Friday, May 30, 1997
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly
$14 Per Year
21 MEN were ordained as Permanent Deacons last Saturday at St. Anthony's Church, New Bedford. This was the largest class to be ordained in the history of the Diocese of Fall River. Included in the class were the first three Portuguese immigrants to be ordained in the diocese (see picture on page 4). Here the newly ordained deacons pose with Bishop Sean O'Malley, OFM, Cap., after the ceremony. Also ordained were five transitional deacons (see picture on page 3). (AnchorjJolivet photo)
26 mert ordained to permanent and transitional diaconates By Pat McGowan Anchor staff Majestic St., Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, was the setting for the May 24 ordination of 21 permanent deacons for the Fall River diocese, as well as five transitional deacons. The church, sea.ting some 1,650 worshipers, was filled with family members, close friends and fellow parishioners ofthe ordinands, who represented 19 diocesan parishes, with two parishes, St. Mary, Mansfield, and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, New Bedford, accounting for two candidates each. The only vacant places were those that afforded no view of St. Anthony's breathtaking altar. , ' . '. . , "
The opening procession of the ordination Mass included Knights,and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre, Knights and Dames of Malta, already ordained permanent deacons, the candidates and their wives, and ministers of the ordination Mass. Bishop Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap., was
presiding celebrant and homilist and also in attendance was Coadjutor Bishop Robert E. M ulvee of the Providence diocese. Also in the procession were scores of priests of the diocese. Ordination Ceremony The ordination ceremony took place in the context of
Mass, with the Liturgy of the Word preceding it. Readers were Dr. Owen McGowan, who conducted courses in the Old and New Testaments during the candidacy of the new deacons; and Arlene A. McNamee, diocesan director of Catholic Social Services. The candidates were called forth and
Charities Appeal tops $2 million mark The 1997 Diocesan Catholic Charities Appeal has surpassed the $2 million mark, reports Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, Appeal director. He expre~sed appreciation for support forthcoming from businesses, industries, professional persons and civic organizations, noting also that "the traditional strength of the Appeal" comes from the 112 parishes of the Fall River diocese. ~'lt i.s <:ncouraging to see how
some of the priests who have been named pastors for the first time within the past year have been successful in leading their parishes to higher levels of giving to the Appeal," Msgr. Harrington noted, citing the work of Father Paul Caron, Saint Francis Xavier parish, Acushnet; Father Richard Andrade, Saint Jean Baptiste parish, Fall River; and Father Robert Charlton, SS.Cc., Saint Mary's parish, Fairhaven.
"It's great to see new pastors carrying on the fine work of so many ofthe priests who have been zealous in providing leadership over the many years of the Appeal," said the director. ' Interesting vignettes have also been reported by pastors, added Msgr. Harrington, calling them illustrative of the enthusiasm of parishioners for the goals of Catholic Charities. Turn to Page 13
presented to Bishop O'Malley, who elected them, asking for the consent of the congregation, signified by prolonged applause. In his following homily, the bishop discussed the origin and vocation of the deacon as described in the First Epistle of St. Paul to Timothy, which notes that deacons must be "serious, straightforward and truthful." Deacons are ordained to serve, said the bishop, and their special ministry in the early Church was to the poor and sick. Speaking in both English and ,Portuguese, the bishop stressed that the deacon should preach "what , , ' Turnto Page 13
$200 Fall River Paper & Supply Corp. Holy Rosary Women's Guild Jackson Co., Inc.
Special Gifts $400
St. John of God St. Vincent de Paul Society, Somerset
$3.000 Duro Industries, Inc. Stevens Realty Company
$375 St. John of God Women's Guild, Somerset
$1,000 J. F. Capaldi, Swansea Priority Finishing
$350 The Herald News
$800 FirstFed Charitable Foundation
$500 Fall River Florists Supply Co. Lightolier/Fall River Ronaco International, Inc.
$300 Sacred Heart St. Vincent de Paul Society
Bee Fiberglass Custom Apparel Processing
$150 Yellow Cab of Fall River, Inc.
$130 Lacava & Sowersby Auto Parts
NEW BEDFORD $500 New Bedford District Council St. Vincent de Paul Society·
$100 Stott, Chapman, Cole & Gleason Funeral Home, Wareham
$500 Christ the King St. Vincent de Paul Society, Mashpee Aluminum Products of Cape Cod, Dennisport
$200 John·Lawrence Funeral Home, Marstons Mills
$125 Battleship Cove Gas Sunbrand
$100 Daughters of Isabella St. Patrick Circle #335 Almeida Electrical, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. RobertJ. Rubano, Somerset Met Fisheries, Inc., New Bedford
CAPE COD AND THE ISLANDS $2,200 Corpus Christi St. Vincent de Paul Society, E. Sandwich
$1,000 St. Pius XWomen's Guild, So. Yarmouth
$100 Church of the Visitation Ladies Guild, Eastham Doane, Beal and Ames, Inc., Hyannis Reef Realty, Ltd., West Dennis St. Pius XWomen's Club, So. Yarmouth
Onge; $100 M-M Robert Barboza, M-M FALL RIVER St. William $700 SI. William's SI. Vin- Raymond Rose, M-M John Zeb cent de Paul Society; $200 Mrs. Charles SOMERSET Macintyre; $150 SI. William's Women's St. Thomas More $125 M-M Michael Guild; $100 SI. William's Youth Group, J. Taylor; $100 Frederick J. Ducharme, Debra Pacheco, Carolyn Boff Jr., Pamela Greenough, M-M Charles . Sts. Peter & Paul $250 Sts. Peter & Leary Paul SI. Vincent de Paul; $150 Sts. Peter St. Patrick $100 M/M James Ban&Paul Women's Club; $100 M/M Joseph croft, M/M Denis Gaudreau Altobelli, M/M Joseph Stankiewicz, M/M SWANSEA Raymond Vaillancourt Our Lady of Fatima $200 M-M Andrew Santo Christo $800 Rev. Gastao OliBoisvert, M-M Brian Keating; $100 Our veira; $200 Santo Christo Council of Lady of Fatima Seniors Catholic Women; $150 Santo Christo SI. St. Dominic $300 St. Dominic's SI. Vincent de Paul Society, Santo Christo Vincent de Paul Society; $200 In MemoYouth Group riam of M-M Manuel Souza, M-M Manuel Espirito Santo $100 M/M Richard Terceiro; $150 M-M John Silva; $100 Barboza, Espirito Santo Prayer Commun- -M-M Joseph Vital ity,. M/M Duarte Silva St. Louis de France $500 M-M Nicola St. Jean Baptiste $150 SI. Jean BapFerrara; $440 SI. Louis de France Society tiste Catholic Women's Club of SI. Vincent de Paul; $100 M-M George T. Costa . St. Elizabeth $100 M-M Ronald G. WESTPORT Santos St. John the Baptist $250 SI. John St. Patrick $100 Imelda McHugh the Baptist Women's Guild; $100 M-M Immaculate Conception $277 James Elliott Lamontagne, M-M John L. Mercer F. Flavin; $150 Immaculate Conception NEW BEDFORD SI. Vincent de Paul Society; $130 M-M Raymond LaFleur; $100 Immaculate ConOur Lady of the Assumption $100 ception Women's Guild Henry J. Barros, Dorothy Lopes, M-M Gilbert Lisbon Sacred Heart $120 M-M William Pitera; $100 M-M Hugh Reilly, M-M James F. Holy Name $100 Deolinda Cunha, Darcy, Mrs. Joseph Akers, M-M John J. M-M Stanley GaL M-M John F. Robinson, SUllivan, M-M Robert M. Wilcox, Sacred Mrs. John J. O'Neil Heart Chess Club St. Mary $100 Henry G. Fortin & Jane St. Anne .$600 Rev. Marc H. Bergeron; Martin-Fortin, M-M Stephen Paiva, M-M $100 Edgar and Jeanne Ross, Honore Norman L'Heureux and Catherine Gauthier St. James $150 M-M Paul Lestage; Our Lady of the Angels $250 In $100 Mrs. Joseph Hathaway, Mrs. Donna Memory of Manuel Tavares; $200 Marie Pimental Charles Veloza; $100 Our Lady of Angels Our Lady of Fatima $200 M-M Clinton 1997 Confirmation Class Smith; $125 M-M Louis Leblanc St. Joseph $100 Robert J. Gagnon, Jr. St. Lawrence $500 M:M Richard T. Notre Dame de Lourdes $600 Rev. Saunders; $200 M-M Joseph P. HarringMichael S. R~cine; $275 Notre Dame ton; $175 M-M David R. Nelson; $100 In Exchange; $125 Notre Dame SI. Vincent . Memory of James F.·Harding, Sr., Mrs. / de Paul Council Ernest King, Mrs. Lillian Masse, Mrs. Genevieve F. Baillargeon, M-M Donald H. Holy Cross $460 Anonymous; $125 Racine, M-M Arthur B. Walsh Standard Pharmacy; $100 'Szewczyk Family, Valerie Winiarski NORTH DARTMOUTH Our Lady of the Holy Rosary $11 00 St. Julie Billiart $250 M-M Roland Rev. Viricent F. Diaferio; $500 M-M Hebert; $200 M-M Joseph H. Jodoin; Romeo Cipollini; $300 M-M Conrad $150 M-M Robert Bolduc, M-M Joseph Pineault; $200 Holy Rosary Women's Medeiros; $100 M-M Manuel Ferreira, Guild, Holy Rosary St. Vincent de Paul Ernest & Mary Lou Frias, M-M Martin Conf.; $150 M-M Fred Mirra & Susan; Kawa, Dr/M PaulO. LaBelle, M-M Robert $125 M-M Lawrence Talbot; $100 W. Machado, Susan Pawlak-Seaman, M~ Charles Cullen, M-M Anthony Imbriglio, M Ernest V. Rodrigues, M-M Thomas D. M-M Alphonse Saulino, Atty. John SauSbordone, M-M Fernando Sousa, Atty/M lino, Michael Saulino, M-M Juvencio William J. Synnott, M-M Charles Toomey, Silva, Ms. Alice Sullivan, Ms. Catherine . Dr/M Douglas Vrona, M-M RobertZukowSullivan, M-M Antone Viveiros, M-M Carl ski Vincelette, Steve Wrightingto~ EAST FREETOWN St. Anthony of Padua $100 SI. Anthony St. John Neumann $200 M-M Daniel of Padua Federal Credit Union Hinds; $125 ~M Mark Pepin; $100 M-M Daniel Couet, M-M Robert Pusateri, Atty. ASSONET &.Mrs. Paul Mathieu, Mrs. Daniel C. FerSt. Bernard $125 M-M Lawrence SI. ree
FAIRHAVEN St. Joseph $250 M-M James Honohan; $100 Ms. Susan Mosher
Lawrence Pasalcqua, Leo Schleicher, Dr/M Guy A. Spinelli, Mrs. Henry Walkeapaa
MARION St. Rita's $500 Rev. William G. Campbell; $250 Mrs. Sandria Parsons; $100 M-M Robert Demeo, Dr/M RobertTremblay, Claude Ellis, Stephen Downes, M-M James Feeney
RAYNHAM St. Ann $200 SI. Ann's Women's Guild; $125 M/M John J. Boutin; $100 SI. Ann's Knights of Columbus Council #10289, M/M Robert Gay -
MATTAPOISETT St. Anthony $250 Dr/M Lawrence Oliveira; $100 M-M John Duff, M-M Donald Fleming, M-M John O'Leary SOUTH DARTMOUTH St. Mary $100 Dr/Mrs James Stiller. man WAREHAM St. Patrick $1500 Virginia L. Marchand; $500 Mrs. John J. Callahan; $250 M-M Christopher O'Toole; $200 Richard Boucher; $175 M-M Paul J. Dever; $150 Claire Gordon; $100 M-M Robert S. Anderson, Mrs. William L. Brackman, Anna Cross, M-M Matthew Mutch, M-M Robert Niemi, SI. Patrick's Circle, St. Patrick's Youth Group, M-M Robert E. Short ACUSHNET St. Francis Xavier $100 Harold & Anne Crapo, Vincent & Mary Plourde, Manuel & Maria DaCosta TAUNTON Our Lady of the Holy Rosary $125 M-M William Powers; $120 Mrs. Katherine Kiernan; $100 M-M James Lizotte, Kevin Kiernan, Mrs. Anna Sienko Our Lady of Lourdes $300 Our Lady of Lourdes Holy Ghost Society Sacred Heart $600 M-M John Cullen; .$100 M-M Raymond Rogers, M-M Alfred Baptista, Jr. St. Mary $1000 In Loving Memory of the Dolan Family; $100 M-M Robert Changery, M-M Edward McGaugh ran, 'M-M James Moran, Cecelia Sheerin St. Paul $200 M-M John Dubena, M-M James Duffy, Jr.; $100 M-M Stephen Machado, Joan Silva, Edna Tyson DIGHTON St. Peter's $500 Louise Murphy; $100 M-M John Dutra NORTH DIGHTON St. Joseph $550 Frank G. Costa; $200 SI. Joseph's No. Dighton Bingo; $100 In Memory of Ned & Dot Donnelly, Donald Cleary SOUTH EASTON Holy Cross $375 George Buckley; $300 M-M Leo Ziniti, Jr.; $250 William Cafferty, M-M James Fisher; $200 Mrs. Frederick Dolloff; $150 Dr/M Edward O'Brien; $100 M-M James Azevedo, M-M Joseph Cleary, M-M John K. Ford, Patricia Anne Gentile, M-M William Matthews, Mrs. Thomas Murphy, M-M Robert W. Sullivan, Jr., M-M James Sullivan, M-M Salvatore Biancuzzo, Ms. Lori Caldwell, Mary Edmonston, Kathleen M. Kyer,
ATTLEBORO St. Stephen $240 M-M Kenneth Claflin;$100 M-M Donald Brown, M-M David Creamer, Eric Cotnoir/Heather-Marie Wood St. John the Evangelist $500 Robert B. O'Donnell, M-M John Walsh, Jr.; $175 M-M Paul Scanlan; $150 M-M Leo Danilowicz, M-M Edward Maher; $135 Anne M. Meloni; $120 M-M Richard CoffeY; $100 M-M David J. Foley, M-M Stephen Fontneau, Mrs. Francis E. Kelley, M-M Gerard LeFrancois, M-M'Paul Silvia St. Joseph's $100 M-M Alfred Pelissey, Alfred Simonelli NORTH ATTLEBORO Sacred Heart $400 M/M Edmond Goulet; $100 M/M Ronald Achin, Russell & Aline Kenney, Paul J. Sauve SOUTH ATTLEBORO St. Theresa $860 St. Vincent de Paul St. Theresa Conf.; $300 A Friend; $100 M-M Robert Dinicola, M-M Mario Monzon NORTON St. Mary $150 M-M George A. Yelle; $100 Tina Rose, Jack & Alice McGowan SEEKONK Our Lady of Mt. Carmel $240 M-M Henry F. Machado, Jr.; $200 James Araujo, James Risko; $150 MI. Carmel Women's Guild, Mr. Larrabee, M-M Raymond Silva; $125 M-M John Whittaker; $120 Joseph R. Swift; $110 M-M Robert Duarte; $100 M-M George Creighton, M-M Harold DeVine, M-M Joseph Mullen, M-M Raymond Naughton" M-M Robert Tobiasz, M-M Robert Tompkins St. Mary $400 Robert E. Curran, MD; $250 Dr/M Raymon Riley; $110 M/M Harold McCormick; $100 M/M Robert Lachapelle, M/M Michael Tamburro, Paul & Mary Ellen Keating CAPE COD & THE ISLANDS BREWSTER Our Lady ofthe Cape $100 M-M Francis J. Peters, M-M Frederick Little, Jr. BUZZARDS BAY St. Margaret $275 M/M Gerald McLaughlin; $200 M/M Gerald Hough; $100 M/M Charles Lindberg, M/M Richard Mahoney, John Santangelo, M/M Lee Stephens CENTERVI LLE Our Lady of Victory $1000 InMemory of M. Henry & Agnes Mcinerney; $500 John E. Connor; $300 M-M William Zimmer; $200 In Memory of Thomas J. Hazlett, Jr., M-M ErnestJ. Jaxtimer; $150
M·M Robert Morris; $100 H. Birmingham, M·M David Bisbee, M·M John D. Boyne, Mrs. Margaret Hart Foley, Samue Keavy, M·M Bernard F. Kelley, Mrs. Roland J. Morin, M-M John H. Murphy Dr/M iames E. Nadeau, Mrs. Stephen O'Brien, Sr., M·M Timothy Scales, Judge & Mrs. Robert Scandurra, M·M Stewart Smith
CHATHAM Holy Redeemer $1000 M·M ~:tephen Bernard; $500 Tom & Charlene Welch; $350 Knights of Columbus Pope Paul VI Council #7312; $300 Association of the Sacred Hearts; $120 M-M Douglas Wells; $100 M·M William Brennan, M·M James Enright, M·M Thomas Groux, M·M William J. Hagerty, M-M Albert Loring, Richard Spitzer, Helen Wittemorl~ EAST FALMOUTH St. Anthony $150 M-M Donald Borowski; $100 M-M William Bonito, 13ella L. Malima, M-M John A. Reine, In Memory' of the Reis Family, Marie McCarronShevory HYANNIS St. Francis Xavier $5000 SI. Vincent de Paul Society; $100 M/M John P,nnessi, M/M Richard Dresser, John & Kim Scruggs, M/M James E. Sullivan, M/M George Vigneau, M/M R. Baslille, In Memory of John McDonnell By M/M David Nauss . EAST SANDWICH Corpus Christi $1000 M-M ('wen J. Gaffney; $400 M-M Gary M. Dell3posta; $365 M-M William F. Mulcahy $300 M-M Kevin M. Flannigan; $250 M-M Thomas G. Judge, Jr.; $240 M-M George Herterick; $220 M-M Gilbert Canovale; $200 Marie B. Kelleher, Mrs. Allan D. Pierce, M-M John F. Delaney, M..M William R. Giuggio; $150 M-M Mic~ael C. Peluso, M-M Michael A. McNamara, M-M Daniel 1. Stack; $125 Neil C. Ahem; $100 M-M George D. Williams, M M George W. Streeter, M-M Charles A. Petersol, M-M Henry A. Daden, Dr/M Robert F. Mealy, M-M Donald V. Cianciolo, Mrs. Eileen M. Crane, M-M Arthur D. Kenney, rvrs. Lillian Tully, M-M Lyman S. Godin:~, Mrs. Mary M. Ryan SOUTH YARMOUTH St. Pius Tenth $1000 M-M James McGonagle; $300 David McElroy; $130 Mary A. & Mary J. Falla; $120 M-M John F. Leahy; $100 M-M James A. rv orena, M-M John D. Power, Mrs. E. Marshall Graves, M-M John Conway, M-M Kevin J. Keyser, M-M John D. Ray, M-M Brenton Ray, M-M George Martin WELLFLEET Our Lady of Lourdes $100 In Memory of Helen L. Dutra & Anne Ghimussi WEST HARWICH Holy Trinity $500 Hon. & Mrs. Gerald F. O'Neill; $200 M-M R~elt E. Brl~nnan; $170 M-M Anthony Salvato; $125 M-M Paul F. Kelly, M-M James R. McGrath;
--------------------------------------Turn to Page 15
Diocese of Fall River -- FrI., May 30, 1997
More violence VATICAN CITY(CNS) - Ethnic violence is ongoing in Zaire and in Rwanda among members of the Hutu and Tutsi tribes. Rwandan state news agency reports of a guerrilla massacre at two schools in northwestern Rwanda were relayed in the Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano. The Rwandan news agency report said militiamen stormed the
schools, killing a Belgian nun and 17 schoolgirls, and wounding 14 other girls.
Catholic Woman's Club At the annual meeting of the Fall River Catholic Woman's Club, officers were elected for the coming year: Betty Conboy, president; Mary Rodrigues, vice-president; Maureen O'Rourke, secretary; and Pauline Phenix, treasurer.
LANDSCAPE SERVICE 276 Meridian St. • Fall River
We are one of Fall River's oldest gardeners. Let us put over 36 years of experience to work for you. Contact us if you have a lawn problem or for a free estimate. Fully insured - No Job Too Big or Too Small FIVE TRANSITIONAL deacons were ordained May 24 at St. Anthony's Church, New Bedford. Pictured with Bishop Sean O'Malley, OFM, Cap., after their ordination are from left: Joseph Francis Kelly, FPO; Raphael M. Magee, FFI; Edward A. Murphy; the bishop; Leszek C. Baczkura; and George M. Roth, FFI. (Anchor/ Jplivet photo)
Citize~ns for A special performancefor young people and a look at a possible cure for Down's syndrome will highlight the annual convention of Massachusetts Citizens for Life, to be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 7, at Montrose School in Natick. The overall convention theme is "The Rest of the Story." "Usually the seculnr press reports its version of the life issues," said convention chairwoman Anne Fox, "but we know the rest of the story. This year's statewide conference offers news and information you haven't heard elsewhere - stories that affirm the truth and warm the heart." Dan Ferrone, a Newton native now a Hollywood actor, will perform Ronda Chervin's play, Born/ Unborn, at the conference. Said Mrs. Fox: "This is the most powerful vehicle for changing hearts and minds that I have seen in 25 years of pro-life work. Every teenager should see this powerful play. We want to bring as many
Life convention June 7
teachers, pastors and youth lead- to sexual conditioning, eugenics, ers as possible to the convention. euthanasia, and the role of secret We know that, once they have seen societies in the Church. Born/ Unborn, they will arrange Another conference highlight to bring it to their schools, churches will be an update from the MCFL and youth groups." (If an MCFL Charitable Trust and its Sullivan member invites a teacher or other Society. Millions of television youth leader to the convention, viewers have seen the beautiful the two may attend for t.he price of advertisements the society has one.)· placed on major networks in the Also at the conferel'l;ce, Randy Boston area. As a result, calls to Engel, executive director of the area crisis pregnancy centers have International Center for Genetic increased dramatically and chilResearch; will discuss new thera- dren have been saved from aborpies in the care of persons with tion. Down's syndrome, so effective that Have public attitudes changed some observers believe the condias well? A national polling profestion can be cured. Ms. Engel is sional will issue a report based on president of the Michael Fund, public opinion polls before and founded by the late Dr. Jerome after the ads began airing. Results Lejeune, and has written several in other parts of the country have books, including "The A to Z of also been astounding. Eugenic Abortion: A March of Dimes Primer" and "Sex Educa. Further information on the contion: The Final Plague," She has ference is available from Massatestified before Congress on many chusetts Citizens For Life, Schram occasions and has written exten- Center, 529 Main Street, Boston, sively on matters ranging from MA, 02129-1100, telephone 617population control an<l abortion 242-4199. ,.....--------_~-
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the living word
Rejoice in the Blessing The ordination of twenty-six men to the diaconate last Saturday was a historic milestone in the history of the diocese and indeed of the church as a whole. These men, twenty-one ordained as permanent deacons and five as transitionals, were a vibrant sign that the Spirit is much alive in our community of faith. Twenty years ago many in the church thought the restored order of deacon to be· a mere passing fancy of the Vatican Council. There were some who thought that if they ignored the "new" deacons, they would simply disappear. Others, lacking any sense of the diaconate itself, thought that these "lay" deacons were no more than glorified altar boys. But it should now be obvious to any who still have skeptical reservations that the order of deacon is here to stay. In fact, it is the vocational phenomenon in toqay's church. In a time when fewer are being ordained to the priesthood, the deacon has become an essential part of many areas of church life. To focus correctly on the diaconal vision as given to the church by the Second Vatican Council, today's deacons are part of a ministry close to two thousand years old. They are not members of a new church or mere relics from an archaic time. To be sure, we need a sense of continuity to understand the true significance of the diaconate and what we must also achieve is a correct view of the fullness of the diaconal vocation. One of its best descriptions ~s given to us in the new Catholic Catechism, which states that "since the Second Vatican Council the Latin Church has restored the diaconate as a proper' and permanent rank of the hierarchy.'; The Catechism emphasizes that "the permanent diaconate, which can be conferred on married men, constitutes an important enrichment for the Church mission." The Catechism goes on to say that.it is appropriate and useful that men who carry out a truly diaconal ministry in the Church, whether in liturgical,and pastoral life or in social and charitable work, should be strengthened by the imposition of hands which comes down V> us from the Apostles. ,..' , \ ' At the present time the nation's bishops are working to upgrade their national guidelines for the diaconate, a necessary undertaking, since there are now over eleven thousand deacons in theUnited States, a number that would have been inconceivable a generation ago. One of the new undertakings ofthe diaconal ministry has been helping members of the laity to fulfill their baptismal commission. This is indeed one of the most important tasks oftoday's church, where a new evangelization of the laity is a necessity. Too many sheep have fled the flock and are spiritually starving to death. One of the more important lessons learned during the past few years has been the absolute need for a deacon to realize the essential part of the liturgy in his ministry. When the diaconal order was restored, many in this country viewed the deacon as a glorified social worker; in fact, many diocesan training programs centered their vision on this rather incorrect and narrow perspective of the diaconal vocation. Deacons are ordained, they are clerics, and they are bound by their ordination to the liturgical ministry, which, far from a mere option, is the soul of the diaconate. The deacon who does not view the liturgy as the very essence of his vocation, with all that that implies in his sacramental life, totally lacks an understanding of his ministry. The church is indeed blessed in the presence of her deacons. The Editor
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER .OF THE DIOCESE OF FAll RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River P.O. BOX 7 887 Highland Avenue Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River. MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048' Send address changes to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above
EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore
Rosemary Dussault ~
'·These they set before the 'apostles;' and.·they, praying~ imposed:hll;nds on them. Acts. 6:6
Millennium icon is explained By Father Kevin J. Harrington . lical account. The pronouns he These visual symbols were crucial On Ascension Thursday, Bishop and they are alternated confus- to the spiritual vocabulary of Sean O'Malley gave parish dele- ingly and the whole incident is Christianity when literacy was gatesan icon of the Blessed Trinity introduced as an appearance of anything but universal, and, as the to be installed in all the parishes the Lord to Abraham. It is a famil- centuries progressed, a love of throughout the Diocese. The icon iar story: a mysterious stranger symbols for their own sake fed and was especially appropriate because whom the host treats well and who nourished what became a rich trait ties together the Church focus of turns out to be divine. dition of signs, gestures and sub1997 on Jesus, 1998 on the Father It is said that icons are written, jects that had the ability to convey and 1999 on the Holy Spirit. Also, not painted. Departures from tra- complex meanings to unsophistias we embark on a new millen- ditions in depicting biblical scenes cated people, nium, the hope for Christian unity are not left to the imagination of Although there have been disthe artist but to the prayerful between East and West is renewed agreements among scholars on the afresh. An appreciation of sacred inspiration of an iconographer. identity of the three angels and icons can help our understanding The West had a short-lived flirtatheir relationship to the Trinity, of Eastern traditions. tion with iconography during the there is a consensus that lhe angels' The Western Church looks upon time of the Renaissance but unforfaces are depicted as identical to the thirteenth century as its golden tunately representative icons from symbolize the equality (If the perage of theology and architecture. this period have not stood the test sons of the Trinity. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theo- of time. Iconography became a Most believe that from left to logiae is often compared to a cathe- great sport, a way to display one's right the angels repn:sent the dra!. Aquinas did for theology learning 'and mental dexterity and Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Above what the great architects did for sometimes a way to exclude those the Father is a building, symbolic their cathedrals. Through their bold not in the know. In short, icono- of the Church and worship of innovations, the architects gave a graphy, at its' worst, is nothing God. Above the Son is the Oak of new embodiment to age-old ideas. more than intellectual vanity, at its Mamre, symbolic of Christ's crubest, is nothing less than a window cifixion. Above the Holy Spirit is a In the East, the painting and upon eternity, displaying wisdom, . mountain, symbolic of the spiritveneration of icons is an ancient tradition that hearkens back to the not just cleverness. uaJ journey. third century and has flourished Such is the case of our diocesan On the table is a dish containing throughout the ages. It has been Trinity icon, which was created the meat Abraham prepared for between 1411 and 1420 by a monk recognized as a source of grace his mysterious guests and through and inspiration for generations of of the Monastery ofthe Trinity at the eyes of faith it can bl: seen as a worshipers. Zagorsk, Andrei Rublev, who dedi- symbol of the Holy Eucharist, the The icon that will be venerated cated it to the monastery's founder; continuing covenant between God throughout the diocese is a worthy St. Sergi us. Prayerful and diligent and man. On the front of the table study of this icon can be a source is a rectangular hole symbolizing representative of this rich tradiof great inspiration and insight. tion. The three anonymous angels the "narrow door" to salvation. The original is flOW in the Tretya- Clearly, when studied prayerfully, represent the three visitors of Abraham who were seen as symbolic of kov Gallery in Moscow. icons can still inspire God's people! A 1551 council of the Russian the Trinity. This is not quite as Church declared that R ublev's farfetched as it sounds, because there is much ambiguity in the bib- ...composition ~as jnspire.d Qy. God. .GOD'S . , . . : ANCHOR
Diocese of Fall River -- Fri., May 30, 1997
Communicate: Health! A Month Of Healthy Learning At Saint Anne's Hospital.
SISTER MARY Lou Simcoe (left) and Sister Benoit Marie, SUSC, were in the Fall River diocese recently, visiting the Holy Union Sisters' provinces of Fall River and Groton, MA. Both sisters are General Councillors, who travel the world gaining insights as to what needs and concerns their fellow sisters have. (Anchor/ Jolivet photo)
Holy Union Sisters continue tradition of spreading the Gospel message worldwide By Dave Jolivet Anchor staff The Sisters ofthe Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts (S USC) were founded in 1826 in France and established themselves in the United States in 1886. For over 100 years, the sisters havl: dedicated themselves to spreading the Gospel message in various ways, including working with the poor of this world. The tradition continues today. In their mission statement written in 1993, one reads thl~ following statement: "Therefore, we continue to struggle to: (1) live in the right relationship with each other; right relationship in community is essential to the struggle for justice and gives an impetus for commitment to the poor; (2) read the Scripture and the reality of lifl~ from the perspective of the poor - those who are economically pOOl' and those who are politically marginalized and to allow their experience of insecurity and deprivation to change our lives." Currently there are 620 sisters in 14 countries worldwide. Their General headquarters is situated in Rome, and there are six provinces: France, Belgium, Anglo-Hibernia (encompassing Scotland, Wales, Ireland and England), Argentina/ Chile, Fall River and Groton, MA, and one region, Cameroon. Realizing that the world is constantly changing, the Holy Union Sisters work diligently to keep up with changes and make the most of their ministry. One way of doing this is by holding an international meeting every six years. Many of the sisters attend this meeting, at which they discern where their ministries are needed in the next six years. The sisters then decide who can best lead thl~m on this forward drive and they elect a Superior General and three General Councillors for a six-Yl:ar term. A set of working papers is developed outlining the goals for the following six years. All of the sisters are asked for input to prepare the papers. In 1993, at Southampton, England, the sisters wrote the current set. During their six-year term, the Superior General and the three General Councillors travel to all areas to which the sisters minister, gaining insights into what needs and concerns should be addressed. Periodically, the four meet to discuss ~h_ejr findin8Jl and every 18
months they hold an Enlarged Council, where the leaders and representatives from each province meet to follow up their ministry action course. Two General Councillors, Sisters Mary Lou Simcoe and Benoit Marie, were in the Fall River diocese recently, visiting the Fall River and Groton provinces and the areas they serve. Sister Mary Lou was born and raised in Swansea, and as a Holy Union Sister taught at Bishop Connolly High School in Fall River and served on the campus ministry team at Bristol Community College in that city. Sister Benoit Marie was born in northern France, near the Belgian border. The Superior General is Sister Pauline Cowie from England and the remaining General Councilor is Sister Mary Harrington from Ireland. The four sisters, from diverse backgrounds, travel the world together helping keep alive the rich spiritual tradition of the Holy Union Sisters. "In visiting the sisters around the world, our role is to stimulate, encourage and implement our mission statement," said Sister Benoit Marie. "The Holy Union Sisters live a simple lifestyle," said Sister tyfary Lou. "Our ministry is an occasion for reawakening and rekindling the flame to be there for the poor, and to be with them." Sister Mary Lou said that when the Holy Union Sisters were founded, they were primarily educators. "But now, our sisters are in many different fields: in religious education, as pastoral associates, working with immigrants,as hospital chaplains, visiting the elderly, working with Catholic Relief Services and working the diocesan level." "While change is necessary sometimes, we must realize that change has to come about slowly," said Sister Benoit Marie. "Our sisters work easily with people. Simplicity is a characteristic of the Holy Union Sisters," added Sister Mary Lou. That's one thing that hasn't changed since 1826.
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, ¥ass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mll$s. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.
All of the sisters are encouraged to voice their opinions and also share their experiences. "That's an important part of the process of setting goals," said Sister Mary Lou. While helping the poor is paramount to the sisters, there are many ways of doing so. In their current mission statement is written: "We reaffirm our commitment to the poor, recognizing that there are many ways in which this can be incarnated. We need (I) to challenge in ourselves all that springs from our own prejudice, violence, discrimination, individualism and consumerism; (2) to collaborate with and be involved in groups which question unjust structures and offer alternatives; to encourage and support responsible participation, and to foster ways of networking with people and groups; (3) to continue our pilgrimage through reflection, dialogue, education and acquisition of skills." The world may be ever-ehanging, but the mission and purpose ofthe Holy Union Sisters remains constant. Sister Benoit Marie summed it up nicely saying it is important to "be able to give life to each group we meet and to the world .... to work clearly for justice." After serving their six-year term, which began in 1993, the Superior General and the three General Councillors will return to their daily ministries, and four new individuals will be elected to carryon. Sisters Mary Lou and Benoit Marie have the unique distinction of having a part in guiding the Holy Union Sisters to the end of this millennium. As the next millennium approaches, this order of religious have maintained a deep faith in the Lord, working with His poor, yet keeping up with an ever-changing society. There is little doubt that the Sisters of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts will make a difference for many years to come.
REFLECTIONS: WOMEN FOR WOMEN" Breast Cancer Support Group " Tuesdays, June 3,10 & 17 ~ 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. • Valcourt Conference Room Offers encouragement in a supportive environment for women who have a diagnosis of breast cancer. For more information contact Mary Peterson, L1CSW, at 508-674-5600, ext. 2270. DIABETES EDUCATION AND SUPPORT GROUP" • Tuesday, June 10 • 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. • Nannery Conference Room This month Jennifer Jenks, Registered Dietitian at Saint Anne's Hospital will discuss "Eating Out." Open to those with diabetes, their families, and friends. For more information contact Sharon Jones at 508-674-5600, ext. 2480. SURVIVOR'S CELEBRATING LIFE "The Art of Healing" with Bernie Siegel • Wednesday, June 11 ·6:00 p.m. • White's of Westport Learn about the mind and body connection by world-renowned author Dr. Bernie Siegel. Cost for this program is $10 per person and $20 per persons requiring continuing education credits. Pre-registration is requested. For more information contact Madeleine Deschenes at (508) 675-5688. HEART TO HEART" Cancer Survivor Support Group " Wednesdays, June 11 & 25 " 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. " Nannery Conference Room A "safe" place where cancer survivors can share concerns in confidence and look to each other for support. For more information contact Linda Pestana at 508-379-0778. CPR • Thursday, June 12 • 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. • Education Department A basic Heartsaver CPR course that will provide up-to-date medical information and use hands on practice to better develop skills and confidence. There is a $25 course fee which includes a certificate to be awarded upon completion of the course requirements and textbook. For more information contact the Education Department at (508) 674-5600, etc. 2480. HUDNER ONCOLOGY CENTER" Spring Education Series " Thursdays, June 5 &12 ·5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. " Nannery Conference Room The spring education series will address the following aspects of cancer: Thursday, June 5 "Grief and Loss Issues from Diagnosis to Survivorship" Thursday, June 12 "Pathways to Survivorship" For more information contact Mary Peterson, L1CSW or Mark Theodore, LSW at (508) 674-5600, ext. 2270. SUNOAY SENIOR LUNCHEON' .. • Sunday, June 22 • 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. • Nanne ry Conference Room Buffet lunch to be followed by a presentation on the Center for Children and Their Families. There is a $4.00 fee for this program which includes lunch and the presentation. Pre-registration is required by contacting the Food & Nutrition Services Department at (508) 674-5600, etc. 2635. SAFE SITTER " Thursday and Friday, June 26 & June 27 " Saint Anne's Hospital SAFE SlITER is a medically accurate instruction series that teaches girls and boys ages 11 to 13 how to handle emergencies when caring for young children. Class fee is $40 per student for the two day program. For more information contact the Education Department at (508) 674-5600, ext. 2480.
"All support groups are free and open to the public.
g Saint Anne's ~Hospital
CilNir.C/ ft'r our ('IIII"mlllit.v
795 Middle Street Fall River, MA 02721 (508) 674-5741
Diocese of Fall River -
Megan's Law
Fri., May 30, 1997
I can hardly think of a crime more heinous than the rape and murder of a child, but that's what Maureen and Richard Kanka had to face July 29, 1994. The couple's daughter Megan, 7, had crossed the street in their supposedly safe neighborhood in a New Jersey town, but she never came home. She was violated and killed. The suspect in the case, on trial as I write this, shared a house across the street from the Kanka's. He was a convicted sex offender, as were two men living with him in that same house. , I heard Maureen Kanka's story from her own lips in April. We were both speakers for the second annual Melanie Ilene Rieger Memorial Conference Against Violence, held at a Connecticut college. Melanie was strangled by her boyfriend two years ago. Her parents, Sam and Wanda Rieger, have f worked tirelessly ever since to raise awareness 0 violence in all its fonns. As Maureen Kanka tells the story, Megan had gone to a friend's house to see if she could come out . Iy to play. She didn't find her friend. Then a seemmg nice man called her over, asking if she'd like to see his puppy. All children love puppies, and Megan said
Irreverence list Dear Editor: A recent correspondent lamented the rise of irreverence throughout the nation as witnessed by the ridicule, scorn and derision one hears on radio and television and reads in newspapers and magazines, on records, home videos etc.... which are saturated with the vilest mockeries and blasphemies against God. However, it is also noteworthy and truly to be regretted that a significant place on the irreverence list has been assigned to a great number of our own Catholic churches. Therein, during the summer season one can see some parishi?ners attending Sunday Mass wearing an assortment of T-shirts depicting the weirdest designs and titles, miniskirts' and short shorts of all colors. There are few non-Catholic churches where such wearing apparel would be tolerated, AND THEY HAVE NO HOLY EUCHARIST. _ St. Paul, in the early days of Christianity, wrote of similar abuses:-and if he were alive today he would also include those thoughtless 'i;idividuals who approach to receive Holy Communion in sloppy shorts andothenyise, who make little of the real presence of Christ in the Most Holy ~uchar~~. We dress in a more dignified way for dates, lunches, formals andeven bingQJ~~mes. Thus it may be said that Christ is at times far more dishonoreoby._ those who bear His Name, than by those who make no profession at all. What a great need for pastoral remedial action! Edward Starks Buffalo, NY
Natiollal VOlullteers Wee){
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teau, Fernando Aguiar, Joe Preoi, Martin Middle School Tech. Education Class, Jack Conway, Catherine Scott, Mike DaSilva, Steve Lagarto, Parker Middle School Concert Band & Show Choir, Lisa Gomes, Brian Boivan, Erica Hurteau, Tiffanii Rivera, Jen Lovenburg, Jen Reynolds, Talia Borque and Katie Roy. To inquire about volunteer opportunities at Marian Manor, contact Bernadette Mackin, director of activities at 822-4885. For information about Bethany House, contact Jill Mansfield, director of activities at 822-9200.
By Antoinette Bosco Some people have objected to Megan's Law, sayh h d ing it violates the rights of offenders w 0 ave serve, their sentences. I disagree. I think the right of children to be protected has to be put above anything else, and children have a right to be safe!
Paren'ts, too, have the r'lght to, know if and when their neighborhoods might present a new danger to their children. I have talked to many professionals who maintain one can never say with certainty that ye~hat happened next is the nightmare, the mother rapists and pedophiles will not again seek a victim. said. This man choked her daughter with a belt, Maureen Kanka says she had warned Megan raped her, put her body in a box and dropped her about strangers, but she still wrestles with the quc::sthree miles from home. tion, "What did I not do? What did I do wrong?" She The following day, after a huge neighborhood speculates that Megan may not have thought of a search, with the alleged assailant himself joining the neighbor as a stranger. others, it was he who led her and her husband and the Certainly, if the Kank'as had known that three convicted sex offenders lived across the street from police to Megan's body. What nobody in the neighborhood knew was that them, they would have educated Megan in a much -_ the man had been twice convicted before this, for the more _detailed and emphatic way about who attemptedj',ape of a 5-year-old girl and for choking "strangers" are. another girl, 7,'in an,a!tempted rape. Maureen Kanka, still filled with grief and pain, When Maureen Kanka'foundthis out, she went on has worked tirelessly, not only to make communities a campaign to get legislators to require'law,~nforcesafer for children, but also to make people aware that ment agencies to release relevant information to'the __ evil can hit any family. public, especially families living within two miles, on' -~This mother deserves respect and accolades for her released sexual offenders living in their area. mission. -
I How to improve your memory'
Manor, Bethany House honor volunte~rs National Volunteers Week was a perfect time to honor volunteers at Marian Manor and Bethany House Adult Day Health Care, both in Taunton, with an appreciation luncheon' at the Manor. Volunteers serve in a variety of capacities working "behind the scenes" in bookkeeping or medical records, spending quality time with residents at Marian Manor, or visiting participants at Bethany House. All volunteers at the luncheon received a' certificate of appreciation and a gift. Emily Pelczarski, a Taunton resident who volunteers in Marian Manor's medical records department, earned special recognition during the luncheon for logging 6,500 volunteered hours. Ronald Hendricks, also from Taunton, was recognized for the 350 hours he has given to a variety of jobs in the home. Other volunteers at Marian Manor are Margaret Ford, Louise Johnson, Dora Perry, Rehoboth Anawan Lions Club, Taunton Catholic Middle School, Marian Costa, Maggie Reimillard, Cooperative Productions, St. Joseph's Women's Guild, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Dan Sullivan, Jessica Salisbury, Cheryl Karol, Telephone Pioneers of America, Wendy Davis, Cheston Chaves, Val Rebello, Charlie Gier, Viola Gier, George Bither, Mrs. Dejesus, Sisters Aquilina Jaramillo, O. P., Lucia Gomez, O.P., Elizabeth Hayes, S.S. D., Beatrice Rocha, S.S.D., Marie Therese Emou, O.P., Cecilia Michaud, O.P. and Marie Emilia Gauthier, O.P. Volunteers from Bethany House Adult Day Health Care are Patrick Menges, Michelle M. Anderson, Shauna Carpenter, Ellen M. Hur-
Her "right to know" campaign, called Megan's Law, was successful. It was approved in New Jersey in October 1994. Since then Megan's Law legislation has been accepted in some 40 states. A fed.eral version of the law also now exists.
Dear Mary: Like most of us who feel age creeping up, I am concerned about memory loss. I hear some news that I want to pass on to my husband, and when he comes home I simply cannot remember what it was. I promise to do something for one of my children, and after I hang up the phone it completely slips my mind. So far I do not think my forgetfulness is serious, but I am concerned about it getting worse. - Illinois Not all memory problems are, due to old age, but we usually attribute all our memory failures to that. When my father was 80, he would worry because he forgot where he put his car keys. I was half his age, and I did exactly the same thing. A research psychologist friend pointed out another explanation you may find consoling. Many things we do as adults, we do without thinking, on "automatic pilot" as it were. For example, when a 2-year-old is learning to eat with a spoon, he gives full attention to the task because it is a challenge to him. An adult pays no attention to eating with a spoon because it is automatic. When you have lived in the same house, in the same community for years, you have many routines you do on automatic pilot: putting things away, following a routine, even runping errands. Then when you reflect on some action, you cannot remember when, where or whether you did something. If you develop memory problems which are serious or dangerous, others will notice. In the meantime, consider your memory loss a problem to be solved, not a hopeless condition of aging. Here are some actions which might help you. Take a course to improve your memory. Che<;k community colleges, park districts or libraries which might offer adult education courses or workshops on the subject. Books on memory abound. A librarian would be happy to help you find them. Begin to use some simple basic memory aids such as the following: I. Interrupt the automatic pilot. When you put something away, stop, reflect, say to yourself out loud, "I am putting this birthday card in the top drawer of my desk. I need to mail it in one week." 2. Turn your memory problem into a game by using memory helps such as acronyms, rhymes and association. If you need to remember to buy some items, use the first letters of the items to form a word or word association. 3. The obvious memory aid is to write things __
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down. Writing is a sure way to assist memory at any age and might be your best resource of all. 4. Develop a routine. If you forget to pay bills, designate one place to put them, one certain time to pay them, and train yourself to follow this routine. If you forget things when you are leaving the house, develop a routine to gather the things you need.
With Dr. James & Mary Kenny 5. Simplifying your life makes memory easier because you have fewer tasks. Dealing with too many clothes, too many kitchen gadgets, too many credit cards, can wear you out. Getting rid of the clutter in your life can ease your memory :~roblems. . Challenges present themselves at'every point in our lives. Consider your memory prob:,em not a hopeless condition of aging but a chalknge to be met. , Reader questions on family living and child care to be answered in print are invited. Address questions: The Kennys; St. Joseph's College; 219 W. Harrison; Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.
Prayer B Holy Mother of God, Teach us to love and honor each other with the tenderness of a mother and the' innocence of a child. As we ,all walk and stumble, may your gentle guidancB protect us from evil and instill in us strength to persevere.
Conditions for marriage annulmel1ts Q. Two local politicians are attempting to obtain annulments. Both of these characters are divorced and remarried out of the church, and apparently are trying to legalize their actions. I have reviewed the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Code of Canon Law and can find nothing about annulments. Yet we know annulments exist. Is this each bishop's prerogative? Or do they still come from the Vatican? (Texas) A. Both of these individuals seem to have had tragically messed up lives. I assume you are happy and grateful that., at whatever late date, they are trying to heal what can be healed and somehow return to the practice of their faith. However, your reading of the catechism and canon law, I must say, leaves a great deal to be desired. If you're as knowledgeable as you say you are, you know that a declaration of nullity by any diocesan tribunal (normally not the Vatican) means that something essential for a valid marriage was missing from the beginning of that marriage. The catechism spells out very carefully what those essentials are: They include intentions for a permanent life commitment. to one's partner, willingness to have children, total fidelity to one's spouse in sexual and other areas of their life together, freedom from any force or fear that could make a free and voluntary marriage impossible, and so on. In addition, marr:age consent must be a "human act." This means an act that is conscious and emotionally mature, a genuine human commitment to a "partnership of the whole of life," as canon la wand the catechism speak of marriage.
When any of these essentials is lacking, says the catechism, the church can declare a marriage null. No true, valid marriage, as we understand marriage to be, ever existed. Procedures for all this are spelled out in canon law.
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Daily Readings June 21b 1:3;2: la-8; Ps 112:1-6; Mk 12:112 June 3 Th 2:9-14; Ps 112: 1-2,7-9; Mk 12; 13-17 June 4 Tb 3: 1lla,16-17a; Ps 25:29; Mk 12: 18-~~7 June 5Th 6:11;7:1,17,8:4-9a; Ps 128: 15; Mk 12;28b-34 June 6 Hos 11:1,34,8c-9; (Ps) Is 12:2-6; Eph 3:8-12,14-19; Jn 19:31-37 June 7 Tb 12: 1,515,20; (Ps) Th 13:2,68; Mk t'2:38-44 June 8 Gn 3:9-15; Ps 130:1-8; 2 Cor 4:135: 1; Mk 3:20-35
IIlm~ortantll Ta~es By Father Simon i\lary
The Brown Scapular Hear how the Scapular will save your soul! Wear the Scapular and you will not go to hell. (Virgin Mary)
By Father John J. Dietzen
The "10" (Forgotten) Commandments Ridiculed, ignored, and scoffed at by today's society. Hear about: Abortion, birth control, missing Mass...and more! Suggested donation: $8.00 each tape or $14.00 for both
As you see. the catechism not only speaks of what makes a marriage null and void, but addresses directly the church's process for granting annulments. (see especially Nos. 1625-1654)
Send to: SIGN OFt THE CROSS P.O. Box 2513-A· Attleboro Falls, MA 02763
.Dear readers: I receive inquiries often about disposal of rosaries, pictures and other religious articles. The Franciscan Monastery in Washington has an out/etfor these items and welcomes whatever you may send. The address is: Bl'Other Joseph, OFM, Franciscan Monastery, 1400 Quincy St. N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017.
Our Lady's Monthly' Message From Medjugorje
A free brochure answering question Catholics ask about Mary, the mother of Jesus, is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Church, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 6]701. . Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address.
attractive sturdiness to them. "Let's snag the armadillo no~ before some other denomination beats us to 'em." Jimmy's note reminds us how deeply these things can affect us, how Catholics do care and how cold and remote it can be in North Dakota. Candidly, a lot of other creatures received more votes than the armadillo - including Doberman pinschers, tarantulas, tyrannosaurus rex and gray whales. Sadly, some nominations were transparently self-serving - like. the folks from Bullhead, Ariz., who are pushing guess-what-kindof-fish. Some families like the Mui family in Mattapoisett, Mass., apparently held plebiscites - splitting votes between doves and camels. No, they did not explain. Horses - includ,ing the mythical ones with those pointy spears sticking out their foreheads received tons of votes. (One reader insisted any horse be named "Straight Shooter," but I'll be darned if I know why.) For the record, no one even mentioned a cow. The leading vegetable was the potato (not counting the handful of votes for Sen. Rick Santorum from Pennsylvania. who recently said Catholic Charities USA shouldn't be called Catholic). However, my rod and my staff and I are no dummies. We checked the entry postmarks. About 93 percent of the potato votes came from Idaho where potatoes are the state vegetable, mineral and animal. I know this because I used to live in Eastern Washington - very close to Idaho-type people who take Mr. Potato Head jokes very poorly. Still, an anonymous reader from Weiser (rhymes witl! geezer), Ida., points out that a potato "does have eyes in the back of its head, like my grammar school nuns. They (potatoes, not nuns) would be easy to employ as large, heliumfilled balloons for special occasions." The potato gambit was clearly
the work of slick, well-organized Catholic potato interests who thought they could buy the campaign without offering me a direct cash bribe. Well, think again. You have probably surmised that the importance of this campaign has weighed heavily. So, who wants to volunteer for the selection committee? Your comments are welcome always. Please send them to Uncle Dan, 25218 Meadow Way, Arlington, Wash. 98223.
May 25,1997 Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina
"Dear children, today I invite you to glorify God and for the Name of God to be holy in your hearts and in your life. Little children, when you are in the holiness of God, He is with you and gives you peace and joy which come only from God through prayer. That is why, little children, renew prayer in your families and your heart will glorify the holy Name of God and ·heaven will reign in your heart. lam close to you and I inter~ede for you before God. Thank you for having responded to my call."
OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE PRAYER GROUP Marian Messengers P.O. Box 647, Framingham, MA 01701 Tel. 1-508-879-9318
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Letters Welcome Letters to the editor are welcomed. All letters should be brief and the editor reserves the right to condense any letters if deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and contain a home or business address.
More suggestions for a Catholic mascot By Dan Morris Don't listen to the pundits. For one thing, how seriously can you take someone with a title that's half "pun" and half "dit"? These folks want us to believe mainstream Catholics are lethargic, lukewarm and disinterested in church topics. Hal Witness response to this column's National Catholic Mascot Selection Campaign. We have received postcards from Catholics across the country who have a passion to name a National Catholic Mascot - and leave the Episcopalians and others in the dust. As reader Jimmy Ray from North Dakota wrote, "For heaven's sake, it is obvious our mascot should be the armadillo. They are tough, thick-skinned and thoughtful. Deliberate. Close to earth. Not cuddly, but they have a certain
Diocese of Fall River - Fri., May 30, 1997
Mail to: Fr. Bill Graham, OFM Cap., P.O. Box 40109, 125-39th Street, Bldg. 3A, Pittsburgh, PA 15201-0109
THE ANCHOR, -:- Qiocese o(faH River -
Fri., May 30, 1997,
God's love is root of couple's ministry to engaged By Christine Vieira Mills An,chor Staff Ray and Edna Morin arrived for their interview with the Anchor 10 minutes early. They had walked from their car to the building in the rain, gig, gling and holding hands as they shared their umbrella. The image of their smiling faces was similar to a lami, nated photo that Edna proudly carries in her wallet: their wedding day, May 30, 1947. "It wasn't always easy," Edna said of their 50 years together, "but with God's help, we continue to love." She spoke of the Trinity as being a big part of their lives. "Of course we believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit," she said, "but for our mar, riage the trinity is always Ray, Edna and Jesus." Ray nodded in agreement. The retired industrial safety officer for the Occupational Safety and Health Adminis, tration (OSHA) has heard his wife speak those words many times over the years, "and each time it means something special," he said. For the last 25 years, the Morins have shared their sorrows, joys and general tips for healthy mar, riages with literally thousands of couples preparing for the sacrament of matrimony in the Catholic Church.
be the "first altar girl at St. Anne's." They are currently involved with three marriage prepara, tion programs: Pre,Cana, a daylong program; Even,ings for the Engaged; and Engaged Encounter, what the couple calls "the Cadillac of marriage prep" becaus.e fot many en,
Both active septuagenarians en, joy travelling to see their chil, dren and eight grandchildren and have visited many differ' ent countries. "Sometimes when we fly," Edna said, "we get bumped, so the airline gives us a free ticket. We love that." Very active in their parish,
give the talk on sexuality." Ray laughed. "Someone's got to talk about it," he added. "What's there to be embar, rassed about?" Recently, the couple attend, ed a marriage prep convention "to learn something new that we might bring into our dio, cese." There they signed up to
Ray and Edna began their married life at Blessed Sacra, ment Church in Fall River but in the early 60s moved to St. Anne's parish in that city. It was there that Father John Foister, who died in 1995, recruited them for ministry to young couples. "In 1974, we started doing Evenings for the Engaged,'" Edna explained. During this program, the Morins, now that their three children were grown, welcomed couples into their home "once or twice a week" for instruction on the sacrament of matrimony, but, if you know the Morins, hu, mor and real,life stories of trials and tribulations gave the lasting impressions. . Edna and Ray soon became known for their honest and easy way of imparting knowl, edge, not to mention their eas, ily recognizable identical clo, thing. Ray joked, "We dress alike so people will know we belong together." They also got involved in other diocesan marriage prep' aration programs. "At that time," Edna chuckled, "we were the only ones willing to
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help out wherever they could. the Morins often lead couples At the time they didn't know through their wedding rehear, that their services would be in sals. Edna taught catechism demand all over the country for 12 years and Ray, in addi, and in Canada. , tion to being a Knight of "We went'to Baltimore eight Columbus, also served on his times one year," Ray said. parish council for five years. Even though they are retired, They are both Eucharistic min' they still have busy schedules. isters and Edna was proud to
gaged couples, this weekend program is "the only time they can focus solely on each other." On May 18 the Engaged Encounter community hon, ored the couple with a sur, prise anniversary party that gathered many friends who
have worked with them over the years. "I was flabbergasted," Edna said. Another preparation that Mr. and Mrs. Morin also hold dear is a celibacy program for eighth graders called True Love Waits. Taking a deep breath, Edna blurted, "And we're in col, lege." It's true. The coup:le has begun classes at Bristol Com, munity College in Fall River and loves them. Except the last one, that is. The B+ Edna earned blew her straight A average. "We're just taking fun , classes," she said of their phi, losophy: psychology, astron, omy, creative writing, and public speaking (which they both aced) classes. "Wt: also like to have a friendly com, petition. " Ray said that they werl~ also taking Coping with Death and Dying, "because at our age..." The Morins gave advice on marriage and children. "People ask us how we can stay married to the saml~ per' son for all these years," Edna said. "But he's not the same person I married and ndther am 1." They stressed thaI: stay' ing in love means falling in love over and over again and evolving together. "You get to see more beau, tiful qualities in each other," Ray s~id. "You can't help it." On children, they offer an attitude of constant learning. "If you're willing to listen, you can really learn from your children," they agreed, adding that we are smart when we can admit that we don't know everything. "We can all learn from each other." Edna and Ray are amazed when they think about the numbers of people with whom they have been involved over the last 25 years in their minis, try and they say it has b:lessed them. "Working with young people has kept- us young," Edna said. "Yes," Ray added, "and working with marriage has made our marriage strong, er." Edna brought it all together nicely. She said, "The Chinese have a saying, 'You can't work with a rose without retaining some of the fragrance.' " To be sure, man'y have been touched by the sweet fragrance of Edna and Ray's love, in bloom for 50 years today. For information on any marriage preparation pro# gram, call the OfÂŁi.l:e of Family Ministry, tel. 999#
CPA speaker urges journalists not. to turn away from confronting culture By Julie Ashe,r DENVER (CNS) -, Dorothy Day and Cesar Chavez became leaders because they opened their eyes to the suffering around them and did not turn away, a speaker told Catholic journalists in Denver May 21. Day and Chavez found their strength in "the river beneath the river," a pure, clear river that runs underneath the polluted river that is today's culture, said Clarissa Pinkola Estes, a Jungian psychoanalyst and author. She gave the keynote address at the opening dinner ofthe Catholic Press Association's May 21-23 national convention. Estes said the river be:neath the river must guide people in confronting today's culture, which "appears to truly be a death cult at this time in our lives." "We started out on a river that was clear and unpolluted but now we find ourselves raising ,our children today floating down the river overflowing with garbage and set afire," she said. "A person who says this is not so ... is not yet awake." And, she continued, "what promised to be the great storyteller of our time - the television set has turned into a hole in the wall in our houses that pours sewage into our homes." Author of a best-selling book called "Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype," Estes
is an analyst whose specialty is narrative psychology. She also is a poet and a "cantadora," a keeper of old stories. In introducing Estes, Francis Maier, general manager of the Denver Catholic Register, asked the audience of 390 journalists to honor the speaker's longstanding policy that no photos be taken of her and that there be no taping of her address. Before her talk, Estes told Catholic News Service that her policy stemmed from her being an introvert, her feeling that she needs to establish a relationship with a photographer before allowing a picture to be taken and a worry about how her image would be used. , In her talk she related a few stories she had heard growing up in rural Indiana, saying she comes from a family with a strong oral tradition. She sprinkled Spanish phrases throughout her remarks and shared a couple of her poems. Estes said she believes that the Holy Spirit comes "as a great wind and stands behind some of the most important and poignant stories that we have to tell." "You always know when 'Ia evangelista' is present because a story moves you in a certain way; it will even make you fearful or it may also inspire you." In her analysis sessions, she said, she finds some clients saying they feel they have lost their souls. "In our culture we don't take
Archbishop tells journalists to focus on millennium DENVER (CNS) - The upcoming millennium marks the anniversary of the "biggest story in the history of the world," Archbishop John P. Foley told a gathering of international Catholic journalists. "Have a special concern for the approaching year 2000," said the archbishop, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, during a May 21 address to members of the International Catholic Union of the Press. Archbishop Foley told UCIP members, attending their annual meeting May 18-21 in Denver prior to the Catholic Press Association's national convention, that "the celebration of the year. 2000 makes sense only in the context of a Christian world view." He said that human time is measured by the birth of Christ, thus "we implicitly recognize every time we write a date that the birth of Christ is the central event in human history." The archbishop acknowledged that even if the exact date of Christ's birth is contestable, its reality is not. "Human history," he said, "makes sense only in the context of the coming of the God-man Jesus Christ." He said the significance of the year 2000 would not bl~ in the "arrival of visitors from outer space or in whatever else the millennium sects might imagine," but in the reality that we are 2,000 years into a Christian era "with so much of what Jesus Christ taught either unknown or ignored in the world, even perhaps among many Catholics." He encouraged those who work in secular publications to be sure
that their religion coverage is accurate and objective "without venting the prejudices of anticlerical antipathy or condescending political correctness." He stressed that those working in religious publications should strive to "inculcate an appreciation of the significance of the year 2000," helping readers to recall "the all-important event of God becoming man." "What are we doing as those responsible for Catholic publications to make Jesus better known, loved and served among those who are our readers and to make him known or better known by others in the world? In brief;"he asked, "what are we doing to evangelize?" The archbishop emphasized that by communicating the importance of Jesus, "everything else should fall into place," such as honesty, integrity,justice and peace, brotherhood and progress. In preparation for the millennium and for UCIP's 1998 World Congress in Paris, he said, nothing could be more fitting than a "personal, professional and institutional commitment to communicate Jesus" by personal example and daily outlook and through the philosophy of one's publication. "Every time you write a date, remember that you arC;: making an act of faith in the Word made flesh - and let your, work be informed by that perspective," he said. "Essentially, everything has been changed by the corning Of Jesus," he said. "We as communicators should not only recognize that change but help to make it a reality."
that seriously," she said. Instead people are advised to take a college course, dye their hair, get a transplant or do something else to make them feel better about themselves. They are told to "stuff something in that emptiness;' according to Estes, rather than to look beyond "the banquet of illusion" and see how they can make a difference in the world. Individuals who have suffered, have been in an accident or had a tragedy befall them are "being called to serve (others) in some capacity," she said. Feelings of grief can be turned into "something that is rich," Estes said. "It makes you strong, it makes you courageous, so you can bear what you see and not turn back." Estes also finds courage and fortitude in her confirmation, a sacrament she said she takes seriously, especially the words "be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit." In those words Catholics can find the fortitude and courage to confront the polluted river of today's culture, she said. Fortitude allows people to open their eyes to what goes on around them, "to the pain and sorrow," and enables them to act to help "repair the world's soul." Following Estes' talk, Maier told CNS that convention planners chose her to speak because she was local, articulate and a Latina. He said the Denver Catholic Register first became aware of her when she publicly criticized a local TV station for using an image of a woman confessing the "sin" of enjoying the approach to news of a controversial news anchor. Estes said it trivialized the sacrament, and "we liked what she said," Maier said. "The purpose of the (Catholic press) conference was to begin with something that would engage the heart, emotionally touch people as we began," he added. "We got a real sense of her love for the church and her respect for the sacraments." Maier added that he did not find it odd that she was unwilling to have her photo taken even during a presentation to journalists. "She doesn't like her picture taken. She values her privacy a great deal," he said.
Study needed ATLANTA (eNS) - An inadequate vision of diaconal ministry in the United States has led to the increasing "parochialization" of permanent dl:acons, a priest told a national conference in April. Father Nick Rice, president of the National Federation of Priests' Councils, addressed the National Association of Diaconate Directors at their annual meeting in Atlanta last month. Noting that eight percent of U.S. permanent deacons are already in charge of parishes that are without resident pastors, Father Rice said that percentage is likely to increase as the priest shortage worsens. "This increased 'parochialization' of the diaconate ought to be studied very carefully, lest the diaconate be cast as a 'miniaturized priesthood,'" he said.
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., May 30, 1997
New Franciscan head says order must instill hope ASSISI, Italy (CNS) - The I I9th successor of St. Francis of Assisi said the Franciscans' primary task is to help people find hope and to combat a growing sense of loneliness in the world. Father Giacomo Bini, a 58-yearold Italian member of the Order of Friars Minor, was elected head of the order May 14 at the general chapter meeting in Assisi. "Our task will be, above all, that of increasing in the world an ability to hope and the spirit of communion in opposition to the solitude which is spreading," Father Bini said at a May 15 press conference. The mission of the Franciscans at the end of the 20th century, he said, is "to spread a message of reconciliation, communion and peace." The new minister general of the order said he hoped to strengthn the Franciscan missions in Africa, Asia and the countries ofthe former Soviet Union, "which give the order an ever more global breadth and make it easier to overcome the nationalism and individualism which are so seriously widespread in the world."
Father Bini has seen up close what an overemphasis on nationality or ethnic identity can lead to. He worked in Rwanda for six years and in Tanzania for three years before being appointed provincial superior for eastern Africa in 1991. "A friar minor must be, like Francis, a brother to all, open to acceptance, peaceful, able to see the other as made in the image of God," he said. Father Bini began his meeting with reporters in Assisi by describing the importance of obedience in the Franciscan lifestyle. "Obedience is the capacity or, better, the freedom of not knowing where you are going, but at the same time knowing you never go alone," he said. The Franciscan said he saw his new ministry as "a journey of brotherhood in the effort to build more unity with respect for diversity and to overcome ethnocentrism, nationalism and individualism."
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Diocesan nursing 'homes celebrate National Nursing Facilities Wleek
AT CATHOLIC Memorial Home, Fall River, residents and their young friends from Holy Name School, also Fall River, started the week with a carnival including game&, clowns, popcorn and pony rides. Mary Charette admires Jeffrey Ostroski's fancy balloon hat while Mickey Bradbury, an activities assistant, looks on. .
BIG WAVES from Madonna Manor, Attleboro! Residents and staff enjoyed a. Magic Kingdom ice cream social in honor of Nursing Facilities Week and Disney's 25th anniversary. A replica of the Magic Kingdom's castle helped transform the dining room into a mi.niature Disney World. .
SEVENTH GRADERS from St. Joseph School, Fairshared a pizza luncheon with Our Lady's Haven residents in Fairhaven. Student Jessica Oliveira and Ester Sleeper. share a 'smile during the lunch. have~,
HOT FUDGE sundaes were a delicious way to end National Nursing Facilities Week at Marian Manor, Taunton. Dave Valerio kept festive music playing on the keyboard and staff members tried out hula hoops to the delight of residents. Bernadette Mackin, director. of therapeutic act'ivities, serves Marion Fernandes a sundae.
SANDWICH SENIOR CENTI~R Transportation to a supermarket, a· bank and a pha.rmacy is available each Thursday and Friday morning. Reservations for this service must be made by noon Wednesday at the Council on Aging office, tel. 888-4737. Also available is outreach c'Dunseling with Elaine Emery from 10 a.m. to noon each Monday. Advice is available on such topicsils benefit screening and I}eeds assessment. A respite program providing persons to stay with a ho mebound elder for a few hours wh:ile a caregiver has engagements o'lJtside the home is coordinated hy Cathy Gallagher, who is at the office from 10 a.m. to noon each Friday. Volunteers for this program are also welcome. A health :insurance counselor offers home visits. Call the Council office for more information. NEW DATE FOR SOCIAL SECURITY CHECKS Beginning in June, new recipients of Social Security benefits will receive them on the second, third or fourth Wednesday of the month instead of on th,~ third of the month. Present recipients will continue to receive their benefits on the third of each me'nth, with the exception of Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries, who will move to the new dates. Those born between the first and 10th of a month will receive their benefits each second Wednesday; those between the 11th and the 20th on the third and those between the 21 st and the 31st on the fourth.
.. THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-F~i., M~y 30, 1997
Norris H. Tripp
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The Massachusetts Family Institute, apro-family research and education organization associatedwith Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council, seeks an experienced development professional to serve as Director of Development. Will supervise all organizational development operations and report directly to the President. Must be ahighly motivated individual who is capable of taking initiative. Must also have aproven track record as adevelopment professional. PI8a. SlIId to: Matthew DlIIl8lB, PreBldent MasslcbuB8tt8 Famly t1s1Itute, 381 Eliot Street Newton Upper FdB, MA 02184 • Fax: (Gln 928-1515
NEW OFFI<:ERS for the National Association of Catholic Nurses were installed at their annual conference: held recently in Lisle, Ill. From left are: vice-president Marlene Rasmussen and treasurer Hellen Bills of Joliet, Ill.; recording secretary Joan Doherty of Boston; and president Marylee: Meehan and corresponding s~cretary Joan Morin of Fall River. I
Saint Anne's Hospital News The Multicultural Health Committee of Saint Anne's Hospital, Fall River, recently awarded six scholarships totalling $3,000 to greater Fall River a.rea residents who have been accepted into a fulltime secondary ed ucation program or are working toward a degree in healthcare. The scholarship program is part of the hospital's continuing effort to improve access to education and reduce the cultural barriers faced by minorities in greater Fall River. Mayor Edward M. Lambert, Jr. invited the Multicultural Health Committee to present the scholarships as part of ceremonies during a recent celebration of cultural. and ethnic diversity. On hand for the presentations were Natalia Konarski, co-chairperson of the committee, and Josleph Wilczek, president and CEO of Saint Anne's. The Employee Scholarship recipient, Karen Herndon, RN, is enrolled at Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI, and is pursuing a degree in Social and Health Services. She has been employed at Saint Anne's sincle 1977 and is currently working in the intensive care unit. Employee Relative Scholarships were awarded to Kimberly Patricio and Crystal Berube. Kimberly, valedictorian of the B.M.e. Durfee class of 1996, is studying biochemistry and biology at Brandeis University, Waltham. Crystal, a senior at B. M.C. Durfee, is pursuing a degree in Occupational Therapy at the University of New England, Biddefo'rd, Maine. Luis Feliciano, Albertina Barbosa and Susan DaSilva were each awarded a Community Scholarship. Luis Feliciano, a senior at B. M. e. Durfee High School, will be pursuing a degree in physics at UMass Dartmouth. Albertina Barbosa, a graduate of B. M.e. Durfee High School, is currently employed J.,
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as Director of Admissions at Catholic Memorial Honie, Fall River, and is pursuing a rriaster's degree in Health Services Administration at Salve Regina University, Newport, RI. Susan DaSilva is pursuing a.nursing degree', also at Salve Regina. . . -". . The M ulticulturai Health Committee was establis~ed in 1984 to better serve the large Portuguese population. In 1993, it expanded to represent other linguistic communities attempting to reduce the barriers of language. For more information about the Multicultural Health Committee and/ or its annual scholarship program, please call Alb~rtina Pacheco and/or Natalia Koparski at 6745600, Ext. 2455. , Community Ties A team of seven: professionals has been invited to participate in a program aimed at reestablishing ties between the Ponta Delgada School of Nursing, Portugal, and the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Collegli of Nursing. This two-week program has been coordinated by the i University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, with the hope of gaining a better understanding of thl: cultural influences on health care in' an effort to enhance the education and delivery of care to the Portuguese community. Among those inVIted to participate is Maria Caorales, RN, a community outreach nurse at Saint Anne's who primarily focuses on breast cancer awareness and patient education. Other invitees and their respective specialties include Tina Pacheco, pediatric outreach; Frances Fuller, St. ~uke's Hospital Outpatient Oncology; Mary Ann Wagan, Coon;linator of the Upper Cape Cod Breast and Cervical Cancer Initiative; UMass Dartmouth faculty members Phyllis Currier, gerontology; Carol Mailloux, obstetrics; and Dean
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Elizabeth Pennington, UMass Dartmouth College of Nursing. Bond Upgrade A steadily improved operating and financial performance has garnered Saint Anne's Hospital a bond rating upgrade from Standard & Poor's "BB" rating to "BBB." . This is the second consecutive year that Saint Anne's has received a bond rating upgrade, making it one of very few Massachusetts _ hospitals to be so recognized by the financial community for improved operating and financial performance. Standard & Poor's cited Saint Anne's continued stability in market share and its strategic affiliation with Caritas Christi, a health care system organized by the Archdiocese of Boston, as contributing factors in the upgrade. Other factors included Saint Anne's gradual operating improvement from 1992 through 1995 and its improved liquidity positioning with improved cash balances. Standard & Poor's report recognized Saint Anne's continued ability to attract new physicians and keep existing ones. In the most recent fiscal year, admissions to the hospital totaled 4,841, supporting a stable market share position of 26 percent. Standard & Poor's also noted a 28.9 percent increase in outpatient visits and a 10.8 percent increase in radiation therapy utilization. Standard & Poor's ratings provide investors with a simple, yet reliable means by which the relative financial strength of an organization can b,e evaluated as part of the investment decision process. By upgrading the hospital's outstanding revenue bonds to "BBB" Standard & Poor's is acknowledging the hospital's steadily improving financial outlook. The improved financial standing will also give Saint Anne's Hospital better access to capital in the future.
202 Rock Sf. Fall RIver
The National CathoDe Pharmacists Guild 01 tile Unllecl SIIles
Friday, May 30 - 7:30 p.m. CAFETERIA GRAND REOPENING AS "HARVEST HOUSE RESTAURANT" Saturday, May 31 & Sunday, June 1 Under new management: Chris & Jim Gorman Hours: Saturdays & Sundays: 11 :00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. COFFEE HOUSE: "BRETHREN" Saturday, May 31 - 6:30 p.m. HISPANIC PILGRIMAGE DAY
Sunday, June 1 - 2:00 p.m. LA SALETTE & DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS
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THE ANCHOR-':'Oiocese of Fall River-Fri., May'30, 1997
Virgin Islands bishop calls child abuse in U.S. "national disgrace" ST. THOMAS, Virgin Islands (CNS) - Bishop Elliot G. Thomas of St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, has described child abuse in the United States as a "national disgrace" and urged Catholics on the islands to combat the problem. Bishop Thomas said in a specially prepared message for National Child Abuse Month that children are now becoming endangered by "growing violent abuse and neglect."
After quoting from U.S. figures for abortion, infant mortality and teen suicide, Bishop Thomas said that while the situation was depressing, children in other parts of the world "face a fate which is even more tragic ... millions die from malnutrition, disease and military conflict," and "are growing up in refugee camps." He called on Catholics not to accept violence and abuse directed toward defenseless children.
He said the church of the Virgin Islands must be honest and "take a critical look" at itself and see what needs to be done "to rid our community of this social stigma."
"Let us resolve to reverse the tide, not merely to stop child abuse, but to truly see the child as a gift from God," the bishop said.
The Virgin Islands, situation in the Caribbean, are part of the U.S. Catholic Church. Fall River Bishop Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap., preceded Bishop Thomas as Ordinary of the diocese of St. Thomas.
Urging parishes to examine ways to help parents, and schools to develop parenting programs, Bishop Thomas said that as the church approaches the third millennium, it,must work toward making fami'Iies "places of welcome" for children.
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STUDENTS AT the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater meditate in a prayer labyrinth at the school. The labyrinth is a replica of one laid in the Chartres cathedral in France around 1220. It is viewed as a tool for prayer and a metaphorfor the spiritual journey. (CNS/ Kinateder ~M~
"At times there is a 'Let them starve' mentality"
North Koreans star~e as many W estern,~rs stand by, says Caritas director
By Cindy Wooden are shared and almost all the country's 24 million people are facing VATICAN CITY (CNS) malnourishment. Despite continual appeals' from "The whole of North Korea is the North Korean government for food aid to prevent massive star- basically a food-for-work provation, many, Western governments gram," she said. Food' staples, ~~ . have chosen ~ot to respond, said a . including rice, have been rationed .for almost 50 years, and now peoCatholic relief agency official. 0/1/ OJAt times, there is a 'Let them ple willing to clear fields or work Vb ~eaoeA/ .' , starve' mentality," said Kaethi Zell- on dam reconstruction are given weger,director of international extra rations. "But on my last visit, I noticed cooperation for Caritas Hong that the energy level is very low," Kong. .she said. Even people receiving . Oh adorable and Divine Will, behold me here before the Zellweger, who briefed officials immensity of Your Ught, that Your eternal goodness may open at Caritas Internationalis about extra food in exchange for their work aren't getting enough caloto me the doors and make me enter into It to form my life all in the ongoingemergency in North Korea, ries to perform the work like they said many governments seem conYou, Divine Will. Therefore, oh adorable Will, prostrate before once did." Your Ught, I, the least of all creatures, put myself into the little' . tent to blame North Korea's comZellweger said that during her munist regime for the famine. group of the sons and daughters of Your Supreme FIAT. ProsApril visit she noticed many more. "But people are starving,': she empty desks at nursery schools trate in my nothingness, I invoke Your Ught and beg that It told reporters May 22 at the Vaticlothe me and eclipse all that does not pertain to You,Divine can offices of Caritas Internation- and kindergarten~,which she attriWill. It will be my Ufe, the cehter of my intelligence, the alis, the umbrella organization for buted to the discontinuation of lunch programs and to children. national Catholic charities. enrapturer of my heart and of my whole being. I do not want . Zellweger has. visited North being too weak to walk to school. the human will to have life in this heart any longer. I will cast it Korea 10 times since August 1995, Hospitals a're almost empty as away from me and thus form the new Eden of Peace, of happiwhen the government first an- well, because they have no mediness and of love. With It I shall be always happy. I shall have nounced its people were suffering cine and no food for their patients. Except for Pyongyang, the capisingular strength and a holiness that sanctifies all things and from severe food shortages due to conducts them to.God. flooding. New flooding and crop tal, "it's equal poverty" throughfailures were reported in 1996 as out the country, she said. "The litHere prostrate, I invoke the help of the Most Holy Trinity, tle food they have is distributed well. that They permit me to live in the cloister of the Divine Will very evenly and thinly. So hunger "With each visit,. I've seen the and thus return in me the first order of creation, just as the situation get worse," she said. Her is widespread. It is a very slow creature was created. famine." most recenfvisit was in late April. The official rice ration was Heavenly Mother, Sovereign and Queen of the Divine Rat, Caritas Hong Kong is coordi- recently reduced to 100 grams (3.5 take my hand and introduce me into the Ught of the Divine . nating the Catholic Church's re- oz) per person per day, providing Will. You will be my guide, my most tender Mother, and will sponse to the famine with support 380 calories, she said. teach me to live in and to maintain myself in the order and the from the global network of national "Whatever is edible is cooked. Catholic charities, including the Leaves, roots, bark are cooked in a bounc;ls of the Divine Will. Heavenly Mother, I consecrate my U.S. bishops' Catholic Relief Serv- soup and the rice or corn is added," whole being to Your Immaculate Heart. You will teach me the ices. Zellweger said. . doctrine of the Divine Will and I will listen most attentively to In 1995 and 1996 a total of $5.5 Caritas and the U.N.'s World Your lessons. You will cover me with Your mantle so that the million in Caritas' aid was distrib- Food Program are the two largest infernal serpent dare not penetrate into this sacred Eden to uted in North Korea, she said. The nongovernmental organizations entice me and make me fall into the maze of the human will. amount included what the Vatican working in North Korea, despite described as a "symbolic" donaHeart of my greatest Good, Jesus, You will give me Your the Communist Party's longstandtion by Pope John Paul II. flames that they may burn me, consume me, and feed me to ing hostility toward religion, includIn February, Caritas sent out a ing Catholicism. form in me the Ufe of the Divine Will. new appeal for $3.7 million and by In the entire co!:'ntry, Zellweger Saint Joseph, you will be my protector, the guardian of my mid-May had collected pledges for heart, and will keep the keys of my will in your hands. You will about 60 percent of the total. keep my heart jealously and shall never give it to me again, Zellweger said a lack of governthat I may be sure of never leaving the Will of God. ment statistics combined with decades of secrecy make it difficult My guardian Angel, guard me; defend me; help me in everyto know exactly how many people thing so that my Eden may flourish and be the instrument that are facing starvation. But the draws all men into the Kingdom of t.he Divine Will. Amen. country has a highly efficient socialist distribution system,'which (In Honor of Luisa Piccarreta 1865-1947 Child of the Diuine Will) means the few resources.,available
.r~ ~~ ~
Consecration to the Divine Will
said, there is only one legal Catholic church. The government bdlt it in 1988, but because there is no Catholic priest, lay people in the 50member congregation lead the Sunday prayer service. ' While the North Korean government, like that in China, strictly controls all religious activity, it has welcomed Caritas' work, Zellweger said. Most, of the people re.;eiving Caritas' food probably do not realize the Catholic Church is the provider, "because they don't know anything about the Catholic Church," she said. "But at a higher level (local and national goverment officials), everyone knows it is the church." Every item Caritas sends to North Korea has a large Caritas Hign on it, Zellwege'r said. "I was amazed that our logo has never been a problem - there is a very b'ig cross on every ric,e bag," she said. . Because there is no local Caritas network to distribute aid, Caritas Hong Kong is working directly with the North Korean government. Zellweger said the c,:>mmunist regime has accepted all of Caritas' conditions for distribution and monitoring. "Over the years we have managed to establish a relationship of trust with the government," she said. When she wants to visit the country to check on the program, she sends a fax and the government makes arrangements for the field visits she specifies. "We have not discovered any. misappropriation or mi!:use of funds," she said. "There an: strong controls in place, and the I~overn足 ment is aware that if thelie were any reports of misuse, the: whole aid program would be in danger."
T'HE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 30,1997
21 PERMANENT deacons and five transitiQnal deacons were ordained in the diocese last weekend. Here the men lie prostrate during the J;,itany of the Saints. (Anchor / Jolivet photo)
Continued from Page One
people need to hear, not what they want to hear." The ordination ceremony continued after the homily as Bishop O'Malley ordained both the t.ransitional deacons, who willl continue to the priesthood, and the permanent dea(:ons. Each pro~ised obedience to the bishop and to his successors, then they and the congregationjoined in the sung Litany of. ~he Sa.~nts.. . . Then came the essential part of the ordination rite as the bishop laid hands on each candidate and offered the Prayer of Consecration. There followed 1the moving investiture of each man with the diaconal stole and dalmatico The vestments were presented by the wife of each new permanent deacon and the attending priests vested each man. The bishop then presented the Lectionary of scriptural
deacons ordained
readings and psalm responsories for Mass to the deacons, saying to: each, "Receive the Gospel of Christ whose herald you now are: believe what yo~ read; teach
what you believe; practice what you teach" in Portuguese or English, depending on the parish of the deacon. The kiss of peace followed, then the liturgy continued.
At the end of Mass, Bishop O'Malley called for applause for the new permanent deacons and for the wives and families who had supported them throughout their candidacy; also for Father John F. Moore and Deacon Lawrence A. St. Onge, director and assistant director of the Permanent Diaconate program; and for Father Edmond R. Levesque, pastor, and the choir and people of St. Anthony of Padua Church for their hospitality on the occasion of a historic day in both their parish and the Fall River diocese. . A videotape oflast Saturday's Permanent Diaconate Ordination is in production and will be available shortly. The tape is being professionally produced and will make a lasting memento of . the beautiful ceremony. Look .for information on ordering your copy in forthcoming editions of The
Restoring aid PROVIDENCE, R.t (CNS)The Providence Diocese is involved , in a drive to restore to Rhode Island's legal immigrants aid that was eliminated .in last year's federal welfare reform law. While Msgr. George L. Frappier, diocesan vicar for social ministry, has been lobbying state legislators, the bishops of the statewide diocese raised the issue with the State I FAMILY ~EMBERS of some of th~~ men ordained as Council of Churches and other ecumenical leaders at a recent permanent deacons last weekend bring th(~ gifts to the altar interfaith breakfast. In ongoing during the ceremony at St. Anthony's Church, New Bedford. meetings with General Assembly (Anchor/ J olivet 'photo) leaders, Msgr. Frappier told The Providence Visitor diocesan newspaper, he is pushing for the state to replace all or part of the Supplemental Security Income and food stamps that legal immigrants will lose bv August.
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Appeal climbs Continued from Page One One Cape Cod parishioner, for instance, gave his pastor a check for the Appeal and, when the pastor reminded him he had already contributed, responded "I know, Father, but that wasn't enough. I want to give more." Another pastor turned in three special nickels to Diocesan Appeal headquarters along with his report, explaining that they were from one of his young altar boys. There is still time to contribute to this year's Appeal. Contact your local parish or communicate with the Diocesan Headquarters for the Catholic Charities Appeal, at 344 Highland Avenue, Post Office Box 1470, Fall River, MA 02722. You may also call the office for information at (508) 676-8943. Current listings of leading parishes in the five diocesan deaneries follow: ATILEBORO AREA O.l. of Mt. Carmel, Seekonk St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro St. Mary, Mansfield St. Mary, Seekonk St. Mark, Attleboro Falls
$51.147.00 42,426.00 33,262.00 27,773.00 24,800.00
CAPE COD AND THE ISLANDS AREA St. Pius X, So. Yarmouth $112,879.00 Holy Trinity, W. Harwich 50,769.00 Our lady of Victory, Centerville 43,891.00 Corpus Christi, East Sandwich 42,880.00 St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis . 39,447.00 FALL RIVER AREA Holy Name, Fall River Holy Rosary, Fall River Sf. Thomas More, Somerset St. Stanislaus, Fall River Santo Christo, Fall River
$39,651.00 35,845.15 29,039.00 28,087.00 22,981.00
NEW BEDFORD AREA O. l. of Mt. Carmel, New Bedford $41,975.00 St. Mary, So. Dartmouth 35,424.00 St. Julie Billiart, No. Dartmouth 30,574.00 Immaculate Conception, N. B. 26,819.00 St. Patrick, Wareham 23,932.00 TAUNTON AREA $24,031.00 St. Ann, Raynham 23,329.00 St. Anthony, Taunton Immaculate Concjlption, N. Easton 20,130.50 17,849.00 Holy Cross, South Easton 14,370.00 Holy Family, East Taunton
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"New England hospitality with a European Flair"
DEACON Lawrence St. Onge, assistant director of the Permanent Dial:onate, addresses the congregation at the ordination ceremonies May 24. (Anchor/ Jolivet .• .photo) "
t ;
BISHOP SEAN O'Malley, OFM, Cap., was joined by Bishop Robert E. Mulvee, coadjutor of the Providence Diocese, at the diaconal ordination at St. Anthony's Church, New Bedford. To the extreme left is Father John F. Moore, diocesan director of the Permanent Diaconat~:. (Anchor / J olivet photo) .
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CC gives 'outstanding' awards
JEHRIN COLBERT and her preschool class from Holy Family-Holy Name School in New Bedford recently enjoyed a spring field trip to the Pawtucket Children's Museum and a picnic at Slater Mill Park. Jehrin is trying her hand at doing laundry the old-fashioned way in "Great-Grandmother's Kitchen," one of the museum's display rooms.
Feehan High School announce,s honors Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, junior Katherine Haskins has been chosen to receive scholarships to attend the Economics for Leaders program at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado, and "Engineering 100 I" at the Catholic University of America. Both programs were opportunities that were opened to Kath~ erine as a result of her selection to and participation in the Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership program as a junior. She is the daughter of James and Sheila Haskins of Attleboro Falls. Mrs. Joan Drobnis, Spanish teacher and moderator of the Spanish National Honor Society, has been notified that the Bishop Feehan Chapter has won first place in the national organization's Long Term Activity program. Feehan's selection was based on the volunteer effort coordinated by the Honor Society students at St. Joseph's Food Pantry in Attleboro. Students volunteered all year to distribute food and assist in translating for clients. They will continue to do so throughout the summer and into the next school year.路 Mrs. Drobnis and the graduating officers, Jennifer Doolin (Attleboro), Allison Rizzolo (Pawtuc ket), Kelly McElroy (Cumberland), Tatum Charron (Attleboro) and Nadine Connell (S. Attleboro) plan to donate their monetary prize to the St. Joseph's Food Cellar. On June 3..graduation ceremonies will take place for the Class of . 1997 at 7 p.m. in the school's. auditorium. Most Reverend Sean P. O'Malley, Bishop of Fall River, will preside. Social Studies Department Chairman Peter Kiln was honored recently to have Dr. Deidre Donaldson of Rhode Island Hospital speak to his psychology class about "biofeedback" and its uses and applications in psychology.. It has been another banner spring for the Feehan athletic teams. The boys' baseball team, currently 17-
I, has路 won the Eastern Athletic Conference Championship. The boys' (13-1) and girls' (14-0) tennis teams have also won their I~ague titles. Sophomore Erin Anderson (Cum-
berland) recently broke the school's 'track record in the I mile run. Erin's time of 5:20:3 shattered the Feehan school record and earned her the EAC championship crown in that event.
Two Taunton residents were honored May 15'as Coyle and Casidy's Manand Woman'ofthe Year during the annual Honors Night assembly held in the new McCarty Performing Arts Theater. Melissa Chaves, ~aughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Chaves and Steven Matos, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ventura Matos, all.of Taunton, were selected by th-e faculty as the school's 1997 Woman and Man of the Year. In addition to their awards, both were given the Joseph Scanlon Memorial Scholarship in the amount of$500. The plaques were presented by headmaster Michael J. Donly, and the scholarships were given by Mrs. Louise Scanlon in memory of her husband, "a
teacher, coach, and friend 1:0 all Coyle and Cassidy students," who died in 1982. Timothy Barney of East Taunton was named as the Outsta:rtding Junior of the Year, Matthew Chmura of Taunton is the Outstanding Sophomore of the Year, and hi Nwosu of Bridgewate:r was chosen as the Outstanding Freshman of the Year. Two' p~rents, Brian and Cris Eddy of Franklin, were laudl:d for their dedication and commitment to Coyle and Cassidy. The school will hold a retirement party for principal Thomas J. Whalen, celebrating his 39 years of service to Coyle and Cailsidy. For information or to reserve a seat, call 823-6164.
FIRST GRADER Jillian Ferreira of St. Mary's School, New Bedford, learns how to prepare Green Dream with thl~ aid of Weight Watchers representative Curt Moraes.
Journey to the Health ZOlne Students at St. Mary's School, New Bedford, have been studying more than reading, writing and arithmetic. First grade students at the school recently learned about nutrition and fitness during a Journey to the Health Zone pro" gram offered as a community service by Weight Watchers, which provided the school with a nutrition curriculum geared' to 6-8 year olds. Students had fun SISTER REGINA Coughlin, RSM, who h~ been the tracking their daily exercise and Guidance Director at Bishop Feehan High School:;f~deboro,颅 enjoying healthy snacks such as for 22 years, is pictured here with Athletic Director Paul cut vegetables, rice cakes, fruit, dried fruit, popcorn, yogurt and O'Boy. A school tennis court was recently dedicated to Sister frozen yogurt. The series conRegina for her years of service and her particular affection for duded with a presentation from the tennis program. Curt Moraes of Weight Watchers,
who helped youngsters pmpare Green Dream, a no-fat yogurt treat. After the program, "Snacks are looking a little different these days," report~d Kathy Desrosiers, first grade teacher"at St. Mary's. Even in the first" grade, say program organizers, students can learn to recognize the importanl:e of reading labels and cutting flat in their daily diet as a proactive measure to prevent heart disease:' and certain cancers. Those wishing to learn more about Journey to the Health Zone or about how to bring the program to their school may call Weight Watchers at 1-800-441-6643.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri." May 30,1997
Our RocK anti Role When you need a friend By Charlie Martin
ALL BY MYSELF Wherl I was young I never needed anyone And Inaklng love Was Just for fun Those days are gone Living alone I think of all The friends I've known When I dial the telephone Nobody's home (Refrain) All by myself Don't wanna be All by myself Anynlore Hard to be lure Sometimes I feel So dlltant and Insecure And loves so distant And obscure Remain the cure (Repoat refrain twice) (Repoat first verse) (Repoat refrain three times) Written By: Eric Carmen/Sergei Rachmaninoff. Sung By: Cellne Dlon, (c) 1.975 by Eric Carmen Music Inc., adm. by Songs of PolyGram Int. Inc. (BMI) 1996, Sony Music Entertainment. She sings about sometimes LONELINESS. What helps feeling "so distant and into ease its pain? Celine Dion's "All By Myself" secure." She longs for loves tnat is all about loneliness. Off her are now "distant and obscure" to become her "cure. ". immensely popular "Falling Into This woman may need a new You" disc, the cassingle was originally released by '70s pop attitude if she is to make connections that last. Her youthful star Eric Carmen. choice to appl:ar independent In the song, a woman recogkept others on the periphery of nizes some painful facts about her current life. She says that her life. Yet this can be changed. "when I was young, I never By acting in a new and different needed anyone." At: least that's way, she can establish lasting bonds of love with others. how she felt then. But now she thinks "of all the friends I've But the love I speak of here is known," and when she dials not necessarily romantic love. "the' telephone, nobody's In fact, friendship often is more home." able to build long-term connec-
tions than is romance, with all its passion. Friendships usually form around common interests. You meet people by being in the same class, or by participating in the school band, or by belonging to the same church youth group. However, for a friendship to become a lasting connection, more is needed. Deeper bonds form when two people feel safe enough to share personal thoughts and feelings. For this to happen, each person must know that he or she will be listened to. In other words, show others that you care enough to really listen. Availability is another important basis for lasting friendship. People need each other; they need to share the delight of success or to face the hurt of failure tQgether. Sometimes this means being willing to quickly alter your schedule. This sh~uldn't happen all the time. If it does, the friendship' has developed into an· unhealthy dependency. However, there need to be times when you put all else aside for a friend and go to be with him or her. The song makes no mention of God's presence. in our lives. Yet, God's friendship is always there through all kinds of ups .and downs, even in our loneliest times. While learning how to make lifelong friends. count on your Creator as a source of strength and care. When you are open to God's friendship, you may still encounter loneliness. But the words "all by myself" will no longer be yours. Your comments are always welcome. Please address: Charlie Martin, 7125W 200S, Rockport, Ind. 47635,
Bishop Connolly H.S. inducts 38 into honor societies Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, inducted 38 students into foreign language honor societies at a May 18 ceremony in the school chapel. Mrs. Susan Silvia, department chair of world languages, welcomed students, parents and friends, Mrs. Elizabeth Donovan gave the invocation and principal Anthony S. Nunes addressed the inductees. They are Todd Ardito, Mark Normandin, Lisa Boudreau, Denise Raposa, Kay Christiansen, Stephanie Sahady, Mary K. Fasy and Veronica Vidal, Socic:te Honoraire de Fran~ais. Dan Boardman, Sam Nadeau, Dawn Brooder, And.rea Rego, Jennifer Durette, Elizilbeth Rogers, Kate Erklauer, Luisa Sousa, Jamie Ferreira, Jennifer Tjepkema, Melanie Ferreira, Josh Wilkinson, Jennifer Matta, Hilar'y Womble and Elizabeth Megna, Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica. Caroline Amaral, Arthur Hancock, Lauren Cunha, Jennifer Jones, Leanne Da Silva, Alex
Medeiros, Kevin De Sa, Kelly Medeiros, Sandy De Sa, Stephen Medeiros, Sara DeSousa, Nancy Miranda, Leslie Drumonde, Andrea Teves, and Amanda Fernandes, Sociedade Honoraria Portuguesa. Foreign language honor society members are involved in service to .others. Most notably, they participate in the Connolly mentor pro-
gram, in which society members introduce eighth graders from local Catholic middh: schools to foreign languages. Honor Society moderators are Mrs. Susan Silvia, Societe Honoraire de Franl;ais; Mrs. Carole Cordeiro, Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica; and Mrs. Suzette Andrade, Sociedad. Honoraria Portuguesa.
DARE graduates at St. Joseph's A graduation ceremony was held at St. Joseph School, Fairhaven, for 25 fifth graders on May 20. Present at the ceremony were Chief Edward Silva and Officer Phil Lacerda, on behalf of the Fairhaven Police Depart~ent, certifying that Ian Aiello, Theresa Barakat, Joseph Booth, Carolyn Brodeur, Jessica Crowe, Lisa Duclos, Janine Enos, Brian Foster, Kelly Frates, Melissa Gray, Sarah Hennessy, Jason 'Jacintho, Joshua Jacintho, Michael Johnson, Zachary Labbe, William Pearce, Craig Perry, Kristina PolchlQpek, Joshua
Roderiques, Michael Shea, Bethany Stephens, Thomas Storer, Kevin Tavares, Evan Tomascik and Courtney Vanasse have successfully completed the Core Program in Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) and have made a personal commitment to avoid the pressures to begin using drugs.
Coming of
By Amy Welborn Another year over and done with. Another school year of hundreds, maybe thousands of algebra problems, hours that add up to days of athletic practices, laughing, crying, sleeping, eating. How did it go? You might have started the year off with a lot of confidence, high expectations and hopes for yourself. "This is the year I'm going to get organized," you said. "I'm going to set my priorities and feel good about myselffor once instead of always having regrets about not doing my best." Perhaps you're one of the lucky few who met or' exceeded your .own expectations. But more than likely, you're like most others in being a little bit disappointed with what you've accomplished. Your grades may not be what you thought. Chemistry was harder than you ever imagined. And the so-called "logic" of geometry never made a lick of sense to you,.while . the reading in Engish class just kept multiplying - page after page of words. Maybe you had every intention of keeping good notebooks this year, but you'd lose papers and leave things at home when you needed them at school or forget worksheets at school that you were supposed to do for homework. Everyone tells you that if you just organized your time better, you could get everything done, and you really meant to do that this year. Get home, relax, study, eat, then study some more. No fun stuff until you had your work done, you told yourself. But there you'd be at the end of your day, 10:30 at night, looking at books yet to be opened. What happened? You were only going to go onto one website to check out
some information on Mayan civilization, but you ended up surfing instead. Then one of your friends called, and by the time the conversation ended you were too wiped out to do any serious work. If you're even a little disappointed in your performance this year, take a minute before summer starts and consider the following things: You may not have met your ideal, but I'll bet you've improved from the year before this. It may not seem like it, but you probably are just a little more mature, selfdisciplined and serious. You're not where you should be, but take heart by looking at how far you've come. Don't give up. You may not have made huge strides, but that doesn't mean you should give up completely. Keep up that determination, and don't lose hope. Next year will be better if you make the choice for it to be. Focus on your good qualities. OK, you made a few less-thanstellar grades. But you're still a person of good humor, warmth and compassion. Your friends appreciate you, your parents love you (and in case you didn't know it, that's what their nagging means: they love you!) for everything you are. Finally, take it all to God. Let God reassure you how much you're loved., Your grades or wins-losses record don't define you as a person. (God defined you as a person and wants you to use the gifts and talents you've been given to bring peace to your own life and light into the lives of others.) But God knows that you are much, much more than your grades and doesn't want you to get discouraged. So take heart, have a good summer, learn from your mistakes. Never give up!
$100 In Memory of John J. Berry, Annie L. Burnbaum, M-M Walter Mason, M-M
Fred Fenlon, M-M Paul Klier, Thomas Martin, M·M Walter McGauley Joseph F. Murphy, Francis Recka, M·M OSTERVILLE Robert Spidle, Dr 1M Thomas SzymkoOur Lady of Assumption $1000 Thowicz • mas F. White; $700 Anonymous; $100 MASHPEE Hope Burke, Mrs. John Connolly, Mar· Christ the King '$300 M·M Frederick garet Hagerty, M-M David Newton, M-M Holway; $200 Joseph Henry; $100 M-M John Raffa, M-M William F. Sharkey Christopher Ruggeri, M-M George E. POCASSET Balch, M-M Andrew Carmichael, M·M St. John the Evangelist $125 M-M Michael J. Preston, M-M Kevin J. Smoller.. DrlM Robert L. Farrelly, M-M John J. Joseph Dauphin; $100 David & Lynn McQuillan, M-M Paul M. Tracy, M-M Trucchi, M-M Gordon Wixon George M. Broderick, M·M John J. Horgan, WOODS HOLE M-M James W. Crowley, James B. Kelley St. Joseph $1000 Anonymous; $250 David W. Donahue, Mary Anne Kenny; NANTUCKET $220 Walter & Kathleen Murphy; $200 St. Mary $500 In Memory of Beulah & M-M D. Crosby, DrlM Thomas Sbarra; Edwin Scully; $225 Francis Santos Fam$100 Vivian Esswein, Robert & Carmela ily; $100 William O'Keefe Family, James Huettner, Paul McGonigle, Janet & Vin· Crecca Family, Claire M. Wall, Richard cent Fierro Kotalac Family, Marsha Kotalac, Richard Congdon Family, William Ellis Family Special Gift & parish listings will ORLEANS St. Joan of Arc $350 M·M Bernard Maguire; $200 M-M Thomas Lawson; $120 Mrs. Ralph Rewcastle; $100 M-M '.
continue to appear weekly in order received by the printer until all have been listed.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 30,1997
ST. VINCENT de PAUL, TAUNTON DISTRICT District Council members will meet at 7:30 p.m. June '2 at St. Joseph's Church, 19 Kilmer Ave., Taunton, for a Mass for the canonization of Frederick Ozanam and for the repose of deceased Vincentians of St. Joseph's Cqnference. The council meeting will follow the Mass and will be in the church hall. GREATER FR BAPTIST CHURCH On June I at 6:30 p.m. and June 2 at 7 p.m. Rick Ballach is offering an evening of Gospel music and personal testimony at Grl;ater Fall River Baptist Church, 154 No. Main St. Everyone is invited. Transporation is available to those who have 'none by calling the church at 673-7700.
OUR LADY'S RELIGIOUS STORE Man. - Sat. 70:00 - 5:30 p.M.
673-4262 936 ,So. Main St., Fall River
SECULAR FRANCISCANS St. Francis of Peace Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order will hold its monthly meeting on June 8 at' Holy Trinity parish, West Harwich. Mass will be celebrated by Father Cornelius Kelly, OFM, at I:30 p.m. All are welcome and a business meeting and refreshments will follow. Call Mae Hall, tel. 432-5772, for information.
SACRED HEARTS RETREAT CENTER, WAREHAM LASALETTE SHRINE, "God's'Calling," a day of recollecATTLEBORO tion, will be offered from lOa. m. to 4 There will be a Hispanic Pilgrimp.m. Saturday, June 7, at the retreat age Day June I at 2 p.m., led by Leo center on Great Neck Rd. Two conMaxfield, MS. The afternoon will ferences will be offered by Sacred include music, procession and Mass Hearts Fathers Columban Crotty and David Lupo, one on the calling , and will be held indoors in the event of rain. of Father Damien de Veuster, the Joanna Fish will perform at the leper priest of Molokai, the other on' Coffee House June 7 at 6:30 p.m. God's calling to each person. Lunch For information on any LaSalette will be served. To register or for happening, call 222-5410. The Shrine further information, call (508) 295, is handicapped accessible. " 0100. CURSILLO CATHEDRAL CAM}', The Cursillo Community of SomE. FREETOWN erset/ Swansea will hold an Ultreya The following events are sched uled on June 8, 7:30 p.m., at St. Michael at Cathedral Camp: May 30 - Bishop Church, 270 Ocean Grove Ave., Stang High School retreat; May 30 Swansea. Jeanne Goyette will be the to June I - St. Anthony parish (FR) witness speaker. All are invited to post-confirmation retr:eat; June I attend. First Congregational Church chilCORPUS CHRISTI dren's p,icnic; June 3 - Bishop McPROCESSION, NB ' Vinney Middle School picnic; June A solemn Eucharistic procession 4 -St. Francis Xavier School picnic; will take place on the streets of New June 5 - Taunton Catholic Middle Bedford Sunday, June I, beginning School retreat; June 5 - Our Lady of at I :40 p.m. from Our Lady's Chapel, Mt. Carmel School picnic. 600 Pleasant St. Volunteers are needed to help with arrangements and church groups wishing to march as a body are invited to call Fra Bonaventure, (508) 996-8274, leavinga message if no one is available to answer the phone, stating, name, phone number and a time at which a call back may be made.
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP St. Luke's Hospital Home Care and Hospice Services will offer sessions for children and adolescents on Thursdays in, June beginning June 5 from 5:45 to 7:30 p.m. Call 984-0270 for information or to register. OUR LADY OF THE CAPE, BREWSTER "Mornings for Moms" will be held June 4 from 9 to II a.m. with the theme "Women Experiencing God." There will also be a women's retreat June 6, 7-9 a.m., and June 7, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The theme will be "Meeting Jesus at the Well." Call the parish office, tel. 385-3252, for information. CHRIST THE KING, MASHPEE First graders and new students may register for religious education classes from 4 to 6 p. m. Thursday, June 5, in the religious education ,center. A baptismal certificate must be shown for each child. O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Youth ministry members will participate in a Relay for Life sponsored by the American Cancer Society May 30 and 31. ST. MARY, NO. ATTLEBORO Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be held from after 7 a.m. Mass June 6 to June 7 before the 9 a.m. Mass. All are welcome and special prayers will be offered.
Weekly General . Audience Message eQpe:John Pa\Jllt, ;:"
Celebrating 100 years of Service 1897-1997 TELEPHONE (508) 679-5262
. FAX (508) 673-1545
Dear'brothers and sisters, Mary was present in the Upper Room with the disciples as they awaited the coming of the Holy Spirit promised by the Lord Jesus.. We read in the Acts of the Apostles: "All these with one accord d'evoted themselves to prayer, together with ... Mary the mother of Jesus" (I: 14). Mary had already experienced the power of the Holy Spirit when he descended upon her at the Annunciation, the moment of the incarnation of the Son
of Ood in her womb. While the other disciples awaited the coming of the Spirit with anxiety and uncertainty, Mary was well a ware of the importance ofthe gift which they were about to receive. Her example and prayer strongly supported the community. It was fitting that Mary should have a renewed experience of the Spirit, for at the foot of the cross she had been invested by her son with a new mission as the mother of all his disciples. Just as at the
REV. ROBERT Sad.owski,
esp, will present a workshop,
entitled "Sharing our faith with the ones we love" on June I from 7-8:45 p.m.. in the meeting room of St. John the Evangelist School in Attleboro. All are invited 2md the workshop is free. Annunciation the Spirit had formed the physical body of the S'avior in her virginal womb, so at Pentecost he descended upon her for the sake ofthe Mystical Body of Christ, the church, of which Mary is the figure, the model and the exalted mother. In every age Mary's powerful intercession obtain!; for the church an ever-fresh outpouring of the enlightening and strengthening gifts of the Holy Spirit, and thus she exercises a profound and extraordinarily fruitful influence on the life of the community. I cordially greet the Englishspeaking pilgrims and visitors, especially the groups from England, Finland, Iceland, Sweden, Denmark, the Philippines, Japan and the United States. Upon all of you and your families I invoke the joy and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ. .
AlDS Ministry to present daylong retrfeat
Is your parish planning an event this Spring or Summer?
Get noticed in ~.'.II .. '~r~~~~'
675-7151 or FAX 675-7048 This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns illl the Diocese of Fall River GLOBE MFG. CO. • WALSH PHARMACY DURO FINISHING CORP. • GILBERT C. OLIVEIRA INS. AGENCY
A day of retreat and reflection will be ciffered on Saturday, June 28, by the Fall River diocesan Al DS Ministry. for persons of all creeds who are living with or 'affected by HlV disease and AIDS, including families, significant others and caregivers. It will begin at 10 a.m. and continue until3 p.m. at the Cathedral Camp Retreat Center in Freetown. Retreat planners say the day will be one of listening and reflecting on. "the silence of God and the voice of God that is within us and around us" The retreat theme, "a still small voice," is taken from I Kings 19:12: ' And He said, "Go and stand on the mountain before the Unnameable." And behold, the Unnameable passed by, and a great wind tore the mountains'and shattered the rocks, but the Unnameable was not in the wind; and after the wind, an earthquake, but the Unnameable was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake, a fire, but the Unnameable was not in the fire. And after the fire, a still. small voice. (I Kings 19: 12ff) Rev. Mark R. Hession and Dr. Krysten Winter-Green will co-
facilitate the retreat. Father Hession is pastor of St. Joseph parish in Taunton and director of Continuing Education and Clergy
Formation in the diocese. Dr. Winter-Green is director of the diocesan Office of AIDS Ministry. To register or for additional information, please contact Sister Theresa Bisson at AIDS Ministry, tel. 674-5600, ext. 2295.
May 31 1964, Rev. Vincent A. Wolski, OFM Conv., Pastor, Holy Cross, Fall River June 3 , 1991, BishopJamesJ. Gerrard, Retired, Auxiliary Bishop of Fall River June 4 1920, Rev. Louis J. Terrien, O.P., Dominican Priory, Fall River 1949, Rev. Jose P. d'Amaral, Parochial Vicar, Santo Christo, Fall River 1979, Rev. George Daigle, Pastor, Sacred Heart, North Attleboro June 5 ,1954, Very Rev. Thomas J. McLean, Pastor, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis , 1970, Rev. Msgr. Louis Prevost, Pastor Emeritus, St. Joseph, New Bedford June 6 1993, Rev. CorneliusJ. Keliher, Former Pastor, St. Mary, North Attleboro
Bias still strong ST. PAUL, Minn. (CNS) Anti-Catholicism continues to plague U.S. society, according to William Donohue, president of the New York-based Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. "Catholics think that when (John) Kennedy got elected president, anti-Catholicism went away," Donohue said. "We've made strides as individuals, but 1 think we're going backward when it comes to anti-Catholicism against the church as an institution." Donohue made the remarks as the featured speaker at the anniversary dinner of the Catholic Defense League of Minnesota.