Catholic Charities Appeal Nears New Record High for Diocese ( I
.\11''11'.... MoAI\
A new total of $;323,555.63 released at the Catholic Charities Appeal head quarters today' indicates a successful 1958 campaign. Returns will be tabulated for anoth er full week~and if the present strength is maintained; last year's total of $354,477.92 will be exceeded. Special gifts and parochial
remittances combined to es
tablish today's increase of
Seventeen more parishes have
gone "over the top"; they are as
follows: St. Anthony of' the
Desert, Sacred Heart, SS. Peter
and' Paul, St. William of Fall
Riv>er; St. Casimir, 'St. Mary of
New Bedford; Holy. Family,
Sacred Heart of Taunton; Sacred '
An Anchor of the'Soul, a,nd F'irm.:.-ST. PAUL, ,Heart of No. Attleboro; St. Fran , . ' cis Xavier of Acushnet; St. Jo seph, St. Mary of Fairhave!J.;~St. 'Patrick of Falmouth; si.. An thony of Mattapoisett; St. Peter of So. Dighton; St. Patrick, St. PRICE lOe Second CIua Mail Prh·lIecM John of God of S~merset. . ,$4.00 Pe' 'Year A~thoriaod ai Fall Riv.r. M.... In the Diocesan' parochial standing Holy Name of Fall River leads with $11,764.00, fol lowed by St. Lawrence of New Bedford $11,603.80 and Sacred Heart of Fall River $10,731.10.
Fa If' ,River, M,ass.
'Th'u,rsday, May22, 1958
Vol. 2, No. 21
Leading Parishes
INTEREST MOUNTS IN LAY APOSTOL~TE: A small section of the group of women who crowded the audi torium at the Joseph P •. Kennedy Youth C~nter in· New Bedford for the annual meeting of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women is pictured above. Council leaders are enthusiastic over an ever-increasing interest in the Council activities.
36,Q23,977 Catholi,cs Now
Mcpermott to Open Parish in Swans,ea Today
-Photo by Calvey FATHER McDERMOTT FATHER GALVIN Today marks the opening of the, new parish of Our' Lady of Fatima, Swansea. . Named as first administrator by His Excellency, Most Rev. James L. Connolly, is Rev. James F. McDermott, who lass been administrator of and completed his semhiary St. Peter's Church, South studies at St. Bernard's .Semin':' , Dighton, since 1956. 'ary, Rochester, N. Y. He was Fat her 'McDermott, a orda.ined by the late Bishop poaduate of Taunton H i g h ,Cassld~ May 21: 193~. School attended Boston College ' PrevlO~s to hiS assignment to, St. Peters Church, Father Mc-
, Dermott served as curate at St.
.Joseph's, Fall ~iver; Holy Name,
Turn to Page Four
Advises Parents, Teach Respect For Authority
SPRINGFIELD (NC) The "priestly aspects" of Christian parenthood should exert "a profound influence ill the training of the Catholic dlUd."
Emphasis on these "priestly aspects" would provide a solu tion to the grave juvenile delin quency problem, said Father Edgar Schmiedeler, O.S.B., for mer director of the Family Life Bureau, National Catholic Wel tare Conference. Father Schmiedeler, addressing the locar unit of Te Deum Turn to Page Twenty-One
Notes Hungarian Prelates Under Great Pressure VIENNA (NC)-Despite
the efforts of' Hungary's bishops to relax the Red government's anti-religJous policies, the Church in that satellite nation is under greater pressure than ever before. Church authorities are virtual prisoners of the so-called '"bearded bishops,". the name ~ven to the commissars ap pointed by the. communist re Ilime to the, Hungarian Office ... Church Affairs. . Minister of State Gyula Kallai ...lIed out the Red regime's pol . . . .. Pace TweIKF-OM
Dispensation The Most Reverend Bishop granted a dispensation from law of fast and abstinence Friday, Memorial Day, May ~
has the for 30.
Major Religious Heads to· Meet On Saturday Major superiors of New England, representing 50 religious orders and congre gations, will 'meet at· the_ motherhouse of the Felician Sis ters in Enfield, Conn., for their second annual meeting Saturday. The superiors will also con duct a seminar to discuss prob lems affecting religious living in contemporary society. Most Rev. Henry J. O'Brien, Archbishop of Hartford, will offer a low mass. His Excellency will give the invocation and, opening address for the regional conference. The morning session includes a talk by Rev. Robert W. Gleason, S.J., of Fordham University. Most Rev. Christopher J. Wel don, bishop of Springfield, will· close the conference. Solemn benediction will follow the last session. The New England region ill pert of the conference of major. iluperiors of wome.n's· mstitutell eI. tbe United State&. .
. 11,603.80
Sacred Heart-Fall River 10,731.10 St, John-Attleboro 7,998.00 St. 'James-New Bedford 7,686.05 NEW YORK (NC)-Catholics in the United States, Holy Name-New Bedford' . Alaska and the Hawaiian Islands now number 36,023,977 7,123.00. accordirig to the 1958, Official Catholic Director)" just issued St. Mary-Fall'River 6,497.00 b p' J K d & S bl' h St. Mary-Taunton: 6,321.25 y . . ene y ons, pu IS er. St~ Mary-No. Attleboro 6,062.00 ' . The new total represel)ts claimed memberllhip" in tb. St. Mary-Mansfield. . 5,796.50 an increase of 1,460,126 over Church. St. Francis Xavier-Hyannis last year. There are· now' Significant I1Iifference 5,163.75 35,846,477 Catholics in the The editorial acknowled~e. Immaculate Conception-No.
48 states and 177,500 in Alaska that the Directory ,figures are Easton 5,116.00 and Hawaii, it was reported. 1'he "low" and that the Census Bu reau Statl'stl'CS are "hl'gh" I" St. Patrick-Fall, River 4,313.00
" • new total represents a 10-year St.' Joseph-New Bedford
t te . increase of' 9,948,280 or 38.1 per s a s. "The figures reported by the . 4,162.65 cent over the 26,075,697 reported B ureau are based upon a samp Ie SS. Peter & Paul-Fall River
in 1948. 4,109.54
Designed to explain the diver study of 35,000 households gence between the statistics spread over 330 sample areas contained in the Directory and comprising 638 counties and in- . estimates of the number of U. S. dependent cities. A projection of Catholics based on Census' B'.l this study indicates that about reau figures, an editorial writ 43,635,OOf Americans regard ten by Thomas B. Kenedy, themselves as Catholics-25 per Graduation exercises for those editor, for the new volume cent of the total United States who have successfully completed stresses the difference between population, and some 9 million the Confraternity of' Christian' "recognized membership" and Turn to Page Twenty-Four Doctrine Teacher Training "Course wil be held atSt: JQseph~s Church, Taunton, Gn Saturday afternoon, May 24, at 2:30. Cer tificates will be presented to 151 Sisters, lay men and women, and high school students from 'all Five hundred women from sections of the Diocese of Fall CLEVELAND (NC)-The River. nation should be concerned all parts of the Dioces~ at Turn to Page Twenty-Four tended the fifth annual con more about parental delin vention of the' Diocesan quency rather than juvenile shortcomings, Msgr. Joseph E. Council of Catholic Women at Schieder, director of the Youth the K!!nnedy Center, New Bed , Department; National Catholic ford. The were addressed by Rt. Rev. Welfare Conference, has empha Msgr. James J. Gerrard, V.G., sized. . ST. PAUL (NC) ~The representing the Most Rev. Staunchly defending the James L. Connolly, and by Mrs. Archbishop asked the ques younger generation in an address Henry C. Barkhorn, Newark, tion: "What has become of before the seventh annual dioce N. J., a representative to the the Sunday suit ?-then im san CatholiC' Youth Organization , World. CongreliS of the Lay plied that discard of the once convention, Msgr. Schieder said Apostolate, held last October in popular family custom has con it is high time "that we distin Rome. tributed to the cur'rent irrever guish between the 97% per cent "Catholic Action means living ence toward the Lord's Day.
majority of young people who your life in Christ in such a way Turn to Page 'Twenty-Four Turn to Page Twent;v-Three Turn to Palrc Twenty-One
R d ·In U nlte · d S tate.s eporte
CCD Graduation' Scheduled for Sa.turday .
Defends Youth, Flays 'Pa renta I Shortcomings
Dioces<ln Council Catholic Women Hold Convention
St. Paul Prelate Urges Decorum In Mass Dress
NEW ENGLAND SUPERIORS MEET SATURDAY: Provincial Superiors will par ticipate in the second annual meeting of the major superiors of New England at Enfield, Conn., Saturday. Planning the sess.ion are, left to' right, Mother Loretto ~rulia, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur,' Waltham; Mother Mary Catherine, Sisters of M~rcy, Providence; Mother Mary Laura, Felician Sisters, Enfield; Mother Mary Philip, Ursuline Sisters, Boston and Mother Made DiPiro, Sisters· of Dorothy, Taunton. .
~..,,.i~h Totals
"'-~'<I'O",: 2 'Thurs.,
Parishes repQrting were:.Fall Rivei' St. Mary 6,497.00 1,14000 Blessed Sacrament ~ Espirito Santo 1,293:01 Holy Name 11,764.00 , - Notre Dame 2,'132.50 . O. L. :of the Angels 1,495.65 O. L. of Health 1.034.~7 Holy ROsary 1,2!Hl.50 1m. Conception 2,f56.20 . 10,131.16 Sacred Heart . 'St; Anne 2,'108.80 'St. Anthony of Padua 1,480.60 St.-.Anthony of the De.ert .778.55,' St. Elizabeth 844.'17 St. John . .\ 2,113.00 St.. ~oseph, 3,233.25. 2~035.00 St. LOui#! 'l!. 'C' ,. St. Matthew 1,122.25 . F.atuer . osmas F. 'lImhn, St. Michael 1012.00 O.F.M., w.i1l open a Solemn.' St. Patrick '" 4:313.00 4;1'09.54 . :N'ovena today 'in honor of SS. Peter & Paul
r .
Mass Ordo
FRIDAY--Mass as on the Feast of !he AscensioD. Simple. . ,.whi~. Mass Proper; Gloria; .Second Collect for Peace; No ~reed; :preface of Ascension. SATURDAY-Vigil of Pente-_ eost. Double., Red. Mass Pro per; Gloria; Second· Collect for Peace; No Creed; Prefaee; Establishing OUf lady of Fatim~ .~~rish" Communicantes and Bane 19itur of Penteeost. . Swansea and Somerset, Mass.. SUNDAY.....,.Pentecost Sunda7. ~ Double of I ClasS; Red. Gloria; . By the 'authority vested 'in us, on advice 'of the Sequence; Creed; - Preface; ~ . , DiOCesan Board of Consultors, and li~ving consulted. Communicantes and Hane . " the Reverend Pastors of St. Michael's Church, Swan...., Igitur of PentecoSt (each day . sea, St. Dominic, Swansea, and' St. Thomas More, durini the OCtave also). Somerset, we hereby. establish and c()nstitute the MONDAY-Pentecost Monday. Parish of Our Lady of Fatima, Swansea, Mass.. Double of I Class. Red. Mass St... Jude/:the "Saint .of" the~ St. 'Roch. ':' ;:, 1,492.25 The boundaries of this parish will be Gardner's Proper; Gloria; Sequence; St, Stamslaus. 'bl' ," It ' 1 1" be ' , . 664.00 . I mpossl.e. ,Creed; Preface, Communi Neck Road, New Gardner~~·.l4'eck.Road, June Street WI, con- St. William 3,oi7.45 - cantes and Hanc Igitur 01. ducted 'every Thursday to Santo:Christo" 1,205.00 " to Pleasant Street,~toColes River, to· Milford Road, Pentecost. July' 15th. Novena booklets New Bet1fOrd
to Horto~ville Rmid;'to Main Stre~t, to Elm Street, may be obtained at Our Holy Na~e' 7,1.23.09 TUESDAY-Pentecost Tuesday.
all in Swans~a,to Read Streetjto Lees River Avenue, Double of I Class. Red; Mass . 313.00 :' Lady's CJ:1apel, New Bedford, Assumption.' to Route six, Grand Army Highway, to Brayton Proper; Gloria; Sequence; 207.00 and followed over Station Holy R~y Point Road, to Mount Hope Bay, in Somerset, Mass. Creed; Preface, Communi 1,826.00 ' WJDA Quincy' at 11 :05 Im. Conception' The parish will include all homes numbered on both cantes arid Haile Igitur 01.
Mt. Carmel 2,936.70 every Thursday mornIng. Perpetual Help Pentecost.
, ],325.50 ·sides of Gardner's Neck Road, New Gardner's' Neck . O. L. of Purgatory 446.00 WEDNESDAY-Ember Road and all territory east of them; all homes num Wednes1,888.20 Sacred Heart day After Pentecost. Double. ber.ed on june Street, north side of Pleasant Street 1,334.80 St. Anne .Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; to Coles River; all territory east of Coles River to 3,214.60 St. Anthony of Padua Sequence; 'Creed; Preface; Milford Road and all homes numbered on both sides 275.5g St. Boniface At the request of the Interna Communicantes.and Hanc 19 of Milford Road, Hortonville Road, Main Street, Elm 562.50 tional Serra: organization" Fall St. Casimir , of Pentecost.
§84.00 . River Serra C~ub has organized St. Francis of AlISisi Street, Swansea; both sides of Read Street to Lees THURSDAY-Thursday within. 443.00 St.I!edwig a speakers' bureau to foster reli' Ri.ver ,Avenue, both sides of Lees River Avenue to the - Octave of Pentecost. St..Hyacinth 900.75 gious vocations on the moral Route Six, terdtory on south. side of Route Six to 7,686.05' . 'Double; Red. MasS Proper; social order, it was announced St. James . Brayton Point Road, territory west of Brayton Point Gloria; Sequence; Creed Pre 3,875.41 . St.. John' the Baptist today. 4,162.65· . :face;' Communicantes anc1 St. Joseph' Road, including all homes numbereo' on west side The local club's bureau is com ],881.56: . .Hanc Igitur of Pentecost. of Brayton Point Road to ~ount Hope Bay, and I all posed of members experienced' St. Kilian St. Lawrence 11,603.80 in" public speaking. Their sub territories within stated Boundaries. 2,206-00 St. Mary 407.'15 jeCts will vary, but.their p\J.rpose St. Mary All persons residing 'Y'ithin above describe~ Sacred Hearts 335.50 2,479.25' .' St. Theresa will be to h'elp create a social 3,777.25 , , Falmouth boundaries are members of the aforesaid Parish of Taun&oa climate ~onducive to· fostering ., 2,093.00 . Hyan~ .. 5,163.75 Ou·j. Lady of Fatima, salvo praescripto canonis 216,4. Holy Family vocations. 1,004.65" 'Mansfield 5,796.50 The' endowment and benefice of- the parish will The bureau will. provide Holy Rosary 3,131.35 . ,Mattapoisett 1,580.06 1m. COnception par speakers for local clubs and consist of the voluntary 'offerings of the faithful. .1,519.05'" Nantucket' 3,434.00 ish ofganizations'on request 'to . O. L. of ~~des The parish has the privilege of keeping tbe Blessed 1,412.50 3,072.75' . No. Dighton Secretary 'William Hurll, 909 Sacred Heart 2,139.40 . No. Easton 0 5,116.00 Sacrament in. reserve, with proper provision for St. Anthony North Main Street, OS 2..:4185. 1,809.50 No. Westport 1,205.30 St. James reverent devotion; 2) of possessing a. baptismal 3,728.00 Norton 2,170.40 St. Joseph font, 3) of administering the sacramepts, and 4) 1,960.HJ 6,321.25 Oak Bluffs St. Mary having all other rights associated cwith a parochial 2,259.50 Ocean Grove 2,853.00 St. Paul esUlbliBhment. . Attleboro . .Orleans 573.00 Witlr this Decree we appoint the Reverend James Holy Ghost 2,377.75 . Oste~ville 962.00 St. John . 7,§9fioo .. ProVlD~tOwn 1,334.50 F. McDermott to serve. as Administrator of the 1,790.00 SandWIch 2,036.85 St. Joseph. Parish of Our Lady of Fatima, Swansea,' this a~ ~t. Mary '. 2,846.25 .Seekonk 1,815.00 poihtment being effective May 22, 1958. ' . St. Stephen 2,035.25' .Somerset---:S~. John 1,250.50 !. " . St: Theresa 2,711.20' St.Patnc~ 1,665.00 Given at Eall River, this 28th day of April 195s. ' '.. St; Thomas 3,242.85
....... No. luweboro So. Dartmouth 3 063 St. Mary . ,6,062:~ ,So. Dighton: '760:: Sacred Heart 2,385.15 , S~. Yarmouth 2,302.00 ToWns "'. Swansea---:St. Dominic . 1,621.00 Acushnet 852.75 St. Louis '·1,461.00 Assonet· 1,103.5~ , Vineyard Haven' 1,296.35 ,Catholic .Bishop of Fall Rjver 1;~98.00, .,.,Wareham; 3,394.25 Buzzard/!: lJay .~,;~.~' .. Centr~ "i.l1~ge ~,314.00 .: W.o Harwich ·1,399.10 Cbatham J 1,027..:90, :Westport .. 321900 . C~nterville, . ~.O() Woods Hole ' . . .. ,E. Fal~outh " . ,. . .2,400.00· :. ,. '" '. 1,438.~5... , VA1;-ICAN CITY '('NC)-"More James, who s.howed that the im : Fairha,.:vencSi. JOseph .2,00'1:7.0 ,,,,. . '-"',' Total, '$323,555.63" '.: '.' than .food and clothing the or- ,pOrtant part'of Christi'anily" lay CARNEGIE WIN N ER: ' " . . . . . . ,-" "'. phan ne'edinh~''intiniate'witrmth' , in help given to orphans: .. 'Religion, pure and undefiled As a result of the competi of kindness .and ·the certainty that the future holds .so'mething before God the Father~ is this: bettei for ttim than the unhappy to give aid to orphans and tive scholarship examina INC. - . present," Pope Pius XII has said widows in. their tribulation and tions held at Carnegie Insti here.., . ' to keep oneself unspotted from tute in Boston in March, Speaking to an' audience of this world.' (James 1;27). Raymond L. Gaudreau is the winner of the. $500 scholar~ . ,'...... .... the National OrgaJ!ization of the Care of Orphans of Italian Work-,., "~o\!e·. orphans because they ship~ward;"'G.atidre~Uiis t h e " " .. ' " ' :'., '." ers, the Pontiff urged his hearerS" .arejJov~d. much by the Church
son Of Mr. and·Md. 'Arthur""" .. REFRIG.~~ATJO~r to "lqve the children entrustecj'-' and.She . wUf be grateful to you :. for .th,e:.loye you':give th~~/, be . to yo¥ by God, bY-.families,and' said.. " L; GalldreaQ pi 374' HarWich b-y country. '. Street,'New Bedford. A sen-' " . "Lo've them out' of ~atitude ':" The Pope,:addressi~g_~imse)f. ior at H9ly 'Family,'-' he 'pl~;s\'" ;" '~. for the sacrifice offered by their ... ·, ~ the :?rphans present, stated: to enter' Carnegie. ·institute . ' parents to the nation and with " You"will always be the Pope's in. September :,;and'· nursue "FRANCIS .J.. DE.VINE· ...: . ". :;. 0:, ':';'; • ' p , ;' ::, '~8TH.UR I. DOUCET the wish to change their mis- s~ecial children:, In keeping '.' fortune into a source of happi-' wIth .. the ,tradItIons of the t~e necessary studies to,,,fit ":363,SECONDST., .FALt·RlVER· MASS ness. ',Love them with that reli- Church, whIch has always de- hIm for a. Laboratory Tech. . . . . " '. • .gious' sense taught from the . voted he~se1f. to maternal care nician: ..,,;.,' " ~~.~~ ••••••••••••• ~ ••I! . begin~ing by the Apostle, St. o~ orph~ns, He (tl)e Pope) conr---------~~~~.~'-.----~, .~ ~.~ ~................... SIders hImself your father in a special way.' i I 'FORTY ~OURS
Dioteseof ·Fall River
Serrans to Give Vocation Talks
./'6? -;::;!f-
Pqpe Says Orphans Need Kindn~ss:··
l)'&' .D Sales and .Service~
. . '
AP,PLI,ANCES'.: ,.'. ·::·-·'.:··:'AIRCONPITIONIN'G.
•• •..••••
Legion of Decency·
The following films are to ~ May; 25-SS. Peter and Paul, added to the lists in their re . Fall River specti· e classifications: . St. Mary, Mansfield Unobjectionable for Gene~al ,St. Theresa's Convent, Patronage - Rooney, Snowfire .' Fall River . ',I'huridering Jets, Young Land. ' Jun~ 1-St. JoSeph, Taunton'· . . . Unobjectionable for .AdultS Holy Name, Fall River and Adol~sCents.- Camp on June 8-St. Mary, New DecI Blood Island, RobberY Under " ford Anns, Vertigo, War of the Satel '¢Or~uilCllr.!sti,.sandwi~h ." lites. ., .'...... .:, . .. .. Unobjectionable for' Adultlr THE ANl:H.OB .. . . . . ";.mkenstein, . Kathy. . ,'.. 8eeOD d ..,lass mail prlVilegee ,.uthori,ee1 "Ob at F:al~ River. Mase.' Publisbeel eveQ 'Jectiona ble' . m.. . Part for All T~ursday at 410 HigblandAvenoe. FaJl' -Attack of the 50-Foot Woman I
o '
Thdmos F. M~noghonj,. ','
,', Since their·foundation. In 1856. the Brothen Of'Mercy have be... hitJii:-' .1"11 G' _fortunate. ' .: ...... "Nuning '_n and ....y.. ,Jdj' and . p"!'r. rega~dle.. of race 0ncI
ueed. In thel; ow;' home.. " • ..CanduCtlng hamel ... . . ' aged, _d Inflr...· " '.... • .'. 'Operatlng f _ ,. ... .-f"'~ .. 1ft other dutlee, eoc*ifte, :,~ . etc.' ' " . . ." .:
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Brother., Roger Visits Mother In Fa II River
Mrs. Nixon Aids New Bedford Missioner Feed Lima's Poor
The thpughtfulness of mission IIUperiors brought unexpected happiness lallt week to one of the oldest member~ of St. R.och's perish, 'Fall River. Ninety~Iciu'r 'yea'r old Mrs. Osias Riel, 115 Orange Street, mother of Brother ·Roger, of ,the "'.• Brothers; I of ,the, Sacred Heart, had never expected to see her missionary son' again. Stationed on the island of Mad agascar, off the coast of Africa, Jor 24 years, he had vowed to lemain there for life, as thanks .Iving for recovery from a .evere iI"lness. But his, superiors teU his mother should see him, therefore released him from the
Stonehiil CC)Uege ,Fund Surpasses Half-way Mark
Last week mother and son were reunited for a three week
FIRS',f GUESTS COUPLE: Sister Mary Ami, O. Car., is .shown helping Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Carbonneau of ·St. Jacques' Parish, Taunton, unpack as they become the , first guests couple in the Bishop Cassidy Memorial Wing at the Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River. .
'Catholics Must Have Interest In Welfare of Public Schools NEW YORK, NC) - Bishop Bryan. J. McEntE\gart of Brooklyn declared here that Catholics have "the duty of taking an active interest In the welfare of our public schools." The Bishop spoke to some , 2,000 members and guests of the Catholic Teachers' Association . of the Brooklyn diocese at a 'Communion breakfast hi the Hotel St. George. An address was also given by Msgr. John K. 'Cartwright, rector of St. Matthew's Cathedral, Washing
ton, D.C.
"Nowadays we hear much criticism of our public school "Islt, and Brother Roger was system," Bishop McEntegart said. busy. r~lating his. experiences as "The current wave of juvenile a ~\ISslOnary. HIS most recent delinquency Is' even blamed by assignment has been the .teach- , 'many on our schools. To my tog of methods of farmmg to mind this is an unfounded and lrIadaga~can natives. unfai~ attempt to find a scapeA~riculturc, he expl.alned, Is goat for the present ·problem." all-I~lp~rtant to th~ Islanders, Declaring that the problem is iorml?g all?lOS~ theIr ~nly oc- a many-sided one, the Bishop eupatJOn. Rice IS the chIef crop. stated that "our public school Civilization, however, is catching teachers cannot be exp'ected to 'II» to the pe?ple as mod~rri remedy single-handed in a class products an. Imported in m- room the conditions' created by Cl'Casing quantities. broken homes-by neglectful or Brother Roger has f~ve sl~ters, handicapped parentS, ,and by eoe of whom, a WhIte SIster, deplorable housing and 'recrea-' a180 sel'ved in Africa for many tional facilities." , ' 7ears. He will return to Mada"By and large-with some de:" .ascar and his mission assign- fects and sOme omissions, our aent after his visit here. public- school teachers have done an admirable job. in the face of
Polish Reds Ask Tax on Clothes Sent to Ne~dy
NEW YORK (NC) About $578,000 worth of clothing earmarked for dis~ tribution in Poland by the .American Bishops' overseas re lief agency will be dl,:erted to another country if the Polish IOvernment insists on leyying
eustoms duties on it. Msgr. Edward E. Swanstrom ellecutive director of Catholic Relief Services-National Cath .lic Welfare Conference, said the Warsaw regime is seeking $40, 000 in tariffs on the clothing. The shipment in question, he _Id, totals half a million pounds ." clothes, and Is already in stor age in the Polish port of Gdynia. According to Msgr. Swanstrom, tbe clothing is the final ship ment in a series which' began last August. He said that if the Polish government does not al
low its distribution duty-free,
CRS-NCWC will re-shlp it to the needy in other countries.
Msgr. Swanstrom emphasized
that the Polish government has
made no move to impose duties en foodstuffs or medicines being
.ent to Poland by his agency. He laid that since the relief opera- ' "on began last year-the Amer-: 'can Catholic relief organization bad sent no supplies to Poland IIince ]950, when the communist campaign against the Church was goin!,; .into full swing-a total of 2.675,102 pounds of cloth ing worth $3;8'28,164 has been, .ent to Poland. In the same period 476,970 pounds of food, ".Iued at $56,925, and 21,290 pounds of medicin'es, w?rth $9!,~ .... Aave been .en'ho Poland. ~
LIMA - While Red-inspired uted it in the biggest cari'alOD demonstrators captured the (where people live in one-room; headlines of the world during .mud-thatched adobes) where '46 Vice-President . Richard M. families live,' says the New Bed Nixon's recent visit here, a New ford missioner. "The, poorest of Bedford Maryknoll Missioner the. poor were treated to shrimp and Mrs. Nixon were instrumen- and lobster - and' were,'-very' ,tai in feeding 80me of Lima's happy that the U. S. yice-Presi-. ' poor. ' d e n t had visited their city." ' Following • reception for the Vice-President and his wife at the American Embassy there; Father John ;S. Lawler of New Bedford commented to Mrs. Nixon on the amount of food left over from the affair. To Tne $325,000 Family Divisloll ~hlch Mrs. Nixon and the Amer of the Stonehill College Devel ican Ambassador's wife sug opment Program has passed the gested that Father Lawler take half-way mark, according to it to f~ed the poor of his parish. , Rev. James J. Sheehan, C.S.C.. . "I loaded the back of my car with cartons of food and distrib- college president. To date, 675 donors have sub scribed $172,840 for an average gift of $256 each. The campaign is national In scope, with state campaigns now underway in Rhode Island, Connecticut, Cali Have you wondered what to 'do with old clothes In between fornia, and Maryland. Massachu setts already has campaign or the Thanksg~ving. clothing ganizations in 60 cities and drives? The Daughters' of the towns. Holy Ghost, also known as the Committes, under the direction White Sisters, wiil gratefully of Rev. Thomas C. Duffy, C.S.C.. receive any usable garments you director ,of the $5-million devel no longer need; They may be brought to the convent at 194 opment program for the college, have raised the 'following: par Second Street, Fall River, at any ents, $100,294; alumni, $20,435; time. clergy, $5,750; employees. $3,145; Clothes for children and men are especially needed, according faculty, $2,514; Guild, $25,000; to Mother Yves de St. Jean, 'house mothers, $3,143; students, F.S.E., superior, but, any items $2,706; suppliers, $9,391. The ca'mpaign headquarters at all are ,acceptable. The Sis ter's supplies are so low that are located on the Stonehill campus. , they frequently have to r&fuse requests from the needy; sO .. real act of charity' will be per formed by those able to make donations.
very trying conditions," the Bishop 'added. He said that "the existence of our parochial schools In no way excuses our Ca\holic people from th~ duty of taking an active in terest in the welfare of our public schc:)ols.'" "Whatever the school attend ed," the Bishop concluded, "our children of today will be the citizens of tomorrow, and' in their hands lies the future of our beloved country."
Honor Mitchell' WORCESTER (NC).,,- Secre-, ' tary of Labof James: P. Mitchell has been honored by the HolT Cross College institute of indus trial relations "for distinguished service ' in 'the promotion' of sound' labor-management rela tions." 'He was awarded one of three Berlin Plaques.
Plan· New Seminary
Wing for Aged Chronic Sick Now Open
The Franciscan Fathers
Applications are now being ac cepted into the Bishop Cassidy Wing for the Aged Chronically III in Fall River. Applications may be made by writing or contacting Mother Maurice, O. Carm., superior of the Memorial Home in 'Fall River, the Catholic Welfare Bu reaus of the various cities of the Diocese, or by a personal call by a member of the family at the. Memorial Home.
GEORGE M. MONTLE Plumbing - Heating Over 35 Years of Satisfied . Service '806 NO. ,MAIN STREET Fall River OS 5-7497
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What About Your Old Clothes?
Third Order Regular of St. Francis Oiler to Young Men and Boys ,- speciaJ opportunities to study for the Priesthood. LaCK of funda ,no obstacle, , For further information. write to
When it's time I
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Joseph :A, Charpentier
Reg, Pharm.
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OSbot'ne 6-127•
At Grocers - ' Super Marke.
SACR1\MENTO (NC) - The Sacramento diocese 'will launch a $2,500,000 campaign May 25 to provide a permanent junior sem inary for the education 'of future diocesan prl~sts. '
. AMARAL'S LISBON SAUSAGE CO. 433. So. Second S$. WY 3-7645
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ILi$t ofContrib~t~~$ ..~ 1958 Catholic Ch.arities Appeoll
Special Gifts .
Fathers of the Sacred Hearts. $150 $100 . Holy Cross Mission House. A J'rie-nd, L. G.. Balfour CO., $125 $750' Swank, . Inc. Rev'-Benoit R. Galland.
$75 Fall River Trust Co., Fan
$100 .:Mr..and Mrs. Gerald Heagney; River National Bank. . Stonehill College, LaSalette . $50 . '.>' $500 Seminary-E. Brewster, LaSa Catholic' Women's Club; M. S. Geral,d E. McNally. lette Seminary-Attleboro, LaCompany, Apco Mossberg Co. $300 . .- . Salette Shrine, Rev. Francis X. $35 Wallace. Catholic Women;s Club. Mr; and Mrs. Patrick Duffy, . . Rt. Rev. Msgr. Humberto' S. $250 . Medeiros,-Rev. John F. Hogan. . Sherry, Corp., F. R. 'Five Cents Morin's Diners, Inc. $30 18vings Bank. $75 A' Friend. Rev. William 'Galvin, Rev. $200 $25 John J. Sullivan, Rev. Arthur Brady Electric Co. Plastic Craft & Novelty Co.. G. Dupuis. $150 Foster Metal Products Co., ' $50 Herve Lagasse, In Memory of Charles Tomae & Son, A Friend, Frances B. O'Duggan. !lev. George B. McNamee, In O. E. Cameron. Co. . $25 Memory' of James W. Kearns, $15 . Rev. Philippe Ross, W. H • Mackenzie & Winslow. Saltzman's Men's Store, Rey Brine Co. $100 BOlds & Markham, Atherton Fur- . Prescott Jennings, A Friend, niture Co." Webb Oil Co., Schneierson & $10' Sons, Inc. . Larson Tool & Stamping Co., =- Continued from Page One Duro Firiishing Corp., KnIghts Ripley & Gowen Co., Inc.,' PubNew Bedford; and Immaculate ol. Colu:mb~s, Council No. 86, lic Loan. '. HEADS ROME NEWS BUREAU. Father James,I. Conception, FaIl River. Allen J. McDermott, Cook Bor Anson Buick. CO.,The Perry Tucek of the Diocese of Dallas-Fort Worth, is ~hown' at his The .new administrator an den &~. . Welding Co., Milady's Shop, 4t- . nounces that coI]iessions will be desk in Rome 'where he is chief of the Rome Bureau of the $75 tleboro Motor Sales.' . . heard at Our Lady of Fatima Mr. and Mrs. Harold S.B. NCWC News Service. He directs the gathering and writing· from Swe~t Mfg. Co., Pelletier's Au 4 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. BuIfinton, S. S. Kresge Co., F. to Service, Doug's AtIailtic Ser of the news which is cabled airmailed to the News Ser- . Saturday. Sunday Masses will R. Package Stores Assn. 'flee ~tation. vice headquarters in Washin~n. NC Photo. be at 7, 8, and 10. . I $50 Succeeding Father McDermott . Atty.; Charles P. Ryan,' Wm. Almy & Co., Davidow's ' C } ( ) t h - T as administrator of St. Peter's Stang Assembly,Mr. and Mrs. ing Store,' Hawes Electric Co., is Rev. John J. Galvin, S.T.D.. $500 . Francis E. Sullivan, Mrs. Kath Continental Baking Co., Central $100 a Pro-Synodal Judge of.the DioFirst Safe Deposit National Labor Union, Goodhue Lumber, ElI'ine Crosson, F. RRetail Liq Knights 'of. Columbus-JametJ· cesan .Tribunal. He has been . Bank of'NewBedfoi'd. IIOl' Dealers Assn. Sam's Meat Market.' ~ E. Coyle Council. 'assistant at St. Mary's, Taunton." $250 . A Friend, U. S. Trunk Co.. ";"·0' $75 Father Galvin was graduated· Dawson's Brewery. Knights of Columbus, Bishop .-.. GOodnow's. from Durfee. High School, Fall._ 0$173 cassidy Council No. 3669, Israel.. $100 . . . $50 . . ,River, and studied ·for the prieStOUr Lt!dy's Haven Guests.· T. Almy.· Margaret Curtis Ins. & Real BenJamm E'rledman,. Rob-.. hood at St. Charles College, $100 . ,! Mathieu Oil Co;, Ann Dale · Estate, H.: Riley & Son. : ertson Factories, Inc., C,harles R.... Baltimore' and the Basselin' Francis A. Coyle,N. B: • & Products, General 'Scrap Iron, . . '$50 Galligan, O'~earne Insurance.. Foundatio~' at the Sulpician,. Acushnet Cooperati\1e B'a n k, iDe., .Shelburne Mfg. Corp: Wright Chevrolet Co.; Inc., Agency, Rennie Mfg. Co. ' , . Seminary, Washington, D.C. He . $35 . Charles F.Wing; Co. . . Oscar Hillman' & SonS, Mason ..,. $25 . ":'··was ordained June 10, 1933 by . $50 Fall River News Co., Ine. · Box.. Co., Beauchaine's' Inc.... Pober s, Dr. Edward ~. Doher-· Bishop Cassidy, .and pursued Acushnet Fish Corp., Andrew Reeve's Drug. . ty, Joseph N. McCormick. graduate studies at the Catholic $30 P. Doyle, N. B.' Joint Board $30 , .' . $15,' University of Louvain, Belgium. Sears, Roebuck & .co., Ine. Textile Workers 'Union of Am:; . St. Paul's Catholic Women'. _ From 1934 until 1936 Father . Deschenes Brothers. $%5 Motor Sales Co..··~ . Guild, A Friend. Galvin taught at St. Joseph's I $25 Bristol Knitting Mills, John Dr. Stanley Koczera, Kay $10 College, Mountain View, Cal. In' A. Lacasse & Sons, Bernard .J. It Cox Co., Lincoln M. Dunlap, J~welry Co., Carmelite Sisters ~. Meyer Bloom, Dr. E.~. following years he was a profes Byrnes Real Estate, No. Wash Ragle Finance Co., 'Green:s Stor for the Aged-Our Lady's Haven, ington Street Garage, Walter H.. LatImer" Norman Mason, Olson s sor at St. Edward's Seminary, age Warehouse. Michael Austin. ~ome of Flowers, Powers Pon- Kenmore, Washington, and St. Murphy. . Lavoie's, Jewelers -,Opticians, $25 . tiac, Inc. . . Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. $20 Joseph Nadeau's Sons, Inc., Paul Philip J. Kane, InC., Fish Dr. carmine A. Carucci, Dr. A Friend. Woltman, Somerset Bowlaway, Transport, Inc., Sharkey's Tire. John J. Gregg, Hickey's Diner, Iknpire Bowling Alley of F. R., Service, Maye & Ney Trans.' Co.. $15 Tremont Super Market, Eddie's Morris Levine, Green Founda Rep. Carlton H.-'- Bliss, John Super Market. Browne Pharmacy, Inc. tion, Inc., F. W: Woolworth .Co., New· Bedford Morris Plan, Bros. Brush Manufacturers, Clo McKenna's Gift Shop, J. How ONE' STOP G. W. Carpenter, Inc., Catholic Stanley Oil Co., Inc., A 'Friend, ver Market, Metal Spin Craft, '~d O'Keefe. SHOPPING C:;NTER 'students Council. Inc. Dr. George Riley, WatsOn 'Phar-' Walter C. Fraze, Win. N. macy. DeIllois Insurance &: Real Ea .Dioce~an· • Television • Furnituft Wheelock & Sons, Representa · tate, capodan!1o, Inc. . . $20 ,,, • Appliances • Groeer'7 . . $500 \ tive and Mrs: Manuel Faria, . Hawthorn Shop, Gollis Men's " $ 1 0 MagiiiniB & Walsh & Kennedy. Smith Lumber Co. Bright. Top Co., Ars Radio & 104 Allen St•. New Bedford Apparel, McGee's Photo Supply. $250 . International' Brotherhood of Television Serv" , Aglae ,Hat . $15 .. WYman 7-9354 Holy Cross Provincial House" I!:lectrical Workers, Dr. Daniel Atty. Edmund Dinis, E/ F. Shoppe, Michael A; Vigorito, '.'
Dorman, Jr., Hub Clothing, Mrs. Dahill &: Co., Dr.' Curtis Tripp, Rotary. ,Club, Watchbands . Inc., John M. Welch, Colonial Whole Academy Box & Case Co. . Sears, Roebuck' & Co. .' A Delicious l81e Beverage Corp. Attleboro Falls Athletic Club, . $10 Treat The Martinique, St. William'. A Friend, Dr. Russell. W~, 'Achiri's Garage, Dr. Henry BeWomen~s Guild, Dr. Roland Cha .dar<;l, Dr. Robert Bedard; F. E. A Friend, National Wholesale oat. Venturini Brothers, Delta Co., Sheerin' Elec: Co'Viens & Son.. .... . !nectric Co., Mrs; Ena Nerney, American Flexible COnduit ,. Atty. Charles 'Mason, V J.W. rermin~l Bakery.' .. .. Co., . Thos., W·: Croachet- Est., Newell Biais PQ~ 'No..443.' $20 Sturtevant. & Hook, Inc., Dr.
Atty. ,Wm. E. Crowther, Roger. Robert W. Horan, Wamsutta Fi For GREAT~R t.. CurJ,'ant, J. M. Darling Co., , Dance Co. . • OFFSET .' - Friend. Tripp &: 'I:aber, ~. J~. D. N~W BEDFORD . . $18 LITHOGRAPHY Barnes, M.· F. Avila, Inc., Dr. THE Catholic Memorial Home ResI Robert W~ Small, Dr. Kingsland • COLOR JJents. Johnson, Janson's Pharmacy. $15 Dr. Nathan Mitnick, Harpoon . PRINTING Cape Cod DresS Co., Barbara Harmonizers, Dr. Stanton Belin !'at .Dress Co., R. E. Smith Co'; koff, Paramount Pharmacy, Lo • BOOKS and .o\.dams Book Store. retta' Hat Shop, C. F. Cushing & of New .Bedford, Mass.
J. J. Newberry & Co., John Son. PERIODICALS' ~. Slade & Son, Fiynn's Package
Main Office
Store, Dr. Wilson E. Hughes.
• WEDDING ~ , Electrical $12.50 Union and Pleasant Sis..
INVITATIONS R. G. Chouinard Funeral ,, . North End Branch
flome. Contradon 1200 Acushnet Ave.
Member Federal Deposit
WILLIAM and 2nd STS.
Dr.. George·W. Blood, Herbert Ask For Them Today Insurance' Corporation
:::. Eales, Inc., George W. Gra ··C~
NEW BEDFORD, MASS 'lam', Grand Central Market. Gustave A. Hall; Atty. Joseph ~. Hanify, A Friend, Murray's
~harmacy, :!lte. Anne's Hospital :iurses· Alumnae. 944 ,County St. Seal Sac, Inc., Irving Wagner, Un'ion Printen. I Wolf Credit Jewelers, Alfred S. . , ~5 New Bedford 3herwin, Economy Dental Lab,
Am. Thread Co.-John W.Mar \Tel. . . , ';-_ .... ... ... .... . ..........' . ·A~ty. Joseph A. Cohen, Sani, ,. : ,
Fa II River '.
New Parish
au nton
New Bedfor,j
rth'Attleb'or'o", '.
Complete' .
First Safe Deposit
National' Bank
~a ~~.
Made' Rite Chips
.. _-_
_-_ __ .. _ _--_ .......__ .. __ '
. :ii~~~a~~~~~~~~,~·c::n:~~: . . : ..'O~,r, ~qdy.~f:.:Fati.~a Or. ,Robert H. ,'Moe;
I?~~' SaiJ:!uel'
:f~:'P~.. Benjamin Kaufman, F. ~.
' ..
.' : ,"
S~ riday· Masses'~ 7:0.0.', 8: 30, 1O:OCr'" . . .
t .,
. .;.
REV. JAMES F. McDERMOn, Administrator' ,
_.' ._~/_ ..... , ~ - '. ," ~.~, '~'../ . - ': ,~.~. ~ -.~ -e:~ , .
,': ,. :
." .
ioi,~ ~he
':SWI'TC H:::·:~':~TO· ...
: .
•. ~. SWANSEA;~ASS. .
•• ~ then
"f 'Confessib~s~atu~day, i5:'OO ,and 7-8:0~rp.M. ~ ..
. :
Radiator Wor~s.Feldmail: 3rothers, Martin & Sullivan,' , . . Central LU~ch,.~r~. The~esa M. " ~ .
_-----_ ..._;
.: 3rown. .. . .' "';' Mell Jew~lrY',Co.;·GrayType"''':'f '.vriter Co., Hutchinson O~l Co., . : ". R. ~team &: Gas pipe Co., .. , Dr. H. J. McKenna, George 8-. ,
Balancing the Books
Jesuit Author Stresses Obligation to Missions By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy An up-to-date, comprehensive, simple written account of Catholic missions is provided in Teach Ye All Nations (Benziger. $2.75) by Father Edward L. Murphy, S.J., who won the rarely accorded, degree of Doctor of Missiology at Rome's Gregorian Univer This is a compact- book, easy sity. His book is subtitled in manner, easy in style, abrim "The Principles of Catholic with stimulating ideas and valu able data. Not the least of its Missionary Work," and jus ufies this designation in its
treatmen< of the reasons for,
nature, scope,
and history of,
Catholic m i s
aion activity..
Father Mur
phy begins by
considering the
altogether spe
cial thing which
the C h u r c h
possesses and
• up ern atural
Christ, the di
vine Redeemer,
directed that this be carried to
the ends of the earth, to the end
.f time, and every human being.
For that task, He founded and commissioned His Church. The Church has been performing the task ~rom the first Pentecost, never setting down content with the membership' already regis-. tered, but always going out to bring Christian truth and life to others, and to bring others into the Mystical Body of Chirst. The missionary task is Dot merely to baptize and pass on. "Baptism," says Father Murphy, "is the beginning, not the end of the missionary objective. After baptism, a full Catholic life re mains to be achieved." And it has to be achieved in the pecu liar setting-social, cultural, po litical, economic - of those re eeived into the Church. Represents Christ The author, echoing Pope Pius XII, declares that the missionary does not represent his· own na tive cultur'e, much less does he !leek to impose that culture on converts. He represents Christ . and the universal Church; these have pertinence to peoples everywhere; and peoples every . where can accept them without yiolence or prejudice to what is good in their own cultures. In deed, Catholicism can become incarnate in any environment. There is prime stress on this truth in contemporary mission work, and on the wise adapta tion to local circumstances which is required of the missionary. To this end, shrewd use is made of such sciences as cultural an thropology.. Moreover, '. missionaries are prepared to help the people to whom they minister, develop not only a sound Christian life but aocial conditions which make this possible and foster it. They are ready to show the way, for example, to a social order which conforms to justice altd honor. human dignity and freedom. Native Clergy Objective The missionaries, so to speak, always aim at' rendering them selves obsolete. That is, their objective is a Church fully ma ture, with its own native clergy and supporting itself. Just as the Church in America was, until 50 years ago, missionary, but is such no longer, so it is intended that the Church in other mis sionary areas come of age lUI quickly as possible. Father Murphy .is especially interesting in his discussion of present day mission problems, and in his answers to objectiona which are' sometimes raised. An instance of the latter is the ehaUengillg of schools in missioD. lands which number far more aon-Christians than Christiana in their student. bodies an4 achieve few conversions. He maintains that they .e~ .... excellent purpose neverthe Ie., for they "crea te in a coun try and among non-Catholics . . intellectual climate which is not hostile to Catholicism," "spread. the Church's influence' far IJe;. yond her actual members," and "make an important contl'ibuUoa .. Uae national life-" .
merits is its stuirply bringing home to everyone his· own mis .sion obliglltion. St. Patrick A great missionary is the sub ject of Paul Gallico's book The Steadfast -Man (Doubleday. $3.95): namely, St. Patrick. Mr. Gallico is not Irish, and he is not Catholic, but he has pro duced possibly the best popular style work on the Apostle of the Irish.' He tells us, "This book is an attempt to present St. Patrick somewhat as he was-or might have been-from his own testi mony and the little, backed by evide'nce, that is truly known about him." ' St. Patrick, as we usually get him, isa figure cif legend or sen timentalizing. Mr. Gallico de spises anything of the kind, not merely because it is a falsifica:' tion but also because it fails utterly to do justice to a very strong, very humari character. He has therefore, set himself to winnow fact from fiction, and discarding the latter, sensibly in terpret the former.' He has la bored hard at this undertaking, but with unfaltering zest,' and has wrought a portrait which is enormously appealing. His highly readable' book shows on every page a questing, probing mind skillful in disco\'. ering and conveying the real sig nificance of development after development in a long, arduous life. But he says that St. Patrick had no sense of humor! Some people aren't going to like that. Holy Father Katherine Burton's latest bi ography is one of Pope Pius XII, entitled Witness of the Light (Longmans, $4). A book about so august a personage, written in his lifetime, surely will not be a critical study. It cannot even make much of an evalua tion, because perspective on a contemporary is relatively im possible. Is there, then, any point in such a work? If one begitls this book with reservations of the sort in miIld, he soon modifies them consid erably. Mrs. Burton has been at pains to wether informat~on and
THE ANCHORThurs., May 22, 1958
Norwich Prelate Chief .Chaplain . WASHINGTON (NC)-Presi dent Eisenhowe~ has nominated Msgr. (Brig. Gen.) Terence P. Finnegan to the grade of Major General to serve as Chief of Chaplains of the U. S. Air Force, effective Aug, 15. Msgr. Finnegan, of Norwich, Conn., servVlg as Deputy Chief of Air Force chaplains, succeeds Chaplain (Maj. Gen.) Charles I. Carpenter, who has been named Protestant cadet chaplain of the U. S. Air Force Academy in Colorado. During World War II, he was awarde'd the Bronze Star for meritorious service on Guadal canal. In 1950, while serving with the Far East Air Forces, he received the Legion of Merit for meritorious conduct in Japan and Korea. He was awarded the Oak Leaf Cluster to the Legion of Merit for services in the same theater during 1951-52. to work it together into a living likeness. She cannot, and she does not pretend to, say the last word on the H~ly Father, but she, does establish the continuity in his life and in his pontificate. As for his life, one learna that his grandfather, Marcanto nio Pacelli who survived to the age of 102, first came to Rome in 1819, brought there by his uncle Cardinal Caterini. There is thus a long association of the Pacellis with the papacy. Aptness of Decisions Again, looking into Eugenio Pacelli's school days, Mrs. Bur-. ton comes up with the fact that the young man's interest in sci ence was such as to be remarked by the teachec who headed the science department of the Liceo. As Pope, he would make bril liant and searching pronounce ments on a science gone far be yond the limitations it had known in his early days. As for his pontificate, the book shows the variegated prepara tion for the headship of the Church which the Holy Father . had, and in its ample and judi cious review of his years in that office it reminds us of the torrent of events with which he has had to deal and the marvelous apt ness of his decisions and his words at crucial points. Pius XII is a great Pope. The future will not alter that judg ment. This biography deftly . presents th.e evidence to sup . port it.
VOCATION MASS: Joseph Martin, Russell Jordan, Thomas Militano, William Whalen and' Raymond Williams, all students at Holy Family High School, New Bedford, are shown entering St. Anthony's Church, New Bedford, prior to the Solemn Mass offered for the intention of "An Increase of Vocations to the· Religious Life."
Stresses Church Concern for Sick
He recalled the words he had ROME (NC) - The constant pronounced in former speeches concern of the Church for the on the relationship between doc care of the sick has been empha tors and their patients, and sized by His Holiness Pope Pius warned that it must be "scrupu XII. lously respected in the light of Speaking to a group of Eng the moral precepts of the natural lish surgeons, the Pontiff said: "Guided by Christ, the Church law." has always gone out in a special way to the sick and 'the infirm, working to allev.iate their suf fering as far as is humanly pos sible." ' DETROIT (NC)-Gifted high Pointing to the medical schools . school seniors will soon have the of Padua, Bologna and Paris as opportunity to take a college examples of her interest in the level course, via television, while progress of medical science, he they're sti'll in their final year of added that the Church had estab high schooh lished hospitals all over Europe , Starting next September the during th~ past centuries "out of University of Detroit will open her anxious and loving care of the doors of its year-old "TV the sick." College" to qualified high school The Pope also noted that audi
students.' ' ences he granted to doctors
"TV College," with lectures on seelIled "to draw aside a veil
Detroit's educational television heavy with the day-to-day de
stations, and quiz, discussion and mands ofa restless world and
exam perio.ds on the campus, open up a world-embracing vista
opened at th~ university last of sufferin~ and heroism, of
September. Faculty members helplessness and liberality, of
find no significant difference human .misery and man's self
between the performance of stu dedication to the needs of his
dents watching lectures on TV mortal frame."
and those watching the same lectures i" the regular classroom. "Of course," said Jesuit Lau CHICAGO (NC) - Bishop rence V. Britt, dean of the uni Martin J. O'Connor, rector of versity's College of Arts and the North American College in Sciences, '~the crowded college Rome, is the new president of campus of the next few years U. S. alumni of the college. He will find it more and more diffi succeeds Msgr. J. Gerald Kealy cult to supply 'great' teachers of Chicago. for all of their classes."
TV College to Admit High School Seniors
New President
Plan your dates NOW
For complete information contact
ROLAND GAMACH,E - WYman 9-6984
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HOW?' ."
See .. for· .... lEST DEAL in •
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New . Bedford, MOss.', . '
ITo combat ERROR with Truth. On the BATTLE FRONT of the CLASSROOM. T~.SANCTIFY SELF and ONE'S ,NEIGHBOR. By imparting KNOWLEDGE imbued with CHRIs.. , TIAN IDEALS.
For Further Information Address
The Lord's Day
Weekly Calendar Of Feast pays
Co~nmuniJt Opit!~
Archbishop Brady of St. Paul has made some cogent remarks on returning to the Sunday suit. It is a fact that many persons are getting' away from the spirit of Sunday in their dress. . . Time was when one saved a ne.w suit or new shoes and wore them for the ;first time' on Sunday. ~ately 'there is , "a falling away from the "dress up' on Su'nday" custom and a lowering of respect for the day and for' oneself~ , . ~ Spiritually, Sunday must be kept the Lord's day, and that means the very best in the way of suitable clothing. Psychologically, Sunday must be kept a daY·apart, or else it will become just another day with subsequent harm to' the nervous system. Life is lived at such a pace, that
Sunday is necessary for healthy living, for re-creating the spirit and revitalizing the emotions and breaking up the . tension of a hectic six-day work ,week. ' It is not by accident that "Keep Holy the Lord;s Day" is a commandment of God. God, Who. made the h.uman Boul, knows what is needed for its spiritual and psycho- ~ logical health. Man's supernatural and natural lives need a Sunday of. rest, of re-creation, of respect for ~od and reverence for themselves. in dress anq action.
TODAY-St. Rita, Widow. She was an Italian and after 18 years of married liie lost her husband and two sons. She became a nun under the rule 'of St. Augustine at Cassia and in her later life was afflicted with a \ painful malady, which she bore with patience and prayer. She died in 1456 and is said to have had the power of miracles both dur ing life and after death.
TOMORROW-St. Desideriua of Langres,- Bishop-Martyr. Tra ditions concerning the saint who was Bishop of Langres, France. conflict concerning the time 01. his reign and martyrdom. Gen erally it is agreed that he died in the third century. It also agreed that he served in north eastern Gaul and that, during a raid by Teutonic barbarians, he boldly sought out their chief and begged mercy for his followers. He was struck down and bY blood stained the Book of Gos-' pels he held in his hand'. Many It is amusing in an ominous sort of way to reflect on c:hurches have been dedicated ill the rema~k .addressed .by Chancellor Adenauer of West his. honor. , Ger'many to Russian Presidium Jl!ember, Anastas Mikoyan. · . SATURDAY-Vigil of Pente Ad~mauer told' him :'''If I 'li'ved liext door to China, cost, Generally this date is the where a huge population is gr6wing at the rate of twelve feast of St. Manahen, Prophet. milliop a year, I would be worried." Mikoyan, not notably He lived in the first century and is mentioned in the Acts 01. a reticient man, said nothing in reply. the 'Apostle,:? as the foster The remark points up the fact of the huge. world brother of King Herod,.Antipa. population that is in Asia~artd Africa. Thinking Per Tl1e Yardstick an~ as a prophet. He is said to Bons realize that these many millions of people'will have have died at Antioch in Syria. silent voices in ~'orld affairs rio longer. The nationalistic SUNDAY-Pentecost Sunday. feelings that they are experiencing are but a prelude~to This feast commemorates, the growth and ldevelopment along industrial and scientific birthday of the Catholic Church when the Holy Ghost descended lines. And then they will be equipped and ready to play upon the Apostles in the form 01. By Eleanor Waters significant roles in the history of the wo.rld. fiery tongues. Generally 'thy Committee Secretary 01 Catholle AssOeiation for , Perhaps that time will be a number of years away. date is' the feast of St. Gregory International Peace But it 'would'be lacking in foresight if men closed their eyes VlI, Pope-Confessor. He Wall ~Miss Waters is guest ce>lumnist fe>r Monsignor George G. Hi;gtDl to the shape of the future. 'It would be no time to re born of poor parents in Tuscany this week. Monsignor Higgins' will return next week) .. , about . 1013, was educated ill evaluate policy and to seek out friendships after the- die SodaLOrder, the lively and ehane~ging monthly maga Rome and entered religious life has been cast. . in Cluny, France. Pope St. Leo The Church has been well aware of this shifting in zine published by the Jesuit Institute of Social Order (St. IX called him to Rome, where he Louis, Mo.), devotes its May issue'to an international sym world pOwer to the East. Pope, Pius XI years ago said served the Pontiff and .four of hi. posium on "Duties to Underdeveloped Countries." In the that Afdca's hour has struck. And the present Holy. successors as councilor. He wa. archdeacon of Rome _in 1073 Father only last year once more pointed out the 'role that light of the current discus countries and peoples ill clift when he was elected pope. He Africa is preparing to play in, the life of the world. " The sions of U.S. foreign aid in need. withstood attempts of Henry IV But, says Father Janssen, "The Church's missionary endeavors in China over the last Congress, the press, ~nd in of Germany to usurp ecclesiall national organizations, we solidarity of this community is thirty years are proof enough of her interest in the spiri tical powers and at length the are indebted to this periodical the basis of obligations of inter tual formation of the millions in that countrv. / monarch sought absolution of for a thoughtful" and authorita national social justice." And be the Pope at' Canossa. Later The Church's interest in Asia and· Af;ica is not ex tive presentation of a complex adds: "This solidarity is the con Henry relapsed, set up an anti ploitation. She is aware of her mission in the world, to international problem.. sequence of the common origin · pope and sent ~ope Gregory and~ the common destiny of all bring the good news of salvation to 'all men, to t.-'lke the The main argument in Social into exile. ' Pope Gregory died very best that the East ha.'l to offer-and it is much-and Order's symposium il5 presented men, whatever be tt)eir race or at Salerno in 1085. nationality or fortune." in an dpening article' by Father to put this at the service of the God of all. The Church MONDAY-Pentecost Monday. Leon H. Janssen, S.J., a special It should not be particularly knows and has known that these millions of people of Asia ist Feast . of. St. Philip Neri, Con inth'e' economics of under difficult for Catholics to grasp fessor. Born in Florence in 1515• and Africa need the truth of Christ and the grace of the .developed countries. The rest of. the full of Father sacraments through His .Church to stand up against the the forum is devoted to rather sen's argument. The world-wide · he became a tutor in Rome to a nobleman. He devoted his lie brief commentaries on the basic ,jmplicati~ns of social justice forces that would exploit them. . sure to the study of theology. In , paper, contributed by 11 experts, have been clearly spelled out in That is why the Chinese picture is su~h a sad one 1548 with 14 companions . he with a final "Postscript" sum the writings and addresses of today. The Catholic' faith was enriching the lives of so mary by' ,the magazine's editor. : the recent 'Popes, from LeO XlII" founded the Congregation of the Oratory. He was not ordained m'im'y, the gifts of China to the Church were adorning her . down. to 'our ,present Holy TIl'e:short pieces reveal a wide until 1551 and. the Oratory was in" a splendid way, and the. communist 'menace has inter-' divergence of opinion among tile Father. " n'otapproved officially until vened brutally and with a dreadful completeness to stop contributors to the manner in " As .re~ntly as April, PoPe .1583; but hr more than 30 yean : which assistance can be giv'en to Pius XiI re-emphasizedqhe obli its 'progress. ': it was the center of religious ;.... It is disturbing scene-to see millions of God's c.rea- underdeveloped areas;. 'at the, gations of international social life in ·Rome. Known as the same time. .there .is' a firm' justice in an address to a ....g roup ,ture,8 robb~d,~ of their birthright 'to know God -and His plan and general 'agreement· on the of French government officials "Second Apostle of Rome," ·St. Philip. died in 1595 and WlUl for 'their salvation, given, as a poor substitute, a materialis moral necessity of aiding tilese 'and leaders of' African terri cam ized in 1622. tic 1lhilosophy that will keep them in spiritual bondage countries. tories.· In, his talk, tJle He>ly TUESDAY-Pentecost Tues Father declared: "The unequal and make them colonies of the imperialistic power that is 'Crying Need: day..Feast of St. Bede the Ven division of the gifts and treas communist Russia. ,erable, Confes~or:'Doctor. He Father Janss~n, begins his . Let governments and coun'tries meditate on't1:le changes article by recalling the changes ures of nature gives to men the was born in Wearmouth, Eng m9ral obligatiOn to aid each , land, in 673 and as a child waa 'in. policy' that must be made to inClude Asia and Africa' in in industrial relatio'ns which .. other, each according to the th'e 'world picture. The, Church has a, more .important gradually developed after the understanding and strength he offered to the Benedictine Ab bey of SS. Peter and Paul 'at work-to call upon her members to pray for these great. "Industrial Revolution, and which _has received. This obligation Wearmouth-Jarrow. He W81 finally led .to an awareness of _constantly increases in propor - areas of the world, that they inightbe claimed for Ch'tist. "social, justice, which, ,he says, professed there under the found Pi~y'ers for vocations mU1?t include' prayers for mission-, "was the fruit of a conviction , tion to tr ' increase in the power , er, St. ~enedict Biscop, and spent ~t the disposal of the social or the rest of his life at the abbey. atie~-for priests and brothers and sisters who will ~ring ·that something should and could national group'." . He. was ordained by St.· John the· light that is Clirist to these dark continents. ,,' .', . b~ done to give every member New Challenge of Beverly and was renowned as '..China is closed-please God that the seed of ·;the · of the community the opportunCertainl" there is'reason to be a scholar. The. Bible was hi. ; ity to; lead a fully human Hfe." Church, planted there by so ,many ,zealous missionaries proud 'of the contribution which principal study. His "Ecclesias- . ,"This cOllviction gave rise to ' from so many lands, will grow strong' in silence. Africa Catholic leaders. and writers tical History of the English the development of trade unions have made in the past decades People" earne": him the title of rem<~ins . open--'-and if, w'e are truly Catholic" then its and social legislation, and tilus ,,(and are still making today) to Father of English History. He ;: '. ~: . verSiOn IS our concern. ",Within such a framework in ,the develop!Tlent"of a sense of died in 735, on Ascension Eve, dustrial relations were raised social justice in industrial relaand his last words were "the from the law of the jungle to the . tions. But the 'problems of 'to Gloria." level of a' <,:0r(lmunity concern." day's small world present ne,w WEDNESDAY Pentecost Today, the complicated prob challenge' to all of us. We can Wednesday. Feast of St. August lems of the international com not afford to regard "foreign ine of Canterbury, Bishop-Con , munity weigh upon: us all, and aid" as "just a political prob fessor. He shares with Pope St. here again' the crying need is for lem." Gregory the Great the title of social justice. Father Janssen In fact, we must work· dili Apostle of the English. Before gently to raise it to a much O'FFICIAL NEWSP~PER OF THE DIOCESE OF' FALL RIVER' ,writes:dThe awareness of rela his election, he sent 40 m'onks tionships of justice governing higher level than that, by apply . under St. Augustine to England, Published Weekly by The ~atholic Press ot the Diocese ot fall River the international community is ing to it the principles of social where they were received by . 410 Highland Avenue' . - today as pl"imitive as was the justice which can best bring Ki~g St. ~thelbert, who Wall Fall River, Moss. OSborne 5-7151 moral mood of the 19th century's about the achievement of a true , converted. St.Augustine was con view of industrial relations." international community. secrated the first Archbishop of PUBlISHE~ There is, of course, an interIn the Social Order sympo Canterbury and achieved great Most Rev. James L. Connolly. Ph.D. , · national community, but its ac sium, Father Janssen and the success in spreading tl:te Faith tions al'e' dominated by power distinguished writers who com throughout England. 'He died GENERAL MANAGER . ASST, ,GENERAL MANAGER rather than by any considera ment on his thesis. have provided • about 604 arid was buried ill Re-v. DanIel f.· Shalloo. M.A. _ R,ev. John P. Driscoll tions of social justice. Conse a solid background of knowledge 'the Abbey church outside"of the '. MANAGING EDITOR quently, assist<)n~e is given only for tho~e who W<lnt tn lr""no ..... '! 'walls of. Canterbury, which be AHorne)' Hug';" J. Golden ,grudgingly and sparingly to real reasons behind foreign aid. liau :fuunded. . . .... .' .....
Shape of the Future
Must A'pply Social Justice ·Principles' t~ Foreign Aid.
A~CIIOR 6.0..
.".. . ,·t~·' .. '
Doctor Discovering Fertility Test Scores Calling It Birth Control
Suggests Med ics 'Come of Age'
BOSTON-If you want to hear inates any pretext for the use of . WORCESTER (NCt-Catholic , words about newspaper reportchemical, mechanical and hor doctors have been urged tD ing these days, you should talk: mone devises to interfere with "come of age," to enter the pio to Dr. Joseph B. Doyle of St. the natural functioning of the neering fields of research and Elizabeth's Hospital here. reproductive process," he said.. psychiatry, and the influential After working for 18 years tD New System field of administration and full promote human fertiIit>", Dr. ~'. Doyl~'s ~ew system for time teaching in medical schools. Doyle has seen himself hailed in f~rtal~ty testmg IS ?ase~.~n co~ The call came from Bishop daily newspaper headlines across bmataon of two thmgs. t,he, dls Bernard J. Flanagan of Norwich, the United States as the inventor covery (by Dr. Charles BI,rnberg , Conn., who addressed the .t. "a new birth control method." of Brooklyn) that glucose "homecoming" for physicians The publicity followed his (sugar) is ,present in ~ w()m~n's and dentists at Holy Cross Col presentation before the Amerwomb durmg the fertile periods lege.
lean College of Obstetricians and e.ach month, and at no o~er
Still Too Few Gynecologists, meeting in Los time, .a~d standa.rd tests f~r dls Bishop Flanagan said that he Angeles, of a film explaining his ~verl~g ,~uga! m the urme of knew "not all of you "will feel DeW method to determine the diabetics. that you ".ave either the inclina exact period of female fertility. In Dr. Doyle's method, a ,spe tion or the qualification to, enter , . cially treated paper on a tampon any of these fields, but I hope Dr: DOY,le s dls~over~, he e?,- is brought into contact with the that they at least will merit the phaslzed 10 an mtervIew. wlt.h womb and if glucose is present, the N.C.W.C. News SerVice, IS it will change the color of the serious' consideration of many 6f not a, ~irth control method, but paper, indicating.that the woman you." "Certainly the time has come to a ~~rtlh~y test. is able to conceive at that time. MedlC~1 researchers. hav,e Dr. Doyle is director of the. look on your career as more than been trYll1g for many y~ars to fertility clinic at St. Elizabeth's merely a living," the Bishop de work out a safe, accurate and H;'spital here, where he has clared. "We've come of age." ·He noted that "we are still too easy t~st to allow. women to worked since 1947. Recently, he det~rmlne th~ exact day on was appointed research associate few, still inadequately repre which ovulation occurs each at St. Margaret's Hospital here, sented by qualified men" in the fields of "medical research and month. h' h . l' . te't "One method, ,a sort of rule' of 'w IC specla Izes 10 ma rm y . science, the field of laboratDr1' ttl b . , I d t' g' cases. u.m , IS ca en ar ~oun m Several years ago, Dr. Doyle and classroom." which ha~ been, associated for was awarde' the Mendel Medal Act of Charity decades With the rhythm system. by' the Gregor Mendel Genetic "When a new vaccine is re Another developed more recently Institute in Rome which is di ported or some other important involves taking the woman'" reeted by Prof. Luigi Gedda, finding is made in the labora temp~I·.ature each mo~ning and leader of Italian· Catholic Action tories, it is seldom in modern keeping a chart. In thIS system, and a scientific advisor- to Hia times that the name of a Cath tempera,ture change is a sign of Holiness Pope Pius XII. olic is connected with them," the fertile phase. , No Moral Problem Bishop Flanagan observed. "But both systems hav~ dis"In my work on fertility probThe researcher, "performs a advantages. They subJect tD lems," said Dr. Doyle,~"I often ,tremendous, act of charity that ,in~ccuracy for V?rIOUS reaso~s. run into complex moral ques benefits untold millions. His WIth the new testing method, 10tlons and I am careful to disCuss work goes on long after he is .accuracy is practically elim- my work frequently with highly dead, bringing comfort and hope to generations yet unborn." be iDated." , trained theologians." Two Results "I have discussed the fertility , said. Dr. Doyle predicted that the test with Father John C. Ford, The Bishop deplored the lack of Catholic doctors in full-'time new discovery will have two S.J., of Weston (Mass.) College practical results. and Father Gerald Kelly, S.J.. positions in medical schools, and he noted that in administrative Most important, lie said, is of St. Mary's (Kan.) College. positions-"wherein policies are that it will give couples who "Both of them have told me have been childless, because of that there is no more moral formulated and thereby a very real and' powerful influence' low fertility, a better chance to problem in this system for test throughout the whole field -of have a family than they have ing fertility than there is in the medicine",-there are "some but ever had before, already standard and accepted In other cases, where a couple practices 'If keeping temperature , DOt many" Catholics. which for legitimate reasons, has charts or of calendar counting." made the moral decision to prac tice rhythm, this new method will give more exact information tor their guidance, he said. PHIL:A.DELPHIA (NC)-Con "In other words, it makes it WASHINGTON (NC) - Red tributions exceeded $2,000,000 in regimes are using their control possible to predict with amazing the Catholic Charities Appeal over religious institutions to accuracy whether a woman is conducted here in support of 54 transform them into tools of sub liable to conceive a child on any charitable institutions of the version. liven day," he explained. But it is no more a form of Philadelphia archdioceSe. , According to the 1957 annual The $1,600,000 goal was top~d 'report of the Senate Internal birth con trol than prediction of , a solar eclipse is a form of sun after .ail-day campaigning by Security Subcommittee, the cen 50,000 lay workers. ~ntrol, he added. tral authority over churches uo Archbishop John F. O'Hara, der Soviet domination is a perm "I have been an outspoken ~.S.C., of Philadelphia, credited opponent of unnatural contra anent career officer of the Soviet eeption since the beginning of Catholic generosity and the help Secret Police, Maj. Gen. Georgi my medical career," Dr. Doyle of people outside the Church for Karpov, publicly known as the _id. the success of. the drive which chairman of the Council of tbe was directed by Msgr.. Francis Russian Orthodox Church. "One thing about this discov J. Furey, assisted by John F. ery that makes me particularl1' One witness before the Senate happy is the fact that it elim- Connelly, lay chairman. , IUbcommitte, the repert reveala, Aid that Red infiltration of re ligious institutioT!s is not ,re .tricted 'to one denomination or to one satellite country. • Dr.. Roman Kazimerz Mazier .Id, pastor of the Polish Re formed Church in exile, who is now living in London, made the following statement: "The Ministry of Culture ,in the Polis1,l People's Republic is controlling, on behalf of the -eommunist government, all churches and their cler~ 'iD. Poland. This office, is using, the clergy for communist· propa ganda purposes in the free world b1' sending them to varioUl ecclesiastical conferences ancl instructing them what to 181':",
c'atholic Charities Appeal Exceeds Goal
FOR' PUBLICISTS: St. Bernadine of Siena, patron of public relation workers features this new medal. Sponsored by the Association of Catholie Newsmen of the ~ Fran cisco Archdiocese, the bron.ze medals have been presented to area publicists by Monsignor Walter J.- Tappe, moderator of ACN and editor of The Monitor, San Francisco Catholic weekly. NC Photo.
Employ Religion For Subversion
. Chicago Meeting PITTSBURGH ,(NC)-The Na Uona1 Catholic.~usic Educatora Association has selected Chicago as .its 1959 convention site. The convention dates were fixed for April 24 lhro',gh 29. .
ALBANY (NC)-"The growth
the growth of the Church in our
diocese and the nation," Bishop
William A. Scully of Albany said
at ground-breaking ceremonies for a new $250,000 addition at Mater Christi Seminary. The
wing will alleviate student
crowding. The seminary, opened
In 1954, was originally, built for IZ .nudents and re!!ident faCulty lIlembers. Enrollment has loge ~the,original capad.,
Tllke your choice of these deficloul, (urcyroastl. No 'maner what your selection you have guaronteed good .eating. They're all, Super-Right-your alsur· ance of fine quality.
You, won't see the same grade chlckenl wrapped differently at a higher price at A&P. Nor a high.. prk» for .cut up or quartered chic~ens. You11 flnd one grade, the top ••• at one price al advertised.
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NEW YORK (NC)-"God has natural at work," At ~ourdes, he made Lourdes the 'Magnificat of sai'd God has "continued tD con modern times." fou~d the proud of heart, the Msgr. Joseph B. Code, director . . , of the St. Paul Guild, an organi materialists, the unbelievers, the zation engaged in convert and scoffers at His l?ower, and He education work made the state has done this through her who ment at the Mary's Day Mass sang the..first Magnificat." offered in St. Patrick's Cathe "Mary'- continues tD sing this dral. , song of praise,' he added, "eacb Msgr: Code declared that "if is ' time her Son shows His power against the setting of Lourdes through her, )Vhether it be a cure that we may best see the super of body or of a soul."
New Bedford's Only Authorized . .
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·At 'Our, House'
D~scrib~s'Childr'en's 'Reaction
To' Glimpse of Train
By Mary Tinley Daly Railroads out, p~ssenger-wise? It's the end of an e'r'{l", as the journ,alists put it, editorializing on the newer ,modes of travel: in the air for speed, over the superhighways for economy. trains. No longer jlre they con Nevertheless, like the cir tent to watch one train. They eus-which some say is also know that the Columbia and th'e on its way out of the Ameri Capital Limited aren't very far ean scene, there is still a apart so it's "Wait just' a little
Fa'i LRiver-Cathol icWofl1an sCI ub ':',' Nan1es Two Scholarship Winn,ers Miss Mjlry 'E. Dunn and Miss Catherine M. Howard were today named' winners of' the annual scholarship awards of the Fall River Catholic' Woman's Club. Both students are to be gradu
thrill attached to a train just' as while 10nge1'l 'Daddy,' and -let's IUrely as' its engine. lee the other train." 'House That Turns Not long ago
Railroad books, the ones with we had the fun
pictures, fascinate those in 'the of watching
little house. on Valley Road and fOUT of the
we find ourselves hard pressed , g r a ndchildren'
to recall railroad terms we had' . catch their first
ourselves known in that railroad glimpse of a
center long ago in the Midwest. train, close-up,
"Know where the trains sleep, that is. 0
Gramma?" we were'asked today. "W i II the "In. the yards?" we ventured. train go as fast "The railroad yards-not' back as Daddy's car, yards like yours?" when Daddy's CATHERINE M. HOWARD, "Oh, no, Gramma," Lu Anne go i n g r'e a I ated next month from Sacred. 8aid, her brown eyes alert. "They fast?" four-and Hearts Academy. have a' roundhouse, not a square a-half-year-old Lu Anne asked. Miss Dunn, the daughter of one like ours. The engineer We tried to explain the speed, Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Dunn of "to prepare t~em for the size and he's the man that rims the train, 39 Linden Street, has been on power of the Iron Horse, to. tell -the engineer runs it onto' a the' honor roll of the Academy them that a bell would ring, track in this roundhouse and,the for four years. She has been a, house turns, like this," she pirou right where we were, to warn member d tl;1e Glee Club, the etted, "and it goes out another people to get out of. the way be J'ournalism Club, the Sodality, cause the train would be going door. See?" 'and a staff member of the news . Needless to say, the desire for 10 fast that it couldn't stop. paper .. and the yearbook, and personal railroading e~perience will enter the University of .lust then the bell sounded. " "How does the bell know when is keen. .Massachusetts in September. So, on his next business trlp the train's coming?" Lu Anne asked. "Can it see, ,around the \ J'ohnny:is going to get on a train in our metropolitan center and corner where we can't see'?'" take Lu Anne and Deirdre with, Choo-Choo him. Lu, the babies and-we The far-off roar as the train 'THE HAGUE (NC)-The need hope-ourselves, will meet the hove into sight, its whistl~ blow to uphold man's dignity in social, ing for the suburban station~ train at its first stop and ,take economic and political activities the children home from their within seconds, the gigantic of the present-day world has first train ride., , thing was passing in front of us, been 'stressed by Margaret End of, an era? We hope not" tossing up gravel, blowing the , Klompe, Dutch Minister of ~ hair of the girls, making breath-' Wins Scholarship' cial Welfare. ing difficult; Sensing its power ' Miss Klompe, a Catholic, ad and speed, the 'children reached Miss' Nan Eliza beth Price, dressing' the congress of the a peak of excitement, o~ wqnder daughter of Mrs. John H. f>rice 'Young Christian Democrats that was breath-taking. • of 200 Franklin Street, Fall, movement, said a changing "0-0-0-0-'0'" Lu Anne gasped, River, has been awarded a schol world has created a number of .tanding on tip-toes and tensing arship by Assumption Circle" ,new problems: insecurity, lone all her muscles, brown eyes liness and the so-called freedom riveted on the monster. of-, modern manhood'. "Oh, it maketh me na-~-avous!" , Miss Klompe said both nazism' three-and--a-half-year-old Deir and communism h'ad to be re dre clapped hands to' her ears jeCted in the Search for' a solu and turned' away, thep' back to tion to these questions because watch the train disappear. these systems contradict the Sean's eyes were like balloons, basic' principles of' human dig ,liis sturdy lit~e hands grasping . nity. ' the edge of the bench, heart But because Christianity con 'going like a trip-hammer as we siders man as a creature of 'God, put our arm around him. "It-it's She said, it can clear the way a' big train, Mommy," he sighed toward the solution to these as the west-bound flyer disap problems. In a world that threat peared down the track.' ens to reduce man to' the level Inevitable' Question' of a machine, she added, man's Baby Maura's reaction was t1,le dignity must be emphasized and most intriguing of all. Tean strongly upheld in social, ec0 of fright' were close,~ the sur nomic and political activities. face as the train thundered our way; she nestled close to Lu, Alumnae Communion putting her head in her mother:s A new slate of officers' will lap, then peeked, riot wanting to 'be presented for app'roval at the miss the' experience. With the annual reunion of Jesus' MaO' NAN E PRICE almost-tears still close· to the Academy Alumnae Association .urface, after the train ~ad Daughters of Isabella,' Regent , to be held at 1 :30 f1ext' Sunday Passed, she l~ughed and clapped Mrs. Margaret Tourgee.. afternoon in the Academy Audi her, hands. "Do it again!" she nounces., ' torium in Fall' River. , shouted. A senior at Mount St.Mary'. And then the questions: Academy, Miss Price will enter 'Japanese Girl Places "Where is the' train going?" the' Union Hospital School of Second in Contest "Why is it going ,to Chicago?" Nursing. ".', 0 WASHINGTON (NC) - The "Will the man that drives it park . 18-year-old daughter of the Jap in Chicago'?" "Does it blow, the anese Ambassador 'to ,the United people inside like it blows us?" '. "Can the people eat on it?" States was one of three top wiJl4 ners in a mathematics contest for "Where does the" man that drives it sit?" "Does'he'take his GLEN RIDDLE (NC)-Mother students in Ca,tholic high schoola in the Washington archdiocese. children riding, on the train?" Mary Agnes, provincial of the And t~~ inevitable ,"When can" Sacred Heart (Western) prov She is Akiko Asakai, daughter 01. Ambassador Koichiro Asakai, we ride on a train?'" ,', ince of the Sisters of the Third a senior at Stene Ridge Convent 'Let's See the ,Other' Order of St. Francis since 1952, of the Sacred Heart. She and her After that visit, the children, has beEmelected Mother General mother are Catholics. became pretty tra'in-conscious, ,of'the community. , Miss Asakai 'won second prize .Johnny brought home a travel She succeeds Mother Mary folder, issued, by the railroad, Leandro, .who, was named first' in the contest, sponsored by a and Lu Anne and' Deirdre, consultor and vicar general, of . citizenshir committee of' the Knights of Columbus. though neither can read, learned the community. The 'Sisters of from the pictures a great many the ThirdOrd,er of ~t. Francis, things that both their parents ,founded ,in Philadelphia in 1855, and their grandparents had, have more than 1,600 members either forgotten or never knew.' 'in 125 foundations in this coun At the nexi Sunday's visit to try: "Watch the trains go by" they Measured could, identify the engine, t~e Mission to Be~efit and passenger cars; they were dis The Retreat House, in : Man Installed
appointed urat it had no hopper ville, R.: I., ,will benefit from up to 32x32
nor caboose ,-' "camboose" to the annual May card party held them. They know what railroad ,by -the Franco-American Wom ties are and inspected the big an's Club, Inc. in St. Louis 'de Aluminum Window Co. nails :keeping ,them in place. . France hall; Swansea. "Bigger'n any filiils Daddy uses." Oblate ,Father' Boisvert of the ,328 Durfee Street, Fall River And so, as a special Sunday' Reireat House, was a guest at. the OS 8-8022 Portsmouth 8~ treat,'the 'yo~ Dalys watch the &!fair.
Minister Str'esses ManIs Dignity
Miss Howard, daughter of Mri. ,Arthur"T. Howard oi 154 Shaw':' mut Street, will attend Bridge 'water State Teachers' College. While ,at Sacred Hearts Academy she received certificate of hon
, MARY E. DUNN orable merit from the National Classroom Latin Magazine, ~nd won an honors rank in each of her four. years in the Classical course. She belonJed 'to the Journalism Club, was a member of the staff of "Shacady" and of "Janua," and served on the "Seventeeners" committee. Since the scholarship awards were staried by the Catholic Woman's,Club 1950, a total of $5,600 ,?has ,been awarded to daughters of members. Funds~or this year'!? awards were raised .from the successful Spring da'nce held Eilster week at the Hotel Mellen. The committee which selected this year's recipients on the,basis of scholarship consisted of ~Mrs. David W. Boland, immediate past president of the club; Mrs~ Francis .1; IConnors, chairman; Mrs: Thomas' J. Flemil)g, Mrs. John J. Harringto'n,' Miss ,AliCe E. Lenaghan and Miss Mary Pa checo. .
8'" Th.urs.>, -:THE ANCHOR I May 22, 1958 ~ Fall RiverWomen Elect Miss Hogan' Miss Katherine L. Hogan 'w_ , elected president of the Catholic Woman's Club of Fall River lit the club's annual business meet.,. ing. Ot~er officers chosen are'Vice President Mrs. Hector E. Bar rette; Secretary Miss Eileen A. Sullivan and Treasurer Mi. Mary C. Pacheco. Registrars: Miss Catherine A. Boylan, M,iss Janice Hurley, Misa Virginia C. McAndrew, Miss An na L. Sullivan, Miss Stella M. Masse, Miss Ann L. Dunn, Miss Maureen F. Cleare, arid Millll. Margaret E. Sullivan. Directors: Mrs, George R; Hurley (one year), Miss Eliza beth McArdle (two years), and Mrs. William J. Maloney (three years). Trustees: Mrs. William S. Sul livan and Mrs. James E. Sulli van, Jr., one year; Miss Alice C. Harrington and Mrs, Eugene .1. Pontiff, Jr. two years; and Mrs. David W. Boland and Mrs. Charles Burke", three years., Miss Mary F. Maleady, chair man of the, nominating com mitee, read the report. ~ ' Mrs. Emile ,Cousineau, chair man of- the Community Service' pepartment, reported that, by the end of this month, the 'group will have made five thousand pads this year for the Rose Haw thorne Lathrop Cancer Home.. Mrs. Boland, retiring presi dent, presented a check to Rt. Rev. Msgr. J. Joseph Sullivan, club moderator, on behalf of the' organization; Monsignor Sulli;. van congratulated ,the outgoing officers on a successful year 8f)d urged the members to extend the same support , to the, new officers.
Ellen Collins, Wins at Mundelein
CHICAGO (NC) - The 1958 Magnificat Medal of Mundelein College has been presented to Miss Ellen Collins; associate First Couple Marries
editor of World Affairs maga zine. At Vatican Pavilion
,The citation stated that Miss ,BRUSSELS (NC)-A Canadian 'Collins has worked "to better couple' was the first to be mar-' our political relations with our ried in Civitas Dei (City, of God); South American neighbors and the Vatican pavilion at the Brus with Spain," and "has, 'consist..; liels International Exposition of ently, devoted hersel'f to an im , 1958. ' provement of the spiritual wel His Eminence Paul Emile Car fare of those for whom she dinal Leger, Archbishop 01. worked." Montreal, presided at the cere Accepting the Jtledal, Mia mony which 'united Georges Collins' urged her student audi D'Astou, assistant chief of in ence to take an active interest formation at the Canadian ex in international affairs. hibit here,' and Ghislaine Des "It is tragic to see so J1lany of chene!?, an employee at the same ' our intelligent women with exhibit. Both ,are from Mont backgrounds of honor, justice 'J'oli, Quebec. ' and decency, all too frequently silent while the enemies of peace Unusual Scholarship and freedom are' chirping from WINONA (NC) - An unusual every tree," she said. ,scholarship has been established .by the Minnesota Court of the Beauty 'Hints Catholic Daughters of America. For Clear Eyes It will be awarded only to' a stu Faithful care with that tried dent who will agree to teach one and ,true protective preparation, , year in a parochial school, after Modesty., For the best results we graduation, for every tw'o years recommend that, you carry it she attends 'college .on, the' schol with you wherever you gl?' , arship.
Fra'nciscan Nun's 'Elect New Head
FRESHMAN Ol"FICERS: Members, of the Class 9f 1961,at Mount St; Mary Academy, Fall River, elected, left to right, Secretary Marie Gonsalves, Vice-president Maureen Powers, llresident Janet Ouell~tte ~nd 'l'reasurer Caro: '"
Residential - 'Commercial
633 Broadway, Fall River
'os 3-1691
SORRY! No Herrlnc or Lobster Stew BUT you're sure ~ Fall in ,Love' with .
at the N~ST HERRING RUN Rte. 6
Mattapoisett. ,Maa.
todays Fashions
Cathol ic Women Plan Conclave
Careful Choice of: Make-up Ess~~tial for Middle Aged'
·By, Ellen kelley ,'.J;'oday le~'s consider the make-'up ~~chnique of 'the woman who is past early youth. Of course, when. you're young you can use almost any shade of powder and lipstick and look wonderful, although, even at that age, certain tones can be much more flattering than of plain gelatine '"dumped in." others. The gelatin builds up the nails, The woman of middle age prevents cracking and splitting, and over needs make-up actually, is a sort of "pep cock even more than her younger sister but must select it with care, and apply it with considerable skill. If she uses the wrong shade of powder or rouge, or both; if she uses too much lipstick, ,and make-up in general, it will definitely age her looks and accent every line and droop. Too much rouge, .for instance, will make anyone look older and any make-up extreme has practically the same effect. Almost every woman needs rouge but it, should be applied lightly to blend well, so that there is no small, ch'cular effect. As one grows older, skin tones change, almost imperceptibly. You may, however, still achieve a beautiful complexion. Your lipstick colors, for instance, should not be too glaring. The soft reds and the purplish toned I-eds are usually becoming. Too dark lipsticks are usually aging but many unusual types seem to look well with this sort of lipIItick. As one grows older, the mouth Is likely to become smaller, and, unless cared-for, acquires a pinched' look. So, the 'clever older woman will draw the line of the natural lip out a little, making it appear to be a bit fuller and softer. Eye Shadow At this stage, you require a bit more of the pink tones in your face powder. This is espe cially important when making up for the evening. Some smart women in their forties, fifties and sixties use no rouge in the daytime but highlight the eyes arid rouge for the evening. The eyes of the older woman acquire, more shadows and cir cles al;>out the' and may be a bit deep~r sunk in the socket. For evening eye-shadow,. mascara, eyelash, cU,rlers and an eyebrow pencil will do' wonders for her. Personally, I do not like eye s,haqow, for the older ;woman,..., but, ot course, tastes diff~r con siderably and eye shadow maY look simply wonderful on one ";'o~'an" terrible on another! A., rich night cream, ,from the age of 35 o~, is imperative to lubricate the skin, to be applied after' the cleansing cream and lotion. Leave a bit on overnight. A good foundation cream is an essential, too-gives a youthful, dewy look to an otherwise very dry skin. Hair Tinted ~f, your hair is graying, and is ~t tttat, unattractive pepper-and salt stl!cge, if you're prematurely gray, or gray, ·and simply want t() have your hair tinted, plan to do so at the very earliest con venience. Today's tints are prac tically fool-proof and when ap plied' by an expert beautician, safely and quickly, can trans f\lrnl you, make you look years yo~nger, can actually add to your feminine beau~y. If you're wise, you'll ask for the tint that most closely re sembles the natural color of your hair before it grayed. Be sure, too, whenever you hliveyour hair "dressed," that the beauti eian gives you a cream rinse to k~ your ~inted hair soft and lustrous. , . Anent nail enamel, do match It· with your lipstick. If you're a honey or ash blonde do stick kl the soft pastel tones. If your bair is ,black,brown, titian or a deep, lovely red tone, then you bave a' wide c~oice-thepastel or deep, vibrant tones are your Jashion ticket! Continued use of nail enamel often ,h'ies the nails and makes them dangerously brittle. Con 8equently, omit nail ehamel one week in four and drink a brim ming glass of orange juice three &imea daily with 'a half-packet'
tail" and aids your physical health as well! Feet Need Care Give special attention to your feet. If you're on your feet all day, at home or at business, stroke on a greaseless cream, concocted by a "foot doctor." It soothes the feet, prevents and, actmilly eliminates a "burning" sensation, is'a real comfort the day-long. Plan to go regularly to a chiropodist for the elimination or, p~evention of such foot troubles as corns, bunions, in grown ,toenails, etc. Painful feet ,can add wrinkles to the face-' almost overnight - and cause acute discomfort. If you've acquired varicose veins, then do invest in health and beauty; buy a pair of the yery newest elastic stockings (no rubber in 'em!) for as little $4.50. They are, actually, sheer-sheer nylon elastic that 'fiatter the legs; and' more, ~por tant, keep those swollen veins beautifully in place and make' ~o~r legs.feel just ~oriderf\.d!
- GREAT CHRISTIAN HUMANIST: All~n Tate, dis tinguished American poet and critic receives the gold meaal awarded annually by Assumption University of Win,dsor, Ontario to an ,"outstanding lay exponent of Christian ideals." Father Stanley Murphy, C.S.B., founder of the Christian Culture SerIes is at the left. Father E. J. Lajeun esse, C.S.B., university vice-president :is pinning medal on ' Mr. Tate. NC'Photo.
Wife of Jacobite Convert Priest Follows Husband into Church '
KIZHAKKAMBALAM (NC)Mrs. -O;;lizabeth Geevarghese has followed her husband, now a Catholic priest, into the Catholic Church, ,six years afte!; his own c()nversion. ,', , Mrs. GeevaJ;"ghese and her hus ban'd, Msgr. 'y. C. Geevarghese, were both members of Kerala's Jacobite Christian community composed of schismatics who broke ,away from the Church
Distri,ct Council' of Women Names Officers for Ye~r
, Member'S of the St. Louis dis Miss Rose Sa ulino of Holy Rosary Parish will head the Fall cussion group were hostesses at the coffee hour following the River District Council of Cath olic Women for the coming year. meeting. They included the Anno",ncement of her election misses Marian Fahey and Mar was made at the organization's garet Johnson;, also Mrs. Patrick annual meeting held at St. Louis Padden and Mrs. Millie Zombie. Church. Alum'nee Reunion Serving with Miss Saulino are The Salve Regina College Mrs. James O'Brien Jr., St. Mary's, vice-president; Miss Alumae Association will hold Helen Chace, Notre Dame, treas , its annual' Alumae Day, Sunday, urer; J.Vlrs. George Hurley,' st. June 8, 1958 on the college ' Mary·s. recording secretary;.Mrs. campus., The program for the day is as John Ferry" Catholic Worne'n's club'of Somerset, corresPonding follows: Reception with 'the Faculty, -Dinner· 'at 12:30 p.m., se~r,etary; Miss Maureen· Mc' and Annual Meeting. It is at this :Clo~~ey, SS. Peter and Paul's, meeting' that' the Alumnae As organi~ation and development soCiation elects its officers and !l~,c~tarY. ' members of the Eecutive' Board Retiring president Mrs. ,Fred er~c Tuttle was named' district for the year 1958-i959.. chairman of, discussion', clubs. lVIrs. Victor Aguiar an'ci, Mrs. Theophane Lavoie continue in office as chairmen respectively of the family and parent educa tion and spiritual development committees, while Mrs. qeorge Charbonneau heads the youth PRINTING and activities committee. MAILING The nominating committee representing the slate of new officers was led by Mrs. Esther Maloney and included as mem bers Miss Margaret L. Dugan and, ,Mrs. Matthe~' Kuss. ,
AUBERTINE Funeral Home' Helen Aubertine· Braugh
Owner and Director
Spacious Parking Area WY,2-2957 129 Allen SL
New Bedford
:- SPO~T STORE ':~ :- Baseball Softball: :
: We Cater to.An eyO TEAMS: : Discount for Team Buying : : 1875 Acushnet Ave. : : New Bedford : ""'_.~--,-----------,
234 Second St. Fall River
more than 3QO years ago. Upon his conversion in 1952, Msgr. Geevarghese became a priest of the Catholic Syro Malankarese rite, which was established in 1932 for former Jacobites_ reuniting themselves with· the Roman Church. The Jacobite schismatic church does 'not' forbid married life for priests, except iri cases when a priest is to be appointed a bishop. The Catholic Syro Malankarese rite has retained this, as well as several other features of the schismatic body. At the, tLle of his conversion, Msgr. Geevarghese brought iDto the Catholic Church the title of Cor Episcopa which he received while he was a Jacobite. It cor responds to the title of Right Reverend Monsignor in the Latin rite.
WASHINGTON (NC)-Arch bishop Karl J. Alter of Cincin nati will deliver the sermon at the Pont'ifical Mass which will be the religious highlight of the 20th biennial National Coul1cil of Catholic Women convention in St. Louis, starting Sept. 20. ' The five-day sessions will at tract representatives of nine mil lion Catholic women from all parts of the nation, Margaret Mealey, NCCW executive secre tary, has announced. First Occasion , Miss Mealey said that the hun dreds of convention delegates , will sing the Mass, marking the first time that this "devotion has been practiced at an NCCW con vention. The NCC,W executive secretary said: "Singing of the convention Mass is one phase of the council's continuing program of encouraging lay participation in the liturgy of the Church." The NCCW, which now is in the process of organizing its 104th diocesan council here in the Washington archdiocese, h3lll chosen as the convention theme "Within the Folds of Her Man ,tIe." Miss Mealey said the theme has been inspired by the mural in the lobby of the NCWC headquarters building in the na tion's capital, which depicts the history of the Church in this country beneath the folds of the mantle of the Blessed Mother, patroness of the United States under her title of the Immaculate Conception. , Besides open sessions at which i!1ternationally known men and women will speak, the sessions will be devoted to meet ings for presidents of national affiliated organi~ations~ for presidents of diocesan and dean ery councils and parish and local affiliated units, as well as for parish, deanery and diocesan committee chairmen, it was an
Annual, Repons :Ann'tialreports covering com FUNERAL HOME, INC. mittee activities for the year were given by Mrs. Lavoie and a. Marcel Ro7' - C., Lorraine aa.
Mrs. Aguiar. Mrs., Tuttle an-
Rocel' I...aFrnnee , nounced that mimeographed re FUNERAL DIRECTORS ports covering all' Cou'ncil ac
tiv,ities would be sent to each
affiliated group.
NEW BEDFORD Featured as the main speaker WY 5-7830
was 'Rev." Robert L. Stanton,
curate of Immaculate Conception ~ ~ Church, .Fali. 'River. His theme @: was the Church's n'eed of a well informec laity. The meeting was als~ addressed by Miss Margaret Lahey, Diocesan Council past president. She emphasized the' importance of the retreat move ni~nt _ in the life of Catholic ·women; announcing that the an nual women's retreat at ,Our L;idY of Good CounseI" Retreat House would open May 23. ,- COntractors Members of the clergy.'present included Rev~ Francis McCar 'thy, diocesan' chairman of dis cussion groups and Rev. Thomas 464 Sec=ond St.
Walsh, chaplain foJ:.. the district .council, who opened the meeting FAll RIVER
with prayer. Special guests were Mrs. Emmet AlrhQnd, president OSborne 2-2143
of the n(ocesan Council, and Miss Louise Finnell, diocesan lPirltua! development chairman.
ELECTRIC CO. ~ Electr;cal
TOOTELL Monument Works
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Boston; Mass.
10 ",
: .. -Family;. : Mrs. Michaeliob~",:-" '~···.;;,'i'HE ANCHOR , . Family; Mrs. Ann WalsliTutUe~,'" Thurs., May 22, ,19,58 , ·Mr. and Mrs. James Conroy. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Padden, The Murphy Family, William Irene' Stratton, In Memory of J. L. O'Brien, Sr.; Margaret Burns, ST. ANNE William Sullivan, Mrs; Agnes Lucy Carroll, Dr. Edward ~" $200, Tanguay and Claire Tanguay. Steinhof, Edward Rogan. of Dominican Fathers, Thomas McCann,', Confratern ST. ELIZABETH .. $25 ity of Christian Mothers of St. $175 Children of Mary Sodality, Louis Parish. Rev. Joao Medeiros. Holy Name Society, Ladies ·of SS. PETER & PAUL, $50 St. Anne Sodality, St. Anne's Dr. Gilbert Vincent. $500 Social Group. '
$10 Rev. John Kelly. $15
$50 . The Conference of St. Vincent JosePh' Coulombe.
de Paul. Rev. Wm. O'Connell, Marga , $10
ST. ANTHONY OF:. TilE 'ret Lahey. A Friend, Mr. Edilbert Brault,
DESERT $40 . JIIIr. and Mrs. Georges Fournier,
$150 The Tyrrell Family. Marguerite and Blanche Gen
Rt. Rev. Joseph Eid, D.C. $25 dreau, Mr. and Mrs. Adi-ien
$50 , Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lowney 'Bochu. and, Family. . . Mr. and Mrs. Monsour Ferris. 'Mrs. Louis Letendre, Jules $10 $20 . Levreault, Mrs. Gloria Miozza, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Nasser, . Mr. and Mrs. Edmurid Bagley, Jdr. and Mr·s., Henry D. Ring, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Azar, Mr. and James Hart. ead Mrs. Joseph O. St. DeI)is. Mrs. Thomas Galib, Mr. and Mrs. $15 Mr. and Mrs. Edouard Simard, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Foley, George Shaker,. Mr.. and Mrs. :Mr. and Mrs. Roger Valcourt. The Mahoney Family, Mr. and Ernest Cabral. ST. MICHAEL ,~LESSED SACR~MENT Mrs. Charles McCloskey,' The , $400 . Sweeney Family, Mrs. Ruth ~t
. $iO . Rev. Arthur C. dos Reia.
tings, Frank, Curran. Lionel, Beaudoin, Philippe I.e BOOKS FOR MISSIONS: Merilbers of the Catholic $40 $10 WllQue, Rosa .Laferriere. Association and v()lunteers in Washington, helped screen Rev. George J,. Souza. Ida Bagnall, Mr. and Mrs. . ST. MATHIEU $35 25,000 books collected iii the local Foreign Mission Book Thomas Callahan, Henry C. $50 .·Evelyn Almeida. Drive for colleges and univ.ersities in Asia an,d foreign mis- . Creighto'n, Mr. and Mrs. James ':Rev. ArthurC. Levesque. $25 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas sions in Africa, Baham~ and South America. Left to right Glynn, $25' i;>i-. Joseph Carvalho, Belmire Griffin. ']dr. Edgar Poisson. are Patricia Feiten" Mrs. Joseph Popeckiand' Virginia , Mr. and Mrs. James Hague, Tavares-.' $20, . Bennett. NC Photo. " . $20. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lawlor, Mr. Mr. aDd Mrs. Arthur Beaulieu. Beatrice Capeto. and Mrs. William Lomax, Mr. "10 "Dailey and.Family, Amelia and and Mrs. James H. Lynch, John $15 $10 Dr. and, Mrs. Eugene .Dionne, :Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MlU'CUC'- Ann Standish. Mary T. Carvalho. and Ursula Lynch. " Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Pelletier. ei; Frederick Dagata' Family, $15 ST. WILLIAM Mr. and Mrs. George Morin, and Family. ; , John DeNadal, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Callag 'Mrs. Willfam Murray and Fami $500 , $10 Arthur D'. Frank, The Furgiuele ,han, Hele~' Joy, Mrs. Stephen ly, ·Mr. and Mrs.. Gilbert Nadeau,,: Rev. Raymond T. Considine. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Penoy, Family, Loggia Giovinezza No. and Miss Claire O'Toole, The Loretta O'Neil, Mr. and Mrs. $75 Russell Family, John .and Rich Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fisette" Dr. 1296. Rev.· Lester L. Hull. ,William Patten. ' ard Sullivan, Helena, and Irene Orner, Boivin" Mr. and Mrs. AI-, ESPIRITO SANTO $25 James, and Helen Parker, Mr. Wallace. . phonse Barrette, Mr. Raymond $300:' : ... Mr. and Mrs. James Butler. and Mrs. Thomas Rodgers, Mr.' $10 . , ,Marchand. Rev. J oao V. Resendes. $10 and Mrs. James' E ... Rogers, Mr. and Mrs.. George Biltcliffe; , $Z5 In' m'emory of George Dacey, OUR LAD:Y OF HEA"TH Charles and .Edward Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. John Boynt·on,.Mrs. Rev. Edvardo P. ,Pereira. , $10 Mr. and Mrs..Richard Synnott, Mr. and Mrs. Edward McWhin Catherine Brahy, Robert Cogges $15 .A Friend." Mrs. Agnes Tavis "and The Lally nie, Mr. and Mrs; Donald Kelly, Mr; and MrS. Anthony Alv~ hall, James Dacey. ·ST. ROCH: Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Machado~ Family. Mr. and Mrs. James Frank, $10 . SANTO CHRISTO $10 Cornelius Greene, Mr. and Mr.' and Mrs. Bernard Hari-ing~ Antonio, Miranda, / Mr. and :Mrs. Eugene L'Abbe. $400 . Mrs. Edward Kelly, Mrs. Cath ,Mrs.·Jose Antunes, .Mr. and Mrs', ton, John Harrington,Sr., Mary erine Sullivan and 'Charles R. ST. JOSEPH Rev. Francisco C. Bettencourt. Eugene A. Hubert,. Mr., and , Mrs. Herlihy, ·Mr. and' Mrs. iohn Sullivan, Mae Higgins, Mrs. \ $100 , $300 , MaJ:l.uel, Vincent, Altar, Boys Manning; Rev. Joseph P. Lyons... , Rev. Anthony M. Gomes. Paul Griffin. John' and. Ruth >--Martin, The 'Society" Young Folks Guild.' . $100 $75 Anne Ford, Kathleen Meln Martin Family, Mary Murphy, , tyre. J4rs. John L. Clemmey. Dr. and Mrs. Raymond It. ST. PATRICK Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nagle, $50 Costa. $350 SACRED HEART Mary Nelligan. ' Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Eagan, $50 Rt. Rev. Msgr. BdmuDd ~. $50 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Netto, Atty. and Mrs. James P. :Me Ward. Rev. Daniel L. Freitas. Mrs. Rose Sullivan, Dr. and John O'Brien, Mr.' and Mrs. Guire. $25 " $30 John Manning. James O'Connell and Family, $26 . John Brilhante. JOseph II. MorrIson. $25 Agnes and' ~elen Simpson, Mr. O'C Club of Teenagers. . $10 ,!O Frank A. DuVally, Mr. and and Mrs. James L. Sweeney, .In $25 . John J. Medeiros; Alfred 1.. Dr. and Mrs. HU8J'7 White, Kemoryof John Ward. Mrs. Michael J. Grace, Catherine Atty. and Mrs. Frank M. Sil Campos, Victor S.· Aguiar; An John Bevilacqua. ' Trainor, Adelaide Trainor. ST. LOUIS ~a, Jr., . Elizabeth Flaherty, tonio Souza, Manuel Machado $15 $20 )label Morey. ' and Family. $200 Edward J. Healey, John Mel John Fleming, Patrick Flem S15 Dr. Jesse Baptista, Louis Oli Rev. Thomas F. Walsh. vin, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Me-, ing, Thomas Fleming, Elizabeth Mrs. James Bradshaw. veira, Silva Family. $25 Carthy, Ray's UpholsterT Shop, Trainor. $10 . Dr. William F. MacKnight, St. John Melvin. '$Hi Mr and·Mrs. Bernard Tomlin Vincent de Paul. Conference, of $12 Mr. and .Mrs. Willard R. Piper, ~n, Frank Austin, Dr. 'and Mrs. St. Louis Parish. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rodine. Miss Helen Law, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kroger, A Frienq, Peter $20 $10 Daniel Doml,elly, Mr. and Mrs. Hodnett. In Memory of Patrick and SATURDAY! MAY 24th Mr. and Mrs. Gagnon, James Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carey, Mr. and Mrs. John Fanning, Catherine Garrity, Frank and Thomas Beaulieu. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Mary . D. Sullivan, Mrs. Eva Thomas Mc:lvin, William Ryl!, Betty Shay, James Whalon, Hil Catherine Barnes, Joseph ,Suneson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keogh. da and Mary V. Myles. Ward, A Friend, Mr. and Mrs: Rear of St: James Church Barnaby, Edward S. Bliss. $15 Mr. and .Mrs. Edward Hapo Raymond Powers, Johanna Nor New Bedford Anna ·M. Simpson, The .Duffy , nik, ¥r. and Mrs. Ernest Kit Thomas. and Kathryn Conroy. , ton. Family, Mr. and Mrs. James chen, Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Char The Creigh Family, The Hanra sponsored by Raymond Gallagher, Mr. and .Downey, Roberta's Variety Store, rette, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond han Family, Helen and Louise Mrs. John Power~, Mr. and Mrs. Children of'Mary Mr. and Mrs. John Pavao. Murphy, William and Irene Rey Onorato, William Whalon and A!1thony Camuso, Mr. and Mrs. St. Joseph's Men's Club, Mr. Family.. ' DOlds. ,,' Thomas Kitchen, Raymond' Pelo ead Mrs. Wm. Greaney. $10 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Powers, MONDAY, MAY 26-8 P.M.. quin" Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Belanger, Mr. and Mrs. Barton Albert, ST. ANTHONY ()F PADUA Mr. and Mrs. John J. McHugh, ;Margaret and Elizabeth Bushell, $300 John Aronis, Mr. and Mrs: JoIn Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Laureano C. dog Reia. I leph Lee and Family. ' Thomas' Conroy, Mr. 'and Mrs. $50 Mr. and Mrs. Henry G.uilfo7. Joseph Domingos Family, Rich Rev.Joao C. Martins: Mr. and Mrs. George T. Leach, ard and Catherine Horan. Basement of St. James $25 ," ,The Logan Family; Agnes Silva Funeral' Service, Atty. 10 Memory of Alt9n W. Kin,. C::hurch, lIfew Bedford,' 712 AcushnetAv.. Mui-phy, Mrs. John McMahon, and MrS. Milton R., Silva, Mrs. 'ft. MAlly'S CATIIEDILAI. New Bedford' '~. , ' $'t5 ' Mr. and, Mrs. William O'Nell lIary L. Silva. ' ..:. ',$20 Rev. WaJter A. Sulllv-. Bus. Ph. WY 2-3089 lilac' Andrade. R. WILCOX CO. . '$25 Res. Ph. WY 4-8770 $10 Gertrude. O'Loughlin, '!he OFFICE FURNITURE : Truck Body' Builders . . Council Of. Catholic Women, Lavagnino Famil7~ Mrs., Henry .. Stock for ".eeH.1e Dell. .., ~hn Ferry, I Tiarg6 B. Silva, Aluminum or Steel '. Frank Silva, Dr. Francis J. Pe • DESKS • CHAIRS 9~ County St. tl'one. FILING CABINETS NEW BEDFORD. MASS. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION • SAFES • .fIRE FILES WY 2-6618 $25 FOLDING TABLES Atty. and Mrs. George ~. BolAND CHAIRS
Po rish Gifts
Fall River
Living Pictures of the Bless~d Virgin,
Conip"ete '
Thomas Tracey.
Grace Holden, Mr. and Mrs.. Robert McMillan, Fred J. McNally. ~M $10 _ Walter Cosgrove, 'Raymond O'Toole an'd Family, jane Sulli van, Rose Doherty, Francis, L. Doolan, Mrs. Florence 'Pimental and Son. ' James E'.Donnelly, Raymond 'Driscoll, Mary Griffin, Homer Lapointe, Michael P, Ryan. . Mrs.. Clarence P. Sulli~an, Louise M,'Sullivan, John R. Wil,.. liamson. HOLY. ROSARY $25 c?' Mr. arid MrS. Dennis Patota. •1
for Bristol County
951 Slade St.- Tel. OS 5-7836
Tuning, Repairing & Rebuilding
'St. M@ fy s Campa. ~~ywDe,w.
County ¥l(@,£]$,tCompany TAUNTON, .~
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Operated and supervised by experienl:;edSisters and, CO\.ln7 selors.Superb Iivin~ conditions.; Enjoy .our. l;>eautiful! large;" new Crystal Blue 1958 Swimming 'Pool in its firM season~' Weekly Fee, $35.00 ..R egistration $5.00 Phone GE4·2079 or GE 4·0143 .. " " ·,or'"write,·to:",,·, .,. ' '.. ..; " SISTER ,MARY· THOMAS, R.S.M. 3070 Pawtucket· Av~nue, 'Riverside, R. I.
I • \
K~rea 1$' Fertile Field"!
God Love You By Most Rev. FuJt,on J. Sheen.
A hWldred years from now men will see that Commuilism played Inte) the Hands of God. As Joseph said ·to his brethren who sold hint into slavery: "You inte'nded Uror evil,' but God intended it for good." Already we can see that the· blood of martyrs through Commun'ism has become the seed of Christians in Korea. One priest alone has 450 converts under instruction, Other priests have convert classes in from ten to twenty-six villages, traveling from one to the other on bicycle,
One humeroUi> incident involved a con vert who was a fisherman. Village dogs al ways tried to steal his fish. One day, a dog he haa never seen before came to his stand, but instead of stealing a fish he just wagged his tail in friendly greeting. The fish mer chant inqui!'ed after the owner of such a polite dog. When told that he belonged to the priest. the old man went to Father anI! said: "If you train your dogs so· well, it ought 'hea good religion." The story, of course, leaves out grace which is .always the· reason for conversions.: .:·But the point is that one of the most fertile fields in the missions at .present, i::; Korea. / .
AUTOMATION COMES TO ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL: The Autoanalyzer, available only for a few months, has been installed at St. Anne's Hospital in Fall River. It per forms analyses of blood and body fluids for sugar content, urea nitrogen, calcium and other chemical constituents. It operates at the rate of 40 tests per hour. Here, Dr. T. Gilchrist, pathologist at the diocese's only Catholic hospital, inspects the new.machine with Mother Pierre Marie and· Gertrude ~t. Marie, lab technician. . THE ANCHORThurs., May 22, 1958
Officers Are Seated
The Parish Parade· 88. PETER AND PA UL, FALL RIVER Rev. William F. O'Connell, aoderator of the Woman's Club, inatalled the following officers, M ceremonies conducted last Digl'lt in the church hall: President Miss Maureen C. McCloskey, Vice-president Mrs. Iverett C. Cowell, Treasurer Mrs. Wil1ia~ J. Sunderland Jr. and Secretary Miss Constance Lynch. Board of directors. includes Mt's, ArthuI' P. Duffy, Mrs. Rocco Postiglione, and Mrs. William F. O'Neil, who acted as marshal. Guests besides Fath!,!r O'Con Bell were the pastor, Rev. John . ~. Kelly, and Rev. John P. Dris eoll, assista n t. In charge of the affair were Chairman Mrs. Alfred Larsen and Co-chairman Mrs. James S. McKane. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP, NE~l' 8EDl~ORD Rosary Altar Society· will IPOnsor a pal'ty at 4 P. M. Sunday in the church basement hall. Proceeds will help defray a pledge made to the Diocesan Cathoiic Memorial High School building fund. Mrs. Stanislawa Budra, presi dent is ser·ving as chairman. &T. ~NTHONY OF PADUA, FALL RIVER A May queen will be chosen .t the annual May Ball of, the Council of Catholic Women which will be held next Thurs day ni,gilt i~ Steyenson's. .• Dancing will be held from 8 to 1 with Mrs. Ruth Ferreira as ceneral chairman. The assisting committee· includes Mrs. Mary Oliveira, MI·s. Mary Silvia, Mrs.
Gilda Sypek, Miss Mary· Vas eonc~llos am M!ss Mary Pereira. Officers of the Junior Study Club who were inducted into office include: Miss Marie E, Le andro, president Miss Mary Ja~e Ferreira, vice-president;; MISS Nancy Cabrul, treasurer; and Babrielle Pires, secretary. Miss Angelina Vasconcellos directed tile ceremony. Among the newly-elected of ficers who were seated at the bead table were Rev. Laureano C. dos Reis, adminstrator, the cuest speaker and Rev. John C. Martins, assistant pastor. n. JOSEPH'S, ATrLEBORO . Father and SOD Communion will be held on Sunday morning, ~une 8, instead of June IS as ...eviously announced. The ann ual pilgrimage 01 St. "me's Sodality ·to the LaSalette Shrine will be conducted OIl 'ruesday, June 10. Dw~ the laat ......... fIi tIM
Archbishop Says Catholic Leaders Favor Sepa ration
If the wagging of a dog's .tail can b~inlt a soul to· instrucii~n, then maybe our tale will br·ing you to see that many blessings will corrie' to-you if you aid our miSsionaries in Korea. But 'aid them by giving to the Holy Father, through his Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Let him make the distribution. ·After all he knows better than any of us the needs of the world. You dve to ·him when you give to his Society lor the Propagation 01 the Faith. .c
GOD .LOVE YOU to J.S.C. for $45 "Kindly accept this sman Ifft in thanksgiving for completing forty-five years in the Police Department." . : . to Mrs. M.A.V" for $10. ·"This. is my way of saying "thank you" to Our Dear Lord and all Heaven for helpin, me regain mT health after an operation." ... to T.M.K.F. for $100 "For the Holy Father's Missions in thanksgiving for a favor re oeived.!· all those who were taxed too much and sent their refunds to help the missionaries who do not hesitate to overtax their energies foI' the S\lke of' the sick, poor and needy of the world." .
season Sodality officers for ·the ensuing year were elected. They inClude M·rs. Jean Fortin, presi dent; Mrs. Adelard Gagnon, first vice-president;.Mrs. Francis Tet BOSTON' (NC)-Archbishop Oar Blessecl Mother loves all 01 her Ilhlldren the world over. reault, second vice-president; Y_ e_ prove that )'oa share her Mother love by praying the Richard J. Cushing of BostoD Mrs. Romeo Michel, secretary, Worlclmission Itosary for the poor 01 the world. The sacrifice said here that he has "nev·er met and Mrs. Julian -Forget, treas .."erinK of $! that you send alonlt with your request lor the an ecclesiastical leader who de urer. Worldmission Kosary will aill materially those whom your praye...
aid spiritually.· ..
sired union of Church and State Mrs. F·rederick Poirer was chairman G{ the social hour. in this country."
Speaking to 700 guests at a Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to the FALL RIVER banquet marking the sesquicen Most Rev. Fulton J. Sll·een, National Director of The Society for St. Joseph's Women's Guild the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y.. telmial of the Archdiocese. 01. will present a "Springtime Re or your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, Boston, the Archbishop said: vue" next Monday and Tuesday "Weare still misunderstood by 368 North Main Street, Fail River. Mass. evenings, at 8:15 ~n the parish many without the fold. Some hall on Brightman Street. The have the idea we are looking for Revue, under the directi(1D of power, or the .union of Church Mrs.•James F. Wilcoxj wiIl pre and State, or are .under secret sent the songs and dances most. commission from Rome. popular from the 1920 era to the "I for one want absolutely present pel'iod. The committees no part of anything of the kind. are as follows: Tickets, John And I know all the others of the 330 OTHER VALUABLE PRIZES Mahoney;· Business Manager, hierarchy go along with that con Charles Wills; Program and Pub WIN A Plymouth, ... Bedroom Home, Studebaker Sedan viction. I have never met an licity, Frank Montle and John ecclesiastical leader who desired and Station Wagon, "Police Chief" Play 'Car for Children, Smith; Production and Lighting, the union of Church and State Cameras, Luggage, . Radios, Dishwashers and hundreds James Wilcox; Stage, John Gray in this country, yet I have heard more. of valuable prizes - NO LETTERS TO WRITE! and Cyril Marcille; Costumes, countless numbers of them pay Mrs. Mary McGuire.. ENTRY BlANK IN EVERY PACKAGE OF DAVIDSON'S tribute to our tradition of sep- , ST. DOMINIC'S . aration 04' Church and State." PRE-PACKAGED MEATS SWANSEA .. . ... The Archbishop announced at The newly-elected suite of of the gathering tha.t this archdi at Food Stores in ficers which· was presented by JUST ocese has a surplus 'of priests the Woman:s Guild at a meeqng South Eastern PICK "probably the.only diocese in the held last Monday night in the country"~and that· beginning Gr~gor' parish hall comprises: President, 'A NAME ~assachu~ next February priests from Bos BRAND Miss Jane Borden; Vice-Presi ton will be sent to understaffed dent, Irving Riendeau; Treas dioceses in· South America. urer, Mrs, Manuel Caton arid ~~ ' ·Those priests ·who lea\re as ~~~ Secretary, Miss Alice Pacheco. n'tissibnaries' willha organized Tentative plans'were made for WhatAre'Y~u W~rk;rig iiltO ;i nEiw :reHgioqs· society to the installation. to. be; held on be called the Society 'of st. James Wednesday, June Ii in the Laf the Apostle, the 'Archbishop ·ayette Hou !, Attlebor.o. The Capuchin Brothers al'e working for said. ST. MARY'S HOME "a hundredfold and life everlasting". 'NEW BEDFORD
Find· happiness serving God here and Mrs. Pauline Berthold pre
in foreign missions as sacristan, cate- sided at the regular. monthly chist,infirmarian, office worker, gar meeting of the Infant of Prague dener, chef, tailor, doorkeeper, carpen Chosen "Best Buy" Guild, held at the Home. A nom ter, electrician, maintenance man, etc, Young men between 18 and 35 inter inating committee was appointed ested in joining the Capuchin Brothers to select a slate of new officers. Picked 'No, 1 Import Buy
to work for Christ write to: Members of the Committee are Backed by Reputable Service
Mrs, Kay Robinson" Mrs. Mary REV. l<'R. EY]\oIARD, O.Jo'.M. Cap. Munroe and Mrs. Helen Barry. St. Lawrence Friary, 175 Milton St. t The children of the Home pre 67 Middle Street, Fairhaven Milton 86, Massachusetts % sented a short play commemor WYman 9-6479 ating the anniversary of the mir ~ acle at Lourdes. The boy's basketball-team en GifTS for the BRIDE and Wedding Attendants joyed a banquet recently at the Featuring BRIDAL PRAYERBOOKS and a large close of their season. Rev. John selection of attractive items F. Hogan, Chaplain of the Home, EVERYBODY DOES! and Mr. William McIntosh of GIFTS for the Young Couples New Hnme BAR - B chicks Vocational High School were the framed Pictures, Statues, Crucifixes, family Bibles speakers. . and many other items Honor Missionary Religious and· General Greeting Cards TOKYO (NC) - A German
Win a $30,0004 Bedroom Home
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Jesuit missionary who directs a relief organization in one of the worst areaa: of Tokyo has been publiel,. honored b,- ~ Gov~ ..... el. die cUr.
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45 Washington St. Fairhaven . . JWlt off Route 6
/106 Soutl.
.!: St~;.II~?.RES~s
: Mr. and Mrs,,1nacio Lopes, :-. and Mrs. Albert Lopes, Mr. arid Mrs. 'Manuel Borges, A Friend, Gracia Used, Cars. Francelina A. Medeiros and Family.
-THE ANCHOR Thurs., May 22, 1958
Fall River
ST. THERESA $100 William Belanger. ., $20.. .. Valt~eas Paquiq. $15 Zephyr Paquil}. $10 Emile Dalbec, Alfi'ed Samson, Romeo Magnant, Ovila Rock.
. $25 'Gerard Lafond, Alma Marie-Ange Rouleau. $20 Mrs. Jean-Baptiste Yokell. . $15 Dr. J. Donat Milot, Ouellette.
SPANISH PRINCE IN ~ASHINGTO.N: P~i~ce Juan,. Carlos of Spain, son of the Pretender to the Spanish Throne, ' is greeted upon his arrival for Mass in St. Matthew's Cathe--' dral, Washington, by Auxiliary Bishop John M. McNamara.' ' Spanish Ambassador Areliza:' ,(right) ioqks .on. The Prill(~e;'. born in Rome' in 1~38, was bap~ized' the present :Pope; . :. then Cardinal Pacelli. NC Photo.. ,: ": ..; '.
$25 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bavas, Dr. and Mrs. Francis P. Grenn. $10 Our Lady' of Perpetual Help Society, Alexander Boc, Mr. and ~rs:' John Janasiewicz, Dr. and Mrs.' Stanley Sikorski, 'John and Genevieve Furtado; W~lter and Genovefa Arabasz, Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Ds':' browski, Mr. 'and Mrs. Czeslaw 'Poilichtera, Mr. 'Victor LemOs.
. '
"'.' , $50 The Goulard Family, Mr. and-Mrs; Albert Morris, Mr.·and MFs. ~> Vincent de Paul Socie~ Mrs. ,Manuel Gracia, Mr. and. .·LouisParent, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar .' $25 . Mrs'. Joseph Masse, Alice D. Sil~ . Leblanc. ' ..' Rev. Norman Hardy. via, Mary Correia., -M.iss Antoinette Roy; Arthur . $10 . Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Perry;' Chace Mrs. Aima Poitras. . ,Mr. and Mr:;. Raymond Cabral, ' S T H.YACINTH Atty.. and Mrs. Ulysse Augs. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ,Dias, Mr. .. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI.. and Mrs. Joseph Alexander, Mr. . ." '. $150 .:,'
.:C', and Mrs. Thomas. Barry, Mr.. Rey. Aurehen L. Moreau.,
:'. '$20 and Mrs~ Joseph Rogers.: '.. $25 ., ....
Mr..and Mrs.~lTli~io Peit8vino. $50, , . . . Mrs. pora LaFrance, Miss Eliz-
." $15 . Rev. Donald A. COUZ3, Dr. and ST. ,JOSEPH abeth .Phaneuf. '.i
Mr.. and Mrs., John Ghilardi Mrs. Thomas F. Higgins. . .;$25 . $300;00 ' . $15 and 'Family, Manley Mfg. Co. Rt.. Rev. Msgr; Louis ·E. Mr. and Mrs: Albert Lamour-.~ $12 Mr. and Mrs. G. Richard Duft'y, . Prevost. eu,x, Ladie!? of St. Ann Sodality." Mr. and Mrs. Irving .Sykes. 'Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nasser" .Mr.' and Mrs. Edward NasSer. $200.0c,. . $10, $10 , '. $20 .' I Church Sodalities. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. W. Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Bales And~e Guy Sirois. $100.00 .. Mr. Donat Couet, Mrs. Rose Letracci; Mr. and Mrs.' Robert , $15 Mr. and Mrs. Adiien Lemire. doux,' Gaspard LefleiJr,: The .BI8:lid, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bono: ~r. and Mrs: Michael J, BreeD $75.00 Theodore Benjamin Family, The' . Mr. 'and Mrs. Anthony DlPiro; . '$12
Rev. , Loui~ Boi~in, 'Rev. Charles Tarpey Fomily. . , Roland Bousquet. St. Vincent de Paul Confer..; Mr. and Mrs. Anth'ony DiPiro; The Griffin Famiiy.
ST. JAMES . $10
. $50.00 ence, Miss Wilhelmine Roy, Mr. and. ·Mrs. Pasquale Nicolacci, . $50.00 Marcel Roy, Ernest Dionne. and Mrs. Walter Bo)ton. Charles and Catherine Palla Mary Lou' Mooney, Mr. and Fr~ Kelley. $35.00
troni.· .Mrs. John McGowan, Mrs. James . $30.00
Paul Duchaine. OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL 1:. Sullivan and Grace Sullivan, · Mr.. and Mrs. Hugh Barry, Mr. Mrs. Carrie C. McCarthy,' Mr. $25.00 $500 and .Mrs. Andrew O'Neil. and Mrs. ';l'homas l{ammond. Francis SUlliva'n; Raoul MaRt. Rev. Msgr. Antonio P. $25.00 Dr. and Mrs. Alfred J.' Roy, thieu, Louis. Vaudry, Maurice Vieira. Mrs. Edward R. .and John Mr. and Mrs. James Kehoe,.Mar $100 DanSereau, A Friend. "aret Skehan, Mrs. Charles E. Arnett, Mr. and Mrs. James A Friend. . $20.00 Bolton, Mr: and Mrs. Fred Broth-' Brady, Mary A. Dolan. Theotime Leblanc & Son, AI. $50 erson, "Mr. and Mrs. C.' F. fl'e4, Bouchard,.A F:riend.. 'Mr.. and Mrs. William Grace, :. .. • . 'k',: . Rev.. Manuel Andrade;' Rev. Mrs. James Nolan" Mr, and Mrs. '. Broughtoil,';l'heCawiey Family. '; . ,$15,,00 Ludan'o Pereira, Holy' Name So-' · Mr. and Mrs.' LOuis' 'Coholan; James J. Higgins.·" ,: Herve Couture. , eietY;'Mt.·Carmel Women's"Club: ,.. IIr:' 'and" Mrs. Joseph . Goulding; .. ; ' $1".00 '" :' ' $25' ' .. , . . $15.00' New Bedford' ~ose Gegnoche, Lucien Ber ~ac~do's' Pharmacy, Leonora ·The 'Misses Hannigan,", John; ; .. ' ST. LAWRENCE' niqu~, Feancois "Bouchard, and Olivia Luiz. Quinn. Thomas. Bourassa, Albana Col:.. ' .. ' , , :".' . $100:00 :. $10.00 . lette. "• ' $21 A Friend, Mr.; and Mn. Mr. a~d Mrs. Francis Baptist, Viola .Fortin, Orner Grenon,' Fe'rr"~o.aria, Margaret 'and Noe, Charle$ McGowan: ....,. Mr. and. Mrs. Josep~ :Bender, Ernest Hodson, Arthur Janson " :; '. $75.00: _
Mr.. ~nd. Mrs. William' Burns, , ' .' $2'1 ,.' :R~v. 'John J.Murphy.
Mary E. Foley, Mrs. Mabel' Fos-'. Donat Labrie. Mr. and. Mrs. Francisco Baldo; . ter: ': ' .. '" ., . ,,: " 'Simeon Lafrance, 'Simon Lan ;! \.. .' "$50.00
Enos and Sare Lopes. !~Qsella M. Adams, In Memory
·Mr. arid. Mrs. Daniel E. Franguirand, Theotime Leblance " $15 o~ Joseph A. ;Phelan, John D: cis~ Mr:and'.'Mrs.Henry J..Fre~' n Joseph' Lemaire,' Jeanne : Le~ '.f. You' g~t sound advice' A Friend, Mary Luiz. . vesque. . i, Curran. . . . nette, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel 'based on 130 years $12.50 $30.00. . Gifford, . Mr. and Mrs. joseph Joseph Marchessault, Philip
Mrs. Jacintha C. deMello, Mr. of experience. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc Gonsalves, Mr. and Mrs. LeO Mathieu, Leonce Methot, Albert
and Mrs.. George C. Ponte. Larriviere. . Moquin; Olivier Plumbing. &
Govern. 2. We currently pay a $25.00 , $10 Francis McNulty, Mr. and Heating.' .
savings dividend of :In. Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Mary Rego, Evelyn Hendricks, Mrs. Arnold Parsons, In Memory. Calixte Poulin, Alphege Robi 3% per year. Joseph P. Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Mary Hendricks, Charles A. of Mrs. Elizabeth Phaneuf, Mr. :~~~~: ~~?:~tB~~~~~vila Vaillan , \ John J. Connor, Annie B. Cum Frates, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. and Mrs. Louis Rita, Mr., and 3. Service is prompt, mings, Ruth and Thercesa Har": Mr's. Louis G. Sylvia. . Napoleon Fortin, Leopold .. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Simmons considerate, helpful. n~y,. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mr. a~d Mrs. Benjamin Wi]: Mathieu, Joseph Parent & Son. . ' Mi.' Carmel CYO; Mr. and .Mrs: . Irwin. M~nuel Gomes, Mr. and Mrs. An son, ·Mr. and Mr·s. William Wood ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA ,BANK BY MAIL' ·Mrs.. Pemberton· Nye, Mr. , and Georgianna' S. Morris, Mrs. ton.e'Simtos, Mr. ,and Mrs. He'}:": $100 Philip Kane, Mrs. Catherine at. ." . riq!-1e Rogers. Wright Bolton. III.' . . '. VUnion St. Jean-Baptiste ('e-.o-o-.-cl.-o_ _ n - _ _- - . . ! . Buckley, Mr. and Mrs. Tho~as ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST d'Ainerique:' . The Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Antonio .... $30_ Lilwrence, Miss' Alice' Sheerin,' Mr. and Mrs.' Orner Tardi. : Miss ·Mary Slieerin:" .•100.00 '. $25' . , . Mr: and Mrs. Manuel J. SOares. . . $20.00' .: . ' . -. ,., . . Mr. and, Mrs. Arthur H. De8 .;! . Mr~. Dennjs .5. Magui~e, Mrs.: $50.00 . ehenes~, Mr. and Mrs. Antone Arfud~, " Edith Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Emil , $20
''Fo~ Your Protection Suchnicki, Mr. and Mrs. Rob'ert Joseph Perry, Mr. and Mrs. .. Buy From Raymond Laliberte.,
Taber, Mrs. Mary Foster and George P. Pon·te. '$100·
Family, Mr: John O'Rourke and $25.00 PERFECTIO~"_ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Z. Bt>uch Family, .Mi~ and Mrs. Clement Dr. and'!Mrs: 'Ma'nueL Sousa, F,aU River Sayil\J!s Ba.ok er ;M~. :a'~d Mrs. George'Charles,. A, DamiCone. Mr. and Mrs. Walter bliv~r, Mr:' ,~:.. and Mrs. Donat Boisvert, . 132 ,Rockdale Ave.' '" '1" .14'1 NO:. MAIN ST. . $15.00. and' Mrs. Albert Wiili'ainli, Mr. '." New Bedtord ; " . MIsseS ,Theresa 'and" Florence' :Mr. and Mrs. Daniel' ·Dwyer, and Mrs. Frank M.·Martin, Mr. FALL RIVER Boisvert, Mr. Albert Paquin. WY'S~7947 Lawrence Finni. and Mrs. Seraphim- Mello. . Tel.' OS. ~-786a Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Leblanc $10.00 St. John's Holy Name Society, Mr. Raymond Bo.ucher, Mr. and +~~o";"Q_O_o_._ _Q_o..:' Philip' Xdams, Elizabeth B. Dr. and Mrs. Norbert ~raga': .~~~ C~ssidy, Miss Helen Corish, Mr. $20.00 . and Mrs. Edward. Cormier, Miss' Dr. and Mrs. Norbert Perry, He that giveth
Gl!rtrude Cormier. : John Gracia:" . to the poor,
. ~r. and Mr~. George Cronin, $15.00 Ne'-V Mattapoise" shall not w~nt.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rezendes, (i Mf· and Mrs. John Duxbury, Mr:·. Dr. Marcio Bueno, Mrs. Manuel ····INC. PrQv.28:27. an'9- Mrs. Thomas Foye, Mr. and L. Sylvia, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph SINCE 1885
M~s. Angus ,D. Gillis. S. Vera, MI'. , and·Mrs; Albert " PLANT CHAMPIONTER,NO.· DARTMOUTH '
jVIrs..Mary. Gre,nier, Jacob and Si1nmons, Charlotte Trott. Ba'rbara Janusz, In Memory of'· . . $10.00 "~ery G~rment m~th-controlied Treat~ . . . . at no extra COllt
Anthony. S. King, Mr. andMrs~' Mr. arid Mrs. Frank C; Santos Chester Kaszynski, Mr. and Mrs.. Jr., Mr. '~Ilid Mts. Antone De": ~EWE~~E.P.A~ROSS William Kearney. . " Mello, MF.'andMrs. 'JohnAugus ...0 A"'UO'O. MA'" Mr..and M,rs:, .Joseph Kelleher· tinj?;.Joseph;·SoiJz3;· 'Joseph' ·Sil.i·'.~ . "A~U'~C!U"~S .0;',' . ." . ' . ~: .andMr.s.john.·<;:.,Kennedy; '.' .yeira. "~ ':.":-:'."'",,!, .'_'. ,," .. \, <.:."..... ~c~~""~":;C.,:;iIF~IX~Eoi:iS":;.AHD~·A~RTJC~~l~ES.,.·lIII."Il;lDfV_~0,j:T1~O",Nlll;'",
3 Good .Reasons ,,,.for saving
at 'Th'e ·.Old·',Red Bank ~~,
1CASH and CA.RRY STORES in 'Bedf~rd -F~'IIRiver~:
BUSH. ' .'''~'. C'O''... ' ,q .' " .,.
. .'
Sage' ..,CI.'~d
.: . '
C~reerof Ca'rd~nal Ruffo
Music Department Active
Ends IMitred'Militarism'
Most Rev. Robert ~. Dwyer, D.D.
Bishop of R~no
Gone are the days of that stout Archbishop Turpin who fought at Roncevalles side by side with Roland and Oliver, brandishing his mighty sword with the best of the Frankish knights: I Turpin lays on, nor spares; would sooner fight than eat,were
I tell you true, magnificent in battle but had no
After he hit it was not least concept of a campaign. Yet
Ruffo, tall, bronzed, white worth' a sou! haired, princely in bearing and Counsels of peace have inyet thoroughly at home with his creasingly prevailed in clerical people, managed somehow to circles sin c e hold his troops together, led that time, or at them from, victory to victory, least it is comand prevented the worst excesses m 0 n practice of pillage. for prelates to His Sanfedisti-"The Christian restrictt h e i r Army (" the Holy Faith"-swore warfare to the by him and ",ere convinced that pen, under the he was invulnerable. Certainly persuasion that his . ;e'~apes from assassination' SCHOLARSHIP" WIN the .pe.n 'is were remarkable and he seemed NER:,.. Joseph T .. Callaghan, mightier than propf against, snipers. "Spreild Jr., has been' awarded the, the :;word. , ..out more," he once told his of-. Scholarship: given annually. Yet .. for the ficers, "as the bullets do not hit . by . the Catholic Women's solace of those me 'and I should be sorry if any of you were injured." Club of New: Bedford. He who regret the passing of mitred militarism the With Ruffo's army investing", plans to enter 'New Bedford story of. Caf~~nal 'Fabrizio Ruffo Napies by land and Admiral. Institute of Technology, and is worth' recalling, Compared Lord Nelson's fleet blockading· it continue' study in the field with Turpin he is almost a' con by sea, the French knew the temporary, for 'he (lied only in 'game was up. It was theCardi of 'chemistry. Callaghan is 1827. nal's forebearance, nevertheless, th~' son of Mr. and Mr,s. Jo If he' fails to quali~ 'is which saved the city from de:. sephT. Callaghan of 1243 because he was ne'!er orQainltc:I struction. . Plainville Road." a priest, much l~s,s consecrated It was' .is calm realism, more a bishop, but was one of those over, which' 'Insisted upon am~ "la'y"" cardin'als (like Mazariri, nesty for all but the most dan Consalvi and Antonelli) whom get6u's of the 'traitors, and this' in the' Popes have left off appoint: the face of the King's febrile': ing ihese past hundredyear.s, ,. vengeance and the Queen's cries STE. ANNE' DE BEAUPRE or so. for' atonement for the murder of (NC) 'Church arid State her' sister, the unhappy Marie' joined here in the formal inaug-' . Named Treasurer . .':' He was born in the Kingdom Antoinette ':If France. uration of the observance of the 300th anniversary of the :Shtlhe of the .:r'wo, Sicilies, at San Lu ·.·Counsels Ignored cido,.in C~labria, Sept. 16, 1744." of Ste. Anne de' Beaupre. As a Small boy he was taken to Actually, before the year· wits , Thousands o£ pilgrims frbrn Rome ~,here his uncle, Cardinal' out 'Ruffo had restore'd the king.", all parts of Canada and' th~ dom and had himself been dis-' .. Tommaso, was dean of th~' Un'lted States; 'took 'part in the Sacred College. He studied at carded witjl hardly a word of tribute to the grandmother'of' thanks. His counsels of modera the Collegio Clementi no and dis tion were ignored, and in disgust Christ. tinguished himself in the physi- . . Archbishop' Maurice Roy of cal sciences and economics.' he left for Rome on the pretext Quebec, Pr,imate of Canada, re Here he came under the notice of, attending the Conclave of called that Ste. Anne was in a of Cardinal Giovanni Angelo 1799. particular mann~r the patroness' "CeI;tain follies," he declared, Braschi, and when the latter suc of Quebec .ProVinc,e. ceeded to the Chair of Peter as "are committed only once in· a . The shrine and' devotion to Pope Pius VI in 1775, Ruffo was lifetime." He may have had his Ste. Anne date back almost to' appointed to the apostolic own in mind as well as his the founding 0;£ ·the Church camera. King's. Canada,' The· shrine' had be-' : Realizing his administrative A.few Year;s later, ~J;1en, N:apo: come' internaHoilally' famous; ai>ility and trusting his economic, leoJ,l' reconquered ,Italy,~ ~l,Jff~: drawing pilgrims and visitors judgment, 'the Pontiff soon made: went, to,p,al"is, 'to ple a 4 his··peo~:., from ali parts of ~e 'worla: '''', him his treasurer, and Ruffo set' pIe's cause. The Corsican adven , 'Special exercises" were con turer saw too much of himself to work with a will to clean up irl' 'the' Calabri'an' adve~turer''to ducted for the christening of Ute ar;t' unholy financial mess. Not be unkind, and though hre Car'':'' '. shrine's" three new' -tercentenary surprisingly this made him ex bells which' have been added to h dinal gained nothing, he passed the six already installed at the tremely unpoplJlar with ~ll' t e sev~i'al' pleasant· years in . the "interests," and under h~avy French capital. . :. , : shrine: basilica~' The new bells pressure the Pope was forced ,to. were christellEidMary,'Jesus and dismiss' him. In 1814 he accompanied 'Pope Angelica. "Very well. We shall relieve Pius VII back to Rome; then re The year 1958:has been especi-' Ruffo of the treasury," he ,re- turned t.o Naples to spend his·" ally dedicated· ·to ' Ste.' Anne by marked, "but We shall make him declining years, still fascinated the. Canadian hierarchy., There' a cardinal." So it was, in 1791,' by military science and, eco will be daily observances of the' that Ruffo got his Red Hat, and nomies. Onto hopes he found a tercentenary until the official retired from Rome to Naples. little time to say his prayers. closing· Oct. ,12.
ST. MARY'S HIGH, TAUNTON Patricia, Cooper '58, outgoing· ' photography editor of "Gorona," represented the high school at the Yearbook Workshop held in Providence. Beverly' Oliveira, Margaret Spillane, Leona Morin and Jeanne LeClaire, future yearbook staff members, also attended. Sister John Mathilda attended the spring meeting of the New England Association of Chem . istry Teachers in Arlington. The sodality entertained the high school with a fashion show. The girls showed the styles of different eras. The sodality of ficers chosen for May are Pre-' fect, Ann Tallent; Vice-prefect, Joanne, Flynn; Secretary'; Bev erly Oliveira, and Treasurer, Carol ,Welch.". Lea Cyr '59 took part in a' science interview on. radio sta tion WPEP, -together with rep resentatives· from Coyle. : The students' expressed their' 'opin7' ions, on the:value of science fairs and commented on the number' of teenagers actively interested in scientific projects. JESUS-MARY ACAPEMY, FALL RIVER . '''Echo Day," the distribution day for the academy is slated for, next Wednesday. An.induc..: tion ceremony',of the Madonna'" Chapter Honor Society for 'the, junio!." members will "also, take place on· the same day, followed" .. by an informal reception in, honor of.Mother St. Vincent. de· Paul, ,principal of the academy.. The. Cecilian Glee· Club will entertain the members of the' Catholic...Women's (}uild' with a,' ~'soiree musicale" at ,7:30 next Monday night. Selections from the cantata "Bernadette of Lourdes'" will form a part of the ,program. . Sister Oliva of St. Margaret's Hospital, Boston, will give a talk to the student members next Tuesday afternoon. The advan tages of a nursing career will be discussed in the light of its importance to the Christian world. .~oti;ler ,,$t.. Ambroise· and. l'4o~,I:i,er..,~ar¥. ,Mediat.rjx, ,~ienee tea~hers,,,~ade afield .trip .y,es-w" terday to Franklin Park, Matta pan"'lNithstw;lel')~sof;.the ,biology class. , .,,:
Pilgrims Throng To Terc'entena ry
Ordinar.y to PerrrHt e s to eep an s
MOUNT ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, 'FALL iUVER The a:nnual crow'ning cere mony ·ih. honor ,of Our ,Blessed Mother .viili taKe place next '.Tuesday afternoon. Members of the' 'junior classes' ~ill' be ,in charge of this .affair. .. . ~ The Aca'demy' Orchestra and' Glee Club will entertain at the annual banquet and installation of officers of the St. Mary's Cathedral Woman's Guild on Monday, June 2 in the Catholic Community Center. Juniors and Seniors enjoyed the annual Class Day at Mt. St. Rita's Cl>ilvent,' and. grounds last Tuesday ·afterno\ln.· .
Leads Task'Force Here, under the haphazard R d K L d government of Ferdinand IV, he
was given the running of a some WROCLAW (NC) The' WORCESTER (NC) - The what utopian colony of silk Church in western Poland ha,s Government of France has deco weavers at San Leucio, and ac no thought of trying to regain, rated,Bishop John J. Wright tlf tually I: • ~e it a going concern. its l~rge' land holdings seized by'. Worcester with the, ,medal of But the French Revolution was: the' comm'unists i111950, Bishop'. Officer in the French Legion of u~setting everything,~ and his BoH~slaw' Kon1inek has declare'd'. ' H~n~f". " . ' . . . , , abilities were demanded in keep . The Bishop spoke on the tasks', The presentation was,made<by ing the ship of 'state afloat. fa(;ing'the Church in the western French Ainbassa,dor Herve Al When, in 1798, the French in-! territo:'ies, former German lands , vaded Naples and proclaimed; now :under Polish' administra- , phand ·.who s,alut.e~ :a.ishop Wright for his de<:l~cated interest u),e Parthenopian Republic,: tion. inFranc~ an<;l, fqr his· contrib~,. Ruffo fled with the King to' Bishop Kominek,·· who is in , tions to F~en'ch culture. He made·, ' Palermo. His hour of glory, how- .. charge of the part of the. Wroc-' specific' reference to the Bishop's ever, was at hand.. law diocese' under Polish· rule, efforts i'n Boston in beha,!.f of the . Ruffo knew his Calabriails; said that he "has more impor World; War II re~ief organiza he knew their' fierce' loyalty to taot. * • tasks than. vindicating tion , :~Ffance ,F91:eve:r-"; to' !tis cross ·.and crown and that no, those ~normous! ~onduct of. pilgrimages to the power on earth would ever ~ake' and first' of all.'has enough horse: shrines~' of 'F:ral)ce,and .to. his them accept the French invaders senSe to know, that, the posses..: writj~gs. :il.nd. Jectures,." partic.\! 'with their republicanism a'!d" s,ion of large land holdings by larly on the subjects of St. Joan anti-clericalism..' With some dif the Church would 'in today's po_ of Arc.~nd Lourdes. fi'culty he persuaded the King to litical conditions threaten the: sanction a task 'force to recon Church . . . . with apostacy by qu'er the mainland. Early in 1799 the of"peasants and work he landed in his native province, 'ers."
accompanied only by 'a' handful Bishop Kominek added, how 'COLUMBUS (NC)-"The,Hour of retainers, without mQney or. .: ever:. .
of, St. Francis" radio program; aO'lmunition. . .
"On the other hand .we· will produced': by Franciscan tertia Promptly to his summons as tey stubbornly, with all· legal ries, has been honored as one of the King'\l regent. flocked an means, 'for some 'minimum of the . cou~try's top educational imrpense army of priests, nobles, subsistence, for a roof over the , programs. gentry, farmers and raggamUf- 'head of the parish rector or the The series, broadcast by tran fins. The amazing thing about, religious order.' or any hther sCript~on over more·than 600 sta Ruffo's career was his .extraorChurch' institution _ for that. tions throughout the world, was dinary success in molding . . . minimum which is necessary for: given a first 'place award' by the army out of a mob. the equitable: Performance of Institute~forEducation by Radio ProofAA'alnst8nl~... ,: the.'p8storal oft'ice arid the'.pos-· Televis~on'of Ohi9 Sijlie;Univer Uke . ~ ,JriM. tiM· C~labIiiIIM toIa&e." -. ,I. ..t.y.;.:,.... ,,,',, " ." ..•.. , ....• ,.- ;."
France Awards Medal To Bishop Wright
St. Francis Program Wins· ,Radio Award,
Our Schools
,of the Sacre4,. tt.earts
a~d ; ~f: Pe~~~tul\Ij\,~ora~ion
invite generollS Y9Jmg ladies to join them' in leading a deeply religious life of love, adoration and reparation.. In ·that spirit, the, Sisters devote their time to. the education of youtb, retre,at work and do mestic ·dutjes., ' ". For further information ap ply' to: . '
-Sisters of the Sacred Hearts ~airhaven, Mass,.
The Academy orchestra traiJ'led and directed 'by Sister Ma'ry Verona, R.S.M., A.M., and Ar' thur Paquette,B. MUS., received superior rating at the ant1l!al Sout"eastern Massachusetts Mu sic Festival in North Attleboro. The honor roll' for the fifth marking period this school year at the Mount is as follows: Syl via LauJ:eanno. '61, leads the en tire student body in honors, having ~erited a grand total of twenty-five honor points. Two additional members of the class of 1961 followed closely with twenty-four honor points: Caro lyn Howarth and Joan Majkut, as well as Louise Boulay, Joan Macomber and Ann Mis of. the class of 1960.
...... WINS .SCHOLA'RSHIP : Claire ~eilly, f.our-year, High est Honors student at the Dominican Academy,' Fall River, has been awarded a balf-tuition scholarship' for four years at Stonehill C;ol lege.
· Attleboro Meeting · The Alumnae of Sacred H~ar" Academy will hold their annual corporate Communion and breakfast, Sunday, June 8. Mase will be celebrated in the recent ly. redecorated Convent chapel at 9:30 A.M. by the chaplain, Right .Reverend Msgr. Humberl.o S.. ' Medeiros,,' S.T.L.· Breakfast will follow in the Convent han.. · · Miss Maureen Cleare and Mise Judith Carey are co-chairmen in charge of arrangements. Res ervations should be completed befQl;~ June. 6.
DAUGHTERS OF ST. PA\lL Attention young :~irls 14-23! ,D6es your heart burn with an' ardent desire to do some thing '"special''' for God and souls?' Then' be ,a Modern Missionary!, Wonderful op portunities of using all abili ties and talents to ·the fullest are offered. you in this unique Congregation whose Mission is to use the Press, R:> :lio; Mo tion Pictures, and Television to ,bring God's \'lord 'to ev:" eryone! For inforl·,-H·m write to:
Daughters of St. Paul
50 St. Paul's Ave.
Jamaica Plain, Bcston,.Ma\s.
" I
101 L SC:RVICE, Inc.!
i' I i ! .21
i I ' I Wilbur St., Taunton! BURNER SALES & SERVICE
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Iph~~e V·~ndyke.?~05821., i· . ..... .
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So. Dartmo':..Ith and Hya.,.,is So. Dartmouth WY 7-9384
y _ . _ . I I i . o _ u _ ~ _ . .
• •
...... f.'Iew ...." " .~. ~ ".<1>.r d. . HOLi' NAit'IE $'750' " Rt.. Rev: Msgr. Timothy P.· keeney. . $150 ·eti.iidren of' the' Holy' Name 8dlOol.
.A. Friend. $'75 Bev. Leo T. Su.Ilivan. $35 A Friend. $30 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Moriarty. $25 Mrs. George Demakis, Arthur I'onseca, Dr. Walter O'Neil, Ger tlude. and Loretta M. Daley. $20 Wilbert Davis, Mr. and Mr. John J. Gibbons, Jr., Alan Mori
'.. c' .. '
::,s\6=·Y":";. ,';:':":':'
Rt. Rev. Msgr. James Dolan, . . . $7,5.00. ",' ,Rev.' John J .. Galvin. $50.00 . , .. Rev. WilHam F. Morris, HaJ;old A.'Shee~an. . . ' . $25.00 The Casey Family,' Alfred Sanford, Harold Sheehan, George P. Theroux, Mrs.' Mary E. Chaisty and Family, .J9hn Rod dick. $20.00 . Catherhe Brady and Family, Mrs. Thomas Dias' and Family; Edward T. O'Keefe. $15.00 Dennis McSweeney, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Murphy, Marion McGrath, Ruth McGrath, Thomas J Fitzpatrick. John J.. Gosling, Mr. and Mrs. James McMorrow, Mrs. John I.. Iriy. McNamara. $15
Willam Atchison, Mrs. Doria. $14.00
Vigeant, Mr. and Mrs; 'Martin" McCarthy Family.
P. Barry, Miss Louise LaRoche, . $12.00
Wilson Farriily~ Char.les·AndeJ;son.
.Arthur Bancroft, Jr., Mr: and:. _ $10.00 IIrs. Dennis Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. 'Andrew Bumila, Robert DoFrancis J, Roche. and Caroline herty, James Hauck; Kathleen Roche, Mrs. ·Jennie Rogers and,: .Hogan, .. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ion. . . .. Lehan.' . \ . $12 , James and Mary. Masterson. Harold D. P. Ryim, The Dury . Agnes McGrath, Elizabeth Mc llImily. Kenna, 'Marguerite McManus, $10 . Dorothy. McManus. --.... . A Friend, Adams and WhitClotilde Nason, Leo Poirier, llel' Family,' Stanley Baroll. Janice Russell, Frank Russell. The Foley Family, James Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smerdon. .rrington, John Harrington. Mrs.' James W. Tranter, Mr. Alice Dorgan, Anna Dorgan. and Mrs. Manuel Vargus.· Wil l. Joseph Marshall and Family•. ' .liam Welch, Marguerite Claffey. IIason Family. Dorothy Clark. .John and Elizabeth Mills. 08." Catherine Cody, Joseph X. aase Moreau, Mary Frances t:ote. Mrs. Ethel Doyle, Mr. and Moriarty, Roderick Murray, The Mrs. John J. FitzBimmona, O'Grady Family. "ameli X. Griffin. '. . Mrs. John O'Leary, Mary PbeBernard Hyland, Patrick LT .... J~mes Powers, There_ eMU,' Marjorie Magee.'. EmOl')'; Qrace Sheehan, Robert Swain. Malo; Alice McCusker. Robert Tessier, James Wilson, Micbael J. McCusker, WillialR A Friend,' Mr. and Mrs.' Ray- P. ,Mlllhern, Mary MUlhollando Bourbeau, Mary Downey. .James Mulholland, Catherine &. .A. Friend, Maurice Downey. Murph,.. . Ilugh Earley,. Mr. James McMrs. Ralph Reckard, Margaret Crohen"Stephen Downey. B. Neenan, Mrs.' Irene Rowley. . Teresa M. Mariarty. John N.· Mrs. George B. sanfOl'd k .. O'Brien, Albert Saunders, John, Arthur Shaw.
s.ther and '\nne Spencer, Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Sheehan, Mary X,
.101m Thomas, William Walsh. Bird, James J. Burns, Lawrence
In Memory of Edith S. AlcarT. Callahan, Mrs. John J. Carr. . . Anthony Balthazar, Walter Mrs. Albert Clement, Mrs. Bruce and Family, Jeremiah Dominick Corrigan, Ernest W. Corey, Kathleen . Downey. Dawson, Edward Duffy, Joseph William Furness, Lawrence Duffy. . Jlerney, Harry Mulberry, Thom.Mrs. Charles Faber, Mary • O'Donnell, Mrs. Herman Fountain, William Hanrahan. Seunders. > • Marguerite Hoye, Helen Laffan. Richard Saunders, Mrs. DanWinifred Laughlin, Daniel lei Sullivan and Family, MHton' Lawlor and Family, Mary al1d Nellie Lea'ry, Jeremiah McCar Wood. thy, Loretta McHugh. SACRED HEAl,tT Catherine McKeon, Winifred McKeon" Ma'ry McLear,. Joseph $150 C..Megan, Manuel Mello. Rev. A~phonse E. Gauthier. . . Daniel Mor'an, Anne C. Morris, $50 Helen O'Brien, Mabel O'Briett '.A. Friend. and Family, Vincent O'Neill. $30 Lawrence Pivirotto, Anna H. 1IIIr. lind Mrs.· Normand seguin. Raferty, Charles Sanford,' Ceci $25 'lia Sheer)n, Mary Sheerin. . Me. and Mrs. Rodolphe Para Manuel Silvia, Francis Smith, .... Mr. and Mrs. Leo Labrode. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tokarz, $20 ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tetreault Mar,. E. Wall. ST. JACQUES and. Charles, GeOrges J. Dion.'"
Joseph Cotnoir.··· '. . . $200.00 Rev. William Smith. • $10 ~ . $100.00 ElIerard and Ruth -Boudreau. ".
~. Henri A. Hamel. 1lII'll. Asa .Auger, The Ovila 'Van-' .
~ . $50.00 . ~ II8lIe Family, Mr. and Mrs.··Ro-· Rev.. Da-niel A. G.amache,'ReY. land A. Pothier, Sr:',' The Heber{" : and Castellina Families:' ,(, .. Raym~md R.' Hamel. · ~. ". ..... . '$15.00 . Mr. and Mrs. EdouardHe~~y Christine· Lehou'X:. aDd. Raymond,J~lrs. Wilfri~ I '. $10.00 . Rousseau, Orner U .. Grenon, Mr. .Matthew Bury, .AIda De~iger. aod Mrs. Amedee Abrain .and SACRED HEART Roland, Mr. and Mrs. F. 0:
. $300;00 GrenQn.
Rev. Francis McKeon. Mrs. Eugine Epstein, Mr. and . $50.00
Mrs. Frank Kutis, Miss Dora Rev. Francis B. Connors, St.. Breault, Ml·S. Maria Flood, Mr:
Vincent de Paul Society-Sacred' and Mis. William Lamothe.' 0 Heart Conference. . A Friend, Dr. and Mrs. John . $25.00 T. Bjirrows, The Antone E. Perry · . Family, Miss· Antoinette Lafleur, . Mr. a'nd Mrs. Charles Lorden. Joseph Wells, ·Mr. and Mrs. Vic ~. and Mrs. Maurice ParadUi. tor Silva, Mr. and Mrs. Austin ST. HEDWIG Sullivan. $10 $100 . Mr. and Mrs. Emery Andrews, Franciscan Fathers Minor Mr. and Mrs. Louis V. Cook Mr Conv.· and Mrs. Raymond Harrison: Mr: ~10 and Mrs. Joseph Hayes, Mr. and Stanley Szulik, Edward Przy byla. Bronsinlaw Gacek, Frank: Mrs. James H. Lynch. Margaret and Mary McCarthy. Itlilesza,. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McClellan. ST. M~1tY'S Mr. and Mrs: John T. Mahone1 $13 and John, Eugene Sullivan. . A l"riend. · Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barber -.:" $10 Edward Boudreau, Mr: and Mrs: Mr. and Mr~. ,",,".ward McLean. John Boudreau, Mr. and' Mrs. Blr. and jV{"-. ~:cury. Porter, John Brady, Mrs. Howard Chad...· ...., I'-. Sl:,ll:\:~.. wiclt.
14 -:-~,_ANCHOI
: :/' Jhurs.,May
Mr. and Mrs~' JJh~'F~ Parker. Emma Powers,' Mr. and·~'Mrs. Le~>n J. St. Pierr.e, ;,J"ohl) ,Shea, Peter.·Shea.. " I:,,,' '.; :" ·Mr. and Mrs. F.rank.. ,Silvia, Ruth E. 'Smit~, ~hi-istine Su.lli van, Nora Sw'eeney, Mr. and Mrs. Jam!'!s Tonry. Mr. and Mrs. John Trucchi Sr., Mr. and, Mrs. Thomas. Wheeler and' Family.'
East Taunton HOLY FAMILY . $50 Rev. James F. Kenney. $25 Mr. Adolph Bombardier. $20 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mozzone. $15 Mr. and Mrs. Antonio; Gomes. $10. ' Mr. and Mrs. William:l\:I~Aloon, Mr; and Mrs. Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. Charles She~h~h" Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Robitaille, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rapol?8..\. Mr. and Mrs. Bruno'. Mozzone, Mr. and Mrs. 'Russell Cli{jmber 'land, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph:Betten court,':Mr~ and Mrs. Einest An drews, Mr. and Mrs. Joh'ri;Zeiba. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stiuvish, The Elsie Amaral Family, Rob ert Mende's, Joseph Perry, Al lied White, . Lydra Medeiros, Ann Perry. . I
South Attleboro
. Mr.. and M~s. J. Frank Doyle and Family, ~athleen Flann~ry. ST. THERESA Kevican Family, The McMahon' Family, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent $200
Makin. • . . . ' ,~ Paul Bradley.
Family of- John J. Mansqeld, $100 .
Mr, and Mrs.' Ernest J. Mador. Raymond Gravel.
Anna Maguire, Mr. and Mrs. $50
Robert McClellan,' Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Roger L. Gagne, Donald SAINT JOSEPH . Georg~ Silva. Boardman, St: Vincent de Paul $200 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Torres, Society. . ae.-. Patrick H. Hurley. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Webster. $20 $75 Peter McSweeney. -lIT.'PAUL ' Re": Joseph L. Powera, .HeY. $15 , . %5.00 Arthur K.· Wingate.' Andrew Charron. The Tummon Family. . $50 $10 $15.00 st. Joseph'. HolT Name So Gaspard Dupont, Edward <Du · Mr. and Mrs. Gerald 1:. CarOIL . eiety. clos, Clement Duclos, 'Philip $10.00 . , .~5 . ·Morris, William. Lynch. Mr. and Mrs.' John Hall Sr.. Margaret and Helen Smith. John Levesque, Roland Cote, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Jackman, . $15 Thomas- Higgins, JamellDwyer, Mr.. Raymond Jette, Mr. and Vincent Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. Antoni~ Tosti. Mrs. 'Edward Lamoureux, Mr.· Henry. Damontagne, Walter and Mrs. Roger Lee. $10 • Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Martin Thomas Bannon, Mrs. Herbert Downarowicz, Michael Aranta. Elizabeth Murphy, Louis Thi and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bli'ss, Elizabeth Doran, Mrs, Anna bodeau, Leo Lyons, William Machnik, Barbara McMann, Mr. .' Dyer. The Fenton "Family. Howla!1d, Claire Boardman, and Mrs. Thomas McMann, Mr. Mr. and 1141'S. ,Roland Jacob and Mrs. Francis Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. 'L: L ..Lacaillade: Walter Delude, Nelson Roy. George Boyd, Roy Langlois, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Neville, Mrs. Agnes Lynch, Mary Mc George "Dennett, Edward· Scan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Racicot, Nerney. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh lon, Paul Bonneau,' Norbert . Corila Rodier, David Rogers, Mr. Moran. McKenna. . and Mrs. Aimee 81. Pierre. Mr. and Mrs. Adjutor st. Pierre, Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Stratton,' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ¢o~gregation Witschey, Mr: and Mrs. Clement Wade. HOLY ROS~aY
J'ranciliean Fatherll.
Bertha M. Bolster, Russell Woodward, Ted Julian Gontkie ,wicz, Walenty Gorczyca, Andrzej Gorczyca.
. The of the Sacred Hearts C:tf <Jesus and 'Mary
Lead ~ Life·ofReparat·ion
LADY OF LOUaDU $300.00 · Rev. X. Souza de Mello. $25.00 . . . Our Lady of Lourciea, Confep. ., enceSt. 'vincent de Paul. , , $10.00 _. . Mrs. M~ry. ,Varella, Lidoino Severi~o, Mary Mattos, Cecilia ·Mattos. ~ACULATE
Bev. Thomas.H. Tailor.
.Rev. James F.Lyona.
• $50.00
Immaculate Conception Wom
en's Guild.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Reilly.
Desmond Bagge, Domiidc Cirlno, Charles Colton, Dr. Rich ard Cooke, Ralph M. Handren. Cornelius Kelly, Mrs. A. ~. Leddy, . Susan McGuire, Salv... tore Matta.
n. Rt. ~. Teixeira.
ANTHONY $500.00 MagI'. :JiIIMaII
a--. Lourenco M. A.... $50." . .... Joeepb Olivein., .A.1'rieBlI. $!t.80 . , Job~
e.-a,.., M..... ~D1t' •
I'ontinba. "
The Fathers of the Sacred, Hearts engage in Parochial work, foreign' and home missions and education. Aspirants to the religious priesthood Of' brotherhood may obtain infor mation by writing to 0
Adopt TV· Program As Teaching Aid AUSTIN (NC)-Dave Garro way and the entire cast of the daily television program "Today" are "teaching" at St. Edward's
tJim,entty tn. Texas-but
htadequate knowledge' of the Family Rosary Crusade in Ar gentina and once starred on his English language. Brother Raymond Fleck, pres- . own West coast television program. ident of the university; ap It was then that the decision pointed Father Archibald Mc Dowell, C.S.C., to serve as di-. was made to make the first-hour rector of the program. Father. course a study of the "Today" McDowell was director of the Tel~vision Program. .'the pro-
way and company don't know it. It all began when the univer- . sty announced plans for a 15 week Spring-Summer course in the English language and U. S. culture for Latin Americans ready for college but with an
gram was ChO~["l r::rnuse Mr. Garroway, Frank E~a:r and Jack Lesco\llie enunc;iate clearly and because it offers a "window" hto U. S. culture. F:cther.Mc Dowell and Brother Raymotld have. expressed satisfaction with their program.
00 00'0
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Mink Stole Winner MADELINE SIRKIN 21 LoClcoff Road Cranston, Rhode island
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you visit your First National Store. No pur chase is required. ' Match the 25 numbers on your Cross-Out Card with tha 30 game numbers appearing In the First National advertisement that is itt your local newspaper each week. (This week's game numbers are listed elsewhere .. this advertisement.) If any 5 of tha numbers appearing in the news papar gam a also appaar on your 'card - and if thay ara arrangadin a straight 'row - down. ecross, or diagonally - you, have e winning card. Turn card over to .ee what you have won and mail card es directed. You will .... ceive your prize within 15 deys. A new gama of30 numbers will appear in our Itawspaper eds each week for 12 ween. Pley ell OIlf your cerdl egainst ell of these adl but ift order to heve e winning card. numbe,. ",ust be takllll from e lingle advertisement. Numbers from different newspaper ads ce. ItOt be combined to get e winning card. An cards ere pl~yeble i. ell 12 weekly 9am... Save every cerd end ,every adl Ii. copy of each week'l edvertisement will be posted lsi ell storal. "Cro".Out~ is limited to adulh only. First National Store employees end their immediate familiel ere ineligible to play.
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MRS. IRENE DURAN Westbrook, Me. MRS. WILBUR LOUNSBURY Caribou Me. JENNIE LAITINEN" Chester Depot, Vt. ROSA BOSI Barre Vt CARLM 'COCHRAN Nov. London. N. H. CASSIE POlTER" Healdville, Vt. SHARLYNE PRESTON Ipswich, .Ma,.. EDWARD 5 KENNEDY Lowrence, Mass. MARY T. BUSH Andover. Mass.
SUSAN SULLIVAN lynn. Mass. WILLIAM R. O'KEEFE Marblehead. Mass, JOHN W GILLIGAN Methuen, Mass. MRS. J H. LAWRENCE Newburyport. Mass. HELEN GRUNDSTROM Rowlev Mass. ~RS. JOHN ,DEFANTI, JR. Wa~er.eld, R. I. MRS. EVA PICKETT Centredale R. r. MRS GEO E, COOPER Mansfield. Ma,.. -\RNnLD H SMITH. . Provid.ence, R I.
MRS. LENA COTE Nashua. N. H. MRS. PAUL KLUGE Waltham, Mall, ALFRED GIU Chelsea. Mass,' ELSIE T1PLADY Danvers Mass.. MRS. F M. OLIVER ' . . ,'. 'GloucestJr. Me5l. JOSEPH H P'OTTER Filchburq, Ma,. MARGARET SEDLIER Peabody. Mass. PAULINE BRANDT Rockport MasS. MRS, J. MURTAGH "·'\I"·''',':Salem, Mass.
~~~/~:~~o ~.~~::.~:~:~:T,
C. A. NEVINS .'U Providence R l C. W GREEN Cumberland R I.
:\"'~1~w.~ rw.~{" t~ " t~iW.~ ~W.:~ ~ ~lt~"!'!.1~" '~; ;IW. ;L~i;t~t:~ tl'! l\!~i
,I '16 . , '.
~THE ANCHOR': ,~~hurs:, May 22, '1958'
'" North Attleboro
w~stp~irt';:": :
j,:~ '.. . :.:~;{~:'·:~:·f.~ ft~/;~~l".~\~'~:I.~~.~:~~~.:~~t~t;.·.~~\~,y ::~~~:; · .
~l'S' ,. :w,-,altey ·Ken(ia~( .• ~'"
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ST. ',GEORGE . $150· . Rev.' Lorenzo H. Morais. . $100 '. George· ·Considine. . ' . .' ;'" . ,$,50 Rev. Edmund R. Levesque. ., $25 Mr. and Mrs: Oscar Lariviere. $20 Mr. and ,Mrs. Emmet Almond. $15 Faida Carrier, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Munroe, Braley'• Creamery. $10 William and Florence Bes sette, Albert Dupre, Almedor HO!Jle, Aurele Ledoux and Moth er, Arthur Magnant and Family. Mr. and, Mrs. Daniel Ring, Mr. and Mrs. 'Thaddeus Wicherski.
.,,"',':' .:'.$lQ ,'r/" ; MrS. 'Edward. Cassidy,' Mr'and,
Mrs. Henry Felix, Mr. arid. Mrs.
George 'Levis, joseph Master-'
. son,. Roy Nelson, Kathryn . Stokes.~ .' Mr. and Mrs: Johrl"Nihan and
Fa:mily, Mr. and' Ml;:S: Herbert
Patriquin, Mr. 'and Mrs Donald
AntayC\, Mrs. James· Doyle, ~r. .•
and Mrs. Paul Morin. Mr. Thomas BoisClair and Family. ST JOSEPH . . $10 Pion Family, Oscar Desrosier, Theodule ~andeville, ,Rene Du buc, Jnseph Pelletier. Roger Acvhin, Felix Desmacis. HOLY GHOST $25 Mes. Catherine LeClair. $15 , Mr. and Mrs. L~wrence' Me Nally.' , $10 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford J. Ho mer,Dori~ LeClair, Mr. and'Mrs. James Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Man uel Pedro, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
ST ~IARY'S " $500 Rev. Edward B. Booth. . ., $100 Mr. and ivIrs. Joseph Wright. ; $50 , .Rev. Edwin J: Loew, Rev. Ar · mando Annunziato, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lambert,' The Rome' .Cafe, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kivlin, Mrs. Mary Condon. , $35 Mr. and Mrs. John McGowan. $30 Mr. and Mrs. Aime Grenier, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gulski. , $25 Mrs. Marjorie Bergy, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferland, Mrs. Alice Barnhill, Mrs. Elizabeth Croke.' Mrs. Stanley Sheldon, Edward ST. MARY H. Levery, St. Vincent de Paul $100.00 Society. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Manning. $20 Farrell Tohc, Mr.' and Mrs. 50.00 Raymond Hillman, Mary Wil-' Fernandes Super Market. FOR THEOLD~AND. THE NEW: Wedding. music and, helm, Mr. and Mrs. John Ramm, . $30.00 wedding-cake featured the ceremonies ~s t1'1e longest married fu~~~' , Mrs. Winifred Ford. . Bernard Lofgren. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brodeu.r,.· and the most recently marrfed'couples cut the cake follow Mrs. Helen Foster, Mrs. Eliza $25.00 Houghton,O Mr. and Mrs... John Mr.· and Mrs. Warren Watso'n... ing the renewal of marriage vows .at', a Day of Recollection John B. Blottman, Norton Mr.:and Mrs. Doug Rheaume. for Married.Couples·in the·Bedfor.d-Cleveland ,area. Pictured Higgins. Catholic Wom~n's Club $15 $20.00 are Mr. and.Mrs. Frank Josefovic 'and Mr. and Mrs. Law . Mr. and Mrs. James. Coogan, Patrick Devlin. ren,ce, Cerny. NC Photo. . ' . Jill'. "and Mrs. Ernest Globe, Mr. [~ : $15.00 SACRED HEARTS and Mrs.. Fraricis Martin, Mrs.. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Slattery; Mrs. Raymond Shea. .Theresa Leary. $25 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brassard, . $10.00 . $10 A Friend. Manuel }\'(oitoza, George Allen, Mrs. Margaret Bartley, Mr. ST. MARY'S FlOrence Leary, John Graham. $10 \ Lester Kiem: and Mrs. Gerald Bernier, Thomas $'75
Mr: and Mrs. Edmund'Rice, Lil'-: . Mr.·and Mrs. Joseph' o. Begia J ... Bryant, Joseph Fernandes, Mr..and Mrs. Edwin Brady..
.!ian 'Devlin; Mrs. Mary IacQnis. • < $60 ' , ST. MARY;S
Loretta V.Flanagan. "Mr. an Mrs. William Durant, John M. Gomes, Damon Hope, ~CULATE CONCEPTION Mrs. Joseph Dias and Sons. ..' $10
JIIr:"and Mrs. James Dwodall, Adlor King,' Mrs. Georgette A. $350. Jenney.
$50 .Julia Riley, Genevieve Riley~ · ··Mr. and Mrs.. Lew \ . 'Rev. John J. Casey. Massie, Thomas J. O'Brien. , JohnJ. Hayes. Marjorie L. Shea. ST. JOSEPH'S John' Pollis, V. James Ponti $15 $35 Arthur Levesque, . Mr. and' $50 . lilo,.Ernest J. Precourt, Eugene Mr: and Mrs. Har~ld Berger ,Mr: and ·Mrs. John J. Smith. Mrs. Matthew Healey, Mr. ar:td .John Correia DeMello family, on.. Roy, Chester Vota, Paul H. $25 · Mrs. James Carroll, Regan Fam-, Mr. and Mrs. James. B. Buckley. . Sabour:in. $10 Dr. and Mrs. John Machado. lly.' " . .$20 ' $25 Mr.,' and Mrs. William Copdon, · .Rose' Diamond, Mr. and Mrs. Regan-Stiles Family, Dr. Den Mt;and Mrs. Daniel' Desmon.d,· .Dr. and Mrs. Victor Almeida, I'red Connelly, Mr. and Mrs. 10 The',Four :f{undred, Jonn L: Fox, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Giusti. aep~, Hooper,.. ¥rs. GertJ~'ude nis Breault,Dr. arid Mrs. Ed HOLY TRINITY - Mrs..Katherine Healey:' . ward· L. Soares, Mr. and Mn. $10 Mondor, Mr. and Mrs. William $25.00 . James Mudoon, A Friend. Immaculate Conception Wo Mr. and Mrs. John J ..Quigley, Emmett. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hennes .m~n"s Guild, Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. Luke Haran, Mr. $20 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph King, Mr. BeY, Mr. and' Mrs. J. Harry Cash. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. George David.. and Mrs. Charles Murray, Violet Mr. 'and Mrs. JolinB. and Mrs. Edwin Hogan, Rita . $20.00 Lowndes, Mr.' and Mrs. ,E. J. Holton, .Mr. and Mrs. Thom8JI ..
Du'nham, Mrs. Marion DePriest, son. Mr. and Mrs. F~ank Carleton. Nolan,Eleanor Rodgers, Mr. and Brooks.. . $15·
Mr. 'and Mrs. Theodore Bank $15.00 Mrs>Joseph Tracey. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vieira, Mr. Dennis Hogan, Dr. Bernard
ewski. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Trainer. and Mrs. Phil,ip Correiro, ~ice Carter, Robert Sibor.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haber $10.00 Perry, Jack Brasells, Mr. and ·, Margaret Cui'ley, Mr: and $12
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Craffey, ST. JOSEPH'S Mts. Norman Bressette, Mrs. · Robert Gallant, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Manuel H. Sylvia, Mr. and Mr. and Mes. George. Gardner, Marie Bolster, Mr. and Mrs; Ro Edmund B. . EllisoIl> Margaret .~Mrs. .virgi.nio Ponte. , ' . . $25 Mrs.' Lillian Dowd, Dr. and Mrs; Manghan. .
lahd . Cloutier. . Albe~t Gramm, James Wil-" E .. Eagle, Mr. and Mrs: Joseph· ··Mr. -an~. Mrs. Arthur Rowe, liamB,R. J. Burke. ' $10" Stacy.' -f' • ,Mr. and Mrs. August' 'Funke, < . . $ 2 0 .... :J'ackson Family, JoSeph. Me Mr. and :Mrs. William Bullock, ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE .J6seph Carney, Mr.' and· Mts~' Donald, Mr. a'nd Mrs: Thomaii .Arthllr T .. Bourgault. Mr.,and Mrs. J. Harry Long, Mr. " ," ' . .. $100 Gerald Dorey, Marcella McLean. $10 Reiliy;' Maley Family, A Friend. , and ·M'rs. Fred' Barker; Mrs. 'Allce Id.ealLaundry. · .Rose McLean, Jennie Angus, The·Silvia Family, Roger Tur John J. Black, Earl Larkin,·· Carmaine, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mr. and' Mrs. George Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Dias, Mrs. ST. DOMINIC ner, William Williams, John R., Duffy.' ,: . . qeorge Jacobs, Jr., Mr. ilnd Mrs. Samuel Crosley, John Goggin.. $50 Glynn~! ~rge Glynn. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bacon,: . Albert Gaboury. John' Giblin: Alfred Costa, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. 'and ·Mrs.· Bernard Riley, :':Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mc $25 Kenneth J. Noyer, Enos Days, Mrs:, Eugene J.: Sylvia, ·Mr. and· .C8rthy, Mrs. Joseph McEnroe, Mr. and Mrs. John_Saunderll, Louis A. Travers. ST. :; JOH~' THE BAPTIST Mrs. Arthur I. Keefe, Mr. and .' Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kiley, Mr. 'Perry Family. $10 $25, Mrs. Philip Collyer.. · Frank Hughes and Kathryn Deubel Family, John Santos Bessie imd', Margaret, Nolan, St. .I8idore Council, K of C. Mr. and Mrs. John Donovan, Hughes. Mr. 'and Mrs. Earl'Jertson, Dr. and Family, John R. Cooney. '. .,:' '.,$10' Mr. and ·,Mrs. ,John Merna, Mr. Joseph Dias, James C. Mur SACRED. HEART· ·Mr.·and Mrs. A<ndrew F. Perry, and Mrs. Paul Sicard,' Daniel and Mrs. Edwin Vegliant~, Mrs. ;." phy, Lawrence Borge., .McCrohan and Elizabeth Me M~s;-.Esther Samson, A Friend. Winifred Walsh. $200 ,Quillan. .Rev. Joseph Larue~ $50
..' Rev. Edll,und L. Dickinson,
Mrs. George Boule, Eva and Rosa
:·;BQurassa. Rev. Augusto L. Furtado.
. $25 . $25 . _. Rev.. J. Omer Lussier, Mone
· 'Mrs. John'Morin, Mrs. Blanche , ROSflry SOCiety.
',P,recourt.· .
Sand & Gravel Co~, Dodgeville
'. .. . $10.
Finishing Co.
' ''l1. . :: .. $20.
.A' 'Friend, Mr. 'lnd Mrs. Ray , ';·Cecile J. Brais.
mon!! 'Machado, Dr. and, Mrs. .i'i'.':· $15 Holy Name Society, Ladies Manuel Perreira. '.: 'M. Jeannette Achin,,.,.:Mrs. of St. Ann.
0',~m., .Julie Bourgeois. I ,$20 ' , $10 Caron Granite·Co." / · ;,: Achin Family; Old Post Rd.. ST.-MA-RY'S $10 .'Brnest Achin, Arcade Brais, Jo Robert ~loutier', Mr:and Mrs. .IiePh Bressette, Wilfrid Cayer. $400
. :' Adelard A. Chabot, Mr. and Alfred Karol. Rev. Cornelius J. Keliher.
:.Mrs: Joseph Chabot, Mrs. Lor $25 Latest' dividend on Savings Accounts', .ette A. Champagne, Mrs. Corrine Mr. and Mrs. George MCCar ~. Cooper, Aime Collard. thy, St. Vincent de Paul. ST. MICHAEL'S $15 ',' Donat Desilets, Arthur Gagne, $100 'Gendron Family, Arthur Girard, Mrs. Charles' Welden. A Friend .',Mrs. Aurore Labrie and Family. . $10 .' . $50 ':. Edouard Lamontagne, Henri· 'Mrs. Clinton Ainsworth,. Mr. Rev.' Maurice E. Parent, Atty. '.'Marcil, Launcelot Masse; Raoul and Mrll.Kenneth 'Bliss, Mr. and Johl!- F ..O'Donoghue. . Precourt, Bertrand Prefontaine. Mrs. B. Z. Dzija, Mr.-·and Mrs. $25 , ' Amedee Ringuette, Edward . Mr. and Mrs. LeO I. Lacroix. John Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. Henry ·Messier. ' . 'j. ~rprenant. Mr. 'and 'Mrs. Hugh J: Maguire, Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Provost, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ·Pettine. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Searles, $10 :IT. JOHN THE EVANGELIST Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Bisson, Mr. ari.dMrs. Leo Tracey,' Mr. e:l $'75
Me. and' Mrs. La:wrence.Borge, and Mrs. Lucien Tremblay,. St. Mary's Guild. ,,',',Dr. and Mrs. Vincent O'Don
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crane, Mr. ·.Dell. and Mrs, Edward' Creamer, Mr. . OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL Member Federal ·iIe.. ~r ,"ederal Deposit '' . '. '. til ,", . .. $15' and Mrs; Joseph Pumais } $50' lDsurance Corp. ~rve S~Ae" Mr. and Mrs. John lI1C1ntyre. Mr. and ·Mrs. Ceasar Paiva, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John McAloon, ,~' $25 and Mrs. .James Murphy, Mr. and Me. and IVIrs. Vincent McNamara. 80 North Main Street, FaORiver, iAasscichuselb Mr. and Mrs. William Reilly. Mrs. John B. Rochefort, Mr. and $10 . ,':, Mrs. Leland Smith. Mrs. Archie St. George; Gharles ·John Unsworth, Nelson H. Lit " $20 St. George. tle, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Flatley,' ..: ; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. King, Marie' Alphonsine ,Trial, Mr. ·Mrs. Louise C. Fallon. Mark -F. .'Mr•. and Mrs. Earl A: Niqueit~ . and Mrs. Albert Zahralban; Sullivan. . ~
South- Dartmouth
. ': No'rth Easton
.West Harw'ich
. North pighto.n
c;entral Village
.% " v·
Ocean Grove
M. C. Durfee
Trust CQRlpany
1M Famny Clinic
Formation' of 'Character: Is Parents' Principal Task
Thurs., May 22, 1958
Ne~ Yorh: Appeal
Court Upholds Ban of Movie
By Rev. John L. Thomas, S.J. Assistant Professor of Sociology St. Loab University
What's so wrong with modern parents? We knock our selves out to feed,. clothe and shelter our. children, we send them to school, we give them more freedom, spepding money, and leisure than we ever enjoyed, yet every time we pick up the paper, we read about Most ImpOrtant Job Borne "expert" who says You must put something Nin_ we're making a mess of it. I side" you~ children. This grad know there's a terrific ual task of character formation, juvenile delinquency problem, but if it's our fault, why don't they tell us w hat we're doing wrong? '1 That's a good . )question,Jerry. : 'AUnfortunately"
)~:I ~~;tsof s;:~ e~ .
agree on what's wrong, so they are not likely to agree on so lutions. Just to keep the record straight, it should be noted that a large block of modern parents are doing a good job. Their chil dren aren't delinquents; in fact, they don't even belong to that peculiar modern category called "teenagers." They are just nor mal kids, passing through the usual stages of development leading to maturity. As you realize, of course, changed social conditions offer new problems for both parents and children. Let's review these briefly before considering what parents can do about them. From the viewpoint of parents, many new influences such as radio, television, cars, and so forth, affect young peopie today and increase parental problems. Likewise, the family has less so cial importance today, so that young people tend to spend more time with their peer group, the gang. Unsupervised Association . At the same time, the father's job tends to take him away from the home much of the 'time, with the result that mother has to take over the rearing of children and father's influence in the family circle becomes minimal. From the viewpoint of young people, modern society places undue stress on irresponsibility, lack of seriousness, and having a good time during youth. Like wise, it places many young peo ple in a social vacuum - they don't want to go to school, yet they are too young to be em ployed. Finally, although boys and girls reach biological maturity well in advance of the age at which it is customary to marry in our society, their prolonged, intimate, relatively unsupervised association is widely tolerated, if not openly promoted. Guide and Teach They aJ;'e given little instruc tion and protection, while the exploitation of the sexual drive is freely permitted in advertis jng, literature and entertainment. What can parents do under these conditions? The1J;' essential task remains the same. As al ways, they must guide, teach, and support their growing chil dren in the difficult proceSll which goes on within youth lUI they strive to reach the balance of maturity. Children must learn the norms, moral rules, and modes of conduct expected by their parents and society. . As their powers. and faculties· develop, they must acquire the habit of controlling and directing their impulses and drives according to approved standards. In this process,' parents are present not only to teach and encourage, more important, they IIerveas models. Children learn by imitation. 'Hence, it is not sufficient to feed, clothe, and protect your children. You must· give them ideals, something to strive for ill life as men and women. What ill the meaning of life? What are the goals worth working for? What qualities of character; what _mal vainin& do the)' require?
ALBANY (NC) - The New York State Court of . Appeals has upheld a ban placed against a motion pic
of "building in" motives, self discipline, life-goals and aspira tions is the most important job that parents have. Don't t'hink you are being good to your children by pro tecting them from hard work in school, a sense of responsibility, and the "harsh" realities of life. Youth likes a chalienge. Young people should not be protected as little children. They are quite capable of responsi bility and serious thought, for they are young men and women well on the way tOWard matur ity. Help them develop worth while life-goals. Show them that what they now do in school will pretty well decide what they will be later in life. They have energy, strength, and endurance to spare; if jt is unmotivated and undirected, we shouldn't be surprised if they use it destructively. . So, Jerry, don't stew over the criticism of the experts. Do your job, as your father did before you,' and your children will be your reward.
BEGIN $3,000,000 SEMINARY: Father Theodore J. Mehling, C.S.C., provincial superior of the Holy Cross Fathers, lays' the cornerstone for the new $3,000,000 Moreau Seminary on the University of Notre Dame cam pus. Named for the Congregation of Holy Cross founder, the new building which will accommodate 200 seminarians is scheduled for completion in the Fall. .NC Photo. '
Says Suburban Parishes Require New Approaches lo Problems
WASHINGTQN (NC) - The modern suburban parish is some thing unique in the history of the Church in this country and must be treated accordingly. Father Joseph B. Gremillion of Shreveport, addressing a con-' ference of clerics and religious at the Catholic University of Fulbright .Grants America pointed out that some . NOTRE DAME (NC)-Three 40 million Americans live in .uburbs today. Of them, about University of Notre Dame stu eight million are Catholics, and dents have been awarded FUl bright grants for graduate study they in turn are members of abroad during the 1958-59 school about 2,000 parishes. Melting Pot year, its was announced here. Often, he said, the Catholic They are Theodore J. Collins WaitSburg, Wash., who will suburbanite has been "uprooled" study economies at Rhenish from the stable society of the Friedrich Wilhelms University, parish in which he was born. The traditional Catholic "Parish Bonn; Victor R. Kopidlansky Cato, Wis., who will study medi~ in this country, he remarked, has been a "national" parish, eval history at the Danish Grad whose members were of the uate. School for Foreign Stu dents, Copenhagen, and Ralph C. same national origins. This sort Nelson, Park Ridge, Ill., who will of parish formed a "natural com do graduate work in philosophy' munity in which the family was at the Cptholic Institute of Paris. actually reared," he said. All this has changed in the
suburban parish, Father GremD lion asserted, pointing out that suburba!1 society has been des cribed as "the ultimate melting pot." Life in such a community, he said, puts "special ~pressures" on the young families who make up the majQrity of families ill the suburban parish. The family in this setting, Father Gremillion said, is often brought into contact with con cepts of marriage and family life alien and hostill'! to Christian belief. It is for this reason that the various marriage and family movements within the Church are of such. great importance today, he added.
Cardinal. Protector VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Pius XII has named Gaetano Cardinal Cicognani, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, to ·be the Cardinal Protector of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart who operate' boys schools throughout the United States.
ture on the ground that it w immoral. By a 4-3' vote the Court of Appeals, highest court in the state, reversed an Appellate Division decision and upheld the ban placed by the State Board of Regents on the film "Lady Chat terly's Lover." Questions Constitutionality Chief Judge Albert Conway said the regents were correct in refusing an exhibition license to Kingsley International Pictures Corp., the film's distributors, be cause the film is "utterly im moral in its theme and * * * pre seilted adultery as proper be havior." The film is based on a novel by D. H. Lawrence. _ \Associatp Judge Stanley B. Fuld contended in his lopinion that the state law permitting motion picture censorship is un constitutional. However, Chief Judge Conway asserted that the Constitution ia "not a tool for anarchy or a license for corruption." He added that under the Federal Constitution each state has the primary responsibility for pre serving the basic morality of ita people. Carefully Devised Associate Judge John Va. Voorhis argued in his dissentiOC opinion that a motion picture "should not be singled out as a subject for prior restraint .... • any more than * .. * press, books, the theater or other media 01. communication." Associate Judge Charles De~ mond described the state film censorship law as carefully de vised and "not patently uncon stitutionaL" He added that the only way the question of the law's consti tutionality could be settled wu for the Court of Appeals to re verse the Appellate Division de cision, as it did, and then "let the United States Supreme Court have the final say."
Whether you remodel your kitchen,· buy a new home, or iust . purchase a new rarige-
Be Sure 'to
Women Who know .• , Cook Eledri~a"y
See Your Dealer or
I 18, . . ,
-THE ANCHOR ~,~rs.• May 22, 1958
Mansfield ST. MARY .$100.00, A Friend. $75.00 Rev. Edward 0'. Paquette. $50.00 ,The Darmedy Family" A J'riend, Florence Miler.'· " $25.00 , Friends, Catholic Youth Club, . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jam~son. Dr: and Mrs. John. A. Kel}ney. $15.00 Mr. and Mrs. George Farnam, Constance and Ethel Gonya, Mr. and Mr( Edward Guillette, Robert Paulson. $12.00 The Kelley Family. $10.00 'Friends, Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Antosca, Mr. and Mrs. James Bellew, Mr. and Mrs. William Bellew, Mr.. and Mrs. Roy Boy,:,
Welch, Matilda Miranda, Jobll $12.00 Manuel F. DeMello, James .Andrade, Amelia Pena. Edward Graham, William De Pine, Manuel A. Souza, Walter . Ponte, George Sylvia, Agnell Stone, Abel Mello. Mendoza, Joseph Moniz: Jr. $10.00 Joseph L. Gardner, Joseph S. Knights of Columbus - Fal Medeiros, Lois Abrams, Joaquim mouth Council, Salvador Medei R. Tavares, Mary Tavares. ros, Angelo Pacheco, Tobey Joseph T. Tavares, Frederick Souza, Guy W. Nickerson. . E. Ward, Manuel Burgess, Joseph Charles DeMello J,r., Charles L. Souza, George Soares. J." DeMello, Jude C. Royals,
Gerald L. Tavares, Ernest P. Cabral.
SACRED HEART John' P. Cabral, Augu~t 'Al $150.00 meida, Anthony A. . Oliver, Rev. James E. McMahon. George W. Burgess, ,VJrginia . $50.00 Tavares. Rev. Gerald T. Shovelton, St. Anthony's WOI:nen's Club, Holy Name Society, St. Vincent, Holy ,Ghost Society Women's de Paul Society, Sacred Heart Division, Daughters of Isabella, Guild. Edward. Santiago, Antone Me , $25.00 deiros. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fontes, Louis DeSouza, Manuel r. Mr. and Mrs. James Bowler, Mr• • Rapoza, Gilbert Moniz, Olive and Mrs. Henry Corey. DeSouza, Belmiro DeSouza. • $35.00 Joseph Botelho, -Arinda -Fur Mr. and Mrs. Armando Pa tado, Myron C. Medeiros, Lester' 'cheeo. E. Silva,' Germano Afonso. $10.00 Antone Oliv'er, William r; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Metell, Rapoza, Arthur Lawrence, Ar Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Costa, Mr. , thur W. Marshall, Louis H. Mar and Mrs. Valmore Bergeron, Mr. shall. and Mrs. Dave Vincent, Ho17 Joseph Marshall, David Cor
' rellus, Manuel O. Souza;· Mrs. Ghost SoCiety. J?seph A. Souza, Kathleen Ta':' vares. ST. AUGUSTINE' Antone Marshall, Antone G.' $20.00 Souza, Manuel L. Ferreira, John Island Electronics, Martha'. B. Moniz, Joseph Ferreira. Vineyard National Bank. Ernest !?eSouza, . Angeline
Oak Bluffs
CONVENE IN BERLIN: In Berlin to address the Mili tary Council of Catholic Women, Miss - Mary Donohoe' the National Council (center) organizational secretary; ' of Catholic Women, chats with' Mrs. Z. M. Sobieski, retiring Mrs. John Coyle, Mr. president of the Berlin' American area and Army Chaplain John Gallivan, Ken Major Charles B. Knight. NC Photo.' •
Mr. and end Mrs. ~th ,Guillette, Hatheway &: Patterson Co., Inc., Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Keith,. 1Ir. and Mrs. Edward L~nders: . Mr. and Mrs. Edward McNamara, 1Ir. and Mrs. William Norton, Mr. _ end Mrs. George Pierce, Mr. and lin. Ralph Sarro. '
Woods Hole
$15.00 Dr. and, Mrs. Andrew.Colucci. Capt. R. Vogel, H. V. Lawrence ST•. JOSEPH Inc., Lt. William Crowell, Fal $200.00 mouth Auto' Sales. JlCev; Bernard H. Unsworth. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Wag $'75.00 ner, Dr. and Mrs. Norm,an Sta Mrs. John Austin. rosta. $25.00' • $10.00 - Col. Leo J. GriHin, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Archam • • 'Mrs. Thomas Morin, Mr. and beault, Mr. and Mrs. John 'Mar ST:BERNARD wri,&ea the Coptio Patriarch, "could deslroJ our Catbedral lD Cairo. Mrs."Leonard E. Martin, Bett. tin, J!rIegansett Friends, St. Vin $25.00 b laas llUl'Vived, fire" flood and war. U 'hu come througb all manner Garage, Ml·S. Lewis Pratt. ' cent de Paul. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simona. St ~ 01 perU&-BUT-the crace of God la slow "Beneficial' Finance Company, $20.00 ,,~ .~ b' desU'o,...... ItI After nearl,. a untu..,. Mrs. WHliam Veary, Mr. and Walsh, 'Estate. . , 'V d ' , of service It can DO longer contalD tbe Mrs. Arthur Callahan, Mrs. :$17.00 , ,;*'?o~' . rapi.,l,. erowiq Dumber' ~f convena. Will ST. MARGARET Ralph Creemet, Eastinan'. Jane McLaughlin. CU 0 ,.ou belp _ to build a new Catbedral." Hardware. . 550.00 $15.00 ~ Well, this Ia preU,. mucb what JOU must Mrs. Charles Rogers, Mr. and' Thomas J. Masterson. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Law + !r) expect wben' sealous priests work among Mrs. Edmund Sherman; Gilbert rence, - St. Joseph'. Women'i $25.00 /' + 'people of '&004 will for almopt a bundred Arruda, Agnes' Rogers, F. V. Guild. . A Friend, Mrs. Yvette LaBou- Lawrence Inc. . . years., These poor people have eontributed $10.00 Jlere, A Friend. . beyond tbelr means and, bave almost Mr. a'nd Mrs. Gilbert' J. Mr. and Mrs. George WeSt, succeeded In paying for tbe new build $15.00· Noonan, Daughters of Isabell&. Mr. and Mrs. George Ferris, Sea Ing. Almost-U1eJ are now $3.000 short of Mr. and Mrs. James Tamagtni, Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Holland. Gull Art and Cocktail Galleries, the total amount. Will you belp to finisb Tiny Jim's Town Club, Mr. ,and Mr. and, Mrs. Winthrop Lum Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Medeiros, the Job' We need 53.000! IIrs. George Gibson and Doria. bert.· Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stratton. Josephine Y. Martineau, Cum $10.00 A STRONG NATIVE CLERGY IS THE HOPE OF THE CHURCR Mr. and Mrs. Bernard O'COD Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Zlogar, mings' Cab, Mr. and Mrs. John IN THE NEAR EAST . . . WILL YOU HELP TO EDUCATE A nor, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Me Mr. and Mrs. Jameson Risser,' Giabbai, Mr. arid Mrs. Alphonse Comiskey, Bernard Cavanaugh. . PRIEST? START TODAYI ' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Oliosi, Mr. Blanchard, Issokson's.· , Mrs.. Mary Condon, and John, Elm Arch Inn, Mr. and Mrs. BOW HIGH IS UP ••• HOW MUCH IS lUG ••• these are Que& and Mrs. Peter Lauzier, Mr. and Helen McKenzie. Herbert McAdams, Mr. and Mrs. aons which can confuse a cbild • . . but theJ are no JOke • • . and Mrs. James P. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert McKen U1eJ don'$ confuse' tbe families of' JOSEPH and Mr. and Mrs: Kenneth Luce, Frank Tavares, Mr. and Mrs. zie, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roge.... MICHAEL. Tbey can tell YOD bow mucb Ia "big," Ill'. and Mrs. Eugene Sweeney, Charles Morrison; Vera Bra Leeside Cafe, Mrs. Miriam Scan beeause they are willInc to make a trul,. -bir Mrs. Edward O'Brien, Mr. and brook, Edward Perry, John nell, Harry E. Handy, Ralph 0 IBcriftce .nd allow their sons to become priests. Mrs. Frank Rocchi, Mr. and Mrs. ~onahue. SimeneaiJ.. And because they are Yel')' pOor families the,. ',J'rederick McComiskey. Mrs. Claudia Pendergast,' Mr. will oertainly miss tbe mone,. tbese bo,.. could R. C. Handy Insurance Agency. and Mrs. Emil Tietje, Knights of earn. BlIt, God baa spoken-tbe,. bave beardST: PIUS TENTH ltaymond C. Sullivan, Theatre Columbus, .Lt. and Mrs. Joseph . the,. will obey. Michael and Josepb, bowever, " Package Store, Wallace Auto $50.00 ' H. C,rane, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 'Deed a eenerolU benefactor wbe .. wlllIll6 Service, J~ '& E. Realty Co. Mr. and;Mrs. John G. I>oher17, Lewis Sr. ,to pay $100 a ,.ear for eacb for the sb: ,.ear semina..,. course. Woulel C. W. Douglas Co., Mr. arid St. Pius Tenth Guild, Mrs. Clara Mr. and Mrs. John Cole, Mr. ,.~a like to priest In tbe fa mil,., Here Is 8Il oppOrtunlt,.. Yoa Mrs. Nils Larson, Mr. ana Mr!i-' Fitzgerald. and Mrs. William Stone. ,~a,. pay tbe money in anJ manner coDYenleDt 'while ,.oar "adopted Thomas Masterson Sr., Mr.·'and $35.00 .I , IO~" prepare. IIlmself to brill&" &be word '01 Cb....t .. bla country Mrs. William Brady, Ko~zic: Mr: and Mrs. John r. Martba. ~ell:, . ' Motel. ' , $25.00 YOURWI.LL BECOMES THE f WILL Q,F1 GOD WHEN YOU MEN Miss Mae Owens, Mr. and 'Mrs. Beatrice Mollica,' Catholic ST. ANTHONY TION HIS MISSIONS OF THE NEAR EAST IN YOUR LAST
Eugene Sassoni, John Correia &: Youth Society of St. Pius Tenth. •• $20.00 $35.00 WILL. ".rDO IT TODAY!
l"amily., Gladys~ Diner, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hayes, Joseph E. Souza and FamiI7.
Mrs. ,Francis Burch. THE MYSTERIOUS CITY 0,. BAGHDAD 'Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Max- ' 'Mr. and Mrs. Mar,tin W. Joyce. $30.00 Is DO m,.stery to Slater Alexandef and Sister Mr. and Mrs. J?hn Slattery, Mr. James G. Souza and Famil;r. well, Mr. and Mrs., Reginald Clotilda. Tbe,. bow It well •• . as a mailer T> Stark, Buzzards Bay Theatre, and Mrs. Stephen A .. Canty. o $25.00, 'of fact the,. know It 80 well tbeJ wisb to de $10.00 AnthoIlY R. Delizi~,Mrs. Man Baker's Store, Mrs. Kathryn' vote their Uves to making Christ known iind Bass Ri~~i:' Esso Servicenter, uel B. Pachec9 Jr., Children'. . Hart. lov~d there., The,. are anxious to become_ Caldara's Bait & Boat Shop, Bass River Liquor Store, Inc.. Paradise Shop, East Falmouth Daughters. of Mary Immaculate. But first, tbeY Fuel Oil Co., Holy Ghost ·Society. Bolles Package Store, White Mr. and Mrs. William F. Casey, must bave two ,.ear. 01 novitiate training at St. Anthony' Club,' Virgil W•., 'Rabbit, h Memory of Margaret Mr.~ .and Mrs. John Crawford. a total eost 01 ,$SOO for eacb. If you would 'Jansen, Manuel G. Souza Jr. ' ' _ Cook, Buzzards'Bay News Store. ,Finley's Yl) Liquor Store, Inc. ." like to bave a "'DaD la, the. famlly~" ,.oa ma,. \ Mr. and Mrs~ Napoleon "Papi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hague $20.00 adopt ene of these airls. rou caD paJ the $300 ID any form con Jo~ ~. Tavares, Frank Lima. neau, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Govoni. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. T. W,'LeBlanc, venient while Jour daughter In Cbrist prepares berself to brine th. William~~. Bonito, David Teix-' Mr. Gilbert H. and Mrs. Michael --Mr. and Mrs. George Linehan, .- MYSTERY 'of Christ to tbe MYSTERIOUS CITY. A. Howard. ' Mrs. Barbara M. McGrath,- Mr. eira, Joseph L. Tavares. and Mrs. Peter McNamara. George, ' Eo 'DeMello, Elmer STRiNGLESS GIFTS GIVE THE HOLY ,.ATHER A FREE HAND Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mello, Rob~ins", JoSeph - Flora, Ma'nud TO HELP THE 'PqOR OF CHRIST. STRENGTHEN HIS' HAND Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mullan, R. Soares; Edward F. Rapoza.. , TODAY. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O'Connor, $15.00 ST: PATRICK 'TWAS A FINE DA Y ••• the crowds were It... Mr.. and Mrs.' Charles E .. Still, Daniel Botelho, Arthur Ra-, $100.00 fY and singine •.. the Chureb wa. beaatlf.1 ..• Mr. and Mrs. Richard 'Terrio. besa, Frank Figuerido, Manuel Mr'-and Mrs. 'Daniel Smith aDd but t"e little 1'11'1 was sad. It was ber FIRST COM Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Tour- P. Rose, Ottola: DeMello. ' . ' \ , Janet. MUNION DAY and sbe did DOt bne a new dreal iee, Mrs. Edward E. Williamson, Manuel- P. 'Dutra, Frank G. You knttw how little drls are ,about sacb things! $50.00 ' , Souza, A,lbert, Souza, Angelo Yar!'i1outh Drive-In. Will you. make. her bappy! TeD' dollars will ba,. • St. Vincent de' Paul Society, T h ' .. 0 n H. Gill, Quaker Village Burgess, Francisco Tavares. new outfit for a refue-ee child on FIRST COMMD-, Wood L~mber Co. Do-Nuts, Neil H. Smith, Mr. and Manuel'Rodrigues Jr:, Michael ; NION DAY! $35.00 Mrs. William Williams, Mr.·and 'P. 'Dutra, 'Antone Vieira, Frank GIFT CARD SUGGESTIONS for our mission chspels. The Bouse Mr. and Mrs. John P., Sylvia Mrs. Walter Wright. Rego.' , of God Is In great need. Will you help by the donation of an article h., Mr. and Mrs. R. Frank Stone. ~ ~ ~.~ •.. we will send our beautiful GIFT' CARD anywhere In the world to' $25.00 notify that special friend or' relative of your offering for hla inten ,Falmouth National Bank Mr tion. , and Mrs. James.Smith, Mr: and Sanctuary Lamps $l~-Mass Book .•... ,$2~ CtboriulD '.•• , •••. $40 Mrs. Joseph A. Robbins, Mr. a~d . Mass Bells II Altar Stone .. . . .. 10 Cruetfix ••••••••. 25 MrS. John .P. Romiza, Mr. and Candles (for a-yrJ. 20 Mass Vestments .. 50 Plct~r. • • •• •• • •• 15 ..INDlJSTRIAL and DOMESTIC • Mrs: Michael Ames. Major Roland Denault, Dr.
George DeMello, Mrs. Herbert LeFevre; First National Store.
John Keohane. ~~ANCIS CARDINAL SPEllMAN, President . Mrs.. Eileen Finell, Fal~outh . Msgr. Peter P. Tu~hy, Nat'l Sec'y Paint am' Wallpaper Store St. Send all communication. toe Patrick's Guild.' • CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCtAnON : 312 Hil/man St. 'WY 7:9162 New Bedford : " $20.00 , ' 480 Lexington ,AY!J. at 46th St~ New York 17 N. Y., '. ...... - 'WiWam,Gaftney. . . . ".' .' " ',:C. ':.':;. . . . .'• • ~:• • . • • • • •,.~ii1 •.~:ii1 ..ii1.• i1•••• ~'•.• _.;..~~•• ,~;,_ . . ,,·:.t·:~ ';', .. .' :.~ ;. -... '. .'~ _. .
.Vineyard Haven
Buz~ards Bay
South Yarmouth'
East Falmouth
.. .... ...••................... 'S. ANDERSON' & 'OLSEN . : • • :
: : :
: :
~'near liist02issions~
Sports Chatter
y ou€"h Ad~~ation DayonMay25
Barry Misses First Game In 38 'Years of Coaching By Jack Kineavy Seven more baseball wins by the 1958 Holy Cross team will bring Jack Barry, -veteran Crusader ment9r: the 600th victory of his long and illustrious coaching career. Jack, now 71, is in his 38th year of service at the Cross whence he came upon his retirement Silveira Sets Record from professional ball in On the scholastic track scene, 1920. In aU that time Jack New Bedford's John Silveira 'set missed only one game. An a new Greater Boston Interscho
WASHINGTON (NC) - Mil· liOlis of Catholic youths in the United States Will receive Com munion in their parish churches on National Youth Adoration Day, to be observed on ~ay 25, Pentecost Sunday. Msgr. Joseph E. Schieder, di rector of the Youth Department, National Catholic Welfare Con ference, said the response to the observance indicates that the Catholic youth of America has taken up the challenge toO de velop widespread devotioD to the Holy Ghost. "ThiS is indeed, a great spirit ual crusade of modern youth," be stated, "and constitutes a great national devotion to the Holy Spirit. He said that on May 25 "thou ilands of youth, who today are frequently miscalled the 'lost generation' and juvenile delin quents, will spend 30 minutes in private devotion before the ~lessed Sacrament." Young lay leaders are asked to obtain the special holy carda of the Holy Spirit, with the prayer of youth on it, for their school or parish. The material is available at the N.C.W.C. Youth Department, Washingtoa, 5, D. C.
lastics 880-yard record at White Stadium Saturday where the Crimson finished sixth in the Junior Division. John's time of 1:55.7 was the second fastest 880-yard effort ever turned in by a Massachusetts schoolboy, the third best in New England 3-2. CORNERSTONE AT STONEHILL: Shown at the cere Down through annals. the years many Last year in the State Meet, mony of.the cornerstone laying of the Student Union Build Barry proteges Lexington's Steve Paranya tour ing at StonehiJI College are Very Rev. James J. Sheehan, have graced the ed the 880 course in I :55.5 and C.S.C., president, and Rev. James J. Doyle, C.S.C., dean rosters of ma this is the mark that Silveira i.or league will be going after Saturday in of studies. teams. Doc the 1958 State Meet.. John also Gautreau, Freddy Maguire, Ow ran a brilliant anchor leg in New en Carroll, Ken Simiendinger, Bedford's record-breaking ago Gene Desautels are among the yard relay stint. Lee Baptista's better known Cross graduates 51'7" effort·in the 12-pound shot for the Damien-Dutton Award. NEW BRUNSWICK (NC)- A who made good in professional gave the Crimson its third first Her long scrvice in the govern convert to the Catholic Faith .ball, though there are many of the Meet. Lee's toss was the ment hospital in Carville pro who became a nun and distin others. ~best of the day in any class. vides an outstanding example' of guished herself working in be Preler Cars Among the many big league half of Hansen's disease victims faith and good ·work." The era of the '205, the heyday 1IC0Uts attending the B.C.-B.U. Sister Hilary, a native of was showered with congratula of collegiate basebal\ in the East, night game last week was Bill 8llW 25,000 fans sit in on a ·B.C. tory messages by President Berkeley,' Calif., said that after Kearns, former basketball coach her conversion she was attracted H.C. game at Worcester and at Somerset High. Bill is now Eisenhower and others as she to the Sisters of Charity because 30,000 on another occasion at covering the northern New Eng was presented with the sixth of their devotion to the sick and Braves Field when a return en allnual Damien-Dutton Award land territory for the Los An poor. She joined the community gagement was scheduled. What geles Dodgers. Cynosure of all here. in 1916 and was assigned to the a contrast with the handful of scouts was Terrier pitcher Don Sister Hilary Ross of the Carville institution in 1922 as a fans that attended the B.C.-B.U. MacLeod. Don was very effec Daughters of Charity of St. Vin pharmacist game under the lights at Boston tive against. the Eagles but bis ~nt de Paul, upon being hon She recalled that the Carville University Fie 1 d _ (formerly defense let him down time and ored, stated: "This award be Braves Field) a week ago in again. B.C. won, 5-0. institution was founded as a 19n9s to the patients in Carville Boston. Collegiate ball has just Louisiana hospital in 1914 and whose cooperation made it pos As we .mentioned earlier, the about run the gamut and Barry was taken over by the U. S. Gov sible." She referred to the pa crowd was 'most disappointing. has been on the lICene all the Couldn't have been over 500 at er:nment in 1918. It is now under tients at the U. S. Leprosarium way. the U. S. Public Health Service. best. However, Terrier athletic in Carville, La., where she has Automobiles have made the director, Vic Stout, remains un Sister Hilary said that her work been stationed for 36 years. She difference in the opinion of the now entails blood analyses of daunted.. Vic felt that the is now a biochemist and head of kindly Crusader coach. Present patients, ~sts designed to aid weather was a definite factor in the laboratory there. day players don't measure up physicians treat patients and holding down the crowd. It Pre/ientation was made by "because they ride too many purely investigative tests. would have been a good football Msgr. Vincent W. Jeffers, direc automObiles," Barry concludes. The citation 'accompanying the night, at that.· Stout plans a tor of 'he Society for the Propa We on the high school level can. award cited Sister Hilary 101' couple of more arc light en gation of the Faith in the New attest to this. Many youngsten "outstanding scientific contribu counters next year to' see if York archdiocese, at a luncheon prefer a car to baseball, electing tion as well as a lifetime of per something can't be done to re '-'jn the Rogers Smitt,l Hotel. The to work to pay for and maintain sonal service and devotion on store the popularity of the na award is given by the Damien a car rather than tryout for the behalf of the victims of Hansen's tional pastime in collegiate cir Dutton Society, which was or high school nine. But that's disease." cles. ganized in 1944 and provides another story. Msgr. Emmet A. Monahan, di medical relief and social rehabil 1% Seasons ID MaJon rector of the Society' for the itation for Hansen's disease vic Propagation of the in the Jack Barry made the jump to tims in Catholic leprosaria Trenton diocese, who spoke at the majors directly from the throughout the world. the luncheon, called Sister Holy Cross campus. He broke
A message from President .Hilary "an exponent' of real In with the A's in 1908 and he
Eisenhower statM that "with her Christian zeal" in the "pursuit of was a fixture at shortstop in
CINCINNATI (NC)-To- great record in the field of lep-. Christ and in bringing Him to ' Connie Mack's famous $100,000 day's teenagers' "in .great rosy, she is eminently qualified others.". Infield comprising "Stuffy" Mc Innis at first, Eddie Collins at 'measure reflect, the prbb
second and "Home Run" Baker lems, weaknesses, and'· con at third. Later he was a mem fusions" or' the' adult' population. MONTREAL (NC)-An Amernor the teaching of recent popes ber of three World's Champion Father Traffor-d P. Maher, $.J., ship Red Sox teams. In all he Director of St. Louis Univers - ican theologian has criticized present "authoritative justifica those representations of St. 'tion" for picturing St. Joseph as spent 12 seasons in the majors ity's Department of Education, Joseph in art and literature as an elderly man; , . as player and manager. declared' the current "climate". all old man. "On the contrary," he went on, Inevitably, over this span, offers youngsters "far too few "In this age WhiCh claims to "there is good reason to believe Barry encountered the rough constructive guidelines" that be. realistic it is high time we th~t he was at a normal age for and ready Ty Cobb. One day in . will help them achieve their became realistic about St. Joseph marriage at that time. which Boston, Cobb slid high into Barry goals. and portrayed him as a young should also be about the same Touhey's Pbannl\('.Y eell'bratf'llflll ~
cutting him up badly enough to More Than Youth man at the time of his marriage age l!S Mary." 75th AnnIversary by brinJ:'inll:". \
cause him to be sidelined. Years Referring to the adolescent as Fall River another FlltST - ...
to Mary." later at an old-timers' reunion a "forming adult," Father Maher _ Electronie Secretary tbllt
Maryknoll Vocations 8erve8 Cobb observed that Barry was said he yearns "to be somebody, This conviction was voiced by you when the I)nl~ 8to...
the only man "I was ever .orry to know more and 'more things, Father James J. Davis, 0.P., of Is dosed (between 10 P.M. andl
From Many Sources I injured." the theology. department of II A,M. daily and Sundays ...
to do something significant; and MARYKNOLL (NC)-Maybe ·.tween .I, P.M. and 6 P.M.) Archbishop Cushing .College of ··Macy's doesn't tell Gimbels, 'but "Batter Out!" to love and be loved." Brookline, at a meetipg of schol But without enough "construc religious communities apparently One of the funniest situations ars attending the annual inter tive guidelines" to' help him in' do cooperate in the recruiting of that we've encoun~ered this year vocational prospects. -and in high school ball they're his efforts, "painful-often i~re national day of studies at -the Oratory of St. Joseph... parable-mistakes are made'~. by A check of the personnel ·ros legion-occurred in the Somer "To say -St. Jbseph was' an old ter of 766 Maryknoll· priests set-Prevost game at Lafayette the ·teenager, the priest stated'.
man on that great day of his life Park, Fall River. It was the top . Referring to an observation shows that 140 of them have of the sixth, Somerset at bat, made by Charles :(VIali k, Gr~ek not only perpetuates an insulting come from Jesuit high schools AND FOLLOW THESE
lie about the virtue of Joseph one out and runners on second Orthodox statesman from Leba and colleges and another 30 have non, Father Maher said the spirit and Mary, but also blasphemes and third. Bill Gastall, Raider come from Christian Brothers SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS
the gracious goodness 'of God," outfielder, belted a long drive to of the times could be summa schools. A total of 35 per cent, rized i~ the "all-pervading lack Father Davis maintained. right and it appeared to all; es or 266, of the Maryknollers at . Give your name, address n pecially Bill, that the ball was of responsibility that permeates The Dominican said that tended a public school at one gh'e your order or preseril)liolL all segments of society." .neither the Gospels Tradition going down~own. time or another. Slate whether your order i'" to be "It is in this' climate," he called for or delivered and . . At any rate, he put his head said, "that the modern teenager 800n as the 5to re is re·olK'lllflCl down and away he went. Mean yOl,r' order will be promlltly flBr while, the runners had tag~e(l must wrestle through one of riell Ollt withont causing .yOD aD7 01 up, and, after Prevost's Michaud . life's mOst perplexing phases." 4elay or inconvpn;('n('f'_ had made' a circus catch out on Parental Guidance Mason Street, easily moved' up Emphasizing the need for 01 • base. The relay coming back "constructive guidelines," Fath-. into the infield arrived at third er Maher. said: Begins 'May 22nd • Our Lady's Chapel
base ahead of tl:Je churning Gas "We find that in situations Devotions at: 10, 12:10, 5: 10, 7 and 8 P. M.
tall. Whereupon the Leaf's where the forming 'adult has "Prescription S pecialisttl third baseman put the tag on been taught. firm, realistic, con Radio BroadcC;;st: WSAR 8:45 P.M. - 1480 on Dial
Since 188.1" Bill, presumably completing an stru~tive values, loyalties, and inning-ending double play. It commitments, he matures norm For Novena Booklets, write to: Fr. Cosmos Timlin, O.F.M. SURGICAL APPLIANCES
was fully five minutes before ally and wholesomely. On the HEARING AIDS
the umpires and' opponents other hand, in families where. could be convinced that Gastalf directives are few and hazy, the Arthur J. Shea, Prop. was the hitter and had already youngster progresses haphazard FRANCISCAN FATHERS 202. Rock St., Fall River been retired. Bill himself was ly, often with great harm a.o 572 Pleasant Street New Bedford. Mass. a leading skeptic:. himself and to society' ear infection kept him from the Boston University game last Saturday, but the Cross pre v a i led, not wit h standing, edging B. U.,
Convert Receives Damien-Dutton
Award for Work with Lepers
75th Year
Jesuit Declares Youth Reflect Adult Problems
Sa'ys St. J_oseph About Ma ry's Age
nat Answers
Your Calls When
The Drug Store
Is Closed
OS 5-7829
St. Jude-Saint
the Impossible
Solemn Noyena
Nine Thursdays
Oselie LeBlanc, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Harper, John and Agnes Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Stavredes. \ Dr. and Mrs; Burton W. Trask, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Cam pana, Mrs. Teresa' Creange, Charles E., Cassidy, John Lah teine and Family. William H. Carpenter, Mr. imd Mrs. Michael J. Cleary; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Perry, A Friend., Mrs. Ellen Hobson.
Very Rev. Leonard J. Daley.
oJoseph P. Kennedy. $150.00 st. Francis Xavier St. Vincent lie Paul Society. o $100.00 _ ~r. and Mrs. Rene Poyant. $75.00 Rev. AmbroseE. Bowen. $50.00 Miss Ellen O'Neill, R.N., Mrs. William Fitzgerald, Barnstable County National Bank, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hills. Miss Alice Keveney, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Keane, Mr.' and Mrs. Joseph Martin, Mr. and Mrs. John Kilcoyne, Mr. and Mrs. John Vetorino. Mr. ann Mrs. Roger Allen, Mr. • ~I Mrs. James M. Tow.ey, Mr. and Mrs. C' ,arIes A. Coyle, Mr. William T. Clarkin. $20.00 W. J. O'Neil Jr., Mr. arid Mrs. Wayland P. Morse, Mr. and Mrs. .John Hart, Mr. and Mrs. E. Thoma~ Murphy, In Memory of .John Shea and -Miss Irene Shea. Prof. Helen Blair Sullivan, Mr. 8Dd' Mrs. Vincent O'Neil, Dr. and Mrs. Francis O'Neil, Dr. and Mrs. Walter J. Kennedy, Mr. Robert D.' Cottell, Mr. and Mrs: Edward Maher. $10.00 Margaret Manaselian, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. McManus, Mr. and" Mrs. Henry Kelly, Miss 'Harriet Butler and Mother, Miss ConMance Fortune. ' Catherine and Helen Lowney, Miss Lillian Shea, Miss Mary G. Shea, 'Mi. ; M. Ursula Wing; Mr. '8Ild Mrs. John Terry. Mr. and Mrs.' Everett Nor~ mand, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Aylmer, Miss Helen J. Quirk, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. FranCis O'Rourke. Mr. and Mrs. A. Milan O'Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williams, Mrs. Jennie Schwab, Mr. and, Mrs. Albert Trocchi, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bray. Mr. and Mrs. John Keveney; Mr. ami. Mrs. Kenneth Daiy , Mrs. Marj orie Swift, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony White, Mr. and I/Irs. Raphael Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Quin "n, Miss Alice Godin, Mr. and I/Irs. George Igom, Mr. and Mrs. .John McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. Theodqre Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nelson. Mrs. Bridget Walls, Mr. and Mrs. .James lVI. Hobert, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore Jr., Mr. and Mrs. William Madden. Mr: and Mrs.',Samuel Miller, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wm. Bowser, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Powers, Mr. P. T. Mo.rin" Mr. and Mrs. Hobart I/Ior'in. , Mr. and Mrs. John Conneliy , Mrs. Celine Martin, Mr. Cba£'1es McGrath, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Casey, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Brito. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Paine, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bouchard, I/Ir. Arthur Pairier, Mr. and Mrs. .James .McCarty, Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Richard. ' Dr. and Mrs: James F. Dunne, Mr. and Mrs., Walter Piknick, Mr. anl! Mrs. Anthony George, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dillon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Varnum. Dr. and Mrs, Joseph T. Boyle, Mr; and Mrs. Sherwood Tolldorff, Mr. ,and 'Mrs. Charles Bearse, ,Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Flynn, Mrs. Jack Fussell~. Mrs. Edwin R. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. George Lemay, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kelly, Mrs. A. Cor reia. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hallo:"/l ran, 'Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. .Junior, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Alosi, Mrs. Rene Taveau, Miss May Fay. _ ' Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Francisco, Miss Constance Bearse, Mrs. , Anne Gomes, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard O'Neil, Mr. and Mrs. John McBdde: -, Mr'. and Mrs. Clifford White, Mr. and Mrs:, Thomas J. Ken':' neally,Mrs. Alice' Niedzweski" 'Mrs., 'Ludwiga Staffen" Miss, Agne\ d~Neil. .' , , Mr. and Mrs. George Garol,lfes, Mr. and Mrs..John Dantos, John F. Dempsey, Mr. and 'Mrs. Emer
son Cloutier; Margaret -and :Ai
, Larivee.
, Th'omasGay Jr;, Janice' Gay;
Tank4k ,Village ,Motel. ".
NEW DIOCESAN SEMINARY: Scale model of the new St. Pius X Seminary to be built at Marydale, in the Diocese' of Covington, shows unique H-design. To house 109 minor seminarians, the building will have student quarters, library, faculty quarters, chapel, academic section, and convent area. NC Photo.
$50.00 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Berube, St. Elizabeth's Guild. " $25.00 'Memory' of Mrs. Manuel San tos, Mr: and Mrs. John Ripple, Mr. ami M~s. Ellsworth 'Fisher, Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Connors. $20.00 . Corinne's Beauty Shop. , $15.00 Mr. George T. ,Silva,.' Roland ,Authier, AI's Package' Store, Martha's Vineyard Cooperative Da'iry. ' $10.00 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Madei ros, Mr. and, Mrs. George'.F. Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Charles ,Madeiros, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel N. Goulart,Mr-. and Mrs. Thomu Flynn. IreneB, Henley, Jean Britcher, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Mello, William P. Silva, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mello. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doyle, Mrs. Esther Johnson, 'Mr. and' Mrs. Herbert Mercier Jr.,' WilHam C. Enos, Mr. and Mrs. .John O;Neil, Edgartown Caf~.
$125.00 Rev. Howard A. Waldron. $50.00 .John J. Pendergast. , $25.00 Hllrold K. Bragle, Stephen B. ' O'Brien, Henry L. Murphy. ! $10.00 Wilton L. Childs, Mrs. Gilbert Bearse,- Irving Harrison, 'Kath.,. leen Gallagher, William Hetter- , man. Mrs. William' Kirk, John .J. ~,~ndergast Jr., Arthur ,D. Mad dalenna Sr., Rocco Collucci, Edmund Guerin.. Margaret Fawcett, Ann Faw rett, Dorothy' Fawcett,' Edward Dean, Katheryn F. Alheit.
$25.00 Holy Name Society, C.C.D. " $10.00 " . C.Y.O., Chatham Life Boat Station, Mr. and MrS. Freeman Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gleason, Old Harbor Pharmacy. Ead Hunt,' Yvonne Danz,' Joseph Nickerson. '
$100.00 'Rev. James E. L'ynch. $15.00 Kathryn Hennessey, Anna ,'Hennessey" Edward Smith. $10.00 James'Ilkovich, Leonard Fran cis, Dr. James H. Leach, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Norris, Maximilian Friese, George Morin, Emile Olliviet:: " " .
Mr. and Mrs. John Ferreira.
, $20.00 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Silva. $15.00 Marcey's Fuel Company, Lob ster Pot, Dr. Daniel H. Hiebert. $10.00 Mrs. Annie L. Silvia, Edward J. Dahill, Boat "Jimmy Boy," Beatrice Welsh, Boat "Sea Fox." Boat "Liberty Belle"-Capt. Henry Passion, Mr. Robert Silva, B. H. Dyer & Co., Arnold's, Inc., Boat "Shirley &' Roland."
$35.00 Catherine J. Hansberry. $25.00 ST. PATRICK CORPUS CHRISTI-Sandwich A Friend, Joseph B. Kelly, ST. TERESA-Sagamore $40.00 Dr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Leach, ST~ JOHN-Pocasset.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bumpus• . McKeon Family.
~ $250.00 $25.00 . $20.00 Rev. James A. Dury. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Moore, Mr.. and· Mrs. "Joseph H. $50.00 Association of S1. John the Bap Beecher, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Rev. Thomas J. LeBlanc, A. tist, Mr. ami 'Mrs. Joseph Card, Cross, Our Lady of the Assump Friend. " - Mr. and Mrs. David Barry, Hiller tion Guild, Dr. and Mrs. Charles $25.00 Co., Inc., Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. 'Haskell. Daughters of Isabella-Mother Myers. $15.00 Cabrini Circle, Corpus Christi , $20.00, , Parenti Sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Parish Guild, Mr. and Mrs. Al Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bap ()Charles Cammett, Thomas I{elly'. bert J. Govoni. tiste. '. $20.00 $10.00 J. L. Call~han Jr., Hen'ry C. $15.00
M~. and Mrs. John J. Bowes, Mrs. Ellen Buffiflgton.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Benjamin Perry, LaBute. $10.00 Jr.,' A. Friend, Mrs. Mary W. $10.00
Mrs. Hilda· E. Whitmore, Mr. .Mr. and Mrs. Agnes Beiga, . O'Connor, Matt and Katherine and Mrs. Charles, Blais, LCdr. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rogers; Sullivan. and Mrs. Theodore Gallagher, Mr. and, Mrs. George Taber,' Mrs. Robert M. Rolosen,' Mrs. Mr; ~nd Mrs. James Boles, Mr. Cross Insurance, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lillian Cain, Mrs. Adeline K. and Mrs. A. Cleveland Jones. James Doherty. . J~hrison, Margaret Hansber;ry, Richard T: Venti, J. L. Calla Mr. and.Mrs. Peter Hayes, Mr: , ,Mr. and Mrs. Don, James: han 3rd. Osterville News Stand, Mrs. and Mrs. Archie Ready, Mr. and Mrs. Wil:iam McClean, Mr. and Mrs. Leo St. John. Kathleen O'Shaughnessy 'a~d Margaret Barrows, Mr. and Mrs. .Raymond Crocker, Mr. and-Mrs. ' The Only Catholic College in the Diocese of Fall Rt'Ver Claude Ellis, Mrs. Alice Barthol omew, Ellen Hennessy. Frances Hennessy, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Murray, Harry Grages,'M~s. Edward Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs. Leopole Boisari. -
$100.00 Mr. ,and Mrs. Robert F. Sims. $50.00 Mr. and 'Mrs. Peter F. Con nolly, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Powers, Mr; and Mrs. John F. , Shields" Mr. and' Mrs. Walter Hall.
Administration Building
HELP YOUR COLLEGE TO -GROW __ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ ~
Ihrector of BUild~ng 'FUM Ston.ehiU Coll.e~ . PHONE CEdar 8-2221 , NORTH EASTON, MASSACHUSETTS
-THE ANCHOR Thurs., May 22, 1958
Notes Hungarian
Continued from Pue 9ne icy in regard to the Church. He
declared: " "The relationship between Church and state must, be placed on a fundamentally sound basis. It must take the shape dot merely of 'friendly coexistence,' but of positive cooperation. "In our opinion the Hunga rian hierarchy, whose loyalty to ward the government has been repeatedl:' underlined, must not allow this loyalty to be ex tended also toward the 'reaction ary priests who are busy sowing . DIOCE~AN' CATH~LIC. WOMEN CONVENE: Leaders of the Catholic Council Women chat before the open the seeds of vicious weeds in mg of the dIocesan meetmg m N~w Bedford. rJtt ~ right are Rt. Rev. Msgr. James. J. Gerrard, V.G., o{New Bed their dioceses * * * We also can not understand why the leaders ford, Mrs. Mary A..Almond, presIdent of the COUIlC)]; Mrs. Henry C. Barkhorn who was the guest speaker and Re.,. of the Roman Catholic church Thomas F. Walsh, dIocesan moderator. in Hungary are giving so' little support to the democratic minded clergy." Continued from Page One garet Duggan, Fall River; Mrs. ton, and accompanied by Mi.
Mrs. Almond Re-elected The meaning of these words is' that you also influence those Reporting on the World Union Aristides A. Andrade, Taunton; Florence E. Mello, offered se
clear: communists demand the around you," emphasized Msgr. Mrs. Philip M1,1nroe, New Bed lections.
active cooperation of the Church. Gerrard, in speaking on the meeting, Mrs. Barkhorn eI To them, active cooperation theme "Know Him, Love Him, plained that its members are ford; MrL Lynwood'Stone, North Invocation and blessing were
studying ways of alleviating the Attleboro. means that tpe Church must be given by Rev. Thomas F. Walsh,
Serve Him." He told the women Mrs. Joseph Ferreira acted as pastor of St. Louis Church, Fan
hunger and attendant evils pre come a willing tool in communist that .they must seek the salva handL . valent· in so many lands. On judge of the, election board and River, diocesan moderator of the
tion of others in connection with another topic, she suggested that Miss Catherine Harrington, Fall group. Other priests attendinc
It is in the light of these facts their own. River, was chairman of, registra Cathol~c women would accom that the widely publicized pho the JIleeting included the Rev.
Mrs. Barkhorn, who ilttended tion. Miss Martha A. Douglas, Joseph L. Powers, Rt. Rev. Msgr.
tograph of Archbishop Jozsef the World Congress' as national plish much towards internation Groesz of Kalocsa shaking hands chairman 01 international rela-. al understanding by. inviting q-easurer, reported that 93 reg-' John J Shay and Very Rev.
foreign. students into their istered delegates, representing Leonard J. Daley. with Premier Nikita S. tions committee of the National Khrushchev should be under , Council of Catholic Women, said homes to acquaint f them with 122 affiliates, were present at the
Other officers of the diocesan meting. American home life' and atti stood. wide. group are Mrs. John J.
'. that she' also. was present at the tudes. Mullaney, Mrs. James F. Swee
Anno~nee Spring Retreat .. .': convention of the World Union' During business proceedings, ney, Mrs. Gilbert J. Noonan and
Other :business included a of Catholic Women's OrganizaContinued from Page One tions,held in Rome the .week Mrs. Emmet P. Almond, North reading of the report of the 1957 .' Miss ·Kathleen. C.' Roche, viee-'
Dartmouth, was re':eiected coun convention of the group, held in 'presidents; Mrs. Harold B. Guth- ' '.
before the Congress. International here. in Illinois, The goal. of the Congress, she cil president. She presented'gift.S ' ·Fall River. It was given by Mrs. tie,· corresponding secretal'J';
declared "not . tha'.. he f th deall'ng '. , ". said,. was to make Catholic, in .. to Mrs. Barkhorn and' to Msgr. James W. Leith. The spring re-. Miss Alice Lenaghan, auditor,
Gerrard' fo!, Bishop Connolly. her~ WIth a flg.ment 0, . e ~magfluence felt throu h~ut . the treat for women of the diocese and Mrs. Coleman J. Coyne, hi".,
inabon or a bIt of poetIC ldeal. ~ was announced. It will be ,held tprian.
Also named to office" as .fifth tr th of ,', world. m non-sectarian groups. i sm, b U t WI'th a f ac'1, a U T d.0, thOIS e ff ec t·· 1 she vice-president of thi!' council, is . weekend at Our Lady of . Miss Emily Perry was actiDl;
Ch . t· ·t" . ,,0 IVe y, rls laDl y. . stressed, Catholics must ha:v e was Mrs. Frederic Tuttle, 'Fall .Good .Counsel Retreat House,' general chairman of the conven-' Lakeville.. Spiritual books for .tlon committee and Mrs. J am~ .Parental Duty first-hand knowledge of the River. The nominating com It is the duty of parents, he peoples, affairs and problems of mittee included Mrs. Manley the retreat house library are T. Mosher was chairman of ush Boyce, West HarV'{Ich; Miss Mar- . needed, 'and donations from re ers. The reception and hall were said, to impress on the mind of the world. treatants will be appreciaied. ,in charge of members of Mount the child the fact that the father Welcoming the women was Rt. Carmel ''-omen's Club 'and Sf. represents Christ at the head of 'Rev. Msgr.- Hugh A. Gallagher, John's parish guild, while mem- ' the family and the mother repre LIMA (NC)-Press dispatches inspired demonstrations," he pastor of St James Church, New bers of the diocesan board served sents Holy Mother Church. claiming Vice-President Richard stated, "have been a source· of Bedford, while St. James' choir as hostesses at the coffee hoUl' "When that is done," he said, "children will have the high Nixon. was "given the coldest embarrassment to the genuine directed by Rev. Albert Shovel- following the meeting. regard and respect for their par:' reception of his South American - Peruvian. For the .press to dig nify the barbaric antics of small tour" in Peru are "a case of dis ents that they should have. They torted and sensationalized news communist-led groups who have will carry a spirit of respect into nothing more to contribute to the wider reaches of society. reporting." Such children will present few This charge was made here by Latin American welfare than stones and crude insults, and for serious problems to their par Msgr. Anthony P. Wagener, edi segments of the' U. S. press to ents or to social authorities., tor of the Register Times They will not be numbered Review, weekly of the' La give the false 'impression that and crude incidents reflect the atti among the scandalous delin Crosse, Wis., diocese. Msgr. tude of ~eru is unfair to all quents of the day." Wagener was in Lima during t.,be INDUST~IAL true 'Peruvians." ' Vice-President's visit in' the Don't Get to Root course of which he was stoned • GENERAL, TIRES • ' DELCO BATTERIES Father Schmiedeler also de by students at San Marcos Uni ICribed how parents are to ful • PERFECT CIRCLE RINGS versity. fill their pr.iestly office of teach . FAll RIVER NEW BEDFORD - HYANNIS NEWPORT Msgr. Wagener said: ing the child religion, placing "Peru's official and unofficial particula~ stress on the educative, impact of good example in the -reception of,.our' Vice...President was genuinely enthusiastic. • • home. While many suggestions ad: The few minor anti-Nixon dem vanced today as a remedy to . onstrations have been enlarged juvenile delinquency "may not all out of proportion by the U. S. • 'Real loans press." be useless," the speaker re • Savings Bank life Insurance ''These communist, and leftist marked, "they do not offer a fun-. damental and lasting solution. • Christmas and Vacation Clubs They do not get at the real roots • Savings Accounts of the problem." • 5 Convenient Locations Begins at· Home . BERLIN (NC) - East Ger He pointed out that "one of, many's communist government the most fundamental sources Of has refused to allow Bishop Hel today's delinquency is a lack of mut Wittler of Osnabrueck to respect for authority on the part visit the part of his diocese situ of brash young America, and ated in the Soviet Zone. The often even outright disrespect Bishop had planned to dedicate for those who represent author • church there and to visit par Have you ever wondered Do I ity. ishes for Confil'mations. bave .. vocation I' ••• CaD I be a priest! • . • Would I be a I'ood "That disrespect begins in the priest! It you have. you wili lind home, and then gradually spreads great help In a brief booklet writ. ten especially for young men like beyond it. Children who are yourselt. facing a decision that taught due regard fOl: their par can change your entire lite. This booklet tells about the· Holr. Cross ents because of their priestly Fathers who serve CT1rlst 'across prerogative:, in the home will the world" as parish priests. for· elgn missioners, prlest·teachers, not succumb to such an evil de and home mIssioners. Its plain, velopment." direct language wlll help you take the best road to serving Christ. Catholic Delinquents Simply till out and mall the cou .....s a whale Ol a drink'" pon below. The seconda It takel Father Schmiedeler described may change your llte. a~ "frightening" today's widely 17 DELICIOUS FLAVORS publicized outbreaks of juvenile, .8EST SINCE 1853' delin.quency . , He said: "One hears of de-'" . .'·,WE DELiVER ' • .r ,'I' muction of property ·and steal .' North"Easton, Mass.
,CA'~L" .: '.: '~.' .. " ing, of violent gang attacK:s:'on ~ Please lend me. free Information
'.' ',' WY 9-6264
about..Uae Holy Crol.1 Father..' people, even upon ·teac.hers and officers of the law at tini;;s. and "" and 9-6265
Name _ .._ ;..:.._.._._~ __. , of actual br.utal murdet, and not ' once or twice, .but· repeatedly." While'expressing the hOPe that Street _ ......;.....:..... •____'__ this is "not the work of our Cath ...... olic children~" Father SchmJede ,,:' ler nevertheless admitted, that 45 SCHOOL ST. "we can hardly say their hands At So: First, St. State' ---•....- .......-.- ,Age...__
FALL RIVER 8-5286 are entirely clean. Some of them '. ' '. ' . , (S) are found among the delinquent. NEW" BEDFORD,.
Diocesan Council of Catholic Women' Hold Convention
Advises Parents
Says Nixon Reports ·Distorted
, Check These .Bonking Seryice$ Estate
Reds Refuse Travel
Permit for' Bishop
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Holy Cross. Fathers
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~nitarian Minister ,10
Says It's Time Elect Catholic President ', -
INDIANAPOLIS (NC) - It is cerned ab6ut this in relation to time that the people of the Catholics than to others. United states elected a Catholic "Lord ',Baltimore First • President, a Unitarian'minis-' "There have been Roman . . stated here. Catholic justices on the Supreme The statement, written by Rev. Court whc;> 'seem to share many 1Ir. Jack' Mendelsohn, minister of my, views on the separation of , 01. All Souls, Unitarian Church, church ,and state" while I can appeared' in, the "Indianapolis 'think of-a good many Protestant Unitarian Bulletin," wee k 1 y r~gislators 'who apparently do' periodical distributed among the not. We should l'ecall also that members of the congregation. ,it was not a Catholic president '!be article was' entitled "A (Harry' 'S. Truman, a Baptist) , Catholic 'President?" ,who proposed to send an ambas Following'is the text of Rev. sador to the Vatican. 'lir. Mendelsohn's statement: "In my opinion, Catholics have "Has the time come when, as ,every bit as much at stake in . A I Smit~, expressed it, a ,man the separation 'Of church ' and aD. say his beads in the White 'slate as anyone' else. , I find it Bouse? ,I hope so, for I find hard to believe that any Catholic, eclious every ,restriction of reli- ,could rise in American pOlitics Pon. color, sex or nationality to ,the place where he could be llackground on who can and clm- a serious contender for th~ 'pres~ .ot become' Presideht 'of the' 'dency without having realized United States. ' that. ' , ;'As a matter of fact, Catholics -My personal taste in presi-' *ats is for those who' fully first enunciated the separation IIIlderstand and appreCiate the of church and state in the new ' Implications of the 'First Amend world when Lord Baltimor~ , 'ment, to the 'Constitution, that' voluntarily established religioUll Congress shall m'ake no law res- freedom in his 'personal colony. IleCting an establishment.of reli I would expect a Catholic presi.. .1Iioa.' 'B'ut' I am ,rio more':con"" ~ent to ~ partiCularly sensitive .." : ' " ,", " 'about subverting this Catholic: , ' " At,tle~o~,Q: clai~ 10 glory and honor. '
Prelate Asserts Glory of Church -n Suffe'r'.-ng • Is" ,
Says' 'Devotion to 'Blessed Vi,rgin Test ~f Christian Relig'ion
"LOUISVILLE (NC)-Devotion of God and is now gloriously la' to the Mother, 'of Christ is the . ' te t f th C'h" t' 'I' '. heaven, body and soul, mtercedROME (NC)-The glory of the s o ' e "rlS Ian re IglOn.. .' " ' Church in the future "lies in the' Father, John A. Hardon, S.J., 'lOg ,for us With Dlvme S~n. lands which today show the most professor of dogmatic theology t? th,~t'extent he IS a true ChrIS scars," Auxiliary Bishop Fulton at West Baden College, said he' tlan. J. Sheen 'of New York'said here. was posing, a challenge' "to our "Insofar as he deviates from
'Addressing priests, semina-" separated brethren who find it ,these Marian doctrines, and,
riims and nuns at the Propa.;. impoSsible to 'accept our posi:' worse still, shows himself hostile
'ganda College here, the U. S. tiol1 with, regard to the, Blessed ,to us who beli~ve in them, we do " national director of the Society :Virgin." not question his' sincerity_and for: the Propagation of the Faith "My contention is," he' de leave him to' the ,mercy of God, said: c1ared, "that the test of the' but we say he has departed from Christian religion is devotion to' the Gospel of Christ and is alien ~'Europe and the United States Mary ~nd acceptance of all 'the to '~he spiri~' of Christianity." ,is 'the church of the present, but great prerogatives by which the 'Africa, Asia and Oceania and the nations behind the Iron Curtain 'Church,honors her above all the' are the Church of the'future." angels, and, saints,' and second Bishop Sheen drew' an analogy ,only to J esu~ Christ." between the scars shown by Three Great Truths Christ after His' Resurrection "In the degree to which .. per- ' and scars now being inflicted IOn believes that Mary 'was im ,on the Church. ' maculately conceived," he con "We have ,had more martyrs tinued; "that she is the Mother in the Church between ,1917 and CHARLES F. VARGAS
the' present than during the first 254 ,ROCKDALE AVENUE
300 years of the Christian 'era," NEW BEDFORD, MASS.
he said. "Where is' the great glory of the Church" Bish~p Sheen asked. COMMUNIO,N
"Not' in the, United States Or Europe.' But in those lands, BREAKFASTS
which show the 'most scal"§ today. "Unless there is a Good Friday in our 'lives, there will be no Good Inftuenee , Easter Sunday. Those countries WEDDINGS
, " . "I with Paul Blanshard which today are passing through WlDners o..f the eighth an~ual ~ on many of the 'faults o{Catholic • kind of Calvary and Golgotha '-y, c~ntest .spon~ored ~y St.,' clerical policy, in America, but, are ,PARTIES
the glory ol the Church of ; Iohn s Counc,ll, Kmghts of Co-' I also know that Catholic teach the ,future.", ' , a.unbus ,of Attleboro w,ere guests ,ing has much wisdom to offer , et. the Council at',a ,dinner fol- ' ata time, when wisdom is ill LOUIS
,lowing _, radio Ibroadcas~ o:ver remarkably short supply. WARA last Thursday mght. ,"I am reas(~mably well ae CINCINNATI (NC)-~'Art in", 'Patric~ J. Duffy; past district' quainted with Catholic teachings , the Parish" will_be the theme ,on racial integration, rural soci 'rr...,6eputy of the Knights of Colum of the ·1958' convention of the 107 So.., Main St., Acushnet '-- DUi, 'and chairman of the essay ology, urban development, eco Catholic 'Art' AssoCiation, ,to be, , WY 3-8017 ,wy 2-8201 , -.test, 'committee, presided at nomic justice and, internation81 held at Our Lady of Cincinnati ' H~ATING tIIle radio broadcast during which 'pe!lce. I would consider the in College, starting Aug. 15. The eontest winners read ,their essays, ftuence of such teaching, on . ' ,site and, time 'Were selected be- ' fIeOOivedco"ngratulations' of Catholic ",resident to be whole cause the 1958 North, American judges 'and, school and Knights some and good. ' , Liturgical Conference is to be et. Columbus officials. , ,"America is a government of held' in ' Cinc.innati ,from Aug. Alice Benschneider of, South - balanced powers. The Republic 18 to 21. \ AttelboroJunior High School, is not going to colhipse ,because tint prize winner in the eighth I di~er ~ith a president's vie.,!Vs at
HOLY CROSS ACADEMY 'ltade division and Neil Bowen' on, bIrth control any more than, Conduct~d by' t~ ,
et. Willett, Sch~ol, top winner in it is presently disintegrating be ,Sisters:...of the, Holy, Cross
-.e seventh grade contest were cause I differ with a president's 535 Boylston 'Street
.resented dictionaries a~ci. at~ views on how to stop H-bomb Brookline 46, Massachusetts
, Iftctive plaques by Arthur Mul tests," • tins, grand knight of St. 'John's ,...---~-,;,..--.;...-- Resident and Day School for Girlil'
, Grades 9-1% ' , '
Council."ApproximatelY 360 stu AUTO TOP SHOP 'llS'WllLiAM ,ST. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Affiliated: Catholic University MntS ',participated in the con"; Accredited: _t.' AUTO & FURNITURE New England, Association Mr. Mullins also presented UPHOLSTERING pl1lques to Susan Mahoney of PHONE: School LO 6-8627
All kinds upholstering Peter'Thacher Junior High, and Convent BE 2~7419
Cheryl Shelton of South Attle _ ,FABRICS
'boro Jui1ior High" who placed ',0. 'E. NERBONNE, Prop.
.eeond and third ,respectively in 18" Porch... St.. N.w B.dfo"" the eighth grade competitiori. 4;J Center St•. H:Y8'nnjll Also receiving plaques were Jo Where'Mle .eph Amato ,of Richardson "-'--~--. Entire Famn~ OIL COMPANY School, second place wiI;lner, and' DONAT BOISVERT , , 'Can Dine' Donald Peck of, Willett, third' ' ," , ' Econo~lllcall7 place winner in the seventh' • 'INSURANCE,!,GE~C" grade' di vision. , ,All Kinds Of ,insur~nc" The eighthgraeIers sUbmi'tted ' ..... essays on the s~bjects; ,"Why 1 ; 96 WILLJAMSTREET" o We Should Study the Co'nstitiI- ' 'NEW REDFO~D. dss. ' ',.tion of 'the lhited Stafes". The "South • Sea,Sts. ,For:Reservations Rventh grade essay" topic was' ..." DtA,L W.Y 8"5153' Hyannis TeI...HY,8.1 "Brothe'rhoOd, ,Key ,to, World' OS: 5-7185
K of C Honors' E,sSCJ,yists,'
YOUR OIL HEAT! ~c(J11 ~~=
fDr qtilclt (Jeli'!ery,1
Art Convention
"('Save' With Safety" ,New', Bedford' & ",Acushnet Co-operativeBanks,
Family Restaurant
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Persona; ,Service " '", -
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~ " ',.1'
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,Phone ".
," 1 '
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'~", ' :
Defends· Youth, Flays
Hollywood in Focus
Recognizes Abbey Players In Disney's Leprechauns
By William 1:1. Mooring· If anyone could coax the leprechauns from old Ireland to Hollywood, it would have to be Walt Disney, master of movie fantasy. He has just brought over quite a few for his live actio~ film of. ~erminie Te~pleton Kavanagh's "Darby O'GiU and the Little b' 1t t nd f ·th I' h IS own v mm. sereen es a " So P eopIe. me 0 ese rl8 sent it to London. The late Sir leprechauns are disguised Alex Korda liked it, gave Ki~ron as Abbey Players unless my a four-year coqtract and anoth~r
old eyes deceive" ~e. international Star was on his Brian Conners, who claims to way. His most recent British be the 5,000 fibD is "The Key," Sir Carol· years old King Reed's production for Columbia. of the lepre At St. Patrick's Church, Soho. ehauns, look s Square, London, Dec. 4, 1947, mig h t y like Kieron Moore married British Jimmy O'Dea, Actress Barbara White. It was for instance. He. a mixed marrige, but not for may stand only lo~g. Eight weeks before The 21 inches high resa Mary,. first of their four in the picture, ch~ldren was to arrive, Barbara but his tales are taller! qUleUy told her husband she Darby O'Gill; the old croney wished to become a Catholic; an who gets booted down a hol~ in illustr~tion; no' doubt, of how spectral Knocknasheega, where God's Grace works through the "the litUe people" live, freely power' of example. admits he is 72-year-old Albert Two sons, Casey, now seven, Sharpe. The same as was after and Colum, five, arrived. All the pot of gold in "Finian's Rain three chi~dren had to be deliv bow" and later blossomed in ered surgically. When Sean, now "Brigadoon." Still, he insists, eight months, was expected it is a pooka (kind of leprechaun Barbara, after making. n?venas, horse) that does the booting. insisted this time there need be Depends on Spirit no· surgery. Walt Disney himself tells me Wrong John Sullivan "leprechauns are funny about . .The Moores were recom people." These days "they· are . mended to see a Mr. John Sulli retreating into Ireland's back van, specialist in gynecology, of country to get away from cynical London's famed Harley Street.: town folk." It took Walt three Although all indication,s seemed or four trips to the Emerald to the contrary, Barbara's faith Isle tou find out. The last visit and confidence persuaded him. was a year ago w.hen he COI1 Sean, the fourth baby, was nat-· vinced "the little people" that urally and safely delivered. for . the . good of Irish humor . pnly afterwards was it dis "Darby O'Gill and the Little covered that there are two Har People" must ·become a Techni .ley Street specialists named John color movie. Sullivan: The Moores had· gone As an English-born American to "the' wrong one. h . "Yet not I take Disney's word ·for it, real the wrong one, but the right izing that a true belief in lepre one to fulfill our prayers," says chauns depends upon the spirit. Kieron, who tells the story only The spirit you're in, of course, because "Barbara thinks it may and possibly vice versa! help some other young mothers CQmplete Town to; thei~ fears." Besides Albert Sharpe as . Bang s Spr~ng Song . Darby and Jimmy O'Dea as BlDg Crosby Just made . hIS King Brian Disney has pert annual announcement. ,Through Janet Munr~ and Katie O'Oill "Look" . he tells us he will re and sean Coilnery as her hand "Unless something of spe some boy friend, Michael Mc-· cIa} a?peal comes along." It Will. Bride. Both. youngsterll . speak He 'WIll not. with a SCottish burr. They hOll.t;!, that whatever yoU .think' oHhtl'''·,. . leprechauns, Jheir o\\.n Irish ac-.~ LITCHFIELD - The Montf.ort cents will fool 'you: , : \ . '. ,., Fathers have annouilced the Dennis O'Dea (hi th~s fil'!!the ·;comp1E;tion of the Grotto of O'Deas have it~" ill~Y.~ a prieSt;.~ .. )Lourdes in Litchfield, located with Walter Fitigerald all.J,.ord- '. ·at St. .Louis de Montfort'Sem of-the'-Manor FitZpatrick. Abinary here in Connecticut. Dedi bey Theater's Jimmy·, Devlin, cation· of the four-year' project who could pass for a lepi;echaun will take place later this month easier th~J;1 any... w.ilJ'IJe,.seel1 as· ':. tp ,coincide with the Lourdes the local tavern kee'per:· Nat-' 'cerltenial in Europe:' '. . : urally there is a 'tavern in the Rev. Francis J. Allen, S.M.M., town, which incidentally, Disney director of the Shrine said ihe has built complete with.thatched completed Grotto wiil be the cottages, square-towered, stone centra: structure of the 35-acre Church and village Cross" on his public pilgrimage area to be studio grounds at Burbal1k~ Jt known as "Lourdes in Litch follows there has to be a handfield." Other projects presently !lOme . villian to threaten' the .. under construction, including a young· lovers and upset "the litquarter-mile "Way of the Cross" Ue people." . are expected to be finished. this He is played bX Kit;!rori Moore, Fall; , '. \ . best remembered here' as eO-star in "David and Bathsheba" and HTen Tall Men," as well as sev eral British successes, including "Saints and Sinners.": Kie~on Moore,' a fine,' young Catholic family man, recently returned to Hollywood for this Disney film, ,to disc·over ihat someone else (perhaps a sort of . leprechaun) . had 'atij-1Ei~eaI his :" professional name and Film' I Actors' Guild number. It took ' good Irish humor and perhaps a mite of Christian charity to. straighten out that "mi'stake,"'; but when you see "Darby O'Gill , and the Little Peoplei • you'h likely:.agree with Kieron that the masquerader "Oid him.. no ·harm, ! I,.' -". .
C . onnecticut'Shrine
from Pace One constitute the decent element of youth in ibis country, and the 2 th per cent minority who draw the headlines and public con demnation." . . Sacrifice Lives Msgr-. Schieder chartered the course of youth as seen in adult eyes in this country since "the Hades of the 1920s" on through
the depression years of the 1930s.
He said there had been a con tinual crop of speakers who de nouneed the "unreliability" of
the "most unstable youth the
country ever bas seen."
Hit was only a few months later when the bombs that shook the universe hit Pearl Harbor," Msgr-. Schieder recounted. "And it was only a few months after ward that some of the same 'un'"' reliable' and 'unstable' youths ,were sitting behind the controls . of'million-dollar bombers, hand-
Passionists Pic;k American Priest
New Bedford D ofl
.Outlines Activities
. ~iI,~;1s Conv.ert Kleron Moolle ..was born' 37th SOCIETY: Father Kieron <?,~"n,r~.ha.n(legal Irish: ,John Fisher ,Robinson,'·or name Claran Oh-Annrachain);! . . Oct. 5, 1924, at Skibereen,: 'dain~, .at ~y St. ;Lo~i~t\' County Cork, Eire. He was' to' :~j8S.,~, is the', 37th Neg~~: become a dOctor but'quit .. St•. pries~ in. the Society the: .. Mary's College, Dublin,' to jOin' 'Divirie Word•.He is· a native;' ~ ~bbe7 Thea~r. .~ft M,. of· Abbeville· ,~ii.d the 15th·",. qU1Clfly made a bit. N f 'loA . La . . m;:,: perenta disappr~· bUt~:' .~gJ'.Q.• roDl:'·t~,~:'f fay.~tte .fter ,~ndin« in" for a test of diocese ~ become priest. lIaureeD O'Hara's lISter, be PhotO. ..
Radio Drama
. , .. ... ~
4 . . . .; . ; , . • •
Sales & Se'Yice
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.. owner/~gr. . .142 Campbell St. .." New· Bedforct; Mass. t.
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Automatic Coal Stoken '!Bag Coal - Wood . CharcOGi
. ·'·We pick up ·and deliver. clean . o,nd repair overalls. 'Also. we have o complete line ot Coveralls, Pants and Shirts to; '$9le. .
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.. We rec'ai;.n 'and .wa~h any· oily.
dirty Or greasy rags.
Why ivY, When We Supply
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6-82~ 1-.28-3 .~
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WYman 9-6792 .
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ra ·.--J·is
ling the most exp"-.•,,.ve instru ments. ·'More than that, they gaft generously of. thei.r time and energy and poured out their bloodJn the islands of the Pacifie ilnd in Europe. Never once did they reproach us and sa~ we were wr~ng. The~ were rehable t~ the pomt of laymg down their lives. 10: the sam~ adults wbe had mdlcted them. Advises Parents . The youth work ieader Job served there is "too great all '. abyss" separating parents and their teenage· offspring, while the idea of the fl\mily council, which is plain ....talking things over,· practically js unheard of in some famiJies. . Msgr. SChnieder advised the adults: "Make your love for chil dren boundless. As the yean steal by, nothing on earth call . SELECTS UNKNOWN: equal the love of a boy or a girl for his mom and dad."
U.S. Navy Hospital.Corps man First Class William R. Build on Love
The NCW ~ official said "it ..
Charette of Ludington, Mich. not' too late to take steps toward
a Catholic holder of the Con preventing more delinquency in
ROME (NC)-American-born gressional Medal of Honor parents." He said this could be
has been chosen to select the Father· Malcolm La Velie, C.P., brought about by preparation
has been reelected to a second Unknown Soldier of World term of six years as Superior, now among youth for marriage,
and by ·instilling a· thorough
War II, to be entombed in General of the Passionists. . knowledge of the sacredness of
the.Arlington National Cem This will also be the last term the married state. He observed:
etery on Memorial Day. NC for the 57-year-old priest who "One will go to great 'effor&6 to
heads about 4,000 Passionists Photo. . prepare for a career, a profession
throughout the world, including and for a role in sports, but for
1,000 in the United States. Ac careers - parenthood - there
cording to the constitution of the often is too little preparation.·
. congregation no superior general The Christian faptily, he said,
Glee chib Officers for the ~n can be elected to more than two should be built upon love aJlld
successive terms. understanding. Where ther"e ill
suing year 'Of the Hyacinth , Circle Father La Velle was bOrn at love, there is understanding, and
No. 71, Daughters of Isabella of, Rock Island, Ill., on April 12, where there is understanding,
New Bedford were named at a . 1901. After graduating from De there is forgiveness, he said.
meeting whiCh was held in the Paul University in Chicago, be Youth needs discipline based
Clubhouse with Mrs. Catherine entered the Passionist congrega upon justice and charity, he de
tion and was ordained on Dee. clared.
Letendre presiding. 22, 1929, as a member of the "It is the duty of parents ..
Announced by Mrs. Margaret congregation!s Holy Cross Prov establish just rules for their chil
Dias the officers include: Chair- : ince with headquarters in Chi dren, to uphold and enforce
man' Mrs. Amelia Bramwell; cago. these rules in the rearing of chil
.Treasurer Miss Alice Miller; dren," Msgr. Schieder said.
Director Mrs. Elizabeth :Markey; Telephone .captains, Mrs. Mary Catholic Theatre Guild of . O'Connor, Mrs. Ella Hines, Mrs. Florence Moseley, Miss Natalie New Bedford will present "The Climbing Rock"·at 7 P. M. over Ferreira and Mrs. Florence WNBH. Foster. . ·'C The story, based on the life of , A card party, sponsored by the St. Simon Stylites, famous fifth Glee Cluh and under the chair manship. of Mrs. Minnie Maguire century "pillar hermit," was and Mrs. Foster will be held 'OIl adapted for radio by Manuel NEW BEDFORD Almada and will be. directed by Tuesday, .. June ,3 in the Club . Cbristopher Best. house. The· "junior· mother's tea' will INDUSTRIAL OILS be held from 2 to 4 'nextSunday afternoon in the Cl'ubhouse: .L., HEAliNG OILS ·Inc.. Rehearsals "for· the· vaudeville'· show which· wili be' conddCted ' TlMKEN '''MQV ER S on; ThiJrSday, .June· 6 will take' . SERVING place tWice eaclf week. OIL BURNERS River, New Bedford , " it wasarlnoucedthat 'acion- ,cape·Cod Area ,.... I '; tiop ,nadi to' Catholic '.. .". . " ':', Agen.: Cl'\arities Appeal. ..Tbe Charter'" was drilp'e<i in m.~inory·'Of the: ,) AERO; MAYFLOWER,"" ',.,i-: SOl ST.·
late Mrs. Sarah C, Read '... " " ,
.. _..2': .Boward Ave.. New Bedford
r.• • • •_beM lin .-. . . . . WE .I-au• • • • •,.}
I '24
36,023,977 Catholics 'in' U.S.
Continued .from Page One
. Thurs., May 22~ 1958:'
college lmd university enroll ments for the fifth year is re more than listed in the compara flected by an increase of 12,216 ble 1957 Official Catholic Direc college students, during, 1957. tory: . The record postwar decrea~e of "Wherein. lies the difference? 31,699 occurred in 1951-52.. Cur HONOLULU (NC)-RliUl S. The laws of variability and the' rent enrollments now total 271, Manglapus, former foreign af 493, or 23.3 per cent more college mobility of the population (esti': fairs secretary of'the Philippines, mated 'to be 21. per cent of the' students than ten years agO:-an urged' students here at the Uni total population) might tend to increas~ of 51,267. over the 220, versity of Hawaii to take.a stand: narrow the difference between 226:in 1948. . against communist sUbversiv,e' 'official' figures and 'estimated' Parochial Schools
tactics. ' , i ,samplings, but they do not ,ex ,The' number of full-time pUo:"
'Telling the students that the plain a'way completEily the sig . pils in Catholic elementary arid communists "have turned to Difica'hf difference..' 'high schools reflects a record subtle infiltration-the offer of New Dioceses. increase of 272,884 d~ring the . ,trade and cultural exchanges to 7"Every effort is being made past year. The 1,589 parish and lure our people into relaxing by the chanceries ,to insure that diocesan high' schools report -their guard," Mr. Manglapus the statistics theY 'gather accu.,. 487,006 ~upils, an: increase' of· urged them to refuse to compro rately reflect the vitality of ac 38.598 above the '1957 figure; the mise with the communists who tive Catholicity in their areas 845 private high schools ··with would be the only ones to profit Qf 21,- . but' prudence has been. exer.~ 296,149. showan,ihcrease ' by such tactics. . , eised to prevent inflating the· ... one year: .Pupils in 9,653, He said that although t~e verifiable statistics. We shollJ,d . pansh' elementary sc~ools now needs~of Asia are material, her t b .' t'fi d . . t· . ih·· number 3,828,589, an mcrease of n9 e JUS 1. e m aC,cep mg . ~ , 212124 while students in the 506 u . outlook must be spiritual .':~ U:, S. Census study as anaccu-, . " t' l' thIS , seek her place among the equalS , r~tepicti.Ire ' of' the 're!igious' ~::la ~2e9;~enT~Y'~ 00 t no~ .'. of the world." .: 'affiliation in. the United States,. 44"730' 't d' ts"'~ repor sal . Speaking about the possible 'd I s u en . are accommo ' b ut we cou Id calm l "t . . th e 188'pro tec·t·Ive ..m ' recognition of Red China in the " .' h1 .as' a gUI e date d m . f <!r ou~ own resea~c . stitutions. pnited Nations, he stated that :"The Official Catholic Direc Five new institutions bring the . MASS FOR GERMAN WORKERS: Bishop F.ranz.· such recognition would boost.the '. to,:.y ~illcontinue ~ . reflect total of Catholic special :hospitals .mora·le of communists all over ~coglllz~d membershIP. rather to 138, which treated 213,91t' pa ~Hengsbach 9£ the new Diocese of Essen, Germany, is shown" the world and have an adverse , cl~}m7dmembershIP, and 'tients during '1957" while bed as he celebrates Mass in the workshop of the Dilog Glass-' effect on the large Chinese com YJ:Ill mamta~n'accurate and sound capacities have been increased works in Gelsenkirchen. Young miners assisted the Ordinaty. munities in such countries as the ~~tis~ical pro.cedures so. th<:l~ as by 603' to.' present facilities for NC Photo.' . Philippines. e~c.h I.ssue ..pec?mes an hlst~ncal 11,402. ',I.'he number of general · Mr. Manglapus said the Chi ehrolllcle It WIll have fur~lshed hospitals.continues at 801, which nese in the Philippines look to· the correc~ re~ord of that year of have expanded their ~ccommo Formosa for lea'dership, and that the orgalllzatlOn and personnel dations to 131 070 beds Patients Continued from Page One quate dress, ·especially..for wom- . if Red China were recognized to of ,the C~tho~:c Church in th~ treated in 1957 incr~asedbY the detriment of, Free China, In his column in the Catholic en. Ulllted States. 660203' to a record high of 11 _ Bulletin, St: Paul archdiocesan many Chi~ese in the P~ilippines.. . '~Hot,.humid churches may be, .• There are now 26 archdioceses 525:865. In relation to the Cath would switch their allegiance to newspaper, Archbishop William and 'are; uncomfortable," 'Arch a, t~e United States, with a olic' population of 36,02:3,977, it a.Brady recalled ·that the Sun- bishop. Brady wrote. "But per-. Peiping, thereby giving rise to Catholic population of 16,793,000. is evident that the 11 739 776 day suit was worn only to churchsonal' inconvenience never can' a threat against national security The number of dioceses, includ patients treated in the 939 C~th . .' or on other .very special' occa-, be' accepted as a substitute for . in. the Philippines. fug' the Yicariate of Alaska; re- . olic hospitals during 1957 include sions, '.'then was put away for. a· religion that began with a cru- .
corded in the 1958 Directory is a large number of persons other, next Sunday;" ,. cifixionand continues with pen-' 1'13, with Cath;olic populations/of than catholics" the Direc~ory . Tastes and Morals ance as a·.. prehide· to peace of ~,,':
19,230,887. The major changes in stated. . .' The quaint custom, the arch. soul. .The lines of decorum need: the structure of the Catholic. ,'For the 12th year in. succes bishop, said, 'was, one "having not· be spelled out in detai,l * * *. WARSAW (NC)-Despite' the Churc.h in the U. S. during the. sion, the number of converts en somethirig to do ·with ·the rever-· everyone knows that' reverence' Polish'government's stepped-up P~s.t year include the' new. Di-' tering the Catholic 'Church in' ence which Sunday, the ChurCh . is. suited to the temPle' of God; birth control campaign, the birth
eceses .' of Rockville Centre,. each year exceeded .100000 the" ~nd, the· Mass'deserved." 'The B.ut preparations.·for rever.ence. I rate· in this country reached.ap
~:·.Y., and New Ulm, Minn., and Directory reported. riu~ingi957, Church is interested in style only . begin in the home•.not when one, all-time high two years ago and
the elevation of the Military Or-' 140,414 persons becarrie Cath insofar as good taste arid morals.' reaches for, holy water in the has been steadily incre/:lsing
. . dinariate to the status of a di-, olics, bringing the total conver are concerned, the prelate said, church . v~stibule." . . since. . .
ocese. an increase of three; the sions during the past decade to so it "should be obvious, except . '. Advice for' All This increase was recorded in - name of the Diocese of Altoona, 1,278,054. possibly to, the spiritually . The ArchbishQp'said it might .. spite of the fact that the popula Pa" has been changed to The 1,284;534 inf~mt' baptisms blinded, that' a' piece of Kleen(!~ "be good to return to the Sunday . tion of Poland is today smaller Altoona-.Tohnstown, during 1957 shows an' increase baianced upon the topnot is 'not suit." He, ,,'added: "For . men it by several millions than before Brooklyn Largest of 28,101 for the year, compared are' not would. mean this: pressed trous the war, and that' an estimated h a, t' Bermuda shorts. a The 26 archdioceses reported' to an increase of 41,191 infant pants, sandals showing painted er.s, a' coat, a' clean shirt closed 200,000 abortions are performed a growth of 514,759 and the 113 baptisms durin'g 1956, it was re t oes are no t s h oe S and a suntan af the throat with a necktie and every 'year' }'n the' country. dioceses 945,367. Th~ seven ported, Marriages recorded in isn't clothing." freshly polished, shges. For Archdioceses with .Catholic pop 1~57 decreased by 7,899 to' 325, '. : The archbishop commended women, it-means fashions are for alations in excess of' one .million 249, and .313',:79(>' Catholics died that in this' day ~(formal coats store windows, not for church. are: Chicago, 1,982,030; ~oston in the. U. S., 14;6'78 more deaths" and dresses, cocktail dresses, The head .suitably covered with " 1.546,211;. New. York, 1,535,610;.. ' 'than in 'the previous year.' . afternoon outfits and evening 'clothes "people who can afford" hat; the dress such as to attract a Philadelphia, 1,443,608; Newark, . no attention, sleeves' below. D~fense 1,324,066; Detroit, 1,200,000, and such outfits "would rather stay elbows, stockings and shoes not Los Angeles, 1,197,357. . home than appear .at asocial bathroom scuffies. For children. BI'ooklyn . continues as the, . function without proper and ac . (and here parents can be at their. WASHINGTON (NC)-If the largest diocese; with a Catholic cepted attire.'" He 'added: "The best) it means the beginning of population of 1,429,174, whi1(! . American people'understood bet Church would also. rather that a tradition of.'dress and action ter'the nature of atheistic com Pittsburgh, with. 826,589, is the \ they stay home unless they can which says: "We are going into 8econd largest; Buffalo is third, munism they would . be more enter the church vestibule with the presence of GocLto worship~ active in Civil defense activities. with 758,794, and Cleveland, decorum." The prelate, native and ,adore One Who .loves 'our' Federal Civil Defense Admin tourth, with 730,744. Fourteen of'FaU River,. also commented: soulS * * * we' are going"to pray, istrator Leo A. Hoegh deciared tlioceses reported no' changes in '''Whenever th~ Church rules on not to play." churches have' a' large· stake, their Catholic populations and proper dress for the House of '. Dine reflect sli'ght decreases, but from the standpoint of survival, God, newspapers make fun • * * in the event of any war-like aUbstanti: - advances were re but there is nothi'ng funny in ported by 116 Sees. The largest aggression on the part of com-, expecting that people will wor';' . increases have been noted in Los munist ,RUSSia. He said that ship with dignity." Angeles, 84,999; Philadelphia, clergymen, appreciating the na- . Men's Decorum ture of communism as an atheis:" , T1,975; Newark, 64,945; Tucson, In "swanky" dining places, the tic way of life, could do much to 50,000; New York, 44,591; Pitts -Archb~shopsaid, it is demanded' i alert people to the. need for. par burgh, 39,750; Chicago,' 39,320; ticipation in civil defense fieas-' that men wear neckties and a"'":" Washfngton, D: C., 36,019; Bos . You've trained your coat, .."even· if women wear little. ures,: . ton, 35,067; Francisco, 30,000 family to' be pretty good more' than a 'minimum." He and Cleveland, 29,744, added that air conditioning in judges of Baked Goods!' The 1958 Directory lists 225 theaters and restaurants se~ms. But when they've clea.... ' members of the hierarchy, four to be solving. the problem of ade. ed every' last crumb_ cardinals, 31 archbishops and 190 of that cake or pie you bishops, the largest number in b r o.u g b t home from the history of the Catholic Stop & Shop .. th~y'll Church in this country. think you're a. pretty Clergy Increase The fifteen week course, which ~ ' - . ../ 'smart cookie for having began February 1, has been con. : KITCHENS. 'An increase of 1,088 in the thought. of it.oFor much number of the clergy, brings the ducted by Sister Marie Charles of. friendly 'wood as they like your home tOtal of ordained priests to 50, of the Mission Helpers of the baking , they like your Sacred Heart of Boston. The Di 813, the largest ever recorded; Warm and companionable, with company'much better. So there are now 31,145, or 664 more ocesan Office of the Confratern many work-saving .convenieqces diocesan clergy than last year, why not go out with ity of Christian Doctrine extends ••. in new NATURAL FINISH, and 19,668 religious community an invitation to attend the grad them more often and or choice of lovely colors. • priests, ; 1 increase of 424. uation exercises to all the pas pick up 8 fancy or a fav Send coupon for colorful book The full-time teaching staffs tors, relatives and friends of the orite dessert at t·he Stop let showing new model kitchens. graduates. of all educational institutions .& Shop Baked Goods De under Catholic auspices, have · partment on your way Mail Coupon Today' increased by 7,267 or 5.2 per · home! The variety eent to'a record total of 147;330, and the low' prices of it was reported. These comprise NEW COADJUTOR: Most these luscious ~ looking, 10,412 priests; 1,302 scholastics; Rev. Joseph Lennox Federal · luscious - tasting treats 4,56!J Brothers; 95,919 Sisters will surprise you. has been named Coadjutor and 35,129 lay teachers. The Bishop of Salt Lake City BOYS WANTED for the 1~,412 clergy represent 'an in . "Middlel:ioro .R~ad. Ro'uie. 18 ' Priesthood and Brotherhood. crease' of 1,409, or 15.6 per cent with the right of succession. EAST FREETOWN Leick of funds 'NO impedi more priests serving as full-time Bishop Federal, a native 0:( , . I plan 10 build 0 r.model 0:.........tleachers. There are now 4,194 Greensboro, N.C., has been 11-..
ment. Write to: booklet plclvr.. of ~, ~ ~ I' .more lay teachers, an Increase of serving . as aU'xiliary' to 13.5 per cent, and 1,664 more , P. :O. !!sox 5742 N<.ael ' Religious than a year ago now' ~ishop' . Duane G~. Hun~ of Salt L,ake City since 1951. lIeaching in' Catholic schools: . ,. Balti.more8, Md. 1 NC' Photo.' ' . The upward trend iDCatholiC ~~_.;...~.;..._ _""!"""'!. . L:' ~~_":-""''':'-...-';-~,.-, --'--..;.J' . ': : . ."
Warns Students O.f Reds' Tactic$
Prelate Urges Decoru'm in Dress
Polish Birth Rate·' .';:
Cont,in.ues to Climb
Civil H'ead' WarnS'of Red Aims
CC~.~radua,ti·on,kiTCHEN MAID
----------------'·E.W.GOODHUE 'Lumber Co. h;c.·