Catholic Charities Appeal Returns Indicate Strong Parish Enthusiasm o
An Anohor of the Soul, Sure tiM Firm-ST. PAUlL
River, Mass., Thursday, May 24, 1962
6, No. 22
PRICE IOc $4.00 pe, Yaelr
1962 The Anchor
Parish Totals
:Bishop Leaves 'Jun,e 1 Too Confirm" .Overseas Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of the Diocese of Fall River, will leave on Friday, June 1, for a ,three weeks 'Confirmation tour of foreign United States Air Force bases. Leaving the McGuire Air For,ce base in New Jersey, the Bishop will confirm in Africa and Europe. Three Contfirmations will be administered in the neighborhood of Rhein-Main, Germany and one in Spain. , Africa will be visited when the Bishop will confirm once in Morocco and once in Libya. Administration of the Sacrament is scheduled for one place in Southern Italy and one site in Northern Italy. The scheduled date of return ~ June' 23. . In the course of the tour; which will cover many thousands of miles, the Bishop will administer Confirmation to recent converts and to others who ,have not received the sacrament. These will include service per-' $onnel' and members of their BISHOP CONNOLLY families as well.
Paced by strong Parish returns on Sunday, the 1962 Catholic Charities Appeal has reached a total of $259,441.70. Our Lady of the Angels Parish, Fall River, and St. Ann's Parish in Raynham are the first Parishes of the Diocese in which this year's Appeal exceeds their 1961- final total. For the first time in the history of the App~al, this 21st drive saw the first Parish returns in all Parishes on the Diocese made the same day the' IAppeal opened, with Parish collectors making thencontacts on Sunday afternoon. In pddition to Parish returns, Charities Headquarters is still receiving Special Gifts.. Chairman J. H;arry Condon said at Headquarters today: "Sunday's returns from the Parishes show that a wonderful effort was made by Parish' committee captains and members. We are hopeful that this same dedication will move them to complete all returns quickly." The Appeal extends until the 30th of this month;
FALL RIVER AREA St. Mary $2,561.00 Blessed Sacrament 624.55 Espirito Santo 927.00 Holy Name 4,451.00 Holy Cross 275.00 ' Notre Dame 2,292.00 O.L. 'of the Angels 2,901.30 O.L. of Health 1,104.50 Holy Rosary 805.00 Immaculate Conception 2,779.90 Sacred Heart 5,658.75 St. Anne 1,069,.05 St. Anthony of Padua 1,280.60 St. Anthony of the Desert 320.00 St. Elizabeth 494.50 St. J ahn the Baptist 1,291.00 St. Joseph , 2,916.70 St. Louis 1,462.00 St. Matthew 967.00 St. Michael ' '1,977.25 St. Patrick 3,758.00 , 725.00 SS. Peter & Paul St. Roch 1,124.50 St. Stanislaus 95.00 St. Williams 2,844.00 Santo Christo 501.20 St. Bernard-Assone.t 873.00 St. John Baptist_ Central Village 1,376.00 O.L. of GraceNo. Westport 1,591.00 st. MichaelOcean Grove 1,600.00 St. ,John of GodSomerset 1,996.00 Turn to Page Two
Asks Episcopa~ians,to Pray Plan Senior' Day For Vatican Council Success " For Graduates ~
:(NC) -
for, the
Rev. Bernard Sullivan is
of the Second Vatican Council' ,which, conyenes. ' n.~xt, general chaIrman of Catholic
Oct. 11 have been asked by the Rt. Rev. J~hn,SevIlleHiggms, ,Episcopal Bishop of Rhode Island. "We ~nglic~ns must be deeply interested in this .' Council," he told 450 clergy-: lecg~lHe' men and laymen at the 172nd, annual 'convention of the \ Se(lJ$081 ~~~~opal Diooese' of Rhode Is- . 'The first Retreat of the '''We must pray for it," he said, year for the 'Laywo:inen's~ "because we have a great stake group of Our Lady, of Good in what happens there." . Council Retreat League was! Devoting nearly half of his concluded with a Holy Hour and, convention add res s to the Benediction on Sunday afterecumenical movement toward noon. , church unity and the coming Sixty retreatants from all council, Bishop Higgins declared parts of the diocese made thisno body of Christians tO,day "can the largest group ever to attend. afford much longer the weak- ,the Spring retreat at the Dioceness that comes from' our un- san. Retreat .Hpus"e. " . ' happy divisions." Rev. Fr. Thomas Manning, ,The Bishop expressed the view O.M.L from the Oblate Fathers,"'a great change has come over Newburgh, N.Y., conducted the many Roman Catholics" who Retreat, using the, Mass as anow are beginning to discover' theme for his bilks; ., insights into Protestantism and As a fund raising project for Anglicanism. the League, Ii dessert card' party The Bishop asserted some of will be held on Monday evening, the best writing in. the ecumemi- June 4 at 7:30 in the Retreat路 cal field is now being done by House..Mrs.. Timothy, ,Neville, ' Roman Catholics. He added: 'Vi~e P,resident 6f' Ways' arid "We should weigh carefully' the" 'Means announced there will be serious suggestions they make . a: prize for each table, together :l'or the renewal of their own' - :witl) ,severa!. f.ine door. prizes. church at the forthcoming coun- For' ticket reservations at one eiL" . ' .doliar, -contaetj . 'Mrs. l'imothy He said if the llouncil makel!l 'Neville, . 23 .Sheridan St-.. Taun Turn to Page Twelve ton.. 0,'
Senior' Day, to be sponsored by the CYO Wednesday, May 30 at Cathedral 'Camp for all graduating seniors o{the diocese, whether enrolled at' public or Catholic schools. . Area chairmen are Rev. John' Pegnam; Cape 1m!! Islands; ,Re,v. Edward DUffy," New Bedford; Rev. Franci,s Connors, Taunton; Rev. Walter Sullivan, Fall River. The 'program will comprise ~ass. at. 10 o'clock, followed by brunch, various' sports, including s:wimming"a coqk-out and Bene-' diction. Dancing will be featured路 in tHe evening. . A bus will leave St. Mary's parish center at 9 Wednesday ,morning for Attleboro area stu-dents. '
MARKS ANNIVERSARY: Lorenzo Durette, employed at St. Joseph's Home, Fall River, for 25 years, is honored by Sisters and children at special program. From left, Mr. Durette, Mrs. Durette and their daughter, Sister Gilbert Marie, assigned to the Grey Nuns' orphanage in L@well. Children are Michael Desrosier, J eannirfe Daigneault, Georg0 McGrath.
Dioeesan Youth To Convene 'In Attleboro on Sunday On Sunday,. May 27, the Catholic Youth Organizafion of the Fall River Diocese will hold its fourth Annual C<mQ vention. This year, for the first time, the host city is Attleboro and the place, Bishop Feehan High School. '.(,he afternoon affair will include the election of new diocesan ican and present high-scorel" o~ officers, a~d the setting" up the World, Champion Boston of'the new year's CYO activi- Celtics, Tommy Heinsohn, will be the keynote speaker on this ties. theme - "Youth Serving His Excellency, Bishop James year's God." ." L. Connolly, will attend the sesThe registration fee for the' sions along with Congressman convention is $2.00 per person Joseph W. Marti.n, Mayor Cyril attending. This fee may be paid . K. Brennan, and other governat the opening of the day's activQ ment officials of the surrounding ities. This year a pre-convention "towns. Former Holy Cross All-Amer- dance will be held in Norton at St. Mary's Parish Center on Saturday evening, May 26 from until 11 p.m. The $2.00 fee may B~andtoWe~lCome 8also be paid at this Saturday night dance of May 26, and the CO!rnB1l@~~Y admission fee for the dance is Bishop Connoily will be included in this registration fee.Q E'ach CYO Area, that is Attle guest of honor at the annual boro, Taunton, New Bedford, the meeting of the Diocesan Cape, and Fall River, will be Guild for the Blind,' at 2 allowed two voting delegates o'clock Saturday afternoon in and three votes will be cast by Sacred ~eart School, Fall River. the present Diocesan Youth The Diocesan Guild is com- Council. Each Area will propose prised of regional units in Attle- two candidates, one boy and one boro Taunton, New Bedford and girl, for oijice on, the Diocesan Fall'River, which meet monthly Council for the coming year.Q in these cities" from September Elections are held at the Con to April and conclude the sea- vention. All CYO'ers from the Attleson's activties at the Diocesan boro Area are encouraged to meeting in the See city. , Members will 'be .accompanied make this a big affair by atQ bY' drivers, es~orts'and their re-, tending. and' taking part in the gional d ire c tor s, - Father activities. The ,officers elected for the Gerard. 1.. Chabot, Attleboro; Father John J. Murphy,' New com'ing year. will be installed at Bedford;.Father James F. Lyons, a Bimediction ceremony by the 'Taunton, and Father James F:. Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, DioceMcDermott of Swansea,' Fall san CYO Director. Following the installation ceremony there' will River. Father 'George E. Sullivan, be a buffet served to all those p;lstorof St. Joseph's parish, attending. Turn to Thirty-one Fall River, is Diocesan,director.
'S'pecia1,:路'Gift'. Fall River ~.
$20 Dr. Joseph V Medeiros Fall River Florists Supply CG. Feldman Brothers Nelson's, Dairy '" $15 Cozy Cab & Bus Co. Downtown 'Parking Lots . Power Insurance Agency American Wallpaper Co. Miller 'Pontiac Company, "lpert Brothers" Inc. Ralph E. Loper Co. $13 Albert Petit $10 I Fall River Hearse Co., Spindle City Dye Works, Munroe Electric Supply & Hardware Co., Charles Gough Aluminum Win-dows,' Pacheco Brothers. Labco Venetian Blind Co., H. E. Lachance Market, Lincourt & FALL RIVER SERRANS: Fall River Serra ,Club' Pappas; Insurance, Jesur M,arie 'entertains Bishop ConllOlly at aI.J.nual Bishop~s Night. Fro.J!1 Academy Alumnae Assoc. ,tion, George B. Lockhart Insu\. mee left.,Mrs. Bernard F. Sullivan, thE! Bishop and Mr. Sullivan, '., Agency, Inc. Serra Club president and Fall River assistant postmaster; T. Williamson Heating COl'\'tractor, Loring Studios, Frank N. Wheelock & Sons, The Spectator, M. Richard Brown, Gold Seal Tank Co., Gustave A. HalL J. E: Amiot & Sons, U. S. Tex.' .tile Co.; Eagle Finance Co., Economy Dental' Lab., Jan Pietraszek Ins. American Paper & Supply eo. Clint & Claire's Restaurant, Fall River Lumber Co.,oDr: Everett Radovsky, Hutchinson 'Oil Co. , Levesque Flower Studio, M & G Sportswear, Inc" A. Soloff & Son, Inc" Cape Cod Dress Co., Inc., Burns, Inc.,' . 'Fi'ank S.Moriarty, Paul McCabe, Michaud &'Poirier, Lynch . :Vending .Co" Arkay Pant!! Corp. ,: 'Anodizing Co. of New England, Sterling 'Pile Fabrics Corp... Fall'River Tool & Die Co., Atty. Philip S. Brayton; Maplewood' \ , Yarn Mills.., Smith Office Equipment Co.. Yellow Taxi 'of Fall River., '
Protestant Official Urges Watc,h Council Prayerfully
Asks Journalists To Use Caution
MINNEAPOLIS (NC) - The general secretary of the World Council of Churches said here the coming ecumenieal council could advance Christian unity by dealing with religious liberty and mixed marriages. Rev. Dr. W. A. Visser 't Hooft of the "I do not know of one single Geneva, Switzerland, head- church in the World Council of quarters of the council, Churches which Is ready to spoke to the Minneapolis enter into union with the Roman Ministerial Association. He said Protestants and Orthodox should watch the' council, which opens on October 11, "hopefully and prayerfully." He said he hoped the council will make it possible for a continuing dialogue to take place in which Catholics and non-Cathll>lics could ask each other "some X'eal questions." Real Obstacles The council, he said, could ahow "it means real business" QS far as the cause of unity ill concerned by beginning to work on some of the "real obstacles" that hinder better relations between Catholics and non-Catholics in certain areas of the world. As examples, he then mentioned 1l'eligious liberty and mixed marriages. "We've found open ears among some (in the Vatican), but we haven't any idea whether the <entire council will go along on these questions," the World Council executive said. Dr. Visser 't Hooft said it now oer"YlS "quite clear" t.hat delegate - observers from confesaional families such as Lutherans, Orthodox and Anglicans will be invited to the council. New Thing ''This is a completely new thing," he observed. "In 1870 (when the first ecumenical council in the Vatican was held) this. would have been completely unheard of." ' 'Ilhe World Council leader 'warned tl)at "a lot of native people" are drawing the Wrong conclusions from the friendly contact now taking place be-" tween the Church of Rome and the other Christian bodies. "They think the Roman' Cathotic Church and 'all other churches are ready to embrace 'each other and to arrive at wllty," he said. '
Oppose School Aid MANCHESTER (NC)~A resolution calling for separation of church and state was adopted at the 136th United Baptist Convention here in New Hampshire. It asked churches to "remain alert to every attempted invasion of this field, and particularly, that all efforts to gain access ro public funds for the support of private and parochial education mllst be frustrated through organized opposition whenever, and_ under whatever guise, it is Qttempted."
BOSTON (NC) - A Bishop, veteran of more than 30 years in Catholic press work, has advised Catholic writers' to
Arrange Reunion Of Stonehill Men
FALL RIVER CHURCH: Breaking ground for the new Espirito Santo Church is the pastor, Rev. Joao V. Resendes, shown with Parish Trustee Joseph M; Alves.
St,resses New 'Importance Of La'ity ,in ,Church Work BOSTON (N:C)-The vigor which laymen have brought
to the Catholic press in the United States in the past decades shows what opportunities the, Church has through the use of layqten· hi .other areas, ,Richard Cardinal Cushing said here at the banquet of the done a good deal more than 52nd annual national conven- merely improve itself and so tion of the Catholic Press come tQ new excellence. It has Association. "All of us ap- also provided an example of the
approach the Ecumenical Council with caution. Bishop Albert R. Zuroweste of Belleville has warned against seeking the sensational from the Council and against letting editorial comments be influenced by writers' pet projects. The Illinois prelate emphasized reporting of the Council'fl events by the, Catholic press will be highlb" important. "The press, and other communication media, will be looking for the sensational, the startling. They will not be concerned as we should in upholding and defending the doctrinal teaching of the Church. "'Ilheir approach and their purpose will be foreign to ours. They will cover every phase of , the Council, their reporting will be comprehensive and we will cooperate 'with them, but the fact remains that their reporting will be motivated by different philosophies and viewpoints." Catholic press writers, he said, "must present a united front, while at the same time preserving that personal freedom of expression within the limits of doctrinal teaching and charity." He warned writers against letting their pet projectll ,influence their handling of the Council. He cited writers who wish for more vernacular o:r desire changes in laws of discipline. "If the council fails, to produce what he thinks is beg/; for the Church, he would be unworthy of his profession if he then criticized directly or indirectly the council's delibero ations and conclusions," the Bishop commented. The Belleville Ordinary reminded that "long after we are forgotten, theologians and hi90 , torians will be referring to articles, to comments, to editorial praise or criticism of the present. members of the Catholic PrC6Q AsSociation." "Now is the time," he said, "when we must be most cautious and weigh car e full y 0l.Il' writings."
preciate that we have come to opportunities' that await the the moment in the history of church in other areas." the Church wh~n we must asSess once again the relation of the clergy and the lay' person in order to discoyer in what new ways we can draw the reJEFFERSON CITY (NC) sources of the ,Church's eneractivity between government gies and talents, for the work of Should the laity have a more prominent role in the life of the and private efforts. You have God," Cardinal Cushing said. "In times gone by, especially Church? Will the coming Second helped us prove that the' traditional partnership between gov- here in America~ the Catholic Vatican Council promulgate new ernment and private efforts to Churoh Laid a very heavy em- legislation in this regard? meet the needs of our' citizens phasis on that familiar scripBishop Joseph M. Marling, has not been ~erely a careful tural image of the 'Shepherd and C.PP.S., of Jefferson City looked preservation of a hollow tradi- the Sheep.' No one ,can say that at these questions from a threetion. this is not a genuine metaphor dimensional viewpoint-bishops, "Your substantial 'contribu- which describes the work of priests and laity - and to this tion here offers proof that it the Church, for it first came to conclusion: is an effective and active role us directly from the lips of Our "More needed than new legiswhich we in the voluntary field Divine Saviour." lation" in regard to the role of fulfill in maintaining a cooperWith the passing of time, the laity "is implementation of , ative relationship with govern- however, the Cardinal said, em- the old." 'ment." phasis bas, been placed on' the "It is sa,id these days," Bishop Msgr. Gallagher termed' such metaphor's ,sheep and those Marling stated "that one of the cooperation e sse n t i a 1, "since qualities which are usually as- important' tasks facing the commost all people, indeed 'most all sociated with the meekness of ing ecumenical council is 'a defireligious 'groups, believe that the lamb: lack of courage and nition. of the position of the laity voluntary sectarian social ser- independence, general docility in the Church, and awarding to vice has a vital place hi the total and lack of spirit. "It has been them of a more prominent role scheme of things." assumed that these qualities than they currently enjoy. . were the proper qualities of the "The hope is praiseworthy, but "it would be grave error to overhum,ble layman," he added. look what recent pontiffs have Press Is Example done in this regard, "Time and events have now made it necessary for us to t;1ke I K of C Election Rev. Pta¢ Francis of the Bos- a new measure of the place of . ton Archdiocese will give a day the Catholic lay person in the ,Fall River l ... ~ ...neil Knights of of recollection\Sunday, June 10 'Mystical Body of Christ and to Columbus, will hold election of at St. Vincent de Paul Camp, discover what' new contributioIlfJ officers Monday, June 11. NomiNorth, Westport. Sponsored by. the educated and dedicated lay- nations .will ck>se Monday. ,June Chris~i.all Family Movement man oan provide in working out ,4. membel"S, of St. ,Joseph's parish, God's plan for His kingdom 'Fall River, it will be open to among men. all n:iarr~ed couples. "I, have been pleased to ob, The program.will begin at 11 serve over the last two and three Sunday morning with Mass and decades how the Catholic laywill include two conferences man, trained in the arts and the and a closing holy hour, from 4 ,social sciences, has moved into at to 5. Participating couples are the field of joUrnalism and asked to bring their own brought with him a new vigor lunches: Children may attend and vitality which has sparked and the camp has ample recrea- the press to fresh and successful tional facilities for their amuse- ventures in journalism. "In doing this, in finding a ment. Couples interested in at- place for the Catholic layman in 11 5 WILLIAM STo tending the day may notif)' any the heart of the Catholice life, the movement members. Catholic press in America has
Charities Official Lauds Child Care Given Under Religious Auspices PERRINE (NC) -;- An essential service for dependent youth 'Is provided by child-care instio tutions under religious auspices, the executive secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Charities said here in Florida. Msgr. Raymond J. Gallagher made the statement at the dedication of the Catholic Children's Home built here by the Diocese of Miami. Bishop Coleman F. Carroll of Miami blesSed the bome, which will provide facilities for 32 boys and girls. It will be staffed by Sisters of st. Joseph of st. Augustine. Msgr. Gallagher told some 300 Religious and laity attending the dedication: "We in Catholic Charities accept and use to a phenomenal degree the foster borne method of caring for children. We are unwilling, however, to be condemned •.• for a fruitful, postive, profitable \lise of institutional care for Mildren." ' Effective Roie "Your efforts," he continued, ""have contributed mightily to the movement of cooperative
-In C@Mtrn~~~ VI @[J~
Catholic "::hurch on the kind of terms involved in Roman Catholic ecclesiology,' and we cannot see how they (Roman Catholics) can change that ecclesiology. Not Discussable "It is not a discussable proposition. Nor- is it discussable that the Roman Catholic church would join the World Council of Churches." What remains, Dr. Visser 't Hooft said, is courtesy and changing the ecclesiastical cliUU1te. "The real word We ought to use is dialogue," he said.
, The class of 1952, first class to graduate from Stonehill College, will hold a 10th anniversary reunion June 2 and 3, the weekend that coincides with annual commencement exercises. ' The two-day program has been arranged by a committee headed by John Simas, Stonehill '52, of Rehoboth. It will include a tour of new campus facilities, followed by a reception at O'Hara Hall and dinner at the Student Union Building. On Sunday morning, the group will attend a Mass and Communion Breakfast and will occupy a section of honor at afternoon' graduation "exercises. Mem~ers of the class who hold advanced degrees will take part' in the academic procession. All-Male . The class of 1952 was all-male, as the college did not become coeducational until several years after its founding in 1948. There were 67 members of the original class of whom more than threequarters, located throughout the United States, have ,accepted invitations to the reunion.
Pian Retreat Day For Families
THE ANCHORThurs., May 24, 1962
Discusses Laity Role inChurc:h
See US
FIRST See us LAST BUT SEE US GEO. O'HARA Chevrolet, Inc. 565 MILL ST. Open Evenings
I N_EW_B__E_D_FO_R_D_j
"Save With Safety" 'I"
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 24, 1962
Prelate Stresses
,:}. ~eniline~:Turnih'; .· ',e~ck to, God "
Se'c,ret is Out!~: ~C(11tfho~ic'''····c, School'S . Teae,h ~e!i~gon' ..
HARTFOJtD, (NC)~Arc~ · bishop KarlJ; Alter of Cin.'cinnati· said .here . that a "remarkable, resurgence of
By' 'Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, Do D. '.
' ,.
. A Timely Warning to Secularists; o~, Sleepers, Awake! The whole. Purpose of this Tr~ct, pubIish'd at our Own expense (but, what is filthy Lucre when Souls- are at stake?) is to arouse the Nation to another Popish Plot. What, say 'you, Gentle C' '1 0f Ch urc h i t E' ?'A d' Reader, yet S An- ,ounCI es,e . xoth er . n we are carce perience raise 'her voice in this recover'd from the 'slings ~ Wilderness of Shame. Let us' and arrows of the last? e?CPose the Tragedy of our Own
religion in our times" is COUDtering seCularist attempts to drive God from public life. "There is. a genuine. turning · ba~k tq God in recogniJjon of ou! dep.,endence on a higher power for that help which alone , can save us,'" the Archbishop - said hi a sermon' yesterday at the formal opening of st. Joseph's oathedral. ~chbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, · Apostolic Delegate to the U.S.. offered a Pontifical Mass in the cathedral Whioh was attended : by ~me 35 members of the U.S; Hierarchy, ~ncluding Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York, and. Richard Cardirial Cushing, Archbishop of Boston. 'l1he new cathedral replaces the original St. Joseph's cathedral, which was destroyed by fire in Decem.ber, 1956. • .
, Even so. The teeming mind of : y.outh as in Publick confession. the Mother of Lies ,(the re' We, alas, were born of Popish ference is to parents (please God now trans';' that S car let .. J>orted into the Light of Truth) W'o man, the and so .rear'd in the Bosom of' Ch u r ch of . " Babylon. Our unwilling steps Rome, so dewere first directed to a Catholic parochia! school, in the gloomy scribed. in Revpasand fetid fastnesses whereof elations, sim) hath in . lurked Priests and Nunnes bent our tim e . upon the destruction of Our hat c h e done 'mind, no less· that upon the more plan' to Corruption of 'our soul.' Illsubvert .' Man. favor'd theY were, brutal, and kind and secure stern. Many a time imd Oft did D 0 min ion we water our Victuals with our over Palm and Pine. Yet out of Tears. the hundreds (nay, thousands' • Right Direction' and millions) of like Nefarious ,Strange Shapes, Figures Archbishop Alter said. that· schemes, this. stands out con. Were We taught to do sum"new churches are springing up fess'd in All Iniquity. mes? Nay, but we were taught everywhere," and "today' there For this' is a Plot to Poison how One stands for God, the is a larger percentage of people the minds of Tender youth, e'en. Unique and Supreme Being, and here in the United States who at the very Font and Origin of how Two stands for the Dual .claim affiliation with some· learning. It contemplates nothing nature of his Sonne. Three church than ever before in our' less than the corruption of the ll'\eant Surely nothing save the · history." Alphabet and the Multip,lica- . Trinity (Oh!, how g~oss this.' Despite this favorable de-tion' Table in order to serve Error, yet how SubtIle), and' velopment, he continued, "the the Interests of Error. four was taken to Mean the great truths of Christian reveSatan Confounded moral virtues. lation still need to be revitalized It has been brought Naked ~ We recall' not at" the moment by a more 'profound grasp of into the Light of Truth by the . just what five ,stood for, which their essential meaning in order tenacity and perspicacity of a . Doubtless explains why we ii'ave to appreciate. their relevance to Select Committee of the Na- never been able to do summes in COLUMN-FREE HARTFORD' CATHEDRAL: Th e contemporary life." tional Council of Churches, iUId Five. E~ght· in Beatitudes; .and in..t erior of the new Cathedral of St. Joseph, which.?/as dedi"But as a movement in the the Findings have been publish'd 'Ten the 'commandmerits given· right direction," he added, "this last week,. is entirely free of columns, affording an cated under the .Auspices of' that (allegedly) by God to" Moses. current religious trend is bringvigilarit Body, so that Evil may Whene'er we cast 'out :Nines we 'unobstructed view of altar; The }'eredos behind ..the high in~ back .a . growing sense of be put to -flight and Satan be c6nsider that We are casting out altar of the Connecticut Cathedral are 40 'by 80 feet; the reverence for the sovereignty confus'd and confounded. Devils. . largest- ceramic mural in the World~ representing Christ in of God and the primacy' of the. :So was' our Tender intellect Glory. NC P h o t o . ' · · . Long hath it been known by mo11al law." . "') ,,;,, . I. theCogiloscenti that· Romish' cloud'd 'o'er with strange Shapes agents in disguise (as a First· and Figures. And- it differ'dnot step toward •taking' over the a' whit when Language was American government and con- taught. us .by a' Determin'd fiscating all Protestant churches) Nunne who pounded Dogma'into SHEET METAL . Bedford have been agitating for federal our heads"along with Grammar. .. J.' feSER, Prop. . furids to subsidize the Teaching Even Pluperfect SubjunCtive! - $1500 RESIDENTIAL of Falsehood inCatholick So was the evil Work accom$200 . INDUSTRIAL schools. plish'd, the freedom of our Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Donelan Hemingway Bros. Interstate . Trucking.' . . COMMERCIAL . But ~e Department of ~eli- Spirit chain'd, and the generous . $100' gI{)US .LIberty of our NatIonal Flight of our fancy curtail'd. Jeseph McCormick 253 Cedar St. New Bedford C<>uncl1 of Churches hath. not . W.hen.·,' in after., Science, Murray Package· Store WY.3-3222 "G 'ld Merchants $1,000 National Bank of St. Mary 'w It hath torn the was broached in. the. School of s omen s " UI . ,New Bedford. . '. .. 1 b een A seep. Masque off ~h~. Visage of Jez- bl~ckest Mental tyranny, it was ',. $50' '. The First Safe Depo'S!'t Natl'onal propos'd to the helpless students BriStol County Trust ·Co. . Bank." ,. . ..' . abel. . ~" . : . . Depths of Iniquit~; '. . 1hatGod (which Heav"for-fend!) A Friend. ' . ' . J .Let .us see, quoth our mtrepld is: the Designer' Infinite, the St. Vincent de Patil-8t. Paul's $500 ln~e~tIgators, what these Cath- Creator and 'Sustainer 'dfall .Church New Bedford' Institution lor olIck schools -teach. So they sat Things. . Orsi Brothers Savings . down with Catholic ,school text- . In a word, a Word sufficient' ., / " . $25 $300 books, to read. them through. in. itself to Damn forever this J. M. Wells, Oakland Sterling American Press. Oh! What men of Courage! system in the esteem of all Co., Cap~way .Pack~ge .Store, $200 Gentle ~~ader, ~ s1?-rink honest Men, a Deliberate' Effort Casey Sexton" Mozzone Bros. New Bedford Hotel. fr9m Exposmg yo~r ~onsclence was made to 'i.nculcate Religion St. Paul's Women's Guild the depths of therein al()ng with Grammar, rhetoric, Leahy'S Package Store $100 dJscovered.. How CfImmal the mathematics,' .Science, and even Elks Daughters of Isabella Dawson's Brewery J .R. T a 11man course 0f th ose.wh 0 wou Id de- the Pltiperfect Subjunctive of stroy the IntegrIty of the Infant· the verb To Be Tauntor. Printing Co. Union' St. Railway Company. Mind,and distort 'the ~lain ~ac:ts , And thus w~s the liberating' . Dr. W. E. Barnes .'. $50 of Grammar. and. ~rI,thmetIc to flow of Atheism st'emin'd 'and ' . $15 Richard Gonsalves Insurance s?pserve SuperstItIon s fell de- clogg'd in many a buddIng mind .·Clifford Cleaners Agency.. . " . ~9~P~~Y' 'i" . . "'. lIugnS!. ' : . . . while Falsehood, Error, ~aJlci " Weir Pharmacy $25. ' ~om~ ~hmks' naught·, of t~m7' Superstitions .were enthron'd iil' Octagon. Se~vice Station New England Theatre Corpor'TAUNTON, MASSo~" f;: -;loY permg WIth Two times' two ia'· "'Reasoh's place ..': _ $10 ". t . ' " ation. .'. . order to make,it Eqti~l Five. . Not·· whilst' • we: "llve";'8rtd' ,L:' Dr: M. Cooperstein, Cal:>rlil's~'" Dr.:' Arthur 'Motta, Vet:'Mae-" ,.', TH~: SANK ON She :dar~s to per~e~te .her t.ext- breathe, not!!t ~the:;Co~pcil" -Dairy, O'Co~ne~l. Daig,E:rank edo :,harmacy! ,Shuster, .C~.· :: ",'," .' 'TAUNTON GREEN books wIthSubhl~.l;Ilsmuabons, ~f ()hurcneS'\S'o"noblydef~'ndjl '::' Co.h. eu! Phlli?.1:,;A.sslfanc:..... ".... .' ': ,$10 ".;"'''.''."' ':. ,to.' such as, that~here!s aGod(Ohl the Truth; Will Rome"get one . DaVId B; De~nCo., OlIver's . Sadow)s,.. $.S,"'Xresge '& C~. Foll~, what .sms ar~ ~ot .paraded Penny. for' her. ~ schools. . Th~" Ma;~et, GreenvIlle Clapp, J. D. .Sears' RoeJ;)ucK .&:'" ,Co.,. Dr. ' Ed! Member of Federal Deposit as vIr~ues .u~. thy' Nl;lme!\ and a'fiul"Secret is 'out, the piotciis,.·· .Furmt,l,l!:e. ;C?:,.:-, T.a~lft9!1 St~v~i, '\var(i Ke,stenp~wn, 'Ke'uy 'FashInsurance· Corporatlob that ,hIs la.w IS, to be o);>ey d by cover'd: these Schools...... teach Co. : '. .'." " . '10ns<::,orp. . ~ . . ' '. ' . men. Religion!" '. ... . ; .. " Colomal .~o.nut Sh.qP,. :T,homas "
Special Gifts'
Norris H. Tripp
for Bristol County
Bristol .County, . Trust. ~
V, ,V."··CWiA,·"-"M.
.:. ~ •
·'.SA·V'CRV'rE·D~..Mw . ·l. ·~.'
Harm:Tender Mindsof t h e " .. . . . . ,."",.,j" .' • ." .• Powers.·;p.ont,iac, Dt:. "".....:. .", .p" AVa'y"J!fli7." Think, Reader, 'thiIik, "1·, :" S. R:'Parker Jr~ Dr: W. H. Ben:' 'V - " : ' "......~: . harm, irrepa~able, deleterious, ~ame fr~lI'ilclh. Street'· .nett:' ", ..... '. ';' .:.: ..,',' . Illl J' 0 · · · Be,Any's A~to·.Stores, Geprge ~ ~ ruinous, wbich might'. well be . done to the Tender mind .'ex_ ~au one. Gll"occt.. E. Williams & Si)D,Lol,lis. CQilrcy, ". SIHIARO~, ~ASSACHI:J~.IE1Ii~:. . .,~ .. , posed to'~~uch' diaholical Machi::' LYO ...NS. (NC)-Th.e Lyon~city :{\rman.d's Garage, Mech8:nics ¢o~ ~ SPAC . . nations: 'Shall~ such Schools, In-'' councIl has voted to change the. operatIve Bank. . .IPUS .f.!~~PROQF SLEEPING QUARTERS .... strwnents of. intellectual Stulti- name of a street to .honor Paul- .. Marie' Anne' Courcy; Tom For Boys 7 to 14 Years Old ~ ficatiori,be m.ade Recipients··of Ine·. Jaricot,. founqress of the', Thtirh.bpar:~~h.op,Si~~il.Funer~t'''' .:. .Si~ week'seasch: :J.u1. y l'to August 12 ,,~ __ Federal ~~d?~erish_~~e,tl1ought! ,Soclety for ..the Propagation of-· Home;.,·Taunton JeweIry Inc., ". ,'", "Register 'for 2, ·or.4 , or 6 weeks But tnisTract (consid~, th,e Faith. . '.,..' ,; .... :' :' ", :'.;":'" Hillside C}ub.·' . . . ' ,.. ~ ~ ... ' . ' . . not~ts Expense~ ~ri"tl~. Reader) . T~~ ,~ctiO? w~s ~ I~e w~th .. Le~dY's· Yari~tf' . Edri1U~d T.. .' . Free .Tutoring. if Desired seem to,. rely t99 heavily" upon the celebratIon of the 100th an- FItzgerald.' THE IB~OYHERS' OF,· THE SACR,ED' HEART' . ~ :: the,Fi~.:a~~gs~ of .i~e~. Naii~~a~· ntirniveersfaOrrYthOfe P.ine.tre··r-dn··i~otin'·:ilns·_· "" . . . ~·H, (E. ~ . . ,... ....'.h.. Y' Ol . sionary congress marKing the . ' New' B~ir1If~rd ,. 'e' S . . next. week. The. ' . $10 .•,. .... . HARO~,1 MASSACMUSmS ..... S! ver 'Jubilee" Rev. John D. St: john, S.J., str~et n?w ila~ed fo: Pauline Gro-Togs~ c:: Sherman 'A'RES'IPENT SCHOOL. fOIt', BOYS ' .""lIIIII chaplain at Oti!! Air Force BaSe, Jarlcot 1S the former J:ue des Co., Dr. Barney J, Margolis, Dr. ~. ..... ~ 5-6-;7:8 .. will mark his silver jubilee in Quatre V~nts, a s~reet'at ,the foot Robert' '}~osenberg; St.. Eulalia '. . Gra"!'mar Grqden . the priesthood Tuesday, June·,,5. of FourvIere htll, where she, Court· N.o. 16.4, Mass. "Catholic' ~ " nm~ SR01l'HIERS,OI:: ...lUIl: .PA#'lPJlm l\Jl"'A..... . Parishioners will honor hun at Ii . spent .most of her life.and where Order of Foresters, . Latham .. , . un .,.... ~ft~"" rvllO I U ' :.... dinner dance.. she dIed. . Funeral Home. ' A.' ..
F' or
I'· .:.
.4 .
.,.SAC.".R., ·ED
lk':"" .
A.RT.".. S.C..H·. OO. L:" .'
A A A A.....A.
""E ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan Rtver-Thurs., May 24,1962
CONFIRMS ADULTS: 220 Adults from all over the Diocese were confirmed in the Cathedral last Sunday by Bishop Connolly.
Worcester See, Adopts St~tutes' At First Synod
Special Gifts North Attleboro
$11 White Birch Motel $10 A. &, M. Tydol, Inc., John J . Grimaldi, Valentine Co.. Boy Scouts-Troop 33-Sacred Heart Church,Hindle's. Auto ~lectric,' LaFratta's Grqcery Store, Emile P. LeBlanc, ·Mac-· 'Donald's Mobile Homes, Inc. Thorpe Automotive Co., Peter. J. DiRenzo, Duke's Auto Body, Gibney's Wheel Aligning Service, Rarmond J. Landry., . Camille A. Laramee, Raymone T, Laramee, Rezza Oil Service, Royal Rambler, Inc., Van's Win:-. dow Cle'aning. . ing. Watchbands, Inc. :Bunny Bonin's' Motel & Cabins, Jane Carley, Pasquale Cavalieri & Sons, Dr. John P. Cooper,'.O.~ Elks Lodge No. 1011, Falls Athletic Club. Gordon's D;liry Bar, Carl Mac:donald, Atty. Charles P. Mason, Mucker's Delivery Service, Norm's Texaco, North Enc;l Super Market. Dr. Romeo C. Ouellette, Public Finance Company,' Fred E. Shepard & Son, Madeleine G. ,Struck, S'uvall & Sons, Inc. F. E. Viens & Son, The W. T. Whalen Engineering Company, Dr. Isadore Altman, Atty. Paul F. Armstrong, V. H. Blackington & Co.; Inc. ' . Eugene W. Campbeli, Davis Electric Co., John A. Fuller, Joseph A. Grimaldi, Elmer F. . Lightfoot. .... North Attleboro Floor Cover. ing Company, I\obinson Electric.'
Churches Have Interest In Community Planning Projects
.ATLANTIC CITY (NC) churches., "Again and agaia $1,250 Churches belong in community through the debate over physical. .Creed Rosary Co., Ine. planniri~programs,'ret they and. technical details, moral' WORCESTER (N C) $1,000 have been "remarkably silent" reality emerged. Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan. John F. Smith Af,(ency: ~hus far, .a p~iest who~. speci~l "For example, how does public of Worcester has signed into $500. mterest IS 'city plannmg saId right stand vis-a-vis private law 310 statutes adopted at Mr. & Mrs. J;tayrn.ondLambel't here., . privilege? What happens to' the first synod of the Worcester $150 Father Robert G. Howes, di- downtown' families in the path diocese. . St. Vincent de Paul Societyrector of community relations of the urban renewal bulldozer? Bishop Flanagan told more, Sacred Heart Conference . for t~e Wo~cest~r; M~ss:, diocese, How much citi~en responsibility than 300 clergy assembled in St. $100 was InterVIewee< durIng .the 28th can exist in the immense comPaul's cathedral for the synod Beauchaine's Inc. annual meeting of tp,e American plexity ~f a changing comthat it was called "110 adopt L. C. Rondeau Trailer Sales' SOci.ety of. Planning Officials. munity?" ecclesiastical discipline to the Swift & ,Fisher Co. He IS a ,soclet)' member. ' ' ' T h t' "W b I .• 1· . " ere are many ques IOns needs and conditious of our Capodanno, I n c . . anOlng,. h ere f or a C a th 0 'I'lC prIes, . t" h e F th e . H e ong .dIn "Rp r' time." . Jpe Curtis Real Estate Agency a er owes sal. e IglOn IS said. "More Hnd more we must be The Worcester diocese was . Margaret Curtis. Agency as relev?nt to the p~o~lems of concerned with defining a philoscommuOlty change as It eve; was ophy of community change." established Jan.' 14, 1950. The $75 to matters sl,lch as labor-manage. ,new statutes adopted at the Mrs. Eva Morin ment relations." synod will ga into effect S u n - $ 5 0 • Serious Problem See to Cooperate day, July 1 and will supersede Dr. Domenic E. Leco, ManuaU ,~xisting local customs eori- facturers National Bank But generally churches have In Shelte~ Survey failed to appreciate the, implicatrary to them. Wright Chevrolet Co., Inc. NEWARK (NC) - Archbishop The statutes apply to virtually Donley' Mfg. Co. tions in planning" said tJ:1e priest who received in 1960 from Mas- Thomas A. Boland of Newark all phases of Churoh activity . Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Gulski _sachusetts Institute of Technol- has announced that the archand Catholic life. Among their Nellie Lavery ogy a master's degree in city diocese will cooperate with. provi~ions are the following: The Mason Box Co. planning. He is the author of the New Jersey Department of Sunday Masses beginning be. Reeve's Drug, Inc. two books, "Crisis Downtown," Defense in carrying out the' tween 8 A.M. and 12:15 P.M. $40 and "T.he Church . and the Federal government's fallout must be spaced at intervals' of North AttlebQro Foundry Co. shelter survey. Change." , at least one hour and 15 minutes. . $35 All school and church build"Our widespread absence from Privileges for offering eveBenedict Circle No. 61, Daughthe problems of the human com- . ings will be included in the ning Masses are extended. ters of Isabella munity, from the morality of the survey. The Archbishop, it wac ,The training of' the fa~Ulful ,". North End Social· Club commonwealth in. a changing announced, '~conceives it to· Pe in the dialogue Mass is en..:· -, $30 America is. a serious and imme- a matter ot .moral responsibility couraged. ' Mrs. Elizabeth Croke diate problem both for us and' to our own .people, and of $:iVM Maintain Scbools '. .. $25 for the nation," said Father responsibility to 'the community at large, to prepare for _ Howes. Parishes are instructed to "Frank M. Miller & Son,' Inc. EIriph'asizing that Catholic in- emergency." maintain their own parochial Jolly Cholly's...Drive In I' }Joly ,Name Society':-' Sacred. volvement should' be both clergr..Ide schools, whenever pOS-' Heart Church . ical'and lay, he said this joint sible, or :to participate with . . " . h . b 'ld' nd B & J Jewelry' Co., Inc., Dr. effort should nof be improvised. th o er parIS es 10 UI 109 a Henry R. Bedard, Dr.. Rab.ert G. "It'must be the result of internal maintaining' regional schools. Bedard, Bob's Riidio& TVServcompetence, concentrated attenAn annual census is to be ice, Clover Super Matket. and continuous contact," ,he Pope ·Names Bishops tion taken in every parish. . Falls Shopping' center" !.fl'. & said. Every parish is to have the Mrs. Albert Gaboury, Mrs. Eliza Fo~ B.uenos' Aires Falher Howes noted that the. following laymen's organiza- Houghton; McNally's Package S()ciety adopted a code of ethics VATICAN CITY (NC)-Three tions: Confraternity of the ~les- Store, North Attleboro Plumbing , new auxiliary bishops have been far city planners. One sentence, sed Sacrament; Confraternity' an.d Heating Co. , he said, reads this way: given at one time by Pope John INVESTED .IN of Christian Doctrine; a society St. Mary's Parish Guild, involveS Ethics to one of' tHe world's largest CATfiOllC CHURCH far men affiliated with the Dio., Achin's Garage, Dr.' Domen!e "Planners whose decisions and cesan Council of Catholic Men; Basile, ,Michael J. Croke, Real Sees, the Buenos Aires' arch-· AND HOSi»ITAl BONDS actions have long range conse'" diocese.. a wOmen's, society affiliated Estat'e; Robert A. MunrOe. In Units of $500 or More quences for later generations 'Tti'eir appointment raises to with the Diocesan Council of $20 five the number of auxiliaries must be keenly c!>ncerned to Catholic Women; and a Catho'Webster Co. lic Youth Council. . Bergl:l Brothers' Co., Inc" Mr. ' in the Arge~tfne See headed by , . adhere t9 ethical principles." Minneapolis, Minnesoia Antonio Cardinal Caggiano'.> The . H¢ said'- that· the convention & Mrs. Reginald Curran, Fetzer's for detailed informatioa Gararge, FrE!Ochie's Service Sta_ . Buenos Air'es archdiocese has 3.3 here heid "major meaning" for . write to . Marks Anniversary tion·." million Catholics ina total popu;' CHARL:ES A. MuRPHY' lation of 3.8 million. NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Arch$15 &ecistered RepresentaUft . Dan Landry ,Real Estate, Dr. bishop' Jqseph F. Rummel of The new 'appointments are 145 Pond Street New. Orleans will,offer a Mass George A .. Lauro and Dr. Sylvia Msgr. Ernesto Segura, secretary ONE STOP Winchester. Mass. of Thanksgiving on Thursday; S. Lauro' of the Argentine Episcopal Con.,. SHOPPING CENTER ...', PA 9-2696 May 24 in Notre Dame Major Red Rock Hill Motor Court fere9-ce, named Titular Bishop of AN Seminary in commemoration of Ai's Radio & Television &:lrv- Carpi; Father Manuel Cardenas, • Television • Furniture Name _ , ..; _ the 60th anniversary of his ice an ecclesiastical judge in Bue~ • Appliances • Grocery ordination to the priesthood. The nos Aires; ,named Titular Bishop Tondreault Auto Sales Address' "."'_:."""._"".._._ . _ lO~ Allen St., New Bedford Archbishop was ord'ained on of Aulon; and Father Jorge'Car-. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Glode WYman 7-9354 May 24, 1902, in the Basilica 01. reras, .named Titular Bishop of $12.50 City ........ _Campania. ' st. John Lateran icl Rom~ Whiting & Davis
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-:-Thurs., May 24, 1962
29. lIearts
..ID OneG
On~, of the remarkable by-products of the current " Catholic Charities Appeal is the matter-of-fact way in which SO many.-persons and organizations are contributing to it. This--it is to be hoped-does not rise from habit or routine. It is, rather, the realization that charity is' everybody's business, that those in need do have a legitimate claim on the ,goods of anoth~r. A person can validly' cl~im that this Or that is "his!' It may be his by work or.inheritance or chance or some other form of acquisition. No one disputes that. I~ is "his" and belongs tonp other. " ' ;. ,,' But in its use he is reminded that charity· does have a . claim. If, as St. James said· iIi the Epistle of Sunday's 'l\Ilass; "Evel'y good gift and every perfect gift is from above," th~n ultimately all good things come from God and belong primarily to' Him and His Will must be considered in th~ use.'and . ,.' .' disposition ~f them. . And His Will is One that considers not only the grass of the fields and the' sparrows' of the air but the souls and bodies of His children: . God could take care of these witho~~t 'any help from His creatures. , But the dictates of charity are an oppoitunity..for His· children to help 'their brothers in need. The demands of charity are more for the sake'of those who give th~n for the sake of those who receive. . ' _, .It is good to see so many taking for gr~:rited that this, .. · of course, is the' way it sho.uld be, so many who give: to charity as "a matter of fact."
Vatican. Council ,
By Rev.
F. Hogan, C.S.C.
' =! ProfeSsor ~
Eighth General Council The eighth general council of the Church marks the 'be· ginDings of a situation in · ,the East which eventually
led to a 'definitive break with Rome and the establishment of the va ri 0 u s eastern orthodox churches. In 842 Empress Theodora began to ~e the eastern empire and she · crushed out the " last traces of 1 iconoclasm t h r 0 ugh . the :. help. of Metho- ' -di1,J.s, the patriarch of Constantinople. The latter died in 846 and was ~ succeeded by Ignatius, a patri------"""'----"'=-----~----.-. arch who seems to have had facility in making enemies. By this time. Theodora had retired and her brother, who acted as regent for 'his young' nephew, .'. On Sunday afternoon in St. Mary's 'Cathedral, the. "By . REV. ROBERT W. . HOVDA, Catholic U~ive~ity ./. · Michael III, had contt:ol of the Bishop administered the Sacrament of Confh'mation to:'some empire. . ' .' two hundred and twenty per$ons. His name was Bardas, and on' , And what is significant, a:bout this? TODAY Mass as on Sun- that such good news calls fora ihe Feast of ..the Epiphany in The'se were adults, converts andtho!'!e who for one. day. This il?'theauthorityof the, moral response: "Be doers of the 857 the patriarch Ignatius re. reaSOn. or'another nad not rece~ved the Sacrament of Con- Church,as'the Holy Spirit con- word," aJ'ld not hearers only.'~ fused to administer Holy Com.,. tinues to lead us into all 'truth, In the' Gospel Our Lord teaches munionto him. Some historians firmation hitherto., . as the 'Holy Sph-it continues His abbut. prayer, assures US that offer as the reason the scandal.The fact that a special cel('emony was arranged for these work through .her RO~K, her prayer is effective not because 'ous life of Bardas; others say' persons points .up the emphasis placed, by: the Church IO~. bishops and councils,her liturgy. of' our virtue but because "we tpat Ignatius was duped into it ,thfs Sacl'ament of maturjty. . " Who caneomplain that this "love Him, we pray through' Him · by a political faction: Whatever , h h' h authority is oppressive, when it. and in His Spirit: For' the the exact reason for the denial And the Bishop, in his instruction to t ose '" om e. is "the very guarantee. of freedom Christian's greatest. an,dinost the sacrament, Bardas banwas to confirm, reminded these adult~of tl).e commission against the deIIi~gogue and the imp 0 r 1. ant "doing" is his, · of' ished· Ignatius and appointed that was being :given to them in this Sacmment..Hepoint~ .dictator, against ,all who" w;ould praying.. This' notion is not in Photius as 'his .successor. . out the similarity between Confi~mation~md Holy Orders, reduce man' as God has. made conflict With· the first lesson's Photius was a learned layman and the role they w9uld be called, ,to playas him to man as they can manage insistence on· active personal re- when elected to the'see and his him? Who can ;complain that sponsibiliy for needs' "of ·.was suspect for · m~fnbers of Christ, 9f the Qhurch, a~ apostles receiving . this . authority is - repressive others. It simply remindS us that . consecration many reasons: I) the force· ·.: from the Bishop tJ:le' charge to mak-e 'Christian their own when, instead' of forcing him l this acti~e and outward. love exerted in removing Ignatius ". environment. ' " . J , into a' party-line' or a blueprint, . cannot be genuine and pure unfrom the, patriarchate, 2) t~ While the priest does this in ~n official capacity through it encourages and stimulates his less'. animated by' a life' 'of bishop. who consecrated him was · 'his:'nunistiy -of· teaching and iu.ling and s~nctifying; ,the lay m~nd ',and will, "his creative prayer: So the following three , under . surveillance by Rome, · _ . powers,:··by· giving hnn a vision' days are "Rogation Days", days and 3). the periods 'required ·.apOstle does this through,exa~ple. In<Jeed,the Bishop'.said, ot'the meaning' and purpose of of pI'ay..!l1", ~f .asking;' celebrated '. between the receptions of the >~ example could almost be likened to a ,Sacrament, for life? '''It, is 'expedient ·for you bya procession during wbicq · d~erent. orders" were -bypassed, .,often is example the occasion of bringing thoSe affected by" that t depart." the Litany of'the Saints is sung since Photius went from layman it closer to God." .., : i 0 . . " . ' and by .a special Mass' of Roga- .to patriarch:in a mere six days. tion:· . .This ceremony reminded the entire Diocese of the TOMORROW st. Gregory Depose Ignatius ·importance of t~e Sacramen~ of Confirmation. . . .'. POIH:.' Confessor~ If we be- , MO~DAY _ Rogation Day:'st. -A group, of bishops rose · And the Bishop's words aroused the consciences of all . lieve that Gpd has reve!1.le\i Augustine of Canterbury," Bis- against Photius and demanded to the role of the mature Christian and the im·por.tance of the important: truths to all mankind, hop, Confessor. On this Monday, the reinstatement' of Ignatius; it' would he madness to maintain Tuesday and Wednesday before they in turn were deposed by 'a example-good o.r bad-that 'he, shows to oth.ers. ' that He did not provide some . Ascension Day, either the Roga- council cqnvened by PhOtiu8. - . way, ~ome means by which those tion' Mass may be celebrated or Both Photius and the emperor truths should come to us; with the Mass 6f the Saint, or' ·vigil. appealed to Pope NiCholas I; in His"oWI1 .protection' in the pro- The procession, before the Roga- 'his letter Photius:spoke of the In his recent New York .speech~Brita:in;s Pri~e Min- cess. This~is the meaning of the tion Mass with its litany·..iS a ,heavy burde~ w~uch had been .. ister Macmillan commented, "It· is said that -Mrs. Ma'rx Rock, of ,the Churcq'sinfalli- , liturgical' demonstration of the I thrust upon him ,lDvoluntar~IY. · ,. I '" ",observed at. the end of a long and rather bleak life 'how much bility, whiCh finally resides in · soli!iarity of the' Mystical Bo..dy '.Beforeapprovmg P hot IUS, 'successor of Peter. It 'was , which is the Church, All of us NIcholas, I sent two legates-to ·better it would have been if dear.Karl had made::;ome c;:apital '.. athe' Jewish 'philospher who said: · mstead of writing so much about, it." "Who . does not believe in the depend o~ Christ and His' gr~at. Cons~an~ople·to . investigate triumph .over sin and death and the SItuatIon- and ~ake the 'pro· .A~d now th,e. wo~id has witnessed the frightening sight 'idea 'of 'ilri alI-embracing 'in- , in, th~t q.~pe,ndence find' our- 'per·~decision. These tW? legates of Nikita Krushchev riding in a 'green Cadillac" and' urging stitution . to save meil, and 'in selves drawn together and de- :preslded·a council of 3~O ," its .lasping possession of' truth, the farmers of Bulgaria to make their f~rm.s .come up,to the ·does not believe in the all-good- pending on each ·other. '.:, members In 861 . atConstant~" ., nople andagreed··to 'the depa'SI-" level of those in Iowa.' 'ness ·of .God." . . , tion of Ignatius and -the approval ': ". So perhaps. the, Red· hierarchy has spent so·much ·time . ., r.uEs~~i·~ .. Rogation:,.D~y. ',of' Photius: There is some reason St. Mary Magdalen of :'P~~;lJi, 'to' sUspect that, .. the witnesses .: in denouncing 'capitalism that their subjects--and even,.they· sA.'ruRI>AY~St. "Ph'rnp' "N ~emselves-have concluded there must be something to this Confessor. The Oratory' which Virgin. A,ll",c?}lr he~~tancy ,abQut who testified'a'gainst' Ignatius prayer, .Jesus teaches us in the ,thing if so 'much yehem~nce is pouted out against it. j '. Philip Neri founded, and' which · ~cigation ¥ass.~· ,is that.. sinful- were' paid to. do' so. 'Shortly thereafter some 'of has since spread . around the .' And instead of writing about capitalism they would ness wh,i,.ch effects our isOlation Ignatius' friendS' managed to eartl~, is a c'ombination of a like. a tast~.'of it;' and. instead qf ridiculing 'it they. hold it up Christian from the Father' and from. eaCh 'reach the Pope and they told ,community of worship, as of attainment:;· and in'stead of divorcing themselves 'and of learning with 'a deep' re- other~ . "Elias' was a man ,like him their side of the' story. As 'a ourselves" (first reading) yet 'from it completely, tfiey see that it is not all bad.. i , spect· for 'the individual. ,Today's result, Pope Nicholas denied his faith 'oyercame that iso1aMass celebrates 'this Saint, who ~erhapsJhere,arecracks iI1-t~e Iron Curtain after all. .tion and he prayed. Faith in the confirmation to the council of was in so many ways a patron of mercy .of God echoes through 861 and woUld not recognize the modern interests 'and modern all the texts of the Rogation : decisions of his legates. sensitivities. Bossuet says of his Mass to inspire' in us a conAsserts Supremaey , institute, "In the Oratory, liberty fidence, in ,prayer. He called a 'synod at .Rome and duty go hand in hand; one ·and condemned Photius and his . obeys without subservience,' one WEDNESDAY ~ R 0 g a ti 0 D followers, asserting that Ignatius governs . without orders;· all authority'. is rooted ,in gentle- Day., Vigil of the Ascension. was the la'wful patriarch. Emperor Michael TIT, now reigning, ness, while mutual' respect ill · Jesus has made us His' friends thereupon wrote to Pope NichoOFFICJAL' NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE' OF FAll RIVIER .. maintained without recourse to and his in terms of friendshi~ las and declared that the Pope ~ ~. fear; love, without any other that He teaches us to pray perPublished;:ilvee'i<ly by The Catholic. Press' of the DiQcese of Fall River yoke, is able .to subdue and even severingly in the Gospel< .of the had no right to interfere in a Rogation Mass. The love of the purely disciplinary affair such annihilate 'self-will." 410 Highland Avtanue , Father for us, though it is to- · as this was. Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 Pope Nicholas in turn righttally gratuitous, an undeserved , . ' P U B L I S H E R ,.. FIFTH: S.lU N DAY AFTER ' gift, ,nevertheless respects' the. ~ully replied with an asserti9D Most Rev: J~mes" L. Connolly, D,D~, PhD. · EASTER. Celebrating the last freedom ot' His creature and of papal' supremacy, but he did 'Easter Mass before Ascension- requires a response of .love.. So oHer to re~examine the case 01 GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER" Day, the Christian. communi~ .the nec~ty of, our, prayel'~ 11 Photius ?II Ignatius. Photius ••v.' Dahierf•.Shalloo, M.A..' Re¥. 'John p~ OriscoU · eonti!1ues its rejoicing in· J~ " ~~ty .which Memorial.Day, called ~ couricil of his owa MANAGI....~ mtTOR follow:era, eOndemniDg and de, .' ~i~~vel"death. ,And it h~ for the AnIeriC8ll Christi-ap" iAHueh J~ ... . GoI." " ", ~:to:paie ~v_" ,:.. \ · i n ' . fiI'St Jesson of the ~ ". y.!~~ ,~.,w·· rap~ .. ' , ,. .
----.. .
erhnOU.9h~ht: CW~k With t~t: ~hWlCh \ .
in the, Curtain
@r6e-ANCHOR '.
Vatican Council Continued from Page Six posing the Pope. Twenty-one real names are signed to the decrees of this gathering and about orie thousand forged signatures. Photius appealed to the other eastern patriarchs, accusing the Pope and the whole Church of the West of being heretical; his charges were that the western Church disapproved of married priests, used uuleavened bread in the Sacrifice of the Mass, practised fasting on Saturdays, etc. - no one of which involves heresy, but only matters.....o f discipline and liturgy. One of the accusations centered around the addition of the word Filioque (and from the Son) to the Creed. This expression refers to the relationship of the Holy Spirit to the Father and the Son '--- He proceeds from the Father and the Son - and will playa large part in later Church history. Rome Local Council Emperor Michael III and his uncle Bardas were both assasinated and then Basil was proclaimed empel'Or; he had great concern to reunite the clerics of the empire. With this in mind he cast out Photius, reinstated Ignatius and asked the new Pope, Adrian II, to hold a general council. Pope Adrian II, agreeing to summon the eighth general council of the' Church, first convoked a local council at Rome in June 869. This council con'demned Photius and confjrmed the position of Ignatius. The ecumenical council was set to be held in Constantinople and is known as the Fourth Ecumenical Council of Constantinople. This general council began on Oct. 5, 1869, with a grand total of , 18, in ,attendance in additio~ ·to the emperor's representatIVes: 12 bishops, three papel legates, two delegates from the patriarchs of Jerusalem and Antioch and Ignatius himself. Admit Photians The reason for the small number of 'bishops is that the followers of Photiu8 were excluded and by this time the number of bishops who had been appointed by Ignatius had decreased. In addition, it was necessary for each bishop to sign the decrees of the aforementioned council of Rome held prior .to the ecumenical council before one could be admitted to the general council; and many were reluctant to do this. ' The number of bishops increased, however, 'by the time the council closed; for the Photian bishops were finally allowed to participate. Recognizes Photius This council ,condemned the teachings of Photius, or.dered the burning of his writings, exiled Photius and meted out punishments to those who had falsely testified against Ignatius. Twenty-seven canons were issued. His tor ian s debate whether this council was confirmed by Pope Adrian II in 871 when the papal legates finally , reached Rome, after being taken captive by pirates on the way. However, the Photian incident was"" by no means About six years later Ignatius fell into disfavor with the next Pope, John VIII, for trying to subject Bulgaria to the ruling of the Church a,t Constantinople and he was threatened with deposition. Death alone prevented this. Emperor Basil and Photius were eventualll(, reconciled and Photius was again made the spiritual leader' of Constantinople; he was recognized as patriarch by Pope John VIII. Spirit Remains Papal legates in another synod of 383 bishops at Constantinople cancelled the sentences made against Photius and his followers at the eighth ecumenical council. Photius, however, re-, fused to acknowledge' that he had wrongfully attacked the power of the papacy in the past and had violated the laws of the Church in obtaining the patriarchate. The papal legates exceeded their powers in' condemning the eighth ecumenical council and Pope John VIII refused to subscribe to this.
St. Ann, lYew Bedford, Founded Inadvertently By Rev. A,ntoine Berube of St. Hyacinth
THE ANCHORThurs., Moy 24, 1962
By Avis C. Roberts
Rev'.. Antoine Berube, founder 'of St. Hyacinth Church in New Bedford, was, the inadvertent founder of another French church in the extreme South End of the city-St. Ann's. Father Berube purchased a large lot bounded by Brock Avenue and Ruth, Salisbury and David Streets, in October 1904. It was his intention to build a school on the property for children of St. Hyacinth's parish, who lived in the South End. A two-story' parochial s c h 0 0 I building C
was constructed and was blessed by Bishop Stang Dec. 18, 1905. The first story was divided into three classrooms and the second was reserved for parochial purposes. The' first 100 students were taught by the Sisters of the Holy Cross and Seven Dolors, of St. Hyacinth' Convent. Once the school was completed French residents in the area asked Diocesan authorities that a Mass be sung each Sunday in the hall above the school. Soon two Sunday Masses were being said and on'July 18, 1908 Bishop Feehan founded the riew St. Ann parish.
$200 Rev. John E. Boyd. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Terpak.
$150 Mr. & Mrs, Marianno Rezendes
$75 Rev. Adalbert Szklanny, A. Gertrude Gould.
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Blake. Marguerite Gould, McHale Fam_ ily.
$25 Bolduc Family, Mr. & Mrs. John L. Brown,
$20 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carroll. $15
Mr. & Mrs. Benoit Charland, Helena V. Gould.
Rapid Progress Rapid progress was made under the first pastor, Rev. Orner Valois. A rectory was purchased, the Sisters moved into a farmhouse on the property and religious societies were formed. In 1910 the church-school was enlarged by a three-story brick addition to accommodate the student roster which had increased to 300. Father Valois was succeeded by Rev. Napoleon Messier, who remained until 1916 when Rev. J. E. T. Giguere took over the pastorate. Father Armand J. ST. ANN'S CHURCH, NEW BEDFORD. Levasseur, present pastor, became the spiritual leader at St. Ann's following the death of , Salisbury and Ruth Street for a In 1951 the school rooms were Father Giguere in 1940. temporary rectory. enlarged and new lighting fixDuring Father Giguere's pastures were installed. The stairs Work was completed this Wintorate he had made elaborate were covered with fireproof mater on a new modern rectory in plans for the construction of a terial, the rooms were painted Colonial style to match ·the new church, school, convent and and a sprinkler system installed. architecture of the church. It' is rectory, and to make room for located on Brock Avenue near the church, the school building Enlarg-e School had been moved to a position Ruth "'Street and' there are adeThere are 550 families in the quate accommodations for three facing Salisbury Street. parish and comrriunicallts numpriests and the household staff. However, construction was..deber 1,400. There are 228 children layed because of Government Father Levasseur is assisted in the school's pre-primary and restriction on building materials by Rev. Arthur C. Levelique and eight grades. There is a separate , during World War II. Rev. Roger Levesque. There are' classroom for each grade. On the But on July 25, 1948 Bishop five Masses each Sunday at the - second floor of the school, where Cassidy dedicated ,the new church, three in French and two the original church was located, church. A day later, on the in English. there'is a well-equipped recreaFeast of St. Ann, a Solemn High tion hall which is utilized coriThe school ha~ been renovated Mass was sung for the intentions and modernized and the convent stantly by the youth of the of all benefactors of the church. has been remodeled and redeco- ,parish. The new church, of, Georgian rated. There are monthly meetings Colonial construction, is of brick of the Confraternity of Christian and measures 149 feet in length Doctrine and work of this organwith a 53-foot facade, extending , 1 ization will get under way in to 86 feet at the rear. September. Lay men and women Asset to Area will become catechism teachers LEWISTON (NC) - Lewiston of the children of the parish a-tThe church is simply designed voters have approved tax~paid !lending public school. and is an architectural asset to school bus rides for private its surroundings. Rising above Active societies in the church the altar is a large wooden statue . school students by a margin of almost 11 to one. The Maine citY include St. -Anne's Sodality, of St. Aim, carved in Italy. Stahas more tHan 800 parochial Children of Mary, Confratetnity, tions of the Cross are made of Explor~r Scouts,' Boy Scouts, wood and alSo were carved in , school children. Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts and Lewiston thus becomes the Italy. Brownies. There is a children's fourth community in recent , The church has· a seating choir, Union of Prayer and St. weeks to approve such transporcapacity of 840 and; interior colVincent de Paul Society. tation under· an enabling act umns are strategically' placed adopted by the Maine legislature so all parishioners have a clear last year. view of the sanctuary. ,A building On Brock Avenue ~ Contractors formerly }lsed as a rectory was Electrical demolished in 1941 and Father Levasseur supervised remodelWINOOSKI PARK (NC) ing of a three-story house at Bishop Vincent J. Hines of Norwich, Conn., will preach at baccalaureate exercises of St. Mich_ Photius finally passed from ael's College on Sunday, June 3 the scene when Leo VI, who in Burlington. The commencewas hostile to him, became ment address on June 4 be emperor in 886. However his given by Carlos Romulo, former 944 County-St. spirit lasted on, for he had diplomat who is now head of the New Bedford ,openly shown the animosity National University of the Philippines. towards Rome which had long prevailed in the eastern Church; and this animosity greatly increased under his impetus in the 'ON CAPE COD next few centuries. This eighth· ecumenical couneil remains somewhat of a mystery; many did not recognize it as ecumenical for a Ilong time because Ii local council had 'reversed the' decisions of this council. Yet certainly its 2'1 'disciplinary decrees were apo proved by the Church at least by the twelfth century. .' .;,,", ·AMPLE PARKING (Next week' "':-'Tne 'Nilrita " Ecumenical Council.) • • • •IU~Ii8i~~UiiM~U~~M~UiiMi8lil • • •M . . . . . . .iI
Lewiston Citizens Approve Bus Rides
Bishop to Speak
~4c •
Anonymous, Anonymous, Mrs. Edward Adams, Mr, & Mrs. Henry Bevilacqua, Mr & Mrs. Harold Blake. Mrs. Lynwood Copeland, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Corey, William Garvey, Mr. & Mrs. Antone F. Jose.' , Mr.. & Mrs. Michael Jose, Mrs. Louis "Kaminski, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. John Letts, Mary C. Lowe, Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Mansfield. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nadeau, Mrs. Margaret Neville, Mr. & Mrs. ,Ephrim Pilotte, Mr. Thomas Terpak.
North Attleboro Parish to Honorr Father Booth Members of St. Mary's Parish, North Attleboro will honor their pastor, Rev. Edward Booth, at a testimonial tonight in observance of the 40th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.D., V.G., auxiliary bishop of the Diocese, and former curates at St. Mary's have signified their intention of being present to horior Father Booth. It . is also expected that the jubHarian's ,many friends in parishes which he has previously served will attend. The committee making arrangements includes John J. McGowan, honorary chairman; Joseph J. Sullivan, general chairman; Rev. Armando A. Annunziato, treasurer, and Richard A. Gaboury, secretary. Members of clubs and societies associated with the church are assisting.
Caution PEEKSKILL (NC) - J. Edgar Hoover has wrHten in the Cath- . olic monthly Lamp magazine cautioning that curbing communism is not for vigilantes, but for legally constituted authorities which get the cooperation of citizens.
ctlH ~:;
IN fllic/< tIeIIV.,,"
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fbll River-Thurs., May 24, 1962
Cites Importance Of Racial Justice
Night Fire Nearly Makes Ginny
CLEVELAND (NC)-A nun,college president has urged U. S. Catholic women to champion truth by working for racial justice. , "You cannot call yourselves followers of the truth and at the same time sit idly by while people are prevented froni voting or deprived of ,the right to choose where to eat or sit or take' their entertainment merely because of race or religion," declared Sister Margaret; president. of Trinity College, Washington, D. C. She told the Cleveland Diocesan Council of Catholic Women that today truth is "unknown and unrespected." "You as possessors of the truth must speak the truth that is in you," Sister Margaret said. "You must have the courage to insist that each man be given equal opportunity for education and advancement. You will not refuse to eat lunch beside another because of his color, and will see to it that no man be deprived of eating any meal where he wishes when he has the price to pay for it."
Statistic in Yearly' Death Toll By Mary Tinley Daly It was jast an evening, in May, that's all that it was; to paraphrase a song popular some years ago. But, oh, what it turned out to be! Exams were lopming on the scholastic horizon, but that's nothing unusual at your house or' at ours as the academic Somebody led Ginny out of year draws to a close. In de-ference to Ginny and her the room and into the fresh air. Somebody else ran for a j;)'ucket cramming session, we kept of 'water and' doused tne flame
the television at low pitch, rein the mattress. Somebody else enforced the "no'telephone calls threw all the bedding out of the , after s eve n window, played water from the p.m." rule. garden hose on the mess. Following the ;To this day, we don't know the late news which of Us undertook each ascame a yawning sigmneni. It doesn't matter. retirement' for "I'm O.K.," Ginny responded the nig~t, prea~ter a healthy dose of fresh air. ceded. by a "I! guess I'm O.K. I'm so sorry, warning'to and I just don't know what hapGinny of "15 , pened!" minutes more, Could Warn Others studY and ANNIVERSARY . CELEBRATION: Hyacnth Circle, th"t's all,'" ,The next few hours brought New Bedford Daughters of Isabella, marks 45th anniversary marking this as sleep to Ginny and others at our at banquet. From left, Mrs. Julia~ Morris, regent; Bishop an ordinary night, just transi- house while the Head of the Connolly, Rev. Jol).n J. Hayes, chaplain, Mrs. Mae Manning, tion from one day to another. House and I went on a scouting Before that Second day broke expedition. There might still be- celebration, chairman. Somerset Women Slate , I at dawning, however, we were a flame or a smoulder. to undergo a frightening experiWe found what' 'may be a Family Picnic, Dance ence shared every single day by warning to oth~rs: that student Annual family picnic for the more than 800 American fami- lamp,- with its much too high, Somerset Catholic Women's Club lies, acc'ording to the National loo-watt bulb was burned black will ·be held next month at Board of Fire Underwriters. as it lay in the bed. Its paint was WASHINGTON (NC)-Cathosponsibilities to these unfortuCatheOdral Camp. The club plans It was 'a fire, all right, and burned and peeling, the 'metal lies' must increase their efforts nate ones. , a dance, for Tuesday night, May caused by' carel,essness as are shade still bot. The mattress, to bring religious education to "The Church, with ,a divine 29 at Venus de Milo restaurant. nearly all such accidents. now lying in the back yard, bementally retarded children, a command to undex:take w~rks of Mrs. Edward Cormier is ticket gan to smoulder again even after meeting of diocesan Confratercharity, so much so that charity chairman. Not Covered by Rule the do.sing with the garden hose. riity of Christian Doctrine direcbecomes almost a fifth mark of New officers are Mrs. Joseph Always apprehensive of night 'Five inches deep, the heat of furs was told here. identification, must not lag beF. Wilkinson, president; Mrs. fires which account for 85 per- fire was still there; with small hind state or community projCharles Hague, vice-president; Father Robert J. O'Hara, pascent of, home blazes, we have tongues of flame burning still ects/' Mrs. William Webb, treasurer; made it a rule that there is, to deeper. Sheets, blanket, pillow, tor of Our Lady of the AssumpThe ideal would be for each Mrs. Dale Rothwell, secretary. tion church, Beloit, Wis., estibe no smoking in bed, ever ~ b~dspread, were burned" past all parish to have a special confra-' Mrs. Vincent A.Coady, past \ not by ourselves, guests, any- redemption. An all-night stream mated that there are in this ternity class' for the retarded, president, will serve on the board country 160;000 retarded Cathobody! The toll'is too terrific. Father O'Hara told'some 90 dioc- , of, directors for three years. of hose finally took care of lic children of school age whO The result, 'at our house, was fu'rther danger. esan CCD directors at their an:' are capable of receiving religious nual meeting here. almost the same as that caused , How had Ginny escaped? We instruction. by smoking in bed. , Class Officer He said the retarded child is What we had not reckoned on honestly don't know. We could He said the number of those Miss Mary'Ann Shea, daughter was that Ginny, groggy from an orHy say a of tha:nks" " not receiving Catp,olic instruction not the only beneficiary of such a program. Parents also benefit, of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Shea, evening of poring over books, , giving. "must run into "the many thousince the interest of the Church Fall River, will serve as vice,We are very grateful that the was to take her student lamp to sands." helps them take "a more spiritpresident of the junior class at bed with her for that last allow_ Lord gave sensitive olfactory ual view" 'of the problem; and nerves' to the Head of the House, Cardinal Cushing C; 0 11 e g e , "Society today is doing much able "15 minutes." whrkable even in his sleep at more -for the retarded young) laymen cooperati/lg in the proBrookline. She is also a delegate ,to True to statistics compiled by I gram benefit through the oppor- to the United States National the National Fire Protective As- 3:i5 a.m. ster," he said. "It recognizes the tunity to do apostolic work, he Student Association for the comStatistics of reported fires !iociation, our fire broke out problem and recognizes itsre- said. ing year. sOmetime between midnight' alld show that a total of 11,700 died in' fires in the country last year, 6 a.m., 3:15 to be exact - hours after that 15-minute period of acout 6,100 in fires in their own homes - 1,800 of them children. grace. . It can happen anywhe~e. First hint came when the Head of the House was wakened by an acrid smell of smoke. Father Peyton. Asks, Rousing me, he dashed to the basement, scene of the ever- Prayer for Success "suspect furnace. PRINCTON (NC)-The found-, Furnace quietly sleeping away er of the Family Rosary Crusade the summer, hot water heater in urged here that all families pray a state of innocence, same for the stove, came the surmise, for the success of forthcoming rosary crusades in Rio de Janiero could that smoke be from outarid Recife, Brazil. doors? Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., Fire Located asked that families take the Definitely not, as result of crusades in Brazil "as their per_ backdoor sniffing. Smokier and sonal responsibility, and o~fer smokier grew the house iJ1 a 'the family, rosary each day in m;ltter of seconds as we dashed their homes that they may turn from bedroom to bedroom. into an extraordinary victory Opening Ginny's door, we found for Our Lady." , Jhe room densely gray; with sufThe Holy Cross priest, who has' focating air that bleared out brought the Family Rosary Crueyes, seared nasal pa'ssages. 'sade to more than 300' Sees Groping our way, we found a throughout, the world, made a befuddled pajama-clad Ginny brief visit to the motherhouse of , standing semi-conscious, in the the Marianite Sisters of, Holy middle of the room, coughing Cross here in New Jersey. and sputtering. Nearly overcome by the fumes, Ginny was mighty close to becoming a statistic, one Show Catholic Films'" of the 80 percent of victims who are o'vercome in their bedrooms.' On Japanese TV WASHINGTON (NC) - The prize-winning film series "Rome Prelate Gives $5,000 Eternal" will be telecast with a You' get lq good ~ting Hood 'Ice Japanese, sound track in Tokyo. To Scholarship Fund . Cream'treats - Hoodsie Cups, Hood Produced by the Nationa,l BOSTON (NC)-Richard Car- Council of Catholic Men and the Sundae Cups, Hood' H-Bars, . Ice dinal Cushing made a $5,000 ,Naiional Broadcasting Company, "donation to the 'Catholic JournalCream Sandwiches, and famous Hood "Rome Eternal" has been shown ism Scholarship Fund during, the in ~he United States; Europe, RoCkets. " • All top-quality treats! 52nd annual Catholic-Press Asso-, Canada, Latin America and Aus" . eiation convention here. 'tralia. ' The Cardinal remarked that he This' will 'be the first time any found a' leaflet explaining the NCCM program has Deen availneeds and purposes of the fund able to a Japanese audience. at his dinner place after he sat Martin H. Work, NCCM execudown at the head table. He told Children love, them, they, stick on tive director, said arrangements the assemblage: "I considered it to present the films on JapaneSe jackets;" bikes - anything at alL - a subtle hint for a donation and television were, made through I decided to comply." the offices of Father James F. Colorful, b~ght - full of silly sayings. Earlier Msgr. John S. Randall, Hyatt, M.M., founder and direcfund president, reported to the tor of the GOod Shepherd Move_ BRING HOME A HOOD '~GOOD!E GRAB BAG H TODAY. •• GEl convention'that $16,800 had been ment, a Maryknoll Fathers' mass raised w be distributed in granta. .media apostolate in Kyoto.' "TIf~ ~ CR~·.~'Ql£AIs........uA aMi~'_MIlJAW
Urges Catholics Increase Efforts To Educate Retarded Children'
.• • _ .• _
Commonsense Ways to Handle Children's Temper Tantrums
THE ANCHORThurs., May 2~, 1962
Schedule Annual Girls'. Field Day
By Audrey PaHm Riker Violent protests echo up and down the crowded aisles of the shopping center. An embarrassed, perspiring young mother makes an earnest effort to explain to her kicking, screeching toddler why he cannot have the huge bag of potato chips he has crushed at least qriefly every day. And to his heaving chest. Her provide plenty of energy o,utadmirable patience and logi- lets like building blocks, wheel eal reasoning have little and pull toys.
The second annual Diocesan girls' fieid day will be held at Our Lady of the Lake Camp Friday, June 29. The program will include field events for junior and senior C.Y.O. groups. Volleyball, softball, dashes, relay races, a novelty race, and broad jump are scheduled. A picnic lunch will afford girls an opportunity to become better acquainted with others from all corners of the Diocese. After lunch there will be swimming. Miss Rosemary Moore of the ,girls' athletic department at Bishop Stang High School will be chairwoman. She will be assisted by Mrs. George Snyder, Sacred Hearts Academy; Mrs. 'Austin O'Toole, Mount St. Mary's Academy; Miss Virginia W. Frost and Miss Ann ~obias, Durfee High School, and Miss Nancy Walsh, Dominican Academy, all Fall River.
-Help your youngster deeffect. The screams continue. velop controls. The best way to Temper tantrums are ugly do this is avoid or prevent situfrightening to ations leading to frustration and both child and fury. If you do meet in an open parents. The y clash of wills over whether or arouse mutual not one bangs the glass ashangry, aggrestray on the new coffee table, s i v e feelings it is far better to remove the that make it ashtray and save sweet readifficult for an soning for older children. adult not to If you are' caught in the s h0 ut back, middle of a pitched battle over, pun ish or, forbidden bric-a-brac or a disspank. covere4 cache of peanuts or lolAs your child lipops, gently but firmly stick lea ves the pro- . tecting confines of his playpen with your original "no." Once your child learns that he can he is sure to meet a fascinating get what he wants with rage and variety of forbidden fruitVermont Grandmother contents of wastepaper baskets, fury, he is likely to try again with reinforced vigor. cupboards, pages of books, magIs 'Mother of YeC/lr' Win Cooperation azines, and the tiny holes in MIDDLEBURY (N C) A Win cooperation by praising electric sockets. He may react widow who has devoted the to a bewildering variety of self-control; keep "no's" to a last several years to the upbring"no's" and "don'ts" in the pri- minimum and mean business ing of three orphaned grandwhen you use them. Avoid sudmitive way he knows best children has been chosen as den unexpected commands, and rage. Vermont's 1962 Catholic Mother give your child a few minutes Will Learn Limits of the Year. An occassional outburst of warning when it is time to stop playing or get ready for bed. The .I!'amily Life Bureau of the anger in a two or three year old If tantrums come, try to meet Burlington diocese announced is nothing to worry about. Gradthem calmly, but don't settle for the selection :>f Mrs. Mary Geneually, through a combination of vieve Cobb of Middlebury. Her his own growth and experience peace at any price. Soothe your child after his anger passes and husband di.,d in 1940 and she has and your understanding and lost both Iter sons since 1953. guidance, he will learn the inner don't make him feel guilty about One son, a widower, left three controls and outer limits essen- an emotion common to all humans. young children, whom she has tial for his safety and happiness. reared. Meanwhile you can anticipate and effectively handle temper tantrums. . Another Nurse on Way -Anger outbursts in the young child increase sharply To Serve in Missions CINCINNATI (NC) -One of with the length of time since TO AID APPEAL: A striking display carrying out the NEW YORK (NC)-The ffrst the most flourishing units of the the last meal, with "highs" at "29 Hearts in One~' theme' of this year's Catholic Charities registered nurse to volunteer for Franciscan Sisters of the Poor is 11:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. As Appeal is admired by Brian Rapoza, William Hopkins; 'overseas service with the Dothe community's year-old' missimple a remedy as an earlier Fathers' S1. Joseph sion in Brazil according to meal time Or a between-meal and James Daley at Night of Music sponsored. by Fall River minican (N. y,) province is enroute to Mother 'l'arcisia Marie; Supe~ior area CYO for benefit of appeal. snack may ward off trouble. An West Pakistan. General. oncoming cold or infectious She IS Ellen Freidhoff, who disease, a missed nap, strange While on a visit to Provincial graduated from Mercy College surroundings - all ,may temHeadquarters at S1. Clare. ConSchool of Nursing in Detroit in porarily change a happy covent here, Mother Tarcisia Marie 1952. . operative child into a glowering ,disclosed tentative plans for a The Catholic Medical Mission little tyrant. WASHINGTON (NC)-College he marries Gloria Witt, 21, of Board here, which handled her novitiate in Brazil. -Make allowances for your commencement, marriage and Youngstown' Ohio a psychology . "We have four Brazilian posplacement, said she has been "mother-baby fit." Every baby training for service in Bolivia . t t'h '. 't ho tulants already," she said', "and assigned to work in St. Dominic's . h PC' major a e UlllverSI y w is a unique ,individual. And so Wit the eace orps are In the yve must establish a noviJiate . . a Iso WI'11 b e gra d ua t e d J une 10 . Hospital, Bahawalpur, West Pakis every mother. If you are a Immediate future for a young Th I th 'n t" there if we hope to expand," istan, by Bishop Aloysius, L. couple who will be graduated ~ coup e en WI par ICInervous excitable parent and Seven Sisters from the U ..S. Scheerer, O.P., of Multan. She next month from the Catholic pat.e ~n a two-mont~ Peace Corps your youngster. has the same conduct the congregation's first . is to serve for three years. ., . trammg program aimed at maktemperament, it is a good idea University of America here. . . separa t e SIS k'll Brazilian mission at Pires do : mg aval'1 a bl e th ell' to avoid the kind of overstimu- Rio. Nlc~lOlas J. R:achmac~, 25, ~f in Bolivia. Final acceptance in lation - crowded stores or lots New Bedford Club Mother Tarcisia Marie w'as Washington, wII~ r:c~lve ~IS the corps 'will depend on satisof company - that leads to ex"appalled" at the destitution of bachelor degree m CIVil engm- factory completion of the trainNew officers of New Bedford haustion and temper tantrums. the Brazilian people. "We saw e:ring on .Sunda y , June 10-then ing prOgram. Reachmack said Catholic Woman's Club include. A night shopping trip, or swapthe breadlines," she said, "with glv~ up hiS bachelor status when he hopes to help with engineer- Mrs. Leo F. S1. Aubin, president; ping baby sitting with a friend barefoot people in tattered clothing problems, whil his bride-to_ , Miss Kathleen Downey and Miss may be worth the effort until ing lined up to receive some be does SOCial work am'ring rural Jean McGinnis, vice-presidents; your youngster matures some. bread'and a can of hot- soup. It's Miss Anna Donovan and Miss housewives in Bolivia. Direct Energy Helen Stager, secretaries; Mrs. remarkable that the area isn't 'Won't Be Easy' -Find constructive ways to . swept by epidemics." L, William Bouchard, treasurer. direct the tremendoiJs energy Before starting Peace Corps Franciscan Sisters of the Poor 'MIAMI (NC)-A program to and drive of your toddler. Every training, Reachmack plans tlb cOnduct a clinic and a children's foster .resettlement opportunities .child needs to touch, feel,' exhome as well as the soup kitch- 'for .:housands 0.:' Cuban refugees attend a special orientation conCARLISLE plore. He needs space and safety ference co -provide an up-to-date en. "The needs of the people . in South Florida will be disfor roaming~ Someone' once probackground on Latin America are unbelievable, she noted. "We ' cussed at a meetjng here of GUEST HOUSE pose~ a formula, ''The number given this SUmmer for the first could use an unlimited number priest - resettlement directors 26 NOf"th Wate1' S~rev""1 of temper tantrums decreases as ti~ at the university from June of Sisters there, if we' had them." f~om 45 U.~. archdioceses and . , "'--.• _. dioceses next week. Nantucket, Mass. free space incteases'," IS to 26. The' envisioned two-year asIf you live in cramped, reLibrarioin- Wins EssCllV_~. .. Acc@rding to n';gh MC~OO~i NOREEN SHEA, manager ctricted quarter'S, try to 'get out •: • CR5-NCWC representative at signment in Bolivia will not be eooy, ·the couple admits. . COll1ltes.t Olli Oli"8ei1l~ the Miami center, although &1TEl. 228-0720 . Ch··,d . d' '... ' NEW YORK (NC) - Ruth most 14,000 refugees- have alRe f ugee I ren Fm ) ,Seelh'21mmer., Spokane, Wash., ready been resettled throughout Plan Field Day Homes Within Month ~>!ibrarian, ha~ beenp.~med win- the country' ~y his office, Some Religious of the Holy Union of • <n.e.r Ibf a nabonal ~r.iters' comG7,OOO are still to be placed the Sacred Hearts will hold their NEWARK (NC) - Seven Cu- iretltJon sponsored' by America monual field day and, bazaar ban refugee children have been magazine. A~~s&((i- Bans f>riva~<s Friday and Saturday, Sept. 14 placed in five foster ho~es here Her 1,500-word essay on "How anal 15 on the grounds of St. Pupals' fl1'or;n Buses IIHome of Flowers" less than a month' after their at- 'Should Western Ma.n Approach James' Convent, Nanaquaket rival 'from, Miami. the Orient" won her a $1,600 JUNEAU 04c) -,- The State Road, Tiverton. Mrs, David W. VA 2-0431 The seven, aged ~ to 1.4, were all _ expenses _ paid scholarship CommiSsioner of Education has Boland is 'general chairman, ~hefirst of the 24 who arrived in for summer -stUdy in Japan. ordered all children attending with Mrs. Joseph C. Giblin in 26 Broadway the Newark archdiocese on April Miss Seelhammer is a libraparochial and other private charge of the Fall River area 11 to be placed in foster homes. rian at.. Gonzaga University in schools ,in Alaska to be put off and Mrs. Lawrence Perry, TaunCatholic Charities officials said Spo!ulRe. Her scholarship will public school buses. ton. more children are due in Newark take her to Sophia University Theo J. ~Norby's directive is from Miami on Friday, June 15. Tokyo. ' the resid!. of an April, ISSI, rulDRY CLEANING ing of the Alaska Supreme Court that such transportation .(!m~ Youth Conv'ention Student COUU"lcii SYRACUSE (NC)-Some 200 violates the state constitution. FUR $lORA~i: Joan Sequin has been elected delegates representing every di" The U. S. Supreme Court refused ~7@ ~~O(CIi(AVENUE to review this decision on Feb. Student Council Representative 'ocese in New York State are 19, 1962. New lBe«1l~ord, Mass. attending the seventh annual of next year's senior class at Im_ Norby sent telegrams to all Catholic""Youth Regional Con. maculata College, Immaculata, Ii;AU WY 2-5112 vention here~ -'Bishop Walter A. superintendents of public school Pa. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ~EIl'A6~$ AND FREE 34-44 Cohannet Street Foery of Syracuse will speak at districts directing that the taxJohn F. Sequin, 34 Seaview PICK UP DELIVERY Taunton VA 2-6161 a conven'tion Communion break- paid ouses carry only children Avenue, Swansea, she is an eleattending public schools. fast Saturday. mentary education major.
Gains in Brazil Piease Superior
Peace Corps Service to Follow ~ol"ege Graduation, Wedding
Plan to Resettle Cuban Refugee,s
THE At'-,!'-H0" Dl"'cese of Fall River-Thurs. May 24, 1962
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Martin, Mr. & Mrs. William Matto, The McGoldrick Family. $12 John & Catherine McIntyre,ST. ANN, ST. LOUIS, Mr. & Mrs. George Lincoln. Mr. & Mrs. Edward McNamara, NEW BEDFORD FALL RIVER Primo Mei & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Ladies of St. Anne are holding The Women's Guild is holding $10 'Harry Melfie, Ralph' Metrano & a rummage sale until 5 today, a rummage sale in the church Mrs. Frederick Allington, Mr. Lena. from 9 to 8 tomorrow and from hall tonight and tomorrow night. & Mrs. Borney, Annese,' Mr; &' Mr. & Mrs. Claude, Miller, Mr•. 9 to 2 Saturday at 1056 South lIt will begin at 6 .both evenings. Mrs. Lloyd Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Water Street. . Mrs. Edith Lynch is in charg.e Dante Leo Annese, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Rocco Molinari, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Moore, ·Mrs. LorRuggero Baldelli.. ' A buffet supper at 6:30 Tues- . of installation, ceremonies set day night, June 12 will precede' 'for Tuesday, June 12. Mr. & Mrs. Raldo Baldini, Mr. raine Moody, Umberto Moretti. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Morini, Mr. & the next regular meeting of the OUR LADY -OF ANGELS, & Mrs. Primo Baravella, Mrs.' unit, to be held in the school hall. FALL RIVER Marie Barnes, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Eugene Muller, Mr. & Mrs. ST. JOIIN~S, A first anniversary high Mass Baptiste Jr., Mr'. & Mrs. James Joseph Mlirphy, Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Murray. POCASSET will be sung at 7:30 tomorrow Beatty. Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Musto, The annual banquet of the morning for the repose of the Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bell, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. John Musto, 'Mr. & Ladies Guild is set for Tuesday,' soul of Rev. James V. Mendes, Mrs. Alfred Belli, M;r. & Mrs. June 19 at Hobs Hole restaurant, late pastor. William, Bellew, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Albert Niemi, Mrs. Anne Albert Boldrighini, Mr. & Mrs. .Nordberg, Mrs. Ma~de O'Brien. . Plymouth Mrs. Gordon Wixon WOMEN'S GUILD; Edmund O'Buchon, Mr. & Mrs. is chairman.' OTIS AIR FORCE BASE Clarence Brazil. HOLY REDEEMER, . Guild members will particiMr..& Mrs. James Breen, Mrs. Chester Okuniewicz, Mr. & Mrs. Laurentino Oliveria, Miss EleaCHATHAM pate in a retreat at Corpus' Elaine Briggs, Mr. & Mrs. Ednor Ottaviani, Mr. & Mrs. Enri~ Association of the Sacred, Christi Carmel, Newport, the, ward Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Fred . Hearts will sponsor a public ham weekend of June 1. Mrs. BenBrutcher, Mr. & Mrs.' Frank Paioni. Mr. & Mrs. John Paioni, Mr. and bean supper Saturday night, jamin Weeks is in charge of arMAR I A.N SPEAKER: Candela. June 2. Mrs. James Cardoza is rangements. Prominent Protestant layMr. & Mrs. Hugo Carbonetti, & Mre Vincenzo Paioni, James chairman. The supper will be S'i. MARY'S, . man, J. Irwin Miller, presi- Mr. & Mrs. Miachael Catalano, Palladino, Mrs. Emma Pascucci, followed by a penny saJe, in NORTH ATTLEBORO Rose Ciampa, Mr. & Mrs. Leon- Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P.edini. Mr. & Mrs, Joseph Pernock, charge of Mrs. Alexander Griffin. A variety, show, "Alabamy dent of the National Council ard Chartier, Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. Albert Perry, Mr. & ST. JEAN BAPTISTE, Time," will be' presented by of Churches, will be the Mar- Christoplous. FALL RIVER' parishioners at· 8 Monday 'and ian College commencement Mr. & Mrs. Frank Clifford, Mr. Mrs. Johq Piasecki, Mr. & Mrs. New officers of. the Council of Tuesday nights, June 4, and 5 speak,er in Indianapolis on '/ & Mrs. ·Francis. Co~ella, Mary John Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Catholic Women are Mrs. Flor- in the high school auditorium. Conley, Mr. & ¥rs. Phillip Con- Precourt. Mr. & Mrs. Jay Reagan, Mr: & ence L a b ec k 1,· 'president; Mrs. An all-adult cast of 100 will be Sunday, June 3. He is mem- nor, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Clement. Mrs. Arthur Remillard,- Mr. & Omer Martineau, vice-president; 'directed by Bill Davis and John . be~of theWorl~ Council of William Connor, ·Mr. & Mr)l: Mrs. Armand Thiboutot, secre- Bevilaq\la, with Rev. James . Chur~hes Central Committee L~onard Cooper, The Creeden Mrs.· Gino Repucci, Imperatore tary; .Mrs.'rederick St. Amour, Porter as general chairman. and Christian Theological Family, Mrs. Florence Cros.s; Romano & Madalena, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rose. treasurer. The unit plans a mys- IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, . Seminary trustee. NC Photo. Mrs. W. George Cruser Jr. tery ride for Tuesday, June 12.' NEW BEDFORD Mrs. Victoria Cuneo, William _ Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Rotella ST. ANTHONY OF DESERT, The Holy Name Society will Cutrivan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Jo!'In, The Salachi Family, ~rs. FALL RIVER sponsor. the traditional obserMansfield Cutillo, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Cu- Margaret Sargent, Mr. & Mrs. Blessed Mother, Guild has set' vance of. the Feast 'of the Sen. til!o; Mr. & Mrs. William Dale. Gino Scarpellini, Mr. & Mrs. , Tuesday, June 19 'as the d~te for. hOT Santo Christo Saturday and ST. MARY'S Mr.,. & Mrs. Charles Damato, Guido Scarpellini. . Mrs. Pauline Schuessler, Miss • spaghetti supper. The event Sunday, May 26 and 27. ConMr. & Mrs. John' Dacy, Mr. & will close the club year. certs, auctions and bootbB of $600 Mrs. Brad. Dauphinee, Mr. & Rose Servais, Friend, Miss Edna Rev. Edward L..· O'Brien.. Shields, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph SignoNOTRE DAME , Portuguese foods, will be .fea' M rs. J alT\es D e P'll I 0, M'r. & Mrs. riello. FALL .RIVER , tured. . $100 Joseph Devlin. Mr. & Mrs. Edward SilneY,-Mr. The Council of Catholic Women , . I' I In Memory of Father Elliott, . Mr. & Mrs. Armand Dion, & Mrs. Vincent Smith, Miss will hOld a membership tea at Sunday s program wd ,mc ude In Memory of Father Harrold, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Deqlemente, Jesus-Mary Auditorl'um at 8.'45 solemn Mass' at 11 dinner in the 'The Darmedy Family, 'Mr. & . M'ISS K a t h ' D' II Mr. & Louise Soldani, Mr. & Mrs. Walinorning.high A roast beef erme nsco, ter 'Souza; Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Monday night, May 28. Mrs. Mrs: Eugene~R. Farrell, Friend. Mrs. Conley Eagan, Mr. & Mrs. Sparrow. Paul Dumais is chairman for the will follow in the school cafeRobert Eagles. . Mr. & Mrs. Harry Straccia, Mr. tea and Mrs. 'Fernand Rheaume teria and a -procession will take $50 . Mrs. Marion Eastman, Mr. & & Mrs. William Sullivan, Mr. & heads the membership commit- place at 2 o'clock. Music will be Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bella- Mrs. Leo Eldracher,.. . Anthony tee. Former presidents will pour. played until 11 Sunday' night. vance,' . Mr.· . & Mrs. Thomas Esposito, 'Mr. & Mrs. David Falo- . Mrs. Alphonse Tartufo, Mr. & ,Mrs. Joseph Tartufo, Mr. & Mrs. . Entertainment will be by ST. PIUS X, Churchill, Mr. '& Mrs. Anthony tico, Mr: & Mrs. Arthur Faria. Jesus-Mary Academy Glee Club, SOUTH YARMOUTH Gasson, Mr. &' Mrs. Thomas P. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Faria, Patsy Tartufo: Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Taylor, directed by Mother Marie du •,The Wbmen's Guild plans a Haven, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mr. & Mrs. Albert Fasulo, Mr. & Carmel. Summer bazaar Monday, July Jones. Mrs. Frank Farinella, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Terenzi, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Tintindo, Mr. & ST. JOAN OF ARC, 16. Annual past presidents' dinMr. & 'Mrs. Albert Lewis, Mr. Raymond Federici, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Todesco, Mr. & Mrs. ORLEANS ner is. set for Monday, June 4. & ~rs. Manuel Medeiros. E.dward Fernandes. The,St. Joan of Arc Guild-will The unit has voted a $100 dona$48 Mr. & Mrs. Earl Fenster- Joseph Todesco Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Vallett, Mr. sponsor a food sale after each tion to Catholic Charities. Frank Hanson. macher, Mrs. Mary Finn, Mr. & & Mrs. Frank Vasanelli & Rose, Mass Sunday morning, May 27 ST. JOHN BAPTIST, $40 Mrs. Salvatore Fiore, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Florence Ward, Miss Maron the church grounds (corner of CENTRAL VILLAGE Mr. & Mrs. Edward Guilletie, Herbert Flaherty & daughter, garet ·Welc!'I', Mrs. Maud Welch. Bridge Road and the highway). The Women's Guild will hold Mr. Cl; Mrs. Joseph Kuzdzol. . Mr. & Mrs. Albert Flammia. Mrs. Mary,Whittier, Mr. & Members 'will be contacted for a rummage sale from 10 to 2 $30 Mr. & Mrs. William Flynn, ,Mrs. Joseph Wolak, Mr. & Mrs. donations. Saturday" May 26 in the church M. & Mrs., Peter Fontanb.·ni, Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Bruno & Monthly corporate Communion hall.. Parishioners' and friends' Family, The Donoghue Family, Mr. & Mrs. Lindo Galanti, Mr. & , Eleo· Zaffini, Mr. & Mrs. Mario. Zaffini. for the guild is' slated for . 9 a're invit,ed to attend. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fernandes & Mrs. Sa~lv.ano Galanti, Mr. & Mrs. o'clock Mass Sunday morning, ST. PATRICK, James alIo. 'J 3 Family, Misses Katherine, Nellie Kansas Arc·hd.·o'cese ' une . . SOMERSET ~ Mary O'Malley, Mr. '& Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. James Garland, ST. iuLIANO; , 'A meeting of parishioners Olive Prohodsky, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Garland, Mr. & To .Build Seminary' NEW BEDF RD planning a lawn party will be W lt St f d & F ' I Mrs. Sat Garland, Mr. & Mn. New Women's Guild officers M a, er an or amI y'Octavio Geminiani, Richard KANSAS CITY (NC)-Archar.e Mrs.. LO,rraine Constant, pres- ,?~ld at 7 ort~ay night, May. 2 8 $ 2 5 . , 'Geminiani. .' bishop. Edward J. Hunkeler of. In St;·JohnFIsher ,House. ·The > Mr & M G g F ' '. ident; Edith Gonzales, secret;lTY; . . .', , . ~', .' eor e arnUl:n, Mr. '& Mrs., Joseph Gleason, -.Kansas Kansas has an- . Janet Francis, treasurer; Nora . house WIll .alsobe. the scene. of - Miss: Celia Lerette, Friend, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Giovino, Miss, nounced plans for esiablishment f Richard cor.responding secretary. t~e lastdobf al d~nesf tOh w~u.sths & Mrs.. Leo Parente, Mr. & Mrs.' M,' Constance Gonya,' 'Mr. & Mrs: of the archdiocese's' first sem, . sponsore . y, a le~ 0 e pans . George Pomfr t & M hI -Installation banquet is set for aJ 8. Thursday mght, May.31. e a on. ' Leslie Gordon, Mr.·& Mrs. Merl inary.; Tuesday, June 12 at Skipper res- To be a May bas~et whist, it is .. ,$20.... Griswold &'Lawrence. He said in announcing the taurant. in charge of Mrs. Frank'Miguel, ,The ,Anto~ca Family, The Mr: & Mrs. Roland "Grover, start of a- three-million-dollar ST. JAMES, chan-man, and Mrs. Edward Atwell F~mlly, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Guerrini, campaign for ereCtion\-of a minor NEW.BEDFORD Moniz, co-chairman. Eugene Bntton, ,Mr. & Mrs. John Friend" Friend, Ronald Har- seminary the Kansas City See is New officers of Msgr. Noon ST. MiCHAEL'S, Casey, Mr. & Mrs. John,Conor., wood. the only ai-chdioces'e in the U. S. Circle are Mrs. Carl R. Ander- FALL RIVER ~r. & Mrs. John Fly~n, Sr. & Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Hilton, Mrs. without a seminary. son, president; Mrs. Theodore .' Installation ceremonies for the MISS Kathleen Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. Sally Horne; Mr. & Mrs. CorneNegotiations are under way to . Gladu, vice - president; Mrs. . . Donald Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. Ray- lius Houghton, Mr. & Mrs. John secure a site for the seminary, of CatholIc'Women are 'd D W II R b t J h' . CounCIl F ran k T . F ranCIS, treasurer; , " . ' mon, e a, 0 er ones. Houghton, John F. Ienello. w IC h WI'11 b e b U1·It·In th e Kan-· Mrs. Benedict J. Harrison and ;et' f~~ ~:3~ Th~;SdaYt mgh; Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kirby, Mr. ·Mr. & Mrs. Albert Inglese, sas City area. It will accommoMr~ Walter McCormack secre-' Tun~ a ted agom s res auran. - & Mrs. John MacLeod, Mrs. Friend, Mr.·& Mrs. Robert Jones, date at least 15{) young men and tarjes;-,'~'---:,,'.', ':'-'-' .c:;J",.,.,•• ' P e sea are Mrs. Dorothy Josephine Repucci & Miss Car Mr. -& Mrs., Henry' Kane, Mrs.' is expected to. be ready' for occu. - -7'ilvarl:!8, president; Mrs. Irene. . .' - __ '-,Annual' banquet wiII, be'"Wed'='" Archambault---- v;ce president. pe D.ePnzu?, )\.1:r, .&_Mrs. Eran~:-.· Barl:iaraKeast. - ~.. - ,:. .-pancy in September, 1964. nesday, June 6 in' the lower ~rs. Isaura 'WeIman, ~ -- secretary; . "II'n RI'dle' M & M W'll' M-r. & M rs. J ames K e II ey M r. : W,--, y'. r. rs. 1 lam .,' church hall. Next regular session Mrs. Lydia, Andrews, treasurer. ' atterson. & Mrs. Joseph Kimball,M~:",& WEAR is set for Wednesday, June 20. I ,-, ,"...--- ' $ 1 5 Mrs. John King, Mr. ,&Mrs. ~~;~';~:~~~, \) ~~LiE~::;:ND PAUL, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Antosca, AAllfbert ~night,. ~r.. &, Mrs;~ Shoes That Fit Tit C' I ,Mrs. Raymond Polak and Mrs. John Bernard, Mr. '& Mrs. Lawred lCuplast. ' ,"THE· fAMILY SHOE STORE'~ e oup ~s.• 'Club annual " ' rence Bryan" Nicola Columbo, Mr.,' &,·,Mrs: Edward Landers; meeting is planned for1t'Ionday, Albert Doucette are in charge of .Friend. "Friend, ,·Mr. &. Mrs. Roland .LaJune 18. a whist ..,.to be' sponsored"ai 8 _ Mrs.' Mary-Faria 8i Miss~Mary -' - . " , Plante', Mr.. & Mrs.' Alp'hy' LeI OUR LADY OF VICTORY, MOl).day night; May ,28 bY'1lh~, Faria, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Finn, . mieux" Mr. &' Mrs: Clarence CENTERVI{;LE . Women's, Guild. .. ~~. -" ' The Gibbons' F~miiy, Miss Mil- Leonard. 95 ~LEASANT STREET The' Ladies Guild plans a New guild. appointments· in- dred Hannon~ Mr. & Mrs, Rudolph Lombllrdi, .fall River, . 058-5811 . Spring tea this' Saturday at Hie clude Miss. Maureen McCloskey, ,.Mr.~ &." Mrs.. Alberl Jackson, The L!)mbardi Family, Henry home of Mrs. Arthur D. Madda- publicity chairmari"Mrs. Alfred. ·;Mr:-& Mrs. William. Markt,: Mr. Loveday, Mr... & Mr.s.John Malena, Pond View Drive. The an- Travers, in, charge of Anchor & Mrs. Howard McRae, Mr: Ir; honey~ Miss Margaret Mahoney. nual roast beef dinner is set for . p~blicity and Mr,S.." Raymond, . Mrs. Alfred Sarro, Friend. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur MarcheSaturday, June 30 in the church DOoley, progra'm chairman. seJli, ,~!.. & Mrs; Virgile"Martin, , ' hall. Mrs..John Connolly and MATHIEU, . . '\ --Mrs. Harold Bragleare in charge.' FALL"RIVER~ , .. ",,;....ST•.·PAUL, ..', '.. ~ .., r-~,-~-~,~~,~---HOLY RO~ARY, . New·officers'of the'CoUncil'Of TAUNTON' . . ,F,4LL . RIVER, . ,; I " , Catliolic. Women" will be iri~he .Parish held --its . Ann~al R _ . The Women's 'Guild will have stalle't(at a bariquet'at'6:30.Suri":· 'F.ather'abd Son Day on Sunday. a I ~ommu~ion ,breal~'i~ljlt fol:- d~y, 'night""Jti'ntr 3t."at ~:White's='~'~'Therewas a 'baseball game, lowmg ~:30 Mass thIS S,l!ndaYrestaUraDbcTheY'~"Mi9S Anna other activities and a'demonSERVICE STATION ~?r\1ing. Rev. Robert ;L. ·Stanto~. ' . Eorcrer; president; Mrs. Ge~Md . stration by To~y Morris of salt " . ~Ill, s.!,e~~ and !"frs. Albert 'Roy Deslauriers and Mrs. Edgar water casting. • 149 North St~eet 16.~haU'maIf:'GU1ld~emb~rs an~ Gagne, vice-presidents; Mrs. A hot dog r0ast and refresh.,H,YANNIS South Sea Sts• chI.ldren .0£ the pansh wl~l par- Richard Teves and Mrs. Ray- m,ents, ended the events with ' Hyannis Tel. HY 81 ticlP~te In Ma~ crowning cere- mond Antaya, s.ecretaries;Mrs. B~nediction bringing the day ONE ;0;.'84'5,ERYICE momes at 7:30 the same evening. Ger'ard Desmarais, treallurer. to,a close. ~..,. ' .J! Mrs. Mary Mildred.
The Parish Parade
.$14 E.
John's Shoe. Store
'M'"',.A.:-T>·H'- ER''S' MOB i L
..L··S"H ELL
South' Attleboro
THE ANCHORThurs., May 24, 1962
Mrs. Mary Laliber,te, Jean Bl- ' ~hard, .Phillipe: Dubuc, Mis. - $450" "Lillian Hood, Mrs. Bertha LetelRev, Gerard J. Chabot lier. , $2~)(i .Mr:;" Josephin~ Lon set t, St. Vincent r'Ie Paul Society , Gerard" Lee, James, Higham, $100 Gerard :Lefrancois, Nicholas ToRev. Roger L. ~agne daro. ", ' . .. ~50 ' Mrs. Thomas Jones, 'Francis Mrs. Paul Bradley , .. Cochran,_ Theodore Bergeron $25 / Theophile Ouellette, A Jf red Manlio Frova, Walter Delude, Benoit. John Pl' "'. Grady' f"i-'ly, . Robert Bartlett, Roland Des-' Robert' Cournoyer, ~ Louis Des- mariiis, Ernest Parmentier, Wilmarais. liam Goff, Edward Tedesco, Mrs. $20 Eva." Courtemanche. ' Mrs. William Wall & family, Theodore Meunier & faT!"''', Lee Casper, Louis McBride, Philip .. Buzzards Bay , I Morris. ' , $15 ST. MARGARET Leo Lyons, Mrs. Irene Pitas, $700 Ro\"::lrt Laliberte, Vincent AnRev. David A. O'Brien drews, John C~sserlY. Cliffor~ "'··~lns'.· Roy Lang$100 lois, George T e d i n o . ' St., Margaret's Conference, St. , . '$12 ·Vinc.ent de Paul Society , Warren Kohler ' $75' " ~v. Francis ,L. Mahoney ,, . '$10 ,', "50 , Charles Balser,- 'Mrs. Idliria <' Silva, Lucien Viens, MiChael"' , Mr.,& Mrs. Thomas Masterson Haneu'ich, Barthelemi Ayotte.:' Jr., 'S'S., ivlargaret & Mary GuUli, 'Robert MiUk, Robert Foley, Oyst~r Bar' ~ Thel!tre Pa<;kage ~ymond T~":1tiay~' Mrs. Eva Store, Mr. & Mrs. William Duhamel,' Alexander' BEHand;" .' Brady. ' • '. $40 ' P~nrY Rivard,Edward Mes-': Mary' & Pearl B~rrows sier, 'Thomas Higgins,' Lionel' , " ,$35 ' ,Paq'lin, Jean Laliberte. , ' . .' A Friend ,'.' Hector 'Benoit, 'Herman "T\u~ "',' .' puis, William ~'')yle,' Jr., Bernard' ." . ~30, , Nabach, Gerald Brogan': ';, j: Bishop Daniel Feehan Council Henry :Lambnta~ne; ''Forest No. 2911 K. of' C.' , . ' , .. Jennings, Mrs. H;enry 'Duffy; . . ,~5; , D'ominiq~e' :.('urcotte; G e'o r g e . Tiny Jim's Town Club, Mr. ,',& ' Reddington. . :' , . ,Mrs.. Richard Ward, A Friend. C Alphonse' Chain'pagne, . Ed": . ' $20 ward Thibeault, William Cauley," Mary Owens, A. James Reen, John 'Kenny/Willhin Choq~!ette.' Mr. & Mrs. Ameruso, Lt. Donald' Jesse Armell, Jr" Jesse Armell, '-D. Pratt, Maj. & Mrs. Reginald Sr., ArthurG!ode, Mrs. Minnie Stark. Forest & family, 'tionel MandeA'Friend ville. , S15 , " Horace Courcy; ATthur Duba- ' , Mr. & Mrs. Charles :Fuller, Mr. mel, Mrs. Adolphe Guimond, . & .' Mrs. Arthur Kennedy,. A Mrs. John Lynch, 'Maurice FrIend. . '
$25 Mr. & Mrs. George M. Lemos, Mrs. Lucinda Rose, Mr. & Mrs. John Ferreira, Catholic Da~gh t~rsof AI?erica, Mr. & Mrs. Au-, gustus Reis. 520 Mr. & lVj:rs. Edward Dahill, Mr, & Mrs. Cyril Patrick, Mr. & Mrs. ,Arnold Dwyer. ' $115 Lands End Inn, IyJr. & Mrs. Isadore li'erreira George Leyden.
$10 , Mrs. Mary Cayton, Mr. & Mrs. Powell. 'Murchison, Mr. & Mrs. , Warren Silva, Mary E. Morris, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Veara. ' Mr. & Mrs. James Cordeiro, Mr. & Mr!l. George Zuck, Mr. & Mrs. Louis O. Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Kacergis, Mary J. Jacobs. Robert Kelley, Mrs. Mary Rovre, Mary Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Harding, Mr. &. Mrs. Frank Ar,esta. Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Denl)is. Mr.. ~ J,VIr,s.Ge9,J;ge Silva; Mr. & ,Mrs., ,Edward' L., Silva, Mr.- & ,Mrs. 'F.-ranl;~S, E. ,Silva, Mi'. &' , Mrs, francis E. aogers. ' . , " Mr. &: Mr$. Joseph Dirsa, Mr."" 'MISSION SECRETAiuAT LEADERS::Father John J & ~~·s. Domingo Joseph, Mr: &" , Considine:,M.M., New Bedford 'native ,who is direct~r of th~ Mrs. F. E. Days, ~rs. Rose Pedro, Mrs. Annie L. Silvia. ' ', , NCWCLatin America Bureau, and Father'Frederick' , Mr. &:; Mrs. Joseph Stephen~'" 'McGuire, C.M., ",vill play important' roles at the'Institute for Mrs. John 1. King, Mr. & ,Mrsl . ' International S'ervice' which will be 'conducted this Summer' Warren" Crawley Mrs: Carol' Janq'pplis, Mr, ,&, Mrs., Willis W. at Seton Hall University,. in SouthiOr~nge,N.~. Carlo,s. ",,: .','. David,Bessom,-George. S. Duf-, Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Merrill Mr. & Mrs. ,Arthti~ D. I(~mp. \ Mr. & Mrs. Louis 'Houdelette" fy, Se'i' JosephCaurant, John B. 'Mr. & Mrs. Harold Sou Its, ~. 'Mrs. Manuel Coelho, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Pm1i~'A'. Fish, Mr. Weidler, Harriet Deschamps. H~rnaldo R. Kelley, Leo Barry, Joseph It. Perry, Mrs. Nellie' & Mrs. Armand Bedard; Mr: &' , , ' ,Mrs. Robert Fougere,Mr,' & Mrs. 'MarGel Norgeot; George,~uffy" Tarvers.,' " 'h K' " Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Volt<)fi, Mrs. J r., J Qsep Harl'y Rdbbins. mg,. " M B ' , a r y , rowne. . Mr .. & Mrs. James ,'Carasurda, Elwyn Doane, John, Leary, Dr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph, Scully, A James H.Leach, Leroy A. Babbitt, Robert Clark., Friend, A Friend" A Friend. Joseph, L. Silansky, Yvonne A Friend, A Friend, A Friend, A Friend, Mr. &, Mrs. Alcide Backus, Emile, DeVille, ,Stanley ~~ Smith Alfred Steinmetz. • Mrs. Rob e r t SoutH.worth,' Mr.. & Mrs. Alfred Bonin, Mrs; Cormier. I:st. 1897 , Helen' Conlon, May Hogan, The McDermott-Bernabei FamRobert Biziak, William LaPatricia .Milligan, Mr. & Mrs. ily, Charles W.' Ehman, Mr. & John O'Hara, ,Edward Benz, Sr. pointe, Mack Vogt, ;Jasper LumEarl Van Meneren, Mr. & Mrs. .Build~rsSupplies bra. Orrie Dean, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Patsy, Mr. & Mrs.. 2343 Purchase Street Augustine Dentino; Mr. & Mrs. John McNamara, Maurice Cardoza.' . Provincetown, Clark. New Bedford Des mar a i s, Leonel ,CourteMr. & Mrs. Harold Marston ST. PETER THE APOSTLE Mr. & Mrs. RaYlllond Pinault, mancke, Mrs. George Stewart, . $10 WY 6·5661 $250 Leona Blais. , ',MI'. & Mrs. Joseph V. Zlbgar, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kolbert, Mr: & Mr;s. Thomas Dtinbury, Mr. & Rev. Leo J. Duart Jos:ph Tar~ey" Mrs. Mary. ,lVIr. & Mrs.. Edward Crosby, Mr. Mrs. Norman Lehner, Mr. & Mrs.' , $100' Shackle~o~, Roland Gagnon" & Mrs. Albert Sacht, William Frank PascJ.1.iini. ' : ", The COQ-firmation Class Herve Fournier, ,Joh~ Leonard. De~ey & Maureen Smith, ,Mrs. Anonym'ous" ' Mrs. Audrey Hoole;' Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Joubert, Mrs. ,Alfred Angelina Monteiro. . A Friend Danho, Ge'orge Demers, Gerlad" Mrs. Earl Rich, Mr. & ,Mrs. "Frank Ohman, Mr. & Mrs; Milton __ ' $50 "NEVER \.ET \T BE SAID Rogers"Mrs. 'John DUke Mr. & Brillon, Michael Pierini. ' Peter,Andrews, Mr. & Mrs. John I DON'T GIVE "'V FAMll't' 'Mrs.-,John'McElroy. Rev. ,Thomas C. Mayhew Ida Gavlik, Hector Lafont,aine, Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mrs.Sarah . Schroeder. Mr. & Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F., Perry'" 'THE, BE'ST OF CARE.' Anna Gavlik~,Mrs. Valmore La-, Dowd; 'William McCoy., ,,, I AlWA.VS GET OUR. \. fontaine,P~trick ,~yrnes. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph ,G. Lopes, ,Mrs. "tvIanuel Souza; Mrs. Donald', Mrs. Mary Johnson, Norman Mr. &, Mrs. Paul Govoni, Mr. &, Littlewood,' Mr.·. & Mrs. ,William PREStRIPTIOMS F.1LlEO, Ai' "ENJOY St. Germain, "M~cliael Osienski, Mrs. James P. Walsh, Mr. & Mrs., ,i3utler,-Marcel P o y a n t . z MT: & Mrs. Augl,lst Cristofori, Francis Burns, Alfred Gervais: Charles Ellis, Mr. & Mrs. Doug,'BiETTER ~rmand Moreau, Oscar Palas Taylor. . ' " ' , ·Mr. & ,Mrs,. Ernest M. Fprni"Mr.,. PHA~MACY & Mrs. George' Car9n, ~r. '&'. qUID, Albert, Boudreau, 'RayMr. & Mrs. Lawrence Ellis Mr. .HEALTH , Mrs., Frederick Manamen, ,Rich-,' mond Tomlinson, Fred RaJ}inos. & Mrs. Richard Rogers, John ard Beers. .' " THE'('R,E so DEPENDA8lE f Frederick Jones, William Gal-.· Dellea, The Facchetti Family, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Secreast, Mr. ligan, Alice Letourneau, BarMr. & Mrs. Earl Reynolds. thelemeus Healey, Joseph Bailey. Ursula M. Whig, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs, William ~Cuskee, Mr. Holy Name Society.. Henri Charles Tucy Jr., Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Jo!)Cph J: Lopes, Mr. & Morin, Mrs. Anna Taylor, RoEdward Kenney, Thomas Mas- Mrs. 'Julio Lopes, Tony Viera. 'Mary Baptiste, Mrs., Dorothy land Cote, Edward Hauser. terson, Mr. & Mrs. Fred McPina, Mr. & Mrs. Amos Fernan-, Emerlad ~vesque, A I die Comiskey. Grenier, Anthony Quaglia, Roger Raymond A. Boucher, Mr. & des, Michael Chantre, Mrs. 'Fran- ' , Benoit, George Busby. • " Mrs. Kenneth Luce, Mr. & Mrs., ces Silvia. Kathryn'if'ernandes, Irene AnDaniel Mahoney, Lyle,~ood- Charles Tucy Sr:, Mr. & Mrs. ~nd head, Thomas Leedham Jr., Al- John Cook, Mrs. Annie Eldridge. drews" Mrs. Olivl!! Gomes,. August Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Julio RodSAVE MONEY bert Colaccio, Jean Morisette, Mr. & Mrs. John Bourne; Mr. erick. Mrs. Emile Gosselin~' ,Aime & Mrs. Frank Rocchi, Mr. & Mrs. Turgeon, George Erban, Walter ""Wilia,m J. Larkin, Benjamin Fer- . , Mr.,., & 'Mrs,., ~ugene Lopes, Drink Frank Lopes, Mr: & 'Mrs. Robert Kloc, William Reo. .' nand~s" Wilfred Fortier. " Andrews, Mrs..M:;l'fy Fortes, Mr. , Harold Laushway; Lucien 'Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Wills Mr Vaillancourt,· James Mann, AI& Mt:s. Ronald Coghlan, &. & Mrs. Thomas Souto. &' fred Strack, Wanda StelIJlack. Mrs.COarles Allen, Mr. & Mrs., , Mrs; Mary T. Rose, MILK Jeannette Lapointe, Raymond Ja'mes' Duggan Mrs. Mau'vteew- Anthony Andrade, Mrs. Antone Baptiste, Nicholas ,K. Fernandes, Lalime, Herbert Irving, Phijippe Smith: " ' ' Barrette, Henry Gawlik. , " Mr. '& Mrs'. Edmond Villani, ' ¥rs. Charle,s Tomkirison. , .' Mrs. Yvonne O,~le,tte, RiChard Mr. ~" Mrs. Howard Lynch, Mr. Swansea os 4·4601 Crook, Edward PlOn, Mrs. An..;, & Mrs. William Connors 'Mr. &' drew, McLean, Mrs. Beaupre Mrs. John McManus, ~r: & Mrs. ' ·,Tauilto"~t2.4629 , , . McEleneJ/:. .., I John Karl. , ST. SQAN ,OF ARC, Mildred Kelly, Joseph Boyle, ' ,Mrs..Joseph' Bickley, MI'. & : $125 Ambrose Corri~an, Anthony Mrs. Eugene ..,Sweeney, Mr:& Rev. J am:es E" :Lynch Moskalski, ~rnest MajOll: Mrs. John 'Gray, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gawlik, Robert, HanCharles Lindberg, Mr. '&: Mrs. ", , .",$50 naway, Robert Trevett, 'Sfgmond William Sweeney.' . --:', '~",.' ReV: ;,'.F,ranci~, M;..coady'", Kaczowka, Sylva Messier. ,Mr. & Mrs. John Delsie,Mr.' ; Frank Sellew. " Edward Globe, John Case, &,i Mrs. Thomas Wenzel, Miss Emil~;' Ollivier, . ,,' ,.~, ' $25, ' Victor G 0 sse 1 i n, Christian Francis Doucette, Caldara's Bait Mothers Confraternity, DOnat & Boat Shop,Lindsey's. James & "Gertrude Clancy Labonte. , White Rabbit,' Th~ Stanley' I $13 Albert Gingras, Thomas Fen- Pharmacy, TucY. Bros.,· Mr. & Fred' CareY ton, John Young, Mrs. Catherine Mrs. A. Clayson Tucy, Ma's'Do,', $U Beaupre, Maurice Boisse. Nut Shop: " , ,Leo Gallagher .. Levi Monast, Ludger Ouellette, Red Wood Motel, 'Inc:, Baker's $10 Albert Parent, Norman Vachon, 5 & 10c Store, Mr. & lVPrs. John Henry Fitzgerald, Helen CarThomas Kelley. Bosnengo, Mr. & Mrs~ Iginio ron, Ronald Carron, Leo Gill, Mrs. Sophie Carter, Mrs. Ola Sassone, Mrs. Hazel Mecchi. James Davis. Moss, Mrs. Aurore Rajotte, Mrs. ,Donald MacCormack, Mr. Walter Gavin, E. J. Oles, Paul Joseph Lunderville, Joseph & Mrs. William Gregg, Mrs. H. Riordan, Mr. & Mrs. C. ,VanSears. Thomas Wallace, David Fannon, asse. John Dove.
S'tu,rtevant & Hook
,",TOU,HEY'S . ,
MUlTI- VITAt~IN ,{leis~'s
• .\'
._', . ':1 ::--:' ::. .•
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 24, 1962
,M~ke Reparation' No~
Disc;uss Religion as Factor
God Love You
,'In Presidenti'aICampa.igns
By Most Rev.
J. Sheen, D. D.
SlnneN in 'the world ,know misery wiithout mercy, for they know not God in the inner unhappiness of their souls. The converse is often true of sinners' in the Church. They may know mercy without misery, for they, receive the pardon of God b.... do not take on extra penance for their ams.
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy In Religion and the Presidency (Macmillan. $6), Edward J. Richt~r and Berton Dulce discuss religion as a ,factor in presidential campaigns back to the. time of Andr~w Jackson. Study of the, subject leads them to ass~rt that religion' has figured In the intervening decades' prominently in an ~verage there' has been, as the authors one out 1>f three such cam- point out, a change. True, in paigns. Their book is pri- the 1960 campaign I a certain
, '.
,- Forgiveness of sins and reparation for sins are not the same. You may forgive me for stealing your watch, but you would certainly, exp'ect me to give it back. to\ you. , That is why Our Lord not only gave the Church the power to forgive sins, but He made '.'Penance" the subject' of His first and last sermon to the world. If you drive a nail into a board every time you do wrong, and then are privileged 'to take the , nail out every time you do right, you will 'find. that the board is full of holes. The Sacrament of Penance, pulls out the nails, but only reparation, penance and sacrifices' will fill iIi the holes. Purgatory awaits those ,who have their sins forgiven but who have not duly atoned for, those sins.
,marily prompted by 'the fact amount of' abysmal Know':No'th,that, again in 1960, the religious 'ing prejudice and propaganda showed itself (for ,example, the question was _ancient, utterly discredit~<i'book raised, and that , which Maria Monk 'wrote in the in the election early 18QO's was revived). of that year a Catholic was There were those for - whom for the first the Mr. Kennedy's membership time chosen for in the Catholic Church rendered SIGNIFICANT: The canthe presidency. him unfit for the chief magisThey see the tracy. But m,uch more oft~e op- onization of St.' 'Martin De' "--"latter as a sign positio~ felt it necessary to give Porres was of special signiWhy put off repairing for your sins of progress and an explanation' of the reasons ficance to Brother Martin until the next life? Begin now. And do it iin such a way that you ,of maturity supposedly responsible for their attain the maximum ,of merit for your actions. Here is how: achieved,' stand. No longer did it suffice to Boags, a native of Charles1. Let your penance have something to do with giving ton, S.C., and the youngest They scarcehurl "Catholic" as an epithet. the Faith to others, since your sin was a failure cof both your ly expect that the 'religious issue 5esides, in the most recent member .of "..the Benedictine own Faith and morals. ' , will 'never again be stressed, compaign, there was' ',a certain community at Belmont Ab2. Make your sacrifice anonymous and give the value of much less do they feel that anti- defensive not in almost all the your sacrifice to the one who represents Christ, so that the Catholicism, will nev~r again be speeches and' literature which bey, N.C. NC Photo. " reward may be saved for eternity. a force in politics. But they are brought up the religious issue 3. Give it to those who have nothing; therefore, God willi certain that a milestone on a against Mr. Kennedy. ' , have to reward' you. ' , definitely upward path has been The speakers and writers were , Continued from Page One These' three conditions are fulfilled when you: passed. at great pains to dodge, or divest 'progress in five areas of concern, 1. Aid' the Missions of{ the world Almost one-half of the main themselves of, the appearances Z. Through the Holy Father and The Society for the body of 'the book is devoted to, of bigotry. Bigots many of them "a great step will have been Propagation of the Faith taken towards an understanding the Democratic primaries pre- undoubtedly were, put they in3. Which allows the Holy Father te decide where your ceding, the 1960 nominating, tensely wanted not to appear so. with both Orthodox and Angli, charity ,will' convention, the ,campaign, the: For, as the authors' see it, one can churches.'" He identified these areas, election, and something of its could not proudly wear the title aftermath. Mr: Ken ned y is in 1960 and expect to get a,re- _ 'which' he' said ""thoughtful GOD LOVE YOU to M.M. for $50 "May the Holy Father use , clearly the· dominant figure, in' spectful' hearing, as least in most Roman 'Cathi>lics" hope will be it as he sees fit." . '. . to :Anonymous for $10 "I am a Hungariam.' considered by' the council, as: these pages. 1) A' redefinition of the and send this offering' in thaiutsgi"ing for baving safely escaped ,But other,' earlier presidents quarters. papacy in its relation to the epis- from a Russian prison." •.. to Mrs. A.H.T. for $15 "As' a' convert and candidates get attention, and Dangerous Social Foree, " w~o has found, great happipess 'hi the Catholic Church, I wish'to it is against the backgroudn of, , Still again, the book ma~ copate.. '. share its blessings and graces with' 'others." . . . to M.E.G. for 2) A reexamination of the history that the happenings of tains that th~re had been this: "extreme centralization" of the , $4,403 "This sacrifice is offered in 'honor of Our Lady of Fatima, 1960 afe set and judged; shift of grounds, in the attack Roman Catholic Church and the Fatima message and the rosary." . . . to Susan C. for SUI on a Catholic candidate: that, Know - Nothing establishment of a system of "This is half of the money I have ,earned. 'Please use it for whereas at one time the Catholic For example, a little over a ,Church was represented as, in patriarchates with "substantial children who are not so fortunate as I.," , hundred years ago, in the mid- 'itself and by its nature, inimical autonomy." 3) A revaluation of MariaTelevision viewers spend the summer months watching 1850s' the crudely anti-Catholic to, and irreconcilable with, "repeats." Let us then repeat our love of Mary by placing OUR faction styled the Know-Noth- traditional, American principles" nisID. and the cult of the Blessed LADY, OF TELEVISION atop our sets. This figure of Madonna ings was at the height of its, and institutions, now it' was Virgin. 4) A restatement of the and Child, constructed of unbreakable white plastic with gold'power. In 1854, it precipitated i represented as dangerous as a nature of the church in terms of colored cross and halos, reminds· us that as Mary gave the Divine demonstrations and riots in : broad social force. the New Testament.' Woid to the world, so television projects the human word. Availmany' parts of the country, and' 'T'hat is, the Church was not' 5) The liturgy, or worship, able in ll-'~nch ($3) Or .I-inch ($1) models. Se'nd your request succeeded in gaining control of' and corresponding offering to The Society for the Propagation a number of state legislatures' as ' .opposed as a religious institution of . the church in the common of the Faith, '366 Fifth 'Avenue, New York 1, New York. well as electing its men to seats ~r for ,its beliefs or practices, tongue. but for what was regarded as in the national Congress, " Bishop Higgins said Angli-, views as to social, phenomena The Know-Nothing success which' were at odds ..with pre- cans "would gladly acknowledge the Pope as first among equals"; prompted Abraham Lincoln, still ' vailing mores. Cut out this 'COlumn, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to the believe in autonomous prov- Most Rev, Fulton J, Sbeen, National Director of the Society for a lawyer' in Illinois, to write in In short, the authors contend, . inces; venerate the Blessed'Vir- the.Propagation of the faith, 366 Fifth Ayenue, New York 1, N, Y., a letter, "As a nation, we began by declaring that 'all men are the hard and jrreducible' fact gin; see a need, to 'understand or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINB created equaL' We now practi- that ours is a pluralistic society the New Testament church more 368 North Main Street, Fall River, Mass. cally read it 'all mEm are created had, by 1960, come' home to, and thoroughly and they always equal' except negroes, and for- been accepted by, a 'majority of have believed woi-ship should be ' YOURS TO LOVE AND TO GIVE! ' ' , ,/ in the vernacular. eigners, and catholics.' When it Americans. the life of a DAUGHTER OF ST. PAUL. love God Need Own Renewal cOllles to 'this, i should prefer ,1928 Campaign more, and give to lOuIs knowledge and love of The Bishop cautioned that emigrating to some, country God by serving Him in a Mission which uses the'where they make no pretense of: ,The authors find a strong con';' Episcopalians "also need a renePress. Radio. Motion Pictures and TV. tei bring loving liberty _ to Russia, for: trast brtweeri' the campaign of wal" in that their organization His Word to souls everywhere, Zealous young instance, where despotism can 1928, when Alfred' E. Smith was and practices, which, are too girls. ,14-23 years interested in this unique be taken pure, and without the: the Democratic nominee, and loose and weak in contrast to Apostolate may write to: base alloy of hypocrisy." that of 1960. FOr one thing, the the Roman Catholic Church. His REVEREND MOTHER SUPERIOR issue was a "whispering" one in criticisms of Anglicanism in, DAUGHTERS Of ST. PAUL , Assa'U Fr~mont 1928 and the Catholic candidate, cluded: 90 n. PAUL'S AVE. BOSTON 30. MASS. Two years later, the Know- although certainly never disa"We ,have too dispersed an Nothing i n flu e nee counted 'vowing or playing down his re- 'authority to be of much pracheavily in the presidential cam- ligion, did not discuss'the issue tical use. ' paign. The Rep,ublican nominee so ea'rly, often, or forthrightly. "Our 'canons are mostly a was John C. Fremont, famous ' During the pre-convention, series of pious proposals with for his trail-blazing in Califor- ' months ~I(r. Kennedy brought little practical means of en,Savings Bank Life Insurance nia. . ' the subject up and spoke pl~inly 'forcing them. Real Estate Loans Fremont, who was an Episco- about it. He launched his cam"We need ,to be rE!minded, palian, found himself assailed as" paign with a reference to it. He bishops, priests, deacons and lay Christmas and Vacati~n Clubs a Catholic Or as at least favor- ' did not evade it at any time. It people, that it ,is the historic able to Catholics. i'Political car- : is the 'authors' 'opinon that, i'I1 faith of the church that Our Savings Accounts toons depicted Fremo,nt standing the main, he handled it in Lord was born of a Virgin. 5 COf1!venient' Locations before a line of various individ- " masterly fashion. "We have too little (discipO3ls, including a Negro, a CathIt is -the authors' conclusion line), both for' clergy and laity. "There are still too inany Anolic priest, a 'free lover,' a that recognition ,of pluraiism is laborer, a 'women's righter,' and at last a fact. They see, as well, 'glicans, clergy and, laity, who a 'Puritan Prohibitionist' - all a general' agreement to lang- are not even committeed to their of whom were being told that established constitutional princi- o~n church's particUlar missionth.ey, ~ould' be granted their pIe and the intent of the law of 'ary enterprise, let alone to the WIshes. the land. They discern as well a church's total mission." <., , Fremont, of course, was de- measure of, if not religious in, feated. But, a century later, the differentism at least of convic- Voic'esConfidence Famo.,. Reading HAR~ COAl campaign is 'still of interest be- tion that a' universal and mild, In Clergy, Laity cause, then it was sufficient to religiosity' is the American NEW ENGLAND COKE accuse a mim of being a Catholic ideal. ' NEW YORK (NC) .- Arch'DADSON Ott. BURNERS to rouse fierce antipathy and opThis latter they do not them-' bishop Joseph F. Rummel Of 24·Hour Oit Burner 'Service position. selves approve. What they want New Orleans has voiced confidence in the loyalty of the is perception, and agreement to, 1960 Campaign Charcoal Briqu." the hard side' of pluralism: clergy, Religious and laity of his Fremont was no't asked what I namely, that religious differ- archdiocese. Bag Coal - Charcoal difference being a' Catholic ences are genuine, run strong Archbishop Rummel, whose (which he actually was' not) and deep, and are ultimately of school 'integration 'order has could make in his fitness to hold tremendous importance, but been challenged by militant office. The fact of adherence to none the less, are not permitted segregati<?nistS in New Orleans, , Successors to DAVID DUFF & SON, .. ( Cathollcism was enough to dis- to have political effect or to said he has "many reasons to qualify one for, the.. presidency, embarrass or hobbie anyone believe" in the loyalty of Uw New Bedford WY 6-1271 640 Pleasant Street , politically.. ~ithful of his archdiocese. ill the eyes of many.
Asks' Prayers
'. \,1
go., '
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THE ANCHORThurs., May 24, 1962
Brewer, Mr. & Mrs. Hector Pelletier. East Falmouth $400 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Washburn, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Myers. ST. ANTHONY'S Gilbert Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Milton Laycock, Mr. & Mrs. Marshall $100 '$125 Mr. & Mrs. Chester Bumpus, Jackson, Sr., Mr. & Mrs; Medio Falmouth Cement Works. Pederanzi. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Card, Father $55 Mary' Gaffney, Anna Gaffney, Callahan Council· 4139 Knights Myron R. Tavares family. Margaret Reed, Mr. &' Mrs. of Columbus.' . $40 george Cordes, :L\ir; & Mrs. Cor$7.5 Lawrence Peters, James G. nelius Lyons. Rev. John J. Smith, Rev. Souza. Mr. & Mrl!. John Grenda, Mr. Leonard M. Mullaney. $30 & Mrs. George Faust, Mr. & Mrs. $60 " Mello Electrical Co., Richard Thom;IS Von Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lutoff. Corey. Manuel Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Wil$50 ' $25 Isabelle Cummings, Mr. & Mrs. liam Begley & Family. Art's Red & White Super Mr. & Mrs. Edmond McCarthy, James Conroy, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Market, Antone Costa Realty Co., Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Ashley, Mr. & Beauchemin. East Falmouth Oil Co., Kenyon's Mrs. Paul McDermott, Mr. & $30 General Store, Francisco TaMr. & Mrs, Chester Skinder, Mrs. Bartlett Cushing, David vares. Alves.. 'rex's Gas Station, William Mr. & Mrs. ~aymond Crocker.. Ethel Gallus, Mr. & Mrs. Bonito, Manuel L. Ferreira, Vir_ $25 . Thomas Lutoff, Mr. & Mrs. Edgil W. Jansen, Louis H. Marshall. Mr. & Mrs. Claude Ellis, Mrs. ward Ryba, Mr. & Mrs. Reginil1 Paul Rodrigues, .Frank G. Beatrice Bent; Mr. & Mrs. Frank Loxley, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zor·a. Souza, Manuel O. Souza, Tobey Krystofolski, 'Mrs. Mary' Stott, Mrs. Kathryn· Ellis Nowak, Souza, Frederick E. Ward. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Moore. Mary Monte, Mr. & Mrs. Antone $20 L: J. W. Hurley Co., Mr. & Mrs. Silva, Mr. & Mrs. John Andrade, Lois Abrams, Joseph Bento, Alfred .Pappi, Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. &, Mrs. Joseph Canute.. Manuel L. Corey Jr., Manuel P. MacNeil, Mr. & Mrs.' Antone Mrs.· Dorathea Hatch, Mr. & Dutra, Walter Lucas. Monteiro. . Charles J. De Mello, Gilbert Mrs. George ?ine, Mr. & Mrs. . $20 John DeGrennier, Mr. & Mrs. Moniz, ~UY W. Nickerson, AnMr. & Mrs. William Henry, Mr. Robert Reed, Mr. & Mrs. John tone Ohver Jr., Manuel F . .Ra& Mrs. Robert Kiernan, Mr. & DePina. .' poza, Elmer Robbins, An(onic Mrs. John Alves, Mr. & Mrs. F. Mendoza. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Smith,Mr. Clinton Vose, Mr. & Mrs. Adolph & Mrs. Harold Atwood, Mrs. Joa$16 FILIPIl'l0 DANCE TROUPE: Father Heinz Peter . Billotte. Frank Moniz. quin Roderick, Mrs. Jennie John Galligan, Frank Butler, Viera, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Franklin. Sclioning of Munich chats with a group of dancers from $15 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Maynard, Holy Ghost Society (Women'u Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Houde- the PhilippiIie Islands performing at the German Theater Mr. & Mrs. Harry Rhodes, Mr. lette, Mr. & Mrs. Emile Roberga, in Munich. Father Schoning offered Mass for the touring Division), William Bento Joseph & Mrs. Edmuhd Valley. Mr. .&. Mr~. William Flaherty,. dancers, students at Santo Tomas Catholic University in S. Medeiros, Joseph T. Medeiros" $15 . Abel Mello.. . Mr; & Mrs. Timothy Walsh, Mr•. Manila. NC Photo. _ ' . " , Mr. & Mrs. MigUel Campinha Angelo Pacheco, Michael Rod& Mrs. Jesse Lopes. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hinckley', Mr: .' Mr, & Mrs., Sydney Paterson, '" :phonse Blanchard, Mrs. Yvonne ' M r : & Mrs. Louis Tessier, Mrs. riguez, Jude C. Royals.' . & Mrs. Robert Mdtt, Mr. '&. Mrs. Mr. & ·Mrs. Domingo Andrews, Boucher, Vera Brabrook. '. $12 Edwin Tripp, Mrs. Thomas VolkErnest Precourt, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Mr.&; Mrs. Benjamin Silva, Mr.. Sherman Baker, Mrs. George, ley" WiIUam Walsh, :or. Philip John Andrade, 'Manuel F. De-. Mello. '. . . : Pulsifer. & Mrs. Dennis Mattos, Mr. &. Blake, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bour_ . I: .Wess.nI:lg. Mr. & lI4'rs.qeorge ·St.. John, . Mrs'. 'John Cardoza.' $10 , " , goin, Kenneth Brehner Jr. WllSarah McLaughli~; Mrs. Agnes. Luciano Botelho, Manuel E. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Baptiste; liam Callahan. .'. Francis. ' ' , . " . . Mr.' &·'Mrs.Lucien Pires, Mr. &. , Wellfleet :Burgess, Arthur Andrade Jr Augustus T. Canty, Mary Emerald, Manuel Fermm: . $,12 ... , . Mrsi.'Edward Roderiques, Mr..&Mr.&Mrs. MrS'iAlf .Carlson,' Joseph Carr; 'OUR LADY OF LOURDES dez. ' Mr. ~ 1\I':"s. ~ilenio ~ar;doza, , Mrs.' :Victorio Gallerani, ,Alcina Mr. & Mrs. AugustineCarriuolo, . 0', . Mr: ~ Mrs. N:elson. Step.hens, and Robert .Krystofolski. Lawrence Frye,. Edward ·Gra, ....., $100 Mr.. & Mrs. Richard Kiernan, Mr; &"Mrs. Edward Carroll. Mr. & Mrs. William Nolan. . ham, Antone ¥arshall,. Joseph A Friend Joh.n Peelo; Mr. & Mrs. Walter.Capt. & Mrs. Morgan Childs, , Marshall, Charles Medeiros. $10 A Friend Rocha, Mr. &; Mrs~ ,Joseph Stec, Mr.s. lVIary. Cobb, Mr. & Mrs. Charles DeMello Jr., JohE! Mr. & Mrs.,Henry Fernandes ·A Fdend 'Robert Corcoran, Mr. & Mrs. Moniz, Joseph Motta, Frank lWrs. Georgianna' Wing, ,Mr.. & Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Macomber. $25 Mrs. Clara Stanley, Angelo Dennis ComoIli, Mr.. & Mrs. :f!unes, Manuel Peters. Mrs. Joseph Govoni, Mr. &: Mrs. In memory of. Wm. & Mary John Pimental, William DeLouis'Men4es, Mr.. & ,Mr~. Morrazzi, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Joseph L. Corey J, r . ' Rose P~mte, Stanley Santos, David Pina, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Bento Correia, . $20 Charles O'Rourke: SlIva, Belmiro DeSouza. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Joia &. Fam- Robert Costa, Mrs. Grace Crosby, . Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sullivan ily. A Friend, Rita Rose, Mrs. Rob. Mr. & Mrs." James Crossen, . Louis DeSouza, Lucille DeSr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Yeager, Mrs. Julia Silva & John, Mrs:' Daughters of Isabella Falmouth ert Sherman, Mr. & Mrs. Harry S?uza, Olive DeSouza, John SylMr. & Mrs. Edward Russell, Mr. 'ff'In, Mr.' & Mrs. Jesse CI'rcl'e' No'. 321. " Pearsall. VIa, Manuel Rapoza. & Mrs. James, Doherty, Philip J osep,h Grl. William Raposa, R6bert RodCampinha, Mr.·& Mrs. Stanford I Dr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Doherty, $15 Yeager. . Jean R. Bell, Mr. & Mrs. Paul erick, Fred P. Rose,' Virginia Annie Creney; Mr. & Mrs. Filkins & Family, ],\fr. & . Mrs. . Mrs. Dorothy Douthart Mr. & Mrs. Donald Driscoll, Mrs. Tim- L1.!ssier, Ida :M;. Ormsby, Dr. & Tavares, Manuel S. Bonito. Robert Tobey, Michael' Melloni . Donald. Hasselton.· Mrs. Gerald Hoeffel. othy Driscoll, Raymond Dugan. . Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cardoza Mr. & Mrs. Archibald Reedy: '. Robert Dugan, Margaret Dunn, $12 Mrs. Mary Viera, Mr. & .Mrs: Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kiernan. ,"""I""~ Avelino Andrade, Mr. & M~s. Mrs. Henry Elichalt, Falmouth Mr.. & Mrs. Harold COl)klin Mrs. Grace Russ'ell and John $10 .~ Mr. & Mrs. Francis Farrell' Jr.: Walter Silva,Mary DePina' Auto Sales, Inc., Falmouth Fire. , man's. Association. Mary E. Joseph,~r. & Mrs. Mr.·& Mrs.' Charles Westgate, . Evelyn An~rews.' , Arthur F .. Joseph, i\nthony J .. ~. CO. . ~ Rodolphe & Jeanne Charest, Mr. Mr.. & Mrs: John J. Farrell, Duart, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Daisy, & Mrs. Chris. Sempos. Antonio 'Fernandes, Mr. & Mrs. . Antone Duarte Jr. .' Falmouth Wareham Saving Bank, Alice James Flynn, Mrs. Myron J. Mr: & Mrs. Albert13'ettencourt, . Monahan, Mrs. Ellen Buffington Gaddis, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Made Stephen:;;, Mr. & Mrs. Geo. ST. PATRICK'S ~ Mrs. Alice Bartholomew, Mr. GUsta. . C. Williams,' T/Sgt. & Mrs. , $150·' Mrs. Francis Monahan: Mr. & Mrs. William G. Goss, Wicenzcek, John Silva. ,365 NORTH FRONT STREET ~ St~ :Vincent de Paul Confer- . Mr. &; Mrs.· Joseph Grace, Leo DomiIlga Silva, John Coyne, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. J. Gill, Mr. & Mrs. Esther Kiernan, Margaret & ence. ' Griffin Jr., Shelia Hamer, Irene Mrs. Wm. Roche, Flora Peters $100 ~ NEW BEDFORD ~ Leonard Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. BenMr. & Mrs. Lawrence AntoHamer. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Cusson, Mr: ' ~ jamih Schifino.. . WYman 2..5534 nellis, James Smith. Lt. Stephen Hamer, Dr. & Mrs. Geo. S. Dutra. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Crocker, Charles·L. Holland, Lucien G. Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Valle, Mr. & $75 Jeglinski, Cmdr. & Mrs; John M. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Dayon, Mr. & v''''''''''~ Mrs. Herman Prada & Son, Mr. Rev. William E. Farland, Mr. Joseph~. Lawrence P. Kavanagh. l\{rs. Norman Gil:, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Henry Cerkovitz, Mr. & & Mrs. Gilbert Noonan. Mrs. Florence E. Keenan" Mr. Francis Menard, Mr. & Mrs. Jo- . Mrs. Bernard Rogers. $50& Mrs. Thomas' J.' Keleher, seph Peters. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cristofori, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ames. Knights of COlumbus, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Chisholm, Sadie A. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tamagini & $40 . Herve Lajoie, Roland Lamothe.. Joseph, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Son, Mrs. Margaret Murphy & Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sylvia Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Lauzonis, . Gauthier, Lawrence E. Cardinal, Frances, Mr. & Mrs. John 'Pieo$ 3 0 ' M r s . Lewis Lawrence, Richard Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Tenney. piora, Mr. & Mrs. EiIsworth Anne Viera;.Irene. Viera, ,Gil-., Lopes,. Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Brawn, Atwood. .,., . " bert .Arruda.: .' :;. .... , " . Lumbert, Herbert .McAdams Sr. Alice Leos,' Mr; & Mrs. Joseph Southeastern Massachusetts' Mr. & Mrs. George .Barrett, ".• ' . ' . , ' ....$25. . . Harold' E. McFadden,' Frank Remy, ·Mrs. ·Kenneth Paine, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Reidy', Mr.·& . Mrs:"Fi'~erick English, Mrs.. ' Makeley Mrs.. Matthew Mans..; & Mrs. Wm. S. Caldwell. Largest Independent Chain Mrs. Michael Scalia, Mr. & Mrs. H. J, ·L'ej~vri:l~ James. Q. Lyons, worth, Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Mar..; Mrs. Esther Murchison, Mr. & Carlton Eldridge, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mr~. Joseph B. Miskell Jr. shall, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Me..; Ernest F. Rose, Alfred Rose, Robert St. Jacques. . New Bedford B.argain Store. ,. Adams Jr. Cora Holbrook, Carlsons Funeral We Give Gold Bond Stamps' Mr. & Mrs. William C,l>nnell, Wall,ace T. Pierce, Dr. Norman',:,'James . McCabe,' ·Mr. & Mrs. Home. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tassina'ri, Mr. Starosta, Ric!J.ard Tobin. .. Harold . McCormick, Mrs. .tohn'" Mr. & Mrs. John J. Berrio Jr.,. & Mrs. Thomas Kendrigan, Mrs: $20 McGilvrary,' Peter McNiff Mr.' Mr. &. Mrs. JamelJ Delory, Mr. Theresa Kelly, Mrs. Ann Rose ' '" & Mrs. Eugene Cormier, Mr. & Mr. & ).\frs. Terence L. Dineen' .& Mrs. Frank Mello. NO JOB TOO BIG Brown. .Howland Dugan, Mr. & Mrs:' Mr. & Mrs. Aldo Milanese' Mr Mrs. William Dillon, CoL John Mr. & Mrs. John ·.Silva, Mr. & NONE' TOO SMALL Eident, Mr. & Mrs. Ray- & Mrs. George Morin In M:em~ Sherioni. Mrs. George Cpnroy,Mrs. Norma Paul ~ond K?~spel, Mr. & Mrs. Mar:- ory of Joshua W. M~rphy Jr., Mr. & Mrs. 'Yilfred E. Rogers Fraser, Laura Vecchi, Mr. & Mrs. tin SUlhv~n;, " In Memory of Raymond O'Leary, Jr., Mrs. LoUise Fratus, Mrs. Charles Tamaginl. Laura Silva, Mr. & :L\irs. Leon Mr. & Mrs..'Robert Swallow, John J. O'Meara: Mr. & Mrs. Leo'St. John, Mr. James J. Wall.' .' ,.: Onifrio Papsadora, .Joseph Allm~n, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony & Mrs. John Maloney, Mr. & $15 Pardi, Mr. & Mrs. John Parker,' Ferreura Jr. PRINTERS Mrs. Francis McWilliams, Mr. & Carl Dole, Miss Katherine Ralph Perry, John Pimental. Mr.. & Mrs.. Joseph H. Boyle, Mrs. Harry Devine, Elizabeth & Dugan, Mr. & Mrs. John Giabbai: . Mrs. John Radcliffe, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Chester ConJ.1ors, Mr. Main Office and Plant J"une Beaulieu. ' Jr., Mrs. Bertram K. Hadaon,· Mrs. William Robichaud; Mrs. & Mrs. George E, Berrlo. LOWELL, MASS. Mr. & Mrs. Mario Govoni, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pezzoli, Mrs. Ada. Mr. & Mr~ ...Adam A. Kaspar. . . 'Charles Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. An-' Blesses Gifts Telephone Lowen . Mr~~. AlIce. Kopy, Helene'Ma- tonio Scacca, Joseph A. Sheehan. Guerzoni, Mrs. Assunta Borsari, HIROSHIMA (NC) - Mosaics Milton Steele,. Mr.' & Mrs. GL 8-6333 and GL 7-7500 Mr. & Mrs. ~gneus Veiga and lone, Dr.·.& Mrs. Arthur J .. ' Wagner. Philip Stone, Mr. & Mrs. Austin' given by West German ChanAnnie. $10 Stokes, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Strat- cellor Konrad Adenauer and Auxiliary Plants Achille Govoni, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Alietta," ton, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Studley. stained glass given by the AusAlbert Hagen, Mrs. Ellen Ryder trian government have 'been' BOSTON Rossi, John P. Pulpi, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Claren~ 'Anderson, Wil-;' Gilbert Studley, Mr. & Mrs.' blessed in the Cathedral of Hir- ' !iam Armstrong, Mrs. John Au-' Walter Swain; Mr. & Mrs. Ralph OCEANPORT, N. J. Francis Francotte.· -. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Tas- oshima by Bishop Dominicus' Mr. & Mrs. John Lownej, Mr. gusta Jr., Robert W. Beaver. PAWTUCKET. R. I. Walter ..Bennett, Mr. & Mrs. sinari, Mr. & .Mrs. Frank Ta- Yoshimatsu Noguchi of Hirosh& Mrs. Harold Terpeny, Mr.. & ima. Mrs. Robert Sweene'¥. Amy Norman 'Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. Al- vares. ST. PATRICK'S
Heatin-.g Oils ~ ); and Burners
TI:fE ANCHOR-Diocese ,of Fall: River-Thur~., May 24, 1962
Urges Readjusted Attitude Toward ·In-Law:oProblem
$175 Rev. Howard A. Waldron $50
Mr. & Mrs. John J. 'Pender-gast Sr., Dr., '& Mrs. Allied J. Sheehy.
By, Father John L. 1'homas, S. J.
Asst. Soci.ology Prof.-St. ,Louis Uni.versi.ty
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. O'Brien, Hon. J/; Mrs. Henry L. Murphy~ Mrs: Peter G; Sheaffer. '
"We have an iiI-law problem with a little different angle. Our difficulty' is too much help. We've been married' eight years, and rarely a day passes that 'help' doesn't arrive. My, husband's parents are retired and have never tried to interest therrlselves they' may easily forget that their' in. any hobbies, travel, or constant solicitude may become anything except helping us. somewhat stifling at times. It's getting' to the point " Objective View
'Ann Fawcett, Dorothy Fawcett, Margaret Fawcett, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Griffith, Mrs. Anna B. Hannan. Mr. & Mrs. William Hetterman, John Van Tassell. $15 ,where I detest any assistance at What can you do? First, you Mrs. Matthew' Finn, Mr. & all. We~d like to spend more should carefully examine your' Mrs. Raymond Pendergast, Mr. time with our' o w n attitudes and reactions in & Mrs. Albert Scaramelli. selves and our this matter. It may be that a' $10 c: hi I d r e n. Is more objective view of the situMr. & Mrs. John Aylmer Jr.. there any way ation, taking into consideration Hon. & Mrs. Raoul Beaudreau we ,can get this your in-laws" obvious good inMrs. Roy Beaudry, Mr. & Mrs: point---across ' to tentions, as well as possible Norman Boucher, Mr. & Mrs. the m' without dif~erences in family backWilliam Brown. hurting t 'h e i r ' grounds, may relieve some of Mrs. Eileen Buckley, Mr.' & feelings?!' the: irritation you now experiJoseph Childs, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. My first imence. Robert Childs, Mr. & Mrs. James pre s s ion on ' You may also be nursing some Cleary, Mr: & Mrs. John Conreading you to unadmitted res e n t men t at nelly. " letter, Caroline, having to share the attention of I' Hazel Connor, 'Anne Cross, was that par, yo* husband and children with 'Mary Cross, Mr. & Mrs. Robert ents just can't win when it, others, and it will be helpful to Cross, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dean. comes to the matter of helping fac~ this feeling honestly. Mr. & Mrs. John Dean, Mr. & their children, they're wrong if Further, perhaps you and your Mrs. Anthony DeCrosta, Dr. they do and wrong if they don't. hus,ban.d can 'help them become Frederick J. Duncan, Mr. & Mrs. . . ' However, ,on second thought, I int~rested in other activities or . ' " WINNER , " : ,Gall Dunse, fIfth, grade pupil at' Roy Dupuy, Mrs. Robert Elliott. can, see that you may have a outl,-"ts for their time and energy,. MEDAL valid complaint. Long years of routine hard work SS. Peter and, Paul Sch901, Fall River, is shown with her ',' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fellows, Our contemporary f-amily sys- an'd unselfish dedication to the teacher, Sister MaryCamilla,R.S.M. Gail won coveted first, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Gauthi~r, tem habituates, Us to living in a seryice of their children render prize gold medal.i.nth~,Palnier Penmanship National,Coil- : r & Mrs. Thomas Ga! Jr" Mr. Mrs. Valmore 9uertm, Mr. & , small, relatively closed ,family soII).e older couples quite con- test Junior Division ' , ' " " , , , ' \ ' Mrs. Donald James. ' cir.cle composed only' of father; servative in their outlooks and , Mr. & Mrs. Henry A.' Kelly mother, . and children. When fairly limite<t in their ability to' Mrs. William Kirk, Mr. '& Mrs: couples marry 'they expect to discover new '-interests. ' ' North Attleboro: Paul Lavalle, Mr. & Mrs. John establish a similar unit and may For example, some don't'like Lebel, Mr. & Mrs. ,Wiflred J. be ',quite disturbed if' their to 'travel because they have Mr; Mr. &'Mrs. Ovila' Goyette, SACRED HEART Lescarbeau. .. cherished family privacy' is ne~er tried it. Others will not' & Mrs. Henry Guimond, ,TheoMr. & 'Mrs. Edgar Levesque threatened by others. attempt to take an' active part jn dore ,Guimond, Mr. & Mrs., M~s. Virginia MacEacheron; Cultural' Differences ~a~ish or comihunity organiza~ $350 ' ,Charles Henry, Ellen Jeanheau This is the reason that tlOI;ls and activities because Rev. Joseph S. ~rUe Mrs. Arthur D. Maddalena Sr . & Aline. . ~rs. Mary McDevitt, Mr. & Mr~ American couples find it dif- notpin~' in their' previous ex_. $100' , Mr. & Mrs. Joseph LaBelle, Michael McDonough. ficult to "live-in" with their in- perience has taught them ~ the' Rev. Edmond L. :qickin8QlI Mr. & Ml;'s. Albanie Labrie Mr. & Mrs. Stanley McLean laws or to have their in-laws ,enjQyment to be derived from' ,$60 'Eugenie Labrie. Mr. & Mrs. AI~ Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mello, 'Mr.' & "live-in" with them. In other suap. par~icipation. Mrs. 'Irene Boule, & Eva' lSi fred Lacasse & Cherie, Mr. &:, Mrs. Edward Mundo, Mr. & family systems' and in some : . Best Soluti.on Rosa Bourassa. Mrs. Bruno _Lalanc~tte.1 Mrs. William Murzic, Mr. & Mrs. other parts of the world, thiS Ii am not s~ggesting' that it $25 ' , ' Mr. & Mrs. George Landry, Norman Nault. problem apparently does not 00- twil~t' be easy to divert their atM' rs. Imelda Achin & family, Eleana ,Laplante, Robert· La, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Nikulas, , come so acute, for people are acen Ion to other interests, Caro- Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kirby & plante, Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Nor- Mr. & Mrs. Ubaldo Nugnes, Mr. customed to expect much less lin~, yet it is difficult to see H privacy and much freer com- what other approach you can elen, Mr. & Mrs. RaYmond, mand L'Homme. & Mrs. Stephen B. O'Brien Jr., Mrs. Ariillia Lizotte, Mr. & munication bet wee n related _ 'reasonably take. You cannot chand, Lallier, Mr. Mrs.Mrs. Eugene MarMr. & ~. Joseph B. Orlando, , Mr. & &' 'Francis Mrs. Robert McCall, -Mr. & Mrs. tamily units. ' , sim,ply te1l, them that you'd like Ouellette, Mr. &. Mrs. Peter Henry Marcil, Mr. & Mrs.' Orner Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Perkins,. Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Post Even in our country some to see less of them, for they are T , national groups still very bound to interpret your attitude aU;irian.· ' Martineau, Friend. Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Pendergast, . Mr. & Mrs. Georges Mercure, ,Jr., Mrs. Willis Robbins, Mr. & c;1ose family ties within the ex- as: complete rejection of their $28 tended family, circle, with the love" and assistance, and this ic Anatol Achin family, Mr. &:' Mr. & Mrs. Leo Meunier, Mi'. & Mrs. Joseph J. Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. result th~t the members of the cle~rl~ not what you intend. Mrs. Wilfrid Cayer, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Alemnder Midon, Mr. & Franklin Simmons. Mrs. John Mona, Mr. & Mrs: ' vario~s family units spend a feel you would live to re- Arthur Cloutier, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Mrs: Raymond Stackhouse, Mr. great deal of time together and gret any direct, attack on the Froment, Mrs. Aurore Labrie & Emile Morin:; & Mrs. Joseph Stef,ens, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Paul Neveux, Mr. Mrs. Joseph Terry, Mr. & Mrs. <l!st~bli~ few intimate social 're-, exi~ting pattern of relationships. Daughters.latlonshlps outside the immedi-' , If you can't get, them to widen Mr, ,& Mrs. Henry Larocque, &: Mrs. Desmond Oakes, Mr. & Philodore Tetreault, Mrs. Robert ate circle of relatives. their interests, your best so1u- Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Precourt Mr ' Mrs. Alfred Ouellet Mr. &: Mrs Thomp'son. Lucien Ouimet,'Mr. '& Mrs.Wi1~ I mention this point of com-' tion will be a realistic accept.::: & 'Mrs. Philippe Rainvi1Ie' , Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tierney, frid . Paquin. parative. cultural differences for' of the situation,' together & Mrs. Romeo Yillemaire.' Mr. ~ Mrs. Francis Walsh, Mr. , Mr. & Mrs. Roger Parent two maJOr reasons. First, your Wltp a readjustment of your at$15 Lena Parenteau, Roland Paren~ , & Mrs.-Thomas F. Vages Sr., Mrs. An-laws may be accustomed to a' titude toward it. ' , ' Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Achin Armenda Correia, Mr. & Mrs. much more closely unified exFinally,. it will help you avoid Marie Collette, Friend,Mrs~An~ teau, Mr. & ,Mrs. Richard Peter- Robert F. CrosS Jr. son, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Podtended famil~ system than you' the:, feeling of being stifled by Plante,' Mr.' & Mrs. LeO 'Pqul siadlo.' , have been tramed to expect, and in-laws, if you establish con:" Tardif, Mr. & Mrs. Romual Mr. &: Mrs.' Leo POirier Mrs. Honor President' they conse.q?ently take thei.r geqial social re~ationships with' Thibault. ' , Virginie Poirier & .famil~, Mr. NEW YORK (NC)-The pres_ ~nstant vIsiting and, helping' s?me couples not in the kinship $10 lJimply for granted. ' " cll'cle. ,Also, make' uSe of avail- . Bernadette 'Alix,Mr. & Mrs. &: Mrs. Michel Proulx, Mr. &' i.dent of the African Republic of Mrtl. Roland Riendeau Edward· Requires Deft Handling: abl~' oPpOJ;tunities,' for family, Louis Bardier; Mr. & Mre. Daniel JUnguerte. ,Togo, Sylvanus E. Olympio has ' , Second, although most of uti outings,' triPS, .. and so 0Ii for Bessette;' Mr. &: Mrs. Albert . received, an honorary' doct~rate & Mrtl. ,Raymond Rin~ Mr. hav~ been. raised in a 'sinall such, activitiei .will help' yOu· Bleau,' Mr. & Mrs. 'Joseph ~N. guerte, Mr. & Mrs.' Arthur Roy, ,of laws from Fordham UniverfamJIy umt, and ,modern in- ma*ntain your threatened iden.;., Bonneau'., " ' sity. It was presented by the Mr. & MM. Jean St. Pierre, Mr. university's president, Father dustrialized urban conditions,· tit)'; as a separate family unit. Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid B~ga~lt, , &: Mrs. Maurice St. Pierre Mr. seem to require it, we should be ' ' Mr. & Mrs. Atirele Bourgeois, Lau,..enceJ. McGinley, S.J. • Mrs.· William Schriever' slow to,pass' judgement on other p."'" hAth '. t F"' h Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Carley' Mr . & Mrs. A.lfred Weidon, systems. The various types oi. 0 I~ eSls S Ig t Adelard: C habet' Cordeli~ Mr. & Mrs. A.lfred R: Weldon, ~ elose'-knit, extended family sys- Re'.I,igion .in Hosp'l"tqls Chabot. ' ~ , ' Mr. & Mrs. W'ilbur Weldon. . tems that have been 'studied Mr' , & . Mrs. J oseph "C habot; 'B,ERLIN (Me) _ Efforts Raynald Chauvin" Mr. & Mrs. r evea I some d rawbacks in regard to mobility and individual '"co~nteract,the clerical elements Raoul Choiniere, Mr. &: Mrs. Parish Level, \ 'I -. freedom, yet ,they foster stable which force religious practices 'Charles Clavette, Mrs. Marie CLEVELAND (NC) - Areh,. . . .••. ...... :.......;/ marriages and apparently warm upon the sick" were mapped out Cloutier & Jeannette. bishop Edward F. Hoban of and happy kinship relationships.' at : a conference on hospital Mr. & Mrs. Normand RORtST Cleveland. has directed that all As you probably realize secularization in Poland's north- Mr.&. Mrs. Adrien Courte~ lay apostolate groups' exist on 'a and Caroline, a satisfactory solutio~ western Szczec,in, it was learned manche, ~. &:' Mrs. Edward parish or school basis. The GAtlDEN CENTER , •. to your problem will call for h e r , e . , Dargis, Mr. & Mrs. Horace D81'o grOUP!! are the Christian Family deft, handling of some very deliFakty I Mysli, periodical of gis, Arthur DeBlois. ' Movement, Grail, Young Chriscate human relationships. Your Poland's organized atheists and Mrs. Laura D~grenia, 'Mr. lIE tian Workers, Young Christian husband's parents have good in- free-thinkers, said that the con- Mrs. Edmond Dery, ,Mr. & Mrs. Students. and, :Young Student us McRa St. Plaza 9-3111 tentions, and they would prob- ferj!nc~ brought together several' Henry :pesautel, Mr. & Mrs. Association. ably describe themselves as the hospital directors and represen- Rodolphe Deschenes, Mr. &: Mra; kind of parents who "live only' ta~ves of the Communist party Albert Desilets. ' for their children." anq of the regional admiftistraMr. & Mrs. Dona Desilets, Mr. Serving Saver Because' they are healthy·" tio~ of the health service & Mrs. Gemrd Desilets, Mr. &: active, and now have a, good workers' unions. Mrs. George Desormeaux, Mr. &: deal of time on their hands, The atheiSts' review said both Mrs. Joseph Doiron, :Mr.' &: Mrs. a local atheist leader and a Robert Dubeau. The Specialized Job of a Cooperative Bank hel'!lth service director asserted Mr. & Mrs. Roland d)ubue, , ,GIl'~Il'Iltl's AV~il«lllble that there was "increased activi_' Aime Dufault & Lo,uise, Mr. & ,BOSTON (NC)-The Catholic . ty : by clerical circles" in the Mrs. Gerard Dupuis, Mr. & Mrs. Journalism Scholarship Fund hospitals. These Catholic ele- Roland Fontaine & Joan, Mr. &; VA 4~40S4' has raised $16,800' to distribute in ments were accused of putting Mrs. Frederick Fortin, Jr. . W~NTHIROIP S1f~~ET - TAUN'il'ON grants, Msgr. John S, Randall pressure on sick nonbelievers A F~iend, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph president reports. The dead~ thr~ugh "the organization of col- R. Gelmas, Mrs. Amy Girard & ACIltOSS THIE STREET l?R.OM V~:l: POST OfFICE ,. line for submission of appHca- lec~lVe Holy Communion, visits family" Mr. &. Mrs. Conrad 'tions for grants for the 1962-63 by' a priest, and other religious '- ,Girard, Mr. & Mrs. Fernand ,Wher(tit, p"YS ~o get togetber. services.It ' Goulet. school year is June 15.
. •
Buzzards Bay
the and ,Home Owner
High. School, Seniors Making' Plans F9/r Graduation as Diocesan ScehQo~~ ~lrai'e3iJ' Fi~iH11'~ Busy We~~~ of Y~@[f
THE ANCHOR""7'.DIQCese offan Rlver~Thurs.,May24, 1962
By Clement }l)lowliing
Compare it to the hurricane of '38!. The experience of taking the Catholic University exams, which every student in our 12 diocesan high schools recently did, left limp, wondering and puzzled students. Expressions following' the exhaustive tests included .. "Whew, I'm glad that's over. lighted, the annual induction That was the toughest exam ceremony of the Debrabant I ever took," and"Gosh, they cha~ter 'of the Na~ional Hon~r I
Lk 1 i Society at Taunton.s St. Mary Ii must h ave m is"a en y g ven us High college senio~s' tests." Ne~ly-elected president Mary The Big .WInd has come and Morin presided at an impressive gone but fmal exams prepared candle-lighting ceremony; the by each school are in the offing. first candle symbolizing Christ Most classes are now .in ~e pro-' the Light of the World, and th~ cess of qUcickly 'revleWIng the. others representing Scholarship, past year's wo~k. Almost before Character, Leadership and Serthey know'it, hlgh-schoolers ~ill vice. Joan Riley explamed the be meeting the cha.llenge of fIn~1 significance of each. In attenexams, - some With .confidence dance were Rt. Rev; Msgr. James a~d smiles, others With skeptiDolan, the pare'nts of members CIS~ and fr0v:-ns. and the elltire student body. MIngled With thoughts of exams are the extensive plans of ' Recolle,ctiollll Day diocesan Seniors contemplating Father 'John P. Driscoll" asgraduation, proms, outings and sistant general manager of The the future ahead. Senior week at Anchor, today payS his second Coyle in Taunton is an example visit in a week to Feehan High. of senior activity over the The occasion is a secOnd day of diocese. June 4 and 5 is for Recollection' for the students, seniors' final exams, the 6th for with individual interviews made ' tbe senior prom in the school available to any student with a auditorium, the 7th for a gala question. Feehanites are using outing at Cathedral Camp superlatives in describing Fr. topped by, Honor Night at the Driscoll's. discou,rses and apschool, and the 8th for Award proach to. teen-age problems. Day. The 11th will be 'GraduIn Fall River, Barbara Hart of etion Day honored· by the pre.;; Dominican' Academy has won sence of His Excellency Bishop' the Emblem Club's $300 scholarConnolly. ship which' she wllI use to Bonor Night fUrther her business education. , The D.A. seniors are stlll Honor night at Coyle is the bu;!:zing about their New York moment' when m e d al s are trip which took in visits to the a~ardedto tho~ achieving ~e United Nations, Greenwioh Vilhlg~est marks In each maJor . !age, Empire State Building, subJect, to the outstanding su- Times Square, and_ shopping on dents, in each class base,d on Fifth Avenue. !Cholastic and extra-curricular Graduation expenses. are in excellence, and to the best all- the minds of Fairhaven's Sacred around athlete. . . Hearts Academy. seniors. PlanAwards, are also given . to ning a car-wash in both New National Hon?r. Societ~ Wm- Bedford and Fairhaven for ners, the best In Journalism, de- Saturday the girl have their bating, glee club and dramatics, buckets 'soap and scloths ready and finally, ann01l;nc.em~nt of the to make cars look like new. most coveted" distInction: the Proceeds will underwrite their "Man of Coyle award. ~mners annual banquet next 'I1hursday of_ the recent Dec~amatlOn and at Red Coach Grill when festiQrato.ry awards wI~1 add tot~e vities will be highlighted by occas~on with a ~ehvery' of ~eIr reading of the class will and winning prodl1ctlOns. . prophecy, plUS a recounting of A~C\rd Day is an activity al~ the four year diary of the class carned on in most sch~ls. DI- of "62" re!:tors of the various activitjes . May Crowning present letters and pins to sport' Hoping for fair .weather tostars and ~e most activepartici_ Pilnts in other extra curricwar morrow, the students at Bishop, Feehan in the Attleboros are activities. " ready for their May crowning, • ' Mi~ionCrusadeIi" of Our Lady's statue., With' dog':" Speaking of awards', 'New wood trees' in beautiful bloom Bedford's Holy Family High is all around the statue, the proud of its Linda Ferreira who' campus will provide the scene"' has been cited by the Catholic for 204- Feehanites reciting the, Students Mission Crusade for Rosary. BenedictioJ,1 will follow superior apostolic work during in the auditorium. the school Yea'r. Linda is the lWoIl'e Award Win'ners new owner of an award in the Order of St. Louis the Crusader. Over at North Dartmouth's .. /~Alicein Honorland," a play Bishop Stang High, Gerald Shea presented by the sophomore' and Ronald Roszkwiecz have probationary members, high- brought honor to their school.
CURRENT EVENTS: Officers of Bishop Feehan High School Current Events Club include, from left, Jeanne Brennan, chairman; David LaPorte, secretary; Sharon Foley, vice-president; Mary GjbbonB; treasurer; Kevin .Ma~tin, clerk; Michael Faherty, president. Gerry, a Fall Riverite, is a New England winner in the Future Scientists of America contest for his project ."Vegetable Dyes." Ronnie, a native of New Bedford, ha's receiyed a H) day all expense scholarship to the Bob Cousy Basketball Clinic, an award of the New Bedford Rotary Club whose judging was based on scholastic standing atl well as basketball potential. , AccoLades to .Maureen Hayes, winner of' a $500 scholarship,
from the· Abbott Foundatio~.:~ The Holy, Family senior has scholarship company in, Alice '-ratro, Thomas Wood, Mary Lou Andrade and Jacqueline' Williams who have all won monetary rewards from the 'Catholic Woman's Club of New Bedford. Music from the delightful Broadway s tag e production, , "Sound of Music," will ring out in Dominican Academy 'tonight at the Glee Club concert, di-
recled by Sister Mary Pius, OP. Up at Taunton, St. Mary's girla will also be singing out as their' orchestra and Glee Club combine their. talents in a well:'preo pared production. Elsewhere, junior William Kelly of Westport and soph Jo Anne Quigley of South Dartmouth are in the Bishop Stang spotlight, as they were chosen. King and Queen of the "Springtime Frolic," student government dance. Making news was Dominican Academy's Communion breakUrSl~ C@~tan~(l!rdce fast with Rev. Robert Kaszynskl ,of St.. P3trick's church de'O~~eU"v~[fi)~es -~n Publc~ Sch@@~~ livering a. talk long to be reN ext Tuesday WASHINGTON (NC) - The . tendency of parents to "give in" membered. seniors and juniors at D.A. wlll Washington archdiocesan Union to the whims of their children. of .Holy Name Societies has "Many of today's parents are hold their unique annual bancalle4 for continuance of reli- afraid of their .children," he said. quet at which the juniQrs will gious 'obser:vances in :public "No child has ,ever been harmed orate on the'assets and liabilities schools'. by proper and reasonable pUllish- of the 'depa~ting senior c~ass. Looking Forward Five hundred delegates repre- ment." senting nearly 50,000 Holy Name Looking forward, we find, that He 'also urged parents not to men of the archdiocese voted at be too indulgent in what they Holy , Family, seni9r!l in the their anriual' convention for m give their, children :or. ,alloW' FrenCh Club will entertain. unresolution 'urging- Holy, Name them, "Today:thel'e are sO: derclasSmen with a· play. titled men to oppose efforts to do ,away many: false, standards, of conduct "Hautes les Mains;" the ofwith public school religioUS Cob':;" that parents must not be swayed. fering to . be ,dramatized. as· a servances. Too many parents' have yielded, post final, exam event. ,Square dancing is a new acEarlier this year the Washing- although reluctantly, to custom," tivity ,at Bishop Feehan, with ton Jewish Community Council he said. ,; sessions held T ti e s day and asked area public school boards to eliminate religious holiday University to H@II1~r Thursday evenings. observances and other religious practices in schools. AU@!l'~ey ODDoll1l@ghWle ~~fr . Dr. John R. Cavanagh, WashST. BONAVENTURE '(NC) .:...ington 'psychia'~rist whOa ad- Martin F. O'Donoghue, Wash[Q)@tr® dressed the" convention, "urged irigton, D.C., "i1ttorney ,will de':' tathers to reestablish the'mselv'eS' liVer the: address 'at the '102nd .Plans for the aimual Corporafe as the heads of th~ir,families; graduatiori .exerCises of St. Bon;. Communion and Breakfast for the Alurpnl;le Associ~tion of the. Academy of the Sacred Hearts Ii'" In recent, times, he said, men.. doctorate ,of. ,law&, ' : ' 'are being adVanced by Miss tFlIrr.. n ' It. " "" 0 ' '" (fill; ,,' : ' 0 rr ", . ," have shown a:,re,adiness to, ."ab. .. ' U/lJ l:Jml'kr@U'fUMlIuO@O'\) CM'if ~@M[]i)~Ou'" .... ,:'" dicate" their 'authority in ,the O'Donoghue, a native of the' Ann!,! W. M.cAndrew, chairman. Rev. Robert K/1-szynski, asCHICAGO (NC)-Publie rela. ism and' th€il~see' that news re~ . family. Such a practice is harm- nation's capital, is an alumnus , are given at proper inter- .. ful to themselves,·th elr . 'wives . of . Holy Cross College,. Wor- .. sistant at St. Patrick's Church, tions personnel for Catholic dio- leases h'ld h tat d cester, Mass., and Georgetown Fall River, will celebrate the ceses and religiou,s orders' passed vals before and during the' ,ec\!- an d th' elr c 1 ren, e s . e . University law, school in WashMass in the Convent Chapel at t1 resolution here calling for menical council.' ~Dr. Cavanagh deplored, the . ington.. 9:15, Sunday morning, June 10. widespread distribution of inforHave bishops, especially in the .. . ',', He. has served as attorney for He will also address th<a mation concerning the coming metropolitan' centers, hold 8 Orders Coc~erating a number; of labor unions for Alumnae at the, breakfast. second Vatican Council. more than 25 Years and was Sixty-two public rebitions ex':' news conference before leaying Wednesday,. June 6, is the' after teturning from the To Form: cited as "lawyer of' the year" deadline for the 'purchase of ecutives passed the resolution at and counctl.·" , ,. . ST. BONIFACE (NC) -. Ten by the District of 'Columbia Bar tickets for this affair, and Miss a conference at Loyola Univernuns representing five different Association in 1960. Two of his McAndrew' or any member ,of 'Catholic or N obcd~ . sity sponsored by the Bureau of Information of the National , Wendell l!'. KE!llogg, director' religious orders here in C~,llada. four sons are associated with 'her large' committee may be !U"e cooperating to form a 'tem- him in the practice of law. <;:athollc Welfare Conference. contacted. of public relations' for tl,1e Rock ,porar.y mission community in , The resolution urged that River Conference and the Chi- Braz'il. . '. "Catholic leadership in the cago area of 'the Methodist There are"two nunS from each' United States take prompt action' Church, told the group that of the following communities~: to guarantee adequate and pro- Protestants find, the designation Grey .~uns of lVIontreal, Sisters fessional information services to "non-C~tholic" disagreeable. He of the Holy Names of Jesus and press, radio, and television be- suggested that Catholic public Mary, Daughters of the Cross, fore and during the second' relations men find substitutes for Missionary Oblates of the Sacred Vatican Council." the reference. Heart of Mary Immaculate, and Father Denis Read, O.CD., of .'Use . more words· to convey ,the Canonesses of the Five the Carmelites' House of Philos- the idea," he suggested. "Refer Wounds of Our Lord. ophy at Hubertus, Wis., sug- to the 'general pUblic,' or to The nuns, all from, the St. gested that diocesan members of 'others,' because Protestanta Boniface archdiocese, are sched703 S. Water Street WYman 3--0911 the NCWC Bureau of informa- often are convinced the descrip- uled to leave in July. In Brazil I tion do the following: tion 'non-Catholic' lilt least im- they. will work in two parishes New Bedford _ .J Work for. the formation 01. di- plies that a' person is either a that have a population of about t' ocesan COmm.issiODB OIl Catholk or a nobody.· 40,000 .Catholics.
of Religi@us;
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': .F~the~:~&bdiemte"
MissBon" .
'Orthodox Prelat~ , Says Infallibility
THE ANCHORThurs., May 24, 1962
Pope Johll1 Again Asks for Help For Missions
Unity, Barrier ~NEW YORK (NC)-Archbishop Iakovos, Primate of 'the Greek Orthodox Church in North a.nd South America, •
VATICAN CITY (NC)The missionary 'activity of the Church is among its most . lofty works, Pope John has'
said the' doctrine of papal in:' fallibility' will be the principai barrier :to church unity. at the Second, Vatican Council. " However, in an interview at his residence here, the 51-year':' !lId prelate also asserted that he would "!!ubject doctrine to the primacy o~ unity" and that "in the light of unity, anything can be discussed." , , The strongly' affirmative note !s typical of Archbishop Iakovos, who is' regarded as one of the foremost advocates of unity among Christians Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. Spiri~ual leader of the large'st Orthodox body in the Americas, with some 1,300,000 members, he has been. able to present the Catholic viewpoint to Protestants as one of the six presidents of the World Council of Churches. Visited Pope It was this passion for unity that prompted Archbishop lakovos to pay a courtesy visit to Pope John as his first official act after being named Primate of North and South America in 1959. The encounter was the first between a Roman pontiff and an Orthodox patriarch in 350 years. ' ,Archbishop lakovos said he would not receive a personal invitation to the Vatican council whioh opens in Rome on Octo~ ber 11, but did expect that one would be sent to the Ecumenical Patriarch at Constantinople, Athenagoras 1. . . "If Patriach Athenagoras is invited, I believe he will send' ,representatives," 'the Archbishop said. "In that event, I will be' a'mong those who will represent him.", .
emphasized again. ; 'Propagation of the Faith in the world is a problem of the highest importance both because of its origin and because of its goal," Pope John said. "It is a question of spreading the \ Kingdom of God and the holy Gospel in order that all people witho~t exception may enjoy the fruits of the Redemption and share in the inexhaustible sources of grace of which the, Blood of Christ is the perennial and divine source." . . Increase Zeal This effort, the Holy Father eontinued, demands the clo1lest cooperation "of the whole Church - of the clergy and of the faithful." Noting that the goals of. the missionary organization remain the same as when . it was set up on May 3, 1922, the . Pope said: "They acquire special 'FAR EAST REFUGEE MEDICINAL ,CENTER: Auxiliary Bishop Edward E. Swanimportance today when the attention of Catholics and of all strom of New Yo'rk, executive direCtor of Catholic Relief Services-NCWC, inspects medithose who bear the name of cine shelves at Our Lady of Ma:ryknoll Hospital in Wan Tai Sin, refugee resettlement area Christian is turned toward the in Hong Kong. Left to right, Sister Mara Jose of' New ~ork qty; Sister M. Ignatia of forthcoming . ecumenicil1 counDover, N.H., superior and director of the hospital; Bishop Swanstrom and Msgr. Joseph eil." , Harnett, Far East regional .director. NC Photo. Because of the importance· of ....J. . , . ' ·the work of the mission agency, the Supreme Pontiff observed "We trust then 'that Our vene'r~ able brothers will continue to NEWARK ·(NC)-Gov.· Rich- tendency on, the "part, of some 'jection of the teachings of the promote with· outstanding zeal· ard J. Hughes of New Jer/?ey has Catholics to justify adherence to Church in this area." the increase, of missionary cautioned Catholics not to be right-wing organizations because He explained that the encycliworks, assisting. in every ,way . duped into joining right-wing they are anticommunist. "But it cal Mater et Magistra. of Pope the activity of the well-deser- movements that "have gained a is not enough to be merely anti- John "offers direction to the ving priests chosen as national new and fashionable promi- communist," he added.· West in its confrontation .. with' O!' diocesan. directors." nen&e." , . Cites Enciclical the communists, particulilrly on: Stresses Importance . "For the most part, these are "It ~ay be," h~ stated, "that such matters as .aid to under~eMoreover, said the Pope, "it reckless crusaders against the Cathohcs have falled to call ,the veloped countnes, cooperatIOn is also necessary that work of image but not the reality of comattention of their fellows to the among ~ations and the role of the missionary commissions on munism" said the Governor. demands of social justice and to government in social and ecothe diocesan and parochial levels "This i~age. is shaped to their make· them face up to their re:- nomic affairs.". c,be reinforced in every way, thus nourishing constantly the own dimensions, equating govsupernatural spirit within their .ernment welfare programs with . Socialism, and socialism with' individual members . . ." , Pope John urged all Catholics conimunism." I CHICAGO (NC)-Msgr.Joseph He addressed same 300 labor B. Lux, has been appointed pres_ to contribute whatever they can .' FOWLE~' (NC)-Mexican and' pay. their.own 'way . to Fowler ident of the Gatholic Church to the spiritual and material as""'" and management officials at a Extension Society by Pope John sistance of the missions. "With recent ,dinner' sponsored' .by .American students 'are promot- from MexicQ City. He·said he tried to 'give the .t was announced here by Albert· the offerings collected up until the Guild of' St. Joseph the iiIg . inter-Amerlc!lD 'amity ,and, ., "~G, 1:iuildingachurc~ he,re in Cali- Mexican volunteers .two days Cardinal .. Meyer, Archbishop of now," he declared" "it is pos" ..Worker. Go,,; Hughes said there is a fornia at the sam~ time. off each week to'visit other parts Chicago, chancellor of the socisible to satisfy only: one-third of. the heartfelt reque'sts of the . Nine students from Mexico of California as. guests of dioc,. ety.· , . missioners." He," indiCat'ed in ' ' are now qoing manual labor in esan CFM fam~lies., ' . Msgr. Lux, wno has been ac-' particular the importance' of the ~CitesWorldwide helping construct,' St. L~cy's According to Carota, the inter- tivl.:!· in the societr since 1934, has -annual worldwiqe observance .' • . '. church.. Twenty-one . MeXican nation project has spurred the, been serving as vice president. of Mission Sunday" g~nerallY.on . students have par.ticipated in the formation" of mj. organization. of the society and managing dithe next to last Sunday of Octo-" ,'" '.,. , " ' , ,;~. . ..' work 'since it was started early : ' called the' International. Secular rect()r of,. Extension maga~ine; ber. ;' . WASHINGTON (NC).-:- Msgr.: . in"January.,· ., L" Apostolate, .in which M;exican the society's ·publication'. He sucThe Pope further urged ,an Lu~gi G., Ligutti, recipient of the . The voluriteers usually spend laymen will work in cooperation ceeds' Pie· late Auxiliary ArchCatholics to 'become members . 19.61.Peace Award of the Catho- trom one to two months living. with their bishops to coordinate. bishop' William D. O'Brien ol of pontifical soc Ie tie s for ~ lic Association for Intern.ational and working on the site. They. projects in Latin America. ' '. Chicago; spreading the' . Faith. He con- :' Peace, has called for more real, ., : The society was founded ill \' 1905 to aid the. U. S. home miseluded by urging them all. "to.' ization .by Catholics of the im- are .joined on weekends ~nd holidays by Catholi~ students keep alive hi their miJids the portance of international agen- . from' Stanford University, St. ·sionsthrough· the bliilding of sublime ideal of missionary cies. Mary's College and Fresno State' churChes,. chapels, schools, conwork, which is nourished by ~ The Monsignor, who is the vents and other institutions in Christian Family MoveUI1 IC S rUral and, ,.mission areas. The fervent appeals, by cordial in-' permanent observer of, the Holy' COllege. ment 'tnembers are also working , terest, and by support for the the United Nations' Food" part-:fune ;on the project. . PITTSBURGH, (NC) - Bishop president of the society now adwork of the missions and of the and Agriculture Organi1J8tion" .John J. Wright of Pittsburglh ministers a budget of some two Mario Carata, who Is directing. . million dollars a year for this /the mission press." , , told Georgetown University, gathering ·'the Church must re- . :the volunteer work,' stated that' praised pickets'· whO demon- w,ork. ;Msgr. Lux was bQrn Feb. 25, Mark Anni~ersary' alize the worldwide· importance" the Mexican' students, ~ost of mtrated outside large area stores. of such agencies1astQe FAO, the them from upperclaSs .famili~, wmch ar~ ,oP.¢ri ..98 .1898 ,in Joliet, Ill. He made his •. t, ~ I ;",'1: ." ,.1:.'. Sundays. " . ..... ,st.ti~ieS.· for .the priesthood at Of Texas Missi~n World Health Organization '. ''', , '" '. i. ',i, SAN ANTONIO (NC)-Civic . (WHO) and the United ,Nations 'e'um-S"h''r.·-.' The ,Bishop m' 'his' weekly:' QUigley Sernmary, Chicago, 'and .. ' ,. , .. ' . the North Americ~n College in and historical groups have joined ..Educational, Scientific and Cul- Mausol .1'8dlO br~adc;1s.t sald'the ,pickets, ' Rome, where he was ordained in celebration of the 200th anni- .tural Organization (UNESCO). In P,lanning' Stag.'e were' "bearing a witness to III on Dec. 19, 1925. versary of Miss!on Conception,' . "These agencies make studies oldest church in the nation dedi_ and surveys and out of these' / , CHICAGO (NC)-A Ca,tholte tradition deep in the moral and eated to the Immaculate Concep- comes the 'action of individual . mausoleum-religious shrine, 00- ethnical heritage of our people." to Attend .The pickets appeared on the. tion. states'," said' the Monsignor. He. scribed as the largest' of its kind ST. LOUIS (NC)---:-Some 10,000 in the country, is pla'nned fO!' opening day of Sunday ObserArchbishop Robert. E.. Lucey Of ',ur~ed "agencies like the CAl? . students and adults are expected San Antonio px:esi~ed at. the sl,1<?uld ~tress tI;te importa.nce of Queen of Heaven Cemetery ill vance· Week, a period set. aside to attend the Summer Schools to center attention on Sunday as.; Solemn Pontifical. Field Mass, th.~se· m~r?at~~nal bodies to suburban Hillside. '-4\lbert"Cilrdinal l!Jeyer, 'Arch-; a day of rest, worship and fami- of Catholic'Action sponsored by offer~d by' AuxiliarY ,Bishop ~..S. C::athohcs. . , ~ishop 01. Chicago,,~d the edi- ly unitY. Sixteen religJous, labor, the Queen's Work, central office' Stephen A. Leven' of. San An- . ·Re~er~ing. to the Rome .F-!\O . fice is being erected Oft a site , business a'nd veterans organiza- of the Sodalities of Our Lady tonio. Cooperating in the bicen- office, Msgr. Ligutti said its chief here. tennial observance and taking' putpose is to "make' the work adjoining 'two similar buildings tions . ..:re:'~pporHng·theobsElJ'oo which were completeciiJi 1957 ,'flince; . . ..' part in a procession to the mis-. Qf i the FAO known to mission''StDeere Reasons" sion for the Mass were the San aries throughout the world," and. .and, . 1960; - arid '·serveCatholie. . BishOP. Wright said some' Antonio Chamber of Commerce it:has b.een "very successful" iD families throughout the Chicagc ,·area.· picketed, "for religious reasons, and the local Conservation Soel;,;" "carrying out this function. c· , ety. ',; .,,'. " , The combined mausoleums and some for sOciological' rea,. .' Maintenance Supplies were designed to serVe as a final BOns," but they were all "deeply Foun~ed in Easf!rexiis'in 1716;~ . M"edal' W.onner SWEEPeRS - SOAPS resting place for the dead and II i nee r e reasons" and' were the mission was moved to its 'DI$INFECTANTS present site in 1731. Construction . NEW ORLEANS (NC) - St. to inspire the living by depict- prompted "by n,o.:filctional, in: .FlRE EXTINGUISHERS of the present building was COIn" Mary's Dominican College here ing . ~he etern~: .values of' lite'· 'terest ol any kind.· except the pleted in 1762. Today it is a mis'::' wUI ·present its annual medal through relig~oWJ art, the Car- com:mon good:" sion church of St. Cecilia's par- for distinguished service to edu- d~al said. The building will He' Said the large area stores ish here. St. John's' Seminary, catioJ!" the community or religion house the largest array of re~ 'Which persist in remaining open 18S6 ,PURCHASE ST. St. Peter-St. Joseph's Home, to Andre C. Lapeyre, aJll execu- glous statu~rY, mosaIcs, stain.ed OIl sUnday do so "iQ violation of and Blessed Sacrament Academy tive of a trust eompany and glass art and: original paintingm t!be letter of the law and the NEW BEDFORD occupy land once covered by the chairman of the college board of in any structure of the spirit that inspmes the Sundq WY 3-3786' mission grounds. ~stees. • ~ COUDU'L,it wea stateQ.,. ~.~:, )
Governor Cautions Catholics Agains~ Rightwingers
Msgr. Lux Heads
Mexican Students Donate Labor To Help; Buiid C'hur,ch.. '·i.n U. ·S.~.'·
Church Extension
PI' .' re ate p raises S ' d ay p. k'e t'
Explains Phases Of Aid to Church· In Latin America
THE ANCHORThurs., May 24, 1962
Pro-Red C~a[j'ge
Against C~®1fgy Lacks Ba~g$
WASHINGTON (NC)The Holy See is s~ressing aid to the Church in Latin America on five' fronts, a
NEW YORK (NC)-"No substqntial n u m b e r of clergymen' has been identified with the Communist
priest expert in Latin American affairs said here at a dinner in honor of diplomatic represenparty over the· years," according tatives of the American reto U.S. Atty. Gen. Robert E~ publics. Kennedy. This assistance in the religious He gave this answer when and social sphere is being carasked to state which is more ried out by the Pontifical Comnearly correct: the charge "that mission for Latin America in 7,000 Protestant ministers are cooperation with the Latin communist sympathizers," or the j),merican Bishops, said Father statement made by Father John John J. Considine, M.M., direcF. Cronin,S.S. "that communist tor of the Latin America Bureau, influence among the Protestant National Catholic Welfare Con",: clergy is virtually nonexistent." ference. . Kennedy's reply is pa,rt of a Father Considine spoke at the question-and answer article ap22nd annual Pan-American repearing in the June issue of the ception and dinner, which was S.ign, national Catholic magaattended by some 500 persons, zme. Father Cronin is assistant including a number of Latin director of the Social Action DeAmerican ambassadors and ofpartment, National Catholic ficials of the Organization of Welfare ·Conference. American States. The event was Kennedy also said' that "to sponsored by the Washington claim that 7,000 ministers are General Assembly, Fourth DeREP~ESENTAT][VES AT YpUTH PRO~~CT: Monsignor James Dolan, pa~tor of communist sympathizers seems gree Knights of Columbus. The Maryknoll priest said that St. Mary s Church, Taunton, congratulates MISS Janne Gallagher and Miss Maureen Gam-- to me to be fantastic and not the Pontifical Commission for ache who will represent St. Mary's High, Taunton, at the Nine States Youth Citizenship based on facts." Right Wing-ers Latin America, which was set Project Conference at Tufts University. Participating in the teachers' seminar will be To the question whether "exup in 1958, has stressed "five Mr. Arthur Murphy, a teacher at St. Mary's High. treme right-wing groups, such fundamental fields of assistas the. Jo~n Birch Society, (are) ance": effectIve m combating commuRecruitment and training of nism," Kennedy gave this reply: Religious and lay personnel; WINDSOR (NC)-The Catho- tionships both with God and his he added, "we mistreat God. This . "No. However, many of these M--- organization of religious . philosophy of life will stand in people are well-meaning. They instruction; Strengthening of lic Church Is "supra-national, fellow men. "And man is so involved in the midst of the wreck of ma'tter are being misguided and misCatholic education; Promotion supra-racial, supra-culture and a non-Catholic thi~ relationship that when he and the crush of the world. informed . . . Unsubstantiated of a strong Christian social supra-class," action program; Catholic Action Negro college president said here severs his relationship with man, Whatver kind of civilization cha~ges against fellow Amerihe severs his relationship with man may build in the future, the cans and untruthful irresponin Ontario. through mass communications. God," he said. Gospel of Christ will be rele- sible attacks on our ~chools oW' The fact· that the Church Sisters Cooperate 'When we mistreat any man," vant." . ~fficials and our system of 'gov-' stands above all national, racial Father Considine pointed out eroment play into the hands of or cultural affiliations was iliat in the sphere of religious the communists. Such attacks aid, bishops throughout the stressed by Benjamin E. Mays, hinder our efforts to advance· president of Moreliouse .College, Catholic world have "been enfreedom and oppose commuAtlanta, Ga., as 'he received the, couraged to permit members of nism." their diocesan clergy to volun- annual Christian Culture Award of Assumption University here. WASHINGTON (NC) -A top ral mission of the Church" he \ I teer for Latin America." In his acceptance speech, Mays: Vatican' official has called reli- said. He ·added that the Church He added that almost 100 priests of the St. James Society, stressed that mankind's newly. gious ignorance "one of the is convinced that "the best de-' ST.. LOUIS (NC) - A record organized by Richard Cardinal acquired ability to annihilate greatest evils of the modern fense of Catholicism lies in the $1,614,533 was contributed to the distance and to destroy itself age" and urged the Confraterspreading of the truth." Cushing, Archbishop of Boston, missions in the St. Louis archThe Cardinal said that from diocese during the last year, it have left the U.S. to serve ill . "simply enhances the Christian nity of Christian Doctrine to Gospel and makes it· more rele- redouble its efforts to cope with their seminary days priests Latin American nations. was reported by Msgr. Edward it. . vant to the issues of our time." should be conscious of the im- T. O'Meara of the Archdiocesan He stated that in August, 1961, "Man's salvation cannot be Giuseppe '. Cardinal· Pizzardo, portance of the CCD and "famil- Society for the Propagation of a representative of the Holy See found in science alone," the Bap- prefect of the Sacred Congrega~ar . with its organization its the Faith. . proposed that each religious tist educator declared. tion of .Seminaries and Univer- workings, and the. contrib~tion. province in the U.S. contribute sities, described the CCDas "one it can make to the priestly aposStresses Gospel . . 00 Latin America In the next of the most important associa.. . 10 years 10 per cent of its pre"We may use 'the tools and the tions . for the propagation and· tolate." ~nt membership.. findings of science, but only the preservation of .'the Catholic "Within 24 hours" after the Gospel of, Christ· tells nations, Faith." plea had been made,. he con- races, classes and individuals In a message read to a national tinued, "52 communities of Sis- how they live, relate themselves meeting of CCD diocesan directers had presented their pledge to their God, and how they must .tors' here, Cardinal Pizzardo ex- , MONTREAL (NC)-.Tlie vicetn i'ender this substantial as- ·treat their fellow men," he said. pressed "lldmiration for, the· chancellor ,of .the MQ,ntreal archMays said the Christian religion "work you have already done, dioces~, .told al. 'audience· in an sistance according to their involves an individual in rela- and hope .that your.zeal imd ded_ Anglican church hall here that l;)bil:ty." ication may enable you to ac- the' question of Christian. unity complish eyen greater things iil must be approached 'with "charity and truth.!' . ' the future.'! '. . If Christians. in their efforts Best Defense ,The Cardinal said religious a~ unity pu~ all the emphasis on c1?-arity and ignore truth, "then I KANSAS CITY (NC)~DeveL. the other hand we must also Ignoranc~ is one of the greater we are losing sight of the funopment of a Christian world "has point to the rej'ection, neglect obstacles to the proper apprecia- damentals at stake" Father John bcCil slowed, been diverted and and failure of Christians to meet tion of the universal supernatu- McConnell said.' ' • in come areas turned back dur- fully their responsibi~ity towards· ~ . But on the other hand, he told . WORLD'S MOST-WANTED ing the last five to seven cen- . the world," McCarthy asSerted. a pre'domin,antiy Anglican audi~ic;~ael's turies: because Christians have "This failure to meet Christian ·ence in St. Matthias (Anglican) . PORTABLE been unwilling to shoulder their responsibility has' taken three Church, if··Christians. stress'truth NOW ONLY proper responsibility,' aU.' S. . g~neral forms: persomllan<l. i>~o~ at the expense ·of charity,· "we '. WtNdOSKI PARK' (NC)'--': A . senntor said h e r e . f e s s i o n ' a l obligations and 'businesS' may only another, inSen. E~gene J. McCarthy of interests have been used as an new $750,000 dormitory named stead of gaining .greater underMinnesota told Ii meeting of the excuse; others have chosen for him . was dedicated by Bishop standing." Includhig carrying cace Central States National Newman rather to judge and conde.~n,tAe Robert F. Joyce of'Burlington at St. Michael's College here. Club Federation here that· the world than to save it; still others THE ONLY PORTABLE THAT optimism which "characterized confuse saving the world with . The four-story brick structure . OFFERS ALL THESE FEATURES: which will house more than 250 BURLINGTON (NC)-Bishop ~he world at the beginning of preserving it in the forms 011 stUdents, completes the post·war R.obert F. Joyce will offer one of • Full·size keybodrd the last century has gradually some ideal past," he said. residence' quadrangle on the col. the two Masses at the Interna" ' . MClgic"' Margin faded, not only because the lege.. ti.onal Girl Scout Roundup at •. Twin·Pok" Ribbon promises of education, of science At the dedication ceremony, Button· Bay on Sunday, July 29. , ,':Touch Control"· and of new political forms have ~ov, F. Ray Keyser of Vermont The roundup, to be held July 22 Cent~r .." :.~' M'ogic"' Column Set failed, but because of the rejecpraised' the high regard for to 29· at Button Bay, 25 miles ST.LOUIS (NC)-The James .' '.• Line Meter tion of Christian principles." B,ishop Joyce "<Onong 'alL sects· :from here; 'is expected to bring, ,,: .• Line' Finder "Modern man has seen the Benry Yalem SCi~nt!fic Comput- for his in.spirational leadership more than 10,000' girls ·to· the "".. "", ing Center was dedicat~ at St. lights by which he thought he in 'Vermont." . :~+~PLUS MANY OTHER . Vermon~ .encampment. : Louis University by Father PaUl , -,." was being guided gro~ dim and MACHINE FEATURES ....·.·OHlCE ",. fade one by one. A world which C. Reinert, S.J., nniversity 'pres~ was quite recently self-confident, dent. ;"::l'~,y' rODA Y ! . Built around a high speed elecand even arrogant, today haa '.,: been brought low," the Senator tronic'data processing computer, it will be devoted mainly to re:' You Can Alway.s, Do ,Be.lter at said. , search by the faculty and by 'Progressive RejeetioD' graduate students. , ' , .,' . '"'While we may blame the .A gift of $100,000 from Charles world for its rejection of Chris- H. Yalem made the center posTYPEWRITER' CO. tianity, we still must admit that sible through the International FALL RIVER - 182 Second St. Christians bear a share of re- Busin~ Machine's university Oils Malee OSborne 3-1741 sponsibility for the rejection. program. The gi1t was presented The progressive rejection ot. by Yalem in memory of his son, NEWPORT - 243 Thames St. Christianity is the result, on the James Henry, who lost his life Viking 7-6806 one hand, of the rejection of wblle serving 1ft the U. So AJz SALES AND SftRVICE Christianity by tile world; OIl JW.ce m WorJ4 War IX.
Catholic Church Above National, Racial Affiliations
Vatican Official Asserts Religious Ignorance On'e of Greatest Evils'
Record Contribution
Says Charity, Truth to Unity
Failure 'to Shoulder Responsibility Slows Christian Development
St. College Has New Dormitory
. Mass at Roundup
University Dedicates Computing
'Our Heating
Wa,.m F,.iends'
THE ANCHORThurs., May' 24/ '19,62:'"
'$Sf)' , Holy' N1ime .So«:ietY,' 'St: 'Vincent de Paul Conference.
ROLY, REDEEMER ' , ' $100 Daniel Shanahan Association of the Sacred Hearts ' $50 H~ly Name Society, Arthur: Corkery, Marie-Doelger, Mary_ - Sexton Byrne, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morley. ' $410 A Friend
$25 John O. Soares, Jr., William Raposa, Joseph Botelho, Brightman Oil Co. $20 George Correia
Antonio Sardinha, Alfred J. Souza.
Mary 1. Shanahan $30 Priscilla Gleason, :Catherine Shanahan, Gertrude Shanahan, Mr.' & Mrs. John Speight.
Francis J. Carreiro
Manuel Martins
•Chatham Trust Company, Joseph W. Nickerson, Cecile Doel~ ger, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard'Marchessault, M. & Mrs. George .Keegan. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Concannon, Mr. & Mrs. George Sullivan.
$20 Mr.' & Mrs. George Killen; Dr.
$1l0 Manuel Miranda, John ChelleX, 'James Rebello, Manuel Ferreira, Jr., Manuel Moniz. Joseph H.' Camara, John DeSouto, Lurana' Ramos, Manuel Moniz, Roland· Bernardo. Jesse Bernardo,Jesse Velozo, Leonel S. MedeiroS, John Vieira, . Gilbert Gabriel. .' Mary Souza, Edmond Leandro, Manuel Furtado, Dennis J. 'Mendonca, . Joseph Gabriel. Raymond R. Machado, John Monteiro, Joseph Coray, Manuel C. Pereira, Thomas McKane. Joseph Perry, Antone Furtado, Manuel ArrUda,' 'Albert Araujo, Manuel. C. Botelho. Manu~IC. Motta,:,Joseph Antone, .George .Amarat" 1YIary Morris, Joseph Flores. Francis ·:M,aguire,. " A).serino Sant.os, D~nnis,Raposa,,,Erneat T., Teves, .Manuel' V., Arru~. ' Manuel·: E:. Raposa.. Leonarcll Tessier, Joseph Gagnon, WillillllCl Harney,: Anthony Rocha.·.· Ma:ntieIViveiros, ,Antone 11'.. Benevides, .'. Jr.; Frank Miranda, George Arruda, John' Pankie-vitch. Manuel· PaVillo; . Joseph D. Lawrence, John Bernard, Loub" Cabral, Joseph C. ,B.orge. Mary Thomas, David Botelho, Alv.a . Viveiros, Manuel RODSl Joseph J. D'Arruda. " Edward Raposo, Joseph Raposa, John, V. Velozo, ThomWl F. Rose, Charles F. Borges. Jose M. Silva, Manuel Michael Manuel Moraes, Victor F. Soareo, Ignocio Andrade. , John MeUo, ,John, Coffey.
& Mrs. May, Dr. & Mrs: Godfrey FOR DELAYED VOCATlIQNS: The proposed St. Pius National Seminary for Forgeron, J. B. Loftus, Mr. & Mrs..John Cavanaugh. '. ' Delayed Vocations will be built under the sponsorship- of Richard Car~inal Cushing, Mr. & Mrs. John Breault, Isa- Archblshop of Boston, at Weston, beginning in the Fall of .1963. The new seminary, bel Ringheim, Mr. & Mrs. Fred- accommodating 120 students, will be· modeled after the Roman Pontifical Beda College erick Steffelin, Mr. & Mrs. John'. for belated .vocations/,NC Photo. . Mohyde, Mr. & ·Mrs.,Leonard Fougere.' " ' . . , ,Mr. & Mrs. 'Paul Cour-tnell Mr. & Mrs. Robert Root, Mr: $15 & Mrs. Rc'~-':l Provost, Donatd' Mr. & Mrs. William Cotter, Mr. . S'l'.lWARY. . Richard Dalton, Mr.· & . Mrs. Jackman, Mr. & ~"rs.· Harold &, :Mrs. Frank Gilman, Mr. & t,. Je '::>h Cerre"), Hr, & Mrs. Ed- Rioux, Mr;., & Mrs. Clifford Mrs. Albert Kolodzik, Mr.· & Mrs." $1000./ win .O'Leary;Mr. & Mrs. J.ohn Bunker.. . ' . , .' R .. R. Lally; 'Mr. & Mrs.' Charles Rev. Edward B. Booth' Lang:",·· Juliano DiRenZo, Mr. & Mrs. Bladen., $ 7 5 ' , Mr; & Mrs. Leonard Driscoll, John Ogni, Mrs. Lillian Dillion,., A. Kathleen Ryan' Rev.-'Armando,A, Annunziato· Mr.·&, Mrs. Francis Reilly, Mt: Mr~ & Mrs. Raymond Vandette, Mr. & Mrs. Joheph E. ,Nisil. $10' , . ' $50. & Mrs. StanleY-McMahon;' '/[r. .Mr. & Mrs. Stephen"Hanlon; Mr. & Mrs. James Coogan, Mr. & Mrs. Aime Levesque, Mr. Iii' Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Zibrat Jr.,&:Mrs.·Edw:ard Coogan, Wiiti~· Mrs. Morino·Turinese. Military Chap'lains' '. fred Ford, 1'4r.· & Mrs. , A n n e ' , Mrs. James Greer, Richard Grif_ Mr. &.. Mrs. Charles' Barrs, S L diM' •, - . fin, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Gemirio: . Grenier. '$40 Mr~ & Mrs. James, McCarthy; Cne U, e. e.ehng Lawrence Hunter, Mr.' & Mrs. . Mrs. Bernard Redding, -Mr. & COLORADO SPRINGS (NC) John Hallinan, Marjorie' E. HyMi. & Mrs. Francis-A. Murphy Mrs. John, Magnani, Thomas' -M,ore than 400 Catholic, Prot$25' . ora, Mrs. James Jackson, Bearse's Mrs. MaUde. McCabe,Mr. & . Mullen.. " " estant and Jewish chaplains will Store. Mrs. Harold' Sumner, Mr. & Mrs.: Leo 'C,loutier, 'Mrs. Catherine meet at the 4\ir Force Academy' . Margaret Killen, Michael L e , . . ' 'Bowman, Mrs. Annie Smith, Mr. ': here next Tuesday, for tbe 36th Bar, Mr. & ·Mrs. William' Miller-, .• John L. Stapleton, Jr., Mr. & - & Mrs. Antonio Colletto, Mr. & annual convention of the MiliMrs: William Rowe, Mr. & Mrs: Jones, Mr. & Mrs. William Mad- Daniel Bradley. Mrs. Joseph Cabral. tary Chaplains Associ-ation. den Jr., Robert McNeece. $24' Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Fisler The three-day meeting will be Mr:& Mrs: Daniel Marini, Lil. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sullivan, Mr: presided over by Msgr. (Maj, lian H. McCallum, Thomas McMr. &, Mrs. Russell N ..,Hall & Mrs. Edwin Wilmarth, John Gen.) Patrick J. Ryan, .former Callum, Mrs. Roy Meservey Jr., $20 Corrigan Mrs. Anne White. Chief _of Army Chaplains and Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Nohin. Grace & Gertrude ,Bride, Mr. Mary Bride,' Raymond Khlg, p:resident ofth.e association,. who Mr. &' Mrs. Joseph Orlando, &' Mrs. Robert Croteau, Mr. & Mr. '& -Mrs. William Diamond' is flOW executive vice preSIdent Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Proctor,' 'Mrs. Ronald MoIlins, M I: s . Joseph. Withington, Mr. & Mrs:: of the Catholic Digest magazine. ~na Riley, Floren.ce RileY,.Mr. Joseph,Sheals,- Mr. & Mrs. Ed-, :Walter Row,e. .~" " Mrs: Eli Rogers Jr...... . ward F. Brown.' . Mr. & Mrs. Philip Clark, Mr• Mary Reilly, ,Louise J. 'Corri-' & Mrs. J. Turonis, Mr. & Mrs. .rhere:sa McDermott, Mr, & Mrs. Joseph Stapleton, 'Mr. & gan, Mrs.: Michael Nolan, James. Maxcy Lewis, Margaret Roes-' Mi-'s. Donat Barabe,Mr. & Mrs. " McDonald, Mr. &'Mrs.Joseph J .. esler, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas William McKewen;.Mrs. Clinton' Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs.' george Shaunessj.<. T~~}9~·: .~'. ,'. '. . :~ < ~ McGee~':' .Robert Diarpond, The Shuma'n ,Mr. & Mrs,~ Lewis, C~ar~",Mr.$16 Family; Mr. & MrS. Raymond' &<. Mrs, Edmund Kilkenny" ·Mr;:., Mr; & Mrs. John. Diaz, Sr•.'.,' Mal!nan, Mr. ,-&·Mrs. 'William" & ~rs. Charles McAUisl~r"-Mr." ,~,.".,~" ",.i·i:$lS"·. & M .. rs. 'Leo Farrenkopf, Mr. &., M & 1\6.. nk '1' j'~' corrigan, Mr. & Mrs;· Le~s Sail:.' Mrs..William White. J '" r., >o.u.s. ":ra "r"me"'"·,, ."ford. " " -'.' ,. Mr. & Mrs. Merritt Wright, $12 Catherine 'Brady, Mr. & 'Mrs: Joseph Petrone, .Mr. ~,-MrS"T Mr J & Mrs,. Jerome.S.ales,.I Mr. & " Edward ' . ."O'Neil, ,Mr& .".' Mrs. Edward J. Garlick, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pariseau, Mr. ,& Mrs.- ': Mrs. William Dallak, Mr. & Mrs.. Eugene Charlebois:, ' Leon - Rousseau, Mr. &" Mrs.; Charles White Jr.. Mr.. & Mrs; , .' Ri h ar d Phi J ' D l' Thomas Carrigan'.._ ' ', ..,'.: . '$10 c .. ppen. ~n~lle ev ~n,. Mr. &' 'Mrs." Gillbert Surette, Ann :'Murphy';"~"Mr:-' &"Mrs: Th0!Das.McHugh, Lllhan"l?evlm, ... Mary Smith, Maria Ireland,' Douglas CUlmnings, Mr: & ·Mrs.~:",:,Mr.,~J.\~J's. Henry ,L.· ~ewb~, - M r. &" 'rs.. M D'I McKeon. Sh aron Sheeley, J1Ir.& Mrs.,Al- Tomas h H oey, on y Frank Mr & M L d G" d' fred Sankus.. . Sarazin,' Elliabeth.\ McKeon. . ...., . rs.. ·u ger .. Ulmon,' .M & M h J . . hMK . ' M .&.. 1\1:' Mrs. Mary· &'. Margaret Doran," . r. . ,rs, Tomas. Sp'l!Xks,' . . o~ep . '_ c, eon,.. r., .', rs../; Mr.. < &. Mrs.. Edward Lavery;;', Mr;, & ¥r.s, Charles: Tuttle, Mr. Wl1ham Joyce, Hill, JWalter. h p' 11"W'II'a · M ,Ann & M h':- ," R' a I puree, 11m Hi ckey'•. &; Mrs.: :pai:ker _Whfttle, Mr.' & L ._: Slmms,. ,r:. . rs. osep., .Mrsi'RitaDunham Mr. & Mrs., M,rs,_,C.:h}irles W,-9i,te sr/.. ,.'Wilfred Doron. --' .. ' .'. ' ... ,. ... , . , J 0'h"n K e II"ey 'A'r thOur" G au ;.A , tt'· Clement', ;-Mr.. &" .Mrs.' , . B'erube',: ' . "--'. "-. " . e e dM" '",., , • . S" 1' 1 ' " ':., M' , '&' ' . '~,. Ri<::hJ~rd" ;.Martin.....-Mr.'. . ··&,r_'Mrs.' " ; 'Mr. & Mrs. FrancisFit~ger-' Clara U Iyan;' r. . rs._. J h . R' M" CU" a~d;. Marie' Brent, Wayne S. Bal~ G\i!orge"'Ffsfler"';' Sr;,' "Mrs.'ty'rti" () n ';' 10U~,. I aZle," 0 ms.,•.-'" ,"" dus, A Friend, Elizabeth Batson. ' Thomas. " , . . . . .' Mrs. Louise Garceau, Mr. '& '.''''', ,A Friend, Captain & Mrs. H. Mrs; Marion" Johns'on, Irene Mrs, John BiHington, John Alds_. & Mrs. William Mar- worth, .Mr. &taMrs. " Casey, Mr .' & M rs.· A'n :tho Smith - J '. n Mr. y ,. B'l' llenry k ff ConCapriccio; Mr. & Mrs. PaSquale tin, Mr.' & Mrs: Edward McCue, nors, Mrs. Ri 1 hng . 0 . . Confalone, Mr. & Mrs. Chester L. ,Mrs: John Monahan. Mr. & Mrs. Herbert C. Arns, .. Eldridge. '.' :Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Rose,"Mr: & . wlm $TO~~ &. SHOP'S HEW George Eaton, Mr, & Mrs. Ar- George Darrah; Mr. '& Mrs. Wil- Mrs. Edward , Velletl:i, John,... thur Ellis Jr., Jeannette Fon-' liam Dion, Marie ScanHIi;'Mr. '& Fitzgibbon!?, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen taine,' Mr. &. Mrs. J. Clarence Mrs. William . Logan, "Arthur Cinq-Mars. '.' , " , Frank, Mr. &' Mrs.~Alexander Levesque', Mr. & Mrs. WilUam Mrs. Raymond Bishop" Mr., & Every, vitamin, your child needs now hidden in this wholeGriffin. ' , ' Miller, Blanche" Wain, , Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C:;ullivan, Richard' . some milk ••• with 7 added essential vitamins and minMr. &.Mrs. Alfred South~ick, Mrs. Douglas Gaudette, Mr:"& ' Gaudet, Harry J. 'Williams, Mr. erals. One quart supplies the minimum daily adult require- , Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Nickerson, Mrs. Jeremiah Costigan. & Mrs: Dana Gaboury. - ..' " Ments 'as established by the' U. S. Govemment•. Stop. & Mrs, Edmund Grant Jr" Mrs,' Mary A. Costigan, Mr. '& Mrs.' George" Caron, Edwih"; CO-1.:, , . Shop and Tedeschi's are the only super markets whero , )'CU COl"! buy' Multl-Vita!"'ln_Mflk.' " Fl-e(lerick Powell, Mr. &' Mrs. Dudley' O'Lea7Y' Mr. & Mrs.' chrane, Mr,'·,&:Mrs. R6b'en Long- . Burton ,Storey. Charles, ~1}ujmla" Ge~al,d ' Bes-, tiIit ·Mr. '&. Mrs. Wilfroo Fill~. Ann Cunningham, Mr. & Mrs. sette"M~ry Nolan. " ' man, Mrs. Louise Colombo. • Norman Nickersori-Mr;· '& ,Mrs.' Mr...~' Mrs. Wilfred .Leger, Casiiner :Kopanski, Mr. & Mrs, Jkmes Noonan;" '"''--,WilliamGolden, William Wolo- Anthony LaFrotta, Mr.I&Mrs. .. shyn, .Mn.. Ther~sa Hill, Mr. & Frederick Paine, Paul Bernier; Mrs.. John Connor. . _ Francis Christian. • N<Olmte !P~@tl'ecfr@~ Mr. &. Mrs. Alfred' Landry; Mr. &. Mrs. Arthur Sarazin, VAT,iCAN CITY (NC)-;E»aul Mr. & Mrs. Philip Rushlow, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C~rr, Mr. & .Emile Cardinal,Leger, Archbish- & Mrs. Harry Brown, Kierna,n Mrs. Arthur McGivney, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Monahan, 'Mr. & of of Montreal, has been named family, Mrs. Blanche Goodall. ' Louise Colletto, Alice Mul- Mrs, Andrew "'obillard: protector of the Daughters ot .. ,Walter Mahoney, Joseph KelCharity, Servants of the Poor- laney, Kenneth A. Carr, Mrs. known as the Sisters of Provi- Mary Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrii. ley, Elizabeth Fontneau,' Mr. & Mrs: Domenic LaFratta,' Mr. " dence--whose motherhouse is in Homer Roy. . James McGrath, Mr. & Mrs. James Glynn. MontreaL o' Q
j ...
"'. .'
Thurs., May 24, 1962 , Brown, Mr. & M~s. Charles Bry_ son, Mrs. Lena Buchanan, Mr. &-, $1,000 Mrs. Arnold Burke. Very Rev. Thpmas F. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Richard Busch, Mr. $500 & Mrs. George Bussiere, Mr. & ST. JOSEPJI Mr. & Mrs. J. Harry Condon Mrs. Raymond Byers" Mrs. M;ary , $150' , Callaghan, Robert Calhihan. $400 A Friend, Dr. & Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. Richard Canavan, Re~. Ubalde J. Deneault. Lonergan. ' Violet Carey, Mr. & Mrs. David $100 $65 Carreiro, Evelyn Carvalho, Mrs. Mr. John Mahon & Family, Edward Cassidy. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Desvergnea. Benjamin Nolin. $25 . Mr. & Mrs. Robert ,Cassidy, '$75 Doris Levasseur,. Laura Dea Rev. James F. McCarthy, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Charron, Mr. neault, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pela & Mrs. Charles Clarke, James & Mrs. Russell E. Brennan, Mr. letier. Clark, Mr. &' Mrs. Herbert & Mrs. Arthur Ciolfi, Mrs. Wil$20 Clegg Jr. liam Walton. Lelia, Agnella & Eva Boudo Mr. & Mrs. -Leo Cloutier, Mr. $55 reau. &' Mrs. Norman Cloutier, Mrs. Mr & Mrs. John McIntyre $18 Elizabeth Coleman, Mr. & Mrs. $50 Mr. & Mrs. George Hamel. l?aniel Collins, Geraldine ConMr. & Mrs. Charles Bowen, Mr. $16 don. ' & Mrs. Luca Fantaccione, George Joseph & Jean Fortin. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Conley, Mr. Janson, Mr. & Mrs. James K. $15 & Mrs. Arthur Cordle, Mr. & Murphy, Miss Kathry~ Stokes. Conrad Maigret Family, Mr. & Mrs. John Cotter, Mr. & Mrs. $40 Mrs. Richard Castro, Mr. & Mrll. James Croke Sr., Mr. &, Mrs. Myles Daly Rene Dubuc. Philip Cronan. $35 $10 Mr. & Mrs. James Croke Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Corbett, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Galvin, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Croke, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Foley, EdMr. & Mrs. Edward Daigneault, mund Henry, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur & Mrs. Daniel J. Cronin Jr., Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Deshaies, & Mrs. John Cronin, Mr. & Mrs. L. Mulligan. Mr. & Mrs. James Desrochers, Walter J. Cronin. $30 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Touzin. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Creeden, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Stetler Jr.. Louisa Denis, Mr. & Mm Mr. & Mrs. Earl Cruff, James Dr. & Mrs. Harold Thompson. Emile Corbeil, Mr. & Mrs. Geo Currie, Mary Currie, Mrs. Emma $25 rard Juaire, Mr. & Mrs. Oliver John B. Antaya, Mr. & Mrs. Davey. Paille, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Roy, Mr. & Paul Bellavance, Mr. & Mrs. GETS JEWISH AWARD: William F. Johnson, left, Figuerado. Thomas Castro, Mr. & Mrs Wal- Mrs. Joseph Rushlow, "Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred JOUbert" Mrs. Joseph Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. president of the National Council of Catholic Men, receives Mr.~r.& &;Mrs. ~i' Cunningham, The 'Dennis Ernest Marchand, JosephV. Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. the Institute of Human Relations Award from Irving M. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Robichaud, Family. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Donaghy, George Sahagian.. , . , ,Engel honorary president of the American Jewish Commit- Mr. & Mrs. Edward Landry, Salley, Ohx, Salley, , M r . ' , Mr. & Mrs. Edward Finerty Jr., & Edna Mrs. Carl Sauer, Mr. & Mrs.' tee; for the television series, "Prejudice-USA," produced on Jean-Baptiste Labbe. Mr. & Mrs. James Fitton, Leo & Mrs. Francis Gurn, Mr. Ralph Sears, Donald Shanley. the Catholic' Hour by the NCCM in cooperation with the' & Mr. Galligan, Louis Galligan. Mrs. Clifford Gohring, Mr. &: Mrs. Harold Shanley, Mr. & National Broadcasting Company. NC Photo. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gamache, Mrs. Leonide Gaulin, Mr. & Mrll. Mrs. Philip Shanley, Mrs. Ismay ~A::r. & Mrs. Anson Hall, Mr..& George Brouillette, Mr. & Mn. Sharkey, Mr. & Mrs. William Mrs. Gerard Kenton, Mr. & Mrs. William Perry. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kelley, Mr. Paille, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Paine, John P. Lee, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Sheehan, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Silvia. & Mrs. Thomas Kelley, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Roland Brochu, Edward Patenaude. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Silva, Mr: ' lLohse. . Mrs. James Kenworthy, Miss Dee Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Pelletier, Jean-Baptiste St. Pierre, Mr. ,& & Mrs. William Skivington, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mahon, Mr. Killion, Anita H. King. Bertha Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Hubert St. George, Mr. &: & Mrs. James A. Slain" Mr. & .& Mrs. John Mullaney, Mrs. Donald Pelletier, Miss Malvina Mrs. Ernest Desver'gnes, Mr. &; Mrs. Mary Kilburn, Mrs. WalElizabeth Nolan, Mr. & Mrs. Al- Mrs. Henry Smith, Mr. & Mrs. ter King, Phil Kraczkowski, Mr. Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Mrs. Leo Rainville. bert Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Francis Stelter. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Pelletier, Kenneth Stone, Mrs. Madeline & Mrs. Augustus Kudrnac, Mr. Pelletier. Perry.' : Mrs. Marie Dolan, Philip Cote, & Mrs. Gerard LaCombe. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Perry, Mr. Stone, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Peter Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. HowMr. & Mrs. Ernest Blais, Mr. &: Mr. & Mrs. John Lahey, Mr. & oi'd Sprigg, Mrs. Francis Sugh- Strong, Mr. & Mrs. James Sullio Mrs. Donald Lange, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Eugene Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Albert Belanger. John Picchi, Mr. & Mrs. Roxy van, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Surette. Mr. ,& Mrs. Wilfred St. Jean, li'ue. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sweeney, Eugene LaPointe, Louis La- Pichi, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pion. $24 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Boivin, Mr. & rocque, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mr. & ¥rs. Charles Taylor, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. George Pion, Mr. Mrs. Arthur Mullins, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Duffaney Howard Tingley, Mr. & Mrs. Leary. & Mrs. John A. Powers, Mr. & $20 George Doucette, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred LeBrun, Mr. Mrs. Rocco Proia~ Mr. & Mrs. Albert Mousseau, Mr. & Mr.ll. Y.ll? &:. Mrs. John Aylward, The George Tunnicliffe, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ty. , & Mrs. Coleman Lee, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Rainville, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Pinault. 1'.1isses Biggio, Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. James Wadick, Mr. John Lee, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Francis Rego. COR'ty, William Conlan, Mr. & & Mrs. John Walsh Jr., Mr. & Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Loew. 1'JIrs. Frank Cronan. Mr. & Mrs. James Reed, Mr. John Loew, Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Mrs. William\ Reilly, Alice Mr. & Mrs. Walter Heagney, Mrs. George Wefers, Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Weldon, Mrs. Bertha Lynch Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. King, Mr. Robinson, Eleanor Robinson, Mr. Wells. MacDonald, Miss Helen Madden, & Mrs. Robert Robichaud. TAIPEI (NC)-Father Francis & Mrs. James H. Lee, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. John T. White Sr., Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Edward Maher. J. O'Neill" M.M., director of John McCarte, Miss Eleanor McMr. & Mrs. Robert H. RobiMrs. John T. White ,Jr., Mr. & James Maher, Oscar Maher, chaud, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Robi- Catholic Relief Services-NationCracken. Fred McCracken, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. John White, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs.-William Maher, Mr. stow, Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Roca, al Catholic Welfare Conference in Formosa, has received an Paul Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Emil Wilbur, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert & Mrs. Richard Mahoney, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Roca, Mr. & Wilbur. • ~ . award from Formos:s's police fOl' Everett Malloy. Jaobert Nolan, 'Dr. & Mrs. Robert Mrs. Paul Rockett. his relief efforts here. Mr, & Mrs. John Wojciechow_ Eleanor Marcoccio, Mary 'Mara O'Donnell, Dr. & Mrs. Fiore Mrs. Frederick Rodell, Mr. & The Maryknoll missioner from. ski, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wood- ron, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Marron, Rullo. Robert Romero, Mrs. Woonsocket, R. I., was given a come, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Martin, Mr. Mrs. $15 Blanche Ronco, Mr. & Mrs. silver plaque and citation by & Mrs. James Martins. MR'. Clt Mrs. John R. Bell, Mr. , Pucko. Philip E. Rounds, Mr. & Mrs. Gen. Chang Han-kwang, director Mrs. Elva Deavellar, Mr. 8; & Mlrll. Charles Cain, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. George Matros, Robert Rovzar. of the Foreign Affairs Police Allen Corkum, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Mrs. Rock DesVergnes; Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Mayhew, Administration. Mrs. Harry'Diegel, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Maynard, ,Mr. & Mrs. Jost Sr., Mary Levis. John Donahue, Mr. &Mrs~ Brada Matthew McCarthy, A. Henry Mi'. & Mrs. Hugh McBrien, The McBrien Fam'ny, Mr. & Mrs. ford Dorrance. McCracken. Mrs. Howard Dorrance, Ernest Charles T. O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Francis McCracken, David Rushlow, Mr. & Mrs. Ed- W. Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. James Mr. & Mrs. Henry McCracken, TONGERLOO (NC)-.-No stu a Truck Body Builden Doyle, Mrs. Ann Driscoll, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. James McCracken, dents were allOwed to enroll in ward Scott. , Aluminum or Steel Mr. & Mrs. PhiliP'ToOle, 11k. Mrs. Thomas 'Driscoll. Elsie McDonald, Jennie McDoDo the one seminary still open in 944 County St. , , communist-ruled Lithuania in Mr. & Mrs. William Dumoulin, aId; <& Mrs. John Wilson. NEW BEDFORD. MASS. Mr..& Mrs. Joseph Dwyer, 'Mr. $12 Carol Ann McGinn, Coleen 1961, according to reports re.:WY 2-6611 Mrs. Mary Barnett, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Peter Eliason, Johlm McGinn, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent ceived here in Belgium by the James Birch, Mrs. Rita McAteer, Evans Jr., Mrs. HEmrY Felix. McGinn, Mrs. Alice McGregm; Aid to Eastern Priests organizaMr. & Mrs. john-Ferrara, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. John McIsaac. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Magina, MI'. tion. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Fitton, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Franklin McK~y The organization was set up & Mrs. Eugene P. Mondor. Anna Fleming, Mrs. AgneIJ h., Mr., & Mrs. Eugene, Mc- by Father WerenIried van Stra$10 Mrs. Marie Adams, Mrs. Foley, Mr. & Mrs. James Foley. Laughlin, Thomas McLear, Mr. aten, O.Praem., following World Mrs. Edward Fox, Fred Franz, & ,Mrs. Charles McLear, Mr. &: War II to help priests in Iron Yvonne Allgrove, Mrs. John AnCurtain countries. derson, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Arru- Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Fredette, Mrs. Almon MacManus. Mrs. Amelia Galligan, Angela da, Mary Arsenault. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred McNally, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Audette, Galligan. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald McNally, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. William Augat, Mr. Mary' Galligan, Mrs. Leslie & Mrs. John Meegan, Ronald & Mrs. Armand Azevedo, SaraJ;!. Gage, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Menard, Mr. & Mrs. William Bagley, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Bar- Gagnon, Joan. Gariepy, Thomas Menard. Gariepy. . ' Mrs. Fred Metters, Mrs. Franney. Earn our new, higher4~ Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Barton, Mr. & Mrs. George Gay, Mi'. ces Miller, Dr. & Mrs. Raymond rate on regular savings. Bernard Beat.ty, Mr. & Mrs. Ger- &: Mrs. Louis Gazzola, Mr. &: Millian, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Each account insured ard Beauregard, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Bernard Gibbons; Mrs. Millet, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Monsafe by an qgency of Jacob Belt, Mr. & Mrs. Harold 'Margaret Gifford, Mr. & Mrs. dor. the U.S. Govt. A Year Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mondor Jf'~ Daniel Gilroy. Bellavance. Mrs. Rose Bellavance, Mrs. Miss Katherine Goff, Lotrizl James Moriarty, Mr. & Mrs. Ara ~ Elmer H. Bennett, Mrs. Louise Gorman, Mr. & Mrs. Lyford Gor-- thur Morin, Miss Exilda Morin, Berry, Mr. & Mrs. Robert man, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Goslin. Miss Bernica Morrissey. Edward Murphy, Mrs. Helen • • • • ·cl~' couPcl°",o\\t 0" "0,'\"9 .. Bibeault, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Mr. & Mrs. Edward Greve. •• Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. James F. •• T $0" "cl e • Bilello. Mrs. Beatrice Griffin, Mr. & ~FREEJIU "'0\\ fo,lI\t 0 . . ~ Mr. & Mrs. Francis Birch, Mr•. Mrs. J9hn Hamel, Mr. & Mrs. Murphy Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph occo,""'·._ ~-' • Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Jamec & Mrs. Homer Bishop, Mr. & William Hanlon, Mrs.' Lillian Ie " .' •• Mrs. Edward Bodinski" Thomas Harrington, Mrs. Isabelle Healey. ' Murray. , §lolII 10 ,.'" .' . .' . \ Mr. & Mrs. James Murray, Mr. Mrs. John Hodge, Mr. &: Mrs. Boisclair, Mr. & MrG. Thomas Bolton. Leon Holbrook, Mrs. Helen Holt, & Mrs. Henry Mulligan, Mr. & 'ti '.. :6,,.,0.' \J\ 1\,. . _ ,.. _ _- ' _.. _ .._00\l .Mrs. John Mutch, Mr. & Mrs. Ala Mr. & Mrs. George Bonner Jr.. Alma Janson, Beatrice Janson. II . _ . - . - - _ , - .,' • •Mr. & Mrs. Robert Booth, Mr. & Thomas Janson, Mr. & Mrs. bert Nardini, Arthur Nolin. ~tl1Y ._.,' • • • • • •~..... Resources ovell" Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Nunes, Mr. Mrs. Adrian Bosh, Mr. & Mrs. William Jenkins, Mrs. Sarah .,......... $20,(o«»O,«J)~(O Raymond Boucher, John Bowen. Johanson, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Jones, & Mrs. Andrew Nyzio, Mr. & Mrs. Robert O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. William Bowen, Mr. & Mrs. Emil Joseph. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Bousquet, Kathleen Jost, Mr. &: Mrs. Ed- Edward J. O'DonnelI,Mrs. :MarMary Boyle, Mrs. George Bran- ward Joyce, Kevin Judge, MI'. &: garet O'Keefe. Margaret M. O'Keefe, Mr., It aghan, Mrs. Mary Brask. Alexander Karol, M%. &: Mra. , North Main St.. ClCH'. Bedford •• Cpe~ IFrl. I:ve 'til 8 AI'tbuI' p~ :Wilfred Charlea Bro~ Mrs. Eda Pzancis K ~ ST. JOHN'S
Formosa Authorities Honor Missionary
Lithuania Restricts Training of Priests
••••••::::::, so"e.b::~ ,"h
~~~~ ffi(~~~~
THE ANCHOR-Diocese o"'f~"River-Thurs" May 24, 1962. . '. ~.
. Dodlgev,I~E! ST. STEPHEN $150
Craft In~.
1Uta BJ.:~ch~, Mr: &: Mrs.. James. Carr, Mr. & Mrs. R91and Trahan; Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Theroux, Mr. &. Mrs. Haroid Pederson, Donald Boudreau.. . .~ Mr;& 'Mrs; Donald Jutras..
$50, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Roy & Family;' ... ,North' $30 . . OUR-LADY .~~ .GRACE ' Mr. & Mrs. Luc :rel~etier.. . $25 . , . $200 Mr. &, Mrs. Albert Bessette, .' Rev.. Maurice Lamontagne. . , , ·Mr. 3l; Mrs. Henri Tremblay, Mr. $100 & Mrs. Romeo Vanasse,. Mr. & Alexander Walsh. Mrs. Edward Britton, Mr. & Mrs. ; . Felicien Brochu. . $50 $20 Rev. Rene R. Levesque. Mr. & Mrs. Gedeo~ Lacroix,' '$35. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cate, Stephen Our Lady of Grace Council' of Daneau, Mr. & Mrs.·Leo Denis..:Catholic Wo~e~.
'Westport .
1 i
J9hn Santos, : Mr.: &: Mrs. Jol Shea. Mr. ,&'Mrs) Antone L. Silv Mr. &/ Mrs: Earl Simmons,. EI ward F.' St.Pierre, Christi! Suilivan: 'Fraricis" J: Sullivan. Mrs. 'Edyvard Sweeney, No; Sweeny, Mi-:" & Mrs. Raymor Taylor,: Mr. & Mrs. Jose~ Thomas, Mrs. Agnes Thompson. Mr. & Mrs. James' Tonry, M & Mrs. Antonio ·Tosti, Jot Trucchi Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Jo1 Trucchi Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Willia Trucchi. ' The Wagner' Family, MI Celestine Waibel, Mr. & MI Bernard Walsh, Margaret Walsh, Mrs. Thomas Wheeler Daughters, Mr. & Mrs. Hal'O Yelle..
$12. $25 Rt. Rev. E.E. deMello Mr: & Mrs. Julien Marquis & . Holy Name' .Society of Our Family. . . Lady' of Grace Parish,' Lena St. $100 Rev. Edward A. Oliveira $10 Pierre. Mr. & Mrs: Leo Chagnon, Mr. . $20 I $25 & Mrs. Rene Hebert, l~lJ:r.. & Mr.s. Arthur L; Bergeron:-, Jr., Au-. Frank Cabral Jr., ·Rose Matto Joseph, Boilard, Mrs. C?~orla_ ·.guste'Chouinard, Manuel F.llria, Mary A. Mattos. Siekeira, Mr. & Mrs. PhlhplJ!;i William Maynard. . . $20 Jalbert. .' $15 Alfred E. Terra, " George J. Mrs Therese Danue; Mr., & . . Macomber Jr. . Mrs. Romeo Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. - George Morm & J!'amlly. $12 Norman l:Iebert, Eva Paradis, $12 Joseph Enos' . Mary Cole. , Henry J. Sampson. $10 . Mr. & Mrs. ~rnest Varie!1 r , $10 Gilbert Joaquim, John P . .cOl Mr. & Mr,s. Eric Masle~, Mr. & Dennis Arrfaral, Ronald Arntz, reia; Jennie Julio,Mario Graci Mrs. Rog~r Froment, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bak~r-Gideon Banville Joseph Lopes.. ' '.' . \ Antonio Filipe, Mr. & M,:rs. Edgar '. John Barboza.' .. ., Joseph Mattos, ;Edward. J. Nunl Boucher, ... ." Aime Barnaby Edmond Beau" S· M' P '. d' Jr., Annando Medeiros, Francil Mr. & Mrs. Wilfri~ Emond, Mr. . lieu; Armand Boudria; Joseph . . HER HOLY ANGELS: lster arle atrlce, lrector co A. Diniz, Abel F. de Souza. & Mrs. Henri DaVIgnon, Mr. & Boudria~ Home~ Briand: . ' .. 'of H@lyAngels nursery, Cha~lotte, N.C., stoops to comfort Rolan~ LOrtie," A~tonio Gor 1 Mrs. Alfred Karol, Eva Cayer,· . Adelard Brodeur, Florian Bro_ '., a mongoloid baby, typical of retarded infants that are cared salves, Francis Motta; Alice ] ~:..~ Mr&sMr'Charwl~slli~a~n:::;bier deur, , Joseph <Cab~al" Joseph 'for at·the unusual' little hospital, th~ only one of its kind' Alves~ Daniel Dorsey. . ~..... S'. 1 " 'Cadime,. Joseph A. CampQell.. . N th C r NC'Ph t. . .. . Louis :Rocha, Joseph Cardoz Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. & N'lC;h'l ' D r & Mrs' or .aro mao . 0 o. Joseph.A.;&\tt~QCOUJ1t; Ga.briell '. i' Mr &: 0 as 'C'" larIone,. . m ,,' . G' Rogers, Mrs. Omer St. . e~man... Maurice Clement,' .JosephCor- . M,endes,' .C!eoJ;'ge·:pe~9ura. Mrs. Joseph Tl!-erlault, l'4r . ,& reira',C.Y.O.of Our Lady " o f , T a u n t o n · . · . Walter .~~pti,S~, Cecelia Mal 1l4rs. Peter F. Gagne. . Grace Parish, Donald Danis, ' " • tos, .Anthon)' .:M:attos, . Arthl · ,. Mr. & Mrs.. Lo~enzo Dan~a:~ .' . 'Hen~y L .. Danis, William'De-:, , ST. 'JOSEPH'S Mr. & 'Mrs. Norman Goulet, . Andr;:tge; Fr~l;lk.<,& Anna Silva 4ndre Ladeba.uc,!-le, Aldea EriC _. Nadal Ronald Desrosiers, George ' Mi". & Mrs: Willis.H. Gave, Mrs.,.JYiSi!v:a ,Jr.• ~Alfred , aon;Mr. & Mrs:';Arth~r:PIl;lnt~", riuclo~, Gerald EmonQ., ....: . $100, ". Helen.lVI.Harrigan, Kath~rine '. PUl)en,tal, .fr~c\!l ,Cutner JI 'Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Boudreau. . 'Lucien Emond, Joseph Esta-, . :8:01y Name Society.: Hern, Mr. & ·Mrs. Edward Hoye. Antone Gray J.'I~., Joseph P. All Mr. & Mrs. Armand Dube, Mr. Aio Jr., John Feil'o, John Ferreira., $50 'M & M 'J h K 11' ··M & drade Jr. . . 1 LaP 1m Mr & .. r . . rs. 0 n ey, r. M I Go "I '. & Mrs. M. arcde A" ate, Mr' & Romeo Fortin. '. Rev. James F. Greene, As- Mrs. Alfr~d Kenney, James Ken_ anue u art, ,Anthony • Mrs. Arm~n ' u~san". Norman F. Gamache Jr., Emile, : sumpta Guild. yon, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Kingsley. .! :r;>onal,~ ,Cl~y, Napoleo ~rs.. Delphls .Paradls, Mr. & M~s,. Gendreau,.Joseph Goslin, George . '$25 . Sr., Mr. & Mrs. 'Roger Kingsley RabIdeau, AugustusF. parlos. LIOnel ParadIS. ,. '. Graham, Michael Hrenko. Mr. & Mrs. Frands P. Cough:' Jr . .' .. Thomas S. Santos, Angelo' ME Mr. & Mrs. LOUlS.Stebbms, Mr. WilliamF. King Edward lin Mr.·&Mrs:·Francis Frazier, . . .', deiros Jr., ArithonyDeMouri & .Mr~, i\rthur Barll,lI4r. & Mrs, Lapre, ~iguori Ledoux', John'M:cM;. & Mrs. Edward F. Kennedy, . Mr. &.Mrs, ~ohn La.tham, Mr. John: Cambra, William ~ing. Wllfnd. Lefebvre, Mr, & Mrs. Donald, George Machado. Mr. & Mrs.' William Scully, & Mrs., MelvlO Le.wls, Esther Alfred G. Souza, Francis 1 Theodore .Lacourse, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Machado, George Mar- Helen Smith.. .. John~on, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Terra Manuel Medeiros Jr John AP.rd. . ~au Leopold Martel" Henry t S 'th W F Lacaillade, Mr. & Mrs. John F. John Carodza Jr., Adeiino Cal 'D B e Alma Mar- .... , ' Margare ml , renn am- Laffan. deira. . :. --,>,ose ergevm,·, . Mercier' Walter Michaud. . ilY. .. chand, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Martm, , Carol' Nuries, James C. Owen', $20. . Charles Lawlor, Janice LawEthel Caldeira, Edward ME ., Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Te~reault, . Edward Peckham, Edward Pel"Helen Dahill, Maribeth Dahill,' lor, Lawrence Lawlor,,' Charles deiros, Manuel Souza Leo'} , Mr. & Mrs. G.~rard·.Lafernere. ' l' t' .,' J Oh 'T' 'Perr'y·. ' . c Leonard, Mr. &·Mrs.Paul Leon-' Berard, Herman Vieira: Mr: & Mrs. Jean Bergerol}, .. eRleOrg'er npla'mondon . Ch'ar'le"s Patricia Frazier, The' Garvin al'd. '. . . ,,Jose G. Moitoso, Alberto ( ... Family, The "{ervick,Family. M & M H Lott B Leon .Kalusian~ Mr. & Mrs. Poirier, Mrs: Alice Po~te,Joseph; Mr.' & Mrs. Joseph Moran, r.... rs. arry" . ' ev- Moitoso, Joseph' Gracia, Arthu Joseph Tremblay" Do.u-. 'R. P'Ol'ss'on Fau'sto R'amunno.·"· . Dr. & Mrs.. Georg~ Sch . Ioemer, . erly Martm, Man- Coelho' Antonio'Vaz·:· 1M' h IIRobert M Martm, J M . cette, Mr. & Mrs. Eug~ne Dou\ Charl'es 'E. Reed'" M'anuel. Mr::& Mrs. Arthur ' . . .ue 11 ~'ar!f a, rs. a~es .axJoao D. Souto;'. William. Vieir, Souza. cette., :' .' Rezendes, Edward Rou'sseau, we·. ' . John . Rogers, ,John~ 'Mendonci ':'0 ,.' Mr. & Mrs: ~heodor~Hchacrhraro~. Ltidger Rous~eau, Frank Silvia . .." $15 Mrs. Mary A. Mees, Mr. & .Mrs. James Corey. ,: " Mr.' & Mrs. Tli~odo~e. ." George.Simmons, Joseph Sl-', . ,Mr. & Mrs.·William C.Emsley,· Clarence Mello, Mr. & ~rs. RU~creorge FeI;reira, Antonio BOI ron, Mr. & Mrs. L~clen, Leblanc, '. monin Laura & Irene Simonin, .:rrene. Frazier, Mr-; & Mrs. Henry· sell Menard, Mr. &. Mrs. George' ges Jr., Antonio Borges; Antoni Mary Charron,. 'Vlctor Charron;,Fra'nclsco Souza, David Texeira. Kelleher, ,1.\11'. &. Mrs. John' J. Menoche, M:r. & M,rs. Robert M. Souza, Jaqles, Gonsalves. Mr. & Mrs. RIchard T. Goyette, M'" T' ·fk·· ·S·" .' 'T' mbl'ay'" Sheep.y & Family, Mr, & Mrs: . Miller.. ' ". Josep,h ·C.. Fresta, Tiago Rod '. . .. . F t ary ra a, 1mon r e . , · M 1 S'l' M & M Le ' . !Mr. & Mrs. FranclS on eneau, M 11 1 V" J'" WaJ 11": a'n~e 1 Via, r. rs.· on Julia Moran, Mary Moran, ngues, Roselina MedeiL"OS, Har Mr. & ·Mrs. Godefroy' Gagnon, an e l~ra, ames s. i. st Pierre: David F. Mullen, Mr. & Mrs. old Woods, Maria Machado. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Racicot, Mr. &. .". $10 Ed'gar McAloon, Edward McGeorge App1Eiwhite . Tauntcn Mrs, H. Ariae'i'son, Mr.'&··Mr·s. Aloon. Mrs: Achille Hebert. Mr..& Mrs. Alphonse Gingras, Amalio Annunziato, Md: .A.nge-,o Louise·'McAloon; Osborne McMr. & Mrs. Paul Gendron, Mr. & HOL~ FAMILY lina Annunziato, Mr. & Mrs. Sal- Clellan, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent McMrs, Eugene Roy, NaIda Daigle,' ""':". '$600 " 'vatore Arieta, Mr, & M~s. Wil- Dermott, Eleanor McGrath, Mrs...· NEW YORK (NC)', _ TI: Mr. & Mrs. Frank R a p o z a . ~ ' . "li~"m A.v~lla.,· , . Thomas McGrath. ' American Jewish Committee h~ Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Sherbert, Rev. William' H. Dolan. . Thoma's Bannon, Mr, &: Mrs. Walter McGuire, Francis Mc- honored the N~£ional. Council ( Mr. & Mrs. Henri Frenier, Mr. &. $100 . ·Ita~o Bernacchio, ·Mr. &. Mrs. Manus, Grace McManus, Mr.' & Catholic Met{ for "~outstandin Mrs. Alfred Fortier, Mr. & Mrs.. Holy Family Women's Guild. : . Jesse Bettencourt, Mr.' & Mrs. Mrs: John F. McNamara, Mi'. & leadership in· pli'omotliig. man · Ger1!rd Raymond, Mr.' & Mrs. $50 ., Ar.thur Bird, Mrs · Herbert ~liss. M~s. francis McTague. understanding.Of his fellow ma TreffleCaron. Adolp'h 'Bombardier" Joseph . Mr. & Mrs. G eorge BOllos, through television." The cita . Go d ',La.lira ':8isio, Mr, & Joseph ·Mr. & Mrs. George Nickolds, ' . . Mr. & Mrs. Edouard u reau, Mozzone. " , ... , Mr.&. Mrs. Joseph Orsi Jr., Mr. tion' on the plaque lauded th Albert . Goudreau, . Bernadette $ 2 5 ' J. Boii'os; Mi'. & Mrs.. William & Mrs. John Pacheco,' Fratices" NCCM for its' "notable produ( Goudreau, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Charles Geer. " B~.aga, Raymond Brockl~urst. M & M . PIP tion of the Prejudice-USA seriE Landry, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Trem,.... Mr. & Mrs. C. Emmett Calvey Papazoni, r. rs. a u ' . . on the Catholic ·Hour."': blay. ' ".' ."':- $15 Mr. & Mrs. Aurelio Campanirio: ;~}~~~p~".: ;,:,," "'. ,., , , . v /~ . Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bizier, Mr. Mrs. Chester Cambell, Sadie. Caesar Campi, Mr. & Mrs. Wil'Mrs. AglJes S: Paradis, Edyvard J Peterson,Mrs & Mrs. Maurice Gauvin, Mr. & & Rosemarie Motta, Joseph Ham Canterre, Mr. & Mrs. James·' . Frank PeterMrs, Charles Gaudet, Mr. & Mrs. Perry. Carvalho. son, Kathleen Peterson, Martha Leon Cayer, Mr. & Mrs, Delphis. $1<1 Mr.' & Mrs. Arthur Chassey, Pe~erson. Ringuette. . Mary & Elsie Linhares. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Chayes, Mr. & Mr, ~ Mrs. o!oseph Phil)ipe, . EST. '1870 Mr. & Mrs. Augustin Rapoza, $10 Mrs. Daniel Chispolm, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Charles, Pirozzi, Mrs. 1 Washington Square' Mr. & Mrs. Lucien IJrovost, TimAlfred Amaral, Elsie Amaral, Mrs. James H. Cleary, Mr. & . Frank Pirozzi, Frank Pirozzi Jr., NEW BEDFORD . othy Wright, Marjorie, Wright, Joseph' Amaral, Be~jamin Ber- Mrs. Joseph W. Corcoran. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Plante. Reg. Funeral Director and Mr. & Mrs. Richard Belmore. thao, .Mr. & Mrs. Edward Booth. Eleana & Catherine Coyle, Mr; Mrs. 'Charles Ponsler, Mr. & Ein"almer . Mr. & Mrs. John Bobola, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Harry Buckley, & Mr·s. Jl;)hn H. Coyle, Mr. & Mrs: Frank Quegan, Mr. & Mrs. PRIVATE PARKING 'AREA Mrs. Normand Berard, Mr. & Arthur Collins, Correia Family, Mrs. Thomas Cunniff, Thomas B. ,Joseph Raposa," Mr. & Mrs. TEl. WY 6-8098 Mrs. Alexandre Goudreau, Mr. Mary J. Costa, John Crosby. . <::unniff,.Edward DahiU. . Joseph E. Rezendes, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Va1mon~ Ouellette, Mr..& Richard Crosby, Peter Deniz, . M~. & Mrs. Robert J: Davidson; Ma'i-io' Riva. . Mrs. Raymond Aussant.i . Mark Driscoll,' Sylvano Fa'rias, Mr. & Mrs, Alfred De .costa, Mr; ,- ,Mr. & Mrs. 'Richard Rodier, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zabek, Mr. John FU:rt~~o.. ,. . ! ' . ) & Mrs. Richard J; ?ennen, Mr. & .' Antonio R. Rose, .Mr. & Mrs. R. ,A~ WILCOX CO. '. & Mrs. James Counha, Mr: &. 'Stanley M..Golem Jr., John Mrs.. Walter J; Dermody, Mr. & stanley Saladyga, Mr.;. & Mrs. Mrs. John Healey, Mr.' & Mrs. Gonsalves: "John' Horta, Lois Mrs. Wilfred Desmarais. ,', .... OFFICE FURNITURE . Charles' ,LynCh, Jeannette· Li- King,Walter Leach. Albert Dion,' Mary' Donahue,. ;' iD Stock for Immediate Dellvel7 ,zl?tte. .. ' Arthur L. I;.ortie, William Mc- Mr. 31; Mrs. Wilrose Doucette/•. DESKS '. {. .: 'CHAIRS · Dorothee Boisse, Mr. & Mrs. Aloon, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Motta, .' Anna:; Drinkwater, Mr. & Mrs.. '· . II.: FILINGCA'8INETS' . George Laliberte,' Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Mozzone, Cornelius Mur'; : Roland Ducharme: ; .". , .. RESIDENCE .FOR' YOUNG Charles Landry, Mr. & .Mrs. phy. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Dumont, .' • SAFES • FIRE FlLE$.' WOMEN . John Andrews, Mr. & I\4rs. LeoMrs.. Mary Murphy, Leo Na- ~lizabeth Dunn, Manuel Dutra" FOlDING TABLES. 196 Whipple St." fall River' pold Marquis. .deaU:~'Anne Perry, Francis Perry, . ,Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Faunce, Mr. & . AND CHAIRS Mr. & Mrs: Albert _Richard; Richard Prunier. Mrs. Manuel Fierra. Condudedby Franciscan Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Peloquin, Edmund St. Yves, Mr. & Mrs." . AHc~ MljIY Flynn, ~. & Mrs. . A. LCOX CO. Missionaries of Mary Angetine Brochn. 1I.h'. & M,.c. Arnold Silvlm, Ernest Silvia,' Orner Frappier, ,Joan Frazier,- C'omfor-table Furnished Rooms ,22 BEDFORD ST. Donald Nicholson, Lorraine Mrs. Louise' Slavick, Joseph C. Mrs. Louis Frazier, Mr. & Mrs. With Meals Inquire OS 3-2892 fAJ1 RJVER~5.7838 Brochu. Tavares, John·Zeibli. ., Joseph 'Gasper.· ' f
Jewish' Award
WilliamslFuneral ·,,..Home·, "
'5'" F'ranels.·· . '.. . ·"6UI·Id .
New 'Bedford
$300 Rev. Alfred R. Forni. $25 St. Vincent dePaul Conf. $20 League of St. Francis of Assist , $15 St. Francis of Assisi Catechism Classes. $10 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Finni, Mary & Rose M. Funaro, Mr. & Mrs. T. J. Kielbasa, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ohnesorge, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Reale. Margherita Regis, Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Santangelo, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Vancini, Confraternity of St. Francis. . ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST
$600 Rt. Rev. John A. Silvia. ,$50 Rev. George E. Amaral, Re.. Luiz Cardosa. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Ferro. $~O
Mr. & Mrs. William Wallace, Williams Funeral Home, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Perreira. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Flores, Mr. & Mrs. John Gracia, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas n Barry. $12 Milton, Richmon,d. $11 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Finni. $10 Mr. & Mrs. Antone Arruda, Mrs. Mary Bartor., Mr. & Mrs. S. Brazil, Mrs.' Alvira Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Conde. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Funcia '" Deolinda, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel E. Gracia, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Gonsalve.s, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Charles 1.. Goulart. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Haun, Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Macedo, Mrs. Rose & Evelyn Marshall, Mr. &: Mrs. George Neves, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Pimental. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Rebello, Mr. & Mrs. William Roberts, Joseph Roderick Jr., Mrs. Mary J. Rose, Mrs. Manuel Souza. Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Silva, Mr. &: Mrs. Frank Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Tavares, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Tenreiro. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Xavier, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Albino, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Almeida, Miss Gloria Andrade. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Anselmo, In Memory of Antone V. Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. John Augustine, In Memory of Mrs. Lillian Bishins, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Cairns. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Carreiro, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carreiro, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Condez, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Correia, Joseph A. Correia Jr. Mr. &: Mrs.' Edward Days Sr., Antonio M. DeMello &: Family, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Dunham, Mr.. & Mrs. Charles Duponte, Mr, &: Mrs. Frank Edwards. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Enos, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph ,Ferreira, Mrs. Maria J. Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Fraga, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Furtado. Mr. & Mrs. William Gonzales, Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Gracia, Anthony V. Gracia, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jacintho, Mr. &: Mrs. Antone Lawrence. Miss Angelina Lopes, Mr. BE Mrs. Celestino D. Macedo, Joseph Machado, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mathews, Ralph Medei-
r-os. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mello, 10hll 1. Oliver, Mr. , Mrs. Joseph Oliver, Mr. &: Mrs. Gilbert Perr~ Mr. & Mrs. Richard PerllY. ' Miss Mathilde Pina, Mr. " Mrs. Peter Ponte, Mr. &: Mrs. Amerieo RamaHlO, Mr. &: Mn. Abel Raposo, 10seph Rego. Arthur Roderiques, Mrs. :M827 Rogers, Mr. t Mrs. Manuel Souza, Mr. & Mrs. James Sylvia, Mrs. Mary Sylvia &: Raul &: Car.l. Joseph Silveira, Miss Elsie Sylvia, Mr. &: Mrs. Walter Syi.ta, Mr. &: Mrs. Ernest TavMes, Miss Emi& Vieim,
$200 Rev. A;thur G. Dupuis. $125 Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Dionne $100 Joseph Dufour $75 Rev. Ernest E. BlaIS $50 Ladies of St. Anne; League of t~e Sacred Heart, Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Dufour, Omer Trudeau. $25 Heliodore Leclaire, Henri For_ tier $20 , Eugene Penoy, Edward Plante $15 Francois Tremblay, Raymond Lev!!sque $10 Albert Couture, Marthe Men, ,ard, Edouard Madore, Wilfrid Caron, Emile Boilard. Rene Coulombe, Paul Lapointe, Rene Goddu, Leo Roche_ ford, Olivier Ouellette. Leo Talbot, William O'Neil, Richard Boulanger, Leo Cummings, Emile Matliieu. Edmond Cote, Owen Griffin, Leandre Bel.'3rd Jr., Robert W. LeComte, Roland Desjardins. Orner Parker, Alcide Berube, Arthur Chenard, Mrs: Dewey Thibault, Albert Lincourt. John Ferris, George Cote, Normand Bibeau, Raymond Carroll, Arthur Cote. William Martel Jr., Roland Normandin, Dona Parent, Manuel Souza, Roger Rousseau. Lionel Bedard, Henry Belan:. ger, Alfred Belanger, Leo Francoeur, Normand Fortin.• ,Joseph Dagwan, Julien Desjar.:dins, F. X. Auclair,' Charles Carpenter. OUR LADY OF 'FATIMA
$400 . Rev. James F. McDermott $100 Mr. '&: Mrs. J. Edward Lajoie' $75 Dr. & Mrs. William Freemaa $60 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Swales $50 Mr. & Mrs. Mason Cleveland,' Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Maguire. $40 Mr. & Mrs. John Bigonette, Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Fayan, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Heffernan.. $29. Mt'. & Mrs. Herve S. Robed $25 Mr. & Mrs. Harold F. Dusoe, Mr. & Mrs. Donald L.' MacDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm R. Melvin, Mr. &: Mrs. William or. Rogers. $20 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Correa, Anne V. Fayan, Mr. & Mrs. Leonel V. Garganta, Mr. &: Mrs. John M. Powers, Mr. &: Mrs. ;Raymond Sweeney. . Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond L. Wilson. $15.50 Leonard E. Boardman Family $15 :Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Albert, Mrs. M. Francis Donovan, Mr. &: Mrs. Raoul Gagnon, Grace Holden, Kathleen A. Kennedy. Mona C. Kennedy, Mr. & :Mrs. William E. Nugent, Mr. &: Mrs. Christian Ramstedt. $12 Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Farley, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur F. Turcotte $10 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Banville, Mr. &: Mrs. Henry Botelho, Mr. &: Mrs. John A. Brickhill, Mr. {It Mrs. Manuel Britland, Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Britland. Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Bryda, Mr. &: Mrs. Ernest T. Cabral, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph S. Cabral, Mr. &: Mrs. ~rge A. Collins & Ernest Collins, Mrs. Leonard F. Connors. Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond W. Connors, Mr. & Mrs. James E. Col)roy, Mr. & Mrs. Wiliam F. Cripps, Mr. &: Mrs. James Crosson, Mr. " Mrs. Thomas Curtain. Mr. &: Mrs. Nicholas A. DeMareo, Patricia Doriovan, Mr. &: Mrs. Frederick' B.\ Fazzina " Family, Mr. & Mrs. Edward .A. Fernandes, :Mr. &; Mrs. Hurboll Fitta. Mr. &: Mrs:Paul Flanigan,:Mr. " Mrs. William R. Flynn, Mrs. Charles A. Foley, Mr. &: Mrs. Conrad P. Fortier, Mr. &: Mrs. Fernand Fournier. :Mn. Gem'ude Fr~ llk. as
21 ,-----
Thurs., May 24, 1962
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Peterson, Mrs. Ann Philips, Helen Pouliot, Edward D. Powel's, Anna El. Raftery. Edward Rebello, Mrs. Edward Rebello, James Reid, John Reilly., Mary Reilly. Miriam Reilly, William Regan, Robert Richardson, Joseph Rihbany, Anthony Rose. Arnold W. Ruby, Albert Ryan, Alfred Sanford, ~nne Silvia, Irene Smith Family. Mrs. Vincent Smith, Harry Soares, Leonard Sousa, Clara Theroux, Lillian Theroux. Edward Tokarz, Catherine Tonry, Raymond D. St. Martin, Margaret Smith, Frederick Sullivan. Mrs. Frederick Tripp, Gerald Tripp, Gerald Tripp, Coreen& Vargas, Michael Welch, John Wade. Grace Wilbur, Barbara Williams.
AWESTRUCK: A hand of esteem reaches out to fouryear-old Pi~terpaul Schiphorst who paid a congratulatory visit in Rome to newly-created Cardinal Michael Browne of Ireland, the Master-General of the Do~inican Order. The youngster seems awestruck by the entire affai~. NC Photo. Mrs. Joseph Franco, Mrs. Patience Gray, Mrs. Frank B. Greene, Mr. &' Mrs. Louis 'F. Harrington. Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. lIarrison, Mr.,& Mrs. Daniel F. Henry, Mr.. & Mrs. James T: Hodkinson, Mr. & Mrs., Peter '1. Hoss, Mr. &: Mrs. Dolor R. Jette. , Mr. & Mrs. J. Frank Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Kershaw, Mr. & Mrs. William E. Kitchen, Jr. Mrs. Francis E. Lapointe, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lavoie. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis F.'Longshaw, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Lord, Mr. & Mrs. James E. McCormack, Mrs. Joseph E. McGuigan, Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. McNerney. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Mar-, tin, Mr. & Mrs. John V. Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Leon J. Menard. Ruth Mercer, Mr. &. Mrs. Thomas H. Mercer, Mr. & Mrs. Andre G. Michaud, Mr. & Mrs. Roger MichaUd, Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Monahan. , Mr. & Mrs. John J. Monte, Mr. &: Mrs. William Murphy, Anna Noble,' Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Patenaude. Mr. & Mrs. George C. Penrose, Mr. &: Mrs. Walter J. Piter~, Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel Ponte, Mr. &: Mrs. Ambrpse A. Powers, , Charles St. George. Mr. & Mrs. Roland E. Santerre, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Saraiva, Jr.; Mr. & Mrs. John E. Scanlon, Mr. & Mrs., Harold Senay, Mr. & Mrs. Jules H. SeneChal. Jennie C. Serpa, Mr. & Mrs. William A. Shannon, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sharples, Mrs. Elizabeth A. SuMivan, Henry R. Sullivan. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Swales, Jr., Mr. & Mrs., John Sweeney, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Wamboldt, Mr. &: Mrs. John R. Wood, Mr. &: Mrs; Alfred Zervis.
Taunton ST. MARY'S
$1,200 Rt. Rev. James Dolan $50 ' Rev. Norman J. Fer,is, O. l«tbur Nereo. $35 Edward & Grace O'Keefe $25 Mary Fountain, Mary McLear, Chas. J. Murphy, Daniel O'Connell, Edward O'Gara. , Joseph Wade, Catherine Winl1ton. $20
William Behan & Margaret B., Mr. &: Mrs. William 1. Casey, J'oseph Fournier. Helen Laffa~, James E. McGovern.
Mary &
McNamara $15 William Brady, Dr. Edmund Fitzgerald, 'Kathleen Hogan, Charles, O'Connell, Harold T. Sheehan. Mrs. Ralph Reckard. $12 Peter Caramos, John Levbseur, Henry Murray. ' $10 Ovila Adams, Richard AImeida, Mrs. Marie .Bannon, Charles Barber, Joseph Bettencours. Leo Berube, Josephine Betten_ court, Helen Bird, Raymond Boffetti, Catherine Brady. James Brindle; Mrs. John Carr, Mrs. Joseph C. Casey, Ruth Cayton, Stephen F. Collins, Jr. James COle, Dr. Edward Coyle, John Cross, Jr., Robert Daly, Donahue Family. Mrs. Helen Donahue, John Donahue, Anna Donovan, Margaret Dowd, Mrs. Robert Drake. Edward Duffy, Robert Escobar, George Fantacone, Nicholas Fantacone, David Fernandes. John Fernandes, Walter Fitzgerald, August Flanagan, Pauline Flynn, ,Henry L. Foley. Mrs. Augustus Fournier, Janne G. Gallagher"Mrs. Edward Galnski, Manuel Gonsalves, Walter Gonzalski. Gorman FaIrily, Thomas Grandfield, William Grailt~ James Kelliher, Theresa, Kennedy. • Charles Kingsbury, .Toseph Lane, Margaret Lang Family, John Lanning, John F. Laughlin.
Winifred Laughlin, Mrs. John Lawson, Mary & Nellie Leary, Charles Lincoln, Jr., Francis Lynch. Edna Lynch, Emma T. McAloon, Edward McNamara, Edward McGaughran, Mary L. McGrath. Charles McMann, Mrs. Charles McMann, Elizabeth McMorrow, William McQueston, Joseph Mador. Jaime Matesanz, Mildred Maxwell, Hugh 'Mc.yher, George Megan, 'John Mrocka. Arthur Murphy, John Murphy, Edmond, O'Connor' Family, M. Nigra, Edward O'K'eefe. + • • + • + + • + • • + • • .,
$200 Franciscan Fathers OFM Conv. $25 Children of Mary So<\ality-, Holy Rosary Church $20 Fransiszek Bielenda, Mr. & Mrs. John Dubena, Ted Julian. $10 Mr. & Mrs. Robert BentleJl, Mrs. Anna Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Barry Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Cardoza, Mr. & Mrs. Lew», Faulkner. Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kusekowski, .Johl!l Linek &:Family, Misses Aldonllfl & Jo~nna Majkut, John Markowski. 'Mr. & Mrs. James McMahon, Mr; & Mrs. Kazimierz Polak, Mrs. Stephanie Rozowiez, Bronislaw Sienko, Seweryn Sowiecki. Miss Genowefa Ziajor SACRED... HEART $500 lU. Rev. Francis McKeon $100 St. Vincent de Paul SocietySacred Heart Conference $75 Rev. Joseph P. Delaney $25 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dray, Mr.' & 'Mrs. Real Samson & MrB. Garant, The Welch Family. $15 Rita O'Donnell, Rose O'Donnell. $10 The Barker Family, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Braga, Alice Care3lo Gertrude Carey, Alice Carney. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Orner Derochers, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Feeney, Mr. & Mrs. Alan Fitzgerald, In Mem'ory of William Fitzgerald. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Guresh, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. Leon Landry, Mr. & Mrs., Herbert A. Lee, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent McAloon. William McCaff~y, Mary &: Margaret McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. B. Lewis McDermott, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Nichols. Mary E. Nichols, Sarah Nichols, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence O'Neill, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Prairie, Galea I Rheaume. Harold Rheaume, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Roberts, Mrs. Bernice Souza R- 'mond W' • ~n, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Whalen.
Michael C. Austin Il11c. FUNERAL SERVICE 549 COUNTy 511'.
NEW BEDFORD, MASS. • • ;; . . . . . . + ::i-v -• • • •
M-K Restaurant
''The Gaslight Room" [deal for Communion Breakfasts. Organization Banquets 386 Acushnet Ave. New Bedford Call WYman 2-1703
MOTORS OLDSMOBilE Oldsmobile·Peugot-Renault 6? Middle Street li'atrhaven
.. :'
Leo Berube,' Arthur Letour. neau, F.idolin Blanchard, Marcel Spirlet, Henri Brule: Roland Benoit, Emile Roy;' At,;. freda PQirier, Ah'!xina ~Aal1llSe, Jose,?h Leclair. ' . : .,,' :'.:. . I'd Mr. & Mrs. William" Burns, Elizabeth Whalen, Miss. Z;oe. Spirlet, 'Mrs. Henri J. Magnant; . Adden Bourcier Family. . :. David Rego, Da~ase Janviet;· ;'Cecile Boucher, Roger Berche, Henri Duval. . ' .' Arthur Collard, Eva Mailhot, Fernand Kirouac, Antoinette Gelinas, Ruth Montplaisir. Leonard Poyant, Aureie Cor':' mier, Adelard Marois, Valeda Jackson, Duval Family. . . Mr. & Mrs: Oscar LeBlanc, AIbert Morris, Henry JohnsOn, ·Henri Roy, Victor Belanger. Mr.' & Mrs. George Charles"
d N ew'B edlf.·· Tor
Mli. 8!: Mrs. ~nio~e Quintal, Mrs:' Peter Quirk, .Mr. & Mrs. $'75 Donald' Raymond; Mr... & Mrs.' Rev. James A. Clark.. Leopold' Rodeiliat, ·Mr. & Mrs. Roland Ross. . ." ' " $50 Dr. &'Mrs: Wilfred Rousseau. Mr; & Mrs.. George'Rothmyer, ': '$35 Mr. & Mrs; Henry Roza, Mr. &' .' Mrs.:.Roy St., 'Gerin~in, Mr~ &' Mr. & Mrs. John Nicolaci. Mrs. Albert Saunders; Mr. & $25 .,. Mr. & Mrs. ·Joseph Boldiga, ·Mrs. Noiman Sevigny. Mr. & 'Mrs. Manuel Simmons, The Dexter family, Mr. & M~s. Gerard Guillotte, Margaret Jack- Mr; .~ Mrs: Nestor'Silveira, Arthur Sinith, 'Anna Sullivan, son. . . $20 / Annie S y l v i a . ' Mr..& Mrs. Edward Sylvia, Mr. & ~rs. Gaston Debrosse, Mr: & Mrs. David Costa,. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Sylvia, Charlotte Simpson, The Teixeira Mr. & Mrs; Joaquim Sylvia, Mr. Family.~· . & Mrs. Cosme Tavares;' Mr. & Mrs.~ John Tetreault... .$18 & Mrs. John Tex.eira, Mr. .Mr. & 'Mrs. John Sullivan :~ & Mr. Mrs. Roland Thibeault, The Roland Giard, Leopold Harnois, Mark. Topolewski Family, Mr. 8i:: Mrs. '. . Orner pothier, Roger Caron. '. $15 Joseph Travers, Mr. & Mrs. ManNormand Despres, Gerard " Mr. & Mrs. John Barry, Mr. & uel Travers. I', • Langlois, Arthur Lariviere, ·'Rose '. Boucher' Ernest Desla'e . Mrs. Marcel Loranger, Edward . Mr. & Mrs. Leo T.remb.lay, Mr. UrI rs.. , .. :" . MaCl.ean, The Rezendes· Family, .' . & Mrs. Albert Tr,udelle, Mr. & ' Guilbert, Euclide . Orner Fisette, · Mr. & Mrs; Jayme Silva, Mr. &, Mr,s.· .· ":'urgeon, .M.r. & Th eo d ore L oranger J'" .,', r.,· HenrI: Mrs: John D. Sylvia. N0 l'm, Evert 1 Mrs•. Walter Valles, Mr. & Mrs. Hines'. ". . . . $10 Louis': Vicente. . .' . Laurent 'Roy, Mrs. : George"; The Abramczyk Famil;, Mr,.·~·,," Mr. & Mrs. Raymond <Vien, . ;Methee,Roben 'Bertrand; Andre" . M' N' W Ish M & M Aucoin,' PimlGoudreau.· . .' .; ... Mrs. Clare.nce.·Alv~s, Mr:. & IV¥'s. rs. orman ,a , r. ,rs. Gordon . Baker, . Mr.. 8i Mrs: Harold Ward, Mr. & Mrs. Clar.Elzear Ct>rmi~J:, Leo Bergeron; Joseph. Barbero, Mr. &.' Mrs,' ence Whitaker, Mr.&Mr~. wii- , Manuel Rapoza, Orner Messier, Frai1k;Barto~. :'. .,. liam Wilson,' ALL 'BOXED IN: These': Indi~n.Youngsters of.' P~ru Irene Messier; . . . . .' Mr.. &MrS.Harry·~atty,Mr.& . . _, have .discovered wonderful treasu-re; Thecaiton which. Arthur Carreau,'Ernest Thiry,"." Mrs: 'Frederick' Beals; The Bell N B'd f ..' Leo: "Robida, .'Marcel RogiSs~~t,':' Fam.ilY, Mr.. &·Mrs: Emii'B,ellotti, . ew e or . . ,brought 'them f90d, can n9W ,be, used for all sorts of gam~s.· Roland Duval. ' .. " . Mr."& .Mrs.·V.incerit :Berta.~otto.' ·."~OUR"'LAn·y' OF Mf. C~R'~E{ Food;' blankets, 'clbthing'··and' medi¢al~upplies sent in th~ MI'/''& ·Mrs.. Joseph Rainv'ille;' Mr. 8;1:. Mr~ .. Jl;Iy~~ B,erto!dq,', .' " . ..,. . . 'name Of the:'Aiperic~ri' people' through ,Oatholi<; ..Relief Ser_'Antoinette .Lebert, '.DQris LeBert, " Joserr Bertoldo, ,·Mr. & Mrs;~'" '$'750·', '·.vices-NCWCreached.thej·ungle areas,of.eastern Peru where ··BAr!1etnhn~~ny.. Podlaski~ ~dVY,ard, I EITifle Bisson, ·Mr. & Mrs. Wil- . Rt. Rev. Antonio P. Vieira. ." .... liam Bourbo, .Mr. & Mrs.' Rich-'" . ' .. $'75 . destroyed homes and crops. NCPhot? :"-: ,. M~ .. .& Mrs. E':Dili~n ,:qup.on~,"". ard $.rown. ':, .~~ :, ReV::'Luiz G: Mendonca:' . . I,",,: Mrs. Alfred Caron,' Florida Au~' MJ;s. Raymond Bryant, Mr. & ." . $60' "',' Mr:-& Mrs: Antone Leirios~' Mr. Ge~ov.eva ,., Silvestre, Mr. &' dette'; M:rs~, Adelard Doyon, ,Mrs. Edward 'Carter, Mr. & Mrs: Leonor M. Luiz, Mary T. Luiz. & Mrs.' Edward Lima, Mrs. Maria Mrs.' Anthony E. Slocu~, August . Yvonne Lafrance. . . Chaiies ChadWick, Mr. & Mrs. "$50 Lopes, Peter Lopes; Alexandrina SoareS; George" Soares, Iren~ Alfred Thibodeau; Adela~d Lawrence Chandler, Mr. '& Mrs: Mr.' & Mrs. Albert P. Lopes, Macedo. 'Sousa.,. . '. '. Rivard, Ernest L. Payette, LoJoseph Chaplin. Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro L. RO'driques, Mr. & Mrs. James Macedo; Mr. David Souza, ,Mr, & Mrs. Del- ,retta Lebeal;l, Lucille:Br~ss~d. J Mr. & Mr": Abilio Condez, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. George ,Ponte. & Mrs. James S. Macedo, Mr. &. ' fim. Soqza, ·Mr.. & Mrs. James' LOuis Magnant, Delia Mag-... & Mrs. William Constant, Mr. & $30., Mrs. Manuel S. Macedo; Mrs... Soliz~, 'Mr:&.Mrs.Manuel Souza. nant, Thomas St,' ,Germain, l~Jl.· ~rs. Alfred Cormier, Mr. & M~~. Mr. & Mrs. Albino Sylvia. Marili' 'Mace'do, .Mr.· & Mrs:' Ar-' • J.r., Barbara' Jane .~ylvia. . NormandIn, Orner Breton. . ". Gilbert Costa, Mr. '& Mrs. Joseph. . . ·$25 .... thur M~ Madeira. . Mr. '& Mrs. Clarence Sylvia,' Michel Lefebre, Joseph FrateS; Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Avla, Cece:Mr. & Mrs. Paul Magnant, Mr. Mr.. & Mrs. Francis A. ·.Sylvia, ,Henri ·Dube, N.ormand Parent, Costa.. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Coucci, Mr. lia Bettencourt, 'Mr.' & Mi-s. & Mrs~ .Frank Marshall, Mr. & Mr; &. Mrs.. Walter Sylvia, Gil- Rene I.acoste. & Mrs.' Th..o masCoucci, ·Edward Joseph C. DeMello,' Mr.·& Mrs. Mrs...frank Martin, Ntr: & 'Mrs, bert Tavares, Manuel Tavares. Julien Menard, Norman HeDawson, Mr.. & Mrs. James naw_ Arthur Eugenio, Holy Name So": Jos'e' Martin, Mr. &. Mrs. Matthew Mr. &. Mrs. joseph Theodore, bert, Roger Barthelemy, Adelard son, ).VIr. & Mrs. Albert Decotis. ciety.. '. . Martin. , . ..' '. . " Mr. & Mrs. Luiz G. Torres, Mr. Roy, Odelie Carrier. Mr. & Defreitas; Mr. & Mrs. Enos. Lopes, Olivia' Mr. ,& Mrs. AnthonyMatthews,. & Mrs. Gilbert M ..VaJ,'ao, Mr. &. . Donald Carrier, Arthur Caron, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Desruisseatl, M. LlJiz, Jesse Mello. . Mr. & Mrs. Anibal Medeiros; Mr. Mrs. Art~ur Vasconcellos, Mr..& . Donat .Letendre, !' '.fredGau-· The·Devlin;Family, Mr: & Mrs;' " ' . ' $20 & Mrs. Antone Medeiros, Aris::':' Mrs. Willillm Y~ill.y.. , .. ··thier, Mr. ,& Mrs. Armand BonRoland Dumas, Mr. & Mrs. Quin~ Mr. & Mrs. Man1,1el M. Borges, tides Medeiros, Mr'... &' :Mrs: Jon' Angelina Velho, Mr. & Mrs: neau. ton Duquette. '-., . Mr. & Mrs. ~tephenS. Macedo, MedeirOi!: .. : ,. . .. ' .'. ;....' Albet:t Vicente. ", William Cormier, Franklin Mrs. Farrely & Miss Gorman, . Mr. 8!: Mrs. Jesse Mathews, Mr. & Mr: &~rs. Manuel Medeiros,' . '· . ~regory, Oscar Br~sette, Marcel Mr. & Mrs. Frank Finni, Mr. & Mrs::Rqymond Medeiros, Mr. & .MarY"S. Medeiros; Aiiee c. 'be- . ··ST~·.ANTIllQNY OF pADUA." . Letourneau~ San:1u~l Coel~oJ" Mrs.,·Francis,Fitzgerald,· ·Mr.·& Mrs. Joseph V. Nunes. . ..MellQ". Ann Mello; ..FIorenc.e; Wilfred Langevin.: . Mrs.',JohnFlores .& Son, Mr:& MI:. &..Mrs. Antonio Pe'dras, Mello:'.;'., '. - .. .' .~ $500' ,,': .< Mrs. Mario Fogarfm. .:.. Mr. .,8r. Mrs. Antone. Roderick,... ' Mr:' &: Mrs. John Mello,' John,' Rt. Rev. Albert Berube. HOLY. ROSARY::, J~' . : , Mr. & Mrs. OsiasFredette, Mr. Mr, &.Mrs, CharlesSQuza, Mr. &; C. Mello,:Mr.& Jorge, Meio," .,$50 $150 & Mrs. Eiphege Gamache, Mr.·& l\.'Irs.~Hemeterio,Souza. , Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Melio,'M:r.· &." . . Mrs. Raymond Gamache, Mr. & ..... ,... . $Hi .. '. , . . Mrs. Ma'nuel Mello. . . . Re\>. Bertrand' Chabot, . Rev: Re~, E;?,est ~. B.tte. < I • Mrs.'·James· Gawthrope,' Mr, .'& Mr.' &.. Mrs. Joseph Cruz Jr., .':. M;:.&~s ..Se~afim Mello, Mr Clarence ..J.: D'Errtre-mont;Rev•. _ $10 Mrs:;,Alfred Gauttier.· .... ,... ·Mr. & Mrs. AUgust:Fe~nandes, & Mrs.,(;teprge,Mendonca, Mr•. & ~.O~lD ~~ls~ .., 40': ., . Henry Daigle,."RaYl';l<)~d'd~u~':' Mr" & Mrs. EdwardGlguerl'e',"" Mr.,~,.'Mrs.. Joseph SIlveira. .' Mrs. Manuel Mendonca, ·Miss. ,:' . .', .. ' $. '. ' .' ,.' Mr. &:.Mrs. Henry GurI; Mr. ~ ". -c ....,:.'. i .., .i •. ".$I.Z.".~,:.:.: " ,'" .Mary:,.. R•. Mendon~a,,,Mr .. &, Mrs.... ', WI~~i:m Be~uregard FamIly. ,,'vin, .I;>~uis ~: ~~febvr~,.M~ueL..: Pimontle, Mrs. James Poulin .... ~rs. Joseph ~annon, The Harr. '. Mr. .& Mrs. GUllh.~~~~.M. I,.U!Z,., . , Andre.;Mc;>niz : '.' _. '., . . ~5 Irene Poulin; Fr~d TetreaUlt; . rmgton. Fa,mIlY; Mr. & Mrs.' " ,$10" .. •.... B.~atJ;'iC;~ q;,,;Monteiro, Mr.. & Orner Tardl. 30 Thomasset Family: Tho~a.s Hart; Mr. & Mrs..George Albmo; Mr. Mrs. Joseph Neves, Joseph Lopesc . $. WIlham Higham Mr. & Mrs. & 'Mrs: 'Franclsco Almeida Mr &' 01' . M & Mi' Alf ed.p .' In Memory of Irene Schwank, . 'H . M ' M ..' . • Ivetra,. r. s.. ,,1' . !l_J Louis"Parent ., ' . J 0 hrt ogan, r::.& Mrs. LawrS'. James Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. checo, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pa-, .:~>. ..'.., ..: renee Hotte, Mrs. Boy(J,lIud~~!1". Amaral, Antone Amaral. ,checo.., . " .' I :..... ." "$25, . . Mr.&. Mrs. Jolin Hughes. ,,: :' Mr.~& Mrs. Fernando Andrade . . ; Mr & M' h' p'. M'" & Anna' Esa···& Family" Henri. ~ , '" ., . "',"" rs o n alva,. r. L G l' L' 1" B ' d M Mr. & Mrs. Jo,hn I~herw09d:, ' Mrs. Isabel Andr~de, Mr..··l\t.Mrs.·· 'Mrs.JQSepb:A. Paiva,Mr. &.Mrs. . F'- 'Ia.~p;~u, ~on;, r~~sa~ r .' lPai~t ,-and,: Wallpaper anuel Jorge, !"1r. & Mrs. JaI?es Americo Araujo; ¥r. & Mrs.' Joseph' Paiva, Maiia Ev~ Paiva, . Y.'ll Agar rpu. e au, 'one . . Dupont. Paint Kelley, Mr. MMrs. Ralph Kmg, .Joseph Arruda, . Maria 'de Mr.. & Mrs. Russell Paiva.: . 0 lal e, nna 01 t ras. . : New Bedford . Mr. &. Mrs. Dewey Lacroix. Lourdes Arruda. .$2!). cor. Middle' St. ' Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Laronda Mr: & Mrs Alfred B~rboza . ·Mr. & ~s~, AntOnIO Pe~elra, Andre Daigle, Jules Lamothe. . ·PARKING . Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lawrence, The. Mr. & Mrs. M~nuel Barboza 'Mr: ,.Raul Pereira, M~. & ·Mrs. LIOnel ~' .. " ' . $15. . Leaver Family Mr. &: Mrs. &··Mrs. James Baroa Mr &'Mrs' • H. Pel'ry, Am~nco Pestana,' Mr.. ' Mrs~" Diivid Begnoche '&. Rear 0' Store" . ' . ' . , . " & Mrs. Leo PImental. .' J' h A d C t F ran k ,Leblanc, lVlr. & Mrs. Nor- Hennque Barros Natercia Bet, , .. osep '. rman 0 e. 422 Acusb: Ave. man Leech. ',tencourt.' . . '... Dale'Rap~za,'Mr.,.&'Mrs. Emi;' ." The Luckraft Family William Dorothy Bizarro Mr .& Mrs \ dio Raposa,' Mr. &' Mrs.."Mailuel \, ., ..':~ '~~" $12 . . " ,. .'. . . R' . J ~ M 'R" M' '''&'' "." Mr ,& Mrs Ernest Leblanc '& McAndrews, The McGoff Family, James Borges, Mr. &, Mrs.' Joao !ipoza r., ary apoza" r. '.,Famiiy . " . · . . I"",, ..... Mr. & Mrs. S~dney McMullen, B~azil,. Mr. & M;s. Joseph Mrs. Joseph Rato.. . ..: ' . :.... ~~"$10 '" . Mr. & Mrs. Jame~ ~cCarthy.. Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cll:b-. Mr. & Mrs. Pedro RI~ar~o, Mr:. . . Theodore'·. Tetreini'lt" . Arthur .. Mr. & Mrs WIlham MagUire ral & Mrs. John P. Rita, ~Mrs. .. . .'. '" ...' \ M . .,.. ,.., Thorn s'R h M & M L' .". Gahpeau- Joseph Caron Theors. Hector Manny, Mr. & Mrs. Antomette Calouro, Rosalina' a " .oc a, ,r. . rs... ~UIS '''phile D~s Roches Rob~rt 'LaJosep.hMarco, Mr. & .Mrs.. Le~ Camara, M;ary E. Cambra, Mr. &' ,Rode~lck, Mr. 8i .Mrs. FranCISCO .,' asse..,.. . ~. ", '. ~aroIs, Macedo-DesrOSIers Fam; 1V!-rs. Raymond Cambra, Patr'Q- R~dngu~s. . . . , g Romeo ·Poirier Aip'honse L. ..."CITIES" SERVICE cma Car.odza.· Mr. &.Mrs. George Roderigues,.. R' b·t '11' ,. Adr!" P'll t'i' · Uy. . M" ..' Mr & Mrs Man el E R d i" 0 I al e . len e e er, M r. & 'M rs. Manuel Medeiros, .' '\'DISTRIBUTORS . r. & Mrs. Jose Carvalho, . . u . 0 ~r.:- "J6se h.St' Pierre Jose ii Hebert . 'R p eo . Mar1'· Pi'h del .... :. Mrs. Annie Mello, James Mello, Urania Clough, Mr. & Mrs. An-' gues, Mr;·&.Mrs. Huml;lerto Rod-. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mello, Mr. & tonio Correia Jr., Belmira Cor;''' rigues; Mrs.. Januar~a Rogers, Mr. 'G' 0?1 H o~d" B a :u.s .,' I •• Gasoline" Mrs. Robe.rt Mogilnicki. 'reia, Mr." & Mrs'. FernandO.COr..; . & Mrs. Antonio Garcia Rosa. MUDll~nncy, te °C·rhmllas G °l~c. e.r~ . . M 0: M H'" . 1 aurlce 0 , a r es: e ,mas.·.... . h . 1 M?m elro" · M r. & .M ' r~..Abe. r~~a. . . . . . r.oo rs. ~nrl!J.ue Rouxmo , :- lra Perry; Yvonne Lapointe,' F.uel Range Mr. & Mis. WII~lam.MonIz, Mr. & Mr. ~ Mr~ ..Walter C:0r,reia, Mr.. Mr. &¥r~. C;harles San.tos,.~,r.. : Marie .,Riendea~'jRoger·Racicot, ". Mrs. Carl Mor.larty, Mr. & Mrs, & Mrs, LOUIS CorreIra, Mr..& & Mrs. Frank ~~ S,antf'll, .~w~e,,:, .Antoinette St Pierre' '.' RaymO?d Morris, Mr. & Mrs. Mrv'J.oseph ?out~,. Mr. & . Mrs. : .~ant05, Mr. &~rs, Manu~l Sat:t:' I,', 'Dosithee' F~isy, l\1~" J .... ~_ :. FrederIck Murray. Manuel. Dutl'a.. El)1il~,:J!:119S~ tos .. ' . ' . . . . . . , ,thur Meunier, Ephi'em Gauthier, BU'RNERS . '. .. . ,': ... ,','" '. Mr.. Mrs. Enoch Newsham~ Mr.~ ..Mrs. Ml\nu~~ E:!\tr~l1a, Mr.; c!k M~s. Man~el.P .. Sant?s, . Eugene Laplante' Frigiluii.'· : Mr. & Mrs. ,Robert ~ewsham,; Mr. &\: Mrs i . Norman Farias; Mr~ t .\VIri!... J()h~ Sar8,l.v~, Mr. ~ : ,.,: ... "" ...•. O. E.". "BOILER' BURNER' UNITS' . ._ .. _ ...:... .O_'.:J- . _ _ ' The OiGrady Family, Mr. & Mrs. Maria M. Fernandes, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Pl;lsquale E. Sbardella, Mr. Micha~l .• 0,'lJaraj, Mr. & Mrs.' Alexander. Figuieredo, Mr. &: & Mrs:' Josep.h Sebastiao;M;rs.. ; For. p'rom;k cI'!.Itv~ry. .Thomas-O'Leary. _ . . ' Mrs. Joseph Fr~ga. . Vrrgini.a. Senna,. . . '.., ' .... Mr., & Mrs. Arthur Parent,:. Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Gomes, Mr.~, Mrs. John Sequ,eira, ..,.i & Day & Nlght'Ser~i~ \ .,' Mr. & Mrs. James Penler, Mr. &.. Carl Gonsalves, Mr: & Mrs.·Cus- Margar,e't ~heffield, Mr. & M~!! ... ;·'Plu.:nbing~'H~~ti~~ . . Rural Bottled. Gas' Se,;;ice . Mrs. Robert .Penler, Mr. & Mrs.' todio Gonsalves,' Arnaldo Gre';' Charles . Silva "Jr:, Mr. &' Mrs. Ov~r; ~5 y~~~ ., . .- Albert Pepin, Mr. & Mrs. Ame-,. gorio, Mr. &.Mrs. Joseph Gabriel. Gt~orge Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Joao 61. COHANNn ST. rico Perry. Mr.·& Mrs. Hem:ique, Mr. & Silva. of Satisfied Service TAUNTON Mr. & Mrs. Stanley" Pielech, Mrs. Jose Inacio, Mr.. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Joao Silva, Mr. & 806 NO. MA!IN SllitlElW The Pina Family, Anne Pittle,' Abel Jacinto, Mr. & Mrs. John Mrs. Jose Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Attleboro - No. Attloboro Mr. & Mrs. 'lfanuel Ponte, Mrs.: Jakusik, Mr. & M'rs. Raymond Joseph Silva, Maria cle Lourdes Irall RiveII' 0$ S-7497 Taunton Horton Quinlan. LeCo~te. . Silva, Carol Silveira... ST. MARY
" .a. . , " .
d .
' . '
' .
and, ·<'''OILS '·CjiL
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• • •, .
•• ,,,,'
New Bedford Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gregoire, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Dugas, Mr. & $500 Mrs. Albert Roux, Mr. & Mrs.. Rt. Rev. Louis E. Prevost George Blaise, Mr. & Mrs. J. $200 Chiasson. . Dr.. & Mrs. Albert Hamel Mr. & Mrs. Conrad LamonMr. & Mrs. Francois Sullivan tagne, Mr. & Mrs. Orner Payette, $150 Mr. & Mrs. Andre Fiano, Mrs. Mr.& Mrs. Conrad Seguin Louis Fortin, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Roy & Fournier. family . Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Saulnier & $100 0 Ronald Saulnier, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Emma Courtemanche Walter Midura, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dionne . Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. Victor DrolVlr. & Mrs. Marcel Trahan let, Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Melanson. $75 Mr. & Mrs.' Joseph Montour, Rev. Louis R. Boivin Mr. & Mrs. Francis Roberge, Mr. $60 & Mrs. Raymond Roy, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Herve Couture Mrs. Donald Ouellette, Mr. & $50 Mrs. Clement Tanguay. lVIr. & Mrs. Arthur Janson Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cobb, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Vaudry Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Danser- Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Leblanc, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Farley, Mr. & eau Mrs. Maurice Robillard, Mr. & $40 Mrs. Maurice Nault. lVIr. & Mrs. Louis Leblanc Mr. & Mrs. George Soucy, Mr. $35 VISITS PRISONERS: Msgr. Salvatori' Papalardo, an & Mrs. George A. Racine, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Pius Allain & Mrs. Roger Cournoyer, Mr. & official of the Vatican Secretariat of State,. visits a group Family Mrs. Adrien Coderre, Mr. & Mrs. of Indians interned in concentration camps in Portuguese $30 lVIr. & Mrs. Francois Bouchard Alphonse Pelletier. Mozambique. The Indians were imprisoned following the Miss Dora Babineau, Mr. & $25 Mr. & Mrs. Henri Phaneuf, Mr. Mrs. Henri Brouillette, Mr. & invasion of Portuguese Goa, Damao and Dio by the Indian' I Mrs. Arthur Gregoire, Mrs. army. NC Photo. & Mrs. Normand Ostiguy, Mr: & Ernest Hodson, Mr. & Mrs. Yvonne Bastarache, Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Mathieu, Mr. &; Mrs. Marc Demanche. Mr. & Mrs. Normand Chan. Mr. &. Mrs. Ludger Varieur,' Albana Collette.' . Mr. &; Mrs. Edward .England, Brodeur & Antaya Families, Mr. donet, Mr. & Mrs. Francis CalA Friend, Mrs. Clara & Ernest Mrs. Rose Paradis, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Roger Gagnier, Mr. A: nen, Mr. & Mrs. Alexandre' Robida, Mr. & Mrs. George Des- G. Ligouri, Mr. &; Mrs. Alfred . Mrs. Henri Leblanc. Monu"iny, Mr. & Mrs. ,Ernest· J1'osiers, . Mrs. Cecile Parent, Petit, Mrs. Bh'lnche Girouard & Mr. & Mrs. Valmore Poitras & Leblanc,' Mr. & Mrs. Walter Pauline Davignon. Family. Family, Mr. & Mrs. Ra,ymond St. Baillargeon. Mr. &; Mrs. Hilaire Tremblay, Mrs. Catherine Paquette, Mr. Gelais, Mr. & Mrs. Lepnard DuMr. & Mrs. Ovila Fortin, Mr. Nr. & Mrs. Arthur Seguin. & Mrs. Alfred Dupre, Mr. &: pont, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Vigeant, &; Mrs. Jeffrey Cormier, Mr. & $24 Mrs. Adelard Dube, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Cordier: Mrs. Edward MelanSon, Misses Mr. & Mrs. Normand Parent .Wilfrid Constant, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rondeau, Arcand. $20 . Ernest Cadieux. Mrs. Donat Labrie, Mr. & Mrs. . Mr. & Mrs. J. Rene Dufresne, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Sylvia, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Georges Michaud, Jean Schwartz, Mr. & Mrs. Paul' Mr. & Mrs. Elzear Coderre, Mr. &: Mrs. Antoine Bertrand, Mr. & Mrs. Anne Bourgeois, Mrs. Me- Rainville, Mrs. Beatrice Lafleur. & Mrs. Eugene Desaulnier. . lina Couture, Mr. & Mrs. Roland, Mrs. Adelard Breault, Mr. & Mrs. Lumina Lamontagne, Mr. Mrs. Albert Roy, Gardner Fam- Salvail, Mr. & Mrs. Leon Bran, New· Bedford chaud. &.Mrs. Ovila Vaillancourt, Mr. & ily. . Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Weaver" Mrs. Abel Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. ST. THERESA $15 Mrs. Doria Marcotte & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Gardner, Mr. George Bellefeuille, Mrs. Blanche $200 & Mrs. Raymond Bessette, Mr. &: Despres & Family. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Moquin, A Rev. William E. Collard. Mr. & Mrs. George A. Sleight, Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Philias Jod- Mrs. Arthur Powell, Mr. & Mrs. $120 Mr. & Mrs. Wilbrod Dufour, Mrs. a>in & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Clovis Edmond Charette. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Loranger. Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Marchand, Yolande Robitaille & Family, Mazerolle. $50 Mrs. Lea Lemaire & Son, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Sylvio LeComte, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. George Mandeville, Eliza Bojsvert, Florence Bois& Mrs. Gerard Gonneville, Mr. Mrs. Ernestine Bourassa. & Mrs. Alfred Gaudreau, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. ponat Bourassa, vert. Mrs. Leonce Methot & Family, & Mrs. Roland Guay, Mr. & Mrs. $30 Mr. & Mrs. Felix ,Beauregard, Mr. & Mrs. Simon Languirand, Bernard Nolan. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lemieux. Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Bolduc, Mr. Mrs. Therese Coulombe, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Mathieu. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Pelletier, & Mrs. Adrien Charpentier, Mr. Lina Robitaille, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Emile Beauregard, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Methot, & Mrs. Roland ~aplante, Mr. & Edouard Bertrand. Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Fortin~ Mr. & Mrs. Roland Gaouette. Mr. & Mrs. Laurier Cormier, Mrs. Victor Racine, Mr. & Mrs. $20 Leonard Olivier. Mrs. Angelina Beaulieu, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Yates, Mr. Therese Boisvert, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Denault, Mrs. Alcidas Magnant, Miss Rita & Mrs. Alfred Lemaire. Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Brouillette, Maranda, Mr. & Mrs. John George Girard, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar $13 A. F. Langis, Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Masseau Family, Philippe Pelle- Pombo. Michaud Family . $12 tier, Pelletier & Beaulieu Fam- . Miss~s Asselin, Mr. & Mrs. Leblanc. $15 Marcel Goyette, Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. P. Mathieu & Paul- ilies. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Carrier, Mrs. Bertha Gauthier, Mr. &:. Liarikos, Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Le_ ine, Mr. & Mrs. Simeon Lafrance vasseur, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Piche. Eglantine Cloutier, Mr. & Mrs. William Collard & Annette, Mr: Mrs. Auguste RemoUd, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Desautels, Mr, & • Mr. & Mrs. Edward Vieira, Theodore J. Frechette, Mr. & & Mrs. Armand Bergeron & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Roland For- Mrs. Joseph Richard, Mrs. Eva Larocque Family, Mrs. Archille Mrs. Joseph H. Fredette, Mr. &: Co·te. Coderre, Mr; & Mrs. Maxime Le- Mrs. Wilfrid Hotte. tin. $10 Mr. Ernest Madec Mr. & Mrs. Roland Vezina, Mr. blanc, Mr. & Mrs. Frobe Caron A: . Herve Allain, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Donald Pelletier, Mrs.' Family. $11 ·AlbertineBoucher., .Mr: ,& Mrs. Albert Gosselin, Roland Briggs, · Joseph L. Arsenault, Mr., & l\;!Irs. Mr. It Mrs. Normand cllenes Philippe Methe, Mr. & Mrs. Fred :Nr; & Mrs. Normand Hudon, Mr. Albert J. Baptiste, Mr..& ~rs. Smith. ' &:Mrs. Jean Boutin, Leopold, _~rman4 Bellefeuille, Alice B~r.$10 geron. ' .. , ,.' Mr. & Mrs. 'Luigi ·Fiano. & Dion. . .of Mr. It Mrs. Gaston 'Char'bon-..Mr. ,& ,Mrs. Ernest -Berube, Mr. & M~~ •. NOrmand Fredette, neau, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Arguin, Family, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Guil_ Mr. & Mrs. Emile Hebert, Mr. & let, Mr. ,& Mrs. Hilaire Bedard, . ~., & .~rs. P. Munroe, ·Mr. & · .iear'i"n~tte Blain, Mr. ,&' Mrs. Mrs. Emile SaUlnier, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs, Adrien Lemire/eMr. "Mrs.'Robert Vigeant, Mr. & Mrs. Theodule Bolduc, Therese Bon& Mrs. George., Bell,~ve~u.. ,.... Albert F.'almieri~' Mr. & Mrs. neau,' Cecile 'Boudreau. . Eloi Caron. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boulet, Mr. Orner, ··Branchaud, Mr. & MIll. Ph ilias' Caron. ' Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph Bouchard, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Dumas, & Mrs. Aime Bourassa, Mr..&. Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Daigle, Mr. Pi\ul' Fournier, J~r. & Mrs.· R()~ & Mrs. Henri Fredette, Mr. & land Carrier, Mr,,'&' Mrs. Lau- Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Beaulieu, Mrs. Clement Brodeur, Mr. & Mrs. Andre ·Marcotte,. Levasseur. rent· Robert, Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Mr. & Mrs. Armand Beaulieu, Mrs. Edward Bussiere, Mrs. Ernest Chapdelaine. Family.. . " Smith. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Go\.llart, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. ,Joseph G. CharMr. & Mrs. Joseph Marcoux, Mrs. Adrien Cloutier. Mr. &: Mrs. Theophile Arguin, Jo~ph "G. Bedard, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs.• Joseph Allain, Mr. & Misses Meth'e, Mr. & Mrs. Ani- bonneau, Mr. & Mrs. Leo ClouGel>rge' Lelievre, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Philodore Trahan, Mr. & eet Desjeunes; Mr. & Mrs. Rene tier, Mr. & Mrs. Aldege Cote, Raymond Gagnier, Mrs. Emma Mrs. Alphonse DUbe, Mr. & Mrs. Servais, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Ver- Mrs. Edouard Cote, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Co-Walles. Lefebvre. Leo Rainville. ville, Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Cote. Mr. & Mrs. Normand Dagesse, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Alves, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Leblanc, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Niguet, Mr. & Mrs. John Cofer, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Frank Gallant, Mr. &: Mrs. Ovila Ouimette, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. LiQnel De Mars, Mr. Ronald Langis, Mr. & Mrs. Oli- Mrs. Joseph Machnik,· Mr. & Gilbert Harrell, Mr. & Mrs.' Al- & Mrs. William Desjardins, Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Dubois. vier Robillard, Mr. & Mrs. Roger, Mrs. George Chamberlain, Mr. 81; fred Langlois, Mrs. Philias ForMr. & Mrs. GeOrge Dufault, Bachand. Mrs. Joseph Savaria. ." tin. Peter Duff, Mr. & Mrs. Laurier Mr. & Mrs. Rene Dupont, Mrs.' .. Violet~ FamilY, Mr. &: Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Jean Dion, Mr. & Adrienne Samson, Mrs. Jean'ne Alph,li!ge .Robitaille, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Wilfrid Leblanc, Mr. & Mrs. R. Dumas, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Levesque, 'Mr. & M~s. Mario'Di . Maurice peshaies, A Friend, Gerald Dionne"Mr. & Mrs. Armand Dupont, Mr. & Mrs. . ,Joseph Palardy, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Duval. Giacomo, Mr. & Mrs; Jerome Edgar Levasseur. Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. FrankDoyon. . Mr. & Mrs~ Maurice Lamon- .Josephat Rainville. Mr. &: Mrs. Frank Braga, Mr. lin, Mr. & Mrs. Roger G. FriMr. & Mrs. Adrien Rouillier, tagne, LeoPold Goyette, Mr. &: Mr. & Mrs. Donat Lambert, Mr. ~rs. Armand 'Fredette, MiSe & Mrs. Eugene Plaud, Henri · gault, Mr. & Mrs. Clovis Fecteau, Veronneau, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel · Celestine Fleury,' Mr.. & Mrs. & Mrs. Andre Benoit, Mr. & Mra. ' Anna Beaulieu, Mr. & ·MI"1!l.·Nmand Roy.' Souza, Mr. &: Mrs. Theodore Louis Fleury. Normand Coderre. Mt: & Mr's. Adrien' Gagnon, Alexis Blais A: Family, Mr.. Girard. . Gerard Lambert, Mr. A: Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. J. R .. Marchessault, Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Gagnon, Mr. Mr. " Mrs. Arthur Rioux, MJ!. Mrs. Eugene Labbe, Mr. 81; Mrs. Conrad Letendre, Mrs. DoJoIi Mr. & Mrs. Wm.'Boyer, Alexan':' & Mrs. Charles Gaudette, Mr. & & Mrs. James Coggeshall, Arsenault Family, Mr. & Mrs. Laurier Paquin, Mr, &: Mrs. GenlrCl dre Seguin, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Mrs'-Walter Gevrie, Mr. & Mrs. ,Ludovic Giard. Piche, Arthur Frechette. Choquette, Mr. & MM. Georlie Caron. Adelard Giguere, Mr. & Mrs; Hebert. Mr. It Mrs.' Clarence' Per~ Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Ludger Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Lamarre, man, Mr. & MR. Sylvio Leblanc. GaUdreau, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Conrad Gobeil, Mr. & Mrs. Aime Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon Poirier,' Mr. Mrs. Blanche Parent, Mr. & Mrs. Gendron, Napoleon Leclair, Mr; Goyette, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Goyette, Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Bruno Charbonneau, Mr, &: Mre. &: Mrs. Roland Doucet, Mr. & & Mrs. Lucien Beaulieu, Mr. It Guay. Albert Bas'tarache. Mrs. Rene Schwartz. Mrs. Robert Letendre, Mt'. • Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O. Guerin, Ml'S. Honoria Leblane, Misal Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond CharMrs. Paul Boisvert. Miss Lydia Emond,:Mr. &Mm .Alm& Piche, Mh. Edne Smith. pentier, Conrad D. Menard, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Guillotte, M. et J. Ansay, Mr. & Mrs. George Arcade :MaIleo-., IIIftl. :Meriol A: Mrs. Orner Muir, Mr, & Mrs. Mme. Leonard Gurney, Mr. & Boucher, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Le- Bonin. Lee Paradic, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Mrs. Joseph Hogan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Labine• roux., ~. 81; Mn. Boa- ~ . . 4k . . . LMaier ~ ~ ST. JOSEPH'S
THE ANCHORThurs .• May 24, 1962
Mr. & Mrs. Henry LafleuJ; Albert Lagesse, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lamontagne, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Landrevllle, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Langevin. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Albert Langis, 'Paul Langlois, Mr. &: Mrs. John Laronda, Mr. & Mrs. Edouard LeBlanc, Mr. & Mrs. William LeBlanc. Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Leclair, Joseph I:.ecomte, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Lecuyer, Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Lemay, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Loranger. Mr. & Mrs. Gaston Loranger. Mr. '& Mrs. Antonio Lyonnais, Mrs. Albert lVlontmarquette, Elizabeth Morency, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Morency. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Munroe, Florence Paquin, Mr. & Mrs. Zephyr Paquin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pereira, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Poirier. Mr. & Mrs. Roland Poirier~ Mr. & Mrs. Valmore Poitras Jr.. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Poulin, Mr. &: Mrs. Roger F. Poulin, Mr. & Mrs. James Price. Mr. & Mrs. Orner E. Raymond, Mr. &: Mrs. Roger Renaud, Mr. Mrs. Gerard Richard, Mr. & Mrs. George Robert, Mr.' & Mrs; Conrad' Robitaille. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Robitaille, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Rocheleau, MI'. & Mis. OvHa Rock, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rousseau, Arzelia Roy. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Roy, Mr. • Mrs. Normand Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Jean Savoie, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Silveria, Mr. & Mrs.' AnthollJ' Silvia. Odette Spadafora, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tanguay" Mr. & Mrs. John J. Texeira, Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Therien, Doris Witkos, Mi. & Mrs. Stanley Zalenski.
$150 Rev. Herve Jalbert. $50 Rev. Rene G. Gauthier. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lamoureux. $25 Mrs. Dora Lafrance, A Friend. $20 Mr: & Mrs. Wilfrid Rousseau, Dr: & Mrs. J. B. Robert, Wilhelmine Roy, The Emile Berthiaume Family. , $15' Mr. & Mrs. Gaspard Lafleur. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tarpey • Charles Jr. $:12
Donald Lafleur. $HI
Saint Ann Sodality, Carl·Caron, Alcide Desjardi1:1s, ,Antonia Demers, .(\rthur. Desjl:iI:dins. ,... ,.. , Eva, Saulnier,James'Connelly, .Mrs. Regina Connelly, Mrs. A~ \ binll' Maddocks, Normand Barabe. Mrs. Aibini Hotte, Rita Powers, Cora Guillemette, Yvonne and Jennie Damm, Mrs. Beatrice Cormier. Macrine Landry, Augustine Goyer, .l,\farguerite· Lefebvre, William 'Gamache, Mrs. Alice Pen;y. Lucille Benjamin, M 0 is e Letendre, Emma Cyr, Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Letendre, Dr. & Mrs. Philip E. Charitier. Mr. & Mrs. Zoel Boucher, Mr, & Mrs. Henry Damm, Mr. & Mrs. Sedjo Dutra, Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon· Cournoyer, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Dumas. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lepage, Mr. & Mrs. Valmore Barabe, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Bolton, Mr. & Mrs. Roland' Toyfair, Mr. & Mrs. George Dupuis. Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Kimball, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rose, Mr. & Mrs: Manuel Silvia. Mr. & Mrs. , William Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. Tol_ . . sop Lee. Mr. & Mrs. Normand A. Brassard, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Caron, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Bouchard, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Payette.
ROBERTS HARDWARE Sam. J. LaGasse. Manager 1872 ACUSHNET' AVE. near Brooklown Park NEW
.. Leo LaBrode, A Friend, Mr. • Mrs..J. ~enry Dube.
THE Al'l':HOR~Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 24. 1962'
$15 Auger & Picard Families, Mr. & Mrs. J. Herve Bedard, Mr. & Mrs. August DeMello, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Pothier Sr.
New: Bedford
Levis Roby, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Rut$!:eoi kowski. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Livingstone Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Ryan, Mr. & $12 Mrs. James Shea, Lucy Sherman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Menard &. $50 I , Mr. & Mrs. Philip Sherman, Mrs. Family. Anonymous, Anonymous, The Mary Stening. $10 Burke Family, Mrs. Walter E. Mr: & Mrs. L. Stewart, lYIar• 'cCJllopy, In Memory of Walter E. garet Sullivan, Mrs.. Estel~a SylMrs. Asa Auger, Mr. & Mrs. via, Mr. & Mrs Francis Toletti, Collopy. David Aul~sio, Mr. & Mrs. Pierre The Doherty Family, I AnonyMrs. Lillian Toyfair. Bassett, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bastamous, Lt. Col. & Mrs. ,Antonio Mr. & Mrs. Herbert. Travers, rache, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Belisle. Lawrence, Dr.. & Mrs. ~William Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tynan, Mr, Mr. & Mrs. John Bellefeuille, Muldoon, Dr. & Mrs. George F. & Mrs. E. V. Tynan, Margaret Mr. & Mrs. John Beiotti, Mr. & Riley. Van Cleft, Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester . Mrs. Romeo O. Bergeron, Mr. & $35 Vercellone. Mrs. George Blier,. Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Weber, MarAnonymous teo Boucher. $30 , garet Webster, Mr. & Mrs. John Dora Breault, Mr. & Mrs. AlHelen A. Driscoll, Mrs. Wil- Whelan, Mrs. Joseohine Whelan fred Brisson, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio liam Foster &' Family, Mr. & & Ann, The Wyer Family. Champagne, Mr. & Mrs. Leo CouMrs. George McGovern.• lombe, Mrs. Ernest Davignon & . $29 New Bedford Roger. Mrs. John W. Glenn Mr. & Mrs. Albert Denault, $25 HOLY NAME Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Dupont, Mr. Anonymous, Mr. & NIts. Alan $100 Campbell, William E. King, Mr. Alfred Dufresne & Family, Mr. Anonymous; Rev. Wilfred A. & Mrs. Peter Kuczycki,. Mr.. & & Mrs. Donald Dufresne, Romeo Brimley, Dr. Peter Sweetser. Mrs. Edward LOpes. . Gagne. $60 Marie Mahoney, Mr. .& Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gifford, Mr. Dr. &, Mrs. John B. O'Toole Jr. Elmer Page. f & Mrs. Cyprien Grenier, Mr. & $50 $22 Mrs. Armand Hebert, Mrs. Irene Rev. Henry T. Munroe, Rev. Anonymous Heon, Edouard Houle. $20 Lucio B. Philippino, Lillian T. . Antoinette Lafleur, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs Patrick Dayis, Ida Cole, Mary A. Cole, Arthur Rene LaFrance, Mr. & Mrs. BerFinnen, Mrs. Ernest King, Mr. Fonseca, William Houlihan, Mr. nard Landreville, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Frank M,:,Laughlin.. & Mrs. Francis C. Mahoney; Mr. Roland Landry, Edna Langevin. & Mrs. August Medeiros, ' $35 Claire Langlois, Yvonne Lang, John D. ,Sheehan. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pelczar. lois, Mr. & Mrs, Raymond La$25 $17 rocque, Mr. & Mrs. Emile LauMr. & Mrs. PatriCk Sullivan' Sianley Baron, Wilfred Brimzon, Mr. & Mrs. Orner LeBeau. ley, Guido Qoucci, John J. Flana& John Alice Lemaire, Mr. &. Mrs. $15 gan, James Harrington. . O'Neil Lemire, Mrs. Clara' LesNellie Bedard, Frances; Burke, Edwin Livingstone Sr., Alex-, sard, Mr. & Mrs, Arsene Leander Maino, .Tean P. Nolan, Mrs. T. Harold Burke,. Mr: & Mrs. E. vesque, Mrs. EiIa Merchant. Delisle, Mr. & Mrs. JO?ll De- John P. O'Leary & Family. Mrs. Domenico Morra, o LAOS SOUTHEAST ASIA KEY: Rev. Matthew Men- Mr.Mr.& & Mrs. Terra. , $20 Odoric Nerbonne, Dr. & Mrs. Normand Gamache, Orner Bellenoit, Charles Bramger, O.M.I., one of two American missioners in strife-torn .Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Oliveira, Dr. Mrs. Sumner Gersin, Mrs. Mary well, George Brightman, Thomas Laos, top, -baptizes Meo tribesmen. A group of guerilla Meo & Mrs. Joseph U. Paquin, Mr. Grenier, Mrs. Catherine! Hayes, F. Cawley, Richard A. Cole. tribesmen rests between battles with' Communist invaders. & Mrs. Maurice Paradis. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lemos. : John Con~idine: Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs., Gerard Poitras, Fr. Menger, who speaks the' native Laotian tongues, says Mrs. Annette Lowrie, Thomas., Charles W. Deasy, Mr. & Mrs. Vitaline Rezendes', Mr. & Mrs. Jennings, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Theodore Fredette, Leo Harring~ Laos is the key to South Vietnam and Thailand and the Alph'l Ricard, The Richard Fam. Malone, Mr. & Mrs. Emile Mar- ton, Philip Lecomte. entii'eSoutheast Asia. NC Photo. ily, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Roberts. ! chessault, Mary McCusker. Mr. & Mrs. James W. Leith, Mr. & Mrs. Andre Sirois, Mr. Alice Murphy, Mrs. Ed. D. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Lyons, Mr. & & Mrs. Arthur Tetreault, Charles Crowley, LEma Crowley, Mary Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Perry, Mrs. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. James Mrs. Timothy Manning, James & Tetreault, Mrs. Malcolm Tripp, E. DowJ;ley. ',. Mrs. James Phelan, James PowSheerin, Mr. & Mrs. George Frances McCathy, Mr. & Mrs. Leda Valois. Stephen Downey, Helen F. ers. Wezniak. Joseph A. Norris Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Vaudry, Mr. Driscoll, Joseph Dubois, George Helen M. Quinlan, William $12 Mary Phelan, Eugene Sullivan, & Mrs. Robert Violette, Mr. & Dumas Jr., Romeo Dupont. Reilly, John Reul, George ReynMr. & Mrs. Arthur BUckley, Bernard Swansey, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Fenelon Bastille, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Economos, Ed~ard olds, Sarah Reynolds. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dower, George' E. Swansey Jr., Mrs. Roger Beloin, Mr. & Mrs. NorEdwarqs, Joseph, Enos, Leonard Clinton Rimmer, Miss ElizKathryn Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. Wi-l- John Thomas, Mrs. . Stanley man Boulay. Entwistle, John Ezemoli. abeth Roche, Kathleen Roche, liam Ferguson, John' Fimlell. Walsh, Mrs. Mary Wilso~. Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Boyer, Mr. Raymond--Fe~ney,Octave FerGeorge' Rogers, Leonard .Rogers. Mr. & Mrs. James Galligan, $15 & Mrs. John Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. reira, Kathleen Finnerty,.Joseph . Mrs. Maurice H. Ronan & Miss Eleanor Jennings, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bancroft Jr., Martin P. Roger Camire, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Marguerite Ronar., Mrs. Frances John Kling, Mr. & Mrs. James Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Prior Bassett, Fitzpatrick, Bernard Flynn. Deneault, Mrs. James Dickens, Genevieve Foley, Albert J. Rose Mrs. William Rousseau, Lennon, Mrs. Fred Morang. Francis Byers:' James J. Clark. Mrs. Marjorie Donaghy, Mr. & . . Lillian Tablas, Mr. & Mrs. Francis, Crowley Grace Don- . Foutter, Gerald Francis, Richard .John' G. Sadick. Mrs. Mau'rice Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. Donald. VanCleft, Mr. &. Mrs. nelly, Maurice bo~ney, Mr. & Francis, Stephen Francis. Alexis St. Onge, Mrs. Herman Joseph Forgue, M-. & Mrs. Rogel1' Joseph Veterino, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Hugh T. Earley, Daniel William J., Francis, Mrs. Dol'," Saunders, Thomas Saunders, . Halle, Jeannette Hebert. Herbert Wall. . Flanagan. ('thy Freitas, Anthony Gianetto, Clifford H. Snell, Clifford J. Romeo. Lacombe, Mr. & Mrs. $10 ,James Foley, Peter Giam- Walter Goulet, Bernard Grace. Snell. Evariste Lafrance, Mr. & Mrs. ' . " Mrs. Mary Ashley, Mr. &: Mrs. malvo, Maurice Harrington, Mr. Mrs. F. Elinor Severson, ·Mrs. Edmund Larocque, Mr.. & Mrs. Frederick. Greer, Edward'GrifHenry Bishop, Mrs. Ada Calla'& Mrs. George J. 'Higham, Marfith, Leo Griffith, Mr. & Mrs.. ' G~orge Sharpe, Daniel Sheehan,. Alphonse Lavimoniere, George ghah, Helena Cantwell, ~r. & garet and Cornelius Howrihan. Joan Sheehan, Mrs. Marshall Lavoie Jr. Sherrill. Mrs. George Carignan". .' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joseph, Patrick Griffith, Ed~ard Hamer. , Mr: & Mrs. Henry Leclair, Mr. Francis Harding, Lawrence Everett Singleton, Francis A. '& Mrs, Hervey Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Connolly, Mr. & Miss Helen McIntyre, Mrs. John Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Souza, ·Mrs. Rbbert Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. J. T. Connor, Mr. & Mrs. V. O'Neil. Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Fred Harney, Lawrence A. Harney Jr., Wm. .c. Davis, Mr. &' Mrs. 'Osuch, Charles' Rogers, Mrs. Mary J. Harney, Anna M. Har- AnthonySquillacioti, Louis J. Mrs. Albert Marotte. , Stack. Thomas Donahue,.. Martha Doug- 'Mollie Smith, Dr. Edward Welch. I rington. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Metivier, las. ' Gerald Harrington, John HarFrancis Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. , $14.'70 Mr. & Mrs.. Maurice Metivier, ring ton John P. Harrington, Mrs. Robert Swallow, Mr. & Mrs. Al_ Mrs.•vlanuel Moniz, Mr. & Mrs. Mary Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. John Wilbert Divis.· . . $13 Mary Harrington, Joseph Har- fred' Sylvia, John A. Sylvia, Mrs.. Fr;lncis Mulvey, Mr: & Mrs. Dteisen,Eileen Driscoll, ~r. & Mrs. Louis L: Dumont, Mr. &; ringfon. Joseph I . Taffe. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hunt & Eugene Paradis. Mrs. Arthur Durant. -' .•, John J. Reis. Winifred Harrington, Owen Robert ~apper, Leon Tavano, The Ouellette Family, Mr. & ".$l~ .._. Mrs. Agnes Esslinger, William Heleen, William . Herlihy, Jacob Teser, George Thomas, lIIU's. Henry St. Pierre, Jeane C. Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Anthony E. ;Edwards, Fran~is Charles Hines, John .P. Houlihan. Mrs. Helen Thrasher. Sevigny, ,Mr. & Mrs. WiUbm Foye, Mrs. Genevieve Gallagher, Kwiatkowski. Teresa Houlihan, William Mrs: Joseph Toomey, John W. Siwik, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond TraMr. & Mrs; J. Gaughan. $10 -Howard, Arthur ,(\. Jacques, Mrs. Toulan Jr., Ji.l~ia Viera, Mrs. han, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Ward, 'Mr. &: Mrs. A. Gordon GoodClarence Adshead, .In memory Rose Jones, Frank Kalish. George Vigeant, •Mrs. Knut Mrs. Mildred Williams. . fellow, Charles CrE!eder, Mr. & of Edith S. Alcarez, John R. Chester Kawa, John Kelley, Vikre. Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Letourne(;lu. Mrs. Edward Grigware, M.!1ry C. Armonde, Mr. &: Mrs. Anthony Thomas F. Kelley, Edmund KenJeremiab A. Wade; Norris Arruda, Raymond Atwood. Halloran, ·Mr. & Mrs. Milton nedy, Walter King. Walecka, ' George Walker, Healy. Patricia Bancroft, Mrs: ,Ame'. John Kogut, Alban Lancaster, '. Chatles Westgate, Lyman WilMrs: Agnes Hendricks, Mr. & lia Bariteau, StanleY Baron Jr., Edward Leahey, Frank Leahey, bur. . ' Mrs. Harold Herlihy, Marjorie Mrs. Monica Barron, Leo J. BenWilliam r.ewis...~, Harold Williams, Mr. &: Mrs. . . Hitchen, Mr. &: Mrs. Maurice jamin. Arthur Lincoln, Joseph Logan, 'RaYmond F .. Williams, J~mes Hurley, Mrs. Edward Inman. ., Eric Besso, Helmuth Bonner, Mrs. Mary K.Lopes, Mary Fran- Wilson; MattbewWilson, Josp.oh Prescriptions caned f«r Susan Kane,' Mr. &: .Mrs. W. Frank C. Botellio, L. William ces MacLean,l\{r. & Mrs. Romeo Z8nelli... . . and delivered Kaspar, Mrs. Annie Kean; Mrs. Bouchard, Raymond Bourbeau. . J. B. Magnant. HEADQUARTERS FOR Anthony S. King, Mr. &' Mrs. Irvitlg Briden, Mrs. Lorraine Daniel. Manning, Paul ManDIETETic-sUPPLIES '. New Bedford Arthur Levesque. Brindle, Mrs. 'CharleS .Broadiand, ning, Mrs. Alice Marchi, Leonat>d 600' Cottage St.. "!IV 4-7 431~ Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Maguire, 'Henry Bromley, Permias Bros-' Mason, Mrs. M;ary Meade, SACRED HEART New Bedfofd Mr. &: Mrs: Jo'seph Mahoney, seau. O. Mellody, Thomas Meredith, Louise Mahoney, Mrs. Matgaret Mrs. Warren Brougnton, Mrs. Armand Messier, John Mills, $200 Mahoney, Margaret Mannihg. William .Buckley, Edward Burns, Ralph Moore. Rev. Henry R. .CanueL Mr.. & MrS. E. L. ManleY, Dora Lawrence Burris, Mary Burns. Damase Moreau,. Rocco A. $100 McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. JO,hn J. Francis Cabral,:Mr. & Mrs. Morra, Gerald Morrissey,. Rev. Lucien Jusseaume, Mr. & McQUillan, Mr. & Mrs. ,Emils Charles Cafferty, Vincent Caf- Thomas Mu.!doon, Constantine Mrs. George Vigeafit. "SPEciAL MILK Monfils, Helen Moore. ferty, John Calnan, James L. Murnin. . $2~ . '. Roderick Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs.. Ralph Morris, Mr. Carney. From Our Own Mr. & Mrs. Alfred L. Bou. Walter Carter, Willia,m J. Car'- John. McDonald, Thomas Mc& Mrs. Philip. Murphy, Mr. & Tested' Herd" . chard,. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur ,H. Entee, Lawrence McGrath, Miss Mrs. J. Neitsch, Mr. & I Mrs. tel' Sr.,' Joseph CazeJ:Iliro, WilDeschenes, Mr. & Mrs.· Rodelphe liam Chaput, Leo Cole. Edith McIntyre. Chl\rles Oliver,. Mr. &; Mrs. ·Acushnet. Man. WY 3-4457 Clarence Oliver. . . , Russell Nelson, Mr. & Mrs. Paradis, Mr. & Mrs. :Leonard Hen.ry Collard, Mary Connell, ~ Speci'ai Milk Mr. & Mrs. George Olivet, Mr. William Comleil,. Mrs. 'Melvin Joseph A. Norris Jr., Mrs. Lil- Simmons, Mr.' & Mrs. Lionel I! Homogenized Vlt. D Milk Bouchard. lian Norse,_ Miss 'Mary O'Brien, & Mrs. Albert Oliveira, Mr. & Connick, James E' . .Conroy. $20 • Buttermilk Frank Correia, John' Correia, Paul O'Brien. Mrs. Francis O'Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. John Barrows, • Tropicana Orange' Juice William J. O'Brien, Thomas Michael O'RiellY,Mr. & Mrs. . Gilbert Costa, Joseph Cotter, O'DQnnell, Leo Ouelette, Harold Irene & Normand Beauparlimt, Haro!d' Coughlin. • Coffee and Choc. Milk Frank Perry. .I Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Couza, Palll:ltroni,, Mary Patridge. The Boudreau, Family, .Mr.- & Mr. & Mrs, J. Ponte, Dr. & • Eggs - Butter Joseph Paul', Antone Perry Jr.. Mrs. David .Carlaw, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Raoul Provust, Mr. &' Mrs. James '.& Helen Cowell, Clifford ST. LAWRENCE'
Whit. ' , Farm Dairy
$500 Rev. Edward Dowling
$100 In Memory of James W. Hennessy, P. J. & T. J. Fleming, Sarah, Helen & James W. Pelletier.
$50 Thomas J. Fleming, Immaculate Conception Women's Guild. Immaculate Conception CYO
$40 Mrs. Henry J. Duffy ,
$25 Ely Barnaby, Kathleen ,Blood, In Memory of ' Manuel Pimental & P. F. C. Daniel R. Pimental, Florence Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. McNally, Mr. & Mrs. George S. Gaspar.
$20 James Britland, Jr., Mr. & Mrs., Thomas F. Heaney & family, Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Ki ~chen, Mrs. Teresa Hetu, Joseph Roderick, Lawrence Talbot. Mr. & Mrs. James E. Donnelly Donald Quinlan, Margaret Connell.
$18 'l'he Hindle Family
$15 Rosemary Dussault, Anna Long, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Mooney, Florence Sullivan, Mr. 8£ Mrs. Peter Sullivan. $12
Mrs. John Dean, John Gaspar, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Guinen. Marion MacMurray, Walter Cosgrove. $11 William J. Dugan. $10 John S. Ferus, Afonso Oliveira, William Falandys family, Albert Walsh, Hector Deslau-' riers. . Eugenia Coffey, Joseph Benevides, Mrs. Catherine McCann, Mrs. John Walsh, Frank ~oftus. William & Doris McHenry, Grace Walsh, Henry Venturini, Clare Sullivan, Mrs. Clarence P. Sullivan. Mario Lacava, Andre Bond, Thomas Whiting, Mr. & Mrs. John T. McDonald, John J. Bal'-
!?cl~nald Munro, William Smith, Mr. &; Mrs. Art~ur Pineault Mederick Lavallee, David Raposa. ' Mrs. Lydia Rioux, Leo Geu..-tte, S r., M r. & M rs. Ar th\.II' \ll'C Benson, Mr. & Mrs. John Lopes, Jr., Mrs. Caroline Mitchell. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Hebert, Eileen McNally, John E. Pettine, Mr. & Mrs. John Mooney, Rhea
Mrs. Hector Savoie, Ovila Rousseau, Henry S. Gillet, Emil Fuller, Antone Vieira. Mary Ney, Charles Ney, John Latulippe, Philip Stazzone, Antone Carreiro. John O'Brien, Emile Gaudreau, Raymond Lafleur, Mr. & Mrs. William Thistelwaite, Clarence Simister. Andrew Cook, James E. Powers, George Charbonneau, Grover Shurtleff, Antone Mattos, John Long. Mary Harrington, Frank Morango, William Clayton, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Boissoneau, Michael P. 'Ryan. John Hinchcliffe, Theodore Mercier, Lomer Lapointe, Mrs. Mary Arruda, Joseph Sullivan. Carol Ann McCormick, Mrs. Lawrence McCormick, Roger Messier, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lalumiere, Thomas, Foley. Hugh Gillis, Henri Tessier, Alice & Charlotte Nicholson, Elizabeth Mitchell, The Roach. Family. I Edward Campbell, Mrs. Margaret Cobery, Mr. & Mrs. Arthu;r Desrosiers. Adelia Cornell, Armand Casavant. Manuel Raposa, James Sullivan, Benjamin McBride, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur' Thibodeau, Mrs. Annie Taylor. Rene Salvas, Mrs. Margaret Wiles, Mr. & Mrs. Norbert Baldia, Jean Laberge, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Cote. Mr. & Mrs. James Leandro, Mr.' & Mrs. Robert Oliveira, EI'-..beth O'Neil, Edward Boardman, Armand Cousineau. Leo J. Caine, Jr., Joseph R. St. Pierrp., Mrs. Anastasia Hickey,' Imelda McMahon, Rita Sampson. Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Lafleur, Arthur J. Belanger, Mrs. Lillian Lynch, Rita Orton, Mildred Curry.
In' Memory of Charles E. & Margaret Bonner, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Berube. '
$150 Dr. & Mrs. Richard Donovan,
$1.25 Atty. & Mrs. Hugh J. Golden $100 Dr. & Mrs. F. J. D'Errico, Mrs. Charles J. Hurley, Mr. & Mrs. William A. Torphy, Margaret G. Dillon, Patrick Phelan, Mr~ & ,Mrs. Joseph F. Phelan. $85 Dr. & Mrs. James Sullivan $75 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Shea
'~~ Romeo Potvin, Thomas PurRev. Edmund Delaney tell, Mrs. Pauline Michaud, John $60 Viveiros, Emile Pineault. Francis Devine Philip Girard, Mr. & Mrs. Wil$50 Ham Ledo, Louis Terceira, Mrs.·~ The Misses Connors, Mr. & John Blood, Michael Sperling. Mrs. Emilio Dispirito, Mr. & Charles Feeley, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. ·Henry F. Shea. Robert Lima, Mrs. John Con$35 boy & Family, Everett Lafleur, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Crowley, James Bentley. Dr. & Mrs. Walter E. Conrad. Irene Gillet, .Mr. & Mrs. $30 Manuel Pexioto, Mr. & Mes. Mrs. Joseph LaCroix, -Mr. and Robert Laprise, John Kershura, Mrs. Everett Crowley. The Arthur Kern Family. $25 Bernard Stanford, William Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Burke, Harrington, Mr. &; Mrs. Manuel Mildred V. Carroll, Mary Hart, Pacheco, Henri Lajeunesse, Mrs. Lillian Hart, Margaret E. Shea. Delores Cangello. Mrs. John J, Partridge, Mr. Anthony J. Co'Ute, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. William F. Long, Jr., Mr. Charles W. DevJlney. )IVilliam & Mrs. M. F. Fitzgerald, Mr. & Corboy, Mrs. Nellie Zwick, Mrs. Herve Bernier, Mr. & Mrs. Leonel Paiva. Fred Czerwonka. Joseph Silvia, Mrs. 'Samuel Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mahoney, Lay, Rene J. Bernard, Mr. & The Nash family, The Madden ,Mrs. Raymond Botelho, Joseph family, Mrs. Thomas F. &, Eileen Francoeur. Higgins, Helena V. 'Sullivan. Faith Ziccardi, Francis DelaCatherine P. Harrington, Genehanty, Gerald Cloutier, Sr., Mr. vieve A. Harrington, The Kenny &; Mrs. Roland Aubrey, George family. ( Thomas. $26 Thomas Clemmey, Mr. &; Mrs. Mr. &; Mrs. Robert J. Griffin, Manuel L. Pontes, Mr. &; Mrs. Clarence Bonrier, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Berard, Roger J. La- William Renaud, Mr. & Mrs. France, Mary Whitehead. Thomas Brindley, Mr. & M'z:s. Mrs. Clara Whitehead, James Kenneth Reinerio. Gillet, Raymond Duperre, Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Geary,. & Mary' Rego, Edward Gazarro. Mr. &; Mrs. James Higgins, Mr. . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Campbell, & Mrs. Arthur Lavoie, Mrs. G. Raymond O'Toole & family, Mr. Richard Duffy. &; Mrs. Conrad Gamache, Wil$15 Mr. &; Mrs. John Hogan &; liam Brailey, Mrs. Earland Brailey. Katherine, Nancy Carroll, Mrs. William Guilmette, Charles John Neilan, Dr. Robert SulliSicard, Arthur Turner & Chris- van, Mrs. John Orpen. tine Turner, The Turner family, Mr. & Mrs. James, A. Reilly, William Mitchell. Miss Elinore Kennedy, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. James L. Sweeney, Mrs. Henry J. Lemerise, Mr. & Claren-ce Crapo, George Brabent, Mrs. William H. Moran & fami:Mr. it- Mrfl. AnnUl' Lamarr.e, ly, Miss Julia T. Harrington. Miss Ella Dempse-y.. MESo Wal.John E, Hidi.Q.
fHE ANCHOr<Thurs., May 24, 1962
Correiro, Mrs. Catherine Butler, Margaret Barrett. Mary Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Carroll, Clare Nagle Hillard M. Nagle, Alice Higgins~ Mr. & . Mrs. James O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Springer, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Kulpa, Mrs. Lena Reilly. • Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. CIemmey, George Kelley, Mr. ~ Mrs. Samuel Taylor, Margaret Murphy. Francis A. Moran & Lena M?r~n, The Toughman family, Wlll~am Gastall, Amelia Standish, Mrs. Joseph Arruda. Mr. &; Mrs. Patrick Smith Edward Dempsey & family, Mr: & Mrs. Francis O'Neil, John Kelly, J. A. Curran. Mr. & Mrs. George Dessault Mrs. Frank Morrissey Willia~ _Morrisse!, The She~ family, Thomas Harrington. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pevide' William, Corcoran, Mrs. Cathe~ ri. Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Linnie N. Lee, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Grace. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hurley Elizabeth Hall, Mr. & Mrs: Francis Fennessey, Rose Senechal, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene BertAFRICAN CONFIRMS CANADIANS: Archbishop rand. Mr. &; Mrs. John Perry Alice Mark Mihayo of Tabora., Tanganyika: in East Africa, con- Fitzpatrick, Mr. & Mrs. William firms a young Canadian in' Quebec City. Father Robert Blythe, Mrs. Veronica Curry ' Lepire, parish curate, is at left and Father Lau'rent Cote, John J. Hearne. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Costa, Mr. W.F., Tabora archdiocese missioner, is at right. & Mrs. Joseph Garcia, Margaret & Laura Conway Mr. & Mrs. ter Fallon, Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Mr. & Mrs. George W. Rigby, Thomas Manning, Irene Murphy. Tokarz, Mary Lysaght, Cathe- Mr. & Mrs. Mario Antonelli, M Mr. & Mrs. John Dziduszko, Mr. . atthew 'Kilroy, Raymond rine A. Lysaght, Mary K. & & Mrs. Francis Urban. Kllroy, Rose Worsley, Emma Elizabeth Guiney. Mr. & Mrs. Raoul T. Gagnon, Worsley, Loretta Hannigan. $10 Mr. & Mrs. George Biltcliffe, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Myles' Mn. Catherir Moffet, Joseph ,Mr. & Mrs. A. D'Ambrosio, Mrs. William Hacking, Mrs. Winston Ankarstran, Mr. & Mrs. Bushell, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Amaral, Hague, Mr. & Mrs. John Viera. Anna Devine, Lena Doran, Henry Holtham. Joseph Carey. ,.Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Sears, Mary T: Hurley, Ruth Hurley, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Couto, In Mr_~.. Damel P. Driscoll, Nellie Mr. & Mrs. Francis Carey, Mr. Memory of Henry F. Bunting, S· "an, Mrs. Frank Hamley. & ,Mrs. James Owen, Mr. & Mrs. James R. Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. O'Connor & family Mr. & Mrs. Henry Messier Charles Reposa, Mr. & Mrs. & Margaret Harty, William F. Janice Hurley. Mary Hurley' Timothy C. Sullivan. O'Neil. ·Margaret A. Hurley, Mr. & Mrs: Mr. & Mrs. Roderick Hart, Jerome Foley, Jr. -Anna Mae Owen, Mr. & Mrs. ·Edmund- Geary, Mr. & Mrs. Ruth & Louise Walch, The . Mrs. Mary Borkman, Mr. &: Henry Horn, Mrs. Dan i e I Mahoney family, Mr. &. Mrs. Mrs. Paul McArdle, Myrence McS h aug h n e s s y, Mr. Michael Thomas DiNucci, Mr. & Mrs. Ardle, Eleanor Shea, Mrs. Agnell Tucker. Romeo Allenburg. Shea., Daniel Foley, Marion Foley, Mr. & Mrs. James F. Smith, Daniel Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Dube, Mr. & Gertrude M. Hurley, Margaret Eugene LeClair, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Wilfred Morrissette, Mr. & Hession, Bernard Sweeney, Jr., Arth.ur V. Ferreira, Mr. &; Mrs. Mrs. John Sullivan, III. Patnck Kelly, Mr. &; Mrs. EveMrs. Thomas Burke &; Angela rett Smith. Mrs. William H. Connelly, Burke. Maybel O'Mara, Margaret LaMrs. ,Michael McConnon, Mr. S'lr. MARY CATHEDRAL hey, Hilda Phillips, Miss Kath& Mrs. William Pereira The leen McIntyre. Sullivan family, Mr. &;' Mrs. $100 Mr. & 'Mrs. Frank McGuigan, Dr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Sul- Step~en Dennehy, 'James F. Keatmg. Mrs. Anthony C. Leonard & liven family, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Mrs.. Nellie Thibault, Mrs. $75 Aa!'on Cummings, Mr. & Mrs. Murphy, Mr. Edward F. Fitz- . Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, Mr. Edward Gahan. Mr. & Mrs. John gerald, John Neilan. & Mrs. George Hurley. Camara, Mr. & Mrs. Norbert Elizabeth Neilan, Katherine $50 Battersby, A friend, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Almeida, Ernest Kil- Carvalho._ Mary Lemerise, Mr. & Mrs. John Mullaly, Lawrence J. roy. George Sutherland, And r e w , Hussey, Jr. $30 Sutherland, Nancy Sullivan, Mr. Miss Helen O'Neil, Mary V. Rose Dowling & Mr~. Henry Cottrell. O'Neil, Mrs. Mary Murphy & $25 Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Grondin & family, Mr. & Mrs. Roland H. Mrs. Margaret Powers, Mrs. Boulay, Mr. & Mrs. John F. McGertrude Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. family, Mr. & Mrs. Jame!' RobMahon. Alfred Whitehead, Mr. & Mrs. inson, Mr. & Mrs. James A. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Shelley, John Vogel, Mrs, Louise Rut- Robinson, ~r. & Mrs. Frederick Morrissey, Madeline Dussault. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. 'O'Connor, kowski. Grace Cuttle, Mr. & Mrs. James William J. Sheehan & Cecilia Mrs. Henry Gauthier, John W. E. Donne1ly, Mrs. Catherine Sheehan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Charette, Patrick Gibney, Judy Hoefling. Ryan, Ellen & Helen Kenney, . Wolstenholme, Joyce Wolstenholme. . Gerfrude L. Mercier, Mrs. Helen Joy. James A. Boynton, Mary V. Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Callaghan, Joanne Wolstenholme, Mr. & Murphy, Vincent J. Murphy, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. John R. McGinn. Mrs. Gilles Collins, Leonora , $20 & Mrs. Frank Andrade & family. Estrella, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Margaret E. Morgan,' : Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Ryan. The Estrella. Charles Malone &. family, Mr., Hayes family, Mary Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Dillon, Emma Mc& Mrs. Frank Whelly, Mr. & Dermott, Mrs. Daniel Murphy. Mrs. Terrance Lomax. Katheryn F. Power, Gene$15 vieve C. Duffy, Mary C. Casey, Mr. & Mrs. James Coyne, Mr. Madeline Casey, Mr. & Mrs. J. & Mrs. George Boitano, Ann J.brislan. Standish, Mrs. Margaret KelliMr. & Mrs. Nicholas Hurst, her, Mr. & Mrs., Alton Earl FetMrs. James Nolan, Edward J. ris. NIW BEDfORD Dolan, Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Mrs. Catherine Brahy, Mr. & Goodwin, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mrs. Joseph Magciby, Mr. & Cooper. Mrs. Joseph M-cGrady, The INDUSTRIAL OILS Mr. & Mrs. Luu: V. Miranda, Harrington family, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Phelan Mr George W. Booth. - HEAnNG OILS & - Mrs. Walter French, M~. & $12 Mrs. Robert E. Lyons, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. James Frank TIMKEN Mrs. J. J. Harrington. $16 Mr. & Mrs. P. Henry Desmond, .Mrs. Catherine O'Donnell, OIL BURNERS Mr. & Mrs. WilUam Ready, Mr. William O'Donnell, Mrs. Flor& Mrs. Francis Tansey, Mr. & ence May, Honora Coyne, Mr. & & Service Mrs. Lawrence Marum, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Haley. Mrs. Frank' Harrison. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pedder, 'SOl COUNTY ST. Mr. & Mrs. James H. Martin, Mr. &; Mrs. Robert Gamble, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Matthews, Margaret deSena Sousa, Mr. & NEW BEDFORD Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Zebras1l;y, Mrs. Michael SUllivan; .Joseph Mr. & Mrs. I. Paul Lanzisera, Dunse. WY 3-1751 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Golen. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Lynch, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hammond, & Mrs.. Warren Dwellx. John ll.
THE Al"""0"-9iocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 24,,1962
ly Edmour Lapierre, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Springer, Olive :oesmarais. Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid ..Duquette, Eloi Labonte, Mr. & Mrs. Albert St. Amanci, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Mathieu, Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon Bolduc. Mr. & Mrs. Milton Fuller, Mr. & Mrs. Fernand Bouillon, Mr. & Mrs. 'Ernest Jolicoeur, Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon Morin, Family · Edouard Lacroix. , Mr. & Mrs. Hector Clement, Family Eugenie Bernier, Mr. & Mrs. Alcide Chouinard, Leonie Berube, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Morrissette. Family Jean -, Baptiste 'Aub": in, Mr. & Mrs. Jean. Aubin, Family Denise Belanger, Delia Valliere, Mr. & Mrs. Ray'mond Desrochers. ' Family Angelina Jean, Mr.' & Mrs. Henri Demers, Georgianna & Doria Couture, .Mr. & Mrs. Donald Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Renaud. Joseph, Napoleon & Alberta Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Armand, Boudria, Mr. & Mrs. Edmour Poirier, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Larrivee, Family Arthur. Chabot. Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Thiboutot, Family· Charles 'Larrivee Mr.. & Ml·S. Pierre Morrissette, Ada, M. Jeanne Pelletier & Alice Clement, Mr.ff& Mrs. Joseph Shea. Alber & Marie Dube" Mr.. & Mrs. Richard Levesque, Family Joseph Sinotte, Armand La-· berge, Mr. &: Mrs. Antoine Garand. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lecomte, Family Norman Lafrance, Mr.. & Mrs. Gerard Lussier, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur B 0 u s que t, Family Yvonne Vallee. Family Walter Theriault, Mr. & Mrs. Wiliiam Baraby, Mr. & Mrs. Alban Chouinard, Mr. & 'Mrs. Norm and Desrosiers, Clarilda Barnaby. Mr. & Mrs. Roland Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Dube, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Mayna~d, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Levesque. Mr: & Mrs. Roland Bisson, Family Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Froment, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Levesque, Mrs. Irene Leduc.. Family Armel Guay, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Boucher, Family William Maynard, Mr. & Mrs: Jules Raiche, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred · Rock. to Family Ernest Boas, Blanche & Ernestine Rousseau, Raoul & Lucie Gagnon, Family Leo Messier; Mr. & Mrs. James Morrissey. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest ,Brisson, Family Roland Gendreau, Mr. & Mrs. Hector Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Chagnon, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Berger. Family Adrien Cote, FamilY. Agathe Menard, Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Corriveau, Family Albert Guerette, Family Edward Levesque.. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Jean, Mr. &: Mrs. Albert Berger, Family Georges Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. ·Lionel Cadrin, Mr. & Mrs. · Charles Lussier. Ademord Allard, Mr. & Mrs. .Armand Cadrin, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gadbois, Mr. &: Mrs. Adrien Chagnon, Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Ouellette. Mi'. & Mrs. Armand Gendreau, •Mr. & Mrs. Rene Mona9t:
$500 Rt. Rev. Alfred J. Bonn~au . $75 Re'v. Bernard Lavoie, Rev. Gerard Boisvert. $50 Rev. J. Adrien Bernier, Dr. & Mrs. William Boudreau, Dr. & Mrs. Adelard Demers, Dr. & Mrs. Maurice Demers. $35 Mr. & Ml·S. Octave O. Desmarais. $30 Mr. & Mrs. Armand Dallaire, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pheni;x, M. A. Clement & Helena Chace. ,$25 , Mr. & Mrs. Henri Ouellette, Mr. & Mrs. Emile Ohretfen & M".·ia Longchamps, Family' Mathilda ;Lussier, Dr. Joseph fournier, Mary Pouliot & A'nnette Frascatore. " Mr. Romeo Levesque, F;lmily Anne-Marie Masse. $24 Mr.' & Mrs. Rosario Martel $20 Ferdinand Francoeur, Family Hermenegilde Tremblay, Family David Larocque, Family Diana Marchand, Mr. & ,Mrs. Albert Laprise. Family Edmond Rheaume, Mr. • Mrs. Armand Raiche, Mr. & Mrs. Fr.ancis Mulrooney. $17 Farrtily Hormidas Dupuis $15 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Fournier, Gagnon & Champagne Families, . Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Leduc, , Family Diana Jusseaume, Family Emile Berube. . Atty. & Mrs. Roland DesmaMis, Mr. & Mrs: Paul Dumais: $13 Mrs. Lucia Daigneault $12 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard RouS!ft:t, !Ill'. & Mrs. J. B. Oscar Levesque, Family Wily-id Jolicoe\.lr & Marie-Louise Brault,' F,amily Edouard Mel'Cier, Family Leo Phenix. ," Omer Paquette & Rosa Le~ux, Family Normand CI~ment. $10 Mr. & Ml"s. Romeo Desautels, Mr. & Mrs. Francois Napert,Mr. &: Mrs. Leon O. Lavoie, Albina Durkin & Ida Ferland, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Harrison., ' Mr.' & Mrs. Nathalias Bernier, Mr: & Mrs. Normand Gaudreau, Mr: & Mrs. Oscar Caya,Remi' A. Couture, Normand Pain. Mr. & Mrs. Roland St. Pierre, Family Augustine Lapierre, Mr. .& Mrs. Adelard Canuel & Anal-· da Lajeunesse, Family M. Louise St. Laurent, Adelard Michaud. Horace, Marie & Eligenie eournoyer, Mr. & Mrs. Euclide Boyer, Helene & Anna Rioux, Family Joseph A. Gagnon, Mr. • Mrs. ArthlM' Desmarais & &ratiJa Dorais. Mr. & Mr·s. Hyacinthe Glaude It Annette Barbelle, Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse porais, Mr. & Mrs. :Donald Bernier, Family Lydia Lavigne, Family Anselme i Bou:.. eiler. . Family Louis O. Lambert,' Fa'mily J. Arthur DeMille, Mr. &: Mrs. Elzear Landry, Bernadette Robert, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel St. Pierre, Family Armand: Lussier. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gend'reau, ST. 'ANTHONY OF PADUA I. C. Roland Dionne, Mr. & Mrs. Rosario Gagnon, Maria $300 Dowling & Bernadette ':l'hibautt, Rev. Laureano C. dos Reis Arthur Gauthier. Rose Lavigne, Mr. & i Mrs. $50 Antonio Bernier, Mr. & Mrs. Rev. 30ao C. Martins, Silva Omer Lapointe, Family Angelina Funeral Home, Atty & Mrs: Mil' Lapointe, Mr. & Mrs. Edmond ton R. Silva. ," Lizotte. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Andre Jusseaume, Angie's Fashi5~ns', ' F'amily Norm and Brodeur $is Amanda Boas; Family Charles Gilbert Cabral' Levesque, Alma & Alice Masse. Mr. & Mrs.' Emile riozois; $10' , Anna Dube, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Council of Catholic Women,_' Raiche, Mr. &. Mrs. Charles Manuel D.Gomes, Jose P. CarLavoie, Leona Allard. reiro, Vange L~ite, Jose 'Cabral. Mr. & _ Mrs. Manuel Pontes, John, Andrade, Agnes ,Nunes, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Maynard, Miguel Franco; Emery Gomes, Mr. & Mrs.. Donat· Lavoie & Orlando <!::onforti. .l\/farie - ,Louise Antaya, Mr. & ,Maria T,:' Pacheco,:'Fiargo' B.. Mrs.,Osc.a,r Pagne, .~r. ~ .M~s.,., Silva, F!.ank.~. Silva, .,Robert ~la.l')p Thil;Jalllt.. ' ':"!" .• ' Souza'; Hazel 'Medeiros;.. J{)hn ·R. ¥r.. & -}VIr,Lti;r,nest. P;,PrlaiM,. '. V"incent, .Jr.. 1\I!-~ne Ga,!Uaq~;-A , Mr~ .& Mrs: Rene Bernier, famJ-" ·Frieii<i. ' - .' . '
r j I
I j
Week-end Meal Values! Superb QU?llity, Fully Cooked, lean and lus~ious - Specially Priced Right Now.
Shank Half LB 49c
Face HalfLB 59c , u.
fate'Portion LB 49c
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Same low Self-Service Prices in All Stores In This Vicinity - (We Reserve the Right to limit Quantities)
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STRAWBERRIES 49c Fresh frOM California
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Radishes Cucunlbers
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19c 2 . 25c ',6 B~G 29c
, targe, long Green Perfed for Tossed Salad
'Lenlons ,
Full of Flavor
California, Rich with. Tangy JUice
FINAST - True, Sun-Drenched, Tropical Flavor
Pineapple Juice White, Yellow, Devil's Food
Duncan Hines
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' Za • Rex
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3 1lB30z'I·00 PT BOTS PKGS
Provides. Your Dog with. Needed Nourishment
Vels' Dog, Food ,
65c 39c
. Big Bonus for you - on can array of Bonus StaMps Specials in every department. All items clearly displayed and ident~fied. Fill your staMp book faster -,get your free gifts sooner. MO COUPONS NEEDED -BUY AU. YOU WANT!
i iillliIf!lIK
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Mrs. family
Fall River
Fall River
$50 Margaret·
, Boodry
Cenha! Village
$350 Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo.
THE ANCHQRThurs., May 24, 1962
ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST . $250 Rev. John G. Carroll $200 Mr. & Mrs. John DeNadaI $120 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Yocum $50 Mr. & Mrs. Casimire Bartkiewicz .Jr. & Mrs. Peter F. Piccinini: Mr. & Mrs. William Forrest & Family. $30 St. Isidore Council, No. 4573 K. of C. $25 Mrs. Mary Brady Shea $20 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. John Murley $15 M;": & Mrs. John Costa, Mrs. Isabelle Sandberg, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony 'Ferreira, Charlotte Ma_ deiros. $10 Mrs Eva Lawrence, A Friend, Marga'ret M. Shay, Mr. & M~s. Antone DeCos'ta" 'Mrs. navld Caswell. Mr. & Mrs. 'Manuel Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wille~te, Manuel P. Silvia, Mrs. FrederIck Best, Mrs. Esther Samson. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rezendes, Mr &: Mrs. George Costa, Yv~nne & Leo Samson, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Culle~, Mr. & Mr.s. Armand Desjardins. Mr. &' Mrs. William Murphy, Mr. &: Mrs. Michael V. <?reedon, Gertrude Messier & ElSIe Bow~ den Mr & Mrrs. John C. Waughtel, 'Mr. &: Mrs. Anthony Trav~rs. Mr. &: Mrs. John J. Hollms, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Souza, Mr.. & Mrs. Arthur Munro, Mary Taggart, Mr. & Mrs. qeorge Leach 'Jr. . .. , Mr. & Mrs. -Ernest Martm, John B. Kelly, Mrs. Harold Wood Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Par~ tingtdn &: Family, Daniel Souza. Mrs. Manuel Martin, Mr. &: Mrs. Charles Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Antone S. Cabral,' Mr; & Mrs. Frank Costa , Mr. &: Mrs. AugullI tine Botelho. Mr &: Mrs. Lawrence Marra, Mr.. '&: Mrs~ Clarence Kirby, Mrs. Antonio Ferreira, Mr: &: Mrs. David Buckley Jr., Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Vieira. . .... Mr. &: Mrs. E. Marshall Perry, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Audet, Mr. &: Mrs. Tobias. Flemming; ~rs. Ethel Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. BenJamin Oliveira, Antone Carval~~.
$30 $75 Margaret O'Grady Rev. Edward J. Burns.. $25 $25 Mr. & ·Mrs. Arthur Doucet, The Connerton Fa~ily, Dr. & Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kelly, Mae Mrs. George Horan, Mr. & Mrs. Riley, Mrs. Margaret Borden,.WilliamP. Lynch, Thomas M~ Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gauthier. . Cann,'Mr. & Mrs. William O'Nel1, Katherine Sullivan, John J: James Whalon. Honan, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Tal$20bot, Mr. & Mrs. Charles McMr. & Mrs. Thomas Britland, Closkey & family. M. Thomas & Katherine Conroy,. $20 Mr. & Mrs. Orient Laplante; Mr. Mr. & - Mrs. John Maitoza, & Mrs. John Maher, Hilda JYIyl~S James Doucet, Mrs. Lou is Susan McMahon, Gertrude OGreenberg, Mr. & Mrs. John Neil, In memory of Mr. & ·Mrs. Murphy, Helen L. Donovan. Michael Tobin. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ridge, Mar. $15 , SETON liJrLL: :l\'Isgr. Wil- , Mrs. Mary Cantwell, Peter tha Hobbs, Mr. 8? Mrs. Horace Hall, Mrs. Lillian Reardon, Mr. liamG. Ryan,,'president of Cantwell, Marion Fahey, MarCOIIUlREC'Il'OJR: Reginald & Mrs. John Kane. Seton Hill College, <;nens- garet Johnson, Edwa~d. McAnMr. & Mrs. Thomas McHenry, A. Neuwine, director of addrew, Mrs. Mary Phllhps, EvGenevieve Connelly, I·~ Memory burg, :Pa.,. will meet a~ea erett Phillips. ministrative research for the alumnae and friends at a dmof' John Nestor. . $13 Greater Cleveland Educa$12 ner in Boston Thursd.ay, Mr. .& Mrs. John Fie41ing: tional Research Council, will· Henry Raposa. June '7. Mrs. P~ul TeSSler, $10 $10 act as codirector of nation-_ Som:erset, is serving' on. a Mr. & Mrs. Tobias Almeida, wide survey of Catholic Mr. & Mrs. Valentine Palm~r, Mrs. Manuel Albernaz, M~s. campaign committee to raIse William & George Apps, Mr. elementary and secondary Belle Howe, Mr. & Mrs. DaVId funds for a 10 year develop- & Mrs. Raymond Black, Mr. & Doyle, Mr. ,& Mrs, George H. . ment program at the college. Mrs. Elton Borden, ·Mrs. John schools which he says' may lead to wider national stanA. Brown. . Audette.. . . .. Mrs. CharleS Burton~ Mr.. &. dardization in Catholic eduMr & Mrs. John Malglen, Mr. & Mrs. Louis S~ialek, Mr. ·Mrs. Francis Canulla, Mr. &, GerU:Ude V. KennedY, Mary james Conroy, Mr. & Mrs. cation. NC Photo. Nunes, Mrs. William Hinchcliffe, & Mrs. John Hodnett, ~r .. & Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cafferty. Mrs. Edward Maurer, WIlham Manuel Cordeiro, Jr., Mr. & OUR LADY OF THE-ANGELS Mr. & Mrs. Michael Biszko, Ryder.. ' Mrs. Thomas C. Crowther.. ' •. $500 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Gordon, Edward Camara, Mrs. Joseph Grace Flanagan, Mr. & Mrs. A I & I· c e Camara, Mr. & M rs. L eo~eI Armand' Fomnd, Mrs. Malcolm Ermine, Caroline Rev. Anthony M. Gomes, Dr. Ratte, Mr. & Mrs. George Mar- Merola Mr. & Mrs. Edward. Costa, Mr. & Mrs. John CronIn, Henry C..Lincoln. Bronh;rd, Mr. & Mrs. William Mr. & Mrs. William pavis. $50 ~L . . Mr. & Mrs. William Dempsey, 1962 Confirmation Class Susan Fitzgerald, ElIzabeth Guay Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Albert Mr, & Mrs. Raymond.Depin, Mr. $30 Fitzgerald, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Gagn~n, A. Picard.. Mr. & Mrs. John ZaJac, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Desruisseaux, Mrs. Maria Mello Perreault, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dussault, $25 Gallant, Mrs. & Mrs. O'Connell. &: Mrs. Maurice LaPage, Mr. & .James McKenna~ Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Sullivan, Mr. & Alice Fahey. ; . Joseph. M. Theodore, Mrs. John Bates, Stanley Cote, Mr. Mrs. Leonard Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph 'Fielding Jr., Mr. 8; J'ulia Simas, St. Vincent de Pa';ll & .Mrs. Thomas Comiskey, Mr. Clarence Harney. .... Mrs. Joseph Fitzsi,mmons, Mr. Society, Council of Cath~hc & Mrs. Herbert Boff., Mr. & Mrs. James McCoy, & Mrs. Louis Furtado, Catherine Women; Holy .Rosary Soda1J.ty. . $15 Mary M. Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. William Reed, Mr. Goff, Joyce Goff.. . Jose Lindo Herbert Boff, Mary M. Quinn, &: Mrs. Thomas Kenney, Mr. &: . Mr. & Mrs. Ch1\rles Hargraves, $12 James M. Quinn, Mr. & MI'8. Mrs: Roland Corriveau, Mr. &: Mr. & .Mrs. Joseph Holden, Fred Schofield. Mrs; John Donald. - Katherine HOl'an, Edwa~d . .1. Edward. Alves, James .LeathMr. &: Mrs. Bert Galford, Mar_ Mrs. Raymond Fisher, Mr.~.. Holland, Mr. & Mrs. WIlham . el'wood, Marcelino Mello., Mrs. Joseph Costli, Mrs;' Mane Johnson.' ., . $10 . ~ret Cahill, John Cahill, Mr. Oliveira, Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Mr. & Mrs, Timothf Kelly, Raymond Medeiros, Joseph & Mrs. Gregory Mello, Mr. '" Mrs. Charl~ ~enigke. . Deschenes, Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Mrs. Lloyd King, Mrs. Harry Costa, John Pereira, Manuel Mr. '" Mrs. Richard DesrosIers, Moniz. : , K~sel, ·Mr. & Mrs. John Leary, Pereira Edward Souza. Mrs. Emile· Viens Mrs. Robert Mi'. & Mrs. ·Joseph Leite. Mrs. Marie .A. LeRoy, Mr. & . Manu'eID. Correia, Antone Mrs. J'obn Golden, Mary Dono- Partridge, John E. Kane, Jr., Mr". The Logan family, Mr. & Mrs.· Michaels, Alfred Almeida,Manvim, Mr. & Mrs. Art'bul' &; Mrs. Frank ~orreira, Mr. &: . Herman Mello. Mr. & Mrs. uel Mello, John Enos. , Caouette. Hector Dube. . '.0 • ~ Joseph Miranda, Mr. &: Mrs: EdManuel Enos, Ray m 0 n d Mr. &:·Mrs. Walter Janick, Mr. Mr & Mrs. James BrlCkhdl, ward Moisan, Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph Hryciw, Ernest Barreiro, Antone Mrs.. John Smith,· Mrs. Mary 'Motta. ,. . Teves Herman Botelho. &: Mrs. Raymond Fisette, Mr. '" Mh. Thomas Booth, Walter Larrivee Julio Joaquim, Mr. & Mrs. William Murphy & Non Ma~uel,' Magno, Albertina Krupa, Mr. & Mrs. .lames Mrs. Sledziewski. Murphy, Mr. &: Mrs. Mello Joseph Ferreira, Henry Stevens. Mr· . &' ·Mrs. Louis Viveiros, McCann, Mr. &: Mrs. Timothy L'He~reux, Manuel Pereira Jr. Mr. &: Mrs. John F. McPad- Mrs. 'Hilda McGraw, Mr. & Mrs. McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Manuel. Abe l' n a z. Manuel den, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Bernard"Demers, Mr. & Mrs. .1. McHugh, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Hilario, Arthur Furtado, Maria Anti-:-Re 19 I m. 10n Murphy, Theresa Ml,lrphy, Mr. Ed", Fitzgerald. McNally. Cabral Jose Rodriques.' NEW YORK & Mrs. George Joseph, Mr. & . Mr. &: .Mrs. Normand .Oliver, . William Moniz, Edward Teves, terized as an "expressly antlMrs.' James Sullivan. , . ST. MATmEU Mrs. Ethel Oliveira, Mr. &: ;Mrs. Octavio Viveiros,' David Luz, religious film," the Polish-made Thomas Eccles, Mr. & Mrs. Al- . $200 William O'Hare, Cat h ri n e Manuel Ferreira. movie "Joan of the Angels?" bert Steel, Mary O'Neil, The Rev. Henri Charest O'Neil. 0 i... Hilda Santos, Manuel Re¥o, about a convent of nuns has been 'Reddy family, Mrs. Helen Keefe. $50 Gertrude O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. . Henry Rego, Arthur I!ego,· Nlc- evaluated in Class C _ conMr. & Mrs. Leo Hayes, Mr. & Rev. Thomas E. Morrissey Thomas Padden,. John & Irene .kolos Teixeira. demned-by the National Legion. Mrs. Joseph Barabe, Mr.. & Mrs. $30 Powers, Mr. &' Mrs. Walter Tobias Monte, Dorothy Rodi'i- of Decency. Stanley Michalewich, Mr.. &: Ida and Valeda Leboeuf,,' Quinlan, Louis -& Mae Russell. ques, Alfred Mello, Mr.. & Mrs. Mrs. A. Levesque Jr., Mrs. AloyMr. & Mrs. Joseph Silvia, Joseph Velozo & Sons, Rocha .• ~ • • • • <S>• •¢~.~~. sius Eccles. $25 Irene Stratton, Anna B. Sullivan,' Family. +.. A FAMIL V. mlEAT Robert Greenberg, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. & MJ's. Orner Boivin, Dr. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sullivan, Mr. ,John Texeira, Joseph Franco, Anthony Viveiros, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Eugene Dionne, Edgar & Mrs: Walter Sullivan. Manuel Perry, John Moniz, JOhnt . Norman Brodeur, John A. DisPoisson. William SUllivan, MI'. & Mrs. ,.Camar.a', Jr. " . 4 kin, Mr. & Mrs. William Mc, . $15 "Joseph Sousa, Mr; &' Mrs. Mrs. Mary Perry,' Manuel I!; U"lW Partland. Grace M. Parenteau Chester Tarabolski, Mr. & .Mrs. Alves; Francis Alves, Richard $ . Mrs. Paul Heywood, Mr. and ',$12 ,., Edward Vadeboncoeur, ~i'" & Couto, Sara 'Burdett. ,~ FA~MS... ..,; Mrs. Patrick McElroy,·, Mr. & Mrs. Donat Roussel. & family, Mrs. james Walker. ": Lillian LaForce, John 'Rode- '.l45 WashingtQn St., Fairhaven Mrs. Joseph Martini, lYl!. & ~rs. Mr. &; Mrs. Albert VannieI'. Mr. & Mrs. William Ward,· Mr. rick,Mahuel· Furtado; FranciSCO Just off Route 6 John Martini, Mr. & Mrs. Eve$ 10'" & Mrs. Gilbert Willette, W01,"dell .Ma~risso, ,·Helena Sousa.' . ' WY 7 9336 . rett Aguiar. family, Jane Hannigan & 1\1::aOOI George Henriques, Dennis Me- S. . Marie Auclair, Mr. & Mrs. Simoiletti. . " . C 1 D' • i Mary 'Watch for Igns 'Mr. & Mrs. Antone Cos~a, Mr. & Mrs. 'Ernest Toupin, Mr. &e Leo Arsenault, Mr. && MMrs. 0,· While out for a Drive . Berube, 'Mr. rs. Stop at this Delightful Spot Mrs. James Nichols, Mr. & Mrs. Octave A rthur Bienvenue, Mrs. .'. George fftll River Manuel Simbro, ;J C81'.4' Jeremiah Kehoe, The Gottwald family. Mr. & Mrs; Leon Boulariger & BLESSED SACRAMENT ~ "" r_e.:i:r:a_.,- - - - - - - - - - - -•• -.-.-.. ...... • • • • Mr. &. Mrs. John'Cantwell, Bolusky. Mr. && Mrs. Mrs. $200 • Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Hedger, Mr. Therese' Olivier Boulanger, Cantara, Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Martin, Mr. & Ch I d Mr & Mrs ar a n , . . WORK Rev. Alfred Gendreau Mrs. Raymond Murphy, Mr. &: Normand Mrs. James McKnight. .Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. WilCLOTHES Mr. & Mrs. Norman Thran, Mr.' & Mrs. Roger Dufour, brod ,Hamel. . Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Mellen, ~Felix Gaud$50 Why Buy _ We Supp Mrs. Margaret Griffin & Family, ReginaMFinnerty & M L Fisette J. Richard Hamel reau,r. eo .Rose ' , COMPLETE Joseph Bettencourt, Mr. & Mrs. Diane & Edith rs. Gauthier, $17 . Walter Aubrey. . Eugene Roussin & family RENTAL WORK UNIFORMS Mr. & Mrs. Albert Williams, &: Armande Gauthier: $12 SHOP TOWELS Mrs. Thomas puay & GerMr. o~ Mrs. Harry Kershaw, Mr. maine Guay, Joseph T. LamMaurice Boulay . ' &: Mrs. Armand Deslauriers, $10 Also Reclaim Industrial Gloves Stephen R. Crawford, The. Mal- oureux&: family, Mr. & Mrs. Herve Lavoie', Mr. & Mrs. EdNorman Garon, Leo Paul E. ", loy family. ward T. LeBlanc, M.r. & Mrs. . L . P 'St M.arl'e BeaudOIn, OUIS . . ., Mr. & Mrs. James Campbell, Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Viveiros, Garant, Albert .1. Christopher Lake, Jr., The KorJoseph Demers, Stanislas ~arzeneski family, Charles H. Wil- Mrs. A. Parent & Alphonse Cote, Mr. & Mrs.· Wilfred Pelletier &: nasiewicz, Maurice Brault, Ju. 'S~r to son. Mr. &: Mrs. Robert SUlliVllll, family, Mr:'& Mrs. Arthur Pigeliette & Antoinette Landry, New Englo,", Overall & Supply C.o. on" Mr. " Mrs. Raymond Pois~ . 'd' L 1.... . Mrs. Mary Hughes, Mr. &: MrtJ. 'Edouar ang als. . It Boward AYe., New 8edI.d . " J'oseph MMtlneau, Mr. & .Mrs. &: .Mrs. ·VaillanJoseph HenriAime DePheBe. WW. . Ie Gagne,· ir.,Beauiieu. MicliaelLa Fel~x, Fred Malone, William D; Crow- eourt. Mi'. " Mrs. Camil. h,'. ~. Pelletier, Rol-and . WHo
I.. FOI (NC)---"Chara~-
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~.:~~.~" ~~1 SERVICE
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~Rev. ROland$~:ule,
La~~n~ t~~~i~~rold MCNe.rneY'~:~~dOi~. SO~r
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...'.V. I..::
THE ANCHOR-'Diocese of Fa" River-Thu~., May2.4~ 1962 .•..
" .• ,
: •• ~.~
You Are£ordia"y Invited
to.. Attend
lI \
at the .New~y Re-decor(lted',
. .
" .
·.(ST. FRANCIS GUILD)" ..... .. .
·196 ~Whipple St., ."
SUNDAY~MA Y 27,2to4P.M. Frcinciscan Missionaries of Mary
, , '~:.;
.' I
'. "
T"is'Message is Sponsoretf By The Following Individual.' ~,*d Business,, Concerns in Greider Fall R.iver: . ~
.AnnDale Products, Inc. , Brady 'EI~dric Supply' Co. Cascade 'Drug Cp. ;' ',' . 'Enterpri~ Brewing Co. Gold Medal Bread' Globe Manufacturing Co.
Hutchinson' Oil Co. ' ":' ,internation~' L~dies ' Garment Workers Union , '. ..., MacKenzie & Winslow, Inc. Mason Furniture Showrooms . Gerald E. McNally, Contractor
. '
George R.' 'Montl~, Plumber ," Plymouth ,Printing Co., Inc. ' "Sobi!oH, Broth~rs . S!erhng Beverages, Inc. "textile Workers Union of America. AFt-CIO Yellow Cab Company ,
THE ANCHOR"Oio~eseof Fan River-Thurs:,May 24,1962'"
V@tica'n Radio Lauds Hungarian Cardinal VATICAN CITY (NC)-Vatlean. Radio praised Jozsef Cardina~ Mindszenty on his 70th birthday as "a symbol of the righ:s of man and of his Faith." The broadcast pointed out that the Primate of communist-ruled ,
Hungary now 'Jpends his days at the U. S. legation in Budapest reading and praying for his country.
when Soviet trooPS"Put down the anticommunist uprising that had tempoirarily released hiin from prison. The Cardinal had· been sentenced to life imprisonment following a trial on trumped-up charges of "treason" in 1949.
Cardinal Mindszenty went to the legation November, 1956,
:~BK1L ~:::::n~
AVE ~r~:;:v I ~ : : ' : : ' \ ' S .
I.::::::.:~;:~ ":~
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A&P Closed Memorial Day, Wednesday, May 30th
Fully Cooked 12 lb. or mora
/Jutll Portion
Shank Half
'Wllij(i'&~e ~@I1ifllS
. LB
Bult Half
59C •
8, to 14 LBS Ib 390 ' ..
fiEAD'i T@ CO@/l(
I ~
Cooked Hams
MARIAN 'ADMIRATION: Diocesan sodalists visit the Marian Shrine in Notre Dame Church prior to the Marian Hour. Left to right, Diane McGee, SHA; Denise Gelinas, JMA; Paul Morrisette, Prevost; Maureen Harrington, Mt. St. Mary's Academy; and Barbara Hart, Dominican Academy. Nugent, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Shea, Mr. & Mrs. John Mendonca. $500 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Sullivan, :Rev. George E. Sullivan .Mr. & Mrs. Richard Thompson, $100 . Mary Bassett, Mr. & Mrs. WilCapt. & Mrs. Joseph O'Conlian:t Guilmette, Miss Mary Lennell, Sr., Mabel Clemmey. non. " $75 Mrs. Mary Lennon, Frank & Rev. John .F. Andrews Mary Montle, Mr. & Mrs. John $5Z . Pavao, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas HigIn Memory. of William S. and ginson, Sr., Margaret Dwyer. . Maud A. Conroy. Mr. & Mrs.. Philip Jeff &. $50 Dorothy, Mr. & Mrs. John Duffy, Mary Walker, Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Marcille, St. Joseph's "E.mily O'Brien, Mary C. O'Brien, Vincent Hancock. . Men's Club, Mr. & Mrs. William Agnes Fitzgerald, Mrs. BradHurll, The Misses Valerie, Berford Durfee, Mr. & Mrs. Marcelnadette and Alnla Foley. lus Feeney, Mr. & Mrs.' Gerald • $35 Catherine T. & Mary L. Har- Kelly, Mr. & MrS. Frederick yington, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sear~ Danis. William Coughlin, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Stephen Rebello. .. ' . $30 Altino COlilta, Mary Giblin, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fletcher, Alice Tremmei, Roberta's VarMr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Connell, ie~ Store. Jr. Frances Brough, Mr. & Mrs. $Z5 " Daniel Foley, Ewiice Dion, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. James Curtis, Mar- & Mrs. James Perkins, Mr. & garet Connors, Mr. & Mrs. Wil- Ml's. ' Michael Dolan, William liam Doran, Julia ~ Mrs. Ellen Greany. M~' .oney, In Memory of John . In Memory of· Anne Mullen, E. Donovan. Catherine & Anne Coughlin, Jane Haran, The McArdle Mary R. Sullivan, Agnes Brow- ' Family, Elaine's Flower ~hop. nell. $ZO . Mr. & Mrs.' ThomaS Nugent, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Cabe- Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wills, Mr. ceiras, Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. & Mrs. Henry Bernardo, Mary' Fitzgerald; William Gaudreau, Cullen, Mary Dwyer, Mr. &, Mr. & Mrs. David Matthews, Mr. Mrs. Albert' Shovelton. & Mrs. Richard Synnott. Dr. & Mrs. Edmund Cataldo, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Borges, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. John McGovern, Ann Mrs. John Connor, Patricia 'Gal- Cleary, Alina E. 'Duffy, John ligan. Mahoney. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy ThompMr. & Mrs. Frank Harrington, Mr. &, Mrs. Walter· Nichipor, son, Anne Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Julia Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cornelius Harrington, Mr. & Buckley, John Murl'18Y. Mr. & Mrs. John Fitzgerald, Mrs. John Maher. Mr. &' Mrs. Charles Murphy, Mr. The Monaghan family, Mr. & Mrs. John Connors, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. John Ward, Mr. & Mrs. John Moloney, Mr. & Mrs. Alban Vezina; Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Frederick Sherry, Joanna Brady. ward Moran. & Mrs. Russell Booth, Mr. Mr. Mr. & Mrs. James Mendonca, & Mrs. James Murray, Mr. & E. Doris Sullivan. Mrs. Edward Lehane, Mr. & $lZ Mr. & Mrs. James Mullins, Mrs. Joseph Medeiros, Claire Mr. & Ml's. Arthur Foley, Mrs. Silvia. Eileen Connors, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Calio, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph SWdniarz, Mr,. & Mrs. Joseph Payton. Arthur Hannafin, Mr.. & Mrs. $10 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Ferreira, James Lenaghan, Mary.. , S~er-: Mr. & Mrs. John Shea, Mrs. man. ,.Mr. ,& Mrs. Frederick Ralph. Clinton Borden, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Powell,' Mr. & Mrs. HOLY 1t . CROSS . Joseph Caron. , .. '. $175 Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Salois,. Fl'18nciscllD Fathers, O.F.M. Agnes Silvia, Mr. & Mr~. Thol,llas MacDonald, David Matthews,' Conv.;· Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B o y d . , $25 Mr. & Mrs. James Hickey, Rosary Society of Holy Cross Elizabeth Flaherty, Mary Lene-" . Parish, 'Mr. & Mrs. Charles han, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wrob-. Szulewski. leski. . $10 Militia of Mary Immaculate of Eileen and Louise Murphy, Alfred Machado, Margaret Mc- Holy Cross Church, Mr. & Mrs. Closkey, Mr. & Mrs. William R. Canuel, Zofja Golembiewska.
Turkeys ::1: ,b35 ,b69 Hams
o$aalltte Grand with Ham or Tur~ey
2 CANS 1 LB 39 C .'
By the Piece· .: 7Sc lb'
10to 12LBS
Canned Hams
SUPER-RIGHT 80Z 29C 1 LB 53' ct· B·ologna . . SLICED .PKG PKG . Pepper Loaf l~~~~~~~~AT~~~ 39« Sliced Plain Loaf :~~~~- ~~~ 35 c
. Get
6 OJ: jar of Ann Page Mustard FREE with purchase of
SU;K~~~~~HT ~~
YELLOW :-Bananas RIPE et .Pasc~.1 Ce.l·ely LARGE B4NCH 29 Tomatoes' .RED-RIPE P~~~C25¢ . . Yellow Onions D~I~:Ck 2 B;,aG 29<t
SAVE 10e
'3· :
RIch. ~II Bodied Coff..
Red Circle
-".' Grapefruit ;'SEC~~~S 2 iA~S 39c 3 B~G 1.61 Meat Pies~BE:~~g~~~:~~T~~EY5 :K~~ $1 .Sweet Peas ~':gi~~E 4 ~~~s$1 lokggo Coffee SAVE lOc Broccoli S-pears B~:g~~~ 4 l~k~~ $1 I Cream ASST.MARVEL Y2 GAL69C 3 Bl~ 1.73 I'Ice FLAVORS ., P~G . BLUE 6 OF BOXES 9"'C • I ,.Issue FaCIG. RIBBON 400·· '7 TOClhpas~e!-Gi 31 Charcoal Briquets .~~~ 69c IlII\M PE~. Baked-Beans' L~ 0%"49 ,"C'ream P-Ies BANQUET 140-?: 39<='" .' FROZEN : ' 'SIZE' lustre (rem. 3~0~ 60 VIGOROUS and WINEY
.,;.. \
d ••
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: ,/.• 11 •
.••. C
1"• ••.
5e90 liquid D~L,ICIOUS,
100Z CAli
footsie POlPS 10p~~238
1 Ib to 0% lor-59c'
(oeoa rlft€Sffi!ll ~~ 35
Towols m
'l',f .•
29" ....
.j ,
4" ..:~~f-69~:~' '
'~iA~T'8'5' c SIZE" SIZE· . l uo· ry Snow LARGE36c, c ' I-Ish HEINZSWEET HOT DOG, HAMBURG 2"" 1'1 oz 47 . . or INDIA·. . Re CURTISS 30 'BAG IN 19C: . LollyPops SAF-T-POPS .y.
, $100 Margaret M. SulliVlan, George Bolger, A Friend. ' $60 , Misses Margaret, Mary & Firances Cummings. $50 William Hargraves, Mr. & 'Mrs. Dick H. Cutting, Daniel T. Cooney, In Memory of Joh~ & Margaret McDermott, Mr. & Mrs, Daniel F. Murphy. Mr. & Mrs. James F. Little, Charles E. Sevigny,' Amedee Sevigny, Mr.' & Mrs. John S. Burns, Mr. & MM. James W. Steele, Jr. $35 Mr. & Mrs, John Tuite, Catheli!ne Furze. $30 . Misses Mary & Anna G. Mcearty, Mr._ & Mrs. George ,E. Sullivan, Jr., Louise E.' Des. • • I maraIS. ' $25 Catherine E. Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Sullivan, Annie E.,& Mary E. Quirk, Mr. & Mrs. Fred R. Dolan, Michael J. Grace,
Jane Broderick, Mr. & Mrs. 3ames Jos: McMahon, William J. Barrett, Helen Sull~van &: Mrs. Jos. Hammill, Francis Burley. Margaret M. & Kathryn V. Whalen,. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Gallagher, Mr. & Mrs. Charles lI'. Bliffi'ns, Regina M. & Dorothy A. Higgins" Frederick B, McDonald.' In Memory of John & Mar-, aaret Smith by Mabel S~ith, Margaret' & Herman Springer, Mr. & Mrs. John H. Springer & MM. Mary Larrabee, Mr. &, ).\'Irs. Jeffrey E. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. DennisC. Hurley.' . ,Thomas A. McCann, Mr., &; Mrs. Charles H. Mitchell, Frederick Harrington, Mr. & Mrs.. lobn ,Torpey, Mr. at Mrs. J. .Joseph Welch., $20 The Hathaway family, ~ar 'garet Desmond, Lillian Madden, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Smith & ~ily, . Mildred && Gerald I. Barrington. ' , Mary H. C. Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. lobn, J.;'Moynagh, ,Joseph M. Taylor, Catherine O'Hare, ',Mr. 6: Mrs. William J. Pelton: Elimbeth L. Leonard, Joseph A. Cote & family, Mr. & Mrs, William Mercier, Mr. & Mrs. 'John F. 'Kiley, Jr., William H. Kirkman. ' , ,John J. Roberts &, family, ][I'rancis J. Waring,· Eleanor Mullaney, ,Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Burley, William F. Fitzgerald. 'James W. Fitzgerald. $15 John & Mary Shay, William E. Whitehead, Mr. :& Mrs. Edmund Mitchell,. Letitia A. Lynch, Ed\?lard C. Monarch. Francis Regan,' Mr. & ~rs., lohn Moran, Mr.. & Mrs. John T. Haggerty, Margaret M. DUIlil Grace A. Daley. Miss Mary Daley, James T.·& Rita A. Roberts, Florence M. Sullivan, Timothy A. Shea,' Mr. &; Mrs. John M. -Leonard. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Beland Irene Cummings & family, Mr. &; Mrs. 'John Jos. Sullivan, Mr. 81; Mrs. Thomas F. Burke, Julietta Delananty. , Margaret E. <;::oleman, Mrs. Mary McCarthy, Bartholomew McNally, W. Harry Monks, Alice Sullivan. ' :' John Burke James H., S:ullivan, Grace L. Martin, Charles Curtis, In Memory Gf Mr. &' Mrs.P. J. Halligan. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Santos.
$lZ , :Mr.' &; Mrs. William LaBoslltere,' Joseph 'Wm. McDonald, Benjamin Stafford, Mr. & Mrs. han P .• Auger, Robert J. Mello. $11'
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 24,1962
Mrs. Mary A. MllCabe, ~. as Mrs. Wm. 'H. Cross. $10 Leonora Donovan, ,MarY E. Mason, Mr. & Mrs. George E. Keavy, Margaret Donovan, Mr. & Mrs. Leo LaFleur. Mary & Francis Bigos, Lillian M. Shea, Laura, M. Sullivan, Margaret M. Cripps, Anne L. Sullivan; I Alice M. 'at Alice Duggan, Leonard E. Burgmyer, Sr., ~ta~
$100 , John W. Varanese, In Memorv River - of Deceased. $25 iey F. Mroz & family, Mary , Louis A. Sisca, Sr. Akers, David Creamer. $20 Mr. & Mrs. James Rooney, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. D'AllTP Mr. & Mrs: Ernest Mello, Jr., brosio Agnes Coyle, Elizabeth Coyle, $15 Mrs. Johanna Norton. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Marcucci, Loretta Norton,Mrs. Cathe-, The Ralph Sasso family, Mrs. rine McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Pileria Ventura. Matthew Shea, Jr., Robert', G. $12 Boylan, Misll Elizabeth Roach. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Toomey. Alice K; Bailey, Mr. & Mrs. $10 , Leonard W. Mayo, Mr. & Mrs. Men's Confraternity of the William L. O'Brien, Sr., Mr. & Holy Rosary, Italian American Mrs. John Leo Turner, Sarah War Vets Fall River Post 10 & Sullivan. Auxiliary, Carmi A. Belmont, James :J:,.. Cote, Mr. & f\lrs. M. Josephine Bernard, The BevilUrsula Riley, Mr. & Mrs. Wilacqua family. liam C. Chippendale, Mr. & Mrs. , Anna Ciarapella, Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Labrie, Miss Cecilia Delbert Frank, Mr. & Mrs. AcClorite. 'quilino ' DiSpirito & :&Imily? Frank Harrington, Robert Carlton Gagnon, Mr. & Mrs. Harrington,' Margaret Tourgee, Raymond McGuire. Walter Polak, Frank & Charlotte Clemente Occhiuti, Mr. & Shay. Mrs. Mariano Medeiros, ThoInao Edgar T. Fortin, Mrs. Mary O'Melia family, Anthony J. Crahan, Mary Breslin, George Pannoni, Mr. & Mrs. Raymon(ll Trainor, Sadie Trainor. Parise. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mahoney, Angelo Ricci, Mr. & Mrs. William F. White, Sr., Mrs. WINS LIBRARY AWARD: The Regina Medal for Armand Rousseau, Mr. & Mrs. Eustelle ~eller, Helen M. Lynch, !'continued disting'uished' contribution to children's litera- John P. Sarti, Mr. & Mrs. PasRose S. Seaman. quale Sarti, Alphonse Saulino. Oliva A., Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. ,ture" was awarded to Frederick Melcher of New York by' Henry Seneca, Rose & Eda Wilfred Beaulieu, Catherine A. Sister Marie Pius during the Catholic Library Association Si.soa, R!chard Sperduti, Mary Boylan, Michael P. Hickey, Ed-, Conference in Pittsburg.' NC Photo. Agnes Weyth. ward J. Doran. I The Misses Doran, Helen F .. ragher Eileen Sullivan, Mr. & Leary, Mrs. Alvan J. Hoar, Al- Mrs. Harold L. Creamer, Charles van J. Hoar, Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Furze. Dunn. Anthony J. Ferreira, Mr. & 'i'his is tbe way tbe Church at BElT-SARKIS, a small village - Mr. & Mrs, John E. Kiley, Sr., Mrs. Armand Caron, Mr. & Mrs. · In the mOt1"t~in relrloVl of nortbern SYRIA is described: "r e Mrs. Eleanore Howard, Thomas William F. Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. ,;!1ull parish, church is in SUch a misP. Sullivan, Alphonse Legendre, Arthur Borges; Irene Deus. (/0· e-: "ble, statetbat It 'threatens to col.' Elizabeth Owens. Elizabeth Fernandez, Hend' 'dP~ under the next rain ••• interior William J. Desmond, John rietta Kosior, Mr, & Mrs. Henry ~.' hrnishings are non·existen~opews, Domingos & fa~ily, Leo P. L. Kosior; Michael J. Powers, o , confessional, no statues. no staSmith, Daniel F. Duffy, Charles William White, Jr. 'il9-and the wooden altar must be . A. Duffy. fA Ann Packer, Mrs. Leo Canuel, L, ;newed • • • ~J.,OOO ,is needed to make Margaret F. L en a gh an, Eleanor Hartnett, Charles E. Ce (. ;entlal I _pairs I" ~cessary to Thomas J. Loftus" Grace Curtis, June 'Arm Roberts. c'iminate any dangu &0 those who 'Learned, 'Wm!am M. WatsOn, there, to '.,ray." (:Ich are t: 0 factS Mary ,Roberts, Albert Platt,' Margaret G. McCarthy. co~tal!ted in the letter of appeal fOf William Sh~a, James Pimen'tal, Agnes Black, Wiiliam Black, Norman H. Burrows. . -fJ'ht Hoi] Palhtrt Missio/I AiJ L ~lp which Is now on our desk. The DOnald . Black, Mary Morris, Mr.' & Mrs.' Edward ,F. Mc, &"/ht 141 Ch'.-L ' ,,' lter also contains the Information Daniel Roach. ' ' I'" m. ' unn .at &be pastor Is - 80 years old and Grady, M~., & Thomas:&. Margaret M. 'Roberts, Marie McVey, Kathryn Madden, KenftIat his dearest wish Is that the church can be repaired before B. Roberts, Raymond Wm. neth E.·'Leger, Paul E. Lapre. b'e dies. There are ZOO parisbioners In BElT-SARKIS but they Audet, Madeline Keefe' Glavin, are e,xtremely Poor and often without work; evel7 able-bodied Eva C. Vail, ,Eugene L. Vail, John J. McCann. ' man among them bas offered his labor &0 make the church a Jr., Mr. & Mrs. ,Manuel Borges, Mrs. Frank J. McCann, John I Mary Lou 'Walsh, Edmund M. fittingplaee ill', which to pray. Without the materials to work M. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Roland With" however,' they are powerless to do anything; All ZOO Rezendes, Robert S., SOwden, A. Dube,' In Memory of Daniel ,Estelle McCarthy, John G. Costa, · parishioners have' promised a constant and fervent remembrance J. 'Martin' by: Mrs. Daniel J. , In their praye~ to anyone who helps the~ make th'eir chlU'ch Jr., Dennis Durand, Mrs. A1ban 'lIIuitable tor the worship of God. Can you help by sending $1, Martin,' In Memory of Mary, A. Correia; $5, $10; $1,OO? 'Think, ot the happiiaess You might bring to l1li John & Lawrence Down~y by Mr. & 'Mrs. Ovila Fortin" elderly priest It you send a donation. 'Ann & Elizabeth Downey. Robert Carr, Mr. & Mrs. M. In Memory of Thomas H. &: Thomas L. Flynn by Mrs. Cathe- Mitchell. rine Flynn, Mrs. Julia Beattie, , ST. mCHAEL Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nedderman; $500 Leo & Murtaugh Fox, Grace MRt. Rev. Humberto S. MedeiDunn. Daniel Kelly, Gertrude H. ros Janies,' Grace W. James; George $100 : C?'Brien, .Jr., Ellen L. Coughlin. Dr. Gilbert Vincent , ~iss ',Mary Walsh, M~y J. $'75 Coughlin, Catherine F. Coughlin, Rev·; Gilbert J. Simoes Elaine M. C. Banks, Joseph R. $60 Delaney. I Manuel Ferreira NO STRINGS ATTACHED Daniel Delan'ey, Albert, W. $50 EVERY SO OFTEN, in openillg the mail, we find a ebeck 01' Walker, Mrs. John Clancy, John Rev. Henry Sbrogio, Beatrice, money order with these three words: "No strings attached." OW' T. O'Neill" Mr. & Mrs. John C. 'benefactor Is saying in effect ''Use: this donation wherever It'e O'Neill. " Capeto, Evelyn Almeida. needed most. wherever It will do the most good." We thank God CatherinE; O'Neill. Mr. & Mrs. $30 that people are so generous. Usually these stringless gifts come Francis Curtin, Mr. & Mrs. Belmira Tavares just in time to do something special for which we have no Frank N. Laboslliere, Mrs. & $25 'funds. They're constant reminders' it's good now and then' to Mrs. Frank Halligan, Mr. & Mrs. Cecilia C: Oliveira, August count up the "stringless gifts" we have reeeived from God-Joseph' Golden. Curt, Antone Mello, Francis good health, a happy family; and so on. U you're ready to do , Madeline Connors, , Ella & "Lennon. something for God, in return for His "stringless gifts," elip this $20Anna Desmond, Manuel Amaral, eolumn, mark your donation "No strings attached," send It to Antone Souza. as. and we'll lJ1It It to work for God somewhere In .,,__ N","" ll!-+', Frances'>.. Harrington, Mr. &: , $15 Mrs. John F. McGraw. 'IN MAKING A WILL, it's well to REMEMBER YOURSELF. Manuel S. Medeiros, Virginia Mr. & Mrs. George Beaulieu, As a benefactor of the CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASThomas Rob~rts, Mr. .& Mrs. Al_ . SOU7Ja,' Arthur Amarello. 'SOCIATION you will share' forever in the prayers and good phonse, Beaupre, Joseph Caron, , $12 , works of our priests and sisters. You may be sure: too, that what Mary Jenkins. ' , Joseph S.' Correia 'you have saved Is, not being wasted: Every penny is made to Louise E. Banks, Clarence M. , $10 , , work for God. Our legal title is: THE CATHOLIC NEAR EAST Banks, John F. Lyons, Sr., Mr. George Governo; Manuel CarWELFARE ASSOCIATION. Remember us when you make your & Mrs. Benjamin Sherman, Mi9S doza, Arthur Pereira,' Gilbert will. . Honor Connor. Feijo, Albert Oliver. Leonard Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel LeJte, Diane Motta, ",lESUS; MASTER, HAVE MERCY ON US" Abel Marceline, Walter J .. Gerald, Mulrooney, Angelo CHRIST STILL HEARS AND ANSWERS, through the priests, Roberts, Charles V.' Porta, Leo Stavros, John Deqosta. sisters, and brothers, who are devoting their lives to these atE. Fogarty. • Donald, Grogan, Maria Fer~ ,'fticted people, THE CRY OF THE LEPERS. You show mere, . Raymond A. Sutcliffe, Grace nandes, Manuel Perry, Albert · tothe.Lepers.when you are a member'of oar DAMIEN LEPER Lambert, Elizabetli M.Crowley, Domingos, Joseph Motta, Jr. CLUB. The dues for membersbip ill this Club are ODe dollar Miss Genevieve M. Murray, , Mariano Martin, Arth~r' Re- • month and the mone, eolleeted ill this way Is used, to baIId. ' , staft, and maintain. Leper Hospitals. Elizabeth' Holland. bello, -Paul Arc ham b a u Lt, Edward Zygiel, John Fagan, Theres& : Macedo, Joseph, TavaGrace A: Taylor,' Katherine res.' " Kaufmann, Richard A. Donahue, , Dorothy V'e 1 0 Z 0, Manuel Jr. , Souza, John Lewis, Manuel 'N. Charles SUllivan, Misses Jen- Reis, Alice Weems. nie & Eml"(l.a Sullivan, Mr. & Manuel Ray m on d, John Mrs. Frederick J. Demetrius, Camara, Henry J. Pleiss, Henry Leonard J. Vogel, Miss Mary Silvia, Edward Costa. Shea. AId ina Medeiros, Richard FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, Pr.,ld.... ), John Kilroy, Miss Rita SOper, . Roderick, Gilbert Mello, Maria . . . . Josepil T. Ria. 'Nai'I Ambrose Maynara, Leslie A. Medeiros, Louis Alexander. Seed all commiJlt!ccdl_ to: Manuel 'Pereira, Alice Fer":. Spooner, Mr. & Mrs. Francis' J. CATHOUe NIeAR EAn WELFARE ASSOCIAliON Maher. reira, Andrew C. Fournier, Man4$(J)Lexlngfon Aw. at 46th St. New York 17;'N. Y. Raymond Norton, Mary Car- uel Ventura.
,:t:l'l2ear&stOlissions~ Sec"
~ew' England 'Bred' Hurl~rs
31 Fall 'River
Effective in Majors
By Jack Kineavy
$76 Rev. John P. Cronin
The plight of the Boston Red Sox who at this writing have droPP'ed' eight straight in the once friendly confines· of .,Fenway Park is strongly reminiscent of the Bosox of the '30s in the-pre-Yawkey era. The inability of the Sox relief corps to hold the fort was ' painfully apparent in both who are more than holding their the Yankees and Los Angeles' 'own. Two hail from Dartmouth: series. Treated shabbily by the Senators' Pete Burnside (3both clubs was the Sox No. 1 'fireman Dick Ra~atz who perhaps has been overworked as a result of his p hen 0 m e _ nal early season successes in relief. Rad'atz' chief claim to fame ish is speed which with the advent of warm weather and the Increasing famJIiarity of enemy batsmen with his limited repertoire-his curve .ball just isn't - has not been as overpowering as in the cold of the early season the first time around. Second guessing is easy but we failed to appreciate Higgins' reasoning in bringing • Radatz on to pitch to Howard, one of the better fast ball hitters in the majors, with two out in the ninth of Friday night's game. The, result was utter chaos from which the Sox have yet to recover. The club now appears 00 be .pressing, not an unusual reaction for a team iii the throes of a losing streak but"p.otentially a demoralizing develdPment for o team as young as the Sox. Their pitching' as ,Il.. whole has not been that iilferior' but when they get an effective job on the mound the hitting falls off' to nothing.
Lack of Patronage , An Q result of the Sox' fantng fortunes, fans have been staying away from the park in droves. I am not, aware of any specific attendance release to mate but it is a lead pipe clnch that the front office is genuinely coneerned' over the lack of patronage. Apropos this we noted last week· that a Florida' syndicate Is' interested in a number of major league franchises, Boston among' them. And, of course, it's no secret that' owner Tom .Yawkey no longer considers the Sox a faSCInating hob b SO ;-espeClally since Ted Williams' called It a day. Looklng over the pitchIng ords of the majors the otQer d~y. we were impressed with, the ,achievements of New England bred boys in the bigtime.' The American League's early season ace, Dick Donovan is Q native of Quincy, Mass. Donovan is fme main reason for Cleveland's remarkable showing to date. The big righthander who came ~ tb\! In.dlans ;in tpe Piersall trade is currently 7-0 fo? the' season. Wouldn't he look great in Red &m trappings?
. :N0W' ~i\ll1llalll~eIi'B. Then we have 0 - quintet, G2 furmer New England collegiana
Y~M~'[ffi",, «:@~t;n@l~®,
$60 Thomas Ryan
3) and the Orioles' Artie Quirk
IL.' . , __..,__::. . .:,_'
(2-2) who has been sent to Rochester for more experience under fire. Their mentor at HanS!P']]RJI']['UAJL MOTlHIER over was former Red Sox first baseman Ulysses Lupien who Albina Grudzinska of Los plaY'ed his college ball at fair Angeles, who began aiding a Harvard in the mid '30's. Former ~3-year-old African boy Yankee great Red Rolfe is aththro\lgh 'school 27 years ago, letic director at Dartmouth. From the University of Con- : reached a high leyel of earthnecticut to, the' majors went ly joy recently when her Frank Sheldon and Moe Dra- ."spiritual son" Most Rev•. bowsky. Sheldon is in his second James J. Komba, was made' year with the New' York Yankees while Drabowsky who' Auxiliary Bishop of Perabroke in with the Chicago Cubs miho, Tanganyika. NC Photo is now toiling for the Cincinnati ST. ANTHONY Reds. Sheldon who 'appeared in .. . OF, THE D~SERT ,relief in the last Sox series is 2-1 on the season, Drabowsky, $200 0-3. Nev. Joseph Eid , $50 Dave Stenhouse, former UniDr. & Mrs. James J. Sabra' versityof Rhode Island right$10 hander, is 'off to a great start Mr. & Mrs. Alfred P. Massoud, with the Washington Senators after serving a moderate proba_ Mr. & Mrs. Fouad Corey, Mr. & tionary period in the minors. Mrs. Louis Howayeck, Mr. & Stenhouse racked .. up , three Mrs. George Howayeck, Mr. & straight ·before being defeated Mrs. Edward Massouc:l, Mr. & for the first time by the Orioles Mrs. Mitchell S.we e t, Mrs. Monday night. We first became August Badwey, Mr. & Mrs. aware of Stenhouse when he', Louis Badwey, Mr. & Mrs. Alpitched for Bill Kearns, former bert Faris. . Somerset coach, in ,the Maritime OUR LADY OF HEALTH Provinces a few years ag9. $30 A third Rhode Islander in the Angelo Pereira majors and a man who had a $25 brilliant career ahead before' en- • Delia Pacheco tering the service is Red Sox $15 reliever Chet Nichols.. The stylManuel Freitas Ish lefthander failed to regaIn $10 form following his release from Silvana Almeida,' Joseph Althe Army, developed a sore arm, was shunted to the minors and meida, Joseph Alvernaz,. Benjafinally in discouragement gave min Barandas, Antone Barreto. John 'Braga, Manuel Cabral, up the game fol"" a whole year. Hard. work and perseverance Maria Cabral, 'James Costa, A paid off, however, and after III Friend.. Maria &, Victoria Correia, successful stewardship with SeattIe, Nichols was brought up by Manuel, Corte, David Faria, Manuel Farias, Antone Ferreira. the Sox last season. ' li'lo.rinda 'Figu~ira, Daniel Foster, Albert F.aurnier, Joseph ' Fall to Bilt for Monbo Gonsalves, Mary Lui. The Sox' No.1. flinger despIte John '. Machado, Maria Maon, unflattering 3-4 mark Is Med- chado, Alfred Marques, Caetano ford~s Bill Monbouquette. Monbo Medeiros, Joseph Medeiros. and Gene Conley are two guys LOuis Medeiros,' Alfred' Mello, , for whom the Sox invariably Antone MEmo, Josa Mello, . don't hit. Each would' have ,at Manuel Mello. '. least six, possibly seven,' victo_ . Antone Oliveira,' Clara: Oli. rIes to date with any kind:'of of- veira, Antone Pacheco, Louis fensive ~pport. Conley had the Pereira, Joseph Prenda:: ' fourth lowest earned run averRonald Raymond, Victor Sanage in the A. L. prior to his be- tos, Maximino' Saraiva,Franing treated harshly by the Ath- cisco Silvia, Monioa Silvia. letics on Monday night. Willia~ Silvia, Joseph Souza, Rounding out the New ,Eng- Leopoldma Sou z a, , Manuel land major league pitching con. Teixeira, Jordan Travassos. tingent . is a trio~' of National Gilbert Vasconcellos,FranLeague standouts. Connecticufs celina Vincent, John Viveiroo. Joey Jay, a mainstay of the Cin- Clarence ,Harney. cinnati Reds, is 5-4 on the year. ST. ANNE Wellesley's Jack Sanford ,has a 4-3 mark with the San Francisco $50 Giants and Brookline's' Dick Boule Funeral Home F'arrell is the Colts leading fire$25 man ~~th a 3-3 slate. Not a bad _, Dr. Adelard Demers, Blanclr,e ,maff if J?ut to~e~~~~'ond Marguerite Gendreau.
Aae IFlMitM· " $20' M.i'. & Mrs. Reginald Bellerivo. Continued from Page One Milwaukee skipper Birdie Teb$15 " . The 'convention marks 1il1e bets must be 'weighing the adMr. & Mrs. Joseph A. J<>n""""", visability. of his move back to lV1r & -~.... hIghlight of, the CYO activities the bench from the front office . Mrs. Joseph Paquet. fur the 1961-62 year. It 13 an long about now. The Braves' '$10 " J opportu~ity fon- the young men I Anonymus, Mr. & Mrs. Roger and women of the Area to iden- a ow start hasn't been helped by , Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrs.' Edward '1lify themselves with positive . the inability of their bIg two to Berube, Mr. & Mrs. Donat Cardaction: It will not 'end but will' enme through .so~,idlY. Lew Bur- mal, Miss Lucette Cardinal. " th ' .. i cl";' deette is, still looking for his " Mr. & Mrs. Roland D'epm','11."'_. :rath er.beg,1nano erper 0, ..... first, victory" .while. Warren .v.....coclal, cultural, sPiritual;' ~ & Mrs. David Driscoll, Bertha uthletie p'r 0 m 0 ti 0 0' lz;y' tho "Spahn is just over the .500 mark Duclos, Mr. & Mrs. Emiliem CYO'erS'of'the Dioci!se:' . ' d 5.-4, ' '. : "'Gagne,' Leo Gagnon. " ' All the young men and women '1ili the eomeback of the year ~authierFam'ily,' AgneS' GYy.. 6f the Area, whether oa' oot they i category 'I.'II'e find the Giants' 'Mr. Bi Mrs; Henri J. :Lambert, are CYO membe1'6, moe invited to ~illy Pierce who has c1.lalked up Mr. & Mrs. Oliva Laprise, Ev,s ottenq' this conventioQ. They al?e 'clx cOnsecutive victories against Letendre and Family•. 6Ure ,tc find ~ mterestil23 no defeatS. aild, t~e Cardinals'," Mr. & Mrs. .lerem~e ~co~ cmd enjoya1>le. . '. Curt Simmons whosa career was l\$r. & Mrs. Emile Matton, lWr. &; COJl1VentJon arr~<te.ments bv~ t1I.eugh ever Q couple olf years 'lVIrs. Normand Michaud, Mr. &;' \been Wlde:r ~ d1l"eetJ<m. e:::d ~. Simmons' associate on the 'Mrs. Alexandre Raymond, Gl!pervisJon cl Leonard Silvb. l?hillies' Whiz Kids of a decade & Mrs. Walter- Romanowicz. Attleooro A.~ CYO Presidei:t; CZ~ tJ finding the going rOught. Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Ross, Martha ~ DeCoste. Vl00-Presidecl J:1::c tJ, cl COum2, Robin Roberts St. Laurent, Mr. & Mrs. Hormi~ ~b1'v a:'l ~ Dfocesn o~o jnsj ~ week, caught 1m das Sl' Pierre, Rosa Smith, ~ li¢'ll;~ ~ ~ & ~ i'Q, ~J::l ~ Bal~imore Orioles oftei' lZ l\I1rs. Roland &rel Dai~ 'iI';ree:;:~ <l1 ~ bvin~ bec3 PD'.n.ed !ooe:a I2v ~ lVIr. ~ 'Mrs. Ernest Tal1>m, ['4 OOIA ~ ~1, . I.'"'"""'~~ t::J Ml's. Gerar,d T.l.'emb!a~
$50 Rev. John J. Delaney, Samuel Priestly, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Veloza. $40 Mrs. John A. Coady & family
$25 Mr. & Mrs, Anthony Ruggiero, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Scully, Mrs. Mary Newman & James Clegg, Mrs. John· L. Sweeney, Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Norman. Alida Hart, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Burns, Jr., Mr. & Mrs.' Edward G. DeCiccio. $20 Geraldine Harrington, James RY'an, In memory of Amanda Duchesne, Frances Cash, Mr. & Mrs. William T. Donnelly. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Dufresne, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bertoncini, Mr,' & Mrs. Leo Callahan. $15 Mr..& Mrs. William Rys, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Belanger, Mr. & Mrs. William McHugh, Helen Sullivan, Adrian J. Hughes & family. ' . Mr. & Mrs. John Marshall, Edward Healey, Sarah Spellman, Mr. & Mrs. John Cavanaugh. ~13
Mrs. Jane Nodine
$12 Mr. & Mrs. James McCann, Mr. ,& Mrs.' Rene Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Shea, Mr. & Mrs. .John Nazareth, Edward Ryan. $10 Clara Miller, Anastasia K. Mayes, Mr.. and Mrs. John Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Andrey Sullivan, Mr.' & Mrs. Rene' J. I Marois. 'Mr. & Mrs. Henry Pineau, John Meadowcroft, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Barrette, William Whalon and family, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Corrigan. Caroline Wilcox, Annie Wilcox, Helen Sullivan, Mildred Sullivan, Dr. Leo Sullivan. .' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph' Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Holewiak,, ~r. and Mrs, Thomas Vanasse, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boscoe, Mrs. Kenneth Hunt. ' Mr. & Mrs. Henry Buckley, Mr. & Mrs. David Derrig, Mr. & Mrs, Edward Sweeney, Mr.. & Mrs. James N~coletti & famlly, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Fay. Margaret - Donnelly,. Joseph 'Crofton, Mrs. Willi~ Maloney; Mr. & Mrs. Norman Pobzeznik, MaryF..Joy. Mr. & Mrs. John Cunningham, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fletcher, Mr. & Mrs. James Crosson, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McHugh, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Powers. Leonard Bolger, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Delzenero, Mrs., James Carpenter, Mr. & Mrs. John Fanning,' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph , Griffin. .King ,Philip Set tIe xn e n t Women's Club, Mr. & Mrs'. AIb~t Duperre, Mrs. F r a' n k Sewell, Mr. &' Mrs~ 'Leo Lavoie Mr. & Mrs. Roger ,PoiSson. ::' , Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Konarski,~ Mr. & Mrs. Josaph COl,)ta, Anne, Griffin, Mrs.' Germaine ,LePage, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Charrette. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Fillippi, ,George A. Lynn, 'Mr. & Mrs. John Sylvester, Mr. &' Mrs. . James Mooney, ,Mr. & Mrs.' James' Fiddler. Mr. & Mrs. John Kenyon, Mr. &, . Mrs.. George Botelho, Mrs. ,
mCe:lCE:l CC QOC Eil0
Gazzero, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Drobyski. ' M & M 'J h ' r. rs. osep Massey, Mr. & Mrs. Ulderic Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Paul McCann, Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, Mrs. Frances Christensen. M r. & Mrs. Samuel A. Moran, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Silva, Mr. & Mrs. John Farnsworth, Mi'. ,& Mrs. Elmer Sherman, Mr, & Mrs. John Jean. Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. John McGuill, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Marek, Mr. & Mrs.. John Mitchell, ~. & Mrs. Donald Ca·nuel.
Mr. ~ Mrs. Francis ~ardinta. Mr. & Mrs. RIchard MurW1Y, 'JaJ}e Hopkins, Mr. & Mrs. Louw 'LePage, Mrs. Peter Casey. " ; Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Harkin, Mr. & Mrs. David Rodrigues, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Mannion, Mr.: & Mrs. John Viana. 'Mr. & ·Mrs. Albert Cote, Mr. & Mrs. John McCai'raher,. Mr..... & Mrs. John Morgan, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Norman Berard, Mr. & 'Mrs. Francis Clegg. . ~ .,Catherine' & Elizabeth Carroll Mr. &; Mrs. John Malloy, Mr, Mrs. William, Coffey, Mr. & lVIrs. Alfred Danis, Mr. ,& Mr. Vincent, Okse!liak.
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, ' ,Jfes, we ,: frDaw,(§ "Kin,g
Anna Hampl, Mr. & Mrs. JullwRackowski &" sons, Mr. & Mrs, Christopher Lynn. , Mary Souza, Mrs. Mary Madden, Mr. & Mrs. Edward GagSikora. John J. Williams, Mr. & Mm. Arthur Noiseux, Eva McDonald. William Bruneau, Mr. & Mrs, William Crossley. Mr. & Mrs. James Coyle, Mary E. Hickey, Mary & Ellen Welch, Margaret ,A. Parker, Elizabeth V. Barrett. Mr., & Mrs. Rene Perron, Mrs, Mary Harrington, Mr. & Mr6. Daniel Morris, Joseph Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Shea. ' Catherine Connors, Mrs, James Whalen, Mr. & Mrt, Michael F. Dwyer, Mr. & Mrs, Raymond Suart, Manuel D'Arruda. Joseph P. Carroll, Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Patrie:. , ..;dry, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Peloquin, William Purdy. . Frank' Quinn, Mr. & Mrs, John Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs, Joseph Holt, Mr. ~nd Mrs. Nicholas Tyrrell, Mr. & Mm. Walter Andrysik. Henry W. Buckley, Joseph ~ Flynn, Mrs. Ann Thraves & Mrs. Edna Ceraldi, Mrs. A. Costello. John Alves, Mrs. Manuel Corey, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Garside, Mr. & Mrs. William Green~, Mr. & Mr$. Manuel Freitas. Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Donnelly, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pimental, ,Mr, & Mrs. Thomas Reis, Robert W. Healey, Mr. & Mrs. John Cote. Agnes Tourgee, Mr. &, Mrs. Donald Morrow, Mr. & Mrs, Victor Auclair, Mr.' & Mrs. Raymond Lavoie, Mr. & Mrs. Alva&! White. ' , Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Gastall Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Crudele, Wil~ !iam, Swist, Mr. & Mrs. Americo
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M@c[b@@D'U°~ ~@@ [tS@@@~ UNU~lNI WIf{j,!l\&I!~, LSAmIi1lAV~N
THE ANCHOR~Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., May 24, 1962
Bishop Regan of Maryknoll Celebrates First Pontifical Mass in -New,Bedford
,Cardinal Cushin~ Pledges Support ,To N~~ . Bishop "The Bishop whose firs~ Pontifical Mass in the'State£\ we witness this morning iQ pecularly fitted to take hig place in the episcopal order 'so intimately {dentifieli with the apostolicity, unity, sanctity and Catholic universality of the Church. Her universality, its realization in fact as well as in intent, has been the primary object of his devoted, efforts during his years of service as a Marykoll missionary." Thus declared Richard Cardid nal Cushing at a Pontifical High ,Mass offered in New Bedford by newly - consecrated Bishop Joseph Regan, M.M. Paying tribute to the new pred late's mother, the Cardinal continued, "Our congratulations go out not only to you but als() to your dear and venerable motherof 90 years . . . This Madonna not only gave you to the foreign mission - she also, gave' t'l daughter, Sister Rita,Marie, who for 25 years also worked in the missions of China. This mother of two missionaries in, an ins1>iration to al1o~her mothers~'" Pledges Supp~rt The Cardinal pledged his supo port to the missionary Bishop, who will shortly ,return to TagUll)., Pilippines, where he ill first prelate ordinary. "Whatever I have done for you in the past will be doubled in the future," he-said. Cardinal Cyshing recalled that Bishop Regan, as a young semid narian, had called upon him, seeking adv,ice on a inissionary vocation. "I recommended Maryknoll. A few years later he was ordained a priest. Even since his ordination I have been interested in him, helped him and looked upon him as time, adVlanced as an ideal missionary. TOclay I salute him as a brother bish~p." ,
Missioner Plans Return to ChDle BUFFALO (NC)-A mission~ ary here who spent 14 years in Chile plans to return to that country this Fall to carryon the battle against religious torpor, poverty and communism. ' Father Stephen F. Foody, M.M.. ,director of Maryknoll activities in western New York State, said his desire' to return was spurred by the death since last Novein~ ber of four Maryknoll missionaries in Chile. One died in a cycling accident, the second of cancer, the third of inflammation of the pancreas, and the fourth of pneumonia. In addition, three other Maryknoll missionaries in Chile are ill. , Father Foody,' who lias been , in the Buffalo area for the past two years, 'said ~'the' communists have made inroads in Chile." "And the only ylay to prevent ,them from taking over," he stated, "is by lifting the people out of their dire poverty-especially in the slum areas around the big cities."
EInl\l'~tJ'l1'@nrros MD~®dl
C01JoDIf' , ~t Us!b>@lJ'i) PONTIFICAL MASS: l\iost Rev. .:roseph, W. Regan, M.M., D.D., ,first Pr&late Ordinary of Tagum, Philippines celebrates his First pontifical Mass at St. Lawrence's Church New Bedford. Upper.le'ft, Bishop enters church, accOJ)1panied ': by Very Rev. William Condon', SS.CC.; archpriest and Rev. Bernard H. Unsworth, deacon. Top right,. Bishop' Connolly. Lower hift, Cardinal Cushing,:preacher. and longtime. fri'end of the new Bishop~ 'Lower center, Bisliop Regan,:·Bishop 'Oomber and Bishop, ,Lane, all of Maryknoll. :tower right,. Bishop Gerrard. Bishop Reg~n. ia ,the', second Maryknoll Father from the Fall River 'Diocese' to -be' -elevated to the' Bishopric. Bi~hop Donaghy, M.M.,:NewBedford native, is stationed at Taiwan, Formosa. '
LIS BON (NC) - English'speaking Chinese Portuguese who are members of the choir of the Irish Dominican church of Corpo Santo here were entertained at the apostolic internunciature by Italian-born Giovanni Cardinal Panico. Among them were Mrs. Franco , ,Nogueira, wife of Portugal's Foreign Minister, who is herself a <::hinese Portug4ese, f"om the , Portuguese colony, of l\:'Iacao on the South China' coast. ' The choir had sung at tile ceremonies'surrounding the con~ , ferr8.I of the'red biretta on Cardimil Panico by President Amer" ico' Thomaz, ,and the lopgtime . Papal Nuncio to Portugal wanted -til give a p.artY for its ,nembers prior' to his depart~re for Rome, now set for-Friday: April 27; o