t eanc 0 VOL. 21, NO. 21
15c, $5 Per Year
CCA Sets Record
Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River, expressed profound gratitude and joy today in announcing that the 1977 Catholic Charities Appeal of the Diocese of Fall River has established a new record. The sum of $1,046,832.28 was realized when the final tabulation was made: an increase of substantial proportions over the previous record high Appeal, set a year ago. Bishop Cronin, in a prepared statement (see page 2), spoke of
First Penance Comes First, Says Holy See FATHER DANIEL HOVE
Name Father Daniel Hoye To Serve in Washington Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River, announced today that Father Daniel F. Hoye, Vice Officialis of the Tribunal of the Diocese of Fall River, is to be appointed Assistant General Secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and the United States Catholic Conference. Reverend Thomas C. Kelly, O.P., General Secretary of the NCCiBUSCC, reported that Father Hoye's appointment is to be effective on July 25, 1977. The National Conference of Catholic Bishops is the collective canonical organization of the U.S. Bishops, while the United States Catholic Conference is the Church's national-level action agency. Father Hoye's appointment will involve him closely in the administration of both agencies, which have their headquarters at 1312 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., in Washington, D.C. In Washington, Father Kelly made the following comment: "Father Daniel F. Hoye comes to the Conference with a reputation as an unusually talented and dedicated priest and I look forward to his collaboration and assistance. I am gratef\tl to Father Hoye for accepting this assignment and to Bishop Cronin for permitting him to do so." In commenting on Father Hoye's appointment to national ofifce, Bishop Cronin has re-
leased the following statement: "The Diocese is proud that Father Daniel Hoye, who has demonstrated both outstanding ability and complete commitment in his service to the church in Fall River, has now been selected to make a contribution to the Church -at the national level. "He will be greatly missed during the time of his assignment in Washington, but we are pleased that his capabilities and accomplishments have been recognized. I know I speak on beTum路 to Page Two
Father Bouchard To Schools Post His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, has announced the appointment of Rev. Marcel H. Bouchard as associate pastor of Notre Dame parish, Fall River, and to duties at the Diocesan Office of Education. Father Bouchard, born in New Bedford, graduated from St. Joseph'sgrammar school and Bishop Stang High School. He attended St. Thomas Seminary, Bloomfield, Conn., and was ordained from St. John's Seminary, Brighton, in 1972. .After serving as his first assignment at St. Joseph's, Taunton, he attended the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., where he was this Tum to Page Two
Noting that "all experiments of receiving first communion without the sacrament of penance should cease," the Holy See has affirmed the norm that first penance should precede first communion. The declaration came in a letter signed by Cardinal James Knox, prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and nivine Worship, and Cardinal John Wright, prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy. "The age of discretion both for confession and communion," states the letter, "is the age in which the child begins to reason, i.e., around the seventh year, either before or after. From that time begins the obligation of satisfying both the precept of confession and of Communion." l(Note: It is not necessary to add that the strict obligation of confession should be understood according to the traditional doctrine of the Church.) "That confession should precede Communion is clear from the order in which these two sacraments are named in the deTum to Page Six
the eloquent manifestation of the faith of the people of the Diocese of Fall River, reflected in the results of the Appeal. He praised the tireless labors of Monsignor Anthony M. Gomes, Director of the annual Diocesan campaign, and expressed special gratitude to Mr. Joseph C. Rayhall of Attleboro, Diocesan Lay Chairman for the 1977 Appeal. Monsignor Gomes reported that Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish of New Bedford, with returns of $31,264.23, was the leading individual parish. He noted that 89 parishes had increased their returns over last year, and stressed once again his conviction that development and use of the parish plan for conducting the Appeal is instrumental in attaining such successful results. Monsignor Henry T. Munroe, pastor of Saint Pius X parish in South Yarmouth, reported the most impressive increase in any
parish, $4,344.42. This marks the second year in a row that the South Yarmouth parish produced the largest increase in returns. "Our parish has not actually grown that much," Monsignor Munroe said, "however, we have made a determined effort to be certain that all residents of the parish are personally contacted." :(Appeal listings begin on page 10.)
High Schools Graduate 861 The seven high schools of the Fall River diocese will graduate 861 students, 33 more than last year, at programs scheduled from Tuesday, May 31 through Sunday, June 12. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will preside at all ceremonies. At Coyle and Cassidy High Turn to Page Six
Confirmation For Adults The sacrament of ConflrmatioD will be .conferred by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin on any adults who have not received It at 11 a.m. Mass Penecost Sunday, May 29 at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. Those wishing to receive the sacrament at this time are asked to make arrangements with any parish priest.
AT HOLY REDEEMER PARISH, Chatham, 8-year-old Stephanie Clark has honor of crowning Mary at ceremony following First Communion Mass. Although unable to hear or speak, she proved herself a leader among her classmates. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Clark Jr. of South Chatham.
f'ather Daniel Hoye
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 26, 1977
Bishop's Statement Spring, it seems, is the season of the year when the deep faith of the people of the Diocese of Fall River finds its most eloquent expression. It is the time when youngsters receive their First Holy Communion. It is the season when young men and women receive the gift of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation. Couples stand before the altar, and before Almighty God and their loved ones present to one another the gift of self that is so precious in the Sacrament of Matrimony. We have just had the grand consolation of seeing five new priests ordained to the service of Almighty God and the people whom they are so anxious to sanctify in their ministry. Now, in this same season, we hav~ a further, tangible and wonderful manifestation of the faith of the people of the Diocese of Fall River, as our 1977 Catholic Charities Appeal has concluded with extraordinary success. A new record sum has been received. We are assured of the possibility of continuing our Diocesan apostolates of charity, social service and education for yet another year ,thanks to the exceptional generosity of the countless friends and benefactors of the Appeal. I wish to express my profound gratitude to everyone who responded to our Appeal. The parish communities throughout the Diocese, ably led by their devoted priests, have given a truly eloquent expression of their faith in rendering, on an unprecedented scale, support to the good works which we undertake in witness to our determination to follow the example of Our Lord Himself. I am much consoled and encouraged' by the magnificent results of the 1977 Catholic Charities Appeal, and, with my gratitude, I extend to all of its many benefactors my prayerful good wish for rich and abundant blessings.
No Common Easter VATICAN CITY (NC) -The Vatican has put on ice its proposal that all Christians celebrate Easter on the same day. The Vatican released a letter from Cardinal Jan Willebrands of Utrecht, the Netherlands, president pf the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, which said that "no decisionwill be possible in the immediate future" because of "serious pastoral difficulties" in some Orthodox churches.
kidnaping, torture and killing of thousands of Argentinians in recent years. With their action the Argentinian bishops joined a growing list of Latin American hierarchies including those of Bolivia, ,Brazil, Chile and Paraguay - who have publicly opposed violations of human rights by their governments. In many cases the public denunciations have followed unsuccessful private attempts to change government policy.
NFCPO Head Denounce Torture BUENOS AIRES (NC) After more than a year of priate moves, the bishops of Argentina have publicly denounced the government's role in the
Attention All Parish Parade notices should be received by The Anchor office no later than Monday noon in.. order to appear in a given week's issue. It should be noted that parish news items intended for the general public should take ad form. In these situations, parishes should contact Miss Rosemary Dussault. Advertising Dept., The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Ma., 02722.
WASHINGTON (NC) - Vincent Post of Yonkers, N.Y., charter chairman of the New York Archdiocesan Federation of Home-School Associations, has been elected first president of the National Forum of Catholic Parent 0 r g ani z a t ion s (NFCPO). The NFCPO, formed last year, is a commission of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). The forum was established to provide for the exchange of information among Catholic parent organizations around the United States, and to promote parental involvement in education.
Father Bouchard Continued from Page One month awarded a licentiate in theology. He is also the holder of a master's degree in biblical studies from St. John's seminary. During the summer of 1970 Father Bouchard was one of 50 volunteeers joining a group of 30 professionals in archeological excavations in' the Tell-el-Hesi foothills of Israel. The new appointee's expertise in scripture studies, together with his specialized theological knowledge will certainly be an important asset to the diocesan department of education as that office undertakes an ongoing evaluation of the religious education program of the diocese. tive director of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - one of the largest U.S. voluntary agencies - told a Senate committee. The CRS executive director, Bishop Edwin 路Broderick, testified before the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, which is considering renewal of the U:S. Food and Peace program, also known as P.L. 480.
'Major Battleground' WASHINGTON (NC) - The most serious handicap to catechetics in the United States in the last 20 years "was the confusion, ambiguity, distrust, fear, and even hostility and anger" caused by changes in the Church after the Second Vatican Council, the U.S. bishops have said. In a report made in preparation for next fall's international Synod of Bishops in Rome. The report declared that, while these feelings were "experienced in all areas of Catholic life, religious education became one of the major battlegrounds for those who had opposing views on the Church and the world."
Continued from Page One half of the Diocese of Fall River in assuring Father Hoye of our continued interest, prayers and best wishes." Father Hoye was born in Taunton, on January 18, 1946, the son of the late Charles E. ,Hoye, M.D. and Virginia (Cleary) Hoye. He attended Saint Mary's parochial school in Taunton and was graduated in 1964 from Monsignor James Coyle High School, also in that city. He entered St. Thomas Seminary, Bloomfield, Conn., and then pursued philosophical and theological studies at St. John's Seminary in Brighton, Mass., from which he received a Bachelor's Degree in Arts in 1968 and a Master's Degree in Theology in 1972. He also at. tended the University of Vienna in the summer of 1970. Father Hoye was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin on May 13, 1972. Following his ordination, he served as an associate pastor at St. John the Evangelist parish, Attleboro, and at St. Mary's parish in Norton. In September of 1973. Bishop Cronin appointed him to graduate studies at the Catholic University of America School of Canon Law, from which institution he received a Bachelor's Degree in Canon Law in 1974 and a Licentiate in 1975. On May 15, 1975, Bishop Cronin appointed Father Hoye Vice Offjcialis of the Diocesan Tribunal. In reflecting on his new assignment, the appointee stated: "To serve the Church is the mandate of all the baptized. It is the public commitmen\ of the ordained. As a priest of the
More to Come FAIRFAX, Va. (NC) - Eight persons arrested for obstructing an abortion clinic predicted more such demonstrations after charges against them were dropped "without prejudice." The eight, five women and three men, were arrested at the Northern Virginia Women's Medical Center, where they reportedly blocked access to the abortion rooms. They were charged with "obstructing free passage of others," and released in their own recognizance to await trial.
Diocese of Fall River, I welcome this tremendous opportunity to serve the Church as Assistant General Secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and the United States Catholic Conference. "I know that I have the support and encouragement of Bishop Cronin in this new adventure. I also ask for the prayers of the priests, deacons and laity. The horizons of this national assignment are vast yet exciting. With optimism, I trust it will be of service to Christ and his people."
Thousands Expected VATICAN CITY (NC) - At least 20,000 people are expected to attend the June 19 canonization of Blessed John Neumann in open-air ceremonies here, according to canonization officials. Msgr. James McGrath, executive secretary for the organization of the canonization ot America's first male saint, said about 13,000 requests for tickets have been received by his office so far.
Program for Spanish WASHINGTON o(NC) - The U.S. Catholic Conference is launching a research program among Spanish-speaking Catholics to find ways to foster religious vocations and community leadership.. "We 'hope this program will accelerate the advancement of the Spanishspeaking people in taking their proper role in our Church and nation," saw Paul Sedillo, director of the usee secretariat for the Spanish speaking.
Continue Fight CLEVELAND (NC) Demanding that the letter of the law be observed, a Cleveland pro-life group said it will continue to fight, possibly in court. to close four private abortion clinics whose licenses have not been technically issued for 1977. Nine members of People Expressing A Concern for Everyone (PEACE) have demanded that the director of the city health department seal four clinics in accordance with city ordinances prohibiting performance of abortions in unlicensed facilities.
Slate Ordination Ordination to the transitional diaconate will take place at 11 a.m. Saturday at St. Mary's Cathedral when Bernard Vanasse, a student at St. John's Seminary, Brighton, and a member of Sacred Heart parish, New Bedford, will receive orders from Bishop Daniel A. Croriin. All members of the diocese are invited to attend the ceremony.
Food Aid
Only One
WASHINGTON (NC) - More U.S. food aid to poor countries should be channeled through voluntary agencies, the execu-
"I never . . . believed there was one code of morality for a public, and another for a private man." Thomas Jefferson
OFFICIAL APPOINTMENT Rev. Marcel H. Bouchard to assistant at Notre Dame Parish, Fall River, and to duties at the Diocesan Office of Education, effective Wednesday, June I, 1977.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 26, 1977
CHD Application Deadline June 22 Organizations, agencies and groups involved in providing direct care to the needy may file applications for Campaign for Human Development (CHD) funding with the Diocesan Department of Social Services through Wednesday, June 22, Rev. Peter N. Graziano, director, has announced. Explaining the CHD program, Father Graziano said: "Through the generosity of the people of the Fall River diocese during the CHD drive last Fall, 25% of that collection is now available for distribution among social service and religious groups. Proposals funded in the past have been community councils for the elderly, groups geared to combat alcoholism, pro-life organizations (primarily Birthrights), Big Brother associations, day care centers, support groups for the' deaf and blind immigrant aid groups and various recreational and spiritual programs for youth." Further information is available from the Department of Social Services at 368 N. Main St., Fall River 02720, telephone 676-8481.
Represent .NCCW At Vermont Meet Mrs. Michael J. McMahon, St. Mary Cathedral Parish, Fall River, and Mrs. Richard M. Paulson, Immaculate Conception Parish, Taunton, were guest speakers at a dinner meeting during the 18th biennial convention of the Vermont Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. Mrs. McMahon is national chairman of the Organization Services Commission of the National Council of Catholic Women and Mrs. Paulson is Director of the NCCW Boston Province, comprising the dioceses of Fall River, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. Representing the diocese of Fall River was Mrs. James W. Leith, Holy Name Parish, New Bedford, diocesan council president.
Delegate to Appear On Providence TV
Television programming of Catholic interest this weekend will include an interview with Archbishop Jean Jadot, Apostolic Delegate in the United States, at 8:30 a.m. Sunday on WJARTV. He will appear on "The Week Starts Here," a religious affairs program conducted on alternate weeks by Brian Wallin, director of communications for the Providence diocese. The program will be repeated Sunday evening following showing of the late movie. At 5 p.m. Sunday, NBC路 stations will show "The Land," a one-hour documentary produced in cooperation with the United States Catholic Conference Office for Film and Broadcasting. The program will trace the role of land in shaping the American experience from colonial times to the present and will explore questions of stewardship and the need for a national landuse policy. "The Land" is available for educational use from the UsCC at 1011 First Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022.
Holy Water
One Gallon Per 1000 Bikes
Msgr. Thomas F. Walsh
Msgr. Christopher L Broderick
FIFI'Y YEARS AGO TODAY Msgr. Thomas F. Walsh and Msgr. Christopher L. Broderick were ordained in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, by Bishop Daniel F. Feehan. Both retired, the jubilarians will celebrate with families and friends at Masses of Thanksgiving. Msgr. Walsh will offer Mass at 11 a.m. Sunday at St. Joseph's Church, Fall River, scene of his first Mass. Among participants will be Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo and Joseph and John Keefe, who were his altar boys in 1927. Msgr. Broderick will offer Mass at 5 p.m. Sunday at Immaculate Conception Church, Fall River, where he served as associate pastor for 22 years. A second Mass of Thanksgiving will come at 11 :30 a.m. Sunday, June 5 at St. Pius X parish, South Yarmouth, of which Msgr. Broderick was founding pastor and which he served for 21 years until his retirement in 1975. Both Masses will be followed by receptions.
Warn Abp. Lefebvre of Schism VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican has warned traditionalist Archbishop ~arcel Lefe~vre that if he cames out ordmations planned for June 29, he may commit an act of "extreme gravity" leading "toward a separated Church, depending on him alone." Vatican spokesman Father Romeo Panciroli said the ordinations, scheduled for June 29 in Switzerland at the archbishop's Econe Seminary, "would transgress a formal papal ban and would scornfully reject the suspension 'a divinis' (from priestly functions~ which has forbidden him since July 22, 1976, to perform any act of sacred ministry." "Will he in this way proceed along the path toward a separated Church, depending on him alone?" asked the Vatican spokesman. "That would evidently ibe a matter of extreme gravity." Father Panciroli confirmed news reports that Archbishop Lefebvre had met earlier this month with two Vatican theologians, Jesuit Father Edouard Dhanis and. Dominican Father Benoit Duroux. Father 'Panciroli said that the Vatican deplores the archbishop's intention to continue his opposition to the Second Council Vatican and "to ordain in the near future new priests." Archbishop Lefebvre restated his criticisms of the council after his meeting wi~h the two Vatican theologians. Both traditionalists and Vatican sources confirmed that the meeting ended with no progress toward reconciliation. Following it, the Archbishop restated intentions to ordain 14 priests June 29. But he specifically rejected the idea that he might ordain bishops,
which would be regarded by the Vatican as a conclusive act of schism.
Nearly 4,000 motorcycles, motorbikes, dune buggies and bicycles from as far away as Florida showed up last Sunday at La Salette Shrine, Attleboro, for the fifth annual and largest ever Blessing of Motorcycles ceremony. It took almost two hours for a double line of riders to pass two priests for individual blessings which consumed about four gallons of holy water, dispensed sprinkle by sprinkle. !Barring a few beer cans and bottles, shrine officials said their huge parking lot was left almost miraculously neat after the last bike had roared into the sunset. Each rider received a La Salette keychain as a memento of the ceremony. "We could be proud of their behavior," said Father Fernand Cassista, MS, shrine director, who noted that Attleboro police didn't feel it necessary to be at the scene, relying on the event's previous peaceful track record. Arrangements for the service were made largely by the riders themselves, said Father Cassita, and a highlight was the placing of a wreath in memory of deceased cyclists before the shrine's outdoor altar. A fringe benefit of the day was the opportunity for cyclists to check each other's machines and show off their own. And a lot of non-cyclists came to mar-
vel at both bikes and costumes of riders, the former ranging from standard models to completely custom-built racers, the latter from neat casual attire to leather vests and World War II type helmets. Summing up the event spiritually, Father Cassista said in his invocation that the bikes "serve to bring their riders into new worlds of experience. Guide them by night and day," he prayed.
Legion of Mary Procession Set New Bedford Curia of the Legion of Mary will sponsor a candlelight procession from 51. Mary's Home, Kempton Street, to St. Francis of Assisi Church, Mill and Newton Streets, at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, May 29. Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, diocesan director of the Legion, will speak and Men of the Sacred Heart will lead recitation of the rosary. A May crowning ceremony and Benediction will conclude the service, for which a Knights of Columbus guard of honor will be present. Rev. Alexander Zichello, pastor of St. Francis and spiritual director for the New Bedford Curia, invites the public to participate in the Marian tribute.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 26, 1977
themoori~ A Living Witness Once again the people of the diocese have demonstrated their care and concern for' the least of their brethren by their overwhelming support of the Catholic Charities Appeal. Given the difficulties of inflation and the burdens ,of taxation, it is indeed a tribute not only to their selfless generosity but a living witness to their deeprooted belief in the Church's mission of helping all people in need. A particular word of gratitud~ is offered to the devoted women and men who, with their clergy, once again undertook the work of going from door to door in their parish communities to seek funds for this most worthy cause. Without their time and effort, it would have been impossible to achieve the outstanding success accomplished this past month. . To all the skeptics and sneerers sitting in the back row who view the efforts of the Church to be of service to the people of Southeastern Massachusetts, let this once again be a clear sign of the loyalty and devotion of the Catholic people of this diocese. They believe in the mission of the Church to help the young, comfort the sick, shelter the aged and welcome the stranger. They believe that the Sermon on the Mount has meaning for today's world despite the machinations of a secular society to prove otherwise. It is their faith that has been the wellspring of this notable success. It is their faith that gives meaning to this appeal. It is their faith that makes charity a reality. It is this faithful love, this charity, that will once again give assurance to the man, woman and child in need that the People of God do care and will help them in their plight.
To the thousands who have made this possible by their generosity to this year's Catholic Charities Appeal, a word of deep appreciation and sincere thankfulness.
Preserving Our Natural Heritage As spring progresses and summer nears, thoughts of boating and swimming are upon us. We have a very special thing going for us in our part of the Commonwealth, namely the wonderful way in which we have been blessed by God and nature. Yet even the sea that surrounds us is in danger. Scallop beds are being contaminated, marine life of every description is being polluted and the waters themselves are becoming choked with the debris of man. There are industries in this area- that still spill toxic wastes into our harbours; there are communities that still pour raw sewage into the bays and rivers; there are "Sunday sailors" who still feel that the ocean is their private dumping ground. Before it is' too late and we frighteningly realize that it is "not nice to fool mother nature," strong efforts should be made, encouraged and enforced to put an end to the willful destruction of our most valuable natural resources. Federal regulations concerning dumping of destructive chemicals into the waters should be strictly enforced. Harsh fines should be imposed on those individuals or groups of individuals who feel that the ocean is their private dump. Encouragement should be given to those private community organizations who seek to preserve and protect the beauties and resources that are a part of the natural heritage of this area. If future generations are to enjoy the benefits that have been ours from the sea, then we must support every worthwhile effort to help our young people inherit the wealth of nature that has been placed in our keeping.
In this matter, time is a luxury we cannot afford and action is a necessity we must all undertake.
A wasp perches gracefully on a wild flower . . . enjoying its sweet fragrance ... Around it other small flowers . . . stretch themselves toward the warming sun. The special camera lens . . . allows us to enter wide-eyed into this tiny world . . . of insects and diminutive blossoms . . . It is a world of delicate beauty . . . and sensitive grace . . . which we tend to rush by ... or walk over ... or otherwise ignore. Yet the small realms . . . are as wondrous . . . and mysterious . . . as the awesome chasms between the racing stars .. . The fearfully inviting presence of the Creator ... may be sensed in the tiny ... and delicate .. . as well as in the vast and overpowering. The small, fragile world . . . reveals something of God's closeness . . . of His intimacy . . . of His delicate care ... for the minutest creature. Elijah sensed God's presence ... in a small, gentle b~eeze (Kings 19:12) . . . on the very mountaintop where Moses met God . . . in hurricane winds and .paralyzing lighting bolts (Exodus 19:16-19). The world of tender . . . frail . . . small things . . . suggests God's kindness more than His might ... and can lead us to pray with the Psalmist: "Give thanks to the Lord . . . for He is good . . . for His kindness ... endures forever!" (Psalm 107:1).
Social Aspect of Illness By Jim Castelli
What is the impact of lifestyle on disease? What is the social impact of labelling a condition - Whether epilepsy, schizophrenia, alcoholism, homosexuality or menopause - a disease? To what degree are people responsible for their own health? There are some of the questions Dr. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. will examine as he assumes the first American endowed chair in the philosophy of medicine. His post has been established by the Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation at the Georgetown University Medical School and Hospital and the Georgetown rela-
ted Kennedy Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction and Bioethics. The chair is named for Rosemary Kennedy, a mentally retarded member of the Kennedy family. The term "philosophy of medincine" refers to efforts to identify the exploration of ideas, value judgements and choices among alternative views of health and disease" that affect medicine according to Dr. Engelhardt, one of a handful of U. S. medical doctors who also has a PhD in philosophy. The philosophy of medicine will deal with ethical questions, he said. -But, he said, "ethical questions are only the tip of the iceberg of the value judgements in medicine."
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
Rev. John 1". Moore, M.A.
Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan
. ,...:E.tif'lL Leary
PreSl-- Fall River
"For example," he said, ••~ called sick relieves one of sObor more social obligations, re-· cruits the power of medicine, suggests that one ought to seek the treatment of experts." Social Consequences "Consider, for example, the choice to call alcoholism a disease," he said. "This, among other things, turns a vice into a medical abnormality, making medical treatment appropriate and moral blame or. praise, as such, ill-placed. "Which is to say that medicine does not simply describe the world, it evaluates it. "To call something a disease," he said. "is to pass a judgement that that state of affairs fails to embody a particular physical or psychological excellence. It means also that a particular state of affairs is to be avoided." Calling someone sick, Dr. Engelhardt said, has "salient social consequences. Consider the force, for example, of being called epileptic, schizophrenic or mentally retarded - these are not simple descriptions, they cast patients into social roles, in fact, into social deviance." "The charge of philosophy of medicine," he said "is to look at the ideas that form such roles - to see what we want medicine to do." Another issue, he said, is that "depending on how one develops one's model of disease, patients will be seen as more or less responsible for their disease. "On one hand, disease may be portrayed as things that attack from the outside," he said. "On the other hand, diseases may be portrayed as results of failure to live properly." "We may want to stress the prominent contribution made by lifestyle" to disease, he said. Lung cancer and diseases related to smoking can be seen as caused by lifestyle, for example, he said.
ORDINATION SUNDAY: Rev. Paul E. Carrier will be ordained a Jesuit priest at noon Sunday at St. Joseph's Chapel, Holy Cross College, Worcester. The son of Mrs. Madeleine and the late Alphonse Carrier of Fall River, he is a graduate of the former Msgr. Prevost High School in Fall River and during his preparation for ordination he was on the faculty of Bishop Connolly High School, also in Fall River. He will celebrate his first Mass at 11 :30 a.m. Monday, May 30 at Holy Name Church Fall River.
Letters to the editor
more .than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit, if deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and Include a home or business address. Letters are welcomed, but should be no
'Passover Plot' Dear Editor: The blasphemous motion picture, The Passover Plot, is being shown in theaters throughout this country. Most religious leaders seem to think that the best way is to ignore it. When it was shown here recently, not one voice was raised in protest. It is hard to understand how Christians can remain silent and unmoved when their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is publicly insulted and held up as an impostor and trickster. Christians and all people of good will should rise up in a mighty act of protest, and they should denounce and condemn the author of the book and the producers and distributors of this blasphemous film. Some certain day these evil men who propagate the works of the powers of darkness will feel the wrath of the All-Just, All-Holy and True God. Richard Lenzi Springfield
Deny Charges ROME (NC) - A 30-year-old Jesuit Priest is being held incommunicado by El Salvadorean officials who have charged that he helped organize a workers' May Day demonstration, Jesuit headquarters in Rome announced May 4. Father Jorge Sarsanedas, a Panamanian finishing theology studies in San Salvador, was arrested sometime after leaving a town 25 kilometers from the capital where he had - celebrated Sunday Mass May 1. Jesuits in El Salvador denied that Father Sarsanedas was involved in organizing the demonstration, which claimed the lives of eight demonstrators following a shootout with police.
Necrology June 4 Rev. Jose P. d'Amaral, 1949, Santo Christ, Fall River. Rev. Louis J. Terrien, O. P., 1920, Dominican Priory, Fall River. June 5 Very Rev. Thomas J. McLean, 1954, Pastor, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis. Rev. Msgr. Louis Prevost, 1970, Pastor Emeritus, St. Joseph, New Bedford. June 8
Very Rev. John S. Czerwonka, 1961, Assistant, St. Stanislaus, Fall River. June 9 Rev. Timothy J. Calnen, 1945, Pastor, St. Joeph, Woods Hole. JUJlt' 9 Rev. Joseph S. Larue, 1966, Pastor, Sacred Heart, North Attleboro. _nnn.IIIIIIIIII""""II........"'''..""..._ .......
THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Aveoue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Sub$crlptron price by mail, postpaid $5.00 per year.
THE ANCHORThurs., May 26, 1977
an infirmary, nurse's station, lounge, kitchen and dining accomodations.
Wants Poll Dear Editor: Your recent editorials seem to indicate your taking a strong stand for Communion in the hand. I believe that before something as important as this is passed a poll should be taken of Catholics who attend Mass regularly to ascertain what their wishes are in this matter. I believe most Mass-attending Catholics prefer receiving Communion in the conventional way --on the tongue and should have a say in the change of something as important as this. A poll should be taken to arrive at the majority preference. I believe that too often the loud minority have the say without regard to the wishes of the silent majority. Please give the majority an opportunity to have their preference heard rather than be forced into a position not to their liking. I believe most would prefer Communion on the tongue and would go further in stating that many Catholic would even wish to return to kneeling at the altar rail to receive Communion. This afforded one to' have a more contemplative approach to the reception of Our Blessed Lord. Many do not sing the Communion hymn at the time of Communion, so isn't this an indication that this itself is not popular among recipients. Please give us an opportunity to ex;press our wishes and so live in our religious communities in a spirit of harmony and peace, as we worship our God. Anne Amous New Bedford
G'Cllden Wedding Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Berube of St. Jean Baptiste parish, Fall River, married May 30, 1927, in Sacred Heart Church, North Attleboro, will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary at 11 a.m. Mass this Sunday at St. Jean Baptiste. A reception will follow, with guests including the couple's six children and 14 grandchildren.
First for Nazareth Nineteen young men and women of Nazareth Hall vocational center, Fall River, will make an overnight retreat today and tomorrow at Camp Burgess on Cape Cod. Spiritual exercises will be conducted by Rev. Herbert T. Nichols and the young people will prepare their own meals. This will be the first such project for the school for the exceptional.
Sister Gertrude Belanger, RJM, provincial superior in the United States, says the centennial observance represents a time for gratitude and hope. She is an alumna of Jesus-Mary Academy and a former Notre Dame School principal and superior at the Jesus-Mary convent. "What has been, has been because of who we are," she remarks. "What will be is determinded by what we are willing to become. How we enter into the future becomes our challenge, our commitment in faith to the power of God who calls us,"
p",,-;:; CENTURY OF SERVICE by Religious of Jesus-Mary to Churc~ in United States are celebrated at Mass, reception. From left, Sister Eugenia Belcourt, principal of Notre Dame School, Fall River; Mother Gertrude Belanger, provincial superior; Sister Claire Lebreux, local superior, with Daniel and Brian Greenhalgh, representing children served by the Jesus-Mary community.
Jubilee Mass, Reception Honor Jesus-Mary Nuns Last Monday evening, 100 years to the day after their arrival from Canada to begin apostolic work in the United States, the Religious of Jesus and Mary marked the occasion at a jubilee Mass and reception at Notre Dame Church, Fall River. Principal concelebrant and homilist was Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. The community's initial undertaking a century ago was the opening of Notre Dame parochial school, which they continue to serve.
saving is a mighty interesting habit at NBIS Compare our rates.
Although traditionally committed to an educational service, broad and diverse, the sisters have shown willingness to reevaluate their works in the light of present situations. At a provincial chapter in December, 1976, delegates declared: "We see the Church in America providing a frame of reference within which we will seek out the most urgent needs that call for our response,"
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Represents Brothers Brother Roger Lacroix, FIC, of Mount Assumption, Plattsburgh, N.Y., son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lacroix, Fall River, has been named representative for the Ogdensburg diocese of the National Assembly of Religious Brothers. He will promote awareness among Brothers of their ministerial role and the need of involvement in works of the Church and society.
Additionally, the Sisters for decades operated Jesus-Mary Academy which in 1971 merged with two other Fall River high schools for girls. Also, in the late 1800's the order founded a boarding school for girls to meet the needs of that era. The boarding facility evolved into a regular elementary school and academy and has now been assigned to a new use -that of a retirement center for about 40 Sisters, many of whom originate from this area. Included in the renovations are
The Religious of Jesus and Mary, founded in 1818 by Claudine Thevenet, is an international apostolic congregation of 2,200 women, ministering in 21 countries on five continents. The American province, with headquarters in Hyattsville, Md., counts 300 sisters.
FORMAL WEAR 197 Weir Street TAUNTON, MASS. 823-2621
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Washington Plaza SOUTH ATTLEBORO, MASS. 399-8060
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First Penance
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs. May 26, 1977
Continued from Page One cree, as well as from the fact that the disapproved abuses rebegun of late to heed more serigarded not the admission to conously the prayer of Christ. 'That fession but rather. admission to they may all be one.' .. Holy Communion. "The need for safeguarding Some of the differences are and protecting worthy participacultural and historical, the letter tion in the Eucharist has comsays, but "others are substantial pelled the Church to introduce and theological." a norm in her discipline and pasThe latter differences are "evitoral practice that confession dent in our separate hierarchshould precede Communion and ies, differences over authority, in this way the right of the faithand, unfortunately, at times our ful - both of adults and childisagreement over ethical and ren - to receive the sacrament moral issues." of Reconciliation is recognized. Despite the differences bePriest Can Help tween the two groups, progress "Moreover, St. 'Paul's admoniin interfaith relations is being tion (cf. I Cor. XI, 28) truly esmade, the letter says. "These tablishes a directing norm which days convinte us that we are at regards even children. Therean ecumenical moment of which fore these also before receiving we must now take advantage. the Holy Eucharist, should exWe do not know what changes amine themselves. But often the in our outer structures this will child is not able to examine his involve, nor what changes in conscience clearly and surely our inner judgments. But the by himself. This will be done Father in whom we continue to • AT GROUNDBREAKING ceremonies for Chapel and more easily and safely if he place our trust will not abandon us in our attempt to respond to Human Resources Center at Stonehill College, North Easton, avails himself of the help of a are, from left, Rev. Kenneth J. Silvia, CSC, director of cam- priest confes$or. In fact there Christ's prayer." pus ministry; Rev. Ernest Bartell, CSC, college president; are many children who feel Mrs. and Mr. George Carney of the college board of advisers. troubled by small and unimportant things while there are others who ignore and pass over OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION, more serious faults. NEW BEDFORD "The precept of canon 854 of Spirit days are being held in the Code of Canon Law in the parish today through SaturIt will seat 214 persons close The Board of Advisers of which the judgement about the day in preparation for Pente- Stonehill College last week to the altar and a removable sufficient disposition for First cost. With the theme of inner broke ground for a $600,000 partition will provide additional Communion belongs to the priest growth, confirmation candidates Chapel and Human Resources seating for another 125. Campus. could not be observed if the will be initiated tonight. Growth Center on the main campus ministry headquarters will ad- child did not go to confession of community spirit will be pre- quadrangle. join the chapel and comprise before Communion. sented tomorrow night and the The complex is expected to a lounge, four offices, a work"In this matter one must also' Douglas Memorial AME Zion be completed by the summer of room, a conference rom and seckeep in mind that many fine Gospel Choir will be· heard on 1978. It responds to a need for retarial space. pastors have learned from their the program. The program will a campus center ministering to catechetical and ministerial exconclude Saturday with a hom- students' spiritual and counselRev. Ernest Bartell, CSC, perience the great usefulness ily by Rev. Stanley Kolasa, SSt ing needs. college president, noted that and saving power which their ce. on growth through the Holy The chapel will be the dom- the groundbreaking added em- first confession has in the life of Spirit. A "spirit party" will fol- inant portion of a complex in- phasis to Stonehill's concern for low in the parish center with cluding campus ministry quar- faith as a source of human children if it is carefully prepared, properly adapted to their dancing, a sing-along and re- ters and a wing for services. growth and inspiration. age and their capacity to perfreshments. ceive spiritual things and carefully administered."
Cardinal, Bishop Set Meeting BOSTON {NC) Cardinal Humberto Medeiros of Boston and Episcopal Bishop John B. Coburn of Massachusetts have scheduled a joint meeting of their clergy on May 31. The meeting will focus on "The Spirituality Necessary for Contemporary Priestly Ministry," and will be led by the cardinal and the Episcopal bishop. The five-hour session will follow a May 22 Anglican-Roman Catholic Sunday, marking which, the two church leaders issued a joint pastoral calling on Catholics and Episcopalians to do in common all that church authorities and conscience will permit. According to the joint letter, "Our two communions acknowledge the unity of Christ that was in His Church from its beginnings." Although separated for four and a half centuries, "We have
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$1029 AUGUST 13 - 28 ALL EXPENSES PAID FOR RESERVATIONS CONTACT: REV. JOSEPH KIERCE" St. Kevin Rectory 35 Virginia St., Dorchester. Ma. 02125 Telephone (617) 436·2771 OR GEORGE OSBORN UNIVERSAL TRAVEL CO. 44 Brattle St., Cambridre. Ma 02138 . Telephone 16171 864-7800
Only Native Priest REYKJAVIK, Iceland (NC) Iceland's only native priest died of heart disease April 30. Father Hakon Loftsson, 58, haq been a priest for 30 years. Other native Icelanders are, however, seminary students at the present time.
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High Schools Graduate 861
Continued from Page One School, Taunton, 51 boys and 46 girls will graduate at 4 p.m. May 31. At 8 p.m. that evening, ceremonies will be held at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, where 74 boys and 104 girls will receive diplomas and Lisa Farinacci will be valedictorian. At a parents' program tonight Lynne Stack will deliver a salutatory address. Class Day was held yesterday. Graduation will take place at 8 p.m. Wednesday, June 1 at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, where the largest diocesan class, 76 boys and 125 girls, will graduate.. Exercises for 39 boys and 4B. girls at St. Anthony High School are slated for 7 p.m. Thursday. June 2 in St. Anthony Church, New Bedford. A
Food for Haiti
class day program will be held tomorrow in the school auditorium. At 1:30 p.m. Sunday, June 5 112 girls will graduate from Bishop Gerrard High School, Fall River, where Rev. George Coleman, director of the diocesan department of education, will be principal speaker. Mary Talbot will be valedictorian and Janet Witkowski, senior class president, will deliver a welcoming address. A class day program will be held this afternoon and an awards banquet tonight. Also on June' 5, exercises for 117 boys are slated for 7:30 p.m. at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River. Judge Michael Sahady of Bristol County Second District Court will be principal speaker, Michael Dwyer will be valedictorian and WaIter Wood will be salutatorian. A senior banquet and awards night is scheduled for Wednesday, June 1.
NEW YORK (NC) - Catholic Relief Services has launched a Father Francis Mahoney, a three-month emergency effort to feed at least 12,500 of the member of the 25th anniversary victums of drought in the Car- graduating class of Holy Family ibbean island nation of Haiti. High School, New Bedford, will Drought in Haiti has been a sev- . be principal speaker at his alma ere problem for several years. mater's graduation ceremony, There was no rainfall during last scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Sunday, fall's planting season and as a June 12 in St. Lawrence Church, result the present harvest has New Bedford. The class numbers 37 boys and 32 girls. been poor.
Alhambra Dance The annual spring supper dance of the Leon Caravan. Order of the Alhambra, will be held at 7 p.m. Saturday, May 28 at St. Anne's Fraternity hall, 144 Guild St., Fall River. Susan Broughton and Ann Parent will receive scholarships for work with retarded children. In the past year, eight other such scholarships have been awarded. Chairman for the evening is Roger Ouellette and tickets are available from him and members of his committee.
Attleboro eyO The annual CYO awards dinner for the Attleboro area will take place at 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 31 in St. Joseph parish hall, Attleboro. Parents and friends of members are invited and reservations may be made at St. Joseph's rectory, telephone 2261115.
Divine Yet Human "The Church is a society divine in Its origin, supernatural in its end and in the mean!! proximately adapted to the attainment of that end; but it is a human community inasmuch as it is composed of men." - Pope Leo XIII
PubUcity wi.-.. fIf IIIrlsll tII'IIllfbtlenl are ailed to submIt news Ittmi tOr this columft, to TIle AncIlo'. P. O. BolC 7. Fal' River. 02722. Nanla of city or town Mould be ~ f t ",U .. full dates of all 1CUYitIeI:. PI.... slndlltWl.. offtdure retllar
tliu ..sf 8V8lItI. Note:. ~ •. ' Ifaal
am. news
on" .on: =:.::men::
_WES'il'OltT, . New Couples' Club' officers are Eugene and lAteie: Beftoik president Couple; Louis and MIllY Carreira.... '1~4UltS;t James aDd 'Rita O'Brien. ~ taries; ~'and,Annette,C81~ ' ~ treasorers.11t~ "~'be
.ibSta1led . in tmirefl; ~re~ic!$ "
: In 'w ~t may be a
at 6:30 P·,m. MasS Saturday,. first in the United SlateS Capuchin Thomas J. HoW June lL A baD4uetan~ mmt·' han Sr. coneelebrates Mass with'hlS'SoD. Pa\Jtist Father il1g tQ music by'Pritz-Kahn aind Thomas J. Ho"laban" Jr. at Sacred Heart.Cb.·ureh in YonkeJ1l. Lee will, follow in the parish
N.Y. It was tl1e. first Mass fqr the YtiUnger'Holahan whose IMMACULATlt -~~. . father is Chaplain:- thinNb~OO:$ com::t~:os~~' ~ ~FQRP .. .1 ' . in M~sett, N. .:Fa 'er . "if'" ",;a:' r.~~...:_,;a • pnl~5 '. P.lll'ishloft'ers- :will' sponspr a .hood after the death ohiswe f 'auu W8S!.uiucamlNm ~.l; testimonial (tom l' to .~' 'p.m. (NC Photo)
SUnday, JUQe 12 at Yeinis_de Milo restaurant, Swansea, in. honor of ,Rev: Asdrubal C. Branco, pastor since 1~~ w~ will mark his gwclen lubj1ee. Q( j or-, dil1ation later']n' the month.
"i:U~~T~=:~e''::f~~ 992=-9892, &Om &
David CoSta, g~' chaitman., or from any
committee member.
~ annual parish '. picnic will
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thanks, andslle'll pray' for ·ioii,·atq~i1y Mass.
In just two years you'll a "Sistir of yoUr own', , , , We'll send you her nanie"u/:!onrecefpt ' . ! . -of your first gift. As long, 8$ .he fives ycMfff
know you are hetping the- ;.~i~'~,,· alle write us 'today $0 .h~ ~n
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begin her ttitlntng. She
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1n the han4s of a thrifty -native Sister' yeor gift ' • ~ ~. .}. - t io any amount ($1,000" $791, . $500, ~60. . , $75', $SQ• •5'':-$15 ;.10:. _t2t'-' ~ ...,;; r. ., , t t;. . " -1,,~
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fift; empty .~onuachs.. with mltk, rice., fish . *\d i j~' ·vegetables.•.• If you' feel nobodY needs ~;'. if hetp teed hungry boys and girls!
_"-;'Z,-,<.;;,._{·.:, \ '
day she can bring $oct'i'· the aging. , .. Help 'her", (,"11;
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--Have you ""er' Wiab.,",;~ .... '~.~. ;". ..•. .'. . Now yo~ Can have.;JJ1;~~'~~~
By Father Joim DIetzeIl
layaum or woman could presi:The deDt as'a priest at the·Eucharist. take plaee Sunday, June 26 at Q. Aceordlaa to a nceDt DeWI I don't think Kueng. could eiSt. Vincent de Paui Camp, It-. P HauK_ (the· ther. , ~, R.t: Geduul >.,. that a Remember, few newspaper, .1he Holy N. . . SC,hObl gradu_ ..,.... caa replace die priest at radio Or televisiOn ~, are a~can ~,'VVW be ,.hdd. at>·' . . . . If Dee••lary.C8a . , . . . . 'theOlogians. Many have; in'tatt, p.m. Monday. June 6. plain how tbi& eouId be? (New little more than' a nodding acJ e r M ) ' ) q u a i n t a n c ; e with Catholic termS'l'. S'l'ANtSLAUS ' A. No, I can't explain how a inoIogy, especially with the PALL, ~ •• ~ tee:1uUcal precision of many ParishiOD~rs will;~t a ~t.- , theOlogical words and phrases. log of ~ leaders of the S'l'. JOlIN BAPTIST. / Rep()rtSof cIoc:uments -and cathoDe -Charismatic Itenewal NEW BEDFORD . . ' ;-speeches ·cUstort the ~tunfay, June 4. ~ aatherA parish CODlDllt~ willhoJd original beyond recognition. It's ing will close with a special the an~ua1 Espirito Santo clil1ner important, th'en, J)81'ticularly Sunday vigil Mass at 4 p~m. to followmg noon M~ tbisSua- '-wW ~'souiIds sensawhich an are in~ day until 2:30 p.m. Donations tional if not outright biZarre to Confirmation candidates and are requested of new articles for go tQ' ....e-.thaP ope source' for team .m~berS WIll make a pie-' an acc:ompanying auction and". yoUr ·mtcinuatioa. and if possible c:oafiimatioa retreat, this week- ' ntfle. All items may be left at to the ori&iUI words themIeleilCIat CudinaI CUshiug Villa, . •the rectory, ~ raffle ticket YeS. Gloucester. .returns should be made by toI dOn't believe Kueog NCmIE DAME, day. saki what yOu ~ Ite Said. I FAtL lOVEll S'l'. 'I'iII:ItI:sA. he~'t, ~ all m, work. but Newomcen Of the' Council of BOtTI1I ATn.f.BoaO 1'. coofJcleQt tbat w~er he 0lth0Iic wOmen Mrs.. DonAll outdoor flea'mmet" Will _ saUl was either badly understood aJd .Potdm, preSident; ,Mrs;' Rob- ',' be hefd Under parish auspices or bacUy reported - or both. ~ ~ 'Yice-p*ident; from )0 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday _ ......'.,- - -.......- - - Mrs. NonbJDcfMorrlse«e, .tl'eaF' arid Sunday, J~ 4 and 5 in the s& ftTJ'Jt • PAm.. ,urer; MrS. Josepb AIiari!, ~. LiJ\COln SchOol playVOund. nere FALLitivEa . eordibgsec:retaty. " -'Will' be ample parking and IeThe Women's Club will hold .• . .' " ,. 'freshments will be available, a Wldat Party« 1 p.m. on SUnIIOL~ aosAIlY, , 'lQin dates will be June 11 and . day,,'.Ml¥~ ~ Patner.~ ~~ aIVEa -:.0-. .l..~~ny 12. dyCenter. Mrs. Noel T. Hamat a a-.-.. SOli' imd Mis. Raymond A Dooas offic:ersof the 'Women'. Quild· ST. IOSIPH, ley sr. are ebaitIneD.. , for the coming)'8U' were Mrs. A1TLIBOJlO Gemd MaUretti. president; ~. Knights of the Altar and their ~ ~ Michael Sicilia. vice-:presictent fathers willspeJid this weekend ancl secretary; Mrs. .John COd- at the 000 center of St. MarMaydev~tions are held at 7 forti, treasurer. garet's Church, Buzzards Bay. p.m. each 1\IeIdaY· Theann\PII parish bike-a-thon A, htuth of luly dinner dance SACRED HEART, is ;slated for 8 Lm. to 3 pm. will be sponsored ~y the Usher's FAU. JUVEIl Saiurday, June n. Sponsor Club frpm 6.:0 p.• W 1 'a.m. Inltallation eeremom~ for sheets are available at the tee- Sunday July 3 at Ind,epe~e the -Women's Guild will- tQe tory. Rafhoi' on N&JTQW$' Road, Asplace Monday, June 6 at the sonet, . Music will be by the Rustic Pub North Swansea. IMMACUIA1E CONCEPfION. RhYthm KingS and tickets are . A novena lIonOrfng the . PALL IUVEIt available any J,lSher. Sacred Heart will begin 'ruesTickets for the annual Womday, June' 7. en's GuUd banqttet, to be· held - Ia.Via • . .. Wednesday, lune 1,' will be avail"Ouring her pilgrimage On S'l'. GEORGE, able after all Masses this week- earth the Church)~ in, '~," WESi'Po.RTen,d, after which reservations' movil1g toWards ~ heavenly The \\fj)men's Guild will SPOlI.~ will' close. Busses will leave the Jerusalem"~ aad the rOed is often ,~ .. ", .• .' ,> ". • • sbr a whist party at 8' p.m. Sat- churth at 5 p.rn. the nigbt of ~e . a road of crucif'Ddon." - Emmaritiel Suhard' . . urday, June 4 in the ,schoOl Ju~lt. event.
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tianI.. rec4ved lnto the CatholIC" Chtium.· · OF .YO"'! $lAce then, theJ have b8en worshlprJlng t't,/a ~ 'flrm.v ~ They are too, poor to ~ • church of lhel~ own. FOr JUIt ..... Y'OIi _ , ~lJcUtlor theib-a Memorial for someone ~ ' · .. ;y
MGnsItnOr ~.
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Schedule effective weekend of June 25-26 Masses: Sunday-':'7:00,•. 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 and ._5:30 P.M. . Saturday Eve-5:3O and 7:00 ,P.M. Daily-7:00 A':M. - Saturdays 8:00 A.M.
IMMACULATE CoNCEPIlON Masses: Sunday-9:3O A.M. Saturday Eve.--4:30 P.M.
Schedule effective 'weekend oUune 25-26 Masses: Sunday--8:oo, 9:00, 10:00, 'U:15 A.M. Saturday--4:3O P.M. . Daily-8:oo A.M.
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Harold W. Jenkins, Jr.
Uasses: Sunday4:30. 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday-6:30 P.M. Daily 9:00 A.M. . Confessions: Saturday-3:30-4:30 P.M. and after 6:30 P;M. ,Jdass
Masses: Sunday-9:00 A.M. SatUrday Eve.-5:00 P.M. Confessions: Sunday before 9 A.M. Mass '. ,Saturday-4:00-5:~ .p"~" .
OUR L.ADY OF HOPE Masses: SUnday--&45 and 10:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.--4:30 P.M.
CHATHAM HOLY IlEDUMEIl Schedule effective July 2 Masses: Sunday--8:00, 9:00. 10:00. 11:00 A.M. Saturday Evenin&-5:00 P.M. DaUy-8:ooA.M.
SOUTH CHA11fAM 0VIl LADY or QUCE Schedule effective July 2 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.--f:oo It 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:oo A.M.
EASt FALMOUTH Masses: Sunday-7:30,9:oo, 10:15, 11:30 A.M. . Saturday Eve.--4:30 'and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. . Confessions: Saturday-3:30-4:15 Weekdays Anytime by Appointment
DailY'Deliveries to Otis, Barnstable. County Hospi,ol, Tobey Hospital, Faimouth 'Hospital 12 McARTHUR BLVD. -. BOURNE SO. ROTARY r BOURNE Tel. 759-4211 and 759..2669
ST. ELlZABEni Masses: Sunday-9:oo, i 1:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily--8:oo A.M. (Mon.-Fri.) .Confessions-Satllrday 11:00 A.M.-Noon
Muses: Sunday-9:oo and 10:30 A.M. saturday--5:oo P.M. , Confessions: Saturday--4:15· 5:00 P.M. MASHPE,
QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS Masses: Sunday-8:3O. 10:00, 1l:3~ A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:oo and 7:30 P.M. Confessions: saturday-4:15 ·'5:00 P.M.
MasSes: Sunday-7:00, 8:30,10:00 11:30 AX and 5:00 P.M. Saturday E,!e.--4:oo and 6:00 P.M. Daily--8:oo -A.M. Confessions: Saturday-3:00-3:45 P.M. and 7:007:30 P.M.
.• Schedule July and August Masses: Sunday-8:oo, 10:30 A.M. Saturda1Eve.-..;.7:oo P.M. Confessions: % hour before Mass
Schedule effective July 2 - Sept. 4 10:00, 11:15 A.M. SaturdaY--5:00 P.M. Da1ly-8:30 A.M. MATTAPOISEn ST. ANTHONY
Masses: Sunday-7:oo, -8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturd.a.y-8 A,M.-4:30 and 7:00 P.M. o.ily-8:00 A.M.
oua LADY OF THE ISLE Masses: Sunday-7:3O, 9:30. 11:30 A.M. and 7:00 P,M. Saturday Eve.-5:80 aad 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:3O A.M. and 12:00 Noon Rosary Wore Daily Mas8elll Confessions: Saturday-:4~OO-4:45 P.M.
Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve..........:4:00. 5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Da1ly-7:30 A.M. Confessions: Saturday-3:00-3:45 P.M. and 6:156:45 P.M.
Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M.. 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:oo A.M. and 5:30 P.M. (except Saturday) Confessions: Saturday-4:00· 5:00 P.M. and 6:45 P.M. SANDWICH
CORPUS CHRISTI MaSses: Sunday~:OO, 9:00, 10:00, 1l:00 A.M. and 12 Noon Saturday Eve.-5:oo. and 7:00 P.M. J)ailY-9:00 A.M. SAGAMORE ST. 'I'HEItESA
MUses: Sunday-8:3O, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30.A.M. . Saturday Eve.-6:oo P.M.
Masses:' Sunday--8:oo, 9:15, 10:30' A.M. Saturday Eve.--5:15 &: 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. ORLEANS ST. lOAN OF ARC,
. Schedule effective June 18 .. 19 - Labor Day Muses: Sunday-8:oo, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.--5:oo and 7:00 P.t.{. Daily-8:00 A.M. . Confessions-Saturday 4:00 - 4:5Q P.M. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena-WecJnesday Momin, Ma.s at 8:00 A.M.
Ltlea • Mlko. • 1.lex • H..ellliad Allpex • So., • PlIIISo.ic 267 MAIN STRIET FALMOUTH - 541-1911
Be Sure to Visit Our Famous Bookstore in the Back of the Restaurant Brnkfat -Llnclt - .Pta.r
U-Haul Trucks & Trailen
, . . . , ROTARY
FALMOUTH ~~'V?- FLORIST Incorporated
Rotary IiOURNE,
4Mtt1nStrHt . CoIonlcii ShOppln, Ce." F,almouth,
OUR LADY OF LOURDES Schedule effective June 18 Masses: Sunday--8:oo, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:OO A.M. Confessions: -Sat: 4:30-5:00 P.M. and before all Masses: Tuesday Eve.: 7:30 P.M. Mass followed by Charismatic Prayer Meeting
9:00, 10:15, 11:30 A.M. 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.--4:00 and 7:00 P.M. DaUy:""7:oo and 9:00 A.M. (9:00 A.M. Mass Mon.-Fri. only)
lASS RiVER "oua LADY OF nm HIGHWAY Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11:00· A.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. (Mon.-Fri.) I
Masses: Sunday-8:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.--5:00 and 7:00 P.M. , Daily-8:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:oo-4:30 P.M:. and 6:00-6:30 P.M. -
T... ~2020
IEm ..., lEN.. IElVlta
Corltw." Me.orial Chapel
.:.. KEIIDllel( AVENUE WEllFLEET, litASS. Tit. 349-3154 Dine Overlooking cape Cod Bay
Dignified FuneralServiee
40 MacArt'hpr BOUJ.tVlrd BOurnel Massachusetts :01532 (Rt.. 6-,A. S8adwi~.,Mass ..
., DeJ)nisport '0'1" 'n.,'.
Cape Cod's Largest Shoe Store
Telephone 398-600()
UNION CIIAJlEL Masses: Sunday-:-8:45 A.M. July llIId
1~~1' .'. ::' . .
Masses; Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, - A.M. and 5:00 P.M, Saturday Eve.--5:oo and 7:30 P.M. DaDy-7:00 A.M. and 12:10 P.M. Confessions: Saturday- 4:00.5:00 P.M. and after 7:30 P.M. Mass
Tea Food
. Masses: Sunday-7:00,8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. .Saturday Eve.-5:oo and 7:30 P:M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 A.M. Confessions:. Saturday--4;J.5 - 5:00 P..M. SANTUIT ST. WDE'S CHAPEL
Masses: Suhday--8:oo, 9:00,10:00. 11:00, 12 Noon and 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-s:oo and 6:30' P.M. Da1ly--8:oo A.M. . Confessions: Saturday-4:06-5:00 and 7:06-8:00 P.M.
Masses: Sunday-7:00. 8:15, 9:30. 10:45, 12 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M.Daily-7:00 and 9:00 A.M. F,irst Fridays-Ultreya-s:oo P.M. First Friday Masses a~ 7:00 and 9:00 A.M.
CHURCH OF 'THE VISITATION Schedule effective June 18 - 19 - Labor nay Muses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M: Saturday Eve.-5:oo and 7:00 P.M. Confessions-Saturday-6:30.6:50 P.M. OSTERVILLE OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPI10N SChedule effective June 25 thru Sept. 4.
D'Aguiar Jr.
Mass Schedule for Summer Season
Schedule for. Summer Season
OUR LADY OF ,THE CAPE Masses: 'Sunday--8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:()() Daily--8:oo A.M and 11:00 A.M. (Except Wed. at 11:00 A.M. and 7:30 P.M.) Confessions: Saturday--4:36-5:00 P.M. First Friday-7:06-7:3O P.M.
This 'Ca~e Cod Directory o~ Churches and .Masses
-'9 .
'-HE ANCHOR-Diocese of FaB River- Th~l'S~ May 26,19'17
Schedule effective '.tune 18 Masses.: SUnday-9:30 A.M. Saturday-7:00 P.M. . Con1essions: Before Masses NORTH TRURO
OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Schedule effective June 18 Masses: Sunday-9:oo, 10:00 &: 11:00 A.M. taturday Eve.--5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Confessions: ,Before Masses
Gallery II furniture
"Home of Distinctive Furnishings" -
AT DISCOUNT ......:. 564-4617
- WIST HARWICH HOLY -TaINrI'Y Schedule effective May 14 • July 1 Masses: SundaY-8:oo, 9:30, and 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.--a:oo 6: 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 and 9:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday 3:00 and 1:45 P.M. Fir:st F,riday- Additiorial Mass at 11:00 A.M. and Bened1ctiQn at 2:00 .P.M.
ova LADY OF TIlE ANNUNCJATION _ Schedule effective May 14 - July 1 Masses: Sun~y--a:30, 10:00 A.M. Saturday ~ve.-4:30 PoM. ,
Masses: ,Sunday-8:00, 10:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:oo P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. (9:00 A.M. Sat. only) Confessions: % hour before Sunday Masses
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Masses: Sunday--S:OO, 9:30.11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.- 5:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. Confessions: % hour before Sunday Masses
8£11... .
loute 21 • MacArthur Blvd.
Pocasset, Mall..
Sandy's . .,..-. '. . - 1, Plainville, Restaura'nt ;. u. S. Mass. 02762 ROJIte
.Big Fishermen 54'-42~ . Restaurant Inc. 28, 02536 . . . 475, Route East Falmouth, Mass. PAUL GOULET, Prop.'
Tff! ANCHORTht.!"s., .May- 26, 1977
1917' Parish . Totals $14,660.00 CAPE COD AND THE ISLANDS 1,893.50 . Brewster-our Lady of the Cape . . $·'i,t859.00 7,418.02 . 1r;S47.00·· Buzza~ :~y_ o:-S_"t. M~·rgaret : .. "2,351.00 Cent rville-vti Lad f V'ct' . . 12.i828~0Q' . ,e , _ . F / 0 . 1 ory :. . '29,286.00 Chatham-Holy Redeemer .: ; . ~ 9;638.25 7,325.00 10,077.40 East Falniouth-St. Anthony ~ .. 14,923.80 Our ~dy of the Angels . 2,141.00 Edgartown-8t. Elizabeth :..,...: .. 4,860.00 Our Lady of Health :. 14,4Q5.50 Falmouth-St. Patrick .. 5,423.00 Holy' Rosary .. 22,405.00 ~ , . 7,437.75 - Hyannis-St. Ffancis Xavier ..h.: Immaculate Conception . 7,202.50 Nantucket-Qur ·Lady of the Isle :. . , 9,091.05 Sacred Heart ::: . 3,361.00 Oak Bluff5-!-Sacred' Heart ~ .. 6,045.49 St..~e~ , . 4,919.00' Orleans-St. Joan. of Arc _ : : . 3,516.00 St. Anthony of Padua . 11.137.00 Osterville--:A.,ssumption : , : ~ .. 2,100.00 St.. E~beth , .. 7,140.00 Pocasset-St. John ~ _ _ ..:... . 3,96f.00 St. John the Baptist ~ _ _ . 4,929.00 Provincetown-St. Peter .. '7,010.00 14,639.68 Sandwich-Corpus Christi : .. 3,400.00 25,055.43 Sputh Yarmouth-St. Pius X : .. St..Matthew ~ :..: _ 2,232.00 3,320.00 Vineyard Haven-8t. Augustine ..: .. 8,512.00 St. Michael . 3,654.00 Wellfleet-our Lady of Lourdes ;.. -10,234.00 St. Patrick . 12;491.00 West Harwich-Holy Trinity . 7,132.00 SS.. Peter & Paul .. 8,070.00 Woods ¥ole--st. Joseph : : . 3,010.00 St: Roch .. 8,646.25 '. St. Stanislaus : . 6,065.50 "St. William . ATILEBORO AREA :. .. Santo Christo 7,319.10 AsC!onet-St. Bernard 4,905.50 Attleboro-Holy Ghost . $11,617.50 ( I>' .. 4,816.00 St. John : 20,685.00 .. CentralVilla.~St. John ~ . 7,666.00 St. Joseph : ' . : . 5,4~4;50 North Westport-our Lady of Grace .. 4,430.04 . St. Mark .. .13,632.50 Ocean Grove--st. Micbael , .. 7,286.00 6,172.00 St. Stephen :. .. . Somerset-8t; John of God .. 9,386.00 11,813.00 St. Theresa _ . St. ~trick : .. 12,725.50 13,737.00 Mansfield-St. .Mary . St. Thomas More .. 8,461.00 North Attleboro-Sacred' Heart .. 4,500.00 Swansea-Qur Lady of Fatima . 6,887.00 St. Mary _., :.._ _ .. 13,528.50 • St. Dominic , ~ , . 8,675.00 Norton--St. Mary _ .;. ~ _ _ . 7,063.00 St. Louis of France :.. 13,748.00 Seekonk-Mt. Carinel : : .. :..; :: , .. Cross Colle-ge, Washington, through retreats, evenings of Seekonk-8t. Mary tl,695.00
Fall River St. Mary's CathedraL Blessed Sacrament , Espirito Santo
;~t~·~Ee:: : :~: : : ~: : : : : : :~: : : : : : :~: : : : ~: : : : : : : : ~:=:
·~t l~~~~. .: : : : : : : : :~: : : : : : : : ~: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Plan' Fun W.eek·
.l\t Holy _Cross
. During a week of activities beginning Tuesday, May 31, Holy Crots FatherS of the" Eastern province will honor community members celebrating anniversari~ of religious profession, par_ tlcipate ut a retreat from Juhe' · 1 through 3' and witnes$ ordina1ion,of four deacOns Saturday, J'une 4. . A Mass -at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday at Holy Cross Center, Stonehill · College North Easton, will honor Brother PJ'()tase Bauer, C.S.c., D.C., and St. George's College, Brother Larry Triolo, C.S:C., Santiago, Chile, as well as serv·· Rev. Frank E. Gartland, C.S.C., ing as dean at King's College, Rev. George De Prizio, C.S~C.. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. lt~v. Philip C. M. Kelly,' C.S.C., Members of his family include . and Rtw. Thomas E. Lawton, Dr. Carl DePrizio, and Mrs. Har· C.S.C. old Qualters and Mrs. James Brother Protase Bauer a Bent, all of Mansfield. Father Michigan native, was professed DePrizio now resides at Family a: religious July 2, 1927. As a Rosary, Inc., Albany, New York. lay brother his 50 years of ser· Father Philip C. M. Kelly, di~•. b~ been (le'9'oted eiclusrector .of St. Joseph's Han, , ~ely to farming. Living in semi- North .Dartmouth, Mass., wu or· -..'etiremeDt in Bennington, Ver- dainecl June 24, 1942 in Notre · mont. he continues to serve in Dame, Indiana. ~rn in New t: 'nuDistry to the sick. . ~runswick, Canada, he gradua- : ~Rev. F~ E. Gartland, former ted from St. Joseph's University · flIditOr -of (;:athOJic Bqy .4 writer in New Bnmswick. The first 15 t;r Our Sunday Visitor, was or- years of his ministry were spent .. daiped J~ 24, 1937. While a preaching QliSslons throughout Writer J'bl' Our Sunday VlSitor, ·the East and be was dlreetor Of 'he Was aminted to the semin- Holy Cross Fathers' Retreat .fffty staff in North Easton and HOUse, North Easton, and of . ,wlWe. ecIitor of Catholic Boy, he the Holy Cross Assoc;iate Fam.~~...~ ..KJ:Ughtsof the Ai- Uy, . estailished for the support tar, an association of altar ser. of holy Cross seminarians. ' · ~;. He curJ:t!lt1y is ~ staff In 1959, Father Kelly estab. ~emtibe~ at the Hol~ Cross No-. lished a smaU"Cbristian center '..... ate 111 Bennington. in North Darbfteuttl as an oraBrother L8rry Triolo, celebra- tory where people could come . ling.. 40 Years of religious pro- for prayer. liturgy, sharing the tession, is a natiVe of New York Word of God and reaching out City. He was a member of the to others in need. An. outgroWth ~.f)rst novitiate class eStablished of his work was. the "Lamp IlY ROly Cross in North Dart- Lightet," a newsletter that _ ~~outh,.here he is curreDt1y'...- ieaches ,thousands of readers Signed. His life has been one of ' with spiritual a4vice and encour. .service and dwotion to carlng agement. feu' ,ma.b1tenance needs at vari(?US establishments of the Holy ,Ordained in Fall River, June community. ' 7 , 1952, Father Thomas E. LawFather GeQrge DeP$lo, for- ton has been director of the mer .provincial of the Eastern North Easton retreat house for HOly 'Cross Province, is ceieb~- the .last 14 years. He attended ting 35 years of priesthood. Born Coyle High SChool, Taunton, in lt1-.rield, he graduated from received his undergraduate deHoly Cross College, Worcester, gree from. Notre Iiame Univ~z:9i first;in the class of 1935. He 1 ty and. hiS M.S. from C::~ISIUS taught. in the Mansfield school College, Buffalo, .N.Y~ , ~ before joining the order. Following ordination ,he and continued his studies at the' : taught and was principal ~t sevGreg0J1an Univei'§ity in Rome,' >eral high' Schools; and as direc.fJaly, Where ,he received his $.. tor of the retreat house has inT;B.- degree. He taught at HOly, fluenced.. ~ousa",ds of people'
recollection. consultation and especially the Cunillo. He is the brother of Judge James R. Lawton' of Brockton. AImuaJ. Retreat Also at Holy Cross Center will be the annual Holy Cross Fathers' Retreat, to be coordinated by Father Ken'Silvia. Among topics to be presented by com~ munity members will be gospel resourcefulness, gospel respons· ~en~~ and "Active ~libaCy for .
New Bedford-Holy Name Assumption : Immaculate Conception Mt. Carmel : : Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of Perpetual Help Sacred Heart St. Anne _ St.' Anthony of Padua.
will take place at 11 a.m. Saturday,
ing prelate will be Most Reverend Lawrence L. Granner, CSC, f()rmer archbishop of Dacca,
: _ 4
:.: :
_ _
_ _
: L _ ,
13,778.25 31,264.23 5,801.00 3,201.00 4,286.15 2,549.00 . 4,390.83 790.00 2,029.00 2,434.00 1,881.00 12,917.00 10,325.50 10,670.50 2,669.15 17,188.00
. .. .. .. .. .. ..
An • .·.t .h .·o · _. · .· _
. . ..
St. Theresa _ Acushnet-St. Francis Xavier Fairhaven-$t. Joseph : : \B~c::::~, Ms.s~~ andco~:: St. Mary _._ _ ~ _ Dame University with a master's M ~cred H~ ,-_ degree in theolOgy. He ~n·Ri~t.. taught four' years in the FaIrpoIse ~. ny haven school system and served . North Dartmoutb--St. Julie Billiart : as vice-p~dent and president South Dartmou~t. Mary : of the F.airhaven Teachers' Asso- \Vareham-St. Patrick :.. _.._ _
~ ~===~==-:::~~~:
ford, son of Mr. I: MrS. ECbnund Sylvia Sr. He' graduated . from :~ BedfoId High SChool,
ciation. This past year he has Served as a deacon in Most Holy Trinity Church, Saco, Maine. Father SylvUf Will offer a Mass of Thanksgiving at 12:15 p.DL Sunday, June 5, in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Rivet Street, New Bedford. Following Mass there win be a reception in the parish halI: As his first assignment, Father Sylvia will serve at Holy Cross Fathers Retreat House, Stonehill College, North Easton, Mass. Also to be ordained are, Rev. Mr. iLea J Guamieri, Valley Stream, L.I., N.Y., Rev. John R. Lanci. Rensselaer, N.Y., and Rev. ·Mr. Robert A. Wiseman, Clear.. water, Fla.
~.- ..
=~~ ::=::::=:~:::::~::::~:=:::::=::=:~~~::~:::::::.::.:.~~:::~::.::
St. Francis of Assisi St. Hedwig _ St. James St. John the Baptist _ St. Joseph
=~ 4 ~~t~~lyan~ro:e ~=
. .· · _ ·. . _ _• . .. ; .
. .. . . .
.. ..
.. .. ..
10,31.2.00 . 4,824.00 3,629.00 '14,038.00 3,952~00
1,.445.00 2,735.00 7,812~OO
9,886.49 10,226.60. 9,310.50 5,834.00
Taunton-Holy Family ~ Holy Rosary Immaculate Conception Our Lady of Lourdes Sacred Heart r
_; _ _ :
.. .. _ . . ..
~t =~n.~ : : : : : :~: : : =: ~: =: : : : : : : : ~: : : ~: : : :7.: :~: : ~: : :
St. Joseph , ) .. St. Mary ~.: '. St. Paul , . Dighton-St. Peter ~ .. North Dighton-St. Joseph : .. North Easton-Immaculate Conception . Raynham-Bt. Ann "' : .. South Easton-Holy Cross ..
$ 7,783.00 2,956.00 6.364.00 4,262.00 9,155.00 5,561.00 4,711.00 7,524.00 10,639.00 7,529.00 2,543.()0 5,258.00 8,200.00 7,794.00 6,590'.50
The Universal Church
New Bedford $900 Cliftex Corporation $500 Friends of Catholic Charities $250 Ashley Ford Sales $100 Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., Cape Cod Sportswear, Fairhaven Lumber Co. $75 Residents of Our Lady's Haven $60 Daher Family $50 Kearney Real Estate, Glennon Roofing Co., Inc., Dr. & Mrs. George John, Rev. George I. Saad, Dr. J. Greer McBratney $35 Robert G. Harb $25 Fontaine Plumbing, Bricklayers, Masons & Plasters Local No. 319, Paragon Tours & Travel, Perfection Oil Co. Schmidt Mfg. Corp. Hykel Simon, Joseph John, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony John, Mr. & Mrs. George J. Thomas, Mrs. Connie Kalife Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Roda, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Roda, Josephine P. David, Stanley Oil Co., Inc., Fairhaven Corp.
Fall River Area $1200 In Memory of James E. Bullock-Fall River Electric Light Co. $1000 F. L. Collins & Sons, Inc. $640 Residents of the Catholic Memorial Home $500 Fall River Gas Company $300 International Ladies Garment Workers, Local No. 178 $150 Fall River People's Cooperative Bank $100 Fall River Emblem Club $50 John F. Stafford Insurance $25 Oak Grove Pharmacy, Darwood Manufacturing Co., Paul Hebert's Restaurant, Mary Noon, Brenner Associates, Inc.
Cape Cod Area CHRIST UVES around the world, as these pictures show. Top, seminarians in Russia's 163-year-old Zagorsk Seminary, permitted as a demonstration that religion is not entirely dead in the Soviet Union. Center, Bishop Gerald Emmett Carter of London, Ontario, talks.with Professor Hans Maier of Munich during trip to Germany, Poland and Rome where he found that "Polish church maintains a position of strength unique in the world." Bottom, members of St. Patrick's parish, Falmouth, form candlelight procession honoring 60th anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima.
Special Gifts National $250 Rev. Msgr. Arthur W. Tansey, Rev. James F. Kelley $200 Joseph V. Talley, Inc., Providence
$100 Rev. Clarence D'Entremont $50 Holmes & Edwards, Inc. Boston, Walsh Bros., Cambridge $25 What Cheer Foods, Providence
$1000 Peckham & Sons Electrical, Inc., Hyannis $500 Bay Colony Federal Savings & Loan Assoc., So. Yarmouth $100 Bishop William Tyler Assembly, K of C, Hyannis $75 Falmouth Cooperative Bank $50 Falmouth K of C, Falmouth National Bank $30 Wright Oil Co., Falmouth $25 St. John Guild, Pocasset, Harold L. Baker Co., Inc., Falmouth, Riverway Lobster House Restaurant, So. Yarmouth, Plantation Motel, W. Dennis, Plymouth Savings Bank, Falmouth
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 26, 1977
I §
111 William Street, New Bedford, Massachusetts 02740 Telephone 996·8295
NASON OIL COMPANY 7 Perry Avenue Taunton Mass. 822-2282
'Our Heating Oils Malee Warm Friends'
CATHOLIC COUNSELING SERVICES DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER OHers professional and confidential counseling when you want help with personal, family, marital and other rela· tionship problems. For information or an appointment call or write: 628 Pleasant St. 368 No. Main St. New Bedford, MA 02740 Fall River, MA. 02720 997·7337 or 997·8201 676·8481 or 676·890$
LINCOLN PARK BALLROOM ROUTE 6-between Fall River and New Bedford
Attention School Groups PLAN YOUR PICNIC, OUTING NOW Special Arrangements for School Groups FOR DETAILS, CALL. MANAGER - 636·2744 or 999-6984
No matter where you live in the Fall River Diocese, there is a Fernandes near you! *NORTON, West Main St., *NO. EASTON, Main St., *EAST BRIDGEWATER, Bedford St., *NEW BED· FORD, Jct. Routes 140 & 18, *ATTLEBORO, 217 So. Main St., *SOMERSET, Route 6, *RAYNHAM. Route 44, *FAIRHAVEN, Route 6, *BRIDGEWATER, Route 18, *MANSFIELD, Route 140, *FALL RIVER, South· way Plaza, R. I. Ave., *FALL RIVER, Griffin St., *SEEKONK, 17 Central Ave., *Middleboro, 133 So. Main St., *NEW BEDFORD, Mt. Pleasant St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rockdale Ave., *FAIRHAVEN, Howland Rd., *SO. DARTMOUTH, Dartmouth St., *NEW BED· FORD, Rodney French Blvd., *SOMERSET, Route 138.
Special Gifts
H. K. & O. P. Richardson, Inc., Thomas Tatarian, Benedict Circle No. 61, Daughters of Isabella, Attleboro-Plainville Coal Co.
Attleboro Area
Taunton Area
$300 Attleboro Trust Co. $200 A Caponigro & Co., Inc. $150 Precision Tool & Machine $130 Taunton Cooperative Bank $100 W. H. Riley & Son, Inc., Atleboro, W. H. Riley & Son, Inc., No. Attleboro, St. Mark Conference, Automatic Machine Products Co. Sadler Bros., Inc., Thomas R. Leedham, Esq., K of C Seekonk Council No. 5108 $50 Attleboro Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Ripley & Gowen Co., V. H. Blackington Co. MacDonald Moving & Storage, Foster Metal Products, Inc. $30 Atherton Furniture Co., The Sun Chronicle Bliss Bros. Dairy $25 St. Anne Sodality, Sacred Heart, H. L. Capron & Son, Inc., Metaltek, Inc., Larson Tool & Stamping, Lyons Advertising, Inc.
$300 Immaculate Conception Conference, No. Easton $200 B.M.C. Durfee Trust Co. $111 Residents of Marian Manor $100 Dr. Joseph Nates, Alfred 0' Keefe, St. Mary Women's Guild, K of C Council No. 238 Taunton News Co. $75 Mechanics Cooperative Bank $65 J. _-Frank Conley Funeral Home . $50 Frank J. Smith $25 Edward F. St. Pierre, Inc., Children's Shop, Goodnow's, Taunton Venetian Blind, George L. Copeland Funeral Home," Wilfred Saint 'Columbia Electric Supply, Weir Auto Sales, Italian Naturalization Club, Silva Funeral Home, Students of Coyle-Cassidy High School Coyle-Cassidy Mothers' Club, Fred Piazzi, Inc., K of C No. 82, Bristol County Electric, Leahy's Liquor, Narragansett Sales Inc. Drummond Printing Co., Dr. Henry A Alves, Jr.
• '1:1>
THE ANCHORThurs., May 26, 1977
Parishes Attleboro HOLY GHOST
$25 James Ney, Mr. & Mrs. M. Quaglia, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Jutras ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST
$100 Dr. & Mrs. Robert O'Donnell $50 Florence Moran . $25 Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Parker
S2J50* Once ~n ...
• lxcelifnl accommodations. TV. phones • 2 lull breakfasls In Henlage Room * 2 full dinner, In Granada DinIng Room. leatunng char brOiled ,teak,. pnme nb. baked ,tuffed shnmp. salad bar F... carafe 01 wine lor 2 • Umque BYOB Loonge. free set ups • Beaut,ful Indoor pool Saunas. centrallocallOll Golf. Ienm,. shop,. all nfarhy •Rale elf Ihru June 18. excluding hohday penods For brochure...un",l,on. caI/617-5403mJ. arwntt. D.P. Dineen. Mg,.
CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES 368 North Main Street Fall River• Mass. 02720
$120 A Parishioner $100 A Parishioner, Council of Catholic Women $25 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cloutier, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Denis, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fontneau, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Gabriel, Caron Granite Company Prata Funeral Home
Attleboro Falls ST. MARK $75 Mr. & Mrs. G. Howard Morse, Jr. In memory of Frederick Paine, Mary Paine, & Edward Goudreau
So Attleboro ST. THERESA
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Globa
Mansfield ST. MARY
$200 Catholic Woman's Club $50 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kane $40
Mr. & Mrs. Giles Dognazzi $30 J. P. Smith Landscape $25 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. Conley Eagan, Mrs. Mary E. Faria & Mary. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Greenawalt; Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Frank Nones, Mr. & Mrs. George Sylvester, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Viviano, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Walgreen, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Werner Mr. & Mrs. Paul Westlund, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Donegan Mr. & Mrs. James Vaughan, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kuzdzol
$200 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cuddigan $50 Mr. & Mrs. James A. McDonald $35
Per PerM•• Per Nlte. Dble. Gee•• IlIla. 2 Nlte. We are repealing the hnest package offered 01) CaPt Cod Plu~ live musIC for your hstenlng and danCing pleasure. Your 3 Dav/2 Nitt Wtt/i;·End includa:
~j\ ---~l I.
Mr. & Mrs. Augustine Ferreira $30 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Silva $25 Mrs. Mary McGowan, Mr. & Mrs. Armand J. Lemieux, Mr. & Mrs. Howard J. McRae. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lyons, Mr. & Mrs. John O'Connell Mr. & Mrs. William O'Neil, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Ford. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rebola. Mr. & Mrs. George Roderick, Mr. & Mrs. Willard O. Decker Mary Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel DeMattos, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Swift
A Friend
$50 Arthur Joseph $35 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dutra $30 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Dutra "$25 John & Ruth Thomas, Lawrence J. Rose Arthur Mooney, George & Janet Mooney
$100 Mr. & Mrs. James Gormley $25 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent LeBlanc, Mr. & Mrs. John McLaughlin, Jr.
$25 Mr. & Mrs. D. Edwin Vegliante Mr. & Mrs. Richard McCormick, Mr. & Mrs. William Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shannon
E. Falmouth ST. ANTHONY
$200 St. Vincent de Paul Society $100 Paulino Rodrigues $50 Robert Roderick $25 Dominga Andrade, Tony Andrews, Richard C. Baker, George Barboza, Pedro Carvalho William J. DeMello, Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln Dunbar, Alfred A Marks, Mrs. John Pimental, Joseph Rezendes, Mr. & Mrs. David C. Silva, Frank Simmons
$25 David L. Collins
$30 John C. Snow $25
Cyril T. Patrick
$25 Mrs. Thimothy Baird
Woods Hole
ST.' JOHN $50 Wm. J. Whamand '$30 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mulcahy $25 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kennedy, Stephen Donovan
$100 Jenkins Funeral Home $75 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Montle $50 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph D. Hunt, Mrs. Granville Cranston $25 ~ Harry E. Handy, Mr. & Mrs. Omer Renquin
$50 A J. Mathis $25 Anonymous, Edward F. Donovan, Anonymous, Edward Butterworth. Earl Morgan John T. Shea, Joan McGonagle. Antone Souza, Jr., John Rogers
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Acton Mr. & Mrs. John Donovan Cape Cod Turf & Tree, Inc. $40
John F. Vetorino
$50 Mr. & Mrs. William .Hays III
Falmouth ST. PATRICK
$200 Cape Cod Five (Wellfleet) $100 Kathleen & Harry Parkington
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Ross Falmouth National Bank $25 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Cassidy, John Flaherty, Mr. & Mrs. William J. McEachern, Mr.' & Mrs. Robert Arnold. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Cavanaugh, Mrs. Robert Swanson Plymouth Savings Bank
$500 Anonymous $100
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bardelis Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kinchla
Fall River ST. WILLIAM
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Mardula SANTO CHRISTO
$125 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Justino Simoes $60 N.AA.
$50 Santo Christo Council of Catholic Women In Memory of John Mateus $30 Augustinho Joseph Viveiros $25 Mr. & Mrs. Anibal G. Lage, Jr. ST. PATRICK
$100 Gilbert Arruda, Sr. $25 Henry Augustine, Edward Healey, Mr. & Mrs. William Murray & Family, Alice Pizio ST. MICHAEL
$30 Mrs. Alice Weems $25 Capt. & Mrs. Antone C. Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Moniz
$25 Laura Conway, Mrs. Raymond Reynolds, Mrs. Bridget Thornton
$100 James A. Levesque, Kim Lecomte
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Jancarik
$25 Paul & Carol Levesque
New Bedford
$100 A Friend 1977 Confirmation Class
Anonymous, Jacinto Barreira Chourico Mfg.
Holy Name Conference of St. Vincent de Paul
$50 Mr. & Mrs. David R. Nelson
A Friend
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Fragata, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pavao
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Garrison Mr. & Mrs. Edward Joseph
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel C. Carvalho, Mr. & Mrs. John Raposa, Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Antaya, Mr. Abel Moniz, Mrs. Maria DeFatima Moniz Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Medeiros & Son, Mr. John Miranda & Family, A Friend
$60 _ Dr. & Mrs. Adelard Demers
$25 Chouinard
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Severo Alfama Hannibal Fonseca, In Memory of Victor Antone Fonseca & Ernestine Oliveira Fonseca $30 Mr. & Mrs. Jose F. Cruz
R. G. Home
Dorothy Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Gomes, Mrs. Nellie Duarte IMMACULATE CONCEPTION
$250 Dr. & Mrs. Victor A. Palumbo
$100 Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Hackett, Atty. & Mrs. William Long, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Driscoll
$50 Hilda Phillips
$30 Lee Larchevesque
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Hammond, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Teixeira, Mrs. G. Richard Duffy
Abel Rebello, In Memory of Joseph Costa
$36 William McCarthy
$30 Joseph Cabral Octavio Jorge & Family
$25 Eduardo Faria, Fernando Fer. nandes, Manuel Pereira OUR LADY OF FATIMA
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Duff, Dr. & Mr~ Stanley Walsh SACRED HEART
$25 Henry Lajeunesse, Jean Lajeunesse
$200 A Friend
$42 Orner Tardi
$25 ST. ANNE
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Thibault
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Rene J. Hebert
Joseph H. Bedard, Henry St. Pierre, Albert Pelletier, Paul Soucy, Ronald Desruisseau ST. ANmONY OF PADUA
$26 Anthony Rodrigues
Mrs. Alma Dufour
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Normand Dumont ST. BONIFACE
$25 Louis Bouchard & Family, Lucien Laroche & Family ST. JOSEPH
$25 James & Mary Butler ST. CASIMIR
$250 Rev. Casimir Kwiatkowski
$200 In Memory of Laura Morin
$150 Atty. Ferdinand B. Sowa
$50 Atty. & Mrs. Frank W. Silvia, Jr.
$30 Mr. & Mrs. William Kerrigan, Jr.
$35 Eva White
$25 Wanda C. Dabrowski, Gerald Marcotte, Stanley Schick, Champagne Shoe Store
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Williston
$50 ST. ROCH
$50 Society of St. Vincent de Paul
A Friend
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Armanetti
A Verdade E A Vida Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego
Norris H. Tripp
PENTECOSTES- FESTA DA RENovqAO o homem dos nossos dias deseja uma sociedade nova, renovada; e isto a todos os niveis: familiar, social, politico, a nive1 de traba1ho, de conviv~ncia••• Mais ainda, o pr6prio homem deseja ser 0 artifice dessa sociedade com que sonha. E este desejo bom; const~tuido rei e Senhor do universo, pe10 proprio Deus, que o co10cou a cabe~a de todas as coisas criadas, deva 0 homem esfor~ar-se contiriuamente por me1horar 0 ambiente que 0 rodeia e em que vive submerso, de modo que 1he faci1ite atingir 0 fim fi1timo a que se sente chamado. o mal esta em que nem sempre 0 homem sabe descobrir 0 verdadeiro segredo de tal renovacao. Esquece que uma sociedade renovada, s6~e possive1 com homens renovados interiormente, em seu modo de ser, de pensar, de agir. . A festa do Pentecostes convida-nos a ref1etir nessa renova~ao misteriosa, mas real, que 0 Esp!rito Santo opera na alma de todo aque1e que se abra a Suaac~ao. Esse novo cora~ao de que nos fa1a a Sagrada Escritura, e fruto da acsao do Parac1ito que nos purifica e santifica: "Dar-vos-ei urn cora~ao novo, e farei urn novo esp!rito no meio de vas: e tirarei da vossa carne 0 corasao de pedra, e dar-vos-ei urn ~ora~ao de carne." (Ezequie1) Disto tem necessidade urgente a sociedade: corafoes novos,'homens renovados, a viverem e a 1evarem a sociedade um esp!rito novo, 0 esp{rito de Cristo, que esp!rito de amor, de verdade, de justi~a••• Antes ~o Pentecostes, os Aposto10s, apesar daque1es tres anos de contacto directo com 0 Senhor, continuavam a ser uns pobre homens: timoratos, cheios de duvidas, incapazes de enfrentar 0 ambiente que os esperava. Desde 0 Esp!rito Santo desce sobre e1es sentem-se homens inteiramente novos, diferentes, renovados e animados por uma forfa que 1hes vem de dentro os leva a pregar 0 Evange1ho a ouvidos pouco dispostos a escuta-10. , o Senhor, como aos primeiros Aposto10s, esco1heu-nos para sermos instrumentos. Para isso, nao nos fa1ta a abundancia da Sua gra~a. So e1a pode capacitar-nos para 0 desem~ pe~ho da missao aposto1ica que 0 Senhor nos encomenda. Por nos mesmos somos, a seme1han~a dos Aposto10s, instrurnentos toscos, ineptos, absolutamente necessitados do aux{lio de Deus. Pobres ou pequenos que somos, seria 10cura nao buscar no Esp{rito Santo a for~a que nos fa1ta. Sendo inst.rumentos, necessitamos ser humi1des, para nao desanimarmos diante das dificu1dades da empresa aposto1ica que nos propomos, e dos aparentes fracassos que tenhamos, sabendo que a efic~cia e garantia de exito, dependem em abso1uto de Deus: humi1des, para permitirmos que 0 Senhor nos u1ti1ize quando e como queira, nao esquecendo que SO entao estaremos a cumprir a Sua vontade e nao a nossa, humi1des, para que nao nos busquemos a nos mesmos, mas antes actuemos sempre com rectidao de inten~ao, consci entes do tesouro que Deus co10ca nas nossas maos, para que 0 comuniquemos a quantos encontramos. Que 0 fogo do Espirito Santo des~a sobre a Igreja, sobre todos os Cristaos, e nos inflame interiormente, fazendo-no compr~eder a obrigaJao grave que temos de ser aposto10s.
THE ANCHOR-:Thurs.. Mav 26, 1977
253 Cedar St., New Bedford 993-3222 I'
•• • • • •
• • • • • • • • • ••
• •••
Montie Plumbing & Heat'ing Co. Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR.
432 JEFFERSON STREET Fall River 675-7496
Funeral Home 123 Broadway
TAUNTON 824-5000
H. RILEY & SON, Inc.
"Serving the Community Since 1873" Cities Service Petroleum Products Gasolene & Diesel Fuels Fuel Oils liquified Petroleum Gas Stewart-Warner Winkler Heating & Coo!ing Installations 24-Hour Burner Service 448 BROADWAY, TAUNTON Attleboro - No. Attleboro Taunton
Since May is the month of Mary, why don't you call your friends and make a mini pilgrimage to her Shrine at LaSalette in Attleboro. Come spend a few hours ••• pray the Rosary, personal meditation, daily Mass at 12:10 p.m. and enjoy lunch at our Cafeteria.
LaSalette SHRINE Route 118 Attleboro, Mass. open daily
.. 14
Thurs., May 26, 1977
Raymond D. Ouellette
Central Village
Mr. & Mrs. Normand P. Choquette
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Heffer- . nan
Dr. Americo Almeida
$75 Mrs. Raymond Williams Richard Silvia
New Bedford
Joseph D. White, Anonymous ST. DOMINIC
Mr. & Mrs. John Lawlor, Mrs. Barton A. Albert ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE
. $100 Bingo Committee
Thomas J. Wilcock
$50 Mr. Valmore Dubreuil Mrs. Rose Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Rodrigues, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Santos
. Mrs. Joseph Rezendes, Mabel Rezendes, Mr. & Mrs. Emile Brugger
Holy Rosary Sodality
By The Dameans
$50 St. John the Baptist Womens' Guild
Mr. & Mrs. Emile Boilard
Can't stop dancing Just because the music's gone. Can't stop dancing Just because the band Has packed up and gone home. Can't stop dancing Just because the music's gone 'Cause if you keep on dancing If you keep on dancing If you keep on dancing You're gonna tum the music back on. There's a rhythm in the universe And the music is always there But whenever things go wrong Sometimes it's hard to bear Just the same you've gotta move with time If you don't, you're gonna get left behind. Just remember that the beat goes on Pretty soon they're gonna sing your song. Performed by Captain and Tenille; written by Ray Stevens . and John Pritchard Jr. (c) Ahab Music Co., Inc., BMI Regardless of your age or occupation, there are those days when nothing seems worth exerting any energy for. Those moments are natural in the cycle of life. But we can also give in to the temptation to stay with that discouragement rather than put out the needed effort to build something new. It is then that we need to be reminded that we "can't stop dancing." When "the music's gone" we tend to think that it has. stopped everywhere and so there is no reason to dance. What really happens is that the song we were dancing to has ceased. Perhaps it was not the right song, or perhaps we have outgrown it and are· ready for a more sophisticated melody and a more challenging rhythm. In any event, we can take a lesson from the seasons, "there's a rhythm in the universe." Spring is always hidden within winter if we are willing to believe. "The music is always there." There is a new song and a new rhythm for us to dance to if we are willing to "keep on dancing" in the sense of proceeding hopefully with life.
Mrs. James A. Worden, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew O'Neil
In Memory of Rev. William R. Jordan, Dr. & Mrs. Robert Small
$35 Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Worden
$185 Em Louvor Do Senhor Santo Cristo
$55 In Memory of Ferreira & Santos Families
We would like to salute the many fine men and
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Baker III, Mr. & Mrs. Adolph Walecka
women who have served in our armed forces dur-
ing the past 200 years and who have given their lives so that our nation can continue to grow. We are proud of our country and of the people
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O. Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Motta, Rezendes Furniture Company SAINT JOSEPH
who have served and continue to serve as this
Mr. &. Mrs. R. Marcel Roy $30 Mr. & Mrs. Laurier Marcotte
nation's protectors.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Levesque
$26 ST. mERESA
$120 Anonymous, A Friend
This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River PAUL G. CLEARY & CO., INC. EDGAR'S FALL RIVER TOM ELLISON QUALITY MEN'S APPAREL
A Friend
$150 Rev. Thomas G. O'Dea
. $199 Residents of N.B.H.A.
$100 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Harrington, A Friend (1) St. Lawrence Conference - St. Vincent de Paul
$75 Ruth B. McFadden, A Friend
$70 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Fisher $50 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kirkwood, Elizabeth & Helen O'CQnnor, A Friend Hope McFadden A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. John Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Makin A Friend
$40 Mrs. Mary Winterson
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Willis Goodwin
$30 Mrs. George Breen, Dr. & Mrs. . Henry Fanning Mrs. Florence Brower
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Allen Bentley
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Norman Berube
Mr. & Mrs. August Santos, Dr. Paul Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Weber Mrs. Marion M. Crowe A Friend (2) Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bedard
Interscholastic ·Sports
Stoughton is Hockomock Baseball Champ The curtain has rung down on the Hockomock Baseball League season and Stoughton is its champion. Posting a league record of 14 victories and two losses, Stoughton finished four games ahead of Canton (10-6). Although Hockomock's varsity season is over, as is that Of
the jayvees, the freshmen loop has games on tap for tomorrow, Tuesday and next Thursday; when the frosh loop will end. The Hockomock track season closes today with Stoughton at King Philip in a meet rescheduled from May 13.
Conference Windup is Tomorrow As the Southeastern Mass. Conference entered this, its final week of the season, Bishop Stang High, Barnstable and defending champion Durfee were tied for the Division One lead, with Attleboro only one game back of the pace. It is likely that the outcome of games played last Monday and yesterday had an effect on that division's standings and possibly the champion may be decided only tomorrow when Stang will entertain New Bedford, Barnstable will be home to Dennis-Yarmouth, Durfee visits Attleboro and Falmouth goes to Taunton.
As this column reaches its readers Case will in all probability have clinched the Division Two championship. On to-
morrow's final card of the season Bishop Connolly High entertains Bishop Feehan High, Dartmouth i~ at Dighton-Rehoboth, Case at Seekonk and Coyle-Cassidy at Fairhaven. Bourne entered this week assured of at least a share of the Division Three title with Diman Voke, Norton, Old Rochester, Wareham and all in the running for the runnerup spot. Bourne had what appeared to be in a strong position to gain outright ownership of the divisional crown, needing only one victory in its three final games to accomplish that feat. Tomorrow's Division Three finales list Bourne at Holy Family, Wareham at New Bedford Voke, Westport at Old Rochester and St. Anthony at Diman Voke.
Post-Season Action on Tap Among the post-season non-' league or inter-divisional games on tap for next week there is a pair of holiday attractions pairing Case at Somerset, at 1:30 p.m., and, Dartmouth at New Bedford Voke at 7:30 p.m. Durfee has engagements with Brockton - Alumni Field, Fall River, next Wednesday and at Brockton. The more important post~ season action, however, is the Eastern Mass., and the subsequent state playoffs. Play in the
Eastern Mass. tourney is scheduled to open on June 6. Undoubtedly several schools within the Fall River diocese will qualify for the playoffs. Among those already qualified are Connolly, which will participate in the playoffs for the first time in the school's history, Case, Bourne and Stoughton. The complete list of qualifiers will not be known, of course, until the deadline tomorrow. Pairings will be known next week.
No. Dighton
New Bedford High boys were the winners in the Division One Southeastern Mass Conference track meet at Falmouth last Saturday, when Old Rochester Regional won that division's girls' track meet at New Bedford. Compiling 70 points, New Bedford romped to its victory. Runnerup Dartmouth had 47Y2 points, Old Rochester 39, DennisYarmouth 30Y2: Barnstable 28; Fairhaven and' Falmouth 27, and, New Bedford Vocational 3. Competition in the girls' meet was a little closer but Falmouth with 77 points led runnerup Dartmouth (65) by 12 points. Attleboro had 43 points,
New Bedford 42, Dennis-Yarmouth 41, Bishop Stang High 39, Barnstable 33, Somerset 26, Wareham 14. New Bedford had four firstplaces! Jeff Lawton won. the two-mile run, Brad Cosmos the 330-yard low hurdles, Mark Thornhill the 440 and Tim Porter the 120-yard high hurdles. New Bedford also won the mile relay. In the Division Three meet at Norton, also Saturday, Jim Long of Stang was first in the long jump and the 440. The Spartans' Nuno Barros topped the field in the low hurdles. Dave Hackett of Bishop Connolly won the high jump.
Mrs. Rosemarie Briana
, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Murray $40 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Achtelik, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Conaty
$50 George A. Macomber, Jr.
936 So. Main St., Fall Rive!' (Corner Osborn St.)
Mr. & Mrs. Louis White, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Nascimento, Mr. & Mrs. Henry O'Oonnell Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Murphy
$500 $50 Rev. John C. Ozug
$100 William Lahey
$50 Dr. & Mrs. John Connolly, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gallagher Mary E. Coughlin $40 Leo R. Harlow In memory of Manuel Conceison
$35 Dr. & Mrs. Richard Regnante
$30 Mrs. Michael Harkins, Mr. & Mrs. William F. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. William McEntee
Mrs. Theodore Baptiste, Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Barboza, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Hayden, Paul Kiernan Mrs. Ellen Lambert Plymouth Savings Bank
Tel. 673-4262
eed mortgage or home improvement money? Make NBIS your home port.
N,o. Dartmouth ST. JULIE
6 convenirnt offices
William Q. Maclean, Jr. Atty. John D. Sheehan
$50 Atty. & Mrs. Thomas F. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Allard, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dubois, Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Guest, Mrs. Douglas Martin, In Memory of Alice McEvoy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Crocker, Mr. & Mrs. William Griffiths, Mr. & Mrs. M. Moscaritolo, Louis Freitas Agency, Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Jardin Geraldine Lahey, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tino Marion Goldart Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Regan
Wareham Saint Patrick Conference, Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
No. Easton
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Martin
MacDONALD Moving & Storage Co. Attleboro, Mau.
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Sherman
TEL. 222-5353
$25 Angelica's House, N. B. Pest Control, Dr. & Mrs. Daniel J. O'Neill, Mr. & Mrs. John J. McKinnon
Taunton, Mau. TEL. 823-2525
Agent For
United Van Lin..
So. Dartmouth ST. MARY $50 Mr. & Mrs. George Saint Aubin
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Belanger
Dr. & Mrs. Michael McCarty, Mr. & Mrs. Robet McClellan, Mr. & Mrs. L. Severino, Mrs. Alice Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ruel Sr. Dr. & Mrs. John McGonigle
Mr. & Mrs. Paul McGowan, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Allard, Dr. & Mrs..Edmond A. Harrington Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Lynch Plymouth Savings Bank (Mattapoisett Branch)
679-5262 LEARY PRESS
Mrs. Eugene Sackman
$25 $25 Arthur Medeiros, Laurentina Craven, Joaquim Camara, John Abreau, Antone DeCosta
$100 Anonymous
$31 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Santos
$25 S1. Joseph's CYO, Mrs. Katherine Cambell, Miss Lois King, Mrs. Francis Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. William Moniz ST. MARY
$50 Mary V. & Helen Chaisty, John Keating
$40 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Casey
$30 Pauline &. Louis Orsi, Mr. & Mrs. John Coute, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Flood & Family
$25 Margaret Chaisty,. Virginia Hoye, Mr. L. Sousa
Mrs. Don Pickett
So. Easton Mr. & Mrs. James Sullivan
New Bedford, Old Rochester Track Winners
THE ANCHORThurs., May 26, 1977
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Mitton
Marion ST. RITA
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce West
$25 Mrs. George Howland, Dr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. James Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tremblay Rosalie Tirrell
TEL. 548-4571 ...,##~##########'#~.,..,..,...,# ..
~roC:ru~o~~~~~:rs ii'.itU"-
Repairs • Parts . Onl, Factorr Authorized Service THE STANDARD OF EXCElLENCE IN HOME CLEANING
Fairhaven ST. JOSEPH
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Mydlack
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pittle ST. MARY
EXPANSION OF . LOCAL SALES FORCE Offers Excellent Sales Opportunities For MEN & WOMEN Full and Part Time
$100 $25
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Marujo, Mrs. Stella D. Pacheco
TEL. 548·3014
Sacred Hearts Fathers, Vincent de Paul Society
~on's "'--O-pe-n-O-ai-Iy-9-A.-M-.t-O-l-0-P.-M-.-ln-c-lud-in-g-Sa-t.----OF FALL RIVER
The TI.... To Ref.-laish YeMIr. Summer Home or .Winter Home with These Money Saving
FAMOUS SEALY HI-RISER STUDIO With Full 39" Twin Size Quilted Ma"resses Versatile, comfortable - it will solve all of your space problems. Use them end to end; side-by-side; use them together for a big, oversize bed or in a corner for a special arrangerrent. It's the most practical bedding you can buy at a price you can't ignore.
You get 2 Foam Mattresses ... 2 Box Springs ... the Corner Table ... 2 Wedge Bolsters ... Fitted Bedspreads. Handsome, practical, Day or Night Space Planner Units that fit into a minimum space while producing maximum comfort.
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2 SEALY MAnRESSES plus 2 BOX SPRINGS ON LEGS Think of it! This luxurious 4 Piece Sealy Bedding Grouping for less than $50 per ~nit. Famous Sealy quality throughout with smooth top mattresses. Deluxe constr",ct,on; twin sizes only - quantities limited!
t~ $139 You'd never guess that these distinctive sofas convert into two twin size beds and in a jiffy, too! Quality constructed with Foom Mattresses and you have a choice of colors.
A mini-size sleeper that provides luxurious comfort in limited space. Traditional design tailored in lovely decorator print .
No Banks or Finance Companies To Pay
See More ... Get More ... Save More! No Warehouse Showroom anywhere has the vast display of Name Brand Furniture that you'll find at Mason's in Fall River. And with our everyday low warehouse prices you can select the furniture of your dreams at savings you never dreamed pOSSIble.
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Plymouth Ave. at Rodman St