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t eanc 0 VOL. 32, NO. 23


Friday, June 3, 1988




'510 Per Year

2 new diocesan priests Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will ordain two men to the priesthood for the Fall River diocese in ceremonies at II a.m. June 4 at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. They are Rev. Mr. Daniel Wilfrid Lacroix and Rev: Mr. George Blair Scales. Both prepared for the priesthood at St. John's Seminary, Brighton. Rev. Mr. Lacroix Rev. Mr. Lacroix, a native of St. Mary's parish, New Bedford, is the only child of Norman C. and Irene A. (Depault) Lacroix. Born Nov. 24, 1949, in New Bedford, he is a 1973 graduate of St. Mary's parish school and a 1977 alumnus of North Dartmouth's Bishop Stang High School. He earned a bachelor of arts degree from Bridgewater State Col-

lege in 1981 and from 198 I to 1983 taught English and history to seventh and eighth graders at St. Matthew's School, Cranston, R.I. He entered the seminary in 1983, and while a student worked with a Catholic Youth Organization at St. Luke's, Belmont, as a chaplain intern at Carney Hospital, and at St. Peter's parish, both in Dorchester. From 1984 to 1986 he spent summers working in the nature department ,at St. Vincent de Paul Camp, Westport. Rev. Mr. Lacroix was a transitional deacon at Holy Name parish, New Bedford. He will offer his first Mass at 5 p.m. June 5 at Holy Name Church. Rev. Mr. David E. Green of the Providence diocese and I:all River

diocesan permanent deacon Lawrence A. St. Onge will be deacons. Father John F. Moore, pastor of Rev. Mr. Lacroix's native parish, will be homilist. Designated concelebrants are Father Moore and Fathers Robert T. Canuel and Mark R. Hession, St. Mary's parochial vicars, and Fathers John J. Murphy and John J. Perry, pastor and parochial vicar at Holy Name. Music will be by the choirs of St. Mary's and Holy Name parishes. Sister Rita Pelletier, SSJ, and Frances Guilbert, religious education coordinators at St. Mary's and Holy Name parishes, will be readers at the Mass. Michael Caron, Devon Flood, Michael Silva Turn to Page Six

Cardinals for 2 U .8. sees

HAPPY MOMENT: Mrs. James A. O'Brien Jr., Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes review the final Appeal report. (Gaudette photo)

New CCA record for diocese The Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River, announced today that the 1988 Catholic Charities Appeal in the Diocese of Fall River has been completed with the largest sum realized in its 47-year history. Diocesan headquarters reports that the total sum realized in the annual springtime campaign was 51,974,486.85, an increase of some $1 14,000 over the previous year's total. The Catholic Charities Appeal remains the single most important source for funding the wide variety of activities conducted under diocesan auspices throughout the region. In making note of the unprecedented success of this year's Appeal, Bishop Cronin expressed his delight that so many worthy programs benefiting both Catholic and non-Catholic residents of the diocese will continue providing needed service. The bishop said the campaign was a tremendous source of encouragement. "It is evident that the good works of the various apostolates of the diocese have earned the admiration and sup-

port of so many people and businesses throughout Southeastern Massachusetts. It is heartwarming to know that these endeavors can continue through the generous gifts of so many people. "As Christians, we are a people of hope, and we are called to bring that hope to one another - especially those most in need. The Appeal is a tangible sign by which we demonstrate our commitment to help one another by sharing our material goods. The pastoral, educational, and social endeavors funded by the Appeal are indeed the hope of so many people of our area. On behalf of the apostolates and of the many people who are served by them, I convey my gratitude to one and all for this generous response." Bishop Cronin expressed special thanks to Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, Diocesan Director of the Appeal, and to Mrs. James A. O'Brien Jr., of Fall River, lay chairwoman. Conscious of the leadership of the clergy of the dioTurn to Page Six

List of all new cardinals appears on page 6. VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II has named 25 new cardinals from 18 countries, including U.S. Archbishops James A. Hickey of Washington and Edmund C. Szoka of Detroit. The pope, announcing the selections May 29 at the Vatican, said the new cardinals-designate were '''generous and worthy servants" of the Holy See whose choice underlined the church's universality. He set June 28 as the date for a consistory, when they will formally be installed, raising the College of Cardinals to a record 162 members. The nominees include bishops from Lithuania, Hong Kong, Hungary and Mozambique, as well as

four current officials of the Roman Curia. The pope chose one nonbishop, Swiss theologian Father Hans Urs von Baltha~ar, who is over 80 and therefore would not be eligible to vote in a conclave. The nominations would bring the number of voting cardinals to 121, one more than allowed under church norms established by Pope Paul VI. That situation would exist until Italian Cardinal Corrado Ursi turns 80 on July 26. Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said the ceiling on cardinals who are papal electors remains at 120. The pope made a minor exception rather than delaying installation, he said. The assumption is that there will not be a papal election between

the consistory and the time Cardinal Ursi turns 80, said NavarroValls. Cardinals-designate Hickey, 67, and Szoka, 60, like the pope, are seen as progressive on social issues and conservative on theological and doctrinal matters. Cardinaldesignate Hickey represented the Vatican in sensitive cases involving Seattle Archbishop Raymond G. Hunthausen's administration and the controversial views of Theologian Father Charles Curran. Cardinal-designate Szoka is a close friend of the pope. Both men are Michigan-born. Their elevation brings the number of U.S. cardinals to II. Turn to Page Six

19 priests reassigned 19 priests are affected by changes announced June I by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. Eight pastors are moving from one parish to another, three parochial vicars have been named pastors and eight parochial vicars or holders of various diocesan posts are moving to other parochial vicar assignments, some including other duties. All the changes are effective June 15. Father George F. Almeida, pastor of St. Elizabeth's parish, Edgartown, will become pastor of Holy Family parish, East Taunton. At Edgartown since 198 I, he was previously parochial vicar at St. Michael, St. Anthony of Padua and Our Lady of Angels parishes in Fall River; St. Anthony's and Our Lady oi Lourdes, Taunton; Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, New Bedford; and Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs.

Father Louis R. Boivin, pastor of St. Louis de France parish, Swansea, since 1970, will become pastor of St. Joseph's parish, New Bedford. Ordained in 1948, he served at St. Louis de France as parochial vicar from 1948 to 1952, was at St. Hyacinth parish, New Bedford, from 1952 to 1955, then was vicar at St. Joseph's parish, to which he is returning, until 1970. Father Marcel H. Bouchard, now parochial vicar at St. Julie's parish, North Dartmouth, chaplain at Bishop Stang High School and diocesan director of the television Mass, will become pastor ofSacred Heart parish, North Attleboro. Following his 1972 ordination, he was parochial vicar at St. Joseph's, Taunton, Notre Dame, Fall River, and Holy Family Taunton, before going to St. Julie's. He has also served in the Diocesan Department of Education as assistant

director of religious education and director of continuing education for clergy. Father Kenneth J. Delano, now parochial vicar at Immaculate Conception parish, Fall River, will become pastor of St. Francis of Assisi parish, New Bedford. After, his ordination in 1960 he served as parochial vicar at St. Patrick's parish, Fall River, St. Patrick's, Wareham, St. Mary's, New Bedford, and St. Joseph's, Fall River, before going to Immaculate Conception in 1982. He has combined his priesthood with a distinguished career as an amateur astronomer, specializing in study ofthe moon and also traveling to several countries to view total solar eclipses. He is the author of "Many Worlds, One God," a 1977 book Turn to Page Three

Leading Parishes ATTLEBORO 51. John 51. Mary, Seekonk Mt. Carmel, Seekonk 51. Mary, Mansfield 51. Mark, Attleboro Falls

41,695.00 28,255.00 28,088.00 26,216.00 25,349.00

CAPE COD AND THE ISLANDS AREA 51. Pius X, So. Yarmouth 51. Francis Xavier, Hyannis Holy Trinity, W. Harwich Corpus Christi, Sandwich Our Lady of Victory, Centerville

69,317.00 57,451.00 43,313.00 40,350.00 34,637.00

FALL RIVER AREA Holy Name Our Lady of Angels St. Thomas More, Somerset Our Lady of Fatima, Swansea 51. John of God, Somerset NEW BEDFORD AREA Mt. Carmel Immaculate Conception St. Mary, So. Dartmouth 51. Julie Billiart, No. Dartmouth 51. Mary,

40,496.10 23,252.00 21,362.00 18,904.00 18,896.00 40,919.45 33,493.95 33,087.00 21,083.00 20,208.00 24,058.00 20,850.00 20,087.00 16,551.00 16,447.00

Parish Totals ATTLEBORO

28,088.00 28,255.00


Attleboro Holy Ghost 51. John St Joseph St. Mark 51. Stephen St. Theresa

15,656.00 41,695.00 10,274.69 25,349.00 9,474.32 19,127.00

Fall River St. Mary's Cathedral Blessed Sacrament Espirito Santo Holy Cross Holy Name Notre Dame


6,014.00 14,270.00 13,225.00

CAPE COD & THE ISLANDS AREA Brewster-O. L. of the Cape 26,203.00 Buzzards Bay-51. Margaret 14,351.00 Centerville-O. L. of Victory 34,637.00 Chatham-Holy Redeemer 26,440.00 Cotuit-Christ the King 17,870.00 East Falmouth-St. Anthony 26,460.00 Edgartown-St. Elizabeth 3,905.00 Falmouth-St. Patrick 27,899.00 Hyannis-51. Francis Xavier 57,451.00 Nantucket-O. L. of the Isle 14,281.00 North FalmouthSt. Elizabeth Seton . 22,799.50' Oak Bluffs-Sacred Heart 6,295.00 Orleans-51. Joan of Arc 22,075.00 Osterville-Assumption 18,706.00 PocassetSt. John the Evangelist 22,590.00 Provincetown-51. Peter 7,457.00 Sandwich-Corpus Christi 40,350.00 South Yarmouth-51. Pius X 69,317.00 Vineyard Haven. 51. Augustine 6,169.00 Weill/eetOur Lady of Lourdes 5,395.00 West HarwichHoly Trinity 43,313.00 Woods Hole-51. Joseph 6,664.00

TAUNTON AREA 51. Ann, Raynham Holy Cross, So. Easton 51. Mary Immaculate Conception, N. Easton 51. Joseph


Mansfield-51. Mary North Attleboro Sacred Heart 51. Mary Norton-51. Mary Seekonk Mt. Carmel 51. Mary

$50 Office Equipment Co. NEW BEOFORO

$100 Guido's Plate Glass Service. Inc.

Parishes fALL RIVER Santo Christo $100 M·M John f. Victor; $60 M·M Guatter M. Carvalho; $25 Maria H. Madeira & Family, Jose M. Medeiros, M·M Ouarte M. Chaves, M·M Laureno C. Vieira & Family. Sl. Anthony of Padua $25M·M Joseph deJesus Sl. Mary Cathedral $65 Helen &Joseph Kennedy; $50 M·M William Bosse, Mrs Mary Foley &Angela M Foley, In Memory of Ann CLingard; $25 Oolores Mowery Lucille Levasseur SI. Anne $600 Rev. John RFoister; $200 M·M Normand Berube; $25 M·M Rheo Carpenter, Leonard J Riley s~n M·M Robert Mello; $25 M·M Joseph Simas. M·M Rnbert Charest. M·M Joseph Wilson Espirito Santo $25 Russell Cosla & Family, Christine Garcia, M·M Carl Hyson, M·M Jos OeSousa, M·M Antonio Soares Americo Ramos Our Lady of the Holy Rosary $125 M·M Lawrence Romeo; $30 M-M Paul Miniacci; $25 M-M John Brennan, M-M Remo Ciolfi, Wayne &Collete OeCosta, Peter &Barbara Oepaola, Mrs Delbert Frank. Mis Henry LLanger, M·M Peter Patota. M-M Alfred PotVin, M-M John Romeo, M·M Richard Silvia, Mrs John S Sousa, M-M Edward EVeroon $50 M-M Donald Deschesnes. Studio 5 - M·M Edward fitzgibbons .Sacred Heart $100 Sarah C Halligan, Michael McNally, Sacred Heart Conference. In Memory of Deceased Members and Benelactors 01 Sacred Heart Conference, Sf. Vincent de Paul Salvage Store, E. Main St; $75 Dr Edward JSteinhof; $50 M·M Richard Waring, Mary Fortin; $35 James FDarcy; $30 Irene Price, Marguerite Ciullo $300 In Memory of May HHealey; $50 Gertrude LReilly, $40 Nancy Janick; $25 Joani Leger, Edward J Sullivan, M-M Robert Lapre, M·M Steven Souza, Jeanne Gagne, Alice Hampston, M-M Goncalo Santos, Oliva Fortin, M-M Raymond Audet, Robert Guilmette, Helen Wilson SI. Patrick $100 M-M Eugene Grace, In Memory of James EShea, M-M Louis D'Amico, M-M Manuel M Silvia; $50 Ms Rita Conlin, MrsSarah Gagnon; $In Memory 01 francIS Clegg, Mrs Alton King, M-M Robert Ferreira; $30 Michael McCarthy, William Keithan, M·M Stanley Mish, Mrs Harold Makeever; $25 Mrs Mary Harrington, M-M Thmas Vanasse, M-M Ralph Fletcher, Mrs Mary MWelch, M·M Fancis Powell Sr, Ms Barbara Lawen, Ms Anne M & Patricia Hughes, Ms Elizabeth Barrett, M-M Henry Urban, Ms Rulh Murray, Ms Brenda Mendes, M·M Russell O'Brien, M·M John Mitchell, M-M Eroest Mousseau, M·M Frank Tinsley $75 Mrs. T. Blouin Nolle Dame $150 M-M Henry Ouellette $35 M-M Oscar A. Maynard Jr. Sl. Louis $25 M·M John TO'Connell Saint Joseph $300 Atty & Mrs Brian R Corey & Family; $50 M-M Walter Stetkiewicz, M-M Eroest Howarth; $30 M-M Arthur Plante; $25 Lauretta Swamson, Mrs Charles Ross M·M David Grandmaison Sl. lIichael $200 AFriend SS Peter & Paul $100 SS Peter & Paul Woman's Club; $50 M·M John Tavares $25 M-M Michael Boudria Sl. lIathieu $100 M-M Raymond Poisson, Mrs Joseph Rivard, M·M Paul St Pterre; $60 M·M Paul Lapointe; $50 M·M Paul Pineaull; $451n Memory 01 Dr Eugene J Dionne,lMrs Eugene J Dionne); $35 M-M Nelson Julius, Jr, Mrs Marthe Whalon; $25 Mrs Raymond Antaya, M·M MaUrice Brisson, M·M Maurice Desmarais, M-M Norman Fontame, Irene Lapre, Mrs Harold McNerney, M·M Normand Phenix, Ann Rousel, Mrs Edmour Thibault Blessed Sacrament $300 El"abeth Craveiro; $100 M·M Roger Lauzon; $50 M-M Stephen CEvans; $25 M-M Robert Cote, M-M Charles Babcock, M·M Norman labrie, Mrs Merrill Oven. M·M Paul lamontagne, M-M Victor Santns George Medeiros Holy Name . $325 M-M Daniel E. Bogan;l30D Dr. & Mrs. John Delaney; $200 M·M Jay Mercer; $100 Atty. & Mrs. William F. Long, Jr., M-M Lawrence Sousa,ln Memory of Francis 1. Devine, M-M John Bonner; $75 M-M Harold J. Dusoe; $50 M·M Ronald Banville, M·M Kevin Fitzpatrick; $40 M·M Anthony laCava, M-M John McDonald; $30 M-M Shawn Murphy; $25 M-M Stephen Pietruska, M-M Roger Sullivan, Jr., M·M Everett Sm~h, Mrs. James Cullen

11,491.00 3,909.00 14,136.00 3,172.00 40,496.10 12,496.00

Our Lady of the Angels Our Lady of Health Holy Rosary Immaculate Conception Sacred Heart 51. Anne 51. Anthony of Padua 51. Elizabeth St. Jean Baptiste 51. Joseph 51. Louis 51. Mathieu 51. Michael 51. Patrick 55. Peter & Paul St. Stanislaus St. William Santo Christo Assonet-51. Bernard No. Westport-O.L. of Grace Somerset 51. John of God St. Patrick .51. Thomas More Swansea Our Lady of Fatima St. Dominic 51. Louis of France 51. Michael Westport51. George 51. John NEW BEDFORD AREA New Bedford Holy Name Assumption Immaculate Conception Mt. Carmel Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of Perpetual Help Sacred Heart 51. Anne 51. Anthony Padua

51. Stanislaus $800 Rev Robert S Kaszynskl; $50 M-M Stephen P Rys, Mrs Paulette Barlow, M·M George Wrobol, M·M Walter Sokoll, Stanley Lach, Joan Winiarski, Mary F Joy; $45 M·M Frederick Weglowski, Jr; $40 M·M Robert Wilbur, M·M John Min", M·M Stanley Wojnar, M·M FrancIS Cleary; $35 M·M Walter Wisniewsk1, M-M David Feeney, M·M Thaddeus Waszkiewicz, M·M Joseph Forsack, M·M David Beard, Rinto Lindo; $34 Daniel Gagnon; $32 M-M Samuel Williamson $400 AFriend; $150 M-M Milton J Rebello; $125 Mrs Walter Kocon, St Stanislaus Mens Club; $105 M·M Raymond JBiszko; $104 Mrs Alice Kret; $103 M-M Robert Astle; $100 Dr &Mrs Joseph MCGUIII, Jr, M·M Stephen Kulpa, Richard Erosl; $85 M·M Thomas Skibinski; $75 M·M Daniel B Rocha; $60 M·M Joseph Cichon. John Polak, Jr, M-M John Polak; $55 M·M John Mayo, AFriend; $53 Paula EGagnon; $30 Mrs Nancy A Sousa, lucille Carvalho, M-M Michael Jezak, M-M Mathew landoch, M·M Mathew S Jagielski, M·M Gregory Rego, M·M John Cordeiro, Mrs Frederick Sherman, M·M Richard l Miles, M·M Henry T Hawkins, M·M Paul B Murphy, M·M John Eluddy; $28 M·M David St laurent $25 John Mazurek, Jamce Partridge, Mrs Gary Ivanson, M-M StanleyPensak &Son, M-M Leo Fournier, M·M Frank DiMatteo, M·M Raymond Girard, Joseph Sroczynski, Rose Forczyk, M·M Michael Souza, M-M Michael Donald, M-M Thomas O'Neil, M-M Thaddeus Chrupcala, Phyllis Lizak, M·M Theodore Ziolkowski, George Moura, M-M Richard Gauthier, M-M Albert Gouveia, M·M Wm TGonsalves, M·M John Cabeceiras, M·M Wm Diskin, Monica Ragone5l, M·M George H Daley $80 Mrs Denita Tremblay, $45 M·M Paul L'Heureux; $25 M-M Matlhew Chrupcala, M·M Stanley T Pietrzyk, M·M Joseph J Ciosek, Valerie Polka Immaculate Conception $25 M-M David A Saralva, State Rep Charles ESilVia Sl. Wiliam $30 M·M Manuel Viveiros: $25 Raymond Robitaille, Mrs Theresa Gosc,mlOskl, William Hodnett M-M Paul Sallar

23,252.00 7,640.00 14,578.00 6,484.00 11,508.00 11,440.00 12,221.00 7,190.00 6,490.00 9,067.00 7,088.00 2,943.00 13,297.00 12,776.00 9,927.00 16,885.00 8,810.00 18,673.00 9,704.00 11,975.00 18,896.00 11,733.00 21,362.00 18,904.00 14,113.00 16,903.00 10,194.00 7,766.00 13,112.00

14,931.00 3,828.50 33,493.95 40,919.45 8,011.00 5,284.00 5,764.00 4,037.25 7,643.95

St. Casimir 51. Francis of Assisi St. Hedwig 51. James 51. John the Baptist 51. Joseph 51. Kilian St. Lawrence 51. Mary 51. Theresa AcushnetSt. Francis Xavier East FreetownSt. John Neumann Fairhaven51. Joseph St. Mary Marion-51. Rita Mattapoisett-51. Anthony North DartmouthSI. Julie Billiart South Dartmouth-51. Mary Wareham-51. Patrick

TAUNTON AREA Taunton Holy Family Holy Rosary Immaculate Conception Our Lady of Lourdes Sacred Heart 51. Anthony 51. Jacques .51. Joseph 51. Mary 51. Paul Dighton-51. Peter North Dighton-St. Joseph North EastonImmaculate Conception Raynham-51. Ann South Easton-Holy Cross

4,009.00 6,900.00 2,278.00 13,270.00 16,389.00 11,686.00 2,803.00 15,587.00 20,208.00 9,156.00 10,010.00 13,686.00 15,882.00 7,799.75 6,027.00 12,916.00 21,083.00 33,087.00 19,560.50

11,301.00 5,201.00 11,854.00 13,067.00 11,754.00 13,807.25 6,435.00 16,447.00 20,087.00 14,510.00 4,936.00 8,340.00 16,551.00 24,058.00 20,850.00

DIGHTON SI. Peter $40 M·M John Goulart; $25 M·M Gene lupachini, M·M Geffrey Martel, M·M Arthur Perry, Mrs. Alan Fanioy. EAST fREETOWN SI. John Neumann $25 M-M Michael Powers. MANSfiELD SI. Miry $25 M-M Thomas Conte, M·M Robert Linari, M-M Stephen McColgan. NORTH AnLEBORO Sl.llary $125 Mrs. Elmer Ralston;$IOO M-M Austen Butler, M-M James Coogan, M·M Joseph Doran, Robert Kelley; $50 M-M Norman Fontaine, Mrs. Walter Miller; $35 M·M Michael Coyle, Shirley Dunham; $25 Mrs. George Gibney, Susan Breen, M·M Michael Lavelle, M·M Herbert Nelson, M·M Herbert R. Snell, Eileen Taylor. AnLEBORO SI. John the Evangelist $50 M-M Robert Schwensfeir; $25 M·M Gregory Horton, M·M Raymond Prisak, Margaret Doran. M·M John O'Connell; $30 M-M Ronald Churchill. SEEKONK SI. lIary $50 M·M Daniel McKinnon. Our Lady of MI. Carmel $25 M-M John F. Sullivan. NEW BEDfORD Holy Name $25 M·M Paul Grisso. Sicred Hearl $100 In Honor 01 Normand Seguin by Mrs. Normand Seguin.

SOMERSET SI. Thomas 1I0re $80 Rosemary Dussault; $30 M-M leo l Rodrigues; $25 M·M Carl D'Manno, Elizabeth Farnham, M·M Shaun F~zpatrick, M-M Joseph RGagnon, M·M Robert l Jackson. M-M Arthur Mirand, M·M John Senra $100 St. Thomas More Confirmation Class 1988; $50 M·M Gilbert J Nadeau; $30 M-M Nicholas Boland; $25 M·M William Croke St John of God $$50 Altar Boys, George Garc,a, Joseph D Lawrence, Prayer Group; $40 Edward Machado; $30 Raul Faria, Amanclo Furtado; $25 Victor Barboza. Manuel Moniz $461 Youth Group Walk-a-thon; $100 In Memory 01 Anna & Arthur Leite; $25 Antonio Alberto Saint Patrick $600 Rev Horace J Tmassos; $BO Claire L Bell; $50 Edward J leonard; $40 M·M Thomas Reis, Jr; $35 Mrs Sol Strelm, Mrs WaUer Palmer; $30 M·M Raul a Silva; $25 Leo ABond, M·M Vincent Calio, Mrs. Shirley Cavanaugh, Peter Hiotells, Richard Mullen, In Memory of Edward JSharpe, M-M Norman Mathteu $100 M-M Frank Jasparro SWANSEA St Louis de France $100 Anonymous; $50 M·M DenIS Auclair, M-M Emile Boilard; $40 M·M Richard laprise; $30 M·M Donald Pratt; $25 M-M Gerard Bernier, M-M Roger NLevesque, M·M Ronald Gamache, M-M Paul Lennon, M·M William Webb, Jr; $50 Anonymous, M-M Timothy Cotter, Jr; $40 M·M Fernand C AUClair; $25 M-M Ronald Paul, M-M David Stallman, M·M louis Turcolle, M·M Richard Boyer, M·M William Kenoey, M-M Conrad Rousseau, M-M Roger Paquette, Mrs Joseph Duquelle, M·M Romeo Charesl Sl. Michael $25 Janice AFord

M-M Hugh Kenworthy

NORTH DARTMOUTH SI. Julie Billilrt $25 M-M Thomas Pacheco. HYANNIS SI. Francis Xavier $75 M-M Oliver T. Champagny; $60 M·M Austin Bell; $25 M·M Avilino Dutra. EAST fALMOUTH SI. Anthony $200 M·M Anlhony Briana. St. Patrick $100 M-M Edward 1. Perry. WOODS HOLE SI. Joseph $25 M·M William F. Norris. WEST HARWICH Holy Trinity $1,000 M-M Harold McKenna; $200 Atty. &Mrs. JosephW. Downes; $100 Frank K. Duffy, M-M William GreenWOOd, M-M John O'Callaghan, Maureen A. Rugo; $50 M-M Albert BIShop, M-M Edward Boyle, Mrs. Dominic Ciaccio, M-M Martin Johnston, M-M Leo Shea; $30 M-M Joseph Stinson; $25 M-M Anthony 1. Catanzaro, M·M Francis Concannon, M·M Marble Mainini, M·M Frank Moran, M·M John Seaver, M·M Walter Arsenaull, Thomas B. Callanan, M-M Michael DeMauro, Mrs. Sylvester Donohue, Gail W. Doyle, Mary Gomes, M-M Pau' Kelley, M·M Brian lucas, Mrs. John Murphy, M-M Joaquin Pena, M·M Henry Souza, M·M James Toner, George Tucker, M-M Donald Brierley. NANTUCKET Our Lady of the Isle $50 Philip Marks, Sr.

Our Lady of Fatima $500 Anonymous; $150 M·M 1. Brian Keating; $100 Anonymous; $50 Anonymous; $40 Anonymous; $25 Anonymous, M·M John DArsenaull, M-M William RBouchard, M·M Peter AGenereux, M·M Steve Grota, M-M Robert King, M-M Richard V Messier 51. Dominic $25 M·M Thomas Donovan $50 M-M Raymond Bryden, M-M John Gunn; $30 M-M Gerardo Chiavellone, M·M Manuel Sardinha; $25 M-M Matthew Borden, M·M James Caroey, Mrs. Richard Haskell, M-M 1. Kevin lawlon, Blanche Masse, M-M John Pavao, Sf. Dominic's Women's Guild, M·M Daniel Sullivan WESTPORT Our Lady of Grace $50 M-M Manuel MVale, M·M Paul RWilkIOson; $30 M-M Alfred RAlves; $25 M·M Thomas McGarr, Jame' DeMello, M·M Jeffrey Czapiga & Michael, M-M Thomas CummlS~ey $100 Our lady of Grace Council 01 Catholic Women, Our lady of GraceCouples' Club; $50 M·M James Murray; $25 M·M Jos.ph Vale, M·M Henry Mercier Sl. George $25 M-M Orner J Forand

Sf. George Women's Guild, Oclave Pimentel &lucille

SI. John the Baptist $30 M·M Thomas Pelers; $25 M·M Roger Tom,lozlOskl Family TAUNTON Holy Family $100 M·M Michael Tokarz; $50 Peter Murphy. Sl. Jacques $50 In Memory of Ann R. Fonseca; $40 M-M Michael Grundy; $25 Therese Blain, M·M Anthony 1. Khouris, M·M George Yelle. NORTH DIGHTON SI. Joseph $200 Joseph C. & Grace M. Murray. SOUTH EASTON Holy Cross Dr. & Mrs. Francis Drew. NORTH EASTON Immaculate Conception $50 M-M Frank E Jardin; $25 Mrs. Albert G. Smith, Jr.

MSGR. LUIZ G. MENDONCA and Bishop Daniel A. Cronin meet with Father Manuel Soares, right, director ofthe bishops' committee on migration of the Portuguese Bishops' Conference. Father Soares was in the United States to visit New England dioceses with Portuguese immigrants.












19 priests get new assignments Continued from Page One


dealing with scientific evidence for existence of intelligent life on other worlds. Father Clement E. Dufour, now pastor of St. George parish, Westport, will be pastor of Sacred Heart parish, New Bedford. Ordained, in 1958, he was parochial vicar at St. Michael's parish, Swansea; St. Theresa's, Attleboro; and St. Anthony's, New Bedford, before returning to St. Michael's as pas-

tor, where he served until going to St. George's in 1983. Father Brian J. Harrington, pastor of St. Francis of Assisi parish, New Bedford, will become pastor of St. Patrick's, Somerset. After ordination in 1967, he was parochial vicar at Sacred Heart parish, Taunton, St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis, St. Mary, Norton, and St. Mary, New Bedford, before going to St. Francis of Assisi in 1984.

Ordained in 1952, Father Andre. P. Jussaume, now pastor of St. Jacques parish, Taunton, will become pastor of St. Louis de France parish, Swansea. He was parochial vicar at Notre Dame, Fall River, St. Theresa's, New Bedford, and St. Jacques, where he went as parochial vicar in 1958 and was appointed pastor in 1972. F th R D L D a er oger . e uc, ~ow pasto~ Aofl ~acred .~~art pansh, Nort tt e oro, WI ecome pas-


Diocese of Fall River

OFFICIAL Pastoral Assignments Reverend George F. Almeida from Pastor of Saint Elizabeth's Parish in Edgartown to Pastor of Holy Family Parish in East Taunton. Reverend Louis R. Boivin from Pastor of Saint Louis de France Parish in Swansea to Pastor of Saint Joseph's Parish in New Bedford. Reverend Marcel H. Bouchard from Parochial Vicar at Saint Julie's Parish in North Dartmouth, Chaplain at Bishop Stang High School and Diocesan Director of the Television Mass to Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in North Attleboro. Reverend Kenneth J. Delano from Parochial Vicar at Immacu~ late Conception Parish in Fall River to Pastor of Saint Francis of Assisi Parish in New Bedford. Reverend Clement E. Dufour from Pastor of Saint George's Parish in Westport to Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in New Bedford. Reverend Brian J. Harrington from Pastor of Saint Francis of Assisi Parish in New Bedford to Pastor ofSaint Patrick's Parish in Somerset. Reverend Andre P. Jussaume from Pastor of Saint Jacques Parish in Taunton to Pastor of Saint Louis de France Parish in Swansea. Reverend Roger D. LeDucfrom Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in North Attleboro to Pastor of Saint George's Parish in Westport. Reverend Robert F. Kirby from Pastor of Holy Family Parish in East Taunton to Pastor of Our Lady of Fatima Parish in New Bedford.

Reverend Joseph D. Maguire from Parochial Vicar at Saint Patrick's Parish in Falmouth to Pastor of Saint Elizabeth's Parish in Edgartown. Reverend Thomas E. Morrissey from Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in New Bedford to Pastor of Saint Jacques Parish in Taunton. Parochial Vicars Reverend Stephen J. Avila from Parochial Vicar at Saint Mary's Parish in Mansfield to Parochial Vicar at Saint Julie's Parish in North Dartmouth, Chaplain at Bishop Stang High School and Diocesan Director of the Television Mass. Reverend William L. Boffa from Parochial Vicar at Immaculate Conception Parish in North Easton to Parochial Vicar at Saint Joseph's Parish in Taunton and Chaplain at Coyle-Cassidy High School. Father Boffa will remain as Director of Saint Vincent's Camp in Westport. . Reverend Paul A. Caron from Parochial Vicar at Saint Mark's Parish in Attleboro Falls and Chaplain at Bishop Feehan High School to Parochial Vicar at Immaculate Conception Parish in North Easton. Reverend Kevin J. Harrington from Parochial Vicar at Saint Joseph's Parish in Taunton to Parochial Vicar at Saint Mark's Parish in Attleboro Falls and Chaplain at Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro. Reverend Philip N. Hamel from Parochial Vicar at Our Lady of Grace Parish in Westport to Parochial Vicar at Saint Patrick's Parish in Falmouth. Reverend Raymond A. Robida from Parochial Vicar at Saint George's Parish in Westport to Parochial Vicar at Saint Joan of Arc Parish in Orleans. Reverend Richard M. Roy from Chaplain at Coyle-Cassidy High School in Taunton to Parochial Vicar at Our Lady of Grace Parish in Westport. Reverend Bernard Vanasse from Parochial Vicar at Saint Lawrence's Parish in New Bedford to Parochial Vicar at Holy Name Parish in Fall River.

tor of St. George's parish, West. port. He was ordained in 1960and thereafter was parochial vicar at Sacred Heart, North Attleboro, from 1960 to 1969, then was at St. Joseph's, New Bedford, for 10 years, also as vicar. In 1979 he returned as pastor to Sacred Heart. Father Robert F. Kirby, pastor of Holy Family parish, Taunton, will become pastor of Our Lady of Fatima parish, New Bedford. Ordained in 1959, he was parochial vicar at St. Roch's and St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River; Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket; and Holy Ghost, Attleboro, before coming to Holy Family in 1970, first as vicar and from 1978 as pastor. Father Joseph D. Maguire, now parochial vicar at St. Patrick's parish, Falmouth, will become pastor of St. Elizabeth's parish, Edgartown. He was ordained in 1970 and was parochial vicar at St. James, New Bedford, and St. Patrick's, Somerset, before being assigned to Falmouth in 1983. Father Thomas E. Morrissey, presently pastor of Sacred Heart parish, New Bedford, since 1980, will go to St. Jacques parish, Taunton. Previously he was parochial vicar at St. Mathieu, St. JeaR Baptiste and Notre Dame parishes, all in Fall River. Details of parochial vicar and other assignments are listed in the box on this page.

3 celebrate Three priests will celebrate significant anniversaries of ordination early in June. They are Msgr. Raymond T. Considine, Father Ernest Bessette and Father Manuel T. Faria. Msgr. Considine Msgr. Considine marks 60 years as a priest on June 9. He lives in retirement at Catholic Memorial Turn to Page Seven


THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., June,), 1?88

the mooril'R.-, Praying the Harvest Master This weekend the diocese celebrates with great joy the ordination of two men to the priesthood. This is and indeed should be a significant moment for the entire diocesan family, as it is for their own families. In an age where priesthood has lost some of its sparkle, the very fact of ordination deserves to be spotlighted. Admittedly, it is a matter of indifference to the secular world. In our society, the priest falls somewhere between social worker and school counselor in the popular mind. In general, however, the crass commercial gods of Wall Street are for most Americans the only source of salvation. Our times are not favorable to the priesthood. Some of this pessimism has even crept into the church family. Many Catholics, seeking only advancement and prosperity, dismiss priesthood as a fitting vocation for their children, feeling it will not insure their admission into the smart set of the human race. In the eyes of many, it's unfashionable to be a priest. It's a waste, when one could reall~ make it in this world as a doctor, lawyer, business executive or the like. This mentality, which is far more widespread than one might imagine, is among reasons for the so-called vocation crisis. There are, of course, other reasons why fewer young men are responding to the call of priesthood. One important factor that needs further research has to do with those already ordained. How priests themselves view priesthood has a marked impact on vocations. Disgruntlement, disaffection and discontent do little to nurture the fragile seed of a vocation. The enthusiasm, confidence and loyalty of a group say much with regard to its ability to function. Many groups of priests, be they members of a diocese or a religious community, lack a sense of purpose and confidence inthe future. The outrageous weight of expectations literally dumped on priestly shoulders by many in the church has broken many a man. Even today some feel that their proper function is to run the lives of their priests in a psychologically abhorrent and intellectually unrealistic manner. The result is many burnt-out priests who have difficulty expressing themselves as persons. . If we are to meet the challenges facing us in relation to the shortage of priests, we should not be fearful in identifying the problems hindering vocations and coming up with practicar and reasonable solutions. This should be done in the church family. It should be a mutually supportive process avoiding condemnation and affirming inspiration. Above all, we cannot abandon our belief that God does answer petitions. If we do not pray for vocations to the priesthood, we abandon our privilege of hope and encourage despair. In today's church with all its promising goals and challenges, little will be achieved by leaving tasks to little minds. We in the church belong to a big family. We are different and that is one of our blessings. Never should we try to negate this gift by forcing people to deny themselves. What is the gain if a priest loses himself? As we rejoice in the Lord's blessing on our diocese manifested by tomorrow's ordinations, may we take nothing for granted as we continue to pray that the Harvest Master will bring forth many to help in the harvest. , The Editor

Letters Welcome Letters to the editor are welcomed. All letters should be brief and the editor reserves the right to condense any leUers if deemed necesary. All letters must be signed and contain a home or business address.

Net UPI-Reuter photo

Savior of the world, save Russia.

A well-designed life By Father Kevin J. Harrington A memorable line from William Saroyan's play, "The Time of Your Life," is "Living is an art, it is not bookkeeping." This insight tells us that everyone's "magnum opus" can be his or her life. Everyone has talents, dispositions, joys and sorrows that can be shaped into some significance. Art imitates life. Unity, variety, balance and harmony highlight both great art and a great life. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder but appreciating art or a well-designed life involves skills developed only through creative searching often fraught with anguish. All depends upon our angle of vision. Psychologists urge their patients to analyze their feelings and thoughts, encouraging them to find a unity within themselves. Indeed, as we grow older we should be able to sense the presence of an integrated self. The familiar serenity prayer which asks to know the difference between . what we can change and what we cannot change describes a wisdom that usually comes with maturity. A teenager who claims that he or she cannot change because "That's the way I am'" is a far cry

from one who says the same words in his or her 70s. It is consoling to know that living a well-designed life grows easier with the years. If we learn from our mistakes, some of the ageworn cliches, such as the one declaring that fame, fortune and fads do not bring happiness will become obvious. Today there are many obstacles to achieving that level of integration. Today we hear about community but years ago there was community. The farm traditions and the ethnic neighborhoods of cities have given way to a bland melting pot devoid of values revered a mere generation ago. The older we grow, the more we seek our roots. The rebellion of adolescence is often followed by a search for tradition that bewilders social scientists. Young couples who flee from organized religion return when they become parents. Human nature's desire to give its children the best is so strong that parents rarely refuse to have their children baptized and exposed at least somewhat to the religion of their own roots. Religion, of course, plays a key role in interpreting one's life experience. Our world is living proof of God's goodness; but Christians have not always looked upon it in

that light. God does not make junk but mankind has too often made junk out of human lives and ofthe world itself. To make one's life a true work of art one needs help and objective criticism. Historically, the Gospel, when authentically proclaimed, has provided an objective critique for both individuals and cultures. At its best, the Gospel afflicts the comfortable and comforts the afflicted. The help to change is found in the mystery of grace. Despite the sobering amount of self-serving found in our military, industrial, educational and ecclesiastical establishments, there is still reason to rejoice with the angels and shout for joy at the miracle of creation. Our resistance to grace has never blinded our minds so badly that we are not still lured by the truth. Given half a chance by social circumstances, a majority of people want to do what is right. A well-designed life consists of trying to discern what is real and what is beautiful, how one can measure up to the best instincts of his or her heart and best embody the truths he or she holds. We are blessed by the example of the saints, masters in the art of living. We ourselves are called to live lives worthy of imitation!

.L .•. • . > .•~ ••.•.••.... ·VIIr .•••.. ····OmCIAlNEW$PAP•• 'OF me DIOCESE . . OFfAU.lttVER .•. • • • • . Published w"kly by The CafhoH.: Press ()ftheOiQ(:e~.Of FaURiv~, 410 Hlghf<:",dAvel'uJIt •..•••••..••.•.•. . FaU River Mdsi. 02722 "> .615.7151




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AMONG THOSE at recent Cathedral Camp workshop for directors of religious education were from left, Marge Ferreira, New Bedford; Sister Ann Miriam, MSBT, Wareham; Father Richard Beaulieu, Diocesan Director of Education; Bishop Daniel A. Cronin; Margaret Travis, Taunton. (Rosa photo)

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Learning to fail It was a routine baseball game with active lO-year-olds and their families dotting the field. Then the young pitcher walked several batters in a row. With each he became more erratic in style and behavior. The coach went out and talked with him encouragingly but it only served to upset him further. Finally, he threw down his glove and stalked to the car. His parents, sitting near my husband and me, were upset with him and embarrassed. His mother said, "We don't know how to help him. He's never learned how to lose in anything he does. Do you have any suggestions olfwhat we should do? He's fine when he's winning, but when he loses he gets sullen and won't talk with us or play with other kids for days." "What do you usually do when he acts like he just did?" I asked. "Usually, we're embarrassed and we leave. We talk with him about poor sportsmanship and all but he just sulks and blames it on someone else. Or threatens to quit." "Why not take him up on itT' we asked. By now the boy was approaching us with hostile body language. "Do you think we should? I mean, wouldn't it be better to make him stay in and learn to lose?"

"He doesn't seem to be learning, though, does heT' I asked. The boy slumped down beside his parents and muttered, "I waited for you in the car. Let's go home." I was pleased to hear his father say, "We want to watch the game. That's why we came." "Well, I don't want to," he sneered. "Go along home, then. Or wait for us in the car." The boy shot a wondering look at his father and said no more. At the next game he was subdued and I asked his mother what happened. "We got the courage to tell him he either shapes up and learns to lose or he quits. We said no more scenes and no more sulking. Before, we felt sorry for him. This approach seems to be working." Wise parents. Teaching kids how to lose early in life is a necessary part of parenting. None of us likes to see our kids unhappy but they are going to face failure throughout life in many forms - not getting the college or job they want, unhappy romances, rejection by friends and loss of status. Failure is a part oflife and learning to deal with it confidently starts early. When we parents try to help kids avoid failure or to compensate for it by buying them gifts, blaming others or allowing them to make family life misera-

Call for sensitivity What is it, beyond the physical, that makes a man a man and a woman a woman? That question arises as one reads the first draft of the U.S. bishops' pastoral response to the concerns of women titled "Partners in the Mystery of Redemption." If the pastoral does nothing else it heightens sensitivity toward the beautiful mystery of woman, her unique attributes and her rights. The first chapter reflects on women as persons. In it there is the exhortation to avoid regarding women as a cheap labor force or as unequal, unclean and unintelligent. There is the admonition to shun judgments based on sex and to judge a woman on character, ability and achievement. In between the lines, the chapter rings with the cry that when we, male or female, relate to a woman we must see in her the person, not her gender. The second chapter reflects on various relationships that involve women. The beauty of the chapter is that it views the "personhood" of women in relationship to others and calls for a sensitivity to the ways those relationships can ennoble or degrade women. - There are women who choose motherhood and being a family maker. The new set of relationships into which they enter because of this choice bears joys as well as tribulations. -The increase of interfaith and interdenominational marriages has cast many women into a new role in relation to their faith and the faith of their spouse. The trauma of divorce often gives women a sense of failure and a feeling of being cut off from God and their church. It might be argued that much of

what is said in this first draft of the bishop's pastoral response can equally be said about men. Not all men are regarded as gifted, equal and intelligent. And the relationships that involve men can either ennoble or degrade them. Therefore, why be so concerned about women? Why not a pastoral message to focus on the common injustices that both men and women encounter?

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. 'THE'ANCHo'R -

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Di~cese of FailRiv~r - Fri., June 3, 1988



ble, we get in the way of their learning. Sports and school are two familiar arenas of childhood where failure is experienced. Coaches and teachers realize that failure is part of the learning process and they don't applaud parents who rush in to rescue their children from consequences. "I have a student now who can't make friends because of his domineering behavior," a teacher told me. "His parents are concerned but instead of making him suffer loss of friendship to the point where he changes his behavior, they buy him friends by taking them skiing and other expensive places. It's really sad because he isn't learning how to get along at aIL" Our own children have experienced many disappointments along the journey to adulthood. It was difficult at the time to step back and watch them suffer but we know now that their early experiences helped them face more serious challenges as young ad ults. They have told us so several times, which makes parenting more rewarding. In retrospect of course.


Throughout its four chapters, the pastoral response sensitizes all of us to the unique mystery of womanhood, the dignity of women, their talents, their rights and all that constitutes each woman as a unique person. Recalling papal teaching, the draft text cautions against attempting to eliminate all differences between the sexes "in favor of a 'unixsex' ideaL" . Underlying the pastoral is an urgency about the need to eliminate sexist attitudes toward women, so that they are not possessed or oppressed by those who feel their strength gives them the power to do so. "To be faithful to ouI' heritage scripturally and doctrinally means to respect the dignity of each human person, male and female," says the proposed pastoral message. "To follow Jesus means to be committed to living out just relationships in the church and in the world," it adds.

June 4 1949, Rev. Jose P. d'Amaral, Parochial Vicar, Santo Christo, Fall River 1920, Rev. Louis J. Terrien, O.P., Dominican Priory, Fall River 1979, Rev. George Daigle, Pastor, Sacred Heart, North Attleboro June 5 1954, Very Rev. Thomas J. McLean, Pastor, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis 1970, Rev. Msgr. Louis Prevost, Pastor Emeritus, St. Joseph, New Bedford June 8 1961, Very Rev. John S. Czerwonka, Assistant, St. Stanislaus, That Rich Fall River "We are as rich as our ability to June 9 1945, Rev. Timothy J. Calnen, do without things." - Henry David Thoreau Pastor, St. Joseph, Woods Hole 1966, Rev. Joseph S. Larue, .1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II Pastor, Sacred Heart, North AttleTHE ANCHOR (USPS-545-o20). S.econd boro Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. June 10 Published weekly except the week of July 4 1915, Rev. William H. Curley, and the week after Christmas at410 HighPastor, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall land Avenue. Fall River. Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid 1949, Rev. George A. Meade, $10.00 per year. Postmasters send address Chaplain, St. Mary's Home, New changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7. Fall Bedford River. MA 02722.

Burial after suicide I would like to know if a Catholic person who is presumed to have committed suicide has the same funeral service as any other Catholic. Are they allowed burial in a Catholic cememtery? Are the rules hard and fast or can they vary from parish to parish depending upon the cirucumstances and the pastor? I hope you answer this soon, and in a clearly understandable way. Some of your answers are not easy to comprehend. A. I realize that sometimes my responses are not as clear as I would wish them to be. It also is true, however, that CatholiCs and others, especially in matters pertaining to moral obligations, frequently expect a black and white, absolutely yes or no answer when such an answer is not honestly possible. In its legislation dealing with funeral rites, the church lists briefly those who are to be deprived of Catholic funeral rites, unless they give some sign of repentance before death. Among these are "manifest sinners for whom ecclesiastical funeral rites cannot be granted without public scandal to the faithful" (Canon 1184). People who attempt or commit suicide are not mentioned explicitly; insofar as they are covered at all, it would be as part of that group. Are people who commit suicide open "sinners" whose Christian burial would give scandal to others? Bishops and other pastors rightly act 'with great awareness of their limitations in knowing what really happened spiritually, and with particular care for the people left behind. It may help to realize the complications involved if we recall the old catechism criteria for a serious sin: a serious matter; sufficient reflection in the mind; and full consent of the will. There is no question about the first. Taking one's own life is objectively, perhaps more than any other murder, a radical rejection of God's supreme and absolute authority over all life. Our life is his created gift; we may never play at being God by pretending it is ours to destroy. Suicide is then an extremely serious matter. The last two criteria are just as important, but are nowhere near as clear as the first. I have had the sad experience of dealing with suicide many times in my years as a priest. In each instance, circumstances surrounding the death indicated to everyone who knew them that the deceased person was hampered mentally or emotionally, often to a highly serious degree, at the time of death. As I said, the church always has understood that this can be true. Catholic burial is therefore rarely, if ever, refused because of a suicide. It is worth noting that this presumption may become less valid in our present social atmosphere where suicide is more and more presented as a "rational" way of ending a life that has ceased to be

By FATHER JOHN DIETZEN "usefuL" It also must be said that this kind of suggestion comes generally from groups and literature which openly reject all religion, if they are not in fact openly antagonistic to any belief in God. !nsofar as this would be true also for the individual who commits suicide, the church's regulations, of course, would have no relevance. Obviously the decision concerning Catholic burial of someone who has committed suicide is a matter of judgment. It usually is made at the parish level; it may be decided finally by the bishop. In any case, that judgment is traditionally very lenient. After all, if offering Christian burial rites the church makes no judgment on the individual's eternal relationship with God. It simply begs God's mercy for the deceased individual and for those who have been hurt by the death. A free brochure explaining Catholic teaching on cremation and other burial policies is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father Dietzen, Holy Trinity Church, 704 N. Main St" Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be addressed to Father Dietzen at the same address.



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Cardinals for 2 U .8. sees Continued from Page One Navarro-Valls said the limit of 120 voting cardinals meant that several u.s. candidates were passed over this time. He mentioned Archbishop Roger M. Mahony of Los Angeles, 52, as one of these "excluded" but as a possible future choice for cardinal. Cardinal designate Szoka Cardinal-designate SlOka has enforced and followed the pope's views and teachings since being named to head the archdiocese of Detroit in 1981. He has taken action against a politically active nun and priest, restricted general absolution in communal penance services, and warned against "clericalization of laity and laicization of clergy." He also has spoken against Medicaid funding of abortion and the use of condoms to prevent AIDS and has been active in social programs to help Detroit's underprivileged. In February 1983, then-Archbishop Szoka gained national publicity when he ordered former Mercy Sister Mary Agnes Mansour, who headed Michigan's Department of Social Services, to quit her job because she refused to oppose state funding of abortion. In 1984 he terminated the parish assignment and suspended the priestly faculties of Father Robert Williams, an archdiocesan priest who served as a delegate to the 1984 Democratic National convention. In April 1985, after agreeing to "abide by the rules of the church regarding clerics and political activity," Father Williams was reassigned.

In 1985, he cosponsored Detroit Mayor Coleman Young for membership into the all-white Detroit Golf Club. After the mayor was accepted as the first black member, one Detroit Golf Club member said Archbishop Szoka's influence had "an awful lot to do with" the club's decision to accept Young. In a highly unusual move indicating that the new archbishop was his personal choice, the pope called him to Rome to meet with him the morning of the announcement and to convey the appointment to him in person. Since being named archbishop of Detroit, the cardinal-designate has been hospitalized twice with chest pains. However, in March he underwent an operation to expand a narrowed artery. A Detroit archdiocesan spokeswoman said the results were good and that the cardinal-designate jogs daily. Cardinal-designate Hickey In February, Pope John Paul chose Cardinal-designate Hickey to give the annual Lenten retreat for the pope and other Vatican officials in Rome. The cardinal-designate, who has headed the Washington see since 1980, has testified before numerous congressional committees and met with President Jimmy Carter in 1980 concerning U.S. military aid to Central American countries. After the Vatican declared in 1986 that Father Curran was unfit to teach Catholic theology because of his dissent from certain church teachings, Cardinal-designate Hickey, as chancellor of Catholic University, told Father Curran he

would be suspended from teaching until the case was resolved. Father Curran has been stripped of his license to teach Catholic theology and has filed a lawsuit claiming that the university vio, lated his contract. In November 1983, then-Archbishop Hickey conducted an apostolic visitation of the Archdiocese ofSeattle. Pope John Paul selected him to evaluate criticisms about Archbishop Hunthausen's leadership and to "support the archbishop in his ministry." Cardinal-designate Hickey has been a strong supporter of church teachings on the immorality of homosexual acts. In 1983 he asked the religious superiors of a priest and a nun, who co-directed an organization for homosexuals, to remove them from his archdiocese. In 1987 he ordered Jesuit-run Georgetown tJniversity to ban a Mass sponsored by Dignity, which opposes church teaching on homosexual activity. InJune 1982, Cardinal-designate Hickey joined other U.S. bishops in supporting a nuclear weapons freeze "tied to future reductions in nuclear arms." As bishop of Cleveland and as archbishop of Washington, Cardinal-designate Hickey sought to ensure that desegregation of public schools would be peaceful and that Catholic schools would not become "white-flight" havens. Prior to his appointment as bishop of Cleveland in 1974, Cardinaldesignate Hickey was rector ofthe North American College, the seminary in Rome for students from the United States.


2 new priests Continued from Page One and Chris Vardo ofSt. Mary's will be altar servers. Daniel P. Draper of the Archdiocese of Hartford will be master of ceremonies, assisted by Scott McNulty. Rev. Mr. Scales Rev. Mr. Scales, born December I, 1959, is from Our Lady of the Assumption parish, Osterville, and the son of Malcolm M. and Janet M. Crosby. He has three brothers, Michael, Christopher and Timothy, and three sisters, Allison, Jill and Elisabeth. After his 1977 graduation from Barnstable High School, he entered the College of the Holy Cross,

The other 23 cardinals VA }:I CAN CITY (NC) - In Lithuania;'the pope named as cardinal Bishop Vincentas Sladkevicius, the apostolic administrator of Kaisiadorys who was recently appointed president of the Lithuanian bishops' conference. In early May, the bishop participated in a rare meeting with Soviet officials to discuss concrete proposals for religious freedom. Navarro-Valls said the selection of Bishop Siadkevicius, along with those named from Hong Kong and Hungary, represented "precise choices for the future" on the part of the pope. In Hong Kong, scheduled to be reunited with mainland China in 1997, Bishop John Baptist Wu Cheng-Chung, 63, was named a cardinal. A native of China, he has discussed the upcoming unification with Chinese officials in recent years. The incorporation will make Hong Kong the largest of the church's Chinese dioceses. In Hungary, the new cardinal will be Archbishop Laszlo Paskai of Esztergom, a 61-year-old Franciscan and president of the Hungarian bishops' conference. The four nominees from the Roman Curia, the church'seentral administrative a.gencies, were Spanish Archbishop Eduardo Martinez Somalo,61, assistant to the secretary ofstate; Italian Archbishop Achille Silvestrini, 64, secretary of the

Council for the Public Affairs of the Church; Italian Archbishop Angelo Felici, 68, currently apostolic nuncio in France, and Spanish Archbishop Antonio Javierre Ortas, 66, a Salesian currently secretary of the Congregation for Catholic Education. The nominations apparently signaled that all four churchmen are destined for higher positions when the long-awaited reform of the Roman Curia is announced, probably later this year, Vatican sources said. Other new cardinals are the following diocesan bishops: - Mozambican Archbishop Alexandre Jose Maria dos Santos, 64, a Franciscan who has headed the main archdiocese of Maputo, the capital, since the country's Marxist-oriented gov- ' ernment came to power in 1975. He has frequently appealed for an end to an eight-year guerrilla war in the country, which the pope plans to visit in September. - Archbishop Hans Hermann Groer of Vienna, Austria, 68, a Benedictine monk , who had little administrative experience before his surprise appointment to Vienna in 1986. The appointment stirred controversy among some Viennese priests and lay groups, wbo complained that auxiliary bishops and the diocesan clergy were bypassed. - Archbishop Christian Wiy-

ghan Tumi of Garoua, Cameroon, 57, president of the African nation's bishops' conference and the country's first cardinal. - Brazilian 'ArchbiShoP Lucas Moreira Neves, 62, a Dominican and former secretary of the Vatican's Congregation for Bishops, named last year to head Brazil's primatial see, Sao Salvador da Bahia. - Indian Archbishop Anthony Padiyara of Ernakulam, 66, head of the country's 2.6 million Eastern-rite Syro-Malabarese Catholics, direct descendants of the earliest Christians on the Indian subcontinent. - West German Bishop Franz Hengsbach of Essen, 77, who has headed his diocese for 31 years and has played a major role in Adveniat, a charity organization that has funded many church projects in Latin America. Sources said his nomination as a cardinal was unexpected. - Australian Archbishop Edward Bede Clancy of Sydney, 64, president of the Australian bishops' conference. -Indian Archbishop Simon I. Pimenta of Bombay, 68, immediate past president of the Indian bishops' conference. - Archbishop Paul Gregoire of Montreal, 76. - Bishop Jean Margeot, 72, of Port-Louis, Mauritius, an island state in the Indian Ocean. Bishop Margeot, the country's


first native bishop, has headed its only diocese since 1969. Navarro-Valls said the pope's choices continued the trend toward internationalization ofthe College of Cardinals. He noted that only two of the new cardinals head Italian archdioceses. Until 1946, Italians formed a majority of the college. The new Italian nominees, besides the two Curia officials, are Archbishop Michele Giordano of Naples, 57, and Archbishop Giovanni Canestri of GenoaBobbio, 69. Both were named to their archdioceses last year. Father von Balthasar, 82, a former Jesuit, is highly respected at the Vatican. He won the Paul VI award for his contributions to Catholic thought. The other new cardinal nominees were: - French Archbishop Jacques Martin, former prefect of the papal household, who will turn 80 in August. - Brazilian Archbishop Jose Freire Falcao of Brasilia, 62. - Colombian Archbishop Mario Revollo Bravo of Bogota, 68. The pope also expressed greetings to the cardinal he named "in pectore," without public disclosure, in 1979. Some have speculated that the cardinal is Bishop Julijonas Steponavicius, apostolic administrator of Vilnius in Lithuania, exiled from his diocese by the government.

Worcester, earning a bachelor of arts degree in 1981. He entered St. John's Seminary in 1983. The Worcester native was a transitional deacon at St. John the Evangelist parish, Attleboro. He will offer his first Mass there at 11:30 a.m. June 5. A parish hall reception will follow.

Population control? TAGAYT A Y CITY, Philippines (NC) - The Philippine bishops' Commission on Family Life has accused the government of running an unconstitutional population control program. The "mania for stopping the growth of our people" is "a pollutant" that "has infected the media and has been introduced to the halls of Congress," said a statement read in churches. While the Philippine Constitution upholds the right of parents to decide how many children to have, the government, through tax regulations, penalizes couples with over two children, the statement said.

CCA record Continued from Page One cese and their efforts for this annual Appeal, the Bishop also thanked them and the thousands of volunteers whose time and energy con7 tributed to making this year's Appeal such a success. St. Pius X parish in South Yarmouth registered the largest tally in this year's Appeal, an amount in excess of $69,000! Msgr. Henry T. Munroe noted with obvious delight . the concern of parishioners for the needs of the apostolates of the Diocese. In all, 105 parishes were listed on the honor roll by reporting returns in excess of 1987 results. Following St. Pius X parish, the other two leading parishes and their respective returns are St. Francis Xavier parish in Hyannis with $57,451 and Holy Trinity parish in West Harwich with $43,313 collected. From the greater New Bedford area, Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish, leading in that geographic section, had returns of $40,919.45. Holy Name parish led the Fall River Deanery, reporting total gifts of $40,496.10. St. Ann's parish in Raynham led the Tauntun area with $24,058 collected, and St. John the Evangelist parish in Attleboro led in the Attleboro Deanery with contributions totaling $41,695.



3 priests mark anniversaries Continued from Page Three The jubilarian's parochial vicar Home, Fall River, and will cele- assignments were at Sacred Heart brate his anniversary with a pri- parish, Oak Bluffs, St. Patrick, Wareham, St. Mary, Taunton and vate Mass of thanksgiving. Born March 25, 1902 in New St. Patrick, Fall River. In 1934 Bedford, the son of the late John and 1935 he studied in Rome and and Alice (Murphy) Considine, thereafter was secretary to Bishop Msgr. Considine attended Holy James E. Cassidy for 17 years until Family grammar school in his home his 1951 appointment as pastor of city and the former Holy Family St. William's parish, Fall River. High School. He prepared for the. He remained at St. William's priesthood at St. Charles College, until his 1951 appointment as pasCatonsville, MD, and St. Bernard's tor of St. William's parish, Fall River. Seminary, Rochester, NY. He was ordained in Rochester's .. He remained at St. William's St. Patrick's Cathedral. until his 1971 retirement.

An· authority on gerontology, he planned and supervised construction and maintenance of the diocesan homes for the aged. In 1944, at Bishop Cassidy's request, he established the diocesan Catholic Charities Appeal, and was its director for many years. Msgr. Considine also founded the diocesan office ofthe Propagation of the Faith and directed it until his retirement. Internationally known. for his work for the missions, he was a key organizer of an aid program for leper colonies. He was named a domestic prelate in 1959 by Pope John XXIII and' a protonotary apostolic in 1966 by Pope Paul VI. North Easton's Stonehill College awarded him an honorary law degree in 1960. Msgr. Considine was also a member of the former diocesan administrative council, diocesan director ofthe Holy Childhood Association, a diocesan consultor, a member of the Massachusetts State Council on Aging and a board member at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River. Msgr. Considine's living brothers are Msgr. Arthur G., the retired former pastor of St. Mary's parish, South Dartmouth, and Francis and Walter, both retired, Francis, a former certified public accountantand Walteraformer BristolCounty probate judge. One of the jubilarian's deceased

brothers was famed Maryknoll Mis- Faria and Alexandrina (do Rego sionary Father John J. Considine, Silva) Faria. He attended Angra Seminary, who founded the Rome-based Fides Terceira, and was ordained June mission news service. 12, 1938 for the diocese of Angra Father Bessette by Bishop Guilhermo Augusto da Father Bessette, a New Bedford Cunha Guimaraes. native, was born June 28, 1911, to He came to the United States in the late Noe and Ida (Coderre) January, 1975, and was vicar at St. Bessette. He attended Catholicgram- .Michael's parish, Fall River, from mar and high schools in Vermont then until 1985, when he was named and also St. Michael's College, vicar at St. Anthony parish, TaunWinooski. He studied for the pri- , ton. esthood at St. Mary's Seminary, , Father Faria will celebrate a Baltimore, and was ordained June Mass of thanksgiving for his 50 11,1938 by Bishop Cassidy. years of priesthood at 4 p.m. June He was parochial vicar at Our 5 at St. Anthony's. Msgr. Luiz G. Lady ofthe Isle Church, Nantucket, Mendonca will be homilist and St. Stephen's Attleboro, St. Anne's, Fathers Joseph Oliveira and George New Bec,lford, and Notre Dame, E. Amaral are designated conceleFall River. b~ants. The goldenjubilarian was named A reception. at Venus de Milo pastor of Our Lady of Fatima par- restaurant, Swansea, will follow ish and the former St. Hyacinth the Mass. parish in the same city. From 1974 until his 1981 retirement he was pastor of St. Joseph, Attleboro. In 1984 St. Michael's College chose Father Bessette a recipient of an alumni association Golden Knight Award. The awards are presented annually to alumni celebrating their 50th class reunion. The priest will celebrate privately with family and friends. Father Faria Father Faria, a native of St. Michael's, Azores, was born May 3,1914, to the late Manuel Tavares


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Church Candles - Altar Wines

EMKAY Wedding Candles THE SUNNY DAY matched the happy hearts as Father Ronald A. Tosti, pastor, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and a throng of parishioners took part in groundbreaking·ceremonies last Sunday for the new Christ the King Church at Mashpee Commons. (Cote photo)


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THE ANCHOR - 'oiocese of ~all River - Fri., June 3, 1988·

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The charismatic rally By Msgr. Vincent M. Walsh This is a story of the Atlantic City casinos, albeit not the usual hard-luck story that so frequently results from gambling. The story begins on Nov. I, 1974. The Atlantic City site was perfect. The beautiful sand and sea provided the background for an . unusually warm November day. It should have been a quiet weekend at Atlantic City. This, however, was different. Charismatics from all over the East Coast, 9,000 strong, were arriving for their first Eastern Regional Convention. After that, the crowds grew each year. Then came that fateful vote allowing gambling, followed quickly by the many casinos. So 1979 was the last year that the Eastern Regional Convention was held. Since thousands of Philadelphia Charismatics had looked forward to that annual fall conference, we called together our own leaders to see what to do. We had neither sea nor sand, no boardwalk, no vacation resort spot, and especially, we didn't have large numbers of empty hotels at off-season rates to house our people. Because many people had enjoyed the 1976 Eucharistic Congress when people commuted each day to the various events, we decided to have a commuter conference, with the people gathering at the Civic Center for programs and returning to their homes each night. We sought the help of Msgr. Glenn Bennett, who had coordinated much of the Eucharistic Congress. Sure enough, the crowds came. More important, they stayed and returned. Late Saturday afternoon, Msgr. Bennett came over to me and said, "I don't believe it." "What don't you believe?" I asked.

"I don't believe that all of your , .the people dispersed into the people are staying for the whole seminar rooms, something was lost. day. Many of the other conferen- The power of the three days was to ces I have run, people come and have thousands of people singing go, but your people just stay." and praising God in the same hall. Later that night, he had another We still have the three days. In question. "How many hosts for fact, the secret resides in the three Mass do you want for tomorrow?" days of continual praise, singing, "What do you mean?" I asked. and worship. Sunday is always our "You know, how many hosts most powerful day. will I need? How many of your Last year we moved from the people will be back tomorrow?" Civic Center to the John E. du "Glenn," I answered, "they will Pont Pavilion at Villanova Uniall be back." Sure enough, Sunday versity, an 8,OOO-seat facility. morning saw the cars and the Hundreds of people totally new buses returning for the third and to the Charismatic Renewal join final day. They had indeed come us for these days. They receive 'back. special newcomer talks to make They have been coming back them feel right at home. ever since. Over the years we have We don't have the sand, the sea, made some improvements in the or the beautiful boardwalk, but we schedule. Originally, we called our gathering a conference, which in- still have the thousands of people who find this rally a very imporcluded seminars through small tant three days of religious vitality. group teachings. Now we hold a rally, because everyone stays for Msgr. Walsh is the vicar for the three days in the Main Hall. charismatic prayer groups fo the That change was important. When Philadelphia archdiocese.

FADICA 'award


WAS H I NGTON (NC) FADICA. Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities. will honor Notre Dame Sister Joan Bland. a history professor at Trinity College in Washington. for her efforts to prepare Catholic laity for church ministry. Sister Bland will receive the Distinguished Church Leadership Award for her work in founding Education for Parish Service, a theological and pastoral education program for Catholic laity. Since 1978. more than 1.000 people have graduated from the program in Rome and the archdiocese of Washington and the dioceses of Arlington. Va .. and Bridgeport. Conn.

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AT PENTECOST SUNDAY celebrations, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin congratulates Father Louis R. Boivin (left), 40 years a priest, and Father Peter N. Graziano, marking 25 years since ordination. With Father Graziano, are his parents, William P. and Ruth O. Graziano, and his sister, Sister Mary Louise Graziano, SND. (Gaudette photos)

Sister Noel Blute appointed retirement fund coordinator reserved to assist congregations in Bishop Daniel A. Cronin has announced appointment of Sister "current crisis." Religious orders will need. at Mary Noel Blute, RSM, as diocesan coordinator for the Retiremerit least $2.9 billion more than they Fund for Religious appeal. Her have in order to take care of their appointment follows approval by members' retirement needs, acthe National Conference ofCatho- cording to a national accounting lic Bishops for a 10-year nation- firm's analysis of a 1987 survey wide appeal for funds to help relig- conducted by the Tri-Conference ious congregations care for elderly Retirement Project. A similar survey done in 1985 members. Sister Mary Noel, also the bish- put the minimum unfunded liabilop's Representative for Religious ity at $2.5 billion. The new analysis, conducted by in the Fall River diocese, will publicize the need for the appeal and Arthur Anderson and Co., was work with the clergy in promoting released in May by the retirement it. The first national collection will project's national offices in Washbe held the weekend of December ington. If only the liquid assets of relig10 and II. "Responsible studies have shown ious orders are considered as availthat many religious congregations able for retirement costs, their are facing a very difficult time," unfunded liability is now up to $4.4 billion, nearly a billion dolexplained Sister Noel. "For so long, religious men and lars more than the figure reached women worked for the church for in the 1985 survey, the report sa,id. The Arthur Anderson and Co. a minimal stipend, sufficient for daily needs, but not enough to put report attributed the increase to: - A higher survey response money aside to care for the ill and rate. The report said 80 percent of the elderly. "While the number of working religious institutes responded to religious remained high, this care the 1987 survey compared to 76 was not a burden. Now, to meet percent that answered in 1985. - A higher cost of living for the needs of present and future members adequately, religious retired religious. Since 1985, the communities must initiate or in- report said, the average cost of livcrease retirement funds. Weare ing for retired religious has risen calling on those who benefited in 15 percent a year for men and 8 the past from the services of relig- percent a year for women. The report put the average anious in schools, hospitals, nursing homes, orphans' homes, retreat nual retirement cost for members centers, and other social service over 70 at approximately $10,123 apostolates, to assist the religious and the average Social Security women and men in building a benefit at $2,603. As a result, confinancially secure base to meet gregations now need an average of present and future needs of elderly $7,520 annually to support each retired member. religious." - Loss of the interest that would Funds 'from the appeal will be distributed by the Tri-Conference have been gained by retirement Retirement Office in Washington. funds if all religious orders had The project is sponsored by the fully funded retirement plans. The National Conference of Catholic report. said that unless "large Bishops, the Leadership Confer- amounts of capital are added" the ence of Women Religious, and the $2.9 billion amount will continue Conference of Major Superiors of to grow, as did the $2.5 billion Men. It will be further discussed figure. According to the report, 1987 by the bishops at a June 24-27 survey results also showed: meeting in Collegeville, MN. - The average age of religious The proposal on the bishops' agenda is that collected funds be continues to grow. Twenty-one distributed widely in the first two percent of men religious and 39 years, according to a formula based percent of women religious were on the age and the years of service over 70 in 1987, up from 19 perof each order's older members. cent and 37 percent respectively in Ten percent of the funds would be 1985. .

- The number of religious orders "significantly underfunded" continues to rise. The 1985 survey found 39 percent of religious orders with less than one-half of their past service liability funded. In 1987, the figure was 45 percent. - The total value ofretirement plans held by religious orders has increased from $2.6 billion to $2.8 billion. According to a statement issued by the Tri-Conference Retirement Project along with the survey results, the 1987 study revealed that at least 41 religious orders without retirement funds in 1985 had started such funds by 1987. It found that the 405 orders which answered both surveys had increased the funding of their retirement plans by a total of $79 million. In addition, the statement said: - Since 1986, the retirement project has distributed $558,844 as retirem~nt grants to congregations. - More than 51 congregations have received visits from consultants to assist them in financial planning.






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Wilburs announced DALLAS (NC) - TV coverage of Pope John Paul II's U.S. visit and a book about Covenant House. ashelterforrunaways. have earned Wilbur Awards from the Religious Public Relations Council. The award for national cable TV production went to "Papal Visit '87," produced by the Catholic Telecommunications Network of America and Eternal Word Television Network. The "other communications" award went to "Covenant House: Lifeline to the Street." by Franciscan Father Bruce Ritter. founder of the international program for troubled youths. Twelve other Wilburs were presented at the council's recent Dallas convention. including one to Boston's WCVB-TV. for the program "American Catholic." The awards honor "outstanding communication of religious values in the public media. print and broadcast." according to the council. a 700-member interfaith organization of church communicators.


THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River'~ Fri., June 3, 1988











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NOW'S THE TIME to repay the Catholic debt to elderly religious men and women. (Jussaume photo)

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Elder abuse signs listed

The Anchor Friday, June 3, 1988

It's good idea to learn about Social Security By Donald L. Singewald District Manager Many people just don't think about Social Security until they are ready to retire. By then, they may find that they have relied on a great many '~facts" that are not true. For example, many people think Social Security is designed to provide most of one's retirement income. Actually, it's designed to be a base on which a person can build retirement income security. It's supposed to be supplemented by savings, insurance and other types of personal investments. Another example: It's commonly believed that Social Security is just a retirement program. That's true, but it's also a disability insurance program and a survivors insurance program that pays monthly benefits to some 8 million people who are not retired - families of retired workers, widows and widowers, children and disabled workers and their families. People who wait until they are ready to retire to find out about Social Security, or until they become disabled, miss out on one of the most important aspects of the program. That is, th~ knowledge that it is there and being able to count on it in planning for their future. They may end up duplicating Social Security coverage instead of supplementing it. Call any Social Security office for further information on your own situation.


ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL volunteers and chaplains include, from left, Cecilia Weaver, Father Bruce W. Cwiekowski, Sister Jeannette Gignac, CSC, William Souza and Sister Margaret Donnelly, SUSc. (Motta photo)

Building up the Church By Joseph Motta For Cecilia Weaver, it all began at a pool party in Attleboro. That's where Mrs. Weaver spoke with a friend who was a volunteer at St. Luke's Hospital in New Bedford. Mrs. Weaver, mind you, has always been an involved person. The retired librarian, a member of Holy Name parish, New Bedford, is secretary to her parish's Ladies' Guild and the Dartmouth chapter of the American Association of Retired Persons. She's financial secretary and a past regent of New Bedford's Hyacinth Circle of the Daughters of Isabella and chairman of Holy Name's Altar Society. But she "wanted to do more spiritual work." So the day after the pool party she got on the phone to, St. Luke's to ask about becoming a volunteer. The great-grandmother! a wid-

Wedding memories I wouldn't want to get married today. I don't think I'd be up to it. Weddings are so complicated, so bound up in red tape, societal and religious, that it's no wonder people are postponing them. When Dorothy and I were wed 37 years ago this month, there were no complications like instruction classes, prenuptial agreements, premarital inventories or liturgical guidelines. Our marriage has outlasted even the church where we were married. Sacred Heart, the "Irish church" in Belle Plaine, MN, has been closed and merged with the "German church." It stands silent, home only to memories. Perhaps our marriage has survived because two priests tied the nuptial knot. The pastor, nicknamed "Bingo Bill" for his skill at fund raising, was given to absentmindedness. Another priest was needed, so an old friend, the Rev. Alfred Wagner, lent a hand. The wedding was simple, just fourin the party. My bride's beauty was matched by her gown of ivory and lace. I wore a plain blue suit. The reception was held on the green lawn of her parents' home. There was a buffet in the dining room, punch under the trees and a bar in the basement.

There were no rented suits, no : hired hall, no orchestra. The only red tape was cut in one meeting with Dorothy's pastor to fill out forms testifying to our lack of impediments, like earlier marriages. Getting married was simpler in the 50s. Vatican II wasn't even a gleam in the eye of Pope John XXIII, then a papal nuncio in Paris. We made no prenuptial retreat, and we didn't have to fill out any premarital inventories. No music or liturgy minister went over our Mass plans. We even used "Here Comes the Bride," a standard in my parish church. Mention the "Bridal Chorus" from Wagner's "Lohengrin" today, and music ministers break out in tears. Even the"Ave Maria" sung that lovely day is being challenged. Writing in a diocesan newspaper recently, a priest who shall be nameless said that the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship had been asked about the use at nuptial Masses of Mendelssohn and Wagner and the Ave Marias of Schubert and Gounod. "An international eommission of musicians and liturgists found that these pieces 'belong to the past and to a repertoire that liturgically is nonfunctional, obsolete in style, and in need of gradual reform.' "

ow for 23 years, has been ~ hospi~ tal volunteer for three years now. St. Luke's has five Catholic chaplains. Fulltime are Fathers Bruce W. Cwiekowski and Stephen B. Salvador and Sister Margaret Donnelly, SUSc. Sisters Irene Desautel, CSC, and Roberta O'Connell, FCJ, are parttime., Father Cwiekowski and Sister Donnelly, who met with The Anchor with Mrs. Weaver and two other senior-citizen volunteers, ' Sister Jeannette Gignac, CSC, and William Souza, explained that volunteers attend a nine-month training program in listening and counseling skills and dealing with grief, suffering, death and dying. The training is necessary, Father Cwiekowski said, because volunteer-patient contacts are meant to be pastoral visits rather than social calls. Volunteers also feel more at ease in the hospital after training,


I have seen the reform, I have heard it and I don't like it. Who among us has not attended weddings where pop hits violated the sacred rites, and the promises of the bride and groom were very creative - signifying nothing. I don't blame the falling marriage rate, the rising age of brides and grooms and the dropping fertility figure entirely on societal and religious red tape. Factors like the increasing number of women in' careers and the pressure of rising expectations obviously play key roles. But given the explosion in annulments since Vatican II, it seems research is needed on the real effect on preserving marriages of instruction classes, premarital inventories and other guidelines and restrictions. For me and my bride, a soaring "Ave Maria" at a nuptial Mass will never be "liturgically . .. nonfunctional, obsolete in style and in need of gradual reform."

Sister Donnelly added, npting that they work with patients with varying problems. ' "Dealing with the stroke patient prompts different feelings and requires different responses than visiting an orthopedic patient," she said. St. Luke's has 25 volunteer eucharistic ministers; another II are in training. 20 other volunteers are lectors,sacristans, musicians and clerical workers. Eucharistic ministers who spend an extra hour a week visiting patients are tagged "Pastoral Companions." Bill Souza became St. Luke's volunteer after reading of a need for them in The Anchor. Last September he began training to become a eucharistic minister. . The retiree, until December sacristan at Our Lady's 'Chapel, New Bedford, says his wife of 39 years, Edwina, "is very supportive" of his volunteer work and "anything on the religious side of life." The 71-year-old great-grandfather, like Mrs. Weaver an active member of Holy Name parish, has been a Secular Franciscan for three years. He and his wife visit a New Bedford nursing home weekly to pray the rosary with residents. "By doing these things," he said, "we're building up Jesus' church." Sister Donnelly says that volunteers "have a good sense of , community among themselves," sharing in a prayer service before making their rounds. A Mass at 3:45 p.m. Sundays in the hospital's Knowles Auditorium also brings together chaplains and volunteers with patients apd their families. Mrs. Weaver, also a eucharistic minister, is among lectors. Sister Gignac, at 74, is semiretired. The Holy Cross nun ("I'm a New Bedford girl, too!"), formerly known as Sister Rose of Calvary, works half-days during the school year as a librarian at St. Anthony's School, New Bedford and is active at St. Anthony's parish. She was a teacher and religious education coordinator for over 40 years. . Sister Gignac has been a eucharistic minister at St. Luke's for fo~r years and alw~~~tC<.rs a, patient's room with "a very positive attitude." When she asks a patient how he or she felt_over the prior evening and the answer is "Not too good,


Elder Affairs Secretary Paul J. Lanzikow has urged Massachusetts residents to be aware of signs which may indicate that an older person is being abused. "Elder abuse is the distreatment or neglect of an elderly person, usually by a relative or other caregiver," said Secretary Lanzikow. "U nfortunately, abuse occurs more often than we imagine, but elders may be reluctant to report incidents due to fear or shame." There are different types of abuse: physical may be the most identifiable and may include beating, slapping and kicking which may result in welts, sprains, burns, bruises, dislocations or even death. Neglect ranges from the caregiver's failure to give medicine, food or personal care to an elder to the withholding of dentures, hearing aids or eyeglasses to allowing an elder to live in unsanitary conditions. Neglect may be financial exploitation resulting in denial of basic necessities of life or theft of the victim's resources. Emotional abuse includes verbal harassment, threats or withholding of companionship. It may exist when elders are confined unreasonably and against their wills or forced out of their homes. Massachusets law protects those aged 60 and older from abuse. The law mandates that the following professionals report suspected elder abuse cases under penalty of fines: physicians, medical interns, nurses, dentists, family counselors, licensed psychologists, licensed social workers; police officers, firemen, and emergency medical technicians. Also occupational therapists, osteopaths, physical therapists; registered podiatrists; coroners; probation officers; and executive directors of homemaker and licensed' home health aide agencies. "Anyone, however, who has reasonable cause to believe an elder has been abused may report it," said Secretary Lanzikow. "It is important for victims of abuse to know that they are not alone, and that there is help available," he added. "When you report abuse, you are taking the first step , to getting help for the victim and the abuser. Respite care and home care services can reduce stress on caregivers, which often leads to abuse, by providing families with home health aides, homemakers, meal delivery, day care, transportation and counseling." There are 27 designated elder protective service agencies throughout the state, which handle cases of abuse and neglect. Upon receiving a report, a caseworker, ifappropriate, will assess the situation. Services are provided if abuse is confirmed. Abused elders or those suspecting such abuse should call the Elder Abuse 24-Hour Hotline, 1800-922-2275. Information on protective services is also available from the hotline. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Sister," she said, she responds, "Well, you're going to have a better night tonight, because I'm bringing you Jesus!" "She loves the ministry and has so much energy," Sister Donnelly says of Sister Gignac. That comment holds true, she ;says, for Mrs. Weaver, Souza and ,all St. Luke's volunteers, senior and younger.

Reducing sexual abuse By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Dear Dr. Kenny: I want to commend your recent columns on sex education. I have worked in child protection services for eight years, the last year investigating only the sexual abuse of children. The amount of sexual abuse which occurs and is allowed to continue because children are afraid or embarrassed to tell is staggering. Encourage people to discuss sexual issues with their children in a factual, non-emotional manner and encourage them to report suspected abuse. This will eventually help society to reduce the number of juvenile victims. Thank you. Indiana You have raised an unpleasant subject, but one that won't go away if we fail to address it. In fact, our willingness to talk about it openly will make it less likely to happen. Sexual abuse means the fondling of genitals or breasts with the intent to arouse, oral genital contact or sexual intercourse with a child. This is usually done by a male, but not always - by a father, stepfather, baby sitter, uncle or brother. One reas.on it goes unreported is because it is "all in the family." How do you explain sexual abuse to a young child who knows nothing about sexuality? You can't. The

best preventive is a positive education about the beauty and importance of God's gift of sexuality. Some would argue tl1at elementary school-age children are too young, that knowledge will lead to sexual activity. These persons are wrong. Ignorance whets curiosity. Many more first sexual experiences are caused by curiosity than passion. Anyone who wishes to deprive young children of a positive sex education is leaving the door open for small ones to learn of sex from television or bathroom walls or from an adult who desires to be sexual with small children. Unfortunately, sexual education of the young is sometimes confined to a single prohibition: Don't let anyone touch your private parts. That may be good advice, but it is not sex education. Children need to learn about "bad touches," but they must be given a positive and more complete context. Here are some important things to know about sexual abuse: I. It is not the end ofthe world. Unfortunate and wrong it surely is, but the child is not usually traumatized for life nor will it necessarily spoil the child's later legitimate enjoyment of sex. A lot depends upon how the abuse is handled. 2. Call your local welfare department or abuse hot line. These

are usually good and understanding people who can help. How should it be handled after reporting? There are three issues that must be addressed with the child victim. I. The child should be encouraged to talk freely about the incident or incidents as matter-offactly as possible. This is not a time for panic. Proper names for body parts should be used. Find out exactly what happened. 2. If the child does not already have a positive and rather complete sex education, he or she must have one now. Otherwise, what has happened will make no sense and be unnecessarily frightening. 3. The child must be assured that he or she has not done wrong, even if some pleasure was experienced. This can be sensitive, but it is important. Too many child victims feel great guilt because they may have partially enjoyed either the genital stimulation or the adult attention. Thank you for reminding us of a sad but difficult subject in a too real world. Bless you in your work with the offenders and the children. Both suffer. Reader questions on family living and child care to be answered in print are invited. Address the Kennys, Box 872, St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.

Should we use Nazi research? By Antoinette Bosco At times it takes the wisdom of Solomon to discern whether something falls into the. category of . good or ·evil. 'When circumstances cloud our ability to discern, ethical questions become serious matters. During World War II, .Nazi sadists conducted medical experiments on prisoners of war. They inflicted horrendous suffering and death upon humans in the name of scientific research. Those experiments fall clearly into the realm of evil. Less clear, however, is the question of how to treat the data collected from them. A serious ethical controversy was sparked in February when Nazi research was presented at a colloquium sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency as part of a study of the effects of phosgene gas, a pollutant, on human lungs. The EPA paper was ptesented as a "novel" assessment of the risks of phosgene - applying a statistical model to human data. Holocaust specialists said it appeared to be the first active scientific use of Nazi research. The manner in which the EPA presented the research was particularly disturbing. The presenters displayed mathematical equations, charts, graphs and human data, but never mentioned where the human data had come from. Later, scientists were startled and outraged to discover that the source was Nazi experimentation. Twenty-two agency scientists signed a protest letter to EPA administrator Lee Thomas, who immediately prohibited use of the data and ordered a review. "The source of that information is so morally repugnant," said Thomas, "that I can't think of a situation where we would want to use it." The EPA is considering setting

standards for phosgene, which is used in production of pesticides and ·plastics. Its harmful effects .have been studied in the United States through experimentation on rats. When the EPA phosgene project manager discovered that the Nazis had done similar experimentation on prisoners of war, he concluded that the Nazi work was a "very unique data set" and should be considered. Yet the crucial question is: Should data obtained by unethical means ever be used? Some scientists believe it should if scientifically sound and if some good could result. But as the 22 scientists who signed the protest letter pointed out, "others feel that to use such data debases us all as a society, gives such experiments legitimacy and implicitly encour-

ages others, perhaps in less exacting societies, to perform unethical human experiments." The only possible way to justify the use of Nazi data in scientific research is if an extraordinary good could come out of it. The scientific community needs a clearer policy on this. The best ethical minds ought to recommend criteria for when and how, if ever, Nazi data might be used. Any use of Nazi research in a scientific discussion should be preceded by a statement acknowledging its moral repulsiveness. Nazi research doesn't belong to the world of pure logic or scientific reasoning. It was born of evil. Consideration of its use is an area to be entered with eyes wide open so the truth of the Nazi horror is never minimized, glossed over or forgotten.

Thug and Grandma By Hilda Young You might say my mother and my son Thug have this working agreement. He doesn't bring anything live into her house and she won't beat the label off his jeans with her broom. "Isn't it funny how grandma lets the other kids go on in, then she stops me with the broom handle and makes me empty my pockets?" Thug chuckled from the back seat on our' way to my mother's yesterday. "What a sense of humor," he said. "Remember the time she pretended she was mad and screamed so loua because a couple of potato bugs fell out of my pant cuffs? I'll bet the neighbors could hear that for eight blocks." The more he thought about it, the more Thug chuckled. "And then she booted me down the steps and called me those names.

I'll bet nobody else has got a grandma who can make up words like that on the spot. "And then she made out like she was calling the police to have me taken away and grandpa acted like he was making her hang up. He said, 'Martha, Martha, the kid's family. We can execute him ourselves and plead self-defense,' " Thug gave himself a side ache retelling the tale of the toad and grandma's tossed salad, and then the saga of the sly salamander. He looked thoughtful for a moment. "I'll bet I inherited grandma's love for creatures. I don't know how many times I've heard her say she would burn her house down before she would let a dog or cat be trapped in there with her." "Yup," he went on, "she's really going to be excited when I tell her I brought my mouse Cheech for her to watch while we're on vacation,"

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 3, 1988


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Homeless shelter opened by pope

Cardinal urges parental control



Pope John Paul II has opened a new Vatican shelter for the homeless people who live in the shadow of St. Peter's Basilica. The shelter will be a "house of welcome for the most poor, here within the wall of that city which is the center of the church," the pope said. The cornerstone of the 80-bed hostel, a ,special project of the pope's, was laid less than a year ago. The two-story building is located within the Vatican near the Paul VI audience hall and the offices of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The hostel will be staffed by the Missionary Sisters of Charity, whose founder, Mother Teresa, attended the May 21 ceremony. At the ceremony, the pope expressed "joy and emotion" at seeing the project become a reality. The shelter "will welcome, within the limits of the possible, those in Rome who do not have a place to take refuge at night, and above all are deprived of a minimum of familial and human warmth," the pope said. Love of Christ must involve love of other people, the pope said. The pope gave thanks for the speed with which the hostel was built. He also entrusted the shelter to Mary, calling it ,"the gift of Mary." In recent years the number of Rome's homeless has swelled, with many sleeping in the colonnade which rings St. Peter's Square or in nearby doorways. THE POPE with Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, The new hostel has ,a thousand one of the scores of world figures with whom he meets annusquare yards of floor space and is ally. (NC/UPI-Reuter photo) divided into men's and women's dormitories. Its kitchen can prepare meals for up to 120 people a day. A special gate has been cut into VATICAN CITY(NC) - Pope section and the visiting delegation. the ancient wall that rings the Vat- John Paul II may head one of the But the first question to be asked ican to provide access to the new world's smallest countries, but he is, in some respects, the most imporfacility. plays host to thousands of visitors tant: Will it be an "official visit" or ranging from crowds of Catholic "private"? pilgrims to the most powerful, or In cases where a country does controversial, world leaders. not have diplomatic relations with In the past year the pope has the Vatican, the answer is obvious. 'met with President Reagan, Aus- Because the Vatican does not rectrian President Kurt Waldheim ognize Jordan, King Hussein's and Nicaraguan President Daniel meeting with the pope last JanuOrtega as well as other leaders ary to discuss the Middle East was from Latin Amer'ica, Africa and private. Asia. But even when recognition is The protocol for visiting heads not an issue, other factors must be JOHN'S SHOE STORE of state is elaborate and detailed, weighed. Is the visitor comng to 295 Rhode Island Avenue subject to. negotiations between Rome primarily to see the pope, or the secretariat of state's diplomatic is the Vatican one stop among Fall River, MA 02724 many? Is the head of state sufficiently important in' his or her country to warrant an officialreception? Does he or she represent a THESE ARE THE FIVE ACTS Catholic country, and is the VatiOF BLASPHEMY WHICH ARE can diplomat posted there a nuncio or pronuncio? COMMITTED AGAINST THE Perhaps most importantly, is the visiting head of state willing to endure an official visit's more formal protocal? Most visits to the Vatican by world leaders and heads of state 1. Denying Mary's Immaculate Conception are "private." Reagan's two visits were private - one prior to estab2. Denying Mary's Virginity lishing fu1l diplomatic relations and one during the president's trip 3. Denying Mary's Divine Motherhood to the 1987 economic summit. (refusing at the same time to recognize her as Mother of men) While Queen Elizabeth II was received in an official visit in 1980, 4. Teaching children a hatred and contempt of British Prime Minister Margaret Mary and an indifference toward her. Thatcher's visit a month later was private. 5. Dishonoring Mary's holy images Ortega, in a last-minute arranYou can make reparation for these insults to gement on the eve of a key U.S. congressional vote on contra-aid Our Lady by practicing the devotion of the five funding, had a private visit. first Saturdays of the month. Private visits are often nearly as elaborate as any official visit, par-

Minuets of diplomacy


Immaculate Heart of Mary


ARLINGTON, Va. (NC) Catholic parents have a duty and a right to control what their children are taught, particularly in the area of sexuality, said the president of the Pontifical Council for the Family. "I'm amazed that the country which speaks so much about freedom would not recognize the freedom of anyone to say what he thinks about certain textbooks," said Cardinal Edouard Gagnon in an interview with the Arlington Catholic Herald, diocesan newspaper. The cardinal, a Canadian, created a stir in 1986 when he described as a "travesty of sex education" a textbook series used in many U.S. dioceses. Because the Vatican con-

gregations for education, for clergy and for doctrine ofthe faith are the offices responsible for catechetics, questions arose as to whether it was appropriate for Cardinal Gagnon to make judgments about the books. "Our intervention has not always been well understood," the cardinal said. But as the Vatican agency charged with upholding the family values expressed by the church, "it is our duty to protect families." Part of that duty is ensuring respect for parents' right "to control what is being taught to their children, especially in regard to their preparation for life in marriage," he said.

ticularly in the case of a leader like tional anthem, he or she reviews Reagan. But like all such minuets the honor guard, then enters the of diplomacy, there is a great deal papal palace with the rest of the of flexibility in what is allowed, party. from a public exchange ofspeeches An elevator transports the party to a simple televised handshake up to the papal apartments in for the people back home. , small groups, each accompanied The dress is simpler, the honor by one of the pope's gentlemen-inguards fewer, the accompanying waiting. After reaching Clementine Hall, dignitaries fewer for most private where another picket of Swiss visits. The rarity of an official visit is Guards is waiting, the visitors are underscored by the fact that in the escorted through a series of rooms past year only Waldheim and Argen- to the entrance to the papal library. tine President Raul Alfonsin opted At this point the head of state is received by the pope, who wears a for a1l the flourishes. ceremonial red stole for the occaInternationally isolated byaccusion. A private audience between sations he was involved in German the two leaders fo1lows in the war crimes in the Balkans, Waldlibrary, the details of which are heim's first foreign visit as II head never released by the Vatican. of state was to the Vatican last June. , After the meeting, the pope reAustria pushed hard for such a ceives the other members of the visit. A Vatican spokesman ,noted party - ministers, spouses and the country "repeatedly requested" aides - who are arranged about it. the pope and his guest in a horseUltimately, the demands of pro- shoe of chairs, each bearing the tocol left little doubt that Waldname of a dignitary. heim would receive the official An exchange of speeches and visit he coveted. He represented an gifts follows. The visitor's gifts important Catholic country with have arrived at the papal palace full diplomatic relations with the the previous day. Vatican, and he came to Rome for Gifts can range from the invalthe sole purpose of seeing the uable to the touristic. In 1986 the pope. governor-general of Canad~_gave The blend of 20th-century diplothe pope an 18th-century Canamacy and centuries-old tradition dian figurine. In 1980, the Queen which characterize an official visit of England gave the pope two to the Vatican is evident from the silver-framed pictures of herself. first moment of arrival. The pope responded by giving her A caravan of dark-blue Alfa his picture, autographed, as well Romeos races at wheel-squealing as a reproduction of a medieval speed across St. Peter's Square, book. then comes to a sudden halt before A separate meeting with the a picket of Swiss Guards dressed Vatican secretary of state, Cardiin Renaissance uniforms and armed nal Agostino Casaroli, and other with swords and halberds - a officials might follow a papal audcombination spear and battle-ax. ience. Then the visiting delegation In an official visit, the Vatican returns to its cars in the San Damarranges for the transportation of aso Courtyard where the pontifithe guest and the Italian police cal band strikes up the anthem escort that brings the diplomat to again. the Arch of the Bells, to the)eft of The published protocol for such the basilica, where the Swiss Guards a visit can run to 16 pages, with wait. details on the visitors and the papal reception, the acceptable There are exceptions, such as dress and a step-by-step outline of Queen Elizabeth's insistence that the agreed-upon events ofthe visit. she arrive in her own Rolls Royce. The pope faces only a few offiReagan arrived by helicopter at a cial visits every year. But between heliport in the Vatican gardens.. Wednesday public audiences, visSt. Peter's Square, as well as the iting groups of dignitaries and church, are closed for the duration experts, and an endless round of of an official visit. bishops and cardinals, he can still The visiting head of state and lay claim to being the busiest host party, or suite, drive through the on earth. arch and continue to San Damaso Courtyard, empty except for a red carpet, another picket of Swiss Guards, the pontifical band and a few journalists. Receiving the visitors is the prefect of the papal household, Bishop Dino Monduzzi, and officials of ~ . -- . the Vatican City State. As the " band launches into the guests' na-

• Vatican ,:j".. " view


The Anchor Friday, June 3, 1988

FILM RATIN GS A-I Approved for Children and Adults The Fox and the Houng

A-2 Approved for Adults and Adolescents Appointment with Death Au Revoir Les Enfants Babette's Feast Beetlejuice Da The Dead Empire of the Sun

End of the Line Police Academy S: Hairspray Assignment Miami The House on Carroll Beach Street Salsa Housekeeping Stand and Deliver Jean de Florette Switching Channels Willow Zellyand Me

A-3 Approved for Adults Only Biloxi Blues Dominick and Eugene 18 Again The Family For Keeps' Frantic The Invisible Kid Johnny Be Good Lady in White The Last Emperor

The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne The Manchurian Candidate . Manon of the Spring Melo The Milagro Beanfield War Midnight Crossing Moonstruck

My Life as a Dog A New Life Permanent Record Shoot to Kill Stormy Monday The Suicide Club Sunset Three Men and a Baby A Time of Destiny

A-4 Separate Classification (Separate classification is given to certain films which while not morally offensive, require some analysis and explanation as a protection against wrong interpretation and false conclusions) D.O.A.

Good Morning, Vietnam

I Don't Give a Damn Ironweed

O-Morally Offensive Above the Law Action Jackson Apprentice to Murder Braddock: Missing in Action III Bright Lights. Big City Bulletproof Casual Sex?

Colors Cop The Hidden Julia and Julia Masquerade Night Zoo Off Limits Salonie's Last Dance School Daze

The Serpent and the Rainbow The Seventh Sign Shakedown Slaughterhouse Rock Two Moon Junction The Unbearable Lightness of Being White Mischief

Area Religious Broadcasting The following television and radio programs originate in the diocesan viewing and listening area. Their listings normally do not vary from week to week. They will be presented in the Anchor periodically and w~lI reflect any changes that may be made. Please clip and retain for reference. On TV p.m. Monday, cable channel Each Sunday, )J:OO a.m 35. WLNE, Channel 6, Diocesan On Radio Television Mass. "Be Not Afraid," 15 minutes Portuguese Masses from Our of music and Gospel message Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, hosted by Father James M. New Bedford: 12:15 p;m. each Fitzpatrick, parochial vicar at Sunday on radio station WJFDSt. John the Evangelist parish, FM, 7 p.m. each Sunday on teleAttleboro, is heard at 8 a,m. vision Channel 20. Sundays on station WARA, Portuguese Masses from Our 1320 AM. The Catholic clergy Lady of Lourdes and St. Anof the Attleboro area sponsor thony of Lisbon parishes, Taunthe program. ton: 7 p.m. each Sunday and 6 "The Beat," Christian rock p.m. each Monday on cable music and information produced channel 27, by Building Block Ministries of "Confluence," 10:30 a,m, each Taunton, is broadcast at 4:30 Sunday on Channel 6, Is a panel a.m, Sundays on station WVBF program moderated by Truman Boston, 105.7 FM, and may be Taylor and having as permanent heard in the Attleboro, Fall participants Father Peter N. River, New Bedford and TaunGraziano, diocesan director of ton deaneries. social services; Right Rev. Charismatic programs with George Hunt, Episcopal Bishop Father John Randall are aired ot Rhode Island, and Rabbi from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. MonBaruch Korff. day through Friday on station "The Beat," produced by WRIB, 1220 AM; Mass is Building Block Ministries of broadcast at I p.m. each Sunday. Taunton and aired on cable "Topic Religion," presented channels in Taunton, Easton, by two priests, a rabbi and a Raynham and North Attleboro, Protestant minister, is broadfeatures videos from and incast at 6:06 a.m. and 9:06 p.m. formation on contemporary each Sunday on station WEEI Christian rock artists. Check ' Boston, 590 AM. local listings for times and dates. Programs of Catholic interMass 9:30 a.m. Monday to est are broadcast at the followFriday, WFXT, Channel 25. ing times on station WROL "Breakthrough" 8 a.m. each BostoB, 950 AM: Monday Sunday, Channel 10, a program through Friday 9, 9: 15, 11:45 on the power of God to touch a.m.; 12:15, 12:30, I p.m. lives, produced by the Pastoral A Polish-language rosary Theological Institute of Hamden, hour, conducted by Father JusConn. tin, is broadcast at I :30 p.m. "Maryson," a family puppet Sundays on station WALE, 1400 show with moral and spiritual AM. perspective 6 p.m. each Thursday, Fall River and New Bedford A Polish-language Mass is Cable Channel 13. heard from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. "Spirit and the Bride," a talk every Sunday on station WICE, show with William Larkin, 6 550 a.m.

F ATHER TERENCE Keenan, pastor of Immaculate Conception parish, Fall River, presents a papal blessing to Theresa Marcoux, right, in acknowledgment of her efforts in founding a living rosary service held in parishes in the Flint area of Fall River for the past six years. Participating in this year's service, held at Immaculate Conception, were St. Anthony of the Desert, Notre Dame, Espirito Santo, Holy Rosary and St. Anthony of Padua parishes. Left, Lauretta Markland, president of Immaculate Conception Women's Guild. (Torchia photo)

Varied issues face bishops WASHINGTON (NC) - A pastoral on women, the morality of U.S. nuclear policy and an effort to resolve internal disagreements about AIDS issues top the agenda facing some 250 U.S. bishops when they meet June 24-27 in Collegeville, Minn. While the bishops' discussion on AIDS will be held in a closed session, a public statement is expected afterward. The press will be present when the bishops discuss their pastoral letter on women and a statement on the morality of U.S. nuclear deterrence policy. The bishops also are scheduled to vote on: - A proposal on use of general absolution as a form of the sacrament of penance. - A plan for distributing funds to aid elderly religious. - 37 recommendations concerning the Catholic Telecommunications Network of America and the annual Catholic Communication Campaign. - Membership in VISN, a new interfaith satellite television network. - NCCD and U.S. Catholic Conference bylaw revisions. There will also be discussion on a draft Vatican statement on authority limits of bishops' conferences. The draft has sparked debate among scholars and bishops. The AIDS discussion follows a bishops' administrative board statement on toleration of information about condoms in public AIDS education programs. 90 minutes will be given to disONLY FULL·L1NE RELIGIOUS GIFT STORE ON THE CAPE • OPEN MON-SAT: 9-5:30 SUMMER SCHEDULE OPEN 7 DA

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cussion of the draft pastoral on women, which calls sexism a sin against human dignity, asks that all church roles not requiring or-


dination be open to women, urges an end to economic inequities women suffer and emphasizes male responsibility in marriage and family relationships. The draft report on nuclear deterrence urged change in some superpower policies and strategies. It particularly questioned President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative. The bishops' Committee on Canonical Affairs has proposed a national interpretation of one condition needed for use of general absolution as a form of the sacrament of penance. Under church law, forgiveness of a group of penitents without individual confessions is allowed only with sufficient cause, such as when too few priests are available to hear individual confessions and it would lead to some people being without access to penance of the Eucharist for "a long time." The proposal before the bishops would accept "a month" as "a long time."

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THE ANCHOR;-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 3, 1988



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CHECK IT OUT A million young poets screaming out their words To a world fuU of people just living to be heard Future generations riding on the highways that we' built I hope they have a better understanding Check it out Going to work on Monday Check it out Got yourself a family Cheek it out All utility bills have been paid You can't tell your best buddy that you love him So check it out Where does our time go Check it out Got a brand new house in escrow Check it out Sleeping with your back to your loved one This is all that we've learned about happiness Check it out Forgot to say hello to my neighbors Check it out Sometimes I question my own behavior Check it out Talking about the girls that we've seen on the sly Just to tell our souls we're still young lions So check it out Playing football with the kids on Sundays Check it out Soaring with the eagles all week long And this is all we've learned about living A million young poets screillning out their words Maybe someday those words will be heard By future generations Riding on the highways that we built Maybe they'l have a better understanding Check it out Written and Sung by John Cougar Mellencamp (c) 1987 by Riva Music Inc. JOHN COUGAR Mellen- appears to have almost everycamp's "Check It Out" describes thing he needs - for example, a a life lacking some key ingre- house, a family, a job. Even the dients. The person in the sOng bills are paid. Yet he feels that

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What's on your mind?

Q. Would you let a 41-year-old woman take over your column just once to point out to your young readers that they need to listen to adults? We just might know some things they don't. They are so ,,~~:.:"-:. .. "" stubborn and willful and - etc., · Four Camping Sessions: etc., etc. (New Jersey) July 4 - July 15 A. I'm printing this part of an inOammatory letter and some other July 18 - July 29 criticisms of"young people today" August 1 - August 12 with the idea of letting youthful August 15 - August 26 readers respond to them. Reasonable rates include If enough replies come in, I'll try insurance and supervised bus to sum them up in a forthcoming transporation . column. Right away I'd better say that I For Information and Application: . .don't like to stereotype "young CATHEDRAl CAMPS people today." It's unfair and Write or Call P.O. Box 428 ' .• inaccurate. I've known some young East Freetown, MA. 02717 I .'. persons who are wonderfully Tel: 763-8874 ;/' '-:.••,,- ). generous and wise, and also some who do really stupid and evil Open House: June 5, 1:00 - 4:00 P.M. things, endangering their very lives.



By Charlie Martin


something is missing. He asks, Is this all we've learned about happiness and living? He says he needs to question his own behavior. He wonders about his failure to be friendly to his neighbors or his inability to telI his best buddy that he loves him. More seriously, he speaks of being unfaithful to his wife, "just to tell our souls we're still young lions." Even though his material needs are adequately supplied, he may be on the verge of spiritual bankruptcy. His unhappiness flows from a lack of spiritual integrity and purpose in life. We need to be spiritually alive if we are to find lasting happiness. This means taking time for God in our lives and discovering more about the values, attitudes and goals that build enduring satisfaction. However, a relationship with God does not happen magically. Like any relationship, it needs time and attention. When people are significant in our lives, we talk to them often, perhaps daily. The same is true with God. We need to make frequent time and space for him if We are to develop the qualities that bring lasting happiness. The teen years are an important time for clarifying values. Without a clear idea of what you realIy believe in, peer pressure is likely to warp your sense of what is right. Like the person in the song, now is the time to examine your actions and behaviors. Do they reflect the values that come from a relationship with God? Are you living with the integrity and purpose that bring satisfaction and happiness? Look at your life and "check it ouL" Your comments are always welcome. Address Charlie Martin, 1218 S. Rotherwood Ave., Evansville, Ind. 47714.

said hotly, 'I've neve'r been talked to like that in my life! How dare you! You're unprofessional!' Can you believe such arrogance?" By TOM LENNON

So you'll get no sweeping statements about youth from me. But I've been hearing some sweeping statements from friends. Here's what they're saying: - "Young people where I work cannot take correction or criticism. If you do correct them, even gently, or if you should - God forbid! - criticize their work, they get so angry and upset. It becomes a major trauma for them and you wonder if they are going to have a mental breakdown." - "The Me Generation is still very much with us. These young people are totally centered on themselves." "They think they can do no wrong and that everything must go their way. If you dare touch their king - or queen-size egos, they overflow with indignation." "When I corrected one young person very firmly at work, she

- "So many of them want everything right now, this minute. My son can't save up money for a compact disc player, so he wants me to lend him the money today. He's furious because I'm making him work and save for it." - "A friend's son talks grandly about going away to college next fall, but do you think he saves any o~ the money he earns to help pay hIS way? No, he spends it now right now, on himself. It's alway~ me, me, me!" Well, readers what do you think? Are these angry criticisms justified? If so, do you think the young people in question can survive the harsh realities of life? How would you respond to these criticisms? Tell me and I'll tell others through this column. Your answers to these questions and any other comments you care to make may be sent to Tom Lennon, 1312 Mass. Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.






By Christopher Carstens Sometimes even good friends will invite you to join them in trouble. They don't mean to. Nobody ever called up a friend, saying "Hey, I've got a great idea for getting suspended from school." But in any crowd somebody occasionally will come up with an idea that is "just a bit illegal," or guaranteed to outrage your parents if they ever find out. Maybe it sounds like fun at first: "Let's sneak into the school gym tonight and shoot baskets," but you're not sure you want to go along. And some invitations: "Let's go smoke .some weed," are sure-fire danger from the beginning. You always can stay out of trouble by becoming a "good kid robot": go to school, come home, do your homework and go to sleep. Your parents will never be mad at you,' but you won't have any fun or friends. The trick is keeping your friends and enjoying your teen years without getting involved in major prob-

lems. Fortunately, a lot of the time you can recognize trouble in time to avoid getting into it. This situation may come up. A friend says, "There's a party tonight at Todd's. I'll come by and we can go together." You know that Todd drinks and suspect that there will be beer at the party. Your parents are clear that you are not to go to any parties where alcohol is served. There are five steps for walking away from trouble without losing your friends. I. Listen to your internal warning signals. When you get that uneasy "trouble coming" feeling, listen to it. There is nothing worse.than finding yourself with a real problem on your hands and thinking, "I was afraid this might happen, but I didn't want to admit it." If you feel nervous about what you're being asked to do, start thinking and start asking questions. 2. When concerned, ask questions.

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When someone suggests something you think might lead to trouble, ask more about it. Ask, "What's going to happen at the party?" The answer might be, "His parents will be there and there won't be any beer." Then everything is fine. But if you can't get straight answers and your friend says things like, "I'll tell you about it when I pick you up" or, "Why do you have to know everything in advance?," it's time to be really careful. 3. If it sounds like trouble, say so. Tell your friend what specific sort of trouble you need to avoid. Teens are more likely to understand the truth than an exaggerated statement. Say, "My dad said he'd ground me for three weeks if he found out I was at a beer party," rather than, "They'll kill me." . 4. Offer an alternative. If the party sounds like trouble, suggest doing something else together. "Let's go to the mall," or "We can rent some movies and watch them on my VCR." That way your friend knows that you want to spend time together, even though you don't want to go to the party. 5. Say no to the trouble and yes to the friend. . If your friend insists on going to the party and you think it means trouble, don't go along. Show you're still friends with an invitation to get together or call within a day or so. "Look, I'm not going to the party, but why don't you come over to my house after school tomorrow?" . If you follow these steps, you can avoid a lot of trouble and still keep your friends. Christopher Carstens, a clinical psychologist in San Diego, Calif., frequently addresses youth ministry groups.

The Anchor Friday, June 3, 1988


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SHAWOMET' GARDENS 102 Shawomet Avenue Somerset, Mass.

NEW ORLEANS Archbishop Philip M. Hannan, 75, has Tel. 674-4881 submitted his resignation to 3Yz room Apartment Pope John Paul II. He said he . 4Yz room Apartment expected to remain as adminIncludes heat, hot water, stove reo frillrator and maintenance service. istrator ofthe archdiocese until a successor is named. Archbishop Hannan ex- -.,_ pressed gratitude for his 23 years in the New Orleans archdiocese. "The appointment as archbishop of this venerable and storied archdiocese has been an undreamed-of gift," he said. A native of Washington, D.C., he was a former paratroop chaplain. He became an auxiliary bishop of Washington in 1956. He is former chairman of the board of trustees of CathIDEAL LAUNDRY olic University in Washington 373 New Boston Road and former national chaplain Fall River 678-5677 of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas. (NC photo)


'JUNE 1958 E~ected as diocesan CYO officers were Mary Trond, preSIdent; Robert Blanchette, vice-president; Michael O'Hearn, secretary; and William Orsi, treasurer.

1963 Father Thomas E. O'Dea, assistant at St. James Church, New Bedford, was appointed chaplain to the New Bedford Fire Department.

1968 1188 students graduated from Fall River diocesan high schools: 730 girls, 455 boys and three religious.

1973 Bishop Daniel A. Cronin was am<tng bishops urging the public to boycott table grapes and iceberg lettuce not identified with the Black Eagle label of the National Farm Workers Union, which was fighting an alliance between the Teamsters union and California Growers.

1978 St. Louis de France parish. Swansea, began a yearlong celebration of its 50th anniversary.

1983 Rev. Mr. Richard G. Andrade, Rev. Mr. Paul A. Caron and Rev. Mr. John J. Perry were ordained to the diocesan priesthood at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River.

Practice the devotion of the five First Saturdays This devotion was requested by Our Lady of Fatima on July 13, 1917, when she said: "God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. "I sholl come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of reparation on the first Saturdays. If people listen to my requests, Russia will be converted and there will be peace." Then again, on December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucio, one of the children of Fatima, and told her the following: "Announce in my nome that I promise to assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for solvation, all those who on the first Saturday of five consecutive months, sholl

1, Go to confession and receive Holy Communion, 2, Recite the Rosary,

3, And keep me company for a quarter of an hour while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary 4, With the intention of making reparation to me."

To practice this devotion, you must fulfill the requests of Our Lady, doing so in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Confession may be made during eight days before or after the Communion. (Courtesy of the Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Hedwig parish, New Bedford, Mass.)


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Iteering pOintl PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN Ire liked to lubmlt newl Iteml for thll column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, FIll River, 02722. Nlme of city or town Ihould be Included, II well II full dltel of IlIlcUvIUel. P1e..e lind newl of future rlther thIn Pllt eventl. Note: We do not normllly cBrry news of fundralslng Bctlvltles. We Ire hIpPY to cerry notices of splrltull progrlms, club meetings, youth projects Ind Ilmlllr nonprofit Icflvilles. Fundrllslng projects mlY be Idvertilld It our regullr ratel, obtllnlble from The Anchor business office, telephone 675-7151. On Steering Points Items FR Indlcltes FIll River, NB Indlclte. New Bedford.

D of I, NB Hyacinth Circle meeting 7:30 p.m. June 21, VFW Building, Park St.; entertainment; members ofthe Catholic Action Group will serve as hostesses. HOLY NAME, FR A 2 to 4 p.m. June 12 reception will be held for Sister Lina Nadeau, SUSC, retiring as principal of the parish school. Patricia Wingate will begin the principal's job July I. School family outing Sunday at St. Vincent's Camp, Westport.

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O.L. ASSUMPTION, OSTERVILLE CCD registation at rectory all month. Baptismal certificate should be presented. ST. MARY, N. ATTLEBORO Applications close June 6 for the Women's Guild Father Keliher scholarship to Bishop Feehan High School.


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ST.ANNE,FR Cub Scouts Den I, meeting 2:30 today, school. Former parishioner Denis Bernard Theroux recently made solemn vows in the Order of Preachers at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. New Home and School Association executive board members include Joyce Berube, president; Joanne Bergeron, vice-president; Susan Chapdelaine, treasurer; Elaine Gagnon and Rose Marie Almeida, secretaries. Parish school principal Irene Fortin was recently nominated to the honor roll of outstanding educators sponsored by Today's Catholic Teacher. ST. ANTHONY, MATTAPOISETT Joanna MacDonald, Kathy Sherman, Chris Rego and Laurie Rosa have been named Guild Scholarship recipients. LaSALETTE CENTER FOR CHRISTIAN LIVING, ATTLEBORO Retreat for adult children of alcoholics June 17 to 19; information: 222-8530.


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D oU, N. ATTLEBORO Potluck supper, pro-life baby shower and meeting of Benedict Circle, Daughters of Isabella 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, K of C Hall, Smith St. ST. JAMES, NB Paula Demers and Pauline Bruneau are recipients of $100 scholarships, one from the Ladies' Guild and one from an anonymous donor. ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON Farewell Mass and reception honoring Father Kevin Harrington 5 p.m. June 12. Women's Guild installation Mass and banquet 6:30 p.m. June 7. New officers: Margaret . White, president; Ann Marie Goth, vice-president; Ann Thomas, Estelle Margarido, secretaries; Gertrude Gotham, treasurer. O.L. GRACE, WESTPORT Couples' Club installation and banquet follow 6:30 p.m. Mass tomorrow. ST. PATRICK, WAREHAM CYO picnic June 12, Rocky Point trip June 18. O.L. MT. CARMEL, SEEKONK New Women's Guild and Holy Name Society officers will be installed at 7 p.m. Mass June 8; for the guild June Mace, president; Victoria Najarian, vice-president; Lillian Welshman, secretary; Linda Hall, treasurer; for the Holy Name Louis Silvia, president; John Korkuc, vice-president; Gilbert Pacheco, secretary; John Hendricks, treasurer. Parish picnic, games and magic show begin I p.m. June 12, church grounds. Holy hour 7 tonight, chapel. ST. JOSEPH, NB Farewell testimonial for Father Daniel A. Gamache follows II a.m. Mass Sunday. Bible study meeting, last for season, Wednesday. CATHEDRAL CAMPS, E. FREETOWN Emmaus weekend retreat today through Sunday. Diocesan Department of Education/ New England directors workshop June 6 through 9. St. James/ St. John, New Bedford, confirmation I day retreat 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 7. ST. MARY,NB Parish council meeting 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, religious education center. School board meeting 7:30 p.m. June 14. Vincentian meeting June 14. Parish school eighth grade graduation Mass 7 p.m. Tuesday, school hall. ST. MARY, SEEKONK Grade four students will "help" at the 10 a.m. Father's Day Mass June 19. Women's Guild cook-out/eat-in June 20, parish center; information: Ann Costa, 399-8791. Adventure youth group meeting 7:30 p.m. Monday, parish center; officers and adults meeting 7:30 p.m. June 14, parish center; deep-sea fishing June 18. Youth ministry planning committee follow-up meeting June 13.

ST. STANISLAUS, FR IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, Icon visitation this week at home TAUNTON of Joan Libucha; next week Eleanor Mary Toner is celebrating her Pavao. Holy Rosary Sodality meet- IOOth birthday. ing I:30 p.m. Sunday. Exposition of Blessed Sacrament 11:30 a.m. to 5 ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN Parish school kindergarten gradp.m. Sunday, feast of Corpus Christi. uation 4 p.m. Sunday. Polish service 3:30 p.m.; English service and procession 5 p.m. ST. ELIZABETH SETON, N.FALMOUTH O.L. CAPE, BREWSTER First Saturday rosary after 9 a.m. New Men's Club officers: John Morrissey, president; Donald Dunn, . Mass tomorrow. vice-president; Jack Shea, secretary; ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT Joe Bova, treasurer. Communion 1988-89 Women's Guild officers: breakfast at Sea Pines Inn, Brew- Norma Huczek, president; Muriel ster, follows 10 a.m. Mass Sunday. Levesque, vice-president; Carolyn Women's Guild board meeting 10 Forand, treasurer; Bea Harrison and a.m. June 8, home of Margaret Claudette Bisson, secretaries. Sonnenberg. SS. PETER & PAUL, FR Mark Ayers, graduating from Fall ST. MARY, MANSFIELD All-night prayer vigil for feasts of River's B.M.C. Durfee High School, Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart is thanked for his years of service as 7:30 p.m. June 10 to 7:30 a.m. June an altar boy. Vincentian meeting 7 II. p.m. Thursday, rectory. O.L. ASSUMPTION, NB ST; MARY, FAIRHAVEN National Black Catholic Congress Leonard and Elizabeth Souza are celebrating their 50th wedding anni- delegates-sponsored Heritage Day 3 versary. SHA meeting after Mass at to 7 p.m. Sunday, parish center; fea7 tonight. Family Mass 9:30 a.m. tures exhibits, crafts, cooking demSunday includes presentatiop of Par- onstration and a performance by internationally-known Cape Verdean vuli Dei Cub Scouting awards. singer Gardenia Benros. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NB Women's League corporate com- MEN OF SACRED HEARTS VIGIL . munion at 10 a.m. Mass Sunday. Concelebrated Mass and five-hour Farewell reception for pastor Father Brian J. Harrington, who has been vigil sponsored by the Men of the assigned to pastor at St. Patrick's Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary of parish, Somerset, 2 to 4 p.m. June Greater New Bedford begins 7 p.m. June 10, O.L. Assumption Church, 12, church hall. New Bedford; vigil includes exposiST. LOUIS de FRANCE, tion of the Blessed Sacrament; all SWANSEA welcome. , Holy hour with Benediction 7 ST. THOMAS MORE, p.m. Sunday. CORPUS CHRISTI, SANDWICH SOMERSET Mrs. Margaret Hendricks is celeAppreciation buffet for catechists and spouses 6 tonight, St. Theresa's brating her 90th birthday. Mass for hall. Seminarian Craig Pregana will Somerset High School graduates and speak about vocations at Corpus their families 10: 15 a.m. Sunday. Christi Masses June II and 12 and CATHEDRAL, FR St. Theresa's Masses June 18 and 19. Parish council meeting 7:30 p.m. Women's Guild banquet 6 p.m. June June 6, rectory. 8, First Edition restaurant; .information: Marguerite Conroy, 888-8930. Volunteers for child care program SISTER Theresa Sparrow, may contact Marilyn Murphy, 477RSM, has been named full6645, for information. Cursillistas meeting 7:30 p.m. June 6, Father time director ofreligious eduClinton Hall. cation for St. Julie' Billiart LaSALETTE SHRINE, parish, North Dartmouth, ATTLEBORO succeeding Clara M. Weeks, Healing service 2 p.m. Sunday led who served parttime for seven by Father Albert Fredette, MS; all welcome. years. She will coordinate the O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Ultreya 8 tonight, religious education center.

Bishops announce joint baptisms SACRAMENTO, Calif. (NC) - Bishop Francis A. Quinn of Sacramento and the Episcopal and Lutheran bishops of the area will preside at ajoint baptismal service on Pentecost Sunday in 1989. Bishop Quinn will join Episcopal Bishop John Thompson of Northern California and Bishop Lyle Miller of the Sierra Pacific Synod. Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, in a 'ceremony to be held in Sacramento at the Catholic Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament May 14, 1989. Bishop Quinn said that planning was in very preliminary stages, but that the baptisms of candidates for each faith would be done separately with each bishop using his church's ritual, but all would be at the same time and in the same place. It would be the first such joint. ceremony. Having a joint celebration "is meant to share' what the three faiths have in common,~' he said. "We [Catholics] always have recognized their baptisms as valid. We come together in prayer services and have often thought it would be proper to do so in baptism."

work of 70 volunteer teachers serving 800 students in grades I through 10 and will develop parish adult education programs. Sister Theresa holds a mas- v ter's degree in sacred science from St. Bonaventure University and has done advanced studies at Salve Regina, Emmanuel, Bridgewater State and Providence colleges. She was diocesan coordinator of religious education for five years and parish coordinator for St. Michael's Church, Swansea, for nine years. She will be introduced to St. Julie's teachers at a reception at 7 p.m. June 8 in the parish hall.

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