & Mrs. John Barros Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Amarello land, . Regina Coulombe, Julio Fornaciari, William Furey Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sweeney ST. PATRICK
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Grenier, $110
Donald Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs Frank Gerald E. McN~lly Jr.
lin Sylvia, HonOl'e Vaillancourt Woods Hole $100 Edward P. Burke; Stanley St. Patrick's Conference ST. JOSEPH Society of St. Vincent de PaUl Babiec, Eug:me SiRla, George J. Thomas $250
$50 Paul McCusker
Rev. Bernard F. Sullivan Dr. Wm. H. Langfield $75
Claudia Pendergast William Moran
$50 $20
Dr. & Mrs. George Christman Just Across The In Memory of Dr. Leonard N. Eh!anorose B. Bradley Coggeshall St. Bridge Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Driscon Bilodeau, Alfred G. Moitozo Fairhaven, Mass. . $16 $35 Finest Variety of Mr. &; Mrs. Saul Strehl Mr. & Mrs. 'William Simmons $30 $15 SEAfOOD Joseph Jean, Mrs James Green Fl'ed Lux Served! Anyw~ere - Als@ wood, Richard Leonard, Joseph Mrs. William McCullough $'I1'IEAI<S-CHOPS-CHICI<I:N A. Fortin, James Lane
Francis B. Goffin ST. THOMAS MORIE
Thomas Turner $100 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lewis St. Thomas More Conferenee Mrs. Richard Mayo Society of St. Vincent de Paul $25 Mr. & Mrs. Emile Tietje $25 INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. st. Thomas Mor(!ll Womel1l!s Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Sim'onesllI @uild Mr. & Mrs. Leo Murphy 96 WILLIAM STREET Mr & Mrs Harold McComiskE7 $20
NEW BEDFORD, .MASS. Mr. &; ;Mrs. Thomas F. CO'Donnen
Joseph Marshall $15
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Rooney WY 8-5153 WY 7-9167 Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. JOonovan Mr. & Mrs. Roy StrattOllll Mr. &; Mrs. Charles J. Hague, Thomas Rooney PlERSONAIL $1E~\fU~[E Un'. &; Mrs. Frederick Bartek: Kenneth Battles
Wellfleet mill LADY OF LOURDES $35 Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Eogers .J.,. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Rose $15 Mr. & Mrs, Lawrence Rose
$50 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Sullivan $25 lOr. & Mrs. Raphael P. Fox
ST. LOUIS OF FRANCE . $50 St. Vincent de Paul $15 Mr. & Mrs. Armand Francoeur ST.
"Taunton HOLY ROSARY $20 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Biedak & son Walter $15 Mrs: Stephanie Rozowicz
$25 Mr. & Mrs. James C. Murphy
6 1/4%
$15 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kopeski Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Silva Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaChance
South Easton HOLY CROSS $15 Robert Connors . Joseph Hurley
Bnterest on Your
Invested In
Uri Units of $500 or More
Keenan & Clarey, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota for detailed information write to
CHARLES A. MURPHY Registered Representative 145 Pond Street . Winchester, Mass. PA 9-2696
The'Falmouth Notional Bonlc
Falmouth, Mass.
l\lJ tlJc Village Green Since 1821
Address City
of BRIS1'OI... (:OUNTY
..... ....
1~':'MY5e~fo~ -~:
, '),i(W~tiPM ~~,frhe~'!f)@ i"I'
" !By Most ~ev•. !Fulton 3. S1heeliU.
I meet readeni of this columil who ask, "Why d06D not the Holy Father's Society .for the Propagation· of the Fai~h allow me to send m3' money. directly to a particular project, 'rather than to him?" Therl~ are ,many reasons. First of all, he does not forbid it. But since the Holy Father' kno~s more about the mission world than' any of us, he has the means 'of knowing tlie m~rits of each ,request and the real needs in every area. Second, individually desi~ated donatioml to particular projects' result in tremendous inequalities. For exsLmple, one cUocese sent six million dollars to a certain ,mission where a big cathedral was erected while, in the same .country only 400 miles away, there 1Il1:as another diocese where 150 priests had to mllk't,ends meet for the entire diocese on $12,000 .. , a year.
Third. yoo; are no iongertroubled by asking "'Is this appeal -.Ieserving?",. or "WlU they boy. more properly, with tbhJ In '&be United. States?"or· "Will' the,., reallY -' send, 'It, to tlIle Mls:nonsr' Fourth, . the Holy Father's: SoCidY for. the Propaga tion of the Faith mnkesno investments of 'any aIms you sacrifice to the GeneraU Fund. It· 'lScUstributed b,. the HolY , ,Father 'within the fIScal year to· the poor of the entire world. Yoo do not help yourself 'spiritually when ".00' give to make the rich riicher. Man,. of our , Institutions in the 'United States are too rich. U yoo want your money to escape investment In Wall street or real.estate ' : In the UnitecllStates. if yoo want it to, find Its way, to the poor missions and , the poor, of the world now when it, is needed, then give It to the '. HoI,. Father and ·his Society. for .the Propagation of the. Faith. ThIS IS why j;he Holy Father sayS that he should lbe aided "first and primcipally,"nolt only as :·ao afterthought. '0
Cut out this column, pin your. sacrifice to it and main it to Most Rev. !Funtoll1 .lJ." Sheen, National Director of The Society for the Propagation of the lFaith, 366 !Fifth Avenue, N. Y. 100011. or to your Diocesan lIJIirector, llU Rev. Mlsgr. Raymond '11'. Cons! 'dine, 368 North Main Street. lFa'U River, Massachusetts.
o ': $~VinflJ5I$aJri!t )!.D~~ .DD';s~li'«liirooo
OReal IEs9a913 ~aJD'il5
o . :' t'hrisimas te~llD~n . ..... ." and . ,., VG<w~ioD'il .. "
<0: ~i\iavu~:Sli' 'A~c@u~~ .' . ," 0
1CcI11lvOD'ilil3l111~ 1l.@tl:CllJ9u@1OO
..... ANCHOR-'
Students' from Feehan, Cassidy
Thurs., May '9, '1966'
Elected Officers' in Southeast Massachusetts Student Council
Newsman Lauds Father Weigel As Ecumensst
Congratulations to Jerry Flanagan of Feehan High in Attleboro, named president of the Southeastern Mass. Student Council; to Christine Victoria of Taunton's Bisnop Cassidy, who is its new secretary'; and to' Miss Mary McMahon, moderator of Cas- Paul Lizotte, will be members sidy's student council, who of a special choir to sing at the was re-elected executive, consecration 'Jf Bishop - elect secretary of the regional Medeiros.
WASHINGTON (NC)-A Protestant journalist praised the late pioneer Catholic ecumenist Father Gustave
Weigel, S.J., for "saying nice organization. The Mt. St. Mary Academy things about us Protestants back Laurels too to Rosemary Mar- orchestra will present its annual ir" the days when it was still tin of Stang High who took top Spring concert Thursday, May news for a prominent Catholic spot in the second annual Dioc- 26, with an afternoon perform to do so." , esan Typing Contest sponsored ance scheduled for religious and "My first impression of Father by the Business Curriculum an evening program forthe gen
Weigel was that he had a heck Committee of the Diocesan High era! public. The glee club will
of a lot of guts," Louis Cassels, Schools. Her prize was a port-,· also sing at the event. Both glee
religion editor of United Press able typewriter and now she has club and orchestra are directed
International, told a meeting of no excuse whatever for not pro by Sister Marie Lorraine.
the Gustave Weigel Society, held ducing the neatest homework Holy Family High in New
at the First Congregational going. Bedford, ,'the ' only Diocesan
United Church of Christ here. "I remember a column I wrote The contest was open to two school privileged to have a
in 1956 in which I quoted some stUdents from each Diocesan resident bishop, 80 to speak,
remarks which Father Weigel High and consisted' of two five scheduled two class periods dur
had made in a speech, of which: minute timed writings. Award ing which, seniors met' With
ing the grand prize was Dennis Bishop Gerrard' and learned
I had received the text. Aft editor challenged my copy. He MeG l' a t h , ' representing type from him of changes brought
just couldn't believe that a Jesuit writer dealers from the New about by the Ecumenical Coun
professor at Woodstock College Bedford, Fall River, ';l'aunton cit would talk like that. Newspaper Staff and Attleboro area: while Rev. "Today the' statements that Joseph P. Delaney, assistant Also at Holy Family, Joanne created such a stir just 10 years superintendent of D i 0 c e san Porter has been named editor ago would sound so obvious and schools, presented certificates for next year's issues of HiFiSpy, commonplace that no newspaper to all students attending. the school paper. Aiding her will would give them space," Cassels Participating schools weI' e' be Margaret' Medeiros. said. Sac l' e d Hearts, Dominican, At Bishop Cassidy, Cornelia Respected Beliefs Jesus-Mary and Mt. St. Mary Duffy has received a full tuition froin Fall River: Holy Family grant of $1700 to Wheaton Col The journalist expressed ad miration of Father Weigel's abil and St. Anthony from New Bed ,lege and is also eligible for ed- . ity to respect the beliefs of· oth ford: Stang from North Dart ucational opportunity grants and MUSICAL. DUO: Claudette Demers, left, and Jean ers without abandoning his own. mouth: and Cassidy from Taun national educational de fen s e "Father Weigel . . . figured ton, the host school. nte Cassidy loans. Anne Hathaway has been Martineau are presidents respectively of glee club and or that the way to work toward ehapter of the 'Future Secre awarded .an $800 grant from' chestra at Mt. St. Mary Aooqemy, Fall R~ver. ,·taries Association' was responsi unitY was for Catholics to be Boston. University, in addition come real goOd Catholics, and ble for, arrangements for the to an edu.cati.onal opportunity Twenty Mt. St. Mary girlB for Protestants to become real 'day of the contest,· while facuity gr~nt and' ~ federal work loan. top-ranking highschool juniors memberS of· the various high And Mary' Ann Jonis has' ac~ invited to a preview of college have' completed a 10 oay charm good Protestants," Cassels said. life at Rhode Island Coilege. course held for' an· hour a day '''1 never kDewhim to.compro s c h 0 0 1 business·, departments cepted a partial tuition scholar made remote preparati~ns. ship of $300 from Johnson and Their, day on campus included·' after school. Posture, pOise, mise - or even get mealy a tour of facilities, auditing clothing and diet were .among mouthed on ,an important Wales ausiness' College. Four Highs , . principle. .That's one reason Feehan High' has' scheduled its classes and 'meetipg faculty topics emphasized.,·. A first of its kind took place And Mount juniors are look- Protestants trusted him so com at Bishop CaS!lidy when juniors senior prom' .fQr ,tonight and members. At Cassidy ,High, Pauline Lee I ing forward' to "A Night in pletely. Father 'Gus always said. and seniors from Cassidy, Coyle, graduatiori' ceremonies for Tues~· Athens" tomorrow night, the what he really believed, and not is still recovering from' the ex Feehan and Stang came together day,' J\lDe 14. citement of her flying ,trip to junior prom; to be held in the what he thought you'd like • for' a mixer. The' event was Ecumenical Day academy gym. The Debonairs hear." sponsored by the. Bishop Cassidy An ecumenical day at Prevost Chicago to deliver a prizewin wpl play for dancing. ning speech in a contest spon student council, the group that High featured speakers repre Stang students enjoyed an un-' conceived the idea. About 300 senting Protestant, Catholic and sored by the Girls' Clubs of, teens enjoyed musie by Dave Jewish viewpoints. Rev. Peter America. She was awarded the usual assembly program when Maynard. . Graziano, curate at Holy Name Career Key prize for the New the Spurrlows presented "Music Where A At Sacred Hearts Fall River Church, Fall River: Rev. Gerald England Region, and an exciting for Modern Americans." The part of her experieI,l,ce was being program is part of a safe driving the honor roil for the third Cover, rector of the Episcopalian GOOD NAME quarter has been announced, Church of the Ascension: Rev. escorted to her 'Chicago-bound campaign sponsored by auto plane by a motorcade headed by mobile dealers a c l' 0 S S the with St. Agnes team Winning a Allen Hollis, First Congrega nation. Taunton's mayor. "decisive scholastic victory" tional Church: and Rabbi Eph Means A All-School Chorus over St. Margaret's. A total ox raim Mandelcorn of Temple At St. Joseph's Prep School 62 "Agneses" made the honor Beth-El were' panelists. This year the annual Diocesan ir- Fall River, students have roll as opposed to 25 "Marga Twenty-nine. of 40 freshmen Music Festival will present a takep. Catholic University exam rets." Leading the senior class and sophomores at SHA Fall new attraction, consisting of an inations and also welcomed as she does the school was River who took part. in recent all-girl 175 voice choir, a similar overnight guests on a, recent Christine Baldaia, school cap National Educational Develop all-boy group and finally a choir weekend. The guests were pro tain, while Mary Lennon leads ment Tests have placed among combining both groups, Mem spective Prep School students the juniors; Susan Johnson the the top 10 per cent scorers in the . bers will be drawn from all Dioc seizing the opportunity of ob sophomores and MarY Anne nation: and also at SHA tryouts esan highs and an all-Diocesan serving the daily 'routine of Mooney the freshmen. are in progress for Agnes and orchestra and an aU-Diocesan their future home. At Prevost High, also Fall Margaret cheerleaders for next band will also be presented. The River, there's, a, special induce;' year. festival will be held at 2 Sun ment for scholars to burn the Nancy Gancarski and Denise day afternoon, May 29 in the midnight oil. Students who Turcotte of DA were among Bishop Feehan auditorium. maintain a 90 per cent or better Student Councillors at Holy -fOOO Kings Hwy. terin average may be excused Family honored the school bas Lo n9 s an from taking a final exam, sub .ocese ketball team at an assembly at ROUTE 6,' HunLESON AW.
ject .to the discretion, of the in ."lansTV' Metwork NEW BEDFORD Kennedy Youth' Genter, With structor. . . ' . . Near Fairhaven Drive-hi
ROCKVILLi. CENTRE (NC) James Kelly, as host, presenting . Also at Prevost, iolir stu~ents, ' trophies to each player. ., Italian Din"ers Our Specialty
Ope.n .Evenings George. C am pea U , George .....:.conSthictioh·of a diocesan ed ucatlon8I television" ~etwork . Student council, elections at '" leiltlee 0.' Patio" Desm~rais;' PaUi, :C~iiel1' .8nd .; ,.' . ' '" . :Coyie 'have named , francis Will ,begm .her ' m March" 1967," . Mooney council' p~sident for '.C.'-a' rd."na··,- . S" pe' I".m· an" with the dlOcelle expecteci to go' . next ·year. Wi~' h.im,wip. ~rve '. . ', :." t on the air ,.iII. September that Vi~-president ~evin lIart. ., Ma.Onta·.On· Pac'. year... . ,:'''. ' . . The' Young Womeii'sC,ommu:" " . Lice~_ for the ETV cbannela. IlitY, Clup of Tiverton nas .pre :YORK(~C).~·l\'r~~ . .had, beeft.approv~ b1·theFed~ sente<t 'a $300 seholarship to .Cardiru~l·Sp.ellman.~d eralCommwUcations .. 'h\ ,. llCoo ··· ..h····l'· pres . 'i' . .' .. ' " here he'. .a·" .. .. .... . , .. Commis, . ''B'ar'ti,"'" an', 'F renc, ~ , it '.~bit VIIo.m-out,", but. the 76 ~~J!. .ml~;.~ut -eon$'uctj.OIl . 'dent' at DonuniciiiJ. Academy; DADSON'0tt;BURNERS . 'year-old ·.Qrehpi,sbop· of , We", .w..~ ~elayedb,e~u&;e·ofa·maJorand.also at PA. ~\ld(;ritBare en': . 24-Hour Oil Bu.rner. Serv;c,' ~ . York added tfiat 'he witt ,keep ~JI!l school, ~~ldi~g progrQl j(jying a trip 'i9the' Dominican HIIl':a going; . .:.. ': ':,;-:, .. w~~cI11s now eomple~e. , Novitiate in, North Dartmouth ·fampus. ReadingHA,RD COAL.--. ,. ''1: .don~('knQ~ if,l ean keep ..~ preparation f~rthe .tele~- , today'. Sponsored by the sOdality, "-:- . ., • k going much longer,b~ I will ~ S10n venture, Bisl1op Walter P. 'the outing will ' Bivethe DA NEW ENGLAND COKE ~~C~ long as l,can . ;. even' II I need . Kellenberg has formecl, ,a. eom- tee'··'· .m ~of the reUdiou. , '. 0 • derrick:tO ,.it me'Oui of my Jl)ittee. of .diOCesan· OfficiabJ .' nil a __ mp car," he.said. wbosedepartments and orgBni- .We. Charm CoUrse The cardinal made his com- zations will be involved in pro And the DA Varsity Banquet ments in responding to a speaker gramming, and laymen involved . at a Catholic Charities Commun- in the television industry, to bI ll1ated for Thursday, June 2• New Bedford . ion breakfast who told the pnd.. help coordina~ planB for us!n, Varsity basketball and voUey~ Tel. WY 6-8271 Me) Pleasant Street 'Dall playelW. .wAll ...~ 1lmAOlNl~ ate be wwi:"lookine t i n e / ' t Q e new. ~li~. . ' . I
I I · d D·
SHEI.L "~remi'l.m"'· He~.~ing Oils,.' ~fi~~"~ ~~~ a:::. ,C-..
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1rI . ~ .~ too, Wllnts bBlsflct?d nutritionfuodli - Calorie~Wise,' she also found out th~t 2 slices ~Ho1sum averag~: even' ie~.ca1oriesthan aglass Of Diilk. IIlmmilk helppioQVid;, with many nutiien~otrnany Calories. So .ask~ ~ow.liutritious HolsumLr . She always knew how good milk is. Now~' she a1ll0 knows all theheatth and energy'bWlders .Holsum hu, ~~ O'UIl\Ce'for' Olince,~H;Qlsuin Bread has ~ thO 'priKein 'of milk. 6(l~ Qt' ~ c:8Ici~m. 139i, less ' -Now iJp.at you, k~ow, too••• why not/iJetve HQlsum fat. J.\IcJ1'8 kGlllo ADd more B,Vitamins than milk. Bread am J:nllk to he1p yoUr' fami1y~t8y in trim?
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Pope Paul Predicts Revival of latin VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has predicted that the Latin l~lnguage, now in a "twi light," will revive. Addressing 400 Latinists who had come to Rome from through out the world for a convention on the Latin language, the Pope stated that the Catholic Church's "official language" is Latin de spite the new vernacular liturgy.
North Attleboro SACRED HEART $50 Mr. & Mrs. John Burke $25 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Achin Mr. & Mrs. Armond Dyon $20 Alma & Rita Achin Raymond Vaguener $lJ.7.50 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Pinson nault & Albert '$15 Mrs. Aldea Brais, Mr. & Mrs.
Thurs.• May 19•. 1966
Charles Calkins, Adela rd, A. Chabot, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cloutier, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Collard Mr. &Mrs. Edmond Couturier, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Guimond, Mr. & Mrs. Francill Heelan, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Letourneau Mr. & Mrs. Rene Pinsonnaul1l & family, 1st Communion C18Sll Sacred Heart School
ANNUAL BANQUET: Members of Infant of Prague Guild, auxiliary for St. Mary's Home, New Bedford, enjoy their annual banq~et. From left, Rev. John F. Hogan, ad visor and chaplain'; Mrs. Alfred N.. Beauregard, banqu.et chairman; Mrs. Arthur A. Greene, guild president. Guild women take mother's interest in individual home children.
Kenneth Charest, Mr... & Mrs.' LawrenceCoppolll ST. JOHN Mr. & Mrs. Fred Endler J:r.,
$90 Mrs. Amelia Galligan, Mr. &
Rev. James F. McCarthy Mrs. Edwllrd Habershaw, Mr: 8£
$541 . Mrs. Henry Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent McGinn . Mrs. John B, Blottman Mr.. & Mrs. Philip C'ronan William. Nerney, Mr. & Mrs. . $40 . George :pion,' John. ~edding; Myles Daly Salvatore~alvaggio,Mr.& ·MrS. Mr. & .Mrs. Edward' Dowdall Norman Tetreault . . $36 Mr. & Mrs. William G. Weber, Mr. & Mrs. ~~~nard LO~gren Mr. &. Mrs. John White, Mrs. John T . .whi~e Sr., Mr.. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Casey John T. White Jr. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gaynor Mr. & Mrs. Peter Armirotto, Mrs Mr. & Mrs. George Gibb Winston Bergh, Mr. & Mrs. H:orMr. & Mrs. Joseph ·.Mahon . ace Benson, Mr. & Mrs. George James A. Murphy Bussiere
Mrs. Gertrude Rogers
Mrs. Howard Sprigg Mr. & Mrs.Alvin Cassidy, Mr.
& Mrs. Robert Chapman, Mr. &
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Borden Mr. & Mrs. John Hamel Mrs. Richard Denzer, Mrs. Ludi-
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Kfmton vine Dyer, Joseph Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard LaCombe Mr. & Mrs. Orner R: Jette, Mr.
Mr. &,; Mrs. William F. Lovell & Mrs. Thomas Keane Jr., Cath-
MaryM. Wilhelm : : .. eririe McCann, Alyce' O'Keefe,
. Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. J$2~' Joh~on Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Herber{ Patriquin, . Mr.. & Mrs. Herbert Fisher, . ':Mr. & Mrs.' Howard Razee, Mr. Mr. &' Mrs. Basil Mulligan, Mr. & Mrs.· Richard ReeveS, Nllrs. William F. Sheehan, .Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. James H. ~, MJ'Il. .. Thomas O'Ke'¢foe & Margaret ~ohn W~lson, Mr. &.~rs. ~ichael .. Dr. & Mrs. Edward Fontneau Zito '.' Mr. & Mrs. Walte.r Heagney . .~T. STEPB~N Celestine Whalen. ". .' $30 .
Mr. & Mrs. John McCarte . Caron Granite Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pimento . $25
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O. Precourt Allen Blanchard Lawn Mower $15 Sales , ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas' .Bolton, . Mr. & :Mrs: Delphis Paradis Mrs. Raymond Byers, Mr. & Mrs $20 Earl Croff, Mr. & Mrs, Wesley Mr., & Mrs. Albert Ousley Dudovicz, Mr. & Mrs; Henry .$15 Flynn Andre Ladebauche, Henri Mr. & Mrs. William Goetz;Mr. lWartin, Mr. ·&Mrs.. Lorenzo & Mrs. Leon Holbrook," Mrs. lDaneau,' Mr. & Mrs. Treffle Ralph Hudson, Frank Hunt, Mrs. Caron; Family julien Marquis Agnes LeFort· Bertha Loranger,Mr. & Mrs.' Gertrude O'Brien,· Mr, & l\ttrs. Albert Goudreau, Mr. &, Mrs. Edward McK;:ly, Ruth' & Vin- . Armand Dube, Noreen' Sylvia, eent Nihan, Dr. & Mrs.' Edward Mr. & Mrs; Ronald Lan~, Paolino, Mr. & Mrs. William . Constance Soucy Perry John Pickering Jr, Mr. & Mrs.. ST; :THER.ESA Gilbert Rea, Mrs.' MarY Rickel', '. $50 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rixon, Mr. 1£ Mr. & Mrs. Vincent !>equattftl Mrs. John R o s s . Mr. ".Mrs. Donald Boardmam Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan, ~J'. ' . $20 &; Mrs. Teuvo' Santala, Mr. a. Mr. ".Mrs. Edward Messier Mrs. Paul Silvia, MJ:.. & MJ'Il. Mr. & Mrs. RaYn;J.onG DuclOs V. Joseph Vierra, Mr.· &; Mrs. $15
James E. Zmudsky . Mr. " Mrs. Stanley GavBick,
Mr. I/; Mrs. Harold Bellavanee, Mr.' &. Mrs. Joseph Robicb~ud, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Birch, Mr. a. Mr: & Mrs. Omer Bussiere, St. IIa. .John Caroll, Mr. I/; Ibz. Theresa's eyO
"' is Our privilege on Memorial Doy, to honor our dead .
'." who so courogeeusly gave their lives on the' battlefields o.f .distant londs that 'o~r great democracy might be preserved~ . National recognition of their bravery and 50crifice is one fit ling woyto .show our gratitude • • • the other, Pray for the eternal repose of their souls.
Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. William Thu; '-May 19, 1966 Corrigan, Mr. & Mrs. Gavriel Hagopian • Mr. & Mrs. Leo Valois, Mrs. N«)[j'll'lhl .···.Uleboro Elizabeth Roessler, Mr. &: Mrs. ST. MARY ~ Francis Considine, Irene' Smith, Rosemary Dupras- . $500 Mrs. Leon Pini in Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dupras, !!.eon Pini Mr. & Mrs. Harry Onoyan, Mr. $75 &. Mrs. John Diaz, Mr. & Mrs. Rev. Armando A. Annunziato .-Philip Clark, Mr. & Mrs. Robert $50 Kell~y ._ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Galvin Mrs. James Kearney, Florence Mrs. Joseph Condon Leary, Mr. & ~rs. S~anley Mc Mr. & Mrs. RoberlPini . Mahon, Mr. & Mrs: Paul Rafte,ry Mrs. Howard Morse Mr. & Mrs. John Stanford Eva Morawski ' . Mr. & Mrs. John Flanag~n Jr., A Friend Mary & Margaret Kinton Mrs. Tracy Halstead, Edward € : ecile Brais O'Neiil, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Lam$<10 Mr. & Mrs. Edward B .. Mc Donagh Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Hillman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Phippen 41 family Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Connors
bert, Mr. & Mrs. John Lowman Mr. &. Mrs. Thomas McMor row, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Riccio, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Rush, Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas 'Feeney, Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Flanagan A Friend, Marie Bolster, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Johnson, Margaret Roessler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O'Donnell, Mr. &: Mrs. Juliano DiRenzo, Mr. & Mrs. John Swanezy, Mrs. Alj1red Love & Ch«:ryl_ . A Friend, H. Beaumont Family David Torpey, Mr. &: Mrs. Er nest. Buckley, Mr. & Mrs._ Stephen Linfield Mr; & Mrs. Charles ShumiIa, Mr. &: Mrs. Andrew Solari, Mr.
& Mrs.. John Me'Gowan, Mr. & . .I Mrs: Robert Moore, Elizabeth McKeon John J. Strachan Jr., Mr. & PETERBOROUGH (Nc)1- A Mrs: Thomas Brennan, ·Mr. & picketing demonstration here in Mrs. AlfrE!d Achin, Dr. & Mrs. • Ontario in which Catholic Bish James Birch, Mrs. Claire Mona op Benjamin Webster of Peter han borough, and other area religious Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fisler, Mr. and community leaders partici pated;- got results. & Mrs. Paul Levesque, Mr. & The city council has agreed Mrs. John Rioux, Mr. & Mrs. James T. Lund, Mr. & Mrs. John to consider a bylaw which ·callil Healy for closing stores and other bus Mr..& Mrs. Paul Calderone, iness establishments OIl holy days as well as holidays. A Friend, Leona Kerr, Mr. & Some .300 pickets demo11l Mrs. Robert Maloney, John Pre- . strated at a department stOIl"e copio which remained open OIl Good Mr. & Mrs. James Diamond, Friday. Thedemonstratiolll iasted a week. .Gertrude Cassidy
Pickets Get Results With Bishop in Li!ne
.lTlr. $35
Mr. & Mrs. E(;ward McCrory $30 Mr. & Mrs. August J!'unke Mr. & Mrs. Clement SharoR Robert Wessman Mr. & Mrs. Harold Sumner Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Thorpe ". Mr. & Mrs. James Bailey $28 :. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh· Do.nneHy .' . . $25 . Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Bergh George. Jacobs. Jr. , ", Mr. &.:, Mrs..Raymof.\d Blan aard . " Mr. & Mrs. Edward Connor Mr. & Mrs. Edward Smith Marjorie Shea . juUa' A. Riley Mrs. Irene Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Paul Briggs Mrs. Julie Hammond Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Rice Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Silva Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gilmore I Mr. & Mrs. Herbert R. Snell. Mr. & Mrs. John Gaffney Mr. & Mrs. John Donley Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Maloney Agnes Curley Mrs. Elizabeth Sheals + John Bevilaqua Jr. lames McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Francis Martin Mr. &' MrS. James Cullen Mr. & Mrs. George P. Glaiel Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Barry Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose Favali Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Mollins $24 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Cia rocco . $20 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kiley, Mrs. Maxwell. Gould, Mr. &: Mrs. Francis Bellavance, Gertrude & Grace Bride, Mr. & Mrs. George .Bankert Mr. &: Mrs. Michael O'Roul'ke, Edna' Slaiger, Mr. & Mrs. Rich ard Healy Jr., Mr. &: Mrs. Nor man McEnaney, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hinski Mrs. Arthur McGivney, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Richard, lVIr &: Mrs Albert Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Brown Mr. ,&: Mrs.' E. Maxcy Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Dorily Sarazin . Mrs. William Joyce, Leo Stev ens Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mul .laney $15 Gertrude Littlefield, Alice Lit tlefield, Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Coogan, Mr. &: MrS. Edward J. Monahan, Mary P. Hill Carole McGee, Walter & Sarah Willersinn, Mrs. Laura Henshaw, Catherine McNall,. Mildred Lean' Louis Rou;sea~, Mr. &: Mrs.. eb.arles D. Sedlak, Mr. &' Mrs. John Lang, Mr. & Mrs. Edward • LUdwig, Benjamin Rizzardini Mrs.' Gerard LeBlanc, An fttony Velletri, Mr. & Mrs. Eu gene Martha Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs; Paul Plumb Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lavery. Mr. & Mrs. Richard' Forbes, Mr. & Mrs. William Woloshyn, Ger kude O'Donnell A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Beaupre, Mr. & Mrs. Josepb·
·Are yen", fact9d with a temporary money problem? Talk it over with all exp'erlen'ced Peraonalloan officer at fall River National B~nk. He can help you pay for medical expenses •.•• make that Important purchase • e. and 'meet ether It'l~ed. for eash. The cost Is, iow terms are arranged to fit Into your budget •. the s'ervlce Is fsst amd compJete!y ~onfldentI8t.· You'll make .short work· of that' money problem •• and the belt II' Personlal loans .... with a vlalt to fall River Natlcn.I.'· .',-- 0
1111211 ea"'TH MAON .T~••:t,) lNJSM. . . . . .@I.~~\II.II"D.I'foNa""ANIltJ .8RNi1ItA~
. 1111 NeaRTH MAIN 8ITR• •T·
New Bedford
Thurs., May 19, 1966 $75 Rev. Gilbert J. Simoes $120 $50 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Tripp ST. JOIHIN BAPTIST Mt. Carmel Woman's Club !p100 $150
Holy Name Society Mr. & Mrs.·John B. O'Rourke In Memory of Charles F. Va~
$30 $55 $100
Noe Ferro Winifred & Mary Keneally Hon. Edmund Dinis $26 $50 $75 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Arruda Rev. William F. O'Connell Mr. & Mrs. William McGmw $25 Mrs. Thomas Mahoney Dr. Marcio M. Bueno Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Caetano Mrs. Pemberton Nye Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. DeMeu. Mr. &' Mrs. Antone Correia $40
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Motta Mr. & Mrs. Charles Frates Elizabeth Helen O'Connor
Dr. Joseph P. Ponte Mr'. & Mrs. Joao R. Rocha $35
~35 Cecelia Bettencourt Dr. &, Mrs. Vincent Hughes
The Flores Family $20 $30
. $25 . Mrs. Maria C. Ferro, Mr. & Julia Joyce
St. John Holy Name Socie$Jf Mrs Manuel C. Mello, Maria Mel A Friend
Mrs. Angelina Vargas lo, Mr &: Mrs Henrique Rouxinol $25 $20 Fernando Tavares Mr. & Mrs. Charles Berry Mrs. Raymond Cockshlri't, Mrs. Clara Brista, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Connor William J. Ferreira, In Memory Joseph Ferro, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mrs. Edward Galligan 0:' Olympia & Augustin Gon Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Secundio C. The Meggison Family zales, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Meadll o Souza Mr. & Mrs. Henry Perry & Mother, Mr. & Mrs. Seraphim $15 Mr. & Mrs. Leo St. Aubin E. Mello Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Amaral, Annie Cummings $18 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Andrade, Mr. & Mrs. James McCarthy , 'Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Vieira Rosalina Camara;Mr. & Mrs. St.. Lawrence Couples Club $15 John Carreiro, Mr. &. Mrs. Wal Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Dumaine Mr..& Mrs. William Avila, Mr. RECEIVE CERTIFICATES: Awarding of certificates ter Correia M. J. Curran Express
Mrs. Joseph Baptista Sr., Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dutra, Mr. $20
marks completion of lecture course at Catholic Memorial & & Mrs. Ovila Blanchet, Mr. Iz Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Driscoll, & Mrs. Charles Ferreira, Mr. & Home, Fall River, on care of cardiac and stroke patients. Mrs. Fernando Cruz, Mr. & Mrs. Mary & Catherine Duffy, Mr.·& Mrs. Jacintho S. Ferro, A Friend, From left, Mrs. Yvette Mancini, L.P.N. and Sister Mary Manuel Enos Mr. & Mrs. Cesaltina Indio Mrs. Robert Ford, D. L. Hatha Mr. & Mrs. John Fernandes II John Bosco,' R.S.M., among those taking course; Sister M. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth King, Mr. way & Sons, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Family, Dr Nobert P. Fraga, Kirkwood & Mrs. Antonio Liborio, Mr. & Immaculate, a.Carm., director of nursing service at Mem Mr. & Mrs. Roland Mathieu, Mrs. Francis Lopes, Mr. & Mrs., orial Home; Everett McCullough, executive director of Mrs. Lillian M. Olivier, Mr. Iz Mrs. Edmund V. Perry, IIr. Iz Mr. & Mrs. Edw~rd, Mitchell, J oao Masearenhas, Theophilo Southeastern chapter of Massachusetts Heart Assn.; Rev. Mrs. Joseph Rebello Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Murray, The Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rodrlg.es, Anthony Rocha" Memorial Home chaplain. Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Melo, Mr. II: :Roche Family, Mrs. Helen Sul Mrs. Fr.ancis Simmons, MaPle livaR .' Mrs. Amadeio Mendonca, Mr. & Souza, Mrs. Eva Sylvia, :Ur. Is , Mr. & Mrs. Charles Touhey, Mrs. Joseph Neves, Mr. & Mrs. OUIl LADY
ST. THERESA Mrs. Lawrence Teixeira ' It1r~ & Mrs. John Tweedie Leonard Nichols, Mr. & Mrs. OF PERPETUAL HELP
$500 Mr. & Mrs. Vasco Villela, iii!. Mrs., Dennis Maguire Alfred Oliver. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Duchaine Ie Mrs. Joseph Ferreira $100 Genevieve O'Connor, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Leo Pimental, Mr. $~5 Rev. Fulgence Gorczyca, OFM ST. HYACINTH Mrs. Philip Sherman Family & Mrs. Edward Roderiques, He Mrs. H. L. G. Conv. $20 Mary Louise Kelly lena Rodrigues, Mr. & Mrs. Lau Nor.mand .A. Lajoie Rev. Joachim Dembeck OFM Margaret-Mary Fairview i<iu. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Kelley ran Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Victor $15 Conv.· ' ing Home daSilva ' $18 Peter Duff, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar $50 ' Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Macedo Mr. & Mrs. 'Manuel Simas, Mrs A. F. Langis, A Friend Charles J. Soares, Mrs. Natalia $16 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Banas $25 William Shanks Sousa, Raymond Sylvia, Anna Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Sylvia $30 Varao, Sophie' Varao $15 $20 Janko:wski Family Joseph ' Amaral, ¥r. & Mrs. Mrs. Mary Andrade, Dorothy John Freitas Res;~~nce $25 Leonard Baillargeon, Mr. & Mrs. Bizarro, Mr., & Mrs. Fernando $15 FOR YOUf"G WOMEN Fergus Bolton, Patricia Connor, R. Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. PSiul Mag- ' Mr. & Mrs. David Amaral Mr. & Mrs. Herman Simon Agnes Driscoll 196 Vhipple St., Fall River nant, A Friend Dr. & Mrs. Francis Green ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI Mr. & Mrs. Edward Duggan, Kaszynski Family Mary R. Me~do'nca, Ronald Conducted bV FranciscCNI Mr. & Mrs. Francis Foley. Mr. & Ponte, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel" Ra $15 Missionaries of Mary $20 Mrs. Paul ~{ealy, Mr. & Mrs. poso, Antone Varao Confraternity of St. Francis ROOM! MEALS Aleksander Boc Thomas Healy, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Robert J. Morelli " OVERNIGH' HOSPITALITY ST. JOSEPH Mr. & Mrs. Konstanty Lef ward Hill inqui,,, OS 3-2897 Carmela DiStefano, Paul Van $700 Kowicz, Mr. & Mrs. Casimir Mr. & Mrs. Walter Howard, cini Rt. Rev. Louis E. Prevost Smeka, Mr. & Mrs. Zygmunt Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kelleher, Mr.• $500 Stankiewicz ST. HEDWIG & Mrs. Joseph Manghan, Mr. & Church Societies Mrs. Charles Mattos, Theresa L. $150 $15 $75 Mesquita Franciscan Fathers, OFM,Conv Amelia Bariteau,' Mr. & Mrs. Rev. Roland Bousquet. Rosemary &- Rose Moore, Mr. S50 Ulric Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. Ed $30 Cleansers • •• & Mrs. Albert McMullen, Ed Attorney & Mrs. Albert Poc ward Dabrowski, Rose Feeley, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Lemaire ward O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Jos zatek Jr. Marya Galus $25 eph Porter, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond $30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gonet, Mr.' Mr. & Mrs. Leo Pelletier Rivard 94 TREMONT STRER Mr. &lVIrs. Charles, Goulart. & Mrs. John Izdebski, Evelyn Mr. & Mrs. A. Gaudreau Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sciscento $20 .. AUNTON, MASS. Jeglinski, Stanislawa Olszowy, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Yates Mr. & Mrs. Antone Silva, Mr. & Dr. & Mrs. Walter Adamowicz Mr. & Mrs. Chester Ponichtera Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Fortin Tet. VAndyke 2.0621 Mrs. Wm. Silveira, Mr. & Mrs, $15 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rezendes ' Mr. & Mrs. John Green John Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mr. & Mrs. William Golda, Mr. $15 Smith &. Mrs. Stanley Szulik, Mr & Mrs Mr. & Mrs. Archer Newton Helen Stager, Mr. & Mrs. John, ~1"1\111""I11I"1II11111111111111111111111111111111\l1ll111l11l1ll1ll1ll11ll11ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1l1ll1ll1l1l1ll1ll1l1H1111111t11J= John Robak, Dr. Amelia Caton, Stager, Mr. & Mrs. John Starkie IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Jennie Ku'\\(aski Ellen A. Sullivan, Mr. '& Mrs. , Mr. & Mrs. Walter, Twarog, $25 . Robert J. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kulesza, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Primo Torini, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Okolski; Mr. & $20 & Mrs. William Whelan Jr. Mrs. Chester Gadomski ' Mr. & Mrs. Jose M. Cabral Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carrier Live, Native Chicken .•• Alice Camara Mrs. Anne E. Hopper, Rhea Ros~ Mrs Maria Rodriques Carvalho Charles Balboni, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. 'Jean O. Denault Francis Connor, Henry Dahoney, $15 ThE' De Terra Family, Robert Mr. & Mrs. John Airozo, Mr. & Gellette ow STOP Mary Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Luis Ferreira, Mr; & Mrs. C:J.I~~."'NG CENTER George Marcelino, Manuel & Leon Mayhew, 'Mr. & Mrs. 'Ger Cecilia Oliveira " UNION WHARF. FAIRHAVEN Tel. 991·'351 ald Riding, Joseph Southworth • Television • Furniture • .6 .... ,:- ......." • Grncery
f.i,lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll,llllllllllllllllmlllllllllltlllllill1I1111U1111111111l1I1I1I1I11I1I11I11IHIIIIIIl_ ST. LAWRENCE
St. Francis
Casey-Sexton, , Inc.
Your Treat
$(00 Rev. Walter J. Buckley $15 Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Holmes, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Giguere, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Hesford, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mello, Mrs. Dorothy Hur ley
Rev. John R. FoIster? $60 A Parishioner 530 Lucien Belanger $25 . Andre Daigle $20 A Friend, David Dumais $15 Ira Perry, Mrs. Eva Benoit, Marguerite Morin, Michael Srnecz, Jeannette Carder Dolores Masse, Ephrem Gaut tier, Cecile Boucher, Rita Parent Romeo Charpentier ' , Jeanne Cormier, Elvert Hines Alice Contant, George Nolin, Leo Hebert, Donald Dufour
'04 Allen, St.,
87c lb. MacLeo"/ s Sea- Foods
New Bedford 7.0~S4
ELECTRICAL Contractors
$25 Mr. & Mrs. F. Orner Grenon Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Peckham $15 Marcia A. Champagne, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Begnoche, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Carlesi, Mr. & Mrs George Lawton, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Tetreault
*" ' ,New Englandls Piayground
944 County St. New Bedforrl
SPJC,IAL RATES for SCHOOL PICNICS and OUTINGS DURING MAY and JUNE For Particulars call Mr. Mauretti 636-2744 or 999·6984
t: ~
FCin River-
fa" Rive;r-'nlurs. May 19,1966 . '
TIle .Parish..Parade 8A.NTO CHRiSTO, IFALLlIUVER The Council of Catholic Women announces a Maybasket whist for 7:30 tonight in the church · hall. Mrs. AmeHa Mendonca .and. Mrs. Helen Oliveira are cochair men. Tickets will be available' at the door or may be obtained from committee members. Re freshments will be served. The unit's regular meeting, @rdinariiy held on the second· · Tuesday of the month, will be held Tuesday, June 7 in order to make plans for the' council diilner W be held Sund.ay, June 12: Mrs; Del Furtado is in charge · of' reservations.
Mrs. Paul H. Lambert $15 . Alphonse Mailioux, Armande' Gauthier, Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Frechette, Marie Auclair, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Desjardins, Mr. & Mrs.. Armand Dupuis HOLY ROSARY $25
Mrs. Philomena Germane
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boyer ST. LOUIS
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Souza
Mi'. & Mrs. Thomas Cote
o mr.·& Mrs. James Nichols Mi. & Mrs. Thomas Pobzeznik $15 Mr. & Mrs. Charles McCloske7 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Capone' John J. ~ullivan, Nora M. Sul livan ST. M10HAEL $50 .
Manu.el .Rogers & SOD
Richard Roderick
Tobias Furtado
Mrs. A,lbert Letourneau
. $25
· William St. Georges .
Mrs. Cora Giroux
'Dr; Alphonse V. Poirier
... ' .,. ".$15.
. : ... ' ~.bert G;'Auclair : · ~ice Gari~py . : ...
ST. JOSEPH, IFALL RIVER Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts will hold their Charter Night observance at 7 Sunday night, May 22. A country auction will be sponsored by the Women's Guild at 10 Saturd~y morning, May 21 in the school hall. Suitable arti cles may be left at the school any day this· week or pickup service is available by calling 672-0043. . May crowning will be held at 2 Sunday afternoon, May 22 in the church,. arid Men's Club me!TIbers will'attend a Commu nion breakfast· folloWing 8:16 Mass the same day. Speaker will be Rev. Charles B. Quirk" G.P.. of. Providence. College. The senior CYO will hold a cake" sal~ at Zayre's department store froin 10 to 3' Saturday, May 21. Donations of ·cake may be left at the school .hall from 7 to 8 tomorro~ night:
OUR LADY OF VICTORY, CENTERVILLE ~ A food sale will take place from il' to l' Saturday, l.\'Iay 28 in· . the' .C9mmunity.. Building, next· to the Centerville post ~. office, under sponsorship 0.[ the · Wom'en's Guild. Mrs. Henry Murphy heads the committee ift NEW OFFICERS:· Newly installati offi~\:,:.; of Fall marge' of arrangements. Rive,r Catholic Woman's Club with moderator Rev. John E. A dessert card party is sched ST. PATRICK, Boyd, left, and Bishop Connolly are Mrs. Thomas F.Burke, !lIed for June, with date and time .WAREHAM .~ to .~ be announced. Chairman is The CCD will sponsor its. an . president, and M~s. Raymond V. Barrette, v:ce-president. '. Mrs. Ellis Johnson. nual Field Day for the School Planned for July isa penny of R.e.l~gion at 1:30 'Saturday r....1 B df d ,OUR LAD; OF PURGATORY -lJale, with Mrs. Donald James' afternoon, May 21 at Wareham . I~ew e' or " b.t:ad1ng.the committee in charge. Athletic Field. All students from HOLY:NAME ' $100 '. '.. gra<;les one through nine are eli .' $200. ., Cape Cod Sp.ortswear, In Mem · ST.. MARY, .gible to participate.. Refresh GI:y"of Alex. J. Kalife NORTON . . mentS 'will tie' available' aD& St. Vincent de' Paul Conf. of
New Officers of theCathoUe. trophies will' be .awarded at .( Holy Name Parish Rev.' George $;~ad
Women's Club .are Mrs,-'Homer " .william Paling,general chair $%5
Paulus,presic;lent; ·Mrs. MiChael m!ln, vvmbe. alJSisted bv".Rav~ ,.' " ' .' .'. . ", · p r '. . & ·Mrs.George .Jfohn ': • • .' ,.' . ...• • , . " . oJ; . . • $50 , Murphy; vice-presidel)t;. ~l'8• . m.O,f!d . A..ri.t.e.].1, CC.J>,·pres.i.d.en.t.·.·. the. . ,..... . .. ' ,. . ..... . ' d ' ' ' ' ' C.... D .John D: S h e e h a . n · Mr. & . Mrs. JOM Kame Th omas B ryant ..J r. an . _no .~ .~',Cecuti.·ye. >.,?oar.:d. i.. and .~'" $30. ... '. .. .. sec''retal"e" '. 181'"'';' Th e .publi' By'kel' Sima.' • _., n t , I S, ..~ comml t 4~. ellJ . . . ..... . '. .•Mr. . ' &. ,Mrs. . A· . r t'h u I' Dumo W'·.. ·\ L' " ····ch t" ''''te'',,:":'"'' .. .. : " •. ; 'Mr ,kMrs. Charles· A Gunning: . J.n Memory.rot :Peter &:'Ma · · M es.. llllam )1l , reasuree. InVI 0.'. . ...• " .. , .' .... ;.' .... . '., . . 'TAVARES ·.The- "'will be iiistalled' ai't "tile ;" , ; ' . ' .' Mr, &~rs.. James WilSOR " Da.vi~· . .:UPttOlSTER' NC'SHOP.
· Cia:';; annbafh'lihquet,to oe'l,eld .' ' ,IO~EP~,. ' . "" :$2~. .' .'. f .The·D.aher ~amily . c.s• . ~~~ Uplio·Is1i,.,F......·:
tJesday" May 24 . at the M:iil- ,'''~RHAVEN, ....'.. . ...... ..' ~I:.' ',& 1.d,rs.. ~o$eph Bru17 . fiilt. josep~ .~odality: . .... 8. 't6" thAttl "N '. 'oft1' "fifth Lima . ..c . OUf~ady of ~rgat()I'Y"Ladiea' "Iptlolst'ri!l& ' 'lull", Wortai• • : .'
". ne, .. or. ." e b····' oro. . 1I/li'-. N. .'. ew.. .eers ·.e·',Aj'socia->·R9ymond " ..... '.' '''$15'' " Suild . . . ..-.. ,;' :.... large ,Selection Fine Fabrics ...... , ." · t~oma$ V.·Kelly:~ in charge of . ~~. of t~ ~ciedHea~'aN:.· .;.' ....':. ..... . . · aCflftlgemeritSaild ·Rev.Demar.·. MrS.: .Norman·, Bobhuionj··presl"- '. , -Mr, &.t ..M.;rs..,~y.mo.nttBoswe~~ i'~" ,$~,O".. . . Work' Guaranteed· .Free. Estimates "-. Suolli.··...v,an. ',.···wili ·sp·eak." :., .: .....: . de,.nt; ..Mrs.·.. ·.Jo.Sepb R ..·~. ": ',·,v.'ice.~.... Mr. ~.~!:s.:J)a~ri<;~Co~ll.l\iS.all,-: "T~e,,:p~vi~,Trucki~gC::O. . "REMOlDEliNG·OUR :SPECIAllV" . A G bb D th B Gibbs . . . . . '. . $iS .. / . . . .. .... 992·2111.'" .'. •~.:,~~~B~~~·.:~,,·" ; ' .. .t::~~:;;;< i:::~~~a:~l;" j~£~ri/ff:~~hi;::.iCY '. """ ~~: ·&.M~s. ,:OQm.irrlc Roda', ·Mr.· · .1~ ~~~~~t.' ~~ ,·Be.... . .' WESTP9B~ . . . ' . . zie;' ti-easuier.Anin;itall~tioo.·Mr.. ,& .Mrs. Mark. 8evigner., :.. ~ Mrs. At:\thon,' ,John, :Alberta. ·The;;Wome~'sG~.ild ~i~;~banquet' will be ~iield Thursda'y, lW!r. &; ~rs.Thom~~.W . Tighe ~aPierre &.Gladys GrllY, Att,·:· .~~ .a, .P.o.r:tralt ofFas~lOn.st,.le . June gat· Colonial· Coach' 'fes:" ASSUl\P'l'ION '.' lie· Mrs,. George Morad. Mr. &; ~ow a,t 8 ~onday mght" MaT, ~Urllnt, Mliriop"Resefyatio~8 . '$25 . Mrs; Norrrian.Jos~ph . . ~:.at. -White s ~estaurant~ ~I;'may.be made with Mrs. Jose II . . ..... , .... ...... . ST~' ANIilE' ' . pelzes 'entertamment and ':re- . Po" 't' h" . . ~.~r:. lle.Mrs. WI1ham·I)elg~. .. . "'. .r e, c aIrmail. M ,. M A . 1 A 'D;"'~ FALL RIVER freshments will be on the ptro. .
.' r. cot rs, gume .. "':-V . $.CO p,am'; which will be directed by . SACRED HEART; .
". . $20· ., .. Rev. Arinan:d J. ·Lev.assew~·es.·.R!cl).aid M. Souza.and. Mrs. NORTH'ATTLEBoad
In Me~~fY .of.Am~r.o Duarte .. $15 ·lames E. Steadman. . A: cake sale sponsored by St. . $15 Charles' Lebeau. .. . " . ,A.nne.Sodality \Vill followaIi ~rs. Mary Ramos Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Suritos !JACRED :HEARTS; Ma.Sses Sunday', May 2 2 . . · · Mr. 8tMrs. Joseph :aaptiSta NORTH FAIRHAVEN M r. ';x; 0_ M" Ade rt·J'. 'L opes, Also on' Suonday, at Z in the . rs. Ladies .of St. Anile will. re 'Mrs' . .M r. afternoon in the school. hall•. the' Mr. & . . Albert . R ozarlo, ·eeive· co.rporate Communion at C.CD will hold evaluation and' & Mrs . M r. & . ' .Earle . Bargasse, ·th.e 10 o'clock' television Mass .assignment day.' Parents and M rs.E l (war d C ruz, M r. & M rs.. Sltnday morning, May 22. Mem- . Joseph J Barros . . students are asked to be present. " 33RD be.rs will meet at 9 in the school Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Cruz, :Mr. CYO members will attend 001''';' yard' for transpqrtation to the porate e. ommunion at' the '",. 8l; ¥rs. Anthony C. Bar:bQza, Mr. RECORD BREAKING :> levision statIon.' All are invited. o'clock evening ;Mass, fonowed
• &. ' M rs.. J oseph ... P 'S'ilva, M rs. WEEK flo ·attend. at 6.:15' by an awards banquet Jennie 'pires, Mr. & Mrs. Don .~ ,The unit's last monthly meet... at Sandy's restaurant.. ' . . aid. R. Cardoza 'EVES.-Moll. thAI Thurs. at'lJ;OO fng of the season will be held 'The 'Holy' Name'. 'SoCietv 'win" . .Mr.&' Mrs. Walter Galvin', Mrs Fri., Sat. EYes at 8:30 .c8f.·eteri.aat 7:30,.' " Ag"nes 'l'h' Sua, Eve.·1t 7:30 .in.··. tho schoo.i hold an. . instal.la.tion banquet Om a"s. ... . . . . • PRINTED AND ~AIi.ED JIIonday night, May 23, at witic-Ji. " Matinee at 2 ...·me·· reservations wiIi be taken" Sunday,' June 12. The meal 'wilt· ST. '.lAMES
.. adso .., be a father,;;son iliilir an'd ' .. .' ,.. <$1'00" . . .'Wed.• Sat. & SuR. " . Wr~te ~ 'Phori~672.'1322 . ~d final' plai:ul .discussed for a Phone' f. R. 1·677·9357 iCo-mmuDion breakfaSt" An at., win honor the Parish basketbaU' tao Meilllory .of John McDonald. WINNER OF' FIYE ACADEMY AWARDS 2M Second Street - Fall· River ie~dance prize will be awarded 'team. Deadline' forticket8 'w . :'. $25 ',. IIIcluding Best Picture 01 tile Year and refreshments .served. . Sunday, June 5.' .., . Mrs. I~dwllrd' Arnett' &: 'jolla Parochial school pupils wilt The Holy Name Bowling LeagiAe Acnett .. ..:.. present ali eritertainm~ntat T has as new officers "Normand. : ·Me.&: Mrs. John Pbolar Sunday' night; May 22. Tickets L'Hofume president;j 0 s e p It Patricia Sullivan available from all pupils.. '_ Bonneau, secretary; E. d war: cI . William ~ul~iY\ln May devotions are held Surprenant, treasurer. '. $23.18 !lightly at 7 in the churc;h. ST:.STANISLAUS, Manuel V. Pimental, Jr.
tlave you ever thought that the Priest VISITATION GUILD, G Agnes Kearney, Mrs. Evelyn NORTH. EASTHAM The ,~oly Rosary Society will Levesque,l\dr; & Mrs. Richard might need your help,' yow prayers, your G Ul'ld memb ers WI'11 h 0 lei a condu.ct a Polish food sale f~om J. Manning, William .T. .McAvov, servic4~s and your life?' .. h am and bean supper at 6 :. 3') 9 to 6 today and tomorrow at Peter Za~iac Find this ideal with the Saturday night, May 28 at thi~ the parochial school. Proceeds ehurch hall, Massasoit Road, will benefit the school' building SISTI:RS Of ST'E JEANNE d'ARC North Eastham. Chairman Mrs. fund. Mrs. Sophie Pinkowski is BISHOP'S RESIDENCE Donald Walwe:- will be aided by. ehairman. . 394 Hil~hlan!l' Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02121 Mrs. Leon Allman. . . _.-.or'-,June activities will include 1Il t . socia' on Friday, the 3rd; a food ys ery .'HUe Si. 'MARY'S RECTORY sale followin!" 8:30 and 10:30 South End Council 295, Fall 327 Sel:ond Street, Fall River, Mass• .;' Mass~.s on Sunday, the 5th; a River ;Knights of Columbus, will '", .; . meeting at the home of ,Mrs. spo[jsor its annual mystery ride .: -.-or-'. :. Helen Carron' on Thursday, 'the at 7 Saturday night, June 11. OUR IlAIJ)Y OF lOURDES 'RECTORY' ,; 9th; and a supper at the church Members will meet at Our Lady 529 Ea!iterOl AVGlnue,' Fall River, Mass. 0212t ': haH on Saturday, the 25th, also of Angels Church. Ticket dead .'. ':" " ,.... . under direction of Mrs. Carron. . is Tuesday, May 31. .~~_~l ' , '.' ' .... • ....... I ! . ."
L ..... f_....:~.::...:'.=-.:::...=-r:.-::.r.-L-=:-:.~.:--_·~·f"~:..:::.:...;.;:_~....!.....!.""''''-::_~1!":::I·=::t::.Ir~~:r:TH-n' It-.::L.:!.. 1"'.1 J ' o
";-.~~. Henry·J~~.·unrOe·
The Best
YOU.r '. C ..
BeL Diamond Race Close:
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of
Two Excellent~Meets on Tap ,(For 1rir~ck ~~~ f5~~@ ~W®D'1)tf~
By hoo lBaK-t~k lit is now that time of season when the tight and tense oompetition in the various 'schoolboy sports races begins to divide the ~'men from the boys" in the final bursts to
the wire. With only a few games and meets remaining, the front runners are hoping North Attleboro in its only for good health for strong final test tomorrow. their athletes, believing that New records in the mile, shot their stamina has now de put and broad jump may well
Agan Borsari 01 Wareham:
I1fum®TIIIDffiIJf1 EFi~~~s
rom. J:1mtC
N.hJl]®li§ fin SpeCll2! lEduceain({])lll lBy Joe Mirarrada
be established. Dave Hardt, the
~t JHienglln~§ n~.tural interest in sports. Theili' father played baseball at Ware ham and amateur ball after his graduation. He was a pitcher. Alan was a first baseman i~ high school. 13usy Schedule
. The Borsari family attends
Mass at St. Patrick's Church m
, Wareham. ' . Athletics wasn't 'Alan's solI()
.'preoc'cupation at Wareham High.
'Hewas class president inhifl
sophomore, junior and senioll'
year. He was the Wareham CQco
captain in football in his last
. year at the school. .' > The husky baby of the Borsarl clan can also sing; He was· &l member of the Madrigal Choir ill high school. •
Alan Borsari is 'remem
bered at Wareham High
School as a man of two sea sons. He play,ed varsity
football and baseball.
He will be starting his second
area's stand-out iron pellet year as a letterman with the
thrower, will be out to register ;' Boston College grid squad this
a 50-foot shot put toss. He will'" Fall.
be the first Massachusetts high (, The 220 pound, 6-1 guard
school lad to accomplish the feat.' center showed steady improve
if he is successful. The Attle- ment in 20 days of Spring prac
boro color bearer recorded a ti6e. He played' a lot of football
59-3 heave last week. i(lr"Coach Jim Miller as a Soph .omore and should see heavy And, Hardt's tea.mmate, Dave' d.uty ,again for .the Eagles in the Thornhill, has an excellent 1966 season. . . chance Of breaking the county , B. C. opens with Navy at An ·22-foot broad jump mark while 'napolis. After the Middies, come Mike Donmilly of Feehan High
will be seeking to better the 4:32 dates with Ohio University. ntinute mile. The latter has been VMI, Penn State, j Syracuse, clocked in' 4.35 several times 'Uniyersity o~ Buffalo, ~illiam .. du'ring the 'last fortnight. The ' ,and Mary, VIllanova, Umversity competition _. which he has" :of)\a;assachusettsand Holy Cr9SS. lacked in recent meets _ mightB.rother Is Coach . 'help,to extend the Feehan miler, Bo~saxl was on the ~ra~eling and, force h4n to at least equal squad last season. He dldn t get the ru i g' ark in~o the Army game at West .",' : nn n .~.'. Point but played in the Orange Track and field meets~ as. l:l Bowl against Miami and also at rule, do not. s~em ~ dra,,: a I'SyfacUse~ , crowd of any appreclab~e ,.slZe. The rugged .'19-year",;0Id Eagle But, because 'of ~h.e.rivalnes and lineman is the"son of Mr. and also the possibIlities of keen, Attilio' Borsari" of 73 Marion close ,competition, it is expe~ted Road, Wareham. that both the, Narry champlOnAlan's brother' was' also an ships ..on Saturday and the 'BCL outstanding athlete at Wareham title ,.events next Wednesday, High' Kenn-eth Borsari . like will attract sizeable turn?uts. played ~ootball and ba&e-i Pete Landeck: ·tossedliis sev- ball. He played only baseball at enth straight victory-in a route- the:, Universitj of"Corine~t1cu~ . going " 6-~ Case, victory over however, winnl.ng a varsity'let secon~-place Dighton-Rehoboth tell" as a pitcher; Ken teaches at early In the week. "'BayshoreJunior High in Long Xs18nd.Healso does some coach.SecOR. Place Rush ' , hig and serves as· assistant ath .'.' The latter putpt is book~-up letic director. .' , ~ ,s three":,~ay ,!ieadlock fo,! the ,'j''''''!. ! '·Likes Socia1"Work 8et. ',:r;vpner-up. "league :spot which 'Alan' is majoring in special es Records May FaD ..'caI;ri wit~Jt, an invitation .. to education..But he hasn't decided the Eastern Massachusetts chaJ,Il10 follow in Ken's path. Social A couple'of league records are pionship playoffs." Prevost' , in jeopardy,' ,one eapeciallym Fall River. and Old Rochester .,i;· .. ·'1;.' " . . . :~ javelin tQ r 9W. Char~ey Santerre have similar 9,...5, records. The tie ·. . · ,Grant to Alaska ,: of Somerset and Jim DeRain- can be whollydissol'v,ed or re ANCHORAGE (NC)-A $25,'" ,ville of Seekonk have been duced to at least iii two':'way lIOO "'grant . from .the 'Catholie :, threatening the present mark, affair by weekend. Church Extension Society of the fo.r the past few weeks. DeRain- :i vllle, as'a matter of fact, heaved Dimanof Fall River, Somer- United States' was' presented to Archbishop Joseph T. Ryan for the .spear one foot more than the set' arid WeStport arj in a th"ree present league record last week way tie for fifth place.-inthe the newly . established archdic but his effort was disallowed Narr;t qiamond standhig trailed eese" of Anchorage here 151
because of a strong trailing" by Holy Family of New Bedford, 'Alaska.
Wind. , Apponequet and then Seekonk
Gene Willette of Case and Phil in that orde:r.
Need Literature
, Grima of Dighton are, expected . Coach Joe Lewis' Durfee nine to put on a ding-dong battle In bested Coyle, 9-lI, early in the A request for Catholic litera
both the shot put and: discus. week, chalking up its 10th tUre to be placed in a public
Their season's achievements league triumph in 11 starts. The reading rooni' as a. weapOn
have.been close, in both events. loSs' dropped' Coyle 'out of the against communist ,and iinti Grima, who holds both marks, first place running into fourth· Christian propaganda has beell1 , presently has a slight advantage. pla~. The. Warriors . are 8-3.. made by the National Service
Jack Jean of Somerset and lBruce Santerre picked \lip hill Society of Kerala, India. Mate
Frank Harriman of Old Roches- mx~ wjn in ,eight outjngs.', nat can be sent ,to the society 8t
. ,~ara House,Trichur ,5, ,KeJl'~
,tell' 100m as the ·best in the sprints' while Joe De<:ottet Of Two ,In Leacl . , iiia, llndia. . ' . Somerset and Ken Tnisdale of Art Kostka kept his Tauntoll1 1"'1' :~. .•.. Dighton shape up as the quarter~ . mates in the' BCL first place tie mile leaders. as be hurled the Herringtowners SERVING to a· 6-1 . victory over thirdThree-Way Battle ,place Bishop Stang ~igh of FINE ITALIAN FOOD Lakeville's Apponequet A1t-.' North Dartmouth.. The latter,
nold" LOpes rates 'as the favorite' which has been in the thick of I I in the half mile while Case's the loop top berth race, is now I RESTAURANT and lOUNGE B~an McKinley is top choice to . in third place and likely to miS8 I : eary' away the laurels in the the runner-up spot which carries . . .. " on 'Lake 5abbatia' , roUe; , ·the Eastern Mass. championship '1 1094 Bay Street '1 1 Dighton's Jeff Swindles will . 10urnament invitation. . TAUNTON VA 4-8754 I New Bedford Vocational. trails : try to match Jerry Fletcher of Somerset in the pole vault. along in fifth place and Bi~hop Then, on next Wednesday, the Feehan High in sixth' place in
bigger schools in the area. will the eight-team circuit with
vie for the Bristol County cham- North Attleboro and winless
'pionship awards at the league .Attleboro holding up the rest oil PLUMBING & HEATING. INC. meet in Attleboro. This looms the league. . . ~r llomestie as a three-cornered affair, with Defendhlg champions Oliver ----- ~ and Industrial Msgr. James Coyle High of Ames of North Easton is having ~~ Sales lind Servi:e Taunton, Bishop Feehan of At- its troublell this Spring hi' the Oil Burners
tleboro and the hosting Jewelers Bockomock League. The always WY 5-163'i bidding for top team honol'll. ' Powerful Tigers are wallowing
May Be First· bl sixth place with no, ch-.tee ~283 ACUSHNET AVI:N~ Feehan, at present the only whatsoever of. catching league.. .. NEW IaEl)~O~1O ; 8defeated leasue eIUb, taka . . . leading FrankliD. veloped sufficiently to carry them to the top of the sev eral pennant struggles. Case'
IDgh of. Swan
sea' is the best.
.\iJituated among
the se v e ral
. leaders" iii. the
league contests. The McCarthy men (at our press time) need only two vic tories to cap
ture the Narry baseball loop crown. ·With 12 victories in 14 league games, the Swansea diamond ,stalwarts could have it all wrapped up by tomorrow afternoon. , '.', ]First Jl»lace '.ll'ie Durfee IDgh of Fall, RiVeT, and Taunton are knotted in a first place deadloCk. in the . B,ristol Coun~~eball,!=ircuit. T~s tie will not be broken for at least another w~~', by .the . _preseJllt look of things.' , While the national pastime ,,players are in the heat of their . respective .struggles, the 'tra~k : and field followers_are 'lookipg ': forward 'to two upCOQling league ,"me{rts.' ,i . . . . . " . .. i' ':~ :oiiditon':Rehoboth .' and" . Old . ,: Rochester-' Of' . Mattapoisett are " eXpected 10 dommate th~ 'Narry ." league chaD1pioship meet which :; will be held'thill' coming Satur . ,'day at Hanson Field in Somer-
F~II Rive~:':':Thurs. May 19, 1966
work seems to have more appeal at this stage oi his education at The Heights.
Their married sister, Mrs.
Herbert Barrlltt of Wareham
says Alan and' Ken are great
. friends of Rev. Paul F. McCar
rick, CYO director in the Fall ,River area. He was a seminarian 'when Ken:got'te>know him,at ,Cathedral Camp·..Father McCar ,.dckwas serving as a Summer ,counselor. . .. ", .The Borsari.' brothers had II
,'P~iests'" ,Discuss .Work W'ith Youth,
DETROIT (NC)-Three leael> , ,ing ,clergymen -, a Catholic, II , Protestant and a Jew-will 'lfe ceive honorary degrees at ~ '. :University of Detroit's com-o . mencement exercises here Sa~ . day•. They are Father Jobll Courtney Murray, S.J., profeSsCl;l' of theology at Woodstock C,qJ.. lege; Episcopal Bishop Richa~ ·'S. Emdch of Michi~an; and .tbtl ','tate', Rabbi Morris. Adler, . iJ« ',!:!,~!roit's ~ongregation Sha~
K of C Social
OTTAWA (NC) -Priests as signed to youth.w()~k in Englisb 'The Knights of' Columbus speaking Catholic' dioceses Of South End Co·mcH,No. 295, Fa'B Canada will' meet in a study in River, will sponsor' a mystery .stitute, here next Monday·,'anci ride on'Saturday night, June' Ii. Tuesday. .: "
"at '''I o'clock. All cars' wilr meet
The sessioIl$ were· organized at Our Lady of the' Angew
by Tom Johnston, director of ·the Church, to form the procession.
,Lay .Apostolate Office, Canadian Tickets may be obtained,' ~ . Catholic Conference. Raiche's l'harmacy,' So. MaUl Principal 'speakers will, in Street, or by calling 672-8072. .elude Sister·Mary Andrew, Otta , '('Deaf,Uine for Uckets is Mom , wa, Grey :Nunj' on .... Growth: of ~i!laY':M:ay 31. ., ,·.r,ersonality '. from, Infancy' 'to Young Adult,", and by Bishop William E. Power of Antigonillh, N.S., on "The Role of the Priest &
in the Formation Youth."
',Montie Plumbing " Heating Co., Inc.
Reg. Master Plumber 2930
Over 35 Years
of Satisfied Service
, PRINTERS .Main OHice and, Plant 95 .8ridge St., Lowen, Ma,ss: Te1.458~333
Auxiliary, Plants. BOSTON . CAMDEN, N. J.
Fall River ' OS 5-7491
Commercial .•.. .ftndustriai '. ' . Institutional . Pa~nting) and Decorating .
OSborne 2·19n
74 Williamson
WH ITE1S .Family
Rt. 6 at The Narrows in North westport When. The Entire Family Can Dine Economically
THE. ANCHOttThurs., May 19, 1966
f<QlU River ST. MARY
$100 Rev. Walter A. Sullivan A Friend
$50 Gertrude O'Loughlin
$30 Jerome Foley A Friend
$25 Mr. & Mrs. James Coyne
$20 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene LeClair The Russell Family Mrs. Jeremiah Holiand
$15 Mrs. Lillian Green, Honora 'Coyne, Rita O'Loughlin, Mrs. Virginia Sullivan, Mary Little 'Mr.' & Mrs. Michael Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. James A. O'Bden Jr., Mrs, Julia Cunningham HOLY NAME
$300 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Bonner
$200 Dr. Harry T. Powers
, Peerless Laundry IlIc.' The Neves Family,
$30 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs: Linus J. Mullaly
$25 '-
'Mr. & Mrs:Howard Melker Marguerite Bonner, . .' Mr: & Mrs. Thomas Hammond , Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Sul 'Ilivan . 'Mrs. John Welch The Misses Kelly,
$15 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Gagnon, Mr.· & Mrs. Raymond Conbpy, & Mrs. Thaddeus Tokarz, ~argar.et Morgan, Rudolph LaVault '. , , . Honor Touhey, James It. Mar tin, :EliZa~et~& Mary' K. Guiney Mr. & Mrs. James O'Brien NOTRE DAME· '
$150 Mayor & Mrs. Rolalld G. De,s ~arais
$75 ' 'Rev. Bernard Lavoie· Rev. ,J,: Adrien Bernier
$30 , Anne-Marie Masse
$25 V. D. Dupuis Homer Levesque D. Marchand Family,
Armand Raiche '
, $15
SS. Peter & Paul's Women's elub ,
Mrs. Rose E. Sullivan
John Tyrrell
'.. The Daly Family
Rev. Laureano C. dos Reis
St. Patrick's Women's Guild"
,:Rev. Joseph M. Ferreira
, OUR LADY OF HEALTH . , S150 Rev. Manuel M. Resendes
Mr. & Mrs. Edward DeCiccio Mr. & Mrs. Woodrow Tracy
:Silva Funeral Home l~r.& ,Mrs. Milton Silva
St, Vincent de Paul Conference
,$20 ' -Aritone Ferreira
Alida Hart
$25 "
$25 '
, $15
Seraphim Machado, John Tel'" Mr. '& Mrs. Antone Camara' ' .... Mr: & Mrs. Ernest Mousseau,' , ceira, David Faria, Arthur Per 'William J. Lowney & family $15 Mr,. & Mrs. Nicholas Tyrrell Mr. & Mrs: Norman Desjardins, eira,' Joseph· Machado Victor: Reitano, Agnes Nunes, Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy,' Mr. & $20 '.. ST. ELIZABETH 'Mr.. '&·Mr!l. Mic,hael Franco, :Mr. Mrs. Raymond Halbardier, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Mithers '$25 . & Mrs. Frank, Carreiro Mr. & Mrs. George Johnston & Mrs. John Viana ' Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph. 'Rodrigue .. ST; JOSEPH Mary Tyrrell Sadie Keough; Joseph Thibault $100 ,: $15 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tyrrell . ,Mr: & Mrs, Antone Daponte . ,$15; Mi. & Mrs. Daniel Araujo; Mr. )'Jlen J. McDermott IMMACULATE CONCEPT.~N, , & Mrs.' Vincent Tetuan, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. James Cobery, Mr. . ' : $25
Mrs Dimas Craveiro, Evangelina Mr. & Mrs. Edward Carey &; Mrs. Evelyn' Crowell, Mr. ,~ , ,$50
Furtado, Mr. &; Mrs. Alfred Gov Dr. Daniel Dormai!. Mrs. Norman Hathaway" Charles 'Holy Name~ociety
, . $20 , erno, St. Vincent de Paul Society Harrington, Mr. ,& :Mrs. Charles Mrs. Daniel Eagan
. J. Hodkinson . St. Joseph's ,'Women's Guild Rosemary Dussault &. Mrs. Mr.·& Mrs. William Hyiand, St Joseph's Men's Club " Joseph Watson,' In Memory of OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS " . $20 ' , $25 Mrs. Thomas Rodgers Sr., The· Thomas F. Heaney' Sr., . Mrs. Georgette Laberge '. Edward' Teves David 'Matthews Wilkinson Family, Mr. & ,Mrs. . . $15
, john Viveiros, Mr. & Mrs. Stan MarY O'Brien $15 " $15 ley:Janick" . '. James Rezendes
James ,·O'Ba.ra, Mm. Angeli~ Mr. &; Mrs. Pasquale, DiMar . In' Memory of Jamesr.' Gray ',Mrozek' Joseph Rodrigues
tino, Mr. & Mrs: William Garv~y Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Turek 6"
Cat-'~dr~)l-'. Camp
$500 $100
, Atty.·& Mrs. George T. Bolger
Rev. Arthur C.' dos Reis
MaryV. & Anna G. McCar'ty
Rev. Daniel L. Freitils
Rep. & Mrs. Manuel C. Faria
,Rev. Ernesto L. R. Borges
Rev. Lester L. 'Hull
,Cecile Anctil Armand Dallaire SANTO CHRISTO
ICI ON PARLE FRANCAIS: French is not fractured: by these young ladies, all winners of area language contests. Left, Mother St. Phileas, R. J. M., congratulates Louise Dumont, her eighth grade student at Notre Dame School, Fain River. Louise won four first prizes and one second prize in the annual French Language Contest sponsored in Fall River by La Societe des Concours de Ji'ra~cais. Right photo, Sister St._Maurice S.S..J'.,. with Michele Paquet and Michele Lavoie of St. Mathieu's School, Fall River. Miss Paquet was' second place general excellence winner iIi the French Language Contest and she and Louise Dumont ,received one-year scholarships to Jesus-Mary Academy. Michele Lavoie, fourth place general excellence winner in the oontest, scored first in the spelling, section. Her other recent awards include first prize in a regional French contest at which she represented southeastern Massachusetts; and first prize in the elementary school division: of the New England finals of the' same con~est.
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond R. Costa Manuel S. Ma'rtins -Jr. '
$20 '
Madeline I. Riley·, Michael Sullivan . Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Gal lagher " .
$20 Ruth, Brow.n Jerry L. Ciullo
Flora S. Moniz
$15 Rita Fa'ria Vietas,·.Antonio A. Faria, Joseph Souza, Joseph Felisberto, 'Andrew Rebello . Manuel Faria, Joseph Machado Antonio Carreiro, Joseph Soares, Angelo Carvalho' Manuel Silvia, Edward Camara Manuel Frizado, Laureano Silva, Joseph V. Medeiros Joseph Medeiros, Manuel Mar ques Mathias, Jaoquim ,S. 'Ta vares, David Rezendes, Hum berto Faria . ' Mr. & Mrs. Victor S. Aguiar, Gilbert & Vera Cavaco, Manuel M. 'Medeiros, Antone C. Souza, , Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Campos . Antonio ,Furtado, Manuel Vi veiros' 'ST. STANISLAUS
, $15 !\;II'. & Mrs. William French Mr. & Mrs.,Walter Goscimins~
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Hart, David Creamer, Edward J. Sul livan, Angela Harrington, Tim othy Shea James M. Carey Sr" Mr. & Mrs. Abel Marceline, John Shay,
Mrs. Evelyn Farrar, James Mello
$225 Rev. Joseph Eid
$50 Rev. Kenneth A. Michael
Atty. Michael S. Sahady
and Day Camp for Boys
Our. Lady, of
th~, Lake
, 'Day Camp for 'Girls
Sponsored'. by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River il.OC:AT~1D ON Il.ONG POND, ROUTIE 18, lEAST IrRIEIETOWN, MASS. . ,
47th year "of experience in programming camping activities
individual instructional program for eac:h, age group. Activities include< swimming,
sailing, canoeing, ~ater-skiing, softball, volleyball, basketball, baseball, tennis,
archery, riflery, horseback riding, cook outs, field trips, Indian lore, woodsmanship,
special events, camp' craft, arts and crafts, Camp fire, canteen,' ets. Excursions to
Cape Cod and other ,historic sites and places of interest.
Daily Mass in Assumption Chapel on' Camp Grounds. Private Beaches, large camp house, dining hall, spacious dormitories, modern washroom facilities, indoor ,gym, recreation hall, lounge with TV, arts and crafts: building, Camp infirmary. Separate Staffs: .Boys' Camp-Seminarians of the Fall River Diocese. Girls' Camp-Sisters of Notre Dame de Namurs &: qualified Catholic college students ~Resident Catholic Ch·~plain. Resident nurses ,and doctor on call 24 hours.
Bus Transportation
Day Camp from Fall River, New'Bedford anell Taunton llIreu For further information, write to
Mr. & Mrs: Thomas Galib
or call 763-8874
Mrs. August, Badwey, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bildwey, Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell P. Sweet" Solomon Nagem, Mr. & Mrs. Tofe Joseph, Mr. & .Ml]i. Edward Hallal
Member of National Catholic Camping Assn. and New England Camping Assn.