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t eanc 0 VOL. 29, NO. 22 ,



Where did all

the Catholics go?

By Jerry Fllteau

NC News Service

Where did all the Catholics go? It might seem they were lost in a puff of paper smoke but that's not really the case. When the 1985 Official Catholic Directory figures were re­ leased May 22, they showed a net decline of nearly 107,000 in the total number of U.S. Catholics. ' But the Boston Archdiocese alone lost 172,000 and said virtually all of it was due to "more precise information­ gathering and reporting." The state of Florida, despite a general population growth of about 250,000 and creation of two new dioceses, showed a net loss of 227,000 Catholics. Virtually all of it was due to the decision of the Miami Archdiocese to shift from esti~ mates to parish registration figures 'for its method of report­ ing. The New York Archdiocese showed a net loss of 76,000 Catholics between its 1984 and 1985 figures, but sociologist ,Father Philip Murnion said he had told the archdiocese several years ago that its published figures were about 160,000 too high. These (Catholic population estimates) should be done in color rather than numbers - they're artistic creations," said the priest, who heads the New York archdiocesan Pastoral Life Conference Across the nation, a ,large number of dioceses reported exactly the same figures for 1985 as for 1984 for general population, Catholic population or both. Of those that reported changes in Catholic population, most reported an increase; for example, Los Angeles, 187,581; San Antonio, 65,687; Denver, 62,637; and San Diego, 44,782. Only a few dioceses reported declines. But the declines reported in Florida, Boston and New York show how drastically national figures can be skewed in any given year by accounting changes in a few places. In Boston, from 1979 to 1984, the reported total popula­ tion of the archdiocese - Catholics and non-catholics - had dropped more than a third, from nearly 5.8 million to less than 3.7 million. ,But in the same period, the reported Catholic population had gone down only 80,000, or 4 percent - from about 2,016,000 to 1,936,000. Thus Boston's 1984-85 loss of 172,000, while the general population had dropped only another 20.000 during the year, represented a paper catch-up on the declines of several years. The decline has been much more gradual, but the old system was not picking it up," the archdiocese said in a pre­ pared statement explaining the new figures. In Florida, the sudden shift in figures was partly hidden by the fact that in 1984 two new dioceses were created from parts of three existing ones. In 1985 the new diocese of Palm Beach, Fla., reported 103,000 Catholics, the new diocese of Venice nearly 117,000. But their combined total of almost 220,000 did not match the combined losses of nearly 500,000 by Orlando (20,000 down), St. Petersburg (78,000 down) and Miami (398,000 down). Father Gerard LaCerra, Miami archdiocesan chancellor, said the archdiocese estimated it lost "21 percent of our'Cath­ olic population" to the new dioceses. But Miami took the split as an opportunity for "bring­ ing ourselves into accord with the practice of the other Florida dioceses," he said. Until then, he said, the archdiocese had used general population figures and techniques of projection to estimate its actual number of Catholics. Starting with the new set of statistics, he said, Miami is using for its official Catholic count only those actually registered in archdiocesan parishes. Father Murnion said that for the most part, Catholic population figures "have only the most general relationship to reality" and should not be used as hard scientific data.

$8 Per Year

Thousands attend • conSIstory

Agca I)roves' confusing • WItness ROME I(NC) - Mehmet Ali Agca, the Turk who has accused seven others of plotting with him to shoot 'Pope John Paul II in 1981, disrupted the second day of ,a conspiracy trial May 28 by rtfusing to testify arid shouting, "I am Jesus Christ reiricarnate." It was the second time Agca referred to himself as Christ. In a rambling talk to the two judges and six jurors, Agca said he was announcing "the end of the world." He said the shooting of the pope, for which he is serving a life sentence in Italy, is "tied to the third secret of the Madonna of Fatima." He also said he had told the pope, during their 1983 meeting in a Rome prison, about religious visions he had had. . The Case against the defend­ ants is based largely .on what Agca told -Italian investigators during a two-and-a-half-year probe, so his credibility is ex­ pected to be a key issue in the trial, which could last several months. Shortly after the trial of the five Turks and three Bulgarians opened May 27, Agca first shout­ ed to journalists that he was Jesus Christ. Two hours later, he took the witness stand and told the court that he should be considered a "completely sane, rational and rather intelligent" witness during the trial. "I have a great mental . flexibility," he added. He called the shooting, which seriously wounded the pope, the "greatest tragedy of human his­ tory." Agca then began to tell the court how he obtained the gun used in the shooting from a fellow Turk, Omer Bagcl. But his brief testimony was cut short by technical difficulties with microphones. When the trialresul1led the next day, Agca again took the stand and said in a loud voice: "In the name of the omnipotent God, I announce the end of the world. I am Jesus' Christ rein­ carnate. In this generation, all the world will be destroyed." Those who would describe him as "crazy," Agca said, should "meditate" on the fact that "the pope came to my celL" Agca said he told the pope during their meeting that "God had made me see in a vision the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, the Ascension." Turn to Page Two

Red hats for Ne"r York, Boston VATICAN CITY (NC) - An e()timated 20,000 people gathered in St. Peter's Square under sunny skies May 25 to watch Pope John Paul II confer red birettas on 28 new cardinals from 19 nations in what was believed the first con­ sistory to be held outdoors. Visitors came from numerous countries, but the group which delighted onlookers most was the cOlltingent of Africans who, wearing native dress, danced up the aisle to the sounds of drums and elephant tusk horns to take their place at the ceremony. Later, the group broke out in high-pitched, vibrating sounds of joy for the two African prelates who were named to the College of Cardinals - Cardinal Francis Arinze of Nigeria, head of the Vatican Secretariat for Non-be­ lievers, and Cardinal Paulos Tza­ dua, archbishop of Addis Ababa and Ethiopia's first cardinal. Americans loudly cheered their own as Cardinal Bernard Law, archbishop of Boston and Car­ dinal John O'Connor, archbishop of New York received, one after the other, the biretta - the square hat with three ridges which is a symbol of their new rank as princes of the church. The ceremony climaxed an eventful week in Rome for pil­ grims from the Fall River dio­ cese. Led by Bishop Daniel A. BISHOP DANIEL A. Cronin, who was accompanied CRONIN delivers the hom­ , by Msgr. John J. Oliveira, epis­ ily at the annual baccalau­ copal secretary and chancellor, they included Mrs. James A. reate Mass at Stonehill Col­ O'Brien Jr" Boston province di­ lege, North Easton, a few rector of the National Council of days before he departed for Catholic Women and a director Rome for installation rites of the Diocesan Council of Cath­ for Boston's Cardinal Law olic Women; Mrs. Anthony DCCW Fall River Dis­ and 27 other prelates. The Geary, trict Council president; Father bishop and others from the John F. Moore, Anchor editor; diocese who made the trip and Miss Rosemary Dussault, Anchor business manager. returned this week. A re­ •..



port on the May 25 consis­ tory ceremony is at right. It raised the number of car­ dinals to 152, the highest ever. Of them 120, the maxi­ mum permitted number of electors, are under age 80, thus eligible to choose a pope.

The latter two arrived in Rome early to assist members of the Boston archdiocesan communica­ tions office and staffers of The Pilot, the archdiocesan news­ paper, in setting up a press office at Casa Santa Maria in downtown Rome, the graduate residence of the North American Turn to Page Eight



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THE ANCHo"R:""Diocese of Fall, River-Fri., May 31, 1985

.836 seniors earn diplom~s Ceremonies honoring this year's, 836 diocesan high school graduates will be held at three schools on June 2 and at two schools on June 4. 475 girls and 361 boys make up the class of 1985. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will officiate at all ceremonies with the exception of that of Holy Family High School, New Bed­ ford, where Very Rev. John P.. DriscolI, VF, pastor of St. Law-, rence Church and director of Holy Family, will preside at exercises to be held in the church. The Holy Family speaker will be Father Edward E. Correia,

chaplain at St. Luke's Hospital, New Bedford, and a 1960 Holy Family graduate. Normenia Matos is valedictorian and Gary Hathaway is salutatorian.

, At Bishop ConnolIy Hfgh . School, Fall River, the gradua­ tion speaker ~iH be 'Dr. Theo­ dore Sizer, chairman of the de­ partment of education at Brown University. The valedictorian is Roger Gaudreau and John Amar­ ello is salutatorian, Maura Detorie wilI be vale­ dictorian at Bishop Feeha'n High School, Attleboro and Patricia A. Arciero will be salu~atorian. At Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, senior class president Sean Fitzgerald will address his fellow graduates. Top students at Stang are Mar­ jory Gomez and Kathleen 'King, A baccalaureate Mass will be v ATIGAN CITY ~NC) - MiIi­ celebrated at 11 a.m. graduation ,tary service should be seen as a' day for seniors at Coyle and ch'ance to help build peace, not Cassidy High School, Taunton, as a meaningless interruption in Both' the Mass 'and graduation life, Pope John Paul II told a will take place at St. Mary'S group of Italian soldiers 'last Church in' that city, with Father week.' , ' Richard M. Roy, school chap­ lain, as Mass 'celebrant and Individuals should help bring Father George Coleman, director a "Christian identity" to the mili­ tary, the P9pe said in a talk at of the Diocesan Department of the Vatican. Military service, he Education, as graduation speaker. The Coyle-Cassidy valedictor­ said, finds its "best explanation" ian is Steven RawliJlgs and Jan­ in "the defense and promotion na Murphy is salutatorian. of peace, !?oth internal and inter­ A summarY of program details national." follows: Christians should not "con­ , , sider military service as a paren­ • 'Sunday, June 2, 2 p.m.: Bish­ thesis, accepted perhaps with ir­ op Stang, 129 girls, 80 boys. ritation, to be forgotten as soon • SuJiday, June 2, 7:30 p.m.: as possihle," because for a Chris­ Bishop Connolly, 85 girls, 72 tian, there "cannot be spaces or boys. periods that don't make sense," • Sunday, June 2, 7:30 p.m.: the pope said: • I Holy Family at St. Law­ Such service is also more than rence Church, 36 girls, 24 a time of "personal growth," the boys. pope said. The serviceman, has a social role, too, as "a builder of , • Tuesday, .june 4, 4 p.m.: peace, even when he must de­ Coyle and Cassidy at St. fend it by discouraging injustice Mary's Church, 941 girls, 57 or agression." boys. The morality of -the soldier's • Tuesday, June 4, 8 p.m.: profession, the pope said, is tied Bishop Feehan, 131 girls, to the ideal of service to peace. 128 boys.

Military service can build peace


POPE JOHN PAUL II took a moment during his recent trip to the Netherlands to ~ith a local boys' choir. (NC Photo)

Tithing still works, say New Jerseyites

lives" is the' w~y one speaker something special. We got the describes the program. "r don't strength to carryon and accept feel it would work as well if it ' the proble~s ,w!li~h our Lord had were imposed from the t~p given us,'" '" down." He asked listeners to tithe, Some participants tell of the "and see that God will not be good fortune they're had since outdone in generosity." tithing. Others speak about mis­ The project has come to be known as the Gerry McKenna Tithing, the old' custom of fortune, but also of their in­ Tithing Program, named after contributing 10 percent of one's creased ability to handle it. one of the original four speakers. Jim Holland spoke matter-of­ income to the church, has been making a comeback in the state. factly about his eight children, Shortly before his death in 1984, three of whom have neurological McKenna, 76, said, "I am of In February 1977, four parish­ disorders that left them with- ' course del'ighted with the fin­ ioners of Immaculate Heart of out the use of -their arms and ancial success in all of the par­ Mary Church in Wayne, where' legs. Then one of his "h~lthy" ishes where we've spoken, but titbing had already been suc­ children developed leukemia and it's the spiritual fallout that is cessful, visited Most 'Bl~ssed Sac­ died' within six months. really most important." rament Church in Franklin and "Tithing is not a gimmick or The parish he visits in the spoke movingly of their experi­ tithing program arranged for him a financial investment. It is a ences with ti,thing. Two weeks 'and his family to be sent to the way of relating to -the Lord, a later Most Blessed Sacrament's shrine at Lourdes, France. "Oh, concrete way of saying we trust collections rose by 50 percent, no miracles were performed," in God enough to let go of even and within a year they had he sa'id, almost as an after­ what we seem to need," said doubled. ,thought, "but my family did not Father Richard Rento of St. Word of 'the parish's success leave Lourdes without feeling Brendan's Parish in Clifton. spread and today the tithing progra~ has grown to 16 two­ speaker ,teams that have spoken ai more than 200 churches in seven dioceses. Sunday collec­ Continued from Page One The Vatican had no comment tions at 'the churches have risen The pop~, Agca said, "did not May 28 on Agca's remarks. 70 to 140 percent - a combined say, 'you're crazy.' " Prosecutor Antonio Marini increase estimated at $25 million "I ask the Vatican to reveal said after Agca's two outbursts per year. the -third secret of the Madonna on successive days of the trial "God gives me :the entire ,100 of Fatimll'," Agca said before that he had "no intention of ask­ percent/' said one speaker in the being quieted by the presiding ing for a psychiatric test" for program. "What's the big deal judge, Severino Santiapichi. tie Agca: He refused to comment about giving him back 5 per­ refefl:ed to reported apparitions further on the matter, cent?" of the Virgin Mary near Fatima, Giuseppe Consolo, however, a Modern -tithing programs rec­ Portugal, in 1917. defense lawyer, said he was not ommend that 5 percent of in­ Agca then refused to answer surprised by Agca'~ behavior. come be given to the church, questions, saying he was await­ while 5 percent can 'be donated ing a "response" from the Vati­ "He'll say many such things in to other charities. can. filture days and future months. The program's success is par­ "If the Vatican contradiCts I'm sure the court will soon see tially attributed to its grassroots me, I cannot do anything, I can- ' Agca for what he is - a liar approach. "Ordinary people lis­ not continue," Agca said. He did with psychological problems," he tening to other ordinary people not make clear why' he expected said. saying what it's meant in their a Vatican "response." MORRIS PLAINS, N.J. (NC) ­ Jay people are repair­ ing CathOlic churches' in north­ ern NevF"Jersey~' but 'not with bricks a~d, mortar. Their tools are inspirational talks and the recommendation that parishion­ ers practice tithing.


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celebrate jubilees

Two priests serving the dio­ cese' are celebrating anniver­ saries. Marking his silver jubilee May 28 was Father Roman Chwalis­ zewski, OFM Conv., and on June 5 Father Evaristo Tavares will also celebrate his 25th anniver­ sary of ordination. Father Tavares Father Tavares, pastor of S1. Anthony of Padua Fall River, parish, since 1981, is a native of Candelaria, . on the island of St. Michael, Azores. The son of the late Jose and Mariana (Silva) Tavares, he completed studies for the priesthood at the Semin­ ary of Angra and was ordained June 5, 1960, by the Bishop Man­ uel Carvalho. He was appointed associate pastor at Our Lady of Lourdes parish, Taunton, after coming to the United States later that year. Father Tavares has also served at S1. Anthony's, Taunton; St. Michael's, Fall River; Immaculate Conception, New Bedford and Our Lady of the Angels, Fall River. He was a director of the

New Bedford area pre-Cana con­ ference. A Mass of thanksgiving will be celebrated by Father Tavares at 4 p.m. June 23 at St. Anthony ot, Padua. A ,reception will follow at White's restaurant, Westport. Father ChwaIlszewski Pastor of Our Lady of Per­ petual Help parish, New Bedford, since 1982, Father Chwaliszew­ ski, a native of Chelsea, was or­ dained May 28, 1960,at S1. Mi­ chael's Cathedral qn Springfield Un.til 1979 he was a teacher and administrator at Cardinal O'Hara' High School in Tonawanda, N.Y., and for seven of those years was assistant regent of studies for his province. Other assignments were assistant pastorates dn Riverside, N.J. and at Holy Rosary parish, Taunton. Father Daniel Pietrzak, OFM Conv., minister provincial of the Franciscans will be homilist at a thanksgiving Mass to be cele­ brated by Father Chwaliszew­ ski at 4 p.m. Sunday. Franciscan Fathers will concelebrate. A re­ ception at the eVnus de Milo rest!lurant in Swansea will fol­ low.


The effort began after CRS re­ ceived a request from its office in Ethiopia for 560,000 T-shirts for children age 2 to 16, accord­ ing to Beth Griffin, CRS com­ munications coordinator in New York. "It would have cost over $1 million and we couldn't find anybody to donate aU of that," she said May 9. "So we went to USA for Africa," the group of musicians who produced the hit album and single, "We Are the World," to raise money for the starving ·in drought-stricken Africa. She said Marty Rogol, execu­ tive director of USA for Africa, contacted MTV and the network agreed to broadcast the appeal for three or four weeks. "We''(e asking people to send a serviceable, colored T-shirt," Ms. Griffin said. 'lIt's the most practical thing a kid can wear.

It's culturally acceptable in Africa, it's unisex." To get things started, MTV has promised 1,000 MTV shirts, Ms. Griffin added. If CRS !I'e­ ceives more donations than the Ethiopian office needs she said the extras will 'be distributed in other parts of Africa. Catholic Relief Services has arranged to receive the .T-shirts at its warehouse in Cranbury, N.J., which processes about 8 million tons of clothing each year as part of the CRS clothing drive, according to Ms. Griffin. She said eRS hopes to get volunteers from New Jersey parochial shools to sort the T­ shirts. She sees it as a youth­ helping-youth project. T-shirts may be sent to CRS Warehouse, 24 Melrich Rd., Cranbury, N.J. 08512.

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Honor the Immaculate Heart of Mary

T-shirts for Ethiopia

NEW YORK (NC) - Catholic Relief Services has joined forces with MTV, the music television network, to provide T-shirts for children in Ethiopia.




Practice·the devotion of the five First Saturdays This devotion was requested by Our lady of Fatima on July 13, 1917, when she said: "God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. "I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of reparation on the first Saturdays. If people listen to my requests, Russia will be converted and there will be peace." Then again, on December 10, 1925, Our lady appeared to Sister lucia, one of the children of Fatima, and told her the following:



.. :

· ·


"Announce in my name that I promise to assist at the hour of death with the . graces necessary for salvation, all those who on the first Saturday of five con­ secutive months, shall

1. Go to confession and receive Holy Communion,


2. Recite the Rosary, 3. And keep me comp'any for a quarter of an hour while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary 4. With the intention. of making reparation fto me."

· ·

To practice this devotion, you must fulfill the requests of Our Lady, doing so in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart o.f Mary. Confession may be made during eight days before or after the Communion. (Courtesy of the Third Order of St. Francis. of Assisi, St. Hedwig parish, New Bedford, Mass.)


• •• oi.







THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 31,1985

the rrioorin~

the li~ing word

History's Caution The recent jingle and jangle by the Congress concerning aid

to the Nicaraguan contras has once again surfaced one of the .

most disastrous blind spots afflicting American pQlitical


Regardless of the internal difficulties of the extreme position and the emotional rantings that have gushed forth from the,

. Congress, it is imperative ,that we not. fall for 'the ploy that,

Communism has somehow changed its directions an~ purpose.

With the advent of a new and'somewhat younger ,Soviet

premier, many peopie, especially those in the media, are pro­

claiming that things hav~ changed. They w6uld have u~ believe

that Russian goals and objectives have beenr~thought. ,

, In their hope for change, they have somehow forgotten that, 'some realities are immutable. One they should, remember is

that the Communist Manifesto has riot been amended.

. ' Proof of this should be obvious, even tothe'many who are

.indifferent to Russian influence and controUn-,Cuba and Nica­

ragua. The'tnigiC'warin Afghanistan, 'the tyra:nny of a divided'

Europe, the puppet governments of Angola and Ethiopia, the

plight of Russian Jews and the countless prisoners in Siberia

are but a few areas of international concern flowing ,directly,

from the implementation of Communist objectives. yet few

voices today wish to challenge these and other t,otalitarian

situations that are part and parcel of the overall Russian

picture. " ,

What is deplorable in the mad rush to support the Sandi- '

OiStil goyernment is the obvious disregard of past and present

Soviet ambitions. The longstanding injustices that have been a

hallmark of corporate capitalism in all of ,Central ,and South

America will never be resolved by the tyranny of Russia. All

one need do to confirm this. is to. look at the present puppet

governments of the Soviet Union. From P<;>land to Vietnam,

Red dictatorship has brought only ptilitary dorpination lipd

loss of personal freedoms'. ,,' , ..,

How can 'any thinking member of Congress, ~elieve things

w,ill ch~nge "md~r s~IP.ilar tyrants in Central America? Why are

NC Photo the American media so determined to sell short the objectives


their own government is attempting to implement?

it is more than important, as we stdve to,s~~k peacef~l and.

justifiable solutions'in international affairs, that we do not let

'To me, to live is Christ.' Phil.l:21 ' the cause of the moment blind us to hard reality. In some' matters, we so often have been overwhelmed by media force'

that we place moretrusrin a Russian presence in' the Western '

hemisphere than, we d6 inan American resplve to uphold the

fundamental principles,of a democratic society: (, -

." . ':.' . ." . The w~i'i1ing' of Pope :Paul VI ie~ains fully' valid' to.daY: Marxism a~ ac'tually lived poses ma~y aspects and' questions 'By Father Kevin J. Harrington board leading the' Holy Father pri~st lind a~ a bishop m~y have for people t,o reflec~ a~d act upon; Hpwev~r, thepppestated: One of the most significant docu- . into discussion of marriage, sexu­ ,uniquely q~alified him. t!> sense ality, the nature of vocation, the, their openriessto the fact that very thatit 'wouldbe,_~'illusoryand dangerous" to, accept Marxist, ments of Pope J~h~,Paul II's pon­ philosophy without recognizing its inevitability of leading to a : tificate is his 'Apostolic Letter to priesthood, r-eligious' life, and the little of value can be achieved the Youth of the W6rld. Through­ . need to bear witness to the culture without a great deal of effQ'.rt. complete 'tOfaiitarian state: " : ;, ~.-: , , out the documentthere is a'sense and toavoid'accommodatiori,with ' . My impression of t~e letter from '. , It is true that Marxist thought has becqrne'divided anqgiven' of optimism that reflects the posi­ secularismin the name of pluralism. the perspective of a pa'rishpriest is "~ris~ to variou,s divergent currents. However, itshouldbenoted: tive attitude'ofthe p'qpe towards that we expect too little of the It is forgivable that youth may young. Perhaps the rapid growth ' that atheism and the denial of the liberty, and rights of the' young people. not make this long and ponderous of the fundamentalist and evangel­ human,person are at the core of Marxist theory. We 'must see His message' is powerful and' document a best seller, but it would ical churches should 'be a clear sign thatthe Communist designs flowing from this theory contain: refreshing, ,but unfortunatdy; the be unforgivable if pari'sh priests , to us that youth hunger for both basic erro'rs which directly threaten the destiny of each of us. 15,OOO-word length of the letter did not .take time to read it, preach structure and sacrifice. will probably mean that only a We sh'ould not allow the impatience of the moment to blind handful ofyoung people will bother its ,contents from the pulpit and Too often youth ministry fails incorporate its teachings in their to achieve that tenuous balance be­ us to that fact. In our zeal to eradicate injustice and give birth to read it. Thus the call to Christian religious education programs. tween spirituality and recreation. to social reform, we should always make sure that changes will heroism sounded by the pope will It would be nothing less, than The pope was fond of spending a to depend for its propagation have not worsen matters. -As we struggle 1'0 avoid violence and tragic if dioceses did not try to ski vacation with the youth of his ensure peace, let us not mock the dignity of mail. with the on parish priests and those involved make the pope's letter as accessible parish in Poland, always being a in youth ministries; to the young as they have the U.S. illusion of false freedom offered us by Co'mmunism. priest to those who accompanied The'letter was dated March 31, bishops' pastorals. , him. It has been said'that he was at The Editor to coincide with a Vatican-spon­ There can be little doubt that ,



A. m~ss·age fQrour· you th

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue 675-7151 Fall River Mass. 02722 PUBLISHER Most R(!v.

EDITOR Rev, John F. Moore


A, Cronin, 0,0., S,T,D,


sored celebration, attended by almost a quarter of a million young people, commemorating the United Nations' International Youth Year. It was an extended meditation on the Scripture passage of the young man who observes the command­ ments but asks Jesus what else he must do to inherit eternal life. This was also the passage on which the' pope spoke during his rainy visit to the Boston Common over five years ago. In the letter, it became a spring­

the mass media have shortchanged our young people by bombarding them withimages reflecting a world that invites them to enjoy pleasure without any sense of responsibility. Near the end of his letter the pope chides thc;>se who consider the call to Christian service as directed solely to adults. Life is of crucial importance at every momen~as the pope realizes. _ Perhaps 'his rapport with young people that stems from his close association with them as a parish

his happiest when skiing the slopes and when celebrating Mass with his young flock. Jesus' encounter with the rich .young man' parallels in an uncanny way the papal letter's message to today's young people. Young Chris­ tians, no less thim all of us, must heed St. Peter's challenge to "al­ ways be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you." The voice of Peter calls to the young again, through John Paul


I .: \ ,

My apologies

In a recent Parade maga­ zine article, comedian Eddie Murphy apologized to homo­ sexuals, Lucille Ball, Red Skel­ ton, Jackie Gleason, and 'anyone else offended by his humor, par­ ticularly his use of earthy language. His open apology is worth con­ sidering for all' of us. I suspect we all offend others,' intentionally or otherwise, and wish we could apol­ ogize, but many of these people have passed out of our lives. Oth­ ers are strangers we may not even know we offended. And then there are those awful incidents of memory that still bring a flush to our faces years later because of an offensive act or statement of ours that embarrassed or hurt someone in our midst. Recalling them is a bit of purgatory. Apology is an act of reconcilia­ tion, which is a fundamental ele­ ment of our faith. If each of us were given a public opportunity to apologize, what would we list? I invite readers to reflect on their list. Here is mine. I would like to apologize to those parents of high schoolers I taught 20 years ago when I caused anguish and tension for them and their child by making a big deal out of a misbehavior which I've come to recognize as normal or insignificant. Having teens of my own, I realize that adult over­ reaction to a missing assignment or a silly behavior can increase family stress and unnecessarily

worry parents that their child is headed for the penitentiary. I am sorry for adding to this worry. I would like to apologize to my eldest child for putting so much pressure on the first-born - to crawl, to walk, to potty-train, to talk, and to behave like an adult at age two. By the time h~r brothe~ came along, I was more relaxed and when he didn't walk until 17 months, I was happy. Ijust dusted him off when I walked by. I'm sorry, Teresa, for some ridiculous expectations. I would like to apologize to all those unknown drivers that I've angered by switching lanes, dream­ ing through green arrows, and other inconsiderations. I wish we had a hand signal for "I'm sorry," but until we do, I don't dare risk offering my own for fear of its being interpreted as the wrong kind of finger signal. I am not that kind of person. I would apologize for asking a woman when her baby was due when she wasn't pregnant. I wish I could erase that ear-burniqg inci": dent from my memory forever. And to the woman who recently told me she was getting her degree at a college Ijust finished castigat­ ing for its low standards. I would like to apologize to all those people I meet who hug me and ask about my children by name while I can't remember theirs or, indeed, place them at all. I've

New ministries

Sometimes I hear the com­ plaint that there are too many new ministries in the church. Let's take just one area of ministry, religious education, as an example. It includes adult edu­ cation, youth ministry, sacramen­ tal preparation, ministry to the elderly .and the sick, bilingual and bicultural ministry, education for social justice, and much more. I have spoken with pastors who are overwhelmed by the number of meetings' required' to plan and execute the'tasks of each church ministry, as well as by the cost of supporting so many ministries. You can see why there is concern ­ even fear - over the proliferation of ministries. But although pastors are over­ worked and budgets often overex­ tended by the increase in church ministries, a look at what is hap­ pening in other institutions seems to indicate that the multiplicity of ministries is a sign of the times. Take alcoholism for an exam­ ple. It is easy to understand that the needs of alcoholics must be served. But today there is a new focus on the children of alcoholics. ' This reflects a deeper sensitivity of the effects of alcoholism. A recent Washington Post arti­ cle titled "Focus: The Children of Alcoholics," observed that there­ are 28 million Americans who have at least one alcoholic parent. The article pointed out how the child­ ren of alcoholics are at higher risk of developing alcoholism them­ selves. They also may be more prone than others to learning dis­ abilities, suicide and attempted sui­ cide, eating disorders and unhealthy overachievement.

When the children of alcoholics grow up, the article continued, they often tend to display several undesirable characteristics: the need to control everything and everyone; lack of self-trust and trust in others. Often they avoid intimacy !lnd spontaneity. The children of alcoholics can develop problems which stem from living with an alcoholic. Instead of seeing their home environment as the cause of the problem, they may blame themselves. Thus we see how research has led to the realization that the children of alcoholics have special . needs. As a result, some new cen­ t~rs and ministri~s are being estab­ lished to work with the adult children of alcholics. Alcoholism is a disease with ten­ tacles that reach out into every facet of life. Wives, husbands childre.n and their physical health: educatIon and psychological bal­ ance are all involved. . . Today we must reach out to all the victims. There is an ever-greater sensitivity to the large extent of the damage done by alcoholism and the need to repair it. I have gone into detail about the' adult children of alcoholics to indi­ cate that the church is not the only institution which is finding new needs that require attention. When the church creates new ministries, therefore, it is displaying sensitiv­ ity to the scope of people's needs. The newly established post of youth minister is another example of a development that has broad­ ened ministries. In the past, the church ministered to youth through C.Y.O., Boy and Girl Scouts, teen clubs and religious classes. But today's youth ministers have lent





, ' \ ",




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Riv~:r-Fri., May 31, 1985 By


To. serve ornot to serve?





given up pretending and now say "I'm sorry but I just can't come up with your name." For those who are hurt by this, I apologize. It is not as much an indication of your worth as of my overloaded and fading memory. Finally, I apologize for inter­ rupting, for unintentionally step­ ping in front of others, for judging situations before I know the full facts, for blaming others for my own bad mood, for intruding when I shouldn't, for being unrespon­ sive wh~n somebody needs to talk, for telling others how they' think and feel, and for not wanting to prolong a phone conversation.

Q. I am a jury trial judge and must dedde which prospective individual is guilty before the law jurors may be excused from serv­ Ing. Among the frequent excuses Is of the crime of which he or she is the dalm that Jesus said, "Judge accused. Those are two very distinct kinds nobody and you wlII not bejudged." Often It is asserted by Jehovah ofjudgments which not only jurors Witnesses, but sometimes also by but the rest of us need to keep Protestant ministers. Recently, to clearly in mind, Q. My question is very urgent my surprise, a Cathoilc woman told me the same thing. This lady for our family. Our daughter had was unique, since many Catholic an abortion without my prior know­ priests and nun~ have served as ledge. She was raised a Catholic and now wants to be married in jurors cheerfully and with dedica­ the church. Is this possible or Is she tion. (In our state no one is auto­ excommunicated? (Delaware) matically exempted from jury ser­ A. Under certain conditions your vice. Even former Governor Brown daughter could have been excom­ served on a criminal jury two years municated for procuring the abor­ ago.) Also, for insisting others read Could you explain just what tion, if she knew that an excom­ and enjoy an article or book I love, Jesus meant by this teaching and munication was attached to that for yawning when I shouldn't, for give me some Insight as to what I sinful act. It's unnecessary to explain de­ holding up lines while I stir up my might reply to people who Invoke tails, however, because whether purse to find a credit card, for this passage? (California) she was or not, when she was sorry expecting others to keep my car A. The passages to which you for what she did wrong and received gassed because I can't remember refer (mainly Matthew 7: 1 and the sacrament of penance, she can which side the tank is on or how to Luke 6:37) are always interpreted assume that the priest dealt with operate the pumps, and for being as warnings against harsh and self­ any canonical problems at that just generally imperfect. righteous criticism of others, not time. I'm trying to better but, mean­ against a clear and open stand on Once this happens she is a full while, I'm sorry. moral issues that affect society. fledged member of the church and Jesus himself teaches this atti­ as free and capable of marrying in tude, and in this he is in harmony the church as any other Catholic. with the whole of Old and New Questions for Father Dietzen to Testament tradition. From the an­ answer in this column should be cient prophets (one might particu­ addressed to him in care of Holy By larly cite Amos, Isaiah and Jere­ Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main St., miah) to the Gospels, God's people .Bloomington, III. 61701. FATHER have been told they must eradicate the injustices i,:, society that cause EUGENE injury, injustice and even death to the poor, the helpless and other innocent people. HEMRICK They must not, in other words, be neutral about what is happen­ VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope ing. They are commanded, not John Paul II declared Franciscan ~heir e~ergies to developing and only to condemn evil done to oth­ Improvmg the retreat movement ers but to do everything possible to Father Junipero Serra venerable among teens. And these ministers eliminate that evil from human May 9, moving the 18th-century. founder of 21 California missions not only minister to youth; they society. closer to beatification. work to encourage youth to minis­ Jesus stood clearly in the 'spirit "Venerable'" is the title allowed ter to each other through peer min­ istry. This is an area where needs of that tradition. The Sermon on . one whose cause for beatification once ,overlooked, or difficult to the Mount, the criterion for the has been accepted by the Congre­ meet 'are being addressed. The final judgment given. in Matthew gation for Saints. Beatification, hope behind new ministries is that 25, and numerous other occasions when a person is declared "blessed," we are growing in our ability to on which the Lord spoke of the is one of the final steps before responsibility to see that justice is being d~ciared a saint. respond tp others in a more pro­ Father Serra led a life "of heroic found and encompassing manner. guaranteed for a brother who is suffering unjustly, all indicate that virtue," the pope said, announcing he was not neutral to all this. Nor the advancement of Father Serra did he expect his followers to and five others toward sainthood Last year, Vatican officials had remain simply weeping bystanders. Obviously, therefore, Jesus did said Father Serra could be declared June 4 venerable by August 1985, the end not discourage every kind ofjudg­ Rev. Joseph P. d'Amaral, Pas­ tor, 1949, Santo Christo, Fall River ing in the passages your potential of the bicentennial year marking Rev. Louis J. Terrien, O.P., jurors invoke. The context shows his death in 1784. 1920, Dominican Priory, Fall River that while we must not be vindic­ Father Serra, born in 1713, was Rev. George Daigle, Pastor, tive and cruel, we must recognize a missionary to American Indians and help society recognize and put in the Spanish colonies. Hefounded 1979, Sacred Heart, North Attle­ an end to social injustices that the first Catholic mission in Cali­ boro seriously disrupt our human life fornia in 1769 at San Diego. In his June 5 Very Rev. Thomas J. McLean, together. 35 years of missionary 'work, he Pastor, 1954, St. Francis Xavier, It may help your jurors also to established 20 more missions and Hyannis recognize that in making legaljudg­ brought more than 5,000 people Rev. Msgr. Louis Prevost, Pas­ ments we in no way pretend to into the Cathoilic Church. tor Emeritus, 1970, St. Joseph, determine how that person stands personally with God. We have no New Bedford Infallible ~~- ...- - - - - - - - -..I way of knowing a person's deepest "Joy is the most infallible sign of THE ANCHOR (USPS·545-020). Second 1 Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass, Pub- sou and thus no way of knowing the presence of God." - Leon lished weekly except rhe week of July 4 and whether or how much that person Bloy the week after Christl:nas at 410 Highland is subjectively guilty of sin before Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the God. That surely is not ours to ; Catholic Press of the Di,",cese of Fall River judge. Subscription price by mail. postpaid $8.00 per The purpose of the court is only GOD'S ANCHOR HOLDS year. Postmasters send address changes to d . The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA to etermme, under proper instruc­ 02722. tion from the judge, whether the

Father Serra now venerable






. ·.tr·· THE ANCHOR-D,iocese of Fall River-Fri., May 31, 1985 t



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This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River EDlAI'S fALL llYER fEITEL8£RG INSURANCE AGENCY


Four Religious of Jesus and Mary who have close ties to the Fall River dioc~se will celebrate the anniversary of their pro­ fessions on Sunday. The sisters, now living at Regina' Mission Center, Adelphi, Maryland, have given a total of 220 years of service to the church. All were, at some time" in their .youth, educated by the Religious of Jesus and Mary. All took their vow~" at the community's provincial' ,house ,in Sillery, Quebec, Canada. Sister Mary Alfred Gelinas, a Fall River native, celebrates 70 years with the congregation. Re­ tired at 90, she was, among other assignments, cook at the former Jesus-Mary Academy, Fall River. The -three sisters celebrating golden jubilees were formerly teachers. Sister Eugenia Belcourt taught five years at Notre Dame School, Fall River, and served an additional 13 years as princi­ pal there. She is now docal coun­ cillor and part time office assis­ tant at Regina High School, Hyattsville.


WASHINGTON (NC) - The economy, campus ministry and religious wiU be key words as more than 250 of the nation's bishops gather for a spring meet­ ing June 14-18 in Collegeville, Minn. The meeting is geared ,to dis· cussion rather than dec;isions by vote but could mark the begin­ ning point for several major de­ cisions, including whether to write a national pastoral iletter on religious life, whether to es­ tahlish a new bishops' committee on religious !)ife and whether to hold a special meeting next spring to debate and vote on a pastoral3etter on Catholic social ,teaching and the U.S. economy. The proposed pastoral on the economy, one of the most con­ troversial ever undertaken by the U.S. bishops, will almost cer­ tainly dominate media attention ·at the mee,ting.

Fall River native Sister An­ nette Dupuis, who taught at Notre Dame School for 16 years, at the same time serving as a local councillor, 'retired to Re­ gina Mission <:;enter in 1982. Sister Irene Rheaume, also from Fall River. taught for 16 years at Jesus-Mary Academy, her alma mater: and later was principal of that school. Since 1977, she has served as pro­ vincial archivist.

Bangladesh aid VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II expressed "pro­ found sympathy and concern" to religious 'and government au­ ,thorities. in Bangladesh for the "extensive injuries and hard­ ships" incurred by the people of the country when a hurricane struck the southern part of the Asian nation May 25. J:le also pledged Vatican aid to the tiny country. The pop~'s concern was made known in a telegram to Arch­ bishop Luigi Accogli, pronuncio to Bangladesh. "Deeply grieved by the loss of so many Hves and by. the exten­ sive injuries and hardships" caused by the storm and accom· panying tidal waves, the tele­ gram said. "In New York, Catholic Relief Services said May 28 it has committed an initial $25,000 to Caritas Bangladesh, a relief agency of the Bangladesh bish­ ops, for aid to the hurricane vic­ tims. Beth Griffin, spokeswoman fOI" CRS, 'the overseas aid agency of the U.S. bishops, said the agency also would be sending a survey team to assess possi· ble additional responses to the disaster. Press reports from Bangladesh - where mammoth wallles swept out of' the Bay of Bengal, over­ whelming '. ,the countrJ's islands and coast -called the storm the worst to hit the region lin 15· years. Thousands were believed killed· and hundreds of thousands left homeless.

SALT LAKE CITY (NC) ­ Students at Judge Memorial Catholic High School in Salt Lake City org-anized a boycott of local McDonald's restaurants after the fast-food chain refused to donate ,the food :it throws away. Bob Bevins" a senior at the school, said each McDonald's res­ taurant "throws away $150 worth of food each day.'~ "Unsold pre-prepared food is thrown away after it stands for 10 minutes," said Matt Burkley, another senior. ",It's store policy." Bevins and Burkley, who were researching'the topic of hupger for their social justice class, de­ cided to investigate hunger on the -local level. In the process,' they contacted "about half" of,the local McDon­ ald's they' said, to see what they did with their unsold food. When they discovered that McDonald's tossed it, the two students vol­ unteered to pick it up and donate it to focal soup kitchens. Some of the managers refused to talk to them, they said. Others said'it was impossible to change store policies and some referred them to corporate 'headquarters in Chicago; Spokesmen for McDonaM's in Chicago could not be reached by National Catholic News Service fO!' comment. Dissatisfied with the responses they received. the two students decided to boycott the chain. They chose McDonald's rather than another chain, they said. "because we wanted to increase Clwareness of food waste and be­ cause so many Judge students (eat at McDonald's)." In their social justice class, Burkley said, students were taught of "the duty to provide everyone with what is necessary for human dignity."

Center to move ST. LOUIS (NC) - The Pope John XXIII Center will move its national headquarters from St. .Louis to Boston July I, said Father William GaUagher. presi­ dent of the medical-moral re­ search and education organiza­ tion. Father Gallagher ~lso an· nounced that a new office will be opened in Houston. It will be headed by Dominican Father Al­ bert Moraczewski, former center president. The Pope John Center was' established in 1974 by the St. Louis-based Catholic Hea'lth ' Association. It sponsors an an· nua-l workshop in Dallas for the bishops of the United States, Canada, MexIco and other areas. The workshops, on issues such as medical ethics, are sponsored by grants from the Knights of .Columbus. The center also publishes a monthly newsletter, Ethics and Medics, and contributes a month­ ly column to Health Progress, journal of the Catholic Health Association.

Like Rowing Upstream "Learning is like rowing up­ stream; not to advance is to fall back." - <::hinese proverb

Prayers asked

for hostages

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River--Fri., May 31, 1985

WASHINGTON (NC) - The chairman of the board of Cath­ olic Relief Service asked U.S. 'Catholics to pray for the safe release of Servite Father Law­ rence Jenco CRS director in Lebanon, . and other hostages there. The request, made by Bishop

Daniel' P. Reilly of Norwich, Conn., CRS board chairman, was relayed to the U.S. bishops by Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye, general secretary of the U.S. Catholic Conference. Msgr. Hoye said he hoped prayers of petition will be of­ .fered in Masses around the coun­ try until all the h.ostages are saf~. Bishop Reilly. said CRS, the U.S. Catholic overseas aid agency, 'appreciates "the moral and ptayerful support of the bishops' of this country to rein­ force our efforts and those of others to seek the safe release of Father Jenco." Father Jenco, SO, was kid­ napped Jan. 8 by armed men. He had been serving in Beirut since last October and earlier was with CRS in Yemen and Thailand. Islamic Jihad, a militant Is­ lamic group in Lebanon, had said it is holding Father Jenco; the Rev. Benjamin Weir,a Presby­ terian minister; William Buckley of the' U.S. embassy staff in Beirut, and Terry Anderson, Chief Middle East correspondent for the Associated Press. Islamic Jihad also slfid it is holding two French diplomats, Marcel Fon­ taine and Marcel Carton. Islamic Jihad has rthreatend to kill the hostages unless 17 terror­ ists imprisoned in Kuwait were freed.

Evolution, faith seen compatible VATICAN CITY (NC) - Be­ lief in God and the theory of evolution can be compatible, Pope John Paul II '!laid recently to participants in a symposium on evolution and the biblical ac­ count of creation. "Evolution is not blocked by faith if discussion of it re­ mains in the context of the na­ turalistic method and its possi­ bilities," the pope' said during the audience with scientists and theologians. His remarks reiterated the teaching expresed in Pope Pius XII's 19S0 encyclical, "Humani Generis." The document encour­ aged the study of evolution but said Catholic teaching maintains that the human soul is created immediately by God. The symposium, held in Rome,

was initiated by the University of Munich, West Germany and cosponsored by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

The study .of evolution cal1s into question certain fundamen­

talist interpretations of the book

of Genesis. Catholic teaching since the, 1940s, however, has stressed that the Bible is a reli­ gious and moral book, not a natural history, and that belief in evolution is not necessarily c<?n­ tradictory to Scripture.

...... .. ~



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Better FRIENDS and CCO pupils of the late Lucinda E. Rogers dedicate a dogwood tree in her memory at St. Joseph'S School, Fairhaven. Rear center, Father Richard Czerwien, SS.CC., associate pastor at St. Joseph parish. (Rosa Photo)

Her parish re~embers Lu A lovely lady' was honored this month at St. Joseph's parish, Fairhaven.. Lucinda E. Rogers, who died last June 17 at age 82 after a life filled with good works, was memorialized by the planting of a dogwood tree in front of St. Joseph's School. The ceremony was the kickoff for the Lu Rogers Fund, pro­ ceeds of which it is hoped will make possible further landscap­ ing of the school grounds. '\We hope that (Lu's) love of flowers and gardening would be an inspiration to 'al1 of us to get out and beautify the front of the schoql and, for that matter, the whole town this spring," said Gerry Kisla, fund chairman.

She said that "the center of Lu's life was her devotion to the Lord" and that in her last year of Hfe she was babysitting, working at the New Bedford soup kitchen, visiting nursing homes, taking courses in counsel­ ing and teaching CCD. She had been active in the parish CCD program for 49 years. Addition­ al1y, she was a lector and led a weekly Scripture discussion group. . Mrs, Rogers was also 'a Girl

Scout leader for 43 years, an organizer of the ·East Fairhaven Improvement Association, a town census taker, a first. aid in­

structor and an organizer and for IS years director of the East

Fairhaven playground.

Her friends recal1ed her "beautiful home arid garden, full of love and hard work, with plants and needlework every­ where" as they gathered for the May 19 tree planting. Taking ~ ~.


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special part in it were members of her scripture group and Sth grade CCD students, who 1ast year had her as their 4th grade teacher. Little Aimee Lala recited a poem, "The Legend of the Dog­ wood Tree," as everyone present remembered a woman who gave "SO .years of faith, love and ,service to S1. Joseph's parish."

DEBORAH ALMEIDA, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Almeida of Our Lady of Angels parish, Fall River, received a master of science degree in health services ad­ ministration with honors at recent commencement exer­

cises at Salve Regina Col­ lege, Newport. She is a phar­ macist at St. Anne's Hospi­ tal, Fall River.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 31, 1985,


S'To KILIAN CHURCH 306 Ashley Blvd., New Bedford




Thousands attend consistory as a memento of his elevation Continued from page one College for U.S. seminarians and by Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Chicago. priests. Cardinal Law wore the episc­ Miss Dussault was viewed live opal ring he had received on his from Rome on Boston TV Chan­ nel 7 as she shook hands consecration as bishop in 1973 with Pope John Paul II during from Cardinal Bernardin. Shortly after he put on his his general audience in St. Peter's ceremonial robes, each new car­ Square May 22 and was, inter­ viewed afterwards on what she ~inal returned to the square to described as the highlight of her receive his zucchetto, a red skull­ cap, and the biretta. trip. Viewers also glimpsed Bish­ Applause was loud for Car­ op Cronin as a concelebrant at dinal Law, whose 73-year-old one of the many Masses associa­ mother, Helen Law, sat in the ted with the .installation cere­ front row. Other Americans in monies. ,the consistory audience included The May 25 public cereqlonies Admiral James Watkins, the top­ began when the 28 cardinals­ .designate, wearing red-orange ranking U.S. Navy officer, and cassocks, took places in front of the wives of New York Gov. Mario Cuomo and Massachusetts the assembly. Gov. Michael Dukakis. Moments later, each received The two-hour ceremony moved his "biglietto di nomina," the rapidly as each cardinal walked formal ann~)Uncement that he up a few steps to receive his had been named a cardinal,· from hat from the pope and then em~ Vatican Secretary of State Car­ braced the more than 50 other dinal Agostino Casaroli. cardinals sitting to the pope's There were some personal right. touches in the ceremonial garb., Spectators clapped for favorite Cardinal O'Connor wore the ,sons but applause swelled from robes of his predecessor, Car­ the entire audience' when the dinal Terence Cooke, arid a gold pope rose from his chair to bring cross which he had been giveri the biretta to his wheel-chair bound 61-year-old' personal friend,Polish Cardinal Andrzej Maria Deskur who suffered a ,stroke in 1978. Cardinal Deskur 'is former FRO~ $1 (U REP'AIR), president of the Pontifical Com­ ALSO DELINQUENT ,mission for Social Communica­ , TAX PROPERTY. tions. During the ceremony each car­ CALL 1-805-687-6000 Ext. GH4~40 dinal was appointed, by tradition, - FOR INFORMATION ­ as titular head of a Rome church. Cardinal O'Connor became head of the Basilica' of St. John and Paul, as, was the late Car­ dinal Cooke. Cardinal Law like­ wise became head of Santa Su­ I~C.

,sanna, the church of; his, pre­ decessor, Cardinal Humberto GENERAL CONTRACTORS Medeiros. . 55 HigMand Avenue' It was recently learned that Fall River, MA 02720 the church, which is closed, needs between $750,000 and $1.5 ,mil­ 67:8-5201





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lion for roof repairs before it can reopen. The hope was ex­ pressed in Rome that the Boston archdiocese might take special interest in the project. • Won't Change Much At a press conference follow­ ing their elevation to the col­ lege of cardinals, both Cardinals Law and O'Connor said they did not expect their new honor to make much change in their daily routine. Cardinal Law said: "As far as .my role as archbishop of Boston goes, it's the same.'" "I'm willing to go anywhere that my presence might be of assistance," Cardinal Law said, but added that ,he does not see any special mission' which the pope might ask him to under­ take. Speaking the same day at North American College, Car­ dinal O'Connor denied that as a cardinal he has any special agenda and dismissed suggestions of new power. As a cardinal, he said, "any power which is not spiritual power, is fraudulent." Welcome Home Cardinal Law, who returned to Boston yesterday, will be offi­ cially welcomed by his flock at a Mass and reception scheduled for 6 p.m. June 4 at Boston Col­ lege Alumni Stadium. The arena, which accommo­ dates 32,000, is expected to over­ flow for the event, which will begin with a procession into the. stadium from nearby St. Ingna­ tius Church. Some' 40 bishops are expected to be among Mass c~ncelebrants.


In case of rain the ceremonies will be held in McHugh Forum, the Boston College hockey rink, and overflow crowds will view ' proceedings on television in nearby Roberts Center. _ Music will be by the Archdio­ cesan Choir, directed by Father Francis V. Strahan.


CFM convention set for. August Anchor columnists Dr. James share the goal of enriching fam­ and Mary Kenny and author Dr.. ily life. -Its 50 percent increase, Clayton Barbeau will be among in membership in the past three years evidences growing interest speakers at the 24th annual na­ tionalcorivention of the Chris­ in the family, say the national tian Family Movement, to be pre!;ident couple, Gary and Kay held Aug. 8 to 11 at St. Mary's Aitchison, who note that the August program is open to non­ College, Notre Dame, Ind. members. Other speakers will be thera­ pist Bettye Lechner' and Father Information is available from Dean Uhing. The latter will open the National CFM Office, PO Box 272, Ames, Iowa 50010. the convention with a presenta­ tion on "The Family Circus." Programs, activities and ,social events are planned for both par­ ents and children, including a The Mass of Christian Burial family night concert ,with folk­ was offered yesterday at Mt. St. singer Joe Wise. 'Rita Convent, Cumberland, for CFM is a nationwide network' Sister Mary Antoinette, RSM, 92, of small support groups that who died May 2'8. The former Susan Fagan, a native of Newfoundland, she was the daughter of the late Gerald MILWAUKEE (NC) .....,; James and Catherine (Adams) Fagan. McLaughlin, president of the She entered the Sisters of Mercy Greater New York City Chapter Oct. 14, 1916. of the Catholic League, has been Sister Antoinette spent most named chairman of the board of of her religious life in Fall River, the Milwaukee-based Catholic where she was stationed at St. League for Religious and Civil Patrick's, St. Vincent's and Mt. St. Mary's convents. Rights. He succeeds James Hitch­ cock, a professor of history at She is ,survived by a niece, St. Louis University. Mary Holohan of Hanover.

Sr. M. Antoinette

Chairman named


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River·-Fri., May 31, 1985





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Best Wishes to

SISTER ELEANOR McNALLY, SUSC, center, at the Kigamboni Social Center in Dar­ es-Salaam, Tanzania. surrounded by coworkers and visitors. From left, Consolata Father Mario; visiting Sister Carol Regan, SUSC; Maryknoll Father john Lang Dar-es-Salaam missionary; Janet Kinnane, Sister Eleanor's niece. (Gaudette Photo)

Holy Union sister returns to Africa

By Joseph Motta Having enjoyed 'a one-year home ,visit but looking forward to returning to her much-loved work, Sister Eleanor McNally, SUSC, left Fall River yesterday for the archdiocese of Dar-es­ Salaam in Tanzania, Africa. There she will continue her mis­ sion of planning socioeconomic programs to benefit area poor. The Hofy Union sister is re­ turning to Tanzania, where she previously served for seven years, to resume working under direc­ tion of Cardinal Laurean Rugam__ bwa,the first African cardinal ever appointed. Day care is among the, prime concerns of Sister Eleanor and her coworkers, who staff 15 children's centers that have been opened by the Dar-es­ Salaam archdiocese with per­ mission of the supportive Tan­ zanian government. At them, youngsters get at least one com­ plete meal a day, including such necessary foods as milk and oils, scarce commodities in Tan­ zania. Obtaining them is a con­ tinual chaHenge, notes the sister, but the government aids their efforts. Other services offered at the Montessori-style centers include reading classes, taught in Swa­ hili, in which 'language Sister Eleanor and the international group of missionaries also com­ municate with each other. One rural facility, the Kigamboni Social Center, built with money donated by the government of Belgium, a'lso offers courses in sewing and other handicrafts. Sister Eleanor pointed out that the mothers of the children at this .center are l'reed to farm during the day, a <task necessary for survival. The only American among the four Holy Union Sisters work­ ing in Dar-es-Salaam, she says a rrime obje~tive of the mission­ aries is to raise money to help educate childre~ beyond the

seventh grade. Education up to tha,t level 'has been mandatory since 1977, she said, but further schooling is a goal as yet un­ realized for most. . Sister Eleanor said that Africa has been "my love" since enter­ ing the convent,although she has no explanation of its attrac­ tion for her. "It's tied up with the mystery of my vocation," she said, adding that she wants to be a spokesperson for the African poor, 'letting Americans know that only circumstances differ­ entiate them from those in Africa. "Our primary purpose is to improve the situations of people and groups," she said. "It's very humbling to be in a position where you are so much better off materially and educationally than the people you are-dealing with." She went on to explain that many people in Dar-es-Sa­ laam have "absolutely nothing" but human spirit zest for life and their faith. Sister Eleanor said, however, that she learns much from those she helps. "There has been no one outstanding experience," she

said, "but ,the composite of my seven years in Africa has brought me to terms with the deeper questions of life." She added that were it not for her African experiences, she might not have faced these questions. There is not much in the way of visible results of her work, she says, "since when you are helping the poorest of the poor' survive day to day, things aren't really that clear-cut." She noted that the drought that has affected Ethiopia has left its mark on parts of Tan­ zania, but not to the same de­ gree. The work of individuals and groups and the cooperation of the Tanzanian government (President Julius Nyerere is 'a de­ vout Catholic, according to Sis­ ter Eleanor) have helped ward off possible disaster, she said. Ten years ago, Sister Eleanor, on a year's assignment with Catholic Relief Services in Sai­ gon, was present at the fall of the Vietnamese capital. Three refugees she helped bring to Am­ erica from Vietnam are now living in Maryland, Illinois and . New York. The Holy Union sister spent time with nieces and nephews in the Fall River diocese during her home visit. A cousin, Sacred Hearts Father Richard McNally, is based in Fairhaven. August 1986 will probably be the date of Sister Eleanor's next' return home. At that time her community will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its arrival in F'all River from France. Until then, one can be sure that Sister Eleanor wiH be work­ ing hard to insure that "her ,love" continues to become a better place to live for the peo­ ple who call it home.

Most Important Gaudette Photo


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THE. ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 31, 1985'

Norris H.,Tripp

Iteering pOintl




PUBLIC In CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7, Fall 2 53 Cedar. St '/ New Bedford River, 02722.. Name of city' or town should 993-3222 be included as well as full dates of all , • activities. please send news of future rather than. past events. Note: We do not carry news .of tundra Ising activities such as . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . bingos. whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual

Ilrogram~. club meetinlls. youth prolects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundralsing pro­ lects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, .telephone 675-7151. On Steerlnll Points items FR Indicates Sales and Service r...........

,.' Fall River, NB Indicates New Bedford.




for Domestic and Industrial

~ CHRIST THE KIN~ COTUIT IMASHPE~ 995·1631 Vincentians: meeting 7:30 p.m. 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE June 5 in the CCD center (next to St. NEW BEDFORD '-. , come. Jude's Chapel,. Santuit.) All wel-


Queen of All Saints 'Chapel has been made handicapped accessible 61ft STORE ON THE CAPE I with the installation of a ramp. Summer Mass schedule effective • ,0.0: 1IoIl· Slt;'· 5:» · now through labor day. St. Jude, • OPEN 7DAYS Santuit: 4 p.m. Saturday; 9 & II M:3I ,a.m. Sunday; 8 a.m. weekdays. Queen , of All Saints, Mashpee: 4 &' 5:30 p.m. Saturday; 8:30,10 & 11:30a.m. Sunday; 9 a.m. weekdays:



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· BREAD OF LIFE PRAYER GROUP;F.R. Meetings: Fridays, 7:30 p.m., Blessed' Sacrament Church, Fall River. Teaching and witness foIlowed by liturgy. Healing and prayer min­ istryat 10 p.m. Annual retreat: June 28-30, Cor­ pus Christi retreat house, Newport, RI. Information: Fred Demetrius, 644-2375 by June 2.

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SS. PETER & PAUL, FR CYO awards banquet: 7:30 p.!p. June 8, Coady center. School news: Grade 8 graduation at 7 p.m. Mass June 10. Reception following at Coady center: All in­ vited. Lectors and eucharistic ministers may pick up new schedules in the sacristy.

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ST. MARY, SEEKONK Adult education night: 6:30 p.m. June 3. Workshops featured. . Annual Mass and anointing of the SIck: 2 p.m. June 9. , HOLY NAME, FR School news: talent show I p.m. today. Parents invited. Class' night for,grade eight: 7 p.m. tonight, audi­ tOrIum. Grade eight graduation: 7 p.m. June 4 in church. Openings in some grades at the Holy Name school still exist. Call for information on registering your child. . Congratulations to the newly . elected officers of the Youth group council: Andrea Rodrigue, president, Sean Furtado, vice-president; Kelly Hargraves, secretary; Jimmy Pereira, treasurer.





SWANSEA YoiJthgroup news: nominations for officers for the next school year are open. Signup in the youth center. Elections June 5.


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O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Mass and anointing of sick: 10:30 a.in. tomorrow. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN Blood bank: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 2, church hall. Helping hands needed in the serv­

ing room and kitchen 6:30 p.m. June 6. Norma Motta, 994-6426. ST. JAMES, NB CYO council meeting: 6:30 p.m. June 4, rectory. Couples' Club banquet: 6 p.m. June II at Whaler Inn. Reserva­ tions: Pat Baker, 994-0182 by June 6. ST. ANNE, FR Faculty-student baseball game (St. Anne's elementary school): 6 tonight .at the field. ' DCCW,NB , Diocesan Council of Catholic Wo­ men, District two, will meet 7 p.m; June 5 at St. Francis of Assisi Church for Mass, installation of officers and a business session. Refreshments. Public invited. O.L. ANGELS, FR. I Espirito Santo feast: June 7-9. Crowning: II a.m. Mass June 9. Procession: 2 p.m. June 9. CATHEDRAL CAMPS, EAST FREETOWN Open house at Cathedral Camps for boys and girls, Middleboro Road, j to 4 p.m. June 2, rain or shine. AIl invited to meet camp staff and view facilities. O.L. MT. CARMEL, SEEKONK Please contact CCD office if your child is not registered for the fall. Installation of Guild and Holy Name officers: 7 p.m. MassJune 12. Thank you to the children's liturgy team for their hard work and dedica­ tion towards making the program a success. The liturgy will resume in the fall. ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET

Parish council: meeting 7:30 p.m. June 3, rectory conference room. All welcome. ST. THOMAS MORE,

SOMERSET Visits to the sick are made monthly. Contact the rectory if you would like to receive holy communion through this program: HOLY ROSARY, TAUNTON Vincentians: meeting after 10:'30 a.m. ~ass Sunday. ,

DOMINICAN LAITY, FR O.L. Rosary Chapter: business meeting 1:30 p.m. June 4 beginning with Mass at St. Anne's priory, Middle Street. ST. STANISLAUS, FR Grotto grounds: gates wiIl open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. beginning June I. The pool will be blessed the week­ end of June 9. HOLY FAMILY·HOLY NAME SCHOOL, NB 110 students participated in a liv­ ing rosary and May crowning at St. Lawrence Church.

ST.lPATRICK, FALMOUTH ST. ANTHONY, MATTAPOISETT Eucharistic ministers: new sche­ Guild news: Installation of offi­ dule goes into effect this weekend. . cers at church hall brunch after II members lead a rosary at Guild the 8 a.m. Mass will tomorrow. . a. m. Mass June 9. All parish women '-. invited. Reservations: Florence Euet­ teman, 758-2972, by ~une 4. ST. MARY,FAIRHAVEN' An appreciation dinner for parish ST. PATRICK, FR -GCD.teachers will be held 5 p.m. Feast of Corpus Christi, June 9: June 15 in the church hall. Please first communion at 9 a.m. Mass. contact rectory if you can help. Exposition of Blessed sacrament will Elections for new parish council follow II a.m. Mass. members this weekend. · Family Mass: 9:30 a.m. Sunday. ST. JULIE, NO. DARTMOUTH Special Mass:- 9 a.m. June 9 ·for Coffee and doughnuts will foIlow.· first communion students and their families. FAMILYUFE CENTER" NO. DARTMOUTH . St. Mary, New Bedford, women's parish retreat. begins today. !,OD'S HOLDS Hospital chaplains meet 5 p.m. June 5. .


<l> • • oW











... "....


. . .... "



,., , . ,


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., May 31, 1985

tv, mOVIe news

Symbols following. film reviews indicate "The Dungeon Master" (Em­ both general and Catholic Film Office pire) A dreadful hodgepodge of ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· a movie about a computer wiz­ ard who must overcome a series eral viewing; PG·I3-parental guidance strongly suggested for children under of challenges of the sort found 13; PG-parental guidance suggested; in the game that gives this dud R-restricted, unsuitable for children or . its title. Because of sadistic vio­ younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved fOI '!ence, it has been classified 0, children and adults; A2-approved for PG. adults and adolescents; A3-approved for "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" adults only; A4-separate classification (New World) Stock teen movie (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis in which two plucky kids win a and explanation); O-morally offensive. dance contest. Competent but

mediocre. A2, PG "Pumping Iron II: The Women" (Cineeom International) Mostly boring documentary about wom· Please check dates and en bodybuilders. Because of par­ times of television and radio tial nudity and 'a general air of programs against local list· vulgarity, it is classified A3. ings, which may differ from "Rappin" (Cannon) A person­ the New York network sched­ able young ex·convict adept at ules supplied to The Anchor. rapping, the street art 'of fast talking that has superseded break dancing, aids the urban poor New Films "The Gods Must Be Crazy" victimized by nasty landlords (Fox) South African bushman and the like. The flimsy story is discovers a Coke bottle thrown nothing but a frame for a skill out of an airplane and after it unlikely to enthrall most viewers. causes dissension among his peo­ A2, PG pie treks to throw it off the edge "Gotcha" (Universal) A col­ of the world, in the course of lege boy wants to live riotously which he runs into some very but the only thing he is good at peculiar civilized people. Ama­ is a campus game called "gotcha" teurish comedy-adventure only in which players try to splatter occasionally funny and whose each other with red liquid fired mix of comedy and violence is in from air pistols. On vacation in questionable taste. A2, PG Europe, he runs into an agree· "Grace Quigley" (Cannon) able older woman, but his pleas­ Aged widow hires a professional ure turns to alarm when he finds hit man to do her in as a way of himself involved in a real-life committing suicide but instead version of the game. This sopho­ becomes his agent to help other moric fantasy is neither funny oldsters end their lives. A sati­ 'nor existing. Because of its be­ ric comedy that went dreadfully nign view of sexual promiscuity, o PG it is rated 0, PG-I3. wrong. , . " "Lily in Love" (New Line) A "A Private Function (Island " witty sophisticated comedy Alive) After World War II, when . .Jooseiy based on Ferenc Molnar's food was still rationed, B: couple "The Guardsman" and starring steal a pig being futtened up by Maggie Smith a~d Christopher local dignitaries for a ~anquet Plummer. A2, PG-13. to celebrate the wEld.dmg of "Little Treasure" (Tri-Star)An Princess Elizabeth, ThiS slow­ erotic dancer and a down-on­ movi.ng English .comedy ,leans his.·luck ex.seminarian team up heavily on vulgar humor. Be­ in Mexico to find some buried cause of this and a tasteless bed­ treasure the loot from a Depres­ .. room scene, It IS ra t e d A3 ,R. sion-era ' bank robbery hidden "The Secret of the Sword" away by her father. This has (Filmation) An animated feature overtones of Graham Greene but staring He·Man, who is seeking not enough of the master's sub­ his long-lost twin sister, She-Ra. stance, . despite some good act­ A bit insubstantial, but children ing and dialogue. Because of should enjoy it. AI, G rough language and nude danc­ "Almost You" (Fox) A Man­ ing, it is rated A'4, R. hattan couple has everything "Movers a~d Shakers" (UA) and is miserable. He thinks A limp Hollywood satire with about running off with her physi­ some mild vulgarities and taste­ cal therapist. Trivial and boring. 'less humor. A2, PG-I3. Because of rough language and "1918" (Cinecom International) adultery it is rated A3, R. Mortality presses in upon or­ "Camlla" (European Classics) dinary happiness in a small Tex­ The daughter of a· wealthy fam­ as town in late 1918 while ily in 19th-century Argentina World War I is ending. Europe falls in ·Iove with a Jesuit pr·iest and a killer flu epidemic rages in this tragic Jove st~ry with at home. "1918" is an excellent modern political implications. film that catches the terror and Very powerful but for mature beauty of daily me and gives us viewers only. Because of the a rich insight into our own lives. sacrilegious character of the love There is nothing ·in it harmful affair and one excessively to youngsters, but only children graphic love scene, it is rated . of a certain level of maturity A·4. will be able to appreciate it. AI; "Code of Silence" (Orion) (Rec.) Chuck Norris s'tars as a Chicago "Rustlers' Rhapsody'" (Para.. dete~tive who uses martial arts mount) A spoof of the singing ski·1I to combat evil. Standard cowboy movies which starts out fare of its kind. Because of its promisingly 'but soon goes flat. violence, it is rated A3, R. A2, PG


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5500 LaSalette Fathers & Bros., Attleboro

5250' Sisters of the Sacred Hearts

5ioo Fall River Diocesan Council of Cath­ olic women

5175 Permanent Diaconate Community of thi: Diocese of Fall River '

5100 In Memory of Rev. Howard A. Waldron The Daher Family, New Bedford Rev. William J. McMahon

560 Coca Cola Bottling Co. of New England

525 RobertJ.KlinkerSupply,Longmeadow

575 Fireside Motors,' Inc., North At­ tleboro.

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5200 Lemieux Heating, Inc.

Knights of Columbus Msgr. James Coyle Council #82 Immaculate Conception Conference, North Easton , • , >'TheodoreJ. Aleixo;Jr.,'Atty.

. 550

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. Dwyer Heating & Air Conditioning

Denmark Pharmacies, Pocasset

WAREHAM St. Patrick $500 Rev. James F. Lyons; $300 MI M Thomas Fraine; $250 M/M John Texeira; $150 M/M John J. Callahan, Deacon & Mrs. William Martin; $120 MI M Francis E. Coughlin, George F. Frazier; $100 MJ M Henry Goncalves, MI M Patrick J. Hickey, MI M Walter E. Lynch, Sr.; Marie Murphy, Mrs: Herman E. Prada, M/M'Melvin Prada, M/M Albert Tocci, M/M Arthur Walsh; $60, M/M Paul G. Somers; $5Q Adelaide Beckett, Gene Bedard, M/M Albert Carreiro, M1M Roger G: Elliott, M/M John Filkins, M/M' Ernest Joynt, Mrs. Fr~C:terick Kite" M/M Robert Klocker, Mrs. Philip Lukey, Mrs. William E. Nolan, M/M Robert O'Connell, MI M, Albert Santos, Mrs. F,ranc~s Vitale " '' $35 MI M Joseph Cardoza, Dennis J. Filkins;'$30'M/M ":d,ward Coyne, M/M Michael Galavotti, Anne M. Tottle, The Quarleno Family,'M/M Charles VanderStaay,'William Williams; $25 M/M Sylvester Andrade, Tony Bacchieri, Mrs. Theodore Baptiste, M/M David Barry, M/M Henry Borghi;M/M Arthur Bou~iette, Mrs. Filenio, Cardoza, M/M~Joh~ Cardoza, M/M Charles ~assidy, M/M'Josepli Conway, M/M'Andrew Costello, M/M Charles Crocker, Mrs. Joanna DaSilva, M/M Epifanio Jorge, Phyllis LeFavor, MI M 'Glenn' E. Leonard,~Mrs. Herbert Lloyd, MI M Frank Lopes, MI M -John McCabe, Mary ·M. McDevitt,Mrs. • ,FrancisM. Murphy, Robert Niemi, Mrs. Anna' Parker, Frederick J. Pulsifer, M/M Joseph Rose, Mrs: Ethel Rowe, M/M James"J. Toomey, M/M Joh'n T. Tully, Jr., M/M Gerald Dupuis, M1M Fred Ferioli . , $'25'M/ M John F. Foley, M/M Charles Galligan, Mrs. Joseph Govoni, M/M Hulot Haden, M/M Richard )S:iernan, M/M Frank C. Medige, Kathryn M. Morrill, MI M Natale Pompile, M'I M Chester Rusinoski, Mrs. Marjorie Scheh, M/M Oliver Silva,'M/M Chester A. Smith, Jr., M{M Joseph S. Stec, MI M RobertTassinari, MI M Harold Tomkinson, MI M Edward Tripp: Mr.s. Marion Vlson, .Laura Vecchi . MATTAPOISETT ~ .1· St. Anthony $1000 MI M Paul Duchaine; $200 Atty. & Mrs. Maurice Downey; $175 Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Oliveira; $125 Mrs, K. Eileen Hurley; $100 M/M Robert Burke, John P. Delaney, M/M Charles Rodrigues, Mrs. Francis Sullivan, MI M Clarence Verdi, MI M John Connor, MI M Joseph Hassey, Elizabeth Vermette; $75 Dr. & Mrs. Clayton King; $50 - M{M Frank Cooper, Margaret Dinsmore, Susan McGowan, MI M Stephen Flaherty, M/M Llewellyn Roberts, M/M Edwin Allard, M/M john Gannon, Dr. & Mrs. Robert 'Gracia, Russell Hiller; M/M Charles Ruel, Helen Tyndall; $35 M/M John Favoloro, M/M William 'Goetz, Rheta Tuttle; $30 Louden- Black Family, MI M William Heldon, MI M Paul Lariviere, Florence Huettman; $25 MI M James Aruda, MI M John Costa, MI M Roland Cote, Gerald Fitzgerald, M{M E. Robert Garde, M/M Donald Lake, M/M John McGarrie, Margaret Mcintyre, M/M John Coucci, M/M Alan Fales, M{M Joseph Flynn, M I M Richard Reilly, Manuel Sylvia, M I M Paul Anthony, M I M Romeo Bedard, Dr. & Mrs. John Bender, M I M Charles Caires, Mrs,. Henry Cerkovitz, MI M Howard Chadwick, Jr., MI M Donald De Angelis, Charles Finn, MI M George Hillman, Alice Humphrey, M/M Roger Kelly, M/M Richard Langhoff, Virginia Mahoney, M/M Arthur Martin, M{ M Donald Marvin, MI M Augus't Medeiros, MI M Arthur Mello, MI M Bernard Messier, Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Moore, M{M Sean O'Neill, J.M. Pannell, Frank Pimental, M{M Gene Pursley, M/M Richard Sanders, M{M John Seaberg, Rosalind Travis, M/M Joseph Sullivan, Peter Wayner . • I'"

FAIRHAVEN St. Mary $100 Albert Lajeunesse, $50 In Memory of Friedrich Lubben; $40 MI M Weber Torres, Jr., $30 M{ M Donald Pacheco, MI M Robert Dorgan, Sr.; $25 MI M John Viera



Frederick V. Lawrence, Falmouth, Falmouth Coal Co., Falmouth Park Cleaners, Inc., Doane Beal & Ames,

Sacred Hearts $100 St. Vincent De Paul Society - Sacred Hearts Parish Chapter; $25 Ladies of Saint fNlne Society, MI M Daniel J., Costa, MI M ~ Raymond J. Pontbriand MARION St. Rita $100 M/M Edmund H. McCarthy; $60 Dr. William & Anne Dawson; $50 Jonathan & ~heila' Henry, M/M William F. Henry, M/M Richard S. Roszkiewicz; $35 Edward & Sarah Bartholomew; $30 Albert & Irerie Muren . ' . $25 Frederick & Lorrraine Donovan, Frances Harrison, Dennis"&. D~bbie Kenney, Jeannette,Monty, Ronald & Patricia Normand, M/M Edward J. Rogers, Francis Weber, Richard G. Zens, Jean Champigny, Judith K. Fasciana, M/M Thomas P. Gay, Frances Harrison, M/M Frank J. Kozicki, MI M Carl M. Lamoureaux: MI M Harold E. LeBlanc, Dr. & Mrs. Robert Tremblay, Dr. & 'Mrs. Jean J. Webster EAST FREETOWN 'St John Neumaim $500 Rev. George E. Harri,son; $200 Lorraine Roy;' M/M Richard Guarino;M/M Elton Ashley; $120 M/M Rodney Roder­ iques, M/M Dennis Medeiros;:$100 M/M Roger Pelletier, Pauline Hamel, Paul Mathieu, MI M Stephen Couet, MI ~ John Rita, Mj M Williain Ridings; MI M Bernard Gleason, MI M Gerald Masaitis, M/ M Gilbert Champagne; $75 Gary & Nancy Lucas; $60 M/M Domingos Plirau;' $50· MI M Daniel Couet, 'MI M William Collins,MI M Donald . Messier"M/M Peter Durocher, M/MRobert Pusateri, Mrs. William, Arruda, Dr. & Mrs: A. William Mercier; $40 MI M Ronald Lyonnais; $35 MI M Robert Munroe; $30 MI M Joseph Herman, MI M Manuel Sousa, M/M Peter Looney, M/M Glenn Demanche $25 M/M Richard Ladeira, M/M John DeGrazia, M/M Frank Roderique, MI M Charles LeBlanc, Pamela Clift, MI M Gary Trahan, 'M/M Raymond DeCosta, M/¥ Roger Lamy, Sherry Barrieail, M!.M Roger Pothier, M/M George Sousa, M/M,Carme!1 Contardo, Jr., ~/M 'Peter Vercellone, M/M Chris Christopher, M/M Louis Ghidardi, M/M, Maurice Baptiste, M/M Roland Dube, MI M Joseph Hogan, MI M Peter Lopes;M/M Augustine Oliveira, M/M Ronald Loranger, Mrs. Eugene Desaulniers, Raymond Bourbea,u, Suzanne Thompson, M/M Norberi' Ouimette; M/M David Severs, MjM David Sylvia, M/M Arthur Avila, Gertrude Wood,NI M Robert McCarthy, MI M Leonard Barrieau, MI M Adriano Graca, M I M 'Louis Balestracc~ . SOUTH DARTMOUTH , 51. Mary $200 Dr. & Mrs. Arthur F. Buckley; $150 Dr. & Mrs. Edward

Herlihy; $100 Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Corley, MI M William Brady; $95 MI M

David J. Pimental;,$50 M/M Thomas Lynch, M/M Paul Clark, M/M

Edgar W. Moorhouse, M/M George M. O'Hara, M/M Neil Fitzgerald,

MI M Donald Dwyer, Mrs. James Kavanaugh, Mrs. George P. Ponte; $40

M/M Michael Coleman, M/M Harry 0 Neill; $35 M/M George Wright

III, M/M Thomas L. Maher ,

$30 MI M Kevin Connor; $25 Brenda Mahoney, Mrs. Levi Christie,

M/M Paul Ferro, M/M Herve Lapoinie, Alice Dahill, Mrs. James

Madigan, M I M Leonard Dice, Margaret Gamble, Mary A. Cutiss, M1M

Ned Leduc, Gloria Perry, M/M Michael Britto, M/M Antone Macedo,

MI M Manuel Machado, M/M Daniel O. Saulnier, MI M Michael Nestor,

M/M Antonio Amarante, M/M John L. Caruso, M/M Richard G.

Monast, M/M Fernand Racine, M/M Norman Menard, M/M William

Neary, M/M Louis Bernier, M/M Herbert C. Paiva, M/M Silvino

Ferreira, Mrs, Frank Coleman, Bertha Johnson

NEW BEDFORD Our..Lady of Mount Carmel $500 M/M Vincent Fernandes; $60 MI M John Perry; $50 In Memory of the Florio Family, M/M Antone A. Santos; $35 Juliette Lopes; $30 MI M Eduino M. Almeida, M/M Antonio R. Borges, M/M Joao Borges, M/M Donald M, Cabral, M/M Jose

Maria Da Costa, M{ M Helder Jose Nascimento, MI M Manuel Santos,

MI M Jose Silva, Maria Silva, MI M John Pereira Simas, MI M Antonio

·Bernardo Sousa, MI M Eduardo Teixeira, A Friend;




Fall ~iver

5600 Fall River Savi!lgs Bank

5307 hl Memory of Margaret Lahey from Fall River Dioce.san Council District I

, In Memory of Father McNamee, Father ~oyle and Msgr., Harrington

Hair Raizing Experience, Falmouth Anonymous, Falmouth The Pancake Man, Hyannisport O'Neill's Bass River Motel, South Yarmouth Linhares Precast, Inc., South Yar­ mouth Duquette Realty, S<!uth Yarmouth Sisters of the Holy Ghost, Society of Fresh Pond, East Falmouth Holy Ghost Society, Oak Bluffs Atty. Charles J. Ardito, West Yar­ mouth


:1. ...' ~".' ,', -: •.'


575 Falmouth Enterprise >


Inc., South Yarmouth, Cape Cod Build­ ing Inspection Service, West Dennis, Longfellow's Pub, South Yar- ' mouth, Mueller Real Estate, West Dennis, E. M. Pessa Trucking,. West' . Yarmouth, West Dennis Market, Port World Travel Center, Harwichport, Dungarees Etc., II, Teaticket, Ox Bow Motel, Falmou~h


Capt. Frank's Seafood 'Market


Stacy's Beauty Salon Mr. Joseph Amaral


Attleboro Telephone Answering Ser­ vice, Wagner's Flower Shop, Kalmia Kennels, Norton ­


5125 Davol/Taunton Printing Edmu,nd J. Brennan, Atty.


S200 Great Rock Tractor Co., Inc., Bourne





Butler Tire Sales, North Attleboro

5300 Hall Oil Co., Inc., South Dennis ,St. Anthony Couples Club, East Falmouth '


5100 Zayre Department Store Siar of the Sea Candle Corp. Potter Funeral Service, Westport ,Gerald McNally Construction Co., Somerset

575 Tri-City Office Equipment Corp.

550 Smith Office Equipment Go. Watuppa Package Store, Inc./ West­ port Fruit Market, North Westport

525 Wm. Stang Assembly-Fourth Degree . Knights of Columbus, Brenner Real­ tors, Westport, Craig Byron Dress Co.

$150 A Friend; $125 M/M John Oliveira; $100 M/M Serafim Mello, J;tmes Perry, A Friend; $60,M/M Alfredo Brum;.$50,Jose, Gouveia, Evelyn Hendricks, Mary Hendricks, Jesse Mello, M I M Manuel Mendonca, Celina Oliveira, M/M Mario da Graca Oliveira, Mary. Silva; $40 MI M Joao S. Cabral, MI M Anibal Pacheco,lria Santos, M/M Jose Rodrigues' Sousa, A Friend; $38 A Friend; $31 MI.M Norberto Moniz $30 M/M Eduino M. Almeida, M/M Antonio R. Borges, M/M Joao Borges, M/M Donald M. Cabral, M/M Jose Maria Da Costa, M/M Helder Jose Nascimento, M/M Manuel Santos, MI M Jose Silva, Maria Silva, M/M John Pereira Simas, M/M Antonio Bernardo Sousa, M/M Eduardo Teixeira, $25 MI M Peter Vincent, MI M Fernando Abreu, MI M Armando D. Alves, MI M Richard Cabral, MI M Manuel Correia, M/,M Jacintho S. Ferro, Paula Fero, Mary Florio, MI M Daniel S. Fournier, Fernando A Gaspar,M/M Antonio.Garcia, M/M Edwin Goulart, M/M Richard A. King, Guilherme A..Luiz & Co., MI MErnest Medeiros, Maria de Deus S. Melo, M/M Delfim,Souza, M/M Mario'Souza, M/M Joseph M. Rego, Hortense Ribeiro, Michael Ribeiro, M/M Manuel Rosina, M/M Ludgero Xavier, A Friend . St Kilian $400 St: Kilian Bingo, St, Hedwig $25 John Barylski, MI M Mieczyslaw Galanek, MI M Stanley Los, Anthony Nobrega,M/M Bernard P. Cook' Our Lady of Perpetual Help $100 M/M Thad Irzyk; $25 M/M Joseph Augustyn, M/ M Stanley Stankiewicz, Mrs. Mary A. Wesoly, Mrs. Helen Zielinski Sacred Heart $100-Mj.M Gerald laFrance, Simmons & Sons ,Concrete Foundations Inc., $50 Knights of Co.lumbus Bishop Stang Council No. 4532, M/M Paul Letourneau, M/M Paul Soucy; $25 M/M Manuel C. Botelho, Mrs. Doris Donovan, MI M Dorius Masse, John J. O'Malley III, M/M Rodolphe Paradis .'St. Anne $30 MI M Henry. Constant; $25 MI M John Walsh St. James $300 Anonymous; $150 Carol DeSouza; $100 M/M Daniel Dwyer, The Mahoney Family, Dr. & Mrs. James Quinn, Anonymous; $75 M/M Roderick Dunlop, M1M Timothy Mitchell, Anna Meehan; $60 M/M John,McAllister; $50 M/M Richard Fontaine, M/M, Richard Manning, MI M Edward Connu/ty, MI M John J. O'Neill, Mi M William Whalen, Ruth P. Gomes, M/M Ro~ert Clark, M/M Martin E. Treadup, MI M Paul M. Jordan, MI M Joseph O'Brien, Mrs. Alice Lowney, MI M John Callahan;ln Memory of Joseph Freitas, MI M Patrick Baker, MI M John Sylvia, M/M Andrew O'Neil, M/M Paul Hart, M/M Armand, Pereira, Francis 0., Quinn, John Quinn, M/M Valmore Barabe, M/M Alphonse Chenette, Anonymous, A Friend . $40 MI M Joseph Souza, Mrs. James Bolton, MI M James Mullin, Jr., MI M Joseph Jupin, Mrs. James Collins; $30 M/M Herbert Wall, Helen Jarusik, M/M James Delano, Mrs. Mary E. Regan, MI M Gerald Lewis, Mary Marshall, MI M Edward Mackay, MI M.Leonard Guilbeault, MI M. Joseph Menino, MI M Paul Rezendes, MI M Edmund Coyne; $25 MI M Calvin Medeiros, M/M George DosSantos, M/M William Perry, M/M Louis Robillard, Jr., MI M Leonard Almeida, MI M Edward Kelley, M/M Herman Saunders, M/M Donald Hoaglund, M/M Domingos Arruda, MI M John Arnett, MI M Bernard Devlin, MI M Joseph Benevides $25MI M John Medeiros, MI M Joseph Harrison, MI M Francis Lamb, M/M William Wing, William O'Malley, Mrs. William Wood, Frances Whelan, Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Roche, Mrs. Ellen S. Vaughan, MI M Romeo Barabe, In Memory of Agnes Tiernan by her Sister, Mrs. Edward Maguire, Mrs. Murdock Myette, Mrs. Luke Smith, MI M George Avila, Mrs. Jane Livsey, M/M John Britto, MI M Leon Bellavance, Mrs. Helen S. J,.ewis, M/M Gil Souto, M/M Michael Nicholas, Catherine Swansea, M/M Jeffrey Liborio, Mrs. Francis Roach, Mrs. Manuel Correia, Cathleen Dupont, MI M Robert Dupont, M/M Alfred Normandin, Alice Donnelly, M/M Henry Tavares, Linda Guilbeault

$25 Janet Connelly, Mrs. James Cawley, Catherine Hurley, M/ M John Sylvia, Lorellla' Phaneuf; Mary Phaneuf, M/M' George Silva,' M'/M ' William Bally, Jr., In Memory of Thomas Whillie by his' wife, Mrs: Alexander Whelan, M/M John Medeiros, M/M Charles Lamoureux, M/M Donat Cormier, M/ M Thomas Paton, Jr., M/M William Aspden, M/M Omer Gagnon, George Sheehan, M/M John Harrington St. Joseph $100 Marguerite Dionne, M/ M Arthur Villeneuve; $50 Dr.

& Mrs. Gerald Carrier & Family, M/ M Thomas Weaver; $40 Anonymous;

$30 Anonymous; $25 M/M Gordon Barber, M/M Kevin Bellavance,

M/M Raymond Besselle, M/M Dennis Giammalvo, Arthur Janson,

M/M Pamphile Letourneau, M/M Ernest Robillard

Our Lady of Assumption $100 Antone S. Monteiro in Memory of Francisco, Ignacia, Flora, Mathias, Mechelle Monteiro, Barbara M. Lopes, Antone Sunshine Ramos, Aurora Pereira, Clara do Livramento, Frank P. Almeida, Adelard J. Martin, Mary G. Carpenter & Mary Dias Wright; $75 M/ M Edw. Cruz, $50 Mrs. J. Robert Smith, $25 Ivan Costa, M/M Albert Houtman, M/M Edw. Rogers, Mary Alfama, M/ M Antonio Gomes, M/M Samuel Barboza, M/M Thomas D. Lopes, M/M Earle Bargasse, M/M Walter Galvin; M/M Roy Almeida St. Mary $800 Rev. John F. Moore; $100 Steven Perry, M/M Nelson Ostiguy, Dr. & Mrs. Roger Lacoste, M/ M Lawrence SI. Onge, $60 M/ M Angelo Telesmanick; $50 William Johns, M/M Normand Boutin, M/M Daniel Pacheco, M/M Robert Penler; $35 Joseph F.A. LeBlanc, M/M Alexander Phillips; $30 M/M Manuel Mota, M/M Jose S. Couto, Jr., ' ' Alfred Dias, M/M Robert Sheehan 525 M/M William 'Whelan, Jr., Mrs. Mona Provencher, M/M Robert F. Lagasse, M/M Wayne Martin, M~s. Aldege Cote, M/M Paul Szwaja, Mrs. Helen Bailargeon, MI M Roland Tavano, M/ M Norman Gauthier, M/M James Foley, M/M Raymond Pires, M/M Richard Waite, M/M John Green, M/M Donald Swain, M/M Normand Langlois, Mrs. Lawrence Hughes, M/M Edward Correia, M/M Joao Aguiar, M/M Ronald Hubert, M/M,David Alves, Mrs. William Donlan, M/ M Raymond BQuchard, M/M Mich'ael Hartley, Mrs. Jemenia Roderigues, M/M Joseph Santos, M/M Robert Schwartz, M/M Edward Angelo, M/M John Teixeira, M/M John McKay, Mrs. Dorothy Brault', M/MEmile Brugger, M/M Ronald Silveira. M/M Richard Botelho NORTH EASTON Immaculate Conception 5200 MI M Robert O'Leary; 550 Mrs. John Connolly, MI M A. Dallaire, Mrs. Mildred Deady, M/M Edward laBelle, M/M Gregory Messler, M/M Alvaro Sousa; $40 MaryT. Campbell, Mrs. Helen Doherty, Somerville Family; $35 Mrs. Concella Howard; 530 In Memory of Alice McEvoy $25 Anthony Alho, M/ M William Beaupre, Anna Craig, Clyde A. Craig, Mildred Delaney, Mrs. Marion S. Felling, James F. Gallagher, M/M John Graca, Jr., M/M Philip Kent, M/M T.F. Kent, Jr., M/M William Lupica, M/M Carrol Luxton, M/M Richard McCole, M/M Robert McDonald, John McGuire, C. McMenamy, M/ M John Murphy, M/M David Reid, M/M Wilfred Roberge, Frank Ryan, Kathleen E. Shyne. M/ M Joel WalcolI, Mrs. Terry Wolffe RAYNHAM St. Ann $100 MI M, George Bumila; 580 M/M John Pickard; $50 Alice Costa, Stella Treani, M/M George Dion, Jr., M/M Henry Crombie, M/M Timothy Siallery, Arthur Howell, M/M John Sheehan, Mary McGrath, M/M Michael Plentus; 540 M/M Edward Tokarz, Barbara O'Brien, M/ M Brien Gregg; 535 M/ M Robert E. Reilly, William Wade; 530 M/ M John Trucchi, M/M Molyneaux Mathews, J.W. Latimer, M/M Richard Riley 525 M/ M Paul Fulmore, M/M Robert Silva, M/M Paul Bowen, MI M Ralph Cutillo, lola M. Flaherty, Be.rnard_Reilly, M/ M WiJliam Casey, M/ M Michael Fitzsimmons, M I M R"oger Poisson, M I M Daniel Wildes, :M/M Antenor DaSila, M/M Charles D,yer, M/M Robert Gallagher, Joseph Wilson, MI M Robert Silveira, MI M Lewis Oliver, M/ MAlbert Ribeiro, M/M Francis Gendreau, Evelyn & Marie Rapoza, Richard Green, Patricia Connors NORTH DIGHTON St. Joseph 5100 M/ M Richard Engle'r; 550 St. joseph's Women's Guild, M/ M Robert Dutra, M/ M John Lane, M/ M Roger Lee; $30 Leo Pivirollo; $25 M/ M Richard Donahue, MI M John Evangelho, Josephine Ferreira, M/ M Edward Labrecque, MI M Robert Lee, M/M Richard Lee, M/M Kenneth.Leanues, M/M'Leo Plouffe, M/M 路David Schnopp, Beatrice Vargas, Donald Vine ' DIGHTON

St. Peter $100 M/M Harold Mendoza, $25 M/M Henry Bennell, Louis

Mendoza, Mrs. Florence Desautels, M/ M Norman Ross

EAST TAUNTON Holy Family 5120 Yvonne Little; 560 M/M Harold Lindskog; 100 M/M Michael Tokarz; $50 M/M Joseph McLean, M/M Carroll Slavick, Stanley Slavick, Stanley Markowski, Mrs. Thomas White; 545 The Oliveiras; $30 M/ M John Areias, Mrs. Edward Crossman, M/ M Joseph Mendes $25 M/ M Albert Adams, Anne Bellencourt,'M/ M Raymond Cramner, Robert Crook, Rev. Mr. John CwiekowSki; MI M Richard Ducharme, M/M Alvin DeSi'!va, Louise Homen, M/ M Charles Kalaher, M/M Henry Kaminski, MI M Everell King, MI M Philip LaFrance, M/ M James Lima, Mary McArdle, Marguerite Morin, M/M Frank Perry, Manuel Perry, M/M Adolfo Resendes, M/M Paul Williams ' TAUNTON St. Joseph $567 Dr. Thaddeus A. 1"lglock; $125 Therese A. Santos; 5100 Joan Frazier;Patricia Frazier, Eleanor Emsley, M/ M Edward F. Kennedy; 575 Catherine R. Kervick; ~50 M/M Elton Buckley, 'M/M Donald Rounds, Jr., Grace E. McManus, MJ M Manuel Garcia, M/ M David H. Bisio; $40 M/M Jean T. Coulombe, M/M Edward Lebeau, Mrs. Anna Champney; $30 M/ M Louis Chaves 525 Mrs. Leo McCann, M/ M Peter Reilly, Robert T. Murphy, M/ M Joseph Rickells, Paul Frazier, M/M 'Donald Raible, M/M Thomas Donnelly, MI M George Ryan, MI M John Steen, Mrs. James McCarthy, M/M Robert Martin, Mrs. Paul Maynard, M/M Joseph Coelho St, Paul $100 Gerard Schondek, M/M Paul Silva, M/M Michael Larkin; 550 M/M Ronald Tremblay, Vivian Couto, The Flangheddy Family, Wanda & Catherine Figueredo, M/ M Charles Paul, M/ M Brian Eddy; 535 M/M Joseph Morey; 530 M/M Ralph Cabral, M/M James Ramsey, Mrs. Raymond LaBrie; 525 Mrs. Elizabeth Goslin, M/M SllJart Place & Family, M/ M Robert Descheneau, Mallhew Schondek, Peter Schondek, M/M Francis Prado, M/M Richard Neville, M/M Paul O'Boy, M/M Franklin Brown, M/M William LaBrie, M/M David Correia, M/ M Joseph Rihbany, M/ M Peter Higgins, Mrs. Gerald Caron, MI M Rudolph Besselle, Annelle Munroe, MI M John J. Iaconis St. Mary 5125 Dr. & Mrs. Howard Carroll; 5100 Edward Duffy, M/M Robert P. Murphy, MI M Richard Smerdon; $55 MI M Edward Tokarz; $50 Joseph Bird, Mary Bird, James Burns, Francis Mulholland, James Mulholland, John Mulholland, Mary Mulholland 540 M/ M Ernest Medeiros; 535 M/ M Harry Sullivan; 530 Ruth Dias, John Rice; 525 M/ M William Balthazar, M/ M Raymond Boffelli, Helen Chaisty, Margaret Chaisty, M/ M Edward Corr, Margaret Dorsey, M/ M , James Downing, M/ M David Fernandes, M/ M Edward Ferreira, Mrs. Lewis Gilbert, MI M Thomas Granfield, Bertha Leonard, David Leonard, Mrs. Helen Lynds, Dorothy McGlynn, M/M Francis Powers, Mrs. Gene Romano

Saered J:leart, $I~ MI,M .J!ls,el?h !'Pl?e.r; $5P Vivil!n. ~arti.n, M/M , ,,~rs: !~re~ia.h Downes,. Dr..&; Mrs. Jo~n Duvalley, Mrs. Louise Fallon,

Hector Qumtana, M/MLeonel Ventura; 535 MI M Patrick J. Murphy,' Adhno Ferreira, M/M Fninclsco GarCia, John W. Korkuc, M/M John

James' F. Leonara, M/M Thadddeus Kuczewski, M/M S.A. Brezinski, " 'McKenzie, M/M Robert Medeiros, M/M Leo Melanson, Mrs. Ann

Nazareth, M/ M John A. Nunes, Mrs. Rita B. O'Connell, MI M Raymond

Jr., 530 M/ M Arthur Crosby; $25 M/ M Joseph Burke, M/ M Allen Murphy, Mrs. Ernest Prairie, Mrs. Lois Stacey, M/M Dennis Martin, E. O'Neill, M/M Anthony Peters, Jr., M/M Rudolph Petorelli, M/M

M/MJohn Martin, Joan Ross, Lawrence Carroll, Ms. Nancy Sylvia, John Pontifice, Mrs. Irene Reale, Mrs. Barbara Reed, M/M Raymond

M/M Geo. Rezendes, Mrs. Louis V. Cook, M/M Peter Maynard, Mrs. Shea. M/M Edward S. Squier, M/M Alfred J. St. Louis, M/M Robert

Alice Hayes, Michael Arthur Fenton Stefanik, M/M Raymond Tomlinson, M/M John J. Treton, M/M

Robert G. Vandal, mrs. Madeline S. Vartanian, M/M Richard ATTLEBORO


Holy Ghost 5500 MI M J.K. Murphy, Sr.; $100 Constant Poholek, M/M Elzear Sicard; 575 M/M Frank PistoIese;550 Dr. & Mrs. Chirenza St. Mary 5250 MI M james Vau.ghan, Jr.; $200 Catholic Woman's Club

C~ristopher E. Fox, M/M Edward Amesbury, Roger Lincoln; $40 MiM of Mansfield; $50 M/M Michael DiGioia, M/M A. Daniel Geribo, M/M

Michael Proulx, 530 M/ M Stephen Duquette, , Richard DeMoia, M/ M Dennis Giokas, M/M Thomas Graney, Jr., M/M Joseph Murphy, M/M

George Fredelle, William Bienvienue, M/M Roland Tremblay, Mrs. Joseph Phillips, Judith Precourt; $40 M/M Lincoln Musto, M/M Guy

Mary Bullard, M/M Joao Rego; 525 M/M Richard Hayes, 0110 Ockert, Tomase; $35 MI ME. Atwell, Mary & Edward Driscoll; $30 Claire Gulan

M/ M Clyde Sprague, M/ M Gaell!n Collelle, M/ M Gaetan Collelle, Jr., 525 M/ M Michael Barows, MI M Paul Burke, MI M Anthony Camelio,

M/M Roy Connor, Albert Decele, M/M Michael Eagan, M/M Donald

Mabel Lewis, Helen Smith, Joan Fontaine, M/M Kenneth Bridges Genoa, M/M James P. Grady, M/M Kevin Higgins, Mrs. William

Louise Laird, Mrs. Joseph Menard ' Holske, M/M J. Spencer Kelley, M/M Kevin King, M/M Charles

540 M/M Don Pelletier, 530 M/M Edgar Gagne; 525 M/M Edward Furtado Mclaughlin, M/M Robert Mei, M/M Thomas O'Donnell, M/M Joseph

Piscatelli, M/M Frank Regula, M/M John Scarpellini, M/M Arlen

Shaw, M/M Joseph Taylor, Ellen Westlund

St..Stephen $150 SI. Stephen's SI. Vincent de Paul Society; 540 Caron 575 M/ M Giles Dognazzi; 560 M/ M William Ll!wrence, M/ M Orlando

Gramte Co., $25 Arthur Baril, Oscar Desjardin, M/ M James Giammarino, Souza; 550 M/M William Cooney, M/M Conley Eagan, Marie Eckler,

Irene Trudel, M/ M Mark Van Dyne, M/ M Peter J. Varrieur Lester McGoldrick, M/M Clifford Titus; $40 M/M Brian Egan, M/M

Guido Leonelli; 535 Jean Mygan; 530 M/M Carmen Cardinute, M/M

St. Joseph 5150 Stephen Daneau; 575 M/M Vito Montaruli, 560 Bart Jackson, Dr. & Mrs. Charles Meszoely, MI M Joseph Souza, Jr., $25

Catalina Ferruzola; '550 M/M Robert Boucher; '545 M/M Robert M/ M Leo t:rancis Annese, M/ M Daniel Creeden, Clarence M. Dacy,

Turcolle; 530 Evelyn Lonergan; $25 Alexina Laferriere, Yvonne Allen,' M/M Malcolm Fales, M/M C.M. Fillmore, M/M Wm.. J. Higgins, M/M

Raymond Dion, Mrs. Omer Gaudreau, M/M Joseph ,Carreiro, Mrs. John Houghton, M/ M Robert Jones, M/ M Henry Kane, M/ M Patrick

Warren MacKinley, Frank Freitas' McPherson, M/ M William O'Neil, M/ M John Paioni, M/ M Gary

Palmieri, Irene Peterson, Michael Powers, M/M John Rhoads, M/M

St. John the Evangellst $200 Bernardino & Patricia Carella, Mrs. William Rose, M/M Kevin Stewart, Mrs. Julius Varga, M/M John

Leland Smith; $150 M/M George Fredette; 5100 M/M Rocco Giannitelli, Wilkinson

Peter ~ilvia, M/ M Andrew Charron, M/ M George Cassidy M/ M William Jost, M/M Frederick Bartek; 550 M/M Paul Palermd, M/M

Mervell Cronin, M/M Manuel Botelho, Mrs. Geoeg Wyman, M/M SWANSEA Edward Kelley, M/ M Ernest Jost, M/ M William Morrissey, Mrs. Frances St. Louis de France 5300 Rev. Richard VI. Beaulieu; $250 St. Louis de France Bingo; 575 St. Louis de France Youth Group; 550 M/ M L. Philip

Kelley, M/M David Reed, Mrs. Lucille Felix, M/M Joseph Bono; 540 Schlernitzauer, Leo Mathieu; $40 Arthur Cote; $30 MI M Robert

M/M Malte Ebeling, M/M Wayne Garriepy, Joseph Milane Michaud; 525 Mrs. Claire Silva, M/M Leo J. Langfield, M/M William

535 M/M Donald Corbeil, M/MFrederick WolI, Mrsy Grimes, Mrs.

Bourrassa & daughter, M/ M William Kenney, MI M Eric Araujo, M/ M

R~b~rt Sharkey, M/M John Whiie, Jr.; 530 M/M Paul Morin, M/M

Donald Prall, M/M Oscar Langlais, M/M Richard Levesque, M/M

Wilham Berennan, Irene Bolton, M/M Robert Robichaud, M/M Joseph Hector Clement, M/M John Gardella, M/M John E. Howard, In

Pa~heco; 525 M/ M Joseph Megan, M/ M Alan Blaha, Helen Madden, Memory of Bernard Lavoie Zoe Bro~n, ~/M John Carty, Mrs. Edgar Pelletier, Louis Perry, M/M

5150 M/M Armand Gauthier; 5100 M/M Guston Bernier; 575 M/M

J~mes Pmoc~I, M/M Harry Pike, M/M. Neil Spellman, M/M David William T. McAndrew; $50 M/ M David Malloy; 540 MI M Walter Pierce;

Gibbs, Mrs. Richard Zern, M/ M Walter Cronin, M/ M Dennis McAdams, $35 M/M Lawrence Mannes; 530 M/M Raymond Audet; $25 M/M

MI M J. Harry Condon, Jr., M/ M George Gosselin, M/ M John Byrnes,

Robert Normandin, M/M Paul M. Boyer, M/M Bertrand Thibault,

M.rs. Joa~ Woodward, Dennis Donnelly, M/M Jesse Almeda, M/ M

M/M Ernest Jean'

Richard Pierce, M/M Paul Precourt, M/M Daniel Cronin

525 Cecile Schneider, M/M John Robinson, M/M Peter Lynch, Mark

St. Michael $100 SI. Vincent de Paul Society; $50 M/ M Gus Davi; $35 Traversi, Mrs. Frank Roca, M/ M Charles Clarke, M/ M Thomas Carroll, Mrs. Pauline Botelho; $30 M/ M Roland Prevost; $25 M/ MAlan M/M David P~dersen, M/M Lloyd Proulx, M/M Norman Quinn, M/M Hutchinson, M/M Amorin Machado. Norman P. Butler, M/M Caesar Everelle Medelr.os, M/ M Joseph Botelho, Pauline Parenteau, Georgette Paiva Nelson, M/ M RIchard Connors, M/ M Kenneth Brough, M/ M Raymond

Taylor ,

St. Dominic 5350 Rev. Arthur K. Wingate; 5300 Rev. William Co' Campbell; 5250 M/M Arthur Cavanaugh; 5200 MI M Richard Mello; NORTH ATTLEBORO 5150 M/M Robert Lachance, M/M Leonard Brophy; 5125 M/M Louis Sacred Heart $55 M/ M Normand Cloutier; 550 M/ M Edward Bedard, Travers; 5100 M/M Joseph Marum, M/M Michael Tardiff, Deacon & M/M Albert Desilets, M/M Richard Deschenes, M/M Richard Gaulin, Mrs. Eugene Orosz, M/M Craig Sherwin, M/M Manuel Travers; 575 Mrs: Ann Hill, MI M Donald Kirby; 545 Donald Clow; 540 M/ M Norman Mrs. Norman Ashley; $55 Eugenie .MacDonald; 550 M/M Charles Achm, Joseph Achin; $35 Louis Bardier, Mrs. Lillian Seymour' 530 MI M Crispo, M/ M Michael Kelly, M/ M John Gunn, M/M John Rego; 540 A~thur Cloutier; M/ M Raymond Alger, MI M Marc ColI~tte, M/ M M/M William Johannis; $35 M/M J. Hinchclife; 530 M/M Charles Wilbur Weldon, M/M Henry laRocque ' Simonin; 527.50 Ms. Ruth Santos, Beverly Ann Della Grolla; 525 M/M Arthur Beauchaine, M/M !foger Condon, M/M Gerard 525 M/M Henry Sidok, M/M Joseph Barboza, M/M Jeffrey Smith, Champagne, MI M Albert Davignon, Mrs. Yvette Hamel, MI M Michael M/ M Edward Terceiro, M/ M George Harrington, Mrs. Catherine Heald, Kirby, M! M Normand L'Homme, M/ M Rodolphe Morel, M/ M Bertrand M/M Henry Bessette, M/M Gerald Vasconcellos, M/M William T. Prefontame, Mrs. Gertrude M. Roy, t"I/M Robert Achin, M/M Paul Carey, M/M Paul Nunes, M/M Arthur G. Costa, M/M Antone Agreu, Camber, Edmond Couturier, Mrs. Germaine Dalpe, Mrs. Flora Des颅 Clement Family, MI M Francis Salamon, Mrs. Angela Nystrom, M/ M tr~mpe, Doris Gagne, M/ M Leo Lacasse, Mrs. Marielle Martineau, MI M William G~mpp, Eileen O,eubel, Mrs. MaY,Macleod Michael Metcalf, Denise Pinsonnault, M/M Rene Pinsonnault, Edgar,

Pombriant, Mildred Richards .


St. Patrick 5250 Dr. & Mrs. Roger E. Cadieux; 5150 M/M Raymond

ATTLEBORO FALLS Adam, Elizabeth Trainor; 5125 M/M Joseph Mallhews; $100 Mrs.

路St. Mark 5250 Mrs. Wiliam Walton; $150 M/M Howard Morse; 5120 Frederic Bartek, M/ M David Dunne, Armand Forand; $75 MI M Joseph

M/ M Robert Donohue; 5100 M/M Joseph!7redette, Roland Mahoney, Tinsley; $50 M/M thomas B: DODlihue, Edward J. Leonard, M/M M/ M James Curtis; 575 Mrs. Clyde De Priest, M/ M Raymond Pierson; Donald Mayer, M/M Frank S. Moriarty, Joan Pavao; $40 M/ M Charles 550 M/M Francis Martin, Richard G. Blais, Mrs. Thomas F. Galvin, E. Demers, M/M Edward Synan, M/,M ThomasJ. Daley, M/M William M/M William McBrine, M/M Richard Gaboury, Mrs. John Gaffney, F. R~ady; 530 M/M "'illiam Cord~iro, M/M WiIlia.m V. Mahoney; $27 Mrs. Alice Dean, M/M Brook BacLean, M/M Joseph Ryan, M/M Mrs. Sol Sireim' . , , Robert Demers; $40 D.L. Romero, M/ M Daniel Torre; 535 M/ M Wayne.

Harrison, M/ M John Precopio, Sr.,$30 MI M Charles Nolan, MI M 525 M/M Alfred Almeida, Raymond R. Bachand, M/M James E.

Joseph Furtado ,

Bradbury, M/ M Peter P. Calise, jr" MIM Frank Ca,rreiro,. Thomas & $25 Mrs. Lillian Duncan, Mrs. Patricia Daggett, M/ M Clarence Mary Cinquini, M/M James Crossley, Mrs. John.N. Daly, M/M Lionel Courcy, M/M Eugene Martha, M/M Richard Blais, M/M Clyde Nunes, Desrosiers, M/M David Eldon, M/M Laurent Guay; M/M Peter M/M John Ross, M/M Donald Menrad,M/M Frank Miller, Louis Hio~lis, M/M James P. Johnson, Jr., Francis J. Kilgrew, M/M John W. Desvergnes, M/ M Robert Blanchard, M/ M Edward Foley, M/M Walter Kinnane, MI M Henri J. Leboeuf, Richard Leonard, Edmond A. Massad, Johnson, Mrs. Charles Lenartz, M/M Francis Gayton, M/M James, M/M Richard A. Mello, M/M William Moniz, M/M Williaql Moran, Ganci ,

M/M Ronald Moreira, M/M William Neilan. M/M Edward A. Rausch, Daniel Ready, Helen & Lilian Reddy, Annie M..Roberts, MI M Raymond

SEEKONK Siller, Johf! T. Smith, Marie Snyder, M/M Joseph J. Soroka, M/M

St. Mary 5200 Mary & Margaret Kinton;S!25 Mrs. Elmer Ralston, St.

Frederick Storch, M/ M Edward Tavares, M{ M Roland Thibault, Robert Mary's Parish Guild; 5100 M/M James Coogan, Mrs. Louise Farrands, . A. Turner M/ M,Joseph Sullivan; $50 M/M Austen Butler, M/M Francis Murphy; \ 5250 Dr. Roland Chabot; 5100 In Memory of James E. Noonan & Grace 535 M/ M Howard Gaudelle, Edward Nolan; 530 M/ M Thomas Clark, ' J. Doolan; 550 M/M'Carlton D. Boardman, M/M Edward J. Kelly, M/ M James Diamond, M/ M Ralph Gilmore, M/ M Charles Sedlak; 525 Lillian I. Hadad, In Memory of Harold W. Meehan, M/M Michael Mrs. Ruth Beaulieu, M/M William Bullis, M/M Joseph ~habot, M/M Miranda, M/M Roland Poitrlls, Mary Quirk, In Memory of M/M John Collins, Laura Conti, M/M Francis Considine. Mrs. Gertrude Charles E. Sevigny; 545 M/M Gerard Deslauriers; 540 M/M Fernand Dalton, Ms. Shirley Dunham, M/M Norman Fontaine, M/M Louis Auclair, M/M Arthur F. Cassidy; 535 M/M Raymond H. Bibeau; 530 Gagnon, M/M Herbert Gray, Jr., M/M Raymond King, M/M Gerald M/ M Richard Michalewich; 525 Mary Belanger, M/ M Roland Bernardo, laFontaine, John Lang, M/M Edward Mann, Rosanna McAfee, M/M Mrs. Joseph Biastoff, Joseph A. Capostagno, Mrs. Francis L. Collins, Sr., Joseph Nolan, M/ M Robert Scarlatelli, MI M Herbert Snell, Mrs. Joseph M/M William Gilgert, Mrs. David M. Kilroy, Gladys J. Lopes, M/M Stanton, M/ M Frederick Thorpe, M/ M Robert Toole, M/ M Alfred Matos, M/M Louis Oliveira, M/M Armand Saurelle, M/M Dennis Vanbever, M/M Mark VahDenBerge, Mrs. Frederick Whillier, M/M Sullivan, M/M Joseph Therrien Stephen Wnuk St. Thomas More 51000 Rev. Msgr John J. Regan, V.E.; $150 In Our Lady of Mount Carmel $500 C.J. Conyers Insurance; 5300 M/ M Memory of Catherine Cooney; 5100 M/ M William Sherry; 550 Henry J. John Ghiorse; $250 M/M Edward R. Tomasso; 5150 John Hendricks," McGowan, M/M John J. Moynagh; 540 H. Earl Heron; $35 M/M Ben Hendricks Pools; 5100 M/M James Araujo, M/M Glenn Guillari, mt. Paskavitch; 530 M/M Gilbert Leonard; 525 Mildred Allenburg, Francis Carmel Youth Ministry, M/ M Raymond Naughton, M/ M David Pitassi, Dacey, M/M Leo Hayes, Mary F. Johnston, M/M William Kirkman, MI M Fritz Ulmschneider, M/ M D. Anthony Venditti, Francis Vendilli; , Mary H. McNulty, Margaret M. Moynagh, Ted & Sue Porada, Florence $84 M/M Joseph McCabe;p $80 M/M Charles S. Grossman; 575 Helen M. Sullivan ' Browning, M/M Ralph Turner 550 M/ M John B. Carney, M/M Daniel Cesarz, M/M Richard Costa, St. John of God $200 SI. John of God Women's Guild; 5100 Mary A. M/M Michael Durkay, M/M Vincent Frallaruolo, M/M John Furtado, Murphy; 550 Dr. Kenneth Arruda, Roland Quental, Mariana Andrade; Mrs. Gerald Gorman, M/M Wallace Guay, M/M John Kelleher, M/M $30 Gary Velozo, Edward Machado; $25 James McIntyre, Joseph Souza, Robert Leavill, Mrs. Joseph Lyons, M/ M Sarkis Najarian, Jr., M/ M Antone F. Correia, Joseph D. Lawrence, Manuel S\lvia, Brian Vieira, Charles Roberts, M/M Robert Saxon, Seekonk Knights of Columbus, Veva Cavaco, Manuel Carreiro, Joseph Gouveia M/ M Robert Sloane, M/M Richard Sweetland; 540 M/ M Anthony ASSONET Andrews, M/ M Harold Devine, M/ M Antonio Perri, Mrs. Manuel St. Bernard 5250 Rev. Leonard Mullaney, M,'M Gary Marcondes;5125 Santos; 535 M/M John Chmura, M/M John H. Ellis, M/M Paul M/M Francis Sullivan; 536 M/M Paul Levesque; 535 M/M William Michelelli, Jr., MI M William F. Sullivan; 530 M/M Manuel Costa Eric Boulay; 530 M/M Manuel Mello; 525 M/M Edmund Bernier, Walter Danielson, Mrs. Manuel OeM alios, M/ M Michael O'Connell, M Buote, M/M Stanley Janczura, M/M Brian Lawton, M/M Leonard Raymond Silva, M/M Ralph Tomei, M/M George Vergilis Nicolan, M/ M James Quirk, M/M Gerald Veloso, M/M Frank Barboza, 525 M/M David Avila, M/M William Bains, M/M Jean Boulanger, M/M Donald LeBlanc. Gerald St. Pierre, M/M John Piekos, M/M B~uce Boynton, Mrs. Margaret Carpenter, M/M Ralph Castino, M/M Edward O'Neill, M/M William Simmons, Mrs. Walter Wal Victor Couto, M/ M William Curtis, Jr., Harry DeAngelis, Mary DeSilva,



.. .

WESTPORT Our Lady of Grace S25 M/M Alfrcd Alves, Donald Bernier, Joseph Boucher, M/M Wayne' Brooder, M/M Gerald Dupuis, M/M Louis Fernandes, Mrs. Virginia King, M/M Andre Lavoie, M/M John J. Marnik, M/M Lionel Paquette, M/M Francisco Pavao, M/M George Ponte, M/ M David Russell, M/ M Robert Tremblay, Joseph & Pauline Vale FALL RIVER

, St. Elizabeth S50 SI. Vincent de Paul Society

Sacred Heart SI50 Sarah Halliga,n; S84 M/M Robert Nedderman; S75

MI M Joseph M. ZIomek; S60 M/M JohnJ. Patota; S50George Driscoll, MI M Daniel F. Duffy, In Memory of Curtis Family, Mary Finucane, M/M T. Arthur McCann, Michael McNally, Edmund Mitchell, Mrs. H. Frank Reilly; S40 M/M John J. Sullivan; S35 In Memory of Herman J. Springer; $30 Hugh M. McInnis, MI M Paul R. White, James F. Darcy, In Memory of Francis C. Dolan and Mary Wagner, M/ M Thomas J. Dolan, Melitta Ebner, M/M John H. Springer S25 Mrs. Charles F. Bliffins, MI M Thomas Kitchen, MI M Joseph M, Krupa, Jr., Raymond McGuire, Robert Carey, Jeanne Gagne, Mrs. Chester Gosciminski, The Grace Family, Joani Lege,r, Margaret G. McCarthy, In Memory of George McCoomb, Charles Mitchell, Harold O'Hearn, M/M Arthur Pavao, M/M Willard Piper. M/M Raymond F. , Powers, Mrs. John M. Regan ' St. Anne S200 M/M Edgar Ross; SI25 Dr~ & Mrs. Paul Devillers, Imelda & Alice Gauthier; S75 Paul Hamel; S5Q M/ M Loridas Jolivet, M/M Benoit Canuel, M/M Normand Boule;'S44 M/M Reginald Beller­ ive; $40 MI M Joseph Bernardo; S35 M/ M Joseph SI. George, M/ M Lucien Dion; S30 Mrs. Alice Gauthier; $25 MI M Daniel Lyne, M/ M Robert Charest, Mrs. Rose Anna Spear, M/ M Henri SI. Laurent, M/M Ophir Antaya, MI M Edward Ferreira, M/ M Emile Matton, Mrs. George Biltcliffe, M/M William Lanneville, M/M Donald Gagne, M/M Fred Heinig, Mrs. Marie Anne Lebeau, M/M James Martin, Jeanne Merlin, M/M Louis Beaulieu, M/M Honore Goddu, M/M Gerard Tremblay and Family S75 Alice & Anna Lalann~; $50 Loreta Fillion, M/ M Andre Plante; $40 MI M Honore Gauthier; S30 Mrs. Catherine Bernier, Germaine Gauthier, Misses Quintin; S25 M/ M Joseph E. Toole, Roland Beaulieu, MI M Raymond Morin, Deacon & Mrs. Robert'Raymond, M/M Roger Richards, Lauretta Gauthier, Mrs. Alice Auclair, George Ledoux, M/ M , Bertrand DeGagne, Mrs. Theresa Canuel, Ladies of SI. Anne Sodality, Children of Mary Sodality, Holy Name Society Esplrito Santo Sioo A 'Friend; S75 Espirito Santo Woman's Guild, Espirito Santo SI. Vincent de Paul Society; $50 Cordeiro Family; S40 Sousa Family; S25 Viveiros Family, A Parishioner, A Friend Notre Dame de Lourdes SI25 M/M Alfred Dupras, M/.M Roger A.J. Labonte; SIOO MI M Robert V. Boutin; S80 Cecile Masse; S60 Dr. & Mrs. Adelard Demers, Jr., Annette Frascatore; S50 M/M Raymond Thibault, ,M/ M Normand Paul, M/ M Philippe Rioux; $40 M/ M Armand Raiche; S35 MI M Ademord Allard; $30 M/M Robert Levesque, M/M Theodore Bernier, M/M Oscar Maynard, Jr."M/M Bernard Gendreau, Medora Dupuis, Helena Chase ' S25 MI M Conrad Desmarais, Oscar Levesque,M/M Raymond Boulay, M/M Robert Phenix, M/M Leo Berger, M/M Rene Monast, M/M Hector Lapoint, M/M Romeo Parent, M/ M Gerard Roussel, M/M J.B. Oscar Levesque, M/M Peter D. LePage, M/M Armand Dallaire, M/M Leopold Barnaby, M/M Thomas Hartnett, M/M Roger Richard, M/M Aime Durette & Family, M/ M Paul Dumais, M/ M Umberto Latessa, Jr., MI M Paul Chouinard, Notre Dame Council of Catholic Women, Zephir Roy; Adrienne Michaud, Laititia Petit, Gerard Berger, Blanche Dugal, Mabel Carr, Normand Ledoux, Blanche Rousseau, Emile J. Amiot, Remi Couture, M/ M Eugene Hubert, M/ M Rogher Fournier, Antoinette Boyer Our Lady of the Holy' RosarY SIOO M/ M Raymond Cousineau, Mrs. Edward C. Gibbons, Urginia B. Lima, M/M Lawrence Romeo, In Memory of Pellegrino & Assunta Cetola; S50 Mrs. Dennis Toomey"MI M Joseph Graci, M/M Cyril Marcille; S30 Mrs. Josephine Bernard, Jery Ciullio, M/ M Richard Martel, Lydia Sotomayor; S25 MI M Albert D'Ambrosio, M/M Ernest J. D' Ambrosio, sr., M/M Julien Gamache, Mrs. Henry L. Langner, Henry Maddaleno, Mrs. Marion Paiva, M/M Peter Patota, Mrs. John S. Sousa . $25 In Memory of James Almond, MI M John Brennan, M/ M Bertrand € a ron, Edith' & Marietta Colucci, Ange,lo Ferraro, Edith S. Flanagan, MI M Rene Guimond, Mrs. Rose Keene, M/ M John'Perry, MI M Joseph Ribeiro, Mrs. Lena Ricci, Anna Rivera, Sasso'Family, Mrs. Ralph Sasso, M/M John Salvo, Ronald Thibeault - Antenna Systems Co. St. Joseph $160 M/M Joseph O'Connell; $125 Joseph D. Harrington; $100 St. Jos~ph's St. Vincent de Paul Society; $50 Joseph M. Cayton, Russell Pichette, M/ M James H. Rebello; $40 M/ M Paul Boulay, MI M Joseph P. Capeto; $35 MI M Leo J. Caine, $30 Mrs. Henry Mercer, Mrs. Charles Ross, M/M Daniel Netto, M/M Walter Nichipor $25 M/M Leonard Alves, Mrs. Jean Bernardo, Albert Berube, M/M James Boulay, Elizabeth Flaherty, M/M Carlton Gagnon, Leo Griffin, Mrs. Patricia McAuliffe, M/ M John Lynch, Eileen Murphy" Louise Murphy, Mrs. Eileen Rego, M/M Santo S. Rizzottp Blessed SacramentS 150 M/ M Roger Lauzon; $40 A Parishioner; S37 A Parishioner; $25 MI M Louis SI. Marie, M/ M Roger Daniels, Mrs. Irene Montpelier, M/ M Stephen C. Evans, M/ M William Grace, M/ M Roland ,,' , , Lavoie, A Parishioner Our Lady of the Angels $40 M/M Jo!!.e Ferreira; $25 M/M Ventura Souza, M/M Manuel Magano, mrs, J,uliette' Candeias, Alice Paiva, Manuel Medeiros, Holy Ghost Social Club, Emily Goncalo St. Patrick $100 In Memory of William Lynch; $50 Mrs. Sarah Gagnon, $30 Mrs. Albert J. Arsenault; $25 Rev. Joseph Sidera, C.S.C., Mrs. Anna Burns, M/M Anthony R. Ruggiero, Anna Whalon, M/M John Shea SS Peter & Pau1$50 James L'Heureux; $30 M/ M Glenn Hathaway; 525 M/M James Donnelly, M/M Thomas McGarty, Helen Ozug, M/M Frederick Vitullo, Mary Kelleher, M/ M Joseph Medeiros St. Louis $50 SI. Louis Woman's Guild; S25 William Wallworth, Mrs. Marie Wallworth St. Mathieu $100 Juliette Belanger, Anonymous; $50 M/M Paul Pineault, M/M Paul Lapointe; $40 In Memory of Dr. Eugene J. Dionne; $25 M/M Michael Cacciabeve, Irene Lapre, M/M Alphonse Mailloux, Mrs. Harold McNerney, M/M Normand Phenix, M/M Louis Poisson, Ann Roussel, Mrs. Donat Roussel, M/M Lucien Roy, Mrs. Philip Vail­ lancourt, Mrs. Edmour Thibault, Mrs. Marthe W. Whalon Santo Christo $600 Rev. Antonio C. Tavares; $300 Iii Memory of Joaquim & Isaura Reis; $125 Frank H. Bento, $100 M/M Joseph V. Medeiros, S60 Mj M Carlos M. Pavao; $50 Mrs. Agnes Castaho, Mrs. Aida P. Farias, In Memory of John & Emily Silva & Antone & Grace Moniz; $40 M/ M Joso F. Machado, The Moniz Family, M/M Manuel T. Pacheco & Family, M/ M Augustinho F. Silva; $35 M/ M Domingos R. Almeida & Family, M/ M Antonio Pimentel & Son . $30 M/M Manuel S. Almeida & Daughter, Maria H. Augusto & Family, M.P.B., M/M GaryJ. Corriera, Manuel & Maria Mendes, M/M Joao C. da Mota & Family, M/ M Herculano B. Oliveira, In Memory of the Parents of MI M Frank Pacheco, MI M Walter Pereira, MI M Louis Pevide & Daughter, A Friend; $25 M/M Paul C.T. de Araujo, M/M


Joaquim Barboza, M/ M Manuel R. Borges & Sons, J.M.C., MI M Anto­ nio Carvalho & Daughter, M/ M Joao C!lrlos S. Carvalho, Linda Correia, M/M Joao V. Couto, M/M Walter Joao C. Dias & Family, Mrs. Eliza Machado & Daughter, Mrs. Hilda M. Medeiros & Family, M/ M Eugenio A.Monte·& Family, F.R.P., M/M Manuel O. Pimentel & Family, M/M Edward Raposo, William dos Reis & Mother, Maria C. Rodrigues, M/ M Francisco B. da Silva & Daughter, Anonymous, A Friend - St. Michael $150 In Memory of Manuel & Maria H. Andrade; SIOO M/ M Gerald H. Silvia; S70 M/M Joseph Farias; S50 A Friend; S40 M/ M Ross. S. Martin; S30 Mrs. Alice.Weems; S25 Mrs. Deolinda Mello St. Antho~y of Padua S500 Re~. Evaristo Tavares; SI 00 St. Anthony of Padua'Y.C.A. Group, Antone Camara; S50 Ernest Ladeira, Holy Name Society; S25 Jeremias Botelho, Joao Santos, Edna Silva & Son, C.W. Guild, Comunidade de Amor St. William $300 SI. William St. Vincent de Paul Conference; SIOO St. William's Women's Guild, M/M Victor SI. Denis; S50 M/M Peter D'Ar­ rigo, Christopher Lake, Jr., MI M Maurice Bosse, Mrs. Bert Galford; S40 M/M Leonard Bernier; S35 M/M Herbert Boff; S30 M/M George Rhoads, MI M James Ostrowdki; S25 Mrs. M. Potts, MI M A. Monteiro Holy Cross S75 Holy RosarY,Society; S25 MI M Thomas Bednarz, In Memory of Joseph Czerwonka, Mrs. Walter Gosciminski, M/M Stanley Remiesiewicz, Joseph Sabat, M/M Charles Szulewski St. Jean Baptiste S75 Friend of Catholic, Charities; S25 M/ M Louis Bouchard, MI M Lucien Laroche, Juliette Casavant Our Lady of Health S50 Confirmation Class 1985; S35 Antone Pacheco, S30 Louis Pacheco, Jeremias Rego, S25 In Memory of Joseph Gonsalves, Sr. and Mrs. Mary Gonsalves, Afonso Cabral Immaculate Conception S300 Rev. Terence F. Keenan; SIOO Mrs. Elsie Botelho; S50 Edward P. Ferreira, Peter Sullivan, MI M Edmond Jean~ Immaculate Conception Men's'Club, Gilbert Cyr, Immaculate Concep­ tion Women's Guild; S30 Kenneth Boyer, Andrew Cook, Leonel Paiva; S25 M I M Matthew Wzelag, Mrs. Hector Savoie, M I M Peter Sakell, M/M Norman Lamontagne, Mrs. Margaret Wiles, M/M G.A Cantara St. Mary's Cathedral SI25 M/M James Coyne; SI20 A Friend; $100 Ruth Hurley, A Friend; S50 Daniel Shea, Eleanor Shea, Mary T. Hurley, Mrs. Eugene Ponton, Helen Shea, A Friend; S35 Antonio Tavares, A Frienl!; S25 M/M Charles Adams, In Memory of William A. Johnson, M/M Valdemar Rocha, M/M John Koska, Margaret G. Diskin, Lucille Levasseur, In Memory of Loved Ones, M/M George McDonald, M/)VI Michael Arruda, Mary R. Grace, Katherine Kaufman, A Friend St. Stanislaus $825 Rev. Robert S. Kaszynski; S650 Rev. Andrzej Maslejak; $600 SI. Stanislaus School; Sioo MI M Robert Astle, SI. Stanis­ laus Women's Guild, MI M Johil Polak; SI20 David Carlos; S50 Thomas M. Medeiros, John J. Polas, Jr., M/M Andre R. LaCroix; S30 M/M Walter Sokoll, Jr.;S25 Mrs. Frederick Sherman, Ml M Frank Di Matteo, MI M James R. Garrity, Sr., M/ M Thaddeus Chrupcala, Mrs. Barbara O'Neil SilO Sophie Kocon; $100 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph McGuill, Jr., M/M Thomas Drewett, A Friend; S75 Joan Clark, John Kostka, A Friend; $60 M/MJohn Deveney, Mrs. Walter Conrad, M/M Thomas Pasternak; S50 M/M Daniel B. Rocha, Mrs. Patricia Leary"M/M Joseph Cichon, Rose Marie Brooks, In Memory of Adatn Polak, A Friend; S44 A Friend; S42 A Friend; S40 MI M Joseph Minior, M/ M Stanley Wojnar, M/ M George A. Wrobel, Joseph P. Godek, M/ M Rogeoio Cabellon, MI M John L. Rog­ , ers, Mrs. Denita Tremblay $35 MI M Frederick Weglowski, Jr., John Kustra, M/ M Edward Girza, M/ M Thaddeus Waszkiewicz, A Friend; S30 MI M Matthew Chrupcala, Jane Cichon; M/ M Leo Fournier, MI M Walter Stasiouski, Mrs. Alex­ ander Kocon, M I M Paul L'Heureux, Antoinette Orzechowski, Mrs. Bar: ,bara Mullen, A Friend; S26 A Friend; S25 M/M Francis Cleary, M/M Joseph Forsack, M/ M Stanley Pencok & Son, M/ M Louis Amaral, MI M Mathew Laudock, M/M Henry ~adeau, M/M Joseph N. Desrosiers, M/M Ricky Paul Sahady, Beverly C. DeMoura, M/M Philip Violette, M/M John E Luddy, Lauretta M. Machado, M/M Arthur Silva, Mary Makuch, M/M Henry T. Hawkins, M/M Richard L. Miles, M/M Jan Grygiel, Stanley T. Pietrzyk, M/M Joseph J. Croseh, M/M David J. SI. Laurent, M/M Thaddeus Karcz, Phyllis Babiarz, Valerie Polka, M/M John Cabeceiras, M/M Michael S. Jezak, Mrs. Gary Ivanson, A Friend Holy NameS350 Atty. Kenneth L. Sullivan; $300 Dr. & Mrs. John Delaney, M/M Thomas J. Carroll; S200 Dr. & Mrs. Andee Nasser, MI M Gustave Mattos; SI 50 Claire Mullins; Sloo Dr. Orner E. Boivin, Catherine P. Harington, M/ M Alcide Morrell, Atty. & Mrs. Long, Robert J. Nagle, M/ M Charles Franco, M/ M Robert B. Reid, MI M Daniel Viveiros, - Thaddeus Golits; S80 M/ M Frederick B. McDonald; S60 Katherine Hogan; S52 MI M Norman J. Roy; . S50 MI M P. Henry Desmond, A.J. Gamelin, The Pacheco Family, M/M William Renaud, M/M Rene Lavoie, Raymond Beausoleil, James F. Nicoletti, M/ M Fred Czerwonka, In Memory of Kathleen Gillespie & Sister )VIary Cecelia, M/M Louis Shea, M/M Joseph Callahan, M/M James Murphy, M/M Joseph Keefe S40 Mrs. Margaret Mercier, M/M Stanley Mikolazyk, M/M Lionel Braz; S35 M/M Joseph F. Doran, Mrs. Arthur Shea, M/M William O'Brien, In Memory of Gladys L. O'Neil; S30 M/M Antone Fernandes, In Memory of Gladys L. O'Neil ' S36 M/M Arthur Gladu; S35 M/M Edward Grace, M/M Leo Flynn, Grace Taylor; S30 M/M Robert Kitchen, M/M Warren ,Wood, In Memory of Esther McArdle, Elizabeth McArdle, Mrs. Samuel Hacking; S25 Helen Buckley, Mrs. John F. McMahon, MI M Arthur J. Morin, S25 Mary Dwyer, Margaret Dwyer, M/M Michael Biszko, Jr., ~au­ reen McCloskey, M/ M John Kirkman, MI M John Giblin, M/ M Thomas Hammond, M/M Thomas L. Stanton, M/M Adelino Flores, M/M Ken­ neth Reinerio, M/M Thomas M. Murrell, Atty. & Mrs. Steven Pereira, Alvaro Cabral, M/M Arthur Donovan, M/M Raymond Chipendale, Mrs. William Higgins, M/M Annel Audet, M/M Raymond Medeiros, M/ M William J. Paul, Marie A. Murphy, MI M John J. Sullivan, MI M John A. Burke, Mrs. James Cullen, M/ M N,ormand Coutu, M/ M James Hoyle, In Memory of James A. Almond, John Keating, M/M Joseph Tavares,Joyce Hicks, M/M Lawrence Sousa, M/ M JohnJ. Furze, M/M Charles Wills, M/M Raymond Reynolds, M/M Paul Arnoe, M/M John Cummings, M/M Raymond Monahan, John Reder"M/ M John Azevedo, M/M Timothy S u l l i v a n ' ' S300 Dr. & Mrs. Victor Palumbo; $250 Mrs. George Bolger; $200 Atty. & Mrs. Frederic Torphy; SI50 M/M William F. Patten; Sioo Mrs. Wil­ liam A. Torphy, Leo T. Clement, MI M James H. Collins; S70 A Friend; S60 M/M Matthew Sullivan, M/M George A. Lavoie; $50 M/M Jan Pietraszek, M/M David T. Sullivan, M/M George Flanagan, Rudolph LaVault, M/M Hugh F. Reilly, Mrs. Romeo McCallum, M/M EdwardJ. Harrington, M/M Robert Rebello, M/M Edward C. Berube, Ida Lusig­ nan, M/ M William C. Fu'rze, M/ M John Carr; S40 M/ M Joseph Pinson­ neault, MI M James Johnson; $35 The Nash Family, Mrs. Diane Pacheco, Gertrude L. Mercier;$30 M/M Robert Partington, M/M Eugene L. McCarthy, M/M William F. Keating, Jr.; $26 H.H. Duclos;S25 M/M Jean Louis Beaupre, M/M Thomas Dunn, M/M John Barry McDonald, M/.M Robert Alves, MI M Antero Monte, MI M Robert Reynolds, Tho­ mas D. Conlon, M/M Robert Guimond, M/M Richard Duddy, Margaret McCallum, MI M Everett Smith, Mrs. Annette Harrington, M/ M Joseph Morais, M/M John Walsh, Sr., M/M Ellwood Rounds, Mrs. T.H. McMahon, M/M Walter Neves,M/M John Cabaceiras, M/M Fred Plasski, Margaret Lahey, Daniel P. Medeiros, Mary L. Walsh, M/M Joseph Malvey

ASSONET St. Bernard SMI M Richard Houghton; 525 MI M Donald Almeida, Patricia Fazel, MI M Michael Frain, M/M Gerald Fletcher, M/ M Dennis Read, M/M Francis Smith HYANNIS St. Francis Xavier ,Ji300 MI M Edward J. Murphy,Jr.; Sioo MI M John Curley, Jr., M/-M Nicholas Karukas, Robert C. Kelley, MI M Edward J. McCarty; S75 MI M Ralph Berling; S70 Helen Dostal; S50 MI M James F. Barry, M/M JamesJ. Carney, Eileen Duane, M/M Richard Fontneau, M/M Joseph L. Francis, M/M Everett B. Horn, Jr., M/M Andrew Tannone, In Memory of John & Anne Fehr and Louise Earle; S40 Harriet Butler, M/M Edward T. Clark, Jr., MI M Edward G. Eaton, Georgie M. Fleming, M/M Robert A. Flinn, M/M William Mather, M/M John Roberts; S30 Maurice T. Janisse $300 Rev. Joseph M. Caplice, O.M.I.; $200 Rev. M.L. BUllimer. S.J., Jim Regan; SI50 Henry A. Chamberlain; SIOO M/M John F. Donovan, M/M John J. Bell; S75 Edmund Daly, M/M W.,M. Carberry, M/M Bernard J. Foley, MI M Elmer T. Smith; S60 Rose M. Blaise; S50 M/M Walter C. Ahern, M/M George E. Conley, M/M William J. Hedrington, Mrs. Ronald Mansbach, Robert O'Rourke, MI M Lucien Poyant, Irene C. Roberts, M/ M David Selfe, M/ M Vincent Simeone, Helen B. Sullivan, In Memory of Mary "Marne" Sullivan, Mrs. Ruth Williams, Dorothy M. Clark, Laura K. Grace, M/M Kenneth Grossman, Mrs. Mary Rowell, Mrs. Dorothy Shannahan; $40 MI M Perley Thompkins; $30 Barbara F. Girard S25 Fourth Armored Division, New England Chapter, WWII, M/M Adamo Agostinelli, Mrs. Mary Bowen, MI M Francis D. Brown, Jr., M/ M John F. Burns, M/-M John J. Carty, M/M Francis J. Cavanaugh, Robert Chaves, M/M Frank W. Clancy, M/M Louis Conrad, Anne D. Cullinane, M/M William F. DeAvilla, M/M James Douglas, Chief & Mrs. Richard R. Farenkopf, M/ M Charles Gallivan" MI M John F. Haggerty, Michael & Katherine Kiley, M/M Edward D. Lariviere, M/M Kenneth Leech, 'Jack J. Lopes, M/ M Arthur A. Conley, Agatha Delis, Mrs. Elizabeth Dias, Helen C. Herlihy, Thomas A. Kane, Jr., M/M Roland Marcoux, M/M Clovis Poyant, Ann -T. Maiella, Mrs. Susan Mankevetch, Mrs. Elizabeth Murphy, John J. Rotella, M/M Francis X. Scannell, Harry & Frances Tibbetts, M/M Ralph Amado, Mrs. Irene Chamberlain, M/ M Leo H. Decoteau, Mrs. Wallace Dana, Jr., Mrs. William Foley, M/M George E. Morrison, Philip Smith ' PROVINCETOWN St. Peter the Apostle SI 50 K' of C. - Walter Welsh Council, Seamen's Savings Bank; SIOO M/M Edward Dahill; S50 Mrs. John W. Downey, Joseph A. Taves, C.P.A.; $35 Catholic Daughters of America, M/ M John Cook; S30 Land's End Marine Supply; S25 M/M Edmund Dalpe, King& Fahey Funeral Home, J. Arthur Lopes A Friend VINEYARD HA VEN , St. Augustine S250 R.M. Packer Fuel Co, Campbell Oil Co., $100 MI M James Gillis; $50 CDR. Daniel F. Burgo; S25 Coca Cola Bottling Co., ABC Oil Co., Dora Lasage, Yates Pharmacy, Georginia B. Kurth, Pauline Sylvia CENTERVILLE Our Lady of Victory S600 Rev. John A. Perry; $500 M I M William B. Prior; S300 Nina A. Bremer, Ruth C. Wynkoop, Henry Kiggen; S250 Mrs. Richard Bamber; $200 Dr. & Mrs. John J. Curran, MI1>1 William Dacey III, M/M Thomas Hazlett, M/M James Murphy; SI50 M/M James Pendergast; SI20 Mrs. Robert L. Cohan; Sioo M/M Garrett F. Bowler, Mrs. John G. Downing, M/M Alfred Fournier, Mrs. Daniel Galvin, Nancy L. Garrity, MI M Joseph Grant, M/ M Richard Griffith, M/ M Emil H. Guertin, M/M Clarence Hanson, M/M Francis T. Judge, M/M John Macleod, Dr. & Mrs. Herbert Mathewson, M/M John E. Nowlan, M/M Joseph O'Maley,Lillian F. O'Neil, M/M Joseph Pemental, M/M Roy F. Pollino, M/M Joseph Regan, M/M Daniel Severino, Mildred Shea, M/ M George Sheehan, M/M Robert D. Smith $80 M/ M Donald Colebourn, Marea K. Seftom; $75 Mary Bohling, Katherine MacDonald, M/M James T. McCarthy, Mrs. Valmore Guer­ tin, Mrs. Mary Healy, Agnes L. McInerney, M/ M Stanley McLean, John J. Pendergast, Jr.; S65 Joseph L:Cairns; S50 Rev. James Tobin, Mrs. Frank Andres, M/M John F. Aylmer, Jr., M/M Robert Cannon Alice Casey, M/ M James Caulo, M/ M Reginald Collette, M/ M James Cotte­ rail,. M/ M Leo J. Coveney, M/ M John F. Desmond, John Fleming, Ka!ltope G. Garo,!fes, M/M Danjel Harkins, Helen J. Keily, Mary E. Kelly, Mrs. K.R. LIston, M/M Henry Lyons, M(M Charles L. Maher, Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Martone, M/ M John T. McPhi lips, M/ M Burton Merri­ field, M/M'Joseph Murphy, M/M ~tephen O'Brien, Sr., M/M Arthur O'Keefe, Mabelle O'Neil, M/ M Roy A. Prescott, Atty. & Mrs. Richard Rougeau, Mrs. Raymond Russell, MI M Pasquale J. Russo, Mrs. Graham Scu.dder, M/M !,aul S~anl1on, Mrs. Daniel W. Smith, M/M James H. SmIth, Mrs. Julta Sulltvan, M/M Thomas Sullivan, M{M Edward D. Tocio S40 M/M,Peter Boniface, Mrs. Agnes Canavan, Dr. Louis DeRosa, MI M Francis E. Green, M/ M A. Silvestri, S35 M/ M William J. Cotter, Mrs. Harry Davidson, Gretchen Deichert, M/M Dennis Driscoll M/M Leonard S. Francis, M/ M Andrew J. Kelly, Mrs. Howard Munroe', M/ M Ger~ld M. Ott; Mrs. J. Laurence Phalan, M/ M Frll:ilcis Walsh; $30 M/ M KeVin Brady, M/M Paul Charest, M/M Daniel J. Gallagher, M/M Armand Goulet, M/M E<!ward J. Ledwith, M/M Robert Levine, M/M John McKeon, Mrs. John Murphy, M/M Stephen O'Brien, Jr., M/M Wilfrid D. Sampson, Mrs. Robert Wheeler .S25 Jean F. Adler, Mrs. M. Gordon Bailey, M/ M John Baldner, Mrs. Elizabeth Baxter, M/M Walter Bennett, James Blake, M/M John J. Blumette, M/M George Bonda, M/M Austin Boyle, Mrs. Harold Bragle, MI M Donald Brunelle, James M. Burke, Wilhelmina Burke, Mrs. Theron 8.; Burlingame, John Byron, M{M Frank J. Carey, M/M Dennis Caron, RIchard F. Carroll, M/M C. CIborowski, Mrs. Eileen Claflin, Dorothea Clancy,. M/ M Edward Clark, M/ M James R. Clarkin, M/ M Richard Constantine, Helen Storm Corsa, M/ M John F. Cosby, M/ M William L. ,Crocker, L.E. Crovo, Mrs. John Crowley, Katheryn M. Destafano, M/ M Ruben Deveau, M/M William Devine, M/M William J. Dillon, M/M Fred. W. Donovan, M/M Thomas Doran, M/M William H. Dugan, M/ M Ralph Duplin, M/M Donald Duquette, Jane Flynn, Mrs. George Garoufes, Anne Gildea, M/M Phillip Gogan, Richard Golden, Mrs. James Gordon, Mrs. Eleanor Haggerty, William Grinnell, Mrs. Albert Harkins, Roger Hebert, M/M Leonard Higgins, Helen Hogan, Leo A. Horstman, M/M Charles Huber, M/M Daniel Hughes, M/M Ellis John­ son, M/M Charles Kelleher, M/M Thomas F. Kelley, M/M Kevin Kelly, M/M William Kelly, M/M Richard Kennedy, Eugene Kiernan, Mrs. Richard Lamar, John F. Leary, Alice Lynch, Mrs. Henry Lynch, M/M James McCarthy, M/M Timothy McCarthy, Lillian P. McCullough, M/M Edward J. McLean, M/M Joseph McMahon, M/M Thomas McNulty, M/M Francis McVarish, Mrs. Mary MacNown, Margaret Macpherson, John Mark . S25 M/M Thomas Monaghan, M/M James D. Monahan, M/M Andrew Murphy, Thomas F. Murphy, Dr. & Mrs. James E. Nadeau, M/M Dalliel P. Neath, M/M PeterF. Nelson,.Jr., M/M William Nelson, Mrs: LU~llle M. Nugnes, M/M Thomas NUllle, M M Joseph O'Brien, DaVId 0 Keefe, Mrs.Thomas O'Neill, M/ M Howard W. Pember; M/ M Edward Perry, M/M Michael Princi, M/M John F. Quinn, Laurette Reilly, M/ M John W. Resnik, Mrs. Bernice Roache, Mrs. William Robie, M/ M Stephen Rowen, M/ M Frank A. Seaver, Dr. & Mrs. Stewart Seigle, M/ M Joseph R. Sheehan, M/ M Paul J. Smith, Jr., Mrs. Robert Starcle, M/ M Joseph Stefens, M/ M William Stone, Katherine E. Sullivan, Mrs. Maureen Telelaar, Mrs. Virginia Thompson, M/ M Edward Tynan, MI M Edmund Walsh, Jr., M/M Thomas P. Walsh, Mrs. Edward A. Whalen M/M Alfred Zervis '


SOUTH YARMOUTH St. Plus Tenth $450 William A. Parker, Sr.; $300 Dorothy A. Black; $200 M/M George Cravenho, M/M Charles P. Collins, M/M George Cravenho; $15~ Mrs. Joseph Hanley; $100 Mrs. Thomas Burns, M/M Joseph E. McTiernan, MI M Albert Pearson, William P. Gleeson, MI M Lawrence Grady, Thomas Burns; $75 Mrs. Emily M. Pielos, MI M v. R. Keefe; $50 MI M Arthur Lynch, MI M Ralph Mann, MI M Richard Q~i~k, M/M William Bullock, Miss Mary L. Fee, M/M Patrick Cox, William Harney, mrs. Mary Bronske, M/M David J. Curtin, Mrs. John Hagerty, MI M Lawrence Howe, MI M Stanley W. Kosakowski, MI M Martin Varley; $35 MI MG. W. Sears, M/M Daniel L. Healy MI M Raymond L. McGrane,; $30 Emile and Ruth Camandona; $25 Joseph Chaisson, Mrs. Anna DeGiacoma, MI M Eveereti Hyland, MI M George Mather, MI M Francis McKenna, Frederick C. Miller, Jr., Ralph K. Mulford, Jr., MI M Ronald Murphy, Anna M. Roche, Anthony A. Rose, J.D., Frederick & Josephine Strullet, MI M Robert Sutherland, MI M Michelangelo Altieri, MI M Harold Baker, Alexander & Constance Bean, MI M George Blazin, MI M J.P. Brennan, Margaret E. Carson, M!~ Joseph Cullen, M/M Edward Curley, M/M John Curley, M/M William Daley, M/M Edward Delamn, M/M Francis L. Dwyer, M/M John Fahey, Francis X. Finnegan, M/M Armand L. Galdi, Irene M. Greddes, Mary .Healy, George R. Hofmann, Marjorie F. Hofmann, MI M John F. Hop~lDs, M/M R~hard Kermenski, James & Norine King, Yvette Lachame, M/M Robert J. LeBlanc, Marquerite A. Maguire, Margaret S. Mahon, Mrs. Joseph Mannering, Mrs. John G. Manning, M/M George Martin, M/M David Murray, M/M P.T. McEachern Mrs. William B. O'Brien, James F. O'Connell, MI M Thomas O'Hearn, George Orsulak, M/M Thomas C. Paquin, M/M Peter Persorteni, M/M Peter Regan, MI M LeStrange Ring, Mrs. Peter Rizzeri, MI M Charles Rosenbach, Joseph Rotella, Irene Scott, Mrs. John W.. Spence, Miss Helen Sprague, MI M Paull Sullivan, Ann & Leonard R. Walczak, MI M Alphonse Wallen, Miss Virginina Zimarouska I

$600 Kurt F Ristau; $200 M/MJames McGonagle;$150-M/M Carmen. Porazzo; $125 M/M Paul Cameron, Mrs. Ernest Eastman; $100 John & Alice Flynn, Tegid C. Kesler, M/M John Murphy, MI M Thomas J. Ryan, Ms. Marie Farrell, Diane M. Kelly, M/M Thomas Sheehan, Patrick, Michael, Margaret Shaughnessy, Thomas E. Carr & Family; $50 Margaret Cortes, MI M James Dacey, Nancy Emmc:tt, MI M Vincent H. Fowler, Teresa Harron, M/M Laurence Kane, M/M William Lynch, Dr. & Mrs. Sylvester Maloney, M/M James T. Phillips; $25 Mary D. Donahue, Elaine Fitzgerald, M/M Richard E. Halloran, Frank H. Hannon, B. W. Ladner, Mary R. Love, MI M Norman E. McDonah, MI M John Oster­ man, Richard & Elizabeth Paul, M/M Lloyd, Mrs. Eleanor Stallsmith, Elizabeth Tormey, Alice F. Bowen, M/M Verne Carey, In Memory of M I M Thomas Gillespie, M I M James Keary, Gail Kenney, M I M Kenneth Kingsley, M/M Leonard Pinto, Mrs. Jeannette St. Louis, Mrs. Walter West . SANDWICH Corpus Christi $750 Rev. George W. Coleman; $300 Rev. Horace J. Travassos; $250 M/M Raymond A. Palombo, Mrs. John Higby; $240 M/M Harold B. Ackerman; $200 M/M William Mitchell, M/M Michael DeNofrio, MI M James W. Megley, Marcella Shaughnessy, MI M Herbert A. Hameln; $150 Mrs. Charles A. Peterson, M/M Joseph Keenen, M/M LeoJ. Kelly;$125 M/M Paul Lynch, George Sharkey, Mary Hauser; $120 Mrs. Charles Fears, M/M William M. Chisholm, M/M Donald Cazeaut, M/M Albert Skirius, M/M James J. Bondarek, Jr.; $100 M/M Roy E. Lindgren, M/M Francis X. Kilduff, Mrs. Helen Howard, Nicholas Bouras, MI M Robert Sheehan, Phyllis Sheridan, MI M George H. Crawford, Francis B. McConn, MI M Eugene L. Maleady, MI M Thomas W. O'Connor, M/M William J. Whamond, M/M John A. Wegman, M/M Francis W. VanNostrand, M/M Harold Shurtleff, M/M Raoul Santos, Mrs. Christopher.Papadinoff, MI M Ernest Olson, MI M Michael McNamara, M/M Francis O'Brien, M/M Clement DelFavero, Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Mealy, MI M Fred Fay, Mrs. J. William Bettley, MI M Edward Poore, MI M George E. Murray, MI M Martin T. Putnam $75 MI M John MacQuade, MI M Frank G. MacDonald, Mrs. John B. Handrahan, M/M Joseph J. Grazulis, M/M Francis J. Fleming, M/M Robert Leahy, Louis Wilson, MI M Peter Colgan, Mary E. Gallant, Dorothy E. Gallant; $60 MI M James Radloff, Mrs. John E. Pessa; $50 James A. Militello, M/M John A. McArdle, M/M Bruce McDaniel, Cecelia A. McDermott, Mrs. John T. Liberty, Mrs. Richard J. Knowles, MI M Rudolph Howes, Dr. & Mrs. Ludero Gomez, Mrs. John F. Scanlon, Mrs. Natalie DePaul, Mrs. Eileen T. Kudera, Mr. Joseph A. Kudera, John A. Sullivan, MI M Henry J. Roux, MI M Gerald Sullivan, MI M J. Louis Roberti, MI M James O. Earle, Mrs. Winnefred IC Carr; M/M Eugene D. O'Keefe, Jr., Mrs. Marie F. Lastih, MI M Bruno E. Carloni, MI M Joseph Baltusis, M/M Clement M. Schlueter, Mrs. Hames Bazzinotti; MI M John Gillis, Agnes Bixby, Katherine E. Bixby, M/M Richard England, MI M John F. Bernard, MI M PaulJ. O'Connell, M/M Albert Bazzinotti, Mrs. Richard Latimer, Mrs. Lilliam M. Tully, M/M Robert E. Corradi, M/M Manuel Duarte, M/M George V. Cox; $40 M/M F. Dow Clark, Mrs. Howard P. Crowell, MI M William F.O'Neil, MI M Robert Mazzola, M/M Donald Fougere, Mrs. John Ross $35 MI M Donald Shackleton, MI M Milton R. Cook, Jr., MI M Gino Macoratti, Mr,s. Peter Cugno; $30 MI M Michael E. McCarthy, Mrs. Gerard E. MacDonald, MI M Emiliano Gavazza, MI M Louis G. Emond, Marion Luoni, A. Donald Luoni, M/M Leo Deegan, M/M Roland R. DeConto, M/M Walter J. Fleming, Mrs. Antonio Bianchi, Mrs. Robert D. Wentworth, MI M Walter R. Alvezi; $25 MI M George W. Chapman, Mrs. Mary LeGwin, M/M Joseph P. Greene, M/M WalterK. Noel, M/M Americo Mula, MI M Terence Brown, George Ortolani, Mary Ortolani, Robert L. O'Malley, M/M James B. Sutton, M/M James Hoar, William Martin, MI M,Bradley Lima, MI M Justin George, Mrs. George Fernandes, M/M Thaddeus Mogilnicki, M/M Robert Rogers, M/M Joseph E. Jacinto, M/M Ronald Koon, Mrs. John E. Gibbons, M/M John Cahalane $25 Mrs. Katherine I. Flinker, M/M William F. O'Connell, Joseph F. Bazzinotti, Mrs. Elizabeth Pender, MI M Robert M. Ferrick, Mrs. Walter Hilliard, Marion Basile, M/M Richard Symonds, M/M Richard E; Harris, MI M Albert Chisholm, MI M William E. Murphy, Sr., Mrs. Alvin J. Sherman, Mrs. Elinor R. Creagh, MI M Ralph DeCubellis, Mrs. Chester S. Rich, MI M Charles R. Griffin, MI M William Hollinger, MI M Joseph E. Baggs, Jr., Mrs. Valmore Lesperance, Mrs. A. John MacQuade, M/M Frederick Lupone, Mrs. James Darracutt, Rose Maley, Virginia McLaughlin, Catherine Maley, John Desmond, Mrs. George H. Mooney, Mrs. Alexander Consoni, M/M Tello Tontini, Catherine Nichols, M/M Charles H. Parks, Mrs. Neil Allison, MI M Francis J. Kohn, Mrs. Dale H. Richter, M/M Robert Labrie, Robert F. O'Neill, M/M Ernest Farren, 'M/M Walter McCone, M/M Donald Philbrick, M/M Lloyd Raymond, Stephanie A. Cornick, Mrs. Melvin Kent, M/M John F. Mulcahy, Mrs. Paul Flick, Mrs. Kathleen B. Granger, MI M Lawrence J. Wuethrich, M/M Eugene Corradi, M/M Robert W. Flagg, In Loving Memory of Russell McAuliffe, Sr. Rest In Peace. Mrs. Russell McAuliffe

$380 M/M Owen Gafney; $300 M/M John J. McDonald; $265 Mrs. Mary Wood; $250 M/M Dante F. Gallerani; $200 M/M T. Vincent Corsini, Jr., M/M Richard·F. Noonan, M/M Richard Vincens; $175 MI M Fred O. Earle, Jr.; $15Q William Cardoza, Mrs. Mary E. Thompson, Dr. & Mrs. Leo B. Monaghan; $125 Peter Donahue; $120 MI M Carl Watters, M/M Richard T. Mannion; $100 Carole Casey, M/M John F, Crowley, Sr., MI M Henry Graebener, MI M Paul H. O'Brien, Winters Real Estate, M/M Vincent Duquette, M/M Raymond H. Crocker, Patrick E. Murray, M/M George C. Campbell, M/M Patrick L. McDonnell, M/M Peter Fortuna, Mrs. Lillian C. Cox, M/M C. Michael Peluso, Mrs. Edward Arthur, Mrs. Roth, Richard E. Tavares $80 Mrs. A. Jeanne Prokop; $60 M/M Victor Devine, M/M Joseph


Sciacca; $50 Lawrence Balboni, MI M Edward Brennan Ann Maclachlan M/M Louis Romano, M/M Bertrand F. Boulay, Mr~. Edgar E. Caron: M/M Gerard F. Goodwin, M/M J?hn.A. Mlironey,JohnA. Bulla, M/M Frank J. Joyce, MI M Antomon Rlgazlo, MI M Robert O'Brien, Barbara J. Hadl~y, M/M Arthur Pagani, M/M Mario Baratta, M/M Edward Ro~delll, M/M Do~ald V. Cianciolo, M/M Frank D. Haley; $48 M/M KevlD P. Mclaughlin; $45 MI M Gerald A. Tobin, Peter J. Cooke III $40 MI M Richard Nycz, Norbert F. Eischeid, $35 MI M Joseph S. McCarthy, M/~ Columbus Pasteris; $30 M/M Robert E. Swift, M/M James E. BucklD~ham, Mrs. A.n~ Sullivan, M/M Ralph Roberge; $25 M/M Eugene Fneh, M/M WI.lllam Baird, M/M James W. Doherty, M/M Step~en Day, M/M DaVid Gagnon, M/M Dante Tassinari, Mrs. Aud~ey Smith,. M/M An~elo Danti, M/M Albert E. Patnaude, M/M Dam~1 W. LUCier, the Whitmore Family, Mrs. Francis Oliver, Raymond A. Oliver, M/M Gerald Caron, M/M John Enos .$25 MI.M P~ul Moussaly, M/M Daniel Donovan, M/M Domenic DIGrego~!o, Alice Leahy, M/M Walter Sullivan, M/M Robert White, Mrs. Claire E. Allen, Mrs. Anthony Paltrineri Mrs. Barbara O'Hear M/M ~illiam ~at.h~un,M/~ Leonard Savery, M/M Vytautus Rastonis: MI.~ LIDO Malollm, FranCIS A. Kelleher, M/M Philip Grandone, mrs. Philip Bangs, M/M Walter Buckley, Thomas M. Burke, M/M John P. Howarth, Stephen A. Kelly, M/M Tivio Papi, M/M John M. Mitta, M/M James Koloski, M/M Ralph DeConto, M/M Arthur Cellucci, MI M Jo~n F. McHugh, Mrs. Carmel DiMaria, Mary Pizzotti, MI M Lou Galleram, M/M Edmund V. Serodio, June H. Milia, M/M John Connolly, M/M Leo J. Antoncecchi, Sr., M/M Arthur J. Roche, Jeeremiah , J. Kelleher, M/M Donald Manchester


OAK BLUFFS Sacr~d Heart $30 Otis Rogers, Jr. $25 M/M John Christopher, M/M Earl Peters, MI M William Correllus,ln Memory of Rev. Msgr. Patrick H. Hulley, V.F., Sacred Heart CCD CHATHAM Holy Redeemer $200 M/M Robert Byrne, M/M Charles Magne; $100 Jeanette Fontaine, Constance Gormley, MI M Ricl;1ard C. Monahan, MI M Norman Mormandeau,lrene Payne, Mrs. Peter Stagg; $75 Martin McHugh, Loraine Rollins, $50 M/M Joseph Ahern, M/M Herbert J. Bober, William Wilz Carroll, MI M Francis Fleming, MI M James Griffin, MI M Richard Rochette, Richard F. SI. Onge, Lewis Sullivan, MI M Dale Tripp, MI M Roy Wittik,; $40 MI M Robert Marceca; $35 MI M Thomas M. Sparkes; $30 M/M Richard W. Griffin $25 M/M Joseph Anselosanto, Amelia Allen, M/M Raymond Caefer, Francis Carroll, Marie Cronin, M/M Charles Donahue, M/M Charles Grey, M/M William Kirkpatrick, M/M Albert Kolodzik, M/M Richard. Lamb, MI M James leBlanc, MI M Dennis Martin, MI M John Muldoon, M/M Philip' Ripa, M/M James N. Stratico, M/M Edward Sabol OSTERVILLE Our Lady of Assumption $150 John F. Shields; $120 M/M David Driscoll, Jr.; $100 M/M John Szymanski, Mrs. Thomas Powers, John P. Curran, MI M Donald Roycroft, MI M Charles Haskell, Thom.as Hartigan, John Keelon, Anonymous; $50 M/M Louis Gilbert, M/M Frederick Lough; $40 Joan Shields; $35 M/M Thomas Sherman; $30 Florence & Norma Keane; $25 M/M Charles Williams, M/M John Perry, M/M Roland Ashley, M/M John Spillane, M/M Hugh McLean, M/M John Pina, Mrs. Martin Coleman, M/M Paul Foraste, M/M Jerry Monroe, Mrs. Alexander Ellis, Margaret McGonagle, MI M Walter Dray, MI M Joseph Shea, M/M Wilson Perry, Mrs. Lincoln Divoll, M/M Edward Stimets, MI M John Flynn, Deborah Dewire, Elizabeth 0'D9herty, MI M Joseph Monteforte, MI M Andrew Witter, MI M William Alexander, M/M David Hyyti II, M/M Arthur LaPalme, M/M Howard Monroe $50 MI M Anthony Pokrin, MI M Francis T. Burns, MI M Robert Sims, M/ M Armand Mathis; $30 MI M Philip Mc~artin, M/ M Louis McKnight, Gertrude Driscoll 'f-', WEST HARWICH Holy TrInity $100 Joseph Whalen, M/M Philip Cacciatori, Florence Carney, MI M Louis Drinkwine, Jr., MI M Archie Bullock, MI M Daniel O'Leary, M/M Joseph Reid, Dorothy Mclaughlin, M/M Thomas Terrio, M/M John Shea, Ehtel K. Whitney, M/M Kenneth Desmarais, Joan Mason, Marjorie Tivenan; $75 John R. Hawkes; $52 M/M Albert Marchal; $50 MI M Russell Hamlyn, Gladys Welsh, MI M Ron Murphy, Bernard Powers, MI M Salvatore Miceli, MI M Charles Samkb, Dorothy O'Donnell, Minnie & Joseph Gilmette, Anne Cody, MI M Albert Bishop, MI M Thomas O'Connor, John Gabrielian, M/ M William Fouhy, MI M William Cavallini, M/M Raymond Fournier, M/M Edward Uppgard $35 M/M William Downey, M/M Ralph Krause, M/M Frank Moran, M I M Donald Geary, M I M Thomas Halpin, M I M Robert Roche, M 1M Carl Johnson, Lillian Dowd; $30 M/M Michael Ricci, M/M William Green, M/M Arthur Rodenhaven; $25 Mary Doherty, M/M Edwin Greene, MI M Frank Cross, MI M Nicholas Butera, Marie Mann, MI M James Kneeland, M/M Joseph DeMango, M/M Joseph Gavin, Mildred Mazanec, Christine Wood, M/M Albert Barker, M/M David Conlin, MI M Jeff Schreiner, Rosalie Rose,Joyce Coffin, MI M John DaLuze, Jr., MI M Richard Looney, Helen Kelley, Edith Miller, MI M James Gomes, Jr., Robert A. Welsh, Sr., M/M Joseph Brophy . $25 M/M William Maher, Dorothy Cluett, M/M Charles McVay, M/M William Sheerin, M/M Harry DeStefano, M/M Richard Larkin, M/M Roger Scanlin, M/M Vito Sinacori, M/M Francis Smith, M/M Daniel Halleran, William Murphy, Robert Clark, M/M James Athy, M/M John Gilmore, Elizabeth Hitchiner, M/M Edwin Roderick, M/M George Lane, Frances Chilinski, M/M William Murphy, Vera Bongers, M/M Thomas Ogborne, Ellen Thornell, Carlotta Pena, M/M Joseph Stinson, M/M Bernard Miele, M/M Regan ORLEANS St. Joan of Are $125 M/M Henry McCusker; $100 M/M Frank Szedlak, Jr., M/M John J. Moore; $50 M/M James M. Millin, M/M Peter R. Francke; $25 M/M John Fograshy, M/M Carl Hartung, M/M William Eagar, MI M Athony J. Chiara,Ppo, Mrs. Ronald Corrigan, MI M John Gray Hogan, MI M Anthony Kulig, MI M Jay Manasas, Mrs. Leslie Morse, Jr. WELLFLEET Our Lady of Lourdes $100 MI M,Robert Stevens, Maria Ueberwasser, MI M John Monahan, Rose M. Gross, $55 K. Dundas-Lucca; $25 MI M Edward Perry, M/M Herbert Wood, M/M John Doucette, M/M Joaquin Bento ' FALMOUTH St. PatrIck $200 M/M William Dillon; $100 M/M Manuel Lopes, Judith Capuzzo, M/M Edward Weil, Dr. & Mrs. Paul Bouche, M/M James Carreiro, M/1\.1 John Joyce; $50 MI M Joseph Blaquiere, MI M F. Keats Boyd, MI M Michael Callahan, MabelJ. Coakley, MI M Charles G. Haynes, L.P. Kavanaugh, Shirley M. Pecue; $40 MI M Leonard L. Costa; $35 MI M Joseph Armbruster; $25 Mrs. Domenic Vadala, MI M Stanley Overlan, Joseph Lopes, M/M A.R. Hallahan, M/M William Cullen, M/M Lee Bourgoin, John & Kathleen Hayes, M/M Lawrence Palmer, M/M John Bell, Mrs. Elizabeth DeMello, Mrs. George Fonseca, Mrs. Florence E Keenan, M/M Joseph McLeish, M/M Thomas Roache,. Anonymous WOODS HOLE St. Joseph $250 A Friend; $200 A Friend; $175 A Friend; $100 M/M Francis W. Fenore, M/M Cornelius Hickey, M/M John Collins, A Friend; $65 MI M Brian McDermott; $50 A Friend; $30 A Friend; $25 M/M C.R. Heufelder, Barbara J. Kamicker, M/M .Harry E. Handy, M/M William Simmons, Alice Boudrot, A Friend

• \




<:OTUI1'/MASHPEE ChrIst the KIng $250 SI. Vincent de Paul Conference of Christ the King Parish; $200 Mrs. Claire Wats; $1 SO D.G. Bldg Co. Dwight Giddings; $120 M/M Robert Crotty; $100 M/M Edward Defoe, Jr. The Domenic F. Rantuccio Family, Dr. & Mrs Alfred Rich, Jr., iohncLawrence Funeral Home, M/M Joseph Comalli, M/M Frederick Holway, Mrs. Douglas Plotke, Catholic Women's Club of Christ the King Parish, M/M Dan Lancellotti, M/M Frank Fantasia, M/M Arthur Morley, M/M Ernest LeBlanc, Jr., M/M Paul Becker; $75 M/M Andrew Carmichael, M/M William Gerson; $50 Samuel C. Re, MI M William Malone, Mrs. Ronald Butler, MI M Walter Carlson, Jr., Mrs. Amelia Magee, Helel) McCarthy, Mrs. Mary Mone, MI M Roy Smith, Mrs. Anne Fitzgerald, MI M Joseph Lynch, MI M John Tolchinsky, Mrs. Martha Rubado $30 M/M George Duclos; $25 Robert Elskarnp, Mrs. Mary Bullock, M/M George Snyder, M/M Walter Stone, M/M Frank Raftery, M/M T.J. Ribaga, Joseph W. Tewes, Jr., M/M Richard Shaughnessy, M/M Henry Godleski, Mrs. Richard Holmquist, MI M James McGrath, MI M Myron Chaput, M/M Paul Roma, Mrs. Lilly Gomes, M/M John McDonnell, MI M Curtis Oliver, MI M Thomas Boyd, Judith Godin, Mrs. Ellen Russell, M/M Paul Roma, Mrs. Lilly Gomes, M/M John McDonnell, MI M Curtis Oliver, MI M Thomas lloyd, Judith Godin, Mrs. Ellen Russell, M/M Paul Ochs, Dr. Robert Orme, M/M Robert Paul, M/M William Murray, M/M John Bataro, Mrs. Lillian Canning, Mrs. Catherine Gedin $150 Ronald Donway; $100 M/M Frederick Regan BRI,WSTER Our Lady of the Cape $200 Mary Bond; $50 Hardigg Industries, Inc. In Memory of Helen McGinnis, Stockwell Family In Memory of Helen McGinnis, M/M Robert Supple, Sr.; $35 M/M Francis Crimmins; $25 Mrs. George Johnson, M/M Alexander Labash, mrrs. Mary K. Baroni, M/M John Olha BUZZARDS BAY St. Margaret $100 Grace F. Campia, MI M Norman Bonney; $50 M/M Edwin Payton; $27 Norman J. Harrison; $25 MI M Walter Eno, Anthony Andrade, M/M Raymond Fitzgerald, M/M Roy Miller, M/M Vincent Demore, M/M Anthony J. D'Angelo, M/M Oliver Garneau, Esther

Baker, Mrs. Mary Hannon, MI M Joseph Zlogar, Mrs. Ida R. Monterio,

Ida Gibson, M/M John F. Hickey, Jacqueline Christoferson, George B. Sanford.

POCASSET St. Johnithe Evangelist $250 Agnes R. Woods; $150 M/M George Denmark; $100 M/M Ed Coye, Marie Cuddy, A Friend; $50 Atty. John McCoy, M/M Felix Conti, M/M Anthony Sansone, Robert Collyer, MI M Roger Beals, MI M Gerald Conlon, MI M Paul Medeiros, A Friend; $35 M/M Phillip Kettredge; $25 M/M Michael Harrington, M/M Paul Cardalino, M/M Raymond LeBrun, Anne Scarebrough, Agnes Rogers, MI M William Desmarais, MI M Robert Collyer, Jr., MI M Ralph Brown, M/M J. William Henry, M/M Donald Ward, M/M Donald Gerry, Arlene Sparrow, M/M Donald De ~uca, M/M John Migliaccio, M/M Maurice Bosse, A Friend

NANTUCKET St. Mary-Our Lady of the Isle $125 Kenneth Holdgate, Jr.; $100 Dr. & Mrs. John O'Neill, M/M Francis Santos, M/M Robert McGrath, M/M Allan Bell, MI M David Lussier; $75 MI M Myles Reis, Sr.; $50 Richard S. Sylvia, Mary Mahoney, M/M Edward Strojny. M/M C. Clark Coffin, M/M Walter Glidden, M/M Edward Sullivan, M/M Albert Brock, Claudette Pearl, M/M Walter Folger; $40 Charles W. Pearl; $30 M/M Wendell Howes, M/M Michael Lamb, M/M Nelson Woodward . $25 M/M Robert Grant, Lawrence Dalton, Molly Coates, M/M Norman Gauvin, Jeremiah Towhill, MI M Albert Silva, Margaret Kalman, Suzanne Rose, M/M Paul Bixby, M/M Joseph 'Swain, M/M Albert Bond, John Santos, MI M Harold Beehm, Dolores Bennett, MI M Mark Arnold, MI M Philip Sullivan, MI M Larry Manchester, Charles Fleming, St. Mary's Guild, M/M J. Sidney Conway, M/M Bruce Watts, MI M Vito Capizzo, Jareaseh SI. Jean, David H. Murrav. Jr. WOODS HOLE St. Joseph 1$500 A Friend; $150 Dr. & Mrs. William F. Daly, M.D.; $100 M/M George Rooney, A Friend; $50 Mrs. Thomas Brooks, Jr., M/M William Morrison; $25 Dr. & Mrs. Norman Stardsta, Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Sbara, MI M Fred Mettell, Lt. Col. & Mrs. David Geddes, MI M Charles, A Friend NORTH FALMOUTH St. Elizabeth Seton $75 MI M Chester Harri5; $30 MI M Paul Simo­ netti, $25 M/M Joseph Caissie, Mrs. Arthur Ebenfield, M/M Raymond Garafano, M/M John Maguire, M/M Francis Meakin, M/M Robert Inman, M/M Alfred P. Silva, M/M Richard Tracy EDGARTOWN

St. Elizabeth's $250 Rev. George F. Almeida; $220 The Chadwick

House; $100. St. Elizabeth's Guild, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Dukes County Savl~gs Bank, Shiretown Meats, M/M David Vaughan; $75 Berube ElectriC Inc.; $50 Mrs. Alfred Doyle, M/M Jeremias Vieira, G. Albert Kent, Ralph Condlin, Catherine Deese, MI M Herbert.Mercier, Jr., Edgartown Hardware Inc., Margaret O'Neill, K. T. Galley Co., Inc., In memoryof Mary Bernard; $40 MI M Joseph McHugh; $30 M/M Edwin Gen~le,Jr., ~/M Ronald Muc.kle, M/M Freeman Willoughby; $25 M/M DaVid ROSSI, MI M George Willoughby, MI M Laurence Mercier, Nancy Shemeth, ~/M Edward Prada, Ruth Fisher, M/M John Paull, M/M Albert SylVia, Jr., M/M Peter Valenti, Maurice Dore, M/M David G~za.ille, ~/M John Pine, Louise Norton, Anna Hoglund, Marion Hlggms, Richard Enos, Mrs. Albert Prada, Eleanor Bates, Sophia Campos, LaBell Plumbing & Hellting, Charlotte Madeiros, MI MEdwin Bettencourt, MI M Walter Knappp, MI M Antone Bettencourt, Jr., Grant Brothers,lnc., M/M Arnold Knc:ary EAST FALMOUTH St. Anthony $180 M/M Albert Gramm; $150 M/M Eugene T. Brady, Jr.; $100 MI M Edmund Hohmaim, Charles Bellino, MI M Joseph Paruti, M/M Alvaro Lopes, M/M Charles Olive, M/M Francis Kohout, M/M James Carreiro; $70 MI M Walter Fitzgerald; $60 MI M Lawrence Peters; $50 M/M Frank Moniz, Fredill Mae Hayes, M/M Alfred A. Marks, M/M Paul Breslin, M/M John MacLennan, Ella May Hayes, M/M Joseph Teixeira, MI M Charles Berhaus; $40 Edward F. Graham, Jr.; $35 M/M Antone Couto; $30 M/M John Heffernan, M/M Edward Parfu­ morse, M/M Herminio Lopes; $25 M/M Joseph Haynes, M/M Roger J. Seyer, M/M Leonard A. Marks, M/M Howard T. Crowley, M/M Manuel Andrews, Anna Co Pollar<!, MI M Ricl\ard E. Gaggatt, Jr., MI M Clemente Harnois, MI M Frank Nunes, Jr. Mary V. Cabral $25 M/M James Valdes, M/M George P. Gaspa, M/M David F. Correllus, Jr., Irene S. Handy, John W. Barrett, MI M Charles Davis, Jr., Mary Whitley, M/M Arthur Cillmbelli, M/M James McNamara, M/M Taylor Mcintyre, MI M William DeMello, MI M Frank Simmons, MI M Edward S. Knights, Pio Cardoza, Pauline Pimental, M/M Daniel L. Lopes, MI M Adolph P. Bishop, MI M Antonio Mello, Jr., Mrs. Gracieta Martins, MI M Lawrence DePonte, Mrs. Mario Barbadora, MI M Antone Medeiros, M/M John Araujo, M/M Frank R. Macedo, M/M Roland Silvey, M/M George W. Baker. Jr., M/M John Vidal, M/M Henry C. Willis, M/M Scoba Rhodes, M/M Joseph Rose, M/M Francis O'Hara, M/M William E. Richardson, M/M Joseph F. Motta

Special gift and parish listings will continue to appear weekly in the order received by thelPrin~er until all have been listed.


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6p.m. to lO:30p.m. IOa.me to IO:30p.m. 12p.m. to 5p.m. CATHEDRAL CAMP.RT. 18 - EAST FREETOWN . . .

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