Fall River Diocesan Newspaper For Southeast MassachusettS"Cape Cod & The Islands
VOL. 48, NO. 22 • ,-Friday, June 4, 2004
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year
Rosary Celebration will close diocese's centennial events .
THE MINISTRY Of Mothers Sharing (MOMS) was launched May 15 at Christ the King Parish, Mashpee with "Roll Out the Carriages," an event that offered mothers an opportunity to meet new friends and their children to meet other children. Msgr. Ronald A. Tosti, near right, greeted and blessed the gathering. (Photo courtesy of Mercy Sister Shirley Agnew)
New ministry at Cape parish reaches out to today's mothers ~
Starter-event is set for June 8 at Christ the program in the parish community. The peer ministry will involve a team of spethe King Parish Hall in Mashpee. By
MASHPEE - At a time when modern-day mothers are facing the difficult challenge of raising a family, comes an opportunity for them to develop self-esteem, relationship skills and a more defined sense of their own spirituality. For the first time in New England, MOMS, an anachronism for Ministry of Mothers Sharing, will soon be launched at Christ the King Parish at the Mashpee Commons. Mercy Sister Shirley Agnew, director of spiritual development at the parish, will be the liaison, responsible for initiating and developing
cially trained mothers conducting weekly sessions over a period of eight weeks. It was initiated after pastor Msgr. Ronald A. Tosti realized that following the baptism of infants, the parish was losing touch with the parents and the families. "So when I went to visit families who were asking for baptism of their babies, I discovered that the mothers wanted to meet other mothers for adult conversation ... and wanted spirituality," Sister Agnew said in an interview with The Anchor. "While they were asking for baptism - 85 percent of whom were isolated, 'at home moms,' were really asking for more. They were living stress- Thrn to page nine - MOMS
For this year only, it will replace the Annual Peace Procession and Mass.
ATTLEBORO - A Centennial Rosary Celebration on October 11 at the LaSalette Shrine will officially end the Fall River diocese's centennial observances marking its founding in 1904. "The main purpose of this closing event is to give praise, worship and thanksgiving to God for all the graces and blessings that he has bestowed on the diocese during The past 100 years, and to pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our diocesan family as we begin our next 100 years," said Father George E. Harrison, chainnan of the closing activity. A personal letter by Bishop George W. Coleman to all pastors encourage participation in the Rosary event. "This is a diocesan celebration and the more representation from the various components that make up the fabric of our diocesan family, the more the more powerful and celebratory the event will be," Father Harrison asserted..
To be held from 1 to 4 p.m., the celebration will include a Banner Procession including representatives from parishes, diocesan organizations, schools, and altar servers praying the Luminous Mysteries of the rosary. Each decade will represent an aspect of diocesan life and include multilingual prayers. There will also be a eucharistic procession, Benediction, reflections by Bishop Coleman, a musical interlude and a closing procession. The diocese has also received an Apostolic Blessing in which it stated, "The Holy Father commends all assembled for the Rosary Celebration to the loving intercession of Mary, Queen of the Rosary, and he cordially imparts his Apostolic Blessing as a pledge of grace and peace in the Lord." A massive tent with a capacity of 3,500 people will be erected on the Shrine grounds. Each person who attends will receive a program book along with souvenirs created for the occasion. Father Harrison recalled that when the celebrations committee met for planning in the fall of 2001, representatives from Holy Turn to page 13 - Celebration
Woods Hole parish ~sets the tone for the rest of us' WOODS HOLE - As the 63 rd Annual Catholic Charities Appeal enters its final three weeks, "~t. Joseph's Parish in Woods Hole is certainly setting the tone for the rest of us" one pastor declared. His comments came as a result of the parish exceeding its previous year's total and apparently on its way to one of the highest totals ever recorded in this small but vibrant Cape Cod parish. The pastor, Father Joseph Mauritzen, and the committee working on the Appeal, had decided as part of their early planning to dedicate their efforts and the generosity of parishioners to the memory of Father William Norton, a fonner pastor of 8t. Joseph's who had passed away in March.
Father Norton, long revered by parishioners, was pastor at 8t. Joseph's from 1990-1997. His dedication to the Catholic Chari~es Appeal, shown through his tireless efforts to make the springtime Appeal a resounding success each year, makes 8t. Joseph's recent success and the wonderful efforts and generosity of its parishioners a most fitting tribute to this long-time friend of the Appeal. "What a wonderful thing they have done," stated Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, director of Catholic Charities. "Not only have they honored someone who put all of his energy into making the Appeal a success, but they have shown their Thrn to page 10 - Appeal
. SOME OF the 58 diocesan youth who recently received the St. Pius X Award attend a prayer service at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. The awards are given to one individual in each parish who has offered his or her time and talent in parish or school activities with selfishness, commitment and dedication. Story and photos on page 14. (Photo courtesy of Bob Boutin)
Friday, June 4, 2004
Taunton resident turns 100, receives many tributes TAUNTON - On May 15, Margaret (McGee) Dorsey was surrounded by family and friends as they hosted her centennial birthday at the Portuguese American Civic Club here. A resident of the Taunton Nursing Home, Dorsey, a retired registered nurse, was joined by • her immediate fa!TIily traveling' from Texas, North Carolina, Florida and Massachusetts, by members of her extended family, and by her many friends and colo' leagues from the nursing home. There was a cake with candles and a variety of gifts. Among the many congratulations, there were official wishes from The White House, the United States Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, the Governor of Massachusetts and from officials in the City of Taunton. For the former world traveler, mother of three, grandmother of . 16 and great grandmother to 19, it was probably one of her quietest parties. Born on May 17, 1904 in Fall River, the same year that the Diocese of Fall River was established, Margaret was the daughter of Terrence and Margaret (Lally) McGee. After attending St. Mary's . Grammar School in Fall River, she graduated from Somerset High School and in 1927 received a degree in nursing certified by the State of Rhode Island. Her nursing profession took her to Belleview Hospital in New York, during which time she resided in New York City. She was also to serve at the former Truesdale Hospital in Fall River, at Taunton State Hospital, and at the Catholic Memorial Home in Fall River. She had resided in those areas and for a time also lived in Tiverton, R.I. She later served as a volunteer at Marion Manor Nursing Home in Taunton, where she served until her mid-80s.
A lifetime practicing Catholic who was a member of several parishes over the century, Margaret McGee married Vincent Raymond Dorsey in 1928. They became the parents of three boys, Dennis, Terrence, and David Dorsey. Dennis died in May 1996. Her husband Vincent died in DecembeI: 1965. . An active traveler, Margaret journeyed throughout Europe and North and South America. Her many interests included membership in area Rotary Clubs, nursing organizations and senior citizens groups. She also took an active part in the activities of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
FI FTY YEARS AGO - Pictu red at the civic reception held at St. Anne's Auditorium in Fall River on June 2, 1954, the evening before the Diocesan Golden Jubilee Mass are Fall Riv~r native, Bishop William O. Brady, of Sioux Falls, S.D., later Archbishop of St. Paul, Minn.; JUdge Joseph L. Hurley, chairman and representing the laity of the diocese; Archbishop Richard J. Cushing of Boston; Bishop James L. Connolly; and Bishop Russell J. McVinney of Providence, R.1. (Diocesan Archives photo) BISHOP GEORGE W. Coleman blesses the new Saint Michael Unit at the Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford, for individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. It will serve 36 patients. Bishop Coleman asked God's blessing on "all who reside and work here," and was thankful for all responsible for the vision of the new unit. The unit is the second of its kind at the home, making it one of the few in the region with multiple Alzheimer's units. (AnchotiGordon photo)
GOLDEN DAYS - Margaret (McGee) Dorsey, who turned 100 on May 17, hugs her husband, the late Vincent Raymond Dorsey, in this file photo from the 1920s.
Daily Readings June 7 June 8 June 9
Our Lady's Monthly Message From Medjugorje . May 25, 2004
June 10 June 11
Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina June 12
"Dear Children! Also today, I urge you to consecrate yourselves to my Heart and to the Heart of my Son Jesus. Only in this way will you be mine more each day and you will inspire each other all the more to holiness. In this way joy will rule your hearts and you will be carriers of peace and love, "Thank you for having responded to my call." Spiritual Life Center of Marian Community 154 Summer Street Medway, MA 02053- Tel. 508-533-5377
". .
June 13
1 Kgs 17:1-6; Ps 121:1-8; Mt5:112 1 Kgs 17:7-16; Ps 4:2-5,7-8; Mt 5:13-16 1 Kgs 18:20-39; Ps 16:1-2,45,8,11; Mt 5:1719 1 Kgs 18:41-46; Ps65:10-13; Mt 5:20-26 Acts 11 :21 b26;13:1-3; Ps 98: 1-6; Mt 5:2732 1 Kgs 19:19-21; Ps 16:1-2,5,710; Mt 5:33-37 Gn 14:18-20; Ps 110:1-4; 1 Cor 11 :23-26; Lk 9:11b-17
1111111111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-mO) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July and the week after Christtnas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese ofFall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. • POSTMASTERS send address changes 10 The Anchor, P,O, Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722,
I n Your Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming 'reeks June 8
1961, Rev. John S. Czerwonka, Assistant, St. Stanislaus, Fall River
(1~ne 9 l n, Pastor, St.doseph, Woods Hole
1945, Rev. Timothy J. Ca 1966, Rev. Joseph S. Laru Attleboro
astor; Sacre
~ ___ I
eart, North
:--.-----Jun~o r
1915, Rev. Wil ianfH. Curley, tor, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall '. River 1949, Rev. George A. Meade, Cqaplain, St. Mary's Home,
New Bedford
'\~ \
1973, Rev. Msgr. Augusto L/Furiif~o, Pastor Emeritus, St. . John of God, Somerset 1986, Rev. Richard 1. Wol,f, SJ., Bishop Connplly High i School, Fall River
I . \)
" June 12
1966, Rev. Thomas H'. Taylor, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Taunton ,I
June 13
1974, Rev. EdwMd F.'Donahue, S1., B.C. High School, Dorchester
I J~me the ~~ Boston archbishop urges unity despite closing 70 parishes Friday,
BOSTON (CNS) - It came in a thin, white Federal Express envelope - Archbishop Sean P. O'Malley's answer to the question that Catholics in the Archdiocese of Boston have been asking for weeks: "Will my parish remain open or will it be closed?" As those overnight letters arrived on the morning of May 25, clergy and parishioners at 70 of the archdiocese's 357 parishes faced the grim reality that their parish would be suppressed in the coming months. In addition to the suppressions, five new parishes will be formed and five other church buildings will remain open as "worship sites" maintained by nearby parishes, resulting in a net loss of 60 churches in the archdiocese. At a press conference later that day, Archbishop O'Malley appealed to Catholics to remain unified despite the loss and to look beyond parish boundaries and understand that the changes are necessary for the archdiocese. "We may think of ourselves as liberal Catholics, as Latin-Mass Catholics, Irish Catholics, Italian Catholics, Lithuanian Catholics, Hispanic Catholics, French Catholics, Vietnamese Catholics, Haitian Catholics, Cape Verdean Catholics, the Voice of the Faithful or the silent majority. We need to put the accent on Catholic and come together as one people ready to make sacrifices for our Church," he said. "My hope is that the major step we are taking together today will set us on firm ground so that we can focus our attention once more on our primary mission to preach the truth of our Catholic faith in both word and in deed," the archbishop continued. Archbishop O'Malley said, as he has throughout the reconfiguration process, that the need for the parish closings was
brought about by demographic changes, the growing shortage of priests and the mounting cost of maintaining aging buildings. According to Archbishop O'Malley, 130 of Boston's pastors are over 70 years of age and onethird of all parishes are "operating in the red." In addition, he said, in the city of Boston alone parishes are'in need of approximately $100 million in repairs. "The alternative to going through this exercise would be that we would experience a continual decline in some areas of our archdiocese, closing parish after parish, school after school, outreach program after outreach program, all because the archdiocese would be unable to subsidize these entities," the archbishop said. Though the process of reducing the number of parishes has been ongoing for years - the archdiocese has suppressed 55 since 1985 ' - the need to accelerate the process is widely seen to have been precipitated by the drop ,in donations and Mass attendance in the aftermath of the clergy sexual scandal. Yet, in his remarks, the archbishop stressed that the parish closures are unrelated to last year's multimillion dollar clergy abuse settlement. ''The decision to close parishes is in no way connected with the need to finance the legal settlement with the victims of clergy sexual abuse," he said, adding that the sale of the former archbishop's residence and surrounding land has raised the needed $90 million. Instead, the archbishop said, proceeds from the sale of closed parishes will be used to support remaining parishes as well as prop up the funds that provide health and pension benefits to archdiocesan employees. ''This process ofreconfiguration is directed not toward the past, but
toward the future mission of the Church," Archbishop O'Malley said. One hundred forty-seven parishes had been recommended for closure at some point in the reconfiguration process, and there had been speculation that as many as 90 parishes would ultimately need to be closed. But, responding to a reporter's question, the archbishop also expressed his belief that no similar wave ofclosures would be required in the near future. "We hope this is it for a long while ... that is why we decided to carry on with a process that is this radical, hoping that from here on we'll be able to plan knowing what sites we have and to make sure the entire archdiocese is covered with the pastoral care that it needs;' he said. At the same time, the archbishop said, he is "committed to aggressively promoting vocations" in response to the shortage ofpriests. He called on all Catholics to recognize their responsibility to encourage those who may be called to the priesthood, noting that, "if every
parish sent one young man to the seminary every 10 years, we'd have more than enough vocations." The time frame for parish closures was not released with the announcement, although within the next week each parish is expected to be assigned a time period of two, four or six months to complete the process of closing, depending on the circumstances of the individual parish. Also in the coming week the remaining parishes will be notified of
their new territories and the parish populations they will be absorbing. Priests whose parishes are to be closed were scheduled to meet at St. Julia Parish in Weston for mutual support and to receive further instructions on how to begin the process of shutting down their parishes.
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Since the actual place of residence of SHANNON M. (RUDOLPH) LANTEIGNE is unknown. We cite SHANNON M. (RUDOLPH) LANTEIGNE to appear personally before the Tribunal of the Diocese of Fall River on Tues路 day, June 11, 2004 at 2:30 p.m. at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Massachusetts, to give testimony to establish: Whether the nullity of the marriage exists in the Higgins-Rudolph case? Ordinaries of the place or other pastors having the knowledge of the residence of the above person, Shannon M. (Rudolph) Lanteigne, must see to it that she is properly advised in regard to this edictal citation. IRev.1 Paul F. Robinson, O. Carm., J.C.D. Judicial Vicar Given at the Tribunal. Fall River, Massachusetts on this the 27th day of May, 2004.
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the moorins.-,
Friday, June 4, 2004
the living word
Living Memorial Day Last Monday the nation' celebrated Memorial Day. For most Americans it meant the beginning of the summer season; for others it was simply a holiday weekend. In general, this day of remembrance has simply been absorbed into our crass selfish mindset. The outpouring of thousands of veterans for the dedication of the new World War II Memorial in Washington was for some a reality that people do care and remember the heroes of the past. Sad to day, this event was many years too late. Over two-thirds of those who served the nation in that war are now dead. Those remaining are in their late 70s and early 80s. It took so long for a fitting remembrance. In times past, cities and towns made much of this holiday. Great parades and small ones were showcased throughout the nation. Today, these celebrations have diminished as old soldiers fade away. Many young people have little knowledge of past struggles fought in the name of freedom and liberty. Yet, it is, ironic that many of them today are now cal.led to serve in harm's way. While we forget the veterans of the past, we are witnessing the homecoming of veterans of the present. The nation is caught up iri another war. It is a different battle. The homeland is now threatened. The security of distance no longer exists. Ever since 9/11, the battle has invaded our own land. Homeland Security is the watchword of the day. Fear and terror invade our daily lives. The assurances of the past are faint echoes, as Americans yet die in dubious and questionable battles. Fewer answers are forthcoming from those responsible for public accountability. People really do not know what's .going on. There is little public trust, and this is wrong. Such policies only create an atmosphere of doubt, distrust and disbelief. More and more people are questioning our nation's actions in the Middle East. Then~ are some who truly feel that Americans are dying in vain. Many believe we are caught up in another Vietnam. When these people surfacft~uch reflections, they are often pushed aside by very trite rhetoric. When people are dying in a war where there is no real determination of international interest or support, there exists all the more reasons for clarity of purpose and truth of intent. We must remember that those who sincerely renounce violence and bloodshed bear legitimate witness to the gravity of the physical and moral risk of recourse to violence with all its destruction and death. Rightly should we pay tribute to all who died in the service of our country. But as we do so, we ~ll yet should strive to build a social order free from war. Even in times of terror when all people are at risk of life and limb, we are still called to be peacemakers. We must again remind ourselves that peace cannot be attained on earth without safeguarding the goods of persons, free communication among people and respect for the dignity of persons. In this regard, all citizens and governments are obliged to work for the avoidance of war. As the sound of Taps falls on the ears of our daily lives, we must pray for those who are living in our Memorial Days. Let the words of Scripture be our inc~ntive as we recall, "They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."
What exactly does it mean to be a proactive parish? Allow me to recall a story I recently heard that offers a glimpse of what proactive parishes are like. One time, while attending Sunday Mass, a professor of. theology at a prestigious university suddenly had a brainstorm. Knowing that the parish had many relatively poor The Executive Editor members, he was wondering how the parish might help them when the realization struck that he and many other parishioners were about to receive a tax rebate. Why not initiate a program, he thought, in which those receiving rebates would use OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER them to help underprivileged Published weekly by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River people in the parish? 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 The hope of national leaders Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 at the time was that people Telephone 508-675-7151!='AX 508-675-7048 would use the tax rebate to E-mail: . purchase luxury items they Send address changes to P.O. Box, ~n or use E-mail address normally wouldn't purchase and r that this in tum would help EXEOUTlvenlTOJl\ boost the economy. But while it Rev. M$gr• .JQ~~,RM.~ i'" "....., might be good to give the economy a boost, the professor thought, it would be much more
noble to boost human dignity. The pastor liked the idea and allowed him to initiate the program. When parishioners were asked to participate in it, '/ many did. In general, the : program was a success. I say "in general" because some parishioners were outraged and left the . parish, arguing that they came to church to pray, not to become involved in fanatical social . justice projects. What does this story teach about the proactive parish. "Proactive" in this case means taking social-justice concerns seriously and acting on them. The poor and the nearly poor, especially immigrants, forever are struggling. Most don't have medical insurance, eat properly or have proper housing. They frequently are exploited, and they often feel like social outcasts. Being proactive means having the burning desire to give others the opportunity to lift themselves up. It is the desire to lessen their struggle for survival. Whenever we speak of a burning desire to create equal-
ity, we are speaking of acting upon the prophetic character we receive in baptism. ¡Baptism not only initiates us into a community of believers, it prompts us to believe that it is our responsibility to serve the community's members. This prophetic character urges us to walk the talk. Often we talk about the poor, but we less frequently take action to help them. Prophets were notorious for being deserted by their own and getting killed for their stances. In my story, not all parishioners went along with the program the professor proposed. In fact, some turned away from the parish. But to be proactive means to be ready to face fierce resistance. Justice never comes , easy. "Proactive" most of all means self-sacrifice. For some parishioners this is the very . answer to their desire to be truly free. For others, this is seen as a threat to everything they hold sacred. Ultimately, a proactive parish is one that attempts to get people to understand what is truly sacred in their life.
the ak~
Friday, June 4, 2004
This athlete's right on track You'd never know he's on the brink of true greatness. This unassuming athlete is on the verge of an achievement that only II of his peers have pulled off since 1919. But you'd never know i~. He's an athlete in every sense of the word. Look at him and you can tell. Try to find an ounce of body fat on this guy. When you look at an athlete of his magnitude, you just can't imagine him getting tired or sore on even exerting much of an effort to perform the task he so seemingly effortlessly puts forth. But even he has to live by the adage "no pain, no gain." He's trained for hours and hours on end. But we don't get to see that. We don't feel his burning lungs desperately trying to suck up the oxygen needed to complete his task. We don't feel the strain on his
legs when he's so close to paydirt yet everyone around him is fighting for what he wants. So he runs through the pain. And we don't feel the disappointment I'm sure he feels when
My View
From the Stands By Dave Jolivet he falls short of his goal. He's worth millions, but truly, that's not what motivates him. You can see it in his eyes - the intensity, the drive, the sheer joy of competing. And speaking of eyes, earlier in his career he suffered a nasty accident, fracturing his skull and nearly losing an eye. But obvi- . ously, it will take something
Fatima ~tatue to visit Assonet parish ASSONET - The International Statue of Our Lady of Fatima will visit St. Bernard's Church, 32 South Main Street, on June 15. The following is a schedule of events for that day: 9:30 a.m., Joyful mysteries of the rosary; II a.m., Luminous myster-
ies; I p.m., Sorrowful mysteries; 3 p.m., the Chaplet of Divine Mercy; 7 p.m., Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament; 7: 15 p.m., praise and prayer; 9 p.m., conclusion of worship. All are invited to attend any or all of these events.
greater than that to stop him. For him it isn't about the big fat contract. It isn't about RESPECT. It isn't about being appreciated. For him these are simply by products of doing what he loves to do. Doing what God intended him to do. He's not on television hawking products, he's not on a plethora of ESPN soundbites. He hasn't acted in a music video and he isn't threatening to play elsewhere down the road. I love this guy and I wish him the best tomorrow as he vies for the Triple Crown. Smarty Jones, you da horse! Here's hoping you win. And if you don't, you'll take it all with class, as usual. My kind of athlete.
Dave lolivet, editorofThe Anchor, is a former sports editor/ writer, and regularlygives one fan's perspective on the unique world ofsports. Comments are welcome at
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NEW BEDFORD Serra Club President Arthur Correia sits with guest speaker Arlene McNamee, director of Catholic Social Services, during a recent Serra Club meeting at White's of Westport. McNamee spoke about the vital and diverse services that CSS provides in the diocese including food pantries and affordable housing. Charter member Seraphim Salvador is at right. NEW BEDFORD -
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the anchCi\)
Friday, June 4, 2004
The joy of a friend's conversation ATTLEBORO - Grief Education Programs will be held at the La Salette Retreat House from 56:30 p.m. as follows: June 13, "Remembering Love;" June 27, "Cultural Backgrounds;" July 4, "In God We Trust;" July 25 "How Do Mourners Behave?" August 1, Dreams: A Healing Connection;" August 8, "Dealing With Difficult Feelings;" and August 29, Reconciliation as Healing." For more information call Sister Judith Costa at 508-824-6581. ATTLEBORO - CathoJic Social Services is sponsoring a support group for women struggling with anxiety, depression, relationships and loneliness. It meets every other Tuesday evening from 67 p.m. at Catholic Social Services, 10 Maple Street. For more information call 508-226-4780. ATTLEBORO - The Holy Ghost Feast and Festival will begin tonight from 6-11 p.m. at Holy Ghost Church, 71 Linden Street. It will be open Saturday from noon to 11 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 10 p.m. It- includes ethnic foods and activities for the whole family. The annual Mass and procession in honor of the Holy Spirit will be held Sunday at 11 a.m. at the church. Traditional free "Sopas" will be served in the church hall following the procession. For more information call 508-222-3266. FAIRHAVEN - A First Friday Mass will be held tonight at 7 p.m. at St. Mary's Church. Sponsore<i by the Men of the Sacred Hearts, it will include a holy hour and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Refreshments will follow. FALL RIVER - The Immigration Law, Education and Advocacy Project and Catholic Social Services will present the conference "Detention: What can we do?" June 17 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at 1600 Bay Street. Find out what you can do to help individuals detained by the Department of Homeland Security and about the current hot topics in immigration law. MISCELLANEOUS -:.. A photographic exhibit 'commemorating the 25 th anniversary of the pontificate of Pope John Paul II will be held Saturday from 6-8 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the social center of St. Joseph Parish, 391 High Street, Central Falls, R.I. For more information call 401-723-5427. MISCELLANEOUS -Catholic Social Services is seeking volunteers willing to donate one evening per week to assist in teaching basic English to immigrants. Hours are usually 6-7:30 p.m: on a weeknight and classes are fiveseven students per teacher. Teacher assistants are available and previous teaching experience is not required. For more information call Sheila Sullivan at 508-674-4681. MISCELLANEOUS -On
June 16 at 9:30 p.m. the Portuguese TV program "Good News For Life," sponsored by the Communications Office of the diocese, will air on channel 20. This Catholic program will address the topic "What is the Purpose of the Anointing of the Sick?" For more information call 508-676-1184. MISCELLANEOUS - The 14th annual Rosary"\Novena for Life will be held June 5 and 12 beginning with a 7 a.m. Mass at Holy Ghost Church, 472 Atwells Avenue in Providence, R.I. Following Mass, the group will carry an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the unborn, down to the Women's Surgical Services Abortion Clinic where they will recite 15 decades of the rosary. At 9:30 a.m. and I p.m., classes on sidewalk counseling will be conducted by Msgr. Phillip Reilly of New York. NEW BEDFORD A Triduum for St. Anthony's Feast will be tonight with a 5 p.m. Mass at St. Anthony's Church, 1359 Acushnet Avenue, followed by a holy bour, opening ceremonies at 6:45 p.m. , and outdoor activities. On June 5 outdoor activities begin at 1 p.m. Mass is at 4:30 p.m. followed by an outdoor procession, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, distribution of St. Anthony's Bread and other activities. On June 6 Mass and anointing of the sick is at 12:00 p.m., followed by outdoor activities. For more information call 508-993-1691. NORTH DARTMOUTH - A Widowed Support Group for persons widowed five years or less will meet on June 9 at 7 p.m. at the Family Life Center, 500 Slocum Road. For more information call the Office of Family Ministry at 508-9996420. NORTH EASTON - "Recovery and Prayer: Reflecting on the Serenity of Prayer," will be presented Sunday at 5 p.m. at Holy Cross Family Ministries, 518 Washington Street. It will include路viewing of the video "The Haunted Heart." For more information call 508-238-4095 ext. 2027. TAUNTON - Members of the Taunton District Council of the St. Vincent de Paul Society will host a Mass June 7 at 7 p.m. at St. Anthony's Church for the intention of the canonization of Blessed Frederic Ozanam and in memory of deceased members. Its regular monthly meeting will follow in the parish hall. YARMOUTHPORT - Father Roger Landry will lead a morning of recollection June 12 at the Sacred Heart Chapel from 9 a.m. to noon. It will begin with Mass and include several talks, the sacrament of reconciliation and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. For more information call 508-775-0818.
"feeling empty." She began I was delighted when I got a "looking for a church" in her call during Lent from my friend 20s. The Unitarian Church Nancy London. She was being appealed because it offered baptized at the Saturday Easter "good principles." But she Vigil. I heard the joy in her didn't find anything there that voice as she said, "I can't filled her emptiness. believe I lived all these years Meanwhile Nancy hosted a without belonging to the Saturday night radio show Church; there must have been a where people can call in and hole in my soul! Now I feel so talk about what is on their mind. full! Now I know Jesus, and I A man, Bill Maffei, began to have such a sense of peace." call her every week. It soon I met Nancy, a radio interviewer, when she had me, a Catholic writer, on one of her shows to discuss spirituality with a great group of teenagers. In the years following, Nancy interviewed me on radio By Antoinette Bosco whenever I had a new book published. Her questions always had a strong "God-talk" element to came out that his wife had died, them. I long suspected that defeated by cancer, and he was Nancy was on a search to find soinewhat "lost." Something her true and lasting spiritual about Nancy comforted him. "home." Then, unexpectedly, Nancy "The Road to Damascus" is a also was hit with cancer. Bill,.a great book published 50 years Catholic, had heard about ago about professional people Father Ralph Di Orio, the who converted to Catholicism. I Massachusetts-based priest thought of some of the moving known as one who brings Jesus' healing to the sick. Father Di stories in it - like one from Clare Booth Luce - when Orio maintained always that the Nancy told me of her "journey," healing comes from "the surrender of your life to God." as she calls it. Nancy said she was brought Bill, sad that he had not been up in a nonreligious home by able to bring his wife to one of J~wish parents who were good Father Di Orio's services, people, but that she grew up insisted that Nancy go with him
The Bottom Line
to meet the "healing priest." They tell an amazing story. Father Di Orio put his hands on Nancy, told her to go back to her doctors and then assured her that'her faith would bring her healing. Nancy said she could not really describe the experience, but she knew she was healed, a belief verified by her doctors when she went back for the final treatment they had said was necessary. Not long after, Nancy found a Catholic adulteducation group, and she was on her way to what she now calls her "new life." I had the privilege of being at the Easter Vigil when Nancy was baptized and confirmed. Bill was her sponsor, looking very joyful. He ami Nancy, a mother of two young adults who say they are "thrilled" at their mother's choice, spoke with me after the service. Nancy said that long ago she had a conversation with a friend during which she kept asking her, "Why are we here?" My new Catholic friend, smiling, said, "I guess I was searching even back then. I always knew I was missing something, and now I know who and what it was." With those words, I had a great gift given to me. I felt her joy!
Growing up with all brothers ."
My daughter recently was "Sure it did," I said. "You She made that snorting sound giving me a bad time about knew what those hormoneagain. "Be fair here," I said. "You having to grow up with three driven young male humans were brothers and no sisters, while up to before they did." were pretty hard on the boys' ignoring the fact she has "Yeah, but how would you girlfriends, too, you know. provided two brothers for her like to be a young guy and have Remember when you told that daughter with no sisters in sight. to walk into our house and have one little gal to be careful not to Hmmm. you and the boys giving you the beat Michael at arm-wrestling or he would pout for days?" It was difficult to get her to once over?" she asked. She shook her head. admit that being raised in r-----------r-::;~-_.., a largely male household "No, that was Joey." had some advantages. "OK," she said, "I "Look how hard it admit that having was for me to make W 0 Jr 0 brothers did prepare me to face boys' dirty friends," she said. "I thought the way you underwear without By Dan Morris screaming or dialing were supposed to solve differences was to slug 911. It did help me them, knock them down, answer many scientific wrestle around, then questions like, 'What forget what you were arguing "We didn't harass any of happens when you cook a slug about in the first place." your potential boyfriends that I in an EasyBake Oven?' And it "Don't you think that's kind recall," I claimed. did make me a good aim with a of sexist?" I laughed. She made a snorting sound, sling shot." She slugged me in the arm. probably something she learned "That's it?" I asked. "That feel sexist?" she laughed from a brother. "Oh, right. Do About that time her almostback. "Which reminds me," you remember the time Jon four daughter came and jumped onto my lap. "Grandpa, can we she went on, "I never did learn asked that nice, nice guy from how to throw a ball like a girl. my CCD class if he knew how go shoot the BB gun like you to blow his nose without a promised?" I scared my friends half to death when we played baseKleenex or a handkerchief?" "Sounds like fun to me," I ball." "No," I admitted. said. "But you're already a way better shot than your brothers." "You hit pretty well, too, "And that if he didn't know Marie," I nodded. that I could show him how so he "I know," she cooed. Her "O.K, having brothers helped could feel more a part of the mother snorted that cute snort. Comments are welcome. Bin soccer and baseball, but not family?" in the world of romance," she I tried not to smile. "No, not mail Uncle Dan at countered. Jon. He wouldn't do that." cnsuncleOl
The offbeat
Id f
Uncle Dan
Friday, June 4,2004
the a~
Iraq and just war, one more time Judging from the torrent of EIraqis want a democratic fonn of mail I've received since my government? Did anyone in your recent column on Iraq and the office ask them?" just war tradition, a lot,of " are a victim of the Catholics don't understand that 'Judas effect.' You have twisted venerable method of Christian the teaching of the Church to moral reflection, or how it functions, or what it can - and cannot - do. Among the riper comments: "[Weigel's] justification was obviously bereft of any spiritual or By George Weigel scriptural underpinnings." "Don't look now but the Fascists have returned ... support your personal view of Should the Church be associated the world." with ... [Weigel's] right-wing, Etc. war hungry message?" In late April, after I keynoted "I was shocked and appalled a Rome conference on the future to read the column by George of Catholic thinking about world Weigel ... it seems to me that he politics, a reporter asked what I is making the case for 'the end thought about the response to my justifies the means' ...". writing on Iraq and just war "I am dumbfounded by the these past 18 months. I told her that I'd be grateful if my critics false logic and unproven assumptions you use ... Perhaps would at least assume that now that we have made Iraq safe people who made, and make, the for people like you, you would judgment that the Iraq War met care to take a trip over and stand the standards of a just war are on a street comer ... Without morally serious and morally responsible. If only one side armed guards. Waving an American flag. And while we are credits the moral seriousness of at it, what makes you believe the its opponents in a debate, what
The Catholic Difference
kind of dialogue is possible? I also said that the comments I'd received illustrated the sad truth of something I'd been saying for years:. that there has been a "great forgetting" of the just war tradition in U.S. Catholic life. Some Catholics assume that modem weaponry has made the just war tradition obsolete; others seem to think it's a short, simple step from the Sennon on the Mount to fonnulating foreign policy; still others imagine that the just war tradition provides a crisp, standardized product, like Nabisco produces Oreos. None of these assumptions has anything to do with the way the Catholic Church thinks nonnatively about war, its limits, and its possible service to the common good. So let's try again: The just war tradition is a method of moral reasoning that tries to relate the proportionate and discriminate use of armed force to securing peace - and the justice, freedom, order, and security that are the component parts of peace. It's not a question of "peace" being here and the
The crowning of Mary \ now on will all ages call me Q. A local Catholic high blessed; the Mighty One has done school, where a relative of mine great things for me, and holy is is principal, is embroiled over a his name." May crowning that he and Through the centuries certain some parents want to observe forms of devotion to Our Lady with the students. The head of tended to cloud the vital distincthe religion department, a tion between her role and the role woman in her 4Os, objects that of her Son. Some prayers this ceremony started in the appeared, for example, seeming Middle Ages to entice nonbeto place her on an equal footing lievers into adoration of Mary and that this ritual was denounced at Vatican Council II. My family and I attended grammar school after Vatican II, and we remember May crownings. What is the By Father Church's position? Is John J. Dietzen there a reason not to have them? (New York) ' - - - - - - - - - - A. I realize this with Jesus as redeemer of the response will not reach you during May, but I have no idea world. why this woman would think So it is true that Vatican IT told theologians and preachers to be Vatican IT "denounced" May alert to treat correctly the unique crowning ceremonies. Just the dignity of the Mother of God. opposite. If it is a fonn of They should, said the council, devotion to the mother of Christ "equally avoid the falsity of that enhances honor for him, the exaggeration on the one hand, and rite is encouraged. ~: the excess of narrow-mindedness The Council of Ephesus (431) on the other" (Constitution on the defended the teaching that Mary Church, No. 67). is the Mother of God, not first to It insists, however, that honor Mary but to clarify traditional practices and exercises Catholic belief that Jesus is one of devotion toward her be (divine) person with two natures, treasured, as approved by the human and divine. Church through the centuries, Following this council. Catholic honor of Mary increased since "Mary shines forth on earth ... as a sign of sure hope and greatly, a fact which the Church solace for the pilgrim people of generally saw as fulfilling her God" (No. 68). words in the Magnificat, "From
Questions and Answers
If there's a problem with Mary being called, or crowned as, queen, that too is unfounded. The concept of Mary as Queen Mother, a prestigious title often given to the mother of a king in ancient times to signify her particular influence with her son, has good scriptural and traditional roots. (See, for example, Solomon and his mother Bathsheba.) The Church, of course, has a feast of the Queenship of Mary, celebrated now on August 22. There is no need, therefore, to see May crownings as anything more than a legitimate fonn of paraliturgical prayer, a way of appropriately honoring the mother of Jesus. Almost any devotions, from the Stations of the Cross to novenas, can be abused, distorted or misunderstood. But that is only a reason to be thoughtful and careful that these celebrations fit within authentic Catholic tradition and teaching. It is not a reason to forbid them. A free brochure answering questions Catholics ask about receiVing the holy Eucharist is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Box 325, Peoria, n. 61651. Questions may be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address, or E-mail:
7 just war tradition there. The two go together. Indeed, any use of force that isn't ordered to public . goods - peace, security, freedom, order, justice - is, by its nature, not morally justifiable; it's brigandage, or piracy, or plain old-fashioned mayhem. War, in the just war tradition, is a moral tenn, and its moral justification derives from its capacity to advance the cause of the peace of order. The just war tradition isn't algebra. It's not a question of lining everything up neatly on both sides of the equation in order to obtain the right answer. The just war tradition is more like calculus: it's an art as much as a science, and it asks us to use our moral imaginations as well as our logical skills. The tradition is also a developing body of thought; contemporary fonnula-
tions of it must be in constant conversation across the generations and centuries with the old masters of moral reasoning. As the Spanish will likely learn, a pacifism whose policy outcome is the appeasement of evil offers no respite from today's world disorder. Nor is the answer a crude Realpolitik in which might determines right. Between those extremes is the Catholic tradition of moral reason, and moral reasoning about world politics for serious Catholics means engaging the just war tradition. If the forgetting continues, the Terrible Simplifiers will make things more dangerous for the peace they, and the rest of us, seek.
George Weigel is asenior fellow oftbeEtbics andPublic Policy Centerin Washington, D.C. BURIAL LIFE INSURANCE
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FAX: 508-222-6770
Friday, June 4, 2004
Palestinian 'carving custom· follows exodus of Christians By GARY MORTON
The artisans who carve the olivewood do not kill the trees, he NEWARK, Del. - Butros said, but use dead wood pruned Qumseya dreams of a Holy Land from the trees and dried for at least in which Palestinian Christians help six months. After the wood dries, bridge the bitter divide between the artists cut it into different sizes Jews and Muslims. He dreams of depending on the article they intend to create, then shape it into basic returning home to Beit Sahour the Town of Shepherds, about a forms. Specialists then take over, one mile east of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem - and not hav- detailing the body, clothing, hands - ing to worry about bombs or heli- and fingers before another works copters harming his children as they on facial details. "You can tell different carvers through the face," play. He dreams of resuming his Qumseya said, noting that each teaching position at Terra Sancta carver has a distinct style. Palestinians learned woodcarvHigh School in Jerusalem. He had to give up that job when he could ing from Italian carvers whom not be sure he could get to school Franciscan friars brought to the each day after Israeli soldiers threat- Holy Land in the 15th ce~tury. The ened to close Palestinian access to craft quickly became indigenous to Palestinian Jerusalem at a Christians, moment's nopassed from tice. generation to Qumseya begeneration. . lieves Palestinian "It has be~ . Christians hold come a tradi- : the key to 'maktion," Qumseya ing his dreams said. "It is art~.. come true. "For ',. . and history." But,peace in the .1·~ :' as tourism'. de:' Middle East we ;?.. . are the corner'~'_." creases and. the... ." , ' " ".number of Pal-~. stone," the 49, estinianChris~'year-old tians living in the Qumseya said in :";,~..j Holy Land an interview with dwindles, The DiaLog, olivewood carvWilmington diing may become ocesan newspaa dying tradition. per, at Holy AnFive years gels Church in ago, he said, Newark. "there were 100 "We are the to 150 buses full bridge between AN OLiVEWOOD carvof tourists every Muslim and Jewing 'of Christ carrying the day that came to. ish," he added. cross, by Butros Qumseya, visit Bethlehem "We believe that is displayed at Holy Angels and the holy Jesus wants us to Church in Newark, Del. shrines. But live together, to love each other." (CNS photo by Chuck when the violence started in As president McGowen) of the Holy Land 1999, 2000; there were no Christians Society, Qumseya tries to raise aware- mOre visitors. Everything stopped." Tourism, he said, accounted for ness of the plight of the small Pal~ Sister Gibb taught the estinian Christian population; 60 percent to 70 percent of likes of Sammy Sosa, which is now less than two percent Bethlehem's economy. Julio Franco and Rico At one time Christians acofthe area's population. As founder Carty. arid representative of a union of counted for 30 percent of the Holy Holy Land craftsmen, Qumseya Land's population, Qumseya said; OTTAWA (CNS) - Over the has traveled to churches along the today they make up only 1.8 perpast 45 years, Sister Lenore Gibb "In cent, and that figure is dropping. East Coast over the past two years, offering Holy Land-made the last two years emigration has taught many award:winning Maolivewood rosaries, crosses, creche picked up again," he said, coincid- jor League Baseball players. But sets, busts, statues and depictions ing with increased violence ,in the last week it was her turn to be a winner. conflict. of the Last Supper. Sister Gibb, a missionary from "During the first intifada (startThe fact that he must leave his Pembroke, Ontario, and a member ing in 1987) the occupation was difhomeland to peddle the detailed woodcarvings illustrates the tough ferent," Qumseya said. 'There were of the Grey Sisters of the Immacutimes confronting Palestinian peaceful demonstrations. Christian late Conception, was one of 44 Palestinians joined with .Muslim people invested into the Order of Christians. Canada, the country.'s highest The olivewood itself is both a Palestinians in protesting." Today, he said, the situation has honor for lifetime achievement. literal and symbolic link between the roots of Christianity and the changed. As he looked toward his . In 1959, Sister Gibb and a colfuture bfthe Middle East, Qumseya 12-year-old son, Yousef, Qumseya league opened a school in a poor said. "We still have olive trees from referred to suicide bomb attacks by sugar cane district of the Dominithe Roman era." Palestinian Muslims. "I can't ask can Republic. Since then, she has The olive tree, he added, is "a myself or my son to sacrifice him- been a catalyst for the construcsymbol ofpeace. When Jesus came self, to kill·himself. We don't be- tion of numerous modem facilities, to Jerusalem, the people greeted lieve that. This situation is· very, including several schools, a home him with the branch of olives. It is very difficult (because) both groups for the elderly, a cultural center and a housing project for teachers and a source of life also." are so hard-line." CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
FORTY-THREE SMALL white crosses line the driveway of Corpus Christi Parish, East Sandwich. Each cross signifies one million babies who have been aborted. The sign at the end of the driveway notes this and asks for prayer to end abortion. The . crosses were erected for the first time last October - Respect for Life Month - and were a combined effort of the Parish ProLife Committee and the Knights of Columbus. They were placed again at the beginning of May, the mon th of Our Lady and symbol of motherhood, and remained until, the end of the month. The crosses stand silent witness to the tragedy of our society wherein unborn infants are regularly sacrificed in the name of convenience and their mothers suffer for decades. Visitors slow down while traversing the driveway and many comment that it causes them to offer prayer to end abortion. (Photos by Dave Doolittle)
Nun who taught Dominican baseball players receives Canadian honor
..., ,
their families, said the citation started playing baseball together, from Governor-General Adrienne volleyball and basketball, too," she Clarkson, who presented the med- said. als. . She is reported to have taught The citation said Sister Gibb at least 25 Major League Baseball was "persistent and determined" players, including Sammy Sosa, and that she helped improve the Julio Franco and Rico Carty. quality of life for countless memAcknowledging that those rebers of her adopted community. ceiving the Order of Canada come "Having served as a teacher from all walks of life, Clarkson and school principal, she is the told the inductees and their family only non-Dominican to be ap- members that the motto of the orpointed supervisor of a school der is 'They desire a better coundistrict, where she helped to try." make education accessible to all There is no better way to enact and to establish the highest edu- this des1re than to contribute to a cational standards in the coun- group, a community, a nation try," it said. which has, as its goal, the wellSister Gibb was raised in being of each of its members, she Windsor; Ontario, where she said. played softball, an athletic skill The Order of Canada was esthat served her well when she ar- tablished in 1967 to recognize outrived in Coris~elo, Dominican standing achievement and service Republic. in various fields of human enIn a NationaL CathoLic Reporter deavor. Appointments are made on article, Sister Gibb said, 'The chil- the recommendation of an advidren were athletic, and so was I." sory council, chaired by the chief "It was almost natural that we justice of Canada.
Friday, June 4, 2004
THROUGH THE generosity of the attendees of the recent Diocesan Council of Catholic Women's annual convention at St. John of God Church, Somerset, approximately 350 canned and dry goods were collected in addition to nearly $130 in cash donations. With the monies collected, 60 pounds of chicken, 45 pounds of hamburger, and 31 pounds of stew meat were purchased and delivered to the Soup Kitchen on Slade Street in Fall .: River. Above, Claudette Armstrong, convention chairman, packs items to be shipped to the soup kitchen. The women also collected approximately 450 personal care products which were delivered to Hope House, an AIDS residence that provides a safe, dignified and caring setting where the physical,- spiritual, emotional and psychological needs of each resident and their loved ones are met. I
Continued from page one
ful lives meeting the many demands in devoting their time to the spiritual and physical upbringing of their children," she added. "They were looking for peer relationships." The first outreach to provide an opportunity for the mothers to meet new friends and their children to meet other children came May 15 when the parish hosted "Roll Out the Carriages." Using the parish playground as a gathering place it proved a success. After that auspicious start, a pilot program will be launched at two starter events "to feed the MOMS program," Sister Agnew announced. The first is the "Blessings of Motherhood," scheduled for June 8. There will be a morning session from 9:30 to 11 :30 a.m. There will be coffee, pastries and a lunch. The same program will be offered from 7 to 9 p.m. They will be held in Christ the King Parish Hall. There is no charge, and babysitting is avai~颅 able. The guest speaker will be Benedictine Sister Paula Hagan, who first developed the MOMS Program in 1986 in Mesa, Arizona. It was later expanded by the Sisters of St. Benedict of St. Paul's Monastery in St. Paul, Minn. Sister Hagan is a parish family ministry consultant and retreat director who has developed faln-
ily ministry programs for 31 years. She co-authored the MOMS series published by Resource Publications, and is the national director of MOMS. "She will present the program, offer a prayerful reflection on the Beatitudes, suggest creative activities and a prayer ritual," Sister Agnew said. "Each woman, mother and grandmother is invited to look at the sacredness of being a mother and her unique
way of mothering and being a blessing to her family and others." Brochures are available and mothers are urged to register. "We suggest they come casually dressed and enjoy a spiritual renewal with other women. After that we hope the parish will then understand what this important ministry of mothers is all about," Sister Agnew said. Calling motherhood "a vocation that serves not only the fam-
ily but the community," she added, "we are trying to support women who are the nurturers of the family in their motherhood ministry. But to be able to give, they must themselves receive. So we are trying to affirm their spirituality and bolster their self-esteem," she pointed out. Currently, six mothers are being trained as facilitators of the July pilot program that hopefully "will create in women an awareo
PICNIC AT Christ the King Parish playground in Mashpee hosted mothers and children as a starter event to a pilot peer program allowing mothers to experience the support of other mothers as they discover the depths of their spirituality. (Photo courtesy of Mercy Sister Shirley Agnew)
ness of their inner sacred self while at the same time teaching them new ways to inspire, encourage and affirm each other," she said. They include parishioners Christine Perrault, Mary Fanous, Maureen Lerch and Erin Eastman of Mashpee, and March Dupont and Jean Roma of Cotuit. The summer MOMS pilot program will begin on Thursday, July 8 and close on Thursday, August 26. Registrations are being accepted now. Next fall the program "begins in earnest" on Thursday, September 9, and closes on Thursday, October 28. There is a fee. Childcare will be provided at all sessions at no extra charge. Topics will include ~elf-esteem and self-acceptance; stress, worries and anxiety; everyday spirituality; feelings; personal growth; expressing values in friendships; celebration of new beginnings; and discernment: continuing the journey. Sister Agnew said Msgr. Tosti eagerly supports the MOMS Program, calling it "a vital new ministry for the parish," and having said, "it will help spread the faith and the Gospel." For more information or to register call Mary Fanous at 508477-1604; or by E-mail at; or call Sister Shirley Agnew RSM, at 508-4-776170; or by路 E-mail at moms
I10 Continued from page one
concern, as he did, for the neediest of those among us. That's what the Catholic Charities Appeal is all about. This is another one of the wonderful stories that has unfolded over the more than six decades of the Catholic Charities Appeal here in our dio·cese.'~ . Contributions to the Catholic Charities Appeal may be made either through a one-time donation or through a pledge, which is payable monthly, quarterly, or semiannually.
Donations should be sent to the Catholic Charities Appeal Office, 450 Highland Avenue, Post Office Box 1470, Fall River, MA 02722, or dropped off or mailed to any parish in the diocese. Donations may also be made over the Catholic Charities Appeal Website at For more information, visit the Website or contact the CatholiC Charities Appeal office at 508675-1311. The following are the most recent returns.
Top five parishes in each area as of 05/27/04: Attleboro . Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Seekonk S1. John the Evangelist, Attleboro S1. Mary, Mansfield S1. Mary, Seekonk S1. Mark, Attleboro Falls
$ 138,815.00 51,437.00 48,725.00 27,855.00 26,665.00
CAPe Cod S1. Pius Tenth, South Yarmouth Christ the King, Mashpee Holy Trinity, West Harwich . '. S1. John the Evangelist, Pocasset .,Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster
$ 148,446.93 71,941.91 57,877.00 56,890.00 50,148.00
Fall River St. Thomas More, Somerset .' St. John the Baptist, Westport . S1. Stanislaus, Fall River S1. Joseph, Fall River , 81. Patrick, Somerset t
37,185.00 32,080.00 27,817.77 23,790.00 23 j (}59.00 .. '. ,-I
r- .
'. . New Bedford' $ 44,521.00 81. Julie Billiart, North Dartmouth 44,125.00 . S1. John Neumann, East Freetown 40,675.00 Immaculate Conception, New Bedford 31,528.00 S1. Patrick, Wareham . Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, N.B. 30,554.00
Taunton S1. Ann, Raynham S1. Anthony, Taunton Holy Family, East Taunton S1. Paul, Taunton Annunciation of the Lord, Taunton
46,657.75 27,225.00 24,530.00 . 24,406.00 21,812.00
Giordano, Paul Harris, M/M RobAcushnet St. Francis Xavier: $1,000-MI ert Sweeney, M/M Garry M David Fredette; $200-M/M Wheelock. Isaac DeResendes; $11 O-Manuel St. Theresa of the Child & Anne Medeiros, Jr.; $100-M/M Jesus: $1 ,300-A Friend; $700-MI Raymond Pepin, M/M Roland M Michael Lewis; $250-M/M Troy Castonguay, M/M Paul Penha, St. Onge; $200-Mrs. Robert Armand Cournoyer. Peloquin; $175~M/M Rodolphe Assonet Bergeron; $150-M/M Patrick St. Bernard: $1,200-Jennifer McGahern; $125-M/M Robert & Donald Emond, Jr.; $250-John Goodreau; $120-M/M Gilbert Piekos; $100-Jacqueline & Albert Lapointe, M/M Donald Acciaioli; Remy. $1 OO-Dominick Berardi, M/M Paul Attleboro Abate, M/M Arthur Lemieux, M/M Holy Ghost: $300-M/M Rob- Raymond Drolet, M/M Arthur ert W. Hoag; $250-M/M Walla~e Paquette, M/M Douglas Foster, MI Gordon; $120-M/M Mariano M Phil Grover, M/M Gerald Keane. Castro; $100-Mrs. Leon O'Brien, Buzzards Bay Mrs. Edward O'Keefe, M/M SeraSt. Margaret: $500-Anna & phim ·R. Sousa: Bryan Marini; $225-Eleanor & St. John the Evangelist: John D'Anjou; $125-Teresa & Ri$1,000-M/M James Coogan; chard White; $100-Robert J. $500-M/M Paul Scanlan; $250- Barry, John & Marie Bellissimo, Duffy-Poule Funeral Services, M/ Jules A. Ghio, Ramona & James M SA Gulino; $200-Dr/Dr Steven Lynch, Martha Monaghan, Judith Bensson, M/M Joseph Collins, M. Plummer, Marie & Frank PotJoann Stewart; $150-M/M Roger ter, Fernanda Secher. Cicero, M/M Kevin Deschamps; Centerville $125-M/M James Pinocci, M/M Our Lady of Victory: $200Manuel Sena; $100-M/M Ronald Mrs. Barbara MacLean; $1 OO-Mrs. Churchill, Mrs. Patrick Duffy, Eugene Hammond, M/M John J. Cecilia Fabiyi, Cecile Fanning, An- . Driscoll. drea Giordano, Mrs.· Ralph Chatham
Holy Redeemer: $500-M/M William Brennan; $300-Paul A. McKenna; $250-John R. Perry; $125-M/M Peter Acton; $100Jane C. Colby, M/M David Coupal, M/M C. DeBonte, Jr., M/M William Erskine, Mrs. William Machie, M/ M George Marjollet, Mrs. Richard O'Meara, M/M Dale Tripp. Dighton St. Peter: $100-William Henry. East Falmouth St. Anthony: $250-M/M Richard L. Corey; $200-Leon Dusoe/ Mary Fothergill; $100-M/M Peter J. Hoefler, M/M Richard Lewis. East Freetown St. John Neumann:' $800-Drl M Gerald Masaitis; $500-Kathleen & Paul Rathbun; $200-M/M Stephen L. McMann, Antonio Moura; $150-M/M John Lafreniere; $1 OO-Paul & Lina Joly. East Sandwich Corpus Christl: $1,350-M/M Dante F. Gallerani; $325-M/M Robert Mattey; $300-June H. Miller, Philomena Veltre; $250Katherine Howes, Dr/M Michael Buckley; $200-M/M Bruce J. Baxter, M/M Paul J. Moynahan, Mary Robinson, Henry Lynch; $150-Mrs. John Handrahan, M/M Thomas M. Feeney; $125-M/M Robert C. Dilorio, MIM David Madden, M/M Henry J. Roux, M/M Edward F. McCann; $120-M/M Robert Nichols; $10b-M/M John McCorkle, M/M Gerard Brigham, M/M George Anzivino, M/M Francis T. Sendker, M/M Robert G. James,' M/M Joseph F. Keenan, M/M Christopher Mandy, Priscilla Streeter.. East Taunton Holy Family: $1,600-St. Vincent de Paul Society; $250Anne Sauerbier, Catherine Melville; $200-MIM Alva R. Cowan, June Strojny; $175-M/M David Cardoza; $150-M/M Francis Perry, Denise Shea; $130-M/M Gerard Ducharme; $125-Muriel Casavant; $100-M/M Peter Luttrell, M/M Peter Andrade, MIM Leonard Peavler, M/M Richard Vincent, M/M Joseph Abreau, M/M Stanley Baran, M/M Anthony Demaral, M/M Michael Boutin, M/M Ronald Young, M/M Michael S. Callahan, M/M David Mello, Anna Mae Crossman, Stanley Slavick, Stephanie Turkalo, Mary Murphy, Ronald Souza, Mrs. Raymond Prunier. Fairhaven St. Joseph: $450-Hon/M William Carey; $150-M/M Jeffrey Oliver, M/M Stanley Palys; $100M/M Richard Cormier, Joseph Days, M/M Jack Hartzell, John Jannis, Mrs. Lucille Muscato. St. Mary: $150-M/M George Boucher; $100-ln Memory of Vivianne Lemaire, M/M William Tremblay, M/M Daniel J. Costa, Ms. Karyn Clements, M/M William Boyer. , Fall River St. Mary Cathedral: $250Kathleen Dean; $100-M/M Normand Laurianno, M/M William Guilmette, Mrs. George Sutherland, William Beauchesne. Good Shepherd: $100-M/M Alfred Almeida, & Sons, Brenda Mendes. Holy Name: $1,000-ln Memory of M/M Gerry Fortin; $600-M/M Thomas J. Carroll; $400-Elizabeth Neilan; $200-M/M Nicholas Christ, Dennis Dunn, Catherine K. Long, In Memory of
Friday, June 4, 2004 John & Margaret McDermott, . $250-M/M Adrien Perry; $227-MI Yvette M.J. Paquet; $150-ln M Ronald Feijo; $225-Jan & Memory of Joseph & Kevin Honora Torres; $200-M/M David McGuill, Milton & Susan Rebello, Feeney; $125-Phyllis Edwards, M/M Joseph Stanton; $140-M/M John Mazurek, Jr.; $120-Beverly Mark Gauvin; $130-Barbara DeMoura; $100-Joyce Raposa, Wenc; $125-M/M Fred M/M Steven Rys, M/M Dan Czerwonka, M/M Frederick B. Podesta. McDonald; $100-M/M Jamesn\i, Santo Christo: $300-St. Beaulieu, Annette Borden, M/M Vincent de Paul Society; $200-M/ Thomas F. Burke, Ms. Mary M Carlos Botelho; $100-M/M Carvalho, The Corcoran Family, Altino Alberto, Manuel Alves, M/M Wilfred P. Desruisseaux, Ms. Maria Alves, M/M Joao Cunha, MI May Ann Dillon, M/M Adelino M Oliverio Couto, Maria Filipe, Flores, In Memory of Christine Anibal Lage, M/M Joao Machado, Gagliardi-Deceased Granddaugh- M/M Jose Maranhao, Fernando ter, Roland Gagnon, Dr/M Robert daSilva, Tony's Bakery. Guimond, M/M Bruce Hague, M/ Falmouth St. Patrick: $415-M/M Louis M James Harrington, Barbara A. Hassan, M/M Charles Hodkinson, A. Tessier; $300-M/M John M/M Peterjohn Iacovelli, M/M Molongoski, M/M Frank J. Robert Kitchen, Raymond O'Connor; $200-M/M Edward G. Levesque, M/M Michael Lopes, Enos, Deacon/M John Simonis; Amine B. & Renee Maalouf, M/M $125-Deacon/M Patrick Mahoney; Robert Margetta, Theresa Maurer, $100-Mrs. Russell A. Doucet, MI John Medeiros, M/M Thomas N. M Arthur T. Doyle, Ms. Jane A. McHenry, Cecilia E. Medeiros, MI Hopewood, M/M Frank W. Lipp, M Jeffrey Medeiros, Mrs. Antero Ms. Eve M. Rouke, Mrs. Cornelius Monte, Dr/M Andre Nasser, M/M J. Shea. Rene Nasser, M/M David . Hyannis St. Francis Xavier: $1,000-M/ Normandin, John O'Brien, M/M Jan Pietraszek, M/M Robert M Raymond Cataloni, M/M KenRebello, M/M Joseph Reilly, Mrs. neth Colmer; $500-Dennis Louis Shea, M/M Thomas Farrington; $400-M/M George G. Stanton, M/M Donald Sylvia, The Cronin; $350-Mrs. Margaret Torres Family, M/M John W. Raymond; $150-Mrs. Frederick Toulan, Jr., M/M Joseph Vieira, MI Thome; $120-M/M Paul M Michael Welch. Chapdelaine; $11 O-Russell Holy Rosary: $100-M/M Lawton; $100-Mrs. Helen Armand Boudria, M/M George Bolderson, Mrs. Gilbert Dailey, MI Wrightington. M Charles Dever, Joseph Holy Trinity: $500-SJB Fed- Dolaher, Susan King Fulcher, M/ eral Credit Union; $350-M/M M Theodore Galkowski, M/M Donald:Vezina·;.$250-M/M Dan, " James: Hegart.y;,·":M/.M-1 David Araujo; $200-M/M Gilbert Faria, Karlen, M/M Richard Roberts, M/ Paul Martin; $150-M/M Lionel MGregory Smith, Daniel Dupont; $125-M/M John Mateus; Tambascia. $120-M/M Ronald Correia; $100Mansfield M/M Robert Allcock, M/M Richard St. Mary: $1,OOO-Carl Arrugo, M/M Albert Belanger, Garofano; $700-M/M Stephen Helene Boutin, M/M Michael Scala; $400-M/M William E. Langton, M/M Louis Perreira. Murphy; $300-Mrs. William Immaculate Conception: Morton; $250-M/M Robert J. $100-Deborah Longchamps. Buehler, M/M Frederick Conlon; Notre Dame: $350-M/M $200-M/M Eric E. Butler, Thomas Gerard Duquette; $200-M/M F. Crimmins, M/MThomas Dwyer, Rene Lachapelle, Jr.; $130-Cecile Theresa Garofano, Diana Lane, Masse; $100-M/M Armand M/M Mark H. Payson, Jr., M/M Dallaire, Notre Dame Parish Youth John J. Rush; $150-Lena Group, Dorothy Cloutier. Garofano, Clara J. King, Virginia Sacred Heart: $250-Patricia Simoni; $125-J.M. Burns, ElizaHealey; $100-M/M Daniel Duffy, beth N. Eagan, M/M John M/M Thomas Murphy. Wilkinson; $100-M/M Peter J. St. Anne: $100-Gerald & Bilafer, M/M Vincent Botti, M/M Vivianne Morrissette, In Memory Thomas J. Carey, M/M Lee of Beatrice Tremblay by husband Duclos, M/M"Denis G. Dunn, M/M Gerard & Family, Paul M. Aguiar, Patrick J. Farragher, Sean Fletcher & Tiffany MooreJanice Heinig. St. Joseph: $100-Lucille G. Jamieson, Mary E. Harney, M/M" Aguiar, M/M Richard Oliveira, Ms. Michael Healey, M/M George Artemesia Anderson, Mrs. William Knight, M/M Stephen G. P. Ready, Robert Accettullo, McGovern, Atty/M Charles Arthur R. Machado, M/M Joseph Mulcahy, M/M Steven D. Muller, E. Gross. Jean Mygan, M/M John M. St. Michael: $400-M/M Gerald Nevers, Jr., Stella H. O'Neil, M/M Silvia, In Memory of Augustine & Arthur M. O'Neill, M/M Robert Mary Gonsalves, A Friend; $300- Poholek, M/M David Quinlan, Miss Evelyn Almeida, Anonymous; Kenneth C. Rausch, Michael F. $250-ln Honor of St. Michael' r Reed, M/M H. Salerno, Helen $200-St. Michael's Prayer GroupY Sheehan, M/M Denis J. Villiard, Anonymous; $150-Miss Edith Paul J. Vogel, Ellen Westlund, MI Machado; $100-ln Memory of MI M Kevin S. Wotton. Marion M Mario Freitas & Family, Anonymous, M/M Gilbert Mello, A Friend, St. Rita: $125-Victor & Patricia M/M Manuel S. Medeiros, M/M Dubois; $100-John & Kathryn Antone Souza, Armindo Louro, Haverty, Albert & Pauline Costa. Mattapoisett Kenneth R. Machado, Manuel Rogers & Son Funeral Home. St. Anthony: $300-Dr/M St. Stanislaus: $1,500-M/M Lawrence Oliveira; $250-M/M Raymond Romagnolo & Family; Robert Teixeira; $175-M/M $1,200-Rev. Bruce M. Neylon; Edmund Butler; $100-M/M Rob$300.77-M/M Thaddeus Karcz; Continued on page JJ
Friday, June 4, 2004 Continued/rom page 10
ert L. Carvalho, Dr/M Clayton King, M/M Michael Dahill, M/M Michael Esposito, M/M John Reed, M/M John E. Zucco. Nantucket St Mary/Our Lady of the Isle: $S,OOO-MIM JohnTegan; $1 ,25Q-St. Vincent de Paul Society; $SOO-MIM James Crecca, M/M Robert Mooney; $30Q-Edmund Ramos, Sr.; $250-MIM Thomas Paterson; $200MlM Albert Brock; $14Q-MlM Richard Herman; $120-Carol B. Smith; $100-MIM Michael Beamish, MlM Malcolm Condon, MIM Richard A. Congdon, MlM Brian Davis, M/M Donald W Holdgate, MlM Francis McGarvey, MIM William O'Keefe, MI M Jeffrey Sayle, Michael & Joan Velsmid, Claire Wall. New Bedford Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: $175-Mrs. William Bancroft; $150-Celeste A. Dufresne; $100-M/M Richard Carr, M/M William Demsky, Jane Freidman, M/M Paul A. LeValley, M/M Carlton P. Pimentel, M/M Pierre C. Seguin. Our Lady of the Assumption: $105-M/M Joseph Ramos; $100M/M Joseph Rogers. Our Lady of Fatima: $200-0ur Lady of Fatima Ladies Guild; $100-M/M Roger Dube. Our Lady of Perpetual Help: $500-M/M Lionel Dubois; $200Special Intention of Donor, Fryderyk Gorczyca, M/M Richard Machnowski; $150-Mrs. Helen Arabasz, M/M Robert Cyr, M/M Mitchell Gacek, M/M Edward Jarosik, M/M Robert Koczera & Family, Anonymous, Special Intention of Donor; $125-ln Memory of Walter & Jenny Piorkowski, Jr., Mrs. Theresa Crouch, Special Intention of Donor, In Memory of Frank & Rosalie Jeglinski, Anonymous; $120-Joseph Sobolewski, $100-M/M Tadeusz Jr.; Blecharczyk, M/M Rodney Cejka, Special Intention of Donor, M/M Ronald Correia, Mrs. Patricia Fal, Stanley Grabiec, M/M Thad Irzyk, Ms. Helen Koss, Mrs. Genevieve & Ms. Nancy Ann Kondziolka, Frank Michalski, OLPH Ladies Society, Mrs. Walter Palys, M/M Alfred Pelczarski, M/M Joseph Stoddard, M/M Felix Witkowicz. St. Francis of Assisi: $500In Memory of Frank Garcia; $300In Memory of Marty Crovello; $200-ln Memory of David Gerrior; $100-Mrs. Anthony Armanetti, Judith Ann Belli. St. James: $500-ln the name of Father Edward Correia; $125Mrs. Joseph Hathaway; $1 OO-Mrs. Anna Medeiros, M/M Edward Connulty, M/M Thomas Lemieux. St. Joseph-St. Therese: $1,000-Anonymous; $300-M/M Dennis Bowen; $250-M/M Raymond Belanger; $200-Anonymous; $150-Anonymous; $125-MI M J. Rene Dufresne; $1 OO-Anonymous, Carol Bolton, M/M Jay Bowen, Theresa Tousignant. St. Lawrence: $400-William F. O'Donnell III; $200-M/M Richard Riley; $175-M/M Martin Treadup; $170-M/M Arthur B. Walsh; $150Frances A. Mcintyre; $125-M/M John Fletcher; $100-M/M William J. Nunes, M/M James Hunt. St. Mary: $300-M/M Arthur Villeneuve; $200-M/M Robert Hebert; $110-Mary Ann Marshall; $100-M/M Louis Trial, Gail A.
Souza, Susan Richard, M/M Manuel Carneiro, M/M Robert Petitjean, MlM Richard C. Brennan. North Attleboro Sacred Heart: $600-M/M Donald LaCasse; $500-M/M Charles Meunier; $400-Ronald Tondreault; $250-M/M Keith Lacy, M/M Robert Schroeck; $200-M/M Norman Rogers; $150-M/M Joseph Howard, M/M Jeffrey Souza, M/M Normand Cloutier; $120-MI M Lawrence Burke; $1 OO-Ms. Ann Ritchey, M/M John Calautti, Ms. Karen Ryan, M/M James Howard, M/M Stephen Chapdelaine, M/M Francis Giacoppo, Ms. Mary Bellafiore, M/M Paul Sauve, M/M David Cornell, M/M John O'Neil,. Dr/M John Adams, M/M Paul Pinsonnault, M/M James Carley. St. Mary: $150-M/M Howard Gaudette; $125-M/M James H. Gray; $100-James & Ann Allen, M/M Leo Cloutier, M/M John J. Conlon, Mark & Sue Gilmore, M/ M Gerard Kaelblein, M/M Charles D. Sedlak. North Dartmouth St. J"Jlie Billiart: $500-M/M Kevin Medeiros, M/M Antonio M. Pacheco; $300-M/M James E. Costa; $200-Norma McKenna; $150-Dorothy Gifford; $120-M/M Gerald H. Crofford; $100-M/M Lloyd Francis, M/M John P. Kopaczewski, M/M Raymond Lake, Maryanne Lourenco, M/M Robert W. Machado, M/M Peter E. Ricardo, In Memory of Aurore Dion, M/M Orren Robbins, M/M James E. Tooley, M/M Fernando Sousa. North Dighton St. Joseph: $1 AOO-Frank Costa; $525-St. Vincent de Paul Society; $125-Mary P. Vargas; $100-William J. Read, Christopher Ryding. North Easton Immaculate Conception: $200-MlM John Sullivan; $100Virginia Rogers, Elizabeth Symynkywicz, Jean Larkin, MlM Gary Twirga, M/M Carroll Luxton, M/M Edward Welch, M/M Wilfred Roberge, M/M Lewis Aries, Jr., MI M John Campanella. Norton St. Mary: $1 ,200-St. Vincent de Paul Society; $500-Chartley Beer & Wine. Orleans St. Joan of Arc: $100-Ms. Carol Abel, M/M Donald Dolan. Osterville Our Lady ofthe Assumption: $1,200-Rev. Philip A. Davignon; $500-Rev. Roger Nolette, O.S.B., M/M John MacKinnon; $300-M/M John D. Sullivan; $250-Ms. Mary A. Callahan; $200-M/M Paul T. Lebel, M/M Joseph Logue; $125M/M George Rucker; $100-M/M James P. Brown, M/M Eugene H. Fournier, Joaquin Tavares. Pocasset St. John the Evangelist: $1 OO-Mary E. Crowley, M/M Robert L. Morley, George F. Nixon, Mrs. Peter Kazmier. Provincetown St. Peter the Apostle: $1,100Knights of Columbus-Walter Welsh Council, St. Vincent de Paul Society, St. Peter's Club; $300-Meadows Motel Realty Group; $275-John & Ellen Cook; $225-M/M S. Peter Codinha; $100-Ruth Dwyer, Paula Perry, Robert J. Fay, Joseph Maroon, Joseph Andrews, M/M John
Walsh. Raynham St. Ann: $250-Dr/M Michael Scanlon; $220-M/M Raymond Cooke; $200-M/M Francis Feriolo; $165-M/M E. Jason Oldfield; $150-M/M Richard Bourget, M/M Alan McRae, M/M Darrin Thibault; $125-M/M Donald Toner, M/M Leonard Wood; $110-M/M Richard Emery, M/M Noble Kiernan; $100-M/M Richard Amirault, M/M Daniel Andrade, Anonymous, Colburn Family, Dr/M Edward D'Andrea, M/M Bruce Hebert, MI M Andrew Maguire, James Mansfield, M/M Thomas Porter, M/M Gordon Riordan, M/M Lawrence Roland, M/M Donald Wotherspoon. Seekonk Our Lady of Mount Carmel: $4,000-Dr/M Frank Casarella; $1 ,OOO-MIM Steven Andrade, M/M Francis Gibbons; $500-M/M Alan Sherrerd; $400-M/M Henry Machado, Jr.; $250-William Bowen, Jr., M/M Harry Gianlorenzo, MlM Carlos Braga, MlM Kevin Harney; $150-MlM John MacKenzie, MlM Frank Santoro, Mrs. Randall Silveira; $125-MlM Fred Guarino; $120-MlM Ernest Rainho; $1 OO-MI M Paul Archambault, M/M Paul Berube, MlM Joseph Brennan, MI M Raymond Callahan, MlM Manuel Campos, M/M Gregory George, Isabel Gonzalez, M/M Jeffrey Grififn, John Korkuc, MlM Charles Martin, M/M Raymond Olivier, MI MChristopher Perreira, M/M Ronald St. Pierre, M/M Mark Tierney, MlM Joseph D. Tremblay, Catherine Walsh. St. Mary: $350-Raymond & Paula Roberge; $200-Gerard & Claire Cinq-Mars; $150Jacqueline Walsh; $100-Jeff & Fran Creamer, Paul & Mary Ellen Keating, Angela Robertson, Clifford & Louise Wallace, Harold Kelleher. Somerset St. John of God: $200-Mrs. Rose Machado; $150-Mrs. Janice Partridge, M/M David M. DeStefano; $1 OO-Mrs. Diamantina Machado, Frank Brillo, M/M Paul Grillo, M/M Jose Amaral, Mary Martha Murphy. St. Patrick: $100-M/M Edward Kerr, M/M Allen Fisher, M/M .George Lee, Mary Pacheco, M/M Bernard Sullivan. St. Thomas More: $3,000-St. Vincent de Paul Society; $400-MI M Jack L. Melchert; $200-M/M Walter Pierce; $150-M/M Normand O. Brodeur, David & JoAnn Gauthier, M/M David J. Mulready; $100-M/M John F. Daley, Jr., M/M Moran T. Jammen, In Memory of Deceased Members of St. Thomas More Retirees. . South Dartmouth St. Mary: $200-M/M Neill Leduc, M/M Joseph F. Burke, Jr. South Easton Holy Cross: $400-M/M Edward Mabry; $300-M/M George Tyrrell; $125-M/M Daniel J. O'Reilly; $100-M/M Joseph A. Cleary, M/M Charles Davis. South Yarmouth St. Pius Tenth: $1,000-M/M Stanley Graveline, Eileen Ruane, M/M Michael Horgan; $250-M/M William Hogan, M/M John Witheford, M/M Robert Cullen, Maureen Remie; $125-M/M Thomas Friend, M/M Leonard Marino, Mrs. Carmen Porazzo, M/M Rob-
ert Sullivan, M/M Emerson Snow, M/M Edward Eckland; $100-David E. Plante, M/M Frank Wisniewski, M/M Benjamin Richardson, M/M Richard Dwyer, M/M John Giorgio, Mrs. Joseph Tierney, Elmer Torres, M/M Lawrence Newell, M/ M Gino Azzola. Swansea St. Dominic: $250-St. Vincent de Paul Society; $200-St. Dominic's Women's Guild. St. Michael: $800-M/M Wayne Gray; $550-J. Brian Keating; $125M/M Frank Clegg; $100-M/M Charles Anthony III, M/M Michael McGee, M/M Harold Hodkinson, Nancy Heslin, M/M Thomas Grant, M/M William Hamilton. Taunton Annunciation of the Lord: $300-MlM Herbert Ferreira; $110M/M David Lopes; $1 OO-M/M William Bezok, M/M Jose Andrade, M/M Joseph Martin, M/M Manuel DeSousa, M/M Robert Hoffman, Marjorie Goulart, M/M Joseph E. Silveira, Ida Baptiste, M/M Edward P. Friary, Women's Guild. Holy Rosary: $700-Holy Rosary Sodality; $100-M/M John F. Biedak, Mrs. Susan Cyr, Theodore Biedak. Immaculate Conception: $250-M/M Norman Belanger; $120-M/M Matthew Silva; $100M/M Ernest Camara, M/M Anthony Costa, Ms. Catherine McGrath. St. Jacques: $400-St. Vincent de Paul Society; $300-M/M George Caras; $150-M/M James Desrosiers; $120-Mrs. Alma Pelletier; $100-M/M Ernest Charette, Louis Donnelly, M/M Norman Gaouette, MlM Raymond Morin, M/M Clive Olson, Peter Robino, Paul Ouillette, M/M Roger Yelle. St. Joseph: $110-M/M Paul Rego; $1 OO-Mrs. Therese Santos, M/M Charles A. Pirozzi. St. Mary: $500-Eileen Martin, Evelyn Rice, John & Ruth Fenton; $100-Peter H. Corr, Raymond & Louise Boffetti, James & Patricia Moran, Jean Farrell. St. Paul: $200-Marie Rawson, St. Paul Council of Catholic Women; $125-Jacqueline DaSilva, M/M David Plante; $100M/M Allan Colleran, M/M Paul Lamb, Joan Silva. Wareham St. Patrick: $500-Kenneth & Elizabeth Ferreira; $200-ln Memory of Joan & Hilda; $150-A Friend of Bill W; $100-Emilie A. Rose, Deborah J. Rose, M/M Adam Clavell, James Ramsay,St. Patrick's Travel Club, Mrs. Fred Ferioli. Wellfleet Our Lady of Lourdes: $1,000MlM George T. Ryan; $150-Robert & Althea Robida; $100Abdallah Zineh, M/M Ronald H. Thureson, Mary A. Manning. West Harwich HolyTrinity: $400-Mary Jean Birch; $300-M/M Michael Margotta, MlM Allen Malloy; $200M/M Walter Bosworth; $150-M/M Ed Goggin, M/M Paul F. Kelly; $125-Mrs. Dominic Ciaccio; $100M/M Francis Bigda, M/M Louis A. Chadik, Mrs. Robert Crockett, M/ M Edward A. Donovan, Elizabeth Durr, Marion Farrell, M/M Raymond Fournier, M/M Frederick E. Gian'nelli, Jr., M/M Peter O'Rourke, Nicholas Zapple.
Westport Our Lady of Grace: $500-MI M Joseph Moniz; $315-M/M Avelino Mendes; $100-Mary Ann Rousseau. St... George: $1,000-St. Vincent de Paul Society; $500-M/ M Francis Flynn; $400-M/M Carlos Costa; $150-J. Sodeinde, M/M Paul Methot; $100-Patrick Ruddy, M/M Joseph McConnell, M/M David Spiteri. St. John the Baptist: $3,300M/M Richard Lafrance; $1,000Frederic & Elizabeth Torphy; $500-M/M Walter Grundy; $450St. John the Baptist Women's Guild; $250-M/M John Ledwidge; $200-Mrs. John Mercer; $150-M/ M Robert Tremblay; $100-M/M Robert Gormley, M/M John McDermott, M/M William Lawton, Sr., M/M Michael Prior. Woods Hole St. Joseph: $1,OOO-Gerard & Barbara Boyle, Jane Dunn, Peter & Jayne Romano; $500-William & Elizabeth Houlihan, Dr. Thomas & Judith Sbarra, John & Betty Stegeman; $400-Lawrence & Irene Cameron; $300-Leonard & Helen Beford, Walter & Kathleen Murphy; $250-Eugene & Rebecca O'Donnell, Peter & Lindsay Hopewood; $200-Mary & Kenneth Buckley, Joseph Cobb & Jayne Farley, Eleanor Nace; $100-Mary Lou Canepa, Ann Lehan, Neil & Brenda Scannell, Vivian Essweiri, W. Jeffrey & Patricia Connell, Gene McAuliffe, Phyllis Schaub. BUSINESS & COMMUNITY ATTLEBORO AREA $750-St. Mark-St. Vincent de Paul Society, Attleboro Falls; $300-LaSalette Fathers & Brothers. CAPE COD AREA $S,OOO-St. John the Evangelist Bingo, Pocasset; $SOO-Our Lady of the Assumption Ladies Guild, Osterville; $20(lJack Sullivan Painting-MIM John Sullivan, Harwich.
FALL RIVER AREA $1,200-ln Memory of Francisco &. Clementina dos Santos; $800FIRSTFED Charitable Foundation; $500-Lafayette Federal Savings Bank; $250-Standard Pharmacy; $200-Hathaway Funeral Service; $100-American Wallpaper Co, Inc.; BouleFuneral Home; John's Shoe Store. NEW BEDFORD AREA $600-Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Couples Club; $500-Cornerstone Masonry, Inc., North Dartmouth; $250-DeBross Oil Co., Inc.; Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Women's Guild; $100-Ashley Ford Sales. TAUNTON AREA $1,OOO-DavollTaunton Printing, Inc.; $200-Congregation of the Holy Cross, North Easton; St. Joseph's Women's Guild; $100St. Joseph's Women's Guild, North Dighton; St. Mary's Women's Guild; The Queen's Daughters; Taunton District Council of Catholic Women. NATIONAL: $1,200-Rev. Roger D. LeDuc, Tehachapi, CA; $500-Stonehill College, North Easton.
Friday, June 4, 2004
Catholic leaders find Bush's Iraq policy too U.S.-dominated WASHINGTON (CNS) - The Iraq policy outlined by President Bush in a nationally televised speech remains too U.S.-dominated while a more multinational approach is needed, several Catholic justice and peace leaders said in telephone interviews. They said American mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners has dealt a heavy blow to U.S. moral authority in the region. "We've been in favor of a swift handover (of governance) to the Iraqi people," said Trinitarian Father Stanley W. DeBoe, justice and peace director of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men. But the U.S. plan for a transitional government taking over June 30 involves "an overwhelming U.S. presence," with U.S. military forces still in place and U.S. advisers holding key staffpositions throughout that government, he said. Franciscan Sister Marie Lucey, associate director for social mission of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, said Bush indicated some movement toward making security and reconstruction in Iraq a more international effort, but "it's extremely late to look for a U.N. presence. That should have been done long ago." The CMSM and LCWR are national organizations,representing the heads of U.S. men's and women's religious orders. President Bush's 33-minute speech at the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pa., was largely an amplification on a U.S.-British draft resolution introduced earlier that day to the U.N. Security Council. The proposed resolution pledges a transfer of power to an interim government June 30 and sets a timetable for direct elections for a transitional national assembly by January 31, 2005. It calls for U.N. special envoy Lakhdar Brahirni, who is currently engaged in selecting a president and top Cabinet members for an interim government, to convene a national conference in July to select an advisory council for the interim government. It provides for Iraqi control of oil revenues but retains the international advisory board monitoring proper use of the Devel-
opment Fund for Iraq. In his speech Bush said, ''There are five steps in our plan to help Iraq achieve democracy and freedom. We will hand over authority to a sovereign Iraqi government, help establish security, continue rebuilding Iraq's infrastructure, encourage more international support and move toward a national election that will bring forward new leaders empow. ered by the Iraqi people." He called the June 30 transfer of power "an essen'tial commitment of our strategy." George A. Lopez, director of policy studies at the University of Notre Dame's Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, said the proposal would make Iraq "the only country in the world that has sovereignty but has no administrative control overforeign troops on its soil. There is no provision for what an American command or communication obligation is to Iraqi authority." Father DeBoe and Sister Lucey both criticized the president's announcement of plans to destroy the Abu Ghraib prison if the new Iraqi government agrees. They called his approach an emphasis on symbol over substance. John Borelli, special assistant for interreligious affairs to the pr;esident of Georgetown University; and a longtime expert in Christian-Muslim relations, said Bush's speech named some of the difficult factors confronted in Iraq. Among them, he said, is the fact that the rapid coalition victory with little military resistance meant that some "thugs and criminals of Saddam's regime" evaded capture and "havejoined forces with people inspired by a terrorist or al-Qaida ideology, so Iraq has become the battleground." Lopez said he did not think a transfer ofthe current coalition force to U.N. command would be feasible. "I think you would have to constitute a very different multinational force," he said. "We had that opportunity last November and we had that opportunity last May, when it was the best opportunity to do that. And we decided no, we'd go it alone."
SUPPORTERS OF Shiite Muslim cleric Muqtada al-Sadr cry at the gates of the shrine at Najaf, the holiest Shiite site in Iraq. Damage to the shrine from rockets and mortars sparked outrage among Iraq's Shiite majority. (eNS photo from Reuters)
Pope offers prayers for flood victims in Haiti and Dominican Republic VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope John Paul II offered his prayers for those who died or were left homeless after flooding in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Papal condolences as well as a plea for international emergency aid were contained in telegrams sent to the papal nuncios of the two Caribbean nations. Pope John Paul prayed that God would "inspire feelings of Christian solidarity in all those who could colc laborate to remedy the tragic effects of this natural disaster," said the telegram conveying his concern to the people of the Dominican Republic. In the telegram offering prayers for flood victims in Haiti, the pope also offered his thanks and encouragement to those "courageously taking part in the rescue operations." In Baltimore, Catholic ReliefServices, the U.S. bish- .
ops' international relief and development agency, announced it would provide $20,000 in emergency funds to assist flooded communities in the two countries. At least 900 people on the island ofHispaniola, which includes both countries, died in the floods that followed several days of heavy rain. . CRS released an initial $10,000 in funds for the purchase and distribution offood and water in the Dominican Republic's southwestern region ofBarahona, where flood damage was the greatest. In Haiti, where damage extended east beyond the border toward the coastal city of Jacmel, CRS committed an additional $10,000. Staff from CRS programs in Haiti and the Dominican Republic conducted assessments of affected areas and planned to coordinate relief efforts from both sides of the border, the agency said in a press statement.
Poor farmers say they'll occupy San Jose cathedral until granted land SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (CNS) - Three years after police first removed them from property claimed by the Standard Fruit Co., dozens of- poor farmers and their families moved into San Jose's metropolitan cathedral in April, vowing to stay until a court grants them land. A court injunction issued in April prohibits the adults from returning to the disputed farmland, 40 miles northeast of San Jose in the Caribbean lowland district around the Sarapiqui River. In late May, some 120 men, women and children slept on the cathedral floor or in makeshift plastic tents erected in the courtyard. Many of the adults at the cathedral were charged with land invasion after attempting to retake the disputed property, the fifth eviction from the site since 2001, said Ileana Murillo Sanchez, spokeswoman for the group. At. first glance, their story seems reminiscent of countless land disputes throughout Central America's troubled past, pitting poor farmers against the Goliath of multinational fruit companies established since the early-20th century. In 2001, calling themselves the Sarapiqui Farmers Association, hundreds of farmers and their
families moved into Finca Bambuzal, a 2,100-acre swath of unused land that organizers say belongs to the government. They began constructing homes, sowing crops and raising animals on small parcels divided among' them. Two months later, they were evicted by public security forces paid by Standard Fruit. During the operation, 23-year-old Randall Munoz Jimenez - who had been suffering from a respiratory illness - died of complications witnesses say were caused by excessive police tear gas. The families returned to the land, only to be violently removed in July 2003 by police and privately hired guards. During the second eviction, Gerardo Moya Solis, a 42-year-old farmer whom witnesses say was unarmed, died while attempting to flee; he was shot in the back five times. "The (police) violence has been excessive and constant," said Hector Monestel Herrera, an organizer and association leader. . One of those arrested in April who has taken residence in the cathedral is Luz Marina Rodriguez Mejias, afivecfoot, 68-year-old grandmother. "They burned my house, beat up my friend and threw me injail," she said. "I was charged with at-
tacking five police officers." While 80 adults and children who were not arrested live on a small parcel of land on loan from a Bambuzal neighbor, the rest have taken refuge in San Jose, where they await the outcome of two pending court cases: an agrarian case filed by the association and a penal case filed by the company. Company officials backed by the government defend the measures and blame a handful of professional antagonists for inciting the violence. ' "All police and judicial actions have been in order to defend (Standard's) private property, rights," said Standard Fruit's legal spokesman, Juan Carlos Rojas Zeledon. ''There are leaders behind these people, and their motives are personal gain - either from eventu,f}lly selling the land to third parties or directly from quotas they charge the farmers," he said. Otto Castro Sanchez, an attorney representing the squatters, said Rojas' comments were in line with a company strategy to discredit the movement's leaders. Meanwhile, Rodriguez and dozens like her await the outcome in the cathedral's large open sanctuary, dependant on food donations from churchgoers and local unions.
Friday, June 4, 2004
Buffeted by scandal, shortage, priests being advised to support one another By ANDY TELLI
However, when the study was last done five CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE years ago, "we were nicely weighted on the lower NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Buffeted by scandal, half' of the age divide, Father Steiner said. "Now shrinking numbers and changing roles, priests to- our members are weighted on the older half." day "need to act like brothers, not just profesThe cause of part of that statistical shift is the sional colleagues." decision by several younger priests over the last That was one of the admonitions at a special few years to leave the priesthood. assembly of Nashville priests to consider the Dio"Our anticipation was over time some of our cese of Nashville's response to the shortage of clergy would be called by God," Father Steiner priests. said. "They haven't, thanks be to God; however, "Priests need to look out for each other," said we never counted on losing our younger clergy." Father Edward Steiner, vice chairman of the diAnother notable fact from Father Klasek's staocesan priests' council, in an interview with the tistical analysis is that the number of religious Tennessee Register, Nashville diocesan newspa- order priests and priests from other dioceses workper, following the assembly. The gathering itself ing in the Nashville diocese has doubled in the was closed to the media. last five years to about 35, "If we hear a fellow , Father Steiner said. priest sounding down, we But religious orders Within months after the clergy are facing a vocations need to ask when was your last retreat, when sexual abuse scandal exploded in shortages as well, Father was the last time you got Boston and spread across the coun- Steiner said. out of town, when was the try, priests went "from being one of Father Steiner, who last. time you took a day also serves as the diocthe more prominent members of the off, not just pretended to esan director of clergy (take a day off)," he community to being one of the most continuing education, suspect members of the commu- summarized in the interadded. The assembly also in- nity," he said. view his recent presentacluded presentation of a tion at a conference of the statistical study of the National Organization for number of ordained priests in the diocese over Continuing Education for Roman Catholic Clergy the last 10 years and a projection of the numbers on the signs of a healthy presbyterate. for the next five. The criteria include: "There's a lot of grieving going on over a lot - whether congregations perceive a friendof types of losses," said Father Steiner, pastor of ship and fraternity among the priests; Immaculate Conception Parish in Clarksville. - how often priests gather as a group for Within months after the clergy sexual abuse purely social reasons; scandal exploded in Boston and spread across the - how many spontaneous gatherings they country, priests went "from being one of the more have; prominent members of the community to being - whether priests together attend entertainone of the most suspect members of the commu- ment events, such as football garnes, symphony and plays; nity," he said. "Before we're ready to discuss how best to - whether priests have a hunger for further manage resources, we need to do a lot of heal- education. "Generally if you're looking at a ing" as a group, Father Steiner added. presbyterate that's not real hungry for further eduFather Stephen Klasek, pastor of Holy Rosary cation, you're looking at guys sort of stuck in their Parish in Nashville, presented the statistics, say- job rather than staying fresh," Father Steiner said. Nashville Bishop Edward U. Kmiec has asked ing that the number of Nashville diocesan priests had remained steady in the low 30s over the last the priests' council to revive its Priestly Life and Ministry Committee, Father Steiner said. 10 years.
Celebration Cross Family Ministries in North Easton presented the concept of having a Rosary Crusade in the diocese during the centennial. "Providentially, on Oct. 16, 2002, Pope John Paul II issued his Apostolic Letter on the Rosary, announcing a Year of the Rosary and introducing the Luminous Mysteries," Father Harrison noted. "The Holy Father's announcement of a 2002 to 2003 Year of the Rosary gave new energy to those involved in the planning of the Rosary Celebration," Fattier Harrison added. . During that year, deanery holy hours were sponsored by the Diocesan Office of Adult Education "to help us contemplate the face of Christ while reflecting on the Luminous Mysteries in preparation for the centennial," he noted. He praised the work of the Rosary Celebrations Committee,
Pope names Cardinal r Jaw archpriest of Rome basilica VATICAN CITY (CNS) Pope John Paul II has named retired Cardinal Bernard F. Law of Boston to be the new archpriest of the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome. The Vatican announced the cardinal's appointment May 27. The 72-year-old Cardinal Law stepped down as head of the Archdiocese of Boston in December 2002 in the wake of controversy over his handling of multiple cases of sexual abuse committed by Boston priests. In his new post as archpriest, Cardinal Law will oversee the administration and liturgical life of St. Mary Major, one of the four major basilicas of Rome. Cardinal Law was in Rome when the announcement was made, but he was not available for, commen't.. The basilicas of St. Peter, St. John Lateran, St. Mary Major
and St. Paul Outside the Walls are under the direct jurisdiction of the Vatican. Each hosts major papal liturgies and each basilica is visited by millions of tourists every year. An international group of priests staffs the basilicas, celebrates Mass there and hears confessions in a variety of languages. Although Cardinal Law stepped down as archbishop of Boston, he continued to serve as a member of several Vatican congregations and councils, frequently participating in their meetings in Rome. Since stepping down, his official residence has been at a convent in Clinton, Md., run by the Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Mich. As archpriest of St. Mary Major, he succeeds Italian Cardinal Carlo Furno. The pope accepted the 82-year-old cardinal's·resignation May 27:
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Continued from page one
which brings the event to reality. The chairmen include: Banner Procession, Lynette Ouellette; Hospitality, Beth Mahoney; Music, Jean Kelly; Parish, Lisa Gulino; Program Book, John Moniz; Publicity, John E. Kearns Jr.; Rosary, Jean Revil; and Transportation, Armand Frechette. Others include, Father Richard Wilson and Sister Aida Sansor, MGSp.S., of the Spanish Apostolate. Father Edward A. Murphy and David and Kathy Harum of St. John the Evangelist Parish in Attleboro, will be masters of ceremonies. Mark Girardin, music director at St. Pius X Church, South Yarmouth, is coordinating the music. A Diocesan Educators' Committee was also established to identify the ways of incorporating youth into the rosary event by posting ideas for curriculum enhancement on the diocesan Website. Those included the his-
tory of the rosary and the diocese; the pontificate of Pope St. Pius X, who established the new diocese in 1904; as well as ways to pray the rosary meaningfully. The committee also sponsored a dramatization of the Luminous Mysteries performed by diocesan youth for young people in each of the five deaneries. That committee included Superintendent of Schools George Milot; Assistant Superintendents Donna Boyle and Kathleen Simpson; Director of Religious Education Deacon Bruce Bonneau; Director of Adult Education Lisa Gulino; high school chaplains Father Michael Kuhn, Father David Pignato, Father Roger Landry; and Chairman Father Harrison. If you haven't responded
and would like to participate in the Banner Procession, call Lynette Ouellette at 508-6747036.
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On December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: '~ounce in my name that I promise to assist at the hour ofdeath with the graces necessary for the salvation oftheir souls, all those who on the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall: 1. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Communion; 3. Recite the Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of ~ making reparation to me." In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." Confessions may be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday.
Friday, June 4, 2004
Diocese recognizes youth volunteers at third annual St. Pius X Award CereDlony FALL RIVER - The third annual Pope St. Pius X Youth Awards Prayer Service was held at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption here on May 25. With Bishop George W. Coleman presiding at the festive and prayerful ceremony, 58 young adults from across the diocese were honored as parish priests, family, relatives and friends looked on. The bishop began his reflection by commenting on the appropriateness of holding this event in the Cathedral because the bishop's chair (cathedra) is there and is a symbol of the teaching office and a sign of the unity of believers in the faith that the bishop proclaims as shepherd of the Lord's flock. Bishop Coleman complimented the recipients, mentioning they had played an important role in their parishes, schools and neighborhoods and that he appreciated all they had accomplished in the name of Christ as members of his Church. In his reflection, the bishop noted that the recipients had . shared their time and faith as catechists, aides in parish religious education programs; serviced the poor and homeless in shelters,
volunteered in soup kitchens, as Extraordinary Ministers of holy Communion, in their parish churches and the homes of the sick; as lectors, acolytes, choir members, cantors, Mass greeters/ ushers, team members of confirmation or Echo retreats; youth rriinistry or peer ministry teams, members of Pro-Life committees such as Birthright volunteers, and participants the Pro-Life marches. He stated that the recipients gave him confidence that he could count on their prayers, strong "faith and dedication to the Church. He concluded his remarks expressing his thankfulness to God for all he had accomplished through the recipients, that they had expended their youthful energy in God's service, that they had shown a generosity of heart in sharing what they had with others, and that they had shown a readiness to love and to serve. Bishop Coleman prayed that, being called to discipleship, the Lord may generously "give them his grace to ~elieve in him steadfastly, to love him profoundly, and to serve him and his Church generously." The evening concluded with a reception held in St. Mary's
WITH BISHOP George W. Coleman following the third annual St. Pius X Youth Award Ceremony at St. Mary's Cath~dral are recipients, from left: Matthew Clark, Our Lady of Victory Parish, Centerville; Kerry Ann Potter, St. John the Baptist, Westport; Kazimera Lynne Morse, St. Mark's, Attleboro Falls; the bishop; Adam Robitaille, St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet; and Justin Michael Perry, Immaculate Conception, North Easton. school hall. The following is a list of the recipients and their parishes.
Attleboro Deanery Amanda Proulx, Holy Ghost Parish, Attleboro; Erin E. Doyle, o.ur Lady of Mt. Carmel, Seekonk; Matthew J. Hall, St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro; Kazimera Lynne Morse, St. Mark's, Attleboro Falls; Alisa Anne Wade, St. Mary's, Mansfield; Emily Agnes Parenteau, St. Stephen's, Attleboro; and Christophel: Joseph Machado, St. Theresa ofthe Child Jesus, South Attleboro.
Cape Cod Deanery
ROBERT MATTHEW Boutin, of Notre Dame de Lourdes Parish, Fall River, receives the St. Pius X Award from Bishop Coleman. (Photo courtesy of Bob Boutin)
Marisa Warren, Christ the King Parish, Mashpee; Andrew T. Hartnett, Corpus Christi, East Sandwich; Cecelia Katherine Faucher, 'Holy Redeemer, Chatham; Katherine Ann Centrella, Holy Trinity, West Harwich; Michael James Kowalski, Our Lady of the Assumption, Osterville; Kathleen Sands, Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster; Matthew Clark, Our Lady of Victory, Centerville. John Joseph Voci, St. Elizabeth. Seton Parish, North Falmouth; Kirsten Larsen-Silva, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis; Julie Wagner, St. Joseph's, Woods Hole; Shannon Flaherty, St. Margaret's, Buzzards Bay;
Kristen Jayne Hopewood, St. Patrick's, Falmouth; and Michael Hughes, St. Piu~ X, South Yarmouth.
New Bedford; Amanda DeFrias, Our Lady of Fatima, New Bedford; Talitha Noia Lourenco, Our Lady of the Immaculate ConFall River Deanery ception, New Bedford; Adam Elizabeth Christine Grace, Robitaille, St. Francis Xavier, Cathedral of St. Mary of the As- Acushnet; Michael Andrew sumption, Fall River; Elisa Silvia, Przystarz, St. 'James, New Sacred Heart, Fall River; Monica Bedford. Araujo, Holy Trinity, Fall River; Michael A.H. Rivet, St. John Robert- Matthew Boutin, Notre Neumann Parish, East Freetown; Dame de Lourdes, Fall River; Michael A. Gula, St. Julie Billiart, Eric Burgess, Our Lady of the North Dartmouth; Ashley M. Immaculate Conception, Fall Walecka, St. Lawrence Martyr, River; Kyle Costa, Our Lady of New Bedford; Kirby Fortin, St. Health, Fall River; Evan D. Free- Mary's, New Bedford; Dominic man, Our Lady of the Holy Ro- Arthur DeMello, St. Mary's, sary, Fall River; Julie Ann Sousa, South Dartmouth; Kevin Burke, St. Anne's, Fall River; Shawn St. Patrick's, Wareham; and BenBolduc, St. Bernard's, Assonet. jamin Matthew Lyons, St. Rita's, Nathan Dennis Domingue, St. Marion. Dominic's Parish, Swansea; Taunton Deanery Kerry Ann Potter, St. John the Jason Andrade Almeida, AnBaptist, Westport; Olivia Tavares nunciation of the Lord Parish, Lourenco, St. Michael's, Fall Taunton; Kathleen M. Monahan, River; Katie Fleet, St. Michael's, Holy Family, East Taunton; JusSwansea; Kayla Pelletier, St. tin Michael Perry, Immaculate Patrick's, Somerset; Erin May Conception, North Easton; Brian Kinnane, St. Stanislaus, Fall Kennedy, Our Lady of the Holy River; and David Anthony Rosary, Taunton; Michael John Pacheco, Santo Christo, Fall Sylvester, Our Lady of the ImRIver. maculate Conception,.Taunton; New Bedford Deanery William G. Morton IV, St. Ann's, Megan Elizabeth Dupont, Raynham; Kelly Ann Azevedo, Holy Name of the Sacred Heart St. Anthony's, Taunton; Nichole of Jesus Parish, New Bedford; Soares, St. Mary's, Taunton, EnThais Michelle Gutierrez, glish Community; and Patrick Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, Doyle Sousa, St. Paul's,Taunton.
the anch~
Friday, June 4,2004
15 ~.
SENIORS KRYSTAL Robens and Michael Bolduc of Coyle and Cassidy High School display awards they received for being named Woman and Man of the Year for the Taunton school. Each also received the Joseph Scanlon Memorial Scholarship. With them is Louise Scanlon, wife of the late Joseph Scanlon.
ON BEHALF of the first Communion class at Espirito Santo Church, Fall River, Philip Varao and Carson Moreira-Rego present an engraved token of appreciation to pastor Father James Ferry in celebration of the parish's centennial anniversary.
JACQUELINE ANDERSON and Shannon Doran were recently announced as the valedictorian and salutatorian respectively for Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro. Ander.son will be attending Providence College in the fall where STUDENTS F:ROM Holy Trinity Regional School, West Harwich, participate in a recent she will major in liberal arts. Doran will major in biology at Georgetown University. May crowning ceremony.
Seeds sown while fighting By KASE JOHNSTUN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE Seeing four fights in four days, I witnessed the lowest common denominator of human behavior. Waiting to interview someone, relaxing at Beus pond, transcending above the world of go, go, go, having conversations with the transcendental-' ists of the 20th century, eying :1 the birds, I sat back on a park bench and relaxed. The midspring air streamed through canyon onto the surface of the pond. Aauugh. A rumble came from the parking lot. A little truck pulled up, and out of the back jumped six high school students. No . worries. They seemed harmless enough. I went back to trying . A
to escape the. world outside the tree-fenced park. Another car pulled up, a sports car of some sort. Five high school students jumped out. Like a flock of geese averting a dog, the students began flailing around the park until two of them met in the middle and within seconds blows were thrown and red blood stained the contrasting green grass. Startled, I jumped and walked in a seemingly calm manner to my car to call the police. I eyed the scene using my peripheral vision and not turning my head. Taunts from friends flew. Chants路 from supporters spat from their mouths. Again, the boys interlocked. One pulled away
for a slight second and within that second a punch landed on his nose releasing a crackling sound. I picked up my cell and . began to call when I noticed
Coming of Age
I hung up the phone because the cops would never make it in time. Fighting. It's just a way high school kids get out their aggressIons, I tried to convince myself, It's harmless. Both boys walked away just a little .~loody.
The other three fights were between grown men in public .places. . -: Finishing my. run, I noticed two men on the comer of my block calling each other the fight had ended. Both of the on, and then the first punch boys were walking and heading flew. - Standing in the bathroom back to their cars. at a baseball game, one guy . I thought, "Well at least it turned to the other and said, was a fair fight, one on one, no "'Life,' remember that word weapons." before you talk to me again," - This was my relief? One on and they proceeded to bump 'one? No weapons?
chests and scream. - The last happened at the pool in my apartment complex. One man stood at the pool and yelled up to the other, and after half an hour of cursing and taunting, the man at the pool headed up the stairs to confront the man on the balcony, kids standing around and watching, learning from their fathers. . I would be tempted to say . that the fight in the park is inconsequential because no one really got hurt, but I am guessing those same grown men on the comer of my block, in the baseball stadium bathroom and at the pool making an example. for their small children spent some time with their friends in the park,when they were young.
the anch~
Friday, June 4, 2004
Museum exhib'it focuses on the, faith of World War II generation By
Jesuit Father Joseph O'Callaghan, who received a WASHINGTON - A new exhibit at the Pope Medal of Honor for his service. Artifacts include John Paul II Cultural Center in Washington pays pieces of uniforms and service booklets. . tribute to the World War II generation by showVatican-related items include stamps 10 honor 'ing how their faith sustained them during the war of the plight of prisoners of war; a zucchetto once worn by Pope Pius XII; years. . "Faith of Our Fathers photographs of letters and Mothers: The Role between President .of Faith in the Greatest Franklin D. Roosevelt Generation" opened reand Pope Pius XII; and cently in anticipation of letters from people inthe dedication of the quiring about POWs. National World War II Items related to pop Memorial in Washingmusic ("God Bless America"), movies ton on May 29 and will run until September 7. ("The Song of A symposium on Bernadette") and radio chaplaincy and an edu("Letter from Michael") cational film festival realso are on display. . lating to the faith of the "A fascinating aspect people during the World of this exhibition and War II era also will be accompanying proheld in conjunction with grams shows the rise of the exhibit. religious images in The centerpiece ot' times of war and the inthe exhibit is 10 tripfluence of Hollywood tychs that were used as on religious images in portable altarpieces on the 1940s," said Penny ships in the field of Fletcher,deputy director battle. They are on loan. of the center. "That from the Virginia War seems to have particular . Museum and the U;S.· relevance now. ~S:S.'WOMEN -Naval Academy Mu"We also see how as~. COUNTRY seum. ceticism and the spirit of The exhibit also feasacrifice were lived out tures a chalice made by in practices such as raUNITED STATlIS TREASUI'lY DEPAfIt'T1\OENT a ship's machinist for tioning and victory gar,_. use onboard ship, A WORLD WAR II-era poster promoting war . dens," she said. "We loaned by the Naval saVings stamps features St. Joan of Arc. It is part hope those ideals may Academy Museum. inspire today's generaOther items include re- of a. special exhibit, "Faith of Our Fathers and tion and give them ligious articles of faith Mothers: The Role of Faith in the Greatest Gen- greater insight into the EDINBURGH, Scotland one anothe~, a unity that at.present that soldiers have taken eration:' running through September7 at the Pope generation that fought (CNS) -'Speaking to Presbyte- does not m.clude the s~g?S of into battle _ rosaries, John Paul II Cultural Center in Washington. Joan and lived in World War rian leaders, a Scottish cardinal br.ead and wille. Perhaps It IS the prayer books, Bibles, of Arc, who was canonized in 1920, led the French II." has called for fresh thinking on WIll of Jesus that we should be- . prayer cards medals to victory in a majorbattle of the Hundred Years' Films to be shown the question of Church unity. c~me ~o united in faith ~nd lo~e . the "Sbldier'~ Book of include inspirational War. (CNS photo by Nancy Wiechec) Cardinal Keith O'Brien of St. WIth hIm that .we appre~Iate thIS Worship" and a Seder classics such as "Going Andrews and Edinburgh told the model of servIce to achIeve that kit. My Way," "The Bells of St. Mary's" and "The Church of Scotland's General As- unity," he ad~ed. Also displayed are items related to military Fighting Sullivans," as well as more recent works sembly in Edinburgh that CathoHe also SaId that the r.eopl~ of chaplains of all faiths and, in particular, chaplains such as "Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace," about the lics and Presbyterians should fol- Scotla~~ should be a praymg during World War II. Photographs depict chapheroic Lutheran minister who participated in the low Jesus' example of washing people. . ,lains of all denominations in action; they include German resistance. $e feet of his disciples. "If we are praymg as Chnst ' ''There is communion with the prayed to the Father in heaven, Body of Christ when Jesus takes then how can we ignore the plight bread and wine arid says: 'This is' of the unborn; how can we wage 1:" u
Scottish Cardinal O'Brien urges fresh thinkin·g.on. question of Church unity
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mymemory Body; this myHowever BloOd; do·this in of is me.' there 'is also a deep communion when Jesus kneels before his disciples and washes their feet. This moment of tenderness is a moment of communion. In touching their bodies, Jesus recognizes that each one is a temple of God, a dwelling place of the Holy Spirit," the cardinal said. "I believe that we have the mis-' sion to wash one another's-feet as a reminder to us that we are God's own creation, temples of his living Spirit. As members of Christ's body, we yearn to be in communion. We love each other. If we are to be truly in communion with each other, we should celebrate our differences and the richness they bring and be prepared to serve· each other and. allow ourselves' to be·seiv~d," he·said. "We. invited~ to seek intima,cy with the,a~y of Christ in
war; howwe canstockpile we kill one another; how can weapons of m'ass destruction in our own country?" he asked. If Scots pray, they will not be able to ignore problems of their neighbors or asylum ~eekers or refugees, he said. "We must pray at home with our families; we must ensure that ' (a) relationship to God in prayer is at the root of everything which goes on in our schools, Catholic and nondenominational," hesaid. Cardinal 6' Brien also addressed the Church of Scotland's General Assembly in 2002· imd expressed his frustration at not being able to share Communion with other churches. "I know in many ways you wish we would go forward a little bit more quickly and a bit more ~nthQsiasticallY,"'he said in 2002. "Ple~eGl?Q, we that."
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OAKLAND, Calif. - Declaring that the new Cathedral of Christ the Light will be a "true icon 'of Jesus Christ," Oakland Bishop Allen H. Vigneron blessed the ground on which the cathedral will be built in downtown Oakland. About 350 people attended the recent multicultural ceremony. "We.are undertaking an important work that will help us form into a strong community to do God's work," the bishop told the crowd before leading them from the plaza overlooking the site to the cathedral location, now a parking lot. "Here God will nourish us so we can live in light and love," he said. ' The 33,000-square-foot church will feature soaring wooden latticework encased in glass with portals facing Lake Merritt. The wooden latticework will rise from a sturdy base, which will be carved out to include a chapel and reconciliation rooms. The cathedral will seat 1,500 with a small chapel able to accommodate.another 200. Under-
neath will be a mausoleum. The $131 million complex will also include a bishop's residence, parish facilities, diocesan offices, a conference hall, and a cafe and retail shop. There . will be a two-level parking garage below street level. Bishop Vigneron said he hoped that the cathedral will be a place where "all our neighbors find a ready welcome, a place of inspiration and serenity" that will enable the entire community to commit to "fostyring harmony and ending violence of all kinds." He made no mention of the half-dozen dem·onstrators who stood on the periphery with signs protesting the closure of three Catholic elementary schools in Oakland. "Education, not edifice," read one sign. The new cathedral will replace St. Francis de Sales Cathedral, damaged in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.and·razed in 1993. Groundbreaking is expected later this year and construction is expectedto be completed by late 2007.