The ANCHOR An Anchor
0/ the Soul, Sure and Firm -
Fall River, Mass. Vol. 1, No.7
Returns Indicate Appeal Success
Thursday, May 23, 1957
Second Class Mail Priveleoes Authorized at Fall River, Mass.
PRICE, lOa $4.00 per Yr.
Mother Superior 'Returns To Hospital from France "Mother is back." That was the joyous word making the rounds of St. Anne's Hospital, as the Superior, Mother Pierre Marie, re turned after several weeks 'absence in her native France. Mother is.a familiar figure L to patients and visitors and '.' staff at St. Anne's as she
covers the hospital, a hand some dignified religious btingintr
kindness and security wherever .
she walks.
Such Is the strength of her
personality e.nd dedication to
this work of God that one Sister
put It quite exactly: "When
Mother Is here we know that ev
erything Is all right."
. .'.., "
Temporary Mayor
What Is true in the present has
been true In the past, too. Dur
ing World War Wal' II Mother
was superintendent of the city
hospital In Mortagne in Nor-.
_. mandy when German forces
swept through the area In 1940.
Heavy fighting took place and
although the city was evacuated
by the populace Mother Pierre
Marie remained with the reli
gious to care for the wounded.
She we.s temporary mayor of
Mortagne In the absence of the
. city leaders and she carrried on Turn to Page Twelve
National Head to Address Diocesan Women Saturday
"Youth and Education at a Turning Point in History" will be the theme of the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women annual meeting in Sacred Heart School, Fall River, Saturday afternoon. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Robert H. Mahoney of Hart ford, president of the Na tional Council, who will speak on "The Role of the Cath olicWoman." Bishop Connolly will address the members on "Bettel' Youth for a Better Tomorrow." Rev. Thomas F. Walsh, dioce 8an moderator. will open the meeting with prayer. Miss Mar garet M. Lahey, Diocesan presi dent, will preside. Women from each district of the Diocese will serve on the committee of arrangements headed by Mrs. Patrick J. Hur ley. a Diocesan vice president. and Mrs. 'Frederick B. Tuttle. Fall River District president. Mrs. Emmett P. Almond, North Dartmouth and Mrs. George P. Hurley, Fall River. are co - chairmen of hospi tality. Mrs. Henry J. Lemerise, Mrs. Frank M. Silvia Jr., Mrs. William T. Manning Jr., and Mrs. Raymond P. Gallagher are in charge of arrangements for the tea to be given in honor of Mrs. Mahoney' following the business meeting and election of officers. Mrs. David M. Kilroy or Somerset and Miss Eda Sisca, Fal1 River. will direct the servers. Sacred Hearts Academy or chestra and a special gl'OUP from Mount St. Mary Academy Glee Club will entertain.
TUI'n to Page Eleven
Bishop 12 Years Bishop Connolly wllJ observe the twelfth anniversary of his consecration as a Bishop tomor row. It was on May 24. 1945 that he was consecl'·ated by the late Archbishop John G. Murray in the Cathedral of St. Paul, Min nesota.
BLIND MAKE FIRST GIFT TO SCHOOL: The first contribution toward the establishment of a day school for Exceptional Children in the. Fall River Diocese has been made to Bishop Connolly by the Diocesan Catholic Guild for the Blind. The presentation was made at the Guild for the Blind's annual observance of Bishop's Day at the Sacred Heart School in Fall River.
HOSPITAL CHAPEL WILL BE DEDICATED JUNE 29: Rapidly nearing completion is the new chapel at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River. Plans for the June 29 dedication are being made. St. Anne's Hospital is the only Catholic hospital in the Fall River Diocese. It is staffed by the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin. .
THE ANCHOR Thurs.; May.23. 1957
Schools Just· .An "R" Apart . CINCINNATI (NC) - Public
apd private schools are "paral
lel ~ not opposed to each other."
Archbishop Karl J. Alter of Cin
cinnati declared here.
"We Catholics are not trying
to be exclusive. clannish. unwill
ing to associate with our neigh:
bors. .There Is only. one reason
why we believe In religious
education and that Is - we are
folloWing the directives of the
Divine Master Himself."
("'It Is' our philosophy of educa
tion," the Archbishop said. "to
llive our childrep. compe~nt,
qualified and dedicated teachers.
They will instruct our youth In
the three R's ~nd properly moti
vate them in giving a true pers
pective. vivifying them with that
other R-rellgion. the most vital
of the R's. They will see: that
.the teaching of our youth is not a job half done." "Too long have modern educa tors given God and morality a ahabby silent brush-off." he said. "Criminal statistics eloquently prove that they have taught our iouth to be smart but not saint b';to be happy but not holy; to be clever but not conscien tious. These are the reasons why there is no reSpect for authortty, Divine or human-why there Is license instead of liMrty-whY many elders despair of: the rising leneratlon:' "I have no hesitancey" said the Archbishop "in saying that the Catholic schools contribute mightily ·to the strong moar! fibre of our nation and that they represent a tremendous c;:ontri-. bution on our part to the finan cial well-being of state and local lovernments:' ,
Missouri Judge Is New 'Leader. CINCINNATI (NC) - David· M. McMullan of St. Louis, long': time leader in Catholic laity 'af
Diocesan Priests . Order Priests Parishes Brothers Sisters seminarians High Schools High School Students Elementary Schools Elementary School Pupils Religious Instruction Classes' Public.'.School Pupils Attending . Total Youth Under Instruction Orphanages .
fairs, has been elected president of the National Council of Cath ollc Men. A judge of the Missouri Cir cuit Court, MJ.'. ¥cMullan suc ceeds Albert J. Sattler, New York atorneY"as head of the CQtholic federation, which has 8.600af'filiated Catholic men's organiza tions. with a total membership of some nine mlllion· men. Other officers. elected Includ ed John Cornelius Hayes of Chi cago. vice president; Wllliam F. Johnson. Paterson, secretary and Paul A"Flynn, Toledo, treasurer. Members at large of the exe cutive committee elected includ ed: Gerald A. L'Estrange, Reno;' Frank Heller, Dallas; John F. Donnelly, Grand .Rapi~s; How ard J. Underhill, Superior, and Thomas F. QUirm, Boston.
FRIDAY-Simple. White. Mass· of the Foui'th Sunday after Ea8t er; Gloria; second Collect for Peace; no Creed; Preface of Easter. SATURDAY-St. Gregory VII,. Pope . and Confessor. Double. White. proper; Gloria; Third Collect for' Peace; no Creed·; Preface of Easter. . SUNDAY-Fifth Sunday after Easter. Double, White. Mass . Proper; Gloria, Second Collect St, Phillip Neri, Confessor, Creed, Preface of Easter: MONDAY-St. Bede the Ven . erable, Confessor and Doctor of the Church. Double, White: Mass Proper; Gloria; Second Collect Rogations, Third Collect St. John I, Pope and Martyr. Creed, . Preface of Easter. . TUESDAY-St. Augustine of Canterbury" Bishop and Confes SOI'. Double, White. Mass Proper; Gloria, Third Collect for. Peace; No Creed; Prefac'eof Easter. . WEDNESDAY-Vigil of Ascen Bion. Simple.-White. Mass Prop
er; Gloria; Second Collect St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi. Vir gin; Third Collect Rogations, no Creed. Preface of Easter. THURSDAY - Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Double of. I class, White. Mass Proper; Gloria, Creed. Preface and Com municantes of Ascension Holy Day' of Obligation.
ST. LOUIS (NC)-The buying places with'us is a joke under power of Catholics .will decide the circumstances. French Cardinal Plans. "Until this· wall of separation the. future of the Catholic press.. is breached our publications will 44 New Structures Cat h 0 II c journalists, while never go much farther than their· PARIS (NC)~Forty-four new itrlving consta-ntIy for technical present position:' churches and chapels will soon be built In Paris and other cities The Bishop then told the Cath and pl'ofessional advance, must not neglect the field of adver-' olic journalists that their buying of the Paris archdiocese, Cardi power will determine the future nal Feltin; Archbishop of Pads, timng. . . of the Catholic press. has announced. The new churces These sobel' wal:nlngs were -is~ and chapels are needed because of . the tremendous population Ilued here by Bishop Thomas K. growth in the archdiocese during Gorman of Dallas~Fort -Worth. the past 25 ·years. He pointed out The Bishop, Episcopal Chairman - that, 100 years ago, the popula of the Press' Department of the VATICAN CI • National 'Catholic' Welfare ConT~ (NC)-French tion of the two sees of Paris and President Rene ccity was award Versailles constituted five and a ference, gave the keynote address to the 47th annual convention ed the' Supreme Order of Christ, half per cent of France's people. of the Catholic Press Association. the Vatican's highe'st decoration, Today he said their· combined population makes up 16 per cent "Large advertisers, national In connection with his state visit of' the national census. and local, will tell you they 'to His Holiness Pope Pius XII. don't need to reach you through After greeting President Coty. .' our publications. The national and remarking that the visit TO ALL CHURCHES
lleCuIar magazines and local daily constituted a memorable event R~CTORY • CONVENTS
papers are read by the B~me "in the cent\lrles-old history of people who read our publications. relations. between the Holy See They give us some charity ads and the noble French .nation," Rental on Rug Cleaning
and buy off large Catholic buy- the Pope recalled, the spiritual ers with donations and gifts. and cultural riches of France. Service • Do It Yourself
"Yet, the Catholic market Is' "It also gives Us great plee.s CALL huge. Our dioceses, our schools, . ure," he added, "to see this field - our hOspitals, our Institutions, of work, so varied and promls o:ur parishes, to say nothing of lng, provide the growing gener our millions of families with all ation with the opportunity of 30 CHAMPION lER.
their needs purchase unbeliev- developing the traditional quali NO. DARTMOUTH, MASS.
able quantities of goodll every of the past In new ways of WY 5·7803
year. life:' "By and large the advertiser F~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~ up to' now has ignored the' Catho lic press as a means of reaching BEDFORD~S
this market. In the centers of peat Catholic population the token amount of adyertising he
Vatican Honors Head of. France
BUSH & CO., Inc.
Member R.T.T.G.
JAMES E. NORTON 46 MIDDLE RD. ACUSHNET W"( 5·7548 TilE ANCJllon mail privileges au UlOflKCd at Fall RIver. Mass. Pub IIHlwd every Thurs<lay at 21 Bed 10),'<1 /'It''eet. Fall Ri vel'. :Mass., by tho Catholic P,'eHS of the Diocese pi Fall RiV.OI" Subscl'iption price by mail, pOHtpald U.OO per year•.
55 184 10,205: 76
225 3 475 7,199 _295 2,209 2,527 246,985 445,060
OFFICIAL Diocese of Fall River v
Maw 25, Saturday-Sacred Heart School, Fall River. D.C.C.W: Hay 26, Sunday-2:00 P.M.-8t.· Anthony, East Falmouth,
4:00 P.M.-Our lAldy of the Assumption, Ostervllle, Con firmation. May 30, Thursday-7:30 P.M.-8t. Mary's, Seekonk, Blessing
of . , Church and Presiding' at Mass.
.Papal Counse'l for Policemen VATICAN CITY (NC)-A po liceman must act mOre as a friend, counsellor and helper than as a i"epresentative of re pression, His Holiness Pope Plus XII has declared. ."This knowledge," he told vis iting policemen, "will' encourage you to be understanding and courteous, moderate in your ad monitions, persuasive in your 'commands, and particularly at tentive to the weak and the poor:' A member of the police force must have a sincere love for the city which he serves, the Pope lIald. He added that If the po-
liceman truly loves his own" city, "He will not tolerate having Its good name 8ull1ed by disorder, negligence 01' bad habits:' "When public esteem toward your whole force Is well founded," the Pope said.
Personal ServIce
JUNE 23 - AUG. 4 Operated and Supervised by Experienced Sisters and Counsellors WEEKLY RATE $30.00
Phone GENEVA 4·2079 or GENEVA 4-0143 or Write to Sister· Manv Thomas, B.S.M. 3070 Pawtucket Ave., Riverside, R. I.
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$1PJt $1OV£
47 16,793 706 25,391 45,504.
Children in Orphanages Children in Foster Homes Hospital Beds Patients Treated Special Hospital Beds Patients Treated Homes for Aged Guests Baptisms Converts Marriages Deaths Catholic PopUlation Area Population
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Tremendous Catholic P... rchasing Power Overlooked by -Bu~iness
T.V. and RADIO
214 134 103 56 942 59 10 2,530
·5 (
A WONDERFUL VACATION Use our 2 Handy Parking D.ots . nexlt to the St'ote Theater.
THill ANCHOR Thurs.• Mav 23, 1951
Critic Suggests ,Movie Clubs
NEW SCHOOL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN: This beautiful building on Highland Avenue, Fall River, will lIerve as the first diocesl}.n school for exceptional children under 10 years of age. Sisters of Mercy will staff the school. The new diocesan endeavor was announced last week by Bishop Connolly.
New Bedford P'lanning Tribute For Father William Thomson Community-wide tribute will be paid to Rev. William D. Thomson, former director of the New Bedford Catholic Welfare Bureau and chaplain of St. Mary's Home, at a testimonial banquet at Lincoln Park Wed nesday, June 5. Father Thomson is serving now as administrator of St. Mar,y's Church, Attleboro. Herman V. LaMarl<, associate professor in management at Northeastern University and close personal friend of ~- Father Thomson, will be guest speaker. Invited guests include Mr. and Mrs. LaMark; Mrs. David Thom son of Taunton, Father Thom lion's mother; MI'. and Mrs. Al fred Leonard of Taunton. Mr. and Mrs. James David of Abing ton. sisters and brothers-in-law; • brother, Raymond J. Thom "Ion of Staten Isiand and his wife, Mrs. Thomson. Bishop James L, Connolly, Rt. Rev. Msgr. James J. Gerrard, pastor of st. Lawrence Church,
Inquiry Reveals Many Enlistees Lax About Faith ST, LOUIS (NC) - Question naires completed by Catholics entering the U.- S. Air Force in dicated.. that fewel' than half went to Confession at least once, 8 year, the deputy chief of Air Force chaplains said here, But, Msgr, (Brig, Gen,) Ter ence P. Finnegan said, 90 per cent of the Catholics returned to more regular reception of the sacraments and attendance at Mass after only two weeks of instl'l1ction, Citing a survey taken at Samp son Air Force Base, Msgl·. Fin negan said of 900 Catholic en listees queried, 247 said they l'eceived the Sacrament of Pen ance only once a yeal'. Another 283 said they received it less than once a year. Of the total, 97 had not been baptized, 300 had not been confirmed, the Chaplain Corps officer reported, He said haif of those married had been married outside the Church. Ms~r, Finnegan placed the blame for the laXity on parents who, he said, were indifferent about their religion and gave their children little or 1\0 instruc t.ton.
Free Textbood Bill Passes in Oregon
SALEM (NC)-The "textbook blli," which restores use of free and Rev. John F. Hogan, Father textbooks to students in paro Thomson's successor as Welfare chial and other non-publio Bureau director and chaplain of schools, has passed the State st. Mai'y's, J,eglslature and has been for Bristol County Probate Judges ward~d to Gov. Robert D. Holmes Beatrice H. Mullaney and Wal ter L, Considine; Judge August of Oregon for signature. The action was viewed in the C. Taveira, Third District Court of New Bedford, Judge Harry K. Archdiocese of Portland as an Stone, Plymouth County Probate evidence of united Catholic Ac Court and t\vo boys and two girls' tion. During its stormy journey from St. Mary's Home, all of through the Senate and House, whom were close to Father the bill was supported strongly Thomson in his work.
by officers Qnd members of the Archdiocesan Council of Catho lio Women.
NOTRE DAME (NC) - A six point plan for motion picturlit study has been suggested by Ed- ward Fischer, film critic 'fOl' AI'S Maria magazine, He offered the following six points for such clubs: 1) They should be organized around one person who knows ,motion picture standards, and who can teach. 2) Club members should study a few simple books about films before "sounding off." 3) They should read some books on which films are based and analyze the problems that had to be worked out in making the films. 4) They should study Lewis Herman's book. "Screen Play writing," to better understand artistic standarils;.: 5) They ought to write reviews of films to develop mental dis cipline and critical thinking. 6) dUb members should check their reviews against those ap pearing in Films in Review, a. mont.hly magazine published by the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures, with head quarters in New York. "After a year 01' two of such discipline,'- Mi'. Fischer stated, "club members will find them selves looking at films with new and more Intelligent "msights. They wlll understand what phony democracy it Is to feel that onlt man's opinion Is lUI good as an othel"s In criticizing the arts."
Do You Know The DOMINICAN WAY? It's the joyful way t,'aced by St. Dominic seven cenlurles ag'o fOl' genel'O,US souls who wish to serve God by wlnnln!\" olhers to His love-worldng as teachel's or catechists, carl n 1\' fOl' tots In a Day NursEfty. or doing other types of work In the con.vent. Olt'ls of high school age are welcome to the Molher Bel'trand Preparatory School.
Ii"or li'urther Intornlntfoll 'VrUel
REAL ESTATE 7 No. Main St. Fall River, Mas••
REVEREND MOTHER CENERAL St., Catherine of Siena Convent Fall River,
Catholics Halle Better Attendance Record TUEBINGEN, -Germany (NCt -An average of 60 per cent of western Germany's Catholics at tend church regularly, compared with an average of 18' pel' cent church attendance for Protest ants, according to 'a new study published here. The study published was based on a survey made in 1953. Con ditions do not appear to have changed substantially since th'at time, however. 'During the sur vey about 4,000 persons in 152 communities of western Ger many were interviewed, The age bracket of those in terviewed was between 18 and 79. Only foul' per cent of these were not church members: which means that 96 per cent were paying their church taxes which in this country are collected by the government by a 'pro rata method on the basis of income taxes, May We Remind You Of
SOWLE the FLORIST -:. 249
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At New Car Dealers and Service Stations Evell'ywhere
Let Us Show You the Way To
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The Yardstick
Stormy Session in .Store . For-Union Confederation
THE ANCHOR Thurs., May 23, 1957
Unions Are :fold Reforms Needed
By Msgr. George G. Higgins
Right-to-Work laws Are Designed To End to Labor Unions 'i
CHI<?AGO (NC) - A priest degree of regimentation hostlle and a railroad executive clashed to the whole spirit of free insti. tutions wholly unnecessary for over the "right-to-work" law re cently proposed In the Illinois the prosperity and w~ll-being of the unions, and puts excessive legislature. Father Leo C. Brown, S.J., of and unnecessary powers in the' hands of labor leaders,whlch St. Louis University said: "In man'y service industries, In ineVitably leads' to abuses. "Under our American concept wholesale and' retail trades, in those . areas of manufacturing of individual liberty imd dignity . characterized by semi-skilled of person, every man has the employment, I ,.' would expect right to an opportunity to pro 'right-to-work' laws to create cure the' means of survival. To organizing problems which many deny this basic right is not only unions could not surmount. I a . deprivation of liberty but it would expect unions to disappear also imperlls life itself," in many establishments and to Samuel J. Meyers, Washington. be rendered almost wholly in vice president of the Retail effective In others," Clerks International Association Jonathan C. Gibson, vice pre declared: sident of the Santa Fe RailrOltd, "A national 'right-to-work' law said: would take away by means of "Compulsory union member class legislation what American ship does violence to the liberty labor has achieved in a centurY of the Individual, introduces a . of social progress,"
ST. LOUIS. (NC)-The consti tutions of some labor unions should be reformed immediately, The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions Secretary of Lapor James P. will hold its biennial convention in North Africa during Mitchell has said. the early part. of July. It promis~s to be a very stormy . This is action, he asserted, gat):lering, and· it could be the beginning of the end of which labor can ta~e its~lf, to strengthen democracy within its ICFTU. But the Amerloo.n unions, you ranks and to curb the activities So .far as the present will say, are not,soclallst unions; of .corrupt, union le.aders. The Cabinet officer also pro writer is concerned, this is nor are the Canadian unions and not a case of the wish being several others which are affill- posed that Congr~ss quickly enact legislation to require "the father to the thought. On 'the ated with ICFrU. That's per contrary, we would not like to fectly true. But the fact remains registration, detailed reporting that, for all practical purposes, ahd public disclosure of labor see ICFTU go . the socialists are running the management he'alth, welfare and out of busishow, If not completely, at least pension funds," and that all . ness unless, of to. a greater degree than their unions be "required to file, com course, a bet members would seem to warrant. plete and meaningful statements ter and more They haye far more to say about of their financial situation" effective 0 r Danger Noted the day-to-day administration of g a n l.z atfon The Secretary ot Labor ad the organization than any other were immedi vised against "any headlong leg single group. ately to take We are not qualified to S6.y Islative plunge that might affect Maintenance Supplies ,Its place.
whether 01' not the socialists are: a temporary cure to the lasting A 11 things
doing an effective job. That's a detriment of the whole nation." con s I dered, question which will have to be He declared "It is unfortunate ICFTU, In SWEEPERS
settled within the organization. that there is such.,an obvious spite of its many faults and im to pro necessity for legislation perfections, probably doe~ more We do know, however, that some good than harm. If it w'ere to of the socialists on the staff of tect the interests of union mem go out of business with nothing ICFTU are definitely biased and bers." But he added, "the' more Fire Extinguishers bigoted In' the !leld of religion, legislation regulating union af to take its place, the communist fairs, the weaker unions will be controlled World Federation of and we know that their Inability come; because it is a certainty Trade Unions would be given a to overcome or· at least to con new lease ·on life. It would then cealtheir prejudices is seriously that as unions depend on govern 1886 PURCHASE ST.
ment for help, 'so their reason for .have the field all to itself. This, hurting the Confederation. NEW BEDFORD'
being diminishes." Religious Issue of course-, would be disastrous to WY 3".3786
The Secretary warned 'against This, ,of course, will be bitterly , the cause of freedom, particu denied by representatives of "the real dang!;)r of over-cor-. larly in the so-called underde rection." He said labor racketeer veloped areas of the world where ICFTU and will probably pro tmde unionism. is just getting voke a public controversy. That's ing brings from somll quartet's "a TA'~I demand for dangerously strong started. If the unions in these all right so far as we are con .newly industrialized areas fall cerned. In our opinion, it would reprisals that· would have the . IIi~" / under the influence of WFTU, probably be a good thing to get effect of impairing trade union WAREHAM'S ONLY the religious issue out into the ism's ability to org'anize and bar the Soviet Union will have scored . AUTHORIZED , open once and for all. Let's find . gain," _ ; one of i~s most important vic "It is. my position," he added, New Bedford's Only
tories In the cold War and will out, for example, why the secre CHEVROLET· OLDS tariat of ICFTU: totallY,dlsre "that legislation that harms the be well on the way to its ulti Authorized
DEALER garding the American point of ability of unions to organize and mate goal of world domination. MARION 'RD., WAREHAM
view; is so fanatically opposed to bargain would make R chaos of Chevrolet Dealer
Americans 'Critical . the Christian unions of Western trade unionism and seriously im WAREHAM 368
545 Mill St., Be. that as it may, the anti Europe; why it is determined to pair the basic American institu Contact
commuist ICTFU Is In serious keep the Christian unions out of tion of collective bargaining.:' ARTHUR W. TAVEIRA
'New Bedford trouble. To put it' mildly, the ICFTU; why it refuses to coop IKE :ALPERTS
WY 7~9486 Hands Al'e Tied MANUEL MO~IZ, JR.
Confederation has not been a erate with them on matters of In urging reform of some howling success. Moreover there interest and concern; and union constitutions, Secretary is a serious potentially fatal split why it even refuses to acknowl Mitchell said "in those unions within its own ranks.' Rightly or edge their communications~ wrongly, many American mem We are not out to start a'flght where corruption has taken hold, bers are extremely critioal of the with ICFTU; but if it takes a .the constitution often serves as ,mannet; in which the a.ffaii:s of fight to ~'esolve these and a num the convenient and legal excuse." . the organization are being ad-' ber of' other related issues, so be It '"is also a fact,' he added, "that ministered.. They feel that the it. A sa,tisfactotiy resolution oJ soine union cOtlstitutions so stifle Confederation' is failing to ac-. these issues will be good for their memberhips as to make re complish the purposes for which ICFTU. for unless the Confedera form a remote possibility." Dial os 6-8246 It was established shortly after tion adopts a polley of genuine' MI'. Mitchell said that, in con World War' II. Fall River, Mass. neutrality in the !leld of religion, trast, "there are many unions Citizen's Savings Bank Building Even at the risk of offending it will not and should not be per .v..'no. pride th"r.!selves on and some of the other delegations, the mited to survfve. treasure their democratic pro Americans will probably call for 'cesses." In such unions, he added, "one is not su:.·...... ~ed to see the a showdown at the Tunis con- Pontiff Again Asks YOUR DOLLAR BUYS vention in· July. The resulting rank and file 1.·,'·lng an active controversy is likely to be very For Better Movies and vigorous, rc:e in the conduct bitter. Whether or not it will VATICAN CITY (NC) - , His of the affairs of the union." destroy the ICFTU remains' to Holiness Pope Pius XII has again Thespcoaker. said "corruption THAN EVER BEFORE be seen. Our guess is that it will· expressed his anxiety that mo begins when a labor leader loses not. The chances are that the tion picture producers of the· his sense of vccation. Foi' trade See us for the 8EST DEAL' In a delegates will somehow or other world do what they can to make unionism is a vo:::ation, not just ford Car or Truck effect a compromise solution and movies as morally and culturally R job that buyS the groeeries." . will vote to keep the Confedera- safe as possible. . Equal to Challenge Addressing company members, tion in existence and to give it Sect:etary Mitchell noted that another try. We sincerely hope the Pope said films open up a FORD DEALERS FOR 'OVER is YEARS they do. whole new world "that fascinates "labor has faced 'challenges in .. Socia.list Domination the senses and would lead cap- the past," He said "it fought 1344-86 Purchase St. New Bedford, Mass. against the communist menace On the other hand, there is a tive the mind and spirit of man," and successfully cast those leech definite need for some radical In his eXhortation, the Pope changes in the ICFTU-not mere said "Do what you can to make es f~'om its bodY," "It now faces technical or administrative im- the world of the film a healthy yet another and significant. bat provement~ but some basic world, in which men,. women and tle-the battle for Its own self respect and its standing In the changes in the' Confederation's \ even children. can _fmd pleasur 6tructure and orientation. At the .' able recreation'and cultural eyes of all our people," he added: present time ICFTU is not what .improvement in security of mind He said he had faith it will suc ceed in this fight: it claims to be. That is, it is not and moral integrity." a truly representative Interna ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~• With A .• tional Confederation of Free Trade Unions. It is, in effect, a \ 60cialist organization. Director-Social Action Dept.-NCWO
MORE FORD in 1957
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1206 UNmON ST. . ' NEW BEDFORD • •••••••111111.11••••11••••••••••• 11
At Our House
Thurs.. May 23.1<;'57
White Dresses Aplenty But, as Usual, None Fit By Mary Tinley Daly. ,
Remember the old song': "When walking -through the park one day, in the merry, merry month of May. I was taken by surprise, by a pair of rougish eyes ..." ..... The surprise-to our way of thinking-is not the pair ' of rougish' eyes but that anybody woul<;l have time to smiled. . "Daddy, you'll never - make it." go walking in the park dur"Nonsense," the Head of the lng this merry but diZZily House scoffed. "If Eileen weren't, busy month of May. Where do these 31 days' go? There are Communion breakfasts for every church organi. z a t ion, May pro c e s sions, May-pole dances, May festivals, end _ of _ the _ year plcn i c s, novenas. So much ioes on that sometimes it's hard to fit in the family rosary. There are benefits for this-and-that charity, showers for the June brides, school musicals and dance l'ecitals (costumes for each), junlor and senior prolll.5 and their attendant parties. There are mother-and-daughter doings and end-ot-the year parties for everything. Racing the Clock You're always getting dressed up for something, getting the family dresSed up-racing with the clock and the calendar. In addition to the outside actlvities (all very pleasant) there are the mundane tasks that reach their pewk in May. There ia again a race this time against nature in the garden. With "dangel' of frost" over, we must plant those seedlings which looked so alluring in the February catalogues. And, again against nature, in the house, when a moth 1s discovered. We must wash the winter b I a n k e t s, insert amongst the folds paradichlorine crystals and wrap them in news print - such as the paper in which this columns is printed proving it Is good for something: The ink Is a good moth repel. lent. And then the chore of put ting away winter coats, suits, wool dresses, sweaters, slacks and •kirts-and, as always the box of "littles," the scarves, mittens, ear muffs, driving gloves. We dragged them out, sunned, brush ed and stored them in wrappings and took them back to the attic -ugh! Almost Fits After the whole lot had been stored, we once again came upon "the wedding garment," carefully laved and twice-a-year sunned -that striped pants suit In which the Head of the House was wed. Again, we suggested giving it away. "Look," he said, inhaling to the last rib,. "It almost fits."
"Within three Inches," Mary
.--------_ ..... _-_ .....
.• Luncheonette .• Beach Supplies I • Hospital Supplies
You'll "'all In I,ove With
International Federation Of Catholic Alumnae. Massachu setts Chapter, announces the First Se.turday Mass and Com munion on June 1 at 9 o'clock In the Chapel of the Academy of the Sacred Hearts, Fall Rlvel'. Break fast w1ll be serve,d in the school hall following the Mass. , Miss Hazel Conaty, an alumna of SHA end Emmanuel College and Vice-Governor of the Massa~ chusetts Chapter is in charge of arrangements. She is assisted by Miss Edwina Petrone, president of the SHA Alumnae. All members of Catholic col NEW BEDFORD WOMEN'S COUNCIL ACTIVE: Dr. lege and Catholic high - school Stanley F. Koczera, left, was the· guest speaker at a meet ' alumnae chapters in the area are lng of the New Bedford Council of Catholic Women. Miss invited to attend. The presidents of organized chapters have been· Kathryn T, McCarthy, president, Is In the center and Very urged to assure delegations from :, Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher, spiritual director, at right. their respective groups. The devotion of the First Sat urday Mass and Communion has been sponsored by the Massachu setts chapter since Marian year.
Fall River Girl New Bedford Club Wins Scholarship Selects Officers
Margaret Mary Ferreira, senior at Mount st. Mary Acedemy, Fall River, has been awarded a par-
Mrs. Leo J. Telesmancik has been elected president of the New Bedford catholic Woman's Club. Other officers chosen include: Mrs. Charles Reckords, first vice president; Mrs. Anthony E, Rose, second vice-president; Miss Jean McGinnis, recording secretary; Mrs. Ferdinand J. Baccelll, cor responding secretary; Miss Mari etta Vanasse. treasurer. Registrars named' were Mrs. Joseph T. Baldwin, Mrs. Eric E. Besso, Mrs, John'W. Glenn, Mrs. Paul Healy, Mrs. Charles D. Phe lan, Mrs. Herman Z. L. Roy. Mrs. ,Luke J; Haran, retiring ,president, was 'chosen director for three years, ' Rt. Rev. Msgr. James J. Ger rard, V.G., commended for Its charltQble work and reminded members that the value of the club could be best measured by the spiritual growth of each.
tial scholarship to Bryant Col lege, Providence, on the basis of
a competitive eX:lmination given
'by the college,
She is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Ferreira, 57 Hobson
Ave., Tiverton, Miss Ferreira, an
honor stUdent, ·has also been awarded a $150 scholarship by
the Tiverton Commlll1ity Club.
Hel' school activities Include
o membership in the Sodality, Mar·ymounters Dramatic Club and Diocesan Catholic Student
Ages 8 to f 4 22 K.INIIS ' -
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Dad and Grad
Fether's Day, Graduation .vents that mean so much to your family call for new pro fllssional photographs. Our studio's lighting, posing and finishing assure you photographs you can proud ly give now ... and wisely keep to reliv. these happy moments ••• years from now.
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being married in July, this would be just the thing for me to wear." "And if you were 40 pounds lighter," Mary added as she helped put away the wedding garment. Then she commented wryly that maybe he could fit into it for her wedding. So back went the monkey-suit to its lomily life in moth balls and out came the summ'er clothes. White Dress With every trip up to the at tic, we tried to bring down neces sities for this merry month of May and the ensuing' months. Th e immediate object was a white dress for Ginny to wear for day-aiter-tomorrow'S May procession. White dresses? They were .. dime a dozen. Unloading as many boxes as we could carry, we opened bOK after box, each labelled "White Dress," There were the white uniforms of George town Visitation Convent worn by the Three Middles: Ginny's First Communion dressj herConfirmation dress; like dresses worn by the other girls-hopelessly out dated 01' yellowed by age. There was Pat's eighth grade gradua tion dress, then Eileen's, Markie's and Mary's. There were high school gl'Rduation dresses for Pat. Eileen, Markie. The final box contained Mary's high school graduation dress to be worn on June 5.
What to Do
Total count: 18 white .dresses.
It was a "Water, water every
. where and not a drop to drink,"
for here was Ginny without a
. white dress for the May proces
sion. Choice? Make a big one out of a little one by leU.lng out seams and facing a hem, or make a littlepone out of a big one. Uh lih, too difficult. . So, if Ginny looks a bit on the skimpy side In her revamped Confirmation dress, that's' the reason. She doesn't mind and we're sure, the Blessed Mother doesn't either I
Federation Plans Fo! June 1 Mass
DIsimedlJ PUIfHles
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No Appointment Needod Pholollrapb Sludl<.-Fourtb IFloor
.Weekly Calendar Of Feast Days
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER . Published Weekly by The Catholic' Press of the Diocese of Fall River , . 21 Bedfor~ Street • "
Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151
. PUBLISHER • Most Rev. 'ames. L. 'Connolly, D.O., Ph.D. CENERAL MANACER . ASST. CENERAL MANACER Re~. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. 'ohn P. Drifcoli MANACINC EDITOR A"orney Hugh ,. Colden
Oijr Part in Charity
With the addition of the school 'for exceptional chil· dren which will open in the Fall, the cathoiic Charities Appe"'al will assist iwenty-five agencies within the Diocese of Fall River. When you make a contribution, YOl;J are giv ing not to one worthy group .but to twenty-five. Anyone' can see that a five or ten dollar· donation ~oesn't go too far when divided" up that way. Th~t is why' the Church has always counted not 'upon the 'largess of the wealthy few but upon th.e sacrifices 9f the many who give out of a sense of charity. If you feel what you give,
if it ~auses a pinch in the family finances, if it makes you go without something for this 'Yeek---:then' it is surely. Second Sp'iritual Bouquet charity and charity given to the,old, the young, the needy, _the sick, the troubled, the many who are aided by twenty five agencies that exist only to dispense the cha~ity of ~ri~ . ~o Men and women are giving their lives to. carryon the By. Joseph A. Breig, spiritual and corporal works of mercy. They do not count Cleveland Universe Bulletin the personal costs to themseives or the hours they spend. As one business man once said to a Sister taking care of· This is my final appeal for contributions to our second a sick person: "I wouldn't do that for a. million dollars.".. spiritual bouquet for Cardinal Mindszenty. . The Sister replied: "Neither would V' They are giving. In one sense, the bouquet already is one to be proud their lives for Christ. We are asked for· such a Small con- of. Those who have responded have done so most gen tribution in comparisiQn. But our part is needed to make erously. The' number of Masses,C 0 m m u nl 0 n s , 'spiritual gifts to CaJ:dinal Mind their work eff.ective. . pray~rs, devotions !'lnd sac-' szenty are really gifts to all who
suffer under communism-Car rices is great. . dinal' Stepinac of Yugoslavia,
Aims to Return Card'inal Rights. in Hungary
- -. C·ath0 IeICS D0 De.Isagree
TIHEANCHOR 1'hul!t., May 23. 1957
But the totals lose some of their impressiveness when viewed In the light of
Cardinal Wyszynski of Poland,\
THURSDAY - St. Desiderius of Langres, Bishop-Martyr. Tra ditions .concerning the saint who was Bishop of Langres, Fral~• conflict concerning the time o~ his reign and martyrdom. but it generally is agreed that he died in the third century. It also Is agreed that he served in north eastern Gaul and that during a raid by Teutonic barbarians he boldly sought out their chief and begged mercy for his followers, but 'II'as struck down and his blood stained the Book of Gospels lie held in his hand. Many churches have been dedicated in his honor. FRIDAY - St. Manahen, Pho phet. He lived in the first century and is mentioned in·the Acts of the Apostles as the foster-brother of King Herod Antipas and as a prophet. He is said to have died at Antioch In Syria. "
St. Gregory
VII, Pope-Confessor. He was born
of poor parents in Tuscany aboull 1013, was educated in Rome and entered religious in ChillY, France. Pope St. Leo IX called him to Rome and he served the Pontiff and four of his succes sors as councillor. He was arch deacon of Rome In 1073 when h8 was elected pope. He withstood attelppts -of Henry IV of Ger many to usurp ecclesiastical powers and at length the mon arch sought absolution of the Pope at Canossa. Later Henry relapsed. set up an anti-pope and sent Pope Gregory into exile. ' Pope. Gregory died at Salerno In
SUNDAY - St. Philip Neri. Confessor. Born in Florence in 1515, he became a tutor in Rome to a noblema,n. He devoted his leisure to the study of theology and in 1548 with 14 companions fo'unded the Congregation of the Oratory. He was' not ordained until 1551 and the Oratory was not approved officially until . 1583, but for more than 30 years it was the center of religious life in Rome. Known as the "Second ·Apostle of Rome." St. Philip , died in 1595 and Wal canonized in 1~22. .
Archbishop Beran of Czechoslo Many Catholics, even informed ones, think. that the. slovakia-all the prelates, priests. Sisters, Brothers and layfolk of Church has one official answer to every problem. They :~:re f~~: :~~: the iron curtain countries who ~elieve that all Catholics must accept .this one answer 9r siderably more have .stood immovable in the run the risk of being liberal at best and downright here- than 30 million front line. warding off commu American Cath nism's diabolisms from us. tical at worst. olics.. Target of Communism So it is that we find Catholicsexpre~sing surprise Therefore,. I , From the beginning, I have . am making this looked upon Cardinal Mindszen th~t various Catholic newspapers differ among them-' last request. If ty. as the representative victim , selves; that prominent Catholics line up on opposite 'sides you wish 00 contribute, do so of communism, and this for sev of the f~nce in matters of politics or the U:N. or in other no.;~u. can send your spiritual eral reasons-because I once met and interviewed hiqJ; because he' MONDAY St. Bede tha controversial i'Ssues. Who is right and who is wrong? gift in care of this newspaper, or suffered atrociously under .both The fact is that within the framework of Catholicism direct to me at 2227 Westminster nazism and communism, and be., Venerable, Confessor ,. Doctor. Rd., Cleveland Heights 18, Ohio. cause 'Hungary, his country, has He was born in Wearmouth. there is a wide area of legitimate difference. We all ~gr~e Splendid Gift England, in 673 and as a child .; for 1,000 years been one of the on matters of .faith and morals. No Catholic is going to It would be foolish, of course, most knightly defenders of was offered' to the Benedictine Abbey of SS. Peter and Paul at take issue on the dogmas of the Creed or the pr~epts of to attempt to estimate' which Christian civilization. -Wearmouth - Janow. He was the Commandments. No Catholic is going to deny basic contribtuions are most pleasing Hungary'S revolution-an up professed there under the found . . . In the eyes of God. in history for rising unequalled , principles of goodness and truth and:moraJity. There are But I can say this-I am deep- er, St. Benedict Biscop. and spen't, national gallantry-was what we no differences here. ' . ly moved when I receive a note had come to expect of the -land the rest of his life at the abbey. He' was ordained by St. John of But there are many problems arisi~g .in this workday saying that in honor of cardinal of King St. Stephen. world that admit Qf'no easy or set solution. For e~ample, Mindszenty's sacrifices, someThe struggle. between Christ Beverley and was renowed as a: . , .t b II N body is making a long-delayed arid anti-Christ in our time has scholar. The Bible was his prin the principle of t~e just wage is accep ed y a .' 0 ()ne confession and returning to Mass centered cipal study. His "Ecclesiastical' in Hungary more dra History of the English People" 'would deny that a workman is entitled to a living wage. and Communion: matically _than: anywhe're else. earned him the title of Father But the difficulty ent'ers-and the differences too-when I will be immensely grateful t{) Cardinal Mindszenty was not of English 'History. He died in we speak of just wage in one particular industry at one any reader who will do that victimized merely becau'se he was 735, on Ascension Eve. and his 'thing as a' spiritual gift an ob~tacle to the Reds of Hun Particular time in one particular place for one partiCUlar splendid last words were "the Gloria." for 'the cardinal._ gary. He' was arrested, tortured, man and his family. Who can give th~ easy ~nswer. here? Another contribution which I and put through a propaganda TUESDA y. - St: A:tlgustine or Who can agree on one answer?·Who can give the answer· especially appreciate is that of trial in accordance with a plan Canterbury, Bishop - Confessor. that rules out all differences? . those who arrange for the offer prepared by international com- He shares with Pope St. Gregory It is a question not only of a principle but' of applying ing of a Mass or Masses for munism. the Great the title of Apostle or Cardinal Mindszenty. The Mass Smear Religion the English. Before his election, the principle, and that calls, for technical knOWledge, bal- is the sacrifice ~nd the prayer of The purpose was to smear re- he sent 40 monks under St. ance and~ judgment, consideration of the rights of all in- Christ Himself; its value, and ligion as a fraud, a failure and a Augustine to England. where' _volved. The problem, becomes a complex one, and it is power are infinite. laughing stock; to put all the they were received by King St. not surprising that several Catholics may c.ome up with I know that there are readers world's believers in God on the .Ethelbert, who was converted. answers that differ. '. who intend to 'arrange for Mass defensive; to make it seem that St. Augustine was consecrated es, but never get around to d9 faith in the divine and reverance . the' first Archbishop of Canter . And '50 there are differences on ever so many contro- Ing so. • for the human were fossil re- bury and achieved great success I versial questions. The differences are legitimate. . Children's Prayers mains from some ignorant past. ih, spreading the Faith through , . The principles'involved are usually clear. But pi'inci~ Therefore, if it will help, stiBecause of Cardinal Mind- out England. He died about 604 pIes QO not exist in solitary, aloof, majestic rightness. ,They, pends may be sent tome, and I szenty's unbreakable courage and .and was buried in the Abbey trust in God, the plot backfired. . church outside of the wall or must be applied by' flesh and· blood. p'eople to complex will make the' arrangements. \ I would like also to,repeat my Communism stood exposed as a ' . Can tel' bur y, which he had situations affecting other flesh ano blood' people. And! as special 'plea to' children. 'Chil gigantic empty idol and bluff. founded: Shakespeare would say, there's theorub. Whi~h one of us is dren's prayers have special pow Young Hungarians' complete'd· the exposure when they cut WEDNESDAY - ' St. Mary wise enough and knowing enougn to come up with THE er with God. answer? ' . About 'a month from now, i through the legs of the metal im- Magdalen of Pazzl. Virgin.· She . . intend to publish a final report age of Stalin in Budapest and was born in 1566 and entered ,The purpose of. a Catholic newspaper is to. stimulate on the bouquet. I will then for- brought it toppling down with a', the Carmelite Convent in Flor thought :among peop~e. It is to present various points of. ward It to Pope Pius XII, as I crash ,heard across the world. ence at 'the age of 18. Despite Prayer liberated Cardinal poor hea~th, she was ;n~ted, for -view on the same issues. These points of view are all sin- did the first one. .' ,Cere, all honest; all legitimate within. the framework of I am confident that, the Holy Mindszenty from communist im-her practice of sel1'-c1enilil, her , Father again will .express his prisonment. Prayer can restore humility and patience. She sel'V . our religion. It is not a question of ,principles. It is a ques- gratitude by sending his aposto him to his'rights as primate of, ed ,twi.~e as mist~ess of novice~ .tion of appiication, .the wisest course.., What is the right lic: benediction to all who helped, . Hungary and -Prince ; of the:' and opce as superior, She died answer? Who knows, unless we air the many differenges. Please l'emember that your Church. . . in 1607. '
Officers Installed
The Parish Parade ros. vice-president; Manual Ra-'
poza, treasurer and Ernest Teves,
Gifts were presented to tha officers of the Women's. Guild OUR LADY OF GRACE, bowling league officers at the NO. WESTPORT annual banquet. Recipients wera Newly elected officers of the Kay Martel, president; Gene Holy Name Society will be In vieve Granito, secretary and Ruth' stalled at a banquet June 9 In the Boff. tre<\surer. Trophies were church hall. with James Hindle presented to the champion team, as chairman. Including Florence Almeida, cap Officers are Joseph Campbell, tain; Lena Stevens, Alice Braga, president; George Graham, Vice Emma Leite and Ann Paquin. In president;. Henry Danis, secre dividual trophies were presented tary; Manuel Raposa, treasurer; to Collette Couture, high aver Rudolph Monast and Edward age; Grace Flanagan, high three .Boudria, delegates. string; Eileen Capone, high sin gle; Ellen Partridge. good sport ST. HEDWIG. NEW BEDFORD and consolation. Holy Rosary Society of St. 8S. PETER & PAUL, Hedwig Church will sponsor their FALL RIVER . 2nd annual· Cotton Ball Satur Rev. John J. Kelly, pastor. and day, May 25, from 8 to 12 p.m., Rev. William F. O'Connell and at the Woodrow Wilson Audito Rev. John p. Driscoll, assistants, rium, 12 West Rodney French were guests of the Women's Club Boulevard. The ball will be semi at the annual insklllation ban formal and the entire proceeds quet In the church hall last night. will go towards the new church Miss Mary L. Tyrell was marshal bUilding fund. Music for dancing officer. . will be by Johnny Sowa's Orches Officers are Miss Maureen tra of Fall River. Mrs. Leon A. . F:0R GOD AND COUNTRY: Bishop Connolly places historical documents in the McCioskey, president; Mrs. Ever Houle is general chairman·of the corner stone of the new st. Michael's. School buildi ngin Fall River. Rev. Arthur do! ettC. Cowell, vice-president; committee. Miss Constance C. Lynch. secre Reis, pastor, is at the left and Rev. J. M. Bettencourt E. Avila, pastor of st. Anthony" tary; Mrs. WUlIam J. Sunder Senators Kill Motto • Church, East Falmouth, is at the right. land Jr., treasurer. Boord of Directors Includes "In ,God We Trust"
SACRAMENTO (NC) - Tho Mrs. Arthur L. Duffy. outgoing president; Mrs. Rocco Postlgli California Senate here killed by Named Co-Chancellor one and Mrs. William F. O'Neil. 20-to-7 vote a bill that would NEW YORK (Nq - Father Mrs. Donald F. Negus was have adopted "In God We Trust" Joseph T. Ryan of the Albany dl EVERYTHING
chairman and Mrs. Daniel J. as the official state motto. oceSe has been named co:ChanFreeman, co-chairman, of the CONTRACTORS
Opponents contended the bill, celIoI' of the Military Ordine.ri committee. R"idential Commercl\l
unanimously approved by the' ate. Father Ryan was a Navy 104 Allen St. Indushial
ST. JOHN OF GOD, Assembly. would have . jeopard- chaplain for three years in World New Bedford SOl\fERSET 633 Broadway, Fall River
jzed the historic but unofficia.l Newly installed officers of tha motto "Eureka" which relates War II and served on combat WYman 7-9354 OS 3-1691
Holy Name Society are William to th; discover; of gold in Cali- duty with the First Marine Di Raposa, president; E1'l1est Teves, fomia. vision in the South Pacific. vice-president; Joseph Gagnon, secretary; Raymond Machado', treasurer and Dennis Raposa, .ergeant-at-al'ms. Dr. Jere V. Sullivan, guest speaker at the society's annual Communion breakfast. gave an account of Portuguese customs It pays to save at The OLD RED in the home. BANK. And you can do It by mail! New officers of the St. Vincent SPRING STREET, FALL RIVER . Ask for BANK-BY-MAIL forms. de Paul Society 11.1'& V,ictor Boares. president; John Medel• Grades 1-8 open to tuftion pupils from Fall
River and suburbs. _ • An additional first grade scheduled for Sep tember opening. 0
Ag& Eligibility: 5 yrs., 6 mos. by Sept.
REGISTRATION: . Sunday, May 26 9:00 A.M,-2:00 P.M•.. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9:00 A.M. - 3:30 P.M.
951 Slade St. Tel. OS 5·7838
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Our 80th Birthday Sa~e
E'lle/l"f Dapos6t All:ll:ollDlllIil' ,. '1llI1J1lDB'ed lOp to $rO,Ooo 8jf tOIl" f.:HetrcH OelfJ@1J6tt 'UlliiaDtr«lllllllta CotrlfJ0lI'amtOOl1ll
,Now in P.rogress
May Processions
Spotlighting Our Schools
THE ANCHOR 11Iurs., May 23, 1957
Most Students Read Catholic Magazines
NEW YORK (NC) :- The MT. ST. MARY ACADEMY, Daughter of the late Henr~' FALL RIVER Lachance and'Mrs. Lachance, of Catholic Press Association said The debate team tied with 325 Columbia St., Joan won the a survey of 5,749 high school and De LaSalle Academy of Newport,' Dominican, Academy Alumnae college students in St. Louis for the championship of the Association scholarship throu'gh shows that 84 per cent read Narragansett Debating League, high school after eight years in Catholic magazines regularh'. each team having a record of Dominican elementary school. 'Fourteen per cent of the stu eight wins' and one loss. The She also received several scholar dents said they do not read Mount speakers included Mary ship awards during her under them at all and two per cent Butler, Carol Mattimore, Patri- graduate work at the University said they read them occasionally. cia McGee, Sylvia Sheahan, of Massaehusetts where she is a "Today's Catholic youth," re Marilyn Kennedy, Mary Silva senior. ported the CPA, "want to see in and Margaret Griffin. Atty. Wll- 'The Federation grant is to be their Catholic magazines more 11am B. SulIlvan Is coach and applied tow.ard her preparation editorials and articles on current Sister Mary Flora, R.S.M., facuI- for her master's'degree in litera controversial issues, less/didac ticism, and more criticism of ty adviser.' tur~at the University of Wisconbooks, theatre, movies, TV, based ST. MARY'S HIGH, ~in. on 'canons of good art and not' TAUNTON SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY, devoted entirely to the moral Kathleen COl'l'igan wlIl head FALL RIVER content of the medium re the 1958 yearbook staff as edi ' High honor students have been viewed.' " tor-in-chief. Other members are 'Judith Megan, business man- 'announced as follows: juniors ,Fernanda Carreiro, highest aver Grade Schools Taboo agel'; Frances Corcoran, assist- age; Master Castro, Helen Gan ant business manager; Elaine Lipstick and Dating THIRD BEST IN ALL UNITED STATES: William Keefe, advertising editor; Caro- non, Rita Souza, Jacqueline Bus 1yn Baker, literary editor.. ' siere and Anne Delaney; sophoPEORIA ~NC) Dating, Sylvia, son of Mr. and. Mrs. William Sylvia of 3'57 South ·Also Nancy Griswold, art mores-Carol Regan, highest dancing, and attending boy-and Oxford Street, Fall River, was awarded a bronze medal editor; Elizabeth Tallent. alum- average; Elizabeth Cetola; fresh girl parties have been banned nae editor; Claire Tonry, club men-Susan Roy. highest aver for 6,000 Catholic grade school for placing third in the national Primary Division Boys' International Contest'of the A. N. Palmer Company. The editor; Patricia Cooper, photog- age; Jo-Ann Caspar, Gladys students here. raphy and Constance LaPlante, O'Connell, Barbara Tavares.,Bar Also, girls in Catholic grade annual contest is open to the Good Writers Club. Father social editor. . blua Gaspar, Janice Moniz, Wini- schools, ~ill be forbidden to wear Arthur Tansey, rector of St. Mary's Cathedral, makes the Jeanne St. Germain has been fred Welch and Margaret Lahey. lipstick or other makeup in a presentation while William's teacher at st. Mary's School, awarded honorable mention in The entire student body from new code which will go into ef the National Competition of pre-primary to senior class will fect in the city's 15 Cathollc , ,Si~ter Mary Madeline, R.S.M., Smiles approvingly at her Youth Leadership, sponsored' by take' partin the annual May schools next,' fall. fourth-grade pupil. . the Elks Association. Procession next Tuesday. BenePastors and school officials The annual May procession in diction and consecration of the from all Peoria area 'churches honor of Mary Queen of the school to our Blessed Mother will took the action which is "to re Universe Will, be held Friday, follow. Natalie Petrone, school tain for grade school boys and May 31. Rev. John J. Galvin, captain" will be May Queen. girls their proper treasure of Eunice Edgett Is the recipient childhood and to retard pre S.T.D., director of the school, The ,New Bedford District arid desire further information will be speaker. Jeanne St. Ger- of a scholarship awarded by the mature, acceleration into social Council of the DioceSQn Council are asked to contact Father.Sul main will read the Act ,of Con- Fan River Junior Music Club. ventures." of Catholic Women iilvltes aU livan or any of the following IleCration. . Senior students of Sister Ste The officials said they hope youth in its district to attend a members of the committee: Miss .JESUS-MARY ACADEMY, phen Mary, S.U.S.C., presented a the rules '''will be the' basis for recital In the school hall Tues- - a similar code -i!1 all parts of the Dialogue Mass to be offered at 9 Mary Cole, Miss Rosalie de Souza. FALL RIVER Thursday morning,' May 30, Miss Anita Ghilardl, Miss Mary diocese." Eighteen seniurs and juniors day. are prep~ring \32 elementary Mrs. Richard H. Leary, gym in Feast of the Ascension, in Holy Foley, Miss Lauretta Boouregard. public school pupils for their structor, has chosen the members FaH River Students
Name Church, New Bedford. Mrs. Nora Sylvia, Mrs.' Sarah first Holy Communion in Notre of four classes to compete in the Approved by Bishop Connolly, Shephard, Mrs. Mary Fagan, or Have Honor Roles
Dame Church this month. imnual vo!leyball tournament. the Mass will have a special In Mrs. Rodolphe' A. Paradis. chair John Gagnon Clnd Roger Lan tention . for Cathol1c boys and man. ,A May Day reception to be HOLY FAMILY HIGH, dry, both of Fall River, will be girls the world over who ,are de held in the auditorium next NEW BEDFORD Wednesday, will begin with Mass 'Ma.ry Lou Treadup, senior class valedictorian and honor essayist, prived of the opportunity to hear followed bya Communion break- secretary, assisted by girl home respectively ,at Commencement Mass and practice their l'el1 fast. Claire Bemier, prefect of room officers, was chosen to exercises at La Mennais Pre": gion. Catholic youth united in prayer the sodality, with Pauline Cou- crown the statue of, Our Lady paratory School. Alfred. Maine, lombe and Claudette Labreche at the traditional May ceremony. On June 16. Brother Henry, can set an' example for other as attendants; will crown the An. inspiring talk on the place F.I.C.• the principal, announces. young people, ,which is Ca,tholic Gagnon will'speak on "Provid ,action at its, best. The three ATTLEBORO, MASS. statue of Our Lady following a of Mary in the life of each stu procession to the grotto on the dent was given by Rt. Rev,Msgr. Ing a Religious Atmos'phere in Catholic high schools in the dis Daily Masses: 6:30, 7, the Home" and Landry will dis trict', St. Atlthony's. Holy Fam convent grounds. Rev. Andre James J. Gel'l'ard, V.G. 8 A.M. Ed cuss "Design of a Religi6'us lIy and Sacred Hearts Academy. Jusseaume of St. Joseph's, New ' Sister Mary Carmelita, R.S.M., ucator." are' sending delegations; Others Confessions Daily: Bedford, wllI be speaker. of the faculty directed the choir After a year of religious in planning to attend are groups 6:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. A prize school banner has been composed of boys and girls' from presented to the school by the the school at the Pontifical ¥ass struction and. training, _both from the C. Y. 0., the Boy Scouts. Devotions on SUNDAYS Junior Daughters of Isabella, the Business Educational World for for vocations offered by Bishop young men will enter Le Men begin year round at nais College to prepare for teach Children of Mary.. Girl Scouts. proficiency In commercial sub- Cormolly in St. Lawrence Church 3:00 P.M. ing careers. St. James Youth Group. Immac Jects. Claire Lachance, Claire Tuesday. ulate Conception, Religion ClUb. Latessa, Monlque Clapin and Citations provided by the New Pe!~tual Novena, to Our and the League of St, Francis of Vivian f'dercler were awarded England Association of Becond~ Group Guidance Lody of L...Salette every Assisi. Bhorthan~ certificates. An a",'ar~ ary SChool Principals were' pre-' SAN FRANCISCO .,(NC) evening at 7:30 ,P.M. 'The New Bedford District for supenor merit In, bookkeep-.. ,'.. sented' to 'Nancy -Egan and Ann - Catholic high schools here wUI Organizers of
ing was presented to Ceclle Du~ Harding, seniors, by' Brother have available for use this Fall Committee on Youth Is 'sponsor~ c:harme. Michael of St. Mary's High, a series of four workbooks cover- ing the Dialogue Mass. Rev. Leo Pilgrimages
'Waltham. The awards were giv': Ing the field of Group Guidance. T. Sullivan, moderator of the Di MT. ST. MARY ACADEMY" , Please Contact:
Ocesan Committee on Youth, wllI FALL RIVER en' for their efforts to provide The job undertaken by the lead the responses from "Com Sister Mary Dionysia, R. S. M:, pleasure 'for the children o'f 'St., books is to present for class dis and Sister, Mary ne~isita, Mary's Home. New Bedford.Mlss. cussion certain critical subjects munity Mass':':""Mlssa' Recitata". Catholic teenagers who Wish to TEL. Attleboro '1-0008 R. S. M,. wlIl accompany a group Egan devoted many afternoon, often missed in the re,gular cur participate' in the Dialogue Mass of 21 students who wlIl make the hours to teaching dancing to the riculum. These' incfude prob closed retreat at Cathedral Camp chlIdren, with Miss Harding as lems of school~life ,education, tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday. accompanist. personality, ,vocational planning, The Glee club merited highest ST. ANTHONY HIGH, social-moral life; family life, and rating at the Southeastern NEW BEDFORD the apostolate. . Sister Mary DoloroSa and Sis Massachusetts Music Festival' , held at Whitman. Dr. Edward F. tel" Mai'yof St. Amel1a. mission The Perfect Gift Gilday of Lowell State Teachers ar!es o~ Holy Cross, explaIned College, who judged the perform- the details of ~helr mission work for Your Loved Ones ance, commented: "As usual, this, during their visit to the' school. group' Is excellent-verY well, Sister Dolorosa spent four years trained-eVidently taking joy and In charge of a dispensai'y in SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION justifiable pride in their work. Haiti. Sister Amelia has taught MAIN OFFICE - 10 DURFEE ST., FALL RIVER They are a credit to their school catchism and has done social and their directors." work' foi.' the past eight years DOMINICAN "CADEMY, among the natives of Pakistan. Perpetual Remembrance
FALL RIVER Both are .home for a muchIn Daily Mass
Rev. Matthew SuIIlvan, SS.CC.. needec;i rest. ,The LivJng and Deceased
of the Sacred Heart Monastery, SACRED HEARTS, Fairhaven, wlll celebrate the an- FAIRHAVEN May Be Enrolled.
nual Alumnae Mass in the acade;' Trophies, badges and honor Illuminated Certificate my chapel at 8:30 Sunday morn- certificates wlIl be presented to for Each Member lng and will also' be speaker at outstanding members of the at the Communion breakfast fol-' Catholic Civics Club at an open Enrolled 'lowing the Mass. Members of the meeting in the parish hall at Enrollment $5~OO 1957 graduating class will be re- 7:30 next Wednesday night. ceived into' the Alumnae AssoGoal of, all Catholic Civics Write To:
Clubs as sponsored by the Com-' elation on this ,occasion: ,Rev. Father Rector, O.F.M~
Joan Ann Lachance, '53. has mission on American Citizenship been awarded a '$1,200 scholar- at Catholic University is to teach OUR LADY'S CHAPEL
&hlp for graduate work by the youth to practice Christian so Franciscan Fathers
115 WILLIAM ST. Massachusetts, Federation of cial principles for the benefit of 572 Pleasant St. New Bedford'
their neighborhood. Women's Clubs.
New Bedord Young Folk Plan
To, Attend Dia logue Mass
Rev. Father Director
New Bedford & Acushnet
Co-operative Banks
THE ANCHOR Thurs.• May 23. 1957
Sage and Sand
Secularism Demands, Total Servitude of Individual
FIRST WOMAN HEAD BROOKLYN (NC) - Sister Vincent T. Tuohy has been in augurated as the first woman president in the 41-year history of St. Joseph's College for Wom en, conducted by the Sisters of the Pious Congregation' of St. Joseph.
The Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.D. Bishop of Reno
The reflectiop. attributed to King Solomon that there' Is nothing new under the sun was probably not original with that wisest of men. Likely enough he had picked it up somewhere and passed it off as the gem of his midnight meditations. There is cer tainly nothing new in the Christians was that they would secularist charge that Ca not exert themselves in its serv tholicism is a divisive factor ice." But Celsus erred in suppos
ing that the Church had no, In contemporary life. It was lev .~ ,II WYman elled against the infant Church interest in the salvation of the _\~3-6592 commonwealth. The real point In the days of Imperial Rome. lt furnished. Indeed, the official at issue was not that the Chris CHA,RLES F. VARGAS excuse for the persecutions of tians could not or would not be 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE the point was good Romans; the first three centuries. . NEW BEDFORD, MASS. and is that no state can justly There is an odd fascination to legislate contrary to the laws of be found In comparing the wrlt God. blgS of the second century Ro ~ISTER.PHYSICIAN TO ADDRESS PHARMACIST: In the long pull. we know. it man philosopher, Celsus. with Sister Mary Visitation of the Medical Missionaries of those of one of his modern was the Church that saved the eounterparts. Paul Blanshard Empire, giving it that enormous Mary, Inc., a registered physician, shown examining a tor example. Any advantage on lease on life which enabled it to leprosy patient, will lecture at St. Mary'S Home audi the score of interest or dignity endure. in one form or another. torium, New Bedford, Sunday night. <>' rests with the former. Celsus at untll the very eve' of modern least had\ the excuse that the times. But our contemporary secularism. whether of the com Church of his day was a rela tively fresh phenomenon and munist or positivist variety. has I chosen to ignore the lesson. Far that the sources of his informa tion were difficult to come by and less tolerant than Rome, it de assess for accuracy. He seems mands the total servitude of the Catholic Pharmacists Guild of giero. presid_ent; Virginia Mace to have been honestly concerned individual. It is unwilling to con for the welfare of the Empire he cede a single right as inhering . St James, Fall River Diocese, wlll do, vice president; Timothy P. revered; though how far his in the human personality which sponsor a lecture with colored Keating, secretary; J 0 s e p h slides to be given by Sister Doc honesty went in fabriclJ.tlng his is not the largesse of the benev Coady. Everett Emery and Albert eharges against the Church has olent state. The Rome of Celsus tor Mary Visitation of the Simmons. trustees. Rev. Albert would have been satisfied with Medical Missionaries of Mary. , always been open to question. a few exterhals of conformity; Inc., at St. Mary's Home, New E. Shovelton is spiritual adviser. Threat to Unity Celsus, nevertheless, was an the secular totalitarianism of Bedford at 8 Sunday night. Sister Visitation, an Irish-born. acute critic. He based his attack today insists upon the slavery of the mind no less than that of missionary. is an eight-year on· Christianity less on the fool veteran of the leper colony in Ish allegations he made against the body. Christ needs youl St. Joseph invites Abakaliki, Nigeria. where she is the divinity of Christ than on . Would Destroy Church and medical officer, surgeon the fact that the Church was' you. little ones thirst for Truth. You too In our America the contest is an Imperium In imperio, a threat now shaping up around Catholic general pl:actitioner for 3,000 can win souls by teaching with the Sis to the unity and Integrity of the education. But it is plainly stupid lepers. Following her novitiate in Dro Roman state. Rome prided her ters of St. Joseph in the Fall River dio to suppose that were the Church. gheda, Ireland, she spent eight self on her tolerance. She wel in a moment of weakness. to years in study. including a year cese, and even as for as southern Louisl comed all the gods and was agree to the. secularization of perfectly willing to enshrine schools. the matter would end of special studies in tropical di and among the colored and white popu them in her pantheon. but only there. The secularist drive is seases in London. Hei' religious community includes Registered lation. Will you come? on condition that they should be. aimed at the very institution of as It were, good citizens of the the Church herself; it wlll be Nurses and Registered Pharma cists. All Registered Pharmacist Empire, submissive to Its secular satisfied only when she is re REVEREND MOTHER PROVINCIAL absolutism. Christianity l'efused duced to utter impotence. There members of the order are honor this condition. It insisted that Its is a certain incredible naivete on ary members of the Catholic Sisters of St. Joseph law, being God-given, was above the part of those Catholics who Pharmacists Guild of the Fall River Diocese. any Imperial decree. For Celsus pI'ofess to believe that the edu 2501 SOUTH MAIN STREET Special inVitationS to the lec there was only one conclusion: cational secularists are simply FALL RIVER, MASS. Christianity would have to be good fellows at heart who are ture have been extended by the guild officers to physicians, crushed. carried away. as it were, by their nurses, pharmacists and their As a good pagan of philosophi enthusiasm for the general wel friends. cal bent, Celsus seems not to fare. The evidence is pretty con Officers are Anthony R. Rughave welcomed this result. He clusive that their program has would have much preferred that been mapped out with utmost the difference be settled amica care and deliberate calculation. bly and that if the Christians And it is not as though it were It is more blessed to persisted in holding to their hidden in their ,secret archives; • absurd beliefs; they should at they have publlshed it for all give than to receive. least recognize the supremacy the world to read. of the state. Surely, he thought. Acts 20:35 Celsus In th~ second century. thl&l would entail no hardship. A Paul Blanshard. Glenn Archer tew gestures of conformity. a Mrs. Agnes Meyer and 'their 11k tew grains of incense. a little in the' twentieth. But all along closing of the eyes when official the secularists have seen the paganism made its minimal de Point .clearlY and steadily.. "We mands. and all would be well. have ho king but Caesar," is But If Christians were to hold their perennial rallY-,cry. The NO. ATTLEBORO fast to their pollcy of intransi point' 'of attack is Christ the gence. If they were to maintain King. their stubborn principle of the lupremacy of God and His law. I the very foundations of the state would be subverted. Religion, in the view of Celsus. is all very well,in its way. but it must not interfere with the integrity of - a name to remember Rome. Civilization in Danger whether you're thinking of As Father Danielou remarks in his study of Origen's contro Cody was bet~r known as "Buffalo Bill." opening a FAST-GROWING SAVINGS versy with Celsus, there is some thing almost moving in this cry ACCOUNT or obtaining a LOW-COST from an old Roman's heart. "It lIeemed to Celsus that the whole HOME MORTGAGE LOAN! of the ancient world, the entire civlllzation of Greece and Rome. R thing a't once religious, politi cal, and cultural. was in danger; The and his grievance against the
Leper Colony Missionary Talks In New Bedford' Sunday Night
. fDrfuielt tiel/very D!
Jeweled Cross
Jimmie Evan's
Opp. P.O. Pleasant St•.
"No Better food at Any Price"
85 8-5286
.A Qunfm;..J11J1k
of the 1HI'O!1Jr.
Hiss' Work Fails'toShow· Miscarriage of Justice,
Schoom Named for Red 'Prison Camp V5c:tam WICHITA (NC) - More than Vicar of the 1!. S. Armed Forces.
Tilt!! ANCIHIOR Thun.• Mo'i1 2,,). 1957,
Stresses World Duty On Atomic Research
TOKYO (NC) - "Holy duty forbids the use of a.tomlc re"" search for purely destructive If, as Alger Hiss seems to intimate in h,is new book, purposes." His Eminence Joseph In the Court of Public Opinion (Knopf, $5) his lawyers Cardinal Ji'rings. Archbishop' of are continuing' to search for evidence that would warrant Cologne, declared at a press con re-opening his case, a reading'of this book would be more ference following a half hour audience with,Emperor Hirohito, I important than it would. in the Imperiai P,, otherwise be. For I can fi'nd ness will· demonstrate that the The Cardinal: .hat ,the verdi~t was justifiable. Because note recently given, Pope Pius no convincing, evidence in 'I happen to believe that the XII to Japanese special envoy the book itself of a miscar- Chambers' work is a ,great docu Masatoshi Matsushita sufficient riage 01' maladministration C of ment of our time, I do not regret ly set forth the Church's position justice in the original decision. the re-opening of the subject, on the atom question. But', ,he And I continue to be convinced that may send more readers to added, the problem' is of vital concern to all and the practical of the solidity and general worth that work. if only for compari prpblems Involved should be of Whitaker Chambers' witness. son with the present book. I was ,involved, for many - It is, by the way, difficult to freely and fully discussed in good months after tlie Chambers book believe that the immense amount faith by all nations.. Asked about the future of Ger of special newspaper coverage appeared, in many, Cardinal Frings said that given to the ,Hiss book is impar giving a series of era 1 re tial in tone. It would seem all future development must weighted in favor of Hiss. even come through what he called views of it, Christian statesmanship. "The and of evalu though in the book the Amei'i German people seek unification:' ating 0 the I' can' press is accused of 'being bl he declared, "but not without books appear ased against Hiss. That is cer ing on the case tainly not the recollection of this liberty of conscience." reviewer. - tho s e by Ralph de To Greene's Theology Weak ledano, AlIs G,raham Green's, latest play, taire Coo k and Lord Jo The Potting Shed (Viking, $3) is 1,64 RIVET' STREET now available in book form. and WY 6·8867. New Bedford witt. Because I should say that' a preliminary of this I had occasion to study reading' thereof would be, almost We Speclallze In Mr. ,Chambers' work thoroughly indispensable to anyone who and repeatedly. reading it in toto wishes to see the p'lay with pi'o WEDDING
perhaps six times. By way of fit. Green's only. other play, preparing to review Mr. Hiss' The Living Room, dealt, like this PHOTOGRA'PHS
book, I have made a new reading one, with a theological theme. of Chambers. I continue to be My own 'opinion is that both impressed by his honesty. 'his plays faii because of a weakness seriousness, and-so far ,as a in' Greene's theological knowl non-actor in the drama can edge and reasoning. I judge-his control of the fads The Potting Shed concerns of the case. ' the psychological disintegration and subsequent' restoration to T,ypewriter Evidence At the same time I am willing normality of James Califer, son to admit that Mr. Hiss' book of professionally free~thihking' ought to be re-read a few times, and atheistic parents. For two in order that the full weight of acts the i'eader (oi' playgoer) is - ~Is argument may be felt. The kept- guessing about the nature case is immensely complicated of the experiel,lce that took place and the interweaving of various in the potting shed when James was thirteen, and that deranged' This Summer - have your elements of evidence very puz zling. It is probably. a gross his whole life. son or daughter over-simplification to say tha t Bargain With God learn to type Mr. Hiss' complete. case stands Then the answer is provided Mornings only, 8.30 to or falls on the evidence of the , by Father William Califer, James' ,, ·10.30 typewriter, which he claims was uncle. and the only Catholic especially'manufactured' by Mr. members of the family. At their Monday, July 8 to Aug, 16 Chambers' assistants. If this is first meeting, the priest· tells Typewriting helps children to: so, Mr. Hiss has not convinced James 'the story of how, as a -. Get Higher Grades at least one reader of the feasi child, James had attempted sui • Get on· School Publication
bility of so manufacturing a cide by hanging in the shed. The Staff
typewriter that would deceive all • Earn Money in Spare, Time ~'oung Father 'William had knelt experts who deal with such mat- by the side of the apparently life • Get Started in a Career I tel's. Enrollment Is Limited less boy and bargained with God I believe that one can accord Write, phone or visit the school for his life. Perhaps It WQuld be much sympathy to' MI'. Hiss' con for free Teen-alite Typing Bulletin unfair to prospective readers or tention that the "climate of opin viewers to reveal the nature of ion" at the time of his trials was the bargain-but on the' credi . unfortunate for him. But the bility of' this act rests the chain of physical evidence pre sfrength of the playas a whole. sented in the Chambers book, re Along with Waiting for Go SCHOOL
mains for me the most convinc dot, this is the most religious NEW BEDFORD, MASS,
ing argument for the validity of play of recent months-and like the verdict. ' H. J. ROBITAILLE, Director Godot It is going to be a cause 25 Morgan St. Co\!rt Evidence for heated argument for many Phone WY 5-7024 ' Like Lord Jowitt's unfortunate months to come. book, which had to be drastically revised after an early edition had proved seriously erroneous, In the Court of Public Opinion depends heavily upon the willingness of the reader to wade' through and to analyze carefully for himself Sharon, Massachusetts a mass of court-presented evi dence. LOCATED MIDWAY BETWEEN BOSTON AND PROVIDENCI A layman in these matters will OFF ROUTE I hesitate to jUdge quickly the For Boy!! 7 to 13 Years Old worth and truthfulness of this material. I am conviqced, how You May Register for Period. of eyer, that parallel readings of 2 - 4 - or 6 VVeeks Hiss' presentation of his case With the story as given in Wit
By Rev. D., Bernard Theall, O:S.B.
Berthiaume Studio
The Campbell
Six-week season: June 30 to August' 11
OIL BURNfERS Also complete Boiler-Burner or Furnace Units. Efficient low co,t heating. Burnew and fUlll oil sales and servico.. _
Stanley Oi~ (0.1! Inc. 480 Mt. Plellr.aml& Street New Bedford WY 3-2667
TUlI'ORI.NG It Given If DlI$ired by the Parents
Write or Pholl1le:, SUnset 4-5762
SACRED HEART S,CHOOl .ShaD'oll1l, Massachusetts
A RIESIIDlIEIN1T, SCHOOl!. fOIR !SOVS GII'ClIIlll'llll1lMlIll' Gl1'illIrdles 4-5-6-'1-8 llHlfE BIROll'IHllE1R5 Olf '1TIHllE SACIRIEIID IHHEAIl'iT
10.000 persons, including 20 Bishops and about 300 priests, saw His Eminence Francis Car dinal S'pellman dedicate the $1,500.000 Chaplain Kapaun Memorial High School. ' Cardinal Spellman, as Military
was the ecclesiastical superior ot Father Emil Kapaun. heroio Kansas priest after whom the school Is named. Father Kapaun died In a communist prison camp in Korea in May. 1951.
I switched to
SunDeam 8read for Lasting Freshnessl
ThoU&b missioo aid I.ti alway. ur&'ently needed, we doo'l recaD tha' ever before the Hoi, Father appealed throulh aD eoc,clieal aeuer-enc,clicala are reserved for Questions of Ireateat importanc. to the Church-as be did In hla lateM one of a few weeki alo, pleadiDc for aU Catholics to aid mission. with ,more pra,er. ,Yocations,' aDd material heip. While thankinJr aU who made saoriJiCetl I. the past, be urletl aU Calboliea .. ponder their .rlVe dUl, to make SERIOUS SACRI. FICES. JH ell p I a In. that lb. leacblnK about 'h. Mys'ical BodJ' .t Christ require. the.,bealth)' parla to belp lbe weak enes. Althougll we aU bave oUr material dUlicuiliM, lie eEPlaia are Dothi~ compared wltla the destitution "paralyzin. many missionar, aclivitles." He saySl "THE MISSIONARY SPIRIT AND THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT ARB ONE AND THE SAME-so thai a Chrtstlan Is not ,&rub fallhtul aDd. devoted to his Churcb U be ' aM equall, attached aDd devoted to her UNIVERSALITY, deslrm. &bat she take rool aDd 80urish iD aU paris 01 the earth. . •• THB CATHOLIC VITALITY OF A NATION (and lID individual. 100) IS' MEASURED BY THE SACRIFICES It is capable of makin& for Ih. missions.., cause."
The Holy Father explains the motive from Psalm 115: "How shall I make a return to the Lord for all He has done for me lth. gift of Faith!'!" 'Telling us how he feels a tightening 01 the heart when be thinks over the grave problems imposed upon misslonariea eonfid. because of the lack 01 means, be adds: "Thla suJIering to you and it pleases us to think that your. prompt and generoua response will again spark hope 111 the hearts 01 10 many,apostles. ),'our MEMBERSHIPS OFFERINGS. your STRINGLESS and DES IGNATED GIFTS constitute this response.
FCII' Father:'lI Da,. wed·
'4inp and Iraduatlons our
love" artistle GIFT CARD Is ~reas1ired' bighl,.
It ....
Bounces Mass was lIald for them. OR tou enrolled them so the,' share iD 15.000 :rearl, Masses and rich In dalcences ,.earl, with our
members.. 0& III their aame '011 Kave aD article M a mission chapel; Ma. bell $5. alla.r stone Slo.. sanctaal')' lam~ $11. missal $25, crucifix $25. el&orlu1II or challee S40, Yeslmellt.,
ADAM. In Iraq, and VARGHESE, in India, seek help for the $100 needed eaclt year during Sill years training for the priesthood. Four iirls (novices) ask $150 a year for- two years tr~lning.
This couid never be said 01 our wonderful BASIL
IANS, members 01 Our $I-A-MONTH club for support
01 mission schools In the Near Easl lands. The future
01 our mlssions-a well-trained lait,. vocations lor priest
hood and sisterhood-will stand or fall, w"h them.
Won't you join TODAY,
Mlgr. Peter P. Tuohy, Nat' Sec"y
Send all communications tOI
480 lexington lAve; at 46th St.
New York 17, N. Y.
Itnd Plainville Coal Co., Inc., THE ANCHOR ThUll., Mav 23. 1957 Knights of Columbus - Msgr. James Coyle Council No. 82, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Bianchi, and Mrs. Joseph Martin. Mr. and Mrs. James Boles, Mr. Cherry and Co., Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Edgar Caron, Anony Joseph Rosa, Lincoln Motors, Union Street Railway" Aerovox mous, Mr. and Mrs, William T. Corporation, Edward V. Lahey, Carr, Harold G. Cornish, Colonel William Drummy, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds-DeWalt. Lawrence Fitzgerald, Mr. and James J. McMahon, In Memo Mrs. John Gallo. ry of Rev. Thomas F. Fitzgerald, J. J. Gillis., Mr. and Mrs. Her Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Shea, bert E. Hamlin, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. P. Harrington Funeral Home. J. Hogan; Mr. and. Mrs. Cleve Sandwich Parish land Jones, Marjorie Keating, Among those contributing to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Keating, An the success Of "the Sandwich na C. Lawlor, Francis D. Macke trinity" were: don, Mary O. Mackey, Martin $250 H. Sullivan. Rev. James A. Drury. Mr. and Mrs. William Mullaly. c $50 Mr. and Mrs.,Frank Murphy, Mr. Rev. Thomas J. LeBlanc, Cap andn Mrs. John F. McCahill, In tain Marie Lawlor and Mr. Lleb-· Memory of William A. and El man. len F. McLaughlin, Mr. and, Mrs. $25 Lawrence Pel'l'ault, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Creeron, Nestor F. Robidou, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Donaldson, Edward Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Govoni, - Thomas Sapa, Marie Sullivan, Mrs. Lillian C. Phelan. . Mr. and Mrs. George E.' Towers. $10 Mrs. Adele Tyback, Mrs. Hilda Mr. and Mrs. William Bennet, Whitmore.
Theology For laymen
St'udy of Infi'nity of God Leads to Jesus' Christ By F. J. -Sheed
"Where was God before the universe was created,' asks the street-corner heckler., His question breaks up nicely ,into two-Where was God when tqere wasn't any where? Where was God when there w~sn't any when? Briefly the answer is that the words where and when you, It may be at first. Keep thlnklng'lt over. God is ~ave no application to God at all. But if we are as brief changeless because He is infinite. He has all perfections. He cannot IlS that, no one will see th,e Ilnswer. lose any of them, so there is no "Where" means "in what place" 'past l'nto which they can flow which means "in what location away. Nor is there any future In space." But from which new perfections cali God Is a spirit, ,flow to Him. He has all per~ec tlIld a spirit doeS not occupy tions, in the present, a present IIpace, only bo which does not change and does dies need space. not cease. That Is eternity. The Yet we do say MIDWEST EXHIBIT: St. Jos universe He created Is not llke that, God Is that. Things, come and go. eph and the Christ Child Playing, eve r y where. Change is continuous. Time and new ,sculpture by artist Rudolph How can He be the universe started together. everywhere if Torrini, of St. Louis, shows pl~y Concept of Eternity He is not In ful 'Child Jesus pulling 8t. Ilpace at all? We must concentrate upon the Joseph's hair. This latest work Energy of God concept of eternity; it brings us Is being shown In an all-Torrlnl d FOllQw closely. ~verywhere , deep into t.he meaning of Ood. lJleans where everything is. The You and I and all men are in exhibit at the Catholic Center, phrase God is evei'ywhere means time: which means that we are St~ Louis. Mr. Torrini who has executed'statues, stations··of thE that God is In every thing. Clear never at any moment the whol~ cross and crucifixes for severa' ly a spiritual being Is not In ~ of ourself. What we were last mid-western churches, is head of material being as water Is In a year, what we will be next year, cup. We must look fOl' a different all belongs to our total being; the, art department, Webster Col meanlng for the word ''In.'' A but last year has gone and next' lege, in Missouri. NC Photo. Iipiritua1.belng Is said to be where year has not arrived. There never It operates, In the things th!lt re Is a moment when we are all ceive the, effects of its power. My there. We. possess our being, the' Continued From Page One lioul fOl' Instance Is In every part philosophers .say, successively. Thomas E. Donelan, Michael E. of my body, not by being spread Net so Ood. All that He Is, He out so that every bodily part has possesses In one single act of be , O'Rourke. $175
• little bit of soul to itself, but ing. Eternity does not mean ever William P. Crowley & Sons.
because the soul's life-giving lasting time, time open at both $150
energies ,pour Into every part· of ends, so that however far you go 'McGowan 'Insurance Agency, the body. Everything whatsoever back I~to the past there is no receives the energy of Ood, beginning, however far you go James E. Fitzgerald, St. Mary's bringing It into existence and forward Into the future, there Cathedral Guild, First Federal Iteepmg it there; that is the sense Is no end. Eternity Is not time and Savings of Fall River. $125 In which Ood Is omnipresent, Is at al!a It Is God's total possession Mr. and Mrs. William S. Dow everywhere, In everything. It 18 of Himself. ney, Fall River Buick. JlO convenience for God of course. Infinlty, omnipresence, eterni $100 He does not 'need things: But ty-these are rich and l~ewarding W. H. Riley and Son, Attleboro they need Him, desperately. concepts, but we shOUld not stay We can now look at the sec with them ~o long at a time ond pa,rt of our heckler's question to meet the living God. Christ is -"before the universe was there for us, "whom," as St. John created." Just as "where'~ Is a says at· the opening of his first HARDWARE'
word of space-and God Is not Epistle, !'we have seen with our GARDEN ACCESSORIES
In space; so "before" Is a word eyes, whom we have looked upon, of time-and God is not In time whom our hands ha"e handled." either. , The Infinlte we are studying is , God Is Changeless 766 COUNTY STREET
the same Infinite whom we meet What Is time? st. Augustine In the Oospels, the same Infinite NEW BEDFORD
lave the superb answer "I know whom we receive In the Blessed WY 3-4497
what time Is-provided you dont Eucharist. ' ask me." But he went on fl'bm there and so must we. Time ,is the measurement of 'change. Things go on changing, and time measures the changes. A watch . Rt. 6 at The Narrows in North Westport whose hands do not move will Jlot tell the time-because time ~' measures chanjJe! Where nothing ~=r itt;' changes, there Is nothing for time Where The "S. to measurp" so there Is no time. Entire Family Our material unlverse Is continu . Can Dine ously changing, and time belongs Economically to It: God Is changeless, so time has' no meaning In relation to JIlm. We are In time, Ood 18 In eternity. ' If thls sort of thing 'Is new to
In These Two Hearls THE REl~GIOUS OF THE
Find HAPPINESS in Time and HOPE for Eternity
To combat ERROR with TRUTH.
By imparting ,KNOWLEDGE Imbued with CHRIS
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Self-Centered' Husband.s ,Cause Needless Anxiety By Rev. John 'L~ Thomas, S.J.
Louis University . c;..'
My husband doesn't like a thing! do around the house. We've been married for almost six months and' things aren't' getting' any better. I've learned one thing, though, his mother is just about the best cook, house . keeper, buyer, and so on, since Eve set up shop. I'm as a reflection' ow their own ef getting tired' of trying to, forts. The young bride ·tends to so sensitive because. to some please him. Nothing I do be extent. she feels, she is in com
Continued From Page One the city's official business. When ,the ffrst free elections were held. Mothei"s name was proposed for mayor,an. honor she politely re:. 'fused. For her unselfish and dediCat ed actions the French govern ment decbrated. Mother as Q Knight of Public Health. Mother's recent trip to Frallce brought her to the Motherl:louse of the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of, the Blessed :Virgin at Tours for her spiritual retreat. No stranger to ail' travel, Mother made the trip via Air France. Ha,ppy to Be Back , While it was a source of hap piness for Mother to ti'avel to her beloved France, she showed no less 'happiness on returning to her ··St. 'Anne's family" to bring to the hospital her efficient, ad ministration and kindly leader ship. After approving the com pleted painting and decoratinr that make the visitor to St. Anne's think he has stepped into one of ·the better hotels; Mother is turning her attention to the finishing touches in the. new Chapel. the spiritual center of this modern hospital. Present' plans call for the Chapel .to be dedicated by -the Bishop on June
Dates for Cana and Pre-Cana. Conferences . h a v e been, an:,,_ nounced by the Family !-lfe Bu reau of the Diocese as follows: Pre-Cana: At Fall River, May 26. At Taunton, June 9, 13, 16; August' 18, 22, 25. Cana: Sunday, June 9. Cana II at Santo Christ.,o Church spon sored by the parish Council of Catholic Women, to be given by Rev. Raymond W. McC,arthy and Rev. Anthony M. Gomes.
. .
THE ANCHOR Thurs., May 23. 1957
Wins Medal NOTRE DAME (NC) - An address by U. S. Supr,eme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, and the presentation 'of the Laeoore Medal for 1957 to .Clare Boothe Luce, former U. S. Ambassador to Italy,. will highlight the Uni versity of I Notl~e Dame's 112th annual commencement exercise. June 2.
seems to be just right. How does . petition' with hero husband's one handle such a man? mother. She wants to prove that she is just as competent and ef Some you n g males are ficient as her older riyal, forget strange animals. Martha. They ting that she has already won g rip e while the battle by getting some moth they're home er's son to marry her. wit h mother,' Set Him Right and they gripe when. tliey're in If a little analysis reveals tl111t; a home of their, your present troubles represent own. It may be nothing more than the normal that they have "growing pains" of early marri age, you have little to fret about. been spoiled as Both of yOU will become more children, but I sure of yourselves- as .time goes l'ather feel it is on. When your husband thought their own lessly brags about his mother, thought reflect that 'some day you· hope less way of as_ Berting and get to have boys who grow up ting attention. They want to be to brag about you. You·ll· like noticed, to feel important. Like that, won't you? 29. On the other hand if you 'VI all youthful striving for Indepen married to an habitual griper, dence, their thinking is selfcen tered and critical of others. What you have a different case on your others do for them is taken for hands. Marriage calls for· ad-, granted as if they deserved it. justment and adaptation, but these should be mutual'. It Is not This 'is a youthfUl age. Unfortu nately, some men and women wise to. make all the concessions in any partnership. If your hus never develop , . beyond it. 712 Acushnet Ave;
band e,xpects you to do so, it WIll Two Sides be prUdent to set him straight New Bedford
Is this the type you married? Let's not pass hasty judgriient. from the start. Quarreling won't Bus. Ph. WY 2-3089
help matters under these circum~ There may be other factors in Rei. Ph. WY 4-8770
volved in the situation which stances. State your position once merit further consideration. In and then ignore his later com the first place, the early months ments. 'You have no reason to of marriage call for numei'ous feel insecure. After all. yoU can always burn' his toast. and you adjustments and changes. Do mestication is a gradual process, can always say "no" can't you? and while they're getting used to Helen Aubertlne Braugh
it. some young men feel they are Owner and Director
giving up more or'their freedom than they bargained for.' At Spacious, .Parking Area times, young brides are' more APPRAISER WY2-2957 domineering than they i·ealize.. REAL ESTATE The inexperienced groom may 129 Allen St. N_ Bedford • react 'by asserting his independ INSURANCE ence in curious ways. One of 136 CORNELL ST. these may be dissatisfaction with NEW BEDfORD the way you run the house. WY 3-5762 Over Sensitive ,Second, is it possible that you are ovel~-sensitive about your performance around the home? 70 Washington Street NO JOB TOO BIG
Are you trying too hard to be a succesli? Sometimes when we. NONE TOO SMAll
TAUNTON are starting out at a new job. our ,anxiety causes us to see criti VA 3-3371. cism where none was intended.. If we are trying very hard to please. even the failure to no tice our· efforts may be inter The Religious of Jesus and preted as an implicit condem Ma'" Off~ and Plant . Mary The Congregation ,. nation of what we've done. Dedicated Specificallv to Third. many young husbands lOWEll, MASS. Teaching in High School., are not aware of their brides' Boarding School., and, in Tllatthonl Lo_11 ' ParIsh Schools. normal feeling of insecurity in GL W333 and GL 7·7500 ~.::-. their lllt)V roles. They may care-. For further Information lessly throw out references to write to: Auxiliary Plent. their mothers' way of doing . things without stopping to think PROVINCIAL' HOUS! BO,TON tha t their brides may take this and NOVITIATE
. eana Conference Dates Announced
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. Supreme Pontiff Indicates
Collaboration Essential To Lasting World Pe,ace By Donald McDonald
Davenport Catholic Messenger
Several weeks ago, I commented J:1ere on Pope Pius XII's address to Pax Romana' on the movement for world union and the responsibility of Catholics, particularly intellectuals, to contribute to' the successful outcome of that movement. I promised to return to this subject fol cultlire and the competence ac lowing receipt of the full quired in your profession con text of the Pope's address. fer on you," said the Pope to the If anything, the text discloses an even stronger affirmation of the need for both world un 10n and Catho lic contributions thereto t han was indicated In ' the first news report of the Pope's speech. "A Christian," mys the Holy Father, "cannot remain Indiffer ent to the development of the world. If he sees roughly out lined, under the pressure of events, an ever more. definite In ternational community, he knows that this union wllled by the Cre ator ought, to culminate In the union of minds and hearts In a common faith and a common love. "Not onIf can he, but he must work for the achievement' of this community still In the making. Catholic Collaboration As I pointed out in the earlier column, Pius XII raises the question whether Catholics can collaborate In the formation of this world community With those "institutlons where God Is not expressly recognized as the au thor and legislator of the uni verse." His answer to this question is "yes", and it may be useful to note two preliminary points leading to his affirmative an • wer. The first is Pius' conception of the function of Catholic intellec tuals as such. "You are not iso lated researchers 01' autonomous thinkers," he tells the Pax Ro mana members. "You 'are Cath olic intellectuals, which means that you are charged with a uni versal social responsibility for all that which concerns the spread of Christian truth and Its con crete application in all fields of activity." Social Responsibility The genuine Intellectual Is not, then, the "egghead" which antl 1ntellectuals too often would have the non-Intellectuals be lieve. He Is not a narrow special Ist, nor Is. he a pure theorist, though both specialization and theory are indispensable. Neither 1s he simply' a clever conversa':. tionalist content with making points in the drawing-room or salon, flashy in the way that a toy rocket Is flashy and with about as much staying power. The genuine Catholic Intel lectual is, rather, "charged with a universal social responsibility." This may explain, ]. might add, why the authentic Catholic in tellectual, the man whose Catho licity and scholarship are as deep as they are unquestionably of one piece, Is invariably In othe very front of all truly progres elve reforms, whether the re forms be of political, social or economic structures, both in the nation and between ·natlons. This may' also explain why in tellectuals are so cordially de Ilpised by all self-serving special interest groups and by those citi zens of demagogic Inclinations whose approach to all social, po litical and economic problems is fundamentally emotional. Short-Cut Apologetics The second point of Pius XII is one which is today being dis cussed with Increasing frequency Itnd penetration, particularly among certain French and Eng lish theologians. "By the Quthority which your
Pax Romana members, "you are for your milieu both a question and an answer." Contrast this recognition of the "infllience" value of culture and personal competence in one's work or profession with the atti tUde, still too often found in short-cut apologetics and apos tolic formulae, that "zeal" and , "good Intentions" are really all that count. Competence, If It is consldered,at all, Is tolerated but always on a kind of skeptical ba sis, as though fidelity to one's work or profession had to be watched lest It undermine one's apostolic actions.
ATOMS TO ORDER FOR C.U. PHYSICISTS: First shipment of atomic equip ment for the Catholic University of America, Washington, stands inspection from Donald E. Marlow, Dean of the School of Engineering and Architecture, left and Dr. Francis Leo Talbott, Professor of Physics. Purchase"of the equipment. for graduate and other studies has been made possible by a $123,540 grant by t1ie Atomic Energy Com mission. The nuclear element, heart of the new device, will be installed following Heading Right Way Professional competence does' grant of the AEC license necessary for Its operation. NC Photo.
not, or course, undermine the apostolate, It supports It. Un conniving dedication to one's work, uncompromising effort to bring the comp~tence of one's work up to the level of one's tal ents, commands the natuml ad miration and respect of the man Who, so far as religion is con ,cerned, is an unbeliever. It Is only after such an unbeliever has come to respect the natural good ness of the competent craftsman or professional that he Is led to wonder at the underlying moti vation of such competence. Whether or not he comes to see that motivation Is a profound Christian inspiration, he Is, at least, heading in the right direc tion.
The Holy Father asks the ques tion whether those Catholic in tellectuals who have achieved considerable public influence should participate in "uncertain enterprises" of an International character; since such participa tion "could seem to stand surety for an Inadmissable political or social system." Prejudice and Passion His answer is again encourag-' Ing. Despite this seemingly un favorable situation, "there still exists" he'says, "a vasf area in which min,ds free from prejudice . 'and passion ,can bring harmony and help one another for the sake of a real and valuable com mon good." In those international organi zations "which propose a uni versal .humanitarian goal for themselves," say Pius, Catholic intellectuals will find "'some gen ,erous souls and superior minds which are susceptible to being raised above material preoccu pa.tlons and of understanding that the truly, collective destiny of humanity presupposes the ab. solute value of each of the indi viduals who compose It ..." Catholic Responsibility "Reason" and mutual recogni tion of the "natural law" are solid enough support, says Pius. for Catholics to contribute their share to the world community in formation. Reading between the lines of the Pope's Pax Romana addl:ess, I do not think it is fanciful to say he seems to feel that if Cath olics, in fact, do not contribute their share to the organization of the world community ,the world has but two alternatives: a world union forced by tyranny,' or a world conflict ending in glo bal catastrophe. Indeed, he re marks that "men and nations" 'are convinced that these are the alternatives to a world commun ity based on law. Significantly, he does not dissociate himself from that conviction.
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To To.,te
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God Love You By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.O. How explain t~e hatred agalnst Our Divine Lord today? No one hates Buddha or Socrates. or Mohammed; no one lifts hill fists against Lenin.. It Is because these are dead. But Christ live~; He lives .in His Mystical Body the Church; He lives in the o souls' of the faithful in the state of grace; He lives In the .Eu. charist in the tabernacle. . . The Devil never inspires anyone to hate the dead; fOr example. Napoleon. But he does inspire even. pagans. to hate Christ. This eXPlains a wild orgy of hate that took place in • a Mission in China. I,.ititie children entered the Catholic Mission. dragged the Sister pray
ing before the Blessed Sacrament into the
streets. tore the altar linens to shreds, ripped
the arms off the crucifix, used candlesticks to
smash the Stations of ·the Cross, pried the ta
bernacle from the altar, but unable to force
the steel door, they threw it into the street.
NARRAGANSETT LEAGUE CO-CHAMPIONS: Mount st. Mary Ac~demy de baters of Fall River who shared honors with De -LaSalle Academy of· Newport were left to fight, seated, Patricia McGee, president; and Sylvia Sheehan, secretary; stand ing, Marilyn ~ennedy, Margaret Griffin, Mary Butler, Carole Matimore and Mary Silva. '
Souls who are sensitive to Christ still
enduring His Passion, will make an extra
visit to Our Lord in 'the Blessed Sacra
ment. They will scarifice a luxury to
.enable the Holy Father to erect a taber . nacle in some-other part of the world where Jesus will be loved and adored in peace! .
GOD LOVES YOU to Mrs. A. A. for $35. "I am a housewife .whose six children have all grown uP. except on!!. I have so much' extra tim!! now that I sew for other people and make a little spend . ing money this way. The earnings of the past month and a half are for the Missions." ... to M.S.J. "Thls is a beautiful day to be alive and as I am just getting over a recent illness I am most thank. HEIDELBERG. Germany (NC) ful to be feeling so well again. Because everything looks so brigh' 'for me here's $3 to help make it bright for someone else." ... to B.S. -American Catholic lay action "Here's $2 for your charitable work. Two doll'ars Is the usual "bet" is now spreading among Ameri so. I know this wUl be a bet well placed on a sure thing which will 'win, place and show'" ... to. S.E. "Enclosed find $25•. tips which I cans overseas with the establish ment of a Military Council of saved for a month for the poor of the world." ... to W.T. "Passed Catholic Women in Europe. I~ up a 35-cent Ice cream soda today so here it is wrapped up,ln a. week's cigarette money-in all $1.35." 13 made up of nine area councils in Germany, France and Italy. Nature is dressed in softest pastels and In the midst of At a meeting here with Msgr• these lovely hues the radiance of the white Bridal (own, First Communion dress. and Graduation robe bear witness to the pure (Lt. Co!.) Charles J. Murphy. .. joy of these happy spring days. Why not give the lovely white Vicar Delegate of the Armed stature of OUR LADY OF TELEVISION as a gift this year foil' Forces' here; and Mary Donohoe. Weddings, First Communion or Graduation? We will send th·! organizational secretary of the statue at your request and a. donation of $3 for the poor of the National Council of Catholio world. Women, 40 delegates of various' ADDRESS: SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THII'.: women's groups discussed theil' FAITH, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, New York or ~our Dio formal affiliation with Wash cesan Director. ington headquarters. More than 60 groups are to join with an . . Cut out this column. pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to tha estimate of nell. I' I y 10,000 Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Society for· the. women. . ' Through the efforts of Miss . Propagation of tbe Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, Ne~w York 1. N. Y., or Donohoe, who held some 30 I your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, 368 cmeetings during hel' :nine-week North Main ·Street,. Fall River. Mass. trfp through Germany, France and, Italy, nine area councils of .,,['II ENGLAND'S the new organization were set up in these countries. . /
Weating Miraculous· Medal Leads
To Conversion of Six, in Family
TOLEDO' (NCl--Six . of the sey said here that she ·has found eight Hinseys are Catholics now, "something to which..there Is ri!. thanks in a large measure to a foundation." . " MiraculouS- Medal worn by the mother of, the family. . While. a patient In St. Charles Hospifal for .three 'months in. 1955, Mrs. William M. Hinsey New officers for the La(ii~s of . Jr., a. non-Catholic, wore the medal. It was the medal that Ste. Anne Sodality and Att~eboro got her and the hospital chap District. National Council of lain, Father Clarence Schuerman Catholic Women were elected at of the Precious Blood Fathers, '0. joint meeting in ·st. Joseph's talking about the Church. Hall, Attleboro. . 'Mrs. Hinsey had no church af Sodality officers are Mrs. 'Ju filiation: liette Gaudreau. president; Mrs. At .the hospital she' started Armand Pinault. first vice-presi reading the Bible and a' cate-' dent; ,Mrs: Adelard Gagnon, sec-:, chism. She also read se.veral ond vice-president; Mrs. Ernest books by .Catholic authors. Her Charlebois, secretary; Mrs. Julien i'eading continued while she was Forget, treasurer and Mrs. Albert convalescing at home. .Moussea~, 'pl~blicity cha..irman. . CounCIl offICers are Mrs. Ra~ph In 1956 she began taking reli gious instructions .from Father Patunoff, ~orth Atti,eboro. presi - Schuerman. She said her read- dent; MISS Jenr)le Repuccl. ing of Father Leo Trese's column Mansfield; vice-president; Mrs. in the Catholic Chronicle, Toledo . George Bauzo, Norton, recording diocesan newspaper, helped her secretary; .Mrs, Leo Campb~ll, to understand the sacr·aments. South Attleboro, treasurer. Very Rev. :John J. Shay, pastor of S.t. ....She started going to Mass, some times accompanied by hel'l chi! John s Church. Attleboro, IS mC?derator. dren. • A plIgrimage to LaBalette will Mrs. Hinsey was baptized last October. Then five of her chil be conducted Tuesday, June 11 dren followed her example and under the direction of Mrs. Henrl embraced. the Catholic faith. Proulx.. Mrs. Hinsey's older daughter, r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, Linda, 15, attends Protestant. services. MI'. Hinsey does not belong to any church. Mrs. Hin
Attleboro Women. Elect Officers'
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Sports Chatt'er
Att'endance at Games Be;st
Way to Help eyO Players By Jack Kineavy Somerset Bleh School Coach
An unwritten but well adhered to baseball law de mands that changes be made when a club is floundering. Such is the case with the Washington Senators. As a re sult, manager Charley Dressen was fired by president Cal Griffith In Detroit on the Sen at 0 l' s' first Western The new league brIngs to 28 the number of circuits in the Nation- swing. The action brought howls al Association which embraces elf derision from all Quarters, It being a generally regarded cer taInty that the present Washing ton roster would experIence diffi culty in a Triple A classification. However, as a matter of expe dience, the manager is the most expendable and It is he who must ao. Named to succeed Dressen was Coach Harry Lavagetto. It Is no no secret that "Cookie" was a most reluctant successor. This is readlly understandable. Lava aetto has long been a Dressen aide. He, too, severed connections with the Brooklyn organization
In '53 when the Dodger front office refused to give boss Dres len any more than a one year pact, even though Charley had annexed the National League title that year. Actually Ludicrous The situtation actually is ludi crous. There has been no evI dence of player disgruntlement with Dressen. Early In the month, fiery Catcher C 1 i n t Courtney was fined $200 for In lubordlnation, but Pete Runnels and Eddie Yost - two of the few bona fide major league opera . tlves of the club - vouched for Dressen's fair-mindedness In his dealings wIth the players. The move certainly can't be attribut ed to financial belt tightening. The club is obligated to honor its contract with Bressen, and It Is only natural to assume that Lavagetto's paycheck will be larger in keeping wIth his greater l'esponslblllties. That Dressen IS IL most competent baseball man aoes without saying. What then has the front office gained? Lavagetto's reaction is signifi cant. "What can I do that Charley couldn't?" he asked. Indeed, the ways of baseball ·are aometimes strange. Paroehlab Bumble Somerset Coach Ed Lowney's Holy Fami ly nine came up with the bIggest upset of the scholastic season last Thursday, a 1-0 decisIon over So mer II e t, defending Narry League champions. The game was J'emln1scent of past historic Iltruggles between the two friend ly rivals. Beaten in an early Ileason encounter and mired deep In the standings with an Ull1m pressive 2-7 record, the Parochia als weren't conceded a chance agaInst their talent laden rivals. The game certainly Js lllustrative of the humbling influence of sports. It is a well known fact that coaches - particularly foot ball coaches - have a tendency to "cry poor" In pre-season anal )'ses. Some characterIstically re duce caution to absurdity. I wonder, however,1! some of these dour predictions aren't born of an experIenced appreciation for ,the fickle bounces a ball may take during the course of a sea Eon. }'ar I'rom Dead The minors experiment with the lookie Nebraska State cil'cuit evidently was a success. A slmllar ,organization Is scheduled to re vive the old AppalachIan League ,this Summer. It will stal't as a four team affaIr. each with It major league sponsor. Baltimore, Brooklyn, Pittsburgh and St. Louis are the parent teams rep lesented. The league will cal'l'Y a D elasslficatlon and only playeJ's wIth no previous professional ex J)el'1ence wlll be eligible. In theory, it is designed to IJive young players a chance to devel t)j) llJnong tbelr peers in their ~.IJ·llt ycm' of profcllsional ball.
some 200 teams in all. Should Encourage Boys Amateur ball In these environs. and, I daresay, generally is but a shadow of its former stature. !novations have been introduced In the form of Little League for youngsters, Pony and Babe Ruth Leagues for early adolescents. Almost unique. however, in its organizational setup is the C.Y.O. 'which affords the older player the opportunity of participating during and beyond his high IIchool days. These parish spon- .
season thiE week. Competition stopped a Red Wilson smash THE ANCHOR wlll be. continued throughout the with his face and had to be Thurs., Mav 23, 1957. Summer months, culminating In carried off the field. Fortunately, September with ~he playoffs for
Rosen on the restricted list in
the Diocesan championship. Why Causey was not seriously injured stead of the voluntary retired not get out and see your team and it is believed that Malzone list. Under this arrangement, In action? There's not::ing like an fluffered only a bad bruise. Talk Rosen could return to the lineup appreciative audience to bring ing about third basemen, it's tomorrow rather than observe out a boy's best efforts. worthy of note that the Cleve~ the 60-day wait were he on the Lady l\Ianager land Indians have placed Al voluntary list, Just a few years ago, a contro
versy of major proportions arose
In the press box at Harvard
Stadium. The occasion was the annual Harvard-Cornell football game. The issue centered about REGISTERED ENGINEER . the presence of a distaff Cornel Ian sports writer intent on cover Announces the relocation of his office for the Ing the game for the school paper practice of Professional Engineering at from the heretofore all male sanctuary atop the Stadium. Tradition was ultimately breech ed, but not without difficulty. Fall River, Mass. Stonehill College in North Eaton goes Cornell one better, however. The Chieftains" varsity tennis • Direct engineering services to architects. industrial, 'Quad boasts a lady manager, institutional and commercial establishments, Miss Anne Carrigg, '57, of Brock • Studies, reports, estimates, design, plans, specifications, ton. supervIsion an~. consultatIon. Really Bot Corner • Air Conditioning, Air Cleaning, Boiler Plants, Drying, It's open season on third base Electrical, Exhausting,. HeatIng, Piping, Plumbing, men. Latest casualty is the Red Sprinklers, Refrigeration, Ventilation. Box' Frank Malzone. The rookie . third sacker was felled by a bad bounce hopper off the bat of Telephones OSborne 4-6306 Joe DeMaestri. Two' weeks ago,
Lincoln. M. Dunlap 19 PURCHASE ST.
* ,We are J!roud of our participation
in tlu Construction of . . .
-St. Theresa's of' Attleboro E. TURGEON CONSTR~CTION
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Fall River
Cross Fathers Mark J-.hilee
HOLY CROSS FATHERS CENTENNIAL: Officers of the Solemn HOLY CRO~S CONGREGATION OBSERVES CENTENNIAL: Rev. Michael Jednakowski, C.S.C., chaplain to the Brothers at Coyle High, High Mass offered at Coyle High are Rev. James ,F, Lyons (left) deaconi Taunton, is greeted by Brother Eudes Hartnett, C.S.C., pr~ncipal of the Rev.' Michael Jednakowski, C.S.C., (second left) celebrant; Rev. Jos~ph; L. Powers" subdeacon, and Rev. ~rancis B. Connors (right) master of school while Rev. Edward Hartnett, C.S.C. of· the Holy Cross Mission Band looks on. . ceremonies. Fatpers Lyons, Powers and Connors are Coyle graduates. May is a month of momentous 'importance for one tion of the young boy's body, Father Tho m a 8 C. Duffy" of Taunton, was named Presi· mind and soul. It is not in the new' Superior of the Mission, dent, In 1951, during the pres!. of th~ religious institutes of t he diocese of Fall River. I t elementary schools that these Band. was able to invite his men , denJy of Rev. Francis Boland. c marks the one hundredth anniversary of the papal ap- precious possessions of youth are to move from North Dartmouth' Stonehill became co-educational. threatened; it is in the, high In 1952 the General Chapter ap· Proval of. the "Constitutl,'ons of the CongTegat.ion of H.oly _ school and college where minds .to North E~ston: So ample were proved the elevation of the EastCross which was founded in are maturing. faculties awaken:' the accomodatio~s, moreover, it ern Vice-Province to the rank , LeMans,Fl~a:l).Ce in 1837. The founded the University of No- lng, and habits, being, formed. was possible to move the semi-, of Province. tre Dame du Lac in Ii. log cabin shaping the youth's whole future nary too. The North Dartmouth Province Split Priests of the Congregation, on the shore of St. Mary's Lake life-both in this life and the house then became the needed conduct Stonehill College, outside the tiny village of South next." Holy Cross Novitiate with the The growth of the college C
Saint Pius Tenth Seminary, and Our Lady of Holy Cross Seminary in North Easton; the Holy Cross Mission Band in North Dartmouth; the Brothers of the Congregation direct Monsignor Coyle High School in Taunton; the Sisters of Holy Cross teach ,at Saint Anthony's parish in New , Bedford. The' foim,der of the Congrega,tiono( 'Holy cross, Very Rev. Basil Anthony Mary Moreau, e. diocesan priest of Le Mans, was born in 1799 while the Directory still ruled France. While Basil was still a young boy Napoleon Buonaparte made the name of France terrible in the ears of all Europe. By the time the future founder had been ai'dained to the holy priesthood he could see his mother country everywhere marked by the ravages of the Revolution and Napoleonic tyranny. , S . 't One ocle y Among the many French
Bend. Several' years 'later the Holy Cross Sisters opened a school for girls nearby. It was called St.. Mary's. Priests, Brothers arid Sisters of Holy Cross came to Canada to start schools in 1847. and in 1853. ,at .the special behest of the Sovereign Pontiff, the Congregation undertook to staff mission outposts in Bengal. India. Publish Magazine The growth of Holy Cross in the United States from the founding of Notre Dame has been considerable. Besides establishifil~ other schools like- St. Edward's University in Austin; Texas in 1876 and Partland University. Portland. Oregon in 1901 the Congregation has attempted other things. In 1865 the first Catholic weekly magazine, The Ave Maria, was published at Notre Dame.
In the same letter the Bishop present Superior General, Very forced the Mission Band to re· announced that the Brothers of Rev. Christopher O'Toole, as' turn to its old home near New Holy Cross from Notre Dame Master of Novices. Bedford; the Novitiate meantime were'to teach in the new school. had been transferred to the Father Donahue had thus sent Open Stonehlll,College Green Mountains of Vermont. A his own religious to direct the For 11 years no further foun- new classroom building, Holy school named in honor of his old dations were made in the East. Cross Hall, completed in Janu frie'nd: But in 1946 Rev. James Conner- ary 1957. is the newest Stonehill .... ton was sent by the Provincial structure; a cafeteria and recre Dartmouth S e m i n a r yto· meet the request made by the ' a t·lOna1 b u il d ing is expec t ed to At approximately the same Most. Rev.· Will i a m Hafey,' be started this summer accord time that plans for Coyle High Bishop of Scranton, for a col- ing to Rev. James Sheehan. School were going ahead. Father leg in Wilkes - 'Barre. Pa. That President of Stonehill. Donahue had interested himself year Christ the King's ColAs the priests' society has ad in the prospect of ,opening a ege for men was opened. Three vaneed in the East so has the seminary in the diocese. Bishop years later in May 1948 the ter- Brothers. In the General Chap Cassidy, acting in the name of' ritory including New England tel' of 1945 it was decided that the disabled Bishop Feehan who and the Middle Atlantic States the common good called for the had expressed the wish to have was constituted the Eastern Vice:' priests and Brothers to have sep· Holy Cross priests in Fall River, Province of Holy Cross. Father arate provinces under the one invited Father Donahue to come Connerton was named Vice-Pro- General Administration. east to look at some property. vincial and one of his first off!As the Centenary Year begins The Superior General. together cial acts, made' known in the' the works of the Congregation with Rev. Alfred Charron. C.S,C.. 'summer, was to errect Stonehill under the Providence of God are PrOvincial of Canada, and Rev. College on the Ames estate in many. There are foundations James Burns. C.S.C,; Provincial North Eaton. It was called Stone- across the world with invitations New England Site of Indiana. came to' Fall River hl'll because' it occupl'ed what, had to undertake more. The priest:1 In 1913 a young Holy Cross . 1931 Th 1 ' . h R J W Do 10 . ey were warm y re- :before been' called Stone Hill and Brothers of Holy Cross in preac er, ev. ames ' . na- ceived by Bishop Cassidy and the House. That fall the college the Diocese of Fall River are priests who stirred themselves to hue, conducted a mission in St. purchase of the Crary Hospital opened with 125 male students, aware of the great responsibility relieve this situation was the Mary's parish in Taunton, and propel' ty i. N h d uca t·lona1 n or tl1 Dar t mou th largely veteril.l1s of World War II. that is theirs in tee d - on his return to Indiana exRev. James Dujarie. who f oun 'dere d . At f'Irst 1't was Rev. Georg.e Benaglia, a native program ' h i was conSI of the Ctturch here. ed the Brothers 0 f St.. J osep n pressed his delight with the piety impossible to acquire. the estate, 1820 to teach religion in schools. of the people and said he hoped but by the time the General By August 1835 Father Dujarie that one day the Congregation Chapter of 1932 had clost'!d, the l1ad become so worn out with all mig 'ht es t a bl'sh l·tself· l'n New I ,purchase' was made and the pro he had endured during the E ng1a nd . Thl'rteen yeal'S later' perty for the seminary secured "Reign of Terror" that he Father Qonahue became Super- the next year. The first Mass in ... . turned to the young seminary ior General of Holy Cross. In Q Our Lady of Holy Cross Semi:' professor, Basil Moreau. to have very few years he was to realize nary was offered by Father SERVE CHRIST AS him assume the government of the hope of 1913. 'Donahue on the Feast of. the Th e beloved Monsl'gnor James Immaculate Conception of Mary, t he Brothers. Some time b,efore tl1is. at the ~uggestion of Fath~r Coyle was pastor of St. Mary's Dec. 8. 1933. The Brothers from • Pt!,rish Priest Dujarie. Father Moreau had set when Father Donahue, preached Coyle joined with the priests in • Priest-Teacher about organizing a group of aux- the mission. While it is not the great act of thanksgiVing. iliary priests to assist in the min- known if the Monsignor ever disIn May 1934 Rev. Archibald • :Foreign Missionary istry of the diocese and to teach cussed the matter with Father McDowell. C.S,C" came to estab in colleges. Donahue then, he had for a long Ush an eastern' branch of the In 1837, Father Moreau found- t'Ime c Ie' hed the l'dea of see • Holy Cross Mission Band in • Home Missioner 1 1'1S ed a' new religiot!s family pat- ing a high school for boys built North Dartmouth. It was soon temed on the Holy Family; the In th e F a11 R'Iver D'lOcese. Th e evident, as more priests arrived Brothers were dedicated. to the good priest died bef ore h e cou1d to work as missioners and as the foster father of Christ as Jose- realize his project., but when number of postulants for the phites of: Holy Cross; a newly preaching the eulogy at Mon- priesthood increitsed, that the organized group of Sisters of signor Coyle's funeral, Most Rev. North Dartmouth house was no Holy Cross were dedicated to the J ames '·Cassl'd y, th' en Apos t'0 1'" lC lon,ger large enough for both for Information: Mother of God; and 'the priests Administrator. announce<ithat groups.
were consecrated to the Sacred such a school would soon be built.
about the Holy Settle in North Easton
He-art of Jesus as Salvatorists of He remarked that Monsignor CrollS Fathers or' Holy Cross. (When approval for Coyle had been putting small I During the first months of
the Lay Brothers this new congregation was sought sums aside for the purpose' for 1935 accordingly. Father Mc who assist them" in Rome, the Holy, See wisely de- years and that this money would Dowell and a fellow missioner, creed that the priests and Broth- be supplemented for the project. Father Georg'e FiScher, were ers should be grouped together Coyle High School scouting the countryside north Write to: in one society and the Sisters in, - 'Excavation began in Decem- of Taunton for new quarters. their own, society,) '.ber 1932 and the official open- 'The lovely estate> of Frederick Establish Notre Dame mg was promulgated in e. I?BS- Lothrop Ames with its splendid Very Rev. Edward SOl'in and toral letter in July 1933. In ,the Colonial house struck them as six Holy Cross Brothers were letter Bishop Cassidy indicated the most suitable place for their welcomed in Indiana in 1841 to that "the object for which this purposes. It seemed at first that open a boys' school in the wild- school is erected and will be con- the property would be uriobtain emess. In November 1842 these ducted is tl'ii'ee-fold: Christian able, but after much negotiatin, seven pioneers of Holy Cross development, training and direc- U was acquired. By Oct. 11. ~
. : 1"