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VOL. 42, NO. 23 •
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Friday, June 5, 1998
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Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly
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~-'l\;j. RIV!.-:t{ DIOGl:f:AN >.H:J!VSPJ\Pl:l~
$14 Per Year
LaSalette Shrine breaks ground at, site, of new chu'rch
ATTLEBORO - After years of planning and saving, the efforts of thousands came to fruition last Sunday afternoon at LaSalette Shrine as ground was broken for a $2.5 million church. Thousands of peopk gathered for Mass at 3 p.m., including Father Ernest J. Corriveau, shrine director for the last four years.
tendance to the grou~dbreaking site. In it were over 40 priests and brothers of the Missionaries of Our Lady of LaSalette order \yho traveled from throughout the country to attend the special day. Also among those present was Attleboro Mayor Judith Robbins. A prayer service was held at the site and following the blessing of the grounds some dozen people
"We wanted it to look like a pilgrim church. We hope people will come here as part of a journey and
• ",!7i" ; out
spoken by Our Lady of LaSalette in 1846 to two French children, Turn to page two - Chapel
migh "
return to their home parishes with a sense of renewal." He explained that the words
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FALLRrYEi,!; You can't¥Jifi()rk~~A.ttle~0,,9$
Chronicle PUt.lisher PaulA. ~ixonoJ\:thelde~,tAatno
many peoplJ care: about religion. He'll call the'Cen tral Intellige~c~Agency for proof that'millio*sin)11 . d S 'I d .' , ' Umte tates 9. i , i . ' ,'. " 'I:' .;; Rixon, who retired March 31 after 45 years in th newspaper ~usin~ss, was the keynotespeakei·~t.tli annual Com:triunications Day Luncheon hostsdb Diocesan Qfi:ic~pf Comm~nicationsl'onM~' c. White's of Westport ," .", ' : ' .' "I oftenii)lirsu'~d the question,'Who c~'(es !
"The day went really well," said Father Corriveau, "It will be a beautiful church that welcomes people." Mass was celebrated at the outdoor chapel by Bishop Odore Gendron of Manchester, N.H. It was concelebrated by 25 other priests, with many others in attendance. Music was led by Father Andre Patenaude and the Reconcilers and following the Mass a procession led those in at-
marked the day by digging into the earth where a year from now, the new church will stand. Father Corriveau said that construction funds have all come in the form of pledges and donations and added that the LaSalette community committed to raising the money, most of which is no~ in hand, without taking out any loans. "It will be a beautiful place where people can come and be renewed," said the shrine director.
said Rlxon toP,~ ~q"orful addresS to ne¥ly V;l ohn F:. Moore, director of communications of the ne,",:spedlU; th~t attend.e~. '''IJ.t~mo~,,:ati~p w and editor of The Ql'the Fall River Dioces~ ~ I of c?urse,,;!!i1~.a!!vat~on qun)~Sl J,~.r" f .'!c,tJgr,' pr~~e'lts former "SU-'!;.PPr~n!~~e magic wOf~,,~eipald ~lrs,tt!,~W~ , ublisher Paul A: Rixon /With 'a silver bowl ,"I bougljt ~u~¥e~s,' hs~~,lJ;~~, br ) H{: ..... of his 45 y.e:ar~I~f;,~edic~t~d"ser~ f?und mys~~t}1~king.abq~~ lies atMass/~l ~.~ PP,t.n~ " <,;jr}l~rc,~<lI yi9~Jn" the newspap.~r ~Ylsl~.~s~., fl~op...~a~ were fill:~Jl?!., ey;?!S;:~ w.e~~.~ ~., keYJ;1?t~ spe·a.k~r ~t the r~~ent 'dl.ocesa,psands gomg t,o,qommumon, s89~sored Commu~ications Day Luncheon, ;1 t'LU " "~:r , for area media. . " ' ; I' ',",' ,','
NEW CHURCH - An artist's rendering shows the proposed design of the new church at LaSalette Shrine in Attleboro. Ground was broken on the project last Sunday. It is expected to take a year to reach completion.
Turn to page eight
Tu'fl (0 page two - Rixon.:
Special diocesan Liturgy marks Vigil ofPentecost By JAMES N. DUNBAR FALL RIVER-Parishioners
and clergy from churches across the diocese jammed St. Mary Cathedral
Charities Appeal campaign is racing toward its goal FALL RIVER _. Parishes in the different geographic areas of the Diocese of Fall River are beginning to report increased returns to the 1998 Catholic Charities Appeal compared with totals attained in previous years. Although each year's campaign is conducted indepen- -~~ dently with a view to providing the resources which are )Iiii~" needed in the given fiscal year, it is helpful to pastors to compare current returns with totals from prior years.. Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, Appeal director, and Michael J. Donly, diocesan director of development, reported that overall returns continue to be encouraging, thanks to the parishes which are already exceeding last year's returns. Seasoned parochial leaders and new pastoral hands are reporting successful results.
VIGIL MASS - Bishop Sean P. O'Malley processes into St. Mary Cathedral, Fall River for a Vigil of Pentecost Liturgy, at which hundreds from across the diocese participated.
May 30 for a festive vigil Mass celebrating the feast of Pentecost. To celebrate the fact that people at the first Pentecost understood the Word of God in many different languages, the readings at Mass were done in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. Also showing the diverse ethnic roots of the diocesan family, cantors, soloists and choir members from Santo Christo Parish, Fall River, and Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, New Bedford, offered a variety of music. Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, who was principal celebrant at the Mass, recalled how he found German seminarians sending Pentecost cards on the holy day that marks the birthday of the founding of the Church, just as other parts of the world send'cards at Christmas and Easter. "It is a very beautiful tradition to so celebrate Pentecost, which means '50 days' and is 50 Turn to page two - Pentecost
THE ANCHOR :-:-- Diocese of Fall River - Fri., June 5, 1998路 '
'Continued/rom page one
"Come nearer, my children.. rve good news to share with you," were kept closely in mind when designing the new church. Once inside, visitors will follow the story of Our Lady of LaSalette on a path that leads to several reconciliation chapels, a Eucharistic chapel and the larger worship area. , "We wanted to promote the theme of coming back to the Church, like when Our Lady of LaSalette said to 'Come back' to her Son," added Father Corriveau. In 1997, the shrine's small chapel was the site of over 21,000 con-
fessions and'he'hopes that number will grow with the advent of the new church. It was designed by the architectural firm of Bill Brown, A.LA. Professional Corporation of Colorado Springs, CO. David Presbrey of Providence, RI, is the site architect and construction is expected to take one year. Father Corriveau said that LaSalette plans to bless and lay the cornerstone of the new church next September 20, the 152nd anniversary of Our Lady of LaSalette's appearance in France.
Tooth-saving program set for Catholic scho'ols
Pentecost -~, days after Christ's resurrection at Easter. In the New Testament, God is giving us the new law, the Spirit, . to his people, to the Church. It is the gathering and the anointing of a new people, a new family." . At Pentecost, the bishop said, "All of the old barriers of language and race and ethnicity and social classes are melted away and the Spirit forges the disciples into the Body of Christ." It is seen as an exact opposite of the Old Testament story of the experience of the Tower of Babel in the Book of Genesis. "The tower is seen as a symbol of human sinfulne~s, the desire of humanity to rebel against our tradition as creatures and not to be in conformity with God's plan. It represents the rupture of humanity and maker. Unity among people was destroyed. They could not communicate with one another and were scattered'across the face of the earth and soon they become enemies." But the event of Pentecost, the bishop said, "responds to the tragedy of Babel. The Holy Spirit de-' scends upon the disciples and gathers farflung people into one ... just as people are here tonight from Taunton, New Bedford, Fall River, Cape Cod and the Islands. They came together as St. Paul joyfully says, 'There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God, the Father of all. Pentecost means joy, unity, rebirth." The gift of tongues, which is so characteristic to Pentecost, "allowed all the pilgrims of the Diaspora to understand and listen to the wonderful things of God, each in his or her own language. The Spirit of love and unity overcomes all barriers." In this second year of preparation for the jubilee year 2000, dedicated to the Holy Spirit, the bishop said he speaks to confirmation candidates about St. Luke's Acts of the Apostles, which he noted is often called "the Gospel of the Holy Spirit;" and which documents the action of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church. If we compare what St. Luke says in his Gospel about Jesus, "We find that Luke later says the same things of the Church in Acts, the
FALL RIVER - Children at- Santo, St. Anne and St. Jean Baptending area parochial schools will tiste. Appointments have been made soon have a much better chance of over the coming weeks to make the 'saving teeth knocked out in containers available to thefollowing schoolyard accidents or school ath- schools: Holy Name, St. Michael, letic injuries, thanks to an initiative Notre Daml~, Dominican Academy, by local dentists belonging to the St. Vincent" Montessori School of Southeastern District of the Massa- Angels and St. Stanislaus. chusetts Dental Society. For more information call Dr. The initiative is called "Save a Anita L. Jones, 222 Milliken Blvd., Tooth, Keep a Smile." Fall River, MA 02721 or call (508) Permanent teeth knocked! out in 672-6381; or Dr. Deborah Almeida, sports or play can be replaced in their .946 American Legion Highway, sockets by a dentist, but not all teeth Westport, MA 02790 or call (508) will successfully reattach. Proper 399-7073. handling and storage of a knocked out tooth prior to replacement greatly increases its chances of successfully reattaching. Storing the tooth in a biological nutrient fluid containing a mixture of salts and sugars is the best way to preserve the tooth prior to r~place颅 FALL RIVER - A memorial ment. This fluid is available prepared Mass for Father Antonio A. in a sterile container which can hold Cardoso, brother of Father Luis A. up to three teeth from one individual. Cardoso, pastor of St. Michael Dentists of the Southeastern Dis- Church, Esst:x Street, will be celtrict of the Massachusetts Denial So- ebrated June 11 at 7 p路.m., at the ciety will be providing a tooth-pre- church. Father Antonio A. 'Cardoso serving container free of charge to died May 14 in Faial, the Azores. each of the 270 primary and second- The priests and parishioners of St. ary schools within their district. Michael's invite clergy, friends and Should an accident occur on school relatives of Fathers Antonio and grounds, staff will be able to place Luis to the celebration. the tooth in the special container. Catholic schools in this city which have received the kits thus far include SS. Peter and Paul, Espirito HOLYOKE, Mass. - Sister Holyoke, where she continues to do Marie Joseph LeBlanc of the Con- volunteer work for the sisters in the gregation of the Sisters of St. Jo- retirement community.. seph, will be paid 'tribute this Sunday in celebration of her 70 years , Daily Read.ings of service with the congregation. June 8 1 Kgs 17:1-6; Ps 121: By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE Sister LeBlanc, a native of New 1-8; Mt5:1-12 Bedford, entered the Congregation WASHINGTON - Pope John on Sept. 8, 1928. The fourth child June 9 1 Kgs 17:7-16; Paul II has accepted the resignation among three brothers and four sisPs 4:2-5,7-8; of Bishop 1. Keith Symons of Palm ters, she grew up.in St. Joseph ParMt 5:13-16 Beach, Fla., and named Bishop June 10 1 Kgs 18:20-39; Robert N. Lynch of St. Petersburg, ish, New Bedford. She was eduPs 16:1-2,4-5,8,11 ; Fla., as apostolic administrator of cated at St. Joseph Novitiate and Rivier College. Mt 5:17-19 the Palm Beach Diocese. She is remembered as touching June 11 Acts 11 :21 b-26; The changes were announced the lives of her students as teacher 13:1-3; Ps 98:1-6; June 2 by Msgr. Renato Volante, Mt 5:20-26 charge d'affaires of the Vatican and principal at St. Jean Baptiste, Blessed Sacrament, St. Roch and St. Embassy in Washington. June 12 1 Kgs 19:9a,11-16; Matthew parochial schools in Fall Bishop Symons, 65, has been a Ps 27:7-9,13-14; River; St. Joseph, St. Theresa and bishop since 1981 and bishop of Mt 5:27-32 St. Anthony High School, New Palm Beach since 1990. June 13 1 Kgs 19:19-21; Bedford; and St. Michael School, Bishop Lynch, 57, was general Ps 16:1-2,5,7-10; Ocean Grove, Swansea. secretary of the National ConferMt 5:33-37 In subsequent years she was a ence of Catholic Bishops from 1989 June 14 Gn 14:18-20; teacher's aide at St. Joseph School, to 1995 and has been bishop of St. Ps 110:1-4; Petersburg since 1996. He will con- New Bedford, a.nd a receptionist at 1 Cor 11 :23-26; tinue in that post while administer- the motherhouse in Fall River. She Lk9:11b-17 Mount Marie, retired in 1992 to ing the PalmoBeach Diocese.
Memorial Mass set for pastor's birother
Sister LeBlanc is cited, for service
Bishop Symons retires; administrator is named
- .. Continued from page one
.,. ,
bishop pointed out. "It can't be a coincidence," he asserted. All these parallels are Luke's way of teaching us that Jesus and the Church are one. The Church, is the prolongation of Jesus throughout history. . Jesus does not exist separately from his Church. He is one with us." If, like Jesus and the Church we face rejection, hostility, indifference and ridicule when we witness to
God's truth, "we must not be discouraged or lose sight 'of the fact that Jesus is counting on us to be fishers of men, not keepers of the aquarium," the bishop said. "We are one and we are responsible for one another. We need the powers of the Holy Spirit to embolden us ... to c<;>unsel the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable ... and to make God;s kingdom come." :
Continued from page one
debt-ridden were able to build a parish center. "Well, finally I've found the answer to who cares. It is an awful lot of people. But don't take'my word for it. The Central Intelligence Agency will tell you that of the 267 million people living in the United States, over 241 million admit to participating in organized religion." But even more startling statistics showed that in his own city ofAttleboro, 36,000 of its 40,000 residents are church affiliated. "That's a lot of who cares, don't you think?" said Rixori. . As for the Shrine vs. the Patriots, the Pats' home attendance last year reached 482,000, while more than 600,000, showed up at the shrine during the same year, Rixon reported. Using tear sheets from the Sun Chronicle, Rixon proudly pointed out the aggressive religion page reporting that brought a cross section of interesting news of religion and features on people in religion in the paper's circulation area to its customers. Bishop Sean P. O'Malley told ~he gathering that he was grateful for the cooperation of the media in helping him in so many ways to get out the Church's message to the communities in the Fall River Diocese that they also serve.
"I appreciate the coverage that you have given to specia.l Masses and the televised Masses - and events that are carried in :;tories and programs that affect health workers, prisoners and the elderly at home," he said. Bishop O'Malley said he has always had a personal interest in the press, having established two leading foreign language newspapers, one a weekly, in the W,:shington, D.C. area. With many children spending most of their waking hours in front of television sets, "It is important that, as medi a people, our responsibility is not to hand people what appeals to their lower instincts, things crassly commercial, but to offer them thi.ngs that will elevate them intellectually, things cultural. We have the power and the responsibility to do that," he said. Father John F. Moore, editor of The Anchor, said that whill~ the diocese might not have the largest marketing area "We indeed have a lot to offer if we work together and this is the purpose of this meeting. We have to get to know one other, recognize each other in our work and what we do and respect one another for that. It is an important reality that the bishop has brought to communications in our diocese."
In Y our
Please pray for the following priests during the coming week \~\ NECROLOGY \ \ ' June 6 1993,Rev. Cornelius l Keliher, Former Pastor, St. Mary, North Attleboro .\\ . ' .\ June 8 . 1961, Rev. John S. Czerwonka, Assistant, St. Stanislaus, Fall River
\ \ \\ June 9 "',/<\ . 1945, Rev. Timothy J. CaInen, Pastor, St.JoSeph,Woods Hole 1966, Rev. Joseph S. Larue,'Pastor.Sacred Heart, North Attlebofl) j .. /. /
..___. JunelO
1915, Rev. WilliafirH~CUrley,\Pastor, SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River 1949,.Rev:Oeorge A. Meade; Chaplain, St. Mary's Home, New 8f:dford/......~// \ \ \..,....---
Ju~e\ll 1973, 'Rev. Msgr. Augusto L. Furtado, Pastor Emeritus, St. John of God, Somerset \ . . 1986, Rev. Richard J. Wolf, S.J., 8,is~op Co~nolly High School, Fall RIver \ \
June 12 "
1966, Rev. Thomas H. Taylor, Pastor,'Irl,maculate Conception, Tau.nton ' \
June 6 June 7 June 8 June 9 June 10 June 11 June 12
Rev. Joseph Mauritzen Rev. James A. McCarthy Rev. William McClenahan, SS.CC. Rev. Hugh J. McCullough Rev. Alphonsus Mc~ugh, SS.Cc. Rev. Edward F. MCIsaac Rev. James R. McLellan
Evangelization begins at home is Maryknoll seminar's message can be missionaries in their own com- tution, offering them shelter and whatmunities. ever other aid they may need. FALL RIVER - Among 42 Those present agreed to make four Over its 87-year history, Maryknoll Affiliates participating in such presentations in their dioceses Maryknoll has had many priests and a "Sowing the Seed: Mission Educa- in the coming years. They will be sisters from the Fall River Diocese tion in the U.S. Church," a four-day aided by many materials that were distributed, including information on racism, practical tips on , speaking, how to train others to offer similar programs and how best to utilize audiovisual equipment. Among meeting ac~ivities was a visit to St. Anne parochial school MARYKNOLL FATHER in nearby Joseph Towle, director of Ossining, N. Y., media relations for Maryknoll, where eighth graders partici- has a summer hideaway in pated in a demon- Harwich Port on Cape Cod. stration lesson that taught the importance of concentration and cooperation by lining the students up in pairs, tying the left DEPARTURE BELL-Dominican Sister leg of one person Carole Mello, a pastoral minister at St. Anne's to the right of the ALBANY, N. Y. -A family prayer Hospital, Fall River, Owen T.P. McGowan of other and then in- and pilgrimage center memorializing St. Patrick Parish, Somerset, and Father structing them to the famous "Rosary priest," the late Gerald Kelly, MM, stand before Maryknoll's walk forward Holy Cross Father Patrick Peyton, will open in his native County Mayo, Iredeparture bell, traditionally rung as Maryknoll smoothly. Program land, on Oct. 10. The international missionaries depart for foreign service. speakers included family prayer ministry he founded in Maryknoll Supe- 1942 in Albany, the Family Rosary, is program held last month at the rior Gen. Father Raymond Finch, who sponsoring an eight-day prayer pilMaryknoll, N.Y., headquarters of the welcomed partici pants at the opening grimage to Ireland Oct. 5-12 in conCatholic Foreign Mission Society of session; opening speaker Gail Kelly, junction with the dedication. America, were Dominican Sister who discussed methods of promoting The center in Ireland is being built Carole Mello, a pastoral minister at missionary activity; John Newfeld, in his native parish of Attymass, near Saint Anne Hospital and Owen T.P. who offered practical hints on prepar- Ballina in County Mayo, to continue McGowan, who holds at doctor of ing and delivering a miSsion-related fostering his lifetime work, which is Sacred Scripture degree, of St. Patrick talk; and, in the course of the four- reflected in his famous slogan: "The day meeting, a brief talk from each family that prays together stays toParish, Somerset. The April meeting was the first affiliate on events in his or her fam- gether." . such gathering for the Maryknoll Af- ily, occupation and relationship with The pilgrimage, titled "Getting in filiates, who attended from all parts MaryknolI and how such experiences Touch with Father Peyton's Heritage," of the country as well as from the East could be woven into a presentation on will include the center's dedication and Coast. Those in the Boston area meet taking advantage of opportunities for will combine religious and scenic sites four times yearly at l.he Maryknoll mission activity in every day life. dear to the priest. Those include One participant discussed people Galway Cathedral, the Marian Shrine house in East Walpole, Mass. The meeting's purpose was to pro- his family had sheltered as their chil- ofOur Lady of Knock, Croagh Patrick, vide affiliates with hands-on training dren grew up, including a child St. Mary's Cathedral in Limerick, the in making mission presl~ntations at adopted through an overseas agency, Ailwee Caves, the Cliffs ofMoher, The parishes, schools and church-related and ranging from aged grandparents Treaty Stone and an Irish castle. Further information is available study or prayer groups with the aim and other older people to teenagers of encouraging those in attendance to too old to remain in children's homes from The Family Rosary, (800) 299share in the universal Christian com- but in need of a safe setting as they 7729. For reservations call Brian Gallagher at (518) 785-394601'439mitment to witness to the good news prepared to leac;l independent lives. On the closing day, Edwina 2859. of the Gospel by reaching out to those around them and explaining how they Gately, British-born founder of the Volunteer MisNEED A GOOD PLUMBER? sionary Movement, which has recruited and pre- I For your home or business. I pared 1,500 lay I I missionaries, rangI ing from doctors I and lawyers to car- I I Plumbing & Heating I penters and Est.1920 Lie. 10786 plumbers, for ser- I vice in underdevel- I oped areas of the I world, spoke on "The Experienced I the driving force of I 1)lumbing People" I laity in the Church. I Providing a Full Line of Plumbing & Heating Services I Herself a former I teacher and mis- L ':'L~V~ .!.w~s~ ~M~S~ .. sionary in Uganda, 1I11I111111111111111111111111 she is also the THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-D20) Periodical of Postage Paid at FaU River, Mass. Published founder .:::':; ChiCago's Genesis weekly except for the first two weeks in July ......_-_.... House, which an- ani the week after Chrisnnas at 887 Highlani MARYKNOLL Father Leo Melancon, who nually services Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic will be 91 in June, a Fall River .native, is now some 7,000 Press of the Diocese ofFall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. in retirement at Maryknoll headquarters in women who were Postmasters send address changes to The involved in prostiAochor. P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA (J27Z2. Maryknoll, N.Y.
Ireland prayer center to honor 'Rosary priest'
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of FaIl River -
(508) 678-5571 :
among its members. When the com- and Bishop Joseph W. Regan of munity celebrated its 75th anniversary . Fairhaven, who served in China from in 1986, three area priests, all now the time of his ordination in 1929 and deceased, were singled out for spe- during the postwar Communist revocial attention: Father John E. Morris lution was briefly placed under house of Fall River, then 97 and the oldest arrests. He was questioned by a mililiving Maryknoller, who had been a tary trj.bunal in 1977 but never tried. priest for 72 years; Bishop Frederick Also well remembered in the dioDonaghy of New Bedford, who was cese is Father John 1. Considine of jailed by Chinese Communists in New Bedford, who died in 1982 and 1950 and in 1955 expelIed to Hong whO'Se two brothers, Msgrs. Arthur G. Kong, from where he served as a re- and Raymond T. Considine, both also gional superior until the late 1960s; Turn to page five - Maryknoll
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Tour Ireland's Scenic Coast Getting in toucn witn Fr. Peyton's neritage Ire/and's most famous priest Your oct. 5-12 tour includes: •
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THE ANCHOR - Qiocese of Fall River - Fri., JuneS,
·.·the· moorin~
the living word
A changing America! What will our nation, states, towns, dioceses and parishes loo~ l.ke in another 20 years? All leading indicators tell us that we can expect major changes. This of course will be traumatic for those who cling to the notion that change must be avoided at all costs. But all the resistance they may display will do little to halt the changes that are already underway. So many elements we now consider pillars of our social order will disappear. In their place will be challenges that will make or break our abilities to adapt and assimilate. First and foremost, the face of our nation is in a period of rapid change. In another generation, white Ameril;ans will form only 60 percent of the population. Forty percent will be Hispanic, Black and Asian. The number of Native Americans will remain steady. Statistics indicate that in another 20 years over 50 million people will be added to the population. Over 50 percent of this growth will be foreign-born, reminding us we are still a nation of immigrants. Hispanics will form the largest minority and the Asian population will double, with dramatic consl~quences because, al.though smaller numerically, 42 percent of Asians have college de.grees. Only 25 percent, or one out of four white Americans can make this claim. Asians are our most motivated and dynamic national group in the United States and their impacton this country in the next century will be more than impressive. Even now they are ahead of all racial groups in household income, higher than the figures for white Americans. Another factor that must be considered in the profile ofAmerica is that of age. In the new millennium the biggest shift will come . among the golden oldies. Woodstock's baby boomers are now middle-aged. The biggest number of them will be in the 55 to 75 age bracket; and if the economy holds firm, this group will offer the best market opportunities for business arId industry. New housing, travel and leisure activities will be a source of new jobs. Service industries will thrive, espe:eially when one considers the fact that the median age will be higher; indeed, persons 80 and older will no longer be seen as unusual. Millions will be employed in the many age:ncies and companies t~at will care for and supply our older population, in fact, the labor force will also be older. Changes being considered in the Social Security program would be designed to keep those' over 65 in the marketplace and there will undoubtedly be a very strong demand for parttime job hours for this age group. . Furthermore, if the birth rate continues to decrease, there will be fewer younger workers. Not only will the age gap be obvious, but there will be a very wide gap between thl~ trained and the untrained, thus education will payoff handsomely. In fact, it bids fair to be the basic investment for the future. Older people know this and predictably will be a force in seeing to it that their grandchildren also realize it. A third factor that will affect the nation will be a shift in population. More and more people will move to the sunbelt, thus the area south of Washington, D.C., from the Atlantic to the Pacific, will continue to increase notably in population, while more and more seats in Congress will shift from the North and Midwest to the South as political issues become dominated by older voters. It would in fact be well for all in the mainstream of social change, from politicians to prelates, to be very much aware of the social movements now underway. Those who try to avoid this reality will be committing social suicide. Eventually unable to take refuge in their own little worlds, they will be bypassed by the changing times. . In short, in order to move into the new century with confidence, optimism and great expectations, we must plan now.
The Editor
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESIE Or·FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Fall River, MA 02720 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes 10 P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above
EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore
GENERAL MANAGER Rosemary Dussault ~
~£ss -
NEWS EDITOR James N. Dunbar
,'..... ' '~,!"...,- .-~'-.-
CNS/Reuters photo
"He who cares for life and wants to see prosperous days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from uttering de(:eit. He must turn from evil and do good, seek peace and follow aftl~r it" 1 Pet~r 3:10~11" I
Does the devil exist? By FATHER JOHN
evidence he wouldn't aC1;ept any of it. C.S. Lewis in his book, However, there is a God, "Screwtape Letters," said that the whether you can imagine him or common error we make about not. Something doesn:t come devils ."is the tendency to deny from nothing. The same i~: true for their existence." evil. It too has a cause that seems Pope John Paul II beIn my work as a priest over the to transcend human sinfelness. lieves in the devil. last 38 years I have come across Author and psychologist Scott Speaking on July 28, cases where the presence of an evil Peck, who wrote "The.Read Less 1986, he said, "Instead power was almost palpable. HowTraveled," also wrote a book titled of accepting a God full ever, I feel uncomfortable trying "People of the Lie." In it he alof love, they (Satan and to actually imagine a devil at work. luded to the corporate nature of The alarming diffusion of diathe spirits of darkness) evil. One of his examples was the bolical cults, witchcraft and Sasolidarity of demonic forces rejected him, inspired by tan worship makes one wonder a false sense ofself-suf- found in Nazi Germany during about this dark side of life. Many World War II. Diabolical activificiency, of an aversion people, even among the clergy, ties were manifest in that war. and hatred that say it's all superstitious nonsense, Reasonable officers and solchanged into rebellion." but every now and then I see a diers created the monstrous evil degree o( malice that chills me. we call the Holocaust. They reTht) words of Jesus are not amPope John Paul II believes in ferred to it dispassionately as a biguous about the devil's exist- the devil. Speaking on July 28, logical solution to the "Jewish ence. "I watched Satan fall from 1986, he said, "Instead of accept- problem." This callousness the sky like lightning"(Lk 10,18). ing a God full of love, they (Sa- boggles the mind. He must have knqwn something tan and the spirits of darkness) reI believe in the existence of Sawe don't know. His references to jected him; inspired by a false tan. In my work among those the evil one in Scripture are fre- sense of self-sufficiency, of an -caught up in the chaotic cycle of quent and fr.ightening. aversion and hatred that changed drugs and alcohol abuse, I have St. Peter believed in the devil: into rebellion." seen traces of evil activity in the "Be sober, be watchful. Your adThe late Carl Sagan was a 1;>ril- devastation and destruction of inversary the devil prowls around Hant astronomer who said, "There nocent lives. like a roaring lion seeking some- is not. a shred of evidence in the . Jesus gave a warning: "The one to devour" (l Pt 5,8). entire universe for the existence devil was a murderer from I:he bePope Paul VI believed in the of the supernatural." He couldn't ginning. He has never based himdevil. "The treacherous and cun- imagine what .God or heaven . self on truth, the' truth is not in ning enchanter finds his way into would look like, and because no him. For he is a liar and the father us by way of the senses, the one could prove it with empirical of lies" (In 8,44). CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
imagination, lust, utopian logic or disorderly social contacts in the give and take of life, in order to introduce deviations (General Audience, Nov. 15, 1972).
Iteering POintl ASSONET -SI. Bernard'sCenacle Prayer Group meets on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. in the church. New members welcome. For more information call Judy Norman at 644-2198. ATTLEBORO - The Counseling Center at La Salette Shrine continues its Grief Education Programs for those dealing with the death of a loved one. They are as follows: June 15 "Grief: A Sacred Sadness," from 6:30-3 p.m.; June 18 "The Work of Mourning," from 1-2 p.m. and June 29 "Healthy Ways of Grieving and Healing;' from 6:30-8 p.m. For more information call 226-8220. The musical group "From the Heart" will be featured at the shrine's coffee house on June 6 at 6:30 p.m. All welcome. The shrine will offer a Mass of remembrance at 12: 10 p.m. for mothers, fathers and veterans on June 7. It is sponsored by the LaSalette Missionary Association and each person remembered in the Mass will be represented by a rose. Father Dennis Loomis will be principal celebrant. All welcome. For more information call 222-0027.
Maryknoll deceased, served in the Fall River Diocese. In 1960 Father Considine organized the Latin American bureau of the U.S. Catholic Conference, which he directed until 1968. He also founded Papal Volunteers for Latin America, a program for lay workers in mission areas of the continent, and the multilingual Fides News Service of Rome, now in its 71st year. He was a consultant to the Vatican Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith and was the only priest member of President John F. Kennedy's Peace Corps advisory council. In 1946 he became editor of Maryknoll Publications and director of public relations for the community. Maryknollers who are still active include Father Joseph Towle, who is the community's director of mt:dia relations and has links to the diocese by virtue of his summer house in Harwich Port. Retired Father Leo Melancon, who will be 91 on June 26, is a Fall River native, the 10th in a family of 13. He entered Maryknoll at age 15, served in Peru and Bolivia and taught at various Maryknoll houses and in a. seminary in Yucatan, Mexico, from 1934 to 1944 and again from 1948 to 1981. Father Peter P., Mullen of North Attleboro has served as regional director of Maryknoll houses in Cleveland, Ohio; Buffalo, N.Y.; and Nutley, N.J., and has also worked in Hawaii and the Philippines. He is now working in New York State. Father Charles Murray of New Bedford, after 34 years of service in Peru, worked in Maryknoll's development office in New York City before being assigned to Yucatan, Mexico, where he. is now serving. Father David Walsh, also of New Bedford, served in Bolivia for many years following his ordination in 1942. He is now retired. Father Raymond H. Kelley ofAttleboro has served in Taiwan since 1958, where he was originally pastor of an aboriginal parish in the mountains and then of a parish whose members he described as being "trapped in a ghettolike agricultural existencc~." Maryknoll Sisters from the Fall River diocese have included Sisters Louise and Mary Galligan of Taunton, both now deceased; and Sister Helen Higgins of Edgartown, also deceased. Sister Louise Galligan served in the Philippines, where she was interned for three years during World War II, in Hawaii and in New York City's Chinatown. Her sister Mary served
EAST FREETOWN An Emmaus Retreat for young adults between the ages of 20 and early 30s will be held during the weekend ofJune 1214 at Cathedral Camp. This coeducational weekend provides a chance to share in God's love and Christian community. For more information call Anne Janerico at 564-5908 or Pat Medeiros at (401) 624-3070. FALL RIVER - The Fall River First Friday Men's Club invites men of all parishes to join them at SI. Anthony of the Desert Church on June 5 at 6 p.m. for Mass. An informal dinner will follow. Father Msgr. Norman Ferris will celebrate Mass and Karl Hetzler will be the guest speaker at dinner. For more information call Rick Dreyer at 8803140. FALL RIVER - A novena service in honor of Saint Anne will be held at St. Anne's Parish on June 7 beginning at 3 p.m. A healing service led by Father Herbert T. Nichols will follow until 5 p.m.
FALL RIVER- The Diocesan Service Committee is sponsoring an evening of prayer lUld praise by Msgr. Vincent M. Walsh June 13 at 7 p.m. at St. Stanislaus Church. Msgr. Walsh is the author ofmany books including ''The Key to Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic Church." All welcome. HYANNIS -.A support group for parents, families and friends ofgays and lesbians will meet on June 8 from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Catholic Social Services Bldg., 261 South St. Newcomers always welcome to this confidential setting. For more information call 771-6771.
NEW BEDFORD-The Hyacinth Circle Daughters of Isabella will conduct a business meeting on June 16 in the C.C.D. Center of Holy Name Church. A social coffee hour will follow. SAGAMORE - All area women are invited to a morning of recollection on June 12 from 10 a.m. to noon at SI. Theresa's Chapel, Rte. 6A. Confessions wiII be heard by a priest of Opus Dei. SOUTH YARMOUTH - A Sepa-
rated - Divorced Catholics Support Group meets the third Sunday of each month at the St. Pius X Parish Life Center. For inore information call Father Richard M. Roy at 255-0170. WEST HARWICH - Associate Director of Priests for Life, Father Richard M. Hogan, will speak on 'The Culture of Life vs. The Culture ofDeath" at )-Ioly Trinity Parish, route 28, on June 7 at 7 p.rn. Refreshments will be served. All welcome. For more information call the parish office at 432-4000.
LAKEVILLE - His Land Bethany House of Prayer will host a workshop entitled "Living in the Word of God" on June 13. It will be given by BarbaraWright ofProvidence. For more information or registration call Norma Chapman at 947-4704. MASHPEE - Associate Director of Priests for Life, Father Richard M. Hogan, will speak on ''The Culture of Life vs. The Culture of Death" at Christ the King Parish, June 8 at noon. Benediction will be held at 7 p.m. followed by an address at 7:30 entitled "Prayer: The Solution." All welcome. For more information call Claire Twitchell at 4289106.
Continued from page three briefly in California and Peru but for the most part of her active religious life she was instuctor of novices at Maryknoll headquarters. Sister Higgins served in NewYork's Chinatown, in SI. Louis and in Hawaii, also spending some time at Maryknoll headquarters where she worked in the cOinputer service office. Retired Maryknoll Sisters are Sisters Marian Teresa Dury of New Bedford, who, three years after entt1ring the community, helped organize the first Catholic school in Tanzania, going on to use her master's degree in nursing education to work in dispensaries and maternity clinics and establish village health programs in the nation; also Sister Marie Bernadette Mathieu who originally worked in the offices of the Field Afar magazine, now known as Maryknoll, but in 1932 was one of 10· sisters who formed the cloistered component of the community, those dedicated to constant prayer for the active members. Also retired is Sister Rita Marie Regan of Fairhaven, sister of Bishop Joseph Regan. She looks back on a record that includes 17 years in mainland China, a year in Hong Kong and 29 years in Taiwan. In 1951 she was among missionaries in Kaying, China, imprisoned, then expelled by government officials. She spent her last years of active service in Taiwan. Serving in central Guatemala is Sister Honora Fel'ix of Attleboro, who has also worked in Mexico and Panama and for several years managed the data processing center at Maryknoll headquarters. She was in Panama during the 1964 Canal Zone riots and also on hand not only for a catastrophic 1976 earthquake in Guatemala, but during years of the nation's internal unrest. Now working in Hawaii is Sister Mary Powers of Fall River, a graduate of the city's B.M.C. Durfee High School. Entering the religious life in 1942, she went to Hawaii in 1949, teaching in four schools, then becoming principal of a Honolulu school from 1971 to 1975, when she returned to Maryknoll, N.Y., for five years as an office manager. In 1980 she went back to Honolulu as a guidance counselor at Maryknoll High School, then becoming project director for ail interfaith program serving Honolulu elderly. Sheila Matthews of St. Patrick's Parish, Somerset, is one of many lay missionaries associated with Maryknoll. From 1977 until 1996 she worked in and around the small t(>wn of Poptun in the state of El Peten, Guatemala. As
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., June 5, 1998
a registered nurse, she served 109 small communities around Poptun, many of them reachable only on foot, also training many "health promoters" in the communities and opening a small pharmacy which not only aided area people but helped supply a struggling local hospital.· She also organized an eye clinic, providing local care and also transportation to Guatemala City, 250 miles away, if patients needed an operation. . Ms. Matthews is now at Maryknoll headquarters in Ossining, N.Y., as one of a 3-member coordinating team addressing problems in mission territories. Her assignment is for four years, of which she has completed nearly two.
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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River ~ Fri., June 5, 1998
Centenarian credits good behavior for her longevity By
STETSONVILLE, Wis. - "Always trying to do the right thing" . is the reason l00-year-old Madeline Vinceguerre gives for her longevity. She also wonders if it might have something to do with all the sheep's milk she drank while growing up on a farm near Cumberland, Wis. Vinceguerre is known to nearly eyeryone at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, where she is the housekeeper for the pastor, Father Frederick Brost. A heart attack in December slowed her down somewhat, but she is slowly regaining her strength and is happy to be back in . the kitchen preparing some of the meals. "I just can't get her to use the dishwasher," Father Brost commented. Vinceguerre's quick reply was, "The dishwasher makes me lazy." Vinceguerre was 69 when she began keeping house for Father Brost, and she has made several moves with him over the years. While raising her son and daughter, now ages 80 and 75 respec-
tively, she worked for 20 years in a general store in Duluth, Minn. When they left home, she decided it was time to do someth!ng different. Gradually, she began getting housekeeping jobs, and in 1967 she heard that Father Brost, the priest in her hometown of Cumberland, was looking for a housekeeper. She applied, got the job, and the rest is a 30-plus year history still in the making. . Vinceguerre grew up with seven brothers and sisters in a faith-filled Italian family. One event from her childhood particularly stands out in her memory. Some of her family had moved to the Twin Cities, and while she and her father were visiting they met John Jacob Astor, who asked to adopt Vinceguerre. Her family; of course, would not hear of it, even though Astor promised her the finest schools and lifestyle. Two years later he went down with the Titanic. After Vinceguerre completed eighth grade, she stayed on the farm and did much of the cooking. That experience prepared her well for her eventual career. Although she is no longer able
Acid attacks on abortion clinics called 'indefensible' By CATHOLIC
to do all of the housework, she still does what she can ancf is determined· to make the most of every day. Her day begins when the alarm rings at 5:30 a.m., which allows time to get ready for daily Mass. "Her kids thought it was time for her to live with them or go to a nursing home," Father Brost said, but then there would be no church next door. "Being able to go to Mass every day is one thing that keeps her going." Prayer has always been an important part ofVinceguerre's life, from the daily rosaries she said with her parents and· siblings, to the office of the Third Order Carmelites, of which she has been a member since the 1940s. Vinceguerre always tries to keep busy, arid she never takes a nap. She continues to be an avid reader and keeps a big stack of books close at hand. Over the years, Vinceguerre has had her share of health problems, but she has always bounced back. Following surgery in the 1940s, she remembers that her doctor gave her two years to live. She didn't believe him for a minute.,
nected, but investigators said they had no reason to believe Operation TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - The Rescue or any group was involved executive director of the Florida in them. . Cathoiic Conference has called the "In condemning this violence, recent spate of acid attacks on abortion clinics in the state "indethe pro-life community must confensible." tinue to resist the temptation to ret4rn evil for, evil," McCarron said. "Ends do not justify the means MADELINE VINCEGUERRE, 100, is an avid reader and attends daily and those guilty of these violent "The cycle of violence diminishes Mass. The Cumberland, Wis:, native has been a member of the Third us all. The way to rid our country acts cannot regard themselves as Order of Carmelites since the 1940s and housekeeper to a local priest for part of the pro-life community," of abortion is to change our hearts, more than 30 years. (CNS photo by Mary Grieco, Catholic Here.ld) change public opinion and change said a recent statement from D. our laws." . Michael McCarron. Ten clinics in Florida had been vandalized with butyric acid through the Memorial Day weekend. The clinics were located throughout the state. Five of them By ·JERRY FILTEAU were in Miami. Others have been narians recorded in other recent Dean R. Hoge, a sociologist Catholic population attended a CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE in St. Petersburg, Orlando, studies. a! The Catholic University of Catholic high school, but 50perDaytona Beach and Vol usia WASHINGTON -The 1998 The Hispanic and African- America who has conducted nu- cent of the newly ordained had County. class of newly ordained priests American Catholic communities merous other studies of U.S. done so. Only 10 percent of the "Pro-life opposition to abortion .. Catholic semi- larger Catholic population had in the United States is older and have long been .... is based on the unwavering belief more racially and ethnically diunderrepresented narians and gone to .a Catholic coI:!ege, but in the inherent worth and dignity The Hispanic and Af- priests, summa- 59 percent ofthe newly ordained of newly in the priestverse than the classes of every person. These attacks rican-American Catho- rized the find- had done so. ordained priests were in hood, but the against the clinics and those inside the 1980s, according to a new 1988 figures The mean age of the newly orlic communities have ings of the surthem are misguided, unjustified national study rele"ased in May. could signal a responding to the survey vey in a sevendained acts of vengeance that offer no long been underrepreOoly 26 percent of the newly future narrowwas 34.8 years, indicati ng that a page report. public good," McCarron said. sented in the priestordained were under 30 years of ing of that gap. Hoge· re- 30-year trend toward older voca"Instead, they bring harm to . ge and 34 percent were in the 30Asianthose they are aimed at and hurt hood, but the 1988 fig- ported that only tions has not yet ended. the pro-life cause. Women and un34 age bracket, leaving 40 per- Americans and In 1966 the mean age at ordiures coulii signal a fu- 19 percent of the born children are not helped by cent aged 35 or higher. Pacific Islanders newly ordained nation for' diocesan priests in the ture narrowing of that had entered the United States was 27.2 years and . these acts." The fact that nearly. three- represented 6 Two people required hospitalfourths, were 30 or older indi- .percent of the gap. seminary after just beginning to rise slowly. In ization in the Miami attacks. cated most were entering the newly ordained high school. The 1975 it was 28.3 years. By 1984 Butyric acid is a corrosive inpriesthood as a second career or a figure vast majority, 66 it had grown to 31.5 years. dustrial solvent. The colorless acid ·at least with a few years of expe- higher than the estimated 2 per- percent, had earned a college In the new study, the mean age occurs naturally in rancid butter rience in the working world. cent to 3 percent of U.S. Catho- degree - bachelor's or associ- of the new diocesan priests was and perspiration. It smel1s like One notable increase was in lics who are of Asian or Pacific ates' - before starting seminary 34.6 years. Among religious orvomit, irritates the eyes, nose, the number of Hispanics being Islands descent. studies. About 16 percent had ders, which typically re:quire at throat and skin and can cause ordained - 12 percent of those The new study, conducted by earned a graduate degree or were least one extra year of spiritual coughing and difficulty breathing. surveyed. In a 1984 national the U.S. bishops' Office on Vo- working on one when they en- formation for religious life beIn large doses it can be fatal. study, Hispanics made up only 7 cations, was based on responses tered the seminary. fore ordination, the mean age In the two latest episodes, aupercent of all seminarians. this spring from 428 men newly The study found that new was 35.9 years. thorities said the butyric acid was African-Americans repre- ordained or preparing for ordi- priests were more likely than About 80 percent of the newly poured through holes drilled in the sented 4 percent of the newly or- . nation this year - 346 as dioc- other Catholics to have attended ordained reported work experidoors of the clinics. dained - slightly up from the 2 esan priests, 82 in religious or- Catholic schools. ence before entering the semiFBI agents investigating the atpercent to 3 percent of U.S. semi- ders. , Only 26 percent of the larger nary. ~1!..c;Jq;.!>.~j4 the incidents appear con-
1998 Class of U.S. priests older, racially diverse
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., June 5, 1998
North American College
North American College
St. John Seminary
North American College
St. John Seminary
St. John Seminary
St. John Seminary College
North American College
Holy Apostles Seminary St. John Seminary Deacon Intem: Holy Name Parish, Fall River Deacoo Intem:5t6. ~&P.lulP.lIish, falRi.er
St. John Seminary
Sts. Cyril & Methodius Seminary
Mount St. Mary Seminary
Sts. Cyril & Methodlus Seminary
Average* annual educational expenses for a • • seminarian Tuition Room & Board
St. John Seminary Deacon Intem: St. Mary Cathedral Parish
North American College
North American College
$13,277 5,146
"'Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate MARCO MELO
Mount St. Mary Seminary
St. John Seminary College
Second Collection: June 6-7, 1998
St. John Seminary Deacon Intem: St. Patrick Parish, Wareham
St. John Seminary Deacon Intem: St. Michael Parish, Swansea
Ecclesiastical Students Collection
Photos: J. Barry
-: I
THE ANCHOR - Diocese ,?f Fall River - Fri., June 5, 1998 Continued from page one' .
A Fall River priest who is serving for the first time in ~_. guiding the Appeal in his new parochial assignment has expressed satisfaction with the figures. Father David A. Costa, pastor of Sacred Heart Church in that city, had established his own targeted amount, calculated to exceed the returns gleaned in that urban parish over the past several years. He not~d that the goal has already been surpassed, thanks to the generosity of the parishioners. At the tip of Cape Cod, a priest who has guided the Appeal process in parochial ministry and in regional coordil)ation of business gifts, reports enjoying the challenge of leading his parish in this year's effort. Father John F. Andrews, pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Wellfleet, has registered what diocesan officials at headquarters have identified as a remarkable success in the ongoing campaign. Father Andrews notes that the exceptional generosity of parishioners who have increased their personal level of giving has been instrumental in the encouraging results to date. Prospective contributors are invited to parti~ipate in this year's. Appeal by contacting any of the III parishes of the diocese or by communicating with Diocesan Headquarters at 362 Highland Ave., P.O. Box 1470, Fall River, MA 02722 or by calling (508) 676-8943. Returns from the diocese include the following figures from leading parishes in the separate geographic areas: Attleboro Area
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Seekonk SI. Mary, Mansfield SI. John the Evangelist, Attleboro SI. Mark, Attleboro Falls ..: SI. Mary, Seekonk
$65,341 46,880 40,775 28,596 25,371
; : ; Cape Cod Area
SI. Pius X, South Yarmouth Our Lady of Victory, Centerville Holy Trinity, West Harwich SI. Francis Xavier, Hyannis Christ the King, Mashpee
$134,487 70,961 57,240 53,717 51,549
Fall River Area
Holy Name, Fall River Holy Rosary, Fall River SI. Thomas More, Somerset SI. John the Baptist, Westport SI. Stanislaus, Fall River
$44,529 35,290 33,285 25,749 . 25,443
New Bedford Area Our Lady of Mount Carmel, New Bedford SI. Julie Billiart, North Dartmouth SI. Mary, South Dartmouth Immaculate Conception, New Bedford SI. Patrick, Wareham
$49,790 36,042 35,806 34,568 26,193
Taunton Area
SI. Ann, Raynham Immaculate Conception, North Easton Holy Cross, South Easton .SI. Anthony, Taunton Holy Family, East Taunton
$31 ,336 22,298 21,767 21 ,350 18,702
$500 .....; Smith Rental Properties, North Atteboro; SI. Mary's Bingo, Norton; RichardsonCuddy Insurance Agency, Inc.; Our Lady of Mount Carmel's SI. Vincent de Paul Society, Seekonk; SI. Mary's SI. Vincent de Paul Society, Norton $300-J &R Investments, Inc., Norton $250 - Consolidated Business Products, Inc., Plainville $200 - Knights of Columbus Coilncil #404, Attleboro $150 - A& AFuel Co., Inc., East Providence, R.I. $125 - SI. John the Evangelist 'Women of Spirit"; Edward G. Lambert Ins. Co., North Attleboro $100 - Morse Sand & Gravel Corp.; SI. Mary's Senior Saints, Seekonk Fall River Area
i' .
"Angelacaptu"res'her father's love The expression "bursting with pride" is one 1 understand deeply today. A call from my granddaughter Angela made my heart soar, even. as 1 wiped' a few tears from my eyes. Angela was excited as she gave me the news. She won a national writing contest with a $5,000 scholarship prize. The contest called for teenagers to write 300 to 500 words recalling a' memory they had of an older person who was important in their lives. Her essay was judged best among more than 1,000 entries in the nationwide Helzberg Diamonds Cherished Memories' Scholarship Contest. When she read me her essay, as a writer myself, who often has had to judge writing contests, 1 knew immediately why she won. Angela, who is 14, had produced a testimonial from her heart, full of imagery and emotion about an experience she had with her dad, my late son John. In her story she never speaks of his murder by an intruder, never goes the route of gaining shocking surprise or sympathy. She tells of 'The Deer Walk" she took with her father in Montana, just as she remembered it, an experience full of the wonder of life and the richness of love. She was only 9 when she took that walk with her dad. A feature about Angela's prize-winning essay in the Rocky Mountain News was headlined ''Teen Scribe Captures Father's Love." Angela told the reporter, "I write a lot about my dad; he was a very, very, very important person to me. This contest was a way to honor my dad more than anything because he was the one who inspired me more than anything." . One can imagine how 'her words touched all of us who so loved John, who was a carpenter and so much a lover of nature that he had moved to Montana to be closer to God's natural wonders.
1 could see from Angela's first words that she had produced a prize-winner. "My small, soft hand was encased in his large, callused one. Our unmatc:lted footsteps fell softly on the damp ground. We started off down the long driveway and across the street into the beautiful northern Montana forest." .
The Bottom Line .By Antoinette Bosco
My granddaughter shows us the ground, the trees, the sun and then the family of deer, "including some tiny, speckled fawns." She lets us see her father's wonder, saying, "I was vaguely aware that my father had 'happy' t~m: running down his clean-shaven cheek." . She ends: "Time stood still on this gorgeolls, priceless evening. But I do remember watching the dl~er graze until sundown, when they silently walked off to bed down for the night. And I remember looking into my father's face, shiny with tears and life, his eyes a warnl, chocolate brown color melting into my memory. I looked up at him, and he smiled gently. 'I love you,' he whispered. He hugged me close. 'I love you too, Daddy.'" Angela reaffirmed for me the belief that becwse love . never ends, life goes on eternally.
Fatherhood -' from prison Dear Mary: I am 2S and have been in prison for . five years. I have a 4-year-old daughter. I want to teach . her about our creator, but that's hard to do from inside prison. Lately I find myself with little motivation and feeling entrapped. I want very much to be a good father. (Missouri) Having a daughter is a wonderful thing. Nothing is more important in this world than the privilege of raising a child. Being a dad ~akes you real and important. Ofcourse you can do things that will help your daughter while you are in prison. To become lazy and do nothing because you cannot be with your daughter and her mother is a copout. The first thing you should do is read. Get your hands on all the books you can find on kids and parenting. I am enclosing a copy of my husband's book "Loving and Learning" (St. Anthony Messenger Press) as a gift to get you started. The second thing you can do is write. Write to your daughter at least once a week. Tell her what you are doing and how much you love her. Tell her what you want to do when you get out of prison. Write to your daughter's mother as well. The third thing you can do is set a good example. The best parental discipline of all is parental example. More than anything, children imitate what their parents do. By being in prison, you have a marvelous opportunity to show your daughter how a real man handles trouble. Your present life is very difficult. You will show who you are' and what you are made of in the way you respond to your situation.
If you are lazy and do nothing, you will teach your daughter to be lazy. If you feel that you are entrapped, so why bother, your daughter will learn to use that as an excuse. If on the other hand you make something of yourself . despite all the obstacles you face, your daughter will learn that she has a heroic father and she will want to be like
Talk With Dr. James & Mary Kenny 'you. . You say you want to teach your daughter about the creator. Remember that God refers to himself a:; a "Father." And the meaning of his taking on human n~sh was to show us that he expected us to express godliness in our own person. You must show God's love to your daughter by being a loving father yourself. Pray that God's grace and affection will flow through you to bless your.daughter. Motivation comes'hard in prison. Perhaps that will be your daughter's grace for you, to inspire you teo be the best man that you can.
The Index of Forbidden Books
$3000 - Yomega Corp. By FATHER' JOHN J. DIETZEN growing up 30 years ago, at least the middle naml~ had to $2500 - White's of Westport Q.I am a convert to the Catholic faith and have read be a saint's name. Isn't that still true? (New Jeney) $1000 - Priority Finishing; Tilcon Capaldi Corp., Swansea references to The Index of Forbidden Books. What was A. Having a Christian saint's 'name is still commendable $1300 - Venus de Milo; Swansea this? Is there such.a list today? It was never mentioned and appropriate. But, strange as it may be to son!e older $750 - Waring Affiliated Family Funeral Homes ,,Catholics, it is not absolutely required. $500 - Fall River Florist Supply Co.; Ronaco International, Inc.; Tempest Fisheries, Ltd., . in our instruction classes. (Indiana) Fairhaven . A. The Index of Forbidden Books was a listing of books Previous church law said that a Christian nanle (of a $400 - Crosson Oil Co., Inc. Catholics were not allowed to read because it was feared saint, or the name ofsome Christian virtueI1ke faith or hope) $300 - SI. Thomas More Conference, Somerset they could in one way or another be a danger to faith. should be given at baptism. $250 - Bee Fiberglass; Custom Apparel Processing , The Index was created in the 16th century and was upToday the rule simply says that parents, godpamnts and $200 - Holy Rosary Women's Guild; Jackson Co., Inc.; Genzyme Surgical Products; . dated periodically after that. . pastors are to see that a name foreign to a Christian mentalHoly Name SI. Vincent de Paul Society . Most of the forbidden books dealt with theology, phiity is not given (Canon law 8.55). $150 - SI. John of God Holy Name Society, Somerset; Sunbrand losophy, history and science. They also included, however, While neutral names (of movie stars or other public per$130 - Lacava &Sowersby Auto Parts romantic novels of the Dumas brothers, for example, and sons) are permissible, however, names ofpast Christi~1ll saints $125 - Battleship Cove Gas Balzac and other classical authors, most of them French or and apostles are still highly commendable. $100 - Boule Funeral Home; R.E. Couture Appraisals; Donald T. Corrigan, Somerset; Italian. Giving the names of famous and saintly Christian men SI. Jean Baptiste Women's Guild; Allied Security Consultants, Inc., Somerset The list was always somewhat uneven. In spit~ of the and women, apostles and martyrs, was formerly considered . New Bedford Area problems Catholic authorities have had with some of his a great asset to a child. It gave him or her a hero, an ideal to $100 - Knights of Columbus Damien Council, Mattapoisett; Cabral-Lamoureux Funeral theories, Charles Darwin did not make the list, though one aim at, someone to consider a model in life. Home; Holy Name Women's Guild obscure book of his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, did The only forbidden names would be those chosen beThe final edition of The Index was published in 1948. cause they are deliberately and obviously an insult to ChrisTaunton Area The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith discontintian belief. $1000 - SI. Joseph's SI. Vincent de Paul Society ued it permanently in 1966. . Perhaps the rule for adult converts puts it in good per$700 - SI. Ann's SI. Vincent de Paul Society, Raynham Q. We have baptisms at Sunday Masses in our parspective also. The Christian name chosen by a catechumen $175 - Litos Advertising & Design . should be "one in use in that part of the world, so long as it $100 - KMS Machine Works, Inc.; Taunton District Council of Catholic Women; Tibbetts ish. 1 have heard all sorts of weird names being given, especially to girls. has a Christian meaning" (see Rite for the Christian InitiaEngineering . .; : • , ".w.,.Tum:to page:l.h _·.~.-.·.-::.~·.?J.<;.'J::.";.'<.v.7..'.T.T'•• -. " •• ,."Must.a child still be named after a,saint? When I was~ ~ ~ tion-of Adults 203, 205). . , )L ..
Entertainin.g children the MaI1ha Ste~art way I know this is a question that begs for trouble, but since it is Father's Day season, I am going to give myself permission to ask anyway: What would it have been like to raise children or to have been able to cultivate children - like the ones of parents who apparently read Martha Stewart? I am sincere. Well, at least as sincere as one can be after reading Stewart's column titled, "Make Car Trips Comfortable by Following Checklist of Supplies and Kits for Kids." What would it have been like to have four children in our car who sat spellbound as we provided them a "brief explanation of its history and the state flower, motto, etc." whenever we entered a new state? For entertainment, my children preferred 12-car pile-ups surrounded by tons of fireti"ucks and flashing lights. Martha adds: "Do some research. Encyclopedias and the Internet are good sources of information.... Have your children look out for local crops, and discuss the differences in terrain, climate and vegetation you can see right through the car window." Windows. Somewhere during pregnancy each of our four was instilled with the instinct, "Give me a . window or I will give you death." Four kids. Two back-seat windows. The math was against us. When we had only two children, things weren't bad. However,.at that age they could not read - thus eliminating most encyclopedias. They were so small they could barely reach the windows. (Note: Even when there were only two they did seem to want to watch the rolling landscape from the same window: "Give me your window or I will give you death.") The Internet was still a device people put on their hair to keep most of it out of your fast food - the latter being our version of varying local crops and
vegetation. . "Why aren't there any In-and-Out Burger places outside of California?" our observant 4-year-old once asked, peering out her starboard-side window. "Good question, young lady," I could have said: "We'll 'check the Internet after it's invented and study the encyclopedias at school when we get home. Now,
The 路offbeaf!路U world of ' Uncle Dan By Dan Morris
step off your little brother's face, and let him breathe." Mattha provides the obligatory checklist of "car toys" With which to keep young minds and hands' occupied. In addition, her suggested "art kit" includes "colored pencils, crayons, pads of paper in different colors and sizes, stickers, safety scissors and a glue stick" that "will all fit into an expandable plastic or laminated envelope - available at art-supply stores." Ad(i to this her books on tape, books themselves, in-car picnic supplies, first-aid paraphernalia, and nappil)g goods. She accidentally left out pets. . I envision a well-equipped motor home (like the one John Madden uses) pulling a supply trailer would be abQut right, as long as it was staffed by a butler named Chives l,lnd a nanny named Miss Primtinkle. I'm sure you can hire them at any good local artsupply store.
THEANCijOR - Diocese of Fall ~ver - Fri., June 5;1998
Lord, make,me an instrument of your peace: Where there is hatred, let me sow love: where there is injury, pardon: where there is doubt, faith: where there is despair. hope: where there is darkness. light: where there is sadness,joy. Divine Master. grant that I may seek not so mych to be consoled as to console: to be understood as to understand: to be loved as to love: for it is in giving that we receive: it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life. Amen
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MONTH OF MARY - Many parishes and grou~s submitted photos to The Anchor recording their May crownings. Stephanie Desmarais'(above) of Friends Academy, New Bedford, places wreath on statue of Mary at traditional <;:eremonies held at the Convent Church of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Immaculate in Fairhaven. At SS. Peter & Paul School, Fall River (below, left), Amanda Richards,is assisted by Maggie Howland of the Guardian Angels Program as she crowns the Blessed Virgin Mary statue. Representatives of the first Communion class (below, right) at Holy Name Church, Fall River, pray the Hail Mary during the crowning at the first Communion Mass.
COFFEE HOUSE: "FROM THE HEART" Saturday, June 6 - 6:30 p.m. MASS OF REMEMBRANCE FOR MOTHERS, FATHERS AND VETERANS Sunday, June 7 - 12:10 p.m. . Father Dennis Loomis, M.S. Sponsored by LaSalette Missionary Association
HISPANIC HEALING SERVICE Sunday, June 7 - 2:00 p.m. LASALETTEIDIVINE MERCY HOLY HOUR Every Wednesday at 7:15 p.m. Call for th[3 new Summer-Fall Calendar of Events
Diocese' of Fall River'- Fri., June.5,.1998 '. .'
"~e'yond Sil~nce'
is ideal fill1D.
.. ' to share with路 teens
By HENRY H E R X ' . ' During World War II, CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICf: . the silent world' of the deaf, showings and the need to re;solve them. white U.S. military personing how different it is from that of Though it takes adult perspecnel often held German prisNEW YORK ..:..-. A' young girl the hearing and yet how much it is tive on the proceedings, parents oners of war interned in the might find it a good ml)vie to share whose parents are deaf grows into the same in all the essentials. United States in higher social The result is a picture of family with their older teenagers. a talented musician, despite some estee~ than they did fellow Because of some intense domesfamily tensions a1ongJ-he way in the life that any viewer can recognize American soldiers who hap- . serious but charming German im- and perhaps learn from in terms of tic confrontations, several sexual pened to tle black, and acport, "Beyond Silence" (Miramax). forgiving old injuries, reconciling situations, a toilet SCent: and a crude cordingly gave the Germans The young girl is Lara (Tatjana with the past and accepting present expression, The U.S. Catholic Conbetter housing. Meanwhile, ference classification is A-III Trieb), whom we first meet at age realities. the American Red Cross Some may consider. the story adults. The Motion Picture Associa8 translating the sign language of separated blood donated by her parents in their dealings with the idealistic and the treatment senti- tion of America rating is PG-13 blacks even though there was . mental, but most will find it c1ear- parents are strongly cautioned that hearing world. no scientific basis for such a . Her mother, Kai (Emmanuelle eyed and emotionally realistic in its some material may be inappropripractice. Laborit), tends to indulge Lara depiction offamily misunderstand- ate for children under 13. Offensive as these attiwhile her father, Martin (Howie tudes may seem today, they Seago), tries to be the disciplinarwere logical consequences i~n but is mostly unsuccessful. of the racial segregation poliThe central problem for this lovcies that pr~vailed in all ing family is Martin~s d~ep-seated , branches of the U.S. armed estrangement from his sister, NEW YORK (CNS) - The fol- A-ill - adults: The Motion Picture services at the Onset of World Clarissa (Sibylle Canonica), stem- lowing are home videocassette re- Association ofAmerica rating is RWar II. The racial bias' against blacks in the U.S. military reflected and ming from a childhood incident views from the U.S. Catholic Confer- restricted. (Fox, rental) , was reinforced by the social conventions of the American public at large. which disrupted her first clarinet ence Office for Film and Broadcast. "The Giant of Thunder . In the early 1940s, about 9,000 black Americans were on active duty recital. Mountain" (1992) ing. Each videocassette is available In the Army and Navy. The Marine Corps did not recruit blacks. Black Now married but childless, on VHS format. Theatrical movies on When a little girl (winningly servicemen were widely considered socially inferior, lacking in intelliClarissa becom'es a big factor in video have a U.S. Catholic Confer- played by Noley Thornton) befriends gence, unequal to the challenges of battle and unacceptable to white troops. Lara's life when she gives her niece ence classification and Motion Pic- a lonely, oversized woodsman (RichThe demands of World War II forced the services to come up with a a clarinet as a Christmas present, ture Association of America rating. ard Kiel) living on a nearby mounnew "sep~a~e but eq.u~l" policy which provided better training, equip~ .then helps her learn to play it. All reviews indicate the appropriate tain, the villagers determine to drive ment and hVIng conditIOns for blacks but preserved segregation. Only in Though Martin rankles at this, age group for the video audience. him away but have a cha.nge of heart the last years of the war were there some mixing of races in combat units Kai persuades him it is in Lara's . ''Deconstructing Harry" (1997) when he saves them from a gang of . and integration of training courses and military assignments.. best interest and her musical abiliImpressionistic account of how a cutthroats. Written by Kiel and diPresident Harry Truman in 1948 issued an executive order officially ties increase with each passing year. writer (Woody Allen) views his life rected by James Roberson, the story outlawing racial discrimination in the military. But many top officers reWhen Lara graduates from high and work, with the imagined charac- of a child's ability to st:e the goodsisted the order in the day-to-day running of their commands. scliool, Clarissa invites her to spend ters of his stories often getting mixed ness in a man foolishly misjudged by However, Army Gen. Matthew Ridgway in 1951 reinforced Truman's the summer with her in Berlin pre- up with people and events from real her elders is ultimately heartwarming executive order by ordering desegregation of the Eighth Army in Korea. paring for the tests to get into a top life. Also directed by Allen, there are . and certainly eye-filling in its turnand later desegregation of the entire Far East Asia Command. Truman's music conservatory. some witty situations and funny one- of-the-century Western setting but decision and the follow-up actions of officers like Ridgway brought an Martin blows 'up at Clarissa's liners but the result is an often pain- . suffers from a lumpy p10t with too end to all official desegregation in all branches of the military. taking Lara from them, but Kai ful picture of a glib egoist who is only much violent action. Initial scenes of In "Foxholes and Color Lines," authors Sherie Mershon and Steven makes him accept it and Lara moves interested in self-gratification and parents being killed by a grizzly bear, Schlossman, both history scholars at Carnegie Mellon University, stress turning his experiences of it into fic- life-threatening situatiolls involving to Berlin. the.wonderful paradox of the military, once the champion of racial segreThere she learns Clarissa is a tion. Compulsive infidelity, sexual children as well as adult:; and frightgation for the "good" of the nation, becoming a leader in the drive to very troubled woman, falls for a situations, repeated references to oral ening scenes of vigilante justice. The dismantle its own policy. . young man who teaches at a school sex, brief nudity, recurring rough lan- U.S. Catholic Conference classificaThe successful desegregation drive was due to political action outside for the deaf and tries to reconcile guage and some profanity. The U.S. tion is A-II - adults and .adolescents. o~ ~he servic.e~ themselv~s: But clear and decisive leadership by both ciwith her father after her mother dies Catholic Conference classification is The Motion Picture As:.ociation of vlhan and mlhtary authorities had to combine to implement the civil rights A-IV - adults, with reservations. America rating is PG .- parental in an accident. demands of the public for change in the military. Martin is not yet ready, but he The Motion Picture Association of' guidance suggested. (plaza, $19.95) This is a challenging book for anyone interested in how social change America rating is R - restricted. "John Grisham's will be before movie's end. can be effected in large organizations. It documents well that the removal (New Line, rental) The Rainmaker" (1997) Directed by Caroline Link, the of se~regation from the military was not a smooth and constantly proBland drama in whil:h a novice "Desperate Measures" (1998) episodic story follows Lara from gressIng movement. It examines in detail the combination of forces and Violent thriller in which a brainy attorney (Matt Damon) falls for a batchildhood to' womanhood as she attitudes on all sides of the issue. homicidal convict (Michael Keaton) tered wife (Claire Danes) while in litiexperiences her first love and emAt times this can be a wordy and repetitive work as it traces develop.: tries to escape from the San Francisco gation with a smug corporate lawyer barks on a musical career. ments in each of the services over a 50-year period. Nonetheless, at a At the center of the story, how- hospital where he has volunteered to (Jon Voight) for a soulle~:s insurance ~im~ when many have forgotten or never known the injustice segregation ever, is Lara's loving relationship undergo a bone marrow transplant to company which allowed a. young man Inflicted on our society, it is an education in itself.. with her parents, whose deafness is save the dying son of a cop (Andy to die rather than pay fOJ treatment. O'Neill is a publicist and former editor. Garcia) who now must recapture the Francis Ford Coppola's pedestrian more of a bond than a handicap. . At your bookstore or order prepaid from The Johns Hopkins Univerescaped man alive or lose his boy. Di- direction results in a predictable tale The movie brings the viewer into . sity Press, 2715 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218: rected by Barbet Schroeder, the wild of a greedy corporation brought down chase through the hospital is too im- to size by an idealistic und~rdog. Brief NEW YORK - The followmarital infidelity. The U.S. Catho- probably contrived to be emotionally but intense violence. The U.S. Cathoing are capsule reviews of movlic Conference classification is A- satisfying and the result answers none lic Conference classification is A-ill ies recently reviewed by the U.S. III - adults. The Motion Picture of the moral questions raised about - adults. The Motion Picture AssoCatholic Conference Office for Association of America rating is the cop's responsibility to both son ciation ofAmerica rating i.s PG-13 Film and Broadcasting. PG- I 3 - parents are strongly cau- and public. Much hard-edged vio- parents are strongly cautioned that "Fear and Loathing tioned that some material may be lence, life-threatening situations and some material may be inappropriate in Las Vegas" inappropriate for children under occasional rough language as well as for children under 13. (paramount, profanity. The U.S. Catholic Confer- rental) (Universal) 13. ''Mouse Hunt". (t~97) ence classification is A-IV -adults, Repulsive tale in which a conwith reservations. The Motion Picture Madcap comedy in which two tinually stoned journalist (Johnny Association of America rating is R impoverished brothers (Nathan Lane Depp) and his menacing sidekick - restricted. (Columbia TriStar, and Lee Evans) inherit a historic man(Benicio Del Toro) lurch through rental) sion, then plan to auctio:) it off for a boozy, destructive Las Vegas Can't remember how a millions if they can just :rid it of an ''Firestorm'' (1998) weekend sampling every drug they "Hope Floats" recent film was classified Hokey thriller in which forest elusive mouse that is bringing the can lay their hands on. Based on (20th Century Fox) by the USCC? Want to firefighters (led by superhero Howie house down around their heads. Digonzo journalist Hunter S. Syrupy drama in which a jilted Long) rescue a woman (Suzy Amis) rected in episodic fashion by Gore know whether to let the Thompson's 1971 novel, director wife (Sandra Bullock) returns with"' taken hostage by convicts (led by vil~ . Verbinski, the result omirs some zany, kids go see it? Now you Terry Gilliam's salute to the acid- her upset daughter in tow to rural' lainous William Forsythe) who have occasionally over-the-top (:omic maytripping subculture wallows in Texas, where her mom (Gena can look up film reviews torched the woods to cover their es- hem as the resourceful rodc:nt foils the gleeful excess and gaudy nihilism. Rowlands) and a childhood. adon America Online. Once cape. Directed by Dean Semler, the humans' every trap. Muc:h slapstick Constant substance abuse, nOl1stop mirer (Harry Connick Jr.) help reyou're connected to AOL, picture's cardboard characters and violence, mild toilet humor and fleetprofanity and rough language, and store her self-confidence. Director just use the keyword CNS contrived situations add up to little ing sexual innuendo. The U.S. Cathobrief nudity. The U.S. Catholic . Forest Whitaker's earnest explora~ to go to Catholic News more than a smoke-filled time-waster. lic Conference classification is A-II Conference classification is 0 -,. tion of the consequences of adulMuch violence and menace, some - adults and adolescents. The MoService's online site, then morally offensive. The Motion Pic- tery gets lost in an episodic narra, . sexual innuendo and occasional rough tion Picture Association of America look for movie reviews. tureAssociation ofAmerica rating tive filled with gauzy sentimentallanguage and profanity. The U.S. rating is PG - parental guidance sugis R - restricted. ity. Fleeting violence and theme of Catholic Conference classification is gested. (Universal, $22.99) .. _.....
flick Vicks
Movies Online
Continued/rom page eight
PARISHES ACUSHNET St. Francis Xavier $100 M-M Manuel A. Medeiros Jr., Janine Lemieux, MoM Mark Hadley, Mrs. Yvonne Adams. ASSONET St. Bernard $125 M-M Frank Clegg; $100 Jean Fairhurst, M-M Richard Ferreira, M-M Paul King. ATTLEBORO St. John the Evangelist $250 M-M Albert Perry, Jr.; $200 Mrs. Francis Kelley; $150 M-M Dennis Metrick; $100 M-M John Conroy, Anne Duffy, M-M David Foley, M· MWilliam Hannan, Helen Roffinoli, M·M Mark Sturdy, M-M George Brown, Jr. St. Joseph $450 St. Joseph's St. Vincent de Paul Society; $375 M-M George Largess; $100 M-M John O'Donnell, Alfred Simonelli, Union Plaza Realty Co. ATTLEBORO FALLS Hoty Cross $150 In memory of Mariana Amaral; $100 M-M Roy Hendl3rson. St. Mark $1,000 M-M Anthony Rando; $900 M-M Paul Danesi Jr.; $400 M-M Mark Mcinerney, M-M James Brennan, M-M Richard Gundlach; $350 Mrs. Mae Sousa; $250 Philip Lindstrom; $200 M-M Michael Donly, Mr. John McGuire, Sr.; M-M Robert Harris; $175 Mrs. Albert Gallant; $150 M-M Charles Roland; $125 Dr. & Mrs. Harold Thompson; $100 M-M Edmund Allcock, MM J. Kevin Cunningham, M-M Sal DiSciascio, M·M Lawrence [)uffany, M-M Robert Guillette, M-M Robert Haggerty, MM Earl Logan, M-M Christopher Longee, M-M Michael Parent, M-M Raymond Pierson, M-M Robert Sullivan, M-M Frank Ward, M-M John Keith Barber, Elaine Carlos, Mrs. Clyde DePriest, Mrs. Eileen Gamache, Jdg. & Mrs. Edward Lee, M-M John Mcintyre. BREWSTER Our Lady of the Cape $1,500 Our Lady of the Cape Beano; $200 Bernard Hayes. CENTERVILLE Our Lady of Victory $1,000 Jan & Gerry Howell, M-M Brian Kozakiewicz, In remembrance of Henry &Agnes Mcinerney, Mrs. Josephine P. Zambo71; $300 M-M William Fulginiti; $200 M·M Joseph Carroll, MM Francis D. McShea; $150 M-M Paul J. Lynch; $125 M-M Paul Hebert, M-M George
Sheehan; $120 Charles Walker; $100 M-M Philip E. Ballou, Colleen F. Cahill, M·M Gael Coakley, M-M John J. Connolly, Dr. & Mrs. Donald Deschenes, M-M John H. Donovan, Jr., Mrs. Barbara Maclean, M-M Courtney McMahon, Mabelle O'Neil, Ms. Mary Perkins, M·M George Sommers, Robert Totten. FAIRHAVEN St. Joseph $300 M-M Alcide Pelletier; $250 M-M James Honohan; $100 Mrs. Roberta Braley, M-M Gary Fealy, M-M Michael McNamara St. Mary $100 M-M George Boucher. FALL RIVER Blessed Sacrament $100 Madeleine Boisvert. Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption $300 Eileen Sullivan; $250 St. Mary's Cathedral St. Vincent de Paul Conference, M·M Richard Grace; $200 In memory of Matthew D. & Rita L. Sullivan, Kalhleen Dean; $150 James Wingate; Ruth Hurley; $125 Edward Raposo; $110 Honora Coyne; $100 Claire Mullins, In memory of Marion Dolan, M-M Frank DePaola, Daniel F. & Eleanor A. Shea; Mrs. Lucien Bedard, M-M Michael M. Arruda, M·M Antonio Fernandes, M-M Frank Reis, Mrs. Edward Betty & Family, M-M Troy Gomes. Espirito Santo $100 Afriend, M-M Richard Barboza. . Holy Name $700 M-M Thomas J. Carroll; $250 Atty. & Mrs. Roger Morgan, M-M Gilbert C. Oliveira, Jr.; $200 Pamela Uma, Dr. & Mrs. John Carvalho; $130 M-M Nicholas Christ; $125 M-M Frederick B. McDonald, M-M Michael Coughlin; $100 MMHerman Mello, William Heaney, M-M Paul Caron, M-M Thomas Stanton, M-M Mark Sullivan, Jr., M·M Augustine Flanagan, MMRichard Charland, M-M Henry Lemerise, Hon. & Mrs. William F. Long, Jr., Kevin P. Manning, Mrs. Arthur Shea, M-M Barry Bibeau, Leonard Phelan, M-M Thomas F. Burke. Notre Dame de lourdes $1,000 M-M Richard Cloutier and Ms. Claudine Cloutier; $200 In memory of Arthur & Marie Pouliot; $150 In loving memory of Alfred Dupras, Jr.; $100 M-M Moses Camllra, Ms. Susan Cory. Sacred Heart $500 M-M Thomas Rapoza; $250 M-M Edwardo Costa, $100 Claire W. Welch.
St. Christo $382 St. Christo Faith Formation Program; $200 James Medeiros, $100 Boanerges Carvalho, Mary Martins, St. Christo Federal Credit Union,. M-M Alberto M. Tavares. St. Elizabeth $100 Holy Name Society. St. Jean Baptiste $525 In appreciation of St. Jean's School; $100 M-M Michael Langton. St. Joseph $250 M-M James D. Salvo. Sl Louis $200 St. Louis Fraternity SFO. St. Patrick $1 00 M-M Richard Hacking; Mrs. Eugene Grace. HYANNIS St. Francis Xavier $500 M-M William Naylor; $250 St. Francis Xavier Women's Guild; $200 M-M William Hitzenbuhler; $125 Mr. Thomas J. Walsh; $100 M-M E. Lariviere, Thomas & Sheila Mazzei, M-M Richard Powers, M-M Kenneth Belisto, MMJohn P. Gillen, M-M Francis W. Shannon, Janice M. Poliseno, M·M George Vigneau, Robert &Gen Stauble, M-M John J. Deasy. MARION St. Rita $200 Doug & Jeanne Flight; $120 M-M Frank Cafarella; $100 Mrs. Theresa Dougall. MASHPEE Christ the King $1,000 M-M George J. Devlin; $500 Marcia Hackett, Mrs. William Sullivan, Ann & Jim Chisholm, M-M Frank Fantasia; $200 Rose A. Cavanaugh, M-M Dante Lancellotti, M-M Donald N. Mills, M-M Cortland Naegelin, M-M Robert M. Tischler, Mark B. Koury; $150 Elisabeth H. Gerry, Mary Crowley; $120 M-M Raymond
Fri., June 5, 1998
St. Joseph $200 M-M <A "ouc Masce; $100 M·M Vincent Maio, M-M . Bowen; $100 Anony- at~t,'11i Ronald H. Butler, M-M Charles Michonski, . Oenms ...... M-M Arthur E. Desrosiers, James Walker, mous, Michael J. Alves. William Johnston, M-M John E. Beaudry, St. Lawrence $1,000 M-M M-M Paul M. Tracy, Norman Fitzgerald, Richard T. Saunders; $100 Marc & Lisa Mary Quinn, M-M John J. McQuillan. Lemieux; The Murphy Family. MATTAPOISETT NORTH ATTLEBORO St. Anthony $400 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Sacred Heart $200 Warren &Florence McCormack; $250 M·M Walter Wordell; Boehling; $100 Nancy Charpentier, M-M $200 Mrs. Norman Gingrass; $100 Mrs. Donald Jurdak. Arthur LeClair, M-M Daniel Lee, Jr., M·M St. Mary $200 Paul J. Roche, St. John McGarrie, M·M Wilfred Belanger, M- Vincent de Paul Society, SI. Mary's ConferMJames Machado. ence; $100 M·M James O. Colvin, Jr., .NANTUCKET James O'Connell, M-M Charles D. Sedlak. St. Mary $800 Geraldine M. van Ette; NORTH DARTMOUTH $250 M-M Robert Mooney; $125 Eileen P. St. Julie Billiart $500 Atty. & Mrs. EdMcGrath; $100 Mr. Kenneth Holdgate, ward J. Harrington; $400 M-M Roland Christina LeBlanc, M-M William Ellis, M-M Hebert; $300 St. Vincent de Paul Society; Warren G. Valero, M-M John H. Stover, St. $200 M-M Gene P. Beaudoin, M-M Martin . E. Kawa; $125 Jane M. Brightman; $100 Mary's Rosary Group. NEW BEDFORD M-M Oliver M. Cabral, Viola Osborne, M-M Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe $300 Fernando Sousa, Atty. & Mrs. William J. In memory of Ruth Crowley. Synnott, Dr. & Mrs. Anthony DeBarros, MOur Lady of Mount Carmel $250 Mrs. MFreddy Groves, M-M Michael P. Gula, M· Rose Hendricks; $100 Alfred J. Cabral, MRobert Ladino, M-M Robert W. Machado, Maria da Gloria Dutra, Holy Ghost Society. M·M Peter E. Ricardo. Our Lady of the Assumption $200 NORTH DIGHTON St. Joseph $100 Alfred Pacheco. Palmira Silva; $100 Lorraine Gagne, M-M Arnaldo Monteiro, M-M Thomas J. Pina, MNORTH EASTON MJulio Cruz. Immaculate Conception $150 M·M Sacred Heart $110 Ladies of SI. Anne; Robert Wooster; $125 Jean Larkin; $100 $100 Janet Demoranville, Rose Oliveira. Knights of Columbus Council #238, M-M St. Anthony of Padua $300 M-M Gary Eugene Colella, M-M Daniel Keleher, Jr., Marshall; $137 St. Anthony Youth Group. Tum to page J3
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Cardin.al Mahoney will undergo cancer surgery
child receives tile same benefits as ot1ler sponsored c1lildren. Your sponsorship pledge helps provide a poor
child at a Catholic mission site with nourishing food, medical care, the chance to go to school and hope for a brighter future. You can literally c1lange a life!
LOS ANGELES - Cardinal Roger M. Mahony of Los Angeles announced that he will undergo surgery June 15 to remove his cancerous prostate gland. Because the cancel' was detected at a very early stage, the surgeon scheduled to perform the operation said . he was "extremely optimistic" that the 62year-old cardinal "will have a smooth and rapid recovery." Facing a phalanx of media cameras and reporters at a press conference at the USCNorris Comprehensive Cancer Center in Los Angeles, Cardinal Mahony read a prepared statement askfng for the prayers of archdiocesan Catholics and others, and said he hoped his decision to go public would encourage oth~:r men to be tested for the disease. "I am grateful to Almighty God for the special grace of this advance warning about a potentially se.rious form of cancer," he said. "The key to appropriate treatment is early detection, and 1 thank God CARDINAL MAHONEY for that early warning signal." The cancer was discovered last February during Cardinal Mahony's yearly physical examination. The results of a routine blood test indicated elevated levels of a protein produced by both normal and cancerous prostate cells. A subsequent biopsy on the cardinal's prostate revealed the disease. The cardinal said he kept the news of his cancer quiet until now because his doctors told him he was not in immediate danger and because he was anxious to fulfill his heavy spring schedule of pastoral responsibilities, including the celebration of Lent and Easter, conferral of the sacrament of confirmation on young adults, and the ordination of priests and .' ..... , .. - ..." deacons.
Diocese of Fall River -
And you can be assured your pledge has its greatest impact because our programs are directed by dedicated Catholic missionaries with a longstanding commitment to the people they serve.
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Member: U.s. Catholic Mission Assodation, National Catholic Development Conference, Catholic Network of Volunteer Service Fmallcia' report al'illlablrall
"'1"'" I Dl11latlOIIs are U.S. lax-dedllc/rble
Dio~ese of Fall 'River - Fri:, Juite 5, 199'S
'Guat~malan bis"Jz'op'S 'murder~probe sleep~",:" By CATHOLIC
GUATEMALA CITY ) - More than a month after the killing of Auxiliary Bishop Juan Gerardi Conedera of Guatemala City, the Catholic Church has renewed its criticism ofthe lack of progress in the murder inquiry. "Almost one-third of the stipulated I~gal time for investigation has gone by, and we don't see concrete advances," Neri Rodenas of the archdiocesan human rights office told reporters. "On the contrary, all we've seen is tardiness and negligence," she added. Rodenas said the evidence against the sole suspect, a 24-year-old homeless man, Carlos Vielman, "does not have substantial weight." Speaking to reporters before he flew out of the capital May 25, Archbishop Penados said he had little faith in the official investigations. He said "political crimes which are wellplanned like this one was are never solved.~'
He also said that the anonymous threats against church-workers following Bishop Gerardi's murder had effectively stopped. Vielman was arrested April 30 after two witnesses apparently identified him from police'archives. He has a 'criminal record for assault and-being drunk :and disqrderly:'Vielman's defense attomeydaims his dient was
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asleep drunk on the pavement,in another part of town at the estimated time Bishop Gerardi, 75, was bludgeoned to death outside his parish home. Vital evidence at the scene of the crime, induding footprints of the assassins in bloodstains, was lost when members ofthe parish hosed down the area the morning after Bishop Gerardi was killed. The attorney general's office apparently gave permission for the deanup.' Representatives of the human rights office say that the case against Vielman is full of holes and have laid the blame on the attorney in charge of the case, Otto Ardon. Ardon said he was still awaiting the results of lab analysis being done by a team ofexperts from the FBI sent to assist the Guatemalan authorities with the murder inquiry. Government officials have consistently refused to speculate about the motives for the killing, which is widely believed to have been in reprisal for Bishop Gerardi's record of denouncing human rights violations. Meanwhile, Father Mario Rios Montt was named May 25 to fill the vacancies ll:lft by Bishop Gerardi' at the archdiocesan human rights office and in St. Sebastian Pari'sh. ',' He saidthal "while the problems continue in Guatemala; the Catholic Church cannot withdraw its voice.;'
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Pope to spend most of . jubilee year at home
CQ~~~~ration.to~t~~.: 'DiviIie Wiil
Oh adorable a'nd Divine Will, .behold me h~~e' before the immensity ofYour Light, that Your eternal goodness may open to me the 'doors and make me enter into It to form ·my -life' all in ' you, D~yirie Will. Therefor~, oh adorable Will, pro.s~rate be!ore ; Your Light, I, the lea;st or-all creatures, put myself Into the httle group of the sons, and daughters ofYour Supreme FIAT. Pros·trate in' my nothingnes~, I invoke Your Light and 1:?eg that it' clothe me and eclipse,all that does not pertain to You,--Divine Will. It will be ~y Life, the tenter ofmyinteIligence, the 'enrapturer of my heart and of my whole being. I do not want the human will to have life in this heart any longer. I will cast it away from me and thus form the new Eden of Peace, of happiness and of loVe. With It I shall be always happy. I shall have a . singular strength and a holiness that sanctifies all things and conducts them to God. Here prostrate, I invoke the help of the Most Holy Trinity that They permit me to live in the cloister of the Divine Will and thus return in me the first order of creation, just as the creature was created. Heavenly Mother, Sovereign and Queen of the Divine Fiat, take my hand and introduce me into the Light of the Divine Will. You will be my guide, my most tender Mother, and will teach me to live in and to maintain myself in the order and the bounds of the Divine Will. Heavenly Mother, I consecrate my whole being to Your Immaculate Heart. You will teach me the doctrine of the Divine Will and I will listen most attentively to Your lessons. You will cover me with Your mantle so that the infernal serpent dare not penetrate into this sacred Eden to entice me and make me fall into the maze of the human will. Heart of my greatest Good, Jesus, You will give me Your flames that they may bum me, consume me, and feed me to form in me the Life of the Divine Will. Saint Joseph, you will be my protector, the guardian of my heart, and will keep the keys of my will in your hands. You will keep my heart jealously and shall never give it to me again, that I may be sure of never leaving the Will of God. . My guardian Angel, guard me; defend me; help me in everything so that my Eden may flourish and be the instrument that draws all men into the Kingdom of the Divine Wilt Amen.
there in the year 2000, even if there has been little movement on peace negotiations. Meanwhile, Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, the head of jubilee planning at the Vatican, traveled to By JOHN THAVIS . Iraq in late May to discuss a potenCATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE tial visit there by the pontiff. Among VATICAN CITY - Pope John the places Cardinal Etchegaray visPaul II will be a stay-at-home pope ited was the ancient site ofUr, birthfor the year 2000, venturing out of place of Abraham. The Vatican calendar indicates Rome only if conditions mature for brief pastoral visits to the Holy the pope will preside over several megameetings planned for Rome, Land and the Middle East. The packed Vatican schedule 'including World Youth Day, a gathfor the holy year, released re- ering of international families and cently, did not indicate precisely the International Eucharistic Conwhich of the more than 120 spe- gress. He is expected to oversee a cial events in Rome he would pre- Synod of Bishops in October. His side over; that will be determined presence at other particular events largely by the health of the pope, will be announced later, the Vatiwho turns SO in the year 2000, and can said. the magnitude of each special cerPlans also call for the pope to emony. personally administer the seven But Vatican officials assured sacraments at special ceremonies potential pilgrims that they'll be thrOl/ghout the year: baptism,of inable to see the pope if they come to fants Jan. 9; baptism of adults, conRome: The pontiff i~ scheduled to firmation and Eucharist at the Easgive a blessing every night in St. ter vigil April 23; penance April IS Peter's Square, probably from his during Holy Week and at other penance services during the holy apart!TI~nt window. The pope deeply desires to travel year; anointing of the sick on to Jerusalem,and'other Holy Land World Day of the Sick Feb. 11; sites, as well as to biblical lands in holy orders at an ordination Mass another,part,of the Middle East, in- for bishops on the Epiphany Jan. cluding Iraq and possibly Syria. If 6, and for priests May 14; and they materialize, these visits wlII be matrimony Oct. 15 during a World brief; said 'Archbishop ,Crescenzio , Encounter of Families. The jubilee events are in addi,Sepe, a chief planner for ,the jubi-' lee year. ", ", tion tothe pope's regular calendar '." Vatican diplomiltic officiaIssaid , of au(J-iences; ,meeting'S' 'and litlirrecently that conaitions are not yet .gies, which ke~ps him busy during right for a papal triP to Jerusalem, normal yeats. Vatican' officialS said but priyately many at the,Yatican ek- they thought the pontiff woulCl try pect the ,pope ~o press for a visit to maintai~ the heavy workload and
Vatican releases schedule of events for year 2000 millennium celebrations.
' "
( In Honor ofLuisa Piccarreta 1865-194? Chil4 ofthelDivine Will) • •
POPE JOHN PAUL II closes his eyes in prayer during a beatification Mass in the northern Italian city of Vercelli. The pope beatified !tali~n Father Secondo Polio, an army chaplain 'slain by German 'tro'opsduring World War -II. (eNS/ Reuters photo) , ' -: .•.
even make some of his routine visits to Rome parishes during the jubilee year.
Fatima miracle reaffirms C2ltholic faith, says priest By DAN DIGMANN CATHOLIC NEWS SI:RVICE BAY CITY, Mich. -- The Fatima apparitions should not be viewed as "the source of faith" but as a reaffirmation of what Catholics already believe, said a priest who is founder and director of the International Fatima Family Apostolate. In an interview with The Catholic Weekly, newspaper of the Saginaw Diocese, Father Robert J. Fox said that he could "give a talk on what Fatima is without ever mentioning Mary or Eltima, because Fatima, as the popes (since 1930) have said; is a reaffirmation of the GospeL" "Fatima is not the source offaith. Fatima is simply a point of interest that reaffirms what the dogmas of the Catholic faith already teach," added the priest. Father Fox's apostolate is based in Alexandria, S.D., where he also .' is pastor of the Fatima Family Shrine. He regularly appears with Mother Angeli_c~ on the Eternal Word Television Net\Vdrk~'has written more than 30 books and has released a larg~ number of educational audio and videotapes. , In 1917, Mary appc:ared six times to three children in a field near Fatima, Portugal, north of Lisbon. She urged'conversion of sinners, called' for devotion to herselfunder the title of her Immaculate Heart and asked that the people of Russia be consecrated '~O her under the title. In the interview Fal:her Fox noted that of the three children who witnessed the apparitions only one is still living. S,he is Lucia Dos Santos, now 91 , who is a c:Ioistered Carmelite sister. "When at Fatima, Sister Lucia was told she would remain in the world many years to spread devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The next big question is: What is the Immaculate Heart of Mary?" he said. "A lot of people think it's just something sentimental," Father Fox continued. "But the essencl~ of what is meant by the Immacula.te Heart of Mary is living the fullness of the Christian life as Mary did," Father Fox recalled a pilgrimage to Fatima he made about 25 years ago when he beseeched the Blessed Virgin for guidance. "I asked Our Lady, 'What do you want of me?' like Lucia always asked, and I had a very firm conviction from· Our Lady that I was to teach the fullness of the Catholic faith to young people, us.ing the message of Fatima as a vehicle in this teaching," he said. Since that visit, said Father Fox, he has led countless pilgrimages to Fatima' d~ring which he says the :Blessed Mother's powerful presence has always been felt.
Cardinal: Church needs lay nnovennentenergy •
Holy Spirit seen in "precious gift" lay movement has 1'0 offer says Cardinal Rcltzinger. By CINDY WOODEN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
ROME - The Catholic Church needs the energy, witnes.s and service of lay movements, and lay movements need the guidance of the Church, said Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. The cardinal, prefec: of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said the rise of new religious and lay movements in the Church's history almost always makes someone uncomfortable, but usually that is a sign of the Holy Spirit at work. "It is not correct to pretend that everything must plug into a uniform organization; beller to have less organization and more Holy Spirit," the cardinal said. Cardinal Ratzinger gave the opening address at a three-day conference sponsored by the Pontifical Council for the Laity on "Ecclesial Movements: Communion and Mission on the Threshold of the Third Millennium." Cardinal Ratzinger said many of the most active movements in the Church today were founded just after the Second Vatican Council, during a period which many described as a "winter" for the Church. "But then, all of a sudden, something happened which no one ex-
pected. The Holy Spirit once again asked for the floor, so to speak," he said. Around the world, youpg men and women felt drawn to commit themselves to the Gospel and td living their faith as a precious gift, the cardinal said. The time, like earlier periods when religious orders dedicated to education and health care blossomed, also marked a new realization among
CARDINAL RATZINGER women of the importance oftheir contributions to the mission of the Church.
Diocese of Fall River -
Continued from page 11
M-M Alfred Gomes, Mrs.Timothy Maroney, M-M Thomas McGinity. NORTON Cardinal Ratzinger said many of St. Mary $800 Father Arnold R. the movements initially experienced Medeiros; $100 Mark Giblin, Tina Rose, St. "childhood illnesses," in.c1uding a ten- Mary's.CYO. dency toWard exclusivity and a hesiORLEANS tancy to insert themselves into the loSt. Joan of Arc $150 M-M John Cuccia; cal Catholic community, $100 M-M JolmHamilton, Jane K1imshuk, For the most part, he said, the Suzanne Ledoux & Frank Walker, M-M movements have a "dominant charis- Cosmo Magliozzi, Walter Pepple, M-M Thomatic personality" as founder, they mas Zuercher. form concrete communities which atOSTERVILLE tempt to live the Gospel in its entirety, Our Lady of the Assumption $200 Mr. and they recognize that the Catholic Thomas B. Hartigan; $120 Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Church is their reason for being. E. Sullivan; $100 M-M John Q..Birmingham, Cardinal Ratzinger said new move- Jr., M-M Robert G. Brunzell, Mrs. Hope ments face the threat of "exaggerating Burke, M-M Leonard Deluca, M-M Edward their specific mandate," forgetting that H. Grant, M-M James Hines, M-M David C. there are many forms of living the Pina, M-M John F. Spillane, Jr. Christian life and "identifying themRAYNHAM selves with the Church itself." St. Ann $500 Mr. Thomas J. Whalen; . It is "almost inevitable that the fresh $100 M-M Leo Champagne, Ms. Josephine vivacity and ~otality" of commitment Kapala, Mrs. Agnes Whalen. made by members of movements will SEEKONK lead to tension between the commuOur Lady of Mount Carmel $150 Mnity and the local parish, he said. Find- MJoseph Manion; $100 M-M Albert Berry, ing a way to become I'art of the par- M-M Robert J. Miller, M·M Jose. A. Reis, ish, to support the parish and draw sup- Seekonk Knights of Columbus, M-M Robport from it is a "spiritual challenge" ert Stefanik. for the movement and the parish. St. Mary $350 John & Barbara At the same time, he said, pastors Harrington; $300 John & Dorothy Francis; and bishops must recognize that they $250 Michael &Gail Noonan; $200 Lorraine have no right "to indulge in any claim Keniston, Dorothy· Toppin, John & of absolute unifonnity in organization Constance Ghiorse, Leo & Beatrice and pastoral planning." Heaney, Edmund &Donna Pollitt, Robert & Bishops and priests, he said, can- Carol Burroughs, Eleanor O'Reilly, George not equate their own pastoral plans & Mary Agostini, Charles & Patricia . with the work of the Holy Spirit. Messier; $150 Thomas & Denise Drury, "It can happen that the Church Sam & Claire Cinq-Mars; $140 James & makes itself impenetrable to the Spirit Deborah Bolton; $110 Steven & Barbara of God which gives it life," he said. Cabral; $100 Dr. John Belsky, Robert & Peggy Provencal, Albert &Cheryl Gemme, Ka~ &Patricia Hom, David & Elsa Mcintyre, Richard & Carol Carignan, Lawrence & Carole Jarvis. with China, such as South Africa and SOMERSET South Korea, which sent delegates to St. Patrick $550 M-M Joseph the Chinese capital while still main- Matthews; $500 In memory of Raymond taining links with the Taiwan govern- Adam & Paula Adam Cronan; $200 Deament. . con & Mrs. Edward Hussey; $125 Dr. & Father Anthony Chang Sang-loy, Mrs. Thomas Clark; $100 M-M Edward a Hong Kong priest who frequently Kerr,· M-M George Lee, M-M Edward visits the church in mainland China, Leonard, M-M Joseph Medeiros, M-M Josaid a papal visit to Hong Kong is seph Pavao. still possible. Father Chang also told SOUTH YARMOUTH DCA News that if the pope were to St. Pius X $2,000 Helen M. O'Leary; visit Hong Kong, what he said and $1,000 Joseph Mello; $400 George Keleher; did during such a visit would be cru- $300 Marie Farrell, $250 M-M James Murphy; cial. Government-approved Bishop $200 M-MWilliamYoo, M-M John E. Murphy; Bernardine Dong Guangqing of $125 Mrs. Edward Kinchla; $100 M-M John Hankou said that, while he greatly F. Leahy, M-M William West, Mary E. hopes that the pope can go to Hong O'Connell, M-M Joseph Allen, M-M Francois Kong and that mainland bishops could meet him there, such a visit or meeting would be hard to foresee. _
Papal visit to Hong Kong is unlikely By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
HONG KONG - Church leaders in the Hong Kong Spedal Administrative Region and in mainland China would welcome a papal visit to Hong Kong in 1999, but many fore-. see difficulties and doubt the feasibility of such a visit. Auxiliary Bishop John Tong Hon of Hong Kong said he would welcome a visit by the pope and that he was praying the trip could be realized. His remarks were reported by DCA News, an Asian Church news agency based in Thailand. Government-approved Bishop Pius Jin Peixian of Liaoning, China, said a papal visit to Hong Kong would show the Holy Father's concern for the church in China. But he said that since the pope is also a head of state, any such visit would have to be worked out between China and the Vatican and could not be decided by the Special Administrative Region government. Hong Kong was one of the choices recommended by the April19-May 14 Synod of Bishops for Asia to Pope John Paul II as a place for him to formally conclude the synod. Synod participants were asked to suggest possibilities for a papal trip that would include the publication of the pope's
post-synodal apostolic exhortation. The 125 bishops who turned in their ballots suggested a wide-ranging list of cities, including Jerusalem; Hong Kong; Calcutta, India; and Manila, Philippines. According to the Basic Law, the Hong Kong miniconstitution that took effect July 1, 1997, when sovereignty over the territory reverted from Britain to China, the Special Administrative Region administers its own domestic affairs while the central government in Beijing is responsible for its foreign affairs and defense. The arrangement is usually described as "one country, two systems." Chang, an expert in Chinese constitutional matters, pointed out that there are precedents of official visits from nations lacking diplomatic ties
Fri., June 5, 1998
Buisson, M-M Lawrence Howe, Arthur McLean, In memory of ~~!IIC Harry Connelly, M-M George Shannon, Stanley & Loretta Jones, M-M Lawrence Newell, Patricia Kennedy-Daviau, M-M Edward F. Cambell, Mrs. Joseph B. Whelan, M-M Wil~ iam Harney, M·M Joseph Deveney, Marie Dunphy, M-M Steven Sozanski, Mary Winn, M-M Albert Arone, Dermot Fetherston, M-M Daniel Kostka, M-M Reneau Bouchard, Jan M.Welsh. SWANSEA 51. Dominic $300 SI. Vincent de Paul Society; $100 Daniel Moniz, Laurie Walters, St. Dominic Women's Guild. 51. Louis de France $110 Deacon & Mrs. Robert Normandin; $100 M-M Scott M. O'Brien, M-M Normand Fortin. St. Michael $100 M-M Cha~es Anthony, Ms. Cynthia Casna, M·M Antonio E. Sousa. TAUNTON Immaculate Conception $100 M-M Gary Enos. Sacred Heart $350 Miss Rose O'Donnell. . St. Jacques $200 M-M George Caras; $125 M-M Mark Bissonnette; $100 M-M Paul Racine. St. Mary $1,000 Drs. James & Kelly Hoye; $250 Joseph & Alice Quinn; $100 Robert &Sallie Changery, Ca~ton &Shirley Caron. St. Paul $100 M-M Sean Bresnahan, Atty. & Mrs. James Fagan, M-M Wayne Pacheco, Pauline Viera. WAREHAM St. Patrick $1,000 M-M Stephen Santos; $300 Roger Elliott; $200 M-M Dennis Kissell, M-M Sylvester McGinn, Andre Lanoue; $125 M-M John Durahm; $100 MMDavid Barreiros, John Santiago, M-M Richard Kiernan, William Scigilano, M-M Devin McClurg, M-M Alvina Campinha, MMRobert Horte, M-M Henry Goncalves, MMSteven Sylvia, M-M William Quinn, M·M Thomas Mitchell, Emilie & Deborah Rose, M-M Michael Galavotti, Mrs. Frederick Kite, Mrs. Anna Cross, Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Geagan, M-M Richard Donahue, Lilian & Leo McGowan. WELLFLEET Our Lady of Lourdes $100 John & Ruth Walsh. WESTPORT Our Lady of Grace $300 M-M John MacDonald, St. Vincent de Paul Society; $100 Steven Bates. St. George $100 Saint George Women's Guild, M-M Michael J. Martin, MMManuel Camara, M-M Gregory Davis, MMDaniel laFrance. St. John the Baptist $120 M-M Peter Landry; $100 M-M John Hodgson.
Pope appoints commander for troubled Swiss Guard By
CARDINAL JOSEPH TOMKO addresses thousands of Albanian Catholics May 24 during the blessing of a neWly built church in the n~rthern town of Shkoder in Albania. Construction on the new church began In 1993. It replaces a church destroyed by the former communist regime of the late dictator Enver Hoxha. (CNS/Reuters photo)
VATICAN CITY - A month after the commander of the Swiss Guard was murdered, Pope John Paul appointed a new commander and vice commander of the 1OO-member corps. Both men named June 2 are officers in the Swiss army. Col. Pius Segmuller, 46, will lead the Swiss Guard, which is sworn to safeguard the pope and his residence. Lt. Elmar Theodor Mader, 34, was named vice commander of the corps. Segmuller succeeds Col. Alois Estermann who, along with his wife, was murdered May 4 by a young member of the Swiss Guard. The murders and the suicide of the officer responsible for the murders occurred on the day the Vatican announced Estermann's appointment. Although the Vatican said it had "moral c~rtai.nt~" that 23,:year-old Cedric Tornay murdered the commander and hIS ~Ife III ~ fi~ of mo~en tary insanity," the legal investigation of the crime IS contlllulllg, a VatIcan official said June 2. Col. Roland Buchs, the former commander who returned to the Vatican as acting commander of the Swiss Guard after the murders, said the entire corps welcomed the new appointme~ts. . "The two new officials of the corps brtng WIth them a vast professional experience," Buchs said June 2. "With their great idea~ism and personal commitment - together with all their collaborators - WI~ honor and fidelity they will serve the Holy Father and the church and bnng the Pontifical Swiss Guard to the third millennium and toward the SOOth anniversary of the corps .in 2006. .
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., June 5, 1998
Catholic Schools e
L1VINGHISTORY~Students Ricky Walker and Amber Williams of Taunton, Catholic Middle School stand with an actress who portrayed the three-time gold medalist Olympic runner Wilma Rudolph 'at their school. Rudolph died in 1994, but through -a program called Historical Perspectives, 300 students were able to hear about the hardships she endured on her road to success and relive a part of history.
Catholic Yout
SALUTING POLICE - Students of St. Jean Baptiste School, Fall .River, recently donned hats and badges to show their appreciation for the services and support of the Fall River Police Department. Officer Paul Gauvin, a former student of St. Jean's, was presented with a giant cookie badge. Students with officer Gauvin (from left) are: Brent Medeiros, Nicholas Cqrdin, Timothy Machado, Tayla Sevigny, Andrew Cardin and Devon Carter.
Connolly stlldent reco'gnized
GOTEAM! Cheerleaders from St. Francis Xavier School, Acushnet, captured second place at the St. 'Charles Invitational Cheering Competition. Team members are: (front row) Stephanie Dupras, mascot; Monique Pacheco; Brittany Fortin, Brittany Kosboski; Molly Kasboski, mascot; (middle row) Erin Trahan; Danielle Dupras; J.ennifer Dupras, coach; (back row) Jamie Pimental, Kristen Gelnett; Collette Pelletier; Dawn MaLagoti, captain; Colleen McKnight, co-captain; and Aimee Normandin.
TOP STUDENTS --Bishop Feehan High, School seniors Neha M. Shroff and'John L. Mc Manus have earned the distinction of being valedictorian and salutatorian this year; Besides their top, aca~emic records, both have been very involved in school activities and sports teams. Shroff plans to attend Dartmouth in the fall to study molecular biology. Mc Manus will attend Duke University and study biomedical engineering.
FALL RIVER - Marianne Grace, a senior at Bishop Connolly High School, was a certificate winner in the Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools' annual "Excellence in Psychology Award" sponsored by the: American Psychological Association (APA).Candidates are chosen by their classroom t,eachers based on their exemplary achievement and ,efforts in the study of psychology.
YouthJeaders needed f~r camp FALL RIVER -The Office for Youth Ministry seeks to prepare the youth of our diocese to become active Christian leaders and is looking for te,ens and adults to participate in a new leadership training camp iater ' this month. The Youth Ministry Office usually sponsors a program called Christian , Leadership'Institute (CLI) each summer, but this year, June 21-26, will present a new variation called Youth Leader Institute (YLI). It is a weeklong national training program presented by the same organization that developed CLI and incorporates many of the same components. By sponsoring YLI the diocese of Fall River is making this national youth leadership effort available to local parishes and schools. YLI is unique because it not only provides young people 'with training, but also trains the adult leaders from each parish or school to empower the youth entrusted to them. The six-day training will be focuseq on the themes of discipleship, leadership, and skills. It seeks an adult and 2-4 teens from each parish or school. It will beheld at Cathedral Camp in East Freetown. Par-
ishes interested in more information can call the Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry at 6782828.
SERVICE PROJECT - Students in grades K-2 at Espirito Santo School in Fall River recently collected nonperi:shable food items for the Fall Riv~r Soup Kitchen. Pictured! (from left) are: (front row) Jaryn Moni,z, Hillary Pavao, Alec Santos, (back row) Shane Medeiros, Jay O'Dwye~, and Vanessa Valcorba.
GOOD SHEPHERD - Students of St. Joseph's SGhool, Fairhaven, dressed up to celebrate their good shepherd, Father William Heffron, SS.CC., on National Appreciation Day for Catholic School Pastors.. Students, parents and staff members presented Father with cards and gifts in appreciation for his work.
Diocese of Fall River:- Fri., June 5, 1998
Our Rock
Coming of
and Role
Can you be too close? By CHARLIE MARTIN
All My Life
exaggerating, is such deep closeness in a dating relationship healthy for I can never find another lover him and the girl he loves? Sweeter than yC)U, It seems that he has confused Sweeter than you. feelings of closeness with what love I will never find another lover is. Sure,. there are times when one More precious than you, feels very Close; however, what happens when one doesn't feel close? More precious than you. Does this mean love has vanished? Girl you are Love based 011 what the song deClose to me just like my mother, scribes, is built on shaky ground. Close to me just like my father, flealthy relationships experience a Close to me just like my sister, flow, between feeling close and a Close to me just like my brother•. sense of emotional, space. Both You are the only one, my everything people recognize that time and space apart are just as important as being And to you this song I sing. close. The time and space away asAll my life sist each person in establishing a life I pray for someone like you outside the romance. And I thank God that I, Without outside interests and That I finally found you, baby. goals, the relationship will likely All my life . sink into an unhealthy dependency that eventually leaves both individuI prayed for someone like you als dissatisfied. And I hope that you Experiencing a healthy romance, Feel the same way too. one that might lead to marriage, I promise to never fall in love takes lots of good communication With a stranger. and time in establishing the needed You're all I'm thinking of. balance between closeness and I praise the Lord above space. I hope that teens will not be For sending me your love. overly concerned in trying to build I cherish every hug. this balance. This period of life is I really love you so much. better focused on dating lots of You're everything I ever know. people and not attempting to have When you smile my face one "close" relationship. However, Always seem to glow. the teen years are an important time You turned my life around. to learn more about relationships. Understanding this balance is helpYou picked me up ful in eventually picking someone When I was down. to date in 11 more serious and potenAnd I hope that you tially lasting manner. Feel the same way too. If, as a teen, you feel that you Yes I pray that you are in a relationship like the one this Do love me too. song describes, consider ending it or at least asking for more time and space away f~om the other person. Written by JoJo HaileylRory Bennett Doing so will take courage. Yet tl;lis Sung by K-Ci & JoJo Copyright (c)'199t . will help you in constructing a fuby MCA Records Inc ture in which a more mature and' HOW CLOSE are you to the those we love. Howev~r, for the guy lasting love can endure. Finding and ones you love? in the song, his "girl," is "close to experiencing such a love is one of K-Ci & 1010 address closeness mejust like my mot'1er, close to me God's richest blessings and life's ' in relationships in their new hit "All just like my father, close to me just, greatest gifts. My Life." In my region this R&B like my sister, close just like mY Your comments are always duo's cassingle readied the top of brother." In fact, "Y9u are the only welcome. Please address: Charlie the charts. Nationally, the song con- one, my everything." tinues to rise on Billboard's Top 100. Is the person in ~he song exag- Martin, 7125 W 2008, Rockport, All of us like to feel close to gerating what he feels? If he is not Ind. 47635.
PET CARE - Animal rescue group Forever Paws spokesperson, Beth Sylvia (left) and her assistant paulette Medeiros spoke to students at Dominican Academy, Fall River, about the importance of proper pet care. Student council members sponsored a collection of pet care products for the group and Katelyn Mello, Kimberly Thibault, Perla Sousa and Melissa Faria, presented the items.
,Summer jobs By CHRISTOPHER
It's summer job time again, and the American economy is in great shape'. You'd think this would be a good summer for teens seeking work. Unfortunately, that may not be the case. Some gloomy experts are estimating that this summer only about 10 percent of teens who want jobs will find one. Why? First, government support for summer work ,is growing smaller. In past years, hundreds of thousands of teens got jobs in summer programs supported by federal youth training funds. With government cutbacks, there will be fewer than in the past. Some also believe that the increased minimum wage is making it harder for teens seeking summer work. So, if you're looking for a job, flexibility is more important than ever. Here are some suggestions for your search for that summer job - or your parttime job while you're in school. -First, don't lock in on one job and not look for anything else. Let's say you really want to work the concession stand at the movie theater. If you won't consider another kind ofjob, you really don't have many chances. If the movie house near you isn't hiring, you're sunk. Take virtually any job you can get. Obviously; if it's illegal or disgusting, you don't want it. Remember, first, that jobs are not about building a career, they're about earning some of your own money, and proving that you can find a job and keep it. Second, when you're starting out, think fast food. Lots of teens tum up their noses at the thought of flipping burgers and dumping out fries. That attitude will get you nowhere. There are entry-level
jobs in fast food, and if you want work at least it's a place to start. Third, after you've gotten that first job, you can look for something better. Just don't quit one job till you've found the next. Here's an old rule of thumb: finding a job is easier if you're already working. Your prospective employer will be impressed by your job sweeping out the lumberyard, even if it has nothing to do with the position he or she hopes to fill. Having a current job proves that you can show up and work - not a small consideration in the teeh job market. Lots of employers have had experience with teens who were very unreliable employees came late, or loafed all day, or didn't show up at all. In the teen job market, the fact that you regularly get there on time and put in a full day is your highest recommendation. When employers hire for the good jobs - interesting work with good wages - they hire people with a track record. I know a kid who is working his way through college playing computer games. That's right! He works for a software design company, and they pay him more than $12 an hour to play games while taking notes on problems that tum tip. , But he started in fast food. Then he got ajob at a video store. They made him weekend manager, while he was still in high schOOl. When the game-testing job came up, he had a list of former bosses who could recommend him as reliable and hard working. His track record got him the most cool job in the city. Remember that when you think, "Nah, I don't do fast food."
Your comments are welcome. Please address: Christopher Carstens, c/o Catholic News Service, 3211 Fourth St. N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017.
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THE ANCHOR - Diocese ~f Fall River - Fri., JUne 5, 1998
'Prayers, ponations Urgently Needed
Indian Mis.s.ionDirector Pleads for Help Sp~ to The Anchor
THOREAU, NM - As Catholics realized the Indian chil.dren in around the globe celebrate the the Mission's CCDclasses didn't beautiful, hopeful Easter season, have even the most basic reading the. director, priest, sisters, lay and writing skills. Today over missiqnaries and staff of a New 300 children, most of them MexicoMissionschoolareconcerned Native American:join in prayer about urgently-needed help. They to keep theirschool from closing. The Indian .boys· and' girls work daily to make quality Catholic education a reality for American attending St. BonaventureIndian Indian children in their care. Mission and School live with These children "do without" the following realities: as a way of life ... will you help . • 55% of the Navajo population cannot read or them? For many of our students, write; the school at St. Bonaventure Mission is their "last hope." • McKinley County (where They've experienced failure in the Mission is locq,ted) has other schools or inability to get to the highest poverty rate (43%) in the state,' school from great distances. Trusting in God, everyone at .• The suicide rate among the Mission prays for urgentlyNavajo t~enagers is ten needed help. times higher than for their age group in the U.S. St. Bonaventure Mission population at large. started a school more than a decade ago when the founder
• McKinley County has the highest alcoholism rate in the United States.
A nearly 40-member strong corps of dedicated lay missionaries teach and carry out the other work of the Mission. This "other work" includes maintaining the buses and vans which travel the remote mesas to bring the children to school; preparing two noUrishing meals daily for the children; and bringing both food and waterto aging Navajos livirig in poverty in remote areas of the barren Reservation. New layrnissionaries often ask, "Can this be America?" Will you help? Gifts made to St. Bonaventure Indian Mission and School are taxdeductible. The school also qualifies for "Matching Gifts."
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Mission Director Bob O'Connell with St. Bonaventure Mission School students. "Every day brings challenges to keep the school open ... to give 300 children the skills they will need to break the cycle of poverty and to live a Spirit-filled life.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : Dear Anchor Readers,
: I'm turning to you for help. My concern is for the : children and elders served by St. Bonaventure Indian • Mission. Without caring friends like you we can't exi.st.
: : •
Please help make quality education a reality for needy : Navajo chiidren. I believe that only through education : can they break free of the poverty so prevalent on the ct reservation. Your generosity and love will bring love and : hope into struggling lives.
.• : : • :
: •
: I can't meet their needs without your help. Please • become part of this life-giving work! I don't want to . : have to say "no" to even one child or one elder who needs food, water or clothing. Will you join in our love ••• for these First Americans who live in such difficult . ? •• Clfcumstances.
: • : • • ••
In Christ's Love,
• : •
~CJ~ P.S. One of the high school classroom trailers has a roof that
.Name Address
_ _
C i t y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - State-'- - - Zip - - - - (
) Please check here ifyou would like to receive a beautiful rosary hand-strung with reconstituted turquoise nuggets and silver-plated beads as a . token ofappreciation for your gift of$100 or more. Please check here ifyou would like to receive a sterling silver cross, set with turquoise, made by our local Indian artisans, as a token ofappreciation for your gift of $35 or more. It is a unique piece ofjewelry you will wear-or give-with pride.
) Please check here ifyou would like to receive a copy ofa video showing the work made possible through your donation and the people at St. Bonaventure Indian Mission and School, as a token ofappreciation for your gift of $15 or more. . 9832 TWW 003
Send to:
Help from Anchor Readers St. Bonaventure Indian Mission and School Eastern Navajo Reservation, P..O. Box 610, Thoreau, NM 87323·0610
• ••
Bob O'Connell, Director St. Bonaventure Indian Mission & School
•• needs to be replaced. Please be generous.
Please pray for my special intentions
In this special season of hope and renewal, I ask you : to pray especially for the children and elders of the • Eastern Navajo Reservation.
Here's my sacrificial gift of love of $
• •• •• ••