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FAMED SPEAKER: Left photo, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen is interviewed on arrival at Stang for Bicentennial Mass with Bishop Cronin.

The ANCHOR An Anchor 01 the Soul, Sure and Flrm-St. Paul

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, June 3, 1976 PRICE 15c Vol. 20, No. 23 漏 1976 The Anchor $5.00 per year

New Appointments For Five Priests ,Bishop Daniel A. Cronin has announced two transfers of priests and new appointments for three diocesan clergy. Rev. Arthur K. Wingate, assistant at Sacred Heart parish, Fall River, will become assistant at St. Mary's, Mansfield. Rev. Horace J. Travassos, in residence at St. James parish, New Bedford, will be in residence at St. Thomas More, Somerset. Rev. Edward J. Burns will succeed Rev. Cornelius J. O'Neill as chairman of the Diocesan Ecumenical Commission; and Rev. Robert S. Kaszynski will succeed Father O'Neill as liaison with charismatic groups of the diocese.


Vocation Weekend June 5-6 _---In This

Rev. John F. Moore has been named director of the Permanent Diaconate. Turn to Page Two

Right photo, In procession, left to right, Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, Msgr. Alfred Gendreau, Archbishop Sheen, Rev. Manuel P. Ferreira.

Diocese Hails Nation At Bicentennial Mass

"He's at home here because we love him," said Bishop Daniel A. Cronin in introducing Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen to a crowd of 2000 assembled at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, for an outdoor Memorial Day liturgy, the major diocesan observance for the Bicentennial year. A standing ovation given the frail 81-year-old Archbishop at the beginning and end of his homily, as well as enthusiastic applause all along the route of the entrance procession to the Mass, supported the Bishop's words. "I want to talk to you about the past, present and future of our dear country," the Archbishop told his hearers. He said that the founding fathers of the nation recognized that rights and liberties come from God. "If you want trees, you must keep the forest, if you want per-

fume, you路 must keep the flowers, if you want rights, you must keep God," declared the Archbishop, "Schools like this," he asserted, indicating the Stang campus, "are protecting this right for all. Please God, some day our government will understand that." .

The prelate decried those who insist, "'I've got to be me. I've got to do my thing.' Since when?" he queried. "As Christians, you've got to do the other person's thing. It's not, 'I've got to be me.' It's 'I've got to be His.''' Achbishop Sheen spoke highly o~ Presidents Washington and Lincoln, noting that Washington on one occasion fasted and prayed an entire day for the welfare of the citizens of Massa.chusetts and that Lincoln regarded the Civil War ."as punishment inflicted by God on a presumptuous nation."

.Sister Not Retiring, Just Changing Her Apostolic Commitments She's not retiring, she's just changing her apostolic commitments. That's how Sister Maureen Hanley, RSM describes the conclusion of her 20 years as principal of Nazareth Hall School, Fall River. The widely known pioneer in the field of service to exceptional children will wind up her full-time assignment this month-only to step into a part-time occupation at St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, come September. No one who knows her would have expected otherwise. Sister

Maureen is not the rocking chair type and she admits that a period of enforced inactivity after a recent severe heart attack was a most trying experience for her. For 20 years she's been byilding Nazareth into a front runner among Catholic institutions for special education and in the process she's trained most of the personnel for the spin-off Nazareths in Hyannis and Attleboro.. She's developed an active, supportive and enthusiastic Nazareth Guild for .parents, she's served on boards of other area

special educati,on organizations and most of all, in season and out, she's hammered .at the principle of "firmness with love" in dealing with her young charges. The other day she took an hour off from end-of-school and cleaning-out-her-desk activities to look back on her years at Nazareth and her total of 48 years as a Sister of Mercy. She recalled her happy childhood as one of eight .Ghildren growing up in St. Patrick's parish, Fall r River. Turn to Page Fifteen

Recalling I that Lincoln had warned against growing in numbers and wealth but forgetting God, the Archbishop said, "I wonder if there's a danger that hangs over America because we take a life every 30 seconds and there are one million abortions a year. In one year we kill more children than we have lost in all the wars of our history. Turn to Page Two

Fr. Canuel1s Anniversary Rev. Henry R. Canuel will offer a Mass of thanksgiving for 40 years in the priesthood at 11 a.m. Pentecost Sunday, June 6, at St. Anne's Church, New Bedford. Concelebrating with him will b~ many priests of the area Turn to Page Eight



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He's Not A Gloomy Ecumenist

Karen Quinlan Survives

1700 Years For God

Why It's A Love School

Hope for Teens Who Drink

Page 3

Page 6

Page 7

Page 10

Page 14


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 3, 1976


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OFFICIAL Rev. Arthur K. Wingate, from Assistant, Sacred Heart, Fall River, to Assistant, Saint Mary, Mansfield. Rev. Horace J. Travassos, from Residence, Saint James, New Bedford, to Residence, Saint Thomas More, Somerset. 'Effective June 9, 1976

Bishop of Fall River

Bicentennial Mass America's founders and with his familiar gesture of upraised arms and benediction of "God love you." Rev. James F. Lyons and Rev. Peter N. Graziano were concelebrants with Bishop Cronin of the Bicentennial Mass. Chaplains for Archbishop Sheen were Msgr. Alfred J. Gendreau and Rev. Manuel P. Ferreira. The Diocesan Chorale was led in music for the event by Rev. William G. Campbell and Rev. Horace J. Travassos directed congregational participation in singing. . Souvenir prayer cards distributed to all in attendance were miniatures of the BicE!nten" nial Liturgy poster designEld by Sister Gertrude Gaudette, O.P. A patriotic theme of red, white and blue was carried out in altar hangings and floral displays and massed flags included papal and national colors and reprOductions of colonial banners.

Benedictine Oblates Oblates of St. Benedict will hold a day of recollection Sunday, June 6 at Portsmouth Abbey, Portsmouth, R. I., beginning with Mass at 9 a.m. and concluding with a 2:30 p.m. conference. Breakfast and dinner will be served. Reservations may be made at the abbey or with Mrs. Frank S. Moriarty, telephone 672-1439. '''UlllllllnUllllllllll11llllllltllllttllllmlllllllllltlllltmUUIII'I.'''''t1I1U'U''l1 11"""'1"" '1'

THE ANCHOIl Second CllSs Posta,e Paid It Fill River, MISS. Published every ThursdlY lit 410 HI.hland Avenue, Fall River, Maas. 02722 by the Clthollc Press of the Diocese of Fill Illver. Subscription price by mall, postplld '5.00 per Yllr.

Continued from Page One Father Wingate, born Oct. 22, 1930 in Wellesley, Mass., ls the son of Angela (Kirby) and the late Raymond Wingate. He graduilted from Coyle High School, Taunton, and after two years at Providence College entered St. John's Seminary, Brighton. He was ordained in St. Mary's Cathedral Feb. 2, 1957 by Bishop James L. Connolly. His parish assignments have included service at St. Joseph's, Taunton, St. Lawrence, New Bedford and St. Mary's, Taunton. Father Travassos was born in Fall River on Jan. 2, 1943, the son of Horace and Veronica (Carey) Travassos. Following studies at Coyle High School and Providence College and service as a teacher at Bishop Stang High School, he entered St. John's Seminary Brighton, and was ordained May 12, 1972 at St. Mary's Cathedral by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, thereafter being assigned to St. James parish, New Bedford, as assistant pastor. On January 21 of this year Father Travassos was' named assistant chancellor of the diocese, remaining in resident at St. James. Father Burns, pastor of Our Lady of Fatima parish, Swansea, was born in Fall River May 25, 1927, the son of the late Edward J. and Ann (Reilly) Burns. A graduate of B.M.C. Durfee High School, Fall River, he studied for the priesthood at St. Meinrad Seminary, St. Meinrad, Ind. and at St. Peter's College, University of Ontario. He was ordained May 22, 1954 by Bishop James L. Connolly after completing postgraduate studies in semantics and liturgy at the University of Notre Dame. Father Burns has served as assistant at St. Joseph, St. Louis and St, William's parishes in Fall River. He has been notary and' advocate ,for the diocesan tribunal and served on the Diocesan Commission for the Sacred Liturgy.


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MAUSOLEUM: Bishop Cronin blesses new mausoleum at Fall River's Notre Dame Cemetery on Memorial Day.




New Appointments For Five Priests


Continued from Page One "Evil forces close in so gradually we can be lost without knowing just .when it happened," he warned, adding that "there is a Statue of Liberty on our East Coast. Maybe there should be a statue of Duty and Responsibility on our West Coast." The prelate said America's future depends on its moral order. "When you * walk towards the sun the shadows fall behind you," he said, "When you walk away from the sun, the shadows are ahead of you. The sun is Christ. When we walk away from him, fears and anxieties rule our lives, when we walk towards him the shadows fall behind us, and when we walk directly beneath. his light the shadows completely disappear." Archbishop Sheen closed with a call for a return to the spirit of discipline and self-sacrifice of


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Father Kaszynski, born in New Bedford Oct. 28, 1933 is the son of the late Chester S. and Genevieve (Kalisz) Kaszynski. He attended New Bedford and Dartmouth public schools and studied at Cardinal O'Connell Seminary, Boston, St. John's Seminary, Brigpton and SS. Cyril and Methodius Seminary, Orchard Lake, Mich. He was ordained Jan. 30, 1960 by Bishop Connolly and served at St. Patrick's Church, Fall. River untii he was named curate at St. Stanislaus Church, Fall River, on June 12, 1962. In 1966 he was named administrator of the parish, where he is now pastor. Father Moore, born in New Bedford July I, 1933, is the son of Rose (McCabe) and the late

Patrick J. Moore. A graduate of Holy Family High School, New Bedford, he then studied at Cardinal O'Connell Seminary, BoSton, and St. John's Seminary, Brighton. He was ordained Jan. 30, 1960 by Bishop Connolly and seved at Holy Name parish, Fall River, St. Joseph, Taunton and SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River, before his present assignment at St. William's, Fall River. For several years he has contibuted a biweekly column, "The Mooring," to The Anchor. In his new post, Father Moore will begin a study and implementation of the restoration of the permanent dfaconate, drawing on material made availahle by the National Council of Catholic Bishops.

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Father O'Neill Is Not A Gloomy Ecumenist By PAT McGOWAN and NC News Contrary to feelings expressed by many delegates to the annual National Workshop on Christian Unity, held recently in Memphis, Rev. Cornelius J. O'Neill, outgoing chairman of the Diocesan Ecumenical Commission, does not take a gloomy view of ecumenism. Common complaints at the workshop were that both funding and grass roots action for ecumenism have dwindled. But Father O'Neill said funding problems were mostly with Protestant groups and that the American Bishops are maintaining a Washington-based office for ecumenical affairs. Also, individual dioceses customarily appoint an ecumenical chairman, such as Father O'Neill, whose funding, if needed, comes from his own Bishop. As to grass-roots activity, he commented, "There isn't the running around there used to be, but the novelty of ecumenism has worn off, after all." He added that younger Catholics,' including priests ordained in the last few years, are truly ecumenical and do not see the need for organizations. He said that a highlight of the meeting came for him at a workshop session when Rev. Richard Rooney, S.J., an elderly Jesuit long active in the work of the Sodality of Our Lady (now known as Christian Life Communities), was asked, "Would you be content to die tomorrow, knowing ecumenism was at its present stage?" 500 Years

"His response," said Father O'Neill, "was beautiful. He declared, 'When I consider what has been done in the last 10 years towards undoing the divisions of 500 years, and when I set the last 10 years against the 50 in which I've been persona1:ly involved in ecumenism, I consider a tremendous amount has been done-and I would be content to die tomorrow!" The diocesan chairman also noted that the address given at the meeting by Archbishop Jean Jadot, apostolic delegate to the United States was "encouraging and consoling."

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New Englanders Make Rea"dy For D'etro-it Parley

The delegate said that "much progress has been made toward reconciliation within the Christian family in the past five years," but warned that the "legitimate diversity found within the one family of Christ must be recognized and respected."

Observances Set For Holy Cross Ordination ceremonies Saturday at Holy Cross Church, South Easton, for two Holy Cross seminarians will begin a week of activities for members of the religious community. To be ordained by Most Rev. Lawrence L. Granner, C.S.C., former Archbishop of Dacca, Bangladesh, are Rev. Mr. Francis T. Zlotkowski of Ansonia, Conn. and Rev. Mr. Richard Mazziotta, Queens ViHage, N.Y. A community retreat for Holy Cross priests will be preached on June 7 and 8 by Very Rev. Thomas O. Barrosse, C.S.C., superior general of the congregation. It will be followed by provincial chapter meeting presided over by Rev. William R. Ribando, C.S.C., superior of the Eastern Holy Cross Province.

A concelebrated Mass at 4 p.m. Friday, June 11 at Holy Cross Center, Stonehill College, will climax the week, marking the golden jubilees of Rev. James W. Connerton, C.S.C. and Rev. Hilary Paszek, C.S.C., and 35 years of priesthood for Rev. Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., famed promoter of the Family Rosary devotion, and Rev. Thomas B. Curran, C.S.C., Cocoa Beach, Fla. Celebrating 25 years will be Rev. Francis L. McFarland, C.S.C., Gorham, Me. Father Connerton, founder and first president of King's College, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., will -be homilist for the jubilee Mass.




LEARN ABOUT NETWORK: Members of Fall River Sister's Senate heard explanation of Network, national Sisters' organization concerned with politics of participation at meeting at Dominican Academy, Fall River. From left 'Sister Frances Lynch, RSM, chairperson; Sister Kathlee~ Hingar, SSJ, speaker; Sister Rhea Quintin, SSJ, delegate. Audience was told current Network concerns are national food policies, the economy, elections, the Equal Rights Amendment and housing.

Open House Set at Two Camps The annual open house of Cathedral and Our Lady of the Lake Camps, East Freetown, will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, June 6. Camp programs and activities will be explained to campers and facilities will be open for inspection. New sports include street hockey and golf, played on the camp's rink and driving range. Paul Harney, 1975 Professional Golfer of the Year, will be on hand at the open house to offer tips to campers. Other camp activities include a full waterfront program, "archery, baseball, soccer, rifle range, Indian

Good Works "The root of a1'1 good works is the hope of the resurrection; for the expectation of the reward nerves the soul to good works."-St. Cyril of Jerusalem: "Catechetical Discourses," 18, I, fourth century.



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crafts, campcraft, arts and crafts, nature study and, for girls, dancing and cheerleading. The camp season will open Monday, July 5 and continue through Friday, Aug. 27. Rev. Leonard Mullaney, director will be assisted by a staff including seminarians, teachers and college and high school students.

Rev. Peter N. Graziano represented the Fall River diocese at a New England regional meeting held last month in Providence in preparation for the Catholic Bicentennial Conference to be held in October in Detroit. Attendants received a progress report on national planning for the conference, at which 1200 representatives of clergy, religious _and laity will pool ideas in the field of social justice, to be submitted to the American bishhops and form the basis of a five-year plan to promote "liberty and justice for all/' Father Graziano noted that parish participation in a preparatory social justice discussion program has involved some 2000 members of the Fall River diocese, whose comments are providing area grass-roots input into the Church's national planning. He said that the local results will be published in detail at a later date. He added that the projected Bicentennial Conference will be a first for world Catholicism and that it should end in involving American Catholics in concrete action against grave social injustices.

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THE ANCHORThurs., June 3, 1976

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June ~l, 1916

Speaking Loudly Enough


The number of Roman Catholics in the United States, according to J. Kenedy and Sons Official Catholic Directory is 48,881,872 or 22.78 per cent of the total national population. Encouraging indications are the increase in baptisms over last year and the increase in converts. Still a cause of concern is the decrease over the last ten years in the numbers of priests, sisters, brothers and schools. However much this can be decried, it should be viewed as an occasion for challenge rather than a cause for discouragement. The fact is that Catholics should use their numbers not in a political sense but to insist on the fundamentals upon which this nation was deliberately founded-belief in God and in the God-given rights of man. The fact is that God does,not abandon His Church and there must be the seeds of vocations in the home:; and hearts of many men and women. It remains for all to pray for vocations and to uncover them and to encourage their growth. ' The fact is that more and more serious studies are pointing up the value of Catholic schools which inculcate values and do not merely give information. The fact is that all Catholics and each Catholic must practice what is preached and then the whole fabric of the Church in America will be stronger and become a more positive force for good in the nation. The theme of almost all talks and reflections upon the nation's bicentennial is the spiritual strength of the country, what it was, what it has become, what it should be. Here is where just over a fifth of the country's citilzens, Catholics, have a voice to say something if only they Will, by their lives, speak loudly enough.


Come, Holy, Spirit It used to be said that the Holy Spirit was the forgotten Person of the Trinity. It would seem-and happily so-that this is no longer so and Catholics and Christians over the past decade have talked much about the Holy Spirit and sought His influence in their lives and opened themselves to the guidance of His inspiration. The present great novena of the Church thes.e days between the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord and the Descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday, jis an emphasis on the Holy Spirit. The promise of the Son, that He and the Father would send the Holy Spirit into the lives of those who are God's children and the brothers and sisters of the Lord, is a source of great joy to one who believes. It is an awesome reality, the generosity of God and His love for man that a frail human being is able to rejoice in the indwelling within his soul of the Father, constantly creating; the Son, always interceding, the Holy Spirit, ever inspiring to good. This reality is the background against which each person should live his life.


Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. ACTING EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINIS1'RATOR Rev. John R. Foister, S.T.L. Rev. Msgr. John Regan ~

leary Press,-路Fall River

A MOTHER'S LOVE A mother smiles at her toddler son Her face radiates a love that is warm and positive Her total affection for him is so obvious ... so joyful ... so attractive ... Such love has the power to call up in a child ... a sense of well-being ... a contented assurance of being loved ... of being loveable. This mother's radiant smile suggests the creative, calming power of love It seems a perfect image of God's gracious regard for us ... We are used to calling God "Father" ... but a mother's love may better image God's love for us. God is our "Mother," too ... with all the tenderness . . '. patience . . . expectancy of a mother for her loved child. God says to each of us ... through the words of the prophet Isaiah: ' "Can a mother forget her infant ... be without tenderness for the child of her womb? ... Even if she forgets ... I will never forget you!" .(Isaiah 49:15)




St. William's Church

The Tart Times Few Catholics who live on the East Coast of this country realize that the American Catholic belongs toa minority group. It is estimated that Catholics make up about 23 percent of the total United States population. Yet there is a fascination and a fetishism lingering about the Cath- from within, with the typical olic Church on a national results. Not only was the article a level that certainly expands hodge-podge of innuendo and

beyond the minority status that Catholics actually possess in this land. A reflection of this mentality would be the example set by Time magazine in its May 24th edition. The cover story was devoted to Time's unique evaluation of the present day Catholic Church in the United States. In the past the Church in America has mainly been viewed by such publications in relation to its influence on the social mores of this land. However, 'this story attempts to analyze the Church

Verdian asides, Ibut it was contrived. With its usual sweep of the very broad brush, Time's attempt to inform the general American public of the inner difficulties that challenge the Church in this land was once more a mere chant of a Greeley litany and a Critic cry. Angry Andrew and his vade mecum, the Critic, served up a dish of the dissension on which Time thrives. Narrow in scope, limited in vision and selfrighteous in content, Time's article on the Church in America

Pro-Life Meeting Lists Speakers Speakers at a national Right to Life convention to be held in Boston Wednesday through Sunday, June 23 through 27, wiH include Sen. James L. Buckley, who will deliver the keynote address; Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen; Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Willke, authors of "Handbook on Abortion"; Mrs. Louise Summerhill, Birthright foundress; and several internationally known prolife physicians. The convention agenda lists a simulated U. S. Congressional hearing, a prayer breakfast, a "headliner" banquet and a parade-demonstration through the streets of Boston. Also planned are workshops and methods meetings on the Equal Rights Amendment and other women's issues, abortion and sterilization, legal issues and the socio-economic aspects of abortion, minority involvement and euthanasia. Further convention information is available from Richard Allen, Box 76 (Back Bay Annex), Boston 02117.

Religious Items Anchor readers are asked to send used religious items such as rosaries, medals, statues and Easter, Christmas and holy cards to Rev. Paul Cruz, S1. Thomas Church, Sasthamkotta P.O., Kerala, India, for use in mission activities. .llml"lllll'lIlmllllUlllllllll"'UII'~II""""mmllumlll.ml"''''IlIll.mllmlll1111I11''''

was glib at best and flip at worse. Misleading Article For the millions of American Catholics who are sincerely attempting to meet the cha1lenges of our day and our Church, the article was insulting. For the many who make little attempt to see beyond the present, it was encouragingly misleading. To add insult to injury, the cover of this particular issue was right out of the handbook of the cross burning KKK. The traditional cross broken by the Stars and Stripes harkens back to ,the age of the Nativists. One would suspect that a few "Know Nothings" still linger in the offices of Madison Avenue. To dish up once more this can of worms makes one suspect a bias that has long lingered in the murky ink of Time's past comments on the Catholic community. To be quite frank, if Time attempted to play this type of journalistic trick on any other minority group, the outcry and reaction would make national headlines. It would not dare to approach the Jewish or the Black community with the same callousness and insensitivity as it does the Catholic community. The Catholic Church in these United States has been loyal to the American dream above and beyond the call of duty. It is tragic that Time magazine sees fit to break the Cross, which means so much to the Catholic people of this land, with the Stars and Stripes. It is about time that Time should begin to treat the American Catholic Church honestly and sincerely, with less prejudice and bias, Greeley and the Critic notwithstanding.


Letters to the editor

Letters are welcomed, but should be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and include a home or business address.

We regret that this feature has not appeared in recent weeks due to the space needs of the overwhelmingly successful Catholic Charities Appeal. Many letters have been received commenting on various. stories and diocesan activities and a sampling of them appears below. We are sorry that all cannot be used, but please keep them coming, and we will try to keep abreast of them from now on.

She's Younger Dear Editor: I am writing to you al:!out your May 6 issue of The Anchor. On page 5 there was a picture of a 12-year-old boy and the caption read "Youngest Lector?" My daughter, Cathy Gauthier from St. Stanislaus School, is 11 years old and lectored for the first time Nov. 27, 1975 at St. Stanislaus Church on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Alice Gauthier Fall River

Doesn't Agree Dear Editor: While enjoying the Rev. Andrew M. Greeley's articulate style of writing, I really take exception to severaol remarks in his column of May 6: "Avers CCD No Substitute for Catholic Schools." At times Father Greeley seems to confuse personal. guilt, personal conscience and personal responsibility with collective or social feelings. "Like busing, CCD is a matter of pure faith": isn't that the name of the whole game: the sacraments, the Church and the people of God who are involved in such programs.... After reading this column I recaHed an evening when our pastor looked neither lazy nor guilty. We dropped in the ~CD Center on a Friday evening to find him making coffee (large urn), going over to reverently say the evening Mass, coming back to work on the bingo game because some of the senior citizens who help him had either caught the flu or gone to Florida. I'm going to add another ambition to a list that is already long-receive the sacrament of penance under the new rite from Father Greeley some day. Jacquelyn A. Bourne Buzzards Bay

Never Disappointed Editor: As it is always a bit deflating to learn that one's personal hero has clay feet, I was initially disconcerted by Father Andrew Greeley's admission in his recent column (The Anchor, April 15) that he does not know who I am. I had never imagined that there could be anything which Father Greeley does not know.

THE ANCHORThurs., June 3, 1976

Fr. Claude Peifer, a.s.b. St. Bede Abbey Peru Illinois

The Parish Parade


, Upon reflection, however, I can easily understand why he has never heard of me. As one of the incestuously integrated little coterie of incompetent, semi-literate clerical hacks who dominate the Catholic press, I have long ground out patronizing book reviews which are invariably uninformed and unimaginative. In my most realistic moments, I realize sadly that some 99% of my thoughts are not important enough to warrant publication. This humbling mediocrity pales into insignificance before the universal genius of Father Greeley, whose every inspiration we- all anxiously look forward to seeing in print. Fortunately, we are never disappointed in our hope..: .. I can plead no defense except original sin. Though I have not yet been able to resist its influence, I do keep trying, encouraged by the unfailing good example of Father Greeley. Some day, perhaps, I shall succeed in emulating his objectivity and fairness of judgment, his careful documentation of his every assertion, his generous openness to the views of others, his modesty, his kindness, his discretion, his concern for the feelings of others, his exemplary Christian charity. The Church needs both geniuses and saints, but how blessed is she to find both in the same man! If Father Greeley ever again runs short of bishops for his breakfast menu, I do hope that he will remember me. He has no idea how grateful I shall be for even the slightest recognition. It is hard to imagine how boring a monastery can be when one has to spend all his time sending novices out to water hroomsticks. I cannot help sighing for the big time. To rub shoulders even briefly with the important personages who claim Father Greeley's attention - Pope Paul, Cardinal Cody, Michael Novak, tIie notorious anti-Catholic bigots of Chicago University - it's like being a celebrity for a day.


Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town shOUld be Included. as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: the same news Item can be used only once.' Please do not request that we repeat an announcement several times. ARMEL

SPINNING WHEEL: It's only cardboard, but construction of spinning wheel as a Bicentennial project taught Eighth Grader Lorraine Bernier of St. Joseph School, New Bedford, a healthy respect for labors undertaken by colonial forebears.

The 'Parish Parade

ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER Holy Rosary Sodalists will meet at 2 p.m. Sunday, ,June 6 in the school hall. Men s Club mem~ers will meet at 7 p.m., also 10 t.he hal~. . Parishioners 10terested 10 pla~ ning a civic Polish Night to take place in -July in. Father- Kelly Park will meet at 7:45 tonight in the school. Places are still available for a parish excursion to Poland and Russia in August. Further information is available at the rectory. ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO Knights of the Altar will participate tonight in installation ceremonies for a new unit of the organization at St. Ann's parish, Raynham. BEE People will attend a Fenway Park baseball game Sat. urday, June 5. Knights of the Altar will hold their monthly meeting at 7:15 p.m. Sunday in the school building. Donations of craft materials and repairable toys and dolls are requested for the parish Christmas bazaar. They may be left at the back of the church at any Mass.

St. "M,ory's C'othedral

ANNOUNCES The forthcoming publication of a new parish history on the occasion of the· 75th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Church. " Those who wish to be listed as Benefactors and those who wish 'In Memoriam' listings are asked to contad before June 15, 1976: ST. MARY'S RECTORY 327 SECOND STREET FALL RIVER, MASS. 02721 TELEPHONE 673-2833

HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER The 1923 Club will hold a buffet dance at 7 p.m. Saturday, June 19 in the school hall. Guest tickets for the event are available. Parishioners joined the 25th anniversary celebration of Sister Barbara Walsh, principal of Holy Name School, at a concelebrated Mass last Sunday, during which the religious renewed her vows as a Sister of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts. Volunteer CCD teachers are needed for next school year alld may contact Rev. Bruce Neylon or Sister Mary Romana for further informaUon. Preparatory sessions will be held during the summer.

~iW~~~FORD St. Anne Sodality will hold a communion breakfast Sunday, June 13 following 9 a.m. Mass. Members are requested to meet at the church entrance by 8:45 a.m. preceding the Mass. Break.last reservations should he made with Mrs. Dorothy Almeida or Mrs. Lois Lambalot by Tuesday, June 8.


OUR LADY OF MT. C , SEEKONK A special Mass and a Bicentennial Ball are planned for Saturday night, June 5, by Women's Guild and Holy Name Society members. At the 7 p.m. Mass Papal and American flags wIll be presented and new officers. of the organization will be installed, including, for the Women's Guild, Mrs. Mary Oliver, president; Mrs. Eleanor Whitney, vice-president; Mrs. Agnes Rose, treasurer; Mrs. Agnes Sharpe, secretary. Holy Name officers will be William O'Neil, president; George McGee, vice-president; Anthony Alves, treasurer; John Korkus, secretary.

Necrology ,


Very Rev. John S. Czerwonka, 1961, Assistant, St. Stanislaus, Fall River JUNE 9

Rev. Timothy J. Calnen, 1945, Pastor, St. Joseph, Woods Hole Rev. Joseph S. Larue, 1966, Pastor, Sacred Heart, North Attleboro JUNE 10'

Rev. William H. Curley, 1915, Pastor, SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River . Rev. George A. Meade, 1949, Chaplain, St. Mary Home, New Bedford "Rev. Thomas H. Taylor, 1966, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Taunton JUNE 11

Rev. Msgr. Augusto L. Furtado, 1973, Pastor Emeritus, St. John of God, Somerset JUNE 13

Rev. Edward F. Donahue, S.J., 1974, Former President Holy Cross College










,.ANQ 'tAYlNG DUell:




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THE ANCHOR-Dioc-ese of Fall River-Thurs. June ~:, 1976

SI'ote 5-Hr. Vigil Tomorrow Ni-ght

"Tim,es -of Doubt, Empti,ness May Ble Best Opp,ortu1nities

A five-hour First Friday vigil of reparation to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary will be held from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. tomorrow night at St. Boniface Church, Coggeshall Street, New Bedford. The service will begin with a votive Mass of the Sacred Heart and a second Mass, honoring the Immaculate Heart of Mary, will be celebrated at midnight. The rosary will also be recited and a holy hour will be conducted. There will be a ooffee break at 10 p.m. All are invited to participate in the vigil and may attend for ' all or any part of it.

May and June are busy months for mothers. First Communions, Confirmations, graduations, and weddings all pile one on top of the other. Ask any mother. She is likely to tell you, "This year it's a wedding, two graduations, and three Confirmations." One mother I know has five grad- before we have children, and don't learn to appreciate a quiet uations just among her own meal until there is one dinner kids, not counting all the without spilt milk, bickering, or

other celebrations in the family. The days of preparation are exhausting. Nerves get frazzled; time is short. There is no way

complaints. We don't appreciate the peace of having everyone in and settled until we've listened into the wee hours for a returning car SISTER-VOLUNTEERS: A Sister-Volunteer program in the driveway. And our appreciation of the of ministry to the sick, possibly unique in the nation, has Communions, Confirmations, been in operation for a year and a half at St. Luke's Hospital, graduations, and weddings is be- New Bedford. From left, Rev. Kevin Tripp, hospital's CoDENVILLE (NC) ....;.. A new cause it is a moment of accom-team of seven physicians has By ordinator of Catholic Ministry, discusses program with plishment marking a lifetime of agreed to treat 22-year-old Kareffort, culminating in a time of Sister-Volunteers Eleanore Calouro, SSD and Sheila en Anne Quinlan when her parMARY Russell, GP. anxiety. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph QuinA SImilar effect takes p:lace in lan, find a nursing home to CARSON our relationship with Christ. We which she may be removed know He tries to bring peace. from St. Clare's Hospital here. We want peace in our hea,rts, in The young woman, in a coma our communities. Yet all we 13 months, has been removed you'll be ready. Enthusiasm sinks seem to find is strife and chaos. from a life sustaining respiraBut if we never knew disorder, to a terrible low. tor and breathing unassisted "I found it hard sometimes. new beginning" and when on since May 22. The day arrives. What hasn't we would not appreciate peace! Even our Faith itself seems to I didn't want to come in at duty the Sister-Volunteers wear been finished no longer matters. Dr. Joseph F. Fennelly of Madgo through these highs and. lows. .Jimes. But when I left the hospi- large identification pins with ison, N.J., spoke for the team of A peak of exhilaration wipes out this slogan and a picture of, a seven doctors who are willing to the fatigue. I'm convinced that There are periods of great con- tal I was glad I had come." That's a typical comment of butterfly, symbolizing new, care for Miss Quinlan as a' the reservoir for the tear ducts fidence in God, when all h; right is located in the heart. And in our little worlds. Our Faith is a Sister participating in a unique changed life. "chronic care patient." He said Sister-Volunteer Program at St. mothers' hearts burst with joy enthusiastic and secure. "The idea is that every sick- the physicians and family would Luke's Hospital, New Bedford, ness is a new beginning for the "maintain the usual standards of Like Empty Words as their children participate in organized a year and a half ago patient," explained Sister Jean nutrition and do all possible to that special day. But there are other times, by Rev. Kevin Tripp, its Coor. ,Lavallee, C.S.C., who last Sep- alleviate pain and suffering." I believe that our appreciation times of doubt, uncertainty, dinator of Catholic Ministry. tember joined Father Tripp as a of these special days is height- emptiness; times when God apTwenty-six New Bedford area full time member of the chapparently isn't listening. ened because of the comparison Sisters, spending an average In these lows our prayers seem two hours a week at the hospi. laincy team, and who helps adto the days preceding. If our days were all joyful accomplish- like empty words, our hearts tal, are involved in the pro- minister the volunteer program. ment, if there were never any don't respond. We feel almost as gram. Most are educators and "From every illness you rise as struggle or disappointment, it if we have fallen out 01' love initially found contact with sick a new person in one way 'or another." . would be impossible for us to ap- with God. and sometimes dying patients Instead of regarding those and their families an upsetting preciate the 'good times. Even New volunteers enter a 15good days would become drab times with a shrugged "what's experience. hour training program which the use," we should grasp those with sameness. But, as one expressed it, "This prepares them to meet patients, moments as our finest opportuni-· program .has been for me a introduces them to counseling So many details in a mother's life fit this pattern. You don't ties! growing experience. The people and listening skills and discusses For it is in those barren times I've visited here have enabled theological issues involved in appreciate how good it is to be able to sleep through a night . . . that. our Faith grows. me to plunge into the deeper ministry to the sick. until after you've been awakened It is the searching, question- reality of our life to death strugA monthly program of connight after night by a crying ing, reaching out in those mo- gle. I now liave a greater reinfant. ments that builds our Faith. And spect for pain and I value it as tinuing education enables volunteers to increase their skills and IDEAL LAUNDRY the result isn't even perceptible a spiritual treasure. meet for prayer and problemHighs and Lows Only Priest at the time. (The exhaustion 373 New Boston Road Father Tripp, whose full time sharing. As one Sister said, "It We take mealtime for. granted prior to the wedding seems to gives me a sense of belonging, Fall River 678-5677 assignment is serving the 600hold n2 good of its own.) of support, of concern." But the answer to that s,earch· bed hospital with a patient cening lies in our heart, and waits. sus usually about two-thirds And slowly, sometimes without Catholic, said he is on call "six .warning, our Faith starts to days a week, 24 hours a day." climb. We swing back to Ii high On his day off, priests of neigh. . . a Faith that is increasl~d be· boring parishes fill in for him. But with such a work load, Where The cause of the anxiety and stress he felt patients were not getting that preceded it. FOREIGN & DOMESTIC Entire Family We curse our bad days . . . the pastoral care many needed RETAIL· WHOLESALE • PARTS and this realization led to forma· Full Line of Accessories & Tires and it's such a waste. Can Dine tion of the program for Sisters. 2360 CRAN. HWY. For without them we could Economically "Many Sisters are seeking W. WAREHAM, MASS. have Faith, and not appreciate it. CHARLES WOODWARD, Owner-Mgr. new expressions of their minOr worse, have no Faith at all istry and work," explains a 16171 295·2577 ... and never know it. FOR booklet about the program given RESERVATIONS to inquirers. "This program gives the Sisters an experience of PHONE ministry to the sick with some supervision and in a somewhat (617) 675-7185 controlled atmosphere. The inor dividual is not alone doing this work. She has the support of (617) 673-0821 the group and the chaplain. DOMESTIC & HEAVY DUTY OIL BURNER~; "The presence of such a group is also supportive for the Sales - Service -Installation hospital staff, who know that the Sisters are working with MAIN OFFICE - 10 DURFEE STREET, FALL RIVER them and praying for them." Butterfly PinsTheme of the program is "A

Karen Surviving

U,niqu1e Progra,m Ministers To N:ew B1edford. Patients




Phone 675-7484

THE ANCI:f0R-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 3, 1976

Additi,oln to Rock Ga,rd,en Ilnv1olv,es Pru1ning Trees

Golden Jubilee MiaS's Saturday

The question of ,what to do with trees be<::omes important when a garden gets more shade than sun. We have been expanding our rock garden and have had to make a decision concerning two large oak trees atop a slope on which the rock garden is located. As the garden has crept up the possible to have teenagers when we were in our twenties and hill and under the trees the early thirties and small babies plants have been getting less when we were older.

and less sun. We finally decided to cut off most of the lower branches of the oak trees to a height of about

While her plan is impossible, impracticai and unlikely, it certainly has merit. When our children are small they tax our energies during the day,' but when they go to bed they are generally there for the night and this leaves us time to relax and perhaps even retire to read in bed By at an early hour. ./ Now that our babies are alMARILYN most full grown and on the social whirl that is so important to RODERICK them in their teenage years our nights are spent "waiting" for everyone to arrive home safely. 20 feet to afford enough high Sometime this waiting may very shade to allow us to grow mod- well go into the early morning erately sun-loving plants rather hours and, as my friend comthan opting for strictly shade- ments, we really need our own loving plants. This is hard work beauty sleep at this time in our because it entails cutting off the lives. limbs and also cutting them into Waiting Game fireplace size logs and kindling. When we are in the diaper Always Changes stage with fevers and allergies to But now that we have a rea- worry about, we just can't wait sonable amount of sun coming for them to grow up but when through to the garden, we can they do, watch out. The sleeptry to grow many plants that less nights seem endless, waiting could not be grown before. We for the sound of that returning already have a couple of small car, the ringing of a phone late azaleas and rhododendrons, al- in the evening sends all sorts of though they are several years visions running through our away from any sort of perform- overtired imaginations, and all ance; we also have a number of in all I agree with my friend that dwarf evergreens, but these too very, very young people should will be slow in making a show- be the parents of teenagers. Now I know God has had this ing. thing plotted out for eons, thouIn the meantime however, we sand years but I really think if are transplanting a number of we got a good lobbying group low-growing plants from the old going we could ask Him to rerock garden to the newer section. consider the growing process and This is an advantage of having after all He is known to have an existing garden; having plants performed a few miracles in His ready to be transplanted rather time. At least He ought to conthan having to buy new ones. sider sending instructions with I "suspect that no matter how new arrivals, some for the early long we have our garden there years and a gigantic volume for will be changes. As we discover when they turn thirteen. new flowers we have to find This casserole is perfect for room for them and the result is . that evening when you want just that many things we have had in a light supper with perhaps a the past have to be discarded or tossed salad and fresh rolls. The cut back. At any rate, change is next time I make it I'm going to part of the fun -of a garden and use a tomato sauce instead of completion is never at hand. We the tomato soup which I perhave to anticipate this and enjoy sonally found a little too light. the prospect of newness. Eggs on Noodle Casserole l> hard-cooked eggs In The Kitchen 8 .oz. noodles, cooked A very dear friend of mine Y2 cup bread crumbs who is now bringing up her 2 Tablespoons (heaping) fourth teenager declared that she mayonnaise believes God got a little mixed 1 Tablespoon ·minced parsley up when he -was planning how we should raise a family. She 1% cup undiluted evaporated milk feels He should have reversed the growing process and made it 1 % ~ups (10Y2 oz. can) condensed tomato soup 1) Prepare hard-cooked eggs and remove egg yolks. Mash "BUCKY" with a fork and mix in the mayonnaise, minced parsley and The Televisi~n King minced onion. EASTERN TV 2) Pile this mixture lightly into the egg white cavities. 3) Put noodles in 2-qt. casAPP·LIANCE serole that has been greased, top 1196 Bedford - Street with stuffed eggs and cover with Fall River, Mass. a sauce made of the evaporated milk and tomato soup, that has Dial 673-9721 been heated over a low heat. SllES AND SERVICE 4» Bake in a 350· oven 20 to '1"1111 till Iru for OYlr 25 Juri 25 minutes.




Give Over 1700 years of service in religious life were recently celebrated by 41 Sisters of St. Joseph at Mont Marie, Holyoke They included 11 Sisters who are either natives of the Fall River diocese or who have served in schools and parishes here. Especially honored was Sister Rose A!ioysia, a Taunton native, who marked 75 years in religious life. She served for approximately 40 years in schools of the Springfield Diocese including those in North Adams, Springfield, Easthampton,. ' Holyoke, Chicopee, Florence, West Springfield, and Geenfield. She also taught in the Worcester and Providence Dioceses. Among those celebrating 65 years of service in the .Church are Sister Francis d'Assise Boisvert who spent 35 years teaching the children at St. Matthew's School in Fall River and St. Michael's in Swansea, Sister is presently at Foyer St. Joseph in Fa1l River. Also observing a sixty-fifth anniversary is Sister Marie Antoinette LaChapelle of F6yer St. Therese in Fall River. All of Sister's teaching assignments were in Fall River with the exception of one year at St. Louis' in Swansea and three years at St. Michael's in Ocean Grove. Among -Sisters celebrating their sixtieth anniversary is Sister Marie Cecile Clement whose teaching career was spent mostly at St. Matthew's, Fall River, for a total of 31 years at different intervals. She also taught in Ocean Grove,. New Bedford and Swansea as well as for six years in Vinton, Louisiana. Sister is presently at Foyer St. Therese in Fall River. Golden jubilarians include Sister Marie Madeleine Boulay at Blessed Sacrament Convent in Fall River. Among her many assignments were 21 years at St. Michael's School in Swanse'a and six years as superior at St. Roch's as well as at St. Matthew's and St. Jean Baptiste, all in Fall River. Another golden jubilarian is Sister Marthe Marie Methot who teaches fourth grade at St. ·Jean Baptiste School in Fall River. Among her many assignments were 18 years at St. Matthew's and 22 years at St. Roch's, both in Fall River. Among those celebrating silver jubilees is Sister Annette Marie Chagnon who entered religious life from St. Michael's Parish, South Swansea. Sister

The second in a series of celebrations honoring the golden jubilee in religious me of Sister Eileen Giblin, SUSC, formerly known as Mother Mary William, will take place at 2 Saturday afternoon, June 5, at Holy Name Church, Fall River, when Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo will celebrate a Mass of thanksgiving for Sister Eileen, her family, friends and fellow Holy Union Sisters. Her first celebration came May 15 in Patchogue, Long Island, where she is principal of St. Francis de Sales School. There a concelebrated Mass preceded a wine and cheese party for her in the parish hall. A

third observance will come this summer when she meets with other Holy Union jubilarians for a community celebration. SS. Peter and Paul A native of SS. Peter and Paul parish, Fall River, Sister Eileen graduated from the former Sacred Hearts Academy and after a year of college entered the Holy Union community. She has taught and served as superior and principal at schools in Baltimore, Taunton, Point Pleasant, N. J., and New York City, as well as at her present assign-. ment; and from 1957 to 1964 she was provincial superior of the Holy Union community.

1700 y,ears to· G,od has taught at St. Jean Baptiste and St. Roch's; Fall River; St. Louis de France, Swansea; and St. Joseph, New Bedford where she is now. A native of New Bedford, Sister Yvette LeClaire taught in elementary schools in Fall River, Swansea, and New Bedford from 1951-1972. She then went to the Assumption Montessori Training Center in Philadelphia, after which Sister began teaching at the Montessori School in Fall River. Another native of New Bedford, Sister Jean Marie Lyonnais has taught for 23 years. Her apostolate has taken her to St. Jean Baptiste and Blessed Sac-· rament .Schools, Fall River; to St. Michael's and -St. Louis de France Schools in Swansea, and to St. Joseph's in New Bedford. A third n?tive of New Bedford, Sister Juliette Marcotte was graduated from St. Joseph's and attended St. Anthony's High School. She received a Certificate in Religious Education from Providence College.


Sister served as a homemaker in several convents of the province for 24 years. For five years she taught CCD .classes in Fall River parishes and St. Joseph's, New Bedford. Presently, Sister Juliette is working as a teacher's aide at St. Mary's Home for Children in New Bedford. sister Doris Saulner, a native of Quincy, taught for nine years in the Fall River area at St. Louis de France School, Swansea; and Blessed Sacrament, Fall River. Sister also taught at St. Joseph's School in Vinton, Louisiana for two years. Sister attended Diman Practical School of Nursing in Fall River and worked as a licensed practical nurse at St. Anne's Hospital in Fall River for a year. When the convent in Vinton was reopened, Sister returned to Louisiana. She worked in Vinton Memorial Hospital and did home nursing for the Medical Health Association until her return to Fall River and work at St. Anne's Hospital in 1973.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs. June J, 1976

The Merchants on Thi

To Mark 40th Anniversary

Continued from Page One and Msgr. tuiz G. Mendonca, V.G., pastor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, New Bedford, will be homHist. In attendance will be many relatives and friends from Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York and New Jersey, as well as from the Fall River diocese. Born in Fall River on August 26, 1911, the son of George and Ellen (Salesses) Canuel, the jubilarian entered St. Hyacinthe Seminary, Quebec, after graduation from Henry Lord Junior High School in Fall River. He completed his seminary studies at St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, and was ordained June 6, 1936 in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, by the late Bishop James E. Cassidy. Scout Chaplain Father Canuel served as an assistant at St. George's Church, Westport, from 1936 to 1937; at St. Mathieu's, Fall River, from 1937 to 1942; and at Sacred Heart, New Bedford, from 1942 to 1952, returning to that parish as pastor fro.m 1962 to .1972. He was also at St. Joseph's, Attleboro, from 1954 'to 1960 and at St. Hyacinth, New Bedford, from 1960 to 1962. After a year at the Priests' Hostel in Fall River in Fall River he became chaplain of Marian Manor, Taunton, with residence at Immaculate Conception parish until he became a resident of St. Anne's in 1975. His diocesan posts included directorship' of the Holy Name Society and Catholic Scouting and he was area Scout chaplain for

Fall River and New Bedford with particular responsibility for promotion of the "Ad Altare Dei" Boy Scout Award. He was also group chaplain fQr the Eastern Massachusetts Civil Air Patrol, holding the rank of major. The jubilarian is one of 10 children, of whom nine are living. Following Sunday's Mass a buffet-reception will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. at Holiday Inn, New Bedford. Wilfred Rousseau of St. Hyacinth's parish will be master of ceremonies for the occasion.

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ST. MARGARET'S Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00,10:00, 11:00, 12 NOQn and 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. . Confessions: Saturday-4:00-5:00 and 7:00-8:00 P.M.· ONSET

ST. MARY-STAR OF THE SEA Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday-6:30 P.M. Daily 9:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday-3:30-4:30 P.M. and after 6:30 P.M. Mass CENTERVILLE

OUR LO\DY OF VICTORY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. First Fridays-Ultreya-8:00 P.M. First Friday Masses at 7:00 and 9:00 AM.

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HOLY REDEEMER Schedule effective July 3 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Evening-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 .A.M. SOUTH


OUR LADY OF GRACE Schedule effective July 3 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:00 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. EAST FALMOUTH ST. ANTHONY

Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:00 & 5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. .


ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. and 12:10 P.M.

SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-9:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M.


ST. RITA Schedule effective July 3 - Sept. 5 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:15 AM. Saturday-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:30 AM.


Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday-8 AM.-4:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.



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OUR LADY OF THE ISLE Schedule starts weekend May 29 Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM. and 7:00 P.M. . Saturday Eve."-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 AM. (Saturdays 9:00 AM.) Rosary before 7:30 AM. Mass daily


UNION CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:45 AM. July and August



SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:15, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:15 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM.


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IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Schedule effective June 27 - Labor Day Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM. . Saturday Eve.-4:30 and 6:00 P.M.


ST. THOMAS CHAPEL Schedule effective weekend of June 26-27 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 1l:15 AM. .Saturday-4:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.


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OUR LADY OF HOPE Masses: Sunuday-8:45 and 10:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M.




ST. PATRICK Schedule effective weekend of June 26-27 Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 1l:15 and 5:30 P.M. Saturday Eve-5:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. - Saturdays 8:00 AM.



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OUR LADY OF THE CAPE Schedule effective June 27 - Oct. 10 Masses: Sunday~:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. except Wed. 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:00-5:00 P.M. and 6:006:30 P.M. First Friday-7:00-7:30 P.M.


40 MacArthur Boulevard Bourne, Massachusetts 02532 (Rt. 6-A, Sandwich, Mass.


Mass Schedule for Summer Season




This Cape Cod Directory


ST. ELIZABETH Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-5:00 P.M. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions-Saturday 2:30 - 3:30 P.M.

ST. JOAN OF ARC Schedule effective June 19-20 - Labor Day Mas.ses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena-Wednesday Morning Mass at 8:00 AM.

Page Gladly Sponsor

Cites Tensions Over Women

of Churches and Masses Mass Schedule for Summer Season NORTH EASTHAM CHURCH OF TH~ VISITATION Schedule effective June 19-20 - Labor Day Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M.

OSTERVILLE OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. , Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. DaiIy-7:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:15 - 5:00 P.M.

SANTUIT . ST. JUDE'S CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-9:00 and 10:30 A.M. Saturday-5:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:15 - 5:00 P.M.

MASHPEE QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:15 - 5:00 P.M.

POCASSET ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST Schedule begins June 20 - Aug 29 Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30,10:30,11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. DaiIy-7:30 A.M. Confessions: Saturday - 4:00 - 4:45 P.M. and following 7:00 P.M. Mass for half·hour

PROVINCETOWN ST. PETER THE APOSTLE Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M., 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. (except Saturday) Confessions: Saturday-4:00 - 5:00 P.M. and 6:45 . P.M.


WAREHAM ST.' PATRICK Schedule for July and August Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:30 AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 6:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament follows the 7:00 A.M. Mass and continues until 5:00 P.M. on 1st Fridays Confessions: Y2 hour before Masses & Sat. 3:00 P.M.

WINONA ~C) - Bishop Carroll T. Dozier of Memphis, Tenn., said tension today over what expanded roles women should play in the Catholic Church goes far beyond whether or not they should be ordained to the priesthood. And he warned in a speech to the graduating class of the College of St. Teresa here that unless the church finds a solution il1 love" to those tensions, it will be in the position of denying "personhood" to 50 percent of its membership. He said matter of the expanding role of women in the Church deserves our greatest attention, our prayerful meditation and our , most penetrating research."

The bishop, one of the first members of the U. S. hierarchy to speak out publicly in favor of a study of t,he possibility of female ordinations, made th~ reo marks in a homily at a baccalaureate liturgy. Bishop Dozier was given the Teresa of AvHa award for his work on behalf of' peace and justice, ecumenislP, integration and for being a "firm espouser and benefactor of conscience during the moral crisis of the Vietnam War..."


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ST. ANTHONY Schedule July and August Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Confessions: Y2 hour before Mass

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SANDWICH HARDWARE CO. WELLFLEET OUR LADY OF LOURDES Schedule effective June 12 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-6:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. Confessions: Sat: 4:30 - 5:00 P.M.

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TRURO SACRED HEART Schedule effective June 12 Masses: Sunday-9:30 AM. Saturday-7:00 P.M.

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NORTH TRURO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Schedule effective June 12 Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:00 & 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M.

WEST HARWICH HOLY TRINITY Schedule effective May 16 - Jupe 27 Masses: Sunday-8:00,9:30- & 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 &, 7:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:00 and 7:45 P.M.




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SAGAMORE ST: THERESA Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M.

SOUTH YARMOUTI1 ST. PIUS TENTH Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 A.M. 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 A.M. (9:00 A.M. Mass Mon.·Fri. only)

BASS RIVER OUR LADY OF THE HIGHWAY Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. (Mon.-Fri.)

VINEYARD HAVEN ST. AUGUSTINE Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. DaiIy-8:00 A.M. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions: Saturday-2:30 - 3:30 P.M.




SANDWICH CORPUS CHRISTI Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. and 12 Noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. DailY-9:00 A.M.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 3, 1976

DENNISPORT UPPER COUNTY ROAD OUR LADY OF THE ANNUNCIATION Schedule effective May 16 - June 27 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-3:45 P.M.

Cornwell Memorial Chapel -

Dignified Funeral Service

WAREHAM 295·1810

WOODS HOLE ST. JOSEPH Schedule effective June 19-20 thru Labor Day Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. DaiIy-8:00 A.M. (9:00 A.M. Sat. only) Confessions: Y2 hour before Sunday Masses

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NORTH FALMOUTH (Megansett) Schedule effective June 19-20 thru Labor Day IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11 :00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:15 and 5:30 P.M. DaiIy-9:00 A.M. Confessions: Y2 hour before Sunday Masses

LUNCH - Tues. To Sat. 11:30 - 2:00 DINNER - Wed. To Sat. 5:09 - 10:00 SUNDAY FAMILY DAY 11:30 - 9:00 ~HILDREN - lh PRICE



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. JUl1e 3, 1976

Cathedral Plans History Update

Inquiring Photographer Last week we visited St. Joseph's Nursery SGhool, Fairhaven, known to its pupils as the Love School. We asked them why and :her.e are some of their answers:

BREIT DAVID QUINTIN, AGE 4: Because we love each other and do nice to each other, like tie each other's shoes and button coats.

ON THE ROAD are Serene Calkins, left, aide, and Karen King, regional coordinator for Paulist Communications, which supplies religious programming to radio stations. They visited Anchor and Chancery offices in course of servicing area radio stations. Autumn, their lively watchdog, is at right rear.

STACEY PINA, AGE 4: Because we really love each other.

Trav,eli1ng Co,mmu,nicat,ors Visit Fall Riv,er It's not often that a story comes to a newspaper's back yard, but there they were in The Anchor's, complete with mobile home: Karen King, 25, from Indiana, and Serene Calkins, 21, from Colorado.

BRIDGET MULCAIRE, AGE 5: Because we have to love people and because we do good work and we get to play.

KELLIE ANN ARRUDA, AGE 5: We love people because Jesus told us to.

While Karen discussed diocesan participation in a Paulist Fathers radio program with Msgr. Thomas Harrington, chancellor, Serene and her dog Autumn were settled on The Ancor's lawn, Serene typing reports and Autumn barking at a curious Anchor reporter. When Autumn had been pacified, Seren explained that she and Karen are traveling around the country on behalf of Paulist Communications, which, in cooperation with diocesan authorities, supplies radio stations with religious spot announcements, news programs, and Christmas and Easter special features. The Fall River diocese subscribes to the service and it's Serene and Karen's job to visit area radio stations, helping them

KELLEY ANNE FRANCIS, AGE 4: Me, I love Leo. He's my friend.

THE REST OF THE GANG: Other Love School pupils, less eager to talk, but very anxious to be in a picture.

•••••••••• t •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


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decide which of the programs available best fit their schedules. Diocesan Stations 'Diocesan stations which will be carrying the Paulist programs are WARA, Attleboro; WALE and WSAR, Fall River; WCIB, Falmouth; WCOD and WQRC, Hyannis; WBSM, WNBH and WMYS, New Bedford, WUSM, Nort? Dartmouth. Also WLCV, Orleans; WPEP and WRLM, Taunton; and WOCB, West Yarmouth. The girls came to their travels for Paulist Communications from work in a diocesaneducation office and see their occupation as an extension of the teaching apostolate. They are enjoying their "on the road" existence, often parking their van for weekends in spots such as a Cape Cod campground. They expect to cover the eastern United States this spring and summer.

No matter where you live in the Fall River Diocese, there is a Fernandes near you! *NORTON, West Main St., *NO. EASTON, Main St., *EA,ST BRIDGEWATER, Bedford St., *NEW BEDFORD, Jet. Routes 140 & 18, *ATTLEBORO, 217 So. Main St., *SOMERSET, Route 6, *RAYNHAM. Route 44, *FAIRHAVEN, Route 6, *BRIDGEWATER, Route 18, *MANSFIELD, Route 140, *FALL RIVER, Southway Plaza, R. I. Ave., *FALL RIVER, Griffin St., *SEEKONK, 17 Central Ave., *Middleboro, 133 So. Main St., *NEW BEDFORD, Mt. Pleasant St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rockdale Ave., *FAIRHAVEN, Howland Rd., *SO. DARTMOUTH, Dartmouth St., *NEW BED,FORD, Rodney French Blvd., *SOMERSET, Route 138.


ACADEMY BUILDING FALL RIVER, MASS. .............................................e.. ,

5t. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral Parish, Fall River, will observe the 75th anniversary of the consecration of its present building on September 7. The year-long observance opened in March with a concert by the New England Conservatory Choir. The second-phase of the observance will be the revising and updating of the parish history in book form. The chairman of the history committee is Robert F. Coggeshall, assisted by Everett McGarty who is in charge of research covering the years 1838 to 1951. (Credit for much material from those years to the late Rev. Francis A. McCarthy, assistant pastor at the Cathedral for 19 years.) Updating for the years 1951 to 1976 will be handled by Rev. Barry W. Wall, assistant pastor at the Cathedral, and Walter Mulyk. Photography will be coordinated' by Mrs. Jean Gagnon and compiling of data and pictures by Arthur Pires and Roger Vezina. Secretaries and typists for the project include Elizabeth Hall, Gertrude O'Brien, Claire O'Toole, Claire McMahon and Alice Ouellette. Two States The parish itself was started in 1838 and was originally called St. John the Baptist. The original wooden church was in two states, the altar and first six pews in Rhode Island and the rest of the building in Massachusetts. The dividing line between the two states at that time was Rodman Street. , The present building of Gothic design was started in 1852 and completed four years later in 1856. Men of the parish worked well into the night, under direction of the late Rev. Edward Murphy, to erect the structure that we have and still worship in today. On September 7, 1901, the church was consecrated by Rt. Rev. Matthew Harkins, Bishop of Providence, at a private ceremony. On the same mornig at 10 a.m. a solemn pontifical Mass was celebrated by Rt. Rev. Henry Northrup, Bishop of Charleston, S.C. The final day of the celebration Masses were sung by Bishop John 'J. Monahan of Wilmington, N.C., Bishop Northrup, and Bishop E.P. Allen of Mobile, Alabama. The main MallS of the day was offered by Bishop Michael Corrigan of New York. On Sunday, Sept. 19 of this year the closing and main event of the celebration will be held at 5 p.m. with a concelebrated Mass at the Cathedral. Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River, will be principal celebrant assisted by many former rectors and assistants and native sons of the parish. The ceremony will be followed by a banquet at White's restaurant. Anyone wishing to be a benefactor of the anniversary history book or have deceased relatives or friends remembered on its "In Memoriam" pages should contact a committee member or call the rectory by Tuesday, June 15.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 3, 1976

Evaluates Solzhenitsyn's Stand on Authoritarianism

Greeley's First Law: If We Stop, Others Start

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the Soviet Union's most famous exile, made his first public appearance in the United States several months ago under the auspices of the national AFLCIO. He went out of his way to praise the American labor movement for its de- revolutions are always disasfense of freedom and its con- trous for the people in whose sistent opposition to Soviet midst they occur." There is every reason to beoppression. His address was frequently interrupted by tumultuous applause. I assume that Solzhenitsyn's trade union hosts, in applauding


his dramatic defense of human freedom, understood him to be saying that he was opposed to all forms of political oppression, not just the Soviet brand. More to the point, they undoubtedly understood him to be saying that he was opposed to any government, whatever its political ideology, which denies freedom and autonomy to the trade union movement and, as a matter of principle, systematically denies workers the right to strike. Strange Advice It would appear, however, that Solzhenitsyn's opposition to political oppression is not all that consistent - at least by by AFL-eIO standards - and that his commitment to the cause of trade uniop freedom is, to say the least, somewhat ambivalent. He seems to think that the suppression of trade union freedom in Spain, for example, by comparison with the situation in his native country, is a minor problem and one that the Spanish people will simply have to learn to live with, at least for the time being. On March 20, speaking on a nationwide television program in Spain, he told the people that they ought to coul}t their political blessings and cool their demand for greater freedom. "If we (Russians) had this much freedom," he said, "we would open our eyes and never believe." Counselling the Spanish people not to press for full democratic freedom too quickly, he recalled that by pressing too hard in the late 19th century, Russian revolutionaries set off a war between themselves and the Russian ruling circles that continued off and on until the Bo1she~ vik revolution in 1917." That's very strange advice coming fro~ a man whose name is almost synonymous with uncompromising opposition to political oppression. How to account for his ambivalent and selective approach to the question of political freedom? . Two possible explanations can be found in his writings. The first is his opposition to any kind of violent revolution. "Intensive study," he says in his letter to the Soviet leaders, "has convinced me that bloody mass


lieve that the majority of Spaniards, with the tragic violence BISHOPJAMESS.RAUSCH of their Civil War still fresh in their memories, agree with Solzhenitsyn in this regard. But surely there are \yays and means of restoring political freedom in Spain short of another Civil WASHINGTON (NC)-A VatWar or a bloody revolution. What the majority of the Span- ican document restating the ish people are demanding-with Church's position that direct the full support of the Church- sterilization, even when another is a peaceful revolution to be pregnancy is considered likely brought about by the democratic to result in mental or physical illness, "remains absolutely forprocess. bidden" has been released here. Kept Within Limis In reading Solzhenitsyn, howThe document by the Vatever, one gets the impression ican's Doctrinal Congregation that he is less than enthusiastic was a response to inquiries by about political democracy, with the National Conference' of alI its obvious limitations. In the Catholic Bishops (NCCB) and letter referred to above, while was released by the NCCB here demanding that the Soviet lead- after it was made public at the ers restore greater freedom to Third European Congress of their people, he warns them not Physicians' Associations meeting to become "adherents of that in London. turbulent 'democracy run riot' The Vatican document, dated in which every four years the March 13, 1975 ,was -distribpoliticians, and indeed the entire uted by the NCCB to the U. S. country, kill themselves over an bishops last December "for their electoral campaign, trying to information in relation to their gratify the masses." pastoral responsibilities" in conSolzhenitsyn concludes his nection with health facilities, scathing criticism of political Bishop James S. Rausch, NCCB democracy by saying that both general secretary, said. freedom and order are necessary Describing the document as "a but that both must be kept with- private response to the bishops' in limits. It is difficult to dis- conference," Bishop Rausch said agree with this statement as an . "it was never made public beabstract philosophical proposi- cause we saw no reason to make tion. In practice, however, the it public." , all-important question is: How The Vatican document deand by whom are freedom and scribed direct sterilization as order to be kept within reasonany sterilization' which "of its able limits? With alI due respect own nature and condition, has to one of the great men of this the sole immediate effect of rengeneration, I have the uneasy dering the generative faculty infeeling that Solzhenitsyn, in ancapable of procreation." swering this question, would probably come down hard on A Carpenter the side of some form of authoritarianism. In fact, that's pre"By a Carpenter mankind was cisely what he seems to have created and made and by a Cardone in his recent statement on penter 'meet it was that man the political situation in Spain. should be repaired."-Erasmus.

Reaffirms Ban On Sterilization

St. Mary •• Sacred Heart School' North Attleboro, Mass. Has openings in the following positions for the

The religious life may be entering into one of those long periods of decline that have marked its history. I've seen .data recently that indicate religious vocations in virtually every community, male and female, have declined to about 10 percent of what The religious life is caught they were ten years ago. The up in a catastrophe just at the disappearance of the male time when holy men, holy wom-' religious has been masked en, gurus, and other forms of somewhat by the fact that vocations to the diocesan priesthood-while not what they used to be - have not declined so badly. Hence overall statistics



about seminary enrollment indicate only a 50 percent decline. But for religious priests the figure seems to be closer to 90 percent. I have no doubt that the religious life will revive at some point in the future. New forms will emerge, as they did in the past. No way of living that has responded to human needs for at least a millenium and a half is likely to vanish permanently; but the religious life as we knew it in the United States in this century seems moribund. I say this with great sadness because unlike most diocesan clergy, I am aware of the great contributions religious priests made to the immigrant church-the Polish Resurrectionists, Italian Scalabrini, German Redemptorists. And without religious women, the Catholic schools, perhaps the strongest asset of the American church, could never have come into existence. The virtual disappearance of the religious life in the United States (and the world) is going to be a monumental tragedy. Who Knows Why? And I think an unexplained one. There are lots of theories for the decline but no sound empirical research.. As incredible as it may seem, the religious life may just about vanish from the American Church without anyone seriously trying to figure out why.

religious leadership are important to an increasing number of young and not-so-young people. I wonder if the fierce and determined secularization of the religious communities during the past decade may not have been counterproductive. The quest for "relevance," for "being like everyone else," for contemporary life styles and activities might have come along at just the wrong time. Greeley's First Law again: When Catholics stop something, others start it: Maybe lay garb, left-wing activism, strident militancy, and fashionable "liberal" cliches (all derivative, of course) were just the opposite of what the religious life needed. Many women who wanted to be priests and men who wanted to be political leaders (without ever learn-ing about politics) played an important part in finishing off the present forms of religious life. Maybe the turn away from intellectualism was involved too. You used to respect religious men, especially Jesuits, because they were "so well educated." Now you gasp with surprise when "concerned" Jesuits like Simon Smith and William Ryan say that so<;ial concern gives you more right to thologize than formal intellectual training. Maybe the quick, simple and easy answers to difficult questions helped to tum people off -though, paradoxically, such answers were supposed to make the religious life "relevant." I'm in favor of the ordination of women and I applaud social commitment, but it's time to ask whether the style of militancy of the last decade may not have given the coup de grace to an already badly wounded religious life. • I don't think we will ever know the reasons. Still, it is odd that when millions of people are into meditation and mysticism, the religious life-which used to be about both those activitiesturns away from them and perishes.

1976· 1977 school year. 1










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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. JunE! 3, 1976

KNOW YOUR FAITH James; Perennial Wisdom


By FArnER ALFRED McBRIDE, O.Pream. Reading James is like going back to the wisdom writers of the Old Testament. James is like a Solomon for New Testament times. Though there is no certainty about his identity, the general consensus is that he is the James who became the first Bishop of Jerusalem. He doesn't follow the letter style of other epistilary writers. He sounds more like a preacher than a writer. His advice to the Church centers on five themes: 1. Develop endurance. Christian life will be full of trials. There is no sense in thinking that Christianity is a matter of "cheap grace," of achievement on the run. Temptation and the tug of passion will hound everyone reaching for the spiritual crown of life and happiness. Without endurance through the time of testing, it is foolish to think that anything of worth can be .accomplished. 2. Act out your belief. Don't just be a hearer of Christ's word. Do something about it. A faith that finds no realization in loving behavior is a useless faith. Some scholars thought that James is repudiating Paul's letter to Rome abollt the vanity of works of the law as against the all important saving power of -- faith. Even Luther at one time referred to James as a "letter of straw." But in fact, Paul

preached the value of good works, acting out the faith, just as James appreciated the need for faith as well as works. James is simply centering 011 people who misread Paul to think that faith is enough without practice. 3. Treat the poor with justice. One of the all important implementations of faith is the task of bringing to the poor. As eloquently as any Old Testament prophet or modern-day defender of the rights of the underpriviledged, James lashes out: "As for you, you rieh, weep and wail over your impending miseries. Your wealth has rotted, your fine wardrobe has grown motheaten, your gold and silver have corroded, and their corrosion shall be a testimony against you; it will devour your flesh like a fire ... The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the 路Lord of hosts." (James t; 1-6) Clue To Integrity 4. Use your. tongue wisely. James' discourse on the tongue is probably the most interesting and dramatic mediation on the use of speech ever written. As perceptive as any psychology of speech, James' observations make a direct link between the use of the tongue and one's ego strength, one's ability to control maturely his relationships to others. As James sees it, the mastery of the tongue is the ultimate clue to one's personal Turn to Page Thirteen

Jesus' Gift of Himsel.f By WILLIAM E. MAY

. All of us are familiar with the Gospel accounts of the final days of Jesus: how He entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, prepared to eat the Pasch with His disciples, gave Himself as food and drink to His apostles at the Last Supper, prayed in the garden, submitted to arrest, was tried and . sentenced to death, was cruelly scourged and mocked, and final!y was nailed to a cross to die an agonizing death (Matt 26:1-27:61; Mk 14:1-15:47; Lk 22:1-23:56; Jn 13:1-19:42). The signifiance of these final days of Jesus' life is also familiar to us, but perhaps this very familiarity at times keeps us from deepening our appreciation of what Jesus has done and indeed still does for us. By suffering and dying Jesus has made it possible for us to share in His redeeming act and to become identified with Him, just as He became perfectly one with us. This is one of the central truths that Jesus teaches us by His gift of Himself. Yet this truth at times becomes obscured. For one thing, we are accustomed to look on Jesus as God. He is truly God, truly the Uncreated Word of the Father. But Jesus is the Un-

created Word-become-flesh, become man, become truly one of us. Too frequently. we think that just because Jesus was God His suffering and death were different from ours. Too often, I believe, we are disappointed because Jesus did not give us a rational explanation of the suffering and agony and pain and frustration that we all experience. We fail to realize that He gave us something better. Let me try to explain. If we look at the Gospels we discover that Jesus did not promise us an answer to the mystery of evil, to the problem of suffering. He simply said that He, the Son of Man, had to suffer and that everyone who wants to become identified with Him would have to suffer too. Yet if we take His humanity seriously, if we try to appreciate the meaning of the incarnation - that God loves us so deeply that He "emptied Himself" of His divinity so that He could become perfectly one with us (see Philippians 2:6-11) - then we can begin to see that by suffering and dying Jesus makes it possible for us to become identified with Him and, through and in Him, with the Father who has sent Him. Turn to Page Thirteen

Jesus' Career Toward Close By FATHER JOHN J. CASTELOT

Scholars are of the opinion that the story of the. passion was the first continuous narrative of the Christ-event to have been composed. The reason for this may very well be the intimate connection between the passion-death-resurrection and the Eucharist. The Eucharist was celebrated right from the beginning of Christianity, and it is, among other things" the memorial, the sacramental reenactment, of the passion-death-resurrection experience. Just as, among the Jews, the story of the Exodus was receited ea.ch year during the Passover meal, so the story of the passion was probably recited during the Eucharistic meal, to bring out its significance. As a result it JVould , have been formulated quite early. Indeed, many of the differences in the various Gospel accounts of the Last Supper may reflect varying Eucharistic liturgies in individual communities. 路Mark's account is brief and to the point. It begins with a notice that it was the first day of the unleavened bread, when it was customary to sacrifice the paschal .Jamb. Thus he pinpoints the day to the Passover itself by referring to the paschal lamb which was eaten at the festive meal on the eve of the feast. However, it is not the celebration of the feast itself which is paramount in Mark's account, this is Jesus' own Passover, in a double sense: He will transform it into the new Passover, the Eucharist, and it will mark the solemn beginning of His passing over from this life, through death, to glory although the note

VARYING EUCHARISTIC UTlJRGIES may be reflected in the different gospel accounts of the Last Supper, says Father John J. Castelot. "The Eucharist was celebrated right from the beginning in Christianity, and it is, among other things, the memorial ... of the Passion-Death-Resurrection experience." This depiction of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, is a mural in Milan. (NC Photo) of glory is soft-pedaled in Mark's consistently stark, somber account. He introduces the story of the supper itself with a remark which could b~ incidental, but which, in the context, is threateningly ominous. We read: "As it grew dark he arrived with the Twelve," "As it grew dark"this is indeed the hour of darkness or, 'as Luke has it, "the triumph of darkness," For in the course of the meal Jesus told them: "I give you my word, one of you is about to betray me, yes, one who is eating with me -a man who dips into the dish with me," The announcement of the impending treachery is all the more shocking, all the more poignant, coming as it does in the intimacy of a shared meal, the symbol of love and fellowship. Jesus' words, "It

Caring Christians By REV. JOSEPH M. CHAMPLIN Would you feel missed at the parish next weekend if for some reason you did not come to Sunday Mass? Do you think the priest might notice your'absence or the congregation be aware you were not there? Father Robert Hovda has been writing and speaking on liturgical topics for many years. But on Sundays he joins a unique worshiping unit in suburban Washington for their weekly Eucharist. He could' respond "yes" to both those questions. In a recent lecture/article on "The Sunday Eucharist and. the Parish Community," he comments: "So we need human congregational units, where there is care and support, and where encouragement can be felt. . . . I am talking about the kind of community in which one feel~ that one is missed if one is absent from the Sunday assembly. How many of us can say


that about any parish we know? I belong to a small non-territorial community, so I can say it. I know I am missed when I am not there. That's a very important human thing." Ed and Mildred Battisti with their three daughters feel they, too, would be missed. Newcom~rs to our city and parish, I Turn to Page Thirteen

were better for him had he never been born," are so harsh, so bitter, that Luke, in his later account, will omit them. New Sacrificial Lamb It was the role of the father of the family at the Passover meal to invoke a blessing on the bread., break it up, and hand it around. Jesus now assumes this role. "He took bread, blessed it and broke it and gave it to them. 'Take this,' he said, 'this is my body,''' Mark has pared the account down to the bare essentials: the gestures, the simple, direct words. No.command to eat as in Matthew, no reference to His body being given up for them, no instruction to do this in His memory, as in Luke and Paul. (Paul's account in 1 Cor. 11, by the way, is the earliest account of the institution of the Eucharist, antedating Mark by about 10 years.) Mark is a bit more detailed about the consecration of the wine. "This is my blood, the blood of the covenant, to be poured out on behalf of many," He doesn't identify the cup, but we know from Luke's account that it was very probably the third and last cup of the Passover meal, the cup of blessing, which was drunk after the main course, just before the concluding psalm. Jesus links His blood with the blood of the covenant, i.e., the blood of the sacrificial Turn to Page Thirteen



1HE ANCHORThurs., June 3, 1976

Jesus' Gift of Himself Continued from Page Twelve Suffering Servant Jesus' favorite way of referring to Himself in the Gospels was to call Himself the "Son of Man," and He identified Himself with the suffering servant portrayed in the songs of Isaiah. By doing this He wanted to teach us that He, the Word-made-flesh, was truly one of us and that He fully experienced what it means to be a human being. And precisely by becoming completely identified with us in our sufferring and agony, He makes it possible for us to become completely identified with HimselC. John L. McKenzie, the noted biblical scholar, has expressed this truth eloquently. He says that those who wish to identify themselves with Jesus cannot share His divine sonship except by adoption. But they can, he noted, "share his human condition. Suffering and death are the norznal human condition. Jesus does not ennoble them, but He makes them the means by which man is liberated from sin and death. Those who accept the human condition with Him share in the redemptive act; the saving act of God.... The ultimate futility in the life of unbelieving and hopeless man becomes the means of the ultimate fulfillment of the human potential. The deliverance of man is not to be accomplished by an act which can be shared by only a few. It is accomplished by perfect identity between Jesus and the race which he incoporates in Him-

self." ("The Power and tI,.e Wisdom," p. 102).. If we reflect on Jesus' final gift of Himself in this light, we will, I believe, come to a newer and deeper appreciation of the meaning of the beatitudes. We shall see why it is true that we should "I'ejoice and be glad when we are insulted and persecuted and why we who suffer shall b~ consoled (cf. Matt 5:3-12). The quite ordinary life of Jesus is the great stumbling block, the scandal of pelief. To accept this scandal is to accept the mystery of the incarnation, the truly wondrous,. paradoxical, completely unexpected gift of God's consuming love for us: His gift of Himself in a created human reality that He has made His own and, in making路 it His own, has raised to the level of life with Himself. At each Eucharist we call to mind the saving death of Jesus. Eucharist means thanksgiving, and there is a reason why we should give thanks and be glad: God, the most marvelous friend we can ever have, has made Himself to be one of us and invites us to become one with Him and makes it possible for us to do so. We can become one with Him today, in the suffering and disappointment that we will experience; and He, our Risen Lord, with be with us to comfort and support us in our struggle to be what we really are: precious words of God that He, the Uncreaaed Word, has become.

Caring Christians Continued from Page Twelve stopped one Sunday night to census the house and visit with them in their own home setting. Their observations about Holy Family paralleled Father Hovda's remarks about his weekend community. "We noticed a' difference the first time we went there for Sunday Mass. The people seemed friendly and made us welcome. We would feel missed if we did not make it." Three couples en route home from a Saturday of skiing in the mountains stopped for our 5:15 p.m. Eucharist and caught that caring atmosphere. Two women (both over 60 and one near 80) in the pew before them turned to these strangers at the sign of peace and said, "Have a safe trip home." A woman in her 30s, recently crushed by her husband's sudden heart attack death, unfortunately never discovered that warm, supportive atmosphere at her parish church. I had officiated at the wedding a dozen or so years ago. Recently, I ran into her for the first time since their marriage. Her husband had been dead only a few months. She informed me then, somewhat apologetically, but firmly, "I have left the Catholic Church. It was simply not giving me the day to day support for living I need." Her new spiritual home is路 a small non-denominational congregation; her former church was a mammoth 3,OOO-family parish. Personalized Attention I am not certain of the motives why she abandoned the latter for the former. The reasons may

have been theological. However, my guess is that she needed and was seeking a spiritual community of people who cared, who would support her, who might "miss" her if she was absent on a given Sunday. The smaller church could offer this type of personalized, loving attention; the larger Catholic parish would find it surely difficult and nearly impossible to offer that kind of service, even though staffed by several hard working priests and Sisters. We usually think of the obligation to worship each Sunday in terms of our relationship to God. Perhaps we should view it also in connection with others. Our presence at Mass can give encouragement to those who pray with us. When people look around and see a crowd of persons sharing, apparently, the same faith, the same Lord, the same Eucharist, they must experience a certain reinforcement of their own beliefs. Similarly, when parishioners smile at strangers, welcome them and reach out to these persons in their needs, the recipients should feel they have become part of a loving, caring community and would be missed if not present. These points hold true for the priest as well. During the past winter months a heavy rash of illnesses 'caused many of our people to miss Mass, occasionalIV for weeks at a time. We arp not always aware of the cause for such absences and thus I found it rather disheartening to note an unusual number of empty seats for the liturgies. Conversely, "a full house," an


Jesus' Career Continued from Page Twelve animal poured out at the foot of Mt. Sinai to signify the new relationship between God and His people Israel. Jesus is the' new sacrificial lamb, the Lamb of God, establishing by His blood a new relationship, a new covenant, between God and all humanity. Finally, Jesus points out the eternal dimension of the Eucha路 rist: "I will never again drink of the fruit of the vine until the day when I drink it new in the reign of God." It refers to the day when the earthly Eucharist, a joyous symbol of the messianic banquet, will be celebrated by Jesus and His faithful followers in a new and transcendent way in the Kingdom of the Father.

BRINGING JUSTICE to the poor, like this old man on big city street, is one of the important elements of faith brought out in the New Testament by St. James, according to Father Alfred McBride. (NCPhoto)

James: Perennial Wisdom Continued from Page Twelve integrity and maturity. He says we put a bit into a horse's mO\lth to guide it. Ev;en the mightiest ship, disheveled by boisterous winds and waves Is guided by a small rudder, responsiv~ to the helmsman's touch. But the tongue? How is it that such a little spark can so set a forest ablaze? Who is unaware of "fighting words" whether at meetings of sophisticated diplomats, gatherings in taverns, or between two ladies having morning coffee? Our zoos are full of tamed animals of the fiercest kinds. Who is the lucky one to have tamed his tongue? We use it to praise God and damn our neighbor. In our scientific times we are prone to gather data and evidence for this and that development. Painful as it may be, we have a running possibility of data gathering on our personal character by noting and evaluating the words we speak. In nature, a good spring does not gush forth fresh and foul water from the same outlet. Well, the lesson is obvious.

5. Practice Christian values. "Do not grumble at one another my brothers, lest you be condemned. See! The judge stands at the gate. As your moq,els in suffering, hardship and patience, brothers, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord." (James 5; 10) James lists a series of wise maxims to guide Christians in search of values that live out the meaning of faith. He wants people to be "sensibly" humble, to abandon foolish jealousy, to be lenient and rich in sympathy. He is almost Shakespearean when he says, "You are vapor that appears and briefly vanishes." (4;14) .

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attentive group of believers, and a community of Christians truly concerned about others lift up the celebrant's spirit and strengthen his own faith.

D. D.

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It is hard to say whether the sad little episode whieh follows took place while they were still at table or on their way to Gethsemane. Verse 26 would suggest the latter: "After singing songs of praise, they walked out to the Mount of Olives." But the following verse would seem to support the former: "Jesus' then said to them"-as a continuation of his table tlk. And, in fact, places Jesus' prediction of Peter's denial squarely within the context of the supper. This could be an example of Mark's frequent awkwardness of style and the resultant obscurity. At any rate, Jesus sadly foretells the shock they will experience at His Crucifixion and their abandonment of Him. Peter, with typical impetuosity, blurts out, "Even though all are shaken in faith, it will not be that way with me." "Jesus answered, "I give you my assurance, this very night before the cock crows twice you will deny me three times." But Peter kept reasserting vehemently, "Even if I have to die with you, I will not deny you." Mark adds: "They all said the same."

The events that followed are so familiar to us: the agony in the garden, the kiss of Judas, the arrest, the trial with its brutality, all ending in the crucifixion, a type of capital punishment so horrible that路 it was reserved for the' slave dass. It looked for all the world like utter defeat. But something was to happen after a few days that would . turn it into glorious victory.

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THE ANCHOR-Dioc,ese of Fall River-Thurs. June 3, 1976

-.-your basic youth page focus on youth •••



Have you ever felt like you were walking into the valley of darkness? You were supposed to be leading a group of people, but you didn't know if what you were doing was making any difference? That is the feeling of every parent: when his or her teenager begins going some unexpected way. It is the feeling of the preacher who has no idea if his words are settling on the hearts of people out in the middle of that dark abyss. Every year, we Dameans get .that same feeling. It comes when we discuss whether our column is making any difference. Are we providing a service? Can we improve what we are offering? The major problem in answering these questions is the abyss. What is really going on at the other end? We do receive some feedback from editors and readers, but we need a lot more. Does It Help? It would be very valuable to know, from you: Does this

Later he began to go to other homes where no one swore or talked off-color; no one drank There wasn't fighting and pushing one another around. Finally, it all' got to be too much for the, boy, so he enlisted the aid of a counselor and began to go to special meetings. He is having a tough struggle but things he can make it. He knows that good friends don't want you to drink, don't encourage you to drink and don't offer to buy drinks for you. I've been hearing a lot about young people getting a two-way education. Is there much of that around? Q.

A. "Youthletter" tells us that more and' more young people today are getting into two-way ed"7alternating classroom study with jobs offering practical experience as well as cash. Such cooperative' education seems on the way to becoming the wave

of the future in U. S. higher education. Thousands of private employers participate, as well as the federal government, which employs 7,500 students. The concept allows a young person after his freshman year of college to spend half his time on campus studying and the other half working on the outside, usually for academic credit, in a job related to his major. Under the plan, it takes five years instead of four to earn a degree. One student explains the value of the program this way: "Thanks to my job, I discovered that I would rather do something creative, that gives a sense of daily accomplishment, than bringing home a fat paycheck. I used to get sick from boredom in the classroom. But now, after the job experiences, I find myseilf going back to the books, and they make more sense."




column help you? Why do you read it? Primarily to discover the ,lyrics to the songs? For classroom discussion? For sermon material? To give you as a parent an insight into the youth scene? Probably a question that is just as important as all the others is how we might improve. If you could write us a note indicating how you use our column, we would appreciate it. With this information before us, we will do everything we can to make our work better reflect your needs. One- suggestion which recurs is that we include guitar chords, but music owners will not permit this because it would undercut sheet music sales. We have been thinking about including discussion questions becal,lse many people use the column in the classroom. With a little help from you we can feel much better about coming to this time next year because we will know our work better reflects your needs. Our address: The Dameans, P.O. Box 2108, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70821.

FEEHAN GRADUATES: Priscilla Ferland and Theresa' Castro bid farewell to campus of Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, from which they graduated at ceremonies Tuesday night.

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In Music By The Dameans

BY CECILIA BELANGER Q. I'm glad you came down hard on the telling of dirty jokes. I'm ashamed to bring my friends home because my father not only wants to tell "the latest" but every sentence he utters has swear words in it. I feel our home is polluted in more ways than one. The things they tell me make me very unhappy. Linda A. Your note reminds me of a story about a young lad in a Boston office. He was rather small for his age, but he was able to run errands for four men. One day one of the men said to him, "You will never never amount to much-you are so small." To which the lad replied, "As small as I am, I can do something none of you four men can do." "Oh, and what is that?" the man asked. "I don't think I should tell you," he said. But the man begged until the boy finally said, "Well, I can keep from swearing." Because of how abhorrent dirty jokes and swearing are to you, Linda, you can do the same as the lad in the story: refrain from both. Perhaps eyentually your exampl~ will bear fruit. There are many people who make this world ugly with their mouths and their examples. However, so far as lies within our power we must continue to be ourselves and not be contaminated by the filth around us. Take heart, Linda! Q. Are there many teenage alcoholics? A. Indeed there are. Far too many. I was reading about a boy who's been drinking since he was 11. He said his father got him started on beer. And his three brothers drank. His brothers were resentful of him' because he did not drink as much as they did and would poke fun at him. He said it was getting so he thought all homes were like his-that it was normal to have three or four in the house all drunk.


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that's why we play for everyone. Music has no barriers." For the benefit of those who missed the Gerrard concert and have never heard the band, the director announced that it has an album available, "Profiles in Sound."

By Patricia Mello School Correspondent Bishop Gerrard High School, Fall River, recently played host for the Stage Band of B.M.C. Durfee High School, also Fall River. With nearly 100 people in attendance, the unit performed in the Gerrard auditorium under the direction of Mr. Edmund Machado. The band includes 17 talented musicians, with Cary Bigelow and Karen Ferreira, who perform on sax and flute respectively, also adding their voices to popular tunes such as "Feelings" and "We've Only Just Begun." Although Durfee is a public high school, Mr. Machado does not limit band performances to other public institutions, saying, "Music is the universal language,

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 3, 1976

Sister Maureen Not Retiring

Bishop on Vocations Dearly Beloved in Christ, Next weekend, the Solemnity of Pentecost, will be observed throughout the Diocese of Fall River as our special Annual Day of Prayer for Vocations. I consider it a happy coincidence that the Pentecost Feast, the "birthday of the Church," will be the occasion this year for all of us in the Diocese of Fall River to pray with particular fervor for the blessing of many vocations to the priesthood and to the religious life. At parish Masses next weekend, we shall receive the Collection for our Ecclesiastical Student Fund, which helps us to finance the seminary education of students for the Diocesan priesthood. I am confident that everyone will respond in a generous manner. During recent weeks, I have had the happy privilege of ordaining several young men to the priesthood and to the . diaconate. It is a source of great encouragement and consolation to know that zealous young ministers of the Sacraments and of the Word of God are coming forth from the good homes and families of our Diocese. Yet, on this day, the anniversary of the day when the Apostles, inspired with the Holy Spirit, first undertook the Mission of he Church, I know, as indeed you all know, that we must have many holy and dedicated priests and religious to carry on that Mission in aur times. For this very reason, as Bishop, I tum to you, tlie People of God of the Fall River Diocese, for prayerful support and encouragement of our Vocations Apostolate. Pray that vocations increase and that those called by Christ will find the courage to respond to that calling. Our beloved Holy Father Pope Paul VI has composed a prayer for vocations for this year's observance that we could all well make our own: We ask you, Lord, to continue to bless and enrich your Church with the gifts of your vocations. We pray that many will be willing to listen to your voice and may continue to give joy to the Church with the generosity and faithfulness of their response. Amen.

Continued from Page One "My mother called me the Queen of the Kids," she said. "All the neighborhood children were always around the house.", "Glory be to God," she said, "I used to dance in all the parish shows around town. And once a couple of friends and I were in the chorus at the old Bijou Theatre. We danced for a week and we got $35 each. I was 17 and I thought it was a million dollars. I bought presents for everyone in the family Sister Maureen with Friends at Nazareth Hall and I h.ad all of it spent before I ever got home." theory of special education and The other day, one responded Sister Maureen worked as a working at special schools, in with her own list of school rules: 1. Respect for our teacher. 2. Be bookkeeper for a year before other dioceses. kin~ to each other. 3. Sharing entering the convent and she Her'Own Blend with each other. 4. Being nice said that her boss refused to beBut over the years it has been to our teachers. lieve she'd stay. "You're not her own blend of expertise, commeant for that life;" he told her And when a child confronted and he held her job open for a mon sense and the love and consideration of others that she said her with the query, "Why did month before he gave in and was drummed into her thy the God make me this way?" he was hired a replacement for her. old-time Sisters at S1;. Patrick's lovingly told, "We don't know. Before entering on her career School that has made Sister We have to wait and ask with exceptional children, Sister Maureen beloved. God." Maureen taught in parochial "I believe in being direct," Community feeling for Sister schools in Fall River, New Bedshe said. "Sometimes I'd worry Maureen was expressed last June ford and North Attleboro. For that I was being too outspoken, in Fall River when the Sister years, however, she spent her but the teachers told me, "We Maureen Hanley Home for exsummers with the children of , like it. We always knew where ceptional young adults was dedSt. Vincent's Home, many of you're going.''' icated in her honor. And the whom had emotional problems, Parents, too, get the direct feelings of her co-workers will and she came to realize her special interest in this field of ed- treatment. Sister Maureen will be expressed on Monday, June 21 tell a mother or father who feels at a testimonial dinner at Venus 'ucation. somehow guilty about an ex- de Milo restaurant, Swansea, to So when Bishop Connolly be- ceptional child, "This is no which all her friends are invited. gan plans for Nazareth Hall and one's fault. Your job is to unThose wishing to make reserasked the Mercy superior for derstand and accept and cherish vations for the event may conSisters to staff the new institu- the child God has sent you." tact Mrs. Louise Boulay or Hartion, it was natural that Sister The children themselves are at Nazareth Hall, old Mosher Maureen should be among those given three rules: "Look well, be 887 Highland Avenue, Fall chosen for preparatory tr.aining, well, behave well." River, telephone 676-1572. both on the academic and practical level, taking courses in the


May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Devotedly yours in Christ,

"The man who refuses firmly to entertain the hope of immortality ... is no more brave and realistic than a man who refuses to open the door of his dark room and come out into the sunshine." D.G.M. Jackson


Bishop of Fall River







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