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."",,;;;lI"'~"'F'At1:"RlVER DIOCESAN NEWSP ~1t§gJLTJt

VOL. 49, NO. 22 • Friday, June 3, 2005


Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year

Corporate Appeal donations encouraged

BISHOP GEORGE W. Coleman, center, carries a monstrance during a CorplJs_Christi pro~ession at Corpus Christi Parish in East Sandwich last weekend. (Bruce McDaniel photo)

Corpus Christi Parish celebrates its feast day By




EAST SANDWICH - Corpus Christi Parish welcomed all of the Cape Cod community as it marked the annual observance of its feast day, the solemnity ofCorpus Christi, the Body and Blood of Christ. "Our traditional celebration includes Mass and a procession and a parish supper or picnic, and we're praying the weather will

cooperate," Father Marcel H. Bouchard, pastor, told The Anchor a few days prior to the events. The parish planned its celebration for the 4 p.m. vigil Mass on Saturday, May 28, with Bishop George W. Coleman as principal celebrant. A procession to the Memorial Chapel on the grounds followed the Mass, where Benediction was held. A picnic followed, provided by

the parish. While everyone was invited to attend the events, a special invitation was extended to the Brazilian Catholic Community of Southeastern Massachusetts. "We held our celebrations on the vigil of the feast because on the Sunday a Mass celebrated by Bishop Coleman and a procession were scheduled for 12:30 a.m., at St. Mary's Cathedral in Fall

FALL RIVER - "Even though the Catholic Charities Appeal is primarily a parish-based endeavor, the impact that friends in the business, industrial, and professional sectors have had has always been quite remarkable, and an integral part ofour base ofsupport," said Michael J. Donly, director of Development for the Diocese of Fall River. "Some social clubs and organizations, as well, often include charitable outreach within their goals, and we certainly encourage them to consider our endeavor." Donly noted that the corporate donations can be directed to diocesan headquarters or to one of the area directors in each of the five deaneries within the diocese. Serving Cape Cod and the Islands as area directors of the Ap.peal are Msgr. John J. Smith at St. Pius X Parish in South Yarmouth and Father Thomas L. Rita of Holy Trinity parish in West Harwich. . On the northern tier of the diocese, in the Attleboro deanery, Father George L. Bellenoit, pas. tor of St. Mary's Parish in Mansfield orchestrates the "Business and Community" program. In the Taunton deanery, Father Timothy P. Reis, pastor of St.

River," Father Bouchard noted. "Because many in the Brazilian community work in the service industries, we might not expect as many as usual to be with' us on a Saturday afternoon, but we expect at least 60 people from among them to attend," he added. A relic of Mother Paulina, the first Br~zilian saint, widely re- Joseph's Parish, serves as area ferred to as the Mother Teresa of director. Msgr. Stephen J. Avila, Turn to page J3'- Feast

Turn to page JJ - Appeal

Bishop approves retirement of four pastors FALL RIVER - Bishop George W. Coleman has accepted the requests of four pastors for retirement effective June 29, it was announced today. They are, Msgr. Edmond R. Levesque, pastor of St. Anthony of Padua Parish in New Bedford; Father Bento R. Fraga, pastor of St. Paul's Parish in Taunton; Father Peter N. Graziano, pastor of St. Mark's Parish in Attleboro Falls; and Father Francis L. Mahoney, pastor of Holy Name Parish in Fall River. Msgr. Levesque, 76, pastor at St. Anthony of Padua Parish in New Bedford since 1990, is celebrating his 50th anniversary as a priest. Father Bento R. Fraga Born in Fall River, the

Mary's'Cathedral here by Bi~l:IOP James L. Connolly. He served as a parochial viCar at St. George's Parish in Westport until assigned to Our Lady of Grace, also in 'Westport, in 1973. He was appointed pastor of St. Theresa's in South Attleboro in 1982. . When, in 1990, at age 67, he was named pastor of St. Anthony's, he began a major and successful restoration of the old church and school in time for the parish's 100th anniversary in 1995, doing much of the washing and pain~ing and furniture refinishing himself. In 1999 he was named a Prelate of Honor by Pope John Msgr. Edmund R. Levesque Father Francis L. Mahoney Turn to page J3 - Retire

jubilarian graduated from Notre Dame Grammar School and Msgr. Prevost High School. He studied at Assumption College in Worcester, before entering St. John's Seminary in Brighton to pursue his vocation to the priesthood. He was ordained a priest on Feb. 2, 1955 in St.

Father Peter N. Graziano

the ancholS)

Friday, June 3, 2005

Truth will not relent BvDANAVlLA

JEANNE WALTROUS was recently named the new coordinator for the cardiovascular program at Saint Anne's Hospital, Fall River. She has worked at the hospital for the past year and was previously employed at Quincy Medical Center and Norwood Hospital.

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St. Anne's


"Good St. Anne, Mother of Mary, and Grandmother of Jesus, Intercede for me and my. petitions. Amen."

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A few months ago, my wife Elaine and I got into one of those conversations with our daughter Miriam, the type that only a 12-yearold can start. She aSked "How can you say that our religion is the only true one?" We had not been talking about this topic at all when the question came up without warning. Probably the question wasjust the flower ofa very long, hidden vine of reflection that happened to SPfQut on a day when we were sitting around chatting about nothing serious in particular. Maybe our daughter was becoming more aware ofreligious dif~ ferences among her friends. We live on a street in Everett that should probably be called United Nations Way. There are families and kids from all over the world in our neighbomood and from all parts ofthe religious map, from Catholic to Protestant to Muslim to "all that stuff is not for me, thank you." I am sad to report that in the ensuing discussion nothing brilliant coming from my mouth can be recalled. The reason for mentioning this at all is that the conversation prompted me to start looking around for intelligent' discussions of the question raised by my daughter. Within days, I saw a reference to a book called ''Truth and Tolerance: Christian Belief and World Religions" by none other than Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger. I had been work- . ing my way slowly through the book before Pope John Paul II died and .Cardinal Ratzinger was selected as his successor, Pope Benedict XVI. One ofthe many insights gleaned from the book is this: the Catholic faith cannot be understood without reference to a commitment to what is true. Our faith is not reducible to feeling. It is a holistic response of the heart, soul, and mind - to a

Daily Readings June 6 June 7

June 8 June 9 June 10 June 11



~ it eMWrfor tIiou you (qw

June 12

2 Cor 1:1-7; Ps 34:2-9; Mt 5:1-12 2 Cor 1:18-22; Ps 119:129133,135; Mt 5:1316 2 Cor 3:4-11; Ps 99:5-9; Mt 5:1719 2 Cor 3: 15-4: 1,36; Ps 85:9ab-14; Mt 5:20-26 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 116:10-11,15-18; Mt 5:27-32 Acts 11:21b26;13:1-3; Ps 98: 1-6; Mt 5:3337 Ex 19:2-6a; Ps 100: 1-3,5; Rom 5:6-11; Mt-9:3610:8


THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-Q20) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for two weeks in July and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTi::RS send address changes to The . Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.

divine and mysterious but nonethe- can be heard in the debate over the less intelligible reality. Thus our faith . destruction of human embryos for cannot' be separated from n~ason, research purposes. Recently, freewhich is our way ofcoming to grips lance writer Christie Starr submitted with realities beyond our selves. Our an op ed to the Sudbury Town Crier, faith cannot paddle in the waters of within which she recounted a con''whateverfloats your boat." Catholi- versation she had with a researcher cism presupposes that not all rivers who plans to experiment on emreach safe harbors but some instead bryos. . Starr asked the researcher: "It may end in waterfalls. . It was the appeal to the mind, soul doesn't matter that you're destroyand heart, the "synthesis of reason, ing human embryos to save the lives faith and life," according to Cardi- ofolder; stronger human beings?" nal Ratzinger, that in the beginning "I'm not an ethicist or philoso.attracted converts and contributed to pher," the researcher said. "I'm fothe evangelistic "power ofChristian- cused on finding a cure." S4UT noted ity," making it into "a world reli- that the researcher "did allow hergion". . self one reflection. She likened the Ratzinger asked a searching ques- destroying ofhuman embryos to intion: "Why is this synthesis no longer nocent civilians who die in a war: convincing today?" Why has the their death, collateral damage." world, mainly the developed counMany in Massachusetts, includtries of Westem Europe and North ing people offaith, have pronounced America, ceased to be captivated by themselves to be "comfortable" with Catholicism's claim to universal the legislative endorsement of this truth? Why in general is faith being "collateral damage" to human emsent to the sidewalk, kicked from the bryos. This reflects the cultural cripremises where public issues are dis- sis remarked upon by CardinalRatzcussed, banished like a.smoker per inger. order of the newest non-smoking In the Catholic rite of Christian ordinance? . burial, just before the coffin is carCardinal Ratzinger pointed to an ried out of the church after the fuover-arching skepticism that domi- neral, a prayer is spoken or sung, nates our culture. Skeptics contend anticipating the joy that those who that no one religion has the capacity enter heaven will experience. They to see the whole picture and that will be greeted not only by the anwhen science takes a look at the gels, but also by the martyrs. Marwhole picture, it supposes only that tyrs are those who refused to abannature operates by evolutionary hap- don their duty to abide by what is penstance, not by the hand of some good and true and it cost them. If divine and loving intelligence. meeting them after our death is to One of the consequences of this be ajoy, and not the occasion for selfskepticism, Ratzinger wrote, is the reproach, then striving for what is ascent of a renewed "evolutionary . "comfortable" will not do. None of ethic," one "that inevitably takes as us will be exempt. its key concept the model of selecFaith must deal with truth, tivity, that is, the struggle for survival, whether in this world or in the next, the victory of the fittest, successful because truth will not relent. adaptation." This new ethic, accordDanielAvila is the associate diing to Ratzinger, "has little comfort rectorfor Policy & Research ofthe to offer." . Massachusetts Catholic ConferThe dissonant strains ofthis ethic ence

In Your Prayers Please pray for· the following priests during the coming weeks June 6 1993, Rev. Cornelius 1. Keliher, Retired Pastor, St. Mary, North Attleboro . . rJune8 . 1961, Rev. John S. Czerwo~a, Assistant, St. Stanislaus, Fall River


. J~~e~ 1945, Rev. Timothy 1. Calnen, Pastor;St. Joseph, Woods Hole 1966, Rev. Joseph S.-bame,-Pa"stbr, Sacred Heart, North Attleboro

~ Jun~\

1915, Rev. William H. Curley, Pa~t6r, SS:Peter & Paul, Fall River B,~io;~' Rev. a,o'ge A. M'ad', Ch.~~\;n, 51. Mary's Home, New June 11 \ \ . 1973, Rev. Msgr. Augusto L. Furtado, Retired Pastor, St. John of God, Somerset . . ~ . 1986, Rev. Richard 1. Wolf, S.1., Bishop Connolly High School; Fall River June 12 1966, Rev. Thomas H. Taylor, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Taunton

the ancho,(S)

Friday, June 3, 2005

House rejects Catholic leaders, Bush on embryonic stem-cell research

Diocese of Fall River

"In the complex debate over WASHINGTON (CNS) - Re- ately after live births had already jecting the advice ofCatholic lead- shown results in treating more than embryonic stem-cell research, we must remember that real human ers and the threat ofa veto by Presi- 60 diseases. "What is preventing far broader lives are involved - both the lives dent George W. Bush, the House approved legislation to lift the use of umbilical cord blood is not of those with diseases that might president's restrictions on federal an ethical concern, or any lack of find cures from this research, and funding of stem-cell research in- evidence of clinical benefits, but the lives of the embryos that will volving the destruction of human simply a lack of funding and ac- be destroyed in the process," Bush cess," Cardinal Keeler added. "By said. "The children here today are embryos. But immediately after its 238- helping to establish a nationwide reminders that every human life is 194 vote last week in favor of the public cord blood bank, this legis- a precious gift ofmatchless value." Carl A. Anderson, supreme Stem-Cell Research Enhancement lation will begin saving more lives knight of the Knights of ColumAct, the House gave nearly unani- almost immediately.'.' Bush has vowed to veto the. bus, praised Bush for his promised mous approval to a bill promoting increased stem-cell research using Stem-Cell Research Enhancement veto, calling it "a bold and politiumbilical cord blood, an area that Act, which he said crosses "a criti- cally difficult stance in favor of Cardinal William H. Keeler of cal ethical line by creating new human life." Sponsored by Reps. Mike Baltimore called "indisputably ac- incentives for the ongoing destrucceptable on moral grounds and re- tion of emerging human life." It Castle, R-Del., and Diana markably promising in terms of would be his first veto in more than DeGette, D-Colo., the embryonic stem-cell legislation would allow, five years in office. clinical benefits." While the House debate was with the parents' consent, federThe cardinal, chairman of the U.S. bishops' Committee on Pro- going on, the president appeared ally funded research on embryos Life Activities, said in a letter to in the East Room of the White created for but not used in an inHouse members before the votes House with 21 families who had vitro fertilization procedure. The that, unlike the "false expecta- either adopted or given up for Bush policy bars such funding for tions" raised by embryonic stem- adoption frozen embryos that had research involving embryonic cell research, studies using umbili- been leftover after the in-vitro fer- stem cells derived after August 2001. cal cord blood retrieved immedi- tilization process.

OFFICIAL His Excellency, the Most Reverend George W. Coleman, Bishop of Fall Riv~r, has accepted the request to retire of: Reverend Monsignor Edmond R. Levesque, Pastor of St. Anthony of Padua Parish in New Bedford. Reverend Bento R. Fraga, Pastor of St. Paul Parish in Taunton. Reverend Peter N. Graziano, Pastor of St. Mark Parish in Attleboro Falls. Reverend Francis L. Mahoney, Pastor of Holy Name Parish in FaIl River. Effective June 29, 2005

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HOLY HOUR Eucharistic Holy Hour and devotions to Our Lady of La Salette and Divine Mercy Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m. in Church

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June 9 7: 15 p.m. Chapel of Reconciliation


RECONCILIATION SERIES Friday, June 10 "Reconciliation in Today's World" 7: 15 p.m. in the Chapel of Reconciliation Fr. Emery Desrochers, M.S. La Salette Missionary Hartford, CT

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Friday, June 3, 2005

the living word

Immigration issues Seemingly, our Congress is in deadlock. The political infighting has brought our legislators to a blind wall. So polarized are the political parties that the true cares and concerns ofthe·nation are sidetracked and often ignored. This self-inflicted grinding halt has led .the country into a real stalemate. As a result, some of the pressing issues of our times have gone unaddressed. Such is the case dealing with the tremendous concerns of immigrants and immigration. Since 9/11 we really see how vulnerable are our national boundaries. As a country, we indeed are in harm's way. The national security reaction' to the horrors of that day have been confused and fragmented. The current administration embarked on a strategy oflargescale arrests ofnon-citizens, registration programs that targeted temporary visitors from certain countries, and dozens ofother immigration restrictions. In a recent address, Donald Kerwin, executive director of the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, spoke out on this particular immigration issues. He reflected that the government has offered different theories of "national security" to justify all of its immigration control strategies. For example, the lack of control over the vigilante groups self-protecting our southern borders is nothing more than people taking the law into their own hands. This violation of our legal system is in itself a national security threat. The United States needs to collect better intelligence on terrorists and share that information among its various agencies. Solid intelligence should be accessible to officials making adrnis,sion decisions. No one would disagree that we need greater visa controls and security checks on those seeking to enter this country. However, we must also admit that we need immigrants as part of ow: national labor force. Our economic system depends on immigration. Without this work force the country would find itself paralyzed. What we should be encouraging is honest and true immigration reform. It is estimated that there are more than 10 million undocumented aliens in this country and hundreds of thousands entering each year. The current immigration policies force these people into fearful exploitation. This unknown reality is an underground world where people are viewed as subhuman. It is imperative that we help these people surface into the light and freedoms that this nation has offered to people seeking a new and better life. It must be done legally and fairly, especially in the light of the tensions of the times. It is important for all of us to remember that each and every human being enjoys like human rights; these rights are those that people possess not by nature of any particular role or status in society, but by nature of their humanity. Blessed Pope John XXIII in "Pacem In Terris" reminds us that every person has rights and obligations flowing directly and simultaneously from his Of her very nature. And "these rights and obligations are universal and invaluable so they cannot in any way be surrendered." Our late Holy Father Pope John Paul II urged us "to be a vigilant advocate, defending against any unjust restriction of the natural rights of individual persons to move fully within their own borders, and from one nation to another." It is clear that sovereign states may impose reasonable limits on immigration. However, the common good is not served when basic human rights of the individual are violated. Natural rights are inviolable, absolute and unalienable. If our Congress ever gets back to work and takes up immigration reform, which it must do, let's hope it upholds these principles.

The Executive Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FAll RIVER Published weekly by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Fall River, MA 02720 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX 508-675-7048 E-mail: TheAnchor@Anchornews.org Send address changes to P.O. Box, call or use E-mail address

EXECUTIVE EDITOR Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore EDITOR David B. Jollvet

NEWS EDITOR OFFICE MANAGER James N. Dunbar Mary Chase _.,


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Our eucharistic heart'transplant Because of the Incamation, refer to a person's moral characevery part of Jesus, body is ter, the sacred writers routinely ·sacred. describe that person's heart, We have never celebrated the because there the person finds feast of the Lord's sacred brain, ,his unity and interior orientation. however, even though through it The heart is the symbol and the Word-made-tlesh taught us synthesis of the person. Therethe way to salvation. fore to adore Jesus' sacred heart We have likewise never feted is to worship him in his totality. the Lord's sacred hands, full of But the heart is also the most calluses from the carpenter shop in Nazareth and yet so gentle in reaching out to touch and heal sinners, cure the sick and even raise the dead. By Father Roger Nor have we given J. Landry public adoration to Jesus' sacred throat, sacred lips, sacred feet, sacred eyes or any other part of striking symbol oflove. To focus his sacred !;lody, even though on Jesus' sacred heart is to focus each and every part of Jesus' on Jesus as love incamate. Jesus body is worthy of adoration. said as much when he appeared The only part of Jesus' holy to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque in corpus that the Church has 1675: "Behold the heart which adored over time has been Jesus' has so much loved men that it sacred heart. has spared nothing, even exThis is something that makes hausting and consuming itself in the Solemnity.ofthe Most Sacred testimony of its love." Heart of Jesus, which the Church But the heart which St. universal marks today, particuMargaret Mary beheld was larly special. surrounded by a crown of thorns. Why Jesus' heart - and only It was wounded. Thus the image his heart? The answer is both , of the sacred heart is not only a simple and profound. symbol of the love that made In the Bible, the "heart" refers those sufferings bearable, but to the "center" of the person, also of the sins that cause that where reason, will, temperament heart to be pierced by a lance on and tenderness converge. To Good Friday.

Putting Into

the Deep·







. ~ ~

Those sins continue. Jesus told St. Margaret Mary that the reason he asked her to spread throughout the world devotion to his heart was because so many ignore that love or treat it with scorn. He made a particular reference to the way people treat him in the sacrament of the Eucharist. "Instead of gratitude," he told her, "I receive from most only indifference, by irreverence and sacrilege and the coldness and scorn that men have for me in the sacrament oflove." Jesus asked St. Margaret Mary to begin the reparation, inviting , her to take St. John's place during the celebration of the Mass, to rest her head on his heart and, not only sense his love, but share in it. She felt the Lord take her heart, put it within his own, and return it buming with divine love into her breast. Jesus wants, in essence, . through the Mass to give us the same type of transplant. He wants us to rest our heart on his as he celebrates in the upper room and to receive from him his own heart so that we might love God and others as he loves us. Through the prophet Ezekiel, God .had prophesied, "A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; I will Turn to page 13 - Heart

the anQ~df:S)

Friday, June 3, 2005



A fight to the fini_sh They were as refreshing as a track and his knees and ankles cool breeze on a hot, sunny day, scrapping the ground, this fineback in the days when it got hot tuned machine pulled himself and sunny around here. out of danger, not only regainThe sporting world was ing his balance and composure, blessed with two magnificent but maintaining, and building athletic performances within the upon his momentum. Alex past three weeks - and the soared to a spectacular victory. performers were not rich, spoiled, drugenhanced, coddled millionaires. One was a two-yearold colt named Afleet Alex, and the other was a 23-year-old woman By Dave Jolivet named Danica Patrick. Several weeks ago, Afleet Alex won Afleet Alex's death-defying horseracing's second leg of the Triple Crown, when, as the performance is one of the most remarkable athletic feats I've favorite, he nosed out a win at the Preakness. But it wasn't that ever seen. he won, it was how he pulled it Last Sunday, the 100-pound Danica Patrick strapped herself off that was so incredible. behind the wheel of an Indy car On the final tum, heading and nearly won the prestigious toward the home stretch, Alex Indianapolis 500, all the while was bumped, driving him and roaring into the record books by his jockey nearly to the dirt. placing fourth, and having led With his nose nearly on the

My View

From the Stands

the race for 19 laps - both records for a woman at the 89year-old event. Had it not been for a dangerously low fuel tank, Danica could have become the first women to ever win the race. All this in her rookie year. Danica Patrick captured the heart of the nation on Memorial Day weekend. I know I wouldn't have watched the race ifnot for her. Afleet Alex and Danica Patrick weren't motivated by money. Instead they were driven by the forces that have inspired athletes since sports competition began. They saw the finish line and did everything in their power to make it there. Alex and Patrick were both born to race and for them, nothing is sweeter than crossing that line - whether it be first place or fourth.

Comments are welcome at dave;olivet@anchornews.org. Teresa of Jesus and John of the Cross. They meet at St. John .the Evangelist Church, 841 Shore Road. For more information call Rachel Cote at 508-540-9767.

ATTLEBORO - The National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette will present a series on reconciliation beginning June 10 at 7: 15 p.m. Themed "Reconciliation in Today's World," it will be conducted by La Salette Father Emery Desrochers. For more information call 508-222-5410.

Cathedral will host First Saturday Devotions following the 9 a.m. celebration of Mass tomorrow. It will close with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at noon. For more information call 508-6732833.

FALL RIVER - The Fall RiverArea Men's First Friday Club will meet tonight for a 6 p.m. celebration of Mass at St. Anthony of the Desert Church, 300 North Eastern Avenue. A meal and guest speaker will follow. For more information call Normand Valiquette at 508-672-8174.

NORTH EASTON - Bishop George W. Coleman will celebrate Mass tonight at 5:30 p.m. at St. Joseph's Chapel, 500 Washington Street to commemorate the 13th anniversary of the death of Father Patrick Peyton, CSC, founder of Holy Cross Ministries. Rosary will be prayed at 4:30 p.m. at his gravesite. For more information call 508-238-4095.

FALLRIVER- The Immigration Law, Education and Advocacy Project and Catholic Social Services will sponsor the conference "Immigration Today," June 15 from 9 a.m. to I p.m. at the Catholic Social Services Building, 1600 Bay Street. Topics include border issues, immigration legislation and naturalization. For more infonnation call 508674-4681.

NORTH EASTON -A vacation Bible school for adults, taught by Holy Cross Father Joe Esparza, will be held beginning June 8 through July 14 at Holy Cross Family Ministries, 518 Washington Street. Classes will be offered on Wednesdays from 10:30 a.m. to noon and Thursdays from 7-8:30 p.m. To register call 508-238-4095 ext. 2013.

FALL RIVER - Catholic Social Services seeks volunteers to help drive residential clients to medical and counseling appointments. For more information call Sheila Sullivan at 508-674-4681.

ORLEANS - A Separated-Divorced Catholic Support Group will meet for the celebration ofMass and its annual dinner June 12 at 5:30 p.m. at St. Joan ofArc Church. The meal will be held in the parish center. For more information call Father Richard Roy at 508-255-0170.

FALL RIVER - A holy hour is held every Tuesday from 7-8 p.m. at Holy Name Church, 709 Hanover Street. It includes rosary and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. A prayer meeting follows. FALL RIVER -

St. Mary's

POCASSET - The Discalced Carmelite Secular Orderis welcoming inquires from single and married lay men and women who are devoted to the search for union with God, following the teachings ofSS.

SEEKONK Marcelino D'Ambrosio, a well-known CatjlOlic evangelist and author, will give an address entitled "Peter, the Pope and Infallibility," tonight at 7 p.m. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. He will also address the topic of"Spirituality," to the parish men's group tomorrow following the 8 a.m. celebration of Mass. YARMOUTH PORT-Father Roger Landry will lead a morning , ofrecollection, "Putting Out into the Deep," June 11 at the Sacred Heart Chapel, beginning with the sacrament of reconciliation at 8:30 a.m. Mass will be celebrated at 9 a.m. and the day will include two conferences on prayer and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

REGISTERED NURSE Lori Gehan was recently named Employee of the Quarter of Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven. Gehan has served as the clinical nurse manager of the home for the past two years and received a framed certificate, cash award and reserved parking space for her recognition.





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the ancho~

Friday, June 3, 2005

What are 'socially responsible 'investments'? development funds and similar Q. A missionary priest who countries, providing affordable groups, its present portfolio value visited our parish a few weeks medicines and health care where is about $110 billion. Their ago told us it is important in these are not available, and Website is www.iccr.org. our global economy to choose , similar efforts. Another development bank is carefully investments we make Before going further, let me Oikocredit (www.oikocredit.org), as individuals or as parishes. note that some serious research established 30 years ago by the Some investments, he said, can and study will be essential for World Council of Churches, but really help the now broadly ecumenical. Its poor around the focus on "micro-credit" lending world; others POPE BENEDICT XVI watches the movie "Karol: The Man groups around the world and its only add to the Who Became Pope" recently during a special screening at problems. work to help impoverished the Vatican. The Italian made-for-television movie is based women become more selfHe gave no on Karol Wojtyla's life in Nazi-occupied and then commu- specific exsustaining are two factors that nist-ruled Poland. (eNS photo from Reuters) have helped gain wide particiamples, however. By Father pation. How can we, or John J. Dietzen The Society ofCatholic our diocese and Medical Missionaries (Medical other institutions, learn where our anyone desiring to choose good ,/ Mission Sisters) is among many major Catholic participants in money will do the most good or investments that reflect these at least will not do more harm? Christian and human values. All I Oikocredit, as are other religious orders and Catholic bishops in (Maryland) can do is point to a few direcBy MICHELLE MARTIN terials, from waste dumps to agriA. Since the last time I North America, Europe and Africa. tions for information that might CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE cultural chemicals. received such a question several Most of these Websites will aid your search. ROSEMONT, Ill. -Members "All ofour problems and issues years ago, the sources for the lead you to others, especially if ,One that has proven helpful is of24 Dominican women's congre- are contained within the greater facts you desire have multiplied' you reach them through a Google Pax World Mutual Funds gations displayed a spirit of unity household of the earth, and they many times. So you're not alone (www.paxworld.com). Established search. with one another and with the affect all the members of the in your prudent care. A free brochure answerihg in the aftermath of the Vietnam world when they gathered in the household," she added. Increasing numbers of questions Catholics ask about War, Pax World has several Chicago suburb of Rosemont for Members of the household in- Catholic and other religious "socially responsible" funds, with , Mary, the mother ofJesus, is the second national convocation of clude the oceans and mountains, denominations are drifting to available by sending a stamped, low initial investments. . the Federation of Doininican Sis- the plants and trees, the animals funds that address their concerns self-addressed envelope to For several decades the ters USA. and the atmosphere, as well as the about working with low-income Father John Dietzen, Box 5515, Interfaith Center on Corporate Under the theme "One Planet, people, Sister Zayac said. And the regions of the world, avoiding , Peoria, IL 61612. Responsibility has taken a One People, One Preaching," the people who once seemed far away, war-related industries and Questions may be sent to leading role in value-conscious meeting offered Sisters and asso- now appear as neighbors, she products exploiting child labor, investing. An association of more Father Dietzen at the same ciates opportunities to share in lit- added. address, or E-mail: supporting small business than 275 religious institutions, urgy, contemplation and learning, "The old cliche is that the earth initiatives in impoverished ijdietzen@aoLcom. major denominations, economic with topics ranging from Pope is getting smaller, and that really John Paul II's "theology of the is true," she said. "We know pepple body" and what it means to care intimately and personally from all for God's creation to the ways over the world. It used to be that' Dominicans exercise their charism people were born, grew up and I was happy in mid-April to pick up a new Not long ago I was on a radio program discussing of preaching around the globe. lived and died in the same town." book by Joan Wester Anderson, a good friend I "One Day He Beckoned" (Ave Maria Press), my book Sister Sharon Zayac, a Springabout how Jesus has shaped my life. A man called in Now, with women Dominicans long have called "the angel lady." She titled this field, IlL, Dominican, helped set working' for justice in places all one "In the Arms ofAngels, True Stories of and challenged me, saying I should be talking about the theme as the convocation over the world, people there have Heavenly Guardians" (Loyola Press). It was how the "warrior Jesus'! was coming back to earth to started. become Sisters and Brothers, she comforting to read more stories of amazing events destroy those who do not follow him. Sister Zayac, who also offered said. that certainly appear to have unearthly origins. I said I believed in the "loving Jesus." a workshop on "The Household of For me, reading stories of how God never Sister Luma Khuder, a DominiHe countered, "Don't you believe in Revelation the Earth: The Context for Justice," can from Iraq, offered a prayer for .abandons us was timely. It seemed that media this and the second coming of Christ?" and Sister Diana Culbertson shared peace. In her lifetime, she said,:Iiaq spring - from daily newspapers to TV stories to Yet another religious development - "roadside a video in which tiny primates, all has been embroiled in three wars: magazines that rarely religious attractions" living on a turtle's back, use up the first with Iran, then the Gulf have run religion - was reported by everything they need to live be- . War ofl99 I and the current U~S.足 reports, like Business Professor Timothy K. cause each seeks to have more than led conflict. Week - constantly Beal in the April 15 his or her neighbor. In the end, the "We have no' idea what peace were covenng some issue of The Chronicle turtle dives under the water and means in my country, unless aspect of religious ojHigher Education. washes them all away. people around us show us peace news. Even Broadway This is a relatively new The impulse not only to imitate, in their hearts," she said. ";We shows and art mus,esign of "revelation" By Antoinette Bosco but tq try to outdo one's neighbor know how to live in peace in our urns were'zeroing in fervor. He cited the 'is hard-wired into people, Sister hearts and we try to pass that peace on religious themes. "Cross Garden" in Culbertson told the assembly. on to others in our world." . Some of the Alabama, "II acres of The only answer is to live conDominican Father Thomas C. programs were done fire-and-brimstone sciously, Sister Zayac said. McVey offered well-attended ses- well, like one on NBC delving into "The DaVinci preaching crosses and apocalyptic appliances" as "We have to begin to live our sions on what it means to preach Code." Without a doubt that book has opened one example of encountering "faith in all its lives in a conscious understanding in the tradition ofSt. Dominic. incredible speculation about what really happened awesome absurdity." of how they affect the whole It does not start at the pulpit, during the life of Jesus Christ. The sales of this No wonder I needed to read about comforting world," she said: "We have to do Father McVey said. Instead, it book, which claims that Mary Magdalene and angels! In her new book, Anderson tells a story of that group by group, person by starts with paying attention to the Jesus were married and had a child, are off the a teen-ager who read that Pope John Paul II would person. We're starting to get that lives ofthe people in the audience. chart. Soon there will be a movie, bringing more ask angels to surround a person in distress with message out to our own sisters. We "Preaching depends upon a people in to make the terrible mistake of thinking aid or love in order to help calm the person. Then don't have the right to use it up and context, upon acute listening," Fa- this material is truth, not fiction. later, this young boy, watching a televised news despoil it for our own benefit." ther McVey said. The NBC program pointed out the fraud of this story about a suicidal woman threatening to jump Working to save the earth does Before the election of Pope claim about Jesus and showed who dreamt it up. 'off a bridge, said he followed the example of the not deny the misery of humans Benedict XVI, a reporter asked the But the lie is rampant, and while I believe truth pope: "I sent angels to that woman." Within 10 who need help, Sister Zayac said. priest what he would like to see in eventually will win, I don't think it will be soon. minutes, the distraught woman relaxed and "It is not misplaced i!1 the light a new pontiff. Referring to a statue The program that followed on NBC was "Revela- walked into the welcoming arms of her family. of so much human suffering. The of"Our Lady who Listens," which tions," called "a creepy thriller" about tne war Our pope had just gone to his beloved Lord ecological crisis is a human crisis," depicts Mary with oversized ears, between good and evil. Advance publicity indicated Jesus when I read this. Again, the media were . she said, noting that poor people the better to hear the cries of her that the show would be in the realm of the "Left focused on religion, but this time with respect. and those on the margins of soci- children, Father McVey answered, Behind" novels dealing with the "end times," as Looking at the faith, the love, the teaching he ety are most affected by toxic ma- "I want a pope with big ears." supposedly written about in the Book of Revelation. lived, how could they do otherwise?

Questions and Answers

Dominicans at convocation seek peace, unity with world

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Friday, June 3, 2005

"It is our fervent hope that her canonization may soon become a reality so that all in the universal Church can benefit from the example of her totalgift of self," they wrote. The Canadian Church recently launched a jubi.1ee year to honor Blessed Kateri. . Bishop Jacques Berthelet of St. Jean-Longueuil, Quebec, declared the special year April 17, the 325th anniversary of her death. During a Mass at St. Francis Xavier Mission in the diocese's Kahnawake reserve, he told parishioners that Blessed Kateri "is a sign that God is at home in the native people." Blessed Kateri, who was 24 when she died in 1680, is buried in the Mohawk community of Kahnawake, a few miles southwest of Montreal. She was born to a Christian Algonquin mother and a Mohawk father in 1656 at A STATUE OF Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha sits next to one of Christ at St. Anne's Mission Auriesville, N.Y., then known as on the Gila River Indian Reservation in Arizona. Native American Catholics hope and pray the village of Ossernenon. Her that she will one' day be named a saint. The 17th-century Mohawk and Algonquin Indian was ~parents died of small pox when 'she was four years old; she also the first indigenous North American to be beatified. (CNS photo by Nancy Wiechec) suffered from the disease, which impaired her vision and left scars on her face. Inspired by the Jesuit missionaries, she was baptized at Easter

u.s. Catholics urged to observe

day of prayer for Blessed Kateri

WASHINGTON (CNS) The Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions in Washington has declared July 14 as a day of prayer for the canonization of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, also known as "the Lily of the Mohawks." Blessed Kateri, beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1980, was the first indigenous North American to be beatified. Her feast day is July 14. In announcing the day of

prayer, Msgr. Paul Lenz, executive director of the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions, said he was cOllcerned. that the Native American woman is not as wellknown among Catholics in the United States as she should be. That concern prompted the bureau's board to decide last November to ask all U.S. bishops and U.S. parishes to spread the story of Blessed Kateri's life and observe a day of prayer in 2005.

"For over three centuries she has been loved and honored by the native people and they have a longing to pray -to her as St. Kateri," said a letter written to all the bishops by Cardinals William H. Keeler of Baltimore, Edward M. Egan of New York and Justin Rigali of Philadelphia. The three cardinals make up the board of director's of the bureau, which is the umbrella group for the National Catholic Tekakwitha Conference.


in 1676, receiving the name Kateri. As a young woman, she was under pressure from her relatives to marry and to abandon her Christian faith, so she fled to present-day Quebec, taking refuge at St. Francis Xavier Mission, about nine miles downstream from Kahnawake. She received her first Communion in 1677 and took a vow of chastity in 1679. She developed a deep spirituality and strong devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. Soon after Blessed Kateri's death, Catholics started to claim favors and miracles had been obtained through her intercession. In 1942, Pope Pius XII approved the decision by the Congregation for Saints' Causes that her virtues were heroic and in 1943 she was declared venerable. Some medical cures attributed to her intercession have been documented, but none has been verified as the miracle needed for her canonization.

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Pope Benedict says Pope John Paul 'is watching us from on high' he was allowing the imtp.ediate VATICAN CITY (CNS) Marking the birthday ofhis prede- opening ofPope John Paul's cause cessor, Pope Benedict XVI told pil- for sainthood, lifting the usual fivegrims they can be certain that Pope year waiting period. Pope Benedict continued the seJohn Paul II "is watching us from ries of audience talks begun by on high and is with us." The pope spoke at a general au- Pope John Paul on the psalms. He dience May 18, before some explicated Psalm 113, which 25,000 visitors who braved inter- praises the Lord for his care ofthe mittent rain showers in St. Peter's world's poor and humble. The pope noted that after exSquare. "I'd like to recall that today is tolling God's name and glory in the birthday of Pope John Paul II. heaven the psalmist "turns his He would have been 85 today. And attention to our earthly horizon": we are sure that he is watching us "He raises up the lowly from the from on high and is with us," the dust; from the dunghill he lifts pope said before beginning his up the poor to seat them with princes ...." regular audience talk. The psalmist thus praises a God "On this occasion, we want to give great thanks to the Lord for who is "very different from us in the gift of this pope, and we want his greatness, but at the same time to say thank you to the pope him- very close to his creatures who sufself for all that he did and all that fer," the pope said. He looks on the he suffered," Pope Benedict said, world not with "the cold eyes of as the crowd broke into sustained an emperor" but with sympathy, he said. applause. The pope said the psalm foreHundreds of thousands of people have come to St. Peter's to shadows the Magnificat, the canvisit the tomb of.the late pontiff, ticle ofMary in St. Luke's Gospel, which he said is even more radiwho died April 2. On May 13, Pope Benedict said cal in saying of God: "He has

thrown down the rulers from their thrones but lifted up the lowly." The pope later delivered greetings in several languages, welcoming in English a group ofJapanese Buddhists. Through an aide, he extended greetings in Russian to a group of Russian Catholic pilgrims led by Moscow Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz. To Polish pilgrims he again re(FraIlCl:~'call quest :House at St. }/lItliolly'S Y'v1ollastef)/ called Pope John Paul, calling him an "unforgettable pope who is in 7(elllIe611IIf(/Beacli, :Ma illc everyone's hearts." 5 minute walk to Guest rooms have AlC, On May 19, Pope Benedict atKennebunk Beach and the TV and private bath. , tended a Vatican screening of a Village of Kennebunkport. Outdoor Salt Water Pool. three-hour TV movie on the life of Daily Mass Ask about our extended Pope John Paul. Motor Coaches Welcome stay discounts and gift At the end of the audience the certificates. pope gave individual greetings to a long line of people in wheel- _ For Reservalions call: 207-9()7-4:-\()5 Elllail: li'anelseanlllonasterY(l1 yahoo,colll Write: P.O. Box 9:-\0. Kennebunkport. Maine 04046 chairs, who were brought past him one by one. Private and Family Retreats 2005 Then he spent about 20 minutes Welcome Spring & Fall Rates $55-$75* greeting other pilgrims lined up Summer Rates $85-$154* Year Round Facilities are Available along the barricades. He blessed * All rates based on double occupancy newlywed couples, kissed babies, Call for details and include full buffet breakfast daily. heard individual petitions, accepted homemade gifts and had his It is ncver too carly to start planning your next vacation! hand kissed hundreds of times.


Friday, June 3, 2005

Granola maker uses some of her profits to support Pro-Life cause CLARKSTON, Mich. - Some who have supported Right to Lifepeople join Pro-Life marches. Oth- Lifespan and the Pro-Life philosoers may silently pray. Michaelene phy to use those services," she said. So far, just one store in Ann ArHearn uses granola. Proceeds from Sweetnola for bor has refused to carry her Pro-Life Life, a dessert granola created by granola. "But many have taken it," , Heam with rolled oats, honey, 'sun- Hearn said, adding that it was "re-' flower seeds and chocolate-covered ally a shame" the one store "sent it peanuts, are "going to Pro-Life or- back." "They said it was 'too controversial,'" she added. ganizations. "I believe it's essential that we With other flavors such as Heavenly Organic Granola and Simply have someone like Michaelene be Sunny & H0J.1ey, she decided to take gutsy enough to make a statement a direct approach and target her with her product," said Melissa Motschall, Hearn's friend. "Few of newest creation for life. "I wanted to do something spe- us are called to make a more public cial," said Hearn, who attends two stand like she has, and she reparishes in the Detroit suburban sponded to the call. Her example area of Oakland County. "I wanted inspires us to be courageous no matter what the cost, and it also a granola for life." The front label of her product, teaches us that we can use the evSweetnola for Life, reads, "We have eryday gifts God has given us to been created in order to love and to make a difference." be loved.... Life is for living. '" "This was her chance to really Blessed Mother Teresa." On, the prove it," Motschall added. back is a prayer, which she calls her "Sweetnola for Life was developed "bumper sticker for breakfast," by not only to nourish the body, but, Father Jim Rafferty, associate pas- moSt importantly, to help save souls." tor of St. Anastasia Parish in Troy. Hearn is celebrating her 20th "People read while eating, so this year in the business. Her 20 differis just a little reminder that we're ent granola products can usually be all precious in God'~ eyes and that found in specialty grocery stores. Her granola business began life is sacred," she told The Michigan Catholic, Detroit's when she was a Lamaze instructor. archdiocesan newspaper. She encouraged her students to eat Hearn first decided she wanted healthy, and then the rest sort ofjust to spread the Pro-Life message dur- fell into place. ing the 2004 election. "We wanted For the first seven years, Hearn to make something to support life, worked at a bakery until the wee so I simply thought that if we do- hours ofthe morning to produce her 'nated the sales ofthis granola to any granola. She went national with a life-supporting charity or anything show in New York in 1991, "and that upholds life, then it's something. with that came growth and lots of "We hope this granola touches new products." A five-member the hearts and minds of people team currently makes about 1,200 when they read the label," she , to 2,000 pounds ofgranola a week. added. "This time, we went all out. A highlight for Heam came in You can't compromise on life- 1995, when she received a phone that's the way it is. That was my call from a representative of the intent." now-defunct airline TWA. "The Diane Trombley, spokeswoman pope (John Paulll) was coming to of Right to Life-Lifespan, said it's the States, and on the pope's list of important to be aware ofcompanies menu food to eat, he had listed that support Pro-Life efforts. "We granola. So they asked me for encourage people to patronize those granola for the pope!"

JOHN FOPPE, who was born without arms, signs a book with his foot as his wife, Christine Fulbright-Foppe, looks on following a speech at Denver's, Hyatt Regency Tech Center recently. More than 500 people turned out to hear Foppe's message of faith, hope and love in overcoming his disabilities. (CNS photo by James Saca, Denver Catholic Register)

Speaker born without arms talks about challenges he has overcome By ROXANNE KING

dress himself became a turning point. DENVER - Born without Expected to do the seemingly arms, John Foppe knows a lot impossible, Foppe railed against about challenges - and about his mother to no avail. With tears transcending them. streaming down her face, she left More than 500 people turned him in his room alone to figure out at a recent luncheon to hear out how to put his pants on. his message of faith, hope and "Mom needed me to learn love as he described how he that there was a life to be lived, overcame his disabilities to find even with this really tough conpersonal fulfillment and profesdition," Foppe said. sional success as a motivational Having made no progress afspeaker. ter a long struggle to dress, a The luncheon benefited sweat-drenched, tearthe Denver archdiocesan stained Foppe lay on the Seeds of Hope Charitable floor defeated. "Our only real handicaps in life are Trust, which has distrib"Somewhere, in the uted more than $9.2 mil- the mental and emotional ones that midst of that silence, it's lion in tuition assistance to prevent us from participating in life like I heard God say, more than 6, I00 needy stu- - pity, anger, fear, guilt, doubt, 'Look, if you just shut up dents in inner-city schools a minute I can help you, '" since its founding eight prejudice, ignorance," Foppe said. he recalled. He embarked 'Those are the real cripplers in life, on a journey to discover years ago. The 35-year-old Foppe, those thoughts we have that blind what hereally can and canwho uses his feet as his us to the possibilities in life." not'do that continues to hands, calls his physical this day, Foppe said. disability a "condition." Several years ago, after "A condition is basically any- cated in the local Catholic becoming a successful speaker, thing that can get in your way school he had developed a "vic- Foppe purchased a three-story of living a full, happy and pro- tim mentality" by the time he Victorian house with a wrapductive life," Foppe said. was 10. around porch and lots of old"It's never about the condi"As a child growing up with fashioned charm in his home tion itself," he added'. "It's al- a disability, the line between town, Breese, in southern Illiways about our response to it." , what llegitimately could do and nois. It was a house his mother Foppe drives without any what I legitimately could not do years earlier had wanted to buy. special equipment - he uses his was easily blurred," he recalled. Two years ago, Foppe feet but the vehiCle must have "People jumped in to Iielp. It , achieved something else that as automatic transmission and didn't take me long to realize a child he believed was impospower steering. He has lived this was pretty powerful. And I sible. He fell in love and mar, alone, has skied, has snorkled liked it. I could sit back here on ried. He and his fiancee each and has earned a master's de- the (pity) pot and I wouldn't sold their homes and bought a gree. have to do anything." new one together. Foppe sold his He also has written a book, His mother ended that with to his mother, who turned it into "What's Your Excuse? Making "tough love." a bed and breakfast, fulfilling a the Most of What You Have," Calling a family meeting, she longtime desire. MICHAELENE HEARN of Clarkston, Mich., displays her now required reading for all announced that Foppe's siblings "There was a time in my life Sweetnola for Life. Proceeds from sales of the granola prod- freshmen at St. Louis Univer- were no longer permitted to help when the condition had me," he uct go to Pro-Life charities and organizations. (CNS photo sity. Foppe earned his bachelor's him with his daily tasks., The said. "But no longer. I have a by Michelle Samar:tino, Michigan Catholic) degree and master's degree at first morning that Foppe had .to condition. What's. yours?" CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

the Jesuit-run university. "Our only real handicaps in life are the mental and emotional ones that prevent us from participating in life - pity, anger, fear, guilt, doubt, prejudice, ignorance," Foppe said. "Those are the real cripplers in life, those thoughts we hav.e that blind us to the possibilities in life." He said that despite being raised in a loving Catholic family of eight boys and being edu-

Friday, June 3, 2005



Singer-songwriter, 19, is anything but an 'average' college student

FIVE MEN who retreated from their ordinary lives to join the monks at Worth Abbey in Crawley, England, are the stars of "The Monastery," a three-part reality television show being broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corp. The show explores the reaction and change the ,men undergo when they encounter the Benedictine way of life. (CNS photo courtesy of BBG)

BBC reality show puts' non-Catholics into 'The Monastery' for 40 days By SIMON CALDWELL CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

tening to God, listening to each other and listening with the ear of LONDON - Dom Perignon, your heart to your own deepest the man who put' his name to one self." of the best-known brands ofchamThe men pray.ed with the monks pagne, was perhaps the only , six times a day, and each particiBenedictine priest ever to have pant was asked to observe the made an impression on Tony Benedictine rules of silence, obeBurke, an agnostic who once dience and humility, filmed trailers for a sex chat line, Predictably, they found the But after Burke, 29, spent 40 Benedictine lifestyle difficult. days and 40 nights in Worth Ab- Burke was one of the first to crack. bey, a Benedictine monastery in ' In the first episode he was filmed Crawley, England, he was a leaving the abbey with Gary changed man. McCormick, a 36-year-old painter He underwent a religious con- -and former member ofa Protestant version, came to believe in God, paramilitary unit from Northern Irequit his job - and never looked land, for a trip to a nearby village. back. The pair returned with a bag "It's the best thing I've ever containing cigarettes, potato chips, done," he said. <;hocolates and soda; they were Burke, a resident of London, asked to sit down while Abbot was one offive men selected from Jamison explained that true freehundreds to take part in "The Mon- dom rested in being able to choose astery," a three-part reality televi- to resist the urges of the body. sion show being broadcast in BritBurke and McCormick were ain by the British Broadcasting joined ,in the abbey by Anthoney Corp. that began May 10. The Wright, 32, a "high-earning, highshow followed the experiences of energy" bachelor from London the each of the five participants, who boasted to the group that he none of whom were Catholic, as had gone to the monas~ery straight they tried to adapt to the from a "Cartier polo match." Benedictine way of life. Wright, who works for a legal "We saw in this project an op- publishing company, was filmed portunity to discover what our way partying in the days before he arof life offers to people today who rived at the abbey. He was shown do not share our beliefs," giving a high-five to a barman in a Benedictine Abbot Christopher fashionable Mayfair salon and Jamison said, winking at the camera as a girl "For the participants, we hoped threw her arms around his neck. Also in the group was Nick that they would discover hidden depths in their lives and in those Buxton, 37, a student of Buddhism hidden depths encounter God. This at Cambridge University who since hope was fulfilled to an extent that filming ended has returned to his took us all by surprise," he said. Anglican roots and regularly atAbbot Jamison first invited the tends church. He took an intellec-' men to use silence as a "wonder- tual approach to the challenge but ful spiritual bath which we invite struggled with the "part of me that you to get into to relax your spiri- doesn't believe." tual muscles SQ you can start lisPeter Gruffyd, 70, a retired

teacher and published poet from Bristol, was the only married man in the cast. He said he sought the answer to the question, "-What is the meaning of life?" McCormick said he "couldn't stay out of jail" after he became involved with the paramilitary Ulster Defense Association in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and later became a drug user. McCormick was one ofthe first to find what he was looking forthe strength to come to terms with his past - and the ensuing inner peace. Over the weeks that followed, Gruffyd regained the faith he rejected in his youth, and Buxton edged closer to becoming an Anglican minister. Burke discussed his past drinking problems and confessed that he was unhappy with his present life. Then, on day 38, he had a "religious experience," and reported a "surge of energy" that left him in tears. Burke told Catholic News Service that he now attends a Catholic church near his home in London. Wright was shown coming to terms with being raised by grandparents after being abandoned as a two-year-old. He told CNS that the monastery experience motivated him to realize his ambitions. He said he has since taken a pay cut to set up his own music production company. He added that he now prays' daily and makes the occasional visit to London's Westminster Cathedral. "I am still in contact with the monks. I consider them friends. How many other guys can say they have 22 monks as spiritual advisers?" he said. _

WASHINGTON (CNS) - Her life is just like any other college student's. Except for the press conference in Washington in April. And the appearance in Kansas City, Mo., in May. And the concert at World Youth Day in Cologne, Germany, coming up this summer. "I lead a pretty average life," said singer-songwriter Kara Klein, who was wrapping up her freshman year as a philosophy and voice major at The Catholic University ofAmerica in Washington. "I've traveled more than 1'd like to this year," she added in an interview with Catholic News Service. "I've had so many blessings, but I've learned that with blessings there are also sacrifices." One of Klein's blessings is a close family in Mandeville, La., where she belongs to Mary Queen of Peace Parish. Another is a beautiful voice that first led her to a part in a local community theater production of "Babes in Toyland" at age eight, folKARA lowed by "many more musicals" -and more choirs than she can count. But the 19-year-old is not just another pretty voice. She writes her own songs, including the lOon her first CD, "ATouch ofYour Grace." She's also written "tons and tons ofsongs" for a second CD but has not been able to find the time to record them. Her latest recording, "Still Beautiful- Terri's Song," is dedicated to Terri Schindler Schiavo, the severely brain-damaged Florida woman who died this spring, 13 days after her nutrition and hydration were withdrawn with a court order obtained by her husband and fought by her parents. "Do you think I'm beautifulnow?" the song asks. "Even when you're carrying me because I am too weak to walk,!And I have lost control ofeverything somehow.lDo you think I'm beautiful now?"

Klein sang that song at a reception for members of Congress and for women from all over the country who had come to Washington for the "Real Women's Voices" lobbying event. She will sing it for members ofthe Schindler family in June at the National Right to Life Committee convention in Minneapolis. "That's going to be really difficult," Klein said of her appearance before the Schindlers. "But I'll be completely de'pending on God's grace. I'm always very dependent on him." Klein said she was not thinking ofTerri Schiavo when th'e words to "Beautiful Still" first came to her. "Sometimes I don't understand why I write them," she said. "I was in a place where I was struggling, feeling very broken, something we all fee I." Those feelings made her think of asking God, "Do you still see me as beautiful?" But when her mother first heard the song, she imKLEIN mediately said, "That's Terri's song," Klein recalled. . Although she had always been Pro-Life, Klein said her "eyes were opened to the culture of death" when she had an opportunity to attend a special session ofthe United Nations on children's rights in New York in 2002, during her sophomore year at St. Scholastica Academy in Covington, La. The session's draft document, "A World Fit for Children," called for allowing abortions for girls as young as nine without parental consent, rewarding teens for condom use and establishing five gendershomosexual male, heterosexual male, homosexual female, heterosexual female and transgender instead of the usual male and female. Those provisions were removed from the document before its final passage, she said.



Friday, June 3, 2005

eNS book reviews Three books on caring for as a judgment. Our use of nacreation. THE CARE OF THE ture is blessed when our enjoyEARTH, by Joseph Sittler. For- ment of it is honored. tress Augsburg Press (Minne"Prayers for Animals," by apolis, Minn., 2004). 116 pp. Carol J. Adams, helps readers PRAYERS FOR ANIMALS, view and experience prayer as by Carol 1. Adams. Continuum an act of solidarity with the aniPress (New York, 2004). 136 pp. mals, our partners in God's creSACRED LONGINGS: THE ation. "Through prayer, we are ECOLOGICAL SPIRIT AND . one with all God's creatures," GLOBAL CULTURE, by Mary says Adams. The author, who C. Grey. Fortress Augsburg has a theological degree from Press (Minneapolis, Minn., Yale and teaching experience at 2004). 260 pp. the Perkins School of Theology in Dallas, composes prayers reREVIEWED BY WAYNE A. HOLST lated to morning and evening, CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE friendships with animals, "We m'ay have distanced our- mourning and grief at the time selves from nature, but we rely of "creature loss," as well as completely on the services it petitions and intercessions on delivers," write the contributors their behalf. to the '''Millennium Ecosystem Using these prayers, Adams Assessment." This recent report encourages readers to view life was the work of 1,360 scientists through nonhuman sensitivifrom 95 countries. His another ties, to eI1counter reality in new example of the voices from the ways, and to let animals guide political, economic and'scien- us in the worship of God and in tific communities joining the experiencing the mystery of chorus of cOD-~ern that creation. The survival of animals is ecotheologians have been raising for decades. " closely related to the survival These theologians have long: ofhumanity itself. We need to challenged the secularist view enhance animal rights, extendthat. there is no transcendent ing out concepts of justice to meaning beyond this life and all living creatures, Adams the religious view that this writes. ,world is unimportantcompare~ "Sacred Longings: The Eco,to the world to come. Increas- logical Spirit and Global Culingly, 'people' are' recognizing ture," by Mary C. Grey, sugthe importance of the natural gests that we live in a time of world and our need to be be"tter the Spirit's invitation to make stewards of it. At long last, new discoveries about where spiritual and material perspec- God is acting in the world. Her tives are becoming better inte- theological goal is to link glograted. The three books consid- balization, ecofeminism and ered here reflect these spiritual salvation in a renewed quest on and material themes. behalf of the heart. "The Care of the Earth," by "Heart" serves as the Joseph Sittler, represents an author's key image and central early modern attempt to inte- metaphor for sacred longings. grate the themes of nature and Grey says that the Greek myth grace. Sittler, now deceased, is of Psyche and Eros is a descriprespected as a Renaissance man tion of how human "soul force" and prophet and seer who has been divided in modern taught at the University of Chi- ,Western culture. The myth also cago Divinity School and at the points to what is needed to reLutheran School ofTheology at integrate these sacred energies. Chicago. The book is a collecDividing her work into three tion of sermons, some of them parts, Grey probes the meandating from as early at 1964. ings of "losing heart" - the "Grace' and nature intersect, crisis of misplaced human maoverlap and interfuse each terialistic desires; "restless other. Sittler would call that heart" - a between-the-times Gospel," the Rev. Martin Marty rediscovery and renewal of the writes in a new introduction to human spirit; and "taking this collection. Rev. Marty says heart" - proposals for how a that Sittler encourages readers new language of renewal can to care in response to nature, to re-educate and re-energize huhuman signals, to beauty, to the manity. The author presents inpromptings of the heart, to the sights from ecofeminism, Word of God. ecoinysticism and a recovered Sittler believes that we are Gandhian spirituality. people of the created earth at Cumulatively, these books the core of our being. The chief encourage improved human lisend of humanity is to enjoy na- tening to nature as well as to ture and to glorify God in God, the creator. whose image we were also creHolst is an adult educator at ated. Creation exists primarily St. David's United Church in to be enjoyed, not used. When Calgary, Alberta. He teaches rewe fail to celebrate what God ligion and culture at the Univerhas created, it comes back to us sity of Calgary.




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RUSSELL CROWE and Paul Giamatti star in a scene from the dramatic film "Cinderella Man.': (CNS photo from Universal)

CNS movie review -

'Cinderella Man'

NEW YORK (CNS)- Is there she fears for his safety - he sion is vividly recreated; it includes anything Russell Crowe can't do? agrees, and 'much to everyone's the Hooverville shacks erected by, homeless families in the middle of The versatile star has reunited with surprise, wins. the "Beautiful Mind" creative team . Nqnet,heless, a follow-up bout' New York's Central Park. The boxing sequences - well- ' - producer, director and writer- seems unlikely since Jiminy's cerand come up with another winner. tification has not been reinstated. shot and choreographed and some"Cinderella Man" (Universal) is But eventually, Joe persuades times exhilarating - are not for the moving true-life story, of De- Jimmy to train again in earnest. the squeamish (Jimmy takes quite pression-era boxer James Mae objects, but melts when she a pummeling at several points), but Braddock, who after several years realizes Joe has hocked all his fur- they are far less graphic than such out of the ring stunned the sport- niture to bankroll Jimmy's come- similarly themed films as "Raging ing wor-ld by· winning the light back. ' Bull" or even "Rocky:" Above all, heavyweight title. A series of higher profile the boxing takes a back seat to the Jimmy lives in tenement squa- matches against John Henry Lewis. emotional story that is paramount: lor with his loving, true-blue wife, and Art Lasky lead to Jimmy be- Braddock's devotion to his family. Cliff Hollingsworth, C. Gaby Mae (Renee Zellweger, here a bru- ing dubbed "Cinderella Man" nette), and their three young chil- and finally going up against the Mitchell and Akiva Goldsman's dren. (Despite the film's nostalgi- notorious Max Baer (played with script keeps the focus on the hucally glossy production design, the oily arrogance by Craig Bierko), man drama, and is, at its heart, a poverty still seems bleakly real.) who has already killed two men in real love story between Jimmy and After showing early promise, the ring. Baer disdains Jimmy as 'Mae. Jimmy has had a run of bad luck an opponent, dismissing him as "a What's especially commendin the ring. With creditors hover- chump." able about the film is that Jimmy ing and his kids without enough Mae is appalled by Jimmy. fac- is motivated, not by the quest for food to eat - even their milk must ing such a terrifying opponent, but personal glory, but to support his be diluted - he becomes more when she goes into church to pray wife and children. When Mae desperate to earn money. The point for him on the day of the fight, the packs the children off to relatives is further underscored when his kindly priest shows her that the fearing illness if their standard of son steals a piece of meat from the entire congregation is praying for living doesn't improve, Jimmy is butcher. Jimmy, admirably, makes Jimmy's success, as they see their furious, particularly after his promhim return it. When the boy cries own hopes and dreams embodied ise to his young son that the famas they leave the shop, Jimmy as- in him. More controversially, they ily will always be together. sures him the family will always ' even have a radio in church so evSo, too, when he's forced to stick together, no matter how tough . eryone can listen. collect money from the relief serthe going gets. Though old-timers may remem- vices department, he feels morally Jimmy tries to fight with a bro- ber who actually wins, we won't compelled to return it once his forken hand, but the bout is a disas- . ruin the suspense. tunes improve. ter, and he's stripped ofhis credenRon Howard has made an abEven though boxing may not be tials by the boxing commission. sorbing fihl;} with first-rate perfor- universally perceived as the noLater, in one of the film's most mances. Crowe is immensely sym- blest ofsports, Jimmy Braddock's heart-wrenching scenes, he'll go pathetic and projects genuine de- improbable surmounting of povback to Madison Square Garden's cency, sporting a credible 1930s' erty, bad luck, physical injuries and managers literally hat in hand, and New Jersey accent to boot. more did give symbolic hope to beg for money for his family. Zellweger has the ring of authen- many Americans. "A year ago, he Banned from the ring, he joins ticity, too, in both voice and ap- was standing in a bread line," the the other unemployed men desper- pearance. Giamatti, in a far cry fight announcer declares, summing ately seeking day work on the from his "Sideways" role, is con- up part ofwhy the film is so inspidocks. vincing as the determined man- rational.' Jimmy lands a longshoreman ager, egging Jimmy on from the The film contains much period job, and the family manages to sidelines. profanity, some crude language squeak by financially, so when his The period flavor feels accurate and ring violence with blood. The former manager, Joe Gould (Paul right down to the movie posters USCCB Office for Film & BroadGiamatti), tries to lure him out of that Jimmy passes on the street casting classification is A-III his enforced retirement for a one- 'and the accents 'and patois for the adults. The Motion Picture Assotime only bout with Com Griffin era. That means a good deal ofpro- ciation ofAmerica rating is PG-13 in 1934, he's reluctant about pick- fanity, in the days when vulgarisms - parents are strongly cautioned. ing up the boxing gloves again. invoking the Father or the Son Some material may be inappropriAgainst his wife:s protestations- , wer:e more ,c(?!nm911..Tb~.O~pres- __ ~t~.f9r_chjlsJr,~1! .ull(J~r 1)."


Friday, June 3, 2005


Continued from page one

pastor of the parish of St. John Newnann in East Freetown serves as area director for the New Bedford Deanery. The Fall River area is serviced by Appeal Headquarters. Corporate donations can be made to any of the area directors named above as well as to Appeal headquarters.

Any type of donation to the

Appeal can be sent to the Catholic Charities Appeal Office, P.O. Box 1470, Fall River, Mass. 02722, dropped offat any parish in the diocese, or they can be made on the Appeal Website: wwmcatJwlk:cluuitiedalJriverdinc.org. For information, visit the Website or contact the Appeal Office at 508-675-1311.

Top five parishes in each deanery as of OS/26/05: Attleboro: Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Seekonk S1. Mary, Mansfield S1. John the Evangelist, Attleboro St. Mary, Seekonk S1. Mary, North Attleboro

$ 114,296.00 50,001.50 46,109.00 34,885.00 28,000.00

Cape Cod: S1. Pius Tenth, South Yarmouth Our Lady of Victory, Centerville Corpus Christi, East Sandwich Holy Trinity, West Harwich Christ the King, Mashpee

$ 147,274.28 77,546.00 73,515.00 73,304.88 68,404.00

Fall River: S1. Thomas More, Somerset S1. Michael, Swansea St. John the Baptist, Westport S1. Stanislaus, Fall River S1. Joseph, Fall River

$ 34,213.00 29,075.00 27;090.00 26,448.00 25,627.00

New Bedford: Our Lady of Mount Carmel, New Bedford S1. Julie Billiart, North Dartmouth S1. John"Neumami, East Freetown S1. Mary, South Dartmouth Immaculate Conception, New Bedford

$ 51,821.00 50,870.00 44,580.00 42,267.00 39,644.00




Eastern Television


Love Is Ageless at

Taunton: S1. Ann, Raynham S1. Anthony, Taunton S1. Paul, Taunton Holy Family, East Taunton Annunciation of the Lord, Taunton

Dominga & John Andrade, Ruth & Memory of Thomas McCarthy-In Chretien; $400-M/M Gerard Honor ofAnna McCarthy. Charles Mason. Duquette; $1 OO-Claire Amiot, M/M Centerville Holy Name: $1 ,OOO-In Memory Robert Boutin, Dorothy Cloutier, Our Lady of Victory: $300-M/ of M/M Gerry Fortin from Collette Claire Levesque, M/M Armand M Timothy Davis; $150-M/M Fortin; $200-M/M Robert Margetta; Raiche. St. Anne: $1,200-Rev. Marc H. George Som;ners; $125-William & $160-Mrs. Wilson Curtis; $150-Mrs. Joseph McGuill, M/M Mark Gauvin, Bergeron; $200-Loridas & Emilie Linda Lord; $120-Mrs. Ann Hills. Mrs. Thomas Stapleton, M/M Jo- Jolivet; $150-S1. Vincent de Paul Chatham Holy Redeemer: $I,OOO-Holy seph Vieira; $125-M/M Fred Society; $IOO-Beverly Dowty, S1. Redeemer Guild; $800-Rev. James Czerwonka, M/M Thomas Stanton, Anne Fellowship. St. Anthony of Padua: $500F. Buckley; $500-M/M Paul Kirby; Philip Silvia, M/M Stephen $300-Paul A. McKenna; $200-Rose- Fernandes, Theresa Ryan; $100-M/ Colonial Wholesale Beverage Corp.; mary Farley, Mary C. Forbes; $150- M Thomas Dunn, Mary Carvalho, $100-Portugalia Imports. M/M Joseph T. Childs, M/M John Mrs. Thomas Burke, John O'Brien, St. Joseph: $500-M/M Miklus, M/M Peter Taylor; $100- M/M Thomas McHenry, M/M Rob- Frederick Sullivan; $150-M/M John Allison, Dr/M 1. Paul Aucoin, ert Rebello, Richard Wood, Mrs. Edmond Berube, Mrs. Madeline M/M Richard A. Klein, Jr., M/M Antone Almeida, M/M Paul St. Tomlinson; $100-M/M Joseph F. Thomas 1. Sheehan. Louis, M/M Ronald Gagne, John Arruda. St. Michael: $1,025-Rev. Luis Medeiros, M/M William Keating, Jr., East Falmouth St. Anthony: $300-M/M M/M John Dziduszko, M/M Joseph A. Cardoso; $400-M/M Gerald Vincent E. Amanti; $200-M/M Ri- Pimenta, Mrs. Manuel Maitoza, Drl Silvia, In Memory of Augustine & chard L. Corey, M/M Francis P. Losi; M Robert Guimond, Grace Hindle, Mary Gonsalves; $300-A Friend; $ 125-M/M Anthony R. Solimine; M/M Rene Garant, Marie Nasser, $250-Anonymous, A Friend; $200$110-Rev. Gilbert 1. Simoes; $100- Dr/M Andre Nasser, M/M Wilfred Miss Edith Machado, St. Michael M/M George Howarth, Charles Desruisseaux, M/M William Mello, Prayer Group; $120-AFriend; $110Mrs. Antero Monte, M/M Michael Anonymous; $100-Anonymous, A Cardoza. Friend, Phil Pereira, Miss Evelyn Welch. East Freetown Holy Trinity: $200-M/M Paul Almeida, M/M Antone Souza, SuSt. John Neumann: $l,OOO-M/ M Robert Gallagher; $500-Dr/M Couture, In Memory of Hope T. san M. Lopes, In Memory ofManuel Gerald Masaitis, Mrs. Daniel C. Mowry; $ 150-M/M Dennis Hickey; DaSilva, M/M Jose M. Soares, M/ Ferree; $300-M/M Harvey Brooks, $125-M/M John Mateus; $100- M Peter A. Boudreau, M/M David M/M Alan Burgess; $250-M/M Muriel Cote, M/M Michael Langton, Continued on page J2 Malcolm Hathaway; $200-M/M M/M Louis Perreira. Notre Dame: $1,OOO-AnonyDavid McGinn, M/M Dennis Medeiros; $160-M/M Thomas mous; $700-Rev. Richard L. Stone; $1 OO-M/M James Sheerin, M/ M William James Raynor, Denis Sales and Service Pelletier. for Domestic and Industrial Oil Burners East Sandwich Corpus Christi: $400-Rev. Sales And Service Rodney E. Thibault; $300-M/M 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE John McCormack, William Brooks, Fall River's Largest NEW BEDFORD M/M John Shay; $260-M/M Steven Display of TVs Prendergast; $250-M/M Timothy Cole; $225-M/M Thomas F. Timlin; ZENITH • SONY $ 180-M/M Paul Anderson; $150-M/ M Henry B. Wojnar, M. Joyce 1196 BEDFORD ST. Sampson, M/M John A. Wegman, FALL RIVER St. Joseph Manor John Van Nostrand; $ I 25-MIM Pe508-673-9721 ter A. Cadieux; $1 OO-M/M William Cathol ie-sponsored Rizzi, M/M John F. Coffey, M/M nursing IHlmc Donald DiGiacomo, M/M Patrick D. McLaughlin, M/M Robert F. Leahy, Private Rl'sident Rooms Donna Taylor, Joyce S. Bruce, M/M Leo D. Diotalevi, Nancy Poikonen, Daily Communion ..~ Chapel 'PTH SHOE M/M Richard Hill, M/M Kenneth Adult Day Program Corbin, M/M Lyman S. Goding, M/ FORALL DAY Post-llospital Rehah Care M William K. Earle, M/M Kevin I~cspitc Carc WALKING COMFORT Kelly, M/M Frederick B. Dempsey, Joanne Leary, M/M Jerome 508-583-5834 Tremblay, Anonymous, M/M RichJOHN'S SHOE STORE ard J. England, F.A. Mace, In 215 Thatcher St., Brockton 295 Rhode Island Avenue Memory of Mabel Rigazzio. www.SJMBrockton.org Fall River, MA 02724 East Taunton Holy Family: $750-St. Vincent de Paul Society; $500-M/M Mark Murphy; $400-M/M Edmond S1. Yves; $225-June Strojny; $200-M/ M Francis Perry, M/M Alva R. Cowan, M/M Robert Kelleher; $ 150-Janet & Daniel Murphy, M/M Gary Silvia, M/M Fernand Medeiros; $125-M/M Anthony May 25, 2005 Demaral, M/M William Therriault, M/M Kenneth Poole, Barbara Paul; Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina $115-M/M Christiano Victoria; $11 O-M/M Michael S. Callahan; $100-In Memory of Virginia "Dear Children! Anew I call you to live my messages Maclellan, M/M Stanley Baran, M/ . MRonald Gordon, M/M Dennis' in humility. Especially witness them now when we are Perrault, M/M George Corliss, M/ approaching the anniversary of my apparitions. Little M Raymond T. Cranmer, M/M children, be a sign to those who are far from God and Nemesio Bettencourt, M/M Roy Mitton, M/M David Mello, M/M His love. I am with you and bless you all with my mothMichael Boutin, Gail Mitchell, Dorerly blessing. othy Barros, Joseph Castro, Helen -"Thank you for having responded to my call." Kay, Mary Murphy. Fairhaven St. Mary: $100-Daniel & Yvette Spiritual Life Center of Marian Community Costa. 154 Summer Street Fall River Medway, MA 02053· Tel. 508-533-5377 Good SlJepherd: $2QO-In

$ 45,892.50 29,880.00 27,370.00 24,436.00 21,611.00

PARISHES Kathleen Gaughan; $175-Joseph & Acushnet St. Francis Xavier: $120-M/M Diane Ochab; $IOO-Mrs. Sandra . Nonnand Laporte; $11 O-Manuel & Gagne, Armand & Irene Frechette, Anne Medeiros, Jr.; $1 OO-M/M Jef- Thomas & Linda Ferreira. St. Theresa ofthe Child Jesus: frey Casey, MIM Carlos Pacheco, M/ M Fernando Almeida, M/M $800-M/M Normand Carrier; $500Raymond St. Pierre, Jr., Joan Dion, M/M Eugene X. Hodge; $200-ChrisM/M Robert Travers, M/M Diomar tina M. Clegg, M/M Robert Dubuc, M/M Richard Magliozzi, Mrs. RobCorreia, M/M Girard S1. Amand. ert Peloquin; $160-M/M Patrick Assonet St. Bernard: .$1 ,nO-Charles & McGahern; $100-Francis Balut, M/ Karen Sullivan; $IOO-Robert & M Glen Bourque, Mrs. Cecilia Isabelle Blake, Peter & Ruth Savoie. Brewster Charland, Peter & Elizabeth Krause, Our Lady of the Cape: $500Michael & Diane Kuriscak. M/M Frank Hart; $250-Donna S. Attleboro St. John the Evangelist: $1,000- Morris, M/M John Foley, Jr.; $100M/M Mark Valley; $600-M/M Chris M/M Bryon Blanchard. Buzzards Bay Donoghue; $550-M/M Paul St. Margaret: $l,OOO-Richard Scanlan; $500-M/M John Reardon; $300-Mrs. R. Russell Morin; $275- 1. Gurnon; $500-Port O'Call, Inc.; M/M S.A. Gulino; $250-M/M $250-Robert & Karen Buckley; Gerald Foley; $200-M/M Arthur $200-Anna Shea; $ 125-Lorraine & Bolarinho, M/M Joseph Collins, John Viveiros, Jeannine & George Marilyn Blake Cobb, M/M Mervell Reid; $120-Rose & Arthur Hines; T. Cronin, M/M John Flynn, Edward $100-Leo's Restaurant, NickersonKelley; $1 OO-Zoe Brown, M/M Ri- Bourne Funeral Home, Groundwachard Doherty, Tracy Frederickson, ter Analytical, Inc., Cape Cod FillM/M Michael Gallagher, Andrea ing Station, Bay Motor Inn, Francis Giordano, Mrs. Ralph Giordano, M/ T. Dineen, Fernanda & Edward M Timothy Henry, M/M Peter Secher, Faith Zeady, Helen Barker, Lynch, M/M Anthony Magina, Mrs. Marguerite & Fortunato Guerra, Helen Shanley, M/M Timothy B. Jane & Joseph Perkowski, Timothy MacDonald, Joseph Zeady, Ruth Sullivan. .St. Stephen: $370-Joseph & Chamberland, M. Lucille & Leo Eileen Hodge; $350-Charles & Bergeron, Ruth & Paul Caldwell, Patricia Messier; $200-Paul & Barbara & Joseph Smolinsky,


Our Lady's Monthly Message From Medjugorje


12 Continued from page 11

Rodrigues, M/M Manuel S. Medeiros, Armindo Louro, Botelho Family, Martins Family. SS. Peter and Paul: $1,300-Rev. Stephen B. Salvador; $200-St. Vincent de Paul Society; $150Mildred Hall; $IOO-M/M Robert Hoole. Santo Christo: $400-Santo Christo Faith Formation Program; $300-John Varao-Tax Consultant, S1. Vincent de Paul Society; $275-John B. Moniz; $250-MIM Joseph Mello; $200-Fall River Sport Club, Robert & Linda Costa; $130-Manuel & Maria Silva; $115-M/M Nelson Mateus; $IOO-Eduarda M. Silva, MI M Jose Arrenegado, M/M Jose Fontes, MIM Paul Ferreira, Maria 1. Paulo, Regina G. Oliveira, Manuel & Fatima Moniz, M/M Raul Camara, M/M Gualter Lopes, MIM Raul Camara. Falmouth S1. Patrick: $200-Joan V. Donelan; $1 OO-Lois. Girard, MIM William Harvey, Carol A. Libbey, MI M Edward V. McCarthy, MIM James Schwab; Robert C. Silva. Hyannis St. Francis Xavier: $1,000Diane M.路Reimer; $600-M/M William Godfrey; $500-M(M Leo Rainville; .$300-M/M William Cericola; $250-M/M George Kovatch, Mary Cavanaugh Michael; $200-Kristine O'Sullivan,'MlMRichard Roberts; $160-Edmond Dery, Jr.; $150-Capt(M Robert O'Brien; $1 OO-M/M Thomas McGarry, WilliamMurray. Mansfield S1. Mary: $1,1 OO-Sue & Mike Zonghetti; $500-M/M Joseph Mok, Patricia Carella, Theresa Garofano; $350-Edward Sliney, Sr.; $250-MI M Giles Dognazzi; $200-Virginia Simoni; $100-MIM Robert Carroll, Mrs. Bert Courtemanche, M/M Stanley Dudek, M/M Thomas J. Keady, Marie E. McGann, M/M Matthew 1. McLoughlin, Mrs. Joseph R. Milani, MIM H. Salerno, MI M Guy Tomase, Paul 1. Vogel. Martha's Vineyard Good Shepherd: $100-M/M Henry Shelley. Mashpee Christ the King: $2,000-Mary Marty; $600-MIM James Remillard, Jr.; $500-Joan McDermott; $400-MI M Dwight Giddings, MIM Daniel Lindberg, M/M Michael Howley; $350-M/M Mark Linse; $250-MIM Joseph Lynch, M/M Cary Pankovich; $200-M/M William Wise, Mary Keating, MIM Richard Steams, MIM George Logan; $150Mary Lou Crowley, Kay Leagus; $125-M/M George Gillmore, Jr.; $100-Ruth Jonis, Mary Carey, M/M George Kelly, M/M Paul Tracy, Carol Daniels, Lillian Heffernan, MI M John McGrath, Anne Brown, Mrs. Roisin Marcus, M/M Dan Patenaude, Edith Hurley, M/M Thomas Caston. Mattapoisett S1.Anthony: $700-Rev. Leonard M. Mullaney; $500-M/M Carl . Taber; $200-M/M Dayid Bancroft; $150-M/M David McIntire; $1-00M/M Paul Downey, G. Richard Duffy. Nantucket S1. Mary/Our Lady ofthe Isle: $1 ,3~0-St. Vincent de Paul Society; $250-M/M Richard Mack; $100Eleanor Ferreira, M/M Michael Velsmid. New Bedford

Our Lady of the Assumption: of Deceased Members of Frank $100-Isabelle Antunes, M/M Paul $500-MIM Antonio Costa; $1 OO-MI Costa Family; $lOO-Joseph Deane. Archambault, Joan Creighton, MIM Robert Gagliardi, MIM Bruce MarNorth Easton M Noel Almeida, Eugenia Sylvia, MI Immaculate Conception: tin, Rita Mirando, Mary Turcotte, MI M Manuel Lobo, Robert E. Chandler, Earle Bargasse, Gloria Faria, $1 ,OOO-St. Vincent de Paul Society; M Anthony Silva. S1. Mary: $1 ,600-St. Vincent de $500-Theresa Pratt; $150-M/M Mary Faria. Our Lady of Fatima: $1,000- James Sullivan; $IOO-Helena Paul Society; $250-James Cipriano; M/M Donald Sorelle; $400-M/M Luxton, MIM Philip Tarallo, Theresa $125-William & Ruth McCoy; Louis LeBlanc; $350-MIM Anibal Wolffe, MIM William McAndrews, $120-Paul & Laurie Given; $100Medeiros, Jr.; $200-0ur Lady of MIM Robert Pratt, MIM Lewis Ar- Robert Bessette, DeMetrio & Lucie ies, Jr., Mary-Rose Garfagna, Dr/M Lima, John & Lorraine Robbins, Ed Fatima Ladies Guild. Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Christopher Corey, M/M Sean & Ann St. Laurent, Robert Smith. $500-A Friend; $250-A Friend; Finnerty. Somerset S1. Thomas More: $3,500-St. Norton $150-A Friend, M/M Arthur Caetano, Holy Name Society; $110St. Mary: $200-M/M John Vincent de Paul Society; $1 ,OOO-Mi M Leonard Burgmyer; $175-MIM M/M Nelson Torres; $IOO-M/M Drane. William 1. Taylor; $150-Noreen 1. Francisco M. Correia, M/M Octavio Orleans S1. Joan ofArc: $1,OOO-Thomas . Cotter, MIM David Gauthier, MIM M. Goncalves, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Seniors, Maria EVincent, A Lawson; $600-M/M Lawrence David M. Smith; $11 0.25-Jeffrey M. Friend, M/M Steven Garcia, M/M Nugent; $500-M/M John T. Erickson; $IOO-M/M Moran T. Corcoran; $400-MIM John Dickson; Jammen, MIM James Mullins, BarLarry Grieco. St. Anthony of Padua: $IOO-Mi $300-MIM Lawrence O'Neill; $200- bara M. Pallas. M Pinhancos, MIM Roger Fortin. South Dartmouth M/M Joseph Lemke; $150-M/M S1. Francis of Assisi: $200-MI John Menna; $125-Mrs. Judy St. Mary: $2,000-St. Vincent de M Jeffrey Poyant; $150-St. Francis Lindahl; $100-Mrs. Mary Anne Paul Society; $I,OOO-Dr/M Roger ofAssisi Men's L~ague. Douglas, M/M Sewell Rose, MIM Pocze; $IOO-M/M Walter Araujo, St. John the Baptist: $876-Rev. Joseph Swaluk. MIM Joseph Cherry. Maurice O. Gauvin; $300-AnonyOsterville South Easton Our Lady of the Assumption: Holy Cross: $300-M/M mous; $250-A Friend, Holy Name Society; $200-Holy Rosary Sodal- $3,000-M/M Joseph Abely; $1,000- Frederick Dolloff, M/M George ity, Anonymous, M/M Edward Anonymous, MIM James 1. Derba; Tyrrell; $200-MIM Henry Hobaica; Macedo; ,$150-MIM Joseph Avila, $500:'Rev. Roger Nolette, O.S.B., $150-DrlM David Hyatt, MIM Sean Anonymous, In Thanksgiving, A M/M David McCarthy,路 M/M O'Leary, Dr/M Guy A. Spinelli; Friend; $120-MIM Jose A. Sousa; Michael D. White;' $450-Anony- $100-MIM Richard 1. Arkuszewski, $IOo-MiM Dimas Farias, Anony- mous; $400-Miss Mary E. Kenney; M/M J. Gharles Hurley, M/M mous, M/M Jose De Frias, M/M Jose $300-Anonymous, M/M Robert Raymond Lawson. ,. South Yarmouth y. Frias, MIM Manuel Rodrigues, In McCool; $250-Ms. Mary A. .Memory ofEulalia Fraga Hartig, MI Callahan; $200-M/M Joseph Logue; S1. Pius Tenth: $200-MIM ThoM Jose S. Avila, M/M Richard $125-M/M George Rucker, M/M mas Garvey; $150-Dr. Peter Carreiro, MIM Joaquim M. Mouco; Alfred Sem; $1 OO-Anonymous, Mrs. Amorosi, M/M Robert Fleisher; M/M John Carvalho, M/M Victor Mary Barberio, M/M Joseph T. $IOO-Richard Quirk, M/M John Valente, M/M Deodato Raposo. . Carson, Mrs. ' S.A. 'Dean, M/M Schlegel, MlMJohnFitzgerald, Jr., St. Lawrence: $230-M/M Terence Dewsnap, Mrs. Frank Dick, M/M John Twohig, M/M John George H. Walker, Jr.; $200-Charles Mrs.:William Ginns, Mrs. Mary Cifelli; MIM Robert Cullinan, MlM & Ann Touhey; $150-M/M LouisA. HerlihY,M/M Joseph 1. Lyons, MrS. John D. Power, M/M Bruce Robillard,-Jr.; $125-M/M Martin William McCormick, Mrs. Therese Alberico, M/M John Giorgio, MIM Treadup. Reynolds, Mrs. Virginia Donald O'Connor. S1. Mary: $500-S1. Vincent de Worthington. Swansea Paul Society; $200-M/M Maurice Pocasset S1. Dominic: $300-MIM Herbert Samson; $150-MIM Charles Jodoin, S1. John the Evangelist: $200- Dias, Jr.; $200-St. Dominic's MIM Donald J. Marshall;$125-In Helen Farrington; $125-M/M Timo- Women's Guild; $150-Mrs. Claire Memory of Rev. Raymond A. thy Andrade; $lOO-MIM James K. Carty; $lOO-Barbie Lomas, Laurie Robida, MIM Eric R. Corrie; $100- Barrett. Walters, Ligaya B. Chan, M/M Paul John & Eleanor Bissonnette, MIM Provincetown Nadeau, Mrs. Angela Nystrom, M/ Daniel Fortier, Christopher Giblin, S1. Peter the Apostle: $400-John 1. M Gerardo Chiavettone, MlM WillSusan Richard, M/M David A. Mulcahy; $300-Andre Passomato; iam H. Lapointe, M/M Mark J. Pelletier, Marilyn Collins, M/M $250-Provincetown Inn, Christopher McDonnell. Dennis Fernandes, M/M Gary 1. Snow; $200-Maria Bento; $150St. Louis de France: $250-MI Gomes, MIM David A. Medeiros, Elaine Cabral; $125-Marguerite V. M Roger Paquette; $150-MIM GreM/M Richard C. Brennan, M/M Lopes, John C. Correa; $1 OO-James gory Garcia; $lOO-M/M Gary John 1. Farrell. Meads, Cape Cod Oil, M/M Edward Turpin~ MIM Paul Doucette, Mrs. North Attleboro Perry, M/M John Grace; Francis & Vivian Morrow, M/M Femand 1. . S1. Mark: $2,000-Paul & Janice Mary Peters, M/M John E. Boulay. Danesi; $1,OOO-Richard & Patricia Medeiros, Mildred C. Bent, Joan St. Michael: $1,200-Dr/M Gundlach; $500-Brian Zibuda; Roderick, Dunes Edge Campground. James Leffers; $750-MIM 1. Brian $150-Stanley Lukasiewicz & Gail Raynham Keating; $300-M/M Dorvalino McCann; $1 OO-Rita Gallant, M. Rita St. Ann: $500-M/M James Carreiro; $125-Dr/M Robert Regan, Kenneth & Patricia Silva. Giuffre; $250-MIM John Baptista; Wilcox; $1 OO-Sheila Samson, MIM S1. Mary: $3,000-Dr/M Ryan $240-Paul Fountain; $225-MlM Jo- David Myles, MIM Shawn Murphy, Welter; $250-Steve & Sylvia seph Finucci; $200-Danuta Fichna, Paul 1. Martelly, MIM Michael 1. Eighmy, M/M Gerard Chalifour, MI M/M Edward Goodrich, Sheilah McGee. M Gerard Kaelblein; $150-M/M Reardon, M/M Arthur Whittemore; Taunton Paul Lafratta; $1 OO-John Coletto. $175-M/M John Dolan; $150-M/M Holy Rosary: $300-MIM WillNorth Dartmouth Richard Bourget, M/M Edward iam Powers; $1 25-MIM John Zak; S1. Julie Billiart: $1,OOO-Re- Tokarz; $ I25-MIM Michael Gorey; $ tOO-Mrs. Anne B. Sowiecki, Mrs. membering Our Priests, M/M Vic- $120-M/M Boyd Anderson; $100- Susan Holland & Family, M/M tor Reis; $250-M/M Robert W MIM Richard Amirault, M/M Daniel Roland Guillemette, Peter Kmiec, Machado; $220-Jane M. Brightman; Andrade, M/M Arthur Botelho, MIM Robert Dziekiewicz. $200-M/M Shawn M. Eusebio, Theresa Flannery, M/M Michael Immaculate Conception: $200Carol Peters, MIM David Burton & Cugno, MlM Paul Lane, Dr/M Rob- MIM Paul Eno, Michael Flanagan; Family, M/M Steven Figueiredo, . ert Paquette, MIM Edward Powers, $125-M/M Arthur Lima; $100Beatrice Gracia; $150-MIM Thomas MIM Gilbert Santos, M/M Carlton Roland Dubois, Donna Oluoch, AnKenny; $IOO-M/M John路1. Harland, Sylvia, MIM Mark Wheeler. thony Thomas, Sr. M/M Robert H. Michaud, Janice M. Seekonk St. Jacques: $I,OOO-Rev. ThoLynch, MIM Heitor Moura, Ms. SuOur Lady of Mount Carmel: mas E. Morrissey; $500-St. Vincent san Pawlak-Seaman, Francis & $13,000-Irene Venditti; $2,000- de Paul Society; $400-Jean Conway, Muriel Morse, M/M Raymond 1. Francis A. Venditti; $700-Sally Reed & Barton Foundation; $] 00Pelletier, Dympna Jacobsen, M/M Kilcullen; .$600-M/M Robert . M/M Paul Ferris, Anonymous. .Joseph Jacinto, M/M Reginald Bessette; $500-M/M J. Peter St. Joseph: $800-ln Loving Paquette. MacDonald, Our Lady of Mount Memory of Bella Vaz Medeiros & . North Dighton Carmel Women's Guild; $300-MIM James Medeiros; $450-M/M St. Joseph: $1,500-In Memory Robert Perreira; $1.20-Leisse Lynch; LaWrence Masterson; $284-Michael

Friday, June 3, 2005 Wojcik; $240-M/M Lawrence Scanlon; $200-Joan Frazier) MIM Mark Jussaume, M/M Charles Smith; $155-Mrs. Ann Thomas; $150-George & Lorraine Hickey; $]40-Mrs. Theodore Wojcik; $125MIM John Pereira; $115-MIM Paul Rego; $lOO-M/M James Dorsey, Mrs. Edward Gotham, MIM Joseph Kerrigan, MIM Robert Martin, M/ M Paul Mulhern, MIM Harold 1. Rose, Jr. St. Mary: $500-Eileen Martin, In Memory ofJohn & Catherine Rice & Son Edward; $300-Holy Cross Priests & Brothers Residing in Taunton; $250-ln Memory of Bruno Mozzone; $200-William Silva; $150-Carlton & Shirley Caron; $lOO-William & Veronica Watson, Edward & Lucille McGaughran, Joseph & Dorothy Lane, James & Patricia Moran. St. Paul: $500-Susanne Egan McGlynn; $150-M/M William 1. Milot; $1 OO-M/M Leon Ciark, MIM Brian Friary, MIM Scot Giannini, MI M Thomas McDonald, Joan Silva. Wareham St. Patrick: $100-MIM Paul Cayer, Theresa Williams, Mrs. John Sarson, Patricia Schaaf, Emilie & Deborah Rose, Anna Cross, Marilyn Wilbur, St. Patrick's Travel Club. Wellfleet Our Lady of Lourdes: $250Dr/M John S. McGovern; $1 OO-MI M Vincent Alfieri, MIM Richard C. Cio.tti, MIM John P. Ferro, Lorraine I. Kmiec, MIM Richard V. Spencer. West Harwich Holy Trinity: $I,OOO-Elizabeth J: Dolan; $500-MIM John W. Joyce; $400-MIM Michael Margotta; $200Joseph WSweeney; $175-M/M John B. O'Brien, Jr.; $150-MIM Ed Goggin; $125-M/M Philip Cain; $lOO-M/M Michael Concannon, Mrs. Maria Dane Serena, Atty. Daniel 1. Kenney. Westport Our Lady of Grace: $l,OOO-Mi M Joseph Moniz; $200-MIM Daniel Alexander; $100-M/M Leonard Silvia. S1. John the Baptist: $1,000Frederic & Elizabeth Torphy; $500Eric Thorgerson; $lOO-MIM Paul Amoe, MIM Dennis DeGrazia, MI M Ronald Begin, MIM Eugene P. Carroll. Woods Hole S1. Joseph: $500-William & Lisa Macaluso, Dr/M Harley Knebel, Leonard & Helen Beford; $400HonorablelM Lawrence Cameron; $360-Dr/M Charles McGowan; $123-DrlM Daniel O'Connor, Jr.; $120-Paul & Debra Demers; $100Barry & Mary Alice O'Neill, David & Catherine Cary. BUSINESS & COMMUNITY ATTLEBORO AREA: $1,200-S1. Mary-St. Vincent de Paul Society, Norton; $500-Morin's Diner, Inc.; $100-St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Women's Guild; CAPE COD & THE ISLANDS AREA: $500-S1. Joan ofArc-St. Vincent de Paul Society, Orleans; Our Lady of the Assumption Ladies Guild, Osterville; Our Lady ofVictory-St. Vincent de Paul Society, Centerville; $250-0ur Lady ofVictory-Our Lady of Hope Parish Guild, Centerville; Corpus Christi Women's Guild, East Sandwich; $150-St. Augustine-St. Vincent de Paul Society, Vineyard Haven. Continued on page 13

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Continued from page one

Paul II, and invested as a monsignor at ceremonies in the cathedral on October 22 of that year. His other diocesan appointments include service with the Tribunal, as director of activities at St. Vincent de Paul Camp, and as chaplain to the former St. Isidore the Farmer Council No. 4373 Knights of Columbus, Westport-Dartmouth. He has also served as chaplain to Council St. Antoine-de-Padoue No. 3 of Union St. Jean Baptiste, a division ofCatholic Family Life Insurance, of which he has been a member for more than 50 years. Father Fraga, 75, who has been pastor of St. Paul's in Taunton since Jan. 29, 1992, is a native ofTaunton. A graduate of the former Bishop Coyle High School there, Stonehill College, and St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore, Md., he was ordained a priest on March 17, 1956 in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, by Bishop Connolly. He served for 13 years following ordination as a parochial vicar at St. John of God Parish, Somerset. He then served at St. Joseph's Taunton for three years before being appointed to Holy


Ghost Parish, Attleboro, where he was parochial vicar for two years before being named pastor there in 1974. In 1986 he was appointed pastor of St. John the Baptist Parish in New Bedford. In 1987 he was named pastor of St. Peter's in Provincetown, before becoming pastor at St. Paul's following the 1992 retirement of the late Msgr. Robert L. Stanton. His other diocesan assignments included CYO director in the Somerset area, Taunton area director of Catholic Cemeteries, director of St. John's Cemetery, New Bedford, director of the Spanish Apostolate, Taunton area director of the Catholic Charities Appeal, and as a member of the Ecumenical Commission and the Priests' Senate. Father Graziano, 70, pastor at St. Mark's in Attleboro Falls, is a native of Boston. He graduated from Boston College High School and received a bachelor of arts degree and a master's degree, both in history, from Boston College. He served in the U.S. Army Reserve from 1958 to 1960. He studied theology at The Catholic University ofAmerica in Washington,

D.C., and was ordained a priest on May 25, 1963 in St. Mary's Cathe~ral, by Bishop Connolly. Father Graziano received a master's degree in social work from Boston College in 1973, and is a licensed social worker. He served as a parochial vicar at St. Mary's Cathedral and Holy Name Parish in Fall River; Holy Ghost in Attleboro, St. Bernard's in West Newton, Immaculate Conception in Taunton, and St. Thomas More in Somerset. In 1981 he was named pastor ofSt. James in New Hedford, and later served as pastor at SS. Peter and Paul in Fall River, St. Mary's in Mansfield; and St. Mark's in Attleboro Falls from 1996 until present. Among his many other diocesan assignments are service as spiritual director of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, director ofCatholic Social Services and special apostolates, director of the Mass. Association to Advance Human Services, director of St. Mary's Home in New Bedford, chaplain at the New Bedford House of Correction, administrator of St. Vincent's Home in Fall River, Bishop Connolly High School Board of Regents, and membership on the Diocesan Pastoral Council, the

Continued fium page J2


$3,400-White's of Westport; $SOO-Lafayette Federal Savings Bank; Montie Plumbing & Heating Company, Inc.; $2S0-Simon's Supply Co., Inc.; $lS0-Clover Club of Fall River; $100-American Wallpaper Co., Inc.; Boule Funeral Home; Chaves Market; Coastal Orthopaedics; Divine Images, Somerset.

charist initiated and proclaimed teering to spend an hour before the by our late Holy Father, Pope John Blessed Sacrament." Paul II last October," Father " The feast day is also special this year in the sense that it Bouchard said. "We opened a nine-day novena marks the 175th anniversary of leading to the feast day following the founding of the parish in the morning Mass on May 20, that 1830, the year Catholics arrived includes 24-hour adoration of the from the Boston area to work in Blessed Sacrament daily," the the Sandwich Glass Factory; as pastor said. "We initially set three well as the second anniversary slots for people to attend each of the new house of worship, in hour, and we easily covered that the Romanesque tradition, in and had even more people volun- August.



served at Immaculate Conception Parish in Fall River until 1969, when he was named administrator at St. Mary's in Seekonk. He was named pastor there in 1978. Father Mahoney has served in many other diocesan assignments. They include being chaplain at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy and its Newman Club, and the Cape Cod .Boy Scouts; service as co-director of the Fall River area CYO, membership on the Diocesan Personnel Board, coordinator for the Campaign for Human Development, and coordinator for the annual Overseas Appeal of the American Bishops. He also was spiritual advisor to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul; was moderator of District I ofthe Diocesan Council ofCatholic Women, and served as vicar for Clergy. PRACTICE THE DEVOTION OF THE FIRST SATURDAYS, AS REQUESTED BY OUR LADY OF FATIMA

On December 10,1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "Announce ill my name that I promise to assist at the hour ofdeath with the graces necessaryfor the salvation oftheir souls, all those who on the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall: 1. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Communion; 3. Recite the Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me. "

In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." Confessions may be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday.

Continued from page one

Brazil, a gift from the Brazilian community, was enclosed beneath the altar ofthe new Corpus Christi Church that was completed and dedicated in August 2003. The Gospel and Readings at the bilingual vigil Mass were in Portuguese and English, and hymns and music at the Mass also reflected both heritages. "The parish celebrations this year take on a special meaning because it is the Year of the Eu-




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remove from your body the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh" (Ezek 36:24). He said he would do this first by "sprinkling clean water" upon us to "cleanse [us] from all [our] uncleanness" (verse 25), which is what happens in the sacrament of baptism. NEW BEDFORD AREA: But that was just "pre$SOO-Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Couples Club; $2S0- operative" preparation for what Our Lady of Fatima-St. Vincent de the Lord wishes to do in the Paul Society; DeBross Oil Company, Eucharist. Inc.; $100-Murphy Automatic Sales, When Pope Paul VI in 1970 Inc., North Dartmouth. authorized doctors to examine, TAUNTON AREA: with state of the art techniques, $SOO-Polish American Citizens the almost 1,300-year-old Club; $3S0-Knights ofColumbus-St. Eucharistic miracle of Lanciano, Ann's Council #10289; $2S0-Silva Italy, we were able to get a Funeral Home; $220-Knigh~ of Co- glimpse of the connection lumbus-St. Paul's Council #12252; between the Eucharist and the $200-St. Paul's Council of Catholic Sacred Heart. Women; $IS0-Alei.xo Insurance The doctors determined that the Agency; $100-Taunton District Counconsecrated priest's host that had cil of Catholic Women; The Queen's turned into flesh right after the Daughters of Taunton; Daughters of ofconsecration was actually words Isabella, #564, North Easton. human heart wall (myocardium), NATIONAL: $1,SOO-Rev. Arthur K. Wingate; cut in a cross-section that would be $SOO-Stonehill College, Easton; impossible to make even with $100-Aubum Construction Co., Inc., present day tools. In working such a miracle, the Whitman.

Lord obviously could have taken on the composition of any human body part, but chose the texture of the human heart, not simply because he was giving us the fullness of his love in this sacrament, but he was also giving us his heart so that we might be able to love like him. Because of the connection, it's also easy to see, in retrospect, why the Lord, through St. Margaret Mary, asked that the feast of his Sacred Heart be celebrated on Friday right after Corpus Christi and to venerate his heart by receiving holy Communion on first Fridays. In the Eucharist, Jesus gives us a heart transplant, so that we might not just worship his sacred heart but receive from him a sacred heart in return. The Mass is how Jesus fulfills the prayer Catholics have lifted up for centuries: "0 Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make our hearts like unto thine!" Father Landry is a parochial vicar at St. Francis Xavier Parish, Hyannis.








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Friday, June 3, 2005

eya basketball champs crowned FALL RIVER - The Fall In the Junior Boys Division, St. River Diocesan CYO Basketball Mary's of South Dartmouth was Program recently completed an- victorious in two straight games other successful season and the against St. Mary's of Taunton. diocesan playoffs produced three Members of the championship divisional champions. Local team are: Luke Martin, Justin champions from the Fall River, Mello, Sean Sylvia, George New Bedford and Taunton areas Hodge, Michael Santos, Evan. took part in a playoff format that Davenport, Griffin Hanrahan, eventually produced diocesan Brad Mello and Dennis Medeiros. champions in each division. Coaches were Daniel Martin and In the Junior Girls Division, Kevin Mello. , Holy Name ofFall River defeated In the Prep Boys Division, it St. Joseph's of-North Dighton in was Our Lady of the Assumption . two straight games to win the路 ofNew Bedford besting St. Paul's ' championship. Members of Holy of Taunton in two straight games , Name are: Hannah Facchiano,' to take the title. Members of the Julie Plasski, Kate McDonald, ,winning team are: Joshua STUDENTS FROM St. Francis Xavier School, Acushnet, pray the rosary during a recent Vanessa Demelo, Leigh Oliveira, Kyle Duarte, Elso May crowning cerempny. May is traditionally a month that the Blessed, Mother is honored, ,Redmond, Allison Semple, Correia, Clayton Timas, Taysham Lyndsie Brauns, Brenna Sullivan, Ramos, Jorden Stoves, Lennam and many diocesan parishes and schools held events. Alexa Taylor and Kelsey Sullivan. Williams, Francis Howell, Aaron They were coached by Mike Azevedo and James Cappra. They Facchiano, B.J. McDonald and were coached by Steven Burgo Jim Plasski. and Butch Silva. .

THIRD GRADERS from St. Mary's School, New Bedford pantomime during a recent service. Pantomime is the art of . telling a story through movement only.

LEADERS OF the Freshman Class at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, gathered for a photo following a recent meeting. Planning activities for their peers this school year have been, from left: James Tenaglia, treasurer; Hollis Dunlop, secretary; Benjamin Donnelly, vice president; and Nathan Medeiros, president.

FIFTH-GRADE STUDENTS at Espirito Santo School, Fall River, display musical instruments they created for the closing activity in a lesson on sound. As part of the assignment, the musicians went from classroom to classroom performing songs for other students.

CHILDREN FROM the Second Grade at St. Anthony's School, New Bedford, put the finishing touches on banners as they prepare for their first 'Communion.


Friday, June 3, 2005

Cape Cod ECHO program celebrates 35 years CENTERVILLE - From Attleboro to Fall River, and from Wareham to Wellfleet, folks from all across the Diocese of Fall River gathered 'at Our Lady of Victory Church recently to celebrate the 35th anniversary of ECHO, a weekend retreat for high school juniors and seniors. ECHO is an acronym for Encountering Christin Others. . "We know of no other youth retreat program in the United States that has been so successful over so many years," said Mary Fuller of Buzzards Bay, a member of the . board of directors. "We have hosted more than 7,000 young people in these past 35 years. We are now seeing the high schoolaged children ofthose who made an ECHO weekend themselves as high school students. A generation has come full circle in the faith and we look hopefully to future ECHO generations." ECHO weekends begin on a Friday night and conclude with Benediction ofthe Blessed Sacrament on Sunday evening. The program consists oftalks, discussions, formal and informal prayer, faith sharing, and other activities. A team of adults, priests, and young people who have spent many weeks in preparation conduct the weekend experience. Separate weekends are held for boys and girls. There are six ECHO weekends held in the course of a year. The current site of the ECHO weekends is Craigville Conference Center in Centerville. High school candidates come from as far as Tiverton, R.I., to participate. The 35th celebration began with the presentation of items with symbolic significance, followed by an impressive procession of 14 colorful banners, each one handcrafted by fabric-artist Jeanne Giddings, for a particular ECHO weekend. Young people placed the banners to surround the assembly during the celebration of the Mass. Father Richard Roy, pastor of St. Joan of Arc Parish, Orleans, was the principal celebrant. Concelebrants included Father Thomas Frechette, ECHO spiritual director and pastor of St. Francis Xavier Parish,

Hyannis; Father Mark Hession, pastor of Our Lady of Victory Parish, Centerville, Father James Fahey, pastor of St. Theresa Parish in South Attleboro, Father John Murray, in residence at Our Lady of Victory Parish, Centerville, and Father Tim Goldrick, pastor of St. Bernard Parish,

Assonet Village. Deacon Leonard Dexter ofSt. John the Evangelist Parish, Pocasset, proclaimed the Gospel. Father Goldrick delivered ahomily based on the acronym ECHO and entitled "Come Follow Me." Edward Larieviere of Hyannis shared memories of his many years with the

SOME OF the 14 banners representing past ECHO weekends are carried into a Mass at Our Lady of Victory Church, Centerville, recently, for a 35th annivers.ary celebration of the Cape Cod retreat program.

ECHO program at the conclusion of the Mass. Erin McDonald, assistant director for service for the Social Action Center at Wheeling Jesuit University in Wheeling, West Virginia, who works with college students in a program ofcommunity assistance among the rural poor, spoke of the value ECHO has been in her formation as a young adult Catholic now actively living out her faith. Outgoing members of the Youth Board were honored and the new members welcomed. The Youth Board is a group of young people who assist behind the scenes with the planning and conducting of an ECHO. Also honored were all past and present directors (called rectors and rectoras) in the congregation. These are the highly trained adults who actually lead the retreats. The leadership of the ECHO program are lay people, assisted by clergy and religious spiritual directors. The ECHO program is recognized and endorsed by the Diocese of Fall River. Particular mention was made of clergy who have assisted with the ECHO program over the years, including Father John Andrews ofWellfleet. Special mention was made ofBishop George W. Coleman, who, as a young priest, served as spiritual director on four ECHO weekends. ECHO priests who have died were also fondly remembered, including Fathers Thomas Mayhew, Francis Connors, James Clark, and Thomas McMorrow. Fathers Thomas Lopes of North Easton, and Philip Davignon of Osterville, also participated in the celebration. A joyful music ministry group led by Kris Hill assisted the congregation in singing well-known contemporary hymns. The celebration continued with refreshments and fellowship in the church hall. There, archival lists of ECHO past team members and candidates were available for viewing and reminiscing. Forfurther informadon abouttlteECHO program, visit www.ecltoofcapecod.org or contact Mary Fuller at 508-759-4265.

Susie's teen-age legacy By M. REGINA CRAM CATHOUC


I watched as Susie's childhood ended abruptly one Tuesday morning after breakfast. That's when all those things that gave life to her bedroom made their first trip to college: her books and posters, her ratty sneakers and favorite teddy bear. And, ofcourse, Susie. I had a lot of years to prepare myself, but perhaps we're never truly ready. I missed Susie's laughter, her easy way, her insights, her friends. The thing was, I couldn't even visit her on Parents Weekend because Susie is not my daughter. Susie was our baby sitter. . When we first moved into the neighborhood years ago, a friendly l2-year-old girl came over often to sit on our swing as my little ones

hood pool during their swimming played. Sometimes she helped lessons. Even when she was not . them build castles in the sandbox baby-sitting, she often took a child or draw the hopscotch lines that for a swim, patiently showing sixtheir chubby fingers could not manage. Susie was especially fond year-old Skip proper breathing oftwo-year-old Meredith, a shy, bald little dumpling with a winning smile. Meredith, for her part, -~::l quickly fell in love with "my fwend, Shushee." of Before long, Susie was old enough to baby-sit. She found time to comb Meredith's wispy hair patiently, and later she delighted . techniques or coaxing young Tierney by French-braiding her Meredith to put her face. into the unruly mop. Sometimes Meredith water. would go to Susie's house to play, That's the kind of person Susie returning with pink fingernails or a is, so it shouldn't have surprised gaudy necklace from Susie's own me when she invited Meredith to childhood. When I was very pregnant with sit with her friends at a high school basketball game or that she played my fourth child, I arranged for Susie to watch the children several house and hairdresser with her on rainy Saturdays. It shouldn't have mornings a week at the neighbor-




applying to colleges the following surprised me that she always took the time to encourage Skip before . year, she had to write an essay about an accomplishment she was a swim meet and to cheer him on during his races, often scooping up most proud of Ignoring the closet full of sports trophies, Susie wrote our toddler so I could watch too. how proud she was that she taught Not surprisingly, Susie's a child to read. kindness extended beyond the What she didn't say was that neighborhood. Several times a she also taught my children that week during high school she kindness is cool and that teenvolunteered at a city shelter for agers can make a difference in battered women, caring for the children while the mothers pursued their comer of the world. So it shouldn't surprise us that an education. Meredith, now a teen-ager herself, That's the kind of person Susie shows the same kindness to a is, so we shouldn't have been special family for whom she babysurprised when my husband and I sits. Each time Meredith heads out returned from a date one Saturday to see them, she brings along a night to discover that Susie had taught Meredith how to read. All it favorite book, or a game to play, or ribbons for their wispy hair. She had taken was a little time and hates it when 1make a big deal attention. That was always Susie's about it. Susie hated that too. best gift to us. That's the kind of people I know that Susie treasured the they are. experience too. When she was


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Friday, June 3, 2005

Poll: Many Americans oppose embryonic stem-cell research WASHINGTON (CNS) ...,-- A In a second question, responmajority of Americans oppose ' dents were told that stem cells federal. funding of stem-ce.\l te-' "can also be obtained from adults, search involving the destruction from placentas left over from live of human embryos, while 36 per- births, and in other ways that do cent support it, according to a new no harm to the donor" and that poll commissioned by the U.S. "scientists disagree on which bishops' Secretariat for Pro-Life source may end up being most Activities. successful in treating diseases." "It is always wrongfor governAsked how they would prefer ment to promote the destruction their tax dollars "to be used this of human life," said Richard M. year for stem-cell research," 22 Doerflinger, deputy director ofthe percent said they supported "all secretariat, in a statement. "To do methods, including those that re~ so when a clear majority of the quire destroying human embryos, taxpayers themselves reject this to see which will be most suc路cessapproach would be especially ir- ful," while 60 percent said they responsible." , favored "research using adult The poll was recently released stem cells and other alternatives as the U.S. House of Representa- to see if there is no need to detives was considering legislation stroy human embryos for rethat would'allow federal funding search." of stem-ce.ll research using emAnother eight percent said they bryos created but not used for in- supported neither option, eight vitro fertilization. A vote was ex- percent said they didn't know and pected on the legislation before two percent declined to answer. the summer recess. ' The margin of error for the InIn the survey conducted by In- ternational Communications Reternational Communications Re- search poll, conducted by telesearch, 1,010 Americans were phone, was plus or minlis three told that "Congress is considering percentage points. the question offederal funding for An identical poll in August experiments using stem cells from 2004 found that Americans ophuman embryos" and that em- posed funding stem-cell research bryos "would be destroyed in their that required the destruction of first week of development to ob- early human embryos by a martain these cells." gin of 47 percent to 43 percent. Asked whether they "support On the second question, 61 peror oppose using your federal tax cent favored funding only morally dollars for such experiments," 36 unproblematic avenues ofrepercent were in s4Pport, 52 per- search while 23 percent supported cent were opposed, 10 percent all avenues, including methods said they didn't know and two involving the destruction of hupercent refused to answer. man embryos,

A TAPESTRY depicting U.S. Mother Marianne Cope hangs inside S1. Peter's Basilica during her beatification ceremony May 14. Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martin,s presided at the service that also marked the beatification of a Spanish missionary, Sister Florentina Nicol Goni. (CNS photo from Reuters)

BOB AND MARY Schindler, the parents of Terri Schindler Schiavo, present a framed gift to Pope Benedict XVI after the pope's general audience in S1. Peter's Square at the Vatican May 18. The gift shows Schiavo, who died March 31 after a Florida judge ordered the braindamaged woman's feeding tube to be removed. (CNS photo from L'Osservatore Romano)

Terri Schiavo's parents meet pope at end of his general audience BVCAROL GLATZ CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

VATICAN CITY- The parents of the late Terri Schindler Schiavo met briefly with Pope Benedict XVI at the end of his May 18 general audience in St. Peter's Square. Bob and Mary Schindler, parents of the 41-year-old Florida woman who died after a court ordered her feeding tube to be disconnected, shook hands with the pope and presented him with a framed gift featuring two pictures of Schiavo and what appeared to be a poem. The pope e,xchanged a few words with the couple, and an aide took the gift. At the end ofhis weekly general audiences, Pope Benedict greets audience members who are seated in two special sections near his chair. The Schindlers were seated along the barricade in the front row of one of the sections. Before meeting with the pope, the Schindlers met with a top Vatican official May 17 to thank him for his defense oftheir daughter's right to life. Cardinal Renato Martino, head ofthe Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, had spoken out against the U.S. courts' decisions not to allow the reinsertion of Schiavo's feeding tube. He had called it "an unjust death sentence of an innocent person." Schiavo died March 31, nearly two weeks after a court ordered her feeding tube to be disconnected. She had been in what doctors de- , fmed as a persistent vegetative state since 1990. At his May 17 meeting with the Schindlers, Cardinal Martino reiterated his condemnation of "the killing of this woman in one of the most inhumane and cruel ways, through hunger and thirst," according to a written statement released

by the council. companied by inembers ofthe MisThe Schindlers "expressed their sionaries of the Gospel of Life, a appreciation to the cardinal for mak- new society of apostolic life based ing bold efforts to save the life of in Amarillo, Texas. their daughter" who was "practiThe justice and peace council cally condemned to die by the U.S. statement said that representatives courts on the petition of the of the group were to present the woman's husband," the Vatican Holy See with the statutes of the statement said. new society of priests, deacons, Terri Schiavo's husband, brothers and seminarians that proMichael Schiavo, wanted the feed- motes Pro-Life ministry. ing tube removed, saying it was The statement said Cardinal what his wife would have wanted. . Martino "encouraged the initiatives However, the Schindlers fought a of the new association for the deseven-year legal battle with Michael fense ofhuman life froin conception Schiavo over the right to make to its natural end." It said he noted medical decisions for her. that the threat to human life is found Before Terri Schiavo died, nu- not only in abortion and euthanasia, merous Church leaders, including "but also in the death penalty, war, Cardinal Martino, had made public terrorism, the destruction or manipuappeals to save her life. lation of human embryos, decimaIn their meeting with Cardinal tioncaused by famines or devastaMartino, the Schindlers were ac- tion of the environment."

GERMAN FINANCE Minister Hans Eichel, left, and Cardinal Karl Lehmann of Mainz, Germany, present an oversized version of the new German postage stamp honoring the late Pope John Paull! during ceremony in Mainz recently. (CNS photo from Reuters)


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