
Page 1

Appeal Total Nears' All Time Record




Charities Contriblufions Now at $653,841

. A new record high is in sight for the 1965 Catholic Charities Appeal. At head­ quarters this morning a total

The ANCHOR Fall River, Mass., Tlhu;sday,. May 27, 1965

Vol. 9, No. 21 ©

1965 Tne Anchor

PRICE lOc $4.00 per Year

" I


FIFTEEN LEADING PARISHES St. Lawrence 22,49B.5() New Bedford Holy Name Fall River 18,560.67 St. John Attleboro 17,699.00 St. Mary No. Attleboro 17,107.50 St. James New Bedford 15,746.55 Turn to Page Eleven





CYO Convention For Diocesan Leaders TABERNACI~E

IN NEW :MANSFIELD CHURCH: Edward L. O'Brien, past-01' of St. Mary's Church, J,Iansfield, explains the design of the new tabernacle too M~8g Lillian Dion, left, whose family donated the taber­ aade in memory of their brother, Rev. Eugene Dion, late pastor of Blessed Sacram{'u!; Church, Fall River.


of $653,841.28 was' announced. This total is increasing by the hour with the receipt of addi­ tional substantial parish contri­ butions and Special Gifts. Sixty-five parishes are now Honor Roll members. Several additional parishes are within easy distance. St. Lawrence of New Bedford continues to lead in parish contributions. "The wonderful support of all to this point," Chairman Richard K. iVIartin said today, "has placed us within the sight of victory.· Being realistic, I am unwilling to claim that victory until it has been established. The returns of the next few hours will be the deciding factor. We will close the books at Headquarters at noon time, Friday. . "There would be no more ex­ pressive demonstration of affec­ tion and appreciation for Bishop Connolly's years of charitable service. It is our sincere hope that the Appeal reaches a total that conveys this thought."

St. Mary's First Mass Of Mansfield on Sunday Rev. Edward L. O'Brien, pastor of St. Mary's Parish, Mansfield, will celebrate the first Solemn Mass in the new church at 10:30 Sunday morning. Rev. John A. Chippendale win \be c1eacon and Rev. WilliamR. ,J1>rdan, subdeacon. Both are for­ mer curates of the parish. The sermon will be preached by Rt. Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher, a fo1'-' mer pastor. The main altar was consecra­ ied last Thursday by Most Rev, .James J. Gerrard, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese. In the design of St. Ma~'Y'3 €hurch, Mansfield, certain facets of the idea of a church come ~lJ> mind. The purposes of a church in the order of their hierarchy are: the gathering place of the faithful to offer the renewal ~f the redemptive sacrifice ;)I Christ; to receive the sacramen~s :and fruits of that sacrifice; :..:1> !hear the word of God; to adore Christ, really present in the Euchllrist; to perform ext,':;l­ liturgical devotion, and to mee~ .,ith God in private prayer. In the basic· idea' of· a chul'ciit . . . foci exist: Baptism iA,,~

Eucharist. One is initiation, the ather full earthly attainment, anticipation of the Beatific Vision; they are opposites but related to one another as the beginning to the end. This was the basic design idea foil' St. :iUary's":"" the altar and Turn to Page Five

The Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Youth will hold its seventh annual convention Saturday and Sund.ay, May 29 ant3 30, at Ca­ thedral Camp, East Freetown. A national celebrity will be heard as keynote speaker Satur­ day afternoon. : The meeting of over 200 Dioc­ esan CYO leaders, which will for the first time be a two-day event. will have as theme "Unity t/1rough Under!otanding." Panel discussions, to be held Sunday morning, will be based on the : theme. . . The keynote speaker will ap­ pear after the convention's open­ ing plenary session at 3 Saturday aftemoon. Th<! evening's pro­ gram will include a banquet and cotillion. Turn to Page Three


BISHOP VISITS NAZERETH ON THE CAPE: Bishop Connolly visited the exceptIonal c.hildren at Nazareth Hy­ annis, on Monday afternoon and witnessed the wo;k the:le children who are so close to :'lis heart.


New Jesuit General Made Tertianship in Cleveland RO:\IE (NC)-Father Pedro Arrupe, S.J., a 57-year­ old Spaniard who studied in the LTnited States, and was in Hiroshima when the American atom bomb fell there, is the new leader of the world's 36,000 Jesuits. He was elected here on the third ballo,t of the nov~tiate into a hos­ the first day of voting. Fr. turned pital and put hlmself, his staff Arrupe came here as super­ am1 the novices at tho< service ior of the Jesuit Japanese ofihe injured. province. He was in Hiroshima as superior of ~he novitiate there on t:le fateful Aug. 6, 1945, when the first atom bomb fell. He

Seven Priests iin Diocese Mark 40 Years of Service Seven diocesan priests, laboring in the service of God in various sections of this See, this year are observing the fortieth anniversary of their ordination. Several parishes akeady are making plans to honor the jllbilarians for their long and devoted work for Rev. James E. Lynch, pastor the salvation of souls. Six af St. Joan of Arc, Orleans. are pastors and the seventh Rev. Lorenzo H. Morais, pas­ is chaplain at· one of the tor of St. George's Westport. diocesan institutions for the aged The:, are: Rev. John G. Casey, pastor of Immaculate CO:lception, North Easton.

Per/orms Yeoman Service

Bedfvrd who is assistant to the director of th", National Catholic WeI f a I' e COl>ference's Latin

Award to Honor Father Gorman SiKter Mary Urban R.S.M. has announced thata special scholarship has been estab­ lished . at Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro to hon­ or the memory of the late Rev. Edward J. Gorman, former SuTurn to Paie Three

The new Je~lIit general, the sixth fmlll Spajn, was born at Bilbao. on Nov. 14, 1907. He en­ Tum to Page Eleven

America Bureau, has been as­ sisting in the relief work at the request of the papal nuncio to the Dominican Republic, Arch­ bishop Emmanuelle Clarizio. In threewe,:,ks, the Agency for International Development and U. S. voluntary kgencies dis­ tributed so m e five million pounds of emergency aid in the Dominican Republic.. most of it ill this strife-torn' capital, the Fan River diocesan priest said. In one operation, Father Clark reported, Catholic Relief Ser­ vices in cooperation with AID ~urn to Page Eleve.l1

Rev. David A. O'Brien, pastor of S5. Peter and Paul's, Fan River. Rt. Rev. Jo~~ph R. Pannoni, pastor of Holy Rosary, Fan Rive.'. Rev. Gearge E. Sullivan, pas.. tor of St. Joseph's. Fall River. Rev. Edmond Tremblay, chap­ lain at Sacred Heart Home, New Bedwrd. Father Tremblay Father Trembby, the son of the late George and the late Mrs. Marie Audette Tremblay, was bom Feb. 23, 1897 in Fall River. Following graduRtioll from St. Anne's School he made high school and college studies at S1;. Mary's, Montreal, and completed his education for the priesthood under the Snlpician Fathers in that city. . He was ordained ·Feb. 22, 192:; at St. Michael's; Sherbrooke, Canada, by tIle late Most Rev; Osias Gagnon. Father Tremblay's service itt the Diocese includes assignment "urn. to Page- ~


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 27,1965

Diocese of Fa rI River

OFFICIAL ARSIGNMENT Rev. stephm J. Downey to St. Francl8 Xavier Chmeh, Hyannis, 8$ assistant.

Effective date, "Friday, May 21, 1965. '.

~..,.",...~t£;;:g. Bishop of




Parish Totals PALLBnD tilt. Mary $10,025.50 Ble~ed Sacrament 1,991.15 Espirito Santo 1,789.00 Holy Cross 1,057.00 HoLv Name 18,560.67 Notre Dame 5803.00 Our Lady of Angels 6,558.89 Our Lady of Health 2,032.50 Holy Rosary 2,618.00 Immaculate Conception 6,039.05 Sacred Heart 10,861.50 st. Anne 4,864.50 St. <\ntl:.ony of DecJerl 1,704.00 st. Anfr.ony of Padua 1,819.00 St Eliz&beth 1,224.00 St. John the Baptist 3,423.00 St. Jose~:>h 5,798.50 St. Louis 3,624.00 St. Matthew 2,321.00 St. Michael 4,366.25 St. Patrick 7,009.80 SS. Peter and Paul 5,805.00 St Roch 1,786.00 St. Stanislaus 2,178.50 st. William 4,'l12.00 Santo Christo 3,822.05. NEW BEDFORD

Holy Name 10,204.99 AssIDllption 1,391.40 Holy Rosary 502.00 Immaculate Conception 4,304.04 lit. Carmel 10,561.85 Our Lady of 737.65 Perpetual HelJ) Our Lady of Purgatory 909.00 3,935.60 Sacred Heart 2,104.37 st..<\nne St. Anthony CIi Padua 3,846.00 412.75 St. Bonifaee 879.00 St Casimir 1,929.50 St. Francis of Assisl 484.25 St. Hedwig 1,859.15 St. Hyacinth 15,746.55 St. James 8,447.39 St. John the :Baptist 10,644.00 st. Joseph 4,416.00 st.Kilian . 22,498.50 St Lawrence 6,103.00 st. Mary 5,496.00 St. Theresa

TAUNTON Holy Family 4,296.25 Ho·.y Rosary 2,211.00 Immaculate Conception 5,431.00 OUr Lady of Lourdes 3,544.00 Sacred Heart 6,343.00 St. A\nthony 4,586.'10 St. James 3,2'15.00 St. Joseph 6,263.00 st. Mary 10,808.75 st. Paul 4,945.00 TOWNS A~ushnet-

3,201.50 St Francis :xaVier 1,394.50 As'lonet-St. Bernard Buzzards BaySt. Margaret 5,378.00 Centerville-Our Lady of Victory 3,696.00 Central Village-2,152.00 St John Baptist ChathamHoly Redeemer 4,194.00 Dighton-8t. Pete!' 1,529.50 East Brewster-.()m Lady at the Cape 1,639.50 East Falmouth6,298.00 St. Anthony 8,951.67 St Joseph 8,'951.67 St. Joseph st Mary 9'10.60 866.00 Sacred Hearts Falmouth-St. Patrick 9,81i9.Qo Hyann.is-

Offers Solemn Mass Sunday Rev. Donald D Velozo, 46 Oregon Street, Fa!! River, who was ordained on Mas 22 in Cam­ den, N. J., will offer his First Solemn High Mass on Sunday, May 30, in St Mich<>el's Church, Fall River at 11. Rt. Rev. Eumbert.c S. Medei­ ros, Diocesan Chancellor and pastor of St. Michael's Church, will preach the sermon.

Rt. Rev. Augusto L. Furtado, pastor of St. John of God Chm'ch, Some:l"set, will serve as assistant priest. Fev. Robert F. Wallter of Mt. Ephraim, _N.J., and Rev. Bente Ii.. Fraga of Som­ erset will servt" as deacon and subdeacon, respecotively. Rev. Joseph Oliveira of St. Michael's Church, Fall River, will serve as master of cere­ monies.

Vincentians to Hold Fall River Meeting' . The monthly meeting of Fall River Particular Council, Soci­ ety of St. Vincent de Paul, will be held at 8 o'clock next Tues­ day night in St. Elizabeth's par­ ish hall, following Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacram.lmt in the Church at 7:45. President Edouard W. Lacroix has requested members to return application cards for the St. Vincent de Paul Health Cainp at the meeting so' that health cards and other necessary forms can be made out.



FRIDAY-St. Augustine, Bishop and Confessor. III Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Preface of Ascen­ sion. SATURDAY-St. Mary Magda­ lene De pazz:., Virgin. m Class. White. Mass Pi-oper; Gloria; no Creed; Preface of . AscenSion. ' SUNDAY-Sunday after Aseen­ sion. II Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; Prefac:e of Ascension.

St Francis Xavier ii,l86.50 Mansfield-5t. M8J7 ~,036.91 Mattapoisett3,214.50 St Anthony MONDAY-Blessed Virgin M8J7, NantucketQueen. II Class. White. :Mass Our Lad)' of the lsle 2,640.00 Proper; Gloria; 2nd ColL St. North DightonPetronilla, Virgin; C r e e d ; :'.576.00 St. JObeph Preface of Blessed Virgin. North Easton9,'116.00 TUESDAY-St. Angela DeMer­ Immac. Conception North Westportici, Virgin. III Class. White. Our Lady of Graee 2,483.45' Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Norton-st. Mary 4,844.40 Preface of Ascension. Oak Bluffs1,545.00 WEDNESDAY-Mass as on feast Sacred Heart of the Ascension IV Class.. Ocean Grove-­ White. Mass Proper; Gloria; 3,916.00 st Michael 2nd Coll. SS. Marcellinwr, OrleansPeter, and Erasmus,. Bishop, 2,203.00 St. Joan of Are Martyrs; no Creed; Preface of ATTLEBO.O OstP.rville--Assu'l'lption 3,62'7.00 Ascension. Holy Ghost 3,189.'15 ProvincetownOR 2,084.50 St. John 17,699.00 St. Peter SS. MarceUinus, Peter, and 3,81'1.00 st. Joseph 4,529.00 Raynham-5t. Ann Erasmus, B ish (' p, Martyn~ St. Mary 7,3~.50 Sandwich­ Red. Mass Proper; no Creed; 5,862.02 C<irpus Christi st. Stephen 4,146.00 Preface of Ascension. G,226.'15 St. Theresa 7,312.70. Seekonk-Mt. Cormel SomersetTHURSDAY-Mass as on :feast NORm AftLEBORO 3,564.50 St. John of God of the Ascension. IV ClaSll. Saered Hearl 5,680~ 5,152.00 St. Patr1ck White. Mass Proper; Gloria; St. MalrY 17,107.50 '1,866.00 Sl Thomas More DO Creed; Preface of Ascen­ South Dartmou~h­ sion. One Votive Mass in hon­ G,813.13 St. Mary or of Jesus Christ, the Eternal South Yarmouth-· High Priest, permitted. Glo­ 7,668.50 St. Pius X ria, no Creed; Preface of SwanseaAscension. DI=VnTlnN OUr Lady of Fatima 4,306.83 May 27-Mouni St Mary's 3,561.00 St Dominic Convent. Fall River. 3,876.70 St. Louis of Ii:'anc:e River. Vineyard Haven-­ Convent of the Holy 1,901.00 . St Augustine Union of the Sacred Wareham-St. Patrick 8,415.00 CO. ( Hearts, Fall River. Wt:llfleet­ Convent of the Sacred Our Lady of Lourdes 1,882.00 Hearts, Fairhaven. West HarwlchSt. Theresa's Convent, Holy Trinity 3,414.00 Fall River. Westport-5t. George 7,112.00 :May SG--Blessed Sacrament, Woods Hole-St. Joseph 2,070.00 ~ 365 NORTH FRONT STlm ( Fall River. 1lH IIIClIII June 6-8t. Joseph, Taunton. NEW BEDFORD , second Ct.ss Postap Paid at FIN aim.! Holy Name. Fall River. Mass. Published Ivery tbllfSclay at 4Iu Highland Avenue fall IUvu Mass, bY tile Holy Trinity West Har­ \ WYman 2-5534 , Call1ollc Press Of tile Dllll:eS1 at fall liver. wieh. - -SubscripU. "let ., . .II, ,."'1lI ....

Awards Program

.Honors Leaden

The Catholic Committee' . . . Scouting and the Marian com­ mittee of the Fall River Dioee. win co-sponsor their sixth aD­ DUal awards dinner at 6:. Tuesday night, June 8 at Bishop Cassidy High School cafeterta.. Taunton. Bishop Gerrard will award George, St. Anne and Pellcaa medals to outstanding leaders of Catholic faith in Boy Scout, Gill Scout, Campfire Girl or Daugh­ ters of Isabella programs. . Represented will be youtJi leaders from the Fall River, New Bedford, Taunton-Attleboro and Cape Cod areas of the Diocese.


SERRANS: Rev. Edward B. Halton, O.P., dean of Freshmen at Providence College will address mem­ bers of Serra International District No. 40 tonight at '1 at White's to which clubs from Fall -River, Attleboro, New Bedford, Taunton, New­ port and Providence, have been. invited.

, To Be Ordained' Rev. Mr. Robert J. Braunreu­ ther, S.J., brother of Mrs. Fnm­ cis J. D'Errico, Fall River,' will be ordained for the New En­ gland province of the Society'of Jesus Saturday, June 12 at Weston College, Weston, Mass. He will offer his First Solemn Mass Sunday, June 20 at St. Catherine of Siena Church, Nichols, Conn. Holder of B.A. and M.A. degrees, the ordinandua has studied in Germany, Aus­ tria and France.

Necrology MAY 3. Rev. Jordan HarPin, O.P., 1929, Dominican Priory, Fall River. Rev. Edmond J. Potviri, 1937, Pastor, St. John Baptist, Fall River. Rev. James M.. Quinn, 1950, Pastor, St. John Evangelist, At.­ tleboro. MAT 31 Rev. Vincent A. Wolski, O.F.M. Conv., 1964, Pastor, Hob­ Cross, Fall River.

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Thf: CCD School o~ Religion of St. Patrick's Church, WarehalQ, will close the school year with • field day scheduled for Satur­ day, May 29, at the Wareham High School A+hletlc Field: . All children' of . grades one thrOugh nine arp. invited to p~ ti.cl~:lte in .the various ev~. p¥mued for thf' program. '. Mr. William Paling, president of the Confratemity of Christi_ Doctrine, is being assisted by • large committee from the parish group and members of the high sellonl religion class ., Parents and friends are' . . vited. Awards will be given at the close of the aftern~ program.

Ecumenism Aim PONCE (NC) - Bishop Fe­ miot Torres Oliver of Ponce W. named a seven-priest commbt­ sion to plan ecumenical dialogue with other Puerto Rican Cl1rb­ tians in this predomiDant17. Catholic island.

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.THE ANCHOR- . Thurs., May 27, 1965



. eontinued from Page'Four •. Blessed. Sacrament Parish, Fall River, from' 1951 to 1956. He '-vr~. named chaplain at Sacred Heart Home in 1959.


Monsignor PaDnonl Born Feb. 4, 1901 ill Fall River. Monsignor Pannoni is the son af tbe late Louis and the late Mrs. :Qeatrice Zarlenga Pannoni. He was graduated from St. Mary's Parochial SchOOl, B, M. C. Dur­ fee High School and St. Charle$ ~ollege, Catonsville, Md. . He. studied philosophy and theology' at the Propagation 1)£ tile Faith University in Rome . and was ordained Sept. 19, 1925 in St. Mary's Cathedral by ~he late Most Rev. Daniel F. Feehan,

D.D. Monsignor Pannoni's parish assignments were at Sacred Heart, Taunton; Corpus Christi, Sandwich; St. William, Fall River, and St. Francis of Assisi, New Bedford. He was named pastor of Holy Rosary Sept. 30, 1~4S.

He holds a Bachelor of Sacred Theology degree awarded by the Propagation of the Faith Uni­ ftrsity. I-~e was invested as Do­ mestic Prelate on April 21, 1964. Father O'Brien The son of the late Edward M\d the late Mrs. Julia She;I O'Brien, Father O'Brien was born Jan. it, 1898 in Fall River. He graduated from Durfee High School and Holy Cross College. He was ordained JunE' 6, 1925 in St. Mary's Cathedral by the late Most Rev. Daniel F. Feehan, D.D., f l> 11 0 vii I n g theological studies at st. Bernard's Semi­ nary, Rochester, N. Y Father O'Brien's assignments have been Sacred Heart, Oa~< Bluffs; Sacred Heart, Taunton; St. Mary's, North Attleboro; St. Mary's, South Dartmouth, and St. Margaret's, Buzzards Bay. He was appointed pastor of SS. Peter and Paul on March 26. 1963. Father O'Brien served as chaplain of· Bishop Feehan 09uncil, 2911, K. of C at Bourne and is presently chaplain of Our Lady of Victory Court No. 165, elltholic Order of Foresters. Father Lynch Father Lynch was born Feb. 2, 1898 in Fall River, the son of the late James and the late Mil'S. Teresa Barry Lynch. He was graduated from St. Mary's Paro­ chial School and B. M. C. Dur­ fee High. School and attended Holy Cross College for two years. He studied philosophy and theology t!t St. Mary's and the Sulpician Seminary, Baltimore, and was ordained June 6, 192.5 in St. Mary's Cathedral by the late Bishop Feehan. Father Lyncl:.'s· parish assign­ ments include Holy Name, New Bedford; St. Mary's, Taunton and Immaculate Conception, Taunton. He served as an Army ehaplain from February, 1942 until 1946 when he returned to Taunton to serve at Holy Family. He was named pastor of St. Joan Gf Arc in August, 1947. Father Sullivan Born in Fall River Feb. g, 1000, Father Sullivan is the son of the late John P. and the late Mrs. Mary E. Kenney Sullivan. He was graduated from B. M. C. Durfee High School and was awarded a Bachelor of Arts de­ gree by Holy Cross College. l:i'ollowing theological studies at St. Bernard's Seminary, Rod'l­ ester, N. Y., Father Sullivan WJ.S o!':iained June 6, 1925 in the Cathedral by the late Bisho9 Feehan and was assigned to St. M3ry's, Nantucket. Other assignments were St. ,Joseph, Fall River; Falmoutn !leights; Holy Name and St.



Mary's Cathedral in Fall River. He served as an Army chaplain' from 1943 until 1946 when he was named pastor of Corpus Christi, Sandwich. Father Sullivan was pastor of St. Dominic's, Swansea until his appointment as pastor of St. Jo­ seph's in September, 1961. He .was formerly moderator of the Berchmanns and Epsilon Clubs and regional director of the Catholic Guild for the Blind. He is presently Diocesan director of the guild. Father Sullivan's Army ser­ vice included assignment to both European and Pacific Theatres. lie has also been chaplain, of the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Fall River and the Cape Cod Knights of Columbus. He was also Faithful Friar of the K. of C. 4th Degree, Cape Cod. Father MoraiS Born in Fall River Sept. 14,. 1897, Father Morais is the son of the late Thomas and the late Mrs. Aimee Reuthier Morais. After graduating from Notre Dame School, Fall River, he made high school, college and philosophy studies in Canada. He completed his education. at St. Mary's, Baltimore and OI'dained June 6, 1925 by the late Bishop Feehan. His assignments have included Wellfleet; Sacred Heart, North Attleboro; Notre Dame, Fall River; St. Anthony and Holy Rosary, New Bedford. He was assigned to St. George, Westport, in July, 1951. Father Casey Father· Casey was born Sept. 13. 1896 in Lowell, and is the son of the late John and the late Mrs. Ellen T. Hayes Casey. After graduating from St. Mary's grammar and high schools in ·Taunton he attended St. An­ selm's and Holy Cross. He studied theology at St. Mary's Baltimore. and the Theological College and was ordained June 6, 1925 by the late Bishop Fee­ han. .

, Father Casey's parish assign­

ments have been Immaculate

Conception, Taunton; Holy Fam­

ily, East Taunton; St. Lawrence,

New Berdford; Our Lady of the

Assumption, Osterville; St. Pat­

rick, Falmouth; St. Joseph's,

Woods Hole, and St. Paul's

Taunton. He was named pastor

of Immaculate Conception in 1954. Father Casey also served as an Army chaplain from 1942 un­ til 19'15.







Father Gorman

CYO Convention

Continued from Page One The Fathers of the Feehan Awards Banquet Committee will sponsor the annual scholarship, the regional high school princi­ pal announced. "If any person should live on in our prayers," ·said Sister Mary Urban, "it is Father Gorman. If today we enjoy the modern fa­ cilities of one of the best planned educational buildings in the al'ea, it is because of the long-range planning and fore­ sight of this great priest. "We regret that Father Gor­ man did not live to see the first class graduate from Feehan but we are proud to announce that beginning with the first class the Rev. Edward J. Gorman Schol­ arship will be awarded annually to a deserving Feehan student."

Continued from Page One perintendent of D i 0 c e san Schools. Sunday Schedule Sunday's schcdulp. will begin with breakfast, followed by Mass and panel discllssions. Elections of Diocesan officers Will be held at noon and a "cooknik" and gamE'S will close the ~onvention. Tennis, volleyball and softball equipment will be on hand. Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, Dioc­ esan CYO director, announces that in addition to the main speaker, representat.ives of state and local govE-rnment will ad­ dress the Diocesan delegates.

Student Center NEWPORT (NC)-A $1.5 mil­ lion student residence and cen­ ter was dedicated at Salve Regina College here by Bishop Russell J. McVinney of Provi­ dence. The college for women is operated by Sisters of Mercy of the Union.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May '27, 1965

Specinl Gifts



Taunton GreyoouDd .Associa­ lion 5400 P. A. Tracey & Company. Inc. S2S0

Rev. James E. O'Remy


Holy Cross Fathers $50 Jolicoeur & Resmin:i /C()., Inc. Joseph V. Tally, :Inc. $25

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Reed & Barton FmJ:nd£ltion, Inc. $300

Haveg Industries $258 Wm. Reed & Sc:9~-Tmmton Daily Gazette S15il Mr. & Mrs. Thom:>s E. Donelan $125

St. Mary's Women's Gllild $100 Rennie M:mufactu!ing Co. Charles R. Ganigan $5tl Stone Charitable FGunClation Robertson Factories $35

Nu-Brite Chemica) Co. S30 In Merr..ory of Faite:- Griffin $25 Abreau's en Se;o:"'::(.>e Portuguese American Civic Club Bristol Athletic Club Dr. William E. Bar::€ s McKenna's Gift ShGp Societe des Enfc:r:~s de Iv.:aJrie Eagan's Package Store

William Hurley, ;:-r.

Sheridan Silver Ce.

Frank R. Pero Ins. Agency

Mt. Hope Machinery Co.

J. R. Tallman Ins. Co. ' Alexio Insurance Agency Masll. Catholic Order of For­ esters, St. Elizabeth Court Dr. Samuel L. P<>p]ack $20 G. B. Welding & Construction Co., Staples Coal Co., Beneficial Finance Co. $15 Taunton Stove Co., White Front Market, Samuel Misepb, D. E. Murphy & Co., :::oc. DeSouza Bros. Market

Attleboro $100 Massachusett!" Elc.ct;;:c Ce. First Federal Savir.gs & Loan Ass')('iation $50 _ Alcaza'oa Circle-Dz.ugMers of Isabella Carey Brothers Leavens Mfg. Co., Jfnc. Catholit' Nurses G1.l'3JIl1 of At­ tleboro Area

M S Co.

$25 Ashley Drug StGJre Brown's Catholic Women's Club CYO-St. John's Olive A. Nerney Atberton Furniture Co. Charles Thomar & Son Inc. St, John's C,:uncl! No. 404Knights of Columbus


Pleasant Pharmacy


L. H. Cooper

North Attleboro $560 The Bernard J. Dcyle Family $300 Mr. & Mrs. Leon Pini $50 Holy Name SCdE~Y - Sacred Heart Westcott Constr",(;non Co.

Donley !\Ifg. Co.

St. Anne Sodality


Dr. Domenic Basile


Raymond P. Tonsigr.;<lnt

$25 Arns Park Motel, inc. Frenchie's Service Si~tion Nellie Lavery No. Attleboro Coai Q). Webster Co. Dr. Robert J. Welch Falls Shopping Cer.ter A Friend Metal Spin-Craft, IDC. The Rome


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Sullivan & Foster Ccnt....-actoJ'5 Harriet Transport Co. $150 N.B. Five Cent S~".il')gs $100 Princeton Clothing /C(). Inc. A Friend N.B. & Acushnet Co-l(;per~five Bank Universal Roofir.g & StEfl Metal Co. Nash Realty Corp. Dartmouth Finishing Co. Dartmouth Textile Cc~;p. N.B. Reconstruction COl"]>.

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Massachusetts ':'ruc~::T1g CO!'P.

U.S. Ring Binder Ccrp.


Charles S. Ashley & Sons Browne Pharmacy Inc. $25 Manhattan Bottling Co. Beneficial Finance Co. Municipal Employees Union No. 851 Dr. H. F. Riley Local No. 899 UAW, AFL-CIO A Friend State Road Cemer.~ B)o~rr eG. Holmes Coal Co. , Perfection Oil Co. Brodeur's Machine Co. Inc. Park Motors Inc. Plumbers Supply Co. American Flex.ible Glennon Roofing Co. Reca Pharmacy Gilt Edge Textile Babbit's Steam SpH:5alty Co. Zeiterion Realty CCJp. H.M.C. Cutlery

Machinery Sales Ccrp.

Schmidt Mfg. Co.

Peoples Super Market

Shawnee Mills

Cape Cod Fabrics Inc.

C. E. Beckman Cornish & Company Humphrey Covil &. Coleman Inc. Herman's Liquor Store Union Liquors Co. New Bedford Cat:--:cJic Guild for Blind

Ryan & Scully IJr.c.

S'wan Cleaners, Fall Florists Supply Co.

Mr. & Mrs. Lewis M<iJJey David J. Friar

H. Schwartz & Sons me. Engine Service & Supply Inc.

Ray's Auto Radiator 'WGr1!:s Amalgamated Clothir.E WCJk­ el'S of America No. 177 =.] S76 M. Joseph Madowsky

Dr. Elmer Leigh Jr.

Thomas Abbott

Francis B. Leary

Walter C. Fraze

Staples Coal Co.

Atty Peter Collias

F. W. Woolworth Co.

FIRST: John A. O'C-{);'}T.!i)r will establish a new {;iOl:'€ S fln newspaper for BishGp M~ch­ ael Hyle of Wilmingtor., Del O'Connor, until now w~th tne Monitor, San Francisec, is a graduate of Notre Dame University, and later ~3id graduate work in journa13sm at Stanford Univers5ty. NC Photo.



Liberty Loan & Realty Ce. J:n&. Mrs. Anna Caskin, Mrs. Jane Dou, Mrs. Mary E. Carey, HOl'­ :m:1Cias Boudreau Mrs. Alice T. Hennessey, EthEl S. Sullivan, Mrs. Anne Barr:ault, Anna Gagne :B:ilton's Bakery, Crawford EJ«:trical Co., Tom Beedem Co. Hall's Music Store


S20 Elco Dress Co. Inc., .I\nclerson & Olsen, Slocum Mill Ini?, F:ieta­ vino Silk Mill Inc., Roy Paper Company S15 D. L. Hathaway, & SOr:iS, Fire­ fighters Assn. No. 841, G. TiT. Luiz & Co., Wefer & Parker, M & K Coffee House, C. F. C:';E!!5ng & Son


Sturtevant & Hook Enc.


George Bernique & Co.


Olson & Appleby

$50 Gulf Hill DaiTJ' A Friend Sunset Cleaners & Dyers Margeson Plumbing Co. Hathaway Oil Co. Inc. Park Oil Co. Norris Tripp & Ce. :Inc. Darnien Council No. -t19f) Knights of Columbus Macedo Pharmacy The Keystone Kaplan Bros. JI'umiture Co. $35

Philip J. Kane Inc.



New Bedfoll'd $1,500

Hemingway Transpcr1 Inc.


E. Anthony & Sor~ ":11:'.

Cape Cod Standard T5mes

$1,000 First Safe Depos:t National

.Robert A. Clark Wm. N. Wheelock & So}'l~ bWro Economy Body & Rcd:1au. Works St. Joseph's Women's Guild Fall River Steam & Gas Pi))e Ce. A. A. Plante & Sons

Fall River $1,900 Fall River Natior-<:! ]BaYlrr Globe Mfg. Co. George M. Montle Firestone Rubber & Latex Products Co. $500 Slades Ferry Trust C.,. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tansey Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. McNally R. A. McWh!rr Company

J & J Corru~ated Box Corp.

$328 Catholic Memorial H<;me Resi­ dents $300 Textile Workers Union 0.1' America, AFL-CIO Union Savings Bank Citizens Savings B3l:k Fall River Savings Bank S200 Almeida Electric Ce. A Friend Jay Deliveries Inc.-Id:r. & Mrs Arthur J. Donovan Sr. $150 Fall River People's Co{\pera­ tive Bank Ann Dale Products S100 Louis Hand Inc. R. B. Negus Lumber C.,.

Fall River Shopping Center

Associates Pacific Oil Co. Sullivan of Fall River & Hyan­ nis

Newport Finishing Corp. $75 Mathieu Oil Company Thomas Hudner $50 Walter A. Furman Co. Atty. & Mrs. William P. Grant Daughters of Isabell.a - As­ sumption Circle No. 74 General Scrap Iron L'1c. Corcoran Supply Ce. A Friend Atomic Fence Corp. Gamache Trucking Co. William Stang Asse:=1::'}y Letendre & Boule Wfoolenale Grocers




'l'HE IDoR


AIL... lOOK TO us



For so many of the 437 Cathollcs in Thanga. loor, south India. It Is a trying ordeal to attend Mass each Sunday-to receIve the sacraments regularly. The aged. the infirm, the young children, have to walk more than five miles through extensive forests, over hills, and across canals to reach the nearest church. All of these people of God must travel laborously, by foot, In rain and heat, to the small church at Valur, conducted by Father Anthony Thelapilly ••• the mother. with her days old infant nestled to her breast to be baptized: the wiele-eyed. hand hold· Ing couple to be married; the grieving widow accompanying the motionless body of her hus. band. "If these Catholics." says Father Thela. pilly, "ere vel}' backward In all respects, It J. chiefly to be attributed to the absence of. church and school In their mIdst, a place where they eould be elevated and enlightened."

Typical of villagers In southern 'ndia. these devout aouls In Thangaloor have only enous" Income to provide the barest necessIties. They look to us for help. They hope to build a chum" of their own. They wllJ name It Our Lady 01 Perpetual Help. AccordIng to, rough estimate-. It will cost $4100. $2900 will provlde a school and perIsh center. These poor farmers are eager to help with the construction worft,Perpetuate the memory of a loved one by subscribing the cost of one of these J:iu/ldlngs., Your $100, $So. $35. $20. $10, $5, $1. whatever JDU can afford. .... . will help.

•• On his historic trip to the Holy Land a year ago. Pope Paul expressed his heartfelt concern for THE the 1.2 million refugees from Palestine-and PALESTlNE gave the Pontifical MiSsion for Palestine (his REFUGEES own Vatican relief agency) his "very special blessing" ••• $10 will feed a refugee family for 8 month. Any gift, large or small, will help relieve theIr suffering.

~----~~----------­ _ e."

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a ••

8T«rE_ZfPCODIl.'_ _••


NEAR EAST MISSIDNS FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, Presiden\ MSGR. JOSEPH T. RYAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue· New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840

SHEPHERD AND HIS BELOVED FLOCK: Bishop Connolly, who established Nazareth Hall on the Cape in 1960 as one of the agencies of· the Catholic Charities Appea~, visited the school Monday and wltnessed the progress that these exceptional chHdren have made during their training. Left, Bishop is wekomed on hj~ entrance to the Hyannis school.

Center, Sister Mary Joel, R.S.M., principal, discusses the year's accom­ plishments with the Ordinary. Right, The classroom becomes the center of the Diocesan Shepherd's attention a9 he questions one of his loved ones about her studies.

• First Solemn High Mass In New Continued from Page One baptistry are on the same UL<J; a 3trnight line can be drawn between the two and this is the spine of the ehurt;h; and in be­ tween the two, the baptisnu[ font and the altar, are the faith­

tm. MaiD, Side Altars There are three basic area divisions - the sanctuary, the ":JeP3 ra ted", "sanctified" means "separated". The nave, the place for' the faithful, and the narthel[ M' entry which in the overvie<N, CJOntains or is contained by the baPtistry. The sanctuary is the most im­ portant area because it house3 the altar. Two altars are set on II three-step predella, or plat­ form; the one against the rear waU is the altar of reservatiml where the tabernacle contain­ ing the Sacred Presence will be atationed. Tabemacle The bronze tabernacle was de­ signed by John ~. Hardy. of the Cathadral Art Metal Ce). Inc. fIt eanjllnctlon w!th the P. A. TracC!y Co. of Provi(fence. It de­ f'icts an incised· ebamelled mail (If the world on the front, the figure of Ghrist the King as the Eternal Priest in the center, and tbe border has an inscription from the Mass of the Feast of Christ the King. It. is ealled the Kinl'! of King!> tabernacle. The map on the- tabernacle depicts the boundaries of the world at that time: from the Mediterranean Sea to the Per­ llian Gulf (the Easterp. Sea) anci from the Euphrates River to the islands and lands of. Southwest­ ern Europe, then considered the ....ds of the earth. ThE' Gradual 10 the new Mass III taken from Psalm '71 whim eomiders the kingdom of the lIessia. His power sba1l be from Sea to Sea. In front of this altar is the .tar of sacrifice which hi 10­

All-Faiths Chapel TRAVEltSE CITY (NC)-The llew All-Faiths Chapel on the gmunds of the State Hospital here in Michigan was dedicated and blessed by Bishop Allen ;r. Babcock of Grand Rapids. Also participating were Bishop Archie Crowley, president of the Mich­ igan Council of Churches. and Rabbi Phillip Rosenberg of Tem­ DIe B'Nail Israel fA Muskegoa.

cated on the

pr~ella to offer the celebrant the opportunity to offer the sacrifice "facing the people" if so designated by the Ordinary of the Dioeese. Also included in the sanc­ tuary are two side altars of polished Dekora and Sommes Sound Pink Granite. The Communion rail is of oak. The altar of reservation has has a gold leafed panel of the "Crn-Rho" - meaning Christ­ because this is where the Sacred Species of God the Son is con­ tained in the tabernacle. The side altars dedicated tQ the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph also have gold leafed monograms -.me delineating "M3ry the Queen"; the other symbolizing the purity and labor of the vocation of St. Jo­ se9h. Over the side altars are specially carved wood panels of OW" Lady and St. Joseph. Stained Glass Windows The rear wall of the sanctu­ ary is dominated by three stained glass windows depicting the Nativity, the Crucifixion and the Ascension. These windows are from the old church and were a great disciplining factor in. the new church's design. The Nativity scene and the Crucifixion and Nativity scenes are the representation of the Incarnational and Redemptive facts about which the whole li­ turgical year is centered. In the sanctuary these windows are framed in a pattern of vertical 3ak tiM and polished Dekora granite with two recessed semi­ cIrcular statue niches. The entire sanctuary and pre­ deUas have a floor of terrazzo containing green, grey and red­ brown marble chips. Desire lor Worship In. the nave of the church the -·.emphasis was to foster good . lfghting and comfort to give the ra-ithful the "milieu" of the de­ sire for worship. The church pews are of Appalachian oak wit!l laminated ends with II <carved symbol of Mary, Queen '!Jf Heaven. The confessionals in the rear 'and 3ides of the Nave are located so as to make us aware that they, as baptism has made us members, renew us as living members of Christ's Body. T~e narthex, or entry, the op­ posite end of the sanctuary, contains the baptistry on the same ilxis with the altar, so that IlU. .wllo enter must pass the bap­

Mansfield Church Next Sunday

ti3try and are made aware that throu~h Baptism we become members and enter into the Mystical Body of Christ. Aware of Patr_ess The baptistry is given its im­ portance visually from both in­ tenor and exteriOl'. The choir was designed as a low bridge so as not to obstruct the view of the 3tatue of the Most Blessed Mother, the Mediatrix and Pa­ troness of our st. Mary's; our "Vita, Dulcedo et Spes Nostra" --our life, our sw~etlless, and our f:tope! - So that in entering and leaving St. Mary's one is ever aware of our patroness and GUr country's. Adjacent to the sanctual'7 ia the ':-~ room, where mothers with their children 'lan have a

clear view of the sacrificial act and are also in a convenient location to receive the Euchar­ ist. The priests' sacristy contain­ ing vestment cases, closets, aacrieum and lavatory is loeated in back of the san<:tuary with the boy,,' and work sacristy ad­ joi!dng. 'l'wo-SiorJ' R~tor:r The rectory is a two-story brick veneered structure con­ nected to, the Church with a one-story section containing four offices and a file room for com­ sultations, small meetings and other functions. This connect­ ing section also contains a study,

legislation to Study Migrant Workers

ST. PAUL (NC)-The College ()f St. Thomas announced here in :Minnesota it has attained the $6 million goal of its two-year "Program for Great Teaching." The total includes $1.5 million from the Ford Foundation. The St. Paul archdiocesan lib­ eral arts college for men will use the money to increase faculty salaries, enlarge scholarship funds and expand the school'. library.

WASHINGTON (NC) - sen. Harrison A. Williams, Jr., of New Jersey has introduced a legislati ve package designed to Pl."otect the rights of migrant workers. Williams sponsored six bills and a joint resolution dealing with various aspects of the mi­ grant farm labor problem. Join­ ing with him in sponsoring the proposals were a group of other senators whose number ranged from 3ix to 11 depending on the particuiar measure involved.

St. Thomas College Driye Successful

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complete toilet facilities, and a meeting and vesting room. On the first floor of the rec­ tory proper are situated twa bedrooms. bath and sitting room for the housekeepers. The first floor also contains a kitchen. pantry, laundry work center, dining and living room for the priest..s. The second floor is made up of two suites, each containing study, bedroom and bathrooms and storage space; there are als. two rooms with bath facilities for visiting priests; plus twit large walk-in closets--one cedar lined, and one for linen storage. The campanile is of four brick piers with aluminum grilles en­ closing the carrillon bell, sur­ mounted by a specialty designed aluminum crown and cross.

Sturtevant (, Hook &to 1897

Builders Supplies 2343 Il'ut'chase Street . New Bedford WY 6-5661

Offering You 3 Savings Plans Home Finoncing


Co-oprRATIVE BANK Z61 Main St., Wareham. Mass.

Telephone 295-2400

1aIIII-a,-Malf Senlc. Avalllll..




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 27, 1965




The Petty nnd The Press

c C D

The recently-concluded World Congress of the Cath­ IJlic Press brought kgether in New York Catholic editors and journalists from all over the globe. And, as might be expected in this age of vocal presentation of ideas, there' was much talk about freedom. By Armand I. Goulet All representlltjves at the Congress agreed that the Catholic press mUAt ,serve truth to the exclusion of slanting, The parish anits of the propagandizing, covering-up and white-washing. While CCD throughout the Diocese there is a place for good taste and compassion, th~se are .;l.re busily at work these days no legitimate excuses for a compromising of honesty, a with the final weeks of 'the doubJetalk that serves nejt.her truth nor charity, iCCD Schools of Religion fast ap.Speaker after speaker spoke on this theme and indi- . preaching. One of these parishes eated that the C~tho]jc press has reached a new plateau j~ St. Bay Margaret's Church, Buz­ 2.ards who will be having (If maturity and progress and what Bishop Primeau of Man- simultaneous ceremonies of the· chester called a "sense of mission." Crowning of Our Lady in a May It was interesting to hear this concept of freedom Procession and a Grammar placed. in the framework of responsibility by an editor of School Graduation exercise iJll the church, All of the members a Catholic weekly in Senegal, Africa. The words of Simon {If the CCD unit have bee. Kiba had special significance, coming from a voice of one working feverishly to make this (If the developing nations ·)f the world. Kiba insisted, "The ('eremony an especially beautiful press must be 'free, certainly, but it must also be respon- . and colorful event for the parish•. sible In developing countr~es we can even say that it must _'~.'~"~_' More recent, of course, is the - - - - ~, Annual CCD Communion Break~ be ....;:;;.,~.,:;. ;;;;:~'ll:' f ast that was held in the St.

. responsible aOt've everything else. The whole problem exists in the fragile equilibrium which must be established ~'E:E:E Margaret's Church hall last Sun­ between the freedom and responsibility of the journalist:' _.,',' ,'j,':f:,'c' ". ...•. .~_."~"" ·,;:-~r.iZ-":!'; I day. The large group' attending

No one can or does find fault with this statement. and receiving Communion in II

But the journalist gives it an application that is worth' . 1 body was proof positive of the

noting. He said that the C.atholic press, while it "must not effects' of a well organized CCD

unit in a parish. remain silent on anything that has to do with justice, rights I 0 Ie St. Anthony's Parish of Matta­ and racial matters" must neither "report in minute detail B M f' G H' . poisett is in the process of set­ all petty instances of corruption." y sgr. "eorge • Iggms . ting up the Discussion Group

This is a good pJ'inci!>le. At times there are examples (Director, Social Action Dept., N.C.W.C.) section of their CCD unit. Mr. in the Catholic press where an incident is blown up all out· The Citizens Committee to Preserve' Taft-Hartley has William Keene, their Chairman. t)f pi.'Oportion. Usually' it has to do with a misuse of.authority. launched' a very costly national advertising campaign urg- played host to the already wen-· . th·P 'd t d th C "t . t d f' . t organized Discussion G r 0 u III (In the part of a Church official or a reluctance by the same mg e reSI en an . e ongress 0 s an Irm agams from St. Mary's Church, New. individual to muve as qUlc-kly as others might desire. The pressures to repeal 14 (b) and to reduce the effectiveness Bedford. The New Bedford incident is headlined in clinical detail and the story then' of the Taft-Hartley Act." tions have. also spoken .out' group comprising Mr. and Mrs. 'bailed as a strikmg example of 'freedom and fearlessness. Section 14· (b) of the Taft- against right-to-wol'k legisJa_George.Rothmeyer, Mr. and Mrs. while it more likely is me!'ely bally.hoo and excessive "play- Hartley Act." Section 14 '(b) t.ion. By contr~st, only a handful Raymond Gendron, Mr. and Mrs. ing to the ga.llery." (If the Taft-Hartley laoor-' of priests have come out publicly . Richard Lally and Mr. and Mrs. lh in support of s~ch legl·slatl·on. Vincent Bertalotto served as a ' t t au th onzes · h' f f d d ··b·I't· t managemen. . e The re1a t IOns Ip 0 . ree om an responsl II y IS no States to en'actac so-called "rl'g:I1'tTh' d 't model discussion club and used, . '1 b'l I G d' d t' . th d d IS oesn mean, of cou'rse, Baptism as a. sUbJ·ect.·, From the· eIways eaSl y a allce< . 0(1 JU gemen IS e nee e com- to-work'! 'laws. th a t the maJorl " tY pom . t 0 f VIew . q.uestions that evolved and from modlty. But the words of. lhe Af.rican editor can be a guide prohibiting' the is necessarl'ly rl'ght and the m'1­ the' trend of discussio.n, it w&s ~on't be too anxious to over-play the petty, the exception, union shop arrd nority point of view necessarily. quite apparent that the St. An­ the incidental. other forins of wrong. But as long as clergymen thony unit was eager and quick u union securit.. ·are bel'ng • . quoted I'll full -: page in their d.es.ire to participate. Th e Citizens advertisements in favor of 14 The demonstration or. discussion CommitteeTaftto ... (b), there the' reCord ought to toshow M ·any. relig'l'ous- com'munI'tI'es of both men' and women' Preserve that is' :mother side' the' cJup, pJ;'QCedure bya model dis­ are having meetiJ1gs at this time to breathe into their rl;Jles H art 1 a y .bet· eussiori club of an already acti­ . ' ques Ion. . vated pari!lh has prQven to be' and cu!?toms the spirit; ~t renewal urged by the Second.Jieves that "the 'I ha'ppen to .g ·th· . th . , a rel' WI . e' . an' excen ent way 0f s t aT t'rng a· Vatican Council. . . . . annQunced goal Ohio bishops and with the other unit. The St. Mary's Church unii . It is particu.larly inspiring to read where superiors :~~h~~i:;;~~ bish0p,s and p~ests in. various. has fr~quently _ offered their and representatives in the' communities are stressing that sters Union to parts of the United States wbG services in this regard. the chief renewal must be an internal one. repea~ section 1. (b) * * * iI:. t~ink' that the un.i@>n shop_ ~ Fr. Joseph Powers, Diocesan The attention of the preS8 has beEm caught by suCh threat to individual rights :md morally defensible and are per":. Director 6f the CCD has an­ s.uadeci that it work.s to the best nounced the purchase' of a see"'. . re I"IgIOUS a tt'Ire and. 'm t h ose to·.good Iabo r-managemen t ft'1a­ proposa Is as· th e c h ange 10. . 't' " . }~,terests of. labor, employers, ond copy of the film "Meeting

regulations which art immediately apparent to the outsider. IOns. . and the general public. Christ. in the CCD" for the use

:But the renewal th.\t is vastly more impor~~nt and vital stay . I had' intendedCDn~

1«1 out originally of ~he upcoming Union Shop, . 'of parishes in ~he diocese. Re-, is the· real re~ewal desired by the. Council Fathers~an troversy over 14(b), but in view It 1<1' . quests for the fi1rD. should be di­ .pdating of the internal; a revitalization 00: the interior' . of' the' fact that tl).e Citizens '. shou be 1.?'.dersto~"bow- rected to the' Dioc:esan Office of~ spirit.' . . . ' . Committee, in its full-page ad- ever,.that. op~oslt1on to nght-t4?- the CCD as soon in advance ef· work legI~latton on t~ part of the showing as poSsible. The Council has caned for a widening of horizons for' vertisements in ?-,ime ~aga2i~e so many bishops and pnests does . . T . I h f .. . ' and other mass-circulatIOn pen- not imply ·tliat the union shop . HoI! Tnmty ~hurch of "est a more ~umemca approa~., or a deepemng awaren~ss of odicaIs, is 'featuring the names,s. an unmixed hlessing in every . HarWich was r.ece~tly the·scene the vocatI.on of the ChrIstIan to be a more forceful wItness' of two' clergymen-Father Ed- case. .' of an Afternoon of Recollection to Christ and His m~s8ion. The Council has asked for a ward A. Kelll'r, C.S,C., of N o t r e · . for its CCD members. The ser­ stronger effort to make Gud and the tbings of. God more Dame University and ~ev. Wil" On the contrary, the union mons during the afternoon were relevent to today.'s world, to make the Twentieth Century, ~iam S. Wi~e of. Trinity MethQd- shop may, and, in a limited num- given by Father John FoIster, rna know that'thp Church h '0 th'ng t d _ . iSt Church In ~lttsburgh-I have ber of cases, probably has tended t.he New Bedford Area Director .n t - as.s me I 0 ~ay.an some 'i:hanged rp.y mmd. to make things'a little too easy of the 'CCD, and.were concluded thmg to offer .hat ~ffects and can change hIS hfe. Father Keller and Rev. V:7ise for undemocratic union officials by a late afternoon Mass in the And all this stems fro;n interior knowledge and aware- are entitled to their opir ion who are more interested in their Church. ness and conviction. It stems from the spirit of revolution about thl' union shop, but the own power and prestige than that has always' been the Church's spirit but one that . public has a right to 'know th.at they are in the welfa.re of their .To. Give Scholarships , t 11 1 th members. from time to time, needs to be presented in new terms and ~~ a c ergymen agree WI . Scholarships to Prevost Hi'gh'

Right-to-work legislation, in

with renewed vigor. It is this "old spirit" that makes ' all emo' pponen tS 10 . M' ·ty my judgment, is not the proper. School and to Prevost graduates

th' aJ0rJ will be awarded Sunday, June mgs ?ew· . .. ~h' . f I As a matter of fact, the re('ord solution to this problem. Never­ 13 at a Communion breakfast at It IS t h IS spIrIt _ at Is..the heart 0 every renewa . will show that, whill; the U. S. theless' there is probably some­ restaurant co-sponsored Catholic community - as might thing to be' said for the argument . White's by the Holy Name Society of be expected-is diyided on the that if the persistent campajgn Notre Dame parish, Fall Ri\'er, to enact right-to-work legisla': issue of right-to-work legh;;}a­ the Prevost Alumni Asso­ tion, Catholic opponents of ~.uch tion serves to get the Jabor and Three scholarships' ~iJ1 ciation. t h ink i n g seriously movement legislation far outnumber 11UPabout the problem. of internal go to' students entering Prevost porters. . and grants for college studies "Certainly, since 1958," as the union democracy, it may even­ will be made to Prevost gradu­ tually prove to have been an' N,C.W.C. News Service pointed ates. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FAll RIVER out in a recent survey, "tI1ey can . unintended blessing in disguise. Needs Re-examination claim the most authoritative ~i­

Published weekly by The Catholic Press C?f the Diocese of Fall River rect sanction for their views-in There is no question hi my Hartford Reporter ·410 Highland Avenue the form of a joint statemen't is­ M mind ·that the pros-the arguFall River, Mass. 675-7151 edical Award sued by the .Catholi~ bishops of ments in favor of the union shop Gets Ohio on March 20. of that year -far outweigh the cons or the - HARTFORD (NC)-Brenda :T.

PUBLISHER tiolidly Jpposing right-to-wcrk." arguments against it. It is only Vumbaco, a staff member of the

Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD., Moreover; several individual fair to add, however, that there Catholic Transcript, archdioc­

GENERAL MANAGER ASST, GENERAL MANAGER Catholic bishops in various parts are some fairly persuasive rea-' esan newspaper, won the .top Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Sholloo, M.A. Rev, John P. Driscoll of the country and a sizable sons why the labor movement 1965 Medical Press Award of the MANAGING EDITOR number of priest-experts in the ought to reexamine the question ..' Connecticut S tat e Medical field 'If labor-management Jela- ' of the union shop periodically. Hugh J. Golden Society.

Re 9 ht-tQ- Work.: Legislation H Le I C th Ie S . as tt e a upport·

'Heart of· RenewaI



, i;






Thurs., May 27, 1965

'. ST. PATRICK $100 Atty. & Mrs. James II.. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Smith Mr. & Mrs. Jerry LopeZ. Anonymous $'75 Stones Beauty & Barber Shop $50 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hazelton Mr. & Mrs. ~oseph 4 Core)",



Anonymous $45

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Champagne


Mr. & Mrs. James F. W)"nne

$30 Mr. Lee Bourgoin Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Medeiros . Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tobin $25

Dr. & Mrs. George DeMello

. Atty. & Mrs. Patrick McDon­ . nell New Bedford Bargain Store Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lawrence Mrs. Eileen£. Finnell Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Emer8J.d Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Knis­ pel Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kelleher Mr. & Mrs. William. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Harry Richardson Ortins Photo Supply . Mr. & Mrs. John Giabbal Wareham Savings Bank. McDonald's Wallpaper Store Falmouth Trust . Mr. & Mrs. David Jenkins. John H. Fish, Contractor Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kelleher , Anonymous . Dr. & Mrs. $~ra1d Doherty, . Robert Campbell Swanson, Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Amaral, Cmdr. & Mrs. John M. Joseph . Mr. & Mrs. William J. GQss, Harold L. Baker Co., Inc., Mr. & Mrs. Alvan Fisher, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund N. Sherman Mr. & Mrs. Edward Enos ....._. & Mrs. James II'......ur·r"... .m..o: .l..... ..,


FAREWELL TO SISTERS: Members.of the Parish organizations of Holy Trinity Parish, West Harwich, furm a line to bid farewell to Our Lady of Victory Sisters who have served. the parish for 12 years. .

SiSters Who Want to Put Selves Out of Work Leaving Holy Trinity Parish,West Harwich , • Th~ Sisters who. work, to pot themselves out of business are leaving Holy Trinity parIsh In W~t HaI'Wlch. It,8th~ en? of an era for the Cape Cod Chureh, where the Sisters haveb~en smce.1953, also se~ng m Holy Redeemer parish,Chatham. It's a happy reason .for whIch th~ SIsters are leavmg, however. Holy Trinity "m open a parochial school staff­ ed by the SIsters of Mercy, ' in September' and since the have alre~d~ done in directing the Diocese. "Lltt1e Flock," they M" . S'· t f Ou CCD tra10mg courses and hasten to say, wilt be seen again L IsslOnary . IS ers 0 ,r through their very popular 'TV in September on New Bedford's ady of VIctory have as program fot tots, "Little Flock," Channel Six, after a Summer their purpose the giving of religious t. al Ch instruction and pracIC ristian training to -ehildren and adults in areas without . Catholic schools, when the Sis-

they are already well known in layoff. . And they al30 hasten t~ say Jr. .

Henry Danesi, Mr. & Mrs. John that West Harwich and Chatham Edward G. Perry

Furtado ' . . h' - .M & M N , p a r I S lOners win see them again, r. rs. orman Galimber- as they travel throughout the $16 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Farias ters of Mercy arrive, the Mis- ti,¥r., & Mrs. Walter Gerula, Diocese giving aid and comfort $15 sionary Sisters will depart. Mr: & Mrs. Edwin J. Gibbons, to CCD teachers. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Tessier, They aren't going far, how- . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hannon, Mr. Richard Dugan, Dr. &. M,.-s. 'ever. They will begin work at & Mrs. Robert ~aveny. The West Harwich church or­ Charles L. Holland, Robert Cor­ lmm'lCulate Coaception parish, , Lester Keim, Mr. & Mz:s. Ray- ganizations, including the Asso­ ecran, Mr. & Mrs. WInthrop North"Easton, an.d. eve~ widen mond Keough, Mr. & Mrs. Jo- . :'eiation of the'So.cred Hearts, the .J.wnbert . the scope of actlVl.v,.es, s1Oc~ two seph. Kropis, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. CCD executive board and the Mr. & Mrs. John Maloy, 'Mrs. ·of ·the fdur M~sslonary SISters'. Manuel Macedo, Mrs. Mary Mc- Holy. Name Society held a sil­ Helen Malone, Francis Meakin, . plan to work with Rev. Joseph Carthy . . yer tea for the Sisters last Sun­ 'Mrs. Dorothy Miskell, Mr. & Mrs. . L. Powers, Dioc;er;an Direc~or.·of. ,Manuel Matta, Mr. & Mrs. Al- 'day, :by way of formal farewell Joseph Rose Jr. ' .. the C:0n,I:ate~l1ty.of, ChrIs~an ,,~ed Nazareth, Mr. & .Mrs.. JQj:m and as an expression of gratitude , Mr. &. Mrs. ~tonio 8cacea, ,Doctnne, ~n hIS task of .establish- Petraitis, Mr. & Mrs. Anthqpy' for the contribution of the 'com­ ,.!otr. & Mrs. Arthur WaIsh,Ann ing'CCD 10 evpry .pansh of the Pimental, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene ,munity to parish life over the . B. Richardson. Mr. at Mrs. John Diocese. Rebello past 12 years. , Anderson; Mr. & ~. Ed­ Wen~Knpwn Sisters . Mr. & Mrs. James Rebello, .Lt. The Sisters in turn expressed ward Bourgoin Through the work the Sisters Hilary & Mary Robinette,.Mr. & . their gratitude.' "We'll always Atty. & Mrs. DOnald Sullivan, Mrs. Patrick, Slattery, Mr. & ,remember the wonderful coop­ , 'Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kinchla, MrS. Richard Lopes Mrs. Albert Smith, Mr. & Mrs. eration of the people of Holy Vincent Gentile, Mr. & 'Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Cavanaugh, Walter Smith . Trinity," said Sister Dolores, su­ , John P. Rose, Mrs. Joseph Mur­ . Falmouth AQ,to Body. Dr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Robert I3tellmack,' perior. She has been at West 'phy . , Arthur J. Wagner, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Fleeman Treacy,Mr. ,Harwich, the longest of any of " John T. John, Mr. & Mrs. Les­ George Fonseca, Stanley Wam­ t'!r: l'4rs. John J. Tretton, Mr. & the Sisters cu.~ent1y assigned .ter W. Heath, Mr. & Mrs. Leon­ boldt Mrs. Joseph Ventura, Richard there. The others are Sister ard Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Florence T. Connell & Mary B. Wolfe, Mildred Wright Miriam, Sister Janet Marie and Costa, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. George F. McCaffrey Mr. & Mrs. Herbert S. Barnett, Sister Rose Annette. IN. Ignos Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Jeglinski, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Blanchette, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Tyler, Mr. & Mrs. James M. Razinha Mr. & Mrs. Rcyal Demers, Mary John Osborne, Kenneth Smith, DeSilva, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Du­ St. Francis

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Zylinski, Mr. pere Residence

"Mrs. Richard G. DeMello MT. CARMEL

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Farrell, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Staruch, $300

Mr, & Mrs. John Garin, Mr. & FOR YOUNG WOMEN Mr. & Mrs. Hugh R. McCartney, Rev. John J. Murphy

Mrs. Manuel Hendricks, Jr., Mr. 196 Whipple St., Fall River

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Metell, Mr. $100 & Mrs. Clarence Korkuc, Mr. & Conducted by Franciscan

& Mrs. Donald Driscoll, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weyker Mrs. Edward McCrystal Missionaries of Mary

Mary Q. Cobb St. Vincent dePaul Society Mrs. Estelle McMurray, Mr. ROOMS - MEALS

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Waite, Chris­ $50 & Mrs. Everett L. McPhillips, OVERNIGHT HOSPITAliTY

topher Flynn, Mrs. Arthur Ratsy, Mr. & Mrs. William Cuddigan Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mitchell, Mr. fnquiflt 05 ~2892

Mr. & Mrs. Edmund T. McClung, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hill & Mrs. James F. Murphy, Helen , Mr. & Mrs. Paul Maguire Robert W. McVay Murray Mr. & Mrs. John Varao, Sgt. $30 Dorothy C. Pires, Mrs. Louis & Mrs. Herve Lemay, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Joaquim Hendricks Propatier, Mr. & Mrs. Hillary Mrs. Jan Kopy, Mrs. Clarence $25 Robinette, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Mr. & Mrs. Alderic Jacques Santos Baumeister Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Joost Mrs. Alf Carlson, Mr. & Mrs. D. Anthony Vendetti ' John J. Farrell, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & ·Mrs. James F. Mitchell .John Malone, Maryeleen McRead's Dairy, Inc. Tiernan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E . ' $20

McTiernan _ Mr. & Mrs. John Ballard, Mr.

Arthur Janson, Reg. Pharm. Mary E. O'Beirne, Grace Sul- & Mrs. C. Arthur Feeley . DIABETIC AND SICK ROOM

$18 Uvan, Mr. & Mrs. Richard VanSUPPUES

Kleef, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pestana 204 ASHLEY BOULEYARD

Mr. & Mrs. James Sawyer, Mr. $15 & Mrs. Joseph R. Frangione, Mr. Mrs. Helen F. Barnett, Mr. & New Bedford & Mrs. John Condon Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Bettencourt, Mr. & WY 3-8405 J4rs.' Edward L. Studley, Mr; & -Mrs. John Burgess, Mr. & Mrs.





, Rev. Thomas F. Daley


3. R. Kilburn Glass Co., Ine. Anonymous $100 St. Vincent de Paul Society , $50 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Ferna~ des Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fonseca Mr. & Mrs. Michael Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pires $30 Mrs. Peter Mondor & family $25 The Bouchard family Mr. & Mrs. George A. Desor.. meau ',' Mr. & Mrs. David L. Rocha. Jr. . Norton Catholic Women's Club J. B. Sabourin Company Mary Louise Keogh Dr. & Mrs. Robert Melanson $%0. Anthony Boise, Mr. & Mrs. Adlere King, Charles J. Drane, lr.. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O'Brien

$15 Richard Charette, Mrs. George Cota, Mrs. Thomas Curran, Adri­ anne Leroux, Damon Hope Mr. &: Mrs. Frank Prosky, Mr. &: Mrs. David Rocha, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Schr;ever family, Mrs. Philip Stepanek, Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Teixeira, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Harrison, Mr• &: Mrs. Leo Yelle, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bernier, Bristol Farms, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Brochu Leo Brochu, Mrs. Arthur Brown, Mrs. Avery Clapp, Mr. & Mrs. John Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzgibbons Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Kelly, Mrs. John Snvia, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Stanford, Jr.

North Westport OUR LADY OF GRACE , $50

Rev. Robert W. Dowlinc

$25 .

Holy Name Society

Where A







Ch.eclc These Banking Services

JANSON'S Pharmacy .

•• • • •

Savings Bank life Insurance Real 'Estate Loans Christmas amJ Vacation Clubs Savings 'Accounts 5 Convenient Locations




rm: ANCflOR-Diocese of fan River-Thurs. May 77, f96'









Mndred Shannon The Darmedy Family $50 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas ~ Friend Mr. & Mrs. Antonio CaponlgMi Mansfield C.Y.O.

$400 St. Vincent de Paul Society






Doane, Beal & Ames, In.. A Friend

Mr. & MR. Pasquale Nicolac1 $30 Mr. & M1'll. Kenneth J. Noyer Mr. & Mrs. James Lanagan Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Matthew O'Malley

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel M. Borges Mr. & Mn. Edmward Fitzsim­ mons Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kovic Patrick N:.colai Mr. & Mrs. John Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Charles Souza Mr. & Mrs Joseph Sullivan George Viveiros Mr. & Mrs. .John B. Davidsoa Louise LaRoche

$20 Mr. & Mrs. William H. Carey, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Francis, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Chevalier, Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Moquin

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Antonsen, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Barrett, Mr. & Mrs.. Joseph Blowers, Alice Bourassa, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Burke Mr. & Mrs. John Correia, Mrs. Joseph Dawes, George Emin, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Frates, Jr., Mrs. Janis Gaide Mary Goggin, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ ward Griffin, Mrs. William Grindrod, Mr. & Mrs. John Har­ rison, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kav­ anagh Mr. & Mrs. Raymond LeClair, Joseph McGann, Mrs. Abbie Minezzi, Mr. & Mrs. James Mur­ ray, Mr. & lViI'S. Andrew Pifko Edward Patenaudfl, Mr. & Mrs. James Rodericks, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony E. Rose, Jeremiah Roza, Mrs. Edward Silva Mr. & Mrs. John StaHon, Mary B. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Everett , Tichon, Mal'garet Virgin, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Wall Neal Wall, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Benoit, Joyce BraDd Mrs..Fran­ cis Burns. Mr. & Mrs. RIchard Garro' . Mr. & Mrs. Robert D'Anjou, Mrs. Mary P. Fermino, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kobalt, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Lague Mr. & Mrs. David Lundrigan, Ernest M. Luz, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Meehan, Jr., Mrs. Beatrice Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. William Riel­ ly


Mr. & Mrs. MarlO Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Eug"!ne J. Ruell, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Lester Smith. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Zubrisky, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Benoit Mr. & Mrs. J. Carroll Castello, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stevenson, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Dubois, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Downey Mr & Mrs Leonard J. Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Lodge, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Marien, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norwood, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Suprenant, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Tcharz Mrs. Rose Bepton, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel L. Brun, Mr. & Mrs. Al­ ban, Duchesneau, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Fleurent, Anthony Tex­ eira . Mrs. Elizabeth McQuillan, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pittle, Mr. & Mrs. Clementino Medeiros



A Friend

Mr. & Mre. Do'nenick Nicolacl


Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Cejka

Mother McAuley Guild New officers of Mother Mc­ Auley Guild of Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River, will be installed Thursday, June 3, at the school, following a 7 o'clock smorgasbord supper. They in­ elude Mrs. J::.mes Brady, presi­ dent; Mrs. Thomas Callahan.' ~ce-president; Mrs. John Mor­ gan secretarY; Mrs. John Silvia, ueasurer.



Mr. &: Mrs. Leo Parente The Pomfret Family

Walter M. Gaffney Associates,



Father McSwiney Council No. 2525, K. of C. Mr. & Mrs. George Lysaght Morton Downey, Esq. Dr. & Mrs. Francis O'Neil \

Mr. & Mrs. FranciE BaldiDl Mr. & Mrs. Roy Boydea Jackson Funeral Home Morse &; Beggs Monument J'riend $20 J'rlend, Mr. & M1'B. John ~ Mr. &: Mrs. Phillip Hatch



A Friend Mrs. Catherine Towey



Mr. & Mrs. Francis D. Garvey E. Thomas Murphy

Virgil Casey

Mr. & Mrs. Harold EllH


$25 Mrs. Margaret Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth MarshaU Puritan Clothing Company Hyannis Package StOI:e, Inc. Cape Cod Motor Coach Ter­ minal Sears Package Store The Captain's Table Baxter Transport Inc. Cape Cod Furniture Store Vetorino Brothers Contractors A Friend Charles Riordan Thomas Nunan Mr. & Mrs. John D. Cannon Joseph Arnold. Mr. & Mrs. Richarcf P. Gleason

$20 Mr. & Mrs. Phllip A. Wiggin, Mrs. Margaret Raymond, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Junior, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony F. Casella, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Rockett


TAUNTON SPELLER: Briana Doherty, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Doherty of No. Dighton, an eighth grade pupil of Sacred Heart School, Taunton, is congratu­ lated by her teacher, Sister Eugenia Margaret, SUSC, on winning the spelling championship of all Taunton elemen­ tary schools.

Mr. & Mrs. John Mitchell, Kay Lyons, John Dempsey, Mr. Be Mrs. Henry Houle, Mr. Be MR. Robert O'Neil ST. JOSEPH William Carney, Mr, &:. Mrs. $35 Normand Nault, Harold H. Faw­ :Mr. &; Mrs. Arthur BourgauB cett, Mr. & Mrs. E. Stuart. Rounds, Dr. & Mrs. Walter J. . $30 Kennedy Mrs. Larry SpIdle Mr. & Mrs. Cedric T. Sears, . Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wareing Mr. & Mrs. George Lampert, Mr. $25 & Mrs. Charles J. Kelly, Mr. & . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Murray Mrs. Arthur Snow, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. William Adams Edmond Dery Mr. & Mrs. Levite Carrier Mr. & Mrs Thomas Loughlin, John A. Mello Mr. & Mrs. Hollis Lovejoy, Mrs. $15 Marion Lewis, Mrs. Herbert· Peterson, William F Clarkin Mr. & Mrs. Francis Conaty, Mildred's Chowder House. Henry Conaty, Mr. & Mrs. Ed­ Chase Laundry, Ine. -

win Ready, Mrs. Rose Mello, Robert Bleau, Mrs. John Egan

North Dighton


$75 :Rev. Leonard Mullaney

$50 In Memory of Ellen G. Buf­ fington $25

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick May­ nard . Dr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Jackson Mr. & Mrs. John Shea Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Montrond Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Blanchard The Wareham Savings Bank Dr. & Mrs. William Dawson

. $20

Mr. & Mrs Edward Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Harold O'Connell Mr. & Mrs. Stanl~ Washburn $1'1

Mr. & Mrs. William LeFavor $15

Mr. & Mrs. Conlin Gordon, Mr. . & Mrs. Fred Pulsifer & Son, Mr. & Mrs. Manue: Roderick, Mr. & Mrs. John Nolan Albert Guerzoni. Mr. & Mrs. John Zorn, Margaret Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Tony Bacchieri, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kiernan Mr. & Mrs. Leo St. John, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Farrell, Jr., Mr. &; Mrs. Fred Kuppens, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Demeo. Mr. & Mrs. George . Chandler. JdJ'. " :Mrs. Herman' Prada'

North Easton ~CULATE CONCE~M

$!5 Mr. &: Mrs. Harold BergerOil Dr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Gra7 $20 Thomas & Marietta Canan, lb. & Mrs. George Knapp $15 Robert Connors, Mr. &: John Keohane, Mr. & Mrs. ert McNamara, Mr & Thomas Bono Jr., Mr. & Robert Wooster

Mrs; Rob­ Mrs. Mra.

M-K Restaurant featuring

Set Barbecue The Wives' Club of McMahon Council, New B~dlord Knights of Columbus, will sponsor a chicken barbecue supper and cotton frolic Satu.rday night, June 12. Supper from 6:30 to 8 will be followed by dancing un­ til 12. General chaIrman is Mrs. Paul Lariviere.

Norris H. Tripp

&; Mrs. Armando Giovtno,

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bedard, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mesoely, Agne8 Britton, Mr. & M1'B. Victor N-.. ciso Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Corlin. Mr. &; Mrs. John McGee, Mrs. Irene Dike, Mr. Sherino Amid. . Mr. & Mrs. Nugent Chilli Arthur Dupree, Mr. & MJr.. John Connor, Mr. & Mrs. ConleJ'; Eagan, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Mu.. phy, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Finn Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Motyka, Mrs. Catherine McGoldrick & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Willima Palanza, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. CliftON Titus Mr. & Mrs. John Todesco, . . . & Mrs. Victor Turninese, .Mr. & Mrs. Merl Griswold .

Honor Students Students at Salve Regina Co~ lege, Newport, named to Sigma Phi Sigma, honor society lot students of colleges conductecl by the Sisters of Mercy, include Carol A. Fairhurst, Tiverton; Joanne Leonard, Somerset; and Gertrude J. Ste. Marie and Ceo­ dIe A. Levesque, both o£ I'd




... CtIII

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WYmCHI 3-6592


''The Gaslight Room" Ideal for Communion Breakfasts

Organization Banquets

386 Acushnet Avenue New Bedford

Call WY 2-1703







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. $lot

Mr. & Mrs. Rene L. Poyant


" Mrs. John J. Pendergast, Sr. Dr. &: Mrs. Austin F. O'Malley $35 Mr. & r.!rs. Thoma'l Murphy . $30 Mr. & Mrs. John Norton $25

J'oseph Calms

Mr. &: Mrs. James Cannon Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur C. Goode Mr. &: Mrs. WIlliam Hetterman Mr. & Mrs .John Lebel Mr. &: Mrs. Robert B. Morrison Peter Pendergast Mr. & Mrs. Graham Scudder Dr. &: MrS. Alfred M. Sheehy Ann Fawcett Dorothy Fawcett' :M:argret Fawcett William Hearn Mr. &: Mrs. Neal Lanning ;Mr. &: Mrs. Henry L. Murphy 81': Stephen B. O'Brien Sr. Margaret Rourke $20

Pedro Carvalho Children's Paradise Thomas R. DeCosta Frank Figuerido Foundation Builders Ine. Fresh Pond Holy Ghost So­ dety

Jean's Bakery

Kenyon's General Store

Arthur Lawrence

Jack Marshall &: Sons

Myron Medeiros, Sr.

Fred Miranda

-Arthur A. Monteiro Mrs. Manuel B. Pacheco • Gerald

Robert B. Pacheco

Clayton Peters

George Pinto


Manuel P. ~des

Elmer Robbins

Manuel P. Rose

Manuel R. Soares

Frank G. Souza

Joseph E. Souza

Tobey Souza


Francisco Tavares

Joseph Teixeira

Frederick Ward

Julio Santos




$40 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blake $25

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Simmons


JOseph Lima $15

Dr. Roscoe C. Bulloek, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Corey, Mr. & Mrs. John Donahue, Earl Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sansone Henry C. Venturini

Buzzards Bay ST. MARGARET $25

Mr. &: Mrs. Louis FacchetU The Bourne Mill Mr. &: Mrs. Edwin Payton $24 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fogg


East Brewster· ()U~ LADY OF THE CAPE



Mrs. Mary Johnson





Grammar, Grades


4-5-6·r-a ~

•••••••• ,IU



, •• .




.­ ,­



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~ew officers of New Bedford Catholic Woman's Club are Mrs. .John W.Glenn, president; Mrs. Daniel F: Dwyer and Mrs. John A .. Tierney, vice-presidents; M1slt Anna Donovan and.Mrs. Joseph Kelleher, secretaries: Mrs. lo­ _ph N. Josepbe keuureL


I'rederic J. McGrath


Mrs. Stanley Smith, Frank Popoli, Kennef,h L. White, Mr. Ie: Mrs. Maurice Gauthier, Joseph L. Silansky Omer R. Chartrand, David Bessom

Miss· Ann Mary Tum~ $25 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Mary Brady Shea A. Turner, North Dighton, has Mr. & Mrs. Philip P. MurpbJo received the st. catherine Medal Mrs. Everett V. D. Mills . for undergraduate achievement $BO at Trinity College, Washington, Carl Deschene

D. C. She was cited for academic - '·'15

. achievement a n doiitstanding Mr. &: Mrs. Maurice Cullen, . contributions'to the camPUl Louis Perini, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Confraternity of Christian D0c­ Raposa, Jr.. Mrs. Esther Samson trine program.

Capetip CDA

New Bedford Women


George S. Duffy Jr.

Central Village

Annual Communion breakfast




ST. ,JOHN THE BAPTlS'I' $40 0 Dr. Ie: Mrs. Peter Piecininl Mr. &: Mrs. Broce Herbig

East Falmouth



Mr. ~ Mrs.. James CoogaJa $2$ Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur G. Baron": Gusky . $20 Mr. &:Mrs. WarrenA. Doe Mr. &: Mrs, Theodore E1li8 $15 Mr. & Mrs~ Louis Crocker, Mr. &: Mrs. Gus D. Heye, Elizabeth 1lII. Clarke



Mr. &: Mrs. August Cristofol'l, Mr. & Mrs. F.red Harkins, Mr. • :Mrs. John Karl $15 Mr. &: Mrs. Fred McComiskey, Mr. & Mrs. Silas Wade, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Labretto, Mrs. Con­ lltance Ikkela Mr. & Mrs. James Crowley. Wareham Lodge of Elks, 1548, Mr. &: Mrs. Francis Paulette; Mr. & Mrs. William J. Larkin, Jos­ eph P. McArdle, The Grant

CATHOLIC NURSES: At Spring pienary meeting of Fan River Diocesan Council of Catholie Nurses are. from left, Rev. Cornelius J. Keliher, Diocesan Director; Mrs.; Stanley J. Koczera, president; Mrs. G.. Russell Robinson, vice-president; Roland B. Peloquin, speaker.

Mr. Matthew C. Finn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Vages $15 Guy W. Nickerson, Julio Perry, Mrs. Roy Beaudry, Mrs. cu­ .John Rapoza bert Bearse, Mr. & Mrs. Francis William Rapoza, Herman Rod­ Brown, Mr. & Mrs. James Blake, $20 riques,· Manuel W. Rose, E. F. Mrs. Harold Bragle Mrs. Lois Abrams, Harold L. Rotatori, Jude C. Royals Mr: .& Mrs. Emerson Cloutier, st. Anthony Women's Club, Mr. & Mrs. Bento Correia, Mr. & L. Baker Co.. Inc. Manuel Bap­ Hilario G. deSantos, Wenfield tista, William DeMello, Anony­ Mrs. Anthony DeCresta, Mr. & Schley Family, Irene Souza, MrS. Richard Griffith, Mr. &:. mous Mrs. Manuel G. Lewis & Son James Souza Mrs. Valmore Guertin Mrs. Manuel O. Souza, Wayne Mr. & Mrs. James A. Hayes, Joseph, Patrick Lewis, Frank P. Mr. &: Mrs. William T. Kirley, Lima, Walter Lucas, John H. Arthur Souza Gilbert Tavares, Maurice Tavares, Sylvester .J. Mr. &: Mrs. Roger Larabee, Mr. Macedo· Theophilus Oliveira, ManuelF. Tavares, Manuel Valadao & Mrs. Edgar Levesque, Mrs. Manuel S. White, Oscar Wolf, Rapoza & Randolph, Manuel R. Arthur Maddalena, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Maher; Rebello, Ronald Souza, Joseph L. St. Anthony Le'l.gue of Catholic Women, Adolph Bishop Mr. & Mrs..Joseph Medeiros, Mr. Tavares Joseph Ferreira, Francis Lewia Gerald L. Tavares, John L. & Mrs. Edward ·Munde, Mr. &: Mrs. William Murzic, Mr. & Mrs. Tavares, Abel Mello, Charles J. Daniel Lopes, Gilbert Pacheco DeMello Sr. Austin O'blenis Mr. & Mrs. John J. Pender­ US gast, Jr., Mr. &: Mrs. Albert ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Germano Alfonso, Anonymous, $100' . 5caramelli, Mr. &: Mrs. Gerald Tony Andrews,. Francis Barrett, Whites Farm Dairy .... U.Uniacke Judge & Mrs. Raou! Beaudreau Joseph Bento $16 William S. Boni~o. Joseph Bo';' Michael Burke, Mrs. Ann Cross, Mr &: Mrs Leorulrd J. Meredith Mary Cross, Mr. & Mrs. John · telho, Ernest P. Cabral, George $15 P. Oabral 8& Sons, John Peters ~nsalves Jr.· . Mr~& Mls. Gerard Charest; Cabral . .Mr. &: Mrs. Alexander J. G'rlb­ Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Fragea1l, John Carneiro, Joseph Car­ kq, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred J.Les­ Mr. &: Mrs. Frederick McMen­ carbeau, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. deira, ,Al)onymous, Richard Car.. amy, Mr. & Mrs. John i'-O'Toole L~imell, Mr. &: Mrs. Peter J. valho John Cordeiro Mrs. Mildred E. Shaw: '. Nugnes 51'.. Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph · Joseph, Costa, Miss Mary 1. Mr. & Mrs. James R. White, Costa, Anonymous, George F. M. O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Arthur. R. Barrette, :1r'fr. & Mrs. Stephen B. O'Brien Mello, John A. DeMello . Mr. & .Mrs. Charles F. White Louis De Souza, Lucille De­ Jr~, Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Pen­ dergast, Robert W. Powers Jr.. · Souza, Olive DeSouza, Joseph L. Fund Raisers Mr. &: MrS. John Sias, Dr. & Mrs Dias, East Falmouth Funeral St. Catherine's Fund Raising Leonard F. Smith, Mrs. Olav! Home, Ine. Committee of Dominican Acad­ Mrs. Alice Femandez,Joa­ Wiinikainen Fall River, will hold a din­ fIUim Figuerido, Carl Fonseca, emy, ner meeting at 8 Tuesday night, George Gonsalves, Anonymous June 15 at Red Coach Grill, Mid­ Richard G. Hirtle, Manuel J. dleboro. Mrs. Raymond ·Fisette, ST. ANTHONY Martin, Antone Medeiros, Joseph ·'100 chairman, and Mrs. Lionel Lau­ Medeiros, Manuel C. Medeiros Anonymous zier, co-chairman, announce res­ AnOD)'1116US, Gilbert Moniz, ervations will close Tuesday, Anonymous. lune a. of ~Ci\dncetowJ1 Court, Catholic Daughters of America, will be held Sunday, June 21 at Pro.,.. iIleetown Inn. Mrs. Josephine ..B&os is. chainmm. New -officen · 01. .tl\e .comt 9I'e Mrs. Irene Gncie, grand· regent; Mrs. Mary P. ·Koderick, vice,"grand regent; Mn. Alice Williams. histortan; MIs. !'torence Kenney, treasurer; lira. MaI7 AYeJW. 6naDclal


ST. BERNARD $60 Mr. & Mrs. Roderick D. Fen.l1­ 10, Sr.


$SO Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Little, $50 Mr. & Mrs. John Kilcoine, Mr.

. THe ANCHORThurs., May 21, 1965

Richard Corey Anonymous


Frank Simmons. h.



•••Ii•••••••• WE PAY POSTAGlt ~.". . ~t.pald, ad• •saecI .nv.lope., ·NOd" to MOil




Home OHice:. 1 North Main St., Fall RIVet' Somerset Office: 149 G.A.R. tfigh......ay, Rte. 6 Sotb Offices Open Friday Evenings ulltiJ • . .. .Soaerset Drl~·ln WindoW Open. ..Moil.:TIIUrS. fBI' 4. :, . . ..

W:h::a...T.61.8.•6~·.~ ........................................










THE ANCHOR-DiocHE of Fall River-Thurs. May 27, H65 $75

West Harwich



Dr. & Mrs. John F. Dias Mr. & Mrs Joseph Donaghy

Jack Britt



Ladies Association of Sacr~o Hearts St. Vincent de Paul Society $30 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Carletoc Mrs. Dorothy Hewitt

Dr.. & Mrs. Louis Miskell Lt. Col & Mrs. A. J. Lawrence


Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Arruda


Mr. & Mrs. Edward Doherty



Mrs. Lillian Dowd Mr. & Mrs. 'John W. Powers · Mr. & Mrs. Pierre F. Lavedan Mr. & Mrs. Paul C;;rney Mr. & Mrs. Frederick D. Gibbs Holy ;rllme Society · Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Powers Henry C. Maloney .Mr. & Mrs. Edwil' Vegliante Mrs. Charles Finley · $20 ·Capt. William House, R. R. Hathaway & Family, John Cal­ lahan, Mr. & Mrs. P. How<:rd West

Mr. & Mrs. Manuel DeMell6 William Lundy Mr.'& Mrs. Francis Winsper Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Hayes Dr. & Mrs. Archibald Sene­ i'ac Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Dawson Mr. & Mrs. John J. Dugan Mr. & Mrs. William S. Brady Mr.' & Mrs. Joseph A. Frazier Jr. Mrs. Mary Foster Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moniz Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tomlinson




Rev. Edwin J. Locw $200 Friends of Megansett $100 St. Vincent cJe.paul Conferer,ee

In' memory of Ernest C. TessoJ!. Mr. & Mrs Joseph Peters Mrs. Thomas Gray $25

Mrs. Isabel Jason

Wellfleet Ravings Bank

Joseph M. Duarte



· Mrs. Claudia Pendergast St. Joseph's Women's CuBa $30 :Mr. &; Mrs·. E"?-il Tietje. Francis B. Goffin Mrs. William' McCullough Jlr: &. Mrs. :W~.lliam SiinmoDlS


Mr.. & Mrs. James J. Weigel, Mr. & Mrs.'Norman Gill, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Silva,: Mr. & Mrs. · Alfons F.· Eneke, Mr. &;. Mrs. 'Ernest Brosch Ficco Family, Daniel J. Chis­ holm,·Mr. &; Mrs. Austin L. Rose, .11'., Mrs. Esther' 'Murchison, Mr. k Mrs. Edward ·L. Perry· .

, Vineyard Have"


· :Mr. &; Mrs. Paul Archambault Dr. &; Mrs,' Geo'rge Christman Dr. &; Mrs W. Roliert Clemen1fJ . JOseph' MllTllhall ': Mr. &; ':Mrs. RalphS.imoneau . Dr. &; Mrs. William F. Smith A Friend ., George & Mrs. Manuel de Fer­ reira (In memory of Manuel de Ferreira) . Mr. & Mrs. Hugh R; Rooney Eugene Young $20 Effenberger Family &; Mrs. Evelyn Elliot, Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Higgins, Jane McLaughlin, Mr. • Mrs. Eugene Mysona Mr. & Mrs. John McCue, Ruth Pyne, Thomas Turnel $15 Mr. &; Mrs. Roland Be}i\'eau, Mr. &; Mrs. Ralph E Bold, Mr. k Mrs. Willi<lm Clarkin, Harry E. Handy, Mr. & Mrs. James McInnis Mr. &; Mrs. Stephen McInnis, Helen McKenZie, Mr. &; Mrs.' George Nickelson, Mrs.' Gregg Smith. .... . .'. ~. Mr.. & .Mrs. Raymond Kel)ney" lIi. & Mrs. Fred MeteU; Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph A. Sylvia, 'Patrick Jleilly

. ':. ST. AUGUSTINE '. $25

Michael 'Fontes

. Island· 'MtI.8onry ,Contractor


·' Mr: &; Mrs. Gerarl1 Coulombe, Mr. &;. Mrs. Bradford Sylvia, Vineyard Slip Cover Shop, A. B. C. Oil Co., Mr. & Mrs. Francis Metell Mr. &; Mrs. Boleslaw Nickowal, Franics Coutinho, David's Mens .Store .

Westport ST. GEORGE

$25 Steve.ason's Restaurant


St. Vincent de Paul Society


Mr. & Mrs. Herman



- ~::.

Somerset ST. JOHN OF GOD

$50 Holy Name Society St. Vincent de Paul Societ.y Holy Name Sodality

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Antone Feno ST. PATRICK $150

D~. & Mrs. Roger Cadieux


Dr. & Mrs. William Langfie.


"FEELING .RETTER, DEAR?"-Sister Louise Marie' Ogo examines little Nan at the 'Maryknoll Sisters clinic Changhua, Taiwan. Although Maryknoll has many Japanese niissIOns, Sister LOUIse Marie, who was born in Kyoto, the· ancient capital of Japan and is an alumnus of Marquette University medical school in Milwaukee, has recently been exercising her medical apostolate among the Chinese people Formosa. NO Photo.


Dorsey Family $15 Mr. &; Mrs. Norman Muldo4>lt Mr. & Mrs. Norman O'BrieJll ST. THOMAS MORE

$30 Charles W. Latham


$50 Rosary Altar Society Holy Name Society $36 Mr. &. Mrs'. Timothy Manning

$20 Mr & Mrs. Murray H. DeCoffe, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Sheets

$15 Mrs. Lawrence Green, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Fitzgerald, Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy, Mr. & M.rs. Anthony Snyder, Mr. &; Mrs.' David McIntire Mr.. & Mrs. William Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Carl DeRocha, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Dextraze, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sylvia, Mr. &; Mrs. Clayton King Edmond Perry, Mr. & Mrs. John Costa, Mr. &; Mrs. Frank J. Linhares·

..... 'Dighton ST. PETER

$25 Edwin Doolin Joseph F. Foley Jr. Samuel Santoro St. Thomas More Wome~ 6aild . St. Thomas More St. Vincent lilt' Paul Conference Mr. &; Mrs. James W. KiHoralll

$5et Mr. & Mrs. Sydney CaplaJl!. $30 Mr. & Mrs. John Cassidy

$25 Mr. & Mrs George BorgES Holy Name Society St. Vincent de Paul Societ.y

$20 Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. McMm_



Mr. & Mrs. Edward Goulart, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Keenan, Mr. & MrS. James Denbow

Peter P. Pepka ' James E. Walsh, Mr. & M. .Jc·hn J. Joyce

New Award


CHICAGO (NC)-Msgr. Y)J;;.':' ~ent A. Cooke, administrator 01 Catholic Charities for the Chica.:. . go archdiocese, was named the first recipient, of De Paul l:ni­ versity's newly' establish'ed St. 'Vincent .De . Paul a:wa~~1 esiab:". lillhed as a recognition for "serv-, ing God ~ ,. ". tJirough the' needs ' ... men.

. .'




Prescriptions called for .ClneJ Delivered,. ,_ lOFT CHOCOLATES:

600 Cottage St. WY ;(·7.+a, .New Bedford;" ... . .... ;.: " '~




: Rev.. William H: O'Reilly


CENTER· Paint and Wallpaper Dupont Paint cor. Middle st • ~22 Acush Ave. Q,e;J.." New Bedford PARKING

~ ,

Rear of Store



SPring 5-0700




Arthur Arruda, Raymond Mi­ chaud, Donald P. Pittman

SHELL IJPremiuml l Heating Oils

$15 Eliodore Allard, George l\m­ · brosio, James Craig, William Croteau; .Adrien Durand . Mr. &; ·Mrs·. Joseph A. Grenier, Warren J.. Healy, Claire Magnant Eveline ,. Magnant, Donald R. ~uelette . Thomas Pat'pnaude, Mr; &; Mrs. 'Daniel' Slattery, Mr. & iirs. Franklin' Sylvia, Edmond' Vail­ lancourt, Honore Vaillancourt




Dr. & Mrs. Victor Almeidi.

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Burges.r., Mr. & Mrs. William Johannis, Mr. & Mrs. Barton G. Albert ST. LOUIS OF FRANCE


South Dartmouth . $100,

$25 Mr. &; Mrs. J. B. Travers S. $20 :Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Ferreirs., Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kinna~

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Rose, Mr. & Mrs. William Hines, Mrs. E. E. Dishong, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel H. Sylvia Mr. & Mrs.' Lionel Polycarpo, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Reardon, Mr. &; Mrs. Raymond Boyce, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Carvalho, Mr. Ii Mrs. Michael Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Donalct W. Kelley,' Mr. & Mrs.' 'Roger Etu, Mr. & Mrs. Donald M: DW3'er, Richard Harkins. . ' Mrs. Ann Kirk. : . Mr. &; Mrs. i...ouis Viera




Mr. & Mrs. George Wright, In memory of Francisco & Clara Vieira, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hicks, Mr. & Mrs. William. Neary, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Caron Mr. & Mrs. Walter O'Brien ·Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Burke Mr. & Mrs: Leonard Ingrande

Woods Hole

Mi's. Eleanorose Bradle'y $50 A Friend $45 Anonymous

$15 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Correa. Mr. & Mrs. John R. Wood ST.DOMINIC



Mr. & Mrs Edwin Roderick, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Snow, Ed­ ward W. Corr, Gerald J. Mac­ Naught, J. F, Blute D. Leo Daley, William Brady,· Catherine Lane, Edward Boyle, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis F. Duggan JY[r. & Mrs.•r. H"rry Long, Mrs Alice Carmaine, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Murphy, Catherine, Rose & Mary Sylvia, Mrs. M. Ph3'llis Gomes Mr. & Mrs. Joaquim Pena, Mrs. Florence Urban, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J'. Alvey, Mr. & Mrs. Paul McLau~hlin, Mrs. Julio :Barrows Mr. & Mrs. Roland E. Connors, .. Enos Thacher Mr. &; Mrs. Stmi­ ley Gonsalves Mr. & Mrs. Man­ uel F. Rose Sr., Mr. &- Mrs. John Monteiro Sr., Mrs. Eileen Rod­ . erick


$50 Mr. &; Mrs. John A. sum".­ $30 :Mr. &, Mrs. Herve S. RobeJt $20 Mr. & Mrs. Fernand Fournie, :Mr. & Mrs. Francis Crook '

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Glennon,


. "$25"

Swansea ~llJR


Louise Durpe.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~n~~~





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New BeClfer4


Hili ANCHORThvL, May 27, 1965

Urges Interfaith liturgical St~Ps.

Jesuit Genera I

, NEW YORK (NC)-Top-leveJ!

~nterfaith iiturgy dlscussipns <lind

experiments were urged here by 11 Catholic liturgical speci3Ust ~n' a talk to an Episcopalian meeting on the liturgy. John B. Mannion, execut~ve secretary of the national· Litur­ gical Conference in Washington, D. C., said it would be "a most iliseful and important step if there would be contact on the highest levels of the Christian t'hurches in this country to, dis­ ('uss and promote activities, studies and experiments in pub- ' lie worship." "T h e seriousness of, the [;'hurches in pursuing questions of liturgical theology and prac­ tice would reveal their serious­ :r.ess in broader ecumenical mat­ iers," Manion said. He spoke at a three-day litur­ gical Conference held under Episcopalian auspices to study renewal and updating of the lit­ 1i.i!rgy. More than 1,000 clerg~' and ]~ymen attended.

South Yarmouth ST. PIUS X

$250 Holy Name Society of St. Pi~! $200

,Mr. &:, Mr!l., Frederick K,ing


Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hayes ' Mr. & Mrs. John Doherty $75 ... Mr. & Mrs. Peter LeSage . $50 John Coyle Mr. & Mrs. James Quirk Mrs. William Moorhouse $25 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Baker . ,Mrs. Thomao Hague Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Lynch Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Mannering Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mesmer The Pancake, Man, Inc. Yarmouth Furniture Company $20 Mr~ & Mrs. William MacDon­ ~ld, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Pelle­ tier, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Robin­ son" Agnes Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. W. B. Williams, Mr. &: Mrs. Philip Mack

$15 'Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Chiassoc, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Collins, Rose Cotell, Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Glydon, Mr. & Mrs. Paul I. John­



i '1 ......dlIII

AT DRAMA PREVIEW: Mrs. Lyndon Johnson chat,~ with Father Gilbert Hartke, O.P., head of the Catholic University drama department, ~no Dr. Don B. Murphy of George­ town University, as the First Lady and her guests in the East Room of the White House saw a presentation of "Ah Wilderness," which the C.l:. drama group will do on a six­ (;Quntry tour in the next few weeks. NC Photo

Catholic Charities Appeal Continued from Page One

St. Francis Xavier Hyannis 11,186.51)) Sacred Heart 'Fall River 10,861.00 St. Mary Taunton 10,808.75 St. Joseph 10,644.00 New Bedford Mt. Carmel New Bedford 10,561.85 Holy Name New Bedford 10,204.00 St. Mary Fall River 10,025.54: St. Patrick Falmouth !J,869.oo lfmmaculate Conception No. Easton 9,716.00 St. Mary Mansfield 9,036.9: Parishes attaining the honor mU since the last issue of The ~"nchor are: Fall River S~ Mary, Espirito Santo, Holy Cross, Notre Dame, St. Anne, St.

Appr'o:a,c~es New


Anthony of the Desert. ' St, Elizabeth, St. John the B(lptist, st Joseph, St. Matthew. New Bedford A.sumption, Our Lady m Purgatory, St. Bonifaee, st. Hy-' "cinth, St. Jam~s. St. John the Baptist, st. LIloW-, renee, st. Mary, St. Theresa. TauntoD Holy Family, Holy Rosary, Our Lady of Lourdes, SaCH;Q Heart, St. Anthony, St Joseph, St. M'lry Attleboro S~, John, ~t. Stephen, St. Theresa.

St. Joseph Ji'alrhaven, St. Pat­ ri c!t, Falmouth. St. Mary, M,msfield; St. An­ fr.ony, Mattapoisett; Our Lady IiIf Grace, North Westport; St. MIUY, Norton. St. Michael, Ocean Grove; St, .Joan of Are, Orleans; Assump­ tion, Osterville; St. Ann, Rayn­ ham; Corpus Christi, Sandwich. , Mt. Carmel, Seekonk; St. John, c.f God, St. Patnck, St. Thoma!' More, Somerset. St. Pius X, South Yarmouth; St. Dominic. St Louis of France, . Swansea; St. Patrick, Wareham; i>'t. George; Wel'tpljrt.

North Attleboro

Need for Music

Sacred Heart. Towns St. Bernard, Assonet; st. Mr.r­ ga;,et, Buzzards Eay; Our Lady of Victory, Cemervme; St. Jobr. the Baptist, Cent..al Village. Huly ,Redeem~r, Chatham, OUT Lady of the C!lpe, East Brewster;

DETROIT (NC)-The Amer­ ican Church has issued an appeal to musicians to meet ~'the urgent need" of the new English­ Ja1'!guage liturgy by composing "new, musical settings better suited present needs."


C£'ntinued from Page One tE"H '" the Society of Jesus at the ~.~f' of 20. When the society wa~ Hlpp,'essed in Spain in 1931 he ·,n;mt to Belgium, and later stud­ if>c theology in the Netherlands. HE 'vas ordained in 1936. Af:er ordmation Father Arrupt> {'ame to the United States fM further studies He took hi~ fomth year theology studies at St. Mary's CoHege, St. MaQ"~, Karls:>s, and hit' tertianship ~ St: Stanislaus Novitiate, Cle\'e­ land ]v: 1938 he went to Japan ~ l\ ),';~sioner. He became master (>f novices in Hiroshima arid )atN rector of the novitiate amJi )f>d ;.11 aid party into the city after the at"m bomb ww: dro})p€n. In l!154 he was ap­ p()i,~ted vice-provincial of the JESuits in Japan, ar:.d in 195t wn, promoted to provincial. HI';' is the author of a boo}: I1Jor. Jdpan and has written "al'~­ (1m commentaries in the Jap­ aJ:{-~e language on the spiritu-al f;oJlfH,'ises 01 the Jesuit found€'T. Sf. Ignatius Loyola He speaks i'ix l;;nguages. ]"le question of whether liE' 'l1I;o·... ld govern the society fv;!' )jf(', as have the previous 27 geJ',­ e-t<;]f', still remained to be OE-" tf'rmiJJed after his election.

Ocean Grove J;FV.

ST: MICHAEL $75 Maurice E. ~arent $~5

&: Mrs. Lawrence Borg~ J<~r. & Mrs. James Master~vJ(; $20 A~thur Pelletier $15 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel M. AlbH­ F,f,Z: M'r. & Mrs. Leonard Berub£, Ji~r. & Mrs. Rudolph Bisson, MY'. liz Mrs. Albert Bolduc, Eal'l! ]lIJr.


MI". &: Mrs. Robert Cam.e'" C'C!'Tholic You t h Organizatior., Mr. & Mrs. Edward Creamer" Mr. & Mrs. Pbilip McHugh, Mr_ Ii Mrs. George Parent Mr. & Mrs. Robert Peloquin., JI(Jr. & Mrs. Fra'ncis Storey, M •• « ]\~TS. James Travis, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Thibault, Mr. & .Mr~ R;.ymond Valcourt {

Fr. Clark Directs Santo Domingo Emergency Wor.k:

Continued from Page One Mr. &: Mrs. Donald Lake, Mr. • Mrs. Bernard Mulcahy, Mr. sent ~2 truclts loaded .with • Mrs. Benjamin Muse, Jr., MI'. 246,000 pouilds of'rice, vegetable & Mrs. Roland Quayle, Mr. IE 'liIiJ, corn meal 'and milk to· Iii Mrs.Pathrick Welsh cities al)d distribution points in Mr. &: Mrs., Warren J. Cole, the interior of the country.' :Mr. &: Mrs. John Davidson, Mr. "The civil Will' persisting in, & Mrs. Ronuld Hague, Mr. &1; lhe ,capital has aggravat'ed the . . Mrs. Frank Hennessy, Gertrude food situation. throughout the E. Tynan flluntry," the priest noted. Mrs. Thomas J. Larkin, lflr. Father Clark said CRS-NCWe '" ¥rs. Arthur Lynch has been' worlting with AID, CARE and Church World Ser:' wice under Organization of ST. ANN American States coordination. $50 In Santo Domingo, the New Sf. Ann's Men's Club Eedford priest added, "food is St. Ann's Women's Guild :;:,Iso being provided by U. S. sol­ $25 diers" throughout the interna­ William A. Navin tional safety zonp they are main­ $15 tr;ining in the city. Maurice A. Gamache, Joseph "One of the Chief problems in L. Scanlon food distribution is transporta­ tion of food from warehouses to distribution centers," Father Clark said. ASSUMPTION "All available local truckli $100 .. have been' pre:o:sed into service Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Kennedy but their numbE.r remains insuf­ Mr. &: Mrs, Thomas PoweI's ficient. Spme trucks which have , ,$50 entered ~bel tE.rrit,orY have not Mi'. .& Mrs. Richard Coin .been permitted to,return. Driv­ : Dr. &:.Mrs. Charlefl H;lske)l , .., ers' are. p~coming f~<.!rful for The McKeon' Ji'amUy ... ~ the.ir s~fety. ~s pe.O.pr~ in~b, $25 vehicles . when~~e~ theY stop.. Mr. &: Mrs. Howard Sears 1(rs. Dorothy B. Herron "The. main CRS warehouse is $15 in the· hands of the rebels. Five Mrs. Malcolm Horton, Mr. ~ hundred' tons of scarce powdered :Mrs: Herbert Coombs, Mr. 'k milk' is stranded in customs 1\-lrs. Gerard ~aBute, Mr. it MJ'~. Ieuildings surr<'unded by reber, Willie Frechette. f«i'Yces"

Through Msgr.. Alfred Schnei­ der, CRS-NCWC Latin AmericaJ:' director, the li'gency' has offered emergency -'clothing shipmenis to, the country. The Cath€ l lic' agency' bas, 'in immediate_ past, maintained th~ largest rE-' Hef progratn in the eountrr. Jt

has p.rovided more·food per·cap-. ita in the Dominican Republic

than .in any.' other of the 74),

eountrjes in which it operates.


Food distributioll in' the Do,; ~ minican Republic is norma}},­ ~arried out, byCaritas, I~;l • £;at!lolic C~ariticll agency. Pre&i~ ~ent' of D~miniean ,.CarHas ~ Bisl).op Thomas Reilly of S'm. J:uan de la, :Maguall!~, ,a BOl!t~Jl)­ 1>,o1',n Redemptprj~. ' '.' .




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I, I


THE ANCHOR-Dioc~setof Fan River--Thurs. May 27, 1965

Attleboro ST. MARY $50 Holy Narne Society Seekonk Council No. SlO8, Knights of Columbus Mrs. Leland B. Smith $30 Mr. & Mrs. William Crowley.

k. $25

A Friend Mr. & Mrs Donald Blake $20 A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Cyril K. Brennan, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Lockwood, Jr. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Brag.. ' lIIr; & Mrs. David Carr, Mr. & MrS. Martin Carr, Mr. & M~ Gerald Cassels, Mr. & Mrs. M­ mand 'Contois '"',, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Delaney, Mr. • Mrs. Rheal Gaudreau, Mr. &: Mrs. Gerald Gravel, George 11,., Gonnan

ST. JOHN $250 Mr. &; Mrs. James A. Carey $150 Dr. &; Mrs. John Lonergan $100 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond BrennlUl Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Ciolfi A Friend $75 Rev. Edward A. Rausch $50 Mr. & Mrs. Georg£" Carey Mr. & Mrs, John P. Lee $~O

Mr. & Mrs Edward DowdaU ;35 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Lofgren , $30 Cllar1es Stobbs Baptiste J. LaNinfa $25 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Borden Mrs. Anson Hall Peter Silvia Mr. & Mrs. J'Ulles H. Lee Mrs. Gertrude Rogers Edward Tatro $20 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Busch, Mr. • Mrs. Charles C. Cain, Jr., Mr. • Mrs. Joseph O. Precourt Mr. &: Mrs. John Picchi ,


$1'1 .

Mrs. Edward Scott $15 .', itr. & Mrs. Err.est Anderson. Mary Arsenault, Mrs. Winston Bel'gh, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond By­ .... Mr. & Mrs. John Carroll Mr. & Mrs Robert Chapman. Yernal Colomb, William Colomb. William Conlan, Arthur F. Con­ .lly Gladys Connelly, Marjorie erawley, Ernest W. Doyle, Mr. ,,' Mrs" Joseph Dwyer. Mrs. Ludivine Dyer Mr. & Mrs. Fred Endler, Jt:.. Mr. &: Mrs. George Fredette, Mrs. Virginia Frenier, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gingras, Mr. &: Mrs. William ~tz , :Mr. & Mrs. Edward Haber­ maw, John Hardt, Mr. &: MrI. Leon Holbrook, Mrs. Ralph Hudson, Joseph Hughes Frank Hunt, Mr. &: Mrs. Ray­ .ond Jacque&, MI' "& Mrs. George Kohler. Mr. & Mrs. RoD­ .-t Lacasse, Mrs. Louis Larocque IIr. & Mn. James Maher, 08­ ear Maher, Cecilia Masse, Mr. • IIrs. Ronald McAvoy, Mr. &;MnI. ~th McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Edmund McCrack­ til, Mr. &: Mrs. James McCrack­ til, Mr.&: Mrs. John McIsaac. Alyce O·Keefe. Mis. Thomas O'Keefe, Mr. &: Mrs. Herbert F. Patriquin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pierce, Mr. • Mrs. Howard Razee, Mr. " IIrs. John Bedding, Mr. &: Mn. James Richmond, Mary Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Norman Tetreault, Mrs. John T. White Sr., Mr. & Mrs. John T. White, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Barradas, Mts. Rose Bellavancp. Mr. & Mrs Francis Birch, Mr. & Mrs. Thom­ as' Blake,Mrs. William Bowen )lr. & Mrs. Leo Cloutier, Mr. • i Mrs. Earl Cruff. Mrs. James Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. ~dward Gal1i~an, Mr. & ,1\11"80 PaW. Vi. G~OIl &;

Ecumenism in the Missions

Mr. ,& Mrs George Gay. Mr, , &: Mrs. Irving Guimond, Mr. & Mrs. Emil Joseph, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Joyce Jr., Ellen Loew Mr. & Mrs. Donald McAuley, Louis Perry, Mr. & Mrs. William Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Robis­ tow, Mr. & Mrs. George Robi­ taille Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Romag­ noli. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rovzer, Salvatore Salvaggio, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Simoneau, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Taylor Celestine Whalen. Mr. & Mrs. J'ohn White. Mr. & Mrs. J'ohn Wilson

God Love You

By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen,'D.D. Ecumenism is practiced perhapS more In the MissiODS thaa anywhere else. Here In onr Western world, ecumenism Is based upon conversation. In Missions It is based upon action. And this action is in the form of human service. For example. In one of onr mission hospitals 7,883 outpatients were treated in one year. Of these, 6,652 were Hindus and Moslems. 0n17 10 per cent were Catholics. (And this is a Catholic hospital!) Some of these patients come from 300 miles away. Last year, 674 major operations were performed and 1,040 babies were delivered. In the space of three months there were 570 eye operations and over 5.000 eye patients were treated. AU this is accomplished In over-crowded. inade­ qnate buildings by a handful of medical mlssioJlU'7 sisters and a few doctors.

North Attleboro S'l'.-MARY $100 Mr. &: Mrs. Bernard J. Byrnes $80 Re'v:Daniel F. Moriarty , $50 . Mrs. Joseph' Condon Mr. &; Mrs. Edward J. Coogan $30 Mr. &: Mrs. Clement Sharon Mr. &: Mrs. August Funke Mr. &: Mrs. Herbert Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Ronale Mollins $28 Mr. &: Mrs. Frederick Paine $25 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Healey Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sullivan Mr., & Mrs. Gerald Dorey :Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wessman Mr. & Mrs. William Rowe Mr. & Mrs Walte} Rowe Leona Kerr Mr. & Mrs. James Cullen Mr. & Mrs. Edward Poirier Mr. & Mrs. Herbert R. Snell Mr. ,& Mrs. Andrew Boisvert Gertrude M' Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. John Stapleton $20

Marie Bolster Woloshyn Family James McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kearney, Mr. &: Mrs. Michael O'Rourke, Mr. &: Mrs. Stephen Cinq-Man $15 Harold Devlin, Mr. &: Mrs. Jo­ seph Melanson. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Feeney, Mr. & Mrs. ~hn Swanzey, Mr. & Mrs. Jo~ 'A. Devlin . Mr.' & Mrs: Donald Guthrie. Mr. &: 'Mrs. James Meegan, Mr: &: 'Mrs. Edmund 'Rice, Robert Dia­ mond, Margaret Roessler' John Reardon, Mrs. ·M. Stan­ fOrd, Mr. &: Mrs. Frank Fisler, Alice Milllaney, Florence Leary Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Mecure, Mr. &: Mrs. Allen Reilly, Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Phippen, Grace Feid, Walter Feid Mr. & Mrs. Francis Perry, Jr.. Mr. &: Mrs. Henry McCarthy, Mr. &: Mrs. Hugh Donnelly, Mrs. William Joyce. Mr. & Mrs. Maxey Lewis Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Plumb, Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred Achin, Mr. &; Mrs.

John Haug, Mr. &: Mrs. Aime

Clairmont, Mr. &: Mrs. Norman'


Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Forbe.t,

Mr. &: Mrs. Daniel Del Vecchio Mrs. William Curran, Mrs. Eu­ gene Martha Sr.. Mr. &: Mrs. Fr-ed Bt!tterworth, Mr. &: Mrs• Douglas Gaudette, Mr. &: Ifnt. G. B. Morse Jr. :Mr. &: MI'S. Robert Carvalho, Mr• • Mrs. John Flanagan Jr.. :Mr. &; Mrs. George Vandal, Mr. • Mrs. ThcnnlUl Mullen Mr. & Mrs Robert Maloney, Anne E. Murphy &: Mr. &: Mrs. Douglas ,Cummings, Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Hoey. Mr. &. Mrs. Joim Bolinger. Mr. " Mrs. Philip Clark Mrs. Eva Kivlin, David Torpey Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Gilmore, Mrs. Charles Maxwell. Mr. &: Mrs. Austin Butler, Mr. & Mrs. An­ thony Colletto Mr. &: Mrs. Donald Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. .James Diamond, Mr. & Mrs. f'red Marcoullier, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Burda, Leon Rous- . seau . Mrs, :Virginia Konieczny, Mr. ' & 'Mrs. LaWrel'ce Murphy, Mr. " M,rs. Mario Roque

AUXILIARY: Msgr. Al­ fred M. Watson, vicar gene­ ral of the diocese of Erie and rector of the Cathedral of St. Peter, has been named by Pope Paul VI to be Titular Bishop of Nationa and Aux­ iliary to Archbishop John Mark Gannon, Bishop of Erie. NC Photo. SACltED HEART $30,

Mr. & Mrs. Leo Froment $25 Louis Bardier Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bessette , $20

Priests! What the price of your golf clubs would mean to these sisters! Catholic mothers! Have you ever asked a SOIl or daughter to give up a soft drink a week to help the sick and suffering on the other side of the world? Business men! Did you ever promise to give a dollar a week to the Holy Father to keep these hospitals open? You who are getting fat! Did you ever think of giving up that des­ sert and sending the price of it to help the Holy Father feed someone who is starving? You who are getting old! Did you remember the Holy Father in your will? What you leave after you, then will gain intercessors on earth for your soul if it's in purgatory. You who live on a fixed income! Have you thought of re­ ducing your taxes by taking out an annuity, so that you llve on the same income and at your death your money will go to the poor of the world who will pray for you? There is no reader of this column who could not send a dime to help their brothers in every part of the world. But-WILL you? GOD LOVE YOU to a "boy in Michigan" for $5 "This Is money that I can easily live without ••• to Mr. & Mrs. 'F.R. who sent $3 ''because our children are healthy." ••• to a woman who would spare her diamond ring "May this small token when sold. buy food for starving bodies and perhaps help a missionary to touch a starving souL" "

Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Descoteau Mrs. Jeannette Gagne & Doris $16 Flora De~rt $15 A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Do you know what the 30th parallel is? It is an imaginary llne Cloutier, A. Friend, Horace Dar­ that gfrdles the globe. Below it are Central and South America. gis & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Rich­ Oceania, India. half of China, most of Africa. AbOve it are the ard Deschenes well-endowed. the well-fed; those below live lind die in wretched­ Mr. & Mrs. William Dion &: ness. Those above cannot envision the horror and the anguish of Family. Mr. & Mrs. Robert those below. Hunger is not merely an economic problem; it is a Dwyer, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred moral and spiritual one--a greater danger to our future 'than Paquin, Mr. & Mrs. Bertrand atomic warfare. It is around this searing theme that Bishop Sheen Prefontaine,. Mr. & Arthur Roy, has fashioned his new movie, "The 30th Parallel." It nms for 26 Mr. & Mrs. George"Vaillancourt , minutes and 'is available through your local Diocesan Director. For more information, write yoUr Diocesan Director or The Society 'for the Propogation «;If the F~th, 366 Fifth Avenue, New Yom. N. Y. 'I000L' " HOLY REDEEMER

Chatham $250 '

Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas A. McHale $100 Cecile Doelger Marie Doelger $50 :Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur G. Corkery $25 Chatham Fu.1'lliture Store Martin Family

Mr. &: Mrs. Gerald Maloney Mr. &: Mrs. John O'Grady $20 Mrs. Frank Gilman. Joseph Nickerson $15 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Belliveau. Miss Tennance BUrns, Mrs. Joha. Danz, Mr. &: Mrs. Vincent Le­ Blanc. Mrs. James .Jackson Mr. " Mrs. John Moye, Mrs. Eleanor Murphy, :Mr. &: Mrs• Burton Storey. ·Mr. &: Mrs. Jolm :Mohyae; Mr• • MI'Il. Alfre4 Southwick




Cut out this column. pin yonr sacrifice to It aDd maD 1t 'to Most Rev. Fulton ~. Sheen, National Director of! The Society for the ,Propaption of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York. N. Y. 10001, or to 70ur Diocesan Direetor, Rt. Rev. Ra7mond 'T. Con­ sidine. 368 North Main Street.· FaD River. Massachusetts. at. Rev. l\oIsg'r. Raymond T. Considine

368 North Main Street

raD River. Massachusetts







.....00 ..... $30,000 . . Single and Joiftt AceeVnII

Up .. $60,000 for CorpoPatieM


February, May, August (lncI November

All Deposits


142 SECONQ STREET .OSborne 5-7856



in FuR



bank opposite Post, Office on Winthrop St.

New' Bedford Franciscan

ToRev.Mark .Silver Jubilee

Joachim C. Dembeck, O.F.M.Conv., assistant pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish, New Bedford, will

celebrate a silver jubilee Mass of Thanksgiving in the church at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon in observance of the 25th anniversary of his or­ dination to the priesthood. He will be guest of honor at a jubilee banquet in Gau­ dette's Pavilion, Acushnet, at G o'clock. The son of John and Mary Krupska Dembeck, the jubi­ larian was born Feb. 26, 1914 in Baltimore, Md. He was educated at St. Casimir Parochial School and received the Franciscan re­ ligious habit in his parish church following graduation from St. Ignatius Loyola High SChOOl, Baltimore. Father Dembeck completed. his novitiate with simple vows as a member of the Franciscan Order at St. Joseph Cupertino Novitiate, Ellicott City, Md., studied philosophy at St. Hya­ dnth Seminary, Granby,' Mass., . and theology at Franciscan Sem­ inary, Cracow, Poland. He completed his studies at St. Hyacinth and was ordained in the seminary chapel on July 7, 1940 by the late Most Rev. Thomas M. O'Leary, D.D., Bishop of Springfield. His service in the priesthood has included assignments in Haverhill, Mass.; Willimansett, Mass.; Shamokin, Pa.; Ridge­ wood, N. J. and Montreal, P.Q, Canada. Father Dembeck was assistant pastor of Holy Cross Parish, Fall River, from 1900 until his ap­ pointment as assistant at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in 1963.


.Real Estate Service, Mrs. 'Y. J. . Smith . Francis Sullivan, Louis Ther­ oux, Michael Welch. Paul Zo­ patti John Alden, Rita Baker, Frank Callahan, Marguerite Claff3t, Mrs. Bernard Cleary Patricia Cleary, Pauline Cleary Elizabeth Doran. Alfred D. Duke­ low. Edmund Finnegan John Fitzsimons, Mrs. Marga­ ret Griffin, John Gonzals, Mrs. Marjorie Hubbard, William Eo McCormick Helen McCarthy, Ernest Me­ deiros, Joseph Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Morin, Francis Mul­ holland James Mulholland, Mary Mul­ holland, Mrs. Horace Nagle, Mrs. Jane Noon, John' O'Connell Robert Richardson, Jametl

A viIs, Catherine Brady, William


James Carney, John T. Chaisty

Mrs. Daniel Doyle, Richard

Dooley, David Fuller

Michael Grady, ,Anna Rei~ Mrs. Miriam Reilly

.1Olleph Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. Ea­ ward Berthiaume, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Goulet, Mr. & Mrs. John Basil King Mr. & Mrs. M. F. Fales, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence, McNally, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nel­ son Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rocha, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Beauregard Mr. & Mrs. John Calendrella, Manuel Perreira & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Guy Detellis, Mr. & Mrs. Domenic Braemante, Mr. & Mra. Raymond Brousseau Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Mello, :Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Hewitt, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Carvalho, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred. Elshant, Edward Gilroy Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Hennessey, Jose Valerio de Farias Pacheco

Attleboro HOLY GHOST


$300 Rev. John F. Laughlhl $200 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Castro $50


$200 Rev. Joseph F. O'Donnell $50 Dr. & Mrs. Walter Campbell $30 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond DiResto Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jackman . Mr. & ,Mrs. Matthew McCarthy $20 Mr. & Mrs. Alyre Cormier Mr. & Mrs Edward Lamoureau Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Oliver $15

Manuel Braga, Mildred Braga, Rita Carroll, Mr. & Mrs: L. Caz­ HOLY ROSARY ·eault, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Cole $25 . Mr. & Mrs. Philip FarIey, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Woodw8l"d & Mrs. Manuel Lopes, Memory $20 of Elizabeth A. McMann, Mr. 81; . Edward T. Julia~ Magdelene Mrs. James Ramsey, Mr. & Mrs. Tokarz & Sons, Mr. & Mrs. Rob­ Paul A. Silva ert Bentley Mr. & Mrs, Alan' St. Pierre, SIS . Mr. & Mrs. Frank Tosti, Lillian :Mr. & Mrs. Frank Biedak & White Walter, Anna Plentus - Anna ST. MARY Marcinek, Richard Janutfz, An­ $100 drew Gorczyca, St('phania Roz­ :Mr. & Mrs. William J. Fentoa owicz George Sanford 8T• .JAMES A.'ldrew Leddy $300 $50 Rev. F. Anatole Desmarais Richard Bentley $100 Dr. George Harrington Rev. Andre P. Jussaume Harold Sheehan $50 McKeon Family Matthew Bury Mr. & Mrs. Richard Smen1Gft $25 $45 Paul Anctil Kenneth Baker Family Claire Hamel $40 $20 Edward McNamara Gerard Bonenfant $30 $15 Mr. & Mrs. J:imetl Bul'Dll Donald Beauvais, Helen Boivla .. $28 Eva Nolin, Lazare Tremblay John Grant ST.·JOSEPH $25 Mrs. Joseph Rowley $200 Harold H. Galligan Rev. Patrick H. Hurley James D. Judge $50 Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Gara Florence Miler $20 Walter G. Powers Mrs. Ralph Rechard $30 Catherine McCarthy, Anna Ralph Cutillo Mr. & Mrs Edward F. Kenned¥ Raftery, Daniel Doyle $15 Mr. &. Mrs. E. J. Lapre Michael Barber, William Clif­ $25 ford, Margare·. Coleman, Charles Mrs. George Williams Mr & Mrs Francis T. Coughlin Cote, Thomas Corr Thomas Cote, Thomas DiVin­ Helen Dahill cezo, George Dion Jr., Margue­ Maribeth .Dahill Mr. & Mrs Leon J. St. Pierre rite Doyle, Mr. & Mrs: R. It. I Dupont May & Francis Wrenn Walter Fitzgerald, Mary Foun­ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cunniff tain, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Werner Howard Harrigan, John T. Hef­ $20 fren Jr. Peter Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Ever­ Theresa Kennedy, James Kel­ ett Menice, Mr. & Mrs. J. Mur­ liher, Mrs. John Lawson, Lt. Col. phy John P. McCarthy, Dennis :Me­ $16 Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Gay, Rob­ Patricia McSweeney., Joseph ert Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. John Trucchi Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mador, Margaret Martin, George Megan, Dr. Thomas O'Brien Thilmas, Mr. & Mrs. John Doh­ . Robert Perry, Evelya.~, erty, Mary Donahue. ~holle JIn. BobeR RUOlerford, . . . . Youth Organiaa1ion

Rev. Edward J. Sharpe Mr. & Mrs. Howard Bristow $30 Mr. & Mrs. EleZ81' Sicard $25 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Guillette Mrs. Madeline Turley Mr. & Mrs. John Caponigro $20 Mrs. Rosalind MartelU Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Volpe, Mr. & Mrs.· Richard Delagi, Mr. 81; Mrs. Donald Pelletier $15 Mr. & Mrs. William Richard­ son, Kenneth Silva, Mr. & Mrs.


$'75 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Boardmaa $50 Holy Name Society $26 Mr. & Mrs. George Boyd Linus C. Gignac $20 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hagopian, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Ger­ ard Lefrancois, Mr. & Mrs. Jo­ seph Lunderville $15 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Robichaud & Family, Horace Lacroix, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cotter, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Bourgette, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Butler Mr. & Mrs. Edward Messier, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Donley, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gallagher, Mr. & Mrs. Forest St. Pierre, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Girard, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Duclos Mr. & Mrs. George Tedino, Mr. & Mrs. George Busby, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Duclos, Mr. & Mrs. Charles O'Connor Mr. & Mrs. William CaUley,


THE· ANCHORThul'1l., May 27, 1965

John McNamara, Mr, & Mrs. Jrp. mand Moreau, Mr. & Mrs. John Billington, Mr. & Mrs. Ludgel' Ouellette Mr. & Mrs. Louis Thibodeall, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Andrews, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Leedham Jr.. MY.. & Mrs. Raymond McSally" MI'. & Mrs. Donald Harkins S'l'. JOSEPH

$50 Doris Levasseur $18 Mr. & Mrs. George Hamel $15 . Carole Ann Nicholson, Mr. It Mrs. Rene Melanson, Mr. Gaetan Collette, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Peck, Mrs. Nellie. Kriowlton, MIr. & Mrs. James Lathigee Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bellonai ST. STEPHEN

$100 Morse Sand and Gravel Co. Dodgeville Finishing Co. $50 Sodality of the Ladies ol . . Ann's $30 :Better Home Products Mr. & Mrs. Edward Brittoa $25 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cloutier Caron Granite Co. Sodality of the Children .. Mary . Allan Blanchard Lawn mower Sales Mr. & Mrs. Club of st. ste­ phen's Mr. & Mrs. Gerard. Lafem. . Ernest Doucette $15 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rapoza, MY. & Mrs. Edward Lapierre, Mr. &I Mrs. Theodore Charron, Flora Papineau, . Mr. 81; Mrs. Roland Trahan Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Gagne, Irene Langlois, Mr. & Mrs. Lue Pelletier

yet\ec.\ \ot

·sc.\\OO\ \..ut\c."e~s~ ~~





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FQII River-Thurs. MQY 27,1965 .

•. '.








HOLY FAMILY $35 Joseph Mozzone $25 Mr. & Mrs Edward F. Cameron Mr. & Mrs. Walter Starvish $20 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Coveney $20 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Markowski $15 Mrs. Claire Auger, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Caiozzo, .Mrs. Mary Casey Mr. & Mrs. Joaquin Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Correia Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cranmer James Curran, Mark Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. Dinald Gilbert, Mr. & Mrs. James Larner . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mendes, Mrs. Olga Mozzone, Mrs. Mary Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nardozzi, Honl'ra O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Fred Patrick, George Powers Jr.,. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Prunier, Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Sheehan, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Silva Mr. & Mrs, Charles P. Simas, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred St. Yves, Mr. . & Mrs. ThomM White, Mr. &' Mrs. William Willette, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Castro Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nolan OUR LADY OF LOURDES '$30 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Le BIen $25' Henry L. Silva $20 ' Mr. & Mrs. James Sylvia Dr. & Mrs. David F; Gouveia Joseph Cardoza $15 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sousa, Mr. & Mrs. August, Varella, Joan. Silva, Mr. & Mrs George E. Silva Mr. & Mrs. Jil A. Bettencourt , Mr. & Mrs Joseph Coute, Hilda, Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs.. George Ferreira, Antone Rapoza

The Parish Parade

ST. MICHAEL. FALL RIVER The Holy Ghost F.·east of the parish will begin Friday, June 12 with a "mulho de figado" supper at 6 in the school hall. Sacred Hearts Academy singers will offer a glee club concert at 8, followed l>y entertainment featuring the Imbriglio orches­ tea. Henry Letendre Is in charge of arrangements, alded by' Mrs. Laura Andrews and Frank Len­ non. Miss Evelyn Almeida is publicity chairman. ST. KOCH, FALL RIVER Children will receive First Holy Communion Sunday morn­ ing at the 8:30 Mass. The Living Rosary will be eondneted in the afternoon at 2 in conjunctior. with the crown­ ing of the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. OUR LADY OF GRACB, NORTH WESTPORT Installation ceremony and banquet will be held Tuesday evening, June 1 at White's ,at T o'clock. .; Mrs. Eugene Hebert will in­ stall the following officers: Mrs. Ome! Levesque. president; Mrs. Richard Barresi, vice-president; Mrs. George Duclos, s~~reta~; Mrs. John Barb·Jz:J., treasurer.. Plans are being completed for a World's Fair tl"ip June 9.

HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER The CYO baseball team will sponsor a car wash from 9 to 12 Saturday morning in the school parking lot. Children will make their First Communion at 8 o'clock Mass Sunday moming. Forty Hours devotion will be­ gin Pentecost Sunday, June 6.



FALL RIVER Parish cub scouts plan a kite derby for June, a bike rodeo in July and their annual picnic in August. SACRED HEART, NORTH ATrLEBORO New officers of the Home and School Association are Francis Ouellette, president; Paul Four­ nier, vice-president; Mrs. H:arry Belham Jr. and Mrli. Roger Cor,­ riveau, secretaries; Raymond Lallier, treasurer.

MISSIONER: Bishop-elect Nevin W. Hayes, O.Cann., has been appointed by Pope Paul VI to be titular Bishop of Novasinna and Ordinary of the mission prelature of Sicuani, Peru, where he was worked since 1959, following earlier work in Lima, the capital. NC Photo.

New Bedford IMMACULATE CONCEPTION $50 Dr. & Mrs. David Costa $35

Ernest M. & Mary M. Pereira . $25 '.Albertine J.Barros Mr. & Mrs. Abel Fidalgo Furtado's Dairy Inc. $20 . $T.· JOAN OF ARC. In Memory of lnacio & Ther­ ST. ANTHONY OF DESERT. . ORLEANS esa Coutinho, Batalha Family, PALL RIVER The Wor.nen's Guild plans a Gilbert R. Coelho, Mr. & Mrs. A dialo~ue Mass will be held Communion breakfast following Jean Denault Mr. & Mrs. Henry at 7 tonight to prepare parish­ Rodrigues the 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morn­ ioners for coming applications ing, June 6. A Summer fair is Maria Soares, Mr. & Mrs. of the decree regarding the new planned for Wednesday, July 'L Sylvester Sylvia liturgy as practiced in the Mar­ Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Parsons onite Rite. ST. JAMES, $15 Children will receive First NEW BEDFORD Arthur B. Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Communion Pentecost Sunday, . 'Msgr. Noon Circle announces Louis Ferreira followed by a breakfast at Club Sport Madeirense, Mr. Father Sbarbel Center to which its annual banquet for 7 Tues­ & Mrs. Philip R. Silva dllY night, Jupe 8 at a Matta­ the entire congregation is,. ~n-:\ pois<:,tt restaurarit. '. SACRED HEART vited. Rev. Kenneth Michael ' 525 :will speak. ST. MARY, Mr. & Mrs. F. Omer...Grenon Sunday, June 13, Bishop Cas­ NORTON' ,~ . .$15 . sidy Council of the Knights of Mrs. Joseph Fonseca, re-elected, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Slight Columbus will attend. 8, .o'c:l~k pr~sident, will head· the' Catho- . ,Mr. & ·Mrs. Robert· Begnoche Mass and a following 'Ureakfast•. lic Women's Club fo" the coming Mr. & Mrs. Paul Soucy Mass will be offered for vet­ year. Serving with her will'be ST. BONIFACE ' erans on Memorial Day, and at Mrs. Charles E.' Wichland; 'Vice- j . , $15' 3 in the afternoon, a procession . president; Mrs. "Manuel Monteiro Mr. & Mrs. Herman Simon will be held te the'shrine of and Mrs. Henry Chaput, secre­ ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI Our Lady of Leban6rir LiVih~ taries; and Mrs. Thomas Kelly, $50 Rosary and a Ma;,r crowning will treasurer. They were installed at Rosaria Nicolaci , be followed by outdoor Benedic­ the unit's 10th anniversary ban­ $20 tion and refreshments at the quet. Paul Vancini Father Sharbel Center. Any in­ A luncheon and fashion show $15 terested organizations may par­ are planned for the Summer anll John Baccelli, Aldo Balestracel ticipate in the procession and regular 8ctivities will resume in Anthony DiPiro, Robert J. Mor­ s h 0 u I d contact Chor-Bishop Septer.nber. elli Joseph Eid, pastor, to make ar­ ST. HYACINTH In other parish' activities, rangements. $50 preparations are being made for Mr. & Mrs. Donald Payette the annual bazaar, scheduled this ST. ELIZABETH, Anonymous year for Thursday, July 29 FALL RIVER $25 through Sunday, Aug. 1. The annual banquet of the Marie E.' Fenaux Women's Guild is set for Sunday, ST. MARY. Mr. & Mrs. Albert ~. Lamou­ June 6 at a Middleboro restau­ reux SOUTH DARTMOUTH rant. Mrs. Genevieve Mello is Saint Ann Society The Women's Guild will spon­ in charge of reservations. $20 sor a potluck supper at 6:30 tions. James Connelly, Mr. & Mrs. Tuesday night, June 8 at the The patronal feast of the par­ church and' a dance is planned Roland Dumas, Dr. & Mrs. John ish will be observed the week­ for Saturday, June 12 at New, B. Robert, Mr. & Mrs. Adelard end pf June 18 to 20.' Vaillancourt Bedford Yacht Club. $15 ST. MARY, ST. STANISLAUS. Anonyr.nous. Mr & Mrs Hughes NEW BEDFORD FALL RIVER' Desautels, Joseph Dutilly, Mr. Mrs. Marcel Loranger is in Joseph Grornada has been & Mrs. Paul Forand, Bertha Gal­ charge of arrangements for the named general chalrman of the lant Rita Gallant. Mr. & Mrs. John installation banquet of the Wom­ annual Summer Festival sched­ en's Guild, scheduled for 6:30 uled for July 24-25 at Urban'. Galuska, The Armand Landry Family , Monday night, June 14. Grove, Stafford Rd., Tiverton. Proceeds will be used for the OUR LADY OF PURGATORY, building fund. ' .. , NEW BEDFORD St. Joseph Sodality will spon­ sor a supper and social Sunday, J'une 6 at Polish-American Vet- . erans Hall, 1680 Acushnet Ave. Music and dancing will be fea­ tured on the entertainment pro­ gram and supper will be served fror.n 6 to 8. Proceed.: will bene­ fit a church in Lebanon .struck. by lightning. .


SACRED HEART $75 Rev. Francis B. Connors $30 James A. Cooke Mr. & Mrs. Robert McC1eUan J'ohn E. Reilly $25 Edward Boudreau Mr. & Mrs. Rene St. Yves D. Gardiner O'Keefe J. Howard O'Keefe

Mr. & Mrs. Real Samson

Francis Cronan

$20 Mr. & Mrs. George Ducharme, Mrs. B. Lewis McDermott. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Andrews, Mrs. Mynette Dewhurst $15 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Harrison, Mrs: Joseph Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Doiron, 'Mr. & Mrs. Clar­ ence BradY', Virginia Waldron Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Maynard, Mr. & Mrs. William Clemmey, Mrs. Howard Chadwick, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest 1. Mador, Helen M\,lrray Ruth Brady, Mr & Mrs George Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Armand AAudet, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ma­ honey, Gormley FamilY' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mastro­ marine, Mr. & Mrs. ~o Land­ graf, M~. & Mrs. Arthur MeDer­ mott, Mr. & Mrs. ,Coy Folcik, EugeneSullivan . Mr. & Mrs. Ailtone Costa, Mr. & Mrs, William Cullen; Mr. & Mrs. William Gorman, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Berard, John T. Mc­ Crohan Jr. ST. ANTHONY' . Mary Andrews. Carol L. An­ . $500 . . drews, Mr. & Mrs" Robert Den­ Rev. Maurice Souza nen, Mrs. Dorothy Conley, Mr. . $75 & Mrs. Lionel Campanirio, Mary Rev. George' J. Sousa Murphy $50' Mr. & Mrs. Williar.n Andrade, Manuel .Fontinha Mr. & .Mrs. Oscar ,Wilcoxon, Ar­ $25 ' thur Marrejn, Mr. & Mrs" Robert Arthur Ventura Ross, Marie Cronan Victoda Carew . Mr. & Mrs. Eino Silvan, John $20 , . F. Vargus, Marion Murphy, Joseph Medeiros,' _Fr~ncis ,- Sinith Family, Mr. & Mrs. RichPacheco ard Tonry Antone Gomeli Mr.' & Mrs. Joseph Lynch, Mr. .$15 & -Mrs. Manuel Mendes, Mrs. Ann Emma' Andraci.e, Joseph 'Car Sweeney, The Fitzgerald Family doza, Jacinto Costa, Serafim Mrs. Patricia Combs Costa, John.'Ferreira Mr. & Mrs. John Carroll, Mr. Manu~l Gall~~o, Arthur Hen- & Mrs. Theodore Brassard, Mr. riql;le, Manuel. PlOa .~ Da?ghter, & 1'4rs. Leo Caron, Mrs. Marianne .lames ~Rasc.om,. Angelo SlIva. Hackett Mrs. Margaret Rose Manuel Silvelra;.~rthurTrem~.' . ' , ' ,

ST. JOSEPH. FALL RIVER New officers of the Men's Club are Arthur Buckley, pres­ ident; John Fitzgerald, vice­ president; Arthur Hannafin, sec­ retary; Joseph Souza, treasurer. Committees planning an ob­ servance of Rev. George E. Sul­ livan's 40th anniversary of ordi­ nation will meet tonight after the 7:30 Mass.


blay, John-. Ventura Antone Abr~au, Francisco,. Aguiar, Adelaide Amaral, Antone Andrade, Joaquim Camara George J. Carvalho, Manuel Chaves, Frank Couto, John Doh­ erty, Charles Ferreira Lawrence Fontes. Francisco



• •

•••••••••••••••••• : GRACIA BROS.:

M rs. John Crawford, chairman • • . • of the cor.nmitt!'e serving break-. Excavating fast to the FIrst Communion .• C t t • .class has announced that break-. on rac ors ,. fast will be served to the 24 : 9 CROSS ST FAIRHAVEN: new cor.nmunicants and coffee • ., . , • and doughnuts w;ll be served -' ... WYman 2-4862 , ' •. the parents. ,• • ••. •. • • • •• • • • • •. • • rII .r:." .

Frank, Arthur H Leonard, !'rank Mendes. James Pacheco Albert Pateneaude, Antonio Rezendes, Daniel Rodrigues, Mary Rose, Ferdinando Sousa Irene Thomas, Frank Vaz, Joseph Vaz, Joseph Victorino George Abreau Jr., Antone Almeida, Joseph Amaral, John Jardim, Arthur Medeiros

SCHOOL Maintenance Supplies



r~--'--------~ ,NO' JOB TOO BIG NONE TOO SMALL


PRINTERS Main OHice and Plant 95 Bridge St., Lowell, Mass. Tet 458-6333 Auxiliary Plants BOSTON CAMDEN, N. J. OCEANPORT, N. J. MIAMI PAWTUCKET, R. L PHILADELPHIA



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs: May 27, 1965


New England Regional Congress·

of the

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine

August 26, 27, 28, .29

.Under the, Sponsorship


Most Rev. James. L. .Conrwlly .


Bi:slwp of Fall River,

NWhat « b_ing m• parish ~~n then ' exists' in ibJ rnuut an. intellig~n.t, ~dUroted" ,.~lert gro~p·'" 'JneJl and-' ·women re_1- '#,0'. bear lDitnesi, -te. 1M .Foith."'· ..'.. .", ..' ' -~: Dis.bop· ConDony "





.Coilg,ress Headquarters '. New Bedfor'd Ilotel



' .


and Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth

,Plan, to atte"d this. four-day Congress ,w·ith other ceD members ',from every Archdiocese, and 'Diocese" in New Englan.d, .


Tltis Message Is Sponsored By TIte Fonowlng Individuals ".d Swiness Concerns itt Greater. fall Riyer: . Ann Dale Products, Inc. Brady Electric Supply Co. Cascade Drug Co. ' Gold Medal Bread ' Globe Manufaduring Co. 'Hutchinson Oil Co.

International Ladies Garment Workers Union MacKenzie & Winslow, Inc:. Mason Furniture Showrooms Gerald E. McNally, Contrador' L A. McWhirr Company .

Plymouth' Printing Co., Inc. Sobiloff Brothers . , Sterling Beverages, Inc. Textile Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO , ,Yellow Cab Company






Thurs., May 27, 1965

New Bedford ST. JAMES


A Friend


$100 Mrs. Jeremiah Coholan Dr. & Mrs. James Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Louis Coholan $75 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tschaen Sr. $50 Mrs. Wright Bolton III Mrs. John Duff A Friend Fred J. Kelley Real Estate Mr. & Mrs. Edward K?i"min Mr. & Mrs. Fnncis O. ~uinn In Memory of Dr. Joseph r..L Gleason Zn Memory of Thomas Ql1.inn IR Memory of Andrew? Doyle 840 Harriet Pe; ,'y The Mahoney Family $30 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Smith Anna McGurk $25 Mr. & Mrs. Edward McAloon Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Parsons Mr. & Mrs. George Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Luke Smith In Memory of Timothy J., Ma!t1" A. & Agnes G. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Whela£1l Mr. & Mrs. Fred Brother-son Helen L. Crowley Mrs. Edward Arnett &: John Arnett Frances Whalen Mary E. Whalen Mr. & Mrs. James A. Worden Mr. & Mrs. Francis Bapti.ste $20 Mr. & Mrs. John Britto, Mt'. & Mrs. Matthew McAvoy, Mr. c!lc Mrs. Joseph Ryan Mr. &: ME'''. Leo M. Sullivan John M. Quinn, Dr. &: Mt"s. Edward G. Vogt $15 Mt". & Mrs. Albert Bourque, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Chmiel, Claire F~rtier, Mrs. Mortimer Kennedy Mrs. Helen Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Robert st. Pierre, A Friend, Roberta Dutra, Mary Walsh, Mrs. William R. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Raymond s~um", Mrs. Vincent Shea. Mr. &: Ml'S, George Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Ste­ phen Stupalski, Celia White, Me'. " Mrs. Vincent Worden Mr. & Mrs. Desorcy ST. KILIAN

$25 Holy Name Society $20 Allen Bentley, Ernest

$120 Paul & MariC'n Keane $100 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Baldwin Dr. & Mrs. Jos0ph Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Perry Coho:arl $75 Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. l:-£al'­ rington Jr. $50 ':Teresa, Ruth & John Harney Mr. & Mrs. Robert Taber Loretta Lamarre $30 Mr. & Mrs. LawrE'nce Fi.nnl $25 Philip J. Kane Mr. & Mrs. Henry Perry Mr. & Mrs. Louis Perras $20 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Enos, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bedard, Francis McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. John HarMr. & Mrs. CharJ.er Berry, Mr. & :Vlrs. John l\'Iurray, Mr. & Mm. JOlln'Tweedle

$15 Leo Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Ken­ neth Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Theo­ dore Calnen, Francis Carney. Mrs. Hugh C~rney Mr. & Mrs. Francis DeTerra, J'anet Kasznski, Mr. & Mrs Peter Lemos, Mr. & Mrs. Dalpha La­ vallee, Mr & Mr<: Chas. ReckordlJ Mr. & Mrs. Ii'rank Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Rossi, Mr. &: Mrs. Leo Shea Mrs. Lois Sul­ livan Mr. & Mrs. Wm. H. Barter, Mr. &- Mrs. Wm. Bettencourt, Mr. &r. Mrs. Fergus Bolton, Mr. & Mm. Francis Cairns, Mr. & Mrs. An­ tone Estrella Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Gillis, Mr. & Mrs. Gorden Goodfellow, Mr. Be Mrs. Ralph Hill, Mrs. Laura Hogan, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Holmes ~ir. & Mrs. Donald MacMullen. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Manley, Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Marden, Therestl Mesquita, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. 0'­ Donnell The Paine Family, Mr. & Mm. Richard Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Schmaeling, Mrs. Jamcil Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Soucy Margaret Sullivan, Mr. & Mra. Robert Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. As­ lak Tobiassen, Mr. & Ml'lI, Charles Touhey MT.CARMEL


Rev. Jose M. B. e Avila


Rev. Gilbert J. Simoes




Walter Ford, Manuel Medeiros Jr., Arthur Lemos, Gabriel Holmes, Dorothy M. Hudey Bronislaw Jackimocz, Dorothy LaCroix, A Friend, Rose Moni.'!: ASSUMPTION $25 Our Lady of the Assum.ption Societv August Gomes, Aguinaldo Rose A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Jaime GGmes, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Bar­ boza, Mrs. Hilda Fortes Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Barros Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Baptista, Mrs. Jennie Pires, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cardoza, Edith Fonseca $]5 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph SHva, Mi'. & Mrf Edwin Teixeira, Antone Monteiro, Mr. & Mrs. William Carmo, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Bar­




$50 Rev. George Saad $25 St. Joseph's Sodality Daher Family Mr. & Mrs John KaHfe MI' & Mrs. Hylde Simon Ol:r Lady of Purgatory Ladies &uild $20 Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Cat<:m" David's Trucking Co $15 Mr. & Mrs. Normar. Joseph A Friend

Lowest Price In Years!

Mt. Carmel Woman's Club· $25 Mr. & Mrs. Antone Correia Olivia M. Luiz Francisco & Mary Vieira $20 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. MacedG Mr. & Mrs. John Martins, Mr. !k Mrs. Joao Oli.veira $]5 Mrs. Isabel Andrade, Mr. .tc Mrs. Charles Andrade; Mary Cabral Bettencourt, Mr. & Ml'S. Antone Bizarro, Mr. & Mm. Fernando Cabral Noemia Cambra, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cambra, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Correia Jr., Beatrice Cunha, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Doyl~ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Encamaca~ Mr. & Mrs. August Fernandes, Albertina Ferreira, Mr. & Mm. Manuel Ferreira, Mr. &: Ml'lJ. Charles Florio Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fraga, Mr. &: Mrs. Tobias Gaspar, Margaret Jardin, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kelty, Jose Louro Mr. & Mrs. Antone MacedG Jr., Theophilo Medeiros, Mary R. Mendonca. Mt. Carmel P.T.A. Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Moura Teresa Mary Oliveira, Mr. Ie Mrs. Leo Pimental, Bernice Rose Charles P. Rose, In Memory ()f Theresa S. Rose Manuel Martins, Mrs. Evelyo. Raposa, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sa­ bastiao, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur St. Pierre, Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Silvia Raymond Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Torres. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vemlette








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New Bedforrd HOLY NAME

$a Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. McLaugh­ lin

ST. CASIMiR $1l5

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nowak


Rt. Rev. John A. Silvia


A Friend


Hon. George P. Ponte


The Flores Family

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rezendefl Mrs. Frank G. Silva $20 Mr. & Mrs. Albert William!! $15 Dr. & Mrs. Antonio M. Castro, Mr. & Mrs. James Correia, Alice C. Fagan, Mary Fagan, John Fer­ nandes George & Lucille King, Mr. & Mrs. William Sylvia


Mr. & Mrs Carlos Pacheco, Mr. & Mrs John Hughes, Edward Bell



Joseph's Church Societies $150 Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Seguin S100 Mr. & Mrs. Herve Couture


Mr. & Mrs. Walter Bruce, Mrs. James J. Clark, MlI'. & Mrs. Eu­ gene Coffin, Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Couza, Alice Donovan Mr. & Mrs. James Dufficy, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fonseca, Dr. Walter J. O'NeiH, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Openshaw, In Memory of Mary Selleck Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. John Wilkinson, Mrs. Eva Williams, Jane Wil­ liams, Violet Williams



Mr. &; Mrs. Wmiam Toolen $35 Mr. & Mrs. Jos~ph Bo1diga $36 Mr. &; Mrs. Clement Damicone $25 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Guillotte $20 Mr. &; Mrs. David Costa

'00 Dr. &; Mrs. John B. O'Toole 3r. $3' Mr. &; Mrs. Jrones Wilson Jr. $2S Mr. &; Mrs. Rene Cote Mr. &; Mrs Charles A. Gun­ ning Mr. & Mrs. Michael WilSOR $2. Mr. & Mrs. J. Francis Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dury, Mr. & Mrs. William E. Pendergrast, Richard Regan & Re2en, Grace - Sheehan & F3mi]y, Mrs. Stanley Walsh




Mr. & Mrs. G. Albert Roy Mr. & Mrs. Laurier Marcoux $25 Mr. &; Mrs. Normand Parent Lucille Allain $20 Mr. & Mrs. PamphiJe Letour­ neau $15 Mr. & Mrs Paul 3. Mathieu, Mr. & Mrs. AImand Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Yates, Mr. & Mrs. Archer Kewton, Mr. & Mrs. Emilien Berthiaume

SCHOLARSHIP: Paul F. Guay, St. Jacques parish, Taunton, a senior at Coyle High School, has received a $3,000 scholarship to Colum­ bia College, New York. Coyle senior class president, a three year varsity football player, and, a member of the student council and National Honor Society, he wi]}. grn-du­ ate magna cum laude.



$50 Rev. Arthur C. Lpvesque Mr. & Mrs. Adrien DesrcsiCnl $20 Mr. & Mrs. Aldei Lafrance Theodore Lariviere

SIS William St. Germain, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Landry, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Brunette, The Carignan Family, Mrs. William Lemlin The Roland Michaud Family, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Bolduc, Mr. & M~. Alfred Sicard

Thurs., May 27, 1965 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA.

$60 :R.ev. Gerard Boisvert $55 The William Beauregard Fam­ ily $50

Louis Parent $30 A Friend ~25

Edward Loranger $]5 George A. Lemieux, LeoPfI'nJ Harnois, Henry Dube, Beatrice Gelinas, Rosetta Daigle Andre Daigle, Marguerite Morin, Rita Parent, Ira PeI'l'Jl. Anna & Rita Jodoin Raymond Bertrand, Louis JI/Tethot, Paul Cusson, Alice Con­ tant, Simon Comeau Joseph St. Pierre. Emile Ber­ nard & Family, Mr. & Mrs Donat L€ t endre, Laurent Roy, AlphonSE L. Robitaille Yvonne Lafrance, Mr. - & Mrs. Almand Bonneau, Leo Robioa, L€ o Hebert, Roland Young Gerard Goguen, Bertha Du­ guette, Juliette Comeau, Armand :Cote, Damase Dupuis, Ano'e Aucoin

ST. THERESA $500 My Bread Baking CompaD!' $40 Al"gert R. Loranger

Open DOlviy 9 A.M. to lOP.M.

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Thurs., May 27, 1965

Fall River ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST $30 . Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Francoeur . $25 Rev. Maurice R. Jeffrey ST. JOSE;PR $100 Atlen J. McDermott $75 Rev. James W. Clark $52 In Memory of William S. &I: Maud A. Conroy $25 Dr. Daniel Dorman $20 · Catheripe & Anne CoughUn $15 · Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boyd, Charles Hemingway, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Studniarz, Mrs. Eva Stmeson .' James Downey, Mrs. James Downey, Joseph Reilly, James Saunders


. ST. ROCH $15 Wrs. Lucie Boisseau ST. STANISLAUS • $50 ')lr. &; Mrs. Napoleon Dufault $25 Anonymous $20 .. Mr. &; Mrs. William Koool1 $15 A Friend . Mary KueJIacik, Josephine ltepski, Mr. & Mrs. Walter G08­ ciminski, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gromada, Mr, & Mrs. Stephen Kulpa Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pietraszek Mr. & Mrs. William Wolowiec, Frederick Kudlacik ST. WILLIAM


St. William's Women's Guild


Tyrell Market


Mr. & Mrs. Albert Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Fonseca. Mrs. John Potts, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Viveiros, Mr. & Mrs. Ralpf.! Capone Mr. &: Mrs. Daniel Pingley., Mr. &; Mrs. Charles Perreirll . SANTO CHRISTO. $600 Rev. Arthur C. dos Reis $30 Frank B. Oliveira $20 Edward Lopes $15 Manuel Tavares, Joseph V. Medeiros, Daniel Castanho & Mother, Mr. & Mrs. William Reis Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Lawrence Manuel M. Matias, Wayside Landscape, Manuel Viveiros, Joseph Gagne, Louise CarreirG ~ Manuel ST. :"IATTHEW $25 Dr. & Mrs. Paul Lambert

French Winners Claudette Cormier, daughter Itf Mr. and Mt·s. Robert· Cormier, New Bedford, and a freshman at St. Joseph Preparatory School, Fall River, has been placed first GIl the chapter level in a national French contest. She topped 230 students from Eastern Massa­ chusetts in the contest. Winninll third place was Denise Dufour, daughter of Mrs. Romeo Dufour, 67 Morton Street, Fall River.





South • Sea Streets

Hyannis Tel. HY 81

Kill Bill to Repea.1 Birth Control Law ALBANY (NC) -A measure which would have killed - New York State's controversial birth control law has been killed in the Legislature

Press World Congress Historic

Date for Catholic Journalism

NEW YORK (NC)-The first World ~ongress of the Catholic Pr<!ss to be held outside Europe was hailed as a historic date for The chairmen of the .codes Catholic journalism and one oommittees in the Senate and in· which "harmOnIzes with the ecu­ menical vision brought about in the Assembly di:Jclosed the ac­ tion against the measure was . the Church of the council." taken in. committee session. This assessment of the con­ Thomas A. Duffy heads the Sen­ gress was voiced at its opening ate committee and Joseph R. Corso, the Assembly group. The meeting by Raimondo Manzini, president of the International action lets stand the law that prohibits dissemination of birth. Union of the Catholic Press and control information in the state. editor of the Vatican City daily, L'Osservatore Romano. The repeal measure was de­ signed to elimtnate conflict with Holding the congress in New a proposal of the state Board of York, Manzini said, "expresses and affIrms in a striking fashion Social Welfare to provide birth oontrol advice and materials to the worldwide dimensions of co­ persons on relief rolls, including operation among Catholic news­ those un arried and more than men in a world where neighbor­ hoods are always coming closer 18 years old.

and closer together." "We are here," he continued, "in the heart of the' American land un which were fixed the sights and hopes of the world during the pJ:ogress, marked· by opposition, which led peoples to independence and justice." New Domain Manzini aaid that the distance which separates the New York convention from the last one in Santander, Spain, iii. ·1960, is more spiritual than chronolog­ ical. This is so, he coP.tinued, be­ cause of the ecumenical dialogue which since that time has opened a new spiritual domain and cre­ ated "=tew visions and more complex responsibilities for Catholic journalists."

Pope. P~~I Praises Italy's. Far~u!rs VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul· VI has praised the farmers of Italy as "generous, frank, con­ vinced ChristIan workers." . He told them that "with your earnestness, modesty and expe­ rience you worthily personify patient . tenacity;' strongwilled activity, the sanity and moral good common senSe of the Ital­ il,m peOple." . . The Pope gpok~ in the Vati­ can's courtyardo~ St. Damasus to several thousand participants in the· National Congress of Farmers held in ·Rome. At his side on the balcony overlooking the courtyard were organization officials and one of Italy's most famous farmers, Zaverio Ron-·. -calli, octagenarian brother of the late Pope John XXIII who still tins the soil near his family home at Sooto II Monte.




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,NEW ENGLAND'S LARGEST RETAILER. OF FINE FO!OllJS! . Pries effective in Fall River and Somell"iet



Rev. Walter A. Sulliv8ll


Mr. " Mrs. Raymond Beynolds $2'



I: Anne Marie Lingard. M817 J. Murphy, Mr. Ie Jdrs. William White Jr. . $15 Mrs. Prank whelly, Mr. " Mrs. Myles Standish, Mrs. James Whalen, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Rus­ sell, Mrs. Lillian Green Corky Row Club InC., Manuel Almeida BOLY NAME $SOO

Thurs., May 27, 1965


11'1'. IlABY

Mrs. Theresa FOJ[, Ann


Dr. &: Mrs. Daniel Gallel'J' $300 In memory of Charles E. " Margaret Bonner $125 Dr. &: Mrs. Thomas 1'. Biggins $100 Dr. &: Mrs. John Delaney Dr. & Mrs. John Dunn Peerless Laundry Mrs. Joseph E. Mullaney Dr. &: Mrs. Francis J. D'Errlco $75 Dr. &: Mrs. John Carvalho $SO

Atty & Mrs. Thomas McGuire Joseph P. Phelan $35 Mr. &: Mrs. William F. Ready


In Memol'7 of the Bev.Edward P. Dowling $100 Doyle Construction &: Mr. 6: Mrs. Thomas W. Doyle St. Vincent de Paul Society '$50




Dr. Adelard A. Demers $35

Ben." O. Ouellette


.Armand Dallaire

A. M. Masse Family Courehaine-Bouehard F ~ $25

Normand Durette $%I Ferdinand Francoeur, .ArmancI Raiche, Alfred Rock

$15 CedI Anct!J., Geo. A. Benoit, Antonio J. Bernier, Gerard Ber­ ger, Maurice B. Demers. DDS Oscar J. Dube, Lue Dumont, Bildebert Gagnon, Lionel Gui­ mond, Omer Harrison Eugene Beon, Robert Landl'J', J:N.A. Levesque, G. &- A. Lussier Armand Lussier Philip Marchand. William Menard, Raymond Morrissette, Wilfred Poirier, Edw. Quinn.Jr. Edmond Rheaume,' Gabriel Thiboutot OUR LADY OF TIIE,ANGELS $15 Junior Council of Catholic Youth . Edward Alves, Leo Burns, Benry Camara, Charles Cardoza, Alfred Coray Marcelino De Melo, Francisco Faria, Joseph S. Ferreira, Lil­ lian LaForce, Edward Paulino Frances Reilly, John Roderick, Clarinda Ventura, .1oseph Vivei­


$35 Mr.' &: Mrs. Edward DeCic. Joseph M. Morrison


S25 ­ John G. Burgess Mrs. Diolinda Wilson


Catherine E. Roberta Mrs. Joseph Akel'll Mr. & Mrs. John J. Haningtoa Madeline L Riley Hannah G. Connon Graee L. Martin Margaret R. SullivaJl Mr. &; Mrs. Frederick J. Deme­ trius John &; Catherine Burke Mr. & Mrs. James 1'. Curtia James T. Roberts Catherine I Trainor Mrs. Sarah Sullivan Mrs. Benry W. Degnan


John M. Corrigan, Kathr)ta V. Whalen &: Margaret M. Wha­ len, John B. O'Neil, William B. Norton, Eleanor Mullaney Jerry L. Ciullo, Raymond P. Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Willard Pi­ per, John D. Carmichael, B. Louise Beattie, In memo." 01. Mary Isabel Kirkman

$15 Catherine Barnes, Francis J. Waring, Charles 1'. CurtiJI, Ed­ ward F. Daley, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Moynagh Norman J. Meyer, Mr. &: Mrs. James B. Sullivan, Joseph M. Reilly, Jennie V. Griffin, John B. Connors Jr. Catherine A. Boylan, Gilbert stone Chester Goseiminsld. Kathlem Gallery, William J. Shea, Mr. • Mrs. John L. Dean, Kath1'7D II. J)rogue


Women's Guild $75 Rev. James P. Danzen


$20 Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph Santos, Mary Whitehead, Mrs. Dolores Cangello, John R. Gettings, In Memory of Pat.riclI Hayes $15 John Gaspar, Arline Kern, Mrs. Georgette Laberge, Benry Lajeunesse, Arthur Kern Carolyn Kershura. John Ker­ shura, John Ker:>hura Jr., Wan­ da Kozak, Mrs. Catherine Mc­ Cann Roger J. Lafrance, William McHenry, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Palmer, Charles Sicard, Domi­ nick Sperduti Jane H. Sullivan Alice Sulli­ van, Mrs. Clara Whitehead, Mr. & Mrs. Barold Wolstenholme, Mrs. Margaret Wiles . Mr. & Mrs. Robert 'Wilkey, Arthur Bergeron, Mr. & Mrs. Louis T. Bouchard, Leo Bums, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Campbell Emil A. Fuller, Joseph Fran­ coeur, James Gillet, Annie God­ du, George Janson Arthur Kelsall, Raymond La­ fleur, John Medeiros, William Mitchell, John O'Brien Alfonso Oliveira, Edward N. Parisee, Romeo Pot'l.-m, Samuel J. Pullen, Donald Quinlan John Reyls, Mrs. Hector Savoie William H. Stanton, Faith Zic­



MrS.. Raymond B. Four­

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Mitchell Mr. &; Mrs. John J. Mitchell Mr. &; Mrs. Romeo McCallum $25 Mr. &: Mrs. Linus J. Mullal7 Eileen Higgins Mr. &; Mrs. Michael H. Sul­ livan Mr. &; Mrs. John Johnston cardi Mr. &; Mrs. J. Burke Shay SACRED BEART Mr. Bi Mrs. Thomas Hammond $SOO Mrs. John Welch Rt. Bev. Felix S. Cbilds The Kelly Family $125 $20

Adelaide C. Trainor Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur SullivaB

$100 Mrs. James E. Sullivan &; Grace

Margaret M. Sullivan $15

$75 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Sullivan, :Mr. &; Mrs. William J. Sullivan Rudolph LaVault, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. &; Mrs. Jeffrey E. Sullivan John J. Drislan, Mr. &; Mrs. Wil­ liam King, Mr. Ie Mrs. Milton $50 Bednarz Patrick Callahan Mr. &; Mrs. Nestor G. Silva Dorothy C. Sullivan, Mr. "" Ehzabeth M. Trainor 1Irs. Hugh F. Reilly, Mr. &; Mrs. Mr &: Mrs James W. Steele h. Michael Banley & Jane, :Mr. • $40 1Irs. John Cruger Allce C. & Mary V. BarrlDstoa Mr. &: Mrs. Thaddeus Tokuz, $35 Mr. &: Mrs. Barold J Dusoe James V. Kennedy


~therine' Furze

$75 .

$30 Rev. ])ernard Lavoie

William F. Fitzgerald Be". J. Adrlen Bernier

Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. sum".






Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Lesl'J' In Memory of John W. Mao-


ROME VISITOR: Pope Paul VI greets Lebanese PreS­ ident Charles Helou during a recent visit by the Middle Eastern chief of ~tate who was his country's first ambas­ sador to the Holy See. NC Photo. James Mello, John M. Leonard Ricnard E. Hennessey, John :M. Sullivan, Joseph Zagaja Laura M. Sullivan, Anne Pac­ ker, Edmund Pilling, Margaret F. Lowney, Timothy Shea, Thomas J. Dolan SS. PETER .& PAUL

$100 Rose E. Sullivan St. Vincent de Paul Society

$60 Belen & Catherine & Daniel Lynch Students of SS. Peter &: Paul School $50 Joseph Conaty

$30 Eileen Keavy

$25 Mr. & Mrs. William PatteD Mrs. Flora Sweeney and Fam­ ily

Mr. & Mrs. Fred R. Dolan Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sullivan Peter Garity Mr. &; Mrs. Thomas FarreJ!l $20

Mr. &; Mrs. J. Edward Glyml Mr. &; Mrs. James F. McMahon Edward Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Slater $15 Charlotte Britland, Mr. 6: Mrs. Daniel Carey, Mr. & Mn. James Cox, Mrs. Evelyn Crow­ ell, Mr. &; Mrs. Louis Cyr William Daley & Mary ll. Daley, Mr. & Mrs. America De Marco, John Dolan, Mr. &; Mn. William Garvey, Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Giroux Mr. & Mrs. Geot"ge Grego.", Mr. & Mrs. William Hyland, Mr. " Mrs. Edward Kelly, Mr. 6: Mrs. William Lambert Sr., Mr. &; Mrs. stephen Moore Mr. &: Mrs. Michael Dupont, George B. Gillett, Mr. & Mra. William Lomax, Mr. &: Mn. Joseph McGuill, Mr. 6: MD. Theodore Turek John Daly. Margaret Daly, Mary Daly, Elizabeth Graft, Frederick Hayes, Mr. 6: lin. John D. Lawlor.



Dr. Paul DeVillers


Nonnand H. Boule


Bernard H. Paquette


,Louis O. Chouinard, Low Philippe Drapeau, Ernest J. Quellette, Albert Savard, lin. Anne St, Denis William St. 'Georges OVR LADY OF HEALTH $15 ~. Almeida BOLY ROSARY

$100 The Gen.eral Cleaning Comp&D,7 $15 Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Barresi, The Italian Progres­ live Club ESPIRITO SANTO

$25 Mr. & Mrs. John C. Fonseca, J~.

$15 M817 Carreiro, Rose Carrehte

ST. ANTHONY OF PADnA $60 Rev. Joao C. Martins


III Memory of Anthony T. SO. . Angie'a

$20 Ventura's Pharmacy $15 Ernest Ladeira, Marla C. Silvia David Rego, John B. Arruda, Jeremias Arruda


Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas DelzeneN Mildred Sullivan Patricia Leary $20 Mr. &; Mrs. William R~ $15 Mr. &; Mrs, John Blake, :Mr• • Mrs.. Robert Nadeau, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Morin, Edward Heale,. :Mr. & Mrs. John Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Richard, Mr. & Mrs. William Haley, Mr. .& Mrs. Ernest Mousseau, Mr. "" Mrs. Dennis Sullivan, Mr. & MJw Roy Murray Mr. & Mrs. Alvin ConnOl'8t Mr. &; Mrs. Norman Desjardins, ­ Pizio Family, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Powers, Helen Sullivan Mr. &; Mrs. Ralph Fletchew. 1IJl. .& Mrs. Henry W. Buckley, :Mr. &; Mrs. Manuel Lima, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel D. Arruda, '!IIL &: Mrs. Joseph Murray Mr. &. Mrs. Julius Rackowald & Family, A Friend, Nora Mur­ phy, Mr. & Mrs. Louis ViveilW Jr.; -·John McHugh '. Mrs. Alton W. King, Mr. • Mrs. Lester Ball, Mr. & Mrs. Boward Duperre, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Carleton, Mr. & Mn. Daniel Morris ·Mr, &;Mrs. Frank Bertoncinl, Mr. &; Mrs. Robert Whipp, M1".. & Mrs. Antone Daponte, Mr. "" Mrs. John Morgan, Mr. & Mn. Frank Russo . Mi-: & Mrs. Henry Urban, Mrs. Mary Baldwin, Mr. & Mrs. Wll­ li.am E. Miller .. ST. ANTHONY OF THE DESERT

$25 AttyMichael Sahady :Mr. &; Mrs.- Eli'lll Galib $20 Mr. '& Mrs Thomas GaUlt $16 Mr. ai' Mrs. Vineent Shea $15 Mr••. Mrs. Edward Ballal

- .·-----IIIZ.


Rev. Joao de Medeim. $30


Mr. &: Mrs. Daniel Araujo S15 8t. Vincent de Paul SocieQ'


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