Record-Breaking $1,008,855.48
Appea I. Tops $ Mill Ion
The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure ~nd Flrm-St. Paul
"Never before has a wonderful campaign for charity been so successful in this Diocese." With these words Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, an· nounced that this year's 35th annual Catholic Charities Appeal has concluded with a record-breaking $1,008,855.48. The million-dollar mark has been broken for the first time and Bishop, priests and faithful of the Diocese are exhilarated by the results. ~lIIl11l11l1l1l1l1l1l11l1l11l1l1l11l1l1l11l1l11l1l1illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1111111111::1:
I! §
1976 will provide the text of the
Diocesan Bicentennial Liturgical Celebration on Monday afternoon at 4 at Bishop Stang High School field in North Dartmouth. Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, is.T.D., Bishop of FalI River, will be joined by diocesan and religious priests in the celebration of the Mass at which Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D., Archbishop of the Titular See of Newport and famed television personal. ity will preach. Hundreds of busses from all over the Diocese will bring thousands of the faithful for partic-
ipation in the Mass. Various groups representative of the many facets of the apostolates in the Diocese will take part in the procession. Youth of the Diocese wiH be represented by the servers· of the Mass who will be Knights of the Altar from St. Ann's Parish in Raynham and St. Joseph's Parish in Attleboro. Scouts will be represented by Ad Altare Dei and Marian Award recipients from diocesan parishes, along with adult Scout leaders who have received St. Ann, St. George, Pelican and Turn to Page Sixteen
Once again, the generosity of the good friends of
I! §
§ the Catholic Charities Appeal of the Diocese of Fall §
! River has outdone itself.
§ Year after year, the Appeal has had dedicated and -§ § enthusiastic benefactors. This year, their hard work § § and self-sacrificing support have achieved unprece- § ~ dented results. ~
Fall River, Mass., Thursday, May 27, 1976 § Vol.20, No • 22 © 1976 The Anchor 15c § $5.00PRICE per year
Bicentennial Mass Set for Monday
Bishop's Statement
§ ~
§ § §
The Catholic Charities Appeal has reached, and indeed surpassed, its goal of one million dollars. Never beforoe has a wonderful campaign for charity been so successful in this Diocese. I am profoundly grateful to the clergy, religious and laity of the Diocese of Fall River and to so many in the various business communities who have helped
§ § § ~
§ § §
The magnificent results realized by the Catholic Charities Appeal of 1976 will enable the Diocese of Fall River to continue the charitable and religious works of its numerous apostolates. May God abundantly bless the many benefactors of ~ 1976 Catholic Charities Appeal. ':.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 III IIIi;'
Clergy Appointments Page 2 rick's Church, Wareham, will be succeeded by Rev. James F. Lyons. Father Resendes, pastor of Espirito Santo Church, FalI River, will be succeeded by Rev. Luciano Pereira. Msgr. Boyd A Taunton native, born Aug.
6, 1907, Msgr. Boyd is the son
of the late Michael J. and Louisa (McCormick) Boyd. He graduated from St. Mary's grammar and high schools in Taunton and attended Providence OoHege for two years before entering St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, N.Y. The prelate was ordained June 10, 1933 by the late Bishop James E. Cassidy and served as an assistant at St. Mary's Church, Nantucket, St. Patrick's, Falmouth, and St. Patrick's, Fan River, before being named to direct the Catholic Welfare Bureau and St. Vincent's Home in 1949. As Home director, he was also administrator of St. Bernard's parish, Assonet. In 1962, Msgr. Boyd was named pastor of St. Patrick's Turn to Page Five
High Schools Graduate 838 A total of 838 seniors, 355 boys and 483 girls, will graduate this June from the seven high schools of the diocese, in ceremonies of which the first will be held Tuesday, June 1 and the last Sunday, June 13. Leading the list is Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton, with graduation scheduled for 4 p.m. Tuesday, June 1 in the school aUditorium. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will preside and pre· sent diplomas to 48 boys and 47 girls. At 8 p.m. Tuesday night the Bishop will preside at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, where 69 boys and 89 girls will Turn to Page Four
Two Pastors Retire The retirements of Msgr. John E. Boyd and Rev. Joao Resendes from the active ministry for reasons of health have been accepted by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, effective yesterday. Msgr. Boyd, pastor of St. Pat·
Despite the continuing high level of unemployment in the area covered by the Diocese and the rate of inflation, the people of the Diocese and their non· Catholic friends have responded to the Appeal in an extraordinary way. Contributions from the 113 parishes of the Diocese show that people responded to the appeal of charity from their Bishop and priests with 97 of the parishes exceeding their ~ast year's totals. Gifts from the business community indicated the· recognition by Catholics and those of other religions of the value of the Church's work of charity in the various areas of the Diocese. Appeal Director Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes had only words of praise for the efforts of the parishes and the leaderTurn to Page Six
Confirmation For Adults
Over The Million! . Appeal Director Msgr. Gomes, left, with Bishop Cronin.
The sacrament of Confirma· tion will. be conferred by Bish· op Daniel A. Cronin on any adults who have not received it at 11 a.m. Mass Pentecost Sunday, June 6 at St. Mary's Cathedra), Fall River. Those wishing to receive the sacra· ment at this time are asked to make arrangements with any parish priest.
. - - - - I n This Issue'-
Golden Jubilarians
Taunton Tableaux Honor Mary
Cape Cod Sununer Mass Schedules
How Do We Communicate?
New JJedford Pathway of Flowers
Page 5
Page 7
Pages 8-9
Page 14
Page IS
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 27, 1976
New Appointments for 10 Diocesan Priests; Fi rst Assignments
OFFICIAL Retirements Rev. Msgr. John E. Boyd, from the Pastorate of SaInt Patrick's Parish, Wareham. Rev. Joao Resendes, from the Pastorate of Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River. Both effective Wednesday, May 26, 1976 Appointments Rev. Paul G. Connolly, to Pastor, Saint Mary's Parish, Taunton Rev. James E Lyons, to Pastor, Saint Patrick's Parish, Wareham Rev. Luciano Pereira, to Pastor, Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River Rev. James F. Buckley, to Administrator, Saint Augustine's Parish, Vineyard Haven Rev. Luiz Cardoso, to Administrator, Our Lady of Health Parish, Fall River Rev. William T. BabQitt, to Assistant, St. Mary's Parish, Taunton, with Chaplain's duties at Morton Hospital Rev. Edward J. Byington, to Assistant, St. Paul's Parish, Taunton Rev. Henry Kropiwnicki, to Assistant, Our Lady of ,Fatima Parish, New Bedford Rev. Edward McIsaac, to Assistant, St. Joan of Arc Parish, Orleans Rev. Joseph Viveiros, to Assistant, Sacred Heart Parish, Fall River All effective Wednesday, June 9, 1976
Bishop Daniel A. Cronin has tion, Taunton; St. Peter, Digh- late James Michael Buckley, announced the assignment of ton; and Our Lady of Victory, Father Buckley attended Boston College iHigh School; Boston Col\three pastors and two adminis- Centerville. He has held many area and lege; MaryknoH Seminary, Glen trators, the transfer of five assistant pastors and first priestly diocesan offices, including chap- Ellyn, 1II. and St. John's Semassignments for two newly or- laincies of the St. Vincent 'de inary, Brighton. He was ordained on Jan. 6, dained priests. All assignments Paul Society, District Councils are effective Wednesday, June 9 of Catholic Women, the Taun- 1959 in St. Mary's Cathedral by with the exception of the first ton Queen's Daughters and the Bishop James L. Connolly. priestly' assignments, which are Serra Club. In 1960 he was modFather Cardoso erator of the building campaign Rev. Luiz A. Cardoso, named effective Wednesday, June 2. for Coyle-Cassidy High School administrator of Our Lady of Father Connolly Rev. Paul G. Connolly, pastor and since 1971 he has been Health Church, Fall River, is of St. Augustine's Church, Vine- chairman of the diocesan Com- presently assistant pastor at Espirito Santo Church, Fall yard Haven, since 1973, who 'mission for Divine Worship. Father Pereira River, where he has served since will be pastor of St. Mary's Rev. Luciano J. de M. Pereira, 1968. His previous assignments Church, Taunton, was born in Norwood Oct. 17, 1929, the son newly named pastor at Espirito were at Immaculate Conception, of Michael J. and Irene (Goetz) Santo Church, Fall River, has New Bedford and St. John the Connolly. After graduating from been administrator at Our Lady ..Baptist, New Bedford. Walpole -High School, he entered of Health Church, Fall River, Maryknoll Seminary, studying since July 1975. Previously he there four years before entering ,was an assistant at St. Michael, St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. Fall River, and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, New Bedford. Born in 1930 in Capelas, St. Michael, Azores, he is the son of Palmira Botelho (de Medeiros) and the late Antonio Joaquim Pereira. He entered the Seminary of Angra after graduation from grammar school and was . . . .-if!i!l ordained May 30, 1954 in Angra, Terceira, Azores.
Ordained in 1956 by Bishop James L. Connolly, his parish assignments have included Immaculate Conception, Fall River; First Appointments St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis; St. Mary, New Bedford; and adminRev. Stephen Fernandes, to Assistant, Holy Name, New ,istrator at St. Elizabeth, EdgarBedford town. Rev. Edmund Rego, to Assistant, Espirito Santo, Fall River The new Taunton pastor has Effective Wednesday, June 2, 1976 also served as director of the priests' choir and a member of the diocesan music commission. Father Lyons Rev. James F. Lyons, named to the pastorate of St. Patrick's Church, Wareham, has been pasBishop Daniel A. Cronin will Concelebrating with the Ordi- tor of St. Mary's, Taunton, bless Notre Dame Mausoleum, nary will !be Msgr. Alfred Gen- since 1969. Fall River, at 10 a.m. Monday, dreau, Msgr. Anthony Gomes, May 31, and will then be principal celebrant at an outdoor Rev. Robert Kaszynski, Rev. Memorial Day Mass to be of- Norman Ferris and Rev. Lucien fered on the. steps of the newly Madore, cemetery and mausocompleted central Memorial leum director. Mass Chapel at the mausoleum, In case of inclement weather located in Notre Dame Cemetery, the ceremony will be held inside 1540 Stafford Rd. the new' chapel, which is dedicated to St. Joseph, patron of a happy death. The public is invited.
Blessing of Mausoleum
Diocesan Choir Reh'ea rsa I Set
The Diocesan Choir will meet at Bishop Stang High School Sunday night, May 30 for its final rehearsal in preparation for the Bicentennial Mass the following day. 'Rev. William G. Campbell, director, asks that tenors, basses and altos report to the school au路 - ditorium at 7:15, sopranos at 7:30 and the brass choir at 8 o'clock. All members are asked to bring their music.
THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. PUblished every Thursday at 410 Hlchland Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Cat~olic Press of the Diocese of Fall IIlver. SUbscription price by mail, postpaid n.oo per ~..r.
Earthquake Assistance The Fall River diocese has dis,patched $2500 to Catholic relief agencies in Italy to aid rehabilitation efforts in areas struck by recent massive earthquakes. This amount is in addition to the aid sent by the Diocese to needy areas of the world through the Bishops' Relief Collection and the Thanksgiving Clothing , Drive.
The new pastor has long been active in work with area immigrants from Portugal and was a founder of the Portuguese Youth Cultural Organization in Fall River which has become a major 'force in promoting education for young immigrants. Father Buckley Rev. James F. -Buckley, who will be administrator of St. Augustine's Church, Vineyard Haven, has been assistant pastor at St. Joan of Arc Church, Orleans, since 1966. Previously he served at Immaculate Conception, North Easton; Sacred Heart, Fall River; and St. Mary's Cathedral, Fal\ River.
He was born in Fall River May 1, 1919, the son of the late路 James F. and Mary (Foley) Lyons. A graduate of St. Joseph grammar school, Fall River, and \Msgr. Coyle High School, Taunton, he attended Holy Cross College !before entering St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. Father Lyons was ordained in 1943 by the late Bishop James E. Cassidy. His first parish assignment was to St. Patrick's, Wareham, where he will be pastor, and this was foHowed by Born in Somerville Jan. 28, service in Immaculate Concep- 1931, son of Mary Joyce and the
The new administrator was born Oct. 11, 1930 on Flores Is~and, Azores, the son of Francis'co I. and Maria Augusta (Fagundes) Cardoso, both deceased. He entered the Seminary of Angra after graduation from grammar school and was ordained at Angra, Terceira, Azores June 15, 1958. Father Babbitt Rev. William T. Babbitt, who will be assistant pastor at St. Mary's parish, Taunton, and chaplain at Morton Hospital in that city, was born May 11, 1924 in Norwich, Conn. He is the son of Welcome H. and the late Arcelia (Caisse) Babbitt. He attended St. Joseph of Holy Cross High School, Valatie, N. Y., Notre Dame University and St. John's University, and received a master's degree in education at Bridgewater State College.
A Holy Cross Brother before beginning studies for the priesthood at the Catholic University of America, Father Babbitt taught at Msgr. Coyle High School, Taunton, for 10 years. ;His priestly assignments have been at Holy Ghost parish, AtTurn to Page Three
Assignments for Diocesan Priests Continued from Page Two tleboro, Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket and St. Paul, Taunton. Father Byington Rev. Edward J. Byington, the new assistant at St. Paul's parish, Taunton, was born March 20, 1939 in Fall River,' the son of Mrs. Ethel (McCoomb) Bydngton and the late Maurice F. Byington. After graduation from ....._ .... - B.M.C. Durfee High School, Fall River, and Boston College, he served in the Army CounterIntelIigence Corps. After leaving the service he was an agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation and was then engaged in the textile business .in New York and California.
STONEIDLL COMMENCEMENT: Congratulating honor graduates at Stonehill College's 28th commencement exercises last Sunday are Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, who celebrated baccalaureate Mass and gave commencement invocation; Hon. John F. Collins, former mayor of Boston, principal speaker; Rosemary Ferreira, Fall River,. highest ranking graduate in science; Jane Kennedy, Acushnet, highest ranking graduate of Evening College; Rev. Ernest Bartell, college president.
Necrology JUNE 4
J.uNE 5
Rev. Jose P. d'Amaral, 1949, Pastor, Santo Christo, Fan River
Very Rev. Thomas J. McLean, 1954, Pastor, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis Rev. Louis Prevost, 1970, Past.or Emeritus,' St. Joseph, New Bedford
Rev. Louis J. Terrien, O.P., 1920, Dominican Priory, Fall River
••• Father Byington was ordained August 15, 1970 by Bishop Connol.Jy and has served at St. John the Evangelist Church, Attleboro, Sacred Heart parish, Taunton and St. Patrick's parish, Fall River. From August through No.vember, 1975 he was editor of
free booklet tells why every father should make a will ... even if he's young and healthy!
The Anchor and diocesan direc· tor of communications. Father Kropiwnicki Rev. Henry Kropiwnicki, a native of Poland and assistant at St. Casimir parish, New Bedford, for the past seven years, will serve at Our Lady of Fatima parish, also New Bedford.
Born in Kuczyn, Poland, Father Kropiwnicki is the son of Walter dnd Lillian Kropiwnicki. He was educated in Warsaw, then en.ered St. George's Seminary in Bialystok, in the diocese of ViInat Ordained in 1958, he served in par~shes and was a high ,chool teacher in Poland for 10 years, at the same time attendlng the Catholic University of Lublin. He came to the United States in 1968. and was then assigned to St. Casimir's. Father McIsaac Rev. Edward F. McIsaac, named assistant at St. Joan of Arc, Orleans, has been assistant at St. Patrick's parish, Wareham since May, 1974. A native of Woburn and the son of Colin F. and Mary J: (MacDonald) McIsaac, he attended Newton public schools and Catholic University of America. He was ordained Feb. 21, 1948 by Cardinal Spellman in St. Patrick's Cathedral and subsequently did parish and retreat work in North Carolina New York, Texas and Canada:.
Sixteen pages, clearly written and colorfully illustrated, tell why you should make your will and how to go about it. Charts on page 3 show what your heirs can lose if you die without a will. Page 5 discusses why you need a lawyer's help in drawing up your will. Page 6 goes into detail about how to start and what to include. No father, young or old, should neglect his will. Maryknoll's booklet will convince you!
Mary's Cathedral, Fall River; St. John the Evangelist, Attle· boro, St. Margaret's, Buzzards Bay; and Corpus Christi, Sandwich. Father Viveiros Rev. Joseph Viveiros, an aslSistant at Our Lady of Fatima, New Bedford, since June, 1974, will become assistant' at Sacred Heart parish, Fall River.
The son of Antonio and Mary (pacheco) Viveiros, he was born in 1948 in St. Michael, Azores. .He graduated from B.M.C. Durfee iHigh SchOol in FaIl River, then attended St. Mary's Seminary, Kentucky and St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. He was ordained May 11, 1974 by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. As a deacon, Father Viveiros worked with the diocesan apostolate to the deaf, of which he is now director. Turn to Page Five
What Reward "What reward can there be for one that has passed his whole life, not only without pleasure, but in pain, if there is nothing to be expected after death."
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His service in the Fall River diocese has included curacies at St. Thomas More, Somerset; St.
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Dear Fathers: Please send me your booklet on making a will. understand there is no obligation.
THE ANCHORThurs., May 27, 1976
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I ~::~n~~t~~~' 02771 I Please send your colorful folder: :~_........ .... ...
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 27, 1976
Attleboro Area
In Praise of Charity What is a Catholic newspaper doing featuring money in its headlines? What is a Catholic newspaper doing trumpeting somewhat immodestly the Diocese's raising of over a million dollars? The success of this year's Catholic Charities Appeal is not the exaltation of money. It is, rather, the praise of people who, in the words of historian Arnold Toynbee, "became aware of the needs of their neighbors and did something about it." So this newspaper is not featuring money nor praising a financial triumph and landmark. It is praising the spirit of charity that impelled so many people to the Appeal's call. It is praising the spirit of sacrifice that touched those already hard-hit themselves by unemployment and inflation to take of what they have in order to share with brothers and sisters in need. It is praising those of the business community who saw what the Church is doing in and for their community and who underscored their approv~ by their contributions. It is praising the spirit of Christ-like concern which is alone the motivation for the Appeal. The Appeal differs from many other appeals. It begins and ends and is pursued on a spiritual note. It begins by reminding people that all persons are just stewards of this world's goods and that each person has an individual responsibility toward others in need. It reminds each that by helping a brother or a sister one is really acting according to one's best self and obeying the God-given command, not the invitation but the command, to love one's neighbor. The Appeal is conducted on this theme of charity. What other motive can be given for free-will offerings, what other pleas offered by which to seek to touch the very best that is in the giver. And the Appeal ends on this spiritual note as well, with thanksgiving to God who began the work and sustained it and with the prayer: "May God abundantly bless the 'many benefactors of the 1976 Catholic Charities AppeaL"
Memorial Day The day may mean many things to many people. But someWhere along the way there is, in the hearts of Catholic people, the pause to remember the dead and to pray for them. . rather natural to remember the deceased on the feast of All Souls. But Memorial Day is a kind of Spring remembrance, a recalling of those who have preceded in life and in death. And, hopefully, it is a time to pray for _ their souls. The Church has always been quick to see and to value the religious overtones of many a holiday. She sees that the lives of men are touched by the hand of the Creator and that they themselves reach out to express this even when they do not always fully realize the depths of what they are doing. And so it is good that there be re'membering of the dead on Memorial Day; that there be services to honor them and, above all, to pray for them; that the living think a bit on the mortality of their bodies and the immortality of their souls. The lesson of Memorial Day is not directed only toward thinking of those who have gone. The living have much to draw from it as well.
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. ACTING EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. John R. FoIster, SJ.L. Rev. Msgr. John Regan ,~leary
Press,--Fall River
Leading Parishes St. John St. Mary-Mansfield St. MaryNorth Attleboro Mt. Carmel-Seekonk St. MarkAttleboro Falls
$18,006.74 14,344.00 13,533.60 13,470.00 12,213.50
Cape & Islands Area
St. Pius XSo. Yarmouth $20,711.01 St. Francis XavierHyannis 20,030.00 Corpus ChristiSandwich 13,973.00 St. Patrick-Falmouth 12,959.50 Assumption-Qsterville 11,595.40
Fall River Area Holy Name $30,092.00 Our Lady of Angels 14,600.60 St. Mary's Cathedral 14,471.00 St. Thomas MoreSomerset 12,299.05 St. Patrick 10,080.00
New Bedford Area Mt. Carmel $31,233.00 St. Lawrence 18,039.50 St. Joseph-Fairhaven 14,015.46 Immaculate Conception 13,195.15 St. James 12,596.00
Taunton Area St. Mary $12,303.00 Sacred Heart 9,153.00 Immaculate ConceptionNo. Easton 8,110.00 St. Joseph 7,750.00 Holy Family 7,743.00
$pecia I Gifts Attleboro $1200 Attleboro Dyeing & Finishing Corp. $655.50 Residents of Madonna Manor $600 Creed Rosary Co. $500 Jeweled Cross $200 First Bristol County National Bank $150 McGowan Insurance Agency, Inc. $100 Joseph Curtis Real Estate St. Mark Conference Harry J. Boardman Insurance Agency Thomas R. Leedham, Esq. James A. Murphy & Son, Inc. Sadler Bros., Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Richard Shea F & M Curtis, Inc. Jeweled Cross Co., Inc. W. H. Riley & Sons, Inc. Attleboro Lions Club Brook Manor Restaurant The Dodgeville Corp. Leavens Mfg. Co., Inc. St. John Council No. 404 K of C $75 Colonial Lithograph, Inc. $60 Pelletier's Auto Service, Inc. $50 Beauchaines, Inc. Bergh Bros. Co., Inc. V. H. Blackinton & Co. C. Ray Randall Mfg. Co. State Line Scrap Co. Cook-Horton Co. Fireside Motors, Inc. Metal Spin-Craft, Inc. Taunton Cooperative Bank Attleboro Mutual Fire Insurance Co. M.S. Company MacDonald Moving & Storage Co. North End Social Club
$45 Marathon Co. Ripley & Gowen Co. $40 Bliss Brothers Dairy, Inc. Capodanno's Pkg. Store, Inc. $35 Am's Park Motel B.G.W. Associates, Inc.. Ashley Drug, Inc. $30 Leedham Hardware $25 Armstrong, Pollis & Clapp B & J Jewelrv Co., Inc. Baldwin's Office Supply Co. Benedict Circle No. 61, Daughters of Isabella Custom Engravers, Inc. Frenchie's Service Station Mandeville Chevrolet Co., Inc. Westcott Construction Corp. Clover Super Market R. S. Gilmore, Inc. Holmes Restaurant Service Mr. & Mrs. Raymond McMahon M. A. Vigorito & Son, Inc. Achin's Garage Waiter B. Edwards Paul Goldman Dodge Reeves Co.
New Bedford $714 Friends of Catholic Charities $100 [Cape Cod Sportswear Co., Inc. Fairhaven Lumber Co. $80 Sullivan & Foster Damian Council K of C Daher Family $50 Dr. & Mrs. George R. John Rev. George I. Saad Kearney Real Estate $35 Browne Pharmacy $25 Greater New Bedford & Cape Cod Labor Council AFL-CIO International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local No. 224 Mr. & Mrs. George G. Saba Thomas & Thomas Attys. Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Roda Josephine David Our Lady of Purgatory Ladies Guild . Mr. & Mrs. George J. Thomas Mrs. Amelia John Mrs. Connie KaHfe Perfection Oil Co.
Fall River $1800 B.M.C. Durfee Trust Company $1200 FaU River Trust Company $509 Residents of Catholic Memorial Home $450 Dr. & Mrs. Francis M. James $200 SulIivan-Harrington Funeral Home $125 Frank X. Perron Insurance $100 Nira Warehouse Mart, Inc. $75 Mathieu Oil Company $53.61 North Park Senior Citizens, Over Sixty Senior Citizens Club and Almy Senior Citizens Club $50 Madison Restorations Elmer C. Slater John F. Stafford Insurance $40 Holmes Apt. Senior Citizens Club
Graduate 838 Continued from Page One graduate. Valedictorian for the ceremony will be Carol Moore. Salutatorian Donna Laliberte will speak at a Parents' Night program tomorrow night and 'class day exercises took place this morning at the Attleboro school. Largest Class The largest graduating class in the diocese, 70 boys and U5 girls at Bishop Stang' High School, North Dartmouth, will receive diplomas at 8 p.m. Wednesday, June 2 from Bishop Cronin. Senior class president Arlene Silveira will be salutatorian for the occasion. The class trip is taking place today at Martha's Vineyard. Graduation exercises for St. Anthony High School, New Bedford, will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 3 in St. Anthony of Padua Church with Bishop Cronin presiding and presenting diplomas to 34 boys and 64 girls. Class day exercises took place yesterday at the school. Two FalI River high schools have scheduled their graduations for Sunday, June 6. Bishop ,derrard High School will graduate 131 girls in ceremonies beginning at 1:30 p.m. with Bishop Cronin presiding. Donna Cabral will be valedictorian and class president Sandra Madore will extend a welcome and pay tribute to parents. Class day exercises were held today at Bishop Gerrard. 'Bishop Cronin will present diplomas to 92 boys and Judge James P. McGuire will be principal speaker at Bishop Connolly High School at 7:30 p.m. Daniel Lachance, class president will be .;>alutatorian. The concluding diocesan graduation ceremony for the year will be held at St. Lawrence Church, New Bedford, at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, June 13, when 42 boys and 37 girls from Holy Family High School wiU receive diplomas from Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and Rev. John Moore, a 1951 Holy Family graduate, will be the principal speaker. Valedictorian will be Madeline Thomas and salutatorian will be Jane Gonsalves. The Holy Family class day program will take place at 11 a.m. Thursday, June 10 at Kennedy Center, New Bedford.
Ministry Institute Directed by Dr. David O'Brien and co-sponsored by the Catholic committee on Urban Ministry and the Weston ColIege School of Theology, the New England Institute for Pastoral and Social Ministry will be held Aug. 2 through 13 at Stonehill College, Easton. Among discussion topics will be Women in the Church, the Church and Its Mission, The Arts and the Christian Community and Education and Renewal. 'Further information is available from the Conferences and Institutes Division of the colIege. ""mlUlml1l11mlmmllUUlIltlt11l1l111ll1ll1l1ll1ll1ll11llIlmUIIll1ll1l1ll1ll11ll1l1l1llllmUIIII1'
$26 Four Seasons Citizens Club $25 Catherine M. KelIy John P. Slade & Son Wilbur's Lewis Gray & Sons Co. Bradley-Scott Clothes, Inc. Turn to Page Twelve
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 27,1976
Appointments Continued from Page Three First Appointments Rev. Stephen Fernandes, or· dained May 8 at St. Mary's Ca-
1976 Parish Totals ~'jJ :,--:,-:? 1 """".
thedral, will be an assistant at Holy Name parish, New Bedford. Rev. Edmund Rego, ordained at
the same time, will be an as· sistant at Espirito, Santo parish, Fall River.
JUBILARIANS: Rev. Ubalde Deneault (left) and Rev. Arthur C. dos Reis will mark 50 years of priesthood this Saturday. Both were ordained in St. Mary's Cathedral by the late Bishop Feehan. Father Deneault will celebrate at a family gathering. Formal observance of his jubilee came last July when he and a brother Rev. Arthur Deneault, M.S. of Queens Village, N.Y." joined to celebrate their golden anniversaries at a Mass at St. Joseph Church, New Bedford. Father Deneault served in Fall River, New Bedford and Attleboro parishes, retiring in 1970 as pastor of St. Joseph's Church, Attleboro. Father dos Reis' retired in 1972 and lives in Ponta Delgada, St. Michael, Azores. At retirement he was pastor of Santo Christo Church, Fall River, and previously had served in Espirito Santo, St. Anthony of Padua, Our Lady of Health and St. Michael parishes, all in Fall River. He will celebrate his jubilee on Sunday at a Mass at Santo Christo Church in Ponta Delgada.
Announce Retirement of Two Pastors Continued from Page One Church, Fall River, at which time he relinquished charge of St. Vincent's Home, but remained director of the Catholic Welfare Bureau until 1974, when he accepted his present pastorate. fie was named a Domestic Prelate July 20, 1967. At various times Msgr. Boyd also directed the diocesan radio activities bureau, the bureau of information and the Legion of Decency. He also served a term as vice-president of the Priests' Senate. Radio Priest For years Msgr. Boyd was the area's "radio priest" as he broadcast a popular weekly program, "A Catholic Priest Looks at the News," and as he described' . dozens of liturgical ceremonies from St. Mary's Cathedral and other churches of the diocese. Probably his largest- radio au-
dience came when he broadcast Resendes, was ordained at Angra the late Bishop Cassidy's funer- do Heroismo, Terceira, Azores al from Sacred Heart Church, on June 29, 1927. Fall River. "Every radio station After coming. to the United in the diocese broadcast the cer- States he served as curate emony," he recalled, "and it was at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel conservatively estimated there Church, New Bedford, from 1929 were about a million listeners." to 1945. He was then appointed And numbers were higher yet administrator at Our Lady of on one occasion, when Msgr. Health Church, Fall River, where Boyd and children from St. Vin- he remained until 1954. During cent's Home participated in a this period he was responsible network television game show for the erection of a parish hall. and the viewing audience was Father Resendes was apcalculated to be 40 million. His position as director of the pointed to the pastorate of EsCatholic Welfare Bureau in- pirito Santo Church, Fall River, cluded an almost unlimited va· in 1954 and has served there unriety of activities, including at til the present. Among his ac· one time driving a daily school complishments has been conbus route from St. Vincent's .struction of new school and Home to the former Mt. St. church buildings and over the Mary Academy when Fall River years he has devoted himself particularly to the care of the buses were on strike. many Azorean immigrants who Other responsibilities included care of unwed mothers, place- have made their first American ment of children for adoption, homes in Espirito Santo parish. care of neglected or abused children, attendance 'at juvenile court sessions, services to the aged, family counseling, and referrals to other agencies. His concern with children was far from being a matter of paper work. Living at St. Vincent's Home he was continually surfounded with scores of young·' I'ters of all ages and for many years a highlight of their week was a Sunday trip with Msgr. Boyd for ice cream. The prelate has also been active over the years in many community organizations, serving . on boards of the United Fund, the Red Cross and various ,health agencies. Father Resendes Father Resendes, son of the late Antonio and Maria (Vieira), FArnER JOAO RESENDES
FALL RIVER AREA Fall River-St. Mary's CathedraL Blessed Sacrament : Espirito Santo Holy Cross Holy Name Notre Dame Our Lady of the Angels Our Lady of Health Holy Rosary Immaculate Conception Sacred Heart : St. Anne St. Anthony of Padua St. Elizabeth St. John the Baptist St. Joseph St. Louis St. Matthew St. Michael St. Patrick SS. Peter & Paul St. Roch St. Stanislaus St. William Santo Christo Assonet-St. Bernard Central Village-St. John North Westport-our Lady of Grace Ocean Grove-St. Michael Somerset-St. John of God St. Patrick St. Thomas More Swansea-Our Lady of Fatima St. Dominic : St. Louis of France CAPE COD AND THE ISLANDS
.. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ... .. .. .
'$14,471.00 1,892.00 4,886.25 2,229.00 30,092.00 7,305.00 14,600.60 5,432.75 5,068.00 7,318.50 8,599.50 6,383.00 3,507.50 2,001.00 4,092.00 6,961.05 3,365.00 2,269.50 9,361.00 10,080.00 6,921.50 2,866.00 8,042.33 5,937.00 6,236.85 4,887.00 4,753.00 7,115.00 3,892.00 7,024.00 9,027.87 12,299.05 7,643.00 6,602.00 8,647.50
Brewster-our Lady of the Cape Buzzards Bay-St. Margaret Centerville-Qur Lady of Victory Chatham-Holy Redeemer East Falmouth-St. Anthony Edgartown-St. Elizabeth Falmouth-St. Patrick Hyannis-St. Francis Xavier Nantucket-our Lady of the Isle Oak Bluffs-Sacred Heart Orleans-St. Joan of Arc Osterville-Assumption Pocasset-St. John Provincetown-St. Peter Sandwich-Corpus Christi South Yarmouth-St. Pius X Vineyard Haven-St. Augustine Wellfleet-our Lady of Lourdes West Harwich-Holy Trinity Woods Hole-St. Joseph
. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. ..
7,238.00 9,961.00 11,284.00 7,604.00 7,158.00 2,356.00 12,959.50 20,030.00 6,864.00 3,351.00 4,766.00 11,595.40 6,240.50 4,752.00 13,973.00 20,711.01 3,203.00 3,251.65 10,110.00 7,195.00
.BERT QUACKERBACK ,. ,. ,. ,. ,.
rite S."IO,io_1
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,. PONY RIDES ,. _fomous_
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 27, 1976
1976 Parish Totals
Hard W路heln Kids Are Home Worse Wh,e,n T,hey're G1one.
ATTLEBORO AREA Attleboro-Holy Ghost St. John St. Joseph St. Mark : St. Stephen St. Theresa Mansfield-St. Mary North Attleboro-Sacred Heart St. Mary Norton-St. Mary Seekonk-Mt. Carmel Seekonk-St. Mary
A friend of mine was telling me about her daughter's wedding. While she is delighted with her new son-in-law . . . still, she feels sad about her daughter's leaving. This isn't her first time. This is the fifth of her children to marry. "I know they have to live their own lives. And And I do miss them . . . someI'm happy for them. But they times. When all eight of my kids all live so far away, we don't are gone, rm sure the house will
get to visit that often. I miss them so ... "Now it's just the two little ones (high school students) at home. The house is so empty."
By MARY CARSON I can sympathize with her. My three older children, now college age, are seldom home.
16 'DA YS Ireland - Engl(Jnd Scotland (In Dublin for World Congress of Catholic Nurses - Optional 10urs for Others)
REV. J. JOSEPH KIERCE Spiritual Director Boston Council of Catholic Nurses
V I SIT Capital Cities of London, Edinburgh and Dub'in - Universities of Oxford, Trinity and Cambridge - Lakes of Killarney, Loch Lomond and Lake Distrid of England, Shannon, Limerick, Cork and Blarney, Lancashire York, Chester and Stratfordupon-Avon, Glasgow, Ayr, Kilmarnock and Gretna Green
$998 from/to Boston SEPT. 2nd to 18th All Expenses Paid First Class Reservations contad: Rev. J. Joseph Kierce St. Kevin Rectory Dorchester, Ma. 02125 Tel. (617) 436-2771 or George Osborn University Travel Co. Cambridae. Mr.. "2138 Tel. (617) 864-7800
seem empty. And there will be things I'll miss. But there are also things I expect to find: . Like the scotch tape. And the scissors. And bobby pins in the box where they belong, when' I want to set my hair. When I've left the kitchen in order before going to hed, next morning I'll find it without the remnants of a midnight snack. And the piece of ham left over from supper will still be there' for the next day's lunch. . And the last piece of cake to go with it. I will find today's paper . all togetheJ;'. There'll Be Milk When I invite someone to share a cup of coffee, there will be milk in the refrigerator. And a clean cup in the cupboard. If company drops in, my living I.:oom will be moderately tidy instead of 1001dng like the leftovers of a Vikin~ invasion; or an explosion in a Chinese laundry.. I'll be able to put down a partially read book, and find it again - with the same place marked that I left. I'm looking forward to my husband and I having more time for each other. Being able to have an entire conversation without an interruption by someone desperately needing a ride. . All the things we've wanted to do over the years . . . things we've had only scraps of time for . . . we'll find the time. We'll be able to eat a meal, uninterrupted by 87 phone calls, none of which is for us. We'll be able to le~ve the car radio tuned to "old fogy" music ... and start the car without being blasted hy "sounds to lose your sanity by." Woodwork will be missing fingerprints. The table won't be sticky where a little one made her own peanut butter and jelly sandwich. My days won't be interrupted by heart-stopping crashes from other parts of the house. And it will be quiet ... . . . and peaceful, . . . and serene. And sometimes I'll cry because I'll miss them so.
Attleboro HOLY GHOST
$600 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kelliher
$400 Mr: & Mrs. J. Kenneth Murphy, Sr.
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Vaz Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schulze Mr. & Mrs. Edward Amesbury
. . .. . . , . .. . .. .. .
$11,049.00 18,006.74 4,794.50 12,213.50 6,745.00 10,594.00 14,344.00 4,580.00 13,533.60 7,361.00 13,470.00 11,037.00
. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .
11,306.00 2,678.76 13,195.15 31,233.00 5,338.00 3,165.00 4,225.85 2,322.00 4,811.00 776.50 2,002.00 2,311.00 1,786.00 895.00 12,596.00 10,263.60 11,175.50 2,773.00 18,039.50 9,485.25 4,744.00 3,453.75 14,015.46 3,862.00 1,416.00 2,734.00 7,286.00 8,602.00 10,122.00 8,950.50 5,497.25
NEW CARDINAL: Cardinal William Baum, newest American Prince .of the Church, celebrates Mass. He received red hat at .consistory in Rome last Sunday. $25 Mrs. Mary Bullard, Mr. & Mrs. Phillip DeLauri, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Quaglia ST. JOHN mE EVANGELIST
$50 In Memory of Charles A. McCarthy
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Busch ST. JOSEPH
$50 Donald Lavin
Seekonk ST. MARY
$150 George L. Agostino
$25 .Robert A. Araujo, Gerald Carroll, Guy Eklind, Richard Longbottom, Joseph A. Ostiguy John R. Przybyla
Appeal Continued from Page One ship of the priests who encouraged the collectors to complete the house-to-house phase of the campaign in such an outstanding manner. This year's lay chairman Richard C. Fontaine of New Bedford expressed gratitude to all involved in the organizing and implementation of the Appeal and for the outstanding success in reaching such a milestone in diocesan Catholic Charitie~ Appeal history. Breaking Barrier "It is like breaking the four-
minute mile," he said, "We have broken through a barrier. And by this outstanding response to the call of charity all persons within the Diocese of Fall River should feel' that we have all grown as a Diocese and that the works of charity and need will continue from a position of strength." Msgr. Gomes and Mr. Fontaine joined Bishop Cronin in expressing- gratitude to God for His assistance since' the motivation of the Appeal is charity and its success depends upon His workings in the hearts of tens of thousands of persons who worked and contributed to this most significant of Catholic Charities 路Appeals.
New Bedford-Holy Name Assumption Immaculate Conception Mt. Carmel Our Lady of Fatima .Our Lady of Perpetual Help : Sacred Heart St. Anne St. Anthony of Padua St. Boniface St. Casimir St. Francis of Assisi St. Hedwig St. Hyacinth St. James St. John the Baptist St. Joseph St. Kilian St. Lawrence St. Mary St. Theresa Acushnet-St. Francis Xavier Fairhaven-St. Joseph St. Mary Sacred Hearts Manon-St. Rita Mattapoisett-St. Anthony North Dartmouth-St. Julie Billiart South Dartmouth-:-St. Mary \Vareham-St. Patrick , Westport-St. George
. ..
TAUNTON AREA Taunton-Holy Family...................................................... Holy Rosary ;............................................... Immaculate Conception Our Lady of Lourdes Sacred Heart St. Anthony , ,........ St. James :................................................................. St. Joseph :................................................ St. Mary St. Paul :........................................................... Dighton-St. Peter :......................... North Dighton-St. Joseph North Easton-Immaculate Conception Raynham-St. Ann South Easton-Holy Cross
Sisters' Retreat
7,743.00 2,932.00 6,548.00 4,044.00 9,153.00 7,012.50 4,883.00 . 7,750.00 12,303.00 7,512.00' 2,3~5.00
5,155.00 8,110.00 7,435.00 5,462.00
. At La Salette
An inter-community retreat for Sisters will be conducted Thursday, July 22 through Wednesday, July 28 by Very Rev. Kilian Healy, O. Carm., former Carmelite superior general, at Carmel Renewal Center, 21 Battery St., Newport, R. I. Further information is available from the center.
La Salette Shrine, Attleboro will hold its seventh annual folk festival from noon to 5 p.m. Monday, May 31. Folk groups expected to appear include monks from Weston Priory, Father Pat and the Reconcilers. and units from Somerset and Jefferson, Mass.
'Our Heatng Oils Make Taunton Mass. AMERICAN ~III~ Warm Friends' 822-2282 Avenue
~ ,.~
Dfressi,ng W,ell ,on Budg,et ChaUe1ng,e to Cr,eativity
Thurs., May 27, 1976
Taunton Woman Leads NCCW Spri ng PorI ey
With a tight fashion budget, I not only give advice to my readers on saving and buying wisely but take that advice very seriously myself. While I have always preached and believed that keeping one's basic wardrobe to a few good colors made the best dollar This determination to get dolsense, I have been known to lar value out of your wardrobe lose my head and buy a by planning every purchase can blouse or a skirt that I had also be used in buying clothes nothing to match. Such buying resulted in double spending because I had to buy something to go with the newly purchased item.
Economy has forced me to practice what I preach, and I have found that not only am r saving money, but time. It's much easier to go through racks of skirts and slacks if you know that what you're looking for has to be in tones of beige, brown. or white, or some combination of these. Accessories are also easier to purchase and you get much more mileage out of them. This season I find myself quite taken with tones of brown, beige, cream color, and white. With such colors one or two pairs of shoes can give you a great deal of mileage. Extra Wear Even jewelry is easier to shop for when you realize that you're working with very basic colors and in this way everything can mix and match. With three females in our house all wearing roughly the same size sweaters and jerseys, we get extra wear from our clothes this way, although it can result in aggravation when I find my favorite top buried under a pile of clothes in my daughter's room. .'1'111111111111"111111'11111""11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'111111""1111'1'1"""
Attleboro Falls ST. MARK
$125 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gallant 50 , Mr. & Mrs. Clyde DePriest Mr. & Mrs. Charles O'Neill Mr. & Mrs. Peter Armirotto
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Mollins $25 Henry Gendron, Mr. & Mrs. Robert O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pariseau, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gledhill, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis O'Neil
Attleboro ST. STEPHEN
that cross seasonal lines. From all indications, this fall will see as much emphasis on pants as usual, so if you do buy a pair, try to get a material that can be worn from now into winter. While all of us fall prey to impulse buying, I have never ,been as satisfied with my wardrobe as I have since planning has taken precedence over whim. Perhaps I'm mellowing with age, but I really enjoy the neutral tones and the endless possibilities they offer for individuality. Dressing, a necessary evil, can be a lot of fun if we see it as a challenge to our creativeness and a way to show that one doesn't need a million to dress well. ST. THERESA
Mansfield ST. MARY
$75 $60 A friend $50 Mrs. Rosa Fernandes A friend Mrs. Charles J. Drane
$36 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gallagher
$200 Catholic Woman's Club $40 Mr. & Mrs. John Cody $35 Mr. & Mrs. K. Kingsbury Mary Beatty, Mrs. Ellsworth Beach $30 Mr. & Mrs. James Vaughan $25 Mr. & Mrs. E. P. Armon, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Spiezio, Kathleen Vaughan, George Sylvester
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Arena
North Attleboro ST. MARY
$100 John J. Diamond Funeral Service $50 Mr. &' Mrs. Albert Levesque $36 Mr. & Mrs. John Chaplow $30 Mr. & Mrs. Mariano Asaujo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Scarlatelli $25 Dr. & Mrs. Robert Bedard, Mr. & Mrs. James Diamond, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gaboury, Mrs. Maude McCabe, Mrs. Virgil Chilli Sarah Willersinn, Mr. & Mrs. William Moon, Mr. & Mrs. McNally Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dupras, Helen Wright
Norton ST. MARY
$1600 Fernandes Super Markets
$500 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pires
$250 Joseph Fernandes
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Everett McPhillips
A friend
St. Mary's Conference St. Vincent de Paul Society
St. Stephen's Ladies of St. Anne Sodality
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Delphis Paradis $25 Caron Granite Co., Louis Lam~ureux, Prata Funeral Home
OUR LAND, QUR LADY: Taunton District Council of Catholic Women, presents "Our Land and Our Lady," May program honoring Mary, with tableaux showing influence of Blessed Virgin on American Church history and hymns by joined choirs of St. Joseph's parish, North Dighton and St. Paul's, Taunton. Narrators were Rev. James F. Lyons and Sister Mary Margaret of the Taunton Catholic Middle School. From left, front row, in scene depicting appearance of Mary to Kateri Tekawitha, Lisa Rezembo, Caroline Pereira, Caroline Casey, Mary Jane Casey, Paul Reece, James Oliveira, Rick Rose, Douglas De Maeve; rear, David Borges, William Perry, Sarah Cordeiro. Scenery for the program was built by Michael Choo, Michael Rodrigues, Robert Silvia and James Keough of the Middle School and women of Our Lady of Lourdes Guild, headed by Mrs. John Travis, provided refreshments.
$45 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Iwuc
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Tetreault, Mrs. Sarah Langlois, In memory of Joseph Bieniecki
$35 $30 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wickland A friend Frank J. Teixeira, Jr.
$25 Mr. & Mrs. John Ribeiro, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Yecce, John Wright, Mr. & Mrs. Charles McBarron, David Rocha Roland & Beatrice Paquette, Vangie Fonseca, Mr. & Mrs. Judson Stafford, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Jencyowski, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Brown Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Watson, A friend, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred S. Teixeira, Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Comer, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Precourt, A friend, Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Oteri
$50 Mr. & Mrs. James McDonald Mr. & Mrs. David Pitassi
$33 Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Carvalho
$25. Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Reddy, Dr. '& Mrs. David Quigley, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mooney Mr. & Mrs. Armand J. Lem路 ieux, Mr. & Mrs. An~hony Pi路 quette, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Tret路 ton, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Olean
Buzzards Bay ST. MARGARET
Mrs. Richard M. Paulson, direct<>r of the Boston province of the National Council of Catholic Women and a member of Immaculate Conception parish, Taunton, presided at the spring province meeting in Concord, N. H., where plans were made for a national council executive board meeting to be held next month in Washington and for a general assembly to take place in Philadelphia concurrently with the Eucharistic Congress in August. Also discussed were province finances and rotation off the office of director. Presidents and moderators of the diocesan councils of Fall River, Burlington, Vt., Manchester, N. H. and Portland, Me. attended the meeting. Diocesan delegates, in addition to Mrs. Michael J. McMahon, council president, were district vicepresidents Mrs. James Leith, New Bedford; Mrs. Harry B. Loew, Attleboro; Miss Adrienne Lemieux, Taunton; and Mrs. Vincent A. Coady, Somerset. The next province meeting is scheduled for October.
Vincentians to Meet Fall River Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 1 for Mass at St. William's Church, Chicago Street. A business session will follow, with summer arrangements for St. Vincent de Paul Camp to be finalized. Council representatives will be in attendance at an area meeting to be held in Manchester, N. H. the weekend of June 4 through
$30 In memory of James & Rose Chantre
$25 Mary E. Dwyer, Mrs. Margaret Corcoran, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Loonie, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mercier, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Gomes Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Senay, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Curley, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. Taylor
"BUCKY" The Television King
EASTERN TV & APP'LIANCE 1196 Bedford Street Fall River, Mass. Dial 673-9721 SlLES AND SERVICE
Servlne the Ire. for over 25 Juri
An Outdoor Memorial Day Mass Will Be Celebrated at 2:00 p.m. SUNDAY, MAY 30th At Sacred Heart Cemetery No. 2 Mt. Pleasant Street, New Bedford In case of rain the service will be 'held in the cemetery chapel.
Need money for a new Something? NBIS likes to say 'yes'
New BedfOrd InStitUtion fOr 5aVi1QS 6 convenient offices
H. RILEY & SON, Inc.
"Serving the Community Since 1873"
Cities Service Petroleum Produds Gasolene & Diesel Fuels Fuel Oil. Liquified Petroleum Gas Stewart-Warner Winkler Heating & Cooling Installation. 24-Hour Burner Service 448 BROADWAY, TAUNTON Attleboro - No. Attleboro Taunton
THE ANCHO~Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 27,1976
Chatham HOLY REDEEMER $60 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cook Holy Redeemer Guild
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Klein .$35
Mrs. Charles Connors $27 Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Nickerson $25 Mr. & Mrs. William F. O'Brien Jr.
E. Falmouth ST. ANTHONY $75' United Concrete Corp. of Cape Cod $60 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Peters $50 Herman Lopes & Son
$25 Mr. & Mrs. William DeMello, Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Carvalho, Mr. & Mrs. George F.. DeMello, Mr. & Mrs. George Pinto, Harold L. Baker Co. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Simmons Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Tony Andrews
Edgartown ST. ELIZABETH $30
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Maguire $25 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Smith Jr.
Falmouth ST. PATRICK
. $352
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin E. Dolan Dr. & Mrs. Edward Fitch Mr. & Mrs. Richard I. Hardy Bernard O'Hayre Richard Tobin Dr. & Mrs. John Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Ross Margaret M. & Frances T. Barry Mrs. Alice Creamer
The Merchants on Thi This Cape Cod Directory
$35 Mr. & Mrs. John L. Maloy Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Martin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Armbruster
$30 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
& Mrs. Edwin Medeiros & Mrs. John T. Jones & Mrs. John Tegan
& Mrs. Winthrop Lumbert
$25 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Dalton, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Perry, William Armstrong, Mrs. Lawrence Burdo, John J. Burke Mrs. Max Cohen, Mr. & Mrs. John Ciummei, Mr. & Mrs. John Flaherty, Mrs. Bertram Haddon, Mary H. Lyons Anne C. MoNellis, Joseph E. McTiernan, Harold McCormick, Atty. & Mrs. Alfred A Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. David Peterson, Mrs. Katherine G. Robbins, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Studley, Harold C. Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Woods Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Cassidy, Mr. & Mrs. John .J. Cavanaugh T. M. McKenna, Mr. & Mrs. James Conley
Mass Schedule for Summer Season BREWSTER OUR LADY OF THE CAPE Schedule effective June 27 - Oct. 10 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. except Wed. 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:00-5:00 P.M. and 6:006:30 P.M. First Friday-7:00·7:30 P.M. EAST BREWSTER IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Schedule effective June 27 - Labor Day Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:30 and 6:00 P.M. BUZZARDS BAY ST. MARGARET'S Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00,10:00, 11:00, 12 Noon and 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday-4:00-5:00 and 7:00-8:00 P.M.
Anonymous $200
$60 Mr. & Mrs. George W. DeMello
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Olenick Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Sullivan Geo. F. Sheehan
Wellfleet MultiSpeed Bike Shop Sales
BOX 456 WELLFLEET, MASS. 02667 Service Rentals
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Robert l. Studley, Treas. Howard C. Doane Sr. Gordon l. HQmer Howard C, Doane Jr. Robert L. Studley HYANN IS 775-0914 South Yarmouth 391·2201 Harwich Port 432-0593
Shoes for Milady THE SHOE HOUSE in front of Angelos • Falmouth
Div. of Manomet Auction Gallery Jack Dabrowski, Manager
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Rte. 28. Otis Circle Pocasset, Mass. 564-4617
Family Crested Items ' Irish Imports Waterford Belleek Aynsley Porcelain Connemara Marble Musical Cottages Jewelry Records
Leprechaun Gif,t Shop TOM & FRAN DALLAS
975 ROUTE 28
ONSET ST. MARY-STAR OF THE SEA Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. . Saturday--6:30 P.M. Daily 9:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday-3:30-4:30 P.M. and after 6:30 P.M. Mass
BOOKSTORE & RESTAURANT MAYO BEACH - KENDRICK AVENUE WELLFLEET, MASS. Tel. 349·3154 Dine Overlooking Cape Cod Bay COCKTAILS Be Sure to Visit Our Famous Book· store in the Back of the Restaurant Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner
After Mass Sunday Brunch At
POCASSET GOLF CLUB Lunches • Sandwiches • Cocktails Tennis Courts Available Now
County Road, Pocasset 563-7171
Private Function Room
CENTERVILLE OUR Lo\DY OF VICTORY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. First Fridays-Ultreya-8:00 P.M. First Friday Masses at 7:00 and 9:00 AM. WEST BARNSTABLE OUR LADY OF HOPE Masses: Sunuday-8:45 and 10:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M. CHA'THAM HOLY REDEEMER Schedule effective July 3 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00; 11:00 AM. Saturday Evening-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. SOUTH CHATHAM OUR LADY OF GRACE Schedule effective July 3 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:00 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. EAST FALMOUTH ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:00 & 5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. >EDGARTOWN ST. ELIZABEm Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-5:00 P.M. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions-Saturday 2:30 - 3:30 P.M.
FALMOUTH ST. PATRICK ,Schedule effective weekend of June 26-27 Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 and 5:30 P.M. Saturday Eve-5:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. - Saturdays 8:00 A.M.
FALMOUTH HEIGHTS ST. mOMAS CHAPEL Schedule effective weekend of June 26-27 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 A.M. Saturday-4:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M.
HYANNIS ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P:M. Daily-7:00 A.M. and 12:10 P.M.
YARMOUTHPORT SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-9:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M.
MARION ST. RITA Schedule effective July 3 - Sept. 5 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:15 AM. Saturday-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:30 AM.
MAnAPOlsm ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday-8 AM.-4:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.
NANTUCKET OUR LADY OF THE ISLE Schedule starts weekend May 29 Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM. and 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 AM. (Saturdays 9:00 AM.) Rosary before 7:30 A.M. Mass daily
SIASCONSET UNION CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:45 AM. July and August
OAK BLUFFS SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:15, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:15 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM.
ORLEANS ST. JOAN OF ARC Schedule effective June 19-20 - Labor Day Ma~es: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM: Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena-Wednesday Morning Mass at 8:00 AM.
Page Gladly Sponsor
of Churches and Masses
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Deveney Dr. & Mrs. Francis C. O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. John J. McConnell
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Egan. Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Seward K. Reid. Jr.
Schedule effective June 19-20 - Labor Day Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. OSTERVILLE OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION
Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday-4:15 - 5:00 P.M. SANTUIT ST. JUDE'S CHAPEL
Masses: Sunday-9:00 and 10:30 A.M. Saturday-5:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:15 - 5:00 P.M. MASHPEE QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS
Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:15 - 5:00 P.M. POCAsm ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST
Schedule begins June 20 -Aug 29 Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 AM. Confessions: Saturday - 4:00 - 4:45 P.M. and following 7:00 P.M. Mass for half-hour PROVINCETOWN ST. PETER THE APOSTLE-
Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM., 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. and 5:30 P.M. (except Saturday) Confessions: Saturday-4:00 - 5:00 P.M. and 6:45 P.M. SANDWICH CORPUS CHRISTI
Masses: Sunday-8:00. 9:00, 10:00. 11:00 AM. and 12 Noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. SAGAMORE ST. THERESA
Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M. SOUTH YARMOUTH ST. PIUS TENTH
Masses: Sunday-7:00. 9:00. 10:15, 11:30 AM. 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. (9:00 A.M. Mass Mon.-Fri. only)· BASS RIVER OUR LADY OF THE HIGHWAY
Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM. Daily-8:00 AM. (Mon.-Fri.) VINEYARD HAVEN ST. AUGUSTINE
Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions: Saturday-2:30 - 3:30 P.M.
Masses: Sunday-7:00 P.M.
THE ANCHORThurs., May 27, 1976
Mrs. Florence Maher. Mr. & Mrs. William E. Mather. William F. Butler. Jr. Dorothy M. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bastille. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Myette, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kelly Jr., Mary Fairclough. Doaen Beal & Ames. Inc.. Funeral Service. Hyannis
Mrs. Philip Sc'ully
$52 Anonymous
$35 J. Eugene Harrigan
$25 Anonymous. Kenneth Corcoran. Samuel Re. George Doyle. Richard Daugherty
Oak Bluffs
Schedule for July and August Masses: Sunday-7:00. 8:00. 9:00. 10:00. 11:30 AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 6:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament follows the 7:00 A.M. Mass and continues until 5:00 P.M. on 1st Fridays Confessions: Y2 hour before Masses & Sat. 3:00 P.M.
i i iRD75'-'-
Fu,n;tu.. Strioping
Schedule July and August Masses: Sunda,y-9:00. 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Confessions: Yz hour befote Mass WELLFLEET OUR LADY OF LOURDES
Schedule effective June 12 Masses: Sunday-8:00. 9:00. 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. Confessions: Sat: 4:30 - 5:00 P.M. TRURO SACRED HEART
Schedule effective June 12 Masses: Sunday-9:30 AM. Saturday-7:00 P.M.
A Friend
$25 Atty. & Mrs. James Kinney. Giordano's. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Langlois. Mr. & Mrs. Romulard Mahar. Vineyard Wine Shop Karpet Kare
<t) MAC
Funeral Home Inc.
283 Station Avenue South Yarmouth, Mass.
SANDWICH HARDWARE CO. HARDWARE • HOUSEWARES Pittsburgh Paints • Greeting Cards SANDWICH, MASS. Tel. 888·0292
Tel. EXeter 8-2285 Director-Norman A. Hallett
ORTINS PHOTO SUPPLY Leica • Nikon • Bolex • Hasselblad Ampex • Sony • Panasonic
Schedule effective June 12 Masses: Sunday-9:00. 10:00 & 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M.
The Falmouth National Bank Bv tne lIillaRe
Incorporated 894 Main Street
Schedule effective May 16 - June 27 Masses: Sunday-8:00.9:30 & 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 & 7:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:00 and 7:45 P.M. DENNISPORT UPPER COUNTY ROAD OUR LADY OF THE ANNUNCIATION
Schedule effective May 16 - June 27 Masses: Sunday-8:30. 10:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M. .Confessions: Saturday-3:45 P.M. WOODS HOLE ST. JOSEPH
Masses: Sunday-8:00. 10:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. (9:00 AM. Sat. only) Confessions: Y2 hour before Sunday Masses NORTH FALMOUTH (Megansett) IMMACULATE CONCEPTION.
Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, II :00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:15 and 5:30 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. Confessions: Y2 hour before Sunday Masses
Since 1821
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Falmouth, Mass. 02540
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Cornwell Memorial Chapel Dignified Funeral Service
LUNCH - Tues. To Sat. 11:30·2:00 DINNER - Wed. To Sat. 5:00· 10:00
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 27, 1976
The Parish Parade
ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO Knights of the Altar will spend the weekend as guests of St. Anthony's parish, East Falmouth. ST. ANN, Parish council officers are RAYNHAM Henri Paradis, president; Evelyn Knights of the Altar will be Boucher, vice-president; Doris installed at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dubuc, secretary; G. Stafford, June 3 with Rev. Normand Bou- finance. let and Knights from St. Jo- HOLY NAME, seph's parish, Attleboro as in- FALL'RIVER stalling officers. ROYAL FAMILY: Princess Project Leisure will meet in the school hall at 2 this after- Grace and Prince Albert of SS. PETER & PAUL, noon. Rev. Edmund Fitzgerald Monaco will keynote a pleFALL RIVER The Home and School Organi- will speak on the care of the nary session of an all-day zation will hold its annual ban- sick and dying. A social hour Family Life Conference at quet Wednesday, June 2 at the wiH conclude the session. A special Memorial Day Mass the Eucharistic Congress to Harbor Beach Club. will be celebrated at 10 a.m. be held in Philadelphia in OUR LADY OF LOURDES, Monday, May 31. August. TAUNTON Students will graduate from The Holy Ghost Society will the parochial school at a MasS" Sandwich celebrate the Holy Ghost Feast scheduled for 7 p.m. Monday, CORPUS CHRISTI Saturday and Sunday, June 5 June 7. $100 and 6, on the church grounds. A Spring Festival Dance will Mr. & Mrs. Walter K. Lynch A procession at 7 p.m. Saturday be held from 7 p.m. to' midnight $60 will be follbwed by a Battle of Saturday, May 29 in the school Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McLaughlin Music and there will be booths, hall. Music will be furnished by Mr. & Mrs. Edward MCLaughgames and raffles until 11 p.m. Romans IV. lin A solemn procession is sche- ' The annual school arts festival $50 duled for 1 p.m. Sunday, to be will take place at 7 tonight, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Bernard followed by an auction I'lnd band with the program including singMr. & Mrs. Edward A. Cooney concert until 10 p.m. Proceeds ing and an art display. Mr. & Mrs. David Crosby will benefit the parish, and in ST. JOHN BAPTIST, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Milroy case of rain the event will take NEW BEDFORD $48 place in the school auditorium. The annual Espirito Santo dinMr. & Mrs. Gerard F. GoodHOLY TRINITY, ner -will follow the noon Mass win WEST HARWICH Sunday, June 6, and an auction $35 New officers of the Associ- and raffle will take place after Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gallant ation of the Sacred Hearts will the meal. Items for the auction Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Mcbe installed following Benedic- may- be left at the rectory, and Eachen tion at 2 p.m. Friday, June 4. r.linner tickets and raffle books $30 They are Mrs. James Blackmore, may also be obtained there. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Brennan president; Mrs. Glen Miller, vice$25 Provincetown president; Mrs. Howard Clark Mr. & Mrs. James P. HarringST. PETER THE APOSTLE and Mrs. Peter Roderick, secreton, Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Kel$150 taries; Mrs. Paul Hallock, treaIn memory of Monsignor Leo leher, Mr. & Mrs. John Macsurer. A Bicentennial tea and MacQuade, Mrs. A. John Macentertainment will follow the J. Duart-St. Vincent de Paul Quade, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Society installation. Kudera Benson and Young, Inc. ST. JOSEPH, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Murphy, $100 TAUNTON In memory of Monsignor Leo Mrs. Edward O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Sherman The parish council will hold J. Duart Agnes Bixby, Katherine Bixby, a yard sale from 10 a.m. to 3 St. Vincent de Paul Society Catherine J. Heaijey, Mr. & Mrs. p.m. Saturday, May 29 on the $95 Paul H. O'Brien, Mr. & - Mrs. church grounds. In case of rain Seamen's Savings Bank James WaH the sale will be held in the $50 church hall. Knights of ColuIl\bus in memSouth Yarmouth ory of Monsignor Leo J. Duart ST. JOSEPH, The Tip for Tops'n RestauFAIRHAVEN ST. PIUS TENTH A Bicentennial Mass sched- rant $500 In memory of Monsignor Leo uled for tonight will begin at Mr. & Mrs. John F. Martin 6:30' in the school parking lot J. Duart-Mr. & Mrs. John Grace $100 $40 with a parade to the church and Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hagan Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dahill a patriotic ceremony on the $70 $30 church steps, followed by the Mr. & Mrs. James Dooley First National Bank of Cape Mass. Children and adults are $50 asked tq dress in colonial or na- Cod Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Beatty $25 tional costumes. C.E. & E.R. Bradley In memory of Monsignor Leo Tomorrow will be an open Mr. & Mrs. James Desmond school day, with events includ- J. Duart, Mary Lewis, Land'End Mrs. Edward Bosworth, Mr. ing a field day, musical program Marine Supply Co., Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Louis Columbo, Mr. & and colonial fair. Of special in- Francis Silva, Mr. & Mrs. War- Mrs. Walter H. DeQuoy, Mrs. G. terest will be a' giant American ren Costa Roberta Hart, Mr. & Mrs. PatMrs. Dorothy Linskey, Mr. & rick T. O'Connor flag on display in the auditorium, composed of red, white and Mrs. Raphael Merrill, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. George A. Wood blue rosettes, each rosette sym- Philip Cabral bolizing one hour of service given by children of the school in the national SIGN program. Some 1600 hours of service will be represented by the completed flag. SS. PETER AND PAUL, CALL US FOR P-ICK-UP SERVICE FALL RIVER A Bicentennial whist party will 1 To 4 P.M. 67-2-9129 take place at 1:3'0 p.m. Monday, NOTRE DAME PARISH May 31 in the Father Coady Center, with Mrs. Albert F. DouSt. Vincent De Paul Store cette and Mrs. Florian Trudelle 1799 PLEASANT STREET - FALL RIVER, MASS. in charge of arrangements.
Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be included, as well as full dates of all activities, Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: the same news Item can be used only once. Please do not reQuest that we repeat an announcemellt several times.
Have You Any Furniture That Could Be Used . . . By Someone in Need?
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Diffenderfer, Kathryn J. Falvey, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh T. Fee, Mrs. Joseph R. Henderson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Hughes, Mr. & Mrs. George Milligan, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Moriarty, Mr. & Mrll. AI LaNinfa, Mrs. John W. Spence Esther Turnbull Mr. & Mrs. Jason M. Igoe Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Norton
Vineyard Haven ST.4AUGUSTINE
In memory of William & Agnes O'Neil
$50 In memory of M.M.C. & R.P.C.
$40 The Leary Family
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas T. Tyrell HOLY NAME
$350 In Memory of Charles & Margaret Bonner
$100 Dr. & Mrs. Robert O'Hara In Memory of Alice B. Norton Peerless Laudry-Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. Neves
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Bogan
Paul J. Sheehan
$75 A Friend
$50 Leonard Martin Mr. & Mrs. Boleslaw Nickowal Beatrice Phillips
$35 Mr. & Mrs. William Figueiredo
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Cook, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Estrella, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Frieh, A Friend, David Golart Mrs. John Griffin, Mrs. John T. Hughes, Mr. & Mrs. T. M. Sil路 via Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Frederick ,Thifault, Alice M. Tobin
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Zebrasky Dr. Margaret S. Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Santoro $35 Mr. & Mrs. William O'Brien Margaret J. & J. Robert Turner Mr. & Mrs. Herve Lagasse
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. McDonald
Mrs. Herman Siegfried, Mr. & Mrs. John E. Cruger, William Keating Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kelly, Eleanore Howard Mr. & Mrs. William J. Collins Katheryn F. Sullivan, Katherine Chippendal, Dr. & Mrs. Anithony Santoro
Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank
$100 Mrs. William D. Purcell $25 Edward & Evelyn Allodi, Loraine I. Kmiec, John & Emillie Doucette
The Family of the late James S. Rego OUR LADY OF HEALm
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Edward ,Cabral
Need mortgage or home improvement money? Make NBIS your home port.
Mrs. Francis Riordan
$60 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Daley $25 Mr. & Mrs. James Athy
Woods Hole ST. JOSEPH
$40 Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Murphy
$25 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Colonna, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Pellegrini, Mr. & Mrs. George Sharpe, Ann P. Nickelson, Mr. & Mrs. Florence J. McCarthy Jr. Harry E. Handy, Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Bachman, Mrs. May Kenney
6 convenient offices
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Serving All Your Travel Needs
$100 In Memory of Thomas W. & Mary Newbury & Robert E. Newbury $50 Railings Unlimited $35 Mr. & Mrs: Edward Iwanski $25 Andrew E. Cook SACRED HEART $125 Margaret M. Morriss $100 In Memory of May H. Healey $50 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Coyle James Kennedy $35 Francis Waring $25 Mr. & Mr.s. Wm. C. Chippendale Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Leger ST. ANNE $200 Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Ross $35
Mr. & Mrs. Andre Plante $30 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Botelho $25 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard G. Theroux, Mr. & Mrs. George Collard ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA
$100 Dr. Othilia Vieira Petrone ST. ELIZABETII $26 Anthony Rodrigues
$25 Wanda Kozak, A Friend ST. JOSEPH
$35 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Correira John McAvoy $25 Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Williston
ta.\.'.' \\1 f'l ~... .~ . cn~ 'i (nIl ':."~;l.F , dcll~ Dc \ I a.C~I~I,,路~ I .\ .!l ~14 Il, il! Parahzza路 'I P ,I:, wr~.lll.a I lJ f.. ~ . ), ~ rI.' Paese !
RJ Rental -=!J Equipmenl Contradors & Industrial . Richard Sousa, Inc.
Locations in FALL RIVER & SOMERSET 679-8991 Fall River 672-1051 Somerset
$25 Joseph E. Cousineau ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Butler
New Bedford HOLY NAME
$100 Dr. & Mrs. Frank R. Leary $30 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cordeiro $25 Mr. & Mrs. Norris A. Waleka, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wright OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION
TO SAVE ITALY: Nun passes Communist Party posters on' a Roman street. They say: "The crisis of the Christian Democratic Party is paralyzing the country. Go with the Communist Party to save Italy." National elections will be held next month. The Italian hierarchy and the Pope have strongly opposed the Communist Party. ST. STANISLAUS
$25 Cecilia T. Polka ST. WILLIAM $50 St. William's Women's Guild $25 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Mardula, Rose Lopes
Mr. & Mrs. David BJJckley Jr. $25 Mr. & Mrs. A. Stevenson ST. MICHAEL $75 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. McGuill $50 Mr. & Mrs. A. Gabriel $25 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Thompson, Mr. E. I. Creamer, Francis E. Crook Mr. & Mrs. Richard Guay
$25 Beatrice Costa, Mr. & Mrs; Manuel Moniz Mr. & Mrs. John Silvia
ST. PATRICK $25 Mr. & Mrs. 路Sol Streim ST. JOHN OF GOD $375 Rev. Daniel L. Freitas $150 Dr. Americo Almeida Holy Name Society $50 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel S. Martins Modern Dress Co. $30 In Memory of Arthur C. Leite Mr. & Mrs. Robert Paiva . $25 Holy Rosary Society ST. TIlOMAS MORE $100 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Foley Jr. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Rogers
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lapointe, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Mello ST. MICHAEL $35 Antonio Franco $25 Mrs. Patricia A. M. Caron, Anonymous _ Mr. & Mrs. Manuel L. CarIreiro ST. PATRICK $500 Rev. James F. Kenney $50 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Silvia Mr. & Mrs. Theodore P. Smith Jr. $25 Mrs. Alton King, In memory of William J. Roderick, Mrs. Gertrude Lomas SS. PETER AND PAUL $25 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Craddock
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 27,1976
A Friend
$50 St. Bernard's Women's Guild
Central Village ST. JOHN
$25 Joseph Medeiros, Jr.
$60 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cambra $35 Mr. & Mrs. Aime Barnaby $25 Herman Gibbons, Mary M. Freitas ST. GEORGE $75 St. George St. Vincent de Paul
LINCOLN PARK ROUTE 6-between Fall River and New Bedford
Attention School Groups PLAN YOUR PICNIC, OUTING NOW Special Arrangements for School Groups FOR DETAILS, CAU MANAGER~636-.2744 or 999-6984
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Severo Alfama $44 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph $30 Joseph P. Silva $25 Antone Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cruz, Dorothy Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Hannibal Fonseca . ST. JOSEPH
$200 Mr. & Mrs. R. Marcel Roy $150 Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Seguin $100 Lorraine Roy Mr. & Mrs. T. Ernest Dionne Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Mathieu $80 Mrs. Maurice & Marie Dansereau $50 Alice Leblanc Mrs. Alice Contant Therese, Simone & Alice Beaulieu Arthur Janson Mr. & Mrs. Normand St. Gelais Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert C. Tousignant Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Weaver $35 Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Bolduc Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Masse Mr. & Mrs. Henri Gardner $30 Theotime. LeBlanc
Mr. & Mrs. Rene L'Heureux Mr. & Mrs. A. Laurier Marcotte Mrs. Catherine Paquette $25 Mr. & Mrs. Honore Barber, Mr. & Mrs. Herve Couture, Ms. A. Collard Mr, & Mrs. Normand Boucher, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Fredette, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Gagnier, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gauthier, Mr, & Mrs. Armand Gendron Mr. & Mrs. Robert Masse, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Methot. Mr. & rs. Gerald A. Morrissey, Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon Ouellette, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Quintin Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Trahan, Mr. & Mrs. Clair Carpenter, Mrs. Blanche Forget, Mrs. Alphonse Giroux, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Levesque Leo A. Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Robert, Louise Seguin Dr. & Mrs. C. Leblanc ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST $75 St. Vincent de Paul $51 A Friend $30 Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Tavares $25 Mr. & Mrs. Celestino Macedo ST. KILIAN $200 St. Killian St. Vincent de Paul Society $100 Fram;iscan Friars Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bernardo $35 Janet Hardman $30 Mary Augeri
Funeral Home 123 Broadway
TAUNTON 824-5000
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699 Belleville Avenue New Bedford
NOBODY LOSES MONEY Seliing You A Brand New '76 Car But We Sure Do Come Close Which Means You Can Buy A New Ford For Far Less Than You Ever Thought Possible. In Fact You'll Save Hundreds of Dollars.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 27,1976
t II
KNOW YOUR FAITH Peter: The Fatherly Leader
By FATHER ALFRED McBRIDE, O.Praem. Someone once said that a good leader should not be too smart, too well or too holy. The wisdom of this statement means that an effective leader must be able to sympathize with the shortcomings of his followers. He should be patient with the slow of wit, compassionate to the sick and forgiving of the sinner. The beauty of Peter's leadership is that he began with a clearly visible list of shortcomings. In Matthew's account (16) Peter is promised leadership by Christ some time before the passion. The scene is at Caesarea Phillipi near the pilgrimage grotto of the god Pan. There is a certain fittingness to this, for one of the roles of a leader is路 to help his followers. seek for normative stability rather than a mood of panic. The pipes of Pan lead people to a captivating carousal that eventually results in panic and anarchy. Peter's leadership should deter this. After this "leadership investiture" story, Matthew relates Christ's prediction of his coming fatal humiliation. Peter protests that such a terrible thing should never happen. In sudden anger, Jesus thunders at Peter that he is nothing less than a Satan, a prince of evil and darkness, to suggest that he not face his appointed destiny. Here we see a leader who yet lacks the insight he shall one day need.
Peter's weaknesses abound in the Gospel narratives. Not just charming foibles of a loveable curmudgeon, but the dull, disappointing and disastrous failures of a weak human being. At the agony in the garden, when it should have been more than clear that Jesus needed the support of a friend, of His top man, of His "administrative assistant," Peter lets Him down with 'a yawn and a grumbling sleep. Peter had just attended the first Eucharist, yet that presence and power died within him so quickly, because he was too dense to see. At the scene of the arrest in the garden, Peter's reaction is again that of a foolish man. Instead of reacting maturely as an adult believer in his captain's destiny, he slops into the bravado of a youthful mercenary and lashes out with his little knife. He who would one day be a pillar of the Church begins on a shaky foundation. Peter Wept While Jesus stands on trial for His life, Peter comforts himself hy a fire. Peter sits with the girls who begin to taunt him for being a follower of a "crazed messiah." Their acid comments are meant to accuse him of stupidity for such devotion. This assault on his dignity provokes him so that his reply sounds like the ravings of a raging King Lear. He yells that he knows not the man Man. He is no folTurn to Page Thirteen
Special Gifts Continued from Page Four
Cape Cod $500 Bay Colony Federal Savings & Loan Assoc., So. Yarmouth $200 St. Pius X Women's Guild, So. Yarmouth Lion's Club Convention, Hyannis $100 Falmouth Bank & Trust R.M. Packer Fuel, Inc., Vineyard Haven $50 Spartan Cleaners, Hyannis K of C Father McSwiney Council No. 2525, Hyannis Walter Welch Council K of C, Provincetown . Ortins Photo Supply, Falmouth The Seafood Shanty, Edgartown $40 C. Kurth & Sons, Chilmark $35 Danny Kay's, E. Falmouth $30 ' Nash Real Estate, Falmouth Coca Cola Bottling Co. Vineyard Haven $25 Bass River Auto Sales, South Yarmouth Davenport Realty, So. Yarmouth
Mini Office Services, Falmouth Falmouth Coal Co. Elm Arch Inn, Falmouth Plymouth Savings Bank, Falmouth Harold L. Baker CO.,FaoImouth Cape Bowl, Falmouth Fred V. Lawrence, Inc., Falmouth Falmouth Bookkeeping Services ABC Oil Co., Vineyard Haven Martha's Vineyard National Bank, Vineyard Haven ATSCO Oil Company, Vineyard Haven Duke's County Savings Bank,. Edgartown So. Yarmouth Package Store Bass River Liquor Store, So. Yarmouth
Taunton $500 Reed & 'Barton Foundation, Inc. $200 'B.M.C.Durfee Trust Company $150 First Bristol County路 National Bank $139 Residents of Marian Manor Turri to Page Thirteen
Jesus in the Desert By FArnER JOHN J. CASTELOT The desert played an important part in the life of Israel. It was in the desert that they met their God. Here they entered into a covenant with Him and became His people. Here they spent 40 years, not in aimless wandering, but in becoming a nation, developing their law and their liturgy, preparing to enter the Promised Land. Here, too, they were often tempted and often succumbed to temptation, in spite of God's providential care for them, guiding them, feeding them. These years were etched indelibly in the national consciousness, and later prophets looked back nostalgically to this relatively peaceful period when the people lived close to ,nature and close to God. The Gospels are full of allusions to the Exodus, and Matthew especially portrays Jesus as the new and perfect Israel. In the opening verse Jesus is introduced as "son of David, son of Abraham," Abraham being, of course, the progenitor of the Chosen People. And on the occasion of the return of the Holy Family from Egypt, Matthew cites a verse from Hosea: "Out of Egypt I have called my son" (Hos 11:1). The reference is to God's having called Israel from bondage in Egypt, and thus the evangelist identifies Jesus as the new Israel. As the new Israel, Jesus is pictured as reliving the history of His people. There is an interesting sequence of events at the beginning of His public ministry. His Baptism in the Jordan corresponds to Israel's crossing the
FATHER JOHN J. CASTELOT writes that Jesus went into the desert and stayed there 40 days, "corresponding to the 40 years sojourn of historic Israel. Like them He gets hungry, and like them is tempted," as depicted in this woodcut by Paul Gustav Dore. "But unlike them He does not succumb to temptation; He is victorious." (NC Photo) Red Sea. He then goes immediately into the desert, just as the people had done. He stays there 40 days, corresponding to the 40 years sojourn of historic Israel.
II Temptation 'at the Turning Point' II BY EUGENE GEISSLER to those of his old hangouts. I Because the Spirit of God is marveled at how the power and so active in the world today and love of God (which is the Spirit) because He is touching person- fonowed after these two and ally so many lives, we are be- wouldn't let them get away. Or coming conscious of this "third maybe you know of the action Person of the Trinity" as never of the Spirit in thousands of before. We see Him, for instance, charismatic groups around the present with His power at the world... turning points of people's lives, Has it ever occurred to you maybe even our own. Yesterday, that we know hardly anything or last year, or even 10 years of Jesus' life until the Spirit deago, we were just ordinary hu- scended upon Him? The first 30 man beings. Then there was a years of 'his life are called "the change, a conversion. Our hearts hidden life." They are a big sebegan to long for more meaning cret, an unknown quantity, a in our lives; we began to set our conjecture. Then at "about the sights, in the phrase of St. Paul, age of 30" He was baptized by .on "spiritual things." This is the John,and the big thing is not Spirit at work in our lives. the Baptism by John - many Maybe you've read about Col- . others had also been baptized son of Watergate ill-fame, or of by John. The big thing was that Hughes of Iowa, of a prayer the Spirit descended upon Him. group among Washington offi- All four evangelists relate it cials. All manifest the action of (Mt3:13-17, Mk 1:9-11, Lk 3:21the Spirit in their lives. Jimmy 22; Jn 1:29-34). It was after that Carter talks about the action of -"full of the Spirit," Luke says, the Spirit in his life. Last week that Jesus was led by the Spirit I read two stories in manuscript into the desert where He was --one of a priest alcholic turned tempted by the devil. AA and the other a young prodThere are all kinds of ways igal become Protestant minister Turn to Page Thirteen
Like them He gets hungry, and like them He is tempted. But unlike them He does not succumb to temptation; He is victorious, and this is a forecast of His complete victory over the forces of evil. This comparison is heightened by the fact that every answer Jesus is reported to have . given the tempter is a quotation from Deuteronemy's account of the desert days. Mysterious Reality There is a certain obvious artificiality about such a presentation: It is quite symbolic and primarily theological. Mark's very brief account bears hardly any resemblance to those of Matthew and Mark, and these two, even though they drew on a common source, adapted it to their own purposes. Just by way of example: In Matthew the third and climactic temptation is the one in which Jesus is shown all the Turn to Page Thirteen
SHAWOMET GARDENS 102 Shawomet Avenue Somerset, Mass. Tel. 674-4881 3Yz room Apartment 4Yz room Apartment Includes heat, hot water, stove, refrigerator and maintenance service.
THE ANCHORThurs., May 27, 1976
Jesus in the Desert Continued from Page Twelve kingdoms of the earth. The kingdom theme is central to Matthew. In Luke the third and climactic temptation is the one involving the pinnacle of the temple: the theme of Jerusalem and the Temple is central is Luke's theology. Beneath all this, however, is a mysterious reality, a deep inner struggle experienced by Jesus at the beginning of His messianic mission. Many are of the opinion that He became acutely conscious of this mission at His Baptism. But now He had to decide how He was to carry' it out. The terms in which' the temptation is described suggest that He was faced with a choice between the gaudy, spectacular type of Messiah that many people wanted and quite a different type. He chose the latter, the way of humble, suffering service, obedience unto death. Not an easy choice. There have been those who would like to explain away Jesus' temptation as being somehow unreal. After all, He was the Son of God! Yes, but He was also the Son of man, and the Gospels tell us quite bluntly that He was tempted. Then there are these beautiful passages in the Letter to the Hebrews: "Since he was himself tested through what he suffered, he is able to help those who are tempted "(2:18). "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weakness, but one who was tempted in every way that we are, yet never sinned. So let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and favor in time of need" (4:15-16). Bread of Life Later in His career Jesus is once again in the desert, and there is a suggestion of violence in the background. Matthew has just told of the beheading of John the Baptizer and goes on to say: "When Jesus heard this, he withdrew by boat to a desert place by himself" (14:13). However, He does not remain for long. A great crowd comes out to meet Him. They get hungry and He feeds them by multiplying five loaves and two fish. All four Gospels record this incident and they all do so in a way to recall the Exodus experience again. Jesus now is the new Moses, feeding His people in the desert. There is explicit reference to this in John's account when, on the day after the miracle, the crowds taunt Him: "What sign are you going to perform for us to see? What is the 'work' you do? Our ancestors had manna to eat in the desert; according to the Scripture, 'He gave them bread from heaven to eat'" (In 6:30-al). Their complaint leads to a long discourse of Jesus about the true bread from heaven, the bread of life which He Himself is. All of the accounts describe the miracle in terms which see in it a forecast of the Eucharist. Mark's words, for instance, sound exactly like a Eucharistic formula: "Then, taking the five loaves and the two fishes, Jesus raised his eyes to heaven, pronounced a blessing, b~oke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples to distribute" (6:41). John's version of the incident i~ also very suggestive of the Eucharist, and in the long
discourse that follows, the Eucharist, and in the long discourse that follows, the Eucharist comes explicitly to the fore, especially in 6:51-58). A few sample verses: I myself am the living bread come down from heaven. If anyone eats this bread he shall live forever; the bread I will give is my flesh, for the life of the world. . . For my flesh is real food and my blood real drink. . . This is the bread that came down from heaven. Unlike your ancestors who ate and died nonetheless, the man who feeds on this bread shall live forever.
Temptation Continued from Page Twelve • to look at this temptation of Jesus. Being human He was subject, like us, to temptation. When the devil saw the presence of the Spirit in Jesus, the devil recognized his challenger. He felt threatened by one in whom the Spirit dwelt - more than by any number of human beings - and immediately confronted him with the nonspiritual ways of the world: easy solutions to life, material selfindulgence, wealth, power.
SpeCial Gifts
Continued from Page Twelve CATHEDRAL HISTORY: Members of a committee pre$100 paring an updated history of St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall St. Mary Women's Guild . River, in observance of 75th anniversary of its consecration Holy Family Women's Guild are, front, Elizabeth Hall, Jean Gagnon; rear, Rev. Barry William T. Hurley, Jr. In Memory of Anne E. & W. Wall, Arthur Pires, Robert F. Coggeshall. .' Florence Gaffney Boyden Plastics Co. Mulhern's Pharmacy Continued from Page Twelve the community of faith, love and $75 Mechanics Cooperative Bank lower of Jesus. And lest they dis- hope. Peter has discovered that his $60 believe him, he repeats his deCommunity Paint Co. nial again and again, until the real strength is in the presence $50 cock crows. At 3 a.m. Roman and power of the Risen Lord. So The Stone Charitable Founda- guards blow a "Gallicinium," a long as he relied on himself tion, Inc. trumpet to announce the early alone, he stumbled in rashness, United National Bank morning change of the guard. indifference and repudiation of Norwell Mfg. Co., Inc. Whether it was this trumpet his truest friend. Christ's love Students of Coyle-Cassidy "cock crow" or that of a real for Peter made this possible. High School cock, we will not know. The main During the earthly ministry Taunton Printing Co. . thing is that he realized what he Jesus had entrusted Himself to Taunton Venetian Blind had done. He denied even know- Peter, had revealed his hopes Weir Cooperative Bank ing his best Friend. When Jesus and deepest wishes. He offered $25 was led from the trial chambers, Peter love and lasting friendship Coyle-Cassidy Mothers Club He stopped a moment and looked and even the prestige of carryWilliam P. Crowley & Sons at Peter, who thereupon went ing on the cause after His death. Octagon Service Station out and wept and wept and In so doing He gave to Peter the chance to let Him down, to DonIe's Tire & Appliance wept. Heritage Gift Shop Peter meets Jesus again after hurt Him. And Peter did. But Narragansett Sales, Inc. Easter. Once again he is fishing what is more important, Jesus Leahey's Liquor Store, Inc. as in days of old. Jesus appears also remained a forgiving friend. Fred J. Piazzi, Inc. on the beach and asks them He believed in Peter and loved Hanson & Co., Inc. to come ashore to have a meal him and offered him the chance W. H. Riley & Son" Inc. of bread and fish. Three times, of return and renewal. Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him Peter responded to that amaznow. Each time Peter affirms his ing forgiveness of Christ and "Birthright Backers" will be love as though to atone for and went on to be the inspiring chief honored at a wine and cheese wipe out the triple denial on the of the Apostles and courageoussocial to be held at 7:30 at night of the passion. Each time ly die a martyr's death for his Clemence Hall, St. Anne's Hos- Jesus invests Peter with leader- belief in Christ. His fatherly pital, Fall River. Backers, say ship to feed and tend the lambs epistles ring with his early trials organizers of the social, are hus- and sheep. This Peter of so many and a faith insight borne of first-han4 Christ's bands, wives, parents, children weaknesses is the one Jesus knowing 'everlasting forgiveness. chooses to assume leadership for or friends who make it possible for Birthright volunteers to participate in the pregnancy-aid program. The forthcoming canonization and was ordained to the priestThe evening's shedule will inof Blessed Sharbel Makhlouf of hood in 1859. clude a brief presentation of the In 1875, he entered the hermiorganization's history and activ- Lebanon was announced by Pope ities, and those in attendance Paul VI at a consistory held in tage of Sts. Peter and Paul, close to the Annaya monastery and will be invited to participate in Rome Monday. For many years the late Chor- dependent on it. a National Right to Life conAfter 23 years of life as a hervention to be held in Boston Bishop Joseph Eid, former pastor June 23 through 27. Diocesan of St. Anthony of the Desert mit, during which his reputation representation at the convention Church, Fall River, was vice- for holiness grew, he died on will include regional Birthright \postulator for the canonization Dec. 24, 1898. board members and many vol- cause of the Lebanese monk, Graces to All unteers. who was born May 8, 1828 in "Jesus has left Himself in the the farming village of BaqaHoly Sacrament, first, that Dames Patronesses Kafra, Lebanon, the young- Most Dames Patronesses of Sacred est of five children. Two mater- all may be able to find Him; Heart Home, New Bedford will nal uncles were members of secondly, to give ~l,ldience to an; hold their 51st annual dessert religious orders and influenced thirdly, to give His graces to all." card party at 1:30 p.m. Wednes- him. At the age of 23, he entered day, June 2 at White's restauPlum~ing rant, North Westport. Door the monastery of Mayfouk, beprizes will be awarded and pro- longing to the Lebanese Maronceeds wHl benefit residents of the ite-rite Order of St. Anthony. Over 3S Years home. In charge of arrangements Seeking a more secluded life, he of Satisfied Service are Mrs. Edmond Clermont and went to the monastery of St. Reg. Master Plumber 7023 Mrs. Frank Chartier. Tickets are Maron of Annaya, where he was JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. available from them and mem- fldmitted to the novitiate in 1851 432 JEFFERSON STREET bers of their committee and the find took the name of Sharbel. Fall River 675·7496 He made his vows in 1853 public is invited.
Peter: Th'e Fatherly Leader'
Social Tonight
Blessed Sharbel Canonization
Montie & Heating Co.
It all happened in "the desert" - that dry and lonely place where men go to meditate without distraction and to be alone with God. A clearcut, one-on-one confrontation it was. The greatest desert of all is the "desert of the heart" into which men retire in order to speak to God and listen for His word. Undoubtedly, it was also in that desert Jesus was tempted - a deep-seated effort by the devil to supplant the Spirit in Jesus' heart.
We know how this temptation battle came out. Jesus won. He won with the power of the Spirit, a Spirit in which Luke later says, "Jesus rejoiced." It was also in the power of the Spirit that He returned to Galilee and began His mission of preaching, teaching and healing, and '.'His reputation spread throughout the region." What does that mean for us? Are we to say, "Well that was Jesus. Jesus is Jesus and I am Gene (or Jeanne) and never the two shall meet"? As long as we are just ordinary human beings, we are no great prize for the devil. It is especially when we Identify with Jesus and become aware of the power of the Spirit in our lives that we are a challenge to the evil forces in the world and are worthy of great temptation like Jesus was. With Him we too shall win. On the other hand, if Jesus means nothing to us and we are not asking Him for His Spirit in our lives, then we are not with Him, and he who is not with Him is already on the other side. Another thing the story of the temptation means to us is that the Spirit of God in our lives can be a starting point of a new life, or a turning point, like it was for Jesus, like it was for people down through the ages who turned to Him and asked Him for His Spirit, who turned to God and asked for His help. The Spirit can even reveal our sins to us and then we Can go ~nto the battle with Him and conquer our temptations. If we don't know our sins, we will not recognize the temptations. Without the Spirit of God, ,Promised to us by Jesus, life can be pretty dull, drab, or at best vainglorious. On the other hand, we can enter even now into the desert of our heart, we can ·looked around the~e, search in the dry and lonely places, and introduce our own spirit to the Spirit of God dwelling there in the clefts and among the rocks.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 27, 1976
basic youth page
focus on youth By CECILIA BELANGER
Most Graduates At Salve Regina
• • •
The largest graduating class in the history of Salve Regina College, Newport, received degrees at ceremonies Sunday. Among the 331 graduates were 18 from the Fall River area including Alfred L. Campos, Fall River, and Phyllis A. Burrows, Seekonk, graduating magna cum laude and Robert J. Goncalo and ,Martha M. Kay, Fall River, graduating cum laude. , Rev. Rollins Lambert, Specialist for African Affairs with the U. S. Catholic Conference Office of International Justice and ,Peace, was commencement speaker and honorary degrees went to Dr. Felix de Weldon, Sister Mary Concilia Moran, RSM and the Hon. Thomas J, Paolino.
teaching. Our Father in Heaven! Dear Father, in other words. Endearing term, warm, close, tender, protective. We feel we have a claim on Him as His children, created and beloved by Himsons and daughters. The prayer makes us feel that even though we may not always have a household here we are always intimate members of His household of faith. His name is hallowed above all others. All of theology is contained in that sacred name. Then there is the never-ending process of constant comings. The reign arriving, still arriving, in our midst, hearts, and in our history. Heralded by prophets of old, heralded anew by new prophets. Never-ending. The Good News - the hope and the promise.
Q. 1 find it very hard to communicate with people and as a result they experience difficulty in communicating with me. How do people overcome - if ever this embarrassing problem? A. I was reading the other day that communicating with others is still one of the most provocative and intriguing questions of our time. In other words, how does one human being get across to another what is on his/her mind? Two people can hear the same thing and carry away different meanings. A great preacher, Henry Crane, spoke to th~ problem of communication from a minister's point of view. He said, "I stand before my congregation saying, 'Blue, blue, blue.' They sit there thinking, 'Yellow, yellow, yellow.' What they hear, The ceaseless activity of God then, is 'Green, green, green.' " in our behalf. Truth is always at It seems to be a universal problem. Christians do not always hand. The kingdom is within, communicate. It would be hard deep within." Go within, return to find a subject on which they "within," cry the mystics. Wit· disagree more sharply than the ness the inner light, go to the extent to which the Gospel re- still point, to the center. He is lates to the issues which con- waiting for you there! Look befront us. One Lord, one faith, low the surface, to the true tale. one baptism - yes. But listeners Be rescued by the prayer from hear those words in different shallow views and shallow lives. Be led by it into the desert of ways. silence, to the mountain of- conDo you read T. S. Eliot? Fiftemplation. teen years after Munich he said, (The Anchor congratulates "We were concerned with safety, with our possessions, with Cecilia Belanger on her 'contribumoney, not with right or wrong. tion to the first place award for We had forgotten Goethe's ad- Youth Coverage presented at the vice: 'The dangers of life are Catholic Press Association coninfinite and safety is among vention to The Church World, Maine's Catholic Weekly. Her them.' " column has appeared for some Many of us are dancing to different tunes than our listeners, time in that paper, which generand vice versa. I think commu- ously shares it with us.) nication will always remain a problem. It just means more work for all of us, more study, YACHT SALES INC. more reading, more insight. EXCLUSIVE CAPE COD DISTRIBUTOR "I love The Lord's Prayer. As FOR ~ BOATS 1 get older it has more and more SPECIALIZING IN THE INCREDIBLE meaning for me. When 1 was a ehild it was something 1 had to WNJUIR ; { say for my parents. But now, 1 AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR ~ SAIL AVON INFLATABLES . .zer BOATS say it for God and" for myself. BRITISH SEAGULL MOTORS 1 know Pm putting it poorly, but AUTHORIZED SALES .. SERVICE • MERCURY OUTBOARDS .. STERNDRIVES 1 think you know what 1 mean. • OMC SALES .. SERVICE 5.101 • Slrvl.:. • Sto,... 01 Bo.t, .. Moton I think ·about every single word and it's just so wonderful. It SALES SERVICE takes care of everything." 548·5567 548·2552 A. I agree with you. It goes FALMOUTH HEIGHTS RD., FALMOUTH, MASS. beyond the beauty that one beCall or write us for a holds with the eyes. It's the super special on Mercury beauty of the soul, the model 7.5 & 10 HP outboards prayer for Christians. Each for readen of the Anchor. phrase is so full of meaning and
Three Feehanites Merit Finalists
MEDIUM AND MESSAGE: First it was Beethoven tee shirts, now from Germany comes th.e St. Francis of Assisi tee shirt. Translation: "Live simply~like Francis." ST. CASIMIR
New Bedford
Rev. Casimir Kwiatkowski
Dr. & Mrs. James Quinn
Catherine Swansey
Mrs. Wanda Dabrowski
William O'Malley
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Leon Bellavance, Louis Rita ST. HYACINTH
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Norman Brassard ST. HEDWIG
$25 Mrs. Clifford Bates
Mr. & Mrs. Teddy Kalisz, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Marcotte, Kathleen O'Gara, Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Peltz, Michael Poczatek Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Schick, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Turgeon, St. Casimir's Holy Name Society, In Memory of Rose Mroczkow,ski, In Memory of Jeannie Nowak ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA
"WE BEAUTIFY OUTDOORS" "Evergreens, Flowering Shrubs, Trees Lawn Fertilizer - Loam • Annuals Landscape Design 442 MAIN ST., EAST FALMOUTH
$55 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Simmons OUR LADY OF FATIMA Mr. & Mrs. Gerald La Croix
Co-Operative Bank WILUAM H.
= 111
William Street, New Bedford, Massachusetts 02740 Telephone 996-8295
York Refrigerated Service, Inc.
$250 Holy Name Society
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Vieira SACRED HEART
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Cabral MOUNI' CARMEL
Mt. Carmel Altar Boys
"On The Cape"
Rev. George F. Almeida
Three students from Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, are being considered for scholarships by the National Merit Scholarship Fund. They are Gregory Borden, Paul Lynch, and Roberta McAlice. All are members of the National Honor Society. Roberta and Gregory just completed roles in the spring musical, "Of Thee I Sing." Gregory has participated in basketball and baseball and Paul has been on crosscountry, winter and spring track teams, while Roberta is active in the math league. ' Gregory and Paul are members of St. John's parish, Attleboro. Roberta is a member of St. Martha's, Plainville.
I =
Aileen F. Cabra.l
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Florio, Mrs. Maria. Baptista, Mrs. Delmar Silvia Enos Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Branco
OUR LADY'S RELIGIOUS STORE 936 South Main St. Fall River (Corner Osborn St.) COMPLETE LINE OF FIRST COMMUNION GIFTS And Religious Articles
Tel. 673-4262
.. New Bedford
Men of the Sacred Heart Fairhaven Chapter
$100 In Memory of Michael J. Harrington Dr. & Mrs. Robert Durant Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Harrington Dr. & Mrs. Wiliam O'Donnell
$75 Ruth B. McFadden A Friend
$50 Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Koczera Hope McFadden A Friend Glennon Roofing Co., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Fisher Mr. & Mrs. George Schinas $40 Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Makin
$30 Dr. & Mrs. Henry Fanning Mr. & Mrs. Paul Curry Mrs. George Breen A Friend
$25 Mrs. Hazel McCrohan Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bolton, A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Francis H. DeTerra & Family A Friend ST. MARY
$60 In memory of Paul who lives with Christ
$25 Mr. & Mrs. William Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Towers, A Friend
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rondeau
Fairhaven ST. JOSEPH
$100 Mr. & Mrs. James B. Buckley
$50 Georget A. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Richard Medeiros
$25 Marguerite Alden, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Chandler, Mr. & Mrs. George Freitas, Casimir Jarosik, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Loughlin Lucy Stevenson Mr. & Mrs. Edward Patenaude
Thurs., May 27, 1976
$Um Mrs. J. Rowley James R. Tormey
Mr. & Mrs. George LeBlanc
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Corr Mr. & Mrs. John Coute
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence O'Conner Mrs. Ruth V. Mac Neil
$25 Mr. & Mrs. John Downey, William Hansen, Rita I. Baker, Mrs. Raymond Chamberland, Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Figlock, Anna O'Keefe Mr. & Mrs. R. Smerdon Mr. & Mrs. George Powers
$25 Dr. & Mrs. Wm. Dawson, Mr. & Mrs. John DePina, Dr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. John Lowney, In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Roche
N. Dighton
Charles McGowan
Henry Woreing
A Special Friend.
F. B. Rogers Silver Co.
$100 Rev. SS.OC.
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Willis Goowin Mr. & Mrs. Charles Phelan
St. Joseph's Women's Guild IMMACULATE CONCEPTION
Ada M. Haskell
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Landry $40 Mrs. Eugene Sackman
$30 Mr. & Mrs. John Losert
$25 Plymouth Savings Bank (Matt.), Mrs. H. C. Chadwick Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Chadwick Jr., Mr. & Mrs. William Beldon, Dr. & Mrs. John McGonigle Mr. & Mrs. Bernard F. O'Brien, Susan A. McGowan, Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Occhuizzo, Mr. & Mrs. :Joseph Travis, Edward J. Walsh Dr. & Mrs. Clayton E. King
Rev. Joseph F. O'Donnell
WALKING ON TRADITIONAL pathway of flowers, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin participates in Santo Christo feast observance of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish, New Bedford. At left, Msgr. Luiz G. Mendonca, vicar general and pastor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel; right, Rev. John J. Oliveira, episcopal secretary.
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Perry, Elizabeth Dora
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred St. Yves, Thomas White
Roland Auclair
$30 Henry Perra Jr.
$25 Adelard Carbonneau
No. Dartmouth
In memory of Nicolas & Anna Bartek
$300 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Hickey, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Vincent, Ann Marie Hedquist, Evelyn L. Roberts
SO. Dartmouth ST. MARY
$200 Dr. & Mrs. Arthur F. Buckley $30 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Sebastiao
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Norman Daniels, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Grande
*NORTON, West Main St., *NO. EASTON, Main St., *EAST BRIDGEWATER, Bedford St., *NEW BEDFORD, Jet. Routes 140 & 18, *ATTLEBORO, 217 So. Main St., *SOMERSET, Route 6, *RAYNHAM. Route 44, *FAIRHAVEN, Route 6, *BRIDGEWATER, Route 18, *MANSFIELD, Route 140, *FALL RIVER, Southway Plaza, R. I. Ave., *FALL RIVER, Griffin St., *SEEKONK, 17 Central Ave., *Middleboro, 133 So. Main St., *NEW BEDFORD, Mt. Pleasant St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rockdale Ave., *FAIRHAVEN, Howland Rd., *SO. DARTMOUTH, Dartmouth St., *NEW BED.FORD, Rodney French Blvd., *SOMERSET, Route 138.
$25 Doris Bartone, Patricia Frazier
$35 Joseph M. Giannini Mr. & Mrs. John Schondek
In Memory of Elizabeth A. Gorey
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Di Resto
$125 $30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cambra James Gonsalves
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Rogers ST. ANTIIONY _
$25 Manuel Costa, Maria Macedo, . Emma Andrade, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Abreu, Mr. & Mrs. Fernand Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Idilio Nunes
$60 J. Frank Conley Funeral Home
$50 Mr. & Mrs. John Parkes
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Robert DeFabio, Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Freitas Mrs. Louis F. Freitas, Margaret Rafuse Mrs. Francis P. Canistraro, Mrs. Leon Corsini, In Memory of Catherine Dineen, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Lowney
Raynham ST. ANN
$25 James Mulvihill
$25 Dr. & Mrs. Paul Fitzgerald
Rev. Msgr. E. S. de Mello
No matte~ where_ you live in the Fall River Diocese, there is a Fernandes' near you!
St. Joseph's C.Y.O.
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bzdula, Mr. & Mrs. Mieczyslaw Kuszaj, Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Strojny Jr.
$100 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Palano
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Waldo Witherell, Ernest Prado, Mr. & Mrs. Rock Desvergnes, Mr. & Mrs. David . Rogers ~""""""""""'"
-N · HT· ~ orris • rlpp -~ :
PA PA PETE'S PI ZZA Delicious Pizzas And Hot Oven Grinders "Call your orders before you leave home-They will be ready on arrival" 202 MAIN STREET TEATICKET, MASS.
540-1837 Open Year Around
_ 253 Cedar St., New Bedford _ ~ 993-3222 ,_,,, ,_,f~ ~"""
$100 John J. Brady
$50 Joseph S. Rose
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Souza
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Francisco, Mr. & Mrs. John Corr, Mr. & Mrs. Rene St. Yves, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Scuny, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Peyton
Happy Voyager Bookstore 398 SPRING ST. OPP.-ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL Downtown Fall RIver SpecIalizing In Christian Reading. In· splratlonal, PsycholOlJ, Children's Books
Open-9:30·5:30 Frida, until 8:30
Tel. 672-7171
.. 16
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 27, 1976
Bicentennial Mass Continued from Page One Our Lady of Good Counsel awards. Catholic schools representatives will feature the oldest parochial school in the Diocese, Notre Dame of Fall River, and the newest, St. Mary's of New Bedford. Religious . education will be represented by parishioners from the oldest parish in the Diocese, St. Lawrence of New Bedford, and the most recently established, 51. Rita's of Marion. Representing youth who are witnesses to Christ from those who have been confirmed will be young adults from St. Michael's Church in Fall River and Our Lady of Grace Church in
Westport, where the Sacrament of Confirmation will have been conferred the preceding day. A New Bedford parish family will represent the Cahtolic families of the Diocese. Officers of the Sisters' Senate will represent the religious women of the Diocese while seminarians will represent those young men who seek to follow Christ through a priestly vocation. There will be officers and representatives from such diocesan groups as the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Catholic Women's Club, Daughters of Isabella and Legion of Mary. Parishioners of 51. Mary's
Cathedra.. Parish will represent the Senior Citizens of the Diocese. Young men and women from diocesan high schools will serve as ushers and members of the Knights of Columbus from throughout the Diocese will serve as honor guard. Lectors of the Mass will be a young man from one of the public schools of the Diocese and a seminarian who will exercise his ministry of Lector, while a young lady from one of the diocesan high schools will read the General Intercessions Prayers. Diocesan Choir Music for the Mass will be provided hy the 100-voice Diocesan Chorale, directed by Rev. William G. Campbell with Lawrence Poulin as organist, the Di-
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Homilist ocesan Brass Choir, and Charles Franco and Raymond Delisle as cantors. Music at the Mass site will begin at 2:30 p.m. with a concert by the Bishop Stang High School band, directed by John Martin. Processional songs will include patriotic selections and wiH culminate with "A Prayer for Us," prepared especially for the Bicentennial by C. Alexander Peloquin, noted liturgical composer. The composition includes spoken selections from the Book of Common Prayer in use in 1790 and 'a contemporary ser·
mon by Dr. David Watermulder. Readings and cantor's parts will be done by Charles Franco, a voice student at Lowell State College. The Mass will include a. Gloria, Eucharistic Acclamation, Great Amen, Our Father and Lamb of God by Peloquin, a responsorial psalm, "May All the People Praise You" with music by Frank Schoen, and "0 Clap Your Hands" by Vaughan Williams as the offertory hymn. Communion hymns will include Psalm 150 by Cesar Franck; "Cantate Domino" by de la Lande; "Take My Life and Let it Be" by Williams, a .calypso selection by choristers of Holy Name parish, Fall River; and "Grant To Us, 0 Lord" by Deiss. The meditation song will be "A Blessing" by Shaw and the recessionaf will be "Battle Hymn of the Republic," arranged by Wilhousky. Rain Plans In case of rain the Bicentennial Mass will be celebrated in the Bishop Stang auditorium, with additional Masses in the school cafeteria, in classrooms, and in St. Julie Billiart Church, adjoining the Stang campus. Archbishop Sheen's homily will be piped into all locations.
ATIMETO REMEMBER Throughout history, there have been many who dedicated themselves to upholding our nation's high ideals. They were from all backgrounds. But they had one common bond. They were Americans. . Each and everyone of us owes them more than words could express. Let's show our gratitude now, by taking this day to honor them in our hearts ... and pay tribute to their outstanding courage.
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