Proposed bill would introduce students to radical sex education curriculum By GAIL BESSE
ily Institute and Catholic Citizenship. Thayer cut through the language of the proposed Health Frameworks BOSTON - Nearly a million to show what this seemingly benign Massachusetts public school children proposal would do. Her analysis, will be exposed to a radical sex edu''What Parents Should Know about the cation curriculum if lawmakers enact Massachusetts Health Frameworks," a bill backed by Planned Parenthood. can be obtained at The proposal would mandate that local school commit- , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . , tees adopt a standardized health "This is straight pro-abortion, The analysis notes that in efcurriculum from pre-kindergar- pro-condom ideology that will take fect, the Frameworks would ten to grade 12 that includes les- over classrooms from Pittsfield to contradict the religious, spiritual sons on abortion, "safe sex" and Provincetown," she said. "The beand traditional values that parhomosexuality. Although health trayal of these kids is breaking my ents might want to impart to their children· with respect to education is now optional, it heart. We've got to have a huge sexuality, marriage and respect would become a requirement. showing saying we don't want this." _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . for life. Parents are urged to oppose It would replace traditional the plan at a joint education committee public hearing Thesday, Provincetown;' she said. 'The betrayal moral values with "politically correct" May 29, at 1 p.m. in room I-A of the of these kids is breaking my heart. ones and eliminate any local parental State House, according to those who We've got to have a huge showing say- choice in determining what would be taught about sexuality, contraception advocate for life, family and parents' ing we don't want this." rights. (Because dates are subject to The bill (S288 in the Senate and and abortion. Pro-Life and pro-family advocates change, check committee hearings at H597 in the House) is entitled "An Act \vww.mass.govnegis or call 617-722- Providing Health Education in 40n't object to general health educaSchools." It has resurfaced after being tion on morally neutral issues like hy2070.) "This is my worst nightmare," opposed in 2006 by hundreds of con- giene and nutrition, but they strongly Linda Thayer of Massachusetts Citi- cerned parents and educators, as well object that the sexuality component zens for Life said of the proposal. as MCFL, the Massachusetts Catho- would usurp parental rights. Thayer critiqued it in light of her 34 lic Conference, Massachusetts FamTum to page 20 - Curriculum ANCHOR CORRESPONDENT
years' experience as a Boston public high school teacher and 25 years as a volunteer speakeron faith-based sexuality talks for the BostonArchdiocese. 'This is straight pro-abortion, procondom ideology that will take over classrooms from Pittsfield to
Two to be ordained transitional deacons By DEACON JAMES N. DUNBAR FALL RIVER - Two young men of the Fall River Diocese en route to the priesthood will be ordained transitional deacons on June 9 by Bishop George W.'Coleman in the Cathedral of St. Mary of the As.sumption at an 11 a.m.ilMass. David Craig Deston'Jr., and William M. Sylvia will present themselves that day to answer the call to ordination and during ensuing ceremonies will pledge their obedience,
receive the laying on of hands, be clothed in the deacon's traditional vestments of stole and dalmatic, and then assist as deacons at their ordination Mass. Deston, 30, a native of Fall River, is the son of David Deston and Donna (Marshall) Deston of Fall River. Sylvia, 26, who was born in Providence, R.I. and who hails from Fall River, is the son of Kathleen Tum to page 18 - Deacons
Charities Appeal hits $2M mark
Mercy Sister Elaine Heffernan's retirement plans exclude slowing down By MIKE GORDON
FALL RIVER - As the Annual Catholic Charities Appeal reached the halfway point this week it surpassed the $2 million dollar mark in parish returns. This occurred, as the parishes were about to send out their second mailings to parishioners and friends who are yet to respond. "To have achieved this level of support at this point in the Appeal is very encouraging and says a ·great deal about the work being done in the parishes by the pastors and parish committee mem-
and has made a huge impact here in the diocese. "It's been a wonderful life," she said. "I've had six FALL RIVER - Mercy Sister Elaine Heffernan missions through the years and I've been happy in has spent 52 years working for the Diocese of Fall each of them. That has always been the case." In her River, the last few as Episcopal Representative, visit- retirement she hopes to continue making a difference and plans to volunteer ing with religious Sisters bringing holy Comand Brother's throughout the five deaneries to share munion to the homebound. ideas and prayer. She rises daily at Next month, the 755:30 a.m. She lives in a year-old Fall River native retirement complex in will retire, but she doesn't have plans to slow down, at Swansea and attends daily Mass at St. least not too much. Dominic's Church. "I "I'm not one to sit enjoy living there bearound. I will keep busy," cause there are six other said Sister Elaine during a recent stop at The Anchor. Sisters living in the same place," she stated. "We have six Sisters living From Mass it is on to at the Landmark and 20 in assisted living in Bristol, her office at the Family R.I. and I will continue to Life Center in North visit and help them and be Dartmouth which inavailable to my commucludes several diocesan nity." offices including the Such work is not new to Pro-Life Apostolate Sister Elaine who has dediand the Family Miniscated her life to helping Mercy Sister Elaine Heffernan with a former Reli- try Office. others. She has been a reli- gious Ed student and Anchor reporter Mike Gor- Tum to page five gious Sister for 57 years don. (Photo by Dave Jolivet) Retirement ANCHOR STAFF
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bers, and certainly about the great generosity of the thousands and thousands of parishioners who are yel;U'ly contributors:' stated Mike Donly, director of Development. "But'there is still much work to be done to exceed last years total· of $3,936,578, and ensure that we have the . revenues available to continue to assist the ever-increasing number of individuals and families looking to our agencies for assistance." The Catholic Charities WebTum to page 13 - Appeal
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, The Anchor , MAy 25,2007 [;=----------------=--------=--------------~---Motu proprio imminent, Vatican prelate confirms APARECIDA,Brazil (CWNews) - Pope Benedict XVI is fully committed to a plan to allow broader use of the pre-conciliar Latin liturgy, and a papal document confirming that policy will soon be released, Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos has confinned. Cardinal Castrillon is the president of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, the Vatican office charged with outreach to traditionalist Catholics. In a May 16 talk to CELAM, the Latin American bishops' conference, the Colombian cardinal reported that the Holy Father "thinks the time has come" to liberalize access to the Tridentine Mass. Although he did not offer a specific date for the announcement, Cardinal Castrillon said that a longawaited papal document, a motu · proprio encouraging greater use of
the traditional Latin liturgy, will be released in the near future. ''The Holy Father wants to preserve the immense spiritual, cultural, and aesthetic treasures tied to the old liturgy," the cardinal said. He said that the Tridentine rite- which, he emphasized, has never been abolishedwill be used alongside the post-conciliar liturgy. Cardinal Castrillon noted that these two fonns of the Latin rite are already being used in the diocese of Campos, Brazil, under the terms of an agreement that allowed the reconciliation of a breakaway traditionalist group there. The "good fruits" of the Brazilian accord, he said, could be a model for a new effort to repair ties between the Holy See and the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X, the group founded by the lastArchbishop Marcel Lefebvre.
Rancher convicted of murder of American nun in Brazil By LISE ALVES
Sister Dorothy, a native of Day·ton, Ohio, was 73 when she was SAO PAULO, Brazil- A Bra- murdered on an isolated road near zilian rancher was convicted May the town of Anapu. She had lived 15 of ordering the February 2005 in Brazil for nearly four decades assassination of U.S. Sister Dorothy and was known in the region as a Stang and sentenced to 30 years in fierce defender of a sustainable deprison. velopment project for the Amazon Vitalmiro Bastos de Moura, forest. known in the Amazon region as De Moura, other ranchers and Bida, said earlier in court he did not loggers were opposed to the project. Sales and Batista were senknow Sister Dorothy, a member of · the Sisters of Notre Dame de tenced, respectively, to 27 and 17 Namur, and only had contact with years behind bars. The middleman her two assassins after she was who hired them, Amair Feijoli da dead. He denied accusations that he Cunha, known as Tato, received an · paid the two men found guilty of l8-year jail sentence in May 2006. killing the nun $25,000 to murder The other rancher accused of'ordering the killing, Regivaldo Pereira her. De Moura said Rayfran das Galvao, was jailed briefly, released Neves Sales and Clodoaldo Carlos and awaits trial. In court, Sales recanted his earBatista came to him after the crime and confessed the assassination. lier testimony and stated that de They were convicted of the crime Moura had not ordered the killing.. in 2005. David Stang, Sister Dorothy's Judge Raymond Moises Alves brother who attended the trial, sent Flexa sentenced Moura to 30 years a letter in early May to Para Gov. in prison at the close of the two- Ana Julia de Vasconcelos Carepa day trial. asking for justice. Stang said in the letter that his De Moura's trial began May 14 in the northern city of Belem, in the sister's "ultimate sacrifice presents state of Para, amid calls from the Para and Brazil with the opportunun's fanJily members and friends nity to show that justice can prevail." that justice must be served. CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
1$ The Anchor
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PublishEd weekly except for two weeks In the summer and the week after Christl'rnlS by the Ca1holic Press of the Diocese of Fall River; 887 Highial'ld Avenue, Fall RivElr, MA 02720, TelephOl'\& 508-675-7~$1 - F: 75-7048' email: . theanchl) SUb$¢ription prdby mail, $14.Q()p$f~' Send address changes to P.O. Box 7, Fall RiVer, MA, call ()t' use emailaddtess PUBUSHER - Most Reverend George W. COleman EXECU1WE EDITO,R FatherRogerJ. LanclrV fathen' EDITOR. Davlcl B.Jolivet ~daveJ~lIv.t~""chQth~QI1 NEWS E:DITOR Deacon James N. Dunb8i' jlmdunbat@anchorneW$.org REPORTER Mike GordOn mlkegol'don@anchorn«tw$.org OFFICE MANAGER Mary Chase Send ~ to the Editntto; f~@~.Ol}\'~' POSTMAstERs sendllddress ~to The ~ P.O. Box'~Riv«.MA 02722.
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• countries of particular concern o countries on the watch list (als<> indUdesCuba)
Pope OKs stricter norms for mandatory feast days in the Church calendar By CINDY W'JODEN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE VATICAN CITY Pope Benedict XVI has approved stricter guidelines for detennining which saints will be rememb~redwith mandatory feast days. The General Roman Calendar, the universal schedule of holy days and feast days for the Latin rite of the Catholic Church, is so packed that more selectivity is needed, according to new norms and a commentary published in the official bulletin of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments. The pope determines who makes the universal calendar based on recommendations from the congrega-
past few years by the supreme pontiff have underlined concretely the multiple manifestations of holiness in the church," the commentary said. But, it said, hundreds of new saints also has meant greater competition for the limited free dates on the universal calendar, dates used to remember saints with a local importance ~d to keep the tradition of remembering Mary on Saturdays not already dedicated to an obligatory feast. In his more than 26-year pontificate, Pope John Paul proclaimed more than 480 saints; by comparison, all of his predecessors between
1594 and 1978 canonized a combined total of 302 saints, according to Vatican statistics. Pope Benedict XVI added his 10th saint to the Church's rolls when he presided over a canonization May 11 in Brazil. The year does not have enough days to include all the saints in the universal calendar, particularly when Sundays and holy days are subtracted. The congregation's commentary said, "It will be difficult in the future to make further additions if certain criteria are not rigorously applied."
Vatican expert urges religions to promote cross-cultural encounters
tion, the commentary said. And, aC7 cording to the new norms published UNITED NATIONS (CNS) in the bulletin in mid-May, those recommendations will be more difficult Religious communities have a great to obtain. responsibility to promote cross-cul"A saint can be inserted in the tural understanding as a step toward general calendar because of the sig- world peace, the president of the nificant and universal importance of . Pontifical Academy of Social Scihis or her spiritual message and ef- ences said during a recent panel fectiveness as an example for a ~road discussion at U.N. headquarters in category of members ofthe church," New York. In addition to her Vatican post, said the nonns, approved by Pope Benedict in December. Mary Ann Glendon is a law profesSpecial consideration will be sor at Harvard University in Camgiven to saints from countries not bridge, Mass. already represented in the general She joined in a panel on "Relicalendar and from und.errepresented gion in Contemporary Society" categories, such as la:ypeople, mar- during what is called "infonnal theried couples and parents, the nonns matic debate" of the U~N. General said. In addition, the nonns said, 10 Assembly on the theme "Civilizayears should have paHsed since the tions and the Challenge for Peace: canonization ceremony to ensure Obstacles and Opportunities." Glendon said the challenge facongoing, widespread devotion. The process for adding a candi- ing religious and cultural leaders is date, it said, should begin with a two- "motivating their followers to meet thirds favorable vote from the bish- others on the plane of reason and ops' conference where: the saint was mutual respect, while remaining born, lived or died. In addition, the true to themselves and their own congregation will ask Ithe opinion of beliefs." at least three other bishops' conferObstacles to achieving that goal ences on different continents. "include not only misunderstand"The numerous beatifications ings about the faith of others, but and canonizations cell~brated in the also a poor grounding in one's own
faith," she said. "Another crucial task for leaders and educators is to find resources within their own traditions for promoting respect and tolerance, and to draw upon those resources as they transmit their traditions to their followers," she added. It is at the local level that religious communities have the greatest potential "to help heal wounds, to build bridges and to band together against extremists who would manipulate religion to promote hatred and violence," Glendon said. Quoting from the late Eleanor Roosevelt, Glendon said human rights begin "in small places, close to home - so close and small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world." In schools, neighborhoods and workplaces such "small" encounters are taking place across cultures and religions, resulting in friendships that "move beyond mere tolerance," she added. People "are beginning to learn from one another, and to have their horizons enlarged by one another."
MAy 25,2007
U.S. $
Successes, challenges mark fifth annivers~ry of sex abuse charter II
WASIDNGTON - Five years af- policies say with integrity;' said Plante. Implementation has been uneven, ter the U.S. bishops passed their landmark policies to prevent child sex he said. "Some dioceses and religious abuse, they can look back, at successes orders are further along than others:' Ewers and other Church officials . in institutionalizing safeguards and look ahead to challenges in restoring say major tasks now include overcoming the loss oftrust in the ChUrch, imChurch credibility. But the basic question is: Are chil- proving the quality of the programs and streamlining Church procedures I' dren safer now? for investigating and judging whether "Absolutely yes:' ans~ers Patricia a priest is guilty. O'Donnell Ewers, chairwoman ofthe 'The U.S. Church is trying to creNational Review Board overseeing the ate the safest environment that can be bishops' compliance with child prohumanly created," said Teresa Ii tection policies. Structures have been :!put in place Ketteikamp, executive director of the for dealing pastorally with victims bishops' Office of Child and Youth who come forward with allegations; Protection, which helps dioceses millions ofparents, clergy, employees implement the policies and audits and children are being ¢ucated on compliance. But Church leaders have to avoid child sex abuse prevention; background checks are being done on "issue fatigue" since protecting chilMAN OF PEACE - Spiritan Father William Headley, left, counselor to the president of Catholic Relief clergy and Church workers; and pro- dren is a never-ending task, she said Services, meets with the late Palestinian leader Vasser Arafat in this 2003 file photo. Father Headley cedures have been developed for re- "Some refuse to hear the evidence of has been appointed the founding dean of the University of San Diego's Joan B. Kroc School of Peace porting allegations to public authori- the successes ofthe Church;' she said. Studies, scheduled to open this fall. (CNS photo/Bob Roller) " "Others say the issue is behind us. ties, said Ewers, an educator and former president of Pace University in This is not the case either,"· she said. The National Review Board and New York. ForThomas Plante, a psychologist the Office of Child and Youth Protecwho treats clergy sex abukrs and vic- tion were established by the "Charter tims, the policies are good and the U.S. for the Protection of Children and The marching season lasts from Easter until the end WASHINGTON (CNS)"":"" Spiritan Father William Church is setting an example for the Young People" approved at the U.S. Headley, currently counselor to the president at Catho- of August, with Protestant fraternities staging thoubishops' meeting in Dallas June 13of society. rest lic Relief Services in Baltimore, has been appointed sands of parades, some through areas predominantly 15, 2002. The charter contains the sex "if dioBut the key to success is the founding dean of the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace populated by Catholics. abuse prevention policies. ceses and religious orded do what the In Palestine, according to Father Headley, "you Studies at the University of San Diego, scheduled to could get on a certain bus at a certain . _ open in the fall. Father Headley will assume the new post at the corner Qn a certain evening" and be driven to a dwelling to take part in a Catholic university August 1. For CRS, he has helped to oversee its relief, devel- Jewish-Palestinian dialogue. While opment, and justice and peace programs, as well as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict "cerparticipate in critical decision-making activities to es- tainly has seemed relatively intractablish strategic directions for CRS, the U.S. bishops' table to this moment, it certainly doesn't mean we shouldn't be lookinternational relief and development agency. In a May 11 telephone interview from Baltimore ing at new ways" to resolve it, he with Catholic News Service, Father Headley said one added. "Lots of peace people are working thing he would miss about his CRS experience is in the background ... working dili"hands-on service to the poor in a peace-building cagently," Father Headley said. "It's pacity." struck me many times as I go around He added, "I am not unhappy at CRS. There is a If a conflict is intense, you the world: great sadness at leaving here." One concept he has in find groups among them working very mind with his new ministry, though, is "bridging the diligently to bring about something work at the university and the work we do here." that is peaceful." Father Headley has an extensive background in In July 1993, Father Headley espeace and justice work. In 1987, he started his order's tablished a graduate program in confirst international justice and peace office in Rome, flict resolution and peace studies at and directed it for five years. During that time, he used a sabbatical to research Spiritan-run Duquesne University in Benefits Include: grass-roots peacemaking efforts in Northern Ireland, Pittsburgh. In addition to his advanced • Your ~n doc. Israel and Palestine, South Africa and Haiti, spending degrees he has done postdoctoral work " • Reeular chec:lwps two months in each locale. It is a time he remembers in Virginia at George Mas~·n
CRS official to take peace studies post at UniversIty of San Diego
fondly. At the time of his sabbatical, he told CNS, "they were the hot spots in the world. (Nelson) Mandela had· not come out of prison yet (in South Africa). Northern Ireland was still in the throes of its (separatist) intensity. Palestine was moving in and out, depending on what else was happening politically." South Africa, he recalled, "was a very special situation." In pre-Internet days, "oftentimes the group that I was associated with ... would serve to gather the basic information (on the continuing anti-apartheid struggle) while the news was still quite fresh." In Northern Ireland during the summertime "marching season," when Catholic-Protestant antagonisms threatened to add more fuel to the sectarian fire, "there would be a group from the house I was staying in that would go out and serve as monitors" during the marches.
University's Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution. While the University of San Diego currently has academic and nonacademic peacemaking programs, they're "all kind of spread out and separated," he told CNS. "They need to be creatively bundled in a way that's appropriate for the school." Father Headley also alluded to the "large military community in San Diego," and the university's proximity to the U.S.-Mexican border as further opportunities for peacemaking. "If you could take Iraq out of the question, border security would be a major concern," he said.
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MAy 25t 2007
'Tsunami of pornography' debases human dignity, archbishop says SAN FRANCISCO (CNS) sure to pornography on the Internet Describing what he sees as an "elec- is 11." tronic tsunami of pornography," However, he said, "what should Archbishop George H. Niederauer motivate us most profoundly is not of San Francisco told a Utah-based the amount of pornography there is anti-pomography organization that but the kind ofharm it does. Pornogpornography "debases the priceless raphy assaults human dignity and worth and dignity of each human commodifies people and human being and God's gift ofhuman sexu- sexuality. Porn starves the human ality." soul in its spiritual dimension.... The While pornography "is not a new human person, an irreplaceable gift, challenge," the archbishop told becomes a throwaway toy;' members ofthe Lighted Candle SoThe archbishop, who chairs the ciety at its annual awards dinner in U.S. bishops' Committee on ComSalt Lake City, "the explosive in- munications and is a member ofthe crease in the accessibility and avail- Pontifical Council on Social Comability of pornography is new and . munications,cautionedthatpornogdeeply troubling." raphy opponents "need constantly ''Every computer terminal is its to explore and articulate what we pipeline, and cell phones and other are for, not merely what we are hand-held devices, many of them against. Deploring and pointing mark~ted to children and young with alarm are valid and effective people, literally deliver pornography only in light of what we value and everywhere, to anyone," he said in defend." his keynote address. Much of the archbishop's talk Archbishop Niederauer was pre- also addressed the motion picture sented the Lighted Candle Society's industry which, he said, "is capable Guardian of the Light Award two of so much beauty and so much years ago for his work as president trash." of the Utah Coalition Against PorAdmitting he has had "a lifelong nograpHly, a position he held for five love affair with the movies," Archyears as bishop of Salt Lake City bishop Niederauer criticized "the before being named archbishop of nihilism that reigns in many quarters of moviemaking" today as well San Francisco. The archbishop, who headed the as "excessive violence" and dark Salt Lake City Diocese from 1994 portrayals of life. to 2005, reminded his listeners that ''Moviegoers can't be sponges," pornography "now generates more he added. "Just as in our experiences annual income than all three major ofother media, in watching films we professional sports combined, and need to become our own best filters." causes as well the world's fastest The Lighted Candle Society was growing addiction." founded in 2001 by John Hanner, a ''We have all heard the discour- former Califomia state senator and aging numbers," he said, noting re- Californialieutenantgovemorduring search shows there are 68 million Ronald Reagan's term as governor. Internet "search engine requests for ''It is much like the court battles porn sites" every day, that 70 per- that have tackled tobacco marketcent of men ages 18 to 24 visit porn ing," said Harmer. ''People have no sites each month, that ''90 percent idea how powerful and dangerous of eight- to 16-year-olds have these images are and how pervasive viewed! porn online," and that ''the they become to a person addicted to average age of a child's first expo- pornography."
Avoid 'compromised message in sex education, cardinal says t
WASHINGTON (CNS) - The goveriunent spends on abstinence chairman of the U.S. bishops' education through the Adolescent Committee on Pro-Life Activities Family Life Act, Title V of the Perurged two congressional commit- sonal Responsibility and Work Optees to maintain current funding portunity Reconciliation Act of levels for abstinence education and 1996 and the Community-Based said programs that promote "safe Abstinence Education Program, it sex" and contraception offer young . spends $12 on "'safe sex' and conpeople a "compromised" message. traceptive programs," he said. In 21 recent letter to members of "While programs incorporatthe House and Senate Appropria- ing the latter emphasis are sometions committees, Cardinal Justin times called 'comprehensive' sex Rigali of Philadelphia said the education, they are more accumore than 500 abstinence pro- rately described as compromised grams currently in place in the U.S. education: The abstinence mes"form character an4 educate our sage is mentioned but then underyouth about the decisions they mined with the false message that face, (~mpowering them to make premature sexual experimentation healthy choices that do notjeopar- does no real harm if steps are dize their health and future." taken to avoid pregnancy," CardiBut for every $1 the federal nal Rigali wrote.
A CALL FOR CITIZENSHIP - Thousands of immigrants and supporters of immigrants rights rally recently in Los Angeles to call again for a path to citizenship and legal status for the nation's 12 million undocumented immigrants. (eNS photoNictor Aleman)
Advocates say immigration bill a good start but in need of amending By PATRICIA ZAPOR CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
WASHINGTON -An immigration reform bill worked out among Senate and White House negotiators would give the vast majority of the nation's illegal immigrants a chance to legalize their status, but also would completely restructure the system for legal immigration. Bishops in various parts of the country joined the chorus of reactions to the P,felirninary version of a comprehensive immigration bill set to be considered before the Senate takes a weeklong break for Memo: rial Day. The negotiated bill announced by a bipartisan group of senators was quickly endorsed by President George W. Bush includes some unexpectedly generous provisions as well as elements that backers of a comprehensive reform approach said might be unworkable Debate in the Senate opened Monday even before the legislation designed by a bipartisan negotiating teain was turned into bill form and introduced. A debate could extend , into June. Bishop Gerald R. Barnes of San Bernardino, Calif., chairman of the bishops' Committee on Migration, said in a statement that the important considerations for the bill include that it "is workable and includes family unity and a fair and realistic path to citizenship, a new worker program which provides participants a meaningful opportunity to obtain permanent residency, and the preservation of family unity as an integral part ofthe U.S. immigration system." â&#x20AC;˘ Catholic Charities joined the USCCB in saying the compromise bill is a good starting point, albeit
not the optimal approach. "As the compromise is currently written, we are very concerned about provisions that could lead to separating families and disrupting family life," said a statement from Father Larry Snyder, president of Catholic Charities USA. In several places the Church also planned prayer activities for "a just and equitable immigration reform bill," as the Justice for Immigrants campaign described their effort. Sister Jane Burke, a School Sister of Notre Dame who heads the U.S. bishops' Justice for Immigrants campaign asked people across the country to join a "Million Prayers Initiative" in this week before Pentecost. Kevin Appleby, director of migration and refugee policy for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, said that the "imperfect bill" was a workable starting point, but that the Church would be pushing for amendments on the floor to fix what he considers problems with its provisions for temporary workers and family immigration, among others. The bill's leg~ization program would be open to those in the country illegally who can prove they were here before Jan. 1, 2007. This could affect potentially millions of people, based upon estimates of at least 12 million in the U.S. without proper documents. People with criminal records for anything other than being in the country illegally would be excluded. As proposed, a new Z visa would be created under which illegal immigrants could immediately upon' opening of the program be granted legal status - after background checks - that allows them to stay
and work legally. The Z visa would be valid for four years, with a fouryear renewal, and would require payment of fines totaling $5,000. Between eight and 13 years into the program, Z-visa holders would be eligible to apply for permanent legal residency, known as a green card. The administration estimates that after eight years the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees the immigration agency, would be able to clear a backlog of applications for legal immigration, then open the system to the Z-visa holders. Appleby questioned a requirement for Z-visa holders to return home and file for permanent residency at a U.S. consulate abroad, saying it might be onerous for poor people or those who came from remote countries. Another objection is that Z-visa holders would not be able to bring their family members to live with them until at least eight years into the program. He said people also will want assurances that if they do return home to follow the process they'll be allowed to re-enter the United States. Appleby said as written the temporary worker program potentially will create "a permanent underclass" of workers who are not entitled to the societal benefits others enjoy. He also said a restructuring of the legal i011l\igration program to one based on points given for education, job experience and other background elements is "a historic move away from family-based immigration." The proposal also would eliminate visa categories for adult children of citizens or legal residents, and married children or siblings of U.S. citizens.
~ The Anchor ~
MAy 25, 2007
Retirement "It's been a happy experience there and I've met a lot of nice folks," she said. She works from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. when she leaves to visit religious Sisters. "We have a lot of senior Sisters who just need someone to talk to. They have given "their life to the diocese and now it's up to us to be there for them." Her job duties also included planning and organizing retreat days for religious as well as an annual meeting of the major superiors. They gather for a day of prayer and sharing and it's an opportunity for each to learn first-hand what other religious are doing in the diocese. When religious are ready to mark significant anniversaries of their service, it has been Sister Elaine at the forefront of planning those celebrations. "She's made quite an impact," said Scottie Foley, co-program director for the Family Ministry . Office. "Jerry and I both feel that she will be sorely missed when she retires. She has always been a breath of fresh air and is always upbeat." Anne Carney also works at the Family Ministry Office and has done administrative work for Sister Elaine since she took on the Episcopal Representative position. "Her positive outlook and leadby-example dedication have made a big difference in the diocese," said Carney. "She is always there for people and is truly an unsung hero in the diocese." Growing up, Sister Elaine was one of five children. Two older brothers and a younger sister have since passed away, but she often sees her sister Carol, a retired teacher. The two get together for coffee and to catch up. She was a parishioner at SS. Peter and Paul Parish and attended the Mount St. Mary Academy in Fall River. Sister Elaine had two second cousins who were Sisters of Mercy and as a young child, would visit them in the convent with her father. "We would go each month and I felt very connected to them," she said. In high school she took a more serious look into becoming a religious and said, "I had the Sisters of Mercy as teachers and I always admired them. They had such kindness and compassion. There were there for people in good times and bad times and Ijust knew that's what I wanted to do and why I took vows of poverty, chastity and obedience." She would attend Bay View Academy in East Providence where many women went into its formation program studying to become Sisters of Mercy. "When I was at Bay View Academy professors would come from Salve
Elaine was director of pastoral care . Sister Elaine also praised the at the CatholiC' Me~orial Home. work of Bishop O'Malley, Bishop Regina and Providence College to Heart of Jesus Parish in New Bed- She would spend fiv~ years in that Coleman and Vicar General and teach us." Sister Elaine earned a ford, worked with Sister Elaine for role and was enthUSIastic about it. Moderator of the Curia Msgr. John bachelor's degree in education and those 10 years and praised her ''''I really loved that, assignment," 1. Perry. ''They have been wondershe declared. "The people were ful to work with and could not have would eventually earn a master's work. , "She's a superwoman," said Fa- wonderful." been more supportive. I have also degree from St. Michael's College While there, she was ap- received much support from my in Vermont. "I went summers to ther Oliveira. "Sister Elaine has proached byll then Msgr. community and my family. I'm earn my master's degree George W. Coleman and very fortunate. I look back on my while I was at St. Patrick's Bishop Sean pjl O'Malley re- time here in the diocese and I feel Parish in Fall River." ''She's a superwoman,"saidFather garding the position of epis- good." Her first teaching assignOliveira. ''Sister Elaine has been a copal representative. Next on her agenda is a trip to ment was at St. Mary's I great asset to the diocese and is a "Bishop O'Malley spoke Ireland where she will be on reSchool, the parish school of St. James Church in New great w,oman offaith. She has a very with me and really wanted treat with other Sisters of Mercy. caringandpastoralheartanda great me to take it bn. I'm glad I' "We will be doing a walking tour Bedford. "I enjoyed that," she said. gihoflove for others. Each dayI went did because th~t too has been and visiting all the places where "I had 52 students and actu- into the office was a joy because I a wonderful e~perience. I've our foundress Mother Catherine ally 55 at one point, but I was knew I would be working with her. developed some terrific rela- McAuley used to help people. She tionships because of it." did a lot of social work helping young and had just got out She has servedso many so wei!." She furthJr explained, women in need and I'm looking of college so I didn't mind." "It has been ,nice to work forward to the trip and being at She spent 11 years at the school and one thing that she has . been a great asset to the diocese with the different communities the mother house in Dublin, Ireenjoyed through the years is keep- and is a great woman of faith. She and be with the people. Some, land." She is also hoping to find time ing in touch with those she taught. has a very caring and pastoral heart like the Dominicanl Sisters of the "Some of them today are lawyers and a great gift of love for others. Presentation are doi~g work at in retirement to do some more and doctors and I still hear from Each day I went into the office was the hospital, but we are all work- reading and get back into knit. d h them today and that's nice. I loved a joy because I knew I would be mg towar s t e same goal, to ting. Asked for a final piece of advice, teaching. I often think of the stu- working with her. She has served honor and glorify <:Jod. We work so many so well." she smiled and said, "Be happy for the Church and with the dents I had in Religious Education Church." " In her next assignment, Sister wherever you are." .receiving JesQs for the first time in holy Communion. ~hat was a special time." She added, "Education has always been a central part of the Sisters of Mercy. That was really our big thing." She would go on to serve as superior and principal at St. Patrick's and was there from 1967-1972. "We had a convent tllere and had 23 Sisters there at one time. Many of us taught and ~ we had a big school with double of each grade." She spent the next 10-plus years in Religious Education and pastoral work at Holy Ghost Parish in Attleboro and said, "I loved the , people and the parish. There I learned what a pastoral minister should be, working with Father Bento R. Fraga. He was out with the people. One must be there when they are in the hospital and when families are in need. I would bring Communion to the sick and being at that parish was a wonderful experience and it helped me get to where I am today." Retired pastor Father Fraga called Sister Elaine, "a gifted and talented person who exemplifies II herself as a pastoral minister. She was always willing to reach out to people in need and share her gifts with others. So many people have benefited because of her dedication." I Sister Elaine worked at the Education Office in adult ministry following her Attleboro assignment and fondly recalled her time there. "It was a very enriching experience. Some days we'd travel from Stonehill to Provincetown and I I: was encouraged and enabled to go Fall River • W. Brid'gewater • Somerset· out and do ~uccessful workshops." Father Robert A. Oliveira, pasPlymouth • Dartmouth • Hingham tor of Holy Name of the Sacred Continued from page one
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The Anchor ,
Pastoral pillars for a new Pentecost One of Pope Benedict's principal goals on his recent trip to Brazil was to help the bishops of Latin America examine and reverse a recent exodus ofCatholics to Evangelical or Pentecostal ecclesial communions or away from the practice of Christianity altogether. This was part of a broader conversation about how the Church in Latin America should most effectively proclaim and live the Gospel, so as to increase and fortify the faith of practicing Catholics and attract ex-Catholics and non-Catholics into full communion. What Benedict said to Catholics in Latin America is relevant to Catholics in the northem part of the hemisphere, where not only Latin American immigrants are feeling the pull toward storefront churches, but also many Catholics whose families immigrated generations ago have stopped the practice of the faith. The pope mentioned, essentially, five main elements of a pastoral plan, all of which are somewhat obvious, but each of which in practice has been underemphasized in Latin America. As we in the Diocese ofFall River prepare on Pentecost Sunday to commemorate the birth of the Church and to beg the Holy Spirit's help for a new Pentecost of evangelization, it is worthwhile to look at these five fundamentals and ensure that they are priorities in practice close to home. The first and most essential element, Benedict says, is to focus on Jesus Christ. In referring to those Catholics who have abandoned the life of the Church, the pope says that the principal cause "is to be found in the lack of an evangelization completely centered on Christ and his Church." In many parts of Latin America, priests and pastoral agents had focused so much on social justice issues and remedying temporal wrongs that Catholics, hungry to encounter God in the Church, were often going unfed. They were also for the most part uncatechized about the distinctiveness of the Catholic Church in Jesus Christ's plans. For both reasons, when Bible-loving Protestant missionaries arrived, devoting their teaching and their enthusiasm to what Christ says in the Bible, many Catholics could not help buU see the development as an answer to 路their longings. Benedict indicated that the Church must do better and begin to emphasize and above all stress true nature of the Church as the place to meet Jesus Christ. The seco:nd element is to provide the faithful with a "thorough doctrinal and spiritual formation" to strengthen Catholics' knowledge and practice ofthe faith. This training involves the "indispensable pre-condition" of prayerful study of the Bible. "We must train people to read and meditate on the word of God: this must become their staple diet, so that, through their own experience, the faithful will see that the words of Jesus are spirit and life." This will not only help them as followers ofJesus, but equip them to take Jesus' message to others. The other main component is catechesis "not only of children but also of young people and adults." Benedict particularly recommends for this "simple... substantial ... and mature reflection on faith" the "most valuable tools" of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and its abridged Compendium. He also encourages the use not only of "homilies, lectures, Bible courses or theology courses, but ... also to the communications media: press, radio and television, Websites, forums and many other methods for effectively communicating the message of Christ to a large number of people." For this training of the head and heart, he states that "we must work with the Gospel in our hands and anchor ourselves in the authentic heritage of the Apostolic Tradition, free from any ,interpretations motivated by rationalistic ideologies," like the various Marxist theologies of liberation. The third pillar is a "leap forward in the quality of people's Christian lives," . which will enable them to ''bear witness to their faith in a clear and transparent way." An increase in the knowledge of the faith is not enough; it must be translated into a contagious and holy love of God and love of neighbor. This leap forward must be seen not only in the "personal virtues" offaith, hope and love, but also in the "social and political virtues" whereby the disciple "feels driven to bring the Good News of salvation to his brothers and sisters." These other-eentered virtues involve first care for others' souls, by trying to bring others - especially the poor and those on the "outskirts" of society - to a personal encounter with Christ through the Church he founded. But it also involves the practice of "solidarity" in seeking to help them with their "material needs," just as we naturally and lovingly would care for members of our families. True Christians are revealed by their love. Fourth, this practice of love will help all to see the Church as their family, the ''universal family of God." Benedict declares, ''The encounter with God is, in itself and as such, an encounter with our brothers and sisters." With great emotion he adds, ''The pope therefore wants to say to all of you: The Church is our home! This is our home!" The Church is the place in which we live in the "Father's house," and receive welcome, love, forgiveness and help. That should fill us with a sense of ber.onging, responsibility and holy pride. "It is worth being faithful," Benedict exclaims, "It is worth persevering in our faith!" Lastly, Benedict stresses that there must be renewed emphasis on the "personal encounter with Christ" in the Eucharist. Since Jesus in the Eucharist is the "source and summit of the Christian life," Benedict reminds bishops and priests that their "primary task" is to "ensure that the faithful share in the Eucharistic life," and particulaJly Sunday Mass, which is the "center of Christian life." If people who love Jesus Christ recognize that he is incamate in the Eucharist, Benedict implies, then few would abandon the for non-eucharistic forms of Christianity. Moreover, if young men and their families recognized and loved Christ in the Eucharist, it also would give new impetus to discemment of the priesthood, without which there is no Eucharist. This "encounter with Christ in the Eucharist" brings together all the other pillars. It helps us to center our lives around the person of Christ sacramentally present. It gives us the privilege of listening to his word and having it applied to our lives within the living tradition of the Church. Through our encounter with Christ's gift ()fhimself, we are inflamed with the "strong desire to proclaim the Gospel and to bear. witness to it in the world so as to build a more just and human society." It forms us into one family of faith through our becoming one body in ChrisQ. In short, Christ in the Eucharist is the source of a "civilization of love" that begins in the Church and is called to expand like leaven to renew a culture. This is what will be the fruit of a new Pentecost, which the pope hopes to inspire in Latin America and beyond.
MAy 25,2007
Acrs 2:1.
The Holy Spirit and us This Sunday's celebration of the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost is fitting opportunity to reflect on the action of the Holy Spirit in the early Church and his continued action in the Church today. It is easily noticeable, when reading the Acts of the Apostles, how confident the first Apostles were that they were being guided by the Holy Spirit and that the Holy Spiritwas truly working and acting through their human decisions and actions. At the beginning of the Acts of the Apostles, we read of the appointment of Matthias as the replacement for Judas among the Twelve Apostles. In this important matter, the Apostles did not simply discuss among themselves whom they thought would make a suitable choice. Instead, they prayed to the Holy Spirit, to know whom God had already chosen as a replacement. They prayed, ''You, Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which one of these two you have chosen to take the place in this apostolic ministry from which Judas turned away to go to his own place. Then they gave lots to them, and the lot fell upon Matthias, and he was counted with the eleven Apostles" (Acts 1:24-26). It was important to the Apostles that they acted in accord with the will of God, and not according to their own will only. As St. John Chrysostom wrote in his commentary on the appointment of Matthias, the Apostles understood that someone had already been chosen by God, and it was their duty to discover God's choice through prayer. Later in the Acts, we read of
another important decision that faced the Apostles, who again turned to the Holy Spirit for guidance. The question was whether Gentile converts to the faith had first to fulfill the requirements of Mosaic law, including circumcision. After careful deliberation, the Apostles decided that such compliance with Jewish . law was unnecessary, but it is the announcement of this decision that
is so remarkable. The Apostles sent delegates to announce to the Gentile converts: ''It is the decision of the Holy Spirit and of us not to place on you any burden beyond these necessities, namely, to abstain from meat sacrificed to idols, from blood, from meats of strangled animals, and from unlawful marriage. If y~u keep free of these, you will be doing what is right" (Acts 15:28-29). Only with great confidence in the guidance of the Holy Spirit could the Apostles have dared to claim that their decision was, in fact, the will of God. By announcing ''the decision of the Holy Spirit and of us," the Apostles showed that they considered themselves to be servants of the will of God, servants who were to discover God's will through prayer. This same deference to the will of God contlllUeS in the Church today. At the Mass of his papal inauguration, Pope Benedict XVI described the same role of the Church when he explained, "At this
moment there is no need for me to present a program of governance... My real program of governance is not to do my own will, not to pursue my own ideas, but to listen, together with the whole Church, to the word and the will of the Lord, to be guided by him, so that he himself will lead the Church at this hour of our history." Frequently today, people think of the Church as just another human institution which changes or refuses to change over time, according to the will of its leaders. The Church is considered by some as an archaic holdover from past superstitious ages that claims as the will of God what are nothing more than mere human decisions. But whether or not such critics understand, it remains our belief that the Church is much more than just another human institution, it is rather the instrument through which God is present and active on earth. While the Church's claim to infallibility is relatively limited and narrow, its conviction of the guidance of the Holy Spirit is far more wideranging. It is true and undeniable that human decisions play an important role in the governance of the Church, but this admission does not rule out the role of God. Instead, it is the conviction of the Church that God is often present and active through its human decisions, to the extent that we commit ourselves to knowing God's will through disciplined and devoted prayer. Father Pignato is chaplain at Bishop Stang High School in North Dartmouth and is secretary to Bishop George If. Coleman.
I MAy 25, 2007
The Anchor
Am I just tick-headed? Didn't it seem that a mere two weeks ago, the area flora was a simple tint of green And one day later everything seemed to explode with life? There wasn't the usual gradual transition from the doldrums of winter to the color palate of spring - at least in my neighborhood. It's curveballs like this in life that lead me to ponder the intriguing mysteries of being a human being on the third rock from the sun. Like many of you, I'm sure, I occasionally come up with questions I'd like to ask God some day. Unlike many of you, I also add to the equation the word if - if I get to meet God someday. I'm quite certain if the day ever comes, I'll forget all my queries because my main focus will be on coming up with legitimate excuses for my
category. Like cats for instance earthly actions. (with all due respect and apologies For the sake of continuing this to Mary and Jim and my other column, let's assume I'll make it. feline fanatic friends). Why did There are the usual -questions like God create worms and spiders and why is there war, sickness, disease, suffering, etc. Then there's classic question to God, "If --"'L~,,"'_-.J--------you can do anything, can M~'0View--
~~~ ~:::;~~ so big
_ .' -From,_" " the' ,Staritls . -' :.
And for Red Sox fans there's the question of "Why can't we be comfortable even with a ID-and-a-half-game lead in the Arilerican League East?" All good questions to which some day I hope to find answers. But these are also mysteries I'm in no great hurry to solve. There are, however, a few earthly enigmas that gnaw at my curiosity meter. they fall into the ''Why did God create this?"
mosquitoes and New York Yankees, and other pests? I realize there are relatively simple answers to these questions. There are many people who like the companionship of cats; worms help aerate the earth, allowing certain flora to flourish; spiders keep other pests in check; mosquitoes can
provide trout and bass with a food source, and anything that sustains trout and bass,is good -.yith me; and N.Y. Yankees do provide entertainment to many misguided individuals. ~ But, with the recent instant advent of spring comes one my~tery I can't explain. Ticks. Why on earth did God create ticks? It;s now the time of year when I have to squeeze an oily concoction from a plastic tube onto my dog Igor once a month to ~fIl'd off ticks. It's the time of year when Emilie is required to perform a ''tick check" following a stint in the outdoors. These little parasites attack without warning. At least mosquitoes have the decency to provide a buzz to alert their victims. Ticks are I
stealth. They lay silently on a blade of grass or leaf, ready to attach to any warm-blooded sucker, or should I say suckee, who happens by. Just ask anyone with Lyme disease how ironic it is that something the size of the head of pin can cause so much pain. At Igor's recent check-up, I asked the vet what purpose ticks serve in the grand scheme of things. He said, "If the creator ever made a mistake, it was the tick." I responded by saying that maybe some day ticks will provide a cure for cancer. We laughed. You never know. I have to believe God has a reason for everything. It's spring. Get out there and enjoy it. Just don't forget to keep an eye out for one of the biggest little mysteries of life
Leaders, heroes and saints While wisdom may be an acquired gift through years of living and experiences reflected upon, it is well understood that even the youngest children and teen-agers are capable of wisdom and intuition into life's most challenging questions. As a tribute to the new middle school students in grades six, seven and eight at St. Pius X School in South Yarmouth, I would like to share some of their insights and wisdom which they expressed in a writing assignment in religion class this third trimester. The assignment was entitled, "Leaders, Heroes and Saints," and they were to discuss the differences and similarities between the three, as well as give an example of each. What follows are excerpts from the essays of several of the students: Justin in eighth grade wrote this accurate reflection: "There are many differences between leaders, heroes and saints. Leaders are not always heroes and heroes aren't always saints. They all have a different role." Bri in eighth grade also expressed their differences while at the same time pointing out how they are similar: "Some things that leaders, heroes and saints have in common are concern for others, courage and strength of self. Leaders, heroes and saints can also be different. Cruel dictators can be leaders too. They take power by force. People can,perform one heroic act in a life that isn't very brave most of the time. Heroes can also save people or property just because they want fame and glory. Saints, because they are human beings can also make mistakes. The difference between
saints and leaders or heroes is that saints realize when they are not being Christ-like and change their behavior. Saints work hard to do Christ's work and show God's love to others. While leaders and even heroes may not spend most of their lives following God's laws, as saints do." Christina C. in grade seven had this to say about leaders. "What determines a leader? There are many qualities that a leader should possess such as honesty, independe1?-ce, patience and likability. A wonderful leader that I personally knew was Sister Carol Clifford, the Principal at Holy Trinity for 11 solid years. She welcomed me on the first day of kindergarten and she helped me tie my shoes, but the most important thing that Sister Carol taught me was to be a good person and I will carry that teaching with me forever." Sixth-grader Matthew B. wrote; "Leaders are usually in charge of a group of people who follow them because of their special abilities or talents. They . are able to bring people together for a common cause and guide them in a certain direction because of the respect they command. A great leader in our country was Martin Luther King Jr. who led African-American and other civil rights proponents in a non-violent struggle for equality for all people. "Saints are holy people who exemplify virtues taught by Jesus. They lived lives of CJ unselfish sacrifice to their faith, and serve as examples to us all. St. Francis of Assisi was an
Italian monk who founded the Franciscan order. He led a simple and holy life of poverty that
served as an example to others." And seventh-grader Stephanie wrote, "There have been many passionate leaders such as Jesus, Sister Carol, and the presidents
of the United States. Mrs. Marmen has been very dedicated when it comes to our school and parish community. She follows God, As her faith and hope are strong. She is honest and cares about St. Pius X ScIiool students and faculty." She also expressed, "My heroes arf my parents. They perform good deeds and are excellent role Illodels. They have always shoy.,n care, and politeness towards others. They are courageous and have ~ways been the people I look up t f Many of the students chose
their parents as their heroes which I thought was very special and shows the impact that parents have on the lives of their children. As our students complete another school year, and especially for those young people who are graduating from eighth grade or high school, may they embrace within themselves what it means to be a leader, a hero and a saint as they embark on new ventures and embrace new challenges. Greta and her husband George, with their children are members of Christ the King Parish in Mashpee.
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~ The Anchor
MAy 25,2007
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful ''I have told you this while I am with you. The Advocate, the Holy Spirit w\1om the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you." We are grateful for receiving many gi fts in life, but the best and richest cf them are these two the gift of Jesus Christ as our Savior and the gift of his Holy Spirit to us. Yes, Jesus, the Son of God, difd for our sins, carries our burdens and sorrows and remains with us in the holy Eucharist By no mear s inferior - the gift of the Holy Spirit - is so wonderful a gift, that we are apt to forget its value. 111e Holy Spirit is the gift that the Jesus promised and gave to his Apmtles when he appeared to them as the Living Lord on that first Easler. Sometime later the first Penteeo~it must have been an incredib e happening. The very dramatic, even fantastic story of PentecO~it is related with terms such as "noise like a strong driving wind" and ''tongues of fire" and "people began to spealc in different tongues.' In a kss dramatic but no less real way the Holy Spirit of Pentecol,t remains with the Church
and with us. We do not have to over-romanticize the Spirit's presence either. The Spirit is often depicted as a gentle and holy dove. The Spirit is the advocate, the consoler, the teacher; he represents us, takes care of us and educates us. The Spirit brings to our mind that which Jesus spoke of, died for, and promised. All the things that are in God's heaven could never be thought of, let alone realized if it were not for the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit, Jesus tells us, who enables us to call God, Abba, Father. ''No man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Spirit" He is the Spirit of Truth, who enlightens us, makes us capable of understanding, reminding us of what Jesus gave us and refreshing our memories. It is as if he put our treasures into the deepest recesses of our minds, and when the time comes, he opens our mind, and brings out these precious graces in goodly order, shows them to us again and again. He refreshes our memory, and when this is done, he does better, he enables our hearts to bum with zeal, malces us feel
good about those gifts. Let us use a couple of examples to illustrate. You can try to teach a youngster the meaning of the term "sweet"; but words will not suffice, give him something laced with honey or chocolate and the child will never forget it. Somebody
might want to tell someone about their visit to the Swiss Alps, how they pierce the clouds and have snow pealcs reaching to the heavens; take that someone there, let him see the Alps, and he will never forget them. My friends, the Holy Spirit not only tells us of Christ's love for us, or reminds us about his forgiveness of our sins, but he does so in ways better than we could have imagined. Do you wonder how the Spirit of God works? It is spring brealc. Thke for example the young
college student, he is on a plane but he is not heading to any place for fun. He is on his way to a mission in Honduras. A group from his college signed up to help in a project during the break. It seemed like a good idea, but now he is unsure. "I cannot spealc Spanish. How will I tallc with and relate to those people there? What if I cannot do things? What if the week is a total bust?" But the week turns out to be anything but a bust - it turns out to be one of the most educational, enjoyable, and fulfilling weeks of his life. Marriage has its joys and sorrows, triumphs and tragedies. Financial difficulties, illnesses, and the chal1enges of raising a child are all part of the adventure. Just about every spouse faces some kind of complication that confronts them with their own inadequacies and doubts: I can't do this. I can't be the husband or wife or father or mother I need to be. And yet, they manage to find within themselves the love, the compassion, the forgiveness to be the spouse and parent their
family needs them to be at that moment. Today is the birthday of the Church. Today we celebrate the feast of Pentecost, the day when the Spirit of God was poured out on Blessed Mother Mary and the Apostles. The temptation is to presume that what happened to them is fundamentally different or better or even more powerful than what can and does happen to us. No, the Spirit which comes to us, the Spirit that Jesus promised, is the same Spirit who was alive in Jesus 2,000 years ago, the same Spirit who empowered Moses to deliver his people from bondage, the same Spirit who spoke through the prophets and the exact same Spirit who transformed Jesus' first disciples into a body of believers - the Church - filled with courage, wisdom, and understanding. It is precisely the same Spirit Who came to you and to me in the waters of Baptism and in the sacred oil of our Confirmation. "Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithfuL" Father Rita is pastor ofSt. Mark's Parish in Anlehoro Falls.
Upcoming Daily Readings: Sat, May 26,Acts 28:16-20,30-31; Ps 11:4-5,7; In 21:20-25. Sun, May 27, Pentecost Sunday, Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1ab,24ac29bc-30,31,34; I Cor 12:3b-7.12-13 or Rom 8:8-17; In 20:19-23 or In 14:15-16,23b-26. MOD, May 28, Sir 17:20-24;Ps 32:1-2,5-7;Mk 10:17-27. Thes, May 29, Sir35:1-12;Ps50:5-8,14,23;Mk 10:28-31. Wed,May 30, Sir 36:1,4-5a,10-17; Ps 79:8-9,11,13; Mk 10:32-45. Thurs, May 31, The Visitation o(the Blessed VIrgin Mary, Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16; (ps) I~ 12:2-3,4bcd,5-6; Lk 1:39-56. Frl, June 1, Sir 44:1,9-13; Ps 149:1-6a,9b; Mk 11:11-26.
The pope on abortion, politicians, and Communion Flying to Brazil on May 9, Pope Benedict XVI was asked whether he supported the excommunication of Mexican l~gislators who had voted to legalize abortion. The pope replied, ''Yes, this excommunication was not something arbitrary, but is foreseen by the Code [of Canon Law]. It is simply part of Church law that the kiIJing of an innocent baby is incompatible with being in
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communion with the body of Christ." That seemed clear enough, until Father Federico Lombardi, S.1., the papal press spokesman, went though the press section of the papal plane and told reporters that the pope ''was not announcing a new policy on Catholic politicians;' and that in any case, as the Mexican bishops had not pronounced a formal excommunication of the legislators, the pope wasn't doing so. The next day, a transcript of the pope's impromptu press conference was posted on the Vatican Website, in Italian; alert observers like my friends John Thavis of CNS, Philip PulIela of Reuters, and Victor
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Simpson of the AP, who seems to have been covering popes since Linus, Getus, and Dement, reported that the transcript had altered what the pope had actually said. The
"Yes" at the beginning of his answer .(which lnight have been a bit of rhetorical throat-clearing, much like someone saying "Well...) had been deleted, as had the references to Mexican bishops. Not altogether reassuringly, Father Lombardi went on to note that this was standard procedure, as the Vatican Secretariat of State ''reviews and cleans up" the pope's remarks "every time the pope spealcs off the cuff." All of which tended to create, unnecessarily, an image of confusion, vacillation, and, as Vic Simpson put it, a "roll back" of a tough papal stance. In fact, however, there is considerable clarity beneath the surface confusion, and it's worth noting pr.risely what's clear. First, it is the settled conviction of the Catholic Church that a
legislator's facilitating abortion through a vote to legalize or fund the procedure puts that legislator outside the communion of the Church. The pope seems content to leave it to moral theologians to determine precisely how this form of cooperation with grave evil touches on legislators (as distinguished, say, from abortionists). But that a public official's act in facilitating the ''killing of an innocent human baby" is "incompatible with being in communion with the body of Christ" is not in doubt. And if one's communion with the body of Christ that is the Church is radically ruptured, then one must not present oneself for holy Communion - for that is to add a lie to the original offense against justice, the taking of an innocent human life. Second, Benedict's answer indicates that he will support the actions of those bishops who deem it a pastoral necessity to order that politicians in this position of estrangement from the Church not be given holy Communion. Anyone who e?fpects Pope Benedict to distance himself from the American bishops who have taken this stand is likely to be disappointed. And third, the pope's answer
suggests that he is prepared to leave the pastoral judgment on these cases to the discretion of the local bishops, who are presumably better-informed about the circumstances than he is: and by "circumstances," I do not mean ''balancing'' serious (and, some would argue, canonically required) sanctions against wayward politicians with other prudential . considerations, but the specific circumstances of Legislator X. All of which is to say that Pope Benedict seems unlikely to issue a universal edict on the subject. This may well be good ecclesiology and prudent pastoral practice, but it is very difficult to communicate without appearing to vacillate. Thus it would be helpful if the Holy See would, on some future occasion, and not six months from now, underscore that I.) deliberate legislative facilitation of abortion is a grave evil that puts one outside the communion of the Church and thus renders the reception of holy Communion a dishonest-act, and 2.) tl}at, when local bishops choose to forbid obstinate politicians from receiving holy Communion for this reason, they will receive the full support of the Holy See. George Weigel is a seniorfellow ofthe Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C.
I MAy 25, 2007
The Anchor'
Finished? Friday 25 May 2007 Homeport (Assonet) - Missing Children's Day I remember the day I first walked onto this church property. A dumpster caught my eye. Behind the dumpster was an overgrown plot of land, 30 x 40 feet. There were a few standing granite columns supporting what remained of an iron rod fence. I noticed some marble headstones. It was an abandoned cemetery: The oldest headstone dates back 186 years. There were vandalized headstones smashed on the ground. This cemetery contains the graves of parishioners of the First Christian Church who once worshipped here.
This pre-Civil War burial ground was already being used as a construction dump when they built the horse stables a hundred years ago. The Protestant congregation eventually merged with another.
They moved. They left their dead behind. These dead were not only long-gone but, sadly, longforgotten. I made a mental note, "Something must be done." I ascribe to the philosophy of
Pope John XXIll, "Notice everything; ignore most things; change a few things." Not being one to rush into projects, I mulled over this one for 14 years. The timing wasn't right. Then, suddenly, the time came. The men of the Knights of Columbus, Cross of Christ Council No. 12283, \ accepted the challenge. The men began gathering on Saturday mornings and at the end of their workdays to tackle their ambitious cemetery project. Some of the pillars had been shattered, but there was a granite curb separating two plots. After resting together for nearly 200 years, surely the deceased knew each
Working together toward a commo.n change, reactions to loss are as This is another article in a semany and as varied as we are as ries of columns and features to individuals. It has been said that infonn and enlighten the diocGod draws straight with crooked esanfailhfulaboutpastoralplanlines. My circuitous career path ning issues affecting the local that has culminated in ministry in and world-wide Church. the Church that has served me so I gave much prayerful considwell throughout my entire life eration to how I could best launch surely attests to that. my contribution to our Seasons of Obviously Bishop Coleman Change column. I finally decided gave Father Dave the go'ahead to the best place to start is where this hire me, otherwise I would not be latest facet of my career began, my meeting with Father David Andrade two years ago at which we discussed the possibility of my taking the position of his assistant in the Office of Pastoral Planning. He asked that since Bishop By.. . ... George W. ColemanBar~ara Britto· would be making the fisitting here at my word processor nal decision, I put together a reworking on my article. I am most sume that he could give the bishop grateful to them both for affordat their next meeting. In doing so, ing me the opportunity to be a part I realized how eclectic my paper of this most challenging time in credentials are: a diploma from our diocese. It not only amazes the former Truesdale Hospital and amuses me but speaks so School of Nursing in Fall River, clearly to the power of the Holy an Associate's degree in Funeral Spirit that I, who at one time did Service from the New England all I could to avo~d chll11enge and Institute of Applied Arts and Scichange, am so excited to be a part ences in Boston, certification in of pastoral planning. Although it Spiritual Direction from the Rich is true that dioceses in other parts In Mercy Center in Colorado of the country have been involved Springs, Colorado and certificain pastoral planning for some time tion in Bereavement Facilitation now and have dOne much from the American Academy of groundbreaking' work, what we Bereavement. As I then listed my need to not lose sight of is the fact employment history, I was able to that we have much talent here in identify the common thread that our diocese, most capable of tak· has been woven throughout the ing the best practices in planning work I have done for almost 40 years: journeying with people and tailoring them to meet our own needs. There is a tiny ceramic through loss, whether that loss turtle on our prayer table in the was due to illness, death and dyPlanning Office that serves as a ing, aging or major life transition. I have come to see so clearly that constant reminder that the race does not always go to the swift. regardless of the circumstance of In January 2006, Father Dave loss, the one constant is the huand I attended the Symposium man condition. Grief is grief and presented by the National Pastoalthough the process does not
Tal Life Center in New York. Being such a fledgling in the area of pastoral planning, I did much more listening and observing than I did sharing. However, I have come to realize that I brought back with me two great truths that have been such help to me in my area of expertise. The first truth came during the beautiful liturgy celebrated by the vicar general from the Diocese of Metuchen, N.J. In his homily he very frankly spoke of the fact there are some of us who will not be here to see the fruits of our labor but we must not allow that to cause us to lose hope. The second truth came as I watched and listened to those few who through pursed lips and clenched teeth made it very clear that they had the one solution to all the problems and that anything else was '1ust a band·aid." Fledgling that I was in the area of pastoral planning, I had enough age and experience to know that the key to success is our ability to find common ground and work together within the structures that we find ourselves in order to facilitate.change. We are nearing the end of the liturgical season that is such a vivid reminder of death and resurrection, the great truth that life is not ending but rather changing. We certainly are in the midst of changing times but our faith tells us that we will move through these times and become stronger and more vibrant as we remain surrendered to the One whose Spirit is alive and well and at work in our midst. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him (Romans 15:13). Barbara A. Britto is assistant director ofthe diocesan Office of Pastoral Planning.
r-----------..-----.... Seasons of
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other well enough now that we could remove this separation. A parishioner used his heavy-duty truck to transport the granite to and from the stonecutter. The curb was reshaped to" replace the broken columns from the original material. A Knight who owns a construction company set the reconstructed columns. The Knights contacted a blacksmith. He volunteered to replace the missing railings and add an iron gate. The gate was custom-made, the design based on another old cemetery gate in the area. A granite side~alk leading to the gate was installed using recycled pieces. Then the damaged headstones were repaired, reset bd cleaned by yet another Knight who owns a construction company. The second-growth trees were removed. The firewood was sold to help fund the project. The grade was taken down a few inches to improve drainage. Lo and behold, there were surprises. Just under the topsoil were two marble footstones. At one time, these marked the parameters of graves. Since they were carved with initials, we knew exactly where they belonged. Another surprise was a buried colonial brick sidewalk. But the real,ly big surprise was the discovery of a qeasure - a buried headstone. Ii' has been toppled for so long that a tree had grown around it but it was still legible. It told the story of a 12year-old boy, the sort of a widowed mother, who had been " the Assonet tragically drowned in River while one hot August day in 1842. His name was Benjamin Martin. After 165 years, nobody even remembered he had gone missing. His headstone, too, has been restored. It overlooks the river.' The men of the Knights wanted to surface the area with crushed stone. They found a member of the merged Protestant church who owned" a building materials company: He donated tons of stone. A bronze plaque memorializing those who rest jn this holy
ground was ordered. An architect, also a Knight, was recruited to design a new Memorial Garden section. Commemorative granite cobbles were added. We now know of eight members of the First Christian Church who are buried here. There may be others. There's Captain Job Lawton and his wife Polly. They owned the shipping wharf at the end of the street. The Lawton's lived in the house at the foot of the hill. The old homesteaded is still there. You can see the house and wharf in the photo background above. Then there's their little daughter Ester, who died at 16 months. I see someone has lately been visiting her grave. There's also the headstone of their son Benjamin, who died at the age of 23. He isn't here. He sleeps in Davy Jones' locker. "Lost at sea," it reads. A prominent table-stone had been erected for Ebenezer Peirce, Esquire, born in 1775, and for his wife Joanna. "Her failings," it says, "leaned to Virtue's side." Is that a lefthanded compliment? Ebenezer was deacon of the First Christian Church for 35 years. Their monument, once smashed to pieces, is shattered no longer. Finally there's Betsey Seaver. She died in 1868, the last interment. I don't know where her husband Joseph is buried. The rededication is scheduled for the end of June. Now that I know where the bodies are buried, I have no future projects in mind. Strange, I always do. Could it be my work here is finished? Can I rest in peace? I doubt it. Father Goldrick is pastor ofSL Bernard Parish, Assonet. Comments are welcome at StBernardAssonet@aoLcom. Previous columns are at www.StBernardAssoneLorg. Commercial & Industrial Gas/Oil Burners LEMIEUX HEATING, INC. Complete BoilerlBumer Service 2283 Acushnet Ave. New Bedford, Mass. 02745-2827 508-995-1631 Fax 508-995-1630
The NaIIonII eathoIc PhannIcIsII Guild of till United StII.
202 RockSt. Fall River
508-679·1 JOO
The Anchor
Mw 25) 2007
Students and faculty from Sf. Pius X School in South Yarmouth, left and bottom photos, honored the Blessed Virgin Mary at their annual May crowning ceremony.
Students, top photo, and parishioners at right, from Notre Dame de Lourdes Parish in Fall River, gathered around a statue of the Blessed Mother for the annual May crowning. Students from Notre Dame de Lourdes School helped recite the rosary in French and English with their French and religion teacher Albert Vaillancourt.
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25, 2007
$ The Anchor $
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Colleen Kiceluk· and Hannah Dulmaine, students at the Sf. Francis Xavier Preparatory School in Hyannis, recently crowned the statue of the Blessed Mother outside the parish office. Students and faculty gathered to praise Mary in hymn and prayer.
Children from St. Anne School in Fall River, left photo, arrange flowers near a statue of Mary as part of a recent May crowning.
Fifth-grader Brian Quinn from Holy Name School crowns the Fall River school's statue of Our Lady. Students interested in crowning Our Lady put their names into a drawing and Quinn was the lucky winner.
The first Communion class at Sf. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, recently gathered for
a photo with Msgr. Gerard P. O'Connor, following their special day.
Th~ sun shined brightly at Sf. Pius X Sc/;'ool in South Yarmouth on a newlycrowned statue of the Blessed Mother tenderly holding the infant Jesus. -:.-
Catholic Charities Appeal
Top Five Parishes in each Deanery as of May 17 Attleboro Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Seekonk $ 61,638.00 St. Mark, Attleboro Falls 33,235.00 St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro 26,010.00 St. Mary, Mansfield 20,110.00 St. Mary, Seekonk 18,640.00 Cape Cod & the Islands St. Pius Tenth, South Yarmouth $ 76,132.58 Christ the King, Mashpee 56,789.00 Our Lady of Victory, Centerville 53,096.00 Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster 44,642.50 SU. Francis Xavier, Hyannis 33,495.00 Fall River Holy Name, Fall River $ 26,993.00 S1:. Louis de France, Swansea 25,559.00 S1. George, Westport 18,779.00 $1. Patrick, Somerset 17,985.00· ",., 81. Joseph, Fall River 17,096.00 New Bedford Immaculate Conception, New Bedford L$ 40,467.00 S1. Mary, South Dartmouth 27,034.00 $1. Patrick, Wareham 26.640.00 S1. Julie Billiart, North Dartmouth 25,240.00 OJ! Lady of Mount Carmel, New Bedford 24,247.00 Taunton S1. Ann, Raynham $ 31,075.00 Amunciation of the Lord, Taunton 20,369.00 81. Anthony, Taunton 17,105.00 Holy Rosary, Taunton 16,063.00 Holy Family, East Taunton 15,9.}3.00 '. Assonet St Bemwrd: $2OO-Michael & Dr. Diane Patrick; $l00-Sc0tt & Susan Faria, TImothy & Franoelina Santos. Centerville
Our Lady of Victory: $l,OOO-M&M Joseph Ippolito; $256-M&M Courtney McMahon; $200M&M Dop Weber; $l00-M&M Eugene Binda, Donna CIat. M&M Wtlliam Corbett, M&M RichanlEgan, M&MThomas Fosbre.LeonaGalgani, M&M Joop Grndy. Barbara MacLean, Carol Quill. M&M Co:ltantino Sabatini. Chatham
Holy Rem-: $1,OOO-M&M Robert L. Kemp; $SOO-Jaml'S Amsler. M&M Paul E. Slegebnilch; $3OO-M&M Robert V. Albis. M&M William Sheehan. M&M James Plotner; $25O-Constance Gonnley. M&M Martin Siddell. M&M Paul K. McGrnth; ~Mrs. James Robinson; $l50-M&M Peter Actop; $l00-M&M Anthony S. Bak, Jane Colby.~. John J. Collins, M&M Richard A Klein, Jr.• Dr&M John F. Mancini, M&M Edward J. McDonilld, M&M David O·Connor. M&M ThomasJ. Sheehan, M&M Joseph Bolus. Michael Perillo.
East Fahnouth St Anthony: $SOO-Mary Jane Chisholm; $400ThomasA Murray; $l00-M&M RichanlA Giardi, M&M Fred Ravens. East Freetown St John Nwmann: $SOO-In Loving Memory of Yvette & Lily DeMoranvi1Ie; $4OO-M&M Russell LaBrie; $3OO-V'rrginia Dawson. M&M Daniel Dube; $25D-M&M Arthur Blais; $200-M&M Raymond lledanl; $l50-M&M Maurice Manny; $l00-M&MFredTavares.M&MEltonE.Ashley, Jr.• Mack &Jori Craveiro. M&M Alexander Stylos. M&M Glenn A Demanche. John & Suzanne Ricciardi. M&M Brian S. Thompson. East Sandwich Corpusall~: $l,OOO-M&MWarrenD.Woods. Mary C. Gleason; $SOO-M&M Wtlliam P. Bodio. M&M Jolul L. Stebbins. Ronald P. Willett; $256Dr&MMicbaeI Buckley. M&MThomas F. TunIin; $21D-M&M PeterA. Donahue; $200-M&MJohn A McArdle. M&M Francis J. Noonan; $150M&M Roland W. Breault; $100-M&M Jeffrey D. Youngquist, M&M Raymond J. Connier. M&M Robert Baptiste. M&M Paul F. Anderson, M&M Victor M. Devine. M&M Ayrton Murilho. M&M JosephE. Jacintn. M&M Joseph F. Keenan, M&M Robert F. Rogers, M&M Edward A Maybury, M&M Scott L. Lopes, M&M Joseph V. Venezia, M&M ChristopherThorndike, Jean Cook, M&M John B. SuI/ivan. M&M Paul W. Keefe. Fairbaven
St Joseph: $2OO-Stanley Wojcik; $l00-Stephen Foster.
FaD River
Holy Name: $1,200-Tom & Mary Carroll; $SOOLynn Garant; $35O-Dr&M Steven Belanger; $300M&M RooortMargetta. Dr&M Paul Dunn, M&M WtlliamSulUvan;$256-M&MPatrickLowney.A Friend; ~Yvette Paquet, Mrs. John Delaney; $l50-Barbat<! Wenc, Eileen Higgins. M&M Fred Czerwonka, M&M Joseph Vieirn, M&M Robert Rebello;$I<D-Mrs.LouisShea;$125-M&MJohn Scanlon; $1OD-In Memory ofJohn W. Toulan, Jr.• M&M George Luzitano. Marguerite PicanI. John O'Brien, MIs. Manuel Maitoza, M&M John Hart, M&M Will Pesruisseaux. M&M Roger Sullivan. Jr., M&M Amine Maalouf. Margaret Pannelee. M&M Michael Welch. M&M James Melvin, M&M Anthqny Coelho, M&M Joseph McGrndy. Holy Rosary: $5OO-ltalianArnerican WarVeterans-Post 10; $l00-M&M Daniel Coroa. Notre Dam/:: $3OO-M&M Rene Lachapelle. Jr.; $200- Brothers ofChristian Instruction, Knights of Colurnbus-l\1sgr. Prevost Council #12380; $150M&M Paul Berube. Paul Dumais-In Memory of "Lou" Dumais. M&M Alfred Dupras-In Memory of Alfred Dupras. Jr.; $IIlOM&M Robert Boutin.
Claudette Bradbury. Dr&M Raymond Fournier. M&M Raymond Morrissette. Margaret Phenix-In Memory ofRobert Phenix, Grace Souza. St Anne: $l,200-Rev. Marc H. Bergeron; $300Loridas & Emilie Jolivet; $2OO-Lorraine Richards; $l50-Rodney J. & Diane M. Medeiros; $105.25John M. Velho; $l00-Janice Heinig, Locille A Gauthier, PaulAguiar. Paul Gauthier. Paul LapointeIn Memory ofHelen M. Lapointe. Paul &Theresa Paquette. Paul E. Pelissier. Rachel Toole, Roderick & Victoria Dubay. St Anthony of Padua: $85O-Holy Name Society; $6OO-St Vmcent de Paul Society; $256-M&M Charles J. Cullen; $150-2007 Confirmation Class, M.P. Louro, M&M Libenll Silva; $l00-Holy Rosary Sodality, M&M Manuel Antonio. M&M Joseph Marques. M&M J.C. Sardinha, M&M EmeryGomes. St Joseph: $SOO-M&M FrederickSullivan; $256M&M James Salvo; $125-Mrs. John Kiley; $100M&M CIiftonMorrel, Mrs. WalterNichipor. M&M James Gibney. Anne J. Bronhard. M&M Stephen B. Dolan, Donna Berube. HyllDlJi<l St Frand1i Xavier: $l,8OO-Char1es Riley; $1,000M&M Bertrand Fournier; $SOO-M&M Wtlliam Godfrey, Mrs. Gerald Lyons; $4OO-M&MWtlliarn Cericola, M&M George Cronin; $3OO-M&M Paul Shea; $256-M&M Paul Goyette. M&M Lawrence Kane; $200-Mary Heidimann. Capt&M Richard O·Brien. M&M Ricard Roberts, M&M David Selve; $l50-M&M Cbarles Hoffses, Donald James, Robert Kelley; $l30-M&M Thomas Loughlin; $125-Jean Berry. Mrs. Chester Henderson, M&M Ralph LoVuolo. Richard Mitchell; $l00-M&M Wtlliarn Conlon, BarbaraCorcoran, Jean Crowley. M&M James Decourcy. M&M Albert Grenis. M&M Gerald Hocker. Everett B. Horn. Jr., Elizabeth Hufnagel, Betty Jenkins, M. Donald Johnson, M&M A MacIsaac, Heather & Dennis Mahoney. Mary ManwariPg, ML Morrison, Deacon&M Ri.chard Mwphy. The Paddock Restaurant, Marie Schomp. M&M James Sullivan. Mashpee Christ the KIng: $S,OOO-M&MWtlliamZammer.
Jr.; $2,OOO-M&M Edward Larldn; $l,OOO-M&M Joel WJ1der. Gregory Dunn, Sr.• Frank Angelis. Deacon&M Gregory Beckel; $600-M&M Raymond Long; $SOO-M&MRohertGIennon.John Riordan. M&M Kevin Hargadon. M&M John Agricola. M&M Joseph Crowe, M&M Jack Gwidn; $4OO-M&M Brendan Brides; $3OO-M&M RohertMcNamara. M&MAnthony Franchi. David Pratt; $35O-M&M RohertBoccuzzi; $256-Wtlliam Malone, M&M Robert Cotter. M&M John Gormally, M&M Arthur Desrosiers. M&M JameS flynn. Jr.• M&M Costabile Cipullo; $2OO-Joanna Pitocchelli. Dorothy Boyle. M&M Wtlliam WISe, M&M StephenCannavo, M&M Kenneth Babcock. Dorothy Hiltz, M&M John McQuillan. Jean Blevins. Muriel Sculos, M&M Charlie Hickey; $17S-M&M Roland Gibbs; $lS0-Richard & Lawrence Cappello. M&M Joseph Ambrose. Leonard Keleher. Mrs. Robert Cota, M&M Raymond Masce. M&MAngelo Tomasini. M&M John flynn; $125-M&M Robert Brunell. M&M William Gately; $l00-M&M Thomas Curtin. M&M Robert Jutstrom, M&M Edward Kelly, Louise McNutt, M&M Neil Sullivan. Margaret Duclos. M&M Thomas Pandiscio, Catherine Lind, M&MArthurMorley.DorothyBottos.M&MWtIIi:!m Kelley, David Netzer. M&M Kenneth Leblanc. Adele Labute. Angelo Massa. M&M Joseph Slattery. M&M Howard Lane. M&M John Beaudry, Roberta Sibley. M&M Palmiro Bisio, M&M James O'Brien, Mrs. RobCrt Bosselaers. Dr&M Robert Farrelly. M&M Wtlliam Dickson. M&M Stuart Hemingway. M&M Viriato Pereirn, M&M John McIntyre. M&M Donald MacMillan. Shirley Hogan. M&M Joseph McDonald, Daniel Hourihan. Sheila Yates. Anne Antonelli. Carol Malone. M&M Stephen Lempitski. M&M Robert
Everett, M&M Ronald DaSilva, Deacon&M Robert Lemay. Vrrginia Sennon, M&M Paul Squarcia,
Anne Smith, M&MWtlliamAlexander. Ruth Jonis, M&M Lester Lee, M&M John Richardson. Mrs. Glenn Dupree, M&M John Cadoret, M&M John Reilly. M&M Philip Weber.
Edward Jamieson, Donna Kelley. Osterville Our Lady of the Assumption: $2,OOO-M&M Ernest J. Gavel; $1,OOO-M&M James Kowalski; $SOO-David McCarthy. Dr&M Patrick J. Murray, Mrs. Paul J. Ryder. Mrs. Barton Tomlinson. M&M Michael D. White; $4OO-Francis L. Swift; $300M&M Robert J. Doyle. Robert EIskamp, M&M Peter Kennedy; $256-M&M Francis Luca, Grace O'Connor; $2OO-Marie Butler, M&M John Maffei. Jr.• M&M Edwin McMullin. M&M Robert F. O'Rourke, M&M Melvin J. Pauze. M&M Craig Riley. M&MAIfred Sem; $17S-Dorothy Kashuba; $lS0-M&M Lawrence Drago. Catherine F. Haggerty. Ann Wtlliams; $l25"Frances Gaumond; $UD-Mrs. Joseph Crosby; $l00-David C. Bayer. Philip M. Boudreau, Ida M. Cary, M&M Robert P. Cronin. M&M Robert C. Dauer. Mrs. SA Dean, M&M Kevin Donnelly. Alice Fitzgerald, M&M James Frame, M&M Richard A. Giovannelli. M&M David T. Gregory. M&M James Hines. Eileen A Hurley, Kevin F. Kavanagh, M&M Joseph J. Lyons. Edward Machado, M&MTheodore Mochnacki, Mrs. Jerry Monroe. John Murdock, M&MRobertJ.O·Brien.CaroIRyan.M&MJohn F. Savage. M&M WtIIiam Scott, M&M Francis R. StafIier, M&M Edward T. Sullivan, SheilaA. Th0mas.
St Anthony: $4OO-M&M Maurice Downey; $125-M&M Michael Dahill; $l00-M&M Richard Bousquet, Margaret Doane. M&M Patrick Doyle, M&M Michael Hickey. Dr&M Clayton King. Constance Keavy Martin. Ann McGrath. New Bedford Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of JfSUS: $SOOM&M Robert H. Carlsen. Jr.• M&M James flanagan; $35O-M&M Charles Cabral. Jr.; $300M&M Eric Erickson, M&M Joseph S. F'tnnerty, George Rogers. M&M Stanley Weiner; $2OO-Mrs. William Bancroft, Deacon&M Eugene H. Sasseville. Patrick Wtlkinson; $l~onstance Menard; $l50-M&M Arnold Avellar. M&M Joseph Brunette, Eileen Landry. Mrs. Gilbert Medeiros; $125-M&M Charles McKenna; $100Joan Bessette-In Memory of Allan Bessette, Mrs. Leo Cole. John Correia, M&M Alfred J. Deneault, M&M John P. Donovan-In Memory of Jeremiah Donovan Family & John & Mary Pedro Family. Jane Friedman, M&M Lawrence Gibbs. Lawrence Raynham Harney. Jr.• M&M Sean R. Jackman. Mrs. Joseph St Ann: $2,OOO-M&M Joseph Harnois; $1,500Landry, M&M John Mulligan, M&M Pierre C. M&M Marlt Karsner; $l,OOO-M&M Jean Jacques; Seguin. M&M Fred Scott, M&M Charles Xavier. $850-Theodore Kapala; $606-M&M Steven Dias; Immaculate Conalptlon: $l,OOO-In Memory of $SOO-M&M George Gould, M&M James Joaquim C. Reis. Wife & Daughter. Mulvihill. M&M Wtlliam Tripp; $47S-M&M JoOur Lady oftheAssumption: $2OO-Bette Spenseph Bettencourt; $3OO-M&M Patrick Cady; $256cer Douglas; $l00-Janice Fernald, Henry J. Barros. M&M Richard Bourget, M&M Raymond Cooke, Margaret Sheffield M&M Paul Gilchrist, M&M John Hagman; $200OurLadyofFatlma: $l00-MichaeIFrey. M&M BradfordGomes. M&M EdwanIGoodrich, Our Lady of Guadalupe at St James: $125M&M Robert McCormack; $17S-M&M Henry Neal F. Wall; $12O-Jeanne R. Bowden. Foley. Maryann Kelly, M&M Leo Schleicher, Our Lady of Mount Cannel: $l,800-A Friend; $l,200-Rev. Martin L. Buote; $l,OOO-In Memory M&M Darrin Thibault, M&M Edward TokaIZ; of Mary T. Luiz; $8OO-A Friend; $SOO-M&M $l50-Irene Cobb. M&M James Gramm, M&M Lawrence Roland; $l30-Darlene Costa; $125V'mcentFemandes;$300-AFriend;$256-AFriend; $22S-A Friend, Our Lady of Mount Carmel M&MPaul Dooley. M&M J. Leroy Latimer. M&M Edwin Mahoney, M&M Robert Reilly; $UDWoman's Guild; $2OO-MariaAngelina Medeiros. Beatrice Sa; $l00-Sara Borja-Chua, M&M Arthur M&MAntonioPedras;$15O-M&MJoreMedeiros; Botelho. M&M Frank Cabral. M&M Michael $l2O-M&M Jose M. Cardoso; $l00-M&M Joao Correia, Joanne Costa, Theresa flannery. M&M Aguiar. Laudalina Azevedo. M&M Joao Sousa David Goudreau. MllIk Jones. M&M Brendan Bairos. M&M Edganlo M. Barbosa, M&M Paulo 'Loftus. M&M John Manganaro, M&M Thomas N. Bicho. M&M Joao S. Cabral. M&M Richard McAuley. M&M Michael Monaghan, Joanne Cabral.M&MNeIsonACampos.M&MVictorino Pelletier, M&M George PhilliPS. M&M Wtlliam Carrelha, M&M Alsuino B. Cordeiro. M&M Ryan, Carolyn Schindelwig. M&M Arthur Souza, Manuel S. Costa, M&M Gary Cunningham, Antone Kathleen Taylor, Ann Ventura, M&M David Felix, Jr.• Julieta Ferreirn, M&M Jose Figuerido. Wallace. M&M Wtlliam Zolga M&MAires Furtado, M&M Larry Grieco. Evelyn Seekonk Hendricks. Maria do Canno Lima, Maria Medeiros. St Mary: $1,2OO-Gerard & Sandra Matton; $400M&M Eduardo I. Melo. M&M Antonio Miguel. Barnara Hanington; $35O-Richard &Jean Goyette; M&M Francisco Morgado, M&M Jose Custodio $3OO-Joseph & Dorothy Palana, Catherine Sinotte. Nunes, M&M Eduardo Pacheco. M&M Joao Raymond & Paula Roberge; $256-Kevin &Patricia Matias Pereirn, M&M Jose Pine. M&M Manuel F. McCool; $200-Arthur & Karen Bergeron, Rapoza, M&M Luiz M. Reis, M&M Henrique Raymond & Elizabeth O'Neill. Eugene & Yvette Rouxinol. M&M Jaime SilvaSantos, Luis DaCosta Wallin; $l60-Robert &Judith Araujo; $l50-Louis Soares, M&M ArthurA Vasconcellos, Lisa SalvaDelPapa, Gerard & RoseMary Lavoie, Paul & dor Vieirn, A Friend. Catherine Neto,Jeny &Carol Raposa; $l00-Steven St. Anthony of Padua: $200-M&M Donald & Barbara Cabral. Albert Bessette. Robert Dumont; $l00-Claire L. Cournoyer, M&M Roy Burroughs, Louis & Joan Emond, Mary Gravel. Araujo, M&M Tadeusz Swiszcz. Alfred Karol. Raymond & Helen Keough. Cbarles St Francis ofAssisi: $150-Kathleen West; $100& Deborah Langevin. Jeanne Martel, Michael M&M David Cabral. M&M Harry Peitavino, McGarrity. Doris Murray. Janet Nerbonne, Vrrginia M&M Charles Tarpey. Philibert, Paul &Laurel Racine, Raymond &Marie St. Lawrence Martyr: $SIlO-In Memory of Robitaille, Thomas & Cheryl Ross. St. Mary's SeDonald H. Racine. In Memory ofGertrude &Emest nior Saints. Charles & Nora Sirois. Fred & Liesse Kruger. $4SO-M&M Albert Fisher; $37S-George SIemon. Michael Tamburro. James & Evelyn Lavoie; $31S-M&M Thomas J. Long;$265-M&M Traynor, David Thrinese. James Dandeneau, Jr.; $200-James F. Murray; $l68-Betty Corbett; $145-M&M Martin Treadup; Somerset St Patrick: $9OO-M&M Leonard Worsley; $606$125-Theodore Calnan; $l2O-In Memory of Dr. David Dunne; $SOO-Dr&M Philip Robitaille; $256Robert Small; $l05-M&M MllIk C. Durant; $100Richard Whittington; $2OO-M&M Robert Ciosek, Deborah L. Hynes. M&M Raymond Martin, M&M Donald Mayer; St Mary: $320-M&M John H. LeBoeuf; $256$l50-M&M Ronald Richard; $l00-M&M Ernst M&M David Britton; $2OO-M&M RobertPetiljean, Cummings. M&M Edmund Lima, M&M John M&M John Pimentel, Jr.• M&M Robert Hebert; McCarthy. $l50-JosephF. Rapoza, M&M Francisco Belmiro. South Dartmouth CeIinaC. Oliveira, CeIinaR. Oliveira, M&M Frank St Mary: $256-M&M Joseph Cherry; $l50-St Condez, M&M Wtlliam Constant, Raymond G. Mary's Guild; $l00-PatrickJ. Foley. Dr&M MllIk Bourassa, M&M Carl Souza, M&MThomas DarVentura. ling, M&M Cbarles Jodoin; $125-M&M Joseph South Yannouth O·Neill. M&M Richard C. Brennan, M&M Eric R. Corrie. M&M WalterJaworski, Marilyn Collins; _ StPimTenth: $l,OOO-M&MLesterAlbee,M&M Michael Horgan, M&M Stanley Graveline, Judith $UD-M&M Manuel J. Ribeiro; $l00-M&M JoMaguire; $606-M&M Charles Salerno; $SOO-Mrs. seph Gauthier, M&MWtlliam Reilly, M&M David Augustine Gouvei; $400-M&M Edward Marszalek, M&M Raymond R.Yates, Dr&M Jolm Oberlander, M&M John R. Mullen; $3OO-M&M Bender. M&M Mark Richard, M&M Daniel Frederick Miller, M&M John M. Carey, M&M Fortier, M&M Dunstan E. Whitlock. M&M Stephen Albright; $256-M&M Robert A Welsh, Normand Audette. Gail A Souza, M&M Wtlliam Jr.; $200-M&M Francis Daly. M&M James Burns. Fryer. M&M David Silva, Mrs. Gunter ErIenkamp, M&M James Moynihan, M&M Robert Leary, Mrs. M&M Wtlliam Ochab. M&M Jose S. Couto. Jr.• John Davidson. Mrs. Philip E. Dempsey; $150Gerard O. Guillotte. M&M Larry Spari<s. Joseph M&M Dennis Redding. M&M James Donovan; F. LaFrance. M&M Arthur J. Hardy. John Higham. $120-M&M Robert Reddy; $l00-Dr&M Joseph Jr.• Joan Desrosiers, M&M Paul Marashio, M&M PappaIardo. M&M Frank WISniewski. M&M Paul Joseph M. Amarello. M&M David M. Bridgeo, Haynes Mahoney. Mrs. Joseph Bartos, Fitzsimmons. M&M John Mimoso, M&M Roger Mrs. Frank J. Librandi. Mrs. Wtlliam M. Conley. Fernandes, Helen Baillargeon. M&M Victor Helen McCright, Mary I. McCall. M&M Wtlliam Chausse, Jr., M&M Richard MacBain. M&M F. Collins. M&M Michael McGrath, M&M Francis Antone Oliveira, M&M Annand Augustine, M&M D.Pignone. WtlliamR. Dugas.Winifred Ryder,Thoinas Walsh. Swamea North Easton St Dominic: $SOO-John Silva; $l00-Lawrence & Immaculate Conception: $38D-M&M John Susan Barnwell, John McCann. Barbie Lomas. Fresh; $200-M&M MllIk Fisher. M&M Wtlliarn St Francis orAssisi: $8OO-M&M Wayne Gray; McAndrews; $l80-James Gorman; $ISO-M&M $SID-Rev. Michael Ciryak; $l60-ArthurF. Thrcotte; PhilipTarallo,M&MJames Coughlin; $12S-M&M $lS0-Wollaston Morin; $100-M&M Manuel Jacques Tremblay. M&M Lewis Aries. Jr.; $100Silveirn, Oscar Nadeau, M&M Roger Lamonde, Evangeline Crocker. Jane Connelly. Elizabeth Ann Tschirch. Symynkywicz, Teresa Wolffe. M&M Edward St. Louis de France: $300-M&M Rosario Olsen, M&M EdwardWelch, M&MJames Friesen, Lopiano; $lS0-M&M Charles Pelissier; $14DHelena Luxton. M&M Joseph Belanger. Orleans $1,200-Dr&M Francis M. James. Swansea; $800St Joan of Arc: $1,OOO-M&M Joseph Conlan; Borden &Remington Corp.; $750-St Anne's Credit $7SO-M&M Paul O'Connor; $250-M&M Joseph Union; $SOO-Gold Medal Bakery; $492-Mrs. Mary F. Moran; $200-M&M John Freeman; $100-M&M C. Gomes & Sons; $3SO-Holy Rosary-St. Vmcent John Dowman. M&M Donald Liebers. M&M
MAy 25,2007 de Paul Society; $256-Sitnon's Supply Co.• Inc.; $l00-Dr. Anita Jones; Somerset Eye Care; Yellow Cab of Fall River $8SO-Our Lady ofthe Holy Rosary Sodality; $750St Maxitnilian Kolbe Guild-Holy Rosary Parish; $SOO-Annunciation ofthe Lord-St. Vmcent de Paul Society; Mechanics Co-Operative Bank; $25O-Congregation of the Holy Cross. North Easton; Silva Funeral Home; $lllO-Biss Lumber Company; Leahy's Liquor Store; Dynasty Convenience Shoppes; St Joseph's Women's Guild. Thunton AnnuncIation of the Lord: $1,OOO-Holy Ghost Society; $4OO-Bruce Blunt; $3OO-M&M Herbert Ferreira; $200-M&M Francis Souza; $l50-M&M Joseph Figueiredo; $l20-Maria Correia; $UDFrank Mendes; $l00-Cecilia Reams. Marie Nadeau, M&MRussellReed,AnneFranco,M&M Manuel Camara. M&M Manuel DaCosta, M&M AdeIinoReis,M&MRonaId\\tlcnis,AmericoAlegi Family. Rev. Mr. Robert Faria, M&M Gilbert Matheus, M&M Gerald Araujo, M&M Jose Chaves, Barbara Lima. Holy Rosary: $3SO-Katherine Kiernan; $250M&M Theodore Kable; $200-M&M James Dawicki. M&M Richard George; $lSD-M&M Robert Dziekiewicz. Mrs. Marcellus Lemaire, Mrs. Stephen Slapik. Stella Leonard. Bertha florence; $UD-M&M Donald Vasconcellos; $l00-M&M Walter Taraska, Stephanie SharIrus. M&M Richard Kozik, Helen Lichacz, M&M Walter Gazda, M&M Edward Goldrick, M&M Angelo Arieta, Stephanie Souza. StephenArcikowski, M&M John Mona. St Joseph: $3OS-Michael Wojcik; $2OO-M&M WtIIiam K. McCarthy, M&M Cbarles W. Smith; $l50-M&M John Pereirn, Madeline C. Wojcik; $l00-Manuel Garcia, M&M Mario J. Moniz. Therese A. Santos. St Mary: $l,250-Dailey & Maryann Hill; $606Janice Russell; $4OO-Holy Cross Priests & Brothers ofThunton, Dr. Cbarles &Carolyn Hoye; $28SRobert & Louise Drake; $256-Eva Gaffney. Drs. Stephen & Kathleen Hoye, In Memory of Bruno Mozzone; $2OO-Miriam Sullivan; $150-Wtlliam & Joan Clifford; SUD-Robert & Rosana Ruiz; $100Stephen & Jennifer Smith, Rose Gordon, Claire Perry, David & Jacqueline Medas. Delphina Granfield, Helen Quigley. George & Carolyn Powers. Michael & Jeanne Gibbons. Richard & Mary Slein. James Reid, Wtlliam & Gloria McGlynn. Linda & Wtlliarn Redmond. Patricia McSweeney. St Paul: $5OO-Eileen Martin; $4OO-M&M John Duhena; $3OO-PeterG. &Alicia Kullas Mozzone; $22S-Rosalie Connors; $200-M&M Joseph A. Kuper; $l50-Richard Hooben, M&M John Moniz; $125-Eleanor Nunes; $l00-M&M Dennis Berube. M&M Robert Bianchi. M&M Richard Brennan. M&M Richard Dennen. Duane Marler. Ann Moss. M&M Paul O' Boy. Kathleen & Martha Peterson. Wareham St Patrick: $1,500-Richard Boucher; $SOO-Christine D'Acci; $200-M&M Charles Galligan; $100Barbara McMahon, Mrs. RM. Lackie. M&M WtIIiam Gibl}n. Marie Murphy. M&M Frank Krystofolski, M&M Dennis Mattos. West HarwIch Holy TrInity: $l,OOO-Honorable Elizabeth J. Dolan; $SOO-Catherine F. George. Mrs. Harold McKenna; $4OO-M&M RobertA. LeBlanc, Marie R. O'Neil; $3OO-M&M Everett Boy. M&M John W. Rooney; $25D-M&M Carroll R. Cusick; $200James R. Cavanaugh. Patricia Gallagher. M&M Wtlliam A Hayes. M&M Paul Hoban. Mrs. William Horgan, Mae Lefevre. M&M Ralph Luedeker. Ruth Walicki. Deacon Vmcent P. Walsh; $150M&M Bernard R. Beriau. D. Agnes Gorsuch. M&M Joseph Jolly, Mrs. Frank Matrango. Joan Sullivan, Dr&M Thomas Szymkowicz; $125M&M Raymond L. Hebert, M&M David Milkey. Grace Waystack; $l00-M&M Paul Ballantine. Mrs. John Berry. Eileen Bowke. Mary K. Brady. M&M Robert Buchanan. M&M A. Chotkowski, Constance Collinge. Mary Colson. Patricia A. Concannon. M&M Lawrence J. Conroy, Hilda Dagenais, Edward T. Deedy. C. Lee Destefano, M&M Donald Devine. M&M Paul Donohoe, M&M Wtlliam F. flynn. Susan K. Fulcher. M&M John J. Gay, Edward & Marie Goggin, M&M Rudolph Grua, M&M Cbarles L. Guertin. M&M Thomas Halpin. M&M John J. Hanratty. Helene M. Hargrave, M&M Brian Hastings. Paul Hunter, M&M Brian Kelley. Anne Kennedy. M&M Cbarles C. Kenney. M&M Wtlliam T. Kiley, Paul T. Kirk, Dr&M Stanley L. Kocot, M&M Albert Loring. Rosemary Lowrie. Dr&M Lincoln Lynch, Mildred Mazanec. M&M Albert McEntee. Mrs. Albert McPhee, Mrs. WtIIiam Merigan. Rita D. Mischler. Dr&M Robert Molloy, Mrs. Richard Murray, Paul P. O'Brien,Ann P. O' Keefe. M&M Petei'O'Rourke, M&M Joseph R. Ottino. M&M J. Joseph Pasquale, RobertJ. PreW, M&M Joseph Redmond, EIizllbeth Resteghini. M&M Terry Russell. Alice Saudade. Rosemary Schreiner, Mary D. Stoddard, Mrs. Albert Tessier. RichardTilley, Cbarles W. Tobin, Robert 1. Trapp. Mary Thstin, M&M Russell Wedge. Westport
St George: $3OO-M&M Michael Vmcent; $200M&M Stephen Silva, M&M Robert Swallow, M&M Normand Ouellette; $l50-Edward McGinn; $l00-Paula Arruda, Joyce Napert, Francis Silvia, Annand Goyette. M&M John Sparks. Sr.• M&M Douglas Giusti, M&M Bruce Fernandes, M&M Joseph Figueiredo. St. George Women's Guild, Council St George #441 Union St. Jean Baptiste. Woods Hole St Joseph: $l,OOO-Gerald & Dianne Lynch; $SOOHarley J. & Carole J. Knebel; $25D-Dr. Robert Prendergast,Mary S. Scannell; $125-Chapman. Cole & Gleason. Charles & Doris Clarkin. Barbara Pitts Kazlauskas. Eleanor M. Nace.
..... 1:. ..
~ The Anchor ~
MAy 25, 2007
Rainbows Program heals children suffering from a significant loss By
year, one beginning in the fall, TAUNTON - Most people and after a break, another that have never noticed that the sun starts in the spring. At the end is always behind them when of each session there is a 'Celthey face a rainbow, and that the ebrate Me Day' of games and center of the circular arc of the programs to enforce a good rainbow is in the direction of feeling of self." the rain. She said grieving children Getting the sunny part of life need the program because when in focus is the aim of the Rain- something significant happens bows for All God's Children, a in a family, every member is afprogram offered for youngsters fected. Even though death, who have suffered a significant separation or divorce occurs, loss due to death, divorce, or not only do the parents suffer, separation, abandonment, adop- but the children too. tion, foster home and other "Because of their age and painful life transitions. limited life experiences, chil"The program certainly dren can find it extremely difworks," reported Arleen M. ficult to verbalized their feelBooker, principal at Our Lady ings," Booker explained. "What of Lourdes School happens is not in Taunton, the eltheir fault, and so ementary school we have to help serving the new, them turn away Annunciation of from any bad feelthe Lord Parish in ings and grasp the that city. good ones." Booker, who Rainbows, had taught there which began in for six years and 1983 in Chicago, has been principal has been implefor the past 10 mented in private years, concurand public schools rently served in the in more than 6,500 Rainbows program urban and suburand is now its ban sites throughguardian. out the U.S. and in "We have been 13 foreign counwithout a director since Sister tries. Eugenia Ready left for other Although it is currently cenduties," said Booker, who with tered in Colorado, where it ofassisting facilitators, runs Rain- fers specialized training at its bows in her parish setting. "We facility, B09ker received her are connected with the Dioc- training locally. esan Office of Family Ministry,. Its motto is, "From Hurt, and while we once operated on through Healing, to Hope." donations raised by talks and "Currently we have 17 chilfund-raisers, we are now being dren in the Rainbows program funded through the Catholic and we have had as many as 23. Charities Appeal." Because they must be grouped Rainbows is one of the agen- by age, we have three group's: cies and apostolates in the dio- one that includes kindergarten cese featured in the Appeal's, and first-graders; another with 2007 video; "Caring, Sharing, third- and fourth-graders; and a Offering Hope." third with fifth- and six-graders. An international organiza- There are two facilitators for tion, Rainbows provides a each group, and they have rebridge to emotional healing and ceived the specialized training." promotes skills, attitudes and The children can freely and behaviors from a dedicated, confidentially share their contrained, caring facilitator or co- cerns, hopes, worries and fears' ordinator. with their peers and know they "Youth and families receive are not alone, said Booker. this service regardless of age "The important word is conand religious affiliation, and is fidentiality," she asserted. available free of charge," said . "What's said in Rainbows, stays Booker. there. I tell the children, 'The There is a choice of two stan- only time I would ever break dard, but unalterable curricu- that confidentiality would be if lums offered, a secular one and your lives were in danger.'" a religious one. "We in Taunton As the school year winds are in a religious curriculum be- down so dqes Rainbow's spring cause we teach of our belief in session. God," she pointed out. "There "But we'll be regrouping in are two, six-week sessions a the fall," Booker promised.
It's r~ally ab:'out me! Last February, Frances Kissling, president for the last 25 years of "Catholics for a Free Choice;' a pro:. abortion lobby which specializes in pretending to be Catholic, "retired" and will begin a fellowship at Harvard's Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. Her successor as president (and virtually sole member) ofthe group,JonO'Brien,paidtribute to her by saying, "Some-' one at this tribute just had to say it Frances Kissling is a
P~~:~~:.'~y the com-
Thms out she's been silentI up to now tionalAbortion Federation, andbefore about partial-birth abortion, because ' that the director of an abortion clinic in her words, "it was a nq.-win propo- in Peniam, NewYork, I'm sure it's unsition. Rational arguments about pro- pleasant to think about the details of tecting women's health.!. were sim- what you've been selling all these ply too abstract to oompe~ with even years. Sometimes, though, the devil is a measured and acc~ description in the details. of what happens during this proceIn some ways, it little matters what dure." Yes, thefacts of vacuuming the she thinks about it It's really not about I' her or her pretended silence orher actual silence about the . unborn lives she's helped snuff out or even what the Supreme Court thinks about
IJ udge
For 'Yourself
pliment, Kissling (not to be _ . -8 . _.. . y.â&#x20AC;˘O-.w. ight Dunc~o'" i oonfuseQ with the Nazi 0 0 1 - " / laborator Quisling), said, ''If I wasn't such a pain in the butt, no one would pay attention to brains out of an infant'~ skull, what me." I see. It's all about her getting Kissling primly' calls '1piercing the attention. skull so that the head can pass safely Well, recently Ms. Kissling wrote through the cervix," do I,detract from a piece for entitled, ''Why what's really important: protecting the I won't stay silent anymore." I found freedom to choose such'ahorror. The thisas~onremarl<able.Here'saprohealth and safety of the woman, only fessionalloudmouth and cheerleader marginally affected, ifat;ill, by the ban for the abortion industry, heading a on partial-birth abortiorl, are all that "group" which is little more than a matters to Kissling. UnbOrn babies are FAX machine and advertising budget nothing to be ooncemeq about for the abortion industry, who claims She admits: ''Let's faCe it: No aborto have been quiet all these years. tion procedure is aesthetically pleasThe subtitle was ''By upholding the ing." Is that aesthetically, orethically? ban on 'partial-birth' abortion, the Su- ''I;' she says, "like most people, would premeCourthasinjectedrigidCatho- prefer not to think ~~t how aborlic teaching into law. That's a crime tions are performed." Well, Frances, against the Constitution and women." as the founding president of the NaI!
~~~~~~~=/~;~ ters for any Christian, myself included, is what God thinks. As Catholics, we believe that when we die we will be faced with God'sjudgment. "The Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church" says, "Everyone, according to how he has lived, will either be filled with life or damned for eternity." Judging for myself, and realizing that it's never too late to repent, I'm glad that I won't stand in Frances Kissling's shoes at the Last Judgment, even if Planned Parenthood and Harvard University's Radcliffe Institute think she's just swell. At the Last Judgment, God will be the one unable to be silent any more. " Dwight Dunam is a professor at SouJhern New England School of Law in North Dartmouth. He holds degrees in both civil and canon law.
Continued from page one
site,, is a vehicle that has certainly shown its value in educating diocesan parishioners regarding the work of the Appeal-funded agencies, an accounting of how the revenues are spent, and how they might make a donation to the Appeal. Also included on the Website are the Appeal video and the audio message from Bishop Coleman. "This is a great way for anyone interested in finding out more about tlie work that is done for the tens of thousands of needy in our diocese to see exactly how the 94 cents of every dollar donated is used. The fact that 94 cents of ev. ery dollar donated goes directly to these agencies and apostolates is a remarkable figure that can't be matched by any other nonprofit I am aware of. To be totally candid, I can't imagine anyone becoming aware of the work being done by the agencies funded by the Appeal, and seeing just how much of each donation actually goes directly to assist people in need, and not being so proud of what their parish and diocese are doing that they wouldn't want to join the nearly 40,000 other parishioners by donating to the Annual Appeal," concluded Donly. The Annual Catholic Charities Appeal is the only time during the year the Diocese of Fall River
asks its parishionersi; to come to- Appeal Office, P.O. Box 1470, gether to assist in ministering to Fall River, Mass. 02722; dropped the literally tens of thousands of off at any parish in the diocese; individuals and fartilies who or made on the Appeal Webcome to the agencies funded by site: frdioc-catholiccharities .org the Appeal for assist'ance. For more information visit the Donations to the, Appeal can Website or contact the Appeal Ofbe sent to the Catholic Charities fice at 508-675-1311. JI
Pill:rimal:e to Lourdes & Fatima Including San Sebastian, Burgos, Leon, Santiago de Compostela, Coimbra, Santarem, and Lisbon Led by Fr. Tim Reis & Fr. Ed Healey 8 Nights/l0 Days October 6 - 15, 2007 $2,489 per person, double occupancy Brochures and Registration Forms are available at the Church entrances. Limited spaces! Reservations accepted on a first
come, first serve basis upon receipt of a $300 deposit (or $465 with trip cancellation insurance) which is due no later than June 1st !
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MA:_y_2_S,_2_00_7_ _
Theme of papal book may also be hallmark of his papacy, panelists say By NANCY FRAZIER O'BRIEN CA,'HOLIC NEWS SERVICE
WASHINGTON - The emphasis on Jesus' centrality to the Catholk faith in Pope Benedict XVI's first book as pope is likely to perm~ate his papacy, panelists told a Washington audience during a book launch event for "Jesus of Nazareth." Bishop William E. Lori of Bridgeport, Conn., and Vatican analysts George Weigel and John Allen discussed the book at the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center in Washington. The event was hosted by Archbishop Pietro Sambi, apostolic
Benedict made clear that "preaching Christ is not a distraction from theworkofsocialjustice;itisworking for justice," he added. The new book "is much more than an academic exercise," Allen said. "It is the Magna Carta of Benedict's pontificate." Bishop Lori said the book arose from Pope Benedict's "pastoral concern over distorted and relativistic views of Jesus," such as those promoted by author Dan Brown in "The Da Vinci Code," also published by Doubleday. Much more than an academic exercise or an "exposition of theory," the
nuncio to the lilt' t # t pope's book United States, b : nr easYblo pre~en.~ "aims to open and Bill Barry, 00 ~ your os~' ~al our hearts and publisher in the Archbishop Sambi With a minds to Doubleday reli- laugh. "But! am happy to do Jesus," he said. gious publishing SO because the author is a Bishop Lori division. vel}' competent andleamed recalled riding "Jesus of teacher, and the subject is in a small plane Nazareth," pub- a fascinating one." in rough Iished in April in - - - - - - - - - - - - weather years Italian, German and Polish, was ago with then-Cardinal Joseph . launched! in the United States, Ratzinger, who became Pope Callada and the United Kingdom Benedict. Despite feeling ill, the May 15. cardinal patiently answered ques"It's not easy to present a book tions from others in the plane. of your boss," said Archbishop "He was like a revered profesSambi with a laugh. "But I am sor and a gentle pastor all rolled happy to do so because the author up in one," the bishop said. "And is a very competent and learned now that person is shared with a teacher, and the subject is a fasci- worldwide audience." nating one." Weigel noted that "Jesus of Allen, Vatican reporter for the Nazareth" was written by "a man National Catholic Reporter, CNN who at the core of his person is a and other media, said Pope teacher ... who wants to invite evBenedict had demonstrated his eryone into the conversation commitment to the centrality of about who Jesus is." Jesus during his just-completed Pope Benedict, "a man of deep trip to Brazil. prayer," issues through his book . The three "news flashes" from "an invitation to think while we're the trip -- the pope's comments praying," Weigel added. on abortion and Catholic politiResponding to a question from cians, his condemnation of drug the audience, Weigel said the new dealers and his criticism of both book also demonstrates the pope's capitalism and Marxism - were "deep appreciation of Judaism" reported as distinct from one an- and his "strong rejection" of the other but had a common thread in tendency in some Christian circles "the false ll'romises of ideologies" to regard the New Testament as dithat 'seek to replace Jesus in visible from the Old Testament. people's lives, Allen said. The book "could be useful as In his talk to the bishops of Latin a bridge for Christian-Jewish unAmerica and the Caribbean, Pope derstanding," he added.
Diocese of Fall River TV Mass on WLNE Channel 6 Sunday, May 27 at 11:00 a.m. Scheduled celebrant is Msgr. Gerard P. O'Connor, par::>chial administrator of S1. Anthony of Padua Parish in New Bedford
WORKING OGRE TIM~ - Shrek, voiced by Mike Myers, and Artie, voiced by Justin Timberlake, are seen in the animated film "Shrek the Third." (eNS photo/DreamWorks)
lC~' ~'ll)viile路 lCa.If)~Ulllle~ NEW YORK (CNS) - The following are capsule reviews of movies recently reviewed by the Office for Film & Broadcasting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. ''Delta Farce" (Lionsgate) Stale, flat attempt at a military comedy Daniel Whitney in his guise of Larry the Cable Guy, supported by ''Blue Collar TV" co-star Bill Engvall and the twitchy DJ. Qualls, playing amiable dumb-guy Army reservists called up to Fallujah, Iraq, but landing instead in a remote Mexican village, where they take on local bandits. Director D.B. Harding, evidently assuming a short attention span for the audience, chops the comedic scenes into annoyingly tiny bits, but is more successful turning Larry into a good-hearted, Southern-fried teddy bear. Some crude language, sexual innuendo, gay characters, a scatological sight gag and some ethnic slurs. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-ill - adults. The Motion Picture Association ofAmerica rating is PG-13 parents strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. ''Even Money" (Yari) The smart money will steer clear of this trite ensemble drama about various troubled and indebted souls including characters played by Kim Basinger, Forest Whitaker and Danny DeVito - seeking redemption from the sins of gambling. Armed with mushy dialogue masquerading as hard-boiled jargon, veteran director Mark Rydell establishes an implausibly gritty atmosphere and allows proven actors to do subpar work. Pervasive rough and crude language, some graphic violence and gunplay, a sex act between a married couple and sexual banter. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is
L - limited adult audience, films wife, Fiona (Cameron Diaz), and the whose problematic content many kingdom's other residents who have adults would find troubling. The Mo- been captured by the evil Prince tion Picture Association of America Charming (Rupert Everett) and an asrating is R - restricted. Under 17 re- sortment of fairy-tale villains. Writer quires accompanying parent oroadult and co-director (with Raman Hui) guardian. Chris Miller's latest installment has a ''The EX' (MGM/Weinstein) somewhat darker edge, though still Sour and simple-minded comedy plenty of laughs with Shrek's sideabout a husband (Z3ch Braff) who kicks, Donkey (Eddie Murphy) and feels his manliness threatened by one Puss in Boots (Antonio Banderas), in of his wife's (Amanda Peet) old lov- fine form, while the script's careful ers (Jason Bateman), a paraplegic emphasis on good values such as beknown for his sexual prowess. Direc- lieving in yourself, sacrificing for othtor Jesse Peretz and two first-time ers, eschewing violence, and trusting screenwriters are neither clever nor in mankind's innate goodness override satiric enough to transcend formula, the occasional crude and mildly sugand their film is gratuitously vulgar. gestive gags. Implied ogre nudity, Some ~de and crass language, one some mildly off-color humor and ininstance each ofthe f-word and ofmild nuendo, and the death ofthe king. The profanity, some sexual banter and in- USCCB Office for Film & Broadcastnuendo, some slapstick violence and ing classification isA-ll - adults and several inadvisable scenes of a child adolescents. The Motion Picture Astrying to swallow a hamburger whole. sociation of America rating is PG TheUSCCBOfficeforFI1m&Broad- parental guidance suggested. Some casting classification isA-ill -adults. material may not be suitable for chilThe Motion Picture Association of dren. ''The Wendell Baker Story" America rating is PG~ 13 - parents strongly cautioned. Some material (ThinkFilm) may be inappropriate for children un-' Minor but engaging story of a con der 13. artist (appealing Luke WIlson) who, ''Once'' (Fox Searchlight) paroled from prison after forging Gritty, award-winning Irishinde- driver's licenses for Mexican migrant pendent film about two struggling workers, takes a job at a senior re~颅 musicians(GlenHansardandMarketa ment home run by corrupt adminisIrglova) who, through a shared love trators (Owen WIlson and Eddie Grifof music, forge a friendship that leads fin) and helps the exploited residents to the creation of a band, making a (including Harry Dean Stanton, demo recording. The two leads are so Seymour Cassel and Kris harmonious in their acting and in their Kristofferson), while trying to win music that the bittersweet resolution back his former girlfriend (Eva is both sad and uplifting, while writer- Mendes) now involved with a jealous director John. Carney's love for the supermarket manager (Will Ferrell). craft ofcreating music shows in every The quirky story from quadruple threat frame. Alcohol use, a minor street WIlson - who also wrote, co-execuScufile and recurring rough language tive-produced and co-directed (with and mild profanity. The USCCB Of- brother Andrew) - has an intentionfice for Film & Broadcasting classifi- ally ragtag feel, but some flagged macation is A-ill - adults. The Motion terial notwithstanding, keeps its heart Picture Association ofAmerica rating firmly in the right place. Scattered prois R - restricted. Under 17 requires路 fanity and crude language, sexual banaccompanying parent or adult guard- ter and innuendo, implied premarital ian. . situations and briefpunching episodes. ''Shrek the Third" (DreamWorks) The USCCB Office for Film & BroadThe saga of the lovable ogre con- castingclassificationisA-ill-adults. tinues in the same high quality vein of The Motion Picture Association of the first two films, as Shrek (voiced America rating is PG-13 - parents by Mike Myers) - aided by a poten- strongly cautioned. Some material tial heir to Far FarAway's throne (Jus- may be inappropriate for children untin Tunberlake) - must rescue his der 13.
MAy 25, 2007
The Anchor
15 Ii
Gift offaith shines brightly even as two parish.schools close By DEACON JAMES N. DUNBAR
NEW BEDFORD-1\vo Catholic parochial schools whose combined history of more than 166 years reflect academic excellence while bringing Christ into the lives ofthousands of students, will close their doors next month. St. Anthony of Padua School, which opened in 1896, and Our Lady of Mount Carmel School which began in 1941, will say goodbye to 218 students, even as they hold final graduation ceremonies for 16 heading to area high schools. ''The children are very sad," reported Cristine Raposo, principal at St. Anthony's for a year and who has been affiliated with the school since 1998. "We see it because they're not counting the days until summer vacation as students usually do at this time ofyear, but instead are counting down to their school's final day of class, which is June 13," reported Raposo. "But ~e good news is that in our catechesis we have instilled Jesus ChPst in the minds and hearts of our students; that we have planted the faith, the teachings of the Catholic Church in them, and that is really the bright news," said Raposo. ''I guess that might be called our legacy to them." For Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Principal Joseph B; Sullivan, ''What's bright is that there are many wonderful, poignant memories ~e all share, seeing how spirituality permeated the whole school building every day, demonstrated by the teachers, the staff, the students, the parents who came, all the volunteers. "We hope that Catholic spirit of life will continue for all of us." Officially, St. Anthony's School doors w"illclose on June 29,
Raposo said, young - has a job lined up for the fall. On June 3, at the 10:15 a.m., Mass I don't know what will happen to in St. Anthony's Church, the new Mercy Sister Suzanne White, who is graduates as well as all students will elderly, and has been such a dedicated be officially listed among th.e alumni teacher in the kindergarten here at St. and many of the older alumni will Anthony's." also be attending the Mass. St. Anthony's School opened in "I think we have had a marvelous September 1896 when 300 students group of teachers and motivators at were welcomed by three lay teachour school and they have made many ers and two Sisters ofHoly Cross and positive and lasting influences on the Seven Dolors, a teaching order whose spiritual lives of their students that we motherhouse was in Quebec, Canada. hope and pray will last a lifetif!1e," The nuns had been invited by Father said Msgr. Gerard O'Connor, who is Hormisdas Deslauriers, who had parochial administrator of St. been named pastor in 1895. Anthony's in the absence of Father The numbers reflected the advent Roger J. Landry, who is on a study of nearly one million French Canadisabbatical. ans that immigrated to New England Raposo said that like most paro- and settled in the southeastern Massachial schools forced to close across chusetts region beginning in 1840. America, "finances are the main reaAt Our Lady of Mount Carmel son. Because many families can't af- School "students were initially sad at ford the tuition - based on a poor the news of the closing, but now are economy and fewer jobs - it means excited, and also a oit anxious about fewer are enrolling their children. transferring to another school next Then the parish has to bear a greater fall," reported Sullivan, who has been brunt ofsalaries for teachers, staffand the principal for four years. operations, and older parishes with ''While we didn't anticipate havincreasingly fewer parishioners can- ing to close this year, the handwritnot afford that." ing was on the wall, with fewer stuThere are 116 students spread out dents enrolled than ever;' he noted. from grades Pre-K to grade eight, ''It's mostly caused by finances all the who were served by seven teachers, way around." four aides and other staffers. He said the final school graduaAnother bit of good news, she tion after 66 years of dedicated said, "Is that the majority ofour stu- catechetical instruction centering on dents next year will'beattending other .Jesus Christ, an~ preparing itS stuCatholic parochial schools in the dents intellectually to meet the degreater New Bedford Area." mands of tomorrow's world, will be She reported that of the 1i gradu- on June 9 at '~ 5 p.m., Mass. The ating from the eighth grade, one is school will shut its doors after the last going to Bishop Stang High School class on June 13. in North Dartmouth, while the rest The parish school's final note finds will be attending public high schools. 102 students in its pre-kindergarten As for Raposo, "I don't know through eighth grade. what I'll be doing. Only one of our "Most of them are heading to one seven teachers - most of whom are of the six remaining existing parochial schools in New Bedford and Acushnet, and two of our six graduating eighth-graders will be attending Bishop Stang High School," Sullivan, who is a parishioner of St. John the Evangelist Parish in Pocasset, told The Anchor. ''Because I had been a teacher and principal in public schools for 35 years prior to this, I could see the difference; how one can talk freely, without hesitation, about the faith, the Catholic Church and its teachings in everything we did, what we learned, in preparation for life ahead," he stated. Sullivan said the wonderful traditions passed on at Our Lady ofMount Carmel School are exemplified in the role-model lives of its alumni. ''We can look to alumni such as Msgr. John 1. Oliveira, pastor of St. Mary's in New Bedford, as well as Sister Margaret Mary Souza ofthe Sisters ofSt. Dorothy, who is principal at Our Lady ofFatima School inWarren, R.I., as among those who discernedreligious vocations that I believe had their start here at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School;' he commented. "Hopefully, what s9 many have
taught and inspired here ~ lead to more vocations," he reflected. Construction of Ourl! Lady of Mount Carmel School in '1940 and 1941, fulfilled a life-long dream of pastor, Msgr. Antonio P. Vieira. 'I It was the first Portugqese parochial school built in the Unibt States. It provided children ofPortiIgueseextraction with eduqttion in Portuguese and in Catholic doctrine as well as prescribed English course~. · II. .. A n audi tonum-gymnasmm was completed in 1941. Msgr. \ieira, who was honored with a $3,500 personal gift from his parishioners in honor of his 35 years as pastor, dop.ated it to help pay the debt on the school,Which had cost $210,000. Father John 1. Olive~ pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, who noted that his own education was II
entirely in Catholic schools, said it was truly sad to close the parochial school "but the current climate of fewer children and finances supported the wise choice to close it. For our parish the school was a dream come true and for nearly 70 years parents at great sacrifice enabled it to provide a quality Catholic education that favorably influenced the lives of so many people in society in general and in so many arenas of life." He added, "We are so very grateful for the Sisters of St. Dorothy for 50 years and in the past 20 years the lay teachers, whose teaching apostolate was dedicated and with so much care and support. Hopefully parents and children will chose one ofthe six remaining Catholic schools in the New Bedford Deanery to continue their education."
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Father Stephen B. Salvador, pastor of SS. Peter and Paul Parish in Fall Riyer, congratulates Shonda and Steven DeMello, winners of a raffle drawing fqr $1,000 off next year's tuition. They are pictured with their infant Lilly and daughter Emily, a kindergartner at the school. Their son Taylor is a sixth-grader at the school.
MAy 25,2007
YES THEY CAN ---: Students from Notre Dame School, Fall River, recently held a food drive to benefit the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry. They collected more than $500 in canned goods for the needy.
KEEPING PACE - Samantha Fernandes and Cassandra Charpentier of St. Anthony of Padua School in New Bedford, share a moment with George A. Milot, superintendent of diocesan schools while visiting the State House. They were attending PACE Advocacy Day in Boston. -
EASY AS A-B-C - Seventh-grader John Silvia from Espifito Santo路 School reads the Portuguese alphabet book he wrote to kindergarten students Jordan Crowley and Preston Araujo. The Fall River school often gives younger and older students the opportunity to share lessons.
HAPPY EARTH DAY TO YOU - Students from St. Anne School in Fall River get ready to make a difference on Earth Day. They helped clean up the school grounds and plant flowers in celebration of the day. At right, younger students assist with the cleanup. .
MAy 25,2007
A new direction from harmful choices
'The Bus' stresses the value of education at Catholic school benefit ByJEN REED CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
YORK, Pa. - Though his stellar NFL career has undoubtedly made him famous, retired Pittsburgh Steelers running back Jerome Bettis said life's achievements begin with education. A Super Bowl XL champion and current football analyst, Bettis was the keynote speaker forYork Catholic High School's annual James Forjan Endowment Fund dinner April 24. At a press conference prior to his appearance at the dinner, 'The Bus;' as he is known, told members ofthe media that his message to youths begins and ends with the value of education. "You can do anything and you can become anyone through education. I really believe that;' Bettis said. ''If you can commit yourself from an educational standpoint, you can go anywhere in the world. ''I try to relay that (message) and let kids know that the background for Jerome Bettis - this football player you are familiar with - is an educational background;' he added. York Catholic's James Forjan Endowment Fund was established in 1992 by Bernard and Kathleen Beazley. whose children attended the school. Before he retired in 1998, Forjan served the school over the years as a teacher, boys' basketball coach, athletic director, dean of students, assistant principal and principal. Asked by The Catholic Witness,
GRAVITY Gravity is working against me And gravity wants to bring me down Oh, I'll never know what makes this man With all the love that his heart can stand Dream of ways to throw it all away Oh gravity is working against me And gravity wants to bring me down Oh; twice as much ain't twice as good And can't sustain like a one half could It's wanting more That's gonna send me to my knees (Repeat.) Oh gravity, stay the hell away from me And gravity has taken better men .than me (Now how can that be?) Just keep me where the light is Just keep me where the light is Keep you all where the light is Just keep us where the light is Oh ... where the light is (Repeat.) Sung by John Mayer Copyright 2006 by Sony If you follow this column, you know that among newer artists John Mayer is one of my favorites. Recently released off his 2006 disc "Continuum" is the single "Gravity." The song was first featured on an episode of the TV series "House." "Gravity" showcases Mayer's
Harrisburg diocesan newspaper, to reflect on educators who were influential in his life, Bettis noted several teachers who shaped his development "not necessarily as a football player, but as a person." ''I'll never forget them;' he said. "I've nominated a couple of my teachers for awards through the NFL from time to time, and they haven't gone that far from my memory. That's why it's important for me to be here .., because what people don't understand is the teachers are the backbone. You can talk about education, but you have to have educators." The James Forjan Endowment Fund, which helps supplement teachers' salaries, is "a great endowment, and if I can come and help raise money, then I believe it's the best thing I can do," Bettis added. Currently a football analyst for NBC's "Football NightinAmerica," Bettis retired from the NFL following the Steelers' Super Bowl win in Detroit in 2006. In 13 seasons in the NFL, he rushed for 13,662 yards and scored 94 touchdowns. Retiring from the game with a Super Bowl victory in his hometown was an amazing experience, Bettis said. "There were a lot of hiccups along the way that could have turned it from a love story to a horror story;' he said. ''I played to win a championship. That was my goal, and to achieve that was an incredible feeling. To go out the way I went out was pretty neat."
bluesy style and his ability to play lead guitar. The song's character offers a stream of thoughts about his life. No details are gi~en but apparently he is not satisfied with his current choices. He comments about hims~lf: "I'll never know what makes this man with all the love that his I' heart can stand, dream of ways to throw it all away." like how gravity works in the natural world, he sees how th'ese choices want "to bring me down." Indeed, he recognizes how such "gravity has taken better men than me." And yet he is not ",ithout hope. In fact, he composes what seems to be a type of prayer: "Just keep me where 'the light is ... just keep us where the light is." He believes that his life can be different. What is this light? Is it more than an image in a song? Clearly, yes. It is the presence"of God that dwells in each of us. The deeper question for the song~s character is to discern how to r~tum and remain in this light. . Such a process bdgins by focusing his attentioh on the light. No one can fin.d light by concentrating on datkness. When the song's character makes this change o,f focus, he can start by recogni~ing his own goodness. Whatever his past, no mistake is tbO big for God to forgive. Rather, in the I'
very moment that one admits a mistake and begins to change, darkness no longer has power. To shift your focus from the negative to the positive, ask: Who can I help today? How can I show just a bit more kindness to those around me? Then look for specific answers. Resolve this day to act toward others in ways that reveal you know the light is - in all of us! Next, root yourself in the Source of all light. Take five minutes each day to tell God your desire to shine forth your light. Ask God to guide you in ways that reflect this light and not darkness. Bring to God all the names of those whom you care about and ask God to bless their lives. True, the "gravity" of harmful choices can weigh any of us down, but it cannot stop the light. Power resides in the present. This is the moment when you can make a new decisiou. '!'his is the moment when you can act in a new way. This is the moment when you can decide to turn up the voltage on how God shines through you. In this moment, neither gravity nor darkness possesses a hold over you. Your comments are always welcome. Please write to me at: or at 7125W 200S, Rockport, IN 47635.
In¡ his strength Jesus said to his disciples, ''Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you." And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit" John 20:21-22. Each year during early spring, our confirmation catechists and retreat team prepare to help the confirmation candidates deepen their understanding of the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives and in the Church through the powerful words that they'll hear and the gestures that they'll see at their confirmation. We begin by asking them three questions: How have you been strengthened so far in your preparation to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus? How have you been strengthened in your life to carry the cross of Christ? As a candidate for confirmation, in what ways do you witness to Christ in your daily life? For all of you beginning this new journey as a confirmed Catholic, your strength for all you do comes from God, the Holy Spirit. But you cannot stand idle
waiting for this strength - God helps those who help themselves. As you take the initiative, God will do the rest. Remember the anointing with holy chrism; the oil of salvation, the oil of strength, the oil of evangelization. It is that anointing that enables you to share with the world the good news of Jesus Christ, be his witnesses, his disciples, his friends who will stand up to defend and serve him. This is the challenge / presented to you. Now that you have accepted the ~ " challenge, what are you going to do? How do you start? Where do you go? Let the Holy Spirit do his thing. He will let you know. All God asks in your accepting this challenge, this sacrament, is to be responsible with it. John Barry, one of our retreat team leaders, described the Holy Spirit so simply, and so dramatically in his talk to the candidates: "My favorite definition - of the Holy Spirit - is a simple one -
his work. But don't let him do it all by himself: he needs you and knows you can do it. il Let's take a closer look at the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. . WISDOM - the gift ,that strengthens us to see God's plan for us; this gift strengthens us to be attentive and wise through prayer In - -.....- the decisionsllwe make in our lives. UNDERSTANDING - the gift that strengthens ~ to see others through the eyes of Jesus, to have compasSIOn, ~~-. forgiveness, patience and Ozziep~ch~co generosity. RIGHT \ JUDGMENT - the gift . that strengthens us to give serious attention, refl,ection and through sin. In order for the Spirit to work, the Church as a whole, and prayer in the choices we make in each one of us individually, must be our lives. COURAGE - the gift that strengthens us td witness to our open to the Holy Spirit so that faith to Jesus, to do what God wants transformation will take place." us to do, not what the world wants Transformation is when we say us to do. Courage strengthens us so ''yes'' to God. But, John Barry reminded our young people that, we won't be emba.rrl;lSsed to stand up for Jesus; not be afraid to defend 'The world doesn't make it easy l when we say yes to God." The gifts him; not be afraid to show your feelings for him andl1believe in him. of the Holy Spirit will strengthen KNOWLEDGE - the gift that you. Just be patient and let God do
Ruah - a Hebrew word which means the breath of God. It is God breathing life into every one of us. It is also this breath.of God, the Holy Spirit, that causes us to remember our Catholic faith and touches each one of us when our relationship with God is injured
strengthens us to know the mind of God, to learn God's plan for us by exercising our own mind. We cannot teach others what we do not know. This gift helps us to teach, because we know the mind of God. REVERENCE - the gift that strengthens us to treat everyone and everything God has made with love and respect, to find the holiness in all that God has created. WONDER and AWE - the gift that strength~ ens us to recognize and rejoice in God's presence and love in all of creation, to glorify God in all his marvelous works. This weekend, as the Church celebrates Pentecost, let us be mindful of the significance of this day: The Church celebrates the memory of the Pentecost event as the beginning of the new "age of the Church;' when Christ lives and acts in and with his Church (CCC No. 1076). Celebrate this beginning. Feel the breath of God, receive his Holy Spirit and live in his strength. Peace and God bless. Ozzie Pacheco is Faith Fonnanon director at Santo Christo Parish, Fall River.
;; The Anchor
Our Who is running what? There's something incredibly wrong with Massachusetts. The people supporting the effort to "Let the People Vote" are facing resistance from the very people who have been elected to protect those rights. Most of the media, which once was a bastion of truth, is now mute on the issue. Our governor has attacked that right by saying Massachusetts will become a "circus" if the people get the chance to vote on marriage, while denying he is offering cushy jobs to lawmakers who will switch and vote against it - in spite of evidence to the contrary. Our House speaker and Senate president are using the full strength and power of their offices to persuade lawmakers to vote against it. The Democratic National Committee in Washington, at the request of gay activists, is pressuring our legislators to vote "no" on the amendment. Nancy Pelosi, president of the U.S. Senate is also pressuring legislators to vote against it. Our attorney general has placed her own personal preference for gay marriage above her professional duty and vowed to use all resources of her office to strike down the Marriage Amendment if enacted by the people. It is sadly noteworthy that all of the above, as well as the vast majority of our representatives and senators, ar~ Democrats and it appears they are indifferent to the fact that most of the 170,000 people who signed the petition were als.o Democrats. It also appears that . their allegiance to the gaynesbianl bisexual and transgendered citizens far outweighs their allegiance to the Constitution of Massachusetts. Democrats and Republicans need to express their an-
ger at this betrayal. Whether or not marriage will be oveIturned by a small group of people due to sexual preferences, there is no "right" to this, no where in thl~ Constitution or in law. Yet-the deal' right of the people to speak on this matter, one way or another, is being denied. Massachusetts will be the only state in the country wheIe the people will be shut out of making this decision if the Legislature votes on June 14 not to allow it on the ballot. Our legislators are bl~ing told they will be defeated in the: next election if they allow the peop]e their right to vote. Will the peop::e rise up and tell our elected officials they will be defeated if they don't? Who's running this state anyway? Patricia Stebbins, East Sandwich FathE~r Kocik's series illuminating
I would like to commend The Anchor and Father Thomas Kocik for his series of columns on comparative religion and the distinctiveness of the Catholic faith. After reading his first two columns, which are only introductory, I am extremely excited to read more as he be~jns to delve into the heart and soul of our faith. Long an agnostic and intellectual type, I first received the gift offaith last year, one of the things which attracted me to Catholicism in particular - other than the fact that it is true - is the way it combines faith and reason so convincingly. What I found in Catholicism was a beautiful and profound melding of philosophical and historical truth with my own, at that time, cloudy awareness of a greater spiritual reality. Father Kocik's columns can only
lead to a greater understanding of our religion among people of all beliefs, Catholic or otherwise. They should also lead to greater illumination in the minds of halfbaked intellectuals like myself, who for too long was blinded by an unfounded, culturally induced prejudice against religion in general.. David Pratt, Marstons Mills Welcoming the stranger I am puzzled and saddened by the tone and content of the "disillusioned" letter to the editor of The Anchor that was printed in the edition of 4/27/07. Ms. LoGuidice is upset because her/our Church is sympathetic to the plight of illegal immigrants and does not discriminate between "legal' and "illegal" immigrants. Should we have someone checking for green cards at the door of the Church? Anyone of us who emigrated to this country or whose forebears were immigrants must be very careful about pointing fingers at those in our midst who appear to be "illegal." Do we all know for sure that our ancestors arrived legally? Did they just come over the border from Canada in the 20s? Or arrive via a ship from Havana after first shipping from a European port to Cuba? Did they lie to the INS in order to stay here? Many of us . who grew up in the 20s and 30s remember 15 to 20 people living in one house until they got a job, money and a better place to live. And finally, where do immigrants go, whether legal or not, when they arrive in a new country and want to remember the old country? . Peter Conroy, Onset
Continued from page one
(McCann) ~ylvia, formerly of Fall River, and now ofSarasota, Fla., and the late William Sylvia. In interviews with The Anchor last week, both men told how anxious they were to take the giant step toward the priesthood and having their families present. "I'm very excited," said Deston. "It has been a long road getting there. While I thoroughly enjoyed seminary life while it lasted and have also enjoyed ministering at St. Michael's Parish in Fall River, I look forward to sacred orders and being with family and serving as a transitional deacon in the months ahead." Sylvia too, spoke of the happiness of he moment. "After eight years working and studying, realizing this step in serving the Church, it is really exciting to being ordained," he said. "What has been phenomenal is that I have been at the diaconal. ordinations of colleagues in Ohio and Charlotte, S.C., and saw how happy the families are, and I look forward to seeing my family that happy in our parish community." -~
Deston, who completed his seminary studies at Mount St. Mary's Seminary in Emmitsburg, Md., and in 2006 received a master's degree in Divinity and a master's degree in Church history, has been serving at St. Michael's since. . There, he has completed one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education; has worked with the sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grades at the parish school; worked with the pastoral care team at Charlton Memorial Hospital in Fall River; and organized other events such as a. Lessons and Carols Service. After attending Letourneau and Carroll elementary schools and Morton Middle School, all in Fall River, Deston graduated from BM.C. Durfee High School in 1994. He graduated from UMass-Dartmouth irl 1998 with a degree in history and a minor in political science. He then worked as a substitute teacher at Henry Lord Middle School in Fall River as well as the SAlLS Library Network until entering Mount St. Mary's in August 1999. While in the seminary, Deston has had a variety ofpastoral education as-
signments. Those include St. Francis ofAssisi Soup Kitchen in Harrisburg, Penn.; as docent at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception- in Washington, D.C.; St. Vmcent de Paul School in Hannover, Penn.; Malta House Assisted Living Facility in Hyattsville, Md.; Immaculate Conception Parish Youth Ministry in New Oxford, Penn.; and St. John's Parish in Westminster, Md. Deston also served for a summer in Puebla, N.M., and a summer at the Institute for Priestly Formation in Omaha, Neb. . His services in the Fall River Diocese include Cathedral Camp in East Freetown, St. Anthony's Parish in Taunton, St. Mary's Cathedral in Fall River, and Corpus Christi Parish in East Sandwich. Sylvia grew up in Somerset, attended the Wilbur School and attended St. Thomas More Parish until his family moved to Fall River where they attended Holy Name Parish. There, he was an altar路server and member of the youth group, taught CCD and was a CYO basketball coach.
MAy 25,2007
$ The Anchor news briefs Cardinal: LatinAmerican bishops stress need to adjust pastoral work APARECIDA, Brazil (CNS) - The changes which have occurred in Latin America in recent years are so profound that they require fundamental changes in the way the Church approaches pastoral work, said a cardinal from Honduras. "We need a pastoral conversion," Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga ofTegucigalpa said. "If these are difficult times, new disciples are needed - disciples who are able to respond to the difficulty, to resist the cultural storms that we are experiencing." After listening to presidents from Latin American and Caribbean bishops' conferences describe the problems the Church is facing in their countries, Cardinal Rodriguez told reporters, "The question is how to respond to the new situations in Latin America." That will be the key issue for bishops participating in the Fifth General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean. The second full day of the meeting May 15 featured a seven-minute presentation from each country's bishops' conference. Middle Eastern diplomats learn Vatican's unique, complex global role VATICAN CITY (CNS) - In early May, the Vatican opened its doors to 18 diplomats from Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries with significant Muslim populations. The young diplomats were attending a May 7-27 introductory course on the Vatican, Vatican diplomacy and the Vatican's approach to Catholic-Muslim and intercultural dialogue. "We saw beautiful rooms in the Vatican that even my ambassador has not seen, and they allowed us to ask so many questions," said Deniz Kilicer, a career diplomat currently serving at the Turkish Embassy to the Holy See. The diplomats spent a morning in the Vatican Secretariat of State, meeting top officials in the conference room and touring the frescoed offices and halls of the Apostolic Palace. They also received a flow chart reflecting the two distinct, but related parts of the course title, "The Catholic Church and the International Policy of the Holy See." Deacon's book introduces deaf, hearing children to Bible stories NORTH MASSAPEQUA, N.Y. (CNS) - Deacon John Audia, a chaplain with the Diocese of Rockville Centre's pastoral ministry with the deaf, has written a book called "The Creation Story in Words and Sign Language" to introduce children to stories from the Bible and to bridge the gap between the deaf and hearing cultures. "I have no deaf family members," explained Deacon Audia, who was ordained in 2002 and is a parishioner at Maria Regina Church in Seaford. He did, however, have an interest in sign language and felt he could make a contribution to "a ministry that really helps people." Starting from scratch, he bought Some instructional books on sign language and every day he taped the televised noon Mass at St. Agnes Cathedral, which has a deaf interpreter, so he could pause the tape and learn each sign "word for word," he said. He also received help from friends in the Sign of the Cross Council, the first deaf council of the Knights of Columbus, which he joined. After attending Notre Dame School in Fall River, Sylvia graduated from Bishop Connolly High School. While a seminarian at Our Lady of Providence Minor Seminary he attended Rhode Island College and graduated from Providence College in 2003. In the 2003-2004 academic year Sylvia did his Spirituality Year at Mary Immaculate Center in Northampton, Penn. Since 2004 and currently, he is pursuing theological studies at Mount St. Mary's Seminary in Maryland. Sylvia's pastoral assignments included teaching CCD; volunteering at the Genesis Center - a school for immigrants and refugees moving to America - and teaching them language and culture; and preparing the confirmation class at St. Paul's Parish in Cranston, R.I. While completing his Spirituality Year he taught impaired and handicapped children at St. Joseph's Special Learning School in Pottstown, Penn.
He also taught CCD at St. John's Parish in Maryland; visited residents at South Mountain Restoration Center in South Mountain, Penn., and taught second grade CCD at St. Rita Parish in Alexandria, Va. His college summer months found Sylvia at Cathedral Camp, and Our Lady ofGuadalupe at St. James Parish in New Bedford here in the diocese; language immersion at the International Institute of Culture in Puebla, N.M.; and at the diocese's mission at St. Rose of Lima Parish in Guaimaca, Honduras. At the June 9 ordination ceremonies, Deston will be vested by Permanent Deacon Jose H. Medina of St. Anthony's Parish in Taunton. He will assist at his first parish Mass as a deacon on June 10 at 10 a.m. in St. Michael's Church in Fall River. Sylvia will be vested by Father Edward A. Murphy, chaplain at Morton Hospital in Taunton. His first parish Mass as a deacon will be on June 10 at the 10:30 a.m., Mass in Notre Dame Church in Fall River..
I MAy 25, 2007
The Anchor
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sored by St. Mary's Family Youth Mass group. For more information call Dorothy Cabral at 508-995-Q776.
ATILEBORO - Perpetual eucharistic adoration is held at St. Joseph's Church, 208 South Main Street. For' NEW BEDFORD - A bone marrow donor drive will be held June 6 from 4-7 more information call 508-226-1115. p.m. at Sgt. William H. Carney AcadFALL RIVER - Adoration of the emy Gym, 247 Elm Street. Anyone beBlessed Sacrament takes place weekdays tween the ages of 18-60 is welcome. Inifollowing the 7 a.m. Mass at Holy Name tial testing will bedone by asimplecheek Church, 700 Hanover Street. It contin- swab.Attendees are asked to refrain from ues in the parish adoration chapel unti.l9 food or drink an hour prior to the test p.m. For more information call 508-679- For more information call 508-997-451 1 ext 2427. 6732.
IHealing Services
IPro-Life AC~vities: , : : J
ATILEBORO - A healing service will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the National Shrine of Our Lady ofLa Salette. For more information call 508-2225410.
HYANNIS - The Cape Cod Pro-Life Group welcomes volunteers to pray the rosary on Wednesday mornings at 10 a.m. in front of the abortion clinic located at 68 Camp Street.
BREWSTER - A Mass and healing service will be celebrated Sunday at 2 p.m. at Our Lady of the Cape Church, 468 Stony Brook Road. Music will be provided by Mark Girardin. Refreshments will follow. For more information call 508-563-3364.
ILectureslPresentatioDS ATTLEBORO - Singer musician John Polce will present his Bethany Nights program tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette. It will feature music, prayer and the opportunity to be prayed over individually. For more information call 508222-5410 or visit the Website ATILEBORO-A Bible study on the Gospel of John will be held tomorrow from II a.m. to noon in the Reconciliation Chapel at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette. For more information call 508-222-5410. NEW BEDFORD-A Day with Mary
will be held June 2 beginning at 10 am. at Our Lady's Chapel, 600 Pleasant Street It will include talks centered on Our Lady, recitation of the rosary and the celebration of Mass at 12:10 p.m. Attendees should bring a bag lunch. For more information call 508-984-1823.
IMiscellaneous ATILEBORO- The feast ofthe Holy Spirit will be celebrated June 3 beginning at lOam. at Holy Ghost Church. A procession will begin from 77 Fisher Street and Mass will follow. Traditional free sopas will be served in the church hall following Mass. For more information call 508-222-3266. ATILEBORO - The annual Filipino Pilgrimage will be held Sunday beginning at 11 a.m. at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette. For more information call Gloria Platon at 781-9350437. FALL RIVER-Volunteers are needed to provide companionship and friendship to hospice patients at Beacon Hospice, 45 North Main Street Free training is provided. Volunteers are also needed to knit blankets for patients and make memory quilts for families of patients. For more information call Christine Miller at 508-324-1900. FAIRHAVEN- Volunteers are needed to help with a door-to-door canned food drive to benefitthe M.O. Life Food Panry on June 2 beginning at 10am It is spon-
IRetreats ATILEBORO - A retreat for breast cancer survivors will be held June 1-3 at the La Salette Retreat Center, 947 Park Street It will begin at 7 p.m. on Friday and Oaire Lamoureux will facilitate it For information call 508-222-8530.
NORTH ATILEBORO - Holy Union Sister Aline Dupuis, 92, also known as Sister Claire Dolores, who taught elementary school students during a 4O-year career as an educator and later served on her congregation's leadership teams, died May 16 at Madonna Manor after a brief illness. Born in North Attleboro, the daughter of the late Joseph and Emma (Campagna) Dupuis, she graduated from Sacred Heart Elementary School and attended North Attleboro High School before entering the Holy Union Sisters in Fall River on Sept. 8, 1935. She made her first vows on March 25, 1937, and studied at Sacred Heart School of Education in Fall River, Catholic Teacher's College in Providence, R.I., and the Sacred
NORTH DARTMOUTIl- The Diocesan Divorced-Separated Support Group will meet May 30 from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Family Life Center, 500 Slocum Road. Refreshments will be available. For moreinformation call Bob Menard at 508-965-2919.
Heart Teacher Training School in Groton. She had also studied to be a nurse's aide at St. John's Hospital in Lowell. Sister Dupuis taught at· St. Jacques' School in Taunton, Assumption School in Chelsea, Sacred Heart School in Lawrence, and St. John Baptist and St. Cecilia schools in Pawtucket, R.I. She was a member of leadership teams in North Attleboro and Lowell. She retired in 1991 and in 2003 became a resident at Madonna Manor. Besides her Holy Union Sisters
she leaves nieces and nephews. She was also the sister of the late Lionel, Ulysse, Lucien, Fernand, Gerard, Real, Norman, Irma, Dinora, Lilianne, Elliean, Lucette and Marthe Dupuis, and Sister Annette Dupuis,
RJM. Her funeral Mass was celebrated Monday in Sacred Heart Church, North Attleboro. Burial was Thesday in St. Mary Cemetery, North Attleboro. The McHoul Funeral Home in North Attleboro was in charge of arrangements.
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NEW BEDFORD - Courage, a support group for people dealing with samesex attraction while striving to lead chaste lives, will meet Sunday at 7 p.m. in the rectory of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish at St. James Church, 233 County Street The group is faithful to the Catholic Church's teachings on human sexuality. The Encourage Support Group for families and friends of Courage members will meet at the same time. For more information call Father Richard WIlson at 508-992-9408.
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WEST PLYMOUTH - The St. Vmcent de Paul Society of Sacred Heart Parish in Middleboro will host a charity golf tournament June 3 at 9 a.m. at the Squirrel Run County Oub to benefit the Sacred Heart food pantry. For more information call Bill Pye at 508-947-8192.
BUZZARDS BAY - The Guild of St. Benedict Joseph Labre, a support group for families and friends of those with emotional troubles, depression and mental illness, will meet Sunday at 3 p.m. at St Margaret's Church. Meetings include prayer and an opportunity to share with one another. For more information call Tunothy Duff at 508-759-1903.
SERVICE... By eatingfamily and service-family proftssiollals
ATILEBORO - The National Shrine of Our Lady ofLa Salette is sponsoring a carnival this weekend Rides, games and food will be provided by Fiesta Shows. For more information call 508-222-5410 or visit
ATILEBORO - The Building Confidence in the Spirit Support Group will meet May 31 at 7 p.m. at St. Joseph's Parish, 208 South Main Street. Its aim is to assist people in reaching their p0tential regarding confidence in all aspect of their lives. Formore information call George Largess at 508-226-0116.
Sister Aline Dupuis SUSC; was an educator for 40 years
ISocial E v e n t s ' : I
.1 Support Groups'
Around the Diocese ~ ,I'-' ' ... IEucharistic Adoration
,~~J!! _ Yg~J~~~y~~§. __ Please pray for these priests during the coming weeks
May 23 Rev. William F. Donahue, Assistant, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis, 1944 Rev. Alfred J. Guenette, A.A., 1995 May 24 Rev. James F. Clark, Founder, St. James, New Bedford, 1907 Rev. Patrick Heran, SS.CC., Fonner Rector, Sacred Hearts Seminary, Fairhaven, 1985
RomeNenicelTuscany/Florence. (Lake Como/Sorrento/Capri/Pompeii...) Contact: Anthony Nachef, PhD (Theology) 857 W. Boylston St., Worcester, MA 01606 508-340-9370 E-mail: Website:, or .. www.TourOfltaly.uslB.
May2S Rev. Michael P. Kirby, Fonner Assistant St. Mary, North Attleboro, 1925 Rev. James V. Mendes, Pastor, Our Lady of Angels, Fall River, 1961 May 28 Rev. Lionel A. Bourque, Former Chaplain, Cardinal Cushing Hospital, Brockton, 1982
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The Anchor
Prayer vigil to end abortions at Framingham hospital is June 16 FRAMINGHAM - A prayer vigil to end abortions at Framingham Union Hospital, scheduled for Saturday June 16, will mark the fifth anniversary of these events, now held on the third Saturday each month. A guest speaker from the Reagan Administration will speak at a special breakfast open to the public following the vigil. While it's known that abortions are done at clinics like Planned Parenthood and large urban hospitals, people are often surprised to learn they're also done at some community hospitals such as Framingham Union and Sturdy Memorial in Attleboro. Vigil participants will gather for 8 a.m. Mass at St. Stephen Church in Framingham, then process to the hospital while praying the rosary and singing hymns. At 9: 15 they will return to the parish hall for breakfast and a talk by Faith Whittlesey, former U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland and director of Public Liaison under President Ronald Reagan. Most community hospitals don't offer abortions, according to Charles Coudert of Sherborn, a vigil organizer. "This makes sense, as the purpose of hospitals and medical care is to pre-
serve life," he said. He predicted that if enough people make it clear they won't patronize one where abortions are performed, the policy would change. "Abortion is kept hush-hush at the hospital, and some of the and many of the hospital clients may be unaware of it. For those who do know what's going on, it seems to me they have an obligation, in some way, to opWHAT GOES AROUND ... - Msgr. Steven J. Avila, center, recently confirmed 70 teen-agers at St. pose it," Coudert said. Julie Billiart Parish in North Dartmouth. Of the 70, Msgr. Avila had baptized 21 of them when he was In Attleboro, Pro-Life advoassigned to the parish 15 years ago. He met with the teens for a group picture following the ceremony. cates also pray on Wednesdays from 4 to 5 p.m. and on Saturdays from 7:30 to 9 a.m. at "4 Women's Clinic," at Park and Emory streets, where. abortions take place on those days. According to one gynecologist at another Bay State hospital where abortions are. not per- . formed, some ob-gyns "moonlight" because they can make more money doing abortions than deliveries. "But it's not good for a hospital to be branded as an abortion provider: Prayer vigils would be a real disincentive to them," he said. "With a community hospital, people are always going in and out to visit friends A SPECIAL NIGHT - Members of the Nl;lw Bedford Catholic Women's Club recently held their anand relatives. I know my hospi- nual Bishop's Night celebration at the Wamsutta Club in New Bedford. From left: Mary Mitchell, retal would be mortified if it went cording secretary; Lynne Kuczewski, second vice president; Marguerite Ronan, treasurer; Miriam McCoy, first vice president; Bishop George W. Coleman; Brenda Dias,president; Marianne Trundy, on there."
corresponding secretary; and Father David A. Pignato, secretary to the bishop.
Remember to give· generously to the Catholic Charities Appeal
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Continued from page one
Under the proposal, for example, four- to II-year--olds will be taught the "correct terminology for sexual orientation (such as heterosexual and gay and lesbian)" and be able to "describe different types of families." Studentsfrom 14-18 will learn about "possible determinants of sexual orientation" and confidentiality laws concerning "reproductive health problems." In practice, students would be taught the acceptability ofhomosexual . behavior, "alternative sexual behavior" for pregnancy prevention, and how to obtain contraceptives and abortion without parental knowledge. A leading abortion advocate - the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) - is among the resources listed in the proposed curriculum. Rep. Elizabeth Poirier of North Attleboro has said the measure ''treads on parents' civil liberties," and could violate a teacher's religious beliefs if lessons are mandated. And Evelyn Reilly, director ofpublic policy for the Massachusetts Family Institute, pointed out that Planned Parenthood of Massachusetts "is not a di~interested party" and that it has a ''huge financial interest" in its goal that all public schools adhere to a standardized sex education curriculum.
Dr. Paul Carpentier of Gardener said in testifying against the bill last year, ''It treats pregnancy as a disease. Pregnancy is likely to be viewed as a failed prevention of a disease and rejected, medicated away or surgically removed, to someone else's profit." Carpentier is an authority on natural family planning and a Fertility Care Medical Consultant certified by the Pope Paul VI Institute. Although former Gov. Mitt Romney opposed the bill; Gov. Deval Patrick is a strong supporter of abortion and gay activism. He has vowed to. defeat the proposed marriage pr0tection amendment and wants the state to tum down $700,000 in federal abstinence education funding. In addition, parental rights in the public school arena have diminished since Massachusetts extended civil marriage rights to same-sex couples and teachers unions have increasingly pushed the gay agenda. To counter this, a Parents' Rights Opt-in Bill has been filed on behalf of the Waltham-based parents' rights group Mass Resistance ( That proposal, "An Act Regarding Parental Notification and Consenf' S321, is also schedwed to be heard by the education committee May 29.
The bill wowd mandate that parents be told ahead of time when issues regarding human sexuality and "alternative sexual behavior and lifestyles" will be discussed in classes or assemblies, not just in sex education classes. Parents would have an "opt-in" choice (in contrast to the current "optouf' choice) and a conscience clause would protect teachers from having to participate in programs ·that violated their religious beliefs. To express support of the Parents' Rights Opt-in Bill S321, and opposition to An Act Providing Health Education in Schools S288 and H597, contact your own state senator and representative at 617-722-2000, as well as Rep. Patricia Haddad, chairwoman of the Joint Committee on Education, 617-722-2070. For legislators' email addresses, check www.mass.govnegis; send letters to State House, Boston, MA 02133. "We could easily have a small army of ordinary parents testifying if just two people from every parish went to the State House," Thayer said. "When legislators feel the heat, they see the light."
Gail Besse is a Massachusetts freelance writer. She can be rem:hed at gailbesse@comcasLneL