
Page 1


Diocesan ijigh Schools Graduate 1010



One thousand and ten seniors will graduate from 11 high schools of the Diocese at ceremonies Sunday, June 14, and Monday, June 15. They include 348 boys and 662 girls. These totals represent a gain of 40 boys and 157 girls over the record-breaking number of 1963. Bishop Feehan High School of Attleboro, the 12th high school in the Diocese, will have its first graduation in June 1965. Jesus Mary Acad­ emy and Prevost High School will have joint graduation exercises Sunday afternoon, June 14, at 3 o'clock in Notre Dame Church, Fall River. All other schools will hold single exer­ cises. At the dual graduation in the Fall River church, Rt. Rev. Al­ fred J. Bonneau, pastor of Notre Dame Parish, will present diplo­ mas to 62 boys from Prevost Turn to Page Sixteen

1964 The Anchor

PRICE 10c $4.00 per Year

Stonehill's Brother Herman Food Semi.nar Director Brother Herman E. Zaccarelli, C.S.C., director of the Food Research Center for Catholic Institutions at Stonehill College, has b~en appointed director of a food seminar to be held Nov. 10-11 at the New York Coliseum, in conjunction with the National Hotel and rapidly to a point where daily Motel Exposition. The sem­ meal service is valued in excess inar entitled "The Challenge of $6,665,365.00. This Catholic Institutional of Tomorrow's Food - How to Purchase It-How to Prepare It", is being co-sponsored by the Market Forge Company and the John Sexton Company, two ex­ hibitors in the Exposition. The key speakers for this event have been named by Brother Zaccarelli. They are Mrs. Bernice Loupe, director of the School Lunch Program, Archdiocese of New Orleans, and Sister Julia Raymond, &.C.N., director at St: Mary and Elizabeth Hospital, Louisville, Ky., and president-elect of the Kentucky Dietetic Association. First of Kind - The seminar, the first of its ltind, grew out of a recognition, on the part of manufacturers and suppliers, that Catholic Institu­ tions offer a tremendous market. Food ServiC~ alone has expanded

Food Service Seminar, the first Turn to Page Twelve

Blind of Diocese To Honor Bishop Bishop Connolly will be guest of the Diocesan Guild for the Blind at its annual observance of Bishop's Day at 2 P.M. Satur­ day in Sacred Heart School, Fan River. Guild members from New Bedford, Taunton, Attleboro and Fall River will attend, accom­ panied by their regional direc­ tors, drivers and escorts. Rev. George E. Sullivan, pas­ tor of St. Joseph's Parish, Fall River, is diocesan director of the Guild for the "Blind.


Prelate Asks Holy See Study Pill

Ordinary Offers Requiem For Fr. Wols'ki, O.F.M.Conv. Rev. Georg~ Rosk.witalski, O.F.M.Conv., provincial of the Order of FrIars, Mmor Conventual, eulogized Rev. Vin­ cent A. Wolski, O.F.M.Conv., as a devoted member of the Franciscan Order and an outstanding shepherd of souls ia his life of pastoral endeavors. . Preaching at a Solemn Pon­ tifical Mass of Requiem by the Most Rev. James L.

Holy Cross "Father Kilburn Kings College' President. Very Reverend Lane D. Kilburn, C.S.C., a native ot Korton, has been appointed president of King's College, Wilkes-Barre, conducted by the Holy Cross Fathers. He has been dean at the college since 1956. He will take office Monday, June 15, succeeding Ha, C.S.C., who has been Very Rev. George P. Benag- president the last nine years.

WASHINGTON (NC)-All birth control pills now on the. market in the United States fall under the Church's condemnation of oral contraceptives that prevent ovulation, Msgr. John C. Knott said here. The Monsig~or, director of the Family Life Bureau of the National Catholic Wel­ fare Conference, was asked for comment on an article written in the Vatican City wee k 1 y magazine, L'Osserva­ tore della Domenica, by Msgr. Ferdinando Lambruschini, the­ ology professor at the Pontifical Lateran University, Rome. Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, Msgr. Knott said that Msgr. in a private interview to an Lambruschini had restated the Italian news magazine, urged condemnation of oral contracep­ tives that prevent ·ovulation. But individuals, including Church authorities, to refrain from Msgr. Knott added that there making public statements about can be discussion about the the birth control "pill" until the morality of other uses of the Holy See has had time to study pill. i:t. The American priest also said there is supposed to be anQther Much controversy has recently pill which regulates, rather than been stirred up and some Church inhibits ovulation, but he said authorities have taken definite theological speculation concern­ and public positions. While ill ing its use' is highly theoretical. Boston, Leo Cardinal Suenens, The full text of Msgr. Knott's" stated that scientists were close to perfecting a pill that may comment follows: ,"Which 'pill' is being talked possibly be used for family planning with the Church's per_ about? Msgr. Ferdinando Lam­ bruschini in his article in the mission. Archbishop John Heen­ an, speaking for the English Vatican City weekly L'Osserva­ tore della Domenica restates the hierarchy, insisted that a "pill" that sterilizes or is a CQntracep­ condemnation of 'oral contracep­ tives that prevent ovulation. tive is immoral. Since all birth control pills No Church official is in favor presently on the market in the of contraception. Both prelate. United States do inhibit ovulaare staunch defenders of the Turn to Page Nineteen Turn to Pagfe Nineteen

Fait River, Mass., Thursday, June 4, 1963

Vol. 8, No. 23 ©

Says Church Condemns All u. S. Birth Control Pills





Legion Congr'ess Sunday, June 21

Father Kilburn, the third pres­ With the theme "The Greatest ident of the 18-year-old college wMoh has an enrollment of 1200 of These is Charity," the Legion students, was born April 6, 1923, of Mary will hold its third Dioc­ the son of Mrs. Mary and the esan congress 'Sunday, June 21 at Bishop Stang High School, late Winford Kilburn. Following . gr·adua·tion from North Dartmouth. Bishop Connolly will celebrate Coyle High School, Taunton, in a dialogue Mass at 10:30 in the 1941, the new president attended school auditorium to open the Boston College, Laval Univer­ day's program. A turkey dinner sity, Montreal, and tlhe New En­ will follow in the cafeteria and gland Conservatory of Music for the first session of the congress two years. will begin at 1:15. The Norton native made his To be discussed is charity-with­ theological studies at Holy Cross in the Legion and towards other College, Washington, and Was organizations. ordained on June 4, 1955. SUbject of the second session Following ordination, Father is "Heroic Love," and discus­ Kilburn was appointed to the sion will be based on the Legion Philosophy Department of Kings of Mary Handbook. College and has served as dean "Love, the Secret of Influence" since 1958. . will be the discussion topic for Last November, he was one of the final session of the congress the 15 college presidents and and a closing talk will be given deans that made a field trip to by Rev. Edward A. Oliveira, Di­ India under the sponsorship of ocesan Director of the Legion. the United States Department of Benediction at 5 o'clock will state. close the day.

Connolly, Bishop of the Diocese, the Franciscan Provincial stressed the characteristics of saintly St. Francis as daily hab­ its of the late pastor of the Holy Cross Church, Fall River. "Wherever he was assigned," the provincial stated, "the image of Christ was always left. Wher­ ever duty sent him, Father Vin­ cent was the mirror of the love of St. Francis for all." "His fold was parishioners, school children and sisters. His ever present consideration of all was evident in his work in ren­ ovating the interior of the Holy Cross Church, the remodeling of the school and the renovation of the convent for the sisters." Father Wolski died of an ap­ parent heart attack suffered at a testimonial dinner Sunday night commemorating his 30th anni­ versary as a priest. Born in Baltimore in 1911, the son of Mrs. Caroline Drega Wolski and the late Leon Wol­ ski, he att,ended Loyola High

School, Baltimore and entered the Franciscan Fathers Novitiate in Buffalo in 1927. He studied philosophy at St. Hyacinthe Seminary, Granby, Que, and theology at the Seraph­ ic International College, Rome. He was ordained May 26, 1934. He has served in Montreal.


Canada, and parishes in upper New York State. Besides his mother, he is sur­

vived by three brothers, Leon,

Frank and Milton; and two sis­

ters, Mrs. Ann Hudzik a,nd Mrs. Dorothy Reinsfelder. Following the Mass of Re­ quiem, the body was transferred to Baltimore for burial in the FrjUlciscan Order Cemete17.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., June 4, 1964

Diocese of Fall River

OFFICIAL CLERGY APPOINTMENTS Rev. Donald J. Bowen to St. Patrick's Church, Somerset, as assistant. Rev. Thomas J. Harrington tc st. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, as assistant and Cape Cod Area CYO Di­

rector. Appointments effective Thursday, June 4, 1964.

~~/dL<5Bishop of Fall River


New Japanese Religious Sect Threatens Church, Democracy TOKYO (NC) - Japan's reliorganization members oppose gious and political leaders are ,them. IHSHOP ORDAINS THREE: Following Ordination ceremonies at the Cathedral, increasingly concerned 0 v e r The sect has used threats and Bishop Connolly stops before the altar in tAhe Bishop's Chapel with, left to right: Rev. 50kagakkai, 'the extreme na­ blackmail to oppose rival reli­ tionalist and anti-Christian sect gions and to increase its own Thomas J. Harrington, New Bedford; Rev. Donald J. Bowen, Attleboro; Bishop COD­ whose phenomenally s w if t power, although its leader calls nolly; and Rev. Edward J. Donaghy. Fathers Bowen and Harrington will serve in the FaJI growth and relentless pursuit of any criticism of Sokagakkai power have given it more and "persecution." It has condoned River Diocese, while Father Donaghy will do pastoral work in the Diocese of Sacramento. more influence over millions of violence. this nation's people. At times, sect members have ,Sokagakkai (Creative Value invaded other Buddhist temples Society) is one of the country's and Ch::istian churches and oc­ numerous post-war politico­ casionally destroyed sacred ob­ Pc.pe Paul Says Holy Spirit Overlooked religious sects. When it first reg­ jects. Nichiren, the alleged istered as a religious organiza­ founder, has been cited as say­ Too Often hi Popular Devotion tion in 1952, its membership was ing: "'1'0 kill heretics is not ALEXANDRA (NC) - A only 11,070 families. murder." VA~~ICAN CITY (NC)-Pope He said he wanted to do this moral solution to the civil Today it claims the allegiance Sokagakkaie is organized on Paul VI has explained that he to fill a gap which occurs "un­ 'of 10 million Japanese, 10% of military lines, and its strict dis­ orderEii inserted in the Divine fortunately too frequently in rights crisis is unlikely it the nation's population. It has cipline and cell system, com­ Praises a prayer to the Holy popular piety, which forgets to God is excluded from the become the third largest party parable to communism's, have Spirit because he felt the Third pay tribute to the Holy Spirit, public schools, a Knights of in the upper chamber o! the enabled it to control the votes Persoll of the Trinity has been God, the Third Person of the Columbus official said here ia' national legislature, the House of members, whose fanatical overlooked too often in popular Most Blessed Trinity, and com­ Louisiana. of Councillors, and has scored zeal has helped them to win devotion. municated to us as the supreme , Nato Quintanilla, San Anto­ major successes i1.1 local elec­ large numbers of new converis. The Pope disclosed his reasons gift of the love of God." nio attorney and Texas K. of Co , tions. Many Catholic pastors are re­ during a regular Wednesday With the insertion of the new ,Sokagakkai, w h i c h calls porting Sokagakkai proselytiz­ 'gener~ll audience. Speaking of prayer, the Pope said, there is supreme director, said barrin, God from' the schools hinden Christianity and communism ing efforts among parishioners. the recently observed feast of now "an explicit and fervent development in children" of Japan's greatest enemies, claims A powerful, nazilike, million:" Pentec:ost, the Pope reminded prayer" and a "more worthy ex­ moral attitudes toward civil it is based on a 13th-century member youth organization is his listeners that, as they knew, pression for worship of the Holy rights and other national prob­ Buddhist sect founded by Nichi_ charg~d by Sokagakkai with "we nave wished to introduce, Spirit." lems of social justice. ren Daishonin (1222-1282), who staging :mass demonstrations and among those prayers which take dEonounced all other forms 'of rallies lind making propaganda their lIame from "the first prayer The Knights of Columbus wiJI Necrology Buddhism as false and danger­ against other religions. 'Blesst!d be God,' a prayer 'to eontinue to oppose those who JUNE 5 ous to Japan and called for a the Holy Spirit: 'Blessed be the argue that official recognitioJl Rev. Thomas J. McLean, 1954, Buddhist government. Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.' " of God in the schools is uncon­ Pastor, St. 'Francis Xavier, Hy­ Condemns Othel'S Mass Ordo stitutional, Quintanilla told the annis. Similarly, "Shakufuku Scrip­ Louisiana state convention of FRIDAY-Most Sacred Heart of Le!Jion of Decency , JUNE I ture," the official handbook of the Catholic men's organization. Jesus. I Class. White.' Mass The following films are to be Rev. John S. Czerwonka, 1961, 50kagakkai, which clills itself Proper; Glor~a; Creed; Preface , added to the lists in their re­ In another convention addrell Assista~ St. Stanislaue, Fall "True Buddhism,' condemll8 all of S3'~red Heart. Tomorrow is spective classifications: Rep. Gillis W. Long of LouisI­ River. other religions as false and the l!'irst Saturday of the ana said the "revolutions" Uno'bjectionable tor AdulatIJ JUNE 9 ,superstitous and demands that Month. underway in America "require and Adolescents - Last Man on Rev. Timothy J. Calnen, 1945, SATURDAY-St. Norbert, Bish_ Earth. patience and understanding." Pastor, St. Joseph, Woods Hole. op and Confessor. III Class. . Uno'bjectionable tor Adult&­ "They require that we keep White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Commando; Face in the' Rain; .JUNE 10 away from the extremism that FORTY HOURS

no Creed; Common Preface. Rev. William H. Curley, 1915, is sO easy to revert to on &8 The Out-of-Towners; Woman of SUNDAY - III Sunday After Straw. Pastor, S5. Peter and Paul, Fall ~ sides," Long said. DEVOTION

Pentecost. II Class. Green. Obje,ctionable in Pari tor An River. June '1-5t. Joseph, Taun­ Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; -The Seventh Dawn. (Objec­

ton Prefa~e of Trinity. tion: Implicit to the develop­

Holy Name, Fall River MONDAY - Mass of previous ment ':If this action story is a

Sacred Heart, North At­ Sunday. IV Class. Green. Mass tendency to condone and glam­ tleboro Propel!'; No Gloria' or Creed; orize Eexual immorality.) ONE STOP Common Preface. June 14--5S. Peter and Paul, SHOPPING CENTER Fall River TUESDAY - Mass of previous ROUTE 6, HUnLESON AYI. ~~sk Equal Aid • TELEVISION • FURNITURE LaSalette Shrine, Attle­ Propel!'; Gloria; Creed; Preface Near Fairhaven Drive-In SAN DIEGO (NC)-The Cali­ boro of Apostles. • APPliANCES • GROCERY Italian Dinners Our Specialty St. Mary, Mansfield Second Collect SS, Primus and forna Knights of Columbus 104 Allen St., New Bedford Our Lady of Purgatory, Felician, Martyrs; Common urged lilt their annual convention Service 0. Patio here that Congress include chil­ 'Wman 7·9354 New Bedford Preface. St. Elizabeth, Fall River. WEDNESDAY - St. Margaret, dren attending both public and

Qpeen. and Widow. III Class. privatI! schools if the legislative

June 21-Blessed Sacrament, White. Mass. Proper; Gloria; body decides to adopt Federal

Fall River. no Creed; Common Preface. aid to 'education.

St. Mary, Norton. THURSDAY - St. Barnabas, June 28-St. Mary, New Apostce. III Class. Red. Mass Bedford. Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; OFFICIAL St. Francis Xavier, Hy­ Preface of Apostles. annis. 'WOR~D'S FAIR

Holy Trinity, West Har­ lRAVEL CENTER

wich. Confirmations June 7-2:00 P.M., Cathedral THE .lIeHDI (Adults); St. Mary, Attleboro. second Class postage Paid It Fill RI"". 653 Washington Street, Fairhaven

4:00 P.M., St. John, Attieboro. Mass, Published every TIIursday It 410 '1:30 F'.M.,Sacred Heart, North Nllhlano .venue Fall Rivil Mass. by tile lOne Church Green WYman 4-5058 Catholic Press of the Diocese at Fall R....,. Attleboro; Saered Heart, Pall Ta\l'nton Tel. 824.751. SubscrlptlCIII ,,~ " Nil. IIOItplllI 14.00 River•

Ban on Religion Halts Solution Of Race Crisis

Explains 'Insertion







... ,....

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River.:....Thurs., June 4, 1964 .

STONEHILL GRADUATES LARGEST CLASS: At largest commence:' ment exercises yet held at Stonehill College, Bishop Connolly congratulates Myer Sobiloff, left, and Joseph Fernandes, honorary degree recipients, in left picture. Center, Rev. T. Corr, C.S.C., new college president; Very Rev. Richard H. Sullivan, C.S.C., president since 1958 and now Eastern Provin-

73 Coyle Alumni In. Priesthood

. PITTSBURGH (NC)-A Catholic editor appealed here yeSterday for more candor in the Catholic press in reporting the. "backstage" life of the Church and called it essential if laymen are to become involved in the Church's mission. Daniel Callahan, associate "Most 'laymen back in 1959 editor of Commonweal mag­ could not get excited about 'the azine and author of the book council because it seemed com­ "The Mind of the Catholic pletely remote from their lives.

With the ordination of Rev. Donald Bowen of Attleboro .last Saturday, the total number of Coyle graduates to be ordained has now reached 73. Three alumni were ordained this school year. In addition to ·Father Bowen, Father Peter Mullen of North Easton was ordained in Rome last Winter for the diocese of Fall River. He has remained there continuing his studies. The. third Coyle. alumnU6 or­ daiQed this year was Father Leroy Owen of Whitman, Mass.. A member of the class of 1955, he is assigned in the archdiocese of Boston. Both Fathers Mullen and ·Bowen·were members of the ­ class of 1956. Of the 73 ordained alumni, 42 are members of the diocese of Fall. River; 19 are members of religious orders;, and 12 were ordained for five other dioceses.

They do not feel this way any longer, or at any rate fewer and .fewer feel this way. But this change in at­ titude could not have come about until the council had been shown to be human." . ' : Father Eugene H. Maly, a Scripture professor', at . St. Mary's 'seminary in Cincinnati and former president of the Catholic Biblical Association of America, said he is. "enth\.lsias:­ tic" about the work of the Cath­ olic press in reporting the coun­ cil and the general field of Bible studies.' '" At the same time he recom­ mended that Catholic editors undertake "a continuing' and even more intensive program of self-education in those fields where the Church is having vital encounters with the world and with other Christian bodies." He said it would be useful to all concerned if editors could attend Summer institutes at which they would be brought up to date by experts on theological and other issues facing the Church. .

101 Catholic College Students on Lists· PRINCETON (NC) - Lists of the 1,413 U. S. college seniors appointed as Woodrow Wilson fellows for first-year graduate study show that 46 Catholic in­ stitutions had 101 of their stu­ dents selected. Boston College, a Jesuit-run university in C h est nut Hill, Mass" led Catholic institutions wth a total of nine students ap­ pointed as fellows. Sir Hugh Scott Taylor, presi­ dent of the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, announced here this year's re­ cipients of full tuition and fees for the first year of graduate study at the school of their choice. In addition to institu­ tional costs, recipients get a sti pend of $1,800 and dependency allowances.


~.~ .-,-----_:~

cial for the Holy Cross Fathers; Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, principal s~aker and honorary degree recipient. Right, four of 200 graduates. From left, Stephen Barriteau, St. Mary's parish, Fairhaven; Denise Boyd, St. Ther­ esa's, South Attleboro; Margaret McNerney, Sacred Heart, Fall River; Arthur J. Donovan Jr., St. William, Fall River.

Better Informed Laity Goal for Catholic Press

Layman," called honest report­ ing about llhe Church and f!he ecumenical council "the great oballenge before t'he Catholic press today." . Callahan, addressing the annu­ ... convention of the Catholic Press Association, said: "The laym~m today does not Reed to be told, ad nauseam, how glorious the Churoh is. Or how apectacular its triumphs have been. Or how superior it is to aIt other churches and institu­ tions. For Good of Church "He needs to ~now what t'he Church is, not only in its ideal form, but what it is here and now. He needs to know this, not just for tile sake of true per­ spective on thi! full reality of ttte Church, but also that he may eee that his mind, his heart and his will are needed for the good e( the Churoh." Callahan's address was one of Rveral during the CPA conven­ tion which discussed the rela­ tionship of the Catholic press w the ecumenical council and spe­ etfic key issues confronting the Church today. His talk dealt with the press,tbe council and Ute laity. ' He said it is an "abiding temp­ tation" of the Catholic press to believe that "with enough ex­ alted, pious language it can somehow erase the human fail­ ings of the Church." ' He said the sensation cre­ ated by publication in the New Yorker magazine and other sec­ ular publications of candid re­ ports on the ecumenical council's first session had a salutary effect on the Catholic press by causing it to attempt to do likewise. Callahan said this has had "immense value" for the Church in America. "It has helped make clear to the laity that real issues are at stake," he said, "that real men are debating them, and that a council is a human event in the Church with human conse­ quences'" ••


Holy Father Greets Louisiana Communty NATCHITOCHES . ( N C) ­ Pope Paul VI Sent greetings and his personal blessing to the ifi­ habitants of this central Louj­ siana community on the occasion of its 250th birthday. . Founded in 1714, Natchitoches is the oldest perinanent settle­ ment 'in the Louisiana Purchase area~ Two years after it was settled by a French nobleman, a Spanish· priest, Father Antonio Margil, arrived to celebrate the first Mass here.

Seeks $35 Million ST. LOUIS (NC) - St. Louis University will seek $35,114,000 by 1968 in the second five-year phase of its 10-year development program, officials ~id. It raised $18 million in the first phase.

Relation Between Mary, Church Theme of Greatest Importance VATICAN CITY (NC)-Our Lady is the ideal figure of the Church, Pope Paul VI told thou­ sands of persons gathered in St. Peter's basilica for his weekly general audien<:e. The Pope spoke on the rela­ tion between Mary and the Church, saying it is "a doctrinal theme of greatest importance because of the discussions it stirs in the religious world and in the ecumenical council, a theme of great immediate .value." . The Pope said. that anyone who meditates on this "will find m~st beautiful reasons for as­ sociating the two terms in • lively .admiration for the design of God who wished human c~ operation, that of Mary, that of the Church, joined to the per­ fection of the Redemption. He will find in the age-old tradition of theology apd the liturgy fre­ 9uent .references to Mary and the Church in the same symbols. "We can say even· ·more. In Mary 'full of grace we find all 1Ite . riches which' the Church rePI:esents, Possesses' and dis-


penses. Above all, in Mary we have the virginal Mother of Christ, and in the ChurC'h we have the virginal mother of Christians, one a natural mater­ nity, the other a mystical one." The Pope also traced the relation between Mary and re­ deemed humanity, saying: "It is enough to recall the presence of the Madonna in the Upper Room on Pentecost to admire how that day, which wall for Mary a new and terminal fullness of grace and which was for the Church the initial moment of the effu­ sion of grace, was also like being born to, the· life of the HoI,. Spirit.

K of C Gift Francis B. Holstius, grand knight of the Damian Council, Mattapoisett, contributed $200 from the Council to Bishop Connolly for specified charitie. in the Diocese.

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THE ANCHOR--Diocese Of fon River-TIlurs., JUne


"6.4 .

Sees Promising Church Future In Formosa

Sanctity Only Worthwhile Challenge to T een-agers

ROME (NC) - Thomas Cardinal Tien, S.V.D., of Pe­ king said in an interview here said he is optimistic and

By Joseph T. IUcGloin, S.J. It's hard to explain how any given female type can look into a full closet and say with apparent sincerity, "I have nothing to wear." Similarly stumping is the teen-agers's complaint - sometimes from the middle of a disarranged room or house - "There's To the real teen-agel', the only just nothing to do around challenge really worthwhile is here." But these are only the challenge of sanctity. The minor mysteries. A still intelligent teen-agel' is smart deeper mystery is the teen-agel'

who somehow manages to con­

tradict his very

nature and loll

around in medi­

ocrity. It is the

nature of man

to reach for


even above his

his nature, and

it is an inherent

quality of youth

to seek nearly


able goals rather

than be satisfied with "accom­

plishments" which are a chal­

lenge to no one.

Disgrace to Youth Unfortunately, just as there are adults who are a disgrace to their human nature, you do sometimes encounter the teen­ ager who is a disgrace to his youth, who is satisfied just to get by in life. His intellectual attitude is "How much work do I have to do to pass?" or "How much effort is it going to take to graduate?" In the moral order, you'll find this character asking "How far can I go without committing a mortal sin?" The ridiculous con­ tradiction in mortal sin never impresses him-because he can't feel it. Spiritually, he's a mechanical man-wound up and running down. He gets to Mass on Sun­ day because he "has to," and he gets to Holy Communion and Confession when it isn't too in­ eonvenient. Qualify as 'Lukewarm' This type is consistent in his' l!lOCial attitudes too. Disturbing and inconveniencing ideas about the poor, or about racial equal­ ity, are passed off with, "It's none of my business." Yes unfortunately, with all their enormous potential, there are some teen-agel's who are a disgrace to their youth and en­ thusiasm and unlimited energy, who qualify for Christ's scathing description as "lukewarm." Fortunately, the vast majority Clf teen-agel's are dissatisfied and ill at ease in the face' of mediocrity. Most teen-agel's un­ derstand that their intellect is the greatest natural talent God has given them and is therefore to be developed accordingly. To them, the moral law is not just a series of "Don'ts," but is rather the practical expression Clf how one can love God-or. offend Him. Center Life in God The thoughtful and genuine teen-agel' knows he's not doing God any favor by praying or going to Mass, to Confession and Holy Communion. He knows that these are almost incredible gifts a(his disposal and that only a fool will neglect them.'

. Statue in Bible Belt CHARLpTTE (NC) - A statue of the Blessed Mother now stands here in North Carolina on the buckle of the South's so­ ealled Bible belt. A throng of some 1,500 marched through Charlotte streets to the grounds of a Catholic high school for boys where Bishop Vincent S. Waters of Raleigh blessed the five-foot Carrara marble statue and dedicated a shrine to Our Lady of Charlotte.

enough to know that the only sensible way to use his life is to center it in Christ. The honeS'; teen-agel' under­ stands that t:1e poor are every­ body's business and not just the concern of those who happen to live near the slums. He knows, too, that no one can sincerely say "Racial equality is r:one of my business," no matter where or how comfortably he lives or what his own race. Many Wait for Help You teen-agel's should find your youth a real thrill today, with the tremendous opportu­ nities you have for excellence and for using your youthful potentialities. Look to the vast fQreign mis­ sion field to be worked, whether you do so as a lay person or a religious. There are countless numbers of Christ's poor and orphans waiting for your young, enthusiastic help arid kindness. There are unique opportuni­ ties today for you to work with the downtrodden of other coun­ .tries. (There· are for instance some 600 teen-agel's who worked and taught in Mexico alone this past Summer and hundreds of others who did the same sort of work throughout the rest of Latin America.) All over the world, as well as at home, there are unlimited op­ portunities. simply waiting for you to get at them. Opportunity Near Don't strain so hard, though, to see the opportunities at a dis­ tance that you miss those right next to you-the heroism of self-discipline and of learning to love God in your neighbor, beginning with your parents, your family and your friends; your life itself, and the motiva­ tion you must have to really live it and oot waste it. Don't tell yourself you're using your potentialities at all until you see God in a stack of dirty dishes or in a house to be painted or a car to be washed. The greatest fulfillment of your nature comes in positive things. It co~es in the love of God which motivates your seem­ ingly insignificant actions as well as those which appear to be more heroic, and which gives solid, deep meaning to every thought you think, every breath you draw, every word you say, every action you perform. Only the heights are worthy of youth. And only God dwells on the heigh:s. But you climb to the heights on some very ordi­ nary, often :'lard and unattrac­ tive little steps.

Apostleship of Sea Plans C()nvention NEW ORLEANS (NC) - The 19th annual meeting of the National Catholic Apostleship of the Sea conference will be held Monday', June 29 to Thurs­ day, July 2 at San Pedro, Calif. Theme of the annual gathering of port chaplains will be "The Church Meets the Spiritual Needs of the Seafarer." The meetbg will also serve a prelude to the 14th world meet­ ing of the Apostleship of the Sea in Liverpool Sept. 1 to 4, ac­ cording to Father Thomas Mc­ Donough, C.SS.R., New Orleans port chaplain and secretary of the national apostleship.

ELKS AID CANCER HOME: At the jubilee banquet of ~;he Fan River Lodge of Elks, No. 118, Rt. Rev. Anthony M. Gomes;, who gave the invocation, receives the organiza­ tions' check for the benefit of the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Cancer Home. Left to right: John F. Malley, P.G.E.R.; Monsignor Gomes; Thomas J. Dowd, P.E.R., Lowell; John R. Gettings, Exalted Ruler. .


Pledge Action

Five Michigan Dioceses Plan Program

Elanning Racial Discrimination

DETROIT (NC)-The Michi­ gan Catholic Conference, whose membership includes the state's five dioceses, has issued an his­ toric statement pledging Cath­ olic action oln civil rights. The statement was read in all churches in Michigan and bro­ chures conbining the far-reach­ ing program were distributed to the faithful for their study. The statement adopted by the conference'n board of directors stressed support for the admin­ istr:~tion's civil right.. program. ":Racial discrimination is a national problem that requires Federal action," it said. The conlerence also pledged that Catholic health, welfare and educatilnal institutions shall admit persons without regard to their rac:e and shall provide equal treatment in services and

Fr,. Hogan to Address Filrst Friday Club I1.ev. John F. Hogan, director of the Catl:.olic Welfare Bureau in New Bedford will addreS6 members oj' the Fall River First Friday Cluh at their June meet­ ing tomorrow night in Sacred Heilrt School. First Fridians will receive Communion at the 6 o'clock Mass in Sacred Heart Church. Officers for 1964-65 will be eleeted at the business meeting, Pri:sident John J. Hrinko said.

Alunlni to Meet 'l'he Cla,;s of 1954 of Holy Family High School, New Bed­ ford, will t.old a reunion at 6:30 Saturday night, June 13 at K of C Hall, ::'unds Corner. A buf­ fet will be followed by dancing. Chairmen Hre Mr. and Mrs. Wil_ liam Lewis.








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facilities at these institutions. Based on Merit Employment in all Catholic agencies and institutions shall be based on merit and without re­ gard to race, color or national origin, the conference said. In addition, it pledged that contracts for the repair and con­ struction of church-related insti­ tutions shall contain a positive requirement that the contractor maintain a policy of equal em­ ployment opportunity. The faithful were urged to give active support to programs promoting freedom of housing opportunities for all persons. No Catholic can in good con­ science sign petitions or support laws or ordinances that deny minorities a full and equal op­ portunity to secure decent homes on a nondiscriminatory basis, the statement warned.

Newport Serra Members of New Bedford Ser­ ra Club attended formal open­ ing ceremonies for the Serra Club of Newport, erected Tues­ day night at St. Mary's Church, that city. At a following dinner international officers of the Serra Club, including Matthew H. McCloskey III, president, were in attendance.

enthusiastic about the Church" future in Formosa. Cardinel Tien also lauded 1Jhe founding of the VatIcan secre­ tariat for relations with non­ Christians by Pope Paul VI. Exiled from his See in main­ land China, the Cardinal is now Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Taipei, Formosa'. capital city. He said: "The Ohurch in Formosa has great appeal, particularly to in­ tellectuals. Among the faithfol we count some of the most ed­ ucated and cultured men there. Church Interested "The fact that many of our missionaries stayed on the island in the very early days, when the dangers were the greatest, con­ vinced our people that fbe Church was interested in China and in them." Cardinal Tien was interviewed at the Divine Word Fathers' col­ lege here before leaving Rome for the U.S. The 73-year-old prelate, who suffers from arth­ ritis, worsening eyesight and the effects of a near fatal automobile accident in 1958, has been in Europe to raise funds for a new hospital in Taipei. The German Catholic charitable organizatiolS, Misereor, has promised to con­ tribute three-quarters of the cost if the Cardinal can raise the rest. Speaking of the secretariat ~ relations with non-Christians, Cardinal Tien said he has sup­ ported the idea for such a body since shortly after it was first suggested several years ago. But, he said, the problems facing the secretariat aTe .'lot simple. He pointed out: "Most Westerners think of the Buddhists as being a unified group of a single religious body.. This is not correct. There are l1arious sects within Buddhism, some very hostile to Christianity and some not so hostile. It is difficult to make contact with Buddhist priests, who are con­ tent to tend their temples, while their faithful are in large part superstitious."








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Prelate Urges Place for God

In All Schools

tHE ANCHOR­ Parishioners of St. Theresa, South Attleboro, Thurs., 4, 1964 s Shine American Image, for Priest in Bolivia 'Catholic Digest' June

A host of warmhearted Christians in St. Theresa's parish, South Attleboro, have MIAMI (NC)-All schools, been busy the past 10 days polishing the image of America to dazzling brightness for public or private, should Father Edward Vena, a Maltese Carmelite who's been stationed in an abysmally poor sec­ leave a place for God in their tion of Bolivia the past 14 years. Father Vella will return to Latin America tomorrow eurriculum and in the~r· and his first trip to the "prayer life," a Catholic educa­ States was made solely to tor declared here. Msgr. John Haverty, superin­ visit his South Attleboro tendent of schools for the arC'G.­ friends. "I knew they were

diocese of New York, speaking at the second annual Mass of the Miami diocese's Catholic Teach­ ers Guild, said that any schooi without "a Benign Providence !'eCognized in the course of study" can lead to trouble. "The school is for God and eounh'y," he said. "Regardless of whether the school is church­ related, independent or public, G<ld has a place in the curricu­ lum, in the prayer life, in the social life. "The pitch is to eliminate prayer from the schools, the Bible from the classrooms, and eventually all mention of the Deity in our public pronouni:e­ ments," he continued. Minority Active "How important then that we Gurselves become involved to stay this pagan shift. Generally speaking, our people are reli­ gious minded, God fearing. Yet flhe minority * * * are powerful because they are active and ar­ tiCUlate. They must be chal­ lenged." Msgr. Haverty, once head of • flhe elementary school depart­ ment of the National Catholic Educational Association, preach­ ed at the Mass offered by Bishop Coleman F. Carroll in St. Mary's eathedral here. Msgr. Haverty did not refer directly to the school-prayer amendment now being discussed in the House of Representatives. However Bishop Carroll, in his remarks, did indicate some doub+ about the proposals.

K of C Ask Change In Member Rules INDIANAPOLIS (NC)-Indi­ ana Knights of Columbus have adopted a resolution favoring a ebange in membership rules which have been labeled dis­ eriminatory against Negroes. The resolution adopted at the 83rd annual K. of C. State Con­ vention here, will be submitted to the supreme convention in New Orleans from Aug. 18 to 20. Similar resolutions have been adopted by the K.· of C. in Iowa, Colorado, Wisconsin and Illinois. 'rhe Indiana plan, like that in Colorado, calls for proposal whereby 25 per cent of those voting on membership would be required for rejection of a mem­ ber. The Illinois resolutions favors a 33 per cent negative vote. Present rules state that five "blackballs" are sufficient to reject a prospective member.


Third Order Elects Two Lay Members BOSTON (NC) - Continuing growth in membership and an increased voice for the laity in decision-making we r e high­ lighted by the Third Order ()f St. Francis at a convention here. The Third Order's Immaculate t:onception Province (East Coast of the U. S.), at its sixth quin­ quennial convention, elected two lay members to a provincial eounciI: Jerome Kornman of Pittsburgh and Rene Charest of Andover, Mass. Together with three Franciscan priests, they will form the central governing body of the Tertiary Province. Membership in the province bas grown to include 5,611 ac­ tive tertiaries and 1,218 isolated members (persons prevented b,. health or other reasons from full PAl'ticipatioD ill the Pl"OP'''~.

kind but now I know they're even nicer than I thc;lUght," he said. The missionary's long distance friendship began casually whMl Mrs. Adrien Piette, former pres­ ident of the League of Christian Mothers' at St. Theresa's and now National Chairman of Fam­ ily and Parent Education for the National Council of Catholic Women, noticed a magazine re­ quest from Father Vella for used Catholic periodicals. She ship­ ped a bundle to Bolivia and a correspondence began. Soon Mrs. Piette interested the League of Christian Mothers in adopting Father Vella's mis­ sion, which numbers 80,000 souls and takes 16 hours to dr 1.ve from end to end. The South :\t­ tleboro group is the only organ­ ization giving any substantial aid to the mission, said Father Vella. For Six Years The mothers, together with other interested parishioners, have aided the Carmelite for the past six years. WifJh their help, "we make happy the children at Christmas," explained Father Vena in his Spanish-accented English. Contributions have purchased toys and clothes and provided first Communion par­ ties for the mission youngsters. In South Attleboro, Father Vella has enjoyed a whirl of activities. The house guest of Mrs. Piette, he has heen honor­ ed at many parties and was in­ itiated into the all-American rite of the cookout. Tonight he's the guest of honor at a supper c'o­ sponsored by the' Christian Mot­ hers and the Holy Name Society and he has spoken at St. There­ sa's Sunday's Masses. He's overwhelmed by. the In­ terest of "everyone" I'll his inis­ sionary activity, signaling :mt for special mention Rev. Gerard J. Chabot, pastor of St.'Dheresa's; Rev. Roger L. Gagne, curate; Mrs. Piette; and a host of other parishioners who have served as welcoming committee, escort and you-name-it for the past 10 days. Needs of Youth Father Vella's mission extends from suburban Le Paz, Bolivia to jungle territory so difficult of access that he only reaches some of his eight chapels once or twice a year. A native of Malta, he is vice-provincial for Bolivia and Peru for his community and he is aided by two other Mal­ tese priests in his work. Two laywomen, members of a new but not yet officially established community, teach in two small schools; and two other women are employed to prepare food supplied by the Catholic Relief Services of the United States for some 700 children daily.

Wins Certificate Rev. Donald Paradis, M.S., a graduate of St. Anthony's High School, New Bedford, has re­ ceived a certificate in recogni­ ti(m of superior teaching in con­ nection with the awardin~ of honors in a national French contest to a student of his at La Salette Seminary, Enfield N.H. Paul Clavelle, junior at the seminary, was first prize winner for New England in the compe­ tition conducted by the Ameri­ can Association of Teachers of French. Ha paper will be eR­ lleced in national competitioA.

FROM BOLIVIA TO SOUTH ATTLEBORO: They've aided his mission for six years, but now League of Christian Mothers members at St. Theresa's parish, South Attleboro, meet "their" missioner in person. From left, Mrs. Ralph Myette, Mrs. Adrien Piette, Rev. Edward Vella, Mrs. Mack Vogt, Mrs. Ernest Major. "What we most need is a rec­ Ireation hall for the people," says Father Vena. His parishion­ ers, mostly Indian, are warm­ hearted and kindly. They face their extreme poverty with bravery, comments the mission­ ary, and their faith is latent only because they are insufficiently instructed. "They would be excellent Christians if they knew more of Our Lord," he says. The Carmelites have eight catechism centers which teaclt about 1,400 children weekly, and the Legion of Mary is very active in the parish, with 15 praesidia in operation. Other organizations are the Young Christian Work­ ers, and the Blue Army of Fat­ ima. CursiIIistas, "graduates" of cursiIlo retreats, are also an en-

Asks Claver Society Imitate Fr. LaFarge CHICAGO (NC)-Knights and Ladies of St. Peter Claver were urged here to continue their work in behalf of racial justice in the spirit of the late Father John LaFarge, S.J. This was the "message of Father James F. Cermak, pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes church, to the 26th annual northern states con_ ference of the predominantly Negro Catholic group. Father LaFarge, who died in November, 1963, was a founder of the Catholic interracial coun­ cil movement. "If people had listened to what he had to say and acted on his words years ago, we would not have the racial problems we have today," Father Cermak said at a Mass offered in St. Anselm's church, site of the assembly.



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ormous help in the parish, said Father Vella. He noted that an­ other great need of the people is for medical assistance. The missionaries give limited aid, and are grateful for drugs and supplies from Catholic Relief Services, but trained personnel are badly needed. "We would like to have Papal Volunteers," he said, "but we cannot afford their board and lodging." Multi-Lingual Father Vella's parish and mis­ sion territory are both named Villa Fatima. "The area had an­ other name but it had become synonymous with degradation, so we asked the authorities to give us a new name," he said. The missioner speaks Maltese, Italian and Spanish as well as Aymara and Quechua, Indian dialects spoken by his people. He emphasizes the gratitude of his parishioners for the aid re­ ceived from America and from South Attleboro in particular. "I wanted to come and see the people and visit them and thank them," he said simply.


ST. PAUL (NC) - The Oatholic Digest, one of the nation's largest paid-circu­ lation Catholic publications, has been given to the College of St. Thomas, archdiocesan lib­ eral arts institution here iR Minnesota. The gift of the magazine was was made by Father Louis A. Gales, president of The Catholic Digest, Inc., and Father Paul Bussard, publisher, co-owners of the St. Paul-based magazine, first published in 1936. College and magazine officials declined to estimate the value of the gift. After two months of negotiation, the transfer of own­ ership agreement was approved by the college's board of trustees and Archbishop Leo Binz of St. Paul in consultation with the Board of Archdiocesan Consul­ tors. Insures Continuity Included in the transfer ..4e the Catholic Digest Book C!IJ-b, the Decency in Reading Progr¥l, the Junior Catholic Book Sh~lf, the Catholic Market and CatllQ­ lie Living, in its first year a. a monthly supplement for flte Register newspaper chain. The transfer to the college tn­ sures the contiuity of the mltl­ azine within the Archdiocese of St. Paul and unites two insti­ tutions which "have drawn their strength from a zealous apos­ toLic spirit," said Archbishop Binz, chairman of the colI. board of trustees.

Women's Rally Hits British TV 'Filth' BIRMINGHAM (NC)-RadLeaI policy changes to eradicate tele­ vised "filth" were demanded bY some 1,000 persons who packt!d the town hall here for a ra!1y sponsored by the "Women of Britain Clean-up TV Campaiga." The meeting endorsed a tele­ gram to Queen Elizabeth aDd Prince Philip asking their sup­ port for "a radical change in !ale policies of the entertainers ia. geneml and the governors of fae BBC (British Broadcasting Cor­ poration) in particular."


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... THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River--Thurs., June .4, 196.4

Liturgy" tho nges Timetable Given

Each Must Try

By Rev. John R. FoIster

"John F. Kennedy believed ... that one man can make a difference, and that every man should try." These words spoken last week by the dead President's widow in a mem­ orial television broadcast can be a source of worthwhile .....eflection for every thinking person. It is significant that in the past few years two men by the name of John-Pope John XXIII and President Kennedy ~aptured the hearts and imaginations of the world and had such an impact on the lives of men. The one was called too old and the other too young when they began their final years' work, and yet both still cast long shadows in the lives ()f others. Both show what a single man can do. True, both occupied positions of awesome responsibility and challenging- opportunity. But both brought to their positions their own peculiar talents and selves. Without.pre­ tence, with complete naturalness, both acted as' individuals for the good of all humanity and the world has yet to assess and experience fully the effect of their lives. At this time when men are concerned over the rights of others, over the struggle for racial equality here in this

country, over the aid that is due the emerging nations of the world, it is most important that eaeh individual realize his own worth and be aware of his own influence on people and situations around him. With the late President Kennedy, each man must beli~ve that he can make a difference. And each man must try'

Shocking Storie8 The shocking series of stories coming out of New York City, the instances of-murders and violence and terrorizing that have taken place while respectable citizens either stand -by for fear of getting involved or else are completely cow­ ered into submission-all this points to a terrible break­ down in law and order, in the basic principles of decency and concern for neighbor. An immediate answer to the problems posed is more police coverage of danger areas and places, and stiffer pen­ alties meted out by the Courts to those who would resort to the laws of the jungle in a supposedly civilized society. But there must be a farther-reachir..g answer, too. These thugs who spread and feed on violence are the products of both homes and environments. What kind of homes? What kind of environment? State and Church must seek out these answers. The child is usually just about what his parents .make him. There is, then, a monumental task of family education or re-education, of teaching both parents and young people how to be husbands and wives, how to be. fathers and mothers, how to educate children to decency in behavior. All the buildings in the world, all the slum-clearance programs that money can bring about are only part of the answer. People are involved, and people must be touched, ehanged, educated to the responsibilities of marriage and parenthood and responsi~le citizenship or else the problem Is not even being faced, let alone answered. The work of religion has not gone either far or deep when newspapers can write stories such as those it has featured in the last few weeks. The veneer of civilization and morality is that-a veneer. It strips off easily.

@rheANCHOR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER ti Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L. Connolly" D.O., PhD. GENERAL MANAGER

Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A.



St. AnthoD)' Church New Bedford The role of the Catholic preM ~ liturgical reform was outlined by the.Rev. Frederick McManus, leading U. S. liturgical author­ ity at fue Catholic Press. Con­ vention in Pittsburgh. "The task of immediate UJI"o gency is the stirring up of "the faith and devotion which the liturgy expressed," the sciiolar_ priest explained. What the Catholic Press must take care to avert is that needed liturgical change not seem as "unexpected innovations". Reforms must have the m'eaning and the ur­ gent. strength that the Fathers of the Church have hopefully placed in them. Father McManus briefly out­ Hned the timetable of liturgical reform as established by the second Vatican Council. ·The gelJeral schedule is divided into four periods: (1) the prelimi­ naries; (2) specific reforms; (3) total reform of ritual; (4} adaptations. Preliminary This step is already.a moment of past history. The national ,, . committee of bishops has al­ ready made definite decisions i WEd~ and these have already been ap­ proved by the Holy See. By UEV. ROBERT W. HOVDA, Catholic University This was not done by special bishops delegated by Rome. It was accomplished by the direct TODA.Y-St. Francis Caracci­ pletely, the fact that Christ still authorization of the Vatican ola, Confessor. The supernatural "entertains sinnners and eats Council. "It goes beyond the character of Christian love is with them." We who for so long vernacular development," the evident again in the lessons of have been tempted to feel that canon lawyer explained, "It is today's Mass. The Gospel, with we were doing God a favor by the key to and the first step in its teacl:.ing of watchfulness and worshiping Him (since we were the so-called decentralization of vigilance before God, and the surely getting nothing out of it) ecclesiastical p·ower. It is an in­ First Reading's insistence that must now confess our hunger stance where the authority now some gi fts are independent of and our thirst. resides in the corporate assem­ age or :If the necessity of that MONDAY-Mass as on Sun­ bly of bishops of the different maturing in time which natural day, This is part of the conver­ regions or co.untries." virtue requires-both place the sion which the Council's consti­ Specific Reforms . Christian life, the life of love, tution on sacred liturgy requires These reforms would ~ be firmly in the realm of grace. of us. We have to surrender the those which do not require tex­ tual changes. They would deal . TOMORROW - 1'he Sacred posture of the indignant Phari­ Heart of Jesus. The design of sees and Scribes (Gospel), and with the Mass, the Sacraments, God-to make all men one in begin to look to the community's the Daily Office and the Litur­ gical Calendar. mutual love-is revealed to us gathering around the altar for a sustenance of mind and spirit. First glimpses of such changes in Jesu!: Christ. The First Read­ . can be evidenced in the refor­ 'r..g teaches us that Christ is our long denied us.' We haven't felt deprived be­ mation of the. Communion Rite reconciliation with the Father and that this is the source of all. cause the estrangement of the and the Breviary. "Within real unity and charity for us. congregation from the action of year," Father McManus contin­ Word and sacrament, from the ~ed, "we can expect these spe­ The heart and its· blood is the cific reforms such as Commu­ symbol not only of love but of hymns and prayers, from nor­ life itself. In the yielding' of mal participation is centuries nion under both species and Concelebration." human life to the Father (by 'old and has become accepted, Total Reforms Jesus Christ), we have found· like any bad habit. TUESDAY-Mass as on Sun­ The liturgical expert pointed oneness and true love. day. If we have at times sus­ out that the total reform of the SATI.rRDAY st. Norbert, pected that something is wrong Latin Rite, including changes in Bishop, Confessor. The refrain with Catholic public worship, the Mass texts and the simplifi­ of today's Entrance Hymn goes: we have assumed that whatever cation and enrichment. OL all "This is the man with whom is wrong is wrong with us. Then services, will take a longer time. the Lord made a pact of friend­ the Council spoke, anti reversed He observed that the "prophe18 ship." It is this pact, made in habits and practices which have of doom" were predicting. "a Jesus Christ, which adds to hampered the Church for a decade or two decades or never" Christi~n love both the dimen­ thousand years because Christ to accomplish this goal, whi~ sion of mystery and the strength is still ministering to sinners, is more optimistic, persons' esti­ which '::lurely human affections still concerned for us. mated four to seven years. : can oni y aspire to. Here is the Adaptations WEDNESDAY - st. Margaret, strength to return love for Widow. "Kindly' is her welcome The fourth and final step ill hatred and. to love the unlove­ to the poor, her' purse ever open' the "adaptation (of the liturgy) able. to the cultures and usages and to those in need" (First Read­ THIRD SUNDAY AFTER ing). In the Collect we ask our traditions of different people. PENTECOF''"' God's concern for Father to give us Margaret's and nations." us (Fir;;t Reading), th'O! ministry True, reform is needed. But, (and His own) love of the poor. of Christ to us sinners (Gospel) The Gospel teaches what we the work of the liturgy must -this is the theme which runs be realized: a stirring of faith should be willing to pay for through our Eucharistic celebra­ such a spiritual treasure. The and devotion. This is the role tion today. of the 'atholic press. "Unex­ Eucharist, because it makes us We are needy, we are anxious, pected innovations" must be brothers at a common table and we are suffering, we are sinful. clearly seen and accepted as relates us to the Father as sons Not that this is all that can be and daughters in one family, logical, ever more generous said of human life, but it is true contains the deepest motive of steps toward a greater and as far as it goes, deeply true. our love, and of the giving and greater commitment to Christ. Christian faith is no less aware the sharing that proceed from of this than it is of man's gran­ love. Deacons To Help deur and the beauty of creation. PITTSBURGH (NC) - Semi­ So we gather around the altar 51 for Missions narians of the Pittsburgh dio­ not only to. worship God but to cese, who will be ordained dea­ MARYKNOLL (NC - Fifty­ find in that worship fulfillment cons June 5 will be given duties for ou:: needs, relief from our one Maryknoll priests and Brot­ in parishes as Summer assist­ hers have been assigned to mis­ anxieties, meaning in our suf­ fering and the forgiveness of our sion posts in Asia, Africa and ants. Father Joseph Knorr, dioc­ esan director of vocations, said Latin America, it was announ­ sins. The reform of Catholic public ced here. They represent 30 arch­ . the seminarians will be given worship now being undertaken dioceses and dioceses in 17 six-week assignments. He added: at the direction of the Council states. Departure ceremonies will "It's like an interneship. It helps is aim(!d precisely at helping U8 be held here Saturday June 13 them bridge the gap between.the ~inary and the priesthood." 1G real ize more fully, more com- :for 40 of the missionera

'Thttou9h thE

With thE Chunch


'THE ANCHOR Thurs., June 4, 1964

Anticipation., Grows at 12 Diocesan "' High Schools a"s Graduation'Day 'Approaches fo'r SeniC)rs ' .'



Sees Difficulty In New Liturgy

Anticipation grows apace at Diocesan highs as the long-awaited day of graduation nears. Traditional year-end activities heighten the mood of excitement here, there and everywhere. At Sacred Hearts Academy, Fairhaven, the big day is Sunday, June 14. Soph- tioned in Bolivia. The drive is omores hosted seniors at a already under way since seniors party this week and today do not wear uniforms for the the senior banquet will be month of June.

CHICAGO (NC)-Albert Car­ dinal Meyer of Chicago told his priests here to remember that· the upcoming liturgical changes may be difficult for some per­ sons to accept. The Cardinal, speaking at the flr-st of four liturgical days held for Chicago priests, said the clerks should make "education, motivation and formation" of the laity their goals. He said priests should not ex­ aggerate the difficulties in at­ taining fuller participation in .the liturgy, but he also cautioned against mininmizing the prob­

held at Colonial Coach restaurant in Marion. The class will and prophecy will be delivered by senior president Joan Reinhardt. Both Prevost High in Fall River and SHA Fairhaven have planned school picnics at Myles Standish state Forest, but students are awaitig notification as to the possibility of these events since last week's disastrous fires in the area. , Juniors at Jesus-Mary Academy, Fall River, have' been measured for school rings;md they've voted to keep tlw traditional academy design. Seventeen Dominican Academy students, including Anchor reporter Jeanne Levesque, will be initiated into the National Honor Society at an assembly Friday, June 12. The Fall River atudents were selected by faculty

The drive for the Kennedy Memorial Library Fund at Bish­ op Feehan High in Attleboro has brought commendation for par­ ticipating students from Sister Mary Urban, principal. Every class participated in the student council-sponsored project. Work­ ing students in many cases do­ lema. nated a day's pay to the drive; others joined in group activities He admitted that the changes to raise contributions. may be difficult for some Cath­ Friday, June I:!, Mass and a olics who are older and "more Communion breakfast are sched­ set in their ways." uled for graduating seniors at SHA Fairhaven. Awards and First Alumni Banquet gifts will be presented and Rev. Tuesday was class day at John O'Brien, SS.ce., chaplain, B'ishop Stang and the day's pro­ will address the students. gram included the traditional Maria staff members for 1965 tree-planting ceremony and at Holy Family High are Mau­ reading of the class will, history reen O'Brien, editor; Luke and prophecy. Tuesday night Sweeney and Kevin Healy, 85­ found seniors' parents in attend­ sistant editors; ~raldine Vicre, ance as honors were awarded. art editor; Donna Monty and And last night the seniors ~te. Gerald Guerreiro, assistants. were received into the alumni Sodality Offieers Changing Guard association at the school's fiNt Sodality officers for next They're changing the guard alumni banquet. Next Wednes­ year at Holy Family High at SHA Fall River too, ~here day, June 10, the graduates will School in New Bedford are Nancy Regan will be editor of have a picnic at Rocky Point Christine Ponichtera, prefect; the senior memory book; Mary Park. Mary Lou Morra, vice-prefect; Lou Sullivan will edit Shacady, Mary Sayward, senior at Mt. Carol Jussaume, secretary; Kath- the school paper; Ellen Deme­ St. Mary's has received a $150 leen Kennedy, treasurer; Glo- trius will be orchestra president; scholarship from the Union Hos­ ria Harrington, Doreen Filipek Jane Duffy will head the glee pital Women's Board and a $100 and David Mitchell, counselors. clu'b; Susan Reid will be SevenFRENCH CLUB: Listening to records is a good way grant from the Corky Row At Jesus-Mary sodality h,eads teeners president; Paula Powers Auxiliary. will be Magdeleine Vandal, pre- will head the National Honor of improving one's French, say Yvette Robida, Diane Be­ Carolyn Holleran, also a feet; Janet ~ndreau, vice-pre- Society; and Anna Faria will be langer and Nelson Ostiguy, French Club members at St. Mountie, was another recipient feet; Rita Laflamme, secretary; Debrabant Debaters president. Anthony's High School, New Bedford. of a $100 grant from the Corky Moneque Boulay, treasurer. Unit At Bishop Feehan High juniors Row unit. heads are Paulette Castonguay, were inducted into the National Cheerleaders at Bishop Feehan and Anthony Silva. All received Rita Canuel, Denise Dion and Honor Society on Tuesday and And the Mount's junior prom High have been reorganized and gold medals for scoring at least Janice Fusco. sophomores were admitted to was held last night in the school Sister Mary Sheila announces 115 out of a possible 120 points And at Dominican the pre- provisional membership. gym with the theme "Under on a standard test. Special hon­ fect is to be Lucille Boilard, asAt Mt. St. Mary's the senior that only one group of cheer­ Paris Skies." leaders will serve both varsity ors go to George, who made a elsted by Julie Melvin, vice- prom is announced for Tuesday, and JV squads. In the Fall a perfect score this year and has prefect; Louis Lanneville, sec- .Tune 16. The theme, "Charades," retary; Claire Dufour, treasurer. will be carried out by watercolor group of freshmen will be received gold medals every year of his high school career. He Officers were installed and new murals, and decorations are in chosen to cheer at frosh contests, but the regular squad will be will receive a trophy in addition members consecrated on Mon- charge of Elaine Cross. made up of juniors and seniors to the medals. FUNERAL HOME, INC. day. Scholarships are still coming only. I. Marcel R~ - G. Lorraine R~

Student council officers for Campaigns are under way at in, with Francine Filipek of Holy Holy Family's senior prom the coming year at Stang will be Roger laFrance

!tit. Sl Mary Academy in Fall Family receiving a $100 grant will be held tomorrow night at FUNERAL DIRECTORS James Quinn, president; Jocelyn River for next year's student from the Polish Women's Bus­ council officers. Paulette Thi- iness and Professional Club; Allendale Country Club. Seniors Marcoux, vice-president; Jean 15 Irvington Ct. Thomas bault and Kathy Bolger are con- Kathleen Raposa of SHA Fall polished" off their final exams Muldoon, secretary; Monday, Tuesday and Wednes­ WY 7·7830 Geary, treasurer. tending for president; while Pat· River receiving an award from day of this week and also on New Bedford Gibbons and Gayle Kerrigan Stonehill College; Timothy An­ Awards assembly comes to­ Monday school representatives ere vying for the vice-presiden- drews of Coyle gaining a $1000 morrow at Coyle High School attended a banquet at New Bed­ tial spot. renewable scholarship to Notre . ford Hotel where winners of the To be recognized are outstanding At Bishop Stang High in North Dame; Richard Wiber, Coyle, a athletes and club members. Freedom Foundation Shrine Ex­ NO JOB TOO BIG Dartmouth the Spartans are re- Presidential Scholarship for The school is participating in amination were announced. A NONE TOO SMALL joicing in a baseball win over $1500, also renewable to Boston Taunton's Centennial celebra­ Freedom Shrine will be pre­ Bishop Feehan. Stang trackmen College; and Edmund Couturier, , sente(l to Holy Family this week. tion, marking the municipality's also defeated Case High and Coyle, the first annual Fathers' , Debate club officers for Coyle 100th year as a city and 325th as eame in sixth in the annual Club scholarship to Notre Dame. High for the next academic year a town. The band gave a pops Bristol County track meet. PRINTERS

will be James Fagan, presi!'lent; concert on the Taunton Green In literary climaxes to the Give Concert Tuesday and will participate in Albert Petka, vice-president; school year, Prevost yearbooks Bishop Stang's band and glee Main Office and Plant

a parade. Sunday, June 7. The and the final issue of the school club were heard at Our Lady's Robert Lackey, secretary; James school will also have a float in " LOWELL, MASS. paper have been distributed. Haven in Fairhaven in a recent Fauguel, treasurer. the parade, designed by Anchor Also at Coyle the senior cl.ass Graduation .is set for Sunday, concert. Sophomore and junior 01852 reporter Ric h a r d Robinson picnic is scheduled for Tuesday, June 14 and exercises will be glee club members are busy re­ around the theme "The Christian . June 9 at Cathedral Camp. The Telephone loweD held jointly with Jesus-Mary , hearsing for graduation Sunday, prom will follow on Wednesday, Concept of Education: Educate Academy in Notre Dame Church. .Tune 14. ' 458-6333 and 457·7500 the Whole Man." Three levels Girls will dress in white caps And at Dominican Academy June 10 in the school audito­ on the float will visualize edu­ rium, and honor night is sched­ Auxiliary Plants and gowns, boys in blue, and plaudits are going to Sister Mary cation of the body, mind and, uled for Thursday, June 11. A scholastic achievement will be of Carmel, O.P., who won a BOSTON spirit. Baccalaureate Mass will be cel­ recognized by a gold tassel and blue ribbon in an art fair spon­ OCEANPORT, N. J. And at the first annual Bishop stole for each student with an sored by Rhode Island School of ebrated in St. Mary's Church PAWTUCKET, R. I. average of 90 or better. Students Design. Her entry was a Chinese and graduation will take place Cassidy-Msgr. Coyle Novice De­ Monday night, June 15. bate Tournament held last Fri­ with an average' of 84 or more ceramic. PHILADELPHIA day, Coyle won 5 to 3. Auxilium Latinum will receive a gold card and As a reward for conducting Auxilium Latinum awards at tassel. weekly catechism classes for Bishop Stang go to George Senior Outing public school children. Confra­ Jesus-Mary students had their ternity of Christian Doctrine Niesluchowski, Marcel Bouchard annual outing at Goddard State members at Jesus-Mary Acad­ Park on Tuesday. Swimming, emy will enjoy a picnic at Lin­ horseback riding and a barbecue coIn Woods Thursday, June 11. were on the program. Mercycrest, the school yearAt Sacred Hearts Fall River book, has been distributed at INSURANCE AGENCY, INC.

the student council is sponsoring Mt. St. Mary's and seniors have a clothing drive under direction received graduation invitations 96 WILLIAM STREET

of Kathleen Raposa. School for distribution. NEW BEDFORD, MASS.

shoes and articles of uniform At SHA Fall River the year­ clothing not needed by seniors book has been received too, and WY 8-5153 WY 7-9167 are to be collected and sent to this year's dedication WILl to 12 ·104 COURT ST., TAUNTON, Tel. 824-8644 the mission of Sister Maureea Sister Mary Hortense, S.U.s.C.. PERSONAL SERVICE " ' 'l"homas, MoM.. SHA alumna M- ecademy principal.









THE.ANCHOR~Dioc~~_of:FanRiver-Th"rs., June",


FO'reign .Students Lack Di rection

Getting Ginny Backfrom'School Moving Experience for Parents

WASHINGTON (NC)-Chap. lains at Catholic colleges and Newman centers are failing ... give proper direction to students from missionary countries study.­ ing in the United States, it bas been stated in a report filed here. Msgr. Edward A. Freking, e»­ ecutive chairman of the board of the Catholic Students Missioa Crusade, Cincinnati, Ohio, re­ ported to the Foreign Office of the National Catholic Welfare ,. Conference that there has been a lack' of response to a CSMC proPosal of "apostolic seminars­ for foreign students. The loss of service to students from missionary countries is sa real a problem as the loss oi faith, he declared in the report, whose contents were summarized in a statement from the NCWC: Office. Msgr. Freking recalled that 10 years ago the CSMC, together with the International Catholle AUXiliaries, developed the sem­ inars to combine a few days of doctrinal instruction and spirit­ ual formation for froeign stu­ dents in U.S. colleges. The. seminars, he said, were prompted by complaints from bishops and religious superviSOR in missionary countries who were "deeply disappointed" by the lack of apostolic formation their young men received while in the United States. Some of the students were sent here on scholarships at consider­ able sacrifices to their churches, but returned as "total losses" to the 3postolate in their homeland, he said.

By Mary Tinley Daly

A certain mover in our town claims, "I can move any­ thing anywhere!" Our claims are more modest. Matter of fact, ~ntil today we made no claim whatsoever to prowess in the art of conveyance. Now, howeve:r, we challenge that mover on one score: ~e yen­ Ginny gave the lid a resound­ ture to boast that CUbIC mch ing whack, clicking it in place. for cubic inch, in our family We brea';hed a second prayer ear vs. his huge vans, we can that we would oot get a flat and

have. to E~xhume transpor t more ml'scellany than d 11 that thO spare htire h ly those readers burled un er a IS parap er­ P he. er aps on nalia _ not only embarrassing who have"t~ken but a complete nuisance. a few thmgs "Thought we were going to home" at year's take home 'a few things'-your end for a col­ Winter coat, skirts, sweaters, lege freshman woolen dresses?" we asked. - g i r 1 fresh­ ~L'rUnk and All man, that is ­ "Right!" Our freshman had will understand.

this settled. "They're in my Luckily, when

trunk, all packed. It's here, the Head of the

Daddy. Help ·me ease it into House and I

the back seat?" went to a par­ So loc:k:er trunk was inched ents' picnic at

into' the car, destined to lurch Ginny's college

forward dislodging front seat eampu~. we travele? light.

passeng~rs at every sudden stop ObVIously fue SIght of that all the way home. This made for empty back seat .inspired Ginny conversation, but we won't go with ideas, very practical ideas. into that * '" * "Now, if you'll just take a few And surrounding the trunk things home for me - Winter were thE! take-it-easy-and-be_ elothes and stuff I won't need careful possessions belonging to during the next 10 days, mostly our freshman: framed pictures, exams, it'll make my trip home ribbons "too pretty to throw on the train a lot easier." away" small carved Swiss house So, toward the end .of the pic- sent her by a friend, her one and Die, while we' lingered on' to only hat, favors from dances, visit with the Sisters and other plants _ all too fragile _ and parents, Ginny and fellow fresh­ some funny dolls. These must men proceeded to pack those be carefully placed, most of "few things" into their· parents' them on the ledge behind the ears. We found a flushed and back seat. perspiring Ginny hunched down "We lw'ged most oj! this stuff on her heels, wrestling with the up last SE;Ptember," groaned the spare tire in our car trunk, try­ Head of the House.' "Now we lng to nudge it into a less space­ have to take it back-and lug eonsuming corner. it up agai.n next Fall?" "Wish you hadn't brought this "Not all," we tried to placate•. big thing," she sighed. "I sure ''Ginny has read most of the . eoulda used more room. Oh, books, will have worn out some well, I'll just pack aroun.d it." of the .shoes, perhaps the plants With a silent prayer that we won't survive. the Summer.. would not need that spare on the . Thump! Forward came the 250-mile trip home, we helped trunk for the 15th time atlwe "pack around" it. a couple of· Stopped for a red light. blankets, a bedspread,. pillows Two hitch-hiking lboys came (bed and' studio couch), shoes toward us, thumbs extended. (heels), curtains, rug, c:Wwn."No sir,': .sa~? the spokesmaD filled comforter, books (refer- . WIth a grIn. Your car" shows ence) .galoshes . shoes (stack you got troubles enough. heels) bOoks (p~perback); shoes "That's 'right," the other one (sneakers) electric iron, radio, said, walking away, "Couldn't lamp, sho'es . (fuzzy slippers), get in .,:nere with a shoe books ('high school annuals). horn· • •. shoes (saddle oxfords), books· (religious and dictionaries), class Stained Glass Windows' day posters,' tennis racket,' waste basket filled with stationery, Show' Church History shoes (boots), hair dryer. . 'WEST ORANGE (NC)-A con­ As we wondered If the lid could possibly close, Ginny added temporary history of the Church 8 few more books,' another pair can be fo':.1nd in the st'ained glass of shoes and ,her "file case"­ windows of the new Our Lady letters' received during the year, .of Lourdes church herein New' neatly stashed into a canvas Jersey. . bag bearing the typically col­ .Included is a window me­ iege:'oriented Latin lettering,'. morializing . the nation's first. Tempus, Vita, et Disportati II- Catholic President, John F. Ken­ lustrati (Time, Life and SpoJ.:ts. neely. It has two panels, one Illustrated). showing him flaking tlhe oath of office in 1961 from Chief Justice Earl Wr,rren, .the. other one College Recognizes showing his grave site at Atl"llng­ ton National Cemetery. The VVork for Retarded window also contains «;Ine of his NEW YORK (NC)-:-The Col­ most :bmous quotes: "Ask not lege of Mount St. Vincent gave what your country can do for its second annual Blessed Eliza­ beth Ann seton' Award to Mary you.. Ask what you can do for . Dodge Ten Eyck McCarthy for your country." J11ather John T. Lawlor, pastor, her work with retardeq children. devised .the plan of the window The award, given to an out­ history. One window shows the standing Catholic laywoman ex­ emplifying the ideals of the Second Vatican Councll in ses­ sion. Bel()w it is a panel showing American foundress of the Sis­ ters of Charity, was presented Archbish·l>p Thomas A. Boland by . Francis Cardinal Spellman, of Newark 8S. a council Father. Archbishop of New York and Evening Requiem chancellor of the college, at STEUBENVILLE ( N C) ­ commencement exercises Tues­ day. . B~-"'}p Joh~ King Mussio has Mary Dodge and her husband, . granted permission for evening Frank McCarthy, who died in funeral Masses in the St~uben­ 1956, founded the Syracuse ville dioc:ese. The -only CO~ditlOD Chapter of the Association for sei'ddwn by the Ohio prelate waa Retarded Children in 1950. a "trUe 'Ilastoral Ilecessi~."

BUSY SPOT: Bookstore at Bishop Cassidy High School in Taunton is busy spot as students collect last-minute souvenirs of high school days. From left, Mary Ann Jonis, Paula :Reed are assisted by Joan O'Hearne.

'Desire' Isn't Desirable New Orleans Housing Project for Negroes .

Like Island Community

NEW ORLEANS (NC)-They city recreation department em­ call the project Desire-but they ployees. Care and attention can don't tell why. It's a publtc hous­ be given to only a handful .of ing project for Negroes. like an the thousands of children who island oommuni17 within' the need a recreational program. city of New· Orleans. It's hem­ . Desire is beset with traffic' med in by a dangerous canal, First Eskimo Nurse . l"ailroad lines and a sprawling hazards, inadequate tr'3nsit ser­ wooded area with few acCess vice and limited aecess roads. Receives Diploma A single roadway from the south, roads. WINNIPEG (NC)-When Ma­ another from the north, and a Some 11,000 persons live in bel Poniak, 23, received her Desire../\.mong· new arrivals are dirt road are the only arteries nursing diploma at the Winnipeg eannecting the l00-square-block­ 14 socio:logy studetitslT1>m Xav­ eommunity with the rest of New­ General Hospital here, she be­ ier Un!v'ersity, which is predom;. ­ Orleans." . came the first Eskimo to be inantly Negro and ronducted .by glIaduated from a professionel the Sistnrs of the Blessed Sacra­ nursing school. ment. 'I1lle students are working .' Daughter of a fOrmer' trap~ Warrie 'Smith Plans quietly' in the bacg~und on 8 - She has Ii) sisters and five brot­ positive program .t1}ey b'>,Pe will Return' to Texas. . hers. She attended the' OathoUe turn Desire into a reQl part of mission school' at I·ndian-Es­ WASHINGTON (NC) - War­ .the city, . ' kimo school at Yellowknife. '!be rie Lynn Smith, 19, roommate of The students well know that Federal Department of Northern no marl is ar. island-and no Lynda Bird Johnson, the Presi­ Affairs sent her· to Winnipeg • public housing project should be dent's 20-year-old daughter, has study nursing; decided to return to 'the Univer- . . one,' eitJler. Problems which be­ 8117 of Texas next fall. set every hig.h density, low in­ come area-delinquency, defeat­ Miss Smith, a Catholic and a graduate of Incarnate Word 'High ism an<i. the like- are .:itensl­ fled by basic physical needs in School, Sa'n Antonio, Tex., was Miss Johnson'·s roommate when . . Helen Aubertine Braugh Desire. both· attended. the University of . ncbool Near Ditch William H. Aubertine Texas. . For instance, there's the Helen .BrIan J. Aubertine -Last January the transferred E.Edwards pUblic elementary to George Washington Univer­ Spadous Parking Area schoolattended by Desire ohild­ reno m.en there's a heavy' rain, sity here· and Miss Smith has WY 2-2957 ·the youngsters must remain in been living at the White ·House 129 Allen St. New Bedford school for hours after thE" 3 p.m. wlth her classmate. dismissal. The school is close by RnODE .ISLAND a deep drainage ditch. \\''ben the rains come, it's difficult to tell Where 'fue' canal' ends and the street begins. That's why on rainy days Duncan W Waters, principal, orders the cbil.dren held in school until their parents pick them up - frequently, 81 late 86 6 p.m. • Chowder, • Over 100 Rides . In DE!slre there's only one . . pervisecl·p}aygrouild-supervised clamcakesand I.Amusements for sun:aner months only bt' two watermelon • Olympic size



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. THE ANCHOR ~ ''rhu~i., June 4; 1964

P·ositive Approach Necessary

To StQP Abuse of Children

Praises India's

Social Workers

By John J. Kane, Ph. D. '"I am deeply concerned about family in my neighbor­ hood in whicn the father abuses his son, aged three. This child has come to my home to play and I found burns on his arm which seem to have been made by a cigarette. Last Summer at the beach, he had children should be brought to welts across his back. He the attention of a suitable social laid his father beat him agency. h h was angry. Can this PsychOIOgf~al Scars. W en ?~ There is more mvolved m the


be true. Unfortunately,. It is probably enly t.oo true. Vmcent De Fr~cis . ~Irector of the Children s diVISI~n of the AmerIcan Humane society, pre sen ted • pap e r in C 1 eve 1 and almost a year ego reporting on the problem of chila abuse. Some state legfslators h a v e introduced bills for criminal proced~es against Sl;lch parents. To gIve you an Idea of the 1IC0pe of the problem! I am proyiding some o.f the mformation Mr..De Francis uncovered. Accordmg to newspaper ~ccounts, be found 662 cases ~f chIld abuse rep_orted in the Umted States. Obviously this did not cover aU cas~ many, probably most" of WhICh are. not rep.orted. Usually they mvolve chIldren under 10 years of age, although IIOme were as old as. 17. A~ut one in every four children dIed from such abuse. Forma of Abuse Most of the injuries result from beatings with hairbrushes, IIOmetimes with fists, radio antennae, ropes, rubber hoses, electric wires, sticks, and pool cues. Kicking children is commono Some fathers have done so while wearing heavy working lIhoes. Burns on the arms and legs by cigarettes or even from gas burners were also found. Some. children were scalded by having.. boiling water thrown over them. In a few cases they were suffoeated with pillows or in plastic.. bags. A number were dro,wned in bathtubs. These abuses frequently re-' suIted in broken bones. One five month old child had 30 broken bones. Another had lost an eye. But internal injuries are among the most serious, particularly brain damage. In these cases death was usual. While this type of behavior .eems entirely foreign to the humanity of the 20th century, it does exist. The tragedy of it is that in most communities little is done about it. Basic Questions There are two basic questions Jnvolved in the problem of child abuse. First, how shan it be handled? second, what are its eauses? Since most communities

do not have a Child Protective Service, a parent, relative, or family friend who reports such • case usually goes to the police. In the case of death, this of Decessity becomes a police Mat­ ter. Certainly at the height of such abuse, force may be nec­ essary to restrain a parent, and again, the police are equipped to handle it. But police inter­ vention in itself does not pre­ vent recurrence of the abuse. Yet once a situation has come to light, prevention of it in the future is vital. , In some casses children may have to be taken from these parents. This is an extreme measure, but doubtless merited. At this point, however, some type of social agency will have to become Involved, such as Catholic Social Welfare or an­ other type of private or atate agency. AIq known abuse of

abuse of children than the physieal scars. There are psycholog­ fcal scars which may be even d'eeper and longer lasting than the physical. Such children have suffered psychological trauma which may warp their personalities-may cause them to live in trembling fear. They require a type of rehabilitation b es t provided through social agem:ies. Most of this abuse is carried out by a father, but ironically enough, abuse by mothers re­ sulted in more fatalities. Con­ trary to what might be expected, th~se parents are not necessar­ ily pocr and uneducated. Abused children are found in all kinds of families from the poverty stricken slum dwellers to the wealthy suburbanites. One father guilty of such abuse was a high school teacher. A number of steps can be taken to reduce the amount of child abuse. The first is the es­ tablishment of a specific social agency within the community to investigate such charges, or at least the use of existing agen­ cies. At times child abuse win have to be dealt with as a criminal act through the police and the courts. But this is not enough, and some type of effective re­ habilitation is essential for these parents. Social Workers Trained The attitude of the social workers to these conditions is quite different from that of the police. Because of their training, they will recognize psycholog­ ical problems overlooked by the police. They also have the skills to help these parents and if nec­ essary can refer them for treat­ ment. They will also be aware of the necessity of treating the child for more than physical wounds. Finally, communities should be aroused to the extent of child abuse which occurs. Physicians, teachers, and others who come into contact with young children should be alerted to look for such injuries and to inquire into their cause. Indignation over child abuse is not what is need­ ed. Neither are severe punitive measures. The positive approach is to understand that these children and parents need inedical and possibly psychiatric help, and to assist them to obtain both.

Prelate Is Grateful For Printing Press ROCKVILLE CENTRE (NC)

-A letter of thanks for a print­

ing press contributed by the

laity of the Rockville Centre diocese to the Archdiocese of Goiania, Brazil, was received here by Bishop Walter P. Kel­ lenberg. "The printing press which you and the people of your diocese acquired for us will be a tre-· mendous help in our apostolate, not only in the printing of our diocesan paper, but also in the printing of leaflets for religious instruction, especially in the rural areas and in connection with our radio schOOl," the letter 'from Archbishop Fernando Gomes dos Santos of Goiania stated. The Brazilian prelate visited , this diocese on Long Island last ,year and made an appeal for aid for his rapidly developing archdiocese.


IN MEMORY: In remembrance of President Kennedy, graduates of SS. Peter and Paul School, Fall River, present placque to school on late president's birthda,y anniversary. Eighth grade officers Irene Boulay and John Shannon make presentation.

'Everybody Drops In' Carmelites Sta~ Chapel at Peabody Center With Two Priests, Four Brothers PEABODY (NC)-A Catholic chapel in a shopping center? Skeptics said it wouldn't work, but tOday St. Therese's chapel in the vast Northshore-at-Pea­ body center is one of the busiest institutions in the Boston arch­ diocese. Staffed by Carmelites from a seminary in nearby Hamil­ ton, the chapel was described on its dedication day in 1959 by Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston as "Christ' in the Market Place." ' Its routine is geared to mar­ keting hours in the shopping center, one of the natioJ.l's larg­ est. On days when the bIg stores stage special sales, the chapel calls in priests from nearby parishes to handle the crowds. ' It has a full time staff of two priests and four Brothers.' MasSes are held mornings, after­ noons, evenings-whenever th~re is a need for them, dependmg upon the number of shoppers expected on any particular day. Besides shoppers, thousands of factory workers and motorists are regular visitors. "Everybody drops in here," says Father Joe C:;chevers, O.Carm.,

director. "We have many Protes­ tant clergymen as regular visi­ tors and we f!TId that many per­ sons visit to talk over problems."

WASHINGTON (NC)-Indian women social workers are con­ tributing greatly to the develop­ ment of India, Dorothy Baker, an American woman, who di..; rects the Catholic School of Social Work in Bombay, said in an interview here. They are active 'in hospitals, dispensaries, correctional cen­ ters and recreational clubs. Par­ ticular help is given to, people all over India in their personal and family problems, such as marital difficulties, parent-child difficulties, adoption, chi 1 d placement and job difficulties, she said. They also are concerned with carrying through public and private welfare programs. Miss Baker is a member of the Daughters of the Heart of Mary; Ii religious institute founded in Paris in 1790 which conducts several educational institutions in India. The main one is the Institute of Social Service in Bombay with two branches, the School of Social Work and the 'College of Home Science.' The latter is concerned with family problems, while the School of Social Work, a post graduate course, teaches basic techniques of social work-.tch as community organization, s0­ cial science and social welfare. Miss Baker said.

Salve Regina Officers Newly elected junior class of­

ficers at Salve Regina College,

Newport, include Michele

Paquet, Fall River, vice-presi­

dent; and Barbara Connolly, West Hyannisport, social com­ mittee representative.

41% UPIO IIi! ~~t~O~~~S

Sisters of Charity Alumni to Meet


CHICAGO (NC) - The 25th biennial convention of the Na­ tional Federation of Alumni, Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, will be held strting Thursday; June 18 at the Edge­ water Beach Hotel here. Albert Cardinal Meyer of Chi­ cago will offer the convention's Solemn Pontifical Mass at Holy Name Cathedral on Saturday, June 20. Speakers will include Sister Mary Ann Ida, president, Mun­ delein College, Chicago; Sister Mary Benedict, president, Clarke College, Dubuque, Iowa, and Mother Mary Consolatrice, Su­ perior General of the sisterhood. The federation was founded in 1912 to unite various alumni groupS and promote support of the sisterhood in Catholie edu­ cation. .


New A. B. Dick photo- ­ copy paper gives you copies for IS~ each. And you can use it in any dif­ fusion transfer copy ma­ chine. Save even more by making copies on both .ides of thej>ilper. They1l ~me out clean and crfsp every tfme. We're ready to demon­ .trate thll new money laving product. Stop III


First Woman Ph.D. MONTREAL (NC)-Germaine

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THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., June 4,1964

Warns Agai~st State Control Of Family HARTFORD (NC) - A Catholic expert on family life warned here that some per­ sons are striving for· state eontrol over the family's right to have childen. . Msgr. John C. Knott, director of the Family Life Bureau of the National Catholic Welfare Con. ference, told the annual dinner of Connecticut Oana clubs that some new suggestions in ~mily planning are aimed at "the breeding of a new master race upon the earth." State Permission "The right of any married couple to have children is now seriously being challenged," he said. "One proposal is that the , government should pass a law forbidding a couple to have more than three children. Another proposal is that a eouple should have to ask per­ mission from the state to have • child. They would have to prove physical, psychological and financial capacity to rear one before permission is granted." . The science of genetics, Msgr. Knott said, is progressing so rapidly that scientists may soon have enough knowledge to con­ trol human reproduction and heredity. He called this power more frightening than t,he power to destroy life through the atomic bomb. Child Liability , "Most of these proposals, eliocking as they may be on first hearing, are being put forth under the laudable reason-the improvement of the human race," he said. "Missing from most of them is any mention of human dignity and the values of love between a man and his wife. The child is seen mainly as a threat or a liability, not as something valuable in his own right. "Most of the proposals being put forth in the name of science or social engineering can be seen for what they are--attacks on a traditional Judeao-Christian concept of life and dignity which has been the buttress CYf our western civilization." Msgr. Knott said what Is needed to combat this new atti­ tude about sex and prOcreation is not a new moral code, but a better understanding of the old one.

Prayer Crusade For Racial Amity PHILADELPHIA (NC) -Archbishop John J. Krol will offer a Solemn Pontifical Mass in SS. Peter and Paul cathedral here tomorrow, feast of the Sacred Heart, as part of a cru­ sade of prayer for religious unity and racial amity. Invitations have been extend­ ed to 'religious leaders of other faiths and to public officials to join in the citywide event to emphasize the part that religion must play in interracial prob­ lems. In a pastoral letter, Arch­ bishop Krol said: "This public devotion will emphasize the crusade of prayer which is the dynamic source of all that we hope to accomplish toward re­ ligious unity and the elimina­ tion of racial prejudice." Archbishop KroJ recently es­ tablished the Archbishop's Com­ mittee on Human Relations to deal with both the problems of ecumenism and race relationa.

MEMORABLE REUNION: Fr. Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., Father Peyton flew from Madrid to baptize James Matthew began his Family Crusade 20 years ago in Canton, N.Y., Woods, the 13th,child born to Mr. and Mrs. Woods. The where he witnessed the marriage vows of Mr. and Mrs. , Woods family have managed to say the Rosary each day Norbert V. Woods. Since then'more than ·20 million persons of their married life. NC Photo. around the world have joined the Crusade. A few days ago,

Fr. Peyton Baptizes 13th Member of Rosary Crusade First Family CANTON (NC)-More than Woods, a New York State 20 millio:tl persons have joined parole officer, said .during the the Family .... osary Crusade since years oj' his marriage he and his Father Patrick Peyton,' C.S.C., family ::lave managed to say the Rosary each day begap his wor~ in 1944. But a crusade had to have a beginning and Father Peyton's mission among "~mi1ies who pray together, stay together," be­ gan with Mr.' and Mrs. Norbert V. Woods here in this New York CINCINNATI (NC)-Catholic State village near the St. Law­ college graduates must become rence River. The W()Q(is remember the date, involved in the social needs of humanity, a Catholic educator and plac(l well-Feb. 5" 1944, in declared here. St. Helen's church, Schenectady, Addressing the 29th com­ their wedding day. Father Pey­ mencement exercises of Our ton witnessed their exchange of Lady )f Cincinnati College, vows. Now another important Msgr. C. O'Neil D'Amour, who date is in the Woods' memory recentl:r left the post of asso­ book-May 20, 1964. ciate s,ecretary of the National . Father Peyton, in the midst Catholic Educational Associa­ of a crusade in Spain, came back tion, Washington, D;C., declared by plane to Canton where he that "for the Christian, involve­ baptized the 13th child, James ment i!: a mandate of Christ." Matthew, bom to Mr. and Mrs. Msgr, D'Amour, superintend­ Woods on April 28. Father Pey­ ent of ilchools of the Marquette, ton returned to Spain for the Mich:, diocese; called involve­ end of the crusade, Sunday. ment "a recognition of the hu­ manity that is common to all of us." Asserh Bible Study Polit::cal corruption, labor un­ Aid to Ecumenism rest and racial tension often CLEVl~LAND (NC) Bible occur 1: ecause people who ought study is aiding. the ecumenical to exercise leadership ":fear to. movement, Auxiliary Bishop ~come contaminated, fear to John F. Whealon of Cleveland become involved," he said. "In lhe face of the problems told a meeting of Protestant of OUI' colored brothers,", he ministers here. added, "our good neighbors flee· The Bible, once a "battle· ground," has become an· area from the inner city to the sUburbs. They flee from inte­ for scholarly C04ilperation among Protestants, Catholics and Jews, grated neighborhoods. to segreBishop Whealon told the Greater Cleveland Ministerial Associa­ tion. WEAR The Bishop, a graduate of the l;hoes That Fit Pontifical Biblical Institute in "THE FAMILY SHOE srORE" Rome, voiced hope for the suc­ cess of efforts to develop an English-l.anguage Bible accept­ able to ll:ll faiths.

"It only takes about 15 min­ utes a day and believe me it's time well spent. It is something that grows on you-and makes you grow," he said. "My family

Urges Graduates Become Involved In S,ocial Needs' of Humanity

•••• n ••••••••••• ~

: •JB •


•• •:

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gated neighborhoods. They cre­ ate segregated schools--they do' not want to become involved." Schools Essential Turning to the role of the Catholic school, he said it is "only too obvious that involve­ ment is impossible outside of a religious context." He sharply disagreed with who would have us phase out our Catholic schools" or who "feel that the Catholic school already has served its purpose." "Only those who have a grasp of the truth of Christ are cap­ able of giving the dynamic lead­ ership needed in this day," he said. , "I believe that our Catholic school system is essential to the well being of our nation and the future of the world," he added. "It is essential only because it is able to produce men and women dedicated to the cause of Christ."

Is no different than others. We have our troubles and our little arguments just like everyone else. But saying the Rosary gives you something solid-somethin, that you have in common. "A lot of people," he said, "think you have to kneel down on the living room floC''" well, we simply sit around and say the Rosary. There are timeS' when we've been out late or had company and fall asleep saying tl 'Qosary. But we always fin­ ish it." Woods' brother, Father Fran.­ cis F. Woods, who died earlier this year, was the firs· priest to join Father Peyton's Family Rosary Crusade. Father Woods was aFo"ciilted with Father Pey­ ton for 22 years.

Community Course WASHINGTON (NC) - A new two-year program in com­ munity organization that will tie in social work, neighborhood dynamics and urban renewal will be offered by the Catholic University of America here starting in September. The pro­ gram will be available for those studying for a master's degree ill social' work.

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,Repeat Warning

Against Threat

Of Communism


Appoint'Layman To Head Catholic High School

WASHINGTON (NC» ­ The Free World is being ad­ vised again to be vigilant against the threat of com­ munism. The recent warning of Pope Paul VI that communism "preserves intact and unchanged its subversive and antireligious character," has been followed by the observation of· U.S. Un­ dersecretary of State W. Averell Harriman that the ,conflicts be­ tween Soviet Russia and Red China "will probably cause greater difficulty, not less" for the United States and its allies. Some authorities here say there is no immediate prospect of nuclear war, and that Soviet Russia may have begun seriously to pursue a policy of peaceful coexistence with the West. It has been said, too, that Red China probably will fail again this Fall when it makes its next effort for admittance, to the United Nations. steps Up Activity On the other hand, some ob- . servers believe Soviet Russia may have eased its attitude to­ ward the Free World a little Simply to gain mOore freedom to deal with Red China. And Un­ dersecretary Harriman has said that as a result of their differ­ ences, both Russia and Red China will intensify their efforts to subvert other countries where fertile ground can be found, pat'­ tkularly in the developing coun­ tries. There is increasing evidence linking Red China with' at least some of the turbulence in Afrioo, and showing that it is constantly trying to exend its influence in Asia. Mea,nwhile, some warnings have been issued here against the stepped up activity of Soviet Russia in the Middle East. Khrtl;. shchev, it has been charged, is attempting to have the U.S. thrown off lis bases in Lybia, to subvert the Algerian govern­ ment, and to wrest oil resources of the Middle East from Great Britain. The Kremlin dictator's visit to President Nasser of Egypt was watched closely. Huge Armed Manpower Secret papers prepared in 1961 by the general political depart­ ment of the Chinese People's Liberation Army came into the possession of the U.S. in 1962, it has been revealed, and analy­ ses of them have been made pub­ lic here. They are said to reveal that Peking policy is "to keep Sino-American relations frozen and stalemated for many years." They are also said to show' that Red China has concluded that it cannot be defeated by ,nuclear weapons, because of its vast size, and until it develops its own such weapons it can rely upon its huge armed manpower, including an organized militia estimated to total some 200 mil~ lion in 1961.

Catholic Choir Sings At Anglican Service


Thurs., June 4, 1964

LOCKPORT (NC) - The new $508,000 Holy Savior Central Catholic high school building will not be the only

THANKS TO U.S. CATHOLIC WOMEN: This is a before and after pictijre of a young Costa Rican girl aided by -social workers of the Society for Social Welfare (ABS) there. New clothing, food and canteen equipment supplied through the Madonna Plan of the National ~ouncil of Catholic Women of the United States, has produced a clean, healthy and happy child. A program of vocational training for grammar school dropouts has also been introduced there. NC Photo.

Ohio Rabbi Supports Aid to,Private ~chools Says Cultural Pluralism Mainstay of AKRON (NC) - A rabbi and a representative of Citizens for Educational Freedom insisted here that government aid' to secular departments of parochial schools would be no violation of the Constitution' or the premise of separation of Church and State. Rabbi Ab r a ham Leibtag,. leader of, the Orthodox Anshe Sfard synagogue, took part in a discussion on "Parents' Rights in Education." The other parti­ cipant was John Yeager, presi­ dent of the Akron Chapter, Citizens for Educational Free­ dom. Rabbi Leibtag said in an in­ terview that cultural pluralism has become a mainstay in our society and that the brother­ hood of many races and faiths 1:Ias developed deep roots in our nation. He added: Moral Obligation , "Because of that, I feel that government - local, state, or Federal - has a moral duty and obligation to aid anything that advances, this cause of cultural pluralism." , Parochial schools of Catholic, _Lutherans, and other Christian faiths, along ,with day schools of the Jewish Faith, Rabbi Leibtag continued, are mani­ festations of that brotherhood of races and faiths in America.

'Says Legion Favors School Prayer Law

DOVER (NC)-The American Legion stands squarely behind a OMAHA (NC) - A 'Catholic proposed constitutional amend­

choir from Creighton University ment to return prayers to public sang at Anglican church services schools, National Commander here in Nebraska during a con­ Daniel F. Foley said here in ference of Anglo _ Catholics New Hampshire. espousing traditional Anglican At a state legion dinner Foley doctrine. sharply criticized those in to­ The choir from the Jesus in­ day's modern society who are stitution sang "Behold the High "attempting to eliminate any ptiest," a traditional entrance semblance of religion from our hymn for Catholic bishops, as daily lives." Anglican Bishop Wilfrid Westall "The American Legion," he of Crediton, England, walked in ' declared, "believes that the con­ procession down the aisle of St. stitutional amendment would Barnabas' EpiscopaJ church. be a recognition of the belief of During the services and bene­ the majority of our people that diction the choir sang :the solemn God has blessed our land, is the Te Deum in an Engli'sh transla­ foundation of our institutions tion taken from the Book of and the guarantor of' our fre&­ Common Prayer. ' doms."

It is true, he said, members of these faiths who support their sectarian schools are doing so by their own free choice but, he added: "That does ,not alter the fact that they are carrying a double burden· of taxation by also sup­ porting, through taxes, the pub­ lic school systems." Help Secular Departments Rabbi Leibtag, whose congre­ gation plans to open an accre-

Housing Is Key To Segregation BOSTON (NC)-The key to de facto segregation in schools is racial discrimination in housing, Gov. Richard J. Hughes of New iersey said here. Speaking before 1,500 social workers, public officials and civic leaders at a meeting called, by the Greater Boston Confer­ ence on Equal Opportunity, Gov. Hughes said that "neighborhood patterns must be changed if seg­ regation in city schools is to be eliminated'." "In New Jersey," he said, "we cherish the heighborhood school principle which was first set up so a Negro child would be al­ lowed to attend his neighbor­ hood school and not be relegated 10 a "Negro school.'" Over the course of years, Gov.

Hughes continued, the pattern

of residency has distorted the

princip:e and many neighbor­

hood schools have become seg­ regatec.i schools.


new look in Lockport when classes resume in September. 'Sitting behind the principal's desk will be 31year-old Richard Champagne, first layman ever to serve as principal of a Catholic high schOOl in the Archdiocese of New Orleans. He taught at the old Holy Savior school for six years. The faculty which Cham­ pagne will direct is made up of Sisters of the Congregation of the Immaculate Conception, the order which taught him at the elementary and high school level. Serves Six Communities Champagne, a native of Lock­ port was trained by the Sisters in Holy Savior elementary and high schools. This Summer he will receive his master of edu­ cation in guidance degree from Louisiana State University and will be certified by the state of Louisiana as a school adminis­ .trator. The new school will be co­ institutional and serve six com­ munities in the area some 3li miles west of New Orleans.

Says Archeological Work Hampered

dited day school for Jewish children next Fall, said that if MONTREAL (NC) - Archeo­ g'overnment can do anything for those private schools without logical discoveries in the Holy Land are being hampered by violating, constitutional guaran­ lack of cooperation between sci- ' tees it should do so. He empha- , entists of Arab countries and sized: ,"I strongly feel, that in view Israel , it was charged here. Avraham Biran, director of of the importance of our nation's Archeology and Antiquities of cultural pluralism, the govern­ ment should see its way clear to Israel and chairman of the board of the Samuel Bronfman Bibli­ help out the secular departments cal and Archeological Museum of these schools." in Israel, said here that many 'He' singled out such things as interesting discoveries al10ut the history, mathematic and other Holy Land are being matie con­ departments which teach non­ stantly by the ISraelis and the religious subjects and added: Jordanians. "There ' c e r t a i n 1y would be '''But there is no cooperation nothing wrong in the govern­ between our archeologists and ment providing funds, for text­ theirs. We have to learn about books for those subjects." their findings through reading their scientific reviews, and I suppose they do the same with ours. It is a far cry from a good JERSEY CITY (NC) - Dr. state of affairs," Biran said. John Coleman Bennett, president

of Union, Theological Seminary

in New York, will deliver the May I Serve You? main address and will receive an honorary Doctor of Laws de­ gree at the 72nd annual com­ mencement ,of St. Peter's Col­ lege here June 7.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of River-'rhurs., June 4, . . , ' .. 1964 "

First and Principally


God Love You

Column Readers Generous To Brazil Mission 'Nuns

By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D. May we tell you something ahouta Society which th B ly Father calls "first" among all mission works? It is SOmethi:g ~at you yourself would have asked for at this Council if it had at a~e~dy bee.n !n eXist~nce. There are hundreds and hundredsnof mlSSIOn SOCIeties beggIng for their deserved needs Each . ty cares O~y for its own ~mbers and its own .ions. .;::e is na~, Just as your family d~ not give part of your salary to th family next door. Because of this multiplicity, however, you receiv: hundreds and hundreds of appeals. You cannot help all and t you know that they should be helped in some way. ' ye

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. KE!nnedy Since I wrote, a few weeks ago, about the splendid work being done by Filippini Sisters from the United States in a sprawling shanty town outside Sao Paulo" Brazil, I have had a number of letters from people who want to help these heroic women. Some have K ennedys by Mark Shaw It . se~t ch eck s, 0 th ers h ave m- brings the subject alive in first qUlred abou~ th~ best. means rate photographs showing many of commumcatmg With the aspec;ts of :~. Kennedy's career sisters. All checks received have been forwarded, and I have j n d i v i d u _ ally thanked each contributor. Those interested in doing something te aid the cause are advised to send offerings to Bra z iii a n Foundation,Filippini Sisters, Vi 11 a Walsh, M 0 r r i s -: town, New Jersey. Since the malls both to and within Brazil uoe uncertain, it is safest to direct contributions to thk address, from which they are sure to reach Sao Paulo. I am always hoping that YOG will write something about books· about dogs. I love dogs. They are man's best friend. I Hke to read about them Please don't neglect them In y~ur col1IDUl.

I have no particular prejudice against dogs, although books about dogs generally bore me But I do not deliberately ex~ elude them from this department. It's just that there are 80 ...ery many categories of books "at one (or at least this one) an't get around to all of them. You can't say however that lOme dogs of books have~'t figwed in this space. G-r-r-r.

Books About Kennedy Please tell me what Is the best book about President Kennedy. . Nothing like a thorough and objective book about the late President has yet appeared, nor is this surprising. It will take ,.~ars before anything of the sort can be produced. We are promlsed and fairly soon, volumes by Arthur Schlesinger Jr. and Theodore Sorenson, men who were very close to J.F.K. and who write well. These will.be worth waiting for. Hugh Sidey's books, written while the President was still living, is now available In a memorial edition, as is Mr. Kennedy's own Profiles in Courage. TheSidey book is not a full biography, but a critical record of some months of the recent administration. Jim Bishop's A Day in the Life of President Kennedy is brief, not parti8Ularly deep, but provides a per_ eeptive sketch of the man. There are several books eonmting mostly of photographs. United Press International and American Heritage Magazine put out Four Days, dealing in text and pictures with the period from t..'le assassination to the burial. It is commendably done with some excellent color pic~ tures. The Associated Press's comparable effort, The Torch Is Passed, is much inferior in every respect. A picture book subtitled "a family album" is The John F.

Honorary Degrees WASHINGTON (NC) - Fran_ eis Cardinal Spellman of New York, Bishop James E. Kearney of Rochester, N. Y., and FBI Di­ rector J. Edgar Hoover are among 11 m~n who will receive honorary degrees at the 75th annual Catholic University of America commencement here Sunday. June 7.

since his marriage. 'Portrait' Best America the Beautiful is rich in choice p:lctures, and the entire text is drawn from Kennedy speeches and WJ;itings. Although now in its second edition, it is still available from OUR SUN­ DAY VISITOR at its "pre-pub lication" rate of $3.95. Regular price is $4.95. The best of picture books, in my judgment, is Portrait with lively words and wonderful pictures by Jacques Loew. This is not new, but I have seen some copies of it in bookshops. A Tribute to John F. Kennedy, put out f:>y the Encyclopedia Britannica comprises tributes pictures, cartoons. There is even a children's book, Once There W~s a President by S. J. Frolick, qUIte good and likely to capture the attention of youngsters. Loves Irish I think l[ detect In yonr review of ~dwill1 O'Co?nor's I Was Dancmg iJOme bJaS where the Irish are. eoncerned,. I resent this and !md it mystifying In a person WI·tIl your name and face. I love the Irish, every last one of them. They are absolutely perfect, as everyone knows. Your reproach reminds me of a letter I had some years ago from a p~r.son who excoriated me for pr81smg a novel in which the hero~e, in. the ancie~t times .of the IrIsh kings, commItted a sm. My correspondent informed me that this was a slur on Irish' womanhood and a despicable slander. Carrect, of course;' the confessional is unknown in Ireland. lllystery Stories You haven't reviewed any mystery stories lately. Have you gone high hat or something? You are wrong as to the first; as to the second, I am not an im­ partial witness. I reviewed, and favorabl~r, The Spy Who Came In From the Cold, which, while not a murder mystery, is a taut and chilling suspense story. I read anc! liked but didn't get around to reviewir.g Leonard Holton's Flowers By Request, the lateHt of the murder mys­ teries featuring Father Bredder, pastor, chaplain to a convent school, apd, in his spare time, detective (this last being more mysterious than any of the Jluzzlers put to the good man). In a reeent eoluDlD you endcd a sentenee with a preposition. This Is 1& !lip 01 an uneducated petSon. Sorry, I don't know what I could have been thinking of.

In the face of this multiplicity of appeals wonld you not ask' "Why does not the Holy Father form one society which h be aided "first and principally"? The great 8 0 advantage of this would be that, being the Father of all missionaries, he would be fair and equitable to each. Again, he would know the needs of each Part of the world better than anyone else. Furthermore, since he alone sends the missionaries, the doty of aiding them falls on him. This would not prevent his aiding the hundreds of other I!IOcleties, because when the Holy Father says that he is to be aided "first,H It does not mean "no one else," and when he says "principally," It does not mean "exclu­ sively."



IFood Seminar

Continued from Page One in the 49-year history of the National Hotel and Motel Expo­ By thinking this way, you would eventu­ sition, will serve each group'. ally ask that the Church have one society that would aid f!!I1ery part interests successfully. Each par­ of the worl~ and every missionary society. Actually, the Holy Father ticipant will be given a special does have JUst that: 'l'he Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Jrood Service Library. . BrothEr Herman, a native of E~ery cent you ~end to. it goes to the Holy Father. No Diocesan DIrector, no Natlonal Dlrector in the world may distribute a t New Ca:rtle, Pa., represents the of it at his own d!scretion. No bishop may touch a cent of it. I~reat strides which have been given to The Society for the Propagation of the Faith it belongs made within the Catholic to the Papal Mission Treasury. ' Church to train, professionally, G?d has bee~ good in calling us to this work, because It Is Ilpecialists in food service man­ cathohc; It reaches everybod'" because a£ pl....s agement. He is the first religious • be because ." • • no f avor­ Ites, cause. IS Pontifical 'and belongs to the Vicar of Christ :Brother to attend Cornell Uni­ It is a hard job. There are more crosses in it than In other versity's School of Hotel and of work, because the Devil fights those who sPread the Cross over Restaurant Administration and the world. Now that you know what lt'ls, sPread the good news, :bas done advanced work at say a prayer for ns and every month· send 'us an autograph-we George Washington Univ~rsity. love autographs--yon know the kind we mean. Thank yoo. He has just recently been ap­ :pointed I:oordinator of the School Lunch CQnference for I>'!blic, GOD LOVE YOU to AnonymO'Us for a gold chain and medal private and parochial schools of "For th~ Holy Father's Missions." ••. to Anonymous for $42 ''1 Massacb usetts. send this because I understand that giving is necessary" to Well Known Author F.W.H. for $100 "I ~eceived·this as a trustee for an insur~nc~ ~st, Brother Zaccarelli is also the but instead of ke~~mg it, I realize how much more it will help the author I)f numerous articles for poor of the world. . ,. to P. for $1 ''This is not much, but it is from trade magazines and has written my heart (and soul." several books including the Catholic: Food Manual, the Holy Send us your old gold and jewclry-the valuables ,.ou no ·Cross :f!'amily Cookbook, ,and longer use but which ~e toog09d to throwaway. We will resell Purcha!:ing Pointers for Catho­ the earrings,. gold eyeg~ frames, flatware, eic.. and use the lic Institutions. ~oney to relieve the suffering iIi mission lands. Our addrcss: The At the present time he is col­ Society for the Propagation of the ~aith, 366 ·Flfth Avenue New laborating on a special book on York, New York 10001. ' symboEc food with Sister Mary Ursula, O.P., director of Home . Cut out· this column, pin yoar sacrifice to it and mail it to Economics at St. Mary's Domin­ the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Society ican College, New Orleans, La., and Father Francis X. Weiser, for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue New York 1, N,Y., or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. S.J., professor of philosophy and cultural history at Boston Col­ CONSIDINE, 368 North Main Street, Fall River, Mass. lege, and Mrs. William I. Kaufm:m of New York City. Likewise, he will feature a series STORE HOURS of food service articles in a natiom.l trade magazine beginI. ning in September. I .... Brother Herman is also a membEr of the National Restau­ rant Association, the National Association of College and University Food Services, the National Association of College and tional Association of Educational • •• : Buyerl:, the National School' Food service Associatian, the Natiollal Health Federation and UNION WHARF, FAIRHAVEN the National Council olE Hotel, ••_.-.-,.,.,.,.,.,.,.-,.,.,.,..._ ......_ ........_._•••••• ' "'" Restat:,rant, and Institutional Ed- . ..!Ii!·!Ii-!!Ii·i!lJ!I! .. ucatio·n. n! The National Hotel and Motel ExpoSiition, to be held No. 9-12 NEW DELHI (NC) .-Pope at the New York Coliseum, is an activity of the New York State INCORPORATED 1937 Paul VI cabled a message of Hotel and Motel Associatiou, sympathy calling the death of Inc., and the Hotel Association P rim e Minister Jawaharlal of New York City, Inc. Nehru the loss of "a towering leader whose wisdom is sorely needed." The message said: "India has lost its father and NEW YORK (NC)-Ohurch JAMES H. COLLINS, C.E., Pres.

the world grieves. Within Prime authorities in New York and Registered Civil and Structural Engineer

Minister Nehru's small, frail Brooklyn advised that there are body burned the fires of free­ Member National Society Professional Engineen

no scheduled Masses in the chap­ dom, justi<:e and hope. el of the Vatican Pavillon at the FRA~CIS L COLLINS, JR., Treas.

"At a critical time for his World's. Fair on Sundays and country and the world, we have holydays. THOMAS IC. COLLINS, Sec'y.

Visitors are reminded to ful-· lost .Q towering leader whose wisdom is sorely needed. My fill their obligation of assisting· FALL RIVER, MASS. ACADEMY BUILDING sympathy goes to' his country, at Mass before coming te the . his daughter and his family." . Worl.ra Fair.







and TUES. 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. WED., THURS., FRI. and SAT. 8·30a m to 6 30p.m.

Maclean's Sea Foods


Pope Mourns Nehru, 'Towering Leader'


No :)cheduled Masses At Vatican Pavilion


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., June 4, 196..


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- ~- - - _ .,' ._:;, ~,4 _ .. :.:-..... _ .__"L l'-- _ ,~,,:M. __...c.£L. .,2:..;'S;!§ CLOTHING, PROFESSION CEREMONIES: Six postulants in Congre- . Julian is the daughter of Mrs. Donald R. Desjardins, Fall River, and Sister gation of Dominican Sisters of Oharity of the Presentation receive religious Stephen is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mazzoleni, Taunton. The habits and names of five novices pronounce first vows in ceremony in .other religious are from Colombia. Right, novices who took first vows, and St. Anne's Hospital chapel, Fall River, with Bishop James J .. Gerrard received black veil-so Front, ~ister Maria Beatrice de la Immaculada and presiding. At left, are new novices with Bishop. Front, from left, Sister Sister Clara Maria del Salvador; Rear, Sister Pauline del Nino Jesus, Sister Stephen of the Sacred Heart, Sister Maria Theresa del Buenpastor, Sister Juan Maria de la Eucaristia, Sister Paul Francis of the Sacred Heart. Sister Robert Julian; Rear, from left, Sister Paulina de l'Incarnation, Sister Paul Francis is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Ruggiero, F.all Gertrudis Maria del Salvador, Sister Joan Francis of Jesus. Sister Robert River. Her companions are from Colombia.

Priest Affirms Beatles Good Influence

·Catholic Education Prospers in Philippines

Accent Scriptures .

STUTTGART (NC) - Fol­ l()wing the example of the daily ent'hronement of the Bible at t'he ecumenical C()undl,' the . - ­ MANILA (NC) - Catholic. 1945, in response to a directive sessions in borrowed U.S. Army coming Catholic C()ngress here education in the Philippines has issued by the late Gen. Douglas tents or quonset huts, others in . in Germany will feature the grown by leaps and bounds in MacArthur urging the nation's roofless debris, in rented rooms prominent display of t'he Bible the nearly two decades following . educators not to wait for school or "und~r the trees."at its general meetings. . buildings to rise but to hold World War II which had vir­ Today almost two decades · tually reduced this country to elasses "even under the trees." . later, Cat hoi i c schools have shambles. '. The top Catholic schools re­ blossomed into full flower. . .It is still growing at a fast clip. sponded admirably, some holding CEAP figures for 1962 showed Jn the Fall, 62 new CathoUe

770 member schools with 448,':' ·schools will open.

529 students.. These included' At present 824 Catholic schools seven universities and ;1.21' 'col­ are .affiliated with the national leges. Catholic Educational Associa­ WYman Since. then, 54 new scho<>ls ti()n of the Philippines. A few ~.. 3-6592 have joined SEAP bringing the NEW YORK (NC) _ Michel­ mission 'and parochial. schoob . angelo's Pieta was the focal point total enrollment to well over the CHARLES F. VARGAS. operate independently, of the for an exercise in' informal ecU­ half million' mark. 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE CEAP. 'The heaviest enrollments are . menism at the New York"World's Ten months bef()re Pearl Har_ Fair Vatican Pavilion. on the k.indergarten, C()llege and. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. · bor, representatives of. Catholic' Representatives' of different unIversity. levels. This is ex­ schools in and around Manila faiths-Catholic, .Protestarut,Or­ plained by the fact that .the started the organization under thodox and J ewish-eame from Philippine Constitution provides the inspiration of the late Irish . 'other religious exhibits at tbe free elementary education in the Archbishop Michael J. O'Doher­ fair to view the famed sculpture public school system,patterned ty of Manila. in a special after-hours showing after that of the U.S. In their first national C()nven­ at the invitation of Vatican 'Pa­ ti()n in 194i, the 500. delegates SATURDAYS representing 250 schools voted vilion officials. . Msgr. John J. Gorman, pavil­ You can learn Practical Servicing ·to· make the organization "per­ ion director, cited the "spirit of manent and national." . of Electronics Television During the ensuing Japanese good neighborliness and' cama­ Air Conditioning-Refrigeration raderie that is.S() evident here' occupation,' many' of the CEAP Power Qil Burners &. Controls .at the fair" when he greeted the schools contimied Christian edu­ On Saturdays Starting· June 20 cartion, but by the middle of .. other religious exhibitors. Limited Enrollment 1944 not· one' was in operation. Free Placement Service They st'.lrted again in June, Call or write now f()r , full inrormatioJl'

Experiences Ph'enomenal Growth Since 1945

LONDON (NC)-The:Rea­ tIes are not without defend­ ers in the English Catholic community. Responding to the verdict of 74-year-:old Bish-' op George Brunner that the l()n'g-haired singing group was a "menace,"Father Terence Fleming of Falmouth put forth an opposite view in an article in national Catholic weekly, Universe. "Was not Archbishop Beck of _ Liverpool quoted' as saying 'There is something straight­ forward about the BeatIes that I like. I think tb-ey are a good influence. Liverpool alone now' has 300 beat groups. What is .more important, since the birth of the Mersey Sound (the BeatIe renditions), gang warfare has virtually ceased there, and. al­ though adult crime leapt last year juvenile crime and drunk­ . enness noticeably dropped.


Father Fleming suggested that criticism be directed instead at the commercialism in the pop­ ular music field, and high pres­ sure salesmanship that exploits youth for monetary gain.

Compel Midshipmen To Attend Chapel ANNAPOLIS ( N C) - The Superintendent of the U.S. Naval Academy sees no contradiction between C()mpulsory chapel f()r midshipmen and the U.S. Su­ preme Court's rulings against religious exercis!ls in public 8C~ools.

Rear Adm. Charles. S. Minter, Jr., feels "pretty well satisfied that nothing we are doing here is illegal." He said there II · "nothing inC()nsistent with the · Supreme Court decision, which I · thinlt applies tel a tota1l7 dif- . ferent thin••" .



Pieta Focal Point Of Ecumenism

. . . CtlU


Interfaith Meeting

. KALAMAZOO (NC)-A one­ week.· eCumenical conference condueted bY Catholic, Protes­ tant, Jewish and OrtJhodox scholars will be conducted at. Western Michigan University· here from July 27 to 31.

bdtd 'Rendrtes

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THE ANCHOR-D'iocere of Fan River'-Thors';, June 4, 1964



Th -hP - e P artS ., arad e




The annual Women's Guild banquet will be held Monday night, June 8 at Whi~'s restau­ rant, North Westport. New officers of the Women's Guild are Mrs. Daniel Flanagan, president; Mrs. Patrick Harring­ ton, vice-president; Mrs. Fran­ eis Sullivan, recording secretary; Mrs. Raymond Blanchette, treas_ urer. They will be installed at a dinner at 7 Monday night, June It at White's restaurant, North Westport.

There will be an organiza­ tional meeting tonight at 7:30 for the purpose of planning a bazaar scheduled for Aug. 29 and 30. Donations of articles and prize.; will be assigned.



• .'.,

Rev. Patrick O'Neill, Diocesan Superintendent of Schools, will be guest speaker Sunday, June 14 at the annual father-son Communion breakfast of the Holy Name Society. The meal will foHow 8 o'clock Mass and will be held in the school hall. A reception for new members will be held after Mass in the church. Louis H. Chaves, vice­ president, and Rev. John F. Moore, spiritual director, are in charge of arrangements.

auction will be held in the par.. ish auditorium at 8 Saturday night, June 20. Norman J. Poi.. tras ill general chairman. New and used items win be auctioned. ST. MARGARET, BUZZARDS BAY

SS. Margaret-Mary Guild h: contributing towards shrubber)" plantings at Sacred Hear"'; SeminHry, East Wareham. The unit will hold a penny sale Thursday, July 9 at the church, with proceeds to benefit parish youth activities. ST. GI~ORGE, WESTPORT

rial shrine of Our Lady of Leb­ anon will be dedicated Sunday, June 21 on the parish grounds. Ceremonies will include a high Mass, an outdoor procession, un­ veiling of the shrine and a social program. SS. PETER AND PAUL. FALL RIVER


A whist party benefiting the graduating class of the parochial school will be held Wednesday, ,June 10. Mrs. Stanley M. Janick and Mrs. Francis C. Taylor are ehairmen. ST. KILIAN,


Couples Club officers are Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Voter, president couple'; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Doyon, vice-president couple; Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kamionek, se­ eetary couple; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levasseur, treasurer eouple. The unit has scheduled a ban­ fluet for Saturday, June 20; a family outing in July and a club outing in August. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP, NEW BEDFORD

New officers of Our Lady of Perpetual' Help Society are Mrs. .1eannette Tobojka, re-elected president; Mrs. Pauline Cem­ balisty, vice-president; Mrs. Jo­ sephine Murach and Mrs. Mary Szeliga, secretaries; Mrs. Jane Pietraszek, treasurer. The club will sponsor a cake sale Sunday, June 7 and will receive corpor­ ate Communion at 8:30 Mass Sunday morning, June 28. An installation banquet will be held at 6:30 the same night at Dugdale's restaurant, South Dartmouth and the unit will sponsor a booth at a parish ba­ zaar scheduled for July. ST. JOSEPH,


A new date of June 14 has been designated by the Associa­ tion of the Sacred Hearts as the occasion for the Corporate Com­ munion and investiture. Mem­ bers will receive at the 8:15 Mass and investiture of new members will follow the Mass. The film "The Enthronement of the SacrEid Heart" will be shown at the Association meet­ ing scheduled for the same eve­ ning at 7:30 in the school hall. Refreshments will be served. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, NEW BEDFORD

Women members of the Couples Club will serve the an­ nual potluck supper Sunday, June 28. Mrs. Joseph Dias and Mrs. Frank Texeira are in charge of arrangements.




The Women's Guild will hold its installation banquet a Sun­ derland's restaurant in Tiverton Monday, June 15. Tn be seated are Mrs. Richard Souza, presi­ dent; Mrs. Warren Johnson, vice-president; Mrs. Roger For­ est, treasurer; MTS. Raymond LeBlanc and Mrs. Armand Du­ quette, secretaries. The unit plans a Communion breakfast Sunday morning, June 14, following 8 o'clock Mass.

8T.ANTHONY OF THE DESERT FALL RIVER The John "'!". Kennedy memo­


New Holy Name Socie.ty oUi­ cers who were installed last night, are Edward Surprenant, honorary president; Leo .1. Meunier, president; Joseph G. N. Bonneau, vice-president; Nor­ man F. Deschenes, secretary; Robert Vandal, treasurer. In connection with 40 .Hours Devotion in the parish, the so­ ciety if sponsoring a all night vigil from 8 tomorrow night un­ til 8 Saturday morning. Families of members are invited to par­ ticipate. ST. JOSEPH, FALL RIVER

Eight discussion groups are being o"'ganized in various areas of the parish in connection with the CCIl program. Directing the project are Mrs. Thomas Corey and Rev. James W. Clark. CYO seniors will attend 9:30 Mass Sunday morning, June 't and hold a breakfast in the school hall immediately there­ after. The unit will also spon­ sor a cake sale next Sunday. Donations maybe left in the school between 7 and 8 Satur­ d'ay night. A car wash is scheduled .from 10 to 3 Saturday' in the school yard. OUR LADY OF ANGELS. FALL laVER

The testimonial banquet in honor of Monsignor Gomes will be held Sunday night at 6 o'clock at Lincoln Park. The Boy Scouts will condUct Parents' Night at 7:30 Saturday evening in the parish hall. The Holy Name Society will sponsor a trip to a baseball game in Boston on Sunday, June 14. HOLY JtOSARY, FALL RIVER

New Women's Guild oUicers are Mrs, August Petrucci, pres­ ident; Mrs. William Leary, vice­ president; Mrs. Michael Sicilia, seeretar~r; Mrs. Raymond Mc­ Guire, treasurer. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER

The parish will mark its 65th anniversary at a jubilee festival Saturda3f and Sunday, July 25 and 26 at Urban's Grove, Tiver­ ton. Walter Gosciminski is in charge ')f arrangements and Rev. Robert 8. Kaszynski is honorary chairman.

Cut from Heavy Western, Corn-fed St..r Sold with A&P'. Suerant" of Sati.f.ctlon




Prt~late To Ordain

Je!;uit Priest Rev. Mr. James Hurley Mc­ Carthy of the Society of J esllS will be ordained by His Emi­ nence Richard Cardinal Cushing at Weston College on Saturday, June 13th. Re·..... Mr. McCarthy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. (Mary E. Hurley) of Boston formerly of Fall River. He graduated from Boston College High School and entered the Society in 1951. He studied at Shadowbrook and Weston College. From 1958 to 1961 he taugh t at Baghdad College in Baghdad, Iraq. Upon his return he entered Weston College for the sludy of Theology. Rev. Mr. McCarthy has also studied Ara­ bic at Harvard University and French at Laval U"iversity In' Quebec. After ordination he will :nudy for the Summer at Columbia University in New York and return to Weston Col­ lege :,n September to complete his Theology. He bas been granted Bi-Ritual permission from Rome to ce)e- ' brate a Byzantine rite Mass,: namel y Melkite. At the conclusion of 'his studies, it is expected that he will )·etum to Baghdad where he wi:] be attached to the Bagh­ dad mission, under the :;urisdie­ tion of the New England Prov­ ince cf the Jesuit Order.

Christian Reunion In 'Initial Phase' STl;'TTGART (NC) - What is bappe1ing today is "the initial phase of the reunion of a11 Chris­ tendom," a veteran leader 'of the Protestant community of Fmnce' asserted here. Rev, Marc Boegner, 83, retired presid,~nt of the French Protes­ tant federation, said in a lecture here that' interfaith relations have made great strides in re­ cent y,~ars. He urged Protestants to promote unity rather ,than denominational divisiveness, and said: "The Second Vatican Counell is not a manifestation of self-as­ sertiOll on the part of the Roman Catholic Church, but much more a rene wal from within. It

IOpen Library ORLEANS (NC) - st. parish here has invited neighboring Protestant church members to use its new 2,000­ volume library. Msgl'. Vernon P. Aleman, pas­ tor, ismed the invitation in a letter to pastors of five neigh­ boring churches - two Baptist, one I utheran, one Episcopal. and one Methodist. NEW







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An installation banquet II planne:i for Sunday, June 7' ' . White':1 restaurant by the Coun­ cil of Catholic Women. The PM'­ ish cbc,ir will entertain.

Your dreanlS comPo true with


tHE ANCHOR-Diocese ot Foil lfiver-Thurs., June 4, JYa4




of the

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MacKenzie & Winslow. Inc. Mason Furniture Showrooms Mooney· & Co. Inc. Newport Finishing Co. .Plymouth Printing Co., Inc.

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Sobiloff Brothers Sterling Beverages, Inc. Textile Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., June 4,


1010 to Graduate from Schools Continued from Page One 7:30 at the Kennedy Center. At 8 o'clock Sunday evening, High and 52 girls from Jesus June 14, Bishop Connolly will Mary Academy. Rev. Roger P. Poirier of Notre present diplomas to 18 boys Clnd Dame Parish will be the main 42 girls of the senior class at St. Anthony's High School, New speaker. Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bedford. The Most Reverend Or­ dinary will also be the speaker Bishop of the Diocese, will pre­ side and present diplomas to 160 for "!;he occasion. The 60 seniors will conduct girls at Mt. St. Mary's Academy, Fall River. The ceremonies will their Class Day on Friday morn­ commence at 1:30 on Sunday ing, June 12, act 10:15 in the afternoon, June 14, and Rev. school auditorium. Second Graduation Joseph L. Lennon, O.P., Dean of The second graduation for Men at Providence College will Bishap Stang High School, No. address the graduates. At 4 o'clock the same day, 83 Dartmouth, will be held Sunday seniors from the Dominican afternoon, June 14, at 3 o'cl\l~k Academy, Fall River, will be in the school auditorium. Bh:hop Gerrard will presilie presented to the Ordinary of the Diocese and receive diplomas. and present diplomas to 123 boys Atty. Leo J. Donovan of Fan and 93 girls. Rev. William A. Donaghy, S .•1., River will be the main speaker. Class Day at the Academy is former president of Holy Cross College, Worcester, and a nau.re scheduled for Wednesday after­ noon, June 10, at 3 o'clock in the of New Bedford, will be the main speaker. school auditorium. A reception sponsored by the Fairhaven Graduation class of 1963, the first graduatir.g The Chapel of the Academy of class, was held last night for the the Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven, seniors. Sr. Mary Winifred, S.N. will be the scene of graduation D., vice-principal of St. Thomas exercises for 36 girls who have Aquir.as Central High School, completed their secondary schoo1 Waterbury, was guest speaker. courses. Rev. John O'Brien, S3. Three graduation exercises are CC., chaplain at the academy, planned for Monday, June 15. will confer the diplomas. At 4 o'clock, Bishop Connolly Class Day for the Fairhaven will confer diplomas on 80 girls school will be held on Friday, of the Sacred Hearts Academy, June 12, and will open with Mass Fall River, in the school gym­ followed by a Communion nasium. Breakfast. Rev. John H. Hack~tt, Epis­ Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, copal Secretary and chaplain at Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese the academy, will be the presid­ and Pastor of St. Lawrence's ing officer. . Church, New Bedford, will pre­ The speaker at the commence·· side and bestow diplomas upon ment will be Rev. James A. 20 boys and 56 girls of the class Clark, assistant director of the of 1964 of Holy Family High Latin American Bureau, NCWC, School, New Bedford. Washbgton. Rev. Joseph A. Guenette, A.A., Taunton Schools a member of the silver jubilee Graduation exercises will bEl crass, who is visiting home from held in the two Diocesan High his mission in So. America, will Schools of Taunton on Monday, be the commencement speaker. .June 15. Graduation Day will open with At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, a Mass at 9 o'clock for alumni . Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Diocesan and alumnae of the school, fol­ Superintendent of Schools, will lowed by a Communion Break­ preside at the Bishop Cassidy ~st at the Kennedy Center. High School graduation. Sixty­ Bishop Gerrard's Jubilee one seniors will be awarded their Members of the golden jubilee diplomas and will hear an ad­ class will be present at this dress by Judge Beatrice Hancock morning reunion. There were 21 Mullaney. members in the class of 1914 and One hundred and twenty-four 11 are living. Among the 11 are boys of Monsignor Coyle High, Bishop Gerrard, Rt. Rev. Leon­ Taunton, will be presented their ard J. Daley, pastor of St. Francis diplomas by Bishop Connolly at Xavier Church, Hyannis, and 8 o'clock Monday evening, June Rev. John A. Chippendale, pastor 15, in the school auditorium. of St. Patrick's Church, Ware­ Brother Thomas Gallagher, C. ham. S.C., principal, will preside. Class Day is scheduled for Robert F. Delaney of the class Thursday evening, June n, at of 1943 will be the main speaker.

Subcommittee Studies Effects

Of Reduced Military Spending

WASHINGTON (N C) - A Senate group has been quietly studyin~ the impact a reduction of defense spending would have on industry, people and certain geographical areas of the United States. Early indications are that it will call for readjustments, in some cases serious. Nearly every tenth person in our working force is employed in a defense-related job, and they are most heavily conc!im­ trated in some 10 states. Some industries and workers have known nothing but defense­ related jobs. Lower Salaries «The prospects are for a 'tev­ eling off' or actual decline in military spending for the next few years unless unforseen in­ ternational events take place, and in these regions and indus­ tries the adjustment problems will be significant and, in some eases, difficult," said U, S. Sen. ,Joseoh D. Clark of Pennsylva­

nia, chairman of the subco'mmit_ tee making the study. Experts have told the Senators that the adjustment will require long-range planning by both government and industry. Par. ticularly affected, it was said, will be engineers and scientists, who will command lower sal­ aries, and be called upon to de­ sign products different from those they worked on in de­ fense. Industries, too, will have problems, it was asserted. Some which have dealt only with the Government will be compelled to accommodate themselves "to dealing with more than one cli­ ent and clients as interested in costs as they are in perfor.;. mance," Sen. Clark observed. The lawmakern have also been told that cutbacks in defense spending will require increased Federal spending in such fields as community development, public works, development of resources, transportation all cI housin&-





, I



SCHOLARSHIPS: Regin­ ale. Cardin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cardin, Swan­ seL, ha,s been awarded a $4g00 presidential scholar­ ship from Boston College. He haH also received a scholar­ ship from Tufts University. A senior at Prevost High School, Fall River, he is president of the National Honor Society, editor of the school paper, and an Anchor reporter.

Ulrges Support Oi~ Rights Bill SAN ANTONIO (NC) - At the direction of Archbishop Robert E. Lucey, sermons were preached in San Antonio arch­ dioc·~san churches to help the peoI:le understand "the urgency and immediacy of this pressing problem" of civil rights legis­ lation. In addition to the sermons, hand bills were distributed at the doors of churches. They urge:l the people to write to their U.S. Senators in support of the civil rights bills now be­ ing debated by the Senate.· The directive for the sermons was. contained in a pastoral letter written by the Archbishop, who stated: Hierarchy on Record

"Olr Christian duty urges in­

telligent support of the proposed legislation. Catholics in good conscience may - and should­ make their voices heard. in favor of it. Legislators are more alert than ever to the witness of reli­ gion in this matter which they increasingly recognize as mora!." Archbishop Lucey emphasized that the U. S. Catholic Hier­ archy for the last 20 years has reiterated the principles of inter­ racial justice. He recalled that­ Pope John XXIII in his Pacem in Terris encyclical "condemned racism and said some very pointE'd things about human rights and duties."

Stonehill CoulI'ses Summer courses running from MondHY, June 29 through Fri­ day, Aug. 7 at Stonehill College will include classes in theology, business law, chemIstry, lan­ guage!:, education, history, math­ ematics and philosophy. A Sum~ mer institute will study the NorthE:a$tern Algonkians and a Continuing Education Program will offer courses in reading improvement and art. A special course will prepare for the pri­ vate pilot written examination.

Rabbi to Speak LATROBE (NC)-Rabbi Sol­ omon B. Freehof, of Pittsburgh's Rodef Shalom Temple, will be the principal speaker at St. Vin­ cent College's H8th annual commencement exercises Sun­ day. His topic will be "Prepared for the World." He will receive an honorary doctorate of hu­ mane letters from the Pennsyl­ vania C:ollege.

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Cardinal Gracias Praises Nehru

As Noble Soul NEW DELHI (NC)-The Catholics of India joined their Hindu and Moslem bro­ thers in mourning the death of Prime Minister


Nehru-" a noble soul who gave of his best." The head of the CatlJolie Church in the country, Valerian Cardinal Gracias of Bombay, had flown to Paris in connection with 1Jhe international Eucharistic Congress in his See next Novem­ ber just before Nehru died of a heart attack at the age of 74. Unable to return in time for the funeral the next day, Cardinal Gracias was represented by Aux­ mary Bishop William Z. Gomes of Bombay. From Paris, however, the Cardinal issued a statement sal­ uting Nehru as "a valiant man, a noble soul who gave of his best according to his lights with­ out relaxation for the well being and progress of India and for 1Jhe cause of universal peace." Labeling the Prime Minister's deatlJ "crushing news," Cardinal Gracias said 1Jhat Nehru was adored by'the Indian people and loved them tenderly in return. He added: Sympathy for Church "About two months ago I had 1Jhe privilege of personally tak­ ing him a letter from Pope Paul, with gifts from the Holy Father and two medals of the Vatican council. With broadness of view in his sense of history he read­ ily U11derstood the mission of the papacy in the modern world. The Prime Minister's funeral services here coincided with the feast of Corpus Ohristi, and prayers were offered for Nehru's soul at Masses throughout India. The country's churches &lso tol­ led their bells in mourning for 1lhe fallen leader. The Catholics of India in demonstrating 1ileir grief paid tribute not only for the man who had been a mainspring of lndia's fight for independence and the nation's top leader in the 17 years following. They also recalled his own frequent dis­ play of sympathy for the work of the Ohurch in this overwhelm­ ingly non-Ohristian eountry.

Pope Honors Relief Agency Official NEW YORK (NC) - Msgr. John F. McCarthy, assistant ex­ ecutive director of Catholic Re­ lief Services-National Catholic Welfare Conference since 1959, has been named a protonotary apostolic by Pope Paul VI. Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York said the honor was bestowed in recognition of the Monsignor's "service to the Church in carrying out the works of Christian charity." It was the third papal honor for the official of the worldwide overseas relief agency of U. S. Catholics. He was named a papal chamberlain (Very Reverend Monsignor) by Pope Pius XII in 1954 and a domestic prelate (Right Reverend Monsignor) by Pope John XXIII in 1958. His new honor is the highest rank among monsignors.

Backs Bishop Sheen SAN DIEGO (NC) - Baptist evangelist Billy Graham said here he completely supports Bishop Fulton J. Sheen's criti­ cism of the U. S. Supreme Court's ruling against prayer and Bible reading in public schools. Graham pictured school prayers as a very important part of U. S. life. He said that if the Bible is kept out of classrooms, children would begin to believe that it has been disproved and rejected., .

Fall River Collegian Paul Moreau Plans Study Of Radiation Biophysics at University of Oslo To Paul Moreau, St. Anne's parish, Fall River, learning is the supreme adventure.

"It seems everything I get my hands on I get interested in," he says, and his record as a freshman at the University of Kansas proves it. He was noted while as a student at Prevost High school in Fall River for sophisticated experiments on chick embryos. He eontinued this line of study at Kansas with tests design­ ed to determine metabolism rate of the embryo at various

stages of development. "':'hese studies may assist in correcting metabolism defects in chicks and may eventually have applica­ tions to human embryology," he says. But many other fields of study

also claimed the young Fall Riverite's attention. Despite an emergency appendectomy and a 1Jhree week hospital stay neces­ sitated by a concussion, he em­ erged as a dean's list student at Kansas and was permitted to take all honor courses, includ­ ing an upperclassmen's course in cultural and social anthropol­ ogy given by Marg,aret Mead. He denominates her Hz. fan­ tastic woman who has an in­ terest in the interests of others," and admits reading some 50 books in anthropology and re­ lated fields for her course. Teacher Relationship Young Moreau found the

teacher-student relationship on the Kansas campus very reward­ ing. "Teachers came to the hos­ pital to tutor me and give me exams," he recounted, adding that thei~ personal interest in his accomplishments was most encouragIng. An exciting future looms for Paul. Next Summer he has been accepted b)' the University of Oslo, Norway, for its interna­ tional Summer school, and he will stay at the University for his junior year. He has scholarships for the tuition involved, but room, board and transportation present a fi­ nancial problem, which he'll be working seven days a week this Summer in an attempt to lick. But work's not the only tlJing on the Summer agenda. There's the matter of acquiring a fluent knowledge of Norwegian in preparation for next year. Paul is studying with two tutor:!!, a professor at Boston Univp.rsity and Gunnar Berg, a reporter for the New Bedford Standard­ Times. In "spare time" he's keeping his hand in with those chick embryos and he's also studying piano. And in an at­ tempt to build up his On-to­ Norway fund a bit more, he's looking for students to tutor in French and college English. He'll by no means be coasting at the University of Kansas for his sophomore year. He antici­ pates studying Chinese, Italian and Russian in addition to criti­ cal writing. "I hope to know five languages. fluently by the time I graduate," says he, with an eye to the scientific future, when specialists will be greatly aided by ability to read journals from many countries. In Norway Paul will study bi­ ophysics under Hans Bonne of the University of Heidelberg, outstanding in this scientific field. College vacations will be staggered to permit foreign stu­ dents a sampling of the scholas­ tic life at other famous Conti­ nental universities, such as the Sorbonne. The Oslo courses will also stress Norwegian and European civilization. . The student ex­ . ohange program, in operation since the 1940's, has some 46 countries participating. Study in Norway will imple­ ment Paul's interest in inter­ national understanding. He is active in the Kansas Internatiem­ al Club and is Peace Corps com­ mittee chairman for the campus.

IT'S A LONG WAY: Paul Moreau, St. Anne's parish Fan River, indicates Oslo, Norway, on globe. He hopes t:, spend junior year of college as exchange student at Univer­ sity of. ~slo, and is working to acquire fluent knowledge of Norwelglan tongue, in which all courses will be given. He admits to an interest in the Peace Corps for himself- and re­ calls a dinner meeting with Sar­ ~ent Shriver, Corps head, as aD unpressive experience.

Paul is the son of Henry Mor­ eau and an aunt is Miss Loretta Moreau, member of the Caecil­ ians, well ~nown' Fall River choral group.

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., June 4, 1964


Challenge Film Licensing Law WASHINGTON (NC) - The U.S. Supreme Court has beeR asked to strike down Maryland's film licensing law on the grounds that it violates the Constitution's free speech guarantees. The law requires movie exhi­

bitors in Maryland to submit films to a state Motion Picture Censor Board before showing the'll publicly. The board can ban movies it judges to be ob­ scene or tending "to debase or corrupt mor,als or incite crime."

The c hall eng e has been brought before the high court by Ronald L. Freedman, manager of the Rex Theater in Baltimore, who was fined $25 by Baltimore Criminal Court for violating the law. His conviction was upheld last Feb. 10 by the Maryland Court of Appeals. Freedman's is a deliberate test case. In November, 1962, he ex­ hibited a film without sub­ mitting it to the censor board but after having noified an of­ ficial of the board of what he intended to do. Charges Violation Freedman says the state has conceded that, had he submitted the movie to the board, it would

have been approved. His appeal to the Supreme Court argues tha,t Maryland, "in imposing criminal penalties on the very act of free expression of concededly legitimate matter," has "directly transgressed the First a'nd Fourteen1Jh Amend­ ments" to the Constitution. But the Maryland Court of Appeals held in affirming bis conviction 1Jhat the law does not v i 0 1 ate constitutional free speech.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., June 4, 196A~

'Pere Ber"ard,' Canadian Priest, Stars as Religious Folk Singer

Paris' Notre DameCathedral Marks Eighth Centenary PARIS (NC)....:....Pope Paul's personal representative pre­ sided and President Charles de Gaulle attended an evening. solemn Mass here commemorating the 8th centenary of the bui]ding of famed Notre Dame Cathedral, perhaps Paris' most beloved landmark. the' Popes, . one after another, Paolo Cardinal Marella, have multiplied their homage former apostolic nuncio to and visits to it since the time of Paris and the Pope's legate Pope Alexander III, including to the celebration, was accom­ panied by Anselmo Cardinal Albared ll , O.S.B. and Luigi Car­ dinal Traglia, both of the Roman curia, and Valerian Cardinal Gracias of Bombay, India. Cardinals, Bishops, prelates and representatives of the entire nation at the centenary celebra­ tion heard Maurice Cardinal Feltin of Paris thank Pope PaUll for having emphasized the spe­ cial place Notre Dame holds in the hearts of Frenchmen by sending his ambassador. "(Notre Dame) is the most beautiful masterpiece eve r wrung from stone to be offered as a tribute of veneration to the Virgin," he said. "It has borne witness to the love of France. It has' been the people's refuge in days of anquish and distress. It has marked so well the heart of the nation that the length of all the highways qf France is eounted from the central altar of Notre Dame. It is still the pulpit which echoes most widely acrOss the borders' the teaching of its illustrious preachers." Cardinal Feltin noted that all

Schedule Family Life Convention WASHINGTON (NC)-Bishop .John J. Wright of Pittsburgh will be the keynote ·speaker at the 29th National Catholic Fam­ ily Life convention which will epen its four-day conference on '"The Child: His Glory and His Rights" here Thursday, June 25. Other speakers at the sessions will be Anton C. Regis, profes­ 80r of philosophy at.the Institute ef Medieval Studies, Toronto; Father Robert F .. Drinan, S.J., dean of Boston College law school; Dr. Karl Stern, psychia­ trist-in-chief of St. Mary's Hos­ pital, Montreal; arid Rev. Martitl E. Marty, assistant editor of the Christian Centur,"· magazine, Chicago. About 1,000 delegates are ex­ pected to attend the Washington meeting which will discuss the rights of the child within the eontext of the American family and society. It will serve as a followup tG file World Congress on· the Rights of the Child held last April in Beirut, Lebanon, under auspices of the International Catholic Child Bureau and tile Catholic International Educatioll Office.

Masses in Capital Mark JFK Birthday WASHINGTON (NC)-Catho­ lics of the nation's capital re­ membered assassinated Presi­ dent John F. Kennedy on his 47th birthday. Hundreds assisted at a Soleml\ Requiem Mass offered by Wash­ ington's Archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle in the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Father William M. J. Driscoll, S.J., preached the sennon. The Mass was arranged by the Washington chapter, Knights of Columbus. Earlier, Auxiliary Bishop Philip M. Hannan of Washington offered a Low Requiem Mass in St. Matthew's Cathedral, which had been arranged by members of the Kennedy family.

Paul VI, "gloriously reigning today... and the brilliant leaders Pius XII and John XXIII." All three visited the cathedral before being elected pope. Notre Dame cathedral was built mainly in the early 13th century under Archbishop Mau­ rice de Sully, the sor.. of a farmer from the valley of Loire.

Boar'd to Appeal Prayer D·ecision HAWTHORNE (NC) - The Hawthorne Board of Education will appeal an adverse decision on school prayer in New Jersey to the U. S. Supreme Court. Board attorney Alexander Fasoli said steps have been taken to meet with appeal require-. ments even though the board won't be able to ratify appeal plans officially until the next regularly scheduled board meeting. Hawthorne will be appealing from a New Jersey Supreme Court decision nullifying New Jersey law requiring daily reci­ tation of five verses froin· the Old Testament and 'permitting recitation of the Our Father in the' state's public, schools. 'The state cou~·t acted on the basis of the U. S. Supreme Court's 1963 prayer decisions. Hawthorne maintains t hat New Jersey law wa,s sufficiently different from the Maryland and . Pennsylvania laws deCided. on in 1963 to be legal. The New Jer­ sey law had been upheld ot:\ce before in a case involving Haw­ thorne. At that time the U. S. Supreme Court refused to. rule on the qUI!stion.

Roosevelt Favored 'Palestilne Trustees WASHII\'GTON (NC)-Presi­ dent Franklin D. Roosevelt thought in 1943 that Palestine could be put under the control of three 1;r'lstees - a Jew a Christian and a Moslem 'to ~nd strife and violence there. The State Department reveal­ ed in newll' released documentll relating to U. S. policy in the Middle East in 1943 that Presi­ dent Roosevelt's hope wall never discussed, however, because he failed to bring about a meeting of Arab and Jewish leaders. Mr. Roosevelt's plan paral­ leled a decision by the United Nations four year's later, strong­ ly backed by Pope Pius XII, calling for internationalization of the city of Jerusalem and its environs, whose holy places were then menaced by fighting. Jerusalem today is divided be­ tween Israel and Jordan.



NEW BISHOP: Msgr. Pius A. Benincasa has been named Titula Bishop of Buruni and AuxiLary Bishop of Buffalo, N.Y. 3ishop-elect Benincasa, a priest of the Buffalo Dio­ cese, has served in the Vati­ can Secretariat of State in Rome since 1954. NC Photo.

Paper Disputes Byrd's Claim WHEELING (NC)-The West Virginiii Register has disputed a claim by U.S. Sen. Robert C. Byrd ,)f West Virginia that churchr~en supporting civil rights legislation are "headed down a road that leads toward darknes;." In afl. 'editorial entitled' "An Answer to Senator Byrd," the newspaper of the Wheeling dio­ cese took note of a Senate speech against the civil rights '!)ill in which Byrd accJlsed I)hurchmen of seeking to solve i[)roblem; of society "through j;lrOcesse; of regimentation, gov­ ,~rnment interference and legis­ . ::ated morality." "Legislated morality? Govern­ ment interference.?" asked the paper in reply. "Have not our f:overnment, our states and our <:(lurts heen 'interfering' and legislating morality by making i-t a crime to commit such acts as murder and theft? "Such acts are· recognized by civil authority as being evil and they are evil because they are ccmtrary to the laws of God and til. the laws of morality. Now our g()vernment is asked to officially

rl~ognrze, through law, the

morality of civil rights."

S,hriver to Receive ~~ewman Award WASHINGTON (NC)-Peace Corps director R. Sargent Shriver has been named to re­

ceive the 1964 Cardinal Newman

Award, g:iven annually by the John Henry Cardinal Newman Honorary Society, it has beeR announce<i: here. Shriver, named by President Johnson to lead the govern­ ment's drive against poverty, will receive the award on Sept. 5 at the closing banquet of the National Newman Congress in Mi.lwaukeE~, Wis.

...... ...,..'.....







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Move over, Singing Nun. You've been joined by a Melodious Monk. Latest arrival among the ranks of songful Religious is I"ather Bernard de Brienne, O.l!"'.M"Pere Bernard" to thousands of enthusiastic Canadian concertgoers, and radio, TV and record listeners. . Father .de Bnenne, a 3v-year old Franc~scan, has recorde~ t.wo long-plaYIng albums contaInIng his 'origical religious folk songs which he sings while acc .'m­ panying himself on the guitar. The priest, who preaches re­ treats when he isn't singing, got into his unusual career when he was spiritual director for 200 young people in a Third Order of St. Francis group. They learn-

ed of his talents as a folk singer and organized a concert. One thing led to another and Father de Brienne was on his way. ..

. ~e ~as .made numerous tele­ VISIOn, .radlo and concert appear­ a.nc':S I~ Canada and the U,S.. sl'!gmg In both .French and En­ ghS'b. Recently he completed ·a coast-to-coast tour of Canadian college campuses, often drawing crowds as large as 2,000.

Mass for Austrians NEW YORK (NC) - Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York presided at a Solemn Mass in the World's Fair Vatican Pavilion for 200 Austrian business lead­ ers marking Aust,ria Day at fue Fair.


FATHER JOSEPH KUNDUKULAM Is our parish priest in OLARIKKARA, southern INDIA. is a priest to be pitied ••• Last year. the cocoa-leaf roof on his little churoh blew away In a storm. The aUar and statues still need pro­ tection from the weather ••• Now. in addition, Father Joseph doesn't have a safe place to sleep or do his work. The hut which servea u ilia recto17, unheaUhy and decrepid, will Dot outlast many more weeks of ral. ••• Father Joseph insists' that be must fint put a roof on his church . , .. . ($850) before be buildl a recto..,.• .'fh, Hoi, P",6" I MillIOn 1f;J "God'i house comes before .mJ' for Ih, 0,;,,,,,,1 Ch.rch. . house," he says •.• The prelent hut­ rectory Is three miles from the parish church, which means that Father Joseph wastes .preclous houn each day tnIdring back ancl forth. With 2,400 parishioners to care for, he Is slowly wearinl' eut ••• A rectory near the church (with aome rooms ill which te teach the catechism) can be buut for $3,200. Like the churo" roof ($850), the rectory. makes a practical memorial' for paren" or a loved one. Will you help! .•• Father JOIlepb will be .,at.. 'fal for an)' rUt, even $1. P.ease laelp him. .


"NOT BY BREAD ALONE •• 0''' . POPE PAUL laid recently that ecOnomic aid to tM'pOOr ancr needy overseasia not enough. We must also provide'IPiritua. assistance, the Holy Father aald .•• Members 01.' this A'88'oolation eive this spiritual assistance; of course, when they help' build chapels and schools, and train' native priestS and' Sister. . . • Like to be a' member? For an iodlviduallike you ··thl· dUel aN only $1 per year, $20 for 11f•.. For your family, '5 per'year; f101 fOl" life. .

SINGLE WOMAN WHAT CAN A SINGLE WOMAN DO to help the' ml88ioD8f~ In five yean the "MISS" (Ma17 Immaculate's Sponsors oi Semi­ lIartans) ITOUP ill Buffalo, N.Y., ha. sponsored 17 semlnarla. and built mission churches'" INDIA and SYRIA' ••. For more Information, write: Misses. Pat~cla a.d Na. Halll..... 107. Park.slde Ave., Buff.alo,N.Y.

"MICKLE" MAKES A· "MUCKLE" MANY A "MICKLE" mak.. a "inuclde," the lIootch ..,.. meaning lI1lan amounts add up. Your '1 a month (WIle. YOll .an give) and' a prayer-a-day do wond~rs for a missionary. WhF not join one (or more> of the.e MISSION CLUBS? DAMIEN LEPER CLUB .•..••••.. loob after lepeN ORPHAN!S BREAD ; ••••••••.. calM for orphaDI PALACE· OF GOLD helps the aged . THE BASILIANS ...••••••••• ~ ••. lIupporti missioll seIlool. MONICA GUILD; •••••••••••••.. furnishes chapels CHRYSOSTOMS .••••••• ; •••••••. educatel native pri.... MARY'S BANK ~ tl'8ins native Sisten


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THE ANCHOR ~ Thurs., June 4, 1964

Cardinal Ottaviani Asks-Study


and which regional episcopal Continued from Page One Church's doctrine. Both prelates conferences cannot treat fully. can only condemn contraception "Because of this," the Cardinal went on, "it is necessary that -and do. However, their at­ individuals abstain from taking tempts to shed some light on a modem misunderstood problem positions, from creating confu­ has been quickly fanned into sion, before the problem can be propaganda by those who have examined by the competent turned their back on the experts." WINONA (NC)-The ef. Here the Cardinal simply re­ Church's - and Christ's clear forts of churchmen are ferred to a more perfect and doctrine. Hturning the tide" in favor cardinal ottaviani therefore effective system of Rhythm, condemns no one. His opinion is where the women's conception of the civil rights bill, Sen. that "in general it Is not pleas­ cycle could be so clearly known Hubert H. Humphrey of Min­ ing to the Holy See that one or and regulated by a pul that cou­ nesota, floor manager of the another local authority express ples availing themselves of measure, said here in Minnesota. doctrinal concepts on debated Rhythm could know the absten­ Humphrey, speaking at com­ questions, which rather require tion period. There is absolutely mencement exercises at the col­ central direction, since they can no reference to-or approval of lege of St. Teresa, noted that display opposing attitudes and -a pul that sterilizes or a con­ religious leaders have sometimes a divergence of opinions and traceptive. been critized for being "insuf­ since in these matters, especially ficiently concerned with the so­ on doctrine matters, it is neces­ cial order." sary to pJ.'eserve unity of thought "Churchmen have been slower and expression. Continued from Page One than others, although perhaps we "Therefore, it is necessary

tion they consequently continue expect more from them," he said. rather that the supreme teach­

"But the voice has been found. ing authority of the Church to fall under the condemnation. "This condemnation of their It is the churchmen today af an speak out on such grave and de­ faiths who are turning the tide bated questions which cannot be use as contraceptives does not prevent discussion about the on civil rights legislation. The left to the viewlt of the individ­ ual, be he a cardinal or a bishop. morality of their use as deter­ moral issue has been recognized; mined by other medical indica­ Hence all those who have any­ IT'S ALMOST OVER: Student Council at Holy Family the responsibilities have been tions. thing to say regarding this mat­ High in New Bedford gets together for almost the last time. felt." ter would do well to place their Manufacturers Skeptical Mankind's Goals From left, standing, Russell Foley, president; William Syn­ thoughts before the Holy See "The second pill being talked Civil rights was one of the nott, vice-president; Louise Trahan, treasurer; seated, Mar­ major areas 110 that the Holy See, taking about is one that is not yet per­ of social justice everything into consideration, fected. It is supposed to regulate garet Erickson, secretary. which Humphrey said demand can examine all points in the rather than inhibit ovulation. action today. He listed the four juridical, medical and moral as­ "However, the fact of the mat­ main goals of mankind during pects." ter is that such a pill is not yet the second half of the 20th cen­ Population Explosion on the market and any theolog­ tury as a social order built OIl .. * * population explosion or ical speculation concerning its justice and charity; peace; an economic problems cannot be a use is highly theoretical. Some international authority able to valid reason to change the sit­ American drug manufacturers control national rivalries; and uation in the face of the great have been quoted as being skep­ a recomitment to moral order. doctrinal principles based in tical about the possibility of its WASHINGTON (NC) - The anil-poverty efforts, could m~ke He said the goals of mankind

great part on natural law." The development. use of Federal funds for "special were well set forth in the two

Cardinal then went on to point "The prudent thing would House Education and Labor Committee has voted to elimi- remedial and other non-curric­ out that the Rhythm can be per­ social encyclicals of the late

seem to be te wait for the time 'nate direct aid to schools from ular" education programs held Pope John XXIn, Mater et mitted under certain definite when it is perfected and its med­ conditions. ical effects are known before President Johnson's anti-poverty outside of regular school hours. Magistra and Pacem in Terris. proposal. . These community action ef"Certain methods-Rhythm­ These documents "define the making judgments on the moral­ The 19-11 party-line vote forts are to involve mobilization ground on which western civi­ which when the couple has suf­ ity of its use." ended disagreement over the of both public and private re­ ficient reasons-e.g., illness or lization will survive or perish; place of parochial and' public sources of a community and are they state the terms in whiCJi economie impossibility of main­ schools in the proposed $962 to be conducted by a public or the peace of the world will be taining a family-can be used, million program and avoided a private agency broadly repre­ since it is not contrary to the won in our time or will be lost potential Church-State contro- sentative of the area. generative act, which must fol­ for an indefinite future, "he said. versy. It was not immediately clear low its development according Humphrey said Pope John Offered by Rep. Phil M. Lanwhere such special classes could to natural and divine law." WASHINGTON (NC) - Three provided "a vision of the direc­ This does not seem to be the ,prominent clergymen replaced drum of Georgia, committee be held, although it appeared a chairman and the bill's House community organization might tion in which we must go to a­ case with the "pill". Its inten­ three seminarians at the inter­ ·chieve the institutions and forma tion seems to be to "act direcUy religious vigil for civil rights at 'sponsor, the Demoeratic-sup- "borrow" space from schools. of peace." ported change junks an original Ad in Drama

to impede the course of the gen­ the 'Lincoln Memorial to drama­ provision for aid to school proT he committee's decision,

erative act·· *" tize support for the civil riglhts grams only if they are conducted which came in the course of its

"Pill" Collver.. btll. section-by-seetion final review

Wouldn't it be to the Church'. Father Vincent T. O'Keefe, by public schools. Supporters of the amendment of the bill, is another act in a advantage to permit use of the S.J., president' of Fordbam Uni­ "'pill" 10 as to bring back all versity, New York; Rev. Dr, said education is not completely drama that began in mid-Jan­

out of the proposal, although .it uary.

those who have left the sacra­ Theodore Gill, president of the will be made part of a single At that time, it was leaked to

ments because of the Church's San Fmnciseo Theological Semi­ community's overan effort and a major news service that paro­

strong stand on Birth Control? nary; and Rabbi Abraham Hes­ chial schools might be used in

The Cardinal's answer was chel, professor at the Jewish ~ot a program in itself. 135 FRANKLIN STREET The bill's so-called community the program, then under secret

abrupt: "Listen, that would Theological Seminary of , rather favor the concept of Amerlca, New York, stood for action programs, one of seveJ:al study in the White House. FALL RJVER OS 2-0211

hedonism (pleasUre seeking)." However, when the bill was

one hour near the memoriaL Council Decision disclosed in mid-March, paro­ !f-Hoar Vigil It would seem possible for the chial schools were not included.

Seminarians of various rel'l­ BELLOWS FALLS (NC)­ CaUDell to have to treat such a Reportedly this was because of 'problem that is world-important gious bodies have maintained a The 174th annual convention of objections to the White House

£ 24-bour-a-day vigil since the Vermont Episcopalians here in­ from major public school groups

Senate opened debate on the structed its Diocesan Ecumenical and organizations representing

bill. Three of them, one for each Relations Committee to "explore extremist views On Church­

faith, stand silently near tile the possibilities for dialogue with State separation.

memorial around the clock. all Christian bodies, including

NEW ORLEANS (NC) - Any Headquarters of the demonstra­ the Vermont Council of Churches

athletic coach would have a hard tion are in Holy Comforter 'and the Ecumenical Commission time beating the record of Catholic church here. COMPANY

of the Catholic Diocese of Bur­ ~ontle Brother Melchior Polowy, C.S.C., The tihree clergymen took their lington."

wresUing coach at Holy Cross places in the vigil the day after High School here. Complete Line some 200 Protestant clergy and IEblllE M. MORn.E

The Holy Cross Brother's 1Iei· Mastet Plumbe, 2930

lay leaders marched in a silent Building ,Materials teams have gone into the Lou­ procession on Capitol Hill to Over 35 : ears

isiana state wresUing champion­ support the bill. They also of­ of Satisfied Service

ship competition 19 times-and • SPRING ST., FAIRHAVEN 806 NO~ MAIN STREET

they've won 19 titles. In addition fered prayers before the Su­ preme Court Building that a the "Tigers" have a long string Fall River OS 5-7497

WYman 3-2611 rights bill would be adopted and of victories in dual meets. were addressed by Sen. Hubert The coacq who is yet to t..ste defeat haiE from Chicago and Humphrey of Minnesota. was a semi-pro wrestler before YOU'1.L he joined the brotherhood. MEN 17 - 25 II While studying at the ,University of Notre Dame some 20 years IICICLlDlj JOIN THE NEW INDUSTRIAL and DOMESTIC ago, he used to wrestle with members of the Fighting Irish Society of Brothers of Ir.. "livery-Can football squad. He'd put on OurLadyofProvidence wrestling gear 10 they wouldn't know he was a Religious. He For information write to: recalled: "We had Some inter­ FATHER MASTER esting matches." When he's Dot St. Joseph the Worker 373 New Boston Roael coaching wrestling, the Brother Novitiate teaches religion and English at 312 HillMOIt SIrMI WY 7-9162 New .Bedford River OS I-56" Warwick Neck, I. L the blah UooL

Praises Efforts Of Churchmen For Civil Rights

Condemns Pills

Eliminate School Aid

House Committee Vote Avoids Possible Church-State Controversy

Three Clergymen Join Rights Vigil



• Picture Framing

• 'Art Supplies

Seek Ecumenical Tie

Holy C'ross Brother Has Perfect Record


Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc.







...•............................................ ,


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., June 4, 1964

AT CYO CONVENTION: Top left, Annette Bernardo enjoys chuckle with moderators Rev. Edmund Connors, Rev. Edward C. Duffy and Rev. Francis 'B. Connors at sixth annual convention of Diocesan Catholic Youth Organization. Bottom left, new Diocesan officers, Susan Kuszychi, vice­ president; Brian Corey, president; Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, Diocesan director; Warren Sanford, treasurer; Margaret Guijdasz, secretary. Right, committee chairmen Robert J. Hill Jr., spiritual; Anne Richard, cultural; Nancy Souza, social; James Gibney, recreational.


Undertakes 'Develop Natural "Talents,' Atty. Carey Tells routh Self Examination At the sixth annual Dio­ Corey named Diocesan CYO Lady of Perpetual Help, New W,lS

WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Catholic Youth Organ­ izatior has begun a one-year self examination of its programs and purposes. Msgr. Frederick J. Stevenson, director of the Youth Depart­ ment of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, said the study would look into programs and organization of the CYO. Ten commission" have been es­ tablished to do' the investiga­ tions. "The results of these reports will determine the development of programs for the CYO on a national, regional, diocesan and parish level," Msgr. Stevenson said. "The reports will present a detailed and accurate picture of the CYO as it exists today, and shed light on areas of youth work which the CYO should enter."

Laymen Take Pulpit Seekin'g Vocations HONG KONG (NC)-Six Ca­ tholic laymen took to an empty pulpit here to plead for voca­ tions. They are members of Serra International, a lay organization begun in Seattle, Wash., and dedicated to fostering religious vocations. They were invited by Bishop Lawrence Bianchi, P.I.M.E., of Hong Kong, who is faced with the fact that only four priests have been ordained for the dio­ eese in the last three years, while the Catholic population during that period has increased by 45,000.

cesan convention of the Catholic Youth Organization, held at Kennedy Center, New

Bedford, no delegates repre­ senting 46 parishes heard Atty. William H. Carey of Fairhaven -discuss what the Church expects of youth. "Develop your natural talents through thl~ use of God's grace," he counseled his hearers. Elect Officers

Greeting:; from state and city were delivered by Patrick H. Harrington Jr., governor's aide; and Mayor Edward F. Harring­ ton of New Bedford. At a business session Brian R.

Generall Gruenther Graduation Speaker

llresiden';. He is from St. Joseph's parish, Fall River. With him will serve Susan Kuszychi, vice-president, St. Mary's, Houth Dartmouth; War­ ren Sailiord, treasurer, Our

South'west Bishops ISack Rights Bill SANTA FE (NC)-The three Catholic bishops of the eccle­ siastical Pro'lince of Santa Fe have called on "all citizens of good will." to support the civil rights bill now pending in the S~nate.

They urged citizens to make "immediate and effective re­ quests to their duly elected leg­ islators" for passage of the bill and said "our voices must be raised in the earnest and re­ spectful defense of liberty and justice fo,r all." Their hacking for the civil ril~hts bill came in a joint pas­ toral lett~r read in churches throughout their dioceses. The three prelates are Archbishop James P. Davis of Santa Fe, Bishop Sidney M. Metzger o:f El Paso, Tex" and Bishop Bernard T. Espe1a!:e, O.F.M., of Gallup, N.M.

MANCHESTER (NC) - Gen. Alfred M. Gruenther, retired president of the American Red Cross and former supreme Allied Commander in Europe, will de­ liver the address at the 7lst an­ nual commencement exercises at St. Anselm's College next Thurs­ day. Honorary doctorates of laws will be awarded to him and U. S. Sen. Thomas J. Dodd of Connec­

ticut; Father.- Frederick McMan­

us, canon law professor, the

Catholic University of America,

Washington, D. C.; Lionel B.

Kavanaugh, Leominster, Mass., ) CO. • industrialist; Msgr. John J.

Murray, Peabody, Mass; and

Father Bernadine J. Patterson, O.S.B., prior of St. Maur's priory, South Union, Ky.

Degrees will be awarded to (365 NOItTH PRONT STREET 250 seniors, largest graduating , NEW BEDFORD class in the history of the Bene­ dictine colle!(e. Bishop Ernest J. W"man 2-5534 , Primeau of Manchester will ~ preside t."'-I"'4~~

NEW ORLEANS (NC) - Ex­ Bedford; and Margaret Guijdasz, panded one - week vocation secretary, Holy Rosary, Taun­ - workshops for sixth, seventh ton. New 1y appointed Diocesan and eighth graders and high committee chairmen are Robert school students interested in the J. Hill Jr., spiritual, St. Mary's priesthood or religious life will parish, Taunton; Anne Richard, cultural, St. Jean Baptiste, Fall be held this Summer at St. River; James Gibney, recrea­ _Joseph Seminary, St. Benedict, -tional, St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall La. The expansion resulted from River; Nancy de Souza" social, ,uccess of the program initiated St. Anthony's, Taunton. Atty. -Maurice F.· Downey of last year for sixth, seventh and eighth graders. More than 300 New Bedford was· parliamen­ boys took part. tarian for a session at which con­ stitution changes with regard to election of officers and voting procedure were discussed. Chairman of the program was Inc. John M. Hickey, president of the Fall River Council of Catholic Youth. Arrangements were under SERVING the supervision of Rev. Walter Fall River, New Bedford A. Sullivan, Diocesan CYO di­ Cape Cod Area rector, who installed new offi­ Agent cers, and Rev. Edward C. Duffy, New Bedford ar'ea director, who AERO MAYFLOWER was celebrant of Benediction closing the business session. ,TRANSIT CO. INC. Theme for the convention was Nation_ide Movers "Catholic Teenagers Today- Will WYman 3-0904

Be the Adult Lay Apostolate of


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Vocation Workshop Program to Expand

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