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The CHOR ~








An AnehM 01 the Soul, Sure and Firm -

V.01. 14, No. 23

© 1970 The Anchor


PRICE 10¢ $4.00 per Year

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, June 4, 1970

Religious and Dropouts Seek Real Meaning of Life MANCHESTER (NC) - For popularity of Eastern thought Brother David Steindle-Rast, the and religion among the young. heart of the monastic life is a He viewed the new-found inradical quest for meaning in terest of the student generation which he finds only two groups in Eastern religions with apin modern society actively en- proval. .' gaged: religious communities "How tragic," he commented, and colIege dropouts. "that many people look on this "Very much of the activity in involvement as a competition to our universities today," said the Christianity. Benedictine monk, who was here "Instead," he insisted, "we in Connecticut to' give a workTurn to Page Seventeen shop on prayer to the New England Region of the Sister For- i111b"ili..;.,,2';:X;';':%'WMti@mlmKtf~Jllmn'§rt, matlon Conference, "appears to me to be a kind of mOl"astic re'@l~~,; Jamlbill~e® vivaL" The folIowing telegram was "It hasn't entirely jelIed yet," sent by Bishop ConnolIy to Pope he said in an interview. "It hasn't Paul last Friday on the occasion taken its final form, perhaps. But of the Pope's Golden Jubilee of the communes, for instance, of priestly" ordination: the student dropouts, are certain- Pope Paul VI ly monastic foundations." Vatican City Brother David, whose speech Diocese of FalI River joins is still tinged with the accents joyfulIy, prayerfully, thankfully of his native Vienna, where he commemorating fifty golden acquired a doctorate in experi- years of Your Holiness. mental psychology before enter~ James L. Connolly ing the Monastery of St. Saviour ~ J aJ!les J. Gerrard in Elmira, N.Y., said he has a special interest in the current l;li$'!'l.'li1lt<'r'?'~;mm:mw'$:"l~~it!Zffi'?ilT"'f"'P*fu.'%'l1ll

Fr. Resendes to Taunton, Fr. Andrade to Fall River The "Chancery Office today. announced the transfer of Rev. Manuel M. Resendes, pastor of Our Lady of Health parish, FalI River, to pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes parish, Taunton, and the appointment of Rev. Manuel Andrade, assistant at Immacu-

late Conception, New Bedford, to administrator of Our Lady of Health, Fall River. The new assignments are effective Wednesday, June 17. Son of the late Leonel M. Resendes and the late Mrs. Mariana Turn to Page Six'

l I

High Schools of Diocese To Grant 1153 Diplomas Twelve high schools of the Diocese will graduate 1153 students in ceremonies next ·week. Seven schools have scheduled Sunday programs, three will graduate on Monday, one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday. 513 boys and 640 girls, totaling 1153, will receive diplomas. Continuing to hold first place in the numQer of graduates will be Bishop Stang High of No. Dartmouth with 116 boys and 135 girls for a total of 251. Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, will hold its first commencement exercises at 8 on Sunday night, June 8 in the school's auditorium on Elsbree St. Bishop Connolly will preside while 87 boys will ever be known as members of the first graduating class from the Fall River Diocesan High School for Boys. In addition, it will be noted that a record of 84 of the 87 graduates will continue their education on the college and university level. Bishop Connolly' will present the diplomas. Rev. Joseph D: J?evlin, S.J., director of Jesuit Secondary . Education in New England will deliver the commencement address. Other graduations scheduled for Sunday are the Holy Family High School of New Bedford. Prevost High and Jesus-Mary Academy in joint exercises will grant diplomas in Notre Dame Church, FalI River. Dominican Academy and Mt. St. Mary's Academy, both located in the See city, will hold exercises at 4 and 1:30 respectively. Turn to Page Seven

Fall River's Bishop Connolly High School Gll'8duates !First Class; Sunday

Facts About Poor Combat Ever-Circulating Myths Almost half were under 18 WASHINGTON (NC)-Myths about the poor don't die easily. years of age. To combat circulation of unAlmost 20 percent were 65 and truths about the poor, the Ur- ov,er. ban Coalition has released a About 20 perecent were family number of myths and facts about heads. poverty. Some of these are: Almost three-fourths of the Myth: Most of America's family heads worked and about poor people are black. . Fact: Poverty knows no color, half of those worked full time. Of the family heads who didn't race or creed. Seventy percent work, about a third were ill or of the poor are white. Myth: American poverty is disabled and. half were female family heads with children. exclusively an urban problem. Fact: More than one-third of About 100,000 able-bodied, single poor men didn't work. the poor live in rural areas. Myth: What money the poor The Urban Coalition Action have, including tax-supported Council pamphlet entitled "A benefits, is spent on expensive Minimum Standard of Decency cars and other luxuries. Beneath Which No American Fact: The poor have little Shall Live," states that "Welmoney for such expenditures. fare rolls can be reduced only POPE PAUL VI The President's Commission on by helping the poor to help themIncome Maintenance determined selves." that a family of four with a This, the pamphlet says, "remonthly income of $284 ($3,408 a year) spends all but $9 of it quires jobs, adequate job preparfor such basic necessities as ation for the able-bodied and food, housing, public transporta- work incentive for those receivtion and clothing and personal ing assistance." care. The food budget for such a PastorCll~ CGUllld~ ·family adds up to $1 a day NEW ROCHELLE (NC) - In per person-an amount too low His Excellency, the Most Revpreparation for the 50th anniver- for a nutritionally adequate diet erend Bishop, has convoked a sary of Pope Paul VI in the according to the U.S. Depart- meeting of the Diocesan Pastoral Council for Tuesday, June 16, priesthood last Friday, a letter ment of Agriculture. writing campaign was conducted A 1966 breakdown (latest at 4 o'clock ill the afternoon. in the eastern province of the available from Office of Econom- Lay, religious and priest memSalesians of St. John Bosco. ic Opportunity) of 30 million bers of the Pastoral Council will Thousands of letters were re- people who were poor by that meet at Bishop Cassidy High' ceived at province headquarters year's standard of poverty shows School in Taunton with Bishop Turn to Page Three Connolly. that:

Some Letters 'To Pontiff On Jubilee

Rev. Manuel M. Resendes

Rev. Manuel Andrade


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of

n - -1

fall River-Thurs., June 4, 1970

Father Hesburgh Urges Using Respon'sibly Academic . .Freedom ' .

LOS ANGELES (NC)-Father Father Hesburgh cited growTheodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., ing public reaction to violence in president, University of Notre the nation and on the campuses ('-I: ~ ~,~ ) Dame, was named the first rep- as an example' of dangers facing resentative of a CatilOlic institu- academic freedom. I ~'JI' "I would remind you," "he said, C tion to receive the American Association of, University Profes- "that as recently as last week I\'sor' Alexander Meiklejohn a ma.iority of Americans in a I .AUSPtCI. NAIIA Award for outstanding contri-' CBS News nation-wide poll apII IT peared willing to cancel five of .butions to academic freedom. ASSIGNMENTS , Accepting the' award at the , the ten guarantees of our Bill association's 56th annual meet- of Rights. As James Reston has Rev. Manuel M. Resendes, pastor of Our ~dy of Healt~ ing here, Father Hesburgh' re- observed: Church, Fall, River to Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Taunto~, "'The uses of, physical viominded the group that "academic as pastor. ' freedom is not so much freedom lence against the people, properfrom somebody or som~thing as ty and institutions of the United Rev. Manuel N. Andrade, assistant at the -Immaculat~ States in defiance of the law freedom to do something." Conception Church, New Bedford to Our Lady of Health Notre Dame's prellident was . have created a climate of fear in " Church, Fall River, as administrator. cited for his February, 1969, let- the country, and under the doFR. SEQUIN, O.P. , Assignments are effective on Wednesday; June 17, 1970. ter to Vice~president Spiro T. minion of fear,' a great many ,Agnew which urged the federal people now seem willing, to Rev. Daniel F. Moriarty, assistant at Holy Family Churc~, government to maintain a choose order at the expense of East Taunton, to Cathedral Camp, East FreetOWn, as assistant '''hands-off'' policy on campus their liberties, or at least at to the director. : disturbances. ' the expense of somebody else's ."I am not suggesting the po- liberties,' " Assignment effective on Thursday, June 4, 1970. , ' ! Rev. Augustin M. Seguin, O.P., liticization of the university," Essential Atmosphere for eight years curate at St. ' Father Hesburgh told the profesObserving that he was the Anne Church in Fall River and' sors, "but as a professional ,class first Catholic university' repre-' women do of university men and for 20 years chapl~in at St. sentative to ,get the Meiklejohn Anne's Hospital observed the we effectively bring to ,our award, Father Hesburgh comthe wisdom, the insight, times Golden Jubilee of his priestly the courage, and the moral mented "I thought I might say ordination on Friday, May 29. Bishop of Fan River. judgment that should character- , a word about the special meanAt the request of the jubilaing that academic freedom has ize our profession?", ' "rian and out of concern for his for us in a Catholic university," Climate of Fear enfeebled health, the celebration "The university," he quoted was a quiet one restricted to the that "academic from an address he gave in 1968, He warned I members of the Dominican Pri- ,freedom, does not live by rhetoric ' "is the every quintessence of the , , ory. alone," noting that "if is not pilgrim Church in the intellecA Mass of Thanksgiving was WORCESTER, (NC) - Father grass is always, greener in ,the celebrated' in the 'priory chapel. so much that freedom is fra- tual order, seeking answers to gile as that it must be won daily, ultimate questions in concert John E. Brooks, S.J., 46, will take other fellow~s yard." Very Rev. Reginald Theriault, and exercised daily and respon- with men of intelligence and A native of Boston, Father O.P., prior, was the principal office July 1 as the new president of Holy Cross College here. Brooks is the eighth alumnus to concelebrant. Otners also cele- sibly by· each of us," He also good will. drawing on all knowl-, Charles S. Horgan, board of head the 126-year-old Jesuit Colo' brating the Mass were Domini- cautioned that !l rapidly increas- edges and every way of knowtrustees' chairman, said' the board lege. He was a student at Holy can Fathers Laurent Lord ,and 'ing "climate of fear" in the na- ing ol< * 0:0 tion might erode Civil liberties,. "It is not a task that can made a nine-month search Cross when he interrupted' his Pierre' Lachance. be done without that intellectual through the 11 provinces of the studies in 1942 and joined :the climate of freedom ,that is the The chaplain's kindness, comJesuits' considered scores of rec- Army in World War II. He s~rv­ First Friday Club essential atmosphere of a uniomme~dations from. students, ed until 1946, returned to Holy passion and sense of humor, the versity's research program, espeexquisite for of humility and faculty, alumni and friends of Cross and. .was graduat~d;!n HeCJirs Fr. Hanrahan cially in theology," the college; screened more than 1949. He Jo1Oed th~ JeSUIts, 10 faith that characterized his Rev. John Hanrahan, "S.J., 60 nominations-then found the 1950 and was ordamed to the priestly ministry were pointed Chairman of the Science Departout in the homily delivered by man they wanted right here at priesthood in 1959. He has servment at Bishop Connolly High home. ed at Holy' Cross durin~ vi~tually Father Lachance. WEAR School, will speak to members Father Brooks has been serv- all of his career as ,a JesuIt; has ,Father Seguin was born at of the First Friday Club, sponShoes That Fit ing as vice president and dean been .a~tive in Wo.rcester dioces-, "Les Cedres," Canada on March sored by the Holy Name Society "THE FAMiLv SHOE STORE" of the college. His selection dis- an, CIVIC, human rIghts and com- 30, 1894. He entered the novi- , of Notre Dame Parish, Fall River. putes that old adage about "the munity affairs. : tiate of the Dominican Fathers "Drugs" will be the topic of " Father Brooks will be the 25th at - St. Hyacinthe, Canada, on Fr. Hanrahan's talk. The group president of the college, succeed- August 23, 1915. will attend the 7 o'clock Mass Mass Ordlo ing Father RaymOnd J. Swords, On the 29th of May, 1920, 43 FOURTH STREET S.J., who announced last August Father Seguin was orda'ined a Friday evening. A catered meal FRIDAY-The Most Sacred Heart he would retire June 30 after 10 will then be served In Notre Fall River OS 8-5811 priest at the cathedral of Ottawa Dame School.' of Jesus. Solemnity. White. years in the p"residency. by Archbishop Hughes Gauthier. Mass 'Proper; Glory; Creed; This will be the' final meeting His priestly ministry was, spent Preface of Sacred Heart. entirely in parish and hospital of the current year. Activities SATURDAY-St. Norbert, Bish- Scouts ,Get Awards: will resume in October for the work. op. Optional. White. ,next series of nine First Fridays. During TV Mass OR The jubilarian has a brother Bernard' Comeau is President of Mass of Blessed Virgin Mary Parvuli Dei awards were pre- in Canada, Rev. Orner Seguin, the Holy Name Society and for Saturday. sented to the following (!;ul? who is also observing the Golden Paul A. Dumais is the promoter SUNDAY-Third Sunday After Scouts of Pack No. 56, St. 'Jo- Jubilee of his priestly ordination Pentecost. Green. Mass ~op­ seph's. Church, Fairhaven at a this year. Sister Dalmace, O.P., of the First Friday Club. er; Glory; Creed; Preface of ' recent Channel 6 Television of Dominican Academy, Fall Sunday. Mass: Michael G. Cejka, John P. River, is sister to Father Seguin. MONDAY~Mass (Choice of CelDelaney, ,Joseph B. Harding, DOANr;· e,tAL·AMt:S ebrant). Weekday. Raymond D. Harding, Jeffrey -M. INCOR.PORAT£D First InstaUation TUESDAY - Mass (Choice of Pond and Anthony D. Rose. : FUNERAL HOME, INC. Celebrant). Weekday. ' . The awards; consisting of a R. Marcel Roy - a Lorrr,ine Roy WEDNESDAY - St. Margaret, medal dep~cting the Holy Fam- For Couples Club , Roger LlFrance Queen of Scotlimd. Optig"nal. ily, are earned by a Cub Scout The St. Joseph's Couples' Club FUNERAL DIRECTORS White.' • HYANNIS lifter successfully completing i 12 will hold 'their first annual rn. THURSDAY - . St.' Barnabas, separate religious requirements. stallation in New Bedford on 15 Irvington Ct. • HARWICH PORT , I '" Apostle. Memorial.' Red. Mass , Sunday, June 7 at 6:30 in the New Bedford • SOUTH YARMOUTH , Proper; Glory; no Creed; Pref-' evening. ?95~5'166 '. ace, of Apo.st\es. NecroDogy Officers to be inst&lledare Mr. ,and Mrs. ,Daniel Gabriel, presi~ , JUNE 5 'derit;' Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Very Rev. Thomas J. McLean, Bisaillo.n, vice-presi~ent; Mr. and' 1954, Pastor, St. Francis Xavier" Mrs. 'Rene' Cormier, secretary; ' ' 'Mr.. and' Mrs. Frank Orlowski, Hyannis. June 7 - Blessed, Sacrament, JUNE 8 treasurer. Very Rev. John S; Czerwonka, . Fall River: 1961, Assistant, St. Stanislaus, " A dinner-dance will follow the Holy Name,' Fall River. Fall River. I , ' installation. St. Roch, Fall River. , St>rvmg .!l1 1,lIth, JUNE 9 June 14-C 0 I' pus Christi, Rev. Timothy J. Calne'n, 1945, Sandwich. Pastor, St. Joseph, Woods Mole. Sumner James Incorporated Holy Trinity, ·West HarLAMOUREUX Rev. Joseph S. Larue, .. 1966, wich. , , " ! / FUNERAL HOME Pastor, Sacred Heart, North AtSt. Mary, Norton. . ~A"fI/ ALBERT J.' LAMOUREUX tleboro: JUNE 10: Embalmer- Funeral Director City:,Location 178 Winter St. Fall River Rev. William H. ,Curley, 1915, Tel. 997:9044 Suburban Location 189 Gardners Neck Rd.,Swansea THE ANCHOR Pastor, SS. Peter ,and Paul, Ifall Second ,Class Postage Paid at Fall River, River. 177 Cove St., Cor. sci. Second St. • Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Rev. Thomas' H. Taylor, 1966, Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 NEW BEDFORD bf the Catholic Press of the'Dlocese of Fall Pastor, Immaculate' Cpncepti<ln, AMPLE PARKING' NON SECTARIAN River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid Taunton. ".00 per year.

I~ ~


Diocese· of Fall River

'Rev., A.' Sequin J~bilarian



Holy Cross, Prexy Form,er Dean!

John's Shoe Store





WARING r,,;; /A;,rn,,1



Some' Letters to the Pope On His Golden Jubilee Continued from Page One here in New York for forwarding to the Vatican. The writers included priests, Brothers, seminarians-but the real gems were from youngsters in orphanages, grade and- high .schools. Some bore the suspicion that adult help was involved, but others - well here are some samples: "Dear Holy Father, I was told that you just celebrated your 50th anniversary. I am very proud to be a Christian under such a fine Pope. The reason I am writting this is to prove that .a 13-year-old appreciates your painstaking work for peace and well being among men. I will say , some prayers for you tonight." "Dear Holy Father, I am a boy attending school at Mary Help of Christians School. I am in the eighth grade and attend Mass. I hope to pass this year. I have a 79 average. I am for priest not getting married because he would not devote his life to God. Because he would have to woriTy about his wife and children. "Dear Holy Father, I am in the eighth grade and 100 percent behind you. Father, please pray for me because I need help in my studies. I do not want to go to summer school. Thank you! I know that this will be your 50tn anniversary in the priesthood: Please write." "Dear Holy Father, How are you? I hope you have one of the best 50th year in priesthood. I'm an 8th grader in one of the greatest schools I think in the world. Your Catholic boy." "Dear Holy Father, There's one thing to say, Have a Happy Feast Day! The new order of the Mass was changed, yes, but it's too long. Well, I'm no Pope you know, but if you could shorten it a little, more people would come. They would have the time to spare. But still I'm right behind you all the way. If you have time send me an answer." "Dear Holy Father, Hi, there. I hope you are fine. I am. My n:lme is Jim. I go to a Salesian School in the United States. I used to read a lot about you sometimes when I get a paper a~d your name is mentioned. "It must be pretty hard being a leader like that. I know 1 could never do it be cause you have to worry a lot and all that. r haven't seen you too much but


Report Portuguese P'riest Arrested LISBON (NC) - A priest. is said to be among 10 persons reported arre~ted here as sympathizers of an African nationalist movement in the Portuguese territory of Angola in West Africa. The report was contained in a statement by the Security Services which claimed that the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola believed ma,inly responsible for the unrest of the Angolan frontiers has begun to recruit supporters in Portugal. The authorities released the names of six of the arrested persons but not that of the priest. However, there was speculation here that he is Father Joaquin Pinto de Andrade, brother of Mario Pinto de Andrade, one of the movement's founders. The Security Services contended that those arrested have close contacts with the Communist party and are members of illegal organizations promoting terrorist activities in Portugal's African territories.

I have an idea of what you look like. I hope you have a happy 50th annivers~ry to the priesthood. "You should see some of the Brothers here. There all pretty neat. I ,like all of them and I know they like me. They really take good care of us. Well I have ,got to go: now but do me a favor and say some prayers for me. "Dear Pope, I congratulate you on your 50th anniversary. I realize that you have a lot to do so I'll try not to make this too long. "I go to a school which is run by the Salesians of Don Bosco. I enjoy going very much and I am very happy for: you. I don't have a father but a mother I have and she is in debt trying to make up with all the payments but she loves me and' I'm glad of that. I have a brother, also who is very nice to me. I hope you have a nice anniversary. P. S. I'm sorry for writing in pencil but it's all I have."

Sees Decrease In Violence COLLEGEVILLE (NC)-An official of the Southern Christian 'Leadership Conference, the civil rights group founded by the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., told a graduation audience here in Minnesota that violence in the world is decreasing. "I can't despair at the level of hostility and violence in the world _today," Rev. Andrew Young, conference vice-president, told graduates of St. John's University. "It's just that mass communications and increased travel have brought more'of what there is of it to our doorsteps." Rev. Mr. Young made his remarks after he and Charleston's Bishop Ernest L. Unterkoefler received the school's Pax Christi awards at the largest graduation ceremony in St. John's history. The 38-year-old United Church of Christ minister is presently running for Congress from the stllte of Georgia. If elected, he will be Georgia's first black representative in either house since ,the Reconstruction era following the Civil War.

Bring Anti-Abortion Suit in Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Three ,citizens' groups, two of them Catholic, have joined to seek a court order prohibiting Jeffer~son Hospital here from permitting abortions in violation of the Pennsylvania penal code. Members of the Philadelphia Committee of Concerned Citizens 'for the, Unborn, the' National Federation of Catholic Physicians~ Guilds and the XavierDamian and Chi Rho Mu ChrisWm Life communities joined in the suit. Jefferson Hospital's abortion practices came into the news in December when a doctor burned his diploma on the hospital's steps to protest the institution's relaxed abortion policies.

Black 'Studies NOTRE DAME (NC) - Notre Dame University has established a Black Studies program on the undergraduate level, starting with the 1970-71 year. There are 81 black students in a Notre Dame undergraduate student body of 6,200. The Black Studies program is open to all students enrolled at thl;l university.

THE ANCHORThurs., June 4, 1970


u. S.

Prelates Feliciate Pope On An'niversary

Very Rev. R. J. Swords, S.J.

Michael Collins

Stonehill'- Commencement Science' and Religion Will Be' Represent~d In Main Addresses On June 7 Famed astronaut Michael Collins, now Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs will be the commencement speaker at Stonehill's 'graduation exercises on Sunday, June 7. ' Collins, a native of Houston, Texas, who will receive an honorary degree 'at the graduation e.xercises, 'flew the command module during the historic Apollo XI moonwalk. Earlier, in July 1966, he, participated in the Gemini X flight and became the nation's third space walker. The Very R'ev. Raymond J.

Swords, S.J., twenty-fourth Pres-· ident;, of Holy Cross College, will deliver the baccalaureate at Mass preceding commencement and will receive an honorary degree at comni.encement. Honorary degrees will also be awarded at the exercises to the Hon. John J. Fox of Dedham, Judge, Probate Court; Dr. Frank i. Ayd, Jr., of Baltimore, Internationally-known psychiatrist, writer, editor and lecturer; and the Rev. James W. Connerton, C.S.C., Provincial, the Family Rosary Crusade, Albany.

For Blind Persons Bible Society Develops Tape Ccis!)ettes Of New Testament NEW YORK (NC) - A new service to the spiritual needs of blind persons in the form of tape cassettes of the New Testament has been developed by the American Bible Society. A cassette is about half the size of pack of king-size cigarettes. The entire New Testament can be recorded on 15 of them. ' When the Bible was first recorded for the blind under the "Talking Scripture" program in 1935 it required 170 records at 78 RPM speed-With the introduction of slower speed records, this was reduced to 67 records in 1964. The convenience for blind persons of the Scriptures recorded on the tape cassettes is in contrast with the 18 thick volumes which the Bible takes up when transcribed in Braille.' The taped edition.. of the Bible was the work of the Rev. Dr. Dale C. Recker, the Bible Society's secretary for ,the blind. Dr. Recker began losing his own sight from a retina disease while he was pastor of the First English Lutheran ,church in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Still young, vigorous and mentally alert; Dr. Recker learned Braille and continued his pastorai ministry for 15 years before joining the staff of the Bible Society in 1964. But he was aware that many people, particularly those who lose their sight late in life, do

Goodness Let us put an end, once 'for all, to this discussion of what a good man should be - and be one. -Aurelius

not learn Braille. For them, talking records-and more recently tapes-provide their only contact with the world of books. The Library of Congress loans' tapes and record players without cost to persons who are defined as legally blind. According to Dr. Recker, a person who sees less at 20 feet than the normal person can see at 200 feet" is considered legally blind. Dr. Recker's chief concern is reaching the approximately 425,000 blind persons in this country with the services the Bible Society has available for them. Thus far, less than five per cent -some 17,000 persons:-have availed themselves of the Scriptures in Braille, talking records or tapes. The ecumenically administered American Bible Society has included Roman Catholic representation the past two years.

WASHINGTON (NC) - The 285 Catholic bishops of the United States, in a letter given to Pope' Paul VI at the Vatican by Cardinal John Dearden of Detroit, expressed "deep joy" over the Pope's 50th anniversary in the priesthood. ' The National Conference of Catholic Bishops told the Pontiff, in the' letter. that a bronze plaque marking the May 29 golden jubilee would be placed in the National Shrine of the 1m-maculate Conception in Washington, D.C., as "a visible reminder of this memorable occasion" for the shrine's visiting tourists. Cardinal Dearden, conference president, gave the letter to the Pope while in Rome for a May meeting of the Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops. "Without a doubt," the letter said, "this event serves not only as an occasion of special happiness for the entire Church but also as an opportunity to reflect prayerfully upon the great mystery of the Priesthood itself." 'IIlI Common Faith' The congratulatory letter noted that the U.S. bishops had asked, at their April semiannual meeting in San Francisco, that Cardinal Dearden "communicate to Your Holiness their prayerful congratulations and heartfelt good wishes." The letter said the bishops had voted unanimously to observe the papal anniversary with special Masses and other ceremonies in their dioceses on either May 24 or May 31-the Sundays before and after the Friday anniversary date. "In union of heart and mind and in a common faith," the letter concluded, "we pray Christ the High Priest' to bless you abuntantly and to grant length of years in inspiring service to the Church, over which Your Holiness rules with such dedication and love,"

Director Resigns CHICAGO (NC) - Monroe B. Sullivan, executive director of the Chicago Conference on Religion and Race, has announced his resigna.tion. He had headed the interfaith organization since April 1968. He will become director of clinics for three Chicago hospitals-St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, lFrank Cuneo and Columbus on July 1, 1970.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., June 4, 191Ci

.Asserts' School 'Crisis' Exaggeration

Foreign Aid Not -Matter Of Choice but Justice

BOSTON (NC) Camllnal .resources and act in a manner "What we must not lose sight Richard Cushing of-' Boston . 'consistent with them," Cardinal of during this time of' evaluation called the word ."crisis" in con- Cushing said. and decision is the importance nection with the problem-plagued of the religious sctlool in the '''This may be a painstaking education of our young people. Catholic school situation "someBy narbara Ward task and even an uncomfortable We must not lose confidence in thing of. ~n exaggeration." He said "it suggests that mat- one, but we should not turn an (nstitution that has proven When Christian: Citizen~ discuss the question of inter, away from the road a~ead mere-, . itself so well over so m'any genters are out of hand, it even ·car- ly because the path IS unclear. erations," he said. national development programs, they will probably, likE1 ' ri~s with it a note of panic." We did not do that 25 years " . . any 'other citizen, consider it as a matter not of obligatioq We wdl have to use our reMaking his first public appear- ago when .we established this but of free choice. A nation. a government can decide tq ance since being hospitalized a school and we will not do it sources more carefully than we have in the past, we will have to increase' the portion of its month ago, the cardinal offered now," the cardinal said. elsewhere.• It is also difficult, if work _together more closely for and spoke at the 25th an,Mass resources it will dedicate to one knows· no history, not to The shortage of religious the good of all, we will have to the niversary celebration of investment in other coun- take for granted the vast re l opening of the Julie Billiart High teachers' available to schools, the sacrifice willingly for' the best' tries' development. - Or it sources one's ancestors' took School here. The school is con- increase of lay teachers who interests of all the young," Carcan, as in the case of the United over and to assume that the ex- ductedby the Sisters of Notre cannot be expected to work "for dinal Cushing said. States', let· its contribution fall treme inequalities in the world'~ .Dame' de Namur, which St. Julie less than a living wage" and continuing rise in cost of educawealth are meant by God an4 Billiart founded. away, year by Ambition tion are among new factors to are not the act of men. year, until it is "What we are experiencing is be faced, he said, altering some Without the spur of 'c9mpeti-· The 'frontier tale comes ·to way down the really a period of decision, a aspects "we had come to .take tion we~d'loaf out our life. mind: . list of contribu-Glasow The Stranger: How did you time when we must evaluate our for ·granted.". tors, in fact, in get this land? I seventh or eighth , The Owner: I had it from my place. . But .. this father. outcome is simThe Stranger: How did he get ply a I political it? ' choice.'No deeper questions are The Owner: He fought for it. involved. But The Stranger: I'll fight you for Christians .for it. this retreat from Melancholy History ~:' ~ aid-giving has different If the distribution of power: tions. opportun.ity and resources be J : Whatever else, C,hristians raised tween nation!). is too uneven,: on the tremendous and wrathful other peoples and nations do not images of the Bible, can neglect, finally accept it. The riSe and they cannot evade the issue of fall of Europe has been, over th~ justice. It cries out from every millenia, the melancholy history page. The ancient prophets of man. Can we suppose, be-! thunder out their warnings and cause the maldistribution today' denunciations. is in our favor, that the rules of The gentler voice of Our Lord history will be set aside and: Himself consigns to judgment everyone will accept as an uno, . those who do not feed the hun- changeable law of Providence' gry or those who, like Dives, that we should have 80 per cent1 feast and flourish while Lazarus of everything while two-thirds' lies, sick and hungry, at his gate. of humanity make do with what. Cancel these images, cancel these is left?' parables, rip out the Christian There are already signs of teaching that neighbors must be how' little others' are in fact loved as other selves. and there prepared to accept Atlantic doni-' . is very little left of the Christian inance in its present form. Befaith. hind the Vietnam war is a deep-' So if questions of justice are ly believed issue of colonial coninvolved in the whole issue of trol, .the American~ seen by Ha-' aid-giving and international de- noi as the heirs 'of France. A velopment strategy, then the propaganda issue. in the Middle; Resident and Day ~a~p for Boys Christian citizen has to give a Eastern struggle IS the Arab dedifferent kind of commitment to nunciation of Israelis as "aspects the issue. of American imperialism." The: . tv . Justice Is InVOlvement tide of violence we see rising' Day Camp for Girls Now, clearly" justice is in- throughout the world - kidnap-i volved. We in the Atlantic world . ping, highjacking, urban guerilare the heirs of the Western Eu- laS-has, as its apologists, those: Sponsored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of' Fall River ropean people who 'between the who claim to be resisting West- ~ LOCATED ON LONG POND, ROUTE 11, EAST FtlEETOWN, MASS. 16th and the 20th century took ern "neo-colonial" control. There may be only two ways: control of the whole planet. The RESIDENT CAMP original inhabitants of much of out of the trip of violence _ i the y;orld were either driven backward to the hopeless., cycles 8 Week Season 51st Seas.on - June 28 thru' A!lgust 22 from their lands or set to work of war as in the past or forward, Diocesan Seminarians - College Students -& Teachers Under directioll to a new, generous vision of; for the European conquerors. of a Diocesan Priest. Particularly in the' 19th cen- sharing the world's wealth in, tury, when the new technology order to develop the world's peo- , Sailing, swimming, water s~iing. horseback riding. riflery, archery, gave the Europeans and their pIes. Foreign aid may thus be ~ hiking, overnight camping trips, arts & crafts, Indian crafts, camp American offshoots a sudden not a luxury or a political extra' crafts, athletic (team & individual) competition and inter-camp but the chief means of justice i vast increase in power, the takcompetition, profession,al tutorial service available. c: • ing over of all the globe's fertile and hence survival. Today, in the words of Yeats: : temperate land-in North and Private beach, large luxurious camphouse, dining hall, modern IYIere anarchy is loosed upon: South America, in Southern Afwashrooms,' arts and crafts buildings. camp store and office, first aid the world rica, in Australia, provided a and infirmary, beautiful chapel, overnight and weekend accomodaThe blood-dimmed tide is vast increase in food supplies tions for parents. loosed 0:< '" just when the new industrial It will not ebb through further : system needed it for its urban -:S'WEEK PERIOD-$37S-':-4W~EK PERIOD·$19S--=- i'WEEKPERIOD $100 violence - only through gener-! workers. . This "take-over'" of the planet osity, only through love. is still a fact. Overt political control has ended - except in Issues Guidelines Camp Fee 35.00 for 2 wk. period. JUNE 29 - AUGUST 21 Soviet Central Asia. But the Camp Fee $125.00 for 8 wk. season period. balance of the world's resources On Ecumenism FEES INCLUDE: Transportation, Insurance, Arts & Crafts, Canteen, Horseback Riding. still reflects the earlier conLOUISVILLE (NC)-A IS-page Weekly Cook-Outs & Milk Daily without Added Cost. quests and settlements. We can /booklet, "Ecumenical Guide-! "',.,_., _~ only repeat the figures. The- At- lines," has been issued by the ' I lantic peoples with some 16 per Louisville archdiocese to procent of the world's population mote interfaith activities becontrol 80 per cent of the tween Catholics and Christians Camp Fee 35.00 for 2 wk. period. JUNE 29 - AUGUST 21 world's wealth. The United of other denominations. Camp 'Fee $125.00 for 8 wk. season period. States, with about six per cent FEES INCLUDE: Transportation, Insurance. Arts & Crafts, Canteen, Horseback Riding, Approved by Archbishop of .the world's population, com- Thomas McDonough of LouisWeekly Cook-Outs, Milk Doily without Added Cost. ' mands nearly 40 per cent of the ville, the guidelines are designed . - world's incomes. For further information write or telephone to Registrar: as a handbook for parishes to BOYS" CAMP GIRLS' CAMP It is difficult to envisage these use in promoting interfaith' acP. 1,1. 7i3·5~ leI. 763·8874 Box 63 East Fr,eetown, Mass. 02717 disproportions when one lives tivities, including public worToll Free Call from Fall River 644-5741 inside them, more conscious of ship services, social action work, local strains and prices than of interfai~h dialogues and kindred people starving and despairing activities. o

Cathedral Camp

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Staff: Prog'ram-_

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Our Ladly of the Lake Day Camp For Girl$



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., June 4, 1970


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HOME FULFILLS EDUCATIONAL NEEDS: Left: Sr. Georgine aids Michael Sullivan in her third grade classroom. Joseph Beland types as Sharon Craverio dictates during a typing instruction in the seventh grade. Sixth grade geography becomes an interesting subjeCt for Cynthia Rod-

Montana Solons Consider New Anti-Smut Bill HELENA (NC)-The Montana Legislature will be asked next year to enact a new anti-obscenity law which conforms to recent decision of the U. S. Supreme Court, The request will be made by Montana's Criminal Law Commission, headed by Associate Justice Wesley Castles of the state· supreme court. In any prosecution for an obscenity offense, evidence would be' admitted to show: The predominant appeal of the material. The artistic, literary, scientific, cducational or other merits of the material. The degree of public acceptancc. The appeal to the prurient interest in the advertising, and the purpose of the author or disseminator. Violation of the proposed law would be a misdemeanor, carrying a fine not to ~xceed $500 or a jail sentence not to exceed six months or both. Castles's commi.ssion was directed by the legislature to revise the state's criminal codes. Primary thrust of the proposed law is to protect persons under 18 years old, Castles said. The proposal is a major change from present law, he· said, because the Montana codes do not now define the crime of obscenity in any way which can be enforced. The commission's draft says: "A thing is obscene if, considered as a whole, its predominant appeal is to prurient interest, that is, a morbid interest in violence, nudity, sex, or excretion."

Win Awards PITISBURGH (NC)-Two staff members of the Pittsburgh Catholic, diocesan newspaper, were among winners in the 10th annual competition for Golden Quill Awards given for journalistic excellence in western Pennsylvania. William McClinton, acting editor, and Janet Shaffron, staff reporter, were awarded plaqucs in the weekly newspaper category.

ericks, seated, and June Murray, standing, under the tutelage of Sr. Ronald Marie. The backboard becomes the teacher's greatest aid in teaching as is evidenced by the interest shown by fourth graders Wayne Gendreau and William Rielly.

Franciscan Sisters Create Home-Like Life For 51 Children in New Bedford Home By Ellen Andrew The late Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, bishop of the Diocese of Fall River, once told an open house at 'St. Mary's Home in New Bedford, "We can thank God for the many friends, living and dead, whose deeds of kindness to the little ones of St. Mary's carry out the words of Christ, who said, " 'Suffer the children to come to me and forbid them not.' " And so it is with the biggest family living in New Bedford at 593 Kempton Street. It includes 51 children, 28 boys'"and 23 girls, ranging in age from 6 to 12; 10 Glen Riddle Sis-· ters of the Third Order of St. Francis, Philadelphia Foundation, and Rev. William W. Norton, a Fall River native, and the home's director. True Home' St. Mary's is a home in the true sense and not to be confused with an institution for orphans, which it isn't. "It is a substitute home for the victims of broken homes," says Fath'er Norton. "It is not as good as the real thing, of course, but better than nothing at alL" Its inhabitants also ine from homes where parents are temporarily unable to care for their children.. "They are overwhelmed with the problems of the day and need help," the director continued. "We help the situation by taking the children." Not all mothers are "Mom" nor are all fathers "Dad." But at St. Mary's, Sister Mary Cherubina, O.S.F., the superior, and her nuns are "Moms" in a lot of ways just as is Father Norton the "Dad!" Happy Home "It is a happy home," Sister Cherubina remarked, "but as Father Norton mentioned, there is no substitute for the real home in bringing up a child. We just do our best in providing for the best for our young people of the area (Greater New Bedford, Cape Cod and the.-Islands). "Our main job is to provide that much-needed affectiOn these children lack to make little

. ladies .and gentlemen out of them. We can't expect this to supplant the home. That's one reason we don't like to keep any one child here more than two or three years. "We don't want them to feel institutionalized, nor do we want the child to become too de;:endent or attached to us." Home 76 Years Old In September, 1894, five Glen Riddle Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis, Philadelphia Foundation, arrived in New Bedford to open St. Mary's Home, an institution for orphans and the aged~ Forty-one youngsters and oldsters, from 3 to 73 found warmth and care at St. Mary's that first year. As the needs of the Fall River Diocese took on new dimensions, St. Mary's channeled its concern to meet those needs. At present, its main concern rests in the care of deprived and neglected children. . Today, 76 years later, 10 Glen Riddle Franciscans still staff St. Mary's, caring for the 51 children, from 6 to 12, which is the home's intake policy. CurricUlum St. Mary's children' attend school in the home because most of them have learning disabilities due, in many cases, to parental neglect. , The children's day is a busy one. Besides their regular academic studies, they have the advantage of, many extra-curricular activities such as typing, reo medial reading, sewing, cooking, woodworking etc. . ' Weekends and holidays usually are fun-filled due to the generosity of the home's many kind benefactors such as the Infant of Prague Guild. All teachers at St. Mary's are certified. ,The home's "faculty" includes Sister Mary Georgiana, O.S.F., Grades I, 2 and 3; Sister Ronald Marie, O.S.F., Grades 4, 5 and 6; Sister Marie Denis, O.S,F., Grades 7 and 8. Sister Marie Timothy, O.S.F., girls' house mother; Sistre Benedicta Marie, O.S.F., boys' house mother.

Sister Mary Dativa, O.S.F., who, for 40 years, has been' cooking at St. Mary's; Sister Mary Josita, O.S.F., convent sistcr; Sister James Maureen, O.S.F., . children's '. dining room, and Si~ter Ann Gertrude, O.S.F., clerical work. The 10th, of course, is Sister Mary Cherubina, the superior and "Jack-of-all-trades." "I don't know what I'd do without her," says Father Norton who was appointed director of St. Mary's' Home last March. "I lean heavily on Sister Cherubina. I have' great respect for her advice and judgement." Sister Cherubina is in the sixth year or' her second threeyear term and will be leaving St. Mary's soon for a new assignment. "I have no idea where it will be,"said this dedicated nun who, in her 35 years as God's servant, has served 10 years at St. Michael's Orphanage in Hopewell, N. J., and was principal of the all-colored St. Elizabeth's High School in Philadelphia. Sister 'Cherubina onfy recently received the Marian Medal at the Teacher's Convention in Attleboro for "personal interest in the social work of the Fall River Diocese." Father Norton is thoroughly wrapped up in his work at St. Mary's and one can't help but think he enjoys his new post immensely. "That's right, I do," he says with a smile. '"There is so much to be done for young people that is God's wish. There aren't

cnough hours in the day for me. "I knew, before I came here, of a priest's work with boys and girls at the parish level. But I never dreamed one could have such a profound effect on the lives of so many young people here. "Onc never knows, while passing St. Mary's, what really goes on behind our walls. There is so much dong. Problems? Yes, but there are h'appy moments and rewarding ones, too." 'What so ever you do to the the least of my brothers, that you do unto me.' "These words of Christ," Sister Cherubina pointed out, "have a special significance to Glen Riddle Franciscans. They consider it a privilege to work with these children. "We hope to do so in the years to come, keeping in mind that while we have the child of today before us now, we are training the young man and woman of tomorrow."

Improvement A man who truly wants to make the world better should stan by improving himself and his attitudes. -de Armond ELECTRICAL Contradors

944 County St. New Bedford


BISAILLON'S GARAGE 24-Hour Wrecker Service 653 Washington Street, "!Fairhaven 994-5058


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of ~aIlRlver"":Thurs., June 4, 1970 "


Outrage It may be only an act of aberration springing from the ' mind of a sick person. It may be a heedless act of vandalism.

The MonIter Campus @/ff,/UJHYIlJI?I@/!I . , .

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But it may also be a flaring-up of deep-rooted hatreds, or the perverse attempt to set race' against race an4 religion against religion. In any case, the recent desecration of two Greater Boston Jewish houses of worship is a revolting act- that strikes both fear and concern into the hearts of all sincer~ men of good will. The damage that was done to the buildings and to the Sacred Scriptures has prompted a "public expression of concern" from nine Massachusetts church leaders. But every person must ma,ke this his own concern. If this desecration was the result of anti-Semitism, then it is to be deplored as an outrageous act of irreligion. If it is the result of vandalism, then adequate protection must be given to those institutions in our society that stand not for money o,r for business but for the very basics of civilization, for spiritual values. If the outrage resulted from a desire to pit one race or religion against another, then those who deal in such twisted machinations must be shown to be wrong. It is sad when all ~hat is held holy and inviolable is profaned in a brutal way. But if the act makes men of all races and religions more conscious of the positive values that all hold in common-belief, in God; reverence for the things of God, respect for one another's consciences"':'-theq the outrage will not have been without a redeeming aspect.

Not a Word. But' an Action The watchword of today seems to be "involvement.'~ Happily in some instances, it is hot, only a slogan but an action. : This is the case with the recently-completed Catholic I Charities Appeal, the most successful of alL Men and women from all over the Diocese and their friends of other religions joined in contributing to the Appeal because they believe in involvement and wished to share in it: Not too many persons have the time or the skills or the inclination to teach exceptional children,. to care for the sick in the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home, to counsel unwed mothers, to give lectures to the engaged, to arrange for adoptions, to minister to the aged and the chronic sick. But these same persons know that, this is the work of involvement, this is the work of the person dedicated to, all that is finest in .the Judeo-Christian tradition, this is God's own work. And it must be done. So those' who' gave to the Charities Appeal have involved thel1)selves in God's work by supporting the thirty.' one agencies that care for God's poor and exceptional and! worried, that reach out to those who need care 'and counsel! and understanding. ' These contributors have taken from their substance to aid those who are giving their lives in these works of kindness and charity. , ' These contributors have not only talked involvement-, they have practiced it. To them it is not just a word~it is an action.


H@!i1@rh19 Pilgrim Virgin The men of the Sacred Heart, sponsors of the devotion to Our Lady the Pilgrim Virgin in our area, plan to celebrate the anniversary of the movement's inception on Thursday eveninl!, June 4th with a combined Vigil of the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at, Sacred Hearts Church, Main Street, Fairl!aven. Under the direction of Father Alexis Wygers, SS.CC., the vigil will start at 7:30 with Holy Mass, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, recitation of the Rosary, singing of hymns and Benedic-' Hon of the Blessed Sacrament. Ceremonies will end at mid.nfght. All of the families who have hosted Our Lady in their homes, plus any devoted friends of Our Lady' are cordially invited to attend.



'mooQlnq " Re~. John F. ,Moore, B.A., M.A., M.Ed. SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River "

Commencement 1970 This week should be com- days of college life. This year many parents will mencement week for most colleges and universities. The ma- not be given the opportunity to jority of dedicated students and manifest their gratitude and pardevoted parents look forward to ental pride. Many colleges and this week as the fullfillment of 'universities have ca'nceled all their hopes and dreams. This is commencement ceremonies or especially true if the parents 'have ,turned them into a quasithemselves never were granted hippie assembly. What is so sad the opportunity / of higher edu- about this situation as is the case in most of todays educacation. In an immigrant society, as is tional world, few have been conthis nation, this still is a tre- sulted or considered. Seemingly; too many have nendous factor in educational development. The symbolism and given in to the dictatorship of pagentry of graduation have the few. University leaders have meaning for these people that panicked and have fled on their few others attempt to compre- heels from the professional rabhend. The hard work, the'sweat, ble rouser. Counter reaction to tliEi tears to get their children a these professional trouble makgood , education' is completely ers has also been unreasonable summed up in the joy and hap- and frightful as is the case with piness of tnese wonderful', last Kent University.

Misplaced, Dedication 'Leads to Madn'ess

The turmoil, and bloodshed is a sad commentary on any type of community existence. When men attempt d,ecisions on the basis of fear and suspicion, what else can follow? The clenched fist and the waving red flag are but the shameful symbois of a dedicated revolutionary minority. Because of this misplaced dedication, they have been able to torment so-called reasonable men to the point of madness. Where are the majority of OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DiOCESE OF FA.!-L RIVER hard workiJ.lg and sincere stuWhy are they so blind Published w,eeklyby The Catholic Press of the Diocese' of Fall Rive., dents? as to be led down the path of , 410 Highland Avenue ' bloodshed and riot? This is really not a matter of adolescent reFaURlver,' Mass. 02722 675-7151 bellion of J'uvenile pranksters. Those who feel that it merely . PUBLISHER . . .. a phase of growing up, will find Most Rev. JCllme,s L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. out how serious is the campus GENERAL MANAGER' ASST. GENERAL, MANAGER revolt once they hav~ their eyes, opened by force and' violt;.nce. R,ev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll Yes,questions must be raised. ~Leary Preu-fall RIver This we know is an easy thing

@rhe路 ANCHOR'

bS'~o'~fha~~~ ~@uam~lffi

Continued from Page One de Jesus Cabral Resendes was born Dec. 20, 1909 in Rabo de Peixe, Sao Miguel, Azores. He was ordained June 20, 1937 at .Angra Terceira, Azores by D.' Guilherme August de Cunha Guimaraes. Following priestly service at Pico de Pedra and Rabo de Peixe, both in St. Mlchl:\el, Azores, Father Resendes was assigned to St. John the Baptist parish, New Bedford, on April 17, 1947. He served at Immaculate Conception, New Bedford, until his assignment to Our Lady of Health on May 12, 1964. . Father Andrade was born ,March 30j 1926, in Taunton, the son of Manuel and Maria Hortensia Medeiros Andrade. He studied at the official school of the village of Rabo de Peixe on the island of St. Michael, Azores. He made philosophical and theological studies at Angra Seminary, Azores and completed his education for the priesthood at St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. Father Andrade was ordained June 11, 1949 by Bishop Connolly in St. Mary's Cahtedral. He has served as assistant at St. Anthony of Padua, Fall River; Our Lady of Mount Carmel, New Bedford; Our Lady of Angels and Espirito Santo in Fall River. He was assigned to Immaculate Conception on April 3, 1968..

Be Yourself I do not know any way sure of making others happy'as being one's self. -Helps 1IIImllllllllll'~"'''III'"'IIIIIlUIII'Ill''IIl''''''''1II1111''1'''IU''IIlII''''''''1111111'11''''11111'1'1'1

to do. However in this present of genetics but also by way of situation,' solutions ,must be finance. , found. This is our difficult task. Outside of the few great bene'If we are to lessen tensions factors, a university depends on arid eliminate the seething hates the steady income of the student in modem campus life, we must population. It is for the most first .be sincere, honest and rea- part, the parent who is paying sonable. No longer can students the bills of the university or the and faculty, administration and college. Just on this basis alone, parents, afford the violence of they should be ableto have some panic and fear. The university representation in any campus must employ its greatest talent, dialogue. understanding and knowledge as These are but a few reflections the dominant forces. on a very complex subject which, Men must be able to sit down of its very nature, deserves more and talk with ,each other; the consideration than ,these words. cool and the calm must be However we must begin to act sought rather than the loud and and live in a sensible and ration. f wild. Be ore this is accomplished, , al manner in the modern' colit should be realized that all legiate world. We must never let concerned groups should be in- Kent State or Jackson State bevolved, in this persuit of Intel- come the sysmbols of illtellectual _lectual peace. ,This means not revolution. only the faculty and the students Let's hope that commencement but'the parents also must be con- next year will be more peaceful sidered. They 'are the 'people who and fruitful because of what we are involved not just by way have really learned this year.

Ecclesiastical Student Fund Announced ~or Sunday and courage and inspiration if not to them? Of one thing we can all be sure. At the top in the See of St. Peter the Vicar of Christ takes his responsibility conscientiously. He has no need for prarse or plaudits of men. He is the guardian in matters of faith and morals. He cannot evade or avoid his duty. He certainly gives no sign of wanting to, even in the face of unnecessary and inept advice from the sidelines. He stands before the world, in Chap. 7 Vs. 3) "that fierce light th3t beats upon the throne and blackens every Beloved in Christ: I write to urge you to think blot", and he wears the white and pray for vocations to the armor of complete dedication to priesthood and religious life. The God and man. first Sunday of June has long On May 31st., our Holy Father, been set apart as the day when the Pope will keep his fiftieth our Catholic people and priests anniversary of ,priestly ordinacontribute, to support ecclesias- tion. We should all rejoice with tical students. The diocese has him. We. should give assurance seven seminarians serving as of our reverence, our love and Deacons,-with the prospect of generous 'prayers in His behalf. 25 to, enter' the priestly ranks He is God's gift to our troubled in the next four years. times. He has, these past seven· So, we have firm promise for or more years gone out to the future years. It is important that ' faithful in person. All continents our priests be solidly grounded of the world have been visited in Faith in God, in the Divinity by Him. He is "the apostle pn of Christ, and the Most Holy hte go." But in prayer and deTrinity. If there is anything de- votion he protects the housepressing in, the world to-day it hold of the Faith. is the s;>ectacle of solemnly dedIf we look for the image of icated men and women turning the true priest, we must look to their attention distractedly away Christ, the eternal high priest, from the work that only they making intercession for us all. can do for God and man, and But should we wish inspiration settling for less in the competi- from close at hand, no priest, tive field' of secularism. It is a nor seminarian, nor religious nor sorry state indeed. layman or woman would be misMen and women, with solemn taken in admiring imitating and committments, . feel free to loving Pope Paul VI th., our change their minds. It is not that spiritual father who is all things the going is hard. It is simply to all men for the sake of Christ that they grow jaded and stale and the Gospel. Let us try to because they have lost the ded- form new priests like him to ication that once was theirs. serve our needs in the Fall River There is no greater joy, no more Diocese. Faithfully yours in Christ, rewarding a way of life than to give oneself completely to God ~James L. Connolly first, and then in service of Bishop of Fall River. those made in the "image and likeness of God." We cannot Pope. Urges Return realize the second, unless through the first. "Seek ye first To Church Fathers the kingdom of God and His ROME ,(NC)-Pope, Paul VI justice, and these things will be has declared that a "return to added to you." the Church Fathers" is an absoThere never was a time with lute necessity for carrying out greater need for spiritual lead- biblical renewal, liturgical reers. There never was a time with form and theological research. so many faltering leaders. We The Pope made his statement can understand and abide this in a speech at the opening of with fretful educators, or poli- the Augustinianum Patristic Inticians trying to win favor from stitute of the Order of St. Aua turbulent crowd. But with men gustine. of God! What a shame to have "This patristic institute rejoiners, in place of leaders. Where are we to look for Faith sponds in full to the present needs of the Church," the Pope said. "The return to the Fathers \ of the Church, in fact, is part Criticizes Decision of that resurgence to Christian On Contraceptives origins, without which it would UNITED NATIONS (NC)-The not be possible to carry out bibdecision of the executive board iclal renewal, liturgical reform of the United Nations Children's and the new theological research. Fund to supply contraceptives longed for. by the Second Ecuto maternal and child health menical Vatican Council." The Holy Father said: "There clinics is "a contradiction to the funds' role," according to Msgr. is no doubt that a more exhausAlberto Giovanetti, permanent tive and a more· fundamental observer of the Holy See to the study of patristics can offer an incalculable aid to theological United Nations. renewal in the post-conciliar per"It could have occured to no one, when the fund was estab- iod." lished ::'4 years ago, that an agency founded to promote the Honors Woman physical and social well-being of children would one day adopt WASHINGTON (NC)-For the a recommendation designed to first time the 50-year-old Nalimit their number. It i1l impos- tional Council of Catholic Men sible not to agree with tho1le will present its highest honor, delegates who view the board's the St. Thomas More Award: to decision as a contradiction to a woman-Mrs. James R. Douits role as defined in its statutes. gherty of Beeville, Tex. She is "The decision is all the more being honored for humanitarian regrettable since it is the first services to the lay apostolate. time, to my knowledge, that an The award has bee:l made onlv inter-government agency has on three previous occasions and switched from positive assistance the recipients all· were mento children to a kind of operation including the late President John F, Kennedy. that is ultimately negative."

THE ANCHORThurs., June 4, 1970


Urge U.S. Sell Jets to Israel

His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, has announced that the annual collection for the Ecclesiastical Student Fund will be taken up in all churches of the Diocese next Sunday, June 7. His letter, which also praised Pope Paul VI on the occasion of his Golden Jubilee as priest, follows: May 26, 1970 "He is like the Son of God; he remains a priest forever." (St. Paul to the Hebrews.



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EDUCATION MEANS 12 MONTHS WORK: Sr. Mary Urban Geddes, RSM, assistant superintendent of the schools in the Diocese of Fall River and Sr. Barbara McCarthy, OP start preparations for the 1970-71 school year as the 196970 year comes to an end.

High Schools to Graduate 1153 Continued from Page One Seniors at Sacred Hearts Academy and Mt. St. Mary's Academy, Fall River and Bishop Cassidy High and Monsignor James Coyle High, both of Taunton, will receive their diplomas . on Monday. Tuesday will find the graduation scene transferred to Bishop Feehan 'High in Attleboro and the final curtain in the commencement drama will be dropped on Wednesday evening when the 251 seniors from Stang will receive their diplomas. St. Lawrence, New Bedford Rev. Thomas J. Harrington a member of the class of 1956, v1ce-chancellor and episcopal secretary, will address the 35 boys and 54 girls in St. Lawrence's Church, New Bedford on Sunday evening at 7:30. Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, Vicar General of the Diocese and pastor of the New Bedford parish will preside. Jesus-Mary Academy . Following an established custom, Monsignor Prevost School with 51 boys and Jesus-Mary Academy with 31 girls will have commencement exercises in Notre Dame Church, Fall Riv'er with Rev. Msgr. Reginald M. Barrette, diocesan chancellor and pastor of Notre Dame Church, presiding and conferring. Rev. Brother Robert Francoeur, F.I.C.,· president of Walsh College, Canton, Ohio will be the principal speaker. Dominican Academy Dominican Academy. Fall River will hold exercises for the 37 girl graduates in thp. school's auditorium at 4 o'clock. Sr. Barbara R. McCarthv, O.P.. principal has announced that Senator Marv L. Fonseca will be the principal speaker. Mt. St. Marv's Academv Bishop Gerrard will preside at the commencement exercises of Mt. St. Marv's Acarlem v • Fall River scheduled for 1:30 Sunday afternoon in the school auditorium. Sisters of Mercy A~ademy Miss Cheryl Rousseau, valedictorien, will address her class of 80 girls as' they gather with faculty members, parents and friends in their program at the Sisters of Mercy Academy.

Coyle High School Ninety-eight boys of Coyle High, Taunton will receive diplomas in the presence of Bishop Connolly at 8 on Monday night in the school auditorium. Speakers will be student orator winners Mark Hanna, Steven Ozug and Peter Masi. Bro. Richard Kiniry, principal, has announced, that 14 awards have been granted amounting to $111,000. Dishop Cassidy High School . Monday afternoon at 4, 81 girls will receive their diploma1l in Bishop Cassidy High School Auditorium. Taunton, in the presence of Bishop Connolly. Rev. George Ryan, chairman of the Psychology Department of Cathedral College, Dougla1lton. N.Y., will be the principal speaker. Academy of the Sacred Hearts The eighty-third graduation at the Academv of the Sacred Hearts, Fall River, will be held on Monday afternoon at 3 in the academy auditorium. Bishop Gerrard will confer diplomas to the 86 girls of· the class of '70, while Rev. Cornelius F. Kiley. school chaplain, will read the list of lITaduates. Mr. William Pa/le of Proiect COD, New Bedford will deliver the commencement address. Bishop Feehan High School Michael F. Zitto,valedictorian, will be the principal speaker' at Ri1lhop Feehan High School, Attleboro as 89 hovs and 94 girls receive their diplomas from the diocesan cooed school of Attleboro. Bishop Connolly will preside at the 8 o'clock exercises scheduled for Tuesdav evenirig in the school's auditorium. BIshop Stang High School . Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Ed,D.. diocesan superintendent o· f schools arid chaplain at Bishop Stang Hillh School. No. Dartmouth will preside at the graduation program to be conducted at 8 on Wednesday night, June 10 in the school's auditorium. The 116 bovs and 135 girls of the 1lenior class will receive their diplomas from Dishop Connolly. Mayor George Rogers of New Bedford will be the principal. speaker:

WASHINGTON (NC) - Seven U. S. senators who oppose the nation's involvement in the war in Indochina have called on President Nixon for immediate sale of jets to Israel and intensified U. S. efforts "toward stable peace in the Middle EjJst." In a letter to the White House, the senators explained their concern "that the Soviet Union may be misinterpreting the spirited national debate" over the war in Indochina "as a sign that our nation will not take effective steps to protest our vital interests in the Middle East." Contents of the letter were reo vealed by Sen. George McGovern (D-S.D.) in «losing sessions of the national biennial convention of the American Jewish Congress here. Signers of the letter were Sens. McGovern and Charles Goodell (R-N.Y.), Alan Cranston (D-Calif.), Harold Hughes ~D. Iowa), Stephen M. Young (DOhio), Philip A. Hart (D-Mich.) and Thomas F. Eagleton (D-Mo.). In a speech to some 500 delegates, McGovern said an administratipn decision to sell Israel the Phantom jets would mean "that we do not intend. to let Israel slip desperateJY;t. to t~e razor's edge of survi'vlt1'and thitt we mean to exerclse our inflUence in that vital area of tile world." Earlier in the five-day convention Sen. Hugh Scott (R-Penn.) also urged immediate sale of the jets to Israel and "on long term credit."

New Appointment For Father Groppi MILWAUKEE (NC) - Father James E. Groppi, Milwaukee civil rights activist, has been appointed a1lsistant pastor of St. Michael parish hCll'e, effective June 16, when he Reaves his former parish, St. Boniface. St. Michael church. also 10C'ltcrl in the dty's predominantly black inner-city, is now becoming the center of civil rights activities. Father Groppi said he is pleased with the new appointment.


IDEAL LAUNDRY 373 I':ew !3osfton Road

. Fall River 678·5677


St. Louis Nuns Form CiQunc rI

THE ANCHOR-Diocese 01 Fall River-Thurs., June 4, 1970'

Nightly Strolls in Woods D,elight Bird Watch1ers By Joseph and· Marilyn Roderick

ST. LOUIS (NC) - Delegates from 33 different religious orders of women, representing virtually all the 3,000 Sisters in the archdiocese of St. Louis, voted at a meeting here to establish the St. .·Louis archdiocesan Council' of R~ligious Women. 'The council, first proposed to the Sisters last December by Cardinal John Joseph Carberry, intends to encourage unity among the religious women working here, to help plan and coordinate educational programs for Sisters and to encourage "gospel service to all the people of the archdiocese," A steering committee, headed by Sister Jane Stimiman, S.C.M.M., will continue to oversee the formation of the council until elections are held next year. The only opposition to the council came from members of Action, a local civil rights group, which distributed a statement to the Sisters asking them to support Action instead of the Catholic Church, which it called "another racist institution," The statement said the nuns could demonstrate support by "resigning from your present order and join with the Sisters of the People, a new humanistic order," which has been proclaimed by Cecilia Goldmann former Maryknoll Sister who i~ a member of the Action group here.


"He hath made everything beautiful in its time," is a: quote I remember having read although I.have no idea: where. Nevertheless one has to be struck by the parade of' beauty one experiences in the Spring. First the scillas,: , crocus and other small blubs, then the daffodils, tulips ~elves away from the onerous i chores which must be done so' and hyacinths, and then the that we can putter around the early. Spring ground covers garden, take a walk or just sit: and now the azaleas and iris and the world has to be a beauty to behold. I am amazed each year to see the flowers bloom, the trees blossom and the birds flying everywhere. The latter, are magnificent. Melissa, Jason and I have been taking nightly strolls through the woods in search of birds and we are amazed at the number . and variety we find. We have becor,ne bird watchers overnight. Our list of sightings grows longer each night: gr-ackles, robins, orioles, blue jays, flickers, downy woodpeckers,mourning doves, redwings, sparrows, towhees, ' c~wbirds, tree swallows, and, most beautiful of all, waxwings and the red-breasted grosbeak.

in the sun. In the Kitchen

Prices of cookbooks are climb-' ing and their quality seems to be going in the opposite direction., Very few of them appear worthy I of the price; therefore it is with' great surprise and delight that we come up with such a precious little gem as Pillsbury's Vege- I table Cook)3ook for such a tiny price-98 cents. Put out by Pillsbury Publications this recipe col- ' lection contains only 77 pages: but these pages are chock-a- ~ block full of great recipes to help your family' enjoy their' APPRECIATION: Rev. Roger J. Levesque, assistant daily veg~tables. With fresh vegetables starting, Greater New Bedford Scout chaplain, receives plaque of to appear on the stands now is' appreciation from Robert Jacques and Mary Jane Lambthe time toenjo»' them to their' alot as he leaves St. Anne's Parish, New Bedford, for his Fragrance of lIerbs fullest and while most of them new post as assistant at Notre Dame Church, Fall River. Meanwhile our azaleas are' need no other adornment than their freshness, many finicky! breaking into bloom and we are particularly pleased with the Ex- members of your house need a; / Detroit Woman Heads bury azaleas which are having bit of disguise to help them. " :th,eir best year since we planted enjoy' them, especially when you i serve such "It's good for you!' Adult Education them. And today we planted vegetables as spinach. ~. Sisters of Charity Plan Experimental F.orm DETROIT (NC) - Mrs. Jane some herbs for Marilyn: garlic, Another vegetable problem ex'Of R I" L'f Wolford, director of the Detroit thyme, rosemary, mint and parsists when the homemaker has: ' e oglous I e archdiocesan Institute for Conley. to make do with frozen. vege-' CINCINNATI (NC) The SisThe statement continued: "The tinUing EdUcation here; is the ,. Our herbs had to be ripped up' last year because of the addition tables because she hasn't been' tars of Charity of Cincinnati are concept of a House of Prayer new president of the National we put on the house and Mar- able to get what she wants in ready to establish an experimen: does not include strict enclosure Catholic Educational Association ilyn was concerned that she the fresh variety. This book is)' tal House of Prayer as "a new . and a cloister grille, but by its' adult education commission. , The commission was establishwould have no fresh herbs this just filled with great ways to' form of religious life within the very nature it will be a new year, so Melissa was put to task make' frozen vegetables elegant I ·s~ructl}re of the existing commu- form of religious life within the ed in 1958 to coordinate and . structure of the existing commu- promote adult education pro. to find a place in the garden for fare. Broccoli. With Parmesan I mty." .They are looking for an unused nit}'. grams 'under Catholic auspices. a fresh supply. Melissa was de- Potato Crust may sound very ~ ' "A limited apostolate will be lighted with the fragrance of the elegant but it turns out to be convent or suitable house', pref· Mrs. 'Wolford is also secretary herbs as she planted them and quite easy when 'you start with erably in the Cincinnati archdio- engaged in by the Sisters. Teach- of the association's board of ditwo packages of chopped broccese, as a place to launch the ing CCD classes, conducting disI am sure she will be delighted rectors and a member of the . cussions and 'workshops on Michigan adult education assowith her harvest later in the ' coli,·one can of condensed cream program' of chicken soup and instant SI'ster Irenaea Mar'e d ... t ' 1 an .:>IS er prayer, writing, art-all are pos. Summer. ciation board. She said she hopes otato flakes. . Robert Ann h ave been s t udymg . sible apostolates which would the commission can begin this 'C' "He hath made everythting P Even canned green beans get the possibility and the usefulriess be ',in harmony with this way of beautiful in its time." What else a touch of the gourmet when the' of a House of Prayer SI'n' ceo th e life. These activities, however, year to build cooperative procan be added except to say that Pillsbury kitchens tell you to add: ' first session of the order's spe- will never take preeminence over grams with the U. S. Catholic we must provide the sensitivity slivered almonds and celery and' cial chapter last Summer; The the life of prayer, which will al- <;::onference Adult Education division. to get out-of-doors to see what call it Green Beans Supreme.. " chapter called fo th t d r e s u y an d ways be the chief apostolate." , He hath done for us. This is the Other officers, elected for two· Joe is almost what one would i for the establishment of an exdifficult part; trying to tear our- call a semi-vegetarian' in the fac~: perimental program "if possible/' Referring to the Second Vati- year terms, include Miss Nora f A I f th . can Council's Decree on the Aph t h' s a resu t 0 e1r study, the propriate Rene\val of the Reli- Duffy, director of special ser· t a e s not ussy about meat, ' vices for the' University of payat every meal but he does feel! two Sisters have concluded that U.S. Supreme Court there is so~ething lacking at a: "there should be an experimental gious Life. (Perfectae Caritatis). ton" in. Ohio, vice-president; Dr. meal without at least two vege-. House of Prayer established for. the statement on the House of Geo.rge Martin, Department of' Upholds Texas Ruling" Continuing Education in the WASHINGTON (NC) - The tables. This idea-packed little: the Sisters of Charity to which Prayer said: Lansing, Mich., diocese, secrepaperback has certainly helped: the members of th~ community "The manner of living, prayU. S. Supreme Court, in effect, tary; and Sister Marita Anna upheld' a law in Texas banning perk up our Spring vegetables.: might have recourse for varying ing and working wm be s~itably Fox, from the New York archI picked up my copy of this, perjods of contemplative living," adapted to the physical and psy,sales of non-essential merchanIn a statement they said: "This chological conditions of today's diocesan Adult Education Dedise on successive Saturdays and recipe book at my corner drug- i store among the magazines. Give, period of contemplative prayer Religious. The Sisters will 'com- partment, treasurer. Sundays. it a try; you can't go wrong for' would always be envisaged in the bine contemplation with aposThe Supreme Court dismissed 98 cents-what else can a dollar context of the active apostolate tolic' love. By the former they Kindness an appeal from a decisJon by the buy today? from which the Religious comes adhere to God in mind and Texas Supreme Court which upHere's a quick but tasty way: and to 'which she will return. It heart; by the latter they strive He who is devoid of kindness held the sales ban -law. The to give vegetables a boost. It! is no escape from the increasing to associate. themselves with the ·highest court's action clears the comes from the Pillsbury Vege,; demands put upon Religious to- work of Redemption and to is devoid of grace. way for prosecutions in a test table Cook Book. -Arab Proverb ' day, but rather an acknowledge- spread the Kingdom of God,' " of the law. ment of the acute need for a Catholic Archbishop Francis i. deep and intense life of prayer Broccoli and Mushroom Bake' Furey of San Antonio and Methfor the Religious and for the odist and Episcopal bishops in package (10 oz.) frozen: whole Church." the state have called publicly for chopped'broccoli enforcement of the law. The law' bans sales of 46 items,jncluding Mrs. Hope to Receive can condensed cream clothing, kitchen utensils, jewelmushroom soup Honorary Doctorate ry, motor vehicles and other arti, 1 ~up French fried .onions cles, on successive Saturdays and WINOOSKI PARK (NC)-Mrs. Sundays. Dolores Hope, wife of comedian I) Cook broccoli as directed. A group of merchants, who on package; drain. Place in a Bob Hope, will receive an honoperate in San Al)tonioand Abi- one-quart casserole. Spoon soup. I or~ry doctorate of humane let. OFFSET .- PRINTERS LETTERPRESS lene, sued to bar prosecution in over the top and' sprinkle with i ters . ~t St. Michael's College graduation ceremonies here. a test of the law. State officials the onion rings. : 1-17 COFFIN AVENUE Phone 997-9421 . contended the law serves the Mrs. Hope is being honored 2) Bake in a 350' oven for. 20 : for her activities in a number of purpose of etablishing a common New ·Mass. day of rest, allowing merchants to 25 minutes or until hot and': welfare and charitable organiza" to choose their particular day. bubbly. tions.



Press, Inc.

Brilliant Colors Predtomi:nant In Main's Summer Wardrobe

Suit Asks State Aid for Oollege

By Marilyn Roderick That bright, flashy outfit that catches your eye on the beach this Summer may not belong to your best friend but it certainly could belong to your best friend's husband. Awning stripes, patriotic colors, and bright terry will be found at poolside and beachinto the background; this will be front and it looks as if the the year of the stripe and the male birds won't be the only (hold onto your middle class ones with female-attracting values) print. What would your plumage. No more will Italian knits and jumpsuits be restricted to the female of the species., Designers are . finding t hat knits are marvelously wear~ able in so many ways that it is sinful to restrict them to just women's clothes. Their excellent traveling properties make them ideal for men's suiting and this Summer season will see a big trend in this direction. Now whether the average man will feel that he will get as much wear out of a double knit suit as he would out of the material he usually wears remains to be seen. I just asked my husband ii he would buy one and this conservative (as far as clothes are concerned) replied that he would not buy one because It would be "too hot" and then he added (which was probably his real deep-seated reason) that they would be "too different." This opinion is presented before he has ever seen one so it certainly isn't based on factjust on the usual male prejudice against anything new iJ1 weari,ng apparel. ' Perhaps I'll be able to sneak him into it by starting out with a double knit sport jacket. Who knows? He may find that he likes this material after all. Women have really shown that they do. Q

StrIpes, Prints Knits aren't the only thing that have sailed over into the men's wear field; this ~s the season when you'll see more color in men's shirts than ever before (and we've seen some prettly colorful designs lately). But color won't be the only factor pushing the white shirt

husband say to a flower-striped broadcloth shirt? (Now wait a' minute; we can't print that in a family newspaper). However, all kidding aside, some of the prints that are go. ing to be seen are mighty handsome and not as outrageouslooking as they may sound at first; and remember your husband said he wouldn't wear wide ties and I bet he has a few of those in his wardrobe by now. The one factor that may deter the popularity of these eyecatching shirts is the price. One Oleg Cassini design in a jacquard-stripe cotton poplin will retail for $22.50 while even Hathaway shirts are running in the $16 bracket for -a striped broadcloth. Blazers Popular "Last of the big time spenders" Lou Wald has a two-button cuffed Swiss cotton for $40, and while I doubt if any stores of this area will carry this little ~umber I'm sure if you can afford it you can also afford a trip to New York to pick it up. Blazing colors will also be seen in that Summer essential, tl1e blazer. Again we see the introduction of double-knits, this. time in both blazer and slacks. The blazer has become such a popular item in a man's wardrobe that this year wili see the advent of the blazer suit. Some will be three pieced with one pair of slacks in a contrasting material and the other one made to match the jacket. And you thought there weren't any more . bargains left. The male of the species has cmerged from his cocoon and smart apparel is the order of the day.

Women's Organization Elects Mrs. Stokes CLEVELAND (NC) - Mrs. H. Stokes of Washington was installed as president of Women in Community Service, Inc. during the annual meeting here of board and corporation members. -The nationwide, ncn-profit, interreligious, interracial organization is comprised primarily of volunteers representing Church Women United, National Council of Catholic Women, National Council of Jewish Women, National Council of Negro Women, and ,the American' GI Forum Auxiliary. Mrs. Stokes was vice-president prior to becoming president. She is a board member of the National Council of Catholic Women of D. -C., Catholic Charities and of the Washington Archdiocesan Committee on Poverty. Main objective of Women in Community Service is to help underprivileged young women between 16 and 22 overcome the handicaps of poverty. Incorporated in 1965 it has been under contract with the Office of Economic Opportunity and now under the Department of Labor to recruit, screen and provide support services in connection with the Job Corps for women. ~axwell

Council Reissues Ecumenical Kit WASHINGTON (NC)-Encouraged by the reception accorded its first printing, the National Council of Catholic Women has reissued its ecumenical kit entitled "The More We Are Together, The Happier We will Be." The kit, which quickly sold out when it was issued last year, is a composite of articles and educational materials drawn from a variety of religious sources. Some of -the materials are aimed directly at children while other parts of the package can be used by parents and educators in guiding yo.ungsters to appreciate the values of numerous religious traditions. . The kit was much in demand by non-Catholics as well as Catholics, according to coimcil spokesman. The ecumenism also has an appeal for both conservative and liberal Catholics, noted Margaret Mealey, executive director. She said many affiliates have found non-Catholic materIals useful in meeting their religious oeeds in \tome life and parish programming.


THE ANCHOR-路 Thurs., June 4, 1970

GUILD FOR BLIND: Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop - of Fall River, participated in the diocesan-wide meeting of the Guilds for the Blind at Kennedy Center, New Bedford. Pictured, left to right, are Mrs. Frank McGrath of Fall River, Miss Mary Jane Lamoureux, the Bishop, and Frank A. Silvia of New Bedford. Guilds encompass both blind and sighted members who aid the blind.

Talent Bank National Council of Catholic Women Joins In Federation Project WASHINGTON (NC) - Three major national women's organizations are the first groups to join The National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc. in a nationwide "Talent Bank" project to seek names of women who could qualify for high level policymaking positions with the federal government. Representing a broad spectrum of more than 15 million women, the three groups - The American Association of University Women, B'nai B'rith Women, and the National Council of Catholic Woinen-are circulating questionnaires among their members. Those interested in applying for top federal positions must complete the forms and return them to the organization which sent them. Each group will then forward applications to the federation's national executive offices where a central clearin~ house has been set up to process them.

_Suggests St. Francis As Ecology Patron WASHINGTON (NC) - Historian Lynn White proposed in an editorial in Sciencc Magazine here that St. Francis of Assisi be named the patron saint of ecologists. Commenting that the environmental crisis facing the world is religious as well as scientific and political, White said "the remedy must also be essentially religious, whether we call it that or not." St. Francis, White added, tried unsuccessfully to substitute "the idea of the equality of all creatures, including man, for the idea of man's limitless .rule of creation." ..

Qualified candidates' names will be channeled to the appropriate White House office as top openings occur on federal commissions, boards, agencies, branches or departments. The Talent Bank project resulted from action taken last July at the national federation's 50th anniversary <convention when delegates petitioned President Nixon to appoint qualified women to top level, policymaking positions. At a subsequent meeting with Charles W. Colson, special counsel to the President, the women were told one of the main reasons for the under-utilization of women power is -difficulty in finding names of qualified women.Colson indicated the Talent Bank project would be helpful. Since implementation of the Talent Bank, several hundred women have filed their applications and a few women have been proposed to fill spots on federal commissions. Applicants need not be members of any of the cooperating women's organizations in order to apply.

NEW ROCHELLE (NC)-Offi. cials of Iona College here have brought action against New York's state commissioner of education in an effort to compel the state to grant financial aid to the school. Iona's president, Brother Joseph G. McKenna, C.F.C., said that the officials of the collegc believed ,that "Iona is just as eligiblc as are all other colleges and univesrities in the statc" for a share of the funds. The money was held up by a ruling of education commissioner Ewald B. Nyquist that Iona's Catholic affiliation made it ineligible for state aid. Commissioner Nyquist stated that aid to the school would violate the B1ainc Amendment to the New York constitution which bans aid to religiously affiliated schools. Commenting on the decision, . loon's president said: "Iona College is Catholic in its dedication and its tradition, but in its intake policy it is complctely open with respect to all students who meet its academic standards whatever their religion. It is no part of Iona's program to impose doctrinal or sectarian views on anyone. Iona has no juridical connection with the Roman Catholic Church as such, and receives no financial support from the Church." Commissioner Nyquist is slated t.1l receivc an honorary doctoratc from Iona at Commencemcnt cxercises in carly Junc.

Mass, Rally Protest Easing Abortion Law WASHINGTON (NC)-Opponents of recent efforts to relax abortion laws across the nation announced plans here for a concelebrated funeral Mass of the Holy Innocents and an antiabortion rally Saturday. Organized 'by Catholics in the Washington area, the day of protest will be dedicated to taking "action for life in ways designed to prevent the killing of babies." The Mass will be offered in St. Stephen the Martyr Church here and the outdoor rally will follow at Washington Circle. Coordinator of the Action for Life movement is L. Brent Bozell, editor of Triumph, a conservative Catholic magazine published here. (I


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Thurs., June 4, 1970

Names L'ayman First Minister Of Eucharist PITTSBURGH (NC) - Joseph Pace, 65 and black, is the first layman in the Pittsburgh diocese authorized to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion. Pace, whose youthful aspirations to the priesthood were blunted by racial barriers of the times, w~ commissioned by Bishop Vincent M. Leonard of Pittsburgh as a minister of the Eucharist at Holy Rosary parish in the predominantly black Homewood section. Msgr. Charles Owen Rice, pas- . tor of the parish and internationally known "kbor priest," requested authorization for Pace's services. "He has been honored by the bishop with a great and sacred responsibility in recognition of his extraordinary qualifications and of the needs of our parish and neighborhood," Msgr. Rice said when Pace was installed in his new position. Garbed in surplice and cassock, Pace distributed Communion at the Mass. He will assist in its _distribution regularly at Sunday Masses. CYO Director He also will be a candidate for the lay diaconate in a program which Bishop Leonard is planning to begin this Fall.. Pace, a member of Holy Rosary parish for more than 25 years, sang in its choir, was its first lector-commentator, is a member of its church committee, and has been a key figure in its St. Vincent de Paul Society work. He is a member of the Diocesan Human Relations Commission; active as a retreat promoter for St. Paul Monastery here, and a director of the Catholic Youth Association. . Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., and educated in Catholic schools, he is a fourth degree member of Duquesne Council 264, Knights of Columbus. His wife, Ruth, is a registered nurse employed at Mercy' Hospital, conducted by the Sisters of Mercy, here.

Discuss Marriage With Orthodox NEW YORK (NC)-:An Orthodox-Roman Catholic theological dialoge group recommended here that the Catholic Church as a matter of standard practice permit Catholics to marry Orthodox Christians with an Orthodox priest officiating. The statement also recommended doing away with a canon law requirement that a Catholic priest must be present at a mixed marriage ceremony performed by an Orthodox priest in an Orthodox church. Such marriages are possible now only when special "difficulties" exist, according to a 1967 Vatican decree. The recommendation is contained in a joint statement on Orthodox-Catholic mixed marriages drafted by 20 members of the Official Orthodox-Roman Catholic Consultation Group at the close of their semi-annual meeting.

O\UTlJ)OOlRCA1I1ECms~: Miss Elsa Zabala, a lay missionary, receives rapt attention from her catechism class during .an outdoor lesson in a barrio in Resistancia, Argentina. •


DeoconllJ,Year Program for Seminarians Seven Months Pastoral Training in 'Home Diocese I

ROLAND PARK (NC)-Seminarians are going home for on-', the-job pastoral training as part of a program at St. Mary's Seminary here. The new deacon-year program, approved by Baltimore Cardinali Lawrence Shehan, St. Mary's;, chancellor, is part of a reorgan-~ ization of the seminary's entire i four~year pastoral training pro-, gram. The progra,n also calls for· expanded community pastoral, involvement for first through third year seminarians. The new plan,' developed at: the request and with the coopera-] tion of the class of 1971, permits I 61 seminarians to begin their! last or diaconate year of study', by spending seyen'months--June: through December-at a parish' in their home diocese. . They will work closely under f supervision of a seminary-named' coordinator, a diocesan coordina- I tor and possibly a parish super- I visor. Twenty-six archdioceses! and dioceses are involved in the ' program going into Eastern, I

Mid-Western and Southern states and to one Greek Byzantine diocese in Passaic, N. J. Theological Side Father Edward J. Hogan', S.C.: director of pastoral formation and field education at St. Mary's, said that by living in a parish situation for an extended period, the deacons may come to understand the life of a parish priest and the problems faced by 'parishioners in a way not possible before.. When seminarians return to St. Mary's in January, they will reflect upon their insights in pastorally oriented courses and WOrkshops. "It ish't simply a how-to-do-it program," Father Hogan said". "If this is their ministry, the seminarians have to understand the 'theological side of it." The new program of experience, supervision and reflection is based on recommendations in the Second Vatican Council's Decree on Priestly Formation and on interim guidelines set

Mississippi Prelate Says Justice Religious Leaders' ResponsibUity

L<?S AN~E~ES. (NC) - Discussmg social Justice for blacks, a Catholic bishop from Dixie, ad· vised her~ that religio~~ .leaders I ,shOUld.. n?t expect pohtlclans to. do ~helr J<;>b for them. " Bishop Joseph B: Brumm. of ~atchez-Jackson, MISS., speakmg m. BI~sse? Sacrament church, said: It IS up to us t? preac,h love a~d to put l~ve m, men s hearts.h .. To elp acco~phsh thiS he called for f~r~atlOn of conf~re~ces. o~ rehglous leaders, diStmgulshmg th.ese carefully from churc~ councils. H~ also urged estabhshment of SOCial peace and justice committees in each parish.' . On Every Board "Most Southerners," he said, K of C .P.ositiolJ1 "are bound by the common ties CINCINNATI (NC)-The 71st of our Christian teachings. We Ohio State Knights of Columbus have only to practice what we convention here adopted resolu- ,preach. "The jobs," he insisted, "can tions supporting a federal family assistance program, opposing, orily be accomplished through easing abortion laws and con- religious convictions." The leader of 83,000 Catholics demning destructive violence on among Mississippi's two million college campuses. I

people said religious leaders should urge politicians to call for state constitutional conventions in every Southern state to remove all vestiges of forced segregation. "Practically all of the Southern states are living under constitutions drawn after the Reconstruction period and reflecting the prejudices of the times," he said. "Representatives from minority groups must be on every board _ draft . boards, school boards, all state and county and local, boards" he recommended. ' White Problem In Mississippi, the bishop said, a committee for social peace, and justice is being formed in each of the 106 parishes in his diocese. "We expect our pastors to search out and find men and women who are committeed to social justice and to form a committee'to establish dialogue be·, tween our black and white lay people," he said.

forth by the U. S. bishops in November, 1968. These called for expanded field education programs, integrated into academic training., The seminary's outiine, for the new' program saYIi on-the-job training offers an opportunity for "being responsible and showing initiative" and for "gaining realism and balance" and "entails much more than' simply being a functionary." Among . area's of experience suggested in the outline are administration. of certain sacraments, planning of liturgies, home and institutional 'visitation, teaching, working with youth, marriage instruction, working with parish organizations, assisting in administrative details of the parish and involvement in community and ecumenical af-' fairs -and special forms of ministry such as work with alcoholics and drug users.

P'lan· Conference On 'Religion, Peace KYOTO (NC)-A world. Conference on Religion and Peace will be held here Oct. 16-22 with representatives of all w~rld religions expected to participate. The conference will discuss disarmament, development and human rights. Archbishop Peter Seiichi Shirayanagi of Tokyo is a member of the preparatory committee of 35 members from all continents. Other members of the preparatory committee include Coadjutor Archbishop Carlos Parte Ii of Montevideo, Uruguay, and Msgr. Edward G. Murray of the Boston archdiocese.

ANNAPOLIS (NC)-GQv. Mar'vin Mandel has vetoed a bill. which virtually would have stripped Maryland of all restrictions on abortions. Acting after two pressurepacked months during which he conducted a public hearing arid received more than 50,000 letters on the issue, the governor said he rejected the measure purely on legal grounds. The measure would have made abortion a matter between a woman and h'er physician-no more difficult to obtain t~an any other medical operation. Since March 31 when the measure cleared the state legislature, Gov. Madel repeatedly indicated concern about legal shortcomings in the bill-such as lack of restriction on the number of weeks after conception an abortion might be performed and-failure to give the husband or father a voice in a woman's decision to seek an abortion. Opposition to the measure was led by Cardinal Lawrence Shehan of Baltimore, Cardinal_ Patrick 0' Boyle of Washington and Bishop Thomas J. Mardaga of Wilmington, Del., whose diocese include parts Of Maryland. The Catholic leaders were in~ tent upon taking the issue to the people of Maryland in the event the governor approved the bill. A week earlier Gov. Mandel said he had come to a decision regarding the legislature, but declined to indicate what action he would take.

Planning Statement On Ethical Guidance LONDON (NC)-The bishops of England?~nd Wales are planning to issue a statement on ethical guidance this Fall, Cardinal John Heenan of Westminster announced at a meeting of the archdiocesan pastoral council here. The cardinal said he is seeking the views of the National Laity Commission and other organizations before the statement is issued. His announcement followed a recommendation made at the council meeting that an organization be set up to provide information on matters of conscience for Catholics when these appear as public issues. The pastoral council rejected a recommendation to allow the Sunday Mass obligation to be fulfilled on Saturday.


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Heating Oils and Burners 365 NORTH FRONT STREET NEW BEDFORD 992-5534





New Bedford

Priest Receives Cohan Award


25- Year-Old Sister Of Washington Police

THE ANCHORThurs., June 4, 1970


Upcoming Shows On TV, Radio

NEW YORK (NC) - _Father Gilbert V. Hartke, O.P., one of WASHINGTON (NC) - It's [ the nation's best known coIlege easier to join' the D. C. P9lice theatrics authorities, was pre· Department than it is to enter NEW YORK (NC)-The Nasented with the first George M. the convent these days, accord- ! tional Catholic Office for Radio Cohan Award by the Catholic ing to a woman who has done and Television lists the following Actors Guild here. network presentations as proboth. The presentation by actor grams of special interest. All Sister Eleanor, or Officer Niedtimes indicated are for the New Cyril Ritcharc1, guild president. York area (EDT). was made at the annual Com- wick. doesn't look like either. munion brunch. Earlier, guild except for a gold cross she Television wears on a chain around her I members attended Mass in St. Sunday. June 7, 10:30-11 neck and a very large handbag. Christopher's chapel. offered in a.m.-Look Up and Live- "The memory of deceased members of The cross indicates she's a nun; Holy Land: Prospects for Peace" the handbag, she says, is the the organization. (Discussion program explores Father Hartke has been head only way you can spot a D. C. possible avenues fer peace in the policewoman because they don't of the speech and drama depart· Middle East. (CBS) have uniforms. . ment at the Catholic University Sunday, June 7. 1-1:30 p.m.She has been a Daughter of of America since its inception Directions - "Jerusalem Today Wisdom since IS62. and last in 1937. He founded the National With a Jew. a Muslim. and a Players, a touring group of the October was sworn in as a memChristian" - Program explores university students, which now ber of the police force. Dressed the religious aspects of life today in a simple. handsomely-sewn is entering its 22nd season. He in the Holy City. (ABC) dress made from a chocolate also initiated overseas tours of Monday. June 8. 7:30 - 8:30 the university actors in 1952 brown burlap material. the petite p.m. - The Undersea World of 25-year-old-nun-cop looks more who entertained members of the Jacques Cousteau-"The Water U. S. armed forces stationed in like a coIlege girl. Planet"-Rod Serling narrates Europe and Asia. Sister Eleanor who assumed a documentary close-up about the The award is named for the her new job in March upon comunusual and exciting science of actor - producer - playwright - pletion of training doesn't conoceanography.-undersea explorsong writer who was president sider the situation so unusual. , ation. (ABC) of the guild at the time of his Her explanation about the relTuesday, June 9. 8 - 9 p.m. death in 1942. The award was ative ease with which she passed SHSTER ELEANOR OF THE\ DAUGHTERS OF WISDOM G.E. Monogram Series - "The established to perpetuate the the D. C. police exam prompted name of George M. Cohan and to her to conclude that getting into police, department's attitude was: vision. Sister Eleanor accepted Man Hunters" - Documentary honor persons of various reli- a religious community, is much "You. never know, you might the job. The usual character in- special takes viewers on archgious faiths for distinguished more difficult. like it." she explained. This, she vestigation was waived because aeological "digs" as scientists contributions to the communica.acknowledged used to be the of her status as a nun. she said• search for clues to the life and Although the requirements times of early man. E.G. MarshaIl tions arts field. were not in effect when she en- nuns' attitude toward high school so she was worn in a month In the early' 1940s Father tered the Daughters of Wisdom. girls they thought should enter later. Investigation of applicants narrates. (NBC) Wednesday. June 11, 8:30 - 9 Hartke's department first pro- present candidates for that com- the convent. But that's all usually takes about two months, P.M.-"You·re In Love. Charlie duced a musical based on the munity must have a coIlege de- changed. she said, citing her she added. life of George M. Cohan. It gree or professional experience community's new requirements. Her training con$isted of 12 Brown" - Animated children's presents the "Peanuts" later was adapted into the movie and undergo psychological testcredits in law at American Uni- special comnc-strip gang. It's enough "Yankee Doodle Dandy" which ing. Sister Eleanor said. Learns Judo, Karate versity. which. she note!!, was trouble just being Charlie Brown. won James Cagney the best Thinking she would benefit very useful. She also underwent but that's nothing compared to actor Academy Award in 1942 "You Might Like It; from the experience and expect- extensive physical training, in- }:>eing Charlie Bll'own in love with for his portrayal of Cohan. Last August she came to ing to be placed in the youth di- cluding aspects of self-defense a certain little red-haired girl. through judo and karate. This. (CBS) Washington looking for a. job e. admitted the nun, was not her in social work but was unable Prelate Says p'ope Radio best subject. However. she feels to find one. About the same time, Officers Distribute Sunday. June 7, (check local Suffers .for World she's never been· in such good the D. C. Police Department, 'in physical condition as she is now. listings for time)-Christian In ST. PAUL (NC) - Archbishop an all-out effort to crack down Holy Communion' Action-Father Edmund Nadolny Fulton J. Sheen, retired bishop on rising crime in the nation's 'Most Protected' FAIRBORN iNC) - Seven Air Explores the "Action" world of of Rochester, N. Y., former head capital. had launched. a massive Force officers. ranging from ser"They even taught us how to pop music, exploring the lyrics recruiting campaign to sweIl the of the National Society for the geants to major generals, have use the clubs." she said. almost of tOday's top tunes for their hidPropagation of the Faith, and a numbers of men (atiti women). the privilege of distributing Com- not believing it herself. den message of Ged. (ABC) frequent television performer. on the force. Later she confided she had munion during Masses in chapels Sunday, June 7. (check local told a congregation here that Sister Eleanor said in Septem- at Wright Patterson Air Force heard such terrible stories dur- listings for time)-GuidelinePope Paul VI was "the sponge. ber she went into one of several Base here in Ohio. ing training that "I was fright- Discussions with Passionist Fa· the target to absorb all the dirti· mobile units which were staened to death and thought I'd thers' approach to problems of as The seven were installed ness in the world." tioned in various places throughbe killed--t;be first day on the job." concern to today's Catholic. Speaking to Ii congregation of out the city, and took the exam.. lay ministers of, the Eucharist But. she added, "I'm one of the (NBC) 3,000 gathered in St. Paul's ca- She was quite surprised that by Bishop William J. Moran, most protected women on the Auxiliary to Cardinal Terence thedral here. Archbishop Sheen she passed, and suddenly found force." Even though stationed at described Pope Paul as "a de- herself faced with deciding Cooke of New York, who heads the lOth precinct, located in the the Military Ordinariate which fender of the sacredness of life" whether to take the job. inner-city. she always travels serves the nearly two million in what is "a gross era of carEncouraging her to accept. the men and women in the U. S. with one or two men in the nality." scout car. "I'm never alone, and Armed forces throughout the I've never been in a sntuation The archbishop joined with world. Bishop Moran is former where I was in danger...• Nor Archbishop Leo Binz, coadjutor Reject Applications deputy chief of Army chaplains. does she anticipate such circumArchbishop Leo Byrne. auxiliary Bishop Leonard Cowley and nine For Citizenship It is believed the seven are stances in the future. priests of the St. Paul·Mineapolis 273 CENTRAL AVE. NEW DELHI (NC)-The Indi- among th~ first military men to Sister Eleanor's principal projarchdiocese to concelebrate a an government has rejected all be given the privilege of distrib- ect has been visiting the area's Mass marking the 50th anniver· applicatione for citizenship filed uting Communion. The seven are 27 elementary schools to con992-6216 sary of the Pope's ordination to by foreign missionaries in the Maj. Gen. Fred J.. Ascani•.Maj. duct a "rumor clinic" to help the priesthood. past two years. Gen. Edmund O'Connor. Maj. students understand the potenNEW BEDFORD Minister of State Home Affairs Thomas R. Meyers. Lt. Gerard tial danger of a rumor, particuV.C. Shukla told parliment here .Church to Review' larly in a time of disruption. that out of 20 applications for Bumach, SM.Sgt. Thomas S. Tax-Exempt Status naturalization fil~d by mission- Ireland. M. Sgt. David Meyers NEW YORK (NC)-The con- aries during a two-year period and T. Sgt. Fred Schweinberg. vention of the Episcopal diocese ending April 30. 19 were reof New York has asked all par- jected. Affection ishes. missions and institutions The remaining application is Talk not of wasted affection; to review the tax-exempt status pending, he declared. Shukla did of their holdings. not explain why the applications affection never was wasted. If these holdings are not used were rejected. -:-LongfeIlow exclusively for tax-extmpt purposes, the convention recom- ~I1I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I1I11I11I11I11I11I11UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!§ mended, parishes should "undertake to pay to the proper taxing REGULAR SAVINGS authorities annual real estate taxes." The measure was one of a series of recommendations in an ongoing study of tax exemption in the diocese, numbering 200 parishes in a 10-state area. Further measures will be proposed == == 2 YEAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATE == In 1971. 0 Special School Outings, Group Offer, $4. per Student The tax resolutions were Offer includes: Special Luncheon, Swimming Pool admisM:::T1FlCATE 1 0 voted virtuaIly unanimously by sion and Free Rides All Day. Additional details. ~II Mr. ~ ~ several hundred delegates to the ~ OF AnLEBORO ~ convention. (40],) 737-8000. Collect. Conrad Feria: ~IIII11I11I11I11I11UUlllllllllllllllllllliiilllllllllllllllllll"1I111111l11ll1ll1ll1ll1l1l1l1ll11ll1ll1ll1l1ll1l1l1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll11II111'ffl





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S~ %

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., June 4, 1970

Former Press SecretarY Gives View of Presidency'

Parish' Parade OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP, NEW BEDFORD The instalIation banquet of Our Lady of Perpetual Help So, ciety will take place on Sunday, June 4. Reservations may be made by contacting Mrs. Rose Feeley, Mrs. Mary Daignault or Mrs. Nellie Zuiborne.

By Rt. Rev. ··Ms~. John S. Kennedy .

r '


, George E. Reedy, press s~cretary and speci~l,assi~tant in the White House for part of,the Johnso~ .a<iininistration, has written a disturbing" book which bears the' ominous title The Twilght, of the Presidency (World, 2231 W. 1~Oth St., Cleveland,Ohio 44102)., but also prEiv.,epts He contends that no presi- embarrassment him from learning what people dent can any longer function have in mind. "in any kind of a decent and

World 'of Reality . human relationship to the people he is supposed to lead." The rea"What has really happened is son for this is that a device universally hailed the structures as a boon to communication has and the envibecome a one-way street. It ronment which is a means by which a man can have developed conduct a ~onologue in public about the man and convince hims~1f that he is in the White conducting a dialogue with, the House. "The life' public. Nothing can be more damof the White aging to the psyche of an indiHouse is that of ~idual, and whatever damages a a court," says ~president, damages the nation." Mr. Reedy. There Mr. Reedy has no easy remethe president is dies to offer. He 'is dubious about treated with the' certain suggestions which have, reverence due to a monarch. been made : such as a single He is physically isolated, presidential term of six years. served by subordinates who tell What he views as indispensable him only ,what they know he is sensitive and subtle political he wants to hear. He loses touch leadership; without it, the preswith the people and with reality. ent complex of problems besetHe is not in fact so' occupied ting the country may bring about as is generally supposed. There . a policy of forcible represssion. is less working detail involved If this is to be avoided, :the in the presidency than is popu- presidency must "leave the mularly imagined. The, great burden seum where it operates and is not that of endless tasks plunge il1to the world of reality; which only he can handle, but to walk the streets that real men the responsibility for major de- and women walk; to breathe 'the cisions. air that real men and women What the president must do breathe. The p~ospects are diPt." can "be boiled down to two sim. Superior Person ' ple. fundamentals. He must resolve the policy questions that A man who' did little walking will not yield to quantitative, empirical analyses; and he must , ,<;Jf the streets or breathing of ithe persuade enough of his country- air familiar to ordinary people men of the rightness of his d~­ was George Nathaniel Curzori cisions so that he can carry them (1859-1925), about whom Kenout without destroying the fabric neth Rose has written a brilli~nt book" Superior Person ,(Wey-' of society." bright and Talley, New York. To be successful in these two $10). ' essentials, a president needs Curzon was an English aristostrengths of character and per- crat endowed with brains, good sonality. "Restraint must come looks, and no mean sense of his from within the presidential soul own importance. From his early and prudence from within the days he expected to rise to the presidential mind." And these he loftiest positions; He did berequires iii' rich supply,1 for "the came, as he confidently expected, adversary forces which temper viceroy of India and head of the the actions of others do not come foreign office. But his ambition into play" in the White House. to be prime minister was thwarted, and the blow kil,led TV Ilmage him. In cabinet sessions, there is no He was absolutely convinced adversary discussion. Senators of, the providential excellence; of and representatives' who visit the British Empire, "the greatest the White House are deferential, instrument for good the wQrld not critical. The press if at all has seen~" In preparation for adcritical, is considered to be hos- vancing it, he undertook long tile and unjust. His own party and arduous journeys to distant does not effectively get through places: the remote borders, of to him. India, Persia, Afghanistan, RusHe comes to believe that what sia, Korea, China, Indo-China, his staff tells him is what the etc. He' sought the acquaintance people at large 'are thinking. He of eminent men, acquired vast has no means of judging the ex- stores of information, wrote tent and the intensity of the op- lengthy and authoritative books., position that is likely to arise, Gilded Circle when he has announced a decision. When finally he attained high Television, Mr. Reedy feels, office, he' took it amiss that 'he has carried the isolation' of .. the was not given a free hand to act president farther forward' than as his special wisdom, directed. ever.' He doubts that there will During his term as viceroy of fnever again be a personal cam- dia he was in constant conflict paign, in the sense of a candi- . with the government in London, date's actually meeting the peo- and the checks which it, Rut ple. Rather, there will be the se- upon him finally led to his i,!ldigclusion of the TV studio, and nant resignation.· ; the calculated contrivance of the In sOqle of' the disagreemen~s, TV image. he was proved right by time. B,ut And the so-called live press his manner set people against conference on television has, in him. It was arrogant: someone Mr. Reedy's view, killed the gen- described it as that of a divin~ty uine press conference in which addressing black beetles. ~e there was some give and take. was unable to delegate authority Electronic manipulation not only' insisting on doing everything saves the p~esident from any himself. His wife, for e:camp!e,

ST., JOSEPH, 'TAUNTON Mrs. George A. Ryan and Mrs. William Braga, co-ch!lirmen have announced that a whist party will be conducted in the school halI on Thursday, June 11. OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS, FALL RIVER The route of the F;spirito Santo Feast' Procession scheduled for 1 on Sunday will be from the parish halI on Tuttle Street to King Philip Street to South Main then up Dwelly to Tripp to King Philip to Tuttle and back to the hall. Crowning will take place at the Masses on Sunday and also after Mass for all wishing to be crowned. Offerta are to be brought to the hall starting Saturday.

SCOUTING'S HIGHEST: Recipients of the coveted Eagle Scout Award are Roland Paquin, left, and Maurice Paquin of Sacred Heart Church, New Bedford.

OUR LADY OF FATIMA, NEW BEDFORD St. Anne's Sodality will sponsor a basket whist party at 7:~0, Thursday evening, J.une 4 in the parisI) haIH Tickets will be available at the door.

Women Continue to Aid Poor \

,'-DETROIT (NC) - The 900 women members, of Friends of the Sick 'Poor, one of this area's 'oldest charitable organizations, has changed the name to Friends of the Aged, Poor and will go right on working for charity. The organization was formed 42 years ago when a 'smalI, band of missionary nuns came here from the DomInican Sisters of the Sick Poor in Mariandale, N.J Y. The nuns had to depend . had no say in the selection of house furnishings even though these 'were bought out of her 'huge marriage settlement. Mr. Rose has given us .a penetrating and fascinating account not only of the personality of Curzon but also, of the gilded circle of which, in the late Victorian era, he was a member. They were, highly privileged people, generally of great means, socially illustrious, waited on by numerous, respectful, ill-paid servants, moving from country house to country house on a round of. parties.

solely on donations to carry on their work, so the Friends of 'the Sick Poor was organized to aid them. Sister Mary Virgine urged the group to remain intact. She said: "You have tremendous potential. The sick poor are all around you and need your help, ,We are" proud of alI you have done for us." ST. THERESA, _ SO. ATTLEBORO The new slate of officers for Confraternity of Christian Mothers consist of: Mrs. Arline Lariviere, president; Mrs. Dolores Sweeney, vice-president; Mrs. Rita Muldoon, treasurer; Mrs. Catherine Messier, recording secretary. Also, Mrs. Mary Blythe, cor~ responding secretary; Mrs. Patricia Gagnon, mistress of ceremonies and Mrs. Vera Niquette, alternate mistress of ceremonies.

Antone S. Feno Jre - DISPENSING OPTICllAN-

Ardent Imperialists If they did not work as common folk did, they were not idle. They were intellectually cultivated and occupied. They were students, 'and they wrote." They had, a sense of public service, and most of the men were somehow in politics They may not all have believed, as Curzon did, in Brit-, ain's destiny to dominate the whole world, ,but they were ardent imperialists, delighted that, in Lord, Salisbury's tenure as prime minister alone, for example, 6,000,000 square miles and 100,000,000 subjects were added to the realm of Queen Victoria. The empire is now, not a cen'try later, reduced to very little, which would have horrified Curzo~. In him, as so well portrayed by Mr. Rose, we can see what its leaders were like when it was at its peak. Formidable people, certainly, but with virtues and graces lacking in the barbarous masters of millions today.

ST. FRANcIS OF ASSISI, NEW BEDFORD. _ . Members of the League of St. Francis of Assisi met in the church hall, May 25th to honor Father O'Connell who has been acting pastor of the church since the death of Rev. Alfred Forni. League President Julie Neron presented Father O'ConnelI with a gift from the members of the League. Members of the parish are asked to attend a reception, to welcome the new administrator Father Armando Annunziato. The receptio'n will be held June 7th in the church hall from 3 to 5 P.M.

Prescriptions for eye glasses filled, duplicated. Frames repaired.


19'7 Bank St. (Comar lPnrchas~) Fall River Tel. 6'78~0412 Hours: 9.5 Mon.. Fri. Sat. 9 - 3 il'riday Eves by Appt. C!osed Wed.



~~ .


90-DAY NOTICE . TIME OPEN ACCOUNT Interest Compounded , Quarterly





• • • Offices on:





Interfaith Clergymen Association Seeks Professiona.1 Development

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of ~all River-Thurs., June 4, 1970

DETROIT, (NC) - More than 400 clergymen from 42 states have joined an interfaith association designed to boost the morale of the clergy through personal and professional development. The Academy of Parish Clergy held its first annual convention recently at Mam:esa Retreat House in nearby Bloomfield Hills. Participants discussed ways to improve ministerial techniques and the future thrust of the organization. "We're going to be like brokers," said Father Gerald O'Bee, a member of the academy's board of directors and Catholic campus minister at Oakland University in Rochester, Mich. He said the association will ,probably not set up specific programs. The aim instead will be "to get men together, who, because of their association with each other, want to improve themselves." The wayan individual clergyman does this is tip to him. . Five Texas ministers got together, for example, and decided that they could do a better job for their respective congregations by learning Spanish. They submitted their idea to academy directors for approval - part of the procedure for its membersand began attending classes. UtUlze SkUls Father O'Bee's particular project is evaluating his counseling activities. He plans to clock the hours spent advising college students, categorize the kinds of problems discussed, and compare these problems with those handled by psychologist-counsellors on campus. Then he wilL submit. his findings to campus psychologists and ask for their recommendations. Reports such as Father O'Bee's are kept on file for other academymembers to refer to if they are working on Similar projects.' This is part of the academy's main thrust-to utilize skills of men in the working ministry as much as possible - something Father O'Bee calls "peer group encouragement." The academy wants to avoid the "ivory tower" approach of reading artiCles in professional journals by supposed "experts" in the field, he said. Members must spend' a total of 150 hours working on projects related to their ministry every three years. Half of the time should be spent in p'arish projects and the rest elsewhere-taking related college courses, for instance. Spiritual Formation Formerly, clergymen w ere placed "on a pedestal," Father O'Bee said. "The new age doesn't respect people because they have a title, but because of compe-

YOUNGSTOWN (NC)-A Lutheran student has been eRected president of Newman Student Organization at Youngstown State University here in Ohio. He is believed to be the first Protestant to hold such an office in the predominantly Catholic group, according to Father Anthony Esposito, local Newman director. The national Newman organization, founded about 75 years ago as an all-Catholic group on secular college, campuses, consists of approximately 1,200 chapters. In the past four years, several chapters have been admitting Protestants and Jews. Of 130 members in the Youngs-

Inventor Develops 'Fertility Detector' SAN JUAN (NC) - Engineer Arturo J. Rodriguez has been granted a patent on a new device he claims will make the rhythm method of birth control completely effective. According to Rodriguez, his apparatus will outline a woman's fertility cycle accurately enough to determine the exact limits of a woman's fertile period. Rodriguez, the father of six children, is presently, seeking a loan to put through his Rrythmograph into commercial production. If the device is produced for sale, it will cost approximately three dollars, the inventor claims.

Lutheran Elected Newman President

tence." But in order to assure that academy members do more than analyze and improve professional techniques, they must also "be concerned about spiritual formation," he said. Father Gerald Martin, associate director of the Institute for Continuing Education in the Detroit archdiocese, urged at the convention that fellow priests take advantage of the academy. Less than 50 of the 400 academy members are Catholic priests. "The Academy helps to achieve professionalism in the good sense, not the bad," Father Martin said, considering the parish ministry "a "profession as well as avocation." It attempts to be "a national association that will help clergymen be the' effective servants of God's people that they want to be." FIRST: Rev. Joseph D. The idea for the academy, pat- Devlin, S.J., director of Jesterned after the Academy of General Practice for physicians, uit Secondary School Educacame from Dr. Granger West- tion in New England, will be berg, former dean of religion at the speaker at first comTexas Medical Center in Hous: mencement exercises of ton. Dr. Westberg got a grant Bishop Connolly High School from Lilly Endowment, Indianapolis, Ind., and incorporated in Fall River" set for 8 on the association in 1968. Sunday evening, June 7. Executive director is Dr. Henry B. Adams, former director of church ministry studies for the National Council of Churches.

Segregated School Busing Increases ATLANTA (NC) - A study published in' the current issue of South Today, monthly digest of the Southern Regional Council, indicates that new segregated private schools in the South are busing more students farther than the region's public schools. The survey of 1.0 '''segregation academies" chosen to be representative on the basis of size and location indicates that an average of 62 per cent of their students are transported daily by bus for an average of 17.7 miles each way. For the eight states represented by these academies, the conipar!1ble figures for public schools are 49.5 per cent and 10.1 miles each way. Further, the study suggested; some Southern states have been considering ways in which they might in effect subsidize private school busing. Bills to provide tax relief for private school transportation failed' this year in the Georgia and North Carolina legislatures.

Milwaukee Priests Support Pope Paul

Blesses Abbot BELMONT (NC)-Abbot Edmund F. McCaffery, O.S.B., 67, was ,blessed solemnly as the fourth abbot-ordinary of Belmont Abbey Nullius in a cere· mony in the abbey cathedral here in North Carolina. Archbishop Luigi Raimondo, apostolic delegate in the United States, officiated at the blessing, with Abbot Walter A. Coggin, O.S.B., and Abbot Baldwin Dworschak, O.S.B., of St. John'!l abbey, Collegeville, Minn., as principal assistants.


WASHINGTON (NC)-"Where are the Catholics?" asked one of about 30 Catholic participants in a denominational meeting during an interreligious convocation for peace here. The question, asked by Father James Miller, Saginaw, Mich., expressed disappointment over a small showing by Catholics at the two-day' Emergency Religious Convocation. More than 1,000 clerics from around the nation had come to the meeting and to lobby for peace on Capitol Hill. Father John B. Sherrin, C.S.P., editor of Catholic World magazine, issued a statement lambasting the Catholics' absence at the event. , , However, the' statement was heard by only six others who gathered for a second and final denominational meeting May 27 in the basement of the Lutheran Church of the Reformation. Members in the small group agreed that the statement summed up their thoughts. It read: "We are a small group of Roman Catholics who have come to this religious convocation from all sections of the country. In view of the massive national demand for an end to this Vietnam war, we a're painfully disappointed at the lack of Catholic participation."

MILWAUKEE (NC) The Catholic Priests' Forum, a group of priests in the Milwaukee archdiocese formerly known as "Priests United for Orthodoxy," Appoints Cursillo have sent a statement of support to Pope Paul VI, on the occasion Movement Advisor of the pontiff's 50th anniversary RENO (NC) - Father Donald in the priesthood. M. Byrnes of the, New' Orleans Claiming a membership of 373 archdiocese has been named diocesan and religious priests, priest-advisor of the Office of the group in their letter reaf- the National Secretariat of the firmed adherence to the Pope's -Cursillo movement. The appointment was anteachings as set forth in his official pronouncements, especially nounced here by Bishop Joseph in the Pauline Creed, and the Green of Reno, episcopal advisor encyclicals on Human Life and of the Cursillo movement in the Priestly Celibacy. U.S. Father Byrnes has served as "We are with you as one in heart and mind," their statement coordinator of lay retreats and said, "as you guide the barque the Cursillo movement in the of Peter in these troubled New Orleans archdiocese since 1963. During the years of 1967 times." According to a spokesman for and 1968 he also served as presthe Priests' Forum, the group ident of the National Secretariat meets monthly at various par- of the Cursillo movement. Cursillos consist of an aposishes in the archdiocese "to better understand the changes in I tolic movement that combine rethe Church and the abuses of treats with short courses in Christianity. these changes."

town State Newman chapter, 30 are not Catholics.,


Few Catholics At Peace Event








Hundreds o.f readers of this column have built chapels and churches in India, Ethiopia, Leba' non, throughout the Near and Middle East in countries where our Holy Father has said one is desperately needed. Why have so many people, at great personal sacrifice, provided the funds for the construction of mission churches? · .. The answer is easy: they welcome the opportunity to do something needed where it's needed. Sometimes, besides, they build the church in memory of their loved ones, name it .for their .favorite saint. . .. Where is a new church needed? In hundreds of towns and vil· lages in our 18'country mission world. In Pal,Iuruthy, South India .for instance. . . . The present church, constructed centuries ago, cannot accommodate the 2,425 parishioners. "The children fill the church; everyone else must remain outdoors to worship in all kinds of weather", states their priest, Father George Kottackal. "I am a.fraid .for the children's safe· ty", he adds. You can build this church all by yoursel.f for as little as $3,350. You'll be doing something needed, where it's needed, .for Christ -and the people who cannot do for themselves! · .. Do something at least, as much as you can ($100, $75, $50, $20, $15, $10, $5, $3, $i) to help build this church! Have you been look· ing for something meaningful to do? Help Father George and the people of Pallufuthy build a simple but lasting church.

•• •• Tell your lawyer, when you discuss your will, our legal title is Catholic Near East Welfare Association: • Stringless bequests are used where the Holy Father says they're needed. WHILE

Ii The Masses you arrange for will be offered by poor missionaries.



• $1,080 will train a native priest, $300 a native Sister, who will pray for you always. .• $10,000 will build a "parish plant" (church school, rectory, and convent) somewhere overseas ... a memorial forever!


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14 . THE ANCHOR-Diocese 01 Fall River-Thurs., June~, 1970

Minister' Plans Study in Rome

Says-.'Pollution, p'opulatio'n Are Separate Problems : By Rev. Andrew M. Greeley

There are two fatal 'feakn~sses in the t~inking of t~e doctrinaire' liberal: He believes in simple 'solutions and he IS willing to impose these solution~ on others. Thus, t~e doctrinaire liberal thinks he has discovered a' connectl(~n between the pollut~(m problem hardy is to l-riake POPUI~tion a and the populatiOn problem crisis. Doing so will simply alof the United States. As Dr. low too many politicians't~ take Paul Ehrlich, the author of their 'eyes off the, b~l. I'

RUTLAND '(NC)'- A Protestant minister is bound from here for a Catholic university 'in Rome. seeking some ans~ers to a number of problems In the multifaceted field of ecu~enism. The Rev. Dav:id M, Powers. a United Church of Christ minister here, said he hopes to find answers to these questions: Is the mission field going to be one of significant areas for real. grassroots ecumenism to take hold? How will bure..ucracies of the various missionary churches react? Will leadership guide and encour-, age the teaching of on Christian gospel. or will it. take another tack? In his quest for answers. the Rev, Mr, Powers and his wife, Pam will enplane from Boston , 'Jun~ 28 for Rome. where he will enroll as a student at the Pontifical Urban University. known as ' "the missionary institute" of the Catholic Church. He said he plans to spend a year or more , _studying in Rome. The associate pastor of Grace church here said he hopes he can learn "how the Roman Church faces the problems that actually confront every church dis- which does mission work," He the' added: "I really want to get to know the people there-learn how they feel about the possibility of a unified Christian mission,"

.' 'ble book The Popu "When Exploslomsts say, as an llTeSpOnSI , ,h d th a t crIme, ' riots and I t' Ex I . n puts it "If we t ey 0, a I~n p OSlO _...... ' " urban .problems are caused b,y don t do some.·.,..... . I . I"'t I th'mg dramatic:::JI), the popu atlon exp o~l~n.'· 1 IS 'b I' _'i'it just too easy forpohtlcl~ns' to . a. out popu ~ ':f/ , e let's stop havmg so tlOn and envI- ,r:' say, sur '. , . ," . t d d rr many'.bables ,mste~d' of, saymg, ~ton~en adI? 't IYo t 'let's .get . to work on the real 1 Imme la e . , bl f th . t' , " th • ' st no urban pro ems 0 e na Ion. . In other words.', blaming the h ere ~h J~ , '1- i. , .0Pteion WI a·llclvl pollution of" Lake Erie or, Lake Iza per- :)t" ,.,."""", . . . Michigan or the or s ist " And D'0n -.,.'t? ", school • , cqsls , ,. racial":tension a Id . A'k" I en com. " on , population d ' ,, I IS . "The gov' an easy. slmple-mmde aqa YSls ments. t has to but it has precious littll7 ;to do, ~~;f:and tamwith ,reality; those, ~oll~g~~t~'th religious and personal dents who are so eage~' to, hmlt ~~~v7c~ions. maybe even impose ,their families to two ml~~ p~nenalties for. every child the der the thought that theIr, thIrd family has beyond two." And child could easily be the one who BANJO PRIEST: F~th~r Joseph Dustin, C.S.S.R., Dr. Barrett Hardin observes, "In 30 or 40 y~ars,from now would the' long run volunteerism is .lead. ~me~lcan d~mocracy .o~t plays his' ~kill with the banjo which has earned him . 't" o,f ItS senousblSOCIal and. envI- title, '''Banjo Priest". NC Photo. msam y. HEW Secretary Finch implies ronmental pro em~., , that no American couple should I am not a fertlhty cultIst. ,I have more than two children. am not arguing that large ;famlSenator Packwood wishes to re- lies are virtuous, I am not say, . voke tax exemptions for any ing that there is no upper limit Approve Permanent Brazil, ThaHand to Receive Proceeds children in addition to two, En~ to the American population Diaconate Study thusiastic students sign solemn (though I would assert that we 'FromRedemptorist Album pledges that, they will have no are nowhere near th~t upper CHICAGO (NC)-Members of more than two children to stop limit at the present tIme); nor DETROIT' (NC) - A banjo- for a modern approach to the Serra International, world-wide lay group devoted to encouragthe pollution of the world. am I denying critical population strumming Redemptorist preach- liturgy, ing vocations to the priesthood, Most of this is utter nonsense. problems in other countries. er here' will donate proceeds "If I'm supposed to preach a resPollution is a seriom; pro~lem in Blind to Reality . from his first record album to sermon." he sair, "I'll preach it have pledged support to the diaco-toration .of the permanent the United States today, mdeed, '~, ",". . . i his order's overseas missions. from the pulpit, not from a band-. far too serious a problem to be What I am asser.ting is I that , Father Joseph Dustin, C,S,S,~ .• stand, This isn't a medium for a nate, seized upon by the manic simpli- pollution ,and population i~ the assistant at Detroit's' Holy Re- message," Serra's board unanimously apcism, of the New Left but there United States are separate issues deemer parish, was born with proved a policy recommending But he said music dm serve that "Serra Clubs include as soon is no real evidence that the pres- and those who have linked ~hem show business in his blood. an important religious function. as feasible « « « study and work ent level of, population expa~- are not only irresponsible but His father Edward was a sion in the United States WIll probably inept because. as iWat- vaudeyille song' and dance man "Many of the people I have on the permanent diaconate," . necessarily make the" proble~ tenberg points out. population and a motion picture producer. met through our perfonnances Serra International president , any worse. control can easily become a: sub- , His mother Mamie had a south have come to me with their prob- Paul Noelke' of Milwaukee said As demographer Ben Watten- stitute for serious. respons,e to street St. Louis band. Young lems of unhappy marriages or the topic will be discussed in the berg puts it. "Lake Erie. the the pollution' issue, Joseph made his debut with his personal doubts." he said. "And, organization's 340 clubs through. Hudson .River. the Potomac are . And when men like Senator mother's band learning to plunk sometimes. by (our) talking to- out the world. and will receive' ecological slums today. If the Packwood and Dr, Aiken wish to . his first tune on 'an old mandolin gether. they have been "helped," considerable attention at the in. ternational convention in Mexico U. S. population did not grow intervene in the decisions of that someone had thrown away. City in late June. by one person over the current married couples about how many "At one time, I was in a com- ColTtference Issues 205,000,000 Americans these children they are to have' and "A completely different aspect bodies of water would still be justify their intervention on the bo with an Episcopal priest, a Report on Liturgy of the diaconate." said Noelke. Negro Baptist minister and a grounds of an imminent· Plolluecological slums,' "is the occupational apostolate. Jewish rabbi." Father Dustin reWASHINGTON (NC) - A 65- such as service to the young, or tion crisis based on overpopula- called. "We were dubbed the page document. "Liturgical Cen- the industrial worker. the busiCritical Facts tion, they are letting their more 'Clerical Four,' " ters: Centers of '" « ?"is avail- ness executive, tne trade union "These waters.' and any others liberal moralistic inclfnatiort to able from the Publications Of- movement, or professional asso"You know," h~ said "even' now threatened will be decent impose virtue on others blind without talking religion, you can fice, U. S. Catholic Conference, ciation, The diaconate will not places only if men and women them to th~ nature of' reality, is described as a: report on_ necessarily be restricted to liturare willing to devote resources to One can of course expect ,that get people of different faiths to- It "the need. purpose arid feasibility gical and catechetical forms of gether," the job, This is not,a function of if the secular iiberals are, enof one or more centers of litur- ministry," population growth but of na- gaged in such nonsense I the Father Dustin's first album, gical testing," experimentation tiona1 will. It can be done if we Catholic authoritarians will! not "Father's Day.'; was released re- and research. as a nation decide that we want be far ,behind. ,Thus", I was, re- cently by Redemptorist Records. Father Robert Ledogar, Maryit done' and are. willing to pay cently asked after a lecture, by a non~profit r~cording, compa~y for it. one terribly, eager young Clergy- which the priest heads. It 10- knoll Seminary .liturgy and the"It is as simple as that and has man "Doesn't the Church have cludes six original numbers and ology professor. assisted by Sis~ relatively little to do with to change i~s tea~hing on ab?r- -, such old favorites as "California ter Noreen O'Connor; compiled whether the national decision in- tion because of the pollutIOn . Here I Come." "Cud<;lle Up a the report at the request of U, S. committee on the litComplete Line volves 200.000,000 250.0000,O(j0 p r o b l e m ? " · · , Little' Closer," and "There'll be Bishops' urgy. Its chapters cover the liturSome Changes Made.", Proceeds gical situation in the country up or 300.000.000 Americans. It: Stupid, DishonestoBuilding Materials should also be remembered that will go to Redemptorist missions to 1968; "How crucial is the li118 ALDEN RD. FAIRHAVEN pollution occurs in the underI'm not competent to discuss in Brazil and Th~il~nd~ , turgical question?" and "What 993-2611 populated places as well: in Syd- many of the wmplexities.of:the . Though.' Father Dustin says ney. Australia, today. in' medi- abortion issue but I .know' music is "the very airI breathe," do we need?", eval Europe and in ancient enough social science to be *ble he claims to be "old-fashioned" Rome", to say that 'the linking of abor- about using· his· banjo-strumming SIX CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU Wattenberg further·,comments. tion and pollution is either.stupid "The critical facts ~ are that or dishonest :and quite possibly 1II1l";"""'flUllll1uno",m"",,,,,,,,,,,mmlll1lltltllltllllllllllluuuum"'UIIIIIIIIIIII"'II~ ONE-STOP BANKING America is not by any standard both. , , i eties which have seen nothing a crowded country and that the Indeed. those' who think t:h at wrong with killing the very American birth rate has recently overpopulation is what is ide - young and the very old and been at an all time low." stroying our environment, pn- surely the argument in favor of stead of. the venality of busmess "liberal" .abortion bills which ' Easy Analysis. and corruption in American g~v- permit a' human being to be Wattenberg thinks that the ment) might want to. ponder killed when it· is 25 weeks old OF TAUNTON population is a "cop out." a , other methOds of pop~latlO.n co~n­ could be stretched easily enough' North Dighton 0 North Easton 0 Norton magic solution for all the envi~ .. trol such as the a,ntlseptlC dls- to include. say. a 'baby of 25 ronmental and social problems posal of unwanted mfants or the weeks after it has been born or Raynham O' Taunton that we face today, "What is elimination of people over 60, i , a retired person, say, 25 weeks . Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation wron~ and dan~erous. and foolThere have been other SOCl-, after he is retired.

M'oney for' Missions



... -

THE ANCHO~Thurs., Jun~ 4, i ~70

As Senwors Prepare for GraduatiQn, Juniors Stalrt Taking Over Posts Of High School Leadership

Mt. St. Mary At a recent assembly, four new officers were installed to serve on the Student Council of Mt. St. Mary's Academy, Fall River. They are Celeste Vezina, president; Denis St. Onge, vicepresident; Renee Viveiros, treasurer; and Suzanne Cadieux, secretary. Carol Silva, a member of the junior class, was notified recently of her selection as a winner in the poster division of an educational program against drug abuse. She will receive her award at a dinner June 20 in Washington, D. C. The Stangscript staff for the coming year will consist of Elizabeth Bagana and Paula Rousseau, co-editors; Teresa Adamowski, assistant editor; Rich-ard Gaughan, in charge of boys' sports and Kathy Cabral reporting on girls' sports. Kathleen Downey and Priscilla Souza wi1l watch expenses of publication in their duties as business managers, while Barbara Hemingway will serve as scrapbook coordinator.


year-old Cincinnati Archdiocesan Pastoral Council is being reorganized with Ii reduced membership to enable more flexible operation. Archbishop Paul F. Leibold decided to restructure the council, founded in 1966 in response to a Second Vatican Council recommendation. It's membership will be cut from 70 to about 40. Fred Niehaus, chairman of the reorganization group, said the 'new council will include representatives of parish councils, deanery organizations, the Senate of Priests, the now-being formed Council of Religious and other archdiocesan agencies and commissions. The genera'! objective of the council, as outllnerl by retired Archbishop Karl J. Alter when the group was formed in 1966, will remain the same-"To investigate pastoral problems, consider them carefUlly and propose practical solutions,"

(N. H.). o

Stang Cheerleaders Varsity cheerleaders next year are: Pattie Brown,. head cheerleader; Maureen Weber, Janet Dawson, Jeanne Payette, Pauline Rousseau, Karen Desmarais, Gisele Cormier, LeeJarnot, Pat and Sheila Kearney, Linda Nanni, Corliss Burke and Jeanne Boyer. The Junior Varsity Cheerleaders Squad will consist of Marguerite Rousseau, Mary Lou Brown, Carol Small, Beverly Monteiro, Wendy Allen, Jean Reale, Susan Powell, Debbie Nunes and Karen McCarthy. Holy FamUy Awards

Also Pembroke, Radcliffe, Regis, Rivier, Rhode Island, Roger Williams, Rosary College (Illinois), Salve Regina, Southeastern Massachusetts University, St. Bonaventure University, Trinity College (Washington), University of Massachusetts, University of Northern Arizona, University of Rhode Island. Eighteen per cent of the class, or 16 members, have been admitted to five different two year colleges. These include Bristol Community College, Chamberlayne, Lasell, Mount Ida, and Westfield. , Ten members, or 11 per cent, will be studying at Professional Nursing or Business Schools. These are The Atlantic Airlines School, Diman Regional LPN Program, Newton Junior College of Nursing, Rhode Island Hospital, Truesdale Hospital, Union Hospital. Scholarship awards from colleges, from Massachusetts State Higher Education Fund, and from clubs or organizations have been received by 10 of the graduates. 0

......... FROM VENEZUELA: "I met her in Venezuela" might well be the theme song for these senoritas, all from the Latin country, all students at Stang High, North Dartmouth, Seated, from left, Isabel Benedetti, Susana Arreaga; standing, Ana Christina Benedetti, Ana Luisa Benedetti. Lilita Raytler. Isabel and Ana Christina are sisters, Ana Luisa is their cousin. '

Parents' Night at Feehan High will be held tonight at 7:30. Dennis Dolan will welcome the parents and awards will be announced. The class prophecy will be read by Mary Sue Hastings, Mary Wims, and Monica Lennartz. The principal address will be given by Christine Kane, class salutatorian and her theme will be, "Political Involvement: America's Last Chance." The tribute to parents will be given by Francine Fournier.

GREEN BAY (NC) - Women writers for the Green Bay Register, diocesan newspaper, won 29 honors in the Wisconsin Press Women's 1969 awards competition. Photographets for the paper won eight pri 7 p.s.

This summer-please remember those who have no ,vacation from poverty, hunger and disease. THEY WON'T

Michelle Danserea of the class of '70. has been accepted at Bridgewater State College, while Peggy Kramer has received a DA Student CouncU $100 bond from the Firestone Co. and Pat Loria has received a The new slate of officers of $200 scholarship from the Com- the Student Council for 70-71 is monwealth of Massachusetts. composed of Joanne Pitera, presEighty-six graduates will re- ident; Barbara O'Connor, vice ceive their diplomas on June 8 president; Sue Ferreira, treasuat the Academy of the rer; Anne Desrosiers, secretary. Sacred Hearts. Seventy-two of The Citizen Scholarship Founthis number plan to continue dation has awarded scholartheir formal education. This . ships to Elaine Lapointe and comprises 83 per cent of the Kathy Marino. Miss Lap,ointe class. The remaining 17 per cent is also the recipient of a scholareither have made no decision, or ship from the Massachusetts will el)ter the business, world Secondary Principals Associabefore making their choice. tion.


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There are no greater thanks for your sacrifices to the missiolJ,s, than being remembered in the prayers of those you have helped.

Feehan to Honor Parents


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See Reorganoze~ Pastoral Council

The 46 graduates bound for four year colleges, that is, 54 per cent of the class, have been accepted at 28 different colleges and universities as follows: Assumption, Bridgewater State, Boston College, Boston University, Catholic University, Emmanuel, I Jackson, Lowell State, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, Merrimac, Mount St. Vincent, Newton College, Northeastern University, Notre Dame

Seniors are vacating various extracurricular activities boards but work is continuing as juniors are being named in order that plans for the 1970-71 school year will be in readiness when September comes.




The Right Reverend Raymond T . .consldme

0 R Diocesan Director

368 North Main Street Fail River. Massachusetts()2720





Lauds ·Cambodia Action

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River....:Thurs., Julie 4" 1970

Loti'n-American Citizens Objects of Injusti~e By Msgr. George G. Higgill1ls Director, Division of Urban Life" U.S.C.C.

On April 29 the United States 'Commission on 'Civil Rights released a very important 135-page report entitled: "Mexicap Americans and the Administration of Justice in the Southwest." It paints what the Commission itself has described as a "bleak picture" of the relationship State of California in' the County Santa Clara. • , between Mexican-Americans of The case before this crudely in the five Southwestern intemperate judge involved a States (Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico and Texas) and the agencies which adminis~' ter justice in those states. In point of fact, bleak is hardly the word for it. It would be more accurate to say that the commission's carefully documented findings add up to a shameful indictment of the American system of law enforcement, which is supposed to be based on the principle of equal justice under law. The commission has found 'that in the case of MexicanAmericans this principle is being violated on a very widespread scale in the Southwest. It reports th,at American citizens of Mexican descent are "subject to unduly harsh treatment by law enforcement officers, that they are often arrested on insufficient grounds, receive physical and verbal abuse, and penalties which are disproportionately severe." , 'DisgrlJcefui Finding' It also reports that they are ,deprived of proper use of bail and of adequate representation by counsel and that they are substantially unrepresented on grand and petit juries and excluded from full participation in law enforcement agencies, especially in supervisory positions. In the light of these disgrace,ful findings it is little wonder that the attitude of MexicanAmericans toward the institutions responsible for the administration of justice-the police, the courts, and related agencies -.is "distrustful, fearful, and hostile." We can thank our lucky stars that they haven't turned against the system en masse and tried to overthrow it. The commission's report, which is required reading for all of us who belong to the white major: ity in this country and especially for the opiniol).-makers in OUF ranks, is too extensive to be summarized in detail in this column. In lieu of a detailed sum: mary, then, let me comment very briefly on two of its principal findings: 'Horrible Example' 1) that Mexican-Americans are are often treated with a disgraceful'lack of courtesy on the part of law enforcement and judicial officers and are frequently subject to verbal abuse; and ' 2) that in several instances law enforcement officers have interefered with Mexican-Americans in the Soutwest. Under the first of these two headings, I should like to cite one particularly horrible example of the most vile kind of verbal abuse directed at a IS-year old Mexican 'boy-in the presence of ,the boy's mother-by a Judge of the Superior Court of the

serious : morals charge against the young Mexican-American boy just referred to. ']Lower Than Animal" I have before me a duly certified copy of the judge's state-' ment to the defendant from the bench. It is so .utterly lacking in judicial restraint and so, contemptuous of Mexican-Americans as to be almost beyond belief. One can only imagine' how frightening it must have sounded to the defendant and to his poor mother as they sat in the courtroom and listened to His Honor excoriate their racial group with all of the Pharasaical arrogance of a man who apparently has been able to convince himself that' he' belongs to h superior breed of human beings. The' judge's statement reads in part as follows: "You arejust an animal. You are lower than an animal., Even animals don't do that'" '" '" I don't ,know why your parents haven't been able to teach ·you anything or train you. Mexican people, after 13 years of age, it's perfectly all right to go out and act like an animal'" '" * We ought to s~nd you out of the country - send you back to Mexico'" '" *You ought to commit suicide. 'Mad Dogs of Society' "That's what I think of people of this kind. You are lower than animals and haven't the right to live in organized society. Just miserable, lousy, rotten pe6ple. There is nothing we can do with you. You e~pcct the County to take care of you. Maybe Hitler was right. The animals in 'our society probably ought to I be destroyed because they have no right to live among human beings * <:< * What are we going to do with the mad dogs of our society? Either we have to kill them or send them to an institution' or place them out of the hands of good people because that's the , theory - one of the theorieS of punishment is if they get to the ~osition that they want to :act like mad dogs, then, we have to separate them from society. Well, I will go along with the recommendation." I ", Equal Justice I wouldn't even 'attempt: to answer the judge's unbelievably insensitive question, "What are we going to do with the mad dogs of our society?," for the simple reason that, except for the canine species, there aren't any mad dogs in our society' or in any other society on the face of the earth. There are only human beings made in the image and likeness of God-human beings who in this society at least, are supp~sed to be able to look to our courts for equal justice under the law. Let's hope that the fact that they are not being guaranteed this right in some of our courts -even in a jurisdiction as so,phisticated as Santa Clara County - is the exception that proves the rule. On the other hand, if someone were to ask the question. "W~at

PRESENl'S MEDAL: Dr; William B. Walsh, founder and director' of Project Hope, receives the University of Notre Dame's Laetare Medal from Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., Notre Dame's president. The presentation took place'in the Tunisian Embassy in Washipgton. The medal has been awarded annually since 1883 to ali outstanding Catholic. NC Photo. are we to do with judges who spew forth the kind of bigotry quoted above?," I would answer very simply: They should be impeached and permanently barred from the practice of law. The second of the two points referred to above has to do with intereference by law' enforcement officers with MexicanAmerican organizational efforts turned at improving the social and economic conditions of Mexican Americans. \ Attempt to Break Strike One of the examples of such interference cited in the report of the Civil' Rights Commission is particularly reprehensible. I refer' to the Commission's charge-as reported by its 'own Texas State Advisory Committee-tl;1at "The~exas Rangers and local law enforcementofficers in 1966 and 1967"'''' '" ha, rassed members of the UFWOC (United Farm Workers Organizing Commitee) seeking to organize Mexican-American farm workers in Starr County. Denials of strikers' legal rights, the (State Advisory) Committee found, included physical and verbal abuse by Texas Rangers and local officials, and the holding 'of union organizers many hours before releasing them on bond.. "The Committee found that the Texas' Rangers had encouraged farm workers to cross picket lines and stated that the harrassment and intimidation by Rangers of UFWOC members organizers, and' sympathizer~ 'gave 'the appearance of (the Rangers) being in sympathy with the growers and· packers rather than the' i!11pa~,ality usually expected of Jaw enforcement officers." In summary, it seems very clear from the record that the Rangers joined with local law enforcement officers in Starr County in attempting to break the farm workers' strike and to deny the strikers and strike sympathizers their legal rights. 'Brutally Victimized' The Civil Rights 'Commission is to be congratulated on having

DODGE CITY (NC)-Interior Secretary Walter J. Hickel, a critic of the administration's reaction toward student dissent on U. S. involvement in Indochina, defended President Nix, on's decision to send troops into Cambodia during a commencement talk here in Kansas. Speaking at graduation exercises of St. Mary of the Plains College, Hickel praised the idealism of today's youth. "Ninety five per cent of them are grand and glorious, with a desire for good and perhaps, a frustration in trying to do their part to make a better world," he said. "I belive their ideas are worth listening to." Hickel, who rece'ived an honorary doctor of laws degree at the ceremonies, said "there are ,many problems demanding solutions, not the least of which is , the Southeast Asian war." Affirming his support for President Nixon's' recent military decisions on Cambodia, Hickel said he looked forward, to the day when man could move away from concern over his physical security and move on to "living the life," and not having to expend energy on the destruction of life.

Schedule Workshop On Development

WAS H IN G TON (NC)-A workshop on urban ethnic community development will be held blown the whistle on the Texas June 15-19 at the Catholic UniRangers, in an official govern- versity of America here for ment document addressed to the workers in urban 'ethniC parishes President of the United States, and communities. Approximately the President of the Senate and 75 persons already have registhe Speaker of the House of tered. The workshop is co-sponsored Representatives: Interference by the Rangers· by the U. S. Catholic Conference with the right of disadvantaged Task Force on Urban Problems farm workers to organize into and the university. ·Msgr. Geno unions of their own choice is a C: Baroni, task force program crime that literally cries out to dIrector; Dr. Paul Peachey sociology professor at the university, heaven for vengeance. If the government of. the State and Sister Rita Mudd, will be of Texas is unable or unwilling workshop directors. to remedly this intolerable situ. Analysis of ethnic factors in ation, the federal Government today's urban ferment and study ought to step in and protect the of significant ethnic community rights of the poor Mexican- developments in several cities Americans who are being so bru-' will be part of the curriculum. tally victimized by the Rangers. The workship will also include And if it be said that the fed- .training in the use of federal and eral Government lacks the au- private programs and resources thority to intervene in the af- in problem solving imd sharing fairs' of .the sovereign State of of .. practical. experience with Texas, perhaps we had better other workers and professionals give it that authority-and the led by social scientists and activists. sooner the better. o

In New P'ost WASHINGTON (NC)-Father· Thurston Davis, S.J., former editor of two Jesuit magazines and . presently head of New York's John LaFarge Institute, has been named assistant for developm.ent to the director of th.e U.S. Catholic Conference's communications department. Former dean of Fordham College and editor of 'America and Catholic Mind he will work primarily to rais~ funds for communications department special projects.



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Catholic Conference Official Says 27 States Aid Nonpublic Pupils BRUNSWICK (NC)-Twentyseven states provide some form of aid to students attending nonpublic schools, A. U. S. Catholic Conference official told a group of teachers at a college alumni meeting. Dr. Edward R. D'Alessio, coordina tor for governmental programs of the Conference Elemeritary and Secondary Education division, gave an outline on "New Opportunities for NonpubIic Education" at an armual meeting of Bowdoin College teaching alumni here. . In addition to federal nonpub· Iic school aid under legislation' such as the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, and the Nixon Administration's pledge of further support in a recent education message, D'AI· essio outlined state approaches to aiding nonpublic schools. . Of the 27 states that provide some aid, D'Alessio said, 23 states provide pupil transportation; nine provide textbooks; eight, health services; four, general auxiliary services, and fOUf (Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Rhode Island) purchase services from nonpublic schools and pay salary supplement to teachers in these schools. 'Ripple Effect' The state of Hawaii, he said, has a "small tax credit" program where some of the cost involved in sending children to nonpublic schools can be deducted from state income tax.

Meaning of Life Continued from Page One should be deeply grateful the young people have discovered religious values that interest them. You know, I really believe that many of them have not other access to Christianity than in this very round-about way. "Somehow it has happened that we have blocked their approach to Christianity, and we might as well forget about them, unless through the grace of God they find religion somewhere else. "Religion is religion, and it ultimately leads to God, and it ultimately leads to the triune God, and it ultimately leads to Christ, whether they know or not, whether they care to face it or not, and whether they finally become Christians or not." Brother David said he is convinced that there has never been a time when truly religious people were as open to the Christian message as today. In addition to his work with the Center for Spritual Studies, Brother David is also very much jnvolved in what he calls the "house of· prayer movement," Necessity "Most of the members of our active orders," he explained, "find that their apostolic services -be it social work or teaching or nursing or whatever - becomes so absorbing if they really want to do it well that they end up short-selling the contemplative dimension of their lives. Although they were founded for what has been called the mixed Iife-a life that combines contemplation and action-the situation in the 'world today makes this almost impossible. "Facing this situation, they have realized the necesssity of somehow providing a setting in which to counterbalance this absorption in service, where they can go to steep themselves equally profoundly in prayer, mediation and the cont.emplative life. This, then, would be a house of prayer."

D'Alessio also referred to the "mandated services bill" passed recently in New York state which reimburses nonpublic schools for statistical and testing services which all New York schools are required to perform. "Study commissions are at work in Maryland, Massachusetts, West Virginia, South Dakota, Kansas, New Hampshire and New York," he said. "The essence of my collVersa.. tion. with you this evening." D'Alessio told some 50 teachers, school board members, alumni, faculty and Bowdoin students, "is that it's a new ballgame so to speak, concerning public-nonpublie school cooperation." He told those assembled: "Being 'for' nonpublic schools does not necessarily imply being 'against' public schools." He described American education as "a totality, a composite." "The public and nonpublic sectors are interdependent:' D'Alessio said. "There is a 'rippIe effect' between them-what happens in one sector has impact upon thee other." Finding Sources. Another group of Catholic educators stressed cooperation with the public school system. recently. Some 150 Catholic school superintendents' at the National Catholic. Educational Association convention this month adopted a special statement on the subject. They asserted that tax support for students in nonoublic schools should not "dimin'ish or divert funds already committed to and needed by the public sector." The superintendents noted that "nonpublic and public sectors should not be viewed as competing for scarce educational dollars but as cooperating to attract increased community support for education and to make the most efficient use of available funds." "On the practical level," they explained, "this means that legislation extending any degree of public support to educational services offered in nonpublic schools must include provisions for ade. quate funding sources" to prevent interference with the needs of public schools.

Seton Hall Ponders University Senate SOUTH ORANGE (NC) - Establishment of a university senate which would give students, alumni and faculty a voice in campus affairs, is under consideration at Seton Hall University here. The proposal is now before a university committee on decision making, and stems in part from requests made a year ago by student and faculty representatives. As proposed, there would be a 74-member senate composed of 16 members of ,the administration, 32 teachers, 24 students and two alumni. The senate would be second in authority only to the board of trustees. At present, a university council has final authOrity under the board, with the council heavily weighted in favor of the administration.

Urges Wi'thdrawal GREENWICH (NC) - Officials of the Episcopal church's executive council here in Connecticut called for "total withdrawal of all Amercian forces from Southeast Asia now and an end to the war." The call included a reminder from presiding Bishop John E. Hines that the executive council is speaking for itself and not for the whole church.

THE ANCHORThurs., June 4, ] 970


The Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to ihe Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River 02722. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER MrS. Helen Boyko, general chairman, is accepting donations for the Festival Penny Sale scheduled for 8 on Saturday evening, June 13 in the, school auditorium. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, HYANNIS An auction, with Col. James Rodgers serving as auctioneer, will be held under the auspices of the Women's Guild starting at 10 in the morning on SaturAWARD WINNER: Monsignor Robert G. Peters, left, day, June 27 in the Parish Center. A snack bar will open at 10:30 editor of the Catholic Post, Peoria, Ill., received this year's and coffee, sandwiches and St. Francis de Sales statuette from Cardinal John Cody doughnuts will be served. Proceeds will be applied to at the annual Catholic Press Association convention in the s~holarship fund. Chicago. NC Photo. ST. JEAN BAPTISTE, FALL RIVER Mrs. Armand Thiboutot will be installed as president of the NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Lou- private schools in favor of focus- Women's Guild along with other isiana's Catholic bishops issued ing the attention of the legisla- officers at a candlelight cerean urgent plea to the state leg- ture on the public school system. monv in the church scheduled islature for aid to the parochial "We cannot agree with the for 7 on Monday evening, June school system. P.A.R. position that the needs 8. Following the installation, a Archbishop Phillip M. Hannan of the children in public school's luncheon well be served in the are more. important than those of New Orleans agreed with predictions that the Catholic school of children in non - public church hall. system in Louisiana will cease schoqls," he said. ST. ANTHONY; to exist within five years unless MATTAPOISETI Archbishop Hannan's statepublic funds are appropriated. Officers for the 1970-71 term ment was signed by Bishops of the Rosary Altar Society will The archbishop took issue with Charles P. Greco of Alexandria, be: Mrs. Jimmie Price, president; a statement by an influential pri- Maurice Schexnayder of lafa- Mrs. William P, Campbell, vicevate research or,ganization, the yette, and Robert E. 'Tracy of president; Mrs. Edward W. Public Affairs Research Council, Baton Rouge. Lewis, treasurer; Mrs. Melvin which recently opposed aid to The state legislature is present- Miller, recording secretary; and ly considering a bill that would Mrs. Charles A. Crowley, Jr" provide $16 million for contract- corresponding secretary. Kindness. Committee chairmen are: Mrs. ed services at parochial schools. A part of' kindness consists The money would go only to cer- John F. Costa, sunshine; Mrs. in loving people more than they tified teachers of secular sub- John Brennan, ways and means; Mrs. Clayton E. King, hospitality. deserve. -Joubert jects.

Urge School Aid From Louisiana

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University Starts Vets' Program

THE ANCH9R-Diocese of Fall River....:Thurs., June 4, 1970

Children's Sunday M~ss Apparel -Annoys Mother By Mary Carson

My children seem to delight in embarrassing me, particularly at Sunday Mass. It's not their wearing of clothing that is "way out"-but rather wearing the things that are worn out. Too often in checking up on the little ones before we go out tl~e door, his knee coming I overlook some of the' big discover through. ,. ones. The effort it takes to "They're not your good' pll.nts.» "Sure they are. I forgot to tell get them all into church on

, \


DETROIT (NC) - Veterans seeking a college education will benefit from a special admissions program established by the Univ~rsity of ~roit. Known as '''Project Veteran," the program is designed to assist returning servicemen who have successfully completed the equivalent of a high school education, the only requireme~t for admission. Father James V. McGlynn, S.J. vice-president for academic affairs, said if a need is indiCated, veterans can take special skills courses during their first year to enable them to master college studies. In addition, he said veterans attending the university will be offered special counseling services. Law school admission tests have been waived for servicemen now stationed overseas who plan to enroll here in August. Servicemen planning to study at the university, but who are now in military hospitals, will also be offered counseling services, especially in the skills courses, during their recuperation. Father McGlynn said, "Project Veteran is more than just a warm invitation. We believe that any returning veteran who really wants to get a college education should have a realistic chance to do so." The university, he said, hopes to admit as many veterans into the program as its resources permit.

time seems to be a full 'work- .you. I fell last time I wo~e theIr\. [. " \. load. It isn't until we are all Anyway who's .goi!lg to ~e look- , ,\ ing at my knees." , >;'iI ~ trouping up the ~,' , lr"~ ·V!' .t .!'''fl. . steps that I start ' S()Cks Problem to observe things '( I' r.,·::.~.~ I should have \ .;f,ltt\'~ ,;, "I am '" '" '" and God help you checked when if you come to church looking :j·l"~t ~_.' •• :"f<' ;!.< something could . like that again!" .' ~ ;1~ tI have been done. ~:~~. ,.ij": ,+' ,tf.~ The worst part of my 'laundry ! ~' ", "I'lfi't:' My tall son, very is socks. If I manage to get the . <~ < ': to:: ~~,. neatly dressed rest .of the stuff folded, by the in suit jacket, time I get to the sock, basket, CONFIRMS AT ATTLEBORO:' Bishop Connolly advest ·and tie I've about had it. Besides, one stepped forward basket of assorted socks doesn't ministered the Sacrament of Confirmation Sunday at St. to open the look as bad as a three-foot Mark's Parish, Attleboro Falls. The service was held at church door for mountain of regular laundry. The me. I feft proud of his appear- major portion being done, I ig- Bishop Feehan High School. ance-and his courtesy. nore the socks. . . As I glanced down to watch Like the rest of their clothing, my footing, I spotted the "shoes" the children just pick out what which went with that natty at- they need. ' tire. . They arrive at Mass wearing Students. Have Astounding ·Ideas-Many months ago, they had knee socks with an eight-inch looked like moccasins. At this surplus folded into cuffsj at the . As Any Teacher Knows' stage of their life, they were· a top 0 '" '" which never stll.Y up. "Ladies like to sew in circles mass of scarred leather almost So Mass is spent tugging at. the DETROIT (NC) Catholic held together by odd bits of lumpy socks which should have grade schoolers here contribute where they _ knit, .talk and do broken laces. It might not have been on the kid three sizes some astounding answers about their needling." been so bad, except his big toe farger. "Income tacks are the most current and historical events. " stuck out 0 '" 0 literally. He A few. years ago Margar:.et expensive kind." "couldn't find" any socks. "The word don't is a contrapAmusement Wanes Cronyn, women's page editor of Retiremen.t .Policy He frequently volunteers to the Michigan Catholic, Detroit tion." PORTLAND (NC)-A New reAt Communion time, standing archdiocese newspaper, received help out if they are short of al"Pharmacy is the study of tirement policy for Portland tar boys. I had visions of that in front of church wait~ng for a collection of them from a nun pharming." diocesan priests here makes adbig toe sticking out under a cas- . those at the rail to receive, in- and published them. They proved "Light bulbs are said to con- justed pension benefits optional stead of concentrating cin my sock. In my special "churchdisgood reading. Now nuns regular- tain many whats. Just what they _ at age .65 and full payments poscipline voice" I warned him prayers, I start to observe the ly send her observations of the are we don't know for sure." sible upon completion of their through gritted teeth, "If you pairs of feet lined up in front of grade schoolers. "Latin is the language of the 69th year. In announcing the me. f dare go up on that altar with , Here are some of the outstand- ,dead." new policy, Bishop Peter. L. Ger, It's not very pious, but is ing g~ms in the latest chapter of those things on your feet, you'll ety said the retirement age ·"The pharoahs wanted to be r.ather interesting. The rariety child wisdom: get shot!" adjustments were recommended mommies. It usually killed them." is infinite. Going down tHe line, "The biggest national problem by the senate of priests and the Unending Chore "The Bore War was very dull." I notice a boy with two ~ differ- is jubilant delinquency.'~ trusteee board of the' clergy ben"The well rounded person is efit plan. Compulsory retirement "A priest is a man in a black "What's wrong with them. - ent color socks. My original They're comfortable -.:. and be- amusement wanes as I glance up suit who is a father but not made up of both brains and age remains at 75. ' .really." . bronze." sides Father sometimes wears at the owner. "Sisters'in school are not the My son! moccasins on the altar." "I was told it was right to "I don't care what Father break your bread or roll in your I can feel my teeth starting to kind you can' fight with." UP·DATED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM "The pyramids' are so far away soup." wears, don't you dare!" grit. Wait till I get hold of him TIME LV RELIGIOUS FORMATION And this question-and-answer: but there isn't a blessed in Egypt that getting to them My laundry is an unending was known as the seven wanders thing I can do' about it at the chore. Usually, I get it washed "What might we expect to and dried, but often folding is moment. So, I continue down of the world." find at the bottom of the lake?" ~RlaR "Good punctuation means not the line. ., neglected. The children have to be late." -"Water." BRotheR OR pRiest . learned to go to the pile of Somehow problems don't seem "We are not to run in class clothes on the drier and pick out so bad if someone else is in the let ustell you how what they need. you can serve. Write same boat. It may be Ii very even when teacher don't see us evenjf teacher. don't see for free literature at becau'se They don't always distinguish negative kind of reasonin'g, but no obligation. between their own clothing and my son's two-color pair: don't us J!!SUS can and He might tell the principal." Vocation Director the next size larger-or smaller. seem so bad. ,, ST. lAWRENCE FRIARY Income Tacks Expensive Five minutes before Mass, I have just discovered a pair Over 35 Years 175 Milton St•• Milton, Mill. 021e8 there is no time to start all over of little girl feet with' socks "When a' man and woman are of Satisfied Service again, to change a· slip which is which have two big holes lin the married for a long time they Reg. Master Plumber 7023 Name not only hanging below the heels. Evidently some other form a strong detachment.'" JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. dress but sticks out under the mother must h/:!.ve the same mess Address "Much of the work of govern806 NO. MAIN STREET coat. on Sunday mornings. ment is supposed to be done by Brother 0 Priest 0 Age_ _ I Fall River 675·7497 Pride goeth before a fall >I< '" >I< people who are trained as civil Protruding Knee serpents." it's my daughter. "Greece is just a little'spot on I've learned little solutions the map." . which are usually overlooked in "A hamlet is a small pig." the "Future Homemakers" class. Cardinal Carberry "Jason was a rich man with If the slip is only hanging a litgolden fleas." tle, one safety pin on each To Address' Forum ST. I>AUL (NC) - Cardinal shoulder strap will do nicely. If, 'however, it is a major repair, I John Joseph Carberry of St. Sisters INCORPORATED 1937 Operate need six pins to fold the whole· Louis will deliver the keynote thing up from the bottom. Find- address at the sixth annual- Brazil Parishes ing six safety pins in this house Wanderer Forum, a conference SAO SALvADOR (NC) can take longer than changing sponsored by The Wanderer, Twenty parishes' in Brazil are weekly publication here. . the slip.' being operated by nuns, accordTheme of the forum, to be ing to a report on pastoral work Pants that really belong to the next younger can serve the 'pur- held here Junc 26-28, is "Incor- in this country, which has over JAMES H. COLLINS, C.E., Pres. pose by loosening the belt, slid- porating All Things in Christ." 5,400 parishes and 13,000 priests Registered Civil and Structural Engineer ing them down on the hips, and The forum will also hear ad- for a Catholic population' of Member National Society Professional Engineers praying all through Mass that dresses by Prof. William ryIarra about 80 million. they don't slip. of Fordham .University; James The nuns; which belong to FRANCIS L. COLLINS, JR., Treas. But it's discouraging when I Lucier of Washngton, D. 9., re- several religious congregations, ,THOMAS K. COLLINS, Seey. think I have gotten them all to tired Gen. Thomas A. Lane of are allowed to preach, teach church in a somewhat present- Mctean, Va., and H. Lyman catechism, baptize, preside over ACADEMY BUILDING FALL RIVER, MASS. able condition, and have one of Stebbens, president of the Cath- funeral services and distribute Communion. the boys sit next to me only to olics United for the Faith.,








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'Does Job in Outstanding Manner'- Coach DeFelice By Luke Sims

Individual Honors at Stake In All-Class Championships Trackmen from 20 area high schools will return to White Stadium in Boston on Saturday to compete for individual honors in the All-Class Championships. The 15 event program will match the top performers from Eastern and Western Massachusetts with the first five finishers Caton winning the mile and tworuns respectively. The two qualifying for the New En- mile accounted for 12 of the 16 points gland Meet to be held on accumulated by th~ Crimson and White which was good for fifth place in the senior bracket. Bristol County League Champion, Attleboro, tallied 18 points to finish one place higher than New Bedford. But Coach Tom Crowe's Jewelers managed only one first place. That was gained by big Vin DiPaola who set a new meet record when he tossed the discus lST1". In Class C competition Capeway Conference teams finished in the top three positions with Somerset of the Narragansett League posting a fourth place finish.

Barnstable Leads All Area, Qualifiers Barnstable, Capeway ConferDave Seward of Somerset ence Champion, will enter 11 in- won the javelin with his best efdividuals in Saturday's meet as fort of the year. His toss of 186' 'a result of its consummate ef- bettered both the school and fort last weekend. The powerful Narry League marks but will Red Raider squad outdistanced only be recorded in the school its closest rival Lawrence High annuals. of Falmouth by 23 points as it Jay Wilson of Dartmouth won completely dominated the com- . the 220 yard dash in 21.6 secpetition. onds and Warren Pena of FalCoach Hal Conforth's club mouth took the 120 yard high amassed 42 points enrolite to the hurdles with a time of lS.2. In "D" competition Dave title, Falmouth was second with 19, Dartmouth third with 18 and O'Connor of Bishop Sta~g .High N a r r y champion Somerset in Dartmouth was a surprise victor in the 120 yard high hurdles. with 14. All four schools will have in- O'Connor almost faultered in the dividuals attempting to .duplicate qualifying heat as he had to their first place finish of last come on strong to finish third. weekend and at the' same time But, in the finals he found his each will have other qualifiers groove and won with a record out to dethrone the class titleists. equalling time of lS.3. Barnstable had three first O'Connor's performance is a place finishers in Walter Martin milestone in the relatively short in the long jump, Pete Ryan who athletic history of Bishop Stang. set a class record in the triple He is the first individual to win jump with a leap of 42'6Y2" and an event in a state meet while Bruce Thornton who won the wearing the maroon ·and gray of 100 yard dash in a time of 10.2. Stang High.

Baker Can Rewrite N,orton Records In another record performar)ce Bill White of Dennis-Yarmouth broke the tape in 20.6 to win the Class D 180 yard low hurdles. North Attleboro's Dave Estey leaped 6'1" to win the high jump to record the Rocketeers' only first place finish. However, North did accumulate 12 points in the meet good for eighth place in "D". The Rocketeers led all area teams in its division. This year's Chiss Championships will be remembered for a long time by the student bodies of Nantucket, Norton and Old Rochester high schools. Not for the performance of their teams, but for the outstanding efforts of one individual from each school. Nantucket qualified only one boy for last Saturday's meet and the school was behind him all the way. Russ Richard responded by winning the high jump with a leap of 6'2 Y2". The situation at Noton was


I Contributes to. Bentley Team'$ Success

By PETER J. BARTEK Norton High Coach

June 13 in Andover. The first five place finishers in last Saturday's Class Championships along with the five best from Western Massachusetts are eligible, for Saturday's competition. While team totals were kept last week, no totals will be kept for individual schools this week. The prize for winners of each event will be the coveted honor of "state champion." Area athletes accounted for' three first place finishes in Class A competition with New Bedford's Dale Sylvia and Steve


Joe Majlcut of Taunton


0" Fall River-Thurs., June 4,

identical as Chris Baker qualified in both the javelin and 880 yard run. The talented junior won the javelin with a ISS'SY2" toss and finished fifth in the 880. Baker is the first boy ever to qualify for the Class Championship Meet from Norton. His win Saturday has to rate as most outstanding performance by a Norton trackman. Pete Trow established himself as an all-star basketball performer his sophomore year at Old Rochester Regional in Mattapoisett and lived up to expectations right through his senior year. But, the versatile athlete was not satisfied with being known as a one sport athlete. He climaxed his track career Saturday by winning the 440 yard dash in record time. That time of SO.3 may not be good enough to win this weekend, but Trow is the type of athlete who thrives on competition and he may prove how good he really is this Saturday.

Joe Majkut is a type of ball player who easily goes unnoticed-unless you happen to be a keen observer of

! :-

! ;.~

the game. Only a freshman, Joe has already left his mark on the Bentley College baseball .teani and with three years ahead of him, the three-time All-Bristol County League performer seems headed ,,t for college stardom. . Majkut has pounded out 17 hits in 60 at bats for a .283 average and has a team-leading 16 runs sC9red. He has only two, extra base hits, but one of them was a home run that helped the Falcons topple Rhode Island Collefe, 6-2. A smooth fielder, Majkut used his bat to provide the clinching run in Bentley's 6-S victory over Bates. His single in the eighth inning sent the winning run ~}; scampering home. Taunton High Product "I'm glad Joe is only a freshman," said head coach De Felice, a fomer Boston College catcher who toiled four years in the Boston Red Sox farm system. JOE MAJKUT "He's quiet, but does the, job in an outstanding manner." Majkut is the son of Mrs. Isa- sister, Mary-Ann, a· freshman at Bentley opened its 1970 season on its new baseball diamond, belle R. Majkut, 12 Fourth Street Bridgewater State College. installed at a cost of$SO,OOO. It and is a communicant of Holy All-Bristol County Choice marke9 the beginning of athletic Rosary Church. He has a twin development at Bentley's 102In addition to winning AllBCL honor in his home town acre campus. With, three years remaining in his college, career, newspaper, The Taunton Gazette, Joe was also an all-league pick Majkut will have adequate time three years running in both the to enjoy the facilities. Fall River Herald News and New A resident of Taunton, Majkut KANSAS CITY (NC) - Mem- Bedford Standard-Times. is a 1969 graduate of Taunton bers of the Linwood United . Besides baseball, Majkut enHigh School where he was strictMethodist Church here met joys bowling and golfing and is ly a diamond performer at the Black Panther demands for SO a frequent visitor at both the "Tiger" institution. per cent of the church's income lanes and links during the SumDefensive Star The 18-year old, 160 pounder with a few demands of t,heir mer months. Last Summer he was employed stands 6 feet and is reputed to own, including one that called be an outstanding glove man. on Panther members to contrib- by the city of Taunton (the For three years he was the ,de- ute to the church's activities in Street Department) and hopes to the inner city. secure similar employment this fen~ive genius at the hot corner The Panther group, known lo- year. Following his graduation in the Bristol County League and for four seasons was re- cally as the "Sons of Malcolm," three years from now the Taungarded as the best defensive marched into the church and ton native hopes to enter the read off its manifesto of de- field of accounting. player on the. Taunton roster. Joe is attending Bentley on a Normally a spray hitter, Joe mands. Linwood pastor Rev. Ralph Booster's Clu~ (athletic) scholarwas known to hit with occasional power and won several Roland and the church's board ship. key games for Taunton with ex- of administrators rejected the tra base hits in the late innings. Panther demands and annuonced Thanks to his fine all-around church demands that the Panplay, Taunton was a County co- thers: End black racism. champion in 1967. Share Panther income with the church in support of innerChicago Establishes city projl;cts. And channel "your obvious inConciliation Office WYman . CHICAGO (NC) ..:.. Chicago's telligence and leadership ability into constructive actions which 3-6592 Cardinal John Cody announced here that,. following extensive will help all peoples . . . rath- . CHARLES F. VARGAS study, the Chicago archdiocese er than set race· against race has established an office of con- and class against class." 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE ciliation and arbitration under NEW BEDFORD, MASS• . the direction of Father Robert Schedule Campus Reicher. Establishment of the office to .Mi'nistry Courses mediate, disputes between Church WASHINGTON (NC)-Orienofficials and priests, Religious. tation programs for persons and lay people, developed from newly assigned to serving reliconferences among lay groups, Chicago priests and" Religious gious needs of students attending and diocesan officials. Father secular colleges and universities Reicher will work initially on will be held in Detroit and in election procedures for office of- Palo Alto, Calif., this Summer. The National Newman Foundaficials. At the same time, diocesan of- tion financially supports the ficials announced that a new of- programs, while the Division of fice for divine worship is to be Campus Ministry, U. S. Catholic established in the archdiocese to Conference Department of Eduwork with the archdiocesan li- cation, provides coordination. turgical commission and the The programs will be conducted commission on sacred music. at Sacred Heart Seminary, DeThis office will assist Cardinal troit, June 14-26 and at Stanford Cody in the program of renewal University, Palo Alto, June 21of the liturgy. . July 3.

Ch urch everses R· Black' Demands








THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., June 4, 1970




ECUMENICAL PILGRIMAGE Under The Personal Spiritual Supervision of His Excellency Most Reverend

JAMES L. CONNOLLY ~ishop of Fall R~ver Includes o .0


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DIOCESAN· TRAVEL' LEAGUE Rt. Rev. Anthony M. Gomes, Director .* Cost of Main Tour. Prices On Optional Tours Furnished On Request.

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His Excellency, Bishop Connolly extends a cordial invitation to people of all faiths to accompany ihirin on the lFirst Ecumenical Pilgrimage to Europ~ that will combi.ne a leisurely vacation with a rewarding spiritual and cultural e)(perience~

I~----------------------, Rev. Anthony M. Gomes, Director I Rt. Diocesan'Travel League ' I P. O. Box 163i I FalB River, Mass. (02722) ~


The main tourwill include a Papal Audience, visits to the Shrine of OUf Lady of Fatima; Canterbury, the Seat of Christianity in England; Rome,London, Lisbon and many more with opportunities to vary your itinerary to fit your needs.



Dear Monsignor: . Without obligation please send me complete information on Bishop Connolly'S Ecumenical Pilgrimage. NAME


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