.' Charities Appeal Contributions Continue to Mount'
Generous Response 0/ Populace Reflects Support of Expanding Diocesan Services
The Catholic - Charities Appeal Headquarters in Fall River announced today that a total of $410,469.88 had
been reached. "The Appeal is still in its strong stage," J. Harry Condon, lay chairman, stated, and he urged "all area and special gifts workers to complete their contacts as soon as possible in order to facilitate coordination of all phases of the Appeal." The Appeal office has listed the following parishes as having surpassed their 1961 totals. They are: Our Lady of the Angels, Fall River; St. Anthony of Padua, Fall River; Holy Rosary, New A.n Anchor of the Soul, Sure a.nd Pirm-ST. PAUL Bedford; Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton; St. Mary, Hebronville; Our Lady of Victory, Centerville. Also, St. Mary, Fairhaven; Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket; St. Peter, Provincetown; St. Ann, , PRICE 10c Raynham; St. Patrick, Somerset; Vol. No. 23 © 1962 The Anchor $4.00 per Year St. Dominic, Swansea. The fifteen leading parishes of the Diocese are: St. Lawrence, New Bedford 13,827.00 Holy Name, Fall River 12,362.50 . . ' . St. John; Attleboro 10,301.00 St. James, New Bedford 10,298.00 St. Francis Xavier, .Hyannis 10,293.00 St. Mary, No. Attleboro 10,138.00 Rev. Mr. Peter P. Mullen, M.M., North Attleboro, will Sacred Heart, [~8 ordained a priest of the Catholic Foreign Mission 'Society , Fall River 9,362.10 ~f America Saturday, June 9 at Maryknoll Major Seminary. St. Mary, Taunton 7,847.50 1¥[ost Reverend John W. Comber, M.M., Superior General of . St. Mary, Fall River 7,270.50 Turn to Page Two Maryknoll will be ordaining seminarian at St. John's SemJ!lJrelate. The following ·day, ,Continued on Page Twelve
Ordain North Attleboro Marykno~~er on June 9
Mansfield Buys Property f,or New Church,
Mr. Mullen, son of Mr. GCpd Mrs.. Peter Mullen of
1122 Ellis Road, North Attleboro, 'l;<l'ill take part in the annual C/faryknoll Departure Ceremony. Assigned to the missions of laIawaii, Father Mullen will reaaive his mission crucifix with 43 other Maryknollers, depart~g for missions in 10 foreign a>untries. Father Mullen will celebrate [)nis first Solemn High Mass at 11 0unday morning, June 17, in his ll)arish church of St. Mary's. lRev. Edward B. Booth, pastor, Bill be assistant priest.
Charities Office NEW BEDFORD AREA 7054.50 itoly Name 488.40 Assumption 550.00 Holy Rosary Immaculate Conception 1223.20 6637.60 Mt. Carmel Our Lady of 139.00 Perpetual Help Our Lady of 305.00 Purgatory 2446.00 Sacred Heart 1853.00 St. Anne 3341.50 St. Anthony of Padua 162.00 St. Boniface 509.00 St. Casimir 584.50 St. Francis of Asslsi 368.00 St. Hedwig 1241.75 St. Hyacinth 10298.00 St: James 3915.75 St. John the Baptist 7106.55 St. Joseph 3476.75 St. Kilian 13827.00 Lawrence 4373.80 1St•. Mary 2403.25 St. Theresa Acushnet 2251.00 St. Frands Xavier Fairhaven 330.00 St. Joseph 1326.22 St. Mary 434.00 Sacred Hearts 110. Dartmouth 3830.00 St. Mary
Cardinal Says' Chinese Famine Indicts Reds
Thomas Cardinal Tien, S.V.D.• first Chinese Cardinal. 'was a guest this week of Bishop Connolly. The prelate, Apostolic Administrator of the archdiocese of Taipe~, Formosa. is in the United States to contact Bishops and friends in the interests of. his work in ForIn 1958 he attended the Conmosa. Converted as a child, clave which elected Pope John the 72 year old Cardinal was XXIII and cast China's first vote ordained in 1918 and labored in a papal election. He was ap.The Dioces'an Chancery as a missionary until 1929, when pointed to his present post as, Office today announced tha't he entered the Society of the Apostolic Administrator of St. Mary'sParish, Mansfield, Divine Word. Taipei in 1959. His appointments have inhas purchased a property The Chinese prelate reported
Rev. Joseph E. Mullen, S.J., Ocle of the ordained, stationed ci Gonzaga Retreat House, Gloucester, will deliver the ser(3on. Rev. Mr. Lawrence Tak!i0,
CARDINAL VISITS BISHOP; Bishop Connolly, right. was host this week to Thomas Cardinal Tien. first Chinese Cardinal in the history of the Church.
with the ultimate view of build_ ing a new Church. .Bought by the Church is the Rose Garden property, a 17 acre parcel of land on Route 106 in Mansfield, about one mile from the present Church. Rev. Edward L. O'Brien, pastor of the Parish, has announced that the hall already on the property will be used for catechetical instruction and for CYO activities.
HYANNllS AREA Chatham 1990.50 Holy Redeemer Centerville Our Lady of Victory 1676.00 E. Brewster 830.00 Immac. Conception East Falmouth 1674.00 St. Anthony Falmouth 4554.50 St. Patrick Hyannis 10293.00 St. ""rancis Xavier Orleans 1220.00 St. Joan of Arc Osterville 2431.00 Assumption Provincetown 2518.00 St. Peter Sandwich 2674.00 Corpus Christi So. Yarmouth 4011.00 St. Pius X Wellfleet Our Lady of Lourdes 1305.00 West Harwich Holy Trinity 2265.25 Woods Hole 1050.00 St. Joseph NORTH ATTLEBORO AREA 3546.00 Sacred Heart 10138.00 St. Mary
cluded work as Prefect Apostolic of' 'Yangku in Shantung, China; Vicar Apostolic of the same area and consecration as a Bishop in 1939. Designation as a Cardinal came in 1945. From 1949 to 1959, Cardinal Tien worked and prayed for his 3,000,000 people on the Chinese mainland from his headquarters in exile at the Divine Word Seminary, Techny, Ill. '
Latest Individual Parish
FALL RIVER AREA st. Mary $ 7270.50 1452.05 Blessed Sacrament 1227.00 Espirito Santo 12362.50 Holy Name 606.50 Holy Cross 3872.00 Notre Dame Our Lady of the Angelll 3660.30 1109.50 Our Lady of Health Holy Rosary 1498.00 Immaculate Conception 5918.85 9362'.10 Sacred Heart . 1224.05 St. Anne 1750.60 St. Anthony of Padua St. Anthony of the 680.00 Desert 494.50 St. Elizabeth 2852.00 St. John the Baptist 4174.70 St. Joseph 2502.00 St. Louis 1567.00 St. Matthew 3194.75 St. Michael 3948.00 St. Patrick 3544.00 SS. Peter & Paul 1410.50 St. Roch 95.00 St. Stanislaus 3206.50 St. William 501.20 Santo Christo Assonet 1423.00 St. Bernard Central Village 1754.00 St. John Baptist
FALL RIVER AREA No. Westport Our Lady of Grace 2226.00 Ocean Grove ' 2519.00 St. Michael Somerset St. John of God 2101.00 St. Patrick 4375.50 St. Thomas 'More 5500.25 Swansea Our Lady of Fatima 3501.75 2990.00 St. Dominic 3135.50 St. Louis of France Westport St. George 4657.00 WAREHAM AREA Buzzards Bay 3375.50 St. Margaret Mattapoisett 483.00 St. Anthony Wareham 6760.50 St. Patrick VINEYARD HAVEN AREA Nantucket Our Lady of the Isle 2838.00 Oak Bluffs Sacred Heart 2219.00 Vineyard Haven St. Augustine 1546.00
that Red China is experiencing a genuine famine this sear because of the collapse of its agricultural program and' also because of failure of its transportation system. The exodus of the starving people from Red China into Hong Kong is a compelling indictment ,of the failure of the Communists to 'provide a better way of life for the Chinese people, the visiting prelate declared.
Tota~s . TAUNTON AREA 1795.50 Holy Family 976.00 Holy Rosary Immaculate Conception 2985.50 2927.75 Our Lady of Lourdes 2765.50 Sacred Heart 1859.25 St. l\nthony , 970.00 St. Jacques St. Joseph 3712.00 St. Mary 7847.50 2980.00 St. Paul Dighton St. Peter 805.50 No. Dighton St. Joseph 1419.50 No. Easton Immac. Conception 6210.00 Raynham St. Ann 2500.50 ATTLEBORO AREA Holy Ghost 2819.00 St. John 10301.00 St. Joseph 2941.00 St. Mary 4772.00 St. Stephen 2523.50 St. Theresa 4662.15 Mansfield St. Mary 6921.00 Seekonk Mt: Carmel 2793.25 Norton St. Mary 2683.50
Sees "'~Missio'ne~
TH E ANGHO.R+01~ese 6fFiill~lifefiLfHuri:"~M'dl311'rr:f9~t""·,~ "
1. 1 '
Court Studies :Catho~D~ 'S'c::hoo~' p'!ea To UpsetZcning Re'g~I'~QltBC!1'i '
.Spreading Faith In Outer ,SPace
DAYTON (NC) - BishCJP NEWARK (NC) - Superior Labrecque directed that addiCourt Judge Theodore . La- " tiona1 briefs be submitted by John J. Wright of Pittsburg' brecque has reserved decision St. Cassian's and Montclair, has predicted missionariee here in a major test case chalSt. Cassian's had been given and teachers will bring thtl lenging the right of a municipal- a variance to build its school in Christian message "to the ouu. ity to regulate the location 'of a' an R-l residential zone in' 1951. reaches of space if exploratiotl school through zoning. The Board -of Adjustment, howbegins there." The motion before the court is ever, ruled in granting the variPreaching at the dedication oj for a summary judgment against ance that enrollment be limited the new Marianist College. Bisthe town of Montclair in a, suit to 280 pupils. Last October the hop Wright said it is "partiC\Jbrought by St. Cassian's Gram- board refused St. Cassian's relarly appropriate to meditate 011 mar School. quest to lift the restriction. the space age and the relatioa Two years ago a group of At that time, the zoning law for the apostles, the theologians, Montclair residents lost a some- permitted construction of public the philosophers and, above a~ what similar case in which, they schools in the area. That prothe religion teachers who will sought to block the expansion of vision was eliminated from the prepare the others for thew .Lacordaire School, a private ordinance by amendment in Feb. respective destinies in the ago Catholic school for girls located ruary, apparently putting private of space." near St. Cassian's' in subutban and public schools on the same He recalled that the historica2 Essex County. footing and eliminating grounds religious orders of the old world St. Cassian's right to increase for a possible suit. prepared those who wished to iff' enrollment despite zoning reBasis of Suit devise the science for the ago strictions 'is the issue wlJ-ich" The change was made because of exploration ihat opened UD bro~~ht t?e case to court. The, in January, in one of his last this continent. deCISIon IS expected to affect acts in office, former Gov. Rob"So now, do not doubt it," he the outcome of a zoning case . ert .B. Meyner signed into law added, "the members of the r&o being,fought by the Archdiocese a bill providing that "no zoning ligious orders which are in aou of Newark for the right to build ordinance heretofore or hereChristian sense modern and CODe a regional high school on prop- after enacted by any municipaltemporary are now called to ai(} erty it has purchased in Hoho- ity shall . . . discriminate bethe spread of religion and sprea(] kus, an exclusive Bergen CO\"nty tween public and private day back the shores of space." LEARN AMERICAN WAYS: Two Sisters of St. Philip community. 'schools not operated for profit." Enrollment Limited This law forms the basis for , Neri, who formerly taught in Cuban schools from which the suit by St. Cassian's. The they were'ousted just a year ago, enjoy an American game In reserving decision, Judge Catholic school claims that zonThe following films are to b9 of "London Bridge" with pupils at St. Jerome school iB ing laws prohibiting the erecadded to' the lists In their ~ Fort Lauderdale, Fla. NC Photo. tion of schools are discriminaspective classifications: tory because· in actual practice Unobjectionable for generCJ no municipality m'ay prevent the patronage: Mr. Hobbs Takes 0 erection of a public school. Vacation. Therefore, argued Vincent J. $1200 Unobjectionable for adults aoo Joyce, attorney for St. Cassian's, Cherry & Webb Compan)", such laws are designed to proadolescents: Burning Nights. PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Japan and more meat as a result of' New Bedford & Fall River. hibit the erection or expansion Unobjectionable for adulto • i . "probably has the highest liter- increased cattle ranching 'in the of .private schools. $1000 acy rate in the world," but the northern islands and import. The Notorious LandladY..; A Tasb of Honey. First National Stores, Inc.. average Japanese is materialis- from Argentina. Objectionable in part for aE:J Father Datty said they have tic and has little time for reli$500 . increased greatly their consump- Doctor in Love (suggestive cOO=> gious instruction. Taunton Greyhound AssociaContinued from Page One The observation was made by tion of milk because dairying has tumes and situatio~). tion, Inc. Condemned: Joan of the Angelb St. Jo;;eph, Father Valentine Datty, S.A. He expanded. Farms are much $400 (story of nuns reputedly subjec;(i 7,106.55 New Bedford should know. The Society of larger than a decade ago. He Fernandes . Super . Marketa, Atonement missionary is back in said large farm operators have to diabolical possession. Histolib Holy Name, Inc. this country on a vacation after taken over the acreage of small ical fact has been distorted an€! 7,054.50 New Bedford .Rev. Joseph C. Canty the film is expressly anti-rell\? 13 years in the Land of the farmers who. have gone to' tbe 6,921.00 St. Mary, Mansfield cities to work in factories. . gious) .. $300 Rising Sun. 6,760.50 St. Patrick, Wareham The Japanese are better Rt. Rev. Henri A. Hamel. "The, Japanese love learning housed, too, he said, with'much Mt. '::armel, 6,637.60 and consequently their teachers ferro-concrete used in bome New Bedford $275 CARLISLE and their schools," Father Datty ,building. Immcaulate Conception, Rev. Thomas F. Daley No. .a!:aston 6,210.00, ' said. "Materialism dominates $225 GUEST HOUSE "The modern Japanese are learning despite the -:' ancient Brokston Chemical Co. very materialistic," Father Datty 26 North Water Street culture of Japan and its love of $200 said. "They have little time for foreign culture, especially EuroOrdo Nantucket, Mass. .Rev. James E. O'Reilly pean. The humanities rank activities that do not directly Rev.. Francis X. Wallace FRIDAY-St. Angela De Merici, rather low in the estimate of contribute to their ,current physNOREEN SHEA, manager Rev. Benoit Galland Virgin. III Class. White. Mass aggressive youth out to accumu- ical well being. AlI studies are $150 directed to subjects that can be TEl. 228·0720 Proper; Gloria; no Creed; late yen as rapidly as possible." Rev. Lucien Madore turned into immediate cash." Preface of Ascension. ,Two $125 Live Better Votive Masse: in honor of the Rev. John H. Hackett The Graymoor friar was inter_ Sacred Heart of Jesus permitRev. John F. Denehy ted. Tomorrow is the First viewed here at the home of his $100 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward JUNE 4 Saturday of the Month. Rev. John F. Hogan Datty, who are members of St. Rev. Jose P. d'Amaral, 1949, Rt. Rev. Bernard J. Fenton SAT U R DAY - Mass of the Jerome's parish. He said the Pastor, Santo Christo, Fall River. LaSalette Seminary, Attleboto, 'Blessed Virgin 'for Saturday. Japanese now are living better Rev. Louis J. Terrien, O.P., H",'en Aubertine Braugh Mass. IV Class. White. Mass Proper: than ever before, although there 1920, Dominican Priory, Fan Owner and Dlreowr . $85 Gloria;' Second Collect SS. still are many poor people. River. Rev. William A. Galvin Spacious Parking Area Marcellinus, Peter and ErasJUNE 5 The Japanese are eating less $75 mus, Bishop, Martyrs;. no rice and more bread because the Rev. Thomas J. McLean, 1954, WY 2-2957 Rev. Joseph L. Powers Creed; Preface of Blessed higher economy permits wheat Plis~or, St. Francis' Xavier, Hy118 Allen St: New Bedlor"d 1 $50 Virgin. anms. imports from Canada, he said. Rev. Edmond Tremblay They also are eating less fIsh $25 SUNDAY-Sunday After Ascen_ , 1 LaSalette Seminary, E. Brewsion. II Class. White. Mass ster ; Proper; Gloria; Creed; Preface Funeral Richard' G. Dick of Ascension. FUllerai O....e $10 . 57.1 Second St. ' FUNERAL HOME, INC. Boston Lightning Rod Co. MONDAY-St. FranCis Carac550 LoclUt at. L lIIareel ROl - Q. Lorrlliae ~ Fall 'River, Mass. ciolo, Confessor. III Class. ~er LllFra_ Fall River. MuL . OS 9-6072 White. Mass Proper; Gloria; 'UNIRAL DIRECTORS MICHAEL J. McMAHON no (::reed; Preface of AscenOS, 2-239. FORTY HOURS sion. . licensed' .Funeral Director 11 IRVINGTON CT. Rose E. Sullivan R,gistered Embalmer Jeffrey E. Sullivan DEVOTION WY 7-7830 TUESDAY-St. Boniface, Bishop NEW BEDFORD and Martyr. III Class.. Red. June 3 - St. Teresa's ConMass Proper; Gloria; no vent, Fall'River. Creed; Preface of Ascension. St. Joseph, Taunton Holy Name, Fall River. WEDNESDAY- St. Norbert, OVERNiGHT CAMp F:OR ·BOYS Bishop and, Confessor. III June 100SS Peter and Paul, Class. White. Mass Proper: Swimming, Horseback Riding, Boating, Athletics, Arts and Fall River. Gloria; no Creed; Preface of LaSalette Shrine, Attle~ CraftS, Physical Fitness Program - Seminarian-Counselors Ascension.' . boro. $60.00 FOR TWO WEEKS' St. Mary, 'Mansfield. THURSDAY-Mass as on feast DAY CAMP FOR' BOYS Our Lady of Purgatory, 'of the Ascension. IV Class. New Bedford. Athletics, Waterfront Sports, Arts and Crafts, Hikes White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no VA 4·5000 .Physical Fitness Program June 17--8t. Mary, New Bed~ Creed; Preface of Ascension. ford. " . $25.00 FOR TWO WEEKS St. Elizabeth, Fall River. ----::D~A~Y~, "='CA-T-MP FOR GIRLS June 2~Blessed Sacrament, . " OUR LADY OF THE LAKE Fall River. FUN~RA.L HOME' Athletics, Waterfront Sports, Arts and Crafts, Nature Study, FUNERAL HOME St. Mary, Norton. Square D~ncing, Special Events' " 986 Plymouth Avenue Corpus Christi, Sandwich. 469 LOCUST STREET
Legion of Decency
,Special Gifts
Prisioner Says Japanese People Hare Little Time for Religion
National Accounts
-Total Climbs
AUBERTINE Funeral Home
Funeral Home 123 Broadway
C. P. HARRINGTON , Fall River, Mass.
Second Class Postage "aiel FaD Rlv~ Masa. PubliShed evefJ l'burodal at UO !\venue fi'all Rive, Maa. bl th. vatholl< Pres. )j th. Oioc... of Fall' River Suh5cripiton price b7 mall, postpaid $4.00 per year. High~nCl
Tel. OS 3·2271 DANIEl C HARRINGTON license<. Funeral Diroctor and Registered Embalmer
D. D. Sullivan & Sons FALL RIVER, MASS. OS - 2-3381 JamelE. Wilfred C. Dris~oll Sullivan, J~.
$25.00 FOR TWO WEEKS , 13 mi. from New Bedford, 14 from Taunton, 17 from Fall River Transportation provided-No extra charge. Campers bring . own lunches. Milk is served SPONSORED BY THE DIOCESE OF fALL RIVER Qwa E"7.' £it!
Priest- ~Sciys' TV' Program
M 'ANCHORThurs., May 31, 1962
Rigged, Slanted, One-Sided
New Bedford
NOTRE DAME (NC)-A priest who was one of three Catholic spokesmen on a nationally televised program dealing with birth control has charged "the whole format of the program was rigged against those who opposed, on moral gr~unds, the use of artificial major pOlit~cal parties and said contraceptive devices." Fr. substantially the same arrangeJohn A. O'Brien, research ment should be expected in preprofessor of theology at the senting divergent views of two University of Notre Dame, com- major religious faiths on such plalned in a letter to Frank a program. Stanton, president of the Colum"I greatly fear that programs bia Broadcasting System, that of the one-sided, biased and the May 10 program "CBS Re- rigged character of 'Birth Conports: Birth Control and the trol and the Law' will not be Law," was "one-sided, slanted conducive to the achievement of and biased." that desired end," he said. The priest recounted tQat after he accepted an Invitation to appear on the program, he found the procedure "quite un-· latisfactory and bewildering." SEATTLE (NC) - Confirma"I was before the camera for approximately two hours in tion was administered for the which I answered a great variety first time at the Fircrest School of -'uestions about whose formu_ for the Mentally Retarded to 90 !ation I had nothing to say as residents by Auxiliary Bishop well as nothing to say in regard Thomas E. Gill of Seattle. The school was opened by the to what portions of this material would be used," Father O'Brien State of Washington in 1958. It presently has a capacity populadetailed. tion of 750 residents. Director Partisan Father John Rice, chaplain, "lVIy uneasiness and concern over this unusual arrangement said the religious program at were further heightened by the the school is set up similar to consciousness that the dir.ector . that in any parish. "We want to treat our chilof th~ program itself (Eric Sevareid) was an all-out partisan of dren as normal people," he said, "so we have arranged a religious the opposing side. "Can you imagine any court of program gear~d to their ability. Attend Sunday MaS'S justice allowing what portions' of "We have Mass and a sermon the testimony of witnesses of th..: opposing side were to be pre- for them each Sunday. About 30 sented to the jury and what were of the children are able to receive the sacraments regularly. to be excluded? Yet this was precisely the strange and almost We also have catechism classes incredible arrangement to which for them. It is amazing how my two colleagues and I were much the children are able to grasp," he added. subjected," he continued. Father Rice advocated that Father O'Brien emphasized in the letter that there "is a hard "each parish have a special seccore of rigorous intellectual rea- tion of. the Confraternity of soning underlying the opposition Christian Doctrine for retarded of the Catholic Church to the use children." , "Many people feel that since of artificial contraceptive deVices, mirroring the ethical con_ these children cannot sin, Bapviction held by virtually all tism alone is necessary," he said. Christendom up until the last "It has grieved me to find out decade or two, which never came how many parents have not bothered to have their children ~ the surface in the program." even baptized. Others will say Biased Character "On the contrary," Father 'Why save the saved?' " O'Brien continued, "practically every device was used to proBooks For Afr;ca mote the use of contraceptives PITTSBURGH (NC) Six and even to render that manda- thousand books weighing a total tory in public institutions, and to of 8,800 pounds have been belittle and disparage the view- shipped to four African centers point of the opposing side." , by the Pittsburgh Diocesan Father O'Brien pointed out Council of Catholic Women. It Federal law requires equal time is the second year that the counbe allocated each side in airing cil has collected books for divergent views of the two Africa.
$2000 E. Anthony & Sons $500 Star Store $200 J. F. St. Aubin Co., Inc. $150 Giusti Baking Co. $100 Edwam ·V. Lahey C. "'. Wing Co. Daughters of Isabella-Hyacinth Circle No. 71 $'75 Blue Ribbon Laundry
Prelate Confirms ·90 Handncapped
OUTSTANDING ALUMNUS: Bishop Connolly receives Outstanding Durfee Alumnus Award from Fall River High School Alumni Association. From left, Atty. John B. Cummings, the Ordinary, John McAvoy, William M. Cleare.
Ame~Dcan Je~uits Erde!!' M5~~5@frn
f@[f WASHINGTON (NC)-Amer_ ican Jesuits are moving into Africa in force for the first time. This was disclosed by Father Neil McCluskey, S.J., after his return from a six-month survey of mission possibilities for Jesuits in central Africa. Father McCluskey is dean of education at· Gonzaga University in Spo~ kane, Wash., an associate editor of America magazine, and lil spokesman for Catholic ideas on education. Major Projects Two major projects will, be undertaken by Father McCluskey's fellow Jesuits of the Oregon Province. ' They are the immediate staffing of St. Stanislaus regional seminary at Broken Hill (Mpima) in Northern Rhodesia, and the founding of a non-racial high school in Lusaka, the capital' city. Individual American Jesuits may also take teaching posts in institutions of higher learning in Africa, Father McCluskey said. Father Louis E. Haven, S.J., of the Oregon Province 'is already at the Broken Hill minor seminary, which serves five dioceses. Five other American Jesuits are leaving for the sem-inary this Summer.
,Specia I Gifts Taunton Reed &
'$500 Barton Foundatioa,
$100 Knights of Columbus A Friend George B. Sanford Charles R. Galligan James E. Miles $50 Armor Bronze & Silver Co. New Process Twist Drill Co. Mrs. Edwa~d' O'Brien Mulhern's Pharmacy . $30,
TAUNTON YEARBOOK: Irene Megan and Mary O'Hearne eo-editors of Corona, St. Mary's High School yearbook, present first copy to Msgr. James J. Dolan, St. Mary's pastor. Book is dedicated t{) past and present parishioners of St. Mary's.
3' .
Eureka Mfg. Co. , - $25 William Hurley, Laughlin's Market, Boyden Plastics· Co., Societe Des Enfants De Marie, McKenna's Gift Shop. Taunton' NeVi s Company, Bacon 'Felt Co., ·Paragon Gear Works, Inc., Hodgman Manufacturing Co., Bristol County Ra!iio Co. Dan' McNearney, I-oc., A Friend. $20 Wood Specialties Co. , .. $15 Grossman Famil~; Trust Sally, Ann'~ Beauty. Shop $10 Ad-A-Day Company, Interstate Trans. Co., International Hod Carriers' Building & Common Laborers' Union of America, Mayfair. Cafe, COF 1178. : H & H Machine Co., Polish American Citizens Club, Russell Motor Inc., Mrs. Myrtle B. Blake, Mary E. Wall, Katie Winslow, Mary E. Burke.
African Tom<e
They will be relieving Czechoslovak and Polish Jesuits who have found themselves unable to cope with the seminary since they cannot get personnel from their own communist - ruled countries. Non-Racial Schoon There are about 90 students at Broken Hill seminary now, Father McCluskey. said, and their number is expected to double very soon. ' The projected secondary school at Lusaka will be the first nonracial school in the Rhodesia Federation. It wir be open to any qualified young man. The Federal constitution, now under heavy attack from the African leadership, forbids nonracial schools. But there is nothing in the Northern Rhodesian constitution itself against them.
Tau.nton $100 Rennie Mfg. Co. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martin $50 Taunton Guild of. Catholic Nurses Stone Charitable Foundation Allan M. Walker Co. Robertson Factories $30
$50 . Norris Tripp & Co. States Nitewear Mfg. Co. Coater's Inc. General Plastering & Tile Co. New Bedford Joint Board Tex_ tile Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO $35 Building Materials, Inc. $30 Cox's Candy Ideal Dairy $25 Bettencourt Pharmacy Central Pharmacy Paragon, Travel Agency C. E. Beckman Hubert S. Kelleher H. Witkind Motor Trans. Co. Dr. H. F. Riley Manhattan Bottling Co. . $20 Sturtevant & Hook, Inc. Federal Motor Transport Co. , $15 Pothier Monument Co. H. V. Sowle, Florist Whitney Bent, Inc. Oliver Pharmacy H. M. C. Cutlery $10 Rex Monumental Works,Senecal Pharmacy, Prescription Center, Bush & Co., Petit's Pharmacy, Inc. Family Pharmacy, Lariviere Pharmacy, Melody Shop, Lincoln Pharmacy, New Bedford Fisherman's Union. Davidson's Pork Products, F. W. Woolworth & Co., Dr. William W. Nelson, Enos Home Oxygen Therapy Co., Atty. Arthur Goldys. DeWolf & 'Vincent, Martin & Sullivan, F. S. Brightman Co., Alice Kelleher, Sidney's Department Store. Worthington Bakery, I. A. Perry Tailor, Oliver Sportswear. Textile Workers Union of America Local No. 1129,' Rayon Workers Union Local No. 30TWUA, Bristol Acceptance Trust Co., Calvin Clothing Co., Hendrie's Ice Cream.
Cornelius Murphy Henry Crapo $25 Cotillion Mass. Catholic Order of Foresters Taunton Coop Bank Edward Cooperstein Tremont Supermarket Mt. Hope Machinery Plumbing - Heating W. C. Tripp Inc. Arthur Murphy Over 35 Years St. Paul's Holy Name Society of Satisfied Service "" , . $20 Beneficial Finance Co: 806 NO. MAIN STREET Nu Brite Chemical,Co. fall River ·05 5-7497 Staples Coal Co. D. E. Murphy & Co. $15 Gus' Grill, Samuel Miseph, ,"""'~"I'-" H()me Washing Co. $10 Community Paint Co., Foster ~ ~ & Co., Taunton Ten Pin, Daughters' of 'Isabella, N. Y. Lace Store. F. B. Rogers Silver Co., Man-digo Sand & Gravel, Costello ~ Buick, Inc., Farrell Insurance, Parker House. Davol Printing, Arthur Murphy ~ 365 NORTH FRONT STREET' Jr., E. St. Pierre, Inc., School St. I NIEW BEDFORD ,~ Package Store, Taunton BeverWYm~f1I 2-5534 ,~ age Co.; Taunton Engineering ~ Works.
co. ~ Heating ,Oils ~ ) and Burners
-0 ,
"Contractors , Electrical
'4P .
.,..~~ ~
~44 County S~o New Bedford
Southeastei'1"l Mossad'iuseffs' largest Independe~ Chain'
We Give Gold Bond Stamps'
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 31, 1962
$20 Dr. Maurice D. Grant ~eta1 Spin-Craft, Inc. Sodalities, Sacred Heart Schocl
Adolescents Need G~mdance' Of Intellige.n~ lP~rents By Father Jo4n L. Thomas, S. J. Asst. Sociology Prot.-St. Louis University
"Does adolescence have to be a period of stress, strain, and revolt? Recently in our study group we listened to the review of a. book on adolescent society- stating that teenagers formed a kind of subculture having norms and goals accepted by neither parents ism, loyalty, public honesty, innor teachers. Looking back tellectual eminence, or dedicaon our past, several of us tion to the common good. How can you help your teenfelt that our youth had been
$15 Chabot Bros. Monarch Machine Works, 'IDe.",
Automated Data Processing; Co., Dr. Joseph F. Carey Jr., The . Commercial Press of North Attl~boro. Inc., Harvey W. Gay , Electric Co., Germaine & MaJ>sella Contractors. ' Lyons Advertising, Thibe31fD Mobile Homes, Michael A. Vigorito. Bead Co., Ray Bouthillette-Real Estate, Gaudette Leather Goods, Co., Inc., Greve's Grill, Eugene F. Gucwa. North Washington Street G<r rage, Sandy's. ' A. & L. Polishing Co., D& Kenneth A. Atwill, Boston Coat & Dress Co., Jarvis Taps, Inc., North Attleboro Fire Extin-guishe.r Co.
agers? If we take a global, overall view of the situation, it appears formidable indeed. Yet considered from the viewpoint of the individual adolescent, there is less cause for panic. Growing up can be a normal process even under abnormal SPECKAL AWAlRD: Bishop Albert R. Zuroweste of social situations, provided the adolescent has· the intelligent Belleville, IlL, receives a special citation from the Catholic support and guidance of his par- Press Association. Floyd E. Anderson, right, newly-elected $500 ents. Hence your first aim must president of the CPA, ma~e the pr~sentation. NC Photo. be to foster a strong family spirit, Attleboro Dyeing & Finishing based on mutual love and confiCorp. dence, firm and consistent au$125 S[p)~cgcd thority, and a realistic awareness Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Heagney Max Meyer of the adolescent's expanding $100, fa~~ River Morris Levine world. Particular Council- 5t. Vin$1250 $20 cent de Paul-Attleboro Area Parents' Obligation B. M. C. Durfee Trust Co. St. Vincent de Paul Conference James J. Murphy Ins. Agency, In practice this means that you $1000 -St. John's Inc. take your job as parent seriF. L. Collins & Sons, Inc. W. H. Riley Co. Venturini Brothers ously, particularly during the. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. McNally Swank Inc. Hilton's Bakery teen-age period. Don't look on Mr. & Mrs. Norman F. Hochu $75 Morris Finance Co. the school, parish or youth or,. Globe Manufacturin~ ComLeache & Garner Roger L. Currant ganizations as parental subsU:.. pany Stephen H. Foley Fimera'l John P. Slade & Son tutes. $500 . Home J. M. Darling Co. This is your obligation, volun.;; J. & J. Corrugated Box Corp. $50 $18 " tarily assumed when you entered Plastic Craft Novelty Co. $350 William F. Staples marriage and brought children Mr.. & Mrs. Patrick J. Duffy . Slades Ferry Trust Company $15 into the world. And since you Apco Mossberg Co. $300 Tom Ellison, Inc. are engaged in rearing men, the $50 Greater Fall River Joint·Board Fall River Radiator Works mere provision of food; shelter,Leavens Mfg. Co. Adams Book Store ,and clothing does not satisfy of the' Textile Workers Union of $40 Somerst Milk Can your obligations before God or America, C.I.O. Attleboro Printing & Emb09G. W. Carpenter, Inc. society. $10 sing Co., Inc; Fall River Savings Bank , Considering current social Magoni's Ferry Landing, Cor$1'75 'practices, you can prevent derigan. Apothecary, Leclair Con$25 Reynolds & Markman, Inc. Atty. & Mrs. John J. Harringgradation of personality through strUction Co'., Mike's Restaurant, Attleboro Sun Publishlton sex only if you teach your chilOpen Air Market. .~ . Company, Inc. $1'70 dren the relevant fact, pertinent Atty; Milton Epstein, InterSt. John's Mother's Club H. Schwartz & Sons, Ill(!. moral norms, and the real beauty state Venetian Blinds, J. J. NeW- ' The Artcraft Co., Inc; $150 of human love. berry & Co., Lincoln P. Holmes,' Foster Metal Products, -Inc. In Memory ofOoRev. Joseph,P. Yet this will not be enough,:' Eatwell Provisions, Inc. ' 'd C ' W. E. Richards Co. unless through careful guiqance Lyons G . M . H a ffar so., John F. $20 $125 and planning you' direct their Dator Ins., A & A Mfg. Co.,' Olive Nerney Fall River News Co., Inc. energy and interest toward posiJohn G. Walsh Contractms," Dr. & Mrs. Roger E. Cadieux Leonard' Pharmacy, Mr. & Mrs. tive activities and goals and· J. T.· Cottrell. Co. $100 away from the premature dating Answering Service, Dr. Ber$15 Thomas Walsh Moving Co. patterns of their cont~mporaB., A. MacDonald Express Co. C. P. Harrington Funeral nard Weiser, Aiton E. Nichols ries. ' . Crawford Electrical Co., Econ.:· $10 Home Supernatural Significance omy Body & Radiator Works. . Slllman's Shoe Store, Guyot·,· Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Hackett The modern world is morally P;rrker Candy Co., Inc., Union' Brothers, Ashley Drug Store, Arkwright Finishing Division confused' and apathetic. Hence . United Merchants & Mfgrs., Inc. Motor, Herman Rocklin.', . .Milady's Shop Inc.' Sweet Mfg. you must help your children deP~arl Wet. Wash Laundry". Co. ' ' ArkwI'ight Warehouse Corp. velop a consistent philosophy _of . .FarIS .Furniture Co., Gale Ford, .. Bowen Brothers Electric pavis Mills Corp. life built around Christ and the· Inc., Central Lunch,' Atty. Peter Gordon MacKinnon 'Insurance. Midland Print Works· values He came to teach us. ColJias. $10 Precision Thread. Co" This requires patience and Clegg ,Mfg. & Tool Co., Ine.. In Memory of Rev..Joseph M. planning on 'your part, for your ~~lJ'fth Attleboro' Watson's Diner. children must be trained to .con:" Hamel , $750 $75 sider the supernatural signifiSe.ars Roebuck. Co. Jeweled Cross. Co., Inc. cance of their actions and to. .. $125 understand that morally accept-. Borden & R:~ington Co. ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wright· able conduct is always based. on $100 approved Christian principles. Atty. Franci:~~ 'Meagher W. H. Riley & Son, Inc. Westcott Construction Co. Finally, impress on your chilColonial Wholesale Beverage' $75 dren in season and out that there Corp.' Catholic Women's Club is 'a hierarchy of values in life. O'Neil Fisk Tire Service, Ioe. $60' If they learn to put first things J. Sullivan~S-:-F. A .. ,Forest of .PRINTED AND MAilED Aglae's Hot Shoppe fir~t, they will already, be acting' . Fall River and Hyannis' . .$50 as adults, and much of the straia Silva's Somerset DrugStore OSborne 2.:1322 DeWitt-!\nimal Hospital, ·Ine. ' of adolescence .w!,ll vanish. Wm. Archard & Sons . WYman 3-1431 A. Lacasse & Sons Cook Borden & Co. A. T.. Parker & ,Co. Troy Cooperative Bank Pete's Barber. Shop Everett Motors , $40 A. H. Leeming & Sons, Inc., Anthony T.•Correia ' Chace Mills Curtain Co. $25 Adrien Pi~ard, ·Sr. _ . d.OLORADO SPlhNGS (I'fC) CY~acred Heart Church PABD~~TING' Arthur R. Driscoll -Msgr. (Maj. Gen.) PatriCk ,J. Doran & ,Johnson Mfg. Corp: John F. Stafford & Co.. Ryim, former" Chief of Army R. L.M. Recording Studios Louis A. Drape, Inc. chaplains, was r~lect.ed as presHotel Hixon , U. S.Trunk Co. ' ide~t of the U. S., Milit".lry Chap.. Commercial • Industr,ial Nor,th Attleboro Coal Co. Travis Furniture Co., Ine. lains Association at its convenInstitutional Dr. Robert J. Welch $30 tion here. Alice's Shop , Painting and Decorating Ken-Lac Chemical Co., Ioe. Msgr. Ryan is ,now executive Schofield Hardware Co., Inc. $25 ' vice-president. of. the Catholic Thomas P. McDonough Coun135 Franklin Street Wilbur's Dig~st, a monthly magazine, and cil No. 33G--Knights of Colum- Fall River Cliff Haven Nursing & ConOSborne 2-1911 director of the National Catholie bus valescent Home Decency in Reading program. Cliff Heights Nursing Home Lt. Col. John H. Glenn, Jr., the Cliff Lawn Nursing Home first American 'to orbit the earth, , Cliff Manor Nursing Home was honored in absentia with the Isadore Setlow Co. first annual··Citizeriship. Award Canada Dry Bottling Co. of the association. He was cited M. Joseph Madowsky ."for his constant 'dev'otion to God' SOMERSET, MASS. General Paper & Supply and country;"and for "his living John Flanagan; Inc. General to Spe'ak $200.000 tq $2,000,000 in 2 Years .example as an ,officer 'of faith, Slater Paper Box' Corp. , . VILLANOVA (NC)-Gen. AI- , morality and integrity." Greeh's Storage Warehouse Treat Yourself To Convenient Banking fred M. Gruenther, president of The Military Chaplains' AssoJ. M. Fields Department Store in the American Red Cross, will re- ciation has 2,000 members. It Leonard Walsh Somerset Shopping Area at the Bridge ceive an honorary degree and consists of. Catholic, Protestant Dr. Elmer Leigh, Jr. speak at commencement exer- and Jewish clergymen who now High Point Paper Box Corp. Member Federal Deposit· Insurance Corp. ei~s of Villanova Univsrsity on' serve or have served as chapB & S Fisheries of Fall River All Deposits .Insured Up To $10.000 Monday, June 4. lains in the U. S. armed ~orces., Colonial Casket Company
different. Have conditions changed so quickly, and if so, how can parents help their. teen,.. age r s during this periOd?" No, Vin c e, ado I esc e nce doesn't' have to b e character-' ized by the traits you mentioned, though the stages of growth through puberty on to maturity necessarily involve adjustment to many changes and new experiences. "Indeed, I'm not sure that all modern youth, or eVEm the majority of them, exhibit the drastic symptoms you describe. Modern youth, like their parents, tend to be somewhat extrovert, mobile, restlessly activists, and secular-minded, in the sense that our affluent society tends to focus attentio'n on such satisfactio'ns. Yet, it is not clear that the majority either form, or feel that they form, a, distinctive subculture. Pertinent Changes This is not to maintain, of course, that modern youth do not have their problems, or that we do not have youth who are problems. The point I wish to make is that some observers apparently lICe not only an increasing intergenerational gap but a uniformity, consistency, and. content in adolescent attitudes, wholly alien to adult society. According to this view, the adolescent subculture weans teen-agers away from dependence on their parents earlier and more completely than in the past. I feel that it is more realistic to ~xplain the proble.ms of youth in terms of some of the pertinent changes that have occurred in contemporary society. In the first place, our young people must spend'many more years in school thEm in the past, and they consequently assume' adult responsibilities much later. . Meet Challenges Sooner When the majority of youth· take jobs shortly after' reaching 14:)as they did in the past and still do in many countries, they meet the challenges of adult society much sooner and are less likely to create problems while lOOKing for "something to·do."· Althc;>ugh our technically advanced'~society' requires an ever increasing span of formal educa": ' tion, we have not yet discovered any satisfactory method to induc;e all students totak~ ,~is training seriously, while even' serious students are bound to gr~w restleSs 'under a system offering them little scope for making decisions or exercising personal initiative. At the ~ame time, their social activities conflict with their educational requirements, since the,ir premature initiation into cross-sex associations not only places heavy demands on' time and energy, but conditions them for early marriage. Cynical Adults If they tut-n to 'adult society for ,directives, they discover little consensus on values or goals, and more than a little cynicism relating to such virtues as patriot-
Chaplains'Select-:Msgr. Ryan' ..
.THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 31, 1962
ARITHMETIC IS FUN: Say children at St. Mary's School, Taunton, they learn primary concepts with aid of Cuisenaire rods. Left, Sister Kathleen Joseph, S.U.S.C., instructs Stephen Sanford, Anne Marie Seekell, Robed Grandfield, Judith Scherben, William McGovern, Kathleen Reilly. Center, Msgr. James Dolan, pastor, and Sister Mary Richard at demon1,1S
Says M~y
Ban Bring M@rfe
C~Mrch Sch@~~s MIAMI (NC)-If the U.S. Supreme Court bans Bible reading and prayers in public schools, the nat~on may see a sharp increase in the number of church schools, a Protestant minister RaS predicted. The Rev. J. Calvin Rose of the Miami S h 0 res Presbyterian Church made the prediction during a speech in New Castle, Pa. He said Presbyterians, Methodists aod Baptists will start their own schools if the Court rules in favor of the ban • a Dade County suit now pending before both the U.S. Supreme Court and the Florida Supreme Court. II"' April, 1961, Dade County eircuit Judge J. Fritz Gordon roled here that public schools may con tin u e daily Bible »eading, a requirement by Florida State law, and the reeitation of .the Lord's Prayer but discontinue Easter and Christmas plays, showing of religious movies, and use of school classes . conducted by the Child Evangelistic Fellowship. : David Hume, president of tlie 6reater Miami Co un c i 1 of Churches, supported the stand of the Rev. Mr. Rose, declaring that "unless the public schools. give greater emphasis' to spiritual valuell - taught on a nonsectarian basis - then. indivi-. dual Protestants and the i r churches will start looking for. private sources." - He said that public schools can include Bible rea din g and prayers on a non-sectarian basis without breaching the concept of the separation of Church and State. " Just a few days ago. the R~v. Mr. Rose received the endorsement from the Co~ncil of Churches here for his proposal ttJ,at the U.S. Constitution' be amended to '.'firmly establish the' right of free people to read from God's .word in the school rooms of-America and to offer prayer to the sovereign God of all life'." Meanwhile, . George Foster, district superintendent of the Methodist church, saw a possibiliity of new Pro~estant parochial schools only if the Government grants Federal aid to parochial schools. "If aid is established," he said, "then everybody will build schools to get the same kind of aid."
Seek Foster Homes For Cuban Children NEWARK (NC)-Twenty-five Cuban refugee chHdren, who made their lonely way to the U. S. without their parents, are the first of an undetermined number of Cuban refugee children Tho will be cared for in the Newark archdiocese. Anangements for the arrival and care of the children were made by the Newark Catholic Charities in cooperation with Catholic Charities of Miami.
stration children gave at teachers' institute. From left, seated, Charles Kelly, Sally Hoye, Deborah Gibbons, Diane Murphy. Standing, Mark Riendeau, Timothy Alden, Bernard Hewey. Right, John Faidell is utterly absorbed in new way of learning.
With Cuisenaire Method, 1l'aunton Tot§ L~ve Cat~@~otC A~®!rM:Y A$~o~\r~ VO~\fD!Ml$ Arithmetic, Are For Ahe([Jl.d of G7!aae Le1lJe~ Of lP~(j'(lJ f~~@©J~ By Marion Unsworth Arithmetic is still arithmetic, but it is doubtful that most adults would recognize it as such if they walked into St. Mary's School, Taunton, these days. Here first and second' graders are dealing easily with mathematical concepts which have formerly been the province of upper grade students. The phenomenon is the result of a new way of teaching arithmetic, the Cuisenaire with the first grade class that them," Sister Mary Richard said. Method, which was intro- both class and their teacher were In working on her dissertation, duced in the first grade last promoted to the second grade to Sister compared the work of her year, extended to the second continue the project, and Sister students with that of another grade this year, and will be continued as these students enter the third grade in.September. The results have been notable. Students are able to deal with parenthesis, primary and composite numbers, factoring, squares and square roots at the age of seven. . The project was initiated in the Fall of 1960 by Sister Mary Richard, S.U.S.C., then' first grade teacher at St. Mary's, who became interested in new mathematical teaching methods in connection with her thesis dissertation at Catholic University. Convinced that educators have been underrating the ability of school beginners ill mathematics, Sister proposed that the Cuisenaire' method be tried to aid pupils in thinking. mathemat":. ically rather thim computation-' ally. Learn .through Relationships The method is based on the principle of learning. through number relationships, rather than memorization of isolated numbers. To emphasize the relationships between numbers, a set of colored wooden rods is used, each rod appro~imately three eighths of an incl). in cross section, and one to 10 centimeters in length. Each length has its own color. ' The aim of any leSSOR is that the child see .the relationship between one of these rods and each of the others.. In this way, pupils come tq realize that by putting two rods of the same length together, they. are doubling their original number, and by taking one away they are. halving the number. Such an example can teach addition and subtraction, as well as a fraction. By the same token, by seeing how many small rods are used to make up a larger one, division and multiplication are used. Thus, rather than learning each of these processes in gradual stages, all are absorbed. at the same time. As Sister Mary Richard explains, "Through the rods a greater range of mathematical concepts can be explored at an earlier age by a natural involvement of hand; eye,and mind in simultaneous action." This not only aids the child in arithmetic, but helps him to think in other subjects because he realizes that when he reads and reasons, he must get an accurate answer. Pupil Demonstration School personnel were so impressed with the r'esults received
Kathleen Joseph, S.U.S.C. named first grade teacher, also learned to use the method of instruction. This past year, the two Sisters and Mrs. Edward T. O'Keefe, third grade teacher, attended a 16-week session held at Lincoln School in Natick which was given aE an extension seminar from Leslie College, a pioneer in establishing the method in this country. Recently the t.hree teachers from St. Mary's attended a Cuisenaire Workshop at Natick, where they gave a pupil demon. stration of the method. Sister Mary Richard, whose ehthusiasm is at '1east a partial reason for the success of the . projeCt, emphasizes that this is no attempt to overthrow traditional methods, nor is there any claim that this is the only effec_ tive process of all the new methods being currently tested.
'NEW YORK (NC)-Food and other relief supplies were rushed by the overseas relief agency of U.S. Catholics to a large jungle area in Peru when it was inundated by floods. Catholic Relief ServicesNational Catholic Welfare Conference headquarters here reported the supplies were rushed from its Lima, Peru, office when the Ucayali River burst its banks near the town of Pucallpa and flooded an area populated by some 55,000 Indians. The agency said that the banana and yucca crops, principal source of food for the people, were washed away. The agency rushed 100 cases of milk powder, 100 sacks of cornmeal,· 100 sacks of wheat and 90 cases of cooking fats into the area. A small group of Canadian missionaries who work among the Indians helped the relief agency to distribute the food. CRS-NCWC carries on relief and assistance programs in 61 countries. Supplies are distributed on the .basis 'of need without regard to race,· color or creed.
similar first grade in Taunton and the results were most favorable. A problem, which confr.onts other programs also, was discov_ ered, however, when standardized tests were given to both grades. Both did well in them because the tests are gauged for the traditional method, but the tests were not accurate measures for pupils dealing in more advanced concepts. . All in all, the project has been most successful, as is evidenced by the following examples of second grade level problems: 2/7 x (16-2) equals?; or (2/5 x 15) - (1/3 x 15) + 14 equals,?; or 417 x (15-8) + 3/5 x (15-10) equal 15 - ?; or 2/5 x (14-4) + 3/5 x (14-9) + 4/7 x· (14-7) equals? This is a far cry from two times two is four! What's more, because the scheme is based on different-sized rods, .it can be used with blind Apostolic Delegate children, who need not see colors "All of the new plans are try,., to tell sizes, . Dedicates Seminary ing for the same thing, to en-. Perhaps the final test has been RICHMOND (NC) - Archcourage mathem;ttit:al thinking," the reactiOn of the pupil1! themshe explained.' e 'must keep selves. According' to Sister's bishop Egidio' Vagnozzi, Apospace with what ".. ~ students are happy report, "The word arith- tolic Delegate in the United expected to .do in science, and metic:is no lOnger greeted with States, took pa~t in the dedicathis'progress must star't, when groans. The more you c~n giv~ tion near. here of the Richmond diocese's new St. John VianneJ' the pupils first deal witli number cO!1cepts.'" .• '. . ~hem, the happier they are!'~ minor seminary. Perhaps the happiest people Located about eight.miles west Learn. AutQmatically .. concerned are .arithmetic teach- of Richmond, it is the diocese'.· Sister has noticed many 'ad"'; ers; who already' have heard first minor seminary for. higll' vantages in the plan, in addition enough multiplication tables to school age students intent Oil to the greater amount of mathe-· last them "a lifetim.e. studying to become priests.' It matics grasped. The method opened in September, 1960. It works well with the poor as well has 112 students. as the good student, an impor"';. Baltimore Atheist tant factor when the class en- Asks Prayer Ruling --~ rollment' is 53 in the second . WASHINGTON (N C) A grade and 59 in the first. mother who says she is ·an athe. "But individual differences' ist has put. before the nation's Home made are taken care of," Sister said" highest court another challenge "and the plan' also' promotes CA~D1ES to religious exercises in publie sOcial virtues such as sharing, schools. CHOCOLATES c'ooperation, group spirit and Mrs. Madalyn Murray of Balcompetition." 150 Varieties timore appealed to the U. S. SuOriginally, it was thought that preme Court to strike down a ROUTE 6 near the pupils might become too de4 to 3 ruling of the Maryland pendent on the rods to do their Court of Appeals which held that Fairhaven Auto Theatre thinking for them. At first the religious exercises in Baltimore FAIRHAVEN, MASS. , children are given the rods iri public schools do not violate the sessions of free play and encour- U. S. Constitution. aged to build something with them, such as a staircase. . . In this way, pupils become . aware of difference in sizes and how many of one size rod are .needed to equal a rod of equa~ . size. Later, they associate numbers with the rod's size and color. . They use the rods so often that they learn automatically, without rote. "Although they rely heavily on the rods at first, they wean themselves away from them, until now, in the second grad~, UNION WHARF, fAIRHAVEN not one of the students 'uses _~OQCCCCQQCCCcc~=cc~ccc~c=~
Dorothy C;ox
We Will Have _ While They Last King Size
35,¢ LB.
Maclean's Sea Foods !
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 31, 1962
Sacred Heart Month,
·:Co'ming. Vatican Council
The PQpe on Care of Souls
On Saturday, the Holy Father, speaking to the first assemblage of the International Congress for Ecclesiastical Vocations, urged ·that priests devote themselves to the care of souls and not become engrossed in secular activities. The Pope stressed that priests should celebrate Mass By Rev.Wm. F. Hogan,C.S'.C. and preach and give'the s:,!-craments and instruct, and that J;)·:l·r .-~ . . . .<, ,..'' ' ~ Stonehill Professor ~""'" "all. other things that are unrelated with these duties must .....'W~...;, .... remain marginal and at the most may be tolerated." Ninth Ecumenical Council The Pope is pointing out what is all too true-that The first eight general priests are ordained first and above all for the pastoral councils of the Church were mission, for the care of souls, and this, must be their allall' held in the East, for it embracing concern always. was in the eastern Church Other activities assoCiated with the priest--parochial that the seeds of discord had organization life, social affairs, drives of various kindsbeen planted. Due to the gradual all these are "marginal" and must not take up too much separation of time or effort because they are not specifically priestly and, the' e as tel' n Church from as the Pope says, "gradually impoverish the spirit." the West and The point that can be drawn from the Holy Father's~. the problems words is a twofold one: the priests are only too happy to 3rising in the West, the rc Jt follow the Pope's admonitions and divorce themselves from, of ,the general the secular activities that, at times, make so many demands councils of the upon them; but, since many of these· activities are needed Church, beginin the structure of the Church as it exists today, then these ning with the endeavors must be carried on by a dedicated and knowing First Council of the Lateran in laity. . _ ' ... '" 1123, were all So ,this talk of Pope John's, as well as being the wise held ir:t the West. counsel of the Father of priests to his c4ildren in the min. For a period of abqut 150 istry, is also another call to the'laity, to men and women of years' before the ninth ecumenical council the Church experibalance and knowledge and dedication, to lay apostles in the enced what has been called a <Th.n.o~q.h WEEk, Church, to fulfill their proper role and not allow it to fall period of darkness. To be sure, by default into the already burd~ned ,hands of the priest.' there' we~e many 'illustrio~1I By REV. ROBERT' W. HOVDA, Catholic' University saints, conversions of whole naThere are certain works of the Church that only the tions .from paganism to Christiordained priest can do. He must be reserved for these and apity, the reform and foundi~g give his whole energy and time and effort for these saving of monastic orders; neverthele~ TODAY-The Ascension of Our MONDAY-,-St. Francis Car~c~ actions. There are other works of the apostolate that the Lord. Except for the sending of ciolo~. Confessor. If he has re- ,the Church underwent severe laity can do and can do better-the secular activities that the Holy Spirit, who comes from turned to the Father, he will trials because of the excessive ·the Pope speaks of. the Father and the Son, today's come again (Gospel). For the ppwer of the laity in purely ecMass completes our celebration Christian, then, this time be- !:lesiastical offices and affairs. Let the laity take heed and let men and women offer this year of the saving' work of tween His Exaltation and .its Lay Patrons 'themselves for these tasks~ Let them give themselves to the Christ. It is a' day of great final effect in the end of time ' i Instead of Church officials what they are best prepare~ to do and most able to do well. rejoicing for the Church .. , for is 'a period in which He invites selecting the candid~tes to be although she loses the sight, of our ,coooperation with His grace. Then each member of the Mystical Body of Christ, in her Lord, she sees His work con- We celebrate in this Mass of a popes; bishops, abbots of monas,accordance with his capabilities and position, is fulfilling firmed again by the Father, she Confessor one who ha's cooper- teries, 'lay patrons (t,hose who his role in 'building up the Body and carrying on the redemp- knows He has the glory that be- ated fUlly, as fully as man can. allegedly endowed Church" in:' longs to Him, she hears His And, we pray that God will en- stitutio.ns with money or protive mission of Christ. ' ' promise of the Holy Spirit who able all of us by His grace to tection) usurped the right. Con"
Back in Fashion The Cornmandent of the Marine Corps, General David M. Shoup, has said that the Marines do not' teach a man to hate because, "Hate I consider is an internal sin." It is unusual to hear a'man in authority-one not ~ cleric of any kind-talk abo~t sin and'internal sin at that. It is a hopeful sign that there are some men in authority who still believe in man's 'freedom of choice and his accountability to God for the fr.ee choices he makes. 'roo long have too many people been on the "sickness kick" with the conclusion tha,t no one is really bad but only sick; It must be admitted that many persons who do wrong are sick. Many of these have their judgements warped and their wills affected-at times completely-by, physical or emotional problems. There is no denying this. ' . But man still has free will. And most men perform 'most actions as a result of their f!ee will .and are thus accountable for 'what they do. And even jf their decisions have a mi~ture of the habitual and the emotional' and are performed 'against a Whole lifetime of"habits and a certain 'environment and ,heredity, ~till 'there is freedom to do or not to do, arid' th.at is the essence of free will and of moral imputability. _ Her~'s hoping, then, that sin will become an 'acceptable :concept again. Here's hoping that men 'will'realize that any ,~isorder in'tht(will-any turning of -the Will'ofman fr6rn the Will of God-is a sin even if there does' not follow -externa:l action. . . .. ".' ,' ..
Wnh thE ChWtch
will fill her and remain with her, keep our "loins girt" and our and she kriows He will come ~'lamps burning" as we await the' 'again to judge the living and the ·final realization of His Kingdom. dead, TUESDAY St. Boniface, TOMORROW st. Angela Bishop. Martyr. The Beatitudes Merici, Virgin. This Mass of a of today's Gospel llpeU out for virgin, following Asc~nsion Day, us the meaning of this cooperareminds the Christian communtion which we are privileged to ity that the life of the vows offer to our ascended Lord. Be(commonly called the Religious cause it is the' feast of a great Life)' is necessary' incarnation teacher and martyr of the 'in the daily life of some ChrisChurch, we think particularly of tians of the fact that Christian the blessing of those "who suffer hope and the Christian promise persecution for justice's sake." are' transcendEmt. Just as the As we· share the Holy Food of life 'of the layman in the Church spiritual strength and corporate is a' necessary incarnation in the union, weask the Father to grant daily life of' other Christians of us, whenever it is necessary, the the fact that the good news and ability to offer such a witness. the promise· exist for this' world and for' these men. " WEDNESDAY - St. Norbert Bishop,- Confessor. All of th~ , SATURDAY-Mass of St. Mary on Saturday. "I.took root in an moral teaching of Christ, as in today's Gospel of the talents, is honorable people," says the first reading in tOday's Mass. So our s~t in the perspective of this . Lady teaches us the first lesson h~e between His Ascension and of the Christian life: we must HIS' coming again. This is what ,identifY ourselves with the Peo- gives Christian morality' it's sense of urgency, an immediacy ple of God,with that holy community. destroyed by sin, re- quite different trom that which a set of merely abstract moral ~iored iri Abraham's faith, and made a Hvin'g reality with means principles'would possess. And 31\"'weI,1 a~ hope in Jesus Christ. it is also what makes it such a personal mQrality, a response' by 'STJNDAY, A F'T E R ASCENa Person. to a PersOn.' , SION. On this Sunday after AscenSion, Day; ,the Church:~eels both- a great sense of bereave:- Says Church Needs" ment" and a' great 'sense' of mis~ . Ilion, a loss and yet a 'ga.in, a BUSinessmen Saints weakness and yet a strength. 'CINCINNATI (NC)-BusinesS- , ,Bereavement and loss and men saints 'are needed in the weakness; because the Lord had . Church, a priest-editor told a lived the' rhythm of His earthly group of lay' leaders in the Cinlife' and had returned to the cinnati.. Archdiocesan Council of Father. . Mission, II gain and Catholic men. strength, because we have the - "In the past, lay saints came Spirit, we have His sacramental action everywhere and always, £r'om the kind of people that we know what He meant when were looked up to-kings, teachHe said, "It is better for you that ers, and so 'on," said Father I go," He was lUted up; in the Raymond T. Bosler, editor of the words of the preface, that He Criterion, newspaper of the might ~'grant us fellowship in Indianap'olis archdiocese. "Today we look up to the successful' His Godhead." businessman, and this is where our' saints' must come from." ,Kennedyt'o SpeQk Father Bosler, who spoke at a NEW YORK (NC) , - Atty. spiritual formation program of Gen. Robert F. Kennedy will the plen's ~ouncil, also said that love of neighbor should ,not P.e llpe~ and receiv~ honora~y doctorate of laws at the l1ltb ~onfined to one!s friends but oCOlm,Ilencement. of Manhattan !'mus~,be extended.to all, includCOllege here' Tuad&,y•. .lUBe" 13.' ingone~$'~ie&."
Here's hoping that sin-not its commission but 'itil recognition-comes back into f~hion".again~ " ,
®rheANCHOR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FAll RIVER ,Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River . 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Moss. OSborne 5:7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev~' James L~ Connolly,' 0,,0., P.hO. GENERAL MANAGER ' ASST, GENERAL MANAGER ••v. Oan!el' f~ S,halloo, M;A. ' Re~;"John :P~;Oris~1I ,' ,- MANAGING I EOITO'R . :Hugh .t. GOlden
sequently the spiritual offices were not entrusted to men who dese'rved them and who had the p'roper abilities, but rather these lay, patrons would give them to their own relatives and friends, who in a great many instanc,es were not qualified and were un,. worthy. Clerical ,celibacy declined due to the conferral of church offi,. ces oil the spiritually unfit. The papacy itself became infected by. these· evils, since popes were chosen either' by the Roman noble families or by the emperor - thus politics played a great role. The murder of popes by opPosi'ng political factions Wall fairly common; creation of antipopes was by no means rare all due to the fact of the lay appointment of popes and bishops. In his divine 'Providence, however, ,God did, not permit that these unworthy pontiffs should utter any dogmatic teaching. ' 'IDterference Continues 'Ill the 11th century a m~ve ment againSt these abuses ,ar~; iEi4. 'by popes and devout memo: berS of t~e <;lergy. Attempts were made to shake the Chur,ch i~~sefrom the 'control of 'th~ emperor and. the,powerful nobl~ familiell, to reinstate celibacy among' members of the clergy, to prevent simony (the buying and selling'of spiritual offices in the Church). " 'The eIDperors, of course, were n'ot favorable generally to these attempts at reform; for they stood' to lose control over' the ChUrch. Hence imperial interference continued in the papcy, although sometimes it was' with lofty motives, as when at the Cou'ncil of Sutri in 1046 Emperor HenrY III deposed a real pope' and seVeral claimants to the papacy and' appointed a new pope because it was practically' impos~ sible to ascertain who was the real pope.
Important Step . The first great reforming pope was Pope St. Leo IX; he led'the attaek against the' aforemen-
''l'um' to Page Seyen
.' ,.
Yat;can ". Council Continued fl'om Page Silt t'toned evils and held sevel'al councils, issuing decrees dgainst the corrupt clergy., Leo IX personally journeyed through Germany and France trying to spl'ead the badly needed reform. At Leo's death, Vietol' II beGame pope; he was the last pope to be nominated by the emperor; :fior the next two popes were elected by the:,powerful Roman :!lactions and Nicholas II then decreed that the pope from that time on was to be elected by the Roman cardinals. The cardinal-bishops would ehoose the candidate, then the other cardinals would vote; only after this would the rest of the Roman clergy and the people be given the opportunity to express their consent by acclamation. This was a very important step in ridding the Church of unlawful control by the laity. Pope George The real leader of the reform movement was the monk Hildebrand who, after guiding the popes for several years and passing up the opportunity to be elected pope himself, was finally elected pope ·in 1073, taking the name of Gregory VII. He held numerous councils in which simony, lay investiture Gnd clerical immorality were vigorously co.ndemned. His years as pope were marked with con~ stant struggle against Emperor Henry IV. He went to the extreme of deposing and excommunicating the ~peror for interference in the matter of lay investiture (selecting and iflvesting bishops with the insignia of their office, thus giving the impression that the bishop receives his power from the emperor). Henry IV did everything in hfs power to turn the clergy away from Pope Gregory VII, declaring that his election had been invalid. Yields to Emperor Urban II continued the battle against the emperor after the death of Gregory VII and Pope Pascal II, who followed Urban II, was similarly faced with this problem. Pope Pascal II offered to surrender all of the territorial possessions of the Church if Henry V, son of Henry IV, would abandon the practise of investiture. ' This solution, however, was impractical, because the bishops and abbots would not give up their lands and temporal goods; neither should they have been obliged to, because the Church has a right to own temporal goods. Henry V arrested and imprisoned Pope Pascal II until the Pope yielded to the emperor ' under pressure the right of investiture. This act brought down a heap of abuse on Pope Pascal II from ecclesiastical authorities and the Pope, therefore, revoked his concession of the right of investiture. The bishops, meeting in couneU, excommunicated Henry V; Pope Pascal II would not do it personally because he had pro-. mised under pressure not to do it to Henry. Even though such a promise was not valid since it was made under force and fear, still the Pope was reluctant to act against his word. Concordat of Worms Pope Callistus II succeeded Pascal II and during his reign the Concordat of Worms (1122) was dra~n up. Henry V, conceding that the Church should be free iil electing prelates? renounced the imperial claim to invest bishops with the ring and Cl'ozier; the emperor would be aHowed only to touch the bishop-elect with his sceptor to show that the temporal goods of the see were conferred on him. The Pope, on his part, granted that the elections of bishops and abbots would be held in the presence of the emperor, without any simony or violence. This treaty was ratified by the ninth ecumenical council, the First General .Council of the Lateran in 1123. It was held during March in Rome at the Pope's Church, st. John Lateran, where there was an adjoining large .concialiar hall in the
Dedicate rie'lv St. Casimir A.t Impressive Church Build.ing Ceremonies Yesterdny
Thurs., May 31, 1962
K of C Shriners , Aid Cripp~ed Bo~
By Avis C. Roberts CHICAGO (NC) - Two giant 1.1le newest church building in the Diocese, St.. Casimir's in the North End of New with opposing reBedford, was dedicated and blessed only yesterday afternoon by Bishop Connolly. Con- organizations ligious views have joined forces structed of warm golden brick, the church on ,Acushnet Avenue is of Colonial design. The so that a 14-year-old boy may church was thronged yesterday at the 2 o'clock dedication services. BIshop Connolly and walk some day. . _ , - ~ ~ The youngster, Michael Boner, Bishop Gerrard presided at of P.arsom" Kan., has been adthe Solemn High Mass which mitted to the Shriner's Hospital was sung by the temporary for a series of operations to coradministrator of the church, rect a bone deficiency. Rev. Casimir Kwiatkowski. About 30 other members of the clergy participated. Refreshments were served in the church hall in the basement of the church where services have been conducted each Sunday since the completion of the basement last November.
A common belief'in brotherhood prompted the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal organization, and the Shriners, a Masonic order, to help the boy. Mike has been hospitalized or under a doctor's care all his life. He was born with a bone deficiency and before he was six months old suffered 19 bone fractures. HIS condltion is rare in medical circles: but the operatons which may permit him to walk have been successful in many similar cases. Doctors plan to thread his brittle bones with a special alloy rod. Father Is Knight Mike's parents had exhausted their money and were about to give up hope of seeking a cure for their son. Word of the boy's condition and th~ family's financial plight reached Kansas State Sen. Wade Ferguson, a Shriner, who got together with the St. Patrick Council of the Parsons Knights of Columbus. Ferguson said the Shriners would abSOrb all hospital and medical expenses and the ,Knights of Columbus would pay for transportation here for the boy and his mother, Mrs. Mary C. Boner. The Catholic group also agreed to provide Mrs. Boner with room and board near the hospital. The boy's father is a K. of C. member.
Polish Saints A 'pretty featur~ of the simple new church is its eight stained glass windows (gifts of the parishioners, each of which features a likeness of a Polish saint. Represented on the windows are St. Casimir, St. Stanislaus, St. Hedwig, St. Andrew Bobola, St. Adalbert, st. Hyacinth, St. John Kanty and St. St<lnislaus Kostka. The main altar is a wood Gothic design and is handsomely carved. A Gothic crucifix surmounts the altar with' a backdrop of deep red velvet. Side altars are dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary' and the Sa~red Heart. Altars are light ST. CASIMIR CHURCH,. NEW BEDFORD mahogany; the communion rail, in the bounds of the parish. New Bedford. Prior to his death, is a combination of light and With the founding of the new Father Sutula participated in dark mahogany and pews are m' 3ion parish, all persotJ,s living ground-breaking ceremonies for dark mahogany. north of Belleville Road be- the', new church last May 30. Pale pastels overlay the Father Sutula conducted final came communicants of St. Casi-· carved wooden Stations of the ·services in the old church last mir's Church. Cross and the baptistry also will ,May. That month, Father Sutula First Pastor contain a shrine to St. Casimir. Construction of the wooden and Father Kwiatkowski, transThe existing parish hall will be razed and parish activities church, of Tudor Gothic'design, ferred the sacred vessels and church, appointments to the was started in October 1926 and will be held in the basement completed in October 1927. The parish hall, which was used of the new church. • during the construction of the There are 300 families in St. first Mass was celebrated in the Casimir's, the third Polish mission chapel on Feb. 5, 1927 edifice. All services after that time were conducted in the hall, by Rev. Lawrence Malecki, paschurch erected in the city. About excepting the 10, and 11 Sunday tor of St. Joseph Church, Cen100 ·children participate in ConMONTREAL (NC)-The Cath_ Masses which were offered in fraternity of Christian Doctrine tral Falls, R.I. olic Welfare Bureau of Montreal the. Ashley School Auditorium. The orieinal church accomclass~s which ,are conducted by started "a clergy clinic" where modates 240 parishioners. Rev. lay teachers. all the English-language priests Albert J. Folta, a curate at Holy Active groups in the parish of the archdiocese will be are the Holy Rosary Sodality, Family C~urch in East Taunton, brought up to date on the latest .Holy Name Society, St. Casimir's 'was the first pastor assigned to developments in the field of Circle, Polish Roman Catholic St. Casimir Church. Before that social welfare. LONDON (NC) - The British time either Father Baj or his Union, Boy SCOJ.lts, Cubs, Girl The clinicf' will be held once government has again cut state curate, Rev. John Czerwonka, ,SC~lUts and Brownies. a week, and priests will discuss aid toward constructing or reThe scouting groups were said Mass at the chapel. current welfare questions with When Father Folta left St. furbishing Catholic schools in started by Father Kwiatkowski the professional social welfare England and Wales. Casimir he was succeeded by alo.ng with the bowling league workers.' The Catholic share comes to and his newest project is organi- Rev. Stanislaus J. Ryczek, who about $17 billion, 11 per cent John F. Cullen, general manzation of a' teen-age church left the mission church in 1932 of the government's total expenager of this work, said the purto assume the pastorate of Our choir. diture for 'the year on school' pose of the .project "is to bring St. Casimir Mission Chapel Lady of Perpetual Help Church. our clergy !nto more active par_ aid. Cath'Olics m~ke up about 7.8 was established in 1927 on' the Father Ryczek was followed by per cent of the population of ticipation in organized charity site of the new church: In May Rev. Joseph F. Sutula who and professional social agencies." Eng1anq. and Wales, the terri1925, the Bishop of F'all River served until his death last Octo_ tories affected by the aid funds, It is expected that each priest ' bought property owned by ber 2. will attend at least four or five but the Catholic population is Patriotic Activities James H. Brown on the east side of the clinics. growing at a faster rate than During his pastorate, Father of Acushnet Avenue' between the rest. This is largely due to Sutula supervised many renovaSylvia and Wood Streets. the' immigration of Catholics tions of the parish's old church The acquisition was made for from Ireland. use by Our Lady of Perpetual building, which was demolished The Catholic share Is more Help parish, of which Rev. An~ . last Spring to make way for the than in any single year before new cIi.urch. In February. 1954 drew S. P. Baj was then pastor, 1960 but compares with nearly to accommodate the overflow of 'the parish marked the end of it~ $30 million in 1960-61, about i n deb ted n e s s with a notePolish parishioners living with$26.5 million - in 1961-62 and burning ceremony.', In addition to his 'duties in the $19.5 million in 1962-63. Lateran Palace, for a long time parish, Father Sutula also was active on man¥ patriotic and the Popes' residence. civic com "Tl itt e e s of the Thomas F. Monaghan k. CLEVELAND (NC) St. AuAbout 300 bishops attended together with many abbots. The Polish-American community in gustine Academy, a girls high Treasurer school here, at a time when Concordat of Worms was apsome schools are closing and proved; decrees were passed others, cutting grades, has anforbidding once again those Pam~ering nounced plans to double its stuabuses which had been con142 SECOND STREET CENTRAL FALLS (NC)-The dent capacity from 500 to 1,000 demned earlier in local coun. dean of Providence College and build a new faculty resicils: simony, immorality of the OSborne 5-7856 called on parents to end the dence to provide living quarters clergy, marriages of near relapractice of "pampering," which for 36 Sisters of Charity of St. FALL RIVER tives. er:lcourages children to remain Augustine who operate the 25 New' Canons immature. school. Other decrees were drawn up Increase in free time that has promoting the crusades and resulted from m'echanical congranting indulgences to those trivances, said Father Joseph who would partake in these Lennon, O.P, has in many famcrusades. The property and Famous Reading HARD COAL ilies "meant that less responsifamilies of crusaders would be NEW ENGLAND COKE bility has been assumed by the protected in their absence. children and more by the parSimilarly pilgrims to Rome DADSON OIL BURNERS were protected by a decree of ents." 24-Hour Oil Burner Service Father Lennon said childhood this coun.cil that excommunicated and adolescence should be rethose' who would rob them on Charcoal Briquets garded as periods of preparation their' pilgrimage. Monks were for adult living, adding: "Should ordered to remain in their monBag Coal - Charcoal this preparation be inadequate asteries. In all, there were 25 or faulty." he said, "the individcanons made, by the council. ual will not be ready for adult Lastly, during this council Bishop Konrad of Constance was : living when he reaches physical Successors to DAVID DUff £7 SON matu~ity. The result will be a canonized. Warped personality and an inNext week: The Tenth imd New lecHa.'CI 640 Pleasant Street Tel. WY ~'271 fantile adult." Eleventh Ecumenical Councils.
Welfare Bureau Has 'Clinic' for Clergy
Britain Reduces Aid To Catholic Schools
Double Capacity
Urges Parents Stop . Children
SHELL "Premium"
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 31, 1962
Legion of Mary Invades England
C@~[Ltm,~~$~ ReB(Q),~(Ces 0[(1) §<er~~c<e,~ Of lOU5se [EYeD"Y FrBd~y
CINCINNATI (NC)-Legiollfl of Irish adventurers are invading England. Their next targets will be the European continent and Latin America.
By Mary Tinle)' Daly "Work, your' way up"....:....that's the tradition in this country. In the Army, the Navy; in business and governmen~; in politics, it's the same precedure. -In the mundane sphere of household administration, still following the line of watchful i haps twenty times as much as waiting, those' of us lucky I the small dog. enough to have a once':aA Timely Retreat Magoo locked up, Louise starts week maid usually await our
University students, for the most part, they all are members of the Legion 'of Mary. As legionaries they give up their school vacation t8 volunteer their services to English pastors for census-taking, catechetical work, or whatever is required.
They go abroad under the turn to have a Girl Friday. Not 'her day with a-bite of breakfast, legion's recently inaugurated just· any girl, mind you, but the . 'then on to routine. Over the "Adventure for Ghrist" proswish of the washing machine, helper who is ,gram, which began in 1958 with through the drone of the vacuum the one suited a dozen students and this year ,cleaner rises Lpuise's excellent to our own will include an estimated 3,000. ,voice in hearty Baptist hymns. household. Out This was disclosed by Liam i At lUnch time, ·Louise fixes Girl Friday is Clare, young man from Dublin ,herself "a little something" 'and .Louise. Louise who visited Legion of Mary proceeds to the ironing, the sils tar ted out, units' here. as an official repre,ver polishing, the scrubbing and many years ago, sentative of the central council ,that is when we really have a as our'Girl of the legion. ' M:mday, a comconcert. . ,./By the end of the day, Lpuise fortable helperFollow Schedule has us all spruced up and leaves, out with the 1 a u.n dry, the those Baptist hymns still ringFollowing its custom of using. "THIS IS .YOUR LIFE": Rev.- William D. Thomson, Latin terms, the legion calls the cleaning and ing in our ears. pastor of St. Mary's Church, Norton, is honored by Catholic new program Peregrinatio pro , the ever-present pick-up result-. However, when we found ouring from a relaxed family week selves having reached the apex, Women's Club at surprise program on occasion of 30th Christo, Clare said. end. . a maid-on-Friday, we found .also ordination anniversary. His mother, Mrs. David Thomson, The students and a good However, by the time the next that there is no apex without a Taunton, was among participants. many working young men and week-end rolled around, the corresponding nadir., women don't go abroad at house needed another good Louise's breakfast, taken in . random, he explained. Commit.,. cleaning, especially if we. exstride on other days, was most tees in Dublin, London and pected guests. So we just sighed disturbing on this day of our NEW ORLEANS (NC)-SisThe other 40 per cent will be' other cities work out a schedule and longed for the day when we <[hoice. prorated according to enroll- 'of needs and assignments. te:r Mary'Louise, president of St. could have Louise on Friday. How do you like to smell Mary's Dominican College here, m~nts. ' Slow Progress Some of the "adventurers" _ bacon on Friday? 'From Monday Eventually, Louise's Tuesday specialize in meeting Irish emithrough . Thursday, the scent has been elected president of the employer moved out of town and grants as they arrive in the seems to leave the air rather 'Louisiana Foundation of PriSummer .Grant we inched our way up a notch .quickly. On Friday, it lingers .vately Supported' Colleges and British metropo!itan centers Miss Valerie Foley, st. Joseph's and seeing that the new arin the program. Universities. ' tantalizingly 'as we get hungrier parish, Fall River, is .among 60 Later, we found that Louise rivals are introduced to their and hungrier. Only solution we French teachers who will partic- new pastor. have found is to get out of the The foundation this year colwas ours on Wednesdays. This ipate in a seven-week Summer lected $82,379. Sixty per cent of was progress! , . house and do the weekend marlanguage institute co-sponsored Although the moV'ement is it was divided equaliy 'among When her "Thursday people" keting on Friday morning. by the federal government' and: confined mostly to Irish legionthe four member colleges-St. moved, away, we felt that we i We get home just about the Mary's Dominican, Louisiana St. Catherine's College, St. Paul, aries. Clare indicated it is exwere really getting places with ttme Louise is fixing her ~unch, College, Centenary College and Minn. She is a teacher at Morton pected to spread throughout the Louise. Now, a thorough cleanwhat lunches. InevItably Loyola University of the South. Junior <High School, Fall. Rive,r. . world. ing of the house on Thursdays and Louise finds a smidgen of steak"--.. ' . left us ready to entertain over left from Thursday night" some """"""~"""""~~""'~,~"'~"'~"""""'"~""~~""""""', ••, •• ~"'~,. . the week end with only a slight sausage or ham. And what smells brush-up, something less than better than steak, sausage or the maximum of 'including silver ham on a Friday, particularly as cleaning and all the I:est. one is munching a cheese sandThus was the status quo at our Wich? . house for a year or more. ,Oh well, we asked for it-and And then, like a long-awaited we're still glad we have worked. captaincy, or a jump' into an our way up to having Louise on editorship, came the news that Friday. Louise was free on Friday! Louise was to be ours on Fridays from now on! . History of ,Maryknoll Louise knows us and we. know her. Sisters TV Feature With a cheery "You-ho-ho! NEW YORK (NC)-A50-year Magoo locked up?" Louise panorama of the mission work of sticks her head in th~ door just the Maryknoll Sisters will be about the time we are· finishing' featured on the television probreakfast. , . gram "Directions J62" over the Magoo, the down - to: earth ABC-TV network Sunday, Ju"e dachshund, is the only one of the 3 at 3 P.M. household who doesn't care too The American community this much for Louise and I must say year is marking its Golden Jubithe feeling is mutual. When the lee, noted the National Council two are together, a threatening, ot' Catholic Men which will progrowling and nipping dachshund dtice the program iii cooperation \ trails the steps of a thoraughly with the ·network. frightened maid who weighs perIn some areas, NCCM said; the program will be seen on a deSister Asserts Truth layed basis. A check of local program listings was tirged. Unknown, Unrespecte'd
Fbund6tion Elects New President
Buy' GOLD· MEDAL Perfect-Whipped ~
. CLEVELAND (NC) - Sister Margaret of Notre Dame Academy, Washington, D. C., conducted by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, told' a meeting of Catholic women here 'that truth is '''unknown and unsuspected." She said some reasons for her statement were such common things as blown-up expense accounts, distorted income 'tax returns and faked quiz shows. Sister Margaret reminded, the women that "where truth is, freedom is and you cannot be possessors of the truth and keep it to yourselves." She added: "You must take the truth into the market place ... eaeh one is . called to take a stand-either with the serpent of lies or with the God of Truth."
Widow, Nine Cliildren Erie 'Family of year' ERIE (NC)-Mrs. George McFadden of Sharon, Pa., and her nine children have been named as. winners .of the Archbishop John Mark Gannon 16th annual Catholic Family of the Year Award. Mrs. McFadden, whose husband died in January, ,1960, will be 'honored at ceremonies in. St. Peter's cathedral today.. One of het sons, Father Bernard J. Mc_ Fadden, is now taking higher studies in Rome. He is a :-~; ~o· of the St. Augustine, Fla., diocese.
Alumnae Comm'unioh
A large committee is as~isting' Miss Anne W. McAndrew in preparations for the annual cor_ Capetip Women porate Communion and breakNew officers of the Catholic fast of the alumnae. association of Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall Daughters of America, Province_ River. Rev. Robert Kaszynski town chapter, are Mrs. Mary Chapman, grand regent; Mrs." will celebrate 9:15 Mass Sunday Lillian Poyant, vice-regent;·Mrs. morning, June 10 in the academy Mary Avellar, financial secre- chapel and will be breakfast speaker. Tickets are· available tary; Mrs. Mary Ventura, treasurer. Rev. Leo Duarte is chap- from the committee through Wednesday, June 6. lain.
Oven-Fresh Daily at your Neighborhood Store \
Stays Fresh Days Longe,
THE ANCHORThurs., May 31, 1962
Parents Can Help Youngsters To Channel Anger Accep~a&ly
Mark 45 Ye9 rs At Hospital
By Audrey Paim Riker By the time they reach·school age most children learn to handle their anger without resorting to wild temper tantrums. But older children, too, must grapple with ruffled feelings. Where younger children are infuriated by "balky" toys or drawers that "won't others. Such outlets vary from open," older children are or family to family. more apt to become angry Some people suffer if voices with other humans. are raised, other families shout Emotions - jealousy, hatred and resentment - must be met and managed. Your own feelings are important in how you respond to you l' children's angry outbursts. Livid, unbridled rage is deeply disturbing to most parents. The explosive contagious force of it, particularly' if it is headed in your direction, is enough to make you move fast to squelch it. Yet anger is a normal human emotion, appropriate and useful in some situations. Christ was justly angry when he threw the money changers out of the tem. pIe. Parents can guide their children in learning to channel anger and keep it within reasonable bounds. Consider these suggestions: Listen to Children -Recognize anger. Let your youngster ,know that you know he is angry. Give him a chance to express his resentments, however perverse and foolish they may seem. Listen without cutting him off or contradicting him with the "correct" version. Talking offers healing release from turbulent feelings, and pa r ents who listen are likely to gain insight into their children's feelings and problems. --Let your youngsters express their anger, 'but in ways that are acceptable and won't harm them
Pastor Criticizes College Broadcast
off their annoyances and everyone feels better. Children who are taught that it is wrong to feel anger or bottle it up at the first sign 'will find some way to vent their fury - in quarreling or smouldering sullen resentment. -Help your children set limits for their anger. "It's all right to get mad," explained one father to his young son, "but you can't hit your sisters or break things around the house. Here's a ham_ mer, some boards and nails. Want to make a bird house?" A single way to work off anger isn't always appropriate - children can fin:j soothing release in many ways-contact sports, bike riding, dancing, climbing, running, playing ·with dolls 'or hand puppets. -Don't make your child fear or feel guilty about his angry feelings. "Mother won't love you," or "God won't 'love you," are frightening threats. Instead of punishing or rewarding anger, b'y to help your chile understand and accept things he can't change or work to alter the things he can change. When feelings cool, discuss ways he can master self-control. Praise small gains. A child who recognize: and manages his own emotions takes an important step toward maturity.
These are the children being . trained under c,ommunism', the HANOVER (NC)-The student Archbishop'of Boston said at the station at Dartmouth College convention of the Portland Dihere has been: criticized by - a ocesan Council of \ Catholic West Lebanon parish priest for Women. "using the name of God in vain" during a broadcast. Diocesan Nurses Father Edward J. MacDonald, I pastor of the Holy Redeemer Meeting in executive board church, said he would protest to session, Fall River Diocesan , the Federal Communications Council of Catholic Nurses voted Commission against the program to hold Its Fall plenary session . used on station WDCR when a Thursday, Oct. '18 at Marian group of fraternity members Manor, Taunton. Members wish,sang in front of Dartmouth. Hall. ing transportation to the national Dean 'Thaddeus SeymOUr, who cOl1vention of Catholic nurses to was in a crowd of several hun- be held in Boston Friday through dred persons in front of the hall, Sunday, June 8 through 10, are said he was "shocked" at what requested to contact Mrs. Fredhe heard on the "live" broaderick Sherry, 3010 North Main east. Street, Fall River. ' \?
,BISHOP'S DAY: Catholic Guilds for Blind of Diocese welcome Bishop Connolly to annual Bishop's Day meeting. Here he greets members and escort.
Theologian Says Lay Nurses, Li~e Nuns , Have Genuine Vocation .
ST. LOUIS (NC)-Ll,Iy nurses have a "vocat,ion" just as truly as do Religious nurses, Catholic nurses and nursing educators were told here. Religious nurses "are' no longer the only with vocations to nursing," said Father Patrick O'Brien, C.M., assistant professor
"In 45 years the communists have taken over one-third of the human race and one-quarter of . the globe,': the Cardinal s,tated. ".,. In Cuba children are taken at Ule age of four and trained to be communist men and 'women of the future. Ten. thousand young men from Latin America are being sent to China and returned to their countries as communists." The Cardinal told some 400 persons at the convention banquet that the best results against communist atheism "are going to come from 'prayer, prayers of all the people." .
Half-Million Attend Bogota Rosary Rally BOGOTA (NC)-Close to half a million people gathered here amidst intermittent rain for the rally concluding the three-month Family Rosary Crusade organized by Irish-born Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C. The ,rally followed by only three weeks a similar one in Cebu, the Philippines, at which an estimated two million people were urged to pray the Rosary under Father Peyton's slogan, "The family that prays together, 'stays together." The Bogota crusade, for which Father Peyton laid the groundwork under the auspices of Luis Cardinal Concha, Archbishop of Bogota, last December, brought the Rosary crusade movement to 308 dioceses and 45 countries.
. Appeal Tops Goal
SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS: Catherine Clemmey, left, and Barbara McClellan, seniors at St. Mary's High School in TauntoR, have been awarded scholarships by the Taunton Police Wives Association. Catherine is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Clemmey of 615 Somerset Avenue, Taunton, and Barbara is the daughter ~f Mr. and Mrs. Frederick McClellan of 72 Cedar Street, Taunton.
SCRANTON (NC)-Forty-five years ago a headline in a Scranton paper read "Sisters of Mercy Now in Charge of Burns HospitaL" So began the life of Scranton's Mercy Hospital-which celebrated its 45th birthday recently with a dinner honoring nine members of the original staff, all doctors. A group of Mercy Sisters arrived in Scranton on May 17, 1917 and purchased a private hospital from Dr. Reed Burns for $64,000. The hospital had a bed capacity of 35 and its student nurses numbered 18. The hospital today, located at the same corner, has a bed capacity of 232 and has 121 st.udent nurses. More than $3 million has been' put into the hospital's expansion and modernization program, and more is expected. The first hospital administrator and Mother Superior Sister Mary Ricarda, is in residence at the motherhouse of the Scranton Province, in Dallas, Pa. J
Says Th I' rd of War Id's Chi Id ren A re B' Atheism e 1ng ,T ra'1n ed 'n I POLAND SPRING (NC) Richard Cardinal Cushing said here that "one-third of thechildren on earth are being trained, taugh t' and brainwashed intO atheists of the future." .
PHILADELPHJA (NC) - The fifth annual Catholic Charities Appeal in 'the Philadelphia archdiocese has gone over its goal, as.have' all previous campaigns. Incomplete returns from the 'nearly 35,000 volunteer solicitQrs report a preliminary figure of $2,273,451. The goal was $2,250,000.
of theology at DePaul Umversity, Chicago. "Anybody who tak:.es care of the body of the patient, directly or indirectly, is a nurse to me, and only the professional will do.that job, year in and year out, because the love of Christ urges him to do it. When a person does h.s work for the Jove gf God, he's got a vocation," Father O'Brien said. He spoke to more than 700 nurses and nursing educators at_ tending the 15th annual meeting of the Conference of Catholic Schools of Nursing. The meeting was held in conjunction with the 47th annual convention of the Catholic Hospital Association. Student Nurses Father O'Brien declared ·that "to be a good nurse, you do not have to wear a religious habit." "There is nothing intrinsically in the garb of religion that makes a p'erson a better professional nurse," he said. He urged nursing educators to regard student nurses in the same light as they would postulants and novices. But' at the same time, he said, "please don't teach them that working for God means working for no pay."
Archbishop Rummel Marks Anniversary NEW ORLEANS (NC) Archbishop Joseph F. Rummel of New Orleans will offer a Mass at Notre Dame Seminary here today to mark the 60th anniversary of his ordination. Bishop Maurice Schexnayder of Lafayette, La., will preach at the Mass, which bishops of the New Orleans province and priests of the archdiocese will attend. A dinner will follow in the seminary. Bishop Richard O. Gerow of Natchez _ Jackson, Miss., will speak on behalf of the bishops; Auxiliary Bishop L. Abel Caillouet of New Orleans on behalf of the clergy; and Abbot David Melancon, b.S.B., of St. Joseph Abbey, St. Benedict, La., for Religious.
Artist Carves Statue Of Mary for College ST.- PAUL (NC) - A statue carved by Clare Fontanini, head of the art department of the' Catholic University of America in Washington, D. C., will be dedicated here Sunday, June 10 as a gift to her alma mater, the College of St. Catherine. The statue, called Seat of Wisdom, is five feet, six inches tall and made of polished, black American walnut. It depicts the Virgin Mary, with her hands uplifted and her eyes closed in a spirit of mysticism. Auxiliary Bishop Gerald F. O'Keefe of St. Paul dedicated the statue which will be installed in the student union building of the college.
Honor Three'Women NOTRE DAME (NC) - StMary's College will award honorary degrees on Saturday, June 2 t author Flannery O'Connor; Sister Mary Emmanuel Collins, vice-president and dean of St. Teresa College, Winona, Minn.; and Mrs. Robert E. Wittman, of EI PasO, Tex., first vice-president of the National Council of Catholic Women.
Dames .Patronesses Dames Patronnesses of Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford, will hold their annual bridge and whist at 1:30 Wednesday afternoon, June 6 at Stevenson's restaurant. Mrs. Arthur St. Germain is chairman, aided by Mrs. Normand V. Maranda.
White Sisters
Sister George Lucille, the former Claudette Desmarais, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. George Desmarais, 288 Sanford Road, North Westport, will make temporary vows in the Congregation of the Daughters of the Holy Ghost Friday, June 1, in Plitnam, Conn. Banquet for Blind Known in this Diocese as the New Bedford Catholic Guild White Sisters, the community for the Blind will hold a banquet operates Bishop Stang Day Nursmarking the close of season's' ac_ ery in Fall River, and renders tivities at. 6:30 Thursday night, home nursing service in Fall June 7 at Stevenson's restaurant. River and New Bedford.
" , fUit/( demry N
THE AI'Ir:HO"10 Thurs., ._---- May 31,. 1962
Norton ST. MARY
Somerset 'ST. PATRICK , $500 Rev. Edward J. Gorman $200 Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy $100 Mr. & Mrs. David M. Kilroy, Harold J. Regan. $50 Rosaline Alexander, Harold 'M€Jm. Mrs. George L. Goodfellow $30 ' Vincent R. Dorsey, Paul E. Tessier, Dr. Leonard Biladeau" Eugene Murphy, Angelo E. Flynn. Dr. Eugene F. Sullivan $25 Fernand C. E. A u c I air, Stephen J. Biello, Jr., Mrs. John J. Burns, John J. Burns, Edward J. Kelly. Thomas F. Hussey, Charles Burke, Mrs. Wm. E. Potter, Mr. ' & Mrs. Edward Moniz, Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Kilgrew, Richard A. Mello. Raymond Ouelette, Mr. & Mrs. D- _ld'MontIe, Mr. &, M~s. John T. Smfth & family. • Mary E. Judge, Helen &; Lil, lian.' RE!ddy, Joseph H. Feltel- ' berg.
DIOCESE HOSTS YOUNG LATINS:', Am~n~ . the 29 teenagers frolp Ecuador and Hinduras no~ VISI~I!1g the U.S. for the first, time as guests of CatholIc famIlIes a~d Diocesan 'High Schools.in' Miami is one from H.onduras m the library of Notre Dame Academy with SIster Mary Agnese and a member of the f!tudent council. NC Photo.
Judge, 'William C. Donahue. ' $15. John DcCambra, Solo m 0 n Robert E. Borah, Mr. & Mrs. Hadad, Oliver C. Perry, Jr., An- Jesse Hall, Mr. &, Mrs. John 'tone F. Mello, Lawrence A. Petraieis, Mr. & Mrs. Richard + Rodenbush, ,~r. W. Wolfe, Helen Murray. Daniel J. Coogan, GeoJ:ge $10 Coleman, Mary A., Coleman, Frances Pray, Mr. & Mrs. Cassie Opromollo; Mr. & Mrs. , 'John Ventura, Mrs. Anthony Antone Soares. " Edward E. Gonsalves, Joseph, Pimental, Alfred Souza, Mr. & S.' Faria, Mr. & Mrs. Richard ~. Mrs. T. Royal Demers. , WhitmJlre, 'A,ntone M. Gonsalves, Jane Unsworth, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fisher. Marshall Fisher, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Edmond F. Nunes, Edward P. Jc :.n Co~nell, Mrs. M. Hull, Mr. Doucette, Mrs. EdwardP. Dou- & Mrs. Joh~ J,",Riley. ; cette, Sylvester Medeiros, MarMr. & Mrs. Leroy Simmons, garet C, LYIJch. Mr. & Mrs. S. Freeman Treacy, Frank Ferry, Henry F. Rose, Mr. & Mrs. John ':Furtado, Mr. Edward Pettine,' Mr. & Mrs. , & Mrs. Joseph. C. Amaral, James Henry D. Simpson, Sr., John L .. Francis.. Kruczek. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kane, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond R. & Mrs. Manuel, Cordeiro, Frank Bachand John J. Ferry, Mrs. McMahon, Mrs. John Crafford, Wai.er jackson, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Regina Canning. ' :William J. Bowers, Mr"s. John Mr. & Mrs. Frank Barao, Jr., Pires, Jr. , Charles ,Moreira, Mr. & Mrs. John Pires, Jr., Everett Laque, Anthony, E'strella, Mrs.' Frank Ells"'orth W.Fountain, Walter Oliver, Malcom Woodward, Jr. Jackson, Sr.; Mr. & Mrs. Frank Palmeda 'Amaral,'"Mr. & Mrs. 'Souza. ' . : " " , Michael J. Russo, Edward J. Donald Bain; Mr. &' Mrs. Fred Hopkins, . Pl.er'ino 'N..Latini, Blythe, Mr. & Mrs. David 'Mat- ' !Fernand Dube', CharIes 'A. Mic:' 'chell, ',' Mr.' & Mrs. Robert 'Kaveny.. , :hau·d..' . , . . ' ,Mrs. ',George S. Duncan, Mr.' John B. CO,rrea, Pau~ E. Joly, ,Raymond' H .. Bi'beau, Mrs. Ber-, & Mrs. Arthur Schreiner, Mr; & 'nard'" A Doherty, ' Henry", ~.'. M'rs. AI, Crowley; Albert Lanoie, 'Henai.Jlt.' , . , " . ' Jr., Herbert Bassett. Mr & Mrs. Peter Vocci6, Mr.' , Rob'ert Reagan, Edward" J. , Wilusz;" Edward' J. Biain,. Jr.,': .& M~s; 'OctavioRizz~rdiili, Mr; Robert Sou z a; Alphonse & Mrs.. George' McGinnis,' ManDup'ere. ", , " , , ' uel, Ormonde, Jr.," Mildred ' Marion Souza, Russell P. Wright.' , Hussey, Richard ~att.. Manuel . Mr. & Mrs.' Robert Carvalho, Silva; Romeo Bedard, Maurice Mr. & Mrs. 'George Borges, Jane A. Quirk. , ' Barker, Mr. & Mrs. John Mc'Aloon; Mrs. Reuben Barker. George A. Belcher Louise M. Murphy, ,Helen F. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Amaral, Sam Murphy, 'Joseph L: Begin, Mrs. Del Signore, 'R. Hill, Mr. & Mrs. Helen E. Reagan, Alvin J. 'John Ballard, Mr. & Mrs. John Connors. Silva. Pierre R. Picard, lJuth S. Mrs. Ralph Turner, M'f. & Mrs. Mum:oe, Mrs. Francis Munro. Joseph F. Lyons, ,Frances C. Mazet &' Mary Benson, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pestana, Mr. & Seekonk ,OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL Mrs. Wilfred Demers. I $300 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ondrick; Mr. & Mrs. James Baker, Mr. Rev. Lester L. Hull & Mrs. Eugene Rebello, Mr. & $75 Mrs. Frank Gamboa, Mr. & Mrs., Marion & William, Tasca' Frank Mello. $50 Lester Keirn, Mary Friel, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weyker, Mr. & Mrs. Clovis Roux, Mr. & Catherine Morin, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Little, Mr. &, Mrs~ Mrs. William Cuadigan. . Manuel Santos. $30 Mr. & 'Mrs. Leo Lotti, Mr. & , Mr. & Mrs. E. Mccrystal, P. Frances Ulmschneider. Jr., Mrs: T. Brun, Mr. & Mrs. John Drohan. , $25 Mrs. Fred L. Stonel,y, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Joost, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shread, Mrs. Mrs. Philip oHill, Mr. & Mrs. WP'lam Bishop, John Hendricks,' Thomas Bryne, William Elliott, Mr, & Mrs. ,Henry Bilodeau. Mr. & Mr'S. John Unsworth. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brady Mr. & Mrs.' Wilfred, Blan$20 chette, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kelly, , Mr. & Mrs. Henry Harris, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. John Burke; Mrs. & Mrs. Fred Beauchaine, Mr..& Edgar Vincent, Robert Flynn. Mrs. Oscar Pelletier; Manuel Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hannon, Motta, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mr. & Mrs. John Pontifice, Mr. 'Sloane, Mr. & Mrs. Jack' Hend- & Mrs. David Voohees, Mrs. ricks. William McAdams, .olive SanMr. & Mrs. Kenneth Read tos.
$60 Thomas Ross $30 ! William Kelly, John R. Ruddick. $25 Clayton McRae, Richard Sou2J3, Almon Turner. $20 Charles E. Curry, John Doole3t, Paul J. Fountain, Ed war d Maloof, William R. Navin. ' Adolph Rozenas, Robert L. Smith. $15 Frank A. Bedford, James Hauck, J 0 h n J. McMahon, Catherine Ross. $12 George Drew, Joseph'Morrissey, Louis 'Personeni, Donald Smith.
$20 $10 Mrs. Mary C. Ferreira & Mary, Richard Adams, Edward NIMr. & Mrs. Joseph Fonseca, Mr. me,ida, Louis C. Anderson, Man& Mrs. Thomas J. O'Brien, Mr. uel Aranjo, Louis' Asack. ,& Mrs. Francis Prado, Mr. & Charles W. Babson, Thomas Mrs. JamesJ. Russell. Bettencourt, Mrs. Marie Bobe1:, Mr.' & Mrs. rreorge Sabourin, Henry A: Brazil, Mrs. Michael Mr. & Mrs. Charles WicI:tland. E. Brown. $15 Francis D. Brooks, Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bernier, Burke Louis Cabana, Francis Mr. '&' Mrs. Frank Decosta & Casey,' Mrs. Clarence Caswell, . Ann, Hilaire Pelchat, Philbert Jr. Pelchat. Mrs. Dorothy Champagne, $10.50 Raymond Chappell, Elwood Mr. lit ,Mrs. George Charette, Clark, Ronald C. Cooke, ;MFa. Jr. Emil T. Cobb. , , $10 John W. Connolly, Mrs. Doris , .' 'Mr. & Mrs. Samu~l Arena, R. Connors; John Corr, Herui Mrs. 'Margaret 'Bartley, Mr. & Costa, Joseph Costa. Mrs. George Bauza, Mrs: Ida . Arihur Court, Robert Cur1'3t, 'Bernier Richard Charet,te. Antone "DaCosta, Robert ~ Mr. &. Mrs:' Robert Cha~ron, Driscoll; Joseph J. Ferreira. : John 'Camiu:a,,' Mrs. Rose Clou'-: Mrs. Helen Fitzgerald, Manue! tier, Mrs. Mary Colpas, Mr. & . Foster, Bernice Fountain, AnMrs. Vincent D'Angelo. ," drew ,Galligan, Maurice A. Philip Dion, Mr. & Mrs. FranGamache. cis Eame,s, Mr. & Mrs. James Robert Gilmore, Manuel . Fitzgibbons, Mrs. .Irving FillGomes, Frederick F. Hill, Earl more, Margaret Gonsalves. Hoban, Frederick Hyde. . Edward F. Hyland, Theodore Mrs. Cecile Harris, Mr., & Mrs. Thomas Healey, Mr. & Mrs. Januse, Ann L. Ke.ough James Earl Logan, Mr. & Mrs. Simon J. Keough, Joseph E. Keough: LaRosee, Adrianne Leroux. Clement La Belle, Roland Arthur Leroux, Mr. & Mrs. Lecuyer, Albert Lounsbury" William Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. ,Frank Marino, Joseph MartyAdolphus Mahar, Edward Mar- niak. " vel Mr: & Mrs. Frank McGrath. Alfred J. McConnell, Agnes NIr & MrS. Frank Molitor,S. McGrath, Marion McGrath, Mr. &: Mrs. 'Fraricesco Montes- Rosemary McGrath, Ruth Me'anti, Mr. &, Mrs. Edward ParaGrath. '. Mrs. Lester McKenney, John dis, Mrs.' Donald Pike, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pino. J. McKinnon, Donald MengerMr. & Mrs.' Andrew Radnor, son, Doris E. Morrisey, James 'Mr. & 'Mrs. Donald R. RiggS, Mr. ' S. Moura. , & Mrs. Ernest Roy, Mr. & Mrs.. Joseph R. Mulhern, Michael Eugene St. James" Mr. & Mrs. Nagy,' Mrs. Barbara O'Brien, Herbert Schreive.!:. Donald O'Brien, Mrs. Florence Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Smith, O'Brien. , Mr. & Mrs. Albert Soisson; Mr. George E. O'Brien, David W. & Mrs.. Judson Stafford; Mrs. O'Connor III, William Peckson, Gertrude Sutcliffe, Mrs. Theo- David Perry, Manuel Perry. dore Tausek. " Geor'ge Ph~llii>s, Andre"." Mr. & Mrs. Joseph, Thibeault" Plentus, Anthon'y Polito, 'Mrs" Mrs. Annabelle Whitherell. James J. ·Powers, Lawr~nce Mrs. William, Adair, 'Bristol. Prado: Farms, Mr. & Mrs, ';l'homasBry, Robert Reilly, Manuel Ro~h~ ant, ,M.!:. &,-Mrs. Clifford ,Brown, James :P. Rocl;ie, Jr., A:rthur ~ r:. ~ Mrs. Chester F"Butts &, . ROhl, :Jr., Francis P. Saracco. ') J)Qrotlty. , , ' , '.,'" ," "Joseph Scanl~n, John W. Mr. &'Mrs. Joseph Cabral, Mr.. Scully; John L: Spaul!iinjJ, .'" Mrs. ·,.Lawrence , Canoll" Mr. " 'Michael Stavrou, James' ~. & Mrs. ,John Carvalho,' 'Ivlrs. :'8ulllva'n. ,Margaret Colli,dge. .' Allred G, Sylvia, Roger c:. Mrs. James Cray, Mrs. Thomas "Theroux, Anthony Thetonia, W. Curran, Mr.. & Mrs. Robert 'Matthew Tibi, William Tobin; Ford, Mr., & Mrs. Francis GalHarold Traviglione, Georg~ lagher,Mr,s. Wesley Honey. 'Tubman',' Cyril Tucker, Joseph Damon Hope, Mr. & Mrs. Wal-, Ventura,' Mrs. Merrall Viles. ' ter Mallon, Joseph Mello, Mr. J'ames':Voller, Francis Welch, & Iy.[rs~ Robert J. Murphy, Mr.' Jr., John Welch, .John Went& Mrs. Edgar Pe.llet~er., worth, Hugh J.' White. Mrs. Rose ~~lletIer, Mr. & William E. Wilkinson, HarMrs. Leonard Roberge, Mr. & vey Wilson, William Wynn. Mrs. Thomas Rochford; Mr. & Fi~her Ames, Mrs. Jack Aus'Mrs. William E. Rogers, Sr. tin Phillip Bernard, Wilfred Bo~rget, Joan Bumila. Dr. Richard C. Cook, Mae Raynham Donovan, Jeremiah Downing, 'ST. ANN John Martin, Joseph F. Master$150 son. Rev. Leo T. Sullivan George Maynard, Mrs. Earle $75 Parker, Arthur Rose, JOM Rev. Thomas F. Neilan Smith, John Ward.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 31, 1962
Worthwhile Recipes
$200 Mrs. Pierre Lonsbury.
$150 Mr. & Mrs. George Agostini.
By Rev. John R. Foister
$100 Rev. Cornelius ;T. Keliher Mr. & Mrs. Coleman. $'70 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Messier.
St. Anthony's Church - New Bedford
Emotions were strained; tempers swelled. The Presi. dent of the United States had just ordered thousands of citizens mobilized. This is not something we must coldly search in yellowed pages of history. This happened very very recently and affected tells us that in Baptism we died the lives of our families and -just like and with Christ on neighbors. Whether the rea- the Cross only to-just like and son was serious enough for with Christ again-rise to a new
$50 Dr. & Mrs. Francis Curran.
$40 Mr. & Mrs. David E. Blake.
$35 Dr. & Mrs. Alexander MacIsaac.
life. such action, we will have to wait The Church intends, therefore, what historians say to our chilthat ~his also be a mobilization. dren's children. But it did hapShe asks all her faithful first remember that they were baptized pen. and second, that they live ac:. It is with the cording to this neV" kind of life: s.ame spirit of urgency, worry, She uses water because it was and ,prayerful that created element which-by hope that the Christ's decision - most thoroughly washed us. Church does the very same thing. Two Types She does not do it once or twice Although the actions are alf in a generation; ways the same: sprinkling of the she does not , altar, clergy, faithfUl; the prayers sound the alarm a' few' times offered change through the year. The Asperges is also a reminder within the lifetime 'of herchilOf' Easter (it used to be that dr'en~ she does it' weekly and Baptism, was conferred only at would no doubt do it moreofteri ._', Easter). Therefore, it is only if the opportunity afforded itself. fitting that the prayers be more Mr.. & Mrs. George Casey, Mr. OUR-LADY OF ARS: This gilt wood statue of Our Lady The ceremony during which solemn and joyOUS around that & Mrs. Th.omas Gannon, Mr. &. was purchased in France by' St. John Vianney, the famed the patlsh priest' passes among feast of feasts. his people sprinkling them with Mrs. J. Alme Lambert, Mr. & ' . Cure d'Ars, in 1836. It ,was made according to a model of In both types, there is the Holy Water (blessed only minMrs. Roland Smith. th M' I M d I Th C t d h" . h t M.r. & Mrs. Eugene Ferl~nd. e Iracu ous ea. . ~ ure 'consecra e. IS par~s . o' utes before) is not some canon- chanting of an antiphon (theme $15 Mary Immaculate by hangmg a gold heart around the neck ized pagan ritual, or a Christian- song), the first verse of a prl.lm (when the procession was long Mrs. W. J. Amos, Mr. & Mrs.' of the statue. The heart contained a white ribbon listing ized Jewish custom. The use of the psalm would be continued Holy 'Water was a symbolism Ralph Baumgartel, Mr. & .Mrs. the names of all his parishioners. NC Photo. to its end), and 'a prayer, Charles Dauray, Mr. & Mrs. John . that was borrowed from the' Old During the year the antiphon ~i~~~l~:.' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. man Gamache, Mr.. & Mrs. Leo. Sweeney, Mr.. & Mrs. Tho.mas' Testament 'and from other reli- gives the ceremony its nam'e:' gions. But the Asperges is not. "Asperges". It exemplifies Chris·' Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hearn & Garrity. Sylvia. tian confidence in Christ: "You F '1 M & M N L b d' Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gendreau, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Tansey, History ami y, r. rs.. om ar I'MI'. & Mrs, Francis Giblin, Mr. will 3prinkle me, Lord, and. 1 Mr. & Mrs. Harold McCormick, & Mrs. Frank Governo, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Temudo, Mr. In the 800s the Bishops of what shall be clean; you will wash me Mr.. & Mrs. John McNally, Mr. Mrs. Salvatore Gl,llino, Mr. & & Mrs. Laurent· Thibert, Mr.. & " is now modern France instituted and I shall be whiter than snow: &; Mrs. Albert Richard. Mrs. James Tomlinson" Mrs. a custom during which the faithMrs. Robert Pritchard, Mr. & Mrs. John Harrington.' Rose Tracey. ' ful would be sprinkled with Holy . Have mercy on me, Lord, have mercy." Mrs. Joseph TroJ·an. Mr. & Mrs. Edward, Harrop,. Mr. & Mrs. Alfre!i Hebert, ,Mr. Mr. '& Mrs. Lewis Trucchi, Water before Mass. This custom At Eastertime, the Church is Mrs. Mary E. Coyle, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Joseph Hodge, Mr. & Mr., '& Mrs. John Walsh, Mr. & gradually spread to northern still excited with the joy of the' Wm. Crowley, .Jr. Mrs. Bart Hunt,Mr. &., Mrs. Mrs. Howard White, Mr. '& Mrs. Italy. It was not long before Easter Vigil. During that most $12 Lewis Jackson. Francis Whalen, ·Mrs. Charles Rome appreciated its value and Mr. & Mrs. Robert Biron. Mr. & Mrs. George LaBelle, ,Welden. it soon became a normal part nf solemn celebration, she first , blessed water, used it and com$11 Miss Rose Lambert, Edward LaMr. & Mrs. Arthur Wise, .Mrs. Sunday's solemn services. memorated solemnly Christ's Mr. & Mrs. Donald TraUl. Ferriere, Mrs. Helen Lindberg, Martha Woodworth, Mr. '& Mrs. The priest would first bless Resurrection. Now she refers $10 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lipdberg. Howard Vaslet, Mr. &, Mrs. water lor'the parish's needs for more directly to the Baptismal Mr. & Mrs. M. Aimanovich, ' Joseph Velardo. the week-just as 'he still does association of the ceremony: "I Mrs: AliCUl' Atnsworth, "Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Lukasiewicz, M r. & M rs.. W'll' Laf· Mr . & M rs. Ed ward Chab0.., ~ before the ·principal Mass every ''''1'8. I 'lam ,errlere, . , saw water gush forth from the Keram Arabian, 'Mr. & ~u week today. Then he would take side' of the temple; alleluia! and' ' ard .. -gue, Mr. & Mr" Leo M rs. Mary Lafi'anboise," 'MisS' M1 ' .&' M rs. T . G agnon,' M 1'.' & . Edw ~ EI' b th L P 1 Mr M Th d D G . M ,,this. water a'rid pas's through the Bandieri. ' ,lza e a a me, . '& Mrs',' rs.· eo ore e, remer,., r .. or; all those who were touched b:r ' Mr Th G'ld M & M church sprinkling it on the peoH er beI't L e ddy. this water were saved and will Mr. & Mrs. Edward Baron,' s. os. 1 ell" r. rs. .. M & M J L d M " Peter Guimond.· '. pIe. Then he would go outside, . say: alleluia, alleluia! Pr<Iise the 1'41'., & Mrs. Walter Barton, Mr. &. r. rs, acques e uc, r. throw the water upon the graves Lord for He is Good,. for His & Mrs. Clement Lesa.g"" Eileen Harrin'gton, Mrs: Dora ' in t h'e , cemetery, the houses of Mrs, Ralph Bellavance, Mr. ' & ,., 'M,.1'.'& Mrs•. John Bielagus, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Armand Lortie,· Mr. & Mrs.' Henderson, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas the monastery, the houses of ·the Mercy' is' everlasting." Joseph F. Bienvenue. Thomas Magwre, George ,Mar-' . Hennick, Mr. & Mrs. George . fa ithf u. 1 Upon his return, he Often Used Mr. & Mrs. Donald Blake, John chand. '. Henry, Mr. & Mrs. Philip ·Lock" .: would begi~ Mass.·: ' The Church often repeats this Blake, Mr. & Mrs.. Joseph Blake, Miss June Marchand, '&.t' wood,Jr. 'ink .. Mr'; ~1> & Gradually the ceremony was ceremony outside of Sunday's M rs.. J osep h M arc, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Boisse, Mr. WICZ, iY.lr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lynch, Mr. ...' shortened so as to terminate at High Mass. She has introduced M rs.. Paul M artin;·Miss. Edna & Mrs. Ernest BOl·svert',. & Mrs. Hugh McDade,' -Mr. &: . , , the church. . do~rs. Then, the Mr. Boisvert, Mr. & ·Mrs. Masgay, Miss Mildred Masgay." " Mrs, George .McNiff" Joseph Os- " priest would only go'. to the altar- .. it as a preparation for the Sacraments received at home. She has Joseph Bombardier, Mr., & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Mathieu, Mr.' tiguy, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Perry. ' rail. Some have seEm fit to drop ., , bOl:rowed it, with new prayers, . James Brackett, Mr. & Mrs. Ben. & Mrs. Edward McCann, Mr. & Wilhelmina Perry, Mr. '& Mrs. ' it altogether. . in many of her blessing formujamin Bl;aga; Mr. & Mrs. Gaeton ' Mrs. Joseph McGrath; Mr.' at.Mrs. George St. Ger~aine, A Friend. ' lae. BroGhu. Cornelius McCarthy, Mr. & 'Mrs. Not a Simple Ritual You' don't go to the High Mass Ar.thur Brousseau, Mr. &. Mrs. Frederick J. McGarrity., . Some too easily see in this John Buben, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald 1\1:1'. & Mrs. Manuel Mello, Mr.. CanoeHGn Archbishop ceremony the hurried flight of on Sunday? Just what the Church thought most of her Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Camp& Mrs. Lawrence Michaud, Mrs. '. Balanc"e some devil that up until that faithful would not be able to do! bell, David F. Carr. Richard Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. D.... time had been clutching onto the That's why she put Holy Water Mr. & Mrs. Hector Carufel, ·FrEld Morancy, Mr. & Mrs. CALGARY (NG) -Keeping a ends of som', Christian's dress. there at the door for you that Miss ,Mary Cazemiro, John CazeWalter Morris. . There are· not many automatic you might be able to profit by miro, Mr. & ~rs. Kenneth Cha-'" Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Mour- ,. proper balance between spiritual things in Religion. Would that this ceremony no matter what rest, Mrs. Manc I. Choquette. nighan, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nesand material values is a fundait were as easy to dispel Satan! Mass or service you attend. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Ciavola, bitt, Mr. & Mrs. William O'Brien, mental requirement of Christian The .Asperges is a sacramental. We must be more and more Charles Connolly, Fred Connolly, Mr. & Mrs. Frank O'Donnell, Mr. life, Archbishop .G. B. Flahiff, The fruits of such an action do conscious of our Baptism and Mr. & Mrs. John Connolly, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ouellette. C.S,B., of Winnipeg has told the not depend on what we see but & Mrs. Raymond Cosgrove. . ' Newman Club here in Canada. on the prayers of the Church ever more desirous to live by it. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Costa, Mr. MISS Barbara Ousley, Mrs. The greatest proof of God's that accompany these actions. If Almighty God is· powerless to & Mrs. George Cote, Mrs. WilMarr Ousley, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred during the ceremony there I'S' no force us to Heaven but if we Papmeau Mr & Mrs J h intention that a proper balance earnestly want to, He will most 11am E. Coyle, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. . , ' . . . . . . . osep, prayer, then the actions remal'n Paqum Eho Pardim be maintained is. the example of .'. surely answer the prayer which Harold Cummings, Jr., Mr. & ' . empty dangers which "can too ... M & M R II P Christ, he emphasi2;ed. always asks: ......rs. Henry Cutler. r. rs. usse artridge, easily shift into superstition. We God became man and accepted' must not also rely on the prayers M r. & Mrs, Sterling .Dalton, M r. & Mr ,s. R 0 b er t P'lerce, M r. & Hear our prayer, Holy Lord, ... . & M rs. Th os. P 001e, ".& Mrs. human life with its material of ,. "the Church." We are the ......1'. & M rs. Leo Delaney, Mr. LYU-. Almighty Father, Eternal God, · Fr . R M M R problems. and pleasures, he re-. .M rs. P . D e P letro, John De anClS ogan, rs. ary aChurch, each and everyone of and please send your holy angel Young, Mr, & Mrs. James Drew posa. called. At the same time, as the' US. so that he may guard and susMrs. Elizabeth Dufort, .Mr. & 'Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Raposa, Son of God, he was the uitimate' tain; protect, visit and defend aU Solemn. Reminder Mrs. John Duffy, Mr., & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Alderic ~ichard, Mrs. in ·spirituality. He showed tluit those who are united here. So, to see the true me'aning of Thomas Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. WilGeorge Ryder, Mr. & Mrs. Remi' while material goods are not an Through Christ, Our Lord. the ceremony we must look at 11am H. Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. James Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Saba..;, ent.. in'themselves, they are necNext week: Come, Holy Spirit Elliott. tini. essa:ry and must be combined those: .prayers offered to .God at Stanlcy Ezyk, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Stella Savary, Miss Anne with spiritual reality to serve' that time. They reflect the inten. Frank Farrell, Mr. & Mrs. Schiller, Mrs. Eunice' Schiller" God; the 'Archbishop pointed' tion of the Church, the meaning of the actions. The Bishops of Thomas Finn, Mr. & Mrs. WilMr. & Mrs. John P. Seailes, Mr. out. ' . France who began the ceremony 11am Fletcher, Miss Catherine & Mrs. Fred Sedach. ONE STOP legislated that it would. be "to Fisk. Mr. & Mrs. Edmund ·Sequin, SHOPPING CENTER Goverll'llor to Speak . remind them (th.:l fa'uhfuI) of Mrs. Catherine Fisk, Miss Mr. & Mrs. Edward Shea, Mr. & the grace of Baptism." , MANCHESTER (NC) -. Gov. Marilyn Fisk, The Fisk Family, Mrs. Arthur Smith, Mr. & Mrs. • Tt:levision • Furniture By doing. so, they merely Mr. & Mrs. Frank Foley, Mr. & Albert Smith, Jr., Raymond Ste- John Dempsey of Connecticut • Appliances • Grocery wanted to. translate into action Mrs. William Foley. benrie. . will receive an honorary degree 104 Allen St., New Bedford that which could be perceived and and speak at the commencement William Foley, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. . Mrs.· Charles Stewart, Mr. & WYman 7-9354 at ~t 'I\.'--'~'-'- College here on imitated the preaching of St. Paul Arthur Fortin, Mr. & lVII'S. 'Rlch- .Mrs. Joseph Strycharz, Mr. & . to the Romans' (6":4-6). Here, he ard Gallacher, Mr. & Mrs. NorMrs. Bert Sullivan, Mrs. Eva Monday, June 11.
Dr. & Mrs. John Belsky, Miss Agn~~ Blake, Mr. & Mrs. William R1flke. Mr. & Mrs. James .J. Coogan, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Conti. . Mr. & Mrs. Robert Durant, Mr. & Mrs. C. F, Getsinger, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Gibe'lult, ,Mr. & Mrs'. Avila Grenier. Dr. & Mrs. WrY). A. Moranville. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy, Mr:. & Mrs. Arthur Patenaude,. Mrs. Mary .T. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Tracey, Mr. & Mrs. Melvin. YO\lng. . Mr. & Mrs. Richard Blake, lVIr. & Mrs. B. A. Dzlja. Mr. & Mrs. Om,er. Ferland, Mr. '& Mrs. George T. MCC:;~hY.
I ll.
IIo..leed '"
THE ANCHOR-Diocese,of Fall River-Thurs. May 31, 1962 ,
/ '
God Love You
Story of Dedicated Priest' Is IHard to Categorize'
By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D. D.
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy "Well now, a cup of coffee was a comfort at six if you had to be at the altar by seven, and you could thank Pius XII and 'Papa John' for that, because if you ever had an Irish Pope you wouldn't get.a glass of warm water after midnight if you were saying a High application is worked out. Mass at noon in the middle Old Gags . of the Gobi' Desert." So' The novel starts' off in the begins Edwin Ryan's novel, acrobatic manner of Bruce MarOne Clear Call (Macmillari., $3.95), which the grim-looking jacket grimly des c r i bes as "the sto'ry of a dedicated waterfront priest confronted by his last great challenge." A promising start, , surely. I me,an in the text, hot in the . trimmings. The priest in ques-' tion is 'Father Ter,ence Clavan, 82, who' has been pastor of St. Leo's Church, on the Brooklyn waterfront, for 45 years. ' , The neighborhood has changed; and the parish declined, in that span of years. The pastor expects the bishop to ask him to' retire, with a Spanish-speaking successor in prospect. I Indeed, the bishop has sent for Father Clavan: an appointment for an evening hour is arranged; and the book goes through the day the old man spends waiting for the word which the interview is almost certain to bring forth. Involved in Strike . The Irish-born Father Clavan; sensing the end of his pastorate, reviews it and dwells on key incidents in the course of it. One' of these occurred in 1936 (and ,a considerable portion of the book is given to it). This was the longshoremen's strike. He was involved in it b!'!cause. the men were his people. But he. got more deeply involved than perhaps was prudent. He was angry against an agitator named Serafina, a man patently evil' and, the priest wa', to discover, a Communist agent. In tryihg to undo Serafina, whom the mer regarded as an able leader, he participated in a scheme which resulted in the. death of one of his parishioners. Scandalizes Flock' And once discredited and ge"'nerally despised, Serafina himself sustained a fatal injury. Then the priest had to show mercy,. extend forgiveness, and, having reconciled the' man to the Church, provide Christian burial' for him. This scandalized and alienated a good part of his flock. ' After these extended recollections of time past, there comes. the session with the bishop. His' ExceIlency is extremely kind to Father Clavan. In fact he asks the old priest, whom, shortly after his own ordination, he had· worked under, to address him ,now not by his proper title but by the nickname of long ago"Jud," in fact. ' i But, nickname or no nick-. name, the news is as Father Clavan had foreseen. However, 'it is gently delivered, and a compromise as to its practical
St. Louis U., Peace Corps Plan,' Project ST. LOUIS (NC) - Thomas ',H. Walz of, Minneapolis,has been 'appointed director of a two-year h'ealth and social work project which St. Louis University and the Peace Corps will begin in Honduras next October. Walz will supervise the training program scheduled to begin Friday, June 15, at the university and will administer" the project in Honduras. The program is designed to provide 14 nurses, 12 social workers and two child care workers to serve as Peace Corps Volunteers in Honduras hospital, health centers and social agencies.
'Spreading the Gospel Further'
shall. The 'Marshall model is followed in large portions of the book. But there are lengthy intervals (that dealing with the strike, for example), in which the comic, antic Marshall mode is totally discarded, in favor of a straight, even sombe,r style of SEEKS UNITY: Dr. Max narrative and dialogue. The two methods are not easily com- Lackman!!, a Lutheran minpatible, ,and here they are often ister who is d~voting his jarringly at odds. . There are sentences; para- energies to C~ristian unifigraphs, sometimes ,whole' sec- cation in G~rmany, is touring tions of the work, which are the U.S. to observe progress bright and 'nimble with wi~ and here tow a r d Protestanthumor. The satiric toucJ.1. is re-, , Catholic reunion.' NC Photo. .,. . . peatedly handled with deftness~ and to the reader's delight. On the (lther hand, not'a few spavined, old gags are draggedout. There is the one, for ex-', Continued from Page Ohe ample, about the Episcopal min-:inary, Brighton, who will be ister asking the Catholic priest ordained for the Honolulu Dito contribute to. the former's. o<;ese in February 1963, will be church building fund, and the master of ceremonies. priest handing over some money A reception for the \newlyand saying, "It's not for putting, ordained priest will be held at up the new church. It's for tear- St. Mary's school 'hall, North ' ing the old one down." That A~tleboro, Sunday afternoon bewas already ancient when Father tween 3 and 4:45. Ciavan was still at Maynooth. A graduate of North Attleboro , Incredible Episodes High School,' Rev. Mr. Mullen Even harder, to take are epi- entered Maryknoll in 1957. He holds a Bachelor of Arts an'd so d es an d t a l 'k w h'IC h arest arkly incredible and unjustifiable even Master of Religious Education as laugh-,bait. We are asked to Degrees. believe; for example, -that the The missioner has three brothsexton takes his meals with ers ana three sisters. They are Father Clavan arid the latter's John, Eugene, Kevin, Patricia, two assistants. ,Rosemary and Priscilla Mullen, Not only that, but the sexton all residing at the home address. does the carving, addresses the Before leaving for the Marypastor as "Terry," and, as he knoll Missions of Hawaii, Rev. eats~ engages in brilliant banter Mr. Mullen will have a short with the housekeeper. Thus, as vacation at home with his parshe serves the dessert (pistachio ents. ic~ cream), he remarks, "I got Work on Islands' an idea that you buy moldy The Maryknoll Fathers began mazarella somewhere! and then work on the islands ·in 1926. freeze the stuff by looking at it." Today they have a heavy con,.. To which she replies, "If you tingent teaching in schools and don't like it you can always find conducting social service 'proja pushcart somewhere that still ects. Thirty-seven Maryknollers sells -that shaved ice they pour staff four parishes' in or near lavender syrup on." This goes on Honolulu and 13 parishes on the for pages. island of Hawaii. Saturday - Day Off? Traditional Rite Again, there is the' way in The Departure Ceremony for which the clergy spends Satur- ,~ather Mullen and theA6 other day. Thinking back to former ~aryknoll Missioners assigned days, Father Cl;lvan recalls that overseas will st'art at 2:30 Sunhe used to have his curates go day afternoon, June 10. on long walks through the popuPeals from an Oriental bell lous :Jarish on Saturday after- will signal the start of the cerenoons. Perhaps' on any other day. mony. 'The bell, which long ago But Saturday - with the confes- called Buddhists to prayer at sion schedule? a pagan ,temple in Japan, now The walks have ended by the rings only once a year, on Mary1960's. Instead, one curate'is to knoll's D-Day. spend Saturday evening at an Bishop Comber will announce entertainment in another pariSh, assignments officially and make the second is going into Manhat- the traditional presentation of tan for a basketball game., Well individual mission, crucifixes. now. ; Most -Reverend Alphonse J. Mr. Ryan has made' a. fatal Schladweiler, Bishop of, New, mistake in the depiction' of his Ulm, Minn., will deliver the characters. Take; for example, departure address. the aforementioned housekeeper" Those participating in the Bridie Connell. She is a believ- 'ceremony will renew their Oath able person ill' parts· of the book, of Fidelity, by which each prom_ a 'woman who, has' weathered ises to consecrate' his' whole life sorrow and loss' and "risen to to the work of the missions comwonderful1l.1agnanimity. mitted to the so~iety-: Sudden Shifts' , After the Maryknoll Departure But just as you becom'e inter-' Hymn 'is sung, with its refrain, ested in, and impreSsed with/: ~'Go: forth; fa~ewell for life, .0 her as' an' authentic' and fiiie:' dearest Brothers," Benediction of human being, Mr.:Ryan requires the Blessed Sacrament will con';' her to go into a stale vaudeville' clude the ceremony. routine or repartee such as' 'I a ,Members of this year's dejokesmith grinds out'for'a: tele- - parture group have been asvision comediah. The slapsti~k" signed to the missions' of 'Africa, kills the character. " J:apan, Formosa,' Korea, the Toning down and blending' Philippines, ,Guatemala; Mexico, could possibly have saved this ,Peru, Bolivia, Chile and the, hard-to-categorize novel. But Hawaiian Islands. the sudden shifts from sentiment to zany goings-on tear it to' pieces. ATCHISON (NC)":'" Twin There may be readers adap't-' able enough to negotiate the' brothers, Benedictine Fraters changes of mood and pace which Nicholas and Barnabas Senecal, the author unreasonably de- of, Atwood, 'Kan., were ordained mands, but who they are, and sub-deacons by Archbishop Edhow many, this reviewer ward J. Hunkeler of Kansas City in Kansas at a ceremony here. wouldn't know.
Twins Sub-Deacons
When st. Paul was in prison, a number of the faithful throughout the Empire said: "This is the end of Christianity." The greatest preacher and missionary of all times was behind bars, unable to 'spread the Gospel- or so it seemed. But Paul wrote to his friends at Philippi: "I hasten to assure you, breathren, that DlJ' circumstances here have only had the effect of spreading the Gospel further; se widely has my imprisonment become knoWn, in Christ's hGnor, throughout the praetorium and tIO all the world beyond." , (Philippians 1:12) Instead 01 being discouraged, Paul said that his imprisonment had become a means for furthering the GospeL We are having a repetition of this in miSSIon lands today. The places must remain anonymous..:... t() prevent fur,ther pel'secutions "":"'" but in one jail, Catholic prisoners have already made over 300 converts. Sixty were baptized in a single day! All the Catholics in the prison wear' large metal crosses around their necks and say the ,Rosary in' order to openly profess their Faith. 'l'his has made the other, inmates curious,' ultimately resulting in numerous conversions. And many of ,these converts have written to their relatives, begging them to take instructions so that the whole family might be received into' the Church. In this way, Catholicism, which had never pene-' trated certain villages, has become a vita! part of life. It is always mysteriously true that the Faith accomplishes more in adversity ,than' in prosperity. The more we Catholics in the United States deny ourselves for the sake of the MissionS, the more converts' there will be both in foreign lands and ill our' own country. We wish we could tell you where some 01 these prisons are located, but the Holy Father knows them. Send your alms to The SocietY for the Propagation of the Faith; , we will forward them to the Pontiff for the suffering in mission lands.
GOD LOVE YOU to M.M. for $50 "The Holy Father may use it as he sees fit." ... to A.P. for $15 "1 had planned to spend this money on new records, but it's a small sacrifice when one considers the work you're doing for the Missions." ... to Mrs. C.J.n. for $10 "I promised this when we started the addition on our, home. Think of all those who do not even have a roof over their heads." • •. to M.6. for $2 "As I am 12 years old and the oldest of eight children, I am used to' making sacrifices." . . . to Mr. and Mrs. B.J.C. for $25 "To thank St. Anthony: f()r granting our request." I We want, not only your sacrifices but your prayers. Semi your request and an offering of $2 for the WORLDMISSION ROSARY, and we will send you these multi-colored beads blesscd by Bishop Sheen. Each time you say the WORLDMIS'SION ROSARY you will remember to put aside a daily sacrifice for the Holy Father. Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to the Most Rev, Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Society £01' the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N, Y .. or your Diocesan Director, RT, REV, RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE.. 36B North Main Street, Fall River, Mass.
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THE ANCHORThurs., May 31, 1962
Batty Jr., Barbara Best, Mr. & Mrs. James Bicker, Mr. & Mrs. @~®@[[i) Grove $300 Earle H. Blanchard. Rt. Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bolger, ST. MICHAEL A Friend. Mr. & Mrs. Philip Edward Boucher, Mrs. Leonide Hemingway. Boucher, Mr. & Mrs. Damase $500 $100 Bouchard, Mr. & Mrs. George Rev. Joseph A. Cournoyer Dr. & Mrs. James Quinn, A Braga. $200 Friend. Mary A. Brimley, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Faria $'75 James E. Brocklehurst, Mr. & $40 Rev. Edward C. DuHy, The Mrs. Joseph Cadieux, John CabMr. & Mrs. Charles F. WilBurley Family. Monsignor· Noon ral, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Camara. Hams Circle. Mrs. Eulalia' Campos, Mr. & $35 $50 Mrs. Leo Caron, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pettine Rev. ThomaF E. O'Dea, Mrs. Roland Caron, Thomas Carr, $30 Roberta Ashley, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Clarence Casey. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Brophy Michael Crowley, Paul Clark, A $25 Mr. & Mrs. Ollie' Cayton, Mr. Friend, Dr. Daniel Harrington. Mr. & Mrs. Rudoph Bisson, & Mrs. Robert Charron, Mr. & Mr. '& Mrs. William Hendricks, Mrs. Roger Chouinard, John F. Mr. & Mrs. John ]farias, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Francis O. Quinn, Clark, Mary Clark. Leo A. Lacroix & Annette. Mary M. Walsh, Mrs. Jeremiah $20 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Clarkson Coholan, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond. M~. & Mrs. Arthur Cole, A. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gallery Tschaen Sr. $:n.5 Fnend, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen $35 Teresa Arnold, Thomas BaldCollins, Edward Connelly. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Harri~n. win, Mr. & Mrs. John Seguin. Janet R. Connelly, Margaret $iO Connelly, Mary Connelly, $30 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Belanger, Thomas Connelly, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Corbeil, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Macedo, Anna John J. Connor. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bernardo. Mrs. Louis A. Cordeiro, Mr. Meehan, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Barry,' Mr. & Mrs. James Bird, Mr. & In' Memory of Mrs. Mary L. & Mrs. Albert Correia, Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Bisson. Mrs. JulesP. Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Foley, Mrs. Theodore Gladu. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Blais, Mr. Manuel O. Correia. Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Albert BoldUC, Mr. & $25 Temple Corson. Mrs. Alfred Bolduc, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Arnett, Mr. Louis V. Cotnoir, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Botelho, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Francis Baptiste,' Mr.. & Vincent S. Cotnoir, Marian Daniel Britcliffe. Mrs. William Best, Anne Dawber, Crosby, Mrs. Alice Counsell, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Caron, Mr. John Couto. , Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fontaine. & Mrs. Thomas ClaI).cy, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Henry Frenette, Mr. & Mrs. Will-iam Craig, Mrs. Frank Crane, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Delia Harrington, A Friend,. HEmry Cunningham, Alice DaHarold Curtain, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Maziarz, Mr. honey, John Dahoney. Raoul Desruisseaux. & Mrs. Timothy F. McCrohan. . Mr. & Mrs, William Damos, Mr. & Mrs. John DucIo!:,· Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Rourke, Mr. & Mrs. James Del;mo, Mr. & & Mrs. Ernest Franke, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Francis Roach, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred DeSouza, Carol De- . BLESSES ROME HOUSE: Amleto Cardinal Cicognani Mrs. John Goddu, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Raymond Smith, Helen Souza, Janice DeSouza. Grenier,. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pap~I S~cretary of State, bI~ses the College of the HoI; Leo Walsh, Margaret T. Walsh. . Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Devlin Jr., Hargraves. TrInIty In Rome, the new reSIdence of the Missionary SerSylvester Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. James Devlin, Robert Devlin, Mr. & Mrs. George Johnston, vants of the Most Holy Trinity, a U.S. order based in Silver Blanche & Yvonne Jolivet, Mr. Charles Palmer. John Devine, A Friend. & Mrs. Joseph K. Kirkman, Mr. $00 Alice T. Donnelly, Mr. & Mrs. Spring, Md. NC Photo. & Mrs. Normand Lachapelle, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Anderson, John Downey, John Downey, Mr. & Mrs. John Lafrance. Arthur, Carney, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. William Duclos, Mr. & Mrs. Violet Middleton, Mr.. &iiam F. Waldron, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Lavoie, Mr. James W. Clark, Richard Crowe, Mrs. Charles Edmundson. Mrs. Harold Mills, Florence .Harold Walsh, Richard Ward, & Mrs. Gerard Lamontagne. Mr. Mr. & Mrs. John Callanan. . Mr.·& Mrs: Antonio Estrella,. Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs.' Sylvester Margaret Welsh. & Mrs. Camille Levesque, Mr. Nellie Fay, Mr. & Mrs. James :r. 8&MMrs. Norman Faucher, A. Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. William Whalen & Mrs. John C. Lindo, Mrs. L. Giblin, Mr. & Mrs.. John r. < rs. Miles L. Fay, Mr. & Modesto. Mrs. Elizabeth Whelan, Paui Alice Lizotte. Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mrs. John Fernandes, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Molloy·, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Fernand Lizotte Hummel, Anna L. Kennedy. James Ferry. & Mrs. .Arthur F. Moniz, Mr. & :~7:~~: Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Mr. & Mrs. Leo McCoomb, Mr: Mrs. Margery Kulas, Eileen Mr. & Mrs. Albert Fields Mrs. Harold Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Lardner, Mr. & Mrs. Henry. Alice F. Flanagan, Mrs. Mar; John Morris, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mary Wilkinson, In Memory & Mrs. Milton Machado, Mr. & Luckraft, Mrs. Mary Macey, Mr. Flood, Mrs. Mary Fogarty, Moss. of Mary J. Wilkinson, Mrs. Mrs. William Mahoney, Mr. & & Mrs. Francis Maguire. Joseph Fournier. Frederick Munroe, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Woolam, Leo M. Worden. Mrs. Walter Malone. Mrs. Joseph Martel, Mr. & Dr. & Mrs. Edward Mee, Mr. & Mrs. Philias J. Four- John Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. WilMr. & Mrs. Willia~ Aspden, Mrs. Matthew Miga, Mr. & Mrs. Genevieve Murray, Mr. & Mrs.' nier, Mr. &' Mr~. Mario Fraga, liam Nelson, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur - Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Baker, Mrs. Edgar Morin, Lilli'an & Claire James P. Mullin Jr., Everett' J. Bettie Anne Francis, Mr. & Mrs. Nichols, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Samuel Baty Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Morissette, Mr. Mrs. Henry O'Brien, John O'Connor. Gilbert Francis, Mr. & Mrs. O'Brien. Joseph Bender, Mr. & Mrs. Murphy. Dr. William O'Connor, Kath- Joseph Freitas. Mr. &. Mrs. Leonard 'O'Brien, August Bonito. Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Nadeau, Mr. erine Oesting, Margaret Quail, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Furtado Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O'Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Borges, Mr. & Mrs. Normal\d Neveu, Mr. & Mrs. David J. Robinson & Ellen, Mary Gallagher, Mr. & Mrs: Eileen O'Rourke, Elizabeth & Mrs. Frank Botelho, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Noonan, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Roderigues. James Galligan, Mr. & Mrs. Neal O'Rourke, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mrs. Paul Bourgault, Mrs. Lil- Mrs. Stanley Nowicki, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Julius Sottak & Galligan, Ellen Gaughan. O'Rourke. Han Bowen, Mr. & Mrs. John Mrs. Horace Pelletier. Mary, Mr. & Mrs. Leoriard Esther Gelder, Blanche Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ouimet, Buckley. Mr. & Mrs. Armand Petrosso Storer, Clifton Sullivan, Mr. & Gemme, A Friend, Patrick & Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pacheco, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Antone Camacho ·Mr. & Mrs. Theo Picard, Mr. &: Mrs. Louis G. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Mary Gibson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Mrs. Edward Pacheco, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Henry Camillo, Mr: Mrs. Albert Pontifice, Mr. & Joseph Towers. Goley. Mrs. Armand Pariseau, Joan & Mrs. Paul Caron, Joseph Caw- Mrs. Louis Read, Mr. & Mrs. In Memory of Bernard J. War- . Lillian Gomes, Mr. & ·Mrs. Park. ley, William Cawley. Francis Remy. ren, Mrs. Wright Bolton III, Joseph Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs.' Joseph Percival, Mr. & Mrs. John B. Rochefort, Jerrit Goulart, Mr. & Mrs. War- Mr. & MrS. EdwI'n Perry, Mr. & John Costello, Mr. & Mrs. Ed_ G I t M mund Coyne, Mr. & Mrs. William Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Rousseau. M r. & Mrs. Ed war d M ac k ay, Dr. Patrick J. O'Connor, Mr. & ner ou ar , r. & Mrs. Em- Mrs. Frank Perry, Mr. & Mrs.' Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Rusnock Mrs. William Wing. manuel Grace. Thomas Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Ed- deBem, Mr. & Mrs. John Ferro Mr. & Mrs. John A. Groton, ward Peters. Mr. & Mrs. William Freitas. ' Mr. & Mrs. Donald seston, Mr: & Mrs. Thomas Smith. $15 Joseph Hampson, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. George Pimentel, Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Valcourt, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Baptiste, William Harrington, Mrs. Mary Mr. & Mrs. Roland Pomfret, Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Gonsalves: Mr. & Mrs. Charles Viens, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Barabe, Mr. Hayes,. Robert Hayes. Hannah T. Power, Mary Power, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gonzales, Mrs. & Mrs. Edward F. Wright. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hoaglund, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rapoza. ~rnest Humphrey, Helen Jaru& Mrs. James A. Cawley, Mr. & Mrs. James Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Stella Howland, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rebello, slk. Donald Cordeiro. Louis Hecner, James Holden; Mr. & Mrs. John T. Regan, Mary Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Keenan John E. Foster, Mr. & Mrs.' Mrs. Celeste Holmes. Regan, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Riley,' Mrs. Mortimer Kennedy, Mr. &: Frank·T. FranCis, Mr. & Mrs.' Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Jadlowe,' Mrs. Harry Roberts. . Mrs. John LaBrode, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gobeil Mrs. Julia Ken- . Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Jones, Mrs. . 'Terence J. Rogers, Mr. & Mrs.' Roland LaForest, Mrs. Armand nedy, Mrs. Gra~e R. Lardner. Stella Kallevik, Sarah A. Keigh_ Philip Ross, Patricia Russek, Mr.' Langis, Jane & Jerry. Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Man- ley,. Mr. & Mrs. George Kellett. & Mrs. Jall).es F. Ryan Jr., Mr. Mrs. Mary Lapointe, Mr. & ning, Mr. & Mrs" Richard Pin-' Eileen Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. JohnH. Ryan. Mrs. Eugene Lorenco; Mr. & Mrs. So. Dartmouth nington, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph James Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs.' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan, Mr. Manuel F. L04rO, Mr. & Mrs. and Hyannis Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Milton Taylor,'· J~hn Kennedy, Mrs. Margaret A. & Mrs. Manuel Santos, Mr. &' John J. Mayall, Hannah McCabe. Mr. & Mrs. AdamZych. Kmg, Mr. .& Mrs. Adam Lacala. . . . . . Mr. & Mrs. John Britto, Mr. & ·Mr. & Mrs: Arthur Lamou-' Mrs. Timothy' F. Shea, Mr. & . Major&: Mr~.· Raymond Me So. Dartmouth Mrs. William R. ~iood, Mr.. &. reux, Mr. & Mrs. Charles, La- :~:: ~e~~h~l~:eehan, Mr. Dermott, A FriE;nd, Margaret T., WY 7·9384 Mrs. Thomas A. Holden, Minnie , moure~x, Mr. & Mrs. Nor~an M ' ' Mellody, Mr. & Mrs Frederick McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Francis' LanglOIS, .Mr. & Mrs. LUCIen ' r. & Mrs. Manuel S. Silva,: Mukairns, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Hyannis 2921 J. Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lareau, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Le- Rose Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Gustavus' Neves. ' Szulik. Blanc Sr., .. ' ~~~~~:' D~nald . Souza, George Mr.. & Mrs. Michael Nicholas, Mr. & Mrs. Al(Jdrew Leonardo, . Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nichols Mrs: ,Helen Lew,is, Mr. & Mrs. . Mr. & Mrs. George Souza, Mr. ~ Charles Normile, Mr.' & . Mrs: $14 Richard LI'ster', Mrs.' AII'ce Lo'w'_ & Mrs. Joseph Souza, Mr. & Mrs.' F r.mClS. . 0''''' ,unen,., Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Hart.·.. Me ney, Mr. & Mfs. Robert Lyle. ' nuelSouza, Mr.' & Mrs. Paul" Stanley Palys. . . $12 Mrs. Mary E,' M.adden, Mr. & M. Souza, Mrs. Ann Splaine. ' Mrs. Katherine Perkins, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Ste": Mrs. Edward' Maguire, Mr: &. Mr. & Mrs. -Toseph Stephenson,. & Mrs. Rene Racine, Mary Reynphenson, Alice Murphy. & Agnes Mrs. John Maguire,' Mrs. Michael", Julia Sullivan, CONSTRUCTION CO. Patricia Sulli-. . . 0 Ids, . Helen ,A. S.· RoSs. Mr. & Bazata, . Mrs. Mary F. Barabe, Mahoney, Sheila,,;Mahoney. van, ,William Sullivan, Mrs.. Mrs; Robert St> Pierre. . . Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Yschaen Mr. & Mrs. La~ence F. Ma. Donald Swan. loney, Mr; & Mrs.·Josep·h Matros, Mr. & Mrs..Arfr.ur Sylvia, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Karl Schenk Mar-' ~r., Mrs: Lois Doninger. . 'ga,ret Scott, Mr.:' & . Mrs. Art' hur M Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Gill, Agnes Mr. & Mrs. John.J. May; Chris-. &"rs. George Sylvia, James AND tine McCarthy; Mrs. ,Cornelius Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs~ J:ohn Sylvia•.·.. :, Soares, Mr. '& Mrs. Carl Soares, Kearney.' . McCarthy. . Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sylvia. ' . Mrs. Elsie Starre. ' ESTIMATES ON $11 Mr. & Mrs. Francis McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sylvia,' Mr.: Bernhard Stoll, Mr. & Mrs. Margaret Cairns. • DRIVEWAYS YARDS Mrs. Estelle McLeavy, ~r. & & Mrs. Raymond G. Sylvia; Mr. Stephen Stupalski, Mr. & Mrs.' Mrs. Thomas McNeeley, Mr. & & Mrs. Vincent Sylvia, .Mrs. M. Bernard Sullivan. Mr. & Mrs. • SIDEWALKS $10 • PARKING AREAS Mr. & Mrs. Frank Akucewicz. Mrs. Michael J. McNulty, Mr. & Josephine Talford, John Terry.' Henry Swain, Mrs. Alfred Sylvia.. Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Therrien, Charles Tarpey, Mr. & Mrs.. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Amaral, Mr. Mrs. Joseph C. Medeiros Jr., • GAS STATIONS James Meehan. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tripanier, Mr. Edward Thornber, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Kenneth Andrews, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meggilio ,' ,& Mrs. William Trought Jr., Francis Tor~es, William Veary. n Mrs. 'l'homas Archer, Joseph Route 130 Sandwich Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mello, The Armand V!lrmette, Mrs. Laura Mr. & Mrs. John Vieira, Mr. & Baldwin. Tel. GArden 8-2433 Mrs. Wilfred Walker, Helen Mrs. Elizabeth Ball & Anna Mellody Family. Mr. & Mrs. Vieira. Mrs. Kathleen Walde~ Wil- Winn, Mary Wino. May, Mr. & Mrs. William E. G. John Mendoza, Mary Middleton.
.==============.. CAMPANELLA CAROl
Asphalt Paving
THE ANCHOR"7""D1°C~'9f ,Fall River-Thurs. May 31/1962
Ilmage#. of, Russia in 1987 Fascinating,
By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D. D. Bishop of Reno
We have just read a report from .the pen .of Mr: ,!,heodore Frankel on the "image" of SovIet RussIa envISIOned by' its own social planners for 1987-25 years ahead. It differs somewhat from George Orwell's more celebrated projection, though actually ished, a complete and satisfactory not in essentials. Orwell's uniformity will exist between all pigs and Frankel's commis- types of housing, interi?~ .dec?m to be of one mind, rating, furniture, and utI,litIes, In sars see , everything except pOSSibly the
or perhaps it would be ~o~e slight and unimportant differaccurate to say' of a Sing e ences which may yet remain bemin d e d ness. tween the unreconciled person~he repo~t realities. bed he~~lly on Food is to be prepared and the wrltm~s:of served in vast communal kitchS, Str u mill. n, ens and dining halls, thus insurdea~ of S?vlet ing uniformity of diet and avoide c ~ n ,0 m 1St s, ing the waste which has been wh0!D.. F,r.an~el associated with its individual or eredl~s ,':11th a family preparation. , eertam In d eThe elderly or infirm are to be , pe n den c e of housed in separate units of the tho ugh t, not, ' commune treated with all comhowever, to t~e fort, but 'family ties are to be jeop~rdY. of hiS , discouraged as upsetting the Commum~ orthodoxy.. . , planned Schedul~ of work and - Fascinatmg and terrlfymg is 'recreation designed for the ablethe piCture of life seen through bodied and active. thele~ses of, these plann~r~. By Religion Disappears 1987, it .is llssu~ed,. of course, It g'oes without saying that that Sovlet,Russla will ,have sl:l~" there is no provision made for "passed Americ~. ,in economic religion or for church structures . wealth and polItIcal J?ower" ~ in the Soviet commune of 1987. that a, gol.den age Will be I Superstition will have withered full- flowermg. away by then partly as a result of the current stepping-up of . Four Hour working Da~ : It ,wil~ be an abunda?t ~o~lety" pressure against the relics af' demandmg af th? mdlvldfual. Russian orthodoxy and the dissi:' worker ,only a maximum of our, dent sects. , hours labor each day; t~e. reCulture will be stressed, , . ~aining 20 hours to be dIVided music, 'the drama, and as much' b~tween, rest and controlled reading of the approved auth~ril leisure. ' , ' as may be judged good for the' There is little doubt that the . d"d 1 Soviet pr0I>hets ar~presently 10 ~~~a~asiandards will be high, laying great stress on the !,hy~- ,-simply because' the pressure' of ical ,ease and comfort' WhICh. IS " communal opinion will not tol.'~' accompa?y the Com~umst erate deviation from' what is VIctory. ThIS,' doubtles~, IS by recognized and accepted. So say way of deflecting att~ntIo~ fr~m, the planners. the aus~erity and uglIness of lIfe, Blueprints for Utopia' are - ~ RUS!'la today. .' . something relatively new in-' ' City and commumty planm~g, Soviet Russia at least on the' occupies ~ prominent place 10 visual level. Up to the present' the bl~e~rmt for, 19.87. The co~- the theorists have been content mune wIll be a umt of appro:'l- with pure abstractions; now the mately 2500 p~sons,. t~e CIty image is projected in technicolor. (save for th.e maJor polItIcal and Comfort at the price of absomanufa~turmg~enters) a group- lute conformism, security at the fng of fIVe or SIX of these com- price of liberty: this is what is munes. implied. Reduce Traffic Yet it seems not to occur to The commu.ne will .sit on its: the planners that 'they hav,e d!ine" two-square-m~learea, In apP?ar-, no more than 'design' a vast' ance not. u,nhke ~n AmerIcan prison house for the htimanrace.' metropolItan housmg develC?P- 'It is this unconscious c_apitulamen~, blocks of three~storIed tion to tyranny, this complete rabbIt, warrens s~rroundmg the unawareness of freedom, which mess ha!l,. the. dlspe~sary, and, is terrifying to behold. This is the admlm.stratIve, ~fl'lCes. , the new Soviet man. In the CIty groupmg no resi- ' dentiai area will be more than a 10-minute walk from the center of all activity, so that vehicular: trmaufmfi.C will be reduced to a mini-
FORTY YEARS: Rev. Edward~. Booth, center, pas~r of St. Mary's Church, North Attleboro,at ceremony markmg 40th ordination anniversary. Left, Rev. Armando B. Annunziato, ,curate; right, Bishop qerrard, who head~d scores of area clergy paying tribute to Father Booth; ,
$50 Mr: &; Mrs. Oscar Desroslera Rev. Roger P. Poirier $25 Mrs. Yvonne Hamel $20 Mr. & Mrs. Armand Boucher $15 ' , Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Antaya $10 , Mr. & Mrs.. Henri Proulx, Mrs. Edward 'Gaudreau, Mr. & Mrs. Leon Nolan, Mr. & Mrs. Felix Desmarais, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Fonrouge. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Giroux, Sylvina Jacques, Mr. & Mrs. Royal Morrissette, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Prefontaine, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Labelle. , Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mercier, Mr.. & Mrs. Charles Devaney, Mr. &; Mrs. Adelard Turgeon, Mr., &; Mrs. Ralph Zito, Mr. & Mrs. George Proulx. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Legere, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Brassard, Rose Antaya, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred St. Onge, Mr. & Mrs. No... man Todd. ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGee. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Paille, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Frazer, Mr: & Mrs. Cyril Cote, Mrs. Etienne Boudreau. Gaetan Collette, Mr. & Mrs. James Lathigee, Donat Desro~ siers, Mr. & Mrs. George Juaire, ,Norman Proulx. Mr. & Mrs. ,PilUI St. Germain, Mr. & Mrs. Henry 'Dubeau, Mr. &; Mrs. Romeo Michel, M.r:.: &; 'Mrs. Lawrence Perry, Mrs. Theodule Mandeville. Mr. & Mrs. Camille Ouimet, Mrs. Vida Dussault, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lussier, ,Mr. & Mrs. Paul Peloquin, Mr. Joseph Paulhus. Mr. & ,Mrs. Lionel Forget, Mr. &; Mrs. -Paul, Laferriere, Mr., Phillippe Hebert. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Paille, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Pino, Mr. & Mrs. George Paul, & Mrs. Francis Paul, LuCien F. Paul. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Burr, Mrs. Emilie 'Sabourin; Mr. & Ml,"s. Warren Curran, Mrs. Bertha Fontneau, Mr. & Mrs. RomeO Proulx. • Jean Duphily, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene 'Toracinta, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Paradis; Mr. &: Mrs. R~y mond 'Lafontaine, Frank HUb;:hinson & Eunice. ' Mr.' & Mrs. Albert Raymond, Pion' Family, Armand Doucet Family, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Audette, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Achin.
$30 Edward Casey $25 ST. JOHN Howard Bristow, Ray Gun$75 lette, Lavalee family,' Arthur, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Lorden, 'Luigi Pinacoli. J David Foley; Alice McDerMurphy, r. $50 mott, J. Edward Turley. Mr. & Mrs. William Pa'l.'ker, $20 Charles Boucher $25 $19 ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Gaynor, ' 'I'he' Joseph Martins family Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gassola, ~ $15Mr. & Mrs. Edward:Kelley, Mr. Marjorie Castro, Rosalind & 'Mrs. William Lovell, Mr. &, Martelli, The McCann family, Mrs. J.Howard Lynch. , Ernestine. & Florence Moran, Mrs. ,Robert Nelson, James K. Mr. & Mrs. James A. Murphy, Nerney. Elziear Sicard, Charles GuilMr. & Mrs. Alfred Paille, Mrs. Leland B. Smith. lette, MaJ:>el Lewis. , $20 $10 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Bowen John Ahearn, Oscar AhlquIst, Edward Amesbury. Florence $10 Audette, Oonald Augat. Mrs. Delia E~bineau, Mr. & Wallace' Baker, Fred BattersMrs. Louis Blaine, Mrs. Mary by, Louis Benson, Mariano Bosh, Bogdnowicz Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dominic Braemonte; I Bolton, M~. & Mrs. William JToseph BrOdeur, Al Carvalho, Bowen. John Cloud, Philip De Lauri, Mrs. Rose Brodeur, Mrs. Alan Bernice Duffy. Burt, -Mr. &, Mrs. Wilfred CarFred Ellis, John Flanagan, din, Mr. & Mrs. John Carroll, 'William Fontaine, Robert Erwin" Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Carvalho. Roger Forget. Mr.' & Mrs. Alvin Cassidy, Mr. Amos' Fredette, Leon Frigon,' & Mrs. William 'Clinton, Law- Edward Furtado, James Firtado, renee Coffey, Miss Nabby Coffey, Joseph Furtado. ' Mrs. Philip Davignon. .Reginald Gervaid, Edward Asks '!P@ifif/'o<C«1l' Act!on Mr. & Mrs. Richard Denzer, Gilroy, Roger GOUlet, Eva Mr., & Mrs. Leo Desrosier, Mr. Gamache, Joan Greve. DntdlovBdJ{Yj(l:ll~ lBasis & Mrs. Albert Fontneau, 'Mr. & Leo Greve, Edward Griffin, BOMBAY (NC) - Valerian Mrs. Harold, 'Fuller, Alice Hunt.' Richard Healey, Merle Holmes; Cardinal Gracias welcomed del_ Lillian Imhoff, Mrs. Ida "L.' Clifford Homer. egates attending the 11th general Jli'nson, Clement Jeffers, Mr. &' Charles Hutchinson, Mrs. F. meeting of the Catholic Union Mrs. John' Keane, Mr. & Mrs." Kelley, Joseph, Kelley, Francis of India and told them that any Robert J. Kenney.' Kenton, Walter Kosinski. action they take' on political Mr. & Mrs. Robert MacDonald, Doris Le Clair, Charles Lewis, grievances should be done in an Mr. & Mrs. Robert McAuliffe,' Joseph Lojeck, Albert Lortie, individual capacity and not as Rose McBrien, Susan McGinn, Mrs. William Maloney. members of the Catholic Union. Mr. &,Mrs. James Meloni, Jr. Richard Mar s h, Antonio "Your association is not like Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mulleady, Mello, Ernest Miguel, Edgar any other sodality," said the Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Minor, Russell Monse. Archbishop of Bombay. "It is a Josephine Mullaney, Lucy Mc& Mrs. J. Francis Kelley, Mr. & The visual image of the Soviet NEW ORLEANS (NC) - The Mrs. Thomas Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Coriville, Dorothy McManus, class above and has ,been organ';' ized subject to ecclesiastical' concommune and city, thus, is not' New' Orleans' Catholic news-' Earl Niquette, Jr. William Naylor, Pilul Nerney. trot" , " , unlike the projections conceived ,paper has said a laymen's league, Helen Nolan, Mr. & Mrs.' Otto bckert,John R. O'Neill, In the course of its meetip& by American .planners who, fol- . , formed there to fight racial bite- Charles O'BrlEm, Mr., & , MTS.' Manuel Pedro, . Arthur Perry, lowing the lead of Mr. Le~is , gration in Church school,S is ~nti-: Joseph O'Donnell, Mr. & Mrs.' Constant Poholek.' . the Catholic Union passed a res,Mumford, are all for making· Catholic and that speakers at its Frank Pimento, Harold Quinn. How'ard Ralph, Daniel Raposa, olution welcoming India's ta~e . over ,the face, of tpe'.earthac-' first meeting,are',!·susP~t.'" Mrs. 'Joseph Quinn, 'Mr. & Mrs... Jesse Raposa, Omer 'Renquin, over of the old Portuguese ter:ri... tories of Goa, Damao and Diu. It cording to just such a pattern; , The Catholic Action of 'the' RiChard Reeves, Mr. & Mrs.' Douglas R~eaume. endorsed Prime Minister Jawa'; Dreadful Uniformity 'South. edition of Our. SU,nd~y'" Glenn Reynolds" Mr. & Mrs.' Joseph Rocha, John Reyp.olds, harIa1 Nehru's declaration that It, is not h~rd to imagine the' ': Visitor also sai~ ~ an unsigned: 'Everett Richard, M,rs., Mary: George Ryan, Charles Sousa, the 'territories would not, b4? dreadful uniformity of this so-' front-page edItorial' that the R i c k e r . , Alfred Travers. merged into neighboring Indiaa called community living, dupli-: Church's !"ission' e~tends "to all ' Mr: & Mrs. Robert Rohman, Roiand Tremblay, A1fr~d Yaz, , states, and tha~ ~heir individu' cated in exact detail from one ,people; Without di~tincti~n, in all Mrs. Theresa Ryder, Mrs. Emily Wi.l1ia Ward? ,Raymqnd ZitO. ality would be maintained. end of the 'country to the"other: places and in all tImes SInce her .. servant, Mrs. William J. 'Ser-' ~~....w~~~~~....w~....w~....~~~~w~~~~~..... , There is some reason to believe" foundin~." vant, John B. Simkins.' ,~ Be Thrifty _ Be Wise indeed, that the Soviet planners '~ : The group eriticized' by ~e, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Slattery,' A,sk, yO,ur Meatman for ~ have borrowed most of their ar-, newspaper is called the ,Cathohc, Mr.- Mrs. George Smith, Mr. & chitectural designs from the ,"White Laymen's League. It was Mrs. Joseph Soares, Henry StanDAVIDSON'S textbooks making th~ rounds of set up at a meeting to agitate for ton, Mrs. '-Mary Stanton. ' (MacGregor Brand) . Ainerican planning schools. withm:awal ,of students fr.om Richard' Stanton, Mr., & MrS. • ,SWEETN]C', • It is a rather dreary commen- - ,Catho~c schools. It appeale?,for ;Frederick Woll, Mr. & Mrs. Bak~ in the Bag-:-NoBasting tary on the sterility of ofl'iciiil, Gathohcs to use money prevlOu~- ,:~ames Zmudsky. architecture in our~day. Even Iy paid ,to.. Gh.ul"ch schools to fl- i; :',MMaG~' says-" for Russia we might hope for. nance private segregated schools At'tl'ebo'r,o, "WINNING FAVOR 80mething better in 1987. , :instead. Real Scotch Ham FlayorJl The apartments, say the plan-', I: Archbishop JosephF. Rummel HOLY GHOST "WITH ITS FLAVOR" ners, will accent comfort and a' of New OrIeflns has, or~ered in-, conformist attitude toward the tegration of all Cathollc schools ,$150 other arts. They be de-'. ,within' the ,archdiocese starting Manuel Castro signed, however, only for man' 'next F a l l . . '$100 and wife since all' children, as . The ' Catholic, Action of the Libitinarius· wards of the state, wUI be 'S~uth sa;id that the !itle of ~a~?$50 Mac Gregor' Rev. Edward J. Sharpe, .Ray.. housed' and cared for in the, ,olic. Whl~ ~y~en s League i~ BRAND nurseries and boarding schools anti-CatholIc of Its very nature. mond Kelliher, In Memory 01. JUST at 'AU Leading provided for them. "Catholic .as applied to ~e Father McNulty. Since private ownership, even C~urch derIv~s, fromcatholle $40 ASK FOR Food Stores , SWI!ETI~lICS in Massachusetts in the limited sense of personal WIth a small e, whic~, means FrancisZenie, R~hard' Delall, possessions, will have been abol-.,universal,"the paper sa1(L, "
Ed itoria I Scores
Laymen's, League,
, Nantucket
$150 Rev. Daniel E. Carey $100 Martin Foley $75
Rev. Robert F. Kirby
$56 A Friend
THE"ANdfo'R-:' . Thurs., May 31, 1962
. Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mack, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Sylvia, Mrs. Sarah Terry, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Senecal. Caroline Flemming, Mr. & Mrs. roblas Flemming, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Dee, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sivik, Thomas Hamblin. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lloyd, Mr. & Mrs. Allan Norcross, Edward Scully, Bridie Ledwell, Mrs. Betty Van der Wolk, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lewis.
$50 Mr, & Mrs. Charles Yarbrough A Friend $25 Mrs. Paul Klingelfuss, Pacltle Buzzards Bay National Bank, Marine Lumber Co .. James E. Worth, Mr. & Mrs. ST. MARGARET Charles Stackpole. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Preston Manches-Mr. & Mrs. John Riha ter, Albert Lavoie, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Payton Charles P. Flanagan, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kirby. Mr. & Mrs. Edward MarceIMrs. Rolph Sjolund, Mr. & .lino Mrs.. Robert McGrath. $20 0\ Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Lennon, Mr. &'Mrs. Albert Silva, A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell Deacon. .. Mts. Annette Gardner, A Friend, Mrs. John G. MacDonald.,
$15 Arthur Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph '::ody, Margaret Thurston" Gladys Worth, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth ~ease, Jane Wallach.
. ~£'::'-
NEW NAME,' NEW LOOK: A new ·name to match its refurbished interior is sported by St. Francis Residence 'for Women, Fall River. Formerly St. Francis Guild; its sign is unveiled by Bishop Connolly as Moth~r Mary of St. Gistilian, ' F.M.M., superior, looks on approvingly.
& family, Mr. & Mrs. John Higgins, Eileen Lordon, Mrs. Ernestine Gagnon & family, Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Beaulieu. Herbert Hill, Walter Turcotte, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cassels, George Cassells, Sr., Everett Cassels. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick DeMarco, Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose hvali, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Louis McAdams, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Beautet. Mrs. Alfred Love, Mr. & Mrs. Galiano Fratoni, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gallant, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Dillon, George Robitaille. Mrs. Edward Collins, Mr. & Mrs. William Brennan, Mr. & Mrs Leo Stevens, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Slaiger, Mrs. Edward Shea. . Mrs. Catherine Chatterton, Mr. & Mrs. William Cople~, . Mr. & ,Mrs. LeQn, A. Regan,_ Joseph Zaino, Mr. ~ Mrs. Rich. ard . Gaboury. . Mr: & Mrs. Raymond Murphy, Mr. &, Mrs. A. Casale, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fisler, Elizabeth Fisler, Mr. & Mrs. James Whalen. Da~id McQuaid, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Masterson,' Mr. & Mrs Joseph H. Couturier, Mr. & Mrs: Albert Levesque, Mr. & ~rs. Thomas Charron. Mr. & Mrs. A. Gosselin, Mrs. Theresa Block, Charles Witbee,' Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lyman. George Jacobs, Jr. Mrs. George Jacobs, Sr_ Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Dorey,' l\l". & Mrs. William Pauloucky, Mrs. Mary Boyles, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Valade. Mr. & Mrs; Harold Berg, Mr. & Mrs. Don Guthrie, Alfred A; Achin, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lambert, 'Mr. & Mrs. James Lund, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McNamara.
North Attleboro
'Rt. 6 at The
in North W••tport
Where The Entire Famn, 'Can Orne Economicall,
THE ANCHOR-Diocese ofFal! River-Thurs. May 31, 196~
.. ,
CYO CONVENTION: ·Scores from all .parts of the Diocese were present at th~ fourth annual CYO convention, held at Bishop Feehan High, School; Attleboro. 'Balloting'for the new slate of officers was an important item on the day's' calendar as the t~o 'above .gr:o~ps were ~aught by The,
ANCHOR'S camera in this phase of the program. Left photo: Anne Morrissey, New Bedf9rd; -Paul Guerin and Irene . Desautel, ' both of· North Attleboro. Right photo: facing camera, ·Paul Cpristolini, Yirginil!- Calvey. both New . . of Taunton;. . . Pamela. Galligan, .' . Bed·ford.
Age~cy ·Director
The Parish Parade
Catho.IDC Hospital Has. Obligation To Community
Urges Admission Of R
ST. MARY'S CAT~EDRAL, . ST. JOSEPH, S1'. LOUllS, If. FALL RIVlER . . FALL RIVER FALL RiVER ~lfugees . Th'~ few seats are lltillayailabJe. eyo juniors wUl hold a record New officers of the Women's WASHINGTON (NC) ST. LOUIS (NC) -:e on.a four day bUS.,tr!p ~!> .C~nao::: ho'p at' 7:30 .tomorrow night in h 't 1 t d·' . . d' hr' d th . ts f . . Guild will be installed at a. ban. AdmI'ssI'on of at least 10,000' · 1 OSpi a 0 ay. IS a Ian s .1!1e~ ano. ~r pom 0 . the parish." hall. Seniors wiiI C a th OIC 't' . t't t' ' t h ' t t d b th W . quet scheduled for 6:30 Tuesday Ch.inese from r.efugee-swolcommUnI y ms 1 u Ion WI. , . In ~r~s ~ponsor.e . Y. e ..om-.. sponsor' a cake sil1e in the school. night, June'12 in the' church au-: ' a community responsibility; , en'~ GUIld.. ~e~b.eJ;~·_?r:Qther . from 11 to 4 Saturday, ,Tune 2. . ditorium. Mrs. Wilfred St. Michel len Hong Kong to the United speakers told' the 47th anntial parI.s~.Ei!S are.::.mvlted ,t~uo~n. th~ 'Cake donations are. requested. heads the· list of those to' be ~tates was advocated by "the diCatholic' Hospital" Association Cat.he?ral. '.. !!t~~)IWi. _ac~o.r,dilJg: ..t~ . - . First ~n a series of three whists . seated: The guild glee club will: reCt~r of the overseas relief convention .here. announc.ement· ma·de. Qy.· .M.:r~.·:to· oenefit a 'fund for puichaseof '. provide entertainment. Mrs'- Wil':" - agency. 'maintained by An~eri(:aR. 'The stress 0'0. the relatiori of F~~rk .Ml?ri!lr.~~,. presi~e?~.. T.~~ .' baseball uniform~ will,be held liam 'Lynch is chairman for th~ Cathohcs.',·. ' the Catholic hospital to its com- trip. w.I11 leaye, :Fall. ItIyeF .Fr~:"; .. Thursday night, June 7" in the affair':.· .'. Bishop Edwlird E. Swan.strom, . . daY,July 5. Reservatiops'may _hall . .. . . . .' munity was· a major theme in bemadewitli"Mrs: MoriartY" at' '... " ' . ':' The' gUila 'sponsored' a testi_executi~e di.r~ctor .Qf Catholic · several. addresses to U. S. and: 6lfO 'ThirqStreet; rall~ Riv"ei-;" o~ ,SACRED HEART, monial for' Rev. Danier Shalloo" .: Reli~!' 'Servic;e~Natiorial Cath':' Canadian Catholic hospital per-' by calling OSborne 2-1439. . FALL RIVER administrator foliowing' a sol~ olic Welfare Conference, made sonnel attending the four-daY I The Women's Guild banquet·is A breakfast will follow cor- emn hig!,!- M~ss of thanksgiving .. the.. recommend!lt~Qn in tele~ meeting in Kiel Auditorium. set. ~or,(::39 Mo~day'n+ght, June porate Communion at 8:30 Mass ~<?r his silver jubilee as a priest. gr~m~ to ~en .. Jam~s O. Eastlan~ Bishop Albert R. Zuroweste of 4: in the Catholic 'Community Sunday morning June' 3 for the Rev. John P. Driscoll preached of· MIssiSSIPPI, chaIrman of the Belleville, Ill., described' the Center. Miss Virginia A. Martin 'Men's Club. Walter F'-White and at the ,Mass, Rev. James Benson, . Senate JUi:l~ciary Com.mi.ttee, and Catholic, hospital as "a c'om-, heads the list of officers to be Willard R. Piper are ticket S.J., was deacon and Rev. John Rep. Francls·E. Wal4lr of Pennmunity project." .' seated. Entertainment. will fea..,; . co-chairmen.' Cronin was subdeacon. Both are sylvania, chairman of the House "Today our hospitals are no ture the Caecilians. natives of the parish: ReY. Ed- J~dici~ry sUI:>~ommittee on imlonger private hospitals in tpe The following awards were . OUR LADY 'OF ANGELS, ward J. Burns was master of : mIgratIon, whlC!,!- hanpl~ refugee strict sense," Bishop Zuroweste made the second annual CYO:" FALL· RIVER ceremonies, and the Holy Union' legislation. : said. He noted· that .local, state Bowling banquet: high"siilgle to' New' CYO officers are Antone' choir ·sang..-\ t a buffet, Mrs. John "Catholics Relief Services ofand 'Federal funds, voluntary" P~ter ~asiff arid Gail 'Kerrigan;, . Furtado, 'p·resident;.. Constance ,Rowe and Mrs. Raymond Morin .fers to cooperate .to the fullest charitable contributions, insur- I hIgh thre~ t9 J?hn Vo,gel apd-,'~ilva, v~c.e' president; Theresa pO)ll'ed. 'extent in the 'resettlement of ance .fees, and the resources of Carol FarIas; hIgh overage' to ',' Oliveira,secretary; 'Judith M ; t h e s e r e f u g e e s . Such'a gest~re labor, industry and the patients . John Almeida arid Phyllis Bai- 'Silvia,corresponding'secretary; ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, on the part of the United States have all gone into the. building, . occhi. . . ;John Rego, treasurer. NEW BEi)FORD' .. should stimulate others to assist and upkeep of the typIcal hosGood sportsmen awards were,· c ' P . ·h· . 1 . .. b " . .. ',' in . this tragic program," the. '. .. . . . , .' .. ariS loners p annmg 0 servo: Re'e t· 1 t d f ·tal • p I '.. . . .. . . : gIven to John AI:meida and Rose- ,'ance of the Feast of Our Lady of, . s rva Ions c ose 0 ay or. - message stated. !n ;'Iew. ~f this SItuatIon, he mary Netto. . .. ' .. : c the Arigels will meet at 7:30'. the ~.a4ies League ann~al Co~-:. In the wake of Bishop Swansa~d! R.ehglOUS are really ad- ST. ROCH,. ' ". Sunda'y .night, June, 3.. . munlon .. b.re1!kfast, . WhIc.h .. WIll strom's telegram to the legismlmster~ng a trust for th~ local ~FALL" RIVER. ..., .. ' . . '. . , ~oll()vv, 9:30 Mass Sy-nday morn~ 'lators, Presiaent Kennedy discommumt~. . . If . yours IS the . MrS:: PauLGiroux:'is chairmaa "OVR LAPY.OF GRACE;" .. mg,June .3' ~nd wI.ll·be held ~~ "'closed at his press conference only ho~pltal II?- th~ .area, you for a dinne! meeting for ',the··-. NORTHWES'I'PORT ' . .. . '. ,M .. and . ~,r.estaurant. Mrs.. several thousand refugees in the e~ter.ed~nto an ~~plIClt contr~ct.- . Council of Catholic,.Wcimen· to· The Couricil of Catholic .women . George Johnson is chairman.. Hong. Kong area have been WIth: the commumty to provIde, be held Monday eVEmmg' Juri-e' 4 'will hold'its installation banq,uet .. New, Ladies .League· officers' cleared by the U. ·S. consular for Its total health 'needs.'! at Pocas~ef Country' Clhb: 'b~- ·at.7 Tuesday. night, June '5,' iri ~ are Mrs: Angelo Piscarino, pres': . office th~re for admission· to the Although the religious spirit parture time 'is set for 7 from'the' the church' hall. Reservations : iden~; 'Mrs. PeterBlais,vice~ U.' S.·. under the emergency has prompted Catholic hospitals front of the chUrch. . . must be' made by tomorrow, and pres1(~ent; Mrs. Anthony Cardul-, legislation which permitted Hun_ not to seek "public acclaim,": tickets are available from com- 10,. treasurer; .Mrs. Leo'nel Ner-. garian and Cuban refugees to Bishop Zuroweste said, changed: OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, mittee inembers. . onne.an!I Mrs. Joseph Gallipeau, c.ome to 'this country. conditio~s today require more: NEW BEDFOR~ . Mrs. -Mary Almond, installing sectetari~s. commumty consciousness. CuI;> Pack 11 WIll haveafrankl"., officer, will seat Mrs. Rose Bor-. "Tqday's world demands .much ' furt~r ~!1d bean; supper from .5, . 'den;' president; Mrs. Mary Gr·a..,; , : ST. KILIAN; closer participation in public I' to 7 Saturd y ~Igh~,June 2 m, . ,ham, vice-presiderit; Mrs. Yvette NEW'BEDFORD affairs,- attendance at state and the ch1;1rch aUllitopum. A . card. Ciarlone; secretary; Mrs. Edna The eyO u~it of the parishnational meetings, cooperating, party IS ~lanned' by the H~ly. Clement, ·treasurer.- The parish '. will receive 'corporate Commun:" in community planning, having-, Name Soclety.from7:30 to 10:30.,., ()rchestra' will offer ·entertain- . ion on Stin'day morning. Follow';' . . . lay advisory boards for the hos-' Sa,turd;;ly.night, June. '16,also' in ; ,ment; '. .' '" . ing' the .·Mass, a" Communion:' pital and publishing annual.re-·· the aUditoriu~.·· It is al~o announced that 'the . breakfaSt 'will be' served' at· - North, Easton, Mass. ports,"· he said.. . ' . .-: I HOLY. TRINITY, ' ,,' .~omen wil~ receive:Comil11.i.riion· . Gaudette's Pavilion. ·The Bishop alS<!:.said the Cat!t- WEST HARWICH Sunday, 'June 3 at the Mass of 1.962'~ummer. Sessio~, Cooed olic hospital· must combin~·· New officers of the Ladies As- : th~ir choic.e. . , sound business .-practices with,: sociaUonof the Sacred Hearts . Morning and Evening'Classes .... ::.~: Mrs..Pierre Lavedan; president; '. SS. PE'!'Jj:R' ANi) i:"~UL, religious·n;lOtivation. .. ' '. 'Mrs. John $car,ry, vice,,-president;FAL.L RIVE~ .' ·CreCIitc::ourses offered in W·· ·0··W'': :- Mrs:Ed~a~d :Su!livan,secre~rr; . ~.;: 'l'h·e. regular meeting th«f .• ~ . . . ..~ .. , '. Mrs.~lyde.K:eney, treasurer. : .' Women~s.Gu~ld, set :foi,<SI Mon':' .. En'9Iish-Histor~~Government, R~UTE ~~.' AV!. '-:ASsociatloncorrimittees·inclu<k : Chet Wilkie' and ,his square. '.. ~ 'pbilosop.hy~.iheology ~a :~l!.,.m~h:0e;:arta.r,:o,rgai1~Z~ti~nart4 ."day .ni~h~;, Jun~' ~,,,,~ll f~ature. 'Near FCl1rhciven 'prive-lri' : ~ Eco~o~ iC:s'~Matt;e",,~tics Paying tribute.to:the 30th·an-·, .deyelopm~nt,,,,coop~r.a:tlOn~,~nd-· ~c.er.s,.l'4r.... W-~lkl~,wlllbe c~ll Itallci~ :Dj~~8I'S~ Our Specialty .'Dlversary .' . - 0. f thOe·..·apparI ···t·":· yoilth, Confraternity,' of, . M' e.r. ,Mrs.· JaJ:l1e" ·,Walmsley. Ions . 0·f··' charities ... ... " , .. ,.. .... . , . . . . , J' ..... .S "11" '.,. ·aild· '. " . '.Edu~oti:~';-F,ren~h.spa~ish .-·se~c.-"Oii·'-P.U.. .. ,.0. t"h'" ... ames.· I · O· ur . L'"a d' y a"t B"eauramg" e'··C.hristian .. ·. . :Do.ctrine". . ..," 'publiCity .:... , '., " . 'rs. ,- . , u. .Ivan . . . are in. ' .'- L"b '. ". of .. sewmg.", ' a·t'h·0 1'"lC'" .'L"··t IS ener 1 rary.c . ; . ways': _.', and· ,'. ,me.a.ns : ' : ; and . :r"charge of. arrangements.. ,.... ··r. C Taunton has :made' ~vailable"·toi .~~~llly. a1,1(1..._p~~el,lt ,eq~catl(~n~ ... ; ',. .., .. " .... ... . -.j~n.e::~5.tli·,; A~g",st .•. !Jfl". . ..'. .. :: .... '.' .' , the· blind .~ "bilking -b~kf ·Ou.r· :ST.:JOSE~H,··'- " ',,: ~ ',.: ~ ,R~gi~tr(],i6~ L~y :gfBeauraing, ·by: I.Jo~· FAlR~V~~ ' .:.... . .... ; InC..... . . Sharkey. and" Joseph Debergh, '.,: "Tom ·Hemso~m.·of .tlle .Bost6~ "'MO' V~ER"'S' ... ' .' -. . '. :...:': june: ~ :22 O.M.I. ..'.~'" " ': €el~ics will·,.§pe.ak at'a Commurt.. .,..' . . C;opyright .: .restrictions ' . limit ~on 'brea!tfa~.. to 'folloW. 9 o'cloCk SERVING' . ~o ·A.;;"~'~ 4:~.M. lending ..privilegesto t~e'q!i!1~ ;Mass this Sun'~ay mor_ning·ih tile Feill River . New Bedford· unable to.· read . for themse~v¢~.· church hall. Sponsored' by' the . . . . . ' ~ ... . .... .' FOr fur:ih~r il')formdtion" The book is on two' reels of tape parish CYO, the 'event will' be ..C:ape. CodA,ecI' , " 273: CENTRAL and runs for seven hours.' of' open to all. , . : . ," " . -'..-. '~I'e~&: -; . -- . . . AVE. Address' !istenirig time. " ' ' , ' Holy Ghost "Society 'members AERO MAYFLOWER , WY,2·6216 The book will not be auto- ' will march from' their Bridge TRANSIT ,CO INC The Director, matically mailed to library sub- Street hall to the church for cor'N" f' "'d Summer Session, scr,i,bers but. must be requested porate' attendance, at. the 11 (I lo.n~wl e. . oYe~ .'. NEW·BEDFORD.· Stcmeh ill. College from Catholic Listener Library, o'clock MaSs, also this Sunday 304 K~ma:t3NClI9~ df .. P.O. Box 4, Taunton. morning. ' " elDP on . ew, e or'!A 0
V· .
o'I'um'e ....
" "·d F·· ",- . B' I·" 'd'.' .' . y _·or· ' In·,
M .•.
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·'B'LU·~.;:RJB:B~O.J~·· '::~UN,DRY
- _.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 31, 1962
"-,·"-'-:-"·'-'1 ,j
\ \
CYO DIOCESAN OFFICERS FOR THE COMING YEAR: :Following' . Bishop. Left -to right, Rita Estrella; Diocesan secretary, New 'Bedford; Benediction of the Blessed 'Sacrament at Feehan High School, Attleboro, . Michael Hickey, president, Taunton; the Bishop; Donna Murphy, vicethe new officers for the year 1962-63 of the eta are congrat~latedbythe· president, ·Taunton; 'Brian Heaiy, treasurer, N~w Bedford. .. .
Mayor Salutes Released-Time·
Archb'i$hop ·Transfers Full Jurisdiction to' Coadjutor
. NEW YORK (NC) Mayor Robert F. Wagner hailed the city's releasedtime program for religious instruction as an influence strengthening the nonsectarian schOOL system. Under the program, 100,000 children are excused from school one hour a week for 'instruction in' religious institutions desig:. nated by their parents. The Mayor spoke at a dinner marking the 20th' anniversary of the Coordinating Committee on Released Time of Jews, Pro.t- . estants and Roman Catholics. Herbert H. Lehmann, then Governor, signed the bill for released time on April 9, 1940. It touched off a long controversy that ended when the .U. S..Supreme Court upheld the hiw on April 28, 1952. Lehman also was • speake!: at the dinner.
Predicts Volun'teer · Program to Expand
The Pope praised' the ArchThe Pontiff said his letter was · meant to "renew publicly. the 'bishop's efforts for Catholic CHICAGO (NC)-The num· assurance of our sentiments of ·schools 'here, .saying: "Among ber of Extension, Lay Volunteers benevolence and 'highest es- ~ many things which merit praise, teem." we most especially congratulate in ·1962-63 will be larger than you on this, that,. within the' ever, the priest-director of the boundaries of your arChdiocese, program said here. you have opened so many CathFather John J. Sullivan said olic schools in which large num_ bers of youth, the flower of he· believes there will be over great hope, are trained in the · 200 Extension Lay Volunteers in disCipline of Christian morals, in · August, 1962, and the program will probably be extended into doct,:ine and in youthful knowlfive additional dioceses: Cheyedge." . enne, Wyo.; Little Rock, Ark.; New . Orleans .. archdiocesan Springfield-Cape Girardeau, Mo.;. schools have been prominent in' Dodge City, Kan.; and Kansas the neWs in recent months be- City-St. Joseph, Mo. cause the Archbishop has orThe program was organized in dered that they begin operations 1961·by the Catholic Church Exon a racially desegregated basis tension Society to enable Jay next fall. persons to work as mission helpArchbishop Cody, in a stateers in the U. S. Seventy-seven ment, said that. "while I realize young men and women joined , that' I can never hope fully to the first team as teachers, catesucceed Archbish.op Rummel, ... chist-census takers, social workers, nurses and Newman Club I can only hope and pray that, in the years to come, I may equally · organizers. 'merit the esteem and affection of oui' g!>od .people, the cooperation and devotion of the clergy and . Religious and the respect' of all the citizenry whom he has in so . mcmy ways served during' his FARM dedicated career." .
·Prelate to Bless Shrine Window
Just Across..The .
.' Co9geshC!II., St>BridiJ,e' .' .
:-..Fi~estVa~i~ty of:' ,
:-SEAFQOD.· .. :
Se'r~ed~ Any:..vh~u-e ~ Also'
·D EV~I N-E"S 'Qu~lity, .-y' Chekd
". VA
cA 2-0292 fffiST STEP : Brother Emile, M.M. the former Raymond E. Potter of 293 Kilburn St., Fall River; has taken his first oath to the Maryknoll Fathers Society and has been assigned to Clark Summit, Pa.
,,:;ORTINs P'hoto ,S'Llpply 245 MAIN STREET FALMOUTH-KI 8-1918 ARMAND ORTINS, Prop.
THE ANCHOR-Di,oc~s~u)f Fall~i,!,:er':'7 T.,ur.~~ Me:;ty,.3.1, .19,62 •.
. .. '
South Dartmouth
•..• -
Mansfield ".
. ST.· MAJ,tY',S; ;';
$150' ,. ,Mary B. Gracia, Mr. & Mrs. St. Mary's Conferl;lncest:.Vln-, Louis Cormier, George St. Marie. cent de Paul Society, $400 Mr. & Mrs. Francis K. Collins. , $1001. Rev. Arthur G. Considine Mr. & Mrs. walter Janiak, Mr. Catholic Women's Club $'75 .& Mrs. Norman Daniels. Mr. & Frie d n 50 Rev. John J. Magnani. Mr. & Mr' s,. Mark Andr a d e, Mr '. & Mrs. ' Norman LaFreniere. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Babine ,Mrs. Philip Hemingway Jr. $50 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore LaPlante Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Glennon Capt. & Mrs. Daniel Mullins, Mr. Friend Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Quimi, & Mrs. James Kavanaugh, Mr, & $45 Dr. & Mrs. Louis Miskell, In Mrs. Earle K. Rogers, Hilda The Garofano Family Memory of Carolyn E. Sheeha~, King. Mrs. William Loughlin. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel,Sylvia. Mr. Misses Dion $30 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hayes & Mrs. Stanley Bourgeois, Mr.' Mr. & Mrs. Harold Qualters Mrs. Isaac Dawson & Mrs. William Ponte, Mr. & Dr. & Mrs. John Dias Mrs. Manuel Cravo. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Sarro & Family , $40 Dorothy Ferguson. Bertha Au$25 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Smith gusta. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Costa, T1)e Beatty Family, Dr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Martin. Mr. & Charles Colella, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Murray $30 Mrs. Thomas Walsh. . David Jackson. Mr. & Mrs. George St. Aubin. Jacqueline Cabral. Mr. & Mrs. $20. $25 Henry F. Souza. Mrs. Edwin TerMr. & Mrs. Orlando.. Souza . J . M a~ peny, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph MedeiM1'; & Mrs. F ranclS $15. '. · K thl H h oney; M ISS a een eron,. Mr • ·ros, Mr. & Mrs, James Kackay. ~r. & Mrs. Gregory, 'Abbott;, ' DeMello Mr & Mr.. & Mrs. Arthur Lemberg" & Mrs. Angelo ' , . ' Mr. & Mrs. Antone Braga, Mr.·& 'Mr. &,.' M.r,s.. Michael. .. 'Connolly". M 11 Mr & D M 1 Mrs. anue e e 0,' • ·Arthur Dupree. Mr.. &.,.'Mrs. Jo.,. " , . T ravel's.· ' M r s . John Brooks. Mr. & Mrs. Mr s;; F ranCIS seph Falotico, Friend. .'. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Murphy,Manuel Perry, Mr. & Mrs. David $1. ., John, DeMello. Mr.·& Mrs. John' ·Brassells. Laurence J. Jackson Quigley, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mrs. Eli Ferguson, Mr. & Mrs. $12 B roo k s. Mr. & Mrs. F rank C0 1e- Orvington S. Fielding, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. George Lincoln man.' . Mrs. William Neary, Mr. & Mrs. $10 .' Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Hayes"Raymond R. Perry, Mary John'. WHIRLYBIRD RIDE: Sisters at Feehan High School Mr. & Mrs.. Francis Alberto, RAlio~emsahry ~uinn, Mary Sheerin, so~ertha Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. seem Httle afraid helicopter will make sudden .takeoff. Friend. Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Biece eerm. . . f . lan, Yvonne Blanchotte, Mr. & .• Mrs. Helen Collopy Edward Woodings.. Joseph Aircraft visited Attleboro school as part 0 cooperatIve·· Vi t B Mrs.. Helen Broughton Moniz. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Haskell,. ptog'ram 'sponsored by civil de.fense' a u t h o r i t i e sMrs . ' ncen, ,rown,:" . :. · Ma . 1 C ta' J' . Mr. &,.Mrs. CarmenC.ardinute,.. Mr . & Mrs. . $20 nue ps r. . Mrs. Rochina Cavallo0,,',& .Family, Mr & M Th L Maher ; Marion Freitas, Mr. & Mrs: . . rs; omas.· ; Manuel B tt' rt J M '. & Mrs. Manuel Lopes. .. Thomas Montague, John F. Mc-, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Chace" Mr. & Mrs. Joseph ,Singleton,' , e encou 1'., rs. '. John Malloy, David Maseda., Coy,' Buzzards Bay National . Friend, Mr. & Mrs. A1~ideChan-' Judge' & Mrs. August Taveira,' Mary: Donovan,', MJ:. &: Mrs. William McCormack. Helene & Bank (S,and,wich Branch)'. ." . 'dIer...· " ' ". Dr., & ·rs. M G eorge'Gend ron. Mr. ' "Parker R y a n . ' Henry McCoy. Robert McFadden. Mr. & Mrs. Ira Austin, Mr. &. Friend. Mr. & Mrs. John Cody, & Mrs. Michael Smith. Mr. B e " . . Edward McGahan. Mrs. Mary' Mr.s AntonIo I Bianchi, "Joseph ,Mr. & Mrs.. Theodore .Combis,· Mrs.,Manuel Silva. McNamara. George Midgeley, Rom. Mr. &" Mrs. Rudolph Mr. '& Mrs. Joseph .C.orliss, Mr. Violet Holton Dorothy MiSkell. Mrs. James H. Howes. Mr. & Mrs. Clement Rei. . .& Mrs. William Cullen', ,". $15 ST. PATRICK'S Miskell.' Mrs. Lillian Tully. Edward' 1V!r. & Mrs. Edward Dalton. Mr., Mr.·& Mrs. 'Roger Etu, Mr. Be . $100 William Motta. Margaret Ml,l1-. DrisColl.' Mr:& Mrs:Wiiliam;.,& Mrs. James Devine, Mr. & Mrs. William A. Murphy. Mr. & Wood Lumber Co. len. Rosalin Murray. Paul Peters· ·'McGair•. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Mrs. ,Ralph Dupree, .. Mrs. Bea", , ." . Agency, Inc.• Mrs. Lewis Pratt. McEnaney,' Mr. & Mrs. Vincent 'trice Durkee, Mr..& Mrs. James ,'. -Mrs;' David' J.Bolton, Mrs. Hazid Conkling. '$50 Ralph' T.V. Store. Major Vin- Rooney. . Devers, ' ., Mr. & Mrs. Norman Menard St. Patrick's' Guild cent Ricci, Edward Rich Marion. Mrs. Katherine Brady, Jack's Mr. & Mrs. Charles Farinella. $13 Mr. & Mrs.' R. Frank StOne Rogerlil, Kenney RQgers. , Package Store Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. Armando Giovina. Dr. & Mrs. Carl Pitta· Robbin's Package Store Sarah Shepard,Stanley SlatE?r. ·Forni. Mrs. Regin~d V.anBus- . 'Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gonsalves. $12 Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Sherman Kenneth Smith,. Smith's Variety', kirk. Anil Boido. Mr. & Mrs. James Guerrini, ~. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Zerbonne . $30 Store. Francis A. Switzer. Claudia Forni. Mrs~ .Charie:s & Mrs. Joseph Laliberte. Mr. & Mrs: Alexander Jones. Mr. & Mrs. $E d win MedeiroS' M. E. Tavares. Jr.• Mrs. Leon- G. Whitmore, Sgt. & Mrs. Orrin Mr. & Mrs. Henry LaRochelle, 25 ard Tyler, Clifton Yeary; '.Mrs. Godin. Mary L. Cronin. Mr. & Lane Family, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph, , $10 , Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Maguire. George Wilson. . Mrs. George' .Fernandez. LeaI).us, ,Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lee. Dr. Kingsland E. Johnson. . Margaret Groves, Friend. McRobert Bett's (Fal.Auto Body, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ellis, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Lemieux. Chester Smith. Mr. & Mrs. Ray;,,· Donald's Paint & Wallpaper, Inc.), Charles Corey, Francis . & Mrs. William Parks. Mr. & Mr.. & Mrs. Alfred Lodico, Mr. 'mond Boyer, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Store, John S. Keohane. Dardis. Richard·DeMello. Sgt; Mrs. John Mendonm. Mr. & MrS: & Mr.s. J~hn F. Maloney. Edith Viera, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Nor- I Falmouth Photo Shop. Dr. Joseph T. Doherty. W'll' Ma g 11 M 0 Mancmelli. Leo Markt, Mrs. mandin. George DeMello, Dr. & Mrs. Mrs.. Gertrude Dougherty,' M~C~~~. l' ane a, ary . Gladys Morse. Mary Coughlan, Mr. & Mrs. John Mitchell. Paul Champagne, Frost Boat Company, JOM'1l Mr. & Mrs. Richard Latimer Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCalsky, 'Joseph Bolton. Mr. & Mrs. Jo- I Romiza's Texaco Station. Liquor Store.Mr: & Mrs. Romeo . . .' Mrs. Beverly McConnell, Mr. & Elm Arch Inn LaFond, Romeo LaFond. Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James BazzmottI•. Mrs. Attilio Pedini. Mr. & Mrs. seph G. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mr, & Mrs. Patrick McDQnnell, : s . ilo:~eN~~lboni ~ : ' Arthur Pedini, Mr. & Mrs. VinMello Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph , He:-bert A. Barrow Glennan. St. Patrick's Holy Name Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Stevens,' s. er . c ez:;on, . cent Poirier. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Texeira, $20 Thommy Waite. C. P. Washburn Mrs. Paul McLau.ghlm. . Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Porfido, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Perry, Mr. Agnes Rogers. Eugene Vall Grain & Lumber Co. ~rs. Eugene Silva. Cornelius Mrs. Blanche Radnor. Mr. & Mrs. &:: Mrs. Manuel Gonsalves, Mr. 'Houten. Mr. & Mrs. J. Arthur .:mihan. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Omer Sanville. Mrs. Patricia Be Mrs. Victorio Sylvia. Mr. & Powers, -Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joy, endes. Mrs. '!aldo Lumbert, Shaw,. Mr. & Mrs. James Shea. Mrs. David McDonald. . 'Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hazelton. Mrs. Manuel ·Britto. . Dr. & Mrs. Philip Sibilia, Mr. ~. Be Mrs. Calistus Sylvia Jr.. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph HUl. Dr. Mr. & Mrs. Kilmer Joyce. Mr.·' & Mrs. Rudolph. Sibilla, Mr. & Mary Plezia, Mr. & Mrs. Frank ,Edward·Fitch, Harold L. Baker CORPUS CHRIST) & Mrs. Alfred. Amato" Mrs.. Mrs. Carl Tartagilia. Mr. & Mrs. Parsons. Mr. & Mrs. Luke Haran, Co., Inc., Ivan Amaral. ' $300 " Hearn, Harold' Crimi, Mrs. Flor- • James Tarte. Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Josephine M. Foley. Edward Perry ence Nelson. Titus Rev. Ambrose Bowen Mr & Mr J hn S 'th M . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Baptiste, Edward J. Sheehan. .' s. 0 mI , , r s . Mr. & Mrs. Edward Torrance, Mrs. Emily Perry. Mr. & Mrs., . $ll5 $ 1 0 0 . A. Cardoza, Mr. &: Mrs. Peter Mae Wood ' . Americo Alves. Mr. & Mrs. JqFrederick Cameron, Mr.. & .St. Vincent de. Paul Confer- 'Keatin, Mr. & Mrs. John Lodi, . ." seph Tomlinson. .' Mrs; Charles E.Morrison, Leon- ence Mr. & Mrs. John' Nelson. . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Costa, Miss ard Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph" $50, Mr. & Mrs. 'John, J. Hart. Mr. ,,' '~o' Rutl~.I>easy. JYIr, & Mrs•. Josepjl, Cardeira.. . - - / Mr. & Mrs. William Carr. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Tiernan. Mr.·& PlTT$BURGH (NCL~ Th~, , Ponte, Mrs. Mildred Gifford, Mr. . . $12 : & Mrs: John McDonald, Mother . Mrs., Roland Brown, Mr. & Mrs." ..Catholic· .Thoolog.icaC Soc~ety,;' of, .-;. & Mrs. RaymOild 1';..: Robichaud. Francis Carmody Cabrinl Circle Daughters' of; Edward Nye, .. "Mrs. ·Maurice "America will 'hold its' 17th. an.,;:;' Mr. & Mrs.·I.I~nry Valenti, Mr. , $10: .,lsabelIli; Willla1l1,Doyle. . '-Reynolds." ,.. ".;.. nual conv~ntion:he#~'f~om. Jun.~,~' '\ & Mrs. Albert Sylvia,Mr. & Mrs. George. Andrews, ,Anthony, $40" . ., . '... ,.,,': M~.;&,Mrs. Ca~em~ro.l\fartin. - 25 to 28' with B~op Jolin' J. .' Louis Vieira, Mr. & 'Mrs. Joseph Bissa,nt.i. 'Nancy J,.Botf, Lt. :&. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Donaldson Mr. ,&,.Mrs. MelVIn· ~urns. Sgt... Wright of Pittsbu· ..1i as ,host. ' $ 3 5 - " " & Mrs. ,Charles . McCann Leo .' ,\"~ '" "Y' Viveiros, Pl'. &, Mrs. J. Malcolm.·, Mrs.,Ji:nda R. Coyne; Leo' Foley;P ... M' & ·Mrs· W·ill·· ',.;f:,," Arsenault.· M;r., &-Mrs. ponald Grady, Ed~ William' Falvey .. :.., .', epln, r. . "lam··· .... .." Mr: &, Mrs. Owen F.·,Hackett ',wardA. Martin, Mr'. & Mrs. Ar. < $ 3 0 ' , ' r°i.~io Tontinl, M~~ & Mrs. ,~:,~: Jr.• Mr, & Mrs. Armand Poitras. .t,hur.- Medeiros. Mr. & Mrs. John Mr:&: Mrs:' ChatlesBla:is. Bis:. ',Rondelli" Peter Weimont•.Henry .; Mr. & Mrs. Lionel D. Polycarpo. Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Robert .' hop Feehan Council. K 'oie.·· G J Mr RESIDENCE .FOR l' YOUNG . ,.' M & M J h B M Met 11 agner" 1'.. .' &: Mrs." Henry 1', rs. osep rown, r. e . .;' , " ' . $25 . 'Gagner, Sr. WOMEN lit Mrs. Armand Borges. ' , Mrs. Alice ~~phy, Doro.thy Mr. & Mrs, George Denmark, Mr. & ·Mrs. Michael Rigazzio, 196 Whipple St., Fall River Mr.. & Mrs. Joseph' ,Ringu'ette. Rogers , Mrs".WIlliam Veary , ' ' . Ap - Francis Mackedon Cornelius Mr. & Mrs; Gino Macoratti; Mr.. :Conducted by' Franciscan Mr;' & Mrs. Joseph R. Lyoimais. pel's Pharmacy, .Mrs. Emerson Fay. Mr. & :Mrs. Albert Govan!, & Mrs. Grato .Tonello. Alfonso Missionaries of. Mary ·Mn. Agnes Delaney, Mr. Be Mrs. Ayers , ". Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Zoia." Tassinari. 'Minnie Doherty... Comfortable Furnished Rooms John Brown, MrB.. Ernest -KerDanlel V. Bartol~III;ei, Mr..& Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Aylmer; Mr. & Mrs. Amedio Gonell0, W~tb Meals'lnqulre OS 3-2892 . ' }l4:rs. James Boff( WIllIam Buck- Mr. & Mrs.' Martin Lawless.' . J hn C af Ii M C afoll win. ---·' Ie Mrs. FrancIS.. X Dou Iton, 'John Plulneuf Mr. &'Mrs~Ste- ' 0 ar 0 '" ary ar '.' Mr , & Mrs. Horner J . M.,.....er.y,' M~s Margaret. Sullivan, Mr.' & Hugh E. Brooks. ' , . , . ~D:cl:E:la:I:i;:S:S:El:E:la:a::::ll::s,,~ICI:D:I:!I:::la:ICI:~=::::la:s::r:::I:I:D Mrs. Manuel Mendonca, Mr. & 'Mrs. Angelo Burgess, ~. &. ~i~:OnForde. Mr. & Mrs. John Mrs. Raymond H. Chase. Mr. & Mrs.Ja~es Carreiro. Margaret·· '$20'. . Mrs. Michael Bobrowiecki. M. CaSSIdy. Michael Cron~, Mr." Mr. & Mrs. JobnJanse '. Mr. & Mrs. Narcizo Cordeiro, & Mrs. Manuel DeMello. . . .. . '·INC. 1.' ~ Mr. &: Mrs. Louis Spencer; Mr. , .. Eastman·s Hardware, Store, " . _ $.15. .,., . Be MrS. Rosaire Surprenant,.M;r. Rpbert Eldredge. James Engel, .' Mr. & .'Mrs.. !~Pl!-: ~aclD~91 Be Mrs. Joseph Moniz. Mrs. Ann Mr.·.& Mrs: Edward Enos. Fal- ,Mr. & Mrs. Redmond, 0 CallagDeMeilo. " m'outh .Package Store; Inc.' "han, Charles· H. Libby,. Mr. &." ~uise Bettencourt, Morton Falmo~th Coal Co., Falmouth ,Mrs. Robert En9s,. Mr. & Mrs. H. ::.. . ,.,,'.' Howard, Georgianna Pedro, Mr.. Enterprise, Alvin H. Fisher. Mrs. .' Sprague Spooner. .& Mrs. Joseph Pedro, Mr. & Mrs. G. E. Fitzgerald. Mr. & Mrs. ' $12. , :~.: Thomas M. Quinn Jr. George Fonseca. • Mr. & .Mrs. John Creeron ' '> Mr. & Mrs. Carl·Giordano. Mr. Mrs. Gertrude Handley, M r s . . . . $10 & Mrs. John S. Cooper. Mr. & James Hazelton, Mr. & Mrs: Mr. ~ Mrs. Ro~ert McCulMrs. John C. DeMello, Mr. & George M.Ignos, Mrs. Joanne, lough, Mrs. Nan McCann. Mr. & FRANCIS J. DEVINE . Mrs, WiliiaI1.l E. Williams, Mi.. . Mrs. John C. Sylvia, Mary Mc- Ir~ng, Issokson·s.. Grath. ' Harold Kearin, H. V. Law- . & Mrs. Bernard· Di Pietro, Mrs. ' . , In Memory of Sara Ann Mc- 'rence; Inc.• F. V. Lawrence, Inc.,-·, Lillian Mooney. ". ~.63 SECQNI)'ST~FA~LRIVER',J~ASS, GriJ,t.ht .Mr,_:~ Mrs.. Fl'aJ)~ .. ~ello~ .. CQz:is~i.n~ ~ .H~r:ve.. Le~~Y~ ~r~·. S.~t:l4~i~ch c;().-op~r~tJ~~. . }~a~; ..... SS$;C:; $$$%$$$$.¥S$$SS,SSSSS%%%%% %.$>;S·i'j>.tfSSISSS' 1 ""•.
Meet .
St. 'Fran'cis:6uiICi'
.. :
$125 Mrs. Joseph F. Foley $100. Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill $'75 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gibney Mr. & Mrs. John F. Murphy, Jr. $55
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Coady $50 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Mathews' Mr. & Mrs. James W. Killoran Dr. Bernard Mangione Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Mobouck $40 Mr. & Mrs. John O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. H. Earl Heron Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McCann $30 Mr. & Mrs. Cletus J. Monahan Mr. & Mrs. Zigmund Jackim $25 . May C. Breen in Memory 01 Michael J. Breen, Mr. & Mrs. James F. Nicoletti, Mr. & Mrs. William Marland, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Daley, Mr. & Mrs. George R. Harrison. Mr. & Mrs. Austin J. O'Toole, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Hopkins, Mr. & Mrs. Gerrard A. Laliberte, George W. Hopkins, Mr. ~ Mrs. Robert D. McMillan, Mrs. George King. Edwin Doolan, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Place, Mrs. Daniel F. Shalloo, Mr. & Mrs. John Boynton, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Fitzgerald, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert F. Leonard. $20 The Dunn Family, Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Bartek, Mr. & Mrs. Valmore J. Archambault, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Haggerty, Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Fortier. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Guertin, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Louis Heffernan, Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Sherman, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tierney. Mr. & Mrs. Chester Greene, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Scanlon, Jr.. Mr. & Mrs. James F. White, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fennessey. Mr. & Mrs. Fred'S. Badwey,' Mr. & Mrs. John Mercer, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lopes, Michael J. Higgins, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Flagg, $16 Mr. & Mrs. James Crivaro $15 Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Gardella, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Wilkinson, Mr. & Mrs. Joshua H. Mayall, f\lIr. & Mrs. John Panara, Dr. & Mrs. Donald Peters. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Paskowski, Mr. & Mr/!. Peter P. Pepka, Mr. & Mrs. Carlin Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Linwood Wordell, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dyer., ' Mr. '& Mrs. Charles Hague, Sally A. Benson. Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Johnson, William J. Whalen, Mr. & Mrs. Hen路ry J. McGowan, Mr. & Mrs. John Babcock. $12 Mr. & Mrs. William Pittman, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Carreiro, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. William A. Potter. Mr. & Mrs. James Hadad, Mr. " Mrs. Joseph P. Mulrooney. $10 . Mr. & Mrs. Robert Co'nnors, Mary E. O'Gara, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Stanko; Mr. & Mrs. John L. Mahon, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gondela. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Curt, Mrs. Lenwood J. Williamson, Mr. & Mrs. Leo D. SUllivan, Mrs. Francis E. Burgess, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Corcoran. Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Christian, Mr. & Mrs. William Lee, Dolores Burns, Armand Bernard, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Farrell. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Mardula, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lowe, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. MorroV'{, , Mr. &, Mrs. Albert Blanchette, Mrs. John E. Lawton. William Payne, Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Bergeron, Mr. & Mrs. George R. Reinhagen, Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond S. Moquin. ' Mr. & Mrs. Ge'rald Driscon, Chester J. Goodwin, Mary W. Mullins, Mr. & Mrs. John R. Williamson, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Zembo. ' Mr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Godek, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. WHliam Webb, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond GerraughQr.. Mr. & Mra. Oliver "Barrett.
Thurs., May 31, 1962
BRAINS AND BEAUTY: These six are pretty, smart, girls. Seniors, at Dominican Academy, Fall River, all are scholarship winners. From left, Diane Pratt, Elizabeth Don-: nelly, Barbara Hart, Jeannine Reagan, Claudette Cacciabeve, Mary Rose DuPont. Not shown, Michelle Gariepy, also a winner.
Gadbois family, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Boily. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Faria, Mrs. Margaret Howard, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Johnson, Mrs. Mary Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Courville. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Coffey, Mr. &, Mrs. Robert' LaChance, Mr. & Mrs. Alban Clairmont, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Ashley, Mr. &' Mrs. Rene Pelletier. Mrs. Robert Tschirch, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Vandal, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hazel, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Myles, Mrs. Mary & Eileen Deubel. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Baldaia, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Woulfe, Mr. & Mrs. Natalino Chiavettone, Louis Chabot, Mr. &. Mrs. Alfred Soares. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Moniz, Mr. & Mrs. Anibal' Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Griffin, Mr. & Mrs. Ed-' ward Roberts. ,Mr. & Mrs. Roland Thibault, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Morin & family, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph l\"1rum, Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Cook. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hastings. , Mr. & Mrs. Fred Recore, MI", & Mrs. John F. Garin, Mrs. Joan Hornbeck, Mrs. Gertrude Cain, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Calisto. LaPointe Family, Mrs. T' Barton 'Albert; Mr. & Mro. Nicholas Frizen, Julia Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Olgario Phillips, A Friend. Mrs. Batton Albert, Albert Bedard, Joseph Borden, Henry Cousineau, Albert Dube. Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Frizell, Mr. & Mrs. Earle Irons, Mr. &: Mrs. Malcolm McLeod, Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Paiva, Olgario Phillips. Julia Rose, Antone SantaMl" Antone Sylvia.
Mrs. Stephen Klek, William & Mrs. George Fredenburg, Swansea Cyr, Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Tou_ Frank Leary. lan, Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Byrne, ST. DOMINIC Mr. & Mrs. George Drapeau, Mr. & Mrs. Jean P. Cote. $100 Mr. & Mrs. Loddy Kadlec, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Francis L. Buote, Mrs. Nicholas Padams, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Doyle, St. & Mrs. Daniel Donahue, Mr. & Mrs. Humbert Lopes, Harold L. Mrs. Henry Conroy, Mr. & Mrs. Dominic's Womens Guild, St.' Creamer, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Joseph D. Iadicola. Vincent de Paul Society. Costa. $'75 Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Collins, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. DarcY, Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Silvia, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Gibiin & Mrs. Frank Misiorski, Mr. & Anna Danielson, Mr. & Mrs. Jo, ' $50 Mrs. John A. Kearns, Mr. & Mrs. seph Kulpa, James Bower. Mrs. Peter A. Lee, Jr. In, Joseph St. Onge, Mr. & Mrs. Memory of Peter ,A. Lee, Jr., St. ' Thomas F. O'Connell. Mr. & Mrs. John Gasior, The Dominic's CYO. , Kathryn G. O'Connell, Mr. & Smalley Family, Mr. & Mrs. $30 Mrs. Henry A. Collins, Mr. & Robert Trafka, Mr. & Mrs. SamMr. & Mrs. James C. Murphy" Mrs. Carlos E. Lane, Joseph H. uel Santoro, Mr. & Mrs. James Mr. & Mrs. James McMahon. Ducharme, Mr. & Mrs. John L. Doyle. $29 Souza. Mr. c!lt Mrs. Thomas C. Murphy, Mrs. William McComb, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. William Heroux, Mrs. Noel J. Giard, Jr., Mr. & $25 Mr. & Mrs. William Aguiar, Mr. Mr.' & Mrs. John R. Mello, Mrs. Francis Patota, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. John Hadalski, Mr. & Richard Barrar, Mr. & Mrs. Nor_ Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mathias, Mr. Mrs. Chester Ploski, Mr.. & Mrs. mand Rapoza. & Mrs. Thomas Lawlor, Mr. & Francis R. Sullivan. Mrs. Louis Travers, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Thomas Wiese, Mr. Frederick Wilding, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Carberry, A Friend. Mario Saravo, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Richard'Batchelder, Mr. & Mrs. $20 Swansea H. O'Neil, Mrs. Catherine J. Daniel Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Mr. & Mrs. Frank Denis" Mr. ~ Benoit, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Synan, Margaret A. Nash. ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE & ],\frs. Arthur Cavanaugh, Mr. Clement. & Mrs. Donald Furtado, Mr. & Dr. G. Richard Moore, Mr. & $25 Mr. & Mrs. Clifton B. Herndon, Mrs. James Murphy, Mr. & Mrs., Mrs. Raymond Ready, Mr. & Society of St. Vincent de Paull Mrs. John W. Cahill, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Joseph L. Marcille, Mrs. Charles F. Kinnane. $15 In Memory of Matthew & Joseph J. Trainor, Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Menard Andrew A. DiGiammo, Mr. &, John M. Roberts, Jr. Stanley Sieczkowski, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Leonel Paquette $15 Mrs. Manuel R. Carreiro, Mr. Mrs. Jeremiah Luongo. Mr. & Mrs. Harvey E. Lenon, $10 & Mrs. Raymond Heinig, Mr. & Mrs. Dorothy' F. Finucane, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Simas, Mr. Mrs. William Fletcher, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Kineavy, Mr. & Bertha Felag, Mr. & Mrs. Ar- & Mrs. John R. Cooney, A Mrs. Raymond Audet, G. R. LeMrs. Herman W. Neher, Dr. & mand Gamache, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Friend. vesque Construction, Inc., Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur LaSalle. Langfield, Mrs. Francis Toolin & $12.45 Mrs. Francis Roy, Mr. & Mrl3. Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Pom- Family. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mehlmann Albert Dumoulin. fret, Mr. & Mrs Charles Russell, $12 Mr. & Mrs. William Dickinson, Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Bean, Helen King, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Mr. & Mrs. Francis Salamon Mr. & Mrs. John Cain, Mr. & Cadorette, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Mr. & Mrs. William A. Leaver, $10 Mrs. Oscar Carpentier, Mr. &: Mr. & Mrs. Maurice King, Jr., : Quinn. The Barry family, Mr. & Mrs. - Mrs. Alfred Parent, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Turcotte, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. John Ventura, Jr., Mr. Raymon Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Hyacinthe Saulnier. & Mrs. Antone Vargas. & Mrs. Everett Bridge, Mr. & George Ventura, Mr. & Mrs. Henri Thibault, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. George S. Phillips, Mary' L. Mr. & Mrs. James Biltcliffe, Gerald Vaudreuil, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Boyer, Mr. & Mrs. Jameo Toomey, Julia & Abbie Orpen. Mr. & Mrs. William Leary, Mr. &: Lawrence Borge. '' Flannery, Mrs, Arthur BoiVin" Mr. & Mrs. William F. Croke, ,Mrs. Joseph Borges. Mr. & Mrs. Bertrand Nadeau, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Goddu. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gunn, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Sul- Mr. & Mrs. Robert Staples,' Mrs. John T. O'Neil, Mr. & ,Mrs. Evelyn Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. NichoFrank Calis, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. livan, Ellis E. Chorlton, Mr. & Central Village las Paradiso, Mrs. Agnes C. Mrs. Raymond J. Murray, Mr. Raymond F. Calis. . Leonard. Mr. & Mrs. John B. Driscoll, & Mrs. Paul Stachow, Mr. & ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST And~ew Halchak, Joseph Mr. & Mr~. Charles McDermott, Mrs. Rudolph Gardullo. ToIrorz, Mr. & Mrs. John Giblin, ' $20 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Fitta, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Boleslaw Gin- Jr., Mr.路 & Mrs. Thomas Bourne, Mr. & Mrs; Terrence McGlylUll Mrs. William E. Matte, ,Mr. & alski, Mr. & Mrs. George Mc- Mr. & Mrs.' Norbert Berard. Mrs. Daniel F. Moriarty. ' Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Pensak, ' $15 Namara, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred, Mrs. Frances Ryding, Mr. " Mr. & Mrs. Frank DeMeo, Mr. Mrs. Edward Whitty Ahem, John F., Keavy, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Edward Kaylor. & Mrs. Raymond Legault, Mr. Edward Sullivan" Mr. & Mrs., $10 & Mrs. Leo Berard, Jean Berard. John Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. EdMr. ,& Mrs. Sidney D. Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Eldred Rose, Mr. ward Moore. , , JoSeph P. Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Robert Berard, Mr., & Jr., Mr. & Mrs. George A. Vera, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Horan, Mr.' Rheaume Paquette, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. August Wozny, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. 'George MedeirOfl, & Mrs. John A. Buote, Mr.' & ' James J. Hamilton, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Jarvis, Mr. & Mrs., Mary Medeiros. , Charles Macedo. ,Mrs. Fred Cichon, The O'Neil Gerard Poitras. ' Family, Mr. & Mrs., George A. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Silva, Mr. AnLEBORO'S Joseph F. Foley, Jr., Mr. & Santerre. & Mrs. Christopher Jalbert, Mr. Mrs. Vincent P; Smith, Mrs. Garden Center Leading Mr. & Mrs. William H. Talbot, & Mrs. Frank Tavares, Mr. - & ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dorgan, Jr., Samuel L. Clarke, Rita Grant, Mrs. Daniel Almeida, Mr. &, Mr. & Mrs. Paul ~utler, Mr. & Barbara E. Dunnigan, Mrs. Mrs. Joseph E. Cousineau. Mrs. William J. Lee, Jr:, Mr. & Thomas Hartley, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Eliot Burrows, Mrs. Arthur 'Marchand, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Robert Michaud.. ' Peter Benevides, Mr. & Mrs. Gladys Urban, Jane M. Borden, ' South ,Main & Wall. Sts. Mrs. Mae Bridge,Mr. & Mrs. ' Joseph Therrien,~s. Catl;lerine Mr. & Mrs. Robert Charron, Mr. Fred J. Sulliv@n, Mr. & Mrs.' Barlow. & Mrs. Stephen Stasiowski. William Torpey, Mr., & Mrs. Mr. &' Mrs. Benjamin Freitas, CA 2-0234 Joseph Ryan, Ann Kenney., , Mr. & Mrs. Wil~iam O'Connor, "Mr.' & Mrs. Joseph Dias, Mr... & Mr. '& Mrs. Joseph Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. George A. Crombie,-, Mrs: Charles Graham" The Mr. & Mrs. Louis H. Cadorette, Mr. & Mrs: Gerald ,Curt, Mr. & ' Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Tickle, Mr. Mrs. William D. Murray, Mr. ' '& ,Mrs. Rog~r ~. DUbois, Mr. &' ~ Mr~. James r.'McIntyre. Mrs. Anthony C. Martin. Mr. & Mrs. John J .. Doonan, Mr. & Mrs. George J. Brough, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Fitz'Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Parker, Mr. ,simmons, Mrs. Peter Trainor, & Mrs. Louis F. Fayan, Jr., Mr. Mr. & Mrs. William H.,Kirkman, & Mrs.' Reginald C. Marchand, Mr. & Mrs. William S. Coombes. Mrs. Henry F. O'Neil. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Rogers, Mrs. Virginia B. Daley, Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse E. Berube, Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Mitchell, Mr. Kerrigan, Mrs. Harvey Tripp, & Mrs. James Hayden, Mr. & 653 Washington Street, Fairhaven Mrs. Edward D. Perry, Mr. &: Mr. & Mrs. John J. Clorite. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph ~. ClarkSClll, ,Mrs. Jay R. Cuttle. WYman 4-5058 M!I'. & Mrs. Frederick Kozak, :Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Gateri'" wictz, Mrs. Katherine Peirce,- 114& Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Sullivan. ,
24-Hour Wrecker Service
.' ~'
THE ANCJ-l,)~-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 31,1962
WalterJ. Glynn, Mr. &·'Mrs. John Gray, Mr. & -Mrs. Joseph P. 'Greelish: Mr~ & Mrs. William F. Griffith, IYIr. & Mrs. W. Harry Heptonstall. Mrs. Arthur Hicks, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Paul Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. John Kelly, Mrs. Earl A. Kittell. Mr. ,& Mrs. Angelo Lanza, Mrs. Thomas Larkin, Mary Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Lippard, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald C. MacGauley. Mrs. Mary McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. McDonough, Mr. & Mrs. John McEachran, Mr. & Mrs. Peter McNamara, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. McNeil. Mrs. Kenneth Marshall, Mr. & Mrs. F. C. Maher, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Maxwell, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Morgan, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mueller. Mr. Mulcahy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mullan, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. William O'Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Ormon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Ouelette Edmund Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs: John P. Perkins, Mr. & Mrs. R. R. Quayle, Mr'. &' Mrs. Anton W. Reim. Mr. & Mrs. ·A. A. Ristau, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Roderick, Mr. & Mrs. John' B. Rod~rick, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Savery Anna Sheehy. .' Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sheehy, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Simpson, Mr. & Mrs. Malcom Sl~yter, Mr. & Mrs. James Speirs, Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Still. . Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Sullivan, Mr. & ;Mrs. Edward Tripp, Mrs. Ella Vanier, Mrs. Elimbeth Walsh,Mr.. & Mrs. Charles Webster. John T. Wiggin, Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Williamson, Mr. & ·Mrs. Walter E. Wright.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hegarty, Mr. & Mrs. William R. Sheerin, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cummings, ST. JOSEPH Joseph Walsh, Mrs. Pauline Ed$275 wardS. Rev. Edwin J. Loew Mrs. Gen.e Texeira; Mr. & Mrs. $40 .George Mitchie, Mrs. Nellie Mr. & Mrs. Eugene My~ona Raneo, Mr. & Mrs. Joaquin A. I $35 Pena, Dr. E. Eagle. . Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Turner Mrs. Lillian Dowd, Mr. & Mrs. $30 Bemis Boies, Wendell Ellis & Frances B. Goffin family', Ruth M. Farrell, Robert $25 I L. Thayer: Mrs. William McCullough, Dr. Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Wood, Mr. & Mrs. Joel Melick, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. George McK;im, Mrs. William Simmons. Grace Chase, Mi. & Mrs. Rich, ard Cummings, Mr. & Mrs. Wal'$20 ' Mrs. Elizabeth Collins, Mr. & lace Raneo. . Mrs. Robert Effenberger & Mr. & Mrs. Ditzler Jones, Dr. Viola, Helen McKenzie" Jane & lVIrs. Edward Sullivan, G. H. McLaughlin, Mr. & Mrs.. Emil Knight, Mr. &' Mrs.. William Tietje, Mr. & Mrs. William Robichaud, Catherine Lane. Mr. & Mrs. Charles GeogheWhite. gan, Mrs. Mary Duchesne. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Roland Beliveau", 'Mr. & Mrs. Ja~es Blute, Mrs. Harry E. Handy, Mr. & Mrs.' ElIas LeGros, Mr. & Mrs. WilRobert Mason, Mr. & Mrs. liam Brady, Mrs. Russell Bur~obert McKenzie, Mr. &. Mrs.' rage, Mr~ & Mrs. Wiliiain Stin~ son. Fred Metel. Mr. & Mrs. George Nickelson, Mrs. Alice Carmain, Frances Ruth T. Pyne, Mrs. Willard H. & Marguerite Doherty, Mr., &' Mrs. Sterling Farrenkopf, Mr. Smith. & Mrs. Jules Lecomte;· Mr; & _' $12 Mrs. Harold Moye. . Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Young Mrs. Glenn Miller, Mr. & Mrs. $10 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brown, Edwin Roderick, Mr. & Mrs. ,Caroline Clarkin, Charles Clar~' Edward Souza, Mrs. J 0 h n kin, Mrs" John Clarkin, Law- Cronin, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Macrence Clarkin. . Lean. VENI, VIDI, VICI: Very much alive students of a dead Robert Clarkin, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Joanne Grace, Mr. & , ,William Clarkin, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Gavin, Mr. & Mrs. language, these Bishop Stang High School youngsters are James Fahey, Mr. & Mrs., Amos Leyton, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph top'scorers in Latin contest. Seated, from left, William RousGeorge Ferris, Mr. & Mrs. Her- ,. Barber, Mr. & Mrs. William' seau, Westport;· George Niesluchowski, NeW-Bedford; '. bert Hart. . : Dougherty. . Mrs. Mary Lowey, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGuire, Jocelyn Marcbux, New Bedford. Standing, Walter Janick, Fall River, Paul Roy, Fa!rhaven; Joseph Boucher,' New Joh•• Monroe, Mr. & Mrs. L. A.. Mr. &, Mrs. Manuel (Eliz) '..McCaffrey, Mrs. Reardon" Mr.. .Thatcher, Mr. &. Mrs. Theophilus Bedfor4.. . . Leyton, Mr. &, Mrs. Robert .. ' & Mrs. Harry Rogers. .. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sylvia,:Mr. Snow, Mr. & Mrs., Robert ' The Cross Ins. Agency, Mr. & . $ 1 2 5 .. & Mrs. Dominic Vadala, Andrew. Bouvier, Mr. & Mrs. Roger' Mrs. Antone Gomes, Mr. & Mrs., Mr. & Mrs. John F. Martin Nunes, Jr. • Wessling, Mrs. Arthur Wee.ks. Donat Clouthier, Mr. & Mrs. $100 William Henry, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. St. Pius X Guild, Anonymous, Orleans Henry Gonsalves. Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur West ,Harwich Wareham Amos Barros, Mr. & Mrs.. L. Morawski, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis ST. .lOAN OF ARC HOLY TRINITY George Mendes, Mr. & Mrs. Wil- O'Connor.. ST. PATRICK $25 fred Dionne, Mr. & Mrs. Henry, . . $50 $100 , $1200 Jeremiah Crowley l!'rank Schea, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rose. Mrs. John Fitzgerald, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. William C. Welch, Rev. John A. Chippendale Mr. & Mrs. Charles Barros,. Mrs. Harold Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. Kineke, R'obert S. Pen~. $75. $15 $50 Mr. & Mrs. John Barros. James Quirk, Mrs. Bernard F. Ernest Links Mrs. John Hamilton In Memory of Justin Lopes Shea. $30 $12 Mrs. Dorothy Hewitt $35 Eva Marie Dane Mr. & Mrs. Semedo, ' VineY«lIB"d H«lIven $25 Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Conroy . $io' ST. AUGUSTINE Carlton H. Maloney, Mr. & Hiller Oil Co., Mr. & Mrs. Charles Grindle, G e 0 r g e $30 Theodore Baptiste. $100 Mrs. Frank Carleton, ~rs.. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glydon, Thompson, Emilien Perreault $20 Rev. Cornelius J. O'Neill Everett Bacon, Mr. & Mrs. James McGonagle, Beatrice Wilfred Supramint, ,Walte~ ,Mrs. Anne Smith & Harry, Mr. $75 Arthur LaFrenier, Mr. & Mrs,. Mollica, Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Flavin. Elswood Hiller.. Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Blackwood . & Mrs. Gerard Hawkins. Paul E. Nichols, James nkoSullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. $15 $50 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Corr, Mrs. Terrio. . vich, Mary Souza, Leonard Mr.. & Mrs. Fletcher Long, St. Augustine's Holy Name Allin T h o m p s o n . ' Francis, Cornelius Spillane. $25 James T. Moran. Society Mr. & Mrs. Pierre LavedllD, Henri P. Ozon, Ceil Remillard Mr. & Mrs.' James Besso, $10 St. Augustine's Guild .Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Miller, Mrs. Leo Miller. .' James Deering, Anonymous, Beatrice, Federici, Mrs. Rose $25 George A. Craffey, Mrs. WinMrs, . Thomas Hague, Mrs. Fred St. Augustine's St. Vincent de nifred Walsh, Mrs. Charles F~n- . Federici, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hatch. . Gomes, Kena Jesus, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Conference ley, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Merna. Mr. & Mrs.. Maurice A. Lynch, Manuel Roderick. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Thifault $21 OUR LADY OF VICTORY Mr. & Mrs. Albert Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Boleslaw Nickowal Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mello, Mr. Betty Halbritter & Mrs. Jarpes F. Ruhan, Mr. & Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Domingo Bap~ . $20' $20 I $25 Mrs. Matthew Steele. Mr.·& Mrs. Thomas Moore Mrs. H.W. York, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Ormond, Mr. tiste, Mr. .& Mrs. Raymond . ' $20 Mr. & Mhs. Michael Fontes Jr. & Mrs. Courtney Chase, Rich- . Nault, Mr. & Mrs. David Barry, Daniel Sullivan, Mar gar e t Mrs. William Baker, Mr. & O'Rourke. Mr. & Mrs. George Santos. " $15 ard Wales. . Mrs. Williarp J. Bennett, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Rose, Mr. Mrs. Landoll Humphreys Beverly Rice, Mrs. George. $15 Mrs. Frede,rick p.. ' Bogar, Mr. & & Mrs. Arthur Baptiste, Mr. & . Mrs. James Boyle Mr. & Mrs. Robert Powers .. 'Messenger. William F. MacDonald, Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Henry Faria, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Coutinho $10 $15 & Mrs. Frank H. McGuerty. Mr. &' Mrs. Artthony Costa Mr. & Mrs. joseph Davis, Mr. Robert Henderson, Charles, Manuel. Alves, . Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John B. McKen- & Mrs. Edward L. Dean, Mr. & $12 Eastman, Mr. & Mrs. RQbert Maurice Pires. .Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Se-. Mr~ & Mrs. Richard Shannon ney, Ann Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Gerald, Uniacke; Virginia Hennessy. . Louis R. ,Pa~ks, Mr. &. Mrs. Paul MacEachern. . . $10 ·Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Carbon-: queria, Doris Rose, Mr. & Mrs. ' . John Cardoza, Mr. & Mrs. James Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Borges, Mr. E. Webber. Mr. & Mrs. William Colleary, neau $12 Nelson, Mary Mendes. & Mrs'. Petronio Ortiz, Mrs. Anne .'. ,$15' , Mr. & Mrs. Robert Long, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Carroll John Pires, Dorothy Barros F.·Vand'erhoop, Mr. & Mrs. Mr..& Mrs. ,rames Kennedy, Mrs. Emerson Cloutier,' Mr. & $11 . Mrs. Dominga Lopes, Mr. & Charles 'Conroy, 'Jr., Mr. & Mrs. ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael .J.Lahiff.. Mrs. Albert Hurley, Mrs. Adam Mrs. Wallace Bassett' Mrs. Miguel Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Frieh. Mr. & Mrs. William T. Marnell, Gage. . . ,;". " $10 Fra,nk Alves. Capt. & lVlrs. Walter Kszysty- Mr. & Mrs. qeorge McGurn, Mr. _. Col. James ,H. Hagen, CatherMr; & Mrs. John Murphy, Mrs. 'Mr. & Mrs. Frank. Mott, Jr., niak; Mrs. Frank Oliveira, Mrs.. &. Mrs. JosephJ. Panek. ine F. Bearse; " ' . " AIda, ,Lapham, Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. Donald Perry John William P. Ennis, Anton Swarts, Mr. & Mrs. ~dward :ltob~nson, Zinkers, Mr. & .Mrs.' Willia~ J. Sullivan; Mr. & Mrs. joseph Mr. & Mrs. Isadore Souza. ·Mr. & Mrs. William Robinson, Snow, Albert Davenport.. . Marini, Mr. &. Mrs.. Robert Mr. & Mrs. Francis Metell, Mr. Mrs. Eveline Sullivan,. Anna William Mahoney, Jean .Nic- Bruce, . & Mrs. David Correllus, Mr. &. Tighe. holes, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Egan, '. .Mr. .& Mrs. Francis Walsh, . Mrs. Herbert Metell, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. &-Mrs. John McEvoy,'Mr. & , France,s Hennessy, Dr. & Mrs." Francis Duart, Mr. $10 . & ' Mrs. . Man- ' . 'Mrs. Joan Alta'villa, Mr. & · l'S"l . J' Mrs..Paul McLaughlin. . " ' . ,Charles Murray; Mr. ,& Mrs. An- U. elva, . Mr' &' M' r "A' If d F' M Mrs. 'Richard 'Babineau, Mr. &. Mr. & Mrs. Julio Barrows; Mr.. tlwnyMatoes, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph ' .' , . rs. re. erro, r. & Mrs. Richard Chase, ,Mrs.. Rose... ' & Mrs. Ha~old. Morris, 'Mr. & ' Mrs. I:'llul B~ker, Mr.- .&Mrs.. 't' R 'd . k M & Mr C 1 Mr & M Fre Mrs. Richard Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. " Hol1is·.~atcqeldor,. Mr. & .Mrs. . rs. P derick ' P e er 0 eriC, . , Viera 'Conrad K.u,rth, Mr. & Mrs. Ar... . W arrert )3afe~.ll,~· - ". · h r.d B MS" har: M" & Mrs NEYi BlDfORD . urp y. : ,r. ' . eter F e r n a n d e s " , " R . J 0 h nson, R IC ar Raymond J. Alvey, Helen Koenig, Mrs.Mary. Wil~: thur O~~llette.. ' . . Mr. &t, Mrs. Raymond·L. Bois, Mr. & Mrs. .' Mr. & Mrs. John W. Anderson, son" .James ' Barber.. " ,,' Mr., &,1Wrs. !d~nuel .R., eua , Fra,ncis ·A. Bro\yn,.Mrs~ ,Jer,ome' . INDUSTRIAL, OILS Capt: William House, Mrs.: AIAlice Joia, Mr. & Mrs. John ,.. r;rr. 8i ;Mrs. WIl1iil~. FlgueIredO, .. ~, Canning,. Mrs.. Stephen A.. bert. L. ,Chesbro, Mr. &. Mrs. Texeira, Mr. & Mrs. George:.. A,lveda Lop~s, ~ary I1Pes, Mr. .' CaI).tY,'Mr, & 'Mtll. JQseph R. HEATING OILS Thomas Lovinsky. .!' Hallihan, Mr. & Mrs. Edward' & Mrs. E?mu~d, B. Hickey, Mr.: Gara~ez~~ . ... , . i., Mrs: Donald Strout, ~. & ,Riley, Mr. & ~. Joseph Vecchio &. Mrs. Richard Furtado, A.B.C. E. Wilson GonIon, Mrs,. ~ary ': . TIMKEN' Mrs. Gil Pacheco, The Sylvia, . Mr. & Mrs. Harry Tomkinson 011 Co, The Snack Bar. ,~ose Co4!,ll, Mrs. Richard .Cox, . Sisters, Mr. & Mrs. John Mulli,;, Mr. & Mrs. William McLean: South Yarmo'u' t'h Mrs. Coleptan J. Coyne, Mr. &: OIL 'i"" ,,"'. gan, Mr. & Mrs. Dean Garfield.. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Sheehy, Mrs. Mr~. Joseph CurraI).. Marion Halbritter, Mr. & Mrs. Beldina Tamagini, Mrs. Richard " ST. PIUS X. Mr; & Mrs. Ottis Creel, Mrs. Stanley Fowler, Mr. & Mrs. Paul . Cook. . John Davidson, Mr. &. Mrs. .Bacon, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony _, Mr. & Mrs. J. Roqeriques, Mr. ,$1000 Raymond J. Duffy, Mr. & Mrs.: 501 COUNTY ST. Maririi, Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. H~ & Mrs. John Guerzoni. . Rev. Christopher L. Brode- Frank M. Durant, Mrs. Ernest Bascom. Henry White, Mr. & Mrs. Bel":' rick. Eastman, Jr. NEW BEDFORD Mr~. William Lally, Mr. & Mr:. miro Barros, Mr. & Mrs. William _ $ 2 5 0 ' M r . &: Mrs. Richard Fellows,' ArchIe Bullock, Mr. & Mrs. John R()ger~"Jr., Mr. & 'Mrs. D. WarHoly Name Society Mr. &: Mrs. Martin Geraghty,'. WY'3·1751 Rose, Jr., Mrs. RaY~n:ond Sp~ak- ren ~Ic~erson, Mr. & Mrs. Rema .' $200 Mr. & Mrs. Treffle Gervais,' man, Mr. & Mrs. J;'.1n Levme. TassmarL Anonymous . Anonymous, John T. Gill.' .
Weods Hole
,'• .
Sales & Seryice)
New Bedford,. Taunton Delegates To Represent Commonwealth At Citizenship Conference
Thurs., May 31, 1962
By Clement Dowling Two of our Diocesan high schools will be among the three Catholic schools that will represent the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at the annual Nine States Youth Citizenship Conference. Holy Family High of New Bedford and St. Mary's High of Taunton theme to accentuate the ~act have been honored with in- that this is Prevost's 25th graduvitations to the affair at ating class. Tufts University June 4 Up at Coyle High, highest-
$50 Rev. James F. Kenney $25 Joseph Raposa
$20 Edward F. Cameron, Stanley. Markowski $15 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Gomes, through 6. ranking Geoffrey Kane will be Dr. & Mrs.' Richard Heywood, Ninety "teams," each con- valedictorian for graduation Mary Raposa. sisting of two juniors and a ceremonies and runner-up Peter $10 faculty advisor from secondary Saracco will be salutatorian, Albert Amaral, William Arau_ schools in New York, New Jer- with Geoffrey presenting the sey, Pennsylvania and all the class gift to principal' Brother jo, Mrs. Waldo Austin, Stanley Baran, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Blair. New England states, will attend Thomas Gallager. Daniel Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. a three-day "live in" conference Patriotic Theme Joseph Caiozzo, Mr. & Mrs:' at the University. Each state is Yesterday was Memorial Day Joseph Casey, Joseph Castro, entitled to representation by 10 and appropriate ceremonies have Russell Chamberland. of its high schools. All l~ving been held in the schools, such Peter Conlon, Manuel Correia, expenses will be borne by the as St. Anthony's assembly at. Thomas Coughlin, James CurSears Roebuck Foundation. which Attorney Joseph Harran, Mr. & Mrs. Vito Damiano. Workshop Topics rington, World War II and Richard Demoura, Mr. & Mrs. A distinguished staff of volun- Korean veteran, addressed stuCamille Dietlin, George Dorsey,: teer and professional leaders dents on "Americanism and John Dorsey, Raoul Ducharme. drawn from the cooperating Communism." Joseph Duporit, Alfred Dutra, state Departments of Education World War I vets addressed a Francis Dutra, Charles Eugenio,' and other governme.ni agencies, ' Feehan assembly on "AmeriManuel Frates. . s<:hools, colleges and civic or- canism" w h i 1 e .the Feehan Raymond Furmanik, Edmund .~ ganizations will assist in· the de- chorus, clarinetist C h a r 1 e s STUDENT COUNCIL: Student Council· members at' Gagne, Robe'rt Girard, Mr. & velopment of the conference Belardo and patriotic dancer Prevost High School, Fall River, include, seated, from left, Mrs. John Kennedy, Charles L. program. Charlene Engler rounded out an The Holy Family team will inspiring program. The smartly Henri Lapointe, Robert Desrochers; standing, Claude Kenyon. Seraphim Lima, Antone Maconsist of Sister Mary Consilii, stepping Bishop Stang marching Belanger, Bernard Petit. derios, T. Leo McCarron, EdRS.M., Bonita Gomez and Peter band was seen in yesterday's Sullivan. Attending from St. Memorial Day parade .in Fall Joan Reilly, Barbara' McClellan Gagnon was crown-bearer for ward M. McGarry, Lydia Medeiros. Mary's will be Mr. Arthur River. I and Catherine Clemmey. Sodality Prefect Barbara Hart Frank Mendes, Joseph MenMurphy, lay teacher, Janne GalMay has been a month of in the colorful procession. . Award Winners des, Helen Mitchell, Gilbert lagher and Maureen Gamache. varied activity in our Diocesan On Sunday Rev. Gerard Bois- Morey, Daniel Nunes. Scholarships are rolling in on Workshop topics will include high schools. Daily rosary, vert, director of the Diocesan Daniel O'Connell, Antone Pa"The Spirit of the' Common crowning of Our Lady's statue, Diocesan students. Take Mt. St. Sodality Union and Rev, Donald Law," the importance of the 'planning subjects and curri- Mary's in Fall River as an ex- - Belanger, Dominican director, checo, James A. Pacheco, George "Bill of Rights" today, "Ethics in culum for the next scholastic ample. Paula Martin has ac- presided at installation cere- Powers, Jr., Mr. &.Mrs. William Government," and "World Peace year, and educational trips to cepted a four year scholarship monies ,of new officers. Inducted R Powers. Edward Punda, S t e p h e III through Law." Ways and means interesting places made the to Jackson College, turning ~ere . prefect Pauline Lepage,' of implementing pro g ram s school month a busy and re-' down a full scholarSQip to Al- vice-prefect Pauline Gagnon, Punda, Nelson Robetaille, Francis Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel bertus Magnus and a $2000 which meet the needs of indivi- warding one. award from Boston College. She secretary Cecile Levesque, and Rose, Jr. dual communities will be exBoston Trip treasurer Chiire Lavoie. Charles F. Sheeha'n, Fredeplored. Other activities worth putting has also won monetary aid from Each received a symbol of rick D. Silvia, Stanley Slavick, the Globe Mariufacturing Co. Field trips for the conferees ~n the record book include a office and promised to fulfill will include Boston's Freedom celebration of Reverend Mother's Fund and two $50 bonds from her task as a sodality leader. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Sullivan, Trail, while recreation such as feast day at Fairhaven's Sacred the Elks Youth Leadership pro- Twenty-six sophomores and two Walter Szargowicz. Joseph Turkalo, Mr. & Mrs. a night at the "Boston Pops," Hearts Academy. Group and gram. juniors made a temporary act Frank Viera, Francis E. White. Winner of the Homemaker of dance and music from many solo songs plus recitations .de.of consecration while junior and lands, and swimming in the lighted the guest of honor. His- Tomorrow contest, Cheryl Mar- senior sodalists renewed their Frank White, Alfred Willette. Tufts pool are planned. tory was made as the S.H.A. tin has accepted a full four year act for one year. The Diocesan teenagers are seniors sang the new Alma scholarship to Salve Regina, be~ SHA Seniors Assonet sides winning a $50 bond from looking forward to a memorable Mater for the f~rst time. The season of special events three days during which demoMay also saw soph and junior the Firestone foundation. Her begins next week. The seniors ST. BERNARD'S cracy and totalitarianism will be girls from North Dartmouth's classmate Colleen ·McGuill is will attend a Pops Concert in $50 more sharply distinguished in Bishop Stang High tripping to going to Immaculata College on Boston on Tuesday and have an Joseph Lima their minds and their heritage Emmanuel College in Boston for another full scholarship, with all-day picnic at Nanaquaket on of citizenship will lose its vague_ a guided tour; seniors at Prevost additional help of $100 from the Wednesday. $25 .ness. High being inducted into the Firefighters' Women's Auxiliary Anonymous Class Day exercises will'open Year-End Activities alumni association at a Com- and a $50 bond from Firestone. Friday, June 8, when the seniors Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lynch Carol Fairhurst and Mary Ann Meanwhile, other things are munion breakfast featuring Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Simons and their mothers will attend happening. To underclassmen guest speaker and F.B.I. agent Huszcza will attend Salve Re- Mass and receive Holy Com$20 nothing seems more important Leo Laughlin; and a hectic hour gina and University of Rhode munion in the Convent Chapel. Mr. & ¥rs. Russell Meinhold than final exams. To seniors at Dominican Academy when Island under the RI. State Rev. John H. Hackett, chaplain, Graduation Week, with its joy, the '62 year book arrived, pro- scholarship program. $10 Amusing is the comment of will celebrate the Mass and addignity and ceremony, is the ducing laughter, nostalgic tears dress the group'. Breakfast will Mr. & Mrs. William Borges, one high school superior who all-absorbing subject. New and exclamations of praise for Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Callaghan, sighed "Is' there anyone busier follow in the school hall. dresses, gowns, and suits are al- a work of art. Elections Mr. & Mrs. John Donahue, Mr. than a high school principal? I most ready, fathers and mothers Additionally one could see the Leaders for the next schol& Mrs. Manuel F. Ferry, Macom'graduate' every year and what are arranging for graduation sodalists of Holy Family High astic year are being elected in ber Brothers. gifts and a day off from work, sponsoring a Day of Exposition a - .:llief when it's over! I love it the various organizations. The Mr. & Mrs. T. A. Matthews, and school principals are frantic .of the Blessed Sacrament in St. all but please pass the vitamins." seniors will pass on their re- Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Rezendes, ...; Sodality Union with arrangements. Lawrence church and Maryknoll spective badge of office to their Mr. & Mrs. Marianno Rezendes, New Bedford's St.. Anthony priest: Rev. Joseph P. Lavin, adWith each class represented, various successors at the Class Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Robert, High seniors will celebrate dressing Seniors and juniors at the 15 mysteries of the Rosary Day exercises. Manuel Rogers. "Senior Pro m Night" next H.F. on "China, Communism were recited on the campus of A group of freshmen, and Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sullivan, Wednesday at New Bedford 'and the Maryknollers." Arlene pominican Academy Monday. sophomores will make a closed Charles Sutcliffe. Hotel. The banquet preceding Paiva, Elaine Mathews, Beatrice School president Elizabeth Don- retreat with groups from other the dancing will have Attorney Abraham and Mary Gosselin are nelly carried Vladimir's "Mother , schools at· the Diocesan Retreat Zephyr. Paquin as guest lspeaker. H. F.'s newly chosen' Sodality of ,God" icon while Pauline House. Guests of honor will include Rt. officers. Rev. Msgr. Albert Berube, pasFuture Plans tor of St. Anthony Church, and Not to go unnoticed are indiRev. Clarence D'Entremont, di- vidual accomplishments such as rector of the high school. Bishop Stang's Janet Saulnier Dedicate High School playing., a role in her original A' Boston College Senior who. program beginning July' 2 at Tomorrow the ceremony of radio script aired is ·her"home· the dedication Of Bish;op Fee- town of New Bedford'. . . .' believes that Americans should Columbia. To qualify for. the make' sacrifices to help other. program, Hurley took a psychohan High in the Attleboros to A ceJ;:tifi~'ate' of me~it, a gold. people of the world will leave. logical examination and was inthe Sacred Heart will be conFamous for our Prime ducted by Father Eugene, SS.CC. medal and two French books for _East Africa' in July under terviewed by Columbia officials. have comero' Stang's Wayne' Aged Charcoal Broile~ a'. teaching and training fellowWhen he receives his appointin the presence of the i student' body. A large picture of the Price for capturing third' prize' ship··awarded by Columbia Uni- ment as an education officer, Steaks - also Roast Sacred Heart will be.h·ung in the in Harvard elimination 'exams- versity. . he will receive a salary, part 'of in French: 'Ilhe Freetown junior ~ lobby. i Patrick' J. Hurley Jr., of 429 which., will be held for him until Beef • Sea Food On the same day F~ehanites is the' newly elected Student. Winter. Street, Fall River, who· his appoin.tment expires.. Council president at Stang. will hold a welcoming assembly will receive Ii Bachelor of Sci'. Unique Experience Dancing Every Saturday Qu~stio~ing St. Mary's High ence' degree.in Chemistry June for Mr. Harold "ChIW' HaneHurley says he believes he Nite to the Music of wich, new faculty member and seniors brought out that 75 per Ii' from the Jesuit university, will be teaching in secondary Feehan's first athletic director. cent will continue their studies will do graduate work at Make- schools in Africa. Eddie Davis and his Welcoming words will come after commencement. Some 50 rere "I look forward to going to College in' Kampala, Orchestra from principal Sister. Mary pe~ ,cent. will -begin courses Uganda, until April, 1963. Africa," he says, "except for the . Then he will be appointed a fact that I will lose contact with Urban, RS.M. and Stephen leading to bachelor' of arts dePlanning A Wedding, Shower. BanNolan, president of the' Student grees while 25 per cent will. government education officer my family for two and a half train for nursing or business and will be assigned to teach in years." Council. quot or Meeting-Call our Banquet Next Wednesday and Thurs- careers. The remaining 25 per Hurley, the son of a Massachuone of the four governments of Department for dotails. All Parties day Prevost High boys will be cent already have jobs waiting the East African Confederation setts State Income Tax Supergiven our EXl!ert A"ention-Call or will be searching. at Lake Pearl in Wrentham which is made up of Kanya, Tan- visor, is a 1958 graduate of B. M. first day of their class picnic and Among the 39 June graduate ganyika, ,Uganda and Zanzibar. C. Durfee High School of Fall MAYFAIR 4-988B-4-9979 next for their senior prom, "Sil- scholarship winners so far are Promotes Relations River. His elementary training 91 Crandall Rd. Tiverton, R.I. ver Moon." The Fall Riverites Virginia Brennan, Irene Megan, Before going to Africa, he will was at Sacred Heart School of put the word silver in the prom Mary O'Hearne, Jeanne Poirier, participate in an indoctrination Fall River.
Hurley' Gains Teaching .Fellowship For East African Assignment
THE ANC"'r, "Jioce~e ,of Fait River"'7"Thurs. May 31, 1962'
Nort~ IMMACULATE CONCEPTION $250 Rev. John J: Casey $100 Mr. & Mrs. Charles McCarthy; Sr... $75 : J Rev. John J. Steakem, Rev. Martin L. Buote . $50 Harvey's Market $40 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Wright. $30
Mr. & Mrs. James Bateman, Mr. & Mrs. William Adams, Manuel Maderios, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Wiseman, ·Mr. & Mrs. John Heher. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bailey, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Rose, Mrs. John Loughman, Joseph B. Kelly, Mrs. Francis Williams. , Mr. & Mrs. William McEvoy, Mr. &" Mrs. Leo Gregoire, Mr. & Mrs. John R. Souza, Mr: & Mrs. Amos Buck, Joseph Barry. James Barry, Mrs. Mary A. Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. William Boule, Mrs. George Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Spring. 'Mr.. & Mrs. John' Lahteine, Mrs. Joseph Perry, Mrs. Lemuel . G. Fish, Mr. & Mrs. ,J. Dexter Swift, Mr. & Mrs. Francis But:ler. . Mrs. Joseph & John Swift, Mrs. l1:dward Dutra Sr., Mrs. Edward Crosby, Mrs. Jeremiah L. Callahan 3rd, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Duarte. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stimets, Dr. & Mrs. Burton Trask, Mr..& Mrs. Leo Shields, Mrs. Dorothy ,Sanborn, Mrs. E!iward Moore. Margaret Hansberry, William Carpenter, Mary Murphy, Joseph R LaFarr, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph, Duarte.' . Mr. &.Mrs. Charles Stavredes. Mr. & Mrs. John Linehan, Mrs, John H. Johnson, Theobald A.· Lynch, Mr. & Mrs.. Seward Reid, Jr. M. Ferria, Mr:' & Mrs. John L,ewis, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Daniel;' Mrs. .E. C. Carroll, Charlotte Burnham. Mr: & Mrs; Willie Frechette, , . Mr. & Mrs. Patrick' Murray, " Helen Lee, Mr. & Mrs. William., Nl~slein, Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Munroe Jr. Mrs. 'James Crocker, Mrs. Willia,m C. Madden, Mr. & Mrs. Wi!. liam Allison, Mr. &.'Mrs. O. S. Gurof.alo, Mr. & Mrs. Redmond Fitzgerald. Mrs. Elmer' James, Mrs. Fred. eric.k Whiteley, Mr; &. Mrs; VictOl~ Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Shirley Crosby, Osterville News. Mr.. &: Mrs.Warren'ScottElliot,.Mr. & Mrs William O'Brien,· JOf:ephine Hartnett, Mrs: William Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. Myles Powloski. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Cobb, Mr., &:: Mrs. Richard Curley, Mrs. William T. Fotheringham, Mrs. Anna Burt, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Nel>e. 1\IIr. & Mrs. James P. Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gracia, Mrs. Sy1v,ia Zwicker, Mrs. Mena Bar. rO\1lrs"Mr. & Mrs; James Friel. Mrs. Mary ~cPherson, Zi.lpha Wright, Mr. & "Mis. John Pina, Mr. & Mrs. Geo~ge Beaudry.
Easton Mr. & Mrs. William Flynn, Mrs. John Foley; Thomas Franco, Jr., Gloria Freitas, Mr. & Mrs. James Friesen. Rita Furlong, William Furlong, Sr., Joseph Galvin, Mr. &' Mrs. George Gaudet, Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Gaziano. . Mary Gildea, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Gomes, Mr. & Mrs.' John Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gorman, James Gorman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Hailey, Mary L. Hanlon, Mrs. Carl Hanson, .Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harkins, Anne Harvey. Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius J. Harvey, Jr., Margaret 1. Hayward, Mr. & Mrs. James Healey, Mrs. 'Katherine Healey, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hesselberg. . Mr. & Mrs. J. Vincent Hickey, Mr. ,& ·Mrs. Thomas Higgins, William N. Howard & Son, AIfred Jermolovich, Mr. 8t Mrs. James Johnson. '.
Cornelius Harvey, III Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gallagher $25 llruno's, Dr. Michael DelCol.. lia~o, Helen Derby, Dr. Gerald F. Gray, Mr. & Mrs. Michael J, He;:,,?rty. . . · Leo M: Harlow, Mr. & Mrs.Frank Maliff, Mr. & Mrs.· JohnB. 'Parkes, Frank Ready.' · Eaward Coughlin,' George H. DeWitt & Son. Mr. & Mrs. James Jones, Mr. Mi'. & Mrs. Paul Brophy, Mr. & Mrs: Joseph Kairys, Mr. & & Mrs. Robert M. Do'wriey,:" Mrs. Gharles J. Kelly, Mr. & Frederick Murphy, Jr., Mr.' & . Mrs. Joseph Kelly, Mr. &, Mrs. Mrs. Frederick Murphy,' Sr., 'Mr/ Carl Kempf, 'I1I,~ , -,.., & Mrs. Joseph Tracey. Mr. & Mrs. Le'o'Kent; Mf.' & :$20 . ,. Mrs. Thomas F.Kent,· Jr., Mr'. , A~~hony, Alho, . Mr. &- Mrs.' & Mrs. Charles .F. King; John.': lanles Fitzgibbons, Alice Harve'y, J. Kingston, S. Henry KingsGrace Harvey, ·Kathryn Healey" ton. Mr:'& Mrs. Arthur'Heath, Mr. &, Mr. &, Mrs. George 'Knapp, Mrs: 'Lawrence A.Lyons;'· Mary·· Mrs; Mary.' Kron,Geraldine, Nd!'an,' Mr. & Mrs. Stepnen'; Lahey, William J. LaheY"Mr. & Nolan, Sr., Mr. & ·Mrs. Hugh :T.: Mrs. Leon. LaMontagne. O'Brien. Albert E. LaRosee, Mr. & Mrs.' Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bergeron, Francis LeRoy, Mr. &" Mrs. Mrs'," George Craig, Mr. "& ·Mrs.,,' Martyn Lincoln, Mr. & Mrs. Doinenic I n g e m i . ' ~.' Daniel Linehan, Mr. &. Mrs." Mary Reed, Christopher Bro-' Samuel Lombardi. phY, Mr. & Mrs. John A. ·Boyle. Edward Lomer, J.r., Eileen' LEADER OF THE BAND:· Music floated over Lake '" . $16 Lordan,' Mr. & Mrs.· 'Francis Mr. & Mrs. Robert DeBesse' . Lordan, Mary Lordan, .William Street in the Brighton' seGtion of Boston to the delight' of neighbors' when Richar<i Cardinal Cushing tpok over, direc'~. · -.. . C . $t15 t' D' :.,~ I Lordan. .Benson ~ns ruc lOn, r. ;': Mr.. & Mrs. S. George Lown-' tion of the visiting Artane School Boy's Band from Dublin. Rlc~ard Daigle, Mr. & Mrs..' des" Mr. & Mrs. Wiliiam Lupica, The youngsters visiting the prelate at his residence are Damel Desmond, Mr. & ..Mrs.- Louis A. Lyne, Mr. & Mrs.' on a concert tour: NC Photo. James D 0 ~e r t y,' Greyhound" Archibald Mc.Cann,' Mr. & Mrs. Package. Store. . .. '.'" Ignatius J. McCann. .' ' . . . Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gosselin, Catherme Harvey, Mary Har-.. Mr. &1\1;rs. ¢harles M~C~Jthy', &' Mrs. Alan Lee Blac~well, vey, Marg>aretHealey, wm; .. , Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Bernard M.c- Marietta Canan, Thomas C~nari; Mrs. Alan Hilliard; Mr. & ·Mrs. . 'JohnKeohane, Mr. & Mrs. Joh~ Ladd Ha.rdware, Mr.' & Mrs. ,Carty, Catherine Mcll4~namy,.. Cecelia. Cardoza. joseph Lenney. . Mr.. & Mrs. Charies McMenamy, . Mr. & Mrs'. William S.· Cogan; R. Linehan, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick ' Mr. & Mrs. Leo Sc?lelcher,· Mr. & Mrs. Andrew.McNamara. Ba~t'~onroy, John L:i>ailey;Mr.. McDonough. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Smith: ,,"" " . & Mrs. Arth1Jl" Ferron, Mr. & Mr. & ,Mrs. RalpbMichel, Mr. Stedfast Rubber' Company; Mr. & N!rs: Rlchard .. McNa- ,Mrs,Eugene Geldart. &:: Mrs: .Lawrence Pasalacqua, Manuel Santos. mara, Harrle~ MacDonald, Ber-· Mr. '&. Mrs. Antonio: Gomes, . Mr. & Mrs. Robert Perrin, Mr. $lZ., tha . MacGafflgan, Mr. & Mrs.. , DaVid Magner Mr & Mrs" Mr. & Mrs. John'F. Hall, Mr. & & Mrs. Norman Poitras, Mrs. Vincent L.Galvin, ·Mr.& Mrs;' : , . . . . Mrs•. Charles 'Hallahan, Mr.. & Anne·Rollins. ' 1011'n Wallent. Charles Malcosky. Mrs. 'William Hansen, Marg'aret, Mr. &: Mrs. Josepb Sarrey, Mra. Mr. & Mrs. LouisVanders-treet Robert Ma~, Mr. & Mrs. c .' $10 Thomas Mahff, Mr.> & .. Mr.s. E. Harvey. Philip Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs.RichCharles .Amorim; Da n ie l' Howard Mallory, Mr. &. Mrs.-' Mr.. & Mrs. Walter Kates;- Mr. ard Tino, Mr. &. Mrs. FremontE. ;. '. ' AmOrim, Mr~· &> Mrs. Romeo ,J: John. Mara,- 'Mr. -: & .Mrs.-' J.ohn; &:: Mrs. John Kent, "Mary' V. 'Wood.. Amorim, Mr.' & Mrs. Wils()n' ,Marshall. . ,-" ".. -"" Long, . Thomas Long, John -I• . Bagdon, Mr. & Mrs. Charles,,·, Horace ,H. ,Mitchell, ReaL,Lowndes.lnsurance.: ,','.' • ,."",, 0 'f °11" Barboza. . . . ' , . Est~te, Mr.. & M.r~.J~m~~ ~'" Mr.'& Mrs. Edward: MUano,· $ ~rvi Provi'ncetown Mr: & MrsJSeverialUi Biir-"" M.lJII~n, Sr., Mr. & ,Mrs,.. J()~n. ",Mrs" John.F. O'Connor.; O'COD- ,', OUR LADY ()Fl'ASSU~tt01lf rettc);, Mr. & Mrs. John 'Barry;:'; Murpll.y,Jr.Kat~~rine,Muqay;., nor's News 'Store,Mr;,,& Mrs. " , , ' ',: . . ' ." SI,r,.-PETER THE APOSTLII: " Mr.. & Mrs: Charles Begin, . Mr. ' Mr. & Mrs. ValentIne Mu~,~.~o.,.: . Richard ,Parker, Mr.. & ' Mr&. . -' $%50 ." $200 . &:: Mrs. Edgar H. Biechele,' Mr.. ' Mr. &, Mrs. ,Richard. Nagle; Frederick Reis. Rev. John·T. ·Higgms' ., Blessirig' of the Fleet . &:: Mrs~ Thomas Bono,'Jr. Mr..,& Mrs. Arthur Nolan;, Hugh., . Mr. & Mrs. Alfred ROgerg, ,r., $100 ,. . . . . $29 Edward Bradley, Mr;' & ·-Mrs.·· o J. O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs.' John" & Mrs; Thomas' 'Ryart Shnpson St. Vincent' 'de Paul' ~ocieW Mrs, Alice Williams, Miri::un Ross J. B r,i d g e, K'atherine,! O'Cpnnell,. Mr:. 1& ,Mrs. Philip" Spring Company; Vo~ & 'Son The House and Garden ShOp" &:: IBf:!ssie Corea,' Mr. & Mrs. '''.'' Brophy, Margaret Brophy, .&" O'Co?-nell., , <.. Supply, Inc:. , ' , ,". . " "$50'. , .. ,. . . Frank T~ves.. Mrs. Mary Brophy, Abbie Buck:1jlhzabeth 0 Connor, Mr. &, Mrs: Jatnes Brophy, Mr. &. Mrs: Our :Lady Of. the Assu~ptlon $15 ley. 'Mrs. Emil J.,Osiecki, Mr. & Mrs. " William Buchtmann, Mr: & Mrs." Gutld . . BE!atrice We~h, Boat Shirley Josephine Buckley, . ,Mary-, . Charles Peterson,Lucy C.Pet-' Carol Bury, Mr. & Mrs. Charles' Mrs. John Cotter Sr:, &' FamiW : & Rolimd, Jpseph Ferreira. Buckley, Mary H. Buckley·, ti~aw, M.r. & Mr:s. 'Bernard Campbell, Mrs. Natalie' Caswell." Mrs., Rob~rt Bkdgett . ." Joseph Burke, Mr. & Mrs. James, , Pietrowski. . . Mr. & Mrs.' John Connolly; Ed-' Mr. & Mrs. Philip Boudreau $10' , K. ,Burns. ,!rene Poiri.er,. Mr. &" Mrs: 'wat"d Danahy; Mr:'& Mrs. FranCis '. Mr. & Mrs. James Lebel Belat Nancy & Debbie, Boat William Caliill, Mr. & Mrs. >~: Michael P1,1gl,lesl, ·Mr. & Mrs. '.' Foley, Mr. & 'Mrs., JohriFresh, .. , . ~35 Linda & Warren, Boat Skipper, Frank Caliri, Mr..& Mrs. Geol'ge· Harry D. Purcell, Mr. &, Mrs.,· Mr."&Mrs. John Freitas:' Catherine's Boat Silver Mink; Mary Crane. A. 0arter, Jr. Marguerite Carter; Frank J. Reynolds, Mrs. James ,Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hannigan, Mr. . $30 Mrs. Dorothy ·Linskey, Mrs. ,& Mrs. Arthur L. Hovasse;'Mr:' Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy" Corrine McCarthy, Mrs.- Selina Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Clifford.... ,: E,' Roach. Mr. & Mrs. 'Patrick Coffey,' ,Leroy Robert, Edward Robi.. & Mrs. Clifford LeBel; Edward $25 Cross, Mary Francis, Anthony Mr. F~ancis Coleman, Mr. & Mrs., c~ea~, Mr. & ·Mrs. Loreto ,Sal... J. Lyons, ·Mr. & M~s. Francis Mrs. Howard Sears;Mr.&"Mrs. Menengas. Joseph Conceison, Mr. & Mrs. VUCCI, Mr. & Mr.s.Leo Savard,'. Martin. ' Richard Cain, Mr.·& Mrs. DonBoat Michael Ann,Mr. & Mrs. James S. Conner, Mr. & Mrs.' B~rbara Schle~cher. _ Mrs. Frank McMenamy, Mr. 8i aId Coombs, 'Dr: & Mrs. Charles Leo Gracie, Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Joseph Correia. 'John Schleicher, Anna .-M. Mrs. Francis McNamara, Mr:& Haskell, Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Fra,ttls, Mr. &" Mrs. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Albert Corte,·Mr. S?eehan, Mr; .&Mrs. Anthony Mrs. William Murphy, Mr. &: Cassidy. Franl~is.' & Mrs. Joseph Cotter, .Clement S~lva, ~o?n SI~va, Jr., Mr.. & 'Mrs. Albert Orlandi, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. H. C. Powers, I. Coughlin, Elizabeth Coughlin, Mrs. Wilham Simonson. Frank Panciocci. Catherine Tenney,", Mr. & Mrs. Anna Craig. ,B a r r y Somerville, Isabella' Mr. & MrS. Thomas Phair, Mr. John Shields, Mr. & Mrs:'JereNO JOB TOO BIG Mrs. Franklin Craig,' Mrs: SOmerville, Helen M. Sprague, & Mrs. ·Robert Puleio,' Mr.' & miah Callahan Jr:;' The McKeon Ra1ph Craig, Mrs. Rose Cun- . Mt.· & Mrs. Maurice Spillane, Mrs. John Quattrucci; Mr. & Family. . NOliliE TOO SMALL ningham, Winifred Cunningham," Mr. & Mrs. William Stoddard. Mrs. Roland. Reil,' Mr;' &" Mrs: Daniel Bros., Thomas Kelly,' Mildred Deady. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stone, Mr'. Robert Richards. 'Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Beecher; .. Mr. & Mrs. Lester Delaney, & 'Mrs. James C. Sullivan, Dr. & Mrs: Benedict W. Scully; Mrs. . $20 Mr. & Mrs. John Delgado, Mary . Mrs. John P. Sullivan, Kathe- ., Edward Soeldner, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cammett, Delgado, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. rine Sullivan, Agnes Swee·ney. Alvaro M.· Souza, 'Mr. & 'Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Sherwood'Tondorff, .'PRINTERS. Denesha, Mr. & Mrs. John DeMary .Sweeney, Mr.' & Mrs~· Joseph Stone, Mr: & Mrs. Ber- " Mr. & Mrs. James ,Shields, Mr. Paul. ,Francis A.Sweet,Mrs. William nard Tracey. '. & Mrs. Thomas Mason.' . ~'ain, Office and Plant Frank De!lmond, Mr. & Mrs. Totty, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Tr.ask;' Mr. & Mrs. John Travers, 'Mr. $15. LOWELL, . MASS. FiankDev~ney, Catherine Q.Mr. & Mrs. 'Manuel Travers. & Mrs. James Tully, Mr. & Mrs.Mr. & Mrs: William F. ·Chil~. Dineen, Margaret Dinneen, Rosella Travers, Mr.' & Mrs." Raymond Webber, Rosemarie Mr. & Mrs. John Almeida 8t: r.~eph.o".: Helen Doherty. Albin' A. Urolatis, 'William Wesley, Mr. & ~rs. 'Francis ,,' Family, Mr. &Mrs::Ralp~ S~ea, GL 8-6333 and GL 7·7500 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Donaghue, Walsh, Mary Watt, MrJ& 'Mrs. Wilde. Mrs. Andrew 'O'Brien, Marie J. Alice Eastman,. Easton Auto Ed~ard Welch, Jr. Mrs. Ja,mes Winters, Mr. & Bruton.' . . . . . " .. Auxiliary· Plants . ;r. Body, Mary-Jo Farrell, William Edward Welch; Sr., Mr: & Mrs. Lawrence Wood. Mrs. John Skelly, Mr. & Mrs. Farrell, Sr. . . Mrs;' John Wesley, Ml': & Mrs. Mr: & Mrs. Walter Chojnacki; Albert Adams, Sheila' MurphY. BOSTON . .. . .' Mr. & Mrs. Herman Fickeisen, . Francis White, Mr. & Mrs. Philip' Mr. & Mrs. James Condon, Mrs~ . $12 " OCEANPORTi N. J. Phyllis Fickeisen, Mr. & Mrs. Wilde, Mr. & Mrs. Robert .', Daniel Cosgrove, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Roland Ashley; Mr. " Albert Fleury, "lTarylou Flynn, Wooster. Eugene -Cunniff, ··..M r;· .;& Mrs. Mrs. Walter Butler. PAWTUCKET,R. t .' I '- ..', -' , W-illiam Flynn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Berretta, Mr.' Charles DeFeo ; .• $10
THE AI-,,..ur)R_ Thurs., /I(\OY 31, 1962
$1500 Rt. Rev. Leonard J. Daley $500 Honorable & Mrs. Joseph P. Kennedy $200 Mr. & Mrs. John E. Martin $150 Society of St. Vincent de Paul $100 Mr. & Mrs. Adolphe Richards, Ellen O'Neil. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martin A Friend Doane, Beal &. Ames, Inc., A Friend. $75 Rev. John Pegnam $50 Mrs. Joseph J. Keane, Bridget T. & Mary M. Gregg, In Memory of Mrs. Randolph Payson, St. Francis Xavier Guild, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Bednark. Guertin Bros. Jewelers, Mr. & Mrs. J'ohn Kilcoyne Warren Buick A Friend, Barnst~ble County National Bank of Hyannis, Bishop William Tyler General Assembly, Fourth .Degree, Knights of Columbus.
aEADS CATHOLIC SCOUTS: Bishop William G. Connare of. Greensburg, Pa., recently appointed episcopal chairman of the Catholic Committee on Scouting,receives the , good wishes of a local Scout family. The children, Suzanne, Dean an~ Robert Derek of Blessed Sacrament parish, Greensburg, are three of more than 600,000 Catholic Scouts in the 'u.S. NC Photo. Mrs. Catherine White,' Mrs. Mrs. John Gonsalves, Mr. & Ethel. Hennessy, Mr: & Mrs. Mrs. Alfred. Houle. Sr. Anne McKeon, A Friend, Manuel Amaral, Mr. DeBella, Casey's Radio & Television Serv- Richard C. Labrie. Mr. & Mrs. Ovide Dumas, Mr. ice, .Louis . Savino, Mr. & ·Mrs. & Mrs. Albert Fallon, Herman. Peter F. Nelson. Mr. & Mrs. William O. Bill, A. Ross, Mr. & Mrs. Castenzio Mr. & Mrs. Roland Auger, Har- Fiorenza, Mr. & Mrs. George . riet Butler & Mother, Mr. & Mrs. McNulty. Ca }tain & Mrs. John L. Field, William Cotter, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Mr. & Mrs. Harold Williams, Mr. Vanderloop, Mrs. John Terry. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bray, & Mrs. Reginald Harron,)\fr. & Mrs. Alma Alberghini .& Jane Mrs. Louis Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. Alberghini, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Vincent Samosky. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kelley, George. .·Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Gobin, Mr. $12 Mrs. Mary E. Rogean, Joseph & Mrs. John F. O'Brien, Mr. & M' . Robert J. McCarthy, Mrs. Dwight. . . Mr. & Mrs. Alfred McKenna, Marie Campbell. Mr...& Mrs. "'illiam E. RobinMrs. Maurice Killen, Mr. & Mrs. son, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Marshall, Rasmus Klimm. Elwinna Nickerson, Mrs.. Winth$10 rop Quinlan, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Mr. & Mrs. 'Henry D. Cham- Santos. bers, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mason, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Santos, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. George Tryder, Mr. & Mrs. WilJiam Fohey, Mr. & & Mrs. James Muldowney, Mrs. Mrs. Edward Beucler,' Mr. & . Helen J. Allbee. Mrs. John Quealey, Mr. & Mrs. Webster Copithorn, Mr, & Edwar~ Meuse, Mr. & Mrs. WilMrs. Gerald Muroy, Mrs. Arthur liam Sullivan. Fisher, Mr. & Mrs. Louis CatFrancis B. Brogan, Mr. & Mrs. aldo, Mr. & Mrs. Joaquim Martin McNulty, Sigmond BedRosary. . nark, Mr. & Mrs. F·rank Mather, . Mrs. Beatrice Silver, .Mrs. . Mr. & Mrs. Timothy ·Butler, Jr. ~aymond Paine, Mrs.. Agnes..... !\fr. & Mrs. Donald"'Hanawalt, Peltonen, Mrs. K~kvi Porkka, Mr. &. Mrs. Nathan Perry, AnMr. & Mrs. Gregory Senteio. thony L. Medeiros,' Mr. &C' Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. William Murphy, John Campion, Mrs. Bruce RayMrs. Anna Lacey, Mrs. Ruth mond.· . Parece. & Mrs. Lillian Dugan, Mz:s, Hollis Lovejoy, Marg1lret Mrs. Mary Cordeiro, -Mrs. Leo M. Riodan, Mr. & Mrs. James Fondini. Brownlie, 'Francis R. Dorey,'"Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Avelino .Dutra, & Mrs. Charles Senesac. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Vermette, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Everett, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bishop, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Gerhard Robichaud, Mrs. John Moda, Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. McLean, Mr. & Mrs. Michael P i n t o . . Arthur Emerson, Alice Godin. George T. Durkan, Mrs. Hazel Mr. & Mrs. Howard Fahey, McIntyre, Mrs. Jane E. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Dias, Mr. & & family, Mrs. Ethel Sullivan, Mrs. George Igo, Mr. & Mrs. ,Mr. & Mrs. John Madden. William Mullane, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Clifford B. White, SImon Miller. Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Daly, Helen A. Greenwood, Mr. & Joseph L. Cairns, Jr., Mrs. Ber- Mrs. Lester Leonardi, Mary Robnard Aikens, Mrs. Carl Hallgren. ins, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Bell, Mr. & Mrs. Laure Landry, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. William Covell. & Mrs. John F . .!<eveney, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs.. Paul T. Lebel, Mr. Mrs. Jerry Robert, Adelard & Mrs. James T. Richer, Mr. & Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mrs. John Dantos, Mr. & Mrs. Borowick. John Threlfall Clovis Poyant. Mrs. Frederic L. Chicoine, Ami McCo~mack, A g n e s Mr. & Mrs. John T. Shanahan, O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneally, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bourgeois, Mr. & !Mrs. Frank Fraher, Jr., Mrs. J. P. Morin, Mr. & Mrs.·Amelia Richard. Cosmo Montagna. . Mr. & Mrs; Kenneth Drew, Mr. & Mrs. John. Connelly, Mr. Mrs. Catherine Jones, Patricia & Mrs. John McKeon, Mr. & Kenneally, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mrs. David H. Sullivan, Mr. & Cloutier,. Mrs. Joseph Chicoine. Mrs. A. Gauthier, Sally Wilt Mr. & Mrs. Roy Andrews, Mr. Clifton. -& Mrs. Carl Ferdenzi, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. James E. Lynch, Mrs. Paul Botello, Stewart HamMary A. McGarry, Mrs. Esther blin, Mr, & Mrs. Daniel FranHearn, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard G. cisco. Fratus, Mrs. Regina Fusselle. Mr. & ,Mrs. Gilbert Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Michael. Proc, Ro-. Mrs. Delia Voisvert, Mr. & Mrs. land Hochu, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Eugene Roy, -Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Kelley, Mary Costelle, M. ·Doudican, Mr. & Mrs. George Constance Fortune. Rowe.. Mnl. Lena H. McGlamery, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Vieira, Claire M. Bouchard, ·MN. James Marcia Vieira, Mr. & Mrs. MilF. McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph ton Howard, Mr. & Mrs: Ckorge T. Gelinas, MM. Kathleen Grenon, Mr. & Mrs. Richard ~~ Slavin.
Mr. &' Mrs. Robert Klimm, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Clarke, Mr. & Mrs. G eo I' g e . Wallace, Mrs. Theresa Bergen, Mrs. Elsie Archer. Mrs. F. H. Hurley, Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Powers, James Powers, Haschel's, The Bar n s tab I e County Mutual Fire Insurance Company. . Earle Kempton, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Medeiros, Mrs. Mary Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Harold West, Mr. & Mrs. George J. Murray. Joseph Fairclol ,;h, Mary Fairclough, Mrs. Elsie Bearse, Mrs. Sylvester Francis, Mr. & Mrs. . Patrick Kelly. . Mr. & Mrs. Nerie Allain, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Chase, Mr. & ·Mrs. George Lampert, Mrs. Albert Perkins, Georgette Barrier. Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. Buckley, Mr. & Mrs. William Naylor, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Bastien, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Tobin, Catherine Nehubian. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Zamites, Mrs. Della Prada, Mrs. Leonard Bacon, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Snow, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Donovan. Margaret Moran, Mrs. Jean· nette Shepherd, Leo Goulet, Mrs. Gordon Homer Alys LaCrosse. Mr. & Mrs. David Fernandez, - Mr. & Mrs. ·E. J. Bennett, Cape Oil Co., Emerson Cle'aners, Acme . Pharmacy. · Carreiro's Flower Shop, Mrs. Edna' DeMoranville, Mrs. Geraldine . Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. WilHam Fratus, William Smith. Mrs. Harold Brunelle, Mrs. · Michael Gulachenski, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kelly, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. William J. Patterson, Mrs. Gertrude Rommell. Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Cregg, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Watson, Mr. & Mrs. Everett Bisbee, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sarmento, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Ryan. Raymond Paine, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Louis Pena, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hazelton, Mrs. Cecelia Moore, Bernard J. Henouil: Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Houghton, Mr. & Mrs. James Murray, Mr. .& Mrs. James P. Murphy, Mrs. Theresa Mudgett. Mrs. Eva Chase, Charles K. Hills, Mr. & Mrs. Robert White, Mr. & Mrs. Clement Brophy, Mr. & Mrs. William MacDonald. Mrs. Caroline Crosby, Mrs. Beatrice Tripp, William Flana·ga•. , Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Rivers, David T. Jones. Maryellen Jones, Mr. & Mrs. · Dayid Parker, Mr. & Mrs. William Hannon, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Golenski, Mr~ & Mrs. Manuel Machado, Mrs. Norma Barter, Leo Webber, Mr. & Mrs. William Boyd, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Pagliari, Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Joslyn, Mrs. Kenneth Toppin, Mr. & Mrs. William Harrigan, Alcibiade J. SouCY, Mr.' & Mrs. Ross Dixon, Irene Fondini. Mra. Dorothy Covell, Mr. &
M John Schenk, Joseph Hardy, II, Mr. & Mrs. George Lennovich, Mrs. Rita Lockwood. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clement, Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Brown, Willard Ellis, Mr. & ,Mrs. Francis Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Perry. Donald Gibby, Mr. & Mrs. George Archibald, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Burnham Cacherie, Mr. & Mrs. John Glover, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lang. . Mr. & Mrs. Louis Rivard, Mrs. Helen Bassett, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Nixon, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Donohue. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nixon, Mrs. Marcia Childs, Mrs. Alice McGinn. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McManus, Mr. & Mrs. Rico Sablone. Mr. & Mrs. John McCaul, David Cremin, Edward J. Barry. Mr. & Mrs. Leon Chausse. Mrs. Herbert Jackson, . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Finn, Mr. & Mrs. John M. Grattan, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Manaselien. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Reed, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Burke. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Coady, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph C. Rocheteau, Mr. & Mrs Harry B. Ryder. Mildred's Chowder House, Lawrence O'Rourke, Mrs. Bertha Halloran, Mr.. & Mrs. Joseph Rosbrough, Mrs. Pauline Cassell. Mr. & Mrs. William Connoly. Mr. & Mrs. James P. Shattuck, Mr. & Mrs. David Pierce, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Derby, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph ~ourque. Mr. &JMrs. Durward Stebbins, Mr. & Mrs. Norman McLean, Mr. & Mrs. Milan O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Johnson, Mrs. Leo Lewis. Cecilia K. O'Rourke, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Corrigan, Manuel Rocha, Mr. &- Mrs. Robert P. Nelson & Family, Mr. & Mrll. Olavi Winikainen. Mr. & Mrs. William Mullaly, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Haydon, Mrs. Orrin Eaton, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Holmes, Mr. & Mrs. Hamblin. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dore, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Larivee, Mrs. Doris Crowell, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Babineau, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Mossey. Mr. &. Mrs. Edward Hallett, Lillian E. Shea, Irene E. Shea,. Mary G. Shea, Joseph W. Burke. Mrs. Jeannette Otto, Mr. & Mrs. Luke Leonnovich, Mr. & Mrs. James Pelletier, A. Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Maddox. Mrs. Elsie M. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Souza, Mr. & Mrs... . Everett D. Williamson, Carol Martin. Mr & Mrs. William White, Mr.. & Mrs. Hyacinth Gerrior, Mr. &: Mrs. George C?nnell, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gerrior, Mary Connell. Mr.. & Mrs. Ernest L. Drott, Mrs. Marie Sherman, May C. Fay, Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Kelly, Joseph Doucette. John J. Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. . Henry Houle, Lillian Senteio, Mr. & Mrs. Louis St. Peter, A Friend, Mr. &. Mrs. Edward Bonney. Mr. & Mrs. Meric Gennaco, Mr. & Mrs. John T. Levangie, Mr. & Mrs. Robert O'Neil, Mrs. J. R. McGinley, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Turco. M. Louise Hayden, Mrs. Alice Niedzwecki, Mrs. Ludwiga S/talfen, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice F. Doherfy, Mrs. Anna Peck. Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Webber, Mrs. Harry Kinsman, Mr. & Mrs. Charles-Farrell, Mrs. Geraldine Gardner, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Barabe. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hughes, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Enos, M~rtin Hoxie, Mrs. Norma Barter, Monica Gordon.
and Furst Holy Communion
of Fall River-Thurs. May 31,1962
fami~y -F©i~m~[ftj® Hera\r@~@} ),
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By Jaw.esL. Vizzard, S. J. I
Msgr. George G. Higgins is in Europe in connection with work for the forthcoming Vatican Council. In his absence, this column has been 'written by Father Vizzard, Director of the Washington Office of the National Catholi~ Rural !Life Conference.
This year, 1962, agriculture in the United States celebrates a triple cent~nn~al. During the span of a few months in 1862 President .Lincoln signed legislation which 1) opened the vashireas of the West to settlement by freehold farmers (the Homestead' ' , perhaps he does not look far Act) ; 2) instituted the Land- enough, into the future. Once Grant college system for the things develop to the stage he advancement of agricultllral foresees, both business logic and and mechanical scien, '(the opportunity would suggest merMorrU Act); and, 3) established gers and consolidations leading the U.S. Department of Agricul- eventually to the formation of ture. corporate farm giants rivaling Largely' through the operation General Motors and General of these th:'~e acts, more pro- Electric. gress has been made in agriculThis kind of agriculture, of ture 'since 1862, than in the course, would be a far cry from whole history of man. With very today's in ownership, organilittle adaptation the farmer of zation and operation. The fnde- " 1000 B:C. could have fitted pendent owner - operator we easily into the agriculture of know today, who assembles and LITILE GIRLS' DREAM COME TRUE: Three little girls from Ayutuxtepeque, El 1862. " r i s k s his own capital, makes his But if the farmer of just 100 own managerial decisions and Salvador, can ,hardly helieve that these lovely, First Communion dresses are really years ago were to visit to'day's works with his own hands on theirs. The dresses are part of a foreign relief program conducted by the National Counmodern farm he would be to- his own property would' give 'eil of Catholic Women-NCWC, who work year round making thousands of long white , tally bewildered. The common- way.to hired hands taking orders dresses and white shirts and pants which they ship in the name of the Holy Father , places of farm equipment and from hired managers whose only to needy areas of the world. NC Photo. operations would be entirely be- interest would be to make a yond his experience and under- profit for anonymous stockstanding. 'holders. & Mrs. Thomas Dooley, Mr. .II Mr. &. Mrs. William Cutner, Mr. Most Productive In this country it has always Mrs. Walter Dreniak, Mr. & Mrs & Mrs. Francis Demers. Not only the farmer but also ' been a firm)y held belief, subLeopold Demonda, Mr. & Mrs. James Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. Paul the nation has benefited greatly siantiated by experience, that Wilfred Foucault, Mr. & Mrs. Driscoll. during these' 100 years. As we the adequate-sized, well-man-:. Raoul Gousie, Mr. & Mrs. EvMr. & Mrs. Paul L. Driscoll, saw in, this column last Week, aged family farm is the most ef- William Driscoll; Memory John erett Grady, Mr. & Mrs. James . the Agricultural Revolution, the ficient method of' agriculture P.. & Mar~ L. Drugan, Mr. & K. Hackett. fo' ,ndations of which, were I laid and, moreover, offers incompar- Mrs. Henri' Ducharme. John Hickey, Mr. &. Mrs. Roger PORTLAND (N C ) by the three aCts, of 1862, has able values to the family, theKingsbury, George 'Menard, Theodore Dupuis, Mrs. Theomade ,the American farmer the Church and the ,nation. Speakers representing both 'dore, Dupuis, Eleanor Dwyer, 'Manuel Oliver, Mrs. Manuel most productive and the AmeriAt a time when the individual Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fielding, Oliver. religious and public life will elm consumer the best-fed at the ownership and management' of Philip' Foley. . Mr. & Mrs. Edward Roy, Mrs. be featured "at the 19th bicheapest price in the world. prod~ctive property is becoming Mary Smalley, Harriet Strong, ennial convention' of the NaMrs. Philip Foley, Montcalm One wonders if the next: 100 a rarity in this country, family Mrs. William Wanamaker, Lil- tional Catholic Laymen'sReFournier, Alfred Fraga, Mrs. Alyears will bring equally revolufarming still allows this oplian White, Dr. & Mrs. Walter treat Conference here Thursday, 'fred Fraga, Mrs. Marion Gasper. tionary changes. Would today's portunity to a significant numCampbell. ' Joseph' Giam;lini, Mr. & Mrs. July 26. farmer be lost in the agriculture ber of citizens. Rene Giard, Mr. & Mrs. 'LeonDelegates from retreat housea of 2062? The answer could well Tl1e "General Farms, Inc." be "Yes".'" which the future could bring, ard Goslin,Mr. '& Mrs. John Hall, in most of the 50 states are expected to attend. Sen. Eugene ,One expert, Arion Hazen, might make money for its stock- Sr., F, Vernon' Harrica. Mc~arthy of Minnesota will adMr. & Mrs. Edward F. Hebert, dean of agriculture and the di- holders but it would destr~v one dress delegates at a closing banrector of the agricultural: ex- of America's most treasured Mr. & Mr's. Edward Johnson, Jr., Joseph Johnson, Catherine Kel- , LITTLE ROCK (NC) ~ The quet. periment station at the North heritages. Bishop of Little Rock said here Dakota State University (a ,Uand Moreover, Could, the consumer ley, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kelly. Bishop John J. Wright of that Federal aid to education ~Pittsburgh, episcopal advisor to , Mrs. Russell Kelley, Mr. & Gran~ college), looking intol the of 2062 rest 'easily in the knowposes a dangerous step toward future .foresees something like ledge that a few huge farm com- Mrs. William H. Kelley, Mr. & the conference, will deliver the "overcentralization of the gov- keynote address. The opening the following: bines controlled the production Mrs. Paul Kingsbury, Joill1' Laernment.:' ' , . _ Look IntO Future and distribution of life's basic . Brie, Mr, & Mrs. Raymtind Lasession will be presided over by Bishop Albert L. Fletcher told . Brie; In place of North Dakota's necessities? . Harry !VI. Klenda, president of the annual convention of the present 55,000 farms averaging Would not the potential danthe conference. William LaBrie, Gloria laState Council of the Knights 'of 755 acres each and worth $39,gers of such a situation, tile op- chance, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond The convention will be ,held Colum!ms that he is opposed to 569, in the future there will be portunity for a few to control Lachance, EI~ Ladebauche, Walunder the patronage of ArchFederal aid personally. His only 10,000 but they will average the supply and price of food, ter Ladebauche. . bishop Edward D. Howard of opinion is not to be considered Portland in Oregon. 3,500 ,acres and each will' be dwarf into insignificance our Mr. & . Mrs. James H. Lamb', the "view of the Chu'rch," he, valued at $6QO,000. : current problems' of mpnopoly ,Mrs. Ulric Lepage, Joseph Workshops, panel 'discussions said.. Eighty-five per cent of the 'and administered markets? Letourneau, Edward McCaffrey, and informal' "gab labs" have Bishop Fletcher said a danger been scheduled around the genfarms will' be in corporation These concerns m~y seem in-' Barbara McMann. ownership; the average annuaL substantial, or too far in the Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McMann, of centralization is that -"when eral theme, "I'll Sanctity and gross income will approach ,future to, cause us worry now. Mr. & Mrs. William McKenna, . a thing has just one head, all I Justice." have. to do is to cut off that head $225,000 and the net profit But as this year's agricultural Mr. & Mrs. Roland Menard, Mr. to destroy it." 'be $50,000 per farm. centennials prove, steps taken & Mrs. Edward Mendonca, Mr. "Federal aid to education;" he Vision Extended o.nly 100 years ago fundamen& Mrs. Gerald ,Mitton. said, "put under one head a thing Capital requirements of the tally changed the face . of Mr: & Mrs. Thomas J. Murray, I think the community can best farm will be met through the America's' countryside. Steps Mr. & Mrs. ' Richard Neville, Aldo for itself." . public sale of stocks and bonds. taken, or, not taken, today will. bert E.' Nunes, Mildred V. , But he l!dded, "if Federal aid is This is Dr. Hazen's vision, but do the same. O'Connor, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis H. to come, we, feel it should come Oliver. " to the parents of every American Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Oliveria, child' so they can send ,the chiid ~aunton A!i' Olson, Harold J. Olson, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Paquette,' where they want to." Mr. & Mrs. l1:dwara Kron ST PAUL Mr. & Mrs. Roland Paquette. $10 $500 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Parisi, I STAR:TEO Mr. & Mrs. Robert Alexander, Our Friendly Rev. John J. Griffin Hugh Patenaude, Mrs. Charles Mr. & Mrs. James Almeida, Mr. TAl<ltl6 VITAMINS FROM $100 . Heads - up Service Perry, Mrs. 'Daniel Perry, Mr. & Mrs.. Anthony ArmiJ).io, Mr. Rev. Joseph F. O'Donnell I & Mrs. Stuart Place. & Mrs. Albert Audet, Mrs. Opens The Door $50 Mrs. Stephe'n Pronicki, Mr. &' Arthur Benoit. Joh'n Cunningham' To' Greater Motoring Mr. & Mrs. William Berry, Mrs. James Ramsey, Mr. & Mis. $25 Mr: &. Mrs. Henry Bettencourt, Joseph Reilly, Clayton Rennie, Pleasure For· You! Mr. & Mrs. Leo Benoit, Hec- . Mr. & Mrs. Earl Blackwell, Mr. Mrs. Clayton Rennie. tor Demers, Mr. & Mrs. Albert & Mrs. William Boarman, Mr. Mrs. Joseph Roster, Mrs. Rita ,'Dickinson Sr. & family, Mr. & & Mrs. Ernest Botellio. Robert, Mr. & Mrs. JOhn RounMrs. Paul Michney, Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Bourdeau, Mr. & ,Mrs. tree, Mr.. & Mrs. George ShelWaldo Witherell. Robert Bqldy, Mr. & Mrs. Man- don, Mrs. Frank Shumway. $20 uel Braga, Mildred Braga, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. George Silvia, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Chester JacKman, & Mrs. Freder'ick Brezinski. & Mrs. Albert Solari,- Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. John Connors. , Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Cabral, Mrs. John Steen, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Aimee St. Pierre Anna Cassella,' Caroline Casella, ,William Strain, Mr~ & Mrs. $15 Dominic Casella, Frank Casella. Francis Sullivan: Eva Brunelle, Mr. & Mrs. Ed- Timothy Casella, Mary Conway, , Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan, ward, Castle, Olivia Giannini, Mrs. James Cooper, Mr. & Mrs. .Th,omas Sweeney, Mr. & Mrs. OIL CHANGE AND Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Grandmont, Alyre Corm{er, 'Lucien Cazeault. 'Edmond Thadeau, Mr. &. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Spinelli, LUBRICATE WITH Roland Cazeault, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley' Urban, Mr. .& Mrs. Mrs. Francis J. Tummon. Harold Cole; Marguerite Corri- Charles F. Welch" Leroy Whittle, "AMAliE" Norman & Catherine Fournier veau, Raymond Corriveau, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Yelle. $12.50 & Mrs. Dennis Craven. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel BettenMrs. Sheldon Simmons, Mrs. John DeLang, Irene Demers, court, Leon Bora, Mr. & Mrs. Anna Wood. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Demers, Mr. Antonio Brandao, Mr. & Mrs. $12 & -Mrs. Raymond Desrosiers, Mr. Richard Bresnahan, Kathleen Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bartel, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Dion. Carroll. 594 !Pleasant Street '200 ROCK ST. FALL RIV(R,Mm. & Mrs. ,John r.. ~".- "~" Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dion, Mr. Rita Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. James Fall River rtf,OSBORNE S-782Q Eileen & Mrs. EuwaL'd Henchy, & Mrs. John T., Donohue, Mr. Cassidy, Mrs. William Coleman,
Name Speakers For Convention Of Retreatan'ts
Aid to Education Dangerous Step
$75 Rev. William F. Morris
$50 Rev. Gerald T. Shovelton, Richard Bentley, Dr. Charles Hoye, Dr. John F. Mulhern, Dr. Joseph Nates.
$25 Esther & Ethel Buckley, Dr. John J. Gregg, Dorothy & Marguerite M c Man u s, Margaret Neenan, Joseph Reilly. Charles Seekell, Mrs. Joseph Sheehan. 0
$20 Mary E. Chaisty, Dorothy A. Clark, Harold H. Galligan, Louis Gilchrist, Mrs. Louis Gilchrist.' James D. Judge, Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. McCabe, Mr. & Mrs. James McMorrow, C lot i Ide Nason, Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Parker. George Patrick, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tripp.
$15 Ralph Buckley, Lawrence Callahan, Robert Hanigan, Marguerite Hoye, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick H. Lyons. Alice McCusker, Mrs. Michael McCusker, Michael McCusker, Mary McManus, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Moran, Denis Sullivan.
Elaine I Pivirotto, Lawrence Pivirotto, Antone Pontes, Robert Powers, Robert Quigley. Edward Qui n 1 an, Joseph Quinn, Francis Pinto, Arthur Reed, Helen Reilly. William Ricketts, Janice Russell,.Daniel Ryan, Jr., George P. Sanford, Jr., Joseph Scarano. Catherine Schein, Andrew Scherben, Tho mas, Selleck, James Sheerin, Miriam Sheppard. Helen Shove, Joseph Sikorski, Dorothy Silver, Francis Silver, Francis Silver, Jr. Clara Silvia, Joseph Silvia, Manuel Silvia, Mrs. Manuel Silvia, Matthew Slusac;k. Richard Smerdon, Mrs. Richard Smerdon, William Smith, Anne Sullivan, Daniel B. Sullivan. George Sullivan, Nellie Sullivan, Joseph Tavares, Jr., Edmund Teixeira, John Thomas. Kathleen ~ 0 r me y, Arthur Travers, Mrs. Kenneth Waine, David Wall,' Mrs. Ronald Wilkins. Mary Tormey, David Webster, Mary G. Whittemore. S'll'. AN'll'JH[ON1C
$500 Rt. Rev. Manuel J. Teixeira
$12 David Hoxie, Mrs. Jane Noon.
$10 John Alden, Gertude Baker, . August Barber, Mary Barrington, Robert Boreri. Stephen Boreri, Anthony Brezinski, Catherine Burgess, Marion E. Campbell, Joseph Cardoza. William Carney, Carlton Caron, John Carroll, Dr. Carmine Carrucci, William Chamberlain, Louis Chi e s a, Marguerite Claffy, Richard Barrington, William Boyle, Eleanor Clement. Catherine Cody, Mrs. Robert Cole, Mary E. Connors, John Connors, T. Howard Corr. James Corr, Thomas Corr, Joseph Coyle, Margaret Curtin, Alice Davis. Ernest Dawson,' Walter Dermody, Raymond :QeThomas, Robert Dias, Ruth Dias. Thomas DiVencellzo, James Downing, Joseph Duffy, Marguerite Dunn, Edward L~ Fenton. Mrs. Edmund Finnegan, Mary C. Fitzgl:lrald, Ann Fitzsimmons, Frederick Fitzsimmons, Mary Fitzsimmons. Mr. & Mrs. John Fitzsimmons, Winifred Flaherty, Mr. & Mrs. John Galligan, Mrs. Frederick Gemme, Frederick Gemme. Mary Gorman, Dr. Charles Grady, Jr., Joseph Grant, William R. Gregg, Mabel Harrington. Normand. Mat h a Hayes, Robert J. Hill, Davis Hoey, Donald Holmes, James Holmes. William Holmes, Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Hutchins, EClward L. Kiernan, Mrs. Edward L. Kiernan, Ruth Kiernan. Margaret L. King, Raymond Lamoureaux, Richard Leite, John Landis, Lawrence Laughlin. Martha Leonard, Mary Leonard, Doris Letendre, Joyce Letendre, Agnes Lynch. James Lunney, Mary Lynch, Patricia McCabe, Mr. & Mrs. William McCarthy, John J. McElroy, Anna E. McGlynn, Dorothy McGlynn, Grace McGlynn, Monica McGuire, Loretta McHugh, Alice McKenna, Mr. & Mrs. John McKenna, Elizabeth McKenna, Janet McKenna, Ruth McKenna. Susan McKenna, Catherine McKeon, . Madeline McKeon, Winifred McKeon, Catherine McNamara. Richard Mahoney, Elizabeth A. Malo, Emery Malo, Irene Malo, William Mallette. Mary C. Maloney, Joseph Marion, Mary Mattos, Merrill Maynard, John Medes. Ernest Medeiros, Eugene Mongan, James Mulcahey, Lawrence Munise, Catherine Murphy: Dr. Joseph Murphy, John Murphy, Bernard J. Nagle, James Nasise, Albert Nuttall. Rea O'Brien, Dr. Thomas O'Brien, John O'Hearne, Joseph O'Hearne, John T. O'Neill. Ralph D. O'Sullivan, Margaret Ouellette, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Perry, Wilfred Pierce, Ann E. Pivirotto.
THE ANCHORThurs., May 31, 1962
$75 Rev. Joseph Oliveira, Evaristo Tavares.
$50 Manuel Fontinha.
$30 The Mendes family
$25 Antone . DaCosta,
$20 Charles Ferreira
$15 Manuel . Lopes.
$10 Antone A b rea u , Louise Agrella, Ernest Almeida, Adelaide Amaral, A. Gene Arielia. Antone Arruda, Frederick Barker, Loui~ Borges, Victoria 'Carew, Henrietta Carvalho. John Coelho, William Collins, ·Joseph De Costa, Manuel de Rosa, Serafim' Ferreira. John Garanito, Manuel Garcia, Frank Joaquim, Manuel Leanues, Joseph Macedo. Norbert Marcks, Andrew Marshall, Jr.,' John IYIunise, Charles Rapoza, ·Manuel Rapoza. John Rego, Mary Rose, John J. Sikorski, Mario Silva, George Silvia. Manuel Silvia, Manuel Smith, Anthony -)uza, Vasco Teixeira, James T. Thomas, Christiano Victoria.
DIRECTOR ADMIRES STATUE: Rev: William, F. McMahon, director of Cathedral Camp, studies the new statue of St. Joseph the Worker, erected on the _Camp circle as a gift from Mrs. George L. Goodfellow, Somerset, in memory of her late husband.
& Mrs. Duane Allison, Mr. & Mrs. Jo~n Bou·'reau. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Callahan, Mr. & Mrs. William Campbell. Mrs·. Adelaide Carney, Mr. & Mrs. William J. Coe, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. James A. Cooke, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Corey, Mr. & Mrs. James Corliss. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Crosby, Mr. & Mrs. William Cullen, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cunniff, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Deveney, Mrs. Isabelle Dolan. Mr. & Mrs. George Dooley, Elizabeth Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. J. Frank Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. Robert OUR LADY OF LOURDES Dewey, Mr. & Mrs.' Arthur $100 . Duarte. . O.L. of Lourdes St. Vincent de Mr. & Mrs. Leo Farrell, Mr. Paul & Mrs. Barney A. Floor, Mr. & $25 Mrs. Hugh W. Flynn, Sr., Mr. Arthur P. Costa, Edward & & Mrs. Coy Folcik, The Gaffney Anne Franco. family. $20 Mr. & Mrs. Leo Fortin, Mr. Frank Pero & Mrs. Charles Goldrick, Mr. & Mrs. John Goldrick, Mr. & Mrs. " $15 August Varella William Gorman, Eileen Hag$12 gerty. Adeline P. Paulo Mr. & Mrs. John Haggerty, . $10 Mrs. Francis Keithan, Mr. & George Oambra, George E. Mrs: John J. Kelly, Mrs. Louise Costa, Ernest Cardoza, Mary E. Kelliher, Mary Kennedy. Rogers, Robert W. Pigeon. James Kevi~an, Joseph KeviAntonio F. Costa, Jr., Lui!!: F. can, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Knott, de Souza, Alvin' C. de Silvia, Mr. & Mrs. James Leonard, Mr. John H. de Silvia, John F.· & Mrs. Francis Linnane. Abrum, Jr. ' Mr. & Mrs. Frank Longo, Mr. James O'Neill, Albert Moitoza, & Mrs. James H. Lynch, Mr. Joaquim Correia, Joanne M. & . Mrs. George Martin & Son, Silva, Carlota Silva. Renato ~aschio, Catherine McMary H. Silva, Henry L. Silva, Cabe. Dorothy Cardoza, Charles V. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McManus, Moitoza, Joseph Moitoza. Mr. & Mrs. John McMorrow, Roderick Latour, Joseph B. Mr. & Mrs. William Murphy, Mr. Machado, John Fernandes, Pat& Mrs. Lafayette Nolet, Mr. & ricia E. Silva, George Martin. Mrs. Roland Renaud. SACRED HEART Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rep!inski, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rose, Mr. & $75 Mrs. Francis Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Rev. Francis B. Connors Gerard Pigeon, Mr. & Mrs. $29 Roger Prairie. John E. Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rebello, $25 Jr., Rusconi-Varden family, Mi. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Cook, Mr. & & Mrs. Benjamin Seekell, Jr., Mrs. Robert McClellan. Margaret Slattery, Mr. & Mrs. $20 Mr.·& Mrs. John B. Kennedy, W. Wallace Smith. Mrs; Anna Sullivan, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Lynch. Mrs. Joseph Sylvia, Mrs. Jose$15 Mr. & Mrs. William MacLean, phine Tasso, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Reams, Torres, lrene Torres. John E. Vargus, Walter WaltMr. & Mrs. Francis Unsworth. man Mr. & Mrs. Donald Web$10 .Mr. & Mrs. Robert Alley, Mr. ster: Mr. & Mrs. Georga White•
. $300 Rev. Thomas H. Taylor
$75 Rev. James F. Lyons, Rev. Barry W. Wall.
$50 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Champagne, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wotjunski.
$30 Cornelius Kelly,
$25 James Cunningham, George Lovely, Dr. Clement Maxwell, A Friend. $20 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Beacien-· ski, Mr. & Mrs. George Ducharme, Eugene Dufour, The Keliher Family.
$15 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hoye, Mr. & Mrs. James Mahoney,- The O'Boy family, Mary Power, Mrs. Cecelia Reilly, Robert Walsh & family. $12 Mr. & Mrs. John Botellio, Mr. & Mrs.- Patrick McDermott.
. $10 Mr. & Mrs. William Alger, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Andersen, Mr. & Mrs. Orton .Andrews, Mr. & Mrs.. John Barkan, Mr. &, Mrs. George Beaulieu. Mr. & Mrs. James Blount, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Briand, Mr. & Mrs. AI. Briggs, Mr. & Mrs. James Britton, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Butler. Mr. & Mrs. Ht;mry Bzdula, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Callahan, Joseph Casey, Mrs. Elizabeth Coleman, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Connors. Anthony Couto, Allan CurleY & family, Mrs. Robert Currie, Mr. & Mrs. George Delisle, Mrs. Anita Desrosiers. Effie Deveney, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Devlin, James Dinneen, Mary Dinneen, William Dinneen.
DIAL WY 8·5153 Personal Service
Francis Doherty, James Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Doherty, Matthew Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. John Dondero. ,Mr. & Mrs. P. Edward D.onnelly, . Alice Donnelly, Mr. & Mrs. George Dooley, Kavin Dowd, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Drapeau., Mr. & Mrs. William Fagan, Mary Fenton, Mr. & Mrs. William Fitzpatrick, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. William Fitzpatrick, Sr., Mary Foley. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Fontes, The Friary family, Louise Gaffney, Mr. & Mrs. William Gaffney, Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Garceau. , Mr. & Mrs. John Gaydasz, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Gilbert, Mr. & Mrs. John Goggin, The Goodwin family, Mr. & Mrs. John Gregg. Mr. & Mrs. Leon Gullemette, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hoffman, Mrs. O. W. Howard, Mary Hoye, Mary F. Hurley. . Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Isaacsen, Mr. & Mrs. George Isaacsen, Mrs. Anthony Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. William King. ~Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ladebauchse, Mr. & Mrs. Rene LaFrance, Mr. & Mrs. Leo laMarche, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Leonard, Wilma Leonard. Mr. & M;rs. Francis J. Lucey, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Lukasewski, Mr. & Mrs. Charles McCarthy, Mrs. Everett McGovern, Mr. & Mrs. James McGrath. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McManus, Mr. & Mrs. Richard McMorrow, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McNulty, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mador, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Marot. Charles P. and Mary Masterson, Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Matta, Mr. & Mrs. William Murby, Mrs. Robert F~ Murray, Mr. & Mrs. John Nellis. . • Mr. & Mrs. James Nichols, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O'ConneJI, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'ConneJI, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Ouellette, Mrs. Richard Paulson. Marie 'Power, Richard Power, The Rafter family, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Reilly, Mr. & Mrs• Joseph Rogers. Mr. & Mrs. William RusseJI, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Scott, Mrs. Kirby Sessums, Margaret Sheehy, The -',erry family. Mr. & Mrs. AI. Silvy, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Souza, Mr. & Mrs. J. Arnold Tetlow, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Theriault, Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Tigano. Mr. & Mrs. George Tkach, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Tracey; Mrs. Elizabeth Van Nostrand, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wade, George Walczak. Mrs. Billy Walla c e, M~s. James Wallace, Mr. & Mrs. .Edward White, Mr. & Mrs. .J ohn Williams, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Yelle.
Judge to Speak WORCESTER (NC) - AsS'ociate Justice James B. M..McNally of the appellate division of the New York State' Supreme Court will speak at Assumption College's commencement exercises here Saturday, June 9.
Complete line .Building Materials. 8 SPRING ST., FAIRHAVEN WYman 3-2611
The KEYSTONE Office Equipment Salesroom NEW - AND USED Wood and Steel Desks and chairs steel Ciling cabinets. lockers. shclv· ing. tables. storage cabinets. saCes. wardrobes. ete.
THE AtKH0"Thurs., Mat '31, 1962
New Bedford ·ST. KILl"'"
$400 :kev. Walter J. Buckley.
$100 St. Kilian Conference, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Arnold Weaver (In Memory of Medora Loranger).
$60 Mr. & Mrs. Albino Silva.
$50 The Finnell family Rev. Edward O. Poquette
$25 Mr. & Mrs. 'Hervey Caron, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Kobza, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Nicholas, Wright Walker, Eva White.
$20 Mrs. Pauline Fredette. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore GalIpeau, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mahoney. . :
$15 Mrs. Margaret Boucher, Mr. & Mrs. John Goll:!nski, Dr. Kingsland E. Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. 0rval Langelier, Mr. &. Mrs. Richard Manning.
, $12 Mr. & Mrs. Milton Weaver.,
, $10
ORTHODOX LEADER:Archbishop Iako'vos, Primate of the Greek OrthodoxChurch in North and So.uth America, is regarded as one of the foremost advocates of unity among Christians. NC Photo.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Abraham, 'Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Amaral, Mr. . Mrs. Clyde Voter, Mrs. Gladys & Mrs. Ernest Anderton~ Mr: & Mrs. John Anuszczyk, Mr.' &' Walda. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Babineau, · Mrs. Charles Barton. .Mr. & Mrs. Leo Belanger, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bellotti, Mr. Mrs. Henry Bernard, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs.. Joseph Ber~ier, Mr. & Ernest Berube, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Joseph . Bernier,Mrs. Roger Blaise: Yvonne Blais, Mr. & Mrs. EdRaymond Bolton, Mr. & Mrs. ward Blouin.' Kenneth Brightman, Charles Mr. & Mrs. Adrien Bolduc, Caron, Francis Carroll, Mr. & Charlotte Boldl.\c, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Victor Chausse, Sr. Jose .Canastra, John Carter, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dagesse, Mr. Evelyn Chieppa. i & Mrs. Robert Donth, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cory, Mr. Mrs. Albert Forgue, Sr., Mr.. & ~ Mrs. Valmore. Crete, Thoqtas Mrs. Ernest .Frechette,Mr. _& Cummings, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Mrs. Leopold Galonska. Dalbec, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gatheral, Davignon. I Mr. &'Mrs, Donat Gauthier, Mr: Mrs: Theresa Davis, Mr. & & Mrs. Robert Gauvin, Mrs. Mrs. James Dewhurst, Mr.' & Vera Harney, Mrs. Rose Harris. Mrs. Manuel Dias, Mr. '& Mrs. Mrs. Annie Kenney, Mr. & John Donnewald, Mr. & Mjrs. Mrs. Alfred Lariguirand, Mr. & Edward Dowd. ' Mrs. Albert Leeming, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Doyon, Mr. & Catherine Murdock, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Raymond Doyon, Mr. & Charles Nunes. . Mrs. Adam Dufresne, Mr: & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. George Perry, Mr. Russell Farley, Nancy Fauteux. & Mrs. Manuel Pires, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Fauteux, George' Richard, Mr.' & Mrs. Mrs. Irene Fernandes, Mr. & Raymond . Riviere, St. Kilian ~rs. Joseph Fernandes, Isabel CYO. Fitzgerald, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Soares, .Fogaren. Maurice Spirlet, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Gilmore, Mrs. Theodore Steliga, Mr. & Mrs. Barbara Gouveia, Jennie Hag- John Sulyma, Mr. & Mrs. Ken- . ger'ty, Mrs. Ruth HaHn, Jane't neth Taber. ' Hardman: . Mr. & Mrs. Kilian Taylor, Mrs. Benjamin Harrold, James Har_ Catherine Tillotson, Mrs. Lillianrold,' Mr. & Mrs. William Hig- Veit. ' gins, Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Holmes, William Hunter. ' . HOLY ROSARY . Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Huri~y, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Jeglinski, Mr. $15 ~Mrs. Mal\uel Joseph,. Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Frank Benoit Mrs. Stephen Kamionek, Mr. ,& $10 Mrs. Edward Knowles. . Lauretta Andrade, Leon Bran_ 1\1r s. Mary LaCombe, Mr. & chaud,Bl-anche Britton, Stephen Mrs. Joseph Landry, Mr. & Mrs. Lichtenberger. Fred Lewis, John McQuade, Mr. & Mrs. George Macabello. ' Mrs. Irene Maguire, Mrs. Alice Priests Plan Mission Maranda, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred In Peruvian Andes Martin, Mr. & ¥rs. Joseph MaSse, Mr. & Mrs. Donald LIMA (NC)-frecious Blood Matthews. Fathers irom the United States Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Medeir~s, are to begin mission work in Mr. & Mrs. James Mello, Mr. & Peru next Fall by sending four, ~rs. Oscar Metivier, Mr. & Mrs. . priests to the mining town of Armand Morip, Mr. .& Mrs. La Oroya, 12,000 feet-up in .the '. Joseph Mello.. A~des. . Mr. & Mrs. Henry Morin, Mrs. Announcement of the plan was· Rosa' Myers, Mr. & Mrs. Laurier 'made here: by Father John E; Paradis, Ma'rgaret Paul, Virginia Byrne, C.PP.S., of Dayton, Ohio, Paul. . .' . . . provincial of the American provMr. & Mrs. Conrad' Pelletier, . ince of the congregation. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pelletier, Father Byrne said he came to' · Mr: & Mrs. Ernest Per-sin;, Mrs. Peru with the idea' of establishMary Pfaffenzella·.· , ing a mission on 'the coast, but Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pimental, that Archbishop Romolo CarMr·. & Mrs. Joseph Poirier, Mr. boni, Apostolic Nuncio to Peru, & Mrs. Neshet Querim, Mr. &' had convinced him tha't Peru's Mrs. Lionel Rioux, Mr. & Mrs. greatest current need is in' La · Romeo' Rocheleau. Oroya, 80 miles east of Lima.:-,.. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rose, Mr. &Mrs. Arthur Ross; Mr, & Mrs. ' Paul Rousselle, Mr. & Mrs. Bert Passion Play Opens St. Germain Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John SYDNEY (NC) - Australia's Saritos. " annual Passion Play, which Mr. & Mrs. Frank Silva, Mr. & started four years ago in BrisMrs. J.ohn Silva, Mr. & Mrs. 'bane, opened here with leading 'Manuel ·.Silvia, Norman Single,stage and TV stars taking roles ton, Mp. & Mrs. ~eonard Stone. on a voluntary basis. Before the Mr. & ,Mrs· James Sullivan·Sr., end of Holy Week the. play will Mrs. 'G,eorgene Taylor, Mr. & move on to Adelaide, Melbourne . ,Mrs. Ricpard;rownley, ~r... &.". and Brisbane. ' i '
Fryers & [lr@U'UelTS - 21/3 to 3Y2 LB Avg - Oven ~eilld, ••• A Wise BuV!
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New Bedford
THE ANCHORThurs.,· May 31, 1962
Mrs. R. Porter, Mr. & Mrs. George D. Rogers, Anonymous, Ellen A. Sullivan. Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Turpin. $14 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sullivan. $12 WASHINGTON (NC) Amedee Blanchet, Mr. & Mrs. Two seJ'!,ators have intr.oPaul Healy, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas duced bills to let parochial Keeping, Mrs. Edward Lyons & and other private school Frances, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel teachers share equally with their Macedo. public schQol counterparts in a Mr. & Mrs. Jos. A. McAvoy, 1958 aid to education law. Helen C. McCarthy, Kathryn McSen. Winston L. Prouty of' Carthy, Mrs. Clement O'Bernier, Vermont introdUced a measure Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Sullivan. (S. 3326) to extend the forgiveMr. & ~rs. Geo. Swansey III, ness feature of the National DeElizabeth M. Taylor, Elizabeth fense Education Act to private Killigrew. school teachers. Theodore J. Calnan, Mr. & At present, college students Mrs. James J. Carr Jr., Mary E. who borrow Federal money to Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Emory finance their education can get Cusson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Des50 per cent of their debt canrochers. celed if they spend five years Mrs.' Elizabeth Dooley, Mrs. teaching in a public school. Mary B. Foster, Mrs. Marjorie Those who become private school Goldberg, Mrs. Margaret Johnteachers must pay back the Fedson, Mrs. Harold J. Leonard. eral loan in full. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Morse, Mr. Remove Impediments & Mrs. Wm. K. McDonald, Mr. Sen. Kenneth Keating of New & Mrs. Thomas Ryan, Mrs. Rob_ York sponsored a second bill ert Thatcher, The Wessiack Fam(S. 3330) which would let pri. ily, Mrs. Robert A. Wilson. vate school instructors receive Misses $10 the stipends now given public & Agnes . Mrs.- Ralph Andrews, Mr. & school teachers at special FedAlbert C. Mrs. Harold Barney, Mr. & Mrs. erally supported institutes in Ii) William Beehan, Mr. & Mrs. Wilguidance and Ian,. liam Berthold, Mr. & Mrs. John $35 CHRISTIANIZES PAGAN CUSTOM: Father Valen- counseling, guage instruction. . Mr. & Mrs. Charles Phelan Boyle. Both Senators said their bills Mrs. George- Braley, Mr. & tine Datty, S.A., a native of Philadelphia congratulates $30 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Phillips Mrs. Felix Bruce, Joseph Burke, his five-year-old Japanese parishioner, Hayina San, on are designed to remove impedi~ ·Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Lennon .Burke, Mr. the occasion of his Shiche-Go-San; a pagan practice ments to the free exercise by . & Mrs. James Buckley: $25 marking his fifth birthday and usually accompanied by a citizens of their right to choose Mrs. Mabelle A. Brunelle, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. H. Butts, Mr. & visit to a Buddhist temple. But the' event has been Chris- either public or private schools. This is not the first attemptoy & Mrs. John J. Connor, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Callaghan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ford, A Friend, Mr. Mrs. Louis Carideo, Stephen tianized by the Atonement Father who has substituted Prouty and Keating to amend Carney, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cor- . Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament in the parish discrimination against private & Mrs. Sergi Iacaponi. school personnel in the NDEA. church.. NC. Photo. Paul & Marion Keane, Mr. & reira. . . In February, before the Senate Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Carter, Mr. Mrs. William Kearney, Elizabeth passed President Kennedy's Fed& Helen O'Connor, Richard P. & Mrs. Richard Cartwright, Mr. Mrs. John Purcell. Mrs.· Leo LaForest, Mr. & Mrs. eral aid to colleges bill, the two Regllll & Helen, Mr. & Mrs. Leo & Mrs. Wm. Chapman, Kathleen' Edward Putnam, Mr. & Mrs. P. LaForest, Timothy Lawlor, legislators sponsored an amendF. St. Aubin, Wiliam H. Taylor. Clark, Mr. & Mrs. Wm.Cleary. . ment identical to the one now Barbara L. Connor, Marg~ret. William Quinlan, Mrs. Manuel Mr. & Mrs. E. Ledvina. Mr. & Mrs. W. Balderson, Mary Louise Ledvina, Joseph .offer~d by Prouty. Considine, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Rapoza, William Rapoza, Mrs. Mary & Ann Downey, Anna T. Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. M. LeoMorse Opposed Driscoll, Dr. M. Francis Hinds, Costa, Mr. & Mrs. James Corbett, Mary Ribeiro. nardo"Francis Lynn, Mr. & Mrs. That amendment was tabled Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Cote. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Riding, Mrs. W. MacFarlane. Dr. & Mrs. James Mahoney. by a 59 to 28 vote after Sen. Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. CrQnan, A. M. Robinson, Mrs. Rhea Ross, Mr. & Mrs. R. O'Neil, Mr. & ~r. & Mrs. William Maley, Mr. Mrs. Joseph Porter, Mrs. Edith Mr. & Mrs. Roy cross, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rossi, Mr. & & Mrs. Joseph Manghan, Mr. & Wayne Morse of Oregon, floor mariager of the Kennedy college Smith, Mr. & Mrs, Myron Tripp, Margaret Culhane, Mr. &. lV,lrs. Mrs. Ralph Royer. Mrs.. James Manning, Mr. & Mrs. aid bill and chairman of the SenMr. & Mrs. John Ryan, Mr. & Dr. & Mrs. Paul Walsh, Anony- Raymond DaRocha, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Martin, Mrs. Raymond ate education subcommittee, Stanley Danzell. Mrs. V. C. Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. Markey. mous. argued that it was out of place Mr. & Mrs. James F. Dee, Mr. Roger St. Pierre, Susan Shannon, $24 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Marshall, and should be considered at a Mr. & Mrs. William Souza. & Mrs. Joseph Devlin, John LynWOOd Silva. Mary McAUliffe, Mr. & Mrs. . Donnelly. Mr. & Mrs. Ned M. Elizabeth Smith, Mrs. Mar- Eugene McCoy, Mr. & Mrs. later' date. $23 Morse indicated that it should Mr. & Mrs. B. DePiro Emm·onS,.Mrs. James Fanning. _garet Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Leonard McDonnell, Mr. & Mrs. be taken up when the NDEA $20 Mr. & Mrs. W. Fichtenmayer, Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Soucy, Michael McGann. comes before the Congress for Mr. & Mrs. Perry Coholan, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. William Fortier, Ed- Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sullivan. Mrs. Robert McIntyre, Mr. & renewal in 1963. . & Mrs. Edward Duffy, Anony- ward J. Foster, Mrs. Theresa . In Memory of William P. SulMrs.' Charles J. McKenna, MilThe outlook for the current mous, Mrs. Margaret Hogan & Frawley, Mr. & Mrs. George liv:m, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Sylvia, dred McMullen, Mr. & Mrs. Gagnon. Mr. & Mrs. Primo Tarini, Mr. James McQuade Sr., Mr.' & Mrs. Prouty and Keating bills is not Family, Edward G. McBride. bright. Morse, before whose subMr. & Mrs. Francis McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs, Edward Galligan, & Mrs. Andrew Tierman, Mr. & John Midura. committee the bill must come, Mr. & Mrs. EdVo'ard K. McIntyre,' MT. & Mrs. Ernest Ganz, Robert Mrs. Edward F. Varsel. Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Morris, has shown he wants them de·Mr. & Mrs. William Whelan, Mary James J. O'Brien, Jr., John N. Gellette, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Mosher, William Gonsalves, Genevieve Grace. Mr. & Mrs. J. Edw.ard Williams, Mosher, Francis Muldoon, James layed. O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Shea. Mr. & Mrs. William Hayes; Elizabeth Wilkinson. Mrs; Helen Sull~van, Mr. &. Murray. Mr.. & Mrs. James Aylward, Mrs. Leo M. Sullivan, Susan Ann Hayes, Mrs. Gladys V. Mr. & Mrs. William Murray, Moore. ~ Hawes, Mr. &: Mrs. 'Ralph Hill, Nora Aylward, Eva Bamforth, Mr. & Mrs. William Murray, Joseph Amaral, Mr. & Mrs.' Mrs. Laura Hogan & Beverly. Mr. & Mrs. Herve Berube, Mrs. Murdock Myette, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bancroft, Almyra & Dr. & Ml's. Vin~ent Hughes, Lil- Harriet Bessette.' SEOUL (NC)-A total of 29,350 Thomas Myette, Mrs. William Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Bonneau, Norris. Dorothea Brennan, Mr. & Mrs. lian Killigrew, Mr. & Mrs. U. S. servicemen have attended James Comiskey, Mr. & Mrs. Charles King; Mr. & Mrs. Wil- Mr..& Mrs; James Brown, Mr. & 846 retreats held at the Eighth Willia~ Norris Jr., .Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Downey. liam Kruger, ·Mrs. Francis Laf- Mrs. Joseph Cabral, Margaret Louis Ostric, Mr. .& Mrs. L. .i\rmy Retreat Center here since ' M. Cafferty, Mrs. John W. Cal- Paquette, Mrs. John Patten, Mr. its founding in 1955, it was anMr. & Mrs. Michael Griffith, ferty. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lamontagne,' nan. Julia Joyce, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur nounced by the center's director, & Mrs; George Ponte. .Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Carney, Mr. Kirkwood, Mr. & Mrs. L. La- Mr. & Mrs. D~naldLeFavor, . Rosemary Porter, Mr. & Mrs. Father (Lt. Col.) Joseph Rugmarre, Mr. & Mrs. John .J. Mur- Mrs. Mary Long, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs.. Thomas Carney, Mr. & Frank Ramos, Mr. &; Mrs. Rich- gieri "of Scranton, Pa. phy: John Lowney, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Mrs. Leo Cassavant, Mr. & Mrs. . ard Riley, Mr. & Mrs. James . Protestant retreats numbered . ,'.. Joseph Charron, Mr. & Mrs. Ed- Roberts, Mrs. Joseph Rosen. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Reckords, Lyonnais. 265 with 8,879 attending; 'CathoAlice Smith, Mary &, Clara Mr. & Mrs. John C. Lynch, ward Cloutier. Mr. & Mrs. Antone Santos, lic retreats 162 with 7,097; JeWr . Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Connors, Mr. & Mrs.:. Joseph Santos, Mrs. ish retreats i5 with 602, and Smith, Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Treadup, Mrs. J. Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. John Monica & Constance Zygie!: E. Macedo, Louise Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. James W. Connulty, Ed1l1und Savoie, Dr. &. Mrs. special retreats numbered 4<i4 Robert A. Makin. . :rv,:J;. & Mrs. Adrien Cote, Ger- Richard' 'Saunders, Mr. & Mrs. witli 12,772 attending, he re7 $18 Mry E. Manning, ·'Mr. & Mrs. trude Cuttle, Mr. &: Mrs. Francis Paul Servais. The Misses Goulding. ported. Richard Manning, Mr. & Mrs. DeTerra.' . . $15 'Special retreats begin on l!'ri, Mr~" & Mrs. Wilfred Sevigny, Anonymous, Mr.' & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. 'Walter Shepard, Mrs. day evening and end on Sunday Margaret M. Austin, Theresa Roland Mathieu, Mr. & Mrs. Beehan, Mrs. Katherine Edwards, Edward McCann, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Donovan & Margaret, (:ecE!lia Slocumb, Albe,rt Smith, afternoon, wQile. the ordlnllry Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Doyle, Mrs. Mrs. Alexander Smith. Mrs. Mary Galligan, Mr. & Mrs. James McCai'thy. retreatS begin on' Monday eveEdmund Harrington. . Byron McCullough, Helen Mc- Francis Doyle, William F. Doyle. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith, ni.n.g and end on Friday morning. Angela J. Hay.es, Stephen Coy, Anonymous, Mrs. Martin-' '.Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Driscoll, 'Joseph' F. Southworth, Mr. & Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Janusz, McCoy, Mr. & Mrs. James Mc- Catherine R. Duffy, Mary Duffy, Mrs:' Francis Sullivan, Grace ··~·LEMIEUX Mr. .& Mrs. Romeo Langlois, Cullough. Mr; & Mrs,· Edward Ennis, Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Judith Sikes. Nora Leary.. .... . " .. ". • .,Mr.., Sf ,Mrs. Maitin::McGiath,' William Ferguson. PLUMBING & HEATING. INC. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Taber, I for Domestic Jennie McAuley, George Mc;'-· Mr. & Mrs. Hugh McKenna, Mil.. · ",Francis Fish, James P. Flynn, Mrs. Frances Thomas, Mr. & Carthy, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph. clred& Mary McKen'na Mr. & Mr. &. Mrs..Julio Fornachiari, Mrs. Manuel Thomas, Joseph & Industrial' Pierce. . , . : . . , '. Mrs•. Albert' McMullen;','Heferi" ·Mr. & Mrs. Alfred.Frates, Mr. & . .~ Sales and Toomey, Mrs. James Watson. Nelson,' . . . . , . . . . , ' . . Mrs.. s. Gimmalvo. Mrs. Robert Bishop, Mr. &. Mr.'& Mrs. Lawrence Weaver, .Oil Burners Service Mrs. Albert Bosse, Gertrude R. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Metro, Mr. . Mr.·& Mrs. D .. Gioiosa, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Whalen Jr., Mr. Wy 5-1631 Boyle, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Burke, & Mrs. William Montigny, ~r. . Mrs. Edward GoggIri, Ann Gris- & Mrs. Francis Winterson, Mrs. 2283 ACUSHNET AVE. Mr. & Mrs. E. Cormier. & Mrs. David Morris, Mr. & Mrs. wald, Mrs. Lillian Griswald, Mr. W.. Yates, Mr. & Mrs. Peter NEW BEDFORD Mr. & Mrs. John Duxbury, A. E. Mullarkesy, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis & Mrs. Manuel Guerreiro. Ziemba. Fennessey, Mrs. John Finni, Mr. Munroe. Mr. & Mrs. Owen Hackett, Mrs. & Mrs. A. L. Fisher, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. &- Mrs.. Francis· Murray, Emelia Halvorsen, Mrs. Frances YOURS TO LOVE AND TO GIVE! M. Gonsalves. Mr. & Mrs. John Murray, Mrs. Harrington, Joseph Harrington, Dr. & Mrs. Robert Horan, Mr. Raymond NormandiIi, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harrington. the life of a DAUGHTER OF ST. PAUL. love God more, and give to souls knowledge and love of' & Mrs. George Kates, Mrs. James Neves, Mr. & Mrs. Francis· .. Mr. & Mrs. James Hayden, Mr. God by serving Him in a Mission which uses the , . & Mrs.·M. F. Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. Aloyse Koch, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald O'ponnell. Press. Radio. Motion Pictures and TV. to bring Lewis, John Luby. . . Mr. & Mrs: Cyril O'Leary, L. C. Higgins, Mr. & Mrs. Ed-' His Word to souls everywhere. Zealo,,"s young Mr. & Mrs. Robert McHugh, Helen O'Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Dan- . ward Hurley, Margaret Jones. girls. 14-23 years Interested in this unique Mr. & Mrs. James T. Mosher, Mr. iel O;Neill, Ita O'Neil, Mary Margaret & Catherine Judge, . Apestalate lila, write to: . & Mrs. Joseph Mundorf, Veron- Peckham. Mrs. Gertrude Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. IEVEREND MOTHER SUPERIOR . ica O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tb~ ~eers Family, Mr. & Mrs. F. Kennedy, John Kenney, Mr. &: . DAUGHTERS Of st. PAUl Osborne. kseph Perry, Mr.'&; Mrs. James Mrs. Leo Kenny. 50 ST. PAUl'S AVI. BOSTON ••.. MAII. Mr. & Mrs. 1'. Pec:eini, Mr. A Pittman, . Francis POW~rS" Mr. & Mr·. &; Mrs. Gerhardt Kob4w,
Introduce Bills To Help Private School Teachers
Servicemen Attend, Retreats in Korea
'f1[; AI'!': , ..., ... ~ .' Thurs., May 31, 1962,
Mrs. 'Mary e.Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Morris Simms," Manuel ~ollza, ()rlando' Souza, Ervin Spach. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Sy~via, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Sylvia, Mrs:: Angelina Vargas, Mr. & Mrs. Vasco L. Villela" Mr. & Mrs.' William Wanat, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Sylvia & family.
$50 Mt. Carmel Woman's Club' $25 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Frates' Mary A. Perry River · Augustus Silva ST. LOUIS $20 : Maria S. Amaral $50 · Mrs. Hilda Freire Mr. & Mrs. William F. Whalen, Jr.. Mr. & Mr!!: Oswald Castro , Mrs., Maria C. Ferro $25 ,$15 The Hanrahan family Mr. & Mrs. John Perry $50 · Mr. & Mrs. Edmund J. Sylvia St. Louis Women's Guild Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Nichols $25 . $12 Mayor & Mrs. John M. Arruda Mr. & Mrs. Joao Silveira In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Mary P. Costa Thomas J. Conroy $10 Margaret R. Sullivan Mr. &: Mrs. William Baroa, $20 Mathew Bettencourt, ·Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Ann Walsh Tuttle Fernando Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Caetano, Candida Patrick Garrity Canto. Children of Mary Sodality, Joao $15 J. Costa, Mr. & Mrs. William Irene Reynolds, Frank & Costa, Jr., Natalie Ferreira, Mr. Betty Shay. & Mrs. George, Furtado. The DeMeo & Partridge FamiMr. & Mrs. Enos Gonsalves, lies 00"' Evelyn Hendricks, Mrs. Mariana $12 The Creigh family Hendricks, Mary Hendricks, Mr. & Mrs. Shirley H. Jernigan, Jr. $10 Mr. & MrS.,Manuel Jordao, Mr. Mrs. James A. Benson, Eliza& Mrs. Charles King, Mr. & Mrs. beth & Margaret Bushell, Mr. Richard King, Antone Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. William P. Clarke, Mr. & & Mrs. Joao Mascarenhas. ' Mrs. Joseph Domingos, Mr. & LITTLE KNOWN ART: Thomas W. Meara of Conneaut, Ohio, is a metalsmith who Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Jose Cabral Manuei Ferreira. Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. specializes in the little known art of refinishing and replating sacred vessels and liturDavid Grace, Mrs. Catherine Michael, Mr. & Mrs. Francisc'6 gical items for Catholic churches. For 14 years he has been kept busy reworking metal Hill, Mr. & Mrs. John Lee, Mrs. C. Moniz, Mr. & Mrs. Frank pieces for the Youngstown, Columb~s and Cleveland, Ohio, dioceses in addition to the Manuel Mendes, Mrs. Alexander Moniz, George Moniz. I Murray. Fernando Neto, Aziolina Oli_ Diocese of Erie, Pa. Meara, who handles over 400 items a year, must have special writMr. & Mrs. Edward F. veira, Mr. & Mrs. E. Pacheco, Mr. ten permission of each diocese in order to work on the sacred vessels. NC Photo. Murphy, Lillian & Etta Murphy, '& Mrs. Antone C. Page, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Anth0Il.Y Rebello, Mrs. Aires -Pereira. Mr. & Mrs. John Furtado, Mr. Pendergast, Vincent Peternel,' J. Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Lussier, Lina Mary E. Ryder, William & IsaMr. & Mrs. Raymond Perry, & Mrs. Arthur Desroches, Mrs._ J. Powers. Raymond, Orner Gaudreau & belle Tierney. Shirley T. Perry, Dule Querim; Edwin Popielnicki, Mr. & Mrs.' Paul Reusch, Howard Ricket- family, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred FarMr. & Mrs. 8harles Bevilac- , Carlos Russo, Joao M. Silva. I qua, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Black, ,James Emerson, Mrs. Myrtle son,' George Riendeau, Janet land. Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Silvia~ Billington. Riley, Mrs. Louise Riley. Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Lafleur, Mrs. Joseph Botelho, Ronald Joseph Silva, Mrs. Maria Espin..: Mitchell Sojka, ,Joseph Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lariviere, Mr. Botelho, Mrs. Elmer Broadbent. Mr. &'Mrs. Joseph Gonsalves, ,01a 'Silva,' Mr. & Mr,s.' Andrew : Walsh-Porter Family, Mr. & Mrs:, Mrs. Fred Sullivan, Herbert & Mrs. Thomas McKenna,Mr. June Camara, In Memory of Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Souza: George O'Neill" Mr. & Mrs. Louis Thornton. , & Mrs. Harry Sears, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cassidy, Mr. & Mrs. . Mr. & )\'Irs.,l,\f~nuel Souza, Mr; Boulet, Mr. &' Mrs. Ralph BucaLeopold Laperriere. Arthur Costa, Mr. & Mrs. RayI It Mrs. Victor ,Souza, Mr. & Mrs: mond Cote, Mr. & Mrs. Nathan 'ST. ANNE ' Mrs. Armaine Fournier, Mr. & fusco. Joseph P. Sylvia, Manu'el Sylvia; Mrs. Ma'rcel Morency. , DeMoranville. Mrs. Umbellina Smith,Henry ,Mr. & Mrs. LO,uis Vasconcellos. ' Fortier; Mr. & Mt:s. Raymond '$15 " Mr. & Mrs. Gaston Dufour, Jr., Rev. Roger J. Levesque . ST. JOliN TliE BAPTIST Mr. & Mrs. )ohn Vieira, Pa\1l- . Verorineau, Mr: & Mrs. Paul Mr. & Mrs. Charles Estrella & ., in~ Vogildo, Mr, & Mrs., Thomas, sOn,.Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Flores, $50 , . .$150 Frey, Mr. &" Mrs. Sylvester' ~I.nn."",. "," , Mr. & Mr,s., Adrien Desrosiers, In' Memory of Charles F. Var- , Ka.therinEi" ,.Gillespie, Ida HarMaloney, M~; & Mrs.:Adelard, St. .' In Memory, of Deceased-C.R., Onge. rington.· , ' Sodalities of St. Anne's Parish. 'gas Manuel Amaral, ,Jr., Manuel Margaret Kehoe, Mr. & Mrs. $25 $100 Andrade, Adeline 'Arruda, Mr.-& Henry Lopes, 'Mr. ,& Mrs. .. '. HOJ;.YNAME-Mr: & Mrs: Maurice Levesque, . Mr. & Mrs: Manuel J. Soares Mrs. Americo Arr~da. , . , ',' Stephen Magill, Mr. & Mrs. $500 " ' St. Anne's Credit Uunion, Lu- , $50 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bettencourt,: Rev. John iI. Hayes cille' Lebeau. ' Attorney Edmund Dinis, Mr.. Lawrence 'Moniz, Gertrude MulMr. &'Mrs: Walter Boduch, Mr~ &, , $150 $20 & Mrs. William" McGraw, Dr. len. ,Mrs. Ernest Cardoza, M;r. at .Mrs, ' ,Mr. & Mrs. John Rowe, Mr. Children' of Holy Na'me School Mr. Theodore Lariviere, Mrs. Joseph 'P. Ponte, Attorney & .Joseph, Caton, 'Mr. & Mrs., An-, .& Mrs. Wilfred St. Michel, Mrs. , ,. ,,' ,', $50 'Laura Lemlin, Mrs: Cordelie Mrs. Joseph Vera. ' tone Correia. Genevieve Sheehan, Mr. & Mrs. " ~nonymous Langlois; Claire Dumont. $40 Mr. & Mrs. Jose ;Po ,~lizarda;: 'Lawrence Silva, Mr. & Mrs. $30 " . $15' Mr. & "Mrs. C.Motta Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Encarnacao" Arthur SIinas.' , Francis Kennedy Attorney' : & Mrs.' Ulysse' :' $35" Mr. Jtr; Mrs. Jacintho S. Ferro, . '$25 Auger, Mr. ,& :Mrs. Rene Fon. Attorney &. Mrs:' George, P. , Mr. & Mrs. Frank Skammels, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferro, Noe' Jobn Whitty. ,Mr. & Mrs. John J. G~b~ons, tli~ne, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fon- Ponte. Ferro.. . , Jr.' , 'taine; Gabrielle & Bernadette ,$25 ' OUR LADY OF TliE ANGELS Mr. & ,Mrs. John ,Frias; Aida-' , Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wilson C~Yer. 'Dr': Ernesto A. Balla & family, r~na Garcia, Raymond, G~rcia,! $20 ,$12 Mesquita Pharmacy, Mr. & Mrs. $30 'WIr. & ..Mrs. Tobias Gasper, Mr. &, ..Arthur n. Bancroft, Sr.;Ste~Mr; & Mrs. Armand Bolduc . Paul Rezendes;' St; John Holy . Rev. ErneBto R. Borges , Mrs. Nicholas Gigante. ' '. ", $25' ph-en Cavanaugh, Wilbert Divis, ~ .$10' NilmeSociety, Kttorney & Mrs. t:»,,' ,Mr. & Mrs..Joseph Gomes, Mr.. ! Alan J. Moriarty, Mr. & Mrs. 'St: Anne's Sodality, Mr. & 'Aritone'L: Silv>a; Mrs: Frank 'G. Holy Name Society " Mrs. Manuel A. Gomes, Mr. &. Gerald Moriarty.. $10 ' Mrs. Raymond, Guerette, Mr: & Silva. Mrs. Edwin GOUlart, Mr. & Mrs., " 'John' Penderg;ist, 'Nathanitli-,' Mrs. Alfred 'SiCard, Mr. &: Mrs. " . .' $iO . Fr'ancis'Aguiar, Manuel Costa, Edward Li~~,. Mr. & Mrs, AII.- Stewart:' MahlonBurdge,' Mr. & Mrs., . Mr:' & Mrs. Raymond. Cock- Deodato Ricardo; George '1:0,tone Macedo, Jr. '.'" $15, ,', Alfred' Mailhot.: shutt, Alice Gonzales, Liberty' nelli, John Silva:. Mr. &. Mrs. l\oIanu~I'Ma<:~do, i Mrs. Williain' Atchison, Mr. &' ,'Mr~ & Mrs. Edward Rcis~, Mr. Market, Mr.', at:' ,Mrs. Serafim~ - "Edward Casemiro, Joaquim., Antone Mathews, Mr. & Mrs: Mrs'. Eric i(Erickson, Stephen & Mrs. Arm'and De'ssaint, Marie, Mello, Madeleine Souto. Costa, Antonio Carreira,' Manuel' Joseph Mello"Mt. Carmel P,T.A.:, , Markey, Laurent ,Trahan,:&, Lebeau, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Le- , 'V..lhO. '. $15 Almerinda Paiva. , , Family:, . ,'- , beau,' Mr. & Mrs. John Sylvia, ,Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferreira, · Manuel Paiva, Manuei ~apoza" ' ST.ANTliONY $12 - ,,Jr. I Jr., Dr. & Mrs.', Albert" S. Luiz, Manuel 'Rapoza, Joao Ribeiro OF TIlE DESERT Maurice Bourque, 'The Boisclair family" Mr. & : Mr. & Mrs. Albert Simmons. Family, Mr. & Mrs. Francisco , '$10 ',. Mrs. Ernest Caron, Mr. & Mrs., ' $11 $25 Rocha, Jr. ...' Mr,' & Mrs. Einer' Anderson,: John Townley, Mr. & Mrs. Ber. Mr. & Mrs. Dimiel T. Vieira· .. , ..Mr. & ,Mrs.. Edwin Rodriques, Mr: & Mr:s.Thomas GaUti Gerald Anthony, Jr:, Francis 'mird Gauvin', Mr; & Mrs. Arthur , $10 , Mr. & Mr!!. _Henrique Rogers, Aylward, Antoine'. Balthazar, Blain. i' $15 'Mr'~ & Mrs. Gil Amaral, Mrs. Blessed, M;other Guild, Holy Charles P. Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Er- .John Barlow'. . . , . Mr: ,& Mrs. John Vessella, Edwin Brock, Mr. & Mrs. Frank n'est Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel RaymondBo'swell~.. Charles- Mrs.' James Pettey,' Mr. & Mrs. j. Burgess, Mr.' & Mrs. Manuel Name Society, Holy Rosary So" Tavares Mary Tavares, Mr. & Bowen, Mary Brogden, yordon. Thomas Sharples, Mr. & Mrs. F. Cardoza, Dr. & Mrs. Antonio ciety. $10 Mrs. George Viegas, Mr. & Mrs. Curt, Charles Caten. ' Joseph Moniz, Mr. &,Mrs. Daniel deCastro. ' Children of Mary, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald'Viera. ,Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Cruz,' Mrs. Frank Cleveland, Jere- Sullivan. I miah Coughlin, Mary L. Cough-' Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Carignan, Mr. & Mrs. Aibert Davidin, Mr. John A. Monsour, Mr. & Mrs. ST. MARY lin, 'Mrs. Ma~y Dalton" Alice' & Felicina, Mrs. Florina & Lor-' & Mrs, Bernard Dutra, Mr. & James T~ Khoury, Mr. & Mrs. $500 Dorgan. raine Fortin, Suzanne Des-, Mrs. Ma~uel Encarnacao, Alice Alfred J. Nassr, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Howayeck, Mr. & Mrs. Rev. Bernard H. Unsworth Anna Dorgan, Kathleen Dow;'; chenes, Ernest Berard, Mr. & Fagan. . $15 ney, James Flanagan, Stanley,p. Mrs, Ernest Deschenes. ' 'The Faria & Lewis family, Mr. Tofe Joseph. Rev. Kenneth J, Delano Gorczyca; Francis E. Harringson. Mr. & ,Mrs. Normand Cayer, & Mrs. Frank' Ferreira, The $25 Patrick Harrington, Maureen, Dr. & Mrs. Louis Perra, Mr. &' Leighton' family; Mr. & Mrs. R. A. WILCOX CO. Clement Damicone I Kennedy, Mrs. Margaret Ken- Mrs. Roger Ouimet, Mrs.' Alma Joseph Masse, Mr. & Mrs. ErnMr. & Mrs. John Vickers i ney, Therese Kreider, Donald Grace, Mr. '& Mrs. Albert est 'Meades. OFFiCE FURNITURE The Shea Family, Lajoie. , , Beauregard. , ' Mr. & Mrs. Antone Medeiros, ID Stock for Immediate Delive., Mrs. Richard Hawes Roseanna Laplante" Raymond ,Mr. & Mrs. Frank Chartier,' Lydia Pacheco, Mrs. Arthemesia • DESKS , . . CH~IRS I $20 Lavoie, Louise MacKay, Hormi-:- Mr. & Mrs. Charles Payette, Mr. Perreira, Mrs. Gilda Perez, Mr. ' FILING CABINETS ' Mrs. Benjamin Wesgrzyniak das Marcotte, Joseph F. Marshall. & Mrs. Henri Aubut, Mr. & ·Mrs.: &' Mrs. Emanuel Perry. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Martinez, ,Lucien Brunette, Mrs. Leo & ' Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Perry, • FIRE FILES • SAFES Mr. & Mrs. Tadeusz Swiszcz ,Manuel J. Martinez, Albert May- Louis Proulx. Perry The Florist, Mrs. Lily IFOLDING TABLES $10 . all, Nicola Morra, Wilton Mowry. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lavoie, Sr., Mae Pettey, Mrs. Mary C. AND CHAIRS Mr. & Mrs. Octavia Pragana, ' Kief Murphy, Margaret T. C. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lavoie, Jr:, Rapoza, 'St. John CYO. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Reddy, Mr. Murphy, Joseph McCormick, Mr. Felix F 0 urn i e r, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. William R. Serpa, & Mrs. Joseph Campbell, Mr. & Bernice McGrath, Francis Oliver. Yvonne Lariviere, Jeannette Ernest Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Frank 22 BEDFORD ST. Mrs. Joseph Andrade, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Doris Palmieri, Mary Fournier. Silva, Leopoldina Silvia, Alice FALL RIVER 5·7B38 Albert Poulin. , Pendergast, Mr. & Mrs. William Mr. & Mrs. Humberto' Cruz," D. Silva. <;}
,Fan River
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. May 31, 1962
Jesuit Scientist Gets Fun&$
$1,000 Rt. Rev. John J. Kelly $50 Rev. John P. Driscoll Rev. William F. O'Connell
W~SHINGTON (NC) - A JeSUIt is one of three scientists from Catholic institutions among 185 per~ns given postdoctoral fellowships for advanced study an? research b! the National SCIence Foundation here. He is Father Frank R. Haig, S.J., of Woodstock (Md.) Col-
St. Vincent de Paul Society $50 The Lynch Family The Tyrrell Family $35 John Neary
!F@e' Research lege, who will be helped by the foundation to pursue studies in physics at the University of Rochester, N. Y. The foundation is a quasigovernmental agency distributing Federal funds in an effort to strengthen research efforts tn the basic sciences.
, $ i;dldeMSnt·eM
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lowney & Family Anne & Marion O'Hearn $25 Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Bagley, The Thomas H. Cahill Family, Mr, & Mrs. Jerome Foley, Katherine Harrinfton, Mrs. Winifred Hasprey, Mr. & Mrs. George A. Morgan.
The Foster Family, Mr. & Mrs. William Massey, Edward Murphy, Mr. & Mrs, William Patten. $15 The Frechette Family, Mr. & Mrs. James Glynn, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Hasprey.
Mrs. Lillian Barbelle, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bates, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Boivin, Edward Bowden, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Brochu. Joseph & Mary Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Connell, Mr. & Mrs. James Cooney, The Cunningham Family, Mr. & Mrs. William Dempsey. Mr. & Mrs. James Donnelly, Mrs. John Driscoll, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Dube, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dupont, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Foley. Anne Ford, A Friend, Mrs~ Rita GriHin, Mary Kelly, Constance Lynch. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGuUl, Mr. & Mrs. Michael McMahon, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Manville, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Margarida, John Marum. Mr. & Mrs. William, Sr., Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel Mattos, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Miller, Mr. & Mrs. William Molloy, Mr. & Mrs. William Murphy. Mr. & Mrs. George Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Oliveira, Norman Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pacheco & Family, Mr. & Mrs. C. B. Pineau. ' . Mr. & Mrs. Francis Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sheahan, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Slater, Ann Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs: Frank Sl,Illivan. Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan, Mr: & ~r!l. Floriat).. 'l',ru.d~lle, .Mr. &:" Mrs. Edward Tyrrell, Mrs. Frank Ward, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred ZygieL .. ,, , HOLY ROSARY , '$MO" Rev. Joseph R. Pannon! , $75 Rev. Vincent F. Diaferio
Mr. & Mrs. Frank O'Hearn & James $12 Frederick Hayes
I .
$12 ..
$100 In Memory of Robe!'t E. New.;. $10 bury Mr.&: Mrs. William Butler., $75 Joseph Lynch, Mrs. Mary Mills, :Rev. Robert L. Stanton Mrs., Agnes Tanguay; ,Mr. & Mrs. $25 Edward Regan., Immaculate ConceptiOn Holy Helen Shea, Mr; & Mrs. John Name Society, Mr. & Mrs.Jame., F. Mulrooney, Margaret G. Dis-, , Clement ' . kin" Mary.Maleady" Harriet $Ii $25 ' Wingate. , Dominick Sperduty Mr: 8i Mrs. Dennis Patota Mr. &: Mrs. John McTague, Mr. , $10' '$15 &: Mrs. Walter ,Torphy, Mrs. Mr. &: Mrs. John Burgess, AIT'he Furgiuele Family Bernard Harrington, Mr. ,& Mrs. bert' Kern, Gregoris & Gilbert . $10 Joseph W. Kennedy, 'James Calara, Mr., & Mrs. Thomas W. James ~Cava" ~T &: ,Mn. Massey. Doyle, Edward Hennessey. ' Carl Mello' Family, 'Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Moriart3l, M. W. Kozak, Albert Gagnon, Emo Bertoncini, ·,Mr. & Mrs. Rose E., & Margaret A. -Welch, .. Michael Casilli"Marietta Colucci The Biello family, The Clifford Jane H. Sullivan, Jean Spellduty, John Albernaz. & Family. family! Mr. & Mrs. Jeremial!l., John V. Aguiar, James MCMr. ~ Mrs. John Conforti, Lowney. Carthy, John Coelho, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dagata Family, Councillor, John Sullivan, Laura Crosb)l" Frank Borges,' Manuel Leitao. & Mrs. Edward Dolan, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs: Edward Betty, Mrs. Reynold Enos, Mr. & Mr.s.' Mrs. P. A. Emile Durand, Mrs. C. HinchcliHe & Mr. & Mrs. No~_ Robert St. Pierre, Albert LarAlbert J. Roy. man Rigby. rivee, Henry Ethier, Mr. & MN. Lewis Sarti, Mr. & Mrs. John Mrs. Lillian Turcotte, George Sousa, Frank Stetkiewicz, Holy 'E. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Absalom 'Adrien Ravenelle. Lawrence Stone, WWi'ed De..', Rosary C.Y.O. Sutcliffe, John Ryan, MI'. &: MN. mel'S, David Bixler. Frank J. Barresi, Frank '1'. Frank DePaola. Barresi, Teresa Bertoncinl, AlMrs. Virginia Sullivan, D0ro8'1'. MICHAEL bert J. ,D'Ambrosio, Ern~t Di- , thy Kirby, Agnes E. Daley, ~. $a5 Giammo. OObert Coroa, Gilbef'lt OliveDa & Mrs. John Dutra, James Dace~ The Ferioli Family, The Itai$20 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dev~~. Ian Progressive Club Mr. & Mrs. Mary Shea & Helen G<>ff, CharDr. Joseph Carvalho William J. Leary, James Patri- lotte Kiley, Mr. & Mrs. Frank $14 celli. Joseph ~rrien Duffy, Mr. &: Mn. Francis Dup$10 ras. ST. MATHIEU Joseph Rego, Mary Carvalho. James Martin &: femiit', llrf!NI. $10 Mary O'Brien, Mr. &: Mrs. Antonio Lindo, Robert GreenMr. &: Mrs. John Cabeceh'a8, Harold C. Nagle, William halgh, Manuel Rebello. Mrs. Romeo Dufour, Dr. & O'BrIen, Mrs. Margaret Duffy. babcl Capeto, Walter DA Mrs. Paul Lambert, Alphone Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dussault, Henry Cardoza, Antone Crowe Levesque, Hector Ouellette. Mrs. Elizabeth F. Whalen, M1\. Souza, Michael Erickson. . Mr. & Mrs. Albert Roy.1\&. & & Mrs. Virginlo Lawrence, M1\ Noel Medeiros, Manuel '.l'rota, Mrs. Edmour Thibault. &: Mrs. Charles B. Cavanaugb, Antone Rego, Manuel Paive" Manuel Silvestre. Me. &: llb& H~ It. 1 ~
Rib Roast
ST. MARY CATHEDRAL $400 Very Rev. Arthur W. Tansey $50 Mr. & Mrs.' Lawrence Coyle, James F. Diskin.
Mr. & Mrs. Edmond ~vesque, ,Mr. & Mrs. Hadley Lackey, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph O'Connell.
Pot Roast
~ET UP-TO-DATE IDEAS: Modern trends in food preparation was the theme of the first diocesan food service workshop for Sisters held in Louisville, Ky. Michael Palmer, with cake, demonstrated baking preparations to Sisters representing 14 orders. Next to Chef Palmer is Brother Herman Zaccarelli, C.S.C.; founder and present director of the Food Research Center for Catholic Institutions in Bridgeport, Conn. NC Photo.
Mr. & Mrs. John Duggan, Leo M. O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Doolan, Mrs. Robert Shea, Mr. & Mrs. William Bowler. Mr. & Mrs. WaIter Lancier., Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cavanaugh,' Mr. & Mrs. James Soares, Mr. & $30 Mrs. Rene Larixiere, Mr. & Mrs. ' The Lavagnino' family Charles Wood. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McCann, Rose & John Rogan, Mr. & Mrs. Agnes O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Anthony Perry. John W. Toulan, Mr. &: MI'8. $20 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rey- John O'Connor, Mr. & 11&& nolds, Margaret A. &:' Thomas F. Jonathan Munroe: Edward Darcy, Patrieia SulKennedy, The Falvey famil~ livan, Mr. & Mrs. MarkA. Sul:Patrick & Theresa Flynn. livan, Mrs. Mary Roy, MN. $15 Lillian O'Hearn, Mrs. Angela- Elizabeth McCullough. Mr. & Mrs. Henry, Urban, Mrs. Wingate, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Martin, Mr. & Mrs. William White, Mrs. Francis Powers, Mr. & Mrs; Leo James O!Connell &, Catherine Leary, Mr. & Mrs.. Henry Rocha, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Sayward. O'Connell. Mr. & Mrs. Maurice R. Gagne, Catherine Lynch, Mrs. Elizabeth McGinn, Mrs. Margaret Mr. & Mrs. Edward Saccucci, Britland &. Winifred Britland,' Mr. & Mrs. James Holleran, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Baldwin.' Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sullivan.
SHORTCUT 3A1 to 6th Rib.
yOUI'D...... (ome True with
'iSM '
• k'Assorted Bessie's ' 5 QT 1 00 Flavors BOTS • Fru I-t Drln
Pea Beans HOMB~~~ER'i,8
dexo Shortening 3C;.aN 73c ' .ne ,Mra. Filbert's 2' 1 LB SSC or Good Luck-Ws M argarl Crispo Fig Bars 2 ~:~49Q'1 B i r d s e y e Frozen' 5'- 80Z $1 I:. Beef, Chicken or Turkey Meat P·les Sweet Peas B~:g~~~ 4 P~~ 1.00 ' Birdseye 4 100Z $1 ,Frozen, ~KGS Brocco I·I 5 pears Facial Tissue DOVAlmes 4 ~~~~~ 89° -, 2' 1 5 SC M argarlne ' kS VO,", 1-14 AVAILABLE EA' 39 C00 k B00 'PKGS
Fruit Punch
26 GI GANI 41 C ,Detergent
Seasoned Salt
1'10 OI JAR
10 OI PKlI
w. 1 LB PKO
31' ,
"'" 10 OI CAN
6tf ;
6fl fabric Soften. A-PENN CLEAR
31' Floor Wax
Jane Parker large a-Inch '1 Ib 8 oz - Save lOc
Blueberry P:~ Pie
Fall I
, $250 Mrs. David W. Boland $200 ,Dr. & Mrs. 'Harry Powers $125 Dr. & Mrs. John C. Corrigan $100 ' Hector A. Mongeau, Mrs. Jo~eph E. Mullaney. $75 Rev. Donald A. Couza $60 May A. Leary $50 ' Mrs. Anthony Keramis, Mr. & Mrs. J. Burke Shay, Dr. & Mrs. Carroll Gettings, The McDonald family. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Shea, Dr. Margaret S. Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. John E. Connolly. $25 Chester Nuttall, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Chester Nuttall, Mr. & Mrs. William Mannion, Alice & Gertrude Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. George Flanagan. The Byrne family, Mr. & M~s. James B. Kelley, Jr., Mr. & Mps. William P. Grant, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Melker, Mr. & Mrs. - , Nicholas Mitchell. " Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Cummings,Mrs. Clyde A. Murphy. $20 Mabel Moran, Mrs. Frank Kingsley, Mr. & Mrs. Fred --Brissette.. ' Mr. & Mrs. ~~~us J. Mullaly,
Fan' Rivet'.
THE ANCHORThurs.; May 31, 11962.
SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS: Sister Mary Frances S.S.J., eighth grade teacher at 'St. Michael's School, Ocean Grove, reads the announcement to Roger Lizotte, left, that he has won a four y~ar scholarship to Prevost and a four year college scholarship and Susan Jenkinson who won a full'scholarship to Mt. St. Mary's Academy. The scholarships were given by the Union of St. John the Baptist of America. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Leary, Mrs. Honora Sullivan, Mrs. Joseph C. Giblin, Mr.' & Mrs. Frank Plichta, Mr. & Mrs., Raymond Phillips. Michael Lowney, Mr. & Mrs. T. Comiskey, Mr. & Mrs. Armando Andrade, Mr. & Mrs. John Kirkman, 'Mrs: William J.
MonaM. Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Luongo, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Theberge & Claire, Mr. & Mrs. John Johnston, Gertrude Kelly, Mary Smyth. Webb. Anne & Mary Hampston, 'Mr. & Mrs. Martin, J. Mc'Donald, Mr. & Mrs. C. F. Leo,. Alice Condon: nard. $12 ST. ROCH ,'Mr. & Mrs. Hebert Reid. $1141 ~ Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Fagan & Bes... Anonymous IIie Shay. $100 . $10 Rev. Reginald M. Barrette , Grace Sullivan; Mrs. James Eo $50 Sullivan, Mary C. Ward, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cote, Mr. Mrs. 'Bernard Sullivan, Mr. & lit Mrs. Antonio Coutu. Mrs. WaIter Warrener & family. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Crosson" Mr. & Mrs. Normand LevesMr. & Mrs. James Flannery, que, Mr. & Mrs. Romain SaulMr. & Mrs: William.Henry, Mr. nier. &; Mrs. Herbert Bennett, Mr. &, $20 Mrs. Vincent Johnson. Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Guimond Marie Rita Patenaude , Mary M. Crotty, Mrs. Daniel 1. Crotty, Helen E. Crotty, $15 Francis J. McDonald, Mrs. Irene Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Dansereau, Lavoie. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lapre, Mr. Marcella Regan, Mrs. Thomas, & Mrs. ,Roger Valcourt. Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. William $12 J. Aylward, Mr. & Mrs. George Famille du Dr. Pierre Crispo Nugent, Mr. & Mrs. 'Edward B.' $10 on ,...,owns. . Florence BouI lard, M r. & Mrs. , , Helen G. Law, Mrs. Alice C. Mario Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Romeo 'HarTington, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Charest, Mr. & Mrs. Emil Doherty, Raymon" Beausoleil, Cousineau, Mrs. Robert DesMr. & Mrs. William E. Harring- mond. ton. Mrs. Anna Dumont, & family, Shirley Cates, Mr. & Mrs., Mr. & Mrs. Leo Duquette, Mr. lames Kepple, William F. & Mrs. Donat Ferron, Mr. & ....:' Murphy, Edna J. Murray, D~. & Mrs. Julien Gamache, Mr. & Mrs: Bernard Cronan. Mrs. Philias Labare. Anne & Mary Kelly, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Herve Lag'asse, Mrs. Frank M. Coffey, Kathleen Mr. & Mrs. Herve Lamaire, Pearson, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Irene Levasseur, Mr. & Mrs. Mello, 'Kathleen Smyth.' p: 'rre Levasseur, Mr. & Mrs. , 'Margaret A. 'VIullaney, Wil- Maurice Lauzier. . iiam Nuttall, William, S. Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas MaItais, The Roberts family, Helen Roselyn Michaud, Albert MicKelley. ,haud, Maxine Michaud, Mrs. Yolande LaLib,erte, Mr. &' Dolores M y e r s . ' Mrs. William Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Alban McCallum, WaIter Neves, Anna Sullivan, 'Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Norman, Mr. & M rs. J ames C on I"m. din, Oliva Pelletier, Mr. & Mrs. Janice Farrell, Mr. & Mrs. Theo Picard, Mrs. Hector ReE. Farrell, Jr., . Mrs. Warren naud. Farrell, Mr. & Mrs. James Har- " St. Roch's Men. Guild, MT. & rington, Sarah Moran. . Mrs. Manuel Soares. ,Mrs. 'Mary M. Tavares, Mr. & 'Mr. & Mrs. Henri Berube, Mr. Mrs. Leo V. Gaffney, Mrs. M. & Mrs. Gerarc Fortin, Mr. & A. Connefy, Mr. & Mrs. J. J. 'Mrs. Paul Giroux. Sullivan. Mr. -& Mrs. Frank McGrath, SACRED HEART Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dion, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. ,James' $135 Lawlor, Bernadette Walsh. Dr. Daniel Mooney Mr. & Mrs. T. A. O'Donnell, $100 Mr. & Mrs. John Bailey, Mr. & Sacred Heart Parish Guild Mrs. William Hacking, Mr. & $75 ' Mrs. Andrew Duffy, ,Barrett ," Rev. William J. :Shovelton family: John E. Manning, M.D.' Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Reid, " ,$60 . Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Mikolazyk, Quinlan 'Leary' . Mrs. James T. Kane & family, $40 Raymond Coogan, Mrs. Joseph Thomas A. Synnott .,};., B. & T. Gertrude Flanagan. $25 Mr. & Mrs. John p~~nr, Jl)hn Margaret H .. Sullivan, MadeW. Cummings, Mr. & Mrs. Anline 1. Riley, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph thony Neves, Mr. & Mr: DaRocha, Lodivine LeMoyne, mond Monahan, Mr. & Mrs. Wi!Alice C. & Mary V. Harrington. liam Cleare. Mr. & Mrs. John L. Morgan,
John F. Coyle, Hannah Connors, Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Hughes & Margaret A. Hughes. $20 , Margaret Tolan, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Harrington. Edward J.' Fay, Helen P. & Margaret F. Cox. $15 James F. Darcy, Mrs. Mary & M argare t M orrlSS, . Mrs. M argare t D egnan, Ch arI es G agnon. ' Ellen O'Toole, Dr. Edward J.' Steinhof, Mr. & Mrs. George McCoomb; Kathryn Doherty, WaIte'r Furman, Kenneth'Sutcliffe. $12 Mr. & Mrs. Leo McShane RaYJIlond G: St. Pierre. $10 Mr. & Mrs. Ra~hnond J. McMullen, Sr., Mrs. Thomas Monahan& Family, Helen F. Loftus, Edward Harrington, Edward Joseph Maher. ' Margaret Kilroy, Catherine M. Trainor, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Lopes, Mrs. Edward Moran, Mr. & Mrs. , Roland ·L. Boulay. Mr. &'''--Mrs. Henry E. Boulds, Thomas J. Lynch, Sr., Margaret Ril~y, Thomas. Tolan, James J. Giblin. In Memory of Maurice F. Byington, Jennie Griffin, Richard E. Hennessey, Mrs. Mary E. SulHva'n, Anna Murphy. Mrs. Catherine Wallace, Hannah McDermott, Mr:, & Mrs. Joseph A. Dennis, Charles V. Morris, Margaret F. Lowney. Joanne 'M. DaRocha, Lillian' Guthrie, James T. Carey, Thomas White, Andrew J. Plocica. ' Franklin A. Murphy, ,Dorothy C. Sullivan, Walter H. White, Mrs. Douglas Chapman, Daniel J. Trainor. Joan M. Benjamin, Dorothy Audet, Mildred G. Audet, Mr.. & Mrs. Raymond Audet, Doris Audet. Loretta Audiet, . Muriel E. ,AUdet, Mr. & Mrs. Tnomas Stappleton, Jose M. Silva,Jr., Evelyn Kennedy. Mr. &' Mrs. Edward Sullivan, Mrs. Catherine Roden, 'Mary Worsley,' Gilbert 'Gifford. ' Thomas Grady, John H. Powell, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph' Swage, Albert A. Payer, Mr. & 'Mrs. Dennis F. Delaney. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Nestor. Thomas A. O'Brien, Raymond F. " Torpey, Edw,ard F. Rqgan, Owen M. McDonald. ,.', In ,Memory of' Wilfred F. ,'Baker, Catherine Murphy, Raymond Peloquin, Dorothy McLachlan, Helen Cavanaugh: .. John M. Simas, Jr., M. Alma Keavy. Genevieve Skammels, Mary Skammels, Roger N. Lach'apelle. . ' Mrs. Mary A. Leary, Arthur Andresen, Mary & Rose Riley. Arthur Pavao, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel V; Sullivan. Edward'Croke, John J. Furze, Mrs: Carl H. Anderson, James A. Heywood.
$25 Esplrito Santo CYO, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Oliveira. $20 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Vincent $15 Mr. & Mrs. Normand Belanger $10 Mr. & Mrs. John George,' Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Soares, Mr. & Mrs. John Nunes, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pacheco. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Perry, Mr. Antonio Morais, Mr. & Mrs. John Alves, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Camara, Mr. & ,Mrs. Joseph Antunes. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Mosher, Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Pavao, Mr. Antonio V. Miranda, Jorgina Farias, Mr. & Mrs. Benards. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Vital, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Carvalho. BLESSED SACRAMENT $25 A & W, Root Beer Drive-Ill (George J. Medeiros) $20 Mrs. Donalda Marcoux $15 ' Romeo Champagne $10 Emilien Levesque, Octave Jusseaume, Frederick Poitier, Err~st Brodeur, Marie-Louise
Remy. Charles ,R., Pela~au, Emile Laferriere &. family, Philip?e Levesql;le, Albert H. BeaudOIn, Albert Sorel. . , ' ,. Antonia. Bo;uiqu~, A~bert Surprenant. " " . ! • , ; ST. JOSEPH . $100 In Memory of Rev. Joseph P. Lyons $25 Frances P. & Mary R. Shay $20 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Trainor, Mr. & Mrs. Henry J\iunroe. $12 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Maurer, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kennedy, Margaret Turner. $10 Mr. & Mrs. William Collins, Mrs. Walter Gander, Mr, & Mrs. p'aul Boulay, Mr. & Mrs. Clement Dowling, Mr. & Mrs. Fran"; cis Geary. Rose Carrita, Mr. & Mrs. William Partington, Thomas Travis, Francis Mullaly, Mr. & Mrs. James Wilcox. . Mr. & Mrs. Owen McGowan, Mr. & Mrs. Luther Cunningham, Evelyn Finglis, Mr, & Mrs. Michael McNally, Heloise McMullen. Frank Austin, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wallace, Mr. & Mrs. Paul St. Sing.
FA'.d,·IiEit'S DA~ is JuNE 17th-JUS'! ',l:vtO W~JEKS FROM, 'NOW • • • ARE YOU WONDERING what to give your father
as a token of your love? ••• We sug· 'gest religious gifts, because religious ~. ,dO",\... gifts are ,best. They feed hungry tb';,~' children (the, Palestine Refugees, for (lI, '>:, ~ Instance), comfort doleful lepers (at ~ fA our leprosaria in India), help educate boys who are deaf and dumb (at Father Roberts' school in Harlssa, Lebanon). 'They train native Sisters for mission work, provide chalices and altar stones for mission chapels, , Tht Holy PaM MiJsion AitI; .....in brief, keep the missions alive . 1M fht Orimfl1/ OJ/nTh • • • What gifts could' please your ,.. father (or God, our Father) more? ••• When your father receives the FATHER'S DAY GIFT CARD you teli us to send, he'll kno'~ that somewhere, in his name, 'the work of the Church goes on. lIIe'll know that, thanks to you,he has, a hand in the work of Christ; that he is benefitting spiritually • • . Religious gifts are selfless gifts; they're best for ,fathers on Father's Day.
t<t.;1> ' , UJ/ Ilo
OUR FATHER'S DAY GIFT CARDS ARE ATTRACTIVE, ARTISTIC, INDIVIDUALIZED. They make it easy for you to shop ... Simply select a gift from those we 'have mted below-and send us, with your donation, your father's name and address. We do all the rest. We send your 'father a FATHER'S DAY GIFT CARD promptly. explaining , what have you done ... HERE ARE SOME GIFTS TO SELECT FROM: ' '0 MEMBERSHIP IN THIS MISSION AID SOCIETY. The help your donation gives the missions is mostnecessilry: the benefits . your father will receive, Incalculable. Dear Monsignor: Please enroll 0 my father, I 0 me, 0 family. • Name .•••••..••..•••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Street
. 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • •i
City Zone .••. State ..•••,•• : •• ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP 0 INDIVIDUAL ($1) 0 FAMILY ($ln PERPETUAL' 0 ($20) 0 " ($10l»
'0 A STRINGLESS GIFT. Your donation, marked "Use this where it's needed most," wUl buy shoes for Sisters, a desk or 'books for a mission schQol,-or be used In one of a hundred ways.-'-We'll send your father a GIFT CARD, at your request. 0' A SACRED ARTICLE FOR A MISSION CHAPEL. For years to come these articles will serve God and souls,· in your father's name: VESTMENTS ($50>, a MONSTRANCE ($40), 'CHALICE ($40). CIBORIUM ($40), TABERNACLE ($25). CRUCIFIX ($25), STATIONS OF THE CROSS ($25), CENSER ($20), SANCTUARY' LAMP ($15), ALTAR LINENS ($15), SANCTUARY BELL ($5). 0- THE HOLY SACRIFICE FOR YOUR FATHER. Whether he is Iiving or deceased, our missionary priests In the HOLY LAND will offer the Masses you request for your father promptly. FOOD FOR A "FAMILY OF REFUGEES. The Palestine Refugees (Arabs exiled by the Arab-Israeli War of 1948) live In refugee camps In LEBANON, JOR1?AN. ~YRIA, and GAZA. They need: food, clothing, medicine, a place to sleep . . . TO ,FEE~A REFUGEE FAMILY FOR A, M(>NTH, COSTS $10 ..• To sIlow our thanks to you, we'Ii send you an Olive Wood ROo ,sary from the Holy Land. CLOTHING FOR A MISSION SISTER. The Religious Habit .she wears costs $12.50; her shoes, $51 her incidentals, $7.50 a .year. " .
.I \
Westport. ,r:':~' :," f",' ST.'Q£OltGE ., I
, Jlf*
$a':6rg~ ·.Dutra ~f
Thurs., May 31,
'$10 Mr. &: Mrs. Vincent Zemier, Mr. & Mrs. J. Leo Abrain, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Soroka, Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Deslauriers, Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Rose. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Mendoza, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Compos, Mary Sullivan, Mr. &: Mrs. Frank Gracia, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lawrence. Anna Dutl'8, Mr. & Mrs. William Fleming, Robert Gracia, Mr. & Mrs. William Benevides, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sousa. Mr. & Mrs. Fiori Dattolie, Mr. &: Mrs. Frank Dutra, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Parchesco, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Magan, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Morrison. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Martin, Mr. & Mrs. David Dupont, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cash, Mrs. Mary Enos. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Hebert, Mrs. Frank Torres, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Dutra, Mr. & .Mrs. Joseph Carei, Mr. & Mrs. oIohn Alves.
"'31 1962 ,
Asserts Rupture In Chrr;~t;anity Slowly Healing,
LlMolnPark . , '. $3~ , Rev. Lorenzo H. Morais, $200 George Considine BOWLING GREEN (NC) $50 -Slow healing is takiD1! Emmett-P. Almond place in the' rupture of $35 T. Rudner Kennedy Christianity, Father GustaVE' $25 Weigel, S.J., told a Bowling William Bessette & Florence, Green State University religious David H. Butler, Faida Carrier, emphasis program audience. Edmund Kelley, Oscar Lariviere, Hostility among Christians has Mary & Veronica Newett, Ednot disappeared entirely but it win J. Smith, Stevenson's Resis on the wane, said the Jesuit taurant, Donald Sylvain, st. priest, who is a consultor to the Vincent de Paul Conf., Thomas Vatican Council's Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity. J. Wilcock. $20 The theologian said the linl*" Albert & Rene Blais, Joseph that represent Catholicsanri A. Grenier, Donald Pittman. Protestants are in process 0 'MAN OF THE YEAR': Father Albert J. Nevins, M.M., converging, that they now have $15 right, editor of Maryknoll magazine and retiring president a diagonal slant and at som£' Eliodore Allard, Richard Munroe, Michael' O'Gr~dY, Daniel of the Catholic Press Association, receives the CPA "Man unforseeable time in hlstor3' Ring. of the Year" Award from incoming pres~dent Floyd E. sh6uld meet. Evidence of the $12 converging is to be found, hE' Anderson. Richard Cardinal Cushing, looks' on. NC Photo. said, Lester T. Brightman, Gideon in areas of the liturgy. DesRoches, Charles Doran, HerBiblical studies and theological CIU:!lt!IMllm Mrs. Camille Desrosiers, Mr. &: dialoges. bert Foisy, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene , Edgartown Mrs. Armand Dupre, Mr. & Mrs. Laplante, Daniel J. Slattery. Protest Materialism HOLY REDEEMER SACRED HEART Valmore DuBreuil. $10 Father Weigel said since 1945 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fredette, there has 'been a cry of protesi~ $50 Luccille T. Aguiar, Florence $200 St. Elizabeth's Guild Mrs. Antoinette Glennon, Mrs. against materialism, raised by Mr. & Mrs. Hobie Tompkins Allen, August F. Arruda, John Dolores Inman, Mr. & Mrs. thinkers of the West, includlnl; . $35 . Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Guida C. Avila, Henri Bacon. Corrine's 13eauty Shop Harry Kummer, NJ.:r. & Mrs. T. S. Eliot, Graham Greene, Al$25 Adelard Baillargeon, Wilhel$25 Charles LaFleur. Mrs. Myron E. Douglass, Mr. &: mina Baptiste, John Barros, dous Huxley, Jacques MaritiaJl, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Doyle, ConMr. &: Mrs. Norman Lebeau, Etienne Gilson' and others. Allpio Bartholo, Homer Beaup- Mrs. Frank Flaherty, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Sullivan, Alice B. Dob- nor's Market, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mr. &: Mrs. George Manny, Mr. As to a response, Father Wei-arlant. Berube, Mr. & Mrs. Ellsworth &: Mrs. Leopold Meunier, gel said, political organization~ Joseph R. Bercier, Wilfrid byn Nickerson Lumber Co. Mr. & Mrs. John Roderick, Fisher, AI's Package Store, Jean Yvonne Morin, Mr. & Mrs. Jean are incompetent to deal with thr Belisle, Dr. John W. BermingBritcher. Plante. han, David Black, Alfred Borges. Mrs. Orick Young. question of God, and ignore it $20 ' Aline Robidoux, Mr. & Mrs. in debate. They are not to bf' Alphonse Bourbeau, Rosalina $20 Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel Thomas, Adrien Rock, Mr. &: Mrs. Louis condemned for this, said the Cabral, Charles Callaghan, WilMr. &: Mrs. John Roy, James Edwin Lopes, Mr: &: Mrs. George Rousseau, Mr. & Mrs. William priest, but rather praised. liam Carignan, Gilbert Carmel. Griffin. Lane, Mrs. Esther Johnson, Silver, Mr. &: Mrs. Ovila John Carter, Jr., Mrs. Dori. "God's chance of becoming im$15 Vanasse. Chace, Richard Centrecchio, portant in secular society is ven' Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred Bowles, Mr. Roland Authier. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Begnoche, slight' indeed," he said. "The Raymond Cogswell, Wilbura &: Mrs. Joseph Casey, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Ahern, Pat- Eugene Castonguay, Mr. & Mrs. total environment of Moscow or Correia. Frank Parsons, Mr. & Mrs. Freericia Brown, Mrs. Teresa Brown, Donat Cote, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Paris or New York is not the James M.· Craig, Norbert man.Philllps, Jr. George T. Silva, Harborside Dufresne, Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene kind of environment that will Crothers, Roger Couture, Crown $10 Liquor Store. Grenon. Laundry, Inc., Daniel Cunha. render'the stuff of reality transMr. &: Mrs. Richard Sylva, J. Harborside Inn, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Eloi Levesque, Jr., parent." Dartmouth Upholstery, Nor- Thomas Haley, Mr. & Mrs. man DaSilva, Jose DeMedeiros, Thomas DeFr~end, Nickerson Frank C. Mello, John O'Neill, Joseph Lizotte, Mrs. Bl-~~he Once, he said, the old sailor Maynard, Mrs. Richard Rogers, saw a loving God behind thE Alden DeiVIoranville, Alfred J. Funeral Home, Mr. & Mrs. Ed- Mary I Madelros. $10 Mr. &: Mrs. Roger Sauve. wind, but now it becomes hard Desmarais. Ferreira. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Metell, Robert A. Dias, Leo Romeo win for a national family to have Mr.&_Mrs. Paul Soucy, Mr. Mrs. Clara Cushing, Mr. & Mrs. Dubreuil, Walter Filipek, Oliver Peter Skipper, Mr. & Mrs. John Mrs. Mary Paul &: Laura Paul, & Mrs. William A. Tremblay, this sort of experience or perMr. & Mrs. John F. Madeiros, Mr. LorraiiH! Vanasse. sonal encounter. Fitzgerald, Francis X. Flynn. Gilrein, Mr. & Mrs.. George Samuel B,. Ford, John Fre- Skipper, Puritan Clothmg Com- & Mrs. Thomas Flynn, Mr. &: Mrs. Edwin Bettencourt. chette, Edward Gailigan, Jule. pany. Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Fuller, Mr. Gauthier, Amedee Goulet. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Eldridge, AlAlan Grimshaw, Lewis J. fred F. Wilmouth, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Eugene Belisle, EdgarHamer, James Hanrahan, John George J. Kimely, Mr. & Mrs. town National Bank, Mr. & Mrs. William Brown, Colonial Inn. J. Hayes, Warren Healy. MIAMI (NC)-There are only during the April, 1961, invasiOll Arthur Kenny, Sr., Chatham Deitz & Meekins Inc., Edgar- about 120 priests in Red-ruled of Cuba are at El Principe PrisoJl Thomas Heron, Jr., Holy Furniture Store: town Cafe, MVCO-Op Dairy, Cuba to minister to some six in Havana. They are: Father Name Society, Karol Kawa, F. Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Thomson, Goddard Kennedy, Francis L. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Zibrat, Mr. Depot Corner. Service Station, million people, according to a Tomas Macho, S.J.; Father IsInc., Edgartown Drug Co. Kennedy. priest who arrived here recently mael Lugo, O.F.M. Cap.; and &: Mrs. Andrew R. Doyle, Mr. &: Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Mello, Jeanne Kennedy, Roland B. Father Segundo de las Hera!!, Mrs. Alfred Durkee, Tennance Mr. & Mrs. Joseph White, Mr. from Havana. Lamarre, Joseph T. Lavallee, The priest, who asked that his S.P. &: Mrs. Ernest Campos, Albert Autele Ledoux, Philias Leduc:. Burns. name be withheld, said the Four are imprisoned on the K. Sylvia, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Wil- clergy shortage is so critical in Isle of Pines: Father FrancillOO Lionel Levesque, James 1'. liam Wilcox. Loftus, Arthur E. Magnant, Cuba that the remaining priests Lopez; Father Jose Ramon Oak Bluffs William P. Silva, Mrs. George have received permission from Fidalgo, O.P.; Father Luis Rojo Thomas Makin, Robert Maltais. Jackson, George Willoughby, the . Holy See to offer four Seljas, all Spanish-born; and SACRED,HEART Norman Marceau, William Mr. & Mrs. Charles Madeiros, Masses on Sunday and two or Father Reinerio Lebroc MartiMarcelino, Henri F. Martel &: $200 Mrs. Ruth Robinson. family, Oscar J. Martel, Raythree Masse~ on weekdays. He nez, a native Cuban. Rev. James E. McMahon Mildred Mercier, Mr. &: Mrs. stated that up until a year ago, mond Michaud. Father Lebroc is in isolation $100 Herbert Mercier, J. Axel Hog- when Premier Fidel Castro orKenneth Moore, John MorrU, and is forced to sleep on the· A Friend lund, F r e e man Willoughby, Roy Mullen, Joseph Muscarella, dered the expulsion of foreign- floor of a small cell. He is 'n~ Rev. Louis J. Joseph Theodore P. Henley, Sr. Robert J. Neville. born priests, there were some permitted to receive visitors. Our Lady of Lourdes CounIrene B. Henley, Gertrude 700 priests stationed in Cuba. John A. Niznik, Mrs. Louise Forty priests are in Havana. Hartney. Pacheco, Robert Parent, Mrs. cil No. 4631' K. of C. The exiled priest gave this But in the Province of Cama$50 Ronald Perrier, Howard Platt. further account of religious con- guey, where the largest number Sacred Heart Guild New' Bedford Emily Porter, Richard Rebone, ditions in Cuba: of Catholic churches is located; Holy Name Society - Oak John J. Reilly, Thomas Richards, .SACRED HEART there are only seven priests to Seven Imprisoned Bluff.. & Edgartown Roland Robillard. $50 Mr. &: Mrs. Henry Corey Seven priests are still impris- serve a million people. Interior Decorators, Rossi Mr. &: Mrs. Normand Seguin St. Vincent de Paul Socletyoned by the Castro regime, but Katherine Rusin & Sons, $20 Thomas Ryan, George St. Mar- Oak Bluffs & Edgartown Mr. &: Mrs. F. Omer Grenon, the faithful are free to worship A FAMILY TIEAT • tin, Rene St. Martin. $35 . Dr. &: Mrs. Jean-Paul Grenon, without harassment. T h r e e James Sherrington, AdeUno In Memory of Deceased Mem- Mr. &: Mrs. Frank Kutis, Rich- priests who served as chaplains BAR-B-Q CHICKENS Simas, Adolph Sivik, Frank . bers of Family ard Nerbonne. Sylvia, Franklin Sylvia. ' $25 $10 William E. Sylvia, Leo Tardl, Rose M. Peardon Mrs.. Amedee Abrain &: RoRenri Tetreault, A I P h 0 0' II e A Friend land, Donat Audette, Mr. &: Mrs. FARMS : Therien, George J. Thomas. M. V. Insurance Agency, Inc. Roland Auger, Mrs. Anna Bar1415 Washington St., Fairhaven Dorothy Thompson, Mrs. Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred Metell 870 BROCK AVENUE bero, Mrs. Yvonne Bouchard & Just off Route 6 Roger Tougas, Christopher Mr. &: Mrs. James Bowler Charles. New Bedford, Mass. WY 7-9336 Townsend, Howard Tripp, Mrs. Marie A. Cornell, Mr. & $20 Honore Vaillancourt. Watch for Signa CAU WY 2-5112 Mrs. Delmas DesLandes, Mr. & David J. Vincent John Vescuso, Edward Viera, While out for a Drive $10 REPAIRS AND FREE Edward Viera, Kenneth Walker, Mrs. Raymond Billings, Mr. &: Louisiana K of C. Stop at this Delightful :~o~ PICK UP DELIVERY John T. Ward, Major Wheelock. .....~ ~ Edward Wojnar, Robert Wor- Mrs. William Norton, John D. Support Hierarchy Sylvia, Nelson J. BeBettencourt, den, Joseph Zajac. LAFAYETTE (NC) - The Giordano's. . . Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Bergeron, Louisiana State Council, Knights Richard Frost, John DeBetten- of Columbus, at its 57th annual Dighton convention here unanimously court. ST. PETER Munro's Restaurant, Mr. &: adopted a resolution backing the Mrs. Manuel Coutinho, Mrs. Ev- Catholic Hierarchy in the state $175 erett Robie, Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. in the school integration issue. Rev. William O'Reilly The resolution did not men, AND $50 . Regan, Anonymous--A Friend. Mrs. Mary B. O'Brien, Mr. & tion the racial situation directly Arnold Hoffman &: Co., Ioe., Mrs. Everett Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. but noted that the Hierarchy Dighton Nursing Home. .John J. Madeiros, Mr. &: Mrs. "has been subjected to attacks $25 • GENERAL TIRES • DELCO lilAnERIES criticisms by some lay CathDr. &: .Mrs. Charles M. Souza Frank Simmons, Mr. & Mrs. and olics" which "unfortunately • PERFECT CIRCLE RINGS Merion D. Ameral. $20 Eugene Costa, Mr. & Mrs. have been widely publicized Mr. &: Mrs. Norman K. Smith, FAll RIVER NEW BEDFORD - HYANNIRS - li\lEWPORT through the press, radio, televiDr. Rose Borges, Mrs. Paul Hor- Charles Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Meresion and other news media." dith Fisher, James Rego, CYO. ton. U
Cuba Suffers Critical Shortage Of Priests;' 120 Serve 6,000,000
t ...... ......
THE ANCHOR-Diocese .
of Fall River-Thurs. May 31., 1962
, .
Legion of Mary Marks .Diocesan Decade • of Service·