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VOL. 45, NO. 21 • Friday, May 25, 2001


Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year

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, . TRAININ~ SES~IONS ~e~e.conducted ~t C?athedral Camp, East Freetown, May 17-18 ~s part of Bishop 0 Malley s I~h. From I~ft are facilitators:

VISion of establishing an RCIA program at each diocesan parRCIA Director Father Henry S. Dahl, Adult Education Director Lisa M. Gulino, Deacon Paul J. Macedo, and Forum team members Dolores Martinez Joanna , , Case and Father Rick Conway. (Anchor/Gordon photo)

Retreat enlivens RCIA

experience, advancement By MIKE GORDON ANCHOR STAFF

EAST FREETOWN - More than 70 people from 20 parishes arounQ the diocese gathered at Cathedral CamPfor a three-day retreat to learn more about establis,hing a Rite of Christian Initiation for

Adults team at their parishes and all benefited from the speakers and spiritual enrichment. The gathering was a chance for people to learn about the RCIA process and for those who have been inyolved with it previously ~o renew and l;lelp .' . Tum topage 16 -RCIA '.' : .:>", .

Diocese appoints· George Milot director ofEducation Department ~ Effective in January

The appointment will make

Education Center in Fall River.

2002, he becomes first Milot th~ first layperson to serve He will succeed Augustinian layperson to holdthe in the top education post in the Father William T. Garland, who post. . . ' diocese. has been asked by his order to By JOHN E.



FALL RIVERGeorge A. Milot, principal of Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro for the' past seven years, and previously principal of Bishop Stang High School in Dartmouth, will become director of the Diocesan Education Department in January 2002, it was announced by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFMCap.

become more directly involved in the functioning of his Province of St. Thomas of Villanova. Milot will vacate the principal's office at Bishop. Feehan in· June and then begin at the Diocesan Education Center where he will work with Father Garland through December. A search for a replacement for Milot is ongoing. It is anticipated that a new principal will be hired and in place at Bishop Feehan High GEORGE A; Tum to page 13MILOT Education

Milot will take on the education leadership role for Catholic schools in the Fall River diocese and the operation of the Diocesan



Appeal reaches $2M level FALL RIVER - Expressing cautious optimism, the leaders of the Catholic Charities Appeal report the 200 I campaign posting at the $2 million mark. i. In making their first formal report, Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, ~ director of the Appeal, and Michael J. Donly, diocesan Director ' of Development, said that while reaching the significant milestone, there is still much hard work ahead for pastors and parish communities across the diocese. The Appeal began on May 6 and will conclude onJune 13.. ''There are very few parishes from which we have not yet processed any returns and many pf the parish units have transmitted only their first report," Msgr. Harrington said. "We feel we still have that proverbial 'long way' still to go." Thediocesan.family is currently cQnducting its annual spring campaign to gather the resources needed for the myriad of pastoral initiatives, social service endeavors and educational programs which are conducted by the many agencies, institutions and apostolates of the diocese. "We have a sense that our efforts to inform our donors of the wonderful outreach of our agencies to families and individuals who are confronting sometimes very grave situations has trans- , lated into increased giving;' Donlyspeculated. Over the past several years, incre~sed efforts have been made to promote awareness of the scope of services provided, making use of printed materials, incJuding the "Sharings" publications which are circulated in all parishes, as well 'as audi9-visual initiatives. "Many people are amazed and moved by the variety of practical, helpful endeavors which we sponsor," Donly reported. "This, almost certainly, has led to increased levels of giving." Efforts have been made to enlist an army of volunteers in the parishes of the diocese to coordinate local efforts. "Many parishes are staffed with jiJst one priest and we are encouraging and facilitating committees to help with our effort and to make the job of the busy 'pastors a bit less burdensome,'" Donly explained. Reports from pastors and parishes in different sections of the diocese have been encouraging. Father Freddie Babiczuk, who is guiding three parishes in the South End of Fall River toward an eventual merger, was filled with optimism at the initial returns from both St. Patrick's and Our Lady of the Angel's communities. On busy Cape Cod, Msgr. John J. Smith, pastor of St. Pius X Parish in South Yarmouth, the perennial leading parish in Appeal returns, noted that even though a recent capital campaign had been conducted in that parochial community to help provide for a proposed new school, members of that parish have been exTurn to page 11 - Appeal

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Ch.arities Ap'peal video airs Mass for 'Rosary Priest' on local cable access channels set for June 2 in Easton THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., May 25, 2001

EASTON - As the proposed cause for his canonization moves forward, Holy Cross Father Patrick Peyton, the "Rosary Priest" and Catholic media pioneer, will be remembered in observance of the ninth anniversary of his death, at a memorial Mass June 2, at 11 a.m., in St. Joseph's Chapel of the Holy Cross Center. Holy Cross Father John Phalen, president of Holy Cross Family Ministries, will preside and preach at the Mass in the chapel next to the new Father Peyton Center, 518 Washington Street. A brunch-reception will follow in the Father Peyton Center. Prior'

to the Mass, Father Phalen will lead a public rosary at 10 a.m., at Father Peyton's gravesite in Holy Cross Cemetery. Both are adjacent to Stonehill College. Dedicated last November, the 22,600-square-foot Father Peyton Center is a pilgrimage and visitor's center and the international headquarters of Holy Cross Ministries, which is carrying on the work of Father Peyton' under the sponsorship of the Congregation of Holy Cross. For more information about the rosary and Mass on June 2, call Holy Cross Family Ministries, 508-238-4095, or 800-299-

FAll. RIVER - A special halfhour video program to celebrate the . 60th anniversary' of the Catholic Charities Appeal has been produced for airing on local cable access channels throughout the diocese. Hosted by Msgr. Thomas H. Harrington, ~tor of the Appeal, the program offers a look at many Appeal-funded endeavors through testimonies of those who have been helped by them. The often poignant stories shared by these individuals and families demonstrate the variety ofneeds that exist in area communities and how the Fall River diocese is able to re~ spond through the annual Charities Appeal.

David Fortin of New Bedfordbased Media Image Productions, Inc., produced the piece, using new footage along with video compiled over the past few years. Assisting him and Msgr. Harrington in its creation were Michael J. Donly, diocesan Development Director, and John E. Keams Jr., of the Diocesan Communications Office. The video is scheduled to air in area communities as follows: - Barnstable, Chatham, Dennis, Harwich and Yarmouth: on C3TV Cablechannel 17 on May 29 and June 5 at 11 a.m.; May 25, June 1 and 8 at 6:30 p.m.; - Dartmouth, Fall River and New Bedford:, cable channel 9 on

May 26, June 2, 9 and 16 at 6:00 p.m.; - Fall River: cable channel 98 on May 28 and June 4 at 5 p.m.; May 30 and June 6 at 2 p.m.; - Mashpee: cable channel 17, May 28, June 4 and 11 at 5:30 p.m.; - North Attleboro and Taunton: cable channel 15 on May 27 and June 3 at 8:30 p.m.; June I at 9:00 p.m. - Somerset and Swansea: cable channe19 on May 25 at 3:30 p.m.; - Westport: cable channel 17 on May 27 at 1 and 3 p.m.; June 3 at 6 p.m. It is expected that there will be additional airings, although they are not scheduled far enough in advance for immediate publication.

Mothers pledge t~ fight efforts Bishop to celebrate Mass to target children in advertisin'g 7729.

for Polish war veterans NEW BEDFORD - Bishop Father Roman Chwaliszewski, Sean P. O'Malley; OFM Cap., . OFM Conv., pastor of Our Lady will be the principal celebrant at of Perpetual Help Church and St. the 39th Annual Field Mass in Casimir Parish, will be the memory of Polish-American war concelebrant. veterans on May 28, Memorial The Mass is being sponsored Day, in Brooklawn Park. by the Polish-AOlerican World The open air Mass at 8 a.m., War Veterans Association and its will be said at an altar set up on Ladies Auxiliary. Prior to the Mass, veterans repthe hoods of two military vehicles within the park in New Bedford's resentative of three, wars will North End. march a short distance in the park, raise the Colors and place a wreath ,.~--------....~... at the Polish-American Veterans CAPE COD Monument.


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NEW YORK - A coalition of to all advertising, marketing and dollars each year to target our mothers, community activists and market research in schools; no children at theearliest possible age national religious and other lead- targeting of children under' age with the expressed intention of ers has urged the U.S. business eight; no product placement in training them to be lifelong con-I community to stop targeting chil- movies or TV shows aimed at sumers and making them feel that .dren and teens in their advertis- children or adolescents; and an end their worth as people hinges on ing and qtarketing. to ads that promote "an ethic of the products they buy," the state"For you, our children are cus- selfishness and ... instant gratifi~ ment said. tomers, and childhood is a 'mar- cation." The report was especially critiket segment' to be exploited, a Enola Aird of the Mothers' .cal of marketing and advertising 'demographic' for which you are Council of the Institute for Ameri- in schools, saying that it "comco'mpeting," more than 100 can Values, which released the promises and ultimately supplants women and their male supporters report, said it was designed to the moral authority of educators said in a report called "Watch Out move society away from the by constantly suggesting to stufor Children: A Mothers' State- ,"very dangerous direction" in dents that everything in life, even ment to Advertisers." . tHeir' educatiOn, is" ultimately which it was headed.' . The report, released recently The signers pledged to take about spinning and pitching and in New York, called for: an end steps in their own homes and com- soliciting." "From school buses covered munities to reduce and counter the effects of advertising and market- with ads, to book covers and day Daily Readings ing in children's lives. planners with commercial mesThe report' noted that more sages, to textbooks and other curActs 19:1-8; Ps May 28 ,than $5 billion is spent each year ricular materials sporting corpo68:2-5ac,6-7ab; on advertising and promotions to rate logos, to multimillion-dollar In 16:29-33 children. Children between the deals with soda companies, a May 29 Acts 20: 17-27; ages of four and 12 spent almost growing number of U.S. schools Ps 68:10-11,20$27 billion of their own money , are beginning to resemble com21; In 17:1-11a in 1998, it said. mercial bazaars," it said. May, 30 Acts 20:28-38; "As recently as a generation The signers promised to supPs 68:29-30,33ago, it would have been unthink- port those companies that heed 36c; In 17:11 bable for so many advertisers and their words and avoid those that 19 marketers to spend billions .of do not. May 31 Zep 3: 14-18 or Rom 12:9-16b; (Ps) Is 1Z:23,4bcd,5-6; Lk 1:39-56 June 1 Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2,11Please pray for the following 12,19-20ab; In 21:15-19 priests du~in8 the coming week June 2 Acts 28:1620,30-31; Ps . May 28 11 :4-5,7; In 1982, Rev. Lionel A. BOlir~ue, Former Chaplain, Cardinal Cushing . 21:20-25 Hospital, Brockton June 3 Acts ~:1-11; Ps 104:1ab, l\1ay 30 24ac,29bc1929, Rev. Jordan Harpin, O.P.,.Dojninican Priory, Fall River 30,31,34; 1 Cor 1937, Rev. Edmond L Potyin,Pastor, St. Jean Baptiste, Fall River 12:3b-7,12-13 or 1950, Re~. James M. Quinn, Pastor, St. John the Evangelist, Rom 8:8-17; In .Attleboro . 20:19-23 or In 1993, Rev. Robert T. Canuel, St. Anne's Monastery, Fall River 14:15-16,23b-26 ~


THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-mQ) Periodical Pootage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July aJXi the week after Chrisunas at 887 HighlaJXi Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press ofthe Diocese ofFall River. Su~on price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS sen! address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA CJr712.

I n Your Prayers

.May 31 . 1964, Rev. Vincent A. Wolski, OFM ~onv., Pastor, Holy Cross, Fall River June 3 1991, Bishop James 1. Gerrard, Retired Auxiliary Bishop of Fall River


THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., May 25, 2001

CHA president, panel warn of cODling crisis in nursing care By NANCY FRAZIER O'BRIEN


WASHINGTON - The United States must act quickly before the growing elderly population and the declining labor pool of nurses combines to bring a crisis in geriatric health care, a panel of experts warned. Father Michael D. Place, president and CEO of the Catholic Health Association, was among the 16 members of the panel on ''The Future of the Health Care Labor Force in a Graying Society." Convened recently by the Nursing Institute of the University of Illinois at Chicago and chaired by former U.S. Secretary of Labor Lynn Martin, the panel issued a report titled "Who Will Care for Each of Us? America's Coming Health Care Labor Crisis." "America will face a health care crisis beginning in 2010 - not enough nursing care providers to care for the people who 'need it most, our senior citizens," the report said. "If ... America fails to build the required infrastructure and does not take the bold and creative steps necessary to make 'these occupations attractive, then in 20 I0 nursing care for the elderly will be in the position of high need, low supply and high costs," it added. , "'" ,,~n 3, st~tem(fl1t, Father Pla~e said, the panel 'gember~ -:-.~p~&enti.ng ,I,

. , ' .." , .


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His Excellency, the Most Reverend Sean O'Malley, O.EM. Cap., Bishop of Fall River, has announced the following: The Rev. Joseph Blyskosz, Parochial Vicar of Holy Trinity Parish, West Harwich, is released from service in the Diocese of Fall River in order to serve in the Archdiocese of Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Effective April 25, 2001








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creasing wages and benefits; minimizing bureaucratic responsibilities on nurses who provide direct patient care; appointing a national panel to examine 'education and training requirements; and amending Medicare rules to require train- . ing in geriatrics for all entry-level nursing programs. "A committed and satisfied work force caring for America's elderly is in the nation's best interest," the panel said. "Until we are able tb make geriatric nursing care jobs desirable occupations, at all levels, chronic worker shortages and inadequate care for the elderly will be the norm."

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FALL RIVER - The June schedule of the mobile mammography van is announced by Sajnt Anne's Hospital. A registered nurse and registered radiology technologist provide mammograms, clinical breast exams, Pap tests and physical exams. Appointments are necessary for all services. - June 16, Hudner Oncology Center at Saint Anne's Hospital, Osborn Street, Fall River, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Call 508-675-5688 for appointment; - June 20, Health First, 102 County Street, Fall River, noon to 6 p.m. Call 508-679-8111 for appointment.

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.Snint'AnIie'S'lists mammography schedule


public institutions, academia, think tanks, private businesses, organized labor and professional groups --"shared a "common conviction that bold and creative steps are necessary to address the future of the nation's health care labor force." "Oui society must prepare itself for systemic changes; the solutions, when they come, will be neither simple nor quick," he added. "Our health care labor force - and the aging population it will serve deserve nothing less than for this nation to confront this critical issue and begin the challenging, yet necessary, national dialogue." The panel recommended: in-


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THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., May 25, 2001


the living word

The harvest and the harvester In the vast urban sprawl of our social. order it is very easy to forget that our food and produce is not grown at our local supermarket. Spring is a wonderful time for each of us to remember the land and those who toil and harvest it. In our maze of highways, malls and development so many simply cannot connect with the farming culture that is the backbone of our human.sustemince. Too often we take it for granted forgetting the people who plant the seeds and gather the bounty thatwe presume will always'be available for our use. It's a very good time to recall that the bounty of this earth is a gift given by God for our own well-being. The fundamental purpose of productivity is to serve the good of all people, not just the few. In this age of globalization it is imperative that we remove the blinders that prevent us from enormously appreciating the blessings that God has given us in the spectacular food chain that has been produced by the ingenuity of man. . However, the bounty that is ours should not be seen from a selfish, possessive point of view. When we refer to man we mean every man, woman and child of whatever race and from whatever part of the world. Sad to say, when 'we roam the aisles of our megamarkets _ we so often tend to shop simply for our Qwn needs and whims of fancy. The right to have a share of earthly goods for oneself and ·one's family belongs to everyone. God intended the earth and all it contains for the use of every human being. It becomes a matter of justice. Economic activity should be exercised within the' limits of ST. PETER'S BASILICA IS SEEN AT DUSK FROM THE VIA DELLA CONCIUAZlONE, THE MAIN ROAD the moral order in keeping with social justice. Human· work proceeds directly from persons created in the image of God. LEADING UP TO ST. PETER'S SQUARE. THE WORLD'S LARGEST CHRISTIAN CHURCH MARKS ITS It is tragic that here in our own nation so many thousands of 375TH ANNIVERSARY OF INAUGURATION THIS YEAR. people become agricultural slaves in order to continue· what we (CNS FILE PHOTO BY NANCY WIECHEC) consider our right to the abundant and good life. For example, all. across our nation migrant workers are unjustly treated in order to "AND I TELL YOU THAT YOU ARE PETER, AND ON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY satisfy our food cravings. They are often treated like animals in CHURCH, AND THE GATES OF HAnES WILL NOT OVERCOME IT" (MATTHEW 16:18). horrible living conditions. The concept that the workers are worthy of a just wage never enters into play for so many immigrants who toil in our fields. They are basically economic slaves. We share in this .concept by reflecting that such a -work force is to be found only in some Third World backward nation. Because we have so much and expect more we forget the many economic abuses that still permeate our society. The revelation that so many illegal immigrants have· slaved in the homes of wealthy Americans is evidence that the mind-set of taking advantage of the poor is much alive in our country. Our nation should not relax its care and concern for the poor By FATHER EUGENE HEMRICK the Internet, which when used in mate source of their creativity and CATHOUC NEWS SERViCE ·because of material possessions and progress. Nor should it foster positive ways can prOVIde excel- energy, he never fails to supply an atmosphere that degrades the migiant worker or the illegal immiIf ever priests needed to in- lent opportunities for dialogue. them with the strength they need. grant. We cannot fatten our stomachs while ignoring those who are crease their spiritual and intellecThis is exactly what the reWhen this institute was created, economically and socially disadvantaged. it seems we spend more tual energies,-it is now. For they cently established National Insti- someone asked' what it would as a people to lose weight than we contribute to the welfare· of our in turn need to better serve all tute for the Renewal ofthe Priest- need to succeed, given that it is ·brothers and sisters. Just think of the billions of dollars that are spent those Catholics who are search- hood at the Washington Theologi- situated on the cutting edge of in the weight-loss industry, in medicine to control obesity, and in ing for spirituality and religious cal Union is doing. Its mission is technology. Its founders (of whom physical fitness programs. We shed our excess at the expense of the wisdom in a world that often ig- to invite priests, bishops, deacons I am one) point to three factors and laypers~ns to di~log~e on the in particular: 1. active participaneedy. It is hard to avoid the reflection of St. James when he writes: nores God. Without doubt, the Catholic la- . Internet about issues pertinent to tion; 2.-the depth of its dialogues; "You have lived on the earth in luxury arid pleasure; you have _ ity and permanent· deacons have . the priesthood. Participants are and 3. prayer. fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter. You have condemned, been admirable in keeping our encouraged to share success st~-The first of these··factors, acyou have killed the righteousness man." spiritual tradition strong, but the ries on topics such as how to ._tive participation, ought to present So, the next time you fill up your grocery' cart' remember those Church still looks to priests to lead maintain spirituality in the midst little difficulty since people towho have labored in our fields and been treated so ~rly by ec0- in these matters. How can priests of powerfully distracting· day are deeply concerned about nomic exploitation. Not to give them a share in our good is really to generate the spiritual-intellectual lifestyles. the priesthood, and many of these steal from them and ultimately deprive them of life. . energy needed to lead when they It is hoped that the entrepre- same people are also perfectly neurial spirit within these success· comfortable using the Internet. The Editor are fewer and overworked? When Pope Paul VI desired to stories will jump-start the creative Achieving a successful diarenew the Church, he implored spirit in those who are being logue with real.depth might be us to make better use of dialogue, .smothered by work and fatigue. more difficult since such a diapointing out that the Church is It is especially hoped that these logue must move beyond chit founded on the Father, Son and dialogues will rejuvenate priests' chat into a search for new ideas Holy Spirit, who model dialogue ability to imagine and envision and the exploration of unique . ways to make their ministry more frontiers. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER par excellence. . This same dialogue is the great- meaningful to the people of God Most important, the institute Published weekly by The Catholic Press ot'the Diocese of Fall River est source of energy for the priest- as well as more energizing for will need prayer because once an ·887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 hood. Most priests have success themselves. operation like this starts, it is too Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722·0007 . stories to tell and are just awaitMore important, it is hoped easy to get caught up in its daily Telephone 508-675-7151ing an inviting dialogue in which that the institute will help priests operations and to forget its ultiFAX (508) 675-7048 to tell them. These stories convey to see that the promise of Jesus is mate purpose. Send address changes to P.O. BOll 7 or call telephone number above inspiration, and when you have true for them: Whenever two or Those interested in the National th~ee ga~hered in his name, he is Institute for the Renewal of the inspiration you have energy. .But how do you unleash that with them. Many oftoday's priests Priesthood may wish to take a EDITOR NEWS EDITOR PRODUCTION MANAGER at its Webpage energy in post-modem times? I· will testify that when they come look Rev. Msgr. Johl\F. Moore James N. Dunbar Dave Jollvet believe that one way is through the together in dialogue about the (www.JKNIRP.COM). Please use of modem technology such as work of Christ, who is the ulti- pray fOT its success..

On the Internet: Institute for Renewal of the Priesthood



THEANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 25, 2001

Funny, I don't remember retiring For the most part, professional when memories of 15-second, lungathletes know when it's time to call burning shifts and my being one of it a career, bow out of their respec- the older players on the ice came tive sport gracefully, and move on back to haunt me. with life. It's a choice they conObviously, over the last halfscjously make. dozen years I made my decision to Not so with we normal people, "call it a career." I guess the deciat least not with me (if I may so boldly claim I'm normal). While sitting down watching the Red Sox on a Sunday afternoon, flanked by a bowl of Doritos and a cold drink, the realization came that the By Dave Jolivet players are half my age, and I once played ball more ..... than I watched. As a lad, I was a starting second- sion was helped along by two sore baseman during my three-year Little knees, a disc problem in my back, League career. Next, I was the start- and two constantly numb fingers on ing shortstop for my F:all ,River my right hand that not even a chiroAlmacs softball team for 10 years. practor can alleviate. Unwittingly, There was also duckpin bowling, my body told me it was time to retennis, golf, volleyball, ice hockey, tire to the world of sports spectator. road races and basketball to keep my But while struggling to get out body tuned. But after washing down of the recliner, I got the sudden urge a mouthful of Doritos, I realized I to get back out there and pull a can't remember the last time I played Nike... just do it!!! I pretended to anything competitively, other than charge a groundball and make the a game of Crazy 8s with my six- throw to first, but I couldn't get my year-old. Thinking a bit harder, I "glove" to reach the ground. It felt recalled I played in an over-30 ice like there was a doorstop between hockey league the same year my six-me and the floor. That doorstop was year-old was born. The warm my stomach. That certainly wasn't memories ofscoring three goals and there in my heyday! Suddenly just one assist in 12 games flooded my I do it returned to just watch it. mind. Yet those were quickly erased "No," I said. "I refuse to believe

My View From the Stands

that my playing days are over. There must be something that can resurrect those feelings of past glory." Then it hit me, like a large Italian grinder from any sandwich shop on Bedford Street in Fall River! WHIle ball! Some of my greatest sports moments came from Wiffle ball! I can still play Wiffle ball. Anyone can play Wiffle ball. Oh the games I used to playagainstmybrothers-inlaw. Marathon games that ended 1-0 in the 19th inning on one bad pitch. Pitching was the ,key in those contests. The construction of the ball itself allows a wiffler to make the lightweight orb do many crazy things. The Wiffle ball is a smooth white plastic sphere; half of which is solid, with the other half containing eight symmetrically placed notches. Most of the pitchers I faced were the Nolan Ryan-Pedro


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I always enjoy reading The Anchor since it keeps me . up-to-date on Catholic happenings both local and international. As such, I do"not relish having to write to criticize something you published, although I am certain it was unintended. In the May 11 edition is an article by nationally syndicated columnist Antoinette Bosco, praising Christopher and Dana Reeve for their example of marital love and courage in the face of adversities. I do not deny t~at they are people who have endured m'u,ch more sufferi'ng in their lives. than I have in my own, but some of' ChristoPh.er's piJblic comme.nts' make an aWkward. standard-bearer for Catholic spirituality. I recall during the nonstop coverage of the changeover. from 1999 to 2000, Christopher Reeve was one of the many notables who were invited to give a quote regarding what he hoped to see in the new century on the 24hour-plus program "ABC 2000:' He said, "I know this will offend a lot of peop.le ... but I believe that the Catholic Church should renounce its stand against birth control:' On April 26, 2001, Reeve appeared before a Senate committee to call for medical research using stem cells taken from aborted babies. The Lycos Network reported that he said, "It's time to harness the power of government and go forward." I am not calling for the condemnation of Christopher Reeve. He has lived in a world in which the views he has expressed are taken for granted to be the way in which smart people would think. However, we do need to show through our loving relationships with disabled people and through our loving presentation of the Church's teachings on sexuality and respect for life, that there is a different way of viewing these issues - a way rooted in Christ's cross and resurrection. .

Kevin Urias Centerville

Martinez type pitchers. The ball you break a window with a Wiffle would come in straight as an arrow, ball. You don't have to run the bases but as just a blur. And with my ad- if that's the chosen mode of play. versary launching the projectile You don't need the body of Adonis from 25 feet away, reaction time to play well. And it's very inexpenwas at a minimum. . sive. I was more the Wilbur WoodThere's little that compares with Tim Wakefield type. My tosses the look and feel of a brand new would float to the batter with the Wiffle ball fresh from the box. And grace of a balloon on a soft breeze. it takes quite a beating before it The batter would become bug-eyed should be replaced. Our rule of and start to drool, but as they thumb was when the ball resembled swung, the ball would bend out of the shape of my kids' heads when reach for just a big swing and a they were first born, it was time to miss. toss it to the dog and rub up a new Oh the things you can do with a one. Wiffle ball. But it has to be a genuWiffle ball! That's the answer. ine Wiffle ball. No cheap imitations. My playing days aren't over. If anyNo notchless plastic balls.And you one out there feels the same way and must use a Wiffle bat; the sleek, hard wants to get off the couch and reyellow ones (about the same length capture the feel of their glory days as a large Italian grinder from let me know. We can set up a time Bedford Street). It's OK to reinforce and a place, and feel like a kid again. the barrel with electrical tape, but But let's make sure it's on a Friday. no other bat should be used, espe- I'll need Saturday and Sunday to dally those resembling a caveman's recoup. club. Dave Jolivet is a fonner sports Wiffle ball! The perfect game. writer/editor, and current staff The combatants make up the rules, member of The Anchor. ComThe dimensions of the playing field ments are welcome at are limitless. Very, very rarely can DaveJolivet@Anchornews.org.

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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., May 25, 2001

Ileering pOinll Publicity Chairmen are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be in-' eluded, as well as full dates of all activities. DEADLINE IS NOON ON FRIDAYS. Events published must be of interest and open to our general readership. We do not carry notices of fund-raising activities, which may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from our business office at 508-675-7151. ATTLEBORO The Bethany Nights series with John Polce continues at the Shrine tonight at 7:30 p.m. It will include , music and prayer. A healing service will be held at the Shrine on Sunday at 2 p.m. It will be led by La Salette Father Andre Patenaude and include music and the opportunity to be prayed over individually. For more information call 508-2225410. DARTMOUTH - A spiritual presentation on Divine Mercy will be held May 29 at St. Mary's Church, 783 Dartmouth Street, from 7-9:30 p.m. It will begin with Mass and feature replicas of the Shroud of Turin and other icons. For more' iMofJ11atibncall Kim Tow at 508-996-1230. DARTMOUTH AREA - EF Education Homestay Program is seeking host families for 34 German children ages 14-18, coming to the Dartmouth area July 26August 21, to learn about American culture. For more information, contact Mary Jane Golden at 508997 -9381, or e-mail her at maryjanegolden@mediaone.net.

BOdy disfigurement by tattoo ,or piercing

Q. Does the Catholic Church organisms. or Blessing After Childbirth, aphave a position on' the disfigA resolution of the American parently entered Christianity as ting," June 5 from 8-9 p.m. in the urement of the human body? 'Dental Association opposes'pierc- a carryover of the Jewish cerconference room at St. Anne's . By tattooing, for example, or ing in or around the mouth as a emony of purification. After deShrine. Attendees are invited to numerous piercings for rings? particularly serious public hazard. livering children, Jewish mothThe Times quotes the president of ers were "purified" of a ritual join them for Mass at 7:30 p.m. (Massachusetts) A. There's no doctrine in- the ADA: "To have a needle "uncleanness" incurred in the in the rectory chapel. For more of course. birth of a child. The puvolved here, information call Youth Apostles The question is more a rification of Mary after at 508-672-2755. the 'birth of Jesus, for moral one of proper care example, is still celLAKEVILLE - A Pro-Life for our bodies, an aspect ebrated by the Church on Day of Reflection will be held of the fifth commandthe Feast of the PresenJune 16 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. ment, "Thou shalt not tation, Feb. 2. at His Land, Precinct Street. At- kill." When I encounter By Father 'In its Christian form tendees are asked to bring a bag people with an array of . John J. Dietzen the ceremony was rather lunch. Coffee will be provided. one of thanksgiving, askMass will be celebrated by Father holes in the nose, lips, ing God's blessing on the Stephen A. Fernandes. For regis- . ears, tongue, navel and of their anatomy, I clean or dirty stuck through a mother and child. other regions tration call Ed Shivvers at 508of the pain vascular part of your body in that One reason the blessing is not wince-just thinking 295-6279. ' they williflg1y endured, and per- way, the risk of diseases has to be commontoday is that mothers are MASHPEE - A parish mis- haps still endure, for these "deco- immense, and there can be nerve nearly always able to attend the damage that affects the .way you baptfsm of their child, and most sion will be held June 4-8 at rations." Whatever compelling reason talk and swallow." or all of the churching prayers are Christ the King Parish. A mornIt seems one would need an now included in the ritual of baping session will begin with Mass moved them to invite all that hurt, at 8:30 a.m. followed by a talk purposely inflicting physical pain unusually serious reason to mor- tism. The Catholic Book of Blessby Passionist Father Vincent on oneself is perhaps the least of ally justify these kinds ofcosmetic ' ornamentation. ings (236) still includes an'invoYoungberg. The evening session the moral.considerations. It is wrong to deliberately Tattoos also involve multiple cation foqnothers unable to be will begin with a prayer serviceat 7:30 p.m. Father Youngberg's place 0.urse1ves in danger of ex- punctures normally, however, on at their child's baptism. A free brochure answering treme physical injury, unless we less medically sensitive parts of talk will follow. have a proportionately serious the body. Obviously, some of the questions Catholics ask about .MASHPEE - A Mass of re- reason for doing so. Available in- same concerns discussed above ecumenism, intercommunion membrance for all infants who formation on body piercing se- could apply here as well. a~d other ways of sharing with died before or shortly after birth verely warns of the serious damQ. After my brother was people of other faiths is availborn, our mother went to the able by sending a stamped, selfwill be held Sunday at 10 a.m. at age we can do to ourselves. Christ the King Parish. Mothers, According to a' report in the' priest to be "churched." We a4dressed envelope to F.a!her fathers, siblings and grandparents New York Times, even with what have no idea ,what thatineans, '., Johfi Diet~n,.B9x'·325(-~~~"ia~ ;. are 'urged to attend and enroll their are thought to be strict precau- and do'ri't believe I!.v.eheard IL 61651. . , . " " ",,' . ., 4-",. loved ones in'the Book of Re- tions, piercing one's flesh this of it since. Could you explain? Questions may be sent to Fa.'m€;inbrance to be recited durihg---- way risks ,transmi.tting ht:Bati.tis; .. ..<~ew.Jer~~.y), ';':1' 'i';~' ''';-:1. c!r!T ther Die~IY.a.t:tb~~~"d~, Mass. Refreshments will follow. HIV and other dlsease-cau~mg. A. The Ch~rcl]mg Qf,\y~mep, ,o~ e-mad:.udletzen@'8ol.com. .

Questions and Answers '


NEW BEDFORD - A spiri- ' tual presentation on Divine Mercy will be held May 31 at St. Kilian's Church, 306 Ashley Blvd., New ' Bedford, from 5:30-8:30 p.m. It· will begin with Mass and feature replicas of the Shroud ofTurin and other icons. For more information call Ki'm Tow at 508-996-1230:

Confused logic about'"abortipn

T.!le latest bit of confused logic about abortion wasn't it logical to ask if pragmatism could also be can be found in the effort to link it to reduced crime a good reason for deciding that old people, misfits, rates. The argument goes that crime is down in the criminals and people with various disabilities could United States and that abortion deserves credit for also be destroyed? ' this. After all, abortion has kept a lot Of unwanted At the'time, abortions were legally rampant in babies from entering the world - unwanted chilo some 'other countries, notably in Japan an~ Hundren who would be miserable and no doubt tum to gary, and'social and economic problems were beNORTH DARTMOUTH ginning to .surface, from crime. Therefore, let's FALL RIVER - The Fal( A Separated-Divorced Support ,conclude that abortion is ' the fact tha~ abortions w~re River First Friday Men's Club Group willhol4 an informal what's keeping.the crime leaving !JIany women invites all diocesan men to join meeting and potluck supper May \ rate down. 0'11: . steril~'Jo.~ign~ th.at these them June 1 for a 6 p.m. Mass at 28 from 7-9 p.m. at the Diocesan That's a lot of noncou,otries:.p.opulations St. Anthony ofthe Desert Church. Family Life Center, 500 Slocum. sense. (I'd use a stronger ,-w~r~. becQ,ming'ffiuc.h An informal dinner will follow Road. Attendees are asked to bring word, but this is for pubolder in terms of average in the parish center. something for the supper. By Antoinette, Bosco· . <age.An issue of the World lication!) .Sometimes I get really annoyed at the . MediGal Journal at that FALL RIVER - A Spiritual WAREHAM -A Celebration lengths people will go to L..-------~---L...!....;....:... __.... time also brought out Support Group for People Expe- of Pentecost with Bishop Sean P. try to justify what can't be justified. something .seldom considered, that dpl;:tors performriencing Cancer will meet May 30 O'Malley, OFM Cap., will be held I have been writing about the abomination of ing large numbers of abortions were having near andJune 6, 13 and 20 from 10:30- May 30 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Patrick's abortion for more than 30 years. As a reporter and breakdowns. II :30 a.m. a~ the Santo Christo Church, 82 High Street. Mass will editor for The Long Island Catholic back in the As Christians, we always have known that when' Parish Center. For more informa- be celebrated at 7 p.m. Father Tom 1960s, I wrote a series of articles about the move- it comes to taking. human life we cannot be indiftion call Karyl Benoit at 508-674- DiLorenzo will be homilist. For ment for abortion then under way in New York state ferent. For the Christian, God is the source of life 5600, ext. 2515. more information call Mary Leite as the national effort to legalize abortion was gain- - actually, the burst of life - infusing this life at 508-822-2219. ing strength. into persons so that all literally share one life. Life, FALL RIVER - The Senior ~ The operative phrase bandied about in bills be- then, occurs because of a creative act of God, and Wheels USA program provides WEST HARWICH - The ing introduced in state legislatures was "humane each soul has the immense importance beautifully electric wheelchairs to senior citi- Celebration Life Committee of abortion." We had to ask how "humane" this solu- expressed by the Jesuit paleontologist Father Pierre zens and permanently disabled Holy Trinity Parish will hold its tion was for the baby. Teilhard de Chardin: persons at no cost for use in the monthly holy hour Sunday at '''In each soul God loves and partly saves the whole How could anyone deny that abortion was the home. For more information call I:30 p.m. at Holy Trinity Church. taking of a life? It bothered me that the medical world, which that soul sums up in a particular way." 800-246-6010. profession, which should be dedicated to preservCan any person then make the decision to attack WEST HARWICH - The ing life, would be willing to destroy life. I won- and destroy life directly, either within the womb or at FALL RIVER - The Youth St. Francis of Peace Fraternity, dered about the effects on doctors who would play any time after birth, when this life is undeniably part Apostles Institute will hold a pro- Secular Franciscan Order, will God and decide who will live and who will die. of God's life? No, not if we truly believe in God. gram for youth ministers, teach- meet June 10 at Holy Trinity I did interviews with some who said that aborAs Christians, we must continue to make a stand ers, catechists, parents and aU in- Church. Mass will be celebrated tion was a practical answer to overpopulation. But for the values which transcend the here and now, terested parties entitled "Youth at noon and discussion and re- can pragmatism be justified when human life is on the major one being to affirm continually our revMinistry in a Large Parish Set- freshments will follow.. ' the firing line? If pragmatism justified abortion, erence for all life.

The 'B +.tom Line


Get rid of 11/16ths open-end wrenches week Everyone should love flowers. the National Association of ReI am not saying this just because tailers and Oprah Winfrey to back the National Ecology Commis- the abolition of 11116ths sion of the Secular Franciscan wrenches. Order urged Catholics to observe - Forming recycling and alNational Wildflower Week May 6-12. I am saying this so they, in tum, will support us when our new organization, the Salty Dog Theological Circle, launches National GetRid-of-11l16ths OpenBy Dan Morris End Wrenches Week. _ While we do not have ... a specific week in mind yet, some time in July might be temative-use organizations to progood. That's baseball season, and cess the existing 111l6ths lots of guys sort through their wrenches into usable and ecologiwrenches in the sunshine in the cally wonderful items. Welding driveway while they listen to how them into picture frames or liwell their 25-year-old multimil- cense-plate holders comes to lion-dollar players are doing mind. Or maybe pasting a happyagainst another city's multimil- flower face on them and planting lion-dollar 25-year-old players. them, only you'd have to be reGet Rid of 11/16ths Open-End ally careful when you mow. Wrenches Week would have mul- Establishing 11116ths Opentiple goals, including: End Wrench Information and - Urging organizations such Education Committees which as the Vatican, the United Nations, would create Websites and speak-

ers bureaus to spread the word. Why should we abolish 111 16ths open-end wrenches? you might ask.' Well, for beginners, for many of the same reasons the National Ecology Commission of the Secular Franciscan Order supports National Wildflower Week. As they point out, it can be "a means of deepening humankind's relation'ship and responsibility to creation and Creator." You see, no one has ever used an 11116ths open-end wrench in his or her life other than to a) stir paint, b) prop open a door, c) pry off a bottle cap or d) pretend it's a 3!4-inch open-end wrench. Sure, I know what you are thinking. Why not sponsor a Get Rid of 5'116ths Open-End Wrenches Week? Because they can have their own week later, that's why. But mostly because 11116th wrenches are a lot bigger and take up a lot more natural re-

r-----------r--===:-... The offbeat wor ld of U ne 1e Dan

THEANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 25, 2001 sources. Ask just about any Secular'Franciscan if you don't believe me. They also take up lots of space in one's toolbox. Over the years you collect at least a half-dozen because the wrenches you actually use disappear into "Can I Borrow for a Second Heaven." , No one borrows an 11116ths unless they forgot their stir stick or need to prop' open a door. Thus, you keep yanking out 111 16ths wrenches hoping they are 3!4-inch. I have heard of painting the 11l16ths red so you can spot them, but for a guy that's kind of like asking for directions when you are lost.


.... :~ r'

The pond and the island'are part of the Cathedral High School property and are owned by the Diocese of Springfield. Neighbors and city officials initiated a plan mote than a year ago to have the island mov~.

two small boats and a little ''TLC'' to move the floating phenomSPRINGFIELD, Mass. - Stuenon, which is home to fulldents at Cathedral High School grown trees and many varieties in Springfield got real-life lessons of wildlife. in geometry, physics and ecology "We didn't want to damage any one day this spring as they of the trees that are on the island watched a towing crew disand any of the wildlife," lodge a floating island atMorel told The Catholic tached to school grounds Most neighbors were glad to see Observer, Springfield's difor nearly two years. the island freed. They said it is most ocesan newspaper. He noted Island Pond, adjacent to that all the trees to which the high school, is host to protected when away from shore they hooked cables had padone of only two such float- because then it can serve as an iso- ding and nylon straps on ing islands known to exist lated nesting ground for geese, them. in North America. The ducks, frogs and snapping turtles. According to Richard acre-sized island typically Vear, a nearby resident sails around the more than whose property extends to IO-acre pond, wandering from With the arrival of spring and the pond, the island has been in shore to shore. the pond water level at its high- many different parts of the pond But, almost two years ago, the est, the plan was to fasten cables over the y·ears. island stopped wandering and be- to some of the larger trees and "The island has been on our came lodged in the narrow, shal- tow the island to deeper waters, shore before," he said. "The night low end of the pond. letting it continue on its natural . we moved in (in 1992), it came "We were a little concerned freewheeling track. Its movement to our shore and was here for six that, if you let it stay there too is normally dictated by the pre- months." long, it would never move again," vailing winds. Neighbors say that, once the . said Christopher Collins, SpringThe project proved to be a trees on the island foliate, they field conservation commissioner. daylong one. The island moved act like sails and the wind dicThe project to dislodge was a easily initially but a little more tates where the island will reside. Most neighbors were glad to see coordinated effort by the city of than 100 feet into the tow, it got Springfield, conservation offi- stuck again. Several hours later, the island freed. They said it is most cials and CJ's Towing Company the towing company was able to protected when away from shore of Springfield. free the island again. After the tow because then it can serve as an isoThe island is believed to be at cables were packed up and the lated nesting ground for geese, least several hundred years old, trucks drove away, the island was ducks, frogs and snapping turtles. with sightings of it dating back back in open waters. The island is only about five CJ's owner, Craig Morel, do- feet thick and has a soft, spongy to the 17th century. A 1987 environmental study nated his services and those of his .surface. stated that the island "appears to 12-man crew to the project, which When asked if he had ever have had its ·origin as a glacial would have cost about $15,000, moved an island before, Morel responded, "No, we've moved kettle hole. As such, the pond has he said. no inlet or outlet and thus is fed It took several standard tow some crazy stuff but nothing like by ground water." trucks, two 40-ton tow trucks, this before."

For National Wildflower Week, the Secular Franciscans used photography, poetry and poster competitions. This has major potential for National Get Rid of 11116ths Open-End Wrenches Week, too. Here's a starter for you so you can begin to get into the spirit: "Roses are an inch! Violets are about three-quarters! Let's get rid of 11/16ths! And join religious orders." I want the Secular Franciscans to know they are free to use this one while I work on a poster idea. Comments are welcome. Email Uncle Dan at cnsuncle@yahoo.com.

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- ..


THE ANCHOR -Diocese of Fall River"':-Fri., May 25, 2001

Pro-Life official praises ~House, vote on Mexico City policy -. ~ions to'receive U':S. fu'~ds ,"as, WASHINGTON' The long as any harmful 'medical' House of Representative's close practices they promote cannot be vote last week to preserve the shown to violate' the host Mexico City policy "is an impor- country's law or U.S. federal tant step for our nation in: build- law," said Msgr. William P. FaYt ing a culture of life," the U.S. general secretary of the bishops\: bishops' Pro-Life spokeswoman cgnference, in a May 7 lette('~q;,'.. , , ' . ,., ' . , . said. ~~ " ..... SPC.· ~~N~E)~NDERSON of the 3rd U.S. Infantry places flags at the graves of f~lIen House members. Cathleen Cleaver, director of The Mexico City policy was soldiers' 'Arlington.National Cemetery in Arlington, v,a. ,last year. Commemorations are planning and information at the first adopted in 19~4 under Pres~- held to honor American soldiers who have given their 'lives for freedom on Memorial Day, bis~ops' Secretariat for Pro-Life dent Reagan, rescmded by PreSl- observed May 28 this year. (CNS photo from Reuters) . Activities, praised the 218-210. dent Clinton in 1993 and reinvote to retain the policy, which stated- by President George W. forbids U.S. funding of orgartiza- Bush in one of his first acts as tions that perform or promote president. : Cleaver said polls show that abortions overseas. "When poor women overseas "the vast majority of Americans cry out for help, we will no , do not want their tax dollars used longer respond with abortion," for programs that promote or proBy AGOSTINO BONO . Cleaver said 'in a May 16 state- vide abortion as a meth'od of famborn Latinos identify themselves as Catholic; 66 pe~­ CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE cent of U.S.-born Latinos who have at least one parment. "Rather, the U.S. govern- ily planning." WASHINGTON - A new national survey re- ent born abroad identify themselves as Catholic; and ''The Mexico City policy simment will respect their dignity ports that 10 perCent of the Latino population identi~ 59 percent of third or later generations identify as and humanity by addressing their ply brings our natioIJ,'s foreign aid fied themselves as Catholic. Catholic. The respective numbers for Protestants are . policy back in line with the views real needs." The survey also showed a drop-off in the percent- 18 percent, 25 percent and 32 percent. An amendment that would, of the American people," she age of Latino Catholics with 'each generation born in Other sUrvey findings inClude: , have negated the Mexido City added. the United States and an increase in the Protestant - 43 percent of all respondents who attend reli"Make no mistake: most poor policy was part of the $8.2 bilpopulation with each passing generation. gious services go primarily. to .Sp~sh .services, 27 lion Foreign Relations Authoriza- women in developing nations are The survey was done by the Tomas Rivera Policy percent pIimarilY' to English servires lind 30 percent tion Act for fiscal years 2002 and not calling for help to abort their Institute, a California-based think tank, as-partof the ,'listed bilingual; ... ';I . - . - ' " . ' ; .' . " , 2003. babies," Cleaver scUd. "They are Hispanic Church in American .Public LifePIDjeCi:, ,,-.' ::::~·~.34 percen(of.~ the, .cailiolits..w~6 Msponded The amenqmerit, proposed by calling for food,housing and The Hispanic projeCt is a three~year:ecumenical would not accept homoSexuals, as priests while 30 Rep. Barbara Lee; D-Calif., and , medicine for themselves and their . research program funded by a $1.3 million grant from percent would; approved earlier in May by the children. They are trying to lead the Pew Charitable Trusts. . - 49 percent of the Catholics feel that women Senate International Relations lives of full human dignity. We The survey reports that 22 percent of. the Latino should be ordained while 23 percent believe they Committee, would have permit- are grateful that the Congress has population considers itself Protestant, and that 95 per- should not; ted nongovernmental organiza- responded." . cent of all respondents listed a religious affiliation and - 74 Percent of all respondents believe that the 45 percent reported attending church services at least Church should provide assistance to illegal immigrants, once a week. even if the assistance is illegal; U.S. census reported 35.3 million HisReSe~hers interviewed a random sampling of The 2000 Don't in.a pinch!! panics in the United States and 70 percentof this would 2,310 Lat:i,los in the United States, including Puerto mean that there are 24.7 million Hispanic Catholics. Rico, last August through October. The margin of erSurvey findings showed that 74 percent offoreign- ror is plus,or minus three percent. By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE


Seventy percent of Latinos identify as being Catholic ,.

get caught

Swiiwner2DOt is just. . . . .

Hispanic political power: What do the numbe~s say?

theccmrllS"DII,' ,


AlheatiseJUlll' SW. . . . . ewernit,-

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,ore-mai'l TheAnchol@Ai1chomews.o,g by


WASHINGTON (CNS)- ports that 39 percent of the HisThe political importance of the . panic-population is foreign born and 25 percent of the foreign-born mushrooming Hispanic population otten depends on which numbers Hispanics'are naturalized citizens. Catholic officials around the are read. "Having raw numbers doesn't country involved in Hispanic mintranslate into political power," said istry agree about the need for citizenship and voter registration Rep. Charlie Gonzalez, D-Texas, at a recent news' conference in ,drives, but note obstacles to the Washington assessing the 2000 process. Among those cited are a census.. fear of becoming too visible in a The census reported 35.3 milgeneral society regarded as' dislion Hispanics, a 58 percent in- ,criminatory against Hispanics and crease since 1990. ,a desire by many to return to their But politicians look at other home country upon retiring. numbers, said Gonzalez. "What ''Hispanics stay below the rapercentage of this huge number is dar," said Juan Escarfuller, direcundocumented, Of aren't citizens?" tor of Hispanic ministry in the St. He also noted that 35 percent Louis Archdiocese. of the Hispanic population is un'There's not much interest in der 18, thus too young to vote. becoming citizens and voting. It's "This high number becom~s hard to get people to lobby. They're 'smaller and smaller," he said, inliving under the specter ofnot havdicating the need for citizenship ing documents and racism;' he and voter registration drives. said. The U.S. Census Bureau re"Many still think about going

.back to Mexico to retire," he.said. Elisa Montalvo, Hispanic apostolate director in the Diocese of Richmond, Va., said many Hispanics feel they are victims of negative stereotyping as "people who came here for welfare to milk the syst¢m." i Despite the hazards, Church leaders trying to make inroads. Maria Baz<in-Myric~ Hispanic affairs office director for the Seattle Archdiocese, promotes citizenship campaigns. "If not, they (Hispanics)ldon't become involv~," she said. Auxiliary Bishop Jaime Soto of' the Orange diocese in Southern California said the diocese, participates in voter'registration drives and hopes later this year to hire a staff person dedicated to this, "Political maturity takes time. It is important for us to walk ,with the immigrantcommunity as they grow in political importance," he said.







'• • • • • •












THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 25, 2001


Priest.wants to change pessimism on vocations to 'an opportunity .





NEW OFFICERS of the Fall River Dioce~an Council of Catholic Women elected recently at its 48th annual convention in Taunton, are,lrom left, Recording Secretary Helen Stager of North Dartmouth, Corresponding Secretary Lynn Miller of North Falmouth, President Betty Mazzucchelli of Mashpee, First Vice President Lynette Ouellette of Westport, and Treasurer . Jeanne Alves of East Falmouth. (Photo courtesy of Madeleine Lavoie)

Speaker: Church views vary :m.ore by generation than by gender margins of society and experienc~ . ing discrimination to many today, being part ofupper middle-class society, he said. Their concept of the Church has changed as.well, he said. A hundred years ago Catholics saw authority in the Church as highly centralized and dominated by 'the male clergy, and they saw God J. as punitive, said.Davidson. . Forty or 50 ,years later, in the years leading up to the Second Vatican Council; Catholics saw the core of authority in the Church as being in transition, as was their view' of God, he explained. "The modern locus of the Church's moral ,authority is one of, internal conscierlce and responsibility for one's own faith," he said. ,"Today, young people define spirituality and religiosity as (being) different from each other," he said. "They define spirituality as one's personal relationship with God, and VATICAN CITY - In address- Vatican newspaper said that in in- religiosity as one's personal relationing moral problems facing modem vestigating the work of moral theo- ship with the Church." men and women, Catholic theolo- logians, the Vatican "does not want Mass attendance is lower, fewer gians must recognize that certain. to demolish, but rather to correct in people receive' Communion and concepts regarding the dignity of ' order to build" there are shorter lines at the confes'The work of the moral theolo- sional, he said. human life ·and sexuality are unchanging, the Vatican ,said. gian is indispensable in the living "Most Catholics know that the Moral theologians may be realityoftheChurch:'itsaid.Moral core of our beliefs include the Intempted to answer questions ''with theologians identify problems, dis- . carnation, the Resurrection, the ~ responses that are more conforming cern solutions and help the Church presence (of Christ in the Euchari~) to the sensitivities and expectations formulate its response to moral ques-' and Mary:' he said. "Issues like pre~ of the world than to the thinking of tions, it noted. marital sex, the ordination 0f Christ:' said all article in a recent The foundations of Catholic women, whether a person can be a , edition of the Vatican newspaper.: moral teaching, it said, are Christ and good Catholic without attending The article in L'Osservatore his teaching about the dignity of the Mass, and abortion are periphery . Romatw, Signed with three asterisks human person and the dignity of issues." to signify its publication was ap- human sexuality, which flows from , ·He said that, for many Catholics, proved at the highest levels of the human dignity. ,Church rules and regulations ,and Vatican, was published alongside a "It is in light of these o~~erva- teaching on celibacy, capital punishnotification criticizing some works tions that one must understand the ment, birth control and abortion are by Redemptorist Father Marciano reason according to which the optional. .. , Vidal, a Spanish moral theologian. Church considers masturbation and ., "Men and women don't disagree The notification from the Con- sexual relations of a homosexual that vastly on these issues. Where gregation for the Doctrine of the type to be objectively serious acts," differences become more extreme is Faith said the priest's work was er- the article said. l:x:tween the generations," he said. roneous or ambiguous on several The same concern for the dignity This means, he said, Catholics moral questions, including contra- of human sexuality according to have to work harder at building coinception, homosexuality, masturba-· God's plan underlines the Church's' munity and building on the great tion and in vitro fertilization. teaching against the use of artificial Catholic leaders and traditions ofthe The accompanying article in the contraception, it said. past. ~

University in Lafayette, Ind., Davidson drew on four studies in an address to the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women at its 73rd annual By BARBARA STINSON LEE convention in Ogden. CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE "Today's Catholics are highly ,'" integrated in the area of social rela,', , ",,',,' 'OGDEN, Utah ' - Differences tions, are increasingly more racially of opinion among Catholics 9);1 and ethhically diverse, and their in',. ,ChUrc}Mllldiother-issues.are.mOfei '; teq,~t'ation ofC;hirrCh,h~ moved. pronouilc~xf,amongdifferent genera- , radically froni an institutional contions than between men and wom~n, cept to an identity as the people of said a speaker at a convention for God," Davidson said in his talk. Catholic women in the Salt Lake Catholics in the United States City diocese. have gone from numbering about 15 The .last three generations of. million, or 18 percent of the total American Catholics have seen population, 100 years ago to nummarked changes in the Church, reli- bering about 62 million, or about 23 gious issues and society, and Catho- percent of the U.S. population, he lics themselves have changed, said said. James Davidson. Catholics also have gone from A sociology professor at Purdue the majority being pOor and on the

Spirituality, beliefs and Catholics themselves are in transition.

Ch h · ffi TheoIoglans must rea lrm urc lawson sexuality, says, Vatican


Coincidentally, the morning's headline was "Turek has confiST. LOUIS - Msgr. Timothy dence." It accompanied an article Dolan is calling for an "attitude about goaltender Roman Turek of adjustment" about the priest the St. Louis Blues, then in the shortage that chariges. "the sky is semifinals for the Stanley Cup. falling" to "the sky is calling." Msgr. Dolan pointed out that "We db not have enough six years ago, St. Louis Archpriests now, and the immediate bishop Justin F. Rigali asked the future doesn't look much better," priests and people of the archdioacknowledged the St. Louis cese to help him put the local archdiocesan priest who is rector Church on a firm financial founof the Pontifical North American dation, "and we responded with College in Rome. an unprecedented exuberance and Priests, he effectiveness, said, can far exceeding hardly go to a "I can't do much about the goal set." parishioner's Now, the the world, the Church, the home for suparchbishop generic priesthood, but I has per, . enter a made sure can do something classroom, priestly vocaget a haircut tions a priorabout myself," he said. ity, and "he or go to a "We, as diocesan priests, meeting with- . requests our are the major agents in out hearing help to adpromoting vocations." about the dress the 'lack of bread' topic. again," Msgr. But, the Dolan said, pes s i m ism and worry caused by an endless "this time to assure that our analysis of the vocations shortage people have the 'bread of life' through a new generation of talis a waste of time, he said. '''I can't do much about the ented, generous young men." world, the Church, the generic The pri~sts of today need to priesthood,but I sure can do some- "personally 'encourage and dithing about myselft-he said. "We, rectly" invite young men to beas diocesan priests, are the major come priests of the archdiocese, he said. agents in promoting vocations." The majority of today's semiPriests themselves, Msgr. Dolan said, will be the major rea- narians point to the direct influson for new vocations "if we can ence or encouragement of a single recover our identity, restore our priest as one of the main reasons confidence,":and show to others they are in the priesthood, he said. Young men, he added, need to "happy and holy men deeply iIi love with Jesus and his Church." sense that "our priesthood is a radiIn a light~r moment, he noted cal, total reordering of our lives. that confident priests already are Once we are gratefully, humbly being talked about in the press. confident in our own priestly idenHolding up a newspaper, he cited tity, sparks start to fly in our own his classmate at the seminary, Fa- lives, and those sparks set fire in the hearts of young men." ther Michael Turek.





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THE ANCHOR -,.. Diocese of Fall River - Fri., May 25,2001

"Fast Food Fast Women" (Lot 47). Pointless romantic comedy set in New York City which parallels . the love stories of a single waitress (Anna Thomson) who falls for a novelist/taxi driver (Jamie Harris), and that of an aging, sexually insecure widower (Robert Modica) who begins to date again. As directed by Amos Kollek, the monotonous (;~i M()vle film is a compilation of contrived scenes that lurch between awkward (;CJf)iLJ lei and painfully predictable. A few sexual encounters, some nuditY and By CATMOUC NEWS SERVICE intermittent rough language. The NEW YORK - Following are U.S. Catholic Conference classifirecent capsule reviews issued by cation is A-ill --'- adults. The Mo- . the U.S. Catholic Conference Of- tion Picture Association ofAmerica rating is R - restricted. fice for Film and Broadcasting. ''Moulin Rouge" "Angel Eyes" (Warner Bros.) (20th Century Fox) Tiresome drama in which a Frenetic musical romance set in tough Chicago cop (Jennifer· Lopez) dealing with an abusive circa 1900 Paris about a penniless childhood and' a mysterious poet (Ewan McGregor) in love stranger (Jim Caviezel) recover- with an enchanting courtesan ing from a traumatic event fall in (Nicole Kidman) who is pressured PRINCESS FIONA is surprised to see where Shrek has been injured in the computerlove, but must reconcile with their to accommodate a rich duke (Rirespective pasts to make things chard Roxburgh) capable of mak- animated comedy "Shrek." (eNS photo from DreamWorks Pictures) work. Director Luis Mandoki un- ing her a star. Director Baz successfully blends thriller and Luhrmann's .wildly creative blend romance genres, as perfunctory of diverse music and visual styles performances, artificial sentiments is a madly paced triumph of artiand a l11echanical script culminate fice over substance in its gushy in a forced ending. A sexual en- valentine to romantic love. An counter, sporadic sexual refer- implied affair with some sexual ences, brief violence and intermit- innuendo. The U.S. Catholic Content rough language with fleeting ference classification is A-III By ANNE NAVARRO profanity. The U.S. Catholic Con- adults. The Motion Picture Assopered Farquaad, and certainly surprise Shrek. ciation of America rating. is PGCATMOUC NEWS SERVICE ference classification is A-III The film is filled with puns, wisecracks, sly adults. The Motion Picture Asso- 1.3 - parents are ~trongly c~u- . NEW YORK - The story of an ogre's journey naughtiness and even a few hip references with a ciation of America rating is R boned. ~ome IIla~nal may be 10- from contented isolation to unexpected love is mar- particular rib-tickling scene involving Farquaad's restricted. appropnate for children under 13. . velously told in the captivating, animated "Shrek" torture of the Gingerbread Man. At times the jabs r-------------------~~-..........,(DreamWorks). taken at Disney slip into the irreverentcategory aha, nOn· D From beginning to end, directors Andrew as they pile up, viewers may find them a bit tire, V t;, Adamson's and Vicky Jenson's cartoon confection some, too. The double-entendre lines are likely to. turns the conventional fairy tcile on its head. And in fly' over younger viewers' heads, but there is still o~fiaith the process, DreamWorks producer Jeffrey plenty' for children to guffaw over. :J ' Katzenberg takes several potshots at Disney, his While the story's sweet but conventional' moral former employer. ' of self-acceptance is laudable, the plot suffers some By CATMOUC·NEWS SERVICE In 1952-53, Como was featured With its blend of rousing adventure, light ro- structurill problems that slow down its mostly enerJUPITER, Aa. - Singer Perry _inc a series of Bible readings that mance and double-layered dialogue (which will getic pace. Once Shrek and Donkey' breech the Como, who died May 12 at his was produced by the National mean something different to the under- and over- dragon's dark castle and rescue the Princess, nothhome in Jupiter Inlet Colony six . Council of Catholic Men and that 12 set), "Shrek" has the potential to entertain both ing really opposes our hero's progress. The ogre days shy of his 89th birthday, was aired on NBC Radio. children and parents. The screenwriters have loosely . and Fiona must come to terms with their mutual known as a man with deep religious In 1966, Como won the ''Club based the film on a 1990 illustrated children's book appearances and realize that looks can deceive. But faith. of Champions" award from the by William Steig, but have padded the story with the,characters are never in any real jeopardy, which "Everything that ev~r hap- Catholic Youth Organization ofthe inventive characters, subplots, gags, intrigues and undermines dramatic tension. pened to me has been the result of New York Archdiocese. It is given fresh dialogue that have no seeds in the book. This notwithstanding, the film's visual grandeur faith - the faith I found in my for "outstanding service and inspiShrek (voiced by Mike Myers in a gentle Scot- alone may make the film worthwhile. The comfather's house, and now find in my ration to youth." tish burr), the film's repulsive-looking anti-hero,'is puter-generated animation boasts the most impresown house, and in my world," he Como performed many bena cantankerous ogre who lives defiantly alone in an sive detail and most amazingly rendered creatures. was quoted as saying in a 1979 efits during his career, including icky swamp, where his main recreation is scaring The human characters at the center of the film each interview in St. Anthony Messen- a ball benefiting charities of the ger, a monthly Catholic magazine. Archdiocese ofNew Orleans, and away unwelcome intruders. But his solitary exist- have some 900 movable muscles, more than 200 of Como, whose singing career some for the old Rosarian Acadenceis spoiled thanks to an edict by the pint-sized them in' the face. And against the brilliantly dedates back to the Great Depression, emy High School in West Palm tyrant Lord Farquaad (voiced by John Lithgow), signed, exceptionally vivid backgrounds, the charrecorded many hits, but his record- Beach, which his daughter had who has. banished all the fairy-tale creatures from acters, human and animal alike, appear realistic and ings of "Ave Maria" and "The attended. . ' his kingdom. highly expressive. Lord's Prayer" are seen by many "I'm what you would call an Suddenly; Shrek:~ swamp is overrun by dwarfs, The fine voice cast also bolsters the film's apas the definitive renditions of those ordinary Christian:' Como said on blind mice, sleeping beauties, big bad wolves, and peal. Myers maintains a nice balance between Shrek's hymns. the "Donahue" daytime TV talk nervous little pigs with German accents. Shrek also brusqueness and the soft heart that beats underneath. His daughter, Terri Thibadeau, show. "We go to Mass. If I feel finds himself saddled with a tenacious new side- Lithgow's bombastic readings offer a funny consaid Como had been suffering from troubled about something, I go to kick,a smart-mouthed donkey named Donkey trast with the vertically challenged Farquaad, whom Alzheimer's disease for about two my confessor. I may do the same (voiced by Eddie Murphy). , Lithgow plays as more egocentric than evil. Howyears. ' thing over again ... but I think a Indignant, Shrek'marches off to Lord Farquaad's ever, Murphy wins the day, proving that a real comic _A funeral Mass was celebrated moment's peace is worth a lot." castle with Donkey close beside him. Duloc, genius can get laughs without relying on his own May 18 at St. Edward Church in Comq's wife, Roselle, ~ied iii Farquaad's fanatically ordered, squeaky-clean, ruleor body language. facial expressions Palm Beach. As a vocalist, Como 1998, less than two weeks after filled kingdom, looks a lot like Disneyland, makYet what is most delightful about "Shrek" is the recorded his first million-seller, their 65th wedding anniversary. ing the viewer think it is a small world after all. feel-good, foot-stomping glee the viewer is left with ''Till the End of Time," in 1945. He called her "a better CathoIntent on ridding his land of those pesky crea- at the film's end. And best of all, the film doesn't Much was made of Como's ca- lic" than he, because she read the tures; Shrek strikes a deal with the short despot. resolve its problems in the expected way, making it reer as a barber in his native Penn- Bible "all the time:' although he Farquaad will revoke the edict.if the ogre rescues one of the few kids' films to send out the message sylvania while still a teen-ager, and went to Mass and confession regu,the beautiful Princess Fiona (voiced by Cameron that beauty really is skin deep. how he would sing while cutting larly. Diaz) from the fire-breathing dragon keeping her Due,to mild crass language and some crude huhair. In addition to his daughter, He sold 100 million records in Como is survived by two sons, prisoner, and brings her back to be Farquaad's bride. mor, the U.S. Catholic Conference classification is his lifetime, and 13 of his albums Ronnie and David; and 13 grandAnd after several close calls, Shrek saves the prin- A-ll - adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture are now available on compact disc. children. cess - and falls in love. But the fair maiden hides Association of America rating is PG - parental an ugly secret that will surely displease the ill-tem- guidance suggested.

Lovable ogre is a hit in 'Shrek'

· .. er' r orry Como C known as a man

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Attleboro Area: OUf. Lady of Mount Carmel, Seekonk St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro St. Mary, Mansfield St. Mary, Seekonk St. Mark, Attleboro Falls


83,633.00 39,175.00 23,452.00 23,313.00 20,250.00

Cape Cod Are~: St. Pius X, South Yarmouth Our Lady of Victory, Centerville Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster Holy Trinity, West Harwich Christ the King, Mashpee

$ 145,915.00

, 68,490.50 49,013.00 37,613.00 37,110.00

Fall River Area: St. Thomas More, Somerset St. Stanislaus, Fall River Santo Christo, Fall River H9ly Name, Fall Riv~r ~~pirjto .. , , .Santo," Fall River , . _ ;




28,921.00 27,022.00 23,610.76 22,652.00 ,21,172.00

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NewD~t'!f~&S'hl:>v:>ni :>rfJ ami qtI~ 'f.'102jQ v· "':}A::'l ; • . ;,'





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Immaculate Conception, New Bedford $ St. Julie Billiart, North Dartmouth Our Lady ·of Mount Carmel, New Bedford St. Mary, South Dartmouth St. John Neumann, East Freetown

.. ~ . t

•.• 1 ' I ~

t.. .



1 ._ .....

36,402.00 32,011.00 30,050.00 25,877.00 23,575.00

Taunton Area: St. Ann, Raynham St. Paul, Taunton Immaculate Conception, North EastQn Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton Holy Family, East Taunton ·;.t PA'RISHES














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Continued from page one

ness, industry, the professions and tremely receptive to the Appeal. On the northern frontier of the ciVic organizations. diocese, the Borromeo Fathers Prospective donors who have who now staff St. Joseph's Par- not yet been contacted are invited ish in Attleboro, have formed an to come aboard this year's Apenthusiastic parish committee to peal. Contributions can be prohelp conduct the drive, which, it appears, is going smoothly, he cessed at any of the more than said. 100 parishes of the diocese or by Msgr. Harrington said that contacting Diocesan Headquarmany of the parishes will now be ters at P.O. Box 1470, FaD River, engaged in a second round of mail MA 02722, or by calling 508-675contacts, seeking to ensure 100 . 1311, the Office of Catholic percent participation. Deanery Charities and Development. committees and Appeal headquarFollowing is a listing of the top ters are currently engaged in so- five parishes currently leading in liciting gifts from friends in busi- the deaneries of the diocese:




27,334.00 , 16,715.00 15,440.00 13,644.00 12,55ioo

O'Donnell, MlM Paul:Rockett; $160M/MFrank. Bellomo, M/M Richard ,Coffey; ~ohn W. Mcintyre; $150-MI ASSONET 51. Bernard: $200-M/M Gerard M Robert Fife, M/M Eugene Goulet, Desauliers; $180-MlMJohn Piekos; :S;':'; M/M Victor Mercurio, M/M $160-Mrs. Margaret Donahue;' James Rocha, Janice Stillman; $150-M/M Frank Clegg, Mr. James $125-M/M Robert Haggerty; $120Donnelly, MlMWarren MacDougall; M/M Victor Bonneville; $100-M/M $100-M/M Scott Blevins, M/M Kevin Arvisais, Mrs. Paul Bullock, Wilfred Canto, M/M Joseph M/M Joseph Caponigro, M/M ThoConnolly, M/M Antonio Coutinho, mas Carroll, M/M John Carty, M/M M/M Jeffrey DeMarco, M/M Leslie George Chalhoub, Mrs. Daniel Eckhart, M/M Charles McCarthy, Cronin, Elizabeth DeStefano, M/M Mrs. Janine Perry, Carol Walter Doraz, Adela Dudovicz, MI Roulusonis. M Charles Falugo, Cecile Fanning, , ATTLEBORO M/M Dayid Foley, Mrs. James Holy Ghost: $1 ,200-Rev. Steven Foley, Yvonne Gagliardi, Andrea R. Furtado; $265-2001 Confirma- Giordano, Mrs. Ralph Giordano, tion Class and Sponsors; $100-Mrs. Mrs. William Goff, Mrs. William Ralph Tinkham. Habershaw, M/M Joseph Hall, 51. John the Evangelist; Frances Jenkins, M/M John Kane, $2,000-Paul Palmisciano; $500-MI M/M Gerard Kenton, M/M Joseph M Thomas Cuddy, Jr., Edward Mahon, M/M John Mungo, M/M Kelley; $400-M/M Edward Bayly, Laban O'Brien, M/M Richard John Casey; $315-M/M John Pimble, Clara Rounds, M/M James Reardon; $300-M/M Robert Taylor, M/M Gerard Vachon. Mangiaratti, John McCarron; M/M St. Joseph: $300-M/M Albert Robert Rovzar; $250-M/M John Dumont, MIM Joe Brannon; $150-MI Costello, Dr/M John J. Killion, M/M M Mark Parsons; $100-Ramon Frank Oftring, Ralph Sears; $200- Albaladejo, MIM Albert E. Dumont, M/M Kevin Beagan, M/M John Kathleen McNamara, MIM RalphZito. Dolan, Robert Edwards, Irma BREWSTER Our Lady of the Cape: $750Fantaccione, M/M SA Gulino, M/M Earl D. Kelly, Mrs. Edward Mr. Charles Holley; $250-M/M

Francis Campion; $200-MlM John THEANCHOR-DioceseofFalI River-Fri., May 25, 2001 Collins, MIM Francis Tivnan, MIM Stanley S. Warden; $125-M/M Santos, MIM William A. Wieler, MIM Bernier, MIM Normand Belanger, MI . Edwin T. Nadeau, Dr/M Bernard Anthony Richard Solimine, M/M M Rena Desmarais, DrlM Raymond Phaneuf, MlM Joseph G. Carguilo, Harold Campbell, MIM Fred Free- Fournier, M/M Arthur Francoeur, MI M/M Robert Mahoney, Violet P. man, MIM Edward MacKinnon, MI M Robert Levesque, Notre Dame Slate; $100-MlM Richard Hassett, M Edward Sullivan, M/M Richard Youth Group, M/M Armand. Mr. Bernard Hayes, MIM Charles Carroll, M/M Fred Ravens, M/M Ouellette, M/M Ronald Salmons, Dedon, M/M Charles Stephens, MI Donald Hoffer, MlM Tony Andrews, Ms. Linda Saravo. M Raymond M. Coveney, MIM Rob- MIM Manuel C. Medeiros, M/M JoSacred Heart: $100-Mr. Thai ert D. Murphy, Mrs. Virginia seph Tenca,Lorraine Reardon, Quang, Mr. Paul R. White. Manganelli, Mary Tustin, Miss Elizabeth McCarty, M/M Ralph St. Anne: $300-Rev. Edward F. Marion R. Lupica, Mrs. Mary· Chasse, MIM Albin Gusciora, M/M Mcisaac; $150-Roger and Lorraine . Newman, M/M Max R. Higgins. Viriato M. Pereira, Cathy Richards; $120-Joseph and Claire CENTERVILLE Abbruzzese, M/M Edward Dudley, S1. George; $100-Richard Our Lady of Victory: $2,000-AI Jr., MIM Guy Nickerson, MIM J. Ken- Carvalho, Andre and Yvonne Car& Maureen Makkay; $l,OOO-M/M neth Deignan, Charles Cardoza, rier, Imelda Ferland, Loridas and David Johnson, M/M William Mary G. Dutra, Frank M. Teixeira, Emilie Jolivet. Zimmer; $600-MIM Vincent Kaseta; Lillian Yarosh, Nancy Andrade, 51. Anthony of Padua: $950$500-M/M John P. Barrera, Dr/M Theophilus Oliveira, James S. Pine, Rev. John C. Martins; $400-Holy Leonard J. Cullen, M/M Richard David P. Fuccillo. Name Society, St. Vincent de Paul Griffith; $400-M/M Richard R. EAST FREETOWN Society; $l50-Cpnfirmation Class 'Bouchard, John V. McManmon; 51. John Neumann: $800-Rev. 2001, MIM Abilio Aguiar; $100-MI $300-James F. Holland, Mrs. Msgr. Stephen J. Avila; $500-M/M M Jose C. Branco, M/M Jose M. Roland J. Morin, M/M David A. Cornelius Murphy; $200-M/M Paul Diogo, Mrs. Alice Silva, M/M libTierno; $250-Atty/M Robert T. Tetrault, In Loving Memory of eral Silva, M/M Jose C. Sardinha, Donahue, M/M Patrick Lee, M/M Yvette Lorraine DeMoranville; M/M Charles Cullen. Stan McLean, Mrs. HarrietO'Keeffe; $150-M/M Russell LaBrie, M/M St. Joseph: $210-M/M $225-M/M Francis D. McShea; Arthur Blais; $125-M/M Joseph J. Raymond Picard; $200-MIM Daniel $200-M/M Jack G. Carter, M/M Herman; $120-M/M Michael Wilkins; $160-M/M Manuel Mello; James J. Connors, M/M Henry Fel- Conway; $100-M/M Eric Johnson, $150-Mr. Joseph D. Harrington, MI lows, Kalliope G. Garoufes, M/M MIM Charles Johnson, MIM William M Edward LeBlanc, Jr.; $135-Mr. Alexander D. Morgan, Mrs. Henry Sylvia, M/M Neal McCabe, Ms. James Ponte; $100-Ethel Diogo, L. Murphy, Capt. John A. Smith, Attyl Racine Castaldo, M/M Robert D&D Overhead Garage Doors, Mr. M Don Weber; $150-MlM John J. Barlow, Ernest & Mary Lou Frias, Orlando Conforti, Mr. Francis L. Brosnan, MIM John J. Driscoll, Mary . MIM Roger Lamy. Harrington, Miss Julia Harrington, G. Hamilton, M/M James T. FAIRHAVEN M/M Thomas Corey, Mrs. James McCarthy; Mrs. Stephen O'Brien, MI 51. Joseph: $100-Mr. Joseph Perkins, Ms. Christine Read, MlM M John M. Regan, Charles A. Wry; Begnoche, Mrs. Joan Benoit, St. William Nugent, M/M Bernard $125-M/M George F. Dietel, M/M Vincent de Paul Society, Mrs. John. Tomlinson, Mr. Robert Gagnon, Jr., Roger Dupont, MlM Donald Morris; Staffon.. M/M Robert Gagnon, M/M Arthur $120-M/M James L. Childs; $10051. Mary: $200-M1M John Ferro, Laprise, M/M Ned Almeida, Mr. GilMrs. Frank Andres, M/M Louis A. MIM Matthew Hart; $150-Mrs. Fern bert Oliveira. Antonellis, Mrs. Donna Cafolla, MI Lipsett; $120-Blanche Pepin; $.110Santo Christo: $825-Rev. M Henry Cole, Mrs. Francis J. MlM Alexander Gonsalves; $100- Gastao Oliveira; $400-Rev. Brian E. Connors, M/M William D. 'Corbett, M/M Charles Foley, MIM Raymond Albino; $200-Adriano Pereira; M/M Thomas Creighton, Atty/M Vary, fiII/M Richard Sylvia. $175-John B. Moniz; $100-lrene FALL RIVER Robert A. Curley, M/M Michael Campos, Mary Carreiro, Francisco Decker, Mrs. John Deignan, M/M Blessed Sacrament: $150-MI Moniz, Jr., Victor M. Medeiros, AnRuben Deveau, M/M William M Albert Beaudoin; $100-M/M tonio S. Tavares, Natividade Devine, Mrs. Helen E. Dugan, Tho- Stephen Silvia, M/M Augustine Caetano, Alvarino & Maria , mas Eagar, M/M Robert Fellows, Gonsalves. Fagundes. .Mrs.'William Fleming, M/M John-J. Espirito Santo: $600-Rev. FALMOUTH Flynn, MIM Gerald Fortier, MIM Paul- ., Roger J. Landry; $300-Confirm.a- . 51. Patrick: $5,000-Rev. Francis Fowler, M/M Lawrence Freni, Mrs. tion Class 2001; $200-M/M Joao X. Wallace; $l,OOO-Rev. James A. Lois Gamble, M/M John F. Grady, Raul Pereira; $180-Helena Young; McCarthy; $500-M/M Joseph V. Mrs. Edward F. Hannan, M/M Rob- $150-MIM Duarte Silva; $100-M/M Charyk, M/M Henry DUlude, ert M. Haughey, Marjorie Keary, Artur Abelha, M/M Pedro Botelho, Falmouth Lumber, Inc., Miss M.K. Mark Lepire, Mrs. Wray Lockwood, A Friend, MIM Fernando Oliveira, Fraser, Wood Lumber Company; M/M David MacDougall, M/M John Mary Sousa, MIM David Jordan, MI $350-DrlM William S. Downey, Jr.; ,Mark, Elio Mattozzi, Marjorie M Manuel Sousa, Anonymous. $340-M/M Louis A. Tessier; $300Holy Name: $300-Mrs. Arthur Mrs. William C. Dillon, LawrenceMcCready, Sheila F. Murphy, MIM Joseph O'Brien, M/M Kevin Smith; $150-M/M Timothy Gallant, ';eVnch Corp., M/M William F. O'Brien,Mrs.BlancheMacDougall, Yvette M.J. Paquet; $125-ln O'Connor, Ms. Ann E. Reeves; Atty. Michael J. Princi, M/M Joseph Memory of Dr. Thomas F. Higgins $250-M/M Richard L. Kinchla, Drl Regan, Mrs. Joan Roycroft, M/M and Dr. Anne Marie Higgins; $110- M John E. Mitchell, Joseph J. Costa, Andre Sampou, Louis Sault, M/M M/M Andrew Rebello; $100-Mary Inc., Painting Contractor, M/M Daniel Severino, Ms. Donna Smith, Carvalho; Mrs. John Hart, MIM Eu- Armand Ortins; $200-M/M Francis M/M Edward D. Tocio, M/M Edward gene L. McCarthy, William Nuttall, J. DeYoung, Dr. Edward Fitch; $150M. Tokarz, Dr/M, Joseph Vogt, M/M Robert Rebello, M/M Robert Mrs. James L. Conley, M/M Joseph Damon Wirtanen, M/M Alfred Kitchen, M/M Robert Margetta, Costa, MlM Benjamin Losordo, Mrs. Zervis. Irene C. Lapre, MIM John W. Toulan, Paul Navin; $125-M/M Robert J. DIGHTON Jr., MIM Richard Lapointe, M/M Jo- Ferris; $100-M/M Kenneth Benoit, St. Peter: $200-Leo & Julie seph Stanton, M/M Mark Gauvin, M/M David Carr, M/M Michael E. Deslauriers, Paul & Cheryl Ventura;. Frederic C. Dreyer, Jr., M/M Vincent Foley, M/M Anthony Ghelfi, M/M $125-St. Peter's Women's Guild; Mannion, M/M Adelino Flores, MIM Daniel P. Gilmartin; M/M Anthony $100-M/M Eric Araujo, Normand & Thomas Dunn, M/M Antone G. Glista, M/M Paul Harney, In Alberta Fournier, Norman & Almeida, M/M John Medeiros, MIM Memory of Charles D. Haynes, JoJacqueline- Smith, Mrs. Theresa Wilfred Morrissette, M/M Fred seph Hill, M/M Leo J. Lachance, MI Carpenter. Czerwonka. M Leonard Matthews, M/M William Holy Rosary: $350~Conrad J. McEachern, Agnes McGrath, EAST FALMOUTH 51. Anthony: $500-MlM C. Rob. PineauIt; $300-Natalie Almeida; Edwin Medeiros, Donald A. Schroeder, Joseph Reardon; $400- - $100-M/M A. Bert Caron, M/M Moitozo, MlMThomas F. Murphy, Jr., MlM Melvin Gonsalves, Lt. Col. Wil- Remo Ciolfi, Kathleen Costa, MIM MIM ArthurO'Keeffe, MIM Milton R. liam Joyce; $300-MlM Harry Sioate, Albert D'Ambrosio, M/M Joseph Steele, Theresa Stone, Dr/M NichoM/M Manuel S. White, Jr., M/M Guidotti, Margie Lima, M/M las Verven, Mrs. Thomas J. Walker. George Botelho, M/M George Alphonse Saulino, Michael MASHPEE Costello; $250-M/M Joseph Saulino, Alice Sullivan, Catherine Christ the King: $3,000-Rev. Haynes; $200-Loretta Doucette, Sullivan, M/M Carl Vincelette. Msgr. Ronald A. Tosti; $500-Rev. Holy Trinity: $l,500-A Parish- Edward J. Burns, M/M Carlton F. Richard L. Corey, Margaret R. McGaffigan, St. Anthony's Couples ioner; $850-ln Memory of Manuel Meredith, M/M Gregory J. Beckel; Club, M/M Joseph Pierce, M/M An- G. Andrade; $200-Paul Martin; $300-M/M Paul M. Tracy, M/M John thony Spagone; $175-M/M Robert $100-Muriel Cote. Regan, M/M James J. Ledwith, Boccuzzi; $160-MlM James O'Neil, Immaculate Conception: $200- Mary White; $250-M/M Robert W. M/M John J. Tulka; $150.36-M/M In Memory of James A. Partridge; Costello; $200-M/M John C. John T. Kelley; $150-M/M Leo Jolly, $150-M/M Raymond Lafleur; $100- Ostrom; $125-M/M Paul Simonetti; Jr., M/M Richard Podgorski, M/M John P. Flavin. $120-M/M Raymond Masce, Notre Dame: $700-Rev. Rich- Felicica L. Barney; $100-M/M Thomas A. Brown, Bella L. Malima; $125-Beatrice Emerald, Mary Little, ard L. Chretien; $250-M/M Gerard Howard D. Lane, J. Norman M/M Joseph Paruti, M/M Frank. Duquette; $200-Mrs. Annette Fitzgerald, Jean M. Blevins, M/M Lima; $100-ln Memory of Justino Frascatore; $150-Mrs. Margaret Robert E. Daniels, James R. Walker, and Maria Simoes, M/M John Phenix; $125-ln Memory of Alfred Dorothy Bottos, James Souza, MI Burke, M/M Ralph Hamilton, M/M Dupras, Jr., M/M Robert Boutin; M George I. Munro, M/M Francis E. William Gilmartin, M/M Stephen P. $115-Ms. Cecile Masse; $1 OO-Mrs. Turn to page 12 - Appeal Holmes, Bella Simmons, M/M Julio Evaline Berger, M/M Theodore









Diocese ofFall River -



. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . ." .. . .. .. . .

Fri., May 25, 2001

Cardinal angers evangelicals in talk about religion 'i'n,dustry'


TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras same. (CNS)-Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Several observers were surprised Maradiaga angered Honduran by Cardinal Rodriguez's remarks. evangelicals and members of a few Compared to other bishops in the mainline Protestant churches with region, he. has. a_reputation for behis suggestion that many non-Catho- ing one of the more ecumenical. In lie churches are industries designed his first Mass after returning home to eniich their pastors. from his investiture as acardinal, he "There are much more serious recognized several evangelical leadproblems in Honduras" then criti- ers by name, thanking them for becizing other religions, said the Rev. ing present. Sergio Handal, pastor of the evanHector Zelaya, Cardinal gelical Church of the Great Cm.- , Rodriguez' as,sistant for ecumenical mission in Tegucigalpa. "It's acoun- relations, said he had met with sevtry that's not producing, with a high eral Protestant and evangelical leadlevel of poverty. . ers ,in early May, trying to assure An Episcopal Church leader re- them of the cardinal's c,ontinuing fused to participate in an ecumeni- commitment to ecumenism~ cal dialogue last week: stating in a Zelaya told Catholic News Serprivate letter to the meeting's orga- vice that the Honduran press, in renizers that he was "not willing to porting the cardinal's remarks, has continue sitting at the same table, not distinguished between traditlonal eating crackers and drinking coffee Protestant churches, with which he together, until the cardinal clarifies says Cardinal Rodriguez maintains his remarks." good relations, and those recently While the cardinal was in Guate- emerged evangelical churches that mala in late April to mark the anni- have demonstrated aggressive versary ofthe 1998 murder of aGua- proselytism and less-than-transpartemalan bishop, reporters asked him ent financial accountability. a question about evangelical sects. Zelaya said ~everal Tegucigalpa ''This phenomenon is becoming , movie theaters have been taken over an industry today, because whoever by Brazilian preachers affiliated with so desires can accredit themselves the Universal Church of the Reign as apastor," Cardinal Rodriguez said of God. during a press conference in GuateThe Rev. Osmundo Ponce, aPresmala City, "There's no process of byterian pastor and rector of the ,accreditation, there's no superior Honduran campus ofthe Costa Ricaauthority, and what they have in based Latin American Biblical Unicommon is they are anti-Catholic versity, said non-Catholics should be and they make people pay a tithe." careful not to protest too much. The Tegucigalpa archbishop, ''There are serious problems in who was named a cardinal in Feb- some of our churches," Rev. Ponce ruary, suggested that the Honduran told CNS. "Some pastors are not interior ministry "should get out the reporting clearly how the offerings lists of the ,churches that are legally are used. And how is it possible that registered, in order to see what kind people are dying again of hepatitis of congregations they belong to and in Honduras, and yet several' how they are accredited." churches are constructing huge new He said he was willing to do the buildings?" '




Continued from page 11

$100-M/M Manuel P. Melo, MargaPOCASSET Dolan, Kathryn R.K. Lapio, Mary St. John the Evangelist: ret Dias, Mrs. Louis E: Cormier, M/ Abreau, M/M Ralph Wall, MlM John Quinlan, Sr., MlMWilliam F. Murray, $3,000-Rev. Robert C. Donovan; M Jose Pacheco, M/M John Lopes: SOUTH YARMOUTH Christine Perrault, Meghan E. ' $150-Marie T. Johnson; $125.-M/ St. Pius X: $300-M/M John R. M James Lengyel; $lOO-M/M JoIrizarry. seph Lombardo, M/M George' Mullen; $250-Mrs. John Steen; NEW BEDFORD Holy Name of- the Sacred McAndrew, M/M Albert Beinor, M/ $200-M/M John E. McLaughlin; Heart of Jesus: $500-M/M M John Migliaccio, Mrs. Marilyn $150-Mrs. Madelyn E. ,Clancy; --James Flanagan; $300-M/M Rob- , Powers, Margaret A. Connelly, $125-Madeline V. Paradis; $100M/M Joseph Perna, Mrs. Frank W. ert H. Carlsen, Jr.; $250-M/M Eric David & Lynn Trucchi. Martinelli, M/M James E. RAYNHAM Erickson; $200-M/M Charles St. Ann: $700- Theodore Sheahan, Paul Sullivan, Clare Cabral, Jr'., The Families of Denault and Lecomte, M/M Jo- Kapala; $250-M/M Patrick Cady, Heuss, William Gallagher, Marie seph S. Finnerty, Patrick Wilkinson; M/M William Tripp; $20O,-M/M E. Dengenis, M/M Robert L. $175-M/M Robert Arruda; '$130- James Mulvihill; $150-M/M Henry Dwyer, M/fI.II Alfred Ferro, M/M PeM/M Arnold Avellar, Donald ,Crombie, Mrs. Daniel Rota; $100- ter D. Keefe. SWANSEA Buckley, Constance Menard; M/M Bert Cichoracki, M/M Joseph St. Dominic: $1,400:,Edward $125-M/M John F. Robinson, Dea- Fernandes, Paul J. Fountain, M/M con/M Eugene H. Sasseville; Bradford Gomes, M/M Richard D. Pettine; $175-Harvey Lenon; $120-Mrs. Gilbert Medeiros; $100- Labonte, M/M Paul O'Brien, M/M $100-Frank Flynn, William H. Lapointe. Americo C. Araujo, M/M Terence James'Trucchi. St. Louis de France: $200-M/ SEEKONK Beehan, M/M Joseph Brunette, oM/ Our Lady of Mount Carmel: M Timothy Thompson; $100-M/M M Thomas Conlon, John Correia, M/M Paul Coucci,. Janet $1 ,500-Dr/M Stephen Conway, M/ Kenneth Camara, M/M Terrence Demoranville, Celeste A. M Gary Heaslip; $1,200-M/M Tyrrell, M/M John R. Torres. TAUNTON Dufresne, Thomas Joseph, Charles Brett; $750-Hendricks Holy Family: $750-M/M David $600-Mrs. Richard Lawrence Harney, Jr., M/M Paul Pools; Letourneau, M{M John Lyons, Kendrick; $500-M/M Henry Foley, 1. Gay; $300-Merle Coughlin; Edward L. Manly III, M/M John M/M Francis Gibbons; $390-M/M $250-M/M Robert J. Gallagher; Mulligan, Howard Prescott, Jr., John Hendricks; $300-M/M Tho- $200-M/M Raymond Prunier; John Robinson, Jr., M/M Antolin mas Castle, M/M Joyce Harney,' $175-M/M Mark Sabina; $150-M/ Rosado, Mary L. Wilson, M/M M/M Carl Mitchell, Jr., M/M Fritz M Richard Torres, M/M Fernand Ulmschneider; $250-M/M Brian Medeiros,. M/M Richard Martin; Charles Xavier. Our Lady of the Assumption: Strayer, M/M !=dward Sq'uier; $125-M/M Francis Perry;'$l OO-M/ $125-Henry J. Barros; $1 OO-Dea- $240-M/M Joseph McCabe; M Michael Boutin, Margaret $200-Jane Barker; Mrs. Andrew O'Neill, Joseph Castro, M/M Thocon/M Antonio M. daCruz. Our Lady of Fatima: $500- Farrington, M/M Jesse Hendricks, mas Powers, M/M Dennis Perrault, Rev. James F. Greene; $100-M/M M/M Alfred Morris, Jr., M/M Ed- Mrs. Mary Murphy, M/M Eugene Brian Lawler, M/M Arthur Blaise, ward Olean, M/M Freeman Treacy; Lecuyer, M/M Mark Fowler, M/M Beverly $150-M/M Alfred Benoit, Maureen Gardner Bassett, M/M William R. Fortier. St. Anne: $600-A Friend; McCloskey, M/M Frank Mooney, M/ Crowninshield. Holy Rosary: $180-Mrs. Anna $150-Jeanne Bowden, Olive M Michael Paquette, Antonio Goulart; $100-Raymond Kobza, Ribeiro, Jr.; $135-M/M Michael Sienko; $150-M/M Marcellus D. Charles Carpenter, Roger Quaglia; $130-M/M John Furtado; Lemaire; $100-James & Sally Desroches, Domenic Gioiosa, A $125-M/M Ray Corrigan, M/M Wil- Ferreira, Miss.Anne Kalacznik,,M/ Friend, Louis Proulx. liam McAuliffe; $120,Mrs. James fy1;)?hQl:,Lgp.~~, fv1rs: Laura St. Lawrence: $800-Rev. John .D.~n~qn;.$f~,bJ~~i~.ff..Jm~~.~AQ~~ Nont~,calyq,,fy1(M, ~e.o rg~. p!r,~ub, M. 'Sullivan; $500-M/M 'Richard T. $1 OO-M/M 'Guilhetme Alexandre, M/M David 'Turkalo. St. Anthony:' $700-ln Honor Saunders, Jr.; $260-M/M Thomas M/M Paul'Bilodeau, 'M/M Emile J. Long; $250-Dr. Cynthia Kruger; Bonneau, M/M Peter Capello, M/ of Saint Anthony; $150-A Friend; , $200-Mrs. Leopold F. Harnois, Mf- M John Carney, M/M James $100-M/M Joseph Amaral, M/M M Dalpha Lavallee, James F. Cavallaro, M/M Michael Cayer, John Camara, M/M James Murray, M/MJeffrey R. Poyant, M/ Mrs. Alfred Cobb, M/M Joseph Copeland, Laurentina Craven, M/ M Thomas Ryan; $135-M/M Paul Costa, 'M/M Richard Costa, M/M M Lawrence DePaula, Herbert H. Marshall; $100-M/M William Robert Dias, M/M Raymond Enos, Jacinto. St. Paul: $l,OOO-M/M Robert Butler, M/M Thomas H. Cadieux, M/M Neil Farren, M/M Joseph M/M Theodore' J. Calnan, M/M Florio, M/M William Heaney, M/M Bessette; $850-Rev. Bento R. $120-M/M Joseph James Corbett & Paul T., Dr. Thomas Hill, Genevieve Fraga; Law'rence Luby,Ann Mahoney, Dr/ Kaczynski, John Korkuc, M/M Mastromarino; $1 OO-Carol BaxterM Robert Small. ' Armand Lemieux, M/M Harvey Green, M/M John F. Brady, M/M NORTH DIGHTON Mace, Mr~. Sergio Macedo, Eliza- Franklin Brown, M/M James St. Joseph: $250-David beth Marsland, M/M Valentim Corliss, Richard Hooben, M/M ChadwiCK, Richard Lee, Dr. Mendes, M/M Harold Messenger, John McAloon, M/M Robert Spen,Armand Yelle, M/M Donald Scott; Mrs,. George Mihailides, M/M ' cer,' M/M . Edmund Teixeira, $200-Francis Torres; $145-Frank Samuel Mulholland, Anna Pauline Viera~' Norma ,Wade. Phillipe; $100-David Schnopp, Murtha, M/M Michael O'Connell, , WESTPORT Robert Murray, Richard Slavick, ' M/M William Paur'o; 'M/M James Oui' Lady of Grace: $500-Rev. . Ralph Charlwood, Mrs. 'Arthur Rassol, MiM Jose Reis, M/M Craig Roland 'Bousquet; $200-M/M Bourgault. Ressler, M/M James'Roberts, M/ Manuel Vale; $100-M/M John ORLEANS M Gilbert Rose, M/M Anthony 'Leonard, M/M John Sparks, M/M St. Joan of Arc: $l,OOO-M/M Silva,M/M RandarrSilveira, M/M Raymond Petit, M/M Romain Richard McLaughlin; $300-M/M Carleton Skinner, Mrs. John Smith, Saulnier. Richard Page; $250-M/M Joseph M/M David Pitassi, Mrs. Robert St. George: $200-M/M Andrew Hirschberg; $200- Thomas Ressler, Seekonk Oil Corpora- Quinn; $110-M/M Edward McGinn; Lawson, Dr/M Robert McLaughlin, tion, Mrs. Cornelius Shackett, M/ $lOO-Joyce Napert, St. George Harriet Royal, M/M Edward Shea, M William Toole, M/M Robert Van- Women's Guild, M/M Carlos M/M RobertTroy; $150-M/M John . dal, M/M Stephen West; Mrs. Ferreira, Eugene Pimentel, M/M Cuccia, Helen Rabbitt; $125-Ri- George Wood, Joe Lopes, Mrs. Ronald Perrier, chard LeClair, Julianne Sullivan; SOMERSET M/M Daniel LaFrance, M/M $100-Dorie Bicknell, M/M Antonio St. John of God: $175-M/M Manuel Camara. Boutot, M/M Charles Callahan, M/ Arthur Carvalho; $150-M/M Camilo St. John the Baptist: $500M Jam'es Cashin, M/M Paul Viveiros; $125-M/M Edward Mrs. William Porter, M/M William Croteau, Dennis Cunningham, M/ Medeiros; $100-M/M Fernando J. Devine, Eric Thorgerson; $350-M/ M Joseph DiBrigida, M/M Edward, Aguiar, Ms. Maria McCoy, Dr/M Ken- , ~ Richard Brewer; $300-Leonard , Doherty, AI Franz, Jr., M/M Martin neth, Arruda, Ms. Mary Martha Rock; $200-M/M John Hodgson; Gauthier, Elizabeth Griffin, M/M Murphy, Mr. Edgar Rebelo, Ms. $175-Denise Toohey; $150-Mrs. Thomas Hawko, M/M Adam Hipp, Maria Chaves, M/M ,Manuel Robert Souza, Dr/M Stephen Diane Lee, M/M Dave Kaval, M/M Benevides, M/M Jose Amaral, M/M Kamionek; $1 ~?-Francis Toohey, Do'nald Leibers, M/M Th,omas Joseph Lawrence, M/M Manuel C. M/M Ernest Martin; $100-M/M McCarthy, Pauline McGaughey, Motta, Mr. Bruce B. Boynton, M/M David'Latinville, Joyce Paquette, Anna Morse, M/M Leo Murray, Robert DaRocha," Mr. Jorge M/M, Edmund Thadeu, Virginia ·Aileen O'Duffy, Peter O'Meara, M/ Coutinho, M/M Robert Correia. King, Dr/M John Lentini, Gail MarM Fred Sauer, M/M William SOUTH DARTMOUTH tin, M/M Joel Sunderland, Agnes Stempsey, M/M Joseph Welch, M/ St. Mary: $600-Rev. Terence F. McCloskey, M/M Robert Condon, M Theodore Young, M/M Peter Keenan; $500-M/M G. Albert Roy; M/M Stanley Kokoszka, William Zagwyn, $150-0Iivia M. Luiz; Mary T. Luiz; Navin, .M/M Donald Wilusz.

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., May 25, 2001


POPE JOHN Paull! opens the consistory in Synod Hall at the Vatican. More than 150 of the world's 183 cardinals were meeting for three days of closed-doQr sessions. (eNS photo from Reuters)

Consistory features open, small-group discussions ~

Input on pastoral issues took up most of the meetings of.the cardinals. By JOHNTHAVIS CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

VATICAN CITY - The extraordinary consistory of the world's cardinals meeting Monday through Thursday featured five sessions of open discussion, one round of small-group discussions and 'a 'firi'al'reporrOri the main themes, the Vatican said. The sessions were chaired by Vatican officials in the presence of Pope John Paul II, who convened the meeting to seek input from the cardinals on a wide variety of pastoral issues facing the Church at the start of the third millennium.

The official theme of the meeting was: "Church Prospects for the Third Millennium, in Light of 'Novo Millennio lneunte' ('At the Beginning of the Third Millennium')." According to schedule, the cardinals. heard two reports on the jubilee year 2000 at the beginning of the first day, as a starting point for their discussions. Later in the day, Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger of Paris introduced the evening' session with a talk on the theme: "Pastoral Perspectives of the Church in the New Millennium." The meeting, held in the Vatican's synod hall, offered cardiitals a chance to speak on a wide variety of topics, ranging from evangelization strategies to social justice issues. Moderators for the sessions were Cardinal Bernardin Gantin,

dean of the College of Cardinals; Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; and Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Vatican secretary of state. The schedule called for smallgroup discussions on Wednesday morning. Reports from each language group were read that evening to the full assembly, along with a final report written by Mexican Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iniguez of Guadalajara. The pope closed the consistory with a Mass Thursday, followed by a lunch with the cardinals at their Vaticari residence, the Domus Sanctae Marthae. Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls gave briefings every day on the content of the cardinals' discussions.

School by the beginning of the new academic year in September~ In announcing the changes in the Education Department, Bishop O'Malley emphasized that the Catholic education of young people in the diocese is of utmost importance. "With his background, his experience and his vision for what can be accomplished, I am pleased that Mr. Milot will begin to prepare to take over as Education Director at the completion of Father Garland's tenure," Bishop O'Malley stated. The bishop also said he is grateful to Father Garland for the leadership he has brought and will continue to bring until the end of the year. . "I understand the desire of Father Garland to be able to serve the needs of his religious order," said Bishop O'Malley. "I am pleased he has shared his long-term plans with me and provided us with ample time for a smooth transition from one administration to another." Milot becomes the Director of Education-designate with classroom and administrative experience. He began as a teacher and coach at Bishop Stang. in 1966 and in 1974 was named principal there, serving until 1982. He was the athletic director and health coordinator at Bristol-Plymouth Regional Technical High. School in Taunton for eight years before becoming principal at Bishop Feehan in 1994. "After seven years at Feehan, I am happy that I don't have to say good-bye for my new job," Milot said. "I will still be working with the school to help the'


Continued from page one

administration carry out the plans and dreams they have for their future." The school kicked off a $2.5 million capital campaign last November. Thus far, $2.2 million has been raised. Milot explained that his connections extend beyond Bishop Feehan, to Bishop Stang High School, where he served, and to Coyle and Cassidy High School where one of his children is now a student and where his are intertwined as a graduate of Msgr. Coyle High School. "It will be exciting," Milot reflected, "to work with so many people whom I know and have worked with before in other ways in my various roles as teacher and principal. I am pleased that Bishop O'Malley has the confidence in me to offer me the opportunity to serve as the diocesan Director of Education." Milot and his wife Suzanne reside in Raynham with their two daughters. There are currently four high schools and 24 middle and elementary schools in the diocesan school system. Plans are underway for three additional elementary schools in growing areas of the diocese. Father Garland described the schools as "a vital and growing system," and said he will miss the close contracts he has had here "after five wonderful years." But Father Garland quickly added that he is not leaving yet and is "looking forward to serving the schools through the rest of their year and well into another one."

Immigrants comprise 28 percent of new U.S. priests By CATHOUC News SERVICE WASHINGTON - A higher percentage of foreign-born priests will be among the more than 400 men being ordained this year in the United States. The percentage of ordinands born outside the United States rose to 28 percent from 24 percent, according to a survey conducted by the U.S. bishops' Committee on Vocations. The largest number came from Mexico and Vietnam, with each of those countries represented by 5 percent. Of the 343 diocesan and religious seminarians preparing for ordination in 2001 who responded to the survey, 13 percent are Hispanic, seven percent are Asian or Pacific Islander and one percent are African-American. Results of the survey were released by the U.S. Catholic Conference May 21 in Washington. The mean age of ordinands is 36.2, while 50 percent are 35 years old or younger. Three percent are 60 or older. Also, the percentage who have received master's degrees nearly doubled to 17 percent, according to Dean R. Hoge of the Life Cycle Institute at The Catholic University of America in Washington.

In analyzing the report, Hoge noted that "ordinands in 2001 have changed little from those in 1998." A Catholic school education appeared to be a strong influence with 64 percent attending a Catholic elementary schbol, 54 percent a Catholic high school and 56 percent a Catholic college before entering the seminary. Parish involvement also appeared to be significant in. their choosing a priestly vocation, with 53 percent serving as eu- . charistic ministers, 59 percent as lectors and 61 percent as altar servers. The 2001 questionnaire introduced a series of questions about the ordinands' experience with vocation programs. "The vocation encouragement most often remembered was personal contact, especially by a priest, friend qr seminarian," Hoge said. "Second most common were retreat programs." Archbishop Roger L. Schwietz of Anchorage, Alaska, chairman of the U.S: bishops' Committee on Vocations, said the survey shows the importance of "reaching out to men we sense have what it takes to be a priest." 'The vast majority cited personal con-

.tact as a reason for their having the courage to pursue becoming a priest. We need to do more reaching out," he said in a statement Almost 90 percent of respondents spoke of a priest initiating a conversation .about the priesthood. Others spoke of the influence of campus ministry programs and other associations. Ming Cong Bui, 31, of Orange, Calif., who came to the United States when he was 22, said he received encouragement from the local Vietnamese Vocations Association. Stuart Crecoure, 27, of the Diocese of Tulsa, Okla., said he found support from his college friends as well as the college chaplain. Among the 2001 ordinands are a set of twins, Paul and Patrick Gilbert, 26, who will be ordained for the Diocese of Manchester, N.H. Cuba-born Lorenz Jesus Gonzalez, 30, who will be ordained for the Diocese of Venice, Fla., was an Olympic wrestler and twice national Cuban wrestling champion. Sean McGraw, 30, who is being ordained a Holy Cross priest, was a tennis instructor. Russell Hewes, 38, of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, was a state golf

champion for Oklahoma. In the Archdiocese of Newark, N.J., eight of the 12 men being ordained are foreign-born, coming from Congo, the Philippines, Canada, Spain, South Korea and Vietnam. Some ordinands have children. Robert Diebold, 59, of the Diocese ofFargo, N.D., has four daughters and 12 grandchildren. Diebold entered the seminary after he and his wife divorced and he had his marriage annulled. Widower Albert Schifano, 62, of the Diocese of Tucson, Ariz., has two children and two grandchildren. Thirty-nine of the men who answered the survey cited their military experience. Sean Vincent Knox, 35, who is being ordained for the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, Fla., served in the Air Force for seven and a half years. Robert Wedow, 35, of the Denver Archdiocese, and Michael Hef)drickson, 33, of the Diocese of San Jose, Calif., are graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy. Bryan Keith Lowe, 43, of the Diocese of Birmingham, Ala., was a Navy officer,. and Yong HY!1k Lee, 37, of the Diocese of Galveston-Houston, served in both the Korean and U.S. armies.

14 THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., May25~ 2001





CYO banquet will feature. hoopscotich

FALL RIVER - . Ralph . Willard, who led the Holy Cross Crusaders Men's Basketball team to the NCAA tournament this past season, will be thl guest speaker at the annual Fall River Area CYO Basketball Banquet May 30, 6 p.m. at McGovern's Restaurant here. Willard is a former assistant coach at the Uriiversity of Kentucky and served as head coach at the University of Western Ken-

tucky and the University of Pittsburgh. In just a few short seasons he turned around the basketball program at Holy Cross and helped them advance to the NCAA tournament in 2001. The banquet will feature award presentations to championship teams and outstanding individual players who earned the title of most valuable player.. For more

information on attending call 508-673-9492 or 508-824-5707.

THE BISHOP FEEHAN High ~chool, Attleboro, Cheerleading Squad enjoyed a successful competition season in 2000-2001 placing in the top 10 among all schools in Massachusetts for Division II. The Shamrocks are led by Head qoach Lisa Tetreaolt Serak and assistants Lisa Augusto, Jennifer Force; Allison Bartley and Sar~h.Simrilons.

FIRST-GRADE TEACHER Meg Santos of Notre Dame School, Fall River, congratulates second-grader Katie Kochan on receiving a perfect score of 100 on her spelling test. Santos promised Kochan if she aced the exam the teacher would do a cartwheel for her and was true to her word.

STUDENTS FROM Saint Joseph School, Fairhaven, wear blue ribbons to help raise awareness about child abuse and recently began collecting coins to help put an end to child abuse and neglect. From left: Matthew Sobral, Matthew Lucio; Courtney McNeil, Nathan Sobral, Kendra Isaksen, Hillary Isaksen and Samantha Melanson.

STUDENTS AT Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, received a visit from members of the Fall River Council of the .. Ass.0ciation Canado-Americain recently to celebrate Francophone Week. ryIembers Jean Louis Clapin, Madeleine BISHOP STANG High School social studies teacher Manuel Medeiros receives congratuSt. Pierre and Doris Barnaby presented a·flag to language lations from seniors Jocelyn Lally and Peter Amaral upon being named National Honor Society teacher Susan Silvia and q~zzed students studying French· Teacher of the Year. H~ hastaught at the North Dartmouth school for 16 years. Lally is. senior about Canadian trivia. president of the school's honor society and Amaral is its senior vice president.

THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri.,May 25, 2001


Talking with teens about Pentecost By AMY WELBORN CAlMOUC NEWS SERVICE

A big difference. If Jesus is Lord, that means that Do you ever wonder if there's everything he said is true. Everymore to this Christianity business thing he said about material things being totally unimportant. Every than you're led to believe? The way people talk about it word he said about living by the - even religion teachers some- spirit of the law, not just the lettimes - you'd think that being ter. Every hint he dropped about Christian is about nothing more sacrifice. And, very important, everythan being kind to other people. But that surely can't be all there thing Jesus said about God's pasis to it, you suspect. Jesus surely sionate love for you is absolutely couldn't have been executed just true. for preaching Imagine livkindness. r:====~----.., ing that way. Now it's Pen" -~t.""".:01 Imagine walktecost, and that ..,' I ing around in this story gives you culture of ours, even more路 to in which human beings are noththink about. The apostlesaregathing more than. ered in a locked FOR YOUTH. ABOUT YOUTH bodies to be exroom, and ploited and walthey're terrified. That's why the lets to be emptied, living as if door is locked, of course. Jesus is Lord. Why are they so scared? If Now you can see why the Christianity were just about kind- apostles were a little hesitant. You ness, surely the apostles could get might even share that hesitation. out there on the streets of JerusaNo, you won't be under the lem and tell people about that with- threat of arrest and imprisonment out fearing for their lives, right? if you accept the good news the But there they are, praying and apostles preached. But you'll waiting. They've been told by probably confront your own set Jesus to go out and spread the of difficulties from your peers good news, and baptize all na- and maybe even from your famtions, but they just can't seem to ily. get around to it. They're almost So maybe now you can see the paralyzed there in that room. point of those gifts of the Spirit, For fear of telling people to poured out on the apostles on Pentecost and shared with you at conbe nice? I don't think so. You know the rest of the story, firmation. If you're going to emof course. The apostles' fear ends brace Jesus as Lord of your life, when, in a rush of wind and you're going to need wisdom, tongues of flame, the Holy Spirit understanding, counsel and comes in their midst, setting them knowledge to help you figure out on fire and giving them the COUI'- how to live this way. You're going to need fortitude age to get out of that room and proclaim the good news. As Pe- to help you be strong. You're goter said that day, "God has made ing to need piety and fear of the him both Lord and Messiah, this Lord for those quiet times when Jesus whom you crucified." it all gets to be too much, and That's the heart of it. That's you'll need to be re-fed and nourthe core of Christianity - not just ished for the next step. simple humanitarianism, but livSo there you go, young apostle ing rooted in the conviction that of the 21 st century. Jesus is Lord. The Spirit's in your heart. Jesus is Lord. Isn't it time to unlock the door So what? What difference does that make? and go outside?



DOMINICAN SISTER Mary Mercedes wrote "A Book of Courtesy" in 1910 for the benefit of her students. A revised version was published this year with suggestions for solutions to contemporary problems like road rage. (CNS photos)

Is courtesy contagious? Book sales will tell the tale By MARK PATTISON CAlMOUC NEWS SERVICE

ter makes her point somewhat bluntly, such as: - "It is not a duty to be brutally honest" - "Keep your lips closed while chewing your food. Don't put too much food in your mouth, and eat slowly. You are not tossing hay into your barn to beat the rain." But the new version also takes into account the modem world. There is one chapter devoted to electronic communications - un"

was rewritten to suggest courteous solutions to contemporary probWASHINGTON - Without lems, according to Lillian Machado putting it in exactly these words, Dickson, one of the graduates from SisterMary Mercedes thought that, 1950 who assisted in revising the while it was nice to be good, it was tome. better to be nice. There are times when courtesy Such was the underpinning of pays off, although "I can remem"A Book of Courtesy," a slim little ber several times it would have felt volume the Dominican nun wrote good to cause a scene at Macy's," . in 1910 for the benefit of her stuDickson said with a laugh. dents at the Dominican Convent When confronted by another Upper School in San Domenico, driver's road rage, "I blow 'em a Calif., near San Francisco. kiss," she added. "It always Believing her admonitions works." and advice to have value in Alexandra Markrack, 17, In discussing conduct in a car, '~ today's less-than-civil society, Book of Courtesy" advises: "It a senior at the convent school, a group of Sister Mary has read both the old and new Mercedes' students from the doesn't hurt to give in. If another versions cover to cover. school's graduating class of driver's rudeness irritates you, do The school has sponsored 1950 revised and updated the not show your anger or make any a handful of teas to help book. 路gestures. The other driver's manners bring home some points in Not only will it serve a will not improve if you do, and you' the book for Markrack and new generation ofstudents in her fellow students. In the old may be putting yourself in danger if days, San Domenico, but the Sister Mary Mercedes HarperSanFrancisco publish- he chooses to retaliate." taught a class in courtesy uning house issued the book til she retired in 1950. recently for the benefit of a "You learn how to be repopulace trying to cope with a high- heard of in Sister Mary Mercedes' spectful" through applying the stress, road-rage world. day - with an emphasis on cell book's principles, Markrack told Catholic News Service in a teleSome of the royalties from "A . phones. Book of Courtesy" - subtitled In discussing conduct in a car, phone interview from the school. Something that's easy to do that ''The Art of Living With Yourself "A Book of Courtesy" advises: "It and Others" - will benefit the' doesn't hurt to give in. If another "slips your mind," she said, is little, school and its programs. driver's rudeness irritates you, do "saying 'please' and 'thank you.' It Some of Sister Mary Mercedes' not show your anger or make any really makes a difference." One item in the book Markrack words are timeless. gestures. The other driver's man"The person who is late for ap- ners will not improve if you do, tjlought was reminiscent of a difpointments or keeps people wait- and you may be putting yourself ferent world ':,Vas "conduct in the ing for meetings, classes, or meals in danger if he chooses to retali- school- how to address your classis an annoyance and is saying in ate." mates, how to address your friends." "I guess we've been very lax," essence, 'I don't care enough about And the "Conduct in Places of you to be on time,''' she says early Worship" chapter acknowledges the she said. "In the old book there were in the book. . change in "appropriate conduct" definitely some things that you "When declining an invitation, since the Second Vatican Council. could tell really didn't apply to todo so without delay to allow the "The solemnity and strict silence' day." On the other hand, she used "A host to invite someone else without have given way to a freer atmogiving the impression that he or she sphere, and the faithful participate Book of Courtesy" as a resource . is a second choice," Sister Mary more actively in the celebration of for the proper protocols for writing and addressing graduation anthe Mass," it says. Mercedes adds. There are also times when SisAbout half of the original book nouncements.

II g.

TWINS JESSICA and Meghan Downey celebrate their graduation from The Catholic University of America following commencement services in Washington. Both women from Berwyn, Pa., graduated with degrees in politics. (CNS photo by Matthew Barrick, CUA) .




16 --THEANCHOR-Diocese-ofFall River-Fri"


May~5, 2001

Continued from page one

others -to embrace Christianity, The RCIA process is different for all candidates, but each,seeks full , communion with the Catholic Church, Entitled "A BegiQnings, Institute" arid cosponsored by !he North American Forum on the Catechumen ate and the Diocese of Fall ,River, the event helped set into motion Bishop Sean P. O'Malley's vision of having an RCIA team at every parish in the diocese. That's something very important ,said diocesan RCIA director Father Henry J. Dahl. '.. "It was a very 'good three days and Bishop O'Malley's vision is well on its way," voiced Father Dahl. Attendees enjoyed workshop'style teaching sessions, group work, handouts, music, prayer

and the celebration of the Eucharist each day. It was facilitated by three mel1).bers, of the Forum team: Dolores Martinez from 'San Antonio, Texas; Joanna, Case from Charlotte, N.C.; and Father Rick Conway of the Archdiocese of Boston. The facilitators have "wowed , us with their decades of, catechumenate _experience," said Father Dahl. "They enliven the faith with their storytelling skills and have managed to compress a normal six-day institute -into three, People will leave here prepared to establish,RCIA teams ip their home ,parishe~ and we're excited about it." "It's a very positive experience," said Father Conway of the program. He said that the people have been' 'on a tough scheduie, but are very into it and


, "





MORE THAN 70 people will help take the knowledge'they gained at the sessions and eS,tablish RCIA programs in ' their home parishes. (Anchor/Gordon photo) ," . ' .




enjoying themsefves, "We h~P~' the event according .t6-Father of St. John Neumann Parish in they find, a strong desire:J9. ·',pahl.}Ie"·was a'S$isted by~maJ:1Y East Freetown said the experiimplement th'e RCIA program,:. ,people including Qeaq5n--Paul'J., ence was spiritually moving, and a conviction -t~~t theygan: Ma<;ed<;>.,gf.,Ou(Lady of Mount inform~tive and challenging, do it," he added.- " , : .. 'Carmel Pansh,)-l'e\v Bedford-, and "-I'm so grateful for this oppor~.: In one teaching session Father -·bsa, M: d~liri();;'dibi:es<fi1',.dir~c~- tunity to live the Christian life," , 'she s~id. "I'm a,nx.ious toput all " Conway spoke about how people tor of Adult EducatiQn. ": must break the hold that fear has ,"The time spent here has been I've l~arned and experienced "over them. He ,said Easter is ' a good experience," said Gulino. into practice." , J$ God's way of saying we ate free. "It's afforded us: an opportunity' Annette Reach of Christ the :., "We are reminded that God's to gather more resources, to net- King Parish in Mashpee said, "the ',~ 'peace and Spirit dwells within work with parish team members, - presentations, the rituals, the , . us. You must'remind the world and establish good relationships. hand<;mts and sharing by partici-, that-God's Spirit is alive and well We look forward' to providing pants"all made .for:a: wonde'rful ·and brings us peace." He encour- ongoing team formation to keep exi:)(~rience." Fellow attendee John Akeley of Corpus Christi in F~IHER RICK Conway fmm the Arclj.f!,iocese dfBost<}h aged attendees to bring that this experience alive." peace to others, ' , Each' of the participants East Sandwich agreed and called aqd,r,~~$es'~a.tt,E}ndees during an afterrio6r;i:~ession~,:of R~L~ of planning found the sessions. helpful in the three-day experience "an emMore than a year trairiing.-(AhchodG'0r,don photo) -:~ '~:-:~g . ~_;'.":...~ .....<,. '~ _~:.. ...~. ;. " ._. ~.. ;~ _:...~J~_. ..\' ;::~~ and lots of hard work went into some way and Diane Pillsbury powering one." .,.~'".~''' ,-' . -1 _


18'· '- \0,'M :,' :1:8:Ih':OjP •" .8':r'"l ey glr\eels ,awa,rd-winners ,



MANY DIOCESAN students in Fall River re- " ceived scholarship awards in the '2001 Ameri~ ' can Dream Challenge Essay Contest. Front roW: Desiree Estrela and, Hillary Pavao ot- Espiritci' ' Santo School, 'Samantha Moniz and, Shawna Fournier of St. Michael's School. Second row:, ' Justin Carvalho of Espirito Santo, Cori Cabral, of SS. Peter and Paul, Amy O'Brien 'of St. Michael's, and Lauren Beaudoin al"1d Brittany Lemieux of SS. Peter and Paul. Back'row: Evelina Amaral, treasurer for the American Dream Challenge; Dr. I'rving Fradkin, founder of the Citizen's Scholarship Foundation of America; Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap.;' Committee member Jo Sayward and diocesan Superintendent of Schools James A. McNamee. Winners not pictured: Kyle Hemingway, Monique " Barao, Ashley Decouto and Nicholas Belmore of St. Anne's; Grace Lapointe and Neale Ross of St. Stanislaus. (Anchor/Gordon photo)



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