
Page 1

Charities· Appeal Reaches $424,364

Momentum of Giving Quickens lor '28 Hearts-;n-One'

Catholic Charities Appeal "Headquarters announced a "new total of $424,364.74 this ·morning. The steady stream

of Special Gifts and Parish con­ tributions that continues to ar­ rive at Headquarters accounted for the significant increase. ~any additional returns in both


categories are being processed Hearts, Fairhaven; and St. Jo­ seph's, North Dighton. Many hourly.

To date, nine Parishes have other parishes give evidence of achieved Honor Roll distinction. soon achieving the Honor Roll. In a statement issued at Head­ Each of these parishes has ex­

ceeded its final total in the 1964 quarters this morning, Chairman Appeal. The honor parishes are: Richard K. Martin said: "While Our Lady of the Angels, St. today is officially the last day Louis and St. Stanislaus, Fall of the appeal, Headquarters will River; Holy Name and Holy remain open for a few weeks to receive additiomil contributions. Rosary of New Bedford; Immac­ ulate Conception, Taunton; St. It has been the history of every Mary's of Attleboro; Sacred Appeal that a substantial sum is realized in the post Appeal days. "We shall be processing all re­ turns as they reach Headquar­ ters. I would urge every com­

mitteeman-Special or parochial -to complete all of their con­ tacts with all possible speed.

Their cooperation in this area will help us greatly in establish­ ing the final figure at an early date." The leading fifteen parishes are: st. Lawrence New Bedford 19,696.50 St. John Attleboro 12,722.50

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, May 20, 1965

Vol. 9, No. 20 ©

1985 The Anchor

"RICE 10c $4.00 per Year

NEW YORK (NC)-The National Opinion Research at the University of Chicago has received a $65,000 Carnegie Corpomtion grant for a study of U. S. Catholic tQIleges and universities. The study will seek to "find out why some of them are at­ take up the question of the ex­ taining higher intellectual tent to which Catholic colleges standards and others are are "any longer substantially not," the Carnegie Corpor­ different from" other U. S. insti­ ation said in announcing the grant. The research will be directed .,. Father Andrew Greeley, a priest and sociologist who is a senior study director at the NORC. Father Greeley is cur­ 1;ently completing another study supported by Carnegie Funds on the effects of Catholic education on graduates' religious and toCial views. Target date for completion of ftte higher education study is late next year, it was announced. . Outlining the purposes of the .tudy, the educational founda­ tion quoted Father Greeley as laying that, although Catholic institutions of higher education account for approximately 12 per cent of U. S. college enroll­ ment, "relatively little" is known about them. Thus, it was said, while it is known that lay teachers, many of them non-Catholics, now make up about two-thirds of the faculties of Catholic colleges­ an increase of 10 per cent in 10 years-it is not known what im­ pact the changeover from a largely clerical faculty has had on the schools. Also, it was noted, relatively fittle is known about relations between lay and clerical faculty members and between lay fac­ ulty members and administra­ tors, who in the higher echelons are almost exclusively members of religious communities. The Carnegie Corporation said many educators believe that un­ til information on such mattars :as these is avai1able about Cath­ i)lic schools, "it will not be possible to assess differences between faculty and administra­ tion of the kind that have occur­ red this Spring at several uni­ versities as either necessar'!iy inherent in the organization of eh.m·ch-administered schoolis or as situations peculiar to those institutions." '1'G.e NORe studY. will abe

tutions of higher education with comparable financial and faculty resources.


PLANS U. S. VISIT­ Archbishop Robert Dosseh of Lome, Togo, who may be the first archbishop from French-speaking West Afri­ ca to visit the United States, is fearful that his govern­ ment may take over Oatholic schools. NC Photo.

monies at Stonehill will open with a Baccalaureate Mass in the morning, to be followed by a luncheon at the college for the graduates and their parents,

Nuns Mark Golden Jubilee Anniversary By Patricia Francis She was born Clai~ O'Brien in Black Lake, Que., nearly 68 years ago and there's still an Irish twinkle in her eyes. But for a half century she has been known as Sister St. Theotiste, and for the last 40 years she has been serving the aged· and infirm at Sacred Heart Home in New Bedford. "I've been here longer than I was with my family," the golden jubilarian says . t-oday "I like New Bedford lly of 12. She has three sisters ?perated by the SIsters of Char. . . still living in Canada. Ity of Quebec. and the people here and my She decided to be a nun when When she was 17 she entered work," she was 7. "••• as lots of children the order. I

Sister Theotiste

12,272.5e ;0,777.55

Holy Name New Bedford 9,034.99 Immaculate Conception No. Easton 8,912.00 St. Francis Xaviet' Hyannis If,mm.5G St. Joseph New Bedford Sacred Heart

Fall River St. John the Baptist New Bedford St. Mary Taunton Mt. Carmel New Bedford St. Patrick . Wareham St. Mary Attleboro

7,889.25 '1,579.5G

7,219.39 6,835.25 6,823.60 $6,739.00 6,700.50

Commencement exercises at Stonehill College will be held Sunday, June 6, at which time 210 men and women will be given degrees. Dr. Owen B. Kiernan, Commissioner of Education, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, who will also receive an honorary de­ C::ommencement exercises gree at the exercises, will be with at 3 in the afternoon. Rev. Fred­ the commencement speaker. . erick R. McManus, Director of Commencement Day cere­ the Secretariat for the Bishops'

Years' Labor for Love of God

Sister St. Theotiste, who just hits the 5 foot mark - "It's strange. My brothers all were six footers"-was one of a fam­


Stonehill College Honors Judge Smith of Taunton

Catholic Higher Education Study Now Underway ~enter

HOly Name Fall River St. Mary No. Attleboro St. James New Bedford

do. I wasn't serious about it." Then, because there were no Catholic schools near her home, she was sent to a boarding school

"When the Lord wants you in a place, He sees that you get there. Yes?" Turn to Page Three

Sister Hortense

Commission on the Liturgical Apostolate, Washington, will give the traditional baccalau­ reate address. Father McManus will also be given an honorary degree. Other honorary degree recipients will be Rev. Vincent C. Dore, O.P.. President of Providence College; Mother M. Benedict, S.C.M.M.. M.D., Provincial of the Medical Mission Sisters of Philadelphia and the Massachusetts Superior Court Justice Frank E. Smith of Taunton.

Roman Cardinal Gives Thanks To Diocese The Most Reverend BiS'holt has received a letter from Gregory Peter Cardinal Aga. gianian, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, thank­ ing the faithful of the Fall River Diocese for their contributions last year of $38,399 for the work of the Foreign Missions. In the letter from Rome, Cardinal Agagianian expressed warmest thanks for the "con­ tinued generosity of the good Catholic people of the Diocese toward the Church in other lands." . He proferred his appreciation to Bishop Connolly and to Msgr. Raymond T. Considine, Dioc· es Director of the Propagation of the Faith Society, for all that they have done and are doing to aid the Missions through the Society. The Cardinal, praising the faithful of the Diocese for their generosity, wrote, "These few words of gratitude are but an echo of the feelings of our mis­ sionaries and their people ­ feelings which I have heard ex­ pressed time and again during my various visits to mission eountries."· .


THE ANCHO.R""7.Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 20,


(.President Gets Sisters Award

Parish Totals FALL RIVER

St. Mary Blessed Sacrament Espirito Santo Holy Cross Holy Name Notre Dame Our Lady of Angels Our Lady of Health Holy Rosary ImmacUlate Conception Sacred Heart St. Anne St. Anthony of Desert St. Anthony of Padua St. Elizabeth St. John the Baptist St. Joseph St. Louis St. Matthew St. Michael St. Patrick 'SS. Peter & PaUl St. Roch St. Stanislaus St. William Santo Christo

$6,490.50 1,953.15 1,175.00 921.00 12,500.67 2,968.00 6,429.89 1,907.50 2,210.00 3,691.60 7,579.50 3,484.75 1,390.00 1,319.75 879.00 2,993.00 5,136.50 3,601.00 2,060.25 4,366.25 4,886.50 3,302.00 1,771.00 2,040.50 4,195.00 2,649.05

NEW BEDFORD Holy Name 9,034.99 Assumption 178.00 Holy Rosary 497.00 Immaculate Conception 1,588.37 Mt. Carmel 6,823.60 Our Lady of 687.65 Perpetual Help 50.00 Our Lady of Purgatory 3,626.10 Sacred Heart 1,545.00 St. Anne St. Anthony of Padua 2,260.00 281.00 St. Boniface 664.50 St. Casimir 1,277.00 St. Francis of Assisi 484.25 st. Hedwig 1,113.50 ··St. Hyacinth 10,777.55 St. James 7,219.~9 St. John the Baptist 7,889.25 St. Joseph 3,919.00 St. lQIian 19,69Q,50 .St. Lawrrence 4,318.75 St. Mary 4,811.00 St. Theresa TAUNTON Holy Family Holy Rosary Immaculate Conception Our Lady of Lourdes Sacred Heart ·St. Anthony . St. James St. Joseph St. Mary St. PaUl

3,050.00 1,353.00 5,261.00 2,930.00 4,165.00 2.321.00 2,405.00 4,841.00 6,835.25 3,129.00

Necrology MAY 23 Rev. William F. Donahue, 1944, Assistant, St. Francis Xavier, lIIyannis. MAY 24 Rev. James F. Clark, 1907, Founder, St. James, New Bed­ ford. MAY 25 Rev. James V. Mendes, 1961, Administrator, Our Lady of ·..Angels, Fall River-.


May 23-8t. Matthew, P' a II River. St. Kilian, New Bedford. May 27-Mount St. Mary's Mary's Convent, Fall River. Convent of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts, F1all River. Convent of the Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven. St. Theresa's Convent, Fall River. May 30-Blessed Sacrament, Fall River. TIlE AIICMI Second Clan Postage Paid at Fall River.! Publlstled l1Iursday It 41u


HllbtalNl Avenll8 •Fill RIve, Mass. by 1M · ealholJc .PrllS8·-OI thl. DIocese of Fall,lllver. SUbscription PriCe .. ..II.' ,.tpalll $4.01

~! !~!:":"

":':. ":'.~._-':-



1,857.75 12,722.50 3,478.00 6,700.50 3,086.00 5,643.70 NORTH ATTLEBORO Sacred Heart 4,691.00 St. Mary 12,272.50 TOWNS Acushnet-St. Francis Xavier 2,551.50 1,139.50 Assonet--St. Bernard Buzzards Bay­ 4,291.00 St. Margaret Centerville­ Our Lady of Victory 1,500.00 Central VillageSt. John Baptist 1,777.50 Chatham­ Holy Redeemer 3,287.00 Dighton-St. Peter 995.50 East Brewster-Our Lady of the Cape 1,258.50 East Falmouth1,544.00 St. Anthony Fairhaven5,726.17 St. Joseph 960.60 51. Mary 791.00 Sacred Hearts Falmouth-St. Patrick 5,631.00 Hyannis8,589.50 St. Francis Xavier 6,632.91 Mansfield-St. Mary Mattapoisett-­ 2,461.00 St. Anthony Nantucket-Qur Lady 2,640.00 of the Isle North Dighton­ 3,983.00 St. Joseph North Easton­ Rev. Walter A. Sullivan and Abel C. Marceline 8,912.00 Immac. Conception North Westport--Our 2,197.45 . Lady of Grace . 2,18}.90 Norton-St. Mary Oak Bluffs­ 75.00 Sacred Heart Fall River Man To Oversee Youth Activities Ocean Grove­ 3,188.00 St. Michael Throughout Every Area of Diocese OrleansSt. Joan of Arc 1,900.00 Abel Marceline, Sacred Heart parish for 20 years, Marceline is Osterville-Assumption 3,252.00 parish, Fall River, has been a native of St. Anthony of Provincetownnamed fulltime Diocesan coor­ Padua parish, also Fall River. 1,014.00 dinator for Catholic Youth Or­ St. Peter He is married to the former 2,559.00 ganization activities. He will Helen O'Toole. Raynham-St..Ann work with Rev. Walter A SUl­ SandwichSacred Heart parish c$airman Corpus Christi 2,S25.50 livan, Diocesan Director of for the current Catholic Chari­ Seekonk-Mt. Carmel 3,036.00 Youth, in formUlating programs ties Appeal, Marceline is active , and giving information to parish . year-round in church organiza­ Somerset-3,171.50 and area CYO units. tions, including' the Men's Club, St. John of God 4,791.00 St. Patrick A member of Sacred Heart the St. Vincent de Paul Society 6,359.00 st. Thomas More and as adult advisor to the Campfire Girls. South DartmouthPlayers Again 4,531.00 St. Mary . ·He has worked with the parish South Yarmouth­ CYO and at the Anawan Street Tour Overseas 5,891.50 st. Pius X headquarters of the organization WASHINGTON (NC) A in Fall River. SwanseaOur Lady of Fatima 3,935.83 Catholic University of America A .World War II veteran, Mar­ 3,131.00 speech and drama department celine has been employed by the St. Dominie St. Louis of France 3,764.70. production ~f Eugene O'Neill's City of Fall River in the health comedy "Ah, Wilderness!" will and public works departments.

Vineyard HavenSt. Augustine 1,305.00 tour Israel, Greece, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and England Wareham-St. Patrick " 6,739;00 at the request of the State De­ Editor on Tour . Wellfleet-Our Lady of Lourdes 1,522.00 partment as a cultural exchange LAFAYETTE (NC) - MBgr. presentation. .West Harwich. Charles B. Fortier, editor of the Before embarking for overseas, Southwest Louisiana Register, Holy Trinity 1,954.00 Westport-:-St. George 5,840.00 the play had a two-week run diocesan ne~spaper, is making Woods Hol~t. Joseph 275.00 at the university. The produc­ a tour of Latin America to study tion is being directed by Father prospects of closer cooperation : Gilbert V. Hartke, O.P., head of between U;·S. and Latin Ameri­ the speech and drama depart­ can. bishops in the agricUltural nient, who will tour with the field. National stUdent group overseas. $5000

A Friend


KC Style Show AU~~IlTINE First National Stores Inc.

Wives of members of Bishop $200

Cassidy Council, Swansea-Som­ Rev. John F. Denehy Helen Aubertine Brough

erset Knights of Columbus, will $100

Wiffiam H. Aubertine

hold a style show at B Sunday Rev. John F. Hogan

night, May 23 in the council Brian J. Aubertine


John Terrence O'Duggan Stu­ home, Old Warren Road, Swan­ Spacious Parkinq Area sea. In charge of arrangements dio Inc. are Mrs. Florina St. Laurent and WY 2-2957 $35

Mrs. Jacqueline O'Neil, aided by 129 Aile" St. New Bedford Swift &: Company

a large committee.. $25 E. Brodeur &: Son Inc. A Friend

CYO Youth Coordinator


Special Gifts




ATTLEBORO Holy Ghost St. John St. Joseph St. Mary St. Stephen St. Theresa

... -..

Funeral Home Inc.

Fall River $1500 A Friend

$12541· . B. M. C Durfee Trust Co. $1000 . Fall River Electric Light Co. James F; Moen~ .:ri;"· Mooney &: Co., Inc.

TUJ1i to, Paae- Tour

... WASHINGTON (NC)-Presl­ .dent Johnson was presented t. . first annual Mother McAuIe,: Award of the Sisters of Mercy of the Union at a White HoUSli ceremony. The Chief Executive was pre­ sented the award, a handcrafted ebony and silver cross, br, Mother Mary Regina Cunning­ ham of Cincinnati, head of tlHl community. Mr. Johnson was cited for ld8 work for "the sick, the poor an4 the uneducated" through legis­ lation he proposed for healtli care of the elderly, aid to educa­ tion, curbing of poverty and 88­ sistance to the Appalachia area. The award is the communitn highest· honor. Mr. Johnson Wall 'chosen by the major superlOri of the community.

M#'ff~fI? n!!'~", FRIDAY-IV[ ass of previo1J8 Sunday. IV Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Prefac<l of Easter. . SATURDAY - Mass of the Blessed Virgin for Saturday.. IV Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Preface .1Ii Blessed Virgin. . SUNDAY-V Sunday after Eas­ ter. II Class. White. M~ Pro per; Gloria; Creed; Preface of Easter. MONDAY - Mass of previ018 , Sunday. IV Class. White. Ma88 Proper; Gloria; no Creed; J;>reface of Easter. OR Rogation Monday. Violet. MUll Proper; No Gloria or Creed; Prefuce of Easter. m M~ immediately following t h. Procession the Prayers at the Foot of· the Altar are omitted. The'three Rogation Days tbtII week may be transferred to a more suitable time at the discretion of the Diocese. TUESDAY-St. Gregory VIII, Pope and Confessor. m ClasL White. Mass Proper; Gloria; 2nd CoIl. St. Urban I, Pope and Martyr; no Creed; Preface of Easter. OR Rogation Tuesday. Vi 0 let. Mass Proper; No Gloria 01' Creed; 2nd CoIl. St. Grego17 VIII, Pope and Confessor; Preface of Easter. WEDNEDSAY-Vigil of Ascen­ sion. II Class. White. Maa Proper; Gloria; 2nd ColI. St. Philip Neri, Confessor; . . Creed; Preface of Easter. OR

Rogation Wednesday. Violet. Mass Proper; No Gloria or Creed; 2nd CoIl.' Vigil flf Ascension; Preface of Easter. THURSDAY-Ascension of Our Lord J'esUs Christ. I Class. White. Mass' Proper; Gloria; Creed; Preface and Communi­ cantes of Ascension. (In the prlncipalMass the Paschal Candle is eXtinguished after Gospel.) Holy Day of Oblige.. tion;


Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. OS 9-6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHON licensed Funeral Director Registere-' Embalmer



D. D. Sullivan & Sons

' "..eral Dome




.. Mlreel Roy - G. lOrl2lne Roj

550 Loeust Street Fall River. Mass.


OS 2·2391 .~ E. SQIUy~ .

:leffre7 E. Sulllvall




15 Irvington Ct•.. .. 995-5166 .. ' , ... , New. ·Bedford. ..•.




FAll RIVER, Mass.

OS 2-3381

W~fred C. . .lomeSL

:' Dr.iscoU ., ·Sunivan.. Jr.

i ..


Spring Workshop

1'hura., May 20, 1~65

Set for CFM


Annual State D of I Retreat

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Peter­ IOn of Melrose will be featured lPeakers at a Spring Workshop to be held at Stonehill College from 12:30 to 5 Sunday after­ noon by the Christian Family Movement Federation of the Fall River Diocese. . The Petersons are members of the Association for Interna­ tional Development, a group of Catholic laymen active in the foreign mission apostolate. They served two years in Chile as lay missionaries and are now ac­ tive in international student programs. Their topic at Stone­ hill will be "Experience in Inter­ Dational Living." Also on Sunday's program win tie Rev. George Behan, Diocesan· CFM chaplain and Family Life Director for the Providence Diocese. He will discuss "How to Improve Your Marriage through

The Annual Retreat of the Massachusetts State Circle, Daughters of Isabella, will be held at the Cenacle Retreat House, Brighton, from May 21 to May 23. Rev. John Walchars, S.J., of Cranwell Hall, Lenox, will be the retreatmaster. A· native of Vienna, Austria, Father Wal­ chars studied at Innsbruck and in China where he was ordained. A noted lecturer and retreat master throughout the United States and Canada, he is also the author of two books, "The Call from Beyond" and "Splen­ dor and Shadow." The following regents are in charge of arrangements for their respective districts: Mrs. C. Jost, Attleboro; Mrs. A. Hoar, Fall River; Mrs. H. Mullen, No. Attleboro; Mrs. M. Trucchi, Taunton. Also, Mrs. A. Dangelo, Fal­ mouth; Mrs. S. Coombs, Oster­ ville; Mrs. C. Letendre, New Bedford; Mrs. H. Boles, Saga­ more; Mrs. G. Giordano, North Easton; Mrs. S. Almeida, See­ konk. ­


The workshop will begin at 12:30 with registration at the Holy Cross Retreat House on the Stonehill campus and will eonclude with Mass offered by Rev. Edmond L. DickinsoQ, Fall River Diocesan CFlVI chaplain, and, with a luncheon gathering. Chaplains to Meet CFM chaplains throughout the Diocese will meet at 6:30 for opper following the workshop at the Catechetical Center of Holy Ghost parish, Linden Street, Attleboro. Father Behan JJill also attend this meeting.

Priest's Mother Dies in Poland.

Rev. Adalbert Szklanny, as­ sistant at St. Patrick's Church, Fall River, offered a Mass of Requiem Monday morning for repose of the soul of hi8 TO A'M'END GENERAL CHAPTER OF ORDER: Mother Pierre- Marie, right, and the late mother, Mrs. Tekla Szklan­ Sis-ter Mary Ascension, left, of St. Anne's Hospital, Fan River, are preparing to be air­ ny, who died Saturday in Grod­ borne on their flight to Rome to attend the General Chapter of the Dominican Sisters . zisko, Poland.

A Solemn High Mass of Re­

DETROIT (NC)-The Church of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. quiem was offered Monday III our time is passing through a morning in her parish church Ia. -Wholesome ferment" resulting Poland. 6'om the Second Vatican Coun­ She was the widow of .Tan ell, Detroit's Archbishop John. Szklanny and in addition to Ir. Dearden said. 1IP0ke to Bishop Feehan. She all young as mothers." eontinued from Page One Father Szklanny she leaves one Despite her half century in the son. Francis, and three daugh­ said if he didn't want a home The changes leave many lay­ As a young nun, Sister Thea­ men unsure of themselves, un­ tiste taught school in Quebee for old people, the sisters be convent, Sister Theotiste has one ters, Salomea, Antonina anel certain and· a bit frightened, the and then was sent to Prince Ed­ l'ecalled to Quebec." of the characteristics normally Sophie, all of Grodzisko. The then bishop gave his ap­ associated with much younger archbishop told the annual De­ ward Island to study nursing. troit Archdiocesan. Cotlncil of When the two houses there were proval and "... in 1923 a drive people: She likes changes. "Changes are good for us," (:atholic Women convention. closed, she was one of the first started and the house opened Dames Patronesses of Sacred She says, citing the new habits Heart Home, New Bedford, an­ group of nuns assigned to the in 1925." '1'0 understand the force that When Sister and her compan­ now worn by members of her nounce their annual card party, New Bedford missioiJ.. Jet the changes in motion, to ad­ "I used to get colds very eas­ ions arrived to staff the new order - ''They're . much more to be held at 1:30 Wednesday lust to them and to anticipate new changes, familiarity with ny," she says today. "I wasn't home "... the walls were up and practical" - and the changes in afternoon, June 2 at Stevenson's restaurant, North Dartmouth. ehapter two of the Constitution very strong and Superior there was nothing inside. We Mass that "make people pay at­ tention, instead of saying ros­ Reservations may be made with of the Church is necessary, the thought this would be easier had bare wood floors and tak­ ing care of the house was hard." aries or making novenas during Mrs. Arthur St. Germain or Mrs• work." ..chbishop said. Since then, two wings have Mass." Frank Chartier. Mrs. Normand The New Bedford physician 'l'he chapter deals with the . Sister's goiden jubilee cele­ V. Maranda is in charge of ar­ -People of God" who include who cared for the nuns "gave been added and construction of priests and laity, bound together me a tonic and some pills he another new section of the home bration began in Black Lake rangements. May 2 when 52 members of her llwith the thread of supernatural made himself-I've been on the is schedUled to begin in mid­ Summer. The home is one of the family joined in a feast in honor life," he said. It sets the tone go ever since," beneficiaries of the Catholic of the occasion. The latter is one of the under­ ~d spells out the implications of Bishop Cassidy General A.­ On May 5 and 8, she joined sembly, 4th Degree Knights of . woeations to the Church, he statements of the decade. The Charities Appeal. "We had no employees then. with 43 other jubilarians of the Columbus, will hold a dinner tiny nun, who has charge of the 8dded. order iii celebrating their anni­ "The layman must rise to meet chapel at the home and one of. Now we have about 75." dance Saturday night, May 21, The guests at the home "used versaries in Quebec. the challenge of his role in the the women's departments,· bus­ at New Bedford Hotel. Chairmetl to come in younger. They were Saturday. she was feted· at are John A. Murley and Paul Church with those powers work,. tles around the home at a pace that wears out the visitors she 65 or 70 then. Now we get them Sacred Heart Home and Sunday X.Despres. Dress will. be formaL log in him that will promote the when they're 75 or 80, or even she traveled to Lowell to parti­ eause of Christ in the world," escorts·on sightseeing tours. 90. People are living longer cipate in festiviti~s honoring

Archbishop Dearden said. "The "I guess it's because I've al­ another jubilarian. layman can DO longer stand ways been active," she says, now." People's ,8 ttl t u des Ilave This coming Sunday, she will lluietly by as an "uncomplaining slowing down momentarily out changed, too, she says. be in Fall River to help still observer," he added. of pity for her visitor.. "A woman of 50 used to, be another jubilarian - Sister st. "A person that just sits around and does office work gets older old. She never wore colors. She Hortense - celebrate her golden' always was dressed in dark jubilee at Mt. St. Joseph School, faster. People need exercise." There have been many changes things. Now, grandmothers are· where she has been assigned for 45 years. since Sister Theotiste first ar­ COLUMBUS (NC)-Ecumen­ .iIt's apout time the jubilees rived in New Bedford. Ism must not be allowed to in­ were· over," the five-foot nun "When the Sisters first came," terfere with "the guiding yard­ Friends ·of the Presentation of says, shaking her head. she says, "they operated what stick of authority" the supreme you might call, a guild. There Mary Novitiate will sponsor "I have many things to do." knight of the Knights of Colum­ were many young girls working their annual Maybasket whist at ~~;i;~;' bus told the 6lst annual Nebras­ 7:45 tonight in St. Anne's SchoQI in the mills here. They were ka state K. of C. convention. of Nursing auditorium, Fall away from home." John W. McDevitt of New But, the first band had been River. Mrs. Henry Berthiaume, Haven told the knights that even sent to New Bedford to open a chairman, will be aided by a though many externals, are home for the aged. "Superior large committee. Door prizes changing in ,the Church, her will be awarded and a cake COMPANY teaching authority remains· the raffle will be featured. Tickets

eame. "We must reaffirm our are available from committee

loyalty to that authority," he A Spring retreat for laywomen Complete Line Fresh from our own fleet Mid. will be held starting tomorrow Building Materials -As we open windows to let at Our' Lady of Good Counsel , WY 2-30()O MONTREAL (NC) - Brother, III the fresh air of ecumenism," Retreat House. It will close Open. Thursday Nights till I _ declared, "we must be ever SUnday. Reservations may be Louis Bertrand, 44, 8 French • SPRING IT., FAIRHAVEN Sunday 9. to l ' , ~utlous that ,we do nothing to made with district directors of Canadian, 'has been elected su­ • Hltllaway Rolt! It 140, OYtf, PIli , ' . . . . the. IUidin, JVdstI.ck ., the Dioee8an Counell of CllthOIie perior gen~ral of the Institute .of WYman .3-2611 I · , . , .... . _ ....._ _......._ -~ .I. . , ., 7Q ....ority.·. " ' , ' , .. Yom.. . tile Brothe1'i. of St. QilbrieL

Defines Laity's

New Role

Two Nuns Observe Golden Jubilees

Dames Patronesses

Dinner Dance

ICC. Leader Insists

Authority Needed

Maybasket Whist


Laywomen's Retreat


Fish ,& Lobster

"Seafood with "avo"­

Heads Brothers

ap' as.



Inform Vietnam Bishops of Plot

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. May 20, 1965

SAIGON (NC) - Church au­ thorities in Vietnam are remain­ ing silent about what has been called a plot to oust Catholics and other anticommunists from a number of top government and other military posts. The country's bishops, how­ ever, have been informed that such a plot is afoot and are studying the situation, it was re­ ported by Father Paul Hoang Quynh, president of the Catholic Committee for Greater Solidar­ ity, formerly the Catholie Struggle Committee. The priest spoke after what some observers here regard as the first step in the plot, alleg­ edly planned by neutralist groups seeking an agreement with the Viet Cong guerrillas. This step was the dismissal in mid-April of the Catholic com­ mander of the Vietnamese navy,

Continued from Page Two

Fall River $600 G. W. Carpenter Inc. $500 Ideal Laundry $400 Mr. & Mrs: James E. BUn6Ck $250 Webb Oil Co. Donnelly Painting Co.. $200 Knights of Columbus - Fan River Council No. 86 St. Vincent de Paul Society­ Notre Dame Exchange Inc. $150 I. T. Almy Associates Lafayette Cooperative Bank $135 Herve Lagasse $125 St. Vincent de Paul Sodety Particular Council . $100 Harry Gottlieb Edward M. Corbett Borden & Remington Co. Mrs. Arthur J. Shea Dr. William Freeman Clover Club of Fall River ­ Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Radio Station Vi ALE $75 Fall River Lodge 118 BPO Elks $60 Tri-City Office Equipment Corp; $50 . Fall River Knitting Mills Building Materials Company Fall River & New Bedford Ex­ press Dr. Allen G. Simpson Samuel Leviten A Friend Mrs. Katherine Crosson Frank X. Perron John F. Stafford Insuranee Agency S. S. Kresge Co. Knights of Columbus-Bishop James E. Cassidy Council No. 3669 Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Sullivan Merit Dress Delivery & Trucking Slater Paper Box $45

Carl N. Beetle Plastics Co.


D. D. Sullivan - Wilfred Co Driscoll Funeral Home S30 Dr. Richard H. Fitton Jr. $25 Corrigan Apothecary Morris Levine Terrtlinal Bakery Limcar Construction Co. lDe.

A Friend A Friend Dr. Robert H. Moe Lamport Company Laura Curtain & Drape-ry Co., Inc. Magoni's Ferry Landing, Inc. Aime Pelletier, Electrical Contractor B & S Fisheries of Fall River Horvitz & Horvitz Greens Storage Warehouses Vets Safe T Cab Assn. Fall River Luggare & Novelty ~orkers Local No. 65 John P. Slade & Son William Eaton Arrow Neon Sign Compafly. :nc. . Sacred Hearts Academy Alum­ nae Assn. Dr.. David S. Greer Colonial Casket Co. Wilbur's Mil\er Pontiac Co. Poirier Buick Inc. Grculd Central Market Fall River Catholic Nurfta Guild $20 Santos Trucking Co., Mr. &: Mrs. Albert Petit, Nelson's Dairy, Roger L. Currant, Wolfson & Zalkind Co. New England Apparel Mfg. Assn. Inc., Leonard Pharmacy $15 Fall River Radiator Works, AP Construction Corp., Dr. H. Stuart Seglin. Michaud & Poirier L~clair Construction Co. R. E. Smith Company, Valcourt Hardware Co., Wilfred J. Gin­ gras, Quequechan Products Corp. Joseph Borge .& Sons Inc., Dr. Wilson E. Hughes Arthur R. Driscoll, Lawson Granite & Marble' Works Inc., Garten Ford, Dr. Albert Resnick

New Bedford $600

,..."~ Coal & Oil Co. Inc.

$100 Kiwanis Cluh of New Bedford C0~Hnental Screw Co. Daughters of Isabella - Bya­ e;-'" Circle No. 71 S50 Rodney Metals Inc. l'_erovox Corporation $4:0 Ideal Dairy $25 Eagle Linen Supply Co.· Catholic Nurse Guild of New Bedford Atty. Jack London Kay Jewelry Co. $15 Nov'~k Jewelers Oliver Sportswear Co.

Taunton $100 Alfred S. O'Keefe James E. Miles Insurance Co. Mulhern's Pharmacy $50

Sowiecki Funeral Home

Babbitt & Simmons Co.

$30 Eureka Manufacturing Co. Cornelius J. Murphy Insurance Agency $25 Taunton Printing Co. Joseph McCormick Richmond Granite & Marble Works Octagon. Service Station Mason Box Co. Boyden Plastics Co. Armor Bronze & Silver Inc. Plank & Hansen B.P.O.E. No. 150 Elks

Farrell Insurance Agency

J. M. WellS Co. Leahy's Liquor Store Inc. $20 Mozzone Brothers, Wood Speo. laltie& Co. $15 Powers Pontiac Inc., Cabral"ll Dairy Farm, Colonial Donut Shop, Taunton Beverage Co. Inc. Andy's Market



The Robbins Co. St. John's Council No. 404­ Knights of Columbus Apco Market' 540 Attleboro Printing & Embos­ sing Co. ;35 Pelletier's Automotive Serviee Fred V. Murphy Jr. Turn to Page Five

Library at Niagarci· NIAGARA FALLS (NC)-N): agara University's new $1,25~ 000 library will be blessed and dedicated here today by Bishop .James . A. McNulty of Buffalo. Bishop McNulty will later re.­ ceive the university's first Carl­ tas Medal, presented "to honor men and women who thorougbIJj exemplify the charity of st. Vin­ cent de Paul."



Thottakadu Js a woeful village In southern India. Catholics there are in the vast minorit)\ ! The Most Reverend Mathew Kavukatt,· Arch- ' PARENTS bishop of Changanacherry warns of the co,.. I PLEAD stant peril to the faith of the children. Tha FOR parents want their children to have 8 Cathollo A CATHOLIC educatlon, "to have the Sisters teach them.N I EDUCATION ••• Nine years agq tlte C.larist Sisters came ~ , FOR Thottakadu and opened a temporary school; THEIR In a shed. Imagine the joyl Now all might be. CHILDREN. lost. The local authorities insist that a peflt! manent school building be constructed with III six months or the government subsidy wi" be ' cut·off. The people of Thottakadu ere poor­ their Income tiardly adequate for food and necessities. The Sisters depend on the gov­ ernment lubsfd.y ~ although small- to help operate the school. ., . . I



Attleboro $500

Krew Incorporated


Antaya Bros. Inc.

$150 Attleboro Trust Co. Society of st. Vincent de Paal Attleboro Particular Counei1 $100 St. Vincent de Paul Conferenee St. John the Evangelist . A Friend L. G. Balfour Co.

Bibeault Pharmacy Inc.

Stephen H. Foley Funeral

Home Mr. & Mrs. James G. Heagney Sadler Bros. Inc. Shield's Inc. W. H. Riley & Son Ine.


Leach & Garner Co.


Bellavance Inc.



·ORDINATION AT STONEHILL: Rev. Mr. Frank Cafarelli, CSC, of Schenectady, N.Y.; Rev. Mr. Thomas Kelly, CSC, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; and Rev. Mr. Frank Slack, C.S.C. of Lambertville; N.J., will be ordained on Thursday, May 27, as members of the Congrega­ tion of Holy Cross.

Special Gifts

Adm. Chung tan Cang, and tie. anticommunist military gOVeJloot . ner of Saigon, Gen. Pham ~ Dong. Father Hoang Qunyh also saltJ that in the face of a threat of • communist takeover in Soutti Vietnam, his Catholic committ~' is seeking an alliance wi~ friendly forces such as the ren­ gious sects Cao Dai and Baa

The .Superlor of the Clari5t$, Sister Matilda, writes that she "a~ plans for a permanent school building measuring ,150 feet by 20 feet. $4100 Is the cost estimate Sister hal received. Build It all yourself, and name It for your favorite saint, in memory of your loved ones. Your $100, $50, $35, $20, $10, $5, '$1, whatever you can afford, will helQ Sister buy desks, chairs, books, pencils. Help keep Christ In Thottakadu.

•• ••

Making a new will? The good you can "do by (;OOD Will remembering the missions goes to your credit PROGRAM eternally. Our legal title: CATHOLIC NEAR EA~T WELfARE ASSOCIATION

•• ••

Your $10 gift enables us to. feed I Palestine . FOOD refugee family for a month. 'In thanks, we'll ECONOMY send you an OliveWood Rosary from the Ho~ Land.



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FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President MSGR. JOSEPH T. RYAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR ·EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue 'New York, N.Y. 1001' Telephone: 212/YUko'n 6-5840

ntE ANCHOR-Dfocese of FaR River-1'hurs. May 20. 1945

Legion of Mary May Day at Sargeant Field, New Bedford. Right photo, Leaders conduct the recitation of the Tessera with all the a<:tive and auxiliary members participating.

.. the Blessed Virgin as the honor guard stands at attention during the

Sign Agreement In Controversy At St. John's NEW YORK (NC) Peaceful settlement has been reached in the controversy 'which nearly exploded two months ago at St. John's Univer­ sity, the nation's largest Catholic institution of higher learning, aligning faculty members and students against the administration. . The university has received signed contracts from 387 of its 405 fulltime faculty members, Henry Horvat, faculty dean, said 13 other have signified they will return signed contracts, but eight are unaccounted for and there has been one resignation. Salary increases ranging from $15() to $300 a year, plus other benefits, were given by the uni­ versity, it was reported. It. also was reported that a permanent faculty representa­ tion body now is being organized through which faculty members will be given greater voice in mapping policies for the univer­ sity. • St. John's has a student en­ rollment of some 13,000. The university is conducted by the Vincention Fathers. Approxi­ mately 90 per cent of the faculty are laymen. Inadequate Salaries The controversy erupted in early March when some 200 teachers walked out of a general faculty meeting after Andrew Robinson" philosophy teacher read a statement of protest. The teachers, who are members of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), protested against inadequate sol­ aries, lack of voice in shaping university policies, withholding automatic tenure upon promo­ tion to' associate professor and sE'veral other issues. Robinson, who is chairman of the AAUP's St. John's chapter, was among those who returned a signea contract. Another was Father Peter O'Reilly, visiting professor of philosophy, a leader in the United Federation of Col­ lege Teachers, who also played. • prominent role in the faculty lIevolt.

500,000 Pilgrims at Fatima Reception Legate Presents Pope's Gift of Golden Rose FATIMA (NC)-A half mil­ lion pilgrims, including many from the United States, watched the papal legate, Fernando Car­ dinal Cento, present the Golden Rose sent by Pope Paul VI to the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima. Bishop Pereira Venancio of Leiria, in whose diocese the shrine is located, placed the papal gift at the foot of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, which had been brought from the Chapel of the Apparitions to an open-air altar at the top of ·the basilica steps.

Special Gifts Continued from Page Four

Attleboro $25 Marathon Company Wells Inc. Attleboro Sun Publishing Co. Inc. Foster Metal Products Leedham Hardware Plastic Craft Novelty Co. Reynolds & Markham Inc. W. E. Richards Co. Attleboro Lodge of Elks No. 1014 Portuguese American Club

$15 B. A. MacDonald Express Co.

.North Attleboro $150 Society of St. Vincent de Paul Sacred Heart Conference $125 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wright $100 Frank & Margaret Curtis Inc. W. H. Riley & Son Inc. Joe Curtis, Real Estate Franco American Social Cluh A Friend Nelson Gulski $75 Beauchaine's, Inc. Dewitt Animal Hospital Inc. North Attleboro Catholic Women's Club Sperry-Dublois Inc. $60 North End Social Club $50 Dr. D. Eugene Leco l'~rs. James Reynolds A. T. Parker & Co.


Manuel Cardinal Goncalves the Pope invites everyone to Cerejeira of Lisbon. Archbishop pray to Our Lady of Fatima for separated Christians and fulfill Maximilian de Fuhstenburg, ap­ ostolic nuncio to Portugal, and the Fatima message of prayer 24 Portuguese bishops, all vesied . and penance. Cardinal Cento then concele­ in miters and white chasubles, had previously taken the statue brated Mass with the Portuguese bishops. Most of the Mass was in to the altar. Portuguese but the Canon and The Papal legate, speaking in Consecration were _ in Latin. Portuguese, weI com e d the Each of the -bishops approached crowds and told them that Fati­ the altar and took Communion ma is becoming a name as fa­ himself, dipping a golden spoon mous as Rome, Lourdes and into the chalice. Jerusalem. All pilgrims are At the end of the Mass, Pope equal regardless of race or class in the presence of the Blessed Paul's voice came over the radio. Speaking Portuguese, he re­ Virgin, he said. He added that minded the pilgrims that the gift of the Golden Rose was a $35 mark of affection for a great Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Levis country that has sent out many Lavery Irvine Co. Ine. missionaries.

$30 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mulligan Hi-Lo Market A. Lacasse & Sons

$25 Sodalities-Sacred Heart School B & J Jewelry Co. Inc. Bergh Brothers Co. Inc. Michael J. Croke Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gaboury Jolly Cholly's Drive-In Miller's Dept. Store Parish Guild-St. Mary's V. H. Blackinton & Co. Inc. McNally's Package Store John Brady Clover Super Market Walter McCann Red Rock Hill Motor Court Michael A. Vigorito

$20 Hilda & Harvey Gay Dr. Maurice D. Grant

$15 Senior Choir - Sacred Heart Church, Chabot Bros., Franklin Hardware Co., John Iafrata, Monarch Machine Works Inc., Mucker's Delivery Service Agelae's Hat Shoppe, Altar Boys - Sacred Heart Churoo, Bliss Insurance Co., Suvall & Sons Inc. AI's Radio & TV Service Pasquale Cavalieri & Sons Edward G. Lambert Insurance Agency Walter H. Murphy Home & School Association Shep's Radio & TV

Blesses Sick The Golden Rose is an orna­ ment solemnly blessed by the pope and is conferred from time to time on sovereigns and others, churches and sanctuaries, cities and countries, distinguish­ ed for their services to the Church. Cardinal Cerejeira gave the Eucharistic blessing to some 300 sick. The final procession fol­ lowed, returning the statue of Our Lady of Fatima to the Chapel of the Apparitions. In the evening pilgrims car­ rying lighted candles met for a procession filling the shrine's huge pilgrim area. Whole fam­ ilies wer~ in the groups which participated in an all-night ex­ position. The president of the Portu­ guese Republic, Admiral Amer­ ica Thomas, and his wife attend­ ed the presentation ceremonies, along with members of his cab­ inet.

High Court Gets Obscenity Appeal WASHINGTON (NC) - The U. S. Supreme Court has been asked to review the conviction of a New York newsstand at­ tendant who received a suspend­ ed sentence for selling obscene books. The appellant, Robert Redrup, says in his appeal to the high court that there is no proof in the record of his case that the books he sold "substantially ex­ ceeded the limits of candor in the nation as a whole." He con­ tends that the prosecution in obscenity cases must. offer such proof. Redrup was arrested in April, 1964, and charged with two counts of s .lling obscene books. The sales were made to a police­ man and took place at a news­ stand where Redrup was work­ ing.

Agency for Cripples CHICAGO (NC) - Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston and Father William F. Jenks, C.SS.R., of Holy Redeemer College, Washington, D. C., have agreed to serve with the group of spon­ sors in 1965 for the National Society for Crippled Children and Adults. The agency serves more than 200,000 cripples through its annual Easter Seal campaigns.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 20, 1965

Crime Commission Report The report of the Crime Commission on conditions

within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has just been

released. It is to be hoped that it will be received in the right Epirit.

The people are growing weary of having similar reports

received with immediate criticism-not of the conditions

reported but criticism of the ones doing the reporting. The people are taking a more hostile and cynical attitude toward

those who will immediately denounce the contents of the report as persecution. It is a basic axiom that where there is smoke there is fire. And if the Crime 0ommission points out the amount of smoke that is drifting up from many different areas in the State government, then the people have the right to expect that their elected officials will do everything in their power to follow the smoke and to find out the location and extent of the fire. Never mind this wearisome cry of all too many a Mass­ achusetts politician-this is a smear tactic. Never mind the

self-righteous denunciation of those who made the report

by some officials. The people of Massachusetts expect-ar.d, indeed, would be surprised and delighted by it--their elected officials to stand up and express appreciation of the report and its makers, indicate in a positive way its contribution to a healthier government, point out with facts and logic what might be its errors, and promise that the evil-doing hinted at will be investigated and stamped out. Only when elected officials take this attitude will the word "politician" in Massachusetts take on its original con­ notation of dignity and honor. Then will the people of Mass­ ehusetts listen more proudly to the statements of their officials. Then will they entertain more appreciatively the request of their officials' for a higher salary seale. Like it or not, elected officials in this State have had em the whole a bad press. Instead of just bemoaning this as being unjust, as most of it may be, let these officials by their words and actions prove the lie and overcome the image and create for themselves and before their constitu­ ents the £mage of integrity and cooperation that the people expect. The overwhelming majority of elected officials are men of integrity and service. They must make sure that these qualities are evident in what they say and do. Here is their opportunity to enhance their dignity and stature. Let the truth in the report be accepted and acted upon. Let its errors be sifted out calmly and factually. But let the whole thing be done on a high plane, on the basis of facts and not personalities, logie and not emotionalism.

Summit Meeting A leading Orthodox spokesman, Archbishop Iakovos of --.the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South Amer­ ica, has asked for a "summit meeting" after the Second Vatican Council of top Christian Churchmen to settle on the goal and methods of the ecumenical movement. He pointed out that there is a "perplexed attitude"' in the minds of many Orthodox toward the World Council of Churches and what it stands for and that this is matched by a similar attitude on the part of many Protestants and Catholics. There is, indeed, much good will around these days. But good will and kindness, while creating an environ­ ment of hope and cooperation, are not enough. Churchmen on the very highest levels of authority and leadership and scholarship must get together and be very sure that they understand one another and their goals. This is only the part of charity, because confusion and vagueness will not substitute for clarity and truth. And the ecumenical movement will be poorly served if those involved were satisfied with the fact that they find them­ selves able to have tea peaceably with one another. More, much more, must be clarified and understood. It has been well said that a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Thank God the step has been taken. But no one should forget the many steps that still lie ahead.

~ ~ h~ ANCnOR,

OFFICIAl NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River

410 Highland Avenue

Fall River, Mass. 675-7151

PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L Connolly, D.O., PhD., GENERAL 'MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. John P. Driscoll Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. MANAGING EDITOR Hugh J. Golden


REV. JAMES A. CLARK Assistant Director

Lotin American Bureau. NCWC

The First Five Years After five years the Papal Volunteer program has 352 volunteers in the field. 133 of these are teaching in srhools at various levels. The next largest group labors in the Cl::"ea of medical progrmas. 72 Volunteers are staffing dis­

pensaries, clin­

ics and primi­ tive m e die al £Clcilities throughout the La tin world. "~!J:P Social welfare /"dr programs absorb the efforts of s 0 meSS field W 0 r k e r s . The remaining Volunteers serve in catechetical programs, credit union and eo­ operative establishments and By Msgr. George G. Higgins miscellaneous fields. (Director, Social Action Dept., N.C.W.C.) Geographically the Volunteen Senator Harrison A. Williams, Jr., of New Jersey re­ are spread across 13 countries. A eently introduced several bills designed ·~o alleviate the sad summary of their strength in the various countries reads like this: plight of America's migratory farm laborers. One of these Bolivia 20; Brazil 80; British bills (S. 1864) would amend the Fair Labor Standards Act Honduras 31; Chile 35; Colombia to provide minimum wages 40; Costa Rica 1; Ecuador 1~ days of non-farm employment for agricultural workers. The An average day's farmwork Guatemala 19; Mexico 35; Pan­ 1; Peru 55; Venezuela 'I; agricultural minimum wage brought the migrant $5.95; for ama West Indies 12. would be stepped up gradu­ his non-farmwork he was paid In the United States these ally over a three- or four-year approximately $12 a day. Volunteers hail from 31 states The incomes of hired farm­ period to the industrial minimum and 64 ~oceses. Even with such workers generally, including a large force in the field many wage level. The minimum would both migrants and nonmigrants, requests still go unanswered. were not much better. Their Pleas continue to come for busi­ be $1 an hour the first year; average rate per hour without ness administrators, agronomists, board or room was $1.08. $1.15 the second; catechetical specialists, com­ $1.25 the third; munity development worken, Gap Widening and the indus­ credit union workers, medical Moreover, the gap between trial minimum personnel, radio technicians and farm wages and industrial wages (currently also experts, social workers and is growing wider every year. $1.25) in the The extension of a minimum teachers. fourth. The We receive thousands of appli­ wage to agriculture would help ';wage" paid to cations from people wishing .. to close this ever-widening gap. an agricultural be volunteers. Yet many of these It is true, of course, that some employe would have to be rejected because they include the reasonable costs, as farm workers would be dis­ do not possess the necessary placed if the minimum wage determined by the Secretary of skills. To qualify as a Papal Labor, of board, lodging; or were to be extended to agricul­ Volunteer a person has to have ture. other facilities customarily fur­ • one of the capacities requested. This would not necessarily be nished the employe. The piece­ jf we were to accept all those rate system, where it prevails, a bad development. Oversupply who apply we could fill Latin and the casual nature of farm would be preserved by a provi­ America with thousands CJl sion approving any piece rate labor employment have always Volunteers each year. that yields, for at least 90 per been the bane of those who labor The effect of the Papal Volun­ cent of the employes working at for hire on American farms. teers can be weighed by the such piece rate, actual wages Minimum wage legislation, if it words of Bishop Manuel Larraill equal to the minimum hourly had the effect of helping to of Talca, one of the most ener­ create a structured rather than getic bishops in Latin America. wage. a casual farm labor force, would He says: "The Papal Volunteen 750,000 Employes be fulfilling one of its primary from the United States are a Coverage under Senator Wil­ purposes. bright and encouraging sign of liams' minimum wage bill would If, however, a substantial our times. They must not falter extend to all employes perform­ number of workers were dis­ for a moment. They must con­ ing hired farm labor for an em­ ployer who used more than 300 placed as a result of minimum tinue to give themselves valiant­ man-days of hired farm labor in wage legislation, there would ly to our apostolic needs." Would you like to be part ell anyone of the four preceding have· to be an expansion of such programs as rural development, this grand effort? If so you caB calendar quarters. The effect of the 300 man-day . occupational training, vocational assist by becoming a Volunteer• by working with your diocesan test would be to apply minimum rehabilitation, mental and phys­ ical health therapy, and other Papal Volunteer director who wage requirements to farm in­ often needs secretarial help, or terprises using approximately programs related to job oppor­ by being a sponsor. Sponsors four or five fulltime employes tunities and occupational com­ petence. are the backbone of the move­ during a calendar quarter. ment. They provide in various It is estimated that this test Effect on Prices ways the $4500 needed for each would apply to approximately Would minimum wage legisla­ Volunteer. Besides volunteers, 78,000 farms and would provide tion boost food prices for con­ sponsors and workers, we need minimum wage coverage for sumers? In my judgment, this prayers. Join up today by put­ 750,000 farm employes. question has no bearing what­ ting us ·among your list of inten­ Demonstrates Need soever on whether or not the tions. minimum wage should be ex­ It is to be hoped that Senator Williams' bill will be enacted tended to agriculture. Sees Danger into law before the Congress ad­ As the late Secretary of Labor ALBACETE (NC)-Increasin, journs this Summer. The need James P. Mitchell pointed out tolerance for Protestantism .. for such a law can be demon­ several years ago: "In this coun­ strated very easily. Spain can lead to religious indif­ try we do not choose to keep The average migratory laborer down our bills, including our ferentism, Bishop Arturo Tabera with a month or more of farm­ Araoz of Albacete said in an in­ food bills, at the cost of· over­ work in 1963 earned, as his total working and underpaying human terview here. He said "very se­ )'ears wages, $868. Of this beings. We choose to pay the rious questions are involved ill amount, $657 was derived from prices necessary to support all . proposing the question of reli­ farm jobs and $211 from a few adequate wage." l:ious freedom in the Church."

Favor Lows to Alleviate Farm Lab'orers' Plight


Buzzards Bay



$100 Mrs. Thomas lVlanning $50 Rev. Bernard F. Sullivan Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. William Fountain $30 Mr. & Mrs. Homer L. Simmons Mrs. Charles C. Valentine $25 Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Butta Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Drane John H. Drane Mrs. Mary Ferreira & family Mr. & Mrs. William V. Flah­ erty Loretta Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGrane Mrs. Raymond Shea Mr. & Mrs. Chester Vota George Yelle $20 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bryant, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Clegg, Mr. &: Mrs. Charles Wichland, Sr. $18 Mrs. Joseph Russell $15 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Arena, Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Berube, Mrs. Joseph P. Bartley, Mr. & Mrs. James Carney, Mr. & Mrs. Don­ ald Dion Donald Garrity, Marguerite Garrity, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Pre­ court, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roch­ ford, Mary E. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Judson Stafford, Mrs. Perry Sullivan, Mrs. Ger­ trude Sutcliffe, Manuel Vital, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Paradis

$50 Bishop Feehan Council No. un K of C Bourne, Mass. Tommy's Oil Service


$125 A Friend

$50 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Archi­ bald Mr. & Mrs. Hobie Tompkins St. Vincent De Paul Society $30 A Friend $25 Chatham Trust Co. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Marches­ sault Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Albert Kolodzik Richard Griffin $15 Mr. & Mrs. James H. Andrews, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Corrigan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ericon, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Florian, Mr. & Mrs. John Gilrein Mr. & Mrs. Godfrey Forgeron, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hanlon, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Nolan, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Proctor, Mr. & Mrs. George Sullivan

Westport ST. GEORGE $450

Rev. Lorenzo H. Morais $100 Potter's Funeral Service $50 Emett Almond Edwin Smith John F. Ward $25 Walter Filipek Alice Harrison Edmund Kelley Richard Munroe Jeel D. Sunderland Joseph Vieira $20 Mr. & Mrs. David H. Butler Armand Gamache James J. McMahon Jacob Strunk $15 Joseph Bono, Ronald Carreiro, Manuel DosVais, Gilbert R. Dutilly, Oliver Fitzgerald Herbert E. Foisy, Samuel B. Ford, James A. Hanrahan, Rich­ ard Harrington, Karol Kawa Aurele Ledoux, Michael O'Grady, Daniel 'Ring, John 1.. Robinson, William Rodgers Safeway Market, Gustave Senechal, Joaquim Silva, An­ thony Sylvia, George J. Thomas. Frederick ThompsoJl


Thurs., May 20, 1965

Russia ns Visit

Irish Shrines


Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ward $30 The O'Connell Family Mr. & Mrs. John Bosnengo Mr. & Mrs. Maurice R. Savage $25



Town Club


Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sanford, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Wills, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Biagiotti, Robert W. MacDonald, The White Rabbit $15 Mr. & Mrs.' Harold Marston, Red Wood Motel Inc., Mr. &­ Mrs. James P. Walsh, Jeff & Irene Krunrime, Capt. & Mrs. Raymond Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dunbury, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Reynolds, Mr. It Mrs. 'Roland Tremblay Capt. Harris Fish Market, Mr. &: Mrs. John Gray, Mr. & Mrs. J"seph Ehman

Mattapoisett ST. ANTHONY

$75 Louise Dupre $25 Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Bedard-" Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pimental $15 Mr. & Mrs. Victor Demski, Mil". & Mrs. Paul Mullaney, Mr. & Mrs. William Duggan, Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie Price; Alberta Sil­ veira Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Peccini, Mr. &: 'Mrs. Peter 'Wayner, Roy W. Lynch

'Asks Argentines For Solidarity BUENOS AIRES (NC)-An-. tonio Cardinal Caggiano has asked the men of Argentina to set aside their differences and work together for the common good in a union based on Chris­ tian charity. The cardinal's talk came at a flme when disputes between la­ bor and management were in­ creasing in Argentina. He told the men that national unity de­ pends on their own moral con­ sciences as much as on the cen­ tral government. "I do not intend to launch ac­ cusations," he said. "However ••. our people have been har­ assed too long by unemployment, infiation and a rapid rise in prices. Strikes already have be­ come chronic and some' of them are obviously damaging interests to such a degree that the high ideals of the country have been hurt seriously."

Duquesne Honors

Indian Educator

PITTSBURGH (NC) - Du­ quesne University has awarded an honorary doctorate of laws to the president of the Univer­ sity of Bombay, India, in recog­ nition of special courtesies ex­ tended by his university to the International Eucharistic Con­ gress last December. G. D. Parikh also was cited foe his cooperation over the years with Catholic educational efforts in India. The degree, awarded in' absentia, was for­ warded to India. for preS$ltation there by a church official.

Honor Durante CHICAGO (NC)-Tbe Notre Dame Club of Chicago presented its 1965 Decency in Entertain­ ment award to Jimmy_Durante, 72, stage,' screen, and TV come­ dian. Durante came here with Eddie Jackson, his partner since 1916; George Finley, his pianist; and the rest of his troupe, and performed at the club's 42nd annual Universal Notre Dame Ilight.


AUDIENCE WITH POPE: New Superior General of the Xaverian BroUters, Brother Thomas More, C.F.X., of Baltimore, Md., was received in audience by Pope Paul VI after his recent election in Rome by the general chapter of the Brothers of St. Francis Xavier. NC Photo.

DUBLIN (NC) - Members of the Legion of Mary, who among their many activities delight in conducting tourists to the Cath­ olic shrines of Ireland, had the opportunity to guide some Rus­ si1ln visitors for the first time. A group of Russian delegates attending the Spring meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union here were taken on an afternoon motor tour by the legionaries.' At Drogheda they visited St. Peter's church where they were shown the enshrined head of Blessed Oliver Plunket, the mar­ tyred Archbishop Primate of Armagh who was executed in London's Tyburn Hill in 1681. They also visited places of in­ terest in County Louth, includ­ ing Monasterboice, an early mo­ nastic site celebrated for its high crosses and its famous Round Tower, built about 789.

Quebec Housing Problem Grave

QUEBEC (NC)-Quebec city'. housing problem is of immediate and top concern, Maurice Car­ dinal Roy has warned. Commenting on a recent sur­

vey that showed 42 per cent of

the city's population living in

legal hourly wage." Massachu­ slum or inadequate quarters,

setts law fixes the minimum Cardinal Roy said such a situa­

wage at $1.25 an hour. He said tion opens the way to juvenile employers provide living quar­ delinquency and moral and s0­ ters for the workers and explain' , cial decadence. that the lower wage is the l'lilsult, He told Quebec business lead­ ers that action must be taken'to of this concession. assure that people have housing

Father Cameron said he found five workers, in one instance, worthy of civilized human be­ ings. living in a one-room dwelling. The cardinal said it is not just He said the language barrier a question of new homes, bllt contributes largely to the bad also of adequate space. The conditions. house can be new, he said, but if there is one family per room rather than one family per house,

a slum results automatically.

Says Workers Exploited Priest Charges Puerto Rican Laborers In Boston Area Underpaid BOSTON (NC) - Puerto Rican laborers in the Boston area are being "woefully under­ paid and subjected to deliberate exploitation" a priest, who works among them charged here. Father Frederic M. Cameron, who spent six years as a mis­ sionary in South America, was

recalled by Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston, and assigned to work among Puerto Rican im­ migrants here. Father Cameron s aid he learned the workers get only 68 to 65 cents an hour and often work a 65-hour week. He added:

''They are living in ghettoes characterized by substandard housing and unsanitary condi­ tions." Many Puerto Ricans are em­ ployed by nurserymen and greenhouse operators and "de­ spite the minimum wage laws they pay these men less than the

Catholic Heads Dutch Party , AMSTERDAM (NC)-Eleven years after the Dutch bishops urged Catholics not to join this country's socialist Labor party, a Catholic has been named as its chairman. But reflecting the change in the hierarchy's opinion over the past decade, the appointment has been accepted without Church criticism. Some Catholic news­ papers have published inter­ views with the Labor party's new head, Jeans Tans. In their joint pastoral letter of May I, 1954, the bishops called on Catholics not to become mem­ bers of the Labor party but did not specifically forbid them to . join. All of the bishops who signed the statement but one, Bernard Cardinal Alfrink of Utrecht, are now dead or retired. In recent years the attitude of '

their successors has changed s@

greatly that Bishop Willem

B e k k e r s of 's-Hertogenbosch

wrote an article for a Labor

party magazine.

Set Consecration GREENSBURG (NC)-Bishop­ designate Cyril J. Vogel of Salina, Kan., will be consecrated in Blessed Sacrament cathedral here in Pennsylvania Thursday, June 17. The 60-year-old prelate will be enthroned in Sacred Heart cathedral in Salina on June 25.

Says Race Crisis Affects Religion

CHARLESTON (NC)-Racial events of the past 28 months have deeply affected the role of the religious community in race relations, Mathew Ahmann, ex­ ecutive director of the National Catholic Conference for Inter­

racial Justice, said here.

He delivered the keynote ad­ dress at a two-day West Virginia Conference on Religion and Ra,ce attended by over 300 per­ sons. Ahmann said that "religious efforts to secure interracial jus­ tice generally follow the Negro initiative, rather than appear side-by-side or integrated with it, with one exception, and all of us can thank God for that, the forceful role of the Negro min­ istry." "We hope, pray, and must work for a more radical response on the part of ourselves and re­ ligious groups," he said. "We must work for an effective join­ ing in the demand for justice now, and for those efforts so necessary to demonstrate to our constituencies the need to prac­ tice all the dicta of our faith."


Write or Phone 672-1322,

234 Second Street - Fall River

famous for







OSborne 3-7710



THE ANCHn~-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 20, 1965

MOJnsfieid ST. MARY

$750 Rev. Edward L. O'Brien

$150 St. Vincent de Paul Confer­ ence Friend

$100 Friend Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Farrell

$75 Rev. James F. Kclley $50 In Memory Fr. Thomas Elliot Friend Friend In Memory Fr. Hugh B. Har­ old Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Flynn Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Ockert Mr. & Mrs. Robert Currivan The Donoghue Family

$40 Mr. & Mrs. Orlando Souza

Patrick Lonergan Mr. & Mrs. James Roach, The McIntyre Family, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Smith, Friend, Friend Miss Carrie DePrizio, Leo Markt, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ferrara, Mrs. Emma Pascucci. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Proteau Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Carbonetti, Mr. & Mrs. Bradley G. Dauphi­ nee, Gail Dauphinee, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Remillard, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Sarro Friend, Mary Fan Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Precourt; Mrs. Rochina Cavallo & Family

$30 Friend Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Britton The O'Malley Family Friend Friend

$25 The Misses Dion Mr. & Mrs. Ralp\'l Sarro Dr. & Mrs. Philip Sibilia Mr. & Mrs. Leo Parente Mr. & Mrs. Lee K. Kingsbury Mr. & Mrs. John Dunn Friend Mr. & Mrs. William J. Haynes Peter Provost Dr. & Mrs. Charles Colella Friend Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ritz ,Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lovely

$20 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kuzdzol Mr. & Mrs. John Casey Friend Mr. & Mrs. Albert Johnson Friend Mr. & Mrs. John Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sullivan Mrs. Raymond DeWall Mr. & Mrs. Edward Guillette Friend The Fales Family $11. , Mr. & Mrs. Edward Chace

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Sarro Jr., Carl Garolfano, Mr. & Mrs,. John Currivtan Faria Family, Mr. & Mrs. JohnPaioni, Friend Friend, Mrs. 'A. Ragno & Grace Ragno, Friend"Mr. & Mrs. Louis Antosca Mr.' & Mrs. James Bent, Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. BO)'dEm, Mr. & Mrs. Viocenz6 Capone & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Carpeno, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Clement Virginia Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davis, Mr. & Mrs. David Falotico, Mr. & Mrs. George Farnam, Mr. & Mrs. William Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Paul Follett, Mrs. Arin Gibbons & Mary, Mr. & Mrs.. Roy .Hagerty, Mr. & Mrs: Flemming Hopper, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Albert Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. James Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Howard McRaie, Mrs. Maude O'Brien,Eva Salachi Mr. & Mrs. Joseph LaMarre, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sheldon, John'Hanlon, Mr & Mrs. Frank Prohodsky, Kathleen Flynn Mrs. Sidney Arnold, Mr. & Mrs. James Breen Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Deltano, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fernandes, Mr. & Mrs. Edward, Kane, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Kuplast, Mr. & Mrs. Caleb Maher Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Pellegrini, Miss Rosemary Uva, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Werner, Mr. & Mrs. Al­ bert Zaffini, Mr. & Mrs. Al­ phonse Avallone Friend, Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kane, Mr. & Mrs. Ben­ jamin Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DeFaria Mr. & Mrs. Gilio Funari, Mrs. James Hindman, Mr. & Mrs. Theode>re Cunf'), Mr. & Mrs. JOlleph Souza Jr.; Mr. & Mrs.



$150 Corpus Christi-St. Theresa's Conference, Society of St. Vin­ cent DePaul Mr. & Mrs. George E. Towers

$35 Mr. & Mrs. William Morton

Mrs. Herbert Barrett, Mr. & Mrs. Dale Hill Mr. & Mrs. John Lowney, Mr. & Mrs. John Alves, Mrs. C. Jo­ seph Nowak, Millard Monteiro, Cromessett Tribe of Redmen No.

$100 C. R. Berube, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. John R Greenhalgh Mr. & Mrs. John McDonald


William Doyle


:Robert Ellis



Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Caron Mary & Freeman Hebert Mr. & Mrs. Robert· B. Ken­ medy

. $25 .John Carafoli Corpus Christi-St. Theresa's Ladies Guild Peter F. Costello Mrs. 1\.. Cleveland Jones Marie Lawlor St. John's Women's Guild Mrs. Harry A. Walker Anonymous


Mrs. Jeannette Wright

$20 Lawrence Cleare, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo J. DiModica, Mr. & Mrs. Fred O. Earle, Jr., Peter Fernan­ des, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Herbert A. Hamlen Mr. & Mrs. Edward Shay, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Sprague Spooner, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Reyholds, Anonymous

.$18 Mr. &

Mrs. Walter LaBelle

$15 Edward J. Bailot, Mr. & Mrs. , .J. W. Bettley, Mrs. Marie Barry, Mr. & Mrs. James 'A. Bazzinotti, Anna J. Boido Mary Carafoli, Mr. & Mrs. Henry H., Clonts, Hugo Coppi, ' Mr. & Mrs. Dante Cremonini, Mrs. Marie E. Dalton Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dunlavey, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dvorski; Mrs. Ralph Emerson, Grace Felmann, R.N., Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gian­ feranti Mr. & Mrs. Amedio G6nella, Mr. & Mrs. William Hern, Mrs. ~ay Higgins, Mr. & Mrs. Rob­ ert E. Hinds, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Jacinto Mr. & Mrs, Kilmer Joyce, Mr'.

& Mrs. Robert K. King, Mr. &

Mrs. Edwin Kobeski, Mrs. Lucy

LeBlanc, Mr. & Mrs, Earl Mac­


. Mr. & Mrs. John A. MacQuade,

In memory of William A., Ellen

F. & Michael McLaughlin, Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. McCann, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Michael McNamara, ' Monument Beach Liquor Store Mr. & Mrs. Frederick V. Nu­

gent, Panorama Motor Lodge,

Edward Parent, Jr., Mr. & Mrs.

Fred Passaro, Mr. & Mrs. George


Mrs. Helen M. Perkins, Ben­

jamin Reese, Mr. & Mrs. Nestor

Robidou, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph

Sorenti, Mr. & Mrs. Francis T.


Mr. & Mrs. Frank Tiernan,

Mr. & Mrs. Tello Tontini, Mrs.'

Herbert Watson, Mr. & Mrs.

Charles F. Williams

BENEFIT FOR HOLY CROSS FATHERS: Rehearsing for the "Twenty Third Skidoo" revue that will be presented' at Keith Jr. High School, New Bedford, on Sunday evening; at 8:30, for the benefit of the Holy Cross Fathers, Tucker Road, So. Dartmouth. Left to right, Mrs. Anthony Mello, Ralph J. Buccafusco, musical director; Mrs. Donald R. Sul­ livan, accompanist.

Ocean Grove




$500 Rt. Rev. Joseph A. Cournoyer

$200 A Friend

$75 Rev.. Richard P. Demers



Mr. & Mrs. William C. O'Neil $40 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Brophy

$30 Mr. & Mrs. Francis McGQnagle Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pettine

$25 Mr. & Mrs. George Bedard Mr. & Mrs. John Farias Jr. :Mr. & Mrs. Donald Harding Mrs. Annette Lacroix Mr. & Mrs. Francis Remy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rodth

$20 Mr. Mr. Mr. , Mr.


& & & &

Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.

Daniel Cahill Frank Gallery Joseph Hargraves Charles Williams


Flora Morin, Edward Mulvey Theresa Arnold, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Arsenault, Mr. & Mrs. George Belmore, ·Mr. & Mrs. Albert Berard Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bernardo, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Carr, Mr. & Mrs.' Edward Conforti, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Crane, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Curt Mr. & Mrs. Billy Dolin, Mr. & Mrs. John Duclos, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flannery, Mr. & Mrs'­ William Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Geary Annette R. Lacroix, Mr. & 'Mrs. Gerald Lamontagne, Mr'. & Mrs. James Luddy Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mailloux, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Malone Mr. & Mrs. Edward Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Masse, Mr. & Mrs. James B. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Nadeau, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Neveu Mr. & Mrs. Donald Neville, Mr. & Mrs. William Pelletier, Mrs. Edward Perrault, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Reid, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. .Ripandi Mr. & Mrs. John Segin, Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. John Szuba,' Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Troy, Mr. & Mrs. John Tunney May Vigeant, Mr. & Mrs. Al­ bert Viens, Mrs. Joseph Wilson

$100 Fat her Callahan Council, Knights of Columbus No. 4139

Mr. & Mrs. Milton Laycock, Frances Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. George Conroy, Raymond Fava, Mr. & Mrs. Egidio Monteiro Mr. & Mrs. Epifanio Jorge, Mr. & Mrs. William Nolan, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Westgate, Philip Yeager, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Yea­ ger Mr. & Mrs. George Barrett, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Agneus Veiga, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pezzoli, Mrs. Odette Spa­ dafora Mr. & Mrs. John Piepiora, Mr.. & Mrs Thomas Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Veiga, Mr. & Mrs. Robert O'Brien, Mrs. Agnes Francis Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Valle~ Sarah McLaughlin, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Von Mello, Mrs. Annie Smith & Harry Smith, Mr. & Mrs. George Champigny Mr. & Mrs. Edmond McCarthy., Mr. & Mrs. James Ingham, Mr. & Mrs. George Bentley, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Graca, Mr. & Mrs. John Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Miquel Campinha. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Beneduci, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rose Mr. & Mrs. Walter Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sullivan Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Greene, Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Bigham,.Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Arthur Collins Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kendrigall. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Nault, Achille Govoni, Mr. & Mrs Louis Galovotti, Mr. & Mrs. William Rogers Jr. Wareham Lodgf. of Elks 1548, Mr. & Mrs. Courtney DeBlois, Mr. & Mrs. Damon Hatch


$75 Rev. John J. Smith

$50 Mr. & Mrs. James CO,llroy Mrs. Georgianna Wing Mr. & Mrs. John MacNeil ' Isabelle Cumming Mr. & Mrs.Theodore Baptiste

$45 J. W. Hurley Co. $35 Mrs. Mary Stott $30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Penna $25 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Krystofolski Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kiernan Mr. & Mrs, Fritz Sabbow Mr. & Mrs. Hulot Haden Mr. & Mrs. Harry Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Pappi Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Crocker St. Patrick's Circle Dr. & Mrs. Joseph 'Moore Mr. & MrS. Chester, Skinder Mr. & Mrs. Willia,m Henry, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Claude Ellis Amy Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Card Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Francis Mr. &: Mrs. George St, John $20 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hinckley, Mrs. Esther Kiernan, Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Vose,Mr. & Mrs. Fran­ cis A. Kingston, Anna & Mary Gaffney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Connor; Mr. & Mrs. Fletcher Long, John T. Galligan, Mr. & Mrs. Medio Pederzani . Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Reed, Mr. & Mrs. Adolphe Billotte, Mr. & Mrs Thomas Reidy' Jr. $15 Mr & Mrs Filenio Cardoza, Mr & Mrs. James Brogioli, Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Macomber, Mr. &.



Rev. Leo T. Sullivan


Manuel Gomes


Edward J. Murby

Mrs. Margaret Grah~

John Dooley .

Dr. Frederick Doran

$20 Gerard Plentus



$15 Barbara . O'Brien, Raymond Grandmont, Joseph Downing. Donald' Smith, 'Louis Anderson John J. McMahon, John Corr, Mrs. Doris Baran, James Avel­ lino, William H. Tobin Raymond DeBi'Uce, Edward L. Carnes Sr., William Judge, Rob­ ert J. Neas, Elmer Fuller James Coleman, William Wil­ kinson, Mrs. Eugene Heinig, James DiVincenzo, Theodore Januse



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North Easton


$300 Anonymous

$250 Rev. John J. Casey

$100 In Memory of Mrs.

Julia Buckley Denny House Nursing Home !tir. & Mrs. Charles McCarthy


St. Vincent de Paul Society Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Ber­ _ron

$85 A Friend


Vincent Galvin


Rev. John J. Steakem

$70 Mr. & Mrs. John B. Parkes $50 Rev. James F. Buckley Dr. & ,Mrs. M. DelColliano Mrs. Harry Eastman Charles Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hegarty Mrs. Francis D. Mone A Friend Mr. & Mrs. John Boyle

$45 Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Ingemi

Bryant, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Cabana, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Car­ darella Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Caswell, Bart Conroy, Mrs. Daniel J. Cosgrove, John L. Dailey, Mrs. Janet Davis Mr. & Mrs. John DeCoste, Mr. & Mrs. Charles DeFeo, Mr. & Mrs. John DePaul, William Derby, George H. DeWitt & Son Mrs. Helen Doherty, Mr. & Mr&. Francis Freeman, M. J . Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. David Gomes Mr. & Mrs. John Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. John Graca Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John F. Hall, Leo Harlow, Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Harvey III Anne Harvey, Margaret Healey, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hill, Mr. & Mrs. James Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Kent Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. King, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene King, S. Henry Kingston, William J. Lahey Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. LaRosee, Mrs. Harry S. Lawson, Mr. & Mrs. Francis LeRoy, Mr. & Mrs. Martyn Lincoln, Louis A. Lyne

North Dighton ST. JOSEPH


$75 Conley Funeral Home St. Vincent de Paul Confer­ Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bergeron . ence-St. Joseph's No. Dighton Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gallagher $50 $35 St. Joseph's Women's Guild of Mr. & Mrs. William Condon North Dighton Mr. & Mrs. Leo Schleicher Rev. Martin .L. Buote


Helen Derby

Mrs. Hebert L. Everett

Mr. & Mrs. John Pilz

$25 Mr. & Mrs. James Antosca Mr. & Mrs. Louis Beretta Mr. & Mrs. Alan Lee Blackwen Mr. & Mrs. Ross J. Bridge . Miss M. Rita Burke & A. C. Loud George Copeland Clement Coughlin Edward Coughlin Mr. & Mrs. James Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gentile. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Harlow Alice Harvey Catherine Harvey Grace Harvey Kathryn Healey Dr. & Mrs. Walter Judge Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kairys Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lenne,. Dr. & Mrs. James F.·McCourt Merrymac's Mr. & Mrs. James D. Mullen

111'. Mary Nolan Mrs. Jennie Overton Frank Ready A Friend A Friend Christopher Brophy Mr. & Mrs. Paul Brophy Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. DowneJ' Mr. & Mrs. F. Murphy Sr. Frederick Murphy Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Puglles1 Michael J. Walsh $20 Mr. & Mrs. John Barry Mrs. Roger C. Blake Mr. & Mrs. John H. Cadegan Mr. & Mrs. George A. Carter

h. Marguerite Carter Mary Delgado Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Desmond Catherine Q. Dineen Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzgibbons Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Geldart Greyhound Package Store Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Harvey Jr. Mary Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Richard McNamara Mr. & Mrs. John Marsban Hugh J. O'Brien Mrs. Isabelle Somerville & Barry Somerville Helen M. Sprague James M. Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Albert Giordano Mr. & Mrs. Edward McParland David Varella

$11 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Gomes SJ,5

Anthony Albo, Mr. • Mrs. Paul Bissett, Mr. " lIIIrs. ~


Thurs., May 20, 1965


. PADRE PIO: The famed Capuchin stigmatic, almost 78, has been unable to offer Mass publicly since Easter. As the charismatic monk lies sick, crowds fill the monastery daily praying for his recovery. NC Photo.


Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Mastro­ marino

$500 . , Mr. & Mrs. Larry Newman $150 ' The Misses Shea



John & Dorothea Silva


Holy Name Society of st. Joseph's of North Dighton Walter Scanlon Henry S. Conaty

$20 Robert Turner, Mr. • Mrs. Roger Turner Leo T. Pivirotto Norman LaFrance $15 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Germano Matheus, Mr. & Mrs. William Callahan, Mr. & Mrs. John Lane Mr. & Mrs. Filbert Torres, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Coelho. Lillian Pivirotto, Harold J. Roberts, Robert Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Leo D. McEvoy, Andrew McMenamy, Mr. & Mrs. Francis McNamara, Mr. & lIIIrs. David Magner, Mr. & Mrs. Fran­ cis Mahoney . Mr. & Mrs. Fred Mahoney, Mrs. Juliette Mathewson, Mr. & . Mrs. James D. Mullen Jr., .Mr. & Mrs. John O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Philip O'Connell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Porcaro, Mr. & Mrs. John Reardon; Leroy Robert, Mr. & Mrs. C. C. Roden­ bush, Mr. & Mrs. Albert D. Roy Mr. & Mrs. John Ruggles, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. William Simonson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stone, Mr. & Mrs. S. Joseph Stone Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Stornante, Agnes Sweeney, Mary Sweeney, Mr. & Mrs. John Wallent, Mr. & Mrs. J. Donald Amirault Mr. & Mrs. Carmin Ando, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cardosa, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Forman, Mr, & Mrs. John Gonsalves Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Gouveia, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Howard, Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. Lesh, Mr. & Mrs. William Lupic~, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ liam McAndrews Mr. & Mrs. Edmund McKin­ non, J. A. Meehan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moran, Mr. & Mrs. John E. Murphy Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Har­ old Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Ernest R. Olson, Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Owens, Mr. & Martin Rossiter, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Silva Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro Souza, Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. John Sylvia, Mrs. Denise Todd, Mrs. John Toomey; Mr. & Mrs. Francis Welch, Mr. & Mrs•. :Francia Wilde

Rev. Thomas J. Harrington Mrs. Hilda Barfoot Mr. & Mrs_Adolphe Richards Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martin St. Francis Xavier Parish Guild Mr. & Mrs. James Hobart The Misses Gregg $75 Mr. & Mrs. John Curley

$60 Mr. & Mrs'. David SteveD8 $50 joseph Beecher Mr.. & Mrs. Ralph Ames Bishop Wm. Tyler General . Assembly-K. of C. Mrs. John R. Reyb~ Edward Bennett Margaret Moran . Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Norman Barnstable C 0 un t y National Bank .. Mrs. Winifred Walsh $30 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flinn Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Clifford' Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Keane 'James Pendesrgast Mr. & Mrs. Earl Fratus Eleanor Resmini Mr. & Mrs. Harry Varnum Mr. & Mrs. John Vetorino Mr. & Mrs. William Cotter

Mrs. Francis Dolan. . Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sylvester, Mr. & Mrs. John E. Mitchell, 'Harriett Butler, Mr. &' Mrs. Francis Aylmer, T. W. Lemane Dr. & Mrs. James Dunne, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Richard; ·Mr. & Mrs. Daniel FranciscO, ·Mr. & Mrs. Emile Guertin, John Medei­ ros Mr. & Mrs. Cosmo Montagna, Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Morrissey Mr. & Mrs. Irving Morrissey, Mr. & Mrs. John Forte, John F. Vet­ orino, George E. Archiald Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. George Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Chambers, Elizabeth Brussil, William O'Neil George Ingo•. Mr. & Mrs. Henry F. Burns

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Olkkola, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cobb, Mr. " Mrs. Manuel Reis; Mr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Hull, Mr. & Mrs. George McNulty Mr. & Mrs. James Lynch, Mr• • Mrs. John McKeon, Mrs. Mary Rogean, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Dlas, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Auger Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. A. Milan O'neil, Mr. & Mi's. Manuel Amaral, Cecelia Haskins, Mr. & Mrs. David L. McCarthy

Mr. & Mrs. Victor Woodruff, Constance Fortune, E d m u n d Daly, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dumont & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Louis St. Peter, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Trocchi, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Bennett, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mather, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Chase Mr. & Mrs. John Baldasaro. Mr. & Mrs. John Hargrove, Mrs. Edith Terry, Mrs. Amelia Fran­ cis, Mrs. Joseph Costello Charles McGrath, Mrs. Arthur Fisher, The Muldowney Family. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Thome, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Piknik Eileen Santry, Mrs Mary San­ try, Mrs. Katherine Lycett, Ce­ celia O'Rourke, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Clement, Arthur Poirier Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hall:"lran, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Barry, Mr. & Mrs. John McCaul, HeJ'bert G. Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Goorge Brouillette Mrs. Hobart Morin. Mr. & Mrs. Simon Miller, Mr. & Mrs. .l·ohn Quealey. Mr. & Mrs. Galrge Connell , Alice Godin, Agnes O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. William Ormsby, William Davis, Mrs. Norma Barter Mrs. Alice Niedzwecki, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Viera, Mr. &: Mrs. William Sullivan, Richard F. Murphy, Thomas· J. Kenneally Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Catrns. Jr.. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Peck, Mr. . & Mrs. George Rowe, Mi. " Mrs. William Bill


$200 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony TerIJak $100

Rev. John P. Cronin

A. Gertrude Gould Mr. & Mrs. Marianno Re-Len­ des $50 Marguerite Gould Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Terpak $45

McHale Family $30 Mr. &; Mrs. Edward Thompson . Mr. &; Mrs. Benoit Ch~land $~

Mr. & Mrs. James Wood. $15 Mr. & Mr. & Helena Neville,

Mrs. Joseph Callaghan, Mrs. Joseph Carroll, V. Gould, Mrs. Lloyd Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Robert. Mrs. Louis Kaminski, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred St. Yves, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nacaula, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Benevides


$25 Mr. & Mrs. Austin Ben Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Rioux Mr. & Mrs. John Barrows Mr. & Mrs. Charles Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Robert O'Donnell Mr. & Mrs. John L. Sullivan Raymond Bednark Father McSwiney Circle No. 513-D of I Louis J. Sault Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bouchard Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Tobin Mary A. McGarry . Mrs. Winthraop Quinlan Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Coute Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ryan Anthony C. White Mr. & Mrs. Charles Coyle Robert D. Coten James Crawford, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Golen­ ski Mr. & Mrs. George Soutlere Mrs. Joseph Keane Mrs. Joseph Keane Mr. & Mrs; William Mather Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bonney $20 Mr. & Mrs. John J. McCon­ nell, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Mc­ Carty, William Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Mossey, Mr. "




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Children Respond to Appeal

South Dartmouth ST. MARY $500 Rev. Arthur G. Considine $200 Mr. & Mrs. George St. Aubin Mr. & Mrs. Owen F. Hackett $105 The Silveira Family $100 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Brady Mr. & Mrs. Fred DeCristofowo $75 Rev. John J. Magnani John J. Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Carl Giordano $60

Mr. & Mrs'. John J. Smith


Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hemin... "ay, Jr. Mrs. William Loughlin $30 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Travers Dr. & Mrs. Johr., Machado Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Quina Mr. & Mrs. Armand P. Bro­ _ur $25 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Colemu Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Maher Mr. & Mrs. James Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Walter Martin Mr. & Mrs. Armand Borges Mr. & Mrs. John DeMello ~. Alice Sheerin :Mary E. Sheerin $20 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Singleton, Dr. & Mrs. George Gendron, Mr. & Mrs. William A. MUrPhy, Mr. • Mrs. Valmore Dubreuil, Judge & Mrs. August Taveira Mr. & Mrs. Charles Murray Mr. & Mrs. Harry O'Neill, Dr. It Mrs. Luke McCrohan, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Menard $15 Helen Gamble, Margaret Gam· ble, Mrs. Hazid Conkling, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Hayes, Thomas M. Quinn, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy Horan, Mr. & Mrs. Alfl:'ed Deschenes, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Santos, Mary B. Gracia, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Wyatt Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Daniels, Mrs. Guilhermina Pinheiro, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Zerbonne, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Rosaire SUrPre· nant, Bertrand F. LaForest, Mrs. Helen Collopy, Mrs. Thomas Greene, Mr. & Mrs. Simon Vi­ veiros Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ferro, Edgar Moorhouse, Mr. & Mrs. Atanley Bourgeois, Dr. & Mrs. Alvin SimI'itons,' Florence Menard Mrs. Victor Ladetto Mr. & Mrs. William Woodhotse, Jr., :Mr. & Mrs. Z. Walter Janiak, Rosemary Quinn . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bolton, Mr. & Mrs. David BraSsells, Mrs. Theresa McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mendonca, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sylvia : Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mello Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Anthony Marion Freitas, Mr. & Mrs. Man· uel Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Victo· rio Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Perry Mr. & Mrs. James Cavanaugh Paul Lussier

Oak Bluffs SACRED HEART $200 Very Rev. James E. McMahQa $50 Rev. John A. Perry Holy Name Society Knights of Columbus Sacred Heart Guild $30 Alfred M. Metell Electrle III :Refrigeration $25 A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Billings Sr. $20 Mr. & Mrs. William Norton Elizabeth Sylvia $15 Mr. & Mrs. Antone J. DeBet. tencourt, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lucas


God Love You


Al's Package Store

Roland Authier

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Doyle


Corrine Fournier


Mr: & Mrs. Donald Berube

$25 Jean Britcher Mr. & Mrs. Albert K. Sylvia $20 Edwin Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Man­ uel Thomas $15 Mr. & Mrs. John Bauer, Patri­ da Brown, M. Theresa Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Henley Sr., George T. Silva

By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D. Children are often deeply touched by the poverty and hungel" of other children in the world. They have souls that are receptive to God's grace and are quickly moved to action on hearing of grave need. Letters from children come into our office telling of the many ways they earn money for the Missions. Some, who are ~ young, have their parents write for them.

South Yarmouth ST.

Pros x

$100 st. Pius X Guild $50 Clara Fitzgerald $40 Mr. & Mrs. John Crawford $25 :Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McNen Dr & Mrs Frederick RobinsOll :Matthew Steele Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Howland $20 Mr. & Mrs. George Roberta, Mrs. Rita Swenson $15 Mrs. Louis Blake, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gioiosa, Mrs. Russell Grander, Mr. & Mrs. Michale Lahiff, Margaret Lanigan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGarry, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ormon, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Ryder, Mr. & Mrs. John Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Still

Vineyard Haven ST. AUGUSTiNE


Rev. Cornelius J. O'Neil

$50 St. Augustine's Guild St. Augustine's Holy Name So­ ciety $30 R. M. Packer Co., Inc. $25 Martha's Vineyard National Bank Mrs. Esther Boyle John T. Hughes & family $15 Mr. & Mrs. Conrad G. Kurth, Harold W. Dugan, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Bryant, Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Lopes, Mrs. Deaa Swift, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C~ Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Whalen, Mr. & ~,}·s. Kenneth Hearn, Cdr. III Mrs. Daniel F. Burgo, Mrs. Ger­ trude C. Matz

Wellfleet OUR LADY OF LOURDES $100

A Friend

A Friend

A Friend


Ernest C. Tesson


Rita M. Rose

Wilfred Rogers, Fr.

Thomas Gray


Albert M. Rose

Elmer Silva

$20 Arthur Silva, William J. Gill, Norman F. Rose, John J. Kelley, Fr., Doherty Family Mr. & Mrs. George Williams, Joseph Roderick $15 John Cyzoski, Robert Dutra, John J. Thomas, Peter Morris, Arthur F. Joseph Francis Howard, Louise D. Fratus, Francis Mooney, Thomas A. Kane, Terence Kane, Lawrence E. Cardinal, John Doucette, Ernest Rose, Alfred Rose. Ronald Thureson Clifford De Lory, John Sher· win, Clarence Berrio, Jeanne Eell, Joseph Remy John Berrio, Emerson Snow, Paul Lussier

FIRST: Brother Herman E. Zaccarelli, C.S.C. Director of the Food Research Center for Catholic Institutions at No. Easton is the first Re­ ligious Brother to be elected to membership in the Society for the Advancemtnt of Food Service Research according to an announcement by Wal­ ter B. Kirk, president of the . Society, from Cleveland.

Osterville ASSUMPTION $100 St. Vincent DePaul Society Mr. & Mrs. Frank Shea

$75 Ronald A. Tosti $50 Our Lady of the Assumption Guild Mr. & Mrs. John Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. John F. Shields Mr. & Mrs. Philip Boudreau $35 Mrs. Preston Wright $30 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Butler Mr. & Mrs Paul Snyder ~v.


Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy Zilpha Wright Mr. & Mrs. William Dacey Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Gilligan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shields The Cotter Family Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. Donald Coombe Mr. & Mrs. James Lebel Mr. & Mrs. Sherwood Ton­ dorff Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hartigan Mrs. Mary O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Callah8ll D Mr. & Mrs. Charles CammeU $20 Mr. & Mrs. Pius Rooney, Mr. , & Mrs. John Pina, Margaret Hansberry, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mason, Mr. & Mrs. Jamea Shields Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hassel­ brack, Thomas Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. John Botelho, Mr. & Mrs. Henry LaBute, Mr. & Mrs. Crawford Hollidge, Lillian Col· lins $15 . Mr. & Mi's. Peter Fermino, Mr. ' & Mrs. Richard LeClair, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Duarte. Mr. & Mrs. ' Walter Butler, Marie Bruton Mr. & Mrs. William Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Payson Jones Jr., Mi'. & Mrs. Paul Cote. Mr. & Mrs. Ed· ward Crosby Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Flynn. Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Perry. Mr. & Mrs. Victor Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Jo­ seph Daniel, Dr. & Mrs. Walter McDonough Mr. & Mrs. A. S. Mathis, Mr. & Mrs. Shirley Crosby, Mr. & Mrs. William Carpenter, Brian Jones, Mr. & Mrs. John Rosa Mr. & Mrs. John Nathan, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Maxwell

One mother wrote to us that her seven-year-old daughte1' would rarely finish her dinner. and when told that there were many starving children in the world who would LOVE to eat it, she answered: "I'U bet!" Then she saw a picture of a starving child in the January-February issue of MISSION. From that moment she has been anxious to send all her sacrifices to the needy. It is not unusual to receive letters such as this. The dis­ tress of other children with open run­ ning sores, painfully bare ribs, who live in shacks or nowhere at all, inspires gifts of "all my allowance," "everything I have been saving up" or "IIl7 birthday money." A nine-year-old girl who wears braces and suffers much :frt8 a back atfliction sent $1.30 for ehildren who suffer more than she because of hunger. Another writes, "I don't get an allowance, .. whenever I want to go to a movie or something, I have to walt a long time until I can save enough. But I know that helping G~ poor is better than a movie any day-so here are my savings!"' How many children are there who will answer our appeal to help their brothers and sisters in poor mission lands and inspire their parents to be mindful of the hungry of the 'World? GOD LOVE YOU to M.L. lor $1 "This Is from my papn route. It is for ~hose who canno~ earn money as I can." . . . . . B.W. and Steven for $1 "My younger brother, Stevie, and I haw been saving pennies for quite awhile to ge~ Just one dollaL Stevie is only six and he has been very unselfish for a little one. He and I hope ~his will help Some poor child." Now is the time to plan ahead for a special Father's DBl'. birthday, anniversary, bridal or ordination gift. The POWER 0" LOVE, Bishop Sheen's latest book, is available in both paperback and a deluxe slipcased hardbound edition. Based on His Excellen­ cy's nationally syndicated column and including material never published before, THE POWER OF LOVE shows how love belongs in every major area of our lives; how it can give us direction in the complexities and distractions of our time. This will be an i:m­ portant contribution to your daily life and the lives of all to whom you give it-Catholic and non-Catholic alike. It is available for $.60 in paperback; $3.50 hardbound, by writing the Order Depart. ment of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10001.

it to

Cu~ out this eolumn, pin your sacrifice to It and mail Mos~ Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Society

for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10001, or to your Diocesan Director, RL Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. ConsldlDe

368 North Main S~reet

Fall River, Massachusetts



24-Hour Wrecker Service. 653 Washington Street, Fairhaven WYman 4-5058


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Thurs., May 20, 1965




$30 Mr. & Mrs. Earl J. Diu Mr. & Mrs. William 't'ucket .



. Mr. & Mrs. Arlindo Dias, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Earle M. Larkin $15 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Allard, Mrs. Ann Avila, Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel



Wood Lumber Co.,. Ine.


Windjammer Restaurant

$50 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Barabe Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Miskell,

Barboza, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Caron, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Chris­


Mr. & Mrs. Francis Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Cousineau, Mr. & Mrs. Arlindo Dias Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gonsalves Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Keary Mr. & Mrs. John E. Lima Jr.,. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Morris, Mr. .Mrs. Paul Murray, Mr. &.Mrs.. Joseph Rezendes, Mr. & MrS. Norman Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sylvia, Mr. &; Mrs. Robert C. Wood, Ji., Mr. & Mrs. A. Amond Allain, Mr..& . Mrs. Edward Allaire, Mr. &·Mrs. Raymond Barton Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Costa, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Demariche~ Mr. & Mrs. John J. Dia&, Mr. & Mrs. James Donnelly, Mr & Mrs. Al­ bert Figueiredo . Mrs. Dorothy Fitzgerald, John Fragata. Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro Gar­ ganta, Mr. & Mrs. Jean P. Gobeil. 'Marlon Hutchinson . .. . Mr. & Mrs. Fred J'on~ Mr. &; Mrs. William Machado, Isabelle Maior, Mr. & Mrs. Armand J. Nolette, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund L. Paiva 'Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Pare,

Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Spooner



Mr. & Mrs. Mathew Hart

$15 . Mrs. Antone Costa,

Mr. & Frank Costa, Peter Rego & Fam­ ily, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Labrie, Mr & Mrs. Donald Brazil Mr. & Mrs. Leo Grennon, Dor­

othy Machado. Mr.. &: Mrs. Orient Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. John Botelho

Somerset ST. JOHN OF GOD

$250 Rt. Rev. Augusto L: Furtado'



Atty. & Mrs. Francis J. Car­ reiro $23

Dr. & Mrs. Jesse Baptista Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Borges, .

Jr. $20 . Mr. & Mrs. James Rebello, Mr. ,&; Mrs. Frank V. Medeiros

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Carvalho, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Machado, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Michael, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Sardinha, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Souza ST. PATRICK $400 Rev. FranCis A. McCarthy $100 Dr. & Mrs. Roland E. Chabot Mr. & Mrs. David M. Kilroy Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Regan $75 Rev. Donald E. Bowen $50 Doris LaFrance Mrs. Grace Doolan $35 Angelo E. Flynn . $30 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Bums Carleton D. Boardman Paul C. Tessier The Dorsey Family Mr. & Mrs. John Pires, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roger LaFrance $25 Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. McNally Joseph H. Feitelberg Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Kflgrew 'Charles J. Burke Frederick T. Ormston William Moran Mary E. Judge Mrs. William Archard Mr. & Mrs. James E • .fudge Mr. & Mrs. James M. Judge Mr. & Mrs. Fernand Auclair Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. John Johnston Misses Helen & Lillian HeddI:

Jr. $30 Gilbert Arruda Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Dineen James Q. Lyons


Lawrence Kavanaugh

John S. Keohane

Romiza's Texaco Stat

J'ohn's Liquor Store

i'almouth Natiomil Bank'

'Fay's of Falmouth

. Mrs. Joseph Robbins .


Mr. & Mrs. George Chambers, Mr. & Mrs. Robert A Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Panaccione, WU~ liam Maloney, Vera's Beauty Shop. .

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Arcaro,

'. GREETS ANGLICANS: Pope Paul recently received a group of:·,sOO pilgrims, the .majority af them Anglicans, who s.topped off in Rome on their way to the Holy Land. Headed by Bishop Robert Mortimer af Exeter, the group prese~te4.to the }lope a set Of'Mass vestments made by Anglican nuns in London. Left to right, Orthodox Metro­ poiitan James, Archbishop of CrisopQIis, Pope Paul; Bishop.Mortimer; Anglican Bishops .Wilfred Westall of Crediton and Harry James Carpenter of Oxford. NC Photo. .. ...

Proper of the Mass for Fifth· Sunday after Easter INTROIT: Isae•...48,20 Declare the word of joy, and let it be heard, alleluia: declare it even to the ends of the earth; the Lord has delivered his people: alleluia, alleluia. Ps. 65, 1-2 Shout joyfully to God, all you on earth,

sing praise to the glory of his name; proclaim his glorious praise. V. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Declare the word of joy, and let it be heard, alleluia: declare it even to the emts of the earth; the Lord has delivered . his people: alleluia, alleluia.

Alleluia. V. loann. 16,28 I came forth from the Father, and have come into the world. Again, I leave the world and go to the Father. Alleluia.

OFFERTORY-Ps. 65 8·9 and 20 Bless the Lord our God, you peoples, loudly

sound his praise; he has given life to my soul,

and has not let my feet slip. Blessed be the Lord,

who refused me not my prayer. or his kindness.


COMMUNION: Ps.95,2 Sing' to the Lord,. alleluia; sing to the lord; bless his name; tinoou'nce his salvation day after .day, alleluia, alleluia.

ALLELUIA Alleluia, alleluia. V. Christ is risen, and bas shone upon us, whom he redeemed with his blood. $20

Mrs. Frank Souza, Mr. & MrS. John T. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ fred D. Talbot, Lillian 1. Hadad, Edward F. Blain, Jr. . In Memory of Dr. Leonard N. Bilodeau, Dominick Ciafardini, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Raposa Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ouellette .Mrs. Henry Munroe

John J: Ferry, Daniel·Ready, Robert P. Benevides, Mr. & ·Mrs. Charles Menard Mr. & Mrs. Leo Creamer, Mr. &- .Mrs.. John Scanlon, Armand Forand ·-Mr. & Mrs. William Barrar ST. THOMAS MORE

$75 :. Rev. William J. Shovelton


$15 .Mr. & Mrs. Edward Moran, Joseph Tinsley, JosephO. E. Noel, Jr., Annie M. Roberts, Ste­ phen J. Biello, Jr. .Christopher Geary, Jr., Alfred F. Morris, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Rezendes,· Thomas J. Gracia, Thomas F Hussey ~ymond A. McConnell, AI:­ fred L. Farrell, Mrs. Mary Gan.. non, Mr. & Mrs. Saul Strein,. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Guertin . Maurice A. Quirk, Edward Moniz, Mr. & Mrs. James E. Sul~ liven, Harold Meehan, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lopes & Family Vincent J. Riley, Mr. & Mrs. James C. Noonan, Robert Rea­ gan, Charles Fisher, Albert A. Levesque Dr. Thomas Clark, Leo ~ Bond, Mrs. Helen. McGann, Flor­ ence M. Burns, Alice C. Costello Mr. & Mrs. Robert Farrell, Eileen Coleman, Mary A. Cole­ man, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J: De­ Young,lVIrs. Charles R. Brown 'Richard Leonard, Mr: & Mrs. George Puccio, Mr. & Mrs.' Charles Carpenter, Arthur F. Cassidy, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Forest Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kuhner,

Austin J. O'Toole Ge~

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lopes, :Mr. &. Mrs. William C. O'Brien, Rob­ ert Tierney, Francis X. Levesque &; Family ~


Mrs. Robert I:,achance, .Mr. & Mrs. Albert Rousseau, Mrs. Antone Santana George Aguiar, Mr & Mrs Dan~ iel Almeda, Mr. & Mrs. John R. Cooney, Mrs. Frances L. Dewey, Mr: & Mrs. Roland Dessert Mr. & Mrs. John McManus, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Skelly

Or'ecans ST. SOAN OF ARC

$25 Edward SlDith


$15 .George S. Duffy Sr., Walter Gavin, Ray. Perreault, Richard Ronan, Wilfred .Trahan


.Mrs. Edward Kret, Mr. & Mrs. J. McKenna '. $15 Mary Eaton





$50 Walter Welsh Council, KnJghtll of Columbus ·.AnonymoUB

$30 , Mr. & Mrs. John Ferreira $25 . Mr. & Mrs. Herman DeSilva 'Catholic Daughters of America Holy Name Society


G~ndreau, Mr. &




St· Mrs.. Thomas Coffey, Ernest

$20 . Peter Flagg, Mr. &; Mrs. ard A. LaLiberte

John Brady, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Carmody, Joseph Carr, Mr.' & Mrs. Edward Carroll .. Mrs. Vernon Deane, Mr. & Mrs. John Doyle, John Gates, Joseph. Martin Jr., Mr. & Mrs. G. William McDonald, Thom~s McLean, Mrs. Josephine M. Natoli, Mr. & Mrs. Chas. P. Rus­ sell, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Webber Mr. & Mrs. Walter Buquey, Reginald Campbell, Elizabeth Crobar, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Frei­ tas, Mr. & Mrs. Myron J. Gaddis Mr. & Mrs. Romeo F. LaFond, Frank W. McCabe, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mello, Col. & Mrs. Vin­ cent Ricci, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rogers, Capt. & Mrs. Robert Rossito

Mr. & Mrs. William White Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Souza Bessie & Miriam Corea

$15 .Mr. & Mrs. Powell Murchison . Mr. & Mrs. Warren Silva .' Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Fratus

••••••••••••••••• JB :LUMBER CO.:

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Holy Name S<'ciety Ladies of Ste. Anne Sodality



24-Hour Oil Burner ServIce

Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Thibault



Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Perry


$25 Mr. & Mrs. Norman Ashley Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mat4ias

$20 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Griffin

S15 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Calisto, Mr.

640 Pleasant Street

Tel. WY 6-8271


New Bedfwd


THE ANCHORThurs., May 20, 1965

Catholic Press In Yugoslavia Is Operative BELGRADE (NC) - On Dec. 15, 1952, the Holy See protested to Yugoslavia's communist regime t hat, among many other worse repres­ sions, the Catholic press had been eradicated. The Vatican's note was returned unopened, and two days later the papal nuncia­ ture in Belgrade closed its doors at the ber..est of the Yugoslav government. Less than 13 years later Cath­ olic publications are widely cir­ eulated in Yugoslavia, and the regime has been striving to heal the. diplomatic relations it sev­ ered so abruptly. Despite the liberalization of the government's policy toward the Catholic press - and any­ thing short of the universal sup­ pression that once reigned can be called liberalization - the Catholic press in Yugoslavia works under restrictions. Chief among these is the gov­ ernment's contention that the Catholic press has no right to touch on certain moral problems which are the preserve of what Yugoslav officialdom terms "the social sector," which in practice is the state. Jesuit on Trial Tbus state authorities pre­ Yented publicatior of a "Diary of ;i' Doctor" because this book d~.~·lt with sexual problell1s from an . openly Christian. point of view.. According to the state, lIuch' problems are "biologica~" and therefore fall outside the framework" of the religIous. press. The trial in Zagreb of a Jesuit who edits the monthly Messen­ ger of the Sacred Heart is an­ other case in point. An anony­ mous article in his magazine en­ titled "The Fifth Command­ mellt" (Thou shalt not kill) con­ demned the practicr of abortion, a growing problem in Yugosla­ Yia. , Since Yugoslav law allows abortion under certain condi­ tions, this article was considered an infringement of the state's. right to make laws and enforce them. The editor was cleared by the court, but the state prosecu­ tor.. has appealed to a higher eourt. ,.

'Medical Nuns, Fall River India lJfission Club Explo ins Detaifs On Steel Statue Mark 40th Anniversaries Togetlter The India Mission Club of Fall River and the Medical ::\1ission Sisters of Philadelphia, Africa, India, Pakistan, South Vietnam and Venezuela are both approaching their 40th birthday. For all those 40 years the two have been in partnership. In Fall River, diminu­ tive Miss Amelia Standish, brisk, blue-eyed and white-haired, is the India Club's foundress. Sevel'al women who organ­ ized the once a week bridge club with her in 1925 are still faithful members. In at

least one case, the daughters of an original member is now active with the group. "We started out to help mis­ sions in India," explains Miss Standish, a member of St. Mary's Cathedral parish; "but only a few months after we began we heard about the Medical Mission Sisters. They were just begin­ nir.g, too, so we decided to con­ ~entrate on them." In 40 years the club has sent thousands of dollars to the Sis­ ters, accumulated through dues at the weekly bridge meetings and twice yea'."1y money-raising eve,nts such as whist parties and rummage sales The present trea­ surer is Mrs. Lev Menard. Sisters Visit Needless to say, the Sisters arc gr,ateful to their longstanding friends. Every year or so, two representative3 from the Phila­ delphia motherhouse make the trip to Fall River to bring club members up t<> date on commu­ nity activities. On several oc­ casions Mother Anna Dengel, foundress of the Sisters, has vhited, and recently it was the turn of Sistp.T Mary Matthew, on home leave from Pakistan, and Sister Mary' Aloysius, m. from Techiman, Ghana. The atmosphere in, the com­ forteble home ,of Atty. and Mrs. John T. Farrell of Holy Name parish, where the club met to welcome the Sisters, was tJhat of a family greeting returning daughters. It happened to be the birthday of one of the Sisters, so "Happy Birthday" was enthusiastically sung, there was a festive dinner and much picture teking. The Sisters had pictures too­ a full color film of life at Holy Family Hospital in Ghana, where Sister Mary Aloysius is a labo­ ratory technician. The showing was enlivened by Sister's des­ criptions of' the reactions of young nurses and aides depicted. "When we showed them the picture," she said', "they were so excited, and when we showed it a second timt and they knew when to expect to see themselves, they'd shout, 'Here I come! Here I come!'" Also shown 1n the picture wflS LITl'LE ROCK (N'C) - The a funeral and Sister recalled aignity of an assistant at the that as expensive "shooting time" pontifical throne was conferred of the camera technicians went by Pope Paul VI on Bishop Al­ by, Africans involved in the bert L. Fletcher of Little Rock scene palavered among them­ at the celebration here of his selves as to whether the spirits 25th anniversary as a bishop. would approve of such, goings­ James Francis Cardinal Mc­ on. It was finally decided that Intyre of Los Angeles conveyed if extra beer and schnapps were the papal honor a1 the conclu­ provided for aJl hands, the spir­ sion of a Solemn Pontifical Mass its would be appeased. of thanksgiving offered by the' In'South Viet Nam Arkansas prelate in St. Andrew's The Medioa! Mission Sisters eathedral here. The cardinal have a hospital in Qui Nhon, presided at thp Mass. South Viet ·Nam, said Sister Some 50 archbishops, bishops Milry Aloysius. Here they aid and abbots, hundred5 of priests, Religious and laity were present at the Mass. A delegation of non-Catholic clergy also attend­ ed. WASHINGTON (NC )-Sister Bishop Fletcher was feted Sunday at a public ceremony Grace Margaret, Gwynne of following :a Mass he offered in Maria Regina College in Syra­ cuse, N. Y., has been named win­ the Barton Coliseum. ner of a $1,455 award for study and travel in the Far East this Summer, it was announced here MADRID (NC) - Thousands by the Sister Formation Confer­ (If taxi drivers turned out for ence. the field Mass celebrated on the The award includes a graduate esplanade of the cathedral here fellowship for six weeks of to mark the arrival of a relic study provided by Sophia Uni­ versity in Tokyo and a tour of St. Christopher, patron saint of, travelers. Southeast Asia.

Honors Prelate O~ Jubilee

Sister Gets Award For Asia Studies

At Field Mass


VISITING FALL RIVER: It was a happy 40th birth-' day for the India Mission Club of Fall River and the Medi­ cal Mission Sisters of Philadelphia as two Sisters visited the Fall River organization. From left,. Sister Mary Mat­ thew, S.C.M.M., Sister Mary Aloysius, S.C.M.M., Miss Amelia Standish, organizer of the mission club. 'Wounded servicemen on an emer­ gency basis and an unending stream of refugees. Bombs have dropped near them, but so far the hospital has been unscathed. The two visiting Sisters made one stop in the Fall River

BrozilianMilitary Checks Governor RIO DE JANEIRO (NC)-The former governor of Pernambuco, released from prison April 20 following appeals by a group of prominent Europeans which' in­ cluded two cardinals, was sub­ jected to continued questioning' by a military board here despite' a Supreme Court ruHng that he be tried by his state legislature. Miguel Arraes, arrested on charges of procommunist activi­ ties following the military corp d'etat of April 1, 1964, had been held incommunicado until his' release. After appeals by such person­ alities as Belgium's Joseph Car­ dinal Cardijn, Switzerland's Charles Cardinal Journet, and writers Francois Mauriac and Graham Greene, the Supreme Court granted a writ of habeas corpus ordering Arraes' release. The military, which transferred. him from his prison in Recife, the Pernambuco capital, to the First Army's Santa Cruz fortress, opposite Rio, refused to release him until it was ordered to do so by President Humberto Branco.

Jews Aid Campaign NEW ORLEANS (NC) -The Jewish community here contrib­ uted $6,000 to an educational fund drive being conducted by the New Orleans archdiocese. The donation was made as a gesture of friendship 10 Arch-' bishop John P. Cody.

Diocese, staying overnight at Mt. St. Mary's Convent. They are appearing at churches and schools in an effort to in­ terest girls in the medical mis­ si',nary vocation. The commun.ity numbers some 700 Sisters, said the religious. Some are trained as doctors, nllrses and techicians before entering, but many are trained ~fter they become Sisters. They sel've seven to 10 years in a mission assignment, tJhen have home leave from six months t4l a year. Aid from the India Mission Club to the Sisters is channeled through the Diocesan office of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, whose director, Msgr. Raymond T. Considine, has d]SO attended club meetings. Children can help the Sisters too. Sister Mary Aloysius dis­ played a captivating camel bank, one of a series of six animal banks Sisters will send mis­ sion-minded children. They're available from the Medical Mis­ sion Sisters, Philadelphia 11, Pa. Every little helps as the Sisters­ and the India Mission Club­ . swing into their 41st year.


Of MotherSeton

CHARLOTTE (NC)­ Sculptor Paul Aschenbach took time out from forging a steel statue of Blessed Mother Elizabeth Anne Seton to explain some of the detail he ill striving to put into his work. "I want to set up a tension be­ tween the habit and the body,· said Aschenbach about the 8%­ foot statue he has planned. "She was an indomitable woman who fought with herself in order le submerge her will into some­ 'thing greater." The sculptor, who does all his work at the studio here in Ver­ mont, has started final work on the statue destined for a pro­ posed national shrine for Mother Seton on the campus of the Col­ lege of Mount St. Joseph near Cincinnati. Mother Seton, first native of this country to attain the rank of Blessed, founded the Ameri­ can branch of the Sistel's rJl Charity. Studied Life Aschenbach said he studied the life of Mother Seton for a year' while planning his work. He underscored the necessity of this by saying "they wanted a statue of Mother Seton, not just any nun." He recalled the trials which beset the widow-turned-Reli­ gious. He said after her conve~ sion to the Catholic faith short­ ly after her husband's death ia . Italy, she returned to this coun­ try with her children and started a private school in New York. The sculptor continued: "Her Protestant friends wouldn't 5end their kids to her school, se she folded up and left for Balti­ more." "In all this what you've rea}~ got is a woman trying to sub­ merge herself in Goci, and hav­ ing a hard time bending hel' will," Aschenbach said.

Iowa Senate Kills School Bus Bill DES MOINES (NC) - The Iowa Senate has killed off a~ consideration during this legis- ' lative session of the school bus . bill which would have allowed parochial and private school pupils to share tax-paid bus rides with public school student&. By a vote of 4O-to-18 the Senate voted against· reconsid­ eration of the measure. The House-approved measure was called up for reconsideration 10 days after the Senate voted 39­ to-18 against the bill.




• Television • Appliances

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THE ANCHORThvr~., May 20, 1965

In the Spring a Student's Fancy

Lightly Tur l1 s to Thoughts

Of Trips Here, There

Church Teaching On Bi rth Control Seen Unchanged

In t"'he Spring a student's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of-trips here, trips there, trips everywhere. Freshmen at Prevost High in Fall River toured New York City, including the UN, the World's Fair and the Empire State Building.. Feehan girls title of a film on the Peace departed their Attleboro the Corps shown at Dominican campus to visit Mother of Academy; and also at DA cheer­ Mercy Novitiate at Cumber­ leading tryouts are under way, land, R.I. and get an inside with freshmen and sophomore view of the life of novices and aspirants being coached by jun­ postulants in the community of iors Madeleine Souza and Elaine the Sisters of Mercy. And stu­ Talbot. dents from !,!verywhere were At the Southeastern Mass. area at the Mass. State Science Fair student council convention held on the MIT campus. recently at Feehan High School, Girls at SHA Fall River were. Peter Lacaillane, Coyle junior, also among New York World's was named delegate to the na­ Fair trippers and yesterday sen- . tional student council conven­ iors concluded a closed retreat at tion upcoming in Kentucky. Cathedral Cam p , Lakeville: Aiding him in his campaign Monday, June 7 the seniors plan for election w ere Brother a day trip to Martha's Vineyard. Thomas Mulryan, C.S.C., faculty Students from Coyle High in advisor and organizer of Coyle's Taunton were among delegates student council; Al Pepka, stu­ dent co u n c i 1 vice-president, to the state student council con­ vention in Ipswich, where state Petel's campaign manager imd officers were elected and state­ Noel Gouveia, Coyle freshman, level business discussed. Coyle's who contributed "superb poster work" to the electio'n drive. representatives were Tom Ross, Also helping were manyindi­ Peter Lacaillade, William Mans­ field and Ronald Rusconi. vidual students and other area Paper Drive schools which supported Peter's A paper drive organized by candidacy. the Prevost Mothers' Guild has Students on Display been termed very successful. A From students at St. Anthony's large moving van was filled with . comes the report that the en­ donated papers and about $100 tire graduating class is "on dis­ is expected to be realized from play" at the school's. favorite their sale. soda spot, "Peggie's Store." It "Lollipops and Top Hats" ~. seems that the tradition of post­ the novel theme for a father-. ing senior pictures began in ·1957 daughter dance to be sponsored when several graduates. pre­ by the Feehan sodality Saturday sented their photos to the pro­ J)ight, May 15. The "King of prietors who had them framed Fathers" will be chosen from and displayed. Since then sev­ among the pops present and pr~ eral pictures have been added eeeds of the affair will help send each year. "An apparent climax Feehan sodalists to the Summer was reached in 1960 when 40 School of Cathol~c Action. pictures appeared," notes Rich­ At Sacred Hearts Academy, ard Paradis. "However, the class Fall River, the third quarter &f '65 set a precedent when all honor roll has been posted, with 66 pictures were displayed in the highest honors going to Mary largest frame ever." Kelly, Kathleen Silvia, Chris­ Saturday, May 22 is ringed in tine Baldaia, Holly Cutting, Bev­ . red on Feehan calendars. Its the erly Moniz, Ellen Demetrius, day when the ,first edition of Nancy Regan:Mary Ann DemeFeehan Flashback, the schools . trius, Jean Cusick. yearbook will be shipped from A paperback book sale was the publishers. sponsored at Dominican Acad­ The 92 page book is divided emy, Fall River, by the Athletic into six sections: administration Association. Ending yesterday, and faculty, guidance, spiritual, l!iale proceeds will purchase academic and social, athletics awards for an athletic honors and students. assembly to be held Friday, June Seven sodalists at Prevost, to­ 18;· gether with their moderat~r, Senior science club members Brother Theodore, made a closed at st. Anthony High in· New retreat at Divine Word Seminary Bedford have presented several Duxbury. The sodalists, together .&cience books to the school li­ with Jesus-Mary Academy dit­ brary. The unit lias also pre­ tos, will hold a joint consecra­ pared a 'skit, "The Halogen tion ceremony, installatipp. of of- . Family," which will highlight ficers and parents' night at 7:Hi the year's last meeting. Secre­ tonight. tary Simonne Brouillette will Dominican Academy seniors report on the year's activities at will sponsor a dance at the Ana­ this time. wan Street CYO in Fall River at And SAH physics students 8 tomorrow night. Proceeds will ""iewed a film on "Coulomb's benefit a prom fund. Law" ill connection with their Also at DA, juniors and seniors study of the subject. attended an assembly this week Inspired by the success of on "Pacem in Terris." A panel their first such project, the discussion on the encyclical was Coyle student council will hold conducted by students of Sister a second "Gigantic Record Raf­ Louis Bertrand's sociology class. fle" in the near future. Five And the DA yearbook, Domin­ hundred records will be offered Hog, was presented at a formal as prizes. assembly to Sister M. Dalmace, Seven Scholarships O.P., to whom this year's edition Seven Feehan students are the is dedicated. Advisor Sister happy recipients of scholarships Louis Bertrand, Principal Sister to colleges and universities. Mary Gerald and staff members received gifts, then seniors were They include Susan Connor, to given their books. Underclass­ Duquesne University and Alber­ tus Magnus; Jean Maigret, Salve men receiven theirs the follow­ ing day. Regina; Elio del Canal, St. Jo­ seph, Hartford and Marist Col­ lege; Kenneth Garrigus, North­ eastern; Kerry Horman, UMass and Boston College; Stephen WICHITA (NC) - Forty-one Nolan, Stonehill; Daniel Sulli­ parish housekeepers from par-, van, Northeastern and UMass. ishes in six dioceses have made At Prevost, Donald Fernandes a ·retreat at the Paraclete retreat has received notice of accept­ house here.· The women from ance at Cape Cod Community Kansas, organized as the Mar­ College. ianum, sponsored the annllal· "A Mission of Di/lCover,y" was . evenl ..

Annual Retreat

CHICAGO (NC) A member of the papal com­ mission studying birth con­

trol and family questions

MOUNT STUDENT COUNCIL: Student council offi­ eel'S at Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River, are, from left, Patricia Gibbons, vice-president; Paulette Thibault, presi­ dent; Rachel Raymond, treasurer; Katherine Turgeon, secretary.

Thousands Observe A~niYersary Of Christianity in Phillippines CEBU CITY (NC)-Thousands &f Filipinos and visitors from other nations have flocked into this coastal city to mark the 400th anniversary of the Christianization of the Philippines with meetings, processions and liturgical ceremonies. A focal point in the six-day ceremony was a huge wooden cross located near the shore wl1ere Spanish explorer Fernando Magellan first planted a I;ross in 1521. ]i:ach day PfOcessions began at this city's Catholic parishes and wound their way to the cross where penetential services were helq. 'Al.though Magellan came here in 1521, this year's celebration marks the arrival. of another Spaniard, Miquel Lopez de Legaspi, on .April 27 1565. It was de Legaspi, with the help of. Augustinian priests, who first began the systematic evangelization of. these islands which are. now 85 per cent Catholic. Most of the country's 49 bishops, as well as about 20 foreign bishops, assembled here for the beginning of the celebrations,

Hospital Head NEW YORK (NC) - Msgr. Patrick J. Frawley has been elected president of the Greater New York Hospital Association. Since 1954, Msgr. Frawley has been director of health and hos­ pitals of Catholilc Charities of the Archdiocese of New York.




RESTAURANT and LOUNGE Lake Sabbatia 1094 Bay Street TAUNTON VA 4·87S~

which were also an observance of the Philippines' third Na­ tional Eucharistic C 0 ng res s. Ildebrando Cardinal Antoniutti, prefect of the Congregation of Religious arrived as a personal representative of Pope Paul VI. Triduum of Prayers Among the other visitors were Valerian Cardinal Gracias of Bombay, India; Thomas Cardin­ al Cooray, O.M.I., of Colombo.. Ceylon; Archbishop Egidio Vag­ nozzi, apostolic delegate in the United States and former· apo­ stolic nuncio to the Philippines; and Auxiliary Bishop Fulton J. Sheen of New York. ­ The activities began officially on Tuesday following a solemn triduum of prayers. A day later the Eucharistic congress was be­ gun with ceremonies presided o·ver by Cardinal Antoniutti. Hundreds of colorful river boatS, called "bangcas" took part in a procession which bore a vene­ rated statue of the Christ Child-said to have been left· here by Magellan-to the site of. the congress.

Dentists help overcome, shock of new .


counseled people "not to expect something like change" in the Church's teaching on these i~­ sues. "Faith and knowledge can de­ "elop, but there can be no turn­ ing back, no simple change" that contradicts previous teaching,· declared Father Bernard Haer­ ing, C.SS.R., in an interview. "Whatever happens, it will be in the direction of going ahead. And it would be unwise for me to draw conclusions which I de not yet see." Father Haering, besides being a member of the papal commi~­ sion on family questions, is ;J secretary of the sub-commission in charge of the ecumenic~] council's schema on the Church in the modern world, where the question of married love is con­ sidered. He is a German .moFa~ theologian who teaches in Rome; He predicted in the interyiew that Pope Paul VI will "say something to direct the con­ sciences of people" after the papal commission finishes ]Ul· study of family questions. But in the meantime, he added, "no one should anticipate what' the solution will be." He did not speculate as to. when the Pope would speak. He said the norms set by Pope Pius· XII in 1958, condemning the anovulant pills for conh';;­ ~eptive purposes, must be "010­ 5'E'Fved in a reasonable, not l"~ OFistic, manner." Father Haering remarked *hat the large family is an ideal, if an conditions are favorable­ but the responsibility for mak­ ing this decision rests not with ;l gO\'eFnment or a confessor hut with each individual couple•

Pontiff Encourages ~ork of Brothers

VATICAN CITY (NC)-PoJ)f: Paul VI received in audience £ group of the Brothers of Chris­ tian Instruction of St. Gabriel following their recent genera] chapter at which Canadian Brother Louis Bertrand Landry· was elected supe'rior general. Speaking in French, the Pope encouraged the work of the con­ gregation composed of 1,900 Brothers who specialize pa'l'tic­ ularly in the training of the deaf, dumb and blind. Brother Landry, 44, was born in Montreal and was provincia] of the Montreal province prio!' to his election as superior geT-­ eral. The Brothers staff institu­ tions in Chicago and New York.






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THE ANCHO'RThurs., May 20, 1965


No. Attleboro

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Smith Anonymous




Mr. & Mrs. R. Hopkins

Bev, Edward B. Booth

$100 .

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Coogan

$30 Mr. & Mrs. James H. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. George Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Stsnley F. Young


Rev. Armando A. Annunziato

$60 Mrs. Joyce Mayers $50

$28 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Leiter

, Mrs. Howard Morse Cecile Brais . Eva Morawski Mary & Margaret Kinton , Raymond McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Wright

$Za Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. William Bishop' Mr. & Mrs. Robert Borah Mr. & 'Mrs. Thomas Brady Helen E,' Browning Mr. & Mrs. Manuel DeMattos . Mrs. Louise Fallon "

William J. Gahan

John Hendricks

Mrs, Louise Oakland

, ~. & Mrs. MaIiuelSantos , Mr. & Mrs. John unSworth , Dr. & Mrs. B. Edwin Zawacki


The John Regan Family

$40 ',Mr. & lV'..rs. Francis MurpbY . Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kinkead $35 Mr. & Mrs. Edward McDonagh $30 , Dr. & lV'ml. Kenneth Atwill Mr. & V..rs. George V. Roach Mr. &' Mrs. James Bailey' Mr. & lV'..rs. Edward J. Connon k. Mr. & lV'JrS. Harold Sumner $25 , Irene Campbell Mr. John Mushey " Mr. & llrs. John J. Murray . Mr. &. Mrs. John' laconia,' . ' ,George Jacobs Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth Sheals Mrs. Michael Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gillooly Mr. & Mrs. William Copley Mr. & Mrs. John Gaffney Mr. & DLirs. Francis Martin ' Marjorie Shea Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Barry Mr. & Mrs. Edward Connor Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferland M. Veronic Reilly Mr. & Mrs. James Rhilinger $20 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kiley, Mr. & Mrs. George McGee Edna Slaiger, Mr. & Mrs. An­ thony Nadeem, Leo Stevens Jr.. Mrs. Geraldine Caldwell, Agnes Curley, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Crot­ eau, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Richard John Brennan Mrs. Blanche Goodall $15 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Clavette, Mrs. Fred Cote, Mr. & Mrs. Rob­ ert Fenton, Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Flanagan, Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Hagopian Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mullen, Jos­ eph Petrone, Mr. & Mrs. John Rt,oux, Louis Rousseau, Mr, & Mrs. Philip Rushlow Mr. & l\1rs. Maxie Sarazin, Mr. & Mrs. ~5.arles Shwnila, Mr., & Mrs. Raymond Sullivan, Mrs. Edmund Welch, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ win Zaleskey Mr, & Mrs. Paul Calderone, Mr. & Mrs. William F. Clark, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Cloutier, Mr. & Mrs. John Diaz, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Irvine 'Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kephart. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. James T. Lund, Mr. & Mrs. James McCarthy , James McGrath, Mr. & Mrs. John McGuire, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ win O'Leary, Edward O'Neill, Dr. & Mrs. Romeo Ouellette ' Julia A. Riley,. Mr. & Mrs. Dorily Sarazin, Irene F. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. John Stanford,. Mr. & Mrs. Kasmir Wojciechowski Mr. & Mrs. Henry Collins, Mrs. Clifford Dodge, Mrs. Mary Hill Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lavery, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Martha Jr.. Stanley McMahon, Mr. & Mrs. John Ogni, Mrs. Chester Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCret­ ton Jr., Mr. & Mrs. James Con­ nelly, Mrs. George Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Leo Valois, Mrs. Elizabeth Roessler, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Michaud, Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Berthold, Sandra Cald­ well Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mellen, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Riordan, Mr. & Mrs. Ricnard Beaupre, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Smith, Laura Wha­ len

$20 POVERTY PROBLEM: In the Cumberland mountains of eastern Kentucky's Cl-ay Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Carval­ and Leslie counties, housing is poor, highways few, education limited; coal is mined less ho, Mr. & Mrs. Mathew Fahey, and l~s as demand fans off and machines replace men in the mines. Half the people are Mr. & Mrs. Henry Harris, Mr. & ?n relIef; lwpelessness feeds on want. Father Walter O'Donnell, a Trinitarian missionary Mrs. AnthOQ7 Hendricks, Mr. & m Manchester, Ky., '1>adre to the few Catholics among the 21,000 inhabitants of the coun­ Mrs. Myron Perry, Mr. & Mrs. ties," works in hope of seeing the beginning of a solution to the problem-for the , Ralph F. Turner, Jr: $15 children, at least. NC Photo. PalmedaAmaral, Mr.,'" ,Mrs. Fred Goddard, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sedlak, Mrs. Thomas Johnson, Mrs. Walter Lyons, Grace & Gertrude Bride, Louise Colletto . . Mr. & Mrs. Harold Boyle, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Barrett, Anthony Velletri, Mr. & Mrs. John Col­ lins Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCue, Karen Roach, Mr, & Mrs. Hector. St. Pierre, Jennie Angus, Alice Littlefield, Gertrude Littl~eld Mr. & Mrs, Gerald Bessette, Mary Bride, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Casey Jr., Mr, & Mrs. Henry DeMeo, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Doran ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gaulin, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Joyce, Mrs. Alfred Love, Thomas Lynch, William McCarthy Catherine McNally, Mr. ~ Mrs. Peter Picchi. Mr. & Mrs, Paul Raftery; Mr. & Mrs. Rich­ ard Riccio, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Szewczykowski ' Mr. & Mrs. William Veno, Thomas Wallace, Sarah Willer­ sinn. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph With­ ington




$500 Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca

$100 Arthur Rabesa ,Anonymous

$40 James G. Souza . $30 Anonymous

$25 David Correllus Manuel Dutra , East Falmouth Crystal 00- Co. Louis H Marshall

$ZO Charles Botelho, Franklin 3. Botelho, Anonymol,lS, Frank Moniz, Anonymous, Marianno R. Tavares, David Teixeira

$15 . Jesse C. Botelho, Jesse Costa, Adelina Cardoza, Manuel F. De­ Mello, Emily Emerald Paul R Gonsalves, Lawrence G. Goulart Sr., Mrs. William H. Kersey m, Donald Mendoza, Ceasar Miranda John B Moniz Sr.. Manuel Netto, Antone Oliver, Angelo S. Pacheco, James Pine George Rapoza, Manuel W. Rose, August Santos, Manuel G. Souza & Son John, Morris Teix­ eira, Fred S. Travers


$50 MJ;. & Mrs. John Santos

$25 Acushnet Saw Mills

$20 Mr. & Mrs. George Beaulieu

$16 Mr. & Mrs. Andre J. Brodeur, Mr. & Mrs. Richard· Silveira

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Rodolphe Arcou­ ette, Jr., Mr. & Mrs Richard H. Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. David F Considine, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferreira Mr. & Mrs. Amedep Gautreau, Gerald Gautreau, Mr. & Mrs. Leo G. Gelinas, Mr. &,Mrs. Na­ than Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Guilbeault . Mr. & Mrs. James M. Haworth, Mr: & Mrs. Richard J. Langlai$, Mr. & Mrs. John Latham, Mr. & MI'll. Raymond J. LeBlanc, ,Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Ledoux Bella LePage, Mr. & Mrs. George, F,. Liarikos, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. WilliamH. S. Oehrle, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Olivier, Mr'. & Mrs. Leo Olivier ' Mr. & Mrs, Omer Pepin, Mr. & Mrs. George Pimental, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Szwaja, Mr. &:Mrs: William F. Taylor, Hilda & Mary Vincent, Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Belle'" feuille, Mr. & Mrs. Dieudonne Brouillette, Mr. & Mrs. Leo N. Coons, Mr. & Mrs. Ovila ~~ chette, Mr. & Mrs. John Gwodz, Jr. . Mr. & Mrs. Roger O. Payant, 'l'rIr; & Mrs. Garard E. TafdlH.

Dighton ST. PETER

$50 . ·I.C.r. Organics' Inc. $25 Anonymous $20 Dr. & Mrs. Charles Souza $15 Mrs Sybil Bacon, Earle & Mrs. Rose, Julian Hayden, AnOQ7­ mous, Harold Mendoza Mrs. J. Leo Abrain, Anna Du­ tra, Paul & Mrs. Lassen, Theo­ dore & Mrs Boucher, Norman & Mrs. Smith William & Mrs. Fleming, Jolm & Mrs. Pelletier, Antone Jr. & Mrs. Goulart, Edward & Mrs. Charleton, John & Mrs. Otis Anonymous (2)


$25 Pacific National Bank


Mr. • Mrs. John Mendonca,

Mrs. Gordon MacDonald


$30 , Mr. & Mrs. John Merna $25 Mr; & Mrs. John Ormon" Richard Shea James Connor James Connor J. M. Cloud Mr. & Mrs. Everett Bacon Mr. & Mrs. Arthur LaFrenier Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Hawkins Mrs. Donald W. Strout Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wales Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rioux , Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Adams Anastasia E. Craffey Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. E. A. Keefe .Dr. & Mrs. Arthur D'EUa ,

$20 'Mr. & Mrs. John G. Murphy, Mrs. John Zinkevich, EdithR1ce, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bacon, Mr. & Mrs. Courtenay Chase, Jeremiah T. O'Leary

$15 Mr.. & Mrs. Joseph Healy, Marion Halbritter, Betty Hal­ britter, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Car­ roll, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Carbon­ neau ,..Mr, & Mrs. Thomas McGuire, Mr. & Mrs. George Gardner, Mr. & Mrs. George, McKim, Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Long, Mary A. Cum­ mings Mr. & Mrs. John Levine, Ed­ mund Roderick, Elvira Baptista, Mr. & Mrs. JaJ1'leb Mendez, Jr.. Dr. & Mrs. H. P. Small, Mr. & Mrs. Dean Garfield, Mr.· & Mrs. Stanley Fowler, Mr. & Mrs. Rob­ ert Briggs, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Long, Dr. & Mrs. Edward SuW­ van Mr. & Mrs. Dolphin Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Fortes, Mr. • Mrs. Edward Cluett, Mr. ... Mrs. Manuel Thatcher, Mr~' & Mrs. Joseph Benoit Mr. & Mrs. John J, O'DoDDe!1, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Peterson.­ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Connell, Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Lyons, Mr.... Mn. Daniel Barry

William M. Amoral, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Antonian, Mr. & 1IIfrs. Donald Bain Mr. & Mrs. James Baker, Mr. & Mrs. Roscoe Balducci, Salva­ tore Barchi, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Bassett, Mr. & Mrs. F. J. Beau­ chaine Mr. & Mrs. Frederick. Blythe, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Coelho, Irene & Marie P. Connors, Mrs. Mary A. Crafford, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dellefe­ mine, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Don­ nelly, Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Downes, Mr. & Mrs. J. James Drapeau, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Hendricks, Mr. • Mrs. Frederick Koehler, Mr. & Mrs. John W. Korkul; Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lusignan, Mr•.• Mrs. Joseph LY,ons , .Mr. & Mrs. Walter- Maykish, Mr. & Mrs. JoJm McAloon, Mr. • Mrs. Kenneth McCloskey, Mr. • Mrs. James'McDonald ,Emily Medeiros, Mrs. Ardelia Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Pelle­ tier, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Piquette, Mr. & Mrs. William Quirk ,. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Rourke, Mr. & Mrs. John P. Searles, Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Sidok, Mr. • Mrs. J. H. Sisco, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ liam Sloane Mr. & Mrs. John Sousa, Mr. & Mrs. A. Ronald Vincent, Jean­ nette Vincent, Mr. & Mrs. Eu­ gene Voll, Jane E. Unsworth Anthony~drews,




WY 2·6216


YES We Have KI NG 51 ZE

49c lb. While They Last !



Attlehoro HOLY GHOST

$100 lIP. & Mrs. Raymond Kemher

Wilkins Prais'es Role of Church In Civil ~Qghts



$30 :Mr. & Mrs. Arthur LordeJl $25 Lavallee Family Mr. & Mrs. Philip De Laurt Mr. &; Mrs. Luigi PinaeoB Doris Le Clair Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph Brodelit' $20 Mr. & Mrs. Fredericlt EllitI, :Mary Sullivan $15 Mr. &; Mrs. Robert Nelson, Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Barrett, Mr. & Mrs. John Cloud, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Tremblay Marjorie Castro, Loretta Mc·· Cann, Jean Galligan, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sullivan, Mr. &;. Mrs. Donald Augat Mr. &; Mrs. James K. Nerney, Mr. &; Mrs.Jh William Naylor, Mr.' & Mrs. Constant Poholek, Thomas Martin &; Family, Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph Lojeck Mr. & Mrs. Leo Charette, AY­ lene Charrette ST. THERESA $200 Sl Vincent de Paul Society $100 . :Mzo. & Mrs. Raymond Gravel $33 Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph lwue $30

The Lafontain~ Family

Mr. &; Mrs. John Plath

$25 Mr. &; Mrs. Walter Delude Mrs. Beaupre McEleney Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gillan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cournoyer Mr. & Mrs. Michael Arata Mr. & Mrs. Philip Morris Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Vachon Mr. & Mrs. Louis LaCivita $20 Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Duclos $15 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Major, Mr. & Mrs. George Savoy, Mrs. Irene Pitas, Olivier Dulude, Mrs. Yvonne Ouellette Mr. & Mrs. John Case, Mr. &; Mrs. Charles Roz~, John Pack· er, Mr. & Mrs. George Duquette, Mr. & Mrs. John O'Connor Mrs. Mary Laliberte, The Wall Family, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Courcy, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Lucier, Mrs. Gract: Striga Mr. & Mrs. William Balser, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Gingras, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Brignon, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Viens Mr. & Mrs: AlbertColaccio,Mr. Mr. -& Mrs. Paul Bonneau, Mr. & Mrs. William. Sharples, Mr. & Mrs.' Marcelino Souto, Mr. & Mrs: Richard Thibert, Mr. & Mrs. James Burke Aldea Bouchard, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rutana, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bi~ niecki, Mr. & Mrs. Aldie Grenier Mr. & Mrs. John Casserly, Mr. &; Mrs. Louis Bachand, Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Lariviere, Mr. & Mrs. William Glennon, Mr. &; Mrs. William Healy Mrs. Irene Eaton, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Herbert, Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Piette, Mrs. Sarah Lang­ lois, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Brogan, Mr. & Mrs. Phillipe Bonneau ST. MARY $330 Mr. & Mrs. George Agostini $100 St. Vincent de Paul $50 Mr. & Mrs Robert Durant Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gannon Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy $35 Or. & Mrs. Alexander MacIsaac $30 Mr. & Mrs. B. A. Dzija Mr. & Mrs John S. Francis St. Mary's Women's Guild Mr. & Mr!l. Laurent Thibert $25 Mr. & Mrs. James Coogan, Mr. & Mrs. Avila Grenier, Mr. & Mrs Nicholas Lombardi, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Tracy, Dr. William A. Morinville


Thurs., May 20, 1965

HOUSTON (NC) - Civl rights leader Roy Wilkin. assessed as "very great" the influence of religion in the

POVERTY SOLUTION: Father Walter O'Donnell, 36, Trinitarian missisonary, pastor of a two-county parish in eastern Kentucky, fights poverty and its unhappy consequences with both spiritual and material tools. Spiritually, he finds "a true Christian spirit, love of God and neighbor, is really the primary need." But materially he hopes that Summer· time and weekend missionaries, lay people and clerics, may come to his aid. Here at the combination basketball court and skating rink, Father O'Donnell laughs with some of the 30 pupils of the Benedictine Sisters' St. Ann school. It is in the children of the area, Father O'Donnell believes, that the volunteers he seeks will find their work rewarded. NC Photo.

" 120 Mr. & Mrs Walter Amos, Mr. & Mrs. George Casey, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Murray $15 Mr. & Mrs. James Brackett Jr.. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Cinq-Mars, Mr & Mrs. Raymond Cosgrove, Mrs Mary E Coyle, Miss Kirouac Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Giblin Jr., Mr. & Mrs. William Lafer· ri,ore, Mr. & Mrs. Jacques Leduc, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Legard, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Jackson Edna Masgay, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Marcil, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ mund McCann, Mr. & Mrs. John Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Warren . Mr. & Mrs. Thomas ToPllin, George Vaslet ST. JOSEPH

$600 Rev. Ubalde J. Deneault $100 Mr. &; Mrs. Roger DesVergneti $50 Rev. Rene R. Levesque Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DesVergnes Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Desrosiers Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Lavigueur Laura Denealt $35 Mrs. Yvonne Hamel $30 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Paul Doris Levasseur $25 Mr. & Mrs. Armand Boucher Aime Paille Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Zito $20 Mr. & Mrs. ErnE1st DesVergnes, Louis DesVergnes Mrs. Jean Baptiste St. Pierre, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur 'Mullins $15

• Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Fontneau, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Proulx, Mr. & Mrs. Don Struhar, Yvonne Chartier, Mr. & Mrs. George Blade Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Maigre>.


Mrs. Henry Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Dubuc ~ Mr. &. Mrs. Leo Fonrouge, Donat Desrosiers, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Paradis Lucien Paul, Mr. & Mrs. Ro­ land Brochu, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Demers, Mr. & Mrs. John Vieira, Ernestine Heroux Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Governo Phylis Gaudreau, Mrs. Anna Proulx, .Valeda & Leona Gib­ eault, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Bas· tille, Eunice Hutchinson

North Attleboro SACRED HEART

$400 Rev. Joseph S. Larue $100 Rev. Edmond L. Dickinson $75 Rev. Roger D. Leduc Irene Boule Eva & Rosa Bourassa $50 Mr. & Mrs. John Burke Mr. & Mrs. Francis Ouellette Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tatarian $35 Mrs. Imelda Achin &; Family $30 Mrs. Louise Brackett & David Mrs. Aurore Labrie & Daugbkrs ' $25 Mr. &; Mrs Charles Calkins Mr. & Mrs. Albert Desilets Mr. & Mrs. Edward Guertin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kirby Mr. &; Mrs. Raymond Lallier Mr. & Mrs. Joseph LaRochelle Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Patunoff Mr. & Mrs. Emile Vaguener & Raymond



Mr. & Mrs. Roger Pinsonnault &. Family $20 Mr. &; Mrs. Gerard Achifi, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Achin, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Clavette, Mrs. Cedelle Gagnon & Daughters, Joseph Lapre Mr. & Mrs. Robert McCall, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Marchand & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice F:nguette Alma & Rita Achin, Mrs. Ger· trude Chaput & Family, Dr. &; Mrs. Armond Dyon, Mr. &; Mrs. Raoul Precourt $17 Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Weldon $15 Achin Family, Mr. & Mrs. Er­ nl.'st Achin, Mrs. Louise Achin, MI. & Mrs. Normand Achin, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Alger Mr. & Mrs. Henry Aubin, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs Wilfred Bour­ gault, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Carlson Adelard A. Chabot Mrs. Clara Chabot, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Cloutier, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Courtemanche,

Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Couturier

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dargis,

Mr. & Mrs. Roland Dubuc, Mr. & Mrs. Geard Dupuis, Mr. & Mrs. Foland Fregault

. Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Girard, Mr. & Mrs. Fernand Goulet, Mr. &

Mrs. Ernest Hebert, Rose Lanoue Mr. & Mrs. Robert Laplante Mr. & Mrs. Norman L'Homme, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Letourneau, l\'r. & Mrs. Louis Mayer, Mr. & Mrs. George Mercure, Mr. & Mrs Bernard Miramant Mr. & Mrs. Peter Moore, Mrs. Patricia O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Ouellette, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Pinsoneault, Mr. & Mrs. Charles' Plante Mrs. Florence Poirier, Mrs. Edith Precourt, Mr. & Mrs. Ron­ ald Precourt, Mr. & Mrs. Nor­ mand Prefontaine, Mr. & Mrs. :Michel Proulx Mr. & Mrs. Albert Ringuette, Lena & Bertha St. Pierre, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Sarazin, Mr. & Mrs. Emile Seymour, Mr. &' Mrs. Romual Thibault & Roger Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Weldon, 1\'r. & Mrs. AlfredJ. Weldon Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. N. Bon­ neau, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bour. geois, Mrs. Aldea Brais, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Charlebois, Mrs. Julie Dean Mr. & Mrs. Henry Desautel Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Veilleux

Bus Amendment

movement for interracial justice. The executive secretary of the National Association for the Ad­ vancement of Colored People told a press conference here "the major faiths presented a unified front in support of the civil rights bill, and they have helped at the grass roots level.· Wilkins came here to speak at Rice University at the invitation of a group of students. A student representative said Wilkins Js the first Negro to speak at the university on civil rights. Wilkins said: "The Catholie Church has brought the great power and prestige of its faith to the (civil rights) struggle. Pope John and the new Pope have enunciated the dignity of all men." Effect of Church He said the Jewish people "have been friends of the move':' ment," and that "Protestant. have made the most remarkable change because they were at one time indifferent." "The church, in general, has staged a revolution on the Negro question," Wilkins said, "and one cannot underestimate the effect of the church. One cannot underestimate how im­ portant it is when a bishop or priest says something in regard to racial justice. What the priest, rabbi, minister says - that is what is repeated by the congre­ gation and results in discussioa about civil rights."

Parochial Teachers Wage Level Set SAGINAW (NC) -Parochial school teachers in the Diocese of Saginaw will earn salaries. next Fall pegged at 95 per cent of those paid to public school teachers in local dic;tricts. At the same time Bishop Stephen S. Woznicki said the an· nual tuition for parochial high school students will be raised to $175, because of increased costs. "No doubt some pupils wiD drop out, but 'nothing can be done about it," the Michigan prelate said. "It wiD be better than closing up our high schook entirely in some parishes."

LINCOLN (NC)-The Nebras­ ka Legislature has passed and sent to Gov. Frank B. Morrison a proposed amendment to the . constitution to permit money to be spent for nonpublic school students' bus rides.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 20, 1965 HOLY FAl\ULY

T(II i!:'H1ilton ST. MARY $100 :Ur. Joseph Nates $'75

Dr. Charles Hoye $50 Mrs. Ruth Hoffman Dr. John F. Mulhern William Smith $40 In Memory of Mary and .Joseph I. Chaisty $30 Mr. & ~VIrs. Walter Parker

$25 Esther and Ethe~ Buckley Mr. & Mrs. David Chadwick Lelia Duffy Dr. Anthony Elias Mr. & Mrs. Patrick LYQ:ns Mr. & Mrs. James McMorrow Margaret V. Neenan Ceceli~ F. & Mary C. Sheerin Joseph Wade '

Dr. John J. Gregg Charles Tripp Catherine C. Winston $20 Joseph Fournier Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lehan Janice Russell Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Silvia Wm. & Margaret Behan Dr. Charles Grady , William McCaffrey Jr. Mary E. McNamara ' Joseph Quinn $15 Elizabeth & Margaret' T.

: Brady, Ralph Buckley, Mrs. Al­

.', beert Clement, Edward' J.' Corr, , 'Peter Corr " ! , Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Coie, 'John ',' Cross Jr., Margaret Curtin, Mar­ garet Dowd, Edward Duffy , Joanne Flynn, Francis Flynn, Marion' Gaffney, Thomas Gran­ 'field, Henry Grant ' George Hallahan, William Hanna Sr., Elaine M. HanSen, William Hansen, William Holmes Marguerite Hoye, Agnes Laughlin, Gertrude Lawlor, Mrs. Agnes Lynch, Marion G. Mc­ Donald Mary McManus, Harry Alex­ ander, Lawrence Callahan Fam­ ily, Carlton Caron, Wm. Cham­ berlain Peter 3. Curran, Peter J. Cur­ ran, Walter Dermody, Robert Drake, Marguerite Dunn

Charles Fitzsimmons, Fred­

erick Fitzsimmom., Mrs. George H. Foley, Rita Gauthier, Joseph , ':Marion Alice McKenna, Ruth ,Mc­

Kenna, Susan McKenna, Joseph­ ine F. McNamara, Elaine Pivi· I'otto

Lawrence Pivirotto, NOrDlan

Sherry, Mr. &. Mrs. Matthew Slusack, Edward Tokarz. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Waine Mr. Mary G. Whittemore, Ar­ mand Yelle, Joseph Megan Sr., Flor aMorin, Edward Mulvey

Dr. Joseph Murphy, William Murray, Mrs. DOL Parish, Louis

Raposa, Alfred Sanford

Thomas Quinn, Joseph N. Sca­ rano, Mrs. Joseph Sheehan, Helen Shove, D~nis Sullivan Harold Tatro, Enward Tonry, Stanley Tokarz, James A. Tran­ ter, Barbara Wi1J 1ams ST. ANTHONY $25 Joseph Abreau Robert Mendes $2(l

Manuel Camara Eliza Cordeirc, Pder Nolan $1': Frank Rico 52~

Candida Abreau, John Abreau, John Enos, P~'~r Fernandes, Laura Ferreira Edward Caytcn :~. ",<odo, Bob­ fort Hartung. F ':'., d Kaloust, hf rbert Lima, ;: Unhares ' Andrew Ma!' Jr.. Frank Pose, Alice K S .~ 'orge Sil\'a, Filomena ~ Joseph Souz 1'.1. Vankirk

George A' Carvalho, AI' Martin, Al! Irene Roc.


' Louis .!aa

$100 Rev. James F Kenney Rev. William Blottman St. Vincent d~ Paul Confer­ ence of Holy Family Parish Holy Name Society of Holy Family Parish Holy Family Women's Guild 525 Mrs. Chester Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Raposa $20 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kenyon Mr. & Mrs. Camille Dietlin $15 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Gordan, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Deniz, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Bettencourt, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mendes, Mr. & Mrs. William Araujo

Mr. & Mrs. James Pacheco,

Elsie Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. Anto­

nio Gomes. Manuel Gomes, Mr.

& Mrs. John Zeiba

Dr. & Mrs. Richard Heywood, Wilhelmina Costova, Ann Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Edmond st. Yves, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bonaparte Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Mattos, Daniel Cabral, Edward F. Fow­ ler, Mr. & Mrs. John Silva, Mrs. Helen Kay. Mrs. Adeline Rober­ son H 0 1..Y ROSARY 520 Stanley Radwanski $15 Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Faulkner, Mr. & Mrs; Walter Plonka

Attlebo,ro ST. JOHN $1,000 Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Wa:lsh $500 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Condon $100 Fre'd Bullock John Mahon & Family , Benjamin Nolin Dr. & Mrs. Vincent O'Donnen Dr. Anthony Terranova George Janson Mr. & Mrs. James K. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. William Parker Dr. & Mrs. Harold Thompson $75 A Friend Rev. James F. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Russell Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Fred Murphy Jr. Mrs. William Walton $65 Edmund Henry $60 Mr. & Mrs. wca Fantacclone Mr. & Mrs. F. Stelter, Jr:. $55

Mr. & Mr~. John McIntyre


Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bowen Ernestine & Florence Moran Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L~ MulUgan Mr. & Mrs. John G. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. George Gibb Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lohse


Myles Daly $35 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Foley $30 The Misses Biggio Mr. & Mrs. John Carty Dennis Family Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Duffaney Louis Galligan John Judge Mr. & Mrs. Norman E. Legg Mr. & Mrs. John Mullaney A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Francis Stelter $25 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bellavance Kathryn M. Blottman Mr. & Mrs. Francis Flaherty Leo Galligan Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gamache Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Johnson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mahon Mr. & Mrs. William Menard Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mullowney James A. Murphy Mrs. Mary Ricker

Mrs. Ismay Sharkey

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Edward Stanton Mrs. Francis Sughrue Mr. & Mrs. Donald An~

Zr., Mr, & Mrs. Eugene Mondor, Mrs. Robert Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Morin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mulleady, Mr. & Mrs. James F. Murphy Sr., Mr. & Mrs. James Murray, Mr. " Mrs. John E. Mutch, William Nerney Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nolan, Arthur Nolin, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Norton, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Nunes, Mr. & Mrs. Robert O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. O'Don­ nell, Mr. & Mrs. Stuart O'Hara Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro Oliveira, Ousley, Edward Patenaude Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pion, John A. Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Redding, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rockett Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan, Edna Salley, Olix Salley, Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Sauer, Mr. & Mrs. Mathew Savastano Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Shanley Sr. Mr. &: Mrs. James A. Slain, Mr. & Mrs. Owen Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Sousa, Helen Sousa Mr. &: Mrs. James Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. John R. Sweeney, '\ . ... •••.":._- ••%. Mr. & Mrs. Charles 'Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Tomei. Mr. & Mrs. HONOR SAINTS OF UGANDA: In a procession of George Tunnicliff ceremonies honoring the 22 martyrs of Uganda, canonized Mrs. Richard Watterson, Mr. by Pope Paul VI, are three of their senior priests of Ug~nda, & Mrs. George Wefers, Mr. & carrying relics of the Martyrs. Left. to right, Msgr. John Mrs. Frederick Woll, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zito, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kasule; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Victor Mukasa, said to be the first , 'Creeden ' African priest of modern times, ordained in 1913; and Msgr. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Allen, Mr. & Paul Mukasa. NO Photo. Mrs. John Antaya, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Armirotto, Mr. &'! Mrs. Mrs. Salvatore Gulino, MTS. Ernest Belanger, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Bowen, Lillian Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Boyer ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gaynor Walter Heagney Mr., & Mrs. Ray Gazzola Lawrence Coffey, Nabby Cof­ Mrs. Isabelle Healey Lillian fey, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Colombo, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. King Imhoff, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Jew­ Mr. & Mrs. Gerard LaCombe Ray Cooney, Mr. & Mrs. Robert ett, Mrs. Sarah Johanson, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Paille Cunningham '

Mrs. Ernest Jost Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Romero Mr. & Mrs. Leo Desrosier, Mrs. Mrs. Howard Sprigg Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Jost Jr., Henry Felix, Dr & Mrs. Edward Kevin Judge, Mr. & Mrs. Alex Fontneau, Mr. & Mrs. Mathias $20 Karol, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Kelle­ Galligan and Angela Galligan Mrs. Elmer Fitton, Mr. & Mrs. John Hamel, Anita H. King, Mr. her, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Emilio Gautieri, Mrs. Mary Kelly, Sandra Kel­ Mr. & Mrs. Lyford Gorman, Cle­ & Mrs. Peter Manickas, Mr. & ly, Mrs. Walter Kendall, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh McBrien ment Jeffers, Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. John McCarte, Mrs. Robert J. Kenney, Phil L. Kane, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kraczkowski Fred McCracken, Mrs. Cornelius Keane Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lange, Mr. J. Murphy, Edwarc. Murphy, Mr. J. Francis Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs.' Joseph Lavallee, Mr. & & Mrs. Robert Nolan Elmer Lee, Mr. & Mrs. George Mrs. Coleman Lee, Hon. & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. Robert O'Donnell, Edward Lee, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Levis, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Loew, Mr. & Mrs. David Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mayers Mrs. David Rushlow, Mr. & Mrs. F. Lynch, Jr. Bose McBrien, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Macom­ J. G. Walsh, Jr. ber, Mr. Mrs. Anthony Magina, Franklin McKay Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Beatrice A. Janson Mrs. John Mahe.·, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene McLaughlin. Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Omer Jette' Clarence Mahew, Mr. & Mrs. Charles McLear, Mrs. Helen Mrs. Margaret L. and MarMurphy John Martin, garet O'Keefe Mr. & Mrs. John Murray, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Martins, Mr. & Mrs. Bazil Mulligan Dr. &' Mrs. Stephen Mathewson. Helen Nolan, Wilfred H. Pallle, Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. O'Neil Gertrude McBrien, Mr. & 'Mrs•. Dr. & Mrs. Edward Paolino, Mr. Mrs. James O'Neil & Mrs. Richard Pierce Daniel McCarthY,A. Henry McMr. & Mrs. Frank Pimento Mr. & Mrs. Howard·G. Ralph, Cracken . Kenneth A. Stone Mr. & Mrs. Everett Richrad, Mr. Eleanor McCracken, Mr. & $15 & Mrs. Chester A. Boberts, Mr. Vincent McGinn, Colleen Me­ Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Aliment!, Ginn, Susan McGinn, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Robert Rohman, Mr. & John B. Antaya, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. McGrath Mrs. Philip E. Rounds Manuel Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Silva, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Albert MeLine, Mr. Jacob Belt, Helen Bettencourt &: Mrs. George, Smith, Mr. & & Mrs. Almon McManus, George Mr. & Mrs. James Birch, Mr. C. McNabb, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Mrs: Anthony Squillante, Mr. & & Mrs. George Bonner; Mrs. Su­ Mrs. James E. Zmudsky McNally, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Mc­ san Breen, Mrs. Lena Buchanan, Nally Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Camara Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Mondor, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Canary, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Mondor, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Caponigro, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carignan,

Mr. & Mrs. F. Carpenter Jr., Mr.

& Mrs. David Carreiro Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Carreiro, Mrs. Mary Chalk, Mr. & Mrs. FOR YOUNG WOMEN Commercial Industrial Kenneth Charest, Mr. & Mrs. 196 Whipple St., Fall River Institutic;mal Andrew 1. Charron, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Clegg Jr. Conduded by Franciscan Painting and Decorating Mr. & Mrs. William Clinton, Missionaries of Mary Fall River OSborne 2·1911 Mr. & Mrs. George H. Cloutier, ROOMS - MEALS Mr. & Mrs. Norman Cloutier, Mr. OVERNIGHT HOSPITAUn 74 Williamson Street & Mrs. Daniels Collins, Mr. " lequire OS 3-2892 Mrs. Donald Corbeil Mr. & Mrs. James Corcoran, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Cronin. Mrs. Mary Currie, Mrs. June DeMayo, Mr. & Mrs. Russel: Dennen Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Desrosier, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald DesJardins, John Evans, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. James Fitton, Mr. & Mrs. Law­ rence Fitton Mrs. Agnes Foley, Mr. & Mrs. James Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Russell ,$ervingRoom Hours Fontneau, Mr. & Mrs. Cyril 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Gagne, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. South Dartmouth, Mass.

Gilroy Mr. & Mrs. Edward Greve. MI'.

Dial WY 1-5691 " Mrs. Peter Guimond, Mr. ~




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New Bedford . ST. HYACINTH

$150 Rev. Herve Jalbert $100 Mr. & Mrs. Gaspard Lafleur Mr. & Mrs. George Vigeant $75 . Rev. Rene G. Gauthier $35 The Berthiaume' Family $30 Donald Lafleur $25 Mrs. Dora La France Mr. & Mrs. Leo Fourner

Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Rousseau $20 Dr. & Mrs. Philip E. Chartier, Mr. & Mrs. Valmore Barabe & Normand $15 Mr. & Mrs. Normand Brassard, Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon Cournoyer, Mrs. Auray Delorme, Ernest Gould, Cora GuiUmette Macrine Landry, Mr. & Mrs. John B. Letendre, Mrs.. Alice Perry, Rita. Powers, 'Edward Saulnier ST. JAMES


$400 Rev. Walter J. Buckley


Rev. William E. Farland

The Finnell Family

Dr.. & Mrs. Vincent Sarlo


Albert Leeming Family

$25 St. Kiliian's Ladies Guild $20 Raymond Riviere, Peter Gaz­ dik, Theodore Galipeau Raymond Mahoney, Edward Blouin, ,Laura Vieira Family, Margaret Boucher, Joseph Masse

$15 James Dewhurst, Leo Doyon, Donald Matthews, Manuel Dias,

Alfrerd Veer

Rene Bachand, Evelyn Chiep­

pa, Charles Amaral, Wilfred Fauteux, Rosa Myers

Barbara Gouveia, Maurice

Spirlet, .Charles Gonsalves, Hen­ ry Lyonais, Conrad Pelletier Janet Hardmand, Orval Lan­

gelier, Gladys Walda, Stephen

,Kamionek, Ernest Berube, Frank

Silva ..

Peter Abraham, George Perry, John Golenski, Nicholas Nic­ holas, Charles Barton Mary Foster, Richard Rose,. Mary Pfaffenzella, John Gilmore Joseph Babiarz ' ' Mary Hanrahan, Ncrman Rope,

$150 Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Perry $100 The Hurley Family $50 ST. THERESA Mr. & Mrs. Michael Crowley' $150 A Friend '. . Florence Boisvert '. $100 Mr. & Mrs. William Hendricks . Dr. Patrick J. O'Connor 'Mr. & Mrs. William Belanger $40 Mrs. Eliza Boisvert Dr. William O'Connor -' $75 $30 . Rev. Clement F. Dufour Mr; & Mrs. Romeo Barabe Mr. & Mrs. Ronal!! Loranger Mr. & Mrs. John Pholar $50 Agnes Tiernan . Theresa Boisvert , $30 $25 Mr. & Mrs Vincent S.Cotnoir Mr. & Mrs. Louis Fleury Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hummel $25 Mr. & Mr,s. John C. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Leblanc Mr. & Mrs. Charles Palmer Dr. & Mrs. Motta Patricia Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Roland Fortin .William Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lemieux $20 Mr. ,& Mrs. Roland Gaouette Mr. & Mrs: Ernest Chicoine, Mr. & Mrs Theodore Frechette, Helen Jarusik, Mr. & Mrs. John $20 H. Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. George Desrosiers S. Maziarz, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. CharMcCrohan ' . bonneau ' . Minnie McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Giguere Sylvester Mitchell, Everett J~ Mr. & Mrs. Louis Charpentier O'Brien $15 $15 Mrs. Orner Heon, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. 'Arthur Amaral, Paul Frey, Mr. & Mrs. Georges . Eileen Backus, Mrs. Samuel Girard, Dr. & Mrs. Hector Roy, Baty, Jr:, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen . Mr., & Mrs. Roland Dube Collins, Mr. & Mrs.. William Mr. & Mrs. John' Loranda, 'ME. Damos & Mrs. Maurice Mailhot, Mrs.' Mr. & Mrs. John Downey, Mr; 'George Dubois & son 'Paul,' Mr. & Mrs. Mario Fraga,Agnes &' Mrs. Armand Duval, Peter Kearney, Mrs. MargaretA. Kin~, Duff Mr. & Mrs. Delor Martin , ' . Albert Lagesse, Mr. & Mrs. Kathleen McLaughlin, Mr. & Leo L. Cloutier , Mrs. William B. I'felson, Mary Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Lecuyer, Ouimet, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pa­ Mrs. Eugene Richard, Mrs. Jos­ checo, Mr. & Mrs. Francis :I. eph Therien, Mr. & Mrs. William Quinn ' LeBI;inc, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel J. Mr. &' Mrs. Richard Sparrow, Samson, Mr. &. Mrs., John Med­ Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Sylvia Mary eiros Winsper

THE ANCHORThurs., May 20, 1965



$500 Rt. Rev. Francis McKeon $50

The Misses McMahon $30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S, Rose $25 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dewey Mr. & Mrs. Louis V. Cook John Sullivan $20 Mary Nichols $15 Mr. & Mrs. John T. Flannery, Mrs. Edna Lincoln, Edward Smith, Roberta Smith, John B.

Smith Mr. & Mrs. John McMorrow, Mr. & Mrs. Duane Allison, Mar­ garet Slattery, Mr. & Mrs. John Goldrick, Helen Brady Elizabeth Brady, Mr. & Mrs. Ledoino Severino IMMACULATE CONCEPTION

SCOUT RETREAT: New Bedford Deanery Boy Scouts chat with retreat master at the St. Vincent de Paul Camp, No. Westport, during their weekend retreat. Left to right" Scouts Roland Dupont, Richard Aubut, Donald Blanchard; Rudolphe Blanchard, retreat chairman and Cachalot Council commissioner; Rev. Dennis McNelis, C.S.C., retreat master. SACRED HEART.


$250 $350 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Simmons Rt. Rev. E. S. de Mello $25 $75 Dr. & Mrs. Albana H. Collette Rev. Edward A. Oliveira $20 Rev. Antonio C. Tavares Yvonne & Clair Langlois Mr. & Mrs. J. Herve Bedard, $50

David Holmes

Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Furtado $15 $25

Mr. & Mrs. Sylvain Bisson, Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Franco Delia M. Green, Jeannette Can­ Mary Mattos

uel, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo O. Ber-, Henry L. Shea Family geron, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Belisle $20 Donat Audette, Mr. & Mrs. George A. Macomber Jr., Rose Manuel Botelho, Ruth & Gerard Mattos Boudreau, Mr. & Mrs. John Ca­ $17 bral Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Carlesi Mr. & Mrs. Frank V. Phillipe Rol~nd A. Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. $15 Leo Tracey & Family , Mr. & Mrs. Albert G. Moitoza, Mr. & Mrs. Cyprien Grenier, }'rancis Cutner Jr:, Mr. & Mrs;' Mr. & Mrs. Leo Tracy & Family' Joseph L. Mello, Joseph Gracia, Dianne Vieira Taunton Cecela Mattos, Ethel Caldeira, ST. JOSEPH Mr. & Mrs. W;llter Baptista, Gen­ $1,00 ' levieve 'Rabideau, Mr. & Mrs. Assumpta Guild 'Normand' Harnois Holy Name Society Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Andrade,_ S1:. Vincent de Paul Society :, }\/fr. & Mrs. John ·P. Correia :Mr. &: Mrs. JosephH. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph ,Terra, Mr. $75 & Mrs. Antonio F. Costa Jr., Mr. Rev. John F. Moore &Mrs. Frank Cardoza, Mr. & Rev. Robert McLa1.!ghlin Mrs. Joseph Andrade Jr., Helen $35 Andrade Dr.' & Mrs. Maurice Legace Manuel Goulart, Mr. & Mrs. $25 Arthue Coelho, Mr. & Mrs. Ade­ Dr. & Mrs. William Donahue ST;ANNE lino Paulo, Mr.'& Mrs. Virgilio' '-Dr. & Mrs.. Edward Doherty $100 Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Rogers' Patricia Frazier IMMACULATE CONCEPTION . Rev. Armand J. Levasseur Barbara Peterson, Mr. & Mrs. The Garvin Family St. Vincent de Paui-St. Aim's .James' P. Silvia, Mr. & Mrs., $300 The Kervlck Family COnference RichardF. Martin Rev. A. A. Castello Branco Harold Morris $75 $100 Mr. & Mrs. William Scully Rev. Roger J. Levesque Rev. G~orge E. Amaral The Hon. & Mrs. ·Frank Smith $50 $50 Helen Smith Sodalities of Saint Anne's Rev. Agostinho S. Pacheco Margaret Smith Parish $25 427 Second St. Cor. Morgan Margaret L. WalSh $25 Mr. & Mrs. Victor F. Rebello $20 Ed. McGinn, Prop. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fontaine Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Chaves, Mr. Marie Lebeau $15 OLIVETTI & Mrs. Henry Kelleher, Mr. & Saint Anne's Credit Union John Damasio Jr., Charles Calculators-Adding & Acc't. Mrs. Roger Kingsley Jr., Charles $20 Mello , Machines Law~or, Mary,& Julia Moran Claire Dumont, Felix & Jean­ Edward F. St. Pierre, Mr. & nette Fournier, Adelard Lan­ We Do Duplicating

ST. MARY glois, Mr. & Mrs. John Sylvia Jr; , Mrs. James Tonry, Mr. & Mrs. Tel.

Leonel Ventura ~50 $17 679-6712, 675-7806 -7807

$15 Rev. Kenneth J. Delano The Raymond Family $25 Mr. & Mrs. John Cleary, Mr. & $15 Mrs. Mary Penler , Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Laperriere, Mrs: Raymond Ducharme, Mr. & & Mrs'. Edward Hoye, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. Wilfred Rousseau Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lebeau, 'Ga­ The Shea Family brielle & Bernadette Cayer, Mr. Edward J. Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. $20 & Mrs. Joseph Moniz, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd McGovern Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McKenna, Mr. & Mrs. Gaston Debrosse, Henri Constant ••• Cleansers • •• Francis & Stephen O'Grady Att. & Mrs. Ulysse Auger, Mr. Maydell Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Neville, Mr. & Mrs. $15 & Mrs. Frank Chartier, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. William Cormier, Mrs. Roger Ouimet, In Memory' Charles Pirozzi, Mr. & Mrs. John 94 TREMONT STREET Mr. & Mrs. John Sylvia, Mr. & of Alexis Savaria, Armande W Shea o/AUNTON, MASS. Mr. & Mrs. John T. Sheehy, Mrs. Rene Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Dessaint :M't. & Mrs. Antonio Tosti, Mr. & Peter Becker, Mr. & Mrs.' Louis A Friend, Mr. ~ Mrs. Pierre;. Tel. VAndyke 2-0621 Richard, Ann Pickup :Mrs. Leonard M. Walsh Sr. J.ussier


Tri-City Office Equip.

Casey-Sexton, Inc.

$50 The Flangheddy Family $25 Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Brennan Mr. & Mrs. William Jones $20 Mary Dinneen William Dinneen Mrs. Donald MacLean $15 :Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Borge!, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Burt, James Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. John Gu­ bala, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Gubala Mrs. Eric Karlson, Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Kiley, Judith Kiley, Maureen Kiley, Mr. & Mrs. .James Mahoney Charles & Mary Masterson, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Mello, Mrs. Daniel Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ mund Sullivan, Mrs. Elizabeth VanNostrand, Mr. & Mrs. Leon­ ard Walsh ST. PAUL

. $100 ' Mr. & Mrs. Clayton B. Rennie $50

Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ryan $20 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Witscha;y $16 Memory of Clara Dontigny Memory of John & Mary Dru­ g.m $15

Mr. & Mrs. Marcel, Casavant, :Mr. & Mrs. Edward Castle, Mr. ' & Mrs. Robert Dion, Mr. & Mrs. William'Driscoll, Mr & M];s John Felong , A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis . II. Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. George

Perry, M:·. & Mrs. Richard Silva,

Mr. & Mrs. James Spinello Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Welch, !\e.-s. LeRoy Whittle

LEMIEUX PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. ........ for lJomestic , and Industrial , ,; ~ 'Sales and Service Oil Burners



SULLIVAN BROS. PRINTERS Main Office and Plant 95 Bridge St., Lowel,l, Mass. Tel. 458-6333 Auxiliary Plants BOSTON CAMDEN, N. J. OCEANPORT, N. J. MIAMI PAWTUCKET, R. I. PHILA~ELPHIA




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 20, 1965

The Ladies League will hold a Communion dinner at 6:30 Wednesday night, June 9 at Thad's Steak House. Cake dec­ orating will be demonstrated 01' Mrs. Lloyd Neville at a meeting Thursday night, May 27.

The Parish Parade



Children will receive First Holy Communion at 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morning. Ladies of St. Anne will receive corporate Communion at 9:30 Mass. A May procession and crowning are scheduled for 3 on the church grounds with Children of Mary, first communicants, par ish school children, sodalities and all other parishioners invited to participate. Ladies of St. Anne will meet at 7:30 Monday mght in the school cafeteria. An attendance prize will be awarded. New members will be received at 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, .July 25 followed by a breakfast. Prospective members may con­ tact Rev. Alexis Wygers, SS.CC. or Mrs. Irene Montplaisir, presi­ dent. May devotions are held at 7 each evening.

Confraternity of Christian Doc­ trine officers have been install­ ed at solemn erection ceremonies held in ~hE:: church and presided over by Rev. John FoIster, CCD director for the New Bedford area. They are Dr. David Costa Jr., pre!'lident; Mrs. Manuel G. daSilva, vice-president; Manuel Sardinha, secretary; Euclides M. Cabral, treasurer. Committee chairmen are Mrs. Mary Medeiros and Miss Mary Lou Bettencourt, Teachers; Mr. and Mrs. Armand Brie, Fishers; Mrs. Constance Mar eel i n 0, Helpers; Mr. and Mrs. Jean De­ nault, Discussion Groups; Sam­ uel Coelho and Mrs. Mitchell Jasinski, Parent-Educators; Mr. Abel Fidalgo and Henry Rod­ rigues, Apostles of Goodwill. The chairmen are also executive board members.


FALL RIVER A public dessert whist

is scheduled for 8 tonight in the parish school by the Women's Guild. Mrs. Arthur Boulay is chairman. Newly elected officers will be installed at the unit's 25th annu­ al banquet Monday, June 7 at Pocasset Country Club. They are Mrs. Patrick Murphy, pres­ ident; Mrs. Dennis Lynch, vice­ president; Mrs. Wilfred Cal­ lagh' and Mrs. Edmund Le­ vesque, secretaries; Miss Helen Goff, treasurer. Reservations close Thursday, June 3. VISITATION GUILD NORTH EASTHAM

A closet sale will be held at 10 Saturday morning, May 22 fit the church hall. Mrs John Con­ nors heads the arrangements committee. A food sale will fol­ low 9:30 Mass Sunday morning. May 23, also in the hall. Food donations will be picked up Saturday upon request. The regular guild meeting is set for 8 Monday night, May 24 in the hall, and a penny sale be helli Saturday, May 29.

New W cmen's Guild president is Mrs. William Renaud. Her chairmen include Mrs. Warren Wood, program; Mrs. Edward Morrow, publicity; Mrs. John Donnelly, membership; Mrs. Mercier, hospitality. The Holy Name Society will hold a Father and Son program at 7:30 Monday night, May 24 in the school auditorium. Guest speaker will be Bob Dee, defensive end of the Boston Patriots football team. He will show movies of the Patriots and the American Football League. Refreshments will be served and all men and boys of the par­ ish are invited to attend. SANTO CHRISTO, FALL RIVER

PAPAL NUNCIO: Arch­ bishop Emmanuele Clarizio, 53, papal nuncio in the Do­ minican 'Republic, has been serving as mediator and peace maker in that island torn by factional fighting. NC Photo. HOLY ROSARY, FALL RIVER

Breakfast will follow corpo­ rate Communion at 8:30 Mass Sunday morning, May 23 for Women's Guild members. Mrs. Albert Roy and Mrs. Vincent Staibano are in charge of ar­ rangements. ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER

Mrs. Cecile Cummings, re­ elected president, heads Council of Catholic Women officers for the coming year. With her will serve Mrs. Florence Dore, vice­ president; Mrs. Doris Asselin and Miss Lucille Gauthier, secre­ taries; Mrs. Pauline Duquette and Mrs. Mariette St. Pierre, treasurers. They will be installed at church ceremonies at 7:15 Mon­ day night, June 7, to be followed by a dinner, of which Mrs. Al­ bert Auclair is chairman.

Women's Guild members win hold their annual Communion break.(ast Sunday, May 23. In­ stallation of officers is set for Wednesday, June 9 at the Coach­ man restaurant.

The Council of Catholic Women plans a Maybasket whist at 7:30 tonight in the church hall. Mrs. Mary Gagne is chairman, Mrs. Mary Pereira. co-chairman. Re­ freshments will be served and special prizes awarded. Tickets arE' available from committee members, and will also be on hc\nd at the door. Parishioners will observe the church's annual feast Saturday and Sunday, May 29 and 30. A band concert and aUction will highlight the Saturday program, with a religious procession and another concert and auction planned for Sunday. A food sale will be held in conjunction with the two-day event.




A May Dance will be spon­ sored from 8. to 12 Saturday night, May 22 in the parish hall by the Women's Guild. At the unit's meeting Monday night, May 24 the Bishop Stang Glee Club will entertain. Mrs. Gerald Morrissey has been named chair­ man of a nominating committee to prepare a slate of new offi­ cers, to be installed at a banquet Tuesday, June 15 at White's restaurant, North Westport.

New Women's Guild officers include Mrs. Edward DeCiccio, president; Mrs. Joseph Richards, vice-president; Mrs. Nicholas Tyrrell and Mrs. Ann Griffin, secretaries; Mrs. Edward Jack­ son, treasurer. They will be installed Tuesday, June 8 at a banquet at Pocasset Country Club. The unit plans a rummage sale starting at 9 Saturday morning, May 22 at the parish school. A World's Fair trip is scheduled for Sunday, June IS.







Women's: Guild elections have seated the following officers for the coming season: Mrs. George Charbonneau, president; Mrs. Aime Turgeon, vice-pres­ ident; Mrs. Andre Latessa, sec­ retary: Mrs. John Albernaz, treasu rer. ST. KILJrAN, NEW BEDFORD

An installation banquet will be held Wednesday, June 2 by the Ladies Guild at Harbor

B e a c h Lodge, Mattapoisett. Transportation will be available

at 6 that evening from the parish

school grounds. Members will attend a conti­ nental breakfast in the school following corporate Communion at 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morn­ ing, June 6. SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER

New Women's Guild officers will be install~d Monday, June 7 at a banquet in the school hall. They are Mrs. Kenneth Leger, president; Mrs. Owen Hartnett, vice- president; Mrs. Willard Piper, secretary; Mrs. Francis War i n g, treasurer. The unit plans a World's Fair trip Sat­ urday, June 19.



The Council of Catholic Women will sponsor a cotillion from 3 to 12 Saturday night, May 22 at Stevenson's restaurant. Mrs. Jo­ seph E. Jean, chairman, an­ nounces a dance contest will form part of the program. ST. JOSEPH, FALL RIVER

Junior CYO members wili hold a dance tomorrow night from 7:15 to 10 in the parish hall. Men's Club members will attend a Communion breakfast follow­ ing 9:30 Mass Sunday morning. Women's Guild members wiU sponsor a cake sale following aU Masses, also this Sunday.

New Belford


To be installed at a banquet Monday, June 7 a~ White's res­ taurant are Council of Catholic Women officers, including Miss Gracia Parenteau, president; Miss Alice Boulay and Mrs. Roland Frazier, vice-presidents; Miss Lorraine Arseneault, sec­ retaries; Miss Jacqueline Math­ ieu, tresurer. A meeting is planned for Monday, May 24 with Mrs~ Arthur Archambault as chair­ man.


The Holy Name Society will sponsor a father-son breakfast in the church hall following 7 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, June 13. Albert Desilets is chair­ man. Newly elected officers witl be installed on this occasion. A whist will be sponsoredb,. the CYO at 8 Saturday night ill the church hall. ST. JEAN BAPTISTE, FALL RIVER Saturday, June 12 is the date

set for a mystery ride by the Council of Catholic Women. Mrs. Roland Lafleur is chairman.


$200 Mr. & Mrs. Francois SuUivaa $100 Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Trahan Mr. & Mrs. H. Ernest Dionne $50 OUR LADY OF THE CAPE, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Seguin

BREWSTER Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Denault The Women's Guild announces

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Janson a Summer bazaar for Wednesday July 21. A communion break­ $30 fast, co-sponsored with the Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Lemaire & Holy Name Society, will follow Diane Lemaire 9 o'clock Mass Sunday morn­ Mrs. J. Palardy ing, May 23, and will be held Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Sylvia Jr. in the parish hall. House Speak­ $25 er John F. X.Davoren wiil Mr. & Mrs. pArnard Burke be guest speaker. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Hodson Allee & Albert Leblanc ST. JOSEPH, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Leblane NORTH DIGHTON Theotime Leblanc Parish women will receive Mr. & Mrs. Normand Ostiguy corporate Communion at 8:15 A Parishioner Mass Sunday morning, June 6. Mrs. Clara Robida and son, At a foliowing Communion breakfast in St. Joseph's hall, a Ernest • Mr. & Mrs. Hilaire Trembla,. speaker from Providence Col­ Mr. & Mrs. Isidor Viens lege will be featured. Mr. & Mrs. Normand Boutin Men will receive Communion . $20 at 7 o'clock Mass Sunday morn­ Mr. & Mrs. A. Bertrand, Mr. &: ing, June 13, with breakfast to follow in the hall. Speaker will Mrs. Francis CaInen, Gardner Family, Mr. & Mrs. Armand La­ be a member of the Society of Mary, who will also make an fond, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Leblanc Mr. & Mrs. Maxime Leblanc, appeal at all Masses of the day. Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Leblanc, Mr. & ST. MARY, Mrs. Maurice Robillard NEW BEDFORD Mr. & Mrs. Henri Gardner A May Frolic is planned for Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Methe Saturday night at K of C Home, $]6 Mattapoisett, by the Women's Mr. & Mrs. Roland Fortin Guild. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Hilair Bedard, Mr. S8. PETER AND PAUL, & Mrs. Frank Braga, Mr. & Mrs. FALL RIVER Parishioners will tender a tes­ Andre Champagne, Mr. & Mrs. timonial to Rev. David O'Brien, Luigi Fiano, Mrs. Philias Fortin Mr. & Mrs. Leo Fredette, Mr.

pastor, who will mark the 40th anniversary of his ordination & Mrs. Theodore Girard, Mr. & Sunday, June 6. A reception will Mrs. Marcel Goyette, Mr. & Mrs.

be held from 3 to 5 Sunday .John Green, Mr. & Mrs P. Jodoin

Larocque Family, Mr. & Mrs.

afternoon, followed by a solemn Alcidas Magnant, Mr. & Mrs.

Mass of thanksgiving. Lionel Marchand, Mr. &: Mrs.


Gerard Marchessault, Mr. & Mrs.

FALL RIVER Pierre Melanson

Installation ceremonies for

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Methot, the Council of Catholic Women Yvonne & Berthe & Leontine

will be held at 5 o'clock Mass Michaud, Simeon LaFrance Fam­ Sunday evening, June 27. A ily, Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Pelle­

banquet will follow the church tier

service. In charge of arrange­

Horace Robillard, Mr. &: Mrs.

ments are Miss Clorinda Ven­ Alphege Robitaille, Mr. & Mrs

tura and Mrs. Esther Dzugala. R.. Tetrault, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar


Mr. & Mrs. Herve Adam

Mr. & Mrs. Herve Adam, Mr.

&: Mrs. Armand Bergeron, Mau­ LIMA (NC)-A large organ­ rice ·Charette, Mr. & Mrs. Lau­ ization here has asked the Peru­ rier Cormier, Mr. & Mrs. George vian parliament to name a U. S. Frenette missioner an "Illustrious Son of Mr. & Mrs. Arthur GaUdreau, Peru." Mr. & Mrs. Archibald Spoor Proposed for the high honor is Father Daniel B. McLellan, M.M., of Denver, Colo., who pi­ oneered the credit cooperative movement in Peru. The Sixth Annual Assembly of the Credit Cooperatives of Peru made the proposal. The cooperative movement

started in Peru 10 years ago

when Father McLellan convinced 23 men to gather together their ~ 365 NORTH FRONT STREET ~ money and have "faith in them­ selves." They were able to raise , NEW BEDFORD ~ about $23. Today, there are 211

cooperatives with 130,000 mem­ , WYman 2-5534 ,

bers and assets of about $11.5

~ ~


Ask Peruvian Honor For U. S. Missioner

,)'~;;~;'~1 CO. C

) Heating Oils ) and Burners

....... ",....,,....,,..,,,,



at the



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$500 Mr. & Mrs. James H. Mahoney, Jr.

$250 Dr. & Mrs. Arthur F. Buckley

$200 Dr. & Mrs. Jean Webster

$125 A Friend Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Koczera

$120 Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Tripp

$100 Rev. Arthur h:. Wingate Dr. & Mrs. William Muldoon William King Dr. & Mrs. William O'Donnell

$75 Caritas Dr. & Mrs. William Walsh

$60 Mrs. Walter Collopy Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Keating Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Smith Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Downey

$50 The Doherty Family Dr. & Mrs. Robert Durant Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. William Kearney Mrs. Thomas Mahoney James J. OBrien, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. James Bolton The Joseph A. Burke Family Neil C. Fitzgerald Anne & Helen Meade Mr. & Mrs. John B. O'Rourke Mrs. Edith Smith Mr. &. Mrs. Edward Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Paul McCawley

$40 Mrs. Mary B. Wheaton

$36.50 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Davis

$35 Elizabeth &. Helen O'Connor Mr. & Mrs. Charles Phelan Dorothy Curry

$30 Rose & Elizabeth Foster Mr. &. Mrs. Salvatore Giam­ malvo Mr. & Mrs. James Kearney Mr. & Mrs. George McGovern Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. McIn­ tyre Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. CampbeH Caritas Mrs. William S. Downey Mr. & Mrs. J. Kelleher Mr. & Mrs. Paul LaForest Mr. & Mrs. James A. Ryan The Sullivan Family Mr. & Mrs. Karl Halversen Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pelczar The Roche Family Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Ryall A Friend $28

Mr. & Mrs. Armand Penha

$25 Margaret Austin Elizabeth Callaghan Dr. & Mrs. A. B. Crowe Anna Driscoll Atty. Joseph P. Harrington Dr. Francis Hinds Hubert Kelleher Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lopes Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brunelle Elizabeth Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cormier Mr. & Mr.s. Alfred Coutu The Meggison Family Mr. & Mrs Edward G. McBride Mr. & Mrs. Paul Saunders Mrs. Ambrose Smith & Family Caritas A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Balderson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph MacFarlane Mr. & Mrs. August Medeiros Mrs. Pemberton Nye William J. O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Page . Mrs. Phillip Proctor Mr. & Mrs. Albert Silvia

$20 Mr. & Mrs. Leo Beaudry, Anna M. Brady, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Harrington, Angela J. Hayes, Mrs. Catherin Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. ~obert A. Makin Teresa .Beehan, Mrs. George Breen, Alice Fennessey, Mr. &. Mrs. James Goldrick, Edwud Harrington Rita Limerick, Helen e. :Mc­ Carthy, Kathryn T. McCa~ :Mr. & Mrs. Richard Porter, A Friend, Mr. II Mrs. Ed,....

Sparrow Mr. & Mrs. Felix Bruce, Mrs. Mabel Brunelle, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Burke, Mary E. Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Curry Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kirkwood, Mr. & Mrs. Karsten, Kristiansen, Mr. & Mrs. John Lally, Mr. & Mrs. William Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sullivan

THE ANCHORThurs., May 20, 1965 HOLY NAME <;600

Rt. Rev. John J. Hayes $75 Rev. Henry T. Munroe Rev. Lucio B. Phillipino John D. Shech:m

$18 Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Hayes


$15 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Allen, Mrs. Michael Austin, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Baillargeon, Christo­ pher Best, Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Bonneau Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bosse, Mrs. Florence Brower, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Burke, Mrs. Frances Connolly, James Durant Mr. & Mrs. John W. Durant, Genevieve Foley, Robert Gel­ Iette, Timothy Gleason, The Misses Goulding Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hamer, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harring­ ton, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. William Hayes & Family, Anne E. Hooper Edward Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. William Kruger, Mr. & Mrs. Francis LeBoeuf, Mrs. Ellen Les­ Il:arbeau, Mrs. Edward Lyons & Frances Louise Mah<'Oey, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Manghan, Margaret Man­ ning, Mary Manning, Jennie McAuley The McCulloughs. Mary Mc­ Cusker, Mary & Mildred Mc­ Kenna, Mr. & Mrs. William Mitchell, ·Mr. & Mrs. William Murray Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O'Neill, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Peccini, Mary Peckham, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pierce, Mr. & Mrs. James Pitt­ man Anthony Pullo, Mrs. Alice Ra­ phael, Mr. & Mrs. George D. Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. John Ryan, Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph Santos Mr. & Mrs. Oswald Senesac, Mrs. Katherine Sherman, Wil­ liam H. Taylor, John Whalen Family, Mr. & Mrs. Glenwood Wilbur, Mrs. John Woodruff Mr. & Mrs. A. Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Attridge, Mr. & Mrs. C. Baines, Charles Balboni, Julia E. Barry Frances Burke, Helena Cant­ well, Mr. & Mrs. James Carr Jr., Alice Cashman, Edward Clark Mr. & Mrs. E. Cloutier, Mr. & Mrs. John Connolly, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Cormier, Mr. & Mrs. James Dee, Mrs. Elizabeth Dooley Agnes Dx:iscoll, Mr. & Mrs. D. Driscoll, Mr. &. Mrs. Anthony Folger, Catherine Foye, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Foye Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gamba, Mr. &. Mrs. James Gaughan, Mr. &; Mrs. John F. Goggin, Mr. & Mrs. John Greulich, Mr. & Mrs.. Man­ uel Guerreiro The Halloran Family, Mrs. Charles E. Harrington, Mr. &; Mrs. Thomas Healy, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Horne, Thomas Jennings Miss K. Kelleher, Carol Kelly, Mrs. George V. Kelly, Mr. &. Mr. & Mrs. E. T. Balboni, Mr. & Mrs. J. Beausoleil, Mr. & Mrs. Eric Besso, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Emil Cipriani Mrs. T. William Clynes, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Connor, Patricia Connor, Mr. & Mrs. Emery Cus­ son, Gertrude Cuttle Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cunha, Eileen Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. Jos­ eph Flinn, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Foley, Mr. & Mrs George Gagnon Francis Gillin, Mrs. John W. Glenn, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hart, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Healy, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hill Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose Hogan, Ida & Louise Hoye, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Hunt, Mr. & Mrs. An­ drew Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Langlois Francis Lynn, Maurice Mahon, Mrs. Emile Marchessault, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Mason, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mattos A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Albert McMullen, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Morse, Elizabeth F. O'Brien,

Belen O'Briea


Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Derby Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gibbons Jr.

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Guido Coucci Mrs. Mary A. Phelan Benac Family, Raymond Lima, Mr. & Mrs. Paul McNeil, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sweeney

$20 Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Fredet­ ter, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Mar­ key, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Norris, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. John O'Neil, Mt; & Mrs. Elmer Paul, Mr. & MrS. Norris Walecka William F. Houlihan & Family

$20 Mr. & Mrs Stephen Cavanaugh The Mello Family, Mr. & Mrs. William P. Powers, Mrs. Mary Wilson


MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: A four year scholarship to Mt. St. Mary's Academy has been established by friends

in memory of Anne Carpenter Brownell, an outstanding senior who met a tragic death last month. Sister Mary Consilii, R.S.M., principal, congratulates the first winner, Maureen Anne Janick, a Cathedral school eighth grader and a member of St. WilJiam's Parish, Fall River. Mary T. O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. A. S. Pederson, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Parker Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Perry, Mrs. Anne Porter James Porter, Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. William Reed, Mr. & Mrs. George Rhoads, Mrs. Joseph Rosen Mr. & Mrs. William Rossi, Isa­ bel L. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Primo Tarini, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Theo­ dore, Mr &. Mrs Arthur B. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. John R. Whalen, Mr. & Mrs. William Whalen Jr., Mrs. Josephine Whelan & Ann, Mrs. Leonard Whitehead, Mr. & Mrs. Austin L. Whittey Mrs. Paul Kennedy, Mrs. An­ thony S. King. Gerhardt Kober, Mrs. Ruth Kober, Kathryn Koczera, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lake, John Luby Mr. & Mrs. Earl Manning, Mr. & Mrs. James Manning, Dora McCarthy, Mr. &. Mrs. Eugene McCarthy. Mrs. Robert McIntyre Jean H. Mevis, George Molan Mrs. Patrick Moore & Rosemary Alice Murpl)y, Albert Murray Mr. & Mrs. James Neves, John N. O'Brien, Genevieve O'Connor, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Osborne, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Perry. . Mr. & Mrs. James Peyton, Rosemary Porter, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Potter, Mrs. Maud Power, Mr. & Mrs. James P. Quinn Mrs. Annie Roderick, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Saunders, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Silveira, Albert Smith A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. John E.. Stager, Eleanor Sullivan, Mrs. Helen Sullivan, Mary Sullivan Mrs. Robert Thatcher, Mr. & Mrs. Donald VanCleft, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Vasques, Mr. & Mrs. William Viveiros, Mr. & Mrs. Merton Walker The Wessiak Family, Mr. &

Mrs. George Wezniak, Mary

Agnes White



Domenic F. Catalano

$15 Rose Alves, N~talie Foley,

Pantaleone Grande, Albert Lima

Manly Mfg. Co. Inc., Salvato



$500 Rt. Rev. Albert Berube $60 Rev. Gerard Boibert Rev. Bertrand R. Chabot Rev. John R. FoIster

$40 Orner Tardi

$30 Aurele Cormier Robert Lagasse Mr. & Mrs. octave Pimentel

$25 Mrs. Anna Esa &; Family Lionel Robitaille


Mr. & Mrs. Einar Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bromley, Mr. & Mrs. F. Francis Considing, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Green, Albert Hill . In memory of Mrs. Alice Hill. Mrs. Rose Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Kramer, Mr. & Mrs. Alban Lancaster Daniel Lysko,. Mr. & Mrs. Romeo J. B. Magnant, Ellen Market, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Marti­ nez, Frances McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. John Mills, Mr. &; Mrs. Leo A. Ouellette, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Thornton, Edmund Too­ mey Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Boswell, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bures, Mr. &; Mrs. Patrick Conlan, Grace Don­ nelly, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Faria Mr. & Mrs. James Gleason, Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Leahey, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Logan, J. Joseph Marshall, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Morrissey Mr. & Mrs. Michael Norton, Mr. &; Mrs. Louis Rose, Mr. &; Mrs. Robert Savaria, Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sevigny, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Shanahan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Shanahan Sr., Mrs. Margaret Whitmer & Annie Adams ST.CASIMDt

Joseph Soares, Adelard Mllyoia

$15 Roger Barthelmy, Hormidas Boucher, A Friend, Elzear Cor­ mier, Ernest Gelinas, Jr. Donat Paquin, Noel Hebert, Jeannette Carrier, Norman He­ bert, Wilfrid Blanchette Alexander Wyzga, George Ga­ mache, Joseph Frates, Wilfrid Masse, Joseph & Robert Caron Alfred Gauthier, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Mailloux, Lena & Imelda Mailloux, Irene Poulin, Aurore Poulin Gerard Langlois, Julien Men­ ard, Antoinette Gelinas, Mrs. Romeo Lemire & Marcel Lemire,

Eva Benoit

Anna Poitras, Rose Anna Ross,

Edmond Bonneau, Eugene La­ plante, Irene Frigault, A Friend

$120 Rev. casimir Kwiatkowski $25 The Poczatek Family Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Schick

I:LECTRICAL Contradors

944 County St.

New Bedford







Thurs., May 20, 1965



ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST $150 In Memory of Charles Vargas $120 Rev. Manuel P. Ferreira $100 Aubertine Funeral Home St. John's St. Vincent de Paul In Memory of Manuel J. Soares .




$7; Rev. Luis Cardoso $60 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Vera Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Zipol.i $56.55 St. John Couples Club $50 A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gonsalves Mr. & Mrs. John Gracia Mr. & Mrs. Frank Martin Mr. & Mrs. William McGraw Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Motta Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Souza Dr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Ponte Jr. A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. DeMello A Friend A Friend

$35 Dr. & Mrs. Manuel F. DeMello

$30 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fredette



Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Barry Mrs. Mada Coelho Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dias Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Ferreira Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Ferreira Dr. & Mrs. Norbert Fraga Mr. John F. Gracia Mesquita Pharmacy Dr. & Mrs. Norbert V. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Richard Perry St. John's C. Y. O. Mr. & Mrs. Antone Silva Mr. & Mrs. William W,.llace A Friend St. John Holy Name Society $20 Mrs. Arthur Carreiro William J. Ferreira Dr. & Mrs. Albert S. Luiz Mr. & Mrs. Walter Oliver Frank Perry Mr. & Mrs. Americo Ramalho Frank Santos In Memory of Augustine &; Olympia Gonzales Mr. & Mrs. Seraphim E. Mello Mr. & Mrs. Adolph F. Walecka $11 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel J. Souza _d daughter Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Vieira $15 Mr. & Mrs. Gil Amaral, An­ tone Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Avila, Mr. & Mrs. William Avila. Helena Bartholo James M. Boyle, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. ~oseph Baptista Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Bruce, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Cavvalho and children Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferreira, Mrs. Marion Freitas, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lopes, Joseph Rebello, Mary B. and Lydia Pacheco Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Perry, Henry Pimental, Mr. & Mrs. Jayme Cardoza, A Friend, Mr. Ie: Mrs. Ernest Correia Mr. & Mrs. Edward Costa, Mrs. Victorina Cotnoir, Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Cruz, Mr. & Mrs. Nor­ mand Despres, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Dunham Mr. & Mrs. Charles Duponte; Mr. & Mrs. Frank Edwards, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. George Fish, Mr. & Mrs. John R. Furtado Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Franczyk, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Vito Ge­ rardi, Mr. & Mrs. Louis T. Gou­ lart, Mr. & Mrs. Laurent Gui­ lette Mr. & Mrs. Antonio F. Gracie, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gracie, St. John Ladies Guild, Mr. & Mrs. John Henriques, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Homen Mr. & Mrs. Frank Jason Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Janeiro, Mrs. Flausina Lemos, Mr. & Mrs. Ce­ lestino D. Macedo, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Meades Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Gil Mello, Mr. & Mr...

Jane Parker Large I-Inch 1 Ib I


Cherry Pies Stoclc up your freezer at this low, low p~lcel

MAN OF PARTS: Joseph Cardinal Ferretto, youngest of the Cardinal Bishops, vet­ eran of many scholarly and administrative posts in Rome, his native city, was a visitor last week at the National Shrine of the Im­ maculate Conception, Wash­ ington, D.C. NC Photo.

• A&P 7 oz .ero•• 1 49c Rea I Cream Topplng eM


SAVE 47c

Ice Cream


Augustine Mortagua, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Lepire, Dr. & Mrs. Michael Norton 3rd Lillian M. Olivier, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pedroso, Alfred Perreira, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest L. Perry. Milton Richmond Mr. & Mrs. Joaquim Santos, Manuel Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Silva, John Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O. Silva Mr. & Mrs. Mathew Souza, Mrs. Eva Sylvia and Son,.Otilia B. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sylvia, Mrs. Angelina Vargas MT. CARMEL

$50 Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro RodrigUe8 Mr. & Mrs. Albino Sylvia $30 Noe Ferro

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Avila ,,­ Mr. & Mrs. Charles Frates Mr. & Mrs. John Gomes Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Medeiros Mt. Carmel Scout Units Mr. & Mrs. John R. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Joao R. Rocha Augustus Silva $20 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cruz J"r.. Manuel A Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Humberto Rodrigues. Mr. & Mrs. Edmund J. Sylvia

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Agostinho Mary Andrade, Anonymous, Mrs. Maria A vellar, Louis L. Cabral Rosalina Camara, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Cardoza, Rose Cardoza, Antone & Clara Catarino, Cyn­ thia Costa Mr. & Mrs. Joao S. Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Couto, Mr. & .Mrs.Joseph Cruz, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Dupont, Mr. & Mrs. Vin­ cent Fernandes Mr. & Mrs. Jacintho S. Ferro, Alfredo & Rosa Furtado, Caro­ line Goulart, Mr. & Mrs. Richard King, Mrs. Maria Macedo Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Martin. Mr. & Mrs. Joao Mascarenhas, Antonio Mathews, Aristides Me­ deiros, George Moniz Mr. & Mrs. Gil Moniz, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Nichols, Anthony Page Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Paiva, Mrs. Gilda C. Perez Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Pimental, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rodrigues, Helena Rodrigues, Mr. & Mrs. George Silva, Jose G. Silveira Mr. & Mrs. Joao Sousa, Fran­ cisco Souza, Mr. & Mrs. George Souza, John Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson A. Souza Christopher & Mildred Souza, Elsie M. Sylvia, Mr & Mrs Fran­ cis A. Sylvia, Thomas Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel P. Torres" Belmira Vieira









c &ACH89

Fall River



$50 In memory of Mr. & MIL George V. Broderick Mr. & Mrs. Charles Veloza Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Scully . $30 , Mr. & Mrs. Howard Stroud $25 Mr. & Mrs. George Biltcliffe Mary E. Kilroy $20 Mr. & Mrs. Martin Delahanty,. James Ryan S15 Elizabeth McCann & Fam­ ily, Mr. & Mrs. John Cote, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lewis, Mrs. Mary Newman, James Clegg Clara Miller, Mary M. Rougier, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Crofton, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Haponik, Mr. & Mrs. William Rosa Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Donnelly, Margaret Donnelly, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Perrault, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Rogers, Abbie 1. Kilroy Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Blouin, Eva McDonald, Mrs. James Coyle, William Bruneau, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferreira Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lavoie, Mrs.' Anne Herbst, Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzgerald, Estelle Ferry,., In memory of Raymond T. Mc­ Cann ST.ROCR


RETIRES: Bruce M. Moh. ler, founder of the Immigra­ tion Department, National Catholic Welfare Conference, and its director continuously since 1921, has been named Director Emeritus and Spec­ ial Consultant on Immigra­ tion to the General Secretary, N.C.W.C. NC Photo.


$100 Rev. Reginald M. Barrettl $50 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Coutu Mr. & Mrs. Romain Saulnier $35 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cote $34 Famille P. T. Crispo S30 Mr. & Mrs. Isidore Lapre $20 Irene Levasseur Mr. & Mrs. Normand Levesque $15 Mr. & Mrs. Albini Bouchard, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Desaulniers, Mrs. Anna Dumont, Mr. & Mrs. Donat Ferron, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Giroux Mrs. Abraham Nulman, Mr. & Mrs. Aime St. Amand, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Valcourt. Mr. & ~rs. Ernest Violette, Mr. & Mrs. William Wright Mr. & Mrs. Henri Berube SANTO CHRISTO


st. Vincent de Paul Society $'75 Rev. Daniel L. Freitas S50 Rep. Manuel C. Faria Council of Catholic Women $40 Rev. Ernesto R. Borges Rev. Ernesto R. Borges $35 Mr. & Mrs. John N. Brilhante $30 Mr. & Mrs. Mario Pereira $25 Dr. Raymond R. Costa $20 Manuel Martins, Jr. $15 Joseph Cabral, Joseph Pache­ co, David Rezendes, Dennis Pi­ mentel, Andrew Rebello Elizabeth Pereira, Olivia Mar­ tins, Mr. & Mrs. John Saidinhil, Manuel Faria, Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Tavares Jose Pacheco, Manuel Vivei­ ros, Antonio F. Souza, Jr., Flora S. Moniz, Stella Souza Estelle Machado, Marie C. Machado, Joseph Machado Humberto Faria, Germaine Faria, Edward Camara, Joaquim Machado, Evangeline Machado ~"r. & Mrs. Victor S. Aguiar, Francelina Fidalgo, Manuel Sil­ via, Paul Freitas, Antonio Be­ nevides A Friend, Jose Silva, John Moniz, Manuel Moniz, A Friend Laureano Silva, Manuel Friz­ ado,' Marie Cordeiro, Alvaro Rego Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Campos Beatrice Costa, Anthony Pach­ eco


S50 Holy Rosary St. Vincent de Paul Conference $25

Mrs. Philomena Germane

$20 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. D'Am­ brosio $15 Mr. & Mrs. P. A. Emile Dur­ and & Son, The Furgiuele Fam­ ily, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Mello & Daugh­ ter, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Stetkie­ wicz Mr. & Mrs. Albert D'Ambrosio Italian American War Veterans Fall River-Post 10, Italo Gian­ notti, Richard Sperduti SACRED HEART

$150 Dr. John E Manning , $100 , ,Sacred Heart Conference, S\. Vincent de Paul Society St. Vincent de Paul Salvage Bureau' $'75 Rev. oJohn J. Regan Mr. & Mrs. William M. RaY­ graves $50 Frederick B. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Dick H. Cutting $35 Mary V. & Anna G. McCarthy $30 Jane G. Broderick $25 Mabel M. Smith John F. Coyle Florence M. Sullivan John L. Morgan $20 Johanna Norton & Family James L. Connor $15 Jacob Janusz, Mary C. Daley, G"ace A. Daley, Charles V. Mor­ ris, Daniel Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kitchen, Mrs. Evelyn Farrar, Milford Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Gagnon Jr. John Malloy, Mr & Mrs George McCoomb, M.· Doris Sullivan, Mary V. O'Hearn BLESSED SACRAIVf[ENT

$ICO Rev~

Roland B. Boule

$25 Richard J. Hamel Rene J. Garant $15 Edward J. Langlais, Eugene Roussin

$100 Rev. Robert S. Kaszynski St. Vincent de Paul Society St. Stanislaus CYO $50 Holy Rosary Sodality Mr. & Mrs. Walter Pudlo $25 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Deda Felician Sisters, St. StanislaW! Convent $20 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wojcik $15 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Wojnar, Mr. '& Mrs. Thaddeus Stasiowski Mr. & Mrs. John W. Deveney, Jean Drzal, Mr. & Mrs. George Wrobel Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Kosinski, Aniela Kruczek, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Autote, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Klaege, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Petres , Edward Kocon, Knights of the Altar, AnonymQus Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Minior, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Knapinski, A Friend, Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Polak Mr. & Mrs. Marian Golem­ biewski, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sul­ livan ST. ANTHONY OF THE DESERT

$225 Rev. Joseph Eid S100 Dr. & Mrs. James J. Sabn $25 :Mr. & Mrs. Victor Badwey Rev. Kenneth A. Michael $20 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Saab $15 Mr. & Mrs. Massoud Elhilow, Mr. & Mrs. EdwarC: Khoury Mrs. August Badwey, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Badwey, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Assad, Mr. & Mrs. Mit­ chell Sweet, Solomon Nagem ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST

$100 Mr. & Mrs. Jean Demers $50 Rev. Thomas E. Morrissey St. Jean Baptiste Women~ Council $30 Mr. & Mrs. George Casavant $25 A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Berube Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Larue Francis Lauzon Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Parker St. Jean Baptiste Holy Name Society $20 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Dufreme. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Gagnon II Family, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gau­ thier, Antoinette Michaud, Pa­ rishioners $18 Octave Fluet & Family $15 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Bielusiak & Son, Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Boll'­ chard, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Bo,.. rassa; Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Caron, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Correa Mr. & Mrs. Hend 'Demers, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Desmarais, Mr. & Mrs. Alme Goyette, Mr. II Mrs. Omer Martineau, Mr. & Mrs. John McGuill Mr. & Mrs. Philias Ouellette, Mr. & Mrs. John Perry, Louise Perry, Marcel Perry, Norman Perry Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse st. Pierre, Mr. &. Mrs. Edward Sui-­ livan, Mr. & Mrs. William Le­ tendre, A Parishioner ST. LOUIS

$100 In memory of Peter A. Lee Jr. $51.' Mr. & Mrs. William P. Lynch $30 In Memory of Mr. &: M1'Ilo Thomas J. Conroy S25 Susan McMahon $15 Mr. & Mrs. Henrique Pedro, Mrs. Ann Tuttle, Alice Bailey, Margaret Conroy, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Cordeiro Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Donnelly., In Memory of Catherine & Pat­ rick Garrity, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Brien, Mary E. Ryder


Thurs., May 20, 'W6'5


Cites Warning On A~~~holism BUFFALO (NC)-8tepped up efforts are needed if the U. S. _ not to have 7.5 million alcoholics within 15 years, the seventh an­ nual Pastoral Institute on Alco­ hol Problems was told here in New York. The warning was issued by Benjamin C. Martin, alcoholism project director of the Buffalo and Erie County Community Welfare Council, in a talk to 130 priests who attended the insti­ tute. ''Unless the tempo of our re­ habilitation programs in the field of alcoholism is increased through public support," Martin said, "our alcoholic population by 1980 will be about 7.5 million persons." He said alcoholism is a disease that affects "'more than 5 million Americans directly and more more than four times that num­ ber indirectly."

NARCOTICS FOE: Father William B. O'Brien, New York City curate, with a Uni­ tarian minister and a rabbi has planned a coordinated attack on drug addiction that ha~ drawn support from . Mayor Robert F. Wagner and other civic leaders. NC Photo




$25 Mrs. Raymond Williams " $20 1'1r. & Mrs. Edward Fitzgerald, Henry Travis, Thomas Travis $16 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ca~ton $15 Mary Cullen, Michael Dolan & Family, John Duffy, Walter Eve­ lctl:l, William Freitas Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Gagnon, Jf-ff Family, Gerald Kelly, Ed­ ward Leary, Edward Maher Jr. :Lv,£r.& Mrs. John McAvinn, Donald McGovern, Mr. & Mrs. John McGovern, Mr. & Mrs. William Nugent, Jane O'Brien William O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. James Ponte, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Powell, Mr. & Mrs. Leverett Teague, Bernard Tomlinson Mrs. Bernard Tomlinson, Cbas. Trainor

Rev. Joseph Oliveira

Rev; Evaristo Tavares


Beatrice' Capeto


Holy ~ame Society

Manuel Rogers & Sonft


Cecilia C. Oliveira

Manuel S. Silvia

$15 Manuel L. Carreiro, 'Tobias Furtado, Manuel C. Medeiros,· Fernando Waldemar, Armand Correia John Borges, Manuel Ferreira., Antone Joaquim, Joanna Me)"­ relIes, Americo Moniz Henry R. Caron, Francis Len­ non, Alice Weems, Manuel .Ar-o' ruda, Manuel Ventura, Manuel Dias

Aids Tornado Victims


CLEVELAND (NC) -A spe­ dal collection was taken up in an . churches of the Cleveland diocese to aid parishes and their parishioners who suffered in tbe April n tornado that ripped through the Midwest. Coadjutor Bishop Clarence G. Isenmann RqUested the collection.




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"I'HE ANCHOR- . Thurs., May 20, 1965

Holy Father Speaks On Press Freedom

fan River

VATICAN CITY (NC)-Men have a right to claim the basic liberty of thinking and express­ ing themselves freely, Pope Paul VI decl&red here. The Pope told an audience granted to participants in the Rome convention of the Interna­ tional Federation of the Period­ ical Press that this right is one of "the greatest conquests of modern times." "The Church," he said, "is the first to congratulate you whole­ heartedly, hoping with you that this freedom of opinion and of the press - we mean freedom and not license--will not remain vainly inscribed on the front pages of certain constitutions, as is the case today, but will be a truly inalienable right which everyone, no matter to what country he belongs may use rea­ sonably."

ST. WhLLIAM $330 Itt. Rev. Raymond T. Considine ~75

Rev. James F. McCarthy $~5

Mary M. & Helen L. Donovan The Boodry Family $40 Mr. & Mrs. Horace Hall $30 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Wood $25 Christopher Lake, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Dooley Mr. & Mrs. John Maitoza Mr. & Mrs. Roland Talbot lames Doucet Iohn J. Honan Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gauthier Mae Riley Sullivan Motor Sales Inc. $20 Mrs. Louis Greenberg, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Thibault, Cl1arles R. Sullivan, Mrs. Sarah A. Crane & Lucy Peacock, The Hodnett Family Margaret O'Grady $15 Mrs. Howard Worthington, Mr. • Mrs. Robert Boncan, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Chlebec, Mr. & Mrs. ;William Butler, Mrs. Theresa Haggerty Mr. & Mrs. John Kane, John :A. Diskin, Mr. & Mrs. William Lauzon, Mrs. Ernest L. Wood, k., Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cowan Mr. & Mrs. Roger Perreault, Mlirtha Hobbs, Mr. & Mrs. I'ranklin Raposa, Mr. & Mr.s. Charles McCloskey, Genevieve

PATERSON (NC) - Bishop James J. Navagh of Paterson or­ dered a study of narcotics addic­ tion in this area' with a view toward establishing treatment facilities for addicts. The study is to be undertaken by Msgr. William N. Wall, di­ rector of the Mount Carmel Cen­ ter for Alcoholism, an accredited hospital for alcoholics. In ordering the study, Bishop Navagh said "as Americans and Christians we have a serious ob­ ligation to be aware of any social situation which impairs health, creates immoral environments or distracts from Christian ideals." He said ''the growing rate of narcotic addiction in the United States must be viewed with se­ rious concern." This concern

"must be accompanied with the dedication of action if we are to eliminate the present problem and prevent its growth," he added. The bishop said in one county that has been surveyed, ''the number of arrests for narcotic violations has grown 30-fold in three years." He said in "one high-income, suburban commut­ er county," there were four ar­ rests for narcotic violations in 1962 and 34 arrests a year later. By 1964, he said, the arrest total had jumped to 125, and of them more than 50 per cent were teenagers. Msgr. Wall was directed to "study the depth, nature, ther­ apy, social consequences, cost, legal aspects and existinS facili­ ties.

CAIRO ,(NC)-Augustin C~ dinal Be~ president of the Vat­ ican Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, has been named to the Patriarchal Order of S1;. Mark by Greek Orthodox Patri­ arch Christophoros II of Alex­ andria and All Africa. The award (Grade A, grand cordon) was given the cardinal in recognition of the welcome given Orthodox observer-dele­ gates from the Alexandria patri­ archate at the ecumenical coun­ cil Also made members of the order were Bishop Jan Wille­ brands, secretary of the secre­ tariat , who was named a com­ mander, and secretariat officials Msgr. Gianfranco Arrighi and Father Pierre Duprey, W ~., who were named officers.

, MORE quality, variety, low prices '_PLUS J/'Jllreen stamps••• for.


Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cafferty~ JUi;:abeth Fitzgerald, Susan Fitz­ eerald, Stanie]y Cote, Mr. & M~si Clement Paquette Francis Delahanty. The Malloy hmily, Rose Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Alcide Talbot, Mrs. Gertrude Benasky Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Barabe, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bronhar~ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pobzeznik~ Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sullivan, )lora M. Sullivan John J. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. lohn Powers, Anna May Ken­ yon" Mr. & Mrs. Edward Har­ zington, Edmond P. Talbot John E. Murphy, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Viveiros, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Holen, William D. (:rowley Alice F. Crowley, Mrs. Lillian Beardon, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. James Lang­ ton, Idalina P. Mello Mr. & Mrs. Henry Santos, Mr. • Mrs. Antone Almeida, The Gottwald Family, Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Hedger, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ ward Breault Mrs. Mary Simmons, Jeanne I. McNally, Mr. & Mrs. George Neville, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fisette, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Jan­ ick, Mrs. Margaret Wilson '" Mrs. Grace Walmsley Mary M. Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Caine Jr., Mr. & Mrs• .Joseph Burns, Mrs. Manuel Al­ bernaz, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rego Mr. & Mrs. Frank Krauzyk, Mr. & Mrs. Bert GallOI'd, Mr. & Mrs. James Campbell, Julio Joa­ quim, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gallant Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Moore, Mrs. Ma::garet Borden, John Cahill

....testover-& valuel


Farm Fresh, Plump, Meaty, A Family Favorite·







Tender and,Tasty

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$1,100 Rt. Rev. Anthony'M. Gomes $100 Rev. !Wymond W. McCarthy $30 Holy Rosary Sodality



John Souza, CoUIicil of eatho-­ Mc Youth, Antonio Silva . At:''':. ~ Rebello, Girl ~uw lad· BrOwnie. _.." . .-

Orthodox Patriarch

Honors Cardinal Bea

Bishop Navagh Plans Treatment Facility for Na rcotics Addicts


j ' ..


......·..,ectIVe ...... ltv.............

• •• <




• • •





Dr. & Mrs. Harry Powert

S150 Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Goldell Mr. & Mrs. William A:. TOl'Ph7

$125 Dr. & Mrs. John C. Corrigan Margaret G. Dillon.

flOO Dr. & Mrs. Paul Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Alvin J. Sullivan Dr. & Mrs. James Sullivan Mr & Mrs William E. Crowther Mrs. David Boland


Rev. Donald A. Couza

$50 Mr. & Mrs. James Heaney Mrs. Anthony Keramis Helen Shay Mr. & Mrs. Henry F. Shea Mr. & Mrs. Gustave Mattos McDonald Family

$45 Dr. & Mrs. Walter E. Conrad $40 Mrs. W. Arthur Leary & Ruth $35 Atty. & Mrs. Roger F. Sullivan The Crotty Family Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Lynch $30 Mrs. John J. & Katherine L. Hogan The Kenny Family Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nagle Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Burke Mary J. & Hannah C. Higgins

825 Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. FitzgE!1'­ aid Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mahoney The Mahoney Family Mrs. John J. & Elizabeth Neilan Hilda Philips " Mrs. John J. Partridge Emma Connors Mrs•. Noel Giard Mr. & Mrs. Leo Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Hector. Mongeau Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Cum'" mings . . . Mr. & Mrs. 3. T. C. McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Joseph' A. Ryan The Madden Family Mr. & Mrs. John Keating The Nash Family Mr. & Mrs. George Flanagan Mrs. Joseph Lacroix Alice M. &. Gertrude A. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Fred Brissette Mr. & Mrs. Howard Melker Mary Hart Lillian Hart Katherine A. Harrington Francis Devine $20 Mr. & Mrs. Walker Warrener • Family, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brindley, James J. Higgins, Mar­ garet Lahey, Ernest Floyd Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dion, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lavoie, Mr. & Mrs,; James A. Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stanton, Mr. & Mrs. William Renaud' Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kingsley, Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Griffin Elinor & Alice Lenaghan, Mr. & Mrs. William C. Furze, Mr. & Mrs. Michael E:oley;Mr. & Mrs.. John Kirkman, Mr. & Mrs James J. Sullivan . . $15 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Donneny, Kathryn F. Power, Mrll. Clyde A. Murphy, William F. 0'NeD, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Urban Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Hurst, Mr. • Mrs. William Aylward, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Paquet, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Zebrasky, Genevieve C. Duffy Florence Malone, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Leary, Barrett Family, Mrs. Mary Higgins, Margaret Eo Shea Mrs. Raoul T. Gagnon & Fam­ ily, Mary C. Casey, Madeline L. Casey, John W. Cummings, Em­ ma McDermott Marie Murphy & Michael Murphy, Jr., Claire Mullins, Mr. & Mrs. James E. Mullins, Mr, & Mrs. Antonio Luongo, Mr. & Mrs. :I. J. Donnelly, Jr. . Anna L. Sullivan, Catherine Shea, Mr. & Mrs. James J. Quinn, Harold Higgins, 111'. " Mrs. .loha L QaDqher

Mr. • Mrs. James Owen, ~ . Mae Owen, Lawrence Henry, Mr. & Mrs. John Bailey, Mr. & Mrs. TimDthy J. Murphy Marion L. Torphy, Mr. & Mrs. 'Edward B. Downs, Mr. & Mrs. James K. Marum, Clarence Bon­ ner, Kathryn F. & John Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. William O'Brien, Catherine A. Lysaght, Mary Ly­ saght, Mr. & Mrs Norman J. Roy Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Conboy The Byrne Family, Mrs. Hon­ ora Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Plichta, George W. Rigby, Mrs. Mary E. Touhey Mr. & Mrs. Robert Matthews, Mr. & Mrs Edward J. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Francis Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Leonard, Mrs. Walter Fallon Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Boucher, Elizabeth & Mary K. Guiney. :M:argaret Morgan, Mr. & Mrs. George Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ liam Henry. Mabel & Sarah IVloran, Mrs. William H: Conn211y, The 0'­ Mara Family, J.\.Tr. & Mrs. Ray­ mc~d Greeley, Mr. & Mrs. Wil­ liam Kaylor Lena Doran, Anna Devine. Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. O'Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Ryan


Thur~? :May 20, 1965



Rev. David A. O'BrJen

S100 Rev. .Tohn F. Andrews S8. Peter & Paul Catholic Wom"n's Club

John Tyrrell


Rev. .Tohn P. Drls('nll


Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lowney

Margaret Con<;1:'mt1n e

$30 Helen & Theresa Fnc;ter Anne & l'JIarion O'Hearn

$25 Mrs. Helen Burke Margaret Dunlea l'ifr. & Mrs. Jeromf' D. Foley Mrs. Julia E. Hasprey Mr. & l'Irs. L::mrence Lyncli . M.r, & Mrs. George A. Morgan Dr. & Mrs. Edward T. Shan­ non Mr. & l'/[rs. Francis Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Nicholfls Tyrren . $20 Altar Boys--SS. Peter & Paul Church, Mary Tyrrell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Farren' William & Eileen Farren, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Mithers

ST. l\fARY

$100 Cathedral St. Vincent de Paul Society Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Sullivan


$75 Rev. Paul F. McCarrick Mr. & Mrs. George P. Hurley Thomas Ryan & Edward $50 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Coyle Gertrude O'Loughlin Ernest Kilroy ~ Memory' of Lucy J. Me­ Mahon James F. Diskin $40 Rose Dowling Catherine & Joseph Lynch $30

The Falvey Family Mr. & Mrs. Terrance J. Lomax In Memory of John S. & Alice V. Moran

Mrs. Catherine Brahy

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Torphy

Mr. & Mrs. John McGinn .

NEW BEDFORD CHAMPS: The New Bedford Elemen­ tary School CYO Basketball champs from St. Joseph's Parish, New Bedford, receive the symbol of victory. Left to right, Antone Fournier, coach; Paul Bachand, captain; Adelard Bastarache, league director. ST. ANNE



Elsie Antaya, Donald Ch. Auger. Louis Beaulieu, Wilfrid Boulanger, Mrs. Aurore M. Cle­ ment

Dominican Fathers $50 David Driscoll $25 ., Edgar Ross A Friend A Friend $20 Dr. Alphonse V. Poirier

Rita E. Courtis, .roseph Du­ quette, Loretta G. Fillion, Mrs. Rhea Fournier, Mrs. Cora Giroux Oliva Laprise, Ov.ide Laprise, Alfred Pare

$15 : Mrs. Thomas Cahill, Thomu .Cahill, Mrs. Maria Carreiro, Mr.. & Mrs. Norman Comeau, Mr. & Mrs. James A. Donnelly Anne Ford, The Frechette Family, Mrs. Rita Griffin, Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Hodkinson, Mr. & Mrs. George Johnston . Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Mattimore '& Carol, Mrs. John T. Meagher, Mr.. '& Mrs.' Wi11ia~ Murphy, Anne lIA:. Murray, James Parker Mr. & Mrs. Norman Rousseau, .Alice G. Stanton, Mr & Mrs. Ed­ ward Tyrrell, Mr. & Mrs. John Wilding, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Vasquez & Family . H~en M. Lowney, The Mahon­ . ey Family, John Sullivan



$25 Mr. John Rogan & Miss Rose Rogan In Memory ..of Anna E. Lynch Family $20

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hayes & Family Mr. & Mrs. George Sutherland Mrs. Jere Holland Thomas Kennedy Margaret Kennedy $15 Thomas Sullivan, Mary Sulli­ van, Nellie Sullivan, Helen Burns, Mrs. Frank 'Hanley Frank Moriarty, In memory of Charles E. Connors, Mrs. Julia Cunningham, Ernest Lavagnino, Edward Lavagnino Lena Lavagnino, Mr. & Mrs. James Frank, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mitchell, The Martin Family, Dorothy Kirby Mrs.. Bernard Connors, Mrs. Angela WiDgate, Mrs. Lawrence Kidd, Mrs. Kendrick Reynolds, Joseph W. Kennedy Ma~garet G. Diskin, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Mulrooney, Mrs. Bernard E. Harrington, Mrs. James O'Brien Sr., William P. O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. James O'Brien Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Connell, William O'Donnell, Raymond Kilroy, Matthew Kilroy Irene Murphy, John Hatha­ way, Helen Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. John Kuszay, The McGrady Family Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hurley, Ed­ ward P. Grace & Family,' Alice Fitzpatrick, Mr. & Mrs. George Booth, Mrs. Emma Sullivan & Jane Sulllvan Mr. & Mrs. William Collins, Ann Standish, Mrs. Geaevieve Cordeiro, Mrs. William Ellen, Mrs. Stephen O'·Toole Claire O'Toole, Mr. & Mrs. John Soares, Mr. & Mrs. James Melvin, Robert Coggeshall








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