
Page 1

Catholic Charities Appeal

Reaches New Record High

The ANCHOR Aft Anchor of the SO'Ul, Sure and Firm-ST.

The 1958 .Catholic Charities Appeal has establi~ed a new high in the history of the Appeal. The' final total, released at Headquarters' this morning, i~ $366,207.~8. This figure is an increase of $11,730.06 over the 1957 total. . '. Sixty two Parishes succeeded in exceeding their 1957 contribution to the Appeal. Holy Name of. Fan ."As ~e come to the close of River led the parishes in ~on- the 1958 Ca~holic Charities Aptributions. St.. Lawrence of .' pea~ I welcome the' opportunity . . . to SIncerely thank everyone who New Bedford and Sacred, helped to make our App~al

Heart of Fall River were second . for funds' such an outstanding and third. This is a repeat of success. Once again it has been last year's standin~. demonstrated that Catholic Mr. James Bullock; Lay Chair:­ Charities has a· legion of friends' man for 1958, expressed his who as workers and donors give gratitude and joy in this state-' generously of their time and ment: money to help their needy


Prelate Declares Fall River, Mass. Thursday, May 29, 1958 CCD Gra'duates Are Apostles ...• 22 JOe Vo.I 2 , J""IIlO. Climaxing a 15 week teach­ Second Cia.. Mall Privileg.. Authorized at Fall River. M......

PRICE $4.00 per Year

World .Mourns Death

Of Cardinal Stritch •


ROME (NC)-Cardinals of Rome and other high Vati­ can officials served as representatives for the whole' Catholic world at services here for Cardinal Stritch, first American­ Cardinal named. to the' central government of the Church. The seventy year old Arch­ bishop of Chicago died Tues­ day, May 27, at' one thirty­


five in the' morning, a month after he arrived here to take up his new post as Pro-Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith. The Cardinal's, rapid recovery from an arm amputation three days after his arrival in Rome had been cut short by a stroke which caused partial paralysis and. heart damage. Gradual weakening of the heart and cir­ latory system and inability to tak~ nourishment finally led to his . death. The Cardinal died surrounded by relatives, friends and priests after all present had zecited the rosary and prayers for dying. All priests. present then imparted the last blessing.. Then, as if he'd been awaiting '!'urn to Page Eighteen

er training course, 265 have received certificates from the Diocesan Office of the

frien"ds and neighbors; I wish it were possible for me to thank each - one personal.ly: . "And as we rejOICe }ft our accomplishments w~ must not forget the contributions made by the press and radio stations throughout the Diocese as well as the TV stations in our neigh­ boring State 'of Rhode Island. All of them did an exemplaI'T ,Turn to Page Nineteen

Ordain No. Attleboro Man Franciscan on Saturday

. Rev. George Marcil, O.F.M., son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W:.. ~arci1, 53 Orne St., North Attleboro, will be ordained to the priesthood on Saturday by the Most Rev. D~niel J. Feeney, Bish9P of Portland, in the, Immaculate Conception Cathedral, Portland. . . . · Attleboro. Rev. Joseph S. La1 Th d . e n~w y-or ame~ F~an- rue,' pastor, will be assistant elscan wIll celebrate hIS FIrst· priest" Rev, Edmund L. Dickin:' Solemn Mass· Sunday in SOil, . assistant itt Sacred Heart,

Confraternity of Christian Doc­ trine, . The graduates,' Sisters, stu­ dents, and laypeople from .all parts of the Diocese, heard. an address by Rt.Jtev, Msgr. James Sacred J. Gerrard, V.G., of New Bed- . fQrd, who\ also presented the certificates, at exerCises at St. Turn to Page Seventeen





.Father Considine Sees, 16 Trouble Spots in World RICHMOND (NC) - A Jesuit theologian believes Protestants today feel a "willingness to come nearer to Catholicism," but he warned it would be "woefully erro­ neous" to expect large-scale conversions. Father Gustave Weigel, S.J., of Woodstock (Md.) College, a Jesuit seminary, dealt with cur-. " . rent "fl'iendly dialogues" be­ tween Catholics and Protestants

in a talk a10 the 48th a'nnuat con­

Turn io Page' Twenty' .


will' be deacon, and the sub­ deacon will be Rev:' Paul Cho­ quette of Notre Dame Church, Southbridge. The sermon will be preached by Rev. Constan­ . ,tine Baillargeon, O.F.M" from the Franciscan Scholasticate in Quebec City. Sherbrooke' Novitiate Father Marcil received his early education in Central Falls, R. 1., and at Sacred Heart School. After attending two years of high. school at Sacred Heart School, Central Falls, he went to St. Francis College-High School in Biddeford, Maine. Father Marcil received Ute Franciscan habit in Sherbrooke, Canada, in 1950. At this time his given name of Henry was changed to George. He made Turn to Page Seven

Information Bureau Reports Gain In Diocesan Catholic Population


Warn Communists Could Control United States in Next 2'0 Years By Patricia McGowan IICA Communist-dominated America would be a land without political parties or fraternal and social organiz ations:' This prediction was made at a meeting of two. men in unique' positions to assess ty here in 20 to ~o years," Mr. Penha went on to say. Agree­ Communism's threat to dem­ . Th M t R ing with him, Bishop Turner ev. pointed out that it took, 30 years ocracy. ey are os Kenneth R. Turner, S.M.M., to' enslave China, starting in exiled from his diocese in China small and almost unnoticed ways. by the Reds, and Armand Penha . The Reds would not achieve of St. Mary's parish, Fairhaven, . control of the United States by . who recently made headlines peacefd means, said the count­ when his activity as a Commun­ erspy, but, according to William 1st counterspy for the FBI was Z. Foster, Communist leader in J1evealed. this country, would overthrow HCommunism could be a realiTurn to Page Seventeen

Prelate Foresees Exiles' Return I~ 10 Years'

RaQb Notes Reds Make Individual Cog in Machine

CINCINNATI (NC) '"There is a beautiful side to the persecution" of the Church in China.

NOTRE DAME (NC)­ "Catholics form the crack troops" in' the struggle against communist material- .

Exiled Archbishop Paul Yu Pin of Nanking declared here Chinese Catl.olics are just awakening to this aspect of per­ secution. He pointed out the amazing result of it is, that the Catholic Faith has never been _ well lived in China as it is kKlay. Among other unintended good -.ults caused by the Reds' J'e­ . _ _ .. Pace SiD ...

ism, Chancellor Julius Raab of Austria has declared. He stated that the great global conflict today is "between the world where ideals are still, alive, and the world where only a barren materialism reigns." Degrade to Cog Because this materialism "tries to achieve its objectives '·with an Kon fist," he' said, "with every Turn io Pace NiDe~_ .

, ' , 'The Diocese of Fall River has. a Catholic population of . .250;819,an increase of 3,334 over last. year, according to figures just released by the Diocesan Bureau of Information. There are 26 archdioceses'in the United States and 113 dioceses, including the Vicar­ In the diocese, there are 2627 NEW YORK. (NC) - A iate of Alaska. Fall River pupils in 10 high schools and Jesuit sociologist here has .ranks 21st in population~· 17,429 pupils in 57 elementaI'T schools. Special religious in­ among the dioceses. It em­ hit what he calls a wide­ structions are given to 28,935 braces Bristol, Barnstable, Dukes spread tendency to consider public' school· pupils.

Tells Correction Guild Religion Is Above Law

religion as a sort of psychologi­ calor social service in behalf of law enforcement. Father Joseph P. Fitzpatrick, S.J.,pointed out that only when religion is recognized as "man's fundamental relationship to God" can its primary purpose in Society be fulfilled. Turn to Pate Twenty

and Nantucket Counties, and the town of Marion, Mattapoisett and Wareham in Plymouth County, ari area of 1194 square miles 'with a total population of 445,060. The 1957 Catholic popu­ lation constitutes 56.2 per cent of the entire area, an increase of 6.2 per cent since 1947. ' Two hew parishes, St. Augus­ tine's in Vineyard Haven and Our Lady of Victory in Center­ . ' ville, increase to 105 the number o{parishes in the diocese. There are 360 priests in the diocese, an increase of 12 over last year.

There is one special school for exceptional children caring for 24 youngsters. There is one .Catholic· college in the diocese'with 415 students. In various seminaries; there are 58 diocesan students preparing for the priesthood. Three reli­ gious scholasticates and sem-. inaries have 79 enrolled as stu­ dents in different religioWi orders. Full-time teachers in the, di­ ocese are made up of 650 sisters, 25 brothers and 42 lay teachers.

Emphasizes Man Latin' Americ'an Retains Dignity Church Facing Grave Danger In III Health LA CROSSE (NC)-The WASHINGTON (NC) - ' The Apostolic Delegate to Church may be abandoned in Latin Am~rica unless im­ the' United States has re­ measures "are minded an international con- . mediate gress -of physicians that "man, even in time of sickness and in­ firmity, "is 'still an immortal being." In the sight of God, declared " His Excellency Archbishop Am­ leto Giovanni Cicognani, "there WORLD QUEEN: .Mary, are not the strong and the in­ but only the human per­ Queen of the Universe, firm, son, without distinction of any whose feast day is May 31. kind, the person with his rights NC Phoi~ TurD io Pace seveY

adopted to forestall the whole­ sale loss of Faith to hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans." Msgr. Anthony P. Wagener, editor of the Register Times­ Review, newspaper of the La Crosse diocese, made the state­ ment on his return from a study tour of the Church's missions in Bolivia, Peru and Guatemala. Stating that the future course Turn io Pace Sixtee.








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-THE ANCHOI Thurs., May 29, 1958

Nation~~ Press· Club ' A"niYer~orY.

Recalls Address of Pre'sent Pope,

WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Press Club in this city 'S currently observing its 50th I anniversary, recalling that t~e present Holy Father, His Hoh­ ness pope Pius' XII, is one of the illustrious personalities who have spoken there.

Abandon Public

SC'hool Rel.-gion

Class Program


dress, club officers escorted him to the elevator on the 13th floor of the large downtown building, saw him down to the ground floor and out to hiJ car waiting




at the- 14th street ertrance, RIN LD ( -

After he had entered his car, The school board in this

the Cardinal called Mr. Hall to -Ohio community abandoned a window and asked, in a spirit The Pope a,ddressed an over­ I now luncheo'n at the club on almost of humility; if Mr, ,Hall its proposa to introduce

Oct. 22, i936, when, as Eugenio thought he had done well on Uie religion classes in its grade

Cardinal Pacelli, Papal Secre­ schools just before Ohio's Attor­ visit. Mr. Hall had no' doubts • tary of 3tate, he visited this about that at all, and so assured ney General declared the pro­ country., . the Cardinal with enthusiasm for gram would be unconstitutional.

Introduced by club president he had seen that the club audi- , Attorney General William

George' W.' Stimpson as "a dis­ torium was more jammed than' Saxbe told the Northwestern

tinguished diplomat, a scholor it had ever been in its history, Board of Education that noth­ and' a great churchman," the that the standing ovation, aIter 'ing in Ohio law prohibits reli­ Cardinal told the more than 400 the Cardinal spo~e was unprece-' gion courses in public schools.

newspapermen jhat the ad~~ess dented and that he had heard He. said that nevertheless, reli­ he was making to them was the nothing but 'enthusiastic praise gious education in public schools

only exception which 1 ~ave afterwards. would be "in violation of con­ made in,my plans for a 'pnva~e • , stitutional rights in view of re­ and personal visit to thiS great The visit of the Cardinal, now cent U. S. Supreme Court decl­ and powerful nation." Pope, is fresh in the memury' states...·

of countless club members even Prayer for Peaee High Court Rule

today. The Catholic Church and the Guest Book Signatures As, Attorney General, Mr.

Holy Father (Pope Pius ~I) A brilliant banquet has been Saxbe said, he could base opin­ "desire greatly the protectIOn 'fue highlight of. the golden ions only on Ohio statutes, and

of the peac~social .peace and J'ubilee observance.. It attracted could "only call attention" to

, no 19 the nations" the U. S. Supreme Cou'rt' decl·sion.

peace' al I " more than 1,000 persons,. includ­ then Cardinal' Pacelli told the ing Chief Justite Warren, Sec.;. which,outlaw religion classes OIl

gathering. He also told theonews­ retary of State Dulles, ,fo,rmer public school property but per­ men that "His Holiness appeals President Truman and numer-, mit "released time" religious in­ to you who have .great respon­ OUS other leaders in government. struction ell/ewhere.

sibillty in reporting facts and in and the diplomatic' corps. ' ~ ,TheAttorney Genenil's opin­ Inspiring public opinion" to la­ Heading the' committee which' ' ' -Photo by C1l1il!Jl.' ion was solicited by, the Clark bor "for the salvation,of human­ , put long 'months intoplailhing . CCD GRADUATION; Rt "Re Ms~. James J Gerrard :, County, pr!Jsecutor~s office a~ 'the ity and to 'elevate ,it toward its "the dinner was John'C, O'Brie'o, ' , ' . ". . ., : v. .' " " , , . request of the" Northwestern, , Ir~atest, its highe~t desti~Y:",~e a former .;.club president, Wash'-' V.G., presents certifIcate to one of 265 SIsters, students and : Lacal School District, ,~hich re-,; , Invited,those present to Jo,n 111 ington:' , correspondent,<~ of r/ the laypeople who' completed a '15 week: teacher .train~ng'course", lcently . :anno.uI.Jced plans , - I ; the Holy Father's daily prayer " PhiladelphiaInquirer"anda,col- "',in Christhm.'D6ctrine at ·St. Joseph's School, Taunton; See' classes 111 religIOn. for peace and prosperity of ' ,UtnniSt'for numerous Catholic: ' '_. the the world. page one.' " "­ , . : . ' " ., Theschool.,boar~ aban~oned" One of those who" helped~, newspapers ,throughout" the ' . . 0 " " " " ' the ~l~n, however,. Just prior to " arrange tor Cardinat Pac,e~li, ~o, United 'States.,' U recelv1l1g the Attorney ,General'. Ilpealt .. the Natio,nal Pres~, Afeatureofthebanquet'pro",'" e'~opinion.. RichardBrinkman,exe­ at Club was one of the ~lu!J',s,b~st 'gram was the:reproduction of d"~' :c~tiv~ h~ad~of the school.dis-" known members, Fral,l~,A. Ha'l, ';;ignllturesof a; score (If ..c;ligni,;,' ~gree· 0 '" -trlct, ~ndlcated that-local contro;..' " C N taries from among -the many,'. . ' ' ' ' ' ; . . v e r s y over the proposal was • director (If the N,~.W,. ews.. '. t b k'" f SHERBROOKE ,(NC)-Count only,~ f9 r ".an mJect!on, the" factor. in dropping the issue ' ' Service. that appear. 111 the gues , 00 . 0, ' 'Raoul Follereau,: the "vagabond Count asserted., ,: , , ' . ' Following the Car'dinal's adthe club. _ :'of charity'? who has devoted his For more than 2,000 years 'the Wagner Prciises Work They include;E. Card. Pacelli, life to 'aiding victims of Ha9'" afflicted. were considered social Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow sen's disease, received an honor- outc~sts, and even today some Of Catholic Schools MassOrdo Wilson, (Marshal) F. Foch, ary, degree from the University people have frightening ideas NEW YORK (NC) - Mayor FRIDAY - Ember Friday After Franklin D. Roosevelt, (Marshal) of Sherbrooke in Quebec. Arch- of th~s disease, lie declared. Robert Wagner praised Catholic ,Pentecost. Double. Red. Mass J. Joffre" Willia~ H. Taft, ~ohn bishop Georges Caba':la of She~schools for their part in the Foresees'Disease Overcome Proper; Gloria; Sequence; J. Pershmg, DWIght, D. Elsen- brooke, 'Chancellor of' the UI1l-,,, .'.' struggle to end juvenile delin­ Creed; Preface; Communican­ h'ower, Calvin Coolidge and Har- versity conferred the degree. . But I have occupIed m~sel£ quency. , , , . , WIth the lepers for 25 years," he tes and Hanc Igit'c:lr of Pente~ Speaking at the 100th annive.... ry S. Tru",,:an. . . Count Follereau,. m !lIS trav~ls. said. i'l have shaken their hands cost. The NatIonal Press Club IS through 82 countrIes, ha's deh.,­ an~ embraced thousands of them, ' sary of Holy Cross Academy, a ISATURDAY-Ember Saturday perhaps the .1ar~est and best ered thousan~s of speeches a~~ and 1 have never contracted the .girls'high school, Mayor'Wagner, After Pentecost. Double. Red. known orgal1lzatIon of news-, has made available some $2 mll­ disease." , said lack of religious training iI Mass Proper;' Gloria; Se­ papermen'in the world. It has, 'lion !n medicine and grants, to The Count said there are 15" one of the, major causes of de­ quence; Creed; Pre~ace; Com­ a total of more than 4,600 mem-aid the leprous disease victims million' Hansen's disease victinis linquency amon'g juveniles. municantes and Hanc' Igitur bers. Of these approximately in 1J;Je past,·20 years. ' in the world today.' At the rate ,"We must pay tribute to our of Pentecost. 1,000 are act'ive members, a!ld P Hansen's 'disease will cease to, of treatment and cures the day ,Catholic schools wbich gi~e re-' SUNDAY-The Most :Holy Trin­ more than 2,000 arenon-J:esi- ,be a social problem in Africa' can be foreseen when this di­ ligious training to our young­ ity and First Sunday After dent members. Of the rema!nder,. within fiv~, years, Count Folle­ sease will be overcome, 'he said. ,sters, as welI as education," he Pentecost. Double of I Class. more than, BOO are non-active "reau predicted. Wberever he The 'Count recalled that ift said. White, Mass Proper; Gloria; members and more than 700 are goes, the Count said, l:Je seeks 'to -1954 ,he suggested that if" the , . . . - - - - - - - - - - -.... Second Collect First $u'nday associate members. . educate the, general' public about United 'States and Russia each \ After Pentecost; Creed;, Pre..: ,_the disease and',to overcome did ',without -just one bomber face of Trinity., ' erroneous impressions concern­ plane ,in their military forces ~rges Films Respect MONDAY Blessed .. Virgin ing it. and donated the cost to the cause Mary, Queen. Double of II Ninety-five per cent of the of fi'ghtiilg Hans~n's 'disease, al­ GOd'~ linage 'in· Man Class. White. Mass as on May cases are curable,' he said. It most all of the disease victims in (BROTHERS OF THE

, MUNICH (NC)-Film produc­ 31 in Missal; Gloria; Second, Collect' Ss. Marcellinus and ers should respect the likeness of cannot now be considered as an the world would have been as­ .. CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS)

Companions, Martyrs; Creed; God reflected in man and not espeCially contagious, disease, sured of treatment. He added: and a victim can be cured within "One airplane less in each camp degrade mankind, .-Bishop' Karl Brother ,Clement 'Patrick Preface of Blessed Virgin. a year with two injections a would not 'change the relative j"Leiprecht of Rottenburg, epis­ TUESDAY-Mass' of ,. Sunday Vocation Director ) month of a medicine which costa strength, of the forces." After Pentecost. Simple. Green copal sponsor of the German Mass Proper; No Gloria or Catholic; Film League, has said. 220 RIVERSIDE DRIVE Bishop Leiprecht praised those Creed;, Second Collect for Legion of Dec,ency who: have avoided immorality in Peace; Common Preface. NEVf YORK 25, NEW YORK '" A sweet word'

The followi'ng films are, to. be making ,movies. But' he warned WEDNESDA.Y-St. Francis Ca­ muliplieth, ,

racciola, 'Confessor. . Double: against confusing fantasy 'with added, to the lists.in, their' re­ friends,- and

-' White. Mass Proper; Gloria; reality in films. Such confusion' spective classifications: 'appeaseth

Second Collect for Peace; may result in a distorted view of Unobjectionable f,or General enemies.

. Chosen "Best Buy" life, he observed. He condemned Patronage - Cinerama, South Common Preface. THURSDAY - Corpus Christi. producers who entice people to Seas Adventure, Let's ~ock. Eccl. 6:6 Double of 1 Class. White. attend pictures by, playing up the Unobjectionable for 'Adults Picked No. 1 Import Buy

lower passions at the expense of Mass Proper; Gloria; Se­ , ,and Adolescents-La", and Jack Backed by Reputable Service

what' he called the ,"true dignity quence;' Creed; Common ,Pre­ Wade. 'of humanity." JEWELED c~oss face. Unobjectiol)able for Adults­ COMPANY


Hot Spell: ' . 67 Middle Street, Fairhaven lUHu,...crUlfiS 01 CRUCIFIXES AND ARTICLES 01 DEVono", WYman 9-6479 Objectionable in Part for AJ1 -King Creole,

story: on

"'S'h'erUroo ' k U· C'on' fers,onorary H .., . D: .:'" ,"on IV aga ' b'ion 'f 'Ch - -t'" or. y',




,Park Motors

FO.RTY HOURS DEVOTION June I-St. Joseph, Taunton Holy Name, Fall River' .June 8--St. Mary, New Bec:l­ 'ford ~ Corpus Christi, Sandwich June I5-Sacred Heart, North , Attleboro Blessed Sacrament, Fall River, June 22-St.' Elizabeth, F811 River ' St. Mary, Norton

OUR LADY OF }<'ATIMA:' These four sisters are shown leaving 10 Q;CIOck Mass at the new Swansea Church where Mass was said for the first time on Sunday. They are, left to right, Judith, Ann Marie, June and Ruth' Ven­ turini of 25 Ralph Chapman Rd., Swansea. G

THE ANCHOR Second·class mail privilegea authorised at Fall River. Mass,' Published ""e~ Thursday at 410 Higbland Avenue. Fall River. Mass.. by the Catholic Preso of the Diocese of Fsll River Subscription price Il.J mail, postpaid ".00 per yea20











South Bank --/IU 2 Rodney,

r.-c:h Blvd.

En,..&~ NorthBanit ,n.~~.'7 f499




( I




i I

JI_ber lI'edercIl DepHtt 1

' CorporoU­




THEANCHOR-, Thurs., May 29, 1958


Archbishop Says America Murders Things of Spirit SAN ANTONIO (NC)­ '"Murder" appears to be "the national entertainment of the American people" at the expense of things of the spirit, Archbishop Robert E. Lucey, of San Antonio declared here. The Archbishop, speaking at a ceremony in which' 26 lay per­ sons received papal honors, said the primary reason for the low state of American culture is that "too many people no longer know the purpose of their exist­ PARENTS GREET NEWLY ORDAINED: Two of the ence." priests ordained by Most Rev. Kenneth R. Turner, S.F.M., Forget Soul Archbishop Lucey continued: bishop in exile from Lishui, China, at St. Anthony's Church: "'It would seem that murder is New Bedford, Saturday morning are shown with· their the national entertainment of parents following the ceremony. At left are Rev. Maurice C. the American people. It would Duchaine with his father and mother, Mr. arid Mrs. Joseph seem that culture has fallen so low .that only savage· 'music, sensual art and bloody violence have any appeal for the masses of people, On the part of 90' o~Layman many 'of our citizens there seems SAN FRANCISO (NC)-One' to be no appetite for the things STEUBENVILLE (NC)- Of of the most hopeful signs for the of the spirit. 'what value is a retreat for teen­ "So much of our literature agers? Do they have enough · lay apostolate movement is' the growing realization among Cath­ features the body and never spiritual maturity to grasp, dis­ oiicsof the "special role of the mentions the soul. The theater, cern, and profit from three long layman." which might proclaim eternal days that constitute a retreat? There is a "small but promis­ teuth, so Often dramatizes the A ,cross section of Steuben­ flesh. It is quite obvious that' ville CathQlic Central's student · ing nucleus 'of intelligent lay leaders," said Martin H. Work, broad segments' of the people .. body 'of 800 provided an encour­ have 'no 'knowledge of the super- .• aging' answer' to both these ques­ ) executive director' of the Na­ tional Council of Catholic .Men. natural and no capacity to enjoy tions following the student's re­ Mr. Work said there are dis­ it." 'spite ,from classroom ·hubbub.· The' :Archbishop stated that: Students expressed their views couraging aspects to the lay apostolate movement. He listed "this state of affairs is not to in a front-page feature of the "the slowness. of the progress; be wonder-ed at since a high Spectrum, school periodical. the tremendous apathy that still level of spiritual and intellecA girl student said' the retreat exists in some places at some tual development goes hand in '. gave her a chance to take a good levels; the 'marching society hand with religion."· . look at her soul. "From now on," mentality' that makes some men Lowering Level ,she' observed, "I won't forget think that just attending meet­ "When a large portion ,0'1. the that it takes a body and a soul ings or rallies, even in great people abandon God and reli. to make a human being." numbers, is the summation of the gion; .the level of their civiliza­ Want More apostolate," tion is definitely lowered," he This. tenor prevailed among Moral Obligations declared. "Then rp.usic, drama the numerous comments that· "What we badly need," he de­ and literature must be harsh, dealt with Holy Communion, clared, "is to lift the horizons of brutal and savage to move the vocations,. the Blessed Mother, men now engaged in the apos­ spent and jaded sensibilities of and Confession. "It showed me tohi~e. We need men of vision." their souls. What is quiet, peace­ the real value of living," said Mr. Work asserted that race ful and spiritu~l no longer has one boy. relations and international rela­ any appeal for them." Thoughi.s like "it was pleas­ tions are the two areas in which "A century of godless educa­ ant tQ keep silent," and it was tion has robbed several.genera­ good "to learn more about God," - there is the greatest "lack of tions of any definite r,eason to go "to see everyone good .for 'a · I,Inderstanding among Catholics." "And very few Catholics," he on, living. They do not know change," "to overcome sin," "to their origin ... being immersed' settle one's vocation" and "to remarked, "seem' convinced of their moral obligations toward in the natural, they have no prepare for death a~d heaven" 'slum redevelopment, for exam­ capacity to enjoy the super­ a were frequently expressed. naturaL" While seniors regretted that ple; or toward, sending surplus food to. hungry nations. They The Archbishop concluded the retreat could not have lasted seem to think of government and that "the restless discontent of longer, underclassmen were ex­ our time is found in this: that pressing their restlessness as civic· affairs as apart from them. They do not sense their own re­ men were made for God and they looked forward to next they shall find no rest until they year's.. "I think there ought to sponsibilities in these areas."

Director Stresses M~rality Concept of Free World Bars Drift to Communist Orbit RoCe CHICAGO free He pointed out that a law

Retreat Pleases Ohio Teenagers


rest in Him."

Pc more,?' suggested .one.

Holy Family High Alumni 'Complete · . PI ans f or G0 Id en Annlversary Very Rev.. James J. Sheehan, e.s.c., president of Stonehill . . College, will be the guest speaker at the Holy Family Alumni Association Breakfast at the Kennedy Youth Center Sunday, June 8, 'Chairman Atty. Maurice Downey announced at' a committee meeting of the Golden Jubilee group. General Chairman Paul Curry '31 announced that tickets for the affair were going very well and all indications point to the' largest attendance in Holy Fam­ ily history. The Mass will be offered at St. Lawrence's Church at 9 o'clock with the breakfast to follow immediately. Two members of the class of

P. Duchaine of New Bedford. In right photo Rev. Charles H. Poirier of St. John's Parish, Cambridge, is greeted by his mother Mrs. Charles H. Poirier, while his father stand. by to offer. his congratulations. Ceremony in St. Anthony'. was the first ordination in the history of the church. .

Vatican P~per Hails Ho'ly See Choice

.vATICAN CITY (NC)-L'Os­ servatore Romano, Vatican City 1908 are now in the service of daily, has hailed Ethiopia's ap­ Ch pointment of Mesfin Begashet as rist and will participate with its min;~ter to the Holy See. all the graduates in the events. ...Rev. Edward Killigrew, pastor The paper said the appoint­ ment of the' new minister by of St. Kilian's Church, New Bed­ Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethio­ ford; will be celebrant at the pia confirmed the consl'deratl'on M a~ w h'l I eRt , R ev.. M sgr.:' which th E "h' I . Joseph S4l!ivan, pastor of,' emperor as a ways S acre 'd Heart Church, Fall l:lhown for the Catholic Church R' and thfil person of the reigning lver, will deliver the sermon ' .. Pontiff." at tl;1e Mass. ' The general committee also announces that Open House will be conducted in the afternoon Truck Body Builders

from 2 to 4 P. M. at Holy Family Aluminum. ~r Steel'

High School. All nuns pres­ ently teaching and many who 944 County St. .

have taught previously will be NEW BEDFORD MASS.

on hand to greet the returning WY 2-6618

graduates as a part of the Golden' Jubilee celebration. Special tables will be avail­ able at the breakfast for the 50­ year class, the 25-year class, the 10-year class and the current graduating class. Graduates who live out of town and want to attend may get in to'uch with one R. A. .WILCOX CO. of the listed commi tteemen for tickets. OFFICE FURNITURE






world's "concept of morality" will keep the political balance from ."moving into the commun­ istorbit," Associate Justice Wil­ liam O. Douglas 'of the U. S. Supreme Court, has predicted. Addressing an assemblage at DeP~ul University's ," .annual law dinner, Justi<;e D()Uglas de­ cIa.red: "Today the peoples 'of the world know us best by our guns, our money and our physical pow­ er. They must come to know us preeminently for our espousal of th,e' rights of man~" Protect Liberties The jurist said the nation's "military might is plainly necessary to keep Soviet armies at bay," but added that' "the rights' of man state the moral creed that' will win the people of thE; world." He stressed: "It is to. 'hose ideals that .our lives must be dedicated." Justice Douglas said that the legal profession should be the agency where civil rights are rejuvenated, public respect for them increased' and an atmos­ phere of. tolerance created. He warned: "We only ape the communists when we down-grade civil liberties." "Our education must be as broad as the horizons of the world," said 'Justice Douglas as he indicated Americ'ans must become "great linguists" in order to know the literature, history, religion, and governmental in­ stitutions ·of the' earth's nations.





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Forego Public Service The jurist said that "taxetl are so high, the chance of ac­ cumulating savings so slight that the need to put all one's efforts into making a liv­ ing looms large." . Justice DO!Jglas said that lawyers, traditionally servants of the state and nation in public office, are forced by modern pressures of "making a living" . to forego public service. "As a result," he said, "the public service may be left J'1)ore and more to the wealthy, to the adventurers, or tQ the mediocre."














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school education - - - entai~ responsibilities" unheard of ill the early 1900's. There was a dime, said Justice Douglas, whea a man could read law in aD office and aspire to the profes­ sion's heights, but the "complex­ ity of modern law makes legal education a virtual necessity." He reminds that even though law is widening its scope, it is of necessity' narrow in its ap­ plications. "Lawyers have followed the doctors in becoming narroW' specialists," he warned, and th~ results in .a "diminishing group acquainted with the main cur­ . rents of public law," he added.





1343 PLEASANT ST. . OSborne 3-7780



List of. Contributors to. 19·58 Catholic Charities Appeal

Spec;: ia'. Gifts


,$200 Franciscan Fathers _ Our Lady's Chapel. $125 Joseph Mosher Sr., .J~ph Mosher Jr. $100 Camac Co,npany, 'Joseph' P. Flynn, Sisters of Mercy. ' $50 ' C. J. Heffernan, Gothic: Craft Inc., A Friend, Edmands Coffee Co., Strauss & Simon. , $35 E. Brodeur & Son, Inc:.


Gilbert R. Cordin, Capitol Marble & Tile Co., Harris Lum­ ber Co., Benziger Bros~

1 Olive Nern$e:, Mother:s Club.,'





Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon lie­



C leg g Manufacturing Co" Guyot Bros, Co" inc" Gordon MacKinnon, Ashley & Co.,' Sill­ man's Shoe Store, The Attleboro Bowling Center. '


Mr. and Mrs. Anton'lo Lagasse,

Fall River

, $1,260 Berkshire Fin e Spinning Foundation. _ $1,000 A Friend, $396 Bourn'e Mills. $200 Catholic Memorial Hom e Guests, A Friend,' Donnelly Painting Co. $150 , $10 First Federal Savings & Loan, T. F. Kennealey Co., John W. Robert A:~ Wilcox; International Nelson Co., Interstate Restaurant Ladies Garment V'lorkers Union. Co., Peter. McDonnell. $125 A~ Friend. $100 Norman-F. Hochu, Mooney,&. , $500 Co., Inc., South End Electric Co. Tri City Concrete Corp. Skelly Detective Service, 'New $300 England Poultry' Co. Reed & Barton Corp. $75 $100 Fall -River Theatres .Corp. St: Vincent de Paul SoClety--::J , JUBILARIANS: Sacred Hearts Monastery, Fairhaven, , . $50 St. Mary's Parisn. Lafayette Cooperative Bank, is the scene a~ Very Rev. William J. Condon, SS.CC., provin­ $90 Fall River Cooperative B.ank, cial, leads tl)e ceremonies commemorating the silver jubilee" A Friend. Coffee Sam Industrial Caterers, , $50 of ~ev.Alexis· Wyg~rs, SS.CC., and the golden jubilee of Pacific Oil Co. Eu;eka'Mfg. Co., Bristol Coun­ Rev. St~phen Couturiaux, SS.CC., in the priesthood. New England PoultrY 'Co., Ed­ t,y Trust Co., Squire's Inc. ward Brayton, Smith Textile Co. $35 Venetian Blinds Inc., Glennon ST. ANTHONY OF THE A. H. Leeming & Sons, Inc., Orsi Brothers. Roofing Co., Charles S. Ashley DESERT WSAR Radio Station, Slade $25 &Son5, Inc.' Laundry. ­ $25 Dr. J.Nates, Pierce Hardware Dr. Francis M. Hinds, People's $25 Lebanon American Society-. Co., St. Vincent de Paul Society Super Market, Fibre Leather Men, Lebanon American' Soci­ Atty. Kenneth Sullivan, Parks -St. Paul's' Parish, Geilich Mfg. Co:-, 'Abetta ,Sportswear, ety-Ladies Auxiliary. Co., Speedwell Farms.lce Cream Leather Co., Bristol Jewelry Inc. Bricklayers, Masons _& Plasters ' Co., Durfee Ins. Agen~y, 'David , $10 $20 Union S39. Lash~ In- Memory ot Bahjia Nagen, L. M, Witherell & Sons; Bene- . $20 Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Morley, i Mr. and Mrs. Louis Howayeck" ficial Finance Co., New Jersey' Lady of Victory Court No. 165 Continental Elastic Corp., Jack Mr. and Mrs. George Howayeck, Rubber Co. 'M.C.O.F., Burke's,Inc., Dr. John' London, ,Atty. John Sheeham. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Alisad, $15 A. Arminio'. $15 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Attar and L. Grossman Sons, Inc., An­ Burke Realty, Inc., S. A. Ross, Little Bay Super Market, Family, Holy Name Society, drade Aristides. Modern Shoe Stores, Sheldon Wefer & Parker, ~eneral Ice . Milady Dress Shop & Family; $10 . Metal Products Co., Nira Furni­ Cream' Corp., Dr. A. B. Crowe, . Alfred D. Dukelow, W. H. ture. SANTO CHI:tISTO Sullivan & Foster. Riley & Son, Inc., Hopper Feeds Fall River Firefighters Assn., $10 $10 Engineeri'ng Co., .American Le­ B & 5 Fisheries of Fall River, Atty. Charles L. Nowell, Bush· Arthur F. Pimental. gion. Oscar Bonnoyer, H. P. Hood & & Co., Inc., -pr. A. B. Stimson, ST. STANISLAUS Daughters of Isabella, Dr. Son, Reise's Dairy. Etta Kroud vird, -Aiello Bros., David Faber, Russell Motors Co., $100 $20 Inc., Finast .FilIet C.o, Aleixo Ins.' Agency~ F. B. Rogers Rev. Hugo DylIa. Tabor Textile· Co., Charles L. S. Eldridge & !,?on, Inc., J. Silber Co. . $75 Horvitz. W. Durant Co., Inc., Dr. Carl Rev. John. Czerwonka. $15 PeI,'sons, Gilt Edge Textile Mills, Modern Furniture Co., Wil­ Beneficial Finance Co. ' " $10 Worthington- Bakery, _ Atty. liam.F. Staples, Elmer G. Slater, Walter Gosciminski, Joseph,· Sanford Hardware Co.' Ernest C. Horrocks, Jr., Kroud­ Kosinski, Honorata Meczywor, $14.30 vird's Bak-ery, Grossman's Lum­ Dr. Richard Soja, Walter Wojcik. CYO Social .Division - Fall ' ber; Union Foodland. River. Joseph Tomlinson, Wm. B., Jr.. $10 'A Delicious & L. E. Perry Attorneys, Lau': Dr. Frank L. Collins, Her.man­ ran's .Bros:;. Inc. Treat . Rocklin, Broughton's Cleansers, Pacific Coal' & Lumber Corp., Little Dorothy Dr.ess Co., F. R. Dr. William W. Nelson, Dr. Al­ & N. B. Express Co. bert Sterns" Alden Corrugated WALE Radio_Station, Granite Container Corp. . '. Liquors, Inc., Blake 'Engineering Co.. Dr. Carlyle H. Hurwitz, A Friend. 0 ' Leclair Construction Co." W. T. Grant, Pepsi Cola Distributing F~II Co., Buffington Florists, Inc., Fall River Sheet Metal Works, OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS $250 Capitol Fruit Stores. Rev. Joseph- L. Cabral. Charles H. Kane, Atty. David 1 $25 Entin, Atty. Lest~r L Bakst, Julia Simas~ Bond Clothing Co., Cotton' Club $10.00 -Sacred Hearts Academy, Val­ Manuel Arruda, Frank Rod­ court Hardware Co.­ " rigues, Sr., Manuel Rodrigues, $10 Lion Automotive Stores, Inc., Edw:ard Teves, Joseph Theo~ore. John Travis, Our Lady of the Cotton Club, Valcourt Hardware ~ngels' Youth Club. ,Co:





A Friend. ST. WILLIAM $25' .James Hayes. $20 Mr. and Mrs. William COIIta. -


Mr. and Mrs. George' Weleb,_ :Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Machado. HOLY NAME $100 Mr. anc:i Mrs. William T. Maa­ .ning, Jr. $25 Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Sul­ livaq, Lillian G. and Rose )I. Dowd. $10

_ Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Shea, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M'cNillly, Mr. and Mrs. David A. J. Burllll, Mr. and Mrs. P. Henry De8­ mond, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. Ro~rt Coveney, The Andrade Family, Ruth Leary, Atty. and Mrs. John T. Farrell, Jr., William S. Lynch. SACRED HEART


Sarah Sullivan and Family.


.. $10

Mr. and Mrs'. John C. FOD­ lleCa, Jr. • ST. PATRICK $10

Dr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Fournier, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Booth and,Family, Helen Sul­ livan, a Joseph Flynn, Josepb .Leite. HOLY ROSARY $100 Made-Rite Potato Chip Inc. $25 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mazzoni. $10

Motor Truck Sales Co., B.el­ mont Family.


& SON, Inc. o



.'rheodore -- Loranger & ,-Sons, I E. Anthony & Sons, Inc.

$100 .$100

Sans Souci Store, Bellavance Lemieux Plumbing & Heating Inc. Co., Uni~ersal Roofing, Knights $75 of Columbus, McMahon .Council Attleboro Trust Co. No. 151. . $50 Atty: Gel'ald P. Walsh, White's St. Vincent de Paul - St. John's, St. -John's Council 404 -Farm Dairy, New Bedford Five Cents Savings'Bank. ­ K of C, Saart Bros.' $35


Mr. & Mrs. Wiliiam R. Flynn, Attleboro Printing & Embossing Co., Attleboro Lions Club.

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Freitas. $50 N. B. Lodge No 73 B.P.O.E., Mr.. J. Curran Express Co .. ,Ar­ lan's Dept. Store, Coater's Inc., Blue Ribbon Laundry, A Fnend, Kaplan Bros. Furniture & Radio.


$30 ,


Antaya Bros. $25 Attleboro Rotary Club, Pequot Bev. Co., Flynn's Hardware, Mr. , ~35

& Mrs. Harry J. Flyim. Building Materials, Inc., Er­

Wells Mfg. Co., Standard - nest J. Flood, Ins.

Plantics Co., The Marathon Co., $30

Attleboro Savings & Loan. Dr. Robert E. ,Durant.

$20 $25 ,_

H~r~m Wheatqn & Sons, N. B.,



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Parish Gifts





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Mr. and Mrs. Francis- E. Me­ Curdy, oTr., Miss Nora McLaugh­ lin, Mr. and Mrs. William Hea­ ley, A Friend, Donald Corrigan. James Cote, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Collins, Dr. and Mrs. Richard Butler, Edward G. L8r­ rivee. ESPIRITO SANTO,

Sunbeam BREAD



THf ANCHOR-. Thurs., May 29, 1958


Asserts Church Thwarts Soviet World Conquest

Declares. Church Liturgy Action Of Faithful

BERCHTESGADEN (NC) - The close association of the Church with military forces has been stressed by

CINCINNATI (NC)-Peo­ .ple-not vestments or cere­ monies-are the primary eoncern of the liturgical movement. Moreover, the movement ill "making progress" toward creat­ ing a general awarene~ of it.· fundamental purpose to .deepea faith and devotion in people, ac­ cording to Father' Shawn G. Sheehan, president of the Na­ tional Liturgical Conference. He is prolcssor of the churoh history at St. John's Seminary, Boston. Father Sheehan visited CinciQ­ nati to'conler with local planners of the North American Liturgical Week, to be held here from· August 18 to 21. Important Doctrine "The liturgy is the action of the Faithful," he said.-"It is our participation with Christ in His worship of the Father." And the work of the liturgical apostolate. he added, is "to deepen faith and devotion by enabling" the' people to participate actively in the Church's work." Time was, Father: Sheehan added, when it was thought that liturgy was concerned with vest-, ments, ceremonies, and so OIL Later, people began to associate it with "congregational singing. dialogue Mass, and other forma of external participation." "But now we are reaching the stage," he said, "where it ia realized that the external par­ ticipation has a very limited value unless it is part of a pro­ t:ram of teaching people the meaning of the doctrine of the Mystical, Body of Christ;' True Union The value of "external par­ ticipation" 'is limited also, he added, uil1ess it helps people de­ velop what is necessary for a lincere participation in the lit­ urgy-namely, a growing social eonsciousness, so that "when they sing or pray in unison, it truly reflects a union in mind and heart." For this reason, Father Shee­ han said, "the leaders of the liturgical movement cooperate with the various Catholic Action movements, so that when people come to Mass they 'will have a real concern for each other's problems and a zeal for improv­ ing social conditions." . Lay Apostolate "As a ma tter of fact," he said, ~ "we have found that the lay people who are best disposed toward participation in the lit­ urgy' are those who already are active in som.e phase of the lay apostolate." The movement is making pro­ gress in another way also, Father Sheehan indicated. "Through the movement," he said, "people are realizing·better Christ's office as mediator be-' tw~e!l Go~ and men. Thus, in-' stead of seeing themselves left merely to their own' human efforts in reach'ing God,' they ap­ preciate that the Son of God has become one of us, a new Head of the hu;na'n race, and that He: unites us with Himself in giving ...o~ship to the Father."

Venezuelan Ordinary Asks Social Justice CARACAS (NC) - One year after issuing his pastoral criti­ eizin~ the regin)e of ousted dic:­ tator Marcos Perez Jimenez., Archbishop Rafael I. Arias Blanco of Caraeas has again asked for justice, housing, bread and education for the people al. Venezuela. Addressing the new pastoral tlO the government, workers and management, Archbishop Ariu Blanco asked for legislation to' provide a minimum wage and aid for large families. The 52-year-old prelate c0n­ demned those who call them­ 8elves Catholics but violate social justice. He stressed the rights of the poor and exhorted' worken .... acquir:e education, specialized training, and ~ save &Del work ·wMIa ~

HOLY FATHER RECEIVES LEGIONARIES: Fall River Diocesan Legiqn of Mary members are shown in semi-private audience with Pope Pius XII. Rev. Edward A. Oliveira, Diocesan moderator of the Legion, who conducted the Pilgrimage, stands next to His Holiness, 'with Rev. F. Anatole Desmarais, pastor of St. Mathew's Church, Fall River at Father Oliveira's right.

Regrets Religion Affects Presidential ·Choice

NEW YORK (NC)-A Cath­ olic candidate's chanees for elec­ tion as President of the United

States would be hurt by his

religion, former President Harry

S. Truman said here on a tele­ vision program.

The former chief executive ap­ peared on the "Youth Wants to Know" program, produced by Theodore Granik. Mr. Truman was questioned by high 'school and college students. "Do you think that a presi­ dential candidate's being Cath­ olic, or any other religion for that matter, would have any vital bearing on hiS' chances for. election?" Mr. Truman was asked. "Yes, I do,· but I think it is too bad that that is the ease. I

Arab Law Threatens Middle East Church BEIRUT (NC)-A new educa­ tion law which threatens Cath­ olic schools will soon be an­ "nounced by the United Arab RepubliC. According to reports reaching here from' Gairo the new law will prohibit the establishment of new private. schools by for­ eigners in the U.A.R., which comprises Egypt and Syria. Existing private schools headed by foreigners, including Catholie and Protestant mission sehools, will not be permitted to expand. The new law is also said to include a provision that every student must take. a course of religious instruction in his own faith." Such courses are to be given by instructors approved by the government. Theref9re, re- . ports say, Catholic sehools which have Moslem students will be' eompelled to provide courses in' Islam'taught by government­ apl'lointed Moslems.

don't think it ought to happen in this country. I am giving you a frank answer to it," the for­ mer President asserted. He was asked if "we will ever gt!t to the stage· where it (a can­ didate's religion) ·doesn't make any difference." .. "I hope we will," he answered.

Texas K 'of C Gives Chalice ,to Shrine SAN ANTONIO (NC) - The chalice used at the opening of the annual state convention of the Knights of Columbus will be a gift from Texas Knights to the National Shrine of the Im­ maculate Conception, Washing­ ton. The chalice is' made of gold and precious stones collected over a four-year period by Texas K. of C. councils. It contains 48 ounces of pure gold. Valued at more than $5,000 the chaliee ia made of solid gold and enamel, and set with diamonds. The cup rests in a cluster of blue-bonnets, the Texas state flower' The base is adorned with the coats of arffill ­ of the six bishops and one arch­ bishop now governing Texas Sees. In the center of the base om both sides is a lone star, repre­ senting Our Lady, Morning Star, and the lone star emblem of Texas.

"You have had some mighty good Catholic governors right here in th~ State of New York and in Massachusetts also, and I don't see that they did any worse job•. and maybe a better job, than anyone else would. I don't think that (religion) ought to enter into it at alL" One student later asked Mr. Truman if he believ~d "our high schools ought to 'teach Russian extensively the way RUSSian schools teach English." "Yes, I think our high schools ought to teach all sorts of lan­ guages in the world," Mr. Tru­ man said. "It is a wonderful thing when you understand a la~guage. I met a man once who knew 11 languages and he got along with everybody." Mr. Truman was asked who the man was. "The Pope," he replied.

Maj. Gen. Edward J. O'N~ill, Co~manding General, Com­ munications Zone, at the third annual rally of Catholic Military Men here in Germany. .General O'Neill stressed what he termed "the close association of the Church with the .military" and said that he had found after 33 years in the Army that "the more sincerely you live your Catholic faith, the better soldier you will be, and the opposite is just as true, the more faithfully you serve your country in the military the closer you will be drawn to your faith." Speaking of communism, Gen­ eral O'Nf'ill said that "we oppose communism because it is intrin­ Sically anti-God, anti-Christian, anti - social, anti - democratic. anti-human: it is the sum total of all the heresies that the Church has fought through the ages." "Communism must not en­ eroach "further upon the free world. Our· national conSCience commits us to this. . . We want peace, but not peace at any price, not at the price of our freedom, our friends, our honor or our religion. Here we stand; let eommunist leaders take note cd our position."

Final Reminder Sunday, Trinity Sunday,' is the last day for Catbolics to fulfill the Church precept of the Easter Duty. HoI·' Communion must be received at least once during the Easter Time - from the First Sunday of Lent until Trinity Sunday.


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A Cardinal's

Last Mass

When Cardinal Stritch was chosen by the



to be Pro-Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Prop­

'<~e/igi~'~:s': 'Affiliations',"

In Tlte Uuited States

I 'agation of the' Faith, the Catholics of the United States received the news with pride apd joy. ' His being the first American to be selected for this important post meant that the Church in this country had come of age. American Catholicism, which was only fifty years away from being a mission territory under. the s~me' Congregation, was now ~ontributing a leader who woull:l spend himself for the good of the Faith throughout the world. We were all proud of the many talents that Cardinal, Stritch wou'ld bring to his posit\on. Charged' with the care, of many millions of Catholics throughout the world, he would bri.ng to this task the ver..y best of American know-how. ' .. , Being responsible, for the spread of the Faith in the many mission territories of the earth, he would attack the various ,problems with a zeal that had become a watchword in his great Archdiocese of Chicago; ,His charity that had' made him so beloved in Chicago ° ' would now be ,extended to a world. . But the ways of God 'are not the ways of men. In the providence of God, Cardinal Stritch went to Rome for the most important work of all, to show to the world his greatest giftof character-to be a moving and inspiri~g Balc;lncing the B?oks example of how a Prince of the Church accepts and earrles a cross. He went to Rome not to, do, but to be-to be cheerful in the midst of pain, t~ be docile in his acceptance of God's Holy Will, to be ever the priest uniting ~imself as a victim By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy , I to the Victim Christ., , Mary O'Connor, author of "Thy Wedded, Husband" The touching pictures of his saying Mass after his , (Houghton Mifflin. ,$3.50), is a new writer, ~ut evidently operation and before 'he was felled fatally tell an eloquent not a young one. The jacket of her recently published story. . , " '. novel says that she :has been married for many years. But They show suffering and patience, acceptance and hu- , 'then, the jacket's,speil about demands on her is overwhelm­ . g. mility, piety and absorption in God. They show, above all; her is rather confu'sing. In m one place it says ~he was Besides, there is the realiza":

a priest serving his M~ster. '. . And that, after all, is all that Cardmal Stntch ever born "down under,'~ but in tion that she and heli husband oanother' place 'it calls her "Cana- have a diminishing shared life. willed to do and to be-a priest serving Ch!,ist: dian born." The important thing, She is wed to the house, while . Cardinal Stritch went to Rome to head an imPortant however, is not ' he comes and goes as he will and has outside interests. She Congregation in the Church. He went to Rome as the first where she came feels fear of the erosion of the American to rise to such an eminent. position in Church 'from but the quality of her love which once bound them So affairs. He went to Rome to contribute something American book: it is ' e x - c l o s e l y . to the Universal Church. And yet it was God's'WiJI that he cellent. An attractive widow, an old went to Rome for something else, something greater~ , It concerns an school friend of Harold's, moves into the town. She has money He went to Rame, it seems, to carry'a cross and to do English couple to liv:e and dress well. She is one action for Christ-:'-to say Mass' once. 'Y hat better action on the verge of mid dIe age. something of an intellectual. for a priest. And what better way to clos~ ,a priestly life•. They have'been She has a way of getting people married for 14 to do things for her. There is a May he 'rest with God.

O'COnnOr Novel Sensitive Account 'of 'Real People,


Appeal Success



When the Catholic Charities Appeal, began, it waS pointed out that the recession could hurt the drive but t~at it did not have to. Success would depend on the cooperatIon of' all the' determination to make all possible contacts, the realiz~tion that" this drive was a work. of charity-and charity, to be worthy of the name, means sacrifice Ion the part of those who have much or little, to give to those who have nothing. '_ The drive r~ached an unprecedented height of success. The optimism expressed at the beginnIng was not unfounded. It shows that charity is still a holy work, a.work that hasl the power to touch men's souls and to irispi~e them to give in the name of Christ. ,The twenty-four 'agencies that will benefit throughout the year from so much generosity willbe a constant source of blessings to the, many who contributed to the drive. Very often people underestimate their role in this wor~. They' give a contribution and forget it. God accepts their offerings and does not forget. It is truly a case of what we give away we keep, for we cannot give to the poor and needy and sick and helpless and not be the richer for it. , The fact that much of the work that the drive benefits is ~done quietly and withou.t publicity,does not make it the less important. It does not mean that those who support it are forgotten by either God or men. The cont'ributions given to this drive work throughout an entire year. Once more, the people of this ar.ea-:-Catholic and non­ Catholic-have written a' splendid page' in the book of charity. • '


OfFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF, THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published 'Weekly by The :::atholic Press ot the Diocese ot Fall River 410 Highland Avenue ' ' OSborne 5-7151 Fall River, Mass. , "


, Most Rev, James L. Connolly. 0.0 .. GENERAL °MANAGER Rev. Daniel F. Shelloo. M.A.




, Attorney Hugh J. Golden

years and have four children. The husband, Harold MacPhillips, is a barrister, ,who commutes daily between their comfortable home in . a country town and his: LOndon'

legal matter which she wants Harold to ,take ,care of, Soon they are spending a great deal of time together. Religion Inconspicuous . '

Weekly.Calendar Of Feast Days TODAY-Pentecost Thursday. Feast of St. Magdalen of Pazzi, Virgin. She was born in 1566 and entered the Carmelite Con­ vent in Florence at the age of 18. Despite poor health, she was noted for her practice of self­ denial, humility and patience. She served twice ,as mistress, of ,novices and, once as superior. She died lin 1607. TOMORROW-Pentecost Fri­ day. Feast of St. Felix I, Pope­ Martyr. <ije was a Roman by birth and served ,as Pope from 269 to 274. He was the first to condemn the heresy of Paul of Samosata. SATURDAY-Pentecost Satur­ day. Generally this date is the o feast of Mary, Queen of the Uni­ verse. This feast was instituted by His Holiness Pope Pius XlI in his' encyclical letter "Ad CaeU Reginam" .issued October 11, 1954. He directed the feast to be commemorated throughout , the world each year on May 31, and that on the same day ,the consecration of the human race to the Immaculate Heart of Mary be renewed so "that there may arise an era of happiness that will rejoice in the triumph of religion and in Christian peace." SUNDAY:: - lJ'rinity Sunday. This feast commemorates the mystery of one God in Three Divine Persons. Generally thi.

date is the feast of St. Juventius,

Martyr. He was a Roman mar­

tyr whose relics were tranferred

in the 16th century to the Bene­ dictine abbey of Chaise-DieD, Evreux, France.

MONDAY - Commemoration of'the Queen of the Universe, transferred from May 31. Gen­ erally this date is the feast of SS. Marcellinus and Peter, Mar­ tyrs. St., Marcellinus, a priest, and 8t. Peter, an exorcist, were prominent among the Roman Christians ;;It the beginning of the fourth century. St. Peter was first imprisoned and through his patience brought about the conversion of his jailer and fam­ ily. St. Marcellinus baptized them, which led to .his own' arrest. They were condemned to death and were executed iD a forest in 304 at a place un-, known to other Christians. Their, bodies later were found and interred in, the catacombs. Many centuries later, their re­ mains were transferred tie

'Frankfurt, Germany.

. Are th~se business confer­ ences? 'Mollie sLispects they' are office. The narrator is his wife, not. Her suspicions are exploited Mollie. " : by Elinor Wilson, a woman with"

TUESDAY - SS. Pergentinu. oMoney Is Anxiety a passion for running other' and Laurentinus, Martyrs. They people's lives. She profusely' were brothers. Although mere' , 'I'heir life is in many respects sympathizes' wi,th, Mollie and boys when they were dragged pleasant and agreeabl¢': But they are feeling the pinch of pours out advice. Mollie must fr<~m their classroom, they pro­ claimed, their Christianity and keeping'to an aCG,ustomed stand-' leave her husband. were put to death during the '" ard of living when the: money ,But Mollie cannot do that. 'All to support it is no l~nger availthe years cannot be cast away.' persecution under Decius in 250 at Arezz,o in Tuscany. able as in their parents' day. The children hav~ to be considMollie says, "Money i~ a con- ered and protected....There is no . WEDNESDAY - St. ,.Francis

stant nagging anxiety ohl y bemoney lor other arrangements. Caracciolo, Confessor. Scion of

, And the MacPhillipses are C~tha noble family of Naples, he was

cause we refuse both of us to olics. ' ' born in 156~ at Abruzzi. D,uring

face. facts. We just manage to scrape through, we keep on I mention this last fact sO his early years he was afflicted

lev~l terms with the grocer and tardily because their religion is with a skin disease akin to

the ,fishmonger, we hold back rather an inconspicuous thing in leprosy and was 'cured when he

the builder and thedrap:er, and their lives. They are believing ',decided to become a priest. After

We carryon like this becllUse ,of and practising Catholics. They ordination with John Augustine

the quaint old-fashioned ,belief go to Sunday Mass without fail. Adorno, he founded the Minor

we cannot shake off, t~at we They say their prayers. Now and Clerks Regular, one of whose

have the divine right to live as again in their talk there are main duties is perpetual adora­

our pa~ents did . . . one'~ tradireferences unmistakably Cath­ tion of the Holy Eucharist. He

tion and one's' snobberies 'are all olic. But they are so uncon-' was the first General of the

part of the picture ... and one's cerned about the date of, Holy "community and was renQwned

fears and ambitions.'" Thursday, for example, that they for his administration and his

She is the principal victim of can accept a party iJivitation for preaching. He diet: in 1608 and that day without realizing what was. ca.nonized in 1817. '

the pinch. The two older chil­ dren are 'away at expensive they are doing.

schools and supplied with 'all the Tllis is because of their' en­ change qf talk most skillfully,

incidentals which 'go with such vironment. It, is entirely non­ and expertly lays bare the essen­

schools. The younger children Catholic. Practically all of their tial void or failure in these lives.

are awar,e of no deprivi'ltions. neighbors and friends are of the' There is no dramatic conver­

Harold does his job in t~e city "good' pagan" sort, with a sion, "nor are the MacPh'lUipses'

and is well taken care' of at 'sprinkling of c~rch-goirig An- ' troubles neatly solved. 'There is

home. ' I glicans. no rounding off ot'the book, any

Face Truth more than there is a rOl,lnding , Fears Erosion of, Lo~e .- It is ,on their return from :the.: off of life 'while yet w'e live. But Mollie' has to keep the party, at 2 A, M. on Good Fri- . Mollie'accepts her circumstances,

househ<;>ld running, doing the day, that the most striking scene " ,the basic s' ~ngth of the, mar­

,work 'that formerly kept a staff in the novel occurs: Mollie asks riage reasserts itself but, the

of servants busy. She is alnlost, her husband, "Do you ever feel, complici'ltions do not, disappear,

always harassed and 'tired, 'arid it as the days go by that you are, and life goes on. •

is she who bears the burden of n'ot - well- advancin;,: in holi-: This is no soap opera, although worry, ' ness?", This is the beginning of inyclumsy synopsis may make it Mo~t of the, book details her a quarter-of-an:-hour of facing, 'seem such. It is a sensitive, per­ daily round of difficulties: She profound truth-both as ,to what ceptive account of two very real • is not a whiner. She is wryly their religion is all about and as people 111 a many-side" predica­ humorou's about her situation. to what they themselves in sad ment. The adults are credible, She re<;ognize~ ,her own faults fact are-by' husband and wife. :and the children brillian'tly sug­ and ~,.., ....... ·-·l... ..... rc ,..~ .... ~n'llti n"" hnf_ It is evidence of Mrs, O'Connor's gested, The writing is of a '~ ter. But the whole comp~~x of art that she handles 'the 'exorder, but' unobtrusive. 0 ,~.


St. Louis Catholic; High .Schools To Provide For Gifted Students

Dignity of Man ConUnued from P~e ODe and duties, the person with • body destined for the resurreo­ tion and eternal life." Immortal Being Archbishop Cicognani spoke at the World Congress of Gastro:' enterology. Over 2,000 physi­ cians from more than 50 nations attended. Gastroenterology dea~ with diseases of the stomach. Archbishop Cicognani prayed for God's blessing upon the physicians who "have for man • • • a high regard, for they are well aware that man belongs to You and that the very concept of man is based on principles touching science and philosophy, civil codes and theology." "They and their coworkers," he continued, "take into account that man, even in time of sick­ ness and infirmity, 'is still an immortal being, Your most noble creature, . the mqsterpiece of Your hands. You have indeed· formed him from the clay of the' ground, but far from being a handful of earth, he is Your image. Means of Salvation "Breathing ·into him the breath d life, You gave ~im spirituality. The human person! is sacred." The Archbishop also called at­ tention to "the redemptive value of bodily sufferings." Under the "loving plans" of divine provi­ dence, he said, "suffering be­ eomes a means of salvation." He recalled that Christ Him­ .elf "became a physician" and pointed out that "the afflicted· and the sick came to Him and He himself went in search. of them. His methods of healing them was the most tender and . His conversation. and treatment, of them most paternaL" Works of Mercy "It is a duty of human so11­ darity," Archbishop Cicognani declared, "to concern ourselves with the physical welfare of our neighbor, and all of us are called to practice, according to our posIlibilities, what in Christian lan­ guage are called the corporal works of mercy. "It is, however, understood among all peoples that this duty is entrusted especially to physi­ clans," he added. "The sick are ­ anxiously looking to them and eagerly invoke their help. }>re­ .. eminently they are called 'doc-, . ,tors,' for they are in truth, the " doctors of life and health, ·co­ operators with God in prese rv ­ ing, that which is most dear and . P recious to man." . The Archbishop prayed to God to grant" to the assembled physi-. dans "the benefit of Your wis-. dom that they may walk" in the . footsteps ·of Christ, the Physi-· ·cian, Good Samaritan and Sa­ - '·vior" and to "give these benefac­ tors of mankind a comprehen-' sive orientation to the spiritual and psychological, as well as to the physical, probieins of their. patients."

PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Who is the· most neglected student in more satisfyi[\g to deal with the . religious problemS on one's in­ higher education? tellectual inferiors than with Generally the one with supe­ rior talent and· not the slow ~ose of one's intellectual ~upe­ learner, according to a key riors. Highly ProfeSsional speaker at the opening. meeting "The highly intelligent and in­ of the College and University Department of the National formed Catholic is thus oftell left to shift by himllelf. He will Catholic. Educational Associa­ seldom-perhaps D.~ver-hear a tion. sermon written precisely for College teachers and adminis­ ," ' b 1m. trators at the NCEA's 55th an­ Another "complication" Father nual convention 'being conducted Ong said he detected is the in Convention Hall are discuss':­ "general feeling that .a Catholic ing the "differentiated educa­ tional opportunities" for gifted education is somehow automat­ ically synonymous with 'a liberal students. education . . . because a priest'. This means giving students a chance to select a course of study education is a liberal education tailored to their mental abilities, and consequently any education under ecclesiastical direction w rather than having all take sub­ necessarily liberal .in orienta­ stantially the same course. tion~ . St. Louis Plan "But a priest's education is not On the pre-college level, it is ALTAR BOYS' NIGHT: Following reception of Holy often called "the track system." . liberal," he maintain~d.'''It y ·Communion at ~n evening Mass, 165 altar boys from the St. Louis Catholic high schools highly professional. There are foreign languages required, it III Attleboro Deanery were tendered a banquet by the Serra are probably the most conspicu­ true, Latin and some Greek and ous example' of this system in Club of the district. Pictu~ed above are left to right: Rt. Rev. U. S. Church education today. occasionally a: smattering of Hebrew, but these languages are James J. Gerrard, V.G., Robert McGowan, President of Attle­

It was recently announced in boro Serra; Rt. Rev. John J. Shay, Pastor of St. John's, At­ St. Louis that the city's Catholic all professional tools and are treated as professional tools." tleboro; and Rev. James F. McCarthy, Serra Club Chaplain. high schools will be divided so Prohibited Books that three different levels of· Front row; Robert Fregault (left), age ten and Richard courses will be offered-for the Father Ong also mentioned Alix, age eight, altar boys from Sacred Heart Church, North gifted, ordinary and slow. Each the Index of Prohibited Books. "We should face honestly the Attleboro.

high school will cater to students of one level. . fact that, although the Church bas the right to prohibit' certaiD The college educators here discussed a similar approach,. but reading for the faithful, ber prohibitions create certain very one which would not be as elab­ orate as that in St. Louis. The .real difficulties in the field of emphasis in their talks was on higher education for the superior OMAHA (NC) - A Creighton enrolled at J e sui t-operated programs to help meet the needs student," he said. University student who won a Creighton University.' He re­ He warned against avoidin, of the gifted students. $10,200 scholarship to the Uni­ ceived his B.S. 'in business ad­ Jesuit Father Walter J. Ong the Church's procedure for se­ versity of Pennsylvania says a ministration· in' record ·time, and of St. Louis University, author curing permission to read a for­ nun saved him from flunking will complete work toward an bidden book by "taking the easy out of high school. of "Frontiers in American Cath­ M,A. degree in economics this way out and writing off sucla olicism;" spoke on the need of August. Scholarship winner George offering gifted students special books." Several months ago George Rejda is a graduate of St. ··Joseph Honors College challenges. High School in Omaha, but he applied for the S. S. Huebener Mr. Idzerda of Michigan State almost failed to get his diploma. Insurance Foundation Scholar­

Slow Get Attention said in his prepared speech tb.at shi\l of $10,200. The scholarship

As a freshman he was near the Dr. Stanley Idzerda, head of the institution's successful Hon­ -is subsidized by 133 insurance top of hi~ class, but by his junior

the Honors College at Michigan ors College faced two challenge. year he had slipped considerably. companies in an effort to bring . State University, spoke on how from educators when it began: that institution conducts its pro­ George said that in his junior more qualified teachers into the that it would fail because stu­ insurance teaching field. ­ . gram for exceptional stu'dertts. year he was thinking of becom­ dentS· will want to conform to When informed he had won Father Ong said that "the ing a major league ballplayer, the general pattern and that it "and my devotion to sports al- . the lucrative scholarship, he ambition of American education would develop a group of "in­ credited Father Richard L. Por. to provide some schooling for· tellectual snobs." - most caused me to fail." all" often has seen "the poor It was then, George continued, .ter, S:J., director of the Creigton But he said that when the economics department, as being student left behind, the ordi­ that' Sister Mary Veronica, a program -.v1jS first offered, 312 of "the' most outstanding teacher I nary student cowed by the pres­ .science and mathematics teacher the 319 students eligible for it ence of the superior student"' • • af the· school,' "saved· me' from have ever· encountered."· chose to enroll. "So much for and the gifted student trained in conformity," he commented. 'flunking." The nun tutored enforced laziness. George ·and another student As for snobbishness, .he said : In addition, he said in his pre­ after school hours and on Satur­ ". Cont'inued from Page One that "students in the Honors Col­ pared speech, it often happens lege are much more active in days. .. . hi~~oviti~teyear in Sherbrooke ,.; ."We would work hard .lor an and then continued his studies in . under such a system "that the extracurricular activities than hour -or more," George said,. Quebec, receiving his A.B. de- . student lea'st amenable to aca­ the average student and hold demic -training is the one whose •"then Sister would give, us a· wee magna cum laude from· the about 75 per cent· of the leader­ football to~ throw around for 10 University of Laval. He took study' program and ac:ademic ship functions in their class." or 15 minutes-then back to the his theology in Montreal. Fath-· performance is given the most attention." books." er ,Marcil has studied ,at St. Cites Problems FOR HEALTH )30n~vel1.iure University in New The system worked. Turning to what he called the York, for, the last three sum­ 'After serving in the· Marine • EAT "complications" faced by Cath­ Corps from 1952 to 1955, George ,mers, taking a major in .phil­ olic institutions which might osophy and a minor in educa­ wish to implement a program for tion. the gifted, Father Ong main­ Maine School Post That-R-Rich'N'Yellow-Robust Father Marcil will remain in tained that because of the FRESH CUT-UP POULTRY North Attleboro for about three Church's concern for the welfare of all men, there is a tendency weeks. In addition to his parents,

WASHINGTON (NC) -Four­ his family here includes his to aim at "the ordinary person" teen Catholic colleges and uni­ brother Richard, of Plainfield, and not the gifted. . : FARMS "All priests," he said, "are not versities are among 85 institu­ N. J., his sister Theresa, Mrs. i45 Washington St. Fairhaven geniuses and need not be, and ti~ns which will offer special Roger Corriveau, of North Attle­ Just off Route 6 it is much easier and perhaps training . institutes· for high boro, his brother Raymond, a school science and mathematics PhY!iics major at Providence teachers under National Science College, and his sister Jeanne, Foundation sponsorship.· a sixth grader at Sacred Heart School. The foundation, a governmen­ In the Fall, Father Marcil will : tal agency, announced grants to­ GARDNER'S NECK ROAD : teach at St. Francis College, taling 607,250 to support the in­ : SWANSEA, MASS. : stitutes which will offer courses Biddeford.

for about 3,000 seJected high

: Sunday Masses - 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 : school teachers during ~e 1958­

'The Family That 59 academic year. Travel ex­

: Daily Mass 7:~9 A.M. : penses, tuiti<m and fees for each

Prays Together participant will be paid by the

: Confessions-Saturday, 4-5:00 and 7-8:00 P.M. : foundation.' -

Stays Together" : REV. JAMES F. McDERMOn, Administrator : Among the Catholic institu­

, Telephone OS 6-1141 , tions participating are Boston

THE College, . College of Holy Cross,

Worcester, and Fordham Univer­

sity, New York City.

$10,200- Scholarship Winner Nearly Flunked Out of High School

Rev. Mr. Marcil

············., f : E-G-G-S

.Grants to Help School Teachers

ii.............1 ROSELAWN :

,"",-------------------------------------------, ~ OUr Lady of Fatima Church : ,



, ,




NOVENA PREACHER: ltev. Aloysius J. Hopkins, O. F. M., a member of the New y ork Francisc~n Missionary hand will conduct a Solemn Noven~ to St. Anthony, "the miracle-worker",. at 0 u r Lady's Chapel, New Bedford, beginning Thursday, June 5th, in preparation for the Feast of St. Anthony, June 13th. Daily devotions are listed for 10 A.M., 12 :10, 5:10 and 8 P.M.

FI RST NATIONAL BANK t\ttleboro-Sou'h Attleboro Seekonk

GIFTS and CARDS for GRADUATION KEATING'S Emily C. Perry 56Z Coun'~ S'reet

OIIPosUe St. Lawrence Churcb

New Bedford. Ma. .

BAYLIES SQ. PLATE GLASS CO. Curv8d Windshields Furniture Tops Steel Sash Store Fronts 1800. Acushnt:t A venue New Bedford WY 4-4415

"................. _

_ __

------_ ---_ ---------_ -

. '

SAINT ANTHONY -: Miracle-worker"

Solemn Noyena for the Feast June J3tlt



Devotions at 10 A.M., 12:10, 5:JO, & 8 P.M.

Conducted by: FR. ALOYSIUS HOPKINS, O.F.M.

Franciscan Missionary from New York


572 Pleasant Street

New IedFord. Mass.





,Today's Fashions

", ,

' 'c





Thur~:, May 29,1958

Offers Wardrobe Suggestions For To_urist Fright to, Europe


New Bedford Student Valedictorian ." . At Stonehi II Commencement Sunday ..

Miss Rose Gillin, daughter' of of Stonehill College at 10 A. M. 'Mr. 'and Mrs. Francis q~ Gillin, .Saturday, May 31, in Immaculate 218 Summer Street, New Bed- Conception Church, North ford, top-ranking student at Easton. By Ellen Kelley'

, Stonehill College for four years, Rev. James J. D~yle,' C.S.C., The popular to~rist class air flights to Europe with

will be valedictorian at her class college· dean, will be celebrant their appealing, special rates are ~ttracting thousands of

Commencement exercises to be of the Solemn High Mass; Rev. held ;it 4 P. M. Sunday on the /Thomas E. Lockary, C.S.C., dea­ travellers. Talking with a pretty, well-groomed stewardess

lawn in front of the Administra-' con; Rev. Joseph Lorusso, C.S.C" o recently I queried her about the amount (the weight, that is) tion Building. sub-deacon, and ,Rev. David Arof baggage allowed on a take up little packing room and Governor 'Foster Furcolo will thur, C.S.C., master of cere­ plane. Her answer: '~44 are veritably "worth their address the 74 graduates and an monies. Music for the Mass and audience of approximately 2,000 Benediction, which will follow, pounds is the suggested . weight in diamonds''') Thus-­ relatives and friends of students will be by St. Pius X Seminary weight allowed and believe you'll be prepared for just about and faculty. Degrees will be Choir., me you can take a really ade­ any wardrobe eventuality!" conferred by Rev. James J. Rev. James J. Sheehan, C.S.C., qu~te wardrobe, at that!'" Preserve your good looks,

Sheehan, C.S.C., college presi- president, will bless the class Thence I hied me to a buyer while vacationing' (here or

dent. Rev. Richard H. Sullivan, flag, given each year to the col­ friend who thinks nothing of abroad). Assemble, cosmetics

C.S:C.,· assistant provinci;ll, will lege by the. departing seniors. bopping a plane hither and yon, and lotions to keep your skin

award the prizes. After the Baccalaureate servbere and abroad, and did some safe from the rays of the sun.

Miss Gillin, who will earn_ a ices, faculty, .seniors, their par­ more questioning. She is always Do wear a wide-brimmed hat,

Bachelor of Science degree, will ents and guests will return to well dressed, well groomed; to shade your complexion as

be graduated Summa Cum the campus for the raising of the looks as if she had 'just stepped Southern ladies do! Do wear ROSE GILLIN

'Laude. ' Her- scholastic achieve- flag which w~ll fly.at the col'ege out of the proverbial bandoox. sunglasses. For utmost Reing ,

ments in science have won many during the coming year. She did some intensive research comfort, freedom from glare,' awards for her,' including fel'. The flag-raising cer~mony, wiD tor me and came up with these wear sunglasses made to your lowship grant by the, N,atio~al be'followed by an outdoor buffet IIOlutions as to just what sort, of oculist's. prescription and at the ,Science ·Foundation,.. awat:ds luncheon on the campus grounds. a wardrobe to· take on a plane same time, "avoid .needless 0 , ," for Europe-the essentials for wrinkles caused by eyestrain'. Mrs. Carlton D. Boardman,was from Radcliffe Graduate School, men women and children: from Summer'. ,bright sun. elected president of the Somer- Division of Medical Sciences, and Boston College. F~r a man, an airplane suit­ Avoid Too Much S u n s e t Catholic Woman's Club at case 'a topcoat and hat, two me­ If you have your hair tin,ted, the annual meeting and banquet She majored biology and was

di~ weight wool suits, a cardi­ do not; at any time, sit in 1the held in Stone Bridge Inn. a member of the SaxC/n Society, pn a sport shirt, two nylon sun without a scarf or hat, beElected to serve with Mrs. Stonehill Honor Society, in WAYZATA, Miiln. (NC)

lIhi;ts, three broadcloth shirts, cause the sun willI fade your hair Boardman 'for the 1958-59 season which she held the post of sec­ ,Thirty-six women representing two pairs of shoes, three nylon 0 in streaks and give it a very are Vice-president' Mrs. Ray­ retary~treasurer. On the Dean's five airlines signed up for a spe­ undershirts, three nylon shorts, unbeautiful look! Incidentally, mond Moquin; Secretary ,Mrs. List for four years, she was ~x ·pairs of nylon socks, a belt if -you have your hair tinted John B. Driscoll; Treasurer Mrs. three-time wInner of Stonehill's cial three-day "flight" that took , and suspenders, a pair of garters,' between shampoos, do keep it Vincent Coady and Auditor Miss General Excellence Award them on a spiritual tour.

two nylon pajamas, a robe and lustro.us with a good bair cream May Lynch. Directors are Mrs. which ir given each year to the The "flight" was the semi­

slippers, a pair of gloves, a shav­ or lotion. James NOOilan, one year; Mrs. top-ranking freshman, sopho­ annual retreat for airline stew­

. d t·l·t k·t William Bowers, two years, and more and junior. She was a log kIt an u I I Y I"'ld When you shampoo " "our hairr s . John 'Ferry, three years. ardesses captained by Shirley

M . member of· the Student Choir Women an d Ch. I 1ren (ask your beauty operator for. Linburgh of Seattle, Wash.

't Rev. Patrick J. O'Neil, club for three y,ears.

i'Qr a woman, an alrp ane sUI ­ one, if you have it "done") do . 'A folder detailing the tour was

h t moderator, addressed the mem­ case, a raincoat and hood (or ~ ,use a rich cream'rinse which will bers. Mrs. George J. Shott was Miss Gillin is a graduate of drawn up by Miss Linburgh for

or' cap), a topcoat, a travel SUit" add lustre 'to your hair, keep it Holy Family High School, New contacting prospective retreat­

. d chairman of the banquet com­ a basic ress,'one be.autifully soft and manageable, mittee and' ' Miss Marguerite Bedford. ants. It had a cover design of

.suit ' one baSIC f BV\rts dress, two sets 0 evelllng prevent dryness and an artificial Eagan chairman of the nomina­ Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis J. an airplane in flight and con­

-..IIeparates (two blouses, two eve­ look. tained a capsule summary of a

Lally, editor of The Pilot, Bps­ t 1 th ting committee. Ding skirts, one hshor - eng, Don't ll'e l'n the sun for bours F 0 11 oW,mg • ' . retreat and such information as:

.ton Archdiocesan .newspaper, . f th e, dmner a SOCIal will preach at the Baccalaureate Passenger list - all steward­

°a'. esses; hostellses--Religious 'of the

cardigan, three pairs of gloves, (and dangerous) for the skin. the_piano by Mrs. Noon'an. Cenacle; pilot - Father Robert

· Fall 'River Nurses Plan three pairs of nylon hosiery, a Invest in a good sun-tan cream Vashro, St.' Thomas College, St.

W robe, a pair of slippers, t 9 sets . or lotion, or both. Apply it to Attaitl6d,._Perfect Score Paul, Minn. The "trav'el agent"

Communion Breakfast of nylon undies, two nylon pa­ the face, n'eck, arms and legs Members of the Fall River assured gracious service through­ jamas (or gowns, if preferred) and get just about the IBme In Latin Examination out the trip with private rooms SCRANTON (NC)-Freshman Catholic Nurses Guild will re­ effect. Then in the Fall, when and a compactly packed, com­ for:"all passengers, and a "noise­ ceive corporate Communion at 9 Mary Ellen Butler of Marywood plete cosmetic kit. your friends are trying frantic­ less" flight.

For a child, one raincoat and. ally, to fade out a tan, you'll Seminary, a girls' high school A. M. Sunday, June 8, in St; bat, one topcoat, one wool suit, emerge with a beautifully fair here, has been cited for attaining Anne's Hospital chapel.

Breakfast will be served' in -Expensive Business

UJree nylon blouses (for boy or complexion _ entirely without a perfect score in a nationwide lirl), .three nylon shorts for effort! the hospital cafeteria with ,Mrs. Running Hospitals

Latin examination. Jere V. 'Sullivan as guest boys, three nylon skirts for girls, Miss Butler was one of thou­ LOS ANGELES (NC)-It cost two lIWeaters, three pairs of sands of high school students speaker. Mrs. Sullivan will talk . Missionary Picture lIhoes, six pairs of nylon socks on her recent trip to Spain and more than $90,000 a day to oper­ eompeting in the freshman cate­ Portligal and her visit to Our~(for boy or girl), three sets of Is N'ow. Available gory of the examination, which · Lady of Fatima Shrine. ate 14 Catholic general hospitals andies for girls, underwear for consistp.d of a test in Latin syn­ DETROIT (NC)-A 16-min. Miss Eleanor M. Higgins who during 1957 in the Los Angeles boys, three pajamas for boys or sound-colored film, chosen the tax. girls, two favorite books, two Miss Butler is the, daughter of is in charge of arrangements will archdiocese, the annual repott best motion picture at a festival arnall, loved toys, one beret (cap be assisted by a large committee. issued by Msgr. Thomas held under Catholic auspices in the late Eugene J. Butler, who tor boy, if he insists), two pairs Lille, France, is now available in was director of. the Legal De­ June 3 has been set aside for the' O'Dwyer, director of the' arch­ of gloves,' one robe and one pair deadline on reservations. diocese's department of health this country on a free loan basis. partment of the National Cath­ of slippers. olic Welfare Conference until and hospitals, reveals. The hos­ "The Touch of' His Hand," To the ladies-talking· a bit portrays the work .of Father his death in 1956. ·Auto Poster Contest pitals treated 374,936 patients. further on this European trav­ Cesare Colombo of the Mission­ SYRACUSE' (NC) - A I girl Total expenditures for food, sup­ elogue, you will find (to your aries of SS. Peter and Paul in freshman at St. Patrick's High plies and services came to Perpetual Rosary , complete chagrin, at times), tha~ the leper colony of Kengtung, School has been awarded first $32,993,594.23. ST. JEROME (NC)-The Ro­ a porter or immediate taxi Burma. It can' be obtained for A total 'of 37,741 babies were place in the 14th annual Na­ IBry will be recited day and 'b'ansportation is just about nil. organizational use by writing night in the monastery of the tional School Traffic Safety born in Catholic hospitals. Three Consequently, you will, at times, the missionary community at Missionary' ReCluses of Jesul Poster Contest sponsored by the new general hospitals will be be obliged to carry your own 121 East Boston Blvd., Detroit 2, built next year, adding 425 beds and Mary -now' being built here' American Automobile Associa­ luggage, at'least for a short dis­ Mich. to, the present total of 2,819 beds. In Quebec. tion. ,tance. So, in addition to your feather­ light airplane suitcase, you'll do 'well to invest in a shoulder-bag (even if you consider that you're' "not the type!"), but plan to r . wear the strap, halter-fashion, around your neck, placing your handbag frontwards. This is . protection from any. pick-pocket attempts, etc. ' Miracle Fabrics Wonderful. Anent shoes, you'll do more AFTER--~~ than a bit of walking. Please do see that you walk in comfort. Invest in two pairs of comfort­ able walking shoes and one pair """"",----­ CHAIRS·~CHROME of elegant shoes for dancing, or , ., .. , .. , , : YOUR : for special ev'ening occasions. ,CUSTOM Nylon and the' new "miracle fabrics" are just wonderful to ·CONVERTlBLE:. BUILT iake' along. Why? In many places you'll find, to your dis­ TOP cind'S'EAf FURNITURE : may, that cleansing establish­ . .. " ~ . COVER • . me.nts do not ,gi~e th~"quic~, NO OBLIGATION " , ..: •. efficient, one-day service' you BY;·STAR ,c : HEADQUARTERS ", get' here at home. As a result, nylon,; dacron, pdon arid, some of the newer'wi;lnder-bH!nds are your ticket, because they wash and dry in a hurry and require r ~ JiO ironing. ,. '.._ ,,' If you take along :a suit or an'''.o: . evening gown, or eV,ening sepa­ .\" rates that are made of "have-to- , I 1­ . " " " " ' : . ,)­ .. : ft ","1: . '; ,;: . ;; "." '.­ Iron" fabrics, th.en .do, ~nvest in ... ! . 1270 PURCHASE ST., ,NEW: BEDFORD " , ' . '. one of today's wonderful travel irons, with flexible: handle to . iron oiitwrinkles~"(These irons"'" are feather-light Ii .1 collapsible,

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Ginny :Recniits:' Res'e~rchers" For .I-Iomework, Assignment By Mary Tinley Dah' Now approacheth the finul days when the school year wfll have been accompltshed. ,And who, we wondereth, is most happy: the teachers, the pupils-or the parents? We find ourselves lapsing into quasi-Biblical terminol­ ogy because of an ire-arous­ now an immediate friend of ing incident this very even­ , her older sister's date. "Find it ing. for me, will you?" "Oh, I've got. so much Anoth!r Volunteer


homework!" Seventh grader

Ginny groaned. "Sister 'made us take 15 virtues - fifteen! and find places in the New Testa­ ment where they're shown," Perso n a II y, we thOught this a very fine, 1n­ telligeht piece' of homework,' Nqutring re-' searchjapplicll­ 'lion and reac-. quaintance with the Gospels.. , But, we were not about to give too much help. This was a chal­ lenge. What's for Dessert As we started Sunday dinner, our would-be student ensconsed herself at the breakfast alcove table, twined bobby soxeq ankles around the chair legs, chewed her pencil, riffled through the pages of the Missal and the New Testament and

wondered, "Now, 'where'd you

find about obedience in the New Testament?" That was easy-even for us. So, pounding flour into the Swiss steak, we decided to prime the pump Ot scholarship in ~ur

youngest and suggested that she

look for the Gospel where Jesus was found in the temple.

"Along about Epiphany time."

We ran a floury finger through the New Testament and found it

-Fil'st Sunday after Epiphany.

"And He wel,t down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them,"

"Oh, yeah," Ginny jotted

down chapter .and verse. "Say, what're we having for dessert?" "Never mind dessert," we an­ swered. "Get to the other 14 \'irtues-and on your own!"

~ 'Find It for Me'

Actually, ,it sounded like a 'fascinating assi~nment and we were ready to give hints, if we could. ; • Then the teen-agel's, plus dates, descended on the kitchen. "Anything we can do?" There certainly was. They could peel and add potatoes, to the Swiss steak in the pressure cooker, fix carrot strips, take the angel cake out of its pan, set the table. A plaintive voice from the breakfast alcove suggested some­ thing else they could do .. " "What in the world is an ex­ ample of generosity from the New Testament?" Ginny asked, ,nibbling' carrot strips almost as ,fast as they were, fixed. , "Why, th¢' Good Samaritan," <one of the' dates sat right down with Ginny. "Can you imagine anything' more generous than that-paying his hotel bill and ·the medical bills when the pQor 'guy didn't even have hospitali­ zation?" "Thanks, Biil," Ginny was

While Bill went through the pages of the New Testament, Ginny sidled over to one of the other gi,rl's dates: "Frank," she queried, "Wpat do you think is an example of humiiity in the New Testa­ ~ent?"

"Uh . . ." Frank splashed ice cubes' into the pitcher of iced , tea. "Well, maybe when St. John said that he wasn't worthy to­ hf/w's 'it go? Wait ~ minute, Ginny:" Frank put down the pi~cher, J~aned against the sink and thought . . "Here you are, GiilllY: 'He it is, who is to' come "after me, Who has been set above me, the strap of whose sandal I am not worthy to loose,' Th'at might not be just right, Ginny, b.Jt it comes sometime in Advent. Let's see if I can find it." So Ginny now had two re­ search artists doing her home­ work-one on the missal, the other on the New Testament. HQlIlewol'l, Is Finished Dul"ing the process, we glared menacingly toward the studious bunch in the breakfast alcove as Girinis eyes carefully avoided ours. Our telephatic message, "This won't educate Ginny" as caught by the eyes of her bene­ factors was evidently interpreted as "Thanks for helping Ginny." "I nevel' had anybody do my h0!11ework in the seventh gl'ade," :Markie grinned with a whisper. "But more power to her iC she can get away with it!" , 'By the time dinner was served, Ginny' and' her research staff had the lesson well in hand. , When dessel't was brought on; Ginny sighed, "I thought it would be Mom's angelfood­ strawbeny cream. And it's so good to know I've finished my homework!"

GUIDE NATION'S' CATHOLIC· NURSES: New· officers of the National Council of Catholic Nurses, elected at the ninth' biennial convention in St. Louis, are left to right, Ruth Gilman, Harrisburg, Pa'., mimed to the board 9f:dlreetors; Mary Delehanty, Brook­ : lyn, second vice president; Mary Knapp, Cle~el~md, president; 'Marie Costello, Chicago, first vice president.and Ma<tgaret Foley,St. Louis, elected to the board .of directors. NC Photo.

Announce ,Three Pre-Cana Talks A Pre-Cana Conference for engaged couples of the Attleboro al'ea will be held on Sunday ev­ ening, June 8, at St. John's School hall, Attleboro. Conferences will be held in New Bedford at the Kennedy Community Center and in Fall River at the Sacl'ed Heart Scl1o'ol

hall' on Sunday evening,· June 15. . These Pre-Cana Conferences will be conducted by priests, doctors and married couples, and 'al'e open to all engaged couples and those planning marriage in the riear future. 'The conferences· are given under the auspices of the Fam­ ily Life Bureau of the Diocese.

Shrine Director

ST. LOUIS (NC)-Delegates to the ninth biennial convention of the National CoUncil of Cath­ olic Nurses have been advised to encourage nursing students to train for responsible positions in non-Catholic institutions.' Dr. Mary K. Mullane of De­ troit, who was the first president of the NCCN, said "Catholic schools of nursing must so train students that they are prepared, for and encouraged to seek ap­ pointment in non-Catholic insti­ tutions." , "Hospitals, schools and health departm'ents everywhere can


Prison Chaplain

•_ _Cl-.o-.o-",:.

( . ~

NEW, YORK (NC) - Father G~Ol'ge F,. McKinney has been named Catholic chaplain at New York's Sing Sing prison. He suc­ ceeds the hlte Father ThomasJ. Donovan, who died'. last month after sel'ving 11 y'ears at' Sing' Si'ng. Father McKinney has bee'1 Catholic chaplain at New York State Wallkill prison since December 1944. '


Cardinal Asserts Modern Society Salvation May Depend on'Women

girl who loved her country and taught its people theirproviden­ tial mission. It bears witness to the exceptional vocation of Calh­ olic France. ' . "Nations throughout the cen­ turies may change their appear­ ance," he stated, "but in a large measure, a civilization depends upon its women. For are they not the moral conscience of so­


He paid triblfle to St: Joan's

sense of the presence of God in everything that she did. He ' called upon women to help bring back into modern society the laDle sen~ oC' tQc reai' a'nd per­ petual presence of God in the 'WOI'ld today,



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VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Pius XII, has appointed Paul­ Emile Cardinal Leger, Arch­ bishop of Montreal" to be Pon­ tifical Legate at the 300th anni­ versary celebration of the shrine crf St. Anne de Beaupre in July. The shrine, honoring the mother oC the Blessed Virgin, is located 20 miles northeast of Quebec. It will have its major commemoration on July 26, the

feast of Ste. Anne. A solemn

novena of preparation for the

feast will begin on July 17'-

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profit from the Christian con­ cepts of charity and mercy," she stated. "Catholic nurses al'e im­ portant bearers of these con­ cepts. They can take them and make them an integral pal't of the spirit· of the institutions where they wOI'k."

. Sister Charles Ml}l'ie, dean of the school of nursing at the Catholic Univel'sity of America, Washington, D, C., deplored the failure of some nurses to live up to their profession's moral and social obligation. She de­ clared "too much, self-centered­ ness" has distracted some nurses from the real purpose and goal of 'their chosen field. "A profcssion like nUI'sing has no place for the selfish person. This does not 'mean that nurses are not justified in looking to their own welfare. But their judgments must be made in the light of the common good," Sis­ ter ~mphasized, "Nursing exists for the peo­ ple," she declared. "Our moral responsibility is to meet the needs of today, not those of pre­ vious years." ,

,Ca"nadian CardinaJ legate to Shrine

ISLE LA MOTTE (NC)­ Father Maurice U. Boucher,' 5.S.E., has been named for the thir'd straight year, director of the shrine of St. Anne here in "Vel'mont, scene in 1666 of the fil'st white settlement and first Franco-American Club

Mass in Vermont. . The settlement, Fort St: Anne, To Hold Pops Concert was made by French colonizers. The scholarship fund of The shrine is a center' for. pil­ Franco-American Woman's Club, grims from' all over ,the United Inc., will benefit from a Pops States and Canada. Concert to be held at 8 P. M. <,next Monday in the Fall River Wheeling Expansion Woman's Club, Walnut Street. WHEELING (NC)-Construc­ Guest artists ,will be Mrs. tion has begun on a new $740,­

Dorothy Place, harpist, and Mrs. 000 residence hall for men at­ G~rtrude Coady, contralto, both Wheelil1g College. The tvw-story of Providence. dormitory will house 158 stu­ Mrs. Ray'n'\ond' G. Chouinard, dents. It is the first of six build­ chairman, wil'l be assisted by ings and two annexes planned in Mrs, Yvonne B. Emond, ticket a four-million-dollar six-year chairman. expansion program at the Jesuit


ORLEANr (Nt) - The rehabilitation of modern society may well depend upon women, just as the salvation of France depended upon Joan of Arc, Paul' Bmile Cardinal.. Leger, Archbishop of Montreal, has declared here in France. The, Canadian prelate said eontemporary women might look • St. Joan as a model to inspire 'tbem in the much needed reform ol. our civilization.' "The providentIal mission af , .loan 01. Arc demonstrates the " role of salvation devolving upon, • ample soul which is eompletely .t the disposal af God," ; Cardinal Leger said. "It exalts . . . enUabtened patrioUam of.

Urge$ Nurses to Train for Work

In Non-Catholic Instit.utions





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,~,,:: •.•• ~ . .




Weeping 'Madonna Sh~irie in Sicily Rema.ins Near Hovels of Poor '." .

10·' ·-THE ~NC~OR . ' Thurs., May 29, 1958



Win Yourselves Friends .

GO.d .,Love You

SYRACUSE (NC) After two doctors, an e11gineer and the five years the Weeping Madonna parish. priest . examined the of Syracuse has changed this plaque. They 'searched closely' By Mosi Rev. Fult.on J. Sheen, O.D. entire ~ city, and there is every for any possibility 'of trickery, sign that even' greater changes examined' its composition and Our Lorisaid: My counsel to you is, make use of your base are still to come. . . structure; took a specimen of wealth to win y'ourselves friends, who, when you leave it behind Tourists have always' flocked the tears in a sterile test tube. will welcome' you into' eternal habitations." (Luke -16/9) You in great numbers' to Syracuse The plaque, made in a sm~ll cannot take it with you! When you die you will be dismissed to see the beautiful Greek and statuary factory 'in Leghorn, as' steward of your possessions. When that day of bankruptcy 7 Roman ruins 'and to· enjoy the Italy, 'was thorougl).ly dried, its comes"all you can' take with yoU is the good you have done and lush Sicilian scenery of moun­ back coated with waterproof your merits. 'Our Blessed Savior therefore counsels that while tain and sea. But since 1953 varnish and its front covered we live we make friends~with our mo,.ey by helping the poor, their attention has been turned with a mitro-cellulose material. the lepers, the hungry. Those helped here on this earth, become to an inexpensive religious The figure was made of common our helpers there on the day of our judgment. . plaque found· in the poorest, plaster; painted illld also coated most unattractive part of . the with varnish. Under the micro­ An angel ~nformed Cornelius, the first city. . scope the eyes of the figure were Gentile convert that his alms had come up On Saturday, Aug. ~8,' 1953, 'found to be deVoid of any crac~s the'Santa Lucia quarter 'of Syra­ or pores. . Chemical analysis \ before God as a memorial; he evidently had aideo . so mimy that he had a multitude of cuse was nothing more than the proved the fluid to be the exact intercessors or pleaders. for his conversion. poorest section of town where composition of human tears. 0 low paid day laborers made up While. the examination was St. Paul wrote to Timothy charging the ocity's greatest communist going 011. the Madonna wept. the Christians of Ephesus: "Warn those • strength. Via degli Orti, like Then, after' three and a half who are rich in this present world not. to every other street in that quar:' days; she·: wept no more. She ter, stood· bate, and' dirty; its· .. has· not .wept since. . PRE VOST .ALUMNt: Bro.:. think highly. of themselves, nor to repose their 'hopes' in richeS .that 'may fail us, but stone and plaster, houses, glaring i ' . On. th,e"following day Arch- . ther.Thomas.Stephen, F.I,C., in the living' God,' Who bestows on' us' · ..-hite· under :the bljlzing August bishop Ettore Baranzini of Syraformez: principal at Prevost richly' all that we ,enjoy. Let Utem do g~od, IIUn! . . .\ . ..:. ~". .:' euse".who up't6 this tirrie had H' h' II River' nd 'resent .; 'Madonna ,l&·,·;pel'~p'iririg~;.::·'': ,~ kept .. ,a,; pru~~nt reserve, ··,went '. Ig, a ,3: P . enrich their lives· with charl'iable deeds• .. At number' )'1 .Via.deglrOrti. privately, ..:to 'Jannuso's house," president of La Menqais. CQI­ always ready to~ve, 'and .to'·sha:re the com­ mon: burden.".,'· (Timothy 'S/16) . I •. ~. ~ngclo J annuIlQ,:a· ~a I>orer "3mr; ·.~ishing,t~: see 'the' M;adorina' per':" l'ege;" A:lfred,. M;l.iile, w ilf...l>Ei . .. ,' '." . '\. :'.~ c~riu~unist" ,tll,ld ju~t ; returned "'80nn~lY,apd to question ,the. "!it.. . the orniilJi .speaker ,at . the , 1 'l · from his W()):!\:"in.:the;:.couhtr.y, .nesliles"',Some:time;later;.·when : "A'·1··u:··m..n·.'l· ,'C'o·mm· .. ·'un·l··o·n· "B'r'eak­ ..' ., .. ' ' : .. · had'.washed;al1d' ea'ttin a: m~iger'."the cro~ds beeametOo great,Ot,he . :But 'what way ili'best to honor <;;oci. .an~ t~ gain pleaders for our· ·.upp~r'and pi:'ep'aredto go to.8 . Archbishop carried the plaque fast June 8th.~eternal'salvation? 4) Aid 'those works fir~t which most directly movie with' his. 'wife. ,·Ari'tortina.· iii hisow'h hands 'through' the'

tOuch' souls; a. soul . is :worth more than .the. universe. 2) Dire,ct ',Jannuso was"'riot· feeli~g weil. . streets to its new place in. Piazza . your. ·.alms where those. who use it for others are·already making ,She was expectinga:.child 'and Euripide:, '.' ". .'

sacrifice: '3~'Make an act faith 'as"weli as charity and send, 'had.' been, suffering~·from.toxe~ .There· the: Weeping. Madonna' your sacrifice or make your wm:tp the Hoiy Father. who knoW. . mia; 'which-' had brought on:~ri':'_ of Syra~use. is' found today; :en-, . better than anyone else the .l\e~ds· e,f th!!wor..ld: odic convulsio;)s artd "temporary shrined, iii anl'open.,.sided Shed, .',: S.ACRAMENrO; . (NC):....:..Caii-· i ; .. ' , ' . . _.. _._._.. _ ..... , . blindness. Sh~ ;"returned' 'home ,., Cori:stru~ted of steel tubing: a:nd fbr!'tia's G.6v. G90dw'in' J. Kriight~ . '," : ' ,: . . . . . .. , .'. These three ideals you fulfill, whenever' you .give to the Holy . .from. t.he movie.,v . .er,·y 1.'11 and with ) cOv.e.re,d...,.·. with a'wood and ·tar-.· 'Republican candidate for United . .is..on" another attack of . blind'n'ess . pa.per roof,') Flo:wers and burnStates Senate,: record op..' . Father's Society: for . the Propagation of th'e Faith for every penny . . , stand con-'stantly be. . llent to' his society' is given to .him to":distribute. to. the poor of . , i n g can~H~,s posing ,the initiative measure to. eom'ing on. .'... ,... .'. The next morning,Sunday, fore her. . ,.: impose a· tax on nonpublic nontile world. ;. ". Aug. 29, Mrs. ';rannuso'r~mained The wall behind the altar iis profit elementai-y'" and high " ,in bed whileh'ei::.husband set out' ·encriI'sted'with. crutches,' braees, schools in, California. '" GOD' LOVE, YOU to C.B. for$Hl '.'This represents two more forwork.at6.A.M., Shech~Higed' ·can·esa~d'silver.votiveofferings·.State, .Controller Robert C. . overtime weeks which I donate for your work.';··.· . . to C.S. for, position .to put ·her. head· at 'the iri"the"form of hearts and various Kirkwood has alsO' voiced his' $4 "I am sending this because my Mother's operati()D' came through'· foot of the bed' in order to bene­ member~' of· the: body. There is ,0PPclsition to fheproposition to' alright, because I' got a paper-route, because I got a baseball .mitt fit from the little cool air com.." 'always';i'j>'riest on.harid through­ remove the pre'sent iax exemi>­ and for orie other thing which I can't remember." ..,'. to .R.B.W~. ing in through the room's ·single . ou't the morning to hear. confeli­ tion from the sChools.' .. & J.L. for $2 "we are both patrolmen of the Police' Department window. .sions and distribute € o mmunion. The coritribuii~n of. the schools' of New York and we are partners: We work together and we While lying _there she iooked Masses are almost constant. was voiced by. ElliS;' A. Jarvis,' decided to 'chip in' a dollar every pay day and at the end of. up at tl)e plaque of' the Blessed The" setting for this' Sicilian . superintendent of schools in the the year it should. mount up.'" . Virgin on the wall over the bed. shrine stands in beautiful con­ city of Los Angeles. He stated: It was an ordinary plaster model, trast to the world's other and "The unprecedented increase When you pray the Worldmission Rosary the five different that had been given to her and 'better known shrines to . Our in youngsters of school age will colored decades remind you of the five continents of the world her husband as a wedding pres­ Lady. Piazza Euripide .is stark ·test this nation's educational re­ ent five months before. She saw in its lack of ornamentation: The . sources to the utmost of our for which you pray. The sacrifice-offering of'$2 that you send that the face of the Madonna wide, airy piazza is spotlessly American dream of universal' along with ,Your request for the Worldmission rosary is se.nt to the was wet and became frightened. clean and glaring under the sun. education is to be realized. * * * Holy Father who uses it to support the missionaries and the poor She called' her sister-in-law, Barely a hundred yards in front In meeting this responsii5flity we .of the world whom they serve. . "Grazia, look, the ,Madonna is of it railroad tracks pass by. welcome' the educational con;" / perspiring!" , Not'too 'far away fishermen dry triblition Of the' church-related Out out this column, pin your· sacrifice to it a~d mail. it to the Grazia looked closely at the their nets .and mend·theln. '. -'and' pdvate schools.'" '" Most Rev; Fulton- J. Sheen, National' Director of The S,oci.ety for plaque and saw that tears were One begins ·tothink that the . , ·the Propagation of the· Faith,. 366 Fifth Avenue, New York ~, ~ ..Y., comin'g from .. theeyes.:They Weeping Madonna'meant'~itto ... Catholic School Boy' '. were runnini(down -the Madon,.··bethis way: The railr6ad tracks ' .. ". '."" ." ., .. . . . 'oryour DIOCESAN DIRECTQR -REV. RAYMOND T. CONSII)INE;. ria's cheeks and filling up the can~otbemoved;thepoorwork-'"WinS. Essay. 'Contest ·368 Nort~~a~n St~~et,. Fall. ,River, M~SS~:'. . fi~ure's right: hand ~hich w~~, ers' ·hovel~ cannotbe'uprooted;~ '. W:A:SFiiNGT6N"(NCj::":"P~esi':" , shghtly upturned over the heart: . the fishermen's docks cannot· be.' 'd -t' E'; ' '. "h . 't 'd"fi .t' ;. "'., They were' falling over' -the fi-pus~ed ba~k into'the sea. ".SOme .: .~;~,.; ~sen . °t~er 'lPresen e.. . rs.. . ~ v.,:. ' ' : -'.'·f i I I "1', • . , . , . ., "'d' "., •.•.•,. .. ,.... ~. '.." . .. d to" pllze mana JOna essay contest t_~ .~.:~ gures shoulders an 'drIppIng day ·she l{Iay·,"be'~arrle .. ···a. :f"" ·'h····' 'h'" ·h··t·"l·· ~'t"d""":"

",' 'Th:~r Congregation' of the 'onto the' ,bed :Jinens. m'ore shiine,-but .", Ig", es ". ISC '~tUh .Aents . to

.. .. .... .... . . wo~thy" . . ' for·,th.e "':G"o~ eorge er 0°f~N' or ugusta: K . :r0\yards .fi;ye· o'.clock -iI~· the" present·"·s~e'.~em.lm1s".\yith"~"':':".,0',--,','" .. .- , : .• " . 'Sac'red evening Angelo JanilUSO W"S r.· eo Ie to whom she lave S,. 8 .stude~~ at AqlJ~.nas ~Igi,l ;- " .: • " ' : ' ~! .' " .' ' .•.••• (~ :" .'. ..r ~ .~", " ,; "'. .." POO:,' p Pr, . .... , .. ".' . ,':.. .. school'm AugUsta Gli '. ., · returnIng: horne fromt. w.<'!k01Ie '" her; tears.,~ .'. , . . . . . ,,". -'. . : ... :;,.', P.,·, •...,. 'l, t." " I18W'8 crowd. ~lling the~street i n ' ; , '" - " ,,' . . . . , y .. :~OUI)g ~esle,r's ~s!l8y, ..on, ~'How front·· of his 'house and immeMci'ry"'Academy .H,iring the Hilpdicapped Helps diately thought that his wife had A ' lu' mnae' Elect,·o·n'" You and I«e" took the $l,OOO\op taken a turn for the worse" or . . <> pri~.e in.8 competition sponsored was dead. After forcing his way Officers of Jesus ~ary Acad­ ..by the Presidenes'Comm'ittee on in, he discovered' what had hap­ emy Alumnae Association of Employment of the Physically pened. When the Madonna be­ Fall R~ver who were elected.' Handicapped. gan 'to weep again that evening, during the annual reunion to . Curre;'t figu~es, show that the. crOWds pressed into the se'rve the next two years ·include sorrie 30 million. Americans .are · house and Ja,nnuso h~d !o ask the following:, handicapped 'by heart trouQle, help from the police ·to keep President Mrs.. Lucienne Du­ ,loss of-a leg ,Qr arm,. arthritis,' them back. , ., . mliis; Vice-president ·Mrs. Jean-··· •. deafness 'or blindness. However, Word spread quickly from nine Giroux; Treasurer Miss about· six' million of these are mouth to mouth. Sunday after­ Cecile. Gendreau; Asssitant working and it: has been esti­ noon and evening hundreds of Treasurer Miss Armanda Vi­ mated that another two million people. filed through the house geant. ~ would be einpioyable if properly i to see the M~donna. The next Corresponding Secretary Miss trained.. day the plaque was hung on the Theresa .Cadrin· Assistant Cor­ outside of the house to accom­ responding Sec;etary ·Mrs. Anne mod ate the crowds. Caron' Recording Secretary Mrs. - OFFSET

. The entire time, at irregular Rita Raiche and Assistant Re­ intervals, the Madonna shed cording Secretary Mrs. Gertrude LITHOGRAPHY

tears. Th~y fell only from the Chrminard. eyes. Thousands from every' • •' _ - COLOR part of the "'city saw the tears. PRINTING. Many' b'rought handkerchiefs A' PRIEST OF THE S!-\(:RED HEARTS and bits of cotton to' catch the -BOOKS and tears. The paint from the fig­ . . ' . Pup Tent 3.99 IN ADORATION, ure's face was worn almost com­ .' PERIODICALS plftely away. . ( Wall Tent Chemical Analysis Made The' Fathers of the Sacred Hearts eng9ge in 1: ... ,. 5x7 -11.50 - WEDDING

F'or fear ·that the jostling' Parochial wQrk, foreigri~'and home missions crowds would break the plaque, INVITATIONS

UMBRelLA TENTS it' was moved to a house across and education. Aspirants to the religious the street where there was a .olx7.. - $2~.84 . priesthoQd or brotherhood may obtain' infor­ fence that woilld hold them WILLIAM and 2nd 51S. OVER SO STYLES, IN STOCK back. .There it remained on a mation by writing to NEW BEDFORD, MASS temporary outdoor altar until . Also"FISHING, GOLFING' . Monday.aftcl"J1oon.. Then it was 'CAMPING AND SCOUTING taken back to Ja'nnuso's house VQCATIQNAL blRECTOR .EQUIPMENT and placed in a bureau drawer for sc:fety. . The MadonJ:)a c o n - ' CARTER'S'

.. .. 3 ADAMS STREET .' ,Union Prin~ ~;a~~~ to weep ev-en in~ide the . viii Ii cu';" St.' & Acushnet A~e.·: ,,;~RHA~E,~,. ~rSs~ctl.~~~s.·, On the morning' 'of- the fmlrth ....,... 'NeWBe(jf~':d,~: .~5 · day" a :comrnission,;-col'np?sed" of '... m.'IIii..-..i.·.·'ii'. . ·'.'ii1·...··,__•·..'-.·ii·'.·_'".. .~






O'p'. pose. Effort·

'T'o :rax. Schools









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'+I~arts of'j~'~~$'!'~~cr,M~'ry"








·o~··.,"T~NTS; .l~,"~:





Missionary to Madagascar Visits Aged Mother in New Bedford '.'

11 I

Management a.,d Labor May Seek Et h·Ica I Base

THEANCHOR, Thurs., May 29,..H'S8. ~

Cape Cod t,~eet An unforgettable family reunion' marked the recent return At There:su's to New Bedford of Rev. Gerard llARTFORD (NC)-U. S. A. Langlois, M.S., on home visit Members of B;::,::>p Feehan from his mission station in Under-secretary of Labor Council No. 2911 of B:urne met Madagascar. James T. ,O'Connell has preat St. Theresa's Church in SagNot only did he rejoin his 84-. dieted the "next big step" amore. Rosary and Bznediction year-old mother and his two taken by labor and management were given by Rev. David sisters, the Misses Adrienne and will be a search for "an ethical O'Brien of Buzzards Bay assistAlpheda Langlois, at their home . base against which to measure ed by Rev. James Dury and Rev. at 101 Princeton' Street, but a their motives. and their actions." Thomas Le Blanc of Sandwich. brother and two sisters, also in He said the self-int~rest of This was followed by a turkey religious liJ:e, made the journey labor an~ of management are supper and rededication of the' home to greet him. They are "giving way" to the "larger inChur<;h' bpsement. which has Rev. Oliva Langlois, S.S.E., pasterest of the common good." been redecorated by members tor of St. Anastase Church, Mr. O'Connell spoke at pres.of the c(;lUnciL In charge of the Greenville Park, Que., Canada entation of the 10th annual Mcsupper was Robert Kennedy as­ and ~wo sisters, Sister M. AlexAuliffe Medals by' the Labor sisted by Edward Cotey, John ander of the Sisters of St. MarInstitute of the Archdiocese of ·Correira,. John Coyle, Leo tha, Winooski Park, Vt., and SisHartford. Kauffman and John McDonald. ter Mary Mediatrix, assigned to Economic Humanism HELEN GANNON Roy Spring acting as master the residence of A,rchbishop Mr. O'Connell asserted "what of ceremonies intro(,uced Wor­ O'Hara in Philadelphia. we have done in the United ~annon thy Grand Knight Fred McIn Madagas~ar'for' the past FATHER LANGLOUj. ·'M.S. States, although we .8.t. .times Comiskey. Other guests included, nine years, Father 'Langlois will their clergy", he went on to say, seem unaware of it, is press forRev. Edward Versailles of Otis return to the isl~nd in Decem:' . ward ,rapidly and. successfully , , . Air Base, Rev. Henry Creigh­ ber. He has a dee~ aff!,!ctiontor and. the highlight o.f .t~e year is beYon.d the archaic boundaries of . ton of Wareham, and District th tr d'ts 1 ,theIr. New,.,Year viSItatIon to the, social and ecomonic systems deD ' ty Al . . D he '.. Ch~ra~~~~zi~g ~the~I as P~~~ii~ missionaries; .:' Whole :faIP.ilies·. 'scrib~4 as soc~ali~,and.. capi-: . Miss Helen V" Gannon, a top,. F:rr~~ven; VIn' uc sneau . 'make journeys of· several:. days;' 'tal' " rankingsenior,',at Sacred Hear:ts B I and gentle. T'w"'Q~fi"fths' '0"" t'h'e' 'durati.ontobriI!Jg., fruit,;',eg'gs," . . Ism. . ..... ,,' A d h d th ourne-"' se ectmen': attending' country is Cathoiic', but 'most of .. 'The economic system being c,a emy,' ~s.·, amasse ~ee were' AugUstus Wagner, Philip the remainder of the natives are' ,.rice, 'and "meat, as",NeW· ..Year developed· ill'''this' cou~try";'i8' :comple~e., t~lb~n "sc~olarshJps'Saoford'and Ernest Forni, 'also strongly pagan, still cling~ng to gifts. ' . . "economic humanis,",Mr. O'Con,;;' awa~ded ~n the baSIS, of ,her. ·ten members of the Newman practices of witchcraft and black,. The people are greatly inter- .. 1Iellsaid. He declared "we are record as a four y'ear honor.,stu-", 'Cl~b from the Massachusetu magic. In proof of this he dis- I ested 'in' the UnIted suites anddoi~ Ii tar finer thing here with: dent, her. College ~11tra~ce ExMaritime Academ . , played a 'necklace, given him by enjoy hearing stories of life here, our econ'Qhiic and. social institu'am scores, and' her !lchlev~ent A plaque was y presented 'by, a eonverted practitioner of sor- but the mission territory is withtions thaii:has ever been done in and character recommendatIons. selectman Wagner in me~r)" cery. out the electricity which could any other place in man's hisThe awards offered'I:'Y the ~h~ee. 'of 'lis father the late Capt. AuSmall Village Station power motion picture projectors tory." colleges ,?f h~r chOIce, Trmlty, gustus' Wagner a' Hot on the to give them a better idea of ". "We ar" turning our resources Seton Hill, and ·St. Joseph's, C C C p , The pagans, however, believe Arrieric~n customs.' ' " < , .. , . '''. - . -tot I t'm t' g. '$7'000" .. a~e od, anal for many years,. in one God, and do not wors.hip to the' welfare of individuals .on . p . S I .a 10 ' . ' . .' • also a member of ,the' Cape Cod images. Father Langlois com"I have been very happy in a broader and: more successfiJi'" . TWI~e named:fmah.st thIS ye~r , 'Pilots Association and an ardent mented on the beautifully chosen Madagasca r /! said Fath~rLang- scale' than has ever been 'at- '.J,? natIO~al scholars~IP: 'comJ?etI..:, , , sportsman;' name they have: for the Supreme lois., He is grateful for, contr~tempted," he e~phasized, "wiib-' 'tlOns. MISS Gannon ~aS' receIved. Mr. Fra'hk Cook a new mem­ Being, "Andriamatltra," meanbutions: to .his mission. which .out damaging ~be' traditional' num~rous offers. from colleges' ber of the Marit'ime Commission . g "th e prInce . have e'i18bled him to' p~y catevalues ·of the fre'edom' '\of, man'- 'h' ,seekmg ·to In WI'th a f ragran t h h i t attract · bTtstudents Sh h of - re' c e'Ive d th e p 1aque w h'IC h WI'n odor." The LaSalette Fathers chists,-. help lepers and keep the agers tp manage, and of. worlc~rs . Ig sc 0 as IC a. 1.1 y. _ .e. as be used to honor outstanding are in charge of the central and church buildings in repair. He to achieve their ·rights." .. selected· ·Seton :Hlll,' 'Green~-. at.hletes at the academ . The western parts oj'Mact'agascar and is enjoying his home visit,' but " , New Levels·burg,·,:"pa., where sh.e '. wlll,'fjrs't name to appear ~n the Father Langlois' station is a' in comn: on with, missi.oners As an ; example" of current pursue herd ~tUtdY Oft'forellgn· l~nplaque will be that of Midship­ small village, \ Belo-sur~Tsiribieverywhere, will· be glad' to reprogre'ss, Mr: O'co'nneil pointed gsuhagehs an Inb~drn? 101'1, a ,ad'ff alfrs.. . man Donald Sinclair who' haa hina, which means "A lot of rot turn to his "other. ,home;" his out that "in the last 10 ye'ars . .e .as" h er I. 10 a 1rea y or,. been I~oted outstanding athlete on river where you do not mission station. ' '" '" * we'have seen a labor movea JUnIor year of study' abroad. 'in football for 1957. wade." . Wh 'I "'1 D' f · ment that in all the ye.ars before Bill Aids Hungarians "The first part of the name 0 esa e e ectlons was stimulated to rapid expan­ 30th Anniversary probably harks back to a tragic Among I'talian Reds, sion only by social unrest or Gain Citizenship LISBON (NC) - A Solemg event which piled up corpses . international" conflict, rapidly WASHINGTON (NC)-A bill Mass of Thanksgiving was cele­ BOLOGNA (NC)-Wholesale there," explained the missionary, expanding without those old inpaving the way for 31,000 Hun­ ,bi'ated in Lisbon's Church of defections from the communist "and the menace of crocodiles centive:;;." garian refugees to become per­ , Our Lady of Fatima to mark the S"l ' in the river accounts for the ranks are taking place in various Iml ar1y, h e added, A merlCan manent residents and citizens of. 30th anniversary of the appoint­ parts of northern Italy. b ' h' ' . otller part." US1Oess, w ICh had previously the pnited States has been ment of Dr. Antonio de Oliveira Father Langlois is in charge In the little village of Camug- thrived "only in terms of meetpassed by the House of Repre­ Sal.azar as Portugal's premfer. nano, 15 registered. communist In . g war nee d s,reac " h e d " enof 22 mission posts in addition sentatives and sent to the Senate to his headquarters village. To party members have resigned to tirely new historical dimensions" for action. reach them he hitchhikes by, become members of the Chris- 'in the past decade. The mea,sure applies to Hun­ truck or ox cart or travels by tian Democratic party. Among However,. despite the fact that garians brought .to ,this· country Michael C. ' Austin

boat on the 'ctocodile-infested them was. .themayor of the vil- . "we have been reorganizing our, in 1956 and 1957 after the abor­ river. Crocodiles,' how'evet; are' lage. ",' ,social structures to serve what tive revolution.to overthrow t,he· Inc.

the only dangerO\.i's animals on' Another' indication' ',of ,the are. .basically' humanitarian communist overlords in that na­ the island. E'ven' n10squitoes' trend 'in defections was given in ends/' the ,speaker adniitted that tion. More than' half of· the FUNERAL SERVICE have been reduced ih number Crevalcore,' wherei2 members,' there 'exists "the dal,"k figure of . 31,000 refugees were' assisted in in recent years, due to the malaresigned openly from the· party corruption inside our, laborcoming to the, United States.· "'_ ria control. progr'am of. the ·while 'another 38 failed to re'" . management struCture." 'through Catholic Relief SerVIces . ~ 549 COUNT·Y . ST. " , French goverpment. new their membership. Among .: ,.. " . ,. .' . ~ National Catholic.• Welfare • Devot~d to Clergy'" c"; the~ ~as ~~!!' l~a.l C~mm.t,lnist, ·Rece ives rh~~~'.M'ajor·C~nfet~~~!'!.'. ,,:orJdwide,. relief I ' . ' , NEWBEDfb~D, MA~S.

The priest SlJends two or three party leader. '. ··S;, d F' II" h. .' ',. '" and :rehablhtatlon agency,· con- :;:::':":"::;:===:;::======~

day.s at each 10f his 2~: mjSsions, ;,,' Meanwhile:i.~ Gen.!Ja;. *he c;hief,.~. tu Y , e}~~~" IP~ .,:'" ,., ductedby Jhe U! S •. Bishops. " . :. saymg Mass jand administering port of Ita'ly, over 100 members' . NOTRE" DAME (N<?l -::;; ,..... ", ,.,S • ",,1 .\. . . . . , -. 'J the Sacraments. His' travellng' of the' Italian Sociallst'· party,. "young ·Te~an who ..will be grad,,:' . p~cla ,ourses and work are done in a climate' communist':allied, 'group headed uated' fro:n the University' of' ... NEW' YORK (NC) - Special that averages 102 degrees, with by Pietro Nenni,withdrew their' Notre Dame June 1 has scored courses in nuclear science will only a drop 'of a few degrees in membership to join the Demoan academic triumph by' 'win':' be offered qualified engine-:ring night-time temJ?eraturcs.. The cratic Socialist party. The reaning three majo~ fellowships for stu~en~ at Manha,ttan College BOYS WANTED for the heat, however, IS dry and not son was the Nenni SoCialist graduate' studies. begmnmg next Sep~ember.. Priesthood and Brotherhood., unhealthy, he says. party's failure to break its comWilliam B.' Griffith of SmithBrothe Augustine Philip, Lack of funds NO impedi~ The Christians are devoted to munist .ties. v, field, Tex., in competition with F.S.C" school president, also re­ '. ment. . thousands of college seniors vealed preliminary plans for a throughout the country, won a drive· to raise four million dol­ Writt' to: Fulbright grant;· a Wo'odrow lars to construct an engineering. P. O. ,Bo)l 5742

Wilson National Fellowship, and center as the first phase of an a Danforth Fellowship. overall college development pro­ Baltimore ~. Md.

, gram.



Helen Awarded' Three SC,.hpla,,rs,hips,. ,,:, . .,. u




"T,initdrgan Fathers

Laymen's Retreat , .. CINCINNAp .(NC).,. Bob Considine, national columnist and reporter of the International : IT'S CORRECT News Service, will be chief speaker at t"e closing banquet of the 17th biennial convention of the National Catholic Lay­ men's Retreat Conference, to : . FOR RENT - FOR SALE be ,held here from Aug. 21· . to 23. Bishop John J. Wright of Worcester,.' episcopal moder_ 201 UNION STREET, NEW BEDFORD, WYman ~.:'U!)2 ator of .the conference, is also. : expected to address the dele­ : Free Parking-Park N' Shop 'Open Thurs. till 9 P.M. gates.

f"""4i""~~:'i=C:>'ii~~'L:"4t'--~"1, , ,~ : :






~ :

,~ : :

-----------------------------------------------: ,POP SMITH'S : St. Mary's Camp, Bayv-:zw'

.;~~~'-----~-----------~ TO EXPLORE HELIEF NEEDS: These three officials of the Catholic Relief S~rvices-Nati()nalCat'holic Welfare Conference are. bid bon voyage by Msgr. Edward E. Swan-' strom, right, as they leave New York for a trip to South America to determine relief needs. ·They are, left to right, Edward M. Kinney, director of purchasing and supply, Msgr. Aloysius J. Wycislo, assistant executive director, and Mar­ garet Connellan, proje~t supervisor. La~~ year C~S-NCWC shipped 42 'million pounds of relief s'upplies worth $6 mil- '

lion to countries IOUil:l of the Panama Canal. .. NC Phot;O.





: .Baseball: Softball: :, "Fishing. Tennis ,: : EQU,PMENT :

: We Cater. to All eyo TEAMS: : . Discount for Team Buying : : '1875.' Acushnet Ave. : ~ New; ,Bedford . ~,

.............. ............ ... ~



...... ........ :


. Resident Camp for Girls - Ages 5-15

JUNE 29 - AUGUST 10 Operated and supervised by experienced Sisters a:1d 'Coun­ s·elors. 'Superb living conditions. Enjoy our beautifUl. large, new Crystal Blue. 1958 Swimming Pool in its first season. Weekly Fee $35.00 I' Registration ~S.OO Phone. GE 4"2079 or GE 4-0143 or write to: . ,SISTER MARY TH~MAS, R.S.M. 3070 Pawtucket A~enue, Riverside. R.: l. .', ,

S'T', ­

ST. :KILIAN -THE ANCHOR . $400 , '1'hurs., May 29, 1958 . Mr. and M1',.'. Scl,.vardMonarch, >' Rev. Ed~a'rd L. Killigrew.. , $50 ~. Idr~ and Mrs. RobelPt: Gagnon, Francis J. McCarty, Mr. and Mrs. Rev. James Dalzell John F. Hu~(.,es, Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Meehan, Mr. and Mrs. $15 _. Gerald G. Beckman, Mrs. Den­ Frank Miguel, Mr. and Mrs.' J. The Miller Family: Dis R. Sullivan. William Nolan. _ $10' In Memory of John J. Mc­ Mr. and Mrs. Norman O'Brien, Donald, A Friend, The Sullivan . " The 'Paul Family, James Car-­ Cassie Opromallo, Mr. and Mrs. ney.. Family. .' Albert I. 'Picard, Mr. and Mrs. IMM/\CULATE CONCEPTION SS. PETER & PAUL Oliver Perry, Mr. ana Mrs. John $200 , $15 Pires. Rev. A. Castelo Bninco. The Foster Family. Dr. and Mrs. William E. Potter, $100 ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL Mr. and. Mrs. Nicholenus Reis, Estate of Ernest Margeson. Evelyn and Lawrence. Ryan, Mr. $25 '. $50' \ Mrs. Josephine Burley, Mary and Mrs. Howard Sjmons, Mr. Rev. James V. Mendes, Rev. " Hurley. and Mrs. Francis J. Simpson. Luiz G. Mendonca.. Mr. and .Mrs. Cornelius D. SUl­ $15 $30 Marie Hurley, Mrs. RObert livan, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred D. Mrs.' Maria Nunes. Shea, In Memory of Ellen;Agnes Talbot, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. $25.00 Walsh. Tinsley. Abel S. Rebello, ~ylvester Sil­ ST. JOHN OF GOD $10 via. $25 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dignan $20' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Costa. and'Family, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Joseph. Furtado, Dr.. David ~dam, In Memory of Sarah ,E. $10 Costa. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Martelly, Barrett, Catherine Fawcett, The $10 Jr. Gillespie Family. Mr. and Mrs.. Hildeberto $10 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grace, Gerard Lawton. Mrs. Rose Kidd, The McGinn Borges, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ~i­ mentel, Mr. Manuel Sa, Mr. and, Family, Mrs. Catherine Mc­ Mrs. Joaquim' Sobra!, Mr. and Greavey, Mr. and Mrs. John A, Mrs. Manu.el Camacho. . " ST. DOMINIC

Blc:Greavey. SUPERMARKET BOOKSTORE: Su'permarket bas­ Mr. and Mrs. ,Joaquim Gomes, $10

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Manning,· Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fredette, kets are' a, special feature of the Thomas M<>;re. Bookshop ~n Thomas Bourne,

.. Memory of Mr. and' Mrs. Mr. Arsenio Nunes, Mr. and Mrs. Chicago, believed to be. the largest CatholIc' bookstore, In George H. Newbury, Mrs. James A.. O'Brien, Sr., William O'Brien. .Richard Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. the world. Although no longer a' novlillty to lay customers" ST. ,MARY· Joaquim Salgado. ' HOLY CROSS priests and' sisters who ,s'eldom haveocca~i.on to shop' ,in' $50 Mr. and Mrs. Joaquhn Motta, $150 Rev. Norman J. Ferris. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel G. 'Silva, food markets are particularly, fond of usmg them here. I'ranciscan Fathers. $25 Mr. and Mrs. Abel 'Fidalgo, In NC Photo. ' $25 Mrs. Edward J. O'Bri!':n, Jo­ MerriOJiY of 'Isabel and, JohB Holy Rosary Societ¥. $13 $12 seph Reilly. , , • $20 I, Motta. Mr. and, Mrs. Zigmund J. Mr. and Mrs. John McC~rmick. $20

OUR LADY' OF MT. CARM~L Mr. and Mrs. C. Szulewski. $10 ' Jackim. Sarah Mal Olley.

. $25 $10 $10 Mr. and Mrs. John Ahern; $15

Sylvia's' Insurance Agency, Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Mr. 'and Mrs. John Farrissey, Gertrude 'Bride, Grace Bride, Ralph Buckley" James D. OUR LAT)Y OF HEALTH Lisbon Sausage Co., Children of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F.' Foley; Judge, Mr. and Mrs. John Keat­ Gertrude Cassidy, Mr. and Mrs. $200 Ma,ry Sodality. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. James Diamond. ' ing, Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Rev. Maurice Souza. • 0$20 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Doran,' Hague, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Galligan, Mary and Josephine ST. MICHAEL Mr. and Mrs.' Alvaro Rodri­ Kelly, Daniel and Thomas Hol­ " Mary and Margaret Doran, Ger­ McNamara. $15 ' gues. land. , aId Dupre, ,Mr. and Mrs. Leon­ $10 Gilbert C. Oliveira. ,$14 Mrs. William Archard, Mr. ard Driscoll, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lillian Bannon, Ethel Buckley, '$10 Macedo family: and Mrs. B':Ibcock, Mr. and Mrs. ,Fisler. ' Esther Buckley, Dr. Walter Holy Ro~ary Society. . Charles Bean, Mr. and Mrs. Ro.,. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fortin, Cq,mpbell, Kenne,tq:F. Clayton. William, ,Marcelino, Mt. Car­ land E. Bond~ Mrs. Frank Brow­ Mr., and Mrs. Joseph, Dooley, mel P.T.A.; Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Mrs... Rose Healy, Mr. and Mrs. nell.

Edwa'rd Meade, Mr.' and Mrs. Andrew Driscoll, Roderick La-' ST. LAWRENCE" F.·DeMello'and Family, Mr. and , Mr. and Mrs, John J. Doonan; Tour, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lin­ $35 Mrs. Joseph C. DeMello. ' Edward McCrOJ:y, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, George Freden­

coln', John J. McElroy and Fam­ William. O'Neil. " . OUR LADY, OF PURGATORY Ruth McGadden. burg, Mr. ,and Mrs. Charles' A. ily. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Reilly, $20 . $50 Gough, Mr. and Mrs. John A.

Walter Simms,' Mr. and Mrs. Owen McKenna, Mrs. Mary Mr. and Mrs. Perry Coholan", Rev. George Saad. Kearns', Dr., and Mrs. Arthur Moriarty, IlarbaraR. O'Brien, Fred Thorpe, Mr.• and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Van Cleft. $25. LaSalle. .

James'Cullen, Rose Mullaney. Mary O'Br.ien, Mr. and Mrs. $15 Cape' Cod Sporstwear, Inc., . . Mr. and Mrs. Robert HiU, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. FranCis J. Ma­ James J. Powers. Veronica O'Brien. Thom & Thomas Attys. her, Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Pepka, and Mrs. Ernest Paulus, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shove. $10 $12 I Mr. and Mrs. John Panara, Mrs. Mrs. Rudolph Berthold, Mr. and Stanley Tokarz, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John Donnelly, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Thomas. ' Daniel F. Sha11oo, Mr. and Mrs. :..Jam.es A .. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Galvin, :~rs. Julia Mrs.: Edward O'Neil, Mr. and $10 Linwood Wordell. John Dooley. Winifred Flaherty. Mrs. Thomas Wood, Charles J. The Attallah Family, The' Hammond. Mr. and Mrs. James Kearney, Mr. and Mrs'. Paul Fountain, ST. PATRICK Balboni, Mr. and Mrs. Ji'randil Daher Family, "Mr. and Mrs. Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert Kelly, .Catherine Hogan, Catherine Mc­ " $200 II. Murray. Anthony John, Dr. Joseph N. 'Frank McKeon, Veronica Reilly, Namara, Mr .and Mrs. Robert Rev. Edward ,J. Gorman.' Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lafav9.r,Joseph, Hykel Simon. •

Mrs. Eiizabeth Smith. W. Menard, James .:f. Powers. $50 Mr. and Mrs. Till'lothy CrowleY; ST. THERESA

Mrs'., S~rah Willersil1n, Lor­ ST. JOSEPH Mrs.' William Archard, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. McAvoy,' $50

raine Wright, Mr. and Mrs. $25 and Mrs. David M. Kilroy, Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ziemba, Eli'i~ Antonio Lemieux.

Dougl'as Cummings, Mr. and.Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Har­ abeth Aceino.· , ." $20

and Mrs. l'Yilliam H. Langfield. . Leo Devlin, Mr. and' MrS. Wil­ nois. ' , , $40 Mr. and Mrs. Frank ,Mapon,, Marcel Masse. OUR LADY OF LOURDES liam Diamond. )fro and' Mrs. John Gero, Mar$10 Dr. and Mrs. James F. Blute, $20:

Mr. and Mrs. Hector Blais, Jr. ~aret Manning, Frances V. Ma';;' Edouard Cote, Dr. Hector Roy, Mrs. Theresa Black, Mr: and Arthur Cos,ta.'

$25 '. , ber, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Want " Joseph G. Charbonneau, ,Alfre~ Mrs. George Bankert, Mr. and 510 Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Tessier, , Hope McFadden, Mr. and Mrs. 'Loranger. Frank R. Pero. Mrs. Gera.1d' Bessett, Mr; and Mary E. Judge, Mr. and Mrs. JllDl.es G..a~~r~EDWIG ~,:' ' S T . ~to~IMIR 'Mrs. Joseph Zaino and' Family. Vincent Riley.

Mr. and Mrs. John Curran and , $20

f 'J.EFFREY E. $10 ' Rev. Joseph F. Sutula. Family, Mr.- and Mrs. Rolljns Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bar,­

Holy Name 8,.ociety. /:' . ' $511 Maloney, Winifred .Kelly, Ger­ rar.

ST. JOSEPH Rev. Casimir Kwiatkowski. "', . trude ,and Alice Littlefield, $15 530 . " " $25

F.u.era' Ho.ne Zaino' Family: ,Frances M, and Margaret C. In Memol'y of Mrs'. Alexandre ' Albert Poczatek Family.

Walter Feid, Mr. and Mrs. Lynch, Mr., and Mrs. Harold J. Seguin. ' ' $10

550 Locust St. Thomas Mikulis, Louise Corri­ Regan. Fall Rivl"r. Mass.", Joseph Lofthouse.

$10 , gan, John Corrigan, G. Howard $15 ST. BONIFACE Cote Electric Shop. OS 2-2391 Morse, Jr: Frances M. aQd Margaret C. Dr. C. L LeBlanc. $25 Ro'se E, Sullivan / Mr. and Mrs. Francis Doran, Lynch, Mr. and ,Mrs. Harold J. SACltE.D HEART' 'Frank and Lillian Corre. Jeffrey E Sullivan Mrs. Catherine Chatterton, Mr. 'Regan. , _ ·u $25 $~O, I and Mrs. Douglas Gaudette Mr; $10 James and Mary Butler; Ar· Rev. 'Rene G. Gauthier,. ,Rev. "and Mrs. James Whalen, Mrs. ", ,Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Blain, . -.ucien Jusseaume; Mr. and Mrs. thtir.'and AiJrore Folco" Alber­ Catherine Frazier. " Mr.. and Mrs. Leo ,Bond, Mrs." '! tine' WQbecky, A Friend. :ier've Bea?r", .. \ Mr and Mrs. Robert Croteau, , ,.' ,coST. HYACINTH Marshall Brisbon, Mr. and Mrs. $1Z Mr. 'and Mrs.! Thomas Heiey, , \ "",,' $50 John Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Dom,,: ~ Jules Moouin Family~ 'Catherine Regan, Mrs. Joseph inic Ciafa~dini. sao - ; ' "" ,,;Rev>HEi~,ve Jalbert. Perone, Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter

'. s:r~·jOHN THE' BAPTIST F1In~rfJl Dr. and Mrs. ,Thomas G. Clark, . A Friend, Mr. and Mrs. ·.Gus­ Lyons., •

, . , ' . $20

','MarY' Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. "ave Gaudreau, Mr. and :Mrs.· ',' Dir~ctors Mr. and Mrs. Edward L . .Mes­ .t}lphonseDupere, Mr. and Mrs: ''ldoric Nerbonne.· Yvonne ~ and ; ,Mr.' alid' Mrs. Raymond Cack­ sier and Family, Mr. and Mrs. .. ",

Angelo Flynn, Mr. and ,Mrs. ';laire Langlo;s, Mrs. Sylvio Le­ .'~utt.·: 469 weltst St.. Fall River -. ' . . , Anthony Nadeem, Mr. and Mrs. John Harrington. ,,,,:oo,te. . , . $10 ' Ambrose Favoli, Mr, and Mrs.. 'OS 2·3381 "Mr. and Mrs. George Pimental, May E. Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvio LeComte. James McKeon" Mr. and Mrs. ,Mr. [lni\ M,·s. Henry Bastoni. ST. FRANf'lS OF ASSISI Norman LeTourneau. $10 . Mr. aQd Mrs; Harry Stanford, I Ladies League of St. Francis, . Dr. and, Mrs. Philip Coakley, Mr. J _', • INSURANCE , 'talian Am"r;c?n Women's Club, ST. ~RY and Mrs: John Kel1E!her. "~atheri,ne and Charles Palla­ - $100 Mr. ,and Mrs. Thomas Charron, APPRAiseR roni, GiuI,'n Cesare Lodge. JoSeph Rioux, A Friend. 571 5ecoqd St. Mr. and Mrs'. William Shea. REALTOR ST..1!\"~ES ' $50 ~ , Foil River,' Moss,. ~Wl 'Mr. 'and, Mrs..Henry' Gendron, , OS 9-6072 Mr.'· and Mrs. Arthur, Morawski. Rev. Stephen J. Downey: 'OS 2-2000 '., $25 0:"'1 ST. THOMAS.MORE . MICHAEL J. McMAHON' , . $125' , lIIfr.. and 1\'11'1'. Walter' Martin'. 1320 No. Main St. M~. ~nd Mrs. Joseph Levis, Licensed Funeral O'irector , $1"5' . , W~Her Ro\Veand Family. Mary Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Foley. FALL RIVER RegJstered Embalmer , . and Margan~t Klinton, Mr. and , A Friend. $30 !'tH) , '" ,MrS. 'St'anley ',Young" Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. Earl ~eron: Mr and Mrs. Michael Feeley, ::,MrS. Doinenic 'Basile. ' _ $25 , . "Mrs. Pl;nl\~(!~ Morse. ' -1(1'. ~nd l''rrs. Gilbert Francis. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Coady, Dr. and Mrs. Eugene ,F. 'In. Sarah Hnt.chinson, Mrs. ' ,", ~ ~, .... >.~~o . , licheel M"!°l}:.'. ~,atherine Oest­ Eva :'Jf)i':lwskJ. Mrs. Ch" ..lntt", Sullivan, Jr.. Dr. and Mrs. Ber­ FUNERAL HOME ..... ago . ' Weiser, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald nard J. Man'gioni. ' , ,$20 ; MI'. and ~ -..". J',senh Smith, . Curran. ' lNJ6 Pbmo.... AYe. • Televwioa • FurDitu... "~,fro end l\}l's. :r-T~nry' Tavares, S15 Mr. and M,·s. Cletus J.Mona­ Fall&J.. ' • A"llanee. 4; Gr_r, ,han. . '·iI.... HelenA. !". Ross. ' Marie and Helen Scanlin. Mr. . ' ~1'. ;. '~~y and Mrs. .hlln ,Gaffney;' Louise $15 1M AileD 'St•• New Bedford

3--2272' ,~ Lavf'~v. Mr. and· ,Mrs. Arthur l\Kr. ;",i\ Mr~, Ed'.vin F. I)oolan, WYman '7-9354

Gillooly. , Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Lathan. t







New. Bedford



D. D. SIil,livan &- Sons


Gilbert' £. Oliveira

,North 'Attleboro



O'ROURKE " Funeral Home


.."- _._a_

HIGHWAYS This Timely Me$sage Is Sponsored By The Fol足 lowing Public Spirited Individuals and Busi足 ness' Concerns Located

in Greater Fall River


Bove Chevrolet

Brady Electric Supply Co.

Cascade Drug Co.

Colonial Wholesale

Beverage Corp. Connors Travel Burea..



Leo iF. Donovan, C.P.A. Duro Finishing Corp.

Enterprise Brewing Co.

The Exterminator Co. (Leo LaCroix)

Globe Manufacturing Co.

Kaplan Furniture Co.

Kormon Water Co.

MacKenzie & Winslow, Inc.

Meyer and Regan,


MOQney and Co., Inc.

Newport Finishing Corp.

~. . .

Nira Warehouse Mart Sherry Corporation SobiloH Brothers Sterling Beverages Inc.

Textile Workers Union

of America, AFL-CIO

... .....







. ' 't


ST. MARY $50, Rev. Colum MacSweeney.· $25 Society ,of St. Vincent de PauL , $20 Mrs. L. G. Balfour. $15 Mr. and Mrs. John :T. Bartley. , $10 ' Frank Teixiera, Harry Bor­ 'den. David A. Rocha, Mr. and Mrs. James Carney, Mr. and MrL Charles Drane. Charles ,Drane, Jr.



ST. GEORGE $20 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Langlois. $10 Mr. and Mrs. David Butler. OUR LADY OF' LOURDES $100 A Friend. $50 A Friend, St. Vincent de Paul Society. $25 ,Wellfleet Savings Bank.' $15 Holy ~ame Society, Henry de ",Geofroy. $10 Rita Rose, Clarence J. Berrio. 'Robert Paine, Mary Cameron. . Maty Sheehan. ' 'Chester L. Connors, Norman Gill, Manuel J, Davis, Francis Geary, James L. DeLory. , .' George Williams, Mr. and· Mrs. 'Anthony Duart" A Friend, Mr. .Arthur Joseph, A Friend. Mr. and lVIrs. Antone 'Duarte, ·A Friend, Dr. ,and Mrs. Gerald Hoeffel, A Friend, Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Pears~.ll. ' . Mr. and Mrs. William Gin, 1IIr. John Sylvia.



ST.ANTIIONY $75 , ~v. ,Joseph Oliveira. ST. PAUL $25 "A Friend.. $10 , ' " Mr. and Mrs. Leo Benoit, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dupuis; Mr. and Mrs. James K. Hackett, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kingsbury; Mr. Ernest Prado, Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Smith. , Mr. and Mrs. "Waldo Witherell. Holy Name Society.



A Friend.


Island Oil' Co., Inc.

Orleans. ST. JOAN OF ARC


.Francis Gilbane.


Eva Marie Dane.,


'. James Clancy, John Leary,

Joseph Gerald', Gallant, M.

Sophie Campbell, James Coogan.

South Dartmouth' LAMB, CHEESE AND E.GGS: His Holiness Pope Pius XII proves that the distance is really quite short between the very great and the very small as he accepts gifts of "a lamb, some cheese and some eggs," from four little shepherds who came from Porcian"o, Italy to visit him.' The meeting took place·-in St. Peter's Basilie:a. NC Photo.·' '

ST. MARY $25.00 ·Dt1nl;nn"~~ Equipment & Supplies Co. ;~

Thurs., May 29, ,1958

Hyannis ST. FRANCIS XAVIER. $50 Misses Margaret and Bridset Gregg. " $25 Doane-Beal & Ames, WarreD Buick Co., J. F. Pendergast. $20 John R. Reyburn. $15 Meyer's Company. Inc. $10 Mr. and Mrs. John Madden. Acme Pharmacy, Puritan Cloth­ ing Co., Guertin Bros., Cape Cod Furniture Store. $10 Mr. and Mrs. Norman McLean. John F. Dempsey, Mrs. Edna DeMoranville, Maurice Bearse, Carl L. Ferdensi. ' Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Clou­ tier, R. B. Corcoran Co. of Hy­ annis, Marion F. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Scudder.

Vineyard Ha.ven ST. AUGUSTINE $15.00 Mr. ,and Mrs. Edwin Whalen. $10.00' Dr. Ralph J. Mitchell, Yateli Drug Store, Paul· Sarpi. ST. PIUS TENTH $25 Doane, Bea) and Ames.


a a •

Isn't 'II coOd pastime for UJ.e ", 'teenace s~t" in any counlry. "But . what are they going to do : ••" Is the question you can hear parent. , , ~ S tn..., ask all over tbe world. It has become ~ "V/ quite a problem .n Sira (Greece) as weD of." '~as ID. Ne~ York. Paris aud London. The tl7 ~. paster of the parish feels if he could build , . QI 0 a parish hall he would. have at least a ~ partial solution to the problem. We think ,~ 80 too. The. young people who will use the hall plan to do the work, their parenlll will supply the material (at least part ot it) and the parish will provide the land. This leaves a deficit of $1,000. Would you Holy Faim Mission Aid like to help the young people of, Sira­ who ba've the same problems as your for tIx Orimtal Church own children? This Is certainly an Im­ portant work - we would like to help the parish by giving them 51.00o-may'we count on you?

. .. $15 ' Market," Monument Fish ComFrank Oliver, Jean's Bakery, Pliny;. Sea Food Packers, Mr. Madeline Simons, 'Antone R. 'and Mrs. ,Marion 'Perry,Mr. and Perry, Paul 'Rodrigues. ' Mrs. William H. Cabral. , Richard' L.· ~Corey, "Scoba, ·Rhodes· and' Family, Mariano ST. ANTHONY € a uto; Jr., Adlein Moniz, Charles ' ST. PATRICK

$100 ,Botelho. ' . $75

Eugene Phelan. ' Manuel S,. White, Jr., Manuel ReY. William H. O'Reilly.

$35 S. White, Justino Simoes, JoSeph ' $25 Mrs._ William Whalen: Teixeira, William K. Soares. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence An­ tone \lis. $25 $12 Mr: and Mrs. Joseph Collins, Joseph G. Ferreira. $12 Rosary Altar Society, Elmcrest . $11. James Bercaw. Convalescent Home, Pimental Richard Hirtle. $iO . an~ Borges, Village Drug Store. '. , . $10 . T/SEdgar.Aiguier, Karl Dole, '. Mr.·and Mrs:' David Haiey, Manuel' Pina, Fred ,P. Rose,' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hazelton.' WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE GREGORIAN MASSES OFFERED JCrniiy;and Josephine' Perry. .. Joseph T. Medeiros, William De­ Capt. Leo D. Hofelich, William FOR THE REPOSE OF YOUR OWN SO,UL . . . YOU CAN AR­ " ',$20 ,.' . : Mello, Antone Oliver, Jr.' .' McCann. RANGE FOR THEM TODAY . . . ASK ABOUT OUR SUSPENSE Louis Dupre, Frarik ',Sylvia" Cecelia, Bento, Richatd Geg-. ·Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maguire,' . . CARD. ' gatt, Jr" William C, Bento, An­ Dr. and Mrs. William O'Rourke, Rome'o's' Package Store'.' ; $15' . .thony Terra, Joseph Bento. .Mr. John T. Sheehan, Richard Mr.. and Mrs. ~imothy Man-, , .' Manuel Correiro, John L., 'Sil­ Tobin, Mrs. George Wilson. IN ,THE LAND OF THE ·PYRAMIDS there are two boys, SAMIB . J _. M r, and M rs.' J'0 h n M' ' .h Is h WI·th a II tb e Ir h earts,to bring the love of ..,..f.\g, ur­ .Yia" r., John,.,..C.-"Frias, Antone ' Mrs. LOretta Doucette, Herve . an d CAl\lILLE ., wow phy, M. C. Linhares Gen.• Cont., DeSouza," M;:J.ry{,. Costa. '

; Lajoie;' Wareham Savings Bank. 'Christ ~ the pe~ple of,' Egypt. They are 'Mr. and Mrs: Williain.',€ o rey, .'." ,~polph Bishop" TheophilWl' ,"., ,'" ,,' &,000 boys. ',' they have been a~c!lP~dby_ Mr.. and Mrs. John. McCue. 'qliyejra" ~aul 'Se:rvis, ,Arthur s. ",ST:':'JOSEPH ·'t,,··"the Bishop. ,~'. they are ready to 1'0 ~o, l.be , '$12 ': < , Me1l9, Joseph G .. Lewis. ' . . $50 ' 'seminary' •. '; BUT: , . each one must, have, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smit~ . ',', John Corden-'o, John'r. Souza, ,- St. Vincent de Paul SocietY. ,:.r· a sPonsor who will pay $100 a year for the $10 Servulo G. Ferreira, Manuel S. ' , $25" , ',slx year 'seminary course.' WoUld, you like. Mrs. Roscoe' Barstow, . A Mello, Manuel Lewis. "Mr. and, Mrs. Gerald Walsh.:· to 'play an Important' and an' active part 10' Priend, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Francis Lewis, Frank M. Tei-.' 'Mr: and Mrs. James Dunn. A' the conversion of Egypt.·You can bring a.

,Gingras, A ,Friend, Mr. and Mrs.:: -x.eira,·"JosephA.· Martin, Frank· "Friend.' , . '

'pl'iest to'thls ancient land by "adopting;'

Fran Peloquin: . .' Ii 'Souza, Jr." Peter Carvalho. ".; ,;' $20

cine of'these boys. You can pa)' the mone)'

Lawrence Peters, Manuel. L. Antone; DeTerra, John Kibbee. 'ID" an)' manner convenient while your

A Friend, Mr. and Mrs, .Gil'" ' bert Martin, Mr. ahd Mrs. Man-: Corey, Jr.; John Andrade, Mim$10 "adopted" son is preparing himself to serve Christ In this vital area

ael Linhares, A Friend, Mr. and: uelPeters, Manuel Reine. . ~rnest Carrier, Murphy &; of the Nea'r' East Missions. Mrs. George Harrold. ' Mary G. Simons, Jack Mar- Due e t t e, . Pasquale Micolacl. ------MASS OFFERINGS ARE THE SOLE SUPPORT OF HEROIC MIS-

William J. D.uggan, Mr., and shall, Luciano Botelho, Sylvester James Lanagan, Noel Couture. Mrs. Walter'D. Smith, Mr. and. J. Tavares, Patrick Bishop, PaThomal' ;Robinson, Mr. and SIONARIES IN THE NEAR EAST ... REMEMBER THEM TODAYl

Mrs. Oscar St. Jacques, Mr. and trick Lewis, 'CharlesM. Arigo. Mrs. Joseph Cox, Arthur LeClair, ,INDIA •• ; LAND OF TiGERS ••. LAND OF TEMPLE BELLS Mrs. Howard Chadwick, Mr. and Benjamin Bevelander.' Paul DQn~ghy. . ,••• Is also the land of poverty ••• sickness ••. and sutTerlng Sister Mrs, Anthony Snyder. ACUSHNET-14 tile. " Rita and Sister Mercy are two young girla Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mullaney, , ST. FRANCIS XAViER.

who w'ould like to help the unfortunate fol­ Big 3 Lumber Co., DeCoife's' $25'.

.. , lowers of Christ who are too weak and toe ST. JOHN '~rvice Station, J. A. Hagen Co.,' Acushnet Saw Mills; Co.

poor to help themselves. The)' would like to $100 $10

Cape Cod Cabinet Co: become Sisters of Nazareth and work wit.. A Friend. , In ¥emory, of Mr. and. Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas A. Clark, the outcasts. Each must have two years novI­ , ' $25 Ant 0 n e . .DeCosta, Margaret Mr. and Mrs. John P. Santos, tiate training. ' . and each must have a spo... --=­ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond 1. Rl­ Morse, WIll~am-Keane, Mr. and, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Szwaja, Mr. sor who will pa)' $150 a year for each duiin~ Mrs. Leo Libby; Dr. and Mrs. ,and ~rs. John J. 'Aiello, Mr,' oux. ' this two )' e period. Would )'ou II k e toe $20 Charles Hutchings, Reservation and Mrs. George Liarikes, Jr. "adopt" one of these generoUs souls! You ca. Mr;·and Mrs. Brendan Corbett. Goll Club. .Mr.• and Mrs. Henry Harney, , $10 pay the money In any manner of .lDstallment while your "adopted­

Mr. and Mrs. Alden R. Taber dauchiflr prepares herself b)' prayer and study tor her Importaat

Charles Brys<m, Beatrice Car-' Bella LePage, Louis Gaudet~. work.

ney, Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Go­ Edmund Conray, Sr. ST. ANTHONY doin. ' $500 , ' WHAT YOU PLACE IN THE HANDS OF THE HOLY FATHER ._••



The Nunes Family. $100 , Falmouth Cement Woru. , $10 Blessing of the Fleet Assn. . ;$50· STRINGLESS GIFTS ARE IMPORTANT TO"THE HOLY FATH­

Gerard Labrie. " $50 ' Herman Lopes and son Alvaro, " , ER ,. they make It possible for him to help the poor and Deed7

, ST. JOSEPH Alfred M. Soares. . Dr. Thomas F. Perry, Walter' of the Near East. You can help blm by your membership dues •••

$25 Chrysler. TOU h~p the Holy Father ... you thare in Massel ••• prayers •••

. $40 Dr. FernBnd Girouard. $25 .ood works of the mlsslonarleL '

The Myron R.Tavares Fam­ '$10 ' , 'Atty. and Mrs. John C. Snow, Dy. , INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP .•••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •. fl Leon Nolan, Elzear Laferriere, $34.50 ' .St. Vincent de. Paul· Society, Leonie'Veillette. ' ,rAMILY MEMBERSHIP , ......•.••• '....................... .. Holy Name Society, Judge Rob­ , Antone B. Couto, Jr. PERPETUAL INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP ••••••••••••••••. , no '$30 et1, E. Welsh. , PERPETUAL FAMILY MEMBERSHIP ' ~ $100 The First National Bank, Wm.. Jesse E. Torres; Jr., Antonio .',IMMACULATE CONCEPTION :Mello. . R., Young Insurance Agency. , $50,00 "$25 $20 Rev. John A., Rossle'y. The ,Mayflower Gift Shops, George J. DeMello, Crystal " $25.00 Frank A. Days, Jr; :ruel Oil Co. FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President Immaculate - Conception St. $20 $15 Msg,. P.t., P. Tuohy, Nat'l Sec', Vincent de Paul Society. Emerald Famlly, Richard' L

The Patricia & Noel Shop. $10.00 . Send all communications to: Bargy, James L. "Jacobs, Frank:,

$10 ,J. Frank Conley, William J. Simmons, Walter Lucas, Edward '.

J.:oseph Bent, J.oseph A. Days- . CATHOUC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION T. Mello, George H .. Ferreira. Day's Cottages, J. Arthur Lopes, Lahey, Mr. and Mrs: Arthur , 480 Lexington Ave. at 46th St. New York 17, N. Y. Manuel Avila, Ralph Carpenter. $18

Nolan,; Mr.. and Mrs. 'Emil lL MarT and Isabel Miller.

Thomas . Cote, Fishermen'. Osiecki. ,. .. '







Fairhaven' .




East Falmouth


North Easton


Club Concludes Marriage Talks

Installation Banquet

The Parish Parade




ST. PIUS TENTH, nouncei'lc the corporate Commun­ SOUTH YARMOUTH ion for 8 o'clock Sunday morn­ ing, June 29, and President Miss Members of the 'Woman's Guild have agreed' to dispense . Helen Chace announced a re­ treat to be conducted in French with the July and August Guild on Oct. 24, 25 and 26 at Cathe­ meetings, it was announced by dral Camp. Miss Chace urged all President Mrs. Thomas Conway members to obtain their retreat

during the May session. reservations at their earliest

Mrs. Philip Dempsey, chair­ eonvenience. ' man of the altar committee, asked for more aSsistance dur­ The Jesus Mary Academy ing the summer months. Glee Club under the direction of Arrangements have been eom:.. Mother Marie Nathaiie high­ pleted for the" "Fashion Win" to lighted the meeting with the be held on Tuesday, June 24, Cantata "Song' of Bernadette."

at the pool of the Beach N' Recitation of the Rosary con­

Towne Motel on Route 28 in ducted by Rev. Gerard Boisvert,

South Yarmouth. Reservations moderator took place at the may be obtained by contacting Grotto in the convent grounds Mrs. Harry Heptonstall, Exeter preceding the bu'siness ,session. 8-8678, Mrs. Joseph Mullan, Reports were submitted by va­ Exeter 8-2002; Mrs. Bernard rious committee chairmen. Shea, Exeter 8-3150 and at the SACRED HEART, door. Mrs. Joseph Greelish will NORTH ATTLEBORO be in charge. The "academy of" awards' of A surprise Plogram in charge, of Mrs. Mullan was presented ,fashions" was presented by and refreshments were served members of the St. Anne Sodal­ ity with Mrs. Lionel Lallier as by Mrs. Edward Robinson, Mrs. chairman of the program. Charles Sullivan, Mrs. Joseph During intermission Miss Ag­ Slattery and Mrs. Shea. nes Collard rendered vocal seST. MARY'S, .lections and was accompanied NORTON by Mrs. Agenard Deschenes at Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, assist­ the piano. Mrs. William Mc­ ant pastor at St. Joseph's Carthy, commentator introduced Church, Fall River, and general the models... manager of The Anchor, was ST. JEAN BAPTISTE, principal speaker at the installa­ FALL RIVER tion banquet of the Norton Cath­ Members of the Council of olic Women's Club. Catholic Women conducted their Officers inducted for 1958­ annual installation of officers 1959 season by Mrs. Ralph at White's with Mrs. Thomas Patunoff, president of District Tache, assuming duties as pres­ No.4, National Council of Cath­ ident for the third term. olic Women, are President Mrs. In addition to Mrs. Tache the Harry Borden; Vice-president following officers were inducted: Mrs. Odias Guevremont; Re­ Vice-president Mrs. Alfred cording-secretary Mrs. Oliver Blais; Secretary Mrs. Ellery Brown; Corresponding-secretary Chace; Treasurer Mrs. George Mrs. Homer Paulus; and Treas­ Casavant; Chaplain Mrs. Emile urer Mrs. Frank Teixeira Jr. Pelletier; Historian Mrs. Ernest Other guests besides Father Mercier and. Publicity Chair­ Shalloo and Mrs. Patunoff in­ man Mrs. Matthew I,.abecki. cluded Rev. Elmeric Dubois, Mrs. Frederick Tuttle, fourth Superior of the LaSalette Sem­ vice-president of the Diocesan inary, Attleboro; Rev. William Districe Council acted as install­ Thomson, spiritual advisor, and ing officer and Mrs. Theophane Rev. Colum MacSweeney, as­ Lavoie, the council's honorary sistant pastor. pr~sident' and chairman of the

Mrs. Homer Simmons, chair­ district spiritual' development man, and Mrs. Borden, co-chaIr­ group, was marshall man, were assisted by. a large Rev. Rene R. Levesque, as­

committee. sistant pastor gave a brief talk. OUR LADY OF GRACE,

OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL. NORTH WESTPORT HELP, NEW~EDFORD Senator Mrs. Mary L. Fonseca The newly organized Brownie will be guest speaker and i05tal­ Troop sponsored by the parish lating officer at Women's Guild conducted their first meeting ceremonies to be conducted next at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon Tuesday night in the church with Mrs. Alphonse Spirlet, Dis­ hall. trict Chairman of the North End The officers are President Mrs. Girl Scouts presiding. Winifred Robin, Vice-president Mrs. Spirlet 'was assisted 'by Mrs. Beatrice Berube, Secretary Troop Scout leader Mrs. John Mrs. Margaret Goslin and Treas­ Izdebski and Scout leader as­ urer Mrs. Loretta Vandal. sistants Mrs. Stanley Pelczarski ST. JAMES, and Mrs. Stanley Mesciazek. NEW BEDFORD

ST. DOMINIC'S, The annual banquet and in­ SWANSEA stallati~n of officers of the Msgr. A class of 53 boys and girls Noon Circle will take place at received their First Communion '1 o'clock next Wednesday night at the 8 o'clock mass last Sun­ in the lower church hall with day morning with the Pastor Mrs. Ruth Barry as chairman Rev. George Sullivan officiating. and Miss Mary Boyle as c0­ Immediately following a break­ chairman. Heading the ticket committee fast was served, in Dunrovin are Chairman Mrs. Ruth Wing Farm. . and Co-chairman Mrs. Christine During the afternoon services Hayes. the children were invested with A quartet from St. Theresa', the brown ,scapular and c the Parish, New Bedford, will fur­ crowning of the Blessed Mother nish the entertainment. took place. NOTRE DAME, FALL RIVER Chairmen chosen to direct the various activities which were mapped out during the last Armand Penha, former FBI, meeting of the season ot the Agent and preseriUy in the em­ Woman's Guild in Jesus,' Mary ploy of the City of New Bedford Academy auditorium include the as investigator of medical rec­ following: . ords, veterans benefits, will be Chairman Mrs. Edmond Mar­ guest speakel' at, th~ Spring din­ tinville and Co-chairman Mrs. ner meeting of the Catholic Raymond Roy will be in charge Pharmacists Guild of ::It. James of a whist 'party for 8 o'clock to be heid ~t7 o'dock, next

Saturday night in Notre Dame Sunday night in the Kennedy School. Hall; Chairman .. Mrs. 'Youth Center, New Bedford. Emile Docbis' and Co-chairman· . 'Officers, of ,the .Guild include: , Mrs. Leon Lavoie will head a President Virginio. C .•Macedo; cake sale to be held in the R. A. Vice-presiden.t N;orman' Menard; McWhirr Co. store on Friday" Treasurer Jo.seph ,Perry; SecreJune 13 and Chairman Mrs. Leo­ tary Timothy P.Keating";' Trusdore Salois and Co-chairman tees, Anthony F. Ruggiero, EvMrs. Thomas Jolivet will'super­ erett L. Emery, and Charles vise a rummage sale to be held Pelissier. Rev. Albert F. Shovelton, uon Friday, June 20, on East Main Street. sistant pastor at St. James Spiritual Development Chair­ Church, New Bedford ia Guild man Mrs. Gertrude DiOll aD­ moderator.

St. Luke's Guild To Hear Penha

The third and concluding Con­ ference on Marriage was con­ ducted by Rev. Haymond W. Mc­ Carthy for the Nantucket High School Newman Club. Fifty-five members were in attendance 10 hear Father McCarthy. discuss the subject, "The True Notion of Love." The following morning' the students were ,present at Mass and received Holy Communion together. Coffee and doughnuts were served after Mass in Our Lady's Hall in the basement or !the Church.

Peruvian Archbishop To Address Serrans LIMA (NC)-A leading Latin American prelate will outline before an American meeting hw plans on what the Church in the United States can de' to help re­ build the Faith in Latin Amer­ ica. Archbishop Juan Landazuri­ Ricketts of Lima, Primate ol Peru, will address the Serra In­ ternational Convention in Chi­ cago June 26. The Archbishop has esta~ Jished Serra clubs to help pro­ mote vocational programs and .. relieve an acute shortage ol priests in his own archdio~ and throughout Latin America.

Kathleen , Stevens (seated) and Agnes Crombie (standing)

Sacred Heart Academy Seniors Will Present Vocal, Piano Solo Recitals

Miss Agnes Crom bie, soprano, frequently been, soloist with the and Miss Kathleen Stevens, 'grouP. Agnes plans to enter pianist, music students at ,the St. Anne's Hospital School or i Nursing in the Fall. Sacred Hearts, and members of The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the graduating class, will pre­ James J. Stevens of 232 Lapham sent a joint solo recital, open Street, Miss Stevens has studied music for the past eleven yean to the public, at 8 o'clock Thurs­ at the Academy under the direc­ day evening May 29th, in the tion of Sister Stephen Mary. In school hall on Prospect Street. her final number on the pro­ Miss Crombie, the daughter of gram, The Corn!sh Rhapsody by Mr. and Mrs. George A. Crq.mbie, Bach, she will be acs::ompanied of 178 Roosevelt A venue, Som­ by thesehool orchestra. Kath­ erset, has studied voice with Mr. leen will attend Bouve-Boston A. Edmund Furgiuele for the School affiliated with Tufts Col­ past eight years. She is a mem­ lege; where she plans to major ber of the' Student Council and physical ~therapy. president of the Academy Glee Both students are memben Club, of which she has been a of the Fall River Junior Music member for four years, and has Club and have been Correspond­ ing Secretaries for that organ­ ization for the past year. In

the annual scholarship auditions held by the club in April 1958 Miss Crombie' and Miss Stevena

The regular monthly meeting were awarded first and second Each re­

of the Fall River Particular place respectively. Council, Society: of St. Vincent ceived an award of $100.

Ushers for the event include de Paul, will be held Tuesday Frances Booth, Ann Coyle, Pa­ evening, June 3, 1958. Benedic­ tricia De Nardo, Catherine How­ tion of the Most Blessed Sacra­ ard, Ann Marie Monahan, and ment will be given in St. Dom­ inic;s Church, Main Highway, Ann Petrillo.



PHARMACY 75th Year

Council Meets On June 3

Route 6, Swansea, Mass., at 7:45 P. M. and will be followed. by the meeting in the Parish Hall in the basement of the Church.

Promotes Cause of Saintly Priest

GOA, (NC)-Father Protasio Soares, editor of the Catholic newspaper, Inilia, has left here for a two-year visit to the United States to promote the cause of Father Agnelo de Sousa. F'ather de Sousa's cause for. beatification is now under con­ sideration by the, Holy See. He

was a member of the local Mis­

sionary Society of St. Francis Xavier and was spiritual direct­ or and retreat master at Rachol Seminary. He died in 1927. Father Soares said that Amer­ icans frequently write to the St. Francis Xavier society here to testify about what they regard as miraculous favors through Fath­ er de Sousa's intercession.



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Foresees Retu rn

Final Parish Totals for 1958 AppeQI

FALL RIVER NORTH ATTLEBORO .' $2,345.15 St. Mary $6,497.00 . Sacred Heart 8,476.00 Blessed· Sacrament 1,140.00 s.1. Mary Espirito Santo 1,293.01 TOWNS. 12,429.00 Holy Name AcushnetHoly Cross 622.50 $852.75 St. Francis Xavier Notre Dame 3,132.50 1,108.50 Our'Lady of the Angels 1,527.65 Assonet',-St. Bernard 1,034.37 Our Lady of Health Buzzards Bay­ Holy Rosary 1,573.50 ' 2.082.00 St. Margaret Immaculate Concep\ion 2;865.20 Central Village­ Sacred Heart 10,785.00, St. Joh the Baptist 1,314.00 2,979.80 St. Anne St. Anthony of Padua 1,4,90.60 Centerville­ 728.00 Our Lady of Victol'7' St. Anthony of Chatham­ 798.55 the Desert

H~ly Rede~mer

844.77 St: Elizabet~ ,

2.113\00 , East Falmouth­

'St. John the Baptist

St. Joseph .

3,357.75 St. Anthony . , 4,014.00 ' 2,035.00 " Fairhaven­ St. Louis

1,313:25, St. Matthew

3,359.20 St. Joseph 1,397.05 St. Michael

,427.75 St. Mary 4,501.00 . st. Patrick 340~5O Sacred' Hearts ' / 4,124.5~ SS. Petel~ & Paul /, 9 .25 Falmouth-St. Patrick .3,87 1,492;25 St.. Roch Hyannis­ 664.00 S1. Stanislaus 5,661.75 St. Francis Xavier 3,025.45 St. William 5,796.50 1,941.05 Santo Christo Mansfield-:-St.' Mal'7' NEW BEDFORD Mattapoisett­ St:~Anthony , '1,580.05 $7,123.QO Holy Na'r~e . 407.60 Assumption/ ' Nantucket­ " 207.00 Holy Rosary Oui Lady of the 1sie 3,434.00 Nortlf Dighton- .' Immaculate Conception 2,985.00 Mt. Carmel 3,527.~0 St. Joseph Our Lady of ' North EastonPerpetpal Help 1,400.50 Im:maculate Conception 7,146.00 Our Lady of Purgatory 446.00 North 'Westport...' , Sacred Heart 2,005.20 Our Lady 'of Grace 1,212.30 1;3'19.80 Norton-St. Mary ~t. Anne . 2,561.15 St. Anthony of Padua 3,224.10 Oak Bluffs­ St. Boniface ,­ 275.50 _ Sacred Heart 1.983.1~ st. .Casimir 562.50 Ocean Grove...­ St. Fral;~is of Assisi 1.084.00 St. Michael 3,059.00 st. Hedwig P Orleans-St. Joan of Arc 794.00 454.00 St. Hyacinth 900~75 Osterville--':Assumption' 2,001.25 St. James ,8,171.40 /' ,Provincetown-St. Peter 2,369.75 St. John the Baptist Sandwich." 4,157.56 St. Joseph ,4,165.16 Corpus Christi 2,072,85 St. Kilian 1,928.56 Seekonk-M~. Carmel 1,930.00 St. La':Jrence 12,099.80 Somerset­ , \ st. Mary . ,1,362.25 2,265.00 St. John of God 1,665.00 St. Therera 3,679.25' St. P3trick 3,853.10 TAUNTON St. Thomas' More $2,103.00 Holy Family South DartmouthHoly Rpsary , ' 1,015.65 St. Mary 3,0'88.00 Immaculat~ Conception 3)31.35 South Dighton-St. Peter 769.35 Our Lady of Lourdes 1,755.05 South Yarmouth~ , Sacred Hea'rt 2,478.~ 3,088.75 St. Pius ' 2,194.90 st. Anthony Swansea1,621.00 1,814.50 st. Jacques St. Dominic 1.461.00 3,768.00 St. Joseph St. Louis of France St. Mary . 7,341.25 Vineyar'd Haven~hul 2~1~ St. Augu'stine 1,613.60 ATTLEBORO

Wareham...>...St. Patrick "029.20 Holy Ghost ':

~,565.75 Wellfleet­ St. John

, 8,939.00 , Our Lady of Lourdea/, 901.00 St. Joseph 2,153.00 West Harwich--": . St. Mary 2,846.25 Holy :Trinity , 1,399.10 St. Stephen 2,035.25 Westport-St. George 3,281.50 St. Theresa 2,930.20 Woods Hole..:....St..Joseph 1,438.35


Continued from Page One lentfess efforts to destroy the Church'in China, the Archbishop listed the following: Tears and blo~d 'and Christian . example are bringing into the Church at least as many con-, verts as the preaching did of now silenced missionaries.' ,Catholics have never been 10 greatly admired in China as Uley are now. The Chuc.ch has never been 90 .well pU,blicized in China as itw today. - Speaking the' following night in P,ittsburgh at' a dinner in his honor, the Nanking Archbishop declared ,the time when Chinese exiles "can return to their homeland' to reconstruct' China is perhaps not more, than 10 years away." , "A return to China is not only

possible, but near," the Arch­

bishop asserted. "In view of the

communist . regime in China.

REHEARSAL RELAXATION: Francis Langevin, son many exiles h~v'e given up hope

of returning to their fatherland,

Mr. and Mrs':Francis Lang~vinof1069 West Street, AttIe­ but they should not give up 'boro. relaxes so well the -Holy Ghost Kindergarten play, hope." 'rehearsai. that the photographer caught hi~ sound asleep~ "Because of the economic worsening of the country and the changing attitude of the people to the ruling govern­ Con'tinu~d'from Pa.ge One alleged persecution of Prote~t- ment," he ,continued, "there is real expectation: of a revolt. of the Church in Latin America ants ,as "largely fabri'cations to Communist ideology is dying in will be decided in the next dec­ arouSe sympathy or raise funds the minds of the people; they ade, Msgr. Wagener 'added that for tt.!-eir . sects back in the saving the F!lith in Latin Amer­ Msgr. Wagener, who 'said are not in accord with ,the wor)ts they have' been shown by the ica "may be the preordained communist. efforts at. infiltration ones in power. The situation w mission of' the Church in the are ,becoming more pronounced. United States." in South America, proposed'that encouraging from ,the standpoint of a change in China." , "Latin America everywhere is the United States should cease An imp()rtant fact()r in this aroused to' change, to abandon, ,trying to make 'Latin American the old and try, the :new," he , countries into its own imag~ coming change, the Archbishop conduded, will be "the con­ continued. "The danger to !tie politically, economically and so­ sciences, the traditions, the sense . ch.urch in many are~s is that she, .' ciallY.1 and should give Latin too, will be abandoned as part America more technical assist-_ of ,morality of the Chinese people, which 'are not in agree­ of the old unless immediate !inee and more advantageous 'stop-gap measures' are adopted tariff regulations, rather than - ment with the co'ncepts of com­ munism." to <forestall ~he wholesale loss,of I , outright money gr:ants. Faith to hundreds of thousands 'of Latin Americans." The prelate asserted that the "gigantic spiritual danger" in Latiil America is due "to decades The Only Catholic College in the Diocese of Fall Rwer of spiritual neglect and a fright­ ful shortage of priests, leaving the baptized virtually I church­ less." . ' ,



Latin~Ameri(an Church in' Pe'ril


,The Faith can be saved in Latin America, he stated, "by' the grace of God and' by hun­ dreds of U. S. diocesan and reU:" gious priests, and millions of, U. S. Cath'olie' dollars rushed.to­ the spiritually neglected Latin $10

American countries to bridge Louis bup~r.e, Robert Flynn.

ST. THERESA the gap between the old and the new in' this period of change and $20.00 Lino Tiberi. social revolution." OUR LADY OF THE

$10.00, Msgi. Wagen!:!r< said suchan ASSUMPDON

J'ohn Plath, Lawrence Fuisti, all-out effor~ would provide the $50

Dominique Berardi. Mrs. Margaret E. Byrne, Frank' . Church in Latin America. "willi P. Magann, Dr; and Mrs. John sufficient- time to recruit native Administration Building •. O. Niles, Mr. and Mrs. Philip priestly vocations, to strengthen HOLY TltINITY

.,. Boudreau., ' their seminary tnlining and to $25.00

GET ACQUAINTED WITH YOUR COLLEGE $25 reawaken the' dormant' faith of , Chatham Trust Co.

Catherine Teeney. •millions." I Vtsitors Are Always Welcome $20

'. Discussing the inroads of Prot-. ST. JOSEPH A Friend.

HELP YOUR COLLEGE TO GROW estaritism in Latin America; the $25.00 $15

priest-editor said "it is in priest" / Royal Megansett Hotel John J. Cotter and Family, less areas where Protestants -Rev. THOMAS. C.OUFFY. C.S.c. Mr. 'and Mrs.. J~meS. P. Brophy.

$10.00 $fOmake their-' most 'converts.' .. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Creemer. <:>. , IhrectM:, oi Buddt7lJl FuM StonehiU' Colle{1fl Ch 1 P ME' it Mr He ,ildded that '''union Protest­ ' Mar eS 1'· h aJc Sahc erMon, d" antism, a 'catch"-all" for' all types PHONE CEdar' 8-2221

ea l' an" .... ' ,. " a n d rs R a p Mrs Jo' h P C· , M' d of, Protestantism, appears to be ' ST. MARGARET y ,NORTH E~ST9N,' MASSACHUSenS

' Mas~Ph 1I'L'· aJ;ne , rho and' making the greatest progress." $15.00 . Mrs • 1S a opes, J osep an '. I ' ,Cape Cbd 'Nursing Home. Edward Barry.' '" The pre ate termed ~harges of . ' Catherine Kenney. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Mon~, ~.~••••••••• ~~~~.~.,~~~.~•••••••••••••,~~.~~~~~'~••• ~•••••~"~,••,~~.,•• ~~"""',." ••,~ $10.00 Mr. and' Mrs. Redmond J Fitz­ / .. :if .-- Mrs. Albert Pye, Mr. and -MrS: gerald.' .',. " Paul Coughlan, Robert W. Mc-, Donald, A Friend: ST. PATRICK


ST. PIUS TENTH Frances Walsh. ,

$20.00 $10

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. John callahan,

, , $10.00 ~r. a'}d, Mrs. Harold 'Terpeny.

Bass River Pharmacy. Mr. Mr. and Mrs: J~hn Dickson, Mr.

and Mrs. Herlihy, Jennings Oil and Mrs.' Harold -Lynch.

Co., Mr. and Mrs. Girard Ouel­ ette. HOLY FAMILY



, Ella V. McCusker.


. Attleboro .Dyeing '& Finishing


. ST; JOSEPH , $15

$150, Mr. and Mrs, John Marshall.

Rev.' Francis McCarthy. $10.00

$10 The Cazemiro Family, Alfred

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Neville. Charbonne, Mr. and Mrs~ D. Mr. and Mrs; Levite, Carrier. ' DePietro, Mr.'· and Mrs. Ralph

,Oc~cin Domenici, Francis' P., Goggin.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Tetreault, Mr. ST. MICHAEL

and Mrs. Lewis TrucchL $50

OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL 'Rev.' Clement E. Dufour.'

, $25


Catholic Women's, Club.

'.1ObA CwneU.

South Attleboro


West H,arwich


Woods Hole


Buzzards B'a.y


South Yarmouth


East Taunton

No'rth Dighton


THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., May 29, 195'3

Plan Bazaar

Spotlighting Our Schools


CCD Graduation

Continued from Page One in the starring roles. Joseph's Church in Taunton. OUNT ST. MARY'S


Jeanne Benoit, Patricia Gog­ "You are apostles;" said Msgr. gin, Claire Ducharme, Elise Gerrard, emphasizing that grad­ The annual bazaar for the Cayer, Elizabeth Tallent, Nancy uates from parishes where cate­ enefit of the academy building Griswold and Judith Megan de­ chetical services were not need­ nd will be held from 10 A.M. livered speeches on the religious ed should offer their skills til 8 P.M., on Saturday, June 7 life, the field of law, the modern other parishes. "You have a the academy grounds. The Catholic housewife, the medical strict obligation to instruct any ffair is open to the publie. delinquent Catholics whom ,,_ world, and the life of a Cafuolic The Mercian Melody Maken, eollege student. Kathleen- Corri­ find in your neighborhood," ­ segment of the academy or­ Ian introduced the paneli!lts. declared. estra, entertained at the Kin, The entire production was under Honoring those who had at­ hilip Settlement HOWle Mon­ the direction of Miss Mary Ben­ tended the- course conducted by day. aon,' the school's dramatie Sister Marie Charles of the Mis­ The academ" glee 'c:l u b, teacher. trained and directed by Sister Ilion Helpers of the Sacred Hem Twenty-four atudents were Mary Gabriella, R.S.M., F.T.C.L.. of Boston, a capacity congrega­ among the members, of the CCD received excellent rat.ing at the •tion filled 8t. Joseph's Church. Course, directed by Sister Marie They joined in singing the pro­ Annual Southeastern Mass. Mu­ aic Festival. Judged by Mrs. Charles, M.H.S.H., who received cessional hymn, "Come, Ho'" Leta Whitney of the N. E. Con­ their diplomas last Saturday. Ghost," and in prayer for UK aervatory of Music, this group The American Association of Confraternity of Christian D0c­ of 60 choristers merited the fol­ University Women has awarded trine. lowing praise: "Your t.one qual­ its annual $100 scholarship to Solemn Benediction concluded

ity is beautiful! You sing as if Judith Megan; a '58 graduate, the ceremonies, with Msgr. Ger­

you really know what you are who was business manager on rard as celebrant; Rev. Edwanl


ainging about. Congratulations! the' yearbook staff. You show musicianly training. The student body viewed'. Counterspy ArmandPenha of Fairhaven chats with Most Church, Taunton, as deacon ane

Keep up the good work. You gay bit of entertaihment Tues­ Rev. KennethR. Turner, S.F.M. Penha recently disclosed Rev. Arthur Wingate of St. ~

are a credit. to your school." day, when the school sodalists seph's as subdeacon. Deacon ef

Communists activities in. this area. Bishop Turner has been ,Exposition Joan Collard and Rita Simon­ presented an "Out .of This World was Rev. _Willi3lll exiled from his Lishui See by China Reds. They warn com­ in, class of 1958, participated in Fashion Show." The program Morris, St. ,Mary's, Taunton. the R. I. Invitational Business highlighted fashions from such placency is America's greatest danger in meeting Communist Rev. Edward J. Gorm3ll. Skills Meet at the Johnson and "memorable eras as the Gold . _world-domination .plans., LL.D., Diocesan Superintendent . Wales Business School, Provi­ of . Schools, and Rev. Robel'1 Rush, the Gay Nineties, the

dence. McDonnell, C.S.C., were sated III Roaring Twenties, and the De­

Judith P. McKnight, a junior, pression.

the sanctuary. has been selected to attend the Continued from Page Onie

process of weakening the Church JESUS MARY ACADEMY, 14th annual Massachusetts Girls' the government by armed force. in China was explained. FALL RIVt:R State, a week of citizenship America Complacent

In reply to the question as to May Day ceremonies spon­ training sponsored by the Amer­ The immediate P17ril of the sit­ what can be done to combat the sored by the Sodalists were con­ ican Legion Auxiliary, which uation was underscored by Mr. danger facing America" Bishop ducted today at the academy. will be •• eld from June 13 to Penha's statement that since Turner and Mr. Penha united in A religious program was 'con­ June 20, at Bridgewater State World War II Russia has' en­ suggesting that religious leaders ducted in the auditorium with • Teacher's College. slaved a half billion men and on the r>arochial level should musical selection "Mary at Thy Miss McKnight, an honor stu­ wolhen in addition to those pre­ train carefully selected groups dent at the Mount, was recently 'Feet" rendered by Doris Des­ viously under her control. The in ways of. recognizing the perils named as an associate editor of forges with Jocelyn Cyr as piano, United States; as a bulwark of of .Communism and combating the academy newspaper, "The accompanist. A narrative, "The freedom and the greate~t capital­ subversion' with the spirit of Story of Our Lady of Lourdes," Mercian," for the coming year. ist power, is her prime remain­ sacrifice. delivered by Georgette Camp­ ing target, said Mr. Penha. ACADEMY OF THE SACRED

bell, was followed by the con­ "Complacency is America's HEARTS, FALL RIVER

gregational singing of the greatest enemy," .emphasized Pauline Robert, a junior, won "Salve Regina." Bishop Turner. "People do not the Chamber of Commerce Safe APPRAISER ,; Prefect Jeanne Plante crowned like to hear bad news-they put Driving Road-e-o trophy placing the Queen of May at the Grotto REAL ESTATE it aside." Detailing the means lirs~ in the girls' division, and and a miniature pilgrimage on by which the Church was at­ third in the entire contest. This the campus to various stations tacked in China, he explained trophy was awarded for out­ INSURANCE depicting the apparitions of that the government set up a standing ability to drive safely. Lourdes took place during the "Patriotic Catholic Church," WY 3-5762 Pauline, an active member of recitation of the Rosary. 136 Cornell St. 'owing no allegiance to Rome, Orchestra, Glee Club, and Gym Have you ever wondered no I A formal reception was eon­ with State employes as priests. New Bedford have a vocation'!' . . . (~Iln I be • is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ducted in the Convert Chapel by prl.. d'!' • . • Wllnld I be a a'.H>d . Cites China priest! It you have. you will lind Joseph Robert, 53 Marigold Av­ Sodality Director Rev. Roger great help In a brief bo.,klt'l writ­ Bishop Turner and Mr. Penha enue, Somerset. ten especIally for youn~ men like Poirier. Sod;yity probationists agreed in picturing' America's yoorself. 'faclng a dl'ei<ion that Tonight, Kathleen Stevens and pronounced their temporary ean change your elltirr Iile. This position as a fight for survival, Agnes 'Crombie, seniors, will booklet tells about thp Holy Cro)~S consecration and new officers with the alternatives of freedom Fathers who serve f'hri<l "ACro8S present a recital in the Convellt for the coming year - were in­ the world" as pArish prlt'sls. for­ . or slavery facing the nation. Hall assisted by the S.H.A. or­ eign missioners. pripsI-ll'a('h ..rs. stalled. Benediction of the Most "People in general think of war and home mlsslon('". Its plain, chestra. Blessed Sacrament terminated direct language will h,'lp you h.ke as the greatest. of evils, whereas On May 21 the junior class ' the ceremonies. the best road to sl'r\'1111{ Christ. slavery is far worse," said the Simply IIJI' out and ",,,II the cou­ took a li terary tour during Senior Jeanne Plante was -"'s whale 1:', a drink'" pon below. The .('('ol1ds It lake. Bishop. "Supernatural means are which the students visited the awarded the. Lily Manning Nurs­ may change your nle. our only hope against t.he highly U. S. S. Constitution, "Old iron­ 17 DELlCIO.US FLAVORS ing Scholarship to St. Anne's . organized tyranny of Commun­ sides"; the House of Seven Hospital. The scholarship is' ism," he declared. "The king­ BES'T SINCE 1853 Gables; and Hawthorne's Home, sponsored by the Woman's Aux­ dom of matter is 'at war against Wayside. Louisa May Alcott's iliary to the Bristol South Med­ WE DELIVER the kingdom of the spirit. It is Orchard House, Walden ~ond, ical District. North Easton, MIL'!!'!. not enough to pray; we must CALL The Old Manse, the Concord Please send me fr~.. IlIlormallUl CCD certificates were awardee. also use our God-given forces about the Holy Cross Fathers. Bridge, and the "Minute Man" WY 9-6264 last Saturday to the students of intelligence and strength in, were also viewed. At the Way­ who followed the 30-hQur course and 9-6265 the counterattack against sub­ Name' _ _ aide the class attended a lecture given at St. Joseph's in Taunversion." given by Margaret R. Lothrop, Principal Mother St. Vincent Caution Youth, daughter of Margaret Sidney, ,de Paul. lind Mother Marie Street _ _._ The Communist party capital­ author o~ Five Little Peppers, Mediatrice with juniors Jac-. izes on human weaknesses, and How They Grew. Miss L0­ queline Bou'tin, Jocelyn Cyr, An­ City ,_ _ stated Mr. Penha, in support of throp is the present owner of geline Howard, Marie Picard, Bishop Turner's expresSed fear 45 SCHOOL ST. Hawthorne's home. Sr. Mary Rita Nadeau, Lucille Lagarde, that modern youth is apt to be­ State _ _ Age _ At So. Fint St. Hortense S.U.S.C., and Sr. Celine Colette Robert, Jacqueline . (S) come an easy prey of wrong Rita S.U.S.C., accompanied the Plante, Therese MichaUd and NEW BEDFORD ideologies: He blamed poor, «roup. Claudette E. Couture were home influences, bad literature, The senior Art Appreciation guests at open house at St. and improper amusements for a Class participated in an Art Anne's Nursing School. The vis­ weakening of moral fibre in tour last week. The group first itors were escorted around by a teenagers. toured the Boston Museum of number of student nurses. Mr. enha said that as a pre­ Fine Arts where they viewed sumed Communist party member paintings of the 13th through Mission Crusade he had been required to study the 19th centuries. They also the works of Mao Tze-tung, Red .trended a violin, piano, and NOTRE DAME (NC)-"Amer­ horn concert at Gardner Muse­ ican's Vocation to the, World· China's ruler, an'd that he had um. The students then' stUdied Apostolate" will be the theme of also attended lectures by Joseph the murals at the Boston Pub­ the 18th national convention of North, editor of the now defunct "Daily Worker," at which the lic Library. Because of its- su­ the Catholic Students' Mission perb Romanesque architecture, Crusade, to be held from Aug. 21 Trinity Church was also visited to 24 'at the Universit;r of Notre by the Art Appreciation Class. Dame. ·Sr. Mar.y Adrienne and Sr. Francis Sebastian chaperoned FRANCIS J. the class. Third Order Regular of

Reds Could Toke Over in 20' Years

James F. O'Neill




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A senior program, consisting of a one-act play and various walks of li,fe open to the gradu­ ating senior, was presented to the underclassmen Monday. The play, a comic-mystery titled "My Aunt Agatha," and written by Marlene Brenner, had Jac.­ queline Bouchard, Mary Lou Doyle, Claire 'DiJcharme, ~rene Miller and Maureen Van Zandt


St. Francis


Offer to Young Men and Boys special opportunities to study for the PrIesthOOd. Lack of funds no obstacle For further i.nformation. write



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Ice Cream and Dairy Products 'FALL RIVER OS. 8-5286


Mourn Death

of Cardinal Stritch'

,Continued from p~ge One the blessing, the Cardinal drew his last breath.


solicitude and administrative ability 'that have marked his work in each of the Sees, he has headed. It was under his administration that the city's new cathedral was erected and a

The Pope was informed' immediately and the body removed to the North American College where it lay in state $1,000,000 Catholic high school inaugurated. until last night. It was then , taken to St. Ignatius Church, Milwaukee Archbishop • downtown Rome Church inOn Aug. 26, 1930,' Bishop timat~ly conne~ted, with the Stritch, then 43, was appointed .Jesuit order and thus with the Archbishop of Milwaukee" to Missions, whose overall leader- succeed Archbishop Messmer. ship the Cardinal was to have The late George Cardinal Mun­ assumed. . delein, wh'om the new jArchThe Requiem there this mornbishop subsequently succeeded lng was1 0ffered by Bishop Mar- as head of the' Chicago arch­ tin J. O'Connor, Rector of the diocese, presided .at the en­ North American College, with thronement ceremonies in Mil­ ",the Cardinal's nephew, Father' .waukee, whi~h were attende~ by Morris Stritch, Memphis pastor' c~ose to a thIrd of the AmerIcan and priests of Rome's Chicago hierarchy.. . house assisting. After Mass in As Ordinary of the Milwau­ an overflowing church, final abkee See .duri.ng the d~pression solution was pronounced by each years, ~rchblshop S~rItch. was of. the Cardinals present, with faced wI~h heartbreaklOg mIsery Eugene Cardinal Tisserant Dean on all sides. He set ~bout ex­ of the College giving th~ conpandi~g Catholic charitable ac­ tivities, giving ,particular em­ · g BI .' d u d In essmg. h . t th St V· t d P I Immediately after the Rome p a~ls 0 e . mcen. e ~u ee . th C d' I' b d Society and theCathohc SOCIal re1T!0mes, e ~r. lOa, s o y Welfare Bureau. Meanwhile he was taken to a walt~n~ plane to establisheC: the' Catholic' Youth be flown home to ChIcago. There Organization and the' C.Y.O the body of Tennessee-born ' . . Prince ot' Church is to lie. in soon g~med ~5,000 members in c State in Holy Name CaUiedral 275 parIsh umts. .. prior to a solemn funeral M;iss Chicago Ordinary and interment at Mount Carmel The third chapter in his episCemetery, Hillside, Illinois. The, eopal career opened,Dec. 27, 1?39, Cardinal had expr~ssed a wish to when the soft-_spok~n'and mdd:­ be buried there in the vault :of mannered, ArchbIshop was Bishops and it was there that. named successor to Cardinal bis right arm was placed foilow-. Mundelein in Chicago;' He took' log amputation a month earlier. charge of his new jurisdiction " .. ... March ,7, 1940, when he. was The body wdl he m stat~ un~;ll solemnly enthroned, in the pres:' &be Funeral Mass, whIch 18 ence of His Excellency, Arch'­ planned ,for 10:30. Tuesday mornbishop Giovanni Cicog~ani; Ing. ~he Mass ~Ill be celebrated Apostolic Delegate to the United by the Apostolic Delegate, Most' States.' " ' ,,' ~v. ,: Am,le~o ~ D. . Cic~gnani.. The first five years of his ~ule ' f Blsh<;,p ,~dliaC? E. COUSInS of in Chicago were filled with Peo,rIa wdl deliver the eulogy. problems arising' from the war.; The Cardinal's death left the The prelate went about solving College of Cardinals at fifty-five; them-and at the' same time fifteen short of full quota. constantly reminded the nation , :Cardinal's Life of "the problems of the • . peace ahead'''- with all - the , There is a sane realism: that energy at his command. But in which recognizes the reality of' concentrating on. big. issues, His the moral law in Catholic truth Eminence never' lost touch with .. the only true and lasting basis his flock as individuals. And one ~ individual, family, national of his practices at Christmas an!! international life. I time year in and year: out was to Thi~ is the key-note of the gather together 100 of the' need­ Immense number of written and· iest boys in the archdiocese and 1P0ken utterances --'- sermons, buy them' whole new ciutfits-­ episcopal letters, ,addresses, from suit and ties to underwear. newspaper articles, prefaces' to Named Cardinal volumes of prim;uy importance Chi~ago took him' to her heart -as well as the life itself of immediately, and the mitiori: be­ 'Bis Eminence Samuel' Cardinal came more and more aware of Stritch, Archbishop of Chicago. his Influence as a Christian The seventh 'of eight children leader. But hi,s crowning ,honor be was born' Aug. 17, 1887, i~ came 'two days before Christmas Nashville, where he attended in 1945, when the Holy Father' St. Mary's parochial ,school: His named him among 32 new Card­ father, Garrett' Stritch','~a:s':a inals of the Church. He 'and his native of Ireland, the son of a friend ··Edward Cardinal Mooney, .chool teacher. His mottier, Cath-Archtiishop of Detroit, took their erine. Malley Stritch, was born first plane ride'when they went lD America of Irish parents. . to Rome the following F«:!bruary Priest at 23 to receive their insignia of of­ ,Young Samuel .. Alphonsus :fice from the Sovereign Pontiff.

J~ Stritch completed his high But the new Chicago Cardinal,

school course at 14 and enrolled while he was fully appreciative

at St. Gregory's preparatory of the honor, deprecate. his per­

~minary in Ciricinnati. Excelsona1 merit with his customary

ling in his studies, at 16 he was humility, declaring .it stemmed

singled out by the fifth Bishop. more from the Pope's esteem for

of Nashville,' tqe 'MostI': Rev. "th~ zeal,6f my clergy, the deep

Thomas Byrne, to prepare for operative'fi'\ith' of my people, and

. the priesthood at the North. the)mportance of Chicago." American College in Rome. He .. Nine months later; when 'the completed .his philosophicaI:and Cardinal celebrated ,the' silver theological studies at 23, and:"'::' 'Ju"'lee of his consecration to 'the after receiving a special dispenepisCopacy, his place in' the sation on account of his youth hearts of his fellow bishops, as -was ordained in Rome by the well as those in his own flock, late Cardinal Respighi. That was' was amply 'demonstrated. For May ~21, .1910. three other Cardinals, more than Returning to, the.J]nited States, a hundred prelates, and t hou ­ Father Stritch serVed for a short sands of Chicagoans thronged 'to time in Nashville. Next he be- Holy Name, Cathedral for his came assistant in Memphis; takanniversary Mass.o The same ing charge of the parish a year year, the archdiocese had raised' later during the absence of the $1,500,000 to "present to him as pastor. In 1916 he was appointed a tribute ·on his being raised to . secretary to Bishop Byrne, and the cardinalate. two years 'afterward was named r--~----~-';';"----"""! Chancellor in the diocesan curia. ·Bishop at 34 In Ma'y, 1921, Pop~ Benedict XV named him a Domestic, Pre­

late, and on Aug, 10, 1921, ap-'

OIL pointed him, Bishop of Toledo.

With his consecration on Nov. Also complete Boiler-Burner 30, 192~, when he was 34, Bishop. or· Furnace Units. Efficient low cost heating. Burner and Stritch became the youngest fuel oil sales and service. member of the American hier­ archy. Stanley Oil As Ordinary of the Diocese of 480' Mt. Pleasant Street Toledo, the ,prelate put to work ~ewBedford WY 3-266'7 ~e profound learning, spirit4al

-THE ANCHOR Thurs., May 29, 1958

Law and Reason Can Avert War With Russia NOTRE DAME (NC) - War with Russia "is as certain as tomorrow's sunrise" unless law and reason. replace weapons aa the ultimate "decider" of dis­ putes bet\yeen nations, tpe presi­ - dent of the American Bar Asso­ ciation declared her,e. Charles S. Rhyne told a Notre Dame Law School honors ban­ quet that a formula or mecha­ nism must. be developed. "to maintain pea c e 'other than through arn:ts." The rule of law, he said, offers a mechanism, "with persuation and reason re­ placing weapons in the all­ impOrtant international dispute arena. ~'We ca-not be saved from the holocaust of war by science or weapons alone," he warned. Mr. Rhyne spelled out a sbi::­ point program to establish the rule of la'" as a decider of inter­ national disputes "before atomic annihilation overtakes us."


U,nveilo Marble Statue ,of Our Lady, America's Gift to Fatima Church "

Stresses Internatio~al Law The U. S. State Department "should create an entirely new section, staffed with experts FATIMA (NC) - ,America's " Standing 'on its 'five-foot ped­ whose sole and excllJ.sive 'func­

/ gift to Fatima, a great' marble estal, the image of the Immacu­ statue ,of Our Lady as she aplate Head of Mary is·almost as tion would Qe to ,concentrate on

peared to the th~ee, chlidren, pas. ' tall as the statue of the Sacred law as, a, program capable of

beim unveiled here. Heart of Jesus in, the 'center of creating a 'break-through' to . A parchment I inscribed with ~ the plaza fronting the' basilica. achieve and maintain peace." Z. 'Lawyers should be urged

the names' of 'more than 3,000 ,While 'it is believed that the contributors has b,~en placed in Marian statue will ulti'inately be' to emphasize individually the,

importance of in'ternational .law , a brass cylinder and seated in a placed iilthe niche over the door and of, the development of a· rule cavity at the base of, the .image of the church, the facade wiil of law in internationa,l affairs.by its sculptor,' California-Born have to be strengthened to take Father Thomas McGlynn, O.P. 'the enormous weight. 3. Every institution of legal The !5-and-a-h?lf-foot statue :D Father. McGlyn~, who studied education' 'in America should

make international law a re­

-was ho}st-ed .onto Its pedestal at under the late Carl Milles inter':' the foot of,theFatima basiljca nationally known Swedishsculp­ quired course.

steps by c~anes sent by the PortOI', revealed that he himself de­ 4. All government agencies

tuguese Air Force. ' cided on' another change affectshould further the use of law

to '::le greatest possible extent Statue Too Heavy ing the statue. in all international contacts. Law The statue's 13 tons have been .Gold Halo should be substituted for judged too great a weight for the Recalling that American weapons, Rhyne contended, "in niche above the main door of the women had contributed jewelry any· and every field of interna­ basilica where, the statue was which yielded. three and a third tional interest" including such to have been installed. The late pounds of· gold to adorn the specific areas as the guarantee­ Bishop Jose Alves Correia da statue, he said he decided to ing of world investments and the Silva of Leiria, the diocese which, use it simply for a halo. Orig­ protection of national bound­ includes Fatima, planned to have inaIJY,. he planned to cover the the statue as' the focal point of heart, cord, locket and star on eries.. 5. The United Nations and all

the basicila's facade when' he th~ statue with "the gold. international agencies

commissioned Father McGlynn But, when the .gold coveri.ng other should be' urged to bring legal

,to undertake the project. , were put in place, he said, they procedures to the forefront in all But Father McGlynn, who made the objects they covered spent 25 months carving the imappear clumsy: "The.' metal . deliberat~ons, particularly by making more use of /the Inter­ ,age at· his worKshop at Pietra- 'seemed to alter and enlarge the national Court of Justice and its santa, Italy, is pl~ased that it will forms." "Father McGlynn said remain indefinitely On the pedeshe commissioned a Lisbon gold- , advisory jurisdiction.' 6. The law'yers of America tal irithe big open-air sanctuary smith to' melt down the ,gold' should un)te in urging' removal before the' basil1ca. ~ . 'again and to make a plain round by the United ~tates of the pres­ "It will now be easier for the ·halo 31 inches·in diameter. The people to'see it at the foot of the . effect of, the halo, according to·· ent reservation which makes in­

step,s,' and say their prayers the sculptor; is to adorn the, applicable to our country the compl,llsory jurisdiction of the before it, than away up on the image in a simple fashion and at Internatior.al Court of Justice, to front of the church," he said. tI:te same time balance the big the end that we as a nation will Dominican Sisters base. . accep \ the jurisdiction of that The Dominican sculptor, who court in all international dis­ Ordain 15th Negro' followed the specifications of putes in the future. -Lucia dos Santos, the sole sur­ Priest from Diocese vivor of the three shepherd chil­ LAFAYETTE (NC) - Newly dren who had the 'visions of Our o ordained Father John Fisher NO JOB TOO BIG Lady in 1917; accompanied his Robinson of' the Society of- the' masterpiece here from Italy. He Divine' WOro. is the '15th "Negro NONE· TOO SMALL also· brought with him the gold, from : th~Lafayette diocese 'to ; and' ivory rosary given by 30 become 'a priest. congregations of Dominican Sis­ He'is the 13th Negro born' in ters in the United States to hang the diocese, to be ordained in the from the hand of the statue. The Society of the Divine Word, and' rosary, also designed and exe­ is the 37th, Negro· priest in the .,,, Office and Plant cuted by !father .McGlynn, was society.. , '. ' blessed by His Holiness Pope , LOWELL, MASS. Pius XII~ . 1.


Seminary Addition' DONGAN HILLS (NC)-Ar~h­ bishop Amleto Giovanni Cicog:' nani, Apostolic Delegate to' the United States, wm bless and dedicate a new $500,000 addition to the ScalabrinianFathers' St. Charles Seminary here in New York State May. 30.


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19 'I

THE ANCHO"'-~_ Thurs., May 29, 1:~

Sports Chatter

School Baseball Teams Vie For State Tourney Bids

New Hig:t Total , 'Continued from I'age One ,job in transmitting the story of Catholic Charities to the public. "To all who contributed in any way to the success of the 1958 Catholic Chari1tes Appeal g0C8 my sincere appreciation. Our job as fund raisers is over for another year, and now, day after day the Agencies supported by the Appeal will carryon God's work of caring for those in need, and our communities will be richer for the service they give. Our prayers for success have been answered." The 15 leading parishes are .Holy Name, Fall River $12,249

By Jack Kineavy The 1958 scholastic baseball season will conclude early next week to be followed by the annual Eastern MaRsachu­ 8etts Tournament. Not to be confused with the Basketbell Tourney wherein entries qualify on 8' per~enta~e basis, participation in post season dent of Fordham University, and baseball play is determined Jim Crowley, former Ram foot­ by league placement. ball coach and Notre Dame im­ Eight-team leagues qualify mortal. two schools, the champion and runnerup. Six-team circuits place only the league leader. This being an era of leagues, there are but few at-large­ berth. Again, unlike football; and basketball which are set up on a four­ dass system, baseball e m ­ braces 0 n I y l'1asses, A, B, .md C. Wareham has adready quali­ fied for Class B competition by winning the Old Colony crown. This marks the third successive year in which the Spi,llane forces have made the tourna­ - ment. If precedent counts for anything, Wareham will be matcned 'against the Narry League's second place, teani.,', At this writing,' Wareham's future opponent could be any one of four teams: Dig\1ton, Di­ man, Case or Somerset. All are bunched with 7-4 records. Dart­ mouth, with a 9-2 slate, appears to have the title well within ~rasp, but the way the league' has functioned this' Spring, nothing is certain. Contributing· no little to the present confus­ ion' was Prevost's two upset victories over Dighton (2-1) and Case (5-0) last week. Tournament instructions indi­ cate that no games after June 1 will be counted. This could pose a problem in that Narry doesn't conclude until June 3, and on that date a couple of key games are carded. Since the qualifying round doesn't get underway un­ til Thursday, June 5, it is quite probable that Tourney officials will sanction the completion of the regular schedule.

Fr. MCGinley announced that Fordham was establishing a "liv­ ing memorial" to Coffey in the form of the "Jack Coffey Award", a medal to be presented each year to the athlete achiev­ ing the highest academic stand­ ing. Standards governing the award are to be established by the faculty ,board of athletics. New York University, Ford­ ham's traditional rival in the heyday of intercollegiate foot­ ball in New York, presented Cof­ fey with an NYU blanket, Earler in the day, the Fordnam College Boosters Club presented him with 8 silver baseball which read: "To Jack Coffey', lor 37 ,years Fordham's most' active booster." The Ram baseball SOCCER CHAMPIONS: Espirito Santo of Fall River topped the Southern New England CYO SOccer League this team ushered in Coffey's re­ tirement with a 14-7 win over year. Team members shown receiving the trophy from Manhattan College. . • Manny Fr,eitas, President of the League, left, are, left to Si~veira Equals Reeord hght" Bob Couto, Ronnie, Pereira, Captain of the champion-' New Bedford, High's John Sil- . 'Bhip team, Joe Travers, and Manager, Herman, Borges. ' veira equalled -the Class A" half-, mile record .in the State ~eet . in Boston last ,Saturday. John

S'' t. V',-ncent's ',Ho'm"e' len, Fall ,R.-Yer ~~~.:~~:~~; ~x~~~:~r;:,~ ~:::~, . ,To, ,Benefit From So'ccer To~rney .

Paranya, last year, but a slow ,The first invitation junior Soc,:" first quarter and a· s~iff wind ,cer tournam.ent sponsored .. by ,caused him to be a full second . the Southern New England CYO off the, pace. The previous week" Soccer League will get 'under­ in the Greater Boston meet, Sil-.. way tomorrow "at Fail River veira came within two-tenths or' Stadium. First-round games will be a second of tying the record. The fabulous Ron Delany, p'layed tomorrow and the semi­ Ireland's gift to Villanova, will finals are scheduled for Sunda'.!", make his last collegiate appear­ also at Fall River Stadium. The ance Saturday in the annual final is set for June 8 and will IC4A competition in Philadel­ be pl~yed as part of a twin bill phia. The incomparable Irish­ which the league will sponsor man, Olympic 1500 meter champ­ for the benefit of St. Vincent's ion, will seek to duplicate last Home in Fall River. year's performance which played Seven teams are entered in .a vital role in Villanova's win­ • the tournament. In addition to ning the title. Delany will de­ ' the four teams that competed in fend his mile and- ha'lf.:.mile ' the league this season-cham­ titles as well as anchor the W:ild­ pion 'Espirito Santos of Fall cats' mile relay. River, Tiverton Orioles, Cran­ ston Juniors and PortugueseCape Team Undefeated American Juniors of Attleboro­ the Ludlow Boys Club of Lud­ In the event a deadlock still Continued from Page One exists, a playoff might be ar­ low, Mass., Mt. Carmel CYO of ranged on Wednesday, June 4.' available. means I of propaganda .New Bedford and the Portuguese Weather interference could com- " and even deception'oit behooves, Sports, also of New Bedford, plicate things, however, in which us to defend the high moral val- . are entered in the tournament. The, ,number of games to be case the league would then'have 'ues of the Christian West." to exercise its discretion. As far ,"We Catholics do not stand played at Fall River Stadium as Narry is concerned: the whole alone in this fight," he continued. tomorrow is dependent on the number of teams that will take affair may be resolved this week, "Side'by side with us ,stand mil­ but with four teams involved, lions of adherents of' other part in the tournament.' The team winning the tourna­ it's possible that some sort of' faiths. But it is certain that the deadlock will evenuate. Catholics form the cracktroops ment championship will be Coach Luke Urban's Durfee in this struggle of philosophies. awarded a beautiful 19-inch cup nine, defending state champions, We are a,ll aware that we have do,nated by Rev. Walter A. Sul­ more to defend than worldly livan, Fall River CYO· director, have just about nailed d9wn an­ on behalf of the CYO organiza­ other Bristol County title. Sec­ goods. The conflict with com­ tion. The runnerup will also ond place is very definitely up munism is not over the auto­ ,= for grabs, however. Coyle and mobile and the refrigerator-it receive a trophy. New Bedford are the teams ,in­ is over man's freedom, over the . , First-place cup will not be volved. Coach Jim Burns' war­ fIe~ individual whom the mate..,' retained by the winner but must riors took a big one away from' rialists want to shut out and to be won by a given team three New Bedford last week on the degrade' to a mere cog in ,the times before it is retired, A winner having to relinquish the strength of a no-hitter by right­ machinery of the state.'" cup in any ensuing ye'tlr will be handel', A.l Costa. , Eternal ~alues given a replica of the cup for One of the C.ape entries in the "If we want to endure' in the permanent possession. tournament ~11l be the unde­ great conflict l?etween East and' Negotiations ar.e now lInder­ fea~ed Denms-Yarmouth tea~. West," the Chancellor asserted, They and a second team Will "we must revive the spirit 1 compete ,in ,Class C. Last values, of Chri~tianity in o~:­ year Southeastern. Masschusetts selves and raise them to their s~hools monopolIzed tourney full effectiveness." r honors. Durfee won the A crown "We must remember our then went on to defeat Spring­ moral power," he concluded, field Tech to take the State "and set the eternal values of Title. Somerset, after a second human liberty as well as the place Narry finish;-copped the right to self-determination in NEW BEDFORD Class B diadem. the foreground of the dis~us­ .Ilion," Fordham Honors Coffey


The "Grand Old Man of Rose

Family Consecration Hill," Jack Coffey, Fordham's


BOSTON (NC) - Archbishop baseball coach' and gL'aduate

Richard J. Cushing of Boston manager of athletics, has an­


nounced his retirement. He wall will conduct an' archdiocese-wide tendered a testimonial dinner consecration of families to the OIL BURNER'

in New York last week and Sacred Heart of Jesus on Station there were more than 400 WEEI June 13. & The program is being carried friends and well-wishers on

hand. The principal speaker ol out in collaboration with the regional center hen: for the the evening was a former team­

501 COUNTY ST. mate of Coffey's at Fordham­ Apostleship of Prayer in New His Eminence Cardinal Spell­ England. Televised Masses dedi­ NEW BEDFORD man, Archbishop'of New York. cated to the promotion of family WY 3-1751 Other head table guests included consecration to the Sacred Heart will be oft'ered on June 1 and 8. JIr. Laurence J. McGinley, prest­

Cog in Machine'


OIL (0., IN(.


St. Lawrence, 12,099.80 . New Bedford Sacred Heart, Fall River 10,786.10 St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro 8,939.00 st. Mary, No. Attleboro 8,476.00 St. James, New Bedford st. M~ry, Taunton Immaculate Conception, No. Easton Holy Name, New Bedford Cathedral, Fall River St. Mary, Mansfield St, Francis Xavier, . Hyannis

8,171.40 7,341.21

7,1~.~ 7,123. • 8,497.00 5,796.50 5,661..

St. P~trick, Fall River 4,501._ St. Joseph, New Bedford 4,165.11



'way for the Young Nationals of., .' ,Less, than one p~r cent of the Fall River to meet the Greek-... ' total ,amount realized was ex­ American team of Brockton in.':"Pended to conduct the entire the main afuactioq of. the .~har­ ,~~iv~" leavin~ .8 net total f~ ity program J~ne 8. ' diocesan chanty work of. $362, 712.92., Admission, to the' games to­ morrow and Sunday is free but The 34 parishes comprising the there will be a slight charge for Greater Fall River area COD­ . the June 8' twin bill. tributed $90,320.04. The 28 par­ . All tournament games will be ishes in the Greater New Bed­ played in Fall River this year ford Area gave $72,333,02. but. if enough interest is evi­ . denced in other cities serviced The 11 parishes in the Great­ by the league-New Bedford, er Taunton Area contributed Attleboro and' the Providence . $30,283.95, while the six par­ area-the tourney will be rota­ ishes in the Attleboro Area gave ted in the future. $21,469.45. Two North Attle­ Officials of the .Southern New boro parishes gave $10,911.15. England CYO Soccer League, Special gifts not credited ... and other soccer officials here­ any parish amounted to abou~ are urging strong sup­ $76,185.61. . port, of the, tournament to en­ _-----------.-.,. th b 'll' couragee oys who WI \ partJ:­ cipate in it. A speCial appeal is made to the parents and fami­ lies of the players to get out to Maintenance Supplies

the games and encourage t~ SWEEPERS - SOAPS



NEW YORK (NC) - Msgr. Joseph E. Schieder, director of the Youth Department, National 1886 PURCHASE ST. Catholic Welfare Conference, has been named the 1958 recipi­ I\\EW BEDFORD ent of the St. John Baptist de WY 3-3786 La Salle Me,dal. '


To Receive Medal



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NANTUCKET' HOL:DS LARGEST DIOCESAN CANA CONFERENCE:, Very Rev; Edward F. Dowling" pastor, 'concludes the'Island program, of the Cana Conference with words ,of praise to his congregation at Our , Lady of the Isle, Nantucket. It was the l~rgest .t,urn~ut of mar~ied couples to attend a Cana Confer,ence since the Family Life Bureau program was

Island Parish En~s Cana Talks With Supper and Dance


, The fourth in a series of'Cana Conferences _was held at the parish of St. Mary, Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket. As on pre­ vious ,occasions, the ,Copferences were conducted by Rev. Ray­ mond W. McCarthy and Rev. ~ohn F. Hogan: One hundr~d and fifty-five couples ~ere.m attendance 'at ,the Church. y~ry ReVerend Edward F .. Dow~mg presided as the coupl~s 10 ums?n renewed ,their marrIage vows. Ben~diction of the most ~less~d' Sacrament concluded servIces, 10 . murch. ' ,. All the couples then adjourned to the Sea Cliff Inn where Mr. , and,' Mrs. Robert' Lloyd were 'hosts at a Buffet Supper and ,Dance. D:,ring the', evening prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. James Wherry, marrieCl for forty-six years, as the couple longest married; to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Araujo, most, recently married;' and to Mr. and Mrs., ~ohn 'McDomild, the couple in attendance having' tpe largest tamily, eight children. Serving as ushers at the Church and at the Inn were the following: Mr. Daniel Fleming, Mr. Ronald McDonald, Mr. Wil­ 1iam Medeiros, Mr. David Hold­ gate, Mr. Richard Hardy,~ Mr. Philip Marks, Mr. Robert Lema, Mr. John Laundry, and Mr. Bar­ lIT Thurston. . 0 '. ' ,An impressive and inspiration­ 111 center':piece for the Buffet Table was designed and con­ Rructed by'Mrs. William turner, featuring the Holy Family. Serv­ ing on the .Cana Couples Com-

mittee, under the direction· of Rev. Daniel Carey, with Mr. and Mrs. Wlililim Turner, were: Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sivik, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. James Glidden, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Jo­ seph Santos, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Warman, Mr. and Mrs. Francis McGarvey, Mr. and Mrs. John Keating, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Egan, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bow­ en, and Mr. 'and Mrs. Joseph Furtado.

Fr. ,ConSI~·d·Ine

Continued from Page One vention of the Catholic Press Associatfon. ' , ' , Father, Weigel said the result of sl,lch,dialogues is "not imme­ diately. religious.", Rat~er, he said, they produce an atmosphere in ichmeinbers of the two religious' c'ommunities can "live together in' harmo'ny and friend"­ ship instead of at war ,with each other." Catholic-Protestant dialogues, he added, are "an American obligation." Father 'John J., Considine, 'M.M., a native of New Bedford who is director of the Maryknoll Fathers' publications depart­ ment, spoke, on "Trouble Spots and ,'the Catholic Press." ,The Maryknoll priest' said he thinks ,.hat during the 'coming year the press will have to, watch 16 areas' of the world closely. Dividing them into categories, he ,said that three can be called "dimger !lpots, dynamite charges: that can bring world conflict." Continued from, Page Onf: These he nll"led as North Africa, Father Fitzpatrick, professor the Mid"'e East and the' Iron of sociology at Fordham Uni­ Curt!1in areas. versity, addressing the Catholic He emphasized that seven Guild of the;New York Depart­ other areas are "heavy tension ment of Correction, said: . spots, boiling caldrons that can "We speak of religion as if it spill over ,and achieve a great were to be a servant and hand­ 'maid to prevent the violation of deal of scalding on a regional, law. But what if th,e law is un­ ­ if not on a world -level." These •seven he listed as: just? What if it is unjustly or "Latin-American areas of polit­ imprudently executed? ,What if ical and socio-economic tension; it is executed by unjust men?" African multi-racial areas,. not­ Rather, Father Fitzpatrick de­ ably Kenya, \ the Sudan, the elared, religion stands above the Rhodesias and the Union (sic); law and thus can judge "the law, areas of strife, particularly the the lawgiver and the citizen as East-West struggle in South they are in the eyes of God." Asia; -Indonesia; southern Viet­ The speaker also urged prison nam; socio-economic tensions in workers to treat convicts in their Japan; tension spots in the Bam:­ care as persons worthy of re­ spect. They. should look to ' boo Curtain area." Christ as an authority on crim­ The final six areas' of the 16 inal behavior, he asserted, 'and mentioned by Father Considine remember that the delinquency were described by him as rate among the Apostles was "lighter tensibn spots." These, higher th''l"l among the young he said, are: "u. S. race tension areas; Latin American areas of peopleo! New York. ,

Religion First


inaugurated in the Fall River Diocese. The Conference was conducted by Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy,'DiocesanFa~ily Life -Bureau Director, and Rev. John' F. Hogan, Cana Conference panelist who is also New Bedford Chariti~s Bureaupirector. Rev. Daniel E. Carey, assistant at the Nantucket Church, directed plans for the soc,ial which followed.

Natucket Pa~ish Gradu'ates CCD

Graduation exercises for the eighth grade students of the Confraternity of Christian Doc­ trine were held 'at Sunday Mass recently. Dressed in appropri­ ate gowns, the graduates re­ ceived Holy Communion togeth­ er at Holy Mass. At the conclu­ sion of Mass, the graduates com­ mended themselves to imitate her example in the practice of virtue. ' They were then presented cer­ tificates and a' gift by Very Rev.• Edward F. Dowling. Prizes for excellence in Christian Doctrine were presented to Eile~n Sylvia, Roberta Owens, William Dexter, and Susan Howes. Graduating with them were: Bernard. Mur­ phy, Otto Imig, John Stackpole, Kevin Thurston, Kenneth Mc-, Ca~ley, James Manchester, John Cassano Edward Strojny, Rich­ ar,d 'l\:1au~diri, Richard Ryder, Wayne Swanson, Wayne Camp­ bell,' Fran~'es' McDonald, Joan Dav:;;, Paula Klingelfuss, Arline Lynch, Joan dlowacki, Margaret Tunning, D'awn Robinson, Ev­ elyn Robinson, Laura Doyle. religious .tension; Free Europe areas of political and 'socio­ economic tension; Free Europe areas of self-government prob­ lems in Africa, south of the 'S" -ra; political and socio­ economic tensions in Korea, Formosa and the Philippines." ~




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