Bishop Connolly Is Grateful
The Most RevelZend Bishop today thanked those who contributed to make the 1959 Catholic Charities Appeal an outstanding Success "beyond our. fondest hopes." He expressed gratitude to Catholics and non-Catholics of the area whose "increased measure of generosity" has placed at his disposal the means of helping so many in need. . The Appeal achieved a new high by passing the half million dollar mark. The new and final total in the Appeal i's $502,327.40. This is a new first in the history of the Appeal. The total high for 1958 was $366,207.98. Par ish contributions in amounts and quantities that surprised veterans of the Appeal continued to arrive at Headquarters until :the last moment -of the Appeal. Every parish in the Diocese showed an increase. Thirty-four, inereased by fifty per cent. Forty-nine parishes increased their giving by at least one thousand dollars. Eleven of these were increases of two thousand dollars, three with increases of three thousand dollars. 8t. Francis Xavier of Hyannis and St. James of New Bedford led the parishes in increases. Both showed increases of four thousand dollars. In the parish area of the Appeal there was a noticeable increase in the number of contributing. There was an equally evident rise in the . amOlMlts contributed. In both of these categories 'the pledge system played an important role. Parochial and Special Gift pledges represent less than nine· . Turn to Page Two
An Anchor of the Soul. Sure and Firm-ST. PAUL
Fall River, ·Mass.
Vol. 3, No. 22
Thursday, May 28, 1959 PRICE JOe $4.00 per Yea'
S.,.... nd Cia.. Mall Privilelrea Author.?" a1 Fall River. MRS•.
Open· New School To More Pupils Ninety Greater Fall River students will be able to enter the freshman class of the first Diocesan Regional secondary institution, Bi,shop Stang High School, North Dartmouth. They will join 150 young men an.d women from the Greater New Bedford area privileged Fall River applicants should to form the opening class of obtain registration forms f:om . , their pastors or from the DlOC8Outheastel'n New England s esan School Office, 368 North most beautiful and modern Main St~eet, Fall River.
high school.
School Picnic For All Diocesan School Children
Turn to Page .Twenty-Three
r~" Church May Reverse
1';. Order of Sacraments
~. WASHINGTON (NC)-The presence of His Holiness '. ,.~. P6pe John XXIII at the first Holy Communion of40 Roman ~::"': yo~ths has put new focus o~ the. grow~ng m,ov~ment to '''",'·confer the sacrament of ConfIrmatIon prIOr to FIrst Com~~t;-munion. traditional order for recei~ing ~ 'I'h th b of the sacraments. The book, edited • ..' ~ you s, memo ~rs. by Father Gerard 8. Sloyan, :~?~ '" orkmg class famIlIes In ~ head of the Department of Reli::\-; • ~e's Trastevere district, gious Education at th.e Catholic IJ!;.:",;~
." /
ad been confirmed only the revious day. According to "Shaping the 'Christian Message," a book on
'".. ; ' .!,igiOU, edoo.tion reoently pub• ed in New York this is the
University of Amenca, holds that the traditional and proper order for receiving the sacraments is Baptism, Con~irmation,
>nd Turn tben ,Hnly Eooh.",t. to Page Twenty
(~<:'~ 'rdain Fan River Brother's
~":'~"t Bridgeport on June S L~ - In unusual double ceremonies, two Fall River brothers
" n
'~'.'~'.".Wil.l celebrate first solemn Masses Saturday and Sunday, ne 6 and 7 in Notre Dame and St. Anne's churches, Fall ...}.. .•~~.·. ·.~ ver. In .the Saturday M~ss, Rev. A~bert W: Watts, a.M.1. have his brother, Rev. Augustme, Bndgl;lport, Conn., 'R: .' J UT tts ",a his dea- by the Most Rev. Lawrence J. oge~ .. n a ,..... Shehan, D.D. . ~:~~ m; whIle on Sunday the They are the sons or Mr. and ,. ":. : - les• will be '"reversed. Mrs. Wilfred A. Watts, 32 <'
~~8th will be "Ordained Friday, ~'ne
5 in the Cathedral of 81.
Woolley Street, Fall River, who Turn to Page Twenty-one
School children of the MARY, QUEEN OJl' THE WORLD: The feast of Mary, Queen of the Universe will be observed Sunday, renewing, Diocese have extra-large cirthe consecration of ·the human race to the Immaculate cles around the dates of Monday and .Tuesday, June Heart of Mary. NC Photo.
Legion of Decency Wins Papal Praise PATERSON (NC)-Pope Jcrhn has encouraged U. S. Catholics to remain strong in their support of the National Legion of Decency. A letter by the Holy Father to Bishop James A. McNulty of Paterson, on the occasion of the legion's silver jubilee, also emphacizes the legion's importance has not diminished during its 25 years. . Bishop McNulty is chairman of the U. S. Bishops' Committee on Motion Pictures, Radio and Television. The Holy See describes the organization, which rates movies on a moral basis, as a "courageous enterprise" and points out it has been imitated in other countries. Turn to Page T~enty-three
President Requests Prayers for Peace On Memorial Day
Bishop Brady Will Ordain Fairhaven Men on JuneS
Rev. Brother John Caton, SS.CC., son of Mr. and Mrs. John Caton of 75 Rotch Street, Fairhaven,.and Rev. Brother Stephen Cordeiro, SS.CC., son of Mr.' and Mrs. Manuel S. Cordeiro of 112 East Morgan Street, North Fairhaven, will Rev. Brother 'Caton ~ill offer be ordained to the priesthood' Friday, June. 5, at his First Solemn Mass in St. Queen of Peace Mission Joseph's Church,. Fairhaven at Seminary, Jaffrey Center, 11:00 A.M., Sunday, June 14. N. H.; by the Most Rev. Matthew P. Brady, Bishop of Manchester.
WASHINGTON (NC)-President Eisenhower has designated Saturday-Memorial Day-as a day 'of nationaL prayer for per: manent peace. He has asked all Americans to pray for the nation's war dead and also to pray for strength to go fOI'ward ·toward ' a world of peace, justice and honor. "Since we must seek to know, to accept and to accomplish the will of Almighty God," the President said in his proclamation,' "and since we believe it to be His will that peace on earth shall some day prevail, it is fitting that we pray for Divine help in building a world in . which families of men may prosper together in justice and ia bonor." BV. BR. S. CORDJ!;IKO. ·1..~;t;''''~:''i'' .....:.:.'1.~ ... ,~ ""'''.
22 and 23. They are the days set for the First Annual Diocesan School Picnic. There are circles on Bishop Connolly's calendar, too. He will be present to greet the children. To be held at Lincoln Park, North. Dartmouth, the picnics are expected to attract a total of 16,000 youngsters. Schoo"Is in Fall River, Swansea, Attleboro and North Attleboro will attend Turn to Page Twenty-two
Rev. Columba Moran,. SS.CC. Turn to Page Twenty-two
' ,_;....
:.1#.......:;:;; --:' .
Appeal Over Holf.Million >M~rk'
... :'
'hun.; May 28, 1959 -THE ANCHOR
. Continued from Page One . per cent of the final total. Members' of the Diocese contributed a 144% increase in ten dollar donations and a 67% increase in contributions over ten dollars. This, was considered a remarkable achievement. The Bishop's statement said ill full:
FIFTEEN LEADING PARISHES DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER. MASS. St. Lawrence, . New Bedford .. $15;806.40 Holy Name, Fall River 15,06!J.00 St. James, .' 12,<.l79.75 New Bedford Sacred Heart, VATICAN CITY (NC)-MaJloo' 12,066.76 Fall River imum strength of the Vatican'; 81. Mary's, colorful Swiss Guard has been North Attleboro H;197.00 cut to 100 officers and men bF St. MarY'S,Taunton 10,696.1.5 newly published regulations. . Bishop's Statement St.. John's, Attleboro 10,543.00 The new regulations replaee "Our Catholic· Charities has St. Francis Xavier, .- I those drawn up in the time of lIUcceeded far beyond our fondHyannis 1.0,032;25 Pope Pius X on March 13, 1914. est hopes. With 'all the many Holy Name, Regulations now call for four beneficiaries of our charities, .I ' New Bedford 8,550.90 officers, one chaplain, 23 non.-~ rejoice in the knowledge...that Immaculate Conception, commissioned officers, two" the great hearted, community North -Easton 8,462.50 commissioned 0 f f ice r s, two,: conscious Catholic peop~e of the St. Mary's Cathedral, drummers and 70 halberd bearDiocese have risen to such Fall River 7;513,00 ers. Halberds are long spiked splendid heights in their giving. St: Mary's, Mansfield 7,463.00 weapons carried by S w is. ~The success is due' in great Mt. 'Carmel, 6 Guards since their founding ill measure to the increased measNew Bedford 7,192.51 1506 by Pope Julius II. ure of generosity of our people. St Joseph's, Another important regulatioi New Bedford 6,780.05 Not that we forget or fail to' is the ruling on the Swiss St. Thomas More, appreciate the wonderful underGuards' famous uniforms, . the Sqmerset 5,913.75 standing help that we had from blue and yellow woolen uniFall River many not of our own faith. To forms ,whose design is attributed' one and all of them goes the St. Mary $ 7,513.00 to Michaelangelo. Detailed reguassurance of our gratttude and Blessed Sacrament 1,315.00 lations now cover all parts of ,prayerful ·thanks for their spirEspirito Santo 1,404.75 the uniforms to be worn on itu<l,l and physical well-being. Holy Name 15,068.00 varipus occasions, thus ending .I must not fail to ~ak a word Holy' Cross '7,78.75 . various innovations which have of special appreciation to the Notre Dame , 5 , 0 7 3 . 0 0 ' NEW PROVlNCIALATE BLESSED: Rev. John G. 6cCiured in past centuries. " me'n and women who' have so 'Our Lady of the Angels·1;938.75 , Carroll, assistant ,at the Sacred Heart Church, Fall River, 'The new regulations have. devotedly --represented us in· Our Lady of Health' "1500 61 . bl~es the .new addition to the pr,operty of the Sisters ~f been under consideration' for the. 'bringing, the cause 'of Catholic Holy Rosary' . 2'021:00 I " . .' ,. th'eH o y UJ:lion of,. the. Sacred. Hearts. ,Located', at 492' R'ock' . ,Pas~, y.ear.. They. als~ provide Charity to their neighbors. They Immaculate CoriCeptiiJn 3;565.80 " . new standards of respect have worked zealously and Sacred Heart 12,066.75 Street in Fall River, it was formerly' the of the uniform, for Swiss Guard. faithfully. They have put their St. Anne " "4,121.51 apd .,Mrs. HarrY' Gottlieb.'" '., ..'. . , who. have'returned to private hearts into the" task and the'. St.. Antpony of Padua 1,534.42 '.~ 'i-.;" ~ !~ ""2,540.00 life.. Guards are permitted to Lord ,h'as" rewarded' them and Sl ,Anthony, of the Desert .872,00 St. Joseph '5,7'73;50 Ocean ,Grove 1,390.00' . taki! .uniforms' with them oa ,us"by this unprecedented Suc- St. Elizabeth . 1;009,75, St. Mary. '10,696.15 Orleans 3,357.00 mustering .out of the.papaL.serv•. cess. St. John the Baptist . ,3,099.00 St. Paul",·' ,4,lQO;OO Osterville', .. 2,679,32 ice, but they are now bound ~ Attleboro Pro,vincetown St J h It is heartening'," indeed~';: . osep 4,426 .25 -. " .3,090.00 a new:,.cod,e regar:d~g thei~,,~se me" and encouraging;' io ha~ St. Louis ." 2;,372.00 aoJy;.Ghost;.,....· 3,006.00' Sandwich. . 2,202.25 which goes into eff~ct August oz. th . " .. St Matthew 1 501 35 St. John" ,,' . 10,543.00 Seekonk: W59. . ese new resources placed at St' M h a ' . , . . 8t Joseph 3349 sO' Somerset ' our disposal so that we' may" ic el 2,817.15':· , . 1,933.50 'sup'port oui" many 'established St. Patr:ick , 5,034.00 St. Mary'. 3,792.50 ;"St. .John of God2,683.50BEFORE YOU agencies and provide .new ones ,88. J;'eter & Paul 5,326.90 St. Stephen 3,152.0(~ .,St. Patrick " 5,913.75 , St R h ·S~.,sa ' 4,58.5.45 .St. Thomas More according to' needs that continue . oc 1,987.25 BUY -' TRV 4,610.00 to' assert themselves~, May .Our St. Stanislaus 75i.50 Norih, AttlebOl'o South Dartmouth 854.75 Lord and' Our Lady bless all of St. William ,,4807.50 Sacred Heart 4,048.50 South Dighton PARK,~ 3,802.00 us, our hearts and our Santo ChristO 2'446.52 St. Mary 11,197.00, May the spirit of love and 'loy' .New .Bedford ' ' Towns Holy Name 8550 90 Acushnet 1 74400 Our Lady of Fatima 3,536.75 2,297.00 alty always continue' strong· in AS m t· . I , ' 25 .Asso t 1 ,223 .'00 St. Dominic OLDSMOBILE ,the Diocese. May we all ,find our Holy su Ro p IOn 7228 .85, ned B 1,776.00 . . B 3,017 .'00 St. Louis of France greatest happiness in doing, fur . sary .00 uzzar says , . Ilenauit • Peugeot - Simca 2,037.50 others and may the needy have Immaculate Conception 4,336.70 Central Village . 1;577.00 Vineyard Haven 4,965.05 67 Middle Street, Fall'baven ] 'l-;"1 At) t~ecomfort of. being . loved by ~~. ~rdmel f P tu' 7,192.51 Centerville 1,326.00 ::~l~~= de~oted, sympathetic' friends." r ,a y. 0 erpe al Chatham 1,683.00 2,754;50 Help 1,942.00 East Falmouth 5,348.00 West Harwich· 4,iiuu.,JO Our Lady of Purgatory . 626.00 Fairhaven Westport FOR PLEASURE 2,037.50' : Sacred Heart ' 3,459.75 St. Joseph 5,747.40 Woods Hole •... ' .EAT Three 2,002.25 ·St. Mary 8 5 4 . 9 0 . Turn to Page '. The ,following films are to be St. Anne added to the lists ina their re- St: Antho'ny of Padua 4,322.50 Sacred Hearts. 368.00 st Boniface' ' . 315.50 Fal!llouth' 5,310.00 spective classifications: '741.55 Hyannis 10,032.25 'Unobjectionable' for general St. Casimir , " For • That-R-Rich'N'Yellow.-Robult 1,759~00 Mansfield 7,463.00 patronage: Five Pennies, Invis- St. Francis of Assisi W~k," 'Mo~th, Season St. Hedwig 568.25 Mattapoisett· 2,374.25 ible',Invaders: "',,, .,. " t'FRE~~ CU!-UP POULTRY I' 1,187.00' Nimtuck'et' 3;551.50. UnobjeCtionablef 0 I' adults St. Hyacinth Near Beach Warm wa'ter, '12,479j5 North Dighton . 2,218.00 and adolescents: Woman Ob- St~ James 'Surf bathing, Sandy beach St. John the Baptist' 5,306.90' North Easton': 8,462.50 sessed. ' ; ,FARMS ' , Call or HERBERT VOSS St. Joseph .. 6,780.05' North Westport 1,546.25 Unobjectionable 'for adults: '" 'Swift's'Beoch Road 145 Washington StFairh'avep 3,275,:25 :Norton'· ' 4;009.65 Ask Any Girl,; Four Skulls of St.' Kilian' Just off Route 6 Wo'reham,Moss. 5-0935 ,15,806.40 Oak Bluffs' 2,745.00' Jonathan .Drake, . Man. Who St. Lawrence ~ St.' Mary 3,293.00' Could Cheat .Death.· 4,760.00, Objectionable in 'part for aU: St. Theresa i Taunton Middle of'the:.Night (tends to Holy Family 2,787.00 condone immoral actions). Holy Rosary 1,374.10 WEALTH? HONOR? SECURITY? Immaculate Conception 4,061.00 , 'The Capuchin Brothers are working for "a hund,edOur Lady of Lollrdes 2;823.50 'FORTY HOURS : fold' .and life everlasting." Sacred Heart 4,893.60 Find happi,ness serving God here and in foreigll DEVOT1()N St. Anthony - 3,199.50 mission'S a. sacristan,' Catechist, infirmarian, office' Distributed by , St. Jacques 3,285.00 -worker. garden·er. chef, tailor. doorkeeper•.carpenMay 3i-Corpus ChI' i s ,t i, ter, electrician,.' maintenance man, etc." Sandwich. Young men between 18 and 35 interested in joining IJ()lyName, 'F:all River. the Capuchin S'athers to .'W'ork fo'r Christ' write to:' Beverage Co. FRIDAY - 'St. Mary M~dalene S8. Pe'ter & Paul, Fan . , REV. FR. EVMARD, O.F:M. Cap. 331 Nash Rd., New Bedford De'Pazzi, Virgin. S imp r e . , River. . St. Lawrence 'Friary, 175 Milton St. White. Mass. Proper; Gloria; WVman 7~9937 . Ju~e '7":-St. Joseph, T~un ..' Milton. 86, Massachusetts Common :preface. . , ton. ~ ~~ ~~ ,'~,~ ~~~~~~~ SATURDAY '-,- Mass of the Sacred Heart, North AtBlessed Virgin for Saturday. . ~leboro. Simple. White. MasS Proper' June 14-81. Mary, New BedGloria; Secorid Collect St: ford. Felix, I, Pope and Martyr; FU'rnitu~¢ Blessed Sacrament, Fall Preface of Blessed Virgin. River'JOSEPH M. ,f. DONAGHY' ,8WlDAY- Ble.ssed Virgi~ Mary, June 21-8t.' Elizabeth; Fall , , '_ owner/mgr. Queen a,nd' II Sunday After , River. ~ 1:42 Campbell' St.' Pentecost, 'Double' of II Class.• St. Mary, Norton. White. Mass' :Proper- Mass as New Bedford. Mass. on May 31 in missa'l' Gloria' . WY man 9~6792 .Second Collect Sunda;' Creed: HEADQUARTERS f:OR Preface iJf Blessed Vi;gin. ' COLONIAL AND May 31 M()NDAY - St. Angela Merici, ·T.HE;' , .TRADITIONAL FURNITURE 2:00 P;M. Our Lady of Mt. Virgin: Double. White. Mass Carmel, Seekonk. Proper; Gloria; Common Pref4:00 P.M. St. S t e p hen, ace. PLAN' Dodgeville. TUE~DAY-Mass of the previ.,. 7:30 P.M. St. /oseph, Attle,ous Sunday. Simple, Green. :OOro. Mass' Proper; 'no 'Gloria;'Sec.June ., ond Collect SS, Marcellinus .. "'" ' .. / 4:00 P.M. St." and .~ompanions, lVlartyrs; Vineyard Haven. Co~o:Q Preface. " 7:30 P.M. Sacred H~t, ~ WEDNESDA;Y. -Mass of the preBluffs., . , ' vious Sunday. Simple. Green. . Mass Proper; No Gloria; Com; .• :1 mon Preface. , THE ANCBoB Sceond-eJass mail priviJegea authorized THuRS'DAY-St. Francis Caroc.t ~'aUlUver. :MasaPnblished e'Vf!r1I ciolo, ·ConfeSsor. D 0 ubi e • I'huradlu at no H'tghlanO Avenue. FaD R.iver, Maaa•• 07 ttl.. Catholie Press of the White. Mass Proper; .Gloria; " Diocese 01 FalJ Suhseril)tioD ·priee Common Preface. )7 mail. postpaid $4.00 per' )'eu'.
Vatican Guard' Number Cut
Legion of Decency .
SummerCottoges Rent
. I•...... ....... t ROSELAWN'·
Rodman Club
'206 U'nion· Street·,,· ":-. ,Dial ,:~ew Qe~ford " WY 5·7468 .
HJ~ESSES STONEHILL BUILDING: Bishop Connolly blessed the new Stonehill College Student Union, first step in the college's $5,000,000 development program, Monday. In ,left photo His Excellency is assisted. ~y Rev. Mare Hebert, C.S.C., with Rev. Joseph Lorusso, C.S.C., standing behind Bishop Connolly and aSton'ehill' student in background. In center
Specia I, Gifts,
photo Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, V~G., Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese. (right) with Rev. ,James J., Doyle, C.S;C." precedes Bishop Connolly ill procession at blessing ceremony. In right photo Cardinal. Cushing proceed. to ceremony accompanied. by his chaplains, Rev. G~orge. DePrizio, C.S.e. (left) and Rev. Jam~sV;' Lowery, c.~;:C. at right. '
Son, Inc", Ta~nton Traders, Inc., JON ;11 S$'75 1 C 'David B. Dean & Co. . . el upp yo., F. Joe, Paulo, Oliver's Market, Lodge No. 118 BPO Elks. Italian' Naturalization·'·, Club, $60 •, Continued from Page Tw. ' Fane II' s Cafe, 'Plank&:' Hansen. D & D S 1 & S· $1,000 Davol Printing House, 'Fran-' , a eS$50' erVl<.'e. oJ First National Stores, Inc. ' cis J. McGuirk, Benny's Auto Dr. & Mrs. William Freeman, $414.50 ,Stores, L. G. Beers Co:, H. L., Bishop James K Cassidy Coun· ds o f a C th 0 l'IC, Ch arl't'ICC Gr'een., Inc. . ht S .0'f C 0 1urn . b us" O'N'l F nen Cl'1- K lUg el. -Otis Air Force Base: 'Mason's Cleaners, Foster, & Fisk Tire Service, Fall River Co., Sousa Electric Co., C.' A. Emblem Club. , $200 Hack & Son, Dr. H. Leroy LatiSl d L d D R b t S Franciscan Fathers New a e aun ry, r. 0 er . Bedford. mer, Dr. William Donahue, Dr, Hackett, Aay. & Mrs. James H. ,William Sw1ft, Aleixo Insurance. Kellyon, Radovsky & O'DonSullivan Brothers Printers. ' WiIley's Alleys, Stiles & Hart oghue, Shelburne Mfg. Corp. $125 Brick Co., Amalgamated Meat' Jose!lh Mosher. Sr., Joseph Cutters, Butchers, Food Store & $35, Mosher Jr. Allied Workers of No. America. Atty. Aaron Dashoff, " ,$100 \) I $25 Rev. Francis X. Wallace. Modern Shoe Store, Ralph Brokston Chemical Co. $100 Keyes, Dr. Roland A. Chouinard, $96 Dr. Daniel Dorman, Dr. Henry WOl'kers of Bishop Stang High ' Margaret Curtis Insurance & C. Lincoln. / School. Real Estate. Atty. William F. Long Jr., Mr. $50 L. C. Rondea~'7;railer & Sales, & Mrs. Joseph McManus, Dr. E. Bt'odeur & Son, Ir~c., Fall , E l m e r Leigh Jr., H. P. Hood & Catholic Women's Clu,b of North River Diocesan Council of CathSons, F. R. Permanent Flremen's "AllIeboro. " Benefit Association, Lecomte's • lic Women. $50 D . $25 a~. Interboro Laundry; Wright T' ' Ranis Lumber, Co., What , ermmal Bflkers, Chorlton Chevrolet Co., Inc., Atty. 'RonFoundry, C. L. Lynch & Sons, Cheer Foods, W. M. Brine qomB'ernard A. G. Taradash, Atty. pony, Thomas W'liiJReed Co., aId A.' Brai<i. $%5' Swift & Co. <::harles W. Powers.' Achin's Garage, B & J Jewelry M J h $20 ' rs. 0 n M. Welch, J, N. Co., 'Inc., Brook Manor, Inc" Gendreau Inc., S. Gourse & Sons, Russell H. Macomber. John Diamond Funeral Home, Inc., Henry ,Jacobson, Gertrude Marilyn F. Asher. J;>eter J. McKeon Div, 10 Ancient Manor Nursin!;, Home, $15 Order of Hibernians. Hillhouse Convalescent Home Kirkpatrick Co, $20 Cliff Haven, Nursing' & Conva~ $10 Falls Shopping Center; Avanti lescent IIome, Walter C. Fraze, Dane-T-Bits Biscuit Co. Club, Rep. Carlton H. Bliss. Ashworth Brass Foundry. $15 $20 Donley Mfg. Co., Hindle's Auto Atly. Daniel A. Sullivan, St. Electric & Power Mower Serv- Josephls Men's Club, Venturini , iCe Co., Dr. Robert Welch, Dr, Bros., John's Shoe' Store, Dr. $100 Albert E. Roy. Dr: .John Fenton, Knights of Edmund T. Welch. $12.50 Dr. Raymond B. Fournier, Colum bus Council #82, No. Attleboro'Gas Co. Atty. Arthur E. Beaulieu, Motor $'75 $10 Truck Sflles Co., TiaJ'go B. Silva, Rennie Manufacturing Co. Mr. & Mrs. A. H. Gosselin, Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dwyer. $50 $11 St. Vincent de Paul Society of Cub Scouts - Pack 26 Sacred Heart. Church, Rioux & TurnMr. & Ml·S. Warren C. Herrick. ~. PaUl's, Dr. T. F, Doherty Jr., Robertson Factories, Inc., Narra- cliff, Holy Name Society-Sacred $15 gansett Sales of South Easton, Heart, Bead Co. Dr. & Mrs. Wilson E. Hughes, Dr. Isad'ore Altman, Dr. MauMassachusetts, Dr. Joseph F. Modern Furniture Co., R. E. Nates, Laughlin's Market, Stone rice Grant, Dr. Elsie Loeb, RinSmith Co.. Sanford Hardware guette's Pioneer Market, Atty, Charitable Foundation. Co., Atty. Roland Desmarais. Charles R. Mason, $35 . $10 Atty. Paul Armstrong, McFrancis J. Tummon, Eugene J. Mrs. Elizabeth Fleck, Atty. Keon Dance Studio, Ralph Hall Sullivan. Donald R. Kelly, Atty. Israel Really, F. E. Viens & Son, $30 Emile LeI~]anc, Dan' Landry Real ,Brayton. Atty. Milton A. W~st Eureka Manufacturing Co. gate, Atty. Charles J. Hague. Estate. ' $25 FI'anklin Hardware Co., Att):. Roger F. SUllivan, Atty. Dr. Edward A. Dohel·ty, TaunVincent W. Johnson, Alfred M. Swanzey Tool Co., The Towne ton .savings Bank, Charles D. Borden, Atty•. Alfred'S. Sherwin. Shop. Cyr, Taunton Printing Co., Walter G. Powers, Dermody CleanThe Hat Rack, Valcourt Hardware; Lawn & Garden Equipers. ment Co., Capitol Fruit Stores. Cal'penters U035, Hon. Frank $3511 E. Smith, J. M. Wells Inc., Dr. Martin & Sullivan, Clifton J & J Corrugated Box Corp. Malcolm Robbins, Pierce HardNursing Home, Dr, Arthur La$200 ware Co., Edward T. O·Keefe. Salle, Mell Jewelry Co., Fazio Guil)1ond Farms, Inc'., Dr. School Street Package Store.' Daniel F. Gallery. Chair Shop. $20 Independent Laundry, Gen$150 Arislides Andrade, Wood Sp&John Coughlin's Funeral dl'eiut Furniture Company. eialties Co. BufJinton Florists, Rex LaunHome, Robert A. Wilcox, South $10 Taunton Hardware & Plumb- End Electric, William T. Man- dry, Inc., Ray's Auto Radiator Works, Engine Service & Supply Ing Supply Co., Dr, John E. ning Co., Inc. Co" Arthur Rich & Son. SheITY Corporation. Regen, McKenna Gift Shop, Plymouth Square Fruit MarNolan Printing Co., W. H. Riley $100 ket, Terry & Ci·awford. It; Son, Inc. Atty. & Mrs. J., Edward LaBill Hewitt's Cafe, Salvatore joie, Skelly Detective, James Kane,', Acme Fence &I: 'Arieta, George E. 'Wiliiama oil; Atty. & Mri, John J. Harrington. Supply. Co., ,','"
'I A' , " ' ,·......ahona 'ccounti 110..,.
North Attleboro
Special Gifts Taunton
Fall River
New Bedford,::
'Sylvla. Mary. A.Walsh, Mary Sulll$100 ' vail,' Mary Desau~els, P~tei' '. Daug~ters of I~abella-Hya- Strittmatter, Anna Julin. emth CIrcle, HarrIet Transport ,Sunset Cleaners & Dyers, Star!', Co., Joseph Dias & Sons. Laundry, Hathaway's Laundry, " $~O . Purity Diaper Service, Dr. Dr. J,eanJ: .Web~ter, Dr. Orrm,Nathan Mitnick. ' Hall,, ' Carmehte SIsters :" , "for the ' "Dr. William W. Nelson, Dr. , A?ed-Our Lady s Haven, ,Blue Milton T. MacDonald, TWUA' RIbbon Laundry, Dr. & Mrs., Local #1129,' Davidson's Pork' Stanley Koczera, Dr. John B. Products, N. B. Linguica Co. O'T 1 R M t 1W k M . 00 e. $35 . ex onumen a or s, ass.. Gas & Electric Light Supply Co., B 'ld' M t . 1 I I A . IFI 'bl ,UI mg aerI~ s, nco nc., mencan ex! e C onduit . $25 Co. Shuster Co. Auto Parts, Brodeur's Machine Shop, Interna, $100 tional Hod Carriers & Bldg. & Bellavance Inc. Common Laborers Union of '$50 America, Local #385, Catholic Stephen H. Foley, St. John'. Nurses Guild of New Bedford, Greater N. B. CIO Industrial Council #404 Knights of Colu~ bus, Apco Mossberg COl\lpanT, Union Council. Bibeault's Pharmacy Inc. qsbon Sausage Co., N.' B. $35 Public Market, Dr. John S. MaAttleboro Lions Ciub, Mr. • chado Jr., Dr. George Riley• A Friend at Our Lady's Haven, Mrs. William R.,Flynn. '$25 $~ Attleboro Rotary Club, PeAtty. Julia Joyce, Guy's Ph'armacy. . quot Beverage Co., Flyna'. Hardware~ Mr.&'Mrs. Harry 1. '$15 Flynn, M, J:Wall Co., Tne MaraStandard L,'aundry, D, r. Harold thon Co., Reardon' & Lynch.' ' F. Goulston. . $12.50 $10, , L. H.Cooper. Sidney's Department Store, $10 Correia &i 'Sons, Daughters of Paul's Barber Shop, Brll' e Ir: isabella....,...junior Circle, Dr. NorLindstrom, Brown's, M. F. \:sb.-, mand R. Gamache, Mrs. Mary A. ley Co. Vieira, Turn to Page Four ' , Maurice Colli'ns, Dr. H. F. Riley, Mr. &,Mrs. Eugene' Sheerin, John N. O'Brien, Mrs. Caroline Manso. ' Alphonsus Malloy, Mar'ia Ta. New officers for Walter Welch vares, Helen Corrigan,' Alicia ~ouncil, Prov.incetown Kntghts McConville, Annie Hambly. of Columbus, will be elect'd at Patrick Shartell, Catherine the ':fhursday, June 11 meeting. Rush, HEmry Nelson, Mal'ia DewNominating committee includes hurst, Rose Sullivan. Jqseph Dutra, Manuel Rego and Mrs. Alice Latham, William Frank Motta, Jr. Guerin, Mary Ellen McDermott, The next regular meeting • Rose Callahan, Mrs., Olivia' M. scheduled for tonight.
'Provincetown K of C Will, Elect in Jun.
To ,combat ERROR with Truth.
By imparting KNOWLEDGE imbued with CHRISTIAN IDEALS.,
For Further Information Address
App,al Gifts New Bedford ,Continued from Page Three .c· ....
$25 Dr. & Mrs. Francis Grenn. . $15' Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jamilkow':' Iki. . '. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dabrow-
ski. $12 . Mr. & Mrs. Igmice Nikono-. wicz. $10 ,Mr. & Mrs. Frank Midurski, Mr. & Mrs. J. Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. John Hemingway, Mr. & -Mrs. Chester Ponichtera, Mr. &. 'Mrs. Boleslaus Midurski.. . I Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Olejarz, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Demanche,
.,.,".:' DIOC~E ... Of!'.,f~LL .. RtV!SA•."~j~l!Is.
ST. FJLANCIS,OF ASSISI . '., , . $100· .' Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale NicolaccL' $20 ", -, , . Mr. &' ~s. Ii'v'ing Syke& " $15 .Mr. & Mrs. Stephen DiStefano... , . . $10 ...' St. 'Francis of Assisi Women's GUild, Sons of Italy. ~ Giulio Cesare Lodge, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bono, Mr. & Mr~:, Joseph Cataldo, Emma Cipriano,. . . , Mr. &. Mrs. 'Anthony' DiPiro,· Mr. & Mrs. Albert Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Morelli, Mr. &. lVIrs. Salvato Salvati, Anastasia Thibeault. . . Mr. & Mrs. Orner ,Muir. Mr. &. Mrs. Rapliael Beaulieu, John Sylvia. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION $25 . ~
.~ THE,iANCHOR .. ' :·Thurs., MQY 28; \19~9
,ST. ,J()H'N THE ~AP.'PST :. . ' . $6~ •. I)r. Marcio M. Bueno. . $50:. St. John Bap~ist Couples 'Club.., Dr. Joseph~. Ponte Jr.." $25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Motta. , si. John's Holy Name Society, The Anthony V. Gracia Family, Mr. & .Mrs. William McGraw, Frank H. Parsons. , $20 Mary S, Avila, A Friend. $15 ' Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Vieira. Mr. & Mrs.,Joseph Flores. $10 '.
Mrs. Phillip. Aciams, Jr., ;Mrs. Mary Furtado. . $20
St. John CYO, Mr. & Mrs. George Alexander, Mr. & Mrs. ,Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Avellar.· An Edwin Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. AuMr. & Mrs. Rudolph Urbanek, . ony.mous. $15 gust Avila, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund . Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kirk, ·Mr. & Agnes De M e 11 0. Mr. Arthur Fredette, William F ..··C urrier, Mrs. A. Szczur, ·Mr. & Mrs. W. F .. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Dutra, ArabaSz, Mr. & Mrs. L. Dl,ugoor,naclan. $10 Carl Fernandes, Mr. & -Mrs~ Ansinski, Mr. & Mrs:· W. Urbanek. Mr.' Joaquim Salgado, Mr. J. tone Ferreira & Family, Mr. & ST. THERESA Claude Paquette, Mr. Arsen~o Mrs. Arthur Freitas, Isabella $25 . Nunes" In memory of John & Garcia. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Duchaine. Isabel ~Motta, Antone Medeiros. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Goulart & $24 .. . ,: Abel Fid,algo, Frank Correia; Son, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. NorAlbert Lagesse. Noe Chaves, Angelina' Baptista. man Lepire, Mrs. Mary Lewis '& $20 & Family, Mrs. Maria Amaral Family, Samuel Lipman. & Family. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Oliver, . Florence Boisvert. $10 Mr. & Mrs. Joao Alves, . Joa-' Mr. & Mrs. Frank .Perry, Mr. & Donat ,Boisvert, Leo Roche..: quim Gomes, Sylvester Sylvia, POPE JOHN WEARS NEW TIARA: Pope John XXIII Mrs. Frank Souza, Marie Souza, leau, Eugene Duval; Donald Mr. & Mrs. Julio Rl,Ias, Heldeis shown wearing for the first time the tiara given to him Sylvia Family; Gaudette, Arthur Gabouriault. berto Borges, ' f B . 'was Mr. & Mrs. Vasco Villela. ergamo, Ital y. Th e occaSIOn R odo Ip· h R'lC h er; J osep h M 0 - , . John' Guilmette, .Manuel Bet: by the townspeople 0 ·Mr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Ba'gana, nmcy, Leo Cloutier. tencourt,' Manuel Rodrigues, the arrival of the bodies of SS. ~ius 4 'and John Bosc~ in . Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Campbell, - .. joseph G. Charbonneau, Henry Joseph:;' Cilrvalhd,Mrs: Liba'nia .. St. Peter's S9uare.NC, Photo. . Joseph Correia Jr., Mr. &:Mrs. .t :outpier;. 'Romeo M\lgnant•.. Fernandes. _;. . . 'Joseph Dias, ,Mr. &. Mrs. Antone " ta g n eMr O'U·R L'ADy'OF PURGATORY w.oo.d, M.r:.&. M,rs. Thoma·~"Lea-. R oger. 'Lamon , . & Mrs. John Maynar<:l, Sr., Clarence Ferreira:. $50 ver, ,Mr. & Mrs:: Jere!D ia \1, Mc'Mr. &: ·Mrs. Frailk Jason,; ·Mr. . ':'Edwa'rd LeBlan~, G€or:g e Price." . Nunes, '.. Cesa1tiil'il'. Mancihi, 'Vic. . &. .FamilY;-·Mi'ss ' . R ev. G e~rge'. Saa d Mr~ . & Mrs. .joseph Mul-' &, Mrs. Mar;niel Homen, Men. &. .-. S~. ~Y~CINTH . tor ,Rebello: . ,Donald, . . . ',' " ; , , .' _ $l5,O, _ ' .." 'Maria .. Coir~ia:, " '..>, .... ',". . $25, ' len, .Mr...& ,Mr~..HeT\ry. Porter. Mrs...Mario Maura" Mr. & Mrs. "., ,;Rev..A.ur~lien,L.. 'Mor~au. . "John Pimentel, Joseph'PimenAttys; :F:req ,M:., & G,!!pr~e M. Mr. ·&:Mrs. Rene Secour;' Mr. Charles Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. .'. :'. " ' . ' $50. . tel, 'Mfs. : Bemvinda:' Rodrigues. Thomas, Cape .Cod Sportswear.&; ·.Mrs. "Roland Tavano. "Mrs",. )\nt~ony Ne,:es.. -:\' .' ,".: Rev. 'Herve Jalbert. I, 'i: . , . Manliel'Dias, Mrs:- Maria" AI';' c6.. Inc.~Faithaven"Lumber Co, Benjamin Wegrzyniak.; '. Mr. &. Mr.s. Teotonio Oliveira, $25 'meida> . . '.'. '''. .' ,.. . . :,.~'." $20 ". " '. Mr, & Mrs. Earl Correia:' Mr. & Mrs.' George V. Pimental, A Friena, Elizabeth Phaneuf. " JdaoG6uveia,' Seraphim'Men- . Da'vid's"Tr:ucking , Co.;' Hy~el . . ' ,; Mr. &:'Mrs. America R~:malh'o. $15' ges,D~,!!-ie~,Burge§s,.JoseI!r.~ar~· S!mon.. ST. ,CAS~R ,. Joseph Rego, Mr. & Mrs. 'Joseph . St. Vincent de Paul Confer- valho, Francisco E. Correia... .. ',' . li~ ,,~ $60 ,,; . Rego.· . '"eIlce. .' '..,James Correia, 'Joseph' 'Ponte, Anthony, ..J .. J$ol hOQ , . . ,.' Rev; Casim'ir''Kwiatkowski. Mr:&.Mrs. William R. ..·Serpa• .. Frank . C" Rodfigues;- Francisco Alice D. 'Silvia, Mr. & Mr!i: Man. $13 . Mi'. '&, Mrs: Ulric Landreville ',','. S. Vilellil., "·.i.rt!')urMartin, Sera- . American Lebanese 'V~terans ' '$25 uel Souza. Laura T. Sylvia; L F aml'1y. . ' . Mr. & Mrs.. Albert Poczatek. III phim ¥edei'ro.s. . Association,'" .Dr.'.' ' 'Joseph.. N. Turn to Page Five $10 Joseph;-;Alfred Attallah,: Amelio' , $10 , A Friend, Mrs. Beatrice-CorSACRED HEART John, George E. Hillow, Joseph ' Mr. & Mrs. Frank Adamowski, Recite Vows mier, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Bessette, $100· • Coury. Mr. & Mrs. Bronislaw Copach, TILBURG (NC)-Four- blind Jules Cayer, Wilhelmine Roy. "'Rev: Alphonse E. Gauthier, George .Thomas, Peter'S. ·Mr; &-Mrs. Walter Miller, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Norman Benja$50 Thomas. George Peters, SahadiMrs. John Mysona, Mr. & Mrs. . nuns recited perpetual vows' here in the convent of· the· Sisters of min, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Toyfair, Rev. Lucien Jusseaume. Rev. Family, 'Daher Family. Attallah ;Thaddeus Polchlopek. . . . ". Family. '~': '...' Theodor.e Pankiewicz,Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon Cournoyer; Rene· G. Gauthier. Caritas in The Netherlands with Mr. & Mrs. Carl Fontes, Mr. & - $20 Mrs'. Stanley Schick, Holy Name the' permission of ·the" Sacred M . &'. 'OUR LADY OF THE Congregation for the Affairs of Mrs. Robert Desmond. rs. E rnest S . D'A v ignon',' _ 'ASSUMPTION' SoCiety. Mr. & Mrs.Valmore Dubreuil.' Roger. . '. : " Religious at the Vatican. The ST. BONIFACE A Friend, 'Mr. & Mrs. Raymond. Rev. Lucien Jusseaume,_ Rev. . $'50 four blind Ql1uns will work at Lachapelle.' . Rene G. Gauthier. . Abramsop, ·Titus & Levenson. $25 institutes for the blind con$15 . ' $35 Frank & Lillian Corre. ducted by the Sisters ·of Caritas; HOLY ROSARY Mr. & Mrs. Louis RO'u§seau & 'Our' Lady. the Assumption Two of the nuns are teachers. .. " '$15' $10 .' Leo. ' Holy Name So·cie·ty. Salome Wegscheider. Fran~' Benoit, Auguste LeAuger-Picard Famili~s. . .' '$25 \ $10 ftsque. ST. JOSEPH $10 ' . , , ' . Our Lady of the Assumption Emil & Helen Seaberg, James $100 . Mr.: & Mrs. Leon Lauzon; ,.Club... ".' ." ' & Mary'Butler; Francis & Jennie . Anonymous; Mr. & Mrs, Emile Bernara. ·Kestenbaum. Rev. Roland Bousquet. . . . ' Barrett. Mr. & Mi's.' Charle's 'DesLauzon, Mr. & Mrs. J .. Albert ".' $20 Prescriptions called for 5 jardins, Mr; &. Mrs. Peter Fuchs. Mr. & Mrs.1 :rien Lemire. Bedard & Therese, Mrs. William. Joseph.Senna: and delivered Louise & Nicole Richter, Mr. Jutras & Alice. ';. I . ' ~10 ' " . & Mrs. Arthur Falco, Hermlln &, HEADQUARTERS FOR $25 Mr. & Mrs. Rene Gadvois',"Leo~ "; Arthur N; ,:b.tlarte, . Mary AIMr. & Mrs. Francois Sullivan. ," . .. . . . DIETETIC SUPPLIES pold"Meuniet, Mr. & M~s;~"W:il~ fania,Dl',)!;rnesio~alla. Albert . LouiSe Simon;< Mr: & Mrs. $20 Alfred Freitas. ' . - ..', ·600 Cottage St. WY 4~7439 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Janson, Mr. liam Lamothe, Mr. &,··:Mf.~;· Monteiro,Henry Gibau. N6rmilhd Lebeau, .Mr: &;" Mrs." .. Eva' . Aurora Barros, NewBedford ' " &. Mrs.. George Cote, Maurice , Charette. Gerard Langlois. Chadoite' Figueiredo. Anthony Mrs. Eugenie Epstein. The Barboza; Aguinel Rose, Edwin $15 .' . Mr. &: Mrs, ":A:rchibilld Spoor: :, ,N!lnnahq., FarIlily,:PJ;... & .M-\'~hR.~Teixeii'a.,;· OIROURKE .. . $12 'Ubalde .. Paquin., Mr.' & Mrs. Elisllbeth Duarte, Pauline Vin. ~ran~ ,;;'relFeall,lt;, Mr. ,,&, Mrs.. ·.~ent, J,\1Jguel"CoAcelcao. Joseph"Funeral" Yolandec:Robitaille.; .' .. , '; 469 LOCUST· STREET Odoric Nerbonne. • ine Cardoza. $10 , 571'Second"St~' ··FAL(RIVER, MASS. i' ... ·, Mr. .&;,- .Mrs) Roge.r,:Boucher; ,".'""" ; ST,' "MARY Mr. & Mrs. Clarence PerryFall, River," Mass:'; Mr. & Mrs. Amedee "Abrain & $20 ,', _ ",OS'~-2-338l' man & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Ar'9-6072 .' Wilfred C.; James ~ mand Gendron, Mr. & Mrs. Ed- Roland, Mr. & Mrs. Jea« Lequin.· , Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Motta, mond 'Charette;IVir: & .Mrs. Mr. & .Mrs, rGerard Michaud, The 'Shea, Family, Mrs. CharDri·scoll. .. ~ Sullivan, Jr. MICHAEL J. McMAHON Mrs. Ed'g~~Lebla'h(L '" " lotte Simpson; " ; Henri BroJ.1illette, Capt. &, Mrs. Mr. &'Y licensed' Funeral Director Mr. & Mrs. Aiine,Ouellette... , $~!l Francis G. Schellenberger;.· Regi~tered Embalmer" Mr. & Mrs. Emile Cormier. Mr. & Mrs. Leo. Racine, Mr.'& Mr. & Mrs. Roger Sauve, Mrs. Diana L'Eptile, Mr. &, Mrs. Mi. & Mrs. Henry Desruisseau, Mrs. Walter Marcotte, Napoleon. Fortin, Mr. & ·Mrs. George Belli- Joseph A. Richard, Mr.' & Mrs. Mr.- & Mri.Abilio Ferreira, Mr. Joseph Lizotte. & Mrs. George Goodusky, Mr. & veau, Albert ,Gauvin. Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William Tremblay ~rs. Leroy Greenwalt. Mrs. Arthur & Miss Gertrude Mr. & Mrs. William Green, Cadieux, Mr. & ·Mrs.· Marcel Jr., Mr. & Mrs. James Goggin. Mr: & Mrs.' Paul Soucy;' Mrs. Trahan, Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse FUNERAL HOME FUNERAL SERVICE R,obert Tinkham & Patricia, Mr. Lapre. Claudia Caron, Mrs. Arina & Mrs. Antone 'Paiva Jr. 986 Plymouth Ave. Nadeau. . Mr. & Mrs. Elie Ogier, Mr. & 549 COUNTY ST. Fall River Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sansoucy. Roland ;Jodoin, Mrs. Blanche Mrs. Georges Dupre .Sr. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gifford, Despres, Mr. & Mrs. Laurent OS 3-2272 Parent. Mr. & Mrs. Roland La- Mrs. Bernadette Chiasson; Mr. . & Mrs, .Bernard Dessert. plante. . Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Alves, Mr.. NICKERSON Fall River Council &: Mrs. Edward L'Heureux, Mr. JEFFREY E. The regular monthly meeting & Mrs. Auguste Renaud, Mr. &. FUNERAL and SULLIVAN Mrs. Arthur Legere, Mr. & Mrs. of the CFall River Particular FUEL OIL AND MONUMENT Adrien Coderre. Council, Society. of' St. Vincent,d DOIRe BOILER WATER Mr. & Mrs. Orner Payette. de Paul, will be held at 8 Tues-. SERVICES Alfred E. Lebeau. Mr. & Mrs. day evening, June 2, in the TREATMENT 550 Locust St." BOURNE: • SANDWICH. "'Ai!>. Albert Chevalier, Mrs., Henry lower hall of Sacred Heart Fall Rivl'r Mass. Paradis, Mr. & Mrs. Normand School., Benediction of the Most Brokstor:J Chern. Co. Serving OS 2-2391 Coderre. Blessed Sacrament will be,given CAPE COD . 37 Silver Road Rose E. Sulhvan Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Leaere..· at 7:45 in Sacred l;leart lower Iftd Surrounding. Communities Jeffrey Ii: Sullivan Brockton 19, Mass. Yr. & MrS. Leo Hebert. church. 0
.Pha rmacy,
,>- .
Mich,ae' C. Austin
F1Jel Savings lJpto '250/0 MR~ .FORMULA 7
"OCE" OP' "ALL .tY,",. MASS.
THE ANCHORThurs., May 28, 1959
Appeal Gifts
Galvin,Family Members Influence for Good On Thousands in Fall River Diocese The parishes of SS. Peter and Paul and St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, share honors
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond RlvleN. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Orval LangeUer, James Carney.
Continued from Page Four when it comes to the Galvin family, of whom two brothers are priests in the Diocese and $10 Thomas Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. a sister is superior of Mt. St. Mary's Convent, Fall River. Born in SS. Peter and Paul's' Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Spindola, Richard Rostron. and later moving to St. Mary's, Father John Galvin, ordained in 1933 and Father William, Mrs. L. Ferdinand, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Santos, Richard Tetrault, Mr. & Mrs. ordained in 1939,celebrated Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Souza, Joseph Bernier, Mr. & Mr.. their first Masses at the James Stanton, Mr. & Mrs. WilAugustin jussaume. liam Whalen, Mr. & Mrs. VinCathedral. Their sister, now Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Berube, Mr. cent Worden. Sister Mary Olga of the & Mrs. George Marabello, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas' Young, Sisters of JIl:ercy, is also closely & Mrs. Joseph Newton, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Alexan- connected with the parish, since Mrs. Rene Gendron, Mr. & Mrs. der, Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Mt. St. Mary's is within its borFrank Filipek. Baines, Richard L. Ball, Mr. & ders and Mount girls form the Mr. & Mrs~ Joseph Souza, Mr. Mrs. John J. Barry. Cathedral Choir upon many & Mrs. Joseph Limoges, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bender, solemn occasions. Mrs. Joseph Hamel, Mr. & Mrs. The Brennan Family, Manuel Joseph Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Alma Mater Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel O. Manuel Pimental. All call the Catholic Univer': Correia, MI·s. Robert Crowe. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald McCra, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Francis sity of America alma "mater: & Mrs. Raymond Hubert, Mr. & Father William earning from it Mr. & Mrs. NE:al Galligan, Mrs. Mrs. Leo Doyon, Mr. & Mrs. a master's degree in sociology, Thomas Galligan, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ch~rpentier, Mr. & Mrs. while Father John gained his in John Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Philip Masse. philosophy and Sister Mary Olga Gruszcynski. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carrier, in science. Joseph Hampson, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Fauteux, :father William continued at William Harrington, Mrs. MarMr. & Mrs. Lionel Rioux, Mr. & garet Lyons, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Catholic University for'a docMrs. Norman Berube, Mr. & Mrs. G. Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick torate in canon law, while Father Joseph Golenski. John went to the University of Mulcairns. Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Barreiro, Louvain, Belgium, for a doctorFrederick Munroe, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Santos, Mr. & ate in theology, following whic~ Timothy F~ McCrohan, Ernest B. Mrs. Joseph Landry, Wanda he taught with the Sulpician 'McGuire, Mary Newett, Mr. & Swistak, Joyce Bettencourt. Fathers for 18, years in Seattle Mrs. Arnold Parsons. . Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Meushaw, and Baltimore.. Mr. & Mrs. Lionel J. Sears, Mr. & Mrs. Elphege Benjamin, Returning to Fall River, Mr. & Mrs. Gustavus Slater, Catherine Tillotson. Father John served at St. Mary's Mr. & Mrs. John Szulik, John & Mr.. & Mrs. John Ferdinand, Church, Taunton, for 'six years Mary V. Waldron, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Swain Jr.. and was then appointed pastor John F. Walsh. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard S. Torres, of St. Peter's, Dighton. . Celia White, Helen & Mary Doris Lincoln, Mr. & Mrs. Winn, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Ga- . Father William has been asGeorge Sullivan. ALL IN GOD'S SERVICE: Discussing their various signed to St. William's and St. domski, Mrs. Agatha Knox, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pelletier, Patrick's parishes; Fall River, duties .are. seated (left to right) Sister Mary Olga, R.S.M. & Mrs. Harold Livesey, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Voisine, Mr. & Mary'Macey, John Mahoney. , and for the past two years has and Rev. John J. Galvin. Standing, Rev. William A. Galvin. Mrs. Charles Nunes Jr., Mr. & been chaplain at the Catholic Mr. & Mrs. William Burns, Mrs. Faunce Mahlon, Mr. & Mrs. ,Sister Mary Olga entered reperior of the 70-member comMemorial Home, also Fall River. Mr. & Mrs.' Joseph Gonsalves, Roger Lague. ligion in 1934 and taught chem- munity .last year. Both brothers serve ,on the Mr. & Mrs. William Wood. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Masse, Lil-!'\mong them the three Galvins Diocesan matrimonial co u I' t. istry and physics at Holy Family ST. LAWRENCE lian Hathaway, Mr. & Mrs. Wiltouch for good the lives of Father William is vice officialis, liam Pires, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio High' School, New Bedford, be$100 thousands in the Diocese. Their a poshion 'requiring daily work Couto, Mr.. & ,Mrs. Norman Mr. & Mrs. Charles McGowan, fore being assigned to Mt. St. family takes' its place on tHe C a r o n . · · · ' and necessitating "commuting" " $35 between 'the Memorial Home and Mary's, where she also teaches honor roll of those giving with Mr. &< ~rs. George F. Mcuncommon generosity to God. ST. ANNE his downtown office. Father chemistry. ,She was named auGovern. John .is a pro-sYI1odal. judge, J. J. Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Emile liam P. Walsh, Joseph Westner. $200 $25 and is called on for two or three Reale, Clinton Rimmer, ElizAnonymous. Mrs. lrene Cotter, Phillip J. Whitman & Adams Family, sessions weekly. abeth Roche, Hugh J. Shana$10 Kane, Lt. Col. & Mrs. Antonio Raymond Williams, Marie Harhan Jr. ' Cercle Champlain, Louis IIIMr. & Mrs. W. Whalen Jr., Mr.' Lawrence. . ,Mary E. Sullivan, Antone rington, Michael J. Sheehan, lotte. & Mrs. A. Whitley, lHL'. ~ _" ~. Fred McDevitt,' Dr. & Mrs. Tum to Pace Seve. J. Edward Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Texeira, Mrs. John Thomas, Wil- Harry Mulberry. James J. McKenna.. H. Winterson, Mrs. Mary Young. $20 Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Curry, Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Perras Jr., Norman Edwards, Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. McBride, Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. George Owen Fleming, Mr. & Mrs. James A. Galligan, Mr. & Mrs. Swansey III. Jonathan Kaharl. $1'7 Mr. & Mrs. ,FrankParsons Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wood & Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sutton. Family. William Clarke, Mrs. Edmund $15 Therrien. Mr. & Mrs. William Souza. $12 HOLY NAME Mr. & Mrs. John F. Robinson. $100 " $10 Dr. Frank R. Leary. Philip Adams, Charles J. Bal$55 boni, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Barney, Mrs. Stephen Cassidy. Mr. & Mrs. C. Bramwell, Mr. & $50 Mrs. Thomas Callanan. Arthur Fonseca, Mr. & Mrs. Q. Mr. & Mrs. William Cleary, Carl H. Nielson. Mr. & Mrs. Temple Corson Jr.. $40 Mrs. Eva Crapo, Mary Crapo, Anonymous. / Mrs. Margaret Culhane and $30 Laura. Francis Kennedy, Frank McMr. & Mrs. Thomas Donohue, , Loughlin. Mary L. Downey, Mr. & Mrs. $%5 James Doyle. Helen A. Driscoll, Mrs. George Damakie. Mr. &< Mrs. Edward J. Duffy. $28 Mr. & Mrs. B. Durant, Mr. & . Stanley Baron, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. E. C, Gal'ligan, Mrs. ,Ursula Charles A. Gunning, Mrs. John This little guy thinks Mom buys Guimond Farms "A Quality'" Galligan. Mrs. Mary Grenier, O'Leary, James Wilson.. Mr. & Mrs. Milton Healy. milk exclusively for him and he' gets mad as blazes when ,any$15 Mr. & Mrs. Charlel!!' R. HinkArthur Bancroft Jr.," Dennis one else iri the family has a helping. ley, Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Janusz, .. Lyons, Mr. & Mrs. Mic?ael Mrs. Ralph Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. O'Grady, Harold D. P. Ryan. L. B. Larkin, Mr. &. Mrs. E. $12 Ledvina. Robert Tessier. He can't be blamed too much because most children don't seem Mr. & Mrs. J. T. Lewis, Mr. & $10 Mrs. W. Loveridge, Mr. & Mrs. In 'Memory of Mrs. Edith to get enough of this wonderful, wholesome, farm-fresh milk. Paul LowlJey, John E. Macedo, Alcarez, John Armonde, W,alter Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Macedo. & David Bruce, -Gordon Burt, Mr. & Mrs. R. Macey·, Mr. & Vincent Cafferty. Mrs. J. Manning, William MarMrs.· Henry Carney, Joseph key, Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. MatCazemiro, John Coholan, Kathtos. Mr. & Mrs. William Mc- leen Coholan, Louise Coholan. Mahon. Anonymous, M. Francis ConMr. & Mrs. Edward Mitchell, sidine, Arthur Cormier, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mullarky, Mrs. Charles Couza, Francis Mr. & Mrs. John Murray, Mr. & Crowley. Mrs. Joseph Neitsch, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Damm, Alice & Edward O'Brien. Elizabeth Donovan, James DufMrs. Isabella Paine, Vincent ficy, Gregory Faraglia, The Ryan Jr., Mr. & Mrs. James Foley Family. Sheerin, Mr. & Mrs. Henry P. Gaetano Garofalo, Lawrence Silveira, Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Harney Jr., Patricia Harney, AlSoucy. bert Hill, Charles Hines. Mr. & Mrs. W. T. Southworth, Charles Keyes, Robert KraMary B. Rita Sullivan, Mr. & mer, Edward Leahy, Armand Mrs. J. Sweeney, Mr. & Mrs. L'Etoile, Albert Lord. Clifford Towne, Mr. & Mrs: John . James MacDonald, Mrs. WilTweedie. liam Miller, Damase Moreau, Sandra Tyler, Mrs. Dorothy Archer Newton, Jean P. Nolan. Vikre, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Wall. Paul O'Brien, Mrs. Charles Alice Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. James O'Neil, John J. O'Neil, Fred Walsh. Osuch, James Powers.
You've Got Nerve!
OS 8-5286
Charity Has Spoken
-THE ANCHOR Thurs .• May 28, 1959
The success of the Charities Appeal is a source of great happiness to all. The funds realized will bring joy and care to those in need. They know that they are not forgotten. The measure of contributions this year was surely the measure of sacrifice. And when people measure their giving by that standard, the res,ults are bound to be im-. pressive-as they are. ,Those not of the faith have shown a spirit of friend.ship in their gifts and an understanding that the Diocese in its charities is extending the kindness of Christ with need as the ·only requirement of assistance. ' The total is impressive-but even more impressive is the spirit of charity that directed the gifts..
Weekly Calendar Of Feast Days TODAY - Cor pus Christi, which commemorates' the institution of the Holy Eucharist. This feast was established in 1264 by Pope Urban, IV and occurs on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday. Generally .this date is the feast of S1. Augustine of· Canterbury, Bishop-ConieslIOr: He shares with Pope St. Gregory the Great the title of Apostle of the English. Before his election, he sent 40 monks under St. Augustine to' England, where they were received by King S1. Ethelbert, who was converted. sf Augustine was consecrated ihe first Archbishop oi - Canterbury and .achieved great success in spreading the Abbey church outside' of the walls of Canterbury, which he had founded.
Mr~ Dulfes
Throughout the world America has become the symbol of all that inaterial prosperity has to offer. All too often Americans and their representatives have encouraged that picture in the hope that it will .win tl:te support- of the .' wavering away from the communist line and into the camp of the free world. ' . ' The death of John Foster Dulles recalls the words written by· the 'former Secretary of State on this approach. Mr. Dulles recently wrote: "The American people are competitive a,nd that is a good thing. But we must not let competition sweep us away from our true spiritual moorings. In the competition among nations, we will never win if we' rely only 'On sales talks about the number of automobiles, radios and telephones.·.. If we have failed to hold the respect of the world today .it may be ~ause we' have attempted to make our society appealing without regard to the great spiritual concepts which make it wor~." . Mr. Dulles went on to write that the beginnings must be made by" each individual and his keeping of moral, religious and ~piritual values in daily life. , Those words could well serve as .Mr. Dulles' eulogy-:a summation of his char~cter and service in .public· and private life. What makes an individual great also makes a' nation great and that is the reserve of spiritual power, the' proper appreciation of religious values. . l Mr. Thomas E. Murray, distinguished as a scientist and member' of the Atomic Energy Commission has said, • "Our only fear"":"'and- our great responsibility-is not what we do .with things but what we do with ourselves." Mr. Dulles was always acutely aware of that~of the moral strength that must be maintained in ourselves as individuals if this nation were to remain healthy and a force for'good in the world. .... The" attitude that he took at times caused him to, be' labeled as old-fashioned. It was old-fashioned to this degree -that he found the solution to the battle for men's minds in, as he put it, "the answer suggested some two thousand ye'ars ago when Jesus pointed ollt that the nations of the world had failed because they were gi-ving priority to material things. He called upon men to seek first the Kingdom of God." " Mr. Dulles was a meln lof spiritual values. May the' Kingdom of God be his now.
De·pi.ores· Futile Di~tlnction. Between Ideal 'and' Liberal .By Msgr. George G. Higgins
TOMORROW-St. Mary Magdalen of Pazzi, Virgin. She was born' in 1566 and entered the Carmelite 'convent in Florence at .the age of lB. Despite poor health, ~he was noted for her practice of selfdenial, humility and patience. She served twice as mistress of novices and once as supe.rior. She died in 1607.
Director NCWC Social Actjon Depanmen. Within recent months there has' been a vigorously outspoken debate in the British Catholic press on the ethical SATURDAY-S1. Joan of Arc, pros and cons of the so-called Welfare State. It all started' Virgin. The Maid of Orleans was born in 1412 in Domremy, Lorwith an article by Father Paul Crane, S.J. in .the OctoBer, \ raine, the daughter of a peasant. 1958. issue. of. the well known This' exchange of vie~s be- When she was 17 while tending JeSUIt perIOdIcal,The Month. tween Father Craile and Sir her father's sheep, she heard Father Crane, former execu- Henry Slesser on the one hand supernatural voices commanding tive, secretary. of the Catha- and between Father Paul Fitz- her to take up arms and lead lie Social Guild in England, sWIons and Father Crane on the the, French army against the wrote, •in sumrriary, that the other, y,:as exceedingly frank, English invaders of her country. Welfare State out it was also reasonably mod"- Her s u c c e s s enabled King Charles VII to be crowned at · "represents a erate and temperate in tone. Reims. Joan was captured by usurpation by Confusing View . government of This is in welcome contrast the Burgundians, given over to its essentially to the strident tone of a rather the English. Tried before an sub sid j. a r y sterile controversy in a mid- ecclesiastical court, she was function." western Cat hoI i c newspaper sentenced' to" be burned alive at the stake. The sentence was In the Januwhich recently reprinted in two carried out May 31, 1431. Her ary" 19.59 issue installments a. speech, entitled case was retried in 1456 and she of :rhe Month "The 'Liberal' Catholic" by the was declared innocent. She was a p r 0 m i _ e d i t o r of another Catholic peri- beatffied in 1909. canonized in n e n t Catholic' odical. 1920 and declared patroness of l' a y man, Sir This speech, by clear impli- France in 1922. Henry Siesser, cation, questions the .theological SUNDAY - Mary, Queen of 'disagreed with 'Father Crane in orthodoxy of more than a dozen a piece entitled "An Apoiogy for American Catholic laymen, in- the Universe. This feast was the Welfare State." ·The same cluding members of"Congress, a instituted by His Holiness Pope The recently published Catholic Directory' gave many issue of The Month «;arried Justice of the Supreme Court, pill!> XII in his .encyclical letter impressive figures indicating the growth of the Church Father Crane's "Comments' on the editor of a Catholic weekly, "Ad Caeli Reginam" issued in the United States. The figures speak well for the the Reply." and a distinguished scholastic October 11, 1954. He directed vitality of Ame6can Catholicism. the· feast to be' commemorated Vigorous But Temperate philosopher. . But it is a sign of wisdom that the Church does not Subsequently in' the March All of these men are excon- throughout the world each year 1959 issue of Th'e Clergy Review: .. at~d as so-called "li!?eral" Cath- on May 31, and that on the same get over-enthusiastic a.bout figures. For salvation is a Father John Fitzsimons of Liver- olIcs and are contrasted un-fav- day, the consecration 'of' the matter not, of, the mass but of the, individual. ~ . . chaplam ora bl y. WI·th ~,o.- ca II e"d "ide'a.I" human race to the Immaculate pool, ..former natIonat Chrif3t lived and suffered and died as an individual, of the Young Christian Workers ~atho~Ic~. ~he ~Iberal CatholIc Heart of Mary be renewed so becoming the second Ad"am that He- might bring life to all in England,-and one. time lec- IS de:med m}hIS spe:ch ~s o~e "that there may arise an era of men. He willed that men find holiness and life by becoming turer at the University of Notre who .Ignores the ObVIOUS ImplI- happiness that will rejoice in incorporated into His Mystical Body-the Church. The Dame in this cou~try"':""entered cations of Papal· warnings. and the triumph o~ religion and in the \debate 'with an article en- directives" on - the problems of Christian peace." means given to the Church by I Christ are aimed at the titled "Judgment on the Welfare the day. The "ideal" Catholic, individual. Baptism, Confirmation, Penance-these and the St. Jeventius, MONDAY State." ,we are told, is One "whose mind Martyr. He was a Roman marother sacraments are administered with . attention to the' Father Fitzsimons disagreed is attuned to that of the Church, tyr whos~ relics were transferred individual. Indeed, it often amazes those outside the Faith with the content as well as the in all things ..." iil the 16th century to the Beneto see the "fuss" the Church makes over' the individual in tone of Father Crane's original Litmus Test dictine abbey of Chaise-Dieu, the"sacramerits~~nointingand blessing and sall,lting with article in The Month. He argued What does all this have to do Evreux, France. specifically ·that the Welfare with the .Welfare State? That's all manner of reverence. TUESDAY - 5S. Marcellinus State as defined..and rejected by easy. It ,seems that the Welfare When the Chur~h worships God as a social body in the Father Crane IS a' strawman State is one of those subjects and Peter, Martyrs. St. MarcelMass, the individuals must yet bring to the Mass a separate w:ith little. or no resemblance to which can and should be used as linus, a priest, and St, Peter, an contribution of atte~tion and reverence and' sacrifice in· ..the real McCoy: , a sort of ideological litmus test exorcist were prominent among union with Christ. Father Crane and Father Fitz-' to separate the sheep (the so- the Ro~an 'Christians at the besimo~s are both' very dear called "Ideal" Catholics) from ginning of the fourth century. ,The Church is 'universal-but the individual is never St. "Peter was first imprisoned' swallowed 'up by statistics or organization. For the Church ofri~'mds of mine. For that reason, the goats (the .so-called "liberal" and through his patience brought fmong others, I am reluctant to Catholics). The former are opis. a living' organism-and the health of every ce'll of the take sides in this controversy. posed to the Welfare State; the about the conversion of the organism is importal)t. In all honesty, however, I must' latter (God forgive them) are jailer and, his family. S1. Marcellinus· baptized them,' which say that,. in my opinion, Father in favor of it. 'led to his own arrest. They were · Fitzsimons has the better of the The U. N., we are told, is an- condemned to death and were argument. other subject. Foreign aid is executed in a 'forest in 304 at a Indeed, his article in The still another. Again, it's all very plaCe unknown to other ChrisClergy Review is one of the best simple. Good ("ideal") Catholics tians. Their bodies 'later were · ~ have ever read on the subject are opposed to the U. N., and to found and interred in the cataof the Welfare State. I recom- foreign aid; bad ("liberal") combs. Many centuries later, Catholics are in favor of both. their remains were transferred OFFICIAL .NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIveR mend it very highly. Ethics of' Controversy If you are familiar with Papal to Frankfurt, Germany. . Published weekly by The Catholic. Press ot the Diocese ot Fall River While this series of pro and teaching, you may find this .410 Highland A'venue con articles' on the Welfare·' rather cOllfusing. As for myself, WEDNESDAY - S5. PergenOSborne 5-7151, Fall River. Moss. State is of considerable import- I find it worse than confusing. tinus and Laurentinus, Martyrs. PUBLISHER ance in and of itself, our· prim- Frankly I consider it an insult They were brothers.' Although ary purpose in calling attention to my intelligence, and I strong- mere boys when they were dragMost Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O .. PhD. to it here is to lead into i dis- Iy suspect that a number of ged from their classroom, they GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER cussion of the etiquette-or more American bishops who' have proclaimed their Christianity and Rev. Daniel f. Shalloo. M.A., Rev. John P. Driscoll act:;urately, the ethics of contro- publicly supported the U. N. and were put to death during the MANAGING EDITOR versy in the Catholic press on foreign aid must feel the same persecution under Decius in 250 Hugh J. Golden thi~ side of the Atlantic. way. ab~ut it. ' at Arezzo in Tuscany.
the Individual
~.J.' ....
Appeal Gifts
Raymond Poitras.
$25 Lionel H. Robitaille.
$24 Anonymous.
$15 .
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Deneault, Andrew Daigle.
$12 Miss Dansereau.
$10 Rene Lacoste, Roland Hyham, Joseph Rainville, Donald Desautels, Claire L. Cournoyer. Normand Lafrance, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Tardif, Damase Janvier, Therese Demanche, Delima Cloutier. . Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Simmons, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. ,Laplante, Arthur Collard, Joseph Lamothe, Alice Fecteau. EUf;lide Fisette, Ira Perry, Rom'eo Poirier, Delphis Rondeau, Orner Pothere. Louis Methot, Eugene Boiltvert, Loretta, Lebeau, A!ltoine Lebll1nc & Family, Mrs. Henry J. Magnant.
$12 Mrs. Mary F. Barabe. $10,
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Andrews. Mr. & Mts. James J. Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Barrett, Mr. & Mrs. Louis E. Boudreau, Alice Brotherson. Adeline M·. Carvalho, Isabel CarvalhQ, Virginia Carvalho, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Chicoine, Janet R. Connelly. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Costa, Mrs. Eugenie Cote, Mr. & Mrs. James Delano, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Delano.' Mr. & Mrs. John Downey, Patricia Downey, Joseph, Fournier, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferreira Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Flynn. M/ & Mrs. Daniel E. Francis, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Frazier, Mr. & Mrs: Henry J. Frenette, Mr. & Mrs.. Milton Griffin, Mrs. Ray·mond Hall. Harriet H. Hart, Mr. & Mrs. Theobald Healy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph He1)ert, Mr. & Mrs. JOhR F .. Jesus, Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Kavanaugh ,Jr. Mrs. Evelyn Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lyle. Mrs. Mercy Medeiros, John Mello, Mr; & Mrs. Harold Mills. Patricia Mills, Mr. '& Mrs. Edward Morrow, Genevieve Murray, William T. McAvoy, Francia McNulty. - Mr. & Mrs. William Neagus, Mr. ,& Mrs. Arthur Nichols, Mrs. William Norse, Joseph P. Pavao, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Peters. Mr. & Mrs. William Powers, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Regan, Terence J. Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Turn to Page Eight
'HONOR MARY: A living rosary highlighted May crowning ceremonies at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River. In large picture students and graduate nurses form decades as Rev. Robert Stanton leads recitation of prayers. Inset, Claudette Salois, Fall River, crowns Our Lady. Moise L'Hereux, I,.t. & Mrs. John ,Connelly, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Leblanc, Arthur & Napoleon Letourneau. Mr. & Mrs. Roland Desrochers, Mr. & Mrs. Isaie Marcoux.,
Yvonne Sylvia, Joseph & Hilda Margaret N. Burding, The CawTheodore, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel ley Fan1ily. '. Varao, Mrs. Sophie Varao. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Verissimo Mr. & Mrs. Fred Brotherson, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Winn, Harriet M. Perry, Frances WheA Friend, Armand Augustine, lan, Alice Doherty, Mrs. Delia Mr. & Mrs. Manuel F. AugusMr. CARMEL Harrington. tine. In Memory of Timothy J. Sul$600 . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fraga, A . 'livan & Agr1es G. Sullivan, Mr. Rt. Rev. Antonio P. Vieira. Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Ra& Mrs. Romeo Barabe. $141 ,poza, Mary Rego, Mr. & Mrs. Children of Mary Sodality. $20 ,. Joseph Sylvia.. .$100 Alice Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Jose A Friend. Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Silva, Joseph R. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. , $55 Leonard .Storer, Mrs. Milton Mr. & Mrs. Francisco J. Vieira. Mt. Carmel School Children. Vieira, Mr. & Mrs. William E. Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Correia, $50 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hendricks, G. Batty' Jr. Rev. Luciano J. Pereira, Rev. Mrs. Wright Bolton III, Mr. & Mr:& Mrs. Manuel Pacheco, Mr. Lujz G. Mendonca, Holy Name Mrs. Matthew McAvoy, Mr. & & Mrs. Antone'Rezendes. Society, Mt. Carmel Women's Mrs. Anthony Theodore. ST. JAMES Club. Fred Kelley. $100 , In Memory of .Manuel T. $15 Mary E. Whelan. Perry. Mr. & Mrs. Everett L. Emery, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Frates, Mr. & M'rs. E'nos Lopes, Joseph C. DeMello. $20
Mr. & Mrs. Albino da Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Inacio Lope's" Jacinta Mello, Mr. & Mrs. George Ponte.
$1% . Emilia M. Nicolau, Jose & Emilia Socorro, Mr. ~ Mrs. Francisco Baldo, Mr. & Mrs. Robert ' P. Medeiros. John Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Bachand, Mr'. & Mrs. Alfred Batacao, Mr. & Mrs. John M. Bissonnette. c, r Joao & Alice Brazil, John E. Castro, Mr. .:; Mrs. Charles Correia, George Correia, Mr. & Mrs.. John Correia. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Cravo, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel'DeMello, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Domingos, Noe L. Feno, Manuel Furtado. Mr. & Mrs. Guilherme Luiz, Mr. & Mrs.. Antone Macedo, Leonard Macedo, Mr. & ,Mrs. George Marcelino, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Martins. Francisco T: Mathias, Hilda Matthews, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Me-' deiros: Mr. & Mrs. Frank ~eHo. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel M. Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Geq,rge Mendonca, Mr. &! Mrs. JoSeph Mendonca, Mr. at Mrs. Leonard Nichols, Mr. & Mrs. Joao Oliveira. Mr.. & Mrs. Albert Piva, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rapoza, Mr. " Mrs. Manuel J. Rapoza Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rego, Mr. & Mrs. John B. Resendes. Louis Rita, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Roderick, Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Rodrigues, Henrique & Dorothy . Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rosonina. Mr. & Mrs. Albino Santos, Mr. &; Mrs. Jacintho V. Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Simas, Francisco Souza, Christopher & Mildred Sylvia. Mr. " Mr.. I'rancia A. S¥lv~
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Coholan, Mrs. Jeremiah Coholan, Mrs. John J. Duff, Dr. Daniel Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hemingway Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gustave LaStaiti, John & William J. O'Connor, Elizabeth M. Phaneu.f, Mr. & Mrs. Abel Valente, Monsigf\or Noon Circle. .
WY 3-5762
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Eugenio, Mr. & Mrs. August Fernandes, Mrs. Maria C. ,Ferro, Anonymous.
JUNIOR NURSE: This little lady was an unscheduled participant in St. Anne's Hospital's living rosary. If this is what nurses do, she, likes it!
Mr. & Mrs.Char1e~ Gobeil. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Harrison, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Nunes, John Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Telesmanick. Cussell's Cleaners.
New Bedford $50
THE ANCHOR Thurs., May 28, 1959
Continued from Page Five deSousa, Jere Gallego, Arthur Costa, Joseph Jorge Jr. Augusto J. daSilva Jr., Joseph Enos, James Sylvia,' Mary S. Lopes, Manuel Lima. , Anthony Fraga, John P. Correia, John Mendonca, Andrew Marshall Jr., John S. Cardoza Jr. Alfred Rogers, Everett Botelho, Joseph Farias, ,Daniel M. Jil. Lucy Santos. Joseph Baptiste, Joseph E. Keough, Doleta Gracia, Joseph M. Silv,ia, Joseph L. Mello. Alice B. Alves, 'Charles Blomer, Gabriel Silva, Joseph E. Terra, Alfred Pimental. Anthony Gonsalves, Joseph Vieira, John Dupont, Joseph Cardoza, Joseph Bettencourt & Son. Joseph Mattos,' Anthony J. Medas, Stephen Callahan, Mary G. Mattos, William Viera. August Varella. Mary Rodrigues, Francis Mattos, Luke Webb, Joseph P. Andrade. Frank, Joseph Dias & Rita, Henry Duarte, John Dias, Charles Correia, Manuel Faria Sr., James & Elsie Silvia.
136 Cornell St. New Bedford
Mr. & Mrs. John Pholar. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew O'Neil.
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Francis 'Baptiste,
We have many to choose from
,Available for Banquets, Testimonials, Etc.
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_ _
DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER. "''''ASS. 'Mary McNerney, Mr: & Mrs. Patrick MasJ;rson, Mr. & Mrs." -THE AriJCHOi Continued from Page Seve~ Arthur ,Chassey, Mr. & Mrs. Thurs., May 28, 1959 Harold Yelle. , aunton Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Lane, \ Ladebauche, Walter Ladebauche, , SACRED HEAR'.[ Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dahill, Mr. Mrs. Joseph Masterson, Mary u $75 & Mrs. Joseph Faunce, Mrs. Masterson. St. Vincent de Paul Confer- Agnes Leddy, Robert McClellan. Barbara McMann, Mr. & Mrs. ence-Sacred Heart. Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Bettencourt Thomas McMann, Mr. & Mrs.' 1 ' $25 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Arena, Mr. William' O'Donnell, Ernest Anna Maguire. & Mrs. George McCabe, Mrs. Prado, Corila Rodier. $20 Annie M. Coyle, Christine SulliMr. & Mrs. Salvatore Spinelli, Mr. & Mrs. Robert McClellan, van. Mrs, Myron Sweet, Mr-.' & Mrs., Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kiernan. Helen Fenton, Virginia Burke, Edmond Thadeu, Lillian Whi~ $15 Mr. ~ Mrs. George Nicholds, Mr. • Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Arminio, Kathryn Donahue, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Paul M~ynard, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. kseph LaNinfa, Mr. & Mrs. Vie- - ' ~rs. Leonard Walsh. ,Harold Cole, Mr. & Mrs. Leo tor Silva. Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. O'Hern, Conroy, Mr. & Mrs. Alvre Cor,$10, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bird, Mr. & mier. . "Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Alegi, Mr. Mrs. Joseph Faunce Jr., Mr. & Mr. Edward Corr Sr., Richard & Mrs. Edward Almeida, Mr. &, Mrs. Earle Blackwell Sr., PatriCorr, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Craven. Mrs, John Brady,' Mynette cia Frazier. ' Mr. & Mrs. Harold Dion, Mr. & Briody, Mr. & Mrs. William 'Mr. & Mrs. Holida Paradis, Mrs. Walter Drewniak. Campbell. ~ Mrs. LOUis. Frazier, Joan Frazier, Theodore Dupuis, Mrs. Theo'Alice Carey,'Gertrude Carey, Irene FraZIer, Mr. & Mrs. Emery 40th ANNIVERSARY MEETING: Twenty women who dore Dupuis; Eleanor Dwyer. Mary ,E. ,Cronan, Helen J. Cro- Ducharme. ' served overseas at the end of World War I for the National Mrs. William E. Edenburg, Mr. Dan The Misses Fitzgerald. Mrs. Edward J. Lane, ,Mr. & Mrs. Philip Farley. ' Catho:ic War C09nci~, met again at NCWC headquarters in &. Mr. . K'athleen Flannery Mr. & Mrs. Philip Lemieux" Mr. & & Mrs. Leonard Goslin. Mrs.' Walter Gallagh~r, Mr. & Mrs. William Harnois,. Mr. & WaslNngton for theIr 40th anniversary meeting. Talking Mr. & Mrs. John Hall Sr., Mrs. Mrs. William Gorman, The Mrs. James F. Carmody, Mr. & with Bishop Howard J. Carroll of Altoona-Johnstown are Chester Jackman, Raymond Gormley Family Carol Gregg. Mrs. Thomas McCabe. Miss .Margaret Mealey (left) executive secretary of the Jette, Mr. & Mrs. Edward JohnMr. & Mrs. Edward Gregg, Richard Buckley, Mr. & Mrs.' National Council of Catholic Women, their host, and Ruth son Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hall, Mr. & Jo~e~h ~rahaney, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Johnson Howard of Washington, who presided. NC Photo. Mrs. FrancisW. KenneY,'Mr. & WIlham Hallahan, Mr. & Mrs. Jr., Dr. & Mrs. MaUl"ice Lagace, Mrs. Leo Landgra;f, 'Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Moran, Mrs. Frank WellMr. & Mrs. Eugene Lavigne, Mr.' oloseph Lynch. man. Machado, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley sella, Frank Casella, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Joseph Letourneau, Mr. Charles Casey, Mr. John ConMr. & Mrs. Vincent McAloon, Maydell Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Markowski, Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Mrs. Daniel Machnik. nors. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur McDermott; David St. Germain, Mr. & Mrs. McGarry, Lydia Medeiros. Mr. & Mrs. James Maguire, Mrs. /John Connors, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. John McMorrow. Mr. Thomas Cunniff, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. ,& Mrs. Antone Pacheco Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph 'Maguire, Mr. & Joseph Boiros, Dr. Gene C. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pacheco, Mr: Mrs. Raymond DiResto, In & Mrs. John A. McRae, Mr. & Memory John \& Mary Drugan. )drs. John T. Mahoney. Romano. & Mrs. James Pacheco, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Menard, Mr. & Mrs. Martha Egan, Mr. & Mrs'. Philip Mr. & Mrs. Vin~ent Makin, ST. ANTHONY Mrs. Stanley Padu'ch. Richard Neville. ' .Judith Makin, Mr. & Mrs. Ste$500j ~r. & Mrs. Antone Pereira, Foley. Mr. & Mrs. Lewis H. 'Oliver, 'Mrs. Fred Fountain, Mr. & phe'n Mazioleni, Mr. & Mrs. Rt. Rev. Manuel J. teixelra. George Powers Jr.,-Mr.. & Mrs. Harold Olson, Mr. & MrS. Fred Miles, Marion Murphy. $75 William Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Alfred Fraga, Joseph Gian- Charles Paquette, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Provost, Mr. Rev. Joseph Oliveira, Rev. Ra~mond Prunier, Mr. & Mrs. nini, Mr. & Mrs. Leo;' Gousie, Roland Paquette, Mr., 8& Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Gousie. &, Mrs. ,Joseph Quigley" Galen Laurenco M. Avila. Nelson Robetaille. Joseph Reilly. Rheaume, Mrs. Mary Rheaume, $56 Mr. & Mrs. Manuei F. Rose Jr., Mrs.1 David' Hubley, Mr. & Edmond A. Poirier, Mr. & Harold Rheaume. Children of St. Anthony's Mr. & Mrs. Roger Roy, Mr. & Mrs. James Lamb, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Paul Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rheaume, School. Mrs. E. St. Yves, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lamoureaux, Mr. & Manuel Souza, Mr. & Mrs. WilMrs. Fred Reams, Mr. &' M r s . , .$50 Charles Sheehan, StaAley Sla-' Mrs. Maurice Lemieux, Mr. & liam Streeter Sr., Arthur.Yelle. , vick. Mrs. Arthur Medeiros. olohn L. Rose & Natalie, Rusconi-' Dr. Josep~ E. Nunes. OUR LADY OF LOURDES Varden Family, Mrs. Jeane St. ' $25 Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Silvan, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Rpland Menard,' Pierre. Abreau, O!l Service, Inc., & Mrs. Joseph Tavares, Joseph $350 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mendonca, Turka~o, Stephanie Turkalo. I . Rev. 'E. S. DeMello. J oseph Abreau, Leopoldina FonMr. & Mrs. Albert S cu11y, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Mitton, Mr. $100 :Roberta Smith, Mr. & Mrs. W. tinha, Cora Smith. ' ST. P.AUL'S & Mrs. Stuart Place, Mrs. SteOur Lady of Lourdes St. Vi... Wallace Smith, Mrs. Donald $20 $500 phen Pronicki;cent de Paul Society. ' Tweedy, Josephine V. Tasso. John Camara, A Friend. Rev. John J. Criffin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Racicot $75 John F. Vargus, The Wade $16 $100 David Rogers, Mr. ~. Mrs. Joh~ 'Rev. Edward A. Oliveira. :Family, In Me~ory of Mary E. Ethelvina Fr;lga. ,Rev. Joseph F. O'Donnell Roundtree, Mr. & Mrs. Richard $25 Welch, Mr. &'" Mrs. William '$15 $50 E. Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Albert White. Joseph ~ilva. John' Cunningham. Josepp F. Gracia, Edward Solari. Franco, Manuel Goulart. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Azevedo, $11 ' $25 ,$20 . ,Mrs., Arthur Sonnenberg" Mr. :Mr. & Mrs. Chester Slivinski; , John Coelho. ' M r . & Mrs., Joseph L. Fontaine, & Mrs. 'AdjutorSt. Pierr,e, Mr. Cecelia Mattos, Mary A. MatMr. & Mrs. Ja~e~ Leonard, Mr. Adelaide' Amaral,' Joseph 'R. 14r . & Mrs. Francis Morrison. & ,Mrs. John Sullivan, Jr., Mr. tos. ' '. 'Mrs. John F;. Quagan', Mr. & Amal'al"AlfredAndrade. Mr. & Mr~. Leo Benoit, Mr. & $15 , , ,Mrs. Edmund Wald~on. , 'Anibal Antunes, Lorraine Ba- Mrs. ~attlJew McCarty, Mr. &: & 'Mrs~ Stanley ,Urban Mr.' & ', ' ,\ Joseph Enos, Roderick Latour, , - Mr: & Mrs. John Goldrick, Mr. ~stli, Joseph Butler &: Son, Mim';' Mrs. Paul Michney, Mr.. & Mrs. Mrs. Alpert Audet. Jo~ph G. Silva, Lidoino Seve'., . Mrs. 'Wi1lia~ 'Lynds, . Mrs.uel Caryelho, Adelaida, Chaves: Waldo Witherell. ' Mrs. George Benoit Sr., Mr., & ,.,,' : .' BowarQ 'Chadwick,' Mr. & Mrs. '" John Cordeiro,Caesar Correia', " " $24' Mrs. ,~ame!l .J3rady" Marion ,rino. $12 'Albert" Ceriovese, ,Mr., & ,Mrs. Anthony Costa,. Frank' Costa IIr. & Mrs. Robert stratton. .Campb~ll, Mr. & Mrs.' Joseph: Frank; V: Philiipe.' ".ob~rt'Mlirphy. " . ,., Jacinto Costa. , " ~, ' , , " ,$~O, . Demers, :!'dr., & Mrs, John Dick'Mrs~' Mary: Baptista, Eileen ,'4lfred Coute, Antone DaCosta. "Mr., & Mrs. John C. DeLang in son. ' ' " ' $10 " McMahon; Mary' "'McMahon, ,Manuel .DeMello,Virgino' De I, 1,r., Mr. & Mrs. Paul King,sbury, Mr. & :Mrs. Hal;old E. Woods, -:Mr. ,& Mrs: William H: Drls- ' iciitlierineMcMahon, Mr. & 'Ponte, ' AnthQny DeStefano. M,r. & Mrs.. John Steen, Mr. & George DeMoura, ~ Antonio 'V. colI, Eli Ducharme, ,Mr., & ,Mrs. Mrs~ James' Clark. ' Maria, Duarte, R'aymond Du- M,rs. Aime St. Pierre.' . , , '~esley Grandmont, F. 'Vernon ,Vieira, Thomas S. Santo~ 'Virginia Waldron, Mr. & MrS. .. ch~rme; John Enos, Charles'Fer-, Mr. &'Mrs.,Joseph Tr~blai, Harrica, Mr. &' Mrs..:Aifred Lalia!rl~. Martin., " , , ' . ' .' , Oscar' MaYnard,Mr. ,& Mrs. relra, Rosa Gaspar. A Friend. ', " John H. deSilvia, Lo~is P. combe Sr. " " Charles Lynds, Mrs.' Florence ,Antone Gomes, Atty.. "George Mr. ~ .M;rs. Jameli K. Hackett, " Turn to Page Ten' , Mr. & Mrs. Leo Ke~nedy, Eli Carney, Mr. & Mrs: Roy Prairie; Gomes, Manuel Gonsalves Jesse' Mr. & Mrs. Albert Srriith, Mr. & William Fitzgerald, Mr. &' Linhares, Augusto Lopes." Mrs. Joseph Witschey. ,:Mrs. SblQley Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. 'Joseph Macedo, Robert ,Men;' " $15 George Silva, Catherine Crown- des, Charles Nascimento, Peter Mr. & Mrs. Edward Castle A ', Friend, Eva Brunelle. ' lt1shield, 'Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Nolan, Braz J. Orfao. Rose. " Manuel Perry &. Son,' Anthony Mrs. Sheldon Simmons & Mr.. & Mrs,-JohnDevlin, RobRamalho, Manuel Raposa, Isabel Mother, Mrs. Francis J. Tumert Simmons, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph ,Santos, John Sikorski. _ mono Sylvia, ¥r. & MrS. Edward Cun'Joseph Souza, Frank Teixeira $12 niff, Elizabeth Brady. / . Vasco Teixeira, James 'T: Olivia Giannini, Mr. & Mrs. ' Helen Brady, Mrs.• R. Harold Thomas, Manuel Torres. Albert Dickinson Family. ~llen, Mrs. Francis Keithan, Mr. Bella Vaz, Arthur Ventura, Mr. &.Mrs. James Lynch. & Mrs. William Clemmey. Joseph Viveiros, Manuel Ca-$10 ST. JOSEPH ....mara, joseph DeCosta, Loui.'" Mr. & Mrs. Frank Alvarnaz, $200 Fraga, Serafim Ferreira. Jr;, , ,.C.W.O. & Mrs.-Bentivoglio, Mr. Rev. Patrick H. Hurley. ' " $'10 ' " , 'at: Mrs. Louis Berthelette, Nor,$75 , Antone'Abreau,Joseph,Ag~iar, man Bethelette, Mr. & Mrs. Rev. William H. O'Reilly, Rev. HOLY FAMILY Manuel Braga.: oloseph L. Powers. $15 Mildred Braga, Mrs. Mildred ..' $50 Mr. & Mrs: William Araujo. Braga, Anita Caron, Mr. & Mrs. St. Joseph Holy' Name Society. $12 Gerald Caron, Anna Casella. $25 Joseph Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Caroline Casella, Dominic CaMr. & Mrs. Edward F. Ken- Manuel Correia. Dedy. '$10 .. $20 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Andrade With Maribeth Dahill, A Friend, Mr, & Mrs. Matthew Areias; Mr: Mr. & Mrs. John A, Shea, Mr. & & Mrs. Stanley Baran" Mr. &, Dependable B. F. GOODRICH, Dist. Mrs. Joseph Caiozzo, Helen l\!rs. John Basic, Mr.•&. Mrs. , RECAPPING DONE Dahill. Ralph Bettencourt. p,harmacy $15 Mrs. Harry Buckley Jr.; Mr. & IN dUR OWN PLANT " Louise McAloon. Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Daniel Cabral"George Car365 MAIN 'STREET Service Antonio Tosti, Mr. & Mrs. Vin- din, George Cardin Jr., Mr. & , FAIRHAVEN cent McDermott. Mrs. Michael Caron. , WYman 7-4501 $10 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Castro, Prescriptions called for and Delivered Grace McManus, Francis Mc- Mrs. Margaret Clarke, Jos~ph Manus, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Costova, Mrs. Joseph .DeMoura, 6 TIMES DAILY IN FALL RIVER TREES SHRUBS Johnson, Carolyn Johnson, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Deniz. & Mrs. Joseph Coelho. .. Mr. & Mrs. Camille Dietlin Once a day in Somerset and, Swansea at 4:30 P.M. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. John Dorsey, Mr. & Special, Attention Given Mr. & Mrs. Everett Menice, Mr. Mrs. Joseph Dupont; Irene Du& Mrs. Frank Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. pont, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Gagne. \ To Emergency Prescriptions , PLANTING Frank Silver, Thomas Bannon. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Geer, Mr. DESIGN Mrs. Jeannette Whittle, Mrs. & Mrs. Robert Girard, Mr; & Della Labelle, Cecile McAloon, Mrs. John Gonsalves, Mr. & High Street, Assonet, Mass. Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Brule, Mr. & Mrs. William Isabel, Mr. & Mrs. ' Arthur J. Shea, Prop. Mrs. Steven Wapenski. Chtrle's Kenyon. Tel. MI 4-2821 202-206 Rock Street Fall River l-!r. & Mrs. Joseph Carreiro, Lois K'l~"g M r. & Mr ,s. Jo....
,Appeal Gifts
THE ANCHOR Thurs., May 28, 1959
Alumni Association Honors Nun
With Good Citizenship Award
Youth Is Hope For III World
STEUBENVILLE (NC) - A After successful completion 01 nun whose dynamic efforts to the $500,000 'fund-raising camget this city a new hospital alpaign for the new hospital, sumost resulted in her death, has, ter Agatha was suddenly takea been given the 1959 Good Citiill. At one point she was reported zenship Award of the alumni . near death. However, the devoted Fra&association" of the College of Steubenville. ciscan nun recovered and bM Sister Mary Agatha, adminis- directed construction of the new trator of Gill Memorial Hospital, hospital, expected to be readr' received the award for her work for use in January. to. raise $506,000 for the new St. John's Hospital. The award was presented in a surprise ceremony. Among those attending was Bishop John King Mussio of. Steubenville. The Bishop praised Sis t e·r Agatha for her dedication and declared that "her heart is ... woven into the very fabric of this community."
PHILADELPHIA (N C ) Youth holds many answers and is the hope for today's troubled world, Bishop Francis J. McSorley, O,M.I., of Jolo, Philippine Islands said at a Catholic Youth Adoration Day Holy Hour. Bishop McSorYey told 400 people who/'attended the outdoor devotions on the grounds of Mater Misericordiae Academy how young people are contributing much to God's honor and glory. "In one city", Bishop Mc Sorley said, "a young girl was the one responsibLe for establishing a May Day ceremony. Last year over 35,000 people paid tribute to the Blessed Mother because of one girl's efforts."
Blind of New Bedford Schedule Banquet New Bedford area members of the Catholic Guild for the, Blind will hold a banquet at 6:30 Tuesday evening June 2 at the New Bedford Hotel. To serve as officers for the forthcoming year are Mrs. Nora Taber, president~ Mrs. Irene Dansereau, vice president; Misll Gertrude Hancock, secretary; Wright Walker, treasurer; Mrs. Teresa Berube, transportation.
New Bedford Druggists Donate to White Sisters CODE-MAKERS: Helping to promulgate a teen-age behavior, code throughout Massachusetts are students from St. Mary's High School, Taunton. Left to right in front are Janet Sheehan and Rita Hutchins; at rear, Margaret Spillane and $uzanne Mflot.
Taunton Student's Insistence . ins Mention o f G0'd in, Y out h C0 de By Marion Unsworth Four students of St. Mary's High School, Taunton, ' : ' staffed by the Religious of the HOlY Union of the Sacred Hearts, are assisting in drawing up a teen-age con~uct code to be circulated throughout Massachusetts. . 'I R't H tchl'nS Th e glr s,t J 1 a uh , tionnaire are covered. t Sh S usan -M1'l 0, ane ee an One important subject inand Ma~y' Spillane, are all eluded is dating schedules. Sugmembers of the executive gested are, for freshmen. and
For the 13th year the Greater New Bedford Druggists Association has donated a large supply of sick room .supplies to the White Sisters for use in homecare of the sick and needy. Every retail drug store in New Bedford and Fairhaven is represented in this nonsectarian gift, as well as several wholesalers and manufacturers. In charge of arrangements for the donation was Tadeusz Ziemba, charity chairman of the-association.
Attlebo-ro D,'strOlct
Fa II R'Iver SOt IS er For Rome Post
Rey: Mother Ste\ Therese ... the Infant Jesus, for the past The Attleboro District 4 of the Fall River Nurses Plan Diocesan Council of Catholic four years superior of Jesus Women will hold its annual Mary Convent, Fall River, has Communion Breakfast Discussion Group Meeting Monbeen named a member of the General Council of the Religious The Fall River Catholic Nurses day evening, June 1, at 7:35, in Guild will hold its annual St. John's School Hall, Attleof Jesus-Mary. She will leave communion breakfast Sunday, boro. Rev. -Francis McCarthy, for the community's motherJune 7 following 9. o'clock Mass Diocesan Moderator of the Dis- house in Rome Friday, June 1%. at ,St. Anne's Hospital chapel. board of' Governor - Furcolo's sophomores, a curfew one hal1 cussion Groups, will speak and A former pupil at Jesus-Mary J 0 h n Gallagher, adjustment conference on youth. The results to one hour, after the event of a question period will follow. . Acad'emy, Mother Ste. Therese counselor for the Fall River of their efforts and those of the evening; one to one and a All are invited to attend achas been a member of tp.e compublic school system, will 'be students throughout the -, com- hal1 hours after proms, Juniors cording to Mrs. Eleanor Lang, munity 41 years. For 17 years guest speaker. monwealth were put'into final, and seniors: one hour after' program chairman, . she served in teaching capacities Summer plans include a gar- form at a conference this month event,. two hours af~r proms. in Woonsocket and Fall River, den' party Wednesday, July 29 at Bos'ton University. A'n esti- A 10 o'clock homecoming is sugNew Bedford Delegc'lh:!s followed by 14 years as direeat the residence of Mrs,Francis ma,ted 1,000 teenagers .. a~tended. gested for week, nights except Mrs. Rose Dufficy heads deletr~ss - of boarding schoOls in Quinn, Lakeville." , The you'Ui'conference was 01'-. for special 's,c hoo ] func~ions., ' gates froIn St. Eulalia, Court 164, Goffstown an'd Fall River. " . 1 gciiiiZed last year' when high', The code's main theme is one New Bedfor:d, to the state con-'Prev~ous to her app'ointment Diocesan Obl~tes'" schools were asked to' send 'rep- of, mutual 'respect and'coopera- 'vention of the Catholic Order of as superior in Fall River she was resentative~' t~' aniiiiti'almeet-:, tion-, between races and creed; Foresters, 'set for Saturd,ay and for ,six ,years mist'r~ss of novi~' laic'Make Retreat"" ing. Rita Hutchi~s; as junior parents and children; students' Suo.4ay, Jurie. I? and 14,' in in tqe Ameficim Province of tJle, , F~li River area bblates of 's1:',' cUiss "~r:esi'derit - "St.: Ml1ry's and' teachers. Swampscott. . Relig.iousoJ'" Jesu.s-Mary. " Benedict will jojn in the annual" 1 was' appointe,cl' school represen.......,,_ _~...-----~----~!"!"'-- ~-~-----~ t:itive> At 'preliminary , disctis": Oblate retreat at Portsm04th Priory June 12 through 14. ''Exer- sians; th'e state' w~s divided; into cises will begin at 6:15 Friday sections, with Bristol, Plymouth" eve.'ning' ~ithdinher. The' first, and' B~mlstable counties'grouped confetence is listed for' 7:30, The into 'one -section:' Rita, was named ~. re't're'~t will close 'at 4" Sunday; to 'the, 'executive' board;" afternoon. ,~: .,' " ... , A second' meeting was" held' Dom' Thomas Liggett' will 'be last fal1"Ior all schools. Margaret' " ' " , retreat master,. giVing a' series of Spillane;- ",accompanied" :by Su~" eight conferences on Holy Scrip- zanne and Janet, substituted for . ture, Retreatants will also attend Rita, All were asked to. serve on hours .of the Divine' Olfice- the executive '. board,. together chanted' by monks of the prio~y. , with 35 C:ither.. high "schoolers. . -.; ",-ightS tor"God The' Fall ;River Oblates will join members from Boston, New At thefa'llconference the St. York and Rhode Island points. Mary's girls found attitudes of The 'local group holds monthly many students to be materialmeeting at St. Vincent's Home, a istic. There was' no mention' of Fall River, under the direction the spirituat Due to Suzan:D.e~s el Dom Benedict Lang. insistence and in. spi te .of much oPPositicm from other delegates, "belief' in .• Divine Being" beWorn~n to Convene BUFFALO (NC) -The 11th came ,a part of the' code. Befo_~e the next meeting, the annual congres: of the National Laywomen's Retreat Movement Taunton girls drew up a quellwill be held here Sept. 11 to 13, tionnaire asking St. Mary's st~ with some 2,000 delegates ex- dents' opinions on dating, drinkpected to attend. The women's ing, driving and parties.Wil retreat movement has 94 active questionnaire results, the de... affiliated retreat houses through- gates partiCipated in a 'regional meeting, comparect notes and out the country. compiled opinions. Preliminary drafts from, an Fall River Whist parts ,of the state were reviewed Dominican Academy Alumnae The full-ripe goodness of the berries and the by an adult committee and preAssociation of Fall River will sented this month for final freshneSs of the cream is a perfect flavor sunny hold its annual whist party at 8 THERE IS NO resolution. From this came the combination. And you get this extra goodness Wednesday evening, June 3 in fini~hed code. SUBSTITUTE, Dominican Academy auditorium. best with Hood Economy All:-Purpose Cream.' "The problem now is to make Miss Marguerite Gagnon is the public aware of it and to This cream not only enhances the, flavor of FOR REAL chairman, assisted by Miss Mary distribute' it throughout the .fruit but whips in just 20 fresh berries and Kirby, co-chairman. state;" said Margaret Spillane. CREAM •••. seconds and creams your coffee. Get Hood She noted that disc jockeys and Accredit University Economy All-Purpose Cream fresh at your store AND NO others having contact with young or doorI _ . NEW ORLEANS (NC)-5is- people are being asked tc? help. REAL CREAM Still Active tel' Josephina, pre sid e n t of ·~~\~IOUC "~~~ Xavier University here h a I The youth conference has DOt UKIi •o announced that the Louisiana ceased to exist, for many teeD • State Board of Education has age problems remain; for in''''~'''sP".~ approved accreditation of the stance, the need of guidance for university under the new Lou:" just-graduated students. T b e isiana standard for accrediting completed code is couched ill teacher education institutions. general terms. It emphasizes The university is conducted by the family unit arid mutual reWAreN '"26 MEN" EVElY WEEI( the Sisters of the Blessed Sacra- sponsibilities and, rights. Areu mentioned OR St. )(a17'. quett~ ,~l
• •
. DIOCESE· .0,. ,....LL
Appeal Gifts
Continued from' Pag:e Eight
Fall River HOLY CROSS $1'75 Franciscan Fathers. $25 'Charles Szulewski, Holy Rosary Society. $15 Mr. & Mrs. V. Gancarski. $10 Young Ladies Sodality, Mr.,& Mrs. 'R. Canuel, Mr. & Mrs. H. Collura, Mr. & Mrs. S. Nowak. OUR LADY OF HEALTH $10 Lynwood Buchanan. ST. STANISLAU~ $150 Rev. Hugo Dylla. $75 Rev. John Czerwonka. $10 Herbert King, Kist Bottling Co., Joseph Kosinski, Honorata Meczywor, Walter Wojcik. ST. ELIZABETH $15 Manuel S. Borges.& Family. $10 St. Vincent de Paul Society, Mrs. Victoria Furtado & Daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Tetuan, Mr. & Mrs. Milton C. Gomes.. ST. LOUIS $30 Mrs. James Connerton & Fam- '
THE ANCHOR Thurs., May 28, 1959
Measure Bans Sun~ay Sa les
BLESS VIRGIN OF POOR STATUE: Bishop Honore van Wayenbergh, reCtor of Louvain University, 'Belgium, blesses .the, sta tue of the Virgin of the Poor at the University's Research Center' for Internation~l'Social Jllstice.Pictured wit.h him. are F:'ather William A. Kaschmitter, M.M., administrator of the Center and Msgr. LOUIS De Raeymaeker, (right), president of the Board of Alministrators of the Center and Pr~sident o{ the Superior Institute of Philosop~y' at. Lou vain. NC Photo. BLESSED SACRAMENT $200 Rev. Eugene Dion. $60 Rev. Roland Boule. $10 Laferriere, Elphege Emile Surette, Stan'islas Karnasiewicz, Eugene Rioux, pctave- Jusseaume. Roland L'avoie, Philippe Levesque, Theodore Lagace. Ethil' Tonelli, Frederick Poirier, Romeo Champagne, Lionel Beaudoin.
TRENTON (NC) - The new Jersey Assembly has passed and sent to the Senate a bill which would prohibit unnecessary sales of clothing, building materials, furniture and furnishings, appliances and business or office equipment on Sundays. A recent Superior Court ruling handed down in Newark,' declared the law passed last year unconstitutional, because it exempted places of business in three of the state's 21 counties. These counties, Atlantic, Ocean and Gape May, are along the Ilhore resort area. .. The newly approved bill provides that the act shall become effective Nov. 15, unless the ,. majority of the voters of any given county shall vote in a referendum to make the law inoperative within that. county. Under its provisions, the referendum may be sub!nitted to the voters at a general election upol\ the petition of 500 qualified voters of the county, and once a decision is reached by refel'endum, it 'may not be reconsidered for three years. This local option provision of the bill was. strongly opposed last year at a public hearing on similar legislation by merchants and business associations. The opponents pointed out that when Sunday sales are permitted in one county, m~rchants in neighboring counties which prohibit IIUch sales are penalized.
Benoit, Napoleon Berube, IMMACULATE CONCEPTION · $10 .. ThOmas Bilodeau Family, VirLester Ellis, James Goslin, ginie Bilodeau Family. James Lunney, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Bonenfant, Joseph Bouchard, Paul Car.bonneau, Frank McKenna. Turri to Page Eleven By. Edmond Casey; Hector Cham$25 pagne. Misses Alice & Marion Fahey, Miss Theolinde Champagne, :Mr. & Mrs. Walter Sullivan. Dr. Arthur Charette, _Thomas Cope~ Mrs. George Horan, Mr. & land, Francois Cormier Family, VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Mrs. William O'Neil.' Joseph Cote Family. John has appointed Msgr. Giu$20 Roland Cote, Henri Courcy, seppe Caprio as Apostolic InterMr. & Mrs. John Maher. Therese Courcy, The Misses nuncio to China. $15 Courcy, Albert Cournoyer. Msgr. Caprio had served as In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Elzear Cyr, Clement Cyr, Regent of the Apostolic, DeleThomas J. Conroy, Jane McDerWilliam DeChamplain Family, gation of Indochina for southern mott, Mrs. Ann Walsh Tuttle, In Mrs. AIda Deniger, Ca-mille Vietnam, CambOdia and Laos. memory of Patrick & Catherine . Denis. VATICAN CITY (NC) -His He replaces Archbishop Antonio · Garrity. ST. MARY' Wilfrid Desalliers, Adolphe Riberi who was recently named Eminence' Amleto Giovanni Car$10 . $25 Dion, Thomas Donnelly, . Wildinal Cicognani' has been made Ap'ostolic Nuncio .to Ireland. James P. Galligan. ¥rs. James Benson, Robert a member of the Sacred Cong~e . ,$20 liam Dubois, Achille Ducharme. Msgr. Caprio was born in southBoyle; M: Julia Brenner, Mrs. ,. gation of the Sacraments. Tl:lill .McPhilippe Dumoulin, William ~rn Italy Nov: 15, 1914. J am.e s J..ud ge, Denn-'I's .lohn A. Brown, The Creigh ' . Dumoulin Frank Gaudreau' & congregation is concerned with Sweeney. , . .' J'amily. all legislation on the discipline $15 Daughter, Edward Goguen, WilMr. & Mrs. William F. Cumof the seven sacraments. Alice McCusker, Mr. & Mrs. frid Goulet. . . :lIlings,' Mr.' & Mrs. Joseph- DoMichael McCusker.. Mr.' & Mrs. Laureat Guay, Annette Guil- .CHICAGO (NC) T h r e e mingos & Family, Mr. &, Mrs. James McMorrow. Mary.C. Ma- Jette; Normand Hamel, Mrs. priest-brothers. assisted another Manuel Mende:.. Jr., The Mlillen . ,loney,Catheril,le ¥urphy. Helene Hebert, Mrs. Donat Labrother as he celebrated his first J'amily, Mr., & Mrs. William . . . $10bonte~ . . . Solemn High Mass in St. Angela O'Neil. .'. Robert, Burns, FrariCis Casey, Joseph Labonte, Mrs. Maxime church here. .Mr..& Mrs. Barton Albert; ·Mr. Mrs. Albert. Clement"Stephen F. Labonte, Albert Laliberte, Frank The Mas s celebrant was &; Mrs. Thomas BIti.tland,· Mr. & Collins Jr., Edward Corr. Lamarche, Henri ,Lamoureux. 'Father Donald E. Cusack" 26, · Mrs. Joseph Carrier, Mr. &. Mrs. . Catherine Coyle,' --Margaret Mauriee Larocque, Arthur Laordained recently at St. Mary · Leone.I' Costa, Mr. & Mrs. John CITIES' SERVICE Curtin,R~bert Driscoil, Charles voie Auguste Lebrun, Lina Le-' of the Lake Seminary in .MunCronin. Flaherty, Thomas Granfield.. bru~, Frank Lehouillier. . DISTRIBUTORS delein. He is one of ,nine Mary Cronin,'AnthQny DeMeo, Wiliiam ;Haggerty, David L.·. 'O'scar Lemieux, Ludger Lenny, bro.thers. Anna & Catherine Grace, In' Higgins, Marguerite Hoye, Mrs. George Levesque, Joseph Masse, Assistant priest was Father · Memory' o~ John Harrington, Gasoline . _. John E. Cusack of Rock .Island, " Mrs. Patrick Higgins & Cath- Catherine Irving, Mr. & Mrs. "Aifred Marotte. Kiernan. Roger Meunier, Loujs Morin, Father Joseph A Cusack of Chierine Higgins. Fuel and Range Gilbert Morris, Leo' Murphy, cago was deacon and Father Katherine Horan, Mr. & Mrs. , Mrs. John Lawson, John F. Martin, Daniel McMullen, Joseph. I" William McMahon. Raymond L. Cusack, subdeacon. · Ralph Hunt, Winifred Joyce, F. Masterson, James P. Mulcahy. Eva Nolin, Mrs. Sarah Oliver, Margaret Kehoe; Mrs. John McEdward Mulvey, Joseph Mu": Lucille Patenaude, George PelAndrew & Edward McAndrew. OIL BURNERS R. A. WILCOX CO. nise, Clotilde Nason, Barbara letier Raymond Pelletier. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Moniz, Mr. O'Brien, Mrs'Walter O'Brien. He~ri Perra' Henri Perra Jr., OFFICE FURNITURE &; Mrs. Walter QUinlan, Mr.. & G. E. 'BOILER BURNER UNITS Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Donnell, E~ile C. Po'iri~r, Joseph Poirier, . Ita Sto~k for Immediate Deli"." Mrs. John Rowe, Irene Stratton, James Perry, Mr. & Mli\6. Ed-. Aime Proulx. Anna B. Sullivan. • DESKS \ • CHAIRS For prompt delivery ward Pietnik, Mrs. Catherine Paul Racine, Francis Rezendes, FILJ,NG CABINETS ST. ANTHONY OF ,THE & Day & Night Service Potter, Mrs. James J. Powers. Maurice Riendeau, Charles RpI)ESERT • SAFES t • FIRE FILES" Michael Pronicki, Mr. & Mrs. cheleau Elaine Rocheleau. Rural Bottled Gas Service $25 FOLDING TABLES Thomas Quinn, Louis Raposa, Alexi~ Ross, Albert Routhier, Lebanon American Society. AND CHAIRS Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Saint, Raymond Starvish, Louis P .. 61 COHANNET ST. $15 ' Thomas W. Scanlon. ' . Soucy, Henri To~igny. '. TAUNtON R. A..WI LCOX CO. Lebanon C America~ Ladies Mrs. Ellen Seaver, Clara SilMrs. Adele Tremblay, Paul ~uxiliary. J. Attleboro - No. Attleboro via, Jennie Silvia, Joseph Silvia, Turcotte, Fred Wagner, Albion 22 BEDFORD ST. r $10 Taunton Joseph P. Silvia Jr. Wilford Richard Wilford. FALL RIVER 5-7838 . H'oly Name Society, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. ·Richard.. Smerdon, ' Mrs. 'Oscar Beauvais, Eugene Mrs..John A. Monsour T Elias John Tripp; John J. Ward," Benoit, Mrs. Philomene BerFuel Co.' ," 'Marion Welch: / . geron,' Joseph Boivin, Gilbert ST. MATHIEU ST.' JACQUES· Brouillette. $200 $200 Adelard Carbonneau, Hormi.Rev. F. Anatole Desmarais. Rev. William Smith. 'das Carbonneau, Horace Costa, .-- on .Lake Kushaqua, New York $50 $50 Rene Dagenais, A ..E. Desautels. ~~ Conducted by The White Fathers Rev. Arthur C. Levesque. Rev. Daniel A. Gamache,Rev. . Armand Desrosiers, Louis Des... Competent, Professional Direction $25 Andre P. Jussaume. . rosiers Ernest Dube, Normand ~.,.. The Only Catholic Boys' Camp Dr. ,& Mrs. Omer Boivin, $25 Gaouette, Victor Girard. Misses Albina, Ida &. Valeda •• (Age 9 to 15) in the Beautif!J1 Adirondacks Matthew Bury, ~ Lazare J. . Mrs. Napoleon Giroux, Clara , ~ Pioneer C9..!:"ping - Crafts - Water .,Sports Leboeuf. Tremblay. "'. Laforest, Honore Levesque, ArSEASON: JUNE 27 • AUGUST 29 $20· $22 thur Madden, Mrs. Therese _ _ $45 Week-Also Seasonal Rate Atty. & Mrs. Arthu~ Beaulieu. Family o~ George Morin. Mansfield. $15, - -, For, Information Write I. $20 Henri Morin,' Paul Morin, Miss Grace Parenteau. Emile Vaillancourt, Raymond Walter Nunes, Edmond I'erry, White Fathers, Onchiota, New York . Nolin, Wilfrid 'Hotte; Family of Mrs. Antonia Piche. , ,$1~ . " . . Mr. & Mrs. Fabien B.oyer, Mr. 'Vitale Bourgeois. ,... ,. Mrs. . Alexandre Poirier in ~-------;""------~--:---':"". ':"". ~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~,~~~~~~~~~~ ~.~~ &; Mrs. Roger Dufour, Mr. & Christine Lehoux. Memory of Mrs. Frechette, Mrs. Lucjen Oliellette, Mr. & , $15 Josep'h Tremblay, Francois Boi, . .Arthut· Nadeau,"" Rodolphe vin. Mrs. Olivier Cantara, Mrs. .lanuario Amarantes. Dusseault. HOLY ROSARY ., AS'A HOLY CROSS FATHER . Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Dufour, $150 . . '.. . • I,. $12 " . Priest-Teacher . ' ." Home Mis;iori';~ Mrs.'"'' Rose 'lit 'Miss" Arn{ande EuCIide Boivin Sr. r··'" Franciscan "Fathers,' , OFM' Foreign Missionary . Pari~h . Pr'~5t Gauthier, Mr. & Mrs.. Arthur., $10 ..··'·Conv. Bienven4e, lVir·.. & Mrs~ Octil~e' Fo, information about th,! Frederick Andrader' Joseph $25 Berube· & Jean', ,Blanche Rich;'. Argu'in,' Roiand AUclair, Wilfrid.,' Jeff Hayes. Holy ~ross Fathers or the ard .. · '.' , "Baril, Ernest Beaulieu: , '. $12 Lay Brothers, write to: Mr. & Mrs. ~rthur, Pegeon, St. . Wilfrid Beaulieu Family, DonBiedak Franciszek. Mathieu's Woinen~s:.Gui1d,· Mr. '~ld Beauvais; MisS' Naura BeauHOLY CROSS FATHER'S $10 " Mrs. Gedeon Dufour & Yvette;' vah, PhilipPe Bedard, Arthur John . Arcikowski, Bertha' .. North Easton, Massachusetts: Mr. & Mrs. Alohonse Barrette. :aellavance.-.. " . (Endo.. thi. ad with request) (G)' Bolster, John Kiernan, Joseph " 'Leo N. Fisette . '. .' ./ Mrs. Amede Beooit, Gerar~. Dl'ewniany, Russel Woodward.
Holy Father Nomes China Ineruncio
Appoint Cardinal
Brothers Assistants At First High Mass
'&$01", Inc.
~~~' ~
:-.. -",
~ppeal, Gift$,
'hntinued from Pa(fe Ten, SACRED HEART
$%00 Sacred Heart Parish SoCieties.
$100 Rev. ,Raymond W. McCarthy, Dr. :E,arle E. Hussey, Dr. E,dmund F. Neves, Dr. Daniel L. Mooney, Sacred Heart Parish Guild.
$75 Rev. John G. Carroll, Rev. 30hn J. Regan.
$70 Thomas Fleming.
$50 Adelaide Trainor, Catherine Trainor, Agnes McNerney, William Fairclough, James A. Heywood. Dr. John E. Manning.
$%4 George Trainor.
,Mrs. C1aren~e Bonnei~:
John Powers, Mr. " Mrs. Anthony Camuso, James Reardon, & M J h T C'ff M r. rs. osep . amu, Mrs. James Sullivan. Mrs. Thomas J. 'Burke" John
I. Burke, Mrs. Letitia Lynch" John O'Neil Jr., Margaret A. Burns. William Chippendale, John N. Sullivan, In Memory of James.' H. Kearns, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mellor, John Harrington. Mrs. Frank Shea, Mrs. Harold Roberts, William' Whitehead, Ervin J. Carroll, Florence Burns. Alice Costello, Julia Suliivan, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lynch, Mr. k Mrs. Charles P. Trainor &, Family, Thomas White, John J. Mahoney. Thomas Beaulieu, Laura Sul]ivan, Mr. & Mrs. JerryL. Ciullo, Henry Cournoyer, Mr. It Mrs. William lJeaney. Jame~ Roberts" William Guilfay, Mr. & Mrs. John Haggerty, Leo Fogarty, Thaddeus' To~arz. Dr. John De'laney,' Patrick Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Vogel, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mc'Grady, lYIrs. Margar~t Ford. Etta Norton, Anna & 'Gene.ieve Hathaway, Joseph Hathaway, Edna Hughes, In Memory of Charles E. Roberts. Mr. & Mrs. George Tourgee, F. McSh~e, Charles Curtis, James F. Darcey, Mr. "Mrs. Charles MitchelL Jose Silva, Timothy _D. SulliWil " Family, Mr. & Mrs. WilUam R. McConnell, Mr. It Mrs. James J.' McMahon. James 1'. Read. ' Mr. John M .. Eastwood, Mary Y. O'Hearn. . Mr. " Mrs. Kenneth Sutcliffe, IIIr. '" Mrs. J~ :ijallisaey, Dr. Richard B. Butler. ' 'A Friend; Mr: It Mrs. Job" McGraw, Mr. • Mrs. Thomaa Kitchen,. Bartley' .... McNaUy, mdgar F. Fortin. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roberta, Mr. It Mrs. John Reed, Patriek , F .. · Fitzgerald, Mr. • Mrs. ~ waN' Holland.
, Leo
Legislator Asks BOLo[" C3eanup,
WASHINGTON (NC) -..: ~'A congressman has' ,ealled for:: a voluntary clean-up of objecti&nsales on newsstands at the Washington National Airport:
Thurs., May28, 1959 ,
$'75 Rev. Donald A. Couza, Rev. James A. McCarthy. Dr. & ¥rs. John C. Corrigan. $50 Anne S. Sherry; Mrs. Charles J. Hurley. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Phelan, The McDonald Family, ,Mr. & Mrs. Hector Mongeau, The Misses Anna E. &' Helen Shay, Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Lyons. Mrs. David W. Boland, Mr. & Mr~. Michael H. Sullivan, May A. Leary. $35 Dr. & Mrs. George J. Solas.
"I believe good taste demands that material' of this,- sort be removed from the 'Front D.oor to the 'Nation's Capital,' as the Washington Airport has been
aptly ,called," 'declared Rep. ,Joel T. BroYl:lill of Yirginia. "When the ,American taxpayers, who have acted througb their Congress to have 'In God , We Trust' placed on their COiDl~ can protest 'the 'sale of sucll ,questionable literature to DI avail*"'*an unfortunate situatiOi does indeed e;xist," he said.
$30 Dr. & Mrs. Alfred' J. Roy, Mrs. Daniel J. Crotty & Family.
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ferreira, Lillian G. & Rose M. Dowd, Mr. & Mrs. G. Richard Duffy, Dr. & Mrs. Carroll P. Gettings, Helena V. Sullivan. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Melker, Mr. & Mrs. James B. Kelley Jr., The M~~den Family. The Kenny Family, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Burke.
SOLEMN NOVENA: Fr. Hopkfils, O.F.M., of, New York will conduct the novena to St. Anthony at Our Lady's Chapel, New Bedford. Devotions will be held daily at 10 in the m()rning, "12:10 $20 , noon, 5: 10 and' 8 p.m., startMr. & Mrs. Cornelius Lynch, Mrs. 'Thomas F. & Eileen Hig- ling June 4.
Elizabeth Trainor, Pa~rick Fleming, John Fleming, Mrs. Catherine Lomax & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Nestor Silva. Francis J. McGuire, Annie gins, Mabel & Sarah Moran, McGuire, Lodivine' Le:J.l40yne, James J. Higgins, Mr. & Mrs. Jane Broderick. , , J. T. C. McGufre. ' Mr., & Mrs. Raymond' G a l - $ 1 5 lagher, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph GrifAnna & Francis D~vine, Mr.• , fin. ' & Mrs. Anthony Geary, Fall Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. wiicox River Mill Properties Corp., Mr. Jr:, Mrs. Frederick Kiencke & & Mrs. John Halligan. Miss Anna Kiencke.' , Mrs. Mary H: Tayior. Mr. & Mrs.' R Hennessey & Victoria Parent, Mrs. Edward P." , ,Murphy, Edward Rogan & . Fam- ' By, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin, ,:a.oar, Kathleen Gallery. Daniel L. Murphy & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Judge., $12 Hugh F. Reilly Jr. $10 Edward Casper, Mrs. John Hajder, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Harrington, Joseph Da Rocha, William Norton.
Dr. & MrS. Francis J. D'Errico.
Mr. & Mrs. James Steele. $30 Hannah G. & John H. ~Con.,. nors. , $25 W. Harry Monks, Mr. & Mrs. Willard R Piper, Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sullivan, Dr. ~ Mrs. Henry Bolen.
.., ." I . : : ;
I i " ,'"
Right mellow-
DUBLIN (NC),~ Some 5,000 pilgrims from various parts' of Ireland tooj{ part'in ceremonies at the Knock Shrine here, often called, the "Irish Lourdes.',' The pilgrims, 1,000 of ,them pO, ' from Dublin, were led ,by,ArchMary Croteau, Mr. &' Mrs. , bishop ,J'oseph Walsh of Tuam, David 4. Burns, Maurice' J., who presided at the,cerelTlonies 'King, Mrs. Herbert Harrison, and blessed the invaiids 'among Harold HigginS. ' the pilgrims. ' , - 'Mr. ~ Mrs. James It. ,Clarkin, Henry Holtham, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. William Cleare, Thomas H.- Sears; 'MrS. Martha Michael Tucker., ' Kearns; Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. White Mill Properties,' Inc., GonIon, Mr. & 'Mrs, William D. Mr. & Mrs,. William H. Moran, 'Keefe, ,Mr. & Mrs. Jobn KirkMiss Margaret Pistreich, Mr. & man. Mrs. Robert Nagle, Mr. & Mrs. ST. WILLIAM'S . Joseph Latessa. . '. '$600' " ' , Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Stafford Sr., Rev, Raymond T. Considine. Mr. & Mrs. A. D'Ambrosio, Mrs. ,$'%5 ~" j John Orpen, Mr. & Mrs. 'William, , Henry, Leo McNally. ,i, R:ev; :Lester L. HulL . ' , " - $25 . . Mr. & Mrs. RF. McConnell, 'Mr. & Mrs: Elmer Stafford Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Dan Carvaloo, Tyrell's Market.· , . Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C;onboy, The Reid Faniily, Mrs. James E. $20 , , & Grace M. Sullivan. ' . ., "Mr. &, Mrs. Horace Han.' Mr. & Mrs. ThomasC'ollins, $l~ .' " Mrs. James T.Kane & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond :r,{<n:in. , $16. ' ," , Mrs. Louise Bergeron,' ABn Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. William' Davis, Mr. & Mrs. WaIterianick. & Ann Phela'n.' '-, , '" ,'~lO " ." Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Pontiff, Mr. & Mrs. John Bushell, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. John E. Cruger, , ,& Mrs. Jeremiah Kehoe, Mr. & Mrs. William Costa, w:illiam Mrs. Frank McDermott, Mr. & Costa Plumbing, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Manuel Santos, Mrs. James Wm. Zokie. Nolan. " Mrs. Harriet Kelly, Mr. &: T. Gertrude Flanagan, CathMrs. George Manchester" Mr. & erine A. Lysaght, Mary Lysaght, Kathleen Braney, Yolande La-" Mrs. Charles Martel, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gardella, Mr. & Mrs. liberte. Mrs. Charles E: Brady, Mr. & Ernest Montle. Mrs. Eugene' J. Ivers, Mary J. , Mr. & Mrs. Franklin ManHiggins, Hannah C. Higgins, ~r. ning, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Robin& Mrs. Francis E. McCurdy Jr. son, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Caine Jr., GraCe L. Cuttle, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Durand, Mrs. William J. Aylward, Mr. & Mrs. John Potts.' . Matthew ,Sullivan, Mrs. Lester , Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Worsley, Osborne, Mr. & Mrs.' Thomas J. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Thran, Mr. Logan. & Mrs. John'Zanac, Mr. '& Mrs. Harry Wood, In' memory . of. Mrs. Janice Curry, Mrs. Augustus DeMarteau; Mr. &. Mrs. 'Charles F. Malone. ' Mr. & Mrs. Francis' Sivil, Joseph shelley; Mr. ~ Mrs. Mrs. Edward' Fox. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kelly, Mr. & Mrs., FredWilliam React: Mr~' & Mrs. erick Zebrasky. Eugene Lynch' & Family, John Bernadette Walsh, Mr, & Mrs. A. Diskin. ' Luke Urban, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cunei;t, Mr; ~ Mrs. Michael OUR LADY OF TIlE ANGELS Hanley, Mr. & Mrs. Robert $12 ' Coveney. Manuel Costa. , $10 Gertrude Keating, Mr. & Mrs. Frank McGuigan. Margaret' LaEdward Alves, Antonio Carhey, Mr. ok Mrs. Anthony'Kerareira, Carlos Dionizio, ,.Joseph mis, Kathleen PearSon. Kice,' John Rego.. Mr. & Mrs. George Perry~ Mr. Manuel Rodrigues, Edward It Mrs. Thaddeus Golitz, Mr. " Teves. Mrs.. Alfred B~aulieu, Mr. '" SANTO CBRISl'O Mrs.'William-King, Mrs. Eugene, , $50 Su1Uva~'" Family:' . Confirmation. Class. Mr. • Mrs.. John Keating, Mr. $10 &. Mrs. Edmond J. Metras, Mr.... Manuel Viveiros,·' .Antoni.. Mrs. James Flannery, Mrs. Win- Reis, Joba lIenrique, Josepll 'Ron Ankarstran; Mr. • Mrs. Pavao. Arthur Lavoie. ' Arthur Silvia, ,Daniel; Fonte., Mr. It Mrs.' 1,V'Uliam Grace, Souza" Robert Souza. Mr. It Mrs. John 1'.' SUllivan, . ST., MICHAEL, Loreto Daiey, Mrs: llld.lPdLam$15 be!:t III of Henr,. .Gilbert . C, Oliveira. " Builtin&' Turn to' Pace, 'Twelft ,
Superflavored I . A real
5,000 on Pilgrimage To Shrine in Ireland . .
Shank, Portion
Shank Half or Butt Podion C
LB49 Butt Half C 'lB59 tenter Slices C lB89 Whole Hams 'lB53C
tI. S. Gov't Inspected Grade A o?
- "AIe, CASEOF 12 4 lpt13 oz 49 c BOTS 1.39 ' bottles GInger Lemonade pU::O~~~D 10 ~A~~S 89c Potatoes ~~~~O:.~~ 7' ~~s $1.00 JANE PARKER LARGE 39C AppIe P-Ie 8"-1 LB ~ QI-REG. 49c
F--.I R-lng' LARGE-REG.49c JANE PARKER 39C ' 'I,uuu Ange •
NEW VIEWS· OF GREAT U; S.. SHRINE:· Removalofa vasfrietwork' left of this entrance, scaffold ng outlines the progress of the Knights of "of scaffolding permits the best view to' date of· the National Shrineof,the . Colum.bus' 'Tower. 'Right, a v ew showingfietails of the' main entrance. · 'Immaculate:Cbriceptiorl 'being erected iJi Washington;D. C. ,by' th~'peopie, ' . ~b6ve the'<>center;door.way isa .tympanum, a half-moon sculpture, depicting of the Unit'edStates 'an act of homage to the Bless:ed·Yirgin, Mother .. the Amiunciation. Eigli,t sidVPanels~epictwoirleJlot.the Ol? Testam~nt > of God, and a plea· for her protection. Left, an angle view,which shows the (left) 'and women of the N~W Testament whoappeared,mthehfe of ChrIst. NO Photo." . fore part· of. the Shrine;· inCluding the magnificent main entrance. To the
.Appea ~iGifts . Continued from Page Eleven
Buzzards Bay . ,\ .ST. MARGARET
.'ST. AUGUSTINE . -'$25 The Launderette. $10 Atsco Oil, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Conroy. Sr., Anonymous, 'Mrs.
'" .~"
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION $45 '. ~ . Eli $35 Atty. &. Mrs. George Bolger. $25
dio. S.·c.hedule.s Gospel Series
I 0Chip 0,R 'Made Rite $ Potato. Co., o . ' . Inc'.·
Rev; Vincent F. Diaferia. NEW YORK (NC)-A theolo$25 gian and educator will conduct Mr. &. Mrs. Dennis Patota. a 17-part series of talks on the $12 . .four gospels on a weekly nation- ... The Furgiuele Family. wide radio program, starting $10 June 7 and continuing through Italian Progressive Club, Mr. September.. & 'Mrs. Frank J. Barresi,. BeviFr. Anselm Burke; O. Carm., lacqua F<\mily,. Mr. & !\Irs. will give what has been· deErnest DeLalla, Mr. & Mrs. P. scribed as an "open book course A.' Emile Durand.. in the·gospels"· on the "Christian ·Mr. & Mrs. Carl Mello,Mr. & in Actjon'~ radio program, 'proMrs. AlbertJ. Roy, Mr.. & Mrs...duced weekly by the National Armand Toni. Council .of Catholic Men, in . Carmi A. 'Belmont, Belmont cooperation with the American Flowers Family, Mr. & Mrs. Broadcasting Company. . Michael'Cl1silli, Mr. & Mrs. 'John The program. is. broadcast Conforti, Viola & Ernest ..Cor- .. every Su'nday from 11:30·to 11:55 gin<~. . A.M. (EDT).' Mr. & Mrs. 'Raymond Curry,' Father Burke is head of the Mr. & Mrs.' Thomas MarcucCi, department of religion and philMr. & Mrs. Henry Sen~ca; Pas-. osophy, at Marymount College, quale Zarlenga, A Friend. "TarrytownjN. Y. In addition to Mi:.· & Mrs." Albert Bih'nard, his teaching,' he has .done lecMr.' & Mrs. Edward Gibbons, . turing and has published several .James· Patricelli, Mr." & ·Mrs:works. Hi's latest book is "Mary: Frank Perry. In History, Faith and Deyotion."
Mr. &·Mrs. Raymond Drisco . $20 $50 '\II;Irion Angell, McAlpin. Fred McNally. Tommy's Oil Service. . $15 $25 The Hindle FamilY,Clifford Bishop' ,Daniel' F. Feehan. ST.·M!\:RY'S CATHEDRAL Mather, Grace Holden. Council K of C #2911, Bosnengo $100 . ' $10 Hardware, Mr. & Mrs. William In memory of Mrs. Lucy" Edward Campbell, Joseph Brady, A Friend. . McMahon. . Carvalho,Hector Chaunt, Euge. .$20, . . . .-$30 . . 'inia··Coffey;Walter:Cosgrove.· Mr: & Mrs. GHbert H. Howard. John R., Josephine & . Delia '. Mr. & Mrs.' Michael Dolan, . . $15 '" '. . ..' McGinn. r $'25 MG~nff~el GMrag e&, HMUghEGillis'tMGa~y . , Mrs. Katherine Kenney; Mr. &. . rI m, .~ . rs. rnes UIMrs. Nathan Harris, Mrs. George Mrs. Elizabeth. A. Denehy,' nen. Gioson. ' ... " . c" '. . Gertrllde . .o~Loughljn, Mr; & . Everett Lafleur, Anna Long, ''..'$10. . Mrs; John<Vogel. . ':':. '~ Wilfred Marchand, Joseph Mark, .' .' ',$20 . . ,. land, John F:. Mooney. Mr.' & Mrs. Fr:mds'McWilMrs.. Margaret A. Powers . John O'Brien, John E. P~ttine, Iiams, Mr.' & Mrs. Henry Cashen, $15 . Estelle Roch, Mrs. 'fhomas Shep· Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Bilodeau; Edward F. Fitzgerald. ardson,' Grover Shurtleff. Mr..& Mrs. Napoleo~ Pa'pineau, . $10 Florence Sullivan,Peter. SulMr. &, Mrs. Gordon Oliosi. . in memory of Sara ·E: Barrett, )ivan,' George Thomas, Aime' Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Sullivan, . Mrs.. Katherine' Brahy, Helen" Turgeon,' Raymond O'Toole & ;·Mr.. &Mrs..James O'Connor, ·Mr. ~urhs, Mr.' & Mrs. William Family. & Mrs. Edward O'Melia;' Mr~&.COnsidine, George Constant... . Mr. & Mrs. 'Roland Aubry,' Mrs. Raymond Fitzgerald,: Mr!l. . Mary' CraWfora, Mr. & ·Mrs.· . Raymond .Burke,· Rose Doherty, Audrey fIoole.. Edward P.· Grace, Ellen Han-' James' Fillet; Roger LaFrance, ST. ELIZABETH . M~e Owens, Mr. & Mrs. John non,. Mr. & Mrs. William Jack-"' Leo P i n k o s . ' ' . $10 . MILAN (NC)-A bronze statue Karl; Guisti Construction Co.; ,son, Cla!re L. Just.· . . 'Mary Whiteheaii. Mr. &. MTs. Joseph Rodrigues, of Our LlIdy, destined for: the Frances Silvia, R . C. Handy.InMr. & ,Mrs. Patrick Kelley, Francis Coffey. ': Mr. & Mrs. 1'!:' F ..,viveiros. prison of Santo Stefano,' is on surance Agency·by. Anria L;' Mrs. Ros.e.Kidd, Irene Lavoie, 88. PETER & PAUL . . ... , ; . . . . view in the Church'of st. SebasC aro1. .Le Ite , A nna L ync. h " . ESPIRITO. SANTOS t·Ian .'h ere t h" . th Eldridge. . .' :. { : .• $Z5 roug h'out th e mon . '" '.. . . . . . The Martin Family, Mr. '& Mrs: ' . '. $10 of May...· The City of· Milan . Eldridge.Lumber Co., Mr. & 'Henr'y'McGa'rty,'C'atherl'ne Mc~ . Dr· &.Mrs. 1;4w ard 't.. Shall··.·A·nto··nl·O:.Cabra·I,'Mr..,,&,.Mrs." . .•. Mrs. Harry Robiris. Capt: &:lYlrs.. donated·the statue aithe·request · RaYmondR.Fisher. ·Catherine J. 'Greavey,Mr..,& Mrs. William ~on. \. '. Manuel Camara. Jr.; . Young of the chaplain of the prison, · Griffin, Ivir. '&., ivIrs.. ~aym.ond "Miller,- Mr. .&. M~s.. Harold Peter' Gati~/20 People's Guild; Altar ,Boys' ,So- which is'sitUated on the island S v g ...' Nagle. . ... , . .. .'., . ciety;. Mr.·:& Mrs.·Manuel J.'" of the same name; a barren 'ouia a e;' ;,."" .,Henry& Mary' Nelligan, Mr.. :". $15 : Couto &Family.. .'~.... cropping of rock-in the .TyrrhenMrs. L. A. Wmiamsorl, & &.Mrs. Daniel Netto, Mrs: James, Mr~ & ,Mrs.. T$h maSGriffi.n. Turn ~o· Page Thirteen i;1n Sea. . 1Z e n , ' I Mrs. James E.' Murphy Jr., 'Mr. A. O'Brien Sr., William O ' B r i & Mrs. William J. Larkin; Mrs. Rita O'Loughlin. . Mr. & Mrs~ Edward Kelly. ...------------.;...----;...-.;...-....;------. 'Albert Pye, Mr. & Mrs. E4ward Claire. O~To,?le, Mrs.. Stephen .... . $l.0 ',. DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL Payton., . O'T I M'" HI' P t···· Mr. & Mrs. John Hart, Mr. & _ Inyite "oung· girl. '(14-231 to labor· .. . 00 e,' rs. e en e erson, Mrs. John Pacheco, Mr. & Mrs. Louis. J. Good, Mr.. & ··Mrs~ Catheri~e ·St.:Martih,· James J. Th' 0' m'as' Call'a'h·an., H'en·rv . C'. Cdh~ist's yost yineyard as an Apostle-of,.thl· · William' Gregg, Mr. & .. Mrs., Sullivan. . .' oT. E lIions: . Preu, Radio, Moyies and • eo Howard'Lynch; Mr. & Mrs: Earl . J.'o.h.n·.SullIvan,,·& Agnes' Cfeighton, Mr.' & Mrs. Louis A, ftsiOll. With. these ",adem means.. th .. . .... . . C & p' t .. ' ..' . . . Missio"';;" Sisters" bring' !=h·riit·... Dod!i... .Reynolds,.Mr. & Mrs; Arthur A. Tanguay'" Mr. & Mrs...·.. ·Yo·h·n.'· y r . a r.lcla.. ' . . '.' '. ,. .... ... , . .. M R F. A .. 0.!I, regardless of ·rac•. color or ueed, .• Kennedy Jr. ". ..'., Thornton, Ertlma Wright:··· '., .ic' ,rs. . ose.....l~n~ran, . n~ FOr .formation writ. to: ·John Correia & Family; Frank Mrs:. 'John; ·Almeida,. Mr: ,~ ... F~r!i; . ~9.~nebus .,GJ.:.e~~e,M,:rs·REV.· MOTHER SUPERIOR . l Lopes, Irene' Andrews: ,,' ," . Mrs; Gerale!"Eagan,: Mr.' &'Mrs: . ~lta.GI:lf(m, Mr.. & ltfrs. Herber:~ . 10· ST: 'AUt'S AVE. IOSTON30•. MASS, Mr. & Mrs.. Geilrge Colafati,. Vincent. Fazzina,-M~ry 'Ryan; ,Hayden :.... ., . Raymond C;Sullivan,::.Mr. 1&' Mr. &·Mrs. Robert Snowden. , . Mr. & Mrs. Wllham HeffeJ;nan, Mrs. Anthony'Anriicelli,'Wallacc') ; . ST. ANNE . ~r.& Family, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Auto Service: ' " .... , ". ' - ..', $10 . "" :J;.alV lor ,. Mrs.. Ma~y .McG~osson . Buz'zards Bay :Theatre, Mr:&. Agiles' Guy, -Mr. & MrL & Famlly, Mr. &. Mrs.. Michael Mrs. Frederick !McComiskey.· Jos'eph Paquet. . . McM.ah'cm, .Mr. & Mrs. Leonard .. Anthony j: . Lebeau;' Mr.&: Mattlmore~. . '.', '. . ·Mrs~·AIfr.e,d;St:.Pierre; ,Mts.".Mr. &¥r~~ Wlllla~ Mollo,,:, JUNE 13 On Aniie':Ma'i'ie St.Denis:: ." " ' .• Anna~u~phy, Edw~rd .Murphy, ST. ':MARY . ST;,ANTHON.Y OF PADUA JohnJ. Nea,ry ~f)ls.t,er, Mr· ~.' , . SAN ANTONIO CLUB GROUNDS . $15., '. '.: '$50< ;.~, . JrI,r~ .. ~aYf!lpnd. P()lak. . . , " Maitland :Street; North. Fairhaven' J;fi'. & Mrs. George McCarthy. Silva Funeral Home.' ¥r. &M,rs. ,Tames Rlley, ~ary. . " .. $25' ., .. : Tansey, Mr.,&. Mrs. John ~lld..'portug_ese p~licaci~s -Popular and' March Music '$10 ·Fall' Sheet Metal.Co,.. · lng, Mr. &. M~s. Walter. Wi1son~ Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bliss,Mr. . PARADESUNDAY, ·JUNE 14-- 9 A.M. HOLY ROSARY & Mrs. Hugh F. McDade, Mr. & Inc. ,. Moly Mass' 10 'A.M...:..St~ Mary's Parish, North Fairhave,n' Mrs. Roland Smith, Mr.' & Mrs.. $10 $200 . Father Mendes, Preacher Larry Tetreault. Co.uncil of"Cathol~, Womaa.·, Bev. JosephR. Pannoni.
Fall R.iver
Statue for .Prison
--THE', .ANNUAL··· fEAS'T: OF·
'." ,: ST.,,:,ANTHONY·· ~'14
Appeal Gifts
Fear Increase Postal Officials In Obscenity
40ntinued from Page Twelve
Fall River NOTRE DAME DE LOURDES $500 Rt. Rev. Alfred J. Bonneau. $50 Rev. Gerard Boisvert, Rev. J. Adrien Bernier, Rev. Roger P. Poirier. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Rene Bernier. $20 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Courchaine, Irene & Blanche Bouchard. $20 Dr. & Mrs. Maurice Demers. $11; Mathilda Lussier Family. $15 Adda, M. Jeanne Pelletier & Mrs. Leon Clement.
WASHINGTON (NC) Mail order obscenity, currently a half-billion dollar annual business, will double
in volume in the next four years unless there is a "determined campaign to stamp out this racket." . This warning was issued here by the U. S. Post Office Departmerit in a special statement on the "growing menace of mail order obscenity." "Peddlers of filth can reach into virtually every home in America," the department said, ','Teenagers and even grade school boys are becoming the $12 principal targets of these racketMr. & Mrs. Roland Bisson Jr., eers." Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lamontagne, The· statement pointed out that Mr. & Mrs. Roland Soucy. , at present persons who distribute Mr. & Mrs. Raymond DesroPAPAL DELEGATE'S FIRST U.S. CONSECRATION: Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, obscene material through the chers. Apostolic Delegate to the United States; is shown following the consecration Qf the Most mails are protected by the fact $11 Rev. Robert E. Tracy' as titular Bishop of Ser gentza arid Auxiliary of Lafayette, La., in that postal officials may not open Daniel Hubert Family. St. Louis Cathedral, New Orleans. Left to right (front row) Bishop Maurice Schexnayder for inspection first-class mail, $10 and by "liberal court interpreMr. & Mrs. Edgar Bonneau, of Lafayette, co-consecrator; Archbishop Joseph F. Rummel of New Orleans; Archbishop tations of what constitutes obWilfrid Brabant Family, Mrs. A. Vagnozzi, consecrator; Bishop Tracy and Auxiliary Bishop L. Abel Caillouet of New Orleans, scenity." , Cadoret & L. Collin, Mrs. L. co-consecrator. NC Photo. . Because of the inviolability of Bouchard & Y. :Qecosse, Mr. & themail.thedepartment.said it Mrs. Henri Demers. Veronica King, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Mr. & Mrs. William Greeny, •"must rely on the complaints of Maria Dowling & \3. Thibault, Pelchat, Mr. & Mrs, Rene ¥arois; Peter Hodnett, John F. Hughes, an alert citizenry-of people Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Duquette, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Dufresne. Elizabeth C. Leary, Mr. & Mrs. LISBon (NC) - Bishop Aninto whose homes solicitation Mr, & Mrs. 'Manuel Grillo, Mr. & Mrs. John McHugh, Mr. William G. LeBlanc, Mr. & Mrs, tonio de Campos of Febiana said material is sent-to take action Joseph Guimond Family, Misses &. Mrs. Thomas McHugh, Mr. & George E. Lee. bere that there are 2,000 cate- against the purveyors of mail G" M-A., & P. Huard. Mrs. Harold Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Thomas F. Monaghan Sr., chists in Lisbon; but that '6,000 order obscenity." Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Hubert, Louise Viveiros, Marion Proctor. Mr. & Mrs; John l\1010ney, Mr. are needed to teach 60,000 chilOn the second point, the libMr. & Mrs. Adelard Lagasse, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gagnon. & Mrs. Jame-s Downey, Henry dren in the city. The Bishop told eral 'interpretation by courts of .Albert Lusignan Family; Mr. & Mr. & 'Mrs. Alfred Bernier;. 'Munroe, Mr. & Mrs. Francis . a meeting of, 'catechists in: the what constitutes obscenity, the Mrs. Andre Lus~gnan, Gera~d Mrs.· Leo, F.obert, Mr; & .Mrs., Murray. . ;Lisbon area: that 'another Na":, department. said its position-had . 'Lussie.r. "',:, . , Wilmer Zinser, Mrs. Elizabet~ .' . John Murray, MargaretE.Mc- tio,nal Catechists' Week woulq, been strengthened by a new . Eva Martel, Orner ,Paquette' &. . Kennedy, Mr. '& Mrs. John J. C10sk~y;Mrs. M1ry Martin, M~. be held in October; Federal law .enacted last·y.ear. Walsh. '. ,.' . . & . Mrs: 'Robert Martin, Mary Rosa Ledoux, Doris Richard; Mr. .Edward·F.· Brosseau;' Mary E. '., O'Neil. I , &. Mrs. Gerard Roussel; ·Liboire Tetreault Family. Burke, Mrs. Catherine Winslow, . ,Mr.. & ;Mrs. ',William . R.ead; COME IN ~. SEE and DRIVE Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Thiboutot, Mr. & Mrs. John J; Leddy Sr., Patricia Sullivan, Mary D.' SulMr. & Mrs. Donat V:illandre. Anastasia K. Mayes. ' livan," 'John Smith, Mrs.· John Edward Bouchard; Mr. & Mrs. John J; Blake;' John Aronis, E. Torphy. Helen M. Buckley, Mr. & Mrs. Marion. L . . Torphy, Frank Albert Bernier. . "'The World's Most Beautifully Proportioned Cars" Normand J. A. Belanger, Mr. John Whipp & Family, Edward Torphy. at " &. Mrs. Armand Brodeur, NorS. H a p o n i k . · Turn. to ,Page Fourteen mand Clement Family, Victor Rackowski Xamily, Mr. & t t ommunls yrs Delisle Family, Mr. & Mrs~.. Mrs. Theodore Blouin, Patricia Richard, The Holland Family, NEW YORK (NC)-A "Tes.Gerard Dufour. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Crofton. ' timonial to the Martyrs of Mr. & Mrs. Roland Dumont, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Donnelly,. Communist Tyranny" will be FORD DEALERS FOR OVER 38 YEARS Valerian Dupuis Family, Mr. & In memory of William' J. Ma:" sponsored June 14 in Carnegie Mrs. Dominique Lavoie, J.oseph 1344-86 Purchase St. New Bedford, Mass. loney, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Massey Hall by a gr-oup of anti-comE. Mercier Family, 'Mr. & Mrs. munist organizations. f , Adrius Perron. & Ann, Joseph' T. Harrington, Alfred Renaud Family" Mr, &. Mr. & Mrs: Harry Cipollini. ' Mrs. Edgar St. Martin,. Mr. &. Mr. & Mrs. Louis LePage, 'Mr. ·Mrs. Ch.arles Silvia. & Mrs. 'Germain LePage, Mr. & IS THE TIME TO ENROLL AS. A GLEN COAL & Mrs. Leo F. Charette, Mr. & Mrs. ST. PATRIC~ Ernest Kitchen. $400, . , Mr. & Mrs: George Biltcliffe, OIL CUSTOMER AND RECEIVE Rt. Rev, Edmund J. Ward. Mr. & Mrs. James Ryan, George $75, & Lillian Medeiros, .Mr. &. ,Mrs. Rev. John P. Cronin, Rev. Leo Ralph Correia. M, Curry. ST. JOSEPH $60 '$300' I. ',' . Thomas Ryan.. Rev. Josep~P. LYo~s: $50 Rev. John J. Delany,.. Mr. &' . . HOO .. Mrs. Joseph Keefe. Rev. Daniel J? Shalloo, Mrs.. $30 John L. Clemmey, All~nJ. McJoseph Morrison. Dermott. $25 Dr. &.Mrs. Victor Palumb.o. Mary E. Noon, Mr, &. Mrs. $58 , Edward DeCiccio. O.C. Club. Dr.' &. Mrs. Joseph Norman, $52 Ali.da. Hart. In memory of. William S. & . $24 " . Maud A. Conroy. Mr. &. Mrs. Armand ;Mar~is. $50 ;, .. ".. . ,.$20, .. ,,,; Rev.' WiUiMri' J; Shovelton, , '..Shelia Higgins, Mrs., Joh'} A. Mr. &. Mrs. Daniel Eagan;. Alma, ' Coady & Family,. Dr. & .. Mrs.. 'Bernadette & Valerie. Foley, Dr.. : .. ,Hilary F.· White. . :: &·Mrs. Louis E.· Kroger, Atty. & . Michael Higgins. ..' . Mrs. James ·.P... McGuire..·. , , . ·Mr. & Mrs.. Matth.ew ,,r.~uss. , .Captain . & Mrs.;:Joseph J. $15,. , O'Conilell :Sr. . . ," ., Ray's Upholstery Shop, .John , $25' .When you buy SHELL Prem'fum Melyin, ~r. & Mrs. Martin DelaSt. Joseph's Women's Guild, FUEL OIL at "With Service" Price Mrs. James 'Bradshaw, Elizhanty. Mrs. Charles A. Donnelly. abethFlaherty, Catherine T; & Inch.. des· BURNER SERVICE . Mary L. Harringlon, Mr.. & ·Mrs. $13 Cleaning, checking,and testing controls for draft, combustion and efficiency. LubriMr. & Mrs. Charles Nadine. Harry Sears.' cate all moving parts and install new oil filter cartridge. In addition all service calls $10 Mrs. Annette &. Catherine .during .period of contract "at no extra ·eharge. NO LABOR CHARGE FOR REThomas Melvin, Mr. &. Mrs. Sullivan, Mr. &·Mrs. Fred Sherry; . . . $20 P~ACINGWORN OUT BURNER PARTS AND CONTROLS. James P. Melvin, Mr. & Mrs'. Frederick Hopkins; Mr, &.. Mrs. The. Turner Family, Mr. &.. BOI~ER .;" OIL STORAGE TANK Joseph Biszko" Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Joseph J: O'Connell Jr.; Paint basement oil storage tank if neces'. Thomas L. Carroll: William Steele, Mrs.· Rose Wills, : . Serape, brush and vacuum bo'ilei': Cement sary. Clara Miller, John Meadow- James &. Alice McDermott. leaks where DecesSary, white~ash asbescroft, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. $15 -FREE SONITOR@ APPLICATION 'tosco,,~~'ed boi'iers and paint exposed iron Leary & Patricia, Mr. & Mrs. .Bliss Oil Co., Mrs. Charles H.· . Protects Fuel Oil Tank 'from Rust and surface~ . Raymond McCann, Mr. & Mrs. Chorlton, Mr. &. Mrs. Leroy' Bor. Corrosion During Summer Months. den, Mrs. Harold Smith, John T.· Louis Nadeau. Mr. & Mrs. John F. Fanning, Smith. OFFICES: Phone Today'· . Mr. ~. Mrs. William M. Purdy, $12 1140 PLEASANT ST. '., Mary & Eva Harrington, Mr. & Mildred· Powers. WYman Mrs. Roland A, Pe,loquin, Mr. &. $10 New Bedford Charles Booth, . Frances' Mrs. Joseph Lee. Mr. &. Mrs. Edward A. Dubiel, Brough, The Delaney Family, YARDS: Mr. &. Mrs. James J. Nicoletti, Eunice Dion, Mrs. Fred H. AT FISH ISLAND Mr. & Mrs. Thomas 'Brady, DOWDS. or ,::: .. JUCCQsso-rS. to . Mr. & ,Mrs. Clement Dowling, Francis Quinn, Mr. &. Mrs. Danon the iel Griffin, Mr. & .Mrs. Rene. Mrs. Franklin Fairhurst, Mr. & Fairhaven Bridge Mrs. Daniel R.' Foley, Mr. & Beaulieu. Mr. & Mrs. W.· AndrysUt. Mrs. Robert Gagnon.
Seeks Catechists
6y Sig~i,i1g. NOW You Get 'GLEN1S IMPROVE,O' "
Honor Students"'>';" ,
()ur Schools
COYLE HIGH 'SCHOOL, ST. MARY'S, "TAUNTON, " TAUNTON ': Juniors will entertain seniors Sophoml>res lead in class mem, at the annual dinner andrecepbers on the currerit honor roll, tion in the school hall tonight, with 26 named. Twenty-thre~ w'ith Msgr. James J. Dolan and seniors, 21 freshmen and 12 pastors of parishes represented juniors are a 1 s 0 included. in the senior class, as guests of Higl]est senior lionors went to bonor. Thomas Mikulis 'and',John ZaA wards will be presented to wacki; juniors, Walter Ara-' 1959 yearbook editors and en-:basz; sophomores, Rodney Detertalnment provided by the Cecco; freshmen, Tho~as Sulli:junior class. van. Freshmen and sophomores JESUS'-MARY ACADEMY, will joIn other schools in the Diocese at a retreat 'at Our Lady FALL RIVER of Good Counsel Retreat House Ten juniors, four sophomores starting tomorrow, This is' the, and 14 freshmen are on the curfinal retreat of the school year; rent honor roll. Yearbook staff 'SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY, members for 1960 have' been FALL ,RIVER announced, including Pauline, I Stuctenis joined in (a candreBeaulieu editor; Pauline Le light May procession, with Boeuf Eileen Grillo and Lor:' Lucretia Carreiro, school cflP7 raine 'Croteau; co-editors. . tain, crowning Our L~dy. Glee ,Club members entertained at Baccalaureate ceremonies for D,l,lrfee College of· "-'echnology.
Appeal Gifts Acishnet
Appeal Gifts' Contil,,',p.d from Page Thirteen
North Easton
' ',' <--1_4 __ TH_E_A_N.;...C-:-HO_R-J" _ ',Thurs., May 28, 1959
ST. FRANCIS XAVIER $25 Damien Council Knights of Columbus. $16 , Mr. & Mrs. Normand Guillotte. $15 Mrs. Kenneth Shaw.
" Holy Fathe(Ptf!sonifies' the Church
.God Love 'You By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen. D.D. The Church of the future is in Asia and Africa. Politically ana economically, the ,world-power of the future will lie in either one or both' ot these contineqts. That is why 'no one adequately understands world problems, who does not understand the missions. Catholics of the United States must be more mission-conscious. The more you see the mission world as a whole t,he greater will be your interest in 'it. Your eyes .then will not be so much on a particular ear of wheat ' as on the vast fields white with harvest. By giving, not only what you hav,e but what you are, you will turn your aims into sacrifIces. Your-love pai:lSes into pagan lands along with your self-denials. Thus you are not only ~onv~rting the pagans but sanctifying yourself. Your greater, uniQn with the Cross of Christ ,through self-negation makes your alms more redemptive, more missionary, and more meritorious. '
PROMOTED;' 'Father William J.' Moran of the Archdiocese of San FranCisco, Deputy' Chief' of Army Chaplains since Nov. 1, 1958, 'whose nomination has been confirmed as Brigadier General, U.S.A., by the U. S. Senate. NC Photo.
Catholics all over the world ought to realize that the Church becomes personified in the Holy Father. Hence we seek to see him that we may' make an act of faith in Christ through His Vicar. We can also make an act of faith in Christ and in.His Vicar without ever seeing Pope John XXIII anq that is by Sending our sacrifices to the Holy Father through his very own Society for the Propagation of- the Faith.
SEND YOUR SACRIFICES TO POPE JOHN xxm , , BECAUSE ... Ile is under attack from the Communists He is united with us in bonds of affection He is the supreme head of all' the Missions.of the Church He knows best all Mission needs He is Christ's Vicar and in' giving to him we give more intimatel)' to Christ Himself than it is p,?ssible anywhere else on earth.
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION $250 Rev. John J. Casey. $50 OUR LADY OF FATIMA Rev. John A. Rossley, St. Vin- , P2 ~~ , eent de Paul Society, North Mr.- & -Mrs. Lucien V. LeRev. Ja~es F. McDermott., GOD LOVE YOU to E.J.F. for $25 "i'm a first year medical, , Easton; Mr. & Mrs. Francis D. te,ndre, Mr._& Mrs: Arthl\F, Blais., $25 student. This is the price of a pint of my blood. I hope that someday Mone. \ Patrick H. Callahan, Mr. & I may be able to give all of myself to' the Missions." ... to D.T.H. & ... $25 po Mrs. Arthur J. McLear, Thomas Telephone Co. Friends for $38 ~.'The enclosed was collected in 'R d Mr. & Mrs; John P. Santos, K. Po'rter & Family, Georg_e, W. ,Mary ee. M'r. & Mrs. Bertrand Pelletier, quarters from a group of Telephone Co. Employees of all creeds, $24 Welsh. ", each week during LEmt for the Missions}' . '.. to B.A for $10 "It Mr. &: Mrs. ,James Gallagher. Mr. & ¥rs.;paul E. Cuss9n,.An;$20 is common knowledge that ~e all wail and pray when things' are $20 ..... toinette Gelinas', Leo St. Plerre Mr. & Mrs. Frank B. Greene. against 'us, but I want to say ,"Thank you God, everY,thing's fine Harold Bergeron, Mr. & Mrs. & Family. ' $15 today." .. , to C.A.L., Jr. for $2 "I was goi:Q.g to have the car washed Domenic Ignemi, Mr. & Mrs. Belka LePage,-'Mr. & Mrs. Ovide - Desmarais, Fernand but decided to ,do' it myself' and send the money to the Missions." John Boyle, Christophe;- Brophy, Rudolph Hamel, 'Mr. & Mrs. Fournier, Norman Desmarais. Mr. & Mrs.- Thomas Gallagher, Theodore V. Schick, Mr. & Mrs. '$10 ' The WORLDMISSION ROSARY is in fi~e colors. Each color Mr. & Mrs.,James Healey.:, ,J. M: Hayworth, Mr. & Mrs. Edward "Heffernan, Charles represents one of the five continents' of the wo~ld. If you are olJe $15 Alden Taber. ' ,West, Roland,J. Remy, Mr; & of the few people left 'Who has' never seen' thIS rosary, we wl1l 'Vose & Son-SupplY, Inc: ", . Mr. & ,Mrs., Robert E., FurMrs. Ov'ide'Desmarais, Thomas tado, Mr.' & Mrs. Roland Benoit, be happy to send you one at your request for an offering of $2. $12 RBI' u K. Porter Jr. , .: Then' yo'u can pray for Asia on the yellow decade and Africa on Mr. & Mrs. Richard Broob. Mr. & Mrs. omeo eau le , Joseph!. Alfonso, John J. the green decad~, for those are the continents wherein, lies the A $10 ' Mrs. Dieudonne Har'l>eck, Mr. Desmond, John J. Leeming Fam_ future of the ,qhurch. " Mrs. James Brophy, Albe~ ,& Mrs. Leo Ricard. ,. -:ily, J. Herve' AUbut,' .Mrs. ,Louis Gaudette,~,Mr. '& Mrs. .. '",,',,' Cabana,' 'Mr. & Mrs. George Gerard ,Ch,arest,' Mr. & Mrs,. LioCharles Foley. ,', Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice' to it and mail it to the ''''--ter Sr.,' Marguerite, Carter, ' John Sweeney; Ambrose Pow'-tU nel Tetreault, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard . , Most Rev. Fulto~, J. Sheen" National Director of The Society' for Mr.. & Mrs. Herbert DeCouto. ers; Lawrence Rebello, ,Albert ~the Propagation of the,Faith, 366 Fifth' Avenue, ,New 'York I, N. Y., Mr.' & Mrs. WilliamMcAn- E. Ledoux, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Souza, Helen Reagan. or your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, d rews, Helena Donaghue, M r. '& . Allain. Th.omas H. Mercer, R uth M erMr. & Mrs. Edward, Costa, Mr. 368 North 'Main ~treet, Fall River, Mas~. '" Mrs. John ,Halli Mr., & ,Mrs. &' M~s. 'N~lsoL Gir~rd," Mr. ,8i eer, Mrs.,', Gertrude' Fragoza, Albert Giordano, Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. lIarrington, Peter A. ' "." Mrs. Leo A. Olivier,;Mr. & Mrs., Reynolds. ' (. ' Harold Hill.' Ovila Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. Louis J " Mary Conroy.,,· Mr. & Mrs. John A.Brickhill,' John . 'The' Family That, LaRue. ' d ' Joseph Cotter, Mrs. Ra~ph Craig, , Mr. &. Mrs. Normand,.J: Rob- Sullivan, Raymond Britlan, MSPECIAL'MILK Mrs. Edward Ganocik, Mr. '" Frank Ross, Joseph Moss. Prays, Together ert, M,ary ,& Hilda 'Vin,cent" ,rdr. " From Ou~ Own °Mrs. James.. Hay'es. Edward' 0' G ara,' Pasqua I'e' & Mrs. Ainedee Gautreau, Mr. Tested Herd" ' Mr. & Mrs. Roland Riel, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Turek, Mr. & Mrs. Varanese, Robert Fon,taille" J()hn, Stays Togethe". & Mrs. William Higgins, Anna John Sylvia Jr-. '.. F. McMullen, JohnW. Moran. . Acushnet, Mass;: WY 3-4457 McEntee, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Mrs. Mary R. Pauihus, ~homas Marie Felicie Perry, Mr. & ,THE McKinnon, V'{illia~, O'C0I!nell" Mrs. John 'Aiello,' Mr. & Mrs. r. Hannafin Jr." 'JamesE. Mc• Special, Milk ~ , Tr. Cormack, Walter Pitera, Mr. & • Homogenized Vito 0 Milk .. Nathan Gomes, Mr, & ,Mrs. Ray. John O'Keefe, Mr. & Mrs. Emil Mrs. Manuel' Miranda, 'Mr. &' mond Lague, Mr.' & Mrs. R a y - , ' • 'Buttermilk Oziecki, Mr. & Mrs. James Sul- mand J. Fortin. " Mrs. R. L. Wilson.', • 'Tropicana Orange Juice Attleboro-South At~leboro livan, Mrs. William' Totty, Mr. Evelyn O'Leary, Mr. & Mr's. Ernest Collins, Howard F. • Coffee and Choc. Mill( Seekonk & Mrs. Bernard Tracey. Normand P: Saucier, Mr. & Mrs. Eaton, Robert R. Rioux. • Eggs - Butter Mary Watt, Mr. & Mrs. John Raymond A. Bosse" sr. LOUIS DE FRANCE Wailent,' Mr. & Mrs. Franc~s Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sylvia & : ' $100 ~ White, Mr. & ,Mrs. Francls Daughter, Mr. '&, Ml'S. Joseph Ideal Laundry. , Wilde, Mr, & ,Mrs. Samuel Pelletier. In Memory of Rev. Stanislaus - LIVE CHICKEN LOBSTER • Cabana. J. Goyette., ' Mr. & Mrs., Charles Campbell, Ost~rville $50 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Begin, Mr. Rev: Ernest E. Blais. & Mrs. George A. Mayne, Mrs. OUR LADY OF THE $25 Mildred Peterson, Mr. & Mrs. ASSUMPTl0ll!l St. Anne Society, Hyco Bey:" Michael Pugliesi. $150 erage Co., ,Pierre Picard." Mr. & Mrs. William Lupica, Tho~as J. Powers. $20 Mr. & Mrs. Benedict Scully, Mr. $100 Dr. Leonard Bilodeau. &-Mrs. David Daley" Mr. & Mrs. The House & Garden'Shop: $12 Francis Cannistraro, Daniel Charles Menard. A $'75 Amorin. Philip' M. Boudreau. $10 ,Mr. & Mrs.,George Carter Jr., $50 F. X. Auclair, Fernand AuUNION 'WHARF FAIRHAVEN, MASS. : - , . George H. DeWit~, &: clair, Roland Bienvenue, George '& Son, M E~eaR Mrs. Louis Byrne,Joh D .. s:. ~ ~. nor M. Rodgers, Mr. rs. ayCote; Arthur, Francoeur. mond Bergeron, Mr. & Mrs. John 'Shields: $25 Joseph Gallant, OViia Mathieu, Bellino. Robert M. Shields, Anony- Orner Trudeau, Donald Rapoza. , -Edward L: Coughlin, Dau~h- inous; Mrs. Henry Creange, Mrs. Franco American Woman's' "tel's of Isabella, CatheJ:ine ClUb, Inc. ' Din'ee"n Mr. &. Mrs; 'William Arthur O'Keef;:n ' ST, DOMINieS Fly'nn,' Mr. & Mrs. George Ham$1,0 of the Arata Brothers. iltoil'$20 Mr. "'= Mrs: _Joseph P. Silvia. CONGREGATION OF Mr. & Mrs. William Hansen, Thomas A: Driscoll, AnonyWm. Knapp & 'Sons, Ladies ' ' &: ,\II' mous., Auxiiiary, ,\.O.H.; Mr. ~un. $15 ST. JOAN OF'ABC ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA 'James Marchand,' Mr. '" Mrs. Margaret J. Hansberry, $?-5 , offer to young girls desif'ous ~ ~ving GO(r in the Religious ' John, O'Conn~ll.,' Charles Cassidy. joseph'G, Gallant. life '' Evelin Ryim, Simpson Sprinr $11 '$15 ~pany, Tina's ,Beauty Shop, James O'Neill Sr., Rob8l't John Shakliks. The Dominican Way of Life - lIlIrs.Mary, Wesley. Q'Bl'ien, Mrs. James Crocker, $IS Mrs. Victor Adams, Daniel Theodore Young. , teaching, daynwsery 'work Oftd catechetical work Oft ,... r-_ " S'I'. BERNARD Flynn. , $10 "'iisiona. $'75 J()hn WIseman, Mrs. Charlo~te D,... Julian B. Doherty, Jamel Rey. AdalbertSzklanny., Burnham" AnonymOW!, Donalli DeLory Jr.; Leroy A. Babbitt, For further information apply to .$15 Reilly, Joseph Mello 'Sr. &: Joseph King, Mr. ales. ' , REV. MOTHER GENERAL Charles R. Cain, A FrieneL Lawrence. ' Fred Carey, Robert Hathaway, 37 ~ork,Street Fan River, Mass. $10 , James Barry, Joseph BaTr,., G. Carlton Clark, John Graham. J4r£. john W. Porter Francill Wyman, Manuel Cout40 " TurD, to Pace Sixieea
White's Farm Qai'ry,
f·t -
0 rleans
l'll fl.'''Hl'lllill
J• i ,
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~,JI,tl\.""I;lr,iT.:t!~!lIFti"~>~.t1ltll»'tlil1-Jt!r·I,i!ntl,t1l ~ Ji 1'\ In: t! H~IfJJ I; PQ111lrtllHl Ii tUl'Rlr1U!I ~ 11 I: r. tl ti r ti !: t! fI r
This Timely Message Is Sponsored By The Following Public Spirited Individuals and Business Concerns' Located in Greater Fall River
a Glorious Past a Brilliant Future
Building Materials Inc. Duro Finishing' Corp. Enterprise Brewing Co. The Exterminator Co. Fall River Electric Light Co. Fall River Trust Co. Globe Manufacturing Co. kaplan Furniture Co. kormon Water Co. MacKenzie & Winslow, Inc.
, Time was when Fall River was the, world's leading textile center. There was employment for everyone who 'wonted to work and the city was a thriving, pul~ating community. ' Those were the days when the Commonwealth and the Priscilla -. Queen and Crow.n Princess of all sound steamers plied their regal' paths daily to and from New York. ~' , Suddenly'the texti'le industry mov~d South' and the proud steamers ofthe old Fall River Line, immortalized in story and snng by Kipling and von Tilze,r, made their last run into oblivion..
Mason Furniture Showrooms Meyer and Regan, Accountants Mooney and Co., Inc. \
Newport Finishing Corp. Sherry Corporation Sobiloff Brothers Sterling Beverages Inc.
Sullivan Signs Textile Workers Union of Am~rica, AFL-CIO
Regardless of your standing in the comfT)unity - whether you are self-employed or employed by others' you and your family are direct beneficiaries of a prop~rous community. ' The progress we make depends on you. Now ,is the time to examine your coin and~your conscience. Support the Buildinqs for Jobs campaiqn through the purchase of shares in the Greater fall River Development Corporation.
• .;.. ,."r'
.What Fall River MAKES MA'KES'Fal1 River ?
... ... ~.'
' "
ence l.eary, Mrs. Theresa Leary. Mr. &'Mrs. Edmund Rice, Mr. &: Mrs. Anthony Nadeem,' Gertrude Bride, Mr. &: Mrs. Hector Gibeault, G. Howard Morse Jr. Mr..' &: Mrs. Edwin Zalesky, Mr. _ &: Mrs. Gor~on Bieleski, , Chester Chase, Mr. &: Mrs. Henry Collins, Mr.. &:. Mrs. Henry Connors.. Mr. &: Mrs. Douglas Cummings, Mr. & Mrs. Frank De..: Yorio, Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Galvin, Mrs. Eliza Houghton, Mr. &: Mrs. Matthew Healey.· Kel]neth' Hillman, Mrs. Marion Johnson, Rose Mullomiy, Elizabeth McKeon, Joseph McKeon. Mrs. Austin Neary, Joseph Perrone, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ricci9, Mr: & Mrs. John Ryman, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Santoro.
Installation Ceremonies
The Parish Parade
Supreme Pontiff Taking English Lesson Nightly
OUR .LADY OF GRACE. SANTO CHRISTO, NORTH WESTPORT FALL RIVER VATICAN CITY (NC) 'The Women's Guild will hold The Council of Catholic WomPope John has told AmeriInstallation 'ceremonies at 8 en will make a pilgrimage to can Bishops visiting here Tuesday evening, June 2 in the the Trappist monastery at Spen-' that he is studying English church hall. Installing officer eer Sunday, June 14, with Mrs. and hopes to be able to speak it will be Mrs. Emmett P. Almond,' Agnes Rezendes and Mrs. Sophia within a year. Immediate past president of the Mello in charge of arrangements. Meeting with various U. S. I!iocesan Council of Catholic A whist will be held at 7:30 bishops during their 'ad limina" Women. Those to be seated in- tonight at Fatima H9use. Also at visits to Rome, the Pope inelude Mrs. Jeannette Butler, Fatima House will be a Thursformed them that he is taking president; Mrs. Margaret Goslin, day, June 4 meeting .of officers .English lessons almost nightly vice president; Mrs. Louise Roy, and executive board members. from Msgr. Thomas Ryan of ST. BERNARD'S, secretary; Mrs. Lauretta Vandal, ASSONET the ,Vatican Secretariat of State. treasurer.. The Pope's regular nightly · The Women's Guild will sponIMMACULATE CONCEPTION. sor a public auction at Carroll's sch~dule is interrupted only when there is other work claimWALL RIVE.R Barn, Water Street. beginning at ing his attention. The Pope 1'~ be installed Tuesday even- - 10 Saturday morning, June 13. ST. MARY keeps an English copy of the' ing, ,June 2 are the following New officers will be named. o $25 "Imitation of Christ," by' Thomas officers of the Women's Guild: at the Monday, June '13 'meeting, Dr. &: Mrs. John Dias. A. Kempis, on his desk and Mrs. Dolores Cangello, president; the_last for the year. A ~oOkout NEW OFFICER: John C. $20 reads portions of it regularly to Mrs: Andrew W. Cook, vice pres-' is planned for 6:30 Wednesday Hayes newly elected presiMi:. ,& Mrs. John Dtiglln.. . improve his English.. ' !dent; Mrs.. George Munroe, Sec- ; . evening; june 24, at the h9me of dent of the ~ational Council Dr. & Mrs. Luke McCrohan retary; Miss'Estelle Roach, treas- Mrs. Anthony Terpak. $15 ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL. of Catholic Men. He is dean M~mbers, JohnL. Thompson. A cl!ke sale to benefit altar FALL RIVER of the law school of Loyola $10 ' boys and junioJ' choristers will 'The 20th annual banquet' and' Continued fr~m Page Fourteen Wiliiam Brady, Mr. &: Mrs., be held this weekend. installation of the Womtm's Members of the Fall River DiPaul Ferro, Mrs. Ann DeMello, ocese are invited to' attend an ROCH'S~ Guild will be held at 6:30 MonMr: & Mrs.' Philip Correiro, Mr. Inter-Ritual Liturgical ExposiST. MARY'S FALL. RIVER day evening, June 1 in',the & Mrs. Gerald Morency. $200 tion to be sponsored, Saturday .• The .Men's Guild will hold a Catholic Community Center.' . Joseph Sylvia, Mr. &: Mrs. and Sunday, May 30 and. ,31 by kick-off dinner and meeting at Office'rs fo' be seated are MrS. ' Mr. & Mrs. Raymond LamCarl Giordano, Manuel Sylvia the Holy Name Society of Holy ., Monday evening, June· 15. . Linnie Lee,president; Miss Vir- bert. Family, Mr. & Mrs..Raymond Name Church, West Roxbury. Plans will be discussed for a ginia, A. Martin, vice president; , $100 Boyce, Mrs: Mary Vinho. One each of. the Oriental Rite three day bazaar to be held in Mrs. Andrew J. ,Fa'i'rissey, reJoseph Rioux. Mr. & .Mrs. J,.uke Haran,. Mr. Catholic churches represented in conjunction with the 60th anni- cording secretary; - Mrs. James. $50 &: Mrs. Josep:i Brown, Mr. & New England will join in the exversal'Y of the parish. Thom;s Frank, corresponding secretary; Mr" &: Mrs. Henry Gendron. Mrs. Frederick Nicholson, Mr: &:. position. The Divine Liturgy will Maltais is dinner 'chairman and Mis~ Katherine V. Loughman. $40 'Mrs. James Kavanaugh, Mr. " be celebt:ated ~n the Byzantine may be contacted after Masses . treasurer. Raymond Torlsegnant. Mrs. Richard O. Barry. Melkite, Armenian, Byzantine on' Sunday for reservations. NOTRE DAME. $30 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Silva; Mr. Russian, Maronite and Byzan. The Women's Guild annual FALL' RIVER Mr. & Mrs. Nelson GulskL &: Mrs. Michael Bobrowiecki, tine Ukrainian Rites. di~neris ,set for Monday eve'rhe Women's Guild' will re- . $25 . Also scheduled are a speaking ning, June 1 at Pocasset Country ceive corporate communion at Mr. ,& Mrs. Robert Kelley, Mr. Mrs. Geraldine Simon, Mr. &: Mrs. Americo Alves, Mr. &: Mrs. program by authorities on the Crub~Cars. will leave the church 8 o'clock Mass SU~day morning, &: Mrs. Joseph Levis, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Prenda, Mr. &: Mrs. Eastern Ca'tholic Church and exyard at 6:30. Mrs. Gerard Fortin,' May 31. Mass will be offered for Edward McCroy,. Mrs. G. HowAlfred Silveira.. . . hibits of sacred articles, vesttreasurer, is handling reservadeceased members and those at- ard Morse, Gerald McGuckin. Mr. '&: Mrs. Edward Carvalho, ments, gospel books and icons·of lions. The affair will t>e final tending are asked to meet in the Mr. &: Mrs.·Walter Lyons, Mr. Mr. &: Mrs. John Quigley. of the va~ious churches. mee~jrig of the ~i1ub year. 'vestibule at 7:45. &: Mrs. Raymond Hillman, Eva The Masses are planned for - ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA.. 'A rummag~ sale is scheduled Morawski: Mattapois~tt both days o~ the _exposition and F""LL . RIVER from 10 this morning to 9 to$20 .. ST. ANTHON~, . the exhibits. 'will be open from night. at. 278 East Main Street. Mr. & Mrs. James Madden, 'Mr• $30 . . Members' of the Council' of· and wiIfcontiriue at the same &: Mrs. Robert Weiser. 1 .tol,O,. also both days. Catholic Women·will·participate hours tomorrow.' , " .. $15 Silver Gull Restaurant. a 'parade. honoring the'parish ' The 'guild's" n'ext meeting'is Mr. & Mrs; James Carroll,·Mr. $25 . patron Saturday, June 13. Cakes set for' 7:45''l\10llday evening, &- Mrs. Robert Croteau,: Leona Damiep. Council, 4;1.90 K 9f,~ and malacadas will be sold'the 'l'Sept. :\8 in Jesus. Mary Audito- Kerr, Mr. & Mrs.. Francis Mar-,- P &: B Company, Inc.,. Fred Troy. $20' . weekend of June 7., and a break- rium....Mrs.. Antonio. Lagasse and. tin, Mr,., &, Mrs, William O'NeilL:' ., .... ' ...." Louis Surtleff. . fast will' be served Sunday Mrs.. Oscar Barnabe are. co-' $12 . $io. . . morning. chairmen. , Mr. &: Mrs. John McCormick. The grotip'snext .meeting is, 81': MARY'S" .';. • c.'. ' . UQ .. Mr. &.Mrs:M~nu~l,.Linh!lr~s; . set for Tuesday, ·June 16.· A' rug' NORXON .' '. . _ .... .' . . M~ ... &. -Mrs...GeJ::ald .• Bessette,., Anna DeCosta, '!\1a,rgaret Morse, ,-:":..',' NEW.. BEDF()!tD'~ " .! Wt ll be awarded; l!S special prize. : Homer ,..Siinnio·fts, heads:. Mr.·:& .Mrs.'·Raymond Cassels,.-' Frank,Peloquin•. ,· ., . ,.'Turn'''io 'Page,",.'Se;ent~~B; 81.' JOHN'S ' :, officers' for' th~i~59~60'season of. Dav;id Dion, ..Mr.• ~Mrs. H)lgh. .: ."' ... \ . ; .' ,... . . ' .....:f' .... Iiliw BEDFORD' ' . the.W~~e.~'~ CluO::';lVIis, b,~i,a:s" Donnelly, Mr. &: Mrs..,. Daniel,'· . .,. INDUSTRIAL, OilS •.'1 , Members' of the Holy Name . G.lIEi!v:er~\ll1t)1l vi~e'l presilient;. Fly;nn.. " '.' ..... . '. . .' ~·,~':.:HEATING· ~ociety Dowling· league will" Mr~. ,~eoy'~Ue~,:x:~c.ordiqg:,sec-:,:· Mrs. Elizabeth Fontneau, Mrs,. ' sponsor a fiiniily picriic in 'July reta~y; .Mrs. T. F. Taus.ek, !,:or_' Rose & John G,i1roy, Mr. & Mrs. . i:' ..', 1:IM~Eflt.": at, Zembo farni" Westport. New re~p"o~dlng.s~c:re.tllry;,.MlssM;a.rY John Grimes, Mrs. Julia Ham. M'a.irifenance' Supplies • · . .,. . .. . Camara· treasurer . m'ond', rM~s. Llitib Hensh~w.· . officers· inchide. ~Augustine J.. ".. '...... .". -....,,:'.. '.... .' " . '~URNERS . ,',:.$~EE~ERS~~.;,.sb~p~.·, ._" . , Mortagua, . preside·nt; . Manuel A .· V w,ere . .lpstall,E:!d; b.y.Mrs, ' Mr. ~ M.r~. Rop~ert Ht ll" Mr. &:, Cardoza vice .president; Jayme . J? h r ~1l1.\ap~y,P~~ p'reslden~ ,~f .. Mrs. Robert I-lowe, Mr. &: Mrs. DISINFECTANJS '" C;trdoz.a; secretary; Walter ~sthe DIOcesan CounCIl o! Catl:!-olu:-, Arth';lr ~ane,,~r.~ Mrs:Ja~es FIRE. EXTINGUISHERS .J., . pinola ~treasurer.. ' . . ,.. . .'Y~mep, at.~._.l>am~qet.~hf;!re the K~arney, Mr.· &-.MrS; Damel. '· , guest spea~~. 1N'.as .R~v., -!o~ln' Y., . Kdey~'" . '. ST. "AM~S; . Hogan, .New Bedford ;irea direo-, Mr.. &: Mrs...·Emmie LeveSque, 501 .COU'NTY ~EW BEDFORD tor ,of Catholic C;::!larities. " Alice Littlefield, Gertrude Little1886 PURCHASE' ST. NEW BEDFORD The 13th annive~sary banquet ~UR ;LAD! OF J!'ATIMA.. field, Mrs. John Lowman, Mr. &:. HEW BEDFORD' held at 7 Wednesday evening, SWAN8EA' .' . . Mrs.' Louis ,: McAdams. WY 3-1751 WY 3-3786 of .Msgr. Noon Circle will be . A bicycle, tricycie. and. doUMr. &: Mrs. Heiu'y McCarth,.. June 10, in .the lower church carriage parade . wql highlight Mrs.' Doris McGee, Mr.. &: Mrs. hall. A turkey ,dinner will be' Memorial Day activities at Fat- Thomas Mikulis, Mr. &:' Ml"L followed' by Dancing. Guests ima Fair, co-sponsored' by the George. ·Normand, Mr. &: 'lin. are invited. A large committee a . Women's Guild .and Holy Name Leon ~egan.·... headed by Mrs. Annie Keenan. . Society. To start at1 Saturday . Mr. &: Mrs. JORph SbeaJs, Mr. :Next regular' meeting is set afternoon, children up -to 12 rna,. &:' Mrs. : Walter. Simms, 'Mia. for 7:45 Wednesday evening, register for it at the church 01' Made!ine ;Struck, Mr.' .&: Ml"LJune 1 7 . ' . fair grounds, before 1. Frederick' Thorpe, liIt'. & lin. S.... MARY'S~ The· fair,-open ;to. the .pubUC:; WilliamR. Veno; FAIRHAVEN will be open tonight and tomorMr.' &: Mrs; 'Harry Willi...... ~ . '. . r(}w evening, :andfrom 1 to 11 Mr. &. Mrs." 'George' Bankert. . Parishioners will sponsor a S t d A F'd 1 M H' S· , NEW BEDFORD Sumni'er' Fiesta June 23 through a ur ay., . rl ay .specia t)" . n. enrletta impeon, Floi'- , 27 at 'Our LadY' of the Angels will be clam cakes and chowder, MASSA<;HUSETTli available ('at the refreshment Grounds, Jesse· Street, North bo'oth. Memorial Day plants will Fairha'ven. Hours will be from be sold at the Green Thumb 7 to 10:30 Tuesday, Wednesday booth. and Thursday evenings,- from ST JOSEPH'S ., to 11:30 Frid'aY and Saturday. NORTH DIGHTON AUTO, BODY Ale A fried chicken dinner will be The Women's Guild will be . GENERAl REPAIRs served by' women of the parish h~stess for ~n area'meeting 01. , Tuesday, June 23. Men' will h 75l8ellville Ave. WY 3-7661 offer"a cold plate supper Satu'r": t e Diocesan. Council of CathoUc Women t,onight in' the church New ,Bedford day, June 27. Both meals will be hall. Mrs: Joseph Coelho .has served from '5 to 7. ~ been nominated as guiid presiNightly events will' include , games, rides, mU~ic, auctions,' dent for the' forthcoming year, together ,with Mrs. Charles Perry gifts, .,prizes and" refreshments. '. ':as vice president. Frank Marujo .-heads the' ar~ . ESPIRITO SANTO. rangemerits committee. . FALL RIVER ',.
South Daf'tmouth
ui:er.· . .'
of Diocese Asked to Rites Show
North Attleboro
,- Ol~.
;.':. .
,.' 'Oil
.,.So'es· &. Service
< . .
~S1ffi& vA. , =======
:Storewide 'S'ale Now' on !'
Iways on Job
NEW YORK (NC) - 0 n e thousand vials'of polio vaccine have, been flown to Haiti" by Catholic Relief Services - National Catholic Welfare Conference to combat' a polio epidemic which broke out in the wake of .'~ine.
Parishioners will celebrate the Feast of the Holy Ghost 'with a collection of offerings" auction and band concert at 7:15 tomorrow night in the Churcll Hall. ~eligious cerem-onies will take place in the Church at 3, Saturday afternoon, followed by .. another auction and musical 'progr~
Shop now for the Holidays
- OIL BURNERS Alire eomplese Boller-Saner or Furnace UDitL EftieleDl low Cofl heatlne. Barnel' . . . faeI oft· sales UH1 serftM.
StQftley Oil. Co., Inc.
SAVE. ON· MANY ITEMS NOW IN " Fashions and -flome Furnishings
t80 Mi. Pleasant, Stree& ,Me~ Bedlor~
. . . .--.."....'5".,---
ST. THOMAS MORE THE .ANCHOR $125 Thurs., May 28~ 1959 ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Foley. $30 ST. PATRICK Mr. & Mrs.' Thomas $500 Matthews. Rev. Edwar(~ J. Gorman. $25 CAEN ,(NC)· - Some 80,000 $51! Mr. & Mrs. 'Cletlls J. Monaparents of children attending Mrs. William Archard & Fam- han, Mr.' & Mrs. John J. Clorite. private schools, the great majorily, Dr. & Mrs. James F. Blute $20 ' ity of them Catholic, are deJr., Mr. & Mrs. David M. Kilroy. Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. manding greater government $25 ~ Latham. aid for Christian education. Mr. & Mrs. George Goodfel$15 At present Catholic schools in' low, Thomas Hussey, Mary E. Mr. & Mrs. John O'Brien, Mrs. France receive no direct governJudge, Dr. & Mrs. William Lang- Dorothy Finucane, Mr. & Mrs. ment aid. State subsidies, howfield, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Meehan. John Panara. ever, are paid to parents of Mr. & Mrs. John Pires, Helen' $10 Catholic school students. Pre& Lillian Reddy. Mrs. Catherine Synan, Mr. & mier Michel Debre has an-. $20 Mrs. Charles Gough, Mr. & Mrs. nounced that the government Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Caron, John Turcotte, Mr. & Mrs. Everrecognizes the need to liberalize Mr. & Mrs. Bertrand A. Daigle, ett Bridge, Mr. & Mrs. Edward the present school laws. Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Flynn, Mr. & Kaylor. Mrs. Paul C. Tessier, Mr. & Mrs. Agnes Fairclough, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Tinsley. Raymond McGee, Mr. & Mrs. RE-ELECT 'CPA OFFICERS: Bishop Albert R. ZuroJoseph Bosse, Mr. & Mrs, Joseph ST. MARY'S COLLEGE (NC) $15 Felag & Family, Arthur M. ~ weste of \Belleville, chairman of the Catholic Press Associa-Brother S. Albert, has been Mr. & Mrs. William H. Barrar, Kelly. tion, congratulates John J. Daly, editor of the Catholic reappointed president and suMr. & Mrs. Edward J. Blain, Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Bartek, Virginian and Father Albert J. Nevins, M.M., editor of perior o{ St. Mary's College for Emily & Jane Keefe,. Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Norman E. Perron, three years by Brother Ni£et.,; Maryknoll magazine, upon their re-election as president Joseph, Superior General of ill. Francis Kilgrew, Frances & Mar- Mr. & Mrs. Walter Mardula, Mr. and vice-president, respectively. NC Photo. garet Lynch. & Mrs. Joseph Ramalhete, Mr. & Christian Brothers. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Riley, Mr. Mrs. Edward Kelly. Mrs. Lawrence Ribers, Dr. Harry &; Mrs. Cornelius Sullivan. Mr. & Mrs. John Shaw, Mr. & Sobel, Charles H. McGrath, Mr. $12 Mrs. Velmore Archambault, MarST. FRANCIS XAVIER & Mrs. Antonio Dias. Mr. & Mrs. William Murphy, garet Asmar, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph $100 Mr. & Mrs. James Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Soares. Borges, Sally A. Benson. Dr. Robert D. Watt, Cape Cod Marilyn Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. $10 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Coady, Bakery. Ralph Rocheteau, Mr. & Mrs. Veronica Apps, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Foley Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Keane. Leonard Bell, Mr. & Mrs. John Raymond Bachand, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Wilding, Smith. ' Joseph Bargantine, Mrs. Mar- Mr. &; Mrs. John Doonan, Mr. & $50 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Machado, garet Bearden, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Francis Kenney. St. Francis Xavier Guild, Mrs. Marion Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Biastoff. Mr. & Mrs. John Connors, Mr. Bishop William Tyler General Joseph Roderick, Robert JameMr. & Mrs. Stephen, Biello, & Mrs. James McIntyre; Mr. & Assembly, Fourth Degree, ~on, Mary, Fairclough, Mr'. & Mr. & Mrs. Carleton Boardman, 'Mrs. Joseph Jette, Mr. & Mrs. Knights of Columbus, Alice Mrs. Charles Hazelton. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Bond, Mr. & Phillip Collins, Mrs,. Rita Baker. ~eveney, M.~ry & Bridget Gre'gg. Chase Laundry, Dumont's Mrs. Manuel Botelho, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Poitra's, $30 Pharmacy, Henry Chambers, James Bradbury. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Duclos, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. }fobart Morin. Burman's, Mr;- & Mrs. Richard Mr. &' Mrs. Seraphine Brillo, Mrs. Robert Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. JOIN OUR 1960 $25 Peckham, Edith D. & Beverly A. Mrs. Eric Brisbon, Mrs. Mar- Roland Bond, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Eleanor Resmini, Pauline M. Rice. shall Brisbon, Mrs. Florence D'Iadicola. E. Cassen, Mr. & Mrs. John KilMrs. Florence Meuse & Doris VACATION CLUB Brown, Mr. & Mrs. John Burns. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Smith; coyne, I Mr. & Mrs. 'Harry VarS. Crowell. Carol Butler, Joan Butler, Mr. Mrs. Henry O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. num, Dr. & Mrs. Francis O'Neil. & Mrs. Arthur Cassidy, Mr. & Arthur' Marclland, Mr. & Mrs. A little put away each Warren Buick, Inc., Puritan Mrs. Dominic Ciafardini, Dr. & E. RaY!ll0nd Ready, Mr.·& Mrs. Clothing Co., Hyannis Pharweek will mean a lot of ST. JOSEPH Mrs. Thomas G. Clark. John Farrissey. macy, Guertin Bros., Anonyvacation fun next year. Mr. & Mrs. George Coleman, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Santoro, $25 mous. Mary Coleman" Mr. & Mrs. AI- Mr. & Mrs. Charles· McDermott. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lewis Sr. •So prepare for that paid $24 vin Connors, Mrs. Gladys Cook, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Ouellette. • Mr. & Mrs. Olivi Wiinikainen. $20 vacation in 1960. Join Mr. & Mrs. John Correa. ST. JOHN OF GOD Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Lehy. / $20 our Vacation Club . • • Mr. & Mrs. James J. Cushing. $100 Mr. &'Mrs. Clifford Amaral. Mr. & Mrs. Henry F. Burns, Mr. & Mrs. John DeCambra, Mr. Rev. Augusto L. Furtado. it' costs nothing to be~ Mrs. ,Vincent D. O'Neil, Mr. & $1% & Mrs. John T. Dewhurst, Bran$75' come a member., Mrs. Peter Nelson, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Caissie. ' nan Donahue, Francis Donahue. Rev. Bento R.. ,Fraga. Francis Morin. Mr. & Mrs. James L. Donahue, $15 ' $10 YOU CAN BANK BY' $15 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Donahue, Roland & Helen Martelly, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Bednark, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Da'ngelo, Mr. & Mrs. William Donahue, &; Mrs. John Coffey. ' MAli. Mr. & Mrs. Laurence 'Mitchell, Mr. &' Mrs. Rodney C. Mills, Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Dupere, $10 ,Philias T. Moriii', Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Farrell. ' Mr. &; 'Mrs. Raymond, MonMr. & Mrs. Leonard McCaffrey, Mr. & Mrs. John 'Ferry, Mr."" teiro, Mr.&' Mrs. Leonard Ar- -:AnthofiY George, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs~ Ralph Vaccaro. , TN Mrs. Charles Fisher, Mr; & Mrs• . roda, Charles, & Mary SilVia; J phn De,an. 'John' Hughes, ' Cyrus' Doiron, ., Mrs. Eva Chase,Mr.,& Mr•. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Creemer, Mrs. Wilfred Grimes" Mr. ,& Mrs.', Victor & Evelyn PaV'ao, Frank & ,David Plirker. Donald Grushey. Ronald Hadad. Beatrice Medeiros.' " W. Wood Smith, Mrs. Arthur ,Mary Haggerty, 'Mr. &, Mrs. Leonard & Natalie Tessier,.Mr. Kay,.· , " $1%.5Ir Patrick Reilly,Mr. &; Mrs. John Harrington; Mr. & Mrs. "" Mrs. 'Jesse Velozo Jr·., Mr. "" , . , Mr. & 'Mrs. 'John J. Dillon. 'Paul E. Joly, Mr. &: Mrs. John Mrs. Luperce Silvia, Gerard· P; Dominic 'Vadala,Mr. & Mrs. $lZ Kinnane, Mr. & Mrs. Pieri no W. Lawton,'Mr: &; Mrs. Stephen SilRobert Mason, Mr. & Mrs. 'Xl': &;Mrs. Robert Ryan:. La ti n i. ' ... iat: 'Henry Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Fred \ $10 Metell. ' ' , Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. LeonJoh') Otto, Mr. &Mrs. Herbert ard, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Levesque, Mr.. & Mrs. Emil Tietje, Mr. & Fall River Savings Bank Peterson, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Silva, ST. GEORGE Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lopes, Mrs. <Mrs. Patrick McDonnell. , Open Friday evening> till • Francis Cash; Mr. & Mrs. George $50 William Lowney, May E. Lynch. Mr. '& Mrs. William Wright, Leonnovich. ' Mr. &; Mrs. John Ward,Mary '41 NO. MAIN ST. Mr. & Mrs. Francis J ...McMr. & Mrs. Francis Haladay, Mr. -Mr. & Mrs. Edward Balboni, FALL RIVER Carty, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mc- Alice, Harrison. & Mrs. Joseph Dorazio, Mr. & , $25 Mrs. Jeannette Otto, Mr. & Mrs. "el. OS 5-1868 Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Mrs. Paul Noonan. Mr. &; Mrs: Leonard Langlois. • Richard Kosinski, Mr. & Mrs. McNally Jr., Mr, & Mrs. Joseph Turn to 'Page Elght.een George Smithson, Mr. & Mrs. $20 Malvey, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mr. &; Mrs. ,Hugh MacDonald. John F. O'Malley. Miguel. ?vir. & Mrs. Richard F. Mur$15 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Moniz, Mr. phy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Govoni, Mr. &; M~. Richard Mu,nroe, &; Mrs. Roland Montmagny, Mr. Mr, ,&, Mrs. ,Joh~ D. Cannon, & Mrs. J. William Nolan, Mr. &; Mr. & Mrs. Hervey Turgeon. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Keavy, Mr. & $10 Mrs. James Noonan, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. George Brouillette. :Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Durand, A Chester O'Brien. Mrs., ,Wesley DeMoranville, Friend; Mrs. Edward" Galligan, A Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Brien, , ,Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Gahan, Mr. &" Invite young ladies W sanctify their own souls Mr. & Mrs. Norman O'Brien, Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Tardie. Mr. & Mrs. Armand Fauteux, Mrs. John Melanson, Mr. & Mrs. Agnes O'Dea, Thomas F. James ,_Muldowney" George through serving God in the Apostolate of O'Rourke and Thomas Jr.. Mr. &; Mrs. Oliver Fitzgerald, Swapsey. Mr. & Mrs. Adelard Grenier, Mr. Cassie Opromallo. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lorrett, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Panchley, & Mrs. Stephen Grace, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Field, Mr. Wilfred Guilmette. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pavao, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. John Hayes; Mr. &; & Mrs. George A, Tryder, Mr. Tec'.ching & Mrs. Dennis Pereira, Mr. & & Mrs. Luke Leonovich. Mrs. Gilbert Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Bento Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Lillian E. Shea, Mary Shea, Joseph V. Mello, Lucienne MoOliver Perry. Irene E. Shea, In Memory of Nursing rais, Mr. & Mrs. John Morris. Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Perry Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parent, Mr. John P. Shea, Mr & Mrs. WilMr. & Mrs. Edward I. Pettine, Mr. & Mrs. Albert I. Picard, Mr. &; Mrs. Antone Perry, Mr. & liam Bill, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Care of Orphans Mrs. Roman Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Mossey. & Mrs. Antone Ponte, Dr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Graham Scudder, Albert Sarisoucy, Mr. & Mrs. W'illiam E. 'Potter. ' Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Harron, Mr. Mr.. & Mrs. Manuel Rapoza, Ralph Silva. Training of Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Slattery, & Mrs. Paul Bishop, Irene FonMr. & Mrs. Harold J. Regan, dini, Robert Murphy. ,A Friend, Stevenson's RestauMr. & Mrs. Nicholenus Reis, Exceptional Margaret Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Riley, Mr. & Mrs. Henry rant, Jacob Strunk, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Tetrault, Mr. & Mrs. Harry B. Ryder, Helen B. SulliF. Rose. Children van, Mr. & Mrs. George Connell, ' Mr. & Mrs. Howard Simmons, Honore Vaillancourt. Mary Hunt, Ben Grassi. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Simmons, Arthur Poirier, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Simpson, Foreign Missions ORADELL (NC)-Jack Mostyn, William McGlammery, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Leon Sims, Mr. & Mrs. George Robertson, Mr. & 18, a senior at Bergen Catholic Mrs. Antone Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Suspiro, High School here in New Jersey, Mrs. Joseph McManus, Mr. & Write to: Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Talbot, Mr. who shattered all interscholastic Mrs. Leon Chausse. Mr. & Mrs. Paul G .. Payson, & Mrs. Herbert Tickle, Mrs. records for the loo-yard dash MOTHER PROVINCIAL, R. S. M. when he ran it in 9.3 seconds in Mr. & Mrs. William White, Mr. Anna & Eleanor Welch, Mr. & PROVINCIAL HOUSE the Englewood invitation meet &' Mrs. Albert Barabe, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Whitmgre. MANVILLE POST, OFFICE Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Wiedeman, will enroll at the Christian Ml'$. Timothy Santry, Elwinna ' Mr. & Mrs. Albert Wilding, Mr. Brothers of Ireland Novitiate at Ni,ckerson. RHODE ISLAND Dr. Robert S. Tbrope, Dr. '& West Park, N. Y " Mrs. Leon DQ)'le. Continued from Page Sixteen
French Parents
Ask School Aid
Reappoints President
Woods Hole
, Westport'
Joins Brothers
18 '
Murphy t.O Get Laetare Medal,
Thurs., May 28. 1959
Appeal Gifts
NOTRE DAME (NC)-Deput,. Under Secretary of State Robert D. Murphy will receive the University of Notre Dame's Lae. tare Medal for 1959 at a dinner in ·the Mayflower Hotel, Washington; D. C., on June 1, it was announced here.
Continuell from Page Seventeen
Fairhaven ST. JOSEPH
$GO Zephire Bisaillon.
$35 Dr. & Mrs. F. Silveira. $30 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Williams & Family.
- Father Theodore M. Hesburgh. 'C.S.C., Notre Dame president, will present. the award to the veteran career diplomat in the presence lof several hun.dred guests including dignitaries representing the Chureh, government and the diplomatic corps. ,Established in 1883, the Laetare Medal is awarded annually to an outstanding Catholic layman in the United States.
$25 Misses Bessie &" Margaret. Noland, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cardoza, Mr. & Mrs. James E. Muldoon, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. David Fitzgerald, Mrs.. Eva Bisaillon. , $20 Josephine & Edward Kenney.
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander PhilDr. Cha'rles H. Malik, presilips, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Jackdent of the United Nations Genson, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Leclair, eral Assembly, will give the Mrs. Sainuel Crosley, Miss Marprincipal address at the dinner. garet A. Manghan. . The invocation will be delivered Mrs. Charlotte Trott, Daniel by Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, McCrohan & ,Mrs. Elizabeth McApostolic Delegate to the United Quillan. GIFT FOR BOI.. IVIA PARISH: A check for $25;000, the contri~ution 'of Catholic States. Frank M. Folsom, former $10 grade and high schools in the La Crosse Diocese, is-:p~esented b~Bishol? John P,: T~eacy, president of the Radio CorporaMr. & Mrs. Paul Donaghy, Mr. tion of America and winner of It Mrs. Manuel Brun, Mr. & Mrs. to Father Joseph Walijewski on mission leave to, BolIVIa. At lett IS Bonme Granowskl, and the Laetare Medal last year will at right is'Don Mansavage,' who placed tOP3in school ~contributions. NC Photo. John J: Black, Mr. & Mrs. Franbe the master of ceremonies. cis J. O'Brien, David Wade. Mrs. Elizabeth Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. 'Charles Oliveira, Mr. & ST. PIUS TENTH OUR L~DY OF LQURDES Mrs. John J. Noon, Mrs. R. E. $100 Th~y would pretty hard to forget -: •• they were everywhere Foster, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert $100 A Friend. Valerio. Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Demp:.- &ervin&, hundreds of purposes • • • the,. were' nearly indestruct$50 ,' ' ible or at least 80 they' seemed. But Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Benoit, sey, Mr. & Mrs. John F. MarUm. Society of St. Vincent de Paul. time has taken care of many of them Mrs. Mary Lopes, Anthony M. $50 ' especially the lone hut on Ule ,~horea $25 Sylvia Jr., Mr. & Mrs. ·Alfred St. Pius Tenth Guild. of Ule Red Sea at Massawa (EthIopia). Wellfleet Savings' 'Bank, A, Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. Norman $35 This one has served as a rectory, ofFriend, Duarte Agency, ·A Benoit. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas ,Hague Jr, fice and Church (all the one time) for Friend. Mr. & Mrs. Roger 'Archam,$30 a zealous missionary. ,The salt air, the bault, Thomas F. :McNamara, John Coyle. . $20 elimate, and old age have ~ade a Mrs. Antone Amaral, Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Grinwreck of the faithful building and now G. Hanrahan,. Mr. & Mrs. Chris' $25 dle, Charles A. Joseph, 'Mr. & topher Keough. Bass River Liquor ,Store, Inc. tbe missionary must either live In the - Mrs. Harry A. Pearsall: open or build a house. The cost will be Mr. & Mrs.E,dward Meekin,' Catholic Youth Society of St. ,$15 $5.000. Perhaps you would like a lastMrs. Jay L~ Quinn, Ellen Dow- Pius Tenth, Mr. & Mrs.'Frank E. In Memory -of William F. Ing memorial for a loved one on the ney, Albert Labossiere, Mr. &' ConroY,Mr. ,& Mrs. Charles E. 1ht Holy Farhrri Misirm Rose, Clarence J. Barrio, Rita shores 01 tbe Red Sea mentioned so Mrs. Ernest Dion. . Still. .' fir tht Orimtal ClJurrb often In the Old and New Testament. W·t J - Mrs. FrederIck Hatch; Mr. &: 'Rose, Laura Silva, Mr. & Mr~ M N rs; ora, al e, ames MM' A L' h Anthony J. Duart. Burke, Dennis J. Hogan, George' rs. aUrIce . ync. Holy Name Society, Mr. &: Doane, Beal & Ames. -REMEMBER FATHER ON FATHER'S DAY ... SO SAY ALL .A. ,Emin, Mrs. Earl Jertson. Mrs. ,Charles E. Frazier Je. THE ADVERTISEMENTS ., NOT A BAD -IDEA WHY Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Co~ta, Ray$20 , $10 ENROLL NOT REMEMBER HIM iN AN ETERNAL WAY mond Robitaille, Louis Tanguay, Mr. & Mrs. John Crawford, Mr. & Mrs. Austin Rose Jr.. HIM IN THE CATHOLIC NEAR EAS~ MISSIONS. Mr. & Mrs. J. Gardella, Mr. & Harry J. Doherty. Mary E. Joseph, Linda L. Clark, I , . Mrs. Donald SuUivan. Mr. & Mrs. T. W. LeBlanc, Mr. Alfred Rose, Mr.-& Mrs: Francis' ,THOMAS and VARGHESE have thought ••• & Mrs. Richard TeJ;rio. Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Volpe, and prayed .•. and sacrificed 101' the Sacred Heart J. L. McCarthy, E:arle M. LarMrs"EdwardF. Cloran, Mr. &: L. Geary. (}'east June 5). They wisb to devote their lives A Friend, "Joseph Peters Jr., _ kin,' Mr. & Mrs. Lindorfo 's. Mrs. Thomas Martin. to &elliDg their countrymen 01 the mysteries of Mr. & Mrs. Norman Gill, James Cunha, Mr. & Co Mrs. Milton $15 ' DiviDe Love. They bope to .be priests in India, L. Delory, Daniel J. Chisholm. , Fisher. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mello. BUT before eltber' one can begin his seminal'J Sadie ',& Alice Joseph, lV,[r. &: MI·s. James Greenway, Mr. &: $1Z atildhis be must bave a sponsor who will pay bis Mrs. Kenneth Pain, 'Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. John L. Harrison, .Anna M. , Mr. &'Mrs.Charles E. Tourj~. necessary expenses 01 $100 a year during the Richard L. Ladendecker; Mr. &; & Francis J. Buckley, Mr. & $10 alx year seminary eourse. Would you care to Mrs. Chester. Connors, Me. &: . Mrs. Anthony R. Fernandez, Mr. Bass-River Pharmacy, Edward adopt a "son in Christ" in honor 01 the Sacred Hearl? &: Mrs. Thomas J. ,Robirison. L. Cummings, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph ,Mrs. Addison Ormsby., John J. Berrio, Jr., Mr. &; Mrs. ...Mr. & Mrs. Noel B. Couture, Curran. Mr.' & Mrs. Charles W. MOST OF US WILl- CH_ANGE;OUR DIET SOMEWHAT FOR Mr. ,& Mrs. Norbert Gregoire, Eager, Finley's YD Liquor Store. John F. Sherwin; Mr. & Mrs. THE SUMMER MONTHS: .. THIS IS NOT A PROBLEM FOR, Mr. & Mrs. Alban D-uchesneau, Mr. & Mrs. William Griffin, Richmond Bell, Mr. &: Mrs. AlTHE REFUGEE CHILDREN . . . THEY EAT WHATEVER bert Cusson; Mr. &: Mrs. AnEllsworth McOsker, Mr. & Mrs. Jennings Oil Co., Mr. & Mrs. THEY CAN GET ... A, FOOD PACKAGE IS STILL $10 AND thony Souza. Louis B. Gold. Robert E. Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. IT WILL FEED A FAMILY FOR A WEEK. CAN YOU AFFORD Mr;'& Mrs. Frank Lewis. Mr. John Leahy, Mr. &-Mrs. George I Warren Pazolt" William, J. &: ONE TODAY? &: Mrs. Ingvold To'rkelsen, ManLinehan. ' I Annie' E. Gill, Mr. & Mrs. John uel Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Dr. & Mrs. Neil. MacDonald, Thomas, ,Paul & Doea LU,ssier. SISTER SUZANNE and SISTER EMMANC. Bolton, Mr. Joseph C. Mello: Mr. & Mrs. Joseph .Mullan, Mr. .Cora Holbrook. UEL have been called by the Sacred Heart to & Mrs. Joseph Norton, Mr: & Mr. & Mrs. Anthony ,W, Emily Conant Hoeffel, R~ spreai:l tbe love and compassion 01 Our Lord Samaska, Mrs. Robert Sibor, Mr. Mrs. Chester Savery, Neil H. dington Family, ,Mr. .& Mrs. among tbe poor 01 Egypt, Each girl must .have &. Mr~. Matthew O'Malley, Smith. Walter Bushey, Mr. & Mrs. Roba sponsor who will pay her necessary expenses George A. Emin, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. James Speirs, Mr. & ,Mrs. ert Sherman, 'Louise D. Fratus. of $150 • yeai' during her two year period 01 Manuel Alves. Matthew Steele, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Albert S. Bettennovitiate training. In honor of tbe Sacred William J. Bourassa Family, Haskell E. White. court, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond MaHeart will you "adopt a nun." Mrs. Abbie Menezzi, Mr. & Mrs. Eleanor ,R. Baker, Mr: & Mrs. guire, John Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gallant, William H. Lester Bishop, Mrs. Jerome CanGeorge S. Dutra, Flora N. Peters. MASS OFFERING BRING,S SPIRITUAL STRENGTH TO YOU Carey, 'Ellsworth Cu'nningham. ning, Mr. & Mrs.. Thomas ConMr. & Mrs.' Kenneth Snow, AND THE NECESSITIES OF LIFE TO YOUR MISSIONARIEs' , Walter Silveira,' Mr. & Mrs. way, Mrs. Coleman J. Coyne. Lawrence J. Rose. Mr.' & Mrs. Frederick' Wolanski, Mary D. John Sheehan, Me. &, Mrs. Mrs. Ernest Eastman Jr., FATHER'S DAY Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Fruen Electric, Inc., Mrs. W. Eugene dormier, Margaret In a vel'J few weeks (June 21) we.will bave an opportunlt,. to Archambault, Louis Tanguay. Harry Heptonstall, Mr. & Mrs. Prada, Marion M. Brennan, Two show our appreciation and gratitUde to our fatbers wbo have Friends.' ". C Raymond Robitaille" Mr. Thomas Larkin, Mr. & Mrs; , worked so lonl' and 80 bard for us. Tbere are maD,.. things .we' Rene Fleurent, Alfred McKenna, John B. McKenney. ,Mr. & Mrs.. Maurice D. Gauean do but one 01 the most important would be to remember William Perry, Manuel Arruda. thier, ,Mr. &: Mrs. Wilfred him iD a wa)' he 'would like - b)' helpinl' others u he once Mr. & Mrs: Peter McNamara, . Miss Mary C. McKenzie, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. James Quirk, Mr. &: Rogers Jr. heiped as. We will send our beautiful I'm card anywhere in the &: Mrs. Josepl:J, J. Carey, De. Mrs. William Robinson, John world to'tell him of Jour cenerosib. ODe area of lTeat need .. Turn. to P!'l'e Niade_ Keewin. tlae .'-ion ehapels. • . would JoU eare to donate-.. adiele .. Wiggin, Mrs. Edward E. Wiltile. Dame of Jour lather! liamson.' Candles . . . .. $~ MUII'IMMJIE •.... $25 CiboritUD ...... $41 QUITO (NC)-His Eminence SACRED HEART Mr. -~ Mrs. Walter E. Wright. Sanctuary laalJl 15 Altar .tone 10 Crucifi~ •.•• • •• ZI ~ $10 ' I CarIos Maria Cardinal de - la . Mr. & Mrs. William. F. Casey, M.. bells . ... I Masa Yestmeutll . H Pleta..... ' ..... 11 • Mr. & Mrs. Armand Becotte. Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. DuraQt, . Torre blessed a trade union -.. Mr. & Mrs. Herlihy, Mr. '& Mrs. building e'stablished here by the THE SUFFERING AND THE POVERTY. OF THE PEOPLE' OJ' . Charles Webster, Joseph Ryan, Ecuadorian l Confederation of ST. MARY, O,UR LADY 1'HE NEAR EAST HAVE A SPECIAL PLACE INPRAYERS Catholic Workers and offered a Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Petrillo., OF THE· ISLE AND WORK OF OUR HOLY FATHER ... WILL YOU HELP Pontifical Mass in the cathedral HIM.' .. WHAT YOU GIVE TO THE HOLY FATHER YOU $'15 Hundr.eds of I abo I' leadees GIVE TO CHRIST,... SEND HIM.A STRINGLESS GIFT TODAY. Rev. Daniel Carey,. attended. WASHINGTON' (NC) - The i $25 Westinghouse Educational FounGIVE TO 'WIN THE WORLD FOR CHRIS1'. Mrs. Paul Klingelfuss. dation has presented electrical $20 ANGRA DO HEROISMO (NC) engineering equipme~t to the Mrs. Gordon' MacDonald. Catholic University of America I -A second !liocesan syno~ is Mrs. Gordoi! MacDonald. here. The gift 'was part of a- being planned here by Bishop $10 Manuel Alfonso de Carvalho of nationwide progNlm whereby FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Kiley, Me. Angra. It will mark the' 400th the foundation will give free Msgr. 'oter P. Tuohy, Nat'. Soc', &: Mis. William Turner. ' anniversary of the diocese's first laboratory equipment valued at ~ _ Send all communIcation. to: . diocesan synod. The Synod is a half~million dollars to nearly CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION expected to bring up to· date ST. ELIZABETH 150 accredited electrical engin480 Le~ington Ave. at 46th St.... New Y~~ N. Y. $10 eering departments of U. S. col': religious rules and practices iD the Azores Islands. lege,i and univel'sities. :Edgartown Cafe.
South Yarmouth
Blesses Building
Gift to University
Plan Azores Synod
Appeal Gifts Continued from Page Eighteen
Falmouth ST. PATRICK $100 Mr. & Mrs. James Smith. $50 Mr. & Mrs. J. Arthur Powers, St. Vincent de Paul Society. Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Sherman. $30 Lt. William Crowell. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Callahan, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Burdo, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Robbins, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Corey Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John DeMello. , Robert Corcoran, Mr.' & Mrs. Robert F. Betts, st. Patrick's Guild. Richard Tobin, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence C. Antonellis, Falmouth Paint & Wallpaper Store, Fay's, Falmouth National Bank. $15 ' Mr. & Mrs. ,Th()mas F. :Maguire. $20 Thomas F. Joy, Mrs. Alice Creemer, Vera Brabrook, Lawrence Mason, Katherine Dugan" 'Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Arruda. $15 ... Robert McFadden, Edward Perry, Mrs. Mary Q. Cobb, James Bercaw, Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan. Dr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Wagner, James Q. Lyons. . $10 , James MacDonald, Harold Kearin, Mr. & Mrs. David Maseda, Robert T. Lynch, Amoco Station. Mr. & Mrs. John Cavanaugh, Mrs. C. Cuimmei, 'Falmouth Electric Co., Frost Boat Co., Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hazelton. Mrs. James Hazelton, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lumbert, John Malone, Mr. & Mrs. Edwih Medeiros~, Michael Malone. James Pafford, In memory of Raymond O'Leary, Agnes Rogers, Ten Acre, Inc., Mrs. Allan Windle. ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hill, Mr. & Mrs. Aldo Milanese, Margaret Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. A. Blanchard, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wolseley. Raymond Murray, Mr. &.Mrs. James Boli, Mr. & Mrs. Milton Steele, Mr. & Mrs. James' F. Wynne, Mr. & Mrs: James Razinha. • Falmouth Photo Supply; Mrs. George Wilson, Capt. Leo D. Hofelich, Mr. & Mrs. George Denmark, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Emerald. Mr. & Mrs. John Hennessey, Mrs. Emerson Ayers, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Corey, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Sands. . Mrs. William Veary, Mr. &, Mrs. Clifton Veary, Mrs. Leonard Tyler, Mr. & Mrs. Duane Maddox. Knights of Columbus - Falmouth Council, A Friend, Emmanuel Roberts> Moore & Jenks, Mrs. J. B. Miskell Sr. • Mrs. Russell K., Dickson, Charles H. Latham, Elm Arch Inn, Vvareham, Savings Bank, Mr. & Mrs. John P. Doyle. Joseph Kamonte', Mr. & Mrs. Matthew R. Souza, Thomas Flaherty.
East Falmouth ST. ANTHONY $500 Rev. J. M. B. Avila. $100 Falmouth Cement Works. $50 In memory of Manuel B. Pacheco Jr. . Anthony R. Delizia, Herman Lopes & Son Alvaro. $40 Myron R. Tavares & Family. $38 Joseph E. Souza & Family. $35 Antone B. Couto Jr. $30 James G. Souza & Son, Joseph. Antonio Mello. $25 Children's Paradise Shop, East Falmouth Oil Co., Tex's Gasoline Station, Virgil W. Jansen, Manuel O. Souza. Francisco Tavares, John De' Costa Jr., Manuel White Jr. St. Anthony Club of Falmouth, Holy Ghost Society, Crystal Fuel Oil Co., George H. Ferreira Construction Co., William Bonito, James L. Jacobs. Manuel R. Lopes, John Mar-
tin, George J. DeMello, Manuel G. Souza Jr., Madeline Simons, Frank G. Souza, Tobey Souza. $20 Lois Abrams, Joseph Bento, John Cordeiro, Joseph W. Flora, Walter Lucas. George F. DeMello, Gilbert 'ROME (NC)-His HoliMoniz, Manuel F: Rapoza & Famness Pope John XXIII left ily, Manuel P. Rose, ,Elmer F. the Vatican to give their Robbins. first Holy Gommunion to 40 Louis De 'Souza, John, L. Tavares, Frank M. Teixeira, Joseph Roman youths who had been confirmed a day earlier. ' Teixeira, Frederick E. Ward, Adlein Moniz, John Pena. Most of the 40 communicants Jean's Bakery, Daniel & Cyn-who had been confirmed by thia Botelho, John DeCosta, His Eminence Alberto Cardinal Michael Dutra, Richard I. Hardy. di Jorio-were between the ages Frank Lima, Charles J. De-" of 13 and 20, but some were as Mello, Edward T. Mello, Ottola old as 27. All were from workers' DeMello, In memory of Richard families., Pacheco. . 'The Holy Father left the VatManuel Rebello, Manuel R. ican early in the morning to go Soares, Joseph'L. Tavares, Arto the' convent of the Benedicthur Veiga, Antone Viera. tine Oblate Sisters' of the Tor David Correllus & Family, GREETS MIGRATION DELEGATES: In Washington de' Specchi, an ancient building Richard Baldwin, John L. Lopes, in Trastevere, Rome's working for its first.,annual symposium, some 200 delegates of the class Edward F. Rapoza. district. ' , American Committee on Italian Migration (National Cath$18 As the five-car papal cavalMar'y & Isabel Miller. olic Resettlement Council) were greeted at the White House cade drove beneath the flags and $15 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Shown with President bunting, strung across the tall Peter Carvalho. Manuel P. Eisenhower are Judge Juvenal Marchisio (left) of New canyons 'between the 'tenements, Dutra, Joseph G;- Ferreira, Manfamilies jammed their windows uel L. Ferreira, Louis H. Mar- York, national chairman and Father Caesar Donanzan, exan.d balconies to cheer the Ponshall. ecutive natio_~al secretary. NC Photo. tiff. Joseph A. Martin, Myron C. After distributing Communion Medeiros, Manuel Netto, Frank to the youths and before he gave Rego,' Fred P. Rose. his blessing and a medal of his Albert Souza, Frank Souza Jr., pontificate to those present, the John F. S()uza; Manuel White, Hply Father addressed the small Holy Ghost Society (Women's, OMAHA (NC)-The main obmarried clergy, are far more congregation. Division). stacles to reunion with Rome by . difficult matters in considering Joseph Andrade, Abel .Mello;· the Eastern. separated churches Own Childhood reunion than the theological Ronald J. Souza. are not doctrinal but disciplinHe said .he profoundly question of the primacy of the Patrick Bish,op, Angelo Bur- ary, editors of Eastern Rite moved by the ceremony, parpope. Another great stumbling gess, Marie Colhard, Camillo Catholic papers believe. ticularly since it reminded him block for the Orthodox, he said, D'E/{idio, Emily & Rose EmTaking part in the discussion is the placing of' a cardinal of his own childhood when "as ereld. were Father John G: Gernat and above a patriarch in the Latin a country boy of eight," he reFrank Figuerido, Joaquim . John B. Kallock ot" the Byzanceived First Communion from Rite Church.-· Figuerido, Joseph Figuerido, tine Catholic World of Pittsthe parish priest of" Sotto 'il Differ on Primacy Donald & Bernice Kingsley~ Guy Monte. burgh and Father Henry Sagan W. Nickerson. Father Swyschuk emphasized of The Way, newspaper of the He recalled how he had reTheophilus Oliveira, Edward Philadelphia Ukrainian Catholic that doctrinal differences 'be- ceived the honor of compiling Marks, William K. Soares, ·Walarchdiocese. Fat her Yaroslav tween Rome and the Orthodox the list of the 15 first communiter Stone, Gilbert Tavares. Swychuk', pastor of thhlb Ukrain- churches are few, "with one cants at that time since he was, M;:lrianno Couto Jr., Antone R. basic difference, the primacy of ian' Byzantine Catholic Rite considered the group's best Perry, Scoba Rhodes & Family, parish here" opened the discus- the Pope." " reader and writer. He recalled Paul Rodrigues & Family, Do- sion with a paper on the subject. "Catholics believe th<lt the this "the first act· of a long Nut Land. '$12 Pope is the head of the Church, Father' Kallock emphasized apostolate." Ernest P. Cabral, Richard G. that such questions as whether the visible Vicar of Christ upon He referred to the diversity Hirtle, William DePonte. earth," he said. "The Orthodox the Orthodox Church, after reof faiths among Ute people who $10 believe that the individual bishunion with Rome, would be perdaily visit the Vatican and said William C. Bento, John Jaops, successors of the Apostles, mitted to retain its practice of a this was evidence of the univercome, Joseph S. Medeiros, ,Maare the visible heads of the sal attraction of the papacy, "the tilda Miranda, John & Frances Church." ) Roderick. "Controversial matters, such custodian of,the greate'st treasJoseph D'Aguiar, Germano as the Filoque (and the Son), ure in the world, the treasure,of Kenn~dy Afonso, Cecilia Bento, ,Luciano purgatory, the dogmas of the Jesus Christ Himself." NEW YORK (NC)-Robert F. Immaculate Conception and the Botelho, ,Manuel F. Botelho. Kennedy, chief counsel for the Manuel S. Bonito, George W. Assumption of the Blessed Senate Select Committee on Burgess, Manuel Burgess, Jesse FATIMA (NC)-A permanent Mother are not likely to prove Improper, PractiCes in Labor or Costa, Gordon Ferreira. camping site for Boy Scouts is troublesome or cause delay in Servulo G. Ferreira, Francis Management Fields, will be prethe council," he coritinmid. being considered for Our Lady sented with the Quadragesimo Lewis, Joseph Lewis, Antone "An important and serious of Fatima Shrine to permit Anno Medal of the Association moral. issue to be discussed will scouts to erect tents or use Marshall, Joseph Marshall. Joseph T. Medeiros, Salvador of Catholic Trade Unionists at be the question of divorce, buildings planned for the site. the organization's 2nd CommunMedeiros, Arthur S. Mello, Manwhich has found its way into Scouts are on hand for big pilion breakfast in the Hotel New uel S. Mello, William De Mello. the Orthodox Church since, the grimages and help to direct the Yorker Sunday. John B. Moniz, Arthur Pimen6th century." crowds. tal, John Pimental, Manuel Rodi'Mr. Kennedy has bee n rigues Jr., Manuel L. Rodrigues. chosen because of his efforts to Mary G. Simons, Antone G. expose and eliminate a major Souza, Belmiro DeSouza, Joseph threat to the vhality of the labor L. Souza, Olive De Souza movement-the labor racketeer," Joaquim R. Tavares, Mary R. said Pat Napolitano, chairman Tavares, James" Vida-I, Arthur of the annua.l breakfast. Marshall, St. Anthony's Women's Club. Manuel L. Peters. August Almeida, Robert A. LITTLE ONES THIRST FOR TRUTH Electrical' Alwardt, AdQlph Bishop, BenContractors jamin 'Bevelander; Joseph You too can win souls by teaching with the Sisters of St. Bishop. Joseph i'n the Fall River Diocese, and e\jen as far as South'George P. Cabral, John P. . Cabral, Thomas .Dec'9sta, Manern Louisiana among the colored and white population uel Duarte, Edward Graharrl. Harold Haggendorff, Mary M. Kaplet, Arthur Lawrence, Patrick W. Lewis. Edmund L. Lopes. Jack Mars!lall, Frank T. MeREV. MOTHER PROVINCAL, SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH 944. County St. , deiros, Edith DeMello, Flora DeNew Bedford 2501 South Main Street, Fall River Mello, James DeMello. Manuel F. Mello, Manuel J. DeMello, Theophilus Moniz Sr., Benjamin F. Moreland, Anthony A. Oliver. Antone Oliver Jr., Donald Oliver, Louis Oliver~ Robert B. Pacheco, Carlo Pena. ' Plumbing - Heating George Pinto, Jasper Puckett, William Rapoza, Manue~ RezenOver 35 Years des, Jude C. Royals. of Satisfied Service Lester Silva, John L. Silvia (Miracle Worker) 806 NO. MAIN STREET Jr., Justina Simoes, yeorge Fall River OS 5-7497 Soares, Antone DeSouza. BEGINS: THURSDAY, JUNE 4th to JUNE 12th Manuel DeSouza, Manuel A. Souza, George D. Sylvia, An. DEVOTIONS: at 10 A.M., 12: 10 noon, 5: 10 & 8 P.M. tone E. Terra, Helena Tavares. Sylvester J. Tavares. Virginia FEAST DAY: June 13th High Masses: 10 'A.M. and Tavares, Fred S. Travers, John' 12: 10 Noon. GOOD FOOD Robert Araujo, Daniel Ferreira. Alfred Flora & Son, Arinda Pleasant Atmosphere Furtado, John H. Macedo, Fal"ask anyboay" mouth Cir,cle Daughters of IsaAir Conditioned bella, 'Mary Emerald. FRANCISCAN FATHERS Manuel Fernandes, Joseph F. , 386 Acushnet Avenue Ferreira, Lawrence Goulart, 572 Pleasant Street New Bedford, Mass. New Bedford Turn to Page Twenty
Pope John Gives Eucharist After Confirmation
Obstacles to Orthodox Reunion With Rome Mainly Disciplinary
Catholic Association To Honor
Scouts at Fatima '
St. Joseph Needs You
Will. You Come?
M-K Restaurant
~~E81E 01" FALL RIVER • .MASS."
20 .. - THE ANCHOR
'Bishop PrOPOSeS Plan'to Increase 'Study of Faith
Thur:s., May 28,1959
Continued from Page Nineteen
Nort"on' ST. MARY· $60 Mr.·& Mrs. Henry LeClaire. .
JEFFERSON CITY (NC) -Ignorance ,of the .Faith was characterized by Bishop ,Joseph Marling, C.PP.S., of
Harry Bullock Family, Massie Family, Mrs. Mary Ferreira & Jefferson City as the "very Family. . greatest obstaCle of the 'Church $20 in winning the world to Christ." Mrs. L. G. Balfour, John FerAt the joint convention of the ltandes, Mr. & Mrs.,Adlow King. Diocesan Councils of Catholic $15 Men' and Women, the Bishop .,Bristol Farms; Mr. & Mrs." also outlined a two-point proJ'oseph Russell. . $10 / gram as a guide to increasing knowledge of religion. ' Frank Andrade Family, Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Belt, Mr. & Mrs. 1) A "Know the Faith" plan Norman Boivin, Henry.s. BO:fden to begin in September will emFamily, John J. Camara. phasize the reading each month Mr. & Mrs. WilliaJ1l Carvalho, o{ a pamphlet selected from Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cloutier, Mr. . those printed by the Knights of & Mrs. Adolph Colette, Mrs. Columbus' Religious InformaMargaret Cray, Mr. &' Mrs: tion Bureau in St. Louis. Frank DeCosta. 2) Confraternity of Christian ,Mr. & Mrs. Albert Drew, Mr. Doctrine study clubs will be & Mrs. Robert DUffy/Mr. & Mrs. launched in the fall with the .Joseph Dufresne, Mr. & Mrs. 'first object of study being the Francis Eames, Mr. & Mrs. sacrifice of the Mass. .Joseph Fitzgerald. e Dr. & Mrs. William Fountain, The Bi'Shop further announced Frates Dairy; Mr. & Philip to the more than 500 persons BISHOP CROWNS MISS FREEDOM: Regina Kulys, 15, of Brooklyn is crowned by 'attending the convention three Gilbert, Mr. & Mrs. John Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Odias Guevremont. Bishop Cuthbert O'Gara, C.P., an exile from his diocese in China. Watching the coroprograms to be taken up on a Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lenation are, left to, right, Irene Butrimas, Li thuania; A,ranka Kapin, Hungary; Violet diocesan basis. They are: meiux, Mr. & Mrs. John Lori, A method of attending low Sofalvi, Hungary; Mrs. Anne Yalowege Hatfield" Ukrania, and Charles Albert ,McLain, Mr. & Mrs. William Lynch, Mr. Mass to carry out the recent in& Mrs. Aqolphus Mahar, Mr. & chairman of the forthcoming testimonial to martyrs of Communist tyranny to be held struction of th~ Holy See on Mrs. John Maigret. . , , in Carnegie Hall. NC Photo. active participation in the Mass. Mr. &. Mrs. C(;.arles Malouin,' I Leo Comtois. I The establishment in each Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius McCarthy, o gevi e Doris Comtois, Robert Clouparish of. a Holy Name Society Mr, '&. Mrs. Frank McGrath, 'ST. STEPHEN tier, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Le":, ST. MARY to which "we wish all men to ,Mr. & Mrs. Ray McKinlay, Mrs;, belong." . . ,$200 ' febvre, P.eter Gagne, Joseph The,:, '$25 Louis Masse. Rev. 'J. Omt'!rLussier. ' riault & Family. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Guillette, Mr. & Mrs. R. Millette, Mrs. The preparation of a diocesan $150 Mr. & 'Mrs. Armand Aussant, A Friend. 'Alphee Pelletier, Mr.. & ,Mrs. code for -teenage conduct to be Edgar' Pelfeti~r, E;iizabeth PelleMr. & Mrs. Leo ,Roy. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Gaumont, $15 .entrusted, to ti).e -Diocesan CounMr. & Mr~. Leo Turgeon,/Mr.& · tier, Mr. & Mrs. James PontoHIo, cil of Catholic Women. $100. , Mrs., Laramee, Mr;&,' ,Ehrlich Family, Mr. & Mrs: Mr., & Mrs. Clarence Rich, Mr. , M,orse "Sand. & Gtav,e,1 CO.," Antonl'o Ca'ponl'gro " Mrs. Armand Dube. ' ,~ ,,', , , " ' .~"""""'''''~~''~''''''''''.''~~_''; Ie Mrs. Alfred Robitaille, Mr: & Dodgeville, Finishing Co: '' $10 " $30 ',,' Mr. & Mrs. Albert Allard, Mr. ' ' Mrs. William 'E. ,'Rogers, Mr. & . " , &, .Mrs. Henri ',:Martin, Mr. &: & Mrs. Raymond Bile>-' :Mrs. Paul Sabourin" :[\'Ir. & Mrs: . Mr. & Mts. Arthur Desorcy' &£ "Mr. 'M' ", , Mrs. R,aou, f Lacass,e, Mr. & Mrs. . deau, r. & Mrs. Michael CataEdward Smith. ' Fam.n y . , ' "I' • M ,T . '$25 Donat Raymond, Mr. &" Mrs'.: I'lDO, 1'., &: Mrs. '"ames Kinder, : Mr. & Mrs.' The.odo~e Taus~k, TreffleCaron. ' . " Mrs~ :Walter Main, Mr.. ~, Mrs... " Mr.&, Mrs. Joseph Souza, Mr. & Holy Name Sodality, Ladies of Mr. & Mrs.·Edouart Gp~dr.eau" Joseph 'Rotella; · Mrs. John' Teixeira, Mr.· & Mrs. St. Anr:t, ,Children of'Mary, ,qyO ' ,',', " , f S' ., CI b Mr.,·& Mrs. Frank Rapoza, Mr. & Mr. &, Mrs: Arthur- Dion, Mr.,. Fred Tho/nton, Mr. &.' M~.Ed~ , ,0' .,' t. Stephen,.Mr. & Mrs., ,u, M L ' & M Ed d C d " mund Vogt. ' , .', ' Blanchard, Lawn Mower· Sales, rs. oren'zo Daneau, Richard " rs.\ war' ree en, Mr. & 'Goudreau, Mr. & Mrs. Albert", Mrs. '7J:bhn Coyle, A. StllD,ley . ' .... ' " Mrs. Leonard Witherell, Mr: Caron Granite Co. ' $20' Bessette, Julia Perry; Donlan, ,Mr. & Mrs. Arthur "Ie Mrs. Benedict Yelle. , 365 NORTH FRONT STREET: Aldea Erickson,' Mr. & Mrs. Choquet. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Britton, : NEW BEDFORD : Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Murphy. Alfred Karol, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kenneth Guillette, Mr. & Mrs. : . WYman 2~5534 : $15 Boudreau, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Albert Jackson, 'L. J. Jackson, , , , I Continued from Page One · & ' 1en Belmore, Mr. Daneau, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Fro- Mr.. & Mrs. John Parker, Mr. & ' _ ~ Father Sloyan's 'book includes R lchard He merit; Joseph Ratte. Mrs. Daniel Sullivan. an article by Father Georges & Mrs. Bedeon Lacroix. ~10. , ' Mr. & Mrs. Theo Charron Sr., Mr. & Mrs. William Verzola, ••••••••• B • • • • • • • Delcuve, ,S.J., editor of Lumen Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Turgeon, Mr. & Mrs: Theo Charron Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Fred Taylor, A Vitae-religious education, quar-' Mr. & Mrs. ,Henri Dube, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Gingras, Friend. terly published in Brussels-outTurn to Page Twenty-one lining the history and theology Eric Maslem, Mr. & Mrs. Ray: Mr. & Mrs. Achille Hebert, Conmond Aussant, Mr. &, Mrs. 'AI- stance Brochu. of Confirmation. ' Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Lacourse, The Jesuit catechetical expert' /fred Ladebauche. Mr: & Mrs. Normand Berard, Mr. & .Mrs. Gerard Laferriere, recalls that up until the 13th century, it was common to ad- . lVIr. & Mrs. Lucien Lebland, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Jean Bergeron, Mr. WALLET SIZE PICTURES & Mrs. Charles Gagnon, Doro",inister both Baptism and Con- & Mrs. ViCtor Duhamel, Mr. & INC. LCJminated (Seal in Plastic) Mrs. Leo Guenette, Mr. & Mrs. theee Boisse, Mr. & Mrs. Richard firmation 'to blfbies. With the T. Goyette. ' Council of Trent, in the 16th Frank Bedford. 15cea. 2 for 25c p.p. . Mr. & Mrs. Donald Nicholson, ,century, Confirmation was put . 24 , HOUR SERVICE Mr. & Mrs: Leo Chagnon, Mr. & off until around the age' of I ' seven. But in the 19th century; M,rs...Charles Landry, 'Mr., & SACRED HE,lUtT WHO~ESALE & RETAIL 'the custom grew of. delaying' Mrs. JohnI.togers, Mr. & Mrs. , NEW BEDFORD, MASS. $25 Confirrriationuntil 12 or even Herman Gorman;':': " Mrs. William Bernard., .Mr;~ &. Mrs. 'David' Laberge, later, apparently because" the youngsters did not continue 'hav- Mr:'& Mrs. Benjamin :Levesey, SI:IUCKED CLAMS ing religious instruction classes 'Mr: & Mrs: AlbeJ;'t Richard, Mr. STEAMERS & FRIERS after receiving the sacrament.' & Mrs. Gerard Raymond, Mr. & ' " 'The (article cites Canon Law '. ·Mrs. Raymond .Theroux., - , ,', ; DELIVERIES WitHIN : ·Mr. '& Mrs. "Normand Daigle; .' provisions stating thatConfiima. .' ". "'. 'tion should usually' be deferred Mr. & Mrs: Frederick 'Fortin,. : A ·75 MILE AREA : until :lbout the' seventh year' of' Mr. & Mrs. DonaidJutras,.Mt. _ ~ _ ~~~ BOYS WANTED for the age. It also recalls that in 1946, .& Mrs. 'Roland Lebeau',Mr: .&. For, Restaurants • Institutions ", the Sacred Congregation of lUtes Mrs:' NormahdJubainville.:·: PriestHood and Brotherhood. Roadside Stands , urged: that' children' in danger Mr. & Mrs. Francis Glynn, Mr. lack of funds NO impedi~ Large o~Sniall Clambakes of 'death be confirmed even if & Mrs. Eugene Lacroix, Mr. & ment. they have not reached the age' . Mrs.Charles"Lynch~ Mr. & Mrs. . Write ·to: ' , , Charles Tuttle, Mr. ~ Mrs. Benof reason. We can supply Lobsters, Oysters jamin Soucy. ' . Thomas F. Monaghan Jr. PO. Box 5742 Father Delcuve notes that as Shrimps, Scallops in Season Jeannette Lizotte, Mr. & Mrs. the sacrament which ,"gives us Baltimo~4l' 8" Md. Treasurer· Seaweed for Clambakes also the Holy Spirit," Confirmation Russell. Dugas, Mr. & Mrs. DelAvailable is not· only ,the "sacrament, of phis Paradis, Mr!i, Aurore Parathe apostolate," but a personal dis & Lorraine, Mr, '& Mrs.Leo- ;tl!!lII!!Il!!II!!Jl!!Il!!l1!!ll!!ll!!ll!!JI!!Il!J!II!!l!!l!!ll!!l!!l1!1!!lI!!II!! '142 SECOND STREET one bringing about "a dev,elop- pole 'Marquis. Hilda LaPalme, Ona La Plame, ment of faith, refining spiritual FALL RIVER 30 THIRD ST., FALL RIVER 'sensibilities." , Mr. &' Mrs. Eugene Roy, Mr. & He' continues: , Mrs. Paul Gendron, Mr: & Mrs. OSborne 4-5693 " "All research done on' the role Alex Goudreau Jr. 'OSborne 5-7856 Mr. & Mrs. Leopold :Proulx, •••••••••• a •••••• of Confirmation has concluded that this sacrament enlightens Mr. &1. Mrs. Paul Morin). Mr. & us as to the meaning of the Mrs. Armand Lapierre, Mr. &, Paschal Mystery and the history Mrs. Joseph Lariviere, ,Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Doucette. salvation, and, gives us the Mr. & Mrs., Charles Gaudet, strength to take on, on our own Mr. & Mrs. Augustine Rapoza, account, the obligations assumed , WHY NOT 'BE A MESSENGER' OF OUR LADY? by our godparents. It .thus ma'rks , William Frechette, Rita Bruchu, Mr. & Mrs. Luc ,Pelletier. a stage of growth of that faith ~s a Priest or Lay Brother, Teacher, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cate, Mr. which must animate the interior Home or. Foreign Missionary 464 Second St. ,life and active participation in & Mrs. Charles Dumont, Mr. & For information about the Fathers or Brothers, . the Eucharist, not to speak of Mrs. Henry Tremblay, Mr. & FALL RIVER .• write to: all Christian conduct and wit- Mrs. Theo Sikiera, Mr. & Mrs. ness ... For the noumal efficacy Romeo Hebert. , VOCATIONAL DIRECTOR OSborne 2-2143 of religious formation, ConfirMr. .& Mrs. Leo Denis, Louise La SALETTE SEMINARY mation at the age of reason-if Denis, Anita Guimond, Mr. & ~ . '.' . EAST BREW'STER, MASS. "not sooner-is a necessity." Mrs. Martie Rossiter, Mr. & Mrs.
D d·1I
, co. :" Heating Oils :, and Burners ,
:, :, ,:
Oak Bluffs
SEALAST, Box 574
Trinitarian Fa,thers
I co.
Electric,al Contractors -
, .
.. -..
Thurs., May 28, 1959
Continued from Page Twenty
Wareham ST. PATRICK. $75 Mr. ,& Mrs. Bert Bumpus. $50 Isabelle Cumming. $25 Samuel Francis, Amy Brewer. $20 Mr. & Mrs. Medio Pederzani. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Baptiste.
'University :'He'ad
Cordes, Johh ~arest, . Mary 'DePina. Mr. & MrS. Edwin Ashley, Mr. & Mrs. Vittorio Callerani,' Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kiernan, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Reidy., Dr. & Mrs. Belmore.
Scores, Misuse Of, Freedom JAMAICA (NC)-A new educational approach that would help eliminate the misuse of freedom in Amer-
Provincetown . ST. PETER THE APOSTLE $250 Rev. Leo J. Duart. , $50 Dr. Thomas F. Perry. $35 Boat Little Infant Capt. Gerald Costa. , $25
ican life was urged by the president of New York University, Dr. Carroll V. Newsome, speaking at the 50 anniversaryconvocation of the 51. John University'S school of education. He asserted that people in this , country .frequently misinterpret freedom as it is cited fn the Constitution and used their their rights to pl'actice prejudice, discrimination and indecency. The educator called these the antithesis of freedom. ' , In urging a new educational approach, Dr. Newsome' said that men must learn to weigh the superficial aspects of their actions against the ultimate good. Special courses must be created for this purpose," he' declared, "and the old ones extended or given greater emphasis. But the most satisfactory solution must come through 'the development of a more penetrating, a more comprehensive study of all areas of human knowledge-the humanities, the social sciences, mathematics, the sciences, the professional studies -to include a greater recognition of the subjective, the' emotional, the non-quantitative and the good in life." . Under some interpretations of freedom; he, noted, hundreds of , thousands Of American children , are being deprived Of their basic right to' education because of their color. ' ::",' ,,'
Walter Welsh Council #2476 K of C, William H. Young Insur' ance Agency. .McLaughlin. Holy Name Society, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Riley. Mrs. John Ferreira, Land's End $10 Marine Supply Inc.; Gene's Mr. & Mrs. Mario Govoni, Pastry Shoppe, St. Vincent de DOCTOR'S BREAKFAST: Chatting at the Doctors' Helen Koenig, Mr. & Mrs.. Paul Society, Catholic Daugh- , Guild Communion Breakfast in Fall River Sunday are, (left Charles O'Rourke, Dr. & Mrs. ters of America. to right) Dr. Fe Adolfa of Truesdale Hospital; Dr. Francis Charles Murray, Ellen Hennessy. $20 .J. D'Errico, president of the Guild; Rev. John P. Kenney, Frances Hennessy, Cross InBoat Jimm~' Boy-Joseph & surance Agency, Anna & Mary Emily Roderick. O.P. of Provid~nce College, and Dr. Paul P. 'Dunn of TruesGaffney, Marguerite Conroy, $15 dale ;Hospital. Desmond Murphy.. Ph'l Pt' k N I Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Andrews, ' I omena a rIC oe Joseph Stacy, Mr. & Mrs. Bemis Charles Holland, Mr. & Mrs. Lillian Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Shop. , Boies, Raymond C. McQuiston. Joseph Galizio, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Cabral, Amos Ley ton. , Houle, Mr. & Mrs. James WiI Nickerson Funeral 'Home. Dorothy Hewitt, Albert DavIiams, Mr. & Mrs. Charles KierDr. Daniel H. Hiebert, Mr. & enport, Arthur Welch, Richard Mr. & Mrs. John P. Gomes, nan. Mrs. William F ..Siiva. Murphy, Henry C. ,Maloney. 'Mr. & Mrs. George Gomes Sr., Mrs. Marguerite Riley, Ware$10 Mr. & Mrs. Gene Texeira, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Duffy. ham Savings ,:Bank, Mr. & Mrs. Beatrice Welsh, Charle!;! Ja- Mrs. Glenn Miller, Mrs. Nellie Edmund Roderick, Mrs. Lillie Edward Ryba~ Mr. & Mrs. Leo- cobs, John C. Snow, George P. Raneo, Mr. & Mrs. Clement Roderick, Andrew Fortes, Mr. & pold Borsari, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Silva, Mirian & Bessie Corea. Desaulniers, Mr. & Mrs. James Mrs. Joseph GUmette: Mr. & Lavoie.' Joseph Ferreira, Boat Shirley Delory. Mrs. John Monteiro. . Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Galvin, & Roland, Ralph S. Carpenter,' Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Hawkins, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Nunes Jr., Mr. & Mrs. T. H. Howarth, Mr. Bradford House, Tips & ,Top'sn. Charles Eastman·, Mrs. Gertrude Norma' Talmadge, Mr. & Mrs: & Mrs. Gerard Cusick, Mr. &. Warren Silva, Clarence & Doane, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert ioseph Drosell, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Francis Francotte, Mrs. Tillie Kacergis, Days Cottages-'- Schubert, Richard T. Wales. Carl Johnson, Mr.' & Mrs. ManMarie Westgate, Fratelanza Club. Joseph A. Days, Frank A. Days .. ' Mrs. Robert Gott, Mr.' & Mrs. uel Silva. Mr. & Mrs. Antone Gomes, & Sons, Edward L. Silva. ,;,Thomas Egan, Robert Thayer, Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph Barber, Mr. & Mrs. Do nald ,Fleming" ' M Mr' Domingo Godinho, Isadore· Mr. '& Mrs:"Donald MacPonald, r&.Mrs' , .. Joseph Gavl'n ,, Mr. & Mrs. Anto,ne Fernandes, 'Ferreira;' Selina Cross' _ In. Mrs. Lillian bowd. . ' & Mrs. George H: Knight;'·Mr. &. Mr. &' Mrs. ,Joseph Canute, Mr. . . C &" , Mrs.' Richard, Shea, Antonio & Mrs. Fletcher Long.' 'Memory of Joaq~lm ~o~s , .' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Labrecque, , Mr. & Mrs. Guilherme Da- Charles & ,KatIe WIllIams, Mrs; WilliainHurst Mrs. Russell Marini., S t M & Thomas Francis.. ', ., '. Hall, Mr.: & Mrs. Rob.ert, ScanMrs. ' Donald trou, r. - " ' . Silva, Mr: & Mrs. Jesse CamLSI ' Mrs. Charles F. Geoghegan, Mr. pinha, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas ,Rose Pedro, "Anme •., Iva, nell,' Mr.. ,:&' Mrs.' Theophilus ' & Mrs. James Mendes & Edith' ' .... Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. Leo St. George Leyd¢n" A:red vo~on(,t,.Leyton. ":>'.' "." Galvin, Mr. '&, Mrs. Paul Bacon; John, Mr. & Mrs. Elwood Hiller.','" Boat'"Linda &, arrel'\,. oa,,, ,Mr.. '&-Mrs. Arthur :Keefe; Mr. Mrs. Eugene J. Sylvi~. ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rose, Mr. C R, & 'M, ,POw:e ll Murch!son, & Mrs. James White, Mr. &~Mrs.' Mr. & Mrs.' Joaquim :Pena, & Mrs. Raymond Crocker, Mr. & Boat. St~phen R, Ir~ing ,Rogers. ",JohrJ S;, Raneo; Mr.' & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Julio Barrows, Mrs. Mrs. Claude Ellis" Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. FranCIS E. Rogers, Edwin Roderick, Mrs. 'Aida Bernice, Lopes (In ,memory of JOSeph Card, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rudolph Santos, ,Arth~r Lopes, ,Ll!pham." . Son' Clarence Gifford Peters), McCarthy. ' Mr:.& ~r,s..ManuelAv·I1a,Frank, Mr. & ,Mrs. John Zinkevich, Mr. & Mrs.i\rthurGrace, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Newell, Taves. '" , , Mrs. Wallace Bassett,. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas- Cummings. Mr. & Mrs. John Nolan, Mr. & Marcey's Oil, Lobster Pot, Mr. Mrs. James Alvey, Mr~ & Mrs. ,Mrs. Peter Roderick, Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Vose, Mr. & Mrs. ,& Mrs. ,Robert S~lva, B. H .. Dyer Paul Donovan, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Joseph,]fernandez Jr., Mr. John Faria, Mr. & Mrs. George & Co., Arnold's, Inc. George McKim. & Mrs. St~rling Farrenkopf, Mr. Phillips. R Mr. 1& J Mrs. :arion perrit, Wallace R~rieo, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Russell Ritchie, Mr. & B Mr. & Mrs. Irving Matthews, egina d ason, gnes enne, Christopher Marcotte, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Craffey. Mr. & Mrs. William Henry, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. :":dward J. Dahill. Mrs. Gerald Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Snow, & Mrs. Edward Collins, Mrs. Clifford Wood, Mr. & Mrs. Clif- Mr. & Mrs. Michael McDonough, Fred Smith, Mr. & ryrrs. Joseph tim Adams. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Donovan, Mr. Marini. HOLY TRINITY Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Wills, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bouvier, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bruce, Mr. $100 & Mrs. J. Harry Cash, Mr. & Mrs. Gil Pacheco. TAUNTON, MASS•. & Mrs. James Ingham, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. ,William C. Welch. Mrs. John Donovan, Mr. & Mrs., Mrs. Helen Kelly, Parker Mrs. Carlton Eldridge, Mr. & $35 'Ralph Morris, Mr. & Mrs. Ross Whittle III, Mr. & Mrs. Clyde THE BANK ON Mrs. Archie Ready, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Links.' Wheeler., . Kelly, Mrl;l. Alice Hughes, Mr. James Doherty. $25 Mrs. 'Edith Rice & Beverly, & Mrs. Alex Arsenault. TAUNTON GREEN Wareham Firemen, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. William A. Bul- Mrs,. Robert Fisher, Mr. & Mrs. Whitney Wayside Furniture, John Pandolfi, Mrs. George lock, Mr. & Mrs. P F. Lavedan, John J. "O'Donnell, Mr. & Mrs. Mary Codyer, Homer Levesque, Member of F~deral De_pos~. Mr. /& Mrs. Russell Collinge, PauIMci..a~ghlin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Walsh. Insurance Corporation . J. J,VI. Cloud. John McEvoy. Turn to Page Twenty~two William I. Mahoney. Continued from Page One Doan, Beal & 'Ames, John L. will be celebrating their 32nd Merna, Mrs.' Winnifred ,Walsh, -Assumptionist Pilgrimages wedding anniversary the day of Mrs. John E. Cain. Mr. & Mrs. I~SURANCE Father Albert's first Mass, to be John J. Taylor, Mr.' & ,Mrs. A. APPRAISER offered for them. A. Miller. ' REALTO~ Other Ministers $20 Other ministers, of the brothMr. & Mrs. Fred Precourt, Under the Leadership' of Cardinal Cushing of Boston' . ers' Masses will be, for Father Mrs. George Messenger, Mr. &; OS 2-2000 JUNE 29 to J ULY 4 ' 'COst: $86.00 " .' , Albert, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Alfred J. Mrs. Philin W. Collyer. ' . 1320 No. Main $t. E. Bonneau, pastor of, Notre Mr. & 'Mrs. Frank 'Carletori. SHRINES OF, NEw YORK, PHILADELPHIA &' WASHINGTO~ FALL RIVER Dame,' as archpriest; Rev. Fran, $15 • i JULY 11 to 18 C~t:$90.00 cis X. Gorham, O.M.I., subMr. & Mrs., ManIer E. Boyc~I' For information write to:' deacon; Rev. Frands D. Hassett, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Duffy, RobASSUMPTIONIST PILGRIMAGES, , O.M.I., master of ceremonies; ert- Henderson, Ralph Stevens, 670 West Boylston Street, Worcester ~,Mciss. Very Rev. Francis J. Crump, Mr. & Mrs..Tohn Ormond. ' , O.M.I., preacher. ',' Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hennessy; Father Roger's archpriest will Mr. & Mrs.' Edward W. Corr.' be St. Anne's pastor, Rev. Henry Mr. & Mrs. Everett Bacon;. LaPorte, O.P., Rev. Edward Walter G. Weeber. Mitchell, Sacred Heart Church, $12 Taunton, will be subdeacon; and Mr. & Mrs. George Gard·ner. '$10 ' Rev. Michael McCormack wil~ CHARLES F. VARGAS preach. Both Masses are set for Mr. & Mrs. James Blute, " , 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE 11 the respective mornings. Anastasia Kenney, Catherine NEW BEDFORD, 'MASS. Father Albert will return to Lane, Mr. &, Mrs. WiUiam Lally, Oblate College, Washington, Mr. & Mrs. Archie Bullock. D. C., where he completed semMr. & Mrs. William Brady,. inary training. He will enter Sarah McGlinchey, Dr. & Mrs. u p 0 n additional theological Edward Sullivan, Mrs. Walfer studies. Pennell, Blanche Dempsey. Father Roger will be assigned Mrs. Frank Pardee, Mr. &, to serve in the Bridgeport Dio-· Mrs. Edward Cluett, Mr. & ~rs. cese. Both are graduates of ,B. M. C. Durfee High School, /j Fall River; Father Roger 'being a member of the class of 1948 -,,' and Father Albert. 1950. ROUTE 6 - GAR HIGWAY IN SWANSEA ELECTRICAL Both attended minor seminary at Our Lady of Hope Mission CONTRACTORS FEATURING CHAR-BROILED Seminary, Newburgh, N. Y., and Residential ' - Commercial the Oblate College. Father Roger . Industrial continued his studies at St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore and 633 Broadway. Fall River I'repared by Expert Chefs Father Albert remained at the OS 3-1691 _ ~ Oblate institution. $15 Arnold Muzzy. Mrs. Thayer Francis, Sarah
for Bristol \County
,Bristol County Trust' Company
West Harwich
Watt Brothers
,Gilbert C. Oliveira
New England Pilgrin'lages To Shrines of Canada"
y'OUROIL HEAn ~. ,c~II~~~9a2n
ffJr"uick delivery fJ!
OPEN DAilY 'rilL 2 A.' M.
Ap'peal- G'iftS :~.:-..
HOLY REDEEMER Thurs.• May 28. 1959 $100 Mary Byrne. HOLY GHOST' ' . $50' . , :'$300 Mr. &' Mrs. :E: F: Connely•. :Rey: JohnF. Laughlin. Mary .Byrne. . $75 $30 LA CROSSE (NC)":""'The chal:Rev. Cornelius .J. O'Neil. Mr. & Mrs. John Cavanaugh. lenge of fearless Catholic living $35 . $25. ~ . is far more demanding today Margaret & Dorothy O'Leary. Chatham Holy Name Society, than it was at' the founding of . . $25 . . Chatham C.C.i:>., Mr. &. Mrs. the Knights of Columbus in 18.82. >.Mr. & Mrs. John Flanagan. Patrick Sullivan, Mr.. & Mrs. That's. why K. of ·C. members $20 .. ' , Hobie Tompkins, A Chatham. should "re-examine their pur· .. ·Mr. &; Mrs. Edwin_Nunes~ Friend.· '- .... poses" and "analyze their pro-, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gleason, . . $15 grams," Bishop John P. Treacy Mr:' &; Mrs.' Lawrence McJoseph Nickerson. of La Crosse, told some ·700 perNally. . " $20 sons at the' 58th state K. of C. i . $10 Mary' Mock, Catherine J. convention here. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Nerney, Mrs.. Shanah~n,. Mary 'I.. Shanahan, He said the K. of C: had been · William Richardson, Mr. -&. Mrs. G"ertrude E. Shanahan. founded as an antidote to the Vernon Sorenson, Mr.' & Mrs. $15 secret societies then attacking John Caponigro, The Mullaney Mr. 8i Mrs. Paul. Courtnell, the Church, to strengthen memFamily. Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Phillips. bers in their Faith, and to pro··Mr. & Mrs.Omer Rcnquin, . $10 , vide insurance and sickness benMrs. Taylor Reese, Mr. & Mrs. Katherine' Phelps, J. Thomas efits for members~ and their Bernard Hewitt; ·Mr, & Mrs. Haley, Mr, & Mrs. A. Gemino, families. ' Manuel Sousa, Mr, & Mrs. Joseph Marion C. Day, Mr.' & Mrs. BERLIN AIRLIFT ANNIVEHSARY: Julius Cardinal "But, since 1882 the Catholic Freitas. George Sullivan. . position in American life has Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Labrie, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Olson,' Doepfner, 'Archbishop of Berl~n, chattin~ with Lt. Gen. changed radIcally, and the mo&; Mrs. Joseph Rocha, Mrs. Cora Wayne' S, Baldus, Mr. & Mrs•.. William H: Tunnel', U.S.A.F., Commander -of the Military mentum of life has brought new Ahearn, Virginia Ahearn, Mr. & Ray Wheeler, Mr. & Mrs. Miller Air Transport Service at ceremollies marking the tenth challenges," Bishop Treacy em'Mrs. George Fiske. . Jories, Mr. & Mrs.. ·Leo Eldredge. anniversary of the end of the Berlin "Airlift". In the center phasized. ST. JOHN '. Mr.·& Mrs.' Chester Eldridge, . In the light of these changes, -$85 . A Chatham' friend, A Chatham is Frank Best,~staff writer of the Army, Navy, Air Force he said, "Catholic' fraternal orDr. & Mrs: Vincent O'Donnell.· ·Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Ferris, Journal. NQ: Photo. \ ganizations must joe-evaluate the ._ . $50.. ' . ~ . Mar~ Y,~ung. .... . ' .., .' '. purposes which made them . '·,Mrs.·Alfce Stobbs Charles" .'~. ·Mlcha~l .. Leb~r;·'~.r. &. ~r~.~ strong 'in .the"pastt' .. Mary:".'·, " .. ''; ... ·... Earl. NI.ckers()n, '~r. & ·l\ . 'Never in the,past, he reminded' cjO.RPU8 CHRISTI." 'OUR 'L~D~2:F GRACE :!.",;. $25.... ..', '. " John Roy" \MonQmOy:.Pharmacy, . delegates, : w'as . there', a . time' . Mr. &; Mrs. BrendanCo~bett,· Mr.·~ .Mrs. Vincent. r;eB.ia~c.,·. '$15 ' : . Rev.... Maurice H. Lamonta.gne. "when' fearless Catholic Iiving ; ~.,; . :.... ". $15 .... · " ::. '; ,~r.&.'Mrs ..George .skipper,: , ·Rev.Ambrose E. Bowen., ' $30 ··could· have . as .powerful . an . Mhh~e··· MI'• . • A· F.rIend. •.• . . . . .' '$50' ' - .James' Barboza. ,. 'M'" r. & Mrs.· F·ran CIS ""'" • Chatham . . . influence in our communities' as' . :"d"F'arr.·, ell '." '.' -- .' Mr. &; Rev. Thoma·~J. Leblanc,· ..' $15. it has today." . .' , · It M"rs. R'IC h ar H ' '. Mrs. Steffhn, . . '. ~a.rl· $1% . ~nnessy .. ' Mother Cabrini Circle-Daugh-' Au·guste. Chouinard, Manuel ·ters Isabella, Anonymous; .Faria, . Lena St. Pierre, Vin~ent - James' Maher...' . . . . .'. Nanni. ' $10' . '. $%5 . $10 .' ·Mr. &, Mrs" Charles.' Cartier, ST. JOSEPH Sorenti Brothers; Mr;. &; Mrs.. Augustus .Rivers, George Mar'Mr. ;'& ·.Mrs. Charles' G. O'Brien, .$25 Truck Body Builden ceau, William King, Normand James·V. Reynolds,'Os'car lV[aher, Arthur Bourgalt, 'Ri~lIard John Greenhalgh. Aluminum or S'eel Bishop'. Daniel ll'~ Feehan Sasseville, Joseph Goslin. cor1ime 'Riley:' Martin. 944 ;County St. . Council K of C #2911, Edward Pelletier, William: - 'Mr,'& Mrs. James Dutton, Mr. Levite' Carrier. NEW BEDFORD MASS."" &: Mrs. William G. Weber,. Mr. & $15 $10 Butler, Maurice . Melanson, WY 2.66 1 8 Mrs. Herbert Rounds: John Lane.', i Mr. & Mrs. Wm. H. Russell, Joseph MichaUd, Normand Ga-· · ,Anne Vargas. . Edward Parent Jr., Mr. & Mr~. mache. . , $1%.50 " Jo'sepl1 W. Jacinto, Mr. & Mrs.:. . Homer ·Briand, John Barboza, Jeanne Carrier Bernard DiPietro, .Mr. & Mrs. Norman Robinson, William LeContinued from. Page One kom F,amily, Michael Rus'in' Jr.. $10 John F. Creeron. Manuel Amaral, Hubert BeckWilliam Maynard, Joseph Bas-. Monday, June 22;. those in New Antonio Vacini, Norma V. tille Jr. " Bedford, Acushnet, Fairhaven, with, Edward Berube, John Rich Mr. & Mrs. James A. BazTurn to Page Twenty-three Orleans, Westport and Taunt~n ;Bey nard,' Maurice Boucher.. zinotti,· Mr... & Mrs. Ernest Milton Bowen, Gerald Buckare scheduled for Tuesday. the Valeri Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Carley,' Glenn Burgmann, Oliver 23rd. ., . . . ". Arr"angements al'e under the Collard, Louis Collin. ' doza Sr. bnrriediate supervision of Rev.. . Herbert Conaty, Robert Cor-, . Mr. & Mrs. Earl T, MacDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hallam, Edward J. Gorman, Diocesan . nell, 'Arthur Cottrell,. Mrs. Mary·O. Mackey, Mr. & Mrs~. Superintendent .of. Schoo~s;and Osinond Crotty, Robert Dutra. will also have the" j>ersOIlal' at· Daniel Fernandes, Freitas· Amedio G.onella, Mr. & Mrs.' John Clinton.' • 'tention of John. Colliris, owner Family, George . Glynn, John and Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mooney, Mr. Glynn, William Gruridy. of Lilfcoln Park.. ,". ' & Mrs. James 'Boles, Mr. & Mrs. -: Raymond \ Hei'riig, Amlndo . Lots of Rides·. ", Special tickets will. be issued Laurenco', Mrs.'· Amelia' ·Martin, Grato Tonello;Mr. & Mrs. John Gallo, John' F. Sullivan. ' . to the' children 'at reduced cost, . Joseph Mason,' MIlot Family.. • GENERAL· T,IRES . .• DELCO BA"ERIES 'Frank O'Conpell,' . Joseph entitling therh to 12 rides. on' Francis A'.' Carpenger, Gre, e, PERFECT' CIRCLE RINGS O'Connell, WilIliam. O'Connell, gory Alves; Mr. &. Mrs. Dante parkamuseme~ts. and. '. F~LlRIVER ..:.. NEW ·BEDFORD; .... HYANN.IS NEWPO,rr ; 'speclal adjustments;' admission David &' John' . Perry; '.Lillian Gallerani.. , " to the min:iature. golf course, 'Piv irotfo, ' . . 'Mr. & Mrs. William Burke; bowling alleys and rOller. sk~ti'ng , Alfred Pr.airie, Charles Ras- . 'Mr. &' Mrs. John Phaneuf, rink. I . ," '; ". . mussen, Milton' 'Sherman,RobEddy's Barb'er Shop, Richard J; '. LU'ncheort . will" be.' served'. ert. Sherman, Walter Smith. . Donovan, Mrs. Thomas A. Bruce, Alfred. Souza, ..' John .Synan, without· charge ·to .. ·~isters ac~. Mr. &. Mrs. George Fernandes. . com'panying the ~chool~hlldren. Francis ,Wheeler, 'Joseph Jackson, Paul Burke. . . 'Lay chaperons and 'p:r:iests will Manuel Vargas, Albert Vargas, be' issued special' badges enti:Frederick Borden,. Alvin J. Hoyt., tling the~ to .. e~t~r.amusements e e gratis i~ order to su,peryise the ~ ·childten. . Nurses will be .stationed at · .Continued from Palre One. "'or Y,our Protedcon first aid posts throughout the .' will be archpriest; Rev. Stephen park ·to care for accid.ents. Buv From COI'deiro, SS..CC" deacon; Rev. Continued' from Page 21
A ttle boro
Asks Knights Check Aims
"Nor.·,th :[)ighton
Planning· Picnic
New Priests
Education'Mankind's Greatest' Problem
coM'PARE '-
~ then
MitchelIl, SS.CC. suband Rev. Columba Moran, SS·.CC.. , preacher. 132 Rockdale Ave. ROME (NC) -Educating th.e A reception will be held in St.. : New Bedtord young is mankin4's biggest probJoseph's Parish Hall from 3:30 lem, Ernesto Cardinal Ruffini, to' 6:30' P.M. Rev'. Brother CorWY 5-7947 Archliishop of pal.ermo, has told .deiro. will offer his .First Solemn ~~)~~~~~~~~~~ \ the third national medical,..peda~ Mass in St. Mary's Church Fairgogical congress on, adolescent haven, at 11 :00 A.M. Sunday, problem's sponsored by the Pon- June 7. . it's time tifical Relief Organization. . Re~, Edmund F~aDcis, SS.CC., .... He said the religious, medical pastor of St. Mary's, will be to retire .'. • Buy and teaching worlds must unite. archpriest; ·Rev.... John. Caton, to offset developments during SS.CC., deacon; Rev. Denis the formative. adol.escent period Hegarty, SS.CC., subdeacon, and which could have lifelong reper- Rev. Stephen'Couturiaux,.SS.CC., . cussions. preacher. "Medical-psychological assistA reception 'will be held in arlce to adolescents, has the Gaudette"s Pavilion, Acushnet, valuable and fundamental func- from 4:00 to 6:00 P.M. tion of assuring society Ii strong' Both ordinands attended Oxand healthy youth, morally bal- fOl'd School, Fairhaven High anced and. without complexes," 'School and Sacred Hearts Minor he added. , Seminary, Wareham, enteyng "Youth is truly the basic elethe Con2'regation of the Sllcred ment of the social future of a Hearts at 'the' Novitiate in 'Fairnation, of its moral welfare and haven Sept. 4, 1953. They..·made of its, spiritual "tranquility. Be- philosophical arid theological. cause of this the Church, always studies at the Congregation's watchful and maternal,. accord- seminaries at Wareham and ing to the age-old teaching of Jaffrey. Center: 276 Central St.• ' Fall River Jesus Christ, dedicates its ferIn the Fa!' both will return to · vent and enlightened care· to. Queen of Peace Seminary to OS"r". 6-8279 th'ewelfare of the youtli'and' itll·· complete t'h e i r· . theological future...·· ,... ;., ... studies; deacon~
<ioin the
. When
Attention Mechanics!
Do You Work in a Factory, Garage, Machine Shop or . Gasoline Station? We pick up and' deliver. c1eol' and repair overalls. Also. we have o 'COmplete line ot Coveralls. Pan..' and Shirts tor sale.
We reclaim and wash any oily. dirty Of' greasy rags. Why Buy When We Supply
........ WY
Howard Ave.. New Bedford . '-"1'..... .. !,
Appeal G'ifts Continued from Pa«e l2
North Attleboro SACRED HEART $200 Rev. Joseph S. Larue. , ,$75 Rev. Edmond L. Dickinson.
$60 Mrs. Irene Boule &; the Milllle8' Bourassa. $50 Mrs. Imelda Achin & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chabot.
$30 Mrs. Eva Morin. $25 'Joseph Beauchain Jr" Raoul Precourt Family, Mr. & !\frs. Ralph Patunoff. $23 Amedee Ringuette & Family.. $29 ;Daniel E. & Anna E. Bessette,' Edouard Lamontagne, Mrs. Lucia Parenteau & Family, Philip Rainville & Family, Joseph Bressette. 'Wilfrid Cayer, Arthur Gagne & Family, $15 ·Francis Ouellette, Mrs. Aldea Brais, Dr. Armand Dyon, Mrs. Aurore Labrie & 'Family, Jean Baptiste St. ,Pierre & F;lmily.
,f ~, i-·
lU~hard AUx, Alphonse Barrette, Arthur Beauchaine, Omer Briere, Richard Brodeur. Clinton Carley, Henry Champagne, Mrs. John Cokas, Agne. Collard, Marie Collette. Mrs. Anna Daly, Albert Davignon, Leo DeBlo'is,' Gerard Desilets, Louis Desilets. Georges Desormeaux Jr. Mrs. Mellna Dion, Donald Fiola, Joseph R. G. Gelinas, Fernand Goulet. . _ Joseph Grenon, Daniel Hammond, Walter Harris, Mrs. Helene Jenneau & Family, Roland Labrie. _ Norman Lacasse, Wilfrid Laca&se, Florian Lapre & Family, Joseph LaRochelle, Normand L'Homme. Eugene Marchand, George Mercure Jr., Bernard Miramant, Ernest Ouellette, Wilfrid Paql,lin. Iloger Parenteau, Mrs. Anna Plante, Madeleine Poirier, Raymond Ringuette, Hector St. Laurent. '. Paul Tardif, Normand TreQ1blay, Albert Ventola, Alfred Weldon Jr., Alfred Weldon Sr. Henri Deasuatel, Rodolphe Deschenes, Albert Desilets, '1;>0nat '1Jesflets . &. Family, John Desilets. Raymond Desilets, Flora Dessert, Philibert Destrampe,Ednest, DesVergnes, Edward, Dion. Paul :pion, ;,Roland Dubuc, Robert ,P,uchar1lle, . Gerard, Dupuis, Ulysse Dupuis~ Ernest Fournier, Rolandl'~re gault, Mrs. Cedelie Gagnon & Family;: - Laurence Gaudette, Gendron & Zilch. Arthur Girard, Ernest Girard, Ernest Goulet,' 'Armand Guimond, Rene Hebert. , David' Huot,' Albert Jarvis, Harold Kennedy; Albani Labrie, Eugenie Labrie. Eleana . & Robert Laplante, Henri Larocque,. Arthur Letourneau, Henri Marcil, Omer 'Mar-, tineau. ; Launcelot· . Masse, Georges Mercure Sr., 'Leo Meunier, Ovila Ouellette, Leo Pie~te.......,~_ _ Roger Pinsonnault, Norman Pinsonneault, Alida Poirier, Jo~ph I. Poirier, Leo Poirier. Deliria & 7'helma Precourt" Alphie Precourt, Ludovique Precourt, Bertrand Prefontaine, Michel Proulx. Edouard Ringuette, Mrs. Marie D. Ringuette,' Ronald Sarazin, Edward Surprenant, Peter Tatarian. Romuald Thibault 8r. Family, Peter VanBeaver, Mrs. Angelina Vandal '.& Family:
THE ,ANCHOR Thurs., May 28, 1959
Smut 'Threatens Mor~1 Decay In America
HIGH SCORERS: Arthur Carreiro; second left, presi-' dent of St. John's Parish, New Bedford, bowling league, presents trophy to George Martin, second right; for high average. At left is Jayme Cardoza,high single winner, and at right John Silvia, winner o(the high three-string award.
Mrs. Amanda Bellemore. Francois ,Bouchard, Armand ST. THERESA Moreau, Theodore Meunier, $300 Lawrence Guisti, Marilyn. BaziPaul Bradley. net. , $100 Gaspard •Dupont, . Adrien St. Vincent de Paul Society, Piette, Henry Lamontagne, Raymond <fr~vel, Dorwld Board- Louis Normand, Edward Tracey. $10 man. Mrs. Etta Gignac, Edward ThiAchin 'Family Old Post Rd., :'$25 . bault, Oscar,. Bourgette, Elmer Alma Achin,' Ernest" Achin, 14.' Raymond Vachon, Michael Butler, John Drew. Jeannette Achin, Rita Achin.' Arata" MilplioPro:va,. H~ly. • Theodore· Ethier, Paul Carr, -,Louis Bardier, ·A Friend, Mrs.' Name Society. ., . Henry Boulanger, Normand foi;.. Julie' BourgeOis &'Family, Cedrier~i'Nel,son Roy. ,: .'. . , $20 ric Brackett, Adelard 'A.' Chabot; · Louis McBride, 'Andrew CharHorace Lacroix, Adrien Des-" Cordelia Chabot, Mrs. Lor.ette ron; 'John Powers. .' . chenes, Edward Connolly, LawChampagne, A Friend, A Friend '/ "$15' I'ence DaVis; Marcel Bourque. &; Family, Raynald Chauvin.' George Tedino, James Mann, Thomas Higgins, Beatrice MoCharles Clavette. Arthur ClouVincent AndreWS, Paul Bonneau, reau, Anthony Moskalski, Joseph tier, Norman Cloutier, A Friend Tarpey,. Roland Trahan. Walter Delude., & Family, Mrs. Corinne Cooper. · George· Busby, PhilliP .. Morris. Adrien Courtemanche & Fam$10 ' ily, Edouard Dargis, ,Horace TALLAHASSEE (NC) A John Plath, Howard Tessier, Dargis & Family, Joseph CarMrs. Minnie Forest, George St. mea sur e stiffening Florida's riere & Family. ' laws against distribution. of obLauI-'e'nt, E'rnest Benschneider. Doris Gagne,' Frank Jordan, scene literature has been introJoseph Patenaude, ' John Emile, LeBlanc, Mr. & Mrs. Ker'iny, Leo Lyons; Walter Dow- duced in the' state legislature Thomas D. LeBlanc, Rene Rob-' narowicz, Mrs. Flora Papineau. here. The bill would increase to ert. not less than five years in jail William Lynch, Joseph Gawand a fine of not less than lik, James Dwyer, Mrs. Irene $2,000 the penalty for making Campbell, 'J-eorge Boyd. pornographic literature avail. Louis Desmarais, Victor GosContinued from Page One selin, James Meehan, Frank ble to children under 17 years. Students will be under the Desmarais, Andrew Brady. instruction of the Sisters of Aldie Grenier,' Clement DucNotre Dame de Namur, a comlos, Mrs. Blanche Palardy, munity outstanding in the' field Sylva Messier, .Anha Gavlik. of education. This will be the Valmore'Lafontaine, Ida Gav.,. Sisters' first assignment in the lik, John Tomei, Ralph Roberge, Fall River Diocese, but they 299 ASHLEY BLVD. Eugene Lavallee. have nearly 3.000 members opp.St. Kilian Church Lionel '~aqliin,Emile Boivin, throughout the, Unite(J States, Claire Boardman, William How;'; teaching in 4 colleges, 68 high Free Parking Delivery la~d, Robert M~lik..' . schools and', 150 elementary Paul Hurley, Mrs: Margaret New Bedford WY 7-8281 schools. W~itaker, Dominqtie . Berardi, When full, Bishop Stang High' Milton Sawyer, William, Wall. ' School will'accommodate 1,000, ' '. ST."MicHAEL George O'Brien, William Caubut only the freshman ~lass will ley, 'Louis GenEist, George Stew,$2~ be admitted. this fall. The, school art; Robert Crook. , 'Mrs. Annette· 'A: .Lacroix;. " buildings, onSlocurrt Road, 'ne~r '.:.·'$~O . .' 'Herve Fournier, William Goff, Route 6, North bartmouth, 'have Mr. & Mrs: William Gu~rtin. Mrs. Imelda Boardman, Francis fast become a landmark in the Mcinerney, Francis King. $10 . , . area. Thousands have watched · John Mungo, Albert Colaccido, Mr. & Mrs. James Murphy, their erection with keen interest. Thomas' Coleman,' Vincent Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Quinlan. Bishop Stang will offer stand. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Britcliffe, Keane, James Hanley. ard high school courses, leading Jeannette Dufresne, Johri Mc-~ Mr. & Mrs. Charles De~tremps, to diplomas in the fields of clas- Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith, Mr. & Namara, William Demers, Leo sical, technical, teacheJ.:s' and Mrs. John, Szuba. Froment, George Brillon. general college preparation; ,Patrick fanning, Bige Ball,' nurses' preparatory; commercial; Paul O'Gara, Mrs. Mary Laand general non-college. liberte, George Laliberte. ' Extra-curricular activities will Continued from ,-age One ~ , Milton Hunter, KinnethDoninclude athletics,' band, glee "American Cat hoi i c s ckln ley, William Tait, Thomas Mc-' club, dramatics and journalism. therefore be legitimately proiId Loughlin, ,Anthony Quaglia. .Paint and WaUpaper, Bus transportation to the school of the achievements they .'iIiRoger Benoit, Clifford Duclos, Dupont Paint will be available at .moderate' spired, and, at the same tirne,' John Casserly, Joseph Lunder.,. PARKING cost. Cafeteria lunches will also should remain convinced that ville, Walter Maroney.. --.;.. Rear of Store be 'nominal, or students may the necessity of the Legion 'of Francis Pariseau, Carle Con-:~, bfing their own lunches. Decency has,.jn no way dimina.liota.,.; 422 Acush, Ave. ley, Ja~es Lallier. Raoul MasSe, Tuition, fees will be $125.00. ished," the lette,r says.' ,. . -...... , cor. Middle St. , P er year,' w.hich may be paid· "On the. contrarY,,~ts importNew Bedford A Delicious monthly over a, teil month ance grows even 'greater at the. period, amountiJ'lg to $12.50 per Treat month. present time when, sad .to say, there are many private persons Although the high school will and even 'public' officials who CORREIA SONS be coeducational, programs will no longer succeed in :distinguishbe adjusted to meet the differ:' ONE STOP ing, among the events of life,' ent needs of' boys and girls, in SHOPPING C::NTER line with the most advanced what must always and everywhere be considered' moral or thinking in educational circles, immoral. . . • Television • Furniture which recognizes that each has • Appliances • Grocer)' a different- role in' life and 'The Sove~eigrt. 'Po;ltiff, then, 104 Allen St•• New Bedfol'd should be prepared accordingiy. paternally'encourages the Cath, WYman 1-9354 olics of the Driited . States of Ch~plain, America, exhortirigthem to reMANClIE,STER . (NG) -; A main unflagging i~" their sup'" priest with 18 years servic~ as ,port of the legion; to take pains a Catholic chaplain in the U. S.... to find out, 'before attending any Air Force.has been assigned as 'spectacle (fil.m,), the ,moral clasPlumbing .. Heating deputy national chaplain of the sification given by 'the' legion Civil Air Patrol with headquarand to be fai'thful and generous 915 Acushnet Ave. ters in Washi!lgton, D. C. Father in following ; its reco~menda At Weld Square (Maj.) Leonard W. Scannell, a tions which ai:e intended solely native of this city, was gradu- for the greater good.: of their New Bedford ated from St. Anselm's .College,. souls and· for' the defense of the N,;w; Bedford'. Leadml1 here in 1933, an'd ',.wa~ orda~n~ . noblest values, of 'our civilizaAsk For Them Today Plumbef' a priest in 1939. ' Uoo..· " ·.. ·.. · ,
Regional High
South Attleboro
'to Stiffen
WASHINGTON (HC) - Pornography,is a "~ncer" threate~ ing this country -with "destru~ tion from within," the foundel' of a citizeDs> anti-:obscenity group said here. C h a r I e s H. Keating, Jr., warned that the growing pornography industry threatens to cause "warped minds, heafts and souls" among the nation's cbildre.n.. Mr. ,Keating, a Cincinnati attorney, is founder and directol' of Citizens for Decent Literature, a ci'l!ic organization engaged in fighting obs~enity. Laws exist which would stamp out the smut trade, Mr. Keating told members of the Military Chaplains Association during' their· annual convention here, "but the laws only' work as the people want them to." The chaplains organizatiom bl made up' of chaplains of, the three major faiths on active duty, retired or ,reserve statu. with armed forces.
Billion Dollar Mr. Keating'iold deiegates to the convention that only 48 industri~s-,in ~his' countI:'Y' do" a. trade of one billion dollars Qt. more annually, and obscene literature is one of them. . " \ Some 75 per cent of the pornOgnlphy' distributed in this country goes to youths of 001lege age or younger, he added.
LOWEll. MASS. Telepboae LoweD ,
"'-8181 aDd GL 7·711I Adxlftaao7,
Otean Grove
Pope on Films
AL"CRAFT WATER HEATERS 20 gallon capacity
$139.00 N. H. SOUCY PIPING AND HEATING 25 So. Main S.... WY 3-0096
Sturtevant & Hook Est. 1897
B~;rders Supplies 2343 Purchase Street . New Bedtord WY 6-5661
Air Pafroi
Ma'de :Rite. -Chips
Norris' H. Tripp SHEET METAL , J. TESER, P.-op.
WY 3-3222
,....,. ,,,,",
RETREATANTS ENJOY CAMP FACILITiES: Hundreds from the Fall River Diocese make retreats at Our Lady of Good 'Counsel Retreat House' on the grounds of Cathedral Camp, East Freetown. At left Pauline Roberts, standing, St. Louis de France parish, Swansea; and Nancy Mc~ Lane, seated, Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs, unpack for a weekend stay. At. lefteenter, Rev. Willi<lm J. McMahon, ca~p and retreat house, director, meets a group leaving the chapel after a retreat conference. beft to right, DIOCESE
THE ANCHOR-', Thurs., -May 28, 1959 '
24 ' 1
Declares Music A,ids M~ntally In
front row, are Suzanne Milot, St. Jacques, Taunton; Linda Fisher, Sacred Hearts, Oak Bluffs. In rear, left to r'jght, Loui1sa Carey, Holy Name, Fall River; Kathleen Lane, St. Elizabeth's, Edgartown. At right cel).t'er is Patricia Brindley,' Holy Name, Fall' River, official bell-ringer. for the .retreat. At far right Father McMahon bids farewell to departing retreat, ants. He is taJking to Natalie dos Reis, St. Anthony of Padua, Fall,River. Others in background are seated on suitcases awaiting transportation.
Cathedral Camp ,a~d Retreat HoUse Activities Fill'Schedule of Father McMa'hon
, By Patricia McGowan , Probably the most outdoor job in the Diocese is that enjoyed by Rev. William J. McMahon, direCtor ,of ' Cathedral Camp and Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House. From CINCINNATI (NC) - Mental , patients defeated' by life and April to, November he's ,to be founa at the cdmbination camp and retreat house on the withdrawn from its ba~tles shores of Lake Apponequet,' East ,Freetown. Ordained in 1940, he has had the camp assignsometimes can achieve a measure metit since 1948, when the ' of victory through music. site was returned to' the Dio- ,retreat masters, or Father Mc- heaven. Every counselor who J ' t" will do so'. ' will come in contact with your F ' th er J 0 h'n HR' ,a , elnk e, S '" ' ft' 'b th e-'Mahon ' Retreatants are urged to J' oin child will be a seminaria,n prepsychology professor at Xavier cese a er war Ime use' y University and authority on A r m y . " Our Lady of Good Counsel paring himself for a life "Of
Colleges Neglect Funds for Aid UNION CITY (NC)-Twelve per cent of the funds on tap for aiding students iIi higher education are not used each year, a national Catholic monthly magaZi!le published here reveals. The 'Sign, in an article by Kay Sullivan, says the reason is that "would-be collegians don't know -,-or don't take the trouble to find out-about the availability of 'funds." ,
music 'therapy, 'has" told the During the' Winter he is sta- 'Retreat League, which strives 'to service to others as a priest of Social Service Association of tioned at St.', Kilian's' Church, spread the practice Of making a Jesus Christ," Miss Sulli'van wri te!\ in the Cincinnati: ' New Bedfo~d, but his' camp job yearly retreat. Mrs, Yvonne, But professional qualifications "Even' bY" simply listening to' . is really year-r'ound; since there Hamel heads the ,women's sec- . are' not overlooked, The cam~ June issue of the magaz{ne that tion of ,the league and Al Kearns b e'I ongs t 0 th e C a th OIC l' C ampmg . ' Catholic ~nstitutions alone have music with a group,a patient are never-eriding details in con. may discover in ,a small' way nection with its care and upkeep. the. men·'s. Association and yearly is host about $7 million' in student aid ~ha't doing so~ething with others.', . Many Ret~eats ~riestsof the Diocese use the 'to a'n aquatic school for water- available annually. J Isn't necessarIly a threat, a d e - , ',. '. camp for their 'week..:lorig re- front directors and water safety The article, in discussing ways feat. or a disaster: F-rom AprIl tIll June. and agam treats each, Acutumn; altogether counselo'rs' from all over New of learning about student aid, . "To the extent to which the from September till November some ,200 women and 250 men England. mentions "The Office Guide to' patient does follow the rhythm is retreat season, with sumrper enjoy its spiritual facilities The retreat house holds memCatholic Educational Instituand the' melody, he experiences months, taken. up by campers. yearly., ,bership in the National Laytions," a newly published refa certain amount of success in Any group IS, welcomed for' People of the neighborhood men's and !,aywomen's Retreat, erence book prepared. by the dealing with other peopie," the weekend or mid-week retreats are grateful for a sp;:itual serv- League. Father 'McMahon himDepartment of Education' of the, Jesuit said, and there are freql!ent open re-, ice, too. During the summer 'self is moderator of the spiritual National Catholic Welfare Con"Music is no cure for mental treats which individuals may they are privileged to attend development committee of the , ference, Washington, D. C. illness," he emphasized, "any join. Mass in the camp chapeL About Diocesan Council of Catholic The book eontains "a compremore thim insulin shock or drugs. High school students, st. Vin- '500 are at the four Masses ,cele-', Women. All these things-music included cent de Paul ,and Legion of Mary brated each Sunday. 1 He's kept busy meshing' retreat hensive chart of, the complete, -are aids in bringing about a members, Boy Scouters and Year-r-ound residents of the,' and camp activities, but his wish full and partial scholarships available at 200 schools,'" Miss cure for some.,.The ultimate cure, 'other groups' are among those younger generation have so~e- is to be even busier. He wants Sullivan writes. I am convinced, comes from the using' the camp facilities. They thing .else for which to thank more and more laypeople of the person who is ill." may arrange for their own Father McMahon: They are, Diocese to enjoy the spiritual The "Official Guide" sells for allowed to use, the camp ball benefits of retreats; he would $2,95. If not available in local field during Autumn and Spring. like to see every boy have ,the .bookstores, it can be ordered Camp Time opportunity of participating in from Publishers' Parish Service, 180 Va rick St., New York 14, experiR I'ght now th ere are 700 b oys a wholesome camping ' ence u"nder Catholi,c auspices. N.Y. in the Diocese who can hardly For the first time in over ten years the doors of St. wait ,for Cathedral'~ 1959 camp John's Seminary in Brighton are, to be ~hrow;n open to 'the sea'son to open. They'll enjoy public at an open house to be held on the holiday week-end, outdoor life for periods from May 30 and 3l.' The hours are from'1 p.m. to 5 p.m.' each two to ,eight weeks this summer. The' Army of Christ needs your courage, your smile ,The camp; founded in 1915 by of those days;' and it is the Fall River Diocese from Sl Rev.. }"rancis McKeon, was a •.. and most of all YOU! Offer Him your heart as a expected that Cardinal Cush~ 'John's. .pioneer Catholic camp and is Carmelite'Sister for the 'Aged ~nd Infirm. Along with , ing will give, benediction There are 'several eiltra·nces to 'now among· the' largest and a life of, prayer yoU: will care for' His Aged Ones asa ~ach day at about '4 :45 p.m., the seminary; the~aln entran~e . finest in New.England. work of zeal. ' 'I ' ' being' on Lake St. in Brighton; the baseball field on' the The grounds, 40 acres in ex,there is also an entrance on grounds. For information write: tent, have facilities for all sports; , Commonwealth Ave., nearly ·REV. MOTHER M. ANGELINE TERESA, O.CARM., This is a rare 'opportunity to across the 'street from Boston a lake frontage of 2500 feet proST. TERESA'S MOTI;IERHOUSE,· visit a Seminary where men are College. All the buildings will vides bathing and boating. GERMANTOWN, NEW YORK, studying for the priesthood~ St. . be open excepting only the 'Twenty buildings house campers and activities, with the chapel John's is the Major Seminary of residence of Cardinal Cushing, and daily Mass forming the heart the Boston ·Archdiocese, and These include, St. John's Hall, of camp life. students from other dioceses are the original building; erected by .Foremost in Father McMahon's accepted, enrollment permitting. Archbishop Williams' in 1884; mind is the spiritual welfare of At present there are nineteen St. William's Hall; the newly his charges, In a letter to parents seminarians from 'the Fall River dedicated Bishop Peterson Hall; Diocese at St. John's.: From 1885 St. Clement's Hall; etc. On the / he explains that the entire staff . SHARON, MASSACHUSETTS is "con~erned with the welfare to 1916 fifteen priests were .....beautifulgrounds are shrines to For Boys 7 to years old of your boy, not only as a campordained from there for Uie Fall Our Lady, and, the tomb of er for a few weeks during the River Diocese, =of whom Msgr. Cardinal O'Connell; seminarians Six week-season: June ,28 to -August 9 summer ... but most. especially Sweeney of Holy Name Church will be available if a guide is Register for 2, or 4, or 6 weeks as an heir to the kingdom of and Msgr. Prevost of St. Joseph's, desired~ , Tutoring ,if desired both in New Bedford, now,sur'Why not plan to drop in if you .... vive. Between 1916 and 1944 the a'rE; out for: a drive on either of .~ame, sSlstant THE BROTHERS OF THE SACRED HEART Seminary waS closed to outside these days? Take your children PHILADE'LPHIA (NC) - Fr. dioceses, and when reopened to along; perhaps a visit to' this Francis~. Kuel, former profesthem 'in 1944' two seminarians, great seat of spiritual learning sor at Roman, Catholic High from the Fall River Diocese enwill help to crystalize a vocation School here, has been named SHARON, MASSACHUSETTS tering that year were Rev, John , in them, especially· during .the assistant editor of the Catholic Hackett, 'n 0 w secretary to month of Ma'ry, the month of Standard T~mes, Philadelphia''A RESIDENT SCHOOL FOR BOYS Bishop Connolly, and, Rev. prayers for vocations.' Visit archdiocese ,newspaper. It was G~a':"mar grades 4-5-6-7-8 Francis B. Connors, assistant· at some, of the beautiful chapels also announced that Father NI!'ISacred Heart Church in Taunton. and ,offer yolir' prayers for mlmy son J. Curran has been nlimed THE BROTHERS OF ,THE SACRED HlART Since then about twenty other, vocations to God's Holy Priest- ~ ,Vice Challceilor of· the, arch- , priests have bee,n ordained for hood, and Sisterhood; ' d i o c e s e .
St. John's Seminary at Brighton Holds Open House on Weekend-
dA .
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1 I