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t eanc 0 VOL. 26, NO. 21


20c, $6 Per Year



CITY AND VlNCENTIAN officials display items from household kits being distribu­ ted to Notre Dame fire victims. From left, James V. Terrio Jr. of the Mayor's Energy Office of Fall River; Joseph Gromada, Vincentian Fall River District Council president; Ray Pelletier, diocesan council disaster chairman; Father Daniel L. Freitas, Vincentian diocesan director. •

Fire relief effo,rt,s contin'ue:

,ReUef efforts continue on be­ half of the some 79 families left homeless by the May 11 fire that destroyed Notre Dame Church, Fall River, and homes and busi­ ness for severa.1 adjacent blocks. 'Father Daniel L. Freitas, dioce­ san director of the Society of St. Vincent de PaUl, said that basic household equipment has been delivered to nearly 50 families already establ'ished in new diving quarters. As other dispossessed families are relocated, they wilil receive

the same equipment. 'Purchased for each family with funds from the Fall River dio­ cese, matched by federal moneys channeled through the Fall River Community Deyelopment Service Cepter, were the fOllowing items, said 'Father Freitas: 1 set of dishes, for 8 1 toaster 1 teakettle . 1 58-piece set of' flatware 6 coffee mugs 1 clock radio 2 blankets

4-piece canister set 1 iron 16 glasses 7-piece cookware set· 1 coffee maker 20-piece set of kitchen utensils Stiltl to be delivered to each family are a black and white television set, an ironing board and a vacuum cleaner. Varying with each family's needs, financiai aid will also be given ,towards purchase of car­ peting and draperies and accomTurn to Page Three


Appeal tops all records

The 1982 Catholic Charities the coming year," he said, "and Appeal in the Diocese of Fall we thank all who have helped to River has concluded with a new make the Catholic Charities A'p­ record amount received. Most peal such a wonderful success." Reverend Daniel' A. Cronin, Monsignor Anthony M. Gomes, Appeal director, released a re-' Bishop of Fall River, has an­ nounced that a total of port identifying the leading par­ $1,373,772.03 has been received, . ishes in the various geographic areas of the Diocese. eclipsing last year's amount, it­ St. Pius Tenth parish of South self a record sum, by just under Yarmouth registering gifts to­ $100,000. In making the announcement, talling $38,647.50, was the di­ ocesan leader. In second place, Bishop Cronin expressed pro­ found thanks to residents of St. Francis Xavier parish of Hy­ annis recorded contributions of southe~~tern Massachusetts who respoml4ld with unprecedented $35,525. Urban parishes placed third generos!ty to the annual Appeal. "Our l\postolic and charitable and fourth in the list: Mount activities are assured of orderly Carmel parish of New Bedford continuation and expansion in listed $32,897.85 in contribu-

tions and Holy Name parish of Fall River reported a tally of $30,593. Rounding out the listing of leading parishes was Corpus Christi parish of Sandwich, with $28,445 in gifts. The largest single parish incre­ ment was reported by Father Edward C. Duffy of St. Francis Xavier parish in Hyannis, which surpassed its 1981 total by more than $9,100. Bishop Cronin offered con­ gratulations to Msgr. Gomes, to the staff at the Catholic Charities Appeal office and to Orlando Souza of Mansfield, lay chair­ man of the 1982 Catholic Chari­ ties Appeal. Turn to Page Fourteen

In a detter to the clergy of the diocese, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin has called for prayer for peace and justice on Pentecost Sunday, May 30. Hearkening to the threat of nuclear hdlocaust, Bishop Cronin quoted Pope John ,Paul II, citing remarks by Pope John Paul II during his 1981 visit to Hiro­ shima. The text of Bishop Cronin's .Ietter follows: I should like to encourage special prayer for peace and justice on Pentecost Sunday, May 30, 1982. The spectre of nuclear war continues to imperil the wordd. On Feb­ ruary 25,. 1981, speaking from "ground zero" at Hiro­ shima, our Holy Father pleaded {or peace: Let us pledge our­ salves to peace through justice; ;Jet us make a solemn decision, now, that war wilI never be tolerated or sought as a

means of resolving dif­ ferences; ~et 'us promise our fellow human be­ ings that we will work untiringly for disarma­ ment .and the banishing of all nuclear weapons; let us replace violence and hate with confi­ dence and cmring. We echo the sentiments of Pope John Paul .II, who was himself reiterating the plea of his predecessor of happy memory, Pope Paul VI, that war never again threaten society. The Leadership Confer­ ence of ReligioUls Women in the United States has desig­ nated May 30th as a day of prayerful vigil for peace, "Renew the Face of the Earth," serving as the theme. I ijrge members of ,the Pres­ byterate to take up this theme in homilies on Pente­ cost, in the Gener~ Inter­ Turn to Page Fourteen

Bishop .oanie1 A. Cronin wilt ordain Rev. Mr. Richard 'E. Degagne a priest fo~ the diocese of Fall River at ceremonies to be he1d at 11 a.m. Saturday, June 5, at St. Mary's Cathedral. Clergy, redigious arid laity are invited to attend. Priests wishing to concelebrate are asked to bring amice, alb, ci~cture and stole, whHe those wishing to par­ ticipate in the ~aying on of hands ceremony should wear cassock and surplice.

Rev. Mr. Degagne is a member of St. Anne's parish, FaU River, and the son of Bertrand and Gertrude (Dumont) Degagne. He has two brothers and two sisters. Born 'Feb. 11, 1954, he gradu­ ated from St. Anne grammar school, Henry Lord Junior High School and B. M. C. Durfee High School, an in Fall River. He holds a bachelor of music education degree from Lowe11 University from which he gradu­ Turn to Page Eleven


WASHINGTON (NC) '- ,Pope John 'Paul II has named Taunton native Father Daniel F. Hoye, general secretary of the National Conference of Catholic iBishops and the U.S. Cathollic Conference, a prelate of honor with the title of reverend monsignor. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin ex­ pressed delight at the news. ''The nomination of 'Father Hoye as a ,Prelate of Honor to His Holiness Pope John Paul II is a

personal honor for ,the new mon­ signor and the cause of joy with­ in his home diocese. We extend congratulations and hearty fe1ici­ tations," said the bishop. Msgr. Hoye expressed grati. tude for ,the papal hQnor, which he called "an expre!\sion of the holy father's confidqnce in and appreciation for the work of the NCCB and USCC." Msgr. Hoye, 36, a priest of the I

Turn to Page ThIrteen


THE' ANCHOR-Diocese',of Fall River-;-fr.i.,.Mo¥ 28: 1982

Pope •


VATolCAN CITY (NC)-After consulting with Argentine and British bishops and issuing an­ other caU for peace in the South Atlantic, Pope John Paul II did not change his plans to. visit ..Britain today through June 2, despite the continuing hostilities between Argentina and Britain. Insiders privy to many of the discussions which Jed to the pope's decision to go ahead with the trip said the decision was a victory for collegiaijity and cour­ age. It was only after bringing to­ gether Argentine and British car­ dinals for a public Mass~ for . peace May 22 and two days' of intense discussions that the pope made up his mind, the sources said. The Argentine cardinals who participated in the Mass were Cardinal Eduardo Pironio, pre­ fect of the Vatican Congregation for Religious; Cardinal Raul Pri­ matesta of Cordoba and Cardinal Juan Carlos Aramburu of Buenos Aires. Joining them were English Car­ dinal George Basil Hume of Westminster and Scottish Cardi­ nal Gordon Gray of St. Andrews and Edinburgh. The courage is being equally assigned by close observers to the Bri-tish churchmen, the Latin American prelates and the pope.


England The British are given credit for emphasizing to the pope and the Latin Americans how much the trip means to their .people. The Latin Americans are given credit for their wilJilingness to explain the decision to their countrymen. The pope is given credit for hav­ ing seemingly reversed his course, not on whether. he want­ ed to go to Britain, for all along he strongly has, but on whether he could, given the heavy. fight­ ing. What he needed,· sources sug· gested, was help in weighing the issues and recommendations as to how to continue with the trip while marking ·it a bit more pal­ atable to the 250 million Cath­ . olics in Latin America, about one-third of the 'World's Catholic popUlation. That help came, apparently, when a stratagem was devised eliminating any "political-look­ ing" elements from the trip, such as a meeting with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, the person with the ultimate responsibility for deciding :British strategy. The plan was reinforced by the government's public announce­ ment that the visit was impor­ tant to aU Britishers and that Mrs. Thatcher would be happy to forego meeting the pope. if it meant the visit c~uld go on.

Leadin~ Parishes St. John St. Mark, Attleboro Falls St. Mary, Mansfield St. Mary, Seekonk Mt. Carmel, Seekonk

25,841.00 20,201.00 19,333.00 15,969.00 15,825.00

CAPE COD AND THE ISLANDS AREA St. Pius X, So Yarmouth St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis Corpus Christi, Sandwich Holy Trinity, West Harwich Our Lady of Victory, Centerville

38,647.50 35,325.00 28,445.00 25,932.50 20,171.00

·FALL RIVER AREA 30,593.00 17,848.00 16,796.00 15,738.50 15,403.00

NEW BEDFORD AREA 32,897.85 26,724.33 14,774.00 14,759.50 13,792.00

TAUNTON AREA St. Mary 81. Ann, Raynham

Immaculate Conception, No. Easton Holy Cross, So. Easton Sacred Heart


Attleboro Holy Ghost 51. John 51. Joseph· St. Mark St. Stephen 51. Theresa Mansfield-St. Mary North Attleboro Sacred Heart st. Mary Norton-St. Mary Seekonk Mt. Carmel 51. Mary NEW BEDFORD AREA

Holy Name Our Lady of the Angels St. Mary's' Cathedral 51. Thomas More, Somerset Santo Christo




Mt. Carmel Immaculate. Conception , St. Lawrence St. Patrick, Wareham 51. Joseph, Fairhaven

Rosemary Dussault, business, circulation and advertising man­ ager of The Anchor, received the Thomas R. Brennan Memorial Award for Excellence from the Catholic Major Markets News. paper Asso,ciation at the annual Catholic Press Association con­ vention, held this year in Scotts­ ... dale, Ariz. The award memorializes the late advertising director of Cath­ olic Major Markets. She shared the honor, recog­ nized by an. engraved plaque, with Thomas J. Kilbridge, busi­ ness manager of The Pilot, Bos­ ton archdiocesan newspaper. . Additionally, close friends in the Catholic Major Markets as­ sociation, which serVices adver­ tising needs of newspapers and clients aCross the nation, pre­ sented her with a souvenir gold anchor. Miss Dussault has been with The Anchor since January, 1957, three months before its first issue was published. Her respon­ sibilities have grown with the. paper, now the largest weekly in Southeastern Massachusetts. She is believed the only woman in the U.S: Catholic press to have held an executive position for over 25 years. Active in the Catholic Press Association since 1957 and with the Catholic Major Markets As­ sociation for nearly as long, she

14,444.00 12,644.00 12,018.00 10,345.00 ' 9,902.00

13,655.00 25,841.00 7,036.00 20,201.00 6,846.00. 13,072.00 19,333.00 4,883.00 12,307.00 9,153.00 15,825.00 15,969.00

has served on many CPA com­ mittees and was among mem­ bers attending a meeting of the International Federation of Church Press Associations last


.WINNING SMILE: Rosemary Dussault displays her award plaque and wears the souvenir anchor presented her by Catholic Major Markets colleagues. (Torchia Photo)

Sacred Hearts Marion-St. Rita Mattapoisett-5t. Anthony North Dartmouth-St. Julie South Dartmouth-St. Mary Wareham-5t. Patrick

1,746.00 4,823.00 10,578.00 12,867.00 12,711.75 14,759.50

TAUNfON AREA Taunton Holy 'Family Holy Rosary Immaculate Conception Our Lady of Lourdes Sacred Heart St. Anthony St. Jacques St. Joseph St. Mary St. Paul Dighton-St. Peter North Dighton-St. Joseph North EastonImmaculate Conception

8,766.00 3,353.00 8,710.00 3,622.00 9,902.00 6,320.00 . 6,338.00 9,717.00 14,444.00 9,168.00 3;620.00 6,995.00 12,018.00

New Bedford Raynham~t.Ann 12,644.00 Holy Name 12,808.00 10,345.00 Assumption 3,327.00 ·South Easton-Holy Cross Immaculate Conception 26,724.3~ Mt. 'Carmel 32,897.85 FALL RIVER AREA Our Lady of Fatima \ 8,458.00 Our Lady of Perpetual Help 3,690.00 Fall River Sacred Heart 5,370.00 St. Mary's Cathedral 16,796.00 St: Anne 2,811.00 Blessed Sacrament 3,499.00 51. Anthony of Padua ,5,408.00 Espirito Santo 10,315.00 51. Boniface 1,900.00 . -Holy Cross 3,003.00 .. St. Casimir 2,774.00 Holy Name 30,593.00 St. Francis of Assisi 5,391.00 Notre Dame 10,245.00 51. Hedwig 2,021.00 Our Lady of the Angels 17,848.00 51. James 11,674.00 Our Lady of Health 6,023.50 51. John the Baptist 11,886.00· Holy Rosary 8,125.00 St. Joseph 10,335.00 Immaculate Conception 5,577.50 St. Kilian 1,807.00 Sacred Heart 9,282.00 St. Lawrence 14,774.00 St. Anne 8,768.30 51. Mary 13,647.00 51. Anthony of Padua 7,514.50 St. Theresa 5,257.00 St. Elizabeth 2,567.00 Acushne~t. Francis Xavier 5,477.00 St. Jean Baptiste 4,953.00 Fairhaven 51. Joseph 7,901.00 St. Joseph 13,792.00 St. Louis 4,252.00 .51. Mary 5,849.00 51. Mathieu 2,504.00

St. Michael

51. Patrick 55. Peter & Paul

St. Roch

51. Stanislaus

St. William Santo Christo Assonet-5t. Bernard Central Village-5t. John North WestportOur Lady of Grace Somerset St. John of God St. Patrick 5,t. Thomas More Swansea Our Lady of Fatima St. Dominic St. Louis de France 51. Michael Westport-5t. George

9,487.10 10,899.00 9,118.50 2,000.00 14,013.00 6,808.00 15,403.00 5,974.00 5,144.00 9,975.50 9,907.00 10,951.00 15,738.50 12,120.00 9,032.25 11,162.00 8,059.00 9,508.50

CAPE, ISLANDS AREA Brewster-our Lady of the Cape 12,457.51 Buzzards Bay-St. Margaret 10,945.16 Centerville-o. L. of Victory 20,171.00 Chatham-aoly Redeemer 19,082.00 East Falmouth-5t. Anthony 15,384.00 . 3,248.00 Edgartown-St. Elizabeth Falmouth-St. Patrick 1~,418.00 Hyannis-St. Francis Xavier 35,325.00 Nantucket-our Lady of the Isle 10,791.25 North Falmouth51. Elizabeth Seton 10,177.00 Oak Bluffs-Sacred Heart 3,497.00 Orleans-St. Joan of Arc 16,332.00 Osterville--Assumption 16,323.50 Pocasset51. John the Evangelist 12,870.00 Provincetown'--St. Peter 5,225.00 Sandwich-Corpus Christi 28,445.00 South Yarmouth-St. Pius X 38,647.50 Vineyard Haven-St. Augustine 5,217.00 Wellfleet-our Lady of Lourdes 4,030.00 West Harwich-Holy Trinity 25,932.50 Woods Hole-St. Joseph 4,052.00

Charismatics meet Sunday

Diocesan members of the Charismatic Renewal wlll gather from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, the feast of Pentecost, at St. Mary's Cathedral for a prayer and praise meeting. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will speak as will Father Paul E. Canuel, associate pastor of St. Stephen's parish, Attle­ boro. Father Canuel recently return­ ed from six years as a missioner in Peruvian villages where the population included many charis­ matic Christians. He will discuss his experiences.

735 seniors to graduate Seven hundred and thirty-five students, 370 young men and 365 young women, will graduate from high schools of the diocese at ceremonies beginning Tuesday and concluding Sunday, June 6. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will officiate at all ceremonies ex­ cept those of Holy Family High School, New Bedford, operated by St. Lawrence parish. There Very Rev. John P. Driscoll, VF, pastor, will preside. At two schools,' an alum­ nus will be the graduation speak­ er: at Holy Family, Father Fran­ cis L. Mahoney, '52, now pastor of St. Mary's Church, Seekonk; and at Coyle and Cassidy, Taun­ ton, Dr. Edward Simmons, '42, now'vice- president for academic affairs at Marquette University. Details of the programs follow: - Tuesday, June I, 4 p:m., Coyle and Cassidy, Taunton, 53 girls, 54 boys. Tuesday, June 1, 8 p.m., Bishop Feehan, Attleboro, 115 girls, 112 boys, Michael Cronin as valedictorian. - Wednesday, June 2, 7:30 p.m., Bishop Stang, North Dart­ mouth, 114 girls, 89 boys, senior class president Kevin Downey as speaker.

New Stang principal Rev. George W. Coleman, dio­ cesan director of education: has announced appointment of Thomas B. Donahue as principal of 'Bishop Stang High School, North Dar-tmouth, effective July 1. He succeeds George A. Miaot, principal for the last nine years. Donahue, 47, a graduate of Coyle High School, Taunton, holds a bachelor's degree in his­ tory from Providence College and a master's in education from .Bridgewater State College. He has pursued graduate studies in administration at Rhode Island College. For 16 years he has been prin­ cipal at Pottersville School, Som­ erset. Previously he taught fifth grade at the Chace .street School, a'iso in Somerset. His earlier teaching experience included work in Pawtucket, three years at the American School in Aruba, Netherlands Antilles, and three years at B. M. C. Durfee High School, Fall River. He is active 'in St. Patrick's parish, Somerset, where he re­ sides with his wife and two daughters. He is a lector, a member of the parish confirma­ tion retreat program and a Cath­ olic Charities drive collector.

Among founding members' of the ·Fall River chapter of Birth­ right, he now serves on its board. He has served on many


Cursillo committees and as a

team member on weekend re­ treats. '.

River, will also remain open as long as need exists, he noted. It will be staffed by Ray Pelletier, council disaster chairman, and other volunteers. Its telephone number is 672-2819. Financial contributions, .still desperately needed to supply vic­ tims' needs, may be made to the St. Vincent de Paul Society at PO Box 113, Somerset 02726,' said Father Freitas. He added that donations continue to be re­ ceived from other Vincentian conferences and councils.



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Donahue's CIVIC involvements include the Somerset Friends of Music and the. Citizens' Scholar­ ship Foundation.



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Pastor, Our Lady of the Assumption

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- Sunday, June 6, 7:30 p.m., Bishop Connolly, 42 girls, 91 boys, Rev. Eugene J. O'Brien, SJ, of the Jesuit Secondary Edu­ cation Association as speaker. - Sunday, June 6, 7:30 p.m. Holy Family, 41 girls, 24 boys.

Continued from Page Two as well as coordinating adver­ tising in 'connection with major diocesan anniversaries and spec­ ial events. In 1977 she was instrumental in reactivating eastern regional CPA meetings when she made arrangements for an Anchor­ hosted convention in Hyannis. In 1970 she was awarded the dioce­ san Marian Medal for outstand­ ing service to the church. Miss Dussault is a member of St. ThOmas More parish, Somer­ set. Previously she lived in Im­ maculate Conception parish, Fall River, where she was among founders of its credit union.



Fire relief

Continued from page one panying hardware, added the Vincentian director. Father Freitas said the house­ hold goods are being stored at St. John of God parish center, 996 Brayton Ave., Somerset. Volunteers wil1 be on duty there from 9 a.m. to. 5 p.m. through today, or 'Ionger if necessary, he sa'id, both to disburse items and to receive further donations. The disaster center set up. im­ mediately after the fire at Espi­ t"ito Santo halll, Alden Street, Fall

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May. 28,.1982

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THE ANCHOR- Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 28, ,1982

the living word


Reflections on the Catholic P'ress For the past four 'years the Catholic Press Association has been sponsoring an in-depth survey of its members by the famed Gallup organization. At the recent CPA national convention, members heard the results of phase four of this survey, concerned with interviews of ,readers of the Catholic press. Some found the results quite startling; for' others, including this editor, they confirmed previous convictions as to what the Catholic press should be about. Catholics interviewed, indicated that they ,received sufficient international and national news via the secular media. They did not want to see such material in the Catholic press unless it was in need of religious interpreta­ tion. It ~as their feeling that the Catholic press should emphasize religious news or facts with a religious' view­ point.' , It was interesting to note that readers surveyed also indicated that coverage of diocesan news should be the' prime goal of the local Catholic press. For most, their diocesan paper was the prime source of local Catholic news. It was' felt that such news was important to the building of diocesan community. ' Readers also felt that the Catholic press should itot merely print wire service stories or reports from diocesan offices. Comments in this area noted that too often such releases treat their readers as third graders. , In the area of reader response, all acknowledged that interaction with, the diocesan newspaper was important and that there should be opportunities for readers to get their ideas into print. Letters columns were singled out by many as the first newspaper feature to which they turned. NC/KNA Photo In what was somewhat of a surprise to many, the DETAIL FROM 17TH CENTURY EMBROIDERED CHASUBLE majority of readerS stated, that newspapers should concen­ trate on people. They called for more articles about ordinary 'And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and people trying to live their faith or overcoming o~stacles , it sat upon each of them'. Acts 2:3. through faith. The average reader wanted to be informed about faith but did not want his or her diocesan paper to become a theological journal. It was also noted that Irlany papers emphasized bizarre incidents poorly reflecting the daily life of ordinary Cath­ By Mary Evelyn Jegen, SND "the Auschwitz of Puget Sound." stage in human history where olics. Esoteric subjects, it was observed, did little to Pentecost this year is very Something has clearly gone the alternative to peace' could enhance attempts at being a vehicle for the Good News. likely to make the national net­ awry well be a holocaust that would in the noble human respon­ These are but a few findings that surfaced from the work news. For month's there sibility' to defend the defenseless destroy civilization as we know survey. What they chi~fly indicate is that readers of' the has been a quiet and coordina­ when the means of defense would it and even the capacity of the planet to sustain life. ted effort to encourage churches at a single stroke wipe out non­ diocesan press want their papers to be Catholic, informa­ It is becoming increasingly tive and interesting. They do not. want one more secular throughout the country to have combatants by the hundreds of special prayers for peace on Pen­ thousands. It is the human heart that whatever stand we clear' newspaper; matters affecting local life should be treated by tecost. By happy coincidence, itself' that needs renewing; the took about war in the past, nu­ ,a Catholic publication only if they have religious ramifica­ the feast comes this year exactly heart in the biblical sense as the clear war cannot solve con~icts. tions. ' . omi week before the opening of, very core, the center of our be­ We need to discover and practice The Catholic press must, of course, provide informa­ the United Nations Second ing. a politics informed by love. On Pentecost we celebrate the tion. It· should be a chief source of religious news within Special Session on Disarmament. Constructing a politics of non­ Given :what we now know outpouring of the Spirit of Love, violent conflict resolution will its circulation area. If it fulfills this responsibility it can be about the potential of present on those first entrusted with the take inventiveness, courage, pa­ a Vital force in building community, in. fostering in its stockpiles of nuclear weapons, Christian revelation. They were readers a sense of belonging to a church that cares for t.here is certainly good reason clearly meant to spread the Good tience; and above all, genuine love, the kind of love we know all the people in its diocese. to pray for disarmament. We are News,not to keep it as some in Jesus. So we do well to pray To accomplish all this, a Catholic newspaper must praying for the survival of earth, kind of private inheritance. How­ this year, with greater insight strive to be of interest to all, not just to a particular group a planet threatened with an ar­ ever, they were strangely and and desire than ever before, senal that could ruin it so com­ disturl:!ingly inert. The coming in a 'diocese. It cannot be merely a clergy review or a pletely that it could no longer of the Holy Spirit changed that. "Come, Holy Spirit, fill the sounding board for people with particular causes. It should sustain life of any kind - hu­ In the Acts of the Apostles we ' hearts of your faithful, and en­ in us the fire of your generate a spirit of care and concern for all, for the needs man, animal, or plant. 'But why read what happened when men ' kindle love." Pentecost? and women lived under the power and goals of the local as well as the universal church. Then our hearts will be re­

·Pentecost and peace





410 Highland Avenue

Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151

PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D. " . FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR EDITOR John F. Moore, Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan . . . . I.eary Press-Fall River

On Penecost. the Church prays, of the Spirit. "Lord, send out your Spirit, and The Holy Spirit is none other renew' the face 'of the earth." than the lc;»ve of God planted in What ne~ds renewing are our the very core of our being. We hearts, our imaginations, our be­ are -to live in that Spirit. If we lief that there must be other do, our lives wilf bear its fruits. ways than that of war for solv­ One of those fruits is peace. ing hUqlan conflicts. With nu­ Peace, then, is the fruit of love, clear technology, war takes on , and that love is a gift, the best the horrifying' aspect of mass of Goers free gifts entrusted to murder. Archbishop Hunthausen us. of Seattle expressed a 'piercing That is why Pentecost is a per­

insight when he called the Tri­ fect day for Christians to pray

dent submarine base near Seattle for peace. We have reached the

created and God will be able to use us to help ren,ew th~ face of the earth. The author is national coor­ dinator of Pax Christi USA.

TlfE ANCHOR (USPS·545-02Qj. Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 'and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven. ue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the cath·, olic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.



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NC/UPI Photo

'It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead.' 2 Mach. 12:46

Cemeteries attest belief in resurrection

We are invited by the Church to remember family and friends whom God has called to himself., Though they have departed this life, they remain very much with us as part of the community they shared while alive. This is evidenced in the religious activities with which the Church surrounds the death and burial of its members, the recognition given to Catholic burial places, and the constant remembrance of the' departed in the Church's liturgy. Within the Communion of Saints, the Mystical Body of Christ, the People of God, they have

a particular role and influ­ ence in the lives of .each of us. Our remembrance is, at one and the same time, an opportunity to offer prayers for our deceased, for the re­ pose of their souls, should prayers be necessary. It is also an opportunity' to im­ plore the help of the holy souls and the saints who have gone before us, an op­ portunity to be inspired by the example of their lives. In their commitment as Christians, Christ ,did not promise them success or material prosperity; he held out no Utopia to them. Nor

does' Christ, in our commit­ ment to him, promise us success or material pros­ perity; he holds out no Uto­ pia for us either. But he does assure us, as he as­ sured' those before us, that after the crosses and diffi-' culties of our Gethsemani and Calvary, there will be an Easter morning. There . is danger in the materialistic world in which we live that we may some­ how be carried along into joining the throngs who' try to 'shut out death, close the door to its realities, to the lessons it teaches. 'While in every Mass, in

" every celebration of the Eu­ tiny. In 'words from p,ope John charist, the reality of these truths is brought home to Paul's homily at Verano ,us, they are perhaps more Cemetery .last All Soul's forcibly emphasize~ in at­ Day, we are called to live a tending a death or in visiting special communion with our the . dead at" rest in the 'deceased, to establish in blessed ground of our Cath­ faith and prayer the famil­ olic cemetery which is mute, iarities with those who look yet living and eloquent wit­ at us, follow us, assist us. ness to our belief in the "While waiting for resurrec­ resurrection and hope in tion, they already see the Lord 'as he is' and therefore eternal life. . they encourage us to con­ During such a visit, while tinue the way, or rather the each one thinks of our dear pilgrimage which still awaits ones who have already pre­ us on this earth." ceded us in the sign of faith -Rev. Nunzio J. Defoe. and sleep the sleep of peace, President. National there is also an invitation to Catholic Cemetery Conference meditate on our future des­

A statement

By Rev. Nunzlo J. Defoe,


National CathoUc Cemetery


Memorial Day each year pro­ vides a unique opportunity to pause and reflect, with pride and respect, on the heroic sacrifice made by so many in the service of country.. These brave men and women, whose memory we recall' with thanks and prayers, gave their lives or suffered terrible wounds to guard for us the legacy of freedom they had received. Their sacrifice demands more than words on our part to ensure that our precious heritage of life, liberty and justice might be strengthened and endure so that others may not need to die in vain.

Oo.n~ 8~.' Am~s '.( 01'01." 0



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Whatever the political, per­ sonal or national anguish, a nation's war dead deserve our prayers, .and our respect. They are also entitled to our total dedi­ cation to the task of preserving the peace and freedom for which they gave their tomorrows, 'so we could have our todays.


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"I am deeply convinced," said Pope John ,paul II recently, "that, in light of the, effects scientifi­ cally foreseen as sure in a nu­ clar war the only morally and humanly valid choice is repre­ sented by a reduction in nu­ clear .arms, in anticipation of their future total elimination, simultaneously effectuated by all sides, through explicit accords and with the commitment to ac­ cept effective controls" (Angelus message, Dec. 13, 1981)...

1325 Acushnet Av., NEW BEDFORD



With the passage of years, however, the wars in which they nobly served, have become for some 'only distant memories and, for others not then bom, mere tales from a social studies book. There are some who would be­ little and demean this annual observance and any similar ob­ servances, marking them as a vain militarist effort; verging 'on war mongering. '.' lt is the solemn duty of every­ one to work, as well as pray, for peace - but peace with justice, as pope after pope has remind­ ed us.




. May 30 . Rev. Jordan Harpin, G.P., 1929, Dominican Priory, Fall River Rev. Edmond J. Potvin, 1937, Pastor, St. John. -Baptist, Fall River Rev. James M. Quinn, 1950, Pastor, St. John .Evangelist, At. tleboro

May 31 Rev. Vincent A. Wolski, GFM Conv., 1964, Pastor, Holy Cross, Fall River June 4

Rev. Jose P. d'Amaral, 1949, Pastor, Santo Christo, Fall River Rev. -Louis J. Terrien, G.P., 1920, Dominican Priory,' Fall River Rev. George Daigle, -1979, Pastor, Sacred Heart, North At­ tleboro

Benefits of preplallning Why do we tremble to con­ vey Our bodies to the tomb? There the dear flesh of Jesus lay And left a long perfume. The gra:ves of all the saints he bless'd And soften'd ev'ry bed: Where should the dying members rest But with their dying head? This quaint verse is on the 1829 tombstone of 17-year-old Nancy Mann, who lies in Fall River's ancient North Burial Grounds. It carries a message for to­ day's Christians, many of whom tremble even to think about the journey to the tomb. Yet funeral directors unanimously agree that preplanned funeral arrangements are among the most thoughtful of legacies, sparing survivors de­ cisions they may be in no frame of mind to make. Often, note directors, such de­ cisions, made in haste and grief, are afterward regretted. Far pre­ ferable, they suggest, is visiting a funeral home, cemetery or mau­ soleum while one is undisturbed by fatigue or stress. Preneed arrangements can then be discussed at leisure, with ample opportunity to reflect and make unhurried de~isions, they point out. Among services funeral direc­ tors are prepared to provide, which it is comforting to have in mind when considering one's own future needs: assistance in

notifying friends and relatives; securing necessary burial permits and death certificates; calling clergymen; arranging music; placing obituary notices in local and out of town newspapers; making burial and/or cremation arrangements; arranging trans­ portation for mourners; purchasing family flowers; notifying fra­ ternal or church organizations who may wish to be represented at final rites; making cash dis­ bursements for cemetery space, honoraria, etc.; notifying attor­ neys.


. Also securing burial allow­ ances to which you may be en­ titled; assisting in completing Social Security and insurance claims; arranging for casket

bearers; arranging out of town bUrials and transportation of bodies from distant points; pro­ viding lists of those who called at the funeral home and descrip­ tions of floral tributes; loan of chairs for home gatherings after funeral rites. Preplanning, say directors, is advantageous in cases where a spouse who might normally ar­ range his or her partner's rites is incapacitated. Sometimes the making of arrilOgements then de­ volves upon a relative or friend unfamiliar with what the de­ ceased would have wished. Pre­ planning eliminates such un­ certainties. At preneed interviews, funeral directors record the wishes of the person for whom arrange­ ments are being made. It is noted that desires of other family mem­ bers should be consulted at this point. Sometimes, for example, the probable survivors .will have strong feelings on, for instance, donation of organs or whether a casket should be open or closed. A seemingly small point that often occasions much discussion is whether the deceased should lie in state with or without glass­ es. How much simpler if the per­

son concerned leaves instruc­

tions on this point!

At any rate, if there are mat­ ters on which questions might arise, the preneed period is the time to clarify them. When arrangements are final­ ized, the funeral director will re­ tain a copy of instructions and give copies to the person con­ cerned. Often a copy is given to the person's lawyer. Some persons prepay estima­ ted funeral expenses and such moneys are placed in escrow. In~ terest can often cover costs that may have increased between the time of arrangements and tltat


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of actual death.

"Sometimes I can return

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Most funeral directors -advise. against actually choosing a cas­ ket before death, since "the casket you choose today may not be available if you die years later." They agree on the positive psychological effect of having done preneed planning. Many people, comment directors, say it's one of the best things they ever did. They feel they've tied up all their loose ends and they can concentrate on living, not on worrying about funeral de­ tails. Directors also advise that planning should move beyond ar­ rangements for the funeral it­ self to selection of a mausoleum crypt or cemetery lot. Preneed choices allow for time to con­ sider total family needs, they note.




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THE ANCHOR- Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 28, 1982



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• A ,death In the family

By Dolores Curran



Death strikes the family. A brother dies of a sudden heart attack at 48. Be­ hind he leaves a wife, 5 children, 6 brothers and sisters, all griev­ ing.

__ much-loved

Without faith and family at times like this, how 'does one survive? I suspect we all live in fear of that phone call - the one that shakes your life, your family and your mortal security.. The call is supposed' to coine in the middle of the night, not in the middle of the day. It's sup­ posed to begin with, "I'm afraid I have some bad news," not a panicky, "Jim just died.'~




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F '0 U N D E D

The first reaction is disbelief. It can't happen to Jim. He's only 48. No history of heart problems. Must be some mistake. Even his wife waiting in the hospital those two long hours of attempted re­ susicitation insists upon seeing him because lots of men' drive that, truck to work and surely it couldn't be Jim who steered off the highway in a blizzard and stopped after slumping into' the steering wheel. . The second reaction' isn't pleas­


ant - anger. He's too young,·no warning, had an EKG and tread- ' mill test just three months ago, leaves children too young . . .­ what's the point, God? Anger that the best of the seven of us went first. No dispute on that. As my priest-brother preached at his funeral, Jim was the best baby, the good kid, ,the peace­ maker, and, in later years the community builder among us. It was his home that became the family locus after our mother's death. Jim met our planes, fix­ ed our cars and hosted dozens of family gatherings without mur­ , mur. Furthermore, he liked them. No rigid calendar tyrannized him. He could always sit and talk with anyone who came in, can of beer in hand, and never gave. the impression that he wanted to be elsewhere. Then there was the grief ­ there is the grief. That over­ powering engulfing of one's total self when the realization hits that Jim is gone. I didn't know I had so many tears. And they keep coming at the most unex­ pected times. Maybe a thought of a childhood adventure or 'a glimpse of someone who was his friend. My eyes blur in the strangest places, at the supermarket, in the car, at Mass. Easter Sunday was the worst. We buried him

on Holy Thursday 'but at Easter in church 1000 ~ile& away, I disintegrated when we sang, "And He will raise' him up." I wondered what those sitting around me thought but it didn't stop me. Finally, there is the healing. The thousands of people who called or came to be with us. Yes, thousands. Cancelling the 8 p.m. scripture service at the funeral home because there were still 500 people waiting in line outl;ide in the cold Wiscon­ sin night to say goodbye to Jim and to say, "We care" to us. Standing in line not from 7 to 9 as planned but 6:30 to 10:30 to greet old friends and' new. Crying when we learn that 80 of his son's Marquette classmates drove an hour and a half from Milwaukee to stand in Hne for two-and·half hours to comfort people they've never met. Stay­ ing up 'till 2 a.m. crying and laughing about the past with the rest of our ,siblings, suddenly more precious than ever. Revising past attitudes about the Irish wake and realizing first­ hand how valuable and healing this time-honored ritual is. Death touches the family 'and it isn't easy to accept. Tears gloss my eyes as I write this, but faith and family and friends will see us through.


664 Allen Street New Bedford, Mass. Telephone 992·1071

Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need!

New Section Now Available For Pre-Planning Arrangements REV. MANUEL P. FERREIRA Director


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He lets me rest in the meadow grass and leads me beside the quiet streams. He 'restores my failing health. He helps me do what honors him the most. Even w hen walkIng through the dark valley of death I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me,

guarding, guiding all the way.



You provide delicious food for me in the presence of my enemies., You have wel­ comed me as your guest; blessings overflow! Your goodness and un­ failing kindness shall be with me all of my life, and afterwards I will live with you forever in your home.

Preplanning includes cemeteries 'themselves

By Florence L Hennan NEW ORLEANS (NC) - Plan­ ners and zoners ought to include cemetery space in planning for new communities or community growth, said Father Nunzio J. Defoe, president of the National Catholic Cemetery Conference, at a conference convention in New Orleans. "Cemeteries involve long­ range planning," he saId. "If you have not already bought land in a developing area for a ceme­ tery, you run into problems get­ ting 'land zoned for such use after development." The priest from Vancouver, British Columbia, spoke at a convention that drew 520 Cath­ olic cemetery directors from the Un,ited States and Canada. He said that cemeteries today meet an ecological need by pro­ viding soDie of ,the largest amounts of green spaces in cit­ ies with negligible costs to the community. "The, open spaces are not just esthetic green, but there are

also shrubs, lawns and plantings which help keep the air clear and' provide additional oxygen," he commented. Father Defoe 'noted a trend to­ ward mausoleums in areas of limited available land space. In some places, he said, mausoleums are being built several stories high so that a large number of bodies can be buried in a small land area. He said mausoleums are also an alternative to cremation. "Some people want to be cremated to avoid being buried in the ground," he said. "Mauso­ leums avoid the inground burial, yet adhere to'the church's tra­ ditional preferment for entomb­ ment instead of cremation." He noted that in recent yeears the church rescinded the law on cremation for Catholics that had been in effect since the 19th century, "as long as there are no anti-religious overtones to the desire to be cremated,"

In addition ,to community planning and zoning problems, Father Defoe said, population shifts raise another problem; the care and maintenance of exist­ ing cemeteries. "Endowment care is a national trend," hE: said. "Cemeteries put some money aside from their sales to be used for care and as­ sure the people who purchase space in their cemeteries that they will do their best to main­ tain the graves and tombs." Whether local laws require en­ dowment care or not, "it is the sensible thing for cemeteries to do today because of the mobility of our population," he said. He noted that burial of the dead is a long-standing church tradition and one of the corporal works of mercy. . Cemeteries, he said, "help keep our purpose here on earth in mind. One day we all must die, and we are all destined for eternity," '








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"THE ANGEL of the Lord descended from heaven. He came to the stone, rolled it bacl:t and sat on it. In ap­ pearance he resembled a flash of lightning while his garments were as dazzling as the snow.... Addressing the women, he said, 'I know you are looking for Jesus the crucified but he is not here. He has been raised, exactly as he promised.''' (Mt. 28: 2-6) (NC Photo of "The Resurrection," 16th century painting by Cecco del Cara­ vaggio)



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THE ANCHOR- Diocese.of fall River-fri., May 28,1982


Thoughts on the death of his father

By Blaise Pascal

We did not lose our father 'at the moment of his death: we lost him, so to say, when he entered the Church through baptism. From that time, he belonged to God; his life was devoted to God; his actions regarded the world. only for God. In his death, he became totally separated from sin, and it was at that moment that he was accepted by God, and that his sacrifice received its ac'complishment and its con­ summation. He has performed -therefore what he had vow.ed: he has fin­ ished the work that God had given him to do; he has accom­ plished the only thing for which he was created. The will of God is accomplished in him, and his will is absorbed in God. Let's not our will then separ­ ate what God has joineCl to­ gether; and let us -stifle or mod­ erate, by the understanding of truth, the feelings of a corrupt and fallen nature which' has only false images, and which troubles by its illusions the sanctity of the feelings whfch truth and the Gospel. should give us. ... Let us no longer. regard a man .as having ceased to live although 'nature suggests it; but as begin­ . ning to live, as truth assures. Let us no longer regard his soul as perished and reduced to noth­ ingness, but as' quickened and united to the sovereign life. ... ·It is one of the great principles of Christianity that every thing that happened to Jesus Christ· should take place in the soul and the body of each Christian: that . as Jesus Ghrist· suffered during his mortal life, died to this mor­ tal life, was raised to a new life,


ascended to heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of the Father; so the body and soul should suffer, die, be raised from the dead, .ascend to heaven, and sit at the right hand of God. All these things are accom-

plishedin the soul during life, but not in the body. The soul suffers and dies to sin. in peni­ tence and in baptism; the soul is raised again to a new life in the same baptism; the soul quits the earth artd ascends to heaven

at death, and takes its seat at the right hand of God at the time that he appoints. 0 None of these things happen to the body during this life; but the same things befall it after­ wards. For at death the body dies










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to its mortal life; at the judg­ ment it will rise to a new life; after the judgment, it will as­ cend to heaven and will sit at the right hand of God. Thus the same things happen to the body and the soul, but at different times; and the changes of the body come only when those of the soul are accomplish­ ed, .that is at the hour of death; so that death is the consumma­ tion of the beatitude of the soul and the commencement of the beatitude of the body. These are the admirable ways of the wisdom of God for the sal­ vation of his saints, and St. Aug­ ustine teaches us on, this subject, that God has arranged them in this wise for fear that if the body of man should die and rise again forever at baptism, men would only enter into the obedience of the Gospel through the love of life; whilst the grandeur of faith shines forth far more when it tends to immortality through the shades of death. This is, certainly, our belief and the faith tQat we profess, and I belive, that there is in this more than is .needed to aid your consolations by my small efforts. I should not understand to carry you this aid of myself; but as these are only repititions of what I have learned, I give them with assurance, praying God to bless these seeds, and to give them growth, for without him we can do nothing, and his most holy words will not take root in us, as he himself has said. It is not that I wish that you should be without feeling; the blow is too sensible; it would be even, in~upportable without supernatural aid. It is not therefore right that we should be without grief, like the angels who have no senti­ ment of nature; neither is it right that we should be with­ out consolation, like the heathen who have no sentiment of grace; but it is right that we should be afflicted and consoled like Christians, and that the consolations of grace should ove!-'come the feelings of nature; that we should say with the apostles: "We are afflicted but not cast down," in order that . grace may not only be in us but victorious in ,us; that thus, in sanctifying the name of our Father, his will may be made ours; that his grace may reign and prevail over nature, and that our afflictions may be as the substance of a sacrifice which his grace perfects and annihi­ lates for the glory of God; and that these individual sacrifices may honor and precede the uni· versal sacrifice wherein all na· ture should be perfectect by the power of Jesu's Christ. Thus we derive advantage from our own imperfections, since they serve as Q1aterial for· this sacrifice; for it is the aim of true Christians to profit by th~ir own imperfections, be­ cause "all things work together for good to the elect. II

Camps schedule

open 'house

THE ANCHOR- Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 28,1982

All the World Needs a Creed . ..

Cathedral day camp for boys and Our Lady of the Lake day camp for girls will hold open house programs from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, June 6, at the campsites on Middleboro Road, East Free­ town. Former and prospective camp­ ers are invited to renew friend­ ships, inspect camp facilities and talk 'to staff members. oA 2 p.m. gymnastics exhibition by junior Olympic champions will be featured. "For over 70 years boys and girls between 5 and 14 have been coming to the camps to enjoy swimming and boating on Long Pond, as welI as many other ac- , tivities," said Father Leonard Mullaney, director. He noted that the camps supply transportation to and from most area cities, and towns. Further information is avail­ able from Cathedral Camps, Box 428, East Freetown 02717, tele­ phone 763-8874.


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Ordination Continued from page one ated in 1975. He taught music at Morton Junior High School in Fall River for two years before entering S1. John's Seminary, Brighton, in 1977. Rev. Mr. oDegagne will offer his first Mass, at which he will be homiHst, a,t 3 p,m. Sunday, June 6, at St. Anne's Church. His concelebrants will be Father John R. Foister, Father Stephen A. Fernandes, Father Horace Travassos, Father John J. Smith and Father Marc Tremblay. An aunt, Sister Paulette Degagne, OP, will be a reader, as will George Carrier. The aco­ lyte wiJl be Robert Raymond, a permanent deacon candidate from St. Anne's parish. Music will be by St. Anne's choirs with Norman4 A. Gingras as organist and director. The aeader of song wm be Father Francis V. Strahan of S1. John's Seminary. A ,reception at St. Anne's School will foIlow the Mass.



There's the Rub "Faithful love and active ser­ vice are deep human aspirations and universally admired. But for them to take hold and become the determining principles of hu­ man decision means a break with the actual valu~ systems of our culture." - Father Donald Senior





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THE ANCHOR- Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 28, 1982

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than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fund raising activities such as bingos, whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices !If spiritual programs, club meetln~s youth projects and similar nonprofit actiVities. Fundra[sing pro­ jects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from Tha Anchor business office, telephone 675·7151. On Steering Points Items FR Indicates Fall River, NB indicates New Bedford.










261 MAIN STRElET FALMOUTH - 548-1918


PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN ara asked ·to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O, Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town shOUld


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Women's Guild 'board mem­ 'bers will meet at 1:30 today at the parish hall.. New officers and members will be installed at 5 p.m. Mass Tuesday. A din­ ner will follow at Wychemere Harbor Club, Harwichport, with Msgr. Henry T. Munroe, pastor, as speaker. S'l!'.ANNE,FR

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A potluck supper on Tuesday will conclude Women's Guild activities for the season. Sister Grace Donovan, SUSC, of ,the Stonehill College faculty will be the supper speaker. Guests are welcome and reservations may be made through tomorrow with Mrs. Mary Mello, 823-2320.



Aq. organ recital by Barry Gibble will be' held in the church at 4 p.m. Sunday. Eighth graders will. graduate in church ceremonies at 7 p.m. Monday, June 7. ST. MARY, ·N·B



Girl Scouts will· collect can­ celed stamps for the missions through June and resume col­ leCtions in September. They re­ quest parishioners, -to continue saving stamps during the sum­ mer. FAMllILY JLnlFIE CIEN'l!'IElR., N.DAlR.'l!'MOU'll'JIll

Parish councillors of St. Fran-· cis of Assisi Church, New Bed­ ford, will attend a dinner at 6 tomorrow night at the center.c , MOBY DICK COUNClIL, NB

Recent elections named Father Stephen B. Salvador, .associate pastor of St. John of God parish, Somerset" to the council board of directors. GUILD FOR BLIND, FR


Concluding the guild season, members met .at Holy Name School for Mass, with Jeffrey P. Medeiros as lector. Entertain­ . ment was offered by the Senior Citizen Melody Trio and refresh­ milnts were ,prepared by mem­ bers of SS. Peter and Paul, Wom­ en's Guild.' The guild's next meeting will be in September. ST. JOHN OF GOD, S,OMERSET


Q,mQcy,ln~. Thomas Pasternak 'Reg. Ph.





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Now 11 convement offices .including Seekonk &: Taunton.'

. The fourth anniversary of the new church and parish' center will be observed at 6:15 .p.m. Mass ,tomorrow. A social to which all are invited will follow the liturgy., ... : ~ ,,': Mass 'at 7 .p.m. Thursday, June 3; 'will be .'followed by a prayer meeting. 'A.social gathering will then be~eld in the parish center. ST,'M1ClIIAEL, SWANSEA

, Marking the feast of Pentecost, . parishioners are asked. to wear something red ,to Mass this week­ end and to recite the Lord's prayer in their ethnic tongue; , . Names' of boys 'ages 7 to 12 :wishing to attend St. Vincent' de Paul camp ·this summer should be submitted to Father· 'Clement Dufour, pastor, by Tuesday. Parishioners who made parish retreats at La Salette Center in 1979 or 1981 interested in a re­ union at the center on Tuesday, June 15, are asked to contact Yvette Dumaine, 674-4414. . BL.SACRAMENT,FR

The Women's Guild installa­ tion banquet is slated .for Wild­ nesday, 'June 9. Information: 674-4050.


A Mass for deceased spouses of parishioners will be offered at 11 a.m. Monday in the parish center. A memorial banquet will follow. Teen Club installation cere­ monies will take place at 6 p.m. Friday, June 4. A Mass of thanksgiving will be followed by a pizza party and dancing. WOMEN RELIGIOUS

A prayer servicil for peace to which all are invited will be sponsored at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at St. Mary's Home for Children, 593 Kempton St., New Bedford, by the Council of Women Reli­ , gious of the Fall River diocese. PEACE CORPS

Peace Corps recruiters will be at the South Main Plaza, Fall River, from 10 'a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 8, and at the New Bedford Public Library at the same ~ours Wildnesday, June 9. Retired professionals, recent graduates and skilled crafts­ people are among persons sought for a wide range of over-_ seas programs. Information: 223-7366. DEAF APOSTOLATE The 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass at

St. John the Baptist. Church, New Bedford, is signed for the deaf .by Kathy Melanson. All' wel­ come. The apostolate's teletype­ writer number is 679-8373. This number must be used for tele­ type communications with the office. O. :fL. ANGELS, FR Cars will be 'blessed in the church parking lot at 1:30 p.m. Sunday; The summer Mass schedule will begin Sunday, June 6, with 4 and 5:15 p.m. Masses in Eng­ lish on' Saturday; and Sunday Masses a,t 8, 9, 10 and 11 a.m. in English and 7 a.m. and noon in Portuguese. . lFJ[JRST FRIDAY CLUB

Frederick C. Dreyer, adminis­ trator of Charlton Memorial Hospital, will speak on "The Mission of a Hospital" to mem­ bers of the Fall River First Fri­ day Club at a supper meeting following attendance at 6 p.m. Mass Friday, June 4, at Sacred Heart Church, ~all River.

ARCHBISHOP Pliilip F. Smith, OMI, 9( Cotabato City, Philippines, \yill pre­ side at. a Mass and Blessing of the Sick to be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 6, at La­ Salette Shrine, Attleboro. Nursing home patients are especially welcome, as well as the .gene11l1 pl,lblic. Fur­ ther 'infonnation: 222-5410.

[Iteering pOint! J



The Greater Fall.River Coun­ cil will meet for Mass at 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 1, at St. Louis de France Church, Swansea. A business session will follow and Father Edward Holleran, OFM, of Our Lady's Chapel, New Bed­ ford, will speak. Members are reminded that children's summer camp appli­ cations should be submitted by Saturday, June 5. Physicals will be given at 10 a.m. Friday, July 2, at the Anawan Street CYO, Fall River.

679-5262 LEARY PRESS (.......



A variety of free magazines for the deaf and visually handi­ capped are available from the Xavier Society for the Blind, 154 E. 23 St., New York, N.Y. 10010. SS. PETER



Following attendance at 6 p.m. Mass Wednesday, Women's Club members will hold an installa­ tion banquet at Sunderland's restaurant. The second annual Msgr. George Maxwell trophy will top more than 100 awards to be pre­ sented at a parish CYO banquet at 7:45p.m. Saturday, June 5, at Father Coady Center. Pictures loaned for use at the parish's centennial celebration may be picked up at the church office following Masses this Sunday.. School art will be on display in the school corridor on the weekend of June 5 and 6. A CYO-sponsored parish pic­ nic has been rescheduled to 1 p.m. Monday at St. Vincent 'de Paul Camp, Westport. ST. STANISLAUS, FR

Services this week honor the enthronement in the church of a specially blessed icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa. They will include a holy hour at 7 tonight, Pentecost prayers Sunday night and a closing Eucharist and de­ parture cetemony for the icon at 8:30 a.m. Monday. ST. RITA, MARION New altar boys will attend class at 10 a.m. tomorrow in the church. ST. THOMAS MORE,


Boys who have made their first communion are eligible to become altar boys. A class will begin at 11 a.m. Sunday, June 6. As of June 1 the 8 a.m. daily Mass will be discontinued for the summer, resuming in the


Confirmation candidates and sponsors will rehearse at 7 p.m. tomorrow. ST.


Women's Guild officers will be installed at the church at 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 21. A ban­ quet will follow at Venus de Milo restallrant. Chiidren will receive first

communion at 10 a.m. Mass


For the homeless COLUMBUS, Ohio (NC) - At the instigation of Bishop Edward Herrmann of Columbus an emer­ gency house for homeless fami­ lies has been opened in Colum­ bus. The new facility has "room for 13 individuals and some overflow," said Clarke Fahnen­ bruck, an attorney and member of the volunteer housing task force coordinating efforts to pro­ vide emergency and long-term shelter for the homeless. She said th~ new emergency shelter, aimed ~t giving housing to whole families rather than to individ­ uals, is intended as a temporary shelter for families suddenly homeless because of eviction or a utilities shutoff.





.... ~~ .... ~.~~:.-,...~~,


Continued from page one diocese of Fall River, was named general secretary of the confer­ ences on Feb. 2. He joined the conferences in 1977 as assistant general secretary and in 1978 was named associate general sec­ retary.

.," t


Tel. 678-5651

.~ernber F.T.D.A.

ONlYFUll·tlNE RELIGIOUS 61FT STORE ON THE CAPE • OPEN: Mon • S.t; 9 • 5:30 • OPEN 7 DAYS during IIIIIIIllIf 9-9:30 1!!!!~~ ~-

Born in Taunton Jan. 18, 1946, the son of Virginia and the Jate Dr. Charles E. Hoye, Father Hoye is one of nine children, of whom eight are Hving. He was educated at St. Mary's Grammar School and Msgr. Coyle High School, both in Taunton. After studying for the priest­ hood at St. Thomas Seminary, Bloomfield, :Conn., and St. John's Seminary, Brighton, he was or­ dained May 13, 1972, by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. He served as associate pastor in St. John the Evangelist parish, Attleboro, and at St. Mary's parish, Norton, be­ fore being assigned to studies at the Catholic University of Am­ erica, where he earned a canon law licentiate in 1975.



428 Main St.: HyannIS

PHILADELPHIA (NC) - The National Association of the Holy Name Society has stepped up its crusade for the canonization of Blessed John of Vercelli, the so­ ciety's founder. A campaign to obtain at least 50,000 prayer pledges is underw,ay with thou­ sands expected to be obtained at the association's 12th annual convention in Philadelphia in September. ·Born John Gargella near the town of Vercelli, Italy, Blessed John was a canon and civil law professor and master general of the Dominicans. 'Call­ ed on by Pope Gregory X to com­ bat attacks against spirituality, he led Dominicans throughout Europe, teaching devotion to the name of Jesus. He died in 1283 and was beatified in 1903...


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For Information on how lIOU can help, write to Brother Raymond, Brothars of Christ the Prisoner, 48 Coral St., Huntley, Illinois 60142.

Taunton Mass.

Returning to the Fall River di­ ocese, he was named vice-offi­ cial of 'its marriage court, a post he held untH he was appointed NCCB/USCC assistant genera~ secretary in 1977. In 1979 the Taunton priest traveled with Pope John Paul II throughout· his U.S. visit, aiding in making arrangements for the pope's meeting with the nation's bishops and serving as a re­ source person for journalists with the papal party.






Now there is a way that you can perform the corplilral work of mercy - to visit those who are prison. The Brothers of Christ the Prisoner, a spiritual organization started in 1970 by Brother Raymond Kelley, P.C., sends Bibles, prayer books, rosaries, Catholic books and magazines, medals and holy cards to the prison chaplail1ls and they distribute them to the prisoners.





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For individuals who should n01 be living alone, b'ut who do not need the expensive care of a nursing home, Hanover House can become a beautiful alternative. Located adjacent to the new Charlton Memorial Hospital, guests at Hanover House enjoy gracious independent living, courteous staff members are available at all times to provide assistance as needed, including the serving of meals, the monitoring of medica· tions, assistance with personal hygiene, many diversified activities programs, etc. Hanover House has private accomodations for I;>oth long term and short term stays.


~I . '.\


For Further Onformation Contact:

OPEN DAILY 10:00 A.M. to 7:30 P.M.


La Salette· Shrine

At 675-7583

Park Street - Route 118 Attleboro; MassaChusetts







' , , ' ,






THE ANCHOR- Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 28, .1982 .



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MEMBERS OF St. Mary's 'parish, Seekonk, will celebrate the silver jubilee of their new church building at a special Mass at 6 p.m. tomorrow. . The recently renovated sanctuary is visible in the picture above, taken


last year when the parish mark.ed;its 75th anniversary. At tomorrow's

A Name You Can Trust

Mass Father Francis L. Mahoney, pastor, will be principal celebrant and


homilist. Concelebrants will include Father Cornelius J. Keliher, former


recall. the words of Bishop James L. Connolly on May 30, 1957, the day


the present building was dedicated: "St. Mary's parishioners can take pride

JULY 5-23

in their church, for in it they will find a joy and peace that they can

pastor,' and Father Joseph Bachand, MS. A dinner dance in the parish hall \;Vill follow the liturgy. At tomorrow's celebration parishioners Will .

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'Our Lady gets helicopter ride

CAPRI, Italy (NC) - Residents of the fabled isle of Capri are grateful to the U.S. Navy for transporting their statue of Mary to a site atop 'a 1,000-foot cliff .from which Roman emperors once threw their victims into the sea. Centuries ago, a statue of Mary had been installed' among the ruins of the palace' of Tiber­ ius, but the statue was. destroyed... 'by lightning in 1979. The residents of Capri ordered' a new statue but when the 13­ foot, two-ton sculpture was com­ pleted, it was found too big to . transport through the "island's' narrow streets. , Italian authoritie's 'found no

. '.Prayer··... Continued firom page one cessions, in . buHetiii an­ noimcements and the like. It is obviously imperative that everyone' pray in the' most urgent. manner that. God deliver us· from the danger of nuolear holocaust. This, . in turn, necessitates tireless labors for the cause of justice, in .which .resides the basis for true peace..

solution to the dilemma, so the Capri residents went to officials at the U.S. naval base on the Bay of Naples, who sent a heli· copter-to lift the statue by cables to the clifftop. A two~day celebration of the event included banquets, folk darices, wreath-laying ceremon. ies and speeches. .,

Appeal Continued from Page. One The Bishop noted with satis­ faction the great percentage. of the Appeal which' came directly from parishes. "We are sincere­ ly grateful to our good. friends it:l business and industry and in the. professions who are so gen­ erous in contributing to our an­ nua~ plea for assistance," he said, ."but in a very spec.al way, . I thank the priests and dedicated lay men and women of our par­ ishes for their' extraordinary leadership and enthusiasm." Monsignor Gomes noted that record sums were' received in both the "Parish" category, where over $1,200,000 was re­ corded, and in the "Special Gifts" phase of the·Appeal.




$500 Rev. James F. Kelley, CHC/ USN $400 Our Lady's Chapel, New Bed­ ford $200 Rev. Laureano C. Dos Reis $150 Permanent Diaconate Com­ munity of the Diocese of Fall River $100 Andrew Nichipor, Fall River Rev. William J. McMahon Sullivan Bros., Printer, Low­ ell Catherine A. Rogers, Provi­ dence, R. I.

$2000 Standard Times $800 New Bedford Five Cents Sav­ ings Bank $600 Glen Petroleum , $500 Paul G. Cleary & Company $225 ' Ashley Ford Sales $200 Hemingway Transpor.t Park Oil Company $150 . Captain Frank's Seafood Market $100 Cape Cod Sportswear Com­ pany, Inc. Fairhaven Lumber Company Cyclone Cleaning Company Paramount Pharmacy Silverstein's Family Store $80 Cooper Insurance Agency $'75 Norm's Catering Stanley Oil Company, Inc. First Federal Savings & Loan Assn. $65 The Daher Family Friends .of Catholic Charities $52 George A. D. Saint AUbin Co. $50 Coastal Fisheries Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Roda, Fairhaven Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Roda Thomas & Thomas, Attorneys Jays Drug Store, Wareham $25 Seafood Dealers Ma's Donut 'Shop Madewell Manufacturing Com­ pany, Inc. New Bedford Catholic Guild For The Blind Mabel Gabello Selma Joseph Professor & Mrs. Anthony John & Family, North Dartmouth

FALL RIVER $1100 St. Stanislaus Bingo $1000 Gold Medal Bakery. $550 First Federal Savings & Loan Association $200 A C Lumber Company $150 Fall River Florists Supply Company $125 Quaker Fabric, Corporation $100 Green's Storage Warehouse Knights of Columbus Msgr. Boyd Council No. 295 Clover Club of Fall River Friendly Sons of St. Patrick $'75 Atty. Peter Collias $50 Atty. William P. Grant Coachmen Restaurant, Tiver­ ton Electrical Workers Local #437 $35 Attorneys Thompson, Reed & Boyce $30 Bread of Life Community $25 Sarama Lighting of Massachu­ setts, Inc.


SEEKONK Our Lady of Mount Carmel $200 St. Vincent de Paul Society; $150 Holy Name Sodety; $110 M-M James Araujo; $100 M-M Gerald Foley, M-M Charles Grossman, M-M Gerald F. Gorman, Hendricks Pools, Inc., Leo Wm. Tasca, M-M Fritz Ulmschneider; $75 M-M Anthony Potenza; $50 M-M Robert L. Carvalho, M-M Louis Dupere, M-M John .T. Kelleher; $35 M-M John Botelho; $30 M-M Steven Miranda, M-M John Petraitis, Antonio Ribeiro Jr. $25 M-M Daniel Arico, M-M J. E. Beauregard, M-M Wilfred Blanchette, M-M Robert Caron, M-M Ralph Castino, M-M Manuel Costa, M-M Jeremiah Downes, Dr.-Mrs. John DuValley, M-M Paul Given, M-M Francis Harrington, M-M Albert F. Hunt, M-M Anthony Leiter, M-M Armand J. Lussier, M-M Thomas McGovern, Josep-h Medeiros Jr., M-M Raymond Naughton. M-:M Alfred Nazareth, Mary C. Noonan. $25 M-M John A. Nunes, M-M Edward Olean, James Olean, M-M Raymond E. O'Neill, M-M William O'Neill Jr., M-M Robert Perreira, Mrs. Mary Pestana, M-M Manuel L. Rainho, M-M Joseph Rebello, M-M Joseph L. Rose, M-M Manuel Santos, M-M Raymond Tomlin­ son, M-M John J. Tretton, M-M Anthony Venditti, M-M George Vergilis, M-M Stanley F. Young. . $100 Mount Carmel Youth Ministry, M-M Maurice Hurley; $50 Home & Commercial Security, Dr.-Mrs. P.A. Pizzarello, M-M John Whittaker, M-M Stephen Clegg; $35 Ferreira & DaSilva Families, Mrs. W. Gor­ don Partington, M-M AlfredT. Morris, Jr.; $30 M-l\1.. Harold G. Devine, M-M Arthur Rozzero, M-M Robert Stellmack; $25 M-M Ronald Coleman, Jose O. Dora, M-M John H. Ellis, M-M Richard Gregoire, M-M Ray­ mond Korkuc, M-M Roger Sullivan, M-M Michael Maguire, M-M T'homas Sirignano. BREWSTER ____ Our Lady of the Cape $200 Mary F. Bond; $100 Mrs. Helen Callahan, M-M Stanley Fowler; $75 M-M

Hykel Simon Mr. & Mrs. Edward N. Joseph Amelia John & Family Brodeur Machine Co.; Inc. Daughters of Isabella Hyacinth Circle #71 .

TAUNTON $325 Durfee-Attleboro Multibank Taunton $263 Residents - Marian Manor $200 Norwell Manufacturing Com­ ·pany, East Taunton $150 Taunton Savings Bank $100 St. Mary Women's Guild O'Keefe Funeral Home, Inc. St. Joseph Women's Guild, Taunton Students Coyle-Cassidy High School $50 Frank J. Smith Davol-Taunton Printing Com­ pany Our Lady of Lourdes Confer­ ence Weir Cooperative $25 AI's Painting George A. Sackett Robert Funke George L. Copeland Funeral Home, South Easton Leahy's Liquor Store Taunton Chapter of Catholic Nurses Coyle-Cassidy Monogram Club Parker Brothers

ATTLEBORO $3'74 Residents of Madonna ·Manor $325 Durfee-Attleboro Multibank . $200 A. Caponigro & Company, Attleboro $150 Attleboro Lions Club Sacred Heart Conference, No. Attleboro $125 Leach & Garner Company, Attleboro

$100 Automatic Machine Products, Attleboro Sweet Manufacturing Com­ pany, Mansfield Leavens Mfg. Willis Mackinnon Insurance $80 . Attleboro Mutual Fire Insur­ ance Co. -$50 Fireside Motors, Inc., North Attleboro V. H. Blackington & Co. $35 Reynolds '& Markman, Inc. $25 Daughters of Isabella Benedict Circle, North Attleboro Evergreen Gardens, Attleboro Israel Franklin, North Attle­ boro St. Mary's Holy Name Society O'Brien's Coffee Shoppe Tweave, Inc. .'Village Package & Variety Store Dyer Funeral Home Community Pharmacy, Inc. St. Anne's Women's Club, No. Attleboro . Arn's Park Motels Butler Tire Sales Mandeville Chevrolet, Inc. Richard's Auto Clinic & Gar­ den Equipment . Hazel West Insurance Agency

CAPE COD $500 St. Margaret's Conference, Buzzards Bay Freedom Federal Savings & Loan Association, Worcester _ $250 R. M. Packer Fuel Co., Vine­ yard Haven $150 John Curley & Associates, Inc., South Yarmouth $100 ·Merchants Bank, Inc., Hyannis Barnstable County National Bank, Hyannis Bennett Plumbing & Heating, Inc., Falmouth Falmouth Cooperative $80 Anonymous $'75 Fern Engineering Company, Buzzards Bay

Bernard Rasmusen; $50 M-M John Collins, M-M James J. Donahue, Eleanor Roberts, Mrs. Mary' Besso, M-M Alfred Baty, Mrs. Margaret Blanchette;. $45 M-M Ar­ thur Dickey; $35 M-M Anthony Palmisano; $30 M-M Fred Welsh, M-M Charles F. Leonard, M-M John Gon­ salves, Jr., M-M Norman F. McEnaney, Annette Hail­ er, M-M John J. O'Connor, M-M Osborne Bearse III; $25 M-M John V. O'Brien, Enzo Fruggiero, Dorothy M. Pendergast, M-M James Callanan, M-M Robert Ca­ hill, M-M Oliver Brinkerhoff, M-M James McNamara, M-M E.F. Hartnett, M-M Robert Larkin, M-M Daniel ~F. Downey, Mrs. John J. Sullivan, M-M Raymond Car­ rier, M-M Albert Bohlin, Mrs. Francis Neal, Edith Lawton, M-M Francis Crimmins, M-M George J. Mc­ Cusker, M-M Arthur Stanfield, Eileen Murphy, M-M Richard Reeves, M-M William C. Hoag, Ethel M. Pad­ den, Mrs. John R. Quilty, M-M John M. Gill Jr., M-M John S. Despres, M-M Wilfred Trahan, M-M Chester 1. Jackman, M-M Frank W. Thorp. CENTERVILLE Our LadY of Victory $100 Dr.-Mrs. John Curran, M-M Bertrand Fournier, M-M Richard Gleason, M-M James Mainey, M-M Raymond Pelletier; $75 Judge & Mrs. Henry Murphy; $55 Lillian F. O'Neil; $50' M..M Lawrence Colwell, Dr.-Mrs. Nelson Dente, M-M Robert' Ellis, John Fleming, Kalliope Garoufes, Dr.-Mrs. Ber­ nard Hand,M-M Stanley McLean, M-M Arthur O'­ Keefe, M-M John Pendergast Jr., M-M Joseph Reardon, Edward Souza, M-M John Turner, Susan Yule. $40 M-M Joseph Brescia; $35 M-M Michael DeBene­ dictis, M-M Ronald' Vaudreuil; $30 M-M Edward Ledwith, Dr.-Mrs. Thomas .Martone, M-M Edward Twomey, M-M Lawrence Verrier, M-M Francis Walsh; $25 M-M John Anderson, M-M John Aylmer, M~M Walter Bracken, Mrs. Theron Burlingame, Mrs. Elaine Busias, M-M Frank Casey, M-M Paul Charest, M-M' Lester Cook, Katherine M. Danahy, M-M John Des­ mond, Kathryn Destefano, M-M Ruben Deveau, M-M William Dillon, M-M Thomas Fellows, Mary F. Foley. $25 .M-M Girard GaoueUe, Mrs. George Garoufes, M-M Carl Hallgren, Mrs. Albert Harkins, M-M Thomas Hersey, M-M Leonard Higgins, Helen P. Hogan, M-M

$50 Linhares Precast, Inc., So. Yarmouth Frederic's Flowers, Bourne Holy Ghost Society, Vineyard Haven J. F. Murphy Restaurant, South Yarmouth Hearth & Kettle Restaurant, South Yarmouth The Christmas Tree Shops, Inc., Yarmout~port Old Colony Bank of Barnsta­ ble County, N. A. $40 Ray's Plaza Barber Shop, South Yarmouth $30 St. Francis Xavier Holy Name Society, Hyannis Finley's YD Liquor Store, West Dennis $25 Martha's 'Vineyard National Bank Mother Cabrini Circle #722 Daughters of Isabella, Bourne Stacy's Auto Service, Dennis­ port Sou the a s t ern Detective Agency, West Yarmouth Mid-Cape Coliseum, Inc., South Yarmouth Yarmouth Furniture Company, South Yarmouth Bass River Auto Sales, Inc., South Yarmouth Bass River Motel, South Yar­ mouth Roberts One Hour Cleaners, West Yarmouth Yarmouth Glass & Mirror, South Yarmouth West Dennis Market, West Dennis ErWin's Pharmacy, South Yar­ mouth Ives, Inc., d/b/a A-I Instant Printing, West Dennis McCormack's Bass River Phar­ macy, South Yarmouth Peter Amorosi, DDS, South Yarmouth Medicine Shoppe, South Yar­ mouth Falmouth Enterprise The Ship's Inn, Oak Bluffs Riverway Lobster House, South Yarmouth John Fabry Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Mc­ Phillips Mr. & Mrs. David Peterson

Ellis Johnson, Mrs. Richard La~ar, M-M Alfred LewIs, Mrs. Wray Lockwood, Mrs. Henry Lynch, M-M James D. Monahan, M-M Thomas Monaghan, Mrs. Howard Munroes, Thomas F. Murphy, M-M Timothy McCarthy, M-M Stephen O'Brien Sr., M-M Stephen O'Brien Jr. $25 M-M Gerald Ott, M-lVI Stanley Patterson, M-M Edward Perry, Mrs. Sidney Pollard, M-M Marcel Poyant, Mrs. Zane Roberts, M-M R. J. Russo, Phyllis Schaefer, M-M Joseph Sheehan, M-M Wilfred Shelley, M-M George Smith, M-M James Smith, M-M Joseph Trapp, M-M Edward Tynan, Mrs. Robert Wheeler, Edward Whelan. $500 M-M Frank Monaghan; $100 M-M Stephen Jones, Margaret Laverty, M-M ·John MacLeod, M-M George $heehan, M-M James Timlin, Mrs. Raymond Wynkoop; $75 Deacon & Mrs. Oscar Drinkwater; $50 M-M L.J. Antonecchi, Michael Conlon, Lt. Col. & Mrs. Joseph McNeil, M-M Joseph Murphy, Alice Tos­ cano, Maj. & Mrs. Edgar Winters, M-M Edward Welch; $35 M-M William Cotter, Mrs. Harry Davidson; $30 Mrs. Olavi Wiinikainen, M-M Robert Maguire; $25 M-M Charles Barrett, M-M Dale Carlisle, M-M John Crowley, M-M Louis DeRosa, M-M Frederick Donovan, Janet Farrell, Mary G. Finn, M-M Charles Fontaine, M-M Daniel Gallagher, Daniel J. Hatton, M-M John' Hern, Dorothy F. Hillen, M-M Charles Kelleher, M-M William Mahoney, M-M Edward Mara, M-M Richard McLaughlin, M-M James McRae, M-M Joseph O'Brien, Mildred Raggett, M-M Thomas Sullivan, M-M John Sweeney, Mrs. Thomas Vages, -M-M . John Vellone, M-M Edmund Walsh, Jr. EDGARTOWN St. Elizabeth's $100 St. Vincent de Pa~l Society, St. Elizabeth's Guild; $50 Roland Authier; $25 The Victorian, Edgartown Marine, Louise M. Norton, Dukes County Savings Bank, Edgartown' Hardware, Grant Brothers, Wells Oil Service, M-M John Pine, 'M-M D:f'lid Vaughan, Odeama J. Silva. OAK BLUFFS Sacred Heart $50 Mrs. James H, Butler, Jr.; $25 Daniel & Constance Leavitt.

BUZZARDS BAY St. Margaret's $100 James Nickerson, Mrs. Betty Doherty, Donald A Harrison, Mrs. Elizabeth Doherty, Eugene Hughes; $50 William MacKensie, M-M Andrew, DiPasqua, John Grey, Joseph C. DeAntonio, Edward O'Melia; $40 Walter J., Eno, Robert Quintal; $35 Ray­ mond A Harrison, Robert 'F. Haywood; $30 August Cristofori, Lillian M. Kennedy, Anthony Cardoza, Mrs. Anna Emond; $25 M-M James Murphy, M-M Richard H. White, Louis Fachetti, Donald Lakin, Julio Lopes, Joseph Butler, Katherine Fernandes, Eleanor R. Nick­ erson, Edgar G. Simoneau, Julio Lop,es, Herbert Zweig, Amos Bousquet, Daniel Donahue, Ida Monteiro, Mary A Gomes, Ida D.• Gibson, Mary Dwyer, Mrs. Mary Hannon, Manuel Silva, John P. King, William La­ Vangie, James E. McCassie, John Hickey, P. Corricelli, Dr. Ralph Angus, John J. Bartley, Peter Duffy. CHATHAM ,Holy Redeemer $1,000 A Friend; $300 ,John J. Brogan; $100 Mrs. Lee N. Allen, M-M Richard Mitchell, Sacred Hearts Association, Mrs. Robert Wolin;; $60 Franci's Russell; $50 Charles E. Baker, Helen Andrews, Mrs. Rolff E. Campbell, William Wilz Carroll, M':M James"B. Dolan, M-M James A. Griffin, Holy Redeemer Guild, M-M Walter Whiteley. $25 Dr.-Mrs. Richard T. Atkins, M-M Richard Bueker, William '.Calare~e, M-M Dominicc Caronna, M-M Jon P. Dixon, M-M William A Flynn, M-M Joseph Forbes, Elizabeth Griffin, M-M Walter B. Kelley, M-M Everett Larson, Genevieve O'Connell, Eileen Our, M-M J,ohn Mulak, M-M Joseph Reynolds, M-M W. Thomas Whiteley. $500 Mabelle B. Flaherty; $150 M-M Charles A. Magner, M-M Johrf J. Cavanaugh; $100 M-M John G. Patten; $75 M-M D. George Sullivan; $50 Helen M-E. & Dr. Anne Raleigh, M-M Charles V. Reydel; $35 Lor­ raine Rollins; $31 M-M John Speight; $25 Jennie, Rod­ erick, Mary Celeta, First National Bank of Cape Cod, M-M Francis Fleming, M-M Paul Fougere, Norma' Tuttle. EAST FAlLMOU'fH st. Anthony $60 M-M Anthony Spagone $50 M-M Frank Moniz, M-M George Botelho, M-M Paul 'Servis; $35 'M-M Vincent Luckraft, Beatrice Emerald, Lena G. Soares, Mary G. Simons; $30 M-M John Sattelmair; $25 M-M Scoby Rhodes, M-M Franklin Botelho, M-M Charles MacLeod, M-M Howard T. Crowley, Pauline Pimental. ' $100 M-M Frank M. Teixeira, M-M John R. Martin, M-M Richard L. Corey; $75 M-M Arthur Bouzan; $50 Carol A Gilchrist, Richard LeMoine, John A. Walker, Ella May Hayes, M-M William A. Burke, M-M Michael Rodriguez; $30 M-M Maurice J. Tavares, M-M Theo­ philus Oliveira, Sarah P. Corey, M-M Bela 'Kiss. $25 Mary V. Cabral, M-M John Araujo, George Pinto, Mrs. Adam L. Napier, M-M Man4el R. Lopes, M-M .. James Caroeiro, M-M Joseph L. Tavares, M-M Gilbert L. Tavares, M-M Robert Begley, M-M Walter Lino,

Geraldine Robbins, M-M William J. DeMello, Richard

L. Corey Jr. $2~0 M-M Albert Gramm; $100 M-M Joseph Paruti, Alvaro Lopes, Peter & Helen Miscovitch, M-M L. Fer­ riter, Donald Thompson; $60 M-M Patrick W. Lewis, M-M Arthur Lohan; $50 M-M Manuel G. Souza, Jr., M-M Tony Andrews, M-M John A. Reine ~ Son, M-M John J. White, John J. Walsh, M-M David C. Silva, Robert B. Pacheco; $35 M-M George Barboza; $30 M-M Arthur E. Andrade, Jr., M-M Amarante Pires, M-M Manuel S. White, Jr., Mrs. Caesar Nervi; $25 M-M , Lawrence S. Silva, M-M Pedro Carvalho, M-M Kevin Smoller, M-M John F. Napoli,- Mrs. Maria Rebello, M-M Cecil Costa, M-M Joseph Ferreira, Francis J. Bradley, M-M John L. Silvia, Jr., Carolyn J. Correllus, M-M Gordon A. Newton, Anna C. Pollard, Herminio Lopes, M-M Gregory P. Bertrand, M-M Adolph Bish­ op, M-M Daniel L. Lopes, Charles Cardoza, John Ra­ poza, Janina Sikora, Patrick Bishop, Sr., Joseph Teix­ eira. -



Hughes, Thomas F. Murphy, M-M Walter C. Ahern; $30 M-M Frederick Sampson; $25 M-M John J. Bell, M-M Francis J. Cavanaugh, Stephen Clarke, James E. Douglas, M-M Joseph L. Francis, M-M Frederi~k H. Grassie, M-M Francis Gilligan, M-M Theodore L. Holmes, Thomas A. Kane Jr., M-M Frank Marshall, M-M James F. McGra·th Jr., Mrs. Esther Murchinson, Mary C. Murphy, M-M Edward A. Anderson, John F. Dempsey, Elizabeth Amaral. $25 M-M John F. Donovan, Mary Marnell, M-M John F. McLaughlin,' M-M Richard Mitchell, M-M George A. Robertson, Catherine Schell, M-M William Twohig. $200 Judge & Mrs. Charles Ardito; $100 M-M Robert A. Chadwick, M-M Donald 1. Rogers; $50 Catherine D. Towey, M-M Garrett F. Bowler, M-M Manuel Coute, M-M Edward Kelly, Jr., Lillian Senteio; $40 M-M Ed­ ward J. Kelly; $35 M-M Raoul Ross, M-M Lester B. Munsell, M-M Vincent A. Simeone; $30 M-MRaymond Chasse, M-M William E. McTague; $25 Marion K. Car­ roll, Claire M. Morash, M-M Salvatore J. Roccosalvo, M-M Roy J. Andrews, Charlotte M. Conway, M-M Leo Decoteau, M-M Thomas N. George, M-M Noel G. 'Henry, M-M Timothy F. Linehan, M-M John P. Lyons, M-M George A. Woods. NANTlUCKET Our Lady of the llsle $250 John D. Warner; $100. M-M Harold Ryder Jr., M-M John O'Neill; $50 M-M Francis McGarvey, M-M AlbeI1t Brock, M-M John Mendonca; $35 M-M Joseph Lennon; $30 M-M Wendell Howes; $27 M-M Clifford Ryder; $25 M-M Nelson Woodward, Ethel Dunham, M-M James Crecca. . $25 M-M Arthur Butler, M-M Fred Coffin, M-M Dennis Looney, Warren Valero, M-M Jeremiah Towhill, M-M Thomas DeVine, Mrs. Mary Louise Conway, Catherine Cronin, Herb Cabral, Wanda Peloso, Esther Swain, M-M Harold Boehm. $600 Knights 'of Columbus; $100 Robert Toti; $75 M-M James Glidden; $30 Catherine Dennis; $25 C.W. Pearl, M-M John Fee, Thomas Mara, Kerry O'Keefe, Robert McGovern, M-M Earl Muir, Thomas Ginley, Mary Holmes.~ NOR'll'H ,FALMOUTH st. Elizabeth Seton $220 M-M William F. Foran;­ $100 Jenkins, Cole & Gleason Funeral Home; $50 M-M Fred S. Eggleston 3rd, M-M Ralph Vaccaro, Mrs. James Lynch Jr., Hope Stratton; $35 M-M George Ferreira; $25 M-M Arthur Faria, M-M Robert Ferreira, Mrs. Joseph Goulding, Dr.-Mrs. Joseph P. Kvaraceus, Mrs: John Martin, Richard McCormick, M-M James F. Wynne. $100 Mrs. Martin Lawless, M-M Keith Sonnabend; $50 M-M Chester Warner; $25 M-M Alden Hanson, Martha E. Hurley, May Kenny, M-M Robert D. RUd­ den, -M-M Jamie Soque: ,ORLEANS St. Joan of Arc $200 Mrs. John' Barrett; $100 Robert Lunt; $50 In memory of Msgr. Richard J. Hawko; $30 M-M Ronald Chad; $25 M-M Thomas M;' Garvey, Mrs. Harry Jones, Mrs. Frank J. O'Hearn, M-M Francis Smith, Mrs. William B. Vautrinot, M-M Joseph F. White. . $100 Frank Szedlak; $50 Jane M. Lee; M-M Bryan Wilson; $25 M-M Edward Bessom, Francis Burns, M-M Joseph F. Moran, M-M Richard Ronan, Mrs. Joseph Toland. . . $100 Henry McCusker; $60 M-M Gilbed MacKinnon; $50 M-M Albert Norgeot; $25 M-M Edward Benz, Jr., Mrs. David Bessom, M-M Vernon Landers, Martin M. Gauthier, M-M Maurice D. Gauthier. ' OSTERVILLE Our Lady of the Assumption $250 John P. Curran; $200 Anonymous; $150 Anonymous; $100 A.J. Mathis, Anonymous, Andrew Canning, Anonymou~, M-M Rob­ ert Crotty, Anonymous; .$75 M-M Donald Roycroft; $50 M-M William J. Leahy, M.,.M Frederick Lough, M-M Robert Kesten, M-M John O'Donnell, Anony­ mous, M-M Timothy Kenneally, Mrs. ,Hope M. Burke; . $40 M-M James P. Brown; $30 M-M Vincent Dough­ erty, Anonymous; $25 M-M Antone Souza, Jr., M-M Richard Cashin, Anonymous, Katherine R.' Graham, M-M Seth Zarum, M-M Walter Hamblin,. Catherine Moriarty, M-M Carl.Davis, Mary D. Pino, M-M John Davitt, M-M James McGrath, M-M Edwin Pina.

FALMOUT" St. Patrick $350 Anonymous; $250 Anonymous; $100 M-M Edward C. Weil, Jr., M-M Ernest P. Foley, M-M Harry Richardson; $65 Anonymous; $50 M-M Thomas J. Matthews, M-M Vincent Inness" M-M Charles Haynes, Katherine Robbins, Anonymous, M-M Ernest R. Keating, Dr. & Mrs. Paul Bouche; $30 Mrs. Lillian Tegan; $25 M-M Michael Callahan, M-M Nor­ man LaForest, M-M William McEachern, M-M John A. Bell, M-M Raymond Laliberte, M-M John Moylan, Mrs. Max Cohen, 'M-M Walter Roach, M-M Robert Allen, M-M Alan J. Brousseau, Mrs. Elizabeth DeMello, M-M Peter Bergagna, Mrs. Louise Cook, M-M James Carreiro, M-M Joseph Lynch, Harold McCormick, M-M Paul Simpson, Muriel Farrell, M-M Joseph Reynolds,' M-M Thomas Roache, M-M Edwin Zylinski, M-M Robert Zylinski.

POCASSET St. John. The Evangelist $100 Confirmation class - In memory of Jean LaFrance, Denmark Pharmacy, ,Nickerson-Bourne Funeral Home, Hillcrest Fuel Co. Inc.; $50 A Friend, M-M Thomas Donovan, M-M Wal~, tel" Haas; $35 M-M Amadeo Leone; $25 M-M Raymond Lucier, A Friend" M-M Edward Kenny, Jr., Capt. & Mrs. Jo'hn F. O'Connor, Eileen Heap, A Friend, M-M Daniel Foley, M-M Robert Mulcahy, Richard Crepi.

HYANNIS st. Francis Xavier $60 M-M Donald Kane; $50, M-M Gerhard Robichaud, Mrs. Dorothy Shannahan, M':M Asa Stanley; $40, M-M Joseph F. McManus;; $35 Lillian L. Benard, Katherine Hayes; $25 M-M William Bill, Louise T. Corrigan, Mrs. D. F. Doyle, M-M Theodore Gelinas, M-M George T. Lamont, M-M William D. Lawlor, Dorothy Loconto, M-M Richard J.. McNulty. $120 'M-M William Strandberg; $100 J,ohn J. Shan;l­ han, Therese D'Arche, Lt. Col. M. T. Higgins, Ret.; $85 M-M John P. Curley Jr.; $75 M-M Edmond W. Dery Jr., $60 William P. Tobin; $50 M-M Charles J. Cogan, In memory of John & Ann Fehr, Margaret Fitzpatrick, M-M Arthur Georgantas, M-M Robert R. Guertin, Mrs. Ronald Mansbach, Dr.-Mrs. Francis O'Neil, Paul F. Young. ' Eileen M. Condon, Samuel A. Lowry, Clare Mahoney, M-M John Murray. $40 M-M William T. Corey, M-M James Mello; $35 M-l\I! Frederick Barr, Florence A. Maher; $30 Madeline

SANDWICH Corpus Christi $1,000 Corpus Christi Women's Guild; $500 M-M Robert P. Lynch; $160 M-M John J. McDonald; $150 M-M Fred O. Earle; $100 Milford E. Rogers, M-M Maurice Bilodeau, Edward L. Gorvin, Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Mealy, M-M Harold R. Shurtleff; $60 M-M Joseph J. Grazulis, $50 Lawrence Balboni, M-M Arthuer F. Cardin, Mrs. Edgar E. Caron, M-M Peter Colgan, M-M James O. Earle, M-M Francis J. McCusker, M-M Raoul A. Santos"M-M William Yet­ man, M-M Clement DelFavero; $40 Mrs. PhiUp Bangs; $35 M-M John O'Hear, M-M Bertram Page; $30 Nor­ bert F. Eischeid, Ann Sullivan; $25 In memory ,of No­ vella F. Francis, Gertrude H. Hennebry, M-M Ralph 1. Meissner, George Abercrombie, Mrs. Robert Cole­ man, M.:.M Angelo Danti, M-M Edward A. Eppich, M-M Adolph J. Gelson, Robert Gianferante, Rory Griffin, M-M Robert Labrie, Mrs. Mary LeGwin, Mrs. James Mahoney, Helen' Mooney, M-M Vytautus Ras­ tonis, M-M Paul Regazio, Mrs. William Parks, M-M Donald Manchester. -

PROVINCETOWN St: Peter the ''Apostie $100 Blessing of -the Fleet, A Friend; $50 A Friend, M-M Robert Studley; $35 A Friend $25 M-M John W. Downey, M-M John Grace, King & Fahey Funeral Home, M-M Bernard Cowing, M-M Francis X. Costello, Margaret Cunningham, M-M Walter Harding, Celia Francis, Mrs. Daniel Heibert, M-M Anthony Menangas. . SOUTH YARMOUTH Saint Pius Tenth $150 M-M Francis Cooper, M-M William H. ,Mitchell; $100 Mrs. Joseph F. Mitchell, Louise Scalley; $75 Mrs. Ernest Eastman; $50 John &, Alice ;Flynn, M-M Laurence Kane, Mrs. Mary C. 01"-', mUon; $35 Mrs. John Annessi, Anne Conley, R. Cun­ ningham, . M-M Joseph Norton $30 Marie Duffy; $25 Nella Bosworth, M-M Charles Carrey, Mrs. Jere­ miah J. Connors, M-M AL. Ferdenzi, M-M William Harney, W.R. Hertzon, M-M Howard J. Hupfer, Mary P. Love, Mary R. Rowell, Charles Samuelson, Mary Whalen, M-M James N. Stephens, M-M Cornelius Bo­ 'hane, Marie T. & James A Gilrein, M-M Hugh Kil­ , martin, M-M Kenneth Kingsley, Thure Kjllberg, Mrs. Alexander MacLellan, Walter W.& Mabel M. Millett, James & Mary Phillips, M-M Paul Sullivan, Maureen A. Walsh & Agnes E. Walsh. VINEYARD HAVEN St. Augustine's Church $200 Francis & Nata Me­ tell; $10o..Beatrice Phillips; $50 Marshall Cook; $45 Laura S. Sherwood; $25 Rose Gouveia, Joanne Hast­ ings, Pauline Hastings, Richard Oliver. WELLFLEET Our Lady of Lourdes $200 M-M Ernest Rose; $50 Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank, M-M Ronald Thureson, M-M Paul Lussier; $40 Joseph M. Duarte; $30 Flora Petres, Joseph Ingram, In memory of Thomas & Robert Gray; $25 Mrs. Lorraine L. Kemiec, Joseph A. Conway, Wellfleet Pharmacy Inc. $150 M-M Harry Parkington; $100 M-M Albert M. Rose; $25 M-M John Doucette. WEST HARWICH lI:Ioly Trinity $300 Holy Trinity Thrift Shop! $200 M-M Albert Tessier; $100 M-M Frank Duffy, M-M George Pumphret, M-M Domenic Tonucci; $75 Henry ,& Irene Chamberlain; $60 M-M Francis Recka; $50 Catherine Allen, M-M Arthur Dolan, Katherine Kline; $35 M-M Salvatore Miceli, Judge Robert A. Welsh; , $30 M-M Bernard Minkus; $25 M-M Leonard Thayer, M-M Joseph DeMango, M-M Bertram DuBois, M-M Robert Geary, M-M Stephen Jemiolo, Lenore Lewis, lVI-M Joseph Monohan, Mrs. Francis O'Neil, M-M' Frank Teleen, Margaret Brown, John Coyle, Marion Doe, M-M Philip Gaudet, Jr., M-M William Green, M-M Carl Johnson, M-M John Lyons, Jr., Olive Mars­ ton, Madeline Monroe, M-M Peter Sugda, F. Milot Underwood Jr. $100 N. James Brox Family; $50 Mildred Quist, M-M Daniel O'Leary, M-M Almon P. Hunter, Jr.; $25 M-M Walter Ross, Mrs. Henry H. Hanelt, M-M Robert L. Clark, M-M Lawrence Henningsen, M-M William Sharkey, M-M Charles Thimblin, Victoria Kent. WOODS HOLE Sl Joseph $150 A Friend; $100 M-M George Rooney, M-M NOl'man MacNeil, A Friend, M-M John Sheehan; $75 Lt. Col. & Mrs. Frank Burry, Marian Hogue; $60 M-M Joseph Forns; $50 A Friend, M-M Frank Duffy Jr.; $35 M-M Gerald Lynch; $25 A Friend M-M Kim Klitgord, M-M Paul T. Burke, M-M Bria~ McDermott, M-M David Corcoran, Frances Croney. NOR'l'ON Saint Mary's Church $100 M-M Anthony T. Pires; $50 M-M Felix Yarusltes; $40 M-M Thomas Cahill' $30 M-M Thomas Bryant, Sr., M-M William C. Curran: M-M Victor Waz; $25 M-M Richard Altham, M-M Neal F. Biron, M-M; Charles H. Biomer, M-M Joseph F. Cummings, M-M David DeCosta, M-M Edward Fitz­ patrick, M-M John Gnecco, M-M John M. Gomes, M-M Leo S. Jencyowski, M-M Robert Maher, M-M Norman J. Marshall, M-M James McDermott, M-M Joseph K. McEttrick, M-M Carl W.Siegel, Robert P. Smith, M-M David Schriever, M-M Robed Hallenbeck, M-M Wal­ ter Ambrose, M-M Edward D. Bartley & Family, M-M Bradford Bramwell, M-M Albert E. Brunelle, M-M Thomas Bryant, Jr., Eleanor Clapp, Mary Cronin, Mrs. Donald F. Dion & Family, M-M John T. Gill M-M Jo­ sep~ S. Jolly, M-M Richard Lonergan, M-M: David J. Moltoza, M-M Robert H. Ouellette, John Wright, M-M Paul Young. SEEKONK . St. Mary $325 S1. Vincent de Paul Society; $145 M-M J. David Francis; $100 M-M John Marshall M-M Andre Papineau, Dr. & Mrs. Raymon S. 'Riley; ,$75 Roger P. & Marg. T. Farren; $50 Kathryn Donahue ~-M Joseph Palana, M-M Henri Vidal; $40 M-M Fran~ ClS DeCrosta, M-M Leo Marcoux; $35 M-M Ernest Emond, M-M Charles Greggerson, M-M Raymond Hayes, M-M James Souza; $30 M-M William Fletcher M-M Francis Laushway, M-M Robert Legawiec M-M John Sadlier; $25 M-M Hector Carufel, M-M Wm. H. Cushman, Mrs. James Elliott, Joseph E. Grenier, M-M Robert Hanson, M-M Edward Paolino, M-M Joseph Strycharz, M-M Stanley Strycharz, Mrs. Joseph Ven­ tura. Parish listings will continue to be pUbiished eacli week in supplemental form until all names receiv'ld by The Anchor from Catholic Charities Headquarters have been printed. .

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