Holy See. Approves u.s. Use
Of Vernacular in Liturgy
Mass Structure Revision Holy See's Next Step By Rev. Frederick McManus (NCWC News)
. One more step toward the limA-awaited use of English in the l\IaRs has been taken with the decrees enacted by the United States. Bjshops on April 2·, just now made public. Con firmed by the Holy See on May 1, this legislation permits English most of the pa,rts of Mass which are said or sung aloud and also throughout the prayers and texts of the sacrament and sacramentaIs.
Only one more step remains the publication and distribution of official altar missals and rituals containing the transla tions approved for public use by the body of American Bisoops. When the time schedule for publication is known, the body of Bishops will be able to set the actual date for liturgical use of English througliout the United States. Turn to Page Twenty-Four
Eng'lish In Mass Aims At .Fuller Participation
Priests and faithful are re
minded that the Bishops of the
country have not yet determined
the date when the vernacular
will be put into use throughout
The Bishops of the United the country. States have decreed the ex It is expected that missals for use by the priest at the altar tensive use of English in the will be ready by the Fall. The Mass in order to promote the English texts fur use by the Church's avowed goal of leading faithful will be made available all the people to "that full, con to them on cards, leaflets and scious, and active participation missal inserts. in liturgical celebrations which Revised missals for use by • * * is their right and duty." the faithful in general will prob English is expected to come ably not be published until the into use throughout the country Holy.See's Commission for im plementing the Ecumenical at a date to be established by Council's Constitution on the the episcopate, presumably be fore the end of tbis year. Sacred Liturgy finishes a revi The Bishops' decisions, adopted sion of .the Mass structure. t:~::::.," t::.:.~ '.:~. ;:~~:~::-);tm!1~~[;>t:~:::]t:;:;:·::;;;:,;:::rd at a full meeting of the Ameri-
can Hierarchy in Washington last April 2, have now been con firmed by the Holy See. They consist of two separa·te dcrees, one spelling out the parts of the liturgy that are to becom·e En glish, the other certifying the various English texts to be used. Confirmation was given by the new commission for imple menting the Ecumenical Coun cil's Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy in a document signed by its chairman, Giaromo Cardinal Lercaro of Bologna, and dated Turn to Page Twenty-Five
Silver Jubilee for Three Priests
,. I
Fall River, Moss., Thursday, May 21, 1964
Vol. 8, No. 21 ©
1964 Th'e Anchor
PRICE lOe $4.00 per Year
Catholic Charities Appeal Total at $635,311 Mark
Fort y e'ght per cent of th e parIS . h es m . th e D'lOcese Three Diocesan priests, orI lwve passed last year's total in contributions to the Catholic dained in St. Mary's CatheCharitie::; App'eal," Larry Newman, chairman, announced dral by the late Most Rev. thiH morning. "These 52 honor roll parishes will be joined James E. Cassidy, D.D., third b~T mHny more before the .-.-. ••••••••••••••••••• ea • • • • • • a.a we. weekend." Mr. New man • added. "The grand total is now $6nS,311.50 and with
New Language Use
returns from the parishes still eoming in, the total is gr:>wing every hour of the day." Headquarters of the Catholic Charities Appeal has notified all pafltors that returns must be made by tomorrow night in
order that credit might be given to thp. individual parishes. Holy Name parish, Fall River, is now the leader. with a total of $20,602.50. Following the ~'aJl River. parish are; St. Lawrenl'c, New BE'dford; St. John, Attle boro; 81. Mary, No. Attleboro;
and St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis. Fn~l'Jo;EN
Holy Na,ne, Fan HiveI' $20,602.50 St. Lawrence, New Bedford 20,597.55 St. John, Attleboro 16,287.00 St. Mary, Nortr Attleboro 14,361.50 St. Fruncis Xavier, HY;1l1 11 is 13,893.00 St..Junted, New Be-dTOI'd 13,143.25 St. Joseph, New Bedford 11,320.04 Mt. Carmel, New Bedford 10,949.1D Turn to Page Four
Service of the Word Prayers at foot of altar: Latin-N ad altare Dei * * * * * II
Bishop of Fall River, will mark the silver anniversary of their ordination on June 3. They are Rev. John J. Murphy, administrator of Our Lady of ••••••
• • _ _ ..
Mass Prayers
Eucharistic Service Introibo
OTHER OFFERTORY PRAYERS: Including "Orate, fratres," and Secret prayer: Latin.
INTROIT: English.
PREFACE: Latin-"Vere dignum et justum est ... "
KYRIE: English (priest and people aherna ting)-Lord have mercy ••• II GLORIA: English (priest and people gether)-"Glory to God in the highest.
COLLECT: Latin. EPISTLE: English (facing the people).
SANCTUS: English (priest "Holy, holy, holy . . . "
ALL OF THE REST of the Canon: Latin LORD'S PRAYER: English (priest and people) -"Our Father . . . N AGNUS DEI: English (priest and people) "Lamb of God . . . II
GRADUAL: English.
OTHER .. PRAYERS .. preceding .. the Communion: Latin.
GOSPEL: English (facing the people)
ECCE AGNUS Lamb of God •••
HOMILY: English.
DOMINE, non sum dignus: English (priest and people)-"Lord, I am not worthy ••• II
"PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL", when intro duced): English.
CREED: English (priest and people)-~'1, be lieve in one God, ••• II
DISMISSAL and final blessing: English.
Mount Carmel parish, Seekonk; Rev. William A. Galvin, chaplain of the Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River; and Rev. John G. Carroll, administrator of St. John the Baptist parish, Central Village. Father Murphy, son of the late Michael J. and Mary A. (Sars field) Murphy, was born in Fall River on Aug. 26, 1913. Gl'adu Turn to Page Ten
Retreat for Deaf Begins Tonight At St. William The firRt· retreat for the deaf sponsored by the Fall River Diocese will begin at 7 :30 tonight at St. William's Church, Fall River. It will con tinue at the same time tomorrow
and Saturday night and con clude with a noon Mass Sunday, . followed by a luncheon fo.r all participants. Conducting the retreat simul taneously in sign language and by voice will be Rev. David Walsh, C.S.S.R., of the Detroit Archdiocese, who travels throughout the country conduct ing services for the deaf and hard of hearing. In charge of arrangements at St. William's is Rev. James A. McCarthy, direc tor of the Diocesan Apostolate to the Deaf. Father McCarthy expects about 100 to attend the unique retreat, includinl: guesta from outside bhe Diocese.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 21,1964
Bible Vigil Ends In-Service Course On Religion
Inter-Faith Dialogue Hears Anchor Writer as Speaker
Over 500 Sisters and 137 teachers in the DiocesaB eehool system climaxed a ~ar-Iong in-service religiOJl
The Spring meeting of the New Bedford District Conference of the Methodist Church was held at the Wareham Town Hall on Sunday, May 17. Discussions on Christian Unity brought together a Methodist pastor, a Baptist layman and a Catholic priest. self on ..... . t ures an dill. usvue S CrlP A s part o~ the day:long p~o- trated his lecture with hymns gram, varIOUS semmars dIS- in use in the Protestant churches. cussed problems facing the Father FoIster spoke of the im-
course with an hour and • q-qarter Bible Vigil service at SaOl'ed Hearts Academy, FaD. River. For many it was their fil'llt participation in a vigil, recommended in the new liturgical diChurrh's effective work. One of plications of the Second Vati~ves as a prime means of these concerned itself with can Council on .Christian Unity. deepening awareness of the life "Inter-Faith Dialogue." It was Not Human Work oi. the Church. m?derated by the Rev. ~ames Mr. Paul' Chapman pointed "They were very imprpssed,· WIlson Knorr, Pastor, Mlddle- out that it is not the work .of said Rev. Edmund T. DehmeY9 boro, and the speakers were Mr. various churches or' co:.mcils to curnte at Holy Name Chur~ Paul Chapman, Director of build a Christian trnity. Rather Fall River, and one of the inPackard-Manse, Stoughton, and it is their work to reveai to all structors in the religion course. the Rev. John R. FoIster Assistmen the unity that God estabMany of the Sisters, he sai~ ant, St. Anthony, New Bedford lished in the 'chureh from tlle wished to plan similar pro!?aJDll and member of The Anchor bel:(inning. for their own schools. Staff. "Our response to this great Pentecost Vigil Mr. Paul Ohapman based him- gift of God has been unfaithfulThe service, held on the vi~ ness," stated Mr. Chapman. In of Pentecost, had as a theme the a brief review of similar cirworkin~ of the Holy Snirit 1ft cumstances in the history of the Christian life. It consi~ed of The following films are to be Old Testament, he dwelt on tlle three parts, each incluilinl:( a terrible effects of such "a beadded to the lists in their reBible readin~. a hymn, a homily trayal of ChJ;'ist's plan." spective classification: and a meditation perion. Vatican Council Unobjectionable lor General The readin~s were given 1,,Patronage-Flipuer's New AdIn his address, Father FoIster Father Delaney, Rev. JOM venture. pointed to the great contribution FoIster and Rev. Peter Graziana, Unobjectionable for Adults of Pope John and the Vatican also instructors in 1Jhe r"lip,ion. and Adolescents - Train 349 Council in this search for a real course. The hymns, previously From Berlin. Christian Unity. "The primary distributed to the Sistprs for TWO ALARM FIRE AT JESUS and MARY CONVENT Unobjectionable lor Adults- purpose of the Vatican Council practice, were by 1!he entire conPanic Button. is not Christian Unity," he gre~ation and homilies were deUnobjectionable lor Adults. pointed out. "Pope John's chief livered by Rev. Jamf'S A. With Reservation - The Cool concern was to put the house O'Donohoe, St. John's SeminaI'3/'9 World (This movie, a dramatized in order so that when other Bril!hton. documentary of the Harlem Ohristian groups came to visit, The first reading was from the ghetto, portrays the intimate' talk and hold dialogue, they Book 01 Leviticus, followed b1' life of an adolescent boy who would only find an unimpeded The convent and school of the Jesus and Mary Aea- a discussion of "Pentecost - A 4!Omes to a tragic end. In depiet- aid toward a fuller, more effecCovenant Feast" by Fat h er ing the plight of her hero, the tive and more perfect union de,my, 133 St. Joseph Street, Fall River, struck by lightning O'Donohoe. The second part of film-maker has used such stark witlh Christ and His own intenTuesday night at 9 o'clock, drove out the 45 sisters the vhdl be~an with a readinl realism in language and situa- tions." of the Religious of Jesus and Mary. The heavy cross of from Acts and a homily on "Wbe tions that the film cannot be Father FoIster praised 1he the towHr on the building Is the Holy Spirit?" The final indiscriminately recommended. grea·t contribition of Methodist erected in 1880 was left that was struck, 43 sisters evacu- part be~an with a readinf! froM ated the burning building, while . Condemned - The Christine Bishop Fred Corson and Prof. Gospel of John and Father leaning against the burnt two elderly bed-ridden sisten 1he Keeler Affair (This film is an Albert Outler to the ecumenical O'Donohoe's last topic was "The unscrupulous and completely spirit of the American bishops' out roof when the two alarm were carried out in chairs. Christian's Life in the Hol)- . ':Dhe sisters were quartered ~' fire was brought under controL irresponsible exploitation of a and Council· itself. . Spirit." the night at St. Joseph's 'Or-' 4!Ontemporary sex scandal deAlthough only 10 nuns live Renewal of baptismal vows 1,,After a brief sketch of tthe void of any redeeming social Draft on Ecumenism before the in the sedion' of the building phange, N{)tre Dame Rectory, aU present and the eelebratiOll and the C i v iii a n Defense" 'Value). of Benediction climaxed the Council, Father FoIster prequarters in Notre Dame School. Condemned - Image of Love eerviee. sented some of the Council T.he sisters returned to their (Purporting to be the history of. Fathers' suggestions and recomTear-Long Pl'Ogram FltIDAY -- Ember Friday After convent last night, but classes the changing image of love mendations for a f.ruitful dia.The Bible Vigil grew ·naturaD.r :PentecO!:t. I Class. Red. Mass in the Academy are cancelled through the ages, this film com- logue oward a fuller Christian frqm 1he year's religion cour~ :Proper; Gloria; Sequence; until further notice. bines aceepted classical art and Unity. said Father Delaney. A scripICreed; Preface, etc. of PenteThe Religious of Jesus and pornography in such a way that lrost. T.he audience was permitted to Mary came to Notre Dame Parish ture survey course, ..stressbi, it frequently becomes an obask any questions of either memSATURDAY - Ember Saturday in 1877 at the invitation of Rev: ' flie unity of everytbin,f! taught. scure display of sex. Moreover, bers of the panel. It was pointed After Pentecost. I Class. Red. Pierre Bedard, the pastor. They as part of salvation history," _ the treatment given to Christian out that the primary obstaele Mass Pr(>per; Gloria; Sequence: staff the Notre· Dame 'Parochial pr(lvided grammar so'hool tea<$teaching on love is not only laCreed; Preface, etc. of Pente- School as well as the J esull &Uld eril with background for teachin. mentably inadequate but also at to Unity at present is possibly the the "Our Life with God" religioa pride that exists in each group. I~Ost. M'<lry Academy. times offensive). texts, which embody the keryttThe layman's r9le.in the .Mass '1'he Celebrant may omit the Condemned - Weekend (Al- was scrutiniZed as was the normatic approach to catechetie. :~nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th lessons though an effort at a serious mal Catholic's use of the Bible. and which have been newly iD'With their versicles and portrayal of the emptiness of a troduced to the Diocesan systeM. MAY 23 . Mr. Ohapman described Packprayers appointed for this day. segment of Danish middle-class ardManse as a Protestant-Catho'l'he in-service religion cour. Rev. William F. Donahue, 1944, ~rhe first lesson and the society, this film, in treatment, lic endeavor to bring about li:pistle, however, must be Assistant, St. Francis Xavier, nm concurrently with a cou~ exploits sexual perversity. some- meaningful dialogue between the to methods of teaching the new Hyannil!. lIaid. times to the POUDt of pornogra- various communities that call matlhematics. Both were held .. MAY 24 S'C'NDAY--The Most Holy Trinphy). Rev. James F. Clark, 190'1, the FaU River academy under themselves Christian. "It is i.ty. I Ch.ss. White. Mass PropFounder, St. James, New B~';' direction of Rev. Patrick o'Nei]\ Catholic-Protestant in operation, l~r; Gloria; Creed; Preface of D.i 0 c e san Superintendent ~ ford. and members of both beliefs are Trinity. FORTY HOURS Schools. MAY 25 members of the staff and the MONDAY - St. Greg9ry VII, Tentative plans for the ned Rev. James V. Mendes, '1961, board of directonJ." Pope and Confessor. III Class. DEVOTION 'White. Mass Proper; Gloria: AdministratOr, Our Lady' of aeademic year call for a SatlWday morning religion course b May 24-5t. Matthew, Fall Second Collect St. Urban I, Angels, Fall River. high school teachers. It wi. River. Pope and Martyr,.' no Creed: mess the Old Testament ancl St. Kilian, New Bedford. Common Preface. Chor-Bishop Joseph Eid, paswin be designed to aid presentallay 31~st. Theresa's ConTUESDAY St. Philip Neri, tor of St. Anthony of the Desert METZ (NC) - Pope Paul VI . vent, Fall River. Confessor. III Class. White. has granted a special dispensa- tion of a book to be introducetl Ohurch, Fall River,. announces Corpus Christi, SandMass Proper; Gloria; Second tion for the ordination tomor- fOr high school freshmen, "J~ that the Sacred Congregation of wich. Collect S1:. Eleutherius, Pope row at the major seminary here Christ, Lord of the Ages." Rites has under study the beati.June 7-St. .Joseph, Taunnnd Martyr; no Creed; Com- in France of Valentin Schwaller, fication 'cause of Father Sharbel, ton mon Preface. the Hermit of Lebanon. Chorwho was paralyzed 10 years ago Holy Name, Fall River WI~DNESDAY St. Bede the by an aceident and will be' able Bishop Eid, United States viceSacred Heart, North AtVenerab:le, Confessor and Doc-' to offer Mass only from a wheel postulator ot Father Sharbel's Inc. tleboro tor of be Church. III Class. chair. . . cause and biographer of the .June 14--SS. Peter and Paul, MOVERS White. Mass Proper; Gloria; saintly hermit,' has hopes the Fall River Second Collect St. John I, SERVING beatification process will be LaSalette Shrine, AttlePope and Martyr; no Creed: concluded this year. Fan River, New Bedford boro . Common Preface. Cape Cod Area St. Mary, Mansfield TErURSDA Y-Corpus Christi. I Just Across The Agent Our Lady of Purgatory, Class. White. Mass Proper: Coggeshall St. Bridge New:Bedford Gloria; Sequence; Creed; :May 24--2:00 P.M., St. Paul, AERO MAYFLOWER Common Preface. In the Mass Finest Variety Taunton; Our' Lady of Lourdes, . . TRANSIT CO. INC. which is followed by, the ProTHE ""CHOI Wellfleet. SEAFOOD Second Clas. postage Pilei at Fall __ (!ession, the Celebrant sings, Nation_ide Move" 4:00 P.M., Sacred Heart, TaunMass. 'Publlsbecl every Thursday at 410 Served Anywhere - ,Also Benedicsmus Domino, and the ton; St. Peter PI;ovincetown. WYmoll 3-0904 t~~1: p~:;u:, itt~1I D~:~ ~~allb~lv~ Last Blessing and Last Gospel 7:30 P.M., St. Anthony, TaunSTEAKS-CHOPS-CHICKEN ., 304 I(fMPTOM ST., Maw BfDFOID SubscrlptlOll "Ice .., ,.tpalll .... ton; ~oly Redeemer, Chatham. artlomitted•
Legion of Decency
River Sisters Return Convent After Fire
Nlass Ordo
Study Cause
.Ordain Paralytic'
Prevost Alumni Plan Events The Holy Name Society and 1Ile Msgr. Prevost High School Alumni Association will hold a joint family communion break last following 8:15 Mass Sunday IIlOrning, June 7 at. Notre Dame f'hurch, Fall RIver. Mayor Roland Desmarais of Fall River will be principal speaker at the breakfast, to be held at White's l'eStaurant. Rev. Adrien Bernier, Jlotre Dame curate, wi'll also be 11I1 honored guest. Scholarships will be awarded h eighth grade graduates of .sgr. Prevost Gl'ammar School. Tickets are available from members of the alumni and Holy .ame Society, and guests are weleorne. 'file alumni also plan their seventh annual reunion for 6:30 Saturday night, May 23 at White's res tau ran t. To be bonored Is the class of 1944. Andre Plante and Albert E. Mer aer are in charge of arrange ments.
Bay State Native Heads Stonehill Rev. John T. Corr, C.S.C., na five of Roslindale, is the new President of Stonehill College. He succeeds Very Rev. Richard H. Sullivan, C.S.C., who has been appointed Provincial of the Eastern Province of .the Congre gation of Holy Cross. Father ~rr, who has served as Regis trar and Dean of Admissions at Stonehill since 1961, will assume his new duties June 1. Father Corr, who attended Mission High School and was a member of the Holy Name par IBb in West Roxbury, is the son ef Mrs. Josephine Doody Corr Of 52 Fletcher Street, Roslindale and the late John T. Corr Sr., well-known Boston insurance man. A sister, Margaret F. Corr, til deputy finance officer at the Boston Army Base. Another sis ter is Mrs. Thomas Lapsley of Rockland, Mass. Father Corr studied for the priesthood at Our Lady of Holy Ccoss Seminary in North Easton end at Holy Cross College, Wash ington and he holds both IIIldergraduate and graduate de l!ll'ees from the University of Notre Dame. He was ordained by Bishop Edward F. Ryan in Burlington, Vt., in March 1950. "or two periods between 1952 and 1959, he was a member of iIbe faculty at King's College, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., where he was 11I1 instructor in Economics. Be _een teaching assignments at Xing's College, Father Corr Iel'ved four years with both the Family Rosary at Albany and Gte Family Theater in Holly wood, nationally-knowll institu twns conducted by the Congre ption of Holy Cross.
Pope Paul VI Establishes New Commission To Deal With Non-Christians VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope Paul VI chose the feast of Pentecost to announce to the world that he has decided to set up a secretariat for non-Christians somewhat simi lia to that established by Pope John XXIII to deal with relations between Roman Catho lics and other Christians. Pope Paul's revelation came almost at the end of a lengthy sermon on the significance . '11he Pope asked tlhe seminar of the catholicity of the ians present {f it was not the Church. He was speaking in desire to spread the Gospel, to be missionaries, whioh led 1!hem St. Peter's before 20 cardi nals, more than 6,000 seminar ians studying in Rome, and thou sands of other pilgrims. Among 1Ihe cardinals pre sen t were Lauri'an Cardinal Rugambwa of Bukoba, Tang·anyika, and Stefan Ca'1'dinal Wyszynski of Warsaw. The Pope announced 1!hat the head of the new secretariat was to be Paolo Cardinal Marella "the cardinal archpriest of this basilica (St. Peter's), who in ad dition to the wisdom and virtue which make him dear to and venerated by the Roman Church, has a rare competence in the field of religious ethnography." Cardinal Marella, 69, is a veteran papal diplomat who served as Apostolic Delegate to Japan for 15 years and became an expert on Shinto. He has also headed papal missions in Aus tralia and France, and served from 1924 to 1933 at the Apos tol~c Delegation in Washington. He was in the spotlight in April willen he went to New York as papal legate for the opening of 1Ihe Vatican pavilion at the world's fuir. The Pope Holy Father stated~ "If the Catholic name is truly f!here forever, every selfishness Is overcome, every class differ ence is mised to fuU social soli darity, every nationalism iii merged in the good of the world community, every :&>rm of mcism is condemned, every form of totalitarianism is revealed in its inihumanity. The small heart goes to pieces, or mther iIt ac quires an unknown oopacity fO!" expansion." As proof of 1Jhis he cited tIhe :fIact Vhat "innumerable peoples, W!hOle continents, are still out side the Christian evangelization. The greater part of mankind has not yet received the message of' Pentecost. The world is J1()t yet calholic." Pope Paul ill his address went
Education Is Basis Of Rights Issue MIAMI (NC) - The issue 01. equal rights for all persons Is basically a question of educa tion, the Bishop of Miami told delegates to the sixth annual convention of the Miami Dioc esan Council of Catholic WOIn CD here. Bishop Coleman F. Carroll SPOke to more than 600 wonien during the one-day assembly. 'DIe women voted to support wholeheartedly the Miami Dioc esan CoUncil on Human Rela tions in its recommendation for total elimination of discrimina ttcm and segregation in South Florida communities.
Rodolphe Cantin, Fall River, ill general chairman of the Ma. sachusetts State Convention ot. the Catholic Order of Foresters, to be held the weekend of .Tune Z6 3lt the New Bedford Hotel Atding him will be Paul H. La DlOllItagne, Fan River; Edward .T. Martin, Swansea; and Ernest P. Menard, New Bedtford. Nor mand H. Boule, Fall River, has been named master of cere monies at a banquet to be heW
THE ANCHORThurs., May 21, 1964
Cardinal Marella AppointeJ
Saturday night, June at.
on to say that by his taking these steps, "no pilgrim, how ever far geographically or reli giously may be the country from wihich he comes, will any longer be wholly a foreigner in this Rome which is still f.aithful to day to the historic role which tlhe Catholic fuith assigns to it - that of he 'patria communis' (common futherland)."
to become candidates for priest hood. He answered for them saying: "Missionary dynamism stems from the potenttal but still not effective catholicity of the Church, it stems from the in vesti·ture of Pentecost given to the little Church to become universal. From the apostolicity of 1Jhe Church springs its voca tion to catholicity. The mission ary !'eceives on ibis shoulders the mandate of an apostle which urges him rorw>ard along paths which will make 1!he world catholic." It was at this point that 1lhe Pope made ilis announcement of the new secretari·at. The idea of such a secretariat :for non Christian was suggested in Aprfl of 1963 by Bishop Antoine Thi jssen, S.V.D., of Larantuka, Indonesia. It won the prompt seconding of Thomas Cardinal· Tien, S.V.D., Apostolic Admin istrntor of the Taipei archdiocese in Formosa. In a letter addressed to Eugene Cardinal Tissemnt, Dean of the College of Cardinal, last Sept. 15, Pope Paul indicated 1lhat he was considering establishing such an organization. In bis discourse, the Pope re vealed nothing further than that 1I1e secretariat is being estab lished and that Oardinal Marella will bead it. NQ further details were immediately for1!hcoming from other OhU'l'oh sou{'Ces.
Council Urges Discrimination End
MIAMI (NC) - The Miami Diocesan Council on Human Re lations has called on public of ficials to work toward total elimination of discrimination ·and segregation in all southern Florida communities. The council, created in March by Bishop Coleman F. Carroll of Miami, issued a statement in which civic and religious leaders were reminded "they cannot in good conscience sign petitions, endorselegislation or support or ganizations that deny to others full and equal opportunities to enjoy their GOO-given rights and endowments." The council members urged support for civil rights legisla tion On a national and local level for programs promoting freedlOm of housing, employ ment, education, job training, and public and welfare accom modations.
944 County St. New Bedford
WYman 3-6592
Name Newark Priest To Federal Board NEWARK (NC)-A priest 01. 1he Newark archdiocese has been appointed to the Presi dent's Advisory Board for the recently established Department Of Handicapped Children and Youth in the U. S. Office of Education. Father John P. Hourihan is director of the Mount Carmel Guild speech and hearing diag nostic center here and chairman of Seton Hall University's'spe cial education department. He will advise the U. S. department OIl educational prpgrams for the mentally retarded and physical q handicapped.
St. Joseph's Men's Club Congdon & Carpenter A Soloff & Son Inc. Dr. Robert H. Moe
Dr. Richard H. Fitton Jr.
Dr. Frank J. Lepreau Dr. David S. Greer Horvitz & Horvitz Elmer C. Slater Hillhouse Convalescent HOlM
THE ANCHOP-Dtocese of Foil River-Thurs. May 21. 1964
c. C. A.
Parish Totals
St. Mary $ 9,898.00 Blessed Sacrament 2,015.00 Espirito Santo 1,651.00 Holy Cross 1,017.00 Holy Name 20.602.50 Notre Dame 4,717.00 Our Lady of Angels C,003.50 (1)ur Lady of Health 2,440.00 Holy Rosary , 3,010.00 Immaculate Conception 5,872.20.. Sacred Heart 10.025.;)0 St. Anne 3.640.00 St. Anthony of Desert 1,320.00 St. Anthony of Padua 1,549.85 St. Elizabeth 797.00 S1. John the Baptist 3.378.00 S1. Joseph 5,465.50 S1. Louis 3,354.00 S1. Matthew 2,173.00 St. :VIichael 5,041: .85 st. Patrick 7,452.55 SS. Peter & Paul 5,922.25 S1. Roch 2,557.50 St. Stanislaus 1,940.50 S1. William 4,595.50 Santo Christo 4,635.00
Sacred Heart 4,379.00 St. Mary 14,361.50 TAUNTON Holy Family 3,347.00 Holy Rosary 2,029.00 Immaculate Conception 4,898.80 O. L. of Lourdes 2,892.05 Sacred Heart 5,388.00 St. Anthony 4,324.00 St. Jacques 3,334.00 St. Joseph 5,481.00 St. Mary 10.007.00 St. Paul 5,787.50 TOWNS
Acushnet-St. Francis Xavier 3,467.08 Assonet-St. Bernard 1,155.00 Buzzards BaySt. Margaret 5,03S.00 CentervilleOur Lady of Victory 2,736.00 Central Village St. John Baptist 1,0311.30 ChathamHoly Redeemer 3,910.00 NEW BEDFORD Dighton-St. Peter 1,503.50 Holy Name 8,598.00 East :BrewsterHoly Rosary 437.00 Our Lady of the Cape 1,510.00 Immaculate Conception 3,924.70 East Falmouth- 1\1:1. Carmel 10.949.19 St. Anthony 6,557.00 Fairhaven- O. L. of Perpetual Help 1,115.50 St. Joseph 5,631.45 O. L, of Purgatory 893.00· 1,789.30 St. Mary Sacred Heart 4,231.05 676.00 Sacred Hearts St. Anne 2.108.50 Falmouth-St. Patrick 8.488.00 St. Anthony of Padua 4.435.00 HyannisSt. Boniface 297.50 S1. Francis Xavier 13,1193.00 St. Casimir 976.25 Mansfield-St. Mary 7,678.00 St. Francis of Assisi 1,904.00 Ma ttapoisettSt. Hedw.ig 679.25 St. Anthony 2;82~.00 St. Hyacinth 1,517.50 Nantucij:et-St. James 13,143.25 Our Lady of the Isle 2;840.00 St. John the Baptist ·6,709.00 North lightonSt. Joseph 11,320.04 St. Joseph 3;056:00 St. Kilian 4,491.00 North EastonSt. Lawrence 20,597.55 Immac. Conception St. Mary 5,767.25 North WestportSt. Theresa 4,798.00 Our Lady of Grace 2;464.50 ATTLEBORO -4,57tM5 Norton-S1. Mary '4,339.55 H&ly Ghost Oak Bluffs 16,287.00 St. John Sacred Ifeart 5,011.50 St. Joseph Ocean Grove,...6.J:Il.OQ st. Mary St. Michael 3?49n:OO 3,883.32 St. Stephen Orleans£,465.59 st. Theresa St. Joan of Arc 1;900.00 Osterville-Assumptiolll 3,556.00 Provincetown- 2,~69;00 51. Peter 3,315.00 Raynham--S1. Ann Continued from Page One Sandwich-Sacred Heart, Corpus Christi 5,300,00. Fall River 10,025.50 Seekonk-Mt. Carmel 5,515.00' St. Mary, Taunton 10,007.00 Somerset-Immaculate Conception, 3,032.50 St. John of God North Easton 9,909.00 4;910.50 St. Patrick Cathedral,Fall River 9,8!m:OI I 6,700.50 St. Thomas More Holy Name, South Dartmouth New Bediord 8,598.00 St. Mary 6;997.00 St. Patrick; Falmouth 8,488.00 St. Patrick, Wareham 7,991.75, South Yarmouth . St. Pius Tenth 7,210.20 HON(}R ROLL PARISHES Swal'lsea-o Parishes that have attained, : Our Lady 0:£ Fi:ttima,. 4,860.00 the Honor Roll . since the last 3;429.00 81. Dominic edition of The Anchor: SL . Louis of .France 3,782.00 Fall River Vtneyard Haven"'t St· St. augustine' 1;984.50 C a·.the d1'a, I . E spIn o. an 0, Wareham-St. 'Patrick 7,99l.75 Holy Cross, H6Iy:Rosary, . St.. W'el1fIeet-:-~.. ,., . Stanisl~u'S;. Santo ChriStu_ .' .' " Nt>"'Bedford·. :'.:;', Our Lady .0f·)Wurd.es 2;ll26,:OO , ." . West· HarWieh-"", . . '.' . , HoJy'Name, Sa~redHeart;St.:: . Casimir, St. FranciS of ;Ass:isi,·. ;:. Holy Trinity"'" 3,4(/5.00 ,T' ,,; St K'l' St..·· M" ".Westpor~St. George . 6,762~5g St . ....:!'sepn, ..1 Ian.. . . a r y . . . · . S '. J' "h"2 609 00 '. . . . Tau:nt-itu.·.· . . ' .,W,60ds Hole---'~.· . <lse;r> "',,,;
Hbf~:Faijiily,'B:oiy:ROI>-arY.~'5'0,:; '.';5-':'"
'-',: '1·' ·GI·~· N. r·· ..':;.'
Anth~lT!Y; st.pl'i'Uf·· .... ,... ".': .. pe,.~. T.Q ..... ... AftIttberi{'" '. ", .J, 7 '. ..' ," . 's·~to.l"rarY; 'il, · .. ···Ot· ·T·h':"'" ···.-.·,·,:·.. cr.6.a.,·"", :'-..•._. ',ll . ' el~a.' .~.~,.S t.,Tot1o;, SLMar~aret, Buzzards Bay., ~ '~,. ';:-$1,90~., .. ,;.
Holy. Redeemer, Chatham . , ; j First· National, 'oSto-res hie'. Our Lat!y, of ,the, ¢ape,':~~ . ;',.. " $500" .
Brewsfer . . . ", .$tQ~&. Shop 'F~hdation;·.,:! St. Anthony, Falmo~th" A Frierid. . '. -.:: S1; 'Mary,O Fail'haven' ' . ~ ~.. '$~~O; , Sacred Hearts, Fairlniven ' Rt.Rev. B.erqard.J. Fenton St, Patrick, Falm.outh • Rev. Benoit Galland ~ SL Joseph, No. Dighton"· , JQhnE. Fuyat;' .' . ' . Irrirl\a~ulateCo;1Ception, No.; $150' Easton . ,Rev. John F.: benehy St. Ann, Raynham. " Fulton Packing:. Co. Corpus Christi, Sandwich . $100 !\It.. Carm.el, Seekonk· , Joseph D. Murphy 5t.Patrick. Somerset H. V.' Collins St. ,Mary, So. Dartmouth . F. S. Payne Co. St. Pius Tenth, So. Yarmouth . $75 St.' Dominic, Swansea' Rev. James A. Clark St. Augustine, Vineyard Haven Holy Trinity, West Harwich James J. Wilmot Co. ·St. George, Westpor, John TerrenceO'Duggan St. joseph, Woods Hole. StUdio Inc. 0
HI:ADS CATHOLIC ~TURSES: Albert Cardinal Meyer of Chicago, left, (,o/lg-ratulates Mrs. :Mary Delehanty, sec ond right, of Brooklyn on her eleetion as president of the National Council of Catholic Nur;;;es. Second left is'Msgr. James V. MOHCOW, Chicago Archdiocesan spiritual moder .ator ar.d at right is :\1rs. Helen L. Piper, board member. from Dallas, Texas. NC Photo. Fall R. ver Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses $25 C. L. Packhem Co. Inc. The Eagle Cornice Co. Inc. M. H. Gerritt & Co. $15 Kirkpatrick Co. $10 Bostor. Lightning Rod Co.,
Fall River $1.500 George M. MLJntle $1000 Mooney & Co. Inc. James F. Mooney Jr. Carita,; Guild F. L. Collins & Sons Inc. Gl'imcnd Farms 'A Friend Fall River Trust Co. $600 Fall River Gas Works $500 Gerald F. McNally Construct ion Co. $320 Anderson-Little Co. ·Inc. $300 Fall River Savings Bank White's Family Dining Room & White Spa Caterers $250 Donnelly Painting Co.
A Fri:md
$200 A Fri:md Knights of Columbus-F. R. Council No. 86 Salvo Machinery Co. $150 Staffo ~d Furniture Co. . Mona€ ; han Acceptance Corp. . Lafayette Co-Operative Bank: $100 P'lymcuth Printing Co. Inc. United Labor Council of Greater Fall River 01i:\l.er M. Cherry J. Neill Supply Co. LecoIT. te's. Dairy .
Harry Gottlieb Mr. & :Mrs. Noel Giard Delta Electric Co. $50 Robert L. Germaine, tl-actor North End Laundry Leigh 'J;extile Co. Ken~Lac Chemical Co. lne. Riveredge Printers Inc. Simon's Supply Co. Inc. A Friend K of C Bishop Cassidy C6uH~ ciI No. 3669 Leonard Walsh Mother Catherine' McCauley· Guild Dr. Alan G. Simpson Atty. & Mrs. William P. GraM' , Shelburne Shirt Co. I:nc. $35 Atty Richard K.. Hawes Carl N. Beetle Plastics Corp. $30 Thomas .J. Ashton & Son $25 Staples Coal Co. Cook Borden & Co. High Point Paper Box Booth & Durfee Inc. Somerset Boat Co. S. A. Ross Gray. Business Equipment C'&. Inc. Fall River Glass Co. Fag ;River Steam & Gas Pipe Co. Dr. Elmer Leigh Jr. F. W .. Woolworth Co. J. B. Travers Lumber Go. Odias Dumont Walter C. Fraze Mass. COF-Our Lady ef Vie tory Court
Sparkle Cleansers F. R. Luggage & ~oveIty Workers $20 Venturini Brothers Overhead Doors John's Shoe Store Hathaway Funeral Service Nelson R. Cherry Sullivan's Motor Sales Lewis Gray Sons Co., Fall Riv er Florists Supply Co. $15 A Friend, Pleasant Super Mar ket Tom Ellison Inc., Valcourt in dustrial Supply Co. Inc. Everett Sportswear, Dr Wilson E Hughes $10 Lorenzo E. Savard, Via Roma, Charlmor Furniture & Uphol stery Co., Int. Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local No. 437 Crawford Electrical Co. Corner's Drug Store, Chauf feurs & Teamsters Helpers Local No. 526, The Pizza Oven, Wolf Jewelry Co., Highland Delica tessen, Atty. Alfred S. Shervdn . James J. Murphy Ins. Agency, Lincoln P. Holmes, Joseph P. Manning Co" Royal Garment Co. Patenaude Co. McLellan Stores, Royal StoI'e, Omerod's Dairy, Bedford Man-. ufacturing Co" Trans American Spinning Mills Parker' Candy Ca. Inc., D of'I St. Patrick's Cirnle, Centre Drua Bridgeman Lumber Co., Goo. ·B. Lockhard Ins. Agency Inc. Dr. S. R. Manelis,. Lawn ~ Garden Equipment Co., Atty. .& Mrs. Isadore Levin, M. Rich ard Brown, Wolfson Zalkind ~
Leading Garden Center
South Mbin & Wall Sts.
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Alumni to Meet
Members of the class of 1939 of Holy Family High School, New Bedford, will hold their 25th reunion at 7:30 Saturday' :~ight, June 13 at Town and Countr)T resta'uran.t, East Free-' town.
SPECIAL GROUP OFFER! • Chowder, cl.amcakes and watermelon . . . all you can eat Only $1.00
• $4,00 worth of
BR~:>OKLAWN FUNE:RAL HOME, INC. R. Ml reel Roy - G. lorraine Roy
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tickets ... can be used on all rides in the Park Only $2.00 Offer aot valid ..
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• Worlds Largest Shore Dinner Hail • Reservations Write or call collect Conrad Feria, Mgr. REgent 7-71011
Special Gifts
North Attleboro
$1,500 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lambert $200 St. Vincent de Paul-St. Mary's $100 Frank & Margaret Curtis Ine. Duvernay Council No. 42 Union St. Jean Baptiste Mrs. Eva Morin Mr. & Mrs. Leon Pini $75 DeWitt Animal Hospital :me. $50 DeBlois Oil Co. Diamond's Funeral Home Interboro Laundry Inc. $25
Joseph A. Grimaldi
John Brady
Albert Horman
Jolly Cholly's Drive-In
St. Mary's Parish Guild
Alice's Shop
y. H. Blackinton & Co. Inc. Falls Shopping Center Israel Franklin Hi-Lo Market Miller's Dept. Store $20
Milton F. Cash Co.
Bunny Bonin's Motel & Cabins The Commercial Press, Gordon's Cleaners, Red Rqck Hill Motor t!:ourt, Watchbands Inc., Paine Road Gardens Art's ~ee Hour' Cleaners, Boston Coat & Dress Co., Ernie's Shoe Repair, Hindle's Auto Electric, Edward Sujdak Thibeault ..Mobile Homes, Thorpe Automqtive Co., Tri Boro Finance Co.
H.M.C. Cutlery
People's Super Market
Park Motors Inc.
Brodeur's Machine Co., Ine.
Babbitt's Steam Specialty Co.
Holmes Coal Co.
Perfection Oil Co.
C. E. Beckman Co.
Central Pharmacy
A Friend
Bettencourt Pharmacy
L & S Concrete Co.
Brewery Workers Local No 197
Gollis, Enos Home Oxygen
Therapy Co.
Harold F. Riley M. D., Elco
Dress Co. Inc., Dr. Milton T.
$15 Colonial Mfg. Co., Travers
Package Store, Grossman Lum
ber Co., C. F. Cushing & Son,
M & K Coffee House,
Howard Motors, H. V.. Sowle
Pothier Monument Co. Whole_
sale Auto Supply, Sam's Meat
Standard Servi~ of N.B. Inc.,
Wamsutta Finance Co., Henry's
Restaurant, Lions Club of New
Bedford, Ancient Order of Hi bernians-Div. l' Adams & Adams, Pelletier & Berube, Dr. K. C. Yankoupolus, Atty. Barney Papkin, My Pack- . age Store
Perry Liquor Store Inc:, Jim
my Connors Tavern, Dr. Harold Burger, State Road Cement Block ro., Nathaniel Lipton Dr. J. Greer McBratney, Dr. John D. Barnes Firefighters Assn. No. 841, Mass. Gas & Elec. Light Supply Co., Atty.. Malcom Jones, Nel son's Pharmacy, Lariviere Pharmacy Family Pharmacy, Senecal Pharmacy, Lincoln Pharmacy, Oliver Pharmacy, Giguere Phar
macy Frates Dairy Co., Mrs. Fred erick. Coughlan, Atty David M. Scheinman, British Society of New Bedford, Rayon Workers Union Local No 30, TWUA Local No. 1129
THE ANrHORThurs., May 21, 1964
Missionary Work 1963 Expenditure Tops $24 Million VATICAN CITY (NC) --. More than $24 million were distributed by the Congrega tion for the Propagation of
NURSES MEET: At annual Spring meeting of Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses, from left, Rev. Normand Vaillancourt, M.S., speaker; Miss Katherine Nash, charter member; Bishop. Connolly; Mrs. Michael F. Fitz gerald, Fall River, retiring president.
Cardinal Meyer' Stresses Need For Catholic Higher .Education
ST. CHARLES (NC)-Catholic colleges and universities can never become "mere copies of secular schools" turning out peopIe "well versed in profane Attleboro knowledge but mediocre in the $100
knowledge and practice of their Massachusetts Electric Co.
Faith," it was stated here by L. G. Balfour Co.
Albert Cardinal Meyer of Chi· $75
cago. Leach & Garner Co.
Speaking at the dedication of · $50 St. Dominic College here, the Attleboro Lions Club first Catholic college in the St. John's Council 404 It of C Rockford, 111., diocese, the ChiM S Company cago Archbishop declared that Zip's Package Store Catholic institutions of higher · $40 learning have "made a constant Attleboro Printing & Embos effort to maintain a balanced .ing Co. program of intellectualism and Taunton spirituality." $500 This means, he said, that the Reed & Barton Foundation
Mass. Catholic Order of For $166 esters Residents of Marian Manor O'Hearne Ins. Agency $100
D. J. Sullivan Inc.
Mary C. O'Brien
Mt. Hope Machinery Co.
Rennie Mfg. Co. Taunton Mason Supply Co. Mrs. Edward O'Brien $20 St. Mary's Women's Guild Staples Coal Co., Wood SPec: James E. Miles Ins. Co. ialties Co. $75
Dr. Theodore R. Thayer The Cotillion, New England $50 Brass Co. Robertson Factories Inc. Samuel Miseph, Gus' Grill In Memory of Rev. John J. Griffin $10
$35 Andrews Office Supply, Beau
Weir Co-Operative Bank tyland, COF No. 1178-St. Jac
$30 ques, Davol Printing House,
Henry Crapo Farrell's Cafe, H & H Machine
$25 Co'. Inc.
Bacon Felt Co. Francis J. Maguire, Polish
Bristol County Radio American Citizens Club; The
E.agan's Package Store Seeley' Co.,' Frank, ~. Smith,
McKenna's Gift Shop Town· & Country Motor Inn. De_
. Dr. Samuel L. Poplack Souza Market·
Shertdan Silver Co.' Bristol County' Golf, . Alfred
Taunton News Co; D; Dukelow, Ad-A-Day Com
Taunton Printing Co. pany, Arthur J. Murphy Sr..
Eureka Mfg. Co. Inc. Arthur J. Murphy Jr.
Wm. J. Hurley Jr. . Benny's Auto Stores, Daugh
Aleixo Ins. Agency ters of Isabella, Taunton Rivet
Armor Bronze & Silver Co. Work!;, John Gonzals, Gertrude
. Inc. C. Hartney James' Raposa Plymouth' Eva LaFrance, Mr. & Mrs. Ed_ Taunton Co-Operative Bank ward Gray, Mary Burke, Robert Nu-:-Brite Chemical Co. . A. Miller, Joseph Wells
.. ~ ~
A Friend
$30 Browne Pharmacy Ine. $25 Union Liquors Co. McGee's Photo Supply Plumber's Supply Co. Olson & Appleby Atty. Louis Stone Beneficial Finance Co.
Church must not lose contact with modern discipline. But it also means "that the teaching and the motivation of Sacred Doctrine in achieving the true goals of Catholic higher educa tion must be more and more recognized by all members of the academic community."
"Educators, especially in our colleges and universities, should never forget that 'mankind es teems and seeks in the Church, above all, her religious and moral resources,' " said Cardinal Meyer, quoting Pope Pius XII. .
Spacious Fireproof Sleeping Quarters-Boys 7 to 14 Yrs. Old""1IIIIIIII
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................................. .,
'Rendrtes -
the Faith for missionary work in 1963. The figures for mission expen ditures were released during the annual general assembly of the pontifical missionary soci eties in Rome. The missionary groups include the national societies for the Propagation of the Faith, the Society of St. Peter the Apostle for the Native Clergy and the Missionary Union of the Clergy. Twenty-three national directors, including Auxiliary Bishop Ful ton J. Sheen of New York, were present. Of the $24 million, $8,217,000 went to 750 ordinary subsidies and $9,070,000 went to extra ordinary subsidies which in cluded 844 projects, such as schools, churches and chapels, students centers and press and radio operations. The Society of St. Peter the Apostle was given $4,478,970; the Congregation for the Orien tal Church received $1,097,745, and $665,262 was given for Latin American efforts. It was estimated at the meet ing that the congregation will have at its disposal this year about $25,775,000. It was re ported that two-thirds of this sum has been allocated already in ordinary subsidies and that the first part of the extraordi nary subsidies will be distrib uted later in May.
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THE AI\.'rl-l,",o_n:"'cese of Foil River-Thurs. May 21,1964
Irresistible FOlee
Church Interest
In Civil Rights
The use of the vernacular in the Liturgy, proposed by the Bishops of the United States and approved by the Holy See, is not expected to work miracles. But it will be an invitation to all the faithful to enter more fully :nto the Church's worship of God, a worship that also sanctifies them and deepens their knowledge of the "wonderful works of God." Hearing the various texts of the Mass in their own language, in the language that their other activities are carried on in, should make people aware that the worship of God is not a compartmentalized or formalized activity but is part and parcel of their everyday lives. The Word of God is life-giving and now the faithful will hear the Word of God· in so many instances proclaimed to them directly. Of course, there will be placed upon the celebrant of the Mass the duty of speaking the texts with all the clarity and reverence and dignity that he can com mand. And the need of modern amplifying systems cannot be neglected. The introduction of the vernacular into the Mass is a result of the deliberations of the Vatican Council. Approved by the Bishops and the Pope, it is, then, a work of the Holy Spirit and all must pray to the Spirit to inspire them with the graces to put into effect what the Fathers of the Council have decided. Change is sometimes startling and upsetting. But change, as brought about by the Holy Spirit, is life-giving and should be received with joy.
Is Moral
ST. LOUIS (NC)-A top Catholic civil rights spokes man said here that the pres sure being exerted by
Vital Role The decision by the authorities of Brown University
to assist in so many ways the largely-Negro Tougaloo Col lege in Mississippi is an instance of academic responsibility and involvement in the serious issues of the nation at the very highest and most laudable level. The work of bringing about social justice for the Negroes of the United States is a work of education and a work of personal involvement. It means educating the white citizens in the realization that the Negroes are their brothers before God and their equals under the law. It means giving Negroes all the educational advantages that for too many de~ades have been denied to them. The results desired cannot be brought about by an Emancipation Proclamation or a Supreme c'ourt decision. These tell what is right morally and legally. But all the re 8Ources, individual and collective, of the community must in all sincerity devote themselves to the bringing about in the United States of the color-blindness that will make all citizens, white and Negro, respect one another as individuals and as members of the same country. It is good to see that the academic community is taking such a vital and effective role in the work.
The Church's Concern The world has been deeply touched by the action of Pope Paul in establishing a Vatican Secretariat to maintain relations with the non-Christian religious groups in the world. It is one more proof of the Catholic Church's catho licity, her awareness of her concern for every creature. Pope Paul pointed out that relations with non-Chris tian groups will be carried on in "loyal and respectful. dialogue" and in "absolute sincerity." These words he used to dispel the suspicion - usually unvoiced but disturbingly present - that the Church might use this Secretariate as a vehicle to win converts. It should be comforting to all non-Catholics to· under stand the Church's teaching that the gift of Catholic Faith is just that - a free gift of God. The Church does not make oonverts to the Catholic Faith. She can only discover those to whom Almighty God gives the gift of Faith and give these by instruction the reasons for the Faith that is in them.
OffiCIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FAU. RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River
"10 Highland Avenue
Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151
Most Rev. James L Connolly, D.O., PhD.
GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll MANAGING EDITOR Hugh J. Golden
TODAY-Pentecost Tltursday. The accent to -ay is again on the Church's missionary nature. The preaching of the Gospel in the power of the Spirit is every where ac:companied by signs and wonders (First Rp.ading and Gospel). The Gospe' also points to the sI:,ecial authority Jesus gives to the college of Apostles for the preaching of His message of sal vation. 'Ihe institution (hier archy) is to be the instrument of the Spirit and must continually scrutinize itself to make sure that it serves the Spirit. TOMOll.ROW-Pentecost Fri "I will make my presence known in the midst of Israel" (First Reading), God says as He promises the fulfillment of His people's hopes and desires in heaven. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and the Gospel shows the beginning of heaven in Jesus' forgiveness. The cure of the paralytic is sim ply to convince the slow-to bf!lieve oj' His forgiving power. d~~y.
PENTECOST SATURDAY. Simplified to the First Reading and the last two, except for ordinatior.. Mass, today's liturgy concludes a week of celebrating the gift oj' the Holy Spirit. "The love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit," rejoices the Second Reading. That this love reaches its hands of forgiveness, grace, healing toward the whole human family in missionary zeal is the clear teaching of the Gospel. TRINITY SUNDAY. This is not a "feast" in t.he traditional sense-Le, in the sense of a cel_ ebration of a saving historical event. We have celebrated, from Advent through Pentecost, those e'7ents in which time and the world of men find their meaning and their hope. Now the Peope of God rE'sts in these events, medi tates them, continues to draw from them the present nOtirish ment wh ich their permanent validity aasures. And because, at the root of all these events are the three Persons who save us, tlJ,e first Sunday after Pentecost has become Trinity Sunday and tbe texts of the Mass proclaim tbe trinitarian teaching of the Gospel, the Fathers and the e~lrly Cou ncils. ,Faith relates us not only to a pl)Wer. a J;orce. a "&round" of all
being. Faith relates us to a com munity of divine love, to the Father who "aves us, the Son through whom He saves us,· the Spirit in whom we are saved. This does not make God more comprehensible ("how inscrut able," "how undiscoverable," says the First Reading), except as it illumines the Christian message and the mission of the Son who reveals Him in our flesh. MONDAY - st. Gregory VII. Pope. We come to know Him through the Son, as Simon con fesses in the moment which is to make Him "Peter," "the Rock" (Gospel). All those whom the Rock will teach must also come to know Him through the Son. "The ultimate meaning of Jesus Christ is that in His manhood He makes known to us men the God of Whom it is truer to say that He is unknown than that He is known," writes Gerard S. Sloyan in "The Three Persons in One God" (Prentice-Hall). TUESDAY - St. Philip Neri. Confessor. That Wisdom, which is praised in the First Reading as a gift of God more precious than any human good, is in Christian eyes the same Spirit of whom both Entrance Hymn and Secret speak. At least it is a gift of the Spirit, and makes us attentive as it made the great saint we honor today, to the will of God and His impulses of love. WEDNESDAY - st. Bede the Venerable. Confessor, Doctor. The man or woman of faith is the "lighted lamp" of the. Gospel today. Such a one has something to say, to teach. The difficulty is that the bushel measure which hides the light is not always his reluctance to speak and share. It may be his manner or"teach_ ing, the weight of himself tend ing to enslave rather than liber ate those who hear the "truth" as he communicates it. It is so hard to deny ourselves suffi ciently and to love otb,ers deep ly enough to make our teaching a real witness.
Honor Editor NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Mn. lard F. Everett, editor of the Clarion Herald, New Orleans archdiocesan newspaper, will receive an honorary doctorate of laws at the commencement exercises of -..;rotre Dame Sem inary here Thursday, May 28.
churches for passage of the civil rights bill is moral, not political "There is pressure, but it ill not political pressure," declared Father John F. Cronin, S.S., as sistant director of the Social Ae tir' Department, National Cath olic Welfare Conference. "I'd call it a moral awakening of conscience." "I don't think anyone from the churches presents their posi tion as political p.ressure," he added. "They don't say, 'We're representing so many million people in our denomination.' All they say is, 'This is the moral leadership speaking.'" Father Cronin, here for a na tional meeting of the Catholic Protestant-Jewish National Con ference on Religion and Race discussed the churches role i'; the rights struggle during an in terview. He said he believes there has been a great shift in attitude among religious people in the 15 months since the first na tional Religion and Race meet ing in Chicago. For the first time many churchgoers have be gun to think of racial discrimi nation as a moral problem, he $aid. . Motivated by Religion Father Cronin said there is a number of congressmen whQse political or constituency ten dencies would lead them to op pose the bill. "But because they are religious people and reli giously-motivated people, they are for the bill," he said. He was skeptical that the same results could be achieved if the legislators thought church sup port was only political. Support ers of the bill wouldn't pay any attention if that were the case, he said. "These men are hard-headed pol i tic 0 s. They nor m - I : y wouldn't pay any attention tG do-goodpr's. But when Sen.~ Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota and Sen. Thomas Kuchel of Cali fornia say that religion is the biggest force, they mean it," he said. Humphrey and Kuchel are the bipartican Senate rights bill captains.
Dutch Honor Official Of Relief Services WASHINGTON (NC) James J. Nnrrip, assistant to the executive director of the Catho lic Relief Services - Nation~l Welfare Conference and presi~ den' and founder of the Interna.~ tional Catholic Migration Com missi0n, has been honored by the government of the Netherlands here. Norris was awarded the Order pf Orang" Nassau by Dutch Charge d'Affairs Emile Schiff. Th'! '>ward was given for Norris' long-term assistance to the Dutch people after World War n, and in particular for the help he gave those emigrating from Indonesia to the United States in the 1950's. A native of Elizabeth, N. J., Norris has been president of the ICMC since its founding in 1951, and was the only Americ' lay auditor at the Second Vaticall Council.
Consider Ecume"ism CHICAGO (NC) - A proposal to set up a special commission to work for the ecumenical movement will be made at the general conference of the Meth odist Church now being held ill Pittsburgh
THE ANCHORThurs., May 21, 1964
Commencement Week Schedules Finalizing at Diocesan Highs As Graduation Approaches Where's the high school news been the last two weeks? ft's not that things haven't been happening on the 12 Dio eesan campuses, but that Catholic Charities Appeal reports have been taking precedence over all else for the last two issues of The Anchor. And Sister Mary Winifred, S.N.D., when it's considered how vice-principal of St. Thomas many of the 29 agencies of Aquinas High in New Britian, Catholic Charities benefit Conn. will address attendants 4leens, directly or indirectly, no one minds skipping a news re port or two. Big news at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, is the pro duction of Our Town last night and tonight in the school audi torium. Mr. Leo Strickman, director of Ftall River's Little Theatre is directing the Pulitzet Prize winning play and Sister Thomas Mary and Sister Mary Wilfred of the academy faculty are co-managers. Boys from area schools are helping the SHA girls by taking male roles. And at Bishop Cassidy High in Taunton the art department, expertly guided by Sister Mary 'l'eresita, is preparing to contri bute to the city's centennial celebration next month. Commencement Week Commencement week schedule Is complete at Dominican Aca demy in Fall River, reports leanne Levesque. The senior prom is set for Monday· night, .June 8 at Colony Motor Hotel:n Cranston. It'll have a Younger ihan Springtime theme. Class day will be held at 3 Wednesday afternoon, June 10 in the school auditorium and graduation, also in the audi torium, is scheduled for 4 Sun day afternoon, June 14, with Bishop Connolly presiding and Atty. Leo J. Donovan as guest -s>eaker. A graduation Mass will be eelebrated at the convent, fol lowed by a communion breakfust for graduates and parents. Maybe it won't make the hit parade, say the girls at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fail"haven, but c.o' them a just-received record ef their Spring concert is really • golden disc and going like wildfire in their own student lIody. Elle Parle Francais Cassidy High in Taunton is proud of Diane Dusseault who placed third in the French II division at an Emmanuel Col lege examination sponsored by fhe Eastern Mass. chapter of the National French Teachers AssO ciation. Diane is a junior and ective in ~ French Club and National Hooor Society. Yoone Scientists Sacred Hearts, Fall River, boasts three young scientists emong those winning merit at the regional science fair. Pat ricia Desmond, a junior, received honorable mention in the senior .ivision, while Andrea Trzcinski, • freshman, received first prize in the junior division for her interesting display of earllh lICience findings on her family's farm. Kathleen Clark, also a freshman, received second prize. Congratulations are also in order for John Golenski of Bish ep Stang, North Dartmouth, who won a $100 bond as first prize in
an essay contest sponsored by the English Speaking Union. Father Donaghy And at Prevost High in FaU River Arthur Desrosiers has been awarded the Presidential scholarship, valued at $5,600, to Boston College. A highest honors student, he is president of the debating team, secretary of the National Honor Society, year book business manager and a first prize winner at both school and regional science mirs in ad dition to be~ acienc~ club president;.
at the first annual alumni recep tion at Stang High. Bishop Con nolly will confer diplomas on graduation day and graduates and their parents will hear Rev. William Donaghy, S.J., of Boston College as main speaker. Father Donaghy, a New Bedford na.tive, is past president of Holy Cross College. At Bishop Feehan eight stu dents are participating in an art contest open to Attleboro schools. Their work will be on display at Capron Park through today. At Jesus-Mary Academy, Fall Fiver, 15 new members have been inducted into the National Honor Society, having fulfilled requirements of exemplary con duct, an 85 per cent scholastic average and outstanding char acter, leadership and service. Two Fall River students placed in the Miss Fall River pageant with Vivanne Ouellette of Jesus~ Mary winning a $50 scholarship and trophy for being the most talented non-finalist; and Bar bara McCann of Mt. St. Mary, who was first runner-up. She's seni<lr class president, a member of the Glee Club and an ever willing pianist for assemblies and other functions. More Scientists Other Diocesan school stu dents, in addition to those al ready mentioned, who have merited recognition for work exhibited at science fairs are Suzanne Lagarde and Collette Richards, Jesus - Mary; Dia.ne Boyer, Marie Baelan, Claudette Couturier and Jeannine Alber n~z, Dominican Academy; Cor nelia Duffy, Bishop Cassidy; and Raymond Pombriant and Paula DeWitt, Bishop Feehan. Three faculty members at Mt. St. Mary's will pursue higher studies this Summer, with Sister Mary Adele to travel to Tours, France, for French study; Sister Mary Albertus to go to Pratt In stitute, New York, for science courses; and Sister Mary Flora to study English at Hofstra Uni versity, also New York. At Sacred Hearts, Fall River girls have formed a liturgicai choir which will be heard at aU Masses and other religious occa sions. Members represent all four classes and will hold prac tices one a week. Merit Scholarship Senior George Niesluchowski <tf Stang High has received a merit scholarship to Holy Cross College and other scholarships in the news include a partial g1"8nt from Stonehill College to Cecilia Medeiros of Dominican Academy; and a $2,400 award, also from Stonehill, to Elizabeth Moniz of Mt. St. Mary. New sodality officers at Pre vost High are Gerard Goulet prefect; Paul Levesque, vice~ p~efect; Pa~l Proulx, secretary; RIchard St. Pierre:ttreasurer. A fine arts fes al will be held at Bishop Cas y late this month, inc 1 u din g different phases of Language, arts and music. Several solo singers and dancers will be featured in the musical part of the program.
And at the Mount the school
orchestra recently visited the VA Hospital in Brockton, where
its performance was transmitted on closed circuit TV to all VA hospitals in Massachusetts. Two solos were sung by Eleanor Thurstoa and violin and accoc-
YOUNG SCIENTISTS: Marie Bastile teaches Rachel Frett how to determine plateau of Geiger-Mueller tube while Eileen McGuire records pertinent data. Girls are science students at Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River. dion selections were also fea tured. FutLlre Nurses at Feehan will visit Foxboro State Hospital tomorrow with gifts of candy for patients. Non-club members are also welcome to make the trip. Honors Galore Holy F'amily's Susan Sweeney Is one of 5 finalists in the United Nations Test, picked from 75,000 . Massachusetts participants. She'll go on to a national quiz. Anne Maria Procopio, Bishop Cassidy, has received a special merit certificate for a poem submitted to an annual anthology of high school poetry. And Paulette Thibault, Mt. St. Mary junior, has been nominated for an achievements award pro gram sponsored by the Nation~l1 Council of Teachers of English. Her writing abilities and liter ary awareness will be judged by local and state committees. Kathleen Raposa of SHA Fall River has placed third in city competition and second in the region in a leadership contest sponsored by the Elks. And Elyse Parmentier of Feehan won first place in an essay contest sponsored by the Southeastern Mass. Bar Associati<ln. Julie Mel_ vin of DA will participate in Girls' State next month at Bridgewater State College. Top Students Top honors at Coyle High School in Taunton for the third marking period go to Armand Joncas, senior; Albert Pepka, junior; Dennis Callahan, sopho more; and Michael Felong, freshman. Eligible for the top honor of captain of the school at SHA Fall River, are Mary Kelly: Nancy Reg,an and Norma Pereira. Captain of St. Mar-
Senice On Patie
Camp in Freetown yesterday. The Anchor's assistant general manager, Rev. John P. Driscoll, conducted the program. Seniors at Holy Family, New Bedford, are "planning the end of their four years," reports Beatrice Abraham. Francine Filipek and Marcia Lacala are co-chairmen of the senior prom decorating committee, while Richard Pariseau, class vice president, is in charge of enter tainment for class night at ·the Kennedy Center Thursday, June 11. John Finni will write the cLass essay and Sheila Harring ton the class prophecy. Girls at Sacred Hearts Fair haven listened bemusedly to a telephone company representa tive's explanation of the new dialing system. "They only hope lJhey can remember all the num bers they must dial for a long distance call," sighs reporter Suzanne Chandler. And at Fall River's DA Ameri can history students recently a,t tended a model UN session pre sented by Harvard University and Radcliffe College. Coyle High will hold its senior prom Wednesday night, June 10 in the school auditorium. The planning committee is directed by Brother Stefan Clarke, C.S.C., senior sponsor. At Jesus-Mary the last issue of the school paper, JEM, will appear Monday, June 8 under direction of the new editors, Pauline Forcier and Muriel Baraby. Also at JMA the orchestra members will give their final concert Sunday night, May 24. There was music in the air at Bishop Stang too, as the glee club cut a record of many of the school's favorite numbers. The entire school participated itl some selections. It was a busy week at DA, bolding the Athletic Associa tion's annual party for freshmen, the junior- senior banquet, and a l"ecital for advanced piano stu dents. And many Diocesan highs will be represented and receive awards at tonight's banquet 01. the Bristol County Girls' League. to he held at Stevenson's restau 1"8D1t, North Dartmouth.
garet's team will be chosen from those three girls plus Paula Powers and Kathy Smith; while the girl to head St. Agnes' team will be Susan Reid, Kathleen Silvia or Mary Lou Sullivan. Girls at Mt. St. Mary's Aca demy will stage a comedy, "Our Hearts Were Young and Gay," at 7:30 Sunday and Monday nights, May 31 and June 1. A performance for religious will be given at 3:45 Tuesday after Roon, June 2. Sister Mary Mercy, R.S.M. is directing the produc tion. More Winners Jacqueline Bousquet, Domini can 'Academy senior, who plans to attend Peter Bent Brigham South Vietnam Bans school of Nursing, has beceived a tuition scholarship from Tiver Assumption Holyday ton's Lions' Club. Also at DA, SAIGON (NC) - The Souotll Elizabeth Paiva won a French contest sponsored by a local Vietnam government has de decreed that the Feast of the radio station. She' will now com . Assumption of Our Lady, Thana pete with other winners. "Flintside Story," a parody of Minh Day, a Buddhist feast hon oring the dead, and Confucius "West Side Story," will be pre Day shall no longer be official sented by Jesus-Mary Academy holidays. The decree has heeD juniors for junior-senior day, issued by decision of the Cab Thursday, June 4. A luncheon inet. for seniors will follow the pro The Feast of the Assumption duction and in the afternoon was a civil holiday here under seniors will present their last the French colonial administra will and testament. tion, as it is in France. It WaJI Good news for bright seniors retained but only as an official 8It Bishop ~ high - any half-holiday after the State of senior who has an average of Vietnam recovered its indepen 80 per cent in a subject for the dence 10 years ago. entire year by the end of the fourth term needn't take a final exam in that subject. Probably
wouldn't be hard for them, any
And seniors at Bishop Stang
for participated in a day of recol SELF X-RAY AND RENEWAL lection at Our Lady of the Lake
BARBERO'S PIZZA·PATIO ROUTE 6, HUTTLESON AVE. Near Fairhaven Drive-In Italian Dinners Our Specialty
Complete Line Building Material~
at Holy Cross Fathers Retreat House Rte. 138, No. Easton, Mass.
DOD Young Ladies-May 22-24
Married Couples: May 29-31 For info. on retreats or days of recollection, please write or call Director: tel. 238-2051
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 21, 1964
Brisco Daughter
Now Carmelite'
Buyers Must Beware in Old Car Market, Columnist Dis'covers
DUBLIN (NC)-The daughter of the former Jewish Lord Mayor of Dublin became a Car melite nun here in ceremonies witnessed by Irish President and Mrs. Eamon de Valera. Her father, Robert Brisco, is currently a member of the Irish Parliament. Both he and his wife are members of the Jewish community. Sister Miriam Teresa became a Catholic about four years ago, during a year-long stay with a sister in Canada. She entered the Carmelite monastery at Roe.. buck on the outskirts of this City shortly afterward.
By Mary Tinley Daly Fix or trade-such was the predicament facing us in toe automobile department at our house. Reared in the "eat it up, wear it out, make it do" era, first inclination was to "fix the car and keep it going," an inclination proved on the un-thrifty side as we got estimates for cure of ads, we scanned and read them. m e bod y was having a multi-ailments diagnosed in So "Swinging Sale"; others, "A Riot our one-hoss shay. of Deals"; "Circus ,of Values";
Curiously, we could have bought, the same model for less than the pr ice of re pairing ours. So there we'd be, with two of the' I! arne vintage, one (the new) running - who could tell how long?-the other (ours) moving on 1 y after a "charge" be fore each start. As we pondered the impossibility of getting rid of an automobile with the "auto" taken out of it end the "mobile" stilled, we re entered the strange world of modern motordom, after' an absence of four years. Good Deals This time, we vowed, we'd be lII1lart, secure a real bargain. First, we learned that the w 0 1" d "Bargain" h~s been dropped from lexicon of the trade. It's a "deaL" And there ere no bad deals, mind you. Every dealer bas nothing but "good deals," except for the machine they are relieving you 'of. This is bad, junk. They are sacrificing to give many a good deal. Keeping motOr running, we did a circuit-riding tour of one used car lot after another, hearing nothing good of our - ear, nothing but good of any of theirs. "Tell you what, folks," Smiling Sam told us, "I'm willing to go Illong and give you a real deal, e fantastic deal, on a '61, a trade you won't get nowhere else. And it's only," he looked over his shoulder and whispered, "only 'cause I got too many cars on my lot now and want to get ahead of the fella on the next lot. See," We found it difficult to see h<lw taking the '61 and leaving our car there would lessen the total number on his lot. But there were many things we :found bard to understand be fore we were through with our "deaL" 'Buyer's Market?' . Prior to being faced wIth an - almost immediate transportation problem, we hQd' vaguely 're membered hear-ing some wild shoutings on 1Ile radio, seeing pages 'of glaring ads in news papers. Now, we read; we listened; discovered frantic competition among dealers for customers. "It's' 'a buyer's ,market," we told· ourselves smugly, "really, a very good time for the old car to hit the skids. All we have to t10 is get a bargain-a 'deal'." So we did our homework. In .read of tossing aside the auto
Rummage Sale Mother McAuley Guild, auxil_ Iary to Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River, plans a rummage sale today and tomorrow in the parish hall of SS. Peter and Paul Church. Hours will be from 6 to 9 tonight and from 9 to 9 to morrow. Chairmen Mrs. John Pacheco and Mrs. Raymond Dooley will be aided by a large ~i'ltee.
"World's Fair Deal"; "Birthday Sale"; "Rebate Sale"; "Our Wildest Week"; "Week - End Sale." Many of these were augmented by "W'ow!" or "Yippy!" , Advertising space r<ates being what they are, we know that these dealers were looking for buyers, else they wouldn't add the "Wow" and "Yippy" busi ness.
, And on the listening end
instead of clicking off the radio, we turned it up when the "Joy Boys" were extolling virtues of deals they had to offer. Also, we learned that we could get "the nicest buy in town from the nicest guy in town" if we would only get in touch with that "nicest guy." (This seemed to us a bit arbitrary, since we know lots of nice guys in town, and they are not all in the automo bile business.) This morning, we were ex horted, via radio, to "Call Pete" (telephone number included) and tell him Walt had sent us and we would be given "the greatest deal ever." Sounded reminiscent of speak easy days, when we were told tG say that "Charlie sent us" as we peeked through a squint-slot in an out-of-the-way door. For kicks, we decided to try
"Good morning!" came a clear, cool voice. "- - - Motors. May I help you." "Would like to speak to Pete," we said, impelled by the radio· in the background. "Tell him Walt sent us." "Pete? Walt? Are you sure you have the right number?" We decided to put anew battery in the old car - and do a lot more field work, and home-. work.
Christia n Fresco Part Of Sudanese Exhibit NEW YORK (NC) - A Ma donna and Child fresco a millen_ ium or more in age is part of the Sudan's exhibit at the New York World's Fair. The fresco" unearthed last Summer in the northern Sudan, it; six .feet square and depicts the Blessed Virgin and the Christ Child. It bears a Greek inscription meaning "Mary, Mother of Christ, Saviour of the Universe." The fresco is believed to have been ,painted betw·;en 1,00() and l;2()Oyears ago. The Sudan re cently expelled all Christian missionaries from the southern part of the country, wher< the bulk of Sudanese Christians live.
Make Priest's Chasuble From Kennedy Gown:
MOTHERS TEA: Junior Circle No. 71, Daughters of Isabella, New Bedford, hold annual Mothers' Tea as Miss ]Rosemary King, president, pours for Miss Patricia Regis, j~inanciHI secretary and chairman of the affair, and Miss ;rean Ann Muldoon, recording secretary.
In Praise of Sisters Noted Surgeon Hails Catholic Nuns
Best-Educated Feminine Group
CHICAGO (NC) - Nuns, who knee. These days, it is found neiher drink nor smoke,outlive, only among nuns and plumbers, the average American woman he added. by six years, a surgeon who Reporting on a part of the made a nationwide survey dis-· study at the meeting, Dr. Nix Mt St J h H '' dosed h,~re. told the 'surgeon's group that. • • osep, onors "They are the healthiest, acute pancreatitis-inflammation Woman $ocio1ogist longest-lived, hardest-working, and hemorrhaging of the pan CINCINNATI ,,(NC- -.: ,'The best educated feminine group in· creas-is a rarity among nuns, . the United States," said Dr.. whereas outside the convents it first annual,. Mater et Magistra ;rames T,Nix of New Orleans 'in is increasing, along with itS award estabhshed by the Coll~~ II salute to the nuns. companion disorders, gallstones, ' Mount, St. Joseph here The operator of the Nix Clinic, liver disease and alcoholism.: ' honor ,'of the late, Pope John , , " XXIII went to Jane Margue. who is cnairman of the Catholic. Abstain , r e t t a Hoey, New York Catholic Hospital Association's committee He said these ill,S rarely afflict sOciologist and author. . 'on the health of clergy and b th b t· f Heligioull, was interviewed' at, nuns ecause. ey a, s am ro~ She received ,the gold medal the Clinical Congress of Abdom-, alcohol ~nd nch foods. Even. m at the college. trom Archbisholt th~ .few mstances where pancre_ Karl J. Alter of Cincinnati.: inal Surgeons here. He discussed atItIs has been observed among llis nationwide study of the nuns-there were two cases health and habits of 116,000 noted among 575 nun deaths in Fall River Women' nuns in this country-the first 1963-it occurs much later t.han !fUrvey (,f its kind ever urider in other women, Dr. Nix said. Re-elected as president, Mrs. 1aken. Laywomen who develop the dis_ Anthony Geary heads officers of One Disorder order do so between the ages of Fall River Catholic Woman's So far as he and his computer 40 and 50, but the age of onset Club for the coming year. She have beED able to discover, nuns in nuns is 69.5 years, he detailed. will be supported by Mrs. ~lre subjl~ct to only one occupa The same is true of cancer of Thomas F. Burke, vice-presi dent; Miss Margarf;lt M. Lahey. tional disorder, a condition the breast, one of the most fre secretary; Mrs. Raymond V. which D::. Nix calls a "disease of, quent causes of death in nuns. • !fUpplicaHon" but which is more Dr. Nix said: "Nuns get cancer, Barrette, treasurer. t~mmonly known as housemaid's of the breast with about the same frequency as other single women, but they get it 20 years 50-Ye(Jr-Old Magaz .. _ later than most."
St. Catherine's Fund Raising Committee of Dominican Aca demy, Fall River, will hold a dinner meeting Tuesday, June 9at the Chanticleer restaurant. Mrs. Roger Maltais and Mrs. LoIJi.q Chabot are co-chairm~n.
AU9ERTINE Funeral Home Inc.
To Su!.pend Publication:
ST. LOUIS (NC) - The 50 ,'ears old Queen's Work magazine will Ceaile publication 'after its ~rune issue and the sodality in-' !rtitute located he're will stop I)rinting its well-known pam-, I)hlet series. ,Father Joseph 'F. MacFarlane, f~.J., dirEctor of the national 90 dality o:1fice; said the Queen's Work would enter "a new type', (If publishing" next Fall when a . larger magazine will appear.' ' The Q~ueen'sWork magazine J'eached a circulation of more Taunton Penny Sale tt:an 100,000 nationally' under, Tlhe Knights of Columbus and 1he editorship of the late Father the V,illa Fatima Helpers will' Daniel Lord, S.J., from 1926 to co-sponsor a penny sale at 8 to 1949. There are now more than night in CYO Hall, Taunton, for ~100 Quenn's Work pamphlets in the benefit of the Sisters of st. print. These will be allowed to !~o out of print, Father MacFar Dorothy. The public is invited. lane said.
Fund Raisers
MASSILLON (NC) T hoe Catholic Daughters of America Court here in Ohio is Pl!tting the fininshing touches on a priest's chasuble made from a gown d'Onated by Mrs. Rose Ken nedy, mother of the late Jiresi dent. ' The gown was worn by Mrs. Kennedy's daughter, Kathleen, when ,she was presented at the Court of St. James in England, when Kathleen's father, Joseph P. Kennedy, was U. S. Ambas sador to Great Britain. , The CDA study club, which, meets weekly in members' homes to make vestments from bridal and evening gowns, in tends to send the chasuble to a needy priest in the missions.
Helen Aubertine Braugh· William' H. 'Aubertine ' Irian J.Aubettine' .
Alumnae Reunion Class of 1944 graduates of Dominican Academy, Fall River, ' will hold a reunion at Magoni'Il:, restaurant, Somerset at '6:30 Saturday night, June 13. ReSer vations may be made, by Mon':', day, June I' with Mrs. John B., Reed, '
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Needs Sympathetic Care
tyrant who runs everyone down." There is an old folk saying about some people who are called "street angels" and Hhouse devils".
They are a type of Jekyll-Hyde character who presents 0 n e side of his per sonality on one occasion and quite a differ ent aspect on another. To some extent, af eourse, we all,do this. It is als& vue that within the intimat-e bounds of family life, peopk tend to let down their hand and reveal their true sel-ves.
Reveals PersonalU,. ,
Basically, your husband -ap ,pears to be a very unbepItY, ,maladjusted person who~kes eu t the ,aggressions he .sUffers en his familY. He .deserves more aympathy than criticism. ,"The situation ean be changed eniy ·if you and the children can 8Omehow or other bear up under this as patienUy, as charitably; .nd as kindly as p09Sible f6r tIOme time. to .come. Your husband's personality is rather str~gly revealed in his strong. dislike or hatred of Ne~roes. People who are dissat isfied wiQl themselves, who lit erally hate themselves and feel deeply inferior, are always look_ ing for a "scapegoat". In our society the Negro has anfortunatelybeen a v~ 'pop ular scapegoat. He is a person' upon whom one can blame all ()f his troubles and difficulties, The fa:t that the Negro is in no
way to blame for your husband's plight has nothing whatsoever to do wit'l his reactions. Build Self Esteem Some people simply have a psychological need to look d()wn upon others. It is their only way of feeling important. In this way they somehow or other build up a bit of self esteem for them lelves. But the price they pay for it JB a heavy one and the ultimate satisfaction of their personality Deeds simply is not met. Your husband's feelings are some times shared by large groups of people. . . One reason that ,the poor whites in the South have s'uf fered poverty, ,discrimination, Iaek of education and other handicaps as willingly as they' have, can be traced to thp fact that they could always feel su perior to one other group of people, namely Negroes. This is the device Adolf Hitler used in Germany to whip up feeling against the Jews. Cath Mics too, at one period of our history. suffered this type of treatment. Timid, Inferior' An interesting aspect of your hmlhand's behavior is tha't he apparently puts on quite a front when he is outside the home. Adually this reveals his feelings of timidity and inferiority
Junior Foresters Junior Foresters of Our Lady of Fatima Court, Fall River, will hold a Communion breakfast and make a trip to Boston to view a Red Sox baseball came next month.
21, 1964
RO:;\!E (NC)-Pope Par'
VI has expressed gratitud to U. S. Catholics for thei~ effortR to help the Church h
before you and the shildre.a Since he is not particularly cer tain about his own level of in telligence, despite what he may say, he continually informs you and the children that you are stupid.
By tellin~ you that you are stupid, he is in effect stating what he would like to believe that he is quite intelligent. There is only one way that you can deal adequately with this situation. Arguments will avail you absolutely nothing. As a ma-tter of fact, the more you argue with him or quarrel with him, the more necessary it be comes for him to play the role of a tyrant. Seek Cause In fact, if ,your arguments get thmugh to him at all, a doubt ANNUAL TEA: At annual tea of Friends of St. Anne's: ful possibilif;.y,they will shake Hoopital, }l'all River, Mrs. John E. Halligan pours for Mrs. What artificial self esteem he John- E. Manning as Mrs. W:Arthur Leary holds cup. has. been able to build up ~ veFb&lly abusing you. You shoUld try to look into your husband's situation care fully. What is the source of the frustratio-n which brings abom Says Protestant Merger Talks 'Effort this. terrible :aggression? , Is. he unhappy with his joM Toward Reaching Common Ground' Does he have to deal with a PRINCETON (NC) - Merger '. The denominations participat_' tyrannical' boss who constantly ta'lks here in New Jersey by six jng·in the talks have more than' abuses him and whom he in· turn Protestant denominations mark.. 20· million church-going mem cannot even (:riticize? Or is his 'ed a step toward Christian: bers in the U. S. They are the problem perhaps in some other 'unity but left much still to, be United Church of Christ, the area of life such as among cer done; according· to an official Methodist Church, the Disciples tain friends? Catholic observer..consultant. of Christ, the Evangelical United Father George A. Tavard,. Brethren, the Protestant Episco Does he feel that his income is A.A., called the talks here by' pal Church, and the United Pres_ considerably lower than other the Consultation on Church byterian Church in the U.S.A. people of ,about the same educa_ tion and age? I cannot answer Union "a substantial effort * * • . This year for the firsi time any of these questions myself toward reaching common Catholic observer-consultants at because I do not know your hus ground." . tended the meeting. They were' band personally. Perhaps you
The meeting was "very useinvited by the Consultation and can do so.
ful," Father Tavard said, "but it appointed by the Vatican's Sec is onJ~' one in ll: series of meetretariat for Promoting Christian Professional Help ings that will presumably be· Unity. If you are able to find the quite long. Christian unity can The Catholic representatives
source of his trOUble, or still be restored only thro':l!h. a were Father Tavard of Mount better, if you can indirectly lead great a~oun~, of determmatiOn Mercy College, Pittsburgh, and him to discover it, then positive and patIence. . . Msgr. William W. Baum. vice steps may be taken to overcome Representa~lve~ of SiX Prot:schanC'Pllor of the Kansas City-St. it. It lTIRy be that he will have tant denommatIons explormg Jose h Mo d' to. change his job, perhaps he· possibilities of a merger attendp , . , lOcese. Will have to cultivate new ed the Consultation on Churc'h friends. Union meeting. This was the' Reports Hungarians But of this I do feel certain. third meeting of the group, If some psychological change is In Church Talks formed in 1961. not brought abqut, your hus VIENNA (NC) -Reports are band's condition will become in circulating that negotiations are School Board Opposes, under creasingly worse and both you way between Holy See and he and the children even' Grade Elimination and Hungarian officiall;l for the more miserable than you are solution of Church-state prob LOUISVILLE (NC) - Oppo now. sition to the elihiinatiOli of . lems, including the status of . If, after trying carefully to' grades in' Catholic schoo1s has Hungarian Primate, Jozsef Car-.· fmd the source of his difficulty' been expressed by the Catholic. .dina I Mindszenty. it is not apparent, then I suggest School 'Board of the· Louisville According to report< 'Msgr. that you discuss' the matter with archdiocese. ' . , Agostino Casaroli, Underseoreyour family physician. It may be In another action, the board tary for Extraordinary Ecclesi-' that your husband will have to opposed. adding laymen' as mem · a:ltical Affairs of the 'Papal Sec-. be referred to a psychologi~t or ber,s as 'long as the board is able: · retariat of State' is in Budapest. a psychiatrist to obtain the pro-' to act only" "in purely advi · Shortly aIter Msgr. Casaroli 'vis-,' ' fessional help of which he al-' sory capaoity." The board is, Had, Budapest in May 1963, the ready seems stand in some composed of 14 priests. The first. Hungarian government indicated need. Catholic E'ducation Conference a, willingness to make conces_, And until this change can be in the archdiocese, held Feb. 8, ,sions to the Church and stated brought ab9ut, I can only re recommended· that the board that it had released five bishops peat what I said earlier, you will . setup be revised 10 include lay- who had bee under house arrest., have to practice the greatest. men and teaching nuns. taot, patience and love with him. Huwever, the board said that
He is somewhat ill, psycho- . only if it were to be made an
logically speaking. actual governing body for the
schools, lay membership otI the
board would be advisable.
'Step Toward
Latin America. In an audience granted tc Archbishop Antonio Samor€ vice-president of the Pontificr. Commission for Latin Americr and to Father John Considine M.M., director of the Lath, American Bureau of the Na tional Catholic Welfare Con ference. the Pope as:.cd ·them t, "conve)' our heartfelt thanks tr. all those in the United State who work for this special pro l\'ram of) behalf of Latin Amer ica." The Pope compared the Lati' American situation to the sow ing of seed, saying: "There is ~ time f()r sowing, for workin the ground, and a propitiou' time for the harvest. This is th propitious time in Latin Amer ica. Let it ,pass, and great harn~ can follow." Pra.ises Prelate Pope· Paul paid special tribut to :Richard Cardinal Cushing 0' Boston, founder of the Societ' of St. ,James the Apostle; whic' sends U. S. missionary priest material aid." He also asknowledged the-eoT'_ tributions of "the generous rel; . ~ious congregations and of mil.
lions of American Catholir'
whose hearts are with the i
suffering brothers in L.ti·· America. "Let none of us rest until Ol' Latin AmericanCatholies pOf· sess the means to worship' 'Sor' and to live Chri!dian lives ~. God ordains for them," the Pop'.' A
100.000 Pnrtido.a+ed hi Racial Home Visits
CmCAGO rnc) - An esti mated 100,000 Negro and whit, Americans participated in, th" first National Home Visit Dll' observed in 112 cities in 3 states and the District of Colum ' bia;
They visited in each other' ,. homes for frank and friendl" conversation on racial issues, th National Home Visit Center her reported. Friendship House, a Cathol;' lay orl\'anization with headquar tel'S here. originated the hOIl" visit program in Hl55 and SpOT!' sored the national observancr Only 40 of the cities partici pating had held the visits before Since Febr.uary over 70 ney cities started organizing for th" national day.
Return Visit VERONA (NC )-In a'r",.. ......... uz·, ·visit; members of a Jewish eon, gregation visited the Catholi Family Action group at Qu' Lady Of the Lake parish here h New Jersey Sunday. The Cath olic group visited Temple Sha 10m in Cedar Grove last Sprin~ Father John Meyer, CFA riloder ator, explained Catholic woishir its historical roots in JuBiUsJ, and significance of s~credvesseL during the visit. ..
Dames Patronnesses
The 39th annual card party of Dames Patronnesses of Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford, will be held at 1:30 Wednesday after noon, .Tune 3 at Stevenson's res taurant, North Dartmouth. Mrs. Jean Boutin and Mrs. Arthur St. German are C()oochairmen. Res ervations may he made with Mrs. Louis Poirier.
M~, I
Lauds American~ Effort to Help
By John J. Kane, Ph. D. "WhI1e the community considers us a good Catholic family, our home life is miserable. :My husband is interested in nothing the children and I discuss. He considers us stupid. He hates Negroes, and if we defend them, he hits the ceiling. He gives us long to-wards those w::J.om he feels lectures at mealtime about are his betters. our behavior. Outside, he is Yet in the safety of his home a "good guy", but at home is he constantly runs them down ~
Jekyll-Hyde Type Husband
Women Elect New officers of New Bedford
Catholic 'Woman's Club are Mrs.
Joseph C. Motta, president; Mrs. John W. Glenn and Mrs. William P. Walsh, vice-presidents; Miss Anna Donovan and Mrs. JohnW. Sullivaft. secretaries; Mrs. Joseph Jeseph, ti·easurer.
, (,
,< '
<, (,
24~Hour Wrecker Service ,
653 Washington Street, Fairhaven WYman 4·5058 ... _
t' !
. (.
!! If; (-
THE A",rl-lf1p-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 21, 1964
Biology SQCiety Honors T~acher
'That Man Is You' Proves
Distinctive, Striking Book
WASHINGTON (MC) - Sistel' Oatherine Virginia of NoUe Dame A cad e m y here W88 selected as the outStanding bi& logy teacher in thp nation's caId tal by the National BiolOW Teachers Association.. The Notre Dame de Namul' nun last year was selected as 1Jhe outstanding science teacher br the Association of Engineers, Scientists and Architects. She has been teaching science f . 30 years. The national biology group ao nually selects an outstanding teacher in each of the states an.t the District of Columbia.
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy An extraordinary book is That Man Is You by Father Louis Evely, translated by Edmond Bonin (Newman. $4.50); I must confess that I had no intention of reading it but chanced to dip into it one night and was enthralled b~ the small sampling I meant to One of the greatest artistic ac make of it. I simply had to go to the end, and think that complishments of modern times, and one of the longest in the you will do the same if you making, is the series of prints by do yourself the favor of getting r --- ~nll:=lult which bears the a copy. F~f"'~r Evely is a Belgian priest of 54, an educator "well known in Bel gi :"1 as a re treat master, a radio and tele vision speaker, the g u i din g spirit b e h i n d family organiz ations," and a eontributor to magazines and reviews. His book is distinctive and striking from the start. It is not in verse, as first appears from tht: way of disposing the text on th r page. The translator explains that this arrangement was chosen because it "throws into great relief the development, co-ordi nation and subordination of' ideas, emphasizes si~njficant parallelism and antithesis, and, permits one to isolate key words." Maybe this is a good idea, maybe not. But the point is that he text, however set out, is fresh, pungent, hard-hitting. 'Listening to Christ' We have all heard portions of the Gospels read to us at regular . intervals throughout our lives, and some of us have tried to make it a practice to read the whole of the Gospels again and. again. In either case, we may have long since' concluded that we know these writings more or 's thoroughly, and they have nothing new to offer us. Which means that we do not think of such read' "as God Himself coming into our tent to speak to us face to' face as a man speaks to his friend." Or again, "Reading the Gospels means 1 i s ten i n g to Christ, touching Him; and coming into. eontact with Him through faith" - like the woman cured of an iss .e of blood." Tr"! Gospels are a book of communiol.. Jesus dwells in the Eucharist; but in the Gospels He speaks." F~~~er Evely is not content to give us this assurance and let us proceed on our own. He takes up Vf "'Jus Gospel themes, searches' them acutely, and shows us their bearing on our own condition. An example of his method may. be found in his treatment of the Beatitudes. "Poor in spirit" - what does that mean? It means the essential condition of being completely accessible to God and open to His influence. "We're poor when we're wi"',g not to be at peace, bl' to be reproved, tormented, and driven out of ourselves by tl voice of God." Almost .every page contains something memorable: The au thor illustrates how the very text of the Mass' is packed with proof that it is for sinners. Or hI> ""es the reasons for his con tention that a Christi should feel like a hypocrite. Or he de-· velops a case for the Samaritan woman at the well as a m,odel of Catholic Action. We shall undoubtedly . be bearing more of Father Evely. He is a new spiritual writer of eriginality who has something pertinent and stirilUlatirig to say to his contemporaries. His first book is' one' to be reread regu Jarly. r
title Miserere et Guerre. Origi na"y planned to number 100 and to appear in two separate volumes, it eventually comprised Catholic Scouters but 58 in a single volume. De soite its brilliance, it is compara The Catholic Committee _ tively little known. Scouting for the Fall River arell That meaning has been put will sponsor a day of recollec thus: "Man lives in a terrifying tion for Adult Scouters from jungle largely of his own 10:30 to 3 Sunday, June 7 ali making, for the shadows and Camp Noquochoke, Westport. perils of the jungle he finds Conferences by Rev. John & with 1 his own "l(~art as well as Andrews and Rev. Peter IiI. in the outer world. But whatever Graziano and recitation of the is endured by man is endured rosary and stations of the croSll al~n by the Son of Man, the Son will highlight the day's program. of God. In the suffering of Christ A memorial to PresidentKen we find our salvation and our nedy will be unveiled as part of purification." the closing exercises. A chickea These words are found in a dinner will be served. splendid new book, Georges Rouault's Miserere by Frank and Dorothy Getlein (Bruce. $4). The book contains reproductions of all 58 prints, along with an in troduction concerning the artist, his work in general, and these prints in particular, plus a running commentary on the several subjects. Meditative Stully tor holy. communion The Getleins have exceptional I GO TO MASS competence as art critics and ••• color picture I . Mass book with
commentators, are remarkably HONOR MARY: Miss Alice Oliveira,' South Dart 29 faU color photo•• Simple penetrating spiritually, write ex mouth, crowns Blessed Virgin at Salve Regina College an . Worde. Extrn cellently, and have, it is plain, large VP!l- 59¢ I From left, her attendants are Miss nual May procession. and $l.2O or St. made a long, meditative study of \ " ·D~ ArlllrelDJunior Charlotte Colton, Taunton; Miss Loretta D'Amico, Prov.i Rouault's work. II'-'l. Their introductory essay Js a d.ence; Miss Joanne Leonard, Somerset. model of the compendious. Into relatively few pages they pack ' he was named secretary of the a brief biography of RouauIt, an Matrimonial Court. He was account of his developJllent as an Contir.t.~ed from Page One named assistant at st. Patrick, artist lmd as a viewer of reality, ated from Durfee High School Fall .River on Nov. 12, 1942. He and the strange history of the and then St. Charles College, returned' to Catholic University project which occupied him for Oatonsville, Md., he studied at in Sept. of 1945 and to st. Pat 30 years and combines the tech rick, Fall River in June, 1946. niques of etching, aquatint, and St. Mary's Seminary in Balti tor graduation: engraving to. produce something more and was ordained on June He was named to his present 3, 1939. post, on April 9, 1957. ST. ANDREW unique and shattering in its im POCKET He served as assistant at St. pact. Father Galvin is a brother of .EDITION F'eter's Church, Provincetown, Sister Mary Olga, R.S.M., and of Artist's Stature .••• a new com pact version in One is' tempted to summarize flmm his ordination until 1943. the late Rev. John J. Galvin. slimline size Rouault's life here, so fascinating He then was assigned as as M,.95 to $17.75 or Father Carroll was· born in is it. But there is not space. for sistant at Holy Name Church, Fall River on Dec. 19, 1913, 1ftle ...-1~'l.ll\lI!ll\· J;,ft1::w,,~as~~ that. One must pass on to the F'all River, where he was sta-· son of the late George A. and ~~ID Bible series of prints and what the . t:loned until 1948. He became an Catherine (McDermott) CaNOn. Getleins have to say about this. assistant at St. Lawrence Church, He graduated from LaSalle Aca tor wedding§' New Bedford on Sept. 30, 1948 Unfortunately the reproduc ST. ANDREW • demy and attended Providence and rema ined t'here until he was BIBLE MISSAL . tion in this' publication is un College before he entered St. "forerunner named administl'ator of Our even. The beauty and force of of all Miss3l9 aI Mary's Seminary in Baltimore. illr the Council" some of the prints is at least Lady of Mt. Carmel on March 28, His first assignment was to St. -$5.95 to $18.50 suggested, but others fare badly. 1963. or Large Edition, Father Galvin, son of'the1ate Mary's Home, New Bedford, as Pocket Edition On balance, enough of the in or Sunday Missal. chaplain and. in November of Michael Pierce Galvin and dividual items are sufficiently 'SEE ST. ANDREW MISSALS at well repr 'nted to allow one E:lizabetJh (Riley) Galvin, was 1939 was sent to Our Lady of your book or religious goods to perceive the stature of the born M~.rch 16,' 1912 in Fall the Isle, Nantucket. On June 1'1, slllr•••• there Is 811 edition for every gilt occasion ••. give artist and a measure of his .gifts Eiver. ::re graduated fro m 1943 he was assigned to St. . those you love the Missal that is Mary's, Taunton. Following 1ftlis ELM.C.. Durfee High School, and of discernment and communica geared to post-council liturgical neells. 3,ttended St. Charles' College, he served a short while at St. ti~-Patrick, Wareham and on Jan. S,t. Mar~"s Seminary' and the Superb Commentary 28, 1954 he was assigned to ST.ANDREW As for the commentary, It Is . S,ulpicIan Seminary in Washing Sacred Hea'ct, Fall River where first IlIIIt In superb. It is neither verbose nor t,:m, D.C. Ordained June 3, 1939 he was . he remained until Sept. 2'1, 1961 obscure. The Getleins speak of when he was named administra Rousault's endless labor over the assigned to St. Vincent's Or copper plates, ·his returning to p,hanage and in October,' 1939 tor of St. Jolin 1ftle ~aptist. them again and again to deepen returned to Catholic University a line hpl'p .,lter an effect there. in Washington. In June of' 1940 One suspects that they have be was Ilamed assistant at Our done something of the same sort I.ady of the Isle and in 1941 Famous Reading HARD COAL s,erved as assistant at St. Wil- . where' their own texts are con cerned Obviously, these were Ham's,. Fall River. Dec. 3, 1941. NEW ENGLAND COKE not dashed off, but came slowly DADSON OIL BURNERS into final form, with many a revision and refinement. 2.c·Hour Oil Burner- Service To exam ine tbis book with tile Charcoal Briqun attention and concentration It deserves is to experience' un Ida Caal - Char..... usual pleasure. Beyond that, _d . even mot(~ rewarding, there Is LI NCOLN-MERCURY-COMET
the insight to be gained not only FALL ~~IVER-NEW BEDFORP
into Rouault's acbievement but also into' our own situation 8Ild "Where' Service
the relevance to that. of the life Is a ,Matter of .Pride... ·
Me» PI.as~"t St~... ., .".t.. ',' . W"I, and death of CbrI8t,' .
SHELL "Premium"
Falmout~ ST. PATRICK
Polish Ca,rdinal Marks Elevation
Wood Lumber Company Ine.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Smith A Friend St. Vincent de Paul Confer ence $50 Stone's Beauty & Barber Shop Mr. & Mrs. James .R. Murray Jr. $35 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Misken
John Fish Contractor Gilbert Arruda
(N C)
stefan Car din a 1 Wyszynski, Primate of Poland, here to talce part in preparatory work for the
ecumenical council's third ses alOll, celebrated Mass in the chapel of Our Lady of Czesto chowa in 1ihe Vatican grottoes to mark the 18th anniversary of his consecration as a bishop. The Cardinal spoke of the nine-year novena being held in Poland to prepare 10r the 1,000 . anniversary of its conversion to Ohristianity in 1966. He said that "this preuara ion is already producing in us (Poles).8 deepening-of Christian life and we are already giving a more lively testimony of our faioth in Christ, rendered more fruitful 'by sacrifice. In suffering we oan know the Church of Christ again and better."
$50 Immaliulate Conception Con ference St. Vincent de Paul 80 ·ciety
$20 A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Geo. ,Knapp
$25 Mr. &: l\Irs. Bert A. Astleford $15 Nancy BOff George DeWitt & Son, A Dr. &: Mrs. George W. DeMello .Friend Fay's of Falmouth $10 ~rgaret Ciroves Thos. Bono Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John S. Keohane Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Knispel .Leo M. Brophy, Timothy Bryant, ,'Joseph M. Galvin, Mr. &: Mrs. James Q. Lyons nos. F. Cientile Mrs. Winifred Lefevre Mr. & Mrs. James A. Gonnan Atty. & Mrs. Patrick McDon :Sr., James A. (;orman Jr., Mr. &: nell Mrs. Frank P. Desmond, Imma Mr. & l\i£rs. John McDonald culate Conception Holy Name :Mr. &: Mrs. Harry Richardson Society, Immaculate Conception Mr. &: :Mrs. Richard Tobin Women's Ciuild $20 '. Jobn I. Lowndes Ins. Agency, Harold L. Baker Co. Inc., Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Knapp, Edward Elizabeth Crobar, Elvera DePri G. Lyons Sr., Mary Ci. Lyons, zio, Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Dineen, No. Easton Circle 564 Daughters Mr. & l\lrs. John Lauzonis . of Isabella William ::\laloney, Bernard Catherine McMenamy, Mr. &: O'Hayre, Mrs. Leonard Tyler Mrs. Henry Suedkamp, Vose & Mr. & Mrs. Jayroe Moniz Son Supply Inc. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ar.caro, Mr. Oak Bluffs & Mrs. Neil A. Bennett, Kathe rine Dugan, Mr. & Mrs. Edward SACRED HEART Ennis, Falmouth Auto Body $50 Cieorge Mandigo, Mrs. Charles Saered Heart Guild Rogers, Dr. &: Mrs. Arthur J. St. Vincent' de Paul Society Wagner $35 Vincent Cientile, Mrs. Jack I'll Memory of 11ledeceased Marshall members of the Pacheco Family $10 $10 :MI". &- Mrs. James Boff, Mr. &: .Amaral Bros., Mr. &: Mrs. Jilrs.. Harold Baumeister, Mr. &: Mrs. Alphonse Blanchard, Mr. Eugene Costa, A Friend, Mr. &:. Mrs. Earl Peters Sr., James Rego &: Mrs. William Buckley, Mr. &: Mr. &: Mrs. Everett Rogers, Mrs. Michael Cronin Mrs. Robert Crosby, Mrs. Ken . Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Thomas Ileth capel, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph L. Corey Jr., Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Provincetown Carroll, Mrs. Anne carlson Frederick Cameron, Mr. &: ST. PETER THE APOSTLE , $50 , Mrs. Joseph Costa, Thomas Dor .ey, Francis Dardis, Raymond .St. Vincent de Paul Conference Dugan Dr. &: Mrs. Thomas Perry Edna Driscoll, James Engel, $25 Mr.s Henry Elichalt, Falmouth Mr. &: Mrs. Augumus Reis Decorating service, Falmouth ·Provincetown Liquor Mart Firemen's Association Judge & Mrs. Robert Welsh $20 . Mr. & Mrs. Cieorge Fonseca, Leo Ciriffin Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Leo Atty. John C. Snow Griffin Jr., Mrs. J ames L Han $10 ley, Cirossman's of Falmoufh In Memory of a deceased Dr. & Mrs. Charles L. Holland, parishioner, Anonymous, Mr. & :Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Horsman, Is Mrs. Edmond Dalpe, Mr. & Mrs. 8Okson's, Mrs. .F lor e nee E. . Leonard Enos, Mr. &: Mnl. James Keenan, Mary Kay Realtor Cordeiro Mrs. Olin Kelly, Knights of Bonnie Doone Restaurant, Mr. Columbus, Mr. &: Mrs. Harold &: Mrs. Sam Janopolis, Mr. & Kearin, ·Mr. &: MM. Herve Le Mrs. Matthew Joseph, J. Art1lur lIDaY, Frederick V. Lawrence, Lopes, Mrs. Corrine McCarthy Inc. Mr. &: Mrs. Rapheel Merril:l, Mrs. Lewis Lawrence, Mr. &: Boat Nancy & Debbie, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo LaFond, Mr. &: Mrs. Mrs..Joseph Perry Romeo LaFond Jr., Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Maguire, NobskaFurniture Mr. &: Mrs. Frank B. Marshall, Buzzards Bay Mr. &: Mrs. Matthew Mansworth, Edward ·McCiahan, Margaret' 69-BUZZARDS BAY St. Margt.... Mullen, Mrs. Dorothy Miskell ST. MARGARET . Walter Michonski, Mrs. Mary $15 McNamara, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wareham Lodge of Elks 1548 McCoy, Mr. & Mrs. ,Lawrence $1! Palmer, Mr. &:.Mrs. Joseph Rose MT. &: Mrs. Melburne AppleJr. bee Capt. Stanley Slater, SaV'~ry .. $10 Chevrolet, Mr. & Mrs. Phillip'· Adeline DeViega, Mr. & Mrs. Stone, Sears, Roebuck and Co., Manuel Rose Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & ,Mrs. Francis Smith Curtis Frye, Frances Silva, RayWilliam· Souza, Mr. &:Mros. mond O. Boucher Frank Spencer, Mrs. Elaine· Sturtevant, Mr. &: Mrs. Louis,. Twins' Jubilee Tessier, Mrs. William Veary Mr. & Mrs. John White, Mrs. .... LEWISTON· . (I\TC) - Sister Cieorge Wilson Mary Adele and Sister Adelina, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh R. McCarl- : ,identical . twins, will observe ney, Joseph K. Corey, Ro~ .. ·,:their 'golden- jubilee as nuns :of Pimental, Charles Rose, William '"the' Sisters of Mercy Aug. 31. McCann . . -, . - . Raised in Sanford, -Maine, the Mr. & Mrs. Ray Martin, Mr.'·& .. Sisters jolJieti-the sIsterhOod 10 Mrs. Joseph- Junker, Dr. Philip 1912 and took·their-final·wws L Weasllne, Mr. ·tk 1\4ra. J~ _ leU
THE ANCHORThurs., May 21, 1964
!B. McTiernan, Maryellen :Mc : Tiernan Mr. & Mrs. John Cavanaugh, Mrs. Elizabeth Ciegatt, Joseph Lopes .
Honor for Cardinal NEW YORK (NC)-An hon orary Doctorate of Law will be conferred upon Cardinal Suen ens, Archbishop of Malines Brussels, Belgium, by the Col lege of Mount. St. Vincent here next Sunday.
EXCHANGE PRAYERS: Pope Paul VI prays in En glish with a six-year-old boy, Edmund Cook, whose mother looks on. They were enroute to Lourdes from their home in Wollongong. Australia, to pray for a cure of a cyst on his pancreas. The Pope asked the boy to pray a Hail Mary for hinlin Lourdes and promised to return the favor. NC Photo. . John Haddad, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Power, Charles J. Stru ble, Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fugere . Mr: &: Mrs. Joseph Scully, Irene Andrews, Mr. & Mrs. John
.all I .... -
Dellea, Mr. & Mrs. Nassihle Nisby, Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius SullivQ1l Mr. & Mrs. Milton Paine, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Ellis, Lt. & Mrs. John O'Kane Jr.
Building Contractor
WY 4-7321
D. '''88 ",ith "
patio GAS griD Now barbeque the easy way with controlled gas heat.
Permanent ceramic briquets
\ight instantly, give real
charcoal flavor, eliminate messy
aluminum housing.
,I NSTALLED * *(within 20·ft. of house)
.FESTIVAlof GAS Pavilion at New York's ".',
THE ANCHOR-,Dlocese of Fan River·-Thurs.. May 2," 't964
East Falmouth ST.J\.NTHONY $500 !lev. J. M. B. Avila $150 Falmouth Cement Worn $100 Antone Costa Realty Co. $75 In Memory of Manuel D. Fer teira Manuel G. SQU:Vc1 Jz. $60 Lawrence Peters $50 Herman & Alvaro Lopes Alfred M. Soares Manuel R. Lopes Ma80ll " Contractor George Botelho Arthur Rabesa Frank Simmons Sr. Robert B. Pacheco Paul Rodriques Cape Verdean Club An'toneB. Couto Jr. $40 P. S. Fuel Oil Co.
J'8D1es G. Souza
Manuel P. Rose
Manuel S. White k.
Virgil 'w. Jansea
William Bonito
Antone Vieira
$30 A. H. Simons Jr.
Mello Electrical Co.
Myron Tavares & Family
Children's Parndise
Joseph E. Souza
Frank Simmons Jr.
Frank M. Teixeira Sr.
$25 Joseph L. Dias Edward W. Keith Crystal Fuel Oil ~. Franeisco Tavares Mr. Softee of Falmouth St.. Anthony's Men's Club Jean's Bakery Sylvester Tavares & SoB Tobey & Rose Souza Kenyon's General Store Jack Marshall & SQns Mary & Isabel Miller Frank Lima Antonio Mello Patrick W. Lewis Fresh Pond Holy Ghost 0hIb Frank G. Souza Gilbert Pacheco Elmer Robbins Fredrick Ward James Pine Louis H. Marshall In Memory of Manuel O. Souza Manuel P. Dutra ' David. Correllus Myron Medeiros Sr. Arthur Monteiro Edward S. Anderson Manuel Soares Manuel B. Pacheco Richard J. Fish Richard Corey John Roderick John Reine Joseph Teixeira Manuel G. Lewis & Soa Guy W. Nickerson Jude C. ROYals $20 Carol Crane Doran, Manuel :a. Rebello,Julio Santos, Gerald L. Tavare~ George P. Cabral &; Sons ' F rli n k Figuerido~ Leonard Marks, Joseph J. Medeiros, Johft. L. Tavares, Joseph: & Frank Santos ' Sara Corey, Raymo~ E. Cor rellus, Louis Perry, Joseph D'Aguiar, David Teixeira , Germano Afonso & Family, Frank l\foniz, Antonio G. Souza, . Pedro Carvalho, Patrick Bishop Walter Lucas, Gilbert Moniz, George DeMello, Arthur Mar .mall, Thomas R. DeCosta 'Theophilus Oliveirn, Gilbert Tavares, Jack R. Lopes, Anthony F. Souza, Harold L. Baker Co. Alfred A. M:arks, Alfred Flora & Son, Louis Abrams, Joseph L. Tavares, Michael Rodriques Daniel Bot e I h 0, Laurence Costa, William DeMello Francis D. Lewis, John De Costa Jr" William K. Soares, Richard Geggat, Joseph Bento
Joseph G. Souza Jr.
Missioners Need, Deserve Assistance
God Love You
$18 John F, Souza
By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.
Angelo S. Pacheco, Richard G. Hirtle, M,muel S. White, John A. DeMello, In Memory of MrIs. Mary Bonito Edward Marks Jr., Cecilia Simons, .George D. Sylvia, Manuel Baptista, John F. Har rington Joseph IVIarsh~, Adolph Bish op, Cabillo D'Egirio, Frank Grace, John Moniz Manuel E. Burgess, Rodney DeMello, Cecila Souza, William C. Bento, :[rene Souza George Pinto, Luciano Botel ho, Ralph Hamilton, Myron Moniz, George J. PeMello ORDlNANDUS: Rev. Mr. Manuel F. DeMello, Theophi Edward J. Donaghy of West Ius Moniz Jr., Edward Santiago, Roxbury will be ordained on Judy Schley, Joseph L. Souza Harry J. Schmitt, Friendly Ice May 30 by Bishop Connolly Cream, Francis Barret, Joaquin in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall Figuerido, Ernest P. Cabral River, for service in the Dio John pl. Cabral, Joseph L. Di8l9, Antone Medeiros, Angelo ,oose of Sacramento, Calif. Burgess, Tony Andrews Stanley Santos, John Jacome, .Joseph A. Martin Frank Nunes Jr., George Sou Frank Re.go, John L. Silvia Jr., :za, ChaJ'les J. DeMello, Joseph John B. Pacheco F. MotuL, Charles DeMello Jr. Manuel M. Netto, Sistera of William F. Rapoza, Mrs. Ro the Holy Ghost Society :land Scannell, John Sylvia,· $12 Ralph ~:edwell, John Barttomei John A:ndl'8de, Lucy & Irene Santiago $10 8T. FRANCIS XAvmK Mary Rezendes, Alvinl Car doza, AlfTed Gonsalves, Matilda, $100 Miranda, Alice Andrade White's Farm Dairy Inc. Theodore Pires, Mildred .An $12 drade, R. Benoit, William De Mr. &: Mrs. Nelson Girard Ponte, George & Brenda Cabral $10 Mrs. Adeline Reine, Manuel Mr. &: Mrs. James R. White, Fernandes, Robert Roderick, Mr. & Mrs. Omer Pepin, Mr, & Mrs. Raymond McDermott, Mr. Benjamin F. Moreland Jr., Bela & Mrs. Lucien Landry, Mr. & Kiss Mrs. Arthur L. Blais " Wayne· A. Souza, Joseph F. Mr. 8: Mrs., Joseph A. Ber Ferreira, Richard L. Welch, geron, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Manuel C. Medeirsc, Mrs. Mary Broadhl:~rst, Mr. & Mrs. Roger" Rebello Allain, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Jar-" Anthony Ferreil'8, Agusta Al meida, JO;3eph Medeiros, Antone din, Mr, & Mrs. Amedee Gaut :reau. Correia, Mrs. Flora DeMello Claudette Gautreau, Mr. & Antone Correia, Thomas Fer reira, Joseph Figuerido, Hugh L. Mrs. Raymond J. Brodeur, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pedro·Jr., Edward Moran, Manuel & Hilda Rapoza J. LyonH, Gertrude A. Lyons Mrs. B. W. Consentino, Manuel Mr. & Mrs. George Bastarache, Rodrigues, Laurence Goulart Sr.. David,B. Couto, Vivian Medeiros M!. & :\lrs. Julio Ruas, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Pepin, Mr. & Mrs. Alan Brousseau, Carolyn J. Joseph P. Laughlin Jr., Mr. & Correllos, John H. Machedo, Mrs. Mrs. Charles F. White William Almeida, Joseph & Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rock, Mr. & Helen Gardner Maunel Cab l' a 1, Mary G. Mrs. Leo Gratton, Mr. & Mrs. Paul VioIlette, Mr. & Mrs. Gas Simons, Theophilus Moniz, Ble ton Surprenant, Mr. & Mrs. mil'O DeSouza, Olive DeSouza Ernest Marmaras, Mr. & Mrs. Lucille DeSouza, Ernest De Souza, Louis DeSouza, Manuel Gerard ~Jucharme F. Rapoza & Randolph, Law rence Sylvia Emily l~mernld, John F. Fer ~,T. ELIZABETH'S reira Jr., Joseph L. Souza, Fred $25 S. Travares, St. Anthony'. Ro~nd Authier Women'a Club Connor's Market Joseph Bishop, Robert K. Harborside Liquor Store Springer, John C. Frias, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Sylvia Jr. WillIam Almeida, Fred P. Rose $15 Frank Nunes, Joseph Valeiro, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Oampos George W. Burgess, Joseph S. $10 Medeiros & Son, Helena L. Mr. & Mrs. James BI'8ke, Mr. Tavares ' Martha M. Tavares, Murice & Mrs. Anthony Duarte, Edgar Tavares, Mary Emerald, Virginia 'town Ollfe, Mrs. Axel Hoglund, Dr. & Mrs. William Wilcox Tavares, Jane Correllus Manuel F. Botelho, Manuel P., Romiza, J<,>seph T. Me<ieiTOfl, Donald M. Rose, Erne&"t Motta Ottola, DeMello, Milton- R. ~oares, Oscar Wolf, Frank Mc Nally, Daniel L. Pacheco Joseph Netto, Joseph Moniz, Edward ,Jr. White, Mary Costa, Mrs. William Amaral • PH.ARMAcy Frank Flora, Antone Oliver, kinda Furtado, John Meena, • He,aring Aid Co. Joseph Costa John Cordeiro, Manuel Tava • SUI'gical Appliance Co. res.Manuel Valadao & Family, Falmouth Daughters of Isabella, James Carreiro Irene A. Shea, Prop. Ric,harc. Monteiro, John Rap oza, Frank F. Medeiros, Abel Mello, Harney Williamson Jr. 202 - 206 ROCK STREET
Alice Serrano, Frederick De MoLL RIVER, MASS.
Mello, Joseph P. Cabral, John Leighton, George Gonsalves OSbCl rne 5-7829 - 3-0037
John Cordeiro, Manuel S. Mel lo, Jesse Costa, James Cordeiro,
, This letter is typical of those that come from our missionary bishops who are labOring in countries where the Communists aM beginning to devastate lands and to renew the Crucifixion. As a matter of fact. It is Vet')' difficult for the propagatlO1l of the holy Faith at this time. In mGre than one parish where the godless Communists are reigning, I'e~ ligion is simply forbidden. The Catholics were told nGt to gG to Church, to catechism classes or to say prayerS: The Communl.. ts tell them that all these things are useless to the fatherland. One of my priests had to leave his three. parishes under the formal threat of death. The two catechists and two Sisters tried to stay, but were finally forced to leave. God save the poor sheep they left behind, for they are all new con verts! Another priest got out of his parish where he was constantly invited to attend Communist .meetings;', His three parishes are in -the middle of the jungle oecupied by the enemies of God's Holy Name. FIor the last confirmation, to.ur, in the most remote part ot my diocese I had to travel incognito so,as BOt to- arouse Communist notice. I was almost dro~ned by the violent waves which rocked the frail .craft packed with passengers' of all ages. Thank God we were safe and soun~, but the sacred vestments were soaked through. ,The hardships never scare my priests, however, wile n~d an~ deserve continued assistance in order to carryon JOY fully their sacrifices for the greater glory of God and the salv.. tion of souls."
May the. bishops and _priests of the Unite<i States,. whose eyett fall upon thIS letter hasten to make some sacrifice that we may forward it to the Holy Father for this bishop and many other bishops of the Church who are poor: To the latiy, too we send our appeal, inasmuch as you are brothers and sisters of the convert. mentioned in th!s letter. St. Pa:ul tells us that if one member of the Church suffers, the whole Church suffers. This is true of 'our physical body when, if our tOotQ aches, 9ur whole organism seems to share ~he pain. M~y our Catholic people translate week after week theIr love of ~he suffering, crucif~ Church throughout the world, and do some acts of self,.denial for the Holy Father and his Society for the Propagation of the Faith. GOD LOVE YOU -to Mr. P.R. and faMily for $70 "The oldest of our seven children is an aspirant to religious life and upon thinking of this and all the nice things our family has, we think it is time we share: TIlis 'is a combination of OUT income tax re- . turn, coupon refunds, cigarette· denials. and, of course the chil dren put in soine "of their baby, sitting money and their "gilt monies.' tt • • • to Mrs. W.K.S. for $3.15 "In thanksgiving for aU that we have. uPon completing the Nine Day Novena. This rep r llse nts that extra coffee each day; one cent for each phone call .pl~ced or -received; and two of our boys gave up their bu. ride. and used bicycles. Our family of eight Is happy to mare. hoping it helps someone In ' need." " ' . ",
. Why not give a GOD LOVE YOU MEDAL to the grad~te hi, your family? The ten letters of GOD LOVE YOU spell out a decade of the rosary as they, 'encircle.' the - medal originated by Bishop Sheen to honor the Madonna of ,the World. With your request and corresponding offer you may order one in any of the following styles: $ 2 Small sterling silver $ 2 ~all 10k gold filled $' 5 large sterling silver -~ large -Ok gold filled Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and man It to the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N.Y.; or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND or. CONSIDINE, 368 North Main Street, Fall River, Mass.
The Whole Family Will Enjoy 5 lb. to 10 lb• •••• One Claw ·39c per lb.
Mac,Le~n's ~"Sea foods UNION WHARF, FAIRHAVEN ................................. ,.~,.,.,....,.,.••'*~#...,,........~.......
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NEW ENGLAND'S PLAYGROUND Special Rates for· School Outings and Group Parties 2 - ROLLER COASTERS 2 Thrilling Rides and Amusements For Complete information Contact: ANTHONY ZIELINSKI, Public Relations Mgr. PHONE WYman 9,.6984 or' MEcury 6-2744
A Friend
Thurs., May 21, 1964
, -'$100
.1oseph V. Tally
$50, , ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Corrfgm Mr~ & Mrs. John Cavanaugh' . Mr. & Mrs. Archibald $35 Dr. & Mrs. Jacques May , $30 Mr. & Mrs. James Greer $25 M-r.& Mrs. Albert .1. Hulse bosch A Friend , Mr. & Mrs. Fronk ParsoM Peggy Nickerson .1oseph Nickerson , Nickerson Lumber Company A Friend $20 Mr. & Mrs. John Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Soles, Kathleen Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. L. H. Baum an, Mrs. Frank Gilman
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Doelger, ,
$15 , Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Orlando, 1IIr. & Mrs. Paul Courtnell, Mr. & Mrs. George Keegan, Juliet'. Hair Styling Salon $10 R. R. Hathaway, Nor man Nickerson, Rita Muldowney" leannette Fontaine, Ralph Stello Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Phillips
Ir., Mr. & Mrs. William Miller
~on.es, A ,Frieind' Fran's, Chowder Bar, Margaret Karr'. .. Real Estate " Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Nickerson, HOSPITAL VISITS BY TV: Children under 14 not allpwed to visit personally an Mr. & :Mrs. Arthur Kenny, Sr., family member may do so now via TV at the Resurrection Hospital, Chicago. Richard CahQOn's Grocery Store, Mr, & , .Mrs. Anthony Custodie. Mr. & Jasper, cameraman, with ~he aid of Mrs. Richard Kimball, uses a special camera-receiver hookup for 'Visual visiting. NC Photo. lrJ'\"s. Theodore ' , Mr. &.Mrs. Merritt Wright, Mr. Daughter of Isabella, Hy'annis Mrs. Regina Fusselle, C. Has $30 '" Mrs. Merle L. Ames, ~ Mr. &: Mrs. Harold Qualters Dr. & Mrs. Walter J. Kennedy kins, Marcha McGlamery; 'Mrs. . Pearl Nickerson Lena H. McGlamery, M. Con Mr. &: Mrs. Orlando Souza Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gelinaa Mr. & Mrs. Roy Meservey Jr., stance Fortune , Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flinn J25 Rickerson Funeral Home, Purl Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cronin, Atwood Oil Company Mr. & Mrs. Francis Baldini Clan Clothing Co. of Cape Cod Mrs. Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, Dr. Mrs. Elizabeth Pinney-Hunt A Friend Inc., James R. Sullivan, Mrs. Lawrence H Rivers, John Hinck Cash's Trucking Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Conro7 Herbert W. WQOdward ley & Son, Hyannis Hardware A Friend. Joseph Arnold . Mr. & Mrs. Jean deRouvroy A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Crowley, $20 Mr. & Mrs. William V. Haynes Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. Gibby. Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Mc . Dighton Mr. & Mrs. Peter Provost Carthy, Mr. & Mrs. George J. & Mrs. Richard W. Cressy, Mr. ST. PETER A Friend & Mrs. Charles Farrell, Mrs. Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond $200 Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Gasson Catherine Springer Paine, Raymond Paine Jr., Mr. Rev. WilHam O'Reilly Jackson Funeral Home Charles Aquiar, Ernest Barabe & Mrs. Daniel Sullivan $20 . .Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fichter, Mr. Mrs. Angela Spinney, Mr. & Mrs. $20 . . l'J"Ohman & Mrs. Andereoft & Mrs. Emile H. Guertin, Artllur LOuis Rivard, Mr. & Mrs~ War Mr. & Mrs. William Watter $15 ren Tripp ' . son, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gull George & Mrs. Dutra, Theo POirier, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bou
chard , Richard Farrenkoph, Mr &Mra lette dl>re &, Mrs. Boucher Mrs. John H. Lycett, Mr & Mrs Richard Sager, Mr. & Mrs. Rich, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Cuneo, $10 George Soutiere, Mr & Mrs Hen , ard Donahue, ·Mrs. Helen Bassett .Mr. &; Mrs. Victor Turinese Joseph & Mrs. Pimental, Paul . • Mrs. Lassen, Edward & Mrs. ry F. Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mrs. Marie Robie $16 Halloran Mr. & Mrs. William Flanagan, The Lane Family Silv:ia, John & Mrs. Cassidy, Wil $15 Mr. & Mrs. J-ohn McKeon, Mr. & fred & Mrs. Rhines $15 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony George, Mrs. David H. Sullivan, Mr. & Henry & Mrs. Lemieux, Earl & Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Bruno &: Mrs. George Garoufes, Katherine Mrs.. Edward Anderson,Mr. & Carmella, Arthur Dupres, Mr.' & Mrs. Rose, Manuel & Mrs. Botel bo, Lionel & Mrs. Viera, Henry Lyons, Sears Pacmage Store Inc., Mrs. William Meager Mrs. Alfred Sarro, Mr. & Mrs. John Dempsey Mr. & Mrs. Castenzio Fiorenza John Currivan A: Mrs. Keenan Mrs. Anna Peck, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Theresa Bergen, Jeannette Edward Jr. & Mrs. Silvia, Mr. &: Mrs. Paul F. Boyden, Louis Clement W. Fohey, A Friend, Antone Bo Mr. & Mrs. Paul Morini Prank & Mrs. Braga Mr. & Mrs. Robert Anderson, telho $12 Myers Company Inc., Mr. & Mrs. East Brewster Eleanor M. Townsend, J., Wil ·Mr. & Mrs. Fred Cook William Sullivan, Mrs. Vi~nt liam O'Brien, John Bright Shoe OUR LADY OF THE CAPE $10 D. O'Neil Store, Mrs. Beatrice Silver, Mr. $50 Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bell, Roberl & Mrs.' Lawrence Belegno Mr. & Mrs. G. Wilson Smi1il $12 Bell Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Bel Mary C. Walsh, Mr. & .Mrs. lavance, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. $15 Mrs. Mary E. Rogean Edmund Babineau, Mrs. James James Breen Mr. & Mrs. Warren Doe $10 .
$10 Patricia Kenneally, Mr. & Mrs. F. McCarty; Mrs Cecil Hammond
Mary Capone, Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. Fred Gerstel Jr.. Paul Given, Mr. & Mrs. Euge~e Mr. & Mrs. William Mulla!1e "christopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. Michael Long, Mr. O'Sullivan, Mrs. Marie Sherman, Mr. & Mrs. 'Hollis Lovejoy,' Mr. CQdy, Mrs. Florence Collette, Mr. A: Mrs. Donald Theisen, Mr. & A Friend & Mrs. Bernard F. Everett, Mr. . & Mrs. William Couture Mrs.· Th~mas H. Judge Mrs. Mabel Gaffney, Mr. & & Mrs. Charles Senesac, Charles A Friend, Miss Cummings, Mr. Mrs. Timothy Heywood, Mr..& Hehnessey, Mr. & Mrs. lrarold . & ·Mrs. Albert Decele, Mr. & Hyannis MFs. John H. Monteiro, David Williams ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Cremin, Mr. {k Mrs.:Eugene Roy Francis Drey, Charles A. Mc .Mrs. ·Peter DeGirolamo, Mr. & $800 Mr. & Mrs. Joaquim Rosary, Lean, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Cote, Mrs. Joseph DiFiore A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Francis Dubois, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Amado, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Santos; Mr. Mrs. Marion' & Doreen EaStman, &. Mrs. Louis Pena, Mr. & Mrs. . & Mrs. Frank Dolan A Friend Mr. &: Mrs. Frank Farinella, A. E. Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Margaret Hyannis Pharmacy Mr. & Mrs. Jooepn Fernandes, L. Boyd 'Mansfield ·Mr. & Mrs. Edward Finn A Friend W. F. Clarkin,'.A Fl'iend, Mrs. ST. MARY E. Stuart Rounds, Zeila For Mrs. Jam~ Garland, Mrs.
A Friend geron, Eleanor V. Kinsman $250 Clara Hardie, Mrs. Sally Horne,
$25 Mary Hunt, Mr. & Mrs. Burn A Friend
Mr. & Mrs. William Mather ham Carchrie, Mr. & Mrs. James $100
Dumont's Pharmacy E. Lynch, Justin O'Leary, MarA Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Nonnan garet G. Carney . A Friend Fr. McSweeney Circle No. 513 Anna Durkin, Mr. & Mrs. John A Friend J. Roberts, Mr. & Mrs.. Donald $50 Make Retreat Welch, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Thomas HaveD Joseph A. Charpentier Reg. Phann
WICHITA (NC) - Thirty-five Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Forte A Friend parish housekeepers from the Mrs. Sally Wilt Clifton, Mr. & A Friend
TEl WY 6-0772 tour diocese. comprising 1:be Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. Mary Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Babine PRESCRIPTIONS Kansas province completed the C. Flexon, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Robert Currivaa 1902 ACUSHNET AVB. parish housekeepers' retreat at 3. Kelley, l!4nl. GeralliiDe The Donoghue FaJnil7 NEW BEDFORD tile Paraclete Ntl'eat boWIe here. Medeiros A Friend
A Friend, Mrs. Mary Hy-att Mr. & Mrs.:Robert Jordon, Mr. & Mrs. James Kelly, Mr. ".z: Mrs. Alfred Lodi~o, A Friend, Margaret Mahoney '. A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin 'Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Melchiorri, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pasquariello Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Perry, A. Friend, A Friend, Mr. & Mrg. Bronisloa Piasecki, Madelena Romano Mr. & Mrs. Modesto Spiezio, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sullivan, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Tar taglia, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tar tufo Joseph Taves, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Todesco, Mr. & Mrs. James Vicino Jr., Margaret Welch Mrs. Maud Welch, Mrs. Cecile Wilder, Mr. & Mrs. John Ama dei" Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin An derson, Mr. & Mrs. James Aval lone A Friend, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Brady, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Carbonetti, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Colella Mr. & Mrs. John Crotty, Clar ence Dacy, Mrs. Louise Davison, Mr. & Mrs. J,ames Devine, 'Mr. & Mrs. Francis Faria Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Hatfield, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kane, Mr. &. Mrs. Howard Keith, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kovich, Mr. & Mrs. Nando Melchiorri, Mrs. Maude O'Brien Mrs. Mario Pellegrini, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Peloquin, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. James Shea & Family John Silva,·A Friend, Mr. &: Mrs. James Vaughan, A Friend A Friend, Mr. & 'frs. Borne,. Annese, Mr. & Mrs. D. T,eo An nese, Mr. & Mrs. Earle Beaton, Mr. & Mrs. James Beatty Mrs. Edward Chace, Mr. &: Mrs. Nugent Chilli, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cinto, Mr. &: Mrs. John Correia . Mrs. Florence Cross, Mr. & Mrs. Americo P. Day, Mr. & Mrs. Fred DeLutis, Carrie DePrizio, R. E. Dzierzanonski Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Fiore, Mr.. &. Mrs. Louis Garland, Mr• & Mrs. James Harrigan, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Jamesan, Mr. & Mrs. T. Laplante
Mr. & Mrs. Alphy Lemieux, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Linari, 'An thony Lombardi, The McGold rick Family, Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Marcheselli Mr. & Mrs. Frank Martinelli, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Michaud, Mrs. Dolores Montville, Mrs. Donald Morse, Mr. & Mrs. Wll 1iam Palanza Mr. & Mrs. Frank Regula, Mr. & Mrs. Gelino Repucci, Mrs. Jo sephine Repucci, Mr. & Mrs. David Roache, Mr. & Mrs. Gino Scarpellini Mrs. Gilda Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Souza Jr.. George Syl vester
St. Francis .Residence FOR YOUNG, WO~EN
196 Whipple St., Fall River Conduded -by Franciscan Missionaries of Mary ROOMS - MEALS OVERNIGHT HOSPITALITY, Inquire OS 3-2892
The KEYSTONE Office Equipment Salesroom NEW AND USED Wood and steel Desks and chairs, steel filing cabinets, lockers, shelVing, tables. storage cabinets, safes, wardrobes. etc.
.. ,~
near UnrOll strfeet New Bedford 'If'(
Thurs., May 21, 1964
$20 Jdhn Dooley $15 James S. Moura $10 George L. Barto, Edgar Cham berland, Manuel Foster, Mrs. Helen Young
$100 Rev. John P. Cronin $15 Mr. & Mrs. James F.Wood . $10 . st. Bernard's Women's Guild, :Richard P. Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kenney, Mrs. Donald St. 'Yves
Mattapoisett ST. ANTHONY
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Crowley; Mr. & Mrs. John Tarvis $20 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Man ning, Mr. & Mrs. William Quin~ Ian $12 Mr. & Mr's. William Wilbur $10 -Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. How ard Chadwick Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Edward DeCosta, Mr. & Mrs. William Dug g an, Virginia Mahoney. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Roderick, Marian & Mary Tinkham, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zychowicz Mr. & Mrs. John A. Langlois
North Dighton ST. JOSEPH
$75 Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Martin $50 St. Vincent de Paul Conf. St. Joseph Women's Guild St. Joseph North Dighton $30 .. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wareing $25 Holy Name Soc. St. Joseph North Dighton Social Activities ~mmittee North Dighton Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bourgault Mr.. &: Mrs. Levite Carrier Dighton Industries Co. $10 Mr. & Mrs. George McCombs, Mr. &. Mrs. Ernest Crownishield, Mr. & Mrs. Armindo Lourenco, Joseph D. Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Mulhern Mr. & Mrs. David Fitting, John Freitas, Alfred Talbot, Louis Charbonneau, Mr. & Mrs. John Keene Eva Caron, John A. Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Torres, Mr. & Mrs. .William Fleming, Mr. & Mrs. William Maguire Mr. & Mrs. William Verdinlia, Mr. & Mrs. John J. BroderIck, Mrs. William Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mattos, Rose Mello Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Rodier, Mr. & Mrs. William Bleau, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. McMullen Mr. & Mrs. Edward Riley, Mr.. & Mrs. Robert Hoye, Joseph Vargas . Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Kent, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Webb, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lamoureaux, Mr. & Mrs. ·Fred. J. Bourgoin
North Westport OUR LADY OF GRACE
$100 Alexander Walsh $50 Rev. Robert W. Dowling $35 Parish Council of Catholic Women $30 St. Isidore Council No. 4373 K of C Mr. & Mrs. James Barboza $25 Holy Name Society $20 Mr. & Mrs. William Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Leita, Marjorie Morin $10 Teen-Agers' Club, Mr. & Mrs. James Collard, William DeNadaI, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. DiSanti, :Robert Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Carol
POPE THANKS KING: Pope Paul VI greets King Hussein I of Jordan during his state visit to the Vatican and 'thanks the youthful monarch for his hospitality during the papal pilgrimage to the Holy Land. The king is wearing the Golden Spur, the second highest papal decoration and onle rarel:r given to non-Catholic chiefs of state. NC Photo.
$150 St. John's Conference Sf. Vincent de PaUl Society $50 William Doyle Mother Cabrini Circle No. 722 Daughters of Isabella $25 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Green halgh $20 Mrs. Peter Fernandes, A Friend $15 Lawrence Cleare, Paul Pelle tier, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Prete $10 Gregory Alves, Mrs. Catherine Barron, Mrs. Helen Clarke, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Doucette, Mr. & Mrs. Amedio Gonella Mr. & Mrs. John Gonsalves Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. A. John MacQuade, Mr. & Mrs. William Marganella, Mr. & Mrs. Laul J. McLaughlin Mrs. Frank McLarlin, John Mendoza, William Perreault, Sandwich Co-operative Bank, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Serodio Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Shastany, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Tolmis, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Doucet, Mr. & MrL Frank Sorenti Frances M. Silva, Thomas Montague, Mr. & Mrs. Charlet Williams
Hortol' sir.
$200 J. R. Kilburn Glass Co. Joe. $100 Mrs. Thomas Manning St. Mary's Conferenct: St. Vincent de :?aul $50 Rev. Bernard F. Sullivan $25 Loretta Flanagan, Mr. & Mrs. David L. Roeha Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sabourin Mr. & Mrs. David A. Rocha . $23 Mrs. Mary Ferreira & family $20 Mr. & Mrs. Adlore King $15 Mr. & Mra. Frank DeCosta & Ann, Mr. & Mrs. George Bauza, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bernier, Bristol Farms, Mrs. Thomas Curran, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kelley . Mr. & Mrs. William A. Peach
Mr. & Mr'3. Francis Gallagher $10 Mr. ~ MJ'S. Clement Adams, Mr. & Mrs. John Adams, Mr, & Mrs. Charle,3 Arseneault, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Bernard, Mr. & Mrs. James Blou:lt Mr. & MrE. Henry Brochu, Leo BrochU, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bul lock, John J. Camara, Mr. & Mrs. James (~arney Mr. & Mrs. Vincent DeAngelo, Mrs. George Dwyer, Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Gagne, Mr. & Mrs. John Hallihan, lWr. & Mrs. Gerard Hebert Mrs. Wesley & David Honey, Mr. & Mrs. l~rederick Kelley Jr., Mrs. Adriar.ne Leroux, Mr. & Mrs. Cardoni Lori, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald McKenna Adolphus Mahar, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Mallon, Mr. & Mrs. Ray mond C. M~rchand, Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Marien, Georgette Massie Philbertl)elchat, Victor Pel chat, Mr. &: Mrs. Roland Pen dergast, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Alb,ert Robbins . Mr. " ll4rs. Anthony R ~
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Teixeira, MI'. & Mrs. John R. Teixeira, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Tausek, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Thibeault, Mrs. Vi-ctor Todd, George Yelle :Mr. & :\lrs. Rodney Berube, MI'. & Ml's. Donald Branagan, Rose Cloutier, Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzgibbons, Mrs. Rose Pelletier Philip Dion, Mr. & Mrs. James Pontolilci, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Precourt, David Schreiver, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert semas Mr. & Mrs. Perry Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs Victor Waz, Mrs Har Walker, Mrs. Annabelle Wether ell, Mrs. ~'oseph Teixeira, John Maigret
Ocean Grove s~r.
$200 A friend $100 Catholic Women's Club $75 lRev. Rkhard P. Demers JRev. Maurice E. Parent $50
. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Conforti
-Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Curt Mrs. An:lette Lacroix Mr. & Mrs. James B. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pettite Mr. & Mrs. John M. Farias $20 Mr. & :\lrs. Edward Martin, Arthur Pelletier $15 ~reresa Arnold, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGovern, Mrs. Joseph Wilson $12 A Frienel $10 ~rhomas Baldwin, Mr. & Mrs. H. Albert Berard, Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph :Bisson, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bolduc, Earl Bolton Mr. & Mrs. David Britto, Mr. & Mrs~ Charles Carpenter, Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Casilli, Mr. 1& Mi's. Manuel Corga, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund E, Courchaine Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Crecea, MI'S. Gerald Dalton, Mr. & Mrs; Cbarles Dx-'.Jk. ,It IIiIiL ~
Duclos, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Du quette Mr. & Mrs. James J. Fiddler, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flannery, Mr. & Mrs. William Furtado Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gallery, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gardella Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Giovino, Mr. & Mrs. John Goddu, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hodge, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lamontagne, Mr. & Mrs. James Luddy Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mailloux, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Onorato, Mr. & Mrs. Caesar Paiva, Mr. & Mrs. Horace A. Pelletier Mr. & Mrs. William Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Pineault, Mr. & Mrs. John B. Rochefort, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sexton, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Silveira Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith, Mr. & Mrs. John Szuba, Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Troy Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Borge, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cousineau, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Creamer, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dion MT. & Mrs. John Lindo, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Malone, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Remy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ripan-ti
$100 Anonymous
$60 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard SW'~les $25 ' Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. McCaf frey $10 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Conroy., Mrs. Louis Fox, Dr. & Mrs. Raphael P. Fox, Mr. & Mrs. John Hall, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mul len Mr. & Mrs. William T. Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. John D. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kolakowski Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Boule Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Connors ST. DOMINIC
$100 Anonymous
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Perrv $20 Bartholomew McNally $10 Mrs. Natalino Chiavittone, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kelliher, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Martelly, Mr. & Mrs. William O'Brien Jr., Mr. Be Mrs. Thomas Paiva, Mr. & MrL Edward J. Ward Mrs. Maria Clement & Fami17
$50 Rev. Ronald A. Tosti The Cotter Family Mr. & Mrs. Philip Boudreau $25 Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Snyder $10 Mr. & Mrs. C. C. Hollidge, Mr. & Mrs. John H. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Martini
PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. for t>omestic
and Industrial . . .. . . . Sales and Service Oil Burners WY 5-1631 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE NEW BEDFORD
Casey-Sexton, ••• Cleansers •••
Tel. VAndyke 2-0621
•• So. Dartmouth •• • and Hyannis •: : • .• • So. Dartmouth WY 7-9384. ••• • •..................
• •.
Hyannis' 2921
Swansea ft. LOmS de FRANCE
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Armand Francoeur,
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Bienvenue, Mr. & Mrs. Hyacinthe Saulnier, Mr. & Mrs. William Webb, Franco-American Women's Club
$50 Seekonk K. of C.
Mr. & Mrs. William Gahan
Holy ~ame Society
St. Vincent De Paul Society
Woman's Guild
$15 Palmeda Amaral $12 Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Tracy $10
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Amaral,
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. William Amral, Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Banna Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Boisvert,
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Butera, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Castro, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Charette, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Coffey Harry W. Cornell, John Cor
HONOR VISITING PRELATE: At a special convocation at Catholic University of nell, Frank Costh Jr., Mrs. Angie Cunha & Family, Mr. & Mrs. America the honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters was conferred on Joseph Car Edward Dellefemine dinal Suenens, center, Archbishop of Malines-Brussels and Primate of Belgium. At left is Mr. & Mrs. Royal Demers, Mr. Archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle of Washington, chancellor of the University, and at right & Mrs. Richard Young, Mary De Auxiliary Bishop William J. McDonald, rector of the university. NC Photo. ., Silva, Mrs. Dorothy Duncan, William Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hemingway Vineyard Slip Cover Shop, A. Mr. & Mrs. Emile Roberge, Mr.. Mrs. Virginia Ferreira, Mrs. B. C. Oil Co. & Mrs. Frank Mott, Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Fisher, Mr. & Mrs. Jr. . Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Cou $25 Jay Hiller, Hiller Oil Co. Robert Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. James Mr. & Mrs. Francis S. Winsper lombe, Mrs. Jean Canha, Island Francis, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Mr. & Mrs. John Guerzoni, Mr. Insurance Agency, Goodale Con Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Foster Galimberti & Mrs. Maurice Pires, Melvina 9truction Co., Coca Cola Bot Dr. & Mrs. Archibald Senesac Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gerula, Gracia, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony tling Co. William Lundy Spinola, Mr. & Mrs. George Mrs. Mary Gonsalves, Miss Emily H. N. Hinckley & Son ln~., Mendes Mr. & Mrs. Herbert ArNda Hall, Mrs. Lulu A. Horton, Mrs. Manuel M. Maciel Inc. Vineyard Anna O. Kaltsas Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Hayes Mr. & Mrs. John Cardoza, Dry Goods Co. Inc., Mrs. Wil Mr. & Mrs. Frank Keegan, $20 Mary Mendes, Doris Rose, John liam P. Ennis, Mr. & Mrs. Jos Mr. & Mrs. Henry Klek, Richard Mr. & Mrs. Valmore Dubreun Pires, Mr. & Mrs. David Gillis, eph S. Bettencourt Lemieux, Mr. & Mrs. James· Claire Colleret $15 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Oliver, Lovely, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ma Florence Andre - Mrs. Emma Mr. & Mrs. Frank Estrella, Oli Mr. & Mrs. Robert Perry, Mr. chado Sylvia, Flora Andre & Mrs. Joseph Silva, Mr. & Mrs. ver's Paper Store, Tilton Lum Mr. & Mrs. Henry Machado, William Fairing Sr., Mr. & Mrs. $10 ber Co., MacInnis Jeweler Mr. & Mrs. G. McGinnes, Mr. & Albert Hagen, Mr. & Mrs. Mat... Mrs. Ann Kirk, Mr. & Mrs. Anton Swarts, Martha's Vine Mrs. John Mellen, Mr. & Mrs. thew Riley Jr. Manuel Moitozo, Mr. & Mrs. R. Manuel Baptiste, Mrs. Edward yard Bowling Inc., Mrs. Gabriel The Cross Insurance Company Hicks, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Naughton Melro, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Mor American Cancer Society, Mr. & Sylvia, Mrs. John Roberts . ris, Mr. & Mrs. David Conellus Mr. & Mrs. T. Olean, Mrs. Mrs. Gilbert Silva, Mr. & Mrs. George St. Marie, Mr. & Mrs. Ardelia Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. Man_ Francis Coutinho, Dr. Joseph Philip Lukey Marcelino Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Frisch, ATSCO Oil Co., Harold uel Ormonde, Mr. & Mrs. John Pontifice, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Lionel J. Saint, Mrs. Alexander W. Dugan, Carroll Trucking Co. S. Pierce, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wellfleet Slattery Harold L. Baker Co., David's Mens Store, Island Electronics, Mr. & Mrs. William Sullivan, Glennon OUR LADY OF LOURDES Margaret Gamble, Helen Gam Dukes County Garage Co., Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. David Voorhees, ble, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Dias, $10 Alice Hanley Mr. & Mrs. Francis Yankee, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Alfonso, Dr. Mr. & Mrs. Autin Rose Jr. & Mrs. Leo M. Young & Mrs. J. Malcolm Arsnault Wareham Mrs: Louis Viera, Mr. & Mrs. Somerset Westport Raymond Boyce, Mr. & Mrs. ST. PATRICK'S Arthur Lemberg, Mr. & Mrs. ST. GEORGE ST. JOHN OF GOD $25 Gerald R. Anthony, Mrs. Mildred Mr. & Mrs. Hulot Haden $25 $50 DeValles Faida Carrier Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Card Holy Name Society Mr. & Mrs. Gerald LaBrie, St. Patrick's Circle Leonard Langlois St. Vincent de Paul Confer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Prenda, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. John Shea Lawrence J. Luby ence & Mrs. George Wright, Mr. & $20 $20 Mrs. Maurice P. LaFrance, $10 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Francis, Mrs. Rosalina Cabral & Daugh_ Madeline Greenwood George Amaral, Manuel Au Mr. & Mrs. John Pilvines, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Maynard, ters, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Gren gusto, Jose J. D'Arruda Jr., ier, Jacob Strunk, Joel D. Sun Ernest Kerwin, Mrs. Michael Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Heekin Maria )!'aria, Edmund Leandro $15 derland Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Moniz, Francis Maguire, Mary Morris, James T. Moran, Mr. & Mrs. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Leo Talesmanick Manuel G. Oliveira, Joseph Colin Gordon Mrs. Arthur Magnant & Hilda & Bernice Sylvia, Mr. & Perry, Manuel Sousa, Oliverino $10 Claire Mrs. Sylvester Gracia, Mr. & Suspiro Mr. & Mrs. Robert Klocker, Mrs. Z. Walter Janiak, Francis K. $10 Kenna Jesus, Manuel Fernandes ST. PATRICK Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Florence Allen, Wilhelmina Kelley Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Rosaire Jr., Frank Pina, Mr. & Mrs. An $50 Baptiste, Alipio Bartheho, Jo tone Andrade Dr. & Mrs. William Langfield Suprenant seph Bono, John B. Caron Mr. & Mrs. James Bergamasco, Louise Bettencourt, Mrs. Wil Doris LaFrance Raymond Cogswell, Joseph Mr. & Mrs. John Cardoza, Mr. & liam A. Mandly $20 Mrs. Walter Baptiste, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cormier, Roger Cou Richard Harkins Mr. & MJ:'s. Charles Burke Miquel Campinha, Katherine tur, James M. Craig, Manuel $10 DosVais Barboza
Vineyard Haven Mr. & Mrs. Donald Montie Alford Dyson, Alfred J. Des
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wicken Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Powers, marais, Oliver Fitzgerald, Wil den, Mr. & Mrs. Robert'V. Swee ST. AUGUSTINE Mrs. Irene Lowney ney, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zora Sr., liam B. Ferguson, Joseph R. $25 Forest Mrs. C. Joseph Nowak, Mr. & A Friend South Dartmouth ·Amedee Goulet, Joseph P. Martha's Vineyard Insurance Mrs. Francis E. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCawley, Halloran, Warren Healy, Warren ST. MARY Agency Inc. & Mrs. Bollea, Normand $100 Martha's Vineyard National Margaret & Leonard Doyle, Mr. Johnson Marceau . & Mrs. Harold Atwood,Mr. & Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Flynn Bank Mrs. Joseph Govoni, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Menard, Harold Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Brady $20 Charles O'Rourke Manuel Moniz, John Morris, Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Mahoney R. M. packer Co. Inc. IMr. & Mrs. Antone Gomes, Robert E. Parent $75 North American Federal Sec Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rose, Mr. & Eugene Poitras, Eddie Ray Dr. & Mrs. John Diu urities Association Mrs. John Texeira, Mr. & Mrs. mond, Robert· Sylvia, Mr. & $50 . $15 Paul Kiernan, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Mrs. Franklin Sylvia, Alphonse Mr. & Mrs. Antonio J. Law Martha's Vineyard Launder Andrews. . M. Therien rence ette InC., Bert'a Barber Shop, Mr. & Mrs. Henrique de Silva, John J. Ward, John T. Ward
nil: ANCHORThurs., May 21, 1964
$25 tUchard Shea Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Hudson $15 Mr. & Mrs. Chester Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Riley $10 Mr. & Mrs. Alex Arsenault,
Mr. & Mrs. Lynden Wordell,
Dr. & Mrs. Harry Small, Mar garet R. Riley, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Charles Boyle, Edward W.
Corr, Mrs. Lililan Dowd, Mr. &.
Mrs. Charles P. Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis F. Duggan, Mr. & Mrs. John R. Cameron William F. Downey, Charles L. Bevans, Dennisport Phar macy, Manuel Santos, John Stacy, Mr. & Mrs. John O'Hara ADD ST PATRICK WAREHAM
Woods Hole ST. JOSEPH
$250 Paul McCusker
$50 Anonymous $30 Mrs. Virginia Brandenburg Frances B. Goffin
Fred E. Lux Mrs. William McCullough $25 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Leonard
Dr. & Mrs. Joel Melick $20 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Beford, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Cavanaugh, Francis Cavanaugh, Thomas Turner $15 Mrs. Gloria McLean, John F. O'Rourke, Dr. & Mrs. William Smith, Mr. & Mrs. William Stone $12 Mr. & Mrs. William White $10 Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Betts, MI'. & Mrs. Edward Chicoine, Mrs. Mary Condon & John, Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph Coppenrath, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Creemer Cyrus Doiron, Mr. & Mrs. Sherwood Elder, Mrs. Deolinda Eldredge, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Garland, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Grady Mrs. Henry Hague, Mrs. John Hastay, Arthur Hennessey, Lee Side Cafe, Mr. & Mrs. William McNeece William Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Noonan, Mr. & Mrs. James Reilly, Helen Scott, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Dom inic Vadala
For Mother Seton MANCHESTER (NC) -Pope Paul VI has authorized naming a new church in nearby Bedford for Blessed Elizabeth Seton, Bishop Ernest J. Primeau of Manchester has announced.
R. A. WILCOX CO. OFFICE FURNITURE In stock for Immediate Delivery
ROSELAWN FARMS 145 Washington St., Fairhaven Just off Route 6 . WY ]-9336
Watch for Signs While out for a Drive StoP at this delightful Spot
THE ANCHORThurs., May ?1, .~ ~64
Mal'7 :GOggin " ·'SO' '.~ Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Teixeira $25 " , Dr. & Mrs. Jerome Brault Dr. & Mrs. Edward L. Soares Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. LeClair Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. David Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. James R. Walker $15 Mr. & Mrs. Earl J. Dias Mr. & Mrs. John L. Harrison $10 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stevenson, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Silva, Louis Pacheco Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas F. Tangney, Mr. & Mrs. Frede rick F. Wolanski Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pittle, James Gomes,Mr. & Mrs. Henry Fleurent, Victor N. Fleurent, Mrs. Michael J. O'Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Sequira , Mr. & ,Mrs.' AHred' S. Silva, Paul C. Soum, Mr. & Mrs. Earle ,a· Blanchard .Martha Bisaillon, Mr. & Mrs. Rene J. Fleurent, Mr• • Mrs. Joseph A. Furtado John C. Bresnahan, Mrs. Ed ward J. Tucker, Mrs. Jeannette Dumas, Mrs. James Muldoon, Mrs. Gladys B. Martin ... Joseph C. Mello, Margaret A. 'Manghan, ·Elsie M. Silva, Mrs. William F. Mee, Mr. & Mrs. Ar thur E. Taber Mrs. Janis V. Gaide, Mrs. Jo seph Dawse, Mrs. Francis Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Richards, Mr. & Mrs. Noel Couture ,Edward & Josephine F. Ken ny, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick .J. Franklin, Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. ,Matheson Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Volpe, Mr. & Mrs. Roland.J• ,Despres
'A:tt'lebo;o ST. MARY'" $100 , Mr. & Mrs. George Agostini Edgar A. Dyson . $20 Mr. & Mrs. Linus O'Brien $10 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cloutier, Mr. & Mrs. James Cole, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore D.eGrenier, Thom~s Freeman, Mr. & Mrs.
Francis Goggin
Gilbert Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Ger
ald Gravel, Mrr. Alhert Hall
worth, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Lock
wood Jr., Katherine McCusker
Mr. & Mrs. Edward· Minlec, Mr.. & Mrs. Leonard Mournig han, Mr. & Mrs. J. Donald ROberston, Matthew Ukleja, Mr. &; Mrs. Lawrence Welch, Mrs. Richard Fife ' ,'; Marie Kirouac, Mr. & Mrs. ,Ovila' Masse' .
North Attleboro' .ST. MARY'S
$100 A Friend. Mr. & Mrs. James J. Coogaft $50 Rev. Armando A. Annunziato Rev. Daniel F. Moriarty A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Galvin Mrs. Winifred Ford Ce-ile Brais Mr. & Mrs. Albert Levesque Ie, Family . $40 " ' , Gertrude M. Cassidy . '. $25" .:. Mt. & Mrs. Robert Wessman PLAN MANPOWER TRAINING PROGRAM: A one-year project to help hard-cOre Mr. & Mrs. William Copley' 1IIr. & Mrs. Joseph Feeney unemployed persons in Lansing, Mieh., gets under way in the office of the U.S. SeCretary Mr. & Mrs. John Stapleton Jr. of Labor in Washington, with the signing of an agreement giving Federal Government South Yarmouth Walter McCann support to a job training program to be conducted by the Michigan Catholic Confer ST. pros TENTH Mr. & Mrs. Paul Raftery ence, Inc. The organization, ,~ponsol'ed by the state's Catholic bishops, will receive a Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Dorey $158
grant of $500,000 under the Federal Manpower Development and Training Act, signs the $20 Mr. &: Mrs. John F. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel DeVecchio, pact.: seated, Francis J. Coomes, executive secretary of the Catholic conference; Labor $100
Mr. & Mrs. H. Caldwell, Mr. & Secretary W. Willard Wirtz; Under Secretary Ivan A. Nestingen, Department of Health, St. Vincent de Paul Society
Mrs. W. F. 'Woloshyn, Agnes L. Education and Welfare. Standing Manpower Administrator John C. Donovan; Michigan's 81. Pius Tenth Guild _ Curley, Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Kear $30 . Senator Philip A. Hart and R1apresentative James G. O'Hara. NC Photo. DeY Bass River Liquor Store $15 $25 Mr. & Mrs. John Diaz, Mildred Hammond, .William H. Golden Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bouchard, Mrs. Ronhock, Mr. & Mrs. :Ralph Pur Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cipkowsk! Mary A. Bride, Mr. & . Mrs. ' Ruth (~ui1itzsch, Mr. & Mrs. cell Leary, Mr. & Mrs. C. S. Barris Mr. & Mrs. Charles Eager Sr., Mrs. Marion DePriest" Mr. ,J'oseph Withir,lgton, Mrs. James ' Lawrencl' Jahn90n, Mr. & Mrs. A Friend A. Battersby, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Joseph A. Riel • Mrs. Francis J. Doran : Jennings Oil Company Mr. & Mrs. Arthur'Barry, Mar,.. Poirier, Mr. & Mrs. William .Harry Doherty Fairhaven
Mr. c!~ Mrs. Joseph Satti, Mr. 'jorie Shea, Mr. & Mrs. MaxC7 Wambolt $15 & Mrs. Joseph Germaine, Mr.
ST. MARY'S Lewis . . Mrs. Doris Bennett; Walter & Mrs. Edward McCue, Edna Mrs. Ernest Eastman $12, Feid, Grace Feid, Mr. & .Mrs. S~iger, Mr. & Mrs. James Pever , <Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ohaisson $58 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paulus, Charles Sullivan, Mrs. Katherine $10 John McGowan, Mr. & Mrs. R. St. Vincent de Paul Societ,' ,Mr. & Mrs. Edward Carroll, Dr. A. Marcoullier Mrs. Stephen Canty, Mrs. Ro Lacasse, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bat $38 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Dia .·land Connors, 'Daggett's Market • Mrs. Kenneth A. Atwill. Mr. tersby, Mr. & Mrs. Delphis Soul Margaret Driscoll II: Mrs. Hugh Donnelly
mond, Mr. & Mrs. George White, Her, Mr. & Mrs. S, Wnuk ' Mr. & Mrs. Francis Durant, Mr. $10
Mr. & Mrs. H. B. Riordan, Mr. , &; Mrs. Charles B. Earley $25 Mr. lit Mrs. Hector Giroux, Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Lambert, & Mrs. J'il. F. O'Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Madeline Hines, Mr. &: Association of Sacred Hearill Estelle & Silas Hatten, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard LeBlanc, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cerreto Mrs. Donald Miller, Cecile Na $20 Mrs. Frederick Paine, Mrs. Bar Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Moore, Mrs. Norman Poirier, John & deau, Mrs. Violet Norton, Mr. & Alice Barry, Rand1lll Cardoza Mrs. Francis Ormon bara Stevens, Mr. & Mrs. Aldo Mr. & Mrs. John J. Stanford, Mr. Mrs. JOHeph Szpila Mr. & Mrs. G. Bessette, Mr. & Spadoni Riverway Lobster House, Mrs. & Mrs. Arthur Dusablon, Mrs. $15
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Gordon Moore, Mr. & Mrs. P. Mrs. Wilfred Pawuin, Mrs. Ed
Malcolm Slayter, Wayside Print Beatrice Demers, Robert Dor mund Welch, Mr. & Mrs. Russell gan, Joseph Murphy, Mary Pa ing Studio French, Walter F. Sheldon, Mr. Mullen &; Mrs. Fuller, Mr. & Mrs. Caesar Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sheehan, Oarr George MacBeth Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Caica90la, checo Mr. & Mrs. George Cassell, Mr. Cunha, Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Mc Mrs. Frances Johnson, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Leon Rousseau, ,io & Mrs. Norris Gladding, Mr. & Namara Mrs. Frank' DeYorio, A Friend, .Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Chabot, John Perry, Robert Duarte, Mrs. T. M. Norton. Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Stott, Mrs. The Bevilaqua Family Charles Wilbee, Mr. & Mrs. Petrick Welch Catherine Brady, Mr. & Mrs. E. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Vanbever. ,roseph Yacovone, Mr. & Mrs. Our Lady of the Angels, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Whittaker & Susan, . M~selbas, Mr. & Mrs. E. Velletri, Margaret Roessler, Mr. &. Mrs. .Tohn P. Araujo Louis Kirklewski Mr. & Mrs. F. L. Fecteau Charles Masterson, Mr. & Mrs. .Mr. & Mrs. E. Haderer, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Francis Verge, Mr. K.J. Wojciechowski, Mrs. Edna Mrs. Henry Collins, Mrs. Vir Lawrence Collins, Ralph Silva &; Mrs. F. L. Parrillo, Mr. & Mrs. M. Sheldon . ginia Konieczny, McKeon Dance Alphonse Baranowski, Ernest Robert Mello, Mr.: & Mrs. Don Mr. & Mrs. Thomas 'Brennan Studio, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tavares, .John Botelho Guthrie, Mr. & Mrs. '1!. R. Cuocco Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fitzpat Shaune~:y ." , .Alfred Raphael, V. Ventura, Mrs. & Mrs. C. Kopanski, Mrs. rick, Mr. & Mrs. R. T. Silva; Mr. Donald Brazil, Antone S. Pires, ·Mr. & Mrs. N. Velletri, Mr~. & Patrick Donnelly, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. J. G. Beaulieu, Richard .Albert Lajeunesse 'Mrs. E. F. Martha Jr., Mrs. James Hurley, Mr. & Mrs. Louis McCretton NEW BEDFORD
Antone Costa .Jr., Mario Chester :;haw, Mr. & Mrs. Wal Turcotte, Mr. & Mrs. R. M. Bur Mr. & Mrs. Roger Sarazin, Mr. ter WillE!rsinn, Arthur P. Doyle Thumudo Sr. Marla M. Medeiros gess & . Mrs. Peter Beaupre,' Mrs. Raymond L. Richard, Antone r. INDUSTRIAL OILS
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Croteau, Cardoza Jr.. Mrs. Bertha Spencer,' Mr. ''& . K.atherine Bowman. Mrs. T. Ed MJ:s. Dominick .LaFratta, Steven ward O'Neill,Mr. & Mrs. F. Catherinl~ Frazier, Mr. & Mrs. . HoraCe' F'erreira, Frank Ger HEATING OILS
P'; O. Dl,>n, Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Fitton, Mr. & Mrs. H. Rode Fitzpatrick mano. .Josep~ Alves . rick, Mr. & Mrs. R. P. Lizotte . Mrs. Katherine Bartlett,: Mrs. E:-. Gayton, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin TIMKEN
.Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Mullen, Annie E. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. H. Wilmart1:, Mrs. ~nestine Gagnon &: MJ,\ & Mrs. J. G. Charette, Mr.. T. Connors, Chester Chase,Mrs. OIL BURNERS
F'amily, Mr. & Mrs. L. F.
& Mrs. Richard C. Gallacher, Mr. Ralph Bumpus '. & Mrs. Frederick Garland, Mr. Robert Diamond, Mr. & Mrs. Matowitz, Mr. & Mrs. Donald
& James Nolan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Poirier, .Jennie Devlin, Mr. &: • Mrs. Michael O'Rourke MAKES YOUR Mrs. Joh:'l A. Devlin Eleanor Johnson, Julia A. Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Walter R. 501 COUNTY STREET
Riley, Genieve Riley, Mr. & Mrs. Mahoney, .lames E. Mahoney Mrs. :Ellanche Goodall, Mrs. CAR RUN BEnER E. Fitzpatrick, Mr. & Mrs. E. A. Paul Danesi, Mr. & Mrs. John J:>seph Duncan, Mr. & Mrs. D. At New Car Deale... NEW BEDFORD
Colletto Paiano, Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Girard, Mary Curran, Mrs. Rose and Service Stations
Briggs Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Slaiger, Dupras, Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Bon WY 3-1751
neau. Mr. & Mrs. M. J. Healey EVerywhere
Mr. & Mrs. R. Mnllins.. Mr. & Mrs. Elizabeth Sturdy, Mra.
1Irs. Gerald Doyle, Mrs. Julie Mr. & M.rs. Richard Gaboury, Annie F. Hill, Mr. & :M:ra. A. Co
Oil CO. INC.
Taunton IT. MARY'S
'100 ltlr. &; Mrs. William FentoB Alan P. Cusick 'Andrew Leddy $50 Robert Thrasher In Memory of Mr. & :Mrs. .Joseph L. Chaisty Dr. John Fenton Harold Sheehan Dr. John F. Mulhern $30 Charles O'Connell $25 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lehan Dr. John J. Gregg Edward McNamara James Ward Mr. & Mrs. Norman Grise Margaret V. Neenan Mr. & Mrs. Richard SmerdoB $20 Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Norton Maureen Nicol, Anna Rafter Daniel A. J. Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. John B. Grant, Mr. & Mrs. Wal-· ter Fitzgerald, Willi ."'\ McCor mack '15 Lawrence Call a han, David Fuller, Francis Pinto, .Joseph Quinn William Clifford, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cote, Mrs. Daniel A. .J. Doyle, Leonard Walsh $1Z
John Alden Charles Cote $10 Lillian Bannon, Robert Beau Heu, Mrs. Myrtle Blake, Fred rick Bousquet, John Carroll John Corr, John C. Delang, Joseph Duffy, William Donnelly, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Finnegan Mrs. Lor e tta Fitzgerald, Charles Fitzsimmons, Fl'ederick Fitzsimmons, Mrs. Augusta Flan agan, Mary Fountain Edward Gaudette, Rita Gau thier, Mrs. Edward L. Kiernan, Edward L. Kiernan, Mrs. John Lawson Joyce Letendre, Elimbeth Long, Josephine Long, Mrs. Ag nes Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. David Martin Antone Mattos, Mr. & Mrs. Fl'ancis P. McCabe, Marion G. McDonald, M abe 1 McGovern, William McGowan Alice McKenna,' Ruth Mc Kenna, Susan McKenna, Dennill McSweeney, Patrie McSweeney Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Moran, John J. Mrocka, William Mur ray, Mrs. Horace Nagle, Barbara O'Brien Edm un d O'Brien, Anna' O'Keefe, Mrs. Catherine Orsi, Wm. William Orsi, Helen Pouliot Mario Rlva, Harold Tatro, James A. Tranter, Mary Mar garet Welch, Michael Welch Paul Zopatti, Robert Boreri, Stephen Boreri, M a I' j 0 I' i e Boreri, Carlton Caron, William Chamberlain Louis Chiesa, Grace Clinton, Thomas Corr, Joseph Dooley, Louis Gilchrist Mrs. Louis Gilchrist, Arthur Harpin, Mary Lynch, William Martin, Dr. James Matesang John McAloon, D<Jrothy Mc Glynn, Grace McGlynn, Mary G•. McLea!l', George Megan Robert Men a I' d, Lawrence Munise, John Murphy, Francis O'Boy, Daniel O'Connell Joseph O'Donnell, .Vincent O'Neill, Pauline Orsi, Robert Perry, Edward D. Powers Mrs. Wm. Rayment, Wilfred Saint, Joseph N. Scarano,' John Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Toledo, Gerald Tripp Harry Alexander Elizabeth Brady, Margaret Brady, Mrs. Louise Bacigalupo, Mary Bar rington Mrs. Margaret Bentley, Jo-' sephine Bettencourt, Jackalyn Blevins, John J. Campion, Mrs. Anne· Carroll Marguerita Claffy, Thomas E. Clark, Harold Cleary, T. Howard Corr, William Costello Catherine Coyle, Robert Daly James Downing, Mrs. James V. Duffy, George Fantacone Robert Faria, Thomas Fitz
Pa'f1'1ek, Ann Fitzsimmons, Mr.' Mrs. John Fitzsimmons, Mar" Fitzsimmons . Winifred Flaherty, Francie Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Foley, Mary L. Foley, Robert Freeman Mrs. Charles Gillon, Mary
Gorman, W a 1tel' Gonzalski,
Michael Grady, Mrs. Sarah
Lester Hevner, David Higgins,
Donald Holmes, Theresa Ken
nedy, Mrs. Mary Leonard
John F. Lima, Mrs. Charles
Lincoln, Rommie Loudd, Joseph
D. McAloon, Brian McClellan Robert McClellan, Patricia McClellan, Phyllis McElroy, Charles O'Leary, Margaret Mar_ . tin Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McBreen, Edward McCaffrey, William Mc Caffrey Jr., Frederick McClel lan, James McGovern Francis J. McGuirk, John' Medas, Joseph Medeiros, John: Morey, William Mulhern Francis Mulholland, . James . Mulholland, John Mulholland, Mary Mulholland, Alice Muvey Arthur Murphy, Dr. Thomas O'Brien, John O'Connell, Mrs.· John O'Connell, Edmund O'Con- . nor, Mr. & Mrs. John O'Hearne; Joseph O'Hearne, Ralph' D .. O'Sullivan, Joseph Padula, Leni Palazesi Mr. & Mrs. Walter Parker, James Pine, Mrs. A. Poucell, George J. Reilly, Evelyn Rice George Rose, Albert Ryan, Mrs. Walter Skwarlo, Matthew Slusack, Daniel B. Sullivan, Francis Sullivan, Albert Wilson, Donald Wotherspoon Bruce M. And!l'ews, Jame6 Car ney, Mrs. John Carr, Mrs. Nora'. Chase, James Cole . Margaret Coleman, Dr Ed'Wllrd Coyle, Mrs. J'8ne Cronan, Ern'est' W. Dawson, Howard DonQhue Manuel J. Farias, David Fer nandes, John Fernande6, T. Jos eph Galligan, Mrs. Lewis Gilbert Joseph MacDonald, Eugene J. O'B!l'ien, Mrs. Daniel Perry, Rus-· sell Peterson, Mrs. MiriQm Reilly Joseph Rose, Mrs. Fnlnk ~ . ter, Francis J. Shaw
,nfl: ANCHORThurs., May 21, 1964
, &;
$20 Stanley Radwanski $10 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Arcilrows1d M!l'. & Mrs Fmnk Biedak & Fern ·ny, Mrs. BerthQ ~olster, Mr. ~ Mrs. Joseph Drewniany, Mr. &: Mrs. Aldo Fasolo Mr. & Mrs. Walenty Gorczyca, Mrs. Magdalena Kudzia, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Levesque, M!l'. & . Mrs. Joseph Lichacz, Mr. & Mrs. John Losowski . Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nichols, Mr. & Mrs. Augustine Perry Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sroczynski, Anna Stanek, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Tabak, .
Attleboro ST. THERESA
Donald Boardman
$25 . Mrs. Henry Lachance $20 Cli:fford Duclos $15 Patrick' Byrnes $10 Joseph Vierra, Henry MorIn, Laurent Dubuc, Raymond MUos, Mrs. John O'Connors . ' . . Thomas Huil, George Redding ton, George Dl,lquette, Mrs. Sarah Langlois, John Oliveira _ Robert Foley, Stanley Gav';' lick, William Cauley, Philippe Barrette, Edward Messier . Michael Osienski, Norman St. Germaine, Hubellt Dussault, Gerard Marcotte, Louis Thibo deau Ralph Crook, James Burke, Thomas Leedham Jr., Raymond Messier, Alphonse Mathieu Mrs. David Fuller, Roland Desmarais,. Richard Murray, Normand Vachon, George Old . ham, Harry Burns, Vincent Girard Francis Bouchard Family, Irv ing Blais
Roca, Mr. & Mrs. Raymon4
Mrs. Patricia Smith, Mr. c!I
Mrs. John R. Sweeney Jr., Mr.
&; Mrs. Peter Wieliczko, Mr. a.
Mrs. Peter Wood
Holy Name of St. stephen's
Caron Granite Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Club of St. StepheB
Ladies of St. Ann's of St.
C.Y.O. of St. Stephen's
Children of st. Mary's of St.
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Lefebvre
Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Vanasse
Bonnie Bakery
Ernest Doucette, Mr. &; Mrs.
George P. Boyd, George Mar
quis, Mr. & Mrs. Donat Raymond,
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Daneau
Bertha Loranger, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Medlin, Stephen Daneau, .. Mr. & Mrs. John E. Healey, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Raymond MarjQrie Wright, Robert PrI
meau, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cour
chesne, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph zg,.
bek, Flora Papineau
MISSION CLUB: Members of St. Cecilia's Mission Club plan first annual dance,to be held Thursday night, June 11 at VFW Hall, Fall River. rroceeds will benefit Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, St.. Anthony's Convent, Fall River. From left, seat~, Mrs. Bertha Lopes, vice president; Mrs. Elsie Santos,- 'past 'president; rear, Miss Marilyn Morango, Miss Pat O~bral•. ST. JOHN
$250 , Mr. & Mrs. James A. Car«l3' $100 Dr. & Mrs. Vincent O'Donnell $35 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Lofgren . $25 Edward Tatro Mr. & Mrs. Basol Mulligan $20 Mrs. James O'Neil $15 Mrs. James Doyle, Mr. & Mn. George Driscoll $10 Mr. & Mrs. George Cloutier, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zito, Mrs. -Margaret McEvoy, Mrs. Ludivine' Dyer, Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Yar . bol'o Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chapman, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Allard, Mr. . & Mrs. Thomas Bellavance, Mr.. . & Mrs. Harvey Barton, Mrs.· "Margaret Branaghan' Charles Bryson, Mrs. 'Paul Bul- . loCk, George Caldwell, Mr. & .~s. Charles Clarke, Mrs: Eliza beth Coleman .. Mr.·& Mrs. Joseph Cox, Miss , Ann DeLitta, Mrs. Havilah Fish:. er, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Fox .Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Frigon, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Gagnon, Mr.. & Mrs. George Gay, Mrs. Cath erine Gethro, Mary Gilroy Agnes Gormley, Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Gulino, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hanlon, Mr. & .Mrs. Roy Henderson, Mr. &: Mrs. David Holmes Mrs. Helen Holt, Mrs. Barbara Houle,Eileen Hyde, Mr. & Mrs. Emil Joseph, Mr. & Ml's. Ernest Jost Sr., Mr. & Mrs. John Keane Jr.. Mr. & Mrs. Walter· Leach, Loret ta Maland, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest
Marques, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Maynard Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Nyzio, Mrs. Jeremiah O'Brien, Mr. &: Mrs. Herbert Patriquin, John Pickering Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Rich ard Pierce . Mr. & Mrs. George Pion, Ed ward J. Pucko, Mr. & Mrs. Car mine Roea, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
ST. JOSEPH $50 Mr. &: Mrs. Oscar DesrosteN $25 .' Conseif Jeanne D'Arc No. 263 $20 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mullins, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Demers; ,Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Pine $15 Donat Desrosiers $10 Mr. & Mrs. George Bartholo mei, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lemire, Miss Raymonde Isabelle, Mrs. Adelard Turgeon, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bellonzi ' Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Piette, Valeda Gibeault, Miss Leona Gibeault, Miss Jeannette Dupuis, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald. Bergevine' Mr. & Mrs. Paul Simp'son, Mr. & Mrs. Louis LaBelle; Mr. & Mrs. Felix Desmarais
•: GRACIA BROS.:• • Excavating : • : ~
• •
• ~
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Thurs., May 21, 1964
$500 .·Rt. Rev. Francis McKeon $100 .. St. Vincent de Paul Confer
bce $25 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Taylor $20 Ernest J. Mador $15 Mr. & Mrs. Veto Stasunas D. Gardiner O'Keefe, J. How II'l:d O'Keefe, Mrs. Mynette Dew hurst . $12 'Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Souza $10 Mr. & Mrs. James Mello, Mr. II: Mrs. Angelus Burgess, Mr. & Mrs. John Lavigne, Mr. & ~rs. William Andrade, The Barker I'amily R A D I 0: Rev. Robert Mrs. Howard Chadwick, Mrs. Kearns, M.M., is organizing Francis W. Clemmey, Catherine Crowninshield, Cornelius Field radio educational programs Mrs. Francis Fisher, Mr. & that 13tart at 4 :30 in the Mrs. Charles Lynds, Gertrude morning for an area in the McBreen, Mrs. Luke McBreen, mountains of interior Peru Gladys McIsaac McPhee Family, Mr. & Mrs. that has an illiteracy of 70 Oscar Maynard, William Meehan per ce:lt. NC Photo. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mendes, Jos eph O'Neill ST. ANTHONY Mr. & Mrs. George Silva, Mr. $500 & Mrs. Claude Simmons, Robert Simmons,' Shirley Simmons, Re\l'. Maurice Souza Maydelle A. Smith $50 Virginia Waldron, Mr. & Mrs. Rev. Miguel Pinto Raymond Brodeur, Mrs. Dorothy A Friend Conley, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gauthier, Mr. & Mrs. James H. $25 :Lynch Aristides Andrade Mr. & Mrs. Roland Renaud, Francisco Rego Eugene Sullivan $24 , Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Har Francisco Pacheco rison, Mary Kennedy, Claire Leddy, Mr. & Mrs., Claude Cor $20 Daglia, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Eliza Cordeiro, Charles Fer Simmons reira, P~ter Nolan , Dorothy Triveri, Mr. & Mrs. $15 Oharles Rusconi, Mr. ok Mrs. Augm:t Lopes, Frank Vaz' Rene St. Yves, Mr. & Mrs. Eino $10 Silvan, Mrs. Harriet Mansfield Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dennen, Antone Abreau, Louise Agrena. Marion Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Jose AI~uiar, Antone Almeida. Matthew Strojny, Mr. & Mrs. . Alfred Amaral lohn Haggerty Mary Amaral, Robert Amaral, i\lfred Andrade, Antone An HOLY FAMILY drade, Eva Barker $100 Raymond Beaulieu, ioaquim Holy Family Women's Guild . Camara, Joseph Cardoza, George $50 Carvalho, Mary F. Cayton Holy Family-St. Vincent De John Coelho, Manuel C~rdeiro, Paul Conference Richard .cordeiro, Manuel Cor $25 reia, Laurentina Costa Katherine K. Cambell Raul Costa, Frank Coute. Walter Starvish Laurentina Craven, Antone Da 115 Costa, Evelyn DeMello Manuel Gomes, Mrs. Mary Manuel DaRosa, Adelard Dion; Olsey John Enos, Peter Fernandes, $10 Charles Ferreira Helen Mitchell, Mr. ok Mrs. Laura Ferreira, Seraphim Fer Antonio Gomes, Joseph Mendes, reira, M3nuel Fontes, Francisco IIfr. & Mrs. Francis Conaty" Frank, Delfina Grandfield Raoul Ducharme A(lice Kaloust, Gilbert King, Mr. & Mrs. William Willette, Clarence Lancaster, Rob e r t Arnold Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Lema, John Lima mond St. Yves, Mr. ok Mrs. Antone Lopez, Roy McGreevy, ,Joseph Tavares, Lois A. King Joseph Macedo, Elpidio Marques. . Ellen Ryan, Charles Kenyon, Agnes Martin Eugene Lecuyer, Mrs. Julia Andrew MarshaIT, Bella Mede Grover, John Zeiba rios, Joseph Mendoza, Francisco Michael Larkin, Fred Silvia. Moitoza, Louis Mueda Lawrence Gagnon, Mr. ok Mrs. Antonio Oliveira, James Pa Nelson Robitaille, Mrs. Claire checo, Alfred Paiva, Albert Auger Pateneaude, Edward Pateneaude Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sheehan, Antone Perry, Edward Pin Mr. & Mrs. William Araujo, Mr, heiro, Edward Pontes, Anthony II: Mrs. Manuel Correia, Mr. 8;; Ramalho, Edward Rank Mrs. Antone Pacheco, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Baran Franci!: Rego, John Rose, John Santos, Alfred Silva, Anthony Mr. & Mrs. Roger Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Simas, Joseph Silvia Nardoza, Stephen Punda, Maber Cora J. Smith, Frank Soares, Starvish Joseph Souza, Alfred Sylvia, Peter Conlon, Charles Eugenio, Joseph S::>ares Mr. & Mrs. William McGrath, Silvino Souza, stanley Souza, Mary Leal, Jane Picard F.rederick S y 1 v i a, Alfred Mrs. Blanche Picard, Mr. & Teixeira, Alfred Teixeira Mrs. John Horta, Mr. & MT'S. Arthur Tremblay, Arthur.Ven loaquin Correia, Mrs. Margaret 'tura Jr., Arthur Ventura, John David, Frank Mendes Vieira, Joseph Victorino, Joseph Richard Ducharme Antone Vinc~nt·· Gomes Casimiro' Fernandes,., , David Amaral, Joseph R. Am lohn 'Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. arill, Francisco Costa, Manuel' loseph Ca!;tro -' ,':I:. :qo~~ Joseph" D~osta ."'. Edmond Gae:ne. Matthew Mas_ Antone Lopes, Joseph. Pacheco ....&OD Robert Sllvi.a. Jolm Souza
'jlT. PAUL
Rt. Rev. Joseph C. Canty
In Memory of Rev. John Griffin
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew McCarthy $25 Edward Brennan Mrs. Edward Brennan St. Paul's Women's Guild $20 MI. & Mrs. James Duffy Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Spinelli, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stratton Mr. & Mrs. Waldo G. Witherell $15 Manuel Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Silva $10 Mn. Edmund Arvidson, MT'S. Arthur Benoit, Mr & Mrs LeRoy Bernard, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred BQUrl~et, Mr. ok Mrs. Lawrence Bradllhaw Mr & Mrs. Gerald Caron, Mr. . MOST DISTINGUISHED: ok Mrs. James Cassidy, Mr & Mrs Wilfred Champagne, Edward Bishop Joseph O. Bowers, Corr Sr., Mr. ok Mrs. Francis Cot S.V.D., of Accra, Ghana, trell West Africa, is called the Na])oleon Dacier, Mrs. Napo leon Dacier, ~r. & Mrs. Robert most distinguished alumnus Dennis, Mr. ok Mrs. Harold of the Divine Word Semi Dion, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Drew nary, Bay St. Louis, Miss. niak He returned there Monday Mr. & Mrs. William Driscoll, to sing a Solemn Mass Mrs. Theodore Dupuis, Eleanor . marking the 25th anniver Dwyer, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Fer nandes, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred sary of his ordination. NC Photo. Foucault Mr. & Mrs. Montcalm Four nier, Mr. & Mrs. Raldo Giova Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ladebauche, nelli, Paul Gousie, Mr. & Mrs. Louise Ladebauche, Paul Lade Raoul Gousie, Mr. & Mrs. John bauche, Edward Lamoureaux Hall 13r. Mrs. Edward Lamoureaux, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Hudson, & Mrs. Leo A" Leroux, Mrs. Catherine Kelley, William H. . Joseph Masterson, Mary Master Kelly, Mrs. Leo Kennedy, Mr. son, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Mitton • Mr'll. Paul Kingsbury Robert Moniga, Mr. & Mrs. llIr!r. " Mrs. Roger Kingsbury. John Morris, Thomas Noonan,
Mrs. William Opheim, Mr. II: Mrs. Roland Paquette Mr. & Mrs. George Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Phillippino, Mr. & Mrs. George. Sheldon, Mrs. Arthur Sonnenberg, Ern est Prado Joseph Racicot, Corilla Rodier, David Rogers, Edward Roster, Mrs. Frank Shumway . Mr. &; Mrs. Aristide St. Pierre, Mr. & Mrs. Adjutor St. Pierre, Judith Stratton, Mr. ok Mrs. Ed mond Thadeu. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Tosti Raymond DiResto, Mrs. Ray mond DiResto, Mr. & Mrs. James Hackett, Mr. & Mrs. Tom McMann, Barbara McMann. Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Lemieux ST. JACQUES $3&0
Rev. !'. Anatole Desmarais $100 Rev. Andre P. Jusseaume $~'
$%0 Lazare Tremblay '$10 Donald Beauvais, Harry Bel anger & Family, Euclid Boivin Jr., Francois Boivin, Helen Boivin Andrew Cameron, Edmond Casey, Theolinde Champagne Theresa C. Courcy, Charles Cyr Elzear Cyr, AIda Deniger, Albert Desrosiers, Jean Desro siers, Philippe Dumoulin Normand Gaouette, Felix Gir ard, Normand Hamel, Philippe Lafleur, Henri Lamoureux Elias Martin, Joseph Masse, James Morin, Omer Nadeau, Clive Olson R 0 1 and Pelletier, Mrs. Agnes Riley, Raymond Starvish, Joseph A. Tremblay, Albion Wilford, Richard Wilford .
------------------------------------i' * ... * ~ * *
'* '~
* ie· ¥ * *
l"all River National Bank dePositors earn quarterly interest on savings
. ... .. .. • ... ... :.:.;,'
'55 NORTK.:MAIR ..h i">;:;",.
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THe ANCHOR-Diocese ofFon River-Thurs. May
6th Diocesan
21, 1964
r I
Sunday, May 31, 1964 1 P.M-6 P.M.
路FR. WALTER SULLIVApt . Diocesan Fall River Area
Kennedy .Cya Center . New Bedford
"Ecumenism" a ca路11 to .the
Lay Apostolate today.
New Bedford
Left to Right - Peter Sullivan, New Bedford, Treasurer; Ann Louise Gibbons, Fall River, Secretary; John M. Hickey, Taunton, Presi颅 tlenli Rita Estrella, New Bedford, Vice-President.
New England CYO President
Tltis Message's Sponsored By Tlte Following Individuals and Business Concerns in Greater Fall River:' Building Materials, Inc. Duro Finishing Corp. . Enterprise Brewing Co. the Elrterminator Co. FaR River Electric Light Co.路 River TruSt Co. . GleN Manufacturing ( 0 . "
ICormon Water Co. R. A. McWhirr Company
MacKenzie & Winslow, In". Mason Furniture Showrooms Mooney & Co. Inc. Newport Finishing Co. Plymouth Printing Co~, Inc.
Sobiloff Brothers' Sterling Beverages, Inc.
W"'' ' 'W...V..." ...
Textile Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO
~...'(JJV...VW.'iJJP...W...VW...W...'JfI..... ~
'{fJV... ...W.VW...'iJJP...
THE AI-V'l •'"'I Q_
Assumpta Guild Holy Name Society St. Vincent De Paul Soefety Dr. & Mrs. Robert Mealy
ST. L.'\'''''''''''\;{'E Sl' I Dr. & Mrs. Jo:-n\] B~lldwir. Mr. & ~. Johr B, O'Rourke
Florence Miller Walter G. Powers $35 Dr. & Mrs. Maurice Logaee $25 Mr. &: Mrs. Ralph Cutillo Mr. & Mrs. Michael Weletb Helen Dahill Mr. &: Mrs. Henry Werner Maribeth Dahill Margaret Smith Helen Smith The Kervick Family Egther Johnson $20 Peter Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Jessa Bettencourt
Mr. & Mrs. John Kenney $5D
Andrew P. Doyle
Paul & Marion Keane
Neil C. Fitzgerald
~. Kelleher
Mrs. Mary Wheaton
Christopher J. Limerick Jr. The Meggison Family . Mr. & Mrs. Albert Silva Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wood Friend Mr. & 'Mrs. Charles Perry Elizabet"ll V. ·Foster
$20 Mr. & Mrs. George Breen, Mr. It Mrs. James Goldrick, Mrs. Louis Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Gillis, Mol". • Mrs. Willis H. Goodwin 'U5 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bedard, Mr. • Mrs. Daniel Driscoll $15
515 Mr. & Mrs. Leon St. Pierre, Mary McNearney
$12 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Wagner, Mr. HONORS NATION'S HBROE:S: The Archbishop of New York, Francis' Cardinal Spellman, who is also Military Vicar of the U.S. Armed Forces, placed a wreath before &: Mrs. Joseph McKenna 510 the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the National Military Cemetery in Arlington, Va. Mr. &: l\Ilrs. C.Emmett Calvey, The occasion was part of the relig-ious observance of the centennial of the founding of' Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Chisholm, Mr. the cemetery inMay, 1861. NC Photo. & Mrs. Joseph Corcoran, Susan
Mr. & Mrs. Fergus BolteR, '.1"8. Kattherine Sherman William Morris, Mr. &: Mrs. $18 James Payton, Mr. & Mrs. Le(I Mrs. Theodore Ambadgis. Mr. Poisson It Mrs. James .Buckley, Mr. &t Mr. & Mrs. George Ponte, Mrs. Norman Bergeron, Mrs. Susan Shannon, Mr. &: Mrs, ~anna Calnan, Friend Walter Shephard, Mr. &: Mrs Edward CarneY. Mrs. Myrtle Francis Smith, Mr. &: Mrs. - &sh, Mrs. Frederick' Choquette, Arthur Soares ,Mr. -& Mrs. William E. Cleary, Mr. & Mrs. James W. Stot Jr., Mrs. Stanley Danzell Margaret Sullivan, Mr. ,& Mrs. Anonymous, 'Mr. & Mrs. John Robert Sullivan, Mr. &: Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Agnes Downey, Mr. John Tierney, Mr. & Mrs. Aslak • Mrs. James Doyle, Agnes Tobias!'en , 'Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. Merton Walker, :Mr. & Mrs. Norman Edwards, Mrs. Margaret White, Mr. &: Mrs. I'rancis Fish, Mr. & Mrs. WH Glenwood Wilbur, Mr. & Mr3. . '.am Fisher, ,Mr. & Mrs. Francis Peter Ziemba Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Cuerreiro ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA Mrs. Robert Hart. Mr. & Mrs. $50 Ralph Hill; Mary LOUise Horne, Rev. Gerard BoisveI't Mr. & Mrs. Robert Horne, Mr. Rev. John FoIster It: Mrs. Joseph Kelleher Loui,: Parent Mrs: Margaret Kessell, Mr. & $25 Mrs. John Kraljic, Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Galipeau
Dalpha LaVillee, 1\'Irs. J. TrefQr Anna Essa & FamilY' Lewis, Rita Limerick Henr:" Dube Mr. & Mrs. F~ancis l\IcCarth'y, $20 Mrs. Hazel McCrohan, Mr. & Andrl! Daigle, Clarisse La Mrs. William McMahon, Mr. & Germaine Chadwick, Mrs. Albert McMullen. Dr. & france, Mrfl. Anthony Martin Adelurc :YIarois Mr. & Mrs. William l\Iedeins, $15 Mr. & Mrs. John Midura, Mr. & Alf -ed Gauthier, Leo Hebert M!'S. Edward Mullar!;:ey, Mr. & $10 Mrs. John Murray, Albert Mur Wilfred Jette, Roger Daig my neault. Donat Letendre, Dor.:lld Edward O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Dufonr. Josep:" Pisarczyk William O'Brien, Genedeve O' Laurent Roy, Marcel Rogis Connor, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Ped sart, Omer Breton, Charles 1\-10 erlIOn, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew niz. Norman ~!eny Perry Loretta Sabourin, Girard Mrs. Andrew Peterson, Augus GO,!!uen. Edward Brennan, Mrs. tus Ponte, Beverly Ponte. Helen Alfred Deneault, Emilien Du Ie Joseph Porter, Mr. & Mrs. pont Louis 'Jtacine Albert Chevalier, Normand Mr. _& Mrs. Gerard Rivet, Mrs. DeBlois, Bernadette Boucher. C';eraldRoche, Leonard Roehe, Armand Bonneau, Rene Varrit'ul" Peter Roche, Mr. & Mrs. D. Rene Lacoste, Pierre Machon, Siscento Roger Bcrche,Noel.Hebert, Roy Mr. & Mrs. Leo Shea,. Mrs. , mond Hubert Margaret Smith, Mary B. Sulli Norma:ld Despres, Romeo Par van, Mr. & Mrs. Henry SzynaU, ent Clai:-e Cournoyer, Clara Le Mr. & Mrs. James Wooler Blu'nc, Mrs. Henri ,J. Magnant Charles Balboni, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Bergeron, Joseph Ar George Beaulieu, Mr. &: Mrs. seneault Dorila Graveline, Vic Albert Bosse, Almyra B'rennan, tor Bela'ager, Charles Gelinas . Dorothea Brennan Jeanndte Carrier, Theophile Mr. & Mrs. Albert Broadlend, DesRoches, Eva Benoit, Wilfred Mr. & Mrs. Francis Cairns, Mr. Bergeron, Valeda Jackson & Mrs. J:ohn Clements, Mr. & Eugel1e Parent, Alice St.Pierre' Mrs. Bernard Conboy, Mrs. How_ Lucie Fontaine, ~,!r. & Mrs: ard Conlon George :E'lorent, Roger Racicot Mr. & Mrs. Raymond DaRocha, Alice Rymut, Ernest Fournier Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dugas, Mr. Jeanne Lafrance, Frank Cor& Mrs. Anthony Ferreira, Mrs. mier, Be,·tha Daquette . Josephine Fleming, Mrs. Angus Rita Jodoin, Gerald Laferriere, D. Gillis GeorgL Gamache, Romeo l\br Girl Scout Troop No. 118, Mr. low. Lorraine Arvisais & Mrs. Ernest, Garneau, Ada ~ir. & Mrs. Roland Giard, Gl'Oebe, Mr. & Mrs. Irving Hoff Philibert Cormier, Wilfrid Mas man, Louise Mahoney se. Alice Contant, Ernest Rich Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Manghan, ard Mr. & Mrs. LeoruMarden. 'Mrs. Aldea DUchesneau, Arthur ItichardMolleo, Amos ,MmrL"i$, Galipeau, Rene 'Brissette, Mar Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. MGrris cel Spirlet, Ernes. Laurendeau Helen Murphy, Mr. 0& -Mrs.. Ira Perry, Theod&re Baribeau,
Cosgrove, Mr. & Mrs. Edw-ar-d Dahill Mary Daley. Mr. &: Mrs. Ra.y $25 mond Ducharme, Mrs. Ethel Gal Mr. '& Mrs. Beriny Diar-a lagher, Mr. &: Mrs. Peter B. G3!Y, $10 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hoye Emma Cipri",ni, Mr. 31: Mrs. Charles I.t"OnarCl, M"S. Estella Enrico DiBenedetta, Mr. '& Mrs. Mar!!arido. Beverly Martin: Mr. Michael DiGiacomo, Mr. &: Mrs.
&. Mrs. Fred Martin, Robert Ma-r
Robert .1. Morelli, Mr. '& Mrs. tin Donald Rose _ Mr. &: Mrs. Patricr Masterson, Mr. & Mrs. Salvato Salvati, . Cecile McAloon, Edward Mc Mr.. & Mrs. John D. SilVia, Con fraternity of St. Francis. ltaloian-' , Aloon, 'Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Mc Dermott. Joseph McDonald American Women's Club Mrs. Hugh Moran & Jay, Mr. :Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Barbero, &: M!'S. Edward Nixon, Mr. :& Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Cataldo. Mr. Mrs. Francis Ritchie, Mr. &: Mril. & Mrs. Anthony DiPiro, Emma Fornaciari, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph ,Stanley Saladyga, Mrs. Virgin<ll Moniz O. Serpa Mr. & Mrs. David Schnopo, Mr. & Mrs. Emilio Peitavino, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Piscarino, John Shea. Mr. & Mrs. AnthoflY' Silveira. Mr. & Mrs. Gilbf"rt MI'. & Mrs. Charles Setteducati Giulio Cesare Lod!{~S.O.I.A. .. Simmons. Richard Corriveau OUR LADY OF PURGATORY Mrs. ,John Costova, Mr. & Mr'>. $10!! ' , OrR LADY OF ASSlTMPTlOS Richard Cunningham, Mr. & Rev. George Saad $4.0 Mrs. Paul Ducharme. Mr. & Mrs. $52 Holy Name Society of Our William Grundy, ]\Olr. & Mrs.
Dr. &: Mrs. Lawrence W. Caton Lady of the Assumption Georqe M"Cormack Mr. & Mrs. Hykel Simon 525 :'oIl'. & Mrs. Walter E. O'Hern, Att:rF. Fred & George ThomllS A Parishioner Mrs. Eva Robinson, Osborne Mc Fa;l'hnven Lumber Company Club of Our Lady of the Clellan. Thomas Bannon. Mr. & The Daher Family Assumption Mrs. Joseph Faunce 'll20 520 ::\11'. & :'oIrs. John F. Laffan, David's Trucking CompanY' Burgo Funeral Home, Mr. & Samuel 'McClellan, Mr. & Mrs. $15 Mrs. Arthur N. Duarte, Alfred Joseph Orsi Jr.. Mrs. Marcia Atiorrcey & Mrs. George Mo J. Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio PhillipS, Mr. & Mrs. Jamf:'S M. rad Gomes $10 Curley American Lebanese Veterans $10 :\Yr. & Mrs. Lawrence Laeail As.-oc. American Lebanese VeL l'wlrs. Jennie Pires, Jose de lade, Mr. & Mrs. George Cor Sousa-Santos, Mr. & Mrs, Ben er3!lS A'lxiliary, Attorney & Mrs. deiro, :\Irs. James :\1:axwell eraps Auxiliary, Atty & Mrs jamin Rose, Mr. & Mrs. l\Ianuel IMM.o\.CULATE CONCEPTION Emile Morad', Mr. & Mrs. Jo- Figuerido, ':'wIr. & Mrs. Albert Fermino TAUNTON
"eph Attallah, Mr &: Mrs. Jog('ph E. Dupre Arthur Gibeau, Edward J.
$'75 Our Lady of Purgatory Ladies Pina, Mrs: Joseph Baptista, Rev. James F. Lyons Guild. l\Ir. & Mrs. Saeed Morad, Justa Teixera, Anna Cardoza Rev. Barry W. Wall Mr. & Mrs. Thomas David" Mr. Mrs. William Delgardo•.Mabel $50 . & 3InL Andrew Riley, MI;'. & ,. Gibau, Edward Cruz. Aguinel Immaculate Conception Wom :\Irs. P!!ter S. Thomas R03e, Joseph Senna Mrs. Selma Joseph· & F.amily, James P, Gonsalves, Robert' en's Guild Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jo~ph, St: C, Garrison, Mrs Domingo 'Gomes ' $25 Joseph Sodality, Mr. & Mrs. An- Mts. Ja'ck Enos, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. A. V. Bolino ,thQny Jc;>.hn, Mrs. Amelill John' . Samuel Barboza Mr. &: Mrs. Edmund Brentl41'ft & Family Antonio M. da Cruz, Mrs. AgCornelius Kelly . Dr. & Mrs. George, John, A nes Thomas, Mr.' '& Mrs. John $15 Fortes, B Eliza Hogarth, Mr. &, Mni ' Friend, Mr. &: Mrs. Tho1lllijlE. H Mrs. Daniel Moore Moses, Mr. & Mrs; George enr~ arros . . $10 Peters,l\iIr. & Mr&. JosephGourrJ: . ElSie Burgo, George .Baptista, , Mr. & Mrs. James Carr, Mrs. & F II '. Mrs. Henry Fernandes-, Clara M~~ ~ Mrs. Anthony G.' Rose. & Family, Mrs. Jeronimo' Ralph Hill, John Lucey, .Mr. -k Mrs. James Reilly
. Thoma:;. Atty Damel . P . D BVI, 'd' daMSilva & M M teo 1\Jr F k W k Joseph r. rs. on 11'0, Mrs Ann M r .& • l·,~rs. ran n e , ' . S · . D av... 'd M rs. M ary P on t e AI- " ' l...-.........,...~~_-..-.. .......,...~'#O#..,
In f ousa, Severo Alfatna, Mary . Mr. .& Mrs. Dominick 'Roda ama, Laura A. Duarte . ' , Mrs. Constance Andrade Mr Mr. & Mrs. Shucri Baroody & & M w'n' 'C 'R'ta' Family, Peter f; Tabeta Thomas, rs. I lam armo, I The Ya;~beck Family Th'e Sahadi Stevens, Mr. & Mrs. '.~ntone
F '1 ' Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. LOUiS Lobo
amLy Mr. & Mrs. Earl Bargasse; Mr.
ST. KILIAN & Mrs. Antone Gomes, &
$'75 Mrs. John Carmo, Mrs. Palmira
273 CENTRAL AVE. Re7. William J. McMahon Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fortes
$20 Jr.
Theoc:ol'e Galipeau
WY 2-6216 ST. HYACINTH $10
Walter Cybulski, Norman St. NEW BEDFORD Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph CQsIla, WA
Charles, Anna Ashworth,Wi1 l1am Mnhoney .ilelmine Roy
Adrien Bourcier, A-"thur Conard, Mrs. William Chapdelaine Da vid Rego, Armand Cormier, Mrs. Arthur Buteau, Mr. &: Mrs. Hemi Duval, Henri Nolin Orner' Guilbert, Rose Boucher, Antoinette Roy, Roger Rioux, Ceda Turgeon Antoinette Gelinas, Amedee LestEge William Fortin, Eugene Bois vert, Donat Nault, Herman Mc Donald, Theodore Loranger Jr. Hellry Johnson, Alphonse Fournier, Alfred Galipeau,l\Iau rice Richard, Mrs. Edouard Lang:ois Paul Mathieu, Raymond 'Gau Vin, VIr. & Mrs. Joseph Lacroix, Napo:eon Rousselle, David Du mais. Ovila Martin
ST. JAMES $100 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Coholan Dr. & Mrs. James Quinn $75 Dr. Daniel Harrington Msgr. Noon Parish Circle $50 Rev. Albert F. Shovelton $25 Mr. & Mrs. James Bolton Helen L. Crowley Alice T. Donnelly Dr. & Mrs. Byron Ford Mr. & Mrs. Herman Saunders Clifton Sullivan The Baldwin Family Mr. & Mrs. Henry Tavares Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Barabe $20 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Mc Crohan, Genevieve Murray, John O'Connor, Dr. William O. Connor, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Peternel, John M. Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Martin Jr. $15 Mr. & Mrs. James Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Adam Zych $12 Mr. & Mrs. Armand Pariseau Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tschaen Jr. $10 John Bauer Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Donat Bernier, Mr. & Mrs. /?.eorge Braga, Isabel Carvalho, Virginia Carvalho Edward Clark, Francis Coffey, Mrs. Richard Darling, Anna Donov~n, John Downey Lawrence C. Fanning, John E. Fost~r, Mr. & Mrs. Philias J. Fournier, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Francis, Mrs. Antoinette Gim areese ~r. & Mrs. Charles Greaves, Joseph Hampson, Mrs. Jos~ph Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. Harold K. Herlihy, Mr. & Mrs. Arsene Houle Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Jadlowe, Mrs. Robert Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Kavanaugh Jr., Mrs. Iv.:orti mer Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Milton Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Edward Leary, lzabel Lima, Mr. & Mrs. Law rence Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. James McCann, Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Mello Mrs. Mary Morency, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Neves, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pacheco, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Perry, Mr. & Mrs. George Pimentel Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ratajack, Mrs. Harry Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Rocha, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Roderiques, Donald Souza Mr. & Mrs. George Souza, Mrs. Clinton Starkie, Mrs, Tlsie Starre, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Stupalski, Nancy Towers Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Turner, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. George Young Robert Boulanger, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bourgault, Beverly Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hathaway Mrs. Inez Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Diego Martino, Mrs. Inez Motta, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Moss, Joseph O'Brien Mrs. Evie'M. Perry . Mr. & Mrs. Enrico Picinisco Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Rene Racine, Mrs. Helen A. S. Ross, Mr. & Mrs. James Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. John Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Teixeira, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Theodore, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Theodore, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Thorn, Mr. II; Mrs. William Tuite Mr. &: Mrs. James E. Brockle hurst, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel· Blan.. chard, Mr. & M;rs. Theodore A. Gauthier, Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Gioiosa, Mrs. Mary King Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Rousseau, 'Mrs. Ann Splaine ST. THERESA $100 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Lemieux $20 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Carrier $15 Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid HoMe $10 Mr. & Mrs. Mederic Vigeant, Mr.. " Mrs. Vito Morra, Herve Allam, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hogan Mrs. Lucille Bourgeois
THE ANCHORThurs., May 21, 1964
nest Meads Mr. & Mrs. Manuer Meno, In Memory of Mary Mendonca, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Miranda, Mrs. Othylia Mosettig, Lillian M. Oli vier, Maria Pais Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Illdebrando A. Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Perry & Daugh_ ter, Mr. & Mrs. George V. Pi-· mental, Mr. & Mrs. Albino San tos Mr. & Mrs. Frank Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Silv , Mr. & Mrs. Manuel A. Silva, Paul Silveira, Alice D. Silvia Mr. & Mrs. Frank Souza, Marie Souza, Mr. & Mrs. An thony Sylvia Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Ar thur M. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. William Sylvia Anna Vieira, Flora Vieira, Mr. Mrs. Charles Xavier
New Bedford
TO STONEHILL: ·Cecilia Medeiros, senior at Domini can Academy, Fall River, and the daughter of Mrs. Maria Medeiros, Our Lady of Angels parish, has received a partial scholarship to Stonehill College, where she plans to major in mathemat ics. A four year hopor stu dent, she has been active in orchestra, sports and de bating. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST $100 Aubertine Funeral Home S1. Vincent de Paul $50 St. John Couples Club Dr. & Mrs. Manuel F. Sousa $30 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rodriguew $25 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Goulart Dr. & Mrs. Norbert V. Perry $2. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cock shuU, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fer reira, The Flores Family, Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hall, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Perry $15 Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Cruz, St. John Ladies Guild, Frank San tos, In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. M. L. Sylvia $10 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Almeida, Alva Alves, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald F. Amaral, Laurinda Andrade & Mrs. Al bertina Camara In Memory of Mary C. Arru da, Mr. & Mrs. John Augustine Sr., Mrr. & Mrs. John Augustine Jr., Joseph, Avila, Helena Bar tholo Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Bruce, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Cabana, Mrs. Alvara Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Man uel Cabral, Miss Bemvinda Cal das Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Caldas, Mr. & Mrs. V. Manuel Ca mara, Ma.rjorie Cockshutt, Mrs. Mary Correia, Mr. &. Mrs. Au gusto Costa . Mr. & Mrs. Douglu Cree,· Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Deschenes, Lucy E. Dias, Mr. & Mrs; Dic;mel. Duarte, MIi'.· & Mrs. Harry Dun ham Mr. II; Mrs. Bernard Dutra, Mr. II; Mrs. Walter Espinola, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Evangelho, Alice Fagan, Ma~ Fagan Cesar Fernandes, Mrs. Alice Ferreira, Lawrence Ferreira, Mrs. Maria J. Ferreira & Daugh_ ters, Mr. & Mrs. George Fish Mr. & Mrs. Michael Foley, Mr. II; Mrs. Stanley Franczyk, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Gon salves, Mr. & Mrs. John Gon salves Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gracia, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gracie, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Lepire, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Machado, Mrs. Fran cisco Maduro Mr. & Mrs. John Maduro Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Marks, Ev elyn Marshall, Mr. & Mrs. Er
Mrs. Wilfrid Constant, Mr & Mrs Claire Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. J. Herve Arsenault Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Leblanc, Mrs. Ernestine Bourassa, Mr. & Mrs. George Mandeville, Mr. & Mrs. Donat Bourassa Mr. & Mrs. Edward Melanson, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Despres, Mr & Mrs. Richard Renoir, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Methot, Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Lemenager Mr. & Mrs. Robert L'Heureux, Mr. & Mrs. Ligouri Girard, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cormier $10 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lawrence, Irene Adam, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Salvail, Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Lareau, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pou liot Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Briggs, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Fredette, Mrs. Simonne Rousseau, Dr. & Mrs. Clarence Leblanc Mr. & Mrs. R'ne Dupont, Mrs·· Aurelie Fredette
ST. JOSEPH $1,000 Rev. Louis E. Prevost CHAIRMAN:·P h i lip L. $150 Hemingway, K.S.G., of New Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Seguin Bedford, has been elected Dames de Ste. Anne chairman of the 21-member $100 Advisory Board of Stonehill Enfants de Marie College, and will serve as $75 ST. CASIMIR Rev. Roland Bousquet head for one year. $150 $50 Rev. Casimir Kwiatkowsk\ Ligue du Saere Coeur $25 phonse Dube $25 Pocza,tek Family Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Leblane, Mr. & Mrs. Laurier Marcoux $20 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Dionne, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Omer Grenon & Mrs. Aurele Girouard, Mr. & . Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nowak, $20 Mrs. Ronald Lamarre, Mr. & Mrs . Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Schick Adrienne Pelletier & Philippe Emeric Chenel $10
Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mr. & Mrs. Warren R. Bessette,
Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Calnen . Mr. & Mrs. John Liarikos, Mr. & P. Adamowski, Mr. & Mrs. Stan Mr. & Mrs. Henri Leblanc Mrs. Ernest Cusson, Mr. & Mrs. ley Adamowski, Mr. & Mrs. Lio $15 nel Charbonneau, Wanda C. Annette Collard & William Marc Demanche, Mr. & Mrs. Ed ward England, Mr.·& Mrs Firmin. Dabrowski Collard Thibault Mr. & Mrs. Rene Fortin, Mr.
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Robillard Mr. & Mrs. Armand Caron, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Golda, Mr. &
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Fortin & Mrs. Victor Racine, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Fryderyk Gorczycza, Mr. &
Mr. & Mrs. Alfre r ' Lemaire Leonard Olivier Mr & Mrs Henry Mrs. Teddy M. Kalisz, Lucy M.
$12 J. Veronneau . Page Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Girard Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Plaud, Mr.. . $11 Theodore Pease, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Berube & Mrs. Eugene McLean, Mr. & John Polar, Mr. & Mrs. Thad . $10 Mrs. Leo.Allain, Mr. & Mrs. Clo deus Polchlopek, Sophia at Mrs. Louise Fortin, Mr. & Mrs. vic Cyr, Mrs. Edna Smith Charles Wesoly, Albin Wojtkun EdouaJ,"~ Bertrand, Mr. & Mrs. A Blais Family, Alma PIche ski, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Zyskow Ronald Langis, Mr. & Mrs. Mau Mr. & Mrs. Emile Hebert, Mr. & ski rice Lamontagne, Mrs. Beatrice Lafleur Mr. & Mrs. Normand Chan donet, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel. Niquet, Mr. & Mrs. Pierre ·AI lain, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Paradis Fidele Daigle . ., Mr. & Mrs. George Belle feuille, Mr. & Mrs. George Pratte, Mr. & Mrs. Abel Hebert Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Beaulieu, Mr: & Mrs. Aurele Bourgeois Napoleon Lec!air, Claire Pro vencher, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Gendron, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Paiva, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Du f<Jur Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Desaul niers, Mr. & Mrs. George Fre dette, In memory of J. Alfred Fredette, Leopold Goyette, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Deshaies Mr. & Mrs. Eloi Caron, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Gagnier, Mr. & Mrs.. Leo Fredette, ·Mrs. Anna Bour geois, Leo. Pelletier Mr. & Mrs. Armand Lafond, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Fredette Mr & Mrs. Maurice Fortin, Mr.'; Mrs. Romeo Comeau, Mr. & Mrs. . George Soucy. . Mr. & Mrs. Normand Breault, Jeanne Audette, Mr. & Mrs. Franci.s . Roberge, Mr. &. Mill. Robert Letendre, Mr. & Mrs. Omer Payette -. Mr. & Mrs.. Adelard Dube, Mr.· . & Mrs. Richard Trahan, Mr. II; Mrs. Theodore Benjamin, Mr. at Mrs. Jean Dion, Mrs. Emma Har rell . . . . Mr. & Mrs. Rodolphe Cote, Mr. AUTO LOANS - HOME IMPROVEMENT & Mrs. Ronald Letendre, Mr. & Mrs. William Farrell, Mrs. Rose LOANS - PERSONAL LOANS Pepin, Mr. & Mrs. Gelose Breault Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Powell CENTER BANK-Purchase and William Sts.
Sr., Normand Maheu & Aldora NORTH BANK-Acushnet Ave at CoHin Ave.
Mr. & Mrs. Attilio Raffa, Mr. & Mrs. Wilbr09- Brizard, Mr. & Mrs SOUTH BANK-Cove St. at Rodney French Boulevard
Ohester Filochowski LUND'S CORNER BANK-Acushnet Ave. near Lund's Corner
Mrs. Eva Serv,ais, Mr. & Mrs. WEST BANK-Kempton Street at Mill Strep.t
Philippe Mathieu, Pauline Math ieu, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Macie DARTMOUTH BANK-Dartmouth Street near Rockdale Ave.
jewski, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Guil DRIVE-IN SERVICE AT ALL BANKS lotte Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Lapointe, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Lavoie, Al-
ClYaiionae BANK
Conveniently. Located .Neighborhood Banks in New Bedford
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall ~~iver-Thurs. May 21, 19M
•••• •••••••••••••••••••• ••
•At hue IotIag at lor gell:raHont••• ST. KILIAN, NEW BEDFORD Annual banquet""llf the Wom en's Guild, at which officers win be installed is set for Wednes day, June 3 at Tamarack Restau rant, Lakeville. Guests are wel eome and reservations may be made with Mrs. Gloria Paquin. ST. MICHAEL, OCEAN GROVE The CathJlic Women's Club announces its monthly meeting for 8 Wednesday night, May 27 In the church hall. l.\-irs. Charles Viens will conduct thp. business session and Mrs. John Cavan augh will be chairman of the social hour. Edmond M. Ma chado, English teacher at Durfee High School, Fall River, will. show color slides of a European trip. Boy Scout Troop 40, sponsored by the Holy Name Society, WOf!. a first aid contest sponsored by Wampanoag district at Camp Noquochoke. ST. ELIZABETH, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will serve a meat pie supper at 6:30 Satur_ day night, May 23 in the ch~rt:h hall. Dancing will follow. A supper meeting is planned for Sunday, June 7. Members will leave at 6:30 from the hae for the meal at Wharf Tavern, Warren.' Observance of the patrona::' feast of the parish is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, June 20 and 21. VISITATION GmLD, EASTHAM The guild announces an auc tion for 10 Monday morning, July 13 at the ('hurch. Donations should be made by Sunday, May 31. ST. THERESA, NEW BEDFORD The Couples Club announces a hidden treasure auction for 7:30 Saturday night, June 6 in the lIChool hall. The event will be epen to the public, announce Mr. and Mrs. Jorge M. Correira, ehairmen. SACRED HEART, OAK BLUFFS A May procession is slated for Sunday, May 24 at Star of the Sea Church. The Women's Guild will hold Its last meeting of the season Monday, 'June 8. OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, SEEKONK Following a 5 o'clock Bene diction service Sunday evening, May 24, Rev. John J. Murphy will install Women's Guild of ficers. Dinner at the Grist Mill in Seekonk will follow. To be seated are Mrs. Robert Rill, president; Mrs. Preston Shultz, vice-president; Mrs. Frank Mello, secretary;. Mrs. Anthony Khoury, treasurer. Sudge Beatrice Hancock Mul laney will be dinner speaker. The unit has made initial plans for a bazaar neJQt Decem ber. ST. JOHN EVANGELIST. ATl'LEBORO The Women's Guild anounces a fashion show for 8 Sunday night, May 24 in the school haH. Proceeds will benefit the unit's scholarship program and admis sion will include a chance on door prizes. Commentator will be Mrs. Athena Parker, house wife, mother, model, charm school director, and hostess for a television show. ST. STANISLAUS. FALL RIVER The CYO will stage a play, "'Meet Me in St. Louis," at the Polish National Home at 8 on two successive Sunday nights, May 31 and June 7. Director wi.ll be Mrs. Gertrude Miller.
SS. PETER & PAUL, FALl, RIVER Bluebirds and Campfire Girls will have a communion break fast b the parish school follow ing 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, June 7. Chairmen ar~ Mrs. Robert Guerrettaz, Mrs. Franc'is Dunlea and Mrs. Francis Charette. Bo~' Scouts and Cubs will ben efit from a Spring variety show to be held in the upper church hall at 2 Sunday afternoon, May 24. lV~rs. John Ozug, chairman, will be aided by troop and pack committees of the Scouting unit;;. Rev, John H. Hackett, vice chancellor, will speak at the 36th graduation ceremony of the par ochial school at 7:30 Wednesday night, June 17. Parochial school students wi'] present a brief program Friday afternoon, May 29 at which ,tim~ a memorial plaque to President Kennedy' will be unveiled and flowe:'s in memory of America'~ patriots will be placed at the school flagpole. The final Cub pack meeting for the season will be held Fri day night, May 22 and will fea ture graduation of five Cubs into Boy Scouting. Annual graduation whist par ties to benefit the graduatin,g class will be held Wednesdav May 2,7 and Wednesday, June i'l under the chairmanship of Mr~:. Stanley Janick and Mrs. Francis C. Taylor. In charge of the grad uates' outing to Rocky Point ar,~ Mrs. francis Steele and Mrs. Roger Dube. SACRED HEART, NORTH ATrLEBORO To be installed next month arl~ Holy Name officers, includin!~ Edward Surprenant, honorar)r president; Leo J. Meunier, president; Joseph G. N. Bonneau, vice-president; Norman F. Des·· chenes, secretary; Robert Vandal, treasurer. An officers' meeting of all parish organizations has inau·. gur'ated the plans for the Christ·. mas Sale £0 be held November. The theme of the sale was dis·. cussed and a request was sent out to each family asking foJ~ the d(mation of one book OlE trading stamps towards the sue·· cess of the sale. ' The next meeting will be held at 9 o'clock, Monday evening, June 29. ST. JOAN OF ARC, ORLEANS The Women's guild will spon•. lJOr a ham and bean supper from: 6 to 8 Saturday night, May 2~: at the school hall. Tickets aN! available from all members. ST. PATRICK. FALL RIVER Pocasset Country Club will be! the scene of the installatioft e1: Women's Guild officers at 7:3(l1 Monday night, June 8. Reser·, \/'ations will close Wednesday" June 3. ST. JOSEPH, NO. DIGHTON Mr. Paul A. Lamarine, a, senior Political Science major from :Providence College, will speak on "The Value of a Catho•. lic Education" to the Holy Name' Society at its annual Communion Breakfast. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, FALL RIVER The Holy Name Society will. meet Monday night at 8 o'clock in the. parish hall. Post:naster Edward Berube, will speak on "Personal Experi ences with the late President: Kennedy."
.......... ....
•• ••
Fryers & Broilers - 21/1 to 3lfa LB AVI - Ready to Cook
Felician Sister's Sillver Jubilee Sister Mary Martha, C,S.S.F., of st. Stanislat,ls School, Fall River, will be honored Sunday by the parishioners at the 11 o'clock Mass on the occasion of completing 25 years as a Feli cian Sister. A dinner for religious from Fall River, Providence, West Warwick and Easthanpton will be ~:erved following the Mass. A r,~creational program and a buffet supper will complete the day':; activities. All parish organizations are parti.cipating in the celebration.
cut-~ 33cWHO~ 29c
Choice Heavy
Western Steer Beef, Extra Tender,
Juicy and Full of Flavor
Sweet Corn Lettuce 2
ICEBERG - Salad Favorite
ST. lWARY, NEW BEDFORD The Women's Guild will oold a my stery ride and dance satur day night, June 6. The annual banquet and installation are an nounced for Monday night, June 8 at White's restaurant.
ALASKA KING - Sandwich Favorite
Blind Guild The New Bedford Cath()lic Guild for the Blind will 0011 duct their regular monthly meeting at the K of C HaU f» Ilight. at 8 o'clock.
Golden Yellow - Plump, Tasty Kernel.
NOTRE DAME, FAI.L RIVER Th e Holy Name Society and alumni of Msgr. Prevost High Schcol, also in the parish, wiD hold a joint family communion breakfast following 8:15 Mass Sunday morning, June 7. The breakfast, to be held at White's restaurant, will feature Mayor Roland Desmarais of Fall River as principal speaker and scholar ship!: will be awarded to ~1Jh grad~ graduates of Msgr. Prevost Granmar School. The Council Women will meet at 7 30 Monday night, May 25, at 1Jhe grotto in Jesus-Mary Aca demy convent yard for recitation of the rosary. An open meeting to which prospective members are invited will follow in 1Jhe school auditorium. Council of ficer; will be in charge of 1Jhe program, which will feature musical offerings.
HOLY REDEEMER, CHATHAM 'Ilhe Association of 1Jhe Sacred Hearts will hold its annual banquet at Armand's restaurant, Hyar.nis, Thursday evening, May 28. at 7 o'clock. Dorothy Harned, chairlady, , has announced that guests and members should make their reservations by tonight. Rev. William McClenahan wiU be the guest speaker.
LI29c DOlfN
69 29c
Breakfast Orange, Orange·Pineapple
Bessey Juice Drinks 4. Bgfl 99c Pale Dry or Golden - Also Sparkling Water
Ginger Ale
(Contents Only)
2 p:ci?r 29c 1
BROOKSIDE - An Flavor.
Ice Crea. TUNA - Solid White Chicken OF THE Sea
70z CANI
7'11 en
Crabmeat FINAST - Always Fresh Tastin, Mayonnaise Snack Favorite for AU the Family 0& C Potalo Sticks
4 Finast Ketchup 6
1\1i 011
Delicate Blend of Ripe Tomata.. & Spices
LEMON JUICE - Refreshing Flavor LPT 80z
Realemon Fruit Flavored - All Flavor. Za-Rex Syrups
10I I
"me Lew SeIf·ServIce Prl_1ll AI stotel III ThI. V1clllilY. • rN.It__ .... lUllht .. UIlII~
THE ANCHORThurs., May 21, 1964
New Bedford BOLY NAME
A Friend
Rt. Rev. John J. Hayes
St. Vincent de Paul Society of Holy Name Church
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Antone Correia Mr. & Mrs. Charles Frates Mr. & Mrs. Virgino Macedo
$100 Dr. Frank Leary $35 William F. Houlihan & Famny
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Almeida $12 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Estrella, Laura Oliveira $15 .James Oliveira
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. McLaugh lin $25 Dr. & Mrs. Walter J. O'Neill James W. Wilson Jr. In memory of Thomas & Ann E. Dury Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Beaure gard Mr. & Mrs. Mi('l}ael Wilson $20 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Mar key, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Rapoza Mr. & Mrs. William E. Pender grast Mr. & Mrs. Michael Griffiths Mr. & Mrs. Norris Walecka $15 Mr. & Mrs. M. Francis Con
sidine, W. Demsky, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Martinez Mr. & Mrs. J. Francis Crowley
Richard P. & Helen Regan
$10 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Aguiar, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Almeida, Maria S. Amaral, Mary Andrade, Ade lino R. Antonio Mr. & Mrs. Antone Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Baroa, Wil liam R. Beatriz, Mr. & Mrs. James Borges, Louis L. Cabral Mr. & Mrs. Honorato Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Braz & Da cia, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Encarnacao, Maria Fatima Mr. & Manuel Ferreira, Mr. &
Mrs. John Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Arnaldo Macedo, Mr. & Mrs. Anibal Medeiros, Helen Medei
¥r. & Mrs. George Mendonca, Mary R. Mendonca, Mary Rapo
za, Dale Rapoza, Leonard Rose Mr. & Mrs. Charles Silva Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Silvia, Irene Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel
Souza Jr., Alvaro Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. Robert Verm"tte, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Vieira ST. MARY $25
Dr. & Mrs. Wilfred Rousseau $15 Beneficial Finance Co. (North End) $10
Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Such,
Alphege Landreville, Mr. 8 Mrs Adolph Jardin, Mr. & Mrs. Wil liam Corrado
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Avellar,
Mary Connell, William Connell, Rose Coughlin, Mrs. Hazel Cramer Mr. & Mrs. Albert DeMello,
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Dufficy, Edward Edwards, Mr. & Mrs. Phillipe Fleury, Mrs. Evelyn :Inman Mr. & Mrs. John Kogut, Mar
.caret T. C. Hurphy, Mr. ~ Mrs. William Reilly, Grace & Teresa ON ANNUAL VISIT: Pope Paul VI visits the Vatican warehouse to inspect the Sheehan, Mr. & Mrs. Francis clothing for the poor sent him each year by the National Council of Catholic Women in Cullivan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sweeney, the U.S. The new clothes, including First Communion dresses, are distributed to needy :'\tr. & Mrs. James Welch, Mrs. countries. Last year, half of the clothing valued at $200,000 was distributed in parishes William Atchison, Mr. & Mrs. in Africa. NC Photo. :'"!'Ving Briden, Mr. & Mrs. Ray mond Bryant IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 1~;~,@;'i:'"":;:m=m"'ri~l.,.,."..,.,.'1>~'~W;~ .....,. .l"u~!':\O.•m!l<!..1'1!.~.m,~=" ..X..•b,':,·.,.·.•.·. ,!I'I....;.'!!'.....~.Mw@t~m_,;,.,%·.,S., ...$.~",.,.,,,,,.··.·.·····r· Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bures, Mr. & Mrs. George Carignan, Wil $20 liam R. Chaput, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Costa, Maria Carvalho Leonard Chmel, Mrs. Helen K. $15 Cole Manuel Ferreira Mr. & Mrs. John Comeau, $10 ill John Considine, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Amaral, Dr. Manuel G. Mrs. Frank Correia, Alice Dor Camacho, Mary Charves, Cor gan, Anna Dorgan reia Sisters, Josepli M. Costa Alfred Dias, Fernando Fer Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Dupont, Mr. & Mrs. John .T. Flanagan, nandes, Antone Gonsalves, Rui Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Finnerty, Lopes Mr. & Mrs. George Francis, Mr. ST. BONIFACE & Mrs. Albert Frates $25
Mr. & Mrs. William Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Core
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Hurd, Mrs. $16 Roseanna Laplante, Ellen Mar John Freitas key, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mori $12 arty Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Holm Mr. & Mrs. Nicola Morra, Mr. strom & Mrs. Gerald Morrissey, Mr. & $10 Mrs. Joseph Mullarkey, Mary Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Freitas, Mr. O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pa & Mrs. Emil Seaberg, Mr. & Mrs.
tota James Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Her
Mrs. Clyde Powers, Mr. & man Simon, Edward Daley Mrs. William Rebone, Mr. & Carl Stuebgen, Mr & Mrs. ~ ~ Mrs. James Reed, Mrs. Louise Arthur Folco, Mr. & Mrs. Riley, Mrs. F. Elinor Severson Charles Desjardins Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sevigney, Fred Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis ST. ANNE ~j~ Sperduti, Mary C. Sullivan, Mrs. $200 Joseph Taffe' Rev. Armand J. Levasseur Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Tavares, $100 Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Teser, Mr. & St. Vincent de Paul Society of Mrs. Charles A. Westgate St. Anne's Conference
Mr. & Mrs. John Barlow. Mrs. $75
~~ Rosalina Ball, Mr. & Mrs.' Ray Rev. Roger J. Levesque mond Boswell, Mr & Mrs Edward $50 Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Cho Rev. Arthur C. Levesque ~: .~ ~,. quette Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Desrosiers $25 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Clynes, Mr. Maurice Levesque & Mrs. Patrick Conlan, Mr. & Sodalities of St. Anne's Parish Mrs. Charles Couza, Mr. & Mrs. $20 Raymond Hamel, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Theodore Lariviere, Mrs. ward Leahy Mr. & Mrs. William McIlmail, Louis \. Perras $10 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Meredith, Mr Mr. & Mrs. Armand Dessaint, & Mrs. Raymond Nerbonne, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. WilliaM Duclos, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Openshaw, Mr. & & Mrs. Alfred Far~and, Mrs. Ar Mrs. Leo J. Schick ., tached to each Hood Soured Cream pint. Mix mine ~ournier, Mr. & Mrs. Al Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ste. Marie fred Mail' ot ~:: 'em up, spoon over lmit, vegetable or seafood OF DRESSING )•. Mr. & Mrs. George Thomas Mrs. & Mrs. Alyre Meunier I"! salads ••• and you'll have salads that really swing! . MIX IS Mr. & Mrs. Walter Bruce, Mr &. daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur tl FREE ~ & Mrs. Tobey Gaspar, Mr. & Powell, St. Anne'Sodality, Mr. ~;~;:; ;*':.;. ;: : ;:;:~ .;:~*: :;: : : : : : : : : : : :; :~X::.::*:::::::::;:x.*,m:;~*~·~·:·:.:;;~·:~~~:::::::;·~·W~~:::~;:~:;:;;;;~;~~:~~~;:.:;:;:;:;:;::::~:~~;:~"S:::~~;.::~:.:;:;i::.:;~;::::$::';;i~·;;,~m;':;i ...;:i;-;;.:;:.:;{~~::;:;;;:;:i::;:i:~ Mrs. John Miller & Family & Mrs. John Vassella
~r;;.. ~
'0.' .,'
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 21,1964
Vatican Commission Undelrta~~es Work Of Revising Whole Mass Structure Continued from Page One This development, one of the most striking reforms permitted by the Second Vatican Council, is confined initially to the change of language from the existing Latin texts and prayers. The thorough revision of the Mass structure, etc., which was decreed by the ecumenical coun cil, is the task of the commission set up by Pope Paul in January. L'Osservatore Romano, in re porting the April meeting of this commission, indicated that it is already preparing an in struction with pre 1 i min a l' y changes, a rite for the concele bration of Mass, Communion un der both kinds, etc.
responses attached to these parts of Mass,
AJ)prove Ritual For Sacraments
For the sacraments, the most important development is that Baptism, Confirmation, Com munion, Penance, Anointing, and Matrimo:lY may be celebrated with all· texts and prayers in English. To take one example, the rite of confession will have much deeper meaning for the penitent who hears the priest recite tte formula and prayer of absolution. Because some of these services were already available in En glish translations previously ex amined by the Bishops, it was More Participaton possible ·~o approve the publica By Faithful tion of a new officioal ritual, to The immedia,te purpose of the be called the Collectio Rituum. This will contain a large selec American Bishops' decision is to increase the understanding, fuith tion of sacl'amental rites; for
and participation of the people. those omitted :£rom this volume This is solemnly expressed in for reasons of space, an older the. preamble to the decree: "In translation of the Roman ritual order that all the faithful of by Father Philip Weller may be used offidally. Christ may be led to a full, con scious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations and Ordinaries Permit may more certainly derive an English Office abundance of graces from the The. American Bishops also liturgy * * * in order to increase the faith and the devotion of the gave their approval to two edi Christian clergy and peo- tions of the breviary of the divine Office, one already pub pie'" '" *" . Following the doc t l' 1 n a 1 lished by the Liturgical Press of teaching of the council itself, the Collegeville, Minn., the other to Bishops explain the working of be published soon by Benziger Brothers of New York. the liturgy: "Through signs per The body of Bishops decreed ceived by the senses, including words, the sanctification of man that the English Office may be used by t:1e laity and by many is signified and, in a manner proper to the individual rites, lay Religious. According to the terms of t;1e Constitution on the effected." Liturgy, the permission to use Words are signs - their out ward expression stands for and the English Office is to be given means an inner holiness, prayer by individual bishops or Ordi fulness' and faith. This is the naries - and this may be done at once, now that the translations sense of common responses, con are approved. gregational singing and recita This corr.pley picture will soon tion - all kinds of vocal partici pation. The Bishops recognize be clear enough in practice, at least when the official missals this when they quote the coun cil's Constitution on the Liturgy and rituals are published, pre sumably b~fore the er.d of this directly: "The visible signs used by the year. To avoid confusion with regard to popular missals, how...; liturgy to signify invisible di 'Vine things have been chosen by ever, one point has been made Christ or the Church. Thus not very clear. 'l\he newly translated only when things are read 'which Scripture texts will be incorpor were written for our instruction' ate in altar missals only; they (Rom. 15:4), but also when the will not bl! released for publi Church pl'ays or sings or acts, cation in small missals for the the faith of those taking part people. is nourished and their minds are raised to God, so that they Expect Revision may offer Him their rational ser In 3 - 10 Years· vice and more abundantly re t1eive His grace" (art. 33). TtJ,ere art! sever>al reasons f<Yr this decision. It is practical, avoiding any unnecessary obso Specify Parts lescence of popuiar missals now In English available. It. also emphasizes the In the concrete, what parts of provisional nature of the newly " l'Iass will be ·in English? First, approved texts. In the next few years the offi_ the· biblical readings, the Epistle cial missal, ritual, breviary, etc., and Gospel - in a fresh tl'ansla tion prepared by scholars of the will all be revised (by the com mission set up by Pope Paul). Catholic Biblical Association. Next, where it is in use, the At that time - estimated to·be "common pl'ayer" or "prayer of anywhere from three to ten the faithful" after the Gospel years - the whole question· of and homily; this Will take a approved ]i}nglish translations definitive form in the Mass only will be taken up again by the body of bishops. Only then will after the Roman reform com mission has worked out details. the present popular missals be Finally, and this is the broad come obsolete in the Scriptural est concession, all the parts of texts, etc. This decision is also intended Mass which should be said or sung by the people: (a) ordinary to teach an important less()n. parts, like the Kyrie, Gloria, When the rE!'ading of the Epistle Creed in an officially ap and Gospel is in English, it is proved translation to be issued a public proclamation of God's by the American Bishops' Com Word to be heard and listened to mission on the Liturgical Apos by the people, not read by them tolate; (b) proper parts, like the out of a book. Introit, Gradual, etc. - in a ver_ There is thus no reason for the sion based on the Confraternity congregation to have the precise of Christian Doctrine translation translatio'n which is publicly of the Psalms; (c) the simple read; it is even undesirable that
people should read the missal· when they are supposed to be attentive, receptive, and re sponsi-re to God's spoken Word. So it will not matter whether the popular missals have the Douay - Rheims, Confraternity, Knox, or Jones translations.
Direct Decision (In Sung Mass Another question is crea,ted by the sung Mass or high Mass and. for that matter, any service that is sung in English instead of Latin. The council's decision was a simI: Ie and direct one. The vernacular languages are al lowed in the sung services to the same extent as in the recited service!:. The same point is made in the decree of the American Bishops equally applicable to sung and recited services. One qualification has been made b~' the Roman Commission: the mw;ical settings of the En
glish (or other vernacular) texts
must have the approval of the
Confere!lce of Bishops.
What will be needed in the near future? (a) Simple melodlies for the ordinary chants (Glocia, Creed, etc.); (b) musical settings for the psalms in English, ac ,cording to the Confraternity translation adopted by the :Bishops - since the antiphons and venes sung at Mass are, for the most part, from the Book of Psalms.
tIIAVY WI'tlllC sTlIR ••• La
Corn posers Begin TCII Experiment F.ortunately, a fair number of s,ettings for the ordinary or com mon chants in English already Btre available or may be adapted without 100 much difficulty. This is true 01 the plainchant or other r.1elodies long used by Episco p,alians, Lutherans and Presby t,erians ::or the English Mass chants. Beside!: this, a few American composers, such as C. Alexander Peloquin, Dennis Fitzpatrick, J. Gerald Phillips, and Father Clarence Rivers have had the foresight to begin experimental work along these lines. There is a significance to the v,ernacular development which g.)es beycnd its liturgical impor tlmce. During the second session oj: the cotlncil, about four-fifths oj' the bishops formally sup ported the doctrine of the "col le,giality" of the episcopacy. This understanding of the bishops' role in the Church recognizes them as having a corporate and ce,llective responsibility fur the Church u:1iversal. One pI'l:lctical consequence is that the bishops of different countries or· regions were de:, cl;u'ed to. have legisLative autho rit;y in the. regulation of the Churoh's· liturgy. For the first time since 1he Third Council of Baltimore in 18B4,.· the. American Bishops on 18l!;t April 2 exercised a power, to make binding decrees, which in turn were confirmed by the He,ly See. At the council, Albert cardinal Meyer of Chicago had stated, on behalf of :~20 American Bishops, thHt the body of bishops should be able to exercise such auiliho rity in I~ases listed in 1lb.e Church's general laws or by the Pope. . ~rhe decrees on the vernacular ar{! the f:irst instance of this renewal in the Churoh. It is ap propriate 1,hat they should deal wi1jh a pastoral concern, the gr{later fait;h and devotion of the people, to be fostered by the use of th2 mother tongue m public worship.
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THE ANCf-lORThurs., M· 21, 1964
Vernacular Use ·in Mass Aims at Participation Continued from Page One May 1. The commission docu ment was sent to Francis Cardi nal Spellman. It covers both sung and recited Masses and other liturgical s('rvices.
Decree English Facing People Thr Amf'rican Bishops have therrfcre deneed that the !'1e]"jptur!'s (L!'ssons. Epistle, Go-;ppl) shall be proclaimed to 111f' I:pople Wh!l.!, facin~ t.hrm. 'J''Jis is not a /!:I'ne r al rl'.rmis ..ion for '\:r:>ss fa!'inl'" fill" p!"oplf' however. H in a part:('Ular ('hurch the altar faces thl" wall m- reredos. the cl'll"brant "ill hay" to turn and fa~(' thr pf'O plf' for readin/::s. H. on till' othf'r hand. thf' prif'!'t already ('etl"brates facin~ the people havin/:: obtained authorization to do S&-there is no problem whatl','er. HE" will simply con tinuf' the readin/::-in En/::lish slnrf' hI' is alrl'ady fadn/:: thf'm.
English is also to be used in the parts· of the Ordinary of the Mas::... which pertain to the peo
ple, such as the Kyrie. Gloria,
Creed, Sanctus, Lord's Prayer togf't..ber with its introdudion
and the Agnus Dei. The Eece Agnus Dei and the· triple Do mine. non sum dignus before the Communion of the faithful are also to be in English. The same is true of the "common prayer" - Ilhe invocations of the faithful w·hii.'h the Liturgy Constitution provides for after the GQspel and serl11Qn. The parts of the Proper of'the Mass to be in English ·in addition to the lessons are the Introit, Gradual (and its sub9titutes), Offertory and Communion an them. The various salutaoflions and dialogue formul,as - such as· "The Lord be with you. And with your spirit." - are a180 110 he- in Enf.':lish. The initial prayers at the foot of the altar remain in Latin, 8S does the Collect. Except for the Sanctus-Benedictus, all fff the Canon of the Mass remains ill Latin, including the Preface.
Use of English For Sacraments
$15 Mr. & :\'[rs. Charles Hodkin son, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kelq. WilHam & Mary ::. Daley $12 Mr. & Mrs. William Lambellt Sr.
uniform texts for the use of English, and these texts t'JO have been confirmed by the Holy See's new liturgical commis~ion. The dates for the English use to go into effect are contingent on the time needed by puilJishing
firms to prepare standard eru
110m of altar missals and rituals.
The Roman commission in ap prm:inJ; the American BIshops'
decrees stated -that the use of
the mother tongue is permitte<!
for both recited and sung litur gieRI services. It stipulated that in line with the Liturf.'y COI1 s'.itut;on (Art. 22, 2) the melo dies of liturgical texts which may be sung in English must be approved by the American Bishops. The introduction of Enrlh..h does not mean that Latin is to be forgotten in the Chur<.>h .in the United States. The Bishops in their initial decree conceding the extensive use of English stated that "nevertheless steps should be taken so that the faithful.may also be able to say or· to sing in Latin those parts of the Ordinary of the Mass which pertain to them.".
$10 Ida Bagnall, Mr. & ~'frs. He land Boivin, Edward Bowden, Mr. & :\lrs. Thomas Callahan, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Doucette Mr. & :\Irs. Shaun Fitzpatrick., ::\Iac H:ggins, 1\:r. & ~Irs. Wil liam Hyland, Mr. & Mrs. Jou King, John P. King Mr. & ~Irs. Frank Machado, c;wrles Mahoney, :,Iarion Ma tor;ey, W'illiam l\Ia~m Sr., ~ & Mrs. James McKane Mr. &:. 1111'S. Stephen Moore, Helen &:. James Parker, Mr. & ::\11'5. Runald Raymond, I.'l:rs. Daniel Sheahan, Mr. & :Mrs. Florian Trudelle ::.\1rs. Catherine Meaney, Mr. &; Mrs. Carl Mithers, I>Ir. & Mn. James McMahon Mrs. .I ohn Stachura, Mary Daly, l\1rs. Margaret Daley John Daly, ~Ir. & Mrs. Antonio Car reiro Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Boulay, Mr. & Mrs.· Norman Corneau, Mr. II Mrs, Arthur Mulcahy, Mr. &: !\Irs. Daniel Carey, Mr. & Mrs.. John Meagher Irene Castonguay, M1'l'l. Leo Gibbons, Mr. & v·s. fIIeorge Rocha, Mr. & Mrs. William Ter ceira, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Brooklt· Mary Bell, Everett Bray.' M;ary Cunningham, George H.' Gillett, l\Irs. Mae Pimental, lb. ' & Mrs. John Wilding
Bishops Will Set
Introduction Date While mIssals for altar use are to be rushed for publication, hand missals for use of the peo ple in general are not ·to be issued with the new English texts. This is because the changes are of a transitiO'Ilal nature. .The Holy See·s· new liturgical commission is charged with the extensive revision &l Mass texts and rites, and when its· reformed liturgical books !Ire issued - probably. within a de cade - new English translations will be required. And in the meantime, bishops from nine English-speaking nations are &t work preparing for a common text for use throughout the En glish-speaking world.
Replace Archaic Pronouns, Verbs In the meantime, however, the English texts adopted by the American Bishops for the Ordi nary of the Mass are to be made available to· the people on cards, leaflets and missal inserts. The new tmnslations are un derstood to adhere to Ilhe modern English patterns set by 1lhe ConfrIaternity. of ChrislJi,an Doctrine - version .of . 1he:. Old Testament and by the 1961 American ritual book. These in general eliminate the archaic se<iOndper9OOl singu laa:: pronoun.~ v~r~ :f6pmll, re ~~~ ~U :~.~. with
The use of Englilfh is provided for in all of rites for the admini9tration of the sacraments, except Holy Orders. The same holds' true for sacramentals. The ritual f-or the Qdministntion of' the saeraments and vari': ous blessings in English it; expected to be ready by ea~ly Fall. But t!he altar missals, being more . comple1C, might not be ready until .perhaps November. The English te~ts are to be made public after the Bishops deeide The ~~ :p~vi~· tbRt 1Ile on t!he exa<:t time of 'their jn..." Scrip~ -Tea-cUngs of the Mass traduction. .. :' ~ taken fr~1he version trans lated ft'orn 1he original languages by members of the Catholic -Biblical .Associ1ltion of Amedee and ·spoIIJloired by the Episcopal Committee of the Confraternity ~'he new deereea also provide <Xf Ohristian Doctrine. These in that wherever the local bishop elude texts, which have not yet decides that "the true and cer pqb.l.ished. as well a~ older tain necessity of the Ohureh re ones in the s1Iandard Con:£ra.ter quires it," vernacular languages nity Bible texts. other than English may be per The laitY: as well·as individual mited for the litwrgy. priests and Religious who -obtain Thus Spanish-speoaking com_ permission to recite flbe Divine munities, for instance, could Office.. ~ . English, can choose have the liturgy. in their O'\Wl' tongue in the Uni,ted Staites. This :from. two exlisting trnnslations.of provision stipulates tbat the the Office. One is "The HOm. of .
parts of the Mass which remain 1:be Divine Office In English 8Dd
in Latin in the "English" Mass Latin,. published by 1be LttuT 00 90 in other languages as welL The texts to be used are 1I1cl8e Peel Pre.. COnegevme, M:iDn., approved by a nationel bi8bopI' aocl tbe oCber 1be "'Rom8Il eonference of ltIe 98me ~ . Btoe.i8rT ta 'IDngJ!hh,. pablbbed The Bisbopa bev. acreOd _ lira-II'. . . . . . . . . . :»-k.
Mother, Tongue Is Permissible
MEMORIAL LIBRARY: Three Cardinals and presi dents and deleg-ates from 200 colleges and univer;;;ities were present for the dedication ceremonies of the new Memorial Library at the University of Notre Dame. A mag-nifieent granite mural, "Word of Life," appears in the backg-round. Joseph Cardinal Ritter of St. Louis blessed the building following the- Mass and academic convocation. NC Photo. ST. PATRICK: $3S· Anonymous $3~
Sheila Higgins $25 Mary Noon
Mr~ A. CosteUo, Mr. &. Mr~.
Armand Marois. Mr. & Mrs.
Henry W. A. Bucklev. Mr. &.
Mrs; Bradley West, M~. & Mr~
Donald Morrow William Murray, King Philip
Settlement ·Wamen's Club, Mr.
& Mrs. John Cote, Mr. & Mrs.
William Greene. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Delzenero Mr. &. Mrs. Robert ::VIarier. Mr. &: Mrs. Alb£'rt ~rendes, Catherine Hardy, Mr. & ~rs. Edward Gauthier, Margaret Buckley Mr. & Mr". .Arthur Gagnon, Mr. & Mrs.;'"ohn :::"ima. Mr. & Mrs. William Salva, :\1r. & Mrs. Charles Sou7a. Paulin£' Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Edward Littlefield, Mr. & Mrs. ~or!11an Desjardins, Robert Reynolds, ::\lrs. William Maloney, :\11'. & ::\Irs. Robert McMahon Mr. & Mrs. :\'Ianuel D'Arruda, Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Emard, Mr. I/: Mrs. Leo La':nie
Margaret Donnelly, Mr. &: Mrs. Leo Charrebte, Mr. & Mrs~ Al bert Dufresne, James Ryan, Mr. A: Mrs. George Biltcliffe $12 Mr. & Mrs. John Nazareth, Mr. A: Mrs. Vincent Mannion $11 Mr. &: Mrs. Anthony Rogen!' $10 John E. Melvin, Mr. &: Mrs-. john Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. John Ferus, ~{r. & Mrs. George Leach, Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCarthy Mary Shea, Frances ConneD, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Menard, Mr. " Mrs.· Alvin Connors, Mr. ok Mrs;,John J. Lyden Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Lima, Mrs. SS. PETER &; PAUL James Whalon &: Family, Mr. at $100 Mrs. James- Crosson, Elizabeth St. Vincent de Paul Society Barlow, Mr.· A: Mrs. ThOllYclfJ' $75 Casey· John Tyrrell Ellen'Murphy, Louise Harding.· . $00 Mr. &:. Mrs. ··Joseph Donnelly,· SSt Peter& Paul School Chil Mary Harrington, Joseph Har Men rington $50 Mr.&: Mrs-. Frank Plekielniak, JOseph Conaty Mr" & Mrs. Matthew J. Kuss, Mr. $30 &: Mr.s. Ralph Correia, Mr. &. Peter parity$25 Mrs. Francis Clegg, Mr. & Mrs. Rene PrattMr. &: Mrs. Frank Sulliyan Mr. & Mrs. Leo Callahan, Mr. Margaret Duniea &: Mrs. John Morgan Jr., Mr. &: In Memory· o£ Ernest A. Mr/!. Norman Berard, Mr. & Mr~. Hasprey ThQInail McHugh, John A. Wil $20 liams Mr. & Mrs. ::. Er!warrl Glynn
WY 7-9167
I IIRESTAURANT and LOUNGE on Lake Sabbatia 1094 Bay Street TAUNTON VA 4-8754
New Bedf.ord SACRED HEART' $25
:Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Bouehal'f! Dr. & Mrs. A. H. Collette Mr. & Mrs.· Frank KU'tis Anonymous lltr. &: Mrs. Orner Grenoa $21J Mr. & Mrs. Herv-e Bedard
$10 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Au,.. ROlle Alma Castonguay, Mr& Emma Anna Dagesse, Mr. • Mrs. Donald Dufresne, Patrieia, Duggan Mrs. Georgette .Toao &; Son. Claire Langlois. Yvonne Lang lois, William Leclair, Mr. &: Mra George Lawton Mr. & Mrs. Henri Leclair, M'P" & Mrs. Eloi Levesque Jr., EWA Levesque Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Rob ert Levesque, Mr. & lIrs. Romee Magnant Mr. & :'oIl'S. Raymond Rain ville,Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Sever ino, Mr. & :'oIl·s. William Silv~ Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Soucy, :Mllo & I\'1rs. JosC'ph Thibault Normand Trudel. Mr. & Mrlt.: John Vcrgammen. ~Irs. Mildred. Napoleon Genereux·, Gerald G. Genest. Mrs. Clarinda Greene, Mr. & Mrs. Cyprien Grenier, Thomas F. Moore Mr. & Mn;. Domenico Morra, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Tetreault, Mr. & Mrs.· Antone Paiva, Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Tracey & DaughteFa; Mrs. Ella Merchant Williams
/ 0 1
1 . 72,0
Interest Compounded and
payable ouarterly on our Notice Saving~ Plan
Base; River
Sovi"''"s Bank
• • • •
THE ANCHORThurs., May 21, 1964
Fall River ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST $500 Rt. Rev. Henri A. Hamel $'75 Rev. Donald E. Belanger
$50 Catholic Women's 'Council $25
Rev. Maurice R. Jeffrey St. Vincent de Paul Confer ence Antoinette Michaud' Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Berube Mr. & Mrs. George Casavant Mr. & Mrs. Philias Ouellette &: Family Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Parker Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Larue Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Gagnon & Family
$20 Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Ar thur Gauthier, Mr. & Mrs. Al bert Dufresne $15 Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Demers, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Labecki & Paulette $13 Mr. & Mrs. John Farrell
$12 Octave Fluet & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gagnon $10 TO CURTAIL DROPOU1'S: As a step toward keeping Mr. & Mrs. Albert Deschenes children in school longer, Catholic college students in the & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel CQrrea, Cora Plonde, Mr. & Mrs. Greater Miami area are assisting Negro pupils in diocesan Donat Blanchette, Mr. & Mrs. schools to develop better study hahits, and thus gain a Alphonse St.Pierre better and longer education. Lourd,~s Martinez, a Barry Mr. & Mrs. Philip LaFrance, College junior, works with seven-yea17-old Marcia Bryant, a Mr. & NIl'S. Omer Brisson, Paul s'econd g-rade pupil in Miami'fl Holy Redeemer School. NC ine Brisson, Mr. & Mrs. Denerie Bergeron, Ann Guilmette Photo. Mr. & Mrs. Normand Sirois, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Desmarais, , Mr. & Mrs. Roland Lamarre, S'" ANNE Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Laroche, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Omer Boutin, Marcel $25 A: Mrs. Lucien Laroche, Juliette Perry, M,. & Mrs. Omer Marti Loretta G. Fillion Laroche neau, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Des Mr. 8: Mrs. Edgar Ross Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Laroche, chenes Mrs. Leo Perron & Lucie, The $20 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sullivan, Deschenes Sisters, Lorraine La Mr. & Mrs. Armand Theroux, Mr. 8: Mrs. Richard Bellerive voie, Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Desi Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Desrosiers, Dr. &: Mrs. Alphonse Poirier lets Mrs. Armand Patenaude, Mr. & $15 Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Relle Mrs. George Talbot Mr. & Mrs. William St. George feuille, Mrs. Adrienne Theriault, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Desilets, Albina & Alena Florence, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Laberge, Mr. $10 Muriel Gamache, Joseph Bru 3 An:10nymous, Mr. & Mrs. -& Mrs. Cleopha; Lauzon, Mr. & neau Mrs. Bernadette Audette, Mrs. Edmond St. Michel, George Louise Beau:ieu, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Laroche, Mr. Campbell Theodule J. Bisson, Edilbert & Mrs. Yves Coulombe, Mr. & ,Brault, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Cote Mr. & Mrs. Russell Roy, Vin Mrs. Raymond Melanson, Union cent CamI,bell, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Cecile Cummings, Mr. & Mrs. St.Jean-Baptiste-Conseil St.Rita Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Armand I[;aston Dufour, Leo Gagnon, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Bourassa, Gagnon, Ann-Marie St.Yves IG-authiel' Family, C. Gauthier Mr. & Mrs. Al'bert Ross, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Leo Sullivan, Mr. :~amily Mrs. Leo Legault, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Joseph E. Desbiens, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Hector Lachance, Napoleon Picard, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Lionel Dupont, Normand Marie Lafrance, Blanche La Leonidas Moreau . Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Herve Proulx ])ointe, l! va Letendre, Jules Lev Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Caron, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Marcband, l'eault • Mrs. Thomas Tache, Mr. & Louise Perry, Paul Lauzon, Mr. Mrs. Dona,t Mailloux, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Maurice Dussault, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Paquette, Edward Ouellette, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Armand Desrosiers Mr. & Mrs. Andre Plante, Theodore Dussault Yvonn~ Plante, I:omeo Poulin, Mr. & Mrs. J. Arthur Desbiens, Albert Ouellette, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Armand Martel, Mr. Wilfrid Poulin Alcide Pacheco, Mrs. Alfred, & Mrs. Albert Talbot, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Walter Ramano Desmarais, The Gendron Family, Mrs. Ge01'l~e Chabot, Mr. & Mrs. 'Vvicz, Anne Marie St. Denis, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Olivier Stanley Bielusiak & Mrs. Bernard Theroux, Mr. & Mrs. Jeannette Milot, Mr. & Mr. & :\'Irs. George Gagnon, Mrs. Joseph White Mrs. Louis R. Bouchard, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sirois, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Auclair, Mrs. Edgar Chenard, Mr. &, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Albe~t J. Turgeon :Mr. & Mi~s. Paul R. Canuel, Rita Donat Lapointe, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Rene Mailloux E:. Courtis, Yvonne Froment, Mr. .Joseph R. Casavant &~ Mrs. Honorius Goddu Mr. & Mrs. Donald Gagnon, SAINT LOUIS Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lavoie, Mr. & Mrs. Antoine Croteau, Mr. $10 Ruth E. McHugh, Lillian Ray Ii Mrs. Oscar Martel, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Elmer Broadbent, Mr. & mond, Ml~. & Mrs. J. Roland st. Aime Goyette, Mr. & Mrs. Tim Mrs. George Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. P'ierre, F:hea Saurette .thy Leary Joseph Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Law Doris 1'harp, Mr. & Mrs. Ger Mr. & Mrs. John Perry, Mr. & rence Silva nd Tremblay, Mr. & Mrs. Phil Mrs. Albert Blanchette, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. William Davis, Mr. illpe Vin ~elette Mrs. Paul Casavant, Albert Des & Mrs. Raymond Linney noyers, Mrs. Francois-X. Vail SANTO CHRISTO ST. MATHIEU limcourt $1,000 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Vid?J, Mr. $10 Santo Christo Feast • Mrs. Arthur Dubreuil, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Leo Fisette, Mr. & $550 Mrs. Maurice Belanger, Mrs. Mrs. Omer Jean, Mr. & Mrs. Rev. Al'thur C. dos Rei\! Anna Filautrault, Mr. & Mrs. Mathieu Ozug Oscar Phenix $75 Lucie & Denis Lemaire Diana Vidal, Mr. & Mrsfl Al Rev. Daniel L. Freitas ST. MICHAEL bert Mailloux, Mr. & Mrs. Wil $50 $50 frid Desforges, Mr. & Mrs. Er Dr. Ra}-mond R. Costa Manuel Rogers & Son Funeral Best Haslam & Family, Mr. & $35 Directors Mrs. Armand Gauthier John Bl'ilhante Mr. & Mrs. Joseph LaFrance, $10 $18 Michael Erickson, Alfred Rene Goyette, Mr. & Mrs. Emile EmmerE'llitienne Mach,ado, Gil_ Rocha, David R. Pereira, Jose Rancourt, Odilon Ouellette,No bE,rt Cavat:o, Antonio Benevides Silva, Manuel Costa ella Yokell & Family, Veva Cavaco, Flora Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Caron, Mr. Joseph DeCosta, William Ta & Mrs. Ovide Talbot, Pauline vares, Manuel Motto Jr., Manuel Moniz Maria Pacheco, Clarice Castro, Talbot, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Ar T. Motta, Daniel Tavares
Tobias Furtado
P~lul E. Freitas, Herculana Ra senault, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph posa, A1fr,~ Carreiro Lavoie Antonio P. Silva
School, Thaddeus Kaminski, Mr.
& Mrs. Matthew Chrupcala, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Goscimin!lki,
A lPriend $50 In Thanksgiving $Z5 A Friend $2. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kocoft $10 Mrs. Viotoria Michno, Mr. &: Mrs. Leo Lavoie, Mr. & Mrs. Tadeusz Stec, Mr. & Mrs. Thad deus Chrupcala, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Vituulo Casimir Ferneza, Mr. & Mrs; Frank Janas, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Krupa, Mrs. Elizabeth Urban, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Amaral Honorata Menczywor, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kosinski, Edward Kocon, Mrs. Frances Winiarski, Helen & Alice Weglowski Stanley Pypniowski, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Polak, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pietraszek, An toinette Orzechowski, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Soczek, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kulpa Students of St. Stanislaus
Senior School
ST. JOSEPH $100 Atty. James P. McGuire $35 Atty. Francis M. Silvia Jr. $10 Mrs. Mary Bassett, Mrs. Ron ald Harchman James Downey, James FaziG, Peter Fazio, Mrs. Augusta Good man, Edward Maher Jr. Mary McNally, William Nugent
Honorary Degrees BUFFALO (NC) -Alfred H. Kirchhofer, editor of the Buffalo Evening News, and novelist Tay lor Caldwell will be presented with honorary doctorates of let ters at the 56th commencement exercises of D'Youville College here Sunday June 7. The degrees will be conferred by Bishop James A. McNulty of Buffalo.
AN AMERICAN EDITOR REPORTS in the May issue of The
Sip mltgazine Ulat be saw, in southern INDIA, children with
"scabies and eczema," their bodies
defonned because of a "diet impos
sibly ]ow in nutrition." The chil
dreD never get· milk; they ~et tapi
oca with a little rice twice a day
• • . Americans find this hard to
believe. After ali, most Americans
have to diet to stay thin . . . In
KOTTAYAM, a .city in tbe area
about which The Sign editor writes,
native Sisters are working valiantly
.' . in Caritas Hospital to core children
T~ Holy 1'(11/)';, MUliMI Aitl crillpled by disease and malnutrition.
1M Ihe Orie1tIJ Ch""b The Sisters care for adults as weD,
of course. And the Slstel'll are Jiving proof ia Communist
beleaguered southern INDIA that the Church loves and cares
for the poor ••• The hospital, however, needs a kitchen ('1,%00),
a laundry ('800), nurses' Quarters ($2,350), and two bungalows
for the doctors ($200 each). Perhaps you can I'lve one of these
• • memorial te one y_ love ... Tb~ laborer in INDIA earns
30c a day. Eve. the SIllallea6 gltt ($1, $5, $10, $15) wiD help
to oortl the slok.
PALESTINE Is DO longer 011 the map. It disappeared it 1948, as a result of the Arab-Israeli War . . . The same war ")roduced refugees; they now number 1.4 million, and they 9tili 1eed food, clothing, shelter, spiritual care . . . The Pontifical fission for Palestine, the Holy Father's ageney, Is liistributlng 1 booklet this month whieh describes their desperate needs. Vhy not write us for a copy? , .. To feed a refugee family for , Month co9ts, incidentally, only $10. On receipt of your $tO .Jilt, we'll send you aD Olive Wood Rosary from the Bo17 Land.
AT BIERA, In ERITERA (whleb Is part of ETHIOPIA), yeung
'ers sit on the ground .. the open air when they 1'0 to lICbool.
be reason! BIERA has no schoo] buildi... . . . To eonstruct
buDding wIH oost very Uttle-onJy $3,500 .•. WonJd you Uke
~o build this school In memory of someone? Please write . . . .
n-a-month ($12 a year) payS your membershlp 1Ia. ..
MARY'S BANK, oar SPOIlSOI'II' clu" .... vainiac .....
a supports a novicle for about a week.
o " buys shOCll fOl' a Sister-to-be. -0 provides iaclldentals for one year. $to is the coM of a Sister's habit. o '12.50 suPPOrts ODe Sister for a mon•• o $150 ~uppor18'one Sister fora year. o $300 p.,. tile eDtire tlOIIt ., a Sister's two-reu ..........
: Dear MonslPc.: RyaD:
lIInelosed please ffncl .••••••. for .••• .Jf8me
..... .
.. 2lone
elty .,
State .• _
t. .,.. Nat'I ....,
3Jt MedI_ Aft... 4W St.
lllItIoea ..:
N_ Y.... N. Y••....,
$400 Rt. Rev. Arthur W. TanseJ' $100 Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Sullivan Margaret Lahey St. Mary's Cathedral - St. Vincent de Paul Society In Memory of Lucy 3. Me Mahon Cathedral Men's Club $75 Rev. Walter A. Sullivan Mr. &: Mrs. George P. H1U'le7 $60 Mary &: Rose Hurley $52 A Friend $50 James F. Diskin Mr. & Mrs. Laurence A. C«Jy1e Gertrude O'Loughlin In Memory of Anna E. Lynch $25 Mrs. Josephine Hurley Catherine Lynch The Sheahans Helen Joy Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Callaghan $20 Mr. & Mrs. William E. WhfJte Frederick Haggerty, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Holleran, Mrs. Margaret Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kerrigan Mrs. Jeremiah Holland, Anne Marie Lingard Margaret Sullivan, Clare Nagle $15 Margaret & Winifred Britland & Mrs. Elizabeth McGinn, Corky Row Club, Mrs. Michael McCon non &: Daughter, Mrs. Margaret KeIlih~r
Mrs. Angela Wingate, The Martin Family, Dorothy Kirby, Robert Coggeshall Mrs. Lillian Green, Mr. &: Mn. Alton Feris, Mrs. Kendrick Re7 nolds, Mrs. Laurence Kidd $1% Mrs. Agnes Rosa $10 Mr. ok Mrs. Alfred Biltcllffe, :r.:r. &: Mrs. Leo Martin &: Vir ginia, Mr. & Mrs. John -L. Clem_ mey, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Man J g, The McDonald Family Helen Shea, Mr. &: Mrs. James Robinson, Mr. &: Mrs. John Mul rooney, Margaret DiSkin, Mr. 6 Mrs. John Curran Mr. ok Mrs. Edward J. Demp sey, Mr. &: Mrs. Francis 3. CY Neil John Kelly, Mrs. Henry Thor'nas, Mr.&. Mrs. Charles Cavanaugh Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene LeClair, Mary 3. Wheatley, Angela C1r, Helen Goff, Mrs. Nora Toole Oharlotte Kiley, Mr. &: MrL Edward Grace,Mr &: Mrs Emile . Gagnon, The Grondin Family, Mr. &: • 'b's. Henry Cottrell Sarah E. Booth, Mr. &: MIw. William Pereira, Mr. &: Mrs. Antonio Tavares, Edward Day lor, Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Gahan 30seph Garcia Sr., Mr. & Mn. Chester Kulpa, Alice HiggiM, Mr. &: Mrs. Mark A. Sullivan, Mr. &: Mrs. George Sutherland Mrs. Bernard Harringtcm, James Wingate, Ruth Kirby, Ag :nes Daley, Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Mitchell MrB. Margaret Dacey, Manuel /4 lmeida, Mrs. Agn Tanguay, Mrs. Juliette Crawiord, lin. ruy Borkman Mary King, Carolyn M. Red fern, The Lou.::~an Family, Helen Murphy, Helen B_rna Mr. & Mrs. Gerald MelansoJl, Mary F. l.!aleadY, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Griffin, Harriet Wingate, Mrs. Margaret Tierney Mr. &: Mrs. Gerald Eagan, Margaret Riley, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Carroll, Mrs. Lilllall Turcotte, Mrs. Katherine Brahy Rosalie Felizberto, William P. O'Brien, Mrs. James O'Brien Sr. :Mr. &: Mrs. James O'Brien 3r.. Mary Grourke Mr. &: Mrs. Albert WethereD, Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel Estrella. Margaret Sullivan, Mrs. Jame. Wbalen, Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond "Rcynolds Williapn White Jr., Mr. &: :Mn. Edward Doolan, Dorothy Say ward, 1Ir. • lira. Henry Haw-
THE ANCHORThurs., May 21, 1964
thome, Joanpe Wolstenholme Joyce . Wolstenholnle, Judith Wolstenholme, Mr. & Mrs. Fran
eis Powers, Mrs. Theresa Fox,
Mr. & Mrs. David Aguiar Mr. & Mrs. Alber~ Pinkoskj, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cavanaugh, Andrew Sutherland, Mr. & Mrs. E-'ward T~-rrington, Mr. & Mrs. James A. Hetherson Mr. & Mrs. Edward Raposa, r. JI" Mrs. John Nolan, Mary T. Cal. J11, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bryant, Mrs. Austin Walker Mr. & Mrs. _Francis Fallon, Mary Silva, Mrs. Aaron G. Cum mings, Mr. & Mrs. Myles Stand ish, Mr. & Mrs.. ·Anthony Ma chado William Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Harold C. Nagle, In Memory of Sarah E. Barrett, Agnes Chace, Gertrude Harrington Mrs. Mary Smith, Loretta Cournoyer, Mr., & Mrs. Manuel Benevides, Theresa Flynn, Mrs. James O'C(mnell & Catherine O'Connell Maude G.. Fahey, Howard Moriarty, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Clemmey, John Sullivan, James Keating Mr. & Mrs. Edward Regan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Connell BLESSED
F. Hajder Robert P. Hajder, Gerald R. Hajder, June Ann Roberts, Wil liam Worsley, Mrs. Leo Canuel Norman H. Burrows, Ambrose Maynard Edward McGuinness Willia~ P. Hussey, Francis J. Hearn, Robert Sowden, T~omas 3. Loftus, Mr. & Mrs. Damel F. Duffy Charles A Duffy, Joseph Ken nedy & Helen Kennedy, Charles V Porta, Margaret Kilroy, Mich ael Geary Peter A. Gibney, Edmund Pil ling, Joseph R. Hathaway, Gen evieve R. & Anna J. Hathaway., Kenneth - Sutcliffe Mr. & Mrs. William Barnes,. Margaret F Lowney, Mary Bres lin, Mrs. Harold J. Roberts, Charles Morriss Thomas White, Joseph F. Sul livan Patrick F. Sullivan, Mau reen Harrington, James Waldron Mr. & Mrs. Nestor G. Silva, 3ames Murphy ST. ANTHONY OF
$10 Henri st. Pierre, Romeo Cham pagne, Adrien \ Guay ESpmlTO SANTO
$10 John R. Pontes, Mr. & Mrs. A-":mio Alves, Mr. & Mrs. Man uel Carvalho, Mr. & M1:'s. Al fredo Amaral, :'\[t. & Mrs. Manuel B. Souza Mr. & Mrs. Roger Toni, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Carvalho, Espirito Santo CYO HOLY CROSS
$40 Mr. &: Mrs. C. Magriby
FIRST ROW, BALCONY: Family rosary processions are annual events in St. Paul and Minneapolis, with thou sands taking part. Peggy Carr, 6, sits on the shoulder of her father, Minneapolis attorney Patrick H. Carr, Jr., to see over the throng, as the procession moved toward St. Mary's basilica in Minneapolis. NC Photo.
$225 Rev. Joseph Eid $50 Atty. Michael Sahady, Dr.. James J. Sabra $25 Victor Badwey, Thomas Galib $20 Alfred Nassr $15 Fred Catalan $10 Mitchell Sweet, Alfreu Mas BOud, George Howayeck, Mrs. Tanous Faris, Albert Fari~ David Gergora, Ernest Mizher, Loretta George, Ernest E. Saab, Fofe Joseph August Badwey, Louis Bad wey, Louis Howayeck, CharIe. Bowayeck, Charles Sarkees
$300 In Memory of Charles B. • Margaret E. Bonner $200 Dr. & Mrs. Harry T. Powers $50 Atty. &: Mrs. Thomas McGuir~ Dr. &: Mrs. John Carvalho '$25 Larairine Sulllvan, Mr. II Mrs. MichaelH. Sullivan
Mr. & MrS. John J. Mitchell,
&Mn. Thomas Brindley $15 Mr. &:. Mrs. John Keating, Catherine A. Lysaght, Mary Lysagbt, Rudolph LaVault $11 In memory of Mr. &: Mrs. Jon W. Roche $10 Mrs. Joseph C. Giblin, Mr. &: Mrs. Robert McConnell, Dr. &: Mrs. Joseph Rockett Jr., Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred Dube, Mr. & Mns. 3ames Flannery Marion F. Kane, Mr. &: Mrs. Harold Dusoe, Mr. & Mrs. James 3. Sullivan, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Talbot Misses Anne &: Mary Hamps ton, Margaret Skehan, .Tbe O'Mara Family, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Sullivan, Jane Sullivan Mrs. Eugene SUllivan, Marion L. Torphy;' Mrs. Honora Sulli van, Mr. &: Mrs. I)aviq A. Burns, Mr. &: Mrs. James H. PiJnental Mary Hurley, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Keefe, MiChael Tucker, Mr. & Mrs. Franeis Crowe, Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Wordell Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Slattery, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sullivan, Mr. & Mn. John E. Cruger
$50 Rev. Robert 3. Laughlin $25 Holy Rosary Society John Pimentel . $10 Ernest Barreira, 30hn Rod rigues, Knights of the Altar, Ed ward Souza· Joao Aguiar, Manuel Souza, Antone Silva
$25 General Cleaning &: Sales Co. $15 Delia's Driving School $12 The ::!'urgiuele Family $10 White's Esso Service StattoJl, The Sons of Italy-Loggia Vit torio Veneto The Italian Progressive Club, Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Barresi,'Mr. &: Mrs. William A. Leary, Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond M. McGuire Mr. &: Mrs. DennisPatota, A Friend SACRED HEART
$125 Adelaide C. Trainor $100 Rose E. Sullivan Sacred Heart Men's Club $75 Rev. William J. Shovelton Quinlan F. Leary $50 Elizabeth M. Trainor $30
Michael Grace $25 Raymond C. Gallagher Mr. &: Mrs. John L. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Willard R. Piper -T. Arthur McCann Margaret F. Tolan Catherine I~ Trainor Mrs. Margaret Hearsey Lodivine LeMoyne Claire Hargraves Frederick J.Harrington 30hn C. Torpey. $20 Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Andresen, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew A. Shea 3r., Dennis Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Taylor,
Florence M. Sullivan, M. Dori. Sullivan, In Memory of Mary A. Lyons & Staff Sgt. W:m. A Lyons .James A. Heywood
Mr. &: Mrs. Michael J. Grace, Mr. & Mrs. George McCoomb, Mary E. Sullivan, Norman 3. Meyer The HUghes Family, James Mello, A. Irene Noble, Kaureen Dallagher -
$10 Elizabetb Leonard, Elizabeth Fernandez, Everett J. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Nestor, Mrs. Margaret Moran Kathleen Gallery, Paul B. Cul~ , len, Marion F. Driscoll, Mrs. Catherine McCusker & Mrs. Michael Geary, Frank A. Garand Michael P. Hickey, Joseph Los, Edward M. Dillon, Edward F. Holland Sr., James S. Cote Mary Louise Walsh, Robert J. Doherty, Arthur Pavao, Mrs. Sarah Sullivan, Mary Jenkins· Catherine A. Boylan, Mrs. Robert G. Boylan, Agnes F. Riley, 3ames H. Morey & fam ily, Mrs. Anne T. Bishop Mrs. Charles J. Leary, Mrs. Kathryn _ Doherty, Albert A; Payer, Mrs. Raymond McDonald, Anthony F. Camuso Mr. & 'Mrs. John A. Powers,' Patrick J. Fleming, John P. Fleming, Thomas J. Fleming, John M. Sullivan Mary Sullivan, 30seph E. Caouette, Mr. & Mrs. Roland L. Boulay; John Franey, Donald T. Corrigan Mrs. Frank M. Hunter, James M. Carey, Jose M. Silva Jr., Lillian M. Shea, William E. Whitehead Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kirk man, In memory of Mary Isabel Kirkman, David Sullivan, John J. Desmond, Mrs. Mary Desmond Mary V. O'Hearn,' Robert Har rington, Mrs. ~rge Trainor, George Trainor, Michael Sulli van Mr., &: Mrs. John Burke, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Trainor, William E. Berry, Anibal Silva, Mrs. John
$50 Rev. J. Adrien Bernier $30 The Anne-Marie Masse Fa'" Dy . $25 V. D. Dupuis $12 ~ile J. Amiot, Rosarift Mar- tel $10 William Baraby, Nathallaa; Bernier, Leo S. Couture, Roland·· Couture, Conrad Desmarais Germaine Desrosiers, NoJ'oo. mand Desrosiers, Paul Dumais, Mrs. Aurore Dumont, Normand Dupont Armand Dupont, N o;mancl Gaudreau, Francois Girard, Roger Labonte, Mrs. Alberta La marre Robert Lamarre, 3. B. O. Le vesque, Leo Levesque, Mrs. Adelia Olivier, The Rioux-Lari viere Family Edward Rivard, Orner G. Ross, Mrs. Marie St.Pierre, Leo Souey Jr., Ernest Thibault
104 Allen St., New Bedford 'YVman 7·9354
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Over 35 :ears of Satisfied Service 106 NO. MAIN STREET Fall River OS ~.7:4~
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 21,1964
Annual D1iocesan Teachers' Meeting