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VOL. 33, NO. 20

Friday, May 19, 1989


Latest Catholic Charities total at $1,557.,584


Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly

$11 Per Year

Panama church gets in politics ~

Latest reports of Special Gift donations and parish contributions have brought the 1989 Catho- . lic Charities Appeal total to $1,557,584.27 Contributions from parishes, .priests and Special Gift donors should be made in person to Appeal headquarters from Wed-' nesday, May 24 through Friday, May 26. The Appeal books will close Friday, May 26. This coming weekend, said Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, CCA director, every parish and Special Gift solicitor should make a last effort to canvass every potential donor. These reports should be made to Special Gift and parish SHORTLY AFTER Mary appeared to them at Fatima, headquarters. on Monday. Portugal, Jacinta Marto, her brother Francisco and their co u~ 17 parishes have surpassed their 1988 final totals since last week's sin, Lucia do~ Santos; from left, were photographed at Fatima. edition of The Anchor. These Jacinta and Francisco died a few years after the appa,ritions. honor roll parishes are St. Joseph (NC photo) and St. Stephen, Attleboro; St. Elizabeth, Edgartown; Holy Cross, Our Lady of Angels, Holy Rosary, St. Anthony of Padua and St. William, Fall River. Also St. John the Baptist, Westport; Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Casimir, St. Joseph, St. Kilian, New Bedford; St. Francis Xavier, VATICAN CITY (NC) - The dos Santos, still alive, is a CarmeAcushnet; and Immaculate Con- Vatican has recognized the heroic lite nun. A sainthood process can ception, Holy Rosary and St. Paul, virtues 'of Francisco and Jacinta only begin after death. Taunton. Marto, two of the three children Since the apparitions were deA detailed report of Special who saw what the church has recclared genuine by local church Gifts, parish totals, leading par- ognized as the Marian apparitions authori~ies in 1930, Fatima bas ishes and parish donations begins at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917. become one of the most popu::ar The recognition of heroic virtues' Catholic pilgrimage sites in the on page 2 of this issue of The Anchor and continues on pages 13 is the first major step toward saintworld. hood. The Vatican announced the through 15. According to the three childn:n, decision May 13. Mary appeared to them six times Listings will continue to appear The third person to have seen until all donations have been Turn to Page Six the apparitions, their cousin, Lucia recorded.

2 Fatima childrenl



WASHINGTON (NC) - PanaMeanwhile, most of nearly 2,000 ma's bishops put themselves into combat-ready reinforcements for the country's political crisis with a American troops at bases' in Panapublic statement accusing the gov- . ma arrived from the United States ernment of fraudulently and vio- by May 15. The same day U.S. lently thwarting the May 7 presi- Ambassador to Panama Arthur dential elections. Davis accused Noriega'ofordering They made a general call for the attack on the opposition leadnon-violence, including a plea to ers with the intention of killing "our military brethren" to refuse Ford. to fire on unarmed civilians, and Noriega's government came uncalled on the government, ruled by der further pressure as church ofdefense chief Gen. Manuel Anto- ficials protested the slaying of a nio Noriega through political allies, Dutch priest by a soldier on electo respect the vote, which church tion day. The priest, Vincentian polls indicated was won by a 3-to- Father Nicolas Van Kleef, had I margin by opposition candidates worked in the country for more presidential nominee Guillermo than 20 years. Endara and vice-presidential nomIn their post-election statement, inees Guillermo Ford and Ricardo Panama's bishops said that "the Arras Calderon. They and many veiled threats or expressed intimisupporters were severely beaten by dation, the restrictions of movegovernment-backed mobs May 10. 'ment and expression, the assaults The statement, signed by Arch- and robberies of ballot boxes, the bishop Marcos G. McGrath of mobs ofthe military and paramiliPanama City and nine other bish- tary attacking property and perops, was read during Masses sons are some of the examples of throughout Panama May 14. flagrant acts that were committed The bishops were supported by to frustrate popular will." the U.S. bishops' conference in a The bishops also expressed "surMay 12 letter from St. Louis Arch- prise and pain" that the governbishop John L. May, conference ment's Electoral Tribune had nulpresident. lified the vote on May 10. Archbishop May said: "I join They congratulated Panamanwith you in your call for those who ian voters for going to the polls "in wield power in Panama to respect a massive and peaceful manner" the expressed will of the Panaman- but said the country's rulers beian people. haved in the opposite manner. "I continue to urge the U.S. "What moral justification can government to join with other in- there be to scatter, with beatings terested American states in seek- . and bullets, men and women who ing to uphold the will of the Pan- have not committed any' other amanian people by political and crimebut peacefully claiming their diplomatic means," the U.S. pre- rights?" they asked. "What moral late said. Turn to Page Si}(

Pope urges deeper gra.sp of litllrgy, end to· ab'uses VATICAN CITY (NC) The post-Second Vatican Council period of major liturgical changes has ended and reforms must now concentrate on giving Catholics a "deeper grasp" of the liturgy's meaning and getting rid of abuses, said Pope John Paul II in a new apostolic letter. The changes introduced since the council have been well received by the vast majority of Catholics, the pope said, but there is still need for bishops "to root out" abuses and "outlandish innovations." The pope's 37-page letter was addressed to the world's bishops and priests to mark the 25th anniversary of Vatican Irs Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. It was made public by the Vatican May 13. Major liturgical changes since

Vatican II have included allowing Mass in the vernacular and a restructuring of Mass readings, prayers and the order of events at Mass. The pope reaffirmed current church norms and told Catholics not'to expect major changes in current liturgical practices. "One cannot therefore continue to speak of change as it was spoken of at the time of the constitution's publication," he said. "Rather one has to speak of an ever deeper grasp of the liturgy of the church, celebrated according to the current books and lived above all as 8' reality in the spiritual order," the pope added. Positive effects of liturgical changes have been greater understanding of the Bible and the development of a generation of

priests and laity wltich "now acts with responsibility in th,~ church and society," the pop~ said. Other positive aspects are "th~ increased participation of th,~ faithful by prayer and song'" and the development of ministries and responsibilities for lay people, he added. . The pope said the liturgy "is like the village fountain to which every generation comes to draw water ever living and fresh." The post-conciliar period also has seen "erroneous applications" ofliturgical reform which "disfigure it and deprive thl~ Christian people of the genuiDi~ treasures of the liturgy," hl~ added. "It cannot be tolerated that certain priests should take upon themselves the right to com-

pose eucharistic prayers or to substitute profane readings for texts from sacred Scripture," he said. Other abuses cited include "illicit omissions or additions; rites invented outside the framework of established norms; postures or songs which are not conducive to faith or a sense of the sacred; abuses in the practice of general absolution; confusion between the ministerial priesthood, linked with ordination, and the common priesthood of the faithful." , The pope did not give specific examples nor cite countries or regions where he believes these abuses occur. \ "It is up to the bishops to root out such abuses," the pope said. A major challenge facing the church is adapting the liturgy to

local cultures so that it is better understood, he added. This is a "delicate matter" and must be done by people well-trained in history, theology and culture, the pope said. ' "Liturgical diversity can be a source of enrichment, but it can also provoke tensions, mutual misunderstandings and even divisions," he said. "Diversity must not damage unity," he added. Adaptation also requires "when necessary, a breaking with ancestral customs incompatible with the Catholic faith," said the pope. , The pope also asked liturgists to build on "the riches of popular piety, purifying and directing them toward the liturgy as the offering of the people."

Leading Parishes ATTLEBORO AREA St. John St. Mary, Seekonk St. Mark, Attleboro Falls Mt. Carmel, Seekonk St. Mary, Mansfield

38,791.00 25.279.00 22.944.00 21.338.00 17,458.00

CAPE COD AND THE ISLANDS AREA St. Pius X, So. Yarmouth St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis Corpus Christi. Sandwich Holy Trinity, W. Harwich Holy Redeemer. Chatham

60.344.00 42.609.00 32.997.00 31,743.00 23,493.00

FALL RIVER AREA Holy Name Our lady of Fatima, Swansea Our lady of Angels St. Thomas More. Somerset St. John of God. Somerset

34,001.00 26,096.00 23.949.85 20.198.00 16.091.00

NEW BEDFORD AREA Mt. Carmel Immaculate Conception St. Patrick. Wareham St. Julie Billiart. N. Dartmouth St. Mary

36,611.75 31,219.00 16,806.00 16,480.50 16,000.60

TAUNTON' AREA Holy Cross. So. Easton Immaculate Conception. N. Easton St. Joseph St, Paul St. Ann, Raynham

.20,137.30 15,885,00 15,802,00 14,821.00 14.635.00

Parish Totals ATTLEBORO Attleboro Holy Ghost St. John St. Joseph St. Mark St. Stephen St. Theresa

12,876.00 38,791.00 10.360.00 22,944.00 9.915.00 13,488.00

Mansfield-St. Mary . North Attleboro Sacred Heart St. Mary Norton-St. Mary Seekonk Mt. Carmel St. Mary

17,458,00 4,726.00 13,773.00 8,173.00 21,338.00 25,279.00,

CAPE COD & THE ISLANDS AREA Brewster-O. l. of the Cape 20,838.00 Buzzards Bay-St. Margaret 12,342.00 Centerville-O, l. of Victory 20,251.00 Chatham-Holy Redeemer 23,493.00 Cotuit-Christ the King 11,855.00 . East Falmouth-St. Anthony 22.532.00 Edgartown-St. Elizabeth 4,900.00 Falmouth-St. Patrick 22,283.00 Hyannis-St. Francis Xavier 42,609,00 Nantucket-O. l. of the Isle 12,759.00 North FalmouthSt. Elizabeth Seton 18,423.00 Oak Bluffs-Sacred Heart 4.813.00 Orleans-St. Joan of Arc 21,782.00 Osterville-Assumption 16,894.00 PocassetSt John the Evangelist 19,547.00 Provincetown-St. Peter 7,143.00 Sandwich-Corpus Christi 32,997.00 South Yarmouth-St. Pius X 60,344.00 Vineyard HavenSt. Augustine 6,420.00 WellfeetOur lady 'of lourdes 4:200.00 West HarwichHoly Trinity 31,743.00 Woods Hole-St. Joseph 4,405.00 FALL RIVER AREA Fall River St. Mary's Cathedral Blessed Sacrament Espirito Santo Holy Cross Holy Name Notre Dame

Our lady of the Angels Our lady of Health Holy Rosary Immaculate Conception Sacred Heart St. Anne St. Anthony of Padua St. Elizabeth St. Jean Baptiste St. Joseph St. louis St. Mathieu St. Michael St. Patrick SS. Peter & Paul St. Stanislaus St. William Santo Christo Assonet-St. Bernard Somerset St. John of God St. Patrick St. Thomas More Swansea Our lady of Fatima St. Dominic SI. Louis de France SI. Michael WestportO.l. of Grace . St. George St. John the Baptist

10,508.00 6,150.00 13,282.00

NEW BEDFORD AREA New Bedford Holy Name Assumption Immaculate Conception Mt. Carmel Our lady of Fatima Our lady of Perpetual Help Sacred Heart St. Anne St. Anthony Padua

10,890.00 3,277.00 31,219.00 36.611.75 5.784.00 5.585.00 5.082.00 3,555.00 3,555,00

10,613.00 3,544.00 13,981.00 • 3.203.00 34.001.00 12,120.00

$200 Sacred Heart Conference, North Attleboro SI. Mary Conference, Mansfield Precision Tool &Machine Corporation

$115 Art's 3 Hour Cleansers, In~., North Attleboro


Nationals Rev. James F. Kelly Rev. William H. O'Reilly

S2500 S1150 $750

Rev. Msgr. John J. Oliveira, V.E.

S500 Dominican Fathers

$300 Rev. Roland B. Boule Rev. Lucien Jusseaume Rev. Hugh J. Munro

North Easton Savings Bank

S300 S225

Holy Cross Conference, South Easton

$200 SI. Joseph Women's Guild SI. Mary Women's Guild SI. Anthony Confirmation Class

$115 SI. Joseph Conference, North Dighton

S200 Rev. John G. Carroll Jesuit Community, Bishop Connolly High School Permanent Diaconate Community SlOO Holy Cross Fathers, Holy Cross Mission House


In Memory of Rev. J. M. Bettencourt e Avila In Memory of Justino & Maria S. Simoes

New Bedford Slooo Compass Bank

S500 Perry Funeral Home

$250 DeBross Services Citizens Credit Union


SI. Mary Conference


$125 Daher Family & Beatrice Howe . SlOO Murray F. DeCoffee Automotive Service, Mattapoisett Olde Boston Land Survey Sea View Fillet Company, Inc. Knights of Columbus, Bishop Stang Council Joseph & Jane Roda & Family, Fairhaven Dominick & Josephine Roda, Fairhaven

S50 Pine Grove Pharmacy Simon's Supply Company, Inc.

S35 Burr Bros. Boats, Inc., Marion

S25 Beneficial Massachusetts, Inc.; Bricklayers & Allied Crafts· ~;~~a~i:tallce Co.; Edward D. Mackler, M.D.; Park Motors,

SlOO Edward G. Lambert Insurance Co.. North Attleboro Roncap Company SI. Mark Women's Guild, Attleboro Falls Monarch Machine Works, Inc.. No. Attleboro Joe Lynch Sports, Norton Country Haven Nursing Home. Norton Conlon & Donnelly A& AFuel Co.. Inc.. East Providence, R.I. W. H. Riley & Sons, Inc., North Attleboro


Robert Kane Funeral Home, South Easton Alei.o Insurance Agency

$125 Holy Rosary Sodality Polish American Citizen CLB


$50 R.A. Reinbold Insurance Agency, Inc., No. Attleboro Triad, Inc., Chartley Rainbow Movers, North Attleboro Cook·Horton, North Attleboro Community Pharmacy, Inc., Plainville SI. Jean Society Duvernay Council 1/42, No. Attleboro Attleboro & Plainville Oil Co.; Inc. lyons Advertising, Inc.. Attleboro Falls Rose Therese Cape & Gown Co., Stoughton Washburn luther Nelson Charles Thomae & Son, Inc.

$40 Goosebrook Garage, Norton

$30 Larson Tool & Stamping Company

DavollTaunton Printing Co. - The Leddy Family


SlOO Holy, Rosary Conference .' SI. Maximillian Kolbe Guild, Holy Rosary Church Sowiecki Funeral Home

Arena Auto Parts, Norton; D.l. Moitoza Asphalt Paving. Nor· ton; Norton Memorial Funeral Home; Clarence Rich Plumbing; Riley Bros. Lumber Company, Inc., No. Attleboro; Achin's Garage, No. Attleboro; Bristol Glass Corp.; Wagner's Flower Shop; M.A. Vigorito & Son, No. Attleboro; No. Attleboro LiQuor World, Inc.; Lavery·lrvine, Inc., No. Attleboro; Baldwin's Office Supply, Co., No. Attleboro; Glines &Rhodes,lnc.; Kull's Stationers & Office Supplies, Inc.; The Paragon Construction Corp.; Castro County SQuare, Inc.; Custom Linocraft, Inc.

$50 Bostock Furniture Company AI's Painting. East Taunton Holy Rosary Church CCD Easton Country Club, South Easton Epicurean Caterers, Inc., South Easton Knights of Columbus, South Easton Thomas Motor Sales, Raynham


Fall River Slooo Gold Medal Bakery

$25 Olson's Home of Flowers; R.M. Lederman & Co.; Biss Lumber Co., Inc.; J.D. Furniture; Williams Lumber Co.. Inc.; Harry Bloom; Floors, Etcetera, No. Easton; So. Easton Motor Sales; Tyler House, So. Easton; Spirit Within Us Prayer Group, Holy Cross Church, So. Easton; Aime's Custom Ceramics; Peter A. Andrade, ESQuire; Nite &Day Golf Course, Raynham.

Attleboro $500 SI. Mary Conference, Norton SI. Mark Conference, Attleboro Falls Texas Instruments, Inc.

$400 $300

Imported Auto Parts, Seekonk SI. John Conference


P. Cavalieri & Son, North Attleboro

16.091.00 8.908.00 20,198,00 26.096.00 12,244.92 13.682.00 9.774.00

St. Casimir St. Francis of Assisi St. Hedwig St. James St. John the Baptist St. Joseph St. Kilian St. lawrence St. Mary St. Theresa AcushnetSt. Francis Xavier East FreetownSt. John Neumann FairhavenSt. Joseph St. Mary Marion-St. Rita Mattapoisett-St. Anthony North DartmouthSt. Julie Billiart South Dartmouth-St. Mary Wareham-St. Patrick

Somerset Speed EQuipment Ed Oliveira Auto Sales City Hall Taxi

S50 Rochelle Apparel Company. Inc. Sabra Law Offices, Somerset Simon's Supply Company, Inc.. Manuel Rogers & Sons Dr. Charles l. Sasson Irish Specialty Shoppe Gibmar Electric Company, Somerset

S35 Buffinton Florist·

$500 Atty. Kenneth L. Sullivan Amy Lynn Drapery

Gray Business EQuipment Co., Inc.

S25 ABC Floor Covering, Westport; Ape. Shade; Grundy's Lumber & Supply Co., Inc., Westport; Home & Commercial Security, Inc., Rehoboth; Mid·City Scrap Iron & Salvage, Westport; New England Sanitation, Westport; Town Hardware & Lumber Westport; Fall River Paper & Supply Co.; Charles F. Fisher & Sons Contractors; Atty. Philip Goltz; George B. Lockhart insu· ranee Agency, Inc., Somerset Mrs. David Prial; RSRental & EQuip., Somerset; Somerset Lodge; B & S Fisheries of Fall River, Inc.; Fall River Tool & Die Co.; Lizzie's Restaurant; F. Nasiff, Jr. & Co.• Inc.; East Main Hardware

Cape Cod &The Islands $2500 SI. Pius XBingo, South Yarmouth

0' The Cape Bingo,S2000 Brewster

SlOOO SI. Pius XGuild, South Yarmouth Corpus Christi Guild, Sandwich


$300 . $200 Holy Rosary Women's Guild Sterling Package Store, Inc. SI. Thomas More Conference, Somerset Lavoie & Tavares Company, Westport Joseph Nadeau Sons, Inc.

$500 SI. John Conference: Pocasset Wychmere Harbor Club & Hotel. Harwichport St. Joan Of Arc Conference, Orleans

$400 . Christ The King Catholic Women's Club, Mashpee

S350 S325

Friends Of St. Mary's, Nantucket

Mr. John l. Foley, Jr., Tiverton leone's On The Waterfront


SlOO Fall River Knitting Mills. Inc. Gerald McNally Construction. Somerset Helen V. Smith

11,957.00 6,959.50 5.061.00 11,051.00 16,480,50 15.932.00 16.806.00

5,175.00 5.375.00 13.249.00 11.192,00 9,848.00 9,142.00 6,023.00 15,802.00 10.031.00 14.821.00 5,020.00 5,488.00 15.885.00 14.635.00 20,137.30

SlOO Falmouth Council #813, Knights Of Columbus Visitation Guild, North Eastham Uncle Ben's Meat & Deli, North Eastham Arnold's, Inc.. Provincetown Coffin's Gift Store, Nantucket Bank 01 New England South, East Falmouth Knights Of Columbus. East Falmouth . Atty. Joseph Paruti, East Falmouth Simple Fare Restaurant, Sandwich Capt. Chase Interiors, Harwichport Surette Realty, West Dennis Stormy Harbor Restaurant, Provincetown

S60 Bass River Motel. South Yarmouth

S50 Hardy's, Nantucket Sherburne Associates, Nantucket Poet's Corner Press, Nantucket Ooug's Country Florist, East Falmouth Hinckley Home Centers, Hyannis Enrecor, Ltd.. West Falmouth Frederick V. Lawrence, Inc., Falmouth Bradford's Hardware, Hyannis James l. Roderick, Inc., Provincetown Stage Stop Candy Ltd.. Dennisport

$25 The Meadows Motel & Cottages, Provincetown; Thadd Papel· sas Building, Provincetown; Quahog Electric, Provincetown; JenkinS, Cole & Gleason, Falmouth; Falmouth Coal Co.; Sylvia. Cole & Gleason Funeral Home, Oak Bluffs; Leo's Breakfast Restaurant. Buzzards Bay; Grandma's Restaurant. Buzzards Bay; Doane Be,1 & Ames, Hyannis; Today Real Estate, South Yarmouth; Yarmouth Furniture Co.• So. Yarmouth; Family Foods, East Falmouth; Maclone's Studio, East Falmouth; Fal· mouth P~rk Cleaners, Falmouth



Holy Name Conference


Christ The King Conference, Mashpee

St. Patrick Conference, Falmouth



S70 $30

Our Lady

'4,093.00 5,000.00 1,961.00 9.265.00 14.847.00 11,743.00 3,332.21 12,484.50 . 16.000.60 6,493.00

TAUNTON AREA Taunton Holy Family Holy Rosary Immaculafe Conception Our lady of lourdes Sacred Heart St. Anthony St. Jacques St. Joseph St. Mary St. Paul Oighton-St. Peter North Oighton-St. Joseph North EastonImmaculate Conception Raynham-St. Ann South Easton-HolY Cross

Our Lady Of The Isle Conference, Nantucket


Fernandes Lumber, South Easton

23,949.85 7,463.00 15.035.00 6,045.00 10,805.00 8,492.00 12.851.00 5.244.00 6,096,00 8,278.00 5,743.00 2,857.00 11,840.00 10.861.50 9.776.00 12.352.00 9,270.00 12,450.50 8,535.00

S300 . Our Lady Of Victory Conference, Centerville

S200 SI. Patrick Guild, Falmouth Falmouth Cooperative Bank, Falmouth Association Of The Sacred Hearts, Chatham

$150 St. Francis Xavier Holy Name Society, Hyannis $125 St. Joseph Conference. Woods Hole St. Joseph Youth Group. Woods Hole St. Joseph Parishioners Group, Woods Hole Blessing Of The Fleet. Provincetown

Special Gift & parish listings will continue to appear weekly in order received by the printer until all have been listed:

- THE ANCHOR"-'- Diocesecof Fall River~ Fri., May 19, 1989

Linda Kennedy - . "You were their rock. their fortress and their might, You, Lord. their Captain in the well-fought fight. .. Those lines from "For All the Saints," the processional hymn at Monday's funeral for Linda Kennedy, epitomized her struggle against the illness which claimed her at age 41. The diocesan chancery office secretary, who died May 12, was, in the words of Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, who celebrated her Mass of Christian Burial, "a wonderful wife, a devoted mother and an extraordinarily sincere friend." A Fall River native and member of S1. Mary's Cathedral parish, where she was immediate past president of the Women's Guild and a lector, she was the daughter of the late Alfred and Anne (Kordas) Paquin, the wife of Joseph P. Kennedy and the mother of Joseph W. and Robert P. Kennedy. Robert's classmates at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, were servers at his mother's Mass and scores of other fellow students were also in attendance, as were several priests of the Connolly Jesuit community and many diocesan priests who had come to know Mrs. Kennedy at the chancery office where, in Bishop Cronin's words,"she was always ready with a cheerful word." Gertrude O'Brien and Elsie Madore, both of the chancery staff, were readers at the Mass and Connolly students were giftbearers. The bishop spoke of Mrs. Kennedy's three families: her husband and sons, "always uppermost in her thoughts, to whom she gave a loving example of patient endurance"; her family of faith at the cathedral, where as a lector, "at this very stand," he said, "she read the word of the Lord and lived it out in her own life"; and her chancery family, where she was noted for her industry and patience. Quoting the poet Milton, the bishop concluded, "Nothing is here for tears, nothing to wail/ Or knock the breast; no weakness, no contempt,/ Dispraise or blame; nothing but well and fair,/ And what may' quiet us in a death so noble." As well as .by her husband and sons, Mrs. Kennedy is survived by two sisters, Shirley Houde of Fall River and Beatrice Paquin of California; and several nieces and nephews.

NOTICE For the next few weeks, some regular Anchorfeatures will not appear I due to publication of Catholic Charities Appeal listings. All will return as soon . as possible.



Two priests mark jubilees Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington appointed vice-chancellor ;lnd and Father Donald J. Bowen will episcopal secretary to Bishop Concelebrate silver jubilees of priestly nolly. In 1971 Bishop Daniel A. ordination on May 30. Cronin appointed him canon law . Both were ordained in St. Mary's consultant to the Diocesan C)m.Cathedral May 30,1964, by Bishop mittee for Divine Worship and in James L. Connolly. the same yeiu named him defender Msgr. Harrington is pastor of of the bond for the diocesan marS1. Joseph's Church, Taunton. riage tribunal and chancellor. At Father Bowen has been on leave the same time he was chaplain at from the Fall River diocese since the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop 1973, serving In' Bolivia as a mem- Home in Fall River. ber of the Missionary Society of In 1974, Pope Paul VI qesigSt. James the Apostle, founded in nated then Father Harrington a 1'958 by Boston Cardinal Richard ' papal chamberlai'n. In 1978 he was J. Cushing. appointed rector of St.. Mary's Msgr. Harrington will mark his Cathedral while remaining dioceanniversary with a 4 p.m. Mass of san chancellor. thanksgiving on May 28, followed In 1983 he was named vicar for by a family cookout on the parish finance and administration and in grounds. A native of New Bed1987, upon return from his second ford, he is the son of the late Atty. st-ay at Catholic University, was Edward J. and Esther (Yates) appointed pastor ofSt. Joseph's in Harrington. Taunton. Like many other diocesan Msgr. Harrington's other diocepriests, he graduated from Holy san responsibilities have included Family High ·School, New Bed- serving as Cape Cod area C YO ford. He holds a bachelor's degree, director and diocesan chaplain for magna cum laude, from Holy the Legion of Mary. He is presCross College, Worcester, and he ently spiritual director of the Taunprepared for ordination at Catho- ton District Council of the Society lic University in Washington, of St. Vincent de Paul. D.C., where he has returned twice, in 1967 and 1986, for graduate studies in canon law. Msgr. Harrington was parochial vicar at St. Francis Xavier parish, Hyannis and Immaculate Conception, Fall River, following ordination. He earned a licentiate in canon law at Catholic University in 1969. Returning to the diocese, he'was


Planning foor pope GUADALAJARA, Mexico (NC) - The Mexican bishops' conference has formed a commission to plan for an expected papal visit to Mexico in April or May 1990. Mexico City Auxiliary Bishop Genaro Alamilla Arteaga said that while the visit has not yet been announced officially, the committee was formed "to avoid being caught by surprise."

Celebration of his silver jubilee with a giant cookout is in character for a priest famous for his collection of dozens of hats, some equipped with bells or lights, for his round-the-clock willingness to aid the needy, whether families left ' homeless by fire or suppliants at the rectory door and, above all, for his unflagging loyalty to the Red Sox, no matter how often they disappoint him. Father Bowen Father Bowen, who will mark his jubilee in Bolivia, where his headquarters are in the city of Oruro, although his work is in the surrounding countryside, is a native of Attleboro, the son of the late Francis and Elizabeth (McNamara) Bowen. A graduate of Coyle High School in Taunton, he prepared for the priesthood at St. Thomas Seminary, Hartford; S1. Mary's, Baltimore; and Catholic University. Following ordination, he was parochial vicar at St. Patrick's parish, Somerset; St. Mary, Norton; and St. John Evangelist, Attleboro, before joining the St. James Society. While in Norton he was area CYO director; and while in Attleboro he was area CCD director. Father Bowen will return to the United States on home leave in June and will be celebrant for a

nephew's wedding July 2:During the priest's leave, said his brotherin-law, Thomas Kilbridge of the staff of the Pilot, Boston archdiocesan newspaper, family and friends will celebrate his jubilee. When Father Bowen arrived in Bolivia, he captured the atmosphere of his new surroundings in an article he sent The Anchor. Its first paragraph follows: "Moving from Attleboro to Paria, high up in the Bolivian Andes of South America, becomes more than ajourney of 6,000 miles. It is a passage into another world: from high fashions and technology to quaint living and ancient traditions; from inexhaustible consumerchoices to a simple choice of day to day sustenance; from a society constantly in flux to one of more enduring familial ties in its sociopolitical structures; from a people who live by the ticking of the clock to a land where time is hardly reckoned; from a life-style with primary emphasis on ~ool­ ness and efficiency to the warm Spanish accent of intimacy and affection."




10 A.M. - S' P.M. II



Diocese of Fall River



SCHOOL GROUNDS • ILLINOIS STREET Reverend Herbert T. Nichols from Parochial Vicar at Saint Anne's Parish in Fall Riv~r to Parochial Vicar at Saint .I oan of An; Parish, Orleans. Effective May 31, 1989



Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., May 19, 1989


the living word

The Blood of the M'artyrs In many ways Catholics in America have reached a unique level of self-consciousness. Some seem to think themselves members of the American Catholic Church, a religious body somehow becoming quasi-independent of the universal community. Introspective and frequently self-serving, these people often feel they are set apart from the common folk. Other American Catholics have managed to accommodate their religious values to the secular state. They might agree with church teachings in private but would in no way bring moral and 'ethical values into the public sphere. They are really token Catholics, unwilling to be involved in anything that might smack of obligations and responsibilities and much more interested in what the good life can give them than in pursuing the 'God life. Once in a while, it's good to be jolted to reinforce our value systems and to be reminded of our journey of faith. Few church members seem to advert to the fact that many in other parts of the world are giving their lives in witness to the risen Christ. In the first three months of this year alone, five missionary priests were killed, four in Mozambique and one in Japan. These messengers of the Good News were cut down by.the all-too-familiar violence that is a hallmark of'our social order. In 1988 alone, eight priests, three brothers, two sisters and six seminarians were killed and since 1980, 88 missionaries have made the supreme sacrifice, among them one bishop and 11 diocesan priests. Italians, Portuguese, French, Spaniards, Americans, Canadians, Germans, English, Belgians and Austrians joined native clergy and religious of developing counJries in giving their very selves for Christ. It is well for us to remember that a martyr is one who voluntarily suffers death for the faith or for a particular Christian value. We may somehow feel that suc!} violence can't happen here; yet the history of the Church clearly shows that there is no part of our planet that has not had its share of martyrs. Even as we pursue our daily routine, men and women are witnessing to the faith in the surrender of their lives. Too many have torgotten or wish to forget such facts. Often we compromise, we fail to take a stand on an issue, we seek the convenient, the placid, the neutral, we pretend that faith issues do not exist. In the minds of the secular, there are no evils to be discussed for there are no moral standards of judgement. When people reach this stage of inertia, they have lost all that reaiIy matters. Too often those who have lost the values of faith seek the anodynes of drugs or alcohol. All of us shouldjust reflect for a moment on those martyrs of today who are dying in the name of Jesus. What more powerful antidote to the hopelessness that has so . infected the life of the Church in this country? The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church. It could be our turn some day to experience this truth in our own bodies.


Net UPI路Reuters photo


"Desolation is left in the city and calamity shall oppress the gates." Is. 24:12

Atheists, agnostics and theists

grasp the infinite but we should By Father Kevin J. Harrington According to statisticians, athe- not dismiss them as being utterly ism is professed by a small minor- incapable of probing the mystery ity of human beings. Larger is a of the divine. We have not all been blessed by group that defines itself as agnosmystical experiences that make tic, that is, unable to decide between insights gleaned through reason the claims of theism and atheism. superfluous, yet to subscribe to the To be a true atheist one must be JUdeo-Christi.an belief that we are more than just angry with God. A made in God's image is to believe true atheist is rare because very that our purest thoughts cannot be few people can claim with confi- too far from the mark in describdence that behind this cosmos that ing God.. our senses purposefully perceive Yet even St. Thomas Aquinas, and minds intelligently decipher, whom some mystics dismiss as a there is no intelligent and purpose- know-it-all, had the humility to The Editor ful ultimate reality. admit that whenever we ascribe a A true atheist must persist in his quality to God we can do so only Letters Welcome or her belief that the beauty and by way of analogy. Letters to the editor are welcomed. All letters should be brief and the variety and patterns of the inner But words as basic as being, editor reserves the right to condense any letters if deemed necessary. All and outer world are merely the goodness and fatherliness are betresult of blind chance with no ter than no words at all. The power letters must be signed and contain a home or business address. meaning outside themselves. of poetry, metaphor and analogy Just as many more people are was used by Jesus in his most movfunctionally rather than truly illi- ing sermons and parables to desterate, there are many more func- cribe both God's kingdom and tional rather than true atheists. God himself. Pollsters tell us people can read Our minds are limited but neveror not read or believe or do not theless an awesome creation. Jesus believe but they are woefully in~ considered the apostles capable of , adequate in analyzing degrees of - understanding some of his most literacy or belief. profound teachings and when enA true theist is one whose daily lightened by the Holy Spirit they life would not make sense if God could ponder the sublimest of mysdid not exist. Too many people teries. The Easter Season with its who claim to be theists when polled .culmination at Pentecost provides are actually functional atheists believers in their turn with a graced whose belief in God has little or no opportunity to reneW their faith. impact upon their daily lives. , Functional atheists are often Our finite minds cannot totally those who left faith behind with G

their childhood innocence. Confronted with the problem of evil in the world, they found it difficult to maintain a childlike belief in the goodness of God. Seeing the innocent suffer' without divine intervention embittered them. As children they had believed that their prayer could change things but as adults they could not believe that they themselves could be changed through prayer. Lost in their bitterness, they forgot that at the heart of Christianity is the crucifixion of a good man and that God is never far from suffering innocence. Among the last words of Jesus were: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" But what too many forget is that these were not his very last words. The Easter story must speak'a message of hope to the hearts of all who have experienced their own Good Fridays, a message that will not permit the stone of meaningless despair to seal forever the Easter tomb. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545.Q20), Second' Class Postage Paid at Fall River. M'ass, Published weekly except the week, of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. SUbscription price by mail postpaid $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes 10 The Anchor. P.O, Box 7. Fall River. MA 02722,

Learning to listen Being human, most of us don't like to dwell on past failures but usually one or two come back to haunt us. Maybe we handled a situation in an unchristian way, maybe it was a failure to act when we could have made a difference, or maybe it was simply not caring enough to listen to another's needs or situation. My painful memory comes from years ago when I was teaching sophomore English. It .involved Bev, a cute 16-year-old student who was consistently late and without homework. I knew she was bright but thought she was lazy. She always said, "I'm sorry," when she slipped in late but she never offered any reason. So, eventually, I sent her par.ents a "down slip," a warning that her grade was in jeopardy. I didn't take the time to call Bev in and ask her about her behavior. Her parents didn't respond so a few weeks later I sent a routine failure notice. I was unprepared for the visit from Bev's married sister who revealed to me Bev's situation. "Both our parents are alcoholics," she said. "Bev is the mother in the family. She stays up late so she can put them to bed when they pass out. She gets the three little kids fed, dressed and to school in the morning.

"So she often misses the bus and has to walk 20 blocks. That's why she's late. And with the situation at home, it's hard for her to get her homework done." I also heard about beatings and police calls. I was horrified and chagrined. I had blithely assumed that Bev was a goof-off, possibly because she was so cute. I felt terrible but I thanked her sister and granted Bev a lot more leniency from then on. I discovered that her great fear was that if anyone learned of her situation, the family would be separated. She knew that Social Services would remove the children and she also felt responsible for her parents. A tough load for a 16-yearold: I never informed Social S.ervices of the situation but I alerted Bev's other teachers to the situation so they ·would have more empathy than I had displayed. And I began to be her confidante. . Eventually she graduated and I retired to start my own family. I never knew what happened to her and she never knew that she taught me a valuable lesson: unless we understand the constraints under which others live, we will not understand their behavior. She made life easier for my subsequent students. Her memory came back to me while reading a wonderful book, Ordering Your Private World, by

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Gordon MacDonald, a mlr.lster and chaplain. In it, he talks about how we grow by listening. We learn to ask questions, he says, and we listen to mentors and critics. He writes, "A second part of mental growth by listening c:ame when I started to visit people at their places of labor, to see what they do, meet the people with whom they work, and so :learn something of the particular ·:hallenges they face." I learned about Bev's challenges so late that I wasn't very helpful. If I had visited her home or even shown more interest in her personallife, I would have grown by listening and caring. When we minister to other:;, we can heed Gordon MacDonald's advice, visiting people at home and work or at least listening to them talk about the challenges they face so that we can be of help instead of being another problem, as I was to Bev. By listenir..g to others, we grow and we also help them to grow.


Unions' dark days

"Will Unions Ever Again Be Useful Organs of Society?" asked the title of a recent magazine article by Peter Drucker, intellectual guru of U.S. management for almost half a century. His answer: a qualified no. Drucker thinks that by the year 2010 unions will represent only 5 percent of the world's work force - unless they accept a non-adversarial relationship and work with amanagement on productivity, quality and whatever else is needed to keep an enterprise competitive. Drucker's 'call for less adversarial, more cooperative labor-management relations is'not without merit. However, a more realistic treatment can be found in the U.S. bishops' pastoral letter on the economy. "Workers," it says, "rightly reject calls for less ad versa rial relationships when they are a smokescreen for demands that labor make all the concessions. For a partnership to be genuine; it must be a twoway street, with creative initiative and a willingness to cooperate on all sides." . Clearly, that two-way street does not yet exist in the United States. Labor has been losing ground steadily and has been forced to make most Of the concessions in collective bargaining. This too shall pass, of course. Organized labor will again make a comeback as it did in the mid-1930s. Many people disagree. I am often asked why I continue to argue in favor of a strong and effective labor movement. Who cares? I am strongly persuaded that autonomous and effective trade unions are indispensable to a free society.. And I am baffled that so many conservatives and neoconservatives, who theoretically attach great importance to so-called mediating structures as buffers

between the individual and the state, fail to support them. Two decades agf/, Irving Kristol told readers of The New York' Times Book Review that "trade unionism has become that most dangerous of social phenomena: a boring topic." It has also, he said. lost its legitimacy and relevance. To the best of my knowledge, Kristol is still of that opinion, and most neo-conservatives seem to agree. Why? Perhaps they fail to understand the role of autonomous trade unions in a free society or mistakenly think they are a threat to capitalism. Trade unionism in English-speaking countries was not designed merely to bargain with workers, much less to overthrow capitalism. Trade unionism, especially in the United States, was designed to go beyond labor-management co- ' operation for the good of particular companies and industries and for the common good of the eco-' nomic system as a whole. A committee of the, Catholic bishops' conference of England and Wales recently made this point forcefully in a public statement encouraging British Catholics to join unions and strongly criticizing Margaret Thatcher's government for undermining trade union rights. The statement emphasized that unions function not merely to protect the individual rights of the weaker party in an employment contract, but as organizations through which members can make a direct contribution to the wider good. Since Mrs. Thatcher's election in 1979, the statement concluded, '~he government's actions betray an excessive enmity; that it is the government's continuing intention to reduce the effectiveness of trade

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The Anchor· . Friday, May 19, 1989




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Eastern Television

AMONG NEW BEDFORD area members of the Catholic Charities Appeal committee with Bishop Daniel. A. Cronin and lay appeal chairman David L. Hautanen, center and second from right, are, from left, area director Father Richard L. Chretien, Robert Berche and Deacon Claude LeBlanc. (Studio D photo) .


Panama church

Continued from Page One The statement also denounced justification can there be to keep tlie killing of Father Van Kleef, Sales And Service the population frightened through who was killed on election day hordes fed by hate and a false when an automatic rifle held to his' Fall Rive,'s La,.gest nationalism that neither recognizes head by a member of the Pananor respects the persons and rights manian Defense Forces discharged. Display of' TV s of other Panamanians?" The trooper had stopped the priest RCA - ZENITH - SYLVANIA as he drove through the town of The bishops protested the "im1196 BEDFORD STREET Santa Marta calling parishioners since , pudent manner in which action 1825 has been taken against some bish- to morning Mass through a bull673-9721 Willi CO\YE,\IE\T OFFICES ops, clergy and places 'of worship." horn - as he regularly did. TIlROl'(iHOlT SOlTIIEA.C,TER\ ~lAS.<;, , The military called the killing an They said actions included dis- accident. But a colleague of the ' --------~---------------- ., cQnnectingtelephones, shutting off slain priest said it ceased to be an electricity, blocking church en- "accidental situation" when the trances, threatening civilians with cocked gun was aimed at Father arrest, and suppressing religious Van Kleef. A sign of radio programs. Troops and equipment from The bishops said Archbishop bases in the United States were McGrath's residence was sur- dispatched to beef up the 10,000 rounded May 9 by military and American military personnel based Fa!ber Eugene serves a paramilitary units which had "no in Panama. people scattered throughout restraint in firing their 'weapons numerous villages In his President Bush called up the [and] beating people or arresting native Burma. For days he them for the sole crime of going to reinforcements on May II. "I will criss-crosses the delta in a care and show solidarity for their do what is necessary to protect the lives of American citizens and we small boat, visiting Christian pastor." will not be intimidated by the bullyfamilies and bringing them ing tactics, btutal though they may Sacraments -- a hving witbe, of the dictator, Noriega," he ness of Christ's love said. to his people.

Continued from Page One from May 13 to Oct. 13,1917. She described herself as Our Lady of the Rosary and called for people to amend their lives. The two girls heard the apparition speak while Francisco only saw her, according to the children. At the time the apparitions began, Francisco was 8 years old, Jacinta was 4, and Lucia was 10. Francisco died in 1919 and Jacinta in 1920, both of influenza. Portuguese church authorities began gathering information and talking with the three children immediately after reports of the apparitions caused thousands of pilgrims to accompany the children to the apparition site. In 1922 church authorities in the Diocese of Leiria, Portugal, where the visions occurred, began an official investigation into the apparitions, and in 1930 the bishop judged the visions worthy of credence and authorized the cult of Our Lady of Fatima. When the Vatican recognizes a person's heroic virtues, that person is declared "venera6Ie." To be beatified, the step before sainthood, a canonically approved miracle must be attributed to the person. Someone killed by enemies of the faith can be declared 'a martyr and be beatified without proof of a miracle. For a person to be declared a saint, a miracle attributed to him or her must be canonically proven to have taken place after beatification.


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May 20 1952, Rev. Antonio L. daSilvia, Pastor, Our Lady of Health, Fall River ' May 23 1944, Rev. William F. Donahue, Assistant, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis May 24 1907, Rev. James F. Clark, Founder, St. James, New Bedford 1985, Rev. Patrick Heran, SS.Cc., Former Rector, Sacred Hearts Seminary, Fairhaven May 25 1925, Rev. Michael P. Kirby, St. Mary's, North Attleboro· 1961, Rev. James V. Mendes, Administrator, Our Lady of Angels, Fall River

AMONG enrichment workshop presenters at SS. Peter & Paul School, Fall River, from top, Dot Szulewski and student Adam Lynch, Clowning Around; Phillip Ashworth and stud~nt Scott Pacheco, Fishing/ Scu ba Diving.


Black expectations of church listed NEW YORK (NC) - What blacks want most from their clergy is good p'reaching and an ability to explain the Scriptures. according to a survey of blacks livjng within the New York Archdiocese. "Black people expect to be moved by the Word." said New York Auxiliary Bishop Emerson J. Moore. archdiocesan vicar for black community development and chairman of the survey steering committee. Bishop Moore said the Catholic emphasis on the sacramental role of clergy provides an added attraction for blacks but cannot substitute for good preaching. . "If you're going to succeed in the black community, you've got to have both." Bishop Moore said. "The Word has got to be preached. This has high priority in the black community, and how well you preach determines how well you can evangelize." The survey drew responses in person or by telephone from 496 blacks in the archdiocesan area. which includes the New York boroughs of Staten Island. Manhattan and Bronx and seven upstate counties. When asked for an evaluation of Catholic Church efforts in various areas. qle ~espondenis gave. highest ratings to' social service,s and education. Lower ratings were given to'the church's record on such matters as "teaching people about rac~sm in Catholic churches and schools" and "affirming black t.raditions and cultural roots." . To respond· to the needs expressed by those surveyed, Bishop Moore said black parishes should make Use of such general black religious traditions as singing gospel songs and spirituals and holding "revivals" instead of traditional Cath01ic "missions." But a large majority of the black Catholics surveyed did not belong to predominantly black parishes. Bishop Moore said black evangelization in predominantly white or Hispanic or mixed parishes presented a different, and in some ways more difficult, problem. "How do we create a liturgy that will speak to all of those traditions?" he asked. "That is a basic challenge." Personal relationships present as much a barrier to black evangelization as liturgy,' he added. The stance and statements of many white Catholics regarding racial issues, he said, makes him "wonder how open they would be to welcoming black folks at Mass." Bishop Moore said, however. that he did not favor the idea of creating non-geographical black parishes. "We are one church," he said. "We are one people. And we should certainly worship as one."

Bearing the pain. VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Anglican Communion is taking very seriously Pope John Paul II's objections to women's ordination and is anxious for the issue to be fully discussed in ongoing dialogue between the two churches, says Mary Tanner, theological secretary to the Board of Mission and Unity of the Church of England. She said she hoped the way both sides "bear the pain" ofthe women's ordination issue would become a sign of co~mitment to unity.

in the news

Detroit parishes lose appeals


DETROIT (NC) - The grievance panel oCthe Detroit archdiocese has rejected grievances filed by 19 parishes upset over a plan to close some 30 Catholic churches of the 112 in the city. Father Norman Nawrocki, archdiocesan grievance clerk, said the five-person panel unanimously rejected the parishes' claim that Detroit Cardinal Edmund C. Szoka had violated church law when he decided to close the parishes by June 30.

CECILIA M. Felix has been named principal of Holy Family-Holy Name School, New Bedford, succeeding Sister Mary Nathan Doherty, RSM. Ms. Felix hasiaught at Holy Family-Holy Name since 1978 and has been especially aCtive in coordinating parent:. stud~nt uqdertakings, A mem'ber of O.L. Mt.· Carmel,par;ish: ;New. Bedford, she is;a graduate of the former Holy Family High School and 'of Southeastern Massachusetts University. 'Sh~holds a ma~~ t¢r's degree in religious _studies fromPr:oyidence. College.

The panel also ruled that the "natural equity" of the parishes was protected in the decisionmaking process, Father Nawrocki told The Michigan Catholic, Detroit archdiocesan newspaper. Natural equity means that all parties involved were given the opportunity to be heard, and that a fair decision was reached because all information available was used to reach it, Father Nawrocki said. According to canon lawyers, natural equity is not spelled out in canon law or civil law, but is a method of interpreting the law to allow a judge to look at specific circumstances of a, case to deter~ine if a law should be applied to it -verbatim. A canon lawyer said the method "brings humanity into what sometimes can be.the dehumanizing factors of law," " The ~ulings,however, may n~t be the final chapter in thestory of the closings. Fifteen of the j>ar- . ishes slated to close have' appealed " to the Vatican but have not yet re.ceived 'a response. or;,


Diocese of Fa\l'River -

Fri., May 19,1989

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DOMINICAN SISTERS OF HAWTHORNE PATRICIA Staebler, ACSW, LICSW, has been appointed area director of the Attleboro office of the Diocesan Department of Catholic . Social Services. Previously she was in private practice' and was a therapist/ consultant on an emergency crisis team at New Bedford Area Centerfor. Human Services and a therapist at Newport Child and Family Services. She holds master's degrees in social work and education from Simmons College and Wheelock College respectively. She and her husband, Albert, have a son, Michael, who will enter medical school in September.

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Fri., May 19, 1989



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CHARISMATIC PRAYER MEETINGS IN THE FALL RIVER DIOCESE , E. FALMOUTH: St. Anthony's hall :...- Thur., 7:30 p.m. (548-0587).

Following is a list of charismatic prayer meetings in the Fall River diocese, arranged according to place and time. The telephone number at the end of each listing may be called for further information. (P) or Port. denotes a Portuguese-hinguage meeting. Where both Portuguese and English groups meet at the same location, this is indicated; where language is not indicated, groups are English-speaking. Groups not considering themselves charismatic are not included; and some groups formerly listed separately have merged with others. Corrections or additions to the list may be sent to Ms. Pauline L'Heureux, 51 Woodward Ave., Seekonk 02771, tel. 336-6349. She is secretary of the diocesan Charismatic Service Committee.

HYANNIS: St. Francis Xavier, Msgr. Thomson Center - Spirit of Jesus Regional Prayer Group -Tues., 8 p.m. (398-4639; 394-2061). NO. EASTHAM: Visitation church hall- Tues., 7:30 p.m. (255-7683). NO. FALMOUTH: St. Elizabeth Seton Church - Thur., 7:30 p.m. (563-3364). VINE YARD HAVEN: St. Augustine hall Mon., 7:30 p.m. (693-376 I}:

W. HARWICH: Holy Trinity hall- First Tues., prayer group, holy hour, 7:30 p.m. (432-1072).

Fall River deanery F ALL RIVER: BI. Sacrament Church - Bread of Life Prayer Group - Fri., 7:30 p.m. (673-6567; 6725473; 644-2375); Espirito Santo (P) - Sun. 6 p.m. (672-3352); Our Lady of HeaIth (P) - Sat. 7: 15 p.m. (summer 7:30 p.m.) (679-5089); St. Elizabeth .,- 2nd Sunday 3 p.m., church; 4th Sunday 3 p.m., parish hall (679-6903).

Attleboro-Taunton deaneries ATTLEBORO: Holy Ghost Church (P)-Wed., 7 p'-m. (226-3160); LaSalette Center for Christian Living - Wed. 8 p.m. (401-724-2307). '

SOMERSET: St. John of God Church - 1st Thur.,7 p.m., open meeting; other Thur. 7 p.m. for seminar graduates (672-1315).

NORTH ATTLEBORO: St. Mary's Church Thur., 7 p.m. (695-7308).

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SW ANSEA: House meeting, Kielor residence, 345 Ocean Grove Ave., Wed. 7:30 p.m. (674-6990).,

NORTON: St. Mary's parish (meetings in homes) 1st & 3rd Thur., 7:30 p.m. (285-6907).

New Bedford deanery

SEEKONK: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church -Wed. 8 p.m. (336-7606); St Mary CCD Center - Thur. 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Thur. Mass followed by prayer meeting in church (226-1516).

E. FREETOWN: St. John Neumann chapel (Cathedral Camp) - Wed., 7:45 p.m. (947-4704; 763-8874).

SO. EASTON: Holy Cross rectory - Wed., 8:30 p.m. (238-2984).

F AIRHAVEN: St. Joseph's parish - New Jerusalem Prayer Community, rectory basement - Fri., 7:30 p.m. (992-0082); St. Joseph Prayer Group, 44 Rotch St. - Wed., 9:45 a.m. (992-5490).

RA YNHAM: St. Ann Church - Mon., 7:45 p.m. (822-2219). \ TAUNTON: St. Anthony, church basement (P) - Mon., 6:30 p.m. (822-4927); Building Block Young Adult Group - Immaculate Conception Church - Wed., 7:30 p.m. (824-8379); St. Mary Church - Mon., 7 p.m. (822-6744). .

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Cape, Islands deanery

NEW BEDFORD: Immaculate Conception (P-Adult),7 p.m. Wed., church (995-5089); O.L. Mt. Carmel (P~Adult), 7 p.m. Thur., chapel (997-8853); (Engl.-Adult), 7 p.m. Mon., basement (997-4324); (Engl.-Youth), 7 p.m. Tues., basement (993-4704); O.L. Chapel, 7 p.m. Wed., basement (763-2320). St. John Baptist (P), 7:30 p.m. 1st Friday: basement (992-4985).

BREWSTER: Our Lady of the Cape, rectory basement - Wed., 7:30 p.m. (896-3309).

WAREHAM: Sacred Hearts Retreat House, Thur., 7:30 p.m. (295-9227).

Scripture Study Groups in the Diocese EAST FREETOWN: St. John Neumann parish, Little Rock Scripture Study Program offered twice yearly, Sept.-Dec.; March-May. Information: Lorraine Sadeck, Religious Education Coordinator, 763-8122.

Scripture Study Program offered twice yearly, beginning first Wednesday of Lent and first Wednesday of October. Information: Rev. Rene R. Levesque, 672-5473; Mary or Fred Demetrius, 644-2375.

F ALL RIVER: St. Anne parish. InformaF AIRHAVEN: St. Joseph parish, Collegeville Bible Commentary. Information: Deborah tion: Rev. Herbert T. Nichols, 674-5651. Blessed Sacrament parish, Little Rock Osuch, 994-3405. J

Catholic chaplains honored WASHINGTON (NC)- Father ArthurC. Lenaghan,a World War Ii Army chaplain from the Fall River diocese, who died Jan. 7, 1944, is among 83 Catholic chaplains who gave their lives in World War II, the Korean War, or Vietnam and who are being honored by a new monument in Arlington National Cemetery, across the Potomac River from Washington. The monument, placed by the Archdiocese for the Military Services on Chaplains' Hill in the cemetery, will be dedicated Sunday. Archbishop Joseph T. Ryan of the military archdiocese is scheduled to be principal celebrant and homilist at a Mass in the cemetery amphitheater. The monument will be blessed and dedicated on Chaplains' Hill immediately after the Mass. Brig. Gen. Patrick H. Brady, chief of public affairs for the Secretary of the Army, speaker at the dedication, is a Catholic who earned the Congressional Medal of Honor while serving in Vietnam. "We must never forget those chaplains who gave their lives for God and country," said Archbishop Ryan in an announcement about the monument. Chaplains' Hill is the site of monuments honoring chaplains of all denominations who died in World War I and Protestant chaplains who died during World War II. The 83 priests honored by the new monument came from 43 dioce.ses and religious orders. Father Aloysius Schmitt, a Navy chaplain from the Archdiocese of Dubuque, Iowa, was the first of the group to die, killed Dec. 7, 1941, during toe Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Father William Maher, an Air Force chaplain from the Diocese of Brooklyn, N.Y., died on Sept. 27" 1951, one of six priests to fall. during the Korean War.

Father Michael Quealy, from the Archdiocese of Mobile, Ala., an Army chaplain, died on Nov. 8, 1966, in the Vietnam War. One chaplain, Father Julius J. Babst, of the Diocese of Belleville, Ill., had already earned the Purple Heart for service during World War I when he died some 25 years later in World War II. He was one of the 70 chaplains to die in that conflict.

One, Father John P. Washington of the Archdiocese of Newark, N.J., an Army chaplain, was one of the famed "Four Chaplains" who went down with the troop sl;1ip. Dorchester when it was torpedoed in the frigid North Atlantic in February, 1943. The chaplains gave their lifejackets to others and were last seen praying together on the deck of the sinking ship. They were later memorialized on a V.S. postage stamp.











FALL RIVER 676·8585 P.O. BOX 67 TIVERTON 624·2907 550 FISH RD.


Father Lenaghan Father Arthur C. Lenaghan, who grew up in Sacred Heart parish, Fall River, and was a 1923 graduate of BMC Durfee High School in that city, was a curate at Holy Name parish, New Bedford, when he joined the Army Chaplain Corps in April, 1942. Theresa Lenaghan of St. 1'0'seph's parish, Fall River, whose husband James is a first cousin of Father Lenaghan, recalls that just before the priest left for active duty he happened to drive by her as she pushed her daug!tter Carolyn, then an infant, in' her carriage. "He stopped his car, jumped out and blessed Carolyn," recalled James Lenaghan. "It was the last time any of us saw him:' Father Lenaghan was killed Jan. 7, 1944, near Monte Cassino, Italy, the birthplace of Benedictine monasticism, while on duty with the Fifth Army. His funeral took place Jan. 31, 1944, at St. Mary's Cathedral. "Cathedral thronged for chaplain's Mass" was the frontpage headline in the Fall River Herald News. The story ac-


companying it reported that then New York Archbishop Francis Spellman, head of the Military Ordinariate, presided at the Mass, which was celebrated by Bishop James E. Cassidy and had Father Timothy P. Sweeney as homilist. Hundreds of priests including the senior chaplain of th(: Army Chaplain Corps, were present for the liturgy. Father Lenaghan's vestments and sacred vessels had been given to his fellow diocesan priest, the late Msgr. George Sullivan, also a military chaplain. Lenaghan said that then Father Sullivan later took them to Japan, where in January 1946 he presented them to nuns staffing a newly-built chapel at Hiroshima. Father Sullivan then offered the first Mass at the chapel for his friend, Father Lenaghan. The chaplain is memorialized with other World War II veterans on a bronze plaque in Kennedy Park, Fall River, and his high school classma tes annually present the Arthur C. Lenaghan Scholarship to a graduating senior. ----------

Stonehill commencement Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will be principal celebrant at a 4 p.m. baccalaureate Mass to be offered tomorrow in the Sally Blair Ames sports complex at Stonehill College, North Easton. The 38th commencement exercises will take place at II a.m. Sunday in the college quadrangle or, in the event of rain, in the sports complex. Nearly 500 baccalaureate and honorary degrees will be conferred. CBS news correspondent Charles Osgood will be commencement speaker and will be awarded an honorary doctorate of letters. Also receiving honorary degrees will be Representative Brian J. Donnelly (D-Mass) of the I Ith Massachusetts congressional district who will receive a doctorate of la'ws; maxillofacial surgeon Dr. Martin J. Dunn and Lady Valerie Goulding, each of whom will receive a doctorate of humanities; and economist Dr. Anna J. Schwartz, who will receive a doctorate of arts. Also to be honored is Catherine M. Johnson, college nurse for 19 years, who will receive the President's Award. An as yet unnamed recipient will be. awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award, which memorializes the late Louise F. Hegarty, for 20 years a professor of mathematics and director of ad ministnitive computing.


Osgood, writer and anchor of four daily CBS radio news broadcasts, a coanchor ofthe CBS Morning News a'nd a frequent contributor to the CBS Eveni'ng News, is the recipient of many professional honors including two Peabody radio awards. Donnelly, serving his sixth term as a V.S. representive, previously served three terms in the state legislature. He is currently on the House Ways and Means Committee. Dr. Dunn, cofounder of Por Cristo; a Brockton-based medical relief society which works to improve health standards in Latin America, is on the staff of Cardinal Cushing Hospital, Brockton. He is a recipient of the Boston College Distinguished Award for Public Service.

Asbestos grants

St. Stanislaus 28th Annual


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Lady Goulding is cofounder of Dublin's Central Remedial Clinic, Ireland's largest center for the physically disabled. Herself a physiotherapist, she is also known as a politician and fund raiser for rehabilitation causes.


Dr. Schwartz, recognized as one of the nation's outstanding economists and former director of the V.S. Gold Commission, is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and the author of many books on monetary economics.

FRIDAY, MAY 26 • 5 - 9 P.M. SATURDAY, MAY 27 .4-10p.M. SUNDAY, MAY 28 • 12Noon-8p.M.



Converts jailed VATICAN CITY (NC) -..:.... Thirteen Nepalese who converted to Christianity have been sentenced to eight-and-a-half months in prison.

WASHINGTON (NC) - The Vatican Radio reported that they Environmental Protection Agency were convicted of violating the has awarded nearly $4 million in country's law against changing re-. grants and loans to Catholic ligions by abandoning Hinduism schools to remove cancer-causing . for Christianity. asbestos from buildings. Among Hinduism is the official religion Catholic schools, the highest amount. went to the diocese of of Nepal, the only Hindu kingdom Youngstown, Ohio, which received in the world, and conversions are $607,988 in grants and loans. The not recognized. No Christian mislowest amount for Catholic schools sionary activity is allowed in the went to Holy Angels parish, West central Asian country. Of its 16 Bend, Wis., in the form of a $7,672 million inhabitants, about 2,000 are Catholic. loan.

37 ROCKLAND ST. • FALL RIVER (Off Broadway) Music By:

FRI. • WallyG.&HisHarmonyKings .6-10P.M. SAT. • Bobby Palo, Draw Polka Band • 6.-10 P.M. SUN. • Bits & Pieces • 12 Noon - 3 P.M. John Demerski&TheVillagers .4-8P.M. • FAMOUS POLISH KITCHEN • CHICKEN BBQ











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May ,19,1989

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Household chores are the best areas for this type of discipline.· Dear Dr. Kenny: Whatever happened to chores? Don't you think that' Sa~urday morning is 'the time the children today are spoiled by hav- house gets cleaned. Each child and ing their parents do too much for the parent or parents too, has a them? I was one of four children. room to clean, with written direcWhen I was growing up, our mother tions on how to do it. No television needed our help in keeping the or going out until the whole house house picked up and clean. Not is finished'. If everyone is done by noon, only was that a help for our mother, then Mom and/ or Dad takes the but I learned much that has helped me as an adult to care for myself helpers to their favorite fast-food restaurant for lunch. If not done and others. Now I have two children and by noon, the parent or parents fin'getting them to do chores is like ish the job, without nagging and pulling teeth. I'd appreciate some without any free lunch. "Clean your room" is an ofthints on getting them to help me with the housework and to clean heard parental admonition but much better than constant nagtheir rooms. (Indiana) ging is to set a specific time to The best way to teach anyone a check and go to the room at that skill is to work alongside them and time. If it is clean, the child receives show as you go. If the primary some token reward. If not, parent meaning of discipline is instruc- and child clean the room together. tion, then working together with No television until it is done. Some parents have obJectea, aSK' your child to complete a task is ing how the child will learn to good discipline. Parents will do better if they focus more on the clean on his or her own: Won't the completion of the task than on child learn that he or she will get help if it's not done? I have to straightening out the child's mind.

laugh, because these are the very parents who are unsuccessful with the "nag" method. Their child has learned that one gets a constant barrage o! attention for a messy room. It helps to break room cleanup down into smaller parts. For example, I. Pick up floor. 2. Make bed. 3. Clean under bed. 4. Dirty clothes in hamper. 5. Clean clothes in drawer. 6. Clean dresser top. A checklist of such items hanging on the wall helps both you and your youngster to accomplish the job. With parental help, the child is learning two things, both important. First, thanks to example, the child is learning that the parent means what he or she says. Even though the parent is not threatening or punitive, when he or she says to clean up your room it gets cleaned up. Reader questions on family living and child care to be answered in print are invited by the Kennys, Box 872, St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978 .

. Membus Federal Deposil Insurance Corporal ion.

History s:ee·n .~

By AntQir,etteBosco There are al:w;~ys. two sides ·to the coin when we contemplate :I





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.'. . '.... " <,'"


~·:l··J.~·sf . t~iii ~. ctffe. 't~~say titled

"F.ik·AlfThose:B·otnlJef6re 1945." The'authorinvites \:is old~timerslo c'eleb~at,l1tli.e am~itng cp.ariges we have seen since we appeare~ on the planer . _. .' • ·'71 posHl}4?prodllcts a~dsig­ nifidint social cha'nges are' cited. These days pe'ople take for granted such JoIHlny-come-lately items as pantyhose, contact lenses, ballpoint pens and plastic.. Some of us remember· when frozen foods and dishwashers were newfangled notions. It is hard to imagine offices without copy machines or electric typewriters, let alone computers and word processors. How did we live without FM radio, tape decks, television, fast food, day-care centers and group therapy? Polio vaccines, penicillin and artificial hearts were a dream. No one had walked on the moon or split an atom. But let's look a minute before we become overly impressed with ourselves. Just how amazing is the . 20th century person when compared with our ancestors? It has been said that one day's New York Times contains more information than a 17th-century person came across in a lifetime. I suppose "information·' includes this week's grocery specials and TV listings. Quality aside, no doubt the quantity of words, papers and facts at our fingertips is remarkable. I wonder, though, what 17thcentury people thought as they watched the completion of the Palace of Versailles. Weren't people in the 12th century impressed' at the creation of Notre Dame CM~drnn . . How about the genius who first blended molten copper and tin to make bronze? And what a day it was when some clever homo sapiens discovered fire. Are today's multitudinous accomplishments any greater than those' of the past? The pace of change is increasing geometrically, but I feel it is the unfolding of a plan. I think that our generation is

~s, unfol~i'ng , I

of a .plan

~ •


~oing'\vhat it is supposed' to do, ~.~~ that each generatio'n' has its .purpqse.:We are doing ~hat is expected, -;- no more, no less. ' I watch m.y 7-month-old gra'ndsCin pulling himselfup with the afd of chair's~lmd' coffee tables. He is intensery eager to ,work his little legs and discover this thing we call ·balance. In a way, nothing in his life could be as .monumental'·as (hat first §!ep., .. . Soon he win uiter sentences, draw pictures, read books, ride bicycles and build sand castles. He will orocess messages and coordij

nate' niuscles_ .at \ightning speed when he watches'a vide-o arid drives a car. As' he'grows ol~er; lie will be expected to ma$ter increasingly nume~o~sa.~d sop,hist!cat~d·tasks. Society. is.a macrocosm of the individ 031.' I n the gr()wthand'rlevelopmeilt of our sp'ecies, each genera'tionseems t'd perform more compIe;, tasks at a fa'ster pace.. r"

... ' ...

' .

The present is fascinating but it is also illuminating to look back over history and to imagine the future, appreciating the wonder of every age.

The mysterious old Church steps toward the church, knelt, made the sign of the cross, then You know, in a wicked kind of continued inside. I felt the way I miss the pre-Vatican II Thompsons' eyes on my back. KathChurch. Not so much the Latin or arine Hepburn couldn't have done the meatless Fridays or the marait better. thon liturgies or things like that. I First Friday gave me a chance to miss its mystery. And no one appuse one of my favorite lines. I reciates mystery as much as a feigned a serious expression for to-year-old. 'my victims' benefit: If they missed That's how old I was when I my creative facial theatrics, misexploited the mystery of the' taking them for disgust at the carChurch. We Catholics still'were an rot sticks my mother had slipped unknown quantity to most of our into my lunch, I said, "Oh, oh, oh, Presbyterian neighbors then. oh, no! I just remembered!" Bing Crosby and the Bells of St. With luck, the audience would Mary aside, we still scared the ask, "Just remembered what? You dickens out of a lot of them. look like you just saw a ghost or My best friend Carolyn's folks your mother slipped carrot sticks once dropped me off at 8 a.m. into your lunch again." The setup Sunday Mass after I'd spent the was complete. . night at their house. Carolyn's "The hour of kneeling before mother had got upset when I the incensed monstrance apppolitely refused her buttermilk hotroaches," I would exhale. cakes. I loved it when eyebrows arched "I don't want to break my fast," and friends stopped midchew of a I explained in a deeply religious Twinkie. "An incensed monster? tone - at least, that's the tone I was How can you guys do that?" shooting for. "I want to receive "We aren't supposed to say," I holy communion." would reply. When we reached Holy InnoYour comments are welcomed cents Church, Carolyn whispered, by Hilda Young, 25218 Meadow "What's it like in there?" Way N.E., Arlington, Wash. 98223. For full dramatic effect, I didn't Open and Close answer right away then said, "We aren't supposed to tell anyone." "When God closes a door, He opens a window." - Gerald HorIt seemed to have an admirably ton Bath stirring effect on Carolyn's mom in the front seat. I heard her whisper, "Harold, did you hear what she ~ CATHOLIC CHARITIES said? Did you?" To add to the effect, 1took three

By Hilda Young

The Anchor ST. PATRICK, WAREHAM LaSALETTE CENTER, Living rosary 7 p.m. Monday with Friday, May 19, 1989 ,ATTLEBORO Maycrowning, Benedictionand refresh" Teach the 'c\.1ildren Well p~ogram ments to follow. New CYO officers: for CCD teachers will be held the Lisa Zine, president; Tom Tully, weeks of July 10 to 14 and 17 to 21. vice-president; James K.ennedy, Information: 222-8530. secretary; Jay Barakat, treasurer. ST. ANNE, FR PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN ST. MARY, SEEKONK' ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, First communion 2 p.m. Sunday. Funeral, Home are asked to submit news Items lor this First communion certificates will SWANSEA I HOLY GHOST, ATTLEBORO column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall, be awarded at 10 a.m. Mass May 28. , First communion 2 p.m. Sunday. 571 Secor,d Street Youth group meeting '7 p.m. SunRiver, 02722. Name 01 city or town should Youth group planning committee O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE be Included, as well as lull dates 01 all activday. Dedication of church organ me~ting 7 p.m. May 31. General Fall River, Mass. Ities. Please send news 01 luture rather Youth ministry trip to Rocky.' and Mass 3:30 p.m. June 25. meeting 7 p.m. May 23. Memorial than past events. Note: We do not normally Point: bus leaves II a.m. Sunday. , ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON carry news ollundralslng activities. We are 679-6072 . Day camping trip May 26 to 28. May procession preceding noon Mass happy to carry notices 01 spiritual proWomen's Guild new officers: S5. PETER & PAUL, FR grams, club meetings, youth projects and Sunday. Wo'men's Guild comMargaret White, president; Jean May crowning 9:30 a.m. Mass similar nonprollt activities. Fundralslng munion following noon Mass Sun- Arikian, vicepresident; Ruth Beauprojects may be advertised at our regular Sunday. Grade 8 day of recollection day. Men's Club meeting 7 p.m. vais and Dorothy Emond, secretarrates, obtainable from The Anchor busitoday at St. James Center, Tiverton. Monday. David Mulholland will ies; Gert Gotham, treasurer. Vincenness olflce, telephone 675-7151. Overnight "prime time" reading May speak on the 'Cape Cod baseball tians will sing and visit patients at On Steering Points Items FR Indicates 26 and 27 for third and fourth grade Fall River, NB Indicates New Bedlord. league. Parish council meeting 7:30 1:45 p.m. Sunday at Wedgemere students. Parish council meeting p.m. May 23, religious education Nursing Home. D OF I, ATTLEBORO 12:30 p.m. Sunday. center. DIVORCED/SEPARATED, Alcaz.aba Circle Daughters of CAPE, BREWSTER O.L. Train for careers In TAUNTON CATHOLIC N. DARTMOUTH Isabella meeting 7 p.m. June I with Ladies' Guild installation 10 a.m. CEMETERIES Meeting 7 p.m. May 22 with Doug potluck supper. June II, joint comMass Sunday, followed by brunch at Mass 10 a.m. May 29, St. Francis Riley speaking on "Mediation 'in munion breakfast follows 10:-30 a.m. Christine's restaurant. Children's cemetery.' ' ' , Divorce Settlements." Mass, St. Joseph's Church, Attle.choir rehearsal 4 p.m. today, Parish boro. Breakfast speaker: Sister ST. ANNE HOSPITAL, FR CATHEDRAL CAMPS, prayer line is available for emergenMargaret Kernan, SUSc. New executive vice-president is E. FREETOWN cies; the intercessory prayer book is Ralph DiPisa, who ~ill.be responsiRetreat with Father Babbitt from ST. JAMES, NB for ongoing requests. Prayer line ble for operations throughout the St. Mary's parish, Seekonk, today Ladies' Guild banquet 6 p.m. May numbers: 896-3309; 432-4435; hospital. through Sunday. Youth ministry peer 24, Thad's Steak House. The guild 385-9746. training day 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. has had the stage curtains cleaned ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN ST. ANTHONY, MATTAP0I5ETT tomorrow. .and will give a college scholarship to Block rosary and May crowning St. Anthony's Guild board will a high school graduate active in the 2:30 p.m. May 28 at Marian statue ST. JULIE, NO. DARTMOUTH meet 7 p.m. Monday. parish. Parish council meeting 2 p. m. on grounds of Sacred Hearts ProConfirmation II presentation Sunday, parish center. vincial House. Benediction and receremony 6:45 p.m. Sunday; confreshments will follow. firmation 7 p.m. Monday. Inquiry ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN Pharmacy 'EClS~~~.~~=C'STS night for possible converts June 12. Hearing aids are available. InformST. ELIZABETH SETQN, ation at rectory. N.FALMOUTH Invalid Equipment For Rent or Sale Charismatic prayer group each IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, Thursday 7:30 p.m. Youth group TAUNTON ·:.-Sur,oc,1 Clrmen!s - 'o,d· "PI M,chines - Jollst meeting follows 5 p.m. Mass SunWomen's Guild living rosary 6 . '_ ~ • Holltsler - Crutches - (lillie Stoc.in,s day. Women's Guild communion p.m. May 23, followed by ham and Sur,oUI I Orthoptdoc Appll,nces 10:15 Mass Sunday, brunch follows bean supper. First communion at '~ Trusses ~ O.,.en -' O.,.en Masks,Tenls I ' Country Club. Betty MazPocasset noon Mass Sunday. ' .-::~, ~e,ulttors . Approved for Medocate zuchelli will speak about her recent Train to be a Prof,sslonal HOLYNAM~FR ' , ~~ 24 HOUR OXYGEN SERVICE trip to aid the needy in Honduras. ,SECRETARY Children's Mass 10 a.m. Sunday. , Bible discussion group meeting Sun;::,..."(,,.,:~ 24 MOUI EIIUIEMC' "'(SC"~T10" S~IYIC( Mrs. K.im PowerlJ' has joined the day. Information: 548-8735. ·EXECUTIVE SEC. 811'\ . . schoo) staff as kindergarten teacher. ' ,WORD PROCESSOR &73 _ Main St., Dlnnisptrt ~ 3.-2219',' New Women's Guild officers: Mrs. SACRED HEART, OAK BLUFFS HOME STUDY IRES, TRAINING New Woman's Guild officers: 'Roger Booth, president; Mrs. James 550 McArthur "Yd., Itl.' 21, rlCasslt - 563·2203 .FlNANCIAL AID AVAIL. Bigelow, vice-president; Mrs. Fran- Violet Rego, president; Marguerite ' Cook, vice-president; Estelle Supre30 Main St., Orilins - 255-0132 cis Sullivan, secretary; Mrs. Stephen ·JOB PLACEMENT ASSIST nant, treasurer; Jean O'Brien, secreTerceira, treasurer. Youth group tary. They will be installed at 10 a. m. Kempton St.. HI. Itdford ' - 193-84'2 elections 6 p.m. May 28. Mass June II. The annual dinner is P'p,,,,,oooo,, '/'(PARAMOUHT rHAlMACY) THE HART SCHOOL ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, set for June 21 at Ocean View. • D1v. of A.C.T. Corp. ' POCASSET Nan. hdqtn, Pompano Bch. FL , - Elections for four new parish coun- ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NB Parish Council meeting follows 10 cilors will take place at weekend a.m. Mass Sunday. The Women's' .Masses. League will hold an ethnic sypp-er at ST. MARY, N. ATTLEBORO 6 p.m. May 25, church hall. May devotions 7 p.m. each Tuesday. CATHEDRAL, FR New Women's Guild officers, all WASHINGTON (NC) - The reelected are Miss Ruth Hurley, presPaulist National Catholic EvanACTIVE 1200 FAMILY PARISH WITH VERY ident; Mrs. Hadley Lackey, vicegelization Association has been president; Mrs. James O'Brien Jr., TRANSIENT POPULATION NEEDS FULL TIME·PERSON chosen to represent Evangelization and Mrs. Antone Machado, secrein North America, and Paul2000 taries; Miss Mary T. Hurley, ist Father Alvin A. Illig has been treasurer. • PREFERABLY A RELIGIOUS SISTER BECAUSE OF appointed to the project's internaST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET NEEDED BACKGROUND AND EVENING TIME WORK. tional board of directors. Confirmation candidates held a The goal of Evangelization 2000, IO-mile walkathon May 13 to benefit • TO VISIT, WELCOME, RECONCILE, INVOLVE PEOPLE. a IO-year effort to begin in 1990, is the Catholic Charities Appeal. The route included stops at several agento train millions of Catholics' cies that benefit from Appeal proaround the world to become evan- , CALL OFFICE, ceeds, including Catholic Social gelizers. The program was founded, Services, St. Anne's Hospital and GALES FERRY, CT in Rome last November by Rethe Catholic Education Office. demptorist Father Tom Forrest, a (203) 464-7251 O.L. ASSUMPTION, missionary for 23 years who is now OSTERVILLE involved in renewal, and Dutch Adult choir will sing at 10:30 a.m. businessman Piet Derksen. Mass Sunday for last time until fall.




,- @)




:1!:8 ' -509

Father Illig named:




MEN OF SACRED HEARTS, NB All welcome at five hour vigil 7 p.m. to midnight June 2, St. ~ra~cis. Xavier Church, Acushnet, begmmng and ending with Mass. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT Day of recollection I ·to 9 p.m. Sunday, parish center, for youth confirmed before 1988. Meeting of altar servers 10 a.m. tomorrow. CHRIST THE KING, COTUIT/MASHPEE Pasta, spaghetti sauce, canned fruits and peanut butter are needed by the food pantry. ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA Queen of Peace prayer group meets 7 p.m. eachWednesday. A food bank is being organized in memory of Deacon Gene Orosz. Donations of canned goods and other non-perishables are requested. First communion 2 p.m. Sunday.


Not a high wall ERIE, Pa. (NC) - The Founding Fathers intended to erect a' wall between church and state but not a high one, a church-state expert said at an Erie conference marking the bicentennial of the First Amendment. "The question has always been, 'How high a wall?''' said Robert L. Cord, a White House consultant on church-state issues and a professor at Northeastern University in Boston. Cord reviewed the U.S. history of separation of religion and government in a speech during the conference, which was hosted by Erie's Gannon University and sponsored by the Catholic bishops of Pennsylvania.


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PAULA ROY 998-8392

,. ..........


The Anchor Friday, May 19, 1989


Cursillo chaplain DALLAS (NC) - The National Cursillo Center in Dallas has announced that Father Paul Lamberty, a priest of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, has been named its national chaplain.


.Bishop Connolly "Tapestries," a new literary magazine at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, is a collection of 40 poems, short stories, essl!Ys, and illustrations. Staff member Helena Pacheco said, "Connolly has not had a literary magazine in over 10 years, and there· are lots of good writers in the school, s~ we decided it was time." Noting that all the staff members were female, Pacheco emphasized that. many pieces submitted were by boys.

• • •

Rev. J. Joseph Kierce Author and Producer of The N~w England Passion Play

Connolly Athletic Director Mrs. . Cindy DeCosta has announced Craig Bernat and Christen Terpak were April Athletes of the Month. Bernat is the leading golf team scorer, setting a new school record shooting a 33, two under par. Terpak is a three-year member of the softball team and is this year's leading batter (.375). Criteria for Athletes of the Month include athletic accomplishment, leadership, and character.



. '* * • Connolly senior Loraine Michaud will head west after graduaTOUR 2 CHINA· DELUXE HOTELS &ALL MEALS tion to attend the Teton Science . to Beijing, Xian, Hangchow, Shanghai, School as one of 14 students acceptGuilin, and Hong Kong! 'See the mys· ' ed into a six-week course in field tery & wonder of ancient and modern ecology at the school which is located in Grand Teton National China. Park, Jackson ,Hole, Wyoming. FOR ONLY The program includes ecology research and on-site studies in such fields as black bear radio-telemetry JUNE 29 . JULY 14 and bald eagle reproduction.. (from/to East Coast, United Air)







Members of SADD (Students * • * Against Drunk Driving) sponsored Bishop Stang freshmen will assist a table with information on SADD at a Very Special Arts Children's and distributed SADD pins to Festival on May 24 at Southeastfaculty and students. ern Massachusetts University. Over On Thursday and Friday, a car 400 students with a variety of diswreck was displayed on the school . abilities will participate in the day la wn as a reminder of the dangers of creative arts activities. of drinking and driving.

* • *

Stang students were well represented at th~ recent State Science Fair held at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A second piace winner and recipient of a $200 Boston Patent Law Association award was Michael Spencer with his project, "The Effect of Water Pollution on a Pond Ecosystem." A third place winner was Matthew Meyer with a study of "The Wintergreen Mint Phenomenon." Honorable mentions went to: Kim Morris, "Chaos, Pattern Limitations," and Traci Viveiros, " Effects of Pollutants on Methanogenic Bacteria."

• * '" Congratulations go to Ms. Pat Thomas of Stang's drama department and the cast and crew of "Guys & Dolls.". The New Bedford Standard Times described the recent production as "sassy, breezy .... ~lIlighthearted, zest and zing.:'

Bishop S.tang


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in our schools

* * •

Among the faculty: religion teacher Ted Pirozzi spoke recently The North Dartmouth high at the annual Greater Boston underschool recently sponsored a drug graduate conference on bioethics and alcohol a.wareness .week d ur- . at Boston College. His presentaing which juniors and seniors were ~ tion explored medical ethical addressed by Sheriff David Nel-. decision-making in light .of philoson, who presented his Slam Pro- . sophy in general and Christian gram, in which prisoners relate the theology in particular. tragic results of their involvement with drunk driving. The program Science teacher John Ciccotelli, was followed by addresses by recipient of'a grant from SouthMassachusetts state troopers who eastern Massachusetts University's discussed legal consequences of biology department, will do drinking and driving. summer studies involving recomNurses from St. Luke's Hospital . binant DN A work geared toward CARE (Cancel Alcohol Related environmental cleanup of fossil EmergenCies) spoke to freshmen fuels. He will also spend a day a and sophomores, showing slides week studying whales. He recently of emergency room carnage result- took a group of over 100 Bishop ing from Drunk Driving, given by Stang and Bishop Connolly stuparents who have lost children due dents on a whale watch during to drunken driving. which 15 fin back and 6 humpback This awareness program was whales were observed with their also offered to parents on an even- calves. ing during the week.



* * *

Seniors Michael Spencer and Paulo Pereira recently participated in Student Government Day in Boston, Michael as a representative and Paulo as an alternate. .

Elementary Schools


Government Center, having lunch at Heritage Park and visiting the Marine Museum to view a special program. Pre-screening for over 80 new kindergarten pupils will take place May 24 and 25. May 26 will find St. Anne's students celebrating "Mix-Match Day" and showing school spirit by their various forms of attire. Kindergarten graduation will be held at 10 a.m. June 2. A Pre-School Stepping-Up Ceremony will take place June 9, also the last day of school for pre-schoolers.

. Coyle-Cassidy Juniors at Coyle-Cassidy High School in Taunton who are "high scorers" in the 1990 National Merit Scholarship Program are Jennifer J. Karcz, Daniel J. Murphy, Stacey J. Sanborn and Steffani A. Sullivan. They are among 50,000 hig'h scorers from whom will be selected 15,000 National Merit Semi-Finalists, whose names will be announced in the fall.

At SS. Peter and Paul School, Fall River, a recent enrichment workshop presented by teachers, parents and community volunteers included such varied subjects as broadcasting, bubbles, stenciling, Chinese calligraphy, travel, firefighting, clowning, cooking, be~uty tips, dancing, sta~p. collect~ng, * • • fishing and scuba dlVlng, ~ew~ng, C-C junior Ann Gedrites scored. making of Mother's Day gifts and 99 percent out of a possible 100 to health careers. Also at SS. Peter and Paul, the win in her division at a recent State second annual awards night was History Day held at Plymouth highlighted by a talk by Sister South High School. Her project Mary Faith, a school graduate and paper were on Mark Twain who is now principal at Bishop and she was the first C-C student to be a divisional winner in state Feehan High School, Attleboro. Awards included the presiden- competition. tial Academic Fitness Award, which Went to 8th graders Robert Bielawa, Heidi Chasse, Joshua Gorman, Maria Pacheco, Scott Paiva, and Andrea Rosseter, all of whom have maintained at least a B average during their elementary school years. . Frederick Mello was recogmzed for his "extraordinary effort to achieve academic excellence" and also received a Presidential Award. Honored for achieving all As for three consecutive marking periods were Scott Paiva, '89, Jason Williams, '90, and Adam Jolivet, '93. Who's Who in American Schools acknowledged Andrea Rosseter, Kerri Freitas, Frederick Mello, Thomas McCaughey, Thomas Reis, and Peter Richard for their contributions to the school. . Thirty-seven other students in grades 4-8 were presented achievement awards.

* * * *

At St. Anne's School, Fall River, Grade 2M was to take a tour of Fall River landmarks yesterday, touring the main post office and

ANN Gedrites of Coyle-Cassidy is the school's first divisional winner in a State History Day contest. Her project was on Mark Twain.

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NATIONAL MERIT high scorers at Coyle-Cassidy Hig~ School for the 1990 scholarship program are from left, Steffam Sullivan, Daniel Murphy, Jennifer Karcz and Stacey Sanborn.

SOUTH YARMOUTH St. Pius Tenth S1500 Rev. Msgr. Henry T. Munroe: S600 M-M Oouglas J. Murray; S350 Oorothy P EWing; S300 Oorothy ABlack, Ms Margaret MFlaherty, M-M Augustine Gouveia, Mrs Charles Karyanis, James & Elien Peterson: S250 M-M Joseph Avitabile, Carole Crawford, M-M Philip Gunther; S220 M-M Fredetlck Mullen: S200 MIChael J Mulcahy, Russell & Janet Murphy, Harold WMurray, Mrs Edward F O'Neill, M-M F_ W. QUinn, Evely~ l Rhodes, Thomas JWalsh, Winifred Stenson; S150 M-M Charles Eager, Mrs Ernest Eastman, M-M James Keany, M-M Arthur laFrenier, Mary MO'Brien, M-M Thomas Williamson, Jr, Mary Young: S145 M-M Emerson Snow: S140 M-M Richard Racine: S125 M-M Richard Sullivan: SilO Charles Young: S100 M-M Albert TAnastasio, M,M William Boudette, Thomas Butler, Mrs Joseph E Colgan, Anne Conley, Margaret Cortes, George CraVinho, Mrs James Desmond, Mrs Rosella Donlan, Ruth PDonovan, Ms Marie Farrell, M-M Ralph RGiffen, M-M Joseph AGlebauskas, William PGleeson, M,M Joseph Grady S100 Mrs Paul Grady, M,M William Hogan, M-M lawrenc.e Kane, M-M V,R_ Keefe, John J Kelly, M-M George Kenl, Mrs lucy FKiley, M,M Edward Kraus, M-M Frank Rlocke, M-M Eric Hlundgren, Ms Marie J Welch, M-M John Marques, M·M Frank VMedeiros, Mary J Moriarty, M-M John EMurphy, Mrs Charles McElroy, Edwin 0 McGuire, M-M Joseph AMcTiernan, M-M Richard WNeitz, M-M George FO'Brien, Capl, and Mrs Edward J QUinn, Richard MQuirk, M-M Thomas Rafferty, Mrs Rita Richardson, Joseph Rotella, William Shanahan, Corinne Shea, M-M RGSibley, M-M Paul RTrappSr: Mrs George EWefers, Or & Mrs Edmund l Whekan, Mrs Joseph Whitehead: SBO Edith ABlack, M-M Armand WJalbert: S75 M-M Gino Allola, M-M FrancIS HCronin, M-M Thomas Faulkener, Raymond ludden, M-M John Mitchell, Mrs Mary C Ormiton, M-M Brenton Ray, M-M Joseph Tierney; S6D Dr- Mrs Peter Amorosi, Mary J Donovan, M-M Thomas Sheehan, Roberl SSoukup, M-M Warren Witzman S50 Thomas CBailey, Mrs Harold Baker, M-M Raymond Bois, M-M TadeuSl Badach, Joan Broadcor. ens, M-M James FBurns, M-M Joh~Callahan, Mary ECedrone, Rita Church, Maj Ret MargaretJ Conley, M-M Herbert Connors, M-M Andrew E Corrigan, Patrick Cox, James E Cronin, Richard Croteau, M-M Edward J Curley, M·M James Dacey, M-M Joseph Deveney, M-M J. B. Doherty, Mrs Frank J Duggan, Edward Dunleavy, M-M Thomas Eaton, M-M Allred Ferro, M-M Joseph H Flynn, Jr, M-M Stephen Foley, M-M David Gallagher, Janis A Gallagher, M-M John B Giorgio, Mrs Virginia Ginivan, Or-Mrs Arthur J Gorman, M-M Thomas Grew, M-M James J Greeley, Mrs Helen Hansen, M-M James PHoar, Mrs Donna Hume, JohnlVirginia Hutchinson, M-M Carmen IllO, M-M Timothy Jones, Herbert A Kenny, lawrence Kenney, Joan Kiggen, Annette licee, Robert H Kinkaid, M-M Clarence ~ King, M-M William lynch, Mrs Edward Madden, M-M Haynes Mahoney, M-M Joseph Mahoney, Mrs Joseph Mannering, M-M George Martin, M-M Robert J Mason, Walter W - Mabel M Milleh, M-M laurence Morse, Ms Ruth Mulford, Margaret C Mulligan, Mrs James C McGreay, Eugene McGillicuddy, Anne Mclaughli, M-M John McMahon, Mrs John McManus, Mrs Richer McNealy, M-M William McPartland, M-M lawrence Newell, M-M George Nestor, Mrs George ENicoll, M-M FrancisO'Brien, In Memory of Dennis& NancyO'Connor, M·M Edward J O'Keefe, Ed Oleary S50 M-M Joseph Ortman, M-M Norbert F Parent, Herbert Kenney, Oiane Pennallatase & Karen Chrzanowski, M-M James TPhillips, Mrs Clara V Porter, Bernice J Poutas, Peter Regan, M·M William J Regan, Joseph Ryan, Mr_ Kerry V Smith, M-M Robert Stamp, Or & Mrs Edmund J Sullivan, Mrs John Sullivan, In Memory of lawrence PSullivan, M-M Robert Sullivan, M-M Eugene RTilley, Mrs Agnes B Walsh, Donald Walsh, M-M Thomas Wood; S4D Ms Anne McGivney, M-M Raymond l McGrane, M-M Edward FHanlon; S35 M-M louis Florio, Austin &Julie Griffin, Theodore Kappler, M-M Dorothy Kolb, M-M Francis EMooney, M-M William McKenney, M-M George Thompson; S30 Alice Connolly, M-M Charles M Cronin, Mrs Rosine Dolan, Catherine ADonnelly, Or. & Mrs_ Ralph H_ Dumas, M-M Hugh TFee, M-M Billy Joe Gieselman, Gray, M-M William Griffith, Mrs Richard Hegarty, M-M John Houst, M-M John lally, Mrs Eileen PPaine, M-M Guy JPatrilli, M-M Francis Riley, M-M James NStephens, Mrs Richard Terrio, M-M Edmund Tessier S25 Mrs Richard M Angeley, M-M Albert Arone, M-M Wm Arseneaugh, M-M Francis Anderer, M-M Norman Babineau, M-M Thomas EBache, Mrs Thomas CBaldwin, Mrs louis Baredi, M-M Frederick G Barker, AlexanderlConstance Bean, M-M William H Behan, Mrs Harry Blythe, M-M Dalpold Borowick, Mrs Nella ABosworth, Mrs Dominic Campanile, Edward Carbone, Mrs Thomas Carey, M-M Verna Carey, M-M Henry Chenetle, Barbara GClifford, Mrs John Cochran, M-M Warren J Cole, M-M Coleman, M-M Andrew Comeau, Kathleen AConcon, Dorothy MConnell, M-M Thomas CConroy, Mrs Mary RCorcoran, M·M John JCorrigan, Mrs Frances Crawford, Mrs Bainbridge Crist, FrancisJ Cronin, JamesJ Cronin, Mrs Dorothy Cullen, Irene Culver, M-M David JCurtin, M-M John Czyoski, Mrs Francis Davenport, Mrs Willrid DeBlois,Mrs William DeCost, Ellen BDonahue, Mrs Gilbert Dillon, Helen Donahue, Mrs Francis Oonnelly, M·M John Donovan, Mrs John R Donovan, Mrs Charles P Driscoll, Francis Driscoll, Mary DriSCOll, M-M George Dubuc, Catherine Duffy, Marie Duffy, WRDunn, Mrs Thomas Earley, Nancy Emmell, M-M Denis A English, Slerling WJ Farrenkopf, Mrs Rose Marie Faust, M-M James Feeley, Mrs George Finn, Elaine Fitzgerald, M-M Robert Fitzgerald, Robert J Fitzgerald, Mrs Matthew Fitzsimmons, M-M John Flaherty, M-M Michael J Frucci S25 M·M NICholas Garololo, M-M William WGarrety, Ms Phyllis Germano, M-M Norman Gill, M-M FW Glynn, Mrs Joseph Greene, M-M Richard EGrenon, M-M Joseph Grigaitis, M-M Richard EHalloran, Mrs Henry H Hanell, Sylvia Hatch, Mrs Oaniell Healy, Mary Healy, M-M Gerard Heffernan, M-M William Heller, laureta Hennessey, Mary THennessey, M-M John FHopkins, M-M James Hosey, M-M laurence Hubbard, M-M Jeremiah Hubeny, Mrs Geo_ H_ James, M-M Wilbur Johnson, M-M Earland Jordan, M-M Alphonse KablSaitis, M-M Daniel SKeary, M-M James Ke~ry, Mrs John Kelly, Gail Kenney, Sherley Kenny, M-M Francis Klehle, Mrs Hugh Kilmartin, M-M Edward J Kinchla, Susan F King, Mrs Joseph Klaus, Matlnus Kraska, M-M Adam J Kudarauskas, M-M AllaTanzi, Don lawrence, Mrs louise leary, George lemire, M-M Adelard lePage, Mrs lawrence lippard, Jane M logan, M-M Frederick lindahl, M-M Thomas lonergan, Mrs William low, MrsStanley JMaciotek, M-M George Magurn, M-M John JMahoney, M·M John Malloy, M-M James AMaloney, M-M leonard Marino, Mrs Ellioll Martin, M-M Francis Martin, M·M Robert Masiello, M-M KAMatheson, Richard EMaxwell, M-M Herbert J Molway, Mrs John Morse, Helen & Don Mullaney, Mrs John Mullen, Mrs Oorothy Murphy, M-M Ronald Murphy, Mary Murray, Miss Flora MacDonald, Miss leafy MacDonald, Mrs Alexander Maclellan, Audrey McCluskey, M-M RMcCorkle, Mrs Ralph EMcCoy, M-M Francis JMcDermolt, Katehrine McDermott, Ms Margaret McDermolt, Mrs Thomas PMcDonough, M-M Paul FMcGourty, M-M Arthur FMclean, M-M Robert CNewell, Mrs Joseph Norton, M-M George Noury, M-M Claude O'Boyle S25 Mrs Charles JO'Connor, M-M Hubert FO'Neill, George Orsulak, Mrs David MOwen, Joseph Panek, Mrs Rita Paquin, M-M John J Parulis, M-M John Pavao, M-M Carl Peterson, M-M Richard Pierce, M-M Candido Pinto, Mrs leonard Pinto, Mrs Vivian VPowers, M-M Wm Puzella, M-M John GPyne, M-M Ronald Quayle, M·M Peter Randall, M-M Eugene Remie, Mrs Cecelia Rennie, Mary FRiley, lawrence & Mary Ristuccia, M·M JJRoberts, M·M George FRodenbush Jr, M-M paul Roell, M-M John TRose, Mrs AntonioJ Rossi, M-M Robert Routhier, M-M Frank Rudd, M-M Stanley PRussell, Mrs Mary Ryan, MrsJeannette St louis, Harold JSaling Jr, M-M FrederickJ Sciarappa, M-M Donald Sheehan, M-M Robert BShipley, M·M Richard Sine, Ms Catherine ESmith, Mrs George HSmith, M-M Robert Smith, M-M John FSplaine, M·M Anthony Staiano, M-M John Stetkiewicz, Margaret HSteward, Brian Sullivan, M-M Edward Streile, M-M Francis H SUllivan, Mary l Sullivan, M-M Paul Sullivan, Ann Sutherland, M-M lubomir Szumski, M-M James Tafralian, Mrs Agnes Tenney, Albert-Anne Theroux, M-M Kenneth Thomas, Edmond Treiney, M-M Frank Tortora, Donald Trites, Robert Wallace, Gertrude FWhelan, M-M Joseph Welch, Mary Yosgandes, Mrs Tracy Zeller, M-M Mallhew Zurewick PROVINCETOWN St. Peter the Apostele SlOO M·M Ronald lopes, Ruth Rogers, Albert Tavares; S75 M-M Warren Costa; S50 Elaine Cabral, M·M Edmond ADalpe Sr, M-M JHoward Days, Marilyn Downey, In Memory olThomas AFrancis, M-M Walter Harding, Margaret Roberts; S35 M-M James Roderick, M-M Francis Silva: S25 M-M William Allison, M-M Paul Benatti, M-M Edward Boxer, Adeline Coelho, Marie Costa, Dorothy MCurran, M-M Bernard Oays, M·M Herman DeSilva, M-M Joseph Dirsa, Genevieve Ferreira, M·M leo Gracie, Dorothy linskey, JArthur lopes, Julia McGrady, M-M Raphael Merrill, M-M FrankJ Patrick, M·M Eugene Poyant, M-M Albert Rocheteau, M-M David Roderick, M-M Edwin Rose, M·M Robert Russell, Christine Silva, M-M Emmanuel Souza, Isabelle Volton SIOO Dolores Preuss; S50 M-M Michael Tasha; $30 M·M SPeter Codinha; $25 M·M Francis Alves, M·M Bill Burrell, Delphine Cabral, lucille CDonahue, Kevin J Ferreira, M-M Manuel lewis, M-M Todd Molla, Raymond Nolin ffl, M-M Warren Perry, M-M Bernard Santos, M·M Stephen Silva Buwrds BIY St.lllrpret $100 M·M Paul Duffy, M-M John HHickey, ThomasP, O'Brien; $50 M·M John Silva, Kay Connelly, M-M Tony Vieira; $25 Marie Andrews, Mrs Dominga Andrade, M·M Frink Rose, M·M Ernest Perry, M-M August lopes, M·M Anthony Baptista, M-M George Murray, Mary Olson, Patrick & Helen Nee, M·M Fred McComisky, Major & Mrs_ Ray Fisher, M·M lee K Stephens, Cecile Robbins, M,M Daniel Sweeney, M-M laureston Jackson, M-M Vincent DeMore, Carmen Zwieg, Florence Carey, M-M Wayne Dudley, M-M Raymond Boucher, Ida Monteiro, M-M Stephen Baptiste, Katherine fernandes $200 Ruth Pope, Chester A Dolin Jr_, $150 M·M Raymond Desrosiers; $100 M-M Norman Bonney, Anna Shea, Grace Campia, John & Irene Murphy, Rose Arsenaulf, M-M Charles fuller, Mrs Beverly Polisky; $50 Irene Gosselin, M-M Gary Maloney, M-M frank Poller, ~r_, M-M Gordon Oliosi, Joseph Curtey, M-M Robert Stefan, M·M John Gray, Pasquele Corricelli; $40 M·M Peter Duffy, M-M John Bellissimo, Mary Thomas, M-M August Cristofori; $35 Eloise Reynolds, Mrs lillian Kennedy, M-M Joseph Zlogar; $30 M-M James lopes. Melvin Burns, Pam & Bill Gosselin. M·M Richard Dobbins; $25 Mrs. Catherine Reagan, M-M Willi8Jll MacKenzie, MaryV Rose, M·M Victor Barrows, M-M Thomas Spiro, M·M frankSupikowsky, Mary Rautenberg, Ralph fox III, Martha Monaghan, Georgina lips, M-M John Bourne, Josephine Welsh, M,M James Murphy, Constance Ikkela IIlShpee Christ the Kin, $1500 Rev, Ronald ATosti: $500 M-M John Connor; $400 M-M John Urban: $300 Arthur Brennan; $240 M-M Harold Allid; $200 M-M Peter Walls, M-M Edwin Karp; $150 M-M John Thorn, M-M Charles Rogers, M-M William Ricci: $120 M-M Robert Crolly, M·M James Walker; $100 M-M William Gately, Ruth Jonis, M-M Eugene McCluskey, M-M William Johnston, M-M John Donovan Jr, M,M Frederick Everell, M-M John Tolchinsky, Mrs Roy Smith, M-M Frederick Holway, M·M Austin Findlin, M-M Willis Michaelson, Anne Hanley, Mary Hanley, M-M J Norman Fitzgerald, M-M Gerald Wadey, M,M William Ferguson $50 M-M David Kopp, Mrs, Mary Mone, Helen McCarthy, Mrs_ Martha Rubado, M-M Frank Mahoney, Margaret Corcoran, M-M Hubert Raymond, M-M Ronald Butler, Mrs_ Elizabeth Tyminski, Mrs Henry labute, M-M Richard Rourke, Mrs_ Paul Hurley, M·M Thomas Capizzi, Or & Mrs Joseph ComaIIi, Mrs Anne Fitzgerald, M-M William Gerson: $40 M-M Joseph O'Keefe, M-M John Cawley, John Denaro: S30 Mrs_ lawrence Bjork: S25 Sally Bold, M-M Douglas Gaudelle, Hilda Almeida, M-M Robert Dosch, Mrs Raymond Martini, M-M Oram Dubey, Anne Shaw, M-M George Baker, M-M Robert Mullen, M-M Richard Shaughnessy, Mrs_ Helen SCUdder, M-M George Wyall:Mrs Allred Lewando, Virginia Belanger, M-M Allred Tracey, Gerard LaBute, M-M John McNamara, Grace Howard; M·M Bruno Magdalenski. M-M Thomas

McNamara, M-M William McKay, Sr., M-M Francis Burke, M-M Angelo Massa, M-M James McGrath, M-M John Murdock, Joan Shields, Alyce RHoward, Mrs Chester Brown, Mary Bullock, M-M Henry Godleski, Mrs. Richard Holmquist, M-M Emile lareau, Mrs linda layne, M-M Agostino leone, John logan North falmouth St. Elizabeth Seton $400 Rev. Joseph l. Powers; $360 M-M Frank McManus; $300 Mrs William F_ Foran, M-M Joseph McCarthy; $200 M-M Robert FMcDermott $160 M-M Noel Almeida; $150 Mary lou Ballou; $125 M-M John W Donohoe, Judge & Mrs Roger Champagne; $100 M-M Frank Aliano, M-M George Baker, M·M Paul BOUdreau, M-M David Carboneau, Mrs_ Frank Corrigan. M-M Paul Halpin, John Hughes, Mrs Rose H Hurll, Knights of Columbus, Mrs Thomas 0 lawrence, Mrs Elizabeth leavey, M-M Edward McGuire, Mrs ManuelT Medeiros, M-M Francis Murphy, Mrs Joseph BMurray, ThomasJ Norris, MsClare MO'Brien, M-M James HO'Connell, M-M William Roche, Mrs Grace Sullivan, Ms MargaretTilton, M-M Ralph FVaccaro, M-M Gerald AWiedman, M·M George West; $65 Mary CMorris; $60 M-M William C, McClarren,: S50 M-M William GAndrew, M·M Paul April Jr, M-M FrankArbusto, M·M francisP Bagarella, Mrs David Bercovici, M-M Richard Boudrot, M-M Walter Bzibziak, M-M Robert Caron, M-M Anthony Caruso, M-M Dexter ECoggshall, M·M Richard Daley, M-M William l Dallon Jr, Ralph DeGregorio, M-M William PDillon, M-M James Doherty, M-M Eugene Donovan, Mrs Patrick J Finn, M-M Charles Kenyon, Mrs Charles laWless, DrlMrs John E Manning, M-M Paul McGowan, M-M Martin Millane, M-M Robert Morganrath, William FMoyniham, Mrs Warren J Palmer, Mrs Julianne Palmieri, M-M Howard Redgate, M-M Sherman Schuck, M-M John Sullivan, M-M James AWard $35 Thomas Fermoyle, M-M CharlesS InnisJr, M-M Thoma~ JleRocque, M-M Robert 0 Rudden: $30 Mrs John Howe; M-M Richard Antonellis, M-M Robert Antonucci, M-M Jerry Aubrey, Mrs William Bailey, Mrs Stephen A~arnes, M-M Kevin Casey, M-M John Cooke, I~-M James Corr, Mrs Earl C!eemer, M-M Thomas Curtin, M-M William DiCroce, M·M Brian PDuarte, Mrs Austin Egan, M-M Fred Eggleston III, M-M Charles AFermano, M-M Robert Ferreira, M-M Dana Freeman, M·M Thomas JGarvey, Mrs John Gibbons, William PHendel, M-M Karl Herendeen, M-M CKeefe Hurley, M-M Leo Johnson, M-M Robert Uohnson, M-M John Joyce, M-M John Kennedy $25 M-M frederick lawton, M·M Walter Pleahy, M-M William Rlewis, francis Mahoney, M-M Richard Mahoney, M-M John K McCarron, Mrs John McCue, M-M Ed,md Medeiros, M-M William Monty, M-M Charles EMorgan, M-M Mario Molla, M-M Richard Nixon, M-M Joseph BNoonan, M-M Paul Noonan, Mrs James PO'Brien, M·M Donald O'Connell, Mrs Helen f O'Connor, M·M James MRazinha, M-M James F Remillard, M-M Francis CRose, M-M Stephen Totunno, Mrs Herbert JSemino, Or &Mrs Edward Sheehan, JamesJ Sheehan, M-M Andrew ASmith, M-M Charles Smith, JaimeSouQe, M-M JamesStack, Mrs Ralph Stitilis, Mrs Stephen C Stressenger, M-M William Thompson Miss M_ Veronica Weidman, Mr R,H,B, Winsor, M-M James Zafarana, M-M Chester WZakrewski Centerville Our lady of Victory $1000 Rachel MBourque, Henry Kiggen: $500 Deacon & Mrs Joseph PStanley; $300 Mrs_ Raymond Wynkoop; $250 M-M William Dacey III, Helen TMcCabe; $200 Mrs FrancisJ Dugan, M-M Anthony DeDecko, M-M Alfred fournier, MHenry Mcinerney, M·M Raymond Pendergast, M-M Rene l Poyant; $150 M-M Howard Daviau, Agnes l Mcinerney, M-M Roy FPollino; $125 M-M Paul J lynch, lillian FO'Neil. Robert FRooney;$120 M-M Richard BMcNamara; $100 M-M Alfred Bafaro, M-M Garrell FBowler, Edward Burchell, Joseph Cairns, Sr, M-M William EC~nnors, M-M John FCreamer, M-M Joseph CCullinan, DrlM Edward VCyburt, Anthony DeCrosta, M-M Thomas OePaola, M-M Milton Donovan, M-M Earll Downs, M-M Marshall Faillace, John l flemming, Elizabeth Galvin, M-M Edward J Gibbons. Sr_, M-M William Glover, M-M Thomas Greene Jr, Mary GHamiltoll, M-M James WHiggins, Francis Kilday, M-M Patrick lee, M-M Albert Makkay, Jo-Ann S McDermoll, "atherine MacOonald, Mrs John Macleo, M-M Stnaley Mclean, Henry l Murphy Jr, M-M Jack J Pendergast Jr, M-M Arnold EPond, Mrs James Power, Edna M Reilly, Marea Sefton, Mrs John FShea $ 75 Mary Bohling, Mrs Job H lippincoll, M-M James TM:Carthy, Marjorie McCready, Mrs Wilbur F • O'Donnell, Mabelle O'Neil, M-M Luciano Raspante; $60 M·M leo HBarksdale, M-M Peter Boissonneault, Helen l Kelleher; $50 Jennie Andres, M·M John F Aylmer, lawrence Bennell, M-M Thomas F Bigony, Nina Bremer, M-M Joseph l Cairns Jr, Eileen MClaliin, MrsWilliam JCotter, M-M Reginald Collelle, M-M William HCrowley, M-M leo Cushing, M-M Brian Dacey, M-M Jose OeMelo, Kathleen Denahy, M-M John F Desmond, M-M Ruben Deveau, M-M Dennis Driscoll, M-M Roland Durocher, Jane flynn, M-M Thomas J flynn, Kalliope GGaroufes, William THorrigan, M-M Wayne l James, M-M Bernard FKelley, M-M Richard Kennedy, M-M James E McGrail, M-M Charles l Maher, M-M leo Hamer, Patricia Miller, M-M Robert Morris, M-M RobertNolan, M-M Joseph O'Brien, Mary O'Brien. Mrs Dennis Quinn, Mrs Raymond Russell, M-M James Sacchelli, Graham Scudder, Edward Souza, Mary SIIIIIvan, Mrs Walter Theriaull, M-M Joseph Trapp, Sally EWarren $40 M-M Joseph Brescia, M-M Donald Colebourn, Helen PHogan, Mildred BJoslyn, Dorothy Placy, MrsGuiliord Mudgett: $35 M-M John JConnolly, Mrs Harry DaVIdson, Gretchen Deichert, M-M Andrew J Kelly, Mrs Howard Munroe; $30 M-M James Barrell, William GGrinnell, Augusta lacy, Edward Jledwith, M-M Frank McDonough, M-M Stephen O'Brien Jr, M-M francis Walsh, Gladys Wiinikainen: $25 M-M lloyd EAllen III, John Anderson, M·M John Baldner, Elizabeth Baxter, M-M Eugene l Binda, M-M H l Biron, M-M John J Blumelle, M-M George Bonda, M-M John JBrosnan, DrlM loren CBurger, Mrs Theron BBurlingame, Mrs Frank Carlucci, M-M Benjamin Chase, M-M Chester Ciborowski, M-M James Clarkin, Mrs lawrence Colwell, Michael Conlon, M-M Francis JConnors, M-M John FCosby, M-M louis Costello, M-M William l Crocker, Mrs John Crowley, M-M George Desmond, M-M Arthur l Oesrocher, M-M William J Dilion, M-M John J Driscoll, M-M William H Dugan, Stephen J Dugan, M-M Ralph Duplin, M-M John Dunton, M-M Edward Eastham, M-M Francis Fayne Jr, M-M Homas Florence, M-M George Fonseca $25 Mrs George Garoufes, M-M William Gent, M-M Armand Goulet, M-M George Graham, M-M John P Gralton, Edith Growe, M-M Eugene Hammond, M-M Charles H Hazelton. M-M Charles Huber, Anna Hurley, Mrs Albert Harkins, M-M Roland Hicks, Mary Hoppe, Theresa G lamele, M-M Ellis Johnson, Charlotte M Kelly, M-M William Kelly, M·M John Kennedy, M-M William Kenney, M-M James KeVille, Helen BLandrigan, John f leary, M-M Walter lendraitis, M·M Peter Jlillis, Katherine Rliston, louise E McKenna, M-M Courtney McMahon, M-M Frnacis McVarish, M·M Edward Mara, Mrs Charles 0 Meeker, M-M Raymond Marchesseault, M-M Roland J Marcoux, M-M Nicholas C Montecalvio, M-M Andrew Murphy, M-M Edward J Murphy, John Murphy, Thomas F Murphy, DrlM James E Nadeau, Edward J Nelson, Mrs Ubaldo Nugnes, M-M Thomas Nutile, M-M Willis ROakley, M-M Arthur O'Keefe, M-M Wayne Paddock, M-M Howard W Pember, M-M Stephen St GeorgelPickul, Jr., M-M John WResnik, Harold Roberts, Mrs William Robie, M-M Keith Sacht, M-M Willrid 0 Sampson, Mrs Thomas M Scanlan, M-M George CSchmidt, Mrs PeterShannon, M·M Willred EShelley, M-M FStanley Smith, Mrs RobertStarck, M-M Joseph Stefens, M-M Robert EStewart, M-M Kenneth Stuart Sr, Mrs Thomas Sullivan, Mrs Walter l Teehan, M-M Robert EThompson, James l Thornton, Mrs ArthurTomlinson, M-M CharlesJ Valcour, Mrs Walter CVerney, M-M Edmund J Walsh, Cynthia Weinert, M-M Thomas Williams Jr, Clara EYoo VineYlrd Hlven SI. Au,ustine$500 Dean RSwilt$150 M-M James Gillis; $1 00 M-M Francis Metell, St Vincent de Paul Conference, M-M Pasquale Nicolaci; $50 M-M fled Thifault, M-M Francis Pachico, M-M James Maciel, Daniel F Burgo, M-M Allred Ferro: $40 M-M John McCarthy; $35 M-M Michael Carroll, Mrs John T Hughes, Viola lopes; $30 Madeline & Ernest Pachico; $25 M-M Manuel Estrella, Michael Figueiredo, M-M Thomas Brown, M-M Frank Gonsalves, Evangeline CBerry, Herbert &Therese Baptiste, Ethel Alley, M-M Richard Andrade, M-M Joseph Andrade, Georgiana Kurth, M-M Jean levesque, Richard Oliver, Belly Ortiz, Ray's Tire Service, Evelyn Silvain, M·M Theolphilus Silvia Jr, Mrs Bradford Sylvia, M-M Roy DeBellencourt, Noreen Flanders, Rose Gouveia, M-M William Hagerty, Clifford Estrella, Hazel King, Dora Beauchemin Chathlm Holy Redeemll $150 Mrs Albert Doherty, M-M John Pallen, Mrs Eleanor Sylva; Sl25 M-M Anthony Ueberwasser; $120 James &Jane Drew;$IOO Cecilia Aide, M-M JamesAmsler, M-M Hebert Bober, M-M lawrence Cornish, Jeannelle fontaine, Constance Gormley, Marie HGriffin, M·M James larkin, Elizabeth LeBlanc, Vera Mazulis, Karen Morin, M-M Richard O'Meara, M·M lawrence O'Rourke, Mrs Lorraine Rollins, M-M Willi.am Sheehan, M·M John Sullivan, M·M RobertWolin; $ 75 M·M Joseph Forbes; $35 M-M John Joyce; $30 M-M Elmer Torre, Doris Watson; $25 M·M Robert Banziger, M,M Gerard Barry, M-M William Claarese, M-M Henry Carlin, Jeanne Dinand, M·M John Dixon, Catherine Eldridge, Mrs John R flood, Rev Martin Grena, M·M Denis Hynds, James Keane, Elizabeth Marshall, Helen McHug/J. Mrs -Richard Merrill, James Moffill, M·M Rlymond Moss, Robert JPayne, M-M Thomas Philpott, Ethel Porter, M-M William Ready, M-M Joseph Reynolds, M-M Edward Sabol, M-M Paul St John, M-M James Stratico, M-M Walter Terrio, M-M Theodore Tischler OstllYille Our Lldy of Assumption $1000 Rev, Clarence Murphy, A,onymous; $500 Mrs Barton Tomlinson; $250 Mrs Richard Gralton; $200 Mrs Paul Toohey, Thomls Hartigan, M-M James Ryan, Anonymous; $150 M·M Henry Schroeder; $100 M-M John 0 Sullivan, M-M Oavid Bradford, Arthur Corcoran, Mrs Thomas Powers, Hope Burke, M-M Philip Boudreau, M·M Paul Fair, M-M William Naas, Mrs John Adomonis, M-M Jeremiah O'Connor, Mrs Peter Kiernan, M-M Robert Grady, John Keelon; $50 M-M T Joseph McCook, Barbara Corcoran, Theresa Cronin, M-M Elinus Hadley, M-M Thomas Hennigan, M-M Louis McKnighf, M-M William Sharkey, M-M Victor Adams, Itelen Murphy, Edith White, Mrs Joseph Logue, DrlM Michael Miniter, Mrs David Sheehan, William Wright, M·M Joseph Scanlan, Eileen Szymanski $40 Sylvia Zwicker, Eileen Mciver. Mrs Sherwood Tondor!; $39 M-M CurtisSanlord; $35 Mary Hurlihy, M-M Richard Curley, M·M Gerald Mclellan, Mrs Tliomas O'DonreU, M-M Joseph Monteforte, M·M Charles Cassidy; $30 M-M Minos Gordy, M-M Arthur Marney, M-M Wiliam Carpenter, Catherine Moriarty, M-M Kevin Oonnelly: $25 M-M Thomas Warren, M-M George Vamva~_as, Mary Pina, M·M Edward Stimels, M-M John Fucci, M-M Francis McQuillan, Mrs John TCasey, M-M JJseph Holden, M-M Raymond King, M-M Joseph Meehan, Dorothy Peterson, M-M William Bright, M-M ~icholas Seymour, M-M David Hayward, M-M Edward Kelly, Mae Thomas, M·M Frank Dick, Margaret McGonagle, Margaret Sheehan, M-M Richard Cross, Mrs Peter Nese, Mrs francis Buller, M-M Ronald Day, Barbara McDonough, Margaret Sweeney, M-M George Walsh, Ruth Cunnion, M-M Roland Ashley, M-M flichard Swaylik, Mrs lincoln Divoll, M·M James Mueller, Anne Gildea, M-M Jerry Monroe, M-M Milton Boynton, M-M John Bryan Nantucket Stlliry $400 Rev_ Philip ADavignon: $250 M·M Robert McGrath: $200 John Mendonc~, Kenneth HoldgateJr;$150 Donald Terry, lucille Hays III: $100 MylesReisSr, Robert Mooney, M-M JamesCrecca, M-M Howard laundry; $ 75 Sam Macrina; $65 Eunice Sjolund, Gertrude Holdgate; $52 M-M Richard Ryder, $50 M-M David Murray Jr, Annelle Stackpole, Thomas McAuley, lucille Pew, Bea Gonnella, M-M Richard Glidden, Dorothy lochtefeld, Josephine Deacon, 5haron Cranston, Carol Cowan, Kenneth McAuley, M-M Arthur Butler, Mark Arnold; $40 DrlM Fred Vallell; $35 M-M William Ellis, Charron Ranney, M·M Edward Pollard, Eileen McGrath, lucille lamb, "'arcellus Glidden, M-M Richard Kotalac;

$30 M-M Edward Slrojny, M-M Robert Sjolund, M-M francis Lynch, M-M Michael Kalman, M-M JamIe Marks ' $25 M-M Wiater Wiszuk, Warren Valero, James Worth Sr, Shirley Watts, M-M Barry Thurston, Agnes Sylvia, M-M Philip SUllivan, M-M Wesley Simmons, Irene Shall, M-M Joseph Senecal, M-M Robert Ruley, M-M Roger Roche, M-M Victor Reed Jr, Anna Roberick, M-M Edmund Ramos, M-M William O'Keefe, Patrick Newport, M-M George Metcalf, Marguerite Maloney, M-M Robert Malavase, M-M Frank Psaradelis, M·M Peter Kalzer, M-M James Joynt, Helen levins, Nancy larrabee, Richard Kalman, Albert laVoie, M-M Ralph Hardy, M-M Thomas Holden, M-M Robert Frame, M-M James Hardy, M-M John Fee, M-M Robert Grant, Arthur Egan, M-M James Duarte, M-M Ronald Dasilva, Carol Crowell, M-M FrederickClark, Robert Campbell, Mary Childs, M-M Melvin Cardos, M-M John Siavitz, M-M Richard Herman, M·M John McDonald Jr, M-M George Manchester, M-M John Sullilvan, M-M Arthur Green, Eleanor ferreira, M-M Henry Huyser, M-M Thomas Devine, Delores D,y, louise Conway, Ann Coffin, Virginia Bretschneider. Emily Annis Olt Bluffs Sicred Helrt $250 M-M Henry Corey:$150 Mrs Jean O'Brien; $100 Davies Family, Raymond Farland, M-M William Herlihy, Mrs Harold Andrews, Elizabeth Cornell; $60 Otis Rogers Jr; $50 Mrs Everett Rogers, M-M Edward BenOavid, M·M James Cleary, M-M Donald BenDavid; S35 Mrs Arthur BenDaivd; $30 Harry CDoor Mrs Carol Giosmas, Manuel deBetencourt; $40 Wentworth Tripp; $25 Mrs linda LaBell, M-M Fred loud, ir, Mrs Clare~ce Herrmann, M-M Elmer Santos, M-M Edward Sylvia, Patricia C2sta, M-M John Cristopher, Mrs John DeBellencourt Jr, M-M Roger Surprenanf, M-M Anthony Rebello, M-M RIChard Mavro, M·M Edward Panek, Mrs Peter Dawley, Robert Dawley, Robert Reagan, James F Barry, M-M William Anderson, M·M Richard Giordano, M-M Donald Medeiros, M-M Andrew Farrissey, Mary Ellen Rogers. M-M Manuel Rose, M-M John Riley, Melvin DeBellencourt, M·M John CorreIa, M-M JOhn Camacho, Mrs Elizabeth Sylvia, M-M Donald Billings, M-M James S Rego Jr, M-M William Norton Sindwich Corpus Christi $ 750 Anonymous: $600 Afriend; $360 Anonymous;$350 Rev_ James ACalnan: 250 Helen MSmith, Anonymous:$200 M-M Philip J Cardarople, M-M leo J Kelly: $150 Anonymous; $125 A Friend: $120 M-M James f Radloff; $100 M-M Joseph VAshmankas, M-M John J Besch, Agnes l Bixby, Katherine E Bixby, M·M Raymond H Crocker, M-M Peter A Oonahue, M·M Richard J England, M·M Charles E Hughes, M·M Joseph S lemieux, Alma H lindgren, DrlM Robert f Mealy, M-M William E Murphy, Madelyn F Nichols, M-M Michael GNoonan, M-M David J O'Connor, Robert l O'Malley, M·M Christopher Papadinoff, M-M Robert F Rogers, M-M John P Rogovich, M-M Robert A Sheehan, M-M Richard ETavares, M-M Robert 0 Whearty; $ 75 M-M Frank 0 Haley, M-M FrankG MacDonald, M-M Frank J Mangan; $52 Mrs Robert B Baron $50 M-M Benjamin C Arnold, M-M Clifford T Bates, Cecile CBazzinolli, Mrs John J Burke, M-M Ridgeway JCrouch Jr, M·M Bernard CDiPietro, M-M Arthur JDolan, M-M William KEarle, M-M Robert E Farrell, M-M Fred WFay, BJJohnson, M-M Joseph FKeenan, Sarah llatimer, Anne AMaroney, M-M Bruce FMcDaniel, M-M Patrick l McDonnell. Claire EMcKenna, Ida l Meade, M-M Eugene BO'Keefe, M-M Antonio Rigazio, M-M Don ESwanson, M-M Martin P Varley, M-M Robert 0 Wentworh S45 M-M Emiliano Gavazza; $40 M-M Angelo Dante, M-M Gino AMacoralli; $35 Jean Cugno, M-M louis CEmond. M·M John JGillis, M-M Richard JSymonds;$30 Patricial DeConto, M-M Ralph JDeCubellis, M·M William CJones, M-M Peter Matherwiez, Mrs James AMorgan: S25 Joseph F Bazzinolli, Olga M Consoni, M-M Eugene JCorradi, M·M Wayne 0 Davis, Elizabeth VDeegan. M-M JohnJ Ewing, Mrs Fred 0 Eifert, Sabina Fernandes, Rosemary Flick, Katherine I Flinker, lucy NFonseca, M-M Alexander AForni, Helen l Freeley. Elizabeth CFrieh, Beatrice K Harlow, M-M Joseph FHennebry, M-M Rudolph WHowes, M-M Joseph E Jacinto, M-M Kevin PKennedy, Mary Kent, Kathleen M Knowles, Olga Vliberty, M-M John FMcHugh, M-M William M Martin, M-M Charles Martindale, Mary McKearney, M-M Patrick M Morris, James C Mullan, Mary ENeill, Mrs Tivio Papi, M-M Anthony J Parissi. M-M Normand EPerron, M·M Richard J Rivoira, M-M DrlM Sabino J Rizzo, M-M Daniel CRyan, M-M lawrence W Schelle, M-M Clement M Schlueler, M-M Paul T Smith, M-M Nelson Stephens falmouth St Patrick $3500 Rev_ Francis XWallace: $1500 Rev_ James AMcCarthy; S1000 M-M Joseph PDunn Sr, Anonymous; $500 M-M Richard l Kinchla; $400 MKFraser: $200 M-M lionel Cure, M·M Paul Goulet, Anonymous: $150 Anonymous; $125 Katherine Robbins, Mrs Margaret EWeil, Or Edward Filch: $100 M-M William CDillon Sr, Helen MMoriarty, Memmolo Family, M-M John Coleman, Mrs Theresa RSlone, AEClancy, Gerald Flynn, M-M Paul McGonigle, M-M John Molongoski, M-M William O'Connor, M-M Paul Olenick, M-M Arthur Rapoza, Anonymous; $80 M-M Edwin Medeiros: $ 75 Mrs Joseph B Miskell, M-M David Carr, Anonymous; $50 M-M Chester Frazier, M-M William Buckley, M-M John J Carroll Jr, M-M T leonard Mallhews, M·M John l Maloy, M-M Raymond laliberte, Melvin Dolan, Cyril & Olga fennelly. Frances TBarry, M·M Armand Ortins, M-M Vincent Inness, Mrs Wallace Pierce, M-M Robert Granfield. M-M Richard lopes, Robert H McDonald, M-M A R Hallahan, Mrs John M Joseph, M-M Bernard P lawrence, Mrs Robert l Koob, DrlM Walter Mclean, Mrs Bernard O'Hayre, M-M Edward l Sludley, M-M Theodore Tavares, Anonymous; $40 Anonymous: $35 M-M Adam Kaspar, M-M Aldo Milanese, M·M-John Ciummei, Mrs Joseph Golden, Anonymous $30 Mrs Josephine Doyle, Mrs John Flynn, M-M Anthony Glista, M-M Arthur Robichaud, M-M Paul Kelleher, Anonymous; $25 M·M Harold Woods, M-M Millon RSteele, Mrs James Miskell. M-M David J Miller, Donald A Moitozo, Mrs George Ferris, M-M Gail Cavanaugh, Mrs James Cassidy & Margaret M Cassidy, The Abisla Family, M-M Norman LaForest, M-M Stephen Hamel, M-M Edward GEnos, Jr, Mrs AdeleGiabbai, M-M RobertS Allen, Elizabeth Kennedy, Mrs John Pimental, M-M Jesse Miller, Mrs Adeline Vadala, M-M Herbert Hart, M-M Raymond Maguire, Mrs Mary Ames, M-M Vito Puopolo, M-M Keith Bradley, M-M Anthony Yando, Teresa Albert, M·M Chester Christie, M-M John O'Connell, M-M Donald F O'Connor, Mrs Alice Jonas, Marguerite Emmel, Ms Rita Conlon, M-M Francis J Bradley, Mrs Bertram Haddon, M-M Joseph Armbruster, M-M Hubert M McKenna, M-M Edmund Zmuda, M-M Joseph A lamont, Paula lauzonis, Mrs Richard H Kippen, M-M Howard lannon, M-M John Hayes, M-M John Nochella, M-M Victor SPozerycki, M·M William TConnor, M-M leo J Sullivan, John CFitzgibbons, M-M leonard Barr, DrlM George DeMello. Mrs Doris forman $25 M-M Ellsworth Nightingale, Pauline Gradeski, M-M Martin Bogosian, Mrs frank EMclaughlin, Mrs John Murray, Mrs Roland lamothe" Margaret A Burke, Mrs Daniel Geronimo, Mrs John J Burke, M-M Frank McFarland, Anonymous '

NEW BEDfORD Our lady of Mt. Clrmel $500 M-M Vincent Fernandes: $350 St Vincent de Paul Society: S275 In MemQry of Guiiherme and Maria Mluiz; $150 AFriend: $100 In Memory of Albert & Olive Florio: $75 M-M Albino Da Silva: $60 M-M John Perry: $50 Afriend: $100 Manuel AGomes, M-M Manuel Medeiros, Mt Carmel Senior Citizens, M-M Duarte M Raposo, In Memory of Shirley N Mendonca, James Perry, A Friend: $70 AFriend; $60 M-M HenriQue Rouxinol, AFriend; $50 M-M Joao S Cabral, Blanche Souza, M-M Jose SCosta, M-M Hildeberto JSousa, M-M Edward MRouxinol. M-M Manuel JRapoza, Jesse Mello, M-M Donald MCosme, Rose SMoura, M-M louis Medeiros, M-M Ernest Medeiros. M·M James Almeida, Huguete Soares, laurenio M Soares, Jose Gil, Elias Costa, M-M Federico Ybarra, M-M Joaquim F lourenco, John Tlourenco, M·M Fernando Xavier, Matilda Britto, M-M luiz MReis. M·M Manuel Sousa, M-M Joaquim Gil. M-M Antone BSantos, M-M Victorino Da Silva, Antone Felix, AFriend; $50 M-M Joao SCabral, Blanche Souza, M-M Jose SCosta, M-M Hildeberto JSousa, M·M Edward M Rouxinol, M-M Manuel JRapoza, Jesse Mello. M-M Donald MCosme, Rose SMoura. M·M louis Medeiros, M-M Ernest Melleiros, M-M James Almeida, Hugete Soares,laurenio MSoares, Jose Gil, Elias Costa, M-M Federico Ybarra, M·M Joaquim Flourenco, John Tlourenco, M-M Fernando Xavier, Matilda Brilto, M-M luiz MReis, M·M Manuel Sousa, M-M Joaquim Gil. M-M Antone BSanlos, M·M Victorino Da Silva, Anlone Felix, AFriend; S40 M-M HenriQue Dutra, M-M Jaime S Peixoto, M-M Francisco Vieira, M-M Donald M _ Cabral, Ruth Roderick, A friend; $35 M-M Jose Da Rocha Soares, M.M Joseph GSilveira; $30 M-M Antonio Pedras, David Moniz, M-M Gil Moniz, Jose Custodio 00 Carmo, Manuel Oliveira, M-M Abilio Pimentel, M-M EvaristoS Couto, M·M Kenneth King, Maria Angelina Medeiros, Joao Francisco Pina, M.M Manuel Tavares, M·M Armando 0 Alves, M-M Jose A Medeiros, M-M Mauricio Freitas, M-M Antonio Migu~f, M-M fernando Abreu & Cynthia, M-M Manuel Cabral, M-M Charles MSanlos, M-M Daniel BPita, A friend: $25 In Memory of Ignacio P lopes, In Memory of M-M Antone Mello, M-M Mario Souza, M·M Joao Borges, Jenny Silveira, M-M Arthur AVasconcellos, M-M Arthur Gilbert Souza, M-M Norberto De Oliveira, M-M Jose 00 Rego Silva, Claire Souza, M-M Richard Cabral, Cheryl Marie Souza, M,M Ernest Souza, M-M Fernando A Carvalho, M-M Arthur Tavares, M·M fernando F Machado, M·M luis Almeida. laurenio Soares, M·M Joseph Pavao, M·M Jose Alberto Serpa, M-M Nelson J De frias, M-M Pedrb Silva, M-M Joseph Silveira, M-M Manuel Afonso, M-M Humberto Rodrigues, M-M Jose Julio ARego, M·M Jacintho A Ferro, M·M Manuel Couto, Ana l Maciel, M-M John Pereira Simas, Robin Abreu, Hortense Ribeiro, Michael Ribeiro, lilly Gomes, Cindy lewis, Debra Homen, Maria De S. Joao Vasconcelos, M-M Mario Sanlos, Maria JPimentel, M-M Antonio Garcia, Sophie AViveiros, M-M Raymond Medeiros, M·M Michael ASantos, Zelia Maria Rodrigues, Elizabeth Figuerido, AFriend Sf Hedwi, $200 Palla Fa~iiY: $125 Walter Twarog; $100 M-M John 0 Mello; $50 M-M Mallhew Dobyna, Mrs laura Goulart; $40 Eveline Maleski; $35 M-M Donald MOrris; $25 M·M Rudolphe A Blanchard, Crown Travel Center, Mrs Celia DeCosta, M-M JamesFrancis, M-M Mieczyslaw Galanek, M-M Walter Hamot, M-M Stanley los, M-M Stanley Mastey, Mrs Elton Monize. M-M Brian 0 Nobrega, M-M John Noga Our lady of fatima $200 M-M Anthony Perreira: $100 M-M J louis leBlanc; $65 francis Schellenberger; $60 M·M Domingos Parau; 450 Clovis Fecteau, Carolyn Pimental, M-M William Texeira; $40 M-M Mario Melo, M-M Joseph Montour; $30 M-M liberio Soares, M-M Jose Medeiros, M-M Arnold Ponte, M-M Joseph Vezina; $25 0 l of Fatima ladies Guild, M-M Emile Beauregard, M-M Allred Bouchard, M-M David Buckley, M-M Joseph Cabral, M-M Emile Camire, M-M Gilbert Cavaco, Mrs leo Cloutier, Mrs Alice Desrosiers, M-M Manuel Doliveira, M-M Ronald Fortier, M-M Francis Frey, M-M Herbert Isherwood, Mrs Adrienne Jusseaume, M-M Jean landreville, Mrs Constance loranger, M-M Arthur Munroe, M-M Daniel Murphy, M-M Gilbert Rebello, M-M Normand Robitaille, M-M Donald Sorelle St.lawrence $600 Very Rev, John P_ Driscoll, V.F,: $651n loving Memoiry of Patrick SDavis; $60 Mrs Ruth Markey: S50 James Buckley, M-M Nelson Dumaine, M-M lawrence EFinni, M-M Arthur Kirkwood, Mrs frances Koch, Mrs Grace M Osborne; $40 Helen ADriscoll, M-M Ralph Souza; $35 Mrs Florence Brower,M-M Edward FCarney, M-M John Fletcher: $30 M-M Manuel Guerreiro, Mrs James Mosher: $25 M·M Kenneth Andrews, M-M William Ashworth, M-M Raymond Bolton, M-M Charles Kelley, Andrew Kennedy, M-M George lavoie, Maurice Mahon, Joseph B. Mcintyre, M-M Walter Medeiros, M·M edward Mello Jr, Mrs Bernard Murphy, James FMurray, M-M Thomas f Parker Jr, Robert Peccini, M·M leo St Aubin, M-M George Walker, Mark J Wills, Mrs Yates

51. John the &aptost $200 In Memory 01 Manuel & Mana H Medeiros Andrade, $150 M-M Damel V,elra,5t Vmcent de Paul Society, M-M George AVasconcellos, Mrs Vlctonna CotnOIr, $100 M-M Manuel Alexander, M-M Allred Mello, M-M lUIs AMiranda, Mrs Manuel JSoares, St John the Baptist Portuguese Prayer Group, M-M Atty Joseph Ferreira, M MFernando Sousa, M-M Alberto Pereira, Anonymous; $75 M-M Joseph Avila, M-M James Connelly, $60 M-M Horace Wnght, M-M James Gaffney, $55 M-M Viriato Cosla, Anonymous, $50 Rosahna Camara, M-M Edward Macedo, M-M Angelo Martms, M-M Jose ASousa, AFnend, Anonymous, M-M Antomo M Sousa, M-M Manuel 5 Silva, M-M Carlos Raposo, M-M Manuel Souza, Mrs Camillo Costa, MM Gilberta Codelro, M-M Manuel Martms, M-M Jose AAlves, M-M Robert Gomes, M-M Manuel Santos, Hanna Santos, M-M Frank VMachado $40 Isabel& Agnes Souza, Mrs Antomon lomba, Joseph Baptista, Jr, AFnend, Anonymous, $38 M M leo Veiga, $35 Anonymous, $34 AFnend, $30 Adolph & Joyce Walecka, M-M Manuel P Brum, M-M Manuel Barlo, Fatoma Silva, M-M Walter FAmaral, In Memory 01 M-M Manuel PArruda & Family, M-M Joao Ohvelrl, M-M Ronald Simoneau, M-M Manuel FGaspar, Carlos Mascarenhas, M M Antomo Braz, M-M Manuel Arruda, M-M Joseph Mello, M-M Bruce SWire, M-M Jose Gomes, M-M Armando ADlas, M-M Rlchlld Carreiro, M-M John lavadmho, M-M Jaime Garcia, Judith Fre,tas, M-M Antomo Rodngues, M-M Carlos Cardoso, M-M John MTorres, $25 Mary Schusner, M-M Wilham Wanat, M-M James SylVia, Oonald MedeirOS, M-M Hennques MedeirOS, M-M Robert Gonsalves, M-M Manuel Alves, M MAntone Souza Jr, M-M Manana Ferreira, M-M Carlos AgUiar, M MDonald Carreiro, Mrs John Texeira, M-M Manuel Tavares, M-M Anthony Mathews, John Rodngues $25 M-M Richard Lopes, M M Joseph Tavares, M M Bnan Goulart, M M Albert Momz, M-M Nelson Conchmha, In Memory 01 the MedeirOS Family, M MLOUIS AFurtado, M MArthur Vieira, Mana Glt, M-M John PTorres, M-M Nestor MesqUIta, M MJoseph Gonsalves, Mana CPacheco, In Memory of Joseph & Mary Ferreira, M-M Armand Gaudette, Connie Ferreira, Mrs Fernando Cruz, M-M Donatd Collet, John & Chnstme Marshall, Eva Carreiro, M-M John Pateakos, M-M Amenca V,elra, M MArthur FrOltas, Aldma Henry, Mana J Cardoso, Jesse & Natalie Santos, M-M Edward Dutra, Anonymous, AFnend SI. Klh'an $48 W,lham & Dorothy McCarthy, $35 M-M Raymond ADoyon, Janet Hardman, $25 M-M Herbert Brown, Elizabeth Mosley, Mary Ellen RibeirO, M-M Edmundo Tavares '




o l of Assumption $50 Antomo Fonseca, M-M Adolph MonteirO, $25 MM John Rodenck, M-M FranCISCO Neto, Denms AVila, Juha Cabral, M-M Adalberth Rozano Sr, Mary Mette & Candida Lobo 5t: Franc,s of ASSISI S200 M M-Anthony Armanetto, $100 In Memory 01 lOUIS Bono, M-M Robert K Bradley, M-M Wilham Whelan III, $52 R,la Marcotte, $50 M MArthur Carvalho, M-M Joseph Neves Jr, $40 M MRaymond Gardoer, $35 M MFranCIS DeTerra & Mother, Mary JToblassen, $30 M-M John B Figueiredo, M-M Robert Macc,m, M-M Anlhony TNeves, M-M Harry Peltavmo, Kathleen Treadup, $25 M-M Davis BalestraCCl, Judith Ann Belli, Alfred J Camalom, James VCamalOm, M-M Anthony Cardullo, M-M Joseph Colletti, M;M Gilbert Ferreira, M-M Joseph Gaghardl, In Memory ot Rita Gallant, M-M John Goodfellow, James & Diana Henry, Mrs George Jablon, M MRobertson Kane, M-M Edward Leary Jr, Mrs Robert JMorelli, M-M lawrence NOVIa, M-M Robert Ohnesorge, M-M Joseph Ohvelra, Mrs Isabel Perry, M-M Robert Pittman, Mrs VIctor Reale, Suzanne Sulhvan, M MIrvmg Sykes, Rose Sykes, M-M Charles Tarpey, Mrs Frank TeIXeira

, -


St Theresa $600 Rev Richard L Chretien, $400 In Memory 01 Brstlop Connolly, $250 M-M Eugene lemieux, 4150 M-M John WCofer, M-M Launer Marcoux, Mrs Eleanor Strong; $125 M-M Charles Jodoin, $100 M-M Raymond Bourassa, Mrs Henry Leblanc, M-M Gerard Richard, leonard Rock, OVlla Rock, A Fnend, $75 AFnend, $60 M MAlfred LEmIeux, $50 M-M Bertrand DAllam, M-M Norman Brassard, Mrs lilhan COrre, M M Joseph Goyette, Mrs Maunce landry, M-M Raoul Leblanc, lemleux Electnc, Mrs Emehe LemIeux, M MR,charltSylvla, M-M Rene Tnal, M-MRoland VIgeant, AFnend, $40 M-M Romam Payant, M-M Bernard Poyant, AFnend, $35 M-M Robert Boulet, Mrs Damel Rego, $30 In Memory of Mrs Salome Bissonette and Conrad Bissonette, M-M Manuel PeIXoto, Susan Richard, M-M Girard Sharkey, A Fnend, 25 M-M Herve Allam, M-M Adnen Angers, M-M Man08raga, M-M GeorgeF Burke, M-M Kenneth Camara, $25 M-M Paul Carner, M-M Michael Carvalho, M-M Roland Dumas, Mrs Rita Duval, M-M Theodore Frechette, M-M DaVid Fredette, Mrs Ida Gilbert, M-M Ronald Gonneville, M-M Valmore Gonneville, M-M James GKelley, M-M Joseph Flalrance, M Paul langloIs, M M Marcel lareau, M-M Wilham leblanc, M-M Napoleon leClerc, M-M Ernesl MedeirOS, M-M Manuel Menezes, M-M Patnck MerCier, M MTimothy Meyers, M'M Enc Newberg, Mrs Vmcent Raffa, M MAlan Ross, M-M Robert SoOza, AFnend 5t Anne $500 Rev Martm l Buote, $50 Angelo Fraga, John lager, AFn~nd, $40 Arthur Michaud, John SyIVla..$30 loUIs Proulx, AFnend $25 Michael Bowden, Donald Bowden, Ehlabeth Morency, In Memory of Marc Morency, John Townley, Ernest Ohver"Raymond Gonsalves, Harry Sears, Rita Woodford, Raymond Kobla, Ralph Saulmer, John Walsh Clement Mailloux, Arthur Morency, Henry Copslant O,l of Perpetual Help $1000 M-M Andrew Banas..$525 Conv FranCIScan Fathers, $200 Spec,al Intention Anonymous,'$70 M-M FelIX Wilkow,cz, $50 M M Bill Arabasz, M-M Rodney M"Ce,ka, M-M lionel DubOIS, M-M Mitchell Gacek, M MThad Irzyk, M-M Paul APabls, Special Intention - Anonymous, OlPH ladles Society, Dr/M John WolkoWICI, Anonymous, $40 M-M Joseph Gonet, In Memory of Frank & Rosahe Jeghnskl, $35 In Memory of Waller & Jenny Piorkowski, M-M Wayne Crouch, M-M Waller Polchlopek Jr, Rosary Society at OlPH Pansh, Anonymous,$30 SpeCial Intention Anonymous, M-M Chester Pomchtera, M-M Mllchell Koclera, M M Joseph Skypeck. Anonymous, $25 M-M Edward Bobrowleckl, M-M Peter BorOWiec, M MEugene Chaberek& Family, Henry Galus, Mrs Florence,Goyette, M-M Charles Holland Ir, M Mleo Klsla, Casimir Koclwara, Mrs Genevieve KondZlolka, Ms Nancy Ann KondZlolka, Mrs Janma Michalski, Mrs Stelame PablS, mrs Stephame s.m,th, M M RaYmond Splrlet, Stanley SlanklewlcI, M M LoUIS Swol, Anonymous, FAIRHAVEN

si_ Joseph $300 M-M DomemcNlcolack, $200 M-M James Honohan, $100 M MJeffrey Alhson, M-M DennIS Borges, M M Arthur Frates, Mrs Margaret FSoares M-M Raymond Starvlsh, $50 M-M Arlhur Cousineau, Manuel GarCia, M-M Grover CJohnson, M-M Jeffrey Osuch, Mrs Grace Rose, Mrs DaVId Sibor, Mrs Aurore Silva, M MPhlhpS,lva, Lucy Stevenson, M MLeo Tremblay, M MLoUIS Veilleux, Mrs Edward Welch, $40 M-M GermanoXaVler, $35 Roland JDespres, Ms Michele Soulard, $30 Ms Margaret Goggin, M-M Curtis Pepin $25. M-M Edmond Allam, M M Robert Andrade, In lOVing Memory of Richard Antonsen, Joseph Begnoche, M MlOUIS Braga, M-M John Brennan, Eda Caouette, M MRichard Costa, M-M Clement Daley, lorraine Oamm, Joseph Desautels, Mrs Paul Despres, Mrs Charles Dexler, M MMatthew Donovan, Mrs Arhndo OosSantos, M M Roland Oube, M-M Alfred Fosler, M-M Steven Foster, Jr, Mrs Raymond Gonsalves, Mrs Arthur Govom, M-M Kennelh Grace, M-M Wl'ham Hagen, Mrs John Iddon, M MJoseph Landry, M-M llZandre lopes, M M Frank Makara, M-M Daryl Manchester, Mrs Erwma MonIZ, Mrs Kenneth JNoyer, Mrs Manuel Ohvera, MrsSantos Ortega, M-M lincoln Palmer, Mrs leonard Parker, Mrs Roger Picard, Mrs Simone Rezendes, M MJohn Rodellgues, M-M Marc Santos, M Mleon SylVia, M-M Ronald Toussaint, M MFranCIS Tucker, DaVid Wade, M-M Morns Wa'ecka, M-M Robert Wood, Jr St Mary's $100 Sacred Hearts Assoclalron at St Mary'sChurch, M M.Matthew Hart, $50 Mrs Barbara Mama, M M Irank Maru)o, $40 M-M Weber Torres Jr, $25 M-M John Botelho, M-M Jay Tavares, M M stephen Gonet, Maullce Hevey, M-M Peter Almond, Mrs Evelyn Martm, M-M John Hergenhan, Mrs Phtlomena Charamba, M MRobert Hillman, M-M DaVid Capella, Mrs Adehne Grenon, Clemence Motyl, Mrs Rita Costa, M MDonald llpsett, Mrs Shilley Veronneau, MMCharles KluboWICI, Mrs Mary Morns, M M Manuel Martin, Alfred Gauthier & Sheila Dorgan, M M Walter Urban, Mrs Sophie Amaral, Arnold Ce,ka, M-M James levasseur, M MJoseph Cataldo Jr, M MRaymond Vary NORTH DARTMOUTH St Julie Btlhart $500 M M lawrenoe A Weaver, Dr/M Stephen FSulhvan, $400 M-M Hardmg J Carner, $200 Senator/Mrs Wilham Maclean, $150 Mary CHalloran, Hudner TKennedy, $125 Clara M Weeks, S100 M-M Robert Hall, M-M Kenneth Souza, M-M Edward Magiera, In loving MemollY 01 Joseph & Agnes Soares & Manuel E Rodllgues Jr, M-M Arthur POitras, $80 Beatllce B Freitas, M-M Wilham WinSper, $60 M-M Robert lukowskI, $50 M-M Joseph Medellos, M M Stephen BraI, M-M KeVin G Champagne, M M Mark Carney, M-M Thomas McKenna, Helen FrOllas, M M Joseph Jacmto, Dorothy Smith, M-M Thomas Beedem, M M Robert Steele, M-M Richard laFleur, M M Arthur Powell, M-M Anthony Ballistelh, M MPaul Machado, $40 M-M Jose Fraga, Beatnce Freitas, M MSteven Figueiredo $35 Germame E,Damm, Nancy ARose, M-M Raymond Butts, $30 M MRobert JBesse, M-M Oldmelro Canto, M-M Peter Washburn, M-M George Bllto, Pllscilla Sprague, M·M John Morns, M-M DaVId Vieira, Annmalle Anderson, M MHenry Archambault, M MMark Fortin, M-M Robert lavoie, M-M Antone Soula, M-M Joseph Arruda, M MManuel Nunes, Helen Gage, M-M John Farlen, MM Thomas Hardman, MM Raymond Souza, $27 MMFernando Correia, M-M Joseph Miguel, $25 M-M Ambal Medellos, M-M Robert Joseph, M-M Carlos lopes, Sheila Isherwood, Grace Moreira, M-M Antomo Pacheco, M-M Richard Mathews, Helen ,Weeks, Wilham Hlggms, Thelma leplre, M-M Mark De Melo, M-M_ Paul Rocha, M-M Robert McDonald, M-M Ernest Fredette, Judith Haskell, lUCille Mann, John-Viera, M-M Joseph Welsh, M 101 Timothy Su, M-M Normand Dulault, M-M Paul Bessette, lUCille Cuesters, JoaqUlm Silva, M MBruce Obvella, M-M Imnuel Morro, Mary RIVet, M-M Stanley Bablec, M-M Raymond Vmcent $25 M-M Douglas PlenIOger, M-M Normand lehevre, M-M Jasper Parnell, M-M DaVId Costa, EdWina Vargas, M-M Armando Prenda, M-M Joseph Ferreira, Charles Kamm, M-M Norman Dussault, Betty Cambra, M-M Roger Pouhn, Anna Vieira, M-M Richard ~argfrede, M-M Gilbert SylVIa, M-M MIchael Travers, Celestmo Macedo:Mary Waegel;n, Marguellle Mahoney, Elvira Correoa, Emma FornaclIII, M-M Charles Almeida, M-M Roger Cournoyer, M-M Thomas Patenaude, Anne Taber, Rita WhiteSide, M-M Boland Lefebvre SOUTH


SI. Mary $1000 Rev Walter A Sulhvan, $200 In Memory ol'the Aubertme famtly, Dr/M Arthur F Buckley, M-M DaVId larsen, $150 Kathleen TShea, $125 Mary Tluoz, OhVla M lUll, $IOD Dr/M louIS Miskell, M-M Joseph RGlennon Jr, R,ta EPowerrs, M-M Thomas lynch, $60 M-M John l Downey, $50 In Memory of M-M Thomas BaldWin, M-M Stephen Bottlghell, M-M Nelson Mare, M-M Frank J Mello, M-M Ralph HParsons, Claire DIVIS, M-M Thomas l Maher, M-M EdWin JMcQUillan, Dorothy BG,bbs, Manuel Rebello, M-M Stephen WConnully, $35 Mary ~ GracII, $30 M-M Heho Rocha, M-M Paul Ferro, $25 In Memory of Rev leoJ Ferreira VG, Ehla Jerome, 51. Mary's ladles Guild, M-M Joseph Bence, MoM Vrctor tadetto, M-M John Durant, Jdg/M George Ponte, M-M Fredellck D Cole, Marcelle Woodhouse, M-M Robert Peck, Mrs Edward Robmson, Ms Rose Espinola, M-M Joseph 5 lUlz Jr, M-M James SUlierman, M-M Bruce lem,eux, M-M Michael Nestor, M-M Joseph Vrera, M-M Manuel fre,tas Jr, M-M Eugene Caron, Jacquehne Costa, M-M leo Telesmamck, M-M John Walker, M-M James Boyle, M-M Bruce Monte, M-M loUIS Carreiro, M-M Robm Homes, M-M George FDurant, M-M Dante BalestraCCl, M-M Ernest Santos, M-M Manuel Resendes, Mrs Hennetta PelrlOe, Mrs leonard Rose, Mrs Frank Coteman, M-M Henry SylVIa, M-M Richard Galhgo, Mrs Manuel Frasrer, M-M John AGonsalves, M-M Gerald Murphy, M-M Freddy Groves WAREHAM Sllnt Patrict$300 Mrs John J Callahan, M-M John Joyce, In Memory of Dr RobertJ Donovan, $250 Deacon & Mrs_ Wtlham A Martin, $200 FranCIS J Costello, M-M Thomas Costello, Mrs Ralph Hayden, Rev John C Daly, C5 C_, $150 M-M Melvm Prada, M-M leonard SaVignano, $100 M-M James Cunmngham, M-M Roger T EII,ott, Malle C Hobbs, M-M Frank Krystotolskl, Mrs John Maloney, Mrs Herman E_ Prada, Emlhe & Deborah Rose, Samt Patllck Circle, St Patllck Conlerence, St Vmcent de Paul Anonymous, $75 M-M Albert Santos $50 Arthur Breagy:M-M Hlldeburto Borges, Mrs. Robert H Candee, M-M Edward Coyne, M-M Albert Carreiro, M-M Charles Crocker, Mrs_ Roy Frankhn, M-M Michael Galavottl, M-M Edward Gaspa, M-M Wilham Glbhn, M-M Antone Gomes, M-M Colhn Gordon, John Gnffln, M-M Hulot Haden, Mrs Fredellck Kile, M-M Robe" Klocker, Mrs RM lackie, M-M Matthew Mutch, M-M Anthony Rolto, Mrs Wilham

Rogers, Jr, WIlham Wllbams, $35 M-M John Boyle, Mrs FranCIS A Costello, $30 M MFred Fellah, M-M Hunter, Hugh O'Bllan, laura Vechl, M-M Paul J Wllhams $25 Tony Bacchlen, Mrs Theodore Baptiste, M-M DaVid Barry, Mary Beauheu, M-M Tony Chllstlln, M-M Bruce Clark, M-M John Clark, Mrs DaVId Cowell, M-M lUCien A Duverger, Mrs Carle10n Eldlldge, Mrs_ IrvIO Evans, M-M Peter l. Feeney, M-M Charles Galhgan, M-M Rudolph Gendron, Mrs George Gifford, M-M Guerreno Govom, M-M Thomas Gurney, M-M Gerald Hallett, M-M Albert R Hebert, Mrs. Herbert lloyd, Juho Marks, M-M leo MarquIS, M-M W,lham Matte, Mrs lISIO Mestlell, Mrs Mildred l Morse, M-M Henry McCray, Mrs Phlhp McEntee, M-M Richard Ohver, Mrs Wilham Olson, M-M Arthur E_ Perkms, M-M Glen Prada, M-M Joseph Rose, Joseph GUlseppe SClch,lom, Sr , M-M leon Semeter, M-M Howard Smith, M MCarl Sousa, Wilham G Slevenson, Mrs Bernard Tobin, M MJames J Toomey, Mrs lorrame Wallmg, Mrs Arthur Walsh, M-M Almon Westgate 3rd Cha~es

MAnAPOISETT St Anthony's $1000 M-M Paul Duchame, $600 Rev Barry W Wall, $250 M-M Real Breton, $200 Vlrgmla GIOgrass, $1251n Memory 01 Joseph W Hurley, $100 M-M FranCIS O'Nelil, M-M Wllbam Carler, M-M Charles Rodllgues, $75 M-M EdWin Alilld, $50 Dr/Mrs Joseph Aleardl, M-M Wilfred Belanger, M-M Richard Bono, M-M Charles Calles, M M George Charette, Manbeth Dahill, M-M Wilham Goetz, M-M Charles Kelly, M-M Edward leWIS, M-M Paul McCabe, M-M Charles Ruel, Barbara Silva, M-M Joseph Sulhvan, M MBernard Talty, Mrs Balfour Tyndall, $40 Helen Dahill, $35 M-M Waller Bowman III, Mrs Kenneth Tuttle, $30 M-M James Berssler, M-M Russell Hiller, Florence Huetteman, Juhe lallViere, M-M James Sumner $25 M-M Joseph Ballistelh, Romeo Bedard, M-M Phlhp Bernard, M-M Andrew Bobola, M-M Raymond Bllggs, M MMiguel Billa, Jayne CerkoVltz, M-M Alden Counsell, M MEdward Oays, Charles Fmn, M-M John Gannon, M-M John Gibbons, Pamela Hardy, M-M Wilham Heiden, M M Roger Kelley, M-M DaVId lawrence, Mrs Arthur leary, M-M Donald MalVIn, Rose McCarthy, M-M Jack McGraw, M-M James McHenry, Irene Sanderson: M-M Clifford Silveira, M-M Wlllllm S,lvelra, M-M Joseph SylVia, M-M Peter Trow EAST FREETOWN

51. John Neumann $650 Rev George E Harnson, $100 M-M Bernard Gleason, Dr/Mrs A Wilham Mercrer, M-M Robert Pusatell, M-M Chnstlan Meyer, M-M Paul Sorelle, $50 M-M Robert Barlow, Suzanne Thompson, Donald Munroe, $30 M Mlou,s Ghllard;, $25 M-M Gary Trahan, M-M Norbert OUImette, M M Marc Meumer, M MPaul Fortier, John Durelle, M-M Robert Smith, Jeannette Tlsdelle, Cortes Vanety, M-M Raymond Bourbeau_

SI. Joseph$250 M-M Raymond lalemere, $200 M-M Philop Bartholomew, St Vmcent de Paul $150 Richard BOUCher, M-M Albert Dumont SlIO M MGeorge largess, $100 M-M Mitchell Toloclko Jr, M M Robert Boucher, M-M Edward Mellon, luclln Paul, M-M leonard Pmault, M-M Gerard Proulx, M-M John J R,skalla, M MRalph lito, M-M George StaHord, $ 75 Mrs Joseph BelionIl, M-M Juhen Forget $50 M-M Joseph Blllmgton Jr, Consell Jeanne D'rc ~263, M-M Robert Dubeau, Paula lalemere, M-M Joseph McGee, Eleanora Madsen, M-M Oscar Pmault, lucoen Salvas, Mrs R,chard Greene, Yvette Smith, $35 M-M Norman Hebert, $30 Edna Arata, M-M Ronald Bnand, Damel DesVergnes, M-M Ernest Girard, Evelyn lonergan, Mrs EdWin Miller, MelVin Smith $25 M-M Bruce Apnl, M-M Arthur Archambault M-M Eddy Bello, M-M Raymond Boudreau, M-M Joe Brannon, M-M George Brousseau, M-M John Capomgro, M-M Joseph CarrelrOI, M-M Richard Depot. M-M Norman Deschenes, Ryamond DlOn, Blanche Dugas, M-M Albert Earl Dumont, M-M John Duphlly, M-M Clarence Gurn, M-M Alfred Fredenck, M-M James Fyle, M-M Adnan Geoflroy, M-M lawrence Governo, Edna Guillette, Cynthia Khahla, Ahce lacailiade, Jamce lafemere, M-M George Tlamarre, M-M Donald larocque, M-M Earllund, Mrs Warren MacKmley, M-M Robert McAuhffe, Beatnce McMurray, AOita Max, Romeo Mlchet, Dons Nadeau, M-M Roger Paille, M-M Paul ParadiS, M-M Alan Partmgton, Therese Perry, M-M Joseph Pouhot. Dorothy RaCicot, M-M FrancIS Tetreault. M M Leger Turcotte North Attleboro SI. .hry $200 Rev Wilham Babbitt. $250 Nelson Gulskl, $150 Robert Kelley; $140 Kathleen M Sweeney, $115 Mrs Bernard Byrnes, $102 M-M Austen Butler, $100 M-M leo Cloutier, M-M Joseph Doran, S 75 M-M FranCIS leary Jr, M-M AlVin Snyder, S 72 M-M James Hall, $50 John BeVllaqua Jr, Mrs Ruth Clark, Mrs Frank Fisler, M-M Norman Fontame, M-M Donald CorhssJr,Joanne l Hastings, M-M John P McMahon, $3 7 Mrs Alan Waugh, $35 llr/M Domenlc BaSile, M-M Joseph BourgeOIs, M-M Michael Coyle, M-M John lang, M-M Mark levesque, Edward Nolan, Mrs Frances Vandal, $30 Joseph Cerreta, Mrs laura Conti, Mrs Vllgmla Diamond, Mrs Thomas Feeney, M-M Thomas Khmlata, Nando MelchlOrn, M-M Robert SilVia, Anthony Velletn, $26 M-M Fred Butterworth, M-M Joseph Cabral $25 Mrs lawrence Birch, M-M Wilham BulliS, M-M Wilham Conroy, M-M Wilham Olon, Mrs Patnck Doherty, M-M Joseph Gauthier, Mrs Anita Gnmafdl, M-M Norman H,lsman, M-M Thomas Hoey, Mrs Jeannette Kelly, Ahce llttleheld, M-M WIlham lamar, M-M John larner, Janet lynch, Mrs lOUIS McAdams, M-M John McAlee, Ed"h McCabe, M-M Franc,s McNally, M-M lawrence N,gro, M-M George Normand, M-M Thomas O'Donnell, M-M Arthur Paquette, lmda Poanladosl, M-M Carl Quagha, Mrs Frances Ralph, M-M Wilham Rec, M-M Eugene St Mane, Irene FSmith, M-M Joseph Sulhvan, Mrs Dorothy Szewclykowskr, M-M Richard Thlmot, M-M Michael Vlgonto Jr, Mrs Edmund Welch, Mrs Joseph Wlthmgton '

MARION Saint Rita $250 M-M Nelson Adams, III, $1000 Richard & Helen Arthur, 'Claude & Mildred Elhs, Edmund & Mary McCarthy, FrancIS &Mary Mead, $50 M-M Frank Calarella, James & Kathy Feeney, John &Kay lowney, Frank l Robllollo, $40 Edward & Mary Ryba, R'chard & Gertrude S,mcock, $30 Harry & ,PatncII leber, M-M Fred MacDougall, AI Muren, M-M QaVld Pimental, M-M Richard lens, $25 Raymond Andrews, M-M Henry Bnggs, M MJames M Cam, James Hannon, Roland & Shirley letendre, Fletcher & Cathenne long, Ronald & Joan McDonald, Frank & Evelyn Torres, M-M DaVid T Weber

, Sacred Hurt $500 Amta Coutu, Rev Marcel HBouchard, $300 Rev_ Justm JQUinn, $200 M-M Nelson Duphlney, $100 M-M Maunce DargiS, $50 Joseph Achm, M-M Normand Achm, M-M Raymond Alger, M-M R,chard DargIS, M-M Albert Desilets, M-M Richard leydon, $40 M-M Gerard Desilets, $35 Yvette Hamel, M-M Normand l'Homme, $25 Jeannette Achln, Edmond Coutuner, M-M Charles Deschenes, M-M Richard Dian, Dons Gagne, M-M Ernest Goulet, M-M Walter Hams, M-M George Karcher, M-M Walter Klrylo, M-M Rudolph Morel, M-M Norman Ouellette, M-M OVlla Ouellette, Gertrude ROIY, Albert Saulmer Seekont

, ACUSHNET St FrancIS Xavier $300 M-M l Cabral, Mrs Wilham Schaffer, $200 O'Bllen FamIly, $100 M-M J Braun, J Costa, M-M C Kramer, M-M R laVOie, The McGovern Famtly, M-M Alan Miner, AFllend, $75 leo, Yvonne &Violet Boucher, Chaloner Family, AFnend, $65 AFnend, $50 Yvonne longworth, R Boule, M-M John Day, M-M George Charest, M-M Edward Dennehy, M-M J Fitzgerald, A PallshlOner, M-M Raymond leBlanc, Manchester Family, M-M J O'Grady, MMMauncel Pepin, M-M John Ryan, AFllend, $48 APalishloner, AFIIend, $4Q M-M James M Haworth, $35 M-M leo N Coons, Mrs Roland Roblltard, AFnend, $30 M-M Edmund Amaral, M-M John I,Melo, M-M John Santos, AFnend $25 Amaral Famtly, M-M Jack Anlo, P AraUJO, J Arsenault, M-M RIchard A Asqulno, M-M Robert N Avellar, Mrs Arthur L BlaIS, M-M George H BlOUin, M-M P Boyle, M-M leo J Brasseur, J Brodeur, M-M Launer Cormier, Costa Family, M-M D Cotter, Damlel J Deslaullers, Therese Dupre, Daniel Ferreira, M;M Amedee Gautreau, Mrs James J Gleason, Mr_s Stanley Golas, M-M George Gracia, M-M Rosano N Guy, M-M Joseph Hardman, M-M Randolph Hoffman:M-M Wilham J Kennedy $25 M-M Joseph T O'Neil, M MJose l Perelra,M-M George PImental Jr" M-M Ronald Pimental, M-M - R~~e Racm~, Mrs Richard l Rawcllffe, M-M Donald G Rei, M-M Paull Robilaille, M-M MItchell Smola, M-M loseph Soula, M-M Henn ThiVierge, M-M Adelbert Toussaint, M-M Edward Vieira, M-M James Whitehead, Ms Florence Beauheu, M-M J Castelo, M-M Edward J Demers, M-M Joseph Duprey, M-M Raymond A GU,e,ette, ~-M John latham, M-M DaVId Roberts, M-M Roland Rou"her, A Fllend _. AmEBORO 51. John the Evangehst $100 M-M Kevm Myles, $80 M-M Robert IIg,$60 M-M Robert Nerz,$450 M M Edward Bayly, M-M Frank Rose, M-MFrank CarroCCla, M-M Pasquale lattan, M-M Thomas Bellavance, M-M Joseph Botelho, M-M Alphonse lito, $35 M-M Donald Tramor, $30 Judy McKmght, M-M Robert Glrhng, $25 Anne Hyland, M-M John Cherecwlch, Deborah Alhson, M-M George Gossehn, M M John Durkee, M-M John Cummings, M M L.wrence Johnson, M-M Kenneth lacasse, M-M Paul Garon, M M Raymond Taylor, M-M Gerlad lynch, M-M Thomas Hatch, M MFredenck Marshall, M-M Frank lIZak, M-M George Smith, M M Stephen Walsh, M-M Jesse Almeda, M M Bnan MUlhern, M-M Gerald lusk, M M Roger Cloutier, Mrs Alfred Goulet, M M FrancIS Long, loretta Verplas'e '

St John the Evangehst $1000 M M John PLee, S500 In Memory of lhe Henry Family, $325 M-M James J Coogan, $275 M M Thomas Cuddy Jr, $200 M M Paul RlXon, M-~ P!ul Rockett, Mrs J Harry Condon, Oorothy & Arthur Nolan, M-M RRussell MOlin, S170 M M John Reardon, $150 M-M Robert Kenny, M-M Paul Scanlan, Or/Mrs DaVId Ison, M-M John Mcintyre, KeVin Lawless, $100 MMEdward Maher MM Brad Rounds, M M Thomas BiShop, M M Oscar Dllnkwater, M-M Albert Perry, Jr, M M Mervell ClOnm, M M Victor 0 Cia II, M-M Henry Flynn, M-M Ralph Sears, M-M Charles GUillette, M-M Donald lange, Mrs Wilham Goff, M-M Gilbert Rea, M-M Stephen Fontneau, In Memory ofTheresa &John Mahon, M-M S Guhno, Mrs Arthur Mulhgan, Dr/Mrs Richard Shea, M-M Wilfred Cardin, $80 M-M Anthony Maglna, $75 M-M George Gay, M-M Joseph Pedro, M M Donald Corbell, Vmcent Nlhan, M M Damel Martin, M M DaVId J Foley, M-M Richard Doherty, $70 M M Wesley Ridlon $65 M M Joseph Mahon, $55 M-M Paul Ruzanskl, $50 M M Michael O'Hara, Mrs Herbert Clegg, Joseph Segnsl, M MWtlham Jost, Mary Martm, M-M Robert Fife, M-M James MartinS, John logan, Mrs Joseph Kmg, Mrs James Foley, M M James Murray, Helen Sheehan, Mrs Paul Bullock, M-M Edward Murphy, Raymond Welch, M-M James Rocha, M-M Robert FuIVl, Mrs John Picchi, lmda Pemberton, M-M John Bergeron, M-M Garry Wheelock, M-M Gerard Kenton, M-M Mark FerruCClo, Mrs Ernest Anderson, M MJoseph Bono, M MAlbert PIOn, M MMichael Burgess, M-M Gilbert DaCosta, M-M Harold Downing, Mary Anderson, M-M Oonald Pelletier, M-M John Dolan, Oenms Donnelly, S40 Arlene Doherty, M-M James Tower, M M Vmcent Pedro, M-M John White, Jr, M MPaul Kosowski, Gerlrude McBnen, M-M Joseph Graney, Michael Graney, M-M Robert Robichaud, MM Ge01ge Challfaux, Jr $35 Helen Shanley, M MNormand Cloutlel, M MJohn Ricker, M MAndrew Flguerado, M-M Edward Raposa M M MIchael Keane, Mrs Paul Cooper, M MJohn Bessette, Russell Fontneau, Leo lemalStre, M-M DaVid Caldwell, $30 M-M John Robinson, M-M Joseph Pacheco, M M FrancIS Blrch:M-M Kevm Turley, M M Oean Winslow, M-M Carlton Redding, M-M Frank Fanmng, M-M Antomo Ohvelra, M M Chnstopher McCracken, M-M Norman lacroIX, George McCauley, M-M Patnck Gorman, Evelyn Cole, M-M oGemmllm, M MWilham Mag""e, Malleange Kirouac, R,la Precourt, $25 M-M Robert Bibeault, M-M Wilham SklVington, M-M Ralph MCastro, Mrs Albert Hannans, MMWIlham lee, M-M Joseph Carter, M-M James Kilby, M-M Slephen Lima, M-M Joseph Fourmer, In Memory of Margaret & Ian OaVls, Wilham Brown,S~aron Kelley, In Memory 01 Henry Kelley, Mrs Walter Love, M MReid Braga, M-M Mark TraverSl, M-M Wilham Brennan, M-M James Birch, Mrs ldohn Cavlco, MMWilbur Barry, M MWilham Woloshyn, Mrs Ralph Coddmg, M MRussell Fredenckson, M MEdward Sulhvan, M-M Gerard Cameron, M-M Gerard Gagnon, M-M Edward Mah~r, Wilham Martin, Fred McCracken, M-M lucren leblanc, Dllne fourmer, ,M MThomas Carroll $25 M M KeVin Downmg, Cathenne O'Dea, M-M Herbert Bryant, M-M John White, M-M DaVid Pedersen, M M Joseph Powers, Margaret Stnngham, In Memory 01 Vmcent McGinn, Beatnce CarJley, M M Matthew Savastano, M-M Douglas Welden, Evelyn Sheehan, Mrs John Witherell, Vlrgmll Dwyer, Antomette Harrington, M-M John Gagne, Ehzabelh Holdgate, M-M Roger Fontneau, M-M H Burns, M-M leo Rushlow, M-M Chfford Danue, M-M,Herbert Rounds, M-M Fredenck Bolton, Mrs Richard lern, M-M Wilham Crowley, M M Richard Feslk, M EBergm, Margaret Doran, Mehssa Ohvelra, M-M Arnold Fox, Paula Ohvella, M-M John Baptist, M-M Thomas Turgeon, Ann Dupee, DaVid BuonVIII, M-M Guy Occhmo, M-M Donald Standing, M-M Alan Svendsen, Arthur Johnson, ,M-M George Bergevlne, M-M Walter Smith, M M Armand Azevedo, M-M Joseph leger, M M R Schwenslelr, Jr: M-M H Batchelder, M-M Thomas Murphy, M-M John Ploklte, Helen Madden, M-M'Edward Perry, M M Michael Simmons, M-M Robert lafernere, M-M MIguel PeIXoto, M-M Charles Riley, M-M Thomas Norcberg, Delvlna Perreault, ,..-M Donald SWift, loretta Heagne~, Helen Schromm, M-M Harry loew, Wilham f!ladden, M-M Wilham Fiynn, M-M George Matros, M-M James Richmond, M MPaulColhn, M-M Wilham Hannigan. M-M Bartholomew Cryan. • $25 M-M Robert Sloops, Michael & Clalle Powers, M-M KeVin Detaney, M-M Denms Kelley, M-M Edward Shea, Annette O'Neil, Beatllee Paqwuette, M-M PlStoCCO: M-M Alfred lortie, M-M Joao Pequenela, M-M Mark Flaherty, Mrs Mark Pnest, Chnstopher Taylor, Fllomena Ohvelra, Angela leWIS, Margaret O'Keele, Anne Carroll, M-M Gerald White, M-M Clyd'; Nunes, M MCharles Clarke: M-M MFMaroderol Slln, M-M Robert Rohman, M-M Paullalher,James Rick, M MPe1erHundertmark,MrsEarl Dunphe, Mrs Neil Wendell, M-M Andrew Nyzlo, M-M Paul Murray, M-M DaVId Nedder, Ada Fralom, Holy Ghost $1000 M-M Raymond Kelhher, $500 Constant Poholek; $150 M-M Joseph luerken, M-M James McAndrews, $110 MarJone Castro, $100 M-M Alfred Carvalho, 101-'" Fredenck EllIS, Dr Rudolph Prerce, M-M George Ryan, M-M Alfred Val, $ 75 Mary SUlhvan, Mrs Manuel Castro, M-M Roland Tremblay, $50 M-M lewIS Benson, Dr/M John Chllrenza, M-M George Fredette, M-M Eugene lacroIX, M-M Frank P,stolese, M-M fredenck ProulX, M-M Carmme Roca, M-M Archre StenUlord, Madehne Turley, $40 M-M Mallano Castro, M-M Guy De1elhs, M-M Joseph Pohglek; $35 M-M Wilham Habershaw, M-M Walter Tansey, $30 101-101 Joseph Arruda, Mary Bultard, 101-101 Joseph MedeirOS, Mana MedeirOS; $25 Mrs Antero Amaral, M-M George Audette, Mary Baxendale, Mrs John Betty, loretta BlaIS, 101-101 Chfford Bunker, M-M AI Carvalho, M-M leo Charette, M-M Gaetan Collette, M-M Gerald Fallnelh, M-M John Fernandes, M-M francIS ferrara, M-M George Fredette, EGodin, M-M George Heverly, M-M Robert Kashlan, M-M R'chard Kettle, lOUise laird, Mrs fredenck lander, Mrs Richard layton, M-M Raymond llzotte, M-M Joseph Loteck, M-M Thomas Martin, M-M Jose Moms, Irene P,menlal, M-M Manuel Rebello, M-M John Redlund, M-M John Rodllgues, M-M leo Roy, Helen Sm,th, M-M Manuel Tavares, M-M Joseph Vovellos 51. Stephen $500 M-M R.chard Mclaughhn, $300 St Stephen's St Vmcent de Paul; $130 M-M Normand P8eauregard, $110 M·M Joseph MHodge, $100 M-M Wilfred Joubert, Mrs Edward lap,erre, Sr , M-M Edward laprerre, M-M leo lap,erre, M MPaul lavallee, George Ringuette, Golberta Rmguette, M-M Joseph TeIXeira Jr, $ 75 Dr & Mrs Eugene D, Glovanm, $50 M-M George RBosh, Mrs Aldma Bosh, M-M Gerard Daneau, Rita Gendron, M-M John Gagne, Mrs Theodore lacourse, M-M John 5 lalarz, M-M J O'Halioran, M-M Leonard Rathbun, M-M Robert ER,chard, M-M Arnold Silva; $43 Arthur Karabens; S40 M-M James Aussant, M-M Peter D'Alessandro, $35 M-M AlbertOusley; $30 M-M James Donahue, Mrs & Glenn Doucette, S25 M-M John ApIII, M-M Arthur Bani, Alpheda Beauregard, M-M Allen EBrown, M-M George Burdette, Caron Gramte Co, AntOinette Charron, M-M Theodore HCharron, M-M Fredellck CUrtiS, M M KeVin Deschenes, M-M Herve Dumont, FranCIS Gfountneau, M-M Armand Frechette, Mrs Henry Fremer, M-M FranCIS Gousle, Henry Kordalewskl, M-M Steven Gousle $25 Mrs Em" Laprerre, M-M Ronald Lemonde, M-M Albert l Masse, Jr, M-M Raymond Paqum, M-M Raymond Panseau, M-M Alfred PeloqUIn, Roger PeloqUIn, Mres Cecole Perry, Irene Rapola, M-M Terry Richards, M-M HerbertStGeorge, Irene Trudel, Anna Valley, Dianne Yaghooblan, M-M HarryYaghooblan

SI. Mary $2400 George Agostml/Bacon Construction, $1200 Rev Thomas l Rita, $550 M-M Joseph Hodge, $450 St Vincent dePaul, $300 Dr/M Stanley J Stutz, M-M John 5 FranCIS, $230 M-M J DaVid FrancIS, $200 Dr John Belsky; $1 75 M-M Gerard Cinq-Mars, $150 M-M McGovern, M-M Charles MeSSier, MoM John Murphy, Mary Agostml, The ChaUVin Family, $135 M-M John Hamngton, $135 M-M John Hamngton, $125 Dr & Mrs Raymond Riley, Jeen CChfford, Dr & Mrs Alex Maclssac, $120 M MChartes Fmucc" M-M Michael O'Donnell, $100 M-M John J McDermott, Gill & Judith Engles, Mrs foster Boldt. M-M Raymond Geough, M-M edmund Murray, Dr/M Robert Burroughs, M-M Edmund McCann, M-M Martm Carr, M-M Paul Hodge, $ 75 M-M Gilbert Dubo,s, M-M Herbert leddy, M-M Paul Rankow,tz, M-M leo Marcoux $60 M-M Paul Tetreault, $52 M-M BADIIla; $55 M-M Gerald lanoue, $50 M-M John McManus, M-M -Damel McKinnon, Mrs Ahcla Amsworth, M-M Robert lachapelle, M-M Bert Sulhvan, M-M Ernest Gaudet, Wilfred Thornhill, leo & Jacquehne Galeone, Mrs Antone Governo, M-M Roge~ POirier, M-M Richard VOCCIO, Maggi Farren, M-M Anthony Spunzo, M M Joseph Meagher, M-M Franc,s Mcisaac Sr, M-M Marchand, Paul & Maureen Rego, MoM John G leonard, M-M Rene Beauchemm, Jeremiah Raposa, W,lham O'Bnen, Mrs Mary Titus, Agnes Blake, $40 M-M Thomas SilVia, Mrs Joseph Strycharz, M-M Robert Gravel, Mrs Wilham Figura, M-M Roger Ferland, Albert &Ann HaUworth, M-M George labelle, $35 M-M lOUIS Emond, M-M James Brackett, M-M Albert Kelley, M-M Robert Mayers, M-M Roland Camlle, M-M Kenneth Reddington, M-M Ralph Baumgartel, M-M Norman lemere, M-M Joseph Perry, M-M Brandan Vogonlo, Mrs Beatnce Amos - $30 MrsJacu'es leduc, M-M Michael Connors, Henry Arundale, M-M Norman Chlcome, Mary KCoyle, Mrs Susan Armell, $25 M-M Thomas Kohler, M-M Martm Manslield, John Ross, M-M George St laurent, M-M James McOade, Helene EBurke, Pauhne Viera, Alan &Tammy Petlold, M-M Roberet Smith, W,lham & Donna Remington, M-M Joseph l Tralicante, M-M lomas, M-M KMarcotnglano, M-M Arthur EStenberg III, John & Valene Souza, M-M Joseph Chandley, M-M John FitzSimmons II, M-M Manuel Mello, M-M Joseph Snee, M MManuel SilVia, M-M Stephen BBraga, M-M Ronald l'Heureux, M-M Robert Bombard,er, Mrs John McNally, Ralph FArguln, M-M Benlamm Braga, Robert P Kenneally, Helen Dobosz, M-M John lima, M-M Arthur -Bergeron $25 Mrs Thomas MagUire, Thomas Magulle Jr, Mrs WBechtel, M-M Wilham Flelcher, M-M LOUIS Thomas, M-M Wesley Morey, M-M Charles SirOIS, Elame & James Fnck, M-M Gaston Vandal, Barbara Cabral, Mrs Pauhne 0 Patenaude, M-M Richard TGoyette, Aldenc Richard, M-M Donald lamond, M-M Sterhng Oalton, M-M Peter Perry, M-M Harold McCormIck, M-M Wilham Butler, M-M Wilham Duquette, Michelle ACotton, Frances ECotton, Anthony & Debra Gughelmo, Albert Perry, M-M Raymond Slnotte, M-M Robert legawlec, M-M Joseph lUIZ, M-M Andrew Ferland, Gerard Provost. Chfford Hughes, Michael P,enm, Costa Family, M-M Roger Reeves, M-M Normand Trahan, M-M Edward Kreuger, M-M Edward Harrop, M M Donald G Marcotte, M M Chfford Wallace, M-M lOUIS Kuffrey, M-M Joseph Don Carlos, Estelle Michaud, M-M Frank Foley, M-M Richard Cangnan, M-M Jack lane, M-M Robert Kraus, M-M Howard Vaslet, M-M Edmond Bedard, Carl &Jeanne Nielson, M-M Joseph NSherry, Damel Enxlng, M-M Fredenck Oobras, M-M WCushman, M-M Arthur Wild goose, M-M Roy lambert, M-M Henry WSmith, M-M Paul lapasmk, M-M Fred Siemon Mansfreld SI. Miry $300 Arlene Darmedy, $200 In Memory of Angehna AnnunZIato, M-M Damel Sulhvan; $100 Mrs Edward Chace, Carole Clemmey, M-M Joseph Donovan, M-M Bnan Healy, M-M Robert Plltrale1ta, M-M Giles DognaZZl, $ 75 M-M Joseph Bovona, $60 M-M Andre JCharpentllr, $50 M-M Francrs Baldini, M-M Domemc Barbero Jr, Juhette CBeaudet. M-M Wilham Breen, M,ss J MBurns, lOUIse Capone, Mary Capone, M-M Carmen Cardlnute, M M John l Craven, M-M RIchard D'Onolno, Ehzabeth Dupree, M-M DaVId AFlanagan, M-M larry Harnngton, M-M James Mclaughhn, M-M Mark N,ederberger, M-M Alan R Post, M-M Bernard 5 O'Malley, Mrs Raymond Ockert, M-M Stephen RPeterson, M-M Wayne Pyron, M-M Robert Raymond, M-M James Roach, M-M Edward Shney Sr, Wilham Sulhvan Jr, M-M Chfford TitUS, Douglas TitUS, M-M John Unger, $40 M-M RCharbonmer, M-M lee Dougherty, Mrs Fred Phllhps $35 M-M John Colhns, lena Garolano, MrsWllham Matto, M-M MIchael PlaCido, Barbara Tarsa, M-M G Tuhs, $30 Ernest Arredondo, M-M WIlham Debaggls, M-M Joseph Devhn, M-M Albertlalhm, $25 Mary l BIShop, Gilda Barr, M-M Raymond l Beadoln, Gertrude Bedard, Irene Barrows, M-M John EBell, M-M Gary Bryant, Paul Conley, M-M Frank Candela, M-M Gary Cedrone, Chnstopher P Corey, M M Martin Cahill, M-M Robert Carroll, M M Kenneth Carrara, M-M James Card, M-M Omer Chagnon, M-M John Dnscoll, M-M Amenco Del, Sr, M-M James-OuBeau, M-M George DalOIS, M-M Joseph Duggan, M-M James Dongan, Mane Eckler, Mrs John Foley, M-M Chester Gallus, M-M Chnstopher GrudZIen, M-M John Hamngton, M-M Kenneth loerwald, M-M John Metrano, M-M SilvIO Monm, M-M Wilham A Madan, Frances McMillan, M-M J McFarland, Margaret Mahoney, M-M DaVid Malay, Mr J J O'Connell, M-M H ugh Percy, M-M Alec Redrearn, Jane Richard, M M Wilham J Stron, M-M KeVin Stewart, M-M Bruce Swanson, M-M Paul ASouza, M-M JamesStokinger, M-M DaVId Tucker, M-M William Verzola, M-M Albert Willey, M-M Damel EWildes, M-M Kenneth Yarletls Seetont Our lldy of Mount Cermel $600 Rev Thomas C Mayhew, $500 Conyers Insurance Agcy, $300 Hendncks Pools, Inc, M-M Anthony DVenditti, FrancIS AVenditti, $250 M·M Wilham Cuddlgan, $200 M-M Henry Foley, John Hendncks, Mt Carmel St Vmcent de Paul ConI, M-M Peter MacDonald, $150 M-M Richard Goudreau, M-M Jesse Hendncks, Mt Carmel Holy Name Socrety, $120 M-M James AHall, $100 M-M William Fnedlander, M-M Richard GregoIre, M-M Ph,hp MGnma, M-M Robert lang, Dr/M Richard E Murphy, M-M Michael PTulhe, $ 75 Irene Anthony, M-M Charles Mercoer, $60 M-M Ray Comgan, M-M John FCosta, Mrs lOUise Oakland, $52 M-M Frank Gamboa $50 M-M WII!.am Abalacola, M-M Joseph Anthony, Jane Barker, linda Bosworth, Helen EBrowmng, M-M Wayne DeRosa, M-M Damel dlP,etro, Mrs lours Dupere, M-M M'chael Durkey, Mrs Vmcent Frattaruolo, M-M Glen Glultan, M-M Wilham Hesney, M-M Vito Ippohto, M-M Thomas Kerwm, M-M Armand lemllx, M-M Eugene l'hereux, M-M James NLovely, M-M Armand lUSSier, M-M Edward Martm, WIlliam McAUliffe, M-M John J Mulvey Sr, M-M Anthony l Peters, Mrs Anna Propatler, $50 M-M Eugene Rebello, M-M Richard GSweetland, M-M Robert R Toblasz, $48 Antomo R,belro Jr; $40 M-M Joseph Motta Jr, M-M Denms Veader, $35 M-M Damel AriCO, M-M Alfred RBenOIt, Jose 0 Doro, M-M Joseph Trola~, M-M Alfred George, M-M George McGee, $32 M-M Manuel Pestana, $30 Nancy George, M-M Wallace Guay, Angela MedeirOS, Emoly MedeirOS, Mrs Elizabeth Kempke, M-M Raymond EO'Neoll, $25 M-M Antone Alexander, M-M George Amaral, Mrs J Ernest Beauregard, Sarah Balckledge, Mrs Wilfred Blanchette, M-M Thomas J Blythe, M-M William Bowen Jr, M-M Frank Bradley, Mrs DaVId Bredemellr, M-M John F Burns, M-M Michael Campbell, M-M Dennis A Carey, M-M Alexander J Castergml, M-M George Castro, M-M Thomas Chee1ham, M-M Victor Couto, M-M Charles CqVlII Jr $25 M-M Henry Danesl, M-M John Dansereau, M-M Wilham Delaney III, M-M Stephen EDeletla, Mary DeSilva, Dr/M John Erhardt. Mrs Helen Ferreira, M-M Thomas Flemmg, M-M John Furtado, Mrs Ehlabeth Gaebe, M-M Norman Gahmbertl Sr, M-M Willnd RGarand, M-M George J George, M-M Walter WGerula, Dolores Hmes, M-M Raymond Hodde, M-M Maunce Holmes, M-M Albert FHunt, M-M Richard AJohannlS, M-M Matthew Keenan, M-M John KhoreY,John Korkuc,land-Tek Mal"tenance Inc, M-M Glen larrabee, M-M Omer leclerc, M-M Damel leote, M-M James F lombardo, Mrs Jimes Manc,OI, M-M Ernest Mansolillo, Mrs Wilham McAdams, M-M John McKenzie, M-M Joseph MedeirOS, Charlotte Mello, Mrs Manuel Mello, M-M Marc DMiller M-M John Nunes, 101-101 Mrchael O'Connell, M-M Manuel Ormonde, M-M Stephen Perry, M-M Wilham Plunkett, M-M Alexander l Pratt, M-M Wlnlield EPray, Robert J Propatrer, M-M Manuel Raposa Jr, M-M Jorge R'IO, M-M Donald Robillard, M-M Raymond Secour, M-M George B Smith, Mrs John Smith, M-M Edward 5 SqUier, Mrs Ned FSteward, M-M Neil Sulhvan, M-M Raymond Tomhnson, M-M Richard Vermette, M-M Thomas DWalker, Mrs Donald Welshman, Donald Wilson, M-M Richard Wolfe Norton SI. Miry $1000 Rev John VMagnanr. $300 M-M Joseph EFernandes, $150 M-M Robert Burkhart $100 Mary I Camara, Mrs Ernest Precourt, M-M George Yelle, S60 M-M FranCIS Gallagher, M-M Joseph Jolly, $50 Phylhs Beatty, Darlene BoroVlak, M-M Eugene Cecere, M-M Raymond Cord, M-M Joseph Daley, Rosemary Donal, M-M James Famulare, Dorothy Gagnon, M-M Joseph KUldlOI, M-M Wilillm Marvel. M M Robert Ouellette, M-M John R,belro, M-M Arthur Stentlford, Frances Sulhvan, Victor WaI, $40 M-M Samuel Arena, M-M Paul Gnlhn, M-M Henri Yelle, $35 M-M John Doherty, Mary Harnngton, $30 M-M OaVid Hubert, M-M Douglas MacMaster, M-M Richard Ohver, M-M John Sweeney; $25 M M Clement Adams, M-M Wilham Becker Jr, M-M James Bukeley, M-M James Burtyon, Kenneth Carr, Richard Charette, Irene Dahahey, M M Emile Fredette, M-M Robert Gendrohus, M-M John Gomes, M-M Kosla JovanoViC, M MRobert lacasse, lOUISe lachapelle, M-M Antomo MedeirOS, M-M Thomas O'Toole, M-M Roxy Pichi, M-M Robert PeloqUin, Mrs Clarence Rich, Sr, M-M DaVid Rich, M-M Ken Salomon, M Mleo SchleIcher, Rrla Scott, M-M Gilbert SiroiS, M-M Wilham Wilson, M-M Philip lawasky

TAUNTON Immocullte Conception $300 Rev John WPegn~m, $200 Mrs Gtlbert Simmons, $125 M·M Ronald legere" $120 M·M Charles Glanmo" $100 M·M Alfred ~Iorence, M·M Wilham McCaffrey, M·M Wilham McGowan, Mrs FrancIs MOrrison, $90 M·M James Brennan, $80 M·M Sheldon EhrenzwOlg; $75 Mary. O'Dea, $60 M·M Ronald Dodenhoft $50 M·M Raymond Co[ey:M·M Alvah Corhss, M·M Michael Cronan, Allen Curley, M·M,louls Dupont, Mrs Margaret Ford, M·M John Haggerty, M·M Allen Hathaway, John Hayes, M·M Russell Heap, M·M RobertJohnson, M·M Thomas leonard, M·M DaVid lowlie, In Memory of Edward & Isabele Murby, M·M Richard Paulson, M·M Robert Renaud, M·M Michael Thayer, M·M Anthony Thomas, M·M James Wall, M·M Edward Walsh, $45 M·M leonard Walsh, $40 M·M James Deveney, Terence Dowmng, M·M Roland DubOIS, M·M Paul PetersOn, M·M Bruce Velon, $35 M.M, FrancIs BOlvm, M·M Wilham Chausse, M·M Thomos Curry, M·M Thomas Hoye, M·M George N,Ckolds, M·M Michael Rose, M·M Jerome Souza, $30 M·M Madelme Boarman, M·M Allen Campbell, M·M Andrew Isaacson, M·M George Paul, M·M Robert Powers, M·M Raymond R,va, M·M Wilham RugglOro $25 M·M Michael Benlamm, M·M John Brady, M·M Harold Callahan, M·M Marshall Chevelle, FrancIs Compos, M·M R R Ouncan, M·M·Donald Enos, M·M Paul Fltzpatllck, M·M FrancIs laffan, M·M Edward laMarche, M·M Donald lallvee, Edward lemlOux, Rita lemlOux, M·M Paullmcoln, M·M Edward Mador, M·M Cosmo Magazu, M·M Jorge Matesanz, M·M Wilham McGowan, Cathellne McGrath, M·M Robert McNamara, Mary & leshe McNully, James MOrrison, Mary Murphy, Mildred Murray, Eugene O'Bllen, M·M Robert Patenaude, Mary BPower, M·M Alfred Senechal, Mildred Stapanatls, M MBernard Sypek, M·M Joseph TelXella, Margaret Tmkham, M·M Wilham Ventura, Joanne Waddell, M·M George Walczak. Mary TWalsh, M MWilham White Our lady ollourdas $1500 Rev Joseph Dhvella, $500 Rev Arnold R Medellos, Our lady of lourdes Bmgo Committee, $250 Dl of lourdes ConhrmatlOn Class; $150 Dl of lourdes Whist Committee, $125 Rev Mr Robert AFalla, 0 l 01 lourdes Feast Committee, Ol 01 lourdes Holy Ghost Society, Ol 01 lourdes Holy Rosary SOClOty, M·M Thomas J Souza, $100 M·M Charles M Raposa, A Fllend, Ol 01 lourdes Rehglous Educallon, $75 Paul Camacho; $65 O'Gara Famtly, $50 M·M Joseph Cambra, M·M James Corey, M·M Robert Mendes, Ol 01 lourdes Mother's Gutld, Ol 01 lourdes School Chtldren, Manuel Phtlhppe, M·M louIs Rego, M·M Alfred Rogers, M·M Thomas ASouza. AFllend, $40 M·M Arthur Andrade, M·M Manuel Coelho, M·M Allred Pimental, M·M Edwm Pm hello, M·M Joseph F,gulledo $35 M·M Kenneth MAlves, $32 M·M John PBaptiste, $30 M·M Jose SBotelho, M·M Joao Coelho, M·M Richard Costa, M·M Manuel OeSousa, M·M Damel R Oupont, M·M DaVid AMarcehno, M·M Sebastlao Martins, M·M Jose 0 Melo, M·M Jose EMOltOSO, M·M Constantmo Perella, M·M Manuel Perella, M·M Kenneth Perry, $25 M·M Carlton Barney, M·M Joseph RBeneVides, M·M Wilham BrodlO (In Memory 01 Our Deceased I, M·M Manuel Cabral, M·M Arthur Coelho, M·M Joseph Costa, M·M Gilbert FCoute, M·M lmcoln OeMoura, M·M John Fernandes, Mrs Hilda FerrOlra, M·M Joseph FerrOlra, M·M Wilham Kenney, M·M Adalberto lourenco, Mrs Bermce MOltoza, M·M Michael FMoreau, linda MOrris, Ol 01 lourdes Holy Name, Manuel Pacheco, M·M Adehno Paulo, Mrs lOUIse Perry, Joseph ROIS, M·M George Silva, M·M George ESilva, M·M Owen Sulhvan, M·M DaVid Teves, M·M James Ventura, AFnend St. Poul $300 St Vmcent de Paul·St Paul Conlerence, $200 M·M Joseph ROilly, M·M Maunce lemlOux, $150 M·M John Dubena, $125 M·M Salvatore Spmelh, $105 M·M Robert J HIli Jr, $100 M·M Albert Nunes Jr, M·M Manuel Souza, Mrs Manuel Ohver, M·M Walter Sowyrda, M·M James H Duffy Jr, Peter Mozone, Alan Thadeu, Frank Casella, Dommlc Casella, Edward Nowak, M·M James HFagan, M·M Denis A Bonenlant, $75 M·M John Reardon, M·M Edmund TelXella, $50 M·M Edwm Sokoloskl,Ehzabeth Twella, George & Margoente Rogers, M·M John Connors, M·M Robert Valle, Mrs FrancIS J Tummon, Chfford Seresky, M·M Richard Nunes, Mrs Joan Silva, M·M Robert EJose, Eleanor Dwyer, M·M Phlhp leddy, Mrs Frank Shumway, M·M leo leroux, M·M NOli P Downmg, $48 M·M Joseph F Mastromanno, $45 M·M Harold JOlson, $40 M·M Rudolph Bessette. M·M l Correia, M·M Ralph Cabral, $35 Judith Hamel, M·M Robert Stratton, M·M Allan Colleran, In Memory of lorrame Place • $30 M·M James Ramsey, Mrs Joseph Demer~ M·M Paul Plumb, M·M Charles M Metzger, M·M John Arruda, M·M Clement Wade, $25 M·M John Corr, Kathleen Carroll, Pamela Robmson, Janet Reese, Elmer Meumer, M·M ECoelho, M·M Robert Fernandes, In Memory of Ernest Betelho, M·M Manuel Rebello, M·M Edward Pryor, M·M Robert Berube, M·M Roland DesroslOrs, M·M Raldo Glovanelh, M·M Michael Phllhppmo, M·M Joseph Morey, M·M Jlleo Conroy Sr, Mrs John THolmes, M·M Arthur Machado, M·M Phlhp Arsenault, Ehzabeth Carpenter, M·M Thomas Dooley, M·M Eva Thornley, M·M Joseph R,hbany, M·M Ronald BenoIt, M·M DaVid Ponfe, M·M Richard Conway, Mrs Thomas Unsworth, Mrs lorrame Montello, M·M Anthony lopes, M·M Joseph Conlon, M·M Edmond Thadeu, M·M FrancIs Ferrella, Mrs Wesley Grandmont, Mrs Joseph GNeto, M·M George Walker, M·M Wilham JMonn, M·M Anton,on Jardlm, M·M Robert lovell, M·M Bnan Fnary, M·M RobertFlOldmg, M·M FrancIs McDermott, M·M James Murphy, John Donahue, Mary Mozzone, M·M Richard Brennan, M·M Walter O'Shea, M·M Joseph Mlazarz, Mrs Chene Sousa, M·M FrancIs Prado, M·M Albert Ratchffe Jr, Mrs A,me SI PlOrre, Mrs Charles Correia, Mrs Phylhs BenoIt, Anna Sherry St. Joseph $1000 Rev Msgr Thomas J Harrmgton, $600 M·M Richard Pearce, $325 Joseph A Medellos, $150 Stephen lmhares, $100 M·M WIlham Scully, M·M Stephen Callahan, M·M Thomas H Sherry, $85 The Garvm Family, $60 M·M Donald M lewIs, Raymond Scully, $50 Anna Champney, Gertrude Taylor, Patncla laffan, M·M Wilham E Dlas, M·M Richard Anklan, Mrs Antonio Tosll, M·M FrancIs Guay, M·M Raymond Gilles, $48 Isabel WHI&&ms, $45 M·M Richard Gnlhth, $40 M·M Jose FerrOlra, M·M Damel ROilly, Ehzabeth Correia, $35 M·M Charles Greer, The lane Family, M·M Raymond Ducharme, M·M Paul FrazlOr, M·M Charles Smith, M·M Donald White, M·M Gene Dorsey, M·M Wilham Momz, M·M JamesH mcCaffrey, Jr, $30 M·M Donald Ralbl,e, Mrs James Nichols, M·M Glenn Walker, M·M Charles APilOZZl, M·M Amremo AlmOlda, M·M John Uva, M·M Wilham McGann $25 M·M Edward CrownmshlOld, Mrs Eva Bomez, M·M Dommgos DaSilva, M·M Jerome Evans, M·M Robet St Ona, M·M Alfrd Goulet, M·M Joseph Corcoran, M·M Armmdo lourenco, Ehzabeth Blld, M·M Mark Chase, Helen Fagan, M·M George Ryan, Donna lewIs, Mrs Raymond Brocklehurst, Jr, M·M Mrs lawrence livermore, Judlty Cooperstem, Mrs John laffan, M·M Joseph Ohvella, Ethel Fraga, M·M Edward Ferrella, M·M Albert GauthlOr, Robert TMurphy, Mary McGann, Veromca Hooper, Jill TGurney, M·M lawrence Scanlon, Mrs James Medellos, M·M John Sheehy, Phylhs lema $750 Or & Mrs Thaddeus Flglock, $100 M·M Joseph Santos, Joan FrazlOr, Patncla Fraller, Carolyn Tamer, M·M Edward F Kennedy, M·M Wilham McCarthy, Jr, M·M lawrence Masterson, M·M Ellon Buckley, Henry Kelleher, Pasloral Staff, $80 M·M Robert Thomas, $75 M·M Michael PNenno, Calherlne Kervlck, $55 Tim, Pete, Maureen & Dan McCarthy, $50 Mrs Robert Gilmore, Margaret TravIS, Florence NIXon, $45 Jean Rose, $40 Mrs Robert JHIli, $35 M·M Peter BGay, M·M Roger CKmgsley, Jr, $30 M·M laurmdo DaGraca, Cynthia RMcCarthy, Jamce lawlor, KOith McCarlhy, M·M Phlhp Medellos $25 Mrs FrancIS lane, Katherme Hern, Martha Peterson, Kathleen Peterson, M·M Joseph Ricketts, M·M Edward PIIOZI, Mrs George White, Osborne McClellan, Mrs Margaret Almeda, Mrs Michael Welch, Raymond Ducharme, Jr, M·M John AnnunZIato, M·M Mark Mullaley, Mrs Joseph McKenna, M·M Joseph McKenna, Jr, Mrs Richard Handren, M·M Nicholas Caras, MM louIS lubold, M·M Richard Wllhams St. Mary $200 Richard Donahue, Or/Mrs John Fenton, 4120 M·M Joseph Sousa, $100 Mrs Howard B Carroll, M·M John Connors, M·M Ph,hp Farrell, M·M Edward J Galvm, Cathenne F McCarthy, Mary McManus, M·M DaVid HMartm, M·M Wilham Martm, M·M Joseph Qumn, M·M James ROId, M·M Armand Yelle, $75 M·M Carlton Caron, Joseph O'Boy, $50 Mrs Gertrude Gilbert, Martha EHewey, M·M James McGovern, Mrs Mildred Maxwell, M·M Antone Pontes, leonard Souza, M·M Damel Sulhvan, M·M Harry Sulhvan, $30 Mrs Hazel Chandler, $25 M·M Earle Blackwell, M·M Paul Brady, Barbara Curran, M·M George Curran, Or/Mrs Napooleon Dlaz, Catherme Donahue, Dorothy Donahue, James EEastman Sr, M·M leo Gllchnst, Mrs Bernard l:!ewey, Mary lynch, M·M John McAloon, M·M William McGlynn, Patncla AMcNearney, M·M John Murphy, Mrs Edward O'Keele, Mrs Vmcent O'NOIII, Mrs AnnlO Sahsbury, M·M Andrew Scherben, M·M Chester StankieWICZ, Joseph Vacca, Mrs Mary Vacca Smed Heart $960 M·M Richard Andrade, $150 M·M Bnan EBrown, $120 M·M Edward TruCCl, $110 Rose O'Donnell, $100 M·M Robert Martm, Marguellte Cronan, In Memory of Joseph A Kelly family, Ehzabeth Brady, M·M John J Kelly, M·M Gerald DOIron, Mrs Patnck J Murphy, The Wade Famtly, Rev Gerard AHebert, $75 M·M Arthur Travers, $70 M·M FrancIS Souza, $60 M·M Robert Dennen, $50 Mrs Frank Brown, lydia Moore, M·M Thomas McMorrow, Mrs-Ernest Prairie, M·M FrancIS Murphy, Vilgmla Alves, M·M Oscar Maynard, Mrs Anna Machaffle, FrancIS Boudreau, Mary & Helen Cronan, M·M Michael Pearson, Rita O'Donnell, M·M.Gllbert Perry, M·M Evans lava, M·M James Fahey, Margaret MMcCcarthy, Helen Brady, M·M Robert Dewey, M·M Thomas Varden, Eileen MacCarthy $40 M·M Albert Berard, M·M Allen Murphy, Gertrude McBreen, $35 M·M ArthurCrosby, Ruth Brady, Helen Murray, M·M l Severmo, Wtlham McCaffrey; $30 Dmeen Family, Edna lmcoln, $25 M·M lionel Jangtols, M·M James lynch, M·M DaVid Souza, Mrs Rosemary Alhson, Mary J Delano, Eugene Sulhvan, M·M Thomas Zucco, Mana Plummer, M·M Fernanco Amaral, Rita Sousa, M·M Robert lane, M·M Thomas Cunmff, Mrs Emmett Wellwook, M·M Phlhp lemlOux, Mrs louIS VCook, M·M Arthur McDermott, MrsAhce Hayes, M·M Mark Perry, loIS Stacey, M·M Joseph Martm, M·M Robert Brady, M·M Robert Burrows, M·M Bruno Alegl, M·M Denms Smith, M·M Peter Ferreira, M·M Robert lund, M·M Wilham Cosmo, Karen Perry, M·M Wilham Gibson, M·M Benjamm Seekell, M·M Casmll ZyskowskI, M·M Edward Sweeney, Mrs FrancIs SOltOS, M·M Fredenck Simmons, Vmcent Sands, James Ruscom, M·M Arthur Ramos, Rose Piechota, M·M Richard Peyton, M·M Francis PelletlOr, M·M Forest Paige, M·M Stephen Mazzolenl, M·M Peter Maynard, M·M Robert Malone, M·M Henry Mtlko, Eleanor McGreevy, Wilham leger, Clara Kenyon, M·M Joseph Gallagher, M·M Raymond Gagnon, Mary Farrell, Mary Dooley, Eileen Cumlskey, Cathenne CrownmshlOld, lawrence Carroll, M·M Wtlham Campbell, M·M Bruce Buttermore, Mrs Pleo Brady, Tony Barbour $25 M·M Thomas ArauJo, M·M Rayford Peterson, Mrs Robert Kanabay, M·M laurmdo Bucao, Mary Delano, M·M John Collon, M·M James Vernallaro, Edward Smith, M·M Wilham Gallagher, M·M James Andrews, Irene Torres, M·M John Martm, M·M Nicholas Salarr.on, M·M leonard Boss, Joan Ross, M·M Edward Callahan, M·M Rolan lOrtlO, M·M Chfton PlOrce, M·M Edward Fnary, M·M Alphonse lame, Evelyn McCrohan, M·M John Boarman, M·M John Bnody, Norma Jams, Mrs Vmcent McAloon, M·M Joseph Fernandes, M·M Raymond Marsden, Ahce lynds, Mrs James McKenna, M·M Charles Boftettl, M·M DaVid DnscolI, M·M FrancIs O'Neill, Mrs Chester Dewhurst, Sarah Duarte Holy Roslry $100 M·M James Ferreira &Family, Mrs ThaddeusStrolny &Family, $75 M·M Marcellus

olemalle; $50 Mrs SophlO Guresh, $35 M·M Robert J DZlOklOWICZ &Family, M·M Chnton NFoss, M·M

Edward JGrant, Mrs Stella Thompson, $30 Misses Anne& Stamslawa Sienko, M·M louIS Tokarz &Eamlly, $27 M·M Edward Dulak, $25 James Balano, M,M leon Bunk, Mrs Helen DeCosta, Mrs Elame Dernoga & Family, M·M Edward Goldnck, Anne Kalaczmk, FrancIS M Kozach, M·M Peter Kmiec & Family, lUCille Kula, Adolph & John lmek, Mrs Amta MaclOlowskl, Mrs Esther Patasml & Family, M·M Walter Plonka & Family, M·M Peter Rogers, Mrs KathenneSldor &famlly, Mrs Anna SlOnko, M·M GeorgeStraub &Family, . M·M Walter Taraska, M·M Robert Weldon & Family Holy Family $500 Iiev George FAlmOlda; $110 Stephen Punda, $100 Stanley Markowski, M·M Alva Cowan; $50 M M Ernest Andrews, Robert larkm, Stanley SlaVick, Mrs Mary Murphy, Manuel Gomes, M·M Raymond Prumer, Mrs Mary SilVia, $40 M·M Ronald Gordon, M·M Anthony Pacheco, John Plentus, $35 M·M Joseph Castro, M·M Alfred Dutra, M·M John Shea, $30 M·M William Araulo, M·M Joseph Mendes, $25 Marguente Morin, Mrs Mary Casey, M·M Charles Kalaher, Mrs Margaret Rose, StephanlO Turkalo, M·M Gerard Silva, M·M Fred Patnck, M·M Henry Kammskl, lOUise Homen, M·M Roger lagace, Mrs William McArdle



SI. Joseph $200 Rev William F O'Connell, $100 M·M Raymond Monlello, M·M James Silva, $95 M.·M Frank Phllhpe, $50 M MHebert Calcord, Or/Mrs Wilham Reed, $35 M·M Edwm Ready, $30 M MEdward Donnelly, leo Dully, M·M Joseph Jackson, M·M DaVid Schnopp, $25 Mrs Wilham Drummond, M·M Richard Mahoney, Mrs Milton Mann, M·M Arthur Martm, M·M Richard Mulcahey, John Perry, M·M Ronald GPerry, Frank Rogers, M·M Antone Rose, M·M Fred II/IIIIams, Mrs Vllgm" Wllhams RAYNHAM St Anne $200 M·M Paul Alves, $150 M·M Edward Selleck, $125 Patnck Cady, $100 M·M Arthur Botelho, Mrs Dommlc Cllmo, M·M FrancIS Badelo, M·M Thomas Ross, Or/Mrs John Murphy, M·M John McMUllen, M·M Joseph Bettencourt, $75 Mrs Manuel De Mello, Wilham Piche, M·M John Mclaughlin, $50 M·M R,chard Souza, M·M Robert Perkms, M·M Edmund Goodhue, M·M Stephen Black, M·M leroy

latimer, James J Hauck Sr, Deacon & Mrs John Welch, M·M John Dolan, M·M Bllan Andrade, Anna Morehouse, $40 M·M Paul J Fountam, Barbara O'Bllen, Sydney & Kathleen Roberts, $36 M·M Alfred MaillOUX, $35 M·M Ayres Souza, M·M Robert Reilly, $30 Bermce Fountam, M·M Paul lane, M·M Timothy Taylor, M·M Richard labonte, M·M Terence Bradshaw, MMWilliam Sale, $25 M·M Paul Pelletier, M·M Henry HIli, M·M John Hollaway, M·M Paul Mello, M·M Robert Connors, M·M Robert Steidinger, Malle & Evelyn Rapoza, M M Adllan Gomes, Mrs Dons Connors, Adolph Rozenas, Mary Varao, Mrs ElslO Jones $25 M·M francIS Fenoll, M·M Carlos Melo, M·M Walter MOQUin, Roland EChamberland, M MChllord Bettencourt, M·M DanlOl JAndrade, Robert Eastman, James FPowers, M·M Vmcenllawler, M·M William Roland M·M Carlton SylVia, M·M Gerald Smallhouver, M·M Peter Cllglo, M·M Henry Foley, M·M Edward Gaudette, M·M Paul EBaacke, M·M Richard Bagge, Mrs Irene Tlbl, M·M Norman Butler, Barbara Blake, M·M Robert G Simmons, M·M Wayne Barlow, M M John Pavlov, Mrs Ruth Selleck, M-M Antomo Adraneda, Mrs Joseph Keough, M·M Anthony Dhvadesa, M·M Marcel Marotte, Robert Albert, M·M Michael Whitty, M·M Robert Smith, M·M Salvatore Dllvell, M·M Michael JScarlett, loUiS RCabana, Mary C White, M·M William Chfford, M·M Albert R,bello, M·M Wilham Kralhanzel, Allred McConnell, M·M FrancIS J lucey, M·M Matthew Grzwacz, M M George lake, M·M Donald Shearslone, John Carpenter, M·M Paul Perruw, M MDonald Bernard, Ruth & ShOila McRae, Mrs Joseph Scanlon, Joyce Wallace SOunt EASTON Holy Cross $200 Or/Mrs Edward PO'Bnen, $165 George Buckley, $150 Guy Splnelh, $125 M·M leon lombardi, $100 M MJames Azevedo, Or. Thomas Berry, Edward Casey, Paul Deslardln, M·M Fredenck 0011011, M·M Thomas Gallagher, John larrere, M·M Owen Shea, M·M George Zarella, $75 Clarence Boucher, M·M Albert C,n, M·M louIS Hayward, $60 M·M Damel O'Reilly, $50 M·M Richard Arkuszewskl, M·M DaVid Boch, leo M Brophy, M·M John PCogan, M·M Damel Klnnally, M·M Richard lawler, M M IgnatlUsJ McCann, Dorothy McMahon, Steven MOrrison, M·M Thomas Murray, Mrs JennlO Overton, Mrs Arthur J l. Peterson, Wilham Powers, M·M Greg Tanana, Robert Tarallo, M·M George Tyrrell $40 M·M Frank Madden, M·M Alan NShea, James Tully, $35 Harold Bergeron, M·M Calvm FBourne, M·M Kenneth Cardone, Carol Dineen, lawrence J Hurley, leo F Sullivan, M·M Irvmg Vose, Kathleen Welte, $30 Mrs Arnold Anderson, M·M Ernest Bonanno, M·M Ernest Casali, Mrs DaVid Conrad, M·M Gerald Deneault, Wilham Durkm, James Fitzgibbons, M·M Joseph Macnna, M·M DaVid Mekler, $25 Arnold EAmllault, John Annand, PatllcII Barrett, M·M Craig Bmney, DaVid Bliss, M·M JBourgeOIs, leon Burke, M M Michael Carey, M·M Wilham Carroll, Mrs leonard Coe, M·M Paul Connelly, M·M Damel Corbett, John FCreedon, M·M Michael Cunnane, M MRoberl FCunha, Ahce HDaley, M·M Cr3lg Davey, M·M James Day, M·M Paul Decllstofaro, Eleanor Delaney, Phlhppe Dumouhn, M·M John Rlnmng, M·M Michael J Flaherty $25 M·M Wilham Flemmg, Mrs Charles Fmado, M·M Thomas Gentile, M·M Michael Grazloh, M·M Albert Green, Thomas Harrington, M·M Donald RHenderson, John Heppler, M·M Harold HIli, M·M DaVid Keane, Carl Kempl Ill, Maureen l Krupa, M·M Charles laplOr, Richard lawless, M·M John francIS leach, Mrs Robert leonard, Mrs Mary lombardi, M·M Vmtent lombardi, Richard Macllm, Charles Magno, M·M Charles Malcosky, M MAnthony J Masse, M·M Thomas McAlerney, lOUisa McCann, Mrs Mary McNam· ara, Robert Meade, Mrs Raymen Morrell, Grace &Helena Murphy, Grace &Fred Nagle, M·M Emil OSieckI, Mrs Manon O'Sulllvan, lawrence PasalacQua, M MFrank Paul, Barbara Peckham, John Peterson, M·M John Pllz, Michael Pontlcelh, Florence MPowderly, M·M Henry APowderly, Mallanne VPowers, Margaret Randall, M·M John Richardson, M·M John ROSSi, Ted & Penny Saldyk $25 loUis Silva, M·M lawrence Spellman, Mrs FrancIS Spillane, Mrs Warren Stedman, M·M Kenneth Stuart, M MGerald Sulak, M·M Paul Sulhvan, M'M RobertW Sullivan Jr, Mrs lawrence Tmgley, M·M leo Turcotte, M·M James Tuommen, M·M francIS J Veale Jr, M·M Wilham Vendi, M·M leroy York, Rolarid Young DIGHTON SI. Peter $300 M·M James Murphy, $225 M·M Enc Dewhllst, $200 M·M Harold Mendoza, M·M W,IIIam J Mendoza, $100 Mrs John CaSSidy, M·M Narman Smith; $50 M·M Peter Cooney, M·M leo Deslaunes, M·M John PelletlOr, $40 Bruce Cary, M·M ClIOton Rose, $30 M·M Joseph WCorcoran Jr, M·M Dolor Jette, M·M Em,le lamontagne, M·M Michael Perry, $25 M·M Henry l Bennett, Or Rose Borges, M·M Michael Cembahsty, M·M John CCosta, M·M Wilham Grover, M·M Joseph love, M·M Gene lupachml, M·M Geffrey Martel, M·M Wilham EMcKeon, loUiS Mendoza, Michael SRose, M·M John Smrth, M·M Arthur Vaz FALL RIVER Sinto Chllslo $600 Rev Antomo C Tavares, $250 Norman AAlves, $250 Frank HBento, Malia Souza, $200 Rev Gastao Dhvella, $100 Alfred Carrello, John B Momz, Malia RPacheco, M·M Alice Simas & Parents, M·M Alfred Campos, $60 Antomo APimentel &FamIIY,$50 Ahce MRaposo, FranCISCo MontzJr, John S,lvlI, Joseph Medellos, Rose Dhvella, In Memory of Joseph Ohvella, Son & Parents, $40 Alexandrma Pacheco, Jesse Carvalho, Joao FMachado, lauremo SVellsSlmo, Manuel J Souza, MallO Jorge Botelho, Paul C,T de Araulo, $35 Jose da Sliva &Son; $30 AntoniO Fernandes, Carlos Perella, Joao oMedellos, Jose BPerella, Jose SOliS &Son, Manuel Pda Costa &Son, Manana Castanho, Robert Rivest & F,mlly, luIS M Tmella, Anton,o M Tavares & Son, Ambal & Beatnce Souza Esp",to Sinto $100 St Vincent de Paul Conlerence, A Panshloner, $75 ESPllltO Santo Women's GUild, AFnend, $50 VlveilosFamlly, Raposa Family, Grupode OracaD, $30 AntomoSllva &Fmally, Jorge Raposo & Family, Humberto Rego & family, Manuel Rego, FranCISCo HilanD & family, M·M JoaQulm Cardoso, Costa Family, Barboza Family, Botelho Family, $25 M·M Paul BrOUillard, Mrs Evelyn Hubert, M·M Gilbert Perella, M·M Mano Ohvella, M·M Jorge Mllanda, Mrs Clzaltma Sliva, Mana Ohvella &Family, Rebelo Family, Manuel Simoes & Family, Mano Barboza & Family, M·M Sllvmo Ferrella, Nunes family, Dhvella Family, Miguel Nunes &Family, MrsSoon DukJang, Chang II Jang, HennQue Cordello, Mrs Rosa CordellO, Perella Family, Tavares Family, Antone Cabral, Mana Cabral, V,vellos Family, M·M Noe lindo, V,vellos family, Mrs Emily Carvalho, Camara Family, M·M JoaoV,vellos, M·M Miguel Pacheco, Mrs Irene Vasconcelos, M·M Frank V,vellos, M·M Michael Dwyer, M·M John Amaral, In Memory ofCanhoto family, M·M Thomas Cummmgs, M·M Arthur Abelha, M·M Arthur M Abelha, Amenco Ral)los, M·M Carl Hyson St. Joseph $600 Rev Paul F McCarrick; $750 The MISses Valene, Bernadette, Alma Foley, $400 In Memory of Ceceha M Moloney, Mary I Harrington, Cathellne T Harrmgton, $200 Hon Beatllce H Mullaney, $100 Mrs Wallace Fallbanks, Mrs leroy Borden, James Blackburn, M·M Bernard Tomhnson, $50 M MBehsano AAlmeida, Honora Foley, M·M Robert Gagnon, James Perkms, $40 Mary 0 Sulhvan, $30 M·M Edward JPonte, $25 Mrs Jeanne Bernardo, John SBurns, M·M leonardo Cabecellas, M·M John Carey, Ahce Doolan, Janet Dupont, Robert J Gagnon Jr, Mrs Edward Gossehn, M·M DaVid GrandmaISon, M·M lawrence JHickey, M·M Gerald laChance, John FMahoney, Alfred Marques, M·M James EO'NOIII, Walter & lmda Palmer, Alfred Raposa, M·M lUIS Raposo, Mrs Eileen Rego, Mary Rose Sulhvan, M·M Quentm Sunenson, Mrs PatllcII McAuhlle, Paul Boulay, Mrs Robert Potvm, M·M Donald Timberlake Holy Nome $800 M·M Wilson CurtIS' Tllbute to St Vmcent's, $300 Dr/M John Delaney, $250 M·M Roger Sulhvan, $200 Dr/M Michael Wallingford, M·M Herve Bermer, $150 James B Kelley III, Paul Shurko, M·M Richard Charland, $1351n Memory of DrThomasF H,ggms& Or Anne Mane H,ggms, $100 In Memory of Michael Franco, In Memory of Apalomla and Michael Gromek· Anna & Joseph DZlduszko, Ceclha Sheahan, Margaret PKelhher, M·M Fred Iebrasky, M·M George lavolO, Cathenne PHarrington, Elizabeth Neilan, Or & Mrs Andre Nasser, leonard HPhelan, M·M Thomas FBurke, Mary Carvalho, In Memory of John & Margaret McDermott, John FII Eleanor Fannmg, $75 M·M Joseph Vlella, Rita Kenny, $65 M·M lOUIS Shea $60 M·M Edward Berube, Mary Ann Dillon, M·M Thomas MQumn III, $52 M·M Norman J Roy, $50 Phlhp SllvII, M·M George Nugent, Malia McCoy, M·M James Murphy, AntoniO Castro, William Nuttall, M·M James Harrington, M·M Edward W,tkOWICZ, M·M Wilfred CDllscoll Jr, M·M Arthur Donovan, M·M Thomas Clemmey, Mrs loUiS 0 Coffey, AlbertE Mobouck, M·M PHenry Desmond, M-M leoJ Flynn, M·M Robert Kitchen, M·M Wilham Hackmg, Margaret JTurner, Mrs Diane Pacheco, M·M Armel Audet, M·M Frank A Connolly Jr, Dr/M Alfred J Roy, M·M lawrence Sousa, Theresa Ryan, Vmcent M Fitzgerald, Michael Fitzgerald, Grace Taylor, Wilham Heaney, M·M Wilham lyons, M·M John Donnelly Jr, Mrs Ehzabeth Zalenski, Kevm & Mary·Jo Greene, M·M Joseph EAndrade, M·M Arthur latessa, M·M Robert Rebello, M·M Joseph FDoran, M·M Ronald BanVille, M·M John Grant, M·M loonel Braz, Mrs Edward B Downs, $40 Mrs Joseph McGulll, M·M George Kelly, M·M Joseph Delaney, M·M Anthony lacava, M·M Antone Fernandes, Madehne Hames $35 Raymond Beausoleil, Mrs Raymond McMUllen, Madehne Casey, Mary CCasey, M·M Wilham F Keatmg Jr, Mrs John T,vares & leonore Borges, M·M Denms Gllllm, M·M Joseph FMcGrady, Manon Foley, Damel Foley, M·M Wtlfred PDesrulSseaux, M·M Angelo Stavros, M·M Robert Margetta, M·M James MelVin, Bernard PRyan, M·M OamellusSler; $30 M·M Dovld BIShop, M·M James Gibney, M·M Donald Vermette, M·M Elmer Stallord Jr, M·M Henry Kowalski, M·M J ECruger, M·M Fred POlller, M·M John Cummmgs, Mrs Eleanor M,nchester, Paul R Dunn, M·M Ronald Gagne, M·M Robert Croteau, The BeneVides Family, M·M Regmald Cousmeau, $25 M·M Mark Gustafson, M·M Pierre Brouns, M·M Charles Hodkmson, M·M Manuel AgUiar, M·M James Perella, Anna Malone, Mrs Martm McDonald, M·M George Shaker, Kathleen Alopes, Mrs Edwlrd Grace, In Memory of James Donnelly, M·M John Medello~ M·M Joseph M Rockett III $25 Mrs Wilham H,&&ms, Mrs FranCIS McGrath, M·M Henry Ferland, In Memory of DaVid RKay, M·M Wilham PReadY,ln Memory of Wllllam J Shea, M·M FrancIS Crowe, M·M Oanlel Sheah,n, Mrs Anna K McDowell, M·M Rene lavolO, M·M Joseph MoraiS, M·M John White, M·M Dennts Malloy, M·M Charles Mulcahy, M·M John Walsh, Sr, M·M Henry Sulllv.n, Dr/M lawrence Velho, M·M Thomas NMcHenry, Mrs Thomas MaltaIS, M·M Richard Rodellck, lynn Garanl, M·M Rene Garant, M·M Norman Levesque, M·M Robert Masterson, M·M FranCIS McDonald, Jolln Keatmg, M·M George Clark, M·M Roger Souza, Mrs Walter Fallon,ln Memory 01 Ruth ACultmg, Margaret Parmelee, Mrs John Hardmg, M·M Wilham FrOitas Jr, M·M Joseph Krupa Jr, Mrs Thomas Colhn~ M·M Jeffrey FO'Bnen, M·M Kenneth JPlOper, M·M Ellwood Rounds, M·M Matthew Golen, M·M CAFrascalore, M·M Robert Parent, M·M Thomas M Morrell, M·M Wilham Mello, M·M W,IIred lavolO, Mrs George Selleck, Mary Gnffin, M·M Alphonse Wegtawsk', Mrs FranCIS Tansey, M·M Walter Neves, Annal Sullivan, M·M Paul Petit, M·M Timothy Duffy, M·M Stephen Comeau, M·M George B,ltchffe, M·M Stephen Tercella, Mrs James Eastwood, Mrs William H,rnelt, Dons ComISkey, Raymond L e v e s q u e , . $25 Janet M Shovelton, M·M Peul lyons, Mrs Nicholas Hurst, Mrs Peter Yeaman, M·M Raymond Chippendale, lOUise AGauthlOr, Mrs John FMcMahon, M·M Albert DuboIS, Mrs FranCIS Regan, Maureen Ryan, M·M Thomas Eleamy, M·M Normand Coulu, Ellen Mary leshan, In Memory ofW Frank& Gladysl O'Neil, M·M Thomas Gastall, Margaret MMcCaffrey, M·M Thomas DZIalo, M·M George Soares, Marcella Warrener, M·M Raymond Greeley, M·M Stephen Pletruska, Mrs Russell COuellette, M·M Joseph Malvey, M',M Ravmond Medellos, M·M Wayne Almeida, M·M Timothy Sulhvan, Mrs Thomas O'Donnell, AFlleod SI. Louis $1000 Rev CliO Iodice, DFM, $300 In Memory ot Michael, Margaret and Ahce TObm,ln Memory of the D'NOIII Hussey Fam,ly; $250 Wilham GWhalen/In Memory of Agnes Whalen, $75 M·M Arthur Pregana" $50 Manon EFahey, Joseph O'Bnen, In Memory 01 Manuel Rezendes, M·M Paul Silva, $30 In Memory of Manuel (Pat) Dhvella Irom Ambal Souza, M·M Thomas Carrello, $25 M·M RobertWhlte, M·M Herman Mello, M·M Alfred Corvelo, In Memory 01 Roger GCortes, M·M Byron PIette, Beverly Ward, M·M Robert Berube, M·M Francesco Maullsso, M·M Wilham lanmng, M·M James 0 AgUiar, Mrs Elame Blall, Margante PelletlOr, M MEdmund M'dore, M·M John FO'Connell, M·M Joseph Dlas, M·M Henry J Hodgson

Cordello, M·M Michael Correia, M·M Fredellc D[eyer, M·M DaVid Dllscoll, M·M .Rlchard Emard, M·M Robert Harpham, M·M Wilham MOlin, M·M M,chael Norton, M·M Richard Paquette, M·M DaVid Perella, M·M Gabllel SOUZ3/ M·M Joseph Torres, M·M Gerald·Velozo, Ms Malle Young SOIERSET . SUhomas lore $1000 Rev Msgr John J. Regan, VE, $500 Atty Richard Pellce;$3DO Wilham Ng; $275 Barbara A Dunn,$240 M·M Michael Stubbs, $120 M·M FranclsJ SllvII, $100 Charles Burke, Jr, M·M Vmcent A Coady, Cathellne C Connelly, Jenme H. Connolly, M·M Paul Daley, Rosemary Dussault, M·M William J Gibney, M·M Robert lecomte, M·M Gilbert F leonard, M·M FranCIS R.lussler, Thomas McCann, M·M Henry J McGowan, loUiS & Maureen Magonl, M·M Philip Rodenck; $75 Margaret l Dunn, M·M Albert E Silva, Kathenne M Sullivan, M·M Charles leary, $70 Jean O'Bllen, $60 M·M Edwm Doolan, M·M Richard Kelley M·M James Mulhns, M·M Allen Smith $50 Raymond Aylward, M·M Norman Bessette, M·M leonard Burgmyer, M·M Patnck Ooyle, M·M Harry Hynes, M·M Donald Hussey, M·M Scott Jameson, Atty /Mrs John SilVia, M·M James H Sulhvan, M·M Ernest Rogers, $45 The Shea Family, $40 M·M Richard Crowell, M·M Edward GauthlOr, HEarl Heron, Ruth Johnson, M·M Ronald MandeVille, Sr ,Regmald C. Marchand, M·M Alphonse Sauhno, $35 M·M Eugene Belanger, M·M Roland Bernardo, M·M Edward J Blam, M·M George Dlckmson &lmd" M·M Gerald DnscolI, Benedict Eagan, M·M Joseph D. ladlcola, Kathellne Pellce, M·M Barry Sullivan, $30 Helen R Burke, M·M Jay Cuttle, M·M Joseph Diogo, llihan Dunne, John P Kmg, M·M Wilham V Mahoney, lOUIS Medellos, M·M Edwm p,lIas, M·M Albert Remy, M·M leo l. Rodllgues, M·M Robert Viana $25 M·M William AgUiar, M·M Wilham Andresen, M·M leonard J Allagno, M·M Joseph Borden, M·M James Boscoe, M·M Vmcent Calio, Mildred E Carroll, M·M Michael R Childs, John J Clollte, M·M Edward Cote, M·M Michael COUlombe, Kathleen Cnder, M·M James Cllvaro, M·M James Cllvaro, M·M John F. Daley, Jr Anna Damelson, lorrame DaVidson, M·M Antone DeCosta, In Memory of Dorothea Devme, Demence O,GlammO, M·M Carl DeManno, Margaret Donnelly, M·M Roger Dube, M·M James M. Flynn, Joseph Frado, M·M Gabnel Furtado, M·M Joseph R Gagnon, George Gmgras, M·M Joseph Gondela, M·M Robert Jackson, M·M Edward Kaylor, M·M Jeffrey Kelly, M·M Michael Krawetz, M·M Phlhp KuklOlskl, Barbara little Margaret I lomax, M·M Wayne lord, Malle A. lowney, John H. McAndrew, Madehne McCormick, Florence McDermott, M·M James McDonald, M·M FranCIS Macomber, M·M William P Malloy, M·M Albert Mavel, M·M Charles A. Medellos, M·M Arthur Mllanda, M·M John A Mitchell, M·M Don,ld Morrow, Margaret M Maynagh, M·M Joseph Mulready, M·M Bnan E Murphy, M·M Anthony Nobrega, Thomas O'Connell, Margaret O'Day, Edward F O'Gara, M·M Robert O'NOII, M·M Paul Ouellelte, M·M Denms Pavao, M·M Thomas Perry, Mary Phlhpp, M·M Theodore Porada, M·M Walter Prayzner, M·M Thomas M Qumn, ElOise Remhagen, M·M FrancIS RelS, M·M Edward Robidoux, Ehza Sabra. Mary E Santoro, Ruth SchoflOld, M·M John Senra, M·M Robert Sliva. JacQuehne Spollord, M·M Donald E. Sulhvan, Florence M Sulhvan, M·M WIlham SylVia, Carol A Sypko, Wilham TraVIS, Jean Washmgton, M·M DaVid Wild 109 St. PIIIICk $325 leonard Worsley, $250 Or/Mrs Roger E CadlOux, Or Roland Ch,bot, $200 In Memory of Raymond B. Adam, M·M Peter Bartek, M·M DaVid Dunne, $160 M·M Joseph Matthews$150 M·M Joseph Pavao,$IOO Or/Mrs Thomas Clark M·M Arthur Gagnon, Edward leonard M·M Ronald Mills, M·M Richard Morgan, Jr In Memory of James E Noonan, M·M Austm O'Toole, Jr.; $75 M·M John E. McCarthy, Robet M Meehan, Helen Sullivan, $65 M·M Mlch,el Mllanda, $60 M·M Donald Remillard; $50 M·M James E Bradbury, Arthur F CasSidy, M·M loonel DesrOSiers, M·M John Gormally, Cathenne Hoefhng, M·M Stephen Medellos, Mrs Harold Meehan, M·M Edward Rausch, Damel Ready M·M Wilham Ready, M·M Thomas ROIS, M·M Fredellck Storch, $45 M·M Joseph Foster, $40 John T Smith, M·M Edward Synan $35 M·M Raymond Bachand, M·M Raymond Bibeau, M·M Wilham Moran, Mrs Walter Palmer, M·M Joseph Soroka, Mrs. Sol Strelm;$3D M·M William Cordello, John DeCambra, M·M Frank Falla, M·M Paul Johnston, M·M John Kmnane, M·M Richard Mello, M·M Manuel Nunes, M·M Roland Thlbault$25 Oonna Almeida, M·M Robert BeneVides, M·M Wilham Bernat, M·M David Botelho, M·M Gilbert BOUChard, Mrs Agnes Brownell, M·M Antomo Cabral, Jr ,Mrs Shllley Cavanaugh,M·M Thomas & Mary CinQuml Mrs. FranCIS Colhns, Sr, M·M Robert Cox, Mrs Colelte CromblO, M·M Thomas Daley, M·M Stephen DePlola, M·M Frank Donahue, M·M Thomas Dorgan M·M lawrence FOilhauer, M·M Charles FISher, M·M Richard Fortm, M·M Manuel Gaspar, M·M JoaQulm Goncalves, M·M Ron,ld Goulet, M·M laurent Guay, M·M Peter Hlotehs, Mrs J,mes Judge, M·M francIS Kllgrew, M·M lionellauzler, M·M Robert lima, M·M Vmcenl Maddaleno. M·M Edmond Massad, M·M Chllstopher Matte, louIs V Medellos. Jr ,P,ul K Modellos, M·M WIIII,m Momz, M·M Ronald Morella, M·M Raymond Mullen, M·M Edward Murphy,'M·M ThomasMurray, M·M Wilham Neilan, John Nordeste, M·M William O'Bllen, M·M Paul Pellenn, M·M DenniS Perella, Ohver C. Perry, Jr.. Mrs Robert Pmeault, Frank Rapoza, M·M Wllh,m Reed, M·M Edward Rego, M·M Ronald Richard, Malia Snyder, M·M lawrence Souza, Mrs James E. Sulhvan, M·M Edward Tavares, M·M Joseph Therrien, Mrs Joseph Tmsley, M·M Donald Truver, M·M lawrence Vmcent, M·M Carmen Zmnl . SWANSEA St.lOUIS de France $400 St Vmcentde Paul COnference; $200 M·M Armand Gauthler,$150 EmtleJ. Cote, In Memory of Mary E Hart, $100 lamont W. Beaudette, M·M Arthur Gnmes, leo Mathieu, Raymond Duellelte, M·M Edward Sullivan, M·M Timothy Thompson, $75 M·M lawrence Mannes, $60 M·M Milton BrOUillard, $50 Theresa & Helen l Archard, M·M Roland Aubut, M·M Joseph Belanger, M·M Dantel Berthiaume, M·M Emile BOilard, M·M Edwm Booth, Fernand Boulay, M·M Timothy Cotter, M·M Eugene DumontlOr, M·M Nicola Ferrar, M·M Kevm Kelly, M·M Paullanneville, Jr., M·M Kyung lee, M·M Richard Machado $40 M·M George Costa, Arthur Cote, Mrs Pauline M. Dufour, M·M Keith Marsden, M·M Robert Norm,ndm, $35 M·M Raymond Audet, M·M Raymond Dumont, M·M Roland GOOdu, $30 M·M George Blaser, Claire Emond, M·M Paul R Francoeur, M·M Donald & Elame levesQue & family, M·M Ambrose Maynard, M·M Wilham Webb, Jr $25 M·M Arthur A. Allard, M·M Antone AlmOlda, M·M Henry Bacon, In Memory of M·M Henry Belanger & son, Alfred, M·M Vmcent Bessette, M·M Paul M Boyer, Mrs John Cam, M·M Wayne Campos, Mrs. Byron Chace, Mrs Doreen A Ch,Chlowskl, M·M Hector A Clement, M·M Gerald E Costa, M·M Roger Crepeau, Mrs John Dewsnap, M·M Thomas Dunnam, Arthur Duquette, Ronald DUQuelte, M·M Edward Emond, M·M Michael R Facchlano, M·M Raymond Gaudreau, Mrs Theresa Hayden, M MErnest Jean, M·M Scott Johnson, M·M Wilham Kenney, George levesque, M·M leonard Machado, M·M Kenneth Marchand, Paul Marchand, M·M Robert 0 MathlOu, M·M John Medellos, M·M MallO Medellos, M·M Rene Michaud, M·M Nicholas Mohnskl, M·M Clement Nadeau, M·M Edward Parent, M·M Joseph l Pavao, M·M Russell PhenIX, M·M Donald J Powell, M·M lawrence Prezalar, Mrs. Rita Qumn, M·M Conrad Rousseau, M·M Robert St. Amand, M·M Robert Taylor, M·M Bertrand Thibault, M·M FranCOIS Tremblay, M·M loUiS Turcotte, Mrs Michael Weiman $100 M·M Rudolph Bermer, M·M Gerard A Deslauners, M·M James Glendye, $50 M·M Manuel S Azevedo, $35 M MDonald Pratt, $30 M·M Thomas Hassey, M·M Raymond levesque, $25 M·M Gerard 0 Bermer, M·M Wilham Bourassa & daughler, FranCIS WDavIS, M·M William Fnas, M·M Damel Gllottl, M·M Roger Gravel, M·M Donald HennQue, M·M Ralph A laganelll, M·M Richard 0 levesque, M·M John Sapelly, M·M 1 PSchlermtzauer SI. DominiC $900 Rev Wilham CCampbell, $400 Rev Arthur KWmgate, $250 Mrs Henry Blld, M·M leonard Brophy, $200 M·M Richard MMello, $150 M·M loUiS Travers, $140 M·M Wilham ECarty, $100 Mrs Charles Cnspo, M·M Harvey lenon, M M Roland Martelly, Mrs Joseph Marum, M·M FrancIS McGonagle, M·M FrancIS Sulhvan, M·M Manuel Travers, $75 M·M John Gerry, M·M Henry Vanasse; $50 M·M Antone Abreu, M·M Everett Mendes Jr, M·M Edward Myles, M·M Albert Rousseau, $40 M·M Wilham Carey, M·M James Carr, M·M Simon Dhvella, M·M Edward Tercello $35 M M J Hlnchchlle, M·M FrancIS Salamon, $30 M·M Thomas Ryan, $25 George AgUiar, M·M Charles Ashley, M·M DaVid ABarchl, M·M Kenneth Beauheu, M·M Joseph Bernado, M·M Henry Bessette, M·M Wilham Booker, M·M Matther Borden, CeCile Boulay, M·M Albert H Brodeur, Mary Burgess, M·M Damel Carberry, M·M Edward FCaSSidy, Mrs Raymond ChadWick, Albert Coelho, Mrs Richard CUllen, M·M Arthur Da Silva, Eileen DeUbel, Dorothy Drake, M·M Gerard Oube, Mary Farlls, Mrs Raymond Gagnon, M·M George Harrmgton, M·M John Heywood, M·M Robert EJohnson, M·M Robert Kelhher, Mrs Frank Kmgsley, M·M Walter l,berge, M·M Oscar laflamme, M·M James lemieux, M·M John McCann $25 Mrs Mary McLeod, M·M Joseph Medellos, M·M Joseph MOltOZO, Angela Nystrom, Mrs Eugene Orosz, John Pav,o Mildred Phillips, M·M Edward Piela, M·M Paul Richards, M·M P,ul Stlaurent, M·M S Edward Simmons, M·M Ernest Souza Jr, M·M John Souza, M·M DanlOl Sullivan, M·M Eugene Tavares. M·M Anthony TraVIS, M·M Stanley Treloar Jr, M·M Charles UlmschnOider, M·M Gerald Vasconcellos, M·M Richard Velleca, M·M John V,vellos Our lIdy 01 Falima $800 Anonymous, $200 0 l of Fatima Semors; $150 M·M Mark Shea, Anonym. ous, $100 M·M Robert FMcConnell, $75 Anonymous, $50 Anonymous; $35 Mrs Thomas KCollins, M.M / Wilham S Gray, Mrs Delbert GThurston, $30 M·M Alfred Mello, M·M Damel MMorella, Mrs Thomas P Shultz, Anonymous, $25 M·M louIS GCahill, M·M James ECUllen, M·M Robert EGolz, M·M Edward F Kulpa, M·M Henry Nadeau, M·M Antone SIIVII, M·M Thomas WSmlalek, Anonymous St.lljchl.1 $50 M·M Richard McCrae, M·M Herve LaVOie; $30 M·M Rene lachapelle, $25 Mrs Charles EAnthooy, M·M Walter Cummmgs, Jamce Ford, M·M Wtlham Mitchell, M·M laurent Pmeau, M·M Joseph Santos, Deborah Shannon, M·M Edward Whalen, Sr WESTPORT Our lIdy 01 Grice Parish $600 Rev. Roland BousQuel; $200 Our Lady of Grace St Vmcent De Paul SOCiety, $150 M·M John J Sparks, $100 Our lady of Grace Council of Catholic Women, Our lady of Grace Couples' Club, Our lady 01 Grace Teen Club, $60 M·M Raymond Cambra; $50 M·M Joseph DUlort; $40 M·M Todd Mcleish, M·M Joseph Goslin, lorrame Emond, $35 M·M Thomas Kenny; $32 M·M George Duclos • , $30 M·M Norman l,montagne;Jr.. M·M Joseph Cabral, $25 Edward Makuch, M·M WIIII,m Camara, M·M Robert Bouchard, M·M Paul Gonsalves, M·M John Marmk, M·M Thomas Cummiskey, M·M Fred Stetk,ewlcz, Bruce Kennedy, M·M lionel PaQuelle, M·M Theodore Kaegael, M·M Joseph Vale, M·M George Martm, M·M Alexander Kogler, M·M Eugene BenOit, M,ss Grace Parenteau, M·M CharlesSulhvan, M·M Frank P,vao, M·M John C Teves, M·M Ronald St laurent, M·M Herve Gagnon, Gerard Drapeau, Michael Purcell, M·M Wilham Howarth, M·M Gilbert Souza, Sr M·M Arthur Alves, M·M Rnald Souza, M·M Normand Gendreau, M·M Paul lemalie, M·M Eugene Roberson, M·M Octave D. Pelletier, M·M Richard Melancon, Tayfor Ettress, Jr Margaret Bnen, M·M John F MecDonald, M·M Gerald POisson St. Gaorae Church $50 Rita Conroy, Mrs Beatllce Laplante, Mabel King, Mrs Joyce Napert; $35 Michael Vmcent, $30 M·M John B Caron, Mrs Vlvlln G. Methot $25 DaVid Carter M·M Robert DeMoranvllle, M·M Joseph F,guelledo, Mrs Annette Ford, M·M John Jannts, Clansse Maynard, Osga :~~~:' Mrs Juhetter Parent, lUCille Pimentel, Octave Pimentel, Mrs Jeannelte Rego, M·M Steven J.

ASSONET SI. Bernard $125 M·M FranclSSulhvan, $100 M·M leo Conroy, M·M Paul lamoureux, John Moskal II, Mananno Rezendes, Sr, M·M Mananno Rezendes Jr, M·M lawrence St Onge, M·M Kenneth Santos, $60 lilhan Hadad, $52 Mrs Pauhne Rebello, $50 FrancIS Andrews, M·M Robert Blake, M·M Frank Cle&&, M.M Gerald D,chllra, M·M Edward D'NOII, M·M Thomas Perry, M·M Paul OUimet, M·M JamesQUllk, M·M Mark Sevlgney, M·M Edward Thompson, M·M James Wood, $35 M·M leonard N,golan, 430 M·M James Dooley, M·M Roger lUSSier, M·M Bruce McCormack, Manuel Mello, M·M Raymond Rose, $25 M·M Maullce Beaudom, M·M leonard Boyer, M·M John l Brown, M·M Richard Brown, M·M Joseoh Citro. M·M Steven

Special Gift and parish listings will continue to appear weekly in the order received by the printer until all have been listed.



Women deacons? why not, asks bishop KANSAS CITY, Mo. (NC) Calling women the "backbone" of the church, Bishop Howard J. Hubbard of Albany, N.Y., said he strongly supports having women deacons and girl altar servers in the chtirch. "The church would be enriched if women were able to use their enormously valuable gifts in opportunities not previously available, like preaching," he told The Catholic Key, newspaper of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Mo., in a recent interview. Bishop Hubbard said he was "positive" about the possibility of ordaining women deacons. Re. search indicates that women served as deacons in the early church, he



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said, and there is "no reason why they can't do so again." "The question is, 'What was the will of Christ, handed on to the early churl?hT There is nothing in Scripture that indicated Christ's opposition to women deacons," he added. Prior to the interview, Bishop Hubbard told about 70 people at the biennial Missouri Diaconate Conference in Kansas City that he wished the Vatican were more responsive to the issue of girl ~Itar servers. ~'We fight that issue all the-time," he said, adding that girls function as altar servers in the Albany diocese despite Vatican opposition. "I believe that ultimately, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the prophetic voice will win out," he told people at the conference titled "Affirmed and Chal!enged for Today's Changing Church." The U.S. bishops' first draft of their pastoral on women said church norms excluding women from serving at the altar and in ministries not requiring priestly ordination "seem'to stand in contradiction to our call for women's more direct involvement in the life of the church." Calling permanent deacons "messengers of hope in an age of narcissism," Bishop Hubbard urged the deacons, as ordained persons, to make empowerment of the laity a priority and to engage in collaborative ministry with priests, religious and lay. ministers. "Deacons play an indispensable role in God's family," the bishop said. "The church looks to you for leadership during this period of

Killings on rise

upheaval after the Second Vatican Council." Bishop Hubbard said deacons may suffer morale problems, but he called for mature perspective on the "pain and frustration" they experience. "Those 'tensions are a sign of renewal, which I see as a sign of hope," he said, adding that deacons should be more assertive in bringing concerns to the attention of church leaders. "Historically, you have been reticent, but 1urge you to bring forth concerns that are prophetic," he said. "Done with respect, candor and sensitivity ... we have to speak our piece."

SAN SALVADOR, EI Salvador(NC) - Catholic human rights workers in EI Salvador's capital say death squad killings are again on the rise since conservatives have taken power in government., Two directors of Catholic agencies Father Segundo MOl,ltes of the Institute for Human Rights at the Jesuit-run Central American Uni.versity and Maria Julia Hernandez, director of the San Salvador archdiocesan human rights office - said in separate interviews that political killings by right-wing death squads increased after the national Republican Alliance, known as, ARENA, won control of the National Assembly last May.

SHINING LIGHTS: These kindergarteners in Mrs. Lillian Taylor's class at Notre Dame School, Fall River, display certificates of merit they received for participating in CHERRY HILL, N.J. (NC)- an Energy Education Day When society takes the right to life away from one group, "nobody is poster contest.

No one's safe

safe," says New York Auxiliary Bishop Austin B. Vaughan, who has been arrested four times and' spent a night in jail for demonstrating with Operation Rescue, a nonviolent protest aimed at closing abortion clinics. He shared his views with participants in a recent New Jersey Right-to-Life convention.


Sinking poor To the Angels

LOS ANGELES (NC) - Saying that America's poor "are sinking," the head of the U.S. bishops' domestic anti-poverty program has called on President Bush to revise federal tax policies. "The poor in America are sinking, Mr. President," Father Alfred LoPinto, Lu'ck , ,executive director of the Campaign "The public man needs but one for Human Development, wrote patron, namely, the lucky mo- in a recent column in the Los' ml:nt."- Bulwer-Lytton Angeles Times. He asked President Bush to end the "terribly wrong trend" of "paltry" tax reforms that the priest said make the GOD'S ANCHOR HOlDS wealthy wealthier and the poor poorer.

o glorious servants oj God, surrounding the throne oj the Most High, I praiseyouJor that splendor with which Godhas adorned you so bountifully. To you he granted the grace to remainJaithJul when Lucifer and his Jollowers rebelled. Implore Jor me also the grace to persevere in his holy service. A men.












SATURDAY, MAY 27 At 12:00 Noon Until TUESDAY, MAY 30 At 8:00 A.M. o





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I mvself am the Living Bread -John 6:5/ '

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