Freedom from ··Forced Abortions The latest development in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts concerning the ongoing abortion controversy is scheduled for de.:>ate in the House of Representatives on Tuesday, June 5. The members will consider the various proposals drawn up by the Social Welfare Committee of the Legislature. The recent Supreme Court abortion decisions greatly limit the power of a State to protect unborn human life by forbidding or restricting abortions. However, it should not be alleged that these cases hold that a woman has a 'constitutional right to fGrce a doctor, hospital or the general public to provide her with an abortion. To hold that State legislatures are limited in their power to forbid abortions is not that same as holding that state legislatures are required to provide abortions. Recently Senate President Harrington and House Speaker Bartley proposed legislation.
that hospitals, health facilities, doctors, hos. pital staff persons and hospital employees be protected in matters concerning abortions and related matters.This legislation was referred to the Social Welfare Committee of the Massachusetts legislature. The Social Welfare Committee has amended the original proposals and has limited protection from compulsory anti-life activities to ~hose hospitals and health facilities said to be under the direction of a recognized religious order or group. One of the dangers of such limited protection is that it omits any hospital or health facility which might object to abortion and related anti-life activities for moral reasons (as distinguished from' religious reasons). Opposition to abortion is not limited to the ten:ets of one religious faith. A further danger is the contention that these . contemplated revisions may place any hospital
Appeal Nears $800,000; Closes Tomorrow Noon The 1973 Catholic Charities Appeal climbed to $791,882.68 today with many incomplete parish returns and special gift donations still to be reported. The official closing of the Appeal is 12 noon tomorrow. This should see mqre parishes exceeding their 1972 final totals. Appeal Headquarters in Fall River has issued the final' notice. Joseph H. Feitelberg of Somerset, this year's diocesan lay chairman, said: "All special gifts, priests' donations and parish contributions must be at the office' by 12 noon tomorrow to be included in the final official 1973 tabulation. I urge that all retl,lrns be made in person to insure proper accreditations. The final Appeal total will be published in next week's edition of The Anchor. I hope all the parishes will be "over the top" by tomorrow." 53 have surpassed their 1972 final totals in this year's Appeal. These parishes are members of the Honor Roll. The new members added to the Honor Roll are: Holy Ghost, Attleboro; St. Mary, Seekonk; St. Mary,
Norton; Holy Redeemer, Chat~ ham; St. Elizabeth" Edgartown; Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs; St. Joan of Are, Orleans; Holy Trinity, West Harwich. Vol. 17, No. 21, May'24, 1973 Blessed Sacrament, Espirito $4.00 per year Santo, Our Lady of Health, Holy Price 10c Rosary, Immaculate Conception, St. Anthony of the Desert, St. Adult .Confirmation Elizabeth, St. John the Baptist, St. Joseph, St. Patrick, St. Stan- St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, islaus, St. William, Fall River; . Pentecost Sunday, June 10 at 11 o'clock Mass. Turn to Page Three
or health facility at the whim of a single antilife member of its staff. The possibility exists, opponents of the proposed revision maintain, that such hospitals and health facilities will be deprived of administrative flexibility. Opponents of the' revision proposed by the Social Welfare Committee are asking rightto-life groups to register their objection to the Social Welfare proposals and to register their support of a bill which states that no hospital or health facility need be required to perform abortions, sterilization or engage in related anti-life procedures and which also gives protection to conscience whether formed because of religious tenets or moral principles. A redrafting of the Social Welfare proposals would achieve, proponents contend, selfdetermination for the individual hospital. or health facility. Each hospital or health facility would decide by vote of its governing body whether its policy would be to perform abortions or not.
Sacred Heart in Taunton Marks 100- Years Sunday Excerpts from centennial booklet by Mary F. McDermott, a member of Sacred Heart Parish At the church of the Sacred Heart in Taunton, the celebration of a centenary is an exciting event, and means looking back into the past 100 years. What was Weir Vmage like a hundred years ago? Boats sailing up and down a
Bishop. Gerrard, Two J.letired Pastors Observe Golden Jubilee s Saturday F,ifty years ago this Saturday, in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, three young prie~ts received the sacrament of Holy Orders from the Most Rev. Daniel F. Feehan, second Bishop of the diocese. In the half century since that time they have served the Church in a multitude of
capacities; two are monsignori, one a bishop..On Saturday, together ·in their retirement as they were together on that morning years ago, Bishop James J. Gerrard, Msgr. John A. Chippendale and Msgr. William H. Harrington will mark their golden jubilees in a quiet celebration at the Cath-
olic Memorial Home, Fall River. Born .in New Bedford June 9, 1897, son of the late William and Elizabeth (Livesey). Gerrard, Bishop Gerrard attended St. James' parish school and Holy Family High School. He studied for the priesthood at St. Laurent Turn -to Page Six
Teletype Service In ..Operati~n This Week WASHINGTON (NC)-A sophisticated wire transmission. service operated by the National Catholic (NC) News Service began sending news stories instantaneously to The Anchor and 77 other Catholic newspapers throughout the United States May 21. The wire system began operation with a special blessing from Pope Paul VI, the "warmest congratulations" of President Nixon, and the push of a button by Bishop James Rausch, general secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops Turn to Page Eight
GOLDEN JUBILARIANS: Rev. Msgr. John A. Chippendale, Most Rev. James J. Gerrard and Rev. Msgr. WilHam H. Harrington.
clear river. People strolling together in the quiet haze of summer or trudging through the deep winter· snows. A people intent on earning their daily bread, basing their lives on the premise "live and let live," and the in-' creasing Catholic population journeying to Mass every Sunday no matter how many miles they had to walk to get there. In 1873 a new parish was formed which included Weir Village, East Taunton, the Dightons and Myricks. Rev. Hugh J. Smith was the first pastor. Turn to Page Three
Name. Zukowski As Bishop Stang Vice-Principal Robert Zukowski, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Zukowski of 180 Warren St., Fall River, has been appointed assistant principal of Bishop Stang High School in North Dartmouth. A member of th~ Stang faculty, he is· a member of. the Student-Fa'Culty Senate and has served as a member of the Provincial Assessment Team for_the Sisters of Notre Dame who staff the diocesan high school. A graduate . of Bishop Stang High School, Mr; Zukowski teaches Spanish and Current Events in the Humanities Course. He taught at SS. Peter and pilUl 'Parish School for two years and has been on the faculty of Bishop Stang High for the past three years. The former Co-Captain of the Stonehill College Soccer Team, he is presently the Soccer Coach at the high school. Second in command at the diocesan high school which will also have a layman as principal, Mr. George A. Milot, Mr. Zukowski obtained his B.A. at Stonehill College and his M.A. at Providence College.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., May 24, 1973
ST. PATRICK CENTENARY: Mrs. Louise Bessette, cook at the' St. John's Day Nursery for the past 25 years is introduced to Bishop Cronin by Msgr. John E. Boyd during the PontificalConcelebratt~d Mass cele~ brating the centennial observance of the Fall River parish. Right; Jubilanan prelate, ,newly ordained priest, seminarians and altar boys join in the ob-
Church Leaders Call for Probe Of Labor Pact
servance. _Left to right: Jay Darcy, SMU '73 graduate entering seminary; Bruce Neylon, theology student at St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore; recently ot'da ned Rev. Horace Travassos; Auxiliary Bishop James J. " Gerrard; al'~ar boys Paul St. Pierre and Sean Jagmin.
Espirito Santo 3,077.00 Holy Cross 1,817.001 Holy Name 25,021.001 ATTLEBORO Notre Dame , 7,140.001 8,868.00 Holy Ghost LOS ANGELES (NC)--E,ighty Our Lady of, the Angels 14,660.95 St. John religious leaders have cal1ed 13,725.001 3,533.00 St. Joseph upon Congress to investigate St. Mark, , Our Lady of Health 3,802.75 9,226.80 charges that grape owners made Holy Rosary 4,052.001 St. Mary (Seekonk) 9,407.00 payments to the Teamsters Un~ St. Stephen Immaculate Conception 5,447:00 ion as part of a conspiracy to 6,154.71 St. Theresa, 8,273.00 destroy Cesar Ohavez' United Sacred Heart 12,302.001 MANSFIELD Farm Workers. St. Anne 6,351.001 ,10,069.50 , St. Mary The statement was released St. Anthony of Desert 2,825.001 original1y in New York '~y Protes- NORTH ATTLEBORO Sacred Heart : ' 3,622.50 St. Anthony of Padual 2,799.501 tant clergymen meeting there, St. Mary St. Elizabeth 1,806.001 10,272.00 They later sought the signatures St. John the Baptist 3,365.001 of Catholic and Jewish ,religious NORTON . St. Mary St. Joseph 6,533.001 ,6,858.00 leaders to give the statement St. Louis 4,643.001 SEEKONK more ecumenical impact. , SC Mathieu 2,142.501 Mt. Carmel 9,948.50 The church leaders expressed St. Michael 5,387.501 their outrage over lahor conSt. Patrick 6,169.0lJJ tracts signed by the growers and, Cape & Islands 'Area SS. Peter & Paul 5,666.0lJJ the Teamsters in the' Coachel1a, BrewsterSt. Roch 2,699.001 Calif., table-grape vineyards. Our Lady of the Cape 4,523.00 St. Stanislaus 5,490.001 'Based on Racism' Buzzards BaySt. William 5,620.0lJJ "Seasonal and migrant farm St. Margaret 7,318.00 Sarito Cry-risto 3,771.35 workers organized under the Centervilleleadership of Cesar Chavez, sac- Our Lady of Victory I 8,873.95. Assonetrificed and'struggled non..violent- Chatham-St. Bernard 2,750.001 ly for five years to build the beHoly Redeemer &,806.50 Central Villageginings qf their own union," the East FalmouthSt. John Baptist 3,713.001 statement said. St. Anthony 3,143.00 North Westport"Now in 1973, with one stroke EdgartownOur Lady of Grace 5,644.0J'路 of the pen, grape growers and St. Elizabeth ' 2,200.00 Teamster leaders have conspired FalmouthOcean Groveto steal the grape contracts St. Patrick' 11,410.00 St. Michael 3,563.25, away from the workers." HyannisThe statement chargc}d that St. Francis Xavier 15,363.00 Somerset-'the Teamster-grower alliance "is . Nantucket6,325.5,01 St. John of God based on the racism of powerful 7,232.0GI St. Patrick Our Lady of the, Isle 3,416.00 white leaders who refuse to treat Oak BluffsSt. Thomas More 10,547.00' brown and black workers as 'ful1 Sacred Heart 2,432.00 Swanseahuman beings." . OrleansOur Lady of Fatima 6,991.70' St. Joan of Arc ;; 3,197.50 St. Dominic 5,885.00 Necrolc)gy Ostervilleof St. Louis France' 6,113:501 ,JUNE 4 ' \Assumption 9,178.00 ' 4,545.75 Rev. Jose P. d'Amaral, 1949, Pocasset-St. John New Bedford ,~rea , Pastor, Santo Christo, Fall River. Provincetown-St. Peter 2,939.00 Rev. Louis J. Terrien, O.P., Sandwich,New Bedford-'1920, Dominican Priory, Fal1 Corpus Christi 9,590.00 Holy Name 9,854.35 South Yarmouth-路 River.. , Assumption 2,012.1:: St. Pius X 14;816.50 JUNE 5 Immaculate Conception Very Rev. Thomas J. McLean, Vineyard Haven7,588.00 St. Augustine 2,501.00 Mt. Carmel ,21,329.86 1954; Pastor, St. Francis Xavier, WellfleetHyannis. Our Lady of Fatima 4,713.pO Our Lady of Lourdes 2,716.00 Our Lady of Perpetual Rev. Msgr. Louis Prevost, 1'970, 1,602.00 Help Pastor Emeritus, St. Joseph, New West HarwichHoly Trinity 8,318.00 Our Lady of Purgatory 867.00 Bedfqrd. Woods HoleSacred Heart 3,965.50 .'.......""'m... """"III''''II''''''III'''''''III''"IIII''..''''''''''"'''II'''III''''''''''..._ St. Joseph 4,010.00 St. Anne 2,168.50 THE ANCHOR St. Anthony of Padua 3,690.00 Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Fall Rivelr Area St. Boniface 505.00 HiRhland Avenue. Fall River. Mass. 02722 bv the Catholic Press of the Diocose of Fall St. Mary's Cathedral 12,614.00 St. Casimir 1,157.50 River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid Blessed Sacrament 1,741.50 St. Francis of Assisi 1,791.00 M.OO per year.
Attleborc禄 Area
Priest Celebrates Mother's Mass
St. Hedwig 1,499.00 Rev. (Maj.) James F., Greene, St. Hyacinth 1,499.00 St. James 12,159.25 USAF Chaplain, was the prmciSt. John the Baptist 7,589.00 pal celebrant of a Mass of Chris, 9,524.35 tian Burial for his mother, Mrs. St. Joseph St., Kilian 3,565.00 Anne K. (Reardon) Greene, wid17,274.00 ow of the 'late Frank B. Greene, St. Lawrence St. Mary 9,765.00 who died in Tokyo after a brief St. Theresa 3,966.00 illness. , Acushnet, A feacher in the Newport and St. Francis Xavier 4,092.00 'Fall River Public School SysFairhaventems, she has accompanied her . St. Joseph 13,626.90 son in military tours that took St. Mary, 3,333.10 her to Missi~sippi, Montana, Sacred Hearts 1,275.00 Greece, Washington, D. C. and Marion-St. Rita" 2,956.00 Japan. Mattapoisett- , St. Anthony She is survived by Father 3,729.00 North DartmouthGreene, her only son, who of7,104.00 fered Mass in OUr Lady of St. Julie South DartmouthFatima Church, Swansea,' her St. Mary 8,907.00 former parish. Most Rev. Daniel Wartham-St. Patrick 9,884.00 A. Cronin, STR, presided at the Westport-St. George " 7,190.00 Mass and performed the final committal rites. \
Taunton Area Taunton---' : Holy Family 7,098.50 Holy Rosary 2,823.00 Immacul. Conception 5,134.50 Our Lady of Lourdes 3,128.00 7,984.85 Sacred Heart St. Anthony 6,163.92 3.94KOO St. James St. Joseph ,6,756.00 S't. Mary 11,438.50 St. Paul 6.033.00 Dighton-St. Peter 2,030.00 North DightonSt. Joseph 4,745.50 North EastonImmacul. Conception 7,485.00 Raynham-St. Ann South Easton-.Holy Cross
5,109.00, 4,280.00
New p'hone Numbers
679-5262 679-5263 679-5264
Father LeDuc Rev. Roger' LeDuc, assistant . pastor at St. Joseph's parish, New Bedford, has been named
to the executive board of Moby Dick Council, ~oy Scouts of America. He took office at the council's annual meeting, held at Southeastern Massachusetts University.
C. Austin Inc.
Funeral Service Edward F. CarFley 549 County Street New Bedford 999.6222 S~rving the area since 192.1
Funeral Home ,123 Broadway
VA 4路5000
Centenary of T~unton Parish Continued from Page One pended by the Korean War. June 14, 1954: the corner stone Until Nov. 1874, the parish church was in "Staple's Block" was laid for the parish school at the Weir, corner of West with Fr. McKeon as the "Clerk Water St. and Staples Ave. The of the Works" to insure that the first church, formerly the "dis- parishioners would get their trict school" was used until 1903. money's worth." June 18, 1961: first commenceFr. Hugh J. Smith ment exercises 'at Sacred Heart A new church was built under School. the direction of Rev. Hugh J. Oct. 30, 1961: Fl'. McKeon beSmith and was dedicated in comes a Monsignor. Mal'Ch 1912. It was a splendid Regis and Trinity Romanesque building decorated With the help of John Q. Dilby Ramblusch & McBride of New lingham of Berkley and Joseph York. , Rose together with many parishIt was' left to Rev. James ioners, Fr. McKeon was able to Beaven; the second pastor, to found River Ridge Ranch on the 'build the rectory in 1884. Taunton River. and to provide a Rev. Joseph McDonough beplace for recreation for parishcame pastor in 1886 and bought ioners. a little school house in Dighton The Regis and Trinity Clubs which became a mission of were formed under him and in Sacred Heart together with Holy 1937 the "Sacred Heart Players" Family Mission in East Taunton. began ,its many successful plays. He was succeeded by Rev. James Till this day these groups have L. Smith in 1892. shown their 'love for Fr.. McThrough Fr. Smith's efforts Keon by financing and contribthe parishes of South Dighton uting each' year-in his nameand Seekonk came into being, a scholarship to some worthy the latter still displays the student.路 stained glass windows that had The imported Italian marble been a part of the first Sacred statue of the Sacred Heart at Heart Church. Somerset Ave.路 and First St. was Though he was pastor for 18 erected by 路Fr. McKeon and the years, ,he did not live to see his practical parking lot was laid project ofa new church com- out. pleted although 'the basement After 35 years of servke in was used in 1904. the parish, Msgr. McKeon retired It was Rev. Thomas Magee, from :the active parish ministry D.D., a brilliant scholar and auin Sept. 1969. thority in Canon Law, who c0l1'!Rev. William A. Galvin was pleted the church. Only two pastor to 1971 and during that years later, however, he died on time restored the interior of the Sept. 3, 1912. chul'Ch and implemented the Rev. James H. Looby from changes sought by the Second Easton became the new pastor in Vatican Council. 1912 and he quickly became a On Oct. I, 1971, Rev. Walter leading figure in the district. A. Sullivan succeeded Fr. Galvin Sacred Heart prided itself in who had retired and after a bithaving the only sanctuary boys' ter struggle and the untiring choir in the city-40 boys up to efforts of parishioners had to see the age of 18. Sacred Heart School close due to The debt was cleared under lack of teachers. Fr. Looby and the interior of the Some of the priests who church was embellished. A parwere a great help to the menish honor roll was erected during tioned pastors should also be World War I cont,aining 131 named: Rev. Joseph Delaney names, 12 of whom gave their (1960-1966) now the Co-Chancellives. lor of the Diocese of BronwsIn 1924, it was Rev. Edward J. ville, Tex.; Rev. Brian HarringMoriarty who succeeded the uniton (1966-1970); Rev. Francis versally mourned pastor. He purConnors (1959-1970); Rev. Paul chased the Briggs and Staples F. McCarrick (1971-1972). properties and began ser,ious One layman has won the speplans for a school. However, his - cial respect of parishioners over transfer to St. Patrick Parish in the past 45 years: John Nichols. F'all River and the depression toHis physical care of the parish gether with World War II halted brought him the Marian Medal. a'll plans. On call 24 hours a day for the Holy Hour church, school, convent and recRev. Francis McKeon came to tory, he has also been the godSa,cred Heart Parish in 1934 and father for many baptisms, best saw 245 parishioners leave for man for weddings and an active the war with ten of them to be member of the St. Vincent de killed in the fighting. Paul Society. On New Year's Eve, 1942, a Observance of the centennial Holy Hour was held from 9 to will 'begin with the 4 o'clock 10 o'clock to pl'ay for the safe Mass Sunday afternoon, concelreturn of everyone in the war. ebrated with Bishop Cronin. A The holy hour was held nightly banquet and ball are slated for in the church uninterruptedly Friday, June 8, at Venus di Mill) until Sept. 2, 1945. Restaurant in Swansea, and a No lights were a'llowed be- Family Day and Picnic will be cause of black-out regulations held on Sunday, June 24, at Out for everyone feared an air raid Lady of the Lake Camp in Freeon the East Coast. town. Some important dates ,in Fr. McKeon's iong pastorate were: Papal Gift Sept. 4, 1938: lightning struck the church during Sunday Mass VATICAN CITY (NC)-A paand demolished a four foot cross pal envoying bearing a valuable atop the church without injury papal gift was present for the to anyone. opening of a Christian museum June 1944: gigantic clothing at Esitergom, Hungary, that was drive for "Clothes for Italy" restored to its early splendor brought 7,702 pounds of cloth- with funds provided by the ing. Communist Hungarian govern1950: Plans for the new school ment, the Catholic Church in were formulated but quickly sus- Hungary and the Vatican.
Thurs., May 24, 1973
St. John, Attleboro $14,660.95 St. Mary, N. Attleboro 10,272.00 St. Mary,. Mansfield 10,069.50 Mt. Carmel, Seekonk 9,948.50 9,407.00 St. Mary, Seekonk'
Cape & Islands Area
St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis . .15,363.00 St. Pius X, S: Yarmouth 14,816.50 St. Patrick, Falmouth 11,410.00 Corpus Christi, Sandwich 9,590.00 Assumption, Osterville 9,178.00
Fall River Area. Holy Name, Fall River 25,021.00 Our Lady of the Angels Fall River 13,725.00 Cathedral 12,614.00 Sacred Heart, Fall River 12,302.00 St. Thomas More Somerset 10,547.00
New Bedford Area
Mt. Carmel, New Bedford 21,329.86 st. Lawrence, New Bedford 17,274.00 St. Joseph, Fairhaven 136'.6.90 St. James, New Bedford 12,159.25 St. Patrick, Wareham 9,884.00
Heeds Protest
Taunton Area St. Mary, Taunton 11,438.50 Sacred Heart, Taunton 7,984.85 Immaculate Conception North Easton 7,485.00 Holy Family, Taunton 7.098.50 St. Joseph, Taunton 6,756:00
Bishop Listens to' Parents; Rejects Advice to Close Seminary RICHMOND (NC)-Bishop John J. Russell has rejected the suggestions of his official advisers in favor of the pleas of a lay group and decided to keep the Richmond diocesan high school seminary open. Bishop Russell said St. John Vianney Preparatory Seminary, located near Richmond, is a "vital part of our program of seeing that our people have sufficient priests to meet their pastoral needs in the years ahead." Both the diocesan consultors and the Council of Priests had advised the bishop' to close the seminary, with the council recommendating it be closed in June. The Council of Priests' action drew strong protest from the seminarians' parents who heard of it in a letter from Father Thomas F. Shreve, seminary rector, who had said it was "unrealistic to think that the bishop will not follow this recom路 mendation." Parents held protest meetings, wrote and phoned the bishop and even sent telegrams to Pope Paul VI urging that the seminary be kept open. General Criticism . Reasons given for closing the seminary included the relatively small number of graduates who eventually reach the priesthood from high school seminaries, the mounting cost, and general criticism of the concept of high school seminaries. Bishop Russell, who founded St. John Vianney in 1960, acknowledged that when he began considering the possible closing several weeks ago, "there seemed to be valid reasons for discontinuing it." I "Then as things developed," he said, "it became apparent 'to me that. reasons for keeping the seminary open far outweighed those for closing it."
Among those reasons, he said, are the high priority. the Church. must give to encouraging vocations to the priesthood and the "indication that the percentage of its alumni continuing in advanced studies for the priesthood is increasing." Percentage Increasing The 'bishop said that "while the -number of young men in advanced studies for the diocesan priesthood is much smaJler than we would like," 33 of the 84 men from the diocese who are "now in college seminaries or theological studies attended the seminary. This, he said, "must be a major consideration for keeping St. John's open."
Charities Appeal Continued from Page One St. John of God, St. Patrick, St. Thomas More, Somerset; St. Louis of France, Swansea. Mt. Carmel, Our Lady of Fatima, St. Boniface, St. Hedwig, St. Hyacinth, St. Mary, New Bedford; St. Mary, Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven; St. Julie, North Dartmouth; St. Patrick, Wareham, St. George, Westport. Holy Rosary, Sacred Heart, St. Mary, St. Paul, Taunton; St. Joseph, North Dighton; Immaculate Conception, North Easton; Holy Cross, South Easton.
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THE ANCHOR-I)iocese of Fall River-Thur., May 24, 1973
Farm WOfrkers Union Hates Labor Contracting Set-up The two questions I h~ve been asked mo'st frequently about the current fann labor crisis in the Coachella Valley in California are these: Why did all but two of the growers in the Valley. sign with the Teamsters despite the fact that they had been under . contract with the Farm contractors, after aU;- were a Workers Union since 1970? known quantity, and not likely And what are the Teamsters to rock the boat. But a contrac" doing in the Coachella Valley in the first place? The second of these questions will be taken up in the next re-
tot: is an employer, and under California law, any association financed or directed even in part by an employer cannot be Construed as a labor organization. Thus the Kern-Tulare Independent Farm ,Workers came to an early end." CoUrting Trouble
lease of this column. With regard to the first question, I am satisfied,in my own mind that the growers' opposition to the hiring . hall was the factor in their decision to break away from the UFWU and'settle with the Teamsters. Time magazine has reported (May 7, 1973) that "most growers are eager to get rid of the UFW at nea"ly any price." Why? Why did the grow-. ers doublecross the Farm Workers Union and hastily sign contracts with the Teamsters ~'a.fter only a single day of formal bargaining" during which, Chavez charges, no genuine farm workers sat at the negotiating tableT' The answer is obvious: Not only because the supposedly aUpowerful Teamsters were willing to settle for a smaller economic package. But because the Teamsters as T'ime has put it, ':also allowed growers to bring b,ack the labor contractors who hhdpick groups of workers for a day's labor," whereas Chavez' collective bargaining contracts had banned the contractors and set up union hiring halls to supply field workers to the growers in an orderly way and on the basis of seniority. Phony Organization The labor contractors (with whom the Teamsters, to their shame, have recently signed a master agreement) and with few exceptions, the growers as- well, have bitterly opposed the hiring hall system as a matter of principle. 'That's putting 'it very mildly. John Gregory Dunne, author of one of the better books on the history of Chavez' union reported in ,1967, at the height of the so-called Delano table grape dispute, that "throughout the ( 'Joaquin) Valley, contrac-
W:hen the growers, who had been hurt badly hy the grape boycott, decided in 1970 to settle with Chavez' union, they held out against the hiring hall system until the bitter end, but finally had to agree to it as the price of getting a settlement. Their indecent haste in ditching the Farm Workers Union seeral weeks ag!> in the Coachella VaHey and secretly settling with the Teamsters would"\eem to indicatethat when they eventually agreed to the hiring hall in 1970, they did so with their fingers crossed and with the forlorn . hope of getting out from under it as soon as possible. They are currently trying to do just that, but I think they are wasting their time, and are court'ing nothing but trouble. Chavez, for his part, is still fiercely committed to doing away with the labor contracting set-up and replacing it with the hiring hall. He considers this a non-negotiable issue. I completely agree with him in this regard. To be sure, the present UFWU . hiring hall system has some kinks in it as undoubtedly can be-and, in fairness to the growers, should be-made to operate more ~ficiently. ,It's one :thing, ,however, to improve the operation of the hiring hall system, but something else again to abolish the system at this late date and return to the labor-contract' ing set-up. Teamsters Deal Disgraceful Chavez wili never agree to go the latter route. He and his members know frpm bitter experience that the labor contracting system has always operated at the expense of the workers. They hate the system with a passion borne of personal suffering and are determined 'to do away with it once and for all and replace it with a hiring hall system-even if it takes them forever to do so. I am disappointed, but not too surprised, that some of the
growers are still opposing the Farm Workers Union on this tors regarded Chavez as the anti- -issue.: On the other hand, I am christ, because one of his stated more than surprised that the aims was to do away with the ,eamsters T 'are opposing the whole labor contracting setup." hiring hall. I think it is absoHe also reports that the grow- lutely disgraceful that they have ers made an abortive effort to made what can only be described bypass Chavez by negotiating as an unscrupulous deal with the with a phony labor organization growers on this crucial issue. ' (the Kern-Tulare Farm Workers) The Teamsters know as well made upexc1usivsly of labor as Chavez does that the labor contractors. "Hoping to, eapital- contracting system, with all its ize on ... 'anti-Chaviz sentiment," injustices, simply cannot be recDunne points out "the growers ondled with the basic principles bestowed their blessing on the of sound trade unionism. They Kern-Tulare Farm Workers; the, also know that a similar System
Former Connolly High Teachers Plan First Masses in Diocese Rev. Raymond R. 'lagesse, of the Society of Jesus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Lagesse, 51 ,Berkley St., North Dartmouth, will be ordained to the priesthood at 11 AM. Saturday, in the chapel of the College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Mass. The ordaining bishop will be Most Rev. John J. McEleney, S.J., retired Archbishop of Kingston, Jamaica, W. I. Father Lagesse will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving at 3 P.M. Sunday in the ,Church of St. Julie Billart, North Dartmouth. After graduating ffOim Holy Family High School, New Bedford, and studying two years at Holy Cross College, Worcester, Father Lagesse entered Shadowbrook, the Jesuit Novitiate ill Lenox, Mass., in August of 1962. He earn'ed a B.A in Philosophy from Boston College in 1967 and an M.A in French from Fordham University in 1968. Father Lagesse then taugh~ for two years at Bisho.p Connolly High School, Fall River. After ordination, he .will join the fac路 ulty of Boston College High School, teaching French and Theology arid working in an adult education, program. At Connolly High Also a member of the Bishop Connolly High School faculty was Rev. Francis J, McManus, S.J., to be -ordained at 2 P.M. Saturday, June 9 in St. Joseph's Church, ProviOence, by Most Rev. Louis E. Gelineau, D.D., Bishop of Providence. The sOl: of Mr. and Mrs. James H. McManus of Cranston, 'R. I., wiI: 7elebrate a Mass of Thanksgivmg at 11:30 AM. Sunday, June 10 at Connolly High Scbool. ,Father McManus was graduated from LaSalle Acadesmy iI: Providence in 1959 and that summer entered the Jesuit novitiate, Shadowbrook, in Lenox, Mass. He received bachelor's degrees iJ: philosophy and history from Weston College School of Philosophy, Weston, Mass., and Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Mass., in 1966. From 1966 to 1969 he was a member of the founding commun!ty of Connolly High, teaching history and theology. During hiS
Archbishop Carroll Gets Stout Award MIAMI (NC) - Arehbishop Coleman Ca.,rroH of M:iami received the St. George' Emblem, highest honor in Catholic Scouting,' during ceremonies in the Cathedrall of St. Mary. Archbishop Carroll, a Boy Scout during his youth, became involved in scouting at almost every level and after ordination to the priesthood served as a Scout chaplain in his native Pittsbul1gh..He is a past episcopal moderator of the National CYO federation. ""''''Ullllllll,:路nl't1IIII1Ulllllmlmnn''"lmllll'IIIII'U,,1l111111111lllillmmtt";tlllltltllIl(
in the maritime industry has long since been replaced with the hiring hall, and they wouidn't even dream of trying to undercut the maritime unions on this issue for fear of being clobbered in the process. The fact that they are so recklessly determined to doublecross the Farm Workers Union on the same issue marks them down in my book as a bunch of bully boys and, .worse than that, a bunch of finks.
REV. RAYMOND R. LAGESSE summers he was acting chairman of the department of theology at the Boston College summer session, and he also taught American Studies and theology at the College of St. Augustine, San Juan, Puerto RIco, in the summer of 1968. He completed studies for the priesthood at Weston College School of Theology, Cambridge, Mass., and Boston College, earning a degrez of Master of Religious Education. After ordination, Father McManus,will return to Bishop Connolly High School as Director of Religious Studies and Education. He will 'also continue as Secretary of the New England liturgical Committee and member of the National Liturgical Conference. '
Says Biblical Laws Difficult to Apply ATLANTA (NC) -'Evangelist Billy Graham said he is studying how ~ar a m'inister can, go in applying old biblical laws that are no longer compatible in modern secular society. "In the Bible, people 'were stoned to death for kidnapping, murder, fornication, adultery and a number of other crimes. I am sure no person today would say this is what we ought to do," Graham told a news' conference. It would be easy to apply biblical teachings in the governing ::If a Christian society, Graham said, then added that he knew' of no town in America where the majority' -of people were "real, believing ChrIstians." "And I make a distinction be: tween believing Christians and :::hurchgoers who go to church for social, business or family tradition reasons."
Prime Minister Visits Pope Paul VABCAN CI1Y (NC) - Less than a monihafter Australia and the Vatican agreed to establish full diplomatic relations, Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam paid a courtesy call on Pope Paul VI. The premier, accompanied by his wife, visited the Vatican and met privately with the Pope for more than 30 minutes. Because the vi<;it was private, there was no official ceremony of state. However, he was greeted with red-carpet treatment once inside Vatican City and Pope Paul also received Mrs. Whitlam and others accompanying the prime minister after ,the private meeting. No details of the conversation between the prime minister and the Pope were disclosed. However, it was considered certain that the unsettled conflict in Southeast Asia was 'among the topics discussed. The opening of full diplomatic relations between Australia and the Vatican was announced March 27 as a means' of "pro'moting mutual frie'ndly rel'ations." The agreement provides that AustraHa will name an ambassador to represent it at the Vatican, and the Vatican will be represented by a pronuncio in Australia. To date neither side has nominated candidates for the new posts. ' Whitlam flew into Rome after -a week's visit in London. Just before leaving London, the Australian prime minister told newsmen that his country and New, Zealand planned to appeal to the International Court, of Justice if France contfilUes to" carry out plans for new nuclear tests in the Pacific.
His Buddy "I'm the buddy of Christ," proclaimed a Somerset first communicant after Mass on the great day. "So are you, Mom." , "Well, I guess so," said Mom. "But where did you get that idea?" "That's what the priest told everybody this morning," re-' sponded the lad. "When he -gave us Communion, that's what he said-'Buddy of Christ.'"
Montie Plumbing & Heating Co. Over 35 Years of SaJ~sfied Service Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 806 NO. MAIN STREET Fall River 675-7497
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., May 24, 1973
Attleboro $300 Particular Council of Attleboro Society of St. Vincent de Paul Seekonk K of C
$100 Council
$125 Donley Manufacturing Co. $75 Or. & Mrs. Richard Shea $60 St. Vincent de Paul, Holy Ghost Parish $50 Attleboro Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
'VERITAS AWARD DINNER': Providence College Alumni of the Diocese of Fall River honored Bishop Cronin with the 'Veritas Award' and presented a PC Scholarship' to a Durfee High senior. Left: Tom Gastall, first scholarship recipient; William F. Kaylor of Fall River, who presented the 'Veritas Award' to the Bishop; Very Rev. James M. Murphy, a.p., prior at the Dominican Community at P.C.; Bishop Cronin, guest speaker; Francis J. Devine of Fall River, who presented the scholarship award.
Special Gifts National $300. Our Lady's Chapel, New Bedford $50 Joseph V. Tally, Inc., Providence Rev. Clarence J. D'Entremont $25 A. Gross Candle Co., Linden, New Jersey
Taunton $550 Reed & Barton Foundation Inc, $150 First Bristol County National Bank $100 St. Mary Women's Guild St. Paul Conference New Process Twist Drill Co. $60.35 Students Coyle-Cassidy High School $75 . Mr. & Mrs. William T. Hurley $50 R. F. Owens & Trucchi Alden Auto Parts, Inc. $25 Atty. Thomas J. Wynn Jr. W. Pahna Dickerman Dermody Cleaners Bristol County Electrical Supply, Inc. Polish American, Citizens Club Farrell's Restaurant St. .Joseph Women's Guild, Taunton St. Joseph Holy Name Society Taunton Auto Supply Co., Inc.
New Bedford $1100 Merchant's National Bank of New Bedford $700 Anonymous $250 Harriet Transportation Co. $150 Debrosse Oil Co. $100 C. Franklin Corp. Park Oil Company Mass. Trucking Corp. $97.75 St. Joseph New Bedford Bingo $75 Stanley Oil Co., Inc. Staylastic Smith, Inc.
$50 Damien Council K of C $25 Local No. 168 UAW, AFL-CIO New Bedford Typographical Union No. 276 Cody & Tobin, Inc. Cornish & Co., Inc. Roy Paper Co. General Plastering & Tile Co., Inc. L & S Concrete Co. Weinstein Electric Co. Bradley & Halliwell, Machine Co., Inc. Gilt Edge Textile Mills H. M. C. Cutlery
Morin's Diner, Inc. John G. Walsh Contractor Co., Inc. $30 Reeves· Company, Inc. $25 Mr. & Mrs. D. Anthony Venditti, Seekonk Hendrick's Pools, Seekonk Seekonk Oil Company Read's Dairy, Inc., Seekonk Francis Farm, Inc., Rehoboth Attleboro & Plainville Coal Co A. H. Barrowman, Inc. BPOE Attleboro Lodge No. 1014 Donald T. & Robert C. Bliss Holmes Restaurant Service Charles R. Mason Red Rock Hill Motor Court Taylor Sheet Metal Co.
Fall River
$1750 ' Fall River Herald News $1007 Residents of Catholic Memorial Home $900 Swan Finishing Co., Inc. $500 Artcraft Fixtures Div. DeSoto Foundation $300 . Union Savings Bank , $125 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Neves K of C Cassidy Council No. 3669 $100 Cape Cod St. Anne's Credit Union High Point Paper Box Corp. $500 Chorlton Foundry Bay Colony Federal Savings & Loan Association, So. Yarmouth $75 $20b Fall River Lodge No. 118 BPO St. Pius X Conference, So Yar- Elks mouth $60 $150 Yared's Disposal Service St. Pius X Guild, So. Yarmouth $50 $100 St. Elizabeth Conference, EdFall River Florist Supply Co., gartown Inc. Mr._& Mrs. William B. Brown Gamache Truc~ing Co. Judge harles J. Ardito, W. YarAtty. Kenneth Sullivan mouth Mr. & Mrs. Charles Daby St. John Conference, Pocasset Slater Paper Box James H. Antonellis, Falmouth San-Toro Mfg. Corp. $50 Atty. & Mrs. John J. HarringTommy's Oil Service, Buzzards ton Bay Fall River Emblem Club Holy Redeemer Guild, ChatAtty. Peter Collias ham Atty. & Mrs. William P. Grant Thomson Oil Co., Inc. Chatham $35 Ortins Photo Supply, Falmouth ' Mr. & Mrs. Herve Lagasse The Falmouth National Bank $32 So. Yarmouth Package Store Crawford Electric Company $30 AI's Package Store, Edgartown $25 $25 Knights of Columbus, So. End Crowley Associates Realtors Council No. 295 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Mass. Catholic Order of ForGuild, Wellfleet esters Sacred Heart Guild, Wellfleet John W. Cain & Son, Inc. Arthur E. Andrade, Jr. E. FalIrish Specialty Shoppe mouth Horvitz & Horvitz First National Bank of Cape Magoni's Ferry Landing, Inc. Cod, Orleans Professional Pharmacy Falmouth Bank & Trust ComLewis Gray & Sons Co. pany AI's Tire Shop Coonamesset Inn, Falmouth Poirier Buick, Inc. Frederick V. Lawrence, Inc., R.G. Chouinard Funeral Home Falmouth Fall River Luggage & Novelty Riverway Lobster House, So. ' Workers Local No. 65 Yarmouth Sherwin & Gottlieb Wells Oil Service, Edgartown Attys. Thompson & Reed
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., .May 24, 1973
.. ,"-
Communications June 3 has been designated as World Communications Day. The question asked is-What is the message of the' media? ' All must recognize that the media cannot survive economically unless they satisfy their audience.' And every viewet is the audience. The one who reads, who listens, who sees-this is the audience who has, therefore, a re- sponsibility for what is produced. Vatican Council II has said: "All who of their own free choice make use of these media of communications as r~aders, viewers or listeners, have special obligations. For a proper choice demands that they fully favor those presen~ tations that are outstanding for their" moral goodness, their knowledge and their artistic or technical merit. They ought, however, to avoid those that may be a cause ot occasion of spiritual harm to themselves, or that can lead others to dangers through base example, or that hinder desirable presentations and promote those that are evil. To patronize such presentations, in most instances, would merely reward those who use the media only for profit." The obligation is on every person, then, to promote «The ea roth and approve ~hat is a positive value in the media and to declares Gods protest and let one's voice be heard at what tears down values of decency and brotherhood and honor. handiwo,.~~, . .' People must be critical in the right sense - asking what is positive and what negative, what promotes spir":';~:;~:}~:·<~,~,:;~::;X~:~,;,:,;;2:~~,,,;,:,::,~ itual values and what ridicules them, what is fact and what is opinion, what is truth and what is prejudice. People must discern what uplifts and what, brutalizes, SPRI1V(; SERMON what encourages and what degrades, what gives wisdom and what panders to unwholesomeness. It would be wise for people to look around their homes, ask themselves aboiIt the reading material in (;olde~] homes, the records being played, the television progra~ms ber by Bishop Cronin, who said Continued from Page One being watched, the topics being talked about at table, College, 'Montreal and at St. at that time, "No one in this the movies older and younger members of families are Bernard's; Seminary, Rochester. diocese has done more for the going to see. The first assignment for young clergy of the diocese, for the And then there might be some better idea of what mass Father Gerrard was to Sacred welfare of the diocese, than the media - communications - are doing in and with and to Heart parish, Oak Bluffs, where Bishop ... who deserves a tre'he served, the summer following mendous vote of thanks." the family. ' "
,Pope Appeals F'or Vocations VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has called on "the young ilind the not-so-young" to answer God's invitation to accept religious vocations. In a message published in connection with the 10th World Day of Vocations May 13, the Pope stressed that Catholics are free to choose a Religious life or to reject his call because God respects "tft1e freedom of his sons, whom he has created as free persons." , Pope Paul, said God's call to Christians to accept a Religious vocation "has the force and sweetness of an invitation which loses none of its divine power nor taIres anything away from your freedom." The Pope added: "You are free: therefore, decide. As Christ did." . The Pope said: "We say to all of you, most beloved sons, bot!h young and not-so-young, you must not let persons, ideas or events block your choices and your decisions. Why do you hesitate and wait? The image of this world meanwhile is changing repidly. Other groups of men are arriving on this earth. "The Gospel must be announced to all. To the ranks of the poor of yesterday are being added those of, tomorrow. There are and there will 'be the hungry, ,thtose who thirst; the imprisoned and those who are sick in body or spirit. These await you. In Them, Christ awaits you. There is work for all. There is a place ,for you as well."
Heads Research
BOGOTA (NC)-A Colombian his ordina~.}on. In October, 192(l Msgr. Chippendale priest-scientist is co-directing a he went to St. Patrick's parish, Msgr. Chippendale is, a Fall large research project on earthFall River, remaining there until River n.ative, born July 16, 1895. in the Andean territory. The campus scene is a difficult one these days. Just a June, 1932, when he became He attended St: Joseph's paro- quakes Father Jesus Emilio Ramirez of few years ago student rebels were protesting the 'appear- chancellor l and se:retary to Bish- chial school in the see city, then the Colombian Geophysical Instiance on campus of representatives from large corporations. , op James ~ ..Cassldy, then Ap~s- Holy Family High School, New tute and Thomas L. Aldrich of . . tolic AdrrilOlstrator of the dlO- Bedford. His seminary studies Now not only are the corporatiOn. represent~t1Ves a~s~nt .cese. When Bishop Cassidy be- were undertaken at St. Charles • the Carnegie Institution in Washfrom campuses and <:ompletely umnterested m recrUitmg came Ordinary, Father Gerrard College, Catonsville, Md. and St. ington are heading the project ambitious operation by 100 but the corporations themselves are turning around and remained in the diocesan ,posi- Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. He -an scientists, 70 seismological stafiring the fathers of the students, letting people go, cutting tions, als~ serving a~ a .member served at Our Lady of the Isle tions and three oceanographic out and cutting back on positions. of the DlQcesan Tnbunal from parish, Nantucket, the summer vessels--to investigate tremors , 1930 tQ 1941. following 'his ordination, then in Yes, there has been quite a change in a few years. . From 1939 to 1956, Father the Fall of 1923 was transferred in the Andes and their "refraction ,in the bordering submarine Students now graduate and actively seek places in Gerrard was rector of St:. Mary's to St. Mary's Church, Mansfield. shelf. these corporations with the hope that they can influence' Cathedral, continuing to hoI{ At 5t. Mary's for 14 years, for the good from within. A college degree no longer. be- various diocesan offices. In 1951 Father Chippendale was then Indiscretion ,. 'II . .. 'b h he was named Vkar General by named administrator of Holy . Questions are never Indiscreet, h h k comes t e we . t e .ey toh ' paYIng pOSItIon ut - t , ere must B'is hop Con'. no II y an d'10 1952 wa"" Rosary parish in Fall River, a answers' sometimes are.-W'ilde be Job-huntmg, t e selhng of oneself and one s talents, raised to the status of Domestic position he held from 1937 to the willingness to tal{e not quite the position desired in Prelate. 1948, when he became pastor of' order to get employment. In 1956 Msgr. Gerrard became St. Patrick's Church, Wareham, until December, 1924, when he The h llenge of' college has' t ed into the chal- pastor of St. Lawr.ence parish, where he served until his retire- was transferred to St. Louis C a u~ New Bedford, and 10 1959 was ment in 1971, being named a parish, Fall River. In 1930 he was leDge of employment. . named auxiJ,iary ,to Bishop Con. Dom'estic Prelate in 1967. appointed as director of St. Vin" And this is not all bad. Now graduates will go after nolly and Titular Bishop of For· Msgr. Chippendale also served cent's Home, Fall River. In 1930 jobs instead of settling for jobs. Now they must translate rna. He was the first, n~tive of ' 1S a pro-synodal judge on the he was appointed supervisor of the vast store of information they have into the wisdom New Bedfo.rd to .be a Bishop of jiocesan tribunal' and during his diocesan charities, and in 1932 . . the Fall River diocese and also years in Wareham was a trustee director of St. Patrick's Cemetery , that IS bemg sought. Now they must struggle to take a the first New England bishop )f Tobey Hospital. He is a mem- in Fall River, a position he still place in the world, not merely drift into a spot. named hy Pope John XXIII. HE) Jer of the 'board of Diocesan holds. was consecrated March 19, 1959 ::::onsultors. He is warmly reIn 1949 he became the first iby Bishop Connolly. Richard nembeied in Wareham and in resident pastor ot' St. Thomas Cardinal Cushing was homilist :Ioly Rosary parish,' Fall River, More parish, Somerset, and was for the occasion and Humberto 'or the efforts he made in learn- instrumental in developing the Cardinal Medeiros, then chancelng Italian so as to better serve plant which now serves one of lor of the Fall River diocese, waS Jarishioners of that nationality. the fastest growing communities master of ceremonies. Msgr. Harrington in Southeastern Massachusetts. In 1970, when Bishop Cronin Msgr. Harrington was born in In 1955 he was named pastor of OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FA.LL RIVER assumed leadership of the Fall !Fall River Jan. 21, 1889, son of Holy Name parish, Fall River, Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River River diocese, he continued ;he late John and the late 'Brid- and in 1961 was raised to the Bishop Gerrard as ,vicar Gen~et (Sullivan) Harrington. He rank of Domestic Prelate. At 41 CD Highland Avenue eral. In retirement, the prelate ~raduated from Boston College Holy Name the prelate founded Fall River, Mass. 02722 '675-7151 continues in this capacity and md St. Bernard's Seminary, the parochial 'school and superremains active as auxiliary to ~ochester, N.Y. PUBLISHER vised its building. The modern Bishop Cronin,' although he reWith young Father Gerrard, he facility opened in 1960. Most Rev. _Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. signed his pastorate of St. Law. 'Nas assigned to Sacred Heart Msgr. Harrington retired from GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER rence parish last June when he )arish, Oak Bluffs immediately his pastorate in 1967, 'but is still reached th~ a'ge of 75. The resig. :'ollowing his ordination. He reo active daily in the administration Rev. -Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Qev. John P. Driscoll nation was accepted last Septem- :nained on Martha's Vineyard of St. Patrick's cemetery. ~ Leary Press-Fall River
Oregon's Death With Dignity Bin Dies Quietly SALEM (NC)-A "death with dignity" bill died quietly h~re when a legislative committee interrupted testimony and voted without dissent to table the measure. The action was almost anti. climactic with opponents of the b'ill outnumbering supporting witnesses by nearly 8 to 1. The House legislative committee heard a former Congressman, doctors, a registered nurse, a legislator and others characterize the bill as unnecessary, imprecisely drafted, pagan and potential1y dangerous. Dr. Rober Goldman, a Porto' land physician who specializes in the treatment of cancer patients, told the committee that no legislation is needed to induce terminally ill patients to discuss with their 'doctor their' treatment at "the' end of, the line." One of the first things his patients do after learning their illness is terminal is to request him not to extend their life at the end, Goldman ·testified. But as death approaches, "life becomes more precious even under very difficult circumstances," and the pati(mt almost invariably clings to life for every possible minut,e, he said. At this point, Goldman noted, the wishes of the patient may be at odds with the wishes of his family or others who-under the proposed law-would be legally empowered to request that his death be hastened. In this way, he said, the bill, if enacted, could lead to the deprivation of the patient's rights. 'We Never Know' Dr. Russ.ell Sacco, a Portland physician, testified that doctors routinely diseontinL!e medical procedures as patients approach death. But this is done selectively and as is medically indicated, when the procedures are no longer effective or when the patient is no 'longer able to tolerate them. It is not done to hasten death. Whether at any time a patient has. a chance for recovery, he said,' "we never know." Robert Oliver, appearing for Gov. Tom McCall, said provisions of the bill concurred with the governor's beliefs on death with dignity. The bill would have authorized individuals to execute a document "directing that no maintenance medical treatment be utilized for the prolongation of 'life at such time as he suffers a terminal· illness."
Gives $2 Million To Marquette MILWAUKEE (NC)-A retired Milwaukee industriadist has given Marquette University $2 million to build and equip a' gynasium for students at the Jesuit school here. T/he gift of Evan P. Helfaer, 74, former head of a drug firm here, means that Helfaer has donated a totall of $4 mill'ion to Mar-. quette, including $1.6 million for a theater. The new gymnasium will be used largely for physical education and intramura'l programs, rather than intercollegia'te events, and it will include a swimming pool, basketball, tennis, handba11 courts and track facilities.
THE ANCHORThurs., May 24, 1973
Strong Religious Press Is Vital MINNEAPOLIS (NC)-A strong religous 'press is a vital, important part of the Amenican free press, a former presidential secretary said. In an interview, George Reedy called strongly for efforts to maintain and increase the diversity of newspapers in America ~a theme he was to stress in his talk to the joint convention of the Catholic Press Association and Associated Church Press here. Cont'l'ary to popular claims, the number of papers in America has not declined, although competition between papers in major markets has fallen dramatically, he sa/id. This in turn requires the rise of a strong community press to HOLY NAME CHURCH, FALL RIVER take up the slack, according to Reedy, former press secreta,ry to the Ia1te President Lyndon B. Johnson and current dean of Marquette University's School of Journalism in Milwaukee. Such community pa;1ers would include the religious pre3s, the From a modest beginning in shortly before the pastor's death, Ham H. Harrington became the labor 'Press and other special in1923 when 400 members wor- a large residence and property third pastor of Holy Name terest publications, which give shipp.ed in a tent, Holy Name at the corner of Hanover Street Church and soon began focus- many different views of crucial Parish in Fall River has grown and President Avenue, two blocks sing his attention on another public problems, he sa·id. into a proud and active com- west of the original church prop- community need - a parish Reedy said in some respects school. erty, was purchased. munity of 1120 families. he favors the return of "the parFr. Coyle The Golden Jubilee CelebraA successful parish drive was tisan press" to re:>lace much of The Rev. James A Coyle suction of the Parish begins June 3 held, imd September of 1959 saw the blandness he now finds. with an 11:15 AM. Anniversary ceeded Father McNamee as pasHe sharply crH.icized the trend ground broken for the construcMass with present and former tor and in 1941 completed contoward "watered down" ej'itorial tion of aT! eight-classroom school . priests of the parish and native struction of, a white, wooden with an auditorium and' kitchen pages that tend to balance every sons who have entered the priest- Colonial edifice that was des-facilities. The, first students of sta/tement of opinion against hood joining with the Most Rev. cribed by the famous Boston arevery other one. Daniel A Cronin, S.T.D., as prin- chitectural firm of Maginnis and Holy Name School were accepted the following year with Siscipal celebrant and homilist. Walsh as one of the most beauCriticism Bishop Cronin wilt meet with tiful ever designed. The same ters of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts making up the parishioners and offer his con- accolades are afforded to this That businessmen should from faculty. gratulations following the Mass day. time to time direct candid critof Celebration. . The development of the Holy The Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shal- idsm toward our Government is Name Parish continued. In 1946, 100 was named pastor of Holy not only understandable but salFollowing the Mass, refresh- the Most Rev. Bishop James E. Name Church in 1967 by the utary in a free democracy. ments will-be served in the Cassidy blessed and dedicated Most Rev. James L. Connolly up-Randall school auditorium. the Holy Name Playground that on the retirement of Msgr. HarOn Memorial Day, Monday, at was built by'the Holy Name So- rington. 10 AM., a Memorial Mass will ciety of the Parish. The PlayMsgr. Shalloo, in the tradition be celebrated for departed ml;lm- ground, called by Bishop Cassidy of Holy Name pastors of acbers of the Parish and the Clergy "a monument to the love and commodating the needs of the See Us and Religious that served them. loyalty of the men of the Par- parishioners, supervised the inAbout ish," was opened adjacent to the The celebration continues on terior renovations o~ the beautiParish Hall, the original church Sunday, June 24, with a Family ful church that placed particular Picnic at St. Vincent De Paul building. emphasis on simplicity. The Parish Hall in September Camp in Adamsville, and on The Parish also has developed Sept. 30 a Golden Jubilee Ban- of 1952 opened its doors as a quet and Dance will be held at kindergarten and pre-primary into one of the more active in the Venus De Milo Restaurant school staffed by the Missionary the Diocese with a range of Sisters of the Blessed' Trinity. spiritual and social functions and in Swansea. Falmouth Wareham Msgr. Harrington endeavors that focus on serving Fr. McNamee 548-3000 '295-3800 In 1955, the Rev. Msgr. WiI- parishioners of all ages. .............•...... .. With a steady growth in the number of Catholic families taking up residence in the North End of Fall River, the Most Rev. Protect your home while away ! Bishop Daniel F. Feehan established Holy Name Parish with the Rev. George B. McNamee as the first pastor in June of
Holy Name' Parish of Fall River Opens -Golden Jubilee Year Next Week
Plan To Build? Low Cost Financing
Services originally were conducted in a tent erected on property acquired on Read Street. Father McNamee and the original 400 who previously had attended St. Joseph and Sacred Heart Churches immediately undertook planning for the construction of a permanent church. Their endeavors reached fruition in 1925 when Bishop Feehan presided at dedication ceremonies of the church and rectory at Read Street and President Avenue. The new parish continued to grow under the guiding hand of Father McNamee, and, in 1938,
Sentry -- Timer
• Turns lights on and off automatically • Discourages burglary and vandalism'
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., May 24, 1973
Says Taste' Is Retu1rning ·-To '73 'Stylte's for Men We've been talking of clothes as being elegant, understated, classic and finally smart looking without being startling. While most of these adjectives have been applied to women's clothes they can be applierl\·-to men's clothes as well. The pendalum has we 'must also face up to finally swung back. from its garees, the fact that a softer almost wide arc-taken after the chambray type of denim makes .demise of the grey flannel up into very individualistic suit-and taste as well as color are taking over men's wear. While the color is not so bright or shocking as that which
we have almost gotten used to over the past few years, it is still . not 'a return to the white shirt and dark suit l'Ook of the forties and fifties. Men are still going to attract as much attention as women with what they are wearing, but here too it will be as much for the cut of the suit or the elegance of the tie as for the brightness of the outfit. Sportswear Important Because leisure and the sports that we enjoy during it are a very important part of a man's life, his wardrobe must include more than just outfits for the work-a-<Iay world. Tennis. outfitted whites will without a doubt be the best selling sportswear for the coming season and even year round, for this newly popular sport now knows no season. The white sweater .trimmed with red and white will be bought as part of the tennis picture, but Jt will also find its way over slacks at night or even denims during' the day. Denims or just the' material denim will also he an important part of an eight to 80 male's clothing outlook if he wants to be comfortable and of course in fashion. While most of us admit freely that 'we have had ,it with dun-
More Laymen Involved In Mission Activity TORONTO (NC)-Layrmm are participating .in forei'gn and home missionary activity more 'than ever before, according to Father John Lavoie, newly named executive director of the National Missionary Council of Canada. "This has come about, he said, "because of the recognition by the ministerial Church that the layman has his own distinctive mandate by Baptism to teach, minister and lead in the name of Christ. "Without any kind of doubt, I can see a layman heading this missionary council in the future," the seasoned missionary said. Father Lavoie, a White Father, has served as a missionary in" Tanzania, Malawi and Rhodesia since his ordination in 1945.
clothes, especially summer suits. , One of the first denim suits lever saw was on Oleg Cassini, a name designer for years, who really made his name important by designing for Jackie Kennedy. while she was in the White House. A couple of springs ago . we chanced upon Mr. Cassini standing on 59th Street in New York clad in a pal~! blue denim suit· top stitched in red. Two - years ago it was an unusual fashion but this season such denim suits are being shown in many of the better stores across the country. \ Check it; plaid sports jackets are turning up in madras and any other subdued plaid imaginable and like the '73 women's fashions, which are contemporary, not garish, the men's styles are classical, not stuffy.. But how do I talk my better half into a plaid jacket even if I can. convince him it's really conservative?
HONOR PILGRIM VIRGIN: Visitors to St. Anne's Shrine, Fall River, honor Pilgrim Virgin, in. church for one-week stay. Statue travels' to homes and churches throughout diocese to promote devotion to Our .Lady of Fatima.
Teletype Serv oe In OperaNon. This Week
A.E.P. WaH, director and cedures, :but when stories have Continued from Page One (NCCB) and the United States teen fully edited, they are sent editor-in-chief of NC News Sert:> a teletype room rather than vice described the wire service Catholic Conference (USeC). The new: system, whieh uses a mimeograph room. Here tele- as.a "signifkant new beginning" some of thk most advan<:ed ele- type operators transform the of "a renewal within Catholic ments of electronics communi- t Ylped stories to teletype tapes journalism that relates to the recations equipment, r.eplaces· a t sing ·an electronic puncher.. The newal within the Church." mail service which supplied tlpes are then fed into a tape news to Catholic papers fo(more t ~ansmitter imd transmitted via than 50 years. While the mail a telephone line to the Dow Children's Walk-a-thon service took as long as two or Jones Co. office in New York. Aids Hu-ng~y, Homeless three days to get stories to some The NC transmissions wiH then HAUPPAUGE (NC)-More than newspape'rs; the wire service will 'J::e combined with 17 other sig.300 eighth-graders marked Lent send stories instantaneously to r.als on a Dow Jones wire capLINDENWOLD (NC)-Inspired newspapersi as widely separated able of transmitting 18 separate by staging a four-mile "walk-amore by a survival instinct than as the Catholic Northwest Prog- signals simultaneously. The sig- thon" for the hungry in Vietnam by the women's liberation move- ~ess in Seattle Wash., and The n al will then be carried to Dow and the homeless in Nicaragua. ment, a Holy Name Society here Voice in Miami, Fla. J :>nes offices in cities across the The eighth grade confirmation in New Jersey is looking for A message from Pope Paul VI c:>untry. class of St. Thomas More Parish women members. marking the beginning of the Local telephone lines carry the at Hauppauge, Long Island colThe St. Lawrence parish .unit wire service' said it offered "a of the traditionally all-male na- new opportunity for the intelli- sgnal to the office of the news- lected some $1;000 from inditional organization is one of the gent dissemination of needed in- paper subscriber, where 'a device viduals and businesses which first in the nation to accept wo- formation,for sharing thoughts llnown as a demolulator sep- had pledged to finance each mile the children walked. men members. and rea,ctions, giving mutual sup- arates the NC signal from the Father Patrick Madden, St. port and building up a spirit of other 17 and sertds the signal to 'The proceeds were sent to Lawrence pastor; said the policy unity and charity in the Chris- a nearby teletype printer. The Catholic Relief Services' projects s~ory, transmitted in Washington change was a result of "neces- tian community." . Operation Milkshake for more only a fraction of a second besity and survival." than 50,000 V~etnamese children, Timely Instrument fl Ire, is printed on the teletype "For the last several. years .the Cardinal John Krol of Phila- machine. It can then he ·edited and Operation Raise the Roof Holy Name Society here and in delphia, president of the NCCB by the local paper and immedi- for victims of the pre-Christmas other parishes has been on the and 'usec, called the wire sys- a~ely pla~ed in the local paper. earthquake in Managua, Nica'decline," the priest explained, ragua. tem "a timely instrument for "and at St. Lawrence it has gotten to the point. where we were communicating timeless truth," Like It Is and Bishop Rausch said it i~ an faced with two alternatives You can't beat children for especially dramatic symbol of reactivate the society through reBALLROOM DANCING the Chureh's growing commit- tdling it 'like it ,is. Like a Fall direction, or dhiband it." River' six year old asked, ment to use, the most up Ito date In making the change, the St. Sat.-May 26, The Big Sound Lawrence unit was breaking media of I communication for "What's abortion?" Her eighth of Roland Marcotte & His with tradition, b~t not canon transmitting the Good N,ews of g'ade sister replied, "It's when Orchestra a lady's !pregnant and she gets law, and it was following a rec- Jesus Christ." t1:e bahy taken out of her and Your Host-AI Tremblay The National Catholic News ommendation made to the national Holy Name Society' last Service,'a division of the USCC k Hed." LINCOLN PARK "'¥tuck," was the tot's response. which operates with editorial inyear-but not accepted. Rte. 6, No. Dartmouth Yuck, indeed. "The Holy Name Society is a dependence,; has been supplying confraternity and, according to news to Catholic newspapers ' canon law, bishops and pastors both in the United States and 1r·""~""'rT'~T"i''''~~~'''''T''i'_''''~~'''''~''''''''~'''''i'T';;:=;:9 can determine whether or not abroad since it was formed as women may be members," said the National Catholic Welfare Father Brendan Laren, director Conference news service ill 1921. of the National Association of Throughout that period, news HolyName Societies. It has been stories have been prepared in the an organization for men only, news service's office here--based by tradition, not because of by- . on dispatches from the service's own Rome Bureau, its 200 corlaws excluding women. Cardinal Timothy Manning of respondents around the world, as Los Angeles told delegates to well as its staff here-mimeothe society's national convention graphed and mailed daily to Attention School Groups last year that the Holy Name So- more than 400 ~ubscribers, inciety would not survive without cluding most diocesan newsthe participation of women. Del- papers in the United States. SpeCial Arrangements for School Groups egates considered a motion to Professional Procedures open the society to women, but The wire' service follows the FOR DETAILS, CAL~·,MANAGER-636.2744 or 999-6984 tabled it for further study. same profes'sional editorial pro-
Holy N10me Seeks Women Members.
THE ANCHORThurs., May 24, 1973
Bobbie' Prov,es Ha·ppiness P,ossibl,e' wit,h Handicaps
Install First LPN As Nurses' Head
Roberta, the youngest of my eight children, is retarded. Shortly after she was born, there were different reactions . from friends. When told Bobbie was a Mongoloid, a wellmeaning business associate of my husband's said, "Well, fortunately they usually , don't live long. It's just as as the priest started to read the well. They can't amount to Gospel. She wrapped herself around much." It's true that many me,-snuggled her head into the Mongoloids are born with physical defects that can shorten their lives. Some doctors recommend leaving such disorpers un-
treated and allowing the child to die. Tihese, doctors, anj my husband's well' meaning associate, equate happiness in life with achievement. ,\chieving wealth, social position, or professional status. Mongoloids have Jittle capacity for achievement. Because Bobbie will not achieve these things, they think she cannot be a happy person. As it happens, ,Bobbie has proved these !predictions to be wrong! A birth defect which thrzat, ened her survival when she was an infant, (an opening in the wall of 'her heart) has healed spontaneously, without surgery. As far as any doctor can predict now, she will live a normal lifespan. 'But even more incredible, as a lively six-year-old, Bobbie is the happiest -person I know! Not Cluttered Bobbie's mind is not cluttered ,with problems, or fears. She doesn't worry what others will think; she never considers "what's ,in it for me?" Lf she's -angry, she lets you know ... and gets it out of her system. If someone teases her, she gives him a frown, and says, "Aw, come on ... CUT IT OUT!" That's as much grudge as she is capable of holding; minutes later her sunny smile returns. Much of the time she over- flows with happiness and affection. At Mass last Sunday she was a bit weary. I picked her up,
Newspaper Publishes Abortion Supplement JEFFERSON CITY (NC)-The Catholic Missourian has offered to diocesan newspapers' and interested groups a four-page supplement on abortion entitled "How Far Did the Supreme Court Go?" ' "The .supplement is designed to be educational and to have the widest possible readership appeal," said Father Hugh Behan, editor of the Jefferson City diocesan weekly. "The legal and medical facts are presented and moral viewpoints of Jewish, Protestant and Catholic leaders are included. Many people are not aware of even the legal and legislative implications of the Supreme Court decision," he said.
crook of my neck, completely relaxed. As Father finished the Gospel, Bobbie reaohed over my shoulder, extended her littlc hand to the man in back of me, and whispered, "Peace." She may not understand the word, but she conveys the message. Bobbie comes home from school' eX/uberant. "Yc'u know what, Mommy? We had a birthday Iparty!" Her elation is infectious. The other day, one of our neighbors called to her, "Hi, Bobbie. How are you?" The neighbor rather expected to be i'gnored. ,Bobbie caJled back, "I'm FINE! How are you?" She not only delights in being ... .but sincerely cares how other people are! Bobbie -Loves She's only six years old, yet she's brought deep love to our family, joy t,o the neighborhood, and, I believe, a greater understanding of life to aU who have come in contact with her. Bobbie loves. Bobbie is uninhibited. Her excitement over a dish of ice cream gives more instruction in living than some of the deepest thoughts from the most learned professors. Granted, she grows slowly"develops slowly ... and ,in so doing has given me a greater awareness of a child's growth process, a better education than I could get from a\'l the textbooks in the world. Thus, Bobbie is a teacher. She',)) probably never be a fellow of a great university, yet she has already taught more philosophy, psychology and theology than the world is ready to accept. Possibly this is why some people are afraid qf ret,arded chil~ dren. The message they teach is too powerful, too poignant, too profound for some to face. Next week I'll tell you why I think Bobbie is such a happy person, and how I believe we can all ,learn to ,be happy ... from her.
Catholic Black, White Schools to Merge PINE BLUFF. (NC)-:The student bodies of St. Joseph's School, now predominantly white, and of St .Peter's School here, now predominantly black, will be merged next fall. Auxiliary Bishop Lawrence P. Graves of Little Rock, pastor of St. Joseph's parish, said tentative plans call for pupils in the first four grades to study at St. Joseph's School and for those in grades five - through eight to study at St. Peter's School. Bishop Graves said in a Sunday pulpit letter that Bishop Andrew J. McDonald of Little Rock had ordered the merger. Bishop Graves said "it's obvious that the relationship between black and white is a problem of our whole nation. And this might possibly give some help to solve that problem in the future."
AWARD CEREMONIES: Philip L. Hemingway of St. James Parish, New Bedford, is congratulated by the Rev. Ernest J. Bartell, president of StonehiU College, after presenting Mr. Hemingway with the college's Outstanding Achievement Award. ,Mrs. Hemingway looks on during ceremonies at the Americana Hotel, New York.
Stressed Northwest Bishops Told Church Must Create 'Christ-Centered. Environment' SPOKANE (NC)-The Church's task in family life is "t6 create a Christ-centered environment," a lay representative told the region XII meeting here of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. . Mrs. Doris Gilmore was keynote speaker on the topic, "Christian Marriage and Family Life" at the meeting, wh:ich drew 80 partkipants, including lay men and women, Religious, priests and bishops of the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Alaska. It was one of 12 such regional "consultations" being held in place of former national spring meetings of the National Conference of Catholk Bishops. Recommendations from these meetings will be brought to the annual national meeting of U. S. bishops in November, for decision-making and implementation. Mrs. Gilmore of Kennewick, Wash., observed that the role of the Church is not so much in the area of structures as in building a "Chr>ist-centered environment and fostering community interaction and sharing." Human beings "don't change independently," she said, "but in ' groups." Hence the importance of concentrating on the development of a Christian environment ,in the family, and of fostering strong values there. "But just being a family is not enough," Mrs. Gilmore said. 1II11IItllllltllllltlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIUUllllllll""""""1II1t1111I1IIIIUllllIIIIIIIlUlIll1IUl"""
Hyannis ST. FRANCIS XAVIER $100 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bourque $80 John Vetorino $75 James F. Pendergast. ,. $50 Mr. & Mrs. E. Deveney Mrs. Anna F. Vetorino Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Riley Mr. & Mrs. John L. Marchildon $25 Mr. & Mrs. Jose;:>h Gelinas, John F. Dempsey, M. J. Coute Virgil M, Casey, Charles H. McGrath, Mr. & Mrs. M. Frucci J Thomas J. Moore Mr. & Mrs. M. Lovelette Mr. & Mrs. Leo Gregoire
"Interaction is ne'eded-praying together, group discussions together, go'ing to Mass together. Young people need to become aware of family values "so that these will be clear when challenges come from their high school and coIlege environments. Mrs. Gilmore, who represents the laity of Region XII on the U. S. bishops' AdV'isory Council, also called on Church leaders to make information available on the risks of physical and emotional damage to younger girls and women who use contraceptive pills' over a long period of time, and she asked for support of the "biHings Method" of natural family planning developed by two Australian doctors and cla'imed by them to be 100 per cent efficient. IOlmmIllIlIlIlIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHl"lltttumnmm'"'UII'"1111111111111111'1t1,,,,,mU'"111111
Brewster OUR LADY OF THE CAPE $50 • Dr. & Mrs. John D. Seehan Mrs. Thomas G. Freeley Mr. & Mrs. P. C. Baty Paul W. Sullivan • $40 Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Carr,ier $35 Mary E. Besso $25 Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. McDowell, Mary R. Nolan, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Mazzoni, Elizabeth Sheehy Mr. & Mrs. Gerald T.. O'Connell Margaret Blake, Gertrude E. Moody, Angela G. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. W. Shannahan, Mr. & Mrs. George Johnson Mary E. Neal, Mary F. Nolan & Helen M. Mullen, WIi1I,iam F. Kenney
Miss Leslie McNulty has been installed as president of the Taunton Council of Catholic Nurses. She is the first licensed practical nurse to hold the office since inception of the organization in 1953. A graduate of Taunton High School and the Taunton Vocational School of Pract.ical Nursing, she has been on the nursing staff of Morton Hospital since 1964. She is at present stationed on the pediatric service. Installed with Miss McNulty were Diane Cote, vice-president; Sister Mary Margaret and Olive Gagne, secretaries; and Lois Achtelek, treasurer. Activities of the council for the past year have included presentation of gift baskets to needy families; a Christmas party for Marian Manor residents; a whist party for senior citizens and a dance with proceeds benefiting a scholarship fund.
Buzzards Bay ST. MARGARET $50 MI". & Mrs. Columbo J. Cristofori $32 In Memory of James Tamagini $30 Mr. & Mrs. John McManus $28 A Friend $25 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond O. Boucher, Mr. & Mrs. John Burke, Betty Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gagnon & Tom, Mrs. George Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Keleher, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Loonie, Thomas Masterson, Mr. & Mrs. John P. McGi1\iicuddy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tedesco, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Was~burn Mr. & Mrs. James Duggan, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Houdelette, Mr. & Mrs. Jose..,h Labretto, Catherine E. Marrison & Mrs. Mary M. McDeVlitt Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Puorro, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Verrier, Mrs. Stacia Williams
Pocasset st.
JOHN THE EVANGELIST $25 Mr. & Mrs. G. Stanley Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. George Henrikus, Capt. & Mrs. John O'Connor
CORREIA & SONS ONE STOP SHOPPING CENTER • Television • Grocery • Appliances • Furniture 104 Allen St., New Bedford
Check These Banking Services •
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THE ANCHO~-~ Thurs., May 24, 1973
$100 Fred Findlen Mr. & Mrs. A. Caponigro
Mr. & Mrs. William Dacey Mr. & Mrs. Rene L. Poyant Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Reardon
A Friend
Mr. & Mrs. William Morton Dr. & Mrs. Philip SiMia Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Gasson Mary & Alice Donoghue
Mr: & Mrs. Francis E. Green Robert Little .
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cairns Helen T. Callahan D<:>rothy Fawcett Margaret Fawcett Mr. & Mrs. Armand Goulet Dr. & Mrs. J. H. Johnson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Maher Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Ormon
$40 Mr. & Mrs. John Cody
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kane
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Souza Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Melchiorri A Friend
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rougeau Marea SeHon Mrs. Thomas J. Kennedy
DIOCESAN NURSES MEET: The Spring Plenary Meflti 19 of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses was held Sunday at the' Dominican Sisters Novitiate in Dighton. Left to right: Sr~ Helen, O.Carm., of the Catholic: Mem:Jlri.l1 Home, Fall River, newly. elected secretary of the council; Mrs. Thomas J.Fleming of Fall Fiver, council president; Bishop Cronin~ guest spea~er; Sr. Ascension, OP, vice-prO'Villcial of the Dominican sisters who staff 81. Anne's Hospital, Fall River; Marian Manor,T,lUnton and Madonna Manor, No. Attleboro. '
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Monaghan Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Bento Correia
$30 Kalliope G. Garoufes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bearse, Mary A. Cadigan, Mr. & Mrs. James Clancy, Mr. & Mr!>. LeonMr. & Mrs. Albert Leonard Clifford, Mr. & Mrs. William J. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Medeiros Conins $40 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Conlon. Mr: & Mrs. John R. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Harry Davidson, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Knispel & Mrs. Anthony DeCrosta, Mr. $35 & Mrs. Ruben Deveau, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop Lumbert Mr;;s. Harry C. Dever Mr. & Mrs. John L. Maloy Mr. & Mrs. Milton' Donavan, $30 ;/ Mr. & Mrs; Fred Dugan, Mr. & Edward Augustyniak Mrs. James Erwin, Mrs. MatGertrude A. Cl:!rroll. thew Finn, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. John DeMello, Jr. Hersey $25 Mr. & Mrs. W. Hetterman, LaWrence C. Antonellis, Jr., Mrs. Arminda Keyes, Margaret John J. Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Kilroy, Mr. & Mrs. John Lebel, Gable, Col. & Mrs. Norman LaMrs. Arthur Linnell Forest, Dr. & Mrs. John Lee Mrs. Wray Lockwood, Mr. & Mrs. Anne C. McNelis, Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. McCaffer)t, Linus . Mrs. Charles O'Hara, Mr. & Mrs. _J. Mullaly, Mr. & Mrs. Howard David Peterson, Mrs. Mary ShepMunroe, Mr. & Mrs. Himry L. ard; Mrs. Antone' Souza Murphy Jr. ' . William Souza, Mrs. Mary Mr. & Mrs. thomas F. Murphy, Shepard, Dr. & Mrs. Norman Marcel R. Poyant, Mr. & Mrs. Starosta, Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Neil Radford, Mr. & Mrs. Studley, Mrs. John P. Sylvia, Jr., George Smith, Mr. & Mrs. John Harold C. Wilson F. Sweeney . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Terry, Mr. Sandwich & Mrs. John Willet·t CORPUS CHRISTI Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Acton Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Galvin $150 Mrs. George Garoufes Dr. & Mrs. Leo V. Monaghan Mrs. Josie S. Sheaffer $75 Mr. & Mrs. George Campbell
$60 Lt. Cot & Brower, III
James F. Gormley'
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Bernard Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Bazzinotti
$50 Mrs. CHarles A. Connors, Sr.
$40 Mrs. Orick D. Young
$35 Joseph E. Geser
$25 Lawrence Burbine, JOhn J. Patten, Frank Dresser Jr., Wm. A. Bodden
Falmouth ST. PATRICK
$100 Mrs. Lawrence C. Antonellis Mr. & Mrs. Allan F. Ryan
$85 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Champagne
$60 Mrs. William Veary
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Bardelis .Atty. & Mrs. Leo Delaney Mr. & Mrs. Paul Olenick
Mrs. Charles' F.
$35 I
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. McEachen
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Gallant, Mr. & Mrs. Clement V. Horrigan, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McDonnell, 'Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Tobin
$400 Reiiable Market .
$125 Rev. James W. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Henry Corey
$50 . Holy Name Society Sacred Heart Women's Guild
$50 In'Mernory of Donald A. Benl·
Kilburn Glass Industries, Inc.
Mrs. Corinne Fournier Mrs. Margaret O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. Albert' K. Sylvin, Jr. .
$250 Defiance Bleachery
$100 Old Colony Rd. Nursing Home (Mrs. Gatherine Devlin) Robert Devlin
,Charlotte Madeiros Margaret and Mary 1. Madeiros Mr. & Mrs. George T. Silva
·$50 Mr. & Mrs. James Carney Mr. & Mrs. George Maciel Mr. & Mrs. Louis .Langelder
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. George Goulart, Marion Higgins, Mr. & ,Mrs. G. Albert Kent, Mr., & Mrs. Herbert MeI'cier, Jr. ' Mr. & Mrs.. Arthur Metell, Mrs Philip J. Norton
$36 $35
New England's Most Beautiful Aquarium 75 TANKS FOR YOUR SELECTION
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Butts
$30 Mr. '& Mrs. Frank Montisanti Mr. & Mrs Frank J. Teixeira Jr Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kelly
_ _Jl"'1~''i
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Galligher
.Vineyar.d 'Ha~,en ,
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Farnum, Mr. & Mrs. John Capra, Mr. & Mrs. William Lawrence, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Herbert BI·iss, Mr. & Mrs. John King, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kingsbury, Mr. & Mrs. James Musto, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Guillette A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Peter DeGirolamo, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Tarsa, Frank Signoriello, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Werner Mrs. Margaret Jordan, Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Fales, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Catalano, Mr. & Mrs. John Girard Mr. & Mrs. E. P. Atwell, Mildred Hannon Mr. & Mrs. Da\"id D. Conley, Mrs. Gladys Morse, A Friend
Wide Selection of Accessories 25 Years of Service to the Public . 726 WASHINGTON STREET
~ Route 1, So. Attleboro, Mass.
Anonyplous, Mr. & Mrs. ErBeatrice Philldps nest Precourt, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Dean R. Swift Charles Wicklan~; Mr. & Mrs. $35 Charles McBarron; Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Arthur Ouellette - John Gomes & Family . $25 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Yelle, Mr. Mrs. Benjamin C. Mayhew Jr.,: &: Mrs. John Pires, Mr. & Mrs. George Mayhew, Mr. & Mrs. Theophilus Silvia Jr., Mr. & Mrs, Thomas Bryant Sr., Mr. & Mrs. John Ribeiro Michael Fontes Mrs. Laura V. Pachico, AnonMrs. John T. Hughes ymous, David Rocha, Mr. & Mrs. Wlilli'am Maciel Jr. Antonio Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. King Manuel Vital, Mrs. George S'abourin Wellfleet
TEL. 775-0081
Cape Cdd Five Cents Savings Bank
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest F. Rose~ Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop Bassett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Rose
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Dutra
Mr. Michael Botelho, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dutra, Mr. & Mrs" Walter Doucette, Flora Peters, Mr. & Mrs. John Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Silva, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Guild North Rruto
Mr. & Mrs. Everett Rogers, 'Allan Harl'ison Mr. & Mrs. Charles Davis
Next 11:0' the assumpt'ion of power is the responsibility of reo Hnquishing it.-Disraeli
When Savings and Dividends left on deposit
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90-day Notice
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5~% Regular ,Savings
Now Yields
Now Yields
Now Yields 5.47%' Compounded Continuously and pciyab~e monthly Bank by mail -
it costs you nothing
bass river savings bank' 307 MAIN
Manlio Frova, Mr. & Mrs. Don. aid Harkins, Mr. & Mrs. Edward McGoran, Mrs. Irene Pitas MOUNT CARMEL Mr. & Mrs. Hector B'enoit $100 Mr. & Mrs. William Cauley & Mr. & Mrs. Leo William Tasca Family $50 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lamoureux Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Briggs Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Reilly $40 . Mr. & Mrs. George Tedino Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Olean Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Viens
THE ANCHORThurs., May 24, 1973
$100 Mrs. Mary E. Enos
$30 Nunes Family
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Amaral Henrietta Carvalho Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Costa Mr. & Mrs. Fernand Medeiros Antonio Reis Mr, & Mrs. Manuel Silveira
Mr. \& Mrs. Raymond Noelte, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Mulholland, Ruth Ann Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel . Hendr,i~ks Jr., Mr. & Mrs. William Dolan Mrs. Joseph Smith Mr. & Mrs. John Cornell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lyons Emily Medeiros
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Begin, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Braga, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cosgrove, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Marcinkwicz, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ringuette
North Attleboro
$75 Mr. & Mrs. Robert McCall
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Voyer
William T. Whelan
$40 $30
$40 Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Dargis
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Pinsonnault
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Ouellette ST. MARY
$300 Josepjh J. Wright Veroniea R. Wright
$225 Nelson J. Gulski
Albert O. Gingras Emilio Guartieri Jr. Robert Seguin
$25 John Ross, John Prest, Edmond RiCe, Earl J. Lavin. Joseph Dias David Campbell, Joseph B. Furtado, Evelyn Wallace, Richard Dunn. Mrs. Etta Ryder Philip Lindstrom, Henry Collins, George McGee ST. JOSEPH
$100 Mr. & Mrs. John Donley' Mr. & Mrs. Louis Donley Mrs. Julie M. Hammond Mr. & Mrs. C. O'Malley Irene M. O'Malley
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGee
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mullins Mrs. William Weber Leonard Pinault Mr. & Mrs. Henri Paradis Mr. & Mrs. George Stafford
Mr. & Mrs: Henry Beach Jr. Blackstone Acoustical Ceilings Inc. Marjorie L. Shea
Mr. & Mrs. August· Funke
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Austin P. Butler Richard E. Quinn Jr.
$25 Mr. & Mrs. A. Boisvert, Mr. & Mrs. J. Burda. Nancy J. Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Leon Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Cavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J.' Ciolfi, Mr. & Mrs. Henry De Meo, Mr. & Mrs. JuHano m Renzo, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoey, MacDonald's Mobile Homes Mr. & Mrs. G. Howard Morse Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Nadeem, Julia Riley, Mr. & Mrs. E. T. Schmidt, Raymond Simoneau Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Snell, Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Szewczykowski, Thomas G. Welsh, Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Zachman
Attleboro ST. THERESA
$75 Mr. & Mrs. George Lebeau
$50 Mr. & Mrs. George Boyd Mrs. Richard May
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick V. Murphy Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John W. McIntyre Mr. & Mrs. William Flynn
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. George E, Fredette Kevin Lawless
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Cardin Mr. & Mrs. Henry Gagne Mr. & Mrs. Michael O'Hara Mr. & Mrs. John Picci Ruth Nihan & Vincent Nihan Mrs. Mary B. Leggee Mrs. Mary Grimes Mrs. PhHip Davignon Mrs. William Bowen Catherine McCann Mary Wilhelm Celestine Whalen Alyce O'Keefe Peter SilV'ia HOLY GHOST
$800 Mr.· & Mrs. Manuel O. Castro
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tansek
Mr. & Mrs. Louis LaCivita
Mr. & Mrs. John Bergeron
Mr. & Mrs. John Case, Mr. & Mrs. George Duquette, Mrs.
Closed Meetings MINNEAPOLICS (NC) - Fif•teen Catholic journalists protested here that some U. S. bishops regional meetings this spring were closed to the press. The statement "hailed with enthusiasm" bishops who opened their meetings to the press and noted ';with disappointment" that some meetings were closed.
$100 Mrs. Joseph H. Martin
$75 Michael D. Nolan'
Joseph Bressette,
Mr. & Mrs. William Moniz Mr. & Mrs. John Santos
James Murphy
$60 Ann M. Hill
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Brogan Mr. & Mrs. John B. King
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cartier Jr.
South Easton HOLY CROSS
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dempsey. Fernandes Lumber Co. Mary LaPlante Mr. & Mrs. J. Laurence Phalan Matt Welch Electric Co.
MARK JUBILEES: Marking silver jubilees in the religious life this month are Sister Lucille Robida, C.S.c. dean of students at Notre Dame College, Manchester, N.H. and Rev. Raymond Robida, M.S., superior of La Salette Seminary, East Brewster. They are the daughter and son of Mrs. Clara Robida, 18 Chatham St., New. Bedford, and the late Ludger O. Robida. Born in New Bedford, both attended St. Anthony parochial school and have served in many houses of their communities since entering religious life in 1948. A sister is Sister Yvonne C. Robida, C.S.C., principal of St. Anthony High School, New Bedford.
Raynham ST. ANN
$50 Joseph Scanlon Joseph Nardozzi Almon Turner $40 Edward Barry
$35 Joseph Mador
$25 Robert Gilmore, J. W. Latimer, Thomas .W. Whalen, Thomas J. Whalen, Ron Teofilo Manuel Gomes, Mrs. Sidney Roberts, Virgil Grignon, Elmer Sargent, George Boucher Arnold Colpitts, -Arthur Souza, William Rodgers
$40 Mrs. Joseph Lyons
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Gomes
$25 Mary Coughlin, Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Wilde Mr. & Mrs. John Marshall, Miss Mary K. Linehan William J. Lahey, Mr.' & Mrs. Carl Chace »
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Mieczyslaw Kuszaj Adolph & John Linek Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bentley Richard Januse
$25 "Doris Bartone, Joan Frazier, Patricia Frazier, P. Frank Leddy, Mary McNearney, Peter Shea Mr. & Mrs Richard Arcikowski Mr. & Mrs. Roland Chase, Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Lewis, Estella Margarido Mr. & Mrs. Joseph MGKenna Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nixon . ST. PAUL
$100 St. Paul's Holy Name Society Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Rennie
$50 S1. Paul's Women's Guild
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Spinelli Ernest Prado
$30 Dr. & Mrs. William Fountain
$25 In Memory of John & Mray Drugan Mr. & Mrs. Waldo G. Witherell Raymond D. Resto Mrs. Raymond D. Resto Mr. & Mrs. Lyman Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Mitton Mrs. Walter Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Paul Silva Mr. & Mrs. Walter Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. James Cole Mrs. Cora Smith
. $100 Mr. & Mrs. James B. Murphy
$50 I. C. I. America, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Deslauriers Mr. & Mrs. John Cassidy
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Norman A. Ross Dr. & Mrs. Charles Souza Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Rose
The Fall Ri\€r i'ust brings you
Saturllay ~ITU~ITU@
North Dighton ST. JOSEPH
$250 ./
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Murray
$75 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Secatore
All TEN banks
$50 Mrs. James Williams
will be open
from 9a.m. to 4p.m.
Walter Scanlon
All TEN banks
will be open with ,full service
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Ennes Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hebert Mr. & Mrs. Norman LaFrance Mr. & Mrs. Harold Mendoza Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Procopio Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Roberts Mrs. Raymond Simmons Mr. & Mrs. George W. Rodgers
$500 Rev. Joseph F. O'Donnell
$100 From a Friend Dr. & Mrs. Howard F. Carpenter
$50 .Clement Coughlin
MEMBER. Federal DepOSit InsurJnce Corp~~tlon • Federal Re)E;rve. System
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fpll River-Thur., May 24, 1973
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Gaudreau St. Vincent de Paul Society Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ehmann
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Laurendeau Joan Ehmann Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Hart
Last year, I was asked to address a mother-daughter brunch and, since my' daughter was invited, I asked her if she would like to speak on behalf of the daughters. She agreed and togethe'r we ·worked out the following definias the mother sees it and Sarah read it and -did the followup as the daughter sees it. It was a lot of fun and I offer it to you mothers to try with your children. A daughter is someone who
eats pe,!-nut ;butter on her toast for breakfast, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch and then, when she goes to a restaurant for dinner, she asks, "Do you have' anything with peanut butter here?" A mother is someone who eats diet food all day so she can eat popcorn and pie all night. A daughter is someone who combs and combs her hair and when it is just perfect, she goes outside and hangs upside down from the trapese. A mother is someone who goes' to the beauty shop to have her hair frusted so the grey won't show. We'll See J\ daughter is someone who
$125 .
The Mattes Family; 1
George Considine
$45 Dr. Denis D. Brault
$32 Allua Family Mr. & Mrs. Antone Costa Jr.
$30 Mr. & Mrs Weber R. Torres Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Wojcik
Potter Funeral Service Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wilcock
$30 The Silva Family
NCCS Appoints New Directolr
WASHINGTON (NC) - Alioe Collins, who has made a career of serving U. S. armed forces personnel, has been named execST. JOSEPH utive director of the National Catholic Community Service. $50 Miss Collins succeeds Michael Fairhaven Mortuary Inc. E. Menster who was recently / $35 named acting National Executive Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Walsh Director of the United Service $30 . Organizations, Inc. (USO). Mr. & Mrs. Louis Doucette The appointment was made by $26 the NCCS board of trustees and Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Barton announced by the organization1s $25 executive, committee.. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hogan The National Catholic CommuMrs. Lucy Stevenson nity Ser,vice, established by the M~.. & Mrs. Arlindo Dias Jr. Catholic bishops of the United States in 1940" .is one of the Acushnet founding sponsors anQ member agencies of the USO. It supplies ST. FRANCIS XAVIER directors and professional staff $75 workers for USO operations in A Friend nearly 100 communities in the $50 United States and overseas. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gronlund Before :joining the national $45 headquarters staff of the NCC$ Anonymous in Washington last July, Mis,s 1$25 Collins was a USO. director and Mr. & Mrs. Rodolphe Arcouassociate director in five states ette Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. and two European countries. She Bosse, Mr. & Mrs Romeo Comeau was usa director in Rome from Mrs. & Mrs. LEio N. Coons, Mr. & 1964 to 1972. Mrs. Manuel Jardin &·Amelia E. In her NCCS assignment durLeconte ing the Pilst year Miss Collins Mr. & Mrs. Paul Robert, Mr. has been responsible for the de& Mrs. Rofand Robillard, Mr. & velopment of new programs. She Mrs. Bernard Rossi, Mr. & Mrs. also represented NCCS on usO William J. Ve"ary inter-agency committees, and was edito~ of Program hy Pros, the usa professional journal. New Bedford
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Moitoza Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cambra Mr. & Mrs. Francis Cutner Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mendes Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. ,Braga Antone Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Loranger $40 Mr. & Mrs. David Buckley
$35 , St. Vincent de Paul Conference St. George Church
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Alford Dy-son, Mrs. Alice Harrison, Holy Name SoCi. ety, St. George Women's ·Guild St. George Couples' Club, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Stebenne, William Rodgers
$100 Rev. Edward J. Byington
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Rose
South Dartmouth
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Evans Lava. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Barboza I
Mrs. Mary Brown, The Cronan Family, The Welch Family, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dewey Mr. & Mrs. WaIter WaItman, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Brezinski Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Alegi HOLY FAMILY
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Brassard
$75 Mrs. 'William Loughlin
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Hicks Dr. & Mrs. John Dias Dr. & Mrs. Peter Horan
North Dartmcluth
$28 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Pimental
Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. John Botelho, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Carreiro, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cataldo Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Dlugosinski ' Mr. & Mrs. Alex GOlJsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Leo R. Grenon, Mr. & Mrs. Albert L. Labrie, Mrs. Stella M. Pacheco, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bouley
Mr. & Mrs. James P: Silvia
Mr. & Mrs. John L. MacNeil
Rev. Msgr. E. S. de Mello
L. Grosso
Marion $125
$25 .
says, "Oh, mother," .when shc really means: "How' dumb." . A mother is someone who says "We'll see," when she really means, "No." , A daughter is someone whose room is a disaster area, who's two weeks behind in piano practicing, and who says, "There's nothing to do." A daughter is someone who pretends to hate brothers, frogs and' horror movies but really loves them. A mother is someone whose desk is a disaster area,' who's two weeks behind in her ironing and who says, "Sure, we'll be glad to do it." _ A mother is someone who pretends to hate whiskers, chocolate candy and giggly girls but rea,))y loves them. Forgetful' A daughter is someone who writes urgent notes like, "Mom, don't let me forget to take my library boo\( tomorrow. Don't forget!!!" And then she forgets to put the note on her mother's pillow. A daughter is someone who brings her mother hems to be lowered, tears to be kissed away, and hours of unforgettable joy. A mother is someone who brings her daughter dishes to be washe-d, worries to be laughed away, and hours of unforgettable joy.
$60 '
Daughters Resemble Moms Despite Generation Gap tions. I wrote the -definition
New Bedford
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lemieux St. Vincent de Paul Society
$200 Rev. John F. Hogan
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Toomey Mr. & Mrs. Emmett P. Almond Mr. & Mrs. M. Gonsalves
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Domenic Catalano Mr. & Mrs. Armand Coelho Ghilardi Family Mr. & Mrs. Laurent Guillette Mr. & Mrs. Henry K. Healey ST. JAMES
$450 Rev. Thomas F. Daley
$100 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Taber Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Parsons
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Perry Coholan Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Cotnoir
$35 Mrs. Leo M. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Francis Roach Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Worden
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kenney Mr. & Mrs. James .Giblin Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fontaine Louis Rita Dorothy Baldwin
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Freddie Groves Mr. & Mrs. John C. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Arthur· Murdock Mr. & Mrs. Francis Motta Mr. & Mrs. James Bolton John Quinn Helen Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Norman Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Lionel' Sears . Mr. & Mrs. Andrew O'Neil· Mr. & Mrs. John Sylvia Mrs. Armand Langis & Jane ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST
$100 Rev. Ronald Sylvia Rev. Jose A. F. dos Santos CM
$75 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Martin
$50 Dr. & Mrs.. Manuel DeMello Mr. & Mrs. Harry' Dunham Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vera
. $30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferreira Fernando Tavares
$25 In Memonry of Mary C. & Gilda P. Arruda Mr. & Mrs. Frank Edwards, Mr & Mrs. John Felix, Rosalie Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Freitas, Gracia Toyota Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Grota, Mr. & Mrs. Celestino Macedo, Mrs. Evelyn Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Perry, Eva L. Sylvia
Mr. & Mrs. Aldege Cote
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Bonneau ST. HEDWIG
Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Kelley
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Morelli
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Souza, Mr. & Mrs.. Dennis Wong, Mrs. A. C. Wobecky, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hill, Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Rene L. Bouchard, Dr. & Mrs. Philbert Silvl~ira, Mr. & Mrs. James Sherrington Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kulesza & Son
$25 Mrs. Priscilla Bates Anonymous (2) ST. HYACINTH St. Vincent de Pilul Society
$25 Valmore
S.E. Massachusetfs Finest Food Stores!
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Geagan ~ $30 _ Desmond Mnrnhy
The Misses Helen & Margaret Gamble
$25 Mr. & Mrs. John Maloney
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Harry O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. John Saunders St. Mary's Guild Mrs. Louis Vieira Mr. & Mrs. John W., Saunders
Contractors Sfnce1913
$125 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Bourgault
$105 ' James Finn'
699 Bellville Avenue New Bedford
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur:, May 24, 1973
We Pay Tribute to Those Who Gave Their Lives
• • •
Today we pause to remember
with gratitude and respect . . . ~he men throughout this nation's .....:-;... .... .... ,'.~
history who answered the call to
arms and lost their own lives so that we can live in freedom and dignity. Today we count our blessings; we also consider their cost. Nobody ever said it better than Abraham Lincoln: II • • •
from these honored dead we take
increased devotion ... to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotio~."· Today let's p'ledge ourselves to just and lasting peace.
This Message Sponsored by the Following Individuals and Business Concerns In The D'iocese of Fall River Cape Cod and The Islands BASS RIVER SAVINGS BANK
New Bedford
... r ..
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., May 24, 1973
The Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than pa~t events.
Says It's Simple Proces\s To Layer Azalea, Bushes By Joe and Marilyn Roderick
The' time of y~ar has come when azaleas are in bloom; and they are something to see. There is no flowering shrub which has such an overall effect; azaleas supply a-burst of color which is delightful in early Spring. Most of the azaleas can be easily reproduced from healthy mother cookbook, read it carefully and get discouraged at failures. plapts by layering. We have don't I'm sure even Julia Childs has suggested that people re- her off days."
produce their azaleas but we are constantly told that they have no idea how to go about it. The process cannot be simpler and is one which is relatively foolproof. This works with lowgrowing, hushy varieties that can be rooted in the ground while. still attached to the mother plant. Takes Year or Two Merely take a 'branch growJng close to the. ground and away from the front of the bush and bury it in soil an inch or two below the surface. Mound good garden soil over it and place a large rock over it to anchor it in place. Leave it in this position for a year or two and then test it by pulling it up slowly to see whethE;)r or not it is rooted. If it is, it can be cut from the
mother plant and moved to its own location in the gal'den. A better method, but one which I find unnecessary, is to make a thin incision in the branch you select for ·rooting, add a dab of rooting hormone and mound it under soil as in the above. Using this m~thod, my father and I have managed to reproduce almost every variety of azalea we have purchased. I have never attempted to down even my azaleas, but they require airlayering which is another process altogether. The value of being able to reproduce your azaleas cannot be overstressed. Not only do you save money but more importantly you are able to coordinate colors of the same varieties for a greater effect in the garden. In the Kitchen It doesn't seem possible that it was only 15 years ago that I ventured forth ,into the kitchen to learn how to boil more than water. My mother was and is a housewife who didn't encourage her daughter to spend her spare time cooking. Probably, as I look back now, she realized that I would have many years ahead to spend at that. hot stove.
But my husband who encouraged me to learn cooking and atempted to down even my worst concoction, and that helped me start on my kitchen duty with an open mind and an eagerness to .Jearn. This; coupled with a natural' love of cooking that I didn't know I had, made me turn on to the Kitchen rather than turn off.
There'll be a large number of girls facing just this experience when June rolls around and tne month of brides brings forth a whole new batch of' first-time cooks. If I had any "less than sage" advice for these young females just starting out in the kitchen I would say "Get yourself a &ood
Be Exact
Priest Publishes Book of POe.,ns
Anot'her important ingredient in learning to cook is to fo\low a recipe exactly. There will be NEW YORK (NC) - A priest plenty of time later on to get known throughout much of thz creative but unless you have a English-speaking world as the solid' foundation of facts and translation editor of "The DOCLl' techniques behind you, constant ments of Vatican II" has com, failure. will discourage even the pleted a ~ook of 'poems. most c r e a t i v e . ' The poet is Father Joseph GalFor those women who have a - lagher of Baltimore, whose mother or mother~in-Iaw who "Painting on Silence: An Orchescooks some dishes very well, I tra of Poems" will be published would adVise them to swallow June 5' by Exposition Press in their. pride and ask for some New York. pointers. I suffered more crust Father 'Gallagher served for failures than I would care to some years as consulting editor mention until I got smart enough and later .as executive editor of to ask my mother-in-law (who The Catholic Review in Baltihas a magic touch when it comes more. He: now teaches literary to ·pastry). Why not learn 'from subjects at St. M'lry's Seminary those around you? and University in Baltimore. Enjoy cooking! It can be fun, His translations for. "The Docit's creative and it's something uments of Vatican' II" brought you're faced with almost every him the National Catholic Boolt day in the week, so why make Award. His other books includ.e it drudgery? "The Christian Under Pressure" This is a recipe I've had so and "The Story of Baltimore's long it's turning yellow with age, New Cathedral." but it's still a very good one. He has written widely for encydopedias, ,magazines and newsScallops Broiled in Garlic Butter .papers. , His new book of 112 pages 2 ·Iarge doves garlic, peeled was descrJbed by Josephine and % 'pound butter or mal'garine Jacobsen, a poetry consultant fO.r the Library of Congress, a heart1 % Tablespoons minced chives warming 'and p!,!rfectly delightful or onions 2 Tablespoons chopped pars- experience, in which skill, wit and insrght form a highly excepley tional whole. The book is funny, % teaspoon dried tarragon sad, and in its variety and hu% teaspoon salt manity, truly exhilarating. )~ teaspoon pepper 2 pounds scallops : 1) Brown garlic in butter and then'remove. Add onion and all $65 the seasonings. The Leblanc Family 2) Wash and rain the scallops. $50 Place in a flat ovenproof dish Mr. & Mrs. Laurier Cormier and pour the seasoned 'butter, Mr. & Mrs. Hilaire Tremblay over them. $40 3) Preheat broiler and then The Raphael Beaulieu Family broil about 3 minutes on each $30 side or until brown and bubbly. Lorraine R. C. Roy $28 Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Girard New Bedford $26 . ST. ANNE Mr. & ~rs. Armand Lafond $30 $25 Mr. & Mrs. Henri Constant Mr. & Mrs. Rene Dufresne $25 Mr. & Mrs. George Cote Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fontaine Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Carrier Mr. & Mrs. Victor Morency Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Sylvia Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Powell Mr. & Mrs. Roger Quintin ST. ANUiONY OF PADUA Mr~ & Mrs. Maurice Robillard $25 ,Mr. &- Mrs. Isidore Viens Alfred Gauthier Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Barber David Dumais Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Methot Alma Dufour Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Begin ST. JOSEPH Mr. & Mrs. Herve Couture $300 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Braga . Mr. & Mrs. Francis 'Sullivan Mrs. Sylvio Lecomte $250 Mr. & Mrs. R. L'Heureux Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Roy $135 Leadership . Mr. & Mrs. Francois Bouchard A leader has two important. $100 Mr. & Mrs. G. Albert Roy & characteristics: first, he -is go'ing 'somewhere; second, he is able Family to persuade other people to go Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dionne with him.-Robespierre Laura Denault 111"'IIIIIIIIIIUIl""lIImtllll~I'IIIIIIII1IIIII1IIIIII""111l"mlllll1I11111111I"'UII''''WIW1,,,j; ••
Masses "for Ascension Thursday will be celebrated at 4 P.M. and 7 P.M. Wednesday, May 30 and at 7 A.M., 9 A.M., 12:15 P.M., 4 P.M., 5 P.M. and 7 P.M. Confessions will be heard before each' Mass. The. feast of Espirito Santo will be celebrated the weekend of June 1 through 3. The Holy -Name Society will meet at a Communion breakfast following 8 A.M. Mass Sunday, June 10: The unit will sponsor a baseball trip to Boston Sunday, June 24. Tickets are now available from Manuel· Faria and Tony Michaels. Children of Mary will mark Fathers' Day with a breakfast following 8 A.M. Mass Sunday, June 17. Holy Rosary Sodalists announce a penny sale for 7 P.M. Friday, June 22 at the parish hall. The annual blessing of autos will take place at 1 Sunday afternoon in the church ,parking lot. OUR LADY OF VICTORY, CENTERVILLE The Women's Guild will hold its annual Communion banquet at Cummaquid Inn Monday, June 11 with ·Rev. George Coleman as featured speaker. New officers will be installed at the June meeting. They are Barbara Murphy, president; Mrs. Jeanne Duane, first vicepresident; Mrs. Dorothy Silvestri, second vice-president; Mrs.. Cathy McAlessse and Mrs. Diane Dupont, secretaries; Mrs. Carol Tenaglia, treasurer. The unit has contributed to Birthright of Cape Cod. IlmllUmmlllllrlttllllllll!lIlmmllllllllltll1,'UllllIlUlllUm,ummllllllllllll'lIl1IUllUlllllll
Mrs. Robert Levasseur & Family Mr. & Mrs. Leon Poyant Mr & Mrs Edward L. Raymond Mr. & Mrs. Donat Cormier Mr. & Mrs. Robert Masse Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Bernier Mr. & Mrs. R. St. Gelais Mr. & Mrs. Wilbrod Dufour Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Yates Mr. & Mrs. Leo Pelletier ST. MARY $1000 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Duchaine $100 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boldiga . $35 Mr. & Mrs. John Maguire $30 A Friend $25 Mrs. Vivian Wegrzyniak Mrs. Rose Harria
ST. KILIAN, NEW BEDFORD The Women's Guild announces a Maybasket whist for 8 Saturday night, May 26 in the school basement. Ms. Mary Swift is chairman. ST. JO~EPH, AITLEBORO Parish council elections will -be conducted 'by secret ballot at all Masses on the weekend of June 2 and 3. CYO members will hold a cake sale after all Masses this weekend to defay expenses of their activities. Knights of the Altar, together with 12 of their fathers will spend this weekend at LaSalette Seminary, Enfield, N. H. ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET Volunteers are needed for the lector and reader programs of the parish. They may -contact Rev. Robert McGowan or Leo Creamer for further information. ST. MARY, SEEKONK Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beliveau and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jennings will conduct a Marriage Encounter £,peakers' night at 8 P.M. Sunday, June 10 in the CCD hall. All area married couples are invited to attend. The program is nondenominational. NOTRE DAM~, FALL RIVER The parish choir has elected the following slate of officers for the coming year: Charles Lavoie, president; Mrs. Albert Petit, vice-president; Mrs.Normand Caston~uay, secretarytreasurer; Alcide Desmarais, librarian. Brother David J. Touchette is choir director and Mrs. Oscar .T. Barnabe, organist. OUR LADY OF FATIMA, SWANSEA A Marriage Encounter speakers' night will be held at. B P.M. Sunday, June 3 in the parish hf\11. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beliveau and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jennings will explain the nondenominational Encounter movement. All area married couples are invited to attend. ST. BONIFACE, NEW BEDFORD The Pilgrim Virgin statue will be at the chUl'ch from Saturday, May 26 through Saturday, June 2. Mass will be celebrated daily at 4:30 P.M., together with Marian devotions. Arrangements for the statue are. in' charge of Brother William Keene, SS.CC. and the Men of the Sacred Heart.
Mother I regard no man as poor who has a godly mother.-Lincoln
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$100 ST. LAWRENCE Mrs. Maria C. Ferro . $150 1V!:t. Carmel Women's Club Dr. & Mrs. William O'Donnell Mr. & Mrs: Virginio Macedo $100 $50 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Buckley Mr. & Mrs Hildeberto P. Sousa A Friend Mt. Carmel Conference of St. Rev. Thomas E. O'Dea Vincent Dr. & Mrs. Robert Durant Mr. & Mrs Lucilio M. Machado In Memory of Rev. William R. $35 Jordan Mt. Carmel Troop II Scouts & Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Koczera Parents Mary Downey Mrs. Madeline Estrella Dr. & Mrs. Robert Small $30 $75 Edward Joseph Ruth B. McFadden Mr. & Mrs, Antonio Carvalho $70 de Deus Mr. & Mrs. George McGovern Mr. & Mrs. Jose Pereira $60 Mr. & Mrs. John Silvia Jr. Mrs. Mary B. Wheaton $27 $50 Mr. & Mrs. Lauran Silva Mr. & Mrs. John Tierney $26 Margaret Austin Antone Felix Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kirkwood $25 Col. S. Ross Langlois Mt. Carmel Parent Teachers Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Long Association, Mrs. Priscilla Melo, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mahon Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vincent, Mr. Hope McFadden & Mrs. Arthur Caetano, Kath· Helen & Elizabeth O'Connor leen M. Bettencourt Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Smith Mr. &'Mrs Raymond Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. John Tierney Mr. & Mrs. Emidio Raposo, Mrs. A Friend Bertha Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel $35 Tavares, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Mr. & Mrs. Albert Anderson King Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Dumaine Mr. & Mrs. Jose Sousa, Charles Mr. & Mrs. Willis Goodwin Frates, A Friend (2), Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hunt Joseph Felix, Mrs. Evelyn Raposa Mr. & Mrs. James Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Ventura, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan Aristides Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Silveira OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION Mr. & Mrs. Charles Phelan $32 $100 Mr. & Mrs.. David Bancroft Mr. & Mrs. Robert Garrison $30 . Mrs. J. R. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Burke $40 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Loveridge OLOA Holy Name Society Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Macedo $35 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Curry Joseph M. Ramos A Friend (2) $31 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Burke Mrs. Palmira Silva M,rs. Edward Lyons $25 $27 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio M. DaCruz In Memory of Alan Moriarty Mr. & Mrs. Antone Gibau $25 Mrs. Charlotte F. Pena 'Mr. & Mrs. Harold Barton, Dorothy Lopes Mary Brimley, Laura Culhane, Ellen Downey, Margaret Downey HOLY NAME Mr. & Mrs. Edward Duffy, $120 Mary Duffy, D. L. Hathaway & . George Rogers Sons, Mr. & Mrs. John Hughes, $100 Mr. & Mrs. William H. King Dr. & Mrs. Frank Leary Paul LeBouf, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lemos, Joseph Meggison, Mrs. $25 Bernard Murphy, Ellen A. SulIn Memory of Adams & Whitlivan mer Family Mrs. Amrose Smith & Family, William & Mary Demsky Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan, Mrs, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Doyle George Breen, A Friend (2) Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fonseca Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fredette, Mr. In Memory of Mrs. Alice Hill & Mrs. James Gaughan, Helen Mr. & Mrs. Romeo J. B. MagF. Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Per- nant ry, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Touhey Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mullarkey Edward Smith Jr. SACRED HEART Mrs. Francis s. Sullivan $50 St. Vincent de Paul of Sacred Heart Parish Central Village $35 ST. JOHN BAPTIST Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Seguin $25 $300 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Desautels Rev. Cornelius J. O'Neill Mr. & Mrs. Francis O. Grenon $50 Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Peckham Dr. Peter Piccinini Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Trahan $25 OUR LADY 0J0" FATIMA St. John's Ladies' Guild $100 Rev. LeQnard M. Mullaney . $25 CONRAD SEGUIN Mr. & Mrs. Leo Doyon Mr. & Mrs. Roland Gaouette Jr BODY COMPANY Mr. & Mrs. Edward Geneste Aluminum or Steel Mr. & Mrs. Roland Poirier 944 County Street Mr. & Mrs. Francis SchellenNEW BEDFORD, MASS. berger 992·10618
Tact The general story of mankind will evtince that ,lawful and settled authority is very seldom reo sisted when it is well employed. ......Johnson
Westport OUR LADY OF GRACE $50 Rev. Rene R. Levesque $25 Marjorie Morin
Ocean Grove ST. MICHAEL $80 Rev. Edward J. Sharpe $30 Mr. & Mrs. John Szuba $25 Catholic Women's Club E. I. Creamer John Fallon Mr. & Mrs. Edward Thompson
Somerset ST. JOHN OF GOD St. Vincent de Paul Conference $100 Judge & Mrs. Milton R. Silva Holy Name Society
.$50 Mr. & Mrs. Frank V. Medeiros, Jr. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard A. Boucher Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Furtado
THE ANCHORThurs., May 24, 1973
ST. PATRICK $50 Carleton D. Boardman Vincent J. Riley $35 In Memory of Patrolman Roy L. Stout $25 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ferry, Armand Forand, Edward J. Leonard
$100 Mrs. S. C. Walters $35 Mr'. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan $30 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Paivao $25 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Evans, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Ferreira Mary McLeod St. Dominic's Women's Guild
$30 Mr. & Mrs. John O'Brien John O'Neil $25 John Clorite, Mr. & Mrs. Gil· hert Leonard McClellan Fuel Company. Inc.
Swansea .ST. DOMINIC
$35 Walter Shoemaker Family $25 Joseph A. Duquette, Joseph H. Belahger, Michael Kirkham
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The Rev. Monsignor Raymond T. Considine Diocesan Director 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., May 24, 1973
KNOW YOUR FAITH God~-The Judge!'
God Judges With Love
"He will come to judge the. ,iving and the dead." With these .Jr like words, Christian creeds jirect our faith to the final ac)ion of Jesus Christ in the mys;ery of salvation.
We know that God will be our Judge. That may not sound like a very happy thought with which to bring to an end this series of meditations on God's titles. But it is very true. And it is, after all, the truth with which our lives will end. It is just as well to face it.
All the other titles we have looked at so far have turned out to be facets of God's love. ChI1istians often forget that fhe sam~ thing is true of God our Judge. His justice and his judgment need not be frightening things, they too are one more side of his all-encompassing love. God our Judge is the same God we have known as Shepherd, Bridegroom and Father. Even in the Old Testament, the day of judgment to come is not a time of terror for God's people. Israel looks forward to it as to a time of vindicat,ion. Those who have trusted in God will not be confounded. All the world will see that they were right~their God is King, and he· will show himself faithful to those he has. chosen.
SHARING OF JOY: "Then shall all the. trees of the wood sing for joy before the Lord, for he comes, ..." A motorcyclist rears up joyfully among trees which seem to share his happiness. NC Photo.
The reaotion to the idea of God's judgment has been and 1 till remains rather gI1im and frightening. For many preachers 1hroughout the ages, it has been the 1:ruth introduced by God and faith to "counterbalance" an ex(essive optimism or smugness , bout being saved. And for many Christians, unfortunately, the linage of God the Judge is best r ut off until tomorrow or forgott3n altogether. In some ways, however, we rlUst deal wHh the idea of a di\ ine Judge. The immediate imJ: ulse is to associate him with the courtroom, the agonizing J: rocess of prosecution and de.f ~nse ane!- th~ uncertarinty in-
valved ·in allowing a jury or judge to sort through the evidenceand pass judgment. If divine Judge and judgment mean anything, they mean none of these things. As Judge, God is the final and only aI1biter of right and wrong, true arid false, law and disorder. More importantly, he 'is the creator of the right, truth and law on whioh justice <is decided. But he is more than Judge too. Self-Knowledge He is the transcendent master of this world, the loving savior of men, and our shepherd and Fa'ther. If Judge "counterbal· ances" these truths to suoh an extent that they are cancelled out or erased, then our understanding of this Judge is faulty. If he is, then our response to him has to be one of gratitude and joy-not fear and trembling. What is dear from this v,iew of God as Judge is the part played by man. Guided by consoience or the demands. growing out of faith, man really knows where he stands with this Judge. Such knowledge of innocence and guilt, of course, is possible even in our human courts, but for various reasons men will insdst on their 'innocence and do everything to avoid being found Turn to Page Seventeen
a Just JQdge
the Lord, for he comes, for he idea come's out even more . I had just finished a lecture fearful rimage of God to her early come to judge the earth. dearly, bec1iuse,as John's Gos- on "God." It was part of a teach- religious education, but Who can "Let the heavens be glad and "He will judge the world with 'Pel puts it: i'the Father judges no e: training program for volunteer say where the seeds of fear wer.e let the earth rejoice; let the sea righteousness and the peoples . one, but has given all judgment c Itechists. My talk traced sown. roar, 'and all tha't fills it; let the In any event her situation with his truth." (Psalm 96, 11-13) to the Son" (John 5, 22). God t lrough the Bible and later trafield exult and everything in it! d itJion the fundamental Judaeo- made me reflect on how we prewill judge us only through Judgment: Hope "Then shall all the trees of Christ, and Christ is our Savior. Christian conv.iction that God is sent God as a judge to children, the wood sing for joy before the In the New Testament this He will judge us only through a God of 'loV'e, compassion, and adolescents, and adults ,in the bis Son, but "God sent the Son c Ire. I had explored traditional various forms of catechesis. rinto the world, not to condemn s: rmbols that suggest God's good- . There is no avoiding the fact the world, 'but 'that the world n ~ss toward all that he creates: that the Judaeo-Christian tradimight be saved through him" " 5hepherd," "Father," Brkle- tion-incl'Uding the teachings of g·oom." Jesus .lin the Gospels - portray (John 3, 17). God as a judge. He is always deThat is Why the New TestaCharles Mahon, editor of the I have tried throughout to scrIbed as a "just" judge, whose Catholic Virgin'ian, a diacesan 'combine theory and practice, the ment attitude, 100kJing f.:>rward. passion for justice is tempered newsp~per subscribing to the abstract and the concrete, what to the reaHty of judgment, is by his compassionate mercy. By Know Your Faith religious edu- ought to be and what aotually is. not fear and terror, but longing Matthew's Gospel caNon series, suggested to me To achieve this and to ,insure a and hope. The Book of RevelaThe religious educator cannot the other day that an article certain variety of approach, my tion describes how the last days FR. CARL J. hedge on this. God, the. Father giving the overall "raison d'etre" columns' fall into several cate7 will shake all the powers of this of Jesus, 'is the judge of the livPFEIFER, S.J. world. In the last chapter of the for this column on the liturgy gories. . ing and the dead. The seriousbook, Jesus i says: "Behold ,I am would be helpful to readers. -Renewed Liturgies ness of thris judgmental role is coming soon, bringing my rec-A descrip~ion of rites and de· sensed in the dramatic descripompense, 1:0 repay every one accrees from official sources. These tion of judgment found in Sot. ,cording to his works." And the As I was packing up my notes ·important texts gene'rally make proper response of the Christian aJ ter most of the teachers had Matthew's Gospel, Chapter 25. By pretty dull newspaper reading, follows at ronce: "Come,. Lord Ie ft the auditorium, a middle- The good are separated 'from the ! but they do exert a significant wicked and· sent to unending Jesus." FR. JOSEPH M. aged woman came up to me. She effect upon Roman Catholic worhappiness or horror. Shun Fear hud tears in her. eyes, and h!1d ship in the United States. To· Perhaps the key to presenting CHAMPLIN As Luke· i21 puts it: "When ohviously waited until almost God as judge without instilling ~eep readers informed and espe· cially to give priests and all these things begin to take place, e1'eryone had gone. irrational fear of him lies in "F,a'ther,", she said, "your de- pointing out that judgment is others actively involved in plan- 'look 'Up and raise your heads, bening or executing par,ish liturgies cause your redemption is draw- sc ription of God was very beau- really made by oneself, by one's The paragraphs which follow an easily available, popularly ing near." i ti'uI. But I can only feel fear personal moral choices. God ofwm attempt to do that. It seems, written source' of such informaHow is all this -possible? Is tc ward God. I know with my fers love, forgiveness, seven incidentallY,an appropriate time tion, I include as the occasion judgment then not really a "day mind that he is good, but my times seventy chances. But each to stop and offer a long range, dictates a digest of recently is..: of wrath, a dreadful day" as we feelings react to him orily as a person has the capacity to block general view of this column sued documents. used to. hear sung at funeral judge who is watching my every off Gael's offer of love through which seeks to link worship and Over the past five years we Masses? "Ev¢n the just shall fear m:>ve." sin: through selfishness. God will the world, liturgy and life. I say have seen many of these revised that day" according to the Dies The pain she so obviously. felt not force man's freedom. His atIrae. that because it began in Decem- rituals published by the Holy See tcuched me deeply. For what- titude is constantly open, posiber, 1969, has run for nearly 200 and author.ized in an English verAccording' to the New Testa- e\ er reasons,God was to her tively trying to share himself weeks and next week heads into· nacular version by our American ment, God does not wa:nt the 01' Iy a judge, and a demanding with man. a new summer s~ries . Turri to Page Seventeen Turn to Page Eighteen ju1ge at that. She attributed her Turn to Page Eighteen .. ,1;.
An Overall View
THE ANCHORThurs., May 24, 1973
Hopes Jesuits Will Keep Ignatian Tradition Alive
God Judges
The Time cover story on the Jesuits was one of the better pieces ,of religious journalism that has emerged in the popular press in the last decade-though since Mayo Mohs took over as religion editor of Time that journal has been remarkably free of the . stereotypical cliches about are "concerned" is obvious changing Catholicism, which enough; they' certainly tell us that tn every one of their press have become part of the releases. It is much more diffi,journalistic conventional wis<10m. One' need only compare the Time article on the Jesu.its with
Gary Wills' notorious Playboy piece (which many say led to the closing of Woodstock Collegeone supposes that Mr. Wills is happy for at least hav,ing gotten his revenge on his novice master). In Time, the complexity, the pluralism, the conflicts, the problems, the possibilities of contemporary Jesuit life were, ,I thought, treated in a sophisticated and balanced fashion. I'm an outsider, of course, and couldn't say for sure, but most of the Jesuits I know were satisfied and even pleased with fhe article. 'New Jesuits'
cult, as a Jesuit sociologist remarked to me somewhat cynicalIy, "to tell what it is that COlicerns them." One thing that does not seem to be on their list of priorities, alas, is concern for responsible, careful, and dispassionate schol·· arshi<p. Gary Wills tells us that John Courtney Murray is pass::! ~indeed, more than that, he was the "theologian of the cold war." No doubt about it, John Murray would have had no place at the Center for Concern. But ·if younger Jesuit scholars wish to fallow the academic fashions of a couple of years ago, they will not cease to be Jesuits or part of the Jesuit tradition for that reason. The real problem for the Society-or so it seems to an uninvited outsider - is whether it can become more pluralistic, more flexible, more sophisticated. in meeting the challenges of ,the contemporary era without at the same time condemning, much less losing, traditions that have held ,it together and made such a glorious contribution to the Church and to humankind.
YOUTH LECTOR: "After 17 years of teaching religion . to both the very young and the mature adult, I am more convinced than ever that the story, for example, the flesh and blood illustration is' needed in class to hold interest and cc;>mmunicate. a principle under discussion." A teacher in Louisville uses a live example to show children how Education A!,ostolatc to read Scripture at an upcoming Mass for First CommuniI didn't become a Jesuit most- cants. NC Photo.
I like Jesuits; I studied willi them for seven years, and was ly because I didn't want to benever particularly tempted to come a high school or college become one of their number, yet teacher (and the Lord God YahI always had a profound respect weh is probably still !Iaughing at for their spirIt and their work. that!). But I had no doubt then I have watched with dismay the and less now that the educationcrisis the Society has gone 'al apostolate of the Jesuits in the through in the past decade, and United States was an extraordiread with sinking heart the vari- narily generous, imaginative, creous articles by the "new Jesuits," ative, and successful enterprise. descr,ibing what being a Jesuit If that apostolate is to be mod- \ meant to them, articles which ified to meet the needs of changwere generally written just be- ing. ciroumstances, I shall not fore the Jesuit in question an- complain; but if that apostolate nounced his intention to leave is eliminated, and eliminated parthe pries~hood and get married. . ticularly on the grounds that it I have always been shaken up was worthless, then I am sorry, by the periodic stories in The my Jesuit brothers, ,I shall be New York Times about Jesuits very angry at you. becoming interior decorators, What's more if Jesuits move sta1ge designers, directors of unmore and more into the fine and derground movies or political lively arts, I shall clap my hands candidates. I don't mind particwitJh enthusiasm and mutter sotular priests or Jesuits engaging to voice, "I told you ten years in that sort of activity; what troubled me was that ~any of ago that you should be doing just that." But if they forget that the priests in question seemed for several decades Amerkan gl.ib and facile in writing off the Catholic intellectualism was virwork that had been done by tua11y indistinguishable from the their predecessors. Society of Jesus, and if they abandon that element of their It was not merely that no one wanted to be a high school tradition that was so brilliantly teacher any more. It seemed that represented by John Murray and no one respected the work that Gustave Weigel, and Joseph the high school teachers used to Flichter, I for. one will be' .hopdo-and of course that some ping mad. continue to do. Cavorting around 'J1he Time t8rticle suggests that town playing Harlequin was "witJh it." Being in a classroo!ll in the midst of all the filuidity and the friction, the spirit of St. all day with adolescents was Ignatius of Loyola is still' alive passe. One would like to think and well. I certainly hope so. The there was room for both. . Ignatian tradition is 'not mine, but it is one that I value and Glorious Contribution respect, and I think the Church Then there ,are the younger would be poorer without it. Jesuit scholars at the so-called © 1973, Center for Concern. That they . , Inter/Syndicate
An Overall View Continued from Page Sixteen bishops. To cite a few of the major texts, we presently use a reformed Order of Mass, lectionary, rite for Baptism, marriage, funerals and Confirmation. This year Catholics in our country will 'also witness the introduction of renewed litur,gies for the Christian intiation of adults, anointing of the sick and, possibly, the sacrament of Penance. This column hopes to keep 'readers informed about these developments. .Work of Sharing A report on activities here at Holy Family. I would not want to give the impression of maintaining that our parish here in Fulton serves as a mod·el for others or that our Sunday and special occasion liturgies have an extraordinary character about them. Our church in fact is beautiful, the parishioners magnificent, and our celebrations, carefully done; praye11fiul, peaceful, relaxed, often very moving. But we form a quite ordinary Christian community, struggling like everyone week after 'Yeek to deepen our fa,ith and lintensify our love for the Lord and for all persons. When something "works" for us, I like to share this with readers, trusting they may find encouragement in the sometimes successful· efforts of a typical parish liturgy program. -A report on successful and imaginative liturgical celebrations in the United States. After 17 years of teaching religion to
both the very young and mature adult, I am convinced more than ever that the story, for example, the flesh and blood illustration is needed in class to hold interest and communicate a principle under discussion. Regular followers of this column will, I am sure, testify that I observe a similar approa,ch in my writing. Call the Columnist People normally enjoy hearing about specific instances of good liturgies. They want to know of worship experIences which actually "worked." From these successfully creative efforts, they can gain ideas and ~nspiration for their own parish, convent or school situation. Fortunately, those responsible for such fruitfiul programs have been most generous lin sharing these with me over the past four years. On trips for lectures or meetings throughout the nation I am always on the lookout, hoping to discover a unique worshiping community or learn of a particularly powerful liturgy which I can later describe to readers. At this time I would like to invite 'letters from persons who feel they have a liturgical event, or approach which might prove beneficial to other·s. Drop me a note at Holy Family Rectory, 45 West Fourth Street, Fulton, N. Y.· 13069. Please include details and your telephone number. In this way I can follow up more easily the especially promising suggestions orexperiences.
Continued from Page Sixteen guilty. In their hearts, they know whether or not they are innocent. Before God's judgment seat, this self-knowledge is all that will count. Process Divine judgment, is, first of all, a continuing, ever-present process. Through conscience and fa'ith, we place ourselves under our own and God's judgment of our infidelity to what is demaned of us. The fiinal judgment will not be a surprise, and we are not meant to live in dread of surprise or hidden evidence that will tip the scales of God's judgment. Secondly, for those who sincerely commit themselves to this Judge who wishes to show mercy rather than punishment, the judgment is one of vindication and salvation. We are not criminals fearful of the crushing verdict of the divine judge. We are his servants, loved ones, sheep, children. Only those who refuse the guidance of conscience and faith "have ,to fear God. But again the judgment 'is already present; the severe sentence of the just Judge will come as no surprise. This somber side to reality and to man's choices about his relationship with .God ~s not one that should instill fear in us, not df cur fidelity is sincere and constant. But it is a reminder that choice Hke judgment is a cont,inual reality. It also makes compassion and efforts for the converslion of sinners more than a pious platitude.
Posters Removed PALERMO (NC)-Posters advertising "Jesus Jeans" were ordered removed from walls in this Sicilian capital by a city judge on the grounds they are "contr·ary to morals" and show "contempt for religion."
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., May 24, 1973.
Elliott Reveals Untold Story of The Roosevelts In An Untold Story: The Roosevelts of Hyde Park (Putnam, 200 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 10016. $7.95. Illustrated), Elliott Roosevelt, assisted by James Brough, is not sounding a paean to his parents, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt On the other hand, the much tQuted in simuIa't'ion and dissimulation, clever in establishing a pubscandalous features of the and lic image at odds with the actubook are hardly mo"re than ality.
incidental. There has always been specuMr. Roosevelt asserts that, in lation concerning the Rooseve!.!s' writing this book, he -is moti- . attitude to AI Smith, the man vated by an anxious regard for who induced Franklin Roosevelt to run for the governorship of New York in 1928. EUiotl Roosevelt's testimony is that his father By had little if any ,real regard for Smith, who is here characterized RT. REV. as a "cigar-che.....,:ing Catholte." Can you imagine anything worse? MSGR. On ,the basis of this outing. Elliott Roosevelt will get no high JOHN S. marks for piety. His protests of' KENNEDY delicate concern for veracity and "the American tradition of log cabin democracy" sound hollow. But he does give us at least some the truth. He wants to set the scraps of informaotion which record straight, and thus. serve modify the popularly received history. The President was not picture. "unbelievably great," his wife Always Be Kind was not "unfailingly gracious:' A polio victim who runs for They were "two real human be- the presidency and -is defeated, as 'ings." Well, that's mighty good the principal chara.cter in Wilfrid to know. Sheed's novel People Will 'AI· The marriage, opposed by the ways Be Kind (Farrar, Straus formidable Sara Delano Roose- and Giroux, 19 Union. Square, velt, was not for long a happy West, New York, N. Y. 10003. one. After 1918, says Eniott $7.95). Roosevelt, it was a marriage in This is not a book for the name only. Franklin Roosevelt squeamish or the suggestible. Its was attracted to other women, dialogue, its sexual passages, its and had long-term affaIrs with abrasiveness are I·ikely to give two of these, both Oatholic. offense to anyone not acclimated ,In some ways, the most impor- to the style of contemporary tant rela,tionship in Franklin Roo- fiction. . sevelt's life, according to his son, There are two sections, the was that with Louis M. Howe, ,first called "Backgrounder," the the ugly, unkempt former news- second "The Per~ins Papers." paperman who plotted RooseIn the first, an ebullient Irish velt's course ,toward the pres- . Catholic New Yorker, Brian idency. Howe had a principal Casey, aged 16, is stricken with part, too, in pointing Eleanor .polio. He is deterinined to overRoosevelt to 'Public life and pre- come Jts' effects. Home therapy pa,ning her ,for it.. fails. He insists on going to a Polio Siege southern hospital reputed' to ElJ:iott Roosevelt maointains work wonders. It· proves to be that his father and Howe were a nightmarish fraud. He then deaiming for the presidency for 20 mands to be sent to Lourdes; the years before the successful effort trip does not materialize. of 1932. They never considered He adjusts, more or less ragthat Franklin Roosevelt's severe ingly, to his extensive disability, crippling by polio in 1921' had returns to high school, goes on ended or would even delay this to Columbia, where he gets into que~t. In fact, their scenario was campus 'Politics. speeded; the year they had in Contradictory Qualities mind all along was 1936. Many years haVE! passed before As for the polio siege, the the beginning of "The Perkins book declares ,it a myth that "in Papers," supposedly the work of some mysterious fashion,polio Sam Perkins, just out of Harvard. .completely 'changed (Franklin By this time, Brian Casey is U. S. Roosevelt's nature) ... Through- Senator from New York, and a. out his adult life, his was the candidate for the· Democratic SaJITle, consistent personality ... presidential nomination. Perkins There was just one, purely 'Phys-. joins his staff as a speechwriter . icaldJifference: After 1921 he and campaign biographer. could not walk." He is fascinated. by Casey, by "Another legend, which per- his charm and his ,guile, his skepsists to this day, had it that a ticism and his f,aith, his cynicism_ devoted wife, with virtually no and his ideaHsm, his discernment· outside help, nursed her spi,ritless and hi~ brutality. Casey is a baf-. hus~nd )hrough the rav,aging ling mixture, of contradictory disease;" Not so. And Eleanor qualities, always taking oue by Roosevel,t is taxed Wlith spread- surprise, showing an unexpected ing an illusion about the circum- facet. stances of her husband's illness; In his try for the nomination, Eager for Pow_el' and then his bid for the presidenIndeed, the book is harder on cy, he'seems a combination of at her than on Franklin Roosevelt. least two recently prominent She is chal1ged with being consis- Democrats, but with qualities tently cold to her children; eager disUinctly his own, and of course for power (the euphemism for with some echoes of Franklin Roosevelt. ~hich is "public serV'ice"), expert
TAUNTON SERRANS HONOR BISHOP: Principals at the annual Bishop's Night conducted by the Taunton Serra Club were: Mr. & Mrs. John Pereira, president of the Taunton Serra Club; Bishop ( ronin and Rev. James F. Lyons, pastor of St. Mary's Parish, chaplain.
C;od is a' Just Judge Continued from Page Sixteen When, ~hro.ugh fully deliberate serious sin, man rejects God's gradous ~ove, he ·condemns him. self,to the ceaseless hell of aliCll'l· ation of lbneliness, of pain. God, the judge; can only confirm tha judgment already arr.ived at i11J the heart of each one. As Jesus describes the judgment, the judge brings to 'light what has already been accomplished-some lived as if only they mattered, closing their hearts to the sick, lonely, poor, and thus closing the:r hearts to Christ himself. Others
opened their hearts to God by reaching out to the needy.' Caring Father.
Knowing our own weakness, and God's deep care for us through J€SUS Christ, we need to help others 'grow dn an awareness 'of God as wholly good, totally committed to our hapoiness, but profoundly honest in respecting man's deepest free moral choices.
God, the judge of all mankind, is not an angry tyrant hurling poor sinners into the fires of hell. He is rather a deeply caring Father who respects each per-· son's freedom. As judge, God prouounces sen- tence in the sense that he ratifies a person's free choice - a free ohoice God"himself respects. Judgment reveals how seriously God respects' human freedom.
God·.. ·The Judge
Brian Casey fascinates and baffles th'e reader quite as much Continued from Page Sixteen as' he does Sam .Perkins. He has I the tang of reality and the lutl:1 just to fear that day. He wants of mystery. There are only hints them to know and to remember of ah explanat,ion, and the read. that as he h'ascreated them out er is Hk,ely to keep worryin·g of love, so he will judge them these long after he h'as finishe<S out of love. "Work out your salvation with reading this distinctive, superbly fear and trembling," says St. written, publishing book Paul (Philippians 2, 12). He , 'George M' wants us to he conscious of our' John McCabe, the perceptive author of George M. Cohan: TM weakness, eager for the gift of God's grace, "solicitous for every Man 'Who Owned liIroadw8l1 good work." (Doubleday, 277 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. 10017. $7.95. mus· Pauline View trated), says that the :invariab;e But' when we have done what inclusion: of an element of mys· tery in <I:ohan's plays accounts we could, when the past is t'efor the popularity of these light. 'hind us and God's judgment llies weight, hastily dashed off but ahead, then Paul reassures us: "There is, now no condemnation artful theatrical vehicles. Cohan i::tied more than 20 years for those who are in Jesus ago, and. his day of glory had . .. If God is for us, who can be then long since passed. Yet tlj) a'gainst us? .. Who shall bI'ling was a phenomenon worth re- any charge aga'inst God's chosen memberirig, and the author sug- ones? God, who justifies? Who gests that his best work could b~ shall condemn them? Christ Jesus? He who died, who was profitably revived. I wonder. His plays, ,if insubstanWll, raiS'ed up, who ·is at 'the right were notable for his apt use of 'hand of God and who intercedes the vernacular; their speech wM for us?" Then he wants us to go to direct, un:adorned, with a homely ring. They were skillfully paced. j'Udgment say;ing "I am certain He was an eX'traoidinaJ:ily gifted that ,neither death nor me, neither 'angels nor principaHprofessio~al, and .he workce hard. I • t'ies, neither the present nor the Mr. McCabe's book is no nos- future, nor powers, neither talgk puff, but a serious analysis height nor depth nor any other" of a magic which seldom fa'i1cd creature, will be able to 'sep" when the master was in form. It arate us from the ,love of God has vanished beyond retrieval or ,tha't comes to us in Christ Jesus, imitation. OUf Lord" (Romans 8,1.32-3538f.)
Fall River
ST. STANISLAUS $85 Mr. & Mrs. WaIter Goscimski $75 Joan M. Desrosiers $50 St. Stanislaus Women's Guild St. Vincent de Paul St. Stanislaus. Men's Club Mrs. Alice Kret '$25 Mrs. Elias Swidey Mr. & Mrs. Ted Waszkiewicz, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Forczyic, Mr. & Mrs. George Wrobel , Peter Hara'cz
The Vargas Oil Co. protects your family's heating comfort all year round. TRY US FIRST
Fall River
Thurs., May 24, 1973
eyo Track M'eet
$225 Dr. Daniel L. Mooney
Jun'e 17 at SMU
$100 Elizabeth M. Trainor Mr. & Mrs. H.' Frank Reilly Sacred Heart Women's Guild in Memory of May H. Healey
$75 Leonard J. Hughes
$50 Edward J. Delaney Mr. & Mrs. Antone F. Feno Jr. Crace L. Martin George Driscoll Margaret Morris
$45 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel J. Soares
$40 In Memory of Mary C. Dowd Michael J. Coughlin Mrs. Francis Dolan
$35 Catherine O'Neil john T. O'Neil Anna G. McCarty
$30 The Coughlin Family
William F. White Jr. Letetia A. Lynch, Mrs. John P. Fleming, Margaret Maynard, Mr. & Mrs. Omer Boucher, Mrs. Ruth Cutting John F. Coyle, Elizaeth Crowley, Mary Grandfield, Mr. & Mrs. James W. Steele, In Memory of Horace Hall Kathryn & Lillian Madden, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Beland, Dr. Edward J. Steinoff, Margaret F. Lenaghan . Mr. & Mrs. Edward Coogan, Mary Louise O'Sullivan, Geralcline O'Sullivan, In Memory of Mrs. Mary E. Gingras, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Donovan Mr. & Mrs. John Patota, Mr. & Mrs. ~homas J. Dolan, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Leger ST. ANNE
$250 Oominican Fathers
$100 St. Vincent de Paul Society (St. Anne's Conference)
$35 Dr. & Mrs. Alphonse V. Poirier
$32 Mr. & Mrs. Reginald BeIlerive
The Gauthier Family
FOLK PROGR~S: Rev. Andre Patenaude, M.S. with Folk Group of St. Patrick's parish, Somerset. Father Patenaude will appear with the group at St. Anne's School, Fall River, tomorrow night, and members will participate in a folk festival he is directing Sunday at La Salette Shrine, Attleboro.
Folksingers Schedule Busy Weekend It will he a busy weekend for Rev. Andre Patenaude, M.S. of La Salt;!tte Shrine, Attleboro. At 7:30 tomorrow night he will appear with the Folk Group of St. Patrick's' parish, Somerset, in "An Evening with Father Pat" at St. Anne's School auditorium, 240 Forest St., Fall River. The multimedia presentation. will feature compositions by Father Patenaude as well as by Rene and Louis Lepage, directors of the Somerset group. Proceeds will benefit St. Anne's School, and tickets will be available at the door. On Sunday the young La Salette missioner will direct the fourth annual Hillside Folk Festival at the Attleboro shrine, 'beginning at npon with a folk Mass. The Somerset group will also participate in this event. Meaningful Music Father Patenaude has planned
$25 . Aime Gamelin, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Pare, Mr. & Mrs. Andre PI'ante, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Sorel, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Toole Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Travers, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Tremblay Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Berube Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dupre Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Botelho Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hamel Mrs. Blanche Lapointe The Martineau. Family Imelda St. Georges Mr. & Mrs Bernard G. Theroux
$200'Rev. Antonio C. Tavar~s $100 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Just'ino Simoes
Father Patenaude was assigned to the La Salette Shrine in Attleboro as Music Director. Since then he has heen actively involved in the prayer and song programs at the Shrine. He has also sponsored Folk Festivals in Attleboro anq ,Enfield, N. H., has lectured extensively to Confra,ternity of Christian Doctrine groups and has provided music for ecumenical and other community and religious events in the area.
Very Rev. John J. Regan
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Camara, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sardinha
$100 $50 Atty. Frank M. Silvia Jr. Daniel E. Bogan
. $50
ST. JEAN BAPTISTE St. Vincent de Paul Store A Fl1iend
Cathedral Men's Club Sarah Booth Mrs. Joseph 'Lawlor Mrs. Charles M. Connor, William P. O'Brien, Mrs. Stephen O'Toole, Mrs. Eugene R. Ponton, Walter TOl1phy
Actor An actor is a public instructor. -Euripides
$300 Rev.' Joao V. Resendes
$25 D. Rapoza NOTRE DAME
$100 Rev. Thomas E. Morrissey
$50 Dr. & Mrs. Adelard Demers, Jr.
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Fournier
Sturtevant (, Hook
In Loving Memory of Richard N. Pinsonnault .
$25 St. Mathieu's Council of Catholic Women ST. PATRICK
Est. 1897
Builders Supplies
New Bedford
2343 Purchase Street
67 Middle Street, Fairhaven
$100 Rev. Maurice R. Jeffrey
A Friend
Mrs. Eugene J. Dionne & Fam-
Lt. Col. & Mrs. J. Abdullah, Mrs. August Badway, Mrs. Louis Badway, Mr. & Mrs. Salli Shaker, Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Sweet Mrs. Viola Badwey
$25 St. Jean-Baptiste Guild, A Friend
Cladre O'Toole Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Russell
Helen McAvoy
Dr. & Mrs. Amine Maalouf Anonymous
$200 Hon. James P. McGuire
S.M.U.'s track in North Dartmouth will be the scene of the second annual C.Y.O. Diocesan Track Meet scheduled for 1 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, June 17. New Bedford Area C.Y.O. will be the host for the event. Entries will be accepted from the Fall River, Attleboro, Cape, Taunton, New Bedford, and Somerset-Swansea Areas. Contestants will ,be chosen by ·area C.Y.O. directors and coaches. Any performer born after January I, 1954 will be eligible. . Running events include the 100 yard dash, the 220, the 440, the 880 relay, the mile, and the two mile. IField events include the discus, the long jump, the triple jump, the shotput and the high jump.: Awards will be presented to the first three in each event and the winning relay squad. A special trophy will he awarded to the outstanding performer of the meet and the Bisho;> Daniel A. Cronin Trophy will be won by the area with the highest point total. Area entries for Fall River must be received by Rev. Paul F. McCarrick, Diocesan C.Y.O. Director, by June 11 tho The same date applies for all areas. AtNeboro Area: Father Donold Bowen, St. Mary's, Norton. FaIl River: Durfee Cooch Reginald }lela,gio. New Bedford Area: N. B. High Coach John Pontes. Cape Cod Area: Coach John Carroll of Lawrence High, Falmouth. Taunton Area: Dr. Michael McCarty, Coyle-Cassidy coach. Somerset-Swansea Area: Coach Robert Lane, Somerset High.
Rep. & Mrs. James A. O'Brien
Rev. Norman J. Ferris
Rev. Laaureano C. dos Reis
. $100 Dr. & Mrs. Andre Nasser
the ecumenical festival as an e~position of contemporary folk music used today in all ·faiths. He says, ",Folk music is terribly honest and, therefore, meaningful if one takes the .time to study the words and absorb their meaning." , A native of Fall River, Father Patenaude is the son of Mrs. Jeannette and the late Armand Patenaude. His mother still resides in the city. After his ordination in 1969,
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Eagan
$26 Mr. & Mrs. Benoit Canuel
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Archambault, Jesse Carvalho, AnLbal G. Lage, Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Machado, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel F. Martins Mrs. Herculana· Raposa, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Victor, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vioak
$250 Rev. Daniel L. Freitas
$35 St. Vincent de Paul Society
$25 Anthony Rodrigues & Family, St. Elizabeth's Guild, St. Elizabeth's Holy Name
.In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. George V. Broderick
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Horace Travassos, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Silvia Ann L. Gavigan ST. WILLIAM
$75 Margaret Constantine
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Bernier
"Save Witll Safety" at
_. - •.•
Thurs., May 24, 1973
Fall River HOLY NAME
$200 Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Driscoll
$175 John J. Burke
$125 Mr. & Mrs. William E. Crowther
Mr. &' Mrs. Raymond Cheney Dr. & Mrs. Andre Nasser· John Ruane Mr: & Mrs. George Bolger
$75 In Memory. of Mr. & Mrs Louis B. Devine
$60 In Memory of John & Margaret McDermott
$50 Antonio R. Luongo Jr. Mrs. Michael Regan Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Picard
$35 Mr. &' Mrs. George Flanagan Joseph M. Reilly
$30 Grace Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Herman R. Menu
$25 The L'Archevesque Family, Mr '& Mrs. James Mulcahy, Helena Kelly, John T. Crowley,' Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kelly Mr. & Mrs. John F. McMahon, Mr. & Mrs. P. Henry Desmond, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Danis, Mr. & Mrs": Joseph Ryan, Mrs. Albert Davis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Hammond, . Mr. & Mrs. William C. Furze, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Gagnon, Mrs. Fred Brissette, Mr: & Mrs. John Kirkman '
GROUP A - Rustic Barbecue Table with 2 Side Benchesj 2 lounge Chairs and End Table - Everything Complete Only ~119
3 I)istinctiv~ Gr~~upiI1gs At :ONE LOW " PRI'C:E
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GROUP B -luxurious Chaise lounge with 2 matching Lounge Chairs in smart vat dyed prints and End Table Here is superb. comfort and quality at one low price. '
$30 A Friend Mr. John Mantez '
In Memory of Antone Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Almeida, Mr. Joao Borges Jr., Lucille. LeVasseur, Mr. Seraphim Machado Mr. Joseph Mantez, Mr. & Mrs. Jeremias Rego, Mr'. & Mrs. Francisco Silvia, Mr. Agostinho Viveiros Our Lady of Health Young, Mens Association, Mr. & Mrs. John Medeiros IMMACULATE CQNCEPTION
$100 In Memory of Thomas W. Newbury Sr. & Robert E. Newbury . .Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Doyle
GROUP C -!Handsome Settee with 2 matching lounge Chairs and End Table fl)r porch or lawn:
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$50 Immaculate Conception Men's Club
$32 ,
A Friend__
$30 Henry Lajeunes'se Mr. & Mrs. Paul. Hamel
$25 Atomic Fence Corporation, Mrs. Gladys Gonsalves, Edward Hennessey, Jeanne Lajeunesse, Charles B. Ney
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