The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul
Fall River, Mass., Thursday, May 27, 1971 PRICE lOll Vol. 15, No. 21 漏 1971 The Anchor '$4.0~ per year
DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Fall River, Massachusetts Bishop's Office
BISHOP CRONIN'S STATEMENT ON TERMINATION OF THE 1971 CATHOLIC CHARITIES APPEAL HI take this occasion to express to all the benefact01's of the Catholic Charities Appeal my hea1'tfelt gmtitude for their outstanding gene1路osity. This expression of appreciation goes in a particula1' way to all the priests, 1'eligious and. laity who cooperateq so ,enthusiastically in making this year's Catholic Charities Appeal such a memoraDlesuccess." ffiDANIEL L. CRONIN Bishop of Fall Rive1'
Rev. Msgr., J. R. Pannoni R~tires from Holy Rosary His Excellency, Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, has accepted the request of Rev. Msgr. Joseph R. Pannoni to resign as pastor of the Holy Rosary Parish in Fall River, which parish he has served as pastor for the past 23 years. The son of the late Louis Pannoni and the late Beatrice Zarenga Pannoni, Monsig~or Pannoni was born in Fall River on Feb. 4,1901.
After attending St. Mary's parochial school and BMC Durfee High School in Fall River, he studied for two years at St. "Charles Seminary in Catonsville, Md. The Fall ,River pastor then prepared for the Priesthood at the North American College in Rome, Italy, attending classes at the Propaganda Fidei University. He obtained his Bachelor in Sacred Theology at the university in 1925. After six years at the Vatican seminary, he returned home to be ordained to the Priesthood by the Most Rev. Daniel F. Feehan at St. Mary's Cathedral on Sept. 19, 1925, On April 21, 1964, Most Rev. James L. Connolly invested the Fall River pastor with the robes of an Honorary Prelate to which honor he had been named by Pope Paul VI. , In the Diocese of Fall River, Monsignor Pannoni has served as assistant pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, Taunton; Corpus Christi Parish, Sandwich, and St. William Parish, Fall River. He has been pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Parish, New Bedford, and Holy Rosary Parish, Fall River. For 46 years, Monsignor Pannoni has exemplified the vocation to the priesthood as a life Turn to Page Six Rev. Msgr. Joseph R. Pannoni
CATHOLIC CHARITIES DRIVE HITS ALL TIME HIGH TOTAt The 1971 Catholic Charities Appeal of the Diocese of Fall River has achieved the highest total, $873,569.78, in its 30 year history. It is an increase of $31,477.95 over the 1970 Appeal total which was the previous high total. The final number of parishes surpassing the 1970 totals is
90. Last year, 67 parishes were St. Lawrence, New Bedford, placed on the honor roll. finished first in the Greater New Holy Name Parish, Fall River Bedford area with $22,847.47 St. achieved an all time' high for a 'John the Evangelist, Attleboro, parish in the history of the Ap- was first among the Attleboro peal with a total of $27,742.50 area parishes with $15,060.00. This exceeds by $124.41 the pre- St. Mary led in the Taunton Area vious all" time total $27,618.09, with $11,247.50. St. Francis established by the same parish Xavier, Hyannis, paced the Cape and islands with $15,734.10. last year.
Bishop Names New Pastor, .Transfers The Most Reverend Bishop today announced the appointment of a new pastor and the transfer of four assistant pastor.s. Appointed pastor' of Holy Rosary Parish in Fall River is Rev. Vincent F. Diaf~rio, who has served since his ordination as assistant pastor at the same parish. Assistant pastors who have been transferred are:
Four Priests Rev. John F. Andrews, from assistant pastor of SS. Peter and Paul Parish, Fall River, to St. Margaret Parish, Buzzards Bay. Rev. Edward F. McIsaac, from assistant pastor of St. Margaret Parish, Buzzards Bay, to Corpus Christi Parish, Sandwich. Rev. John R. Foister, from assistant pastor of St. Louis de France Parish, Swansea, to Notre Dame Parish, Fall River.
Bishop Forms! New Bedford Social Concern Committee His E'~celledcy; .the Most Reverend Bishop has named seven priests of Greater New Bedford to a liaison-committee between the Bishop's Office and the community of Greater New Bedford. The priests will be able to advise the Bishop of any and all existing and emerging situations in Greater' New Bedford in
Eastern-Rite Ordination Saturday Rev. Mr. Ronald Beshara, son of Mr. & Mrs. Nasry Beshara of Westport, will be ordained to the Priesthood by His Excellency, Bishop Francis M. Zayek, Apostolic Exarch of the Maronite Rite in the U. S. Turn to Page Six
which the Diocese' of Fall River maintains an interest. Heading the committee which will concern itself with social conditions in Greater New Bedford, is Rev. Thomas E. O'Dea, assistant pastor at St. Lawrence Parish, New Bedford. Members of the committee are: Rev. Manuel P. Ferreira, pastor of St. John the Baptist Parish, New Bedford. Rev. Ambrose Forgit, :SS.CC., pastor of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, New Bedford. Rev. John F. Hogan, pastor of St. Julie Parish, North Dartmouth, and Director of the New Bedford Catholic Welfare Bureau. Rev. William Petrie, SS.CC., Driector of the Regina Pacis Center for Spanish-speaking Catholics, New Bedford. Rev. William W. Norton, Director of St. Mary's Home, New Bedford. Rev. Bertrand R. ChabOt, pastor of St. Anthony of' Padua Parish, New Bedford.
Rev. Roland Bousquet, from assistant pastor of St. Jacques Parish, Taunton, to St. Louis de France Parish, Swansea. Father DAaferio Born in Boston on April 14, 1930, Rev. Vincent F. Diaferio is the son of Grace Loscocco Diaferio and the late Francesco Diaferio. After attending the Dearborn School and Boston English High School, the new pastor prepared for the Priesthood at Maryknoll Seminary and St. John Seminary in Brighton. He was ordained to the Priesthood by Most Rev. James L. Connolly on Feb. I, 195~ at St. Mary's Cathedral. Upon ordination, Father Diaferio was assigned to Holy RosTurn to Page Two
Rev. Vincent
Layman Assistant Principal At Feehan High School
Rev. Mr. Ronald Beshara
Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Dioce- political science at Providence路 san路 Superintendent of Schools, College. He feels Catholic eduannounced the appointment of cation is important because "To Mr. Paul B. O'Boy as Assistant be educated is to know yourself Principal of Bishop Feehan High and to know yourself is to recogSchool in Attleboro. This marks nize man's dependency on God. the first time in diocesan history Therefore, only' an education that a lay person has held this that recognizes God is a true position. education." A graduate of St. Mary GramMr. O'Boy's decision to conmar School and Msgr. Coyle tinue at Bishop Feehan is based High School in Taunton, Mr. .to some degree on his six years O'Boy earned a B.A. degree in Turn to Page Ninete_en
THE ANCf:lOR-Diocese pf FaIlR)ver-Thurs. May 27, 1'971
. ,
, ASSIGNMENTS' , Rev. VincentOf.': Diafe~io, assistanf at, Holy Rosary Parish, Fall River, to pastor of Holy. Ros.ary Parish, Fall River! ,
Rev. John F. Andrews, assistant at SS. Peter and Paul Parish, Fall River, to St. Margaret Parish, Buzzards Bay, as assistant. : I'
R~v. Edward F. McIsaac, assistant !it St. Margaret Pa~· Ish, Buzzards Bay to Corpus Chr~sti Parish,.- Sandwich, ~s assistant. ' Rev. John R. ,Foister, assistant at St. Louis de France Parish, Swansea, to, Notre Dame de Lourdes Parish, as .assistant. Rev. Roland Bousquet, assi~tant at St. Jacques Parish, ra~nton, to St. Louis, de France Parish, Swansea"as assistant. "
Assignmef?ts effective Wednesday, June 9, 1971.
+-~~fi..,~ , Bishop of Fall River
Affirms' Righ! to Organize ATLANTA (NC)-Archbishop Thomas A. Donnelan of Atlanta, affirming the Church's sup-' port of the right of workers to organize, called on labor unions to admit workers into their ranks without discrimination. He made the. appeal at a press conference during which "he announced that a May Day Mass for labor would be celebrated at the cathedral here. 'Msgr. George Higgins, United ,States Catholic Conference, director of the division of urban life was scheduled as a homilist. "This event will present the Church with a unique opportunity to publicly declare its concern for the condition of working man, his' rights and duties," the archbishop said. ,One of man;s, rights, he declared, "a.nd sometimes this can
even be a' duty, is, to gather together in organizations which will enable him to bargain collectively for living wages, decent working conditions, and humane hours whieh will' allow him to work and spend time with his family.in dignity." He noted that the Second Vatican Council and the world's bishops have recognized these rights. Archbishop Donnellan :said that in recognizing and strongly promoting the right of workers to organize, "the union likeWise, should guard against any exces7 sive use' of economic power which' fails, to recognize the rights of others or employ ppysical violence as a tactic for, gain." Georgia's governor, and Atlanta's mayor proclaimed ,May Day as Church-Labor Solidarity ·Day.
" Set for Specia,l 'Math Prograrra Nancy Romanowicz, a Mount St. Mary's Academy Junior, will participate this Summer in, a, 'special advanced mathematics
program at Thayer Acadenp' in Braintree. Selection is based on :high scholastic achievement and' special testing.,' The program is cosponsored, by Thayer and Stonehill Col1ege and supported by the National Science Foundation. Scholastic honors are nothing new for the daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Walter Romanowicz of 605 South Beach Street. She is attending the, Mount on a four year scholarship. She: was, awarded the first annual scholarship created in 1968 in honor of the school's first 'principal, Sister Mary Carmela.' Miss Romanowicz went to the 'Mount from' D6'minican Academy's elementary division, where she was, an honor student. ;, '
loR. MciSAAC
S'ishop Nqm'es One Pastor and Transfes Four Priests Father McIsaac Rev. Edward F. McIsaac, a native of Woburn, is the son of the late Colin F. and the late Mary MacDonald McIsaac. Educated in Newton schools he studied at Catholic University of America, in WiishilJgton. He was ordained ,to the Priesthood on, Feb. 21, 1948. , , He' has served in parshes and institutions in North Carolina, New Yor::k, Texas and Nova Scotia. In the Diocese of Fall River, he has, served as assistant pastor of St. Thomas More Par~ ish, Somerset; the Cathedral; St. John the, Evangelist Parish, Attleboro and St. Margaret Parish, Buzzards Bay, Father Foister, Born in Fall'River on Dec. 6, 1931, Father Foister is the son of Eglantine Allard Foister and the late Joseph J. Foister. He studied· at St. Anne and Blessed,'
Continued from Page One ary Parish in Fall ~iver, where he has 'served untilI his present ' appointment as pqstor of the same parish. I , Father Andrews 'Rev. John F.' A!ndrews, the son of Francis 'F. IG. Andrews and Julia c. 'TrOlid Andrews, was born in Dightort on May 13, 1936. After attending Berkley Grammar School· and Msgr. Coyle High Syhool, he prepared for the Priesthood at Cardinal O'Connell and·S1:.' John' Semi~' naries in Brighton. I M?st, Rev. !arhes L. Connolly' l ordamed Father' 'Andrews to the Priesthood at: St. Mary's Cathe' dral on Feb. 2, ·196~. Father Andrews has served as assistant pastor of St. Joseph Parish, Fall River and SS. Peter and Paul Parish, Fall River. He is also theF~ll; River Area Scouting Chaplain. I •
Plan Ecu~el1lical Memoria I S'ervice An Ecumenical: Community Prayer of St. FranCis.'" Mrs. Worship Experienc~ has been William S. Hathaway, Jr. will planned for 6 o'cloc,k on Sunday serv,e as organist. There will be evening, May 30 by the Fall a prayer vigil walk through Riv~r Clergy AssoCi:ation. -It will Memorial Hall. There will be a huge banner be a Memorial Da)'l observance, created by the girls, for ,the scheduled, very dppropriately, for the stern deck hf the U.S.S. Dominican Academy. Massachusetts The planning committee conThe theme of the Iworship will sists of Rev. Robert Carter, Rev. be "I Am 'Among ¥ou As One Arthur T. DeMello, Mrs. Marian Who Serves," andl Rev. Msgr. W. Van Slyke" and Rev. Edward Henri A. Hamel, I1astor of ,St. VanderHey, 'with the gracious' joseph's Parish" !iew Bedford cooperation of Mr. Vaitses, exec~ and retired Chaplain of U. S. Air utive director of the Battleship. Force, will deliv~r the sermon. Following the service the ship The Cafhednil dhoresters of will be open for tours. There fall River', directed Iby Rev. Wil~ will be no admission charge or Ham G. Campbell will offer "The . offering for either the service or . i the tour. ,Area churches are asked to promote this service among their congregations.
Funeral Home 571 Second Street, Fall River, Mass. 679-6072 . MICHAEL J. McMAHON Registered Embalmer licensed Funeral Director
THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall, River. Mass" Published e'Jery Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River.. SUbscription price by mall, po~;tpaid $4.00 per year. ' ' '
Necrology MAY 30 Rev. Jordan Harpin, O.P., 1929, Dominican Priory, Fall River. Rev. Edmond J. Potvin, 1937, Pastor, St. John Baptist, Fall River. ' Rev. JamesM. Quinn, 1950, Pastor, St. John Evangelist, Attleboro. MAY 31 Rev. Vincent A. Wolski, OFM Conv., 1964, Pastor, Holy Cross,' Fall River.
D. D. Wilfred C. Sullivan Driscoll FUNERAL HOME 206 WINTER STREff FALL RIVER, MASS. 672-3381
Funeral Home 123 Broadway
TAUNTON, VA 4-5000
Michael C. Austin
Funeral Home
550 Locust Street Fall River, Mass,
Funeral Service
, 672-2391 I
Sacrament Schools in' Fall River and Mt. St. Charles Academy in Woo~socket, R. I. Father'Folster prepared for the Priesthood at Our Lady of Providence Seminary in Warwick, R. I., St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore and North American College in Rome. He was ordained to the Priesthood, on pec. 20, 1958 in the chapel of the North American, Coilege in Rome, ' ' Father Foister has served as assistant pastor of St. ~Qch, Parish, ,Fall River; St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New, Bedford; Sacred Heart Parish, Fall River, and St. Louis de France Parish, Swansea. The new Fall River curate also served as New Bedford and Fall Tu!n to Page Six
Rose E. Sullivan Jeffrey E. Sullivan
Edward F. Carney 549 County Street New Bedford 999,-6222
Serving the area since 1921 ,
THE ANCHORThurs., May 27, 1971
Ground Breaking At Mausoleum On Monday The formal ground breaking ceremony for the future chapelmausoleum at Notre Dame Cemetery, Stafford Rd., Fall River will take place at 10 o'clock on Monday morning, May 31. Participating in the ceremonies will be Rev. Msgr. John E. Boyd, pastor of St. Patrick's Parish; Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, pastor of Our Lady of Angels Parish; Rev. Msgr., Reginald M. Barrette, pastor of Notre Dame Parish; and Rev. Robert S. Kaszynski, pastor of St. Stanislaus Parish. Representatives of the Acme Marble and Granite Co. will also be present. Following the ground breaking, the Annual Concelebrated Mass for deceased veterans and all the departed buried in Notre Dame Cemetery will be offered with Father Kaszyns!5i as homilist. The Mass will take place at the far end of the cemetery, next to sections No. 25 and 26.
GRADUATION AT ST. ANNE'S SCHOOL OF NURSING: LEift: Rev. Msgr. Robert L. Stanton, rector of the Cathedral and instructor at the Nursing School, gives diploma to Sr. Margaret Mary Schock, O.Carm. of Fairhaven.
Opposes Illegal Aid to ··Schools BROOKLYN (NC) - Catholic schools would rather "take no aid at all and starve until we close" than accept an unconstitutional form of government financal assistance, Bishop Francis Mugavero of Brooklyn declared here. He told a meeting of Catholic teachers: "Money is the real problem, all right, so real, our very survival is at stake. But how it comes makes all the difference in the world." Noting that many opponents of state aid to Catholic schools have claimed that Catholics are not concerned with observing the Constitution, Bishop Mugavero said: . "Let me tell you, clearly and firmly, that we, above all, are concerned. Moreover, we are prepared to take no aid at all and starve until we close rather than accept a form of aid that violates the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, which is the sacred·'guardian of our religious liberty. "Nothing more prejudices the right and just solution of this grave problem in American life than legislative enactment that would provide help on a crisis basis, at the expense, of basic constitutional principles." Bishop Mugavero also stressed that financial assistance can be designated for' parochial schools under the reasoning that "if the non public school is an important institution in our society preserving pluralism and providing freedom in the important area of education, then it is good for our society to preserve it."
Right: Mrs. Mariette Eaton, R.N., B.S., instructor at the. Fall River nursing school gives the American Beauty Rose to Miss Susan Petisca, a tradition in the graduation exercises of St. Anne's Hospital School of Nursing.
Score . Proposed Toughe.r Welfare:. Plan , -
·Conf·erence· Director 'Warns of Implications.· WASHINGTON (NC)-Tougher welfare plans now being proposed by the federal government were criticized by the department of social development at the United States Catholic Conference (NSCC). John E. Cosgrove, departmental director, said he was concerned about possible implications of President Nixon's recent advocacy of a plan that encourages people on welfare to work at whatever jobs are available. He added 'that he is dismayed by reports of further actions which in esssence directly oppose the USCC's earlier call for a substantial increase in the $I,600-a-year minimum guaran-' teed income for a family of·foui under the President's original Family Assistance Plan. That plan, known as FAP, was not enacted by Congress last· year and'is still pending in the House Ways and Means Committee. Major changes in the plan, however, have occurred since the legislation was conceived by the administration nearly two years ago. More Restrictive For one thing, it now stipulates that a welfare mother must register for work and take a job unless one of her children is under the age of three. If she fails to do this, her family's federal subsidy will be cut - by $800. The President earlier proposed that welfare mothers be exempted from. the work requirement if at least one child is under six. If this new more restri'ctive exemption goes into effect as
outlined, it would mean that several hundred thousand additional women would come under the plan's work requirements. Cosgrove called the committee's injection of a more inclusive work plan for mothers "very detrimental to family life" and said it would "add an extra burden to a mother who is already the head of a family a':ld who is faced with the-. various problems of poverty." The plan's tougher approach to welfare recipients represents the views of Ways and Means Chairman Wilbur Mills (D-Ark.) and is also in line with opinion President Nixon expressed to a conference of Republican governors in Williamsburg, Va. The President, while saying that his welfare reform program
will . be "White House priority No. 1 until it is enacted," also dwelt on welfare reform as a means of getting people to work their way off welfare rolls. He said he favors a plan that encourages people to work "and that means whatever work is available. " Agreeing .with the President, Cosgrove noted that "any honorable work obviously has human dignity attached to it," but he added, "it should be compensated for at a humane level and therefore we reject the idea that any work available is suitable." He urged that "suitable" employment be defined so as "to include pay of at least the federal minimum wage - whether or not the job is covered by the law-or the prevailing wage for the industry, whichever is higher."
FalmouthWomen Donate Books A traditional activity of the Women's Guild of St. Patrick's parish, Falmouth, is the presentation of selected books to the . Falmouth Public Library. In 14 years, 39 books have been donated, including the Jerusalem Bible. This year's selection, "The Morality of Abortion," edited by John T. Noonan Jr., is .considered especially significant by guild members due to its timeiiness and content. '.'Through our· library we feel that we speak out as Catholic women to our townspeople," said Mrs. George S. Cahoon, literary chairman for the guild.
Rev. Lucien A. Madore, Director of Notre Dame Cemetery, has extended an invitation to all· the faithful and especially the veterans and all who have loved ones buried in Notre Dame.
Uganda President's Widow Converted . KAMPALA (NC>:-Lady Damali Catherine, widow of Uganda's first president, was received into the Catholic Church at a crowd-packed ceremony in Rubaga cathedral. Lady Damali's late husband was Sir Edward Mutesa who had been kabaka (king) of the kingdom of Buganda before he became president of Uganda. Buganda is now part of one of Uganda's four administrative regions ..
-famous for
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TH~ ANCHPR--:-[)io~eseo.f Fqll.Rive~-Thurs .. May
27, 1971
S_tephen Burmi~gham .. Tells Story of Sephardic Jews" In 1654, a little group of' Jew.!" was brought, aboard a French ship, into the Dutch-·settlement of New Amsterdam (now, of cpu~se,New Yo,rk). The governor of the Dutch colony, Peter St.uyvesant, was hostile to them, did ' not _want them to remain, and put severe restrictions Memorial' Foundation purchlised on them when. they' did. In it. • Aonother impressive Sephardic time, these unwelcome new- Jew.was Benjamin Cardozo, a
justice of the Unite'd States, Supreme Court from 1932 to 1'938. Cardozo, by the way, was tuBy tored in his youth by none tither than Horatio Alger. Still another RT. REV. ..•. eminence is Annie Nathan, ••.. j.a. , . ? - who founded Barnard College, MSGR. . achievement enough, one might . suppose, but she did it' when she JOHN S. was 22 years old. KENNEDY These people, and the many others of whom Mr.. Birmingham writes, ·are well worth meeting. comers became established and But one regrets that the tradi,prospered. Their descendants, tion and culture which they ·hewilderingly intermarried, are represent is not-· examined in still very important people in greater depth and .detail. New York, as well as elsewhere William O. Johnson, Jr., has in the Unit~d States. The story of produced something which he the 23 originals and their prog- calls. Super Spectator . and the eny is told, in a way, in Stephen Electric Lilliputians (Little, Birmingham's The Grandees Brown - a Sports Illustrated (Harper and Row, 49 East 33rd book, 34 Beacon St., Boston, St., New York, N. Y. 100al. $10).' Mass. 02106. $6.95). That, title Why an obviously Hispanic suggests a comic strip or a radio designation like "grandees"? Be- serial, but the 'contents have cause these' people are Sephardic nothing to do with either. Jews. That'is, their roots for cenSuper Spectator is the Amerturies were in Spain or Portugal, ican male who sits for hours, and in both those. countries their sometimes 'whole days,' before a ancestors were' once prominent television set on which sports and powerful. Many of the fam- events succeed one another' And · i1y names today are Spanish. the Electric Lilliputians are the Mr. Birmingham attempts to, tiny figures shown on the small cover the' Spanish background screen executing baseball, foot-· of the Sepharim. His account is ball. basketball plays. scrappy, 'and his bibliography, . At first, one suspects that the skimpy at best,. is unbelievably book is going to be confined to poor when it 'comes to Spanish the pleasures and perils of history. This is· not to say that watching sports on TV. But Mr. he misrepresents' the 'treatment Johnson, after an initial chapter of the Jews in Spain. They were, devoted to that. easily exhaustin certain centuries, badly used, ible subject;· turns to the more incontestably. B'ut the picture interesting matter of the effect has far more nuances to it than of TV on sports and vice versa. Pny. Isn't Bad his summary review suggests. What was the first telecast Bits and Pieces As to the hist9ry of the Se- of a sporting event in the United phardim. in. this country, his book States?·1t took place in 1939, is curiously unsatisfying, made and the subject /was a baseball · up, as it is, of 'bits and pieces game between Princeton and which are juxtaposed rather than Columbia. blended. One can get from it The announcer, long. used to some _idea of the' progress and radio work, never stopped talk. accomplishments of the Sephar- ing. He was' told, "Shut up, Bill dic Jews,but his account lacks We can' see it, we can see it." fullness and flavor. There is no evidence that either It is in individual portraits that that pioneer or his suc'cessors the book excels. That, for exam- ever took the good advice. . , pie, of Uriah Levy who, in 1817, One chapter goes step by step became' the first Jewish officer through the televising of a basein the United States Nav~f. L'evy ball game (which sport, by· the, had a tumultuous naval career, way, is very poorly transmitted partly because of his touchy in- by the medium): Many amusing dependence and partly" because facts turn up in this scenario. of his Anti-Semitism. He 'Was The sportscaster does riot' watch court·martialed again and again the live action. He watches a · and .dismissed· or' suspended, from 'monitor, .to be ·su.re that what he th'e service,' only to be. .vindi-· '. is d.escribing is ~hat the viewer cated, and he' ended. up with th~ . '-is seeing: It's tough work, sports. rank of commodore and in com· casting, but the pay isn't bad. mand of th~ Mediteiran~an Fleet. Curt Gowdy, according to Mr. People WortI, Meeting Johnson, makes $350,000 a year. At least as significant'·.was h i s ' Mayor Daley purchase of' Jefferson;s :. Monti-·· Mike Royko, .a columnist for ·celio in 1836. He got the ab.an- . the C'hicago Dally News, -is no doned house and estate' for' , friend of Richard J. Daley,' pe· $2,700, and 'spent many times rennial Mayor of Chicago. So that amount in restoring it. In much is clear on the very first his will, he left it to. th~ United page 'of Mr, Rov'ko's book,Boss. States government, but the will (Dutton; 201 Park Ave So" New was broken" by his :relatives; and York, N..Y. 10003. $5.95), which Monticello remained in the fam- .is about the mayor and· ,:1gainst i1y until, in 1923, the' Jefferson the mayor. "
ORDINATIQN IN CATHEDRAL: Bishop Cronin ordains Rev. Richard W. Beaulieu at .ceremonies .held Saturday afternoon 'in S1.. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. Assisting the Ordinary of the Diocese are Rev, John R. FoIster, left, assistant at St. Louis de France Church, Swanse~; Rev. Jolin J. Smith, cent er, Diocesan Director of Vocations; Rev. George E. Harrison, right, Episcopal Secretary. . ".
f:Bishop, praises
Supreme 'Court Busing Ruling·
MO~ILE (NC) -; Cat hoi i c them' by taking children' away to Chief Justice Warren Burger. schools in this Southern diocese from them," Bishop May said. "We want to try to build conwilL continue their "policy of. "They need the white students fidence in the public schools refusing to accept :public trans- at this time. If the white chil- rather than joining in any way fer.' :students, in order to help dren are all leaving, they are people who say 'let's give up on public schools abide by the U. S. going to end up with predomi- the public. school,' Bishop May Supreme Court's r~cent school nantly black schools' (instead of said - elaborating on a year-old racially, mixed)." integration ruling. I diocesan policy against allcepting Bishop May said the Mobile' public school transfer students , "We .·could take advantage of diocese would also continue its unless they had moved to Mobile t~is situation by be,efing up our enrollment," said Bishop John policy of "meaningful integra- from another state. L. May of' Mobile. I He said his tion" of all Catholic schools. Bishop May said Alabama Support Public Schools office had been "b~sieged. with Catholics would supp'ort the "This means that .even though calls from patents ~ho. ~ant our state's public schools. in . every schools to accept their children,". t~chnicallY ~s private schools the way "because they are also our . law may riot bind us, we prefer Hut' he said' the ' diocesan schools, since we are paying schools would "sta'nd with the not to stick with the letter of taxes and many' ot our. children public schools in their efforts to . the law, but to follow the spirit are attending public schools." of the law as announced by the observe the law." , . "We don't want:, to undercut . .Supreple COUlt.", The nation's high court handed l'Ull"IOl"""lllIIlIIIIIIIII"lll1llOUlUIlIIIII""IIIIII1II'""",,,,,''''''''''''''''I;'IIIIIIIIII;''''II~ Mr. Royko' traqes the life down a comprehensiv.e:·i'uling which began in 1902, and the April 20 with the objective of career on theptiWic payr'oll eliminating from V.S.· public Over 35 Years' which began some 48 years ago.' schools. "all vestiges .of stateof Satisfied Service It is an unbroken, if not always' iinp?s~d segregation," according Reg. Master 'Plumber'7023 speedy, rise to poWer, a power JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. which, Mr. Royko ~olds,. became Arrogance. 806 NO. MAIN STREET absolute with the winning of the Riches are apt to betray a. man Fall 'River: 675·7497 .mayorality in 1955: and has re~ into arrogance. Addison '. mained so ever since.. "He runs I . City Hall like ,a ~mall family ~lIl1l1l11l11l11l11l11illllllllllillllllllllll'lIl1l11l11l11l1l11l11l11l1l1l1l1l11l1l11l11l1l1l1l1l11l11ll1l1l11l11l11l1l1l11lillllllllllllllf: busine~s and keeps everybody on a short rein." '.: A tightly contr9l1ed, tightly run political machi~e is depicted INC. by Mr. Royko, and he can see nothing but evil in it. He credits none of the good things for Chicago on which others compliment the mayor: Indeed, he will not allow the mayor a proper motive or a decent impulse. It is this relentless, Ivitriolic disparagement which! makes one Question the force- lof the book. Not even a smidgin of grey is· allowed Ao intrude on the allblack ~anvas. ":',' (".1,: I ",'i :."",.) ~JII!lIIl11ll11l11l1l1l11ll11l1l1l11l11l1l1l11l11l11nlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillliiiililllllllll1II1111111111111111h~
Montie Plumbing & Heating Co.'
I· ·'D
Writes ,,'Open Letter' to the Holy. Spirit' For Eve of Pentecost Sunday Dear Sp'irit of God, . On the Eve of Pentecost Sunday, I would like to. beg your help and protection for your priests. In these times of renewal in our Church, we' need ~nd want our priests to be holier, wiser, and stronger than ever. Please send to all of them your gifts uf grace, fullness, holiness, and strength. Help the newly' ordained ·to keep their dedication and zeal. Teach them how to make time for moments of intense prayer each day. Guide them to look to you for constant help. Then perhaps, dear Lord, inspire to greater devotion those priests who have already been ordained. May they grow in the 'realization of what a privilege is theirs to hold you in their hands each day and to bring you to all of us who need you so much. Encourage and aid pastors who are "snowed under" by so· many details and problems. Let them seek and feel the comfort' of Your Presence each day in order to keep more easily their precious' balance in every facet of their work. Only You know how to measure the amount of patience and understanding which they need. ' Won't you send a large amount of Your Wisdom to the teaching priests who are trying to instruct, .enlighten, and guide the minds and souls of students who belong to you, Lord.
aged and infirm priests who must accept a sedentary life after active years ill your service. They need help in order to. adjust to a change of pace. Let them remember that' prayer is ceaseless activity.
of Fall River-Thurs. May 27, 1971
Rules Missouri School Bill Legal
JEFFERSON CITY (NC) Finally, dear Lord, grant us th~' State payment for teaching of grace to love your priests wise- nonreligious subjects in nonpubly, to pray for them always, and lic . schools does not constitute to offer them our sacrifices and "aid to religion" according to Missouri Atty. Gen. John C. cheerful cooperation. . Thank you, Lord, for all your Danforth.. Thus state "purchase of secupriests. lar services" from church· related schools would not violate Missouri's constitutional bar to aid to religious schools, Danforth said. .... The attorney general's opin.. .ion was issued a day after the ·Missouri House of Representatives defeated a "purchase of .secular services" bill by a vote
of 86 to 71. Speaking on the bill, introduced by Rep. James F. Conway (Dem.) of St. Louis, Atty. Gen. Danforth said the proposal calls for "an exchange of considerations, that' is, money for secular education services, and therefore, no aid to religion is present." Danforth, an. Episcopal minister, said a contract provision 'in the Conway Bill would assure that schools were simply providing a service to the state in exchange for state payment. He said "no grant or gift is involved."
Retreat Masters Inspire, renew, and inform the tireless retreat masters through whom you work ceaselessly tei change lives or to channel their gifts to bring souls to you. May you be the source of every word they speak and every gesture of friendship toward their listeners. Reward them with your consoling presence. Ext~nd your help to the country priest who would prefer to work in a city apostolate and to the city priest who longs for the quiet of a country parish, Please care for the chaplains who accompany those serving or fighting in war zones, May your wisdom and comfort be on their Come Holy Spirit lips each time that they must bid goodbye to the dying and the wounded. The missionaries need your help to cope with the loneliness, the strangeness of it all. They., WASHINGTON (NC)-B1anket troit, president of the National need your" strength every day au th' . onza t'IOn h as been given Conference of Catholic Bishops b ut especially If they should be- USb' I Ie d (NCCB), who announced the au" . . IS h ops t 0 perml't qua I'f' come ~rlsoners, as IS frequently laymen to assist in distribution thorization, said the permission happenmg now m .some countries. of Holy Communion by the Vat- was requested at the confer. An~ your clOistered monks! ican Congregation for the Sacra- ence's general meeting in WashOne cannot forget their lives of ments. ington last November. prayer and adoration, making up The new authorl'zatl'on I'S for t f . In some U. S. dioceses such o you or so mapy of us who permission has been given on an one year only, but it is expected are unaware of you or who ape.rmanent instruction on the h t' individual basis for a period of subJ·ect. will be issued by the' c oose' o·lgnore you. one year, but the new authorization applies to all U. S, archdio. Holy See within a year. Help the Aged Cardin!il Dearden' mentioned ceses and dioceses at the disOn . this great Feast, 'dear cretion of the head of the See. three instances of the practice: Spirit. of Love, look with comCardinal John Dearden of De- "Lay persons ministering Com· munion when no priest or dea· passiOl). on the number of priests con is available; the distribution who are tempted to leave the priesthood, Help them to rememof Communion in the houses of Marks Anniversary religious Sisters or Brothers ber that they are not only human LOS ANGELES (NC)-Cardi- (who are, canonically, lay per. but .also dedicated to God whose hand is there to seek and to nal James Francis McIntyre, re- sons), and assistance to the grasp. Then, like Peter the Apos- tired archbishop of Los Angeles, priest at Masses with a very tle, they will be able to "keen observed the 50th anniversary large congregation," from sinking" and to resume ~ of his ordination to the priestLay persons who may minister wonderful life serving you with hood May 21 by officiating at a Communion must be designated renewed courage and serenity. concelebrated Mass in St. Basil's . by name by their bishop, CarHelp also, ·dear Spirit, all the Church here. dinal Dearden said. '
Authori%eU.S. Bishops to Permit Laym'en Distribute Eucharist
Have you ever wished you had a son a priest? Now you can have a 'priest of your own'-and share forever in all the good he does. . . . Throughout the Near East each year, grateful bishops ordain hundreds of new priests trained by people like you.... Their own families are· . too poor to support them in training, but good Catholics in America 'adopted' these seminarians, encouraged them. all the way to ordination.... In some inspiring cases, this support was given at personal sacrifice. . . . How can you begin? Write to us now. We'll send you the name of a young seminarian who needs' you, and he will write to you. Make the pay' ments for his training to suit your convenience ($15.00 a month, or $180 a year, or the total $1,080 all at once). Join your sacrifices to his, and at every Sacrifice of the Mass,. he will always remember who made it possible.
Look at the nearest $10 bill. What is it actua'llY worth? Only what it will buy. Today, it will hardly buy enough to feed a family for two days. In the Holy Land, it will feed a poor refugee family for an entire month:The Holy Father asks your he'lp for the refugees" more than half 'of them children. Your money multiplies-as you give it away.
••.. ~
Father's Day is June 20. Why not send us your Mass requests right now? Simply list your intentions, and then·you can rest assured the Masses will be offered by priests in India, the Holy Land and Ethiopia, who receive no other income.... Remind us to send you· information about Gregorian Masses, too. You can arrange now to have Gregorian Masses offered for yourself, or for another, after death.
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_ _
MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. . 330 Madison Avenue· New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840
" ~
PC President',
Disillusion,ment :.
To a certain group of European and American intellectuals - real and otherwise - Cuba's Fidel Castro was th~ir o~n pet revolutionary. From a reasonably safe dis- , tance they hailed him as a true man of the people and one whose actions anel governmeritwere "a model in the realm of socialism." All ofa sudden--and not, 'of course, surprisinglydisillusionment has set in. The Cuban poet, Heberto Padilla, was recently imprisoned in Cuba on unspecified charges and issueq what was called a "confessIon" describing himself as ignoble, unjust, treacherous and lying among other things. : ' Now' 60 American and Europeans who' once praised. Castro have denounced him and this action as absurd and have expreS;ed their shame and' anger over what has happened. " " People like Jean-Paul Sarti-e, Susan Sontag, Alberto Moravia, Pier-P~olo Passolini have signed t~e protest.The "ordinary" person will undoubtedly be glad to see that these Western intellectuals have finally caught, up with the common-sense' evaluation ?f Castro that· most people made years ago. But it is strange how these, so.called well-informed persons have to wait until one of their own is touched before becoming aware of /what is really going' on.
,Eastern-RIte Ordination Saturday
Aware' of the Needs
".\ Fr~ 'Peterson, O.P. The Rev. Thomas R. Peterson, O.P., Ph.D., will be the new president of Providence College, it was announced by the Very Rev. 'Kenneth C. Sullivan, O.P., chainnan of the Providence College Corporation. Father Peterson, who is cur· rently the dean of Provdence College, will succeed the Very Rev. William' Paul Haas,. O.P.,' who has resigned effective June 30. 'Like Father Haas, a native of Newark, N. J., Father Peterson was graduated from Providence' College in 1~51. He was ordained ,to the priesthood in the Domin· ican Order -in 1956. He received his Licentiate and Lectorate in the Sacred Theology from Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D. C., and his Ph.D. from the. Aquinas Institute of Philosophy in Wake Forest, 1\1. He has surveyed undergradu· ate academic programs at more than 50 colleges and universities throughout the United States and Canada as part of a reasearch project and the results will be in a book soon to be published, "The Underlying. Philosophy of , American Catholic Highe'r Education." .
Church, Fall River, at 12:15 in Continued from ,Page One I . The ceremony will be con- the afternoon. The concelebrated, liturgy of ducted according tolthe AntiochContinued from Page Two thanksgiving will be presided ene Maronite Rite, using the conover by Bishop Zayek. The AnaRiver Regional Director of the celebrated liturgy vJith the CanI phora of St. James the Less-'CCD. He is Secretary of the on of the Twelve Apostles. . from the fourth century will Board of Examiners of the Cler-' His Excellency,: Most Rev. gy, Chaplain of the Fall River Daniel A. Cronin, ~ishop of Fall be u!!ed. ,Concelebrating with Father Fire Department, and member of River, will a:ttend ~he Cathedral Beshara will be Rev. Msgr. Seely the editorial staff of The Anchor. ceremony Saturday; morning at . ' , I .10:30. I' Begghini, Rev. Ferris Kleem"Rev. , .. Fa~h«:r BOusque,L :;:iL ,: . ,Attendin'g Bisho~C:roni~ Kenneth Michael, Rev. :(VIichel Rew,Roland Bousquet, son 'of , be Rev,Msgr.'RqbettL. Stanton, Methot, Rev. Gene Charman, Ephraim and LifJian Bourque rector of ,the Cathedral, Rev.' Rev. Joseph Naja, Rev. Maurice Bousquet, was born in Fall River Msgr. John E. Boyd,; pastor of St. Karam, Rev. Sami Hayek.. on Nov. 8, 1927. Patrick Parish, Fall River, and The Deacon will be Rev. Mr. He attended Blessed Sacra" ReV. Msgr. Henri At Hamel, pas- Joseph Thomas~ Assisting Bishop 'ment 'and Msgr. Prevost SCh90ls tor; of St. Joseph Iparish, New Zayek will be Rev. James Nairne and prepared for' the Priesthood Bedford. at LaSalette Minor. Seminary, and Rev. Msgr. Abi-Nader. Concelebrating tthe liturgy Buffet Seminaire de Philosophie and with Bishop Zaye!.t; will be Rev. The music will be directed by Grand Seminaire in Montreal. Msgr. Josep Abi-Nader, viceEdward Peters and Tony Mike. On May 22, 1954, he was orchancellor of the eahern-dte diocese; Rev. Msgr, S~e,y Beggiani, A buffet will follow the Mass' dained to the 'Priesthood by Most re<;tor of the- Maronite Seminary and will be held in the Sharbel Rev. James L. Connolly. , Center. He has served' as assistant in Washi~gton, "'D'iC: " pastor' of Notre Dame Parish, . Also, Rev. George Saad, pastor Rev. Ronald Beshara was born Fall River; St. Joseph Parish, of Our Lady' of Porgatory Par· in Fall River in 1945. He gradu- New Bedford, and St. Jacques ish', New Bedford; Rev. Norman ated from Msgr. Prevost High Parish, Taunton. Ferris,· administrat6r of St. An- School and attended St. Mary's The new Swan~ea curate is thony of the Desert Parish, Fall Seminary in Kentucky. Notary and Secretary of the DiRiver; Rev. MauriC~ Karam, Rev. While attending the Maronite ocesan Tribunal and has served Sernaan ,Farris" Rev. Kenneth Seminary in Washington, he. ort the Pre-Cana' Board in New Michael, Rev. Sami Hayek, Rev. studied at Catholic University 'Bedford and as 'a member of the joseph Naja, Rev. ~Ferris Kle'em where he received degrees in Board' of Examiners of the and Rev. James Nairne. Philosophy and Theology. Clergy. Serving as deacon of the Mass will be the Rev. R6nald Beshara who,. at the Mass's end will be raised. to the Priest~ood. , Continued frOm Page,On.e Heart was dedicated to the memIt will include a blessing by the Bishop, the pt,esentation' to dedicated to Christ and of ory of all war veterans.' Orders· by the rect9r, the impo- Christo-centric ,living. This form of memorial seemed His peop'le came first-whether . sition and epiclesi~ prayers,' the most appropriate for the pastor anointing of hands~ toe'vesting, It was' in Sandwich, New Bed· and thus his parishione'rs' have ' , , , .two readings-one :on the office ford'or Fall River., ' been known throughout the of, the' bishop" and; the other. on .His time was occupied with diocese for their deep devotion the office of the ·priest.'· service to his, flock. Many to the Sacred Heart of Jesus First Mass, . , ,changes have been' witnessed by and 'their profound love· of the .. ,. .. Three processions will follow: his people-the renovation of the First Friday devotions. . the first, with a: thorible signify- interior and exterior of the Holy OFFIClAL NEwSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE 'OF' FALL RIVER ing the power of teconciliation; . Asked to explain his moments , . Rosary Church, the alterations Published weekly by The' Catholic Press of the Dio'cese of Fall River the se,cond, ,with: the Gospel in the hall and the conversion of of elation during 46 years in the Book signifying the power to , near-by property to parking lots priesthood, he' immediately de,-' 410 ··H'ighl-cind A~e'n~~. '. ( -.~ preach; the final, -ivith the Eu-- and quarters for the parish sew· scribed the joy he experienced Fall"..River,, Mass:,02722675-7:]Sl ;,. charist,' the power' to consecrate. ing circle that contributed' so when in 1959' he visited the ....... -. There will then, be! a gesture of much to the cancer home. American College in Rome on PUBLISHER welcome by all the clergy in at- , But the external change in the oC,casion of its centenary and Most -Rev. Daniel A/Cronin, D.O., S:T-.D.' ' ;' . ten'dance._ the area· that ela~ed Monsignor was present when the late, be. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. -GENERAL. MANAGER ·F,ather. Beshara :will celebrate Pannoni to the zenith of happi- loved Pope Jqhn made his first Rev. John P. Driscoll Rev. Msgr. DariieIF.Shcllloo, M.A. his First Mass on I Sunday, May ness occurred on May 30, 1950 v.isit to the Monsignor's alma ""leary Press-Fall River 30, at'St. Anthqny:of the Desert when the Statue of the Sacred mater.
The British historian' Arnold Toynbee has said that .future, ages, will look back on the Twentieth Century and mark it as the 'age when persons became aware of, the needs of their neighbors and did something' about it.' This is surely true of thi~ year's Diocesan Catholic . Charities Appeal. ' It was an Appeal conducted in what has been nationally tabbed a d~pressed area of the country. , It was .an·, Appeal carried 'on during an; '~:con9mic Jecession. ,-It, was art Appeal that looked' not to huge gifts 'b~t to modest gifts' made .'with sacrifice on the part of many people. , ,. It was an Appeal where the 'stress was placed not on money: but on charity. . The needs were presented~ 'Attention was draw'p- to the aged, the s'ick, the retarded; the troubl~d,. the, ,confused, as well as the young, the engaged, those seeking to 'aQopt. , It was pointed out that all of these are brothers and sisters in some degree of need' and seeking ~omemeasure of understanding and of assistance. And who was to provide, that assistance but their, brothers and' sisters, all: in the community of this Diocese: There was no pressure as to the' amount of ~ gift. But there was indieated that when one gives in the spint of charity 'then- one gives as to Christ and with some sha~ dow of the sacrifice with 'which He Himself gave and gives. This was enough. ' '. This, ,year's" Appeal 'shows" that p~,ople respond t,o the call of .charity, to the'spi!it of brother helping brother, to the giving to: others a's one would give to Christ. , Contributors to the: Catholic- Charities Appeal are in, deed aware of the needs ,of their neighbors arid have {Jone something' abour-it., , <" " . , ' ,. . , .
Priest, Transfers
Monsi'gr,or ' Pannoni Retires
.Says America Gives Best Hope of World Survival At a time. when all over the world the smart "with-it" attitude among the educated young is to be anti-American, it is a refreshing surprise to come. upon a book which, written by, of all people, a young left-wing Frenchman, says the exact opposite of But today in the UI'!ited States, the world's current cliches. This book "Ni Marx ni the extent of the racial revoluJesus" by Jean-Francois Re- tion is, as M. Revel points out,
vel has a rather silly title since the young author never mentions Christ from beginning to end and apart from a few libertarian views on sex, says nothing that a serious, dedicated' follower of the gospels of justice and compassion would not approve. But for. the Communists and Anarchists' and the Maoists and the Weathermen and all other infinitely branching groups of left-wing radicals who have made America the world's scapegoat, the book is really bad news. M. Revel's thesis ~s, quite simply, that social revolution of any real kind is unthinkable without a combination of political freedom and economic elbowroom and that the only country in the world in which the~e conditions prevail are, precisely, the United States. The much needed '''revolution'' of the 20th century which will allow technological man to come to terms with his fantastic power, his promise of affluence and his total planetary interdependence can only begin in one countryand that is America. Not a Hell-Hole One cannot, in a short column, give all the reasons for this total rejection of the typical leftwing image of America as an imperialist hell-hole, oppressing its own minorities and carrying war around the world in pursuit of the almighty dollar. But three of M. Revel's reasons seem to me to be of very great interest, especially to the Christian citizen. The first is the issue of race. God in His wisdom created at least five versions of the _single species, man. Some He made yellow, some brown, some black and another by no means major group he made a sort of pinkygrey which they are pleased to call white - an odd idea when you consider that .probably .the only time at which a man is truly white is when he is a corpse. None of these groups finds it easy to live with others. Black .men throw .brown men out of East Africa. Brown Indians of the North despise the blacker' Tamile of the South. The Chinese 'solved the problem for 2,000 years by simply not admitting anyone else existed. The Japanese drove their few miserable whites-the "hairy Ainus"-into their far North. And what the white man has done to virtually everyone else makes up the horrendous colonial record of the last four centuries.
uniquely radical in speed and extent. Of course, it is imperfect. Of course, it has a vast way to go. But the. whole force of law is behind it. Most of the educated young are behind it. The growing power of the vote is behind it. In more and more areas, it is strictly irreversible. In a small planet where God's children of every race and color must co-exist or perish, the radical. racial change visible in America is one of the possible pointers to human survival. Power of Vote
The power of the vote is a second clue to the American revolution. While a group of elderly bureaucrats . without a new thought since 1928 rule Russia and no political mechanism ex.ists to change one of them, the American voters, now enlarged to include a vast contingent of the young, are beginning to remake their Congress. Constitutional figures and frelidoms were -uniquely-one of the remarkable consequences of plural a'nd decentralized power in the Christian MidCile Ages. It is there that parliaments and burgesses and free corporations and the common law all have their roots. Today, the - American republic chiefly represents the continuity of that great tradition. And if our planet is to survive, one thing is certain. It must live under plural and decentralized power. Above all, in America today, the moral revulsion and political will of a free people are putting an end to a tragic and mistaken war. One might have thought America's "military - industrial complex" more powerful than anything since the pyramickbuilding Pharoalls. ·But it has not proved strong enough to bemuse, scare or bulldoze public opinion into acquiescence. What, other vast military power in the world has' ever condemned one of its own officers for a specific war crime? Where else could a 29year-old SOldier-lawyer write to his own President and Commander in Chief, delivering a dignified rebuke and a defense of legal "due process" worthy of a Marshall or a Brandeis? From War to 'Law If our planet is to endure, the human species must find its way from war to law. As M. Revel reminds us, a world under the governance of peaceful procedures is now ·the central revolution of survival itself. America is not there yet. But where were the Russian students protesting the rape of Czechoslovakia? Where were the young Chinese denouncing Mao Tse-tung's total support of West Pakistan's butchery in East Bengal? As a planet, we may not, bloody-minded tribalists that we are, make it through to the year 2,000. But America today gives us more hope of doing so than any of the other giants in our troubled world.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 27, 1971
Fr. Tosti, Sister Alice O'Brien Will.Lead At Stonehill College Catechetics Institute So many people today are searching for opportunities to renew their studies in the area of religious education. Priests and sisters, as well as dedicated lay catechists, look far and wide and often travel to distant places to fill this need. And yet, here in our own diocese Stonehill College has, since 1968, provided and will present. again this year a Catechetics Institute that is from all evidence one of the best in the country. Beginning Sunday, Aug. 8 and ending Friday, Aug. 13, opportunities to study contemporary trends in religious educatiOrf with experts in the field and related are~s will be offered on the campus of Stonehill College in North Easton. Under the direction of Sister Mary Francille, C.S.J.; M.A., lectures and workshops will be presented .to participants. Sister Mary Francille is th~ director of CCD for the Sisters of St. . Joseph in the Archdiocese of Boston and has been a professor of theology at Regis College in Weston. The coordinator. of the Institute is Brother John Weihrer, C.S.C. who is the Director of Continuing Studies at Stonehill College.
REV. JAMES O'DONOHOE . to a study of. the liturgical life and its .implementation which permits flexibility, adaptibiIity, and variety in its forms- of participation.
Laud Nonpublic Panel Report
Rev. Ronald A. Tosti, M.A., Diocesan Director of Religious Education in the Fall River Diocese, will eonduct a workshop on the placing of religious education into the evolutionary scene of the Church today with. practical implications of catechetics in a mobile society. Mrs. Anna Luca, a graduate of Leslie College and a specialist in Early Childhood, will conduct a workshop on the organization of programs that reach the primary level. ( Sister Alice O'Brien, O.L.V.M.• M.A., Consultant to the Fall River Diocesan CCD Office, will conduct a workshop on communications and process methodolo~y with an emphasis on adult leadership training in experiential knowledge and techniques in modern methodology in catechetics. Mr. James J. Wallace, M.A., Diocesan Coordinator of Parish Religious Education Directors in Brooklyn, N. Y., will present a· workshop on the qualifications of the parish coordinator. . A film festival workshop will be conducted by St. Francis Productions-Teleketics of' Los Angeles, Calif., Roa's Films, and Insight Films. The Sadlier Company will present a special workshop for discussion leaders and all interested in adult education programs. .
WASHINGTON (NC) - A national citizens' group has notified President Richard M. Nixon Main Lect~rer by telegram that it "strongly Rev. James A. O'Donohoe, supports" . interim recommenda-· J.C.D., Professor of Moral The- tions made· by the President's ology at St. John's Seminary, panel on non public education. Meanwhile another citizens' Brighton, and visiting lecturer Group Dynamics at Harvard Divinity Schooi and group-Americans United for the F. Murphy and Mr. Mr. James Boston C.ollege, will be the main Separation of Church and State lecturer throughout the sessions. --condemned the same recom- Andrew Thompson of the Hi~ Workshops listed are as fol- mendations as "just what we Time Publishers will sponsor a • workshop which explores relilows: Rev. Francis V. Strahan, expected." Citizens for Educational Free- gious values through techniques M.A., B.Mus., New England Conservatory of Music, Director of dom, the group backing the of group dynamics and will demMusic at St. John's Seminary, panel's report, urged implemen- onstrate how to bring the stuwill present a workshop directed tation of the recommendations . dents' values into life situations. Special features of the Insti"through appropriate legislation at the earliest possible moment." tute will include musical proThe CEF telegram to Nixon was graqls as well as evening panel signed by Joseph A. O'Connell, discussions. Information and applications may be obtained from executive director. Toe four-man presidential pan- the Diocesan Office of Religious OXNARD (NC)-The United Farm Workers Organizing Com- el-headed by Dr. Clarence Wal- Education...-CCp. Costs for the mittee, AFL-CIO has signed a ton, president of the Catholic program are a $10 registration fee, and $50 for non-residents, two-year contract with the na- University of America here including tuition and. noon made six recommendations. tion's largest independent lettuce meals, and $70 .for tuition, room Among them were that the producer. and board. The pact covers 5,000 workers· U. S. Office of Education create a new structure dealing directly of Mel Finnerman Companv Inc., of Oxnard and was hailed by with nonpublic schools, and that farm workers union leader Cesar the Nixon Administration parChavez as "a major break- ticipate in a Washington conferthrough which we hope will open ence "to review the nonpublic the door to the other independ- school crisis in all its dimensions." ent shippers." The panel also recommended Mel . Finnerman, company that federal agencies vig~rously president said here his organizaenforce provisions for including tion had never before signed a nonpublic students in present labor contract.' Concerning the federal school-aid programs. agreement with the union he added: "We feel it is a fine contract and we feel we can live ~III11I1I11I11I11I11II11I1lIlIlIlIllIllIlIllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIII11Il1~ with it." The company produces The Place to Go for Names You Know lettuce in California, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico, ship~ ED. COUGHLIN, Prop. ping some 150 or more million heads a year. Chavez and Finnerman are said ,tdhave .worked out the final CAPE COD'S LARGEST SHOE OUTLET § terms afted several months of § secret negotiations. Last Novem- FAMOUS NAME SHOES FOR ENTIRE FAMILY ber" UFWOC approached the company claiming to represent the field labor force. "We checked with our workers," Finnerman said, "and found out they wanted a union and the union they wanted was UFWOC."
Lettuce Grower Signs Contract
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese_of Fall River-:- Thu~s. May 27, 19!,1
Protest CIq's i ng \ County HospitiQl
C~othe's for' Men '''St'eill'
JERSEY CITY (NC)-A priest who works with the Puerto Rican community here has been named to a special committee to block the planned, closing of the Margaret Hague Maternty , . Hospital here.
Fashion's Spotlight The' male of the species is still following the trend that is leading him to be as interested in his mode of dress as his female counterpart. Only the other day a woman remarked to me that now when you go to a party it's the husbands who get' If a male is young enough, or all the attention al)d the dramatic enough he can flaunt a comme~ts ,on what they are wearing. (No wonder women cape, wear a brocaded tapestry
The hospital, a county institution, is scheduled to close on July 1 as part of an austerity program ordered by the Hudson County board of freeholders.
have to resort to wearing hot "'dinner suit or top that old grey standby with a long coat that pants in order to be noticed!) harkens back to the days of 'Dr. Zhivago,
On the committee protesting the planned closing is Father John P. Egan of St. Boniface Church, who recently won a reversal of a conviction stemming from an incident in which "he" was attempting' to help Puerto Ricans end street disturbances here.
Ice Creum Suit By
Certainly it would take an Act of Congress and a few more MARILYN world-shaking events to get my husband into any of the \ aforementioned items, but 'graduiilly RODERICK he has let himself 'be co'nvinced Some 6,500 babies a year are , born at the hospital, which is that bell-bottoms are not just for KF'mii,Fi,tf'}'f"'fiffff'l'IWl ,sailors and 'colored shirts, not one of, two hospitals providing Why, only the other evening, just for the young. With such maternity care in the city., when we attended a loca] muni- accomplishments behind me, who Leaders of the National Associpal ball, I noticed that while knows where' his d§ring will ciation for the Advancement of the women loked very, very lead. ' Colored People, the Puerto Rican fashionable the men in the gathAnother come-back from' the, Association for Community .. ering were ,quite noticeable for era when the male of the species Organization and clergymen of their splendor, In ,fact one of was dressed to the teeth is the various denominations organized' I the most eye-catching outfits return of the ice cream suit, or ' SISTERS MARK JUBILEE: Sister RenelleGagnon, the committee. Establishment of ' there was wornby'a' man. It was 'the all-white or cream colored left. of the Sisters of Charity of Quebec, is congratulated the committee came in t,he wake a tan bush suit set off by a deep look..Again, while this ,fashion her golden jubilee in religion by her blood sister, Sis- of a two-mile Good Friqay on purple ruffled shirt .-'Completing will look just great with brightly ter Florencienn,e Gagnon, who has completed 52 years as prayer march to the hospital to the gentleman's dapper appear- colored shirt!!, it's going to quse a religious. Both I Sisters are assigned to service in the protest the planned clo~b1g. ance was one of the most ele- . the concerned man a lot of worry infirm~ry at Mt. St Joseph School, Fall River. gant handlebar mustaches this' about whether or not his suit is Earlier, Father Egan and 15 I ' side of the Gay Nineties. All in getting dirty.. other priests, along' with more. all he' was a spendid sight, and With the return to elegant than 50 clergymen of other de: he carrie.d his appearance off fashion of men they will find nominations, 'signed a document with just th~' right amount of that they will also return to addressed to the freeholders and tongue in, cheek. time when a great deal of their askinl! them to rp'p'v"""inp. their Catholic Conference OffiCial Named Fresh Look energy and th0l:lgl1t' had to go : spending priorities. They charged" into concern over th'eir clothes. I To Government Task Force that the "poor, the siCk,'" the' As I mentioned before in the I wonder if theyl're~I'ly are getunsheltered, the imptison'ed,' and' The National Advisory CounWASHINGTON (N:C)-A U. S. column we spent a counle ,'of ting the better of tI1'e deal aft~r now even the pregnanf' are becil was' established 'to revie'w, days in the early part of May in all~or were they better off with Catholic Conference education ing neglected by the board which' 'evaluate, and recommend imn1amed to a official has been the fashion citadel-New York, that staid old grey flannel? task !force here provements for Title III of the plans to establish a golf course government and again it was the ma:Ie who' , I 1965 Elementary and Secondary in a county park'. studying participation of nonhad the freshest fashion look. public ,school childreh in certain Equcation Act. ESEA was the Kriitted outfits for men were Un!versity to Honor first federal legislation to include federal school aid p~ograms. everywhere and they looked par-' Priest, ,Psych iatrist May Basket Whist Frank J. Monahah; assistant provisions for participation of' ticularly well on the' tall and COLLEGEVILLE (NC)-'-Msgr: director for governfuental pro- non public students in the school slender. A May Basket Whist. will be • I This subject came' up .again George G. Higgins" U. S. Catho- grams in USCC's i elementary aid programs it outlines. sponsored by St. Catherine's official, and Dr. lic Conference Title III of ESEA pr.ovides, Fund Raising Committee at 7:30 and secondary education division, while I was talking to, a Fashion Group member whose 'job is pro- Dana ~. Farnsworth, Harvard was named to a study task force government funds for experimen- Saturday night, May 29 at moting 'knit fabrics, She spoke University psychiatrist, Will be of President Richard Nixon's tal school programs; guidance, Dominican Academy Hall, 37 in glowing .terms of how success- honored here.at the 114th annual National Advisory iCouncil on c:ounseling"and testing, and auxil- Park Street, Fall River. Refresh" commencement ceremonies of St. Supplementary Centers and Ser- iary service centers for handi- ments will be served. ful knits have become in' men's . . , capped and other children with wear, "Why, my husband won't John's University. vIces. II Msgr. Higgins, director, USCC's special needs. wear anything else but khits now 00000oo00oooooooooOoooo Monahan will be one of five ~hat 'he's realized' how comfort- urban life division, cited on bePriests for resource people assisting 'Father to advance the half of his efforts able they are," she added. Charles Laferty, doctoral candiStriking outfits for men are Church's social teachings, and Form Organiza'tion I also apparent as you flip through Dr. Farnsworth, honored for his MILWAUKEE (NG)-A group date in education at Catholic the pages' of a'ny, of the better efforts in the counseling and called Catholic Priests For Celi- University of America here, in magazines. In fact;' in magazines mental health studies fielas for bacy has been formbd to enlist his study on the degree of in.that are geared for both sexes co,1lege students, will, be pre- Catholic priests thr6ughout the volvement of non public children I you will,,find just as many ads sented with the 1971 Pax Christi country "in a rene\\jal' for com- and teachers in Title III profor male apparel' as for, 1'~male medal by the university, con- mitment to the principle of celi- grams. The task force study will be finery: No more does that hand- ducted by the Benedictines. bacy and to the spetial form of 365 NORTH FRONT STREET some male model act as a backdedication' which it I involves in used by the Advisory Council in NEW BEDFORD preparing its annual report and ground foil in his stock grey Denoun~es Propose.d ~ the life of a priest." I flannel, tod,ay he's the feature 992-5534 Msgr. Alphone Popek, pastor , recommendations on the aid law and is som,ething much more ex- Sterilization Law of Our Lady, Queeh of Peace to ,the President and Congress OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOO citing than a pin stripe suit 'or CHARLE:STON (NC) - Bishop parish h~re, is chai~man of the in March, 1972: 'navy blazer. Ernest L. Unterkoefler' of committee which formed the ,Charleston characteri~ed as group. I "most repugnant and inhumane" The monsignor Icommented:' American Baptists EI~ct proposed legislation providing ~'Our groiJp affirms ib solidarity Rt. 6 at The Narrows in North Westport Woman President for sterilization of. women on on priestly celibacy! with Pope MINNEAPOLIS (NC)-A tall, South Carolina welfare relief Paul and the vast ~a:jority of the Where The I ,blonde grandmother was elected rolls after they have a second world's bishops.'" Entire Family , president of the 1,5 million mem- child. He said some I 40 priests the statewide' throughout the country agreed The bishop of Can Dine berAmerican Baptist Convention 'at "the denomination's annual diocese leveled his criticism to serve with him in !forming the Economically, meeeting here, , against a bill introduced in the organization: He added that he She is Mrs. Ruth, Rohifs of Se- state House of. Representatives is hopeful the 'new brganization FOR attle, 'the fifth woman president by Rep. Lucius O. Porth of Lex- can offset the 'call !of the NaRESERVAliONS of the denomination in its 60- irigton. The -bill would make tionaI Federation iof Priests' , PHONE year, history. Mrs'.·Rohifs, the compulsory the sterilization of a 'Councils (NFPC) for pptional celwidow of a lawyer, was the only woman, married or ",nmarried,. ibacy. He invited all priests in 675·7185 president candidate presented who is on welfare ,after a second the country who fav6r obligatory . celibacy to join the· ~roup. ' : child. this, year to the coiwention.
_Stu~y School Aid i
9lwM tJif
ea. fine.
Heating Oils and Burners
WH:ITE'S family
THE ANCHORThurs., 'Moy 27, 1971
Can Say Li"ttl,el Against.'War
Stude'r,bts P'rotest
If You Fight at Hornle'
College Closing
. Every year on Memorial Day, while Taps is sounded, we observe a moment of silence, a moment to remember those who gave their lives .for our country. It's good to remember. It refreshes our spirit of patriotism. I really belie~e if. any~hing needs .r~Instead of trying to solve all freshm.g I~ thIS ~o~ntry, It S our problems at once, suppose enthl!-sIastIc patriotism. we take one at a time. We must Where did it go? How find what we're able to do, and
EMMITSBURG (NC)-A silent candlelight march around the Daughters of Charity provincial house here was held by St. Joseph College students protesting a recent decision to close the college in June 1973. St·. Joseph's Board of trustees voted April 12 to close the college after the Daughters of Charity's southeastern provIncial council told the board it could no longer staff the college. A shortage of Sisters for the order's health, welfare and education apostolates in 41 other' houses was cited. Student tuition and fees have doubled at St. Joseph's in the past six years, and the Maryland college is still operating under an annually escalating deficit. "It is regrettable that the severe personnel and financial problems have forced this action· when St. Joseph College is probably at its most vibrant point of development," said Sister Margaret Dougherty, college president. St. Joseph's is one of the oldest Catholic women's colleges in the country, founded in 1809 by Blessed Elizabeth Seton who also established the Daughters of. Charity in· the United States. Student enrollment this year is 518, with.40 Sisters and 31 lay faculty mem1;lers and administra. tors.
much do we love our country tod~y? Patriotism is. de.votion to one s country, and It IS closely linked with the devotion, the love, we have for each other.
no one is disqualified. Each must get to work, actively, doing his own part to keep America the great country that it is ... and help it become better. Start With Environment Let's start with environment. If everyone just cleaned his own yard, it would be a good start. By Then what about discarding litter where it belongs. A short drive along· our city streets is MARY all it takes to realize that if every person who complains CARSON about pollution were taking care • of his own trash, we'd have a BISHOP'S NIGHT AT SERRA CLUB: 'John J. Sullivan, cleaner America. All that stuff can't be blowing out of garbage incoming president of the Fall River Serra Club, welcomes Bishop Cronin as Serrans and. their wives gathered for the In the name of peace, we have trucks. Got the idea? Don't complain annual honoring of the Bishop of the Diocese. Present at thousands screaming in demonstrations, and others who incite, about "pollution"-do something the greeting ceremony was Mrs. Sullivan, wife of the newlead and participate in riots. So about it. Maybe you can't cure ly-elected head of the· Serra Club of the See City. many people seem to know the emissions from a factory everything that is wrong with smokestack, but you' can clean up the vacant lot next door. this country. What about peace?You don't I, too, would like to see an end to all wars, an' end ·to all have to march in demonstrations, Conference Family Life Booklet Explains race problems, an end to all promote rallys, or; burn your draft card. These tactics cause ecological problems. But I ~annot New Catholic Church Norms condone violence and riots in <=t'ittl~ change in the number who WASHINGTON (NC) - The The USCC' official also outdie in wars. the name of peace. U. S. Catholic Conference family lines some practical suggestions But there is something you can life division has published a new to help Catholic and non-CathoThere is agitation for all sorts of projects. Help rehai:>ilitate do that will have a positive ef- booklet to help. couples with dif- lic partners "achieve Ii deeper reTaunton Blind dope addicts ... just don't do it fed; something each of us can ferent faith backgrounds under- ligious harmony in mardage," Members of Taunton Guild for in my neighborhood. Give better begin today! And maybe all those stand what the' new, less rigid such as common prayer, Bible housing J() the poor ... as long as we honor on Memorial Day will Catholic .Church norms on study and charitable discussions the Blind will participate in a .Bishop's Day program at 2 Satyou build it in another town: not have died in vain. "mixed marriages" mean to them. of religious differences. Start with peace in our own urday afternoon, May 29 at Clean up our cities ... and while "The couple wllo enter a mixed Couples should also "explore you're at it, pick up the remains homes. Have you ever witnessed marriage must take ccumenism questions that affect marriage Sacred Heart School, 36 Second of my picnic. Save our' water a violent argument between hus- seriously," writes Msgr. James and family life, and they should Street. A cookout is planned for supplies ... but don't take away band and wife, parent and child, T. McHugh, director of the USCC bring to bear on such matters Tuesday, June 8 at 7 Grosvernor brother and sister ... Street and a 6:30 P.M. Mass at my detergents. Family Life Division and author their. own faith convictions," My husband listened' to our Marian Manor on Tuesday, June Tons of litter must be cleaned of the 34-page booklet, "Mixed Msgr. McHugh says, noting that 15 will close guild activities for up after a pollution rally. The sons denouncing the war in Viet- Marriage: New Directions." this would include discussions on nam. But they'll fight among . the Summer. A' recent meeting' demonstrators love America Msgr. McHugh ad~s that '~heir responsible parenthood: featured entertainment by. Steenough to put their own trash themselves over which TV pro- marriage "must be '~he occasion into a garbage can. Kind of in- gram they will watch. He made of the change of heart and holi"Although the judgments of phen Pollock, Coyle High School a poster, decorated with the pop- ness of life that the Second Vat- the various churches on the junior and student director of a congruous, isn't it? ular peace symbol and lettered it: ican Council regarded as the means of family planning have' folk group. 'Peace Days' PEACE soul of the ecumenical move- been at variance, the couple in like Charity One sad example I saw recentment, and to' which it gave the a mixed marriage should not begins at Home· ly was a huge garbage .truck name 'spiritual ecumenism.''' avoid the discussion of responThose who cannot live driving down our highway. Large The ANCHOR New provisions for mixed mar- -. sible parenthood," he says. letters on the side of' the truck with their brothers and sisters riages were spelled out in Pope "They will likely find that they read: "Keep Our Town Clean." without provocations • TYPE SET Paul VI's apo"stolic letter on the share the same values in regard arguments But the collection in the truck had subject, and went into effect to the frequency of births and • Pp.I".1TED BY OFFSET and violence not been enclosed, and as it sped Oct. 1, 1970. the size of tfJe family." • MAILED should never speak down the road, the wind was "In accord with Vatican II's against leaders of nations sCl;lttering a cloud of litter all. teaching on religious liberty," - BY THE Living who war along both sides of the highway. Msgr. McHugh says, "thes~ latest The poster is hanging in our rules .try to .take into. accpunt What about special "Peace No life is perfect that has not Days" held in ·our churches? kitchen. I'll let you know if it . the sincere convictions of non- been lived; youth in feeling, manHundr.eds assist at Mass and does any good. Catholics; 'and to· help each hood in battle, old age in mediFAll RIVER Communion, pray' together for couple begin their married life t a t i o n s . - B l u n t peace, then bolt for the doors Says· Music Integral with a.n awareness of God's love. and curse the' fellow who beats for them and the mutual concern Part of VVorship them out of the parking lot. of their respectiv~ churches." . RICHMOND (NC) Music Dear God, .please bring peace Achieve Harmony to our troubled world ... just should be an integral part 'of the The family life director also don't ask me to be courteous to worship service, highlighting but "THE DIFFERENT 90 DAY ACCOUNT" not distracting, a Cathlic theolo- describes some specifics of the my neighbor. Shouldn't our behavior always gian told an ecumenical group" new rules. A Catholic. must still per annum min. $500. honor those who died for peace of church musicians meeting promise to do all in his power to raise his children as Catholics. . . . or is that honor just reserved here. No Notice required after 90 Father Eugene Walsh, S.S., But even if a non-Catholic cim for Memorial Day while they days on withdrawals made withrector of the theologi~al college not in conscience agree to the play Taps? in 10 days of each interest Can't we start by respecting at Catholic 'University of Amer- . Catholic upbringing, Msgr. Mcperiod. all we have in America? Isn't it ica in Washngton, D. C., said:. .Hugh 'says, a bishop can still the greatest country in the world? "Music is not just something that grant the necessary dispensation IMMEDATE INTEREST - COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY With all of its problems, there's is tacked on, something nice that for a mixed marriage. (interest exempt from Moss, Income tox) "However, the bishop cannot is just there. It should. enhance no place I'd rather live! dispense the Catholic from the Keeping that in mind, let's what is important." In the Mass, Father Walsh responsibility to live according focus on 'some of our problems and instead of violence-or do- said, the eucharistic prayer to the faith, a'nd so the couple ing nothing -; let's start to do is the most important part. Music must seriously weigh the results 149 GAR .Hwy, Rte.6 North Main St. something to improve our coun- accompanying it should be joy- of their differing religious con. Somerset Fall River victions," Msgr.McHugh says. ful, he declared. try. '
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River~ Thur;. May 27-, 1971
',11971 Parish 'Totals
Special Gifts Nati~nal
Taunton $150 Modern Plastics Engineering Corp. $100 Babbitt & Simmons Dermody. Cleaners First Machinists National Bank Mulhern's Pharmacy Judge & Mrs. Roger B. Champagne $75 Taunton News Co. $50 Anonymous $35. Weir Co-Operative Bank -$30 Henry G. Crapo$25 Classic Jewelry Design & Mfg. Co. William P. Crowley & Sons Eagan's Package Store Gondola Restaurant Louison & Louison O'Hearne Insurance Ag-ency Plank & Hansen Malcolm G. -Robbins, D.M.D. Taunton Building Trade Council
Fall River- St. i Mary's Cathedral Blessed Sacrament Espirito Santo Holy Cross Holy-Name Notre Dame Our Lady of thd Angels Our Lady of Hei:tlth Holy Rosary , i Immaculate Conception 1 Sacred Heart St; Anne ' i St. Anthony of the Desert St. Anthony of Padua St. Elizabeth' I ' St. John the Bafltist St. Joseph St. Louis St. Matthew St. Michael St.: Patricki SS. Peter & Paul St. Roch ' I' St. Stanislaus I St. William i Santo Christo Assonet-St. Be~nard Centrai Village-tSt. John the' Baptist I
Attleboro Area $100 St. John's Council No. 404 K of C L.G. Balfour $60 No. End Social Club $40 Pete's Barbershop , $25. Catholic Nurses Guild of Attleboro John R Blackington Daughters of Isabella, Alacazaba Circle
Fall River-
1971 .
p,..erovox Pearson-Miller, Inc. Pierce & Haworth Electrical' Contractors, Inc. $35 I Browne Pharmacy r Atty. & Mrs.. Thomas M. $ullivan . $25 Warren Bros'. Dr. Edward D. -Mackler Bristol Nursing Home Cardoza Pkg. Store Mike's Italian American Kitchen Weinstein Electric Service ~ Supply C o , . .Carmelite Sisters, Our LaclY's Haven. McCormack Rest Home Local No. 224, IBEW
~~;~~ ~~~:or~~~h~:fY
of Grace
Somerset-St.. J 9hn of God' St. Patrick St. Thomas More Swansea-Our Lkdy of Fatima St. D()~inic St. Lortis of France
$1,366.89 - 11.0 -$13,753.00 2.7 1,732.00 .07 19.00 2,598.00 3.6 1,849.00 65.00 . 27,742.50 .05 124.41 . '13.6 . 6,953.85 18.8 13,194.00 2,087.25 3,420.00 121.50 3.7 3,761.00 108.00 3.0 -5,803.77 3.2 178.33 2.6 12,226.00 '315.00 462.00 8.0 6,229.00 60.9 1,861.50 704.50 13.7 3,593.25 433.40 2.8 1,310.00 36.00 3,272.00 454.00 16.1 5,569.00 4.00 .007 6.1 2,595.00 2.1 2,377.34 50.00 14.9 8,216.50 1,067.50 6,302.00 206.40 3.4 9.5 7,375.50 637.50 10.7 3,406.00 329.00 4,664.50 572.25 14.0 5,530.00 1.4 75.00 4,380.00 798.50 -22.3 . 2,737.50 155.50 6.0 14.1 3,916.00 484:00 4,698.00 469.00 ·11.1 3,493.00 2.4 14.6 5,793.00 739.50 .6,704.50 3.8 9,967.50 ' 461.00 4.8 459.84 6.4 7,591.83 1.4 5,214.00 • 7.3. 392.00 5,777.83
1,098.90 .
85.45 263.00 71.50
$621 Athddli.ti°Mnal ~onl aH~ions' from ',.c, " _ Ca 0 IC emona orne " CAPE COD AND THE ISLANDS $500 ' ' . , A Friend '. : ,.,~,' , " ' ,4,117.00 1;158'.00 ", 'Internatioriai 'Ladi~s! Garm~nt Bre'wster~Our Ll;ldy of the Cape' 39.1 ~ ~1.1'-1;'<J.:JI., ,.1, 7,303.50, . ,:- 198,75 ': 2.8 Workers Union Local No. }'78 Buzzards ~a:y+-~t. Margaret '.'. 8,175.95 .- 1,540.00 23.2 R- A: MCWhirr Co.; Centerville-Our I Lady of Victory '4,600.00 10.6 $350 '. Chatham-Holy Redeemer 442.50 First Federal Savings & Lhan East Falmouth-tSt. Anthony 6,929.00 6.9 510.00 1,920.00 10.1 $100 , Edgartown-St. Elizabeth' 216.00 Fall River Diocesan 'Council Falmouth....:....St. pktrick 22.6 2,348.25 12,754.00 of Catholic Nurses - Hyannis-St. FrAncis Xavier 15,734.10 .03 51.15 - Radio Station WALE , 2,610.50 8.9 254.50 The Ski House '- Nantucket-Our iLady of the Isle 2,061.00 10.5 195.00 Pacific Oil Co. Oak Bluffs-Sacred Heart 2,955.004.7 133.00 Orleans-St. Joart of Arc Warwick-Zayre Dept. Store . 7,753.0023.6 1,478~50 Fall River Shopping Center Osterville-Ass1J.rPption 4,378.50 18.2 673.00 Associates : Pocasset-St. J onn . 3,364.50 6.1 $75 .Provincetown-Si. Peter 194.50 7,196.00 14.4 Mathieu Oil Company Sandw-ich-:"CorPrts Christi 907.50 13,589.50 23.7 2,600.70 $50 South Yarmouth+-St. Pius X Smith-Fall River Lumber Co. Vineyard HaveriJ...St. Augustine 2,542.00 317.00 : 14.2 Congdon & Carpenter Foun~aWellfleet-Our UadY of Lourdes 2,929.25 19.7 481.25 . tion West Harwich~Holy Trinity 7,393,.00 14.8 955.00 Atty. Kenneth L. 'SUllivan Woods Hole-S,t.l Joseph _ 4,192.00 11.9 446.00 Regal Floor Covering , I ,United Labor. Council of ': Greater Fall River Atty. & Mrs. John J. Harring- I ton: OTTAWA (NC)-T~e Canadian confusion experiences in facing a atmosphere of understanding Joseph·Lima , : Catholic Conference is launching life which demands almost he- and tolerance for those whom Construction & General Labor- ~ an attempt for serio~s dialogue roic efforts to achieve justice drugs have harmed or made ill, the bishops emphasized the need ' with, drug users, particularly the and peace." ers Local No. 610 for basic reform in soc.ieety is so $35 : young and their parents. But they questioned drugs as pressing that no one can remain • Dr. David- S. Green I The attempt was' 6egun .in a C-ln answer to those needs. . working paper prepated by the "In taking (drugs), is there not indifferent. Elmer C. Slater "We invite one and all, young Atty. Richard K. Hawes . CCC's social life qepattment and a danger of confusing a taste for and old, to accept. their r~spon- ' $25 issued through the kdministrathe reckless with honest courage, New Bedford. Horvitz & Horvitz : tive board of the Can~dian Cath- slavery with freedom, acceptance sibility with courage and -wis$1100 : olic bishops' organiZktion here. of self with refusal of self, idle- dom," the bishops said. Dr. Arthur K. Smith Merchants National Bank of A Friend ' i ' f Dr. & Mrs. James E. Fell Avoiding a lecture-type stance, nes~ w;~h cont~mplation 0 spiriNew Bedford the paper. is "offefl~,d to con. tuahty. the bishops asked. $150 Drobyski Wall paper Co. Hub Clothing . cerned. Catholics," underscores Courage, Wisdom Giusti Baking Co. $100 Eastern TV Sales & Service ' the dignity of the hurr an p.ers?n, They emphasized that .proper Park Oil - Co. . : sets .a t?ne for open questlOlling care of physical and mental Dr. Everett rRadovsky Alden Corrugated American Federation of State, and mVltes r:sponses Ifrom read- . health is a serious responsibility $75 County & Municipal Employ~es e~s, Archbishop, Jpseph ~. stemming from "the dignity of' Local No. 1118 I F.. ourde. of Ottawa, CCC presI- . the human person as created by_ Stay-Lastic-Smith, Inc. , $50, Dr. Harry Levine ~ dent, said. .i God our Father, with -body and States Nitewear 'Co., Inc. Sherwin & GottHeb ' The bishops said they under- soul," and urged people to J B Lumber Co. Aty. James Seligman stood users' needs to Jxperiment, strengthen themselves through South • Sea Streets Dr. A. Fernandes Jr. Magoni's Ferry Landing . i to d,iscover themselve~, to be ac- Christ rather than' escape Shuster <:;0. of New' Bedford, cepted by peer groups; to live in- through drugs. . Attys. Thompson & Reed Hyannis Tel. ~9·81 Inc. J. Fred Beckett & Son tensely, and to di~inish _'.'the Calling' for the creation of an
I' ,
., I
Canadialfll~ishop.s Request Dialogue with Drug Users
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 27, 1971
Attleboro - Holy Ghost St. John St. Joseph St. Mark St. Mary St. Stephen St. Theresa Mansfield-St. Mary No. Attleboro-Sacred Heart No. Attleboro-St. Mary Norton-St. Mary Seekonk-Mt. Carmel
1971 7,870.00 15,060.00
Increase 452.00 1,021.00
3,750.00 9,640.50 9,064.00 6,065.00 8,418.75 11,852.25 5,005.50 12,530.00 6,120.00 10,316.00
1,088.50 28.75 597.00 755.65
Leading Area Parishes (~I
6.1 7.3 10.8 12.7 .003 10.9 1.4 6.8 9.4 17.3 3.4 11.7
123.75 520.00 2,614.25 213.50
1'few Bedford - Holy Name Assumption Immaculate Conception Mt. Carmel Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of Perpetual Help' Our Lady of Purgatory Sacred Heart St. Anne St. Anthony of Padua . St. Boniface St. Cas'imir St. Francis of Assisi St. Hedwig St. Hyacinth St. James St. John the Baptist St. Joseph St. Kilian St. Lawrence St..Mary St. Theresa Acushnet-St. Francis Xavier Fairhaven-St. Joseph St. Mary Sacred Hearts Mattapoisett-:-St. Anthony North Dartmouth-St.' Julie Biiliai't -. South Dartmouth-St. Mary \Vareham-St. Patrick Westport-St. George TAUNTON AREA Taunton - Holy Family Holy Rosary Immaculate. Conception Our Lady of Lourdes Sacred Heart St. Anthony St. James St. JQseph St. Mary St. Paul Dighton-St. Peter North Dighton-St. Joseph North Easton-Immaculate Conception Raynham-,-St. Ann South Easton-Holy Cross
10,662.00 2,248.00 8,319.85 19,200.22 4,356.00 2,539.00 1,147.00 3,802.50 2,418.00 4,475.00 327.00 1,464.50 1,819.50 -1,368.50 1,355.00 14,708.49 8,727.04 , 11,718.90 3,789.00 22,847.47 7,491.50 5,523.00 4,617.50 14,172.90 2,993.75 932.50 4,615.00 5,615.00 9,196.50 ·10,313.50 6,567.00 6,489.00 2,786.00 6,374.00 3,555.35 7,295.15 6,193.05 4,770.00 7,450.00 11,247.50 5,910.60 2,252.00 4,742.50 8,240.00 5,611.00 3,710.00
801.98 53.40 1,361.69 2,142.54 1,008.50 137.30 241.00
115.25 376.00 13.25 144.00 512.49 326.28 644.05 162.00 10.75 1,647.00 117.50 483.05 333.75 14.00 308.00 586.00 936.50 76.00 16.00 72.00 484.50 21.65 62.75 474.00 18.10 129.00 1.50 601.00 196.00
8.1 2.4 19.6 12.6 30.1 5.7 26.6 6.4 2.4 4.8 17.4 8.5 26.0 1.0 11.9 3.6 3.9 5.8 4.5 1.3 .001 42.5 2.6 3.5 12.5 1.5 20.6 5.8 6:8 10.0 1.2 0.002 2.7 8.2 2.0 .003· 1.0 5.0 6.8 1.1 .003 6.1 3.4
260.25 58.50 224.00 69.00
73.'52 250.00 -120.50 165.50
12.0 5.6
Cardinal Dearden Says 56 Schools To Close in June DETROIT (NC) Cardinal schools. Over 10,000 students John Dearden '"announced over .are currently attending the 21 local television that 56 of the schools which mayor may not Detroit archdiocese's 269 schools close. "We tried to keep open any will close in June. Archdiocesan spokesmen also school that by any stretch of announced cutbacks at 29 other the imagination can possibly schools, which will reduce class make it during the coming year," loads, drop whole grades, or con- Cardinal Dearden said ill his half-hour television speech. solidate extra grade sections. "I can assure you that nothin'g The fate of 21 other archdiocesan· schools is currently unde- I have done as a bishop has cost me as much in personal ancided, the spokesmen said. ,Some school closings have guish as the decision to approve been expected since Michigan closing these schools." The cardinal also plans to apvoters passed a constitutional amendment last November pro- pear soon on closed circuit telein all archdiocesan hibiting most forms of state vision financial aid to non public . schools within a 30-mile radius of Detroit to answer specific schools. The closings will affect 13,900 questions phoned in by conCatholic school students. An- cerned parents. Among archdiocesan schoois other 3,777 students will be displaced by cutbacks at the 29 which wilL remain open are three
inner city schools-St. TheresaVisitation and St. Cecilia's grade schools and St. Martin De Porres High School. Board members of the predominantly black schools staged a peaceful sit-in at Cardinal Dearden's office in early March after their vicariate voted to close down all five of its schools. Cardinal Dearden spoke at an emergency vicariate meeting March 16 and said $180,000 pledged to the vicariate from the· arcdiocesan development fund could be used mainly for its schools. He said another $50,000 would be forthcoming later next year. Those attending the meeting then took another vote and decided to leave open the three schools whose boards were involved in the sit-in.
The five leading parishes in each of the five areas of the Diocese are:
Attleboro Area St. John St. Mary, No. Attleboro St. Mary, Mansfield Mt. Carmel Seekonk St. Mark
$15,060.00 12,530.00 11,852.25
Fall River Area Holy Name ~t. Mary Our Lady. of Angels' Sacred Heart St. Thomas More Somerset
$27,742.50 13,753.00 13,194.00 12,226.00 9,967.50
New Bedford Area
Cape & Islands Area
St. Lawrence $22,847.47 .Mt. Carmel 19,200.22 St. James 14,708A9 St. Joseph, Fairhaven. 14,172.90 St. Joseph New Bedford 11,718.90
St, Francis Xavier Hyannis $15,734.10 St. Pius X. So. Yarmouth 13,589.50 St. Patrick, Falmouth 12,754.00 Our Lady of Victory Centerville 8,175.95 Assumption, Osterville 7,753.00
St. Mary $11,247.50 Immaculate Conception No. Easton 8,240.00 St. Joseph 7,450.00 Sacred Heart 7,295.15 Holy Family 6,489.00
10,316.00 9,640.50
Taunton Area
Msgr. Oesterreicher Accuses Bishops of Misrepresentation SOUTH ORANGE (NC)-Jor- however, "with frightening Pope danian bishops grossly misrepre- Paul and the world that there sented Israeli plans for Jerusalem will be a new stream of refuin their recent letter to Pope goes," Msgr. Oesterreicher said, . Paul VI, charged the director of adding: the Institute .of Judaeo-Christian 'Hebrew Belt' Studies here. "They also want him and us Msgr. John M. Oesterreicher, 'to believe that the 'Hebrew Belt' who heads the institute at Seton will make free access to the Hall University, said he found Holy Places almost impossible. .it difficult to take the bishops' Their fears would have some accusations seriously, but felt semblance of rationality, if that compelled to issue .a countering 'Hebrew Belt' was a series of stat(;!ment to clarify what he military fortifications or a row called the letter's "various false-· of police stations, and not a scattering of apartment houses. hoods." "Whoever sold the bishops the In their March 1 letter the Jordanian bishops urged the Pontiff idea that these dwellings will to oppose ISraeli. plans for Jeru- stop the free flow of pilgrims salem. They· expressed fear that must suffer from an imagination the Holy City would become a run wild. What interest could Hebrew city, with free access the Israelis have in drying up denied to Christians and Mos- so formidable a. source of inlems, unless action were taken come as pilgrimages? As a matto preserve "its universal char- ter of fact, the ·(Israeli) Ministry acter· unique and sacred to all 'of Tourism uses every available means to encourage them." mankind." Signing the letter were Auxil'Unconvincing Rhetoric' iary Bishop Nemeh Simaan of Msgr. Oesterreiched said that Jerusalem, who heads the Latin"one could simply write off the rite vicariate in Amman; Melkite- bishops' predictions as highly rite Archbishop Sabe Youwakin emotional, did they not pass over of Petra and Philadelphia, who in silence the fact that access also lives in Amman, and Greek to the Holy Places was greatly Orthodox Bishop Diodoros. restricted under Jordanian rule." 'Propaganda Device' Going further on the question The three bishops told of of free access to Holy Pl!1ces, building plans by Israeli author- once. the Israeli building proities "on the hills in the out- gram is completed, the bishops skirts" of Jerusalem and pro- asked the Pope: "Can we reclaimed that such a project main in~ilence confronted with would radically change the com- such injustices 'and such an plexion .of the Holy City. abuse of power? Msgr. Oesterreicher said that Msgr. Oesterreicher said tat their claim is like saying that finds "such rhetoric totally unmodern building plans for the convincing, not to say insincere. "What I deplore most in their suburbs of Washington, D. C., "would deprive the White House letter is not that the bishops are and the area around it of their alarmists, which is bad enough, but that they pretend to sound historic meal'\.ing." the alarm in the name of Jesus" The monsignor said that the he added. . , bishops' "notion that the buildings to be constructed in the hills of Judea would turn the ELECTRICAL Old City into a 'suffering ghetto' Contractors sounds more like a feverish expression or a propaganda device than a considered judgment." . The bishops are not content,
Deficit Operation LOS ANGELES (NC) ~ The Los Angeles archdiocesan' elementary and .highschool system compiled a $10.5 million deficit operation during 1970.
944 _County St. New Bedford
l l
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 27, • .., 1. , ~
i 971
ILittle Cesar' Poisonous Diat.ribel Against Chavez Two recent issues of this column severely criticized a new paperback by Ralph de Toledano entitled "Little Cesar." In summary,. I said in those two columns that the book is a mean-spirited hatchet job on Ceasar Chavez, director of the United Farm By this time, feeling rather Workers Organizing Comfrustrated, she decided to call mittee for good . ' and added, . the Library of Congress in a furc, measure, that it isn't worth ther effort, to track down the',
/. .~'
the low-grade butcher paper it's , mailing address of Anthem . printed on. Books so that we could order copies of "Little, Cesar" by phone' or letter. Once again she ran up against a brick wall. She was By informed' that the Library of. Congress has no record in its MSGR. files of a publisher known' as Anthem Books. ' GEORGE G. ,Greeted With Suspicion i At this stage of the game, 'I HIGGIN.S decided that the time had come 'j, . for the boss himself to take personal charge of Mission ImposI am fully prepared to stand sible. Acting purely on a hunch, by this very severe criticism of I instructed my secretary to call "Little Ces,ar." As a matter of the National Right to Work 'fact. If I, were doing the two Committeee and ask if the people ,columns over again, I would be over there could tell us where inclined to' 'beef up my criticism we might be' able to purchase of the book, and, if anything, copies of the book. phrase it e,:en more harshly. Well, holy smokes, you would On one tiOint of fact, however, have thoughht from· the runI 'owe it to Mr. de Toledano to around they, gave her, that she , clarify' the record. I said in the, had asked them for a shot of first' of .the two columns I re- 'heroin and they had concluded ferred 'to above that the pub- that' she was an undercover , WAREHAM: CONFIRMATION CLASS MEETS BISHOP: Following Confirmation at lisher of"Little Cesar," Anthem agent for the FBI. By actual , 51. PatricK'S Churchl Wareham, on Sunday afternoon, Bishop Cronin met informal~y with Books, is "a poorly' camouflaged, count she was referred to three members of the cla~s on the parish grounds. front for and a. wholly owned different people, all of whom resubsidiary of the National Right acted rather nervously to her into Work Committee." I shouldquiry and asked her a' lot of' , I WASHINGTON (NC)- Jesuit- ing to get into law schools. here like to retract' the second questions aimed at discovering 4,800 applications for admittance part of that statement. Mr; Tole- her identity. • conducted Georgetown UniverThe Georgetown Law Center in September, and looks fo'r m'(lr'e dano has informed me by letter At the end of all this, she was ,sity here is moving its presti- will be several blocks closer to than 5,000 by the time Summer that he is the sole proprietor of told that the Committee could gious law center intq a new the Capitol and U. S. Supreme rolls by. Anthem Books. supply us with five copies of the multi-million-dollar building this Court than is the, present 80,For the last four years, it is It's clear, then, that I made a book-but no more than that. September. The move is focusing year-Old complex, which itself said, more prospective students mistake in saying that Anthem Subsequently when one of our attention upon problem~ that be- is fairly close and even nearer have asked that their law school 'Books Qelongs to the' National stenographers went over to the set many of the countrYI's leading to the District and Federal cou!'t entrance scores be sent to Right to Work Committee, For headquarters of the Natiomil law schools one of-which is that complex.' The new, center wlil Georgetown than any other this I sincerely apologize Ito Mr. . Right to Work Committee to pick they are ov~rcrowded. i provide more, space, but it prob- school except Harvard.' And, de Toledano. ' up our five copies of the boo~, 'A writer said here some ably will not house many more with Georgetown's applications On the other hand, I have no she, too, was greeted with sus- ,months ago that going to law students than are, now accom- up some 60 per cent this year, 'intention, of_ retracting the first picion and was asked a lot of ,school has become "thEi thing to modated. maybe this will be changed. part of the statement quoted questions of a kind that book do." He said this was so because Present enrollment of George'above, namely, that,' Anthem distributors ordinarily don~t pre- the market for academic Ph.D.'s town's law school is 1,570. It, is Books is "a poorly camouf.Iaged sume to put to their customers. is' glutted, women arei showing envisioned that' there will be, BEFORE YOU front for the National Right to Again the purpose of the ques- increasing interest in law as a some 1,800 students in the new BUY -TRY Work Committee." tions was to find out whom she, profession, and many !veterans center this Fall. The school aiIn the case of "Little Cesar," was representing. , returning from Vietnanr i(re try. ready has received more than ·"there .is so much evidence, on Leadl'ng Dl'strl'butor . ' ~ _. and off the public record, 'to supoffering to provide an individual Needless to add, if Mr. de port this statement that I doubt Subsequently an experienced , Toledana cares to peny this about these' c,ustomer (not a wholestale, book tel'. hear'ng that either Mr. de Toledano or repor, 1 OLDSMOBILE , the officers of the National Ril~ht. CUrIOUS an t'ICS on th'e par t 0 f'~( h' e distributor) with "1000 " copies statement and can make his Oldsmobile-Peugot-Renault ~ . of 'Little Cesar' for $400 post- , denial stick, I will be happy to to Work Committee would really National Rig h t to W or k Commlt67 Middle Street, Fairhaven , prices give him equal time 'in a subse- , care to make an issue, out of it, tee ' called ov"e'r there hI'mself 'p'aid and even lower bulk I'ew quent release of this column. much less deny it under oath in an d as k ed ,I'f h e cou ld 1'nte r v , ' in larger quantities,;' I "' ,Close Tie-in I Meanwhile I would, again warn a COUl't of law. someone represen t'mg ~h l e pu b ~ ,,Let's take a look at ,s9 me of I'IS h er 0 f "L'ttl :Since the book ret,ails:, f,or,$.95, the general public to, watch out , I e Cesa'r" , . He , I'n' h d ' that's,an incredibly high discount for "Little Cesar." t urn, 'was as k ed w h yhe a this evidence. , ONE STOP called the Committee about this rate-so fantastically high that it '"It's a poisonous diatribe None in Stock matter. He' answered this ques-, would seem to suggest that there SHOPPING CENTER When II first heard· about tion with another Question of his is a remarkably close tie-in be- against a wonderful human being • Television • Grocery "Little Cesar," I asked m'y secre- 'own: "You did publish "Little tween Anthem Books i and the and a great labor leader, Cesar • Af?pliances • Furniture Chavez, arij comes close to tary to purchase several. copies Cesar", didn't you?" Answer: National Right to WorkiCommit104 Allen St., New Bedford of the book for my own use and . "Well-yes and no." ' t e e , at least in the case bf "Little being libelous in some of the things it says about the Bishops for distribution to' the members To make a long story short, Cesar." i 997·9354 of the Bishops Committee on let me conclude this iittle'detecConfirming this conclusion is Committee on Farm Labor. Farm Labor. In carrying out this tive story by saying that, while the added fact that the :National routine request' (which,' as it I now have it on 'his' own un- 'Right to Work Committee has happened, snowballep into a kind questioned authority that Mr. already put out at' least three of:.Mission Impossi'ble) my secre- de Toledan'o owns Anthem 'Books, high pressure advertisi?g circutary did what' any' ordinary I also happen to know, from, my lqrs in what would app~ar to be customer would h(J.ve done undet own end of the 'line', that the' -an all-out effort to promote the the circumstarices. National Right' 'to 'Work Com' distribution of the book. .she first called all' of the loeal mittee is the leading distributor On the basis of the foregoing ,7 .Perry lOur Heating bO,okstores, only to discover ttlat (I will refrain from saying the information-and there ~ is more Avenue none of them had the book in sole distributor) of "Little Cesar" where this came from f-I can stock. She then looked for the in the Washington area. only repeat, then" that in the Oils Make 11' auntonMass. address of Anthem Books in Hie Furthermore I have in front case 'of "Little Cesar": Anthem Washngton telephone, directory. of me, as I write this column, a 'Books is a poorly camouflaged 822-2282 Warm Friends l Again-no' luck. Anthem Books' copy of a letter from the Na- front for the National Right to' isn't listed.. in the ,qir.eJ:tory. tional Right, to Work Committee Work Committee. I
Georg'etown -Law School Center Moved
Thurs., May 27, 1971
E. Falm'outh
A Parishioner
$250 .
Rev. Donald E. Belanger
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Torres
$200 St. Vincent de Paul Conference $150
$75 ,Falmouth Lumber Co.
Women's Council
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Peters
Dodgeville 'Finishing Company Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Daneau Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Grenier
In Memory of Isabelle Lopes Grasmere Country Club, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Simmons Sr. T & T Bu.jJders
$75 Mr. & Mrs. Felicien Brochu Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lapierre Sr:
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dutra Mr. & Mrs. Frank Souza
Mrs. Alvine Belanger Mr. & Mrs. Donald Charron Mr. & Mrs. J. Leo Daneau Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dumont Mr. & Mrs. Roland Gagne Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Karol Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Laferriere Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lavergne & family Mr. & Mrs. Raymond S. Pelletier In memory of Martin P. Rossiter Jr. St. Anne Sodality Holy Name Society Morse Sand & Gravel Company
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Andrade Jr., Tr & Mrs. Tony Andrews, Harold L. Baker Co., Inc., In Memory of John B. Burgess, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel F.. DeMello Mr. & Mrs. Willam J. DeMello, Mr. & Mrs. John B. Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel R. Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. John H. Mecedo, Mr. & Mrs. Abel Mello Mr. & Mrs. George Pinto, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Rodriques, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel R. Soares, Mr. & Mrs. John L. Tavares, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Tavares.
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Boudreau Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Ladabauche Mr. & Mrs. Delphis Paridis
Mr. &. Mrs. John Cornell Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Normand Beauregard Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rapoza & Son
$30 Mr. & Mrs. TreffIe Caron Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Hemond Mr. & Mrs. Lucien LeBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Lefebvre Mr.' &: MrS,'· Eric Maslen'· &.' family Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Pariseau Mr. & Mrs. Roland M. Trahan
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Landry
TRAVELING BALLOON: A balloon released by students in Virginia is examined by .youngesters at St. Mary's Cathedral School, 'Fall River, following its finding by Mrs. Nicholas Biltcliffe of St. Patrick's paris,h in the see city. Balloon had card attached requesting finder to notify Virginia school how far it had traveled. Interested St. Mary's pupils are, left to right, top to bottom, Tim McCarthy, John McDonald, Steven -Carreiro, Kevin Goslin, Sheryl W~obleski, John Nagle, Cynthia Medeiros, Martha Carroll.
$i25 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Murphy Jr.
$100 Mr. & Mrs. John P.·Lee
$75 , Dr. & Mrs. Uno Tiberi
$40 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Duwdall
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Pare
$30 Mr. & Mrs Gerald P. McCarthy'
, $30 Mr·...& Mrs. Ernest .lost Sr.
$50 Edward & Bernadette Milligan
$40 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nelson
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Ravmond Aussant, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cate, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Charron Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Paul DeGasparre Mr. & Mrs. Leo Denis, Ernest Doucette. Mr. & Mrs. Herve Dumont, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fontneau, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gelinas Mr. & Mrs. Paul. Gendron, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Goudreau, Mr. & Mrs.Edward Goudreau, Mr. & Mrs. Archie Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. David Laberge Mr. & M'rs. Theodore Lacourse, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lapierre Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Normand Lejeune, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Julien Marquis Mr. & Mrs. Leo Marquis, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Maynard, Mr. & Mrs. Albert McDuff, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Ousley, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Paradis Mr.. & Mrs. Luc Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Delohis Ringuette, Mr. & Mrs. John Rogers Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Arml'l,nrl Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Hebert .St. George Children of Mary, C.Y.O., Al-. len Blanchard· Lawn Mower Sales & Service, Company, Carson Granite Company, West Wind R~staurant
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Castro Jr.
$25 Mr. & Mrs. John H. Flanagan Jr., Merton & Magella Churchill
Order of Christian Unity Studied LONDON (NC)-The ecumenical Order of Christian Unity, inactive for. the past 15 years, has been revived here undf:!r the chairmanship of Lady 'Lothian, wife of the under,secretary of state for foreign affairs and a Catholic. In recasting its policy and' widening its objectives, the organization aims at giving Christians a chance to 0xpress their commitment through their professional skills. It seeks to
members of Parliament, university personnel, lawyers, doctors and nurses as members, some of whom will investigate and give 0xpert opinion ,on the ethical, einvironmental and social .problems facing Christians today. Lady Lothian told a press conference here that the Order of Christian Unity' represents "a huge, silent maj'ority of reasonable Christians .Who find themselves somewhe,re between the casual, conventional '~ype' which. goes to church only :;or weddings and funerals and the militant who work within rigid official organizations."
Mr. & Mrs. John ~arroll, Mr. & Mrs. William Perry, Mr. & Mrs. George Robitaille, Mr'. & Mrs. Roland G. Watters J.r., Kevin Lawless Catheri'ne McCann, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mullowney ~ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Nolin ' Mrs. William Bowen ST. MARK
$50 St. Vincent de Paul Society
$25 Thomas Rush, M. Curran, John Rioux ST. THERESA
$125 Mr. & Mrs Vincent De Quattro
$100 A Friend
$75 Mr. & Mrs. John Pendergast Sr.
$50 Frank Green
$30 , Mr. & Mrs., Richard Rougeau $25 Mr. & Mrs. Francis D. Gilli~:' Mr. & Mrs. Charles MacAleese
$50 Jack Hynes Jr. Harold J. Moy
$30 Anonymous
& Mrs. Albert R. Beisel Jr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Croke & Mrs. Walter Dawley & Mrs. Rudolph Egert & Mrs. Stanley Fowler & Mrs. Richard' Hassett & Mrs. James Julian & Mrs. Michael C. O'Don-
& Mrs. Walter Paal
$75 Mr. & Mrs. William B. Brown
$30" Mr. & Mrs. George T. Silva
Marion' Higgins, Inn
$25 John J. Cavanaugh, Anonymous, Anonymous
Offering You 3 Savings' Plans
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Edward McGoran Jr. ST. MARY
$100 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard .1. Byrnes Mrs. Maude McCabe Mr. & Mrs. Charles O'Malley
$50 Mrs. Harry C. Jepson Mr., & Mrs. Albert Levesque Mr. & Mrs. Francis Murphy
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Doran
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Burda Mrs. Joseph Sheals
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. nell Mr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Ahearn, Cecile C. Brais, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Buckley, JYIr. & Mrs. Henry Mao, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Donley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoey, Mr. & Mrs. Henry McCarthy, Mrs. John Mushey, Mr. & Mrs. Michael O'Rourke, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin, Seifert '
DERMODY CLEANERS DRY CLEANING AND FUR STORAGE 34-44 Cohannet St., Taunton Whittenton Branch Store 334 Bay Street, across from Fire ·Station Tel. 822-6161
Home Financing
261 Main St., Wareham, Mass. Telephone 295-2400
Bank·By·Mail Service Available
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 27, 1971
Many Ideas for. Column's: Come 'f'rom Loyal Readers.
Woods Hole . .
ST. JOSEPH $100 St. Vincent de Paul Society $30 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Murphy $25 Mr. & Mrs. Willard Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Delphos, Mr. & Mrs.· Paul LaPrade, C. F. Strittmatter
$25· Mrs. Gertrude Rogers, Thomas Dean, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ormon
One question I am frequently asked by readers is, do you get enough ideas to do a column every week?" Ideas are everywhere. I look at my family and get ideas. I hear a homily and get ideas. I read a paper and ' get ideas; But. one fruitful
source of ideas, faithful read-
realm but would you consider writing a column slanted toward' mothers of nuns explaining why their daughters are changing . habits and vocations?" Not on your life, Sister. I'd like to help you out but my adBy , vising mothers of nuns is like a WINS TRIP: Barbara Anne priest advising me on motherDOLORES hood-on second thought, Moth, ers of nuns, yours is a most W ~nczak, senior fat. Bishop CURRAN sacred and solemn vocation. Cassidy High Schpol, Taun(Just don't get flippant.), ton, has been awarded a Another sister asked me to week-long trip to :Seattle as . write something on' teaching winner of .an essay contest parents the danger. of arglling on the value of'Lqgan Interabout the Church .in front of national Airport. She will be letter or two from a reader, "Sometime will 'you write a col- their impressionable children., "It feted at a lunchepn at the' umn about ..." and after a talk teaches them that the Church is airport prior to her deparI give, I'm bound to be approach- a source of division, not unity," ture. An honor ~tu~ent, Miss Wenczak is in an! advanced ed by someone who says timidly, she explained. I'd write a column on that ,but placement program, in ng"I've been ,hoping you would I've already done one and it· write about ..." seemed to increase the hostility . !ish. She will attend Whea, The problem is that I have a between husband and wife over . ton College. I lot more ideas than time and the healing 'mission of ithe Falmouth .tJl a.t, although the idea might ST. PATIUriK be very pertinent to one reader, Church. Literary Suicide ' . . $100 i ' it doesn't re,late t9 a large segment of my readership. Finally, I've had several letters Atty. & Mrs. James H. Smith Take this letter, for .example, from readers who charge ,me $75 ; 'from a lady in Pennsylvania. with being a Protestant or ComMr. & Mrs: Paul IChampagne "Sometime, will you write a' munist or both. Their sugges$50 ' column about people bringing tions for columns range' from HarryC &, Ann B·I Richardson their' young children to the 6 "Why I Love Marx?" '(whom I' Mr. & Mrs. Michael Grady A.M: Mass? The reason many of can't understand) to "Why a . ' . $25 Mrs., .Gertrude Arcaro, Mr. & · us go to that Mass is to g'et away Woman With an Irish Name . from children, They can go later Should Quit Writing and Become Mrs. Edward Perry, Frank E. & . to the noisier Masses." a Catholic." I'Ve toyed with both Alice E. McLaughlin,I'Mrs. RobWell, the lady has a point, I'm suggestions and if. either bear ert L. Lloyd, Mr. & Mrs. Myron ! sure. But I just can't believe fruit, I promise a column on J. Gaddis Mr.' & Mrs. 'Mariuel Lopes, there are that many'families who them. These .are the columns I won't Eugene. F.' Magenis,! Joseph E. wake the baby at 5 A.M. to atI tend early Mass. As a matter of write. But, you're wondering, do McTiernan Mr & Mrs James M'.. Nidosipko fact, I don't even want to think I ever get any good ideas frqm I · of 6 -A.M. Mass. It makes me readers? Where do you think I . get my ideas for turning out it - Hyannis . nervous. column' week ,after week? I have ST'- FRANCIS XAVIER Don't Be Flippant a long list of excellent ideas $100 I But, for the sake of this letter from you, but listing them here . Dr. Francis C. O'Neil' wri~~r w60 said sorri~ very nice would be'literary suicide. Every • $40 i words.'agout this column, please, competing columnist in the CathCecilia O'Rourke I ,parents of'tdddlers, don't thrust olic press would pick them ~p. Mr. & Mrs. Cosm9 Montagna' them olit intQ the dark cold air That's why I'm offering' the .. $25' I for pre-dawn Masses. It's not above .suggestions, 'in the hope Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kelly good' for their, or anyone else's they will. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Clement mental health. Meanwhile, when someone asks I'y1r. & Mrs. Josephl.Gelinas Mrs. Margaret" RaYjnond Then, there is the postcard me where I get illy original ideas, from a priest in Seattle who I will continue to :blush .approOstell'v."II'e wishes I wouldn't be so flippant priately and say, "Oh, they just· , about rearil}gchildren. "It is a come to me.'-.". OUR LADY' OF ASSUMPTION :$25 . i . mO,st sacred and solemn voca' . , tiem,:' he writes. Well, Father, Recover Stolen Mr. & Mrs. WiIIi~~ Adams
ers, is you. Rarely a week goes by that I don't get a
So. Yarmo~th
I'll try to curb that flippancy in Church P:llars ... Provincetow'n the future,. but right now it is • ,. . TER \' .' . Spring. vacation and I am home MEXICO CITY (NC) _ Fou~ , ... ST. with wall-to-wall family, from valuable ornamental pillars sto, A Friend' Captain Kangaroo to the Star len from the Mexico City Cathe- . ' Spangled Banner and I am serio. dral's warehouse two months $50 j'. ously . toying with a bulletin ago were discovered here in the Charles &. Elizabeth· DeRiggs I . Mary Roberts notice offering 'any childless home of two wealthy Mexicans. I St. Vin,ce,nt. d,e Paul Society couple a package deal: "One fully Police said the two men .in baptised family plus a baby whose homes' the pillars were ,$25 i Easter rabbit fo!, the price of this found . apparently -purchased .Mr. & Mrs. Edward, Carreiro, ad." them for their beauty; unawa're .. Roland Chamberland, Margaret If I get any takers, 1'.11 pass on that they were 'stolen objects. Cunningham, Mr. & Mrs. Edward ,your words about sacredness The two were millionaire chain- Dahill, Mr: & Mrs. J6hn Grace and solemnity. '. store 'owner 'Raul ·.Robles Marti: ' Dr. ,& Mrs. Daniel Hiebert, Mr. Let's see, on to. more ideas nez, and Pedro VillalobbSRodr i- ',~ Mrs. Euge'ne Poyant! Margaret Roberts,' Mary Rowe:, Wa.rren f rom· rea d' ers. . Oh, yes, there's guez, an engineer.. . . . , Silva . the. man from Chicago who Thieves broke into' the ware-" . Mr. & Mr.s.. Emmami.el Souza, wrote, "Is it true that Lieutenant hou'se in February, .after 'break- . . Calley' is a Catholic?" I don't ing a ·padl~ck on the door. Gov- Walter 'Welsh Coundl Knights know, sir; and I really don't care."; ernment'officiais'were"indigna'nt ?fColumbus, William iH . Young I '. · I'll leave that scoop to someone and accused the Church of neg- Insurance Agency at th.e National Catholic Reporter ,Iigen~e ~nd not. properly guard· Buzzards ~ay .to pick up, ing national treasures. Under ST. MARGARET .' $25' : Then,. there's 'the nun' who Mexican law, ~II Church prop',' wrote, "I know it is .out of your erty belongs ,to the ~tate. Mr & Mrs Lawrence.k Laspesa.,
$100 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Frazier Sandwich Mr. & Mrs. Paul .Lussier CORPUS CHRISTI Wellfleet Savings Bank $35 $35 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Rose Mr. & Mrs. John W. Ross $30 $30 Downs Insurance Agency Mr.. & Mrs. Charles Prete $25' $25 Our Lady of Lourdes C.Y.O., Mrs~ James R. Barber, Mr.. & Mr. & Mrs. Walter Doucette, Mrs. Bernard Downing, Mr. & . Mr. & Mrs. Robert putra, Mr. Mrs. Dante Gallerani, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs.- George Dutra, Leonard Amedio Gonella, Mr. & Mrs. Gates Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Harry . Donald Philbrick, Mr. & Mrs. Parkington Tello Tontini
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While there's still time, call your plumber, electric'al contractor, or the Fall River Electric Light Co;
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River7"Thurs. May 27, 1971
The Parish Parade Publicity ganizations news items Anchor, P.
chairmen of parish or· are asked to submit. for this column to The O. Box 7, fall River
. 02722. ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD Seat of Wisdom Praesidium of the Legion of Mary will sponsor a living rosary at 3 Sunday afternoon, May 30. All active and auxiliary Legionaries and spiritual directors of the Fall River diocese' ar:e invited to participate. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER Holy Rosary Sodality will sponsor a penny sale at 7 Thursday night, June 24, open to all parishioners. The Espirito' Santo feast will feature Eddie Zack's music at 7 Friday night, June 4. Our Lady of the Angels band will.be heard from 7 to II Saturday night, June 5 and a Portuguese show will also be presented. A crowning ceremony will take place at noon Mass Sunday, June 6, fol= lowed at I o'clock by a procession for all people of the parish. Entertainment, music and an auction will follow, climaxed at 10 P.M, by a raffle. ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET A Spring Social and Smorgasbord is scheduled for 8 on Sunday night, May 30 at Roseland Ballroom, Taunton. Mike Megan's Orchestra will provide the music. Proceeds will be for the benefit of the ·parish.
ST. LAWRENCE, NEW BEDFORD A testimonial will be tendered Tuesday night, June 8 for Rev. William F. O'Connell and Rev. Justin J. Quinn, former curates in the' parish. Following a 7 o'clock concelebrated Mass at St. Lawrence Church, a reception will be held at Kennedy Center, County Street. All parishioners, former' parishioners, relatives and friends of the two priests are invited to attend. ST. JOSEPH, FALL RIVER New officers of the Women's Guild will be installed Thursday night, June 10. The ceremony will be followed by a banquet at The Coachmen restaurant, Tiv~r ton. Reservations will dose Tuesday, June 1.
ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER The parish's· annual Summer festival will be held Saturday and Sunday, July 17 and 18 at Urban's Grove, Tiverton, under direction of William Diskin, general chairman. A pre-festival penny sale will take place at the parish school 'at 7 Saturday night, June 26. Donations may be left at the rectory, the convent, or the home of Mrs. Helena Boyko, g'eneral chairman. A" Polish. cooking class will take' . place Wednesday and Thursday, June 2 and 3 in the school hall.
,II!! I"
:II il PLANNING COMMISSION MEETS: Harold Carpenter, chairman of meeting; Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Ed.D., Diocesan Superintendent of Schools; Bishop James J. Gerrard, Auxiliary Bishop of Diocese and pastor of St. Lawrence's Parish, New Bedford; Rev. William E. Collard, pastor of St. Theresa's, New Bedford; prepare for meeting of the Planning Commission for Catholic Sc;hools in New Bedford held at the Kennedy Youth Center. I
Stresses Role of Catholic Colleges Can Help Solv'e Cities' Problems, Jesuit Says
CINCINNATI (NC)-Catholic colleges have a unique part to play in solving the problem of ,American, cities, a Jesuit educator told the graduating class of Mt. St. Joseph college here. Father Michael Walsh, presistore fronts, debris and other marks of desolation still all too dent of Fordham University, New York, said teachers and adevident.· ministrators, as well as gradu'At about this time, President Nixon prodded Congress to get ates of Catholic colleges, must be on" with whatever is to be done concerned about social justice for to spruce up the city for the ob- those plagued by poverty, ignoservance' of the 200th anniver- rance and racial discrimination. Father Walsh acknowledged sary of American independence that slums mlist be replaced in 1976. Plans already in the works with decent housing, job opporv/hich' could be acted on include - tuities must be provided for the new federal buildings, a plaza 'on unemployed and' schools must Pennsylvania Avenue near the be integrated. But, he added, Treasury and other beauti~ica "equally as important, we must replace indifference' with contion projects. What will be done remains to cern, alienation with acceptance, be seen, of course, but there are hostility with lov~." '. "Only when these new spiralready suggestions that the restoration of the' riot "corridors" itual attitudes infuse our cities be given an early implementa- can we call our work successtion. ful," he said. "For the present President Nixon visited the sickness of our Cities in not only riot-affected. areas in 1969, less physical but spiritual as well." than two weeks after .his in~u . Christian educators,' Father guration, and this gave rise. to Walsh declare,d,. can no longer the hope that a program to re- . find "a calm conscience in restore .inner· Washington would treating to' their ivory' .towers soon get under way. There were raised. in lofty' eminence above visions of pocket-size parks, n~w their fellowmen. Their compan. structures, resettlement housing ions must be the needy, the poor, and other t1)ings. . a.n~ the disa4~an~aged.". Some $70 million were sp~nt 'Pentecostal' Warmth' to .acquire land for future development, but the early hopes have "The Catholic college has a yet to be realized. Tight credit, unique and extremely valuable rising costs, problems that beset . contribution to· make to our relocation housing generally, and cities," he said .. "With its back:' Hie fact that a half-dozen differ- ground of compassion, its reent agencies, federal and local, sources and facilities, it bas an were involved in the matter help unparalleled oppprtunity to bring to explain the lack of progress. hope and light to the poor, the President Nixon said the federal government stood' ready to Progress support the program, but that Progress always involves risks. the people and the local government had to make the decisions You can't steal second base and keep your foot on first.-Anon regarding it.
Toursts Returning in Numbers As Capital- Looks to Bicentennial WASHINGTON (NC)-Visitors came here in impressive numbers over the Easter holidays and, because of improved weather, may have seen a better display of the 'cherry blossoms than did those who came for the festival itself a week or so earlier: The visitors undoubtedly took away many varied impressions. Following an estimate that the number of ·tourists who came here in 1970 reached an all-time high of 17-million plus,' the latest influxes were heartening to those directly concerned with attracting visitors to the Nation's Capital. Just a week before Easter - Sunday was the third anniversary of the assassination (April 4, 1968) of Dr. Martin Luther King in Memphis,. Tenn. That tragic event touched' off three days of rioting here, leaving physical scars and ugly feelings. The inflow of tourists dropped off quickly and sharply. . This year the: anniversary prompted a number of looks at what restoration has been ac. complished along the "corridors" on 14th and 7th Streets Northwest and H Street Northeast, where tti'e burning and looting were largely, concentre:tted in 1968. '. The conclusion' was that ,relatively little has be.en don~ to .heal the ravages of those days which so many people want to forget. Some of the most recent visitors had occasion to go into or pass through these "corridors" and they professed to be depressed by what they saw"':"" ruined buildings, boarded-up
underprivileged, the lonely and the frightened people of God." Moreover, ,he 'said, "whether the aims and, purposes of the Second Vatican Council, which is central to the whole concept of aggiornamento, reach fulfillin the life of the Church in the U. S. will depend 'mainly upon your age group and the quality of your' response to this latest invitation to renew the face of the earth as committed social apostles."
may indeed be the very instruments by which the Holy Spirit will revivify the Mystical Body of Christ with a new Pentecostal warmth," he said.
"The peculiar qualities of the youth of today-your provocative response to social issues, your enthusiasm for new ideas, your rejection of the current masquerades which characterize so much of our present social structure - while they beget a note of alarm in some quarters,
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall. River-Thurs.May 27; 197.1 r
KNOW YOUR FAITH Celebration of Death Religio'us, Experience III
Catholics have tended to play •down religious experience. They did not expect to feel th.eir piety, nor did they trust such feelings. With' due exceptions for special occasions, religion for them was business-like and matter of fact. The liturgical renewal began a change of attitude. Worship became more expressive, more experiential.
He is outside the pale of human experience. He is' not one being alongside other beings, 'one object among many He is beyond creation, 'and ,as such He caimot be experienced. , But we· do .experience Him in the signs of His presence in the world. He' reveals Himself as the ground, sour~e, ~ltimate meaning. of all reality: ,:..... , God is what is really "sacred" in our lives. He is what we take most seriously,' Without reservation, without uiterior motive: He By is not just a quality of life; He' is Life and Love .. itself. Human FR. ERNEST E. symbols, -like Father, Son, and lARKIN· Holy Spirit identify His Person and evoke His presence. Our faith finds expression in signs like the Eucharist or concepts . Perhaps an'evE;nstronger in- like the lordship of Christ. We experience these symbols fluence has been the massive search for religious experience directly. And through them we \ 'characteristic of our time. 'The have contact with. the mystery revival of interest in mysticism, of' God, who dwells in inaccesin ··transcendental meditation, in sible light. We do not see Him; Zen arid Yoga are the signs of we only believe. Yet this is truly '" the times.Sp is interest in Pen- an experience of God. To us God is alive, and real, and living in tecostalism. . Honest believers cannot avoid our experience of the world. Mysti~s claim an immediate the question: do I experience God? This leads to a further' a'wareness of God Himself. God question: what dgeS the experi- touches them.. They "feel" His presence. There is a sense of conence of God mean? . ' In one sense no' 'one Clxperi- tact, which St. Teresa of Avila ences God; in .another sense says leaves' no doubt that the every believer experiences Him. soul is in God and God in the The paradox is ,resolved by soul. A fine line distinguishes this describing the ·two kinds of experience. No' one experiences mystical presence from a presGod as He is in Hill.lself, because Turn to Page Seventeen
"Jesus and. I?"
"Jesus and I" was 'one of the most widely· used first Commu, nion catechisms in' the United States about' 40 years ago. Fr. Aloysius Heeg,. S.J., one of the great pioneers in American Catholic religious education:, lived long enough to see his attractive little caechism used by children all over the United States, and in many countries around the world. I mention Fr, Heeg's catechism
for several reasons. His lectures were a personal stimuh.is to me to devote myself to the work of religious education. Then, too, it is good to remember from time to time the .. great men whose work nourished the faith of millions of young Catholics and helped make possible the developments now officially' encouraged by the Second. Vatican Council. Much of what religious educators are able to do today rests on foundations laid decades ago by catechists .like Fr., Heeg. ,However, the main reason for speaking of "Jesus and 1" at
Millions of reader's' and view.ers already have so~bed through Erich Segal's Love ~tory. Critics may judge his nove! and movie harshly but the f~ct remains that for many reading the book or watching the film was a' very emotional experienc~. Why? The tale its~lf-a beautiful 25-year old Wife dying of a rare· diseas~nat~rally tends to bring tears. But:I think the deeper stronger reason is that most people personalize Love Story. Within their Ihearts they wonder: How would I. feel in similar circumstan¢;es? What would I say? . ,i No one knows hor he would feel or what he would say, but words like "rejoice" or "celebrate" seem far of( ·'the mark. I mean would you telll Oliver Barrett.IV to rejoice because Jennie has ·gone home to God or would you speak to hint a~out the celebration of a Christian's death? Hardly. . ,.~ • I Purpose of VVake First comes the sharing of a bereaved's sorro..¥, t~en follows the sowing of hope for a future. Introductory principles of the renewed' funeral te~t set these . two elements as thel purpose of a Christian burial service. COMFORT: A helping hand guided by understanding "Between the tim'e of death and burial there shoJld be suffi- and love can be a source of comfort to any person in des. cient opportunities felr peoole to pair. NC Photo. pray for the .dead and to profess ing ,Jesus' victory over death ever. But those left behind have their own faith in !eternal life should carryover to the funeral an empty ache and lonely tears ... In this way the compassion- Mass. A rousing alleluia at' the in the midst of their confident ate kindness of Mother Church start may prove too much of a hope for future reunin. A funeral and the. consolation of the faith clash with the still heavy hearts service must fuse within it both may lighten the bu~den of be- of the deceased's family. the sorrow and the celebration. ·Iie:-e-rs without offe~ding those Later, after the songs and sy.mDiscussion Questions : . this particular time is that the' who mourn." bois, the prayers and readings, 1. What religious significance title itself directs our attention '. In certain ways ~e best can the liturgical ceremonies. and the to the heart of the matter of comfort the survivors and share celebrant's words have exerted can be gained from movies? 2. How can the death of a religious education: the, personal their. grief during c~lling hours loved one be made into an expeinvolvement of Christ in the 'life 'at the family residence or funerrience of Christian joy? of the believer and the believer's al home. Here is an occasion for, personal response to Him. mutual tears, supportive emBy Personal Nature of Grace braces, helpful word~, consoling ~ork for Return Christ's grace touches the prayers. Perhaps in such a conFR. JOSEPH M, To, School Prayers deepest center ofa person, 'invit- text the priest shoul~ wear for . CHAMPLIN ing and enabling a personal un- the wake service a purple' stole NEW YORK (NC)-The 1.25 ion w.ith Him. The highly pi~r- (a blend between. the severe million members of the Holy sonal nature of grace and faith' black and joyful w:hite), or· a Name Society throughout the is taught by St. Paul in many green one sym~olic' o,f hope). . mwi@~'Mi.rjejIMi@Jji'X* . country have been urged to beBut we also begin, the healing, their influence and created a come involved in efforts to'repassages of his letters. Paul writes, for example, "He loved hopeful process at tHis time. different· climate, Palestrina's store some form of prayer in me and gave Himself for me" Gentle Teminders ;that death alleluia-filled hymn probably will the country's public schools. (Gal 2:20), and "For me, to live is not simply an end, but also reflect in perfect fashion the Louis C. Fink of Atlanta, Ga., is Christ" (Phil 1:21). a,beginning, that ,it signals not transformed feelings of those president, National Association However, the' very sharpness only a departure. but likewise present. of the Holy Name Society, said of focus on the individual's rela- an entrance, that it tlringspainThe burial of a Christian truly" parents, school officials anq civic tionship' with His Savior, "Jesus ful separation, true, Ibut.· prom- is or should be a celebration of 'leaders "must take a stand and 1," tended to. obscure the ises future reunion dan suggest death. We rejoice that he or she against the current deterioration dimension of· community in to the bereaved thoughts of res- who was buried'in baptism with of society." Christian life, worship and cdu- urrection and everlasting life. Jesus, who followed Christ in "Returning prayer to the 'pubcation--':'sometping . St. Paul r e - ' '. I faith through life, now passes lie schools will not .solve all, our peatedly stressed. Biblical passages help. "These The danger was that Catholics readings proclaim the paschal through death to perfect joy problems, but it could be a daily considered God's grace and their . mystery, support the hope of re- with the Lord face to face for- reminder to students that there . is a Higher Authority 'to which own faith in overly individual~ union in the Kingdotn, of God. 'we are all responsible," Fink istlc terms. One c~n too ·eaSily. tea~h respect for th~. dead and New President added. become preoccupied with "savirig encourage the witness' of ChrisMIAMI BEACH (NC) - The Walter A. Jones of Washingmy soul,'" and "saying my , :.tian, 'I.iv.ing'." That sec,tlon (ilO, 11)' alumni association of the PonD. C., HNS social action ton, prayers." The importance of tllt; from the Revised Rite of Funertifical North American College, committee chairman, said stu. ' a l s ' indicates why' the Church . . , community in Christian life and. the seminary in Rome which has dent morals have' dropped to a religious education may be for- prefers a scripturally' oriented. trained thousands of American low point since prayer has been gotten. prayer service at the! wake. priests and produced scores of eliminated from the schools. He Sorrow and C,elebration ' The community is the context bishops, has elected 'Cardinal added: "Children seem to have in which Christian education This sensitivity to the anguish John Dearden' its president for lost respect for any type of auTurn to Page Seventeen,' of mourners while still preach- -the cOJ'!ling year. thority." • I
• THE ANCHORThurs., May 27, 1971
Religious Experienc'e Continued from Page Sixteen ence from a presence to God that is the fruit of faithful love. p'erhaps the mystical sense is a special gift. Or perhaps it depends on psychic structure as' well as grace. , The non-mystical experience of God 'is the, birthright of every Christian. It occurs when God is real to a person. To know and' love God is to experience Him. There is a difference, then, between experiences of God and experience. Experiences are infinitely variable. Believers do .not seek particular experiences of God..They may welcome these peak moments, when God seems very near. moments of great fervor and enthusiasm. But experiences are not as important as ,a bona fide, personal union with the Lord. God is person and subject. It is on this level we experience Him as Christians. This means that we know Him by His revealing Hilmself, by His becoming a "Thou" to us. All persons are known and loved in this way. They open themselves to each other and in this way experience each other. It is no different with God. He has revealed 'Himself to men. He continually reveals himself and "speaks to men as friends and lives among them, so that He may invite and take them into fellowship with Hims~If." (Divine Revelation, n. 2) He is in the world in His Son. 111
The Son is manifested in His People, in the persons who are united in, Him and form the, sacrament of His presence. Through Christ we go to the Father. By faith and love we have contact with the divine persons ,as "thou's," as the Absolute beyond and beneath the objects of human life. But this faith-experience is clothed' in a variety of psychological . phenomena. The latter are the ways we picture God, the ways we translate our depth experience into our own representations and symbolizations. The symbolizations are not nearly as important as the experience' itself. They are not, in fact, a reliable' index to the quality of our faith and love. How do you know you are experiencing God? 'Not so much because you "feel it, or "know!' it, but because your life proves it. The Lord gave this one maxim: "By their fruits you will know them." The effect of God can be found in all things, in the Church and in the world, in religious practices and secular events, in pain <;Ind pleasure, in everything and in nothingness. The measure of His presence is our faith, hope and charity. Discussion Questions L What significance do -you see in the renewal of interest in
North Dighton ST. JOSEPH
$150 Anonymous
$35 . Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. O'Connell
$25 Mr. &' Mrs. Donald Emond, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Lyons, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Neville
$100 Friends of Father Casey Friends of Father Sullivan Centennial Fund
$51 In memory of Mrs. Grace Kent
$31 Leo R. Harlow
$30 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Marshall
. $25 Immaculate Conception Women's Guild
Raynham ST. ANN
Content and Context The implications of the Council's teaching, which recalls the Scripture stories, of the early Christian communities, touches at the root ,of the cbntemporary crisis in religious education in so many parishes. An almost exclusive concern with "content," in religious education has led to
BISHOP INSTRUCTS: Bishop Cronin acts as the official teacher in the Diocese as he instr~cts the Confirmation Class in St. Margaret's Church, Buzzards Bay during the conferring 'of the sacrament on last Sunday.
Edward Barry
$30 Mr. James Mulvilhill
$25 George Bumila John Manganaro
Basic Appeal Irish Bishop Says Priest's Life Today 'Not for Glory-Seekers'
2. How do you experience God in your daily life?
CLONAKILTY (NC)-Attacks iri the public media have battered the glamour and glory out of the a neglect of its "context." 'priesthood and turned it into'a The most orthodox' doctrinal vocation only for a man who content may be learned thor- sincerely;wants to be "another oughly, but not fully under- Christ to the people around him," stood or assimilated where there, Bishop Cornelius Lucey of Cork is no Christian community. One imd Ross told a group of young can learn to define "Church" people here. without experiencing it. Describing what he called the In addition to examining and "stress and strains" of a priest's evaluating textbooks according to their doctrinal content, reli- life today, Bishop Lucey comgious educators on every level mented: "Time was when the need to direct equal attention to priesthood was a prestige calling, the context of religious educa- when people looked up to the tion, the local community, of priest and deferred to him. These last years, though, priests and believers. bishops have taken such a batDoes our parish have any tering, on the communications characteristics of a true commumedia in particular - whatever nity? Is genuine human commuthey do,' they can't win, unless, nity possible. in a parish of our size? Do members of the parish even know each other? Do Stay Open priests, p~rents and catechists ST. PAUL (NC) - Out of .31 honestly ,cooperate? Do parish financially-pressed schools in members work together on im- city and rural parishes in the portant Gontemporary issues? Is St. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese, there a spirit of friendliness, co- 27 will be kept open but four operation, self-sacrifice, evi- rural schools will close in June. denced in the parish, and school Il'tlll""1'"''''II,.''''''IIII''''''I''''''II'I''''''''t1""'III.I"I,'II""""""""JI"",,""IIIIIU'i or religious education center? To what extent could an- outsider Son, Jesus Christ" (1 Jn 1:3). notice that "we are Christians Discussion Questions by our love"? What can we do to 1. What do you understand create a greater sense of comby "the personal involvement of muni.ty? There is no question that text- Christ in the life of the books need evaluation and teach- believer?" 2. What relationship should ers need training in doctrine, scripture, liturgy, and communi- the individual Christian have to cations skills. But there is also the Christian community as a no question that efforts at reli- whole? gious education will be frustrated unless equally serious attempts are made to build human como. munities in the local Church. The ffrst letter of John suge .. " Religious Teachers' gests the significance of, commuin the service nity in religious education." "It is what we have seen and heard of the Church that we announce to you also, Write: Brother' Guy, C.F.X. so that you may share our fel704 Brush Hill Road lowship, for our fellowship is Milton, Massachusetts 02186 with the Father, and with his
Jesus and I?"
Continued from Page Sixteen takes place. Without a living, loving community - first at home, then in the wider com-, munities of school neighborhood, parish-little effective Christian education can be expected' to take place. Young children, older youngsters, and adults can certainly learn the content of Catholic ,teaching and even grow in percontact with Christ sonal through a highly individualistic approach to catechesis. But without the experience of a community of caring, faith-filled Christians, they will miss one of the deepest dimensions of Chris,tian life-namely, that we are called to live as a community, God's people that Christ calls us to union with Him within the community of believers, His Church. The' Second Vatican Council teaches the role of community in Christian life with words that are repeated twice in the Council documents. "At all times and and among every people, God has given welcome to whosoever fears Him and does what is right. It has pleased God, however, to make men holy and save them not merely as individuals, without any mutual bonds, but by making them ·into a single people, a people which acknowledges him in truth and serves him in holi.ness" (Constitution, on the Church, 9; Constitution on the Church in Modern World, 32).
of course, they are the dissatisfied ones. "The glory of it, too, namely priestly celibacy, is under constant attack and the impression created that it is only a matter of time' until' it goes."
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Schleicher
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Fernandes
H. RILEY & SON, Inc.
Then he countered with what he considers .the basic appeal of the priesthood: "What, then, has the priesthood to offer a man? Only thisthe opportunity to be another Christ to the people around him. But what could boy or man want more than this? Christ came on earth to worship his father and so sanctify his people. This is what he wants his priest to con-. tinue doing for him."
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1HE'ANCHOR,-Diocese ofFaH River-Thurs. May 27, 1971"
Says Purpose of Research .Is to Ascertain Facts
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred S. Rose, St. Germain & Son, Inc. SACRED HEART
Many people have asked me whether I think the NORC study on the American priesthood had any impaCt on the recent Bishops' meeting and will have, any impact ,on the synod next Fall. I am forc~d to respond tha~ I ' :' : had no expectations before the study was completed search to change ;people's, minc~s, that it would notably ,affect to ~dvocate a polIcy, to promot.e . ' . SOCIal change-not at least, lf ~lther meetmg and that,noth~ one has had any experience in
mg t~at happened at the ~IS~~P~ dealing with human beings, One meetmg .caused me to revise LhlS ,dpes research rather to get at expectatIOn. the truth, to describe the facts , ;:t~:~:~;;~:~:~:~:::~g::::~:::::::::::~:::::;:;: ,~ """"""'!" of the situation, to analyze and. explain the facts, and perhaps to speculate about their meaning. One expects that in the long By run truth triumphs over' falsehood, factuality' over obscuranREV. tism, scientific analysis over prejudice, but one does not have 'ANDREW -M any illsusions that opinions, will GREELEY be changed' over night. And the good researcher knows that if he abandons 'his position of professional iinparThe reception accorded the tiality and tries to become an sociological report was cordial advocate, he will succeed only enough, but our research did not, in postponing the arrival of the I ain sure, change anyone's rl!ind. day when his clients are ready As one very prominent ecelesi- to admit, perh'aps grudgingly; astic put it to me (witho'ut ever, . that he has indeed managed; to . losing the tone of cordiality as speak the truth. he said it), "I simply don't beSmall Change lieve your figl}res." B'ut this is a typical reaction I'm sorry about this. I know to any research project. When a that many priests in the country client' 'is presented with empir- had hoped that the NaRC study ical evidence that runs counter would cause a "turn around" in to his expectations and convic- the American Church. In the tions, his first reactions are, of long run, I think it may play disbelief and anger. It is only in some small rolloi in changing the the long run that the findings 'of state' of the priesthood in our research are accepted--:-if then. country, but that's; 't~e most' I A half-decade after. the' publi- ever expect that any research cation· of NaRC's study of the activity will accompiish-small impact of parochial schools, the' change in the long run. conclusions of the study have ,Those 'who predict disaster if been; I think, largely accepted ,there is ,not great change in the by the non-Catholic educational short run may very, well be right. community, though not yet ac- But research is; alas, not an adcepted-nor even read by many' equate weapon for staving off of those in Catholic education. disaster. I've be~n taken severely 'to , Disabused of Notion task by some writers for being It is only the most naive researcher who thinks that his so pessimistic about the Synod. findings iue going to have a I was even told that the very short-run effect on his clients. fact of the. study of the priestQuite the contrary, if his' find- hood proved that my pessimism ings are particularly distasteful, was unjustified. But meeting in tne researcher is fortunate' to preparation for the Synod hfts escape with his skin. The offi- come and gone (without the cers of the National Federation Bishops even being given the full of Priests Councils thought that text of the report). At this point, the finding of their 'study that a , my previous pessimism'looks like ' majority of American priests dewy~eyed opti'!1ism. - were' in 'favor' of optional celibacy would immediately lead to Seeks Way to Aid, a '~illingness on the part of the Bishops to'discuss the pos~ibility Catholic Schools of a change in the celibacy disELIZABETH (NC)":""'Elizabeth's cipline. Presumably, the recent mayor called a special meetmeeting, hi ,Detroit disabused ing of public and Catholic school them of. this notion. officials Saturday·. to investi· When our minds are made up, gate ways the city can help no one of us-bishop, priest, or parish schools. layman-is' inclined to have our, Mayor Thomas G. Dunn said position changed by something he is concerned Over the possible as irrelevant as' facts-not at impact' of, transfer to public' least until we've had a long time schools should there be. a cdtto think about and ponder the . back by parochial schools. facts. There are 14 parochial gramNo Dlusions mar schools in the city .and one What then is the point of re- Catholic high school. They ensearch, if it does not change roll abo~t a third of all students people's minds? It seems to me on the grammar school level. this questi,on-which I am hearWhile there have been no ing very often these days-be- grammar school closings here. trays the fundamental weakness several parish institutions are of the approach 'to research believed to be having' financial common among many American difficulties and two have lost Catholics. ' . the Sisters who had been staffOne does not engage in re- ing the schools.
Mrs. Dorothy Conley ST. ANTHONY·
$75 Mary E. Enos $30 '
Leonard Rocha
$25 Frederick Barker, Manuel Costa, Laurentina Craven, Idilio Nunes, Alfred P. Silva Peter Nolan ST. JACQUES
$25 Armand Desautels, Donald Guay & Family; Arthur LeBleu, Rita Parent
$35 Mr. & Mrs. William Moniz
$25 Frank Leddy Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Walsh ST. MARY
COMFORTER; In this photo taken in the 1960'sBishop John J. Fitzpatric~! of Br:ownsville had his hands full as he .tried to comfort the son of migratory workers in Miami. At the time Bish~p Fitzpatrick was auxiliary bishop of Miami and diocesart director of the Spanish-speaking Apostolate there: NC Photo. !
$250 A Friend
$150 Mr. & Mrs. William J. "Fenton
$25 The Laughlin Family, Mr. & Mrs. J. O'Hearne,' Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Sullivan
Installation ,Today ,
New Browlnsrille -Bishop Long Iden~Dfied
$50 Cornelius J. Murphy Insurance Agency
Wit~Spanish-Speaking MIAMI (NC)-Bjsh~p, John J. ,Fitzpatrick will continue his 20 years of working with! the Spanish-speaking when ,he is installed today as head of the predominantly Mexican-American Brownsville, Tex., dibcese. He succeeds Archbishop! Humberto S. Medeiros of Boston: I "It's as if he were destined to serve among the: Spanishspeaking," said a close friend of the Canadian-born prelate. , ' As a priest and later an auxiliary bishop of Miank Bishop Fitzpatrick hlinistered" to the needs of Florida's podr migrant farm workers, assisted' scores of , ' . 1 Cuban refugees who r~settled in this country' and prOlpoted the Cu;rsilh)-movement ; ar119ng the Spanish·-speakirig. : He has long identified with the Latin Americans' iproblems.
. "One of the greateSt sources of embarrassment to us as Americans and, Chr!stifns is the plight of our migrant ,workers," he reminded south Floridians last , I year, appealing for contributions to the needy. Migrant workers, Ihe said, "provide our daily food on a year-around basis an~ yet are underfed, undernourished, underpaid and undereducat¢d' themselves. They· are the ~ictims of our economic system, or' our national neglec~, of oun lack of €hristian concern." I In 1963 when Miami :staggered under ,the heavy influx lof Cuban refugees. he declared, 'jThey are our brothers in ChristI and we . must be the first to know them ). and love them." Bishop Fitzpatrick, who speaks Spanish, headed Mimai'$ Catholic Spanish Center in 19tH, when Archbishop Coleman 'F. Carroll 1
inaugurated a program aiding the refugees. The auxiliary helped obtain state and federal assistance for the thousands of exiles who arrived' daily in south Florida.
$30 A Friend
$25 Mr. '.& Mrs. John Steen Mr. & Mrs. James Duffy ·Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Hickman
Mission Director He later accompanied Archbishop Carroll to Vatican City where they explained' the refugee program in an audience with Pope Paul VI. As director of the Miami diocesan Spanish-speaking Apostolate, he coordinated efforts of priests and nuns who worked closely with migrant 'workers. The bishop, too, would at times go into the fields and celebrate Mass with the migrants. As a priest, he was director of the Nombre de Dios (Name of God) mission in St. Augustine, Fla., site of the first Christian mission in the U. S. There he conducted pilgrimages, many of which attracted the area's Spanish-speaking. Now Bishop Fitzpatrick, the son of 'Irish parents, goes to a new diocese where MexicanAmericans make up about 80 per cent of the diocese's 500,000 Catholics.
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HOLY CROSS $30 Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Szulewski HOLY NAME $125 Dr. & Mrs. Francis J. D'Errico ST. JOSEPH $50 Atty. Frank M. Silvia, Jr. ST. PATRICK $25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Donnel1y, .Frances Martin, Margaret Donnel1y, Helen Cusack . OUR LADY OF HEALTH $50 . A Friend IMMACULATE CONCEPTION . $25 Henry Lajeunesse SACRED HEART $60 Leonard J. Hughes '. $35 Leo W. Fagan $25 John H. O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. Willard Piper Dorothy McLachlan Margaret Desmond The Maxwel1 Family ST. ANTHONY OF THE DESERT $75 Rev. Norman J. Ferris $50 Dr. & Mrs. El1e Tawa $100 Dr. Othilia V. Petrone $25 Antonio T, Cabral & Family SAINT JEAN-BAPTISTE $50 St. Vincent de Paul-JoB. Conference $30 Mr. & Mrs. George Gagnon & Family $25 St. Jean-Baptiste Womens Guild ST. MICHAEL $150 1971 Confirmation Class $100 Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert C. Oliveira $25 Mr. & Mrs. Antone Nunes ST. STANISLAUS $25 Eugene & Patricia Galkowski
ST. JOHN $50 St. John of God CYO ST. THOMAS MORE $50 St. Thomas More Women's Guild Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Santoro
Fairhaven ST. JOSEPH $60 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Barbero $25 Mr. & Mrs. Allen Days
'Swansea ST. DOMINIC $25 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Myles
New Bedford
ST. FRANCIS XAVIER $40 Joseph L. Normand $30 Noel Goulet
OUR LADY OF FATIMA $50 Mr. & Mrs. J. David Connel1 $30 Charles Chorlton $25 Drury Family
HOLY NAME $30 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Markey $25 Joseph Mul1arkey $30 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Joseph $25 Theolphilo M. Fortes Mr. & Mrs. Severo G. Alfama Mr: & Mrs Arthur P. Kirkwood Mr.. & Mrs. Joseph Ramos Mathias Ramos Mrs. Rita Stevens IMMACULATE CONCEPTION $25 I. C. Couples' Club,Holy Name Society, The Camara Sisters OUR LADY OF PURGATORY $100 Cape Cc;>d Sportswear SACRED HEART $25 Mrs. J. Herve Bedard,' Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Trahan ST. ANNE $50 . A Friend ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA . • $25 Joseph Begnoche Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Bourcier Henry Desrosiers Alfred Gauthier Godelive Soucy ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI $25 Manly Manufacturing Co. ST. JAMES Assonet $30 ST. BERNARD' Mr. & Mrs.. Vincent Worden $50 $25 Anonymous Mrs. Truman Ross Kenneth R. Rezendes ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST $25 $50 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Houghton Marion Freitas Edward Thompson , $25 Central Village Dr. & Mrs. Antonio deM CasST.JOHN tro, William J. Ferreira, Mr. & '$350 Mrs. David R. Nelson, St. John Rev. Cornelius J. O'Neill HQly Name Society, Mr. & Mrs. '.$300 Matthew Souza: John DeNadal ST. JOSEPH $100 $150 Dr. Peter Piccinini Mr. & Mrs. Conrad E. Seguin $25 $100 Mrs. Raymond Williams Miss Laura Deneault St. John the Baptist Ladies Rev. Robert W. Dowling Guild $50 Ocean Grove St. Vincent de Paul Society ST. MICHAEL. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mathieu $75 . Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Janson Dr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Mcguill $40 $25 Mr. & Mrs. Wilbrod·.Dufour Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mail1bux $30 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Yates Somerset $25 . ST. PATRICK Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Marchand $125 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Barton Harold J. Regan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Belliveau Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Carrier St. Patrick Conference Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Methot $35 Mr. & Mrs. R. St. Gelais William F. Ready' ST. THERESA $25 $25 Mr. & Mrs.~Edward M. Soares Bishop Stang Council No. ·1532 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Almeida • K. of C., J. Louis LeBlanc Mt. & Mrs. Leo A. Menard ... - . -. -'. ". .... - ". . '
Thurs., May 27, 1971
MOVEMENT FOR BETTER WORLD: Principals in the retreat held last weekend at Round Hills Retreat Centre were: Rev. John Wilcox, executive director in the movement; Rev. John J. Tucker, S.J., Round Hills Director; Rev. Eugene L. Tucker, S.J., national director; and Rev. Riccardo Lombardi, S.J., of Italy, founder and international director of the movement.
Assistant Principal at Feehan Continued from Page One athletic director and head footat Feehan which have been en- bal1 coach. joyableand rewarding. "Feehan In speaking of future plans' has always been characterized Mr. O'Boy stressed the impor~ by a unique' closeness between tance of teaching and coaching.. students and' faculty to learn "I hope to become more deeply and grow together. This mutual involved in school administragrowth, this closeness, this tion, but I seriously hope this unique spirit is the essence of does not mean giving up my Bishop Feehan. classroom teaching altogether. In his new position Mr. O'Boy However, I have derived my will assume responsibilities' for \ greatest satisfaction in education student activities, student safety, from coaching. I believe that in building supervision, the assist- this area I have the greatest oping with curriculum development portunity to educate young peoand carrying. out of school poli- . pl,e." . cies. He will contribute to stuMr. O'Boy is the husband of dent direction in order that the education process will progress. the former Joanne Labrie. They He feels that,' "within the school live. with their year old daughthe prime policy making and ter on Gardiner Street in Attle· leadership rests on the princi- boro. ·Mr. O'Boy pas taught pal." He hopes to assist her in American history and Business Law at Feehan since 1965. that role. Mr. O'Boy has done graduate work at Suffolk University and Bridgewater State Col1ege. He is a member of Massachusetts State Coaches Association, Massachusetts State Athletic Directors Association and the-Southeastern Massachusetts Basketbal1 Officials. In 1965 Mr. O'Boy was assistant footbal1 coach. Since 1966 he has served as head footbal1 coach and in 1969 he became athletic director. He will remain ST. LAWRENCE
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest T. Balboni Mr. & Mrs. Baptist Vercel10ne $30 Mr. & Mrs. James S. Sheerin $25 Joseph Manghan
Stu rteva nt 6Hook Est. 1897
Builders Supplies 2343 Purchase Street . New Bedford 996-5661
Westport ST. GEORGE $25 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Lefebvre
ST. ANTHONY $50 Anonymous $25 Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Bedard, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Belanger, Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Brito, Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Clark, Mrs.' William Corey • Mr. & Mrs. James H. Gifford, Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Gingras, Mr. & Mrs. Norman F. Kelley, Mrs. Eugene R. Sackman, Mrs. Mary A. Sullivan, Mrs. Kenneth Tuttle Mr. & Mrs. Richard Flood
North Dartmouth ST. JULIE $50 Mr. T. Hudner Kennedy $25 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Hackett ·Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pai~a, Mr. & Mrs. Merton Walker. , Wilhelmina C. Baptiste, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ponte, F. A. Silveira M.D., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mus. carella, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Rose. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Morro, Mr. & Mrs. Jean Heon, Mr. & Mrs. Warren Healy, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Tavares, Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pittman. $40 Mr. & Mrs. John J. McKinnon
South Dartmouth ST. MARY $25 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Herbert" Arruda
Wareham ST. PATRICK $100 Mr. & Mrs. Victor C. Silva $25 Mrs. Helen Keene & Edward Keene Jr., Rosalie Tirrell
253 Cedar St., New Bedford 993-3222 . ~##~####################~ • • ~
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.'_ ". - "', II 20 _!HE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall R,iver:-:-Thurs. May 27, 197! .. ,. .. Cardinal Cooke' Urges Catholics Support,RFpea I of New York State Abortion Law.. "-"'-
part of a state-wide Right to Letters written to legislators . were collected at th~ Sunday Life ~unday. . Parishioners at all Masses in Masses. They were brought to the archdiocese were urged to Albany and given to! the law-' make known their support of makers at a public raily at the ' bills currently. before the statE: state capitol. legislature which "would stop Moral Question this slaughter of the innocent Cardinal Cooke in his letter unborn." , said' that abortion' is i a moral I
, NEW YORK (NC)-Cardinal Terence Cooke, decrying the destruction of 100,000 unborn children in. New York City alone, urged Catholics in the New York archdiocese "to enter the public forum and work for repeal" of the state's abortion law. The prelate made his plea as
question, not a social one. He said those who maintain. that abortion is a social question would "disenfranchise men of certain religious convictions." He said that in effect they are saying "that certain citizens may not have a vote on particular issues."
"Anyone who is convinced, be he Catholic or not, that abortion is an attack on human life has the rig!)t and the duty to say so.. Every human person is a mem.ber of society and has a serious . . social responsibility to shape the values of t1'\at society as they are expected in its laws."
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