Di·ocese 'to ·Award 1,207 Secondary :
22 ©
1966 The Anchor
will" be that of .St. Joseph Preparatory School in Fall River, to graduate two girls.
$4.00 per Year' 'PRICE lOe
Plans 1.ive' Te!ecast Of Con!3®cration Television cameras will be let up in the Cathedral to bring area Channel 6 view elI'S the consecration. of The Most Reverend Humberto S. Me deiros, Bishop-elect of Browns wle, Texas. eonsecrator for the service, which will be aired "live" on WTEV-6. will be Most Rev. lames L. Connolly, Bishop of ~e Fall River Diocese. Co <ronsecratc.rs will be Most Rev. .varnes J. Gerrard, Auxiliary lB ish 0 P of Fall River, and Most Rev. Gerald V. McDevitt, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese <ll>il' Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. lltev. John Paul Driscoll will ~Ireach.
Television coverage of the iIl'Vent by Channel 6, which will 1l»egin at 10 A.M. Thursday, June ~ will bc carried in its entiretl' and is expected to conclude Mout 12 noon. Videotaped highlights of the eeremonies will be re-played by .\WTEV-6 from 6 to 7 P.M. that tJSlme evening. Arrangements are being con ~ted tv offer the videotapes <1d the entire proceedings to tel-. ~ision stations serving Browns 'lI'IiUUe, Texas, where Bishop Me ~4'~ will begin his new duties.
Names Chaplain The Most Reverend Bishop has approved the nominatio:U ,of Rev. Richarc:I Joseph Calla han, O.F.M. as chaplain of the Discalced Carmelites at the Monastery of Jesus Crucified and Mary the Mediatdx, No. Dartmouth. ' IlIItlllfllt III 11111111111111 IIIl11lill111111111111111111111111111111 ,
confer diplomas and Rev. Pat rick J. O'Neill, Diocesan school Turn to Page Six
Bishop Most Grateful For Appeal Response On behalf of the agencies supported by the Catholic Charities Appeal, the Most Reverend B ish 0 p has ex
, At the Episcopal Consecration of Bishop-elect Humberto IS. Medeiros S.T.D., on Thursday:, June 9, at which Most Rev. l'&mes L. Connolly will be consecrator and Most Rev. James 1, Gerrard and Most Rev. Gel'ald' y. McDevitt will be co ~nsecra tors, .the following
Most Rev. Russell J. McVin t$dditional Bishops have sig ney, Bishop of Providence. Jinfi~d their intentions of Most Rev. Eric G. MacKenzie, li)eiQg' present. Boston. Most Rev. Jeremiah F. Mini han, Boston Most Rev. Justin Najmy, Cen tral Falls, R. I. Most Rev. -Thomas J. Riley,
Most Rev. Charles A. Salatka,
Gl"and Rapids, Mich. Most Rev. William A. Scully, Bishop of .Albany. Most. Rev. Thomas J. Wade, S.M., Boston. . " Also attending will be two abbots: Rt. Rev. Charles V. Cor iston; O.S.B., Newton, N. J., and Rt .. Rev. Thomas A. Keating, O.C.S.O., Spelll.er. .
ConseccLrotion Ceremony
Most Rev. Romeo Blanchette, . Most Rev. Joser>h M. Breiten llJeck,. Auxiliary Bishop of De~it. " . Most Rev. Coleman F. Carroll, ltisliop of Miami. . Most Rcv. Waiter W. Curtis, ~isliop of Bridgeport. . M<lst Rev. Celestine J. DamiBishop of Camden. M()st Rev. Lawrence De Falco, ~ili.hop of Amarillo, Texas. Most Rev. Peter L. Gerety, ~rtiand, Me. :Most Rev. Thomas K. Gorman, ~ishop of Dallas-Fort' Worth, !lex as. Most Rev. John J. Hackett, l1IQrtford. 5.\lIost Rev. Paul Leonard Hag ~y, O.S.B., the Bahamas. Most Rev. Bernard M. Kelly, ~vidence.
A total of 1207 seniors will gradu'ate from the 13 Dio~es~n high schools this month. The number includes 750 girls, 453' boys and four religious. As was the case in 1965, the largest graduating class will be that of Bishop Stang High School, Nortl'l . Dartmouth, where 137 boys Bishop Stang's graduation is scheduled for 4 Sunday after and 96 girls will receive di- noon, June 1,,2 in the school au plori:l:as. The smallest class ditorium. Bishop Gerrard will
19 B~$hops to Attend
~i~t, Ill.
faU Rover" Mass." Tlluusday, JUU1e 2, 1966 Yol. 10,
responsibility assurance of con tinued appreciation and support. There should never be a quota on . kindness. Certainly, the pressed gratitude for the dona needs of the future,-even the
tions which brought this year's uncertain demands of the year appeal ~o an unprecedented total we live,'- cannot be calculated ,of $741,117.12. . ahead of time. But it is good May 31st, 1966 . to have spontaneous support To all Friends of Catholic that moves ahead each year, to Charity, provide a cushion for unexpected A hearty "thank-you" for requisitions in money, and a just bringing our many institutions remuneration of those that staff of social service and community Turn to Page Two
Bless Carmelite. Convent Sunday Ordinary to Preside at North Dartmouth Most Rev. J'ames L.Connolly. will .bless the new· Discalced Carmelite Convent in North Dartmouth at 10 Sunday morning. ,The former Sol-E-Mar hospital, which has been _ converted into a convent, will be know'n as the Christ CruCified and Our Lady Mediatrix Monastery. In addition to the building blessing, Bishop Connolly will offer the First Mass in the chapel for this new All open house for public vis- . 15,000 members. A famous Car religious order in the Dio itation will be annou'nced in the melite of modern times was the cese. Following the Mass, the near future. ' . Little Flower, St. Therese of the Bishop will officiate at the, The Discalced Carmelites were Child Jesus.
ClothIng ceremony of a postu lant, Jeanette Doran of Danbury, Conn., who will take the mime of Sr. Mary Magdalene of Divine Love, O.C.D. The first superior will be Sis ter Therese of the Child Jesus,
founded in Spain by St. Theresa of Avila 400 years ago. Their foundress. is noted for her spir itual writings which distinctively mix'wit and wisdom. The order has :inomisteries throughout the world and numbers nearly
The nuns explain that "dis calced" means that they wear sam~als without stockings in stead of shoes. The word comes from the Latin "calceus", mean ine: shoP
Protestant-Prepared Bible Approved for Cath~~ics With the official approval of the Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apochrypha by Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston Roman Catholics everywhere are free to read the :Protestant-prepared Revised Standard Version of the Bible.. According to Father tament has just been publisheQ William V.E. Casey, S.J., the in England. ology" professor· at Holy But according to FathCl Cross College in Worcester, Casey, the imprimatur given b~
Masli., who played a key role in Cardinal Cus!·ing's decision to grant the imprimatur to the Ox ford University Press publica tion,: this approval extends to all editions of the Revised Stan dard Version. Tlie RSV was produced by a team of American Protestant Scripture scholars under the auspices of the National Council . of Churches. The New Testa ment was first published in 1946, . and the whole Bible was in print by 1957. READYING FOR FIRST MASS: Mother Therese'· A special Catholic edition of of the Child Jesus,·O.C.D., superior, left, and Sr. Bernagette the RSV New Test~men~ ~as of Mary' Immaculate Q.C.D. right prepare the altar in the prepared. by CatholIc bIblIcal . ." , . ' . h scholars In England and was ehapel o~ ~he DIscalced ~armeIIte SIst~rs, No. Dartmout, published both in Britain and where BIshop Connolly wIll offer the fIrst Mass on Sunday the United States last year. The morning. Catholic edition of the Old Tes-
Cardinal Cushing gives Catho~ lics freedom to read any edition of the RSV. Whereas the special Catholic edition made a few changes in_.e body of the text of the RSV New Testament, the Boston Cardinal's imprimatur is for the integral text of the RSV. Father Casey said in a telephone interview with the N.C.W.C. News Service that the only variations in text of the Oxford Annotated Bible as approved by Cardinal Cushing are 14 "little additions" to the explanatory notes provided by the Protestant scholars. The whole text, with the fur ther explanations, is expected to be published by Oxford this July. Father Casey said it will Turn to Page Six
, Commencementexercig(lS at Stonehill College will 00
held Sunday afternoon whtm
diplomas will be awarded W
"should be more individual, in spite' of the' waiting lines. It should be more personal, 'more Christian." "Frequently," the archbishop said, "the Catholic Church' is known to non-Catholics a's the 'disapproving' C hu r c h',' 'the Church that· teaches 'no' birth prevention, nO . allortion, no ,.Eni.;. thanasia, no divorce.' It is"pre-' cisely here, :10wever, that' thcf Catho'lic .medical faculty shbi.il'd: fiM its' lay apostolate by-'proV':':' iJ'Jg' . to't·the" 'worid !that: the' Church's proHibition: hali" opihiM' up ·a· thousand new' avenues iii, medicine. . "Precisely because the Churcn prohibits· artificial birth control, they should be leading the med ical··profession hi' moral methods' of family planning,' 'in treirien";:; dous research and dinical obser vation. , . " : . .' . "Precisely b'ecause ihe Church forbids 'aboruon,'we should 'have the'. bestgynecologisti, in the, country*.'" :,. l'·"· <C." : ,. • . . '. Greatest ,... . . .>' "Precisely 'because 'we'· believEr' in'original' sin·ahd'·the saei-a.:.··· ments .aUdpraiYer,· 'and·, 'grace, ',we''' should have the greatest psychi atrists- in the world." .' -"Precisely because' we .disap prove of certain changes in the' criminal law, we should· have leading Catholic legal lighis, preeminent in pointing out the ' Christian foundations of their' profession.' "Finally, the Catholic family will have a flavor all its own, a discipline, an affection~ an at tractiveness, - window shining out into the night of this world's casual coldness, which will cap ture the world for Christ." ..:
. JUNE 10 Rt;v. William H. Curley, 1915, Pastor, S8, Peter and Paul,' Fall River. , . Rev. George A. Meade, 1949; Chaplain, St. Mary Home, New Bedford.
Bishop GratefuD Continued from Page One our many charities. This we haye been given this year, as well as last year, and the year before that. So. thankS be to Go~, to the unselfish zeal of the religious dedication of our reli gi~us and lay workers, our priests, and the many thousands that represent our 'annual Char ities Appeal, we face the im - pOllderables confidimtly: . To Mr. William H. Carey; Esq., ana his many aides, ~ cordial word of appreciation on behalf of all our' oeneficiaries from cradle to grave who look to the Diocese for help, not meted out sparingly. but generously pro vided home-style. Mr. Carey has given us the. benefit of his broad understanding, deep sym pathy, and an exalted sense of leadership. His name .will be long held in benediction by all whi> are made happier and more seciIre by our 30 agencies of Charity. .,,'.. .'., ", Gratefully in Christ, James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall River. TlfE AIICH08 SlieoncI Class Postage Paid at foil River, Mass. Publlsllel' evell . Thursday 'at 410 Highland Avenue". .Fal) River.. Mass.. 02722 bY tile Cllthollc ..tess at 'the 'Olocese 01 Fall Rlvei. Subscription price by 11I811. postpal&1 $4.00 per P'"
. _',
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RkJtev;. Hugh
Gallagher, P,A., pastor,of,St. Ja'fue§ Chui'ch;"NeW Bedford;' center, -is. <;ongratulatedby: Bisho.p:QkiipglJ,y;)¢#;;.~ri~ . ~ishop' Gerrard, 'right;'iollowing th¢' Solemn Mass of..:Th,an~:sg.jvjJig? offei~d 'QyMoh'i;igIlq't" G·al!a,ghe~ . . on ,the, o.ccasiQn ,of his .50. ",.,. '. "c. '~':""' .•. '- ,t" " '. years in the pries~hood. . v
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'," Holy Name, '.Fall'River..
. ," Holy TrinitY; 'West Har-' .<! '''·wich. '" June I~S. Peter and Paul, . Fall River. St;· MaQr, 'MaDsfield. COrpUll ChI:isti, Sandwicb. LaSalette 'Shrine, Atue :;;, boro'. .'. ,
DUBUQUE (NC)-For. a long sion. It was sponsore-d by the ~ time it's been known that clergy buque Pastoral Marriage Coun men' and bartenders have some thing in common -listening to seling Service and Local No; people talk about their troubles... 527, Ho~el and ·ReStaiira.nt Bar Representatives of the two got teriders UIiioIi. A spokesrrian said ",:',Fu;'e~al, 'Home . togetheFhere :at-a dinner ·and . it "opened up a'line 'of commu'; discuSsed plans fora "help Peo-' nicationS.'" . ' .~7l, Sec9nd ~Str.eet ,lFRIDAY.....:E~ber··J!'riday After' pie'; project: More'than 60 men Carl V. luley, a Catholic at '. ,Fall River,' Moss. Pente~ost: I: Class.' Red: Mass. of the' doth and of the white torney and president of the mar ri age counseling service, . . Pro per; .Glory; .Sequence; apron were at'the unusual ses .' OS 9-6072' said; '''At 'first thought it might Creed; Preface; etc. of PenteKof Dance. MICHAEL, J. McMAHON se em that these two groups are S':~JRDAY_ Ember' Saturday The Bishop Cassidy General at polar lengths; however,when \Licensed Funeral DirectOl' Assembly of the Fourth Degree
ReoistP" Embalmer Mter Pentecost. I Class. Red. Knights of Colunibus will con you 'realize that these people Mass Proper; Glory; Sequence;' duct its annual dinner-dance on both desire to be of help to the Creed; Preface; etc. of Pente Saturday evening, June 4, in the • troubled there is a very close relationship.~ . cost.' The Ceie~raDt may ~t Golden Room' of the New Bed Both Protestant and Catholic the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th les ford Hotel. sons with their versicles and The social hour will be held clergymen make up the mar FUNERAL HOME prayers appointed for this day. from 6 to 7, the dinner will be riage counseling g'I'oup. 469 LOCUST STREa· The first lesson and the Epis served at 7 and dancing will be tie, however, must be said. from 8 to 11:45. FAIl.L RIVER, Mass. . SUNDAY-The Most Holy Triri Dress is formal and the ticket . OS 2-3381 ity. I Clas~. White. Mass Prop.. is $8.50 per couple. er; Glory; Creed; Preface of Tickets may be obtained :lit W"'red C. James E. Trinity. the door or from any Fourth De Driscoli Sulliva", ~. MO~DAY-st. Norbert, Bishop gree member, Alfred Lewis, and. Confessor. 'III Class. Faithful Navigator has ;m WhIte. Mass Proper; Glory; nounced. . no Creed; Common Preface. TUESDAY-;:-M ass ¢. .previous o. Sunday. IV Class. Green. FUNER~L HOME, INC. Mass Proper; No Giory or ·Ill.Merce•. Roy ...., G. LOl'flllne Roy , , Creed; Common .Preface. . ROller LaFIaIlC8 . . FALL RIVER' WEDNESDAY-Mass of previ FUNEaAL .DIRECT9RS ous Sunday. IV Class. Green. e,HYANNIS· ,Mass Proper; No Glory _ 15irvi;'gtan Ct. .... HARWICHpOFLT . Creed; Common Preface. 99$·5166 THURSDAY-Corpus Christi. I • SOUTH YARMOUTH New Bedfall'd Class.. White. Mass Proper; Glory; Sequence; Creed; Com mon Preface. In the Mass ~lIl1iJllllmlm",llIIlInJllllllllmIJlJlJl",iIlIllJlJllllllllillliIllIllJlIIIJlIIIIIJljIllUIIIIJlJlIIIIIII1II111111111illlilitilme which is followed by the Pro cession, the Last Blessing kl § '. ~ omitted. 35TH
. ,'NEW: JJ,F.JJi)Jf'On;nfJ(tA~LARI.AN·:·
. 235 seniors. Senator LeveretC!
Saltol1stall will deliver the major address and will receivQ' an honorary degree of Doctor cd Laws. . Honorary degrees will also 00 awarded to Dr. Robert B. Wood-' ward; Department of ChemistI1l'.. Harvard· University; A. 'Philip Randolph, prorilinerit -labor and, civil rights leader; Miss .HeleE1t" C; 'White; Uriiversityof' Wiscon sin;-"Defjartment' of! EI1'glish;" anti·· MonSignor ChaI'les.'A.Fin'n', p'as;o tor'·.of· the HolyNaJrieChur~" West'Roxbtiry."· ,",':;' The graduating- c1ass,'which 'il!l' the' large'St in<·th~ history of the" college, wiU·· attend" a ':Bacc~lau.d reate Mass the morning of Grad.... uation Day' and will hear" the Rev. Walter Abbott, S.J.;' 'OsS()oeo ciate editor· of Amerca and die> reetor, of ' the JohO"'LaFarge In stitute;\ ·deliver.· the·) tra'Cliti'onall!' .. "\ Bacea'laureate"'adai'eSs;-:" ':·T.he 'Mass-wfil be:··foll'owM 'b:j', a' . luncheon' "f6'r·· the'·' gradua'tei' and "theit" <families,.' ,; ' . ' . . v·~.'
D.O.: Sullivan & Sons·
550 Locus' Strr ' . IFmll .River. Mass.
COS 2~2391 IIR.oae IE: SUllivl\1lD
E. SalBlvllllll
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Wed., Sat. & Sun.
Phone f. R. 1-677-9357
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Tel. 997-9:f5& § iillllllllllUlllilJllIIllIlIIlIIlIIlIIllllllIlIIlIUlIIllIlIJllIIlIIlIIlIIlIIllIIHIIIUIIHllIIllHlIlIIlIUlIIlIUlI1IIIIl1lilllllllll":.
ANCHOR3 Computor to ·Link Mount Sen'ior,"Among 31 Amer:ican Teenagers . THE Thurs., June 2, '1966 Three Hospitals Chosen for ~uropean Science Study Tour Lutheran Shows In Boston· See . BOSTON (NC)-Three of Pretty Lynne Chrupcala, a senior at Mt. St.. Mary Academy, Fall River, is living in Torture Marks
t'he largest hospitals operated by the Boston Archdiocese soon will be linked by
a whirl of excitement these days. Added to the thrill of graduation i's the knowledge that on July 24 she'll embark on a science study tour of Europe. She is one of 31 high school students who will represent the United States at the 1966 International Youth Science Fortnight July 28 '
through August 10 in Lon- standing student, ranking second puts it, "She practically lives at
WASHINGTON (NC)-A ref ugee Lutheran pastor stripped to the 'waist at a Senate hearing to show the torture scars he said were inflicted by the Rumanian
secret police.
The Rev. Richard Wurmbrand,
after· testifyin;;( about religious
persecution in his native coun try, said "I'd like to undress my self to the belt and show you what a Rumanian prison is like." Pointing to numerous knife scars on' his neck, chest and back, he said, '·"1 show you the 'tortured body of my fatherland . and my church." . A former representative in Rumania of the World Council of-' Churches, Pastor Wurmbranel said that the Rumanian sect:et .police ,tried. to force him into .making. "accusatory statmentJ;" against, bishops. and other church leaders. , With his ~ife' sitting 'beside him, and occasionally· dabbing her 'eyes, he told the Senate In ternal Security. Subcommittee . that "I' was' not the worst' tor tured."
an intricate computer system capable of providing instant in~ormation on medical records, in a senior class of 139 girls. school!" She has been Anchor personnel, payrolls and other don, England. After the two She combines her lively interreporter' for the Mount during data. week stay in England the est in science with an equal en- the past scholastic year and is Richard Cardinal Cushing says American youngsters will tour thusiasm for extra-curricular also editor in chief of the school the machinery for the extensive the' European continent with activities - or, as her mother paper, Mercian, and a newsletter system will be housed in a fourstudy-stops in Amsterdam, Coissued by the Mount sodality as stor)' building now under con- logne, Heidelberg, Munich,.Salzwell as being secretary of the struction at St. Elizabeth's Hosburg, Venice, Florence, Rome,· school science club. pital in Brighton.' Viareggio, Turin, Geneva, ChaLynne is also active in 'civic and' The "human-like" computer monix, Dijon and Paris. . BALTIMORE (NC)~Lawrence church groups such as the Junsystem will be capable. of two-. ..,Lynne wiIi join, the 30 other Cardinal Shehan of Baltimore ior Red Cross Volunteer Organ Way' operation, which means a students from'all parts of the. said here that one of the strong- ization, the', Fall River Area doctor in ·St. Elizabeth's HospiUnited States in Washingt<in, est voices for Christian unity has Catholic Yo ut h Organization, tal will 'be able to obtain infor-' D. C. July 24. They'll spend two. been found in the Methodist' and. the Citizen's' Scholarship mation instantly as to the num-, days in the capital, departing for church. Foundation of which she' is . a bel' of beds available in distant London July 27. They'llret'uI'D He praised ·the ·"treasured co-· youth branch board· member. St. Margaret's Hospital,' what to 'NewYork City Sept. '·1 from oPeration" given by the. Meth- Her high academic achievement equipment'·isready..for·-use;"per- "Pai'is.·· ,_ ... ; .- ... _........ -...... , odists to the Roman Catholic has.e~rned her memberships in . lIOnnelon duty and other pemSCieneeTeaehers . Church "in our, own search for the National Honor-Society and gent data. , A' ... t' f th 1 Christian unity." , the French National Honot'SoScbools lifCllt . nnounc~men ,; 0 . e Be eCIn a talk 'given during observ- ciety-. Future plims 'call for' at-' At the same time the doctors ti.ons, 1.8 eighteen boys and .:: ance of the bicentennial 'of tendllnce at college, where she'It in St. Margaret's Hospital call girlS, was made. by. Robert.. . American-MethodIsm here, Car- major in science. " .' " . quickly provide needed infor;: Carleton! Executl~e Secretary.of dinal Shehan traced the contacts ination to St. Elizabeth's and the ~at~onal SCIence Te~c~e~ between Methodists and Catho.. also to the Cardinal Cushing ~ss<><;IatIon (NSTA). PartIclp~- lics in the United States. Untii General Hospital now under bon 1!1 the London youth' con- recently there had been a chilly DUBUQUE (NC)'-Father Jo.;. oonstruction in Brockton" the gress IS on~ ·of several youthac.,. atmosphere for which Catholics lie'ph P. HeraI'd; director of vo third chain institution." tivities .in scie.nce ~o~du~ted by were in great .partresponsible,cations·· of the 'Dubuque archdi~ . ELIZABETH (NC)-The AI Cardinal Cusbing saiel the· NST~)~ ~~J~nchon .Wlt~ the he said. "But'withthe advent of ocese in Iowa for five years; has lIystem will eventually be' ex- Assoc~atlon s Future ScIentists of Pope:'Joiin ':XXiII to 1he throne been appointed assist~nt· direCtor' exian Brothers, ar~ observing the panded to include the school America p..r0gram. . . o f St. Peter, suddenly the climate' . of the Extension' Society' Lay' lOOth· anniversary of thei'r U.S.' system in the archdiocese. All : ~ponsored and.~upervlsed by was changed." ., Mission 'Volunteers 'in 'Chicago:' arrival here in,New Jersey.. .., .. . three. hospitals were. recently' NSTA for the fifth time. since .. unified under the name of A9901961, this endeavor bas the en ciated Catholic' Hospitals, Inc.: .dorsement· of the. U. S. DepartTeams of specialists are· now ment· of State through which being trained to operate the NSTA received the ,initial invi system. . tation to administer it. More than 500 students from
about 30 different countries will
take part in the International
Youth Science Fortnight which
SEATTLE (NC)-The Seattle is organized and conducted by' archdiocese will institute the the Worldfriends organization Project "Equality program' and . under the 'patronage of HRH, the
consider the equal employment· . Duke of Edinl·urgh. The' Science
Fortnight program, arranged by policies of companies in award the British Association' for the ing contracts, Archbishop Thom as A. Connolly announced here. Advancement of Sclence, in The archdiocese is the fifth cludes lectures by eminent sciAmerican See to put into oper . entists; brain-trust panels; dis ation . th!l ,National Cath9lic cussion groups; visits to labora tories, museums, and British in Conference for Interracial Jus
tice program of using the' dustries; and an array of social
Church's purchasing power to, activities.
Lynne, say her teachers at Mt.
insure racial ju.stice and equal, St. Mar,}' Academy, is an out job opport~t¥" .
Lauds Methodists' Efforts for Unity
ew Position.
•.. One ,Centu;·y
Archdiocese Joins Project Equality
Cathedral Camp
Resident and Day Camp. for Boys
OurL;ady of the Lake Day Camp for Girls Sponsored by ·the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall Rover LOCATED ON LONG POND, ROUTE 18, EAST FREETOWN, MASS. 47th year of experience in programming 'camping adivities Individual instructional program for each age group. Activities include swimming,
sailing, canoeing, water-skiing, softball, volleyball, basketball, baseball, tennis;
archery, riflery, horseback riding, cook outs,. field trips, Indian lore, woodsmanship,
special events, camp craft, arts and crafts, camp fire, canteen, etc. Excursions to
Cape Cod and other historic sites and places of interest.
Daily Mass in Assumption Chapel on Camp Grounds. Private beaches, large camp
house, dining hall, spacious dormitories, modern washroom facilities, indoor gYIlll,
recreation hall, lounge with TV, arts and crafts building, camp. infirmary.
Separate Staffs: Boys' Camps-Seminarians of the' Fall River Diocese.
Girls' Camp-Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur & qualified Catholic college students
Resident Catholic Chaplain. Resident nurses and doctor on call 24 hours.
Bus Transportatiolll for Day Camp from Fall River, New Bedford and Taunton areu
For further information write to
REV. WALTIER A. SULLIVAN, DIRECTOR, P.O. BOX 63, EAST FREETOWN, MASS. or call 763-8874 Member of ,Noti.onal Catholic Camping Assn. and New England Camping Assn.
THE ANt:HUK' lTIi,urs., June 2,
'Wnter.Ameruc:a n Cenlfer to Give Training fc)r Service Abroad
SpeciaI Giffs
PONCE (NCh-Going-to work for the Churcb. in Latin America on a wish and a prayer is no longer in style.
$1000 Atlantic
~. Pacific
This is the conviction of Msgr. Theodore McCarrick~ rector' of the Catholic University of 'Puerto Rico here, which will soon launch its new Inter-Amer ican Center GIS ,a hemispheric training, research and confer ence facility. 'One of the center's main jobs will be providing up to date' training for apostolic personnel' -priests, Religious and laymen -headed for Latin America, as well as for business and pro fessional men, teachers and stu dents.
Tea Co.
. $500 Stop & Shop, Inc. First National Stores,I Inc.
Taunton, $75 . .Jj)r. Theodore R. Thayer· $25
Dighton Industries
Plank-& Hansen Co.
Pober's' .
[f(W ~ ~ ~O'lf<e[j' $150.
Stafford Furniture
$121' Station WSAR
Station WALE
$50 . Atty. John F. O'Donoghue Shelburne Shirt Co. United Cotton. Products $35
Dr. Harry .Cooperstein
. James Hart
$25 Atty. Lincoln D. Brayton High Point Paper Box Corp. Tioga Sportswear $15 Atty. :Phiiip S. Brayton Jl!)l'. Samuel Brown .
"One of the frequent deficien cies of missionary, work, in the past has been lack of training," he said. "We've operated on th'e
Brook Manillr" Inc.
North Attleboro· Plumbing
Heating Co. .
Red Rock Hill Motor et.:
MILWAUKEE' ~NC) - That with household chores according convent life is colorful at the' to informally arranged sched St., Benedict the Moor Mission ules. here is evident to even a casual They • frequently join each visitor who is greeted' by an other for recreation both at .the array of blue, black, brown and convent and at community white habits. 'events. Most of the "boarders" have also taken the opportunity The varied habits are worn by presented by the mission loca the 19' nuns residing at the con vent and representing a wide tion of the convent to participate variety· of professions, three in, interracial activities spon: CQuntries, and eight religious sored by the parish. orders. Among the orders represented The Clilnvent is principally oc are Carmelites, Holy Spiri1t cupied by the DominIcan Sisters :Missionary Sisters, Marists, Do of Racine who staff the Negro minicans of Grand Rapids, Serv mission school. The other occu ites, Sisters of the Holy Cross, pants are boarders attending Sisters of Christian Charity, and Marquette University. Racine Dominicans. H 0 use superior is Sister Richard of the Racine DomIni I • cans. Though all inform her of their plans and 'schedules as a matter of courtesy, the 'other nuns receive orders only from their own superiors.
Parishes fall River ST~
August Hebert & Son
Mrs. Manuel Albernaz
New Bedford ST. LAWRENeE
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wood
Buzzards Bay $%5
Robert A. Fogg
Fcuirhaven MARY
$20 Mr. & Mrs. Antone Costa Jr~ $15 Mr. & Mrs. George Goudreau
Ocean Gll'cve ST. MICIllAIffiJL
Francfs McGonogle
$c{],!J1J'1lil !D)([lJlJ'il'l1'i1il@Mtl'1Ju S'lI'.
$50 Dr. & Mrs. Victor Almeida $25 Lt. Col. & Mrs. A. J. Lawrence Dr. & Mrs. Archibald Senesas $15 Mr. & Mrs. George M. O'Hara 31';
SOMfl'h V (B1l'Wl!@MtrDiJ ST. PlUS 'lI'lENTB
Mrs. Thomas HagUe
Vine.yard Haven: 'ST., A1JGllSTlNE $IS •. II. J'acdler Ce. lac.
,8 HOW TO MAKE $10
look at the nearest $10·blll. What is it actually worth? Only whet It will buy. In Boston or Cleve· land or St. louis, It will hardly buy enough to feed a family for two days. In the Holy land, It ~·T·R'E·T-e·H will feed 8 poor refugee family for an entire mClnth. The Holy Father asks your help for the refugees, more than half of them children. Your .-.- -~v mUltiplies-as you give ;'" ~ ...-..
. '~lJNGSTERS Have you ever wished you could build a church . WHO In living memory of your famllyl And name It USE Yl)urself for your favorite salntl ••• Thanks to IT our missionaries overseas, It's as easy as buying TODAY a medium·prlced car; and, unlike 8 car, It wllJ WILL not wear out. The youngsters who use it this BRING year and next will bring their children there foY THEIR daily Mass 20 end 40 years from now.••• IIll :IILDIREN Mallussery, south India, for Instance, pennllesl3 fOR catholics hear Mass in a borrowed shed becauso bAllY they have no church. The land for a new churc[, MASS Is available, and they'll do all the work free·of charge, If we can give them $3,200 for bricks, sand, mortar. You can be the builder, If you writ~ to us right now. The church will be,named as you' ,direct, and 1I permanent plaque at the entrance will request prayers forever for the members of your family lIving and deceased•••• Gifts go fal! in our 18 emerging countries because labor costs are low. For only $10,000 In India you,car" build a complete parish 'plant' (church, rectory, . school, end convent) where the Holy Father says It's needec( Please write to us, and help,' the helpless poo...
'Nuns Representing Eight Religious Orders U'Ye at Milwauk.ee Mission
Worth, Attleboro·
Irnr!d ~®<e\J'@r BROOKLYN (NC)-Archbish op Bryan J. McEntegart o:c Brooklyn has appointed Msgr. John J. Fleming rector of the new diocesan seminary college now 'under construction at Doug laston.
.Convent Lo'fe Colorful
Firefighters Ass:n No. 84'1 Dr. Barney J. Margolis
"The same thing holds true for the professional man, tile teacher and the businessman. They too need linguistic prepa.- . ration and cultural broadening and deepening. Without such, training, there is a real danger of wasting time, money, effod and human resources."
MASS IN WAR-TORN VIETNAM: Camouflage-cloth vestments are worn by Father (Major) Michael J. Rogers as he offers Mass in the field near the Cambodian border of Vietnam at the forward command post of the 1st Brigade, New Bedford $50
1st Oavalry Division (Airmobile) . Father Rogers is a priest - N. B. Lodge No. 73 BPO Elks of the 'diocese of Davenport, Iowa. NC Photo. $25
Atty. L<!luis stone
sink or ~m principle. TIl8t may be all right for the pel'llOm who's going to swim, but it isWt so good for the person wh~ going to sink.
One )gig Rule
Thus eight different rules are followed in the convent and" chaos might be expected. Not at all, the nuns affirm, explaining' that "all the rules can be boiled down to one big rule of love." Working on this principle the nuns ordinarily join for Mass and dinner daily, but at other times follow their own sched ules. They say the prayers re quired by their own orders, go to bed and get up according to their own work needs, and help
'.... ,1 your lawyer, when·you.dlscuss Y;;Jtlr ·.~i!l, our leg.~1 title Is CATHOUC NEAR EAST WELFARE AliSO
Stringless bequests ere used wl1m the Holy Father says they're needed most.
'The MassGs you lmange for will 1m offereD by priem who receive no other Income.
$600 will train a native prIest $300 a natll/lt Sister, who will pray for you always.
FOR., NAMi!:
lilsSife! :'etLirh coupo,n with YOllr OTRErri:·..;,' offer.lna
_ . _ - -...
~1l'@~IT<crJm cm~ H..oy@i~ CHICAGO (NC) Loyola University will 'begin a new graduate business pro g I' a m leading to the master of business administration degaee next Sep tember. Dr. Allen .F. Jung, for medy 01 the Universitq 'of Chi eagowill 'direct the new pro
,,_~,. _ ~ .~:>..t
8TAT,B_lIIP CODII..-..=.
1+ C]-I:. ;r~ ,~~..;.
>;:-.:. . \
Nfl/kit "".".1
MscaR. JOHN ca. NOLAN, National Secretait·
Wrltel CATHOLIO NEAR lAsT WItL'ARlt Assoo. 130 Madllon Avenue· New York, N,Y. 100 TDlephonea 112/VUkon 1-5840
HEATING OIL ._ ._~.,-,~.,...,,~,,_-"'!"" ...-.:'!"'.'--.';""'!'o:-,- ,_-......_ -.-'
_-_ ..
Catholics Respect Rights Of Neighbors
Gold Medal Given East Ta.untonian for 'Work In Fiel~ 01 Labor Relation.~, Mental Health
WASHINGTON (NC) Archbishop Patrick A. 0' Boyle in a pastoral letter reminded Gatholics of their
Richard Cardinal Cushing has awarded a gold medal to Manuel A. Gomes of East Taunton. The, medal" embossed with the lik eness of Pope Paul VI, was given to Mr. Gomes for "outstanding service in the fields of labor relations and mental health." Mr. Gomes, is the brother of Msgr. Anthony M. 'Gomes, pastor of Our Lady of Angels Church ,in Fall River. He live~ with his parents, Mr. and l.VIrs. Antonio J. Gomes, at 190 Middleboro Avenue, and has
'duty to respect the civil rights 0f others in regard to jobs, edu <cation and-particularly-hous mg. "Those who deny a neighbor, worked for the past 15 years solely on the basis of race, the as a licensed practical nurse at opportunity to buy a house, en joy equal educational and job Taunton State Hospital. A few weeks ago Cardinal opportunities are in effect de Cushing announced that he has lllying that right to Christ Him appointed . Mr. Gomes vice lrelf," Archbishop O'Boyle said. president of the Catholic Labor In a covering letter to 343 Guild of Massachusetts. Mr. priests of the Washington arch Gomes has been active in the diocese, he scored "block busting, Labor Guild for six years and panic selling and similar tactics" has served two years as secre that violate the right to equal tary. The Guild was formed by ity in housing. Cardinal Cushing 15 years ago ''The heart of the fair housing and six years ago began to in issue is that every man: what clude the Fall River Diocese in ever his race, religion or na its program. . tional origin, has the moral right Christian Socian Oll'lllell' tlo acquire and occupy any house Members are from all occu Ilis means will allow, subject pations-a cross section of or only to the obligation all mem ganized labor in Eastern Massa bers of society have to live as chusetts. The Guild's stated pur good neighbors in Christi~n pose ~ is "to work toward a charity," he said. Christian reconstruction of the The archbishop's pastoral, social order by promoting the read at all Masses in the archdi' application of the principles Dcese Sunday coincided with the enunciated in the encyclicals on observance of "Fair Housing the social order; bringing to Sunday" in nearby Prince' workers a knowledge of these Georges County, Md., which is principles and training leaders." part of the archdiocese. Mr. Gomes is a graduate of the Guild's School of Industrial Will of God The observance was supported Relations in Boston. This school, by the Greater Washington open to both union and manage Council of Churches and the ment people, gives intensive Greater Washington Jew ish courses in such subjects as Community Council as well as Christian social principles, social the Catholic archdiocese. Pledge legislation, arbitration, econom ics and public speaking. Instruc eards were distributed to mem bers of the eongregatiOlll in tors are well-known experts illl e b. Ii r c h e s a n d synagogues their fields. Typical is William J. Fallon, a member of the Nathroughout the county. The cards read: "I believe that tional Academy of Arbitrators, who gives a course on arbitraany person, regardless of race, tion. ''The American Labor religion, or national origin, has the moral right to purchase or Story" is a subject taught by rent a home anywhere. I urge Joseph P. O'Donnell, Director finanCial institutions, ,h 0 me , of Harvard Trade Union Program. builders and owners, apartment The Labor training has been owners and real estate brokers to do business without racial' or of great value, says Mr. Gomes, llreligious discrimination." ' in his capacity as an active Archbishop O'Boyle declared member of the American Feder tn his pastoral that "the will of ation of State, County and Mu nicipal Employees, Local No. 72. God '" * * in relation to our He has been an officer of the l:!eighbor means "treating him local union and a member of its as a' fellow son' of God,' ,recog':' lllizing him as an equal image of. executive board, and has also been Chairman of the State the infinite God who is our Cre Employees' U.:1it of the Cardinal ator, our Redeemer llnd our Cushing Charity Fund for five Jfudge." years. Volunteer, Worke«' In spite of the pressures 011: these ,activities, he devotes many hours each month to patients of SAN FRANCISCO (NC) --A Veterans Administration Hos
lesuit theologian and ecumenist pitals in Brockton and Boston wggested here that Catholic as a volunteer worker. journalists join with other reli "I get a great deal of satisfac gious journalists in forming lit, tion out of this work" Mr. "Christian P r f" s s Association" Gomes says. "During World War and a "Christian newspaper," II I was hospitalized with frost Father Daniel O'Hanlon, S.J., bite injuries for two and a half 01 Alma College, a Jesuit semi months and a Sister from a con lZlary in Los Gatos, Calif., urged . vent near the hospital taught these and other steps to foster me how to make and repair ecumenism through religious rosaries. It was a great therapy journalism in a talk to the Cath for my' frostbitten fingers and olic Press Association conven my spirit and I've been making ,tion. and repairing rosaries ever He described the proposed since. I must have made hun Christian Press Association as dreds for the patients of Taun an organization in which "all ton State and the Veterans Christian journalists co~ld meet . hospitals over the years." regularly to learn and plan to The East Tauntonian first be gether." came interested in working with the mentally ill during the wall:' 0 when he was a medic in the U.S. Army and assisted in the NEWBURGH (NC)-The 16tb. care' of soldiers' suffering from biennial meeting of the Domin- war' neuroses. During the, first rean Mothers General Confer- part of the war,. after being stlll @I!lce of the United States, held tioned at Camp Myles ,Standish, 'at Mount St. Mary-on-the-Hucllhe was shipped to Greenllmd GOn here was attended by more where his unit set up the firs!; ,than 80 delegates from 37 con- field hospital. . gregations of Sisters of the Third 'He tells, the chilling story Order and 10 representatives @i going with seven other medica
Suggests Christian Press Association
~~.P.!~~"F,i~,~ ~ :.;_,,,:,_,,,=~~~~~~qr~~:~~~Il'f:ea.-
Thurs., June 2, 1966
Name Hub Priest To Direct New Miss~olrn . effort BOSTON (NC)-A veteran of missionary work has been named director of a new training program for apos tolic and other personnel pre paring for service in Latin America. Father Frederic M. Cameron will be director of the Institute for Intercultural Communica tion at the Catholic University of Puerto Rico in Ponce, P. R. The Institute is the training section of the university's new Inter-American Center. The center will also conduct research programs and' sponsor Inter American seminars and confer ences. Father Cameron's appoint ment has :Jeen announced by Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston. Father Cameron is a priest of the Boston archdbocese. The Cardinal's action in re leasing Father Cameron for ser vice at the Ponce institute is in response to the recent action of the Bishops of Puerto Rico in providing a $500.000 property to serve as the residence and study facility of the Inter-American Center. The Institute for intercultural Communication will provide language trainmg and cultural orientation for persons prepar ing to work in Latin America.
$206 000 Gift 1
MANUEL A. GOMES cy call two weeks after arriving in Greenland. The U.S.S. Dor chester had been torpedoed near Greenland by German subma rines, and the medical crew was rushed onto a ,Coast ,Guard cut ter that was searching for survivors. They themselves had come over on the previous trip of the Dorchester and many of the men on the stricken ship were their friends. But for a last min ute chaqge in the shipping list' they wc;>uld have been on that voyage themselves. As the cut ter plied its way on the hopeless search, Medic Gomes thought of the chaplain on the Dorchester, FatheF John Washington. He had talked to him often at Myles Standish and now he prayed for his safety, but after a day and a half of searching they found no survivors: ' Four ChaplailllS
Back in Greenland they found that a British ship had picked up some men from the Dor chester. And these survivors told the story that became one of the most stirring and inspiring o~ the war: of the four chaplains who gave their lifejackets to men who had none, and were
last seen on the dedit sf the sinking ship-arms entwined singing hymns. They were a Catholic priest, two Protestant ministers and a Jewish rabbi. The priest was Father Washing ton. There is a Fqther John Wash ington Post of the Catholic War Veterans in Taunton but Manuel Gomes ha:;m't had time to join. He would like to someday. He talks of his work with the Labor Guild, his many charities, and his great interest in seeing more volunteer work being done to help the mentally ill and per haps someday working with re tarded children. "If there were only more volunteers in this area," he says. We all might say, "If there were only more men like Manuel Gomes."
co. ( ~ Heating Oils ( , and Burners (365 NORTH FRONT STREET ( , NEW BEDFORD ~
WYman 2-5534
{"""".I'- ~
OF TAUNTON Norton, W. Main St.-Raynham, Rte. 44-Taumor'il, Main St. North Dighton, Spring St.-North !Easfon, Main S~.
Member federaO Deposit Insurance Corporatiol"il
" ' Y Y...." . Y T. . . . . . ~ L, CAMP SACRED HEART , , SHARON, MASSACHUSETTS ~ Il Spacious Fireproof Sleeping Qoartell's-Boys 7 to 114 yrn. ORGll ~
Six-week season: June 26 to AUlguS¢ 6 Register for 2, Oil' 4, or is weeks !Free Tutoring fill desiJre1ll THE BROTHERS OF THE SACRED HEART
196 'Vhipple St., Fali River Conducted by. Franciscan Missionaries of MCU'y ROOMS -M£AU
St. Frands
Catholic Masses - NORTH POWDER (NC) Catholics in this hlission area of Oregon are attending Sunday Masses in the Community Meth odist church while iheir own church, St. Anthony's, is being torn down to be replaced by' a new structure.
JERSEY CITY (NC) - St. Peter's College has announced. formal receipt of a $206,000 be quest from the estate of the late Grace B. Delahanty. The dona tion represents two-thirds of the Jesuit institutien's totalscho! arship endowment for 'need7 students.
41 ~
,A 4-5-6-'-5 '1A••:.:.a;~I;;:'.5~~~
Itesideat Schoon fM Boys
Grammar Grades
6 .
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fa" River-Thurs., June 2, 1~66
Continued from Page One not have a' special page noting that it has official Catholic ap. proval, but that a paragraph The New York Times published a two-page ad a short will be inserted in a preface while ago and for that ad received the sum of $11,184. The noting that it has received C&J>, dinal Cushing's imprimatur. remarkable part of this business deal is that the ad was The Oxford Annotated Bible contracted for and written by one man, a forty-five year with the Apochrypha was pub old advocate of peace and paradise here on earth, a Korean lished last year and received resident of Japan. He spent all his available cash to take immediate applause from both Catholic and Protestant Scrip.;. out the ad whose text amounted to forty-five typewritten ture schol~rs as the best Bible pages with diagrams. The ad suggests ~ solution for the available in English for Scrip.. Viet Nam war, rambles on about Karl Marx and the roles ture students. of both capital and labor, talks of exploitation of workers Approached for approval fOR in Russia and China, and draws up plans for the establish general Catholic· use of the OJ!'; ford edition several months ago, ments of a system of communities or paradises of earth. Cardinal Cus4ing asked" Father The proposals of the ad are, in the words of a news • ~ Casey and Father Philip Jl. story in ;The Times, "simple to the point of naivete." . King, professor of' Sacred Scrip. ture at St. John's seminal'Jl'., But there is another point th~t is impressive: that a Brighton, Mass., to consult with shnple man would feel such concern for the world's problems the co-editors of the Oxford as to spend all the ready money he had to bring this concern Annotated Bible. On conferring and his solution to the attention of a vast reading public. with the co-editor~-Dr. Herbert G. May, professor of Old Tests This may be simple and naive but it is also courageous and ment at the Oberlin School oi dedicated. Many men feel deeply about issues. But how Theology in Ohio, and Dr. Bruce many an ready and willing to spend something of them M. Metzger, professor of New selves to show their concern-not only their money but Testament at Princeton (N. J.:) Theological School-the Catholic their labor, their time, their effort~? priests decided that no changeD There is in' the air today much talk and especla"y were desirable or necessary much criticism. Perhaps we should judge its depth by the either in the original RSV trans willingness of those who talk and criticize to put behind lation or in the many general 011' special introductory articles .. their words some sort of. proof of their concern--effort, Con,tinued from Page One St. Anthony's High School, the Oxford Bible. sacrifice, time, work, ·money. .Thus the Oxford edition beaJI · superintendent, will pr,eside. also' New Bedford,' will hold its During World War I a Hindu philosopher, Dhon Gopal Principal speaker 'will be Dr. program at 8 Sunday .night, ing .Cardinal Cushing's impri Mukerji, speaking. of .Wiison's fourteen~point" peace plan, .Paul van K. Thomson, director June 12 i'n the school auditorium, matur will continue to relegate asked: "Is he a. saint, this man of the fourteen points? of ·the honors program at Provi with Bishop Connolly speaking the so-called Apochryph~ and conferring diplomas., The 70 books contained in the' Greek Has. he fasted and prayed to God long enough to give each dence College. graduates include ·17 girls and version of the Old Testament Feehan High School of his points ·an immortal life? Then how can a man hope but not, in the Hebrew~to the Planned' for 8 Tuesday night, 23 boys. to engraft an idea upon human life without having first June 14 is the graduation' of Joint cereminies will be held end of the book rather than in sacrificed many years to it." Men must sacrifice something Bishop Feehan High School, At at 3 Sunday afternoon, June 12 corporating them into the boos;' in Notre Dame Church, Fall of the Old Testament in line tleboro, where 100 girls and 91 on behilf of ideas to give prJOf of their concern. River, by Prevost High School with Catholic tradition. Knowm · boys form the senior class. Bish op Connolly will preside at (he and Jesus-Mary Academy. Msgr. in Catholic circles as the dellP terocanonical books, the Apocb- Alfred J. E:' Bonneau will pre ceremonies in the school audi ". torium and confer diplomas, and side, and distribut diplomas and rypha include such books 00 . It is in the nature of youth to be 'impatient, to' want · Re~" Patrick J. O'Neill will be Rev: Ed:ward Mitchell of' Holy those of Esdras, Judith, Sirach to get going on something, to' get. things done. Youth wants the, graduation speaker. Also to ·Name. parish, 'Fall ·River, will and Maccabees; which the"Cath not only eHorts but wants to see results. Perhaps that speak is Brian Frost, student speak. Prevost will 'graduate 50 olic Church holds to be inspired along with the rest of the Old boys and Jesus-Mary will pre explains iri some measure the various marches, protests, · council president at 'the Attle Testament. sent diplomas to 42 girls. boro school. raids, and so forth that break out from time to time even The imprimatur given by Car At Mt. St. Mary Academy, gids will ·gradu in college communiti~s where young people are presumed Fall River, 139 girls and four ateForty-three from Dominican Academy, dinal Cushing means' ti'lat the to be too mature for such demonstrations which,for the Dominican Sisters of the Pres Fall River, at ceremonies an RSV text may now be used by for preaching, and for mostpart,generate much heat and little light and le~!'l entation will graduate in cere,. nounced for 3 Sunday afternoon, priests monies at 1:30 Sunday afternoon, · June 12 in the school auditorium. Catholic services such as Bible " positive accomplishment; but they are activity. vigils.. But as the Bishops' Com June 12 in the school auditorium. Msgr. Henri Hamel will distrib It is sad to see such activity go to waste, to see such The Dominicans, stationed, at ute diplomas and graduates will mission on the Liturgical Apo9 st. Anne's Hospital are from · be presented by Sister Mary' tolate has chosen the new Con efforts largely in vain. i Latin America. Bishop Connolly Gerald, O.P., principal. The chief fraternity of Christian' Doctrine A group of' young people in Toronto, Canada, has wiil preside and· present diplo will be James F. NiCo:' translation of the Bible as the decided to make itself felt and to engage in activity and to mas and Rev. John G. Cornel speaker text for Scripture readings ita letti, a member of the Diocesan work for results, and to do all this in a constructive vein. lier, S.J., recently appointed board of education and principal the Mass, the RSV cannot be r Calling themselves an Amnesty International Group-there first principal of the new Bishop .of the Aldrich School in Fall used as a substitute. ' are more than three hundred such Groups in England and Connolly High School, will be River. chief speaker. Valedictorian will At Sacred Hearts Academy, two hundred more throughout the world-they mobilize pe Susan Jenkinson, highest Hierarchy Establish
public opinion in defense of men and women who are ranking member of the acad Fairhaven, 37 girls will gradu Cultural Venture
ate [at 2:30 Sunday afternoon, imprisoned because their ideas are unacceptable to their emy's senior class. · June 12 in the academy chapel. WASHINGTON (NC)-A new governments. A Jesuit priest serving an eight-year sentence Rev. Paul McHugh of the Ne~ .Rev. John O'Brien, SS.CC., venture in inter-American un England Cat hoI i c Education in a Hungarian political prison has recently peen re'leased · school chaplain, will preside and derstanding focusing on an ex Center :will be principal speaker .give out, diplomas, and Rev. panded Institute for Intercultu through the efforts of this Canadian group. They read of at the graduatior.ceremonies 'of Jeffre~r of St. Je~n Bap-. ral Communication at the Cath the priest's arrest and,triai and conviction, they got details Coyle High School, Taunton, to Maurice tiste parish, :Fall River, will olic University of Puerto Rico the circumstances surrounding his case, and working . be held at.8Monday night, June speak.
in Ponce is being launched by mostly by mail carrieq on a campaign of pers~asion with 13 in the' school auditorium:·, Graduating two girls,' St. Jo the U. S. and Puerto Rican bish Hungarian authorities so that the priest was released after Bishop COnJlolly will present seph Preparatory School, Fall ops. diplomas' and' Brother Thomas River, has scheduled its cere A "statement of solidarity· having served less ti-Jm\ two years of his term. ' Gallagher, C.S.C" Coyle prin~i':' mony for 2:30 Sunday.afternoon, . with the U. S. hierarchy issued Less spectacular. than' parading. in the streets, less pal, will preside, One hundred June 19 in Blessed ~;acrament on behalf of the Puerto' Rican active than peing dragged along 'sidewalks,-less glamorous and twelve boys will graduate. parish hall. Msgr. Henri Hamel Bishops, announced the·' gift of Bishop - Cassidy High' School, '. will present. diplomas lmd .Rev. a '$500,000 property which will than being interviewed by. television, this type of activity, also in. Taunton. will graduate · Herve Jalbert will preside. serve as teaching and ·residence although on ."3 small'scale,' is truly worthy ofpniiS-eand · 108 girls in' ceremonies at the em.ulation. And it has' d.9ne' 'untold good in ·a. niodest bu~ .school at4 Monday afternoon, Speaker. will be· R·ev. Henri center for the institute. Charest, S1. Mathieu's· parish, , no less impressive way. It would provide. splendid activity 'June 13. Bishop Connolly will Fall River. .preside and distrjbute diplomas for any group of young peo~le. ., . Se~ Plans $500,000
and Sen. John F. Parker will ad Newman Center
dress the graduates. School in Kentucky AttY. Killoran GREENSBURG (NC)-Bishop Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall William G. Connare has an Drops Four Grades: · River, has scheduled its gradua nounced the Greensbur.g diocese HENDERSON (NC )--'I',he first has undertaken to build a $500, tion for 3 Mo'nday .afternoon, June 13 in the school auditorium. four grades at Holy Name School 000 Newman Center for some Bishop Gerrard will preside and here in Kentucky will be elimi 1,750 Catholic students enrolled Atty. James W. Killoran will be . nated next ·Fall.· Shortages ·of at State University in Indiana, OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER. principal speaker. Ninety-four money, teachers and, .classroom pa. Catholics comprise about cine spa'ce, plus burgeoning. enroll third of the total student eil1'oll Published weekly by Tne Cotholic Press of the Diocese of Fall R\~er girls. will graduate. ments, havecontribui-ecf to the ment. The center is one of three At Holy Family High 'School, .' -. . 410 I-lighland Avenue ' decision, school officials said.' New Bedford, graduation cere expansion projects planned by 675-7151 Fall River, Moss. 02722 monies ·will be held at 7:30 Sun The move marks "the very the diocese. The bishop said the PUBLISHER day night; June 12 in St. Lavg first time we have ever had to Clelian Heights School for Ex Most ·Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD., rence Church. Bishop Gerrard turn away any Catholic child in ceptional Children to be built at GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER will preside and present diplo grades one through twelve," Delmont, Pa., and a new con Rt. Rev. DfUliel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll mas' to 40 boys and 42 girls and Msgr. Raymond G. Hill, director vent for the Trinitarian Sisters . MANAGING EDITOR . , Rev. Damien Veary, SS.CC~ will, o~ CatholiC;. schools IQr the . who staff Ca~holic. Charitiell be .grad uat~~;D' sl>eaker~ . . . Owensborq diocese" noted. -, _H~gh~j .• G~l'deJll.· ': ~ I j , "agencie~.are,pI,anned."" .
Proof of COJ1l((;ern
High School Graduations
Activity' for., Youth
Catholic ~ishops Sister' of Mercy from Call Conference
On Renewal
St. William"s .Parish Was Pre-PAVLA Worker in Honduras
O1TAWA (NC)-A world Sister Mary Jamesine, R.S.M" of St. William's parish, FaH River, was a messenger rongress on the theology of of good will to Latin America before the days of the Papal Volunteers. She is still on the tllie renewal of the Church job in Honduras, letting the poorest of the poor know "that the Church loves them and will be held at the University cares and is trying to reach them." The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Reddy was a of TQronto next year under the member Qf the first gradu liPOnsorship of the Catholic bish ating class of Mt. St. Mary ops of Canada, Archbishop Philip Academy, Fall River, and Jr. Pocock of Toronto announced first president of the acad lllere. emy alumnae association. She was one of nine.in her class who entered the Sisters of Mercy in 1951. The original plan was for Sis ter Mary Jamesine to become a teacher, but when the Mercy community asked for volunteers to staff a hospital in La Ceiba, Honduras, she was among the first to step forward. In prep aration for her mission role she earned a B.S. degree in nu)'sing, graduating in 1957 from Salve Regina College. She followed with graduate work at New York's Bellevue Hospital and. at last in 1959 reached La Ceiba. Many Activities Ever since, her days have been filled to bursting with nursing, catechetical activities, and pro moting the l.egiqn of lV):ary, of \!hich she says, "Really, there is nothing like the LE;gion of Mary. Through the Legio,naries I can do fi ve times more work than if I wei'etryi!1g t~ do it alone." In a recent letter to friends she notes that the liospital has graduated its fourth class of professional nurses. "Four of the eight graduates stayed on with us· here at i:Iospitat Vincente D'Antoni * * .* Our Legion of Marv work is flourishing as ne~ befO're and 1 tell my·girls U is due to the Blessed Sacra ment, which has been reserved in the hospital chapel since Au gust. We have to send statistics to Legion headquarters in Dub lin every six months ·and 1 told (feR. them I'll· ·have to get an IBM machine to do' our totals. "During our last period at the Move to Implement hospital we had 84 baptisms, 24 persons received Extreme Uunc Jers.ey Rights Law TRENTON (NC)-In, imple':' tion, almost 600 confessions and menting civil rights programs, Communions-which is great for people must take up where the lIS. The first year here we never had more than two or -three llaw leaves off, delegates to the Commlmions at our weekly iJeCond annual civil rights oon Mass. Last Saturday 35 received l5erence have been told here. (doctors, nurses and patie?ts). Religious and civic leaders c at Catechetical Work . fthe conference, called by the State Commission on Civil Sister Jamesine reports that Rights, heard Gov. Richard J. catechetical work is also be ginning to prosper, although Hughes sound the keynote, say fung that "morally and legally, Sisters have to handle enormous classes, with up to 300 children our obligation is to assure jus tice and equal opportunity for in one room. "These are the real poor-barefooted, dirty, raggedy all." ''The problems and the people as can be-bu~ the majority so they affect are local, the pri eager to learn." The Fall River Sister described mary responsibility to recognize and solve the problems is also a mass baptism to her stateside nocal * >:< .;. for the good of all," friends: "Recently we had .free baptisms in a very poor neigh the governor said. The conference aim was to borhood. Legionaries visited the homes for- two weeks and lined study ways in which local com munities can implement existing up 31. Many do not have their anti-discrimination laws ·and go . children baptized because it costs $1.50 at the church and beyond them to effect a cooper that is a lot when you are poor. ative approach to common prob "Sister Mary Ellenice and 1 n.ems. served as acolytes. She was on Father's right, armed with :ill. turkish towel. Aft e r Father Chaminade College poured the water, I, on the left Honors Jubilarian stepped. up with a blue turkish HONOLULU (NC) _. Bishop towel and dried the head (I was wishing I could have shampooed James A. Sweeney, now observ a few ). I am sure that those ing his 25th jubilee as first bish op of Honolulu, was honored with a doctorate of humane let New Vicar General 1Pers at eighth annual Chaminade CINCINNAT~ (NC)-Auxiliary College of Honolulu commence'" naent here. . Bishop Edward A. McCarthy has Bishop Sweeney was cited ·fOr been named vicar general of the "'having distinguished himself in ·Cincinnati . archdiocese.. Arch tile interest of higher education~' bishop Karl J. Alter, announcing by Father Robert R. MaCKey, the appointment, also said Bish op Paul F. Leibold, who has S.M., college president. The college's largest Class of been vicar general, will continue graduate:'! heard an address by in that position until his en thronement as bishop of Evans Adm. Ulysses S,· Grant· Sharp, vine, 'Inci!. 'in·Tnid~JutJ.e;\···'!· <Commander !in Chief 'Pacific.
The congress, which will run i1I'om Aug. 20 to 25, 1967, is under the direction of the Tor:onto Pon t1ifical Institute and will draw 9Utstanding theologians and scholars, both Catholic and non Catholic, from around the world. 'The congress is intended "to aupplement, extend and deepen the considerations of Vatican II." llt will probe the theological background of such contempo l!'3ry issues as the sexual revo llution, the secular city, the "God b dead" theology, the popula \Non explosion and the challenge ~ authority. 'Interested People~ The 1,800 participants ex .... pected will'include clergy, busi .Iltess and professional men, inde pendent scholars and artists and "interested people' from every quarter' where theological issues have depth and relevance." ,. . . Among those who' have ac 0epted invitations to read papers are: Leo Cardinal Suenens of Mali nes-Brussels, Belgium; ·Franzis !cus Cardinal Koenig of,Vienna; Archbishop Gabriel Garrone, pro-prefect of the Congregation . of Seminaries and Universities; Abbot Christopher Butler of Downside, England. Fathers Bernard Haering, e.SS.R., of Academia Alphonsi. ana, Rome; Yves Congar,·O.P., of Strasbourg; Godfrey Diekmann, 9.S.B., editor of Worship maga mine, and Edward Schillebeeckx, O.P.; of the University of Nijme:
THE ANCHORThurs., June 2, 1966
Taste of College For Dropouts BOSTON (NC)-Some 90 p0. tential high school "drop-outs" will get a unique sampling of college living at Boston college this Summer as part of an ·ex perimental project aimed. at giv ing the students a new .outlook on education. Known as "Upward Bound," the program will be financed by a $132,000 grant from the U. S. Office of Economic Opportunity and $15,000 from Boston College. The students will be selected from several poor sections of B0ston and will study, eat and live· on the college campus for eight weeks. They will be su pervised by 18 resident coun selors and a project director. Field trips will take them to points of interest in the area so they may become better ac quainted with the history and culture of Greater Boston. Objectives of the projects will be to improve the students' knowledge of living in an urban society; provide experiences that will stimulate learning motiva tion; improve the students' abil ity to communicate in acceptable English; and enhance their un derstanding of the purposes of education.
Job Change WICHITA (NC) - Ric~ard J. Meskill Jr., editor of the Alamo Messenger Or the San Antonio archdiocese has been·· namea managing editor of the Advance Register of the Diocese of Wich ita. He is the first Wichita lay editor in 63 years.
PROUD MOTHER: Mrs. James Reddy .looks at pic ture of her daughter, Sister Marv' Jamesine, R.S.M. The Sister of Mercy, a pioneer graduate"~f Mt. St.MaIi' Aca demy, Fall River, is assigned t6 Hospital Vicente D'Antoni, La O:liba, Honduras.. people will talk· about the bap tisms for the rest of their lives imagine the solemnity - one priest and two Sisters!" Sister Mary Jamesine and her rompanions do their catechetical work in addition to their hos pital duties, which severely lim its them. On one occasion, she wrote, "we visited 42 village homes and the complaint was the same in each-"We thought you had forgotten us - you haven't come in such a long time.' "
Canadians ·to Host Family Life Unit HAMILTON (NC)-More than church-related family life spe cialists from the U. S. and Can ada are expected at the second North· American Conference on the Church. and Family Life, May 30 to June 3, here in Canada. The conference, which will be
co-sponsored by the .Canadian
Council of Churches and the
Nationa1.Coun~il of Churches of Christ in the U. S. A., will be held at McMaster University here in Ontario. Catholic and Jewish delegates will be invited to participate.
ELECTRICAL Contractors
"Some day," she concludes, "we'll have Sisters just for the catechetical work and they can develop· a real system in the villages, but until then there is work to- do. and we are the lucky ones." So- are the Hondurans Sister Mary Jamesine helps.
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SPECIAL· GROU P GFFER!· • Chowder, . clamcakes and watermelon .. , all you can eat Only $1.00 • $4.00 worth of tickets . : . can be used on all rides in the Park Only $2.00 Offer not valid on Sundays and Holidays
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Summer .Session
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., June 2, 1966
For Volunteers
D~cti-orn~f~e$) [EBl)d[l)J~~O'i)~ [D)ce~O(f.U~t
JFor Fami'!y of
WASHING'PON (NC)-A slID week Summer tl'aining sessiOiii for Papal Volunteers for Latm: America 'will be beld at tOO Catholie UW-versity of AmericQ here.
The session, which will _ 1IDlderway June 26, is aimed • providing volunteers with ~ orientation to lay apostolate work and to the history and ~ ture of Latin America. On conr pletion, volunteers will receive 'an intensive four-month course in language at It Latin Ameriea center.
By Ma:ry Tilllley Daly,
There are men of 'action~ men' of words.
At our house, I'm afraid, we're the latter, a wordy lot, fascinated, by meanings, inflections, ,nuances. Perhaps, too, that is why all of us are dietionary buffs with more dif,. ferent kinds of dictionaries Well, we don't quite go that, than we have cookbooks, and far but we' do find particular that's saying something. In satisfaction'"in studying the more sophisticated word-books crop II e t tin g up housekeeping, many years ago, we found our':'
selves with·a rather unorthodox
assortment of '
worldly goods:
wedding present
silver including:
12 sets of salt
and pepper
shakers, s () m e
outmoded fur
niture, a new
bedroom "suite"
as they called it
in those days,
an Oriental rug,
books-his and hers-and a 1913
Funk & Wagnalls New Standard
Dictionary of the English Lan
guage measuring a, :f.1:I_~1 six
inches thick.
The ponderouf; volume was in use every day, still is' as a mat ter of fact, for the head of the house as reference, for me us ually as a poor sp~l1er's prop. Substitute Highchairs Fringe benefit of Funk 1£ Wagnalls was realized later on when its heft provided desired height at the dining table for little bodies after highchair had been outgrowr, or usurped. We stayed a one-dictionary, family until a contest beckoned and we found our 1913 edition a bit an tiquated. So we added a three and one-half inch thick Web ster's International Dictionary, its modern words a help in the contest, its tissue-thin page and small print no deterrent to"eyes still pretty good, its thickness a hoist to another small body at the dinner table. Now there were two word suppliers, quickly folJowed by" many'more as school days pro-: gressed and a dictionary became standard equipment, included in those seemingly perpetual book bills. Every now and then we, come across one of those grade school dictionaries in the attic" ,a childish hand having written on the flyleaf or on "see ,page 100" dire warnings threatening anyone who might be temptecI to make off with the book. A story is told of author Jack London and how he acquired an ever-increasing vocabulary: he strung a clothesline across bis room., When he encountered a strange word, he wrote it, along with its definition, on a slIp of paper, attached it to the line. When not writing, he wandered about the room examining hie "new wash."
Says Young Priests Ask Sodal Identity ( WASHINGTON (NC)-A Brit ish theologian said here today'. younger priests suffer from II sense of isolation in modern so eiety, which instills a desire for more intense social and political involvement in them. Father Charles Davis, theology professor at Heythrop College, England, and editor of, The Clergy Review magazine, said many older priests had solved the problem of their Sochil ide& tity in another era when society panted a high place to religion. He urged the older men to be »atient with the growing rest- ' lessness of young clergy"wbo must live and serve in a secular' society that has' excluded Jte:U~ -'cion as a factor.'" ,
ping up in today's markets arid , on library shelves. Added to our own reference shelf is the re':' cently acquired American Fam Chicago Eighth GraderS ily Reference Dictionary,- pub Enjoy interracial Fun lished by McCall's, one of' its features being a rapid vocabu~ CHICAGO (NC)-IntegratiOll lary builder, sub-titled "100 will is fun when accomplished to the get you !',OOO" the new Roget's tune of frug music and accom-, Thesaurus in dictionary form panied by shared hamburgets and the ever-beloved "Fowler's," according to some 125 eighth A, Dictionary of Modern English graders who participated in a Usage by H. W. Fowler, newly HEAR' BISHOP-ELECT: Members of St. Anne's Fra successful interracial program revised and edited by Sir Ernest' ternity, Fall River, welcome Bishop-elect Humberlo S. bere. Gowers. ' Medeiros as banquet speaker. From left, Louis R. Bouchard, The pupils, who make up the Inherited Trait All these have important, banquet chairman; Mrs. Jeannine Cournoyer, president of eighth grade classes at the an places in our reading-and-writ fraternity's auxiliary; BIshop-elect Medeiros; Rev. Rene white St. Joseph's school in sub urban Round Lake and the a1l ing lives, even the old 1913 Patenaude, O.P., fraternity chaplain. Negro St. Dorothy's School em Funk' & 'Wagnalls, 'still used as Chicago's Southside, enjoyed a reference as well ~s hoister of day together at the latter schoo1, grandchildren when 'they come hearing Mass, attending classes. for dinner. playing basketball, eating ham. We didn't know until recently burgers, and dancing the frug. that the dictionary craze was Margaret 'Mealey Says Spotlight OR s.tatus
seemingly an inherited trait, The shared experience was ;-. such as any other interest. Now Of Women in ranged by the nuns at the t. . S~
we find the dictionary ,predilec ;/ schools, both of which are statied tion has been passed on to the WASHINGTON (NC)-'-Other played by the Women's Bureau by the Sisters of Charity. second generation establisbed in nations are constantly ,watching in all these areas 01' national homes of their own. . ,the status women have in the concern. "A dictionary for evel'y United States, a Catholic lay ''The American expertise m Name Conege Head room" is the ultimate aim in leader told a Senate committee community action springs from' PITTSBURGH (NC) - Sistel' the voluntary association of cit one of those homes, so announc here. ed by the father of the family. We must not lose sight of "the izens' groups which have come M. Camillus Scully has bem "Yeah," giggled one of the fact that America's position in to be designatt!d as 'voluntary named president of :Moum(i gr~ndchildren, "and ~f he keeps the spotlight is not restricted to organizations,'" Miss Mealey Mercy College bere to succeOO Sister M. Thomas Aquinas. S~ buying 'em up, he'll even have our foreign policy, our economic told the lawmakers. one under every be,d!" development programs and our She added that women's ter Camillus is the first alumoo groups operatin,g in these areas to hold the top post of @tQ Could be. Realizing the impor-, military might," Margaret Meal .tance of having language" refer-" ey told the Senate Committee on , '''look to the Women's, Bureau as' women's college conducted ~ ' ences readily available, also that Labor and Public Welfare. ~'The a resource for assistance in pro-' , the Sisters of Mercy. such books' are extremely ex-, status of America's women is grams and technical advice in, pensive, these young parentS are::' ' e~amined' critically as the viom-: implementing'Dlltional ,goals, es-, ever alert for college book sales;" en of the developing nations peCially those which will bring ~ book auctions and the like where strive for their place in the sun," into play the talents and abill-, really good dictionaries can be she asserted. - ' ties of the nation's women." DISPENSING
picked up for small cash outlay;', The executive director of the OPTICIAN
Having and using a variety of National Council of Catholic Praises Maryknol~ " for Eyeglasses
good dictionaries is a pretty Women was one of several lead Filled
SANTIAGO (NC)-The Chn sound habit for children to' ac- " ers who' appeared in support of Office Hours
quire, to our way of thinking. "the budget for' the 'Women's 'BU:': ean President Eduardo Frei has 9:ot> - 5:00 And let's hope, by starting lllt reau of the U. S. Department of praised 'the, Maryknoll' Fathers except Wed. on the 23rd anniversary in Chile. this early age, all those children Labor for the fiscal year 1967. Fri. Eye. -She said that, as a member of' He spoke du'ring a special recep will be better spellers than their 6:30 - 8:30 tion for Father Arthur Dwyer, R';om 1 grandmother! President Kennedy's Commis , sion on the, Status of Women M.M., superior of the society in 7 No. Main St•• Fan Rlyer OS 8-0412 Chile. ' and of the current Citizens' Ad Suspends Canadian visory Council on the Status of Women, she has had an "excel language Service lent opportunity to witness the OTTAWA (NC)-Rejean Pla work of the Women's Bureau." mondon, director of the French Miss Mealey said women in language DeWS service of the the 'United States have taken Canadian, Catholic Conference" part in the "concentrated na has resigned. His, departu~ tional endeavor to bring to all our Hill Route Man means a suspension of the CCC's citizens -of this nation the full ~rench-Ianguage service. rights of citizenship," and that of our At a press conference bere;" their efforts to assist in «longuer FOR HOME DELtvERY CALL WY 8-5691
Coadjutor Archbishop Louis Le-, iog poverty "are now / well "--vesque of Rimouski, Que., presi known." What is not so well dent of the CCC, had announced known, she added, is the, role that during 1966 all departmenta of the conference will re-evalu DARTMOUTH, MASS. Church Wins Award ate their programs with II view t possible reorgimization. SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-Re modeled St. Leo's Catholic P~amondon's unexpected resig nation has occasioned a speed-up church in Solano Beach, Calif.,' was one of four churches given of the study of the French-Ian guage.news service. While it ill , an award for contemporary de being made during the coming sign at the 37th annual Confer ence on Religious Architecture months, the service will be sus pended, according to Father here. Charles Mathieu, CCC secretary generaL
Other Nations Watch u.
"You Can 'Whip Our Cream, but
You Can't Beaf Our Milk !"
Gulf Alway,s
U 'f I ,",orm Sea e WINNIPEG (NC)-The Mani-: tooo Federation' of 'CathoDe Parent-Teacher Associations bere'" in Canada has called for a uni-', fied, parochial school adminis trative setup to guarantee a' 'uniform saJaryscale for 1eacbeu, Doth lay andreJigioUL '
The Best
13i3, PLfASAtfr ST~ " IDSbor~'3-17"
For ,Your' Car"'
THE ANCHOR-Dioceso of FaR ltiYer-Thun", Jumt ~ ..,.
Beware Small Trees, Shrubs
T~~t Grow G~gantice 8ril Yard
By J08eJlllIlu all1lllll Marilyn lRodericlk Small houses require small plants. This is a truism
often forgotten when people buy foundation plantings or
trees for their yards. What looks small and cute in the
lllursery has the habit of growing to 15 or 20 feet in the
garden in four or five years, borne a look of warmth and as
erowding everything else out far as that allergic guest is con
with shade and a hungry eerned you can always be sure
root system. Small plants you have an abundant supply of
Ilre not easy to come by. One tissues on hand.
which I like Is the flowering alOf course, my table never
mond '. ,This is a little ,shrub' looks like those pictures in mag
gl'owing to about three ,fee~ azines captioned "A buffet set
which flowers for two or three ting with that rustic country
weeks in May. Mine are pink bu~ iook,'" or "Silver and crystal
I have also seen them in white; cast a magic glow." That rustic
, , This is' an inexpensive shrub:' look comes from a specialty
which is quite common and yet shop on Fifth Avenue and can
can be'made to serve a purpose., only be afforded by a gentleman
, X mention cost only because it· farmer, and the silver and crys
seems the vogue to grow the tal have to be inherited from
expensive, rare and unusual in one's great-grandmother. My
the garden rather than plants silve~' generally comes across'
which are grown for beauty's the backyard from Joe's mother
sake. and the day of 1. party we're ex-
The flowering almond is not hausted just from carrying bor
suitable for a foundation plant- rowed articles from her house
ing unless planted in front of, to ours!
evcrgreens because it is decidu-Plahning and anticipating an
q,tis but I' find it perfect for si' evclling of entert.aining I find a
sen~i-shaded difficult spot iri the, greatdcal f fun, but as the REGISTER FOR CONV~NTION: Registering for eighth annual CYO-CYAO con :., ga"rd' en','.' TTnder such. con,di,tions evening draws nearer I experi.' 'C . '" . '.' U 'vtmtion for Diocesan you t. h, at.. athedral, Camp, ;East Fteetown,are, from left, Richard ,,' a 'will not flower perfectly,' but ence "first night" jitters. I just 'itwfli do well enough to 'pro- know the souffle will flop, the St. Amand, St. Roch's parish, Fall River;, Shirley ,Richardi, Our Lady of.Mt. Carmel, New " vide 'a"'spot of color early pie will be too runny, the jel- Bedford,; Linda O'Bara, Immaculate Conception Taunton; James,Murphy, Sacred Hear19 ,;,' 'N.hiy.' After the blooms fade the lied salad won't jell or the kids TauntOn. Registrars are Ann Shepardson, Imtri~ct.il~t~ Conception, North Easton (neaP ""'p!tlnt p'eeds no specialeare: will get beriberi. The hostess ca"m;e:."I"·a)',.""and""C,,.,lain~ Roy, St,;.',~,',Stepheri:s"·A,.·tt\~bo~;9,,,.:,,:. '.. ",,"', ", ,," .," ,'. ,'" '.. .','.,','.' .!' 'Last' ye'ilr I had to' move an ~~tp,Jhe ,mostest I will ne:v~r, .' almond,·so I dug it up, proke the be. Somehow, however, every' I) " " ,,' ,., ,'" :, It p'" ,,'·"root into three,sections'!lnd re- thing gets picked up, th~ floors .. "\! ~. ,'planted, the, resulting 'segments. get washed, the flowers get atThis w.as in'.}ate JunewhE:!n the ., !l'anged, and that ,recipe turns out ' I ,I', i' 'l j y: . weather was hot and dry. Much as, .well as· we hoped it woul!1, IVI to my surprise they took the and as we wave our last guests rough treatment without even a goodnight and caution them SAGINAW (NC)-Like a bali 'place for offering Mass, and a am going to go about it," the wilting and bloomed well this not to fall olown our unusually player, Father Leo R. Lynch has center for his activities. ' priest remarked. "But we've got year. high front step, I tum to Joe been sort of waived into a "new He said conversions are not a problem situation and it isn't No plant is perfect and the and say "We must do this more league" and he's might1 7 his inimediate aim. He added:, getting any better. almond has the disadvllntage of often, wasn't it fun?" . . pleased about, it. "In sports you don't break up "When I asked Bishop (Stephen blooming 'for two weekS and This ,is a recipe that my Father Lynch, 34, knows aU S.) Woznicki fQr this assign winning team," Father Lynch then remaining rather nondemother-in-law, Mrs. Joseph about ball players and waiven. ment, I told him that any expec said. "But you do shift around script for ·the rest of the year. Roderick of St. Anthony of His brother Jerry plays the out tation' of a certain number of wheQ. you're losing to see what lit is not' useful in the modern, Padua parish, Fall River, serves field for the Pittsburgh' Pirates. ,oonverts for a' specific .amount, Can be accomplished. Right. now decorative sense of thewo'rd as" .frequently- to' her guests. These" Father LYnch won't be . leaving of effort and funds expended we're s~ifting around." far as gard~ns are conceined,;' egg rolls areunlisual and tasty. town, but his n~w job will be' waS .almostcei'tairi' to result illl because most gardeners are in-· ., Can'tonese Egg Iton . drastically different from the •disapPoin"tinent. ' ; terested in prolonged beaut1' . 2 finely chopped eooked " olle he's held for the lastseverllll "But I told him that there is a , ' from 'anyone plant. When it is pOrk ' .years. He's been seeking this definite need to reach a defi , nn bloom, however, it is a beauty. 1 cup 'fin~ly chopped cooked 'new job for some time. nite group of people who are The flowers completely cover shimp or '10: 'ster For several ' years Father living in a depressed ,minority YOUif' the thin stems with thick clustero 2 cuPs finely chopped eelel7 Lynch .bas been a language in- Status," he continued. ''There Ui ol'pink, comlngat a time when 1 cup finely chopped green lItructor and physical fitness di- Q need for a witness of the peo they are a perfect backdrop for o n i o n · rector in the antiseptic, disci ple of God among them-not to the pastel shades of tulips. 1 cup finely chopped water plined but comfortable atmo evangelize, bu~ to give them a Ia the Kitehea chestnuts (These are a bit dif- sphere of St. Paul's seminal7 realization that they are human' The garden looks like a Renoir, .ficult to obtain but some sPecial- here. beings with 34 the dignity of painting with bright yellows, ty shops do carry them in a c:arl Come June 17 .~nd he'll move that status." ' muted blues, purples, greens and 01' if you're on good tenns with :from. the plush surroundings to "'r don't know what I'm going In Unit:s of $500 or More accents of white. If I were a a Chinese res~aurant, the owner the center of Saginaw's most b aecomplish~r even how I poet I would wax lyrical over may sell you enough for thio poverty-stricken area, principal its beauty, if I 'weren't so lazy reci~. ly occupied by some 19,000 nonMinneapolis, Minnesota I might attempt to paint it, and 1 Tablespoon soy sauce whites who make up a fifth 011. if I kncw more than the where:1: teaspoons ,sugar the city's population. His new for detailed information abouts of middle C, I might try 1 teaspoon salt title will be administrator of the ' write to to !'et its loveliness to music. 1 small egg Cliltholie Mission Center of However, since I haven't won,· % cup melted shorleniDgSaginaw. any Pulitzer Prizes for writing Batter "Iill put an old cassock and ' " Registered Representative and by *he time 1. re~u~~e~t mf 11/3 cups .sifted flolllrwander 'out intO the. streets. I', paints and brushes It WIll be % cup cornstarch "'don't know what will' happen 145 Pond .Street ' Autumn and since my, ,seven Jh' teasp'oon salt theri,' but I'll' move, 'act 'and Winches~er. Mass. " year. old d~~ghter ~ho has b~.n/. I'~ I.!~~e.aterv~ggs ,'speak as circ.\lInstanceS and the ", . PA 9-2696" Anch :WY 2-62,16 ' plaYIng the piano.' for· onlythOa 1lh cups . water ," "Ho'Y 1" 'spI'rit'- d'Ire<; "'t' me. , I'· wan " t·' . . . :,,' : . -: !ear plays b e tter 10 even IS 1) Combme },IOrk, shnmp, eel-, ,'to know the~e pfiople and I 'Want ", , Name .. mfant sta~e of developm~nt,thall; : ery, onions' and water chestnuts,'" tb~' to' kri6W me'." ,,,' .,','
Address ' : :." . '
I ever dId, ':the only, thmg left,. in a large bowl and blend in for me to do is to share all this soy sauce, sugar, 1 teaspoon' salt .Fa~er Lynch stressed that he
City., ~ . brcathtaking beauty by enter-" and the small egg. Mix well. Will. bve among these. p..eoPle" taining friends at our home. Refrigerate. ,.rentmg orbuy!n.g a, bwldmg to I find Nay and June the per2) Slft together flour com-. ~rve as 1I1s hvmg quarte~s, m feet months to entertain. They starch and, salt. ' 3) Blend together: 2 unbeaten. S). Heroo,ve,· 'trom heat and , . are cool enough so that food is still appetizing and the garden eggs and Jh cup water. Add thili! offers an abundance of flowers gnidually to the dry ingredients, .. ~ck. Re~eat until all. the ,bat for interior decorating. There' is blending thoroughly witlJi Q " ,teP:. is used up, This makes 24 Dothing,' better to distract the spoon or rotary beater. MUS. " visitor's eye from a. door that 4) To this batter add the' rte'7) Place a scant % eup filling I. ~ Deeds painting than "m vase of "ma'ining cup of water and belilt m the center of each pancake, " ii tulips and daffodils. until smooth. Save about lIa CIIf tbeflllfoid sides' over filling. "r Sometimes, of eourse,., the, this batter to seal ~ges aij;;: the Brosb the', edges with .the re 'England.I~Pltrjgr~nJ' i, I: pelldiaiit 'for flowen' eankad' rollJs. ' . ! ' '... I:~ ': served·batter. ~ginning at i'I' you into trouble, such .asthe .. 5)I~ a heavy skillet o r . ~ opelIl, end' r!»ll Up. the egg roll SPECIAL RATES"·fOr' 'SCHOOl. ,PICNICS and OUTINGS ;i \. time we filled t~ hoUse· wital"i~liidine :·that bas been li~btlt presQing edges gentlf to seal. .' .", . . , DURING' MAY and JUNE, , ~,ragr.il~~,~ only to find that gre~,p~~..aP?ut 2 !ablespOoni ~: 1"17 ~ia~b- ill deep "'For Particulars' ~all ·M:i.Mauretti 636~2H'.4 or 999.69,84 , . ..,., .,,: . :.. ':.' ..: . ._. . . . one 'Of out'visitors had a sneez- of batter and make Ii ·tiWl lilboIlIt hot taF(3600) W1ti1 crisp imd !i ~ mg, eye-watering all~M~' B~L.'{,~ebpancake.Cook wnttl '~ IOideft' bf~abOut i to 8 miIl-" . "". ,2, ROUER COASTERS -' BIG .NEW MIDWAY ,', 4tn the whole, they addth-at little eake begins to look dq a&Ml WIll 'lites, tu'tnlng only once. Senoe AMERICA'S 'F1NEST RIDES AMUSEMENTS . ': ::: _tra aomethinc that PVeI JrOW ~ tile eQjElL' "' : _ , " _til· -,Iapt mu.tW'd'~UCCij
L'eaves ' e, m1n,.-ary' 'to':',' A d'',;', "S · k : J. ,'" OV",erty',,',", tr,Ie e,n",. S·
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.. NEW PROTONOTARIES APOST Hugh A. Gallagher,'P.A., St. James, Ne .P.A.-:. St..Mary, Taunton; Bishop Connol :Bishop Gerrard, V.G., Auxiliary:Bisbop
. .
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UC WITH BISHOPS· Rt.···Rev> . Bedford; Rt. Rev. James Dolan, y, who invested the new prelat~s;, f the Diocese; Rt. Rev. Raymond
'1'2 Considin~;·.P;::k,Diocesan DLrector of the' Propagation' of the Faith arnll pastor St. 'William's Church, Fall River; Rt.. Rev. A1bert Berube, P.A., st.
Anthony of ~adua' Chur~h, New' Bedford;. pose beside Cathedral sacristry as ceremonies were about to 'stJatt on Wednesday night, May 25. .
G- o;g~':·.Woli
Cardinal Dedicates Science Building
in Newly Created Position With .Catholic .Relief Services
Advises Sch'ola rs Restudy Systems Of Philosophy
EMMITSBURG (NC) - Law rence Cardinal Shehan of Balti more officiated 'at the dedicatiOI1il SMITHFIELD (NO) - A Jean e Kay Wolf, Fall River native and graduate of voluntary aid program in that of the newly completed Dodd Science Center at St. J oseph'D gathering . of philosophers, Sacred H arts.·Academy, Fall River,,'is entering a new chapwar-torn country. College here ir.. Maryland. and theologians, her~"in:~ter,in her long involvement with the' work of Catholic Relief Met Overseas Dr. Heinz Specht, chief of tmi Michigan for thesymposium·:.;S~i:vices fthe National Catholic We~fare Conferenc~. Her. Jeanne Wolf met her husband international research 0 f f ice. honoring 'the seventh cerit~na:tY':,husband, eorge J. Wolf, has ' , . '. while serving with CRS in Sai-, National Institutes ,of· Health. of the.birth of John D.uns scot~.s,":.>:been appoInted to the newly- '. ment's dir~,"~or, ~onsignp.r ~o- gon. Together they worked in Bethesda, Md., gave the princi FrancIscan teacher and:.. theolo-:·... · , . . . " ' .. s~ph GremIllIon, In .establIshIng Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, pal ,address. gian, were u.rged to resttidy"th.<:.·.·.i.:r:'.· .11.};'e~te.d ~fsItI~n o~ p.roJ~ct apd, .maintai.ning r.el.atiqns with. Malaya. They have ,six children, . Sister Rosemary Pfaff, presi various systems of theology an(l.:" OffICer ]~~Cathollc !Rehef. Catholic. and non~sectarian or- the, oldest six years old. The two philosophy in the 'light of the' Services' ~partment of' socio- ~ ganizations in the. United :States youngest are' twillS, born last dent of the women's college con ducted by the Sisters of Charit~ decrees of Vatican Council II.. '. ecoI.lOmic. . evelopment. ,He .Will that aSS.ist Catholic Re~ief, Ser,- August while the .family was on explained that the three-winged, Meeting at Duns Scotus. Co~i. . ~ork from .~e: New York head- .. vices in a wide range of projects, leave In Holland. . lege here, .they· were reminded quarters of he:·farflung overs~as in Vietnam.' The' family is 'now settled in $1.9 million center which ~m that in the fourth session' of the, aid agency hat chan~els.~pontri-. ,..included in these p'rojects, ar~. Paterson, N. J. Wolf, employed house the' college's chemistrJ(, council the Church' 'eX'amined' but~'ons fro A.merica~ Catholics . the rehabilitation and relocation. by. CRS, since H155, is a 1950 ' bio,logy;·· physics,' .imiihemati~ itself and its ,nature. : ,"', . . .ton~edY a'eas .througito·ut the of refugees, spopso.rs,hip of or., .·graduate. of Fordham' Univer., and n\,lrsing departments;' iii The Church opened itself to world. phanages, hospitals and clinics, sity. His wife ,graduated from named for the late Father. Fran th~ world, declared Father' . " Viet am Priority. . .and 'technical a~sistarice,' .rural' Albertus Magnu~ Colege.·· eis J: Dodd, :C.M.; who was pres Carolus Balic, ~.F.M., pres~d.ellt , Bishop E ward' E. Sw~nstro'm;: . educ,atio~ and self.,~elp projects. iderit' of the 'college from 1944 of. t.he InternatlOn,al PontIfICal CRS 'execu ive direCtor sa i'd . ' AccordIng to BIShop S.wanG . 'to 1953. .' Manan Academy In Rome' and .that Mr.Woif would giv~.·prior..... lJtrom, the need for a Project ':ersey' rOUp 0'01\5' .: .. al~o. head ~f. the commission. ity to prof cts for Vietnam ~ as" O,fficer aros,e duringihe. past CritIcally edItIng thewoI:ks of. another 'Ph se of the :increased .f~wm?n~hswhenC~tholic·~e.~" ISSIon In .razi
D~,ns ~co~us. ' . aid. program for Vietnamese ref~ )~ef, SerYICes has J;ec~Ived s~o~es l<:AMDEN,. (NC)'-':Ane~v gr.oup : .'F·A·I.R' 'H".:.' A" V'·'.' E' ?h~re IS need, of dl~~~~L!~.~OI;""~gees;.,,;~r. an~, •.,widow. : and ~r.~eqllests.frolYl busI,ness,f1.r~,s, ~.. sev~n.· recruits ·.for.lI~i'jssion:·, .sealchmg out the solutidn's'· \G');' 'th' .;,.., .'''. t'· "". :.,,'., ;'1 ;~ t' d'" CIVIC groups. student counCIls . work')n, Btazil is b~iiig :readied :. th 'bl·..l· 0 er:"ar \lC Ims Imp emen e ""d" .....",. :' ,.... .... " . ' , h' "...... " . . " . . e .manyp~o . ems~I~~,.,l'l},l}~l,~~""b-Y,·'Catnolic ·Relief,Servj.ces iast '.. ~n 1I1t~rn~tIOnal ~rgan~zatIOns, ~r,e.. " . ,.. ".. ;- ' . . , , '. ...' "" ,...'".
Illg that aggIOrnamen,~o' ~nd re-,yea'r. . " ' , .., " '.' .' .. b~th rehgipy.s ~~d non-s~cta,ri.~Il, ,. Archbishop Celestine· J.Dami- ,..
newa~, of the Church s .1Ife and 'Wolf'" will itassist:the'depait- ,.to render fInanCIal ~nd m?te!-'Ial, ano, Bishop' of ·Camden,nas.se'; : . .~9~~~NY
teachIng, so much hoped for by ; assistance to Vietnamese cIvilian lected three priests, three .:nuns .'
.. the councilt Father ,~a1,i!J.'.,said"li .'.' , .. ".",,- . ; ... ,,': ., war ,victims,. .' . and a layman. from ·a"group of. ",", Complete Line' , ."Th~ dIfferent ,C at hoI i c Prelate. , To, Add,r.ess . OpeI;ating. ill Vietnam. since ,v.:olunteers for. the venture. jn . gy liChools. and...systems of the.olo BuilclingMaterraJs
. If.. 1914, CRS maintains ,the, large!!t: the. ~razil mission which, this' an~ ph~lo.soPhy,·~~ed,,~·;:cpnfnln-..... "nt~r,Jfgl, ..", ~ehng;. ,1' ,.dio.cese established in 1961. Ten.
~atIon WIth the many decre~s LOlJISVIL. E. (1'ciC)-,-,Aux.il-' ..di()c~salJ·priests now are .. work-'
. Issued "by ·.the· council: ':50 as. to' iary Bish'op ~arOld . It. Perry:' of ' . . , . ihgBraZii. The' diocese 'rais'ed . I, SPRING $T., FAIRtiAVEN
mo~el !heI~ outlook and a~tIOn . New.Orleans, first ~egro in mod... :. . BRINGS·$10Q,OOt'J la~t y.eaI: .1.:0 support the . . fa 2"
Qn Its .1l1sPIred and undel1lable. ern times to e named a Catholic . program. WYman' oil- 611 . authonty," he said. bishop in .the\, Unitea States, wi.ll ~ .. 1~'OUR,,·DOOR ,ge a featurr spea~er here In '. _ \. ~
Pope P.aul . Receives Kentucky' a the Community'· ~'L I': "~" . ~
Thanksgivin Rally. ". ........ ' . . y ~ar .8.00k5 . OlympicCom'mittee Earlyanno ncementwasmade, . I,C,olor PrOCe!;S' ..' VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope <according to ally chairma,n Ran,. Brochures Paul VI, receiving the Ii'iterna-' dol!'h A. Bro Il n, b~cause.: .we are ." '..Booklets·" .... ' ",:' " tional Olympic. Committee, ,de". d.el.Ighte~ t'r at a, ?atIOnally. .. scribed the visit as "an invita- K:no~n and r~pected fIgure such.
tion:to. dialogue 'with ',the .world , :.?os ,~I,S~O.~ P~r y ~~~ ~.cc.ep~ed 9.!-'r ' '.A' . lnc:~ of sport" and said the Church IllvItatIon. H s appearance here I .. c'·. ,,; . . . ' '.,..... ,. ;.. .... [: feel~; at' home'hi such a'dla'i6gue:> ··emph.asizes"t ~ multi:-faith, ·in-. '" i' \ . . . . ':; . . . . . , . " ,"" . ... '. . ,The committee, under its pres- . terracial· nat re . oLth~."ev~nt.':' :OF,FSET ~ PRt~T~R·S .;.:' LEnERPRESS· ident, Avery Brundage; visited ' . The rally'i sponsored 'by the . the Vatkan after. it had chosen ,'.; Catholic' Arc diocese ·ofLoiJis-·
the.Germal'icity of Munich and ville, ihe Co ncil of .Chlir.c!uis;373 NewBOston~ Road:
the Japanese resort· of Sapporo Conference ·0 Jewish· Organiza.. i. '.', ..... " ....
. ··New as the sites of its 1972 Summer tionsrand the local Bar·A'ssoci~-'·,··Foll ,River-' OS -1-567·7 .. :1tndWin.ter"games.. ' ijOB ' ,: Il ·:,.'• . t:.,,· .,., ,,~ ..,,: !I\!!o'·J·. U·"II;I\·f!,:H'11 '1 ~~~",;
J M·'·
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'm;\e,,'.iI.·C' '. "'.n"·.. · ,: Press' :";'
·,i·'1 t l{.", " ' .
. DIOICE'SAN MUSIC FESTIVAL: Second annual Diocesan Music Fes~ tival'at Feehan High School. Attleboro, features all-Diocesan glee club,' bandandorcllestra, in addition to offerings from'individual schools. Left, . band memoors; LawrericeLaughlin,' Coyle 'Ulgk;'" Fl'ed"D'eLn tis~' 'Feehan;' Edward Harrington,: Stang:" Center, glee club, .memb,ers Diane Pichette, ' . .f.
.Dominican Academy; Donna Austin, feehan; Pauline Raposo, Sta~g; J aoe Da Costa, Cassidy; Daniel Boucher, Stang. ltight, orchestra players, fr(}~ Denise Michaud, Dominican; Joanne Gleaso~l, Sacred Hearts, Fall RiY~!!jj. "rear'; DeiliSeBelanger;'Jesus~Maty ; Eaw.~Yrd 'Morgan, Coyle ;"Jeanne Bou~J4' .Mt. St.' Mary. . "
.\ . , ,,'
'Annual .,J)iQC~s,an:~, Music .. fe,stival· Sundtty,
At Feehan. High School in AttleborQ
Over 800 students from eight diocesan schools performed in the third annual Dio
eesan Music Festival Sllnday afternoon at Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro. Out
standing musicians from every school prese·nted a program to suit every musical taste
from Bach to Meredith Wilson. Brother John Neidl CSC, of Msgr. Coyle High School, who·
is music director of the dio cesan schools, was master: of, ,They opened with Leroy Ander- rousing start with their lively,
son's amusing composition "The rendition of .Meredith Wilson's
eeremonies. He told .the·I audi- T·ypewriter". Then for a change "76 Trombones" from the score ence that t h e f..esbva was of pace they played the "Adagio of "The Music Man." They fol presented to provide a showcase and Allegro" by Corelli, followlowed with a melodic arrange for all the music departments of ed by the score of "The King and ment of "Great Italian Movie
the schools. The program' was I" by Richar d Rogers. Themes", Lovers of Bach may
divided into choral, band and . The band section got off to a, have' been surprised-but pleased
or.chestral segments, with a .com.., -with the next selection:'a
posite of each school in every. G Ch h A h· band verison of'a piece written segment. , .' urc ' rc Itects, for the harpsichord~"Jesu Joy
; The festival was not only aHonor .Pr,iest of Man's Desire". Brother John musical t~eat but eye appealillg Neidl, .who directed the band,
as well with every stage filled . 'PITTSBURGH (NC) -"- The' oriefly explained the story of
with the iitee'ns;' blues 'and brIght highest, 'award ,bestowed" by' the' next selection: Richard' Rog':'
p-laids of the"various school uni:.. church' architects 00' a' person ers time po'em' "of the great
forms. outside their profession :was Pacific nav:jl battles "Victory at
An all girl chorus started' the presented to'a priest, Father H." Sea."
program under the direction of A. Reinhold, liturgical scholar In' , At,the close' of the ptogram
Sister Stephen Helen of Bishop residence at St. Paul's cathedral. Father Patrick O'Neil, director
Cassidy High School. They here. . of schools, . congratulated tm;·
offered three selections "Music!', He' has r~ceived' the. Conover . musicians on--behalf' of the au
"GQd of all Nature",. adapted AWrrd at the closing session, of, dience :lnd th'l whole diocese.
Andrew from OJ. theme by Tschaikovsky;' the. th annua~ Confere.nc~' on ' . ~e'tij}d them thatthed+oces~~~ :: . and 'the ha~nting,"Dr~alT! .o~ ..ReIIgl~us,:,Archltecture ~n ~a.~ 'eI1rich~d by' .t4eir tale~t and' is'the'first miss~l Olwen." " .' • Ftanclsco today. The award .IS: their'hard" work and' devotion .;: The boy's:chotus'.directed b:y, given .for outstand~ng contribumusic: Both 'qualities were very . ,:., the of ~itu~gica] ~ene\V~'
.Brother Gel~stuil" 9f Prevost tion to religious' architecture: It . mttcli iil evIdence' SOnday" .. ,in Church. " .
High School gave a robust renis 'named 'for' the late' Dr.' -Elbert Bishop "Feenan: .. . ,,' :dition of "Brothers Sing On" by' M.·Conover, pioneeradvocate'of .',." " ", '"
Ollly die New Samt Andrew B~ MIssal) . 'Grieg and Jerome Kern's popubetter ecclesiastical 'design in ' ' Jar "Old Man River." . . Protestantchu«:hes. . " Names Controller 'eelltains all these feahlres: M:usic"F~tivaI . , For the' first· Hine, " Catholic· WILMINGTON (NC) -..:. John The' official text used by the priest at the .altu: ..: ". Both chonlses combin~d for' and Jewish clergymen" were, J: Pre'ntzel has' been ·n.amed 141' the..next section of. the concert. full participants this year in the, the new post of controller'for the' and 'approved by. the 'United States Bishops', They were directed by Sister confer,:n~e,. which is of Protes-· Wilmington diocese.' Tile ·posi;'·
Liturgical Commission.
Patricia Gertrude of Bishop tant onglll. . .' HOl"i was created, Ms'gr> John H. . ' . . Stang High School. Their two Dewson said, "because' of in Special explanator.y material for each day's Mass selections were· Crawford's stirSorority to' Hono:r creased' actiVities;' ~specialiy the'
prepared by the Benedictine monks of the Abbey
ring "By the pawn's. Early' 'c··athol."c Wo"m'an' ·move towa'rd centrarfinancing." Light" and the American spir ·ef St. Andrew, one of tnewodd's great centers ~ itual "i'm' Goin' to Sing." WILMETTE (NC) . . .... . - D oro th y J . • The next group to perfol'm Willmann of St. Louis has been ' . • liturgical study.
was the diocesan orchestra con-; chosen to receive the 1966 Siena •
Qucted ~y Mr. Edmund Machado: Medal of the Theta Phi Alpha.' . ' .'. .• The psalrris:identified for each'day's Mass as fur-' only national sorority for Cath- , • • 'iher aid 'to liturgical parlicipationand prayer. oUc women. . . : Sh. rine Ra d io Associated wi~.the"National . The New Saint Andrew Bible Missal is available b11\;.' ',BELLEVII~Lit .(NC)'- Bishop' Sodality SeJ;viie Center sinc.e •. ,. .' " selection efbeautiful bindings. it at· your ~. :Albert R. Zurowe..-.e of Belle1929, Miss Willmann was .50. Dartmo.uth. :" ·,'ille has dedicated a new. EM .fo;j~der with. the,) l~te Father'.. and Hyannis .! 'boekstore. . radio station at the' Shrine of' Daniel A. Lord, S.J" of the Sum . Our Lady of the, Snows here in mer Schools. of the .. Christia~ ' .•• So,. Dartmouth WY7~9.384 •• Ohio. The non-commerciai venApostolate. T\1e medal will be • ' , ' .•
. . . NewY~ ture, suppo~ted bY' 'benefactors of. ,.presented dur,ing' the. Theta H ' 2921 • ,. . •• '. y. a.nnlS . ,', ••. the shrine, broadcasts 18 hours Phi !\1pha convention in Chi 'J ~. II ("I ';:1 I- I' r ," "':-;'f :"',~ -1 "'1 ~\ : ada¥.. ,_" .. ',., .. ».~i!go~n.J.uJy, ....... : ";'... . . ~ • • • • • • • • • • •' • •;• • • ; .~ .. :. :'.
·An ,up-t.o-dat~ •.
Missal that-brings, deeper underst~nding to the Mass. The. New 'Saint
to, at
·Bible· Missal
to fuUy· reflect
spirit the
co- _.:
BenDger Brothers, .
~.- !.
.. .....
,12 g
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., June 2,1966
O:-rotest, Diclk'
AMl"h@[fmtW" 'D[fir {[~e Churr«:tm°
H@~ .~~f~p1r~[f@]~
By Most Ril!v•. JFuRtOW ~. Sheew, lOt]).
A cartoon in a New York newspaper pictured an ultra-modem mother in black leotards with untutored hair falling like jungle moss over her shoulder, holding a child while teaching him to read. foremost The words lire slowly pronounced: "Dick protests. Pro~st! Protest, Dick.... Scripture scholars. He is also a man not afraid to tackle The word "rebellion" is in the air we breathe. In the parabolie eurrent controversial matters, apply to them the scriptural language of Our Lord, our times are like those when the landownel1' standard, and speak with complete and crisp candor of his. sent servants to c:olIect fruit from his findings. His new, extremely' The Holy Spirit, present in the farm. The tenants took the servants, beat one, killed another' and stoned another. interesting, and possibly his- whole Church but centering in So the landowner sent other servants, toric book, Authorit~r in ~he. tpe apostolic college, prompts more· than before, and they did the same Church (Sheed and Ward,' these authorities to a humble to them. God's earth is one in which His ., 'New York. $3.95), has a 'solid~ tireless service of persons, rebelS hold the field. "God 'is Dead." Men scriptural foundation and tr~ats, the persons to whom the Gospel have emancipated themselves from His n t 0 ugh and
is proclaimed and admission to
sovereignty, The 'smell of protest drowns , .' touchy' subject
. 'the Church is granted.
out the essence of worship. Many love to ". forthrightly. It·
peer into the abyss, as Nietzsche says, 'Es divided' into
This, in' crude summary, is
and soon the.' abyss stares back at them. ·two parts. The
what a search of the New Tes Like a bird charmed' by a snake, evil .', ltirst is an in-'
tament discloses. Needless to
enchants and conquers if for no other ., . quiry. as to say, Father McKenzie's treat . TO GRADUATE: Sister reason than the faHure of the .good to how, in the New ment is painstaking and richly Testament, au detailed, with scrupulous con': Gilbert-Marie of the Sisters' do anything. What is seen is the placard, what is heard is the pro thority is re sideration of every text at all of Charity of Quebec, daugh test, what rules is the shriek-the yackety-yack of derision. 'Jated to the end relevant to his topic. Word ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo
Two aspects of the rebellion may be noticed. The 'first fts or purpose of . meanings are carefully estab- Durette, . Fall River, will that, unlike the olOt revolntionists, the protestors are without a the Church. The' lished, and the exact signifi program. Th.ey dig- holes, but they put nothing in them. But second is "an cance of crucial passages' 'is graduate Sunday, June 5 from Rivier College, Nashua, more important stin is ,the second aspect: the lack of pO,sitive .: . examination of· the use of au- _ ·thoroughly explOi'ed. movement toward repentance, ho)iness. Christ-likeness. to coun :.. 'thotity to determine how the.; ·, ..T he· impression which one gets N.H. She is a faculty mem teract this rebellion" Are not many 01 1IS like a tlywheel whicb " mission of the ·Church and its·, throug~out is that Father Mc~ ber of the Franco-American' . continues to run after the motor has been shut off? What positive · charisma of' authority 'can' be:.' Kenzie undertook to ~ind what Sc~ool, .l:A>wel}. action is being taken' by' 'the faithfol, the sheph,erds and the sheep "" preserved in a' world which' has w~ .. there, n~t to find .what . to' stOI' , this' 'descenlt froin Divinity to' humanity' to bestiality? "" moved so far from, New Testa-' mIght be used ~ support of any, fl . ,I·menttimes." . .' . ' , . :"preco~ceived r,t0tiQns of hi~ o'w~. .'.' Because' "Gml is delLd'," ':is 'the 'placards sa)", is'the Devil' dead? That there is .need of such a \l'; ·HaVIng.· :defmed' authOrIty, In --'-' . double iJ)vestiga~ion is evident . ~he Church:its nature an~ ·its Are"ih~i'e'en6ugtt ~r'iests in'ev~ry :dioces~ al)d enough' faithful frQm .the fact that, in theological. ,N,se;-:,as ·Shr~st taught. and ..111us'~, ". , ,., in every' ~arisli, "to bl~ .rebels of another kind? TO,.;;tanci by, Christ i 't'h' o'u'g"ht, there ha's' 'b'een no" de-' trate.d. it, and as th.e Apost.les, Sa1ve 'Regina College "vilt., 'Hi"·.... h ., ,., f" .' '. '.' . ".:.. At· '''«' ',', ... t" ' .. "d'ff ..... ' a d J~, s . .<:)U~, ~'" ~r!.eYI~,!f'.\~. pr,:, .esr,a,ga~~s., ?u!m . le~enc~. n velopment of ,~he .ideas \of.: au- at hIS mstance ~~d WIth the hg?t hold its 16th 'an'nu~l' 'ci>m-'" .to see Him as sharmg 111 eV,ery human gflef? To .be reb~ls aga.mst thority' and obedienc~ in the of the Holy SP~flt, developed It, mencement at 3.' Monday',oUr amuenctd)'Y'l~o~ihg'i~:the'.-Jrlirrc)r and' seeing the Crosl1.. ~hat , 'il'3st 400 years. Th~se:' were' ,Father ,McKenZ1~ proceeds ·to the,: "afterno'on, 'June. '6 'on 'th'e 'ter-.· was 'markedon' ,our foreheads 'at; Confirmation; to be reb"els against "frozen' at the time 'of the Ref-' second part of hIS task. race of' Ochre Court, the' 'col_comforlabiE(pews' by' 'becoming friends of the famished brethren · &rmation, and there was cOrisidExternal Differences lege's' 'administration' 'buiiding. below the 30th parallel? Let not those who boast they are Catholics erable assimiliation to the' secu. At the outset of this' section, In caSe' of rain, ceremonies will point their fingers at' the Church in the United States, saying: lal' form of authoi'ity most prev- .. he declares, "It is not the pur be shifted to Rogers High'School "See what you are doin'g; see how you sin against freedom!" Whose alent in the sixteenth century- ..pose of this !'tudy to present 1lI Auditorium,·Newport. Churc~ is' this. anyway? . It .is OUR~Yours and mine! Any' guilt ' namely, absolutism. 'raw, confrontation of Church au. Bishop Russell' J.' McVinney of a fellow Catho~ic is m)' guilt! Any bit of torn flesh in the Mysti Ultimate Test .thority. in the New Testament will preside and Dr~ Paul van K. cal Body ,of Christ is my own lacerated skin. We have too man,. In the Churcn, Father.M~Ken- ,with phurch authoIity· in th~ Thomson; academc v!-ce'-presi stonecasters and not enough breast-beaters! This is our Christ! zie'maintains, what we read in . twenti~th century, Such a. ~n- dent of Providence College, will .our Church! These' alre our priests! Our sisters! Our brethren! the New Testament must be the fr~ntation~ould be unfaIr speak. Sister' Mary Emily, We all fail if 1m)' OnE! of them fails. Enough' hawking up phlegm -' .ultimate test of the nature and: . 'The .ObV10'!S external d~ffer- RS,M., college president,' will.. to spit in the,~ace of Christl, Every neglect of the fatherlesS 1 .the · use of authority.: And' iii 'the' ,.ence~ ~ght bmd us to the .l11n~r , present the candidates for de- . hungry, eyeryrdusal ~ ai(Iin spreading the Gospel in disinherited .,. New Testament. musfpar- con~nll~~.Chur('h aU~hor1t~ In. gTees: ,. .... .. landsi~ 'puffin;: .the purPle.,robe Christ again. Oh Lord! Help ,,' 'tlcularly look to what was' said·:, .ttJe ,~,,-ventle~h century IS de~,ved, .Honorary degrees' 'will' 'go to us put down the scoul'geand apply it to our Cross-less shou~ders :; 'and done by ou~ Lord. All'au from the New "'e,;tament ~hro,!gh Dr. Thollison; Miss Rita Murphy, and our unscOurgecI back. Be the right kind of rebel. "The king- • 'thority in. the Church has ~ality '. a long and com,Plex h1st0r1~al director' of 'public health nurSing .'dOni of heaven is' gained by violence and 'only the violent shall \. "and intelligibility only from its .~rocess ~f deve.opme~,t WhICh, 101' the Rhode Island department· take it.. but 'the violence muSt be against our ego. U you share relationship to Him. lies outSIde our ~cope. of health; and Rev. EdwJn J. Mctbeseviews send ine a dime for the poOr of the world; if )'OU do Authority, as Christ describes .~e, has two chIef' ~ecommen- Cabe, M. M., founder of the not share them,' send the poor" of'the world a dollar; if you love and exemplifies it, is such that . ,datJ~ns for t~e exer~lse of a~Catholi~ Cultural Services Cen abaring with th,e poor Send something worthy of yourself. "it permits no member of ,the t?onty. One IS that !t be POSI . tel' in Maioli, Taiwan. Church to occ,UPY a position of bve, ~he other ~hat It be proc:-. Among graduates are 19 Sis GOD tovi~ YOU to M.J.H. lor .$1.5041 eheek attached ..
· d,ignity and eminence: the. first l?ma!lOn by achon. be POSI ters of Mercy,..one Carmelite, oar eolulma~Ua tbis no~: "We bought a used car instead .01 •
in the Church must be the lack tlve 10 for~e, authonty must be one Dominican and one Mary new one." '••. tk» A;D. "I am glad. to do sometbin~ lor Almil;'ht,.
ey and the slave of others, and positive in .~urpose and in means. knoll Sister~ 'God's pOOl' onu. 80 1 eollec"'ng empb' bOttles and now ean
inay strive for' no dignity and To p~ocla1m the. Gospel .most Baecalaure~te Sunda,. seilld y!,~ $12." .
eminence except in dedication effectively, authorIty must ~t~elf to service in love" show forth the ·concrete liv10g . Sunday, June 5,will be .Bac I' b t d b ' of the Christian life to which all calaureate Day for the Salw Have you .ever asked yourself this question: "Why should I E x pre s s y repro a e y are called Regina graduates, who will at give my hard-earned money to those in mission lands?" Find out Ch~ist is authority in .the Church Other Abuses ten,d Mass with their parents at why in the words of the missionaries living and working. on the whIch corresponds to seculllr : Fat her McKenzie cautions 4:30 in the afternoon at St. scene who write of their experiences in WORLDMISSION. Thia power, He "spoke frequently facile identification of every Mary's Church, Newport. Fol quarterly magazine, edited by the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, can and earnestly ;tbout the danger decision of authority with 'the lowing Mass a dinner for grad-' be sent to you for only $5.00 a year. Write to WORLDMISSION, of the secularizati?n of power,"· . will of God, and against the"ad uates and parents 'will be"l:leld 366 Fifth' Avenue, New' 'York, N.Y. 10001:' the d~n.ge~, that IS,. of Church vocacy of unthinking obedience. . in' 'Miley 'Hall on 'theSalve '.', ---,---- .. authorl!les lordmg It. over the 0 v e.r man age men t ,. Regina' CampUs. : ' ; " . ,. .Cut 'Ou.this eolulnll,.-pm your saerifice to « anell maD ·it'to peop~e 10 !he namp o~· the Lord. overprotectiveness, and the strict' . A corIimE!11ckment" I:Jilll, is Most Rev. Faltou J. Sheen, National' Director of The Society · and ,lm~oslllg s.ome k10d of au reservation of far too many de slated for Saturday evening, for the Propagation of t~e. Faith, 366.·Fifth Avenue, New roi'k, thor~tar18n regI~e., : ' : cisions to those at the' top :are 'iu'ne 4 froni 9 to midnight in the . 'N.Y. 10001; '01' to.your'Didcesan Director, RLRev. Msgr..Raymond Gift of Holy Spirie other abuses and cannot be rec . great hall of Ochre Court.' T e 'd' W N rt M' S t II R' M h tts When authority 'is . conferred· " onciled with the New Testam-ent.;' Fifteen graduates are from' the ' , ! . , onsl.. Jne" , . ~ III " am ~ree, Fa '. Iver, assa~ ~s~. • CMl anyone in the' Church, it is He is especially hard on. the'" Fall'River Diocese,' lncl"qding, 188.••••..·••••.i •••.·iii·••••••••••••••' .. a gift: of· the "Holy' :Spirit.. The· tendency' to equate or par::illel Sister .Marine'Mejia, O.P~;· 'of the .. principal gift of the Holy Spirit the Church with a business ,01'-' novitiate·of the Dominican Sis : . is love, and 'authority must ,be : ganizatiQn;· and to favor the' 01' _ters'of the Presentation; Dighton; il . . . .... . '.' '. . . :. ruled and informed by that. ganization man as rdeally typical Cynthia Franco,: Gertrude' Ste. " lil 11 "Love is the supreme motivation for office in the Church. He' Marie, Janice McGillick,' Lor I!Il INCORPORATED 1937 • both of the officers and of the bluntly declares that the more raine Mello,' "Patricia Mello, 161 • other members of the Church;' one thinks of t~e Church as ,01' Michele Paquet and Vivian La III with this motivation, anything ganization, the less one t,hinks mothe ,of Fall River; and Cheryl .~ ~ like, power structur-e is forever of it as Christ intended it to be. Martin, Jean' Vargas, Catnerine III ""', " . • excluded from the Church." As to conformity, he holds that Ellis, and Joanne Leonard. of .11I '1', .Father McKenzie goes on from . the "New Testament knows no .Somerset... , "1IiI • the ,Gospels to the Acts of the 'conformity e~cept conformity to .' Also "Cassandra Babiatz f1f IlliI • Apostles and ·thp Epistles to . Christ'. Aild excessive' insistence . ,Swansea; Charlotte. Colton of . 111 . ,. _, • discover how" in:. the . apostolic'. on :Systematization has 'the"f\ltal-' Taunton; and Barbara Connoll,. ;:,: ' ,.. " .. ' ,,'..JAM~ 'COLLlNS, C:E., Pres. • Church, Chri~t's:,. charge .that t:ffect of leaving nothing to the"; of West Hyannisport.. ,~ " '" ; III . ,0< , , : : • • . t ruct' "be . d"e- . HI 'I · · . , .. ,. I't~~atered Ci"iI Engineer • DeW f orms an d s ures' 0 y S' p nt .·. . ., .•..' u 11.._ N I SocClnd StrUctural f l . velop:d for an.lil!>so~ut~ly n~w .. ': ~tis:cle;I~Arom the cohclud~ng ".'.. The ·more th~. exercise"of au- . "III ~~m~,. otl,na.. iety .Proo essiona Enginl' • form of society was in fact car:" chapters' of the book that Father·" thorit.y is, seen as ZD·intel'per-·,. . , ,'" .,. FRANCIS ,L"'COWNS;" JR;~ Treas.' . '.'''' • ried out. ' , ' : ' McKenzii!"is convinced that tes-:: IIIOnal '. ,relationship., after·. the .'... " : . , l1tOMAS'1t COUJNS '~ .." ,,'.'. " • Both 1,: St. P~ter a?d',in, "~t ... , toraH()no~.: . at If::~st some ~a-.,; mode~of ~e.· New... T~~ament, '.? " " "...'. ~ " , ".'" • , ••••".' • PaUl. he .fmds no exerCISe ~f au- ture~ of the idea and 1;1Se of ~u- . and ~lD".sens1~1~e .SUbUUSSlOB' . . . .' ACADEMY' BUILDING . ".. FALL RIVER" MASS. : tbority m an: absolu~e :nann~r.: ..thoflty:.in .the .aI?ostolic C:hurch .:tb~".H~1y SPIrIt.. the. more ,..aoe. ...•. '" "" ',,"., ,.... v' •• " " .. " , , '. • but rather a leadership·m·love ·:iIi pO.6S1ble and hlgh17 cles1ra~le. ,:tbia ,vae,w"OODUnend.itseJL., ,,: . ',t" h.t ~.!' -. 1::J' '!'l l!. L. t~·.~,j·tt'".~~ .. ~ 101", ..~ \'( .tt' '';'' r,J'~ 1,tq,,,'O!t.?1 i(- 1', :!t:~,.!,i. 1;1" 'Jl ~I 1',.,'· ",,;21·~· n
By Rt. Rev. Msgr•. John S. Kennedy Father John L. McKenzie, S.J., is ~me of our
S IS h d aVe c e uses ·C·'" .'.' . ,::. :'" ommencemen,t
F' ""l . COLLIN'S & SO'N'S' •
= .G'flltU'L I· (0'NT' . . RADOlf . n··d.·: ·.EN,GINEER.S
I '",. " ......
Scholasfic: Endeavors Rewarded As Class Days, Honor Awardl$ Slated ot DioeesGm'l H~g~$
THE ANCHOR Thurs., June 2. 11'966
»row cometh the time of year when scholastic endeavor is rewarded as class days and honor programs are scheduled. At € o yle High in Taunton the 10th .annual honor night will take place at 7:30 Tuesday night, June 7. On the lighter side, the senior prom is Youth Citizenship Conference at slated for Monday,June 6. At Tufts Uhiversity which brought Mount St. Mary's Fall Riv$, together 180 students and 90 the top 10 seniors will have teachers from high schools in
Time Progr@m
Urge Relec!Decll.., JERSEY CITY (NC)-A grou11l of priests has decided to make I;) direct appeal to the publie school board of education here for a released-time program. The priests decided at a meet ing at St. Paul's School here tG petition the program at the next school board session. The 35 priests from 19 parishes in the area organized a priests' council to develop a city-wide -approach to pastoral probzlems. The decision for the publie appeal to the board follows an unsuccessful p r i vat e request made in a letter by Robert Coyle, superintendent of schools, for a released-time program at Ferris High School. Nine parishes had joined in that request. More than 900 Catholic students are enrolled at Ferris, representing more than 75 per cent of £he enroll ment. The priests had asked Coyle for a released-time arrangement because attendance at evening Confraternity of Christian Doc trine classes has been dropping off in recent years, primarily all a result of deteriorating neigh-
borhood conditions.
nine states for a three day prominent roles in class day eX ercises and Senior Num~er One, meeting ending today. Si~er Mary Charles accompanied the Susan Jenkinson, will be vale girls, and topic under discussion dictorian at graduation cere monies Sunday, June 12. Other was' "Individual Rights and the assignments: Lynne Chrupcala, General Welfare." Some senior proms are yet to elass essay; Marlene Shea, the come, with Dominican Academy. part of Blessed Mother in a tab leau; Carolyn Walas, song; planning its big event for Mon He len Murphy, class will; day, June 6 at the Hearthstone Helene Auger, class history; Inn, Seekonk. The Mount prom Joanne Greene, class prophecy; will be held Tuesday, June 14 in the academy gym, with Norma Anne Sullivan, gifts; Jane Chic Heywood in charge of arrange ea, welcoming address; Eliza ments. beth Misek, tributes. At Jesus-Mary Academy in Cassidy High in Taunton held its annual induction ceremony Fall River, students viewed the controversial film "Parable" as to Debrabant Chapter of the National Honor Society, with 12 part of May Day ceremonies; and also at JMA seniors feted juniors accepted as full mem faculty members as part of their bers and 11 sophomores as pro final round of activities before bationers. Jacqueline Cabral, graduation.. this year's NHS president, pre Dominican Academy's Spring sided at the ceremony, which STUDENT COUNCILLORS: Heading student coun was highlighted by an address eoncert is a late bloomer this from Edward Kennedy, retired year. It'll be presented Sunday, cil at Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River, are, seated from headmaster of Taunton High June 5 at the academy.
left, Monica Polak, president; Carole Laroche, secretary; School. And Feehan athletes have standing, Elsie E. Pelton, treasurer; Geraldine Arruda, Highest honors at Dominican something to erow about. The Academy in Fall River will go school track team won the New "lIice-president. 10 Patricia A. Niedbala, who England Catholic School Class DUBUQUE (NC)-A vellture will also receive the Bausch B Championship and the fresh_ arship has been awarded to Computers will match couples man baseball team has been James W. Murphy, son of Mr. at a dance to be held tonight at called Operation Motherhouse and Lomb science award. will bring a traveling workshop hanging on to top place in the and Mrs. William Murphy of Jesus-Mary Academy audito EleetioDs Abound to'nuns in the Iowa area in July Elections, elections, as juniors Bristol County League. Golfers Taunton. He will attend Notre rium under sponsorship of Pre take over the reins of power Donald Langevine and Mark Dame. James will graduate with vost High. Should be interesting. to help increase their awareness and commitment to the caus~ of honors and during his high· from the outgoing seniors. At Glavin are slated for participa Feehan seniors plan a recep JPll'evost High, Fall River, Paul tion in the Eastern Mass. Golf school career has held many tion for Thursday, June 9 at Christian social values and needs. Tournament. Operation Motherhouse will be school offices, including that of Holiday Haven, Norwood; and <Carrier has been re-elected so a cooperative effort by the Na Also OIl the athletic news president of the student council. idality prefect. With him 'will at Mount St. Mary's this is the tional Catholic Conference for front, the Bristol County Girls' He was named Outstanding Jun serve Paul Dextraze, vice-pre week when new cheering squad ior by the faculty last year, has members will be announced. Interracial Justice (NCCIJ) .and JYect; and Edmond Tremblay, Athletic League will hold a din ner tonight at· Stevenson's Res won five .athletic monograms, Also at the Mount, new officers the four sisterhoods with moth secretary-treasurer. They and new cell chairmen were insta_lled taurant, North Dartmouth, at and is a National Honor Society of the Mother. McAuley Guild erhouses here-the School Sis ters of Notre Dame, the Si$.tero in a Bible vigil ceremony at which several Diocesan highs member. were installed last night at II of Charity of the Blessed'VirgiJll will be represented. which new members were re ,Meanwhile at Coyle's sister candlelight ceremony and ban Mary, the Order of St. Francis, , Summer Plans ceived. school, Bishop Cassidy, Mary quet. and the Sisters of the Pn!senta At Dominican, new sodality All won't- be sun, sand and Ann Jonis and Elaine Laduran Prevost students, warns the tion of the Blessed Virgin '1VfaI'3Jo officers are Sue Brodeur, pre':' surf for Diocesan teens this', taye represented. their school at· feet; Gloria Moniz, vice-prefect; Summer. Debate club members the _ Rhode Island Invitati9nal school paper, Maple Leaf, Sh9Uld refrain from using the merry Mary Harkin, secretary; Denise at SHA Fall River will attend· Business Skills Meet. go-round in the nearby park. Turcotte, treasurer. a workshop at Georgetown TAVARES To Head Debaters "There exists already a plethora And -next year's football co University in July on the topic Holly Cutting Will head -the of dizzy students," it rather un UPHOLSTERING SHOP captains at Attleboro's Bishop of U. S. foreign aid; ;while Lynne Debrabant Debating Society at Custom Made Upholstered Furiliture
kindly comments. Feehan High are Bruce MacDon Chrupcala of Mt. St. Mary's, as SHA Fall River for the coming Reupholstering - Quality Workm'an's1iip
-New Bedford's Holy Family IJUd and Peter Cosgrove. already announced, will be in year; and also planned by the Large Selection Fine Fabrics,.
Captain of the school at England and 0;' the continent in debaters is an outing at Lincoln High reports that a class day Work Guaranteed . Free Estimatl1S
for parents will be held Thurs Sacred Hearts, Fall River, is pursuit of scientific knowledge. Woods, Saturday, June 4. day night, June 9. Students will "REMOlDELlNG OUR SPECIALTY"
Diane Dzidusko, and with her And Jane Grenier, junior at see the program Friday after will serve Cheryl O'Neill as cap 992·2891 Feehan, will be studying enginoon, June 10 at Kennedy tain of St. Agnes' team and . neering and computer math at 1802 Acushnllt Ave.. New. Bedforll Center. Patricia Smith as captain of St. Brown University this Summer, Margaret's. Agnes squad leader as one of 75 New .England high will be Sandra Sylvestre, and school juniors chosen for special VALLEY FORGE (NC)-Two Margaret squad leader will be study on the basis of their Catholic educators are among Kathleen Powers. achievements in science and those who ha·/e been cited by New Debate Club officers at - math. the Freedoms Foundation for Mt. St. Mary are Julia Morgan, The annual Msgr. James Coyle 1965 awards for demonstrating president; Maureen Austin, vice High School Fathers' Club schol- outstanding patriotism in their president; Mary Crosson, secre work. tary; Ann Hefko, treasurer. An American -Educators Medal DOMESTIC & HEAVY DUTY OIL BURNERS'
Father .Jeffrey Award went to Father Francis Rev. Maurice Jeffrey of St. Fallert, S.J., superintendent of Jean Baptiste parish, Fall River, the Copper Valley School ill YOUNGSTOWN (NC) A has given Dominican Academy Glennallen, Alaska. MAIN OFFICE - 10 DURFEE STREET, FALL RIVER neighborhood house designed to seniors a four day 'course on Receiving a Valley Forge serve all the residents of the St. matrimony; and he was also cel Teachers Medal Award was Sis ebrant of Benediction for Mt. Columba Cathedral area opened ter Cecilia Maycock, S.N.D., of Tuesday in a move by cathedral St. Mary students at the conclu the Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy Insti priests and laity to "build • sion of their annual May pro tute, Washington, D. C. cession, dedicated this year 10 bridge" between parish and com munity. the intention of peace in Viet In announcing plans for the Nam. center, Father Mark Zwick, St. U IS ew Ihon Judith Keefe and Donna Mc Guire of Bishop Cassidy are, Columba assistant, described the winding up attendance at the" venture as a new. application of an old canon law which makes a ROCKVILLE CENTRE (NC) lOth annual Northeastern States pastor responsible for both Cath-· -The eighth annual revised edi olies .and non-Catholics nn bis tion of the Official Guide to parish. Catholic Institutions has been MANUFAcrURERS
"We hope to carry out our re- published here. SALINA (NC)-'-A step toward sponsibility to the community by The 4l7-page work, giving NATIONAL BANK
tuller participation of the laity, . assisting our, neighbors in every complete information OIl every . , BRISTOL COUNTY ift the work of the Church was way we can," Father Zwick . Catholic universit.y and college taken here in Kansas with all -stated. "We want 10 develop a "-'m' the country, is prepared iii THE AREAIS MOST AC~OMMODATING !BANK announcement by:the chancery spiI:it of comm\Jnity, to build a - collaboration with the Depart that Parish eominitteemenwill . bridge bet.ween the· parish and· ment of -Education of the Na-· NORTH ATTLEBORO • MANSFIELD
be elected in all parishes and the - .neighborhood,to let the tional Catholic Welfare Confer missions durine May. people know we are concerned." ence.
Schedule Troveli"g Workshop for Nun,S
Priest, Nun Receive Foundation Medals .
-Neighborhood House' Serves Parish Area
Sales - Service - Installation
Phone OS 5-7484
P bl" h NEd" " Of Education Guide
Par.ish Election
Prelate Marks
Silver Jubilee
THE ANCHORThurs., June'. 2, 1966
Pa rents Honor Coach Ga Uagher WASHINGTON (NC) - One .,. the few coaches in this nation who has been molding top' flight football and basketball material ~r 20 years was honored here. Joseph M. (Joe) Gallagher was one of four men to recei ve the second annual President's Medals at the 20th annual father-son banquet of St. John's High School. , Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., movie and television star, was the chief speaker at the dinner spon oored by Men of St. John's, an organization of parents and stu dents and benefactors of the largest military high school in the country conducted by the Christian Brothers. Other medalists included Dr. e. Francis Scalessa, who has served for a decade as physician to the school's athletic teams and the faculty; Milton S. Kron heim, Sr., Jewish businessman, Uongtime benefactor of the school and other Catholic insti tutions in the nation, and· Charles P. Maloney, Sr" busi nessman and alumnus, whose lIOns and 'grandsons also- are' alumni of the school. Gilllagher, an alumnus of the liChool and former basketball star at George Washington Uni versity here,pas doubled· as football and basketball coac~, plus teaching history, at the liChool for the last 20 years.
Catholic - Lut,hell'on Talks Kept Secret
CONVENTION; PREPARATIONS: Aiding,; in preparati~tis for CYO-CYAO annual gathering are, le#, James . Barrows, St. Francis Xavierparish,:,l]:yannis; Bonnie Sullivan, Holy Redeemer, Ch.~tham; Roge! Proulx, St.'. ~ ()seph, Attle,boro;, aJld Norma Boudreau, St. John, Attleboro.iss!i,ing equipment is Mrs..Raye Desja:rdins.,· '., . .': . . .' •. '.
ST. AUGUSTINE (NC) Franjo Cardinal Se'per, of Zagreb, Yugoslavia, lias'e~plia.sjzed here that peace~is the. concern of everyone, not' Merely that of politicians and diplomatS. "Everyone' uf. iQ.Vifed ;to Coi" sider peace ~t ~engtlHmQ..to-con tdbute his share in this g-reaf common task,'" ~he Cardinal as serted at the" dedication cere monies for the Votive Church to the Prince of Peace at America's old· mission, the Mission of Nom bre. de Dios here in Florida,
NEW YORK (NC) - One student said: "It was an under ground blast." He was talking about an unusual dance held in . , .... a Brooklyn subway station, abandoned in 1945. . Sponsored by St. Peter's Col lege, Jersey City, N. J., the dance Good Shepherd Home, for Girls, followed a "subway outing" the' Daughters of Charity in which found Father Francis Quito, Ecuador, and the Domini- can Mexican mission ilt Chiapas. Cosgrove, S.J., at the controls of a four-car special hired by stu dents. -'\ The run went 24 miles non Postpone Awarding stop to Rockaway Park. Aboard the special were 146 St. Peter's Honor to Senator students and· their dates,plus 15 LOUISVILLE (NC)--The frac tured hip of U. S. Sen. Everett Slibway fans who came along for Dirksen of Illinois has postponed the ride. the Bellarmine Medal dinner here: MEN. 17 -25 Dirksen, now in W~llter Reed. Hospital, Washington, D. C.. JOIN THE NEW was chosen as the 12th .recipient of the. annual award given by $ocit!ty .of Brothers of' Bellarmine College for' outstand Our Lady of Providence ing service in difficult ,andcon-' .troversial areas. / For information write to:
The dinner, l)riginally' sclied~ FATHER MASTER
uled May 12, will be rescheduled St. Joseph the Worker
w hell the senator';s health . Novitiate permits. ' "Warwick Neck, •• I. ..:-:,...
Imita.e~>Charitable Deeds,. ~r~late:·AdviseSi . . ''' . .,.' .
SAN FRANCISCO.< N C) ~ "The Church acknowledges that she must recognize that 'mucn . trl:lth is to be found :'ill the bosom of other::religiou,s 'bodies:' . She recognize~l~per_'dutyto· praise and to imitate: tl;1e good : and. ' charitable deeds of ,our sepa-' rated brethren," Archbishop Jo seph T. McGucken of San Fran cisco said in congratulating two new papal knights, one a Jew lMld the other a Catholic. Honored were Benjamin H. Swig, hotelman and philanthro-. pist, and George B. Harris, Chief Judge of the U. S. District Court fOt' Northern California.
, ~ '~
member ~nd past chafr~an of the board of regents' of Santa Clara University;"president of the Men's Guild of the Convent oj: the .Good Shepherd; vice cliair~. man of the advisory board~ for Mary's Help Hospital,and is on the board of directors' several charitable and educational insti tutions. '. .' Harris, _ who was named Knight of st. Gregory, was cited' for his work as a director of the CYO; chairman of the advisory board of Mary's Help' Hospital; and founder of the Louis E. Goodman Memorial Fund to pro vide temporary financial help to indigents.. He has also worked with the
Cites Peace GoaW
Hold College Dance In Subway Station
'in Oth'e'r: Faitlhs
STRASBOURG (NC)-Repre llentatives of .the Holy See and the Lutheran World Federation erected ·a .high wall of secrecy around their three-day nieeting here in France and ad10urned without issuing any . public litatement. It was learned,however, that· ¢his second official meeting lIOught to pinpoint the major themes ,which could be the' focal topics of' inimediate dialogue CYO Director between the two confessioR5. The 'Churcl:,the archbishop The participating' theologians .said, "sees the imperative need and ecumenists agreed,' more ift our troubled times to realize over, in concrete recommenda 'how broad is the 'platform on tions for stronger Ca.tholic-Lu which we stand together; what theran c09peration. The recom: gceatgood cimcome to the hU-· mendations not made public, man family 'vhen men embrace were to be presented to the Vati each other in brotherhood; what cean Secretariat for Promoting strength can be contributed to Christian Upity and to the Lu the cause of peace when, with theran World Federation at its out compromising their princi headquarters in Geneva. pies, men work. together for hU,-, ~an rights; what good. will' can be generated.: when 'we ~ join Yugoslav Cardinal hands and .hearts , in' ·'labors". of . love .and chari"ty.:'; ~ . .. .
HONOLULU (NC) - Hawaii'. Catholics marked the 25th an niversary of the formal estab lishment of the diocese of Hono lulu and the appointment by Pope Pius XII of Bishop James J. Sweeney as its first bishop Highlight of the observance was the celebration by' Bish op Sweeney of a pontifical high Mass in the Honolulu Interna tional Center's Arena. Principal speaker at the an niversary Mass was Bishop George L. Leech of Harrisburg, Pa. Bishop Sweeney was born in San Francisco in 1898 and or dained there in 1921.' At the age of 42, he was appointed bishop of Honolulu. His appointment came shortly after the vicariate of the Hawaiian Islands was raised to the status of a diocese and ,named a suffragan see to San Francisco. During his 25 years in Hawaii, the Church has witnessed great growth in the islands with the Catholic lay population increas ing from 120,000 to 220,000.
'Side Effects of 'Pill g Still Under Study BOSTON (NC) - Pope PiWl condemnation of using drugs which suppress ovulation for contraceptive purposes re mains binding on .Catholics, a moral theologian: has told the 30th ,congress'. of the' Boston ·ArchdiocesanLeague of Catholic Women. XII'~
Distribution Record'
TOKYO (NC)-Bible distri bution.in Japan has reached an all~time h~gh.The United Bible 'Societie~ issued a report showing that four million Bibles were distrib~ted'in ~his 'country dur 'ing the' period Of November, A doctor'infonried the women .1964, to Ck.tober, 1~.65. that the answer' to whether the Swig, . who. 'was named -a .. birth control pills cause serious Knight of 'Sf, Syl,veste~; ;is a effects is "riot available at this ,. , . ,tini.e, ' .
Dedicate Uniyersity:' 'Father James' A:O'D~nOhoe, • .... . ' , . professor of moral. ·theology at SCience· Center c'. ':St. John'~s Seminary~·.'discussed
~. SERVicE~
5.25% 4.50% 4.25%
Bass River
Savings Bank
SANTA CLARk' (Nc)~Man' the moral. 'aspec~ 'ohthe" on;l Co~mer.cial • . Industrial has become .obsessed:.with mate--' C9ntt:acepbve!i whIle Dr. Josepll :., Institutional' . • SOUTH YARMOUTH rial values ~nd is' ~lu.hei:'ingup":~·D~.rsey:of Peter Ben~ Brigh~~ his life .w~th, "thingl!'!" ,~~c)area' . l:Io~PJt~1 spoke on then physio . Painting and Decorating '. • DENNIS POttl Edward J. D~ly, president· of: logICal effe<::ts. • HYANNIS fan River . OSlborne ~t-19U' WlJrld Airways, Inc., at a lunchFather ,01Donohoenoted··that • YARMOUTH SHOPPING PUlA eon following the dedication the contraceptive use of the 74 Wil!iamson S(reet • OSTERVILl.E here of Santa Clara University's pills had been condemned by new $1,350,000 science center Pius XII and that Pope Paul VI which bears his name. has stated that this .condemn ' " . " , .. , . "W - t t' 'f tion must' still be regarded """ ~ emus respec SCience o r ' . "'!"'. ' ..•,.. See to Celebrate i¢S wondrous contributions to binding on Catholics. '. man's welfare," he urged, "but lPolish MiUennium we must concurrently stress the l!~_"-""_""''''''_''-'''''''''''''''''''-''''''''~ LUBLIN (NC)-The ;Superior development of the total human SERVING 4iocese will ~lebrate Poland's being, possessor of an immortal FINE ITA'LIAN FOO'D I millennium of Christiimity' in soul, as the most important thing Wisconsin Sl.J.n~aywhen Bishop, earth." George A. Hammes' of Superior· onFiither Pedro Arrupe, &J., , " will offer a Pontifical Mass at St. general of the Society of Jesus,' RESTAURANT·· and LOUNGE Stanislaus' church. A civic pa who is visiting in the United on Lake Sabbatia rade with floatS and band units, States, dedicated the Daly Sc'i653 Washill1gtOll Street, fairhaven . I plus a banquet and program de ence Center and spoke briefly at '1094 Bay Street YlYman 4-5058 picting the history of Poland, the luncheon. TAUNTON VA 4-8154 • • ill be presented in the evening. ~~
'~jARAGE 24-Hour Wrecker Service
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Protestants .Laud New Prelate
THE ANCHOR- . Thurs., June 2, 1966
Consecrate New
Italucn NatBCa1a~
COLUMBIA (NC)-Protestant leaders from various .areas of South Carolina attended a breakfast here honoring newly consecrated Auxiliary B ish 0 p Joseph L. Bernardin of Atlanta, Ga. . Bishop Bernardin, who was consecrated in Charleston, was praised by the Protestant lead ers for his contributions to bet ter Catholic-Protestant relations in South Carolina. "There has been a new spirit of cooperation among Protestant and .Catholic ministers in Charleston," and much of the credit goes to Bishop Bernardin, said Dr. Ralph Cannon, presi dent of the Charleston Minis terial Association. Dr. L. C. Jenkins, represent ing 250,000 Negro Baptists in the state, said he hoped Bishop Bernardin would be South Car olina's first cardinal.
ShtrBlTile' fr@ Mary TRIESTE (NC) - A new national shrine to Mary, a modern structure on a moun tain 'ridge jutting a steep 1,000 feet out of the Gulf of Trieste and the Adriatic Sea,. was solemnly dedicated here in the presence of a host of leading Italian ecclesiastics and states men. The church, dedicated to 'Mary, Mother and Queen, has been under construction for nearly seven years. Inspired by Pope John XXIII's consecration of Italy to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in 1959, the cornerstone was laid on Sept. 19 of that year. Pope John broadcast a special radio message for the occasion. . Today, the reinforced concrete structure 150 feet high appears a vertical extension of the moun .tain' ridge itself. Designed by Antonio Gaucci, architecture professor at the University of Trieste, the church is built with a double facade of issosceles. tri angles sheered horizontally at .the top. Rites on TV The triangleular motif is re peated in t~e concrete ribs honeycombing the facades. The .' theme is also carried out inside the church, and the main altar is situated for celebration of Mass . facing the congregation. The consecration of the church was performed b:r Giovanni' Cardinal Urbani of Venice, with the celebration climaxed by a special radio address from Rome by Pope Paul VI. Cardinals and bishops from all parts of Italy, as well as top representatives of the national government, were on hand. The rites were televised so that people in all parts of Italy could see the new shrine which is only a short walk from the Yugoslav border.
Germans Criticize 9mmigration
lQ", ..
HAMBURG (NC)-The .~ew U.S. immigration law passed in 1965 is a "hard blow" to manv Germans, a Catholic society f~r emigrants said here. The St. Raphael society claim ed that future immigration to the U.S. is based on a person's vocation, and that this' will pre vent many Germans who wish to go to the U.S. from emigr·ating. The new immigration law did away with the national origins quota system that manv in the U.S. felt discriminated' against certain countries. The national origins quota had been criticized as favoring iminigrants from northern and western EUTope. I
On lyCity Catholic:: H,i...~h School ,Closes LAWTON (NC)-St. Mary's, only Catholic high school in this Oklahoma city, will close its doors 'at the' eQd of the current term. . . Father Ernest Flushe, diocesan superintendent of schools, says the decision to close was made by majority vote at a parishion ers' meeting. . "The decision is based on an inability to supply a first-class education program. It was a choice of trying' to run both the elementary and sec 0 n dar y schools and weakening both schools or strengthening the We chose to strengthen grades . ORe through eight since there are a greater number of children !Ilvolvetl;" 'he 'decla'red; . - .
New Medaca~ Center for CONVENTION PRINCIPALS: Principals a.t eighth annual CYO-CYAO convention are, from left, Albert R. Pinsonnault, Fall River Diocesan CYAO president; Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.D., V.G., Miss Mary Cronin, adult advisor; Msgr. George Kerr, keynote speaker; Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, Diocesan Youth Director; James Gibney, F'all River Diocesan CYO presi~ent.
Catholic' Seouters Pioneer Itcum<enists Archbishop' Honinan 'Cites Mutual Sbarimagl ATLANTA,. (NC)-Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan of Atlanta said here Catholics active in the .Scouting movement were· in the thick- of ecumenism before it be came the fashion. "The Catholic Scouters, along
with the Newman chaplains and the armed service chaplains,
have been practical card-carry ing ecumenists long before it was respectable," Archbishop Halli nan said. He addressed the closing ban quet of the 19th .national confer ence of diocesan SCout chaplains . and lay chairmen of Scouting. "We are all grateful," he said, "for the manner in which Cath olic Scouting has cooperated with the Boy Scouts of America, and all the more grateful for
the hand of friendship and mu-' tual sharing extended by the na
tional body. We are united not because of we'akness but because of strength." Fight Apatby Describing the goals of Scout ing, the archbishop said "we are not fighting the world in which we live." Rather, he said, ~we are fighting our own C9mplacency, our own ignorance, our own. re
Cites Lack of Ab'le Science Teachers . MILWAUKEE (NC)-Quali-. fied lay teachers should be hired to teaeh science in the seventh and eighth grades of parish schools, the Milwaukee archdi ocesan school. board has 'been .
told. Sister Mal y Francine, consul tant to a:cchdioesan schools, feels the average teacher is not qualified to teach science, not ing religious orders have neither the money nor the nuns to sup ply qualified teachers.
Lay teachers would be happy
to go to Summer school if sal aries are raised, the Board was adv.~sed. "As it is, most of us have to moonlight. We can't af ford. Summer courses."
The board was also told that
Archbishop William E. Cousins Of Milwaukee is seeking to es-' tablish regional school boards as requestel;l at the archdioe 'esan board's last· .ureeting. -
WASHINGTON (NC) Georgetown University has un veiled plans for a new $11.5 million medical center which will make possible "a completely new approach" to medical edu cation. '. The new facility, an addition. to the university's existing medi cal, dental and nursing schools and hospital, would include 600 laboratories for students, a com puter center for medical research and other features. The center would also have a . dental clinic described by the university as "the largest dental teaching clinic in the world."
sistance to change. It is to ready . Boy Scouts' of America; said the our young men. to fight this proposed new requirements are "built around the new liturgy, creeping apathy tha' you invite them to -become .Scouts, meet the Scriptures, and social change with' them, instruct and train in America and in the Church." them, motivate them, and share ..They will stress service by
'with them nature's rigors as well Scouts to Church and commu
as nature's joys." nity, he said. . Drop First Grade
Archbishop Hallinan received SOUTH BEND (NC) - Be a special Ad Altare Dei Award cause of a total enrollment of of the Catholic Scouting move Heads Commission some 800 students with facilities ment at the banquet. to accommodate 600, Christ the On Humaln Rights During the conference,pro King parish here has decided to posed changes in the require BOSTON (NC)-Richard Car eliminate its first grade with ments for boys to receive the Ad dinal Cushing has appointed Fa . Altare Dei Award were' dis ther Paul P. Rynne of :Lawrence . the opening of the 1966-67 school . cussed. as' fulltime executive director of year. A. A. Kirk, executi ve secre the Archdiocesan Commission on tary of' the Catholic Committee Human Rights. or Scouting' and director of the The commission was founded Catholic relations service of the by the cardinal in January "for the purpose of advising me on the multiple ways in which the
St. Francis Degree Church locally can as~list those
Haering who have been deprived of what
BIDDEFORD (NC) - Father should rightfully- be theirs in the
American society." Bernard .Haering, C.ss.R., Ger
It is chiefly concerned with
man theologian who formerly taught at Rome's Redemptorist the questions of race and how
Seminary and now is visiting prejudice "can make itself felt· professor at Brown University's in housing. education, employ department of religious studies, ment, and every area of opportu I received an honorary doctorate nity." of. laws and was the speaker at St. Francis College commence ment exercises. , An honorary degree also was conferred on Lionel B. Kava- ~ nagh, Leominster;.. Mass., ingus
trialiSt.. A class of 83 was gradu
.For Fr.
famous for'
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Four Groups Wielded Powe.. -' In Colonial Latin .America·
THE ANCHORThurs., June 2, 1966
P~an .Si!l1g-Shops
Edited by John JJ. Considine, 1\11.:1\][,
For Catholics
In Latin America under Spanish' rule, writes Abbe Francois Houtart, there was a feudal system, but capital ism developed side by side with it. The slave trade favored the accumulation of wealth. Thanks to credit, financial capitalism predominated. ready too late. The Creoles Production was devoted to (Spaniards born in Latin Amer trade, to the satisfaction of ca), everywhere deprived of op the needs of Spain. Mines, portunity, were to become the tropical plantations and flour mills, formed the basis of Latin American busi ness enterprise. The gold and silver min e s especially facilitated the development of Western capitalism and the industrial ization of Eu rope, but in Latin America itself they did not give rise to an industrial middle class. Revenues from the mines per mitted the importation of slaves and of manufactured products. They D}ade it possible to beau tify the cities and fostered cul tural flowering. They did not develop a local industry, except that of silk and leather. This was to the advantage of the Crown, which was thus able to avoid a colonial competition which would have ruined the home industries. Colonial capitalism took on a commercial form, w~ich would ll"G:l:r-lain after Latin American independence was won. Side by s51i!e with the property owners, M::e business men wielded great <Xonomic power. Lacking an expansion of ~edit, they associated them selves with the bankers. They rontrolled the coastwise trade. Thanks to mortgages, tJ:1ey held a number of rural properties., ColoniaD Administ.ration The third influential group was the colonial administration, strongly centralized from 1550 on. At the beginning, public of fices were an honor, a reward. They became the prerogative of II salaried bureaucracy. The mother country itself di rected colonial affairs through the Council of the Indies, su preme legislative and adminis trative organ. In America the Viceroy, or the Captain General in the captaincies, exercised ll'oyal power with the council of the Viceroy, the audiencia, which held administrative .and judiciary powers. The Crown established a ser vice of functionaries with. lim Hed terms of office. The organ ization was strict but slow and <costly. According to Pierre Chaunu it absorbed 50 per cent of the revenues from the Indies in the sixteenth century, and 80 per cent in the eigpteeenth century. Corruption eventually poison ed the administration. The func tionary of the eighteenth cen tury became "a business man who capitalized on his office and used for his own profit a good part of the revenues of the State." The multiplication of public offices resulted in political de centralization. At the end, of the eighteenth' century, the Bour bons undertook an administra tive reform with the creation of the intendancies. But it was al-
Names Wrish' Bishop VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has n~med Msgr. p'atrick Lennon as auxiliary bishop of Kildare and Leighlin, Ireland. The bishop-elect has been presi dent of St. Patrick's College, di eeesaa seminaq ill lWdaJ'e. .i'L::
rebels of the future. The basis of economic policy was monopoly. La Casa de Con tractacion controlled all sea traffic and directed it at first to the port of Seville. In 1717 this city lost its commercial privi leges to Cadiz. From 1717 to 1765, this latter port was the only place for trade. This cen tralization facilitated ·the control over gold and other precious metals and over the quinto (the fifth), the tax which the Crown levied on mining resources. But Spain was eventually to lose her monopoly of trade with the Indies. For protection, her ships were soon forced to travel in convoy, and nevertheless treasures disappeared as a re sult of pirate raids. By the end of the eighteenth century' other countries took charge of com merce between. America and Europe. Then French, Genovese, Dutch, English and Germans eventually handled 90 per cent of exported capital. Smuggling, fostered by 'rigid trade restrictions, the suppres sion of commerce from all ports exq~pt Panama, and prohibitive prices to European buyers, un dermined the monopoly. The suppression of commerce from regional ports led to the appearance of independent eco nomic operations which were later to contribute to political division. Restraint of commerce and cor r u p t administration brought on eventual collapse. lPower of Clergy Besides the great landed pro prietors, the capitalists, and the royal administrative officers (three groups who exercised . power or held real authority during the colonial period), a fourth group must be considered, the clergy. During this period the regular clergy like the secular clergy, became quite wealthy and formed at the end of the coloni~l1 period an impor tant economic power. They possesSed immerise prop erties as -a result of gifts, inher itances, privileges and mort gages. The immovable capital of the Church often enough repre,.. sented only a small productive value. One exception in this re gard is the case of the Jesuits, who were great producers, set ting up models of administration and of capitalist technique. These properties served gener ally to assure the financial basis of educational and religious activities. .
]BllSHOP'S NIGHT AT SERRA CLUB: The outgoing president of the Fall River Serra Club, Fall River, Edmund Bagley, left, and Mrs. Bagley, right, greet Bishop Connolly at the annual Serran Bishop's night.
Training Seminarians' Priest Advocates Apprentice System Of Preparing Candidates CHICAGO (NC) -'- A priest advocated here reestablishment of "one of the most effective means of preparing candidates for the pastoral ministry" - an apprentice system. Father Eugene J. Weitzel, C.S.V., of the Viatorian Semi nary, Washington, D;C., said such a system was in wide use during the early ages of the Church, in a talk to the semi nary. section bf the National Catholic'Educational Association. . He urged the implementation of a project under which "sem inarians would spend one or two ,academic years" in a program which would "combine academic: courses with an active intern ship program." The program would be under taken upon completion of the third year of theology and ordi-. nation to the diaconate, Father Weitzel suggested. . Away From Seminary Adoption of such a plan would mean adjusting the academic pr9gram. "to allow the seminar ian to be away from the semi nary for extended periods of time in various phases of the apostolate," Father Weitzel said. In a talk on problems of spir itual form~tion, Father Eugene
H. Sullivan of St. Charles Sem inary, Philadelphia, said that seminaries should strive to"pre pare the soon-to-be priests for the inevitable confrontation of their ideas with those of older priests." Harmony will be achieved not merely through tolerance, but through "deep understand ing, exquisite tact, enduring pa tience, and charity," he said. ·He also suggested fostering mutual respect by permitting students to aid parish priests in various apostolic activities, and by inviting priests to lecture and take part in discussion forums with seminarians.
SPOKANE (NC)-A sing-like -Protestants project is being in augurated here for Catholics of three dioceses - Spokane and Yakima, Wash., and Boise, Ida ho. Pastors of some 60 parishes in the three dioceses have arranged four workshops for the Sundays in June in the cathedral audi torium here to better acquaint parishioners with the new litur gical hymns and encourage con gregational singing~ Four organ ists will be at each "sing-shop." Jean Anthony Grief, local or ganist and composer of hymns, . observed: "We've been a silent group for too many generations. It's time we caught up with our separated brethren. We are chil dren as far as singing in Church is concerned, and we must be treated as children until we be come accustomed to it." Grief will direct the "sing shops" which also will feature aiscussion periods concerning the new type hymns. He said he has traveled ext ens i vel "Sf throughout the country "inter viewing church organists and . choir directors in an effort to ascertain what is needed to make the new liturgy meaning ful-and workable."
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95 Bridge St., Lowen, Mass.
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f?OJll'e!l1ts 'AGVe 'Vo;ce ilrrtl Stetting CtiJJlendar
7,000 Miie$
CLEVELAND (NC)-Parents as well as teachers were asked If@~ CC;!1'ilSe(cll'«!ItDoUll their choice of school opening, ST. PAUL (NC)-A Society of vacations, holidays and closing times prior to establishment of St. Columban missioner made the 7,OOO-mile trip here. from the 1966-67' elementary school calendar in the Cleveland dio Korea especially to be conse cese. crated a bishop by a longtime Responding to questionnaires friend. Auxiliary Bishop James E. sent throughout the diocese by Auxiliary Bishop Clarence E. Michaels, S.S.C., of the Kwangju, Korea, archdiocese, was raised' Elwell, superintendent of educa to the fullness of the priesthood tion, were 225 teachers and 8,048 in the Cathedral of St. Paul here parents. Majority opinions of both were considered in the cal 'by a prelate he long has ad mired-Archbishop Leo Binz of endar approved by the Board of Catholic Education. St. Paul. In general the survey revealed The newly consecrated prelate a greater percentage of teachers
will serve as assistant to Arch bishop Harold W. Henry, S.S.C., than parents favoring long vaca
tionsand wide agreement on the of. Kwangju, a .native of North field, Minn., and a veteran of opening and closing of the. school more than a quarter-century of year. Both- teachers and parents mission work· in the Far, East, agreed that school should not who has sustained two heart at- . open belore Labor Day and . iaekB ill I'ecent yean. 5OOulde1oBe early in ~une. . /
~ ,"',1 , , , ,.~, ,I ,
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~ ,'"
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a NEW (CAR? Our new car auto loans are S'll'~I!.L the Lowest in Town only $4.50 annua~ service charge for every $100 boy.. rowed. Stop in at our ~in Bank or sit any of our convenient neighborhood! branches.
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T~urs.;' june 2,
,Asserts ~ -Federal
. 1966,
,Eciucati~n' Fund~,' Aid 7 Million
The Parish Parade
WASHINGTON (NC)-AlIl estimated seven million poor children with learning prob-' lems will benefit this year
S'T. LOUIS FALL RIVER A cake sale sponsored by the Women:s Guild will follow all Masses Sunday, June 5. Cakes may be left in the church base ment from 2 to 5 Saturday after noon. Chairmen are Mrs. An thony Rebello and Mrs. Ray-' mond Cote.
fr~m the billion dollar federal education program, the U. S. Commissioner of Education said here., "Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 has sparked a quiet revolution in classrooms throughout the country," Harold Howe II stated., "This program is designed. to, 'reach children who are ulwble 10 respond to, standard :teaching techniques, to heip: t!te~ find: ec:tucation instead of frustra~ioll iri the' cl~ssroOm, ~n~ tO~eep' them in sehooi by making 9chool, truly meiningful to them," lie explained. , Private' Schools' , ' said , Co~~fssii>ner 'Howe Office' has'lieen 'CoOcerned bY a J::epOi't fro~ President John .. sOn's advisory council on educ~-,. tion' which indicatl~d, that some children-in private and, Parochial , , schools ,have not been able', ~ eiq>erience full parlicipa.,tioQ, iii 'the program. ,The eouncil alsO "r~rled that sOme' rural',sch~i
MARY, ATTLEBORO The annual family clambake of 'the parish will be held Satur day; 'Sept. ,10 on the school g'rounds' and, will ,be sponsored, DY the Confraternity, of 'Chris tian Doctrine. Bakemaster wilL be Al Gallant 'and general chair mail is Larry Murphy, aided by" • large number. of committees. ~ORTH
YlSITATIONGUILD,' NORTH ,EASTHAM , :, M:ember~'"wiri 'hold •. ~ial 8 Ftiday rilght,.J~rie 3 ~t the Ilome of. Mrs; George Duffy ~I'., Camp Ground Road, North' Eastham. Donations may be made 'to Mrs. Arthur Cestaro, cbaiqnan. . - .. ,'." , The' guila will hold a, cake, .ale' 'following' ,Masses at ,the Chur~h of the VisitatiOn, Massa-' Iiliit Road; Sunday, June ~. Mrs.
Helen 'Carrron is chairman. " A'supper planned for Satur clay, June 25will have as chair~ , maf:t' Mrs. 'Edmond Hebert.
RECEPTION OF HABIT IN HOSPITAL CHAPEL: Novic~s of the· Dominican Sisters ,djstricts h~ve failed to make, u~ , Of the· federal lunds:': oftlie' Pres'entation who staff St., Anne,'s, Hospital, Fall River, 'Marian Manor, '1'~uiiit6:n; ~ Howe predicted these 'prob: and ,Madonna' M;anor, No. Atdehoro;reeeived theirhabit;s Monday:'morning:. Left't.!! right: 1emswill diminish 'during the Sr; Maria Teresa del Buen Pastor; Sr. Joan Francis of Jesus, Sr; GertrudisMaria del Sal-' coming ,year as,'local and state
v,ador; Sr.' Stephen of the- Sacred Heart, Bishop Connolly; Sr. Maria, Pauline, del Salva-' 'schOol officials-build on the " . ' basis of their first. year of ex~ : c;lOr, Sr. Claire Domirique, Sr. Robert Ju!ian. ' " , PerienCe~nd as','better program
ST; JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN The Association of the Sacred Hearts wili hold its banquet and installation of officers Thursday night, June 9 a+ Colonial Coach EDMONTON (NC)-In a his~staurant, 'Marion: Reservations ,toric address to 'an Anglican will close tomorrow. Members meet at the' church parking synod, Catholic Archbishop An thony Jordan; O.M.I., repudiated lot at 6:15 the night of the ban "any bitterness or unfairness ,that quet, according. to announcement made by Mrs. Joseph J. Pode, may have characterized some of " the religious controversy of the chairman. ' past whether carried on by pen To be installed are Mrs. Nor or by voice." , man Robinson, president; Mrs. The Catholic prelate received Joseph Rose, vi~e-president; Mrs. Philip Harding, secretary; a standing ovation from, 160 'lay' Mrs. Joseph McKenzie, treasurer. and clergy delegates at the 31st meeting of the synod of the An glicim diocese of Edmonton' here' ST. .JOSEPH, in Alberta. .Bishop Gerald lFAIRHAVEN Bur c h presented Archbishop " Members of the Ass'ociation of Jordan with a book as a remem brance of the occasion. Both the Sacred Heu!"ts. will receive bishops together blessed the del Holy Communion in a body at 'egates. the 8:15 Mass on Sunday morn ing, All new members will re In reference to the religious ceive their med:JIs and ribbons controversy of the past, Arch following the Mass. bishop Jordan said: "I would consider it a favor if you would bring to attention any present OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS, complaint you 'feel you have in !FALL. RIVER this respect." The parish CYO will hold a rummage sa'Ie',on June 10 and 11. An appeal is 'now being made for articles that may, be sold at the affair.
A,nglicans Give ..Ca'tholic Prelate"'Ovali;on Archbishop De'plores .' Past 'Controversy,'
Ask Proclamation 'Of Millennium Day
' .
WASHINGTON (NC)-Presi 'iderit Johnson would be authorized to proclaim Aug, 28 Polish Millennium Day, under legi!!laOTTUMWA (NC)-A Catholic tion intrqduced in Congress by scholar believes the ReformaSen. Paul' H. Douglas and Rep. tion, "for all its doctrinal errors, John C. Klucynski, both of was a great spiritual movement.'! Illinois. But distortions and false-, The lawmakers noted that the hoods perpetrated by historians calendar year 1966 marks the have kept Catholics from un- ,l,OOOth anniversary of the origin derstandirig the true meaning of of Poland as a Christian nation, the Reformation;' Father Kilian' and said it is fitting that the McDonnell, O.S.B., of St. John's, citizens of the United States ac Abbey, Collegeville, Minn., as-.': cord the millennium "appropri serted at Ottumwa Heights Colate recognition," and said Aug. lege he're in Iowa. " 28 is a date when "many celebra "It was one of the great tragtions will be held in recognition edies of the Reformation that of the proud heritage and love of the 'Church-fighting for her life freedom and God possessed by and concentrating on 'what she ' the peopie of. Poland." saw as doctrinal errors - never Sen. Douglas' observed that recognized the undoubted, 'ian- very few countries' can boast of impeachable spiritual aspirations being in existence;' a tho'usand' of.Martin Luther and John Cal~ ",years, and, being civilized dui-ing vin," he said. :,,' ' ' that time. '
Benedictine'Defends ·· , Re f orm,.' A splrahons
, He:, suggested ,joint' , action "against ,the social injustices of ,our day.."...to alleviate the condi-, tions which stunt t~e - growth of our fellow-man - our brothers and sisters in Christ, and pre;'; vent the rich flowering of the Christian life which Christ wills for us all.'! " ' In reply to Archbishop Jordan, Cano~ A. E. Thane of Edmonton, , speaking on behalf of the synod, expressed hope that God "has forgiven usfcir the ungodliness; of our behavior in days gone' by." '
" Archbishop Jordan, said ~ invitation ,to speaktQthe synod was the 'recognitio,q of' "our, uniori in 'Christ lvhich '",;e': have in common' th'rough J:japtism." Theurimeasured love which'it demands, he said, 'must be the "heart' and ce'nter of all our ecu": menical approaches."
,are designed with the help of '. universities' and state education departments. " During the first eight months since . federal funds became available . to the, states under Title I, 'a wide variety of special educational services have, been provided to children identified as educationally deprived, Howe reported. '
He said he' strongly, desires union but does not expec;t to see a union of the Anglican 'and Catholic communions, within his lifetime.' ,
," Honora'ry, Degree , NIAGARA FALLS (NC) Jack, O'Brien, nationally syndi., cated c~urrinist for the New York Journal-American, will re- ' ceive an honorary doctor of let ters degree at Niagara Univer sity'e 109th commencement Sun day. O'Brien will be' cited for his humanitarian endeavors; ac- ' cording to Father Kenn'eth F.' Slattery" C.M., president of the' university.
"Whaf I do long for and pray for' now," for m)'self and for others, ,'is th.lt theological differ erices may cease to be a barrier to that unbounded love for one' anoth~r which Christ asks and BERLIN (NC) - Newspapers" expects of us," the archbishop said. in communist Poland are for the most part ignoring the millen nium celebrations of Christianity, in that country. The Communist party daily newspaper in Warsaw, Zycie Co~, War!!zawy, carried only 14 li~es 454 MAIN STREET Reg. Master Plumber 2930 about the Church festivities in ,GEORGE M. MONniE Gniezno ,and . Poznan. in' con SOMERSET, ,MASS•. Over 35 Years
trast, . the same newspaper 'had of Satisfied Service
'lengthy extracts from, speeches 806 NO. MAIN 'STREE:T
, of communist leaders" attacking TELEPHONE 675-7992 Fall River OS 5-7497'
the Church. Radio Warsaw meritioned the Catholic celebrations in passing three times. The general silence about the Church millennium extends into other communist ruled na'tions as well. The East WllHOO'r TRAFFIC & PARKING PROBLEMS German Christian Democratic at tl:te , paper, Neue Zeit, was only per mitted to carry seven lines- of news· about the events.
Polish Church Rites Get Silent Press
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State"Basebci'll '~;"tTrac'kr~;T'ltl(f' . '. .,,' , . . . : ' I:, ';>:, .:::. ".
To'~r~ame'nts A~e:' U,fI~etwoy
THE ANCHOR- " Thurs., June· 2, 1966'
Chgef$ .@~
,~p~~.a~t .~u@M[)i)i@11t
. By JF':r<ed Bartek The top league clubs in schoolboy baseball today be gin opening round play in the several divisions of the State elimination championship. tournament. And, while 'the dia mond aggregations are going at it, Wareham and Falmouth High schools are both ~x Meanwhile, Attleboro's Bom cited over the u p com 1 n g bardiers have chalked up their State track and field com second consecutive victory in petition on Saturday next. the Bristol County league cham I
Bruce Santerre and Jim Ra will try to hurl Durfee of Fall River-Bristol County loop ch,ampi~ns -:- to the State Class A' #tle.. riu~fee" fac!'i~' 1JQt)Voo.d', , tQd,ay while"., po~a
T.~~n~o~;" ~;*)l, ':,{
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•The'Taunton 'hurler, who'hung" uti· an 8~2' 'seastlrl's 'i'eeo'rdi leaif' be '. 'cohnt~d'; o'po'h fOt" a"'gooo' p~:fto'niItltictf:every' time' he toog,l th~ rubber.. ,,: ""I "It,,' .',,' '.,., ::,1
.f> 'Trio"'S~ekIng'ii~~i~"'''<''':
[P[J'O®~tl' «:rm@~~@OlJi) ATLANTA (NC) - Rev, Donald Kiernan, co-editor of the Archdiocese of Atlant:l Georgia Bulletin, has been
, . appointed chaplain of the Geor gia Association of Chiefs of Police for the fourth consecutive time. by the incoming president pionships as Dave Hardt high lighted the Jewelers' triUmPh:,;·,.,~,;of the association, Chief Wilbur,. Perkerson of Valdosto, Georgia. with a 58-foot shot put heave to ~ Pastor of St. Anthony'~' . establish a new loop mark. A n d , : : ' / ' 1 ' Church, Father, Kiernan is also'· the Attleboro relay team regis ,,' servil'lg, ,his s~c<?pd yearj:\S asso tered another new' record when . "','J it ,turned in a 1:32 effort in the ,.c"ej ciate ,.chaplain" o~ .the Interna- a tion.al,Asspciatjpn ,of Chiefs ,of' on.e-half mile event, breaking ; "j Police.' ,;Wjth, 1)~aquarters ,~;' D~ee High's 19,62,mark.. ; .:. ) .:' ..." . New Mile MaJr!I :.,'¢~ . '-A Washingtqp,."D. Coo , ' ,·A, nativ~ ...9f, Taunton, Fath~r:" Kiernan, ,W.as"o)'daiped,.in BostOl:", by Richard .Cardinal.Cl"lshi!lg.Ol thrilli~g meet event' when . he .A"Ilo.T1I.,.U.· c.'. L ~~ "'/;/'',lE" ll;'ITnNG.n. HE G D F R tar be'ilted' l,Vlike Donnelly of E'ee)lan ,1'WI.a lV.IL ~.II. vI<' '1' UIL' 0 ToE May.., .4,., JlH~ a,fter. s,tl.\dies ,3: Providence College, Catholic' __ High in" ~ttleboro in the mile," ]lUN.Q~ MostR~v. Ja'tlles L. Connolly w~s welcomed by University and'Mount St. M3I'y7~" Hill 4:29.5 is! a new league rec a gro,~J?:q~ 't.h~ :rn.embers to the yearly ass~mbly of ~ll the Seminary in ':Emmitsbt'irg; MtF·' oJ:d;. . ,~ . .• .' area Guilds for.: the Blind. Left to right: Bishop C<>nnolly, His, family ,lives·at., 9 Bradford Hoye's win was aU the more Carol ;:Nerney:; Sacred Heart, No.' Attieboro; Angelina Street,. T.aUl'lton. '., " ., "" satiSJ;ying inasmuch as Donnelly" . '!' E " t S 4-1.. F 11 R' . E ., t A ~ IS: ,Serr~: Clllaplain ',"'''''' had beaten him to the tape in Pontes" "Sp'lr~ 0 .ap~v., a, ~ver" rneS .l'U·senau t, t., The>· 114:-.member associatien a previous meeting. This time" ,j\nthony 'of J?,aaua;,,'New <Bedfoi'd; ~rs. [rene Macomber, has onl~. one,. 'Catholic . chief:;, the C.oyle Warrior stayed cop the .. WinsI9~·,:C'Oii~~~iition:a,l; '"Chur<;l}, '/J'auntGn.' . , (Savannah"",Ga;y· F,ather, Kier..., heels of the Shamrock speedster',· '~':'l'id"~-'r:~f.,..,~: .. ~..j';':',.''':~., ... (:,,\~:·:'< <,'-;, • nan received his other appoint.... until the backstretch ,of the.final .' • m~!1ts f,;orn".Qllief'l;ro;l!' McClpng lap'whenhiS'glllite"eff6i1;'carried ,.', !, "V" o(1;.a G.ra~~,.\Cpief Leo~lac~7;,. hiir'l',to"4he front,,iJ}:/the:.bes1i ,,rul'i'·'··' '," "'" ~, I,' w~n.of..Gr.i.ffinalfd Cbiet,Georgr. l
r l l nner-up " tQ~the Fajl"ni~- "~I er'Hilltopperidn .
the BCL, clashes
with Braintree,"
the" B,W State
JCircuit champs;'
Cd~Ch Joe 'Lew~ :.', is' DtiI'feenine"bested 'southpaw Art"Kostka 2:"1" in""a 1Ol.iiinin!'·' aff,dr'"to 'graD' 'the Bristl>l County';
Ta:~nH~J~~~h~;~~~ ~~!g~o:
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""U nlqu . ", e, ·T'.,e,ntu r e'....
:~~~:~~i:~;~;;~,t~~M~!l.~a,i:hu:-;, Ye~~o~ t ., 'C:o.~,;,~ ni ti~.~i:. :ft,~.. :t~~:::' f~~~::h:'~~iO;:;:~aC:
mex- cpposes second-Pllilce Whit-. Jm!m-;Hj:UlSOD,. iJ:l, ~~opening l?OJmd. ~ay while 014 .Rochell-, ~&: .ID at b~me, to .dasb with. lPIymmoUltb,. \ ' .' ,Colil~h Pete ·Bartek led, Norton lllIigh ~ the Tri-Valley loop title lilt '-ll!lw first season at" the helm. Will rcllWlb, IlUccessfully defending t~ erown, will play Hudson High at Framingham. Norton alone will Irepresent its league in Class E. Stoughton and Franklin 11ft the Hockomock representatives in ·the State championship base ball play. Oliver Ames of North Easton and Mansfield High com pete in the Hockomock circuit. Knute Anderson and Greg Ouellette, his Warebam team-· mate, were stand-outs in tbe qualifying tests for the State track and field competition last Monday in the outdoor competi tion at White Stadium in Boston. Wareham was an easy victor in tne Class E bracket while Falmouth ruled the roost in Class D. Sole Double Willner Anderson's 168-foot, four ineb heave was the best all-class dis cuss toss in the 32-year history of the State competition. The 6-1 Wareham SeniOJ:: al86 placed third . in the 120-yard bigh burdles. Ouellette,who is, headed for Brown next F'all, was the only double winne!' in the Class E division as he captured the lOG yard dash and the broad jump in addition to running the open ing leg of Wareham's victorious ~lay effort which was only two tenths off the meet record. Falmouth's' Class D victory dfort was highlighted by Ken· Luckraft's 6-2Jh ,high jump per fQrmance, Pat Bishop carried a-,.vay the javelin blue ribbon for the Cape Cod entry while lj,on McLane shared. first place wints in th~ pole' vault as Coach Jim Kalperis' boys put on one of the best team' showings iJn all classes of the. State cham pionships. Falmouth .has. won . five straigll~.. ~rack ,~tles, in: as Jrlany years to make it one of the Q~st known' and most highly' re- '
,L. . i ... ,_,~ ~t.:l· .,,: ,;w.l:l,lle ,:~J1e,~lgg.cr,r ~~~I:s, ~~ baWin!lr, 8;J~ ~ n 8,,,, ,tbep1se,~y;~, Tpe .BCL .star~r:fo,rm~rs ,~l1. . ,ft·' Na.rry ,league co.-,cba,~p~o~1l C~~!.. be' pattici'patih~f'in" tile" state· o~., $\\'~~a. an9Q1d ,~ocl1~~~'-:,< . (NC) <il>~ ~!ltapo~~tt will,,~. p"t~,:. and Fal~outh but in different asm IS nsmg In thIS wlWlen,~ Cla~ l;'.. f1ag. The for;-,. ·,1
.' ,. e asses, . .
Saturday at Boston
~oye will run i.p. Class C while Donnelly and Dick Fletch e~, of .Fairhave~ wil;l ,clash in the Class mite: BIll Tweedy of: Coyle an~ Dave !h0~llill.of. Aftleb?ro WI~;-!,un In the .q~ar ter ~le"while. ~ardt "'I~l be thro~u~~. ~ sh()t" put, . Dave, fi~ure~, It, ~ill take. a60-foot heave to,.~o.p .the St.ate honorl!,a mark WbICh is.only one and three-quarter in~)ies better than bi,s top..heave th\s year, . The baseball tourn~ent play. ~d ~e tra~k ar.'d field cham ~lonshlPswlll wmd up anot~er finethyearI of bestthin d' athletICS SI b the'thO ..?r e c u s WI m e lOcesan lines fr0!D Mapsfiel? to. Prov inceto'Yn, The boys ~ thiS area offered thrills as plentiful as any of the scholastic competition in the State.
Society to Meet Tuesday Night Fall River Particular Council. Society of St. Vincent de Paul, will hoid its monthly meeting at tl Tuesday .night m Joh1lll Fisher Hall, ,South Street, Som erset. The meeting will follow Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacr:ament at 7:45 in'. St. Pat rick's. Church, South Street. President Edouard W. Lacroix has informed members that Rt. Rev. Msgr. John ,G. Nolan, na- . tional secretary of the Catholic: Near East Welfare Association, will be guest at an informal '4inner at 6 Wednesday night in· the QUE:quechan Club. Msgr, Nolan was a speaker at ,the recent Regional Conference flld! Vincentians in Albany.
.' IS .•In Ed •. ·c omp·1 ex . "'lI"rlva,te, S·c h00 .. ucahon· S~AN.T?N ~'Enth~~i-': ~~hi~v~~e~\i"~fm'~~~''tha~ 'three'
rural V~r mont town for a pace-settmg venture in American education: a combined elementary and high ~bC?OI comple~ which wi.H make aV~l1lable quality education and religi~us tr~ining for. all chil dren .m ~he area, regardless of their religious denominati()n.·' ,FQr the first time.in thisco\ln-, try, .,sev:eral communities have. agreed, tq phase out th~r sepa ra41 eclucatio,nal facilities and to unite their public and private bigh scho,?ls into an entirely; new ,and unified educational complex . . . The project has been endorsed, by Bishop Robert F. Joyce 01. Burlington, Protestant and Jew ish leaders colleges and .....~lver " ~ sities of this state and neighbor tng Canada, and by almost an the. educational and civic leadero of Vermont "Th' • t tt f the IS may se a .pa ~rn or whole country both for good ed
::::n a;~b~~r ~~nt p~~~~
llehools," Bishop Joyce said here.
, Record Straight SAN' JUAN (NC) - For the benefit of the House of Repre sentatives here, the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture has set the record straight on· the birthplace of St. nose of Lima. The insti-. tute said St. Rose was born April 30, 1586, in Lima, Peru, DOt in Puerto Rico.
W:axti Qf
'f. ,
Srn 04..
,,~hristian Unity , '.: .The Diocesan Commission foi' Christian Unity will meet at ;; Tuesday' afternoon, june 7 at' Our Lady's Haven, 71 Center' Street, Fairhaven. Presiding 'Mill" be ·Msgr. Henri 'A, Hamel,eom-'· mission chairman. " "'.
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In aq~Wopto.hjs. pastorfl~,<;', Fath~r, Kiernan is a member of the' 'ArchCiiocesan . Board of' CoD sUltbiS;"Metropc>lltan Athnit.;';; School chaplain of tJit~' Metropolitan Atlanta.Serra Cluk and committee chairman for tht!'
SHELL IIPremium" Heating .\ 24-Hour Oil Burner Service
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Shoe Store
offICIals, notably Father John R.' Labrake" principal '8f St, Anne's high school here. It will replace five area high flChoolS which do not meet min imulD ,Vermont. state edllcational standards, It :will also raise the ed~ca~ional, cultural, econo~ic, physical, imd spiritual levels of at least two Vermont counties in an ,~~. that can best. be de':' sci'i~ thoroughly deprive9, A, specialdi.agnostic center will be set up within the frame-, 'Work of the school' to provide' g UI'd'ance servIces . to th e young sters. A family life clinic will also be part of the educational' complex. SpecI'al and e I ecti ve courses m . religion will be conducted in a separate annex. All religious denominations will have com ""lete ac e t 'ts f 'lit' '" c ss 0 I a.cI les.
Deprived Area
Shoes That Fit
ye~r~ of planmng by area school
When the dream becomes re mlHy, hopefully in September of next year, it will mark the
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