Montfort Missionary Fathers Open First Diocesan House in "Taunton States in 1948. Other mission are also active in foreign mismarks the first residence of the residences, are located in St. sion fields. The Diocese of SinMontfort Fathers in the state of Massachusetts. Two other resiLouis, Mo., and Noblesville, tang on the island of Kalimandences in New England include Ind. tan Barat (Borneo) is under the In addition to the major sem- jurisdiction of the American St. Louis de Montfort Seminary, inary. in Connecticut" the con- , province, and it also has Fathers and a native of St. Anne's Litchfield, Conn., and Camp St. gregation staffs a preparatory in the international mission of parish, Fall River, announc'ed Louis, Sabattus, Me., a summer seminary at Bay Shore, N.Y., Zomba, Nyasaland, Africa. tc lay the establishment of a residence for seminarians. and a novitiate in Hartford City, The provincial residence in Montfort mission house in Founded by. St. Louis' de Ind. " , this country is located at Ozone Taunton. . Montfort in 1705 . il;1 Brittany, 'Parishes conducted by the Park, N.Y., where several memKnown formerly as theTaun~France, the Montfort .·Fathers Montfort Fathers are in New. bel'S of the provincial council ton Inn Annex, the large house, ,liave as tneir· principal work to" . York; Long Island 'and' Foii are" also in residence. Father wiii become a residence for preach parishmissloris' ,and re-, Wayne, Ind. : ' . Charest was nominated United par~sh missioners' and tetreat .,treats, with particular .concern A~5 acre plot ,at.. Litchfield; . ,Stj!tes. provinclallast year. masters. The Montfort Fathers . ,for the place of the Mother of . Conn., is thesite·of a shrine.' of . Before hi~ appointment as pro_ assigned to the new foundaiion God' in the' divine plan' of ·re": Our ,Lady of -Lourdes,'where vinci!ll by the Superior Ge,neral' wili arrive this month. '. . demption.. ',. . pilgrimages from New England of the Montfort Fathers, Very Ideally located between the . .St.' Louis de' 1\fontfort wrote travel annually. Rev. -Cornelius M. Heiligers, :Fall River-Boston' areas, the 'several' important works' in Other 'Marian a,ctivity· in- ~.M.M. of Rome, Father Charest residence will be headquarters Mariology, including "True. De..: . of the northeastern mission '.. votio'n to Mary", "Secret of, clude!l publication of, a natipnal was wElll. known for his work as m~gazine, Queen of All Hearts, " edlforO,f the Queen of All Hearts band of the ~""'ntfqrt Fath.ers.. ,Mary", "Admirable ~ecret o! th'e and other literature by the - magazine, director of Montfort Up to this time, the mission Rosary," and "Love, of the EteI'Montfort Publications, at 'Bay: Publications, Bay 'Shore, N. Y., residence at Ozone Park; N.Y~; _nal' Wisdom,", ,~hese writings ,FATHERCH:A~ES'" Shore, N.Y.' ' .. ' , ,. and na'tioilal moderator of United has servcd for the entire .eastern ,- ·serve as, th.e fpundat.ipn. of, tqe l1nited States:: ' '. ., Montfort apostolate.", ' Meinbers of,' the,: ':Ameri~aI!-' . Sfl),tes, cQtlfraterriities of Mary, the Montfort Fathers became a The establishment in Taunton '" First establisli~d in 'New York, separate province iIi tlieUnited pr,!vince of the Moht.£ort Fathers' Queen of All Hearts.
Very Rev. Roger M. Char. . 1 S est, S.M .M ., ProvmCla uperior 0 f the Montfort Fathers in the United States
Harry Condon, Chairman of this year's Catholic Charities Appeal, has an': nounced from Headquarters
"l .:,';; e ;,(j"'h' ,
th"' the Appeal'total stands this morning at $629,497.40. This is the largest amount ever' collected in the 21 year history of the Appeal and tops last year's record-breaking, amount by almost $2,000. Mr. Condon was enthusiastic in his praise of Special Gift and Parish collectors, and paid great tribute to the firms and individuals who gave, to this year's Appeal that the Bishop might ha,ve the material' means of supporting the 29 agencies and Aft Anclot:' of tle Soul. Sur, find ".irm-ST. PAUL facilities depending On charity for continued . service to the community. RiYer~ Mass., Thursday, June Mr. Condon expressed gratification to the news media for their support of the Appeal. PRICE IOc ' © 1962. The Anchor , So far 69 Parishes of the Dio14.00 De' Yea' cese . have exceeded their totals of last year. Appeal books will ,
The fifteen leading parishes are:
7, 1962
Vol. 6, No. 24
nO,t close until tomorrow evening so more: Parishes' are expected to go over last year's figures.
Holy Name, Fall River $20,874.75 St. Lawrence, New Bedford 20,705.55 St. Mary, North Attleboro 15,745.00 St. John, Attleboro 14,750.00 St. James, New Bedford 14,167.50 Sf. Francis Xavier, Hyannis 12,563.50 Sacred Heart, Fall River 12,445.60 St. Mary, Taunton 10,253.75 St. Thomas More, Somerset 10,234.25 St: Mary, Mansfield 9,524.00 St. Mary, Fall River 9,054.03 Mt. Carmel, New Bedford 9,028.70 St. Joseph, New Bedford 8,800.05 Holy Name, New Bedford 8,661.00 Immaculate Conception, No. Easton 8,537.00
Bishop Connelly- Announces Schools Fr. Kaszynski To Graduate Pope John Raises Diocesan Navy Is Assigned 622 Pupils Chaplain, to Rank -of J:lonsignor NewCuracy Six hundred and twentytWo seniors will graduate from 10 high schools of the Diocese at ceremonies Sunday, June 10 and Monday, June 11. They include 228 boys and 394 girls, As wa!: the case in 1961, largest class will graduate from Coyle High School, Taunton, which will confer diplomas on 129 boys. Following is Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River, with 81 girls. Eight schools will hold graduations on Sunday,' with Coyle and Sacred Hearts Academy in Fall River scheduling ceremonies Mon,day. Mt. St. Mary Academy and Sacred Hearts Academy, Fairhaven, will hold graduation cer. emonies at 2 Sunday afternoon, Mt. St. Mary's in the school auditorium and Sacred Hearts in its chapel. Bishop Gerrard will award diplomas to the Fall River school's 81 graduates and Robert Nagle, principal of B. M. C. Durfee High School, also Fall River, will speak. Valedictorian will be Phyllis Pytel and salutatorian will be Kathryn Carvalho. lIrIt. St. Mary's Class Day is at Turn to Page ThirteeD,
The Diocesan Chancery .From an Air Force Base iJ.1 Spain where Office today announced that he is administering the Sacrament of Con- .Rev. Robert S. Kaszynski, firmation on a three-weeks European and assistant at St. Patrick's Fall River, since his African tour for the United States Air Force, Church, ordination on Jan. 30, 1960, has
the Most Reverend ·Bishop has announced that Pope John has been pleasedio elevate a' priestchaplain from the Diocese, Rev. Joseph C. Canty, to the, dignity of a Domestic Prelate with the title of Right Reverend Monsignor. ,Monsignor Canty holds the rank of Captain in the Chaplain Corps of the United States Navy and is at present serving as Force Chaplain on the Staff of the Commander-in-Chief of Naval Activities in Europe. The Taunton-born priest entered the Naval Chaplain Corps in February, 1942, from St.- John's Church, Attleboro, where he was serving' at the time. The holder of several decorations for his outstanding service through the war, the new prelate has served most recently as Senior Chaplain, Marine Corps, at Camp Lajeune, North Carolina, and a Senior Chaplain, U.S. Naval Hospital at St. Albans, Long Island. He, took up his new European duties in November. Monsignor Canty' was born in Taunton on Aug. 17, 1909, the son of the late Charles E. and Ellen McGann. Canty. He graduated from St. Mary's High in Taunton and made his classical studies at Boston College. He studied philosphy and theology at St. Bernard's Seminary, Roches, ter, and was ordained by the late Bishop Cassidy
been transferred to St. Stanislaus Church, Fall River, to serve as assistant to Rev. Hugo E. Dylla. Father Kaszynski succeeds the late Rev. John Czerwonka who died June 8, 1961. Father Kaszynski, the son of Chester and the late Genevieve Kalisz ;Kaszynski, was born in New Bedford on Oct. 28, 1933. He attended public schools in New Bedford and Dartmouth and studied at Cardinal O'Connell Seminary in Boston, St. John's Seminary, Brighton, and SS. Cyril and Methodius Semi· nary, Orchard Lake, Michigan. Father was ordained by Bishop Connolly in St, Mary's Cathedral on Jan. 30, 1960, and was assigned to St. Patrick's in Fall River. He will assume his new duties at St. Stanislaus Parish next Tuesday, 'June i? Turn t9,~age Three
;:2 "
Diocese of Fall River
OFFICI'AL T1tANSFER Rev. Robert S. Kaszynski, assistant at' St. Patrick's , . Church, Fall River, to St. "Stanisla~s Ghurch, Fall River, as assistant. I Assignment effective,June .12, 1962.
' .
Asks'Solution .of Religious Prob.e'n, FGci~g. Nation's: Public, Schoo~s WEST .DE PERE (N C) ""'Americans should be making a greater effort to solve the' probem of religious pluralism as it relates to public education 'according to Msgr~ O'Neil C. D'Amour of the National Catho~ lie Educational Association in Washington. He emphasized that "solving the problem by attempt:ing to exclude religion fromedu- ' cation is no solution at all.". Bleak Future . Speaking at St. Norbert Col, lege here in Wisconsin Msgr. D'Amour argued that the moral underpinnings of the nation are weakening because of increas~ .ingly secular public schools. Un!. less this· can be reversed, he stressed, the nation faces a bl,eak - future. i He said "varying pressures':' have forced the schools to be more secular. "This is not meant to 'be a criticism of the dedicated teachers in our schools," h~' pointed out.. ' "Solving this problem by at"tempting tc. exclude religiorl from education is indeed aban l
doning education to' a different religion-that of secularism.' This attempt has' in it the seeds of national destruction; because secularism is the antithesis of the American tradition." The NCEA official predicted a crucial role for Catholic schools in preserving the nation's religious heritage. "The Catholic school system was designed as a for~ress of defense, but I 'feel that under the intent of Almighty. God,.it will prove to be the mighty instrument by which all of America might be restored, by which a new world might be forged," he asserted. Look for Leadership Catholic schools, he continued, have offered young citizens an education in secular knowledge comparable to any but in' addition they hav~ been helped to see this knowledge in its proper relationship to the divine and human destiny. "It is to the gr'aduates of these schools that we must look for our leadership," he declared.
.Program Seeks ~talndardization, Of Chaplains' Items ~n Services WASHINGTON (NC) - The chaplains corps of 'the three armed forces is engaged in a pr"ogram aimed at standardizing religious items used in 'all three service branches. The program is aimec,lat elim_ inating unnecessary duplications , among' items used in all three services and as far as possible' agreeing' on' sta~dard items fo; use by Army;-' NaVy and Air . Force chaplains alike. A spokesma'n said the program ; has made "a terrific amount of : progress" since it was launched ,last September by the advisory : committee of the Armed Forces 'Cha lains Board. . p . , One major achievement to date: : has bee~ ~gr~ment on a sta~dare Je':"lsh kit for use by JeWIsh chaplams of all three armed I
. ..
Britons Plan Steps To Aid Youth Work
FORTY 'HOURS DEVOTION June 10-SS Peter and Paul, Fall River. LaSalette Shrine, Attle. bora. St. Mary, Mansfield. Our Lady of Purgatory, I New Bedford. June 17-St. Mary, New Bedford. St. Elizabeth, Fall River. June 24--Blessed Sacrament, Fall River. St. Mary, Norton. Corpus Christi, Sandwich. July 1-8a!:red Heart, North .Attleboro. St. Francis Xavier, Hy-.! annis. Holy Trinity, West Harwich. THE
__nd Clue PCMI'-a" "aiel at Faa RI"... II..... PuIilllabe4 aftZ7 l'banclar .. Bia-bIaAO Annua Fall Kin. Ill.... b7 Ibe GatbolkPreo. <>. u.. OIoe_ of
Sublleripl_ price -.
, '_'Paid ' •.00 per .,....
forces. The aluminum kit is for fieid use and contains all items needed. for . Jewish religious services. Other 'gains in standardization Include agreement on a single bapt!smal basi~ for all three :,servlces, reductIon of the. number of candles from 12 to SIX and the number of altar basins from four or five to two, and agreementby,.the Army. andl'lavy on the, same type of portable altar. '. The three servi~es ,also us~ a smg~e hymnal,·. a separate ~c~lO~ f9r. members· of the J ewIsh faIth. . . :rhesp~kesman saId It ~s too ,early to Know for, certalO h0.w much money had been saved 10 .procurement under'the new program. Another source estimated that s.!1vings in .record keeping and warehousing would amount to $70,000 a year.
LONDON (NCf-A big boost for CatholiP. youth· clubs in Britain was announced here with plans for a London central headquarters and a national survey of existing centers; Msgr. Edward Mahony, chairman of the 30,000-meqlber National Federation of Catholic Youth Clubs, announced the plans at the first conference ,for priests engaged iIi youth club work.
. Necrology JUNE 8 Rev. John S. Czerwonka, 1961, Assistant; St." Stanislaus, Fall River. JUNE 9 Rev. Timothy 'J. CaInen, ~945, Pastor, St. Joseph, Woods Hole. .JUNE 10 Rev. William H: Curley,. 1915, .Pastor, 55. Peter & Paul, Fall River.
SpeCOGI .Gifts,
New· 'Bedford
Frank Sylvia United Auto WOlrkers ~ NO. 899 J. B'. Lumber Co. L & S Concrete; inc. Joh'n D. Curran
$250 Catholic 'Woman's Club Harriet' .Transport Co. $100 seguin' '& . Caron,' 1m;. Frank J. Smith $150 $20 $75 Seguin Truck Body Builders Enterprise Stores· "First MachiJ).ist National Bank Sullivan' & Foster Duplicating Equipment New Bedford Five' Cents Sav$50 Gollis (lV;:en'li Apparel) ings Bank McCabe Sand & Gravel Reca Pharmacy T. R. Thayer, M. D. Atty. John Tierney $100 , Anderson & Olsen Reynolds DeWalt $35 Edward A. Winning Co. New Bedford Defense ProdA Friend ucts,· Firestone Div. $25 $15 New Bedford-Acushnet CoopDermody Cleaners G"Uilherme M. Luiz & Co. erative Bank. Williams Lumber Cornish & Co., Inc. - Almeida Bus Lines, Inc. O'Hearne Insurance Co. Wefer & 'Parker United Motors Inc. William Adams, D.D.S. M & K Coffee House Mr. Hyman Krivoff Bristol County Savings C. F. Cushing & Son Dartmouti· Finishing Co. Plumbers &'Steamfitters Local Brock Ave. Pharmacy N. B. Reconstruction Corp. 626 Braley's Creamery Nash Realty Corp. Dr.· Samuel, Poplack Dartmoutl Textile Corp. Dighton Industries $10 Universal Roofing Sheet Metal Eagan's Package Store Laronda Auto Body Shop, COl'Co. reia & Sons, Local 644--Steam$20 McMahon Council No. 151 fitters Union, Daily News PubAleixo Insurance Agency 'Knights of Columbus lishing Co., Almy & Co. '$15 $75 Paul 'Smith Insurance Co., Alfred Dukelow Tomlinson & O'Neil Otis & Co. Insurance, Gold Bond $10 U. S. Ring Binder Corp. Sterilizing Powder ,Co., Tripp & John . P. qonz~ls, Farrell's .Taber, Mrs. Etta Kroudvird. $50 Cafe, Hickey's Diner, A' Friend, Krouvird's Bakery" Novick-:Hathaway Oil Co., Inc. .Royce Aluminum. Fawcett Mills, Inc. ' Jewelers, Knqwles Loom Reed Dr. William H. Swift, Bristol James F. McHugh and Doroth, Works, Lider & Lider, Roy PapCounty' Golf, . Dr. 'Malcom .C. McHugh' er Co., Hawes Electrical Co. Robbins, Taunton Works, Bristol Clothes Co.., SealteSt George Bernique & Co. Mr. & Mrs. Archille Ducharme. Ice Cream Co., Loretta Hat Shop, N. B. Public Markets Olson Flower Sbop, Cleary Poulos Pharmacy, Dr. K. G. .Arlan's· Dept. Store.' Funeral Home, Francis McGuirk,. Yankoupolus.. , . ~ontinental Elastic Corp. My Package Store, Sam's Meat Mr. & Mrs, William Belanger Market, Dr. Bertram E. Howard, Park Oil ·Co. " JUll'le'boro Dr. Fred Singleton, Dr. FranklyD -Rodney :Metals, Inc. Berry. ' $125 $35 Olivia M. Sylvia, Mr. Mauriee First National Bank of AttlePhilip" J.'Kane;: inc.. Collins, Mr. John B. Saladino, boro. $30 John Tripp. , $100 Browne Pharmacy , . Mr: ThomliS W. 'Croacher ~& . Antaya .Brothers, Bibeault . $25 tat~, D. L. Hathaway & SoDtl, Pharmacy. . Ryan & Scully, Inc. 'Morris Glaser (Glass Co.), HathHolmes Coal Co. $75 away's- Laundry, Paramount Perfection Oil Co. Sadler Bros;, Inc. Pharmacy, Wamsutta Fipanee Humphrey ~ Covil & ColenlaJl Co. . :.-.. $65 :1: A.' Hagen & .Co., In~., Max , 'Harry J. Boardman Insurance. Inc. . Charles S. ,Ashley & Sons,' Levovsky-Real Estate, Silver ,$60 . Eagle Linen, Supply Co. Gull, P. J. Haste-Real Estate, CQnlbn & ~onnelly <;0. McGee's Photo Supply Mass. Catholic Order of Fore. . $50 Greater New: Bedford & Cape sters South Eastern Past Chief Carey Brothers, , Cathoiic Cod Labor Council AFL-CIO Rangers. Nurses Guild of Attleboro Area. Fibre Leather'Mig: Co.,. Bellenoit's Paints, Etc., Judsoa $35 New Bedford Catholic Guild Cleaners, . Dr. A. B. StimsoD, Blackstone Trading Co., Pelle- for the Blind Household Fin a nee COJ'P" " tier's Automotive Servic~. People's Super Market Joseph Sylvia, Pharmacy. . Guy's Pharmacy Dr. John D. Barnes, Barnet II $25 Atty. Foster R. Herman B!lrnet. R. F. Simmons Co., Wells Manufacturing Co., M. J.Wall y*,p+,QINlS Co., Reardon & Lynch Co:, Inc., .Connelly Gold Stamping Co. State Line General Scrap Co.. Demers Brothers, Zip's Package OVERNIGHT CAMP FOR BOYS Store, Charles' Thomae & Son, Swimming, Horseback Riding, Booting, Athletics, ·Arts and Inc., First Federal ,Savings & Loan Association, Portuguese Crofts, Physical Fitness Program - Seminarian-Counselors American Club; .. $6Q.OO FOR TWO WEEKS' $20 ----=D:-rA-;-::Y~CA"T'MP FOR' BOYS Attleboro Motor Sales.· Athletics, Waterfront· Sports, Arts and Crofts, Hikes $17 Physical Fitness 'Program Leedham's Hardware. $25.00 FOR TWO WEEKS $15. Saltzman's Men's Stores, Ath- ----,---=D:-rA~Y~C-r-AMP FOR 'GI RLS erton Furniture Co. . OUR LADY OF, THE LAKE' $12 Athletics, Waterfront Spor:t~, Arts :and Cr~fts, Nature Study, L. H. Cooper. Square Dancing, Special, Events ... . .' ' $10 $25.00 FOR TWO WEEKS . M. F: Ashley Co., Bernard Cornell, Ripley &' Go,wen, Larsen 13 mi. from New Bedford, 14 from Taunton, 17 from Fall River' Tool & Stamp Co., O. E. Cameron Transportation provided-No extra charge. Campers bring . & Son. , own lunches. Milk. is served Alfred's Beauty Salon,. Brown'• SPONSORED BY THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER . Charles E. Willis Insurance.
To' Appfy Church' , Social Doctrine '~VATICAN CITY (NC) ~ Catholics today are not only reading the social teachings of the Church' but are busy
CpliitcirMay Sfudy"Mass Cltang~"
Vernacular High
ANCHO'RThurs;, June 7, '196.2
Sees S)upport for Use of Modern Languages
Pope John Ask$ World ,to Pray To Avert'War VATICAN CITY (NC)
the Mass, or parts of it, to the ·Pope John has warned that vernacular. without God's help the world There also is a possibility, however, he added, that the can become a place of "still "movement for primitivism" more bloody battles and still among Church liturgy scholars deeper sorrows." Voicing this fear at a general may see the removal of "appendages" introduced into the aUdience in St. Peter's Basilica, Mass in its later stages of de- the Holy Father emphasized that velopment. He feels the Mass today people must ask Go~ to spare the world "the great ·trib,; will not be expanded. ulation and anxiety which is 90 The Cardinal said the Church acute at the present time." is . optimistic about the success The Pope referred particularly of'the Council because of a lack to the danger of war, which he of' imminent pressures. He said called "a conflict which' could "the Church will' be putting it- : annihilate all the good that hU~ self . in, order" through the Coun- m~mity pOS!lesses:" He con~iriued: . "Th~s: earthly· . horne. wpich Asked.' about the possible . should always l>e a means of . earionization of American' saints, helping man. to raise· himself . he said that he.' believes that toward the Creator is susceptible Mother .Elizabeth Seton, foun- of becoming a place of still more dress. of .the Sisters of Charity, bloody battles' and still deeper and Bishop John N. Neumann, sorrows. CARDINAL LARRAONA C.SS.R., of Philadelphia, will "Poor world, its furrows of eventually using the vernacu.1ar. probably be declared saints in tears, fears and apprehensionS Cardinal Larraona, in Chicago 1963. are many!" for the 30th aimiversary of the police branch of the St. ~ude's L~ague, an organization sponsored by the Claretlan Fathers, asserted the first part of the Mass, known as the "Mass of the PORTLMTD (NC) U. S. order in economic life is necesCatechumens," would be retained in Latin as a symbol of Labor Secretary Arthur J. Gold- sary, and' to achieve this both the unity of the Church. But, he berg said here in Oregon that . individual and group interests said, he had no opinion as to social justice principles laid must operate within the framewhat the Council would do down by Pope John contain the work of the common good." !'The reason for .the' existence about shifting the remainder of basic requirements for achievement of national unity. of the state is the realization of He said at the commencement the common good. The state thUD at the University of Portland cannnot keep aloof from the ecothat propositions advanced by nomic world." . the Pope in his encyclical Mater "I am sure you will recognize et Magistra coincide with a fun- these propositions," Goldberg damental purpose of good gov- told the 279 graduates of' the ernment'eited .by framers of the university. "They come not from VATICAN" CITY' (NO) -:-"- U: S. Constitution: the promo- the President's Council of Ecoof- ~he general- welfare. nomic Advisors, but from Pope Pope John has' told 4,000 Sal- - tion Goldberg first noted the stress John XXIII's encyclical Mater esian'.'cooperators" that lay,:, the Kennedy administration has et Magistra." men :throughout the world placed upon the need for a great- ....--'- - - - - - - - - - . : shOUld take their' place of re- er. sense of national unity to . sponsibility in the field of pas- co'pe wltr challenges to the ·U. S. toral activity. at .home arid abroad. Speaking to the "cooperators" "Yet 'we cannot ·be successful First to be aided is Sophia .. Missioner Bolsters' University in Tokyo, adminis-lay groups organized to help . abroad :unlesswe' are succesS£u~ the Sale'sian: Fatliers- carry out at' home," he stated. "And we tered by German Jesuits. Cardi~ Solon's Laos Views n~ Frings. sa~d . Catholics in., WASHINGTON (NC)--A Sen- their - various· apostolates - the cannot be successful at home un_ North Easton, Mass. less all Americans, all institu.Japan e~ercise grea~r influ.e~ce . ator' said: here. after. hearing tes:' Holy Father declared: "In t'he vast field of pastoral tions and organizations ":'-labor th~n their number implies J]l~I~-, .timony given by a Catholic mis:' b', ~~cause of this universlty.s ; sionary who served in Laos that activity. which will open up dur- and management and govern1962 Summer Session, Co-ecl pres~lge.'. . ' : his views on the dangers of a ingthe period of the coming lm~nt, and the genera~ publicEcumenical Council and afterMorning and Evening Classes ptill together to achieve the goals The~e are no .Catholic ~mver-. _ co~l.ition government in Laos laymen are sincerely invited to of greater economic growth, full .siUes In Germany bu~ a sUbsta~- have been strengthened. ~ia1· proportion. of Germany. s T.he statement was made by take th.eir place 6f responsibility employment arid full production, ·Credit Courses offered 'if. state u~llversitles.have CatholIc Sen. Frank J. Lausche of Ohio as individuals and members of a . stable prices,- ,and' equality 'of community under the friendly Englis~·History-Gover;'ment, opportuninty." tb.eologlcal faculties. following an hour and 40 minSuch national· cooperation can utes of closed":door testimony: guidance Bishops and at : - Philosophy-'Theology . given by Father· Matthias Men- the side of the priests in brother- best be 'achieved,. said Goldberg, .~ Spurn Excuses ly understanding." .if the. following propositions are Econom ics-M'athematics ger, O.M.I., of the Ventiane Laos BERLIN (NC) - Heavy fines Catholic Mission; The Pontiff said. that this in- applied to natiomil problems: Education.Frenc~-Spanish now face parents in communist- - . The Senator refused to dis- vitation to assist the' Church's The· supreme ·criterla of· ecoruled East Germany who keep close the nature of the priest's · Bishops lind priests applies par- nomic activities and institutions their children out of school on testimony, but he said: "My , ticularly in the fields of relief, must be judged from the standJune 25th· August 3rd the major religious holidays. In opinion of 16 months ago that charity and the press an,d other point· of social and econoll\ic the past written excuses from creation of a coalition govern- mass communications media. justice, not from the particular Registration parents had been accepted for ment in Laos would be a bridge "Because ot their competence. interests ,of individuals or · and training and because of the suCh absences. groups. June 21, 22 into a communist government · possibility they have of influenc"To remedy injustice, 'a moral has been strengthened." ing these area!! with the convic10 A.M.·.4 P.M. tions of the Faith, the beloved Fall River Council ...Say Converts Need sons of the laity are called on For Further Information Continued from Page One Fall River Parti~ularCouncil, to be particularly active in these Contact With Laity Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Father recently completed It fields," the Pope concluded. Address will meet at 7:45 Tuesday night, Mission in St. Stanislaus Parish. WASHINGTON (NC) - ConThe Director, June 5 at St. Elizabeth's Church, tact with laY Catholics prior to .Seminary Exam Fall River. Benediction and the entry into the Church is one of Summer Session, An examination for college .meeting will be held in the the major needs of converts, acStonehill College cording to the national center of students desiring to study for the church. St. Elizabeth's ConferDiocesan priesthood will be held ence will be host unit. the Confraternity of Christian at 9 Thursday morning, June 14 Doctrine. .,E )E at .,E 3E Such contact during' the in- at Sacred Hearts Academy, Pros- . . struction period was one of two pect Street, Fall River. Matter R.EG/ST~R f major needs uncovered by a sur- covered in the first two years vey of converts conducted by the of a classical college course will 2·to 4 p.m. June 9 and 10 and by . CCD center with the aid of the be included. Interested young men should contact their pasappointment before June CCD national lay committee. The other major need, accord- tors for further information. ACADEMY OF THE SACRED HEARTS ing to the center, is a "follow-up program", designed to help the SUMMfR INSTITUTE new Catholics "adjust to Catholic parochial life and .liturgy." Truck Body Builders JUNE 25-AUGUST 3" Alumilium or Steel Prays at Shrine LANGUAGES - MATH - READING IMPROVEMENT FOR .' 944 County St. GOA (NC) - Gen. Manuel SPEED COMPREHENSION AND WORD POWER -:THEME NEW BEDFORD. MASS. Antonio Vassalo e Silva, former WRITING COURSES IN TYPING A(\,ID BRIEFHAND FOR PER. WV 2·6618 governor general of the PortuSONAL USE • • • Of special interest to college students. guese . Indial. territories taken Avoid tiresome, laborious longhand for note taking and over by India last December, prayed at thE: tomb of St. Francompiling reports. . cis Xavier in Born Jesu basilica 466 PROSPECT. STREer . Phone OS 2-4862 just before he became the last FALL RIVER, MASS: ... Phone 052·7452 of the Portuguese troops here to ?E' . E If' be repatriated .to, Port.u~al. . FATHER KASZYNSKI
applying them. to modern. life, CHICAGO (NC) - The Pope John has told delegates to prefect of the Sacred Conthe first Italian Study Conven- gregation of Rites predicts tion for Professional Training. the October Ecumenical By applying Christian social Council will consider whether teachings, Cathollcs are making vernacular should be used in them "penetrate social legisla- parts of the Mass. tion for the benefit of humanity," Arcadio Cardinal Larraona, the Holy Fath~r declared, adda e.M.F., an administrative offiling: cial of the Holy See for mor.e "You are the YOU~g energies than 20 years and a member of in the Church.' We are 'certain - the central preparatory commisthat with tti.' help' of the' Lord . sion for the Second Vatican your' work will bear' good and Council which convenes on edifying fruit." : . ' .-: 0ctober ll,believesthere may ~ .' . . : be.a major~ty of· delegatenybJch · of' Ch R I . 0 e . o~ . . ~nay favor the use of modern !'he Pont~ revealed '_:Jw he languages in portions of the had come to choose the title of Mass. The Cardinal, a member of hiS social encyclical, 'Mater et Magistra. He recalled when that the Claretian order, says there now famous document was .fin- are signs of considerable support !shed, he wanted a set of open- for the use of modern languages. ing words which would express 'fhe Couneil, he noted, may the Church's cOncern for 'con: take cognizance of the fact that temporary society and the role : laymen are. participating ever of the Church in the world. more in the resPonses of the To get an idea the Pope said, Mass in Latin and thus would he read thrQugh a number of recognize the feasibility of works by earlier Popes. It was In these, he stated, that he found a description of the Church as Mater et Magistra-Mother and Teacher-used by Pope Innocent UI. Immediately, Pope John reThe New Bedford Curia of the ported, he knew he had come Legion of Mary will meet for a across an apt title. day of recollection on Sunday The Pontiff also told the dele- at St.' Joseph's Hall, Tucker gates that he had re-read the Road, Dartmouth. The exercises' will extend entire encyclical the night before receiving them in audience " as . from. 10 in the morning until 5 ~M. Q thanksgiving to God for the Active and Auxiliary members permanent presence of the Hol~ will participate in the day of recSpirit in the Church." ollection which stresses the need of personal holiness for those in Germans to Assist the Legion of Mary in order that their external. works might bE! Foreign Co!leges . fruitful. . COLOGNE (NC)-Joseph CarThe day of recollection wili dinal Frings, .:..Archbishop of be directed by one of the Cologne, has created a founda- Fathers of Holy .CrosS who staff . tion to assist Catholic universi- St. Joseph's Hall.
Says Holy Father's Social Justice Principles Basic for 'National Uunity
Legion Sponsors.. Spi rtUQ I Day
Pope John Urges Laymen to Assist In Church Work
Fr. Kaszynski
THE.ANCHOR-Diocese . . - of Fall . River::-Th~.r~.,- June 7, 1962
Poles to Honor Black Madonna At Boston Rites
Special North Attleboro
Durfee Buffinton Insurance ,~ Agency, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Hudner Fall River & New Bedford Express Robert L. Germane Contractor Mr. & MrS. Noel Giard $35 Carl N. Beetle Plastics Corp. Chorlton Foundry' Smith Lumber Co. $30 Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Knight ,i, $29 Mr. & Mrs. Warren Herrick $25 W. Irving Peirce & Son, Fall River Permanent Firemen's Benefit Association, National Contracting Co., William N. Whecl'ock & Sons, Inc. August J. i Hebert. . I Catholic Pharmacists Guild of , 51. James, Bishop James E. Cas-'sidy General Assembly 4th DeI gree Knights oi Columbus,. J. C. , Roofing Co., Inc. Odias Dumont, Mr. & Mrs. 'John P.- Dwyer, Modern Shoe , Store, Staples Coai Co., J. Fr,ed Beckett & Son. John' W. Cain & Son, Lavoie : Jewelers _ Optlcians,J 0 s e ph' Borge & Sons. , , i Giroux Insurance Age,nc~, Inc. Nira Warehouse Mart Inc. Terminal Bakery $10 Ralph Keyes Avanti Club, Homer Alden Co., August Badway & Sons Inc., Marie's' Beauty Corner, Professional Pharmacy . Sirois' Bicycle Shop, Diamond's Nicholas Tyrrell-Tyrrell MarCafe. 'ket . Dor-Win, Co.,' Walter B. EdGeneral Cleaning & Sales Co. wards Enterprise Case & DisNorth End Laundry play Co., John Iafrate, The UniDavid J. Friar vis-Bishop Co. . Paul Woltman Alphonse J. Dian, Dr. Armand Cook's Transportation Dyon, pro Robert E. Fitzgerald, Fali River Steam &; Gas Pipe Franklin Hardware Co., ,Miller's 'Co. Dept. Store. Grand Central Market Succursale Ste.-Jeanne d'Arc, $20 No. 174 Societe l'Assomption, ' Lapre's Turkey 'Farm, Thomas Riley Bros. Lumber Co" Inc. ' J. Ashton & Son, Joseph & EmJewelry' & Cutlery Novelty rna Parks. Co., Poly-Kote, Inc. John's Shoe Store $15, . Pleasant Street Cash Market 'Corky Row 8hib, Inc., Dixon.. Burial Vault Co., Mr. & Mrs.: . '$1500 Thomas Abbott, J. T. Hughe!l Fall' River Herald News , :Sheet Metal Works, Catholie<' . $1000 Nurses Guild-of Fall River. Venus DeMilo Dining Room Everett Sportswear, Dr. Albert, Fall River Electric Light Co. 'Resnick, Mrs. ~athryn M. Mur-Fall River Trust Co. phy, Mrs. Rose Hurley. Atty., & ):VIrs. John T. Farrell Wilfred J. Gingras . . $10' Mr. & lv,[rs. Alvin J. Sullivan Picard's Clothes Shop, Nashua $600 'Street Wet Wash Laundry, Acme Swan Finishing Co., Inc. Refrigeration Co., Journeymen $500 'Barbers Union No. 131, PatenIn Memory' of Rev. George B. aude Co. . Lafayette Shoe Store, Sanitary McNamee ;Laundry, Inc., Maury Kusinitz. Enterprise Brewing Co. In Memory of James W. Kearns Joseph Dudek, Hathaway fuDuro Finishing Corp. neral Service, ];astern P~ovision Co., Independent Laundry, Hen$300 White's Family Dining Room ry Jacobson. , Buffinton Florists, Hutchin& White Sp! Caterers son's Art Shop, Fitton Movers, Salvo Machinery Co. Elizabeth Fleck, Bertha Boucher. $250 , Anna Fennessey, Anna Dillon, Webb Oil Co. ,Abel L. Cyr, Joseph V. Murphy, $200 'Joseph F. Sullivan. Brady Electric Co. Mary E. Cavanagh, Mrs. Ester Latham, Mrs. Rosella Tuite, Mrs. $175 Annie Moss,Miss Mary Nelligan. New England Poultry Co. Mrs. Emma Fontaine, Mrs. Robert A. Wilcox Co. Martha Kearns; ,Saleem Attar,$150 Mrs. Louisa Sullivan, Mrs. ElizAlmeida Electric Co. abeth McHugh. , Cathedral Men's Club ,Miss Esther O'Neil, Mrs. Mary Mooney, Mrs. Jane Menard,Jo-$125 seph Michaud, Joe & Mary CouFrank S, Feitelberg ture. $100 , Elizabeth Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. R. B. Negus Lumber Co. Bernard Hand, Patrick Carron. Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Sullivan William Doolan, Ellen Durkin. In Memory of Rev. Joseph N. , Georgianna Stoddard, Ellen Hamel naylor, Mrs. MauriCe Daly, MarMooney & Co., Inc. .' tin Mooney, Francis Doolan. Mother Catherine ,McAuley Mrs. Margaret Casey, ElizaGuild Mount St. Mary's Academy beth Ryan, James' P. Cronin, Delta Electric Co., Inc. Mary O'Brien, John O'Leary. Louis Hand, Inc. Catherine V. O'Neill, Fro_da Mrs. Arthur J. Shea Berard, Andrews Super Market, $75 AP Construction Co., Suspiro Mathieu Oil Company Bros. H. P. Hood & Sons, Inc. I The Hat Rack,. Gemco InterMr. & Mrs. Harold S. R. Buf- national Corp., Mrs. EdJia P. Maloney. ' " finton $50 Harold C. Nagle Insurance General Srap Iron, Inc. Agency, Inc., Main Drug, InC., In Memory of Rev. Joseph P. Arrow Neon Sign Co., InC., Lyons James Kime, Cye' Foods; Liberty Somerset Funeral Home Loan &. Realty Co., Inc. Thomas _Kidd, Contractor : .Atty. & Mrs. Isadore Levin, Mrs. Katherine Crosson 'Plymouth Fruit Market, Atty. Frank X. Perron Robert A. Bogle, Atty. Lester L Building Materials Co. Bakst., .Wolf Jewelr)' Co.
$500 The Bernard J. Doyle Family. $200 Robert V. McGowan & Co. $100 m'ook Manor, Mr. & Mrs. Leon Pini Conseil Duvernay No. 42 Uni6n S. Jean Baptiste d'Amerique, Joseph Rioux. OScar Hillman & Sons $50 The Millstone, Inc. Atty. Ronale' A. Brais, Interboro Laundry Inc., The Rome. $30 Albert A. Morawski $25 Holy Name Society Walter McCann Nolan's Flowers, Mr. & Mrs. Walter' F. Lyons, Mr. & Mrs. James Reynolds. Swanzey Tool Co. $20 H. F. Barrows Co. North Attleboro Rotary Club $15 Hi-Lo Market, Sousa Bros. & DeMayo' Inc. Strut, Inc. , $12.50 North Attleboro Gas Co.
The pilgrimage image fA. Our Lady of Czestochow~' known as the Black Madonna' and venerated in Poland for over 500 years, is en route to the United States where it win · be welcomed at 4 Sunday afte~ , noon, June 17 at sOlemn ceremonies in Boston College stadium. Cardinal Cushing will preach and his message will be transmitted behind the Iron Curtain. Archbishop Krol of Philadelphia will lead the congregation in prayer and hymns:
DEDICATES CHURCH: Bishop Connolly dedicates new St. Casimir's Church, New, Bedford. Assisting at 'left is'Rev. Wenceslau's Grucela,' O.F.M. Conv., of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, New Bedford.
Large Pl'OOession A large procession honoring the Madonna, considered by Cardinal Wyszynski of Poland his greatest weapon against Communism, will inc Iud e , priests, laity, acolytes, children' from Polish Catholic schools, first communicants and members of church, civil and mi~ taryorganizations in full uniform. ' Joint choirs of 'Bo'ston area' · Polish parishes will lead singing ,and it· is expected that color films of the ceremony will be - shown not only in Boston but in Czestochowa, Poland, It is anticipated that maqy representatives of Pol i s lb parishes in the Fall River Dio-' cese will be at the unique event.
- NEW BEDFORD AREA lFALL RllVER' AREA St. Mary , $ 9054.03 Holy Name 8661.00 Blessed Sacrament 1679.55 Assumption 1154,25 · M@Ii'<e fF<efi'U!! Dmll!i'ln~lI1lS Espirito Santo 1722.00 Holy Rosary 565.00 Holy Name 20874.75 Immaculate Conception 3711.85 Af1@ Oli J ~®U\l'ilgli'i}~ll'u<e$ Ho~y Cross> 840.65 Mt. Carmel PUNO (NC) - Prospects look 9028.70 Notre Dame 5374.50 Our Lady of bright .for a constant increase Our Lady of the Angels 3680.30 in vocations in this mountainous Perpetual Help 2005.55 Our Lady of Health 1668.00 , Our Lady of Purgatory Indian territory of Peru. 50.00 Holy Rosary 2419.00 Sacred Heart Forty-three youngsters, most3929.00 Immaculate Conception ,6690.35 St. Anne 2140.00 ly Aymara and Quecha Indians, Sacred Heart 12445.60 St. Anthony of Padua 4859.00 ' are now enrolled in the minor st. Anne 4433.05 St. Boniface 302.00 seminary here. Father Joseph St. Anthony of Padua 1811.10 St. Casimir Lang, M.M., of Lake Worth, Fla., 762.00 St. Anthony of the : '1557.50 rector of San Ambrosio Minor St. Francis' of Assisi 1400.00 St. Hedwig Desert 130.00 S~minary, reports'15 seminary 1261.41 St. Elizabeth St. Hyacinth 1390.25 graduate!: are now major semi- 3328.00 St. James St. John the Baptist 14167.50 narians, three times the number' 54026.00 St. John the -Baptist ordained in the past seven years. ' , St. Joseph 6340.14 3195.00 St. Joseph St. Louis Priests are desperately needed , 8800.05 1864.00 St. Matthew St. Kilian 4275.75 in Pe~u. where there is an aver~ 3751.12 St. Lawrence St. Michael 20705.55 age of only. one Priest ~or' everi 6910.20 st. Mary 5,500 Catholics. St. Patrick 4944.30 5965.50 St.'Theresa SS. Peter & Paul .''The situation of, the Church 3588.25 2430.50 Acushnet St. Roch in Peru is hopeless.'" declared 415.00 . Sl Francis Xavier St. Stanislaus 2680.50 Father Robert E.Kearns,· M.M., 4462.50 Fairhaven St. William of New York, "if more effort is 1574.70 Santo Christo not made to attract the splendid St. Joseph 5490.03 Assonet St. Mary 1592.47 . young men cr 'the Peruvian '1860.00 St. Bernard Sacred' Hearts 611:00 Andes to embrace the priestly Central Village state." Father Kearns isa vet.So. Dartmouth 2149.00 St. John Baptist eran of 18 years in Peru. Sl Mary 5387.00 No. Westport gw.) ::it r'"ic'? 2702.70 Our Lady of Grace Ill{ANNIS AREA Ocean Grove' Chatham 3402.00 St. Michael Holy Redeemer 3119.00 ' Somerset Centerville 3059.00 St. John of God Our Lady of Victory 1'146.00 4797.50 E. Brewster St. Patrick St. Thomas More ...... 10234.25 Immac. Conception 1085.00 Gorgeol,lS location. completely fur,nisheci, Swansea. .' East Falmouth a $50,000 vatue right on Buzzards Ba)!" 4910.75 Our Lady of FatIma St. Anthony 6054.00 priyato bead!. new heater. 4 beautiful 3416.00 Falmouth St. Dominic ' " bedrooms. Agent m.1able SaturdClJ' 3564.50 St. Louis of France St. Patrick '1111.00 and SundCly. Westport ' Hyann1s , Call Buzzard. Bay, PL 9-3898 St. George 6263.00 St. Francis Xavier 12563.50 for. & appt. Orleans . TAUNTON AREA Weekday ftigh1s "I to 10. tv 4-1068 St. Joan of .Are 1513.00 Holy F~ly ,3193.50 Holy Rosary 1828.00 Osterville Assumption 2881.00 Immaculate' Conception' 4301.50 Lady of Lourdes 3526.00 ProvincetoWn St. Peter 3224.00 Where A Sacred Heart 4716.20 Sandwich St. 'Anthony 3274.35 Corpus Christi 3830.00 3335.00 'St. Jacques So. YarmouthSt. Joseph 5036.00 Sl Pius 5343.00 St.' Mary 10253.75 Wellfleet Means A I St. Paul 4332.00 Our Lady of Lourdes 1595.00 Dighton 1355.00 West Harwich St. Peter Holy Trinity 3646.'15 No. Dighton Woods Hole 2568.50 St. Joseph St. Joseph 2431.00 No. Easton 8537.00 ' Immac. Conception' NORTH ATTLEBORO AREA Raynham ' Sacred Heart' 5069.00 • St. Ann 2697.50 St. Mary 15145.00 WAR~AREA Buzzards 'Bay', A'rl'LEBOBO ABBA 4206.50 St. Margaret Holy Ghost 4085.00 Mattapoisett 14750.00 2610.50 51. John St. Anthony St.· Joseph · 3 8 2 2 . 5 0 Wareham 5485;00 8002.00 Sl Mary St. Patrick , St. Stephen 3392.50 vmEYARD HAVEN AJllEA Sl Theresa 618'lJ65 Nantucket Mansfield Our Lady of the- Isle 2933.00 St. Mary Oak Bluffs Seekonk Sacred Heart 2627.00 Mt. Carmel O,penEvenings 3626.25 \ Vineyard Haven NortOn St. Augustine Sl Mar)' 1859.00 3985.50
W8@Jfl@ITS~@nl EsQal.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., June 7,1962
Will O'rdain Fall River Native As Dominican Next Week
Catholic Hospitals Pledg~ Effort To .Meet Health Needs. of· Aged
Rev. Mr. John D. Hickey, a.p., to be ordained in Washington, D.C., Thursday, June 14, will offer his first Solemn Mass in SS. Peter and Paul Church, Fall River at 11 Sunday morning, June 17. Ministers of the Mass, all former residents of Fall River, will be Very Rev. Nicholas F. Halligao, a.p., sub-prior of St. Stephen's Priory, Dover, Mass., deacon; Rev: Edward P. Doyle, O.P., Mt. St. Mary's College, Newburgh, N.Y., subdeacon. 'Very Rev. Timothy E. Shea, O.P., prior of' St. Joseph's Pl'iory, Somerset, 0., will preach. Dominican students from Dover will sing. Fall River Schools Rev. Mr. Hickey, who will be ordained by Most Rev. John J.. Russell, D.D., Bishop of Richmond, is the son of John H. Hickey, 286 Whipple Street, Fall River and the late Edna Hickey. He attended St. Vincent's' School, Morton Junior High School and B.M.C. Durfee High School. He attended Providence College, entering the Dominican Order in 1955. Studies for the priesthood were undertaken at Somerset, 0., Dover and Washington, D.C., where the ordinand will return for advanced work. Rev. Mr. Hickey's sister is a t=armelite Sister for the Aged and Infirm, stationed at Laconia, N.H. Her name in religion is Sister Cecilia Marian. lIIistory of Order The Order of Preachers was founded by St, Dominic in 1216. Its purpose is to save souls through preaching and teaching the word of God. To achieve this goal Dominicans dedicate themselves to study and prayer. The order has produced many saints, among them, St. Thomas Aquinas, one of the most brilRant thinkers of all times and St. Martin de Porres, a Negro Jay brother outstanding for his humility and canonized last month.
Although Dominican ~athers in the United States are especially occupied with teaching theology, in' Catholic colleges throughout the country, Providence College is the only institution administered by them. They are also engaged in preaching parish missions and retreats, and have foreign missions in Pakistan, Africa, an(l South America" American Dominicans also staff many parishes in big cities similar to St. Anne's in Fall River, which is operated by Canadian Dominicans.
OfHce, .to Assist Prelates Presides at Rites U.5. WASHINGTON (NC) - An office for the National Catholic In Fairhaven Welfare Conference wilt" be
established in Rome during the Most Reverend James J. Ger:' Second Vatican Council which rard presided at a requiem Mass opens on Oct. 11. for Sister Therese- Margaret, The office, authorized by the SS.CC., sung Monday morning NCWC Administrative Board, at Sacred Hearts Academy will be for the assistance of the chapel, Fairhaven. Bishops of the United States Born Anne Maria Boucault exclusively. in Nantes, France in' 1876, Sister Msgr. Paul F. Tanner, NCWC Therese 'Margaret was educated General Secretary, will be in in a Sacred. Hearts convent in charge of the office, but it will ,that city. She entered the com- be staffed by priests resident in munity at its Paris motherhouse Rome. in 1898 and pronounced first All the priests on the office vows in 1900. staff speak Italian fluently and Since 1900 know Rome perfectly. After an assignment in Boissy, It is expected that the Office France, Sister Therese Margaret will be able to assist the came to Fairhaven in 1910. For American Bishops in a great nearly 50 years she was sacristan many personal matters, such as for the Sacred Hearts convent messenger .service, transportathere and also taught art, reli- tion, typing, currency exchange, gion, French and penmanship. communication with home, and She is surv.ived by a brother matters affecting the Council and sister, a nephew who is chaplain at Hotel Dieu, Paris, Mass Ordo and by numerous other nephews and nieces. FRIDAY-Mass as on feast of the . Celebrant for the funeral Mass ·Ascension. IV Class. White. was Very Rev. William Condon, Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; SS.CC., Provincial of the Sacred Preface of Ascension. Hearts Fathers, assisted by Rev. SATURDAY-Vigil of Pentecost. John O'Brien, sS.ce.,. deacon; I Class. Red. Mass' Proper; Res~~mes Publication and Rev. Maurice A. Pepin,SS. Gloria; no Creed; Preface; CC., subdeacon. Communicantes and Hanc igiAft~r Police Seizure Singing was, by Sacred Hearts tur of Pentecost. LOME (NC) - The Catholic novices directed by Rev.. Eugene SUNDAY-Pentecost Sunday. I newspaper Presence Chretienne Robitaille, SS.CC., vice-provinClass. Red. Mass Proper; Glohere has resumed publication cial and novice master. ria; Sequence; Creed; preface; after one issue was confiscated Communicantes and Hanc igi_ by the police. tur of Pentecost (also each day Police had seized the issue during the Octave.) after a Togolese cabinet minister MONDAY - Pentecost Monday. The following films ·are to be claimed that one article was ofI Class. Red. Mass Proper; Glofensive to the government of added to the list~ in their reria; Sequence; Creed; Preface, spective classifica~ions: tn' west African nation. The • etc. of Pentecost. Unobjectionable for General TUESD~Y-Pentecost Tuesday. author of the article, a .Togolese layman, was imprisoned for two Patronage-Invasion of the Star I Class. Red. Mass Proper; Glodays. The paper's European ed- Creatures. ria; Sequence; Creed; Preface, itor, Father Alexis Oliger, etc. of Pentecost. Unobjectionable for Adults O.F.M., was not molested. and Adolescents - The Young WEDNESDAY-Ember WednesTogo, a former French man- Ones. 'day After Pentecost. I Class. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; Sedate that became independent in Objectionable in Part for All 'quence; Creed; Preface, etc. of 1960, has 215,000 Catholics in a -It Happened in Athens (Obtotal population of 1,500,000. Pentecost. jection: A basically interesting story (Olympic games) is marred THURSDAY - Thursday within the Octave. of Pentecost: I by the deliberate introduction of Class. Ret:. Mass Proper; Glosuggestive costuming and situria; Sequence; Creed; Preface, ations); The Brain That Wouldn't etc. of Pentecost. Die (Objection: Suggestive cos• ¥ • • • • • • • • • • • • tuming; sadism),; The Payroll (Objection: Low moral tone; detailed method of crime). featuring Concrete Jungle (low moral liThe Gaslight Room" ;tone; classification applicable only to prints shown in·U. S. A.). Ideal for Communion BreakSeparate Classification: Advise fa~ts.. Organization Banquets and Consent (although this film 386 Acushnet Ave. 'is claimed to be completely ficNew Bedford tional, it is developed with such Call WYman 2-1703 an aura of authenticity that it + gives the impression of a documentary. The image created of the government is one of corruption and- in this time of worid tension it may serve to discredit democracy. For these reasons caution seems required' in exhibition and viewing). CALIX AWARD: Harold J. Moriarty of St. Paul, diWilliams' Funeral rector of the International DOAN~·BE.AL·AMt:S Home Calix Society, received the INCORI'oRATEO EST. 1870 organization's first National 1 Washington Square Distinguished Service award NEW BEDFORD for his leadership in "the Reg. Funeral Director and .. HYANNIS Calix program of spiritual Embalmer .. HARWICH PORT rehabilitation among the PRIVATE PARKING A~IEA .. SOUTH YARMOUTH Catholic alcoholics of AmerTEL. WY 6-8098 ica." NC Photo.
M-K Restaurant
ST-. LOUIS (NC) - The Catholic Hospital Association has pledged efforts to meet the health needs of the aged. The asso.ciation made its pledge in a resolution adopted at its 47th annual convention here. ·Like the other convention resolutions, it was drafted in private by the resolutions committee and adopted unanimously by convention delegates. This is the te~t of the resolution: . "Be it resolved that the Catholic Hospital Association, cognizant of the ever growing number of fellow Citizens advancing in' years and of the limitations of their resources to meet their medical needs, pledges its resources to provide the necessary health care under our autonomous voluntary agencies for those senior citizens in cooperation with allied health care agencies, the community and government through our cherished democratic processes. Share Responsibility ~'Be it further resolved that the Catholic Hospital Association encourages its members to.
recognize their share of the community's responsibility to provide nursing service and medical care without unnecessary ,duplication of equipment, personnel or capital expansion in meeting society's responsibility in the' care of the aged." In other resolutions, the association: -Called on members to "extend and to expand their apostolic endeavors .through the American Bishops' program of assistance to Latin America." -Encouraged member gen-. eral hospitals "to meet the need for acute care of the psychiatric patient without infringment of the role so necessarily fulfilled in the specialty psychiatric institutions." .
Leqal Conference NOTRE DAME (NC) """7 "The Trial Lawyer: 1962" is the theme of a conference sponsored here by the Notre Dame Law Association. Attorneys, judges and government officials from many parts of the cQuntry are attending.
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THE ANCHpR-Diocese 'of Fall. River-Thurs., June 7I 1962, \
. ' .
'CO !,ng
VaJid Conclusion i The hearts of men are still touched by the needs of their neighbor. And ~heir neighbor is still' anyone in need. This is the valid conclu,sion that may be drawn from the record-breaking total reached in this year's Cath(jlic Charities Appeal. :.' . . ". .' Those who contributed 'to it-firms and individuals~ a~e deserving of the very highest praise. And those who" encouraged the Appeal-the: communications media"':"'have put their considerable influence to a wor-thy cause. , The workers who bent ~heir efforts in the parishes of tlieDioeese to assure each parishioner of the opportunity a~d privilege to help a' neighbor in' need should take legitimatepride at the impressiv~e results of their labors.. The story that is behind this Appeal has no "gimmick" and no - "hard sell" approach. It is the story as old as humanity-a story of sufferIng and need and sickness and hardship. And the response to. that story has been the .response of chatity-of synipathy and understanding a:nd willingnes's to sacrifice for the welfare of others.
V~ (
.',By Rev:\!
•.ogan, C.S.C•
~ Stf)r'
The Te.... :BeUT
~ "'tlEleventh
': Councils
The te ,~'",1eral council of the (: ""~h wasocca-sioned b. ; 'J '; elections of· two claiIr - L"l the papacy. When por, !-T(l'"!orius died in 1130, one 3rou!' of cardinals elected Greg-:ry Papareschi as Innocen t II while imoth,=r, a large gro'.'!" elected Pet e l' Pierleone 2sAnacletus II. St. Bernard, in efCIA missal is' no substitute for Roberts' 'Rules of Order' fect, decided the during a parliamentary debate, nor isa .well-trained 'schola' issue becf-use he cantorum' a substitute for a well-trained political caucus. lent his powerful support to Both, of course are necessa'ry-the liturgy 'and political Innocent II as action." ,. By REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA, Catholic University the better man. .These are the words of. 'Monsignor George Higgins, a U hiS election had not been valid columnist for The Anchor and the director of the Sodal' before, it was "legitimated by Action Department of the National, Catholic Welfare Con;,. ness as a oneness in His Spirit,. the 'election of the Church," a8" TODAY-M~ as',on Sunday. . 1>ne author expresses it. ' The Introit expresses our long- in His life, divine life. ference. MONDAy IN' PENTECOST.' Nevertheless Innocent's poili- " Monsignor Higgins is calling upon Catholics to .take ing for the presence of th~ Lord, that physical presence which A special Mass each day this· tion' was somewhat· precario'tls' the lead in the reconstruction of, the social order-"a dem- for the Ascension has denied us, We wee}( shows the importance the . until' the death of Ariacletus at ocratically organized 'system :of cooperation betw'een labor, humans like the concrete, the Chu.rch attaches to the ·pente-. Rome in 1138 because Anacletus' . mana~emEmt, agriculture arid the professions in a joint visible, the tangible~ This is the coastal feast. The Marvelous. was a memb~r of the powerftii effort to establish order anll stability and justice in an . way weare made; So the words of today's Gospel'sum- Pierleone family, while Innocent economic system which, for ,too many years, ha,s drifted Church's sacramental worship, in" marize the whole of th'e Chris- was' from the rival Frangipani' , _ this, "space-between," 'shows tian message: "God S9 loved the clan. along without adequate moral direction and control and God's solicitude·for our make-up, world that he gave his onlyInnocent rr called a general., to some extent, is still distriOuting its phenominal benefits our nature. As in· the Incarnation begotten Son, that those who be':: . council to meet in April 1139 at unevenly and inequitably.'" " ' itself, here in the'sacraments He lieve in him may not perish,but the Lateran to ratify his elec: , 'Monsign~.r Higgins wisely calls for all elements of the ., works through signs, even to may have life everlasting." For tion; this very short council be:' it is to' those who believe that the came the tenth ecumenical coun~ economic system in which t~is country has such faith to· obtain effects profoundly spirit- Spirit comes. He comes not be-' cil and the Second' Council" of ual. unite to arrive at formulas of distribution that will recog-' TOMORROW - Mass as on cause one is Jew or Gentile (first' the Lateran. The council, at,;" nize the productive role of and the need' to' reward all Sunday. But God has to teach us reading), but to' believers of' tended by five or six hundred' somehow, too, tliat material every cultural or "racial" or na- bishops and abbots, condemned in ~.framework of justice. . .' Catholic leaders, with their concern for justice and . things, even .these signs that are _ tional background. This w.orShip_·' the anti-Pope anacletus and his . .'. followers. Cardinals who had ad-, .sacraments, are means rather ing Church is' catholic. morality, surely must take the lead in this important task the TUESDAY IN PENTECOST;' hered to Anacletus were vicious"" than ends. They' are helps, of urging cooperation qf all 'elements involved; crutcli~st we need hi our present Jesus is the door to this com": ly degraded by Pope Innocent " There is another implication that -can also be drawn' condition. So he "was lifted up . munity 0:' the Spirit(Gospel):' To II; against this excessive vindlcfrom the prelate's words and it is this: in many matters to heaven" in order to' grant us attempt to enter another way is tiveness St. Bernard protested hi it is not a question of either-or-but of both. Catholics "fellowship in' his Godhead." In to be, a thief and a robber, to yain.· Disciplinary Canon.,;; Christ our' Head, we His mem- raise human pretensions against 3hould not allow people to make them . choose. ':M:ostmat- .bers i\re also lifteCl'·up, we'share divine grace. So we pray today The (;athari, a secret society, ters are not either-or propo~ition~. When ,both: elements in His glory' and' His· triumph. that we'may have ,the' grace"'to were condemn.ed for their rejecof the choice are worthy, then both must'be chosen as the. He prepaz:es a' place. for' us, re- receive; to accept, to humble tion of the Eucharist, Baptism, go~l of action. Thus, in a choice between liturgy or social: niindsu~dnat our end, our des- ourselves and_ any powers we priesthood and marriage; though. lction, the answer must be "both." Both are aims of Catho- tiny is a spiritual one, is' in God. have, or think we have. Our they are not mentioned bY, SATURDAY-Vigil of Pente- glory, says the entrance hymn nam.e, all evidence points to their lic action-the corporate wor$hip of God and the fun~tion cost. "I will not leave you' or- of the Mass, is a glory w'e receive being the unnamed heretics enlng of ma-':l in a human society. phans; I will come to you" is the ":""not a gJory we are born with ,iigaged. The council excommuri~ . icated.them llld alloWed them to promise. of Jesus in the Gospel. and not a glory' we -achieve. E M B·E R WEDNESDAY IN be 'punished by seCular. rulers. As we prepare 'today to celebrate 'l:'his iro~p; later to be known, . the .~o~mirig;U,1e J:nighty, coming, , PENTECO'ST. 'Another of the l~f~e·.Spir~t of. love, the Spirit four-seasOnal ember weeks with as Albigensians from the name Recent -stock-market acrobatics have seen AmericaJiSof. truth, .t!le · of God, we their exceptional Wednesday and of their center,' regarded all mattaikirig in astronomical figures:..:-biUions lost and ,billions' ate newly consc,i.ous of His re- Friday and Saturday Masses; its ter; and 'especiallY the flesh, as, ' wi t.h. 'Pentecost evil and thus abhorred marriage, regained, millions of shares sold and bought. Just recently creation of our relationship to coincidence . '. the Father and to one another. teach'es us that it. is only in His prQCfeation,' and eating mea t and some more impressive figures 'were released by a research The. Pentecostal Spirit is the an- Spirit that -we can really pray at animal products. ~irty. disciplinary I canons ~roup. And these-on the, common cold. swer, not only' to our estrange- all.' For ember days are days of If it is any consolation for those who sneezed their inent from God but also to the special' prayer as well as ordina~-' .were passed by the council, the way through the WInter and s-':liffed their way through confusion and divisions- of man- tion time for bishops, .priests and' majority of which repeated laws deacons for the Church. And our made previously. By them it was the Spring, the. com~on cold'costs the .country tw,o, hundred kind sYmbolized by ·Babel. pray'er is effective, as all three forbidden' for a layman to attend' . :md eightee.n million workdays a year, one hundred' and' . PENTECOST-SUNDAY. What Bible readings' point out, even to the Mass of a priest who had a . ni-':lety-five ,million 'schoolday's, and ·,three billion dollars. Christiansin the do sacred in their:, public . worship, liturgy, is the point of' victory over death concubine. Laymen, were pro-, . It is almost comforting ~o contemplate that in these ' 'celebrate great moments in the. (Gospel), not because of any- hibited from holding or collect.. days of orbital flights 'and electronic computers the common history. of God's saving acts, ~he thing \Vedo or ·have doqe but ing any tithes.' trom· Church because He has "poured forth offices., The' council confirmed. cold still illudes its attackers. 'It is humbling to realize that. ,dee~s He has. done out of love his Spirit." the right of the cathedral canons man for aU his works of 'prokress can '''still be defeated by 'f?r HisI?~ople,'And, because the to elect bishops. , , .. . ,,'. ..... ..... , ,',. . . . . . , ,.... 'lIturgy u. .sacramental, because 3U~h a lowly adversary. , .' , ..' , . i t is a"sign~iariguagewe'cele'- ,Hospital Association' Marriage Laws ; And when 'feeling rather insignificant in the face of aU' . bi-ate ';;hese moments'and deeds '. I p'. ·d· It ~as once again ,for,bidd~n' ,', for wars to be waged against wonders 'pe'rf6rmed bY. riibdern " sCience, . person ~n' "i~ such .. a way that·· they are Re.e ects. resl ent Sr.. LOUIS. (NC) ......,M~r:"\,one's 'neighbor during' seasor)Ji' , take a perverse satisf~ction! from reaching for anoth'e{'a~ain somell(~w present,~ome Cle.n.tent,. G.. ~~dler,. director designated by the Ghurch-'-this '.. h.andkerchief and knowing scienee still has·a lon'g way to'''go;~',,·:,hl"nowWh~ehre-and-no~rt· , . . . . IC we can pa ~~p.ertlenTces IClpa e. 0- o,f ~ospitals for the. :aellEOvili~, ... waif called "keeping th'e truce . ,":1" "'. . "''''day we celebrate one of the mOst .lIt, dioce~e" has been reelected,·,';·,of. God.'" Marriage Of clerics iit '. . glorious of'these deeds arid sav- .president of the Catholic Hos- . major orders was declared in'-" ' "1 . ~, ..' valid as well as unlawful. In ad';;' ing acts, Hi~ sending ,of the Holy . pital' Association.,' . . The Other officers of the asso"-.. , dition, marriage of near relative8 Spirit,so that the Spirit "fills'the whole houSe" (first reading). .ciatio'ri were also voted unpnic-. was prohibitf'd as in the'previThe salvation. We '.!tliow through edented seco~d term,s in office ousecumenical council. Penalties were stated against JesuS Christ's' assuming :our na- its 47fr annual conven':' ture, .' off,erlng 'it,'. conq'uerip.g tion held here. Some 6,000 hos-' arson and also for violence I ., ' . . . ... . qeath with it, raising' it into pital administrators' and persOn- brought against the clergy bewith the very life of n~l from the U. S. and Canada cause of the respect due to them OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OJ: THE DIOCESE OF, FALL RIVER communion because of their order. It was the Holy Trinity-this salvation attended. The other reelected .officers forbidden to violate cemeteries receives its final confirmation in Publillhed weekly by 'The Catholic, Press of the Diocese 'of Fall River today's celebr~tion,-.9f our one- are: Msgr. James H. Fitzpatrick, and to practice usury. Tourna. " 410 Highlard Avenue associate superintendent of hos- ments were proscribed as well Fall River, Mass. ' O'Sborne 5-7151' D'· pitals for the BrOOklyn, N, Y., as archery as being too lethal. In · 'h BIS Op- 'esignate diocese, president-elect; Father praci~e, many of these prohibi.. PUBLISHER o T T,A,W A(.N C) - Msgr. John A. TreSe, director of hos- tioDs 'were ignored. MOlt Rev. James L.' Connolly, D.D.,PhD~ Jacques Laridr'iault, vicar' 'gen- 'pitalsfor the D.etroit archdiocese, - . Questio,n Invalidation GENERAL MANAGER '.6.SST.: GEN'ERAL' MANAGER ~al of the Diocese of Timmins, first. vice-president; and Father The final canon declared that : Rev. Daniel F. S.ha II 00. M.A. I e', Rev•. John P. Drilcoll has been- named' Titt.dar Bishop Paul' R. 'tv!oore, director of'hos- . the ordinations perforrrie4 bJ' .., MANAGING EDITOR of Cadql.aM· Auxiliary Bishop pitals.forthe New Orleans arch:" '''Anacletus'·were invalid as weB' . Hugh J•. GOlden ~ the A:le~andi'1a.,0nt., dl<x:eae~ . 'diOcese,,' second vice-president. ' Turn to Pale sev~n' ".'........: ,._. . ..... ; ->. .'. .
Leadership and Choice·
An Adversary
@rheANCHOR 0.4"
,,;, ::
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., June 7/1962
Vatican Counci' Continued from Page Six as thQse of other schismatics. Previous "co.uncils had similarly stated that those who had been ordained by earlier anti-Popes bad to be reordained .. Theologians question why the 6I'dinations were invalidated since in the early Church and after the thirteenth century the Church considered that if the ordinations were conferred with tne proper matter, form and intention. even though the bishop be a schismatic, they are valid. It 'is Dossible, as some suggest, that the terms invalid and null used in these councils are not to be . taken at face value, but rather rrean that those ordained by schismatics cannot use their powers until reconciled to the Pope. Council at Pavia The Third Lateran Council, the eleventh ecumenical council, was occasioned by circumstances similar to those of its predecessor. EfT\ueror Fr~derick I. surnamed Barbarossa (Red Beard), rejected the election of Alexander III, who as a cardinal had manifested disapproval of Barbarossa's excessive imp e ria 1 daims, and tried to persuade the eardinals to elect an imperial puppet. . Only three cardinals voted .for the imperial candidate, who oeeame anti-Pope Victor IV. Emperor Frederick, asserting that as emperor he had the right, called. a council at Pavia in 1160 to settle what he falsely termed a dispute . over the papacy. The duly elected Pope Alexander III refused to appear; the mock council declared in favor ef Victor, but nobody paid any attention to the decision. Recognizes Pope It' was only 15 years later When, after three successful in.. vasions of Italy and Rome, he was defeated by united forces and was obliged to seek a truce at Venice, that Barbarossa abandoned his successsion of antiPopes and restored to the Church aU the property he had unlawfully ta ken. Barbarossa recognized Alexander 111 as Pope in Venice and was absolved from his excom- . munication. The Pope, an emi-' nent canon lawyer, then decided to hold another general council. Third Latern Council The Third Lateran Council was held in 1179; we have the names of 291 bishops who at-
Centers to Help DeRgnquent Boys MANCHESTER (NC) - A community of priests dedicated to caring for underprivileged and delinquent boys, has an-' nounced plans'for the establishment of a network of villagelike settlement centers in New Hampshire. The' Manchester residence of Edward T. McShane, retired businessman, has been purchased by the community as the first step in a 10-year plan. Establishment of three settlement centers, a boarding house and a novitiate for spiritual guidance of boys who may join the community, officially known ~8 the Order of St." Jerome 4emllian, feature the plan. . Announce" Program Fathers Lorenzo Netto, C.R.S.. and Marconato Titiano, C.R.S., who have been studying at St. Anselm's College here for two ~ars, will move into the McShane residence in July. They will be joined by three other Somaschan Fat her s due to arrive in Manchester in August. Timetable under the 10-year program calls for an operation headquarters here this year; a settlement house for pre-teenagers between Manchester and €oncord in 1963; settlement Ihouse for preteeners between Portsmouth and Hampton in 1'965; a St. Jerome's Novitiate and public shrine dedicated to Our Lady of Maternal Help irl the Sunapee area in 1967; teen workers' home between Man-' ehester and Nashua in 1969; and G third settlement house for preteenagers between Dover an~ ~smouth in 1972. :' "
tended, but it appears that there were more than 300 present. Most of the Bishops were from Italy, but England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany and Spain were all represented. In addition many abbots attended as well as envoys from kings and princes. Twenty-seven disciplinary rules have come down to us from this council. It was decided that henceforth a two-thirds majority would be .required for a papal election, and thus future schism could be avoided., Once again the ordinations conferred by schismatics. were annulled. Prescriptions were imposed for candidates for the bishopric; to be elected they must be at least 30 years' old, of legitimate birth, and of suitable character and education. It was forbidden for a cleric to hold more than one ecclesiastical office or parish. A schoolmaster was to be appointed for every cathedral to instruct poor students and clerics. improye Christian Standards A penalty of excommunication was stated against anyone who would deliver weapons or war materials to the Saracens. The Jews and Saracens were forbidden to keep Christian s.laves. The Cathari, now more numerous, were excommunicated as well as those who associated with them on a business or sodal level; the property of these heretics was to be confiscated. The followers of Peter ".Waldo, however, were only mildly rebuked. Laymen were forbidden to in_ terfere in episcopal business and.' once again usury and tournaments were condemned. Lepers were to be provided with special churches and they were to be exempted from paying: taxes. Payment in money' for receiving the' Sacraments was proscribed. A crusade against assassins, bandits and marauders was advocated. The basic purposes· of these canons was to guarantee freedom for the Church and her ministers and to improve .Christian standards of living. Next week: The 12th Ecumenical Council.
·Lack of Family Discip~ine Hindrance to Vocations ROME (NC) - Lack of family discipline was cited as the major hindrance to priestly vocations in the U.S. and Canada in a report released by the Holy See. Entitled "The Position of Vocations in the World," the report summarizes replies by bishops to the seminary. A primary factor a questionnaire sent Ol,lt by in increasing perseverence, on the Sacred Congregation .of the other hand, was a new effort Seminaries and Universities toward greater selectivity in in preparation for the first International Congress on Priestly Vocations. The U.S. and Canada, the report said, are almost identical in regard to the present status of the priesthood and the factors MUSIC HONORS: Flor which favor and hinder vocaPeeters, celebrated Belgian tions. organ virtuoso and composer, . Among the favorable factors, will receive an honorary doc- the report noted, are the permanent offices to foster vocatorate of music from the .., tions set up by the bishops of Cath'olic University of Amer-. the' two countries. Others include ica, Washington, at its com- . vocation weeks, "open house" mencement "exercises next "for' prospective candid~tes at Sunday. NC Photo. seminaries, retreats for students and the work of tlie Serra clubs, which' were organi;zed to promote vocations.
Sings First Mass In Fall River
'Hard to Submit' " Lack of family discipline in St. Anne's Church, Fall Rtver, th~ U.S. and Canada, the report was .the scene last Sunday of th~ said, makes it hard for youths First Solemn Mass' of Rev. to submit to seminary life. ReHeQry Roy, ordained May 31 as. lated to this, the report cona member of the order of the tinued, is the "indifference or Augustines of the Assumption at . even opposition of parents to Assumption Preparatory S~hooI. their sons' vocations. Worcester. . · Modern entertainment is. anSon of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Roy 'other unfavorable factor, it was of Worcester, formerly of F,'all stated; as are' the excesses of River, Father Roy graduated "youth' which are" motivated by from St. Anne's parochial sc!).ool a purely materialistic concept of and' Prevost High, School. He life. . . studied for the priesthood at Other "unfavorable' factors Saugerties, N.Y., Worcester, and · listed are dating at too early , in Belgium, France and Canada. an age; psychological immaturity, particularly among' city Niagara U. Honor youths,' and a distortion of spiriNIAGARA FALLS (N C) tual values. Msgr. (Col.) Charles E. McGee, Latin Stumbling Block chief of chaplains of the 1st V.S. • Replies from both the United Army, Governor's Island, N. Y., States and Canada indicated that will receive an honorary d~gree many seminarians fail to perand "give the baccalaureate ser- severe because they received mon at Niagara University on poor preparation in. Latin in Sunday, June 10. secondary school before entering
accepting candidates for the seminary. " In its general notes on Western Europe, the report observed that on the basis of replies vocations to the secular priesthood are decreasing while those to religious orders are increasing. It also noted a marked increase in belated vocations, and vocations are coming from a broader social area.
Dedicates Chapel :Gift of Anglicans QUEBEC (NC) - A chapel built by Anglicans 'and donated by .- them to the Dominican Fathers was blessed by Archbishop Maurice Roy of Quebec in the presence of the Anglican Archbishop of Quebec and other 'prominent Anglicans. Archbishop Roy, Primate of Canada, said of the gift of the chapel by the Anglicans: "This act of charity which we admire and "love 'marks a real step toward that unity for which we are" all praying." St. Mary's chapel was built as an Anglican chapel in 1904 on .the grounds of the nearby Kent 'House estate. In 1954 the Dominicans acquired Kent House, which had for some years been a fashionable hotel. Since then they have· used it as a study house and conference site. The Anglican chapel was closed at that time. In 1960, however, Archbishop Philip Carrington, then Anglican Archbishop of Quebec, donated the chapel to the Dominicans. It was restored last year.
Files Bill Aid CoUege libraries WASHINGTON (NC) - Private colleges would share in a ne~ Federal aid to education proposal to spend $247.5 million for school libraries, but private grade and high schools are out of the bill. The legislation (H.R. 11823) was introduced in the House by Rep. Cleveland M. .Bailey of West Virginia. It will be con.sidered by the" General Subcommittee on Education which Bailey heads. It is thought unlikely that the bill will reach the House floor this session, although hearings many start in July. The measure mig,ht be incorporated into a broad ,Federal aid to education program expected in the 1963 session. For Public Schools The largest part of the fiveyear program proposed in the bill is assistance for establishing and maintaining libraries in public grade and high schools. About $150 million would b.e spent to help buy books, remodel space for library quarters o and set statewide standards for. libraries. Each state would be guaranteed a minimum of $50,000 a year. In addition, the bill would spend $50 million to help institutions of higher educ'ation. public and private, expand their libraries.
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IFsrst Friday Club New officers of Fall River First Friday Club are Raymond H. Medeiros, president; John J. Hrinko, vice-president; Charles J. Hodkinson, secretary; Dennis C. Hurley, treasurer. Suspending activities for the Summer. the unit will attend a· retreat 'Hi S~tember at Cathedral,Camp.-
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THE ANCHOR~Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., June 7, 1962
Church in Africa Faces Setbacks
Tots in Church Are at Home In .Their Father's House By Mary Tinley Daly . Response to a letter printed in this column some weeks a.go has been heartwarming and enlightening. Small children in' church was its theme. Explaining' that she "can> be anything but brief;" Mrs. J. V. apologizes for the length of her letter. We people who obviously feel the think you will enjoy every same way as the woman who word. M.T.D. wrote to you. About a year ago, ona Holy Day of Obligation, I Dear Mrs. Daly: I fail to find children in church so revolting. I can see the viewpoint of the woman who wrote to you that children are a dist rae t ion in church, but I cahnot understand it. Of course they are distracting! In church, or any place else, not only by tneir . squirming and. talking, but a smiling baby will catch anyone's eye. Who can ignore a. baby's smile? And isn't that proof of God's love? Even in church? This letter is written without malice or anger, nor is it writt~n in defense: But if this woman could be made aware of a few ba'sic facts, she might be able to tole,rate her cross with more humor.. Children annoy' her for an hour. Mine sometimes annoy llle 96 hours a day. But that is my problem, not hers. Anyway, babies are here to stay, and I sometimes feel that I have been personally charged with the responsibility of seeing that they do. Children Not Adults Small children are notorious f()r their ability to 'say or do the wrong thing at the wrong time. Their timing, 1 admit, is uncanny. And no child can remain immobile_ during Mass. In spite of their squirming, they are absorbing so'me of the drama at the altar. It is cruel to think of judging them by adult behavior standards when they are in church. 1 was raised in a Protestant religion, and as most Protestant churches do, this one encouraged parents to bring their children to church. My mother has often said that my regular ,church attendance began when 1 was six weeks old. SEl regular attendance at Mass was a natural for ·me. Although I feel that" a six weeks old baby is too young to be exposed to the vast variety of germs that would be found in such a concentration of people, I can see no reason for not taking a healthy six months old infant, if his parents wish to take him to church. When I became a Catholic, the most astounding thing about Catholicism was not mentioned in the catechism.·1 refer to 'the invisible "ADULT 0 N L Y" sign on the church door. This situation has improved ill recent years. To me,' one of the loveliest sights in' our parish ill a family of nine who occupy 'an entire pew each Sunday. The oldest of their seven children is 12 and the youngest is about two months old. I seldom take my children tQ ehurch. One reason is because of
Mission Sisters Staff New Jordan Hospital AMMAN (NC)-King Hussein .of .Jordan has inaugurated a 100bed hospital staffed by' Medical Mission' Sisters. It is known as the Muashir Memorial Hospital and was built by the Muashir family here. Dr. Sa'ad Muashir. head of the hospital, is an alumnus' of the medical school of the American University of Beirut, in Lebanon:He also did graduate work in surgery in the U. S. ThE: docto.:. arranged for the Medical Mission Sisters to take over administration of ihe ho~ pitaL .
found the only Mass I could at-. tend would entail taking three children with me. Their ages are four, three and one-and-one-hal£ years. I chose to take them with me rather than miss Mass. The youngest one had not been in church since his baptism: At Communion time, he refused to sit in the pew and wait for me. Of course, he had no way of knowing that I would come back. The woman. who wrote you might not have understood, but 1 took the baby with me to the Communion rail. Beautiful Event Crux of the matter, as 1 see it, is this: . Husbands and wives should' be able to attend Mass together, to pray together, and receive Holy Communion together. This should be one of 'the most beautiful, recurring events in their married life. Instead, it becomes a matter of one attending Mass while the· other stayS home 'with the children, and reversing the roles. for . the next Mass. That is, unless we•.take the children alo,ng! A religion shared by husbands and wives is a supernatural, unbreakable bond. 1 don't mean to infer that attending different Masses. is a superhighway to the divorce court, really isn't quite the same as attending together. Because we are made to feel guilty· about taking our children to church with us, we are denied thiS experience. I don't have any magic solution to offer. Perhaps this will help that woman to understand why some families prefer tQ attend mass, en masse. I wonder if it would be practical. for each parish to have at least one Mass every Sunday, specifically for adults only. It would be fur people who find it impossible to commune with God in the presence of children. Mrs; .J.V.
.SUCCESSFUL PARTY: The Retreat League of the Diocese sponsored a card party at Cathedral Camp. Shown, left to right, are Chairman Mrs. Timothy Neville of Taunton; Committee m,ember Miss Mary G. Shea of Hyannis; League PregidentMrs. Emmett P. Almond of No. Dart- mouth; and Miss Margaret Lahey. of Fall River.
V;"ewers Get' What· They Deserve, Priest Tells British Catholics MANCHESTER. (NC)-Viewers . get what they deserve on television, according to the Catholic priest who serves full time as adVIser to the British Broadcasting Corporation. Fat her Agriellus Andrew, O.F.M., was urging Catholics here to ma~e their presence felt
Establishes Pilgrimage Shrine to Our lady COVINGTON ,(N:C) -Bishop Richard H. Ackerman, C.S.Sp., of Covington has issued a decJ;ee establishing a pilgrimage shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. John's paril;lh in Carlisle, Ky. . The ·Bishop said in the decree that the shrine was set up to enco'urage among the faithful devotion to the Blessed Mother through the means of pilgrimages W a shrine 'dedicated to· her under her title of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
WASHINGTON (NC) - The Church must expect "setbacks and even persecution" in the future in Africa,. a' priest who specializes in Mrican affaiq . said here. Father John A. Bell, W.F., director of the White Fathers' African Research and InformationCenter here, noted that although the rapid growth of the Church in Mrica has been n blessing, it also has created "grave problems." "In . the' first place," Father Bell told the Women Volunteel'BAssociation, a lay missionary organization, "it is a struggle for the clergy and lay workers to reach and attend to many of these converts on a consistent basis." , lListen to You' "Also, many of the African leaders . . . have become Marxists. They are not necessarily slavish followers of Russia or communist China, but they are . true Marxists, and they share the typical Marxist antipathy' against the Church," he said. At the same time, he added, lay missionary groups like the Women Volunteers Association need not fear that they will be met with active hostility m Africa. "By and large, it makes DO difference to an' African whom you represent," Father Bell said. "If you are kind, interested and charitable, they will ·listen te you' and seek your friendship..
in the field of radio· and television. Addressing the local brimch of the Look and Listen Group, Catholic." sOcietY which keepS a watch for potentially immoral material on radio and televisimi, he said: . Correge Honor Student i'Radio and television do not Is Handicapped Girl . exist for' the manufacturers, or for the dealers, or for the !=omST. LOUIS (II{C) - Dolores panies or for the British Broad- Nolters, 21, spent four years at casting Corporation. They exist Fontbonne College in suburban simply and solely for you, the Clayton, Mo., and never heard"a viewers and listeners. It is in single word in class' lectures but Y0J.l:r power to influence deci": she was' graduated Saturday ~ith sions. honors as a business' major and -"Television is a family decireceived an award from the sion and you cannot escape' the Wall Street Journal as the outresponsibility for what 'you ad- standing member of her class. mit into -your homes. You get She' has been a consistent the television you deserve and . honor student at the college, nobody is to blame but you. conducted by the Sisters of St. What is the curse of this country Joseph of Carondelet. as of many others is a supine Miss Nolters contracted meopeople and a de,mocracy that will ingitis when she was five 'yean not exercise its rights." old and became totally deaf.
. loy Missioners leave For Honduras Posts AMOS (NC)-Two women lay missionaries h:we left Quebec for the Diocese of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, to aid two priest-mis_ sionaries of the Amos diocese who have been in Honduras since last year. . Colette Duchemin of Amos and Lise Baril of La Sai're, working in cooperation with the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, took special courses in Spanish prior to leaving for theirmission ~osts. Miss DucheJ!}in, a nurse, also took special courses in tropical maladies and obstetrics.
Lo·ok ... buya quart of any of these three •••
Catholics Help Rebuild Coventry Cathedral COVENTRY (NC) -..:.. Catholics had a part in the building of Coventry's new 'Anglican 'cathedral, an international symbol of peace, consecrated in the presence of' Queen Elizabeth and representatives ormany nations. The cathedral,built .with gifts from 'many nations including Gernany, is linked with the-adjoining and deliberately pr:eserved shell of its pre-Reformation predecessor blasted by German bombers in a saturation raid in 1940.. Graham Sutherland, the Catholic artist., designed and French weavers produced its most striking single adornment, a 9~foot high tapestry - biggest in the world - representing Christ in GlOI'»-
TRIPLE TREAT (Vanlll8. ChQcolate. Strawberry)
•••get an extra pint of Coronet ice cream in any flavor - free I Offer limited - Act now! The World's Finest lee Cream
Children's Sticky Fingers Need
THE ANCHORThurs., Jun~ 7, 1962
Parental Tact~ Correction
Academy P.upOis
By AuullJrey Palm Rikell' "Where did you get this penknife, Pete?" "Uhh, some kid gave it to me." "What kid?" "Uhh, I dunno his name, he just handed it to me.~ Nine - year old Pete's out delinquencies they, themaverted gaze and shuffling selves, never would dare comfeet. tell his sharp - eyed mit. father that there's a susPete will get a message of picious history behind the shiny secret approval if his father pernew knife. Sooner or later, most mits him to keep the knife he children try took from the hardware store petty lareeny. ~ because "That guy charges too If your memory much anyway!" is long enough, This lesson will stick, no matyou may recall ter what else his father says helping yourabout the error of stealing. Chilself to the dren understand such shaky o v e rwhelming Robin Hood rationalizations for largesse of the just what they are - permission five and ten to steal again. or the candy Here we've been talking about BtlOre. the kind of mistake that hap-' pens occasionally in most famiBut stealing lies. Prompt, firm action and is deeply disturbing to parents. Not only reasonable punishment (often does it clearly violate God's returning the item is punisheommandment, but it is usually ment enough) usually bring compounded by lies or deceit. good results. When a child steals LATIN HONORS: Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, Parents fear that repercussions repeatediy, ask your family doc-, is proud of, left to right, Senior Ann Turner, Junior ·Elizat@r Gr- local mental health sowilt extend' outside the home, beth Weaver and Sophomore Kathleen Blais for being winciety to recommend professional beyond their eontrol. ners in National Latin Examination. aid.. Bow jo Help Try a two pronged approach. Fil"st, handle the immediate problem. Insist that tPe stolen item be returned or replaced. Second, an~ more important, belp' youe chUd. Look for the flnderlyi~ caUse. Why did ke By A vis Roberts ' steal? Does be' lack at~nti!JO GI", A New Bedford native, who "grew up with the Golden West," will celebrate her· diaaffection? Does he have a small mond jubilee as a. nun next Sunday in' Glen Ridge, Pa. M~ther Mary Juvenalis, 86, amoul1tof poCket money fur himself? superior of the sis~ers' training school; provincial hou~ and novitiate of- the Third Order Without humiliating scenes or of St. Francis ~u'~; in Portland; Ore. has ):leen in New Bedford. a week visiting a multiel'UShing punishments, help your youngster to return the item IN" tude of relatives, most of wer~, homes for the aged and ira, son of her late brother, whom shall benameless, "be- orphanages in Wyoming, Wash- Harry. -replace the loss. Calmly, try t6 ington, Oregon and California. .. explain the violation of the law eause we'd both'" get into .·Thls. sprIghtly nun madt" her t roo ble b y.f orge ttmg 8Qm~." of GQd and society. She prefers to talk about ' t h e ' , --..' 'tt' . st'll h an d ~ldS WI y, spry, . 1 nuns of the Third Order i~ gen- headquarters at St. Mary s Home These suggestions may offer some lady was born Miss Carol- eral. But persistence elic'ited the while in New Bedford but her additional insights: ioe A. Perry daugilier of the information that Mother entered days were full of relative-visit-From early childhoO!l teach 7'OUr children respect for private la'te Mr., and Mrs. Antone .l"erry the order in May, 1894,- took her ing. Her fi~_al trip was to Truro, where she visited another niece, property. Even a three year old of the Whaling City. As a young vows in 1898 and her final vows Mrs. Louise D. Fratus. who is understands that some things girl student in St. Joseph Gra~- in 1902. assistant postmistress in tha,t belong to him and some things mar School liitle Carrie lived High point of her visit to her em. Lindsey Street, hard by St. long-ago home was a reunion Cape town. do not. Keep values consistent. The Mary's Home:" wi,th her sister, Mrs. Jennie SeMother Juvenalis is pleased to child who, without serious rep:' NuOs of the Third Order., of ' queira, 94, a hale, hearty, healthy report that only two lay' teachrimand, takes money from St. Francis staffed the home then and happy resident of Our ers are employed in the Westmother's pocketbook or sistel"'s as now: Prior to 1894 when she Lady's Haven in Fairhaven. erR schools of her province. "We ,piggy bank is more likely te entered the novitiate' of the have many vocations but still graduate to pilfering from out- Third Order, small Carrie helpMany Relatives not enough" she said. "We regret side the family. ed the hard-working nunS sewing· Mother Juvenalis also renewthe many calls we have' to refuse -Understand that many chil- for the orphans who cailed St. ed loving kinship with assorted to staff more schools. We pray dren go through a period when Mary's "home." nieces and nephews, grandnieces continuously for more vocations. their desires outstrip their and grandnephews, first and secWe are opening a n'ew school in Day of Jubilee growing controls. Because Pete ond cousins, yes, even third and the Fall in Oakland, Cal., and The example of the nuns at swipes a penknife at age nine is \fourth. Her kinfolk range the another one in Wyoming." the orphanage inspired Carrie no reason to envision him a length and breadth of the land. She pointed to the "vast difhardened criminal at 20. You to embrace their vocation and Not too long ago she visited ference between parochial and can be unwavering in your con- their order. "Strange," she rewith a nephew, Leonard Seque- public school education" noting viction that stealing is' wrong flected this week, "although I that parochial school youngsters 'and still offer your child love knew other ·.communities better, and support. are "far more polite and respectI was always drawn by the order ful." She blamed lax parents for Are You Guiltless? of St. Francis." juvenile delinquency and stress-Examine your own attitudes. Next Sunday is "the Day of Some parents get vicarious .Jubilee" for Mother Juvenalis. ed the need for exercising more pleasure when their childreo act (}n that day she and 100 other pareotat" authority in the home. jubilarians will gather at the Mother Juvenalis loves the mother house in Glen Riddle for West and will go back to her for-Flung Cathedrals a Solemn High Mass and a splenstation at Our Lady of Angels did day of reunion. She expects Unite at Pentecost Convent, Portland; next .Monday. THE HAGUE (NC) - For the tc;) meet "40 to 45 other diamond "We must rush,'" she explained, eighth successive year, cathedral, jubilarians," those nuns' who "to open the Summer school for congregations in far-flung parts have served with the order for our young nuns who haven't as of the world will join in a radio- 60' to 65 years. Other jubilarians, yet received their college delinked chanting of, the hymn to who have been summoned to the grees." the Holy Spirit, Veni Creator fete at Glen Riddle by Mother And, intent on yet another Spiritus, on the feast of Pente- Mary Agnes, superior" general, visit to still more relatives. Moth_ ~eost. will be observing their 25th or ~ JllVenalis swept us out from Pope John will close the pro- 50th anniversaries as nuns. St. Mary's Home. As all who met gram with his apostolic blessing Like most of her sisters in her in New Bedford, we were to lis~ners throughout the world. black, Mother Juvenalis is loath captivated, too, by this juvenile, Cathedrals taking part are Rot- to speak of herself. She swiftly jubilant, jubilarian. terdam, Fulda in Germany" passes over her years as provinLyons, in France, Helsinki, Hali- cial of the Sacred Heart Provfax, Guadaloupe, Bombay, and ince which encompassed the diRuoaga in Uganda. They will be rection of school, hospital, social linked by a cable and short-wave system monitored by the studios ,in Hilversum of the Dutch New Bedford Sisters Catholic Bl"oadcasting Company,
Juvenile, Jubilant New Bedford Jubilarian To Mark Diamond Anniversary Sunday c.
lBelloc Memorial LONDON (NC}-The Church QUI" Lady of Consolation, West Grinstead, Horsham, Sussex, will build a spire in memory of author Hilaire Beloc, who is buried nearby. Father Herbert Finsham, pastor, announcing an appeal for funds, said that for nearly 50 years Belloc lived within the parish. ' of
Note Golden Jubilees
A high Mass and reception marked the golden jubilees of Sister St. Ida and Sister St. Alexis - de - Rome, observed at Sacred Heart Home, New Bed·ford. Residents of the home, Sisters, employes and members of the Dames Patronnesses joined, in offering tributes and presen'ting a program in honor of the jubilarians.
Attain Honors Sacred Hearts Academy in Fall River scored well in a recent National Latin Examination conducted throughout the country. With marking starting at a top of 120 points, 14 Academy students received Magna cum laude for scores of 100-110, and 24 received Cum laude for scores of ~0-100. Of the 77 stt!':'l~nts who took the exam, 41 received some special award. Senior Ann Turner was awarded a medallion for having merited three gold medals. Junior Elizabeth Weaver awarded a gold medal for a score of over 115; and Sophomore Kathleen Blais received a Maxima cum laude certificate for a score of
Spanish Prelate Visits Iowa Motherhouse OTTUMWA HEIGHTS (NC)A I" cad i 0 Cardinal Larraona. C.M.F., visitp,d the headquarters of two Iowa sisterhoods Gf whick he is the Cardinal Protec-
tor. The Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Rites was the guest of Archbishop James J. Byrne 9f Dubuque during a day'S stopover in J;)ubuque when ,he visilieEl and offered Mass at the Mount Carmel headquarters of'the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed. Virgin Mary. The 74-year-old Spanish prel_ are came here the,following day after &_ plane flight from Dubuque and visited the motberhouse of the Sisters' of .Hoiy Humility of Mary. At each motherhoU3e the visiting prelate went through a ceremony ef taking office as Cardinal Pr{ttector of the community. Bisbap Ralph L. Hayes of Davenport was the Cardinal's host during his visit here.
Ptan New College BOCA RATON (NC)-Bishop Coleman F. Carroll of Miami will break ground here Saturday for the fifth Marymount college ill the U_.S. It will be staffed by Religious of the Sacred Heart 0f Mary in Tarrytown, N. Y. The first four buildings of the college .are expecteri to be ready for occupancy in the Fall of 1963.
GEORGE M. MONTLE Plumbing - Heating Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service
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THE ANCHqR-Diocese, of Fall
7~ 1962
Total of Cuban Refugee, You~~ Is Increa,sing
Support Labor's Right to' Strike
MIAMI, (NC) - The nu~ ,ber of' Cuban childreJl seeking,' sanctuary ,in, ,the U.S. is increasing, according
By Msgr. George G. Higgins' Director, NCWC Social Action Department
Paul' Blanshard, having written two' books about UCatholic power" in the United States and one about "Cath-' olic power" in Ireland, reCently published a sequel, about "c1Eirical fascism" in Spain and Portugal (Freedom and Cath.:., olic Power in Spain and Por- come 'as a' great 'surprise ,to the tugal: An American Inter- man> Arrierican labor leaders,_ pretation, Beacon Press.) Catholic and non-Catholic 'alike, The, th esis of the latter book who have been quoting Pius
t() the ,Miami Catholic Welfare Bureau, which has- aided some 11,000 unaccompanied Cuban refugee children. T,he bureau disclosed that during t,he first 23, days of May a total ,of 866 children arrived here from CUba, wh,ich' equals, the total of young arrivals during the first four months of 1961. About 30 children are arriving daily from, Cuba at present, said Father Bryan' O. Walsh, Miaorni diocesan director' of ,Catholic Charities who started a program of care for the children late iIi 19{10. The Catholic Welfare Bureau disclosed that as of May 23 a total of 3,306 children were being, cared for by the Diocese of Miami and by 90 Catholic agencies in 36 states and Washington, D.C. Receive Federal Aid Outside the, greater Miami area, 1,921 children were welcomed in 80 U.S. Sees, where they are 'residing in, foster homes, boarding schools' and children's institutions. Father Walsh 'said that in, Miami 1,385 youngsters were, being cared for in "foster homes and centers established -in Dade County Jjnder .Caiholic ·aiJspices. He said that the Federal government allows' $6.50 per day each 'incoming child -to cover th~ cost of: food, shelter and., medical attention, and also Ulro derwrites 'the cost of transportation to, ~ther areas;
(or the "motif", to bor:.:ow Xl's encyclical Quadragesimo Blanshard's terminology) was Anno so enthusiastically all almost as prethese years in de'fense of labor's dictable as the right to organize in the United, rising 'and the States. setti!!g of the Bishops Have Spoken sun. In developipg his second , "Catholicism," point, Blanshard says' that the ,Mr. Blanshard Spanish bishops cannot speak says in' an inout against the labor set up in troductory quotheir own country because they tation from a are "by definition prelates who European auhave been rewarded for conCHURCH BELLS IN AFRICA: Employing a unique thor who, C0nformity by a ~eghne which has method of callii-lg his African parishioners to Mass, FaV~er v e n i e n t 1y described itself quite blandly as ,Paul Heon, W.F., 'starts the drum roll outside ,St. Paul's en 0 ugh, was totalitarian~" born a Catholic but no longer Well, the fact of the matter church, ,part of the Tabora mission in Tanganyika, East, works at his religion, "is the is that within recent weeks a Africa. NC Photo. fascist form of Christianity." number of Spanish bishops have Elaborating upo~this motif in spoken out quite plainly in favor his concluding chapter on "The of the right to strike and in Future of Clerical Fascism," favor of labor's right to organize Blanshard, as usual, equates. into free associations. The Cathdemocracy with secularism orolic press has covered their WASHINGTON (NC)- County Court, which granted' with a form of liberal Protes- statements in considerable de- The U.S. Supreme' Court has him a new trial. He was again ' taJjtism so watered down as to 'tail. , , found guilty 3Ild fined $25 and' be almost completely devoid of For present purposes, how- refused to, consider' a mer- costs. He then carried his" c~lse . any'gEmuirie~y ,religious cont~nt. _ ever, it will be appropriate to chant's challenge to the New to' the New 'Jersey Supreme Monotonous Attacks quote from the New York'Times, Jersey law restricting Sunday Cou~t, which affirmed his conHe makes it, abundantlyeIear, which ,aper,., according to Blari- business activity" dismissing viction last Nov. 6 by a 4-3 vote. as he has done in 'all his pre- shard, is, an indispensable source ,(7-1) without comment an ap- . As an Orthodox Jew, Fass obvious 'books 'and articles on of .information on current de- peal by merchant Dave Fass serv.esSaturdaY as the sabbath Catholicism that, in his judg- velopments in Spain and "which , from ,his conviction under the and closed his store that day. ' ment, Catholicism will re- year in and year, out has handled law." 'Expose to'Sale' 'main fundamentally incompa- the facts about' Spain a'nd Por- ' The high court's action came A 'section of the New Jersey, tible with political democracy,' tugal realistically through its 'roughly one year after it upheld Sunday law permits persons who Officials 'As~ Tighter even in the United States, un- distinguished, cprrespondents.~ the constitutionality of Sunday observe another day, of the week ' ' iess and until the Church radiThe New York Times, on Sun-. Closing laws in five other states than ,Sunday, as ',the. sabb, . Anti-Smut· Laws C6NCO~D:(NC) ...:.... Thl' State cally changes its form of ecc1e- day, May 20, published a long - Ohio, South Carolina, Penn- engage in some Sunday business Legislative Council hY ,been siastical government, abo~ishes dispatch by its Madridcorres- sylvania, Massachusetts and activity. It 'provides; , ho~v:ev'er, asked by state and Federal parochial schools, abandons 'its pondent, Ben'~~min' Welles, on' Marylan'd - in a series of that they, may not "openly exprosecuting officials to tighten claim to "monopoly "power over.. the current rash 'of strikes in rulings and actions in May and pose to sale" any goods or merup New Hampshire's laws' oD the marriage of all Cath6lics," S p a i ' n . ' June, 1961. ' chandise on Sunday. obscene literature., , and, throws in the towel, so to "The gover'nment," wrote Mr. " . The court made it clear then Fass contended that the Deputy Atty. Gen. Elmer T. speak,. on the subject of birth Welles, "blamed ,the familiar that, it approves, of Sunday phrase "openly expose to sale" is Bourque ,and U, S. Atty: William control' and div,orce. 'foreign agitators,' but the, more" Closing laws as social measutes so obscure that it renders the iI. Craig, Jr,,'both of Manchester~ likely explanation ~as the ar~' d ' d t d' f t hiw unconstitutional. He also In previous columns' and in rival of Spring, pent-up diseSlgne 0 ensure a ay 0 res, told the 'council the present previous conversatiops with M r . ' not as, religious statutes in- argued that the 'classification of statutes in this siate are not efBlanshard the writer of this content and the open support tended to protect the Christian goods whose sale is forbidden on fective in haiting the distribucolumn has said all that he, cares of the Roman Catholic Church, day of worship. Sunday is ,"so illusory, arbitrary tion of "dirty: books." , led by Msgr. Pablo Gurpide" 'Coercive Power' and capricious" that it 'violates to say in response to Blanshard's BI'shop of BI·lbao.',' "This stiJff,", he declared "is Fass, an Orthodox Jew, chal- due process and' equal protecrepeated and, f ral'\k1y, very moThe' . "open ,'s'uppo'r't of the' just smut for smut'~ sake. I'will ' 'tt 'k C th l' . lenged the New .Jersey law tion. notonous a ac s on a 0 IClsm Ch'urch" for those forces I'n ,partly on religious grounds. ' give my wholehearted support td~ He as, such. The professional theoloSpal'n w'ho fa'vo'r the" r'l'g'ht ,to argued, ' Deputy Atty." Gen. Bourque's . ," that the law "uses the Prelat~' to Obserye pl~n to revise, the state laws'te gians can take it from here if sh·ike. and' the' ~ight of free '3S- State's coercive power to aid 'maKe 'th.e~' ~ore , effe~tive 'a=n~ , , tileY:, think it, will do any ~oo~. sociation will, com'e ' as' no' sur- religion and invidiously disless likely tQ encounter constiCatholic ,Power" Fascism, prise' anyone'who' is fam'iliarcrimiriates " against, appellant's Two, ·An'n'iversa'ries· There is one point, however, WI'th ' 'the' essl71). ". t'la1s '0 f c"atholi.c' right to , practice his' religion." ,BUF~ALO diC)-,-Bish~p''Jo- troubl~s:'~ ' '" , Mr. Blanshard's recent ;book: sociakt~achiI!g." ,', , _,' Fass, was found guilty in West seph A:, Burke will, offer a· PonTh " 1 r~?sol1: t " , . , tificai:Eii'gh'MasS of thanksgi~ing '; S,c:ie'rice 'Gran t .«in,theChurc"h.', in,Spain'and POr0 sl!s- ",New' ,Xork" :,~. "J';,-mimicipal " e~e',lsampe tugal which "calls for at',,least pect, however, that It WIll :cpme ' Court of haviri'g violated the law Wednes!iay, June 27 in St. J,O': 'NIAGAR~ 'FALLS (NC)-'-!'1ipassing comment in - a 'I:olu""n not only as ~ su,rpriSe but lllso' , by, seYling carpeting in his store,', s~ph's' cathedral to start a week:'" -, 'agara' University has 'announced, 'deyoted tp social; a,rd economic ,as a bitter, disappointment to Mr: ' on"SutIday, 'Nov. 29, 1959. He long' celebration of his 50th an-' receptioilof - an '$11,000' gr'a'nt ma!ter~. ','. ' ' '.. ",' ,Bhmshard. - a disappointment was fined $25, ' , , ' niv~,t:sarY:')ul.a 'priest, aiJdl0th fro~ 'the ~t<.>~i~ Energy",Com:In dISCUSSIng, the labC?r prob-. because' if. so ',pointedly contra- " He appealed to the Hudson annh'7 i'sa!y as:Bis!t0p,of Buffalo. ~issi(;)D, for purchase of 'equip.. .l,e'!1~...~~ ~patn" ~~aJ?~.~af~ ,.. s~YS '. dict~>~h~ ,perenn~al ,charge' that ' '-, . ., . Priests, of the" diqcese' will ment· to . be' used' in 'its nuclear t?at Cath~h~ power and f~s- the Chl,lrch,by 'reason 'of-:her 'M~rquette University honor nim at a banquet later the" " scie'nce iechnology, program. - ' CI!l,m,' ar~.. more. co~pletely very 'constitution" "paves the ' ,' , -same day. On Sunday, July 1 he . ' blen,de~ 'm' SpanIsh mdustry way to fascism arid thwarts the Pla,n'ningExpansion will 'greet laymen of the diocese " thlln, many, other aspect of- progress "of, 'society 'toward MILWAUKEE (NC) -:- Mar- at r~ception. On July 2 he wil~ Franco's, controlle~, society/'", ,: democracy .. ," quette University announced that offer a Pontifical High Mass for By this he means: (I)' that:i\ias 'there is also reas~n 'to ,it hopes to acquire nearly' 62 nu~s of the diocese and will be honored at a civic banquet. the, Spanish !abor ;set-up '-;, in sUPPos~, however,' that Mr. acres of land around its downBishop Burke, 75, is a native WhIch. the rIght, t? strIke, and Blanshard's disappointment will town, campus to provide more ~he rIght of lab?r to organ.ize not, be ·sliattering enough 'to academic buildings, dormitories of Buffalo. He was ordained a mto free trade UnIons are denIed' tempt him to call it, quits. ' . and expansion from, its enroll- p~iest here in 1912. In 1943 he - ,derives \'essentially ,from, the , On' the contrary the odds are m~nt of 12,000 to a top of 18,500. became Auxiliary Bishop of Buftea~hi?gs of. Pius XI, ~it~, slight th;at, with~n a cou~le . of years, he Father William F. Kelley, S.J., falo, and in 1952 he was named ' varIatIons m, executIOn, and, WIll publIsh still another, book president, said, the u'niversity Or~Hnary of the diocelle. (2) . tha.t t?e official Ch~rch in about tpe alleged incompatabili- hOPes to add to its 27-acre cam,CHARLES F. VARGAS Spam 1S III ca?oots the 'ty of Catholicism' with poliiical pus with the assistance of the Franco reglple m the fIeld of democracy. city a'nd oi the U. S.government 2S4 ROCKDALE AVENUE l~bor relations and is against Ho Hum! under the FedetaiurI:ian rlmew'al ' NEWBEDFOID, MASS. the right of free association. program, Unfounded Charge, Open Birth Control ' Father Kelley said the land Est. 1897 In developing the first of these Clo ° Il1o... expansion plan' would take as two pOints, Blansliard is more InlC l"IIlear, Hospital'many as i5 years to complete. Builders Supplies' than usually offensive. "pius CHICAGO (NC)-The Planned' I ' 2343, Purchase Street XI," he says,' "was' both an' Parenthood Association, h a li Blesses New Church' N~~ ,Bedford , economic, reactionary and a opened 'an office 'within the': For Hi'storic . Parish WY 6-5661-, skillful' 'politician," and he shadows' of Cook, Co~nty HoS" hastens to add, for good measure, pitaI" which' three years age> WASHINGTON (NC)-Arehthat "Pius XI calIed for 'Catholic.' t.'uned down the"PPA's offer 'to· ,'bishop Patrick A. O'Boyle 'of' pri~ciples' and their appIlcation" install, a birth control center in Washington has dedicated a new in the development' of fascist the' hospital:' : ','> " ' ' church for St. John the Evangel::. Wrms of 'corporative growth.",: The new office "is around 'the ist parish"~hose first pastor was ·SHEET" METAL This totally unfounded allecorner ,from: the Fantus 'Ciinic, also the first member of the T.ESER,· 'Prop: _ _ . has been :answered" so the obstetrical winp of'the hos- ' , American hierarcp.y, Archbishop, RESIDENTIAL ()ften In the' past: that one is' p'ifaL 'The PPA's offer in 1959 to John Carroll, of Baltimore. ,INDUSTRIAL surprised to see ,it croppin'g up finance and staff a birth control "The, old church' buildil\g will again even' in one' of Mr. ·Blan- :service' in the: clinic,cstirreq ,be maintained as a shrine to ,C0MMERCIAl shard's, books., ,heated' controv.eisy· among' Cook', the memory of, Archbishop Car'251 Cedar St. New Bedf. , For present purposes, Suffice, '" County, board officials 'and reli,. roll." ThepaJ;ish is iocate4 m " 'WY 3-3222 ' , . "',: , ',., . ..... .. it tQ' say that ,the aliegation will, ,~ious and 'politicai leader13. SUburban Silver, Spring;' ·MeL,
U. S. Supreme Court ReJ·ects Sund, oy S,c. les Laiw Cha lIenge
,,Sturteva nt &
,Norris H.;Tripp' '.. i'
Nfl/ick N1H'JJ~
Advic.e @[O) ... Ap.pgre~ By Father John L.
Dutcill ~Q1r~D@lru'il~nt VO~e$ S~fr»~8~Y
Asst. Sociology Prof.-S't. . .. . .... Louis Uriiversity . ~....
. "My mother and I generallya'gree on most things but lately the problem of what to wear has been causing some trouble. I'm 15 and feel I 'shouid·. be , allowed· to dress as other girls my age do. She dei~8tsslacks ·and won't allow me to wear shorts outside .,. . trv.e, Whethe,r teenage .girls·like Ute house. Now she wants it.or·.n\)t, the' process of puberty. me to take back my new ijas consequences they may 'not swimming suit because she ignore. ., says it's a size too small, yet I'll ;In pr.eparinl;t .them for mothersimply drown if I get anything ho~d; nature endows ,them with bigger. She's' physical traits capable of stimu": not old - fashlating and attracting sexual loned in other partners; they capnot act as if ways, How can these traits did not exist, or as I make her see i.f they. lived 'in a kind of social that I'm growvacuum permitting them to dress ling up"!" as they pleased. Maybe she's . Tnere is an additional reason much more . . why your mother's ~lews on aware of the dress may differ from your own, fact that you're Loretta. You say'that you want g r 0 wi n g up to dress as other girls your Tage, than you are, Loretta, When that is, in accord wi~ preval Ing fashions. Are you sure that these people disagree with us, we conform to Christiat;! norms and should not always assume that . they are wrong or old-fashioned. standards?
Social Implieatl~n at things from a different point It would be surprising if they of view, or in a wider context,' did, for we are living in a cmd we must try to learn why society that places great emthey see things as they do before phasis on physical rather than we pass judgment. ' spiritual beauty and ,for· all 'A decision concerning the. practical purposes denies the proper wearing appearel 'for: nioral significance of sex,so yo'ung la~e~ involves a go~4. that the erotic' (sexually stimu-· many considerations, though I lating) 'is openly exploited. in think you will' have to 'admit advertising,,-entertainment~ and filiIt your primary concern is. t~,. dres..<:. .' .. drtiss like the others in your Let's 'be' honest; . don't you' tP.-:~,l,lp - perhaps even mor~~! thi'ilk your mother is in a better ''¥9ur mother, on. t~e ot~e~.. position to judge what is proper band will have to conSider cost, in: dress than you or yo'jlr classqua'nty, taste' and propri:ty,.f?f mate's? She doesn't want' you 'to elothes have social implications drown when you 'go swimming, that s1;le may no~ i~nor~. but she knows that mere effi':'. . '. . cHincy' ih the water ·is not what Why Views Differ impels girls to buy" swimming' Your letter suggests that.your suits one size too smail. .,. differences concern taste . .. . ,anp t' . In making- your purchase you' propriety~ I'm not gOIng In o. . f t t th ' . may have only been following.' the matter IS the prevailing fashion in your '. R 0 as es. - th ere t ··t;' an old oman sayu;lg .a. 1. s , t' b t h pe'er . group; she looks beyond' pointless 0 argue a ou k I sue. this doubtful group-norm to the th b t I things u I' ht In,. , can social . implication. of such dress. . throw some Ig on your. mother's concern with propr~ety. Respect for Person' '{'here are several reasons why A general rule to keep in. h er views. may differ from your$' .. d is t h at d ress sh ou Id b e.. ap. . min on this· poin.t. . .. . h' 'T_ tile first place she is'll pi:opriate' for the occaSIOn. 'I' us Dt1ure woman and consequently your mother may rightly ju'dge ma ', d' "'th' h' w h at IS mo est WI In t e bas d efinite idea's about who'at .i,t,,' that ho'rtte', at the Beach, or in sports;' ~j. to be a Christian woman and. ' , ... may not be adequate for street W' ICl·nd·· of. behavior l'S .ev.,-,· ~ct~d of one. Fashion, fac;l ~n.d, wear or in public. . . ~ncy. in ,worn.ep.'s dresS may, In particular;' you should' be eill,l\1g~ --;'..some wag has. ~":" careful' to dreS!i. modestly". on marked that their fashions" dates, for mere .physicaIproxi'change but not their desIgns _ 'm~ty 'andprolori:ged: ~X:p<>s~:~e: yet the ~nduct ~f, !1 . mature ina! ~~silY create ..un~e<;es~ry Christian woman will p~blems for your partner. _ eh~racterized.. , by . a distincti~~.. ~ecll,use·clot~es.tare an e1(i~~:,.. klli'ci of resei:ve,r:estraiIl~''.' o~· sion of' yqurse.lf; and tq~, 'V,ax. iSl!H-discipline.· that will be . r.~~' YQii' mess is interpreted as an ve~ied both iii' what· she . 'we~~~!: i~di~atiori o~. what' yo.u are,' tJ.:Y:',. end 'how she wears it. . ' .' always_to. dress in such a way . . . ,,, h" ..'. 'Teenage. 'gtrl13 .. ~ho 'have ,Q()~, t, at you gain. respect fo: Y?U,r fully outgrown the tomboy stage ~rson, not merely. admlratio,:,. f b d o,ften find it har'd to accept their ~ .your 0 y. . . ,.. ;' q'wn feminini.ty.. Because they'· ;you, have every right to strive, cJp not fully ~nde~stand or ap- to. be attractive .and beautiful,' preciate the' personal and social b",t in dress there is a clear dis-. implications of puberty, they see, tinction between 'charming ,exD,O 'good reason why' they posure and vulgar disclosure. .' shouldn't be allowed to continue to go' around in sloppy Sp" ~ revealing dress, arguing that they are 'not responsible for ~hat others may thi'nk., , VATICAN CiTY (NC) ':""The Christian Standards ; But this is to view conduct Holy See and Spain have' ratified , the agreement by which the. ond dress in a c~ildish perspec- .spanish government will recognize offic~ally' the .degrees in', ~. t~chnical subje!:ts an~the pro-' ~; .... : .... . fe.ssions granted by,S.-lilin's Cath-'
a.. nish GOv.erll'llmen·t, Vatican Ra,tify Pac.t.
'Connecticut Prelate'
'!Jets IFjclelitQs'M~edal ". q~ic universitie~. ~.,.
;1 DEl'ROIT {NCh...Msgr.r.A(~I~-:: . The agreement affects some:' 13:' Nowakowski,' pastor of; 5,000 sttidEmts tnado:f€n Cath-;
f!:lt. Mar~'~'.p,!l~ish, Midlheto'Yn,: €;:onn" has. received the 1!H>2: fidelitas Me~ai~warded ari~'u-': l,iIJlly by SS. CyrU and Methodms:' $eminary at Orcha:l'd Lake, Mich.' ,: The medal. is given to a Cath-'; oIi(\'of Polish. q.escent fOi'''f~de~'' *.y in serving God and cOuntry· through the realization of the: ~ligiouS ari.d ~ultural,ideals of ;ur forefatliers."· Tl'u~ presentan made Saturday at the: : ad\,ation rites. of St. Mary .ollege and ,High Sch'oo1.0r-, ~rd ,Lake.
o~ic institutions rif higher learn-~ lng. Although. the '-irtstitutions':: degrees in theology and philoso~ phy have '-long been officially recognized,., graduate, lawyers,' doctors and ·teachers ·had t~dake:' a; state examination before being; allowed to practice their profes-, sions. :: The agreement was ratifiEid'bY: Ami e to Ca.fdinal:, ,Cicognani,i. Pap~ .Secretary of State, andi' Ji1r~~~s~., .~m,ez,:
!i~.,. ):..~n.o,:'
Spanish the Holy:
$00.' "..
HAGUE (NC) The Dutch Parliament has voted to grant a 30 per cent government sub sid. y for church construction, passing the Church Building Aid Bill, introduced by Johannes VaID Aartsen, Minister of Construc-' tion and Housing, by a vote 73 to 61. The bill originally called for a 25 per cent subsidy, but Parliament raised it to 30 per cent. Backing the bill were the Catholic People's party, the Protestant - oriented Christian Historical Union and a faction of the Anti-Revolutionary party, another Protestant group. Op_ posing it were most Labor party and Liberal party members. The newly granted subsidies cover the period 1961 to 1971. In th'e latter year the matter will again be considered by Parliament. When van Aartsen proposed the subsidy he pointed out that by 1970 the country will need 170 new Catholic churches, 160 for the Netherlands Reformed Church and 149 for other denom_ inations. Bishop Martien Jansen of Rotterdam, speaking earlier this year 'at a press conference on behalf of the Dutch Bishops, said that $11 million 'must be raised each year to ,meet Catholic ch.urch building costs..
It may be that they' are looking
11' :..-_----
Thurs., June 7, 1962
BISHOP REGAN:· Most Rev. Joseph Regan, M.M., D.D., addresses Sacred Heart Men's Club, Fall River. Standing, Edward F. Daley, club president; at. right, Rev. Joh:n .J. Regan, curate at Sacred IIeart and cousin of the Bishop.. '
Past\Glr· O~ 'Tulrn' .OvE.rr' Parish Brill'!l.~s 5OOCc.nveris·to·Fa ith .~
"·ST. LOUIS '(NC) -"- The' roster" in Father William C. P'oepperling's parish here' com::", pletely'changeS every three years, yet he has managed 'to" bring' 500 . converts into' ·the Chti'rc:h, Th'e ~a· .. rl'shl'on'ers of 'Hol'y' Gua'rdian Angels parish move' m'ore often than almost any otn!!r in this city. They all live I'n' -publl'c housing pro]' ects which. com" ple·tely . surround .the $800,000 parl'sh plant Joseph RI'tte'r ordered built solely for. the accommodation of the pro';" ject residents. H.ali' white, half Negro, and among the poorest families in' the St. Louis metropolitan area, Guardian Angels' families ate also among the best in the city, Father Poepperling, their pas-, tor, s a i d . ' ,. ., .. . ."We had one priest ot:dilined this year, arid three more boys from our parish are in :the ll}ajor seminary 'right no~," he added.' ..,. . .......,. . On Last· Le;s .' 'One- pf ·the '12 oldest parishes in' ·the·· . city,. Holy :'Guardian':' Angels was on. its last legs: a· few, year.s· ago."Al~ , other,' . churches in the area, had ,gone,out . of . business, or "moved',' w,est'.\ to the suburbs, with their congregations. But Cardinal Ritter', elected: to keep Guardian Angels open,. since the poor the area had no other' church facilities within .miles. In the .last 10 years, life at. Guardian Angels, has blossomed in-an. undreamed of' way. ,"We've hadmQre baptisms' in the last 10 y~ars than in theprevious· 40," Father Poepperling said, "And the parish has had more vocations in the' last ~ustra.Hans
to Tour.. Eastern Missions
HONG KONG (NC) .... An, Australian priest who·will bring' 700 pilgrims .on a· mission tour' of the.· Far EaSt remarked here' that "one personal visit to the missions can produce more~pow:" erfulresults ,than 10 sermons.n He" is Msgr.A. R:E. Thoma'S; naqonal director fot the Society of., the .. P.ropagation of· the Faith· iJ;J,~ustralia. He stopped here on· his way: ..back to· Australia ·from Rome where he tc.>okpart· in a. meeting of all national directors.:· "The five~week pilgrimage will· touch New.Guinea.j·Malaya, EQr· JlW~ and· Hong ·Kong. Its high p.oint· will be:a \/'isit to the 'shrine· of, the 26 Martyrs of, Nagasaki, in, Jwan,· who ·were ,canonized .'(1, cent¥~y.·iaI>JQ. ,.. '1" "." .. , :,,1<
decadeth;ln it ever had.. ~. Church is needed today than. ever." .. Retain Faith He said ~he :parish experience in·. working with the city's poor may .be useful in other areas. "These people are poor," he admitted. '''They hilVe real' troubles. They move often; you have to strike while the iron' is hot. But while they're here they usually have 'time to learn about the Faith. We've had more than 500 converts in the 11 years' j've been ~ere, and most of the cpildren in our school today are converts." What's more, the Faith is, beiJ;lg retained by the Guardian Angels alUlnni. as they gradually p:1ove away, .the pastor maintains. . ·."A lot of people gave up hope iIi these people," Father Poep. "But I'm glad the ~hurch didn'tiThe Cardinal had faith. in the future, ,of· this place," and believe me ftls ·.payingoff. '~Wevegot boys in the'seminaries, a number .of girls in' con::': v~n~s,. and some .of Our ·lads'ha.~e· w.on "full. scholarships' to St.' Louis University. :.It's not a' bad record. for .children from' fami':" li~ many others in the cornmu';" nity were ready to give up on."
~u"do Voices Reqret'
~t Leaving lreJand
DUBLIN (NC) - Archbishop Antonio Riberi ,expressed regret' at leav~ng his' post as Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland after three and a .. half years of "living among ~e people whom I consider the b~s~ eJ!:ample of Catholic spirit.,. uality." , Nchb.ishop Riberi left to take up his new' assignment as Apostillic Nuncio to Spain. . Before leaving bublin airport, the Nuncio' spoke of, Iiis "deep' affection" for all the Irish peo'ple,:He said: "I have been edified by the wonderiui example I have . seen .in all. classes of the people lmd I am very sorry to' leave' a" Country] love so much;'" '."
"-CENTER " ;p.aint cmd. Wallpa'per Dupont Paint ' "
·1C::::::zat. . New Bedford eoJ;.
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422 Acush', A·ve,'·
Study State Aid 'T!:Ie new subsidy law had "i~ origins in a report made In'1951 by a special advisory commissioli" the government had named":tQ' study the question of state aid to church construction. The como. mission recommended that the government pay one quarter o~ the cost of building new places of worship. . . When Queen Juliana opened a new session of Parliament in September, 1960, she said that . the government would soOn make public a plan for church building aid. A governmentsponsored bill to provide for too 25 per cent grant was first· in:' troduced in Parliament in Fe1>ruary, 1961.
. Erect Papal Statue' At'ltalian Shrine SOTTO IL. MONTE (NC)-A ·statue. of Pope Jphn. will soon stand on tQP' o£' the steps leading to a shrine near. his home town which the Pope v.i~ited often .as a .boy. :.'.' · 'J,'he statue wil~ be unveiled to.' coincide with the opening of the' Second· Vaticar. 'Council next October, It 'will be in front of the Church of Our Lady of the Woods which is only a few miles from the town where the Pope was born.
Buck Ossicks' RED ANGUS' RESTAURANT ·Farno"s for our Prim~ Aged Charcoal Broiled $teaks - also Roast Beet - Sea Food Dancing Every Satu~day Nite to the Music of Eddie Davis and his Orchestra Planning A Wodding. Showo,r. Baaquot or 'Meeting-Call our Banquet ·Department for detailD. An Parties · givon 'our Exper. Attontion-Cali" MAYFAIR 4-9889-4-9979'
9~,eran~~11 ~d. 'ii'i"er~ol1"il, ~.'.'
THE ANCHOR",..!)iocese of Fall River-Thurs., June 7, 1962
Whalen Beok Valuab!e View Of Jehovah's Witn®!)~~s
By Most
Rev. Fulton J.
D. D.
There are two kinds of suffering: one is incidental to our By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy living a mortal life; the, other is an essential part of the It is the rare American who is unaware of a 'group of Christian life. The first kind is the cross of the thief crucified people -commonly called Jehovah's Witnesses. In cities and on the left side of Our Lord; the second is the eross of the thief towns up and down the land; some' of them are regularly on His right. For, the thid on the left saw his sufferings alii a cruel fate; the Good Thief saw his cross as Ii means' of atoning se,en selling the publications of their peculiar religious sect. for sin and sharing in the~e~emp~ion of, Calvary. ' Their door~to-door canvass upon the forces of evil (everyin pursuit of converts is in;. one else). , Ident.ical, things hapPen to ,similar people, but their ends caB ~ensive and never stops. Modern Salesmanship be as different .. a~ heaven <and hell. Our Lord told of two ~omea Their' conveI).tions are giganThe ranks of the Witnesses grinding at a mill; one' was saved; the tic affairs which -"'rays coin- began to grow markedly only other, lost. They lived in the same economic circumstances - both 'turned a crank on mand space -in the newspapers after Rutherford's' death in 1942, either side of a stone mill, ,both' ate the and the direct and Nathan Knorr's succession notice of many to the chieftainship, Knorr, is same food, both labOred 'under the same sun. But what went on' in their hearts made residents of the characterized by Mr. Whalen as the difference. . convention city. an organization man. He inBut being aWare troduced the techniques of co'nTwo people have cancer. One com-, of the Witnesses temporary salesmanship. plains' against God; the other 'rejoices in doesn't, ,m e n I Not that Knorr substantially bearing his 'cross for the Missions.Rethat one knows changed Witnes~' doctrine as to , ,cently" a woman who had lost her vocal much abo u,t -the' character and fate of nonchords through ,eancer sen& Us this letter: BISHOP DESIGNATE: them. They are Witnesses. The by now familiar "Severla.i years ago I had ~irery and no worth kilOWing Witness detestation and denun- Father Sylvester Treiqri,loney. ~A(ter the .. operation I 'began about. ' ciation of churches, the Cathoiic en, pastor ,of' St. Joseph's working and put aside savings by . , 'Copious inChurch in particular but' not ~elping th~sick: No'!., those whom I'helped are helping me, formation on 'sparing Protestant 'bodies, con- church~ Mandan, N.D., has May God bless them. I, made a convert of Miss C. Now I want been named Bishop of Boise; the subject is presented by Wil- tinued as virulent as ever. the ,Misldons to hav~ ,themone'y I earned'.' Please Send thiS : liam J, Whalen in his new Rook, So did the picture' of the fate Idaho, by Pope John to sue':. $,1,000 ~ theHo~y Father through his Society for the Propaga- . "Armageddon ArouiJ,d the, Cor-, of all 'who refused. 'to become, ce.ed the ,Most Rev. James, tion o! th~, ~aith.~' ,'Seldom does' The Society receive, Such a . ner: A Report on Jehovah's Wit- Witnesses. But the house-holder J. Byrne who be¢aine Arch:gene~ous g~ft, and rarely is it combined with Such beautiful nesses" (John pay., $4.75) who came to the door when a resignation. "Her suffering has already made a eonvert . • " ' Mr. Whalen, a Catholic, has Witness rang the bell was DO bishop of Dubuque. NO ~ow, her charity will make many ,more in Africa and 'Asia. Photo. attempted an objective study of longer insulted. , the Witness'es. He has read their The Witnesses' chief duty ~ to publications, attended ,their, warnas,,possibleof,the ~Iew' M' . May the example of this good Woman shine to the reade.' meetings, interviewed some of coming of Armageddon, and unI~ o.f, c~lumnand. ~ake them see that what' is important iii. , them studied 'everything written del' Knorr this work, has been ' about them over' a considerable stepped::up considerably. WitContinued from Page One life IS ,not what ~appens to us, but ho,w we react 'to what' ,h~ppens. Onl.y those' ~ho liye close to Our Lord, ~ or' want to _, ,term of years, whether it be nesses 'must spend a ,certain on May 26, '1934. favorable, hostile, or of a scho.,. ,number of houfs', weekly in Monsignor Canty filled assign- WIll 'use. theIr .suffermgs a.nd charity to assist the Holy Father"" own· SOCIety for the Propagation of the Faith. May, you' be iJr, larly neutrality. calling on peop~~, in ,doing fol- 'ments in Nantucket, East Tauncluded in this group of lovers! Deny Doctrine of Hell lOW-Up wor~,· in, s~lling the to~and Norton,' ~n'd entered the Since he has so much to tell sect's literature.' Navy from St. John's Church in us about them; it is regrettable The more'effectively to do an Attleboro.' , that he has not organized his this, they must habituaUy pre," ,No date has been given for GOD LOVE YO:U' to E.C.K.' fOr $10 "rm ashamed .. ' chapters more tightly ap.d logi- pare, by st,udy, attending four Monsignor Canty's formal inhear we only eontributed '270 'per capita last year'- God fqrgive'" cally, and that' he goes over th~, meetings a ,week, at the local ,vestiture as a Domestic Prelate., ,us!" •• ,.' to ,Kay for ,$1 "The ehildren, who eat 'tbe,·fo~d pro- ~ sarrie grotind again arid 'again. " Kingdom, 'Hall, going'- through' . ' ,". h" h' vided"by this offering will enjoy' it much more' than I would . Monsignor Canty .IS t e t ird trai'nI'ng c'ourses. . ' , ' !lny candy., or eak~s;" ~ • '. to L.M.B. for $20 "In thanksgiving , Although said to be the fastest '" in Brooklyn. chaplain from the DiocesE1 of f~r ,successful,:, eoming out of, my cast and, operations on my growing religious body in the Remarkable Indeed ,Is "; ;FaU River to be' elevated· to world, the Wi~nesses have not ,,the dignity of a Domestic Pre- , back."'.. .·to .J.L.p. for $15 "In return 'for 1D7' Faith, my family' l:'nd, my education." been in existence' very long. Witnesses'" h f::l a d(pi: a. ~ e,r,s in late while, serving the country Their founder was Charles Taze Br?o~lrn. In a ~et of Dlodern, in the Chaplain's' Corps. .M,IS~~O:N eo~bines the: best 'features' of other 'm~gaZin~ Russell, who 'launched his mag- bUlldmgs there lIve, JIlor~~~n " "Rt. Rev. (Col.)· Bernard F.' 0 ofthl:!m, The,,~pmwu~Ityh~', ',F.enton of Tauntoriwas invested ~9rIes, . pIctur~s, statistics an9" ~etailS, 'human' interest. Take aD' azine; Th~', Watch Tower in 1~79, concocted, a highly,' selective, Its, ?wn,bar~~r,,~:sQol?r'''drY in the robes',of"a' Monsignor in ~tere~t in t~. stif~eri':1g :h~ariity ,of "the,missioo: world ariel: theological system of his ,own, ,:l~,~~.u~g.p~ant.~ sli..~: rt:palr .shop, '. s'~. 'MaJ;'Y'sCathedral, Fall River; , ~nd your.· sac.nfIcesalong w~~' a request., to be:: put 00 'tHe mailiDi'bst of thiS bI-monthly publication.' ' . " .. . ' .;:: • and 'began gathering followers; f1,l~mt.ur,eJactQry, etc. F;ood and"on Dec.l'1',1960;,' : .., ' ' He denied 'the doctrine ,of hell, daIry products, are from Its farms ' ~ ! ,," •. . ' and the immort.ality of the soul, ~ New,york.;ui~Newje,rSeY.' MonsIgno: F~n~?D; IS ~~a~~~)Jled , " Th,e ,printi~g 'plant, :.Js" 'P, at, t~.~, Pentag.on I~" W.~s~mgton .. !." , and' predicted thebeginnirig of nounced by Mr. Whalen 'oileof a.s ChIef o,f Ch~~lams~n the .of',,~ut'Pli;s colu'mn,' pin' your sacrifice 'to ft and lriail'it to h' the millennium :foi' 1914. the most'modetn 'ande,fficlent. f~ce'?f,the ~h~e~ of Chaplams, ' .Most. Rev. 'Fulton J. She~n,' National,Director of, the SoCiety :for,) Rutherford Vituperous in the ,whole 'untry,' and'JW::ns U.S: Army..·. ', '., . ~e Propa~atioll of t.h~ Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New Yo!k 1, N. y... During his lifetime, U~e, ,sect, out 30,000 bou.'nd'booI,t,s daY, 'Rt. Rev~. ,(pol.), HennA. or your: DIocesan DIrector, RT.J:U;V. RAYMOND T. C::ONSIDIN,& : never reached a llirge' member- as wen as other matter., The Hamel was i~vested, ~~ ,~he same 368 North ,Main Street, ,Fan River, Mass. :, ' , . : ship, and by the' time of his· community has a quasi-monasiic <;,eremony .Wlt~ Monsignor Fen" " .death in'1916 it 'was as its lowest air, and, the recompense is the, ,ton. H.e IS Insp~ctor, ,General ',FOURCbNVENIENr OFFI'CES TO SERVE, YOU' ebb. It was then taken over by same for all the workers: rQ9m, Chaplam ,of the AI~,~o~ce Com. ' ' , Joseph: .Rutherford, a I way s board, 'and $14.00 a.month.'" m2~d and Staff Chaplam MATS ,." B~N styled' Judge Rutherford . (he . It is interesting, and yalu~ statIOned at Scott Air Force 'once substituted on the bench able,'too, to have a close~up of Base, Ill. , . " " T~ for four days). the Witnesses.' There "is 'nO At. t~e present, .Mons~gnor ' . If Russell was contentious" theology to' be ,learned from' H;a,mel IS a~companymg BIShop, ..., Rutherford' was dour 'and 'vitu- them, but their zeal and 'self-' ~onnol1y on a Con~~rmation tour ",~ , ' ',' ' 0lIlIIII' perative. He became famous for sacrifice should give us pause. 1':1, permany, Spam, Italy and his endlessly reiterated slogan, ,Afnca.. OF TAUNTON "Millions Now' Living Will North Dighton' North Easton Norton Ta'unton Never Die," ahd-it was he who Priest to Establish, Strong-Arm T,act'".cs ' began Witness. radio broadSpring Street Main Street W. Main Street Main Street casting 'on a large scale and gency in' Bolivia ",' Quell Cubci Protes,'ts " M~m~r' Federal'Dep~~it Ij,su;an~ Corporation ' equipped 'his people wlth porLA PAZ (NC)~Th~ '17' Bishtable ',phonographs on which reops of Boli,via have secured the', ' MIAMI' (NC) - Persons in' . , , ·' t t·mg agam '. st' unJust . 'f·~ cords of his speeches could be services of a U. S. diocesan priest C u b a played wherever the Witnesses to help set up .,he,re a permanent treatment of their relatives imt ge t a h earmg. . ,'prisoned o.n· th'e Isle of Pines manage d '0 secretariat siJ!lilar ,to the ~~Ji9~Rutherfordcnanged Russell's al CathOlic Welfare ConferenCe have oeEm roughiy 'handled by , doctrines to suit his own taste, .: in the l.!nited States." "" " Cuban 'militia, according to a, ... ,I,.:NDUSTRIAL and,' DOMESTIC "established an absohi'te, cen- ' ,Archbishop 'Abel Antezana y' rei>.ort ina newspaper published • tralized control of t~ previ- Rojas, C!f La Paz, 'annou~c~d here. ously more democratic machi- Msgr, Andrl'!w' A. Kenrie,dy; a' -Diario de las Americ~s (Jour-" . , ' neiy of the sect, and' insisted native of St. Louis, who speaks nai of the Americas) also stated C' on the' 'Witnesses" withdrawal ,Spanish,' will establish the: 01"-' that neither th¢ APQsto~ic Nun-, , ', , ," .' , from secular society. The world, ' . ganization. Msgr. Kennedy,' 'a' ciature in Ha'vana nor the Swiss he held" was Satan's, and Wit- missionary in La Paz for the . embassy have been able to internesses were ordered to take no last sIx 'years; was former'viCe cede in the 'prisoners' behalf. . active/ interest, in its affairs. chancellor of the Archdiocese Of 'The newspaper said, the pris312 Hinman St. " WY 7-9,162 ' N~W. Bedford They were directed to refuse St. Louis, Mi>. The action was ap'.- oners, have been isloated from _ . ' to do military service, salute the proved by 'Joseph Cardinal Rii- their relatives and their food has flag, hold public office.Besides, tel', Archbishop of St. . L ouis. 'been rationed. It said further Armageddon was imminent, a Msgr. Kennedy is known here ' th~t when some 200 relatives of tremendous battle in which the as the "Gringo' Indian;" ,a term the prisoners protested .in front Year .forces of good (the Witnesses, of affection indicating his accep- of the' presidential, palace in naturally) would prevail, and tance by the people he has Hayana' the militia u(led rough annihilation would be visited adopted. Archbishop Ant,ezana tactics in disbanding them. said the Bishops. of Bolivia had been planning to set up the per_ New Residence "Latest Saint manent secretariat for some time. OTTAWA (NC) -The AposOTTAWA (NC)-A new partolic Delegation in Canada has ish on the outskirts of this city 7000 000 CouD'ses purchased the residence of the has been dedicated to St. Martin ·0 LC F S E:r NTE~S LETTERPRESS POONA (NC) - More than of Porres, who was canonized by late Sen. Cairine Wilson in suburban Rockcliffe. Archbishop 700,00 correspondence courses in ,Pope John on May 6. The an1-17 COFFIN AVENUE, Phone WYmcm 7-9421 Sebastiano Baggio, Apostolic the Catholic 'Faith were mailed nouncement was made by ArchDelegate to Canada, is expected out during 1960-61 by the Cath- bishop M. J. Lemieux, O.P., of New Bedford, Mass. to move int) the new quarters olic Enquiry Center here in Ottawa, who, like the 'sainted mulatto Brother, is a Dominican. about Aug. 1. India. ,
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Color ;p'rocess
American 'Pr~ss, Inc. ,PRI
THE ANCHORThurs., June 7, .1962
Yeo rbooks of Diocesan Schools Become Histories ~or Seniors A~d Memories for Pt1lfents
Alfred Bonneau presiding. . Class day rivals graduation day in the interest of Seniors. As long as we can remember Class Day has remained traditionally the same, - such as Mt. St. Marys' tomorrow when Mary Brum will read the Class History, Paula Martin the Class Will, and Pauline Prezelar the Class Prophecy. The school orchestra will be on hand to provide background for the colorful affair.
By Clement J. Dowling Seen at all graduation week activities will be 1962 class yearbooks full of pictures, information and memories. All over the Diocese graduating seniors, decked in colorful dress, will be smilingly swapping autographs and expressions of admiration. The yearbook we realized the necessity of will join Dad and Mom's on kno,wing Holy Mother Church, the home bookshelf in a few in order to make her better weeks, there to become the known and .better loved. We at-
tempted to engender this knowHis Excellency Bishop James accessible record of four years ledge by study and by launching J. Gerrard will preside at the of teen-age life that meant so into a series of visits to churches June 10 graduation when Durmuch to each. of different rites to learn more fee High principal Robert J. Surpassing outstanding year.- about the oneness' of the CathoNagle will be the main speaker ooks of previous years, the '62 b lic Church". and Phyllis Pytel will be the classes can be justly prou d 0f valedictorian. "Moon River" will the colorful, beautiful' and wellSt. Mary's. "Corona" and be the featuring theme for the edited creations which cover the D.A.'S "Dominilog" are the reJune 11 Senior Prom. high-spots . of the past four suits of many weeks of tireless effort and inspiration. The reAnchor Representatives years. . The' last class ever to gradu..; sults show to advantage. This column wishes to express ate from St. Mary High school Student Officers STUDENT COUNCIL: Student Councillors at Jesus- its sincere appreciation to the In Tauntoncioses its artistic Striving strenuously to main- Mary Academy; Fall River, are, from left, Louise Demers, following students who acted - year book with "We seniors are tain' patience, the teachers in Marie Mellen, Louise Deslisle, Diane D'Amour, Claudette as Anchor representatives and now reaching the end of our our Catholic high schools find channeled school news to this high school days - for some of this part of the sciioolyear most Nadeau. All are from Notre Dame parish except Louise paper during the past year _ us, this will be the end of our exacting. Graduation. prepara- Delisle, from St. Louis de France, Swansea.. Patricia Chadwick of Fairschool years. Yet our graduation tions plus hot weather produce haven's Sacred Hearts Academy., Is called a commencement, a be- in undergraduates a lethargy Susan Partington and Myrna' brought her white mice and ex- James Donnelly of Bishop Stang, ginning, Now we.are embarking imd diminishing interest that Santiago have pledged their . plained to her apprehensive Janne Gallagher of st. Mary's on the phase of our life In which test the skill and approach of sincere efforts for an active and classmates the expe'riments 'she Patricia Collins of Mount St: we will be able to practice the instructors who know a let- creative group qf Mt. St. Mary's has been conqucting, proving Mary's, Jeanne Kreider of Holy Ideals and principles which have down now could result in un- students. the value of vitamins to diet. Family, Richard Beaulieu and been held up to us during our disciplined classes and poor Awards for outstanding ac- Another demonstrator, Donna Richard Mathia of St. Anthony's, formative years." grades in upcoming fi~al exams. tivity continue to be announced: Welch, showed to her still Elizabeth Donnelly of DominiIn years to come these girls Seniors are 'through their St. Bonaventure College and squeamish Classmates some can, Roderick Hart of Coyle, and will probably- 'state that they finals and now next year's Stonehill College send second earthworms and the experi- Mary Galligan of Bishop Feehan. graduated from ,Old St. Mary's. classes are carrying the ball. prize awards to St. Anthony ments she conducted proving Additi0!1all~ we are grateful for Next year's class will graduate North Dartmouth's Bishop Stang High in New Bedford for ex- . that the worms could learn the same reason to Sister John from ihe new girls' high school' prepares with elections as their cellence in 'journalism as shown things' but could not fong re- Elizabeth of Fall River's Sacred . . In Taunton, now being erected. Student Co it n c.i I' Assembly in their school paper "ESSA.". .member. Hearts Academy, Mother ClauInteresting is the activity of dine of JeSUS-Mary Academy Outstanding Yearbooks chooses Wayne' Price of FreeHonor Students and Brother Edmund of Msgr: th~ Knights and Handmaids' of Winner of an All-Catholic town as president, Patricia VoThe fifth marking period at· ' the Sacred ~eart. at Bis~op Prevost High. award for the last 11 years in gel of Fall River as Veep, LorCoyle High. closed .with Michael Stang High. Champions of the the school Press Association raine Beaulieu of ~ew Bedford Leary of raunton, . Charles Enthronement of the Sacred contest, "Dominilog", creation of as secretary, and William RousCronan of North Attleboro and Heart in .every home, the memLayman to Direct Fall River's Dominican Aca- seau of Westp'ort as treasurer. Geoffrey Kane of Mansfield bers have been meeting p.eriodidemy, presents again a splendid. Stang's senior class officers Quebec Publication topping the senior list.. High cally during the school year to y~arbook with the theme ''That f!Jr. '63 are all from New Bedhonor juniors are Robert Beau- discuss the Pope' Pius XI enQUEBEC. (NC) - Paul Henri all may be One." . ford Raymond Sherman, The D,A. graduates begin with Diane Riendeau,· Colette Lemire ~egard and Neil Bowen of .At-. cyclical of the .Sacred Heart, Plamandon hall; been named Ueboro, "plt.~s John Cabral of Fall "Caritate Christi Compulsi." The president ,of L'Action Social IIfn search for a, timely theme, and Sylvester· Maloney. result, as one student put it: "To Catholique .(Catholic Social Acwe seniors were moved by the Standard-Times of New Bed- River. Sophs in the scholastic lime- me devotion to the Sacred Heart tion), which publishes the !lJ)iritual p~omenon in the .ford has recogniZed scholarly' French-language daily Catholic world· which might best be des- achievements ·of its newsboys, light are Timothy Andrews of was' a .vague and puzzling. acTaunton, Paul We~sling' of tivity, but not now." newspaper. L'Action Catholique. cribed by a sincere and manifest .Philip Beauregard and Bernard He succeeds Msgr. Paul Emile desire for religious unity. We Cabral with awards of $75 each. Brockton and Michael ~eil1y of Senior 'Week Add .£reshmim Ray-' Gosselin; A spokesman. for Archare 'happy that this' ecumenical '. Both are students at' Holy Taunton. Seuiors a,t Jesus-Mary Acamond ArabasZ of Bridgewater, movement coincides with our Family High. demy are in the midst.· of their bishop Maurice' Roy of Quebec youth and marks the beginning Justly considering themselves Albert" Pepka .of Somerset and glorious Senior Week. Receiving said this step was taken'to give John .Holgerson . of Taunton' to of a homeward religious journey. ,honored, ,by .their, fellow students Communion ina body at Notre laymen a more important role in direction of L'Action Cathofor millions now' separated from.. wl).ohave elected· them to lllad the list of best scholars. 'Dame's Sunday..Mass, the stu- lique, Across towri at St. Mary's, the ONE FOLD. the Student Council next year de'nts then enjoyed a breakfast sophs Brenda Buckley' and · "Xp implementing our theme' ,Linda F:erreir~, Judith Bednarz, It was 'disclosed that Louis . ' Suzanne,Fornal and frosh Nancy in the school auditoriuin. ": ", . Monday brought a gala pic- Philippe Roy, the newspaper's Fornal and Nancy Tiilkhma are. recognized as highest scorers in nic at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. editor in chief, will no longer be expected to confer with the the National' Educational' De- Roger Lecomte in 'Portsmouth, while Tuesday saw the colorful Archbishop's residence on edivelopment 'Tests.' hold exercises for 32 boys and Continued from Page One Down the river to Fall River senior prom at Lake Pearl fol- ·torialpolicy. However, 'a priest 52 girls at .7:30 Sunday night in '. and Doininican Academy's Class lowed by a weiner 'roast on rewill continue to be a member of S tomorrow afternoon, also in St.•Lawrence Church with Bish- Day sees awards. for debating, turning, to Fall River., The girls the newspaper's administrative the auditorium. op Gerrard conferring diplomas. science, and four years activity invited Rev. Adrien'" Bernier, board as a consultant. Saered Hearts Rev. Louis'Mendonca will speak. . in the· school orchestra.' Mem- . sodality director; to be moderaVery Rev. William Condon, 'At 8 Sunday -night Prevost SS.CC., Sacred He~ts Fathers. High School in 'Fall River will .bers of the National' Honor So- ,tor of the day. Usually lively and lalldh-",.o_ ciety are also taking their oath Provincial, will confer diplomas on 35 Sacred Hearts graduates.. graduate 50 boys, while' St. An- to uphold ideals of scholarship, voking, the junior-senior banthony's in Ne\v Bedford will Be will be assisted by Rev. John leadership, character and ser- quet with a reading or ,.." .u~L graduate 17 boys and 42·girls. In You will .and testament is taking O'Brien, SS.CC., academy chap-' Notrepame Hall, '.Msgr. Alfred vice. ... Class Day is also the occasion place today. ,Culmination of the lain. Father Condon will also be J. Bonneau will award the Pre- when school pres~dent Elizabeth week will take place Sunday graduation speaker. <vost diplomas, while Herve B. Donnelly makes her Key Ora- ·when all' will attend High Mass Class Day is set for 10 this · Lemaire wil' be featured speak_' morning in the academy audito-' tion to next year's seniors and at Notre Dame with J.M.A.'s . Insurance Agency · ar. Prevost valedictorian is Rob- presents to the junior president excellerit glee club singing the dum. ert Desrochers and Bernard At 3 Sunday afternoon 38 senthe large golden key which M~ss. Graduation exercises will TEL. MYrtle 9-8231 be held at 4. o'clOCk with the iors from St. Mary's High School,- Petit has: salutatorian honors. symbolizes Knowledge. Class day is 'set. for 9 tomorrow prior of St. Anne's, Rev. Albert 188 NORTH MAIN STREer Taunton, will graduate at cereNotable Teachers Ethier, O.P., delievering the monies in St. Mary's Chuhch. morning at the school. NORTH AYTLEBORO Encotir~gi~g is' the resPonse' discourse and' Rt. Rev. Msgr. ~. Msgr. Albert Berube will Rt. Rev. Msgr. James Dolan, pas~ of ·St. Mary's girls to the tor, will confer diplomas and Rev. award St. Anthony's diplomas in teaching efforts of Mrs., Dorothe auditodum:. 'Al'so in ,the .Tames A. McCarthy will speak. -, YOURSt()''L~''E' AND TO GIVE! . all.ditorium· will bE! Class Day, thea McGovern, a lay, teacher At 9 Monday morning, June of Latin and science. ' the life of a DAUGHTER OF ST. PAUL Love God n, seniors from St. Mary's and · scheduled fqr: 9 ~liis morning.,· more, and giv.e,!o souls knowledge and love of Praising her interest and . Monday Graduations Coyle High School will join in God by serving Him in a Mission which uses the . ability, the st,~dents'point out Sacred Heart parish hall will attendance at a baccalaureate' Press, Radio.. Motion Pictures' and TV. to bril!g the fact that she is the mother be the scene of Sacred Hearts of five children, besides being Mass, also at St. Mary's Chw:ch. ·His Word to souls everywhere. Zealous young girls, .1'4-23 years' intorested iii this unique R.ev.Edwatd Oliveira will :Academy in Fall ,River gradua- lfaculty representatiVle to the Apostolate /DaY write 'to; tion ceremonies at 3 Monday , preach. REVEREND' MOTHER SUPERIOR Dominican Academy and' afternoon. Bishop Gerrard will Taunton CitIzens SCholarship McGovern, an DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL _ .Tesus-Mary Academy, both Fall. award. diplC'mas'to 62 graduates Fund. Mrs. alumna of St. Mary's, is a gradu50 ST. PAUL'S AVE. BOSTON 30. MASS. · River, have scheduled gradua- and Rev. Paul McCarrick will be ate of. Pembroke College and tions for 4 Sunday afternoon at the featured speaker. Class day at the Fall River Columbia University. their respective schools. It was to Mrs: McGovern's Dominican Academy will grad- academy is set for 3 tomorrow class that' .Cathy Campbell · aate 43 girls, with Bishop Ger-_ afternoon, also at the parish hall. rard conferring diplomas. Rev. Bishop Gerrard will also offiFlavius Gamache, S.M.M. will ciate at ceremonies in the Coyle High School auditorum in Taunspeak. ton at 8 Monday night. ......... At Jesus-Mary Academy, 41 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF ATTLEBORO girls will graduate, receiving Brother Thomas Gallagher, diplomas from Rev. Albert C.S.C., presiding officer, . will Prescriptions caRed for Ethier, O.P., prior of St. Anne's present 129 graduates to the 4% on all Savings Accounts and delivered Church. Father Ethier will also Bishop for reception of diplomas. HEADQUARTERS FOR be graduation speaker. Valedic- Geoffrey Ka'ne will be valedictorian is Jeanne Morrissette and torian and Peter Saracco will be DIETETIC SUPPLIES 1% Extra on Systematic Bonus Savings salutatorian is Phyllis McMillan. salutatorian.'Rev. John E. Boyd, 600 Cottage St. WY 4-7439 Holy Family director of St. 'Vincent's Home, New Bedford Boly Family High School will Fall River. will be main speaker.
High School Graduates
First Federal Savings.
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,':The'·lPa·r~slI:!\Para:de '
THE' ANCHOR':-D'ioc~se' of Fall River.....Thurs.; June 7",1,962
ST. ,.FRANCIS .;XAvmR, 'HYANNIS ' .. , . New Women's Guild officel'a are Mrs. John Barrows, presJdent· Mrs. Albert Trocchi, vicepresident; Mrs. William Sullivan. . By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D. D. treasurer; Mrs. r,.. Burton Holmes Bishop of Reno and Mrs. Joseph Kelley, secre'ST. ANNE, taries. FALL RIVER Over the length and breadth of America the freewa~ Annual fa mil y Communion SS. PETER ANJI) PAUL, are unrolling their carpets of concrete. If .th.ere .was poetIc breakfast of the Holy Name So- FALL RIVER ' h f 1II mg m 0 f eve.ry 11'cense l'n the Messianic prophecy 0 f t.e The Club cI'ety is slated for Sunday, June . Women's t 8 Md ' will ht J hold}'"a h K 17, to follow 8 o'clock Mass. 'AI- 'WhISt a on ay mg , une "'valley and the bringing low of every hIll, so that te mg bert J. Desmarais is in charg~ of in the church hall. Mrs. Law~f Kings could be borne in of 525 miles. It was undertaken arrangements, and announces rence E. Lynch, chairman, win his p a I a n qui Ii, there Is in a vehicle which was the pride that Josaphat T. Benoit will be. be aided by Mrs. Robert Colbert. nothing short of literal fuI- of the family, known as an Apbreakfast speaker. . OUR LADY OIFMT. CAR~ ST. LAWRENCE, SEEKONK f 'l1 ent here. We have an- person Jack Rabbit. It was not 1 m , . t d well named. It possessed no NEW' BEDFORD Rev. Lester Hull, pastor, m.nihilated sp!ice and declma Ie quality of the jackrabbit other The Couples Club will, hold stalled new officers of the WOlDYou over the Appa a- 'than a tendency to jump at the .electionS at its ,meeting . set for en's Guild' at ceremonies WIt h twist of the crank and to break 7:30 Monday' night, June 18 at . which Rev. Robert Vachon, lv,l.S., vague the arm of the unwary. . Harbor Beach Lodge, and 'Club. of La Salette Seminary was guest nd in ~our mt . Leaving in mid-afternoon we Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kearpey' spe·aker. Is It pOSSIble arrived by nightfall at the town .are in' charge of arrangements. Seated were Mrs. Frederick green of Evanston, Wyoming, 90 ST. AUGUSTINE, Bh;the, Lawre,nce rollIng hIlls,. so We were delayed by some G L A.CI P R'I EST:, ,VINEYARD ,HAVEN. Weyker, VIce-presIdent; Mrs. AIgentle and mtrouble but considered that we Mour'ned ,is Father Bernard The Women's Guild plans a bert, Jobe, secretary; Mrs. Maftoo ·viting, s 00 d had excellent tim,e.:The,' 'sale' at. 10. this ',Saturday Piquette, treasurer. for ce~turles as following day, at dawn, we set R. Hubbard, 8.J., famed "gla- morning "under the linden·.tr~.". ST.'.JOSEPH.. a barrIer to the out along a road which was cier priest" of Alaska, who' is in charge, 'PALL'RIVER , ,opening of t h e l a r g ' e l Y ' an abandoned ,railroad died at the ag'e of 73 at Santa: . 0:·gements. o.ther ' " Christian Family West? They are bed from which the ties had Clara (Calif.),' will include a 'members' will sponsor a day: «4 really no, considerately removed, put .Saturday" J)AJ;le30;.,a.cQIPP1,llOO , 'recollection open to all married now, .and little eise done to'. its. auction ..andfood:sale·. Frid;tr, couples from 11 to 5 this Sunda)i. '. st ch'ld at ..the wheel savagery.' ., to ,th~ feeble , Ju~y 13; annu,al b, a~,aar."Thur.s,day Jurie 10, at St. Vincent de' Paull. the' verIe 1 f What this' did' A 2 4 d can m.aster them lB· a ew tire'casI'ngs' ,of ~hose" ,daysm,ay through Saturda~, ,ug...~ ;an. Cainp; NoJj;h ·We·stport. ReV.. . . c a ham an~' bean supper ~ SepPaul FranCis' will preach anell r fleeting the towering be :im'aglned, 'bu( w?at, it. did tember. " couples may'bring children. S As you appof9 the Rockles '. It'hle 't· to the 'the human OU I . ST. WILL,IAM, A'whist at 8 tonight in the PM'Front Range D'us'ted· color fI:ame, of .the C8lll.lot; desert: do not see ' . '. . ( , FALL RIVER., .. ish' hall will benefit the Ssenior true that you ~'we rattled into the tQwn': of· . broad ribbons of the .ueew~y. Green River at dus~, in. the' ulO' , " , A breakf~st will follow c;or-·' CYO athletir. pro~am. emOl' t rd to the summIt, ' . . ', ' porate. Communion at .~.:15. Mass ' ,CY0 'me{!lbers WIll sponsor a Peak in twain..timate stages We. . NEW YORK .(NC) A Sunday morning"June 10ror ,the:· , hay ride Saturday night, June L 1 (We shall leave that for our. had clocked. ,m.. ~s ....·. " Congressma~'.W:ho~~u:?)ntro-: ' .W~)lnE;n's,G!-1iJ4.!nst.aU,atio~cer-,' .' :.The' Wome~'s' Guild installasuccessors; 'after, all, they, must . Stutfed TIres, " d d' "Junior GI" Federal . e,m0.l?-.i!,!s, fQr ~e umt at:e slated tion banquells ~et for Thursdll3fo, h a v e . something 1 e ft t o .,. br sleep and reuce. ~ ;,.,. 'f . .wedtiesday,J~ne. .2" .. . ' . , .. June 14. Deadlme for reservaconquer.) .The freeway reluc-' newed m SpIrIt .we se~ forth, J~e ElducatIon aId ,b~~l beIle~e~ I". S.T. STANISLAU.S,. . .. ' '. '_ .' tions. is Sunday, Jline 10, and • ". .rehearsal for outgoing. aQd in. tantly makes use of canyons, but third day, to make mIleage hIS- would be "!ol1y" if·· not 'perfIdy,. FALL' RivE'it" it models· them ·to its own con- tory. But the tires wer~ shredded, not to give aid to all :students· The' Rosary Socie.ty wi~l ~p:On-, coming officel's anddirec~orw cept of what a canyon should. be, rubber and worn fabr~c. On~. by alike. .'.. , sor food sale tomorrow,):!a~ur- • will be .held Monday night, June t the haphazard production of one they gave out, until by mght "!t d~es no ~ood. ~o. preach o~ 'day__ a~d' Sun~ay and a cake s.ale: " 11, at 8.. '. htless nature. seven incidents had marked be.lIefs m, if uncon . , !!ll. Masses, on ST. MATHIEU, oug along the road, r,equlrmg on an sClOusly deny· to l:'ny. ir. the school hall , , FALL RIVER ., Coast to ~oast average an hour's delay apiece.· segment of, our soclety,".ac-... ST.. GEOJtGE,' ~ The Holy 'Name Society wfll A few carefully graded' curves, Nor were we alone in our· cording to Rep. Seymour Hal-. WESTPORT, " sponsor a father-son Commun, a . slight sense .of elevation',. a misery nor .the worst. of the pern of New York. ,. Women's Guild officers ~ill be ion breakfast following 7:30 Mass quick glimpse of maSSlve ,sufferers. Vivid ik memory is Commenting on _h~s bIll to.' instailed' Tuesday, June, .26 at Sunday morning 'June 10 in the grandeur reduced to insignifi- .the picture of a squat man in the provide $20 per yea: m Fedt=:ral. Meiling's restaurant, Mattapoi- parish hall.' Re~. John F. ADcance besides the works of man, full flush of desPondency, stuff- ~unds for ev.ery chIld enro~~e~. sett.. Mrs. Ralph P. Souza is' drews will be breakfast. speaker. and the Rockies are behind you. ing the tires of his Ford witil m an accredIted gra~e or. . ~ chllirman. New society members will be The valleys and the gullies of sagebrush. . school,. whether .publIc or prI-. HOLY NAME, received at this time. the Intermountain West have That night we stopped at a vate, Halpern saId, the proposed. NEW BEDFORD , . been filled up for you; the railroad siding named War- legislation is "based on a funCorporate Communion for the IMMACULATE CONCEPTIOl'C" mountain passes have vanished. sutter. It was as bleak as its damental principle - the be- Women's Guild is set for. 9 PALL RiVER Only the freeway remains. name, but for bone-weary lief that true equality is de'I k Mass Sunday morning Officers of the Women's Guild Now you' are at the Sierras, travelers it was paradise enough. pendent upon equality of oppor- . ~ c oc 24 Officers will be in~ were installed at a banquet last where less than a century ago and to spare. tunity." .. ' . S~~d ~t 6:30 Monday. night, night. All re-elected~ the:, are men struggled with block and The fourth day was memor"It is baSIC to our natIo~al June 25 at the church hall' Mrs. Lucy Ward, p:esldent: Mrs. tackle to· lift their clumsy able' better roads, new tires, and philosophy to alIow- any chIld. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, James Bentley, v?,ce-preslden~ wagons over the knife-like cooling rains. Only, as the day under his parents, to have fre~- CENTRAL ,VILLAGE Mrs. Joseph Rod,erIck, secretary., Donner Summit. It will only be wore on, the rains tended to turn dom of. mind, freedom of relIMrs. Lorraine Hollins and Mrs. Mrs: Henry GIllet, treasurez. months now until the f!e~way the roads into sloughs of mud,· gion,'in the. pursuit of ~th. We Emily Barko:witz .are in ,«harge R~glstrars. are.Mr,s. Peter Yeaskirts the lake. and ,pass of through which, bravely, the carinot regll:nent the. mmds ?i' of a whist 1<. be hel.d at 8 Silturmm, Mrs. J~annme Albernaz, tragic. memory, and the re-. Jack Rabbit tried to swim and' our childen' and hope to retaIn d night 'June 9 in the church Mrs. James GIllet. R:v. John P. maining link in the transconti-. actually succeeded. ' our freedom as a .n·ation,". the .. h:h: .' . Driscoll was ~e mam spea~eL. nental· freeway' system will be Denver at Last New York C:ongressman pomted, ReservatioI}.s for th~ Women's SACRED HEART, finished. So we marked 200 miles and.' out.' Guild's annual banquet ·Thurs~. NO. 'ATrLEBORO . With steady driving you can: found ourselves in Colorado; in· !he education ~,a child in' day, ,t4 aithe Red, Angus 'St. Anne's Sodality ~ill lio~ make it from New York to San Fort .Collins, as night came·on.· SCIence, mathematIcs, re.ading, restaur.ant will. c~ose S~nday, its next meeting on Mondalt, Francisco in three days. YOll And we 'had' known, that day, literature, geography, hIStOry, June 10 and should be made with June - 11, instead of Tuesda~.. may keel over from exhaustion, the exhilaration of great'speed. civics, economics ar-d . oth~r subAgnes Po'tteJ;", president, Jurie . 12. Mrs~ Gerard' Siioi~' at the end, but you will have We had measured 40 miles per, jects serves a, ,PublIc purpose, OUR LADY.. O.P ~NGELS, chairlady, hali announced 'that made it., That seems to be as: hour, unbelievably, though only the Federal legIslator asserted. PALL'RIVER following prayers in Church, t}ua close to the American ideal of. for a few moments. It was a "All America ',profits ·when 'Parishforier~' wIll participate meeting will start at 8 o'clock. perfectioa as it is possible to.. fire in'the bOnes.. ' . ' e a c h child is given the best edu- k1 observance 'iif Ute.feast of th~ A' pre-primarygJ,'sduatioD come. At noon 'on the fifth· day we· . cation possible," added Con- . Holy' Ghost .. ~is Satur~ay, and . pa~ty will ooconducte.d' in"the '. Log of Trip reached Denver and the .loving . Il:essman Halpern, Sunday.'·A proceSsion will take . hall tomorrow afternoQn at 1,:3C:'We are not in the habit 01. hospitality' Of those Who' had, "It is folly, if not. perfIdy, ~ place at'~:i5,Satt.i1'~aYaft~rnoon., ~rs. ~~r~eLeBlanc is in ~ha~ge. regarding our.self as a pioneer. 'mourned us as lost .in the, ,deny the proper intellectual de-, Confrat~rnity,'of C.b,risti~n DOc:-: in fact, we somewhat resent, the. ' 'Wyoming wilds~ Tears' flowed as 'v~lopment to any. segment· of. trine ~~nib~rs ~illl1!~~t ~t,7:~O, .. implication, more, common now, the. story. was told, '}but they our people, when. aU ~ . Tuesday 'I)igfjt; June .1.2.w.. the. :, A FAMILY TREAT' .:. thim when we were munching 'were tears of pride and joy. Ohthem ",:Il~ .be charged w~th the' . P8ris~. ~aJ,1 ~:PlaJ;l,promQtion"BA' R', -8-Q' '.·C·H'ICKENS.' the salad-course of life. .. Pioneers! -responsI~II~~for preservIng our exe~Cises .for~. c~t~hi~m e,1asa. Yet in the sage of American Not much to bOast of, this' way of hfe, he sa1.!L 'ehildren 'S~ncJ!1Y, JU!le 24., highways anyone over 50 can footnote to autobiograppy, but. SACRED nJ!;ART,.. ·, :", , ". ,qualI'fy' as 'a pI·oneer., It, is·ev.eD it ought to, imd." app',re- . e s i t e Iglous PAoL"L R " V E R ' " . incumbent upon us that some- ciate in time. When. we are 90 ' .' . . ' , . ~he 'W~m€'h's GUiid's'i~all~' . , FARMS ,,:..; thing of our experience be .re-:- .it. may ev~r,'.rar,k ~~1?:' th~ exQps,:!rgein Ukr.ane tion banqliet .is sch~duled:for" ,. l.i Walhington:St., Fairhaven corded for ap'osteritY,'Yh~cli, ploits . of ,Lewis 'ailcl... mark BERLIN (NC)-A,n upsurge IaSunday night, June, 10,at Yen~. . . .' 'Jua't: o~Route 6 "'-.; grows, more and· more incredu- WhiCh isinOi'e than caneveD be' religious activity In the Ukrain. 'de Milo restaurant. Mrs. John J.. . " WY'.7;;9336 .. , '. lous with every year and which said about a 'freeway~ ian port of Odessa on,'the Black Sullivan, c::hairrmin, will be aided '. ..', .', _ te' nds'. to ..m,ock ·the elders as ' _., '.' .. ,em,'benl, . . . ' ,:'-' Watcb for, Signl.:.;. Sea is harming "",'ac~ bY'. Mr's. John J. Pa'tota. M, , ' , ' : ' -, ". .' .. praisers of' a time which ,never" at 0 Ie StU en t S" . cording toPr~vda, Conimunist will receive corpora~ Com~u~: ·.:':'Wblie.Out 'foi':'a ,Drive. was . ,., 'E' " p' , party daily paper in Mosco'i(V. , ion at 8:30 'Masi;',the sam.~~or.n'Stop: at'· ttiiil::DelightfuVSpot Pravda has Urged a renewed 'ipg. ' . .• manualS' of, history" but they, - from three. 'Catholi¢ colleges atheistic" dJ'iveto· counteract· ~..... '. ,""' . '. , .,. , " , ,rowing ~'religioull intoxication'" .. . . ~." t ' don qui'tefail to recognize that, ·we. W!3i1. the three top' prizes in the, iriOdessa·.' It rePorts that in 'the, :~~L!- ·"C' ~~~a: ... are ourselves historic. If not college division of the 41st an- centrai part of that u n i v e r s i t Y , . '. V~~. E.ledrical preh!s.toric. . " nual c,restive '. writIng' contests, tOwn and major' cOmmercial . ~
,Reco!.ls Journey to Denver In Pre-Fre.e·way Times
, ST. JOHN'S, POCASSET The Ladies Guil~'s annual dinner will be held Tuesday, June 19 at Hobs Hole. Reservations Close Tuesday, June 12. Election of officers will be featured.
s~Im wo~der
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. So, for the.~rd,. so ~a~ .~e. deeds af this pioneer of the, American highway be reduced to writing and· to perpetual- mem ory.,· here is the log' of a.·trip taken byusaccompany'ing our.. parents'in the' year 1916,., when .' we were eight and aIready ancient. , Tending to Jump It was a jourriey from Salt Lake City to Denver, a' distance
sponsored '. by.. the, Atlant1e center, there are', increaSingly' Monthly magazine. , h" The award for the beSt short active houses of wor:s. Ip., , .. storywent'to Shreela,Ray; Web"The servants of religion and ster'College, Webster' Groves, .the heads of religious sects are Mo.; for the 'best essay to Carol now stepping up their activities' White, 'Notre' Dame College, Bal- with the goal of dragging an in-· timore; and for the best poem creased number of Soviet people; to Judy Krommer, Mount St. particularly the young, into their Mary's College, Los Angeles. nets and detracting them from Each, of the three winners.. social life," the communist joUl'ceived a $100 prize. Dal asserted.
'~.,::'.',.'~',.'.', .~".~ ~.
H''UTCHINSON'S ' .. ;A'R'Y'".. . SHOPPE..:. , . ',. ' ',. '
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Picture Frciming
Art Supplies
944 County .St. New Bedford
'PopeSays P,ress' Is Indispensable To Council
Thurs., June 7, 1962
Catholic Leaders Ask Information' On U.S. Reds
VATICAN CITY (NC) The Pope has declared that the cooperation of the press "seems not only useful but in certain ways is indeed indispensable to the coming ecumenical council." The Holy See will expand the Second Vatican Council's press office to give enough information about the council so that news-hungry reporters will not feel obliged to resort to guessing, Pope John told news editors in an audience. The Holy Father was addressing members of a conference of the International Federation of Chief Editors, who had come to Rome for a 'conference. He spoke in French. He said: "We place our trust In you illustrious gentlemen in a very special manner in view of the approach of the Second Vatican Council. "This is an important event which one may hope will have n beneficial influence even beyond the frontiers of the Catholic church and above all on men of good will." 'It was lit this point that the' ,Pope called the press "indispensable" to the council. 'Positive, Plentiful' "It is Our intention to give new and greater development which We have instituted as part of the Central Preparatory Commission of the Council, so that public opinion may be suitably informed," he said. "It is in fact Our great wish that journalists may not' be obliged, because' of a lack of suf:' ficient information, to make guesses which are more or less true and 'to 'publish ideas, opinions and hopes which later may prove unfounded or erroneous." . Pope John said the information provided by this office, lllthough "limited certainly because of the demands of discretion, but positive and adequately plentiful, will enable you to practice your noble profession' here under conditions which We hope will be satisfactory both to you and to ,your readers."
PITTSBURGH (NC) Leaders of the National Catholic Social Action Conference here called upon the
u.s. Justice Department to resolve the controversy over the strength of domestic conununism.
The executive board of the organization asked the department to release facts about communism in the United States, such as present party membership. The board argued that disputes over communism's infiltration of American institutions are dividing people in many parts of the country at a time when national unity is most needed. Want Facts ''Persons who deny the existence of widespread subversion have been accused of being 'soft on communism' and being 'antiailticommunists.' In our judgement, such charges are most unfortunate,'" the board said in a statement.
Catholic Bishop Tells Anglicans of Council
10' ':Say:
'''Thls co\lrtcil has been
nature of the suggestions for, the age~da, he said. He contitiued: ''This council has not been called directly to aim at the union of Christian Churches but rather to adapt itself, within its age-old divine mandate, its
Hoyt Cites Trend Away from Unity, MINNEAPOLIS ( N C ) Despite, 'trends toward religious wiitj- in' some matters, there are ~so trends away from unity according to Robert Hoyt, editor of, the Catholic Reporter, newspaper of the Kansas City-st. Joseph diocese. The Missouri journlllist: warned of "groundless OPtimism" about religious ~ty. ' "Unity is growing in many areas, notably. appreciatioa of liturgy,", he 'said. "But diver:' gence is steadily ,increasing in, moral' areas, - birth control, euthanasia, div,orce "- and we're alsO "parting flU'ther, ,on' civic issues ,like government aid to religious schools.", ' But even' though Chrfstiimreumon "may not be 'attainable,'" Hoyt mlserted' "that Cio'esrt't make ., it: ' an' 'opfional 'gOal for Catholics. We mUst tespond "to the,ihajo~' challe~ge ,~ our time." ,,',' ' ., .-....
So. A'mericon$ Bloodless ,Revolt
yoked explicitly for the spiri:' 'Push 1ua1 efficiency of the 'ChlJrch -:,... not directly for the reunion of 'the Christian ChurChes. ' J\RXICO CITYfNC) - The , :', " , 'Slii.cerity '" '-call fOr it: great ,blOOdless RVohf.,: "V4ewed fundamentally, I BUP- tion',issued by ,the 1Dili0fl~ ;pOse 'that 'is -a' gesture of ' ,goOd 'her, ~,~ican 'F.ederat1.m manners; It is .also a reeogni:' of' G~istian Tr.aiie ~nionists:.i& .bythe Cathoiic Church' 6f belmf ,Spread', ,~ghout LatIIl the' good faith,' the vir'tue and America" '" ' i' , ~ 'sincerity tliatisi.nthOse The ... ¥ederntion,,~este. chUl'Ches: ~ed in" ~ntia,go,~, "is "Already JNggestions for the ligenda of that council ,have been ~,'hailed :here" and in other, ealled from everY Catholic bis- ~~Americ~: cap~ls,as, a hop, Including the Australian "wonderful ,rdlection" of the' 'cim, be presumed spc:~al 'e!?-cyclicait ,of ,the, ,PoPes. " 'that, hi accord with varying <,,·Are You Wearirig A, I SPEAKER: Former" B.C;' national, "characteristics" and problems, those suggestions will Pretty 'Hat? All - Am~riCan' 'Very Rev. d,iffer, if not in substance, at 'It's" George V. 'Kerr' of Roxbury: leasfin associated Church pr.lcWill ,speak the Father and: ti~s, s1,1ch as the liturgy." , International' Son ,Communion Breakfast " ,~uthern New Engl;'nd'. Archbishop O'Brien said the of the Immaculate Conce~, Lar9,nt Millinery 'FashiOll Sfof'e Church is more international in tion Parish, Fall River, to be its effectiveness now, with , 134 SOUTH MAIN STREET held at White's June '11, native bishops in most colintries. .. FAll RIVER ~ter the 8 o'clock Mass., It is, ~awt9;~agwe the vWing,
Moreover, said the board, such disputes are' usually on matters of fact. "They could be resolved in many cases were the facts made available to the American pUblic," said the board. ''To this end, we call upon the Department of Justice to release to the nation pertinent data that would resolve these controversies wlthout endangering national security," it said.
'MAKING THINGS SHIPSHAPE: Participating in work da,y at St;-Vincent ,de Paul Camp, North Westport, are students and faculty members active in Newman Club of Br,adford Durfee College of Technolgoy, Fall River. From left, Margaret Picard, Mrs. Agnes Donnelly, Mrs. Walter Conrad, Judy Conrad, Susan Goulet., '
'CANBERRA (NC) CathArchbishop Eris M. O'Brien of Canberra and Goulburn, Australia, told' a predominantly Anglican audience here' that the forthcoming Second Vatican' Council will spell out the place of the, Bishops in the Catholic Church. He spoke out on the council in a precedent-breaking address to an interfaith audience at the Anglican St. Mark's Memorial Librluy here. He was invited to give the talk by the retired Anglican Bishop of Canberra and GoUlburn,' the Rt.: Rev. E.H. BurgIDanil. Monarchs Help Mark First Council The Catholic prelate recalled Religious Jubilee BRUSSELS (NCf- Belgium's that theagen!ia for the First XIng Baudoin and Queen Fabi;' Vatican Council, held in Rome oIa joined the ,country's bishoPs in 1869":70, called for definItion In celebrating'the lOath anniver- of papal infallibility and 8Iso complementary items 'concenisary, .>f the, CoilgregatioQ of the lUg" the rote and responsibility Immaculate Heart of Mary. The centenary, of the order- of ,the bislio'ps in the governpopularly known here aa the meni of the Church. But he said Scheut Fathers from the 'vill~ the fall of Rome by Piedmontese where they were founde~w!l$ troops broke opthe council beobserVed with' a sOlemn com.- fi)re the question of the bishopS' ,memoraUOn in the Place of ArtS piace could 'be considered. ThUs, at the council opening J;ler~ next October 11, he said, .. a significant section" will be de": v'oted ,ito' defining the effective role' and'responsibility of, the" Bishops, 'acting iIi concert with Pope, as chief Bishop, within the general pattern of the g~V'etnment of the Church.'" ' 'Archbishop 'O'Brien went, on
theology and pattern of working to the exigencies of this, present age. ''Nevertheless, the notion of unity has loomed large in the general world environment' of that Council. "It can be said that the Catholic Church has not, precipitated that situation; to an appreciably large degree, the situation of reciprocity in thought and investigation has come from the members of the other Christian Churches themselves. "It is not an absolutely new phenomenon - the scope of the World Council of Churches has progressively widened ,those horizens. The Catholic Church has followed' its deliberations appreciatively in many re-
Honor Archbishop NIAGARA FALLS (N C) Archbishop Celestine J. Damiano, Bishop of Camden, N. J., will receive an honorary degree and speak at commencement exercises at Niagara University here next Sunday.
"At the Council of Trent there were 400 Bishops, third.' of whom were Frencb; Italian' and Spanish. , "At: t&e Vaticin Couhcil'in 18W'there were' 762:"Bishops,' representative of 30 nations. ' , "At the coming council there may be '2,816 personnel; possibly 2,500 bishops ... 'The; councilis~ therefore,' a vast'enterprise''''''':' the grace of' God will, "we hope; make it significant in ,the eyes of God, 'and 'men," he concluded. .. The' Catholic Archbishop was warmlY. 'appllulded ·ift the crowded" hall. ,~ishop , BW'gniail~ Silld the 'accliSion 'was an historical 'one and that he' wi1linvi~ Archbishop' O;Brlen: to retuni to 'give:a report on the ' couhcif When he returns 'from it. ' . '..
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BOSTON ,OX 6-8825
THE ANCHOR-DioCese' of Fan River-Thurs., June 7, 1 _
STONE~ILL GRADUATION: Upper left, Jack Haley,mo,tion pic'ture Robert LeBlanc, New B~dford~ Lower left, Muriel Suprenant, Oak Bluffs'; star; Most Rev. RobertF. Joyce, Bishop of Burlington;, Rev. Patrick J., Edwin Monteir9, Wareham; .Roger. J. Normand and Roger D. Coulombe (valedictorian),- both. New Bedford; Anne Fltzgerald, Mattapoisett. Lower Peyton, C.S.C;, Family Rosary Crusade director. Bishop -Joyce. and· Father Peyton were honorary degree recipients: 'Upperright~ area graduates,' from . -.. right, Ben. Michael J; -Mansfield,. main speaker; Bishop Gerrard; Very Re\J.o left, Margaret Duggari; Jeannine' Bernier, New ~edford; Claire 'Reilly, . Richard H. Sullivan; C.S:C~, Stonehill president. This was the tenth ComFall River; Patricia' DeNardo, Tiverton; Carole Mattimore, .Fall River;. lp.encement at StonEihiIl. .
Anglicans. Hail, Catho~ic .Effort T9·A.i.~.Unf3~pl.oyed .... To ·Pre-vent Interracial Strife RICHFORD (NC)-A Catholic .!orce . ~ WhICh: .rem.a~ns u.nem- . 'rie' ." 'f Ii h "J" . bri '. ~APET.oWN,(NC)-A:r'lgI~can: ~assed. a r.esol~tio.n conmmend.,. . plo~e~.. ". .....:;._ : "~ _. "!.' P.rosstr~:,d. 0: e i -\r tni t~. ::t:.~prle.stun~ laYJIlen ~r~m all ove! mg. ArchbIshop ~ur1ey's sta~d. .' Smce·the e':l? of World 'War n;... :iiunir- : :\':b~'is:in' ?/ :ff~er' "JSo~ijl::Mr~ca:<h~yevolc!,!~ upan,:".: In ,a ·:~etter. tq hllnannouncmg
. Carey .Asserts Free .World- .;Fails To Solve,. Poverty Une'mployment .
•.. '
•• '
.' f.
Priest Heads .Effort·
". ,
BOST9N (IIlC)~Labor leader :-' . Jam~s. B:~~r.~t : char~~d, ~'~re "that the -fI:~ .world: has~_ fal\ed , . "greviously" in .. its. ,eff~r~. ~ ·~e . cr,arg.e~,:,;"}v'e·. :h,3;ve b~~m~ glass" ri;i~Jstiy, -which toiild. in:' ~o,:,s~ilpport:~ort~eca~lbr. the.' their-,~ecision,.the~ ,Said: .. ' - ..,:~, <-so~v~.~h~_pJ:()p'I~~~"Qf;- f1ov~rty ;., :gra~'1aIIy:;"u,Ulr~Q,,'1,l~Mre:li ,;a'}~t~'.~"'clude'the.;Iifan~tut'e'·of,fallo'ui. :R()rn~;n, .q~\l;\o~,~: ~~~hb!S~~p :9~" -, .'''Weai¢ . bOIivinc~~ that. the' ,.' .': ,; ':., 8114· n:ws~ ..~e~l?J()~Il!~Jilt.! ... ::" \: .,!!~!lou~?',,~~:.::,-~~:.~~~~~eI\~!:i'<:'.:~,:si1elteis~''','''~':~'',1''::~~'<':-:,',,:'" ~' ,., "'. ,;!?IJ.r-Pa,W ,19I:;~i' .u:n!te~. <1~P;l~.tI~~< 'noo<Us "urgent 'and ',that the,tiine .. . - -." . C;:J..~Y:; Vlce"'P.1~e~I(~.~nt·;,of .. thee'... ;;p1!1~_)O~~~~sIle::;~-:-;. ,".~,'" ,- ".1,; .•:, :<:' ''1n:tereirted.: in"iilleViating uri;;' L!effor~:.~,:!pt;~Y~l,lt.,:$Q~~h:-A'~p~~.~, effective Ch'rlstian action' 'ia .- . ,~:,., ~.' AF~..,CI9, :~se!-"te~,:i~ ..!l. :talk ,~, ." , . . . ~, ,><:!i~¢S_.'EDC~9~i·ilals\::" ',... ,;'. ' ;:~mploymeht in·.lhfS··area;· Fatner.· ';~,MC?~.~.. ~~er;1~:;::··:-::-" {·'this. ~matter is short: -We. :'are: .. : . :,.,,' ,..... "tile. ~ath?h.c. . Li\l;>or.. }~uIl<l. he~,e~ ,:' : ~'(~n .nQ ~c()re'9.f s()ciaL or~c~:-};.·. $eorg~ ''St/'Onge''ii'riv¢iled .·}jis:·"" .. Tbe.J;!ttet:--r-aciaJ, ;gr~up:'o!: abOu~., .•··tbere(ore'gratefi,-Il fot ¥our lnitiae . -. '. ,-.. ~'. ,,« .~ha t i 3,8 :Jl1~P.l~n.. ~~p~a:ns: li.Y~m-,. '-'. nOllllC . pr.o~r~S1'c:4~as·;, Am-rnca !J:. ,. p.biil.:bef()i'~ mem:bets'of .th'e'Bof... · 8O~cl.e~1~~,,,ap,.d:'Clllr~~: ~o()lt' t~l:l: (~,\tive.'~;a.nd "1eadersh-ip:', and' . com..- ......:-.. '.' P~V!'!rty. ,.. '.' .:, ;'. ---::•. ,,-:-' '. "i / " ; ' - reco~d;,: be.eIi~ s.~~.~a<:torr. ·m t.l,I,e,;, .del' Town- 'DevelopmerttAssocia..-'.a,ctI0':1' :'llt ,an.,Anglicilo ,chu.rc 9::o· '. mend: the::cause ·to. the' guidance • "•.-< ., A~;. a4dlt~onaL3.~. ~rulll(~n: · 17:.y;ears sinc'e ·the.en!! of,;vvorld':';,:,UOllj whicl1he'ihea'dsi' " ." "conferen~ - i.n: '-. ,GJ:"aham~9W~;-: ';·of. the'.Holy Spirit.,"'·· ..: :' " -AII\eqcaI).sj, h~ .s4t~~si, ,l~v.e ,::l~ " !War. H,'" he .stated.', ., :. '. " .11 , d' "t· · : ~ 'itr' .,' '.,; ell' university,,,center ··on,the·, eastern".;";,, 'On- ·the same day 'Archbishop "deprivation." "; '..... . ",C . :'.. ,... .., . "" on .Cl!.re w.e~.':w~ s . . end' ('the' Cap" Jf'GQ'6<i'Ho"e~:"· t... . '. "....... :,.; ".'.' " ·arey,ca~edfor .efforts,to Im"j ,·:them" "he;' said jOf,.. the·plan· to': •. ,..,() " "c . ' . e.o , ' . .:.;' P.. (·';' Hurley took part· in Fa' top-level' , . "" ,. ;: .;' . ' . ,:·'OurShame': ,'-:' '., plement':'eiis· ;ana":'idealS~;' "'mak~;"fali()\:ii"'sIieltets "Whafrm' .J~~o,\Jt~~~··':'iV~y,J>~.t)v~eIl·:h~~~: "~meeting'of· ChriStian leade'rs:at .;.;: .....~ He said thEiSe '~e()ple' make up ','contai-ne(}::iIi .the:. sociakeo;cycli-i:'·"iilt'ere'sted.:in<ls1earriing·hoW:· .to·;, aJ,l:d :>p'~r:~a:~,~ . ::';';.-;.:;'-'.. ,' ;' >4 ~.: .::': < ·.Sti~·.PauI~s' Anglican., C~uiiclf:iIi ' " . , " '" .." "two-fiItlis'of'. the ·nation's popu:.. " cl,\ls'of,Pope. Leo' X-IU; '?ope ·Pius..: manufaCture'fiberglass: Onde ·the .' :Al'Chbis:h.<lp.·:.D:~Hi;is"iH~r1eY;'-',··.Durban· .."~:They: issued- a; joint , ." . "lation imd:aeciared that the·ex:" . XI·and,Pope,Johil:'XXI,II. , . ',:, ,art"of pro'duCing ·the fiberglass:' O.M,I., of·D!J..rban hac;l voiced hisi .. declarationcondemning',the Sa~" . .istence'\-of' ~'this": economically";, , :'He saiclihe:~O:untry lias "comEi': 'maierhit:>·iS 'learned .tne': proce_sS .~ ,'e~; . fo~enting, i?~~.,.; .; otage "BiIr and:cal1ed>on ~ll their,' 'underprivileged . group' "is . '·~out . 'a'lo!1g 'waY'tqward"realiiing 'tq-e' 'could be'tiIrhedto'makiniOibe!- . raclaI..~trlfe l~th,IS. repllblic,m'· 'peopl~ to. observe ..a· da;r, of. failul'e" and· "our s~am'e;,'. : " goals "of the' encyclicals; "but it··· glass bathtubs,' boa'ts and, many 'protestmg ·~gall~st.. t~e. so-called ., prayer: The only Christian group' " On 'the matter Of' unemploy"" is appalling' and' it is shameful' . othetproducts~ Such· an industry :Sabotage: BIll bemg sponsored' by.! ~ot represented was the Dutch ment, Carey 'said:tliere is a vir- . how long a' way we" still· have ·to·, would';hire at· least. six 'jllE;n to, the ·N~tionalistgo:v.ernm~t·.'. ~ - ·~eformed. Church,.·:from whicll ·tuallY "permaneilt"-body. of,5:5 go and howslowly·.weare.'mov-: begin'with·and·expand as-time - The meeting: t'h'e Nationalist ... government per ce·ut··..of· the: ·.. U;S.. working ing.'· .: .. "':, ".:.:.' . ' -went· on." . . in . Gl'ahamstowu ·.. unimimously· '. drawS'much'of· its support•.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., June 7.1962
. I GIVE YOU EVERYTHJING: "Lord in the simplicity of my heart, I give you everything." Thus Bishop Connolly summed up the sacrifice of the world made by these' six novices in the congregation of the Dominican Sisters of Charity Of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Received into the community at ceremonies in St. Anne's Hospital chapel, Fall ~~~~: Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Gaud-
River, were, from left, in white veils, Sister Paul Francis of the Sacred Heart, Sister M. Beatriz de la Immaculada, Sister Francoise Therese de l'Enfant Jesus, Sister Clara Maria del Salvador, Sister Juan Maria de la Eucaristia, Sister Paulina del Nino Jesus. At front, Mother Therese des Anges, mother general of the congregation, and Mother Pauline .du Sauveur.
Leaves Business
Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Melvin' J. Miller. . Mr. & Mrs. William Miller, Mr. ST. ANTHONY ST. BERNARD'S . Mr. & Mrs. Gino Genesi, Mrs. Irma Gleason, Mr. & Mrs. Roy. & Mrs. James Moran, Mr. & Mrs. . '$250 . $50 Albert Morgado, Mr. & Mrs. Paul' Haggerty, Mr. & Mrs. Daryl H~tMr. & Mrs. Ch~rles McGowan. Mullaney, Mr.' & Mrs. ManuelSt. Bernard's Conference, 'So- field; Mr. & Mrs..George HenNunes. . . . derson. . ciety of St. Vincent,. de Paul $100 :.' Mr. & Mrs. Alb~rt Hyatt, .Mrs. WASHINGTON (NC) $2$· , Erriily Perry,Josephine Perry, John Delariey, 'Ernest Denault, Margaret Jordan, ·Mr: . & Mrs. The co:Q.vic~ion .that millions Mr. &'M;rs':'Pa:Vi~-Haley, Eugene Redwood Ice Cream, Mr. & Mrs. Assonet. ~a.nd & Gravel Co, Arthur Kane, Mr.·& Mrs: Arthu~ of Americans have become. Phelan, Clarence Verdi. Elliot Roberts, Mr. & ·Mrs. Paul $10 Keane, Mr.' & Mrs. Howard spiritually horqeless has .led . Dahill Company Row~es.· . ". .. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nacaula ... " ''' ... .. 'Patricia SJ!lith,·~r. & Mrs. · K;eith,. .. . ' :,. . ' .a· Washington' executive'to give" . ".' .• $50 , '. Mr. & Mrs.. James K.iri9~r,~•. up the business world to devote . :.~ouis·e. Dupre, Mr. '& Mrs. Oscar St Jacques; '!Wr: & 'Mrs: Mqnsfield & :Mrs. Thorpas. KOI).en;, 'Mrs. his full-time efforts to religl04s Fra¥ Sylvia. William Suzan Jr" Mr. & Mrs. · Annie Lamarre, Mr. ~ Mrs. Leq education. . , Kenneth Tuttle, Mr.. & Mrs. Wil-' ST. MARY'S Malagrida, Mr.. & Mrs. Paul. He is Howard ,J; Riordan; .48, _. $25 Ham Walsh; , '. . '. , ·Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pimental, ' cElh'enn'y' Mr. &. Mrs. Charles Whalen, ·M . , . . ' . '. " .• . ' married and the father of one. $125 Mr. .& Mrs. Norma.nd Morm, . s0!lr, '15. Since 19~7, he" Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Bedard, Mr. & Mrs. 'Doris Carney, Mr. & Mrs; Robert Currivan. Mr. & Mrs. Albert,Murp.hy, Mr. has been general agent for one Mrs. Manuel Linhares. Howard Ghadwick,.,Mr. & Mrs. $110 & Mrs. Frank MacDon~d, Mr.·&· :of the nation's largest mutual Mrs. Joseph ~. Duchaine Manuel : Costa,' Mr. & Mrs:. Friends. Charles Costello. . Mrs. Ja.m~s Mc~augh1m, Mr. & life insurance companies here. $20 $'75 Mr.&· Mrs. Charles Crow~ey,' Mrs. Wllham Nlck~rsQn. National Danger Mr. & Mrs. William Corey, Rev. James F. Kelley. Mr. & Mrs. Victor Narci~o, One of the founders of the James Downey, Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mr.. & Mrs. Matthew Curran, Mr. $50 Mr. & Mrs. John Norton, MISS four-year. old Ascension Aca- McIntire,' Mr. & Mrs. Warren & .Mrs. Paul Glennon, Frank's Mansfield Knights of Colum-' N~C~ Ockert, Mr. ,& ~rs. John demy in suburban Alexandria, Ryan, Village Drug Store, Wi!- Market, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence bus, .Council No. 420. Green. o eary, Edward 0 NellI. Riordan leaves his post to begin liam Keane. . $415 Mr. & Mrs. Norman Kelley, Mrs. Mary Palanza, Mr. & Mrs.· an. accelerated theology course Mr~ & MrE·. Warren Ryan Friend. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kobak, Mr. & Leo tarente, Mr. &.Mrs. ~obert at the University of San Fran$15 $46 Pau son,. Mr. & Mrs. Rlcha!,d cisco Institute of Lay Theology. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Man- Mrs. Paul McDevitt, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Flynn... Louis Pepin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pescosohdo, Mr. &. Mrs. Frank Upon completion of his studies ning, Mr. & Mrs. John McCue. $35· Ponti. St. ReguL-.. ' . ' . ' in June 1963 the Wisconsin Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Snyder Catholic Youth Club Mr. & Mrs. Albert Rebello, . Mr. & Mrs. Joaqu~m RIcardo,· native will go into the field to $12 Mary's, Mansfield, Mass. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Sheets, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Arthur RIchards, Mr. work and teach in two Catholic . Sl' & Pt' . Mr. & Mrs. T.homas V. Bren$25 & Mrs . F ranClS mey a riCla, parishes Mrs. Arthur Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Caponigro, Mr. & M~s .. John Sloan, Mrs. .' StudyIng' along with Riordan nan. $11 Joseph Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Conroy, .Mr.R. Walsh. . Sulhvan. this fall 19 other men, :Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy. & Mrs. William Morton, Dr. & Helen '. Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Wayner, . Mr. & Mrs. John Todc:sco, Mr. experienced in business and Mrs. Raymond Ockert, ·Mrs. & Mrs. Ed.ward Unger, Mr. &. teaching who are also changing Mr. & Mrs. William Wilbur. $10 Agnes Signoriello, Anita & Billy: M~s .. Walter Vallett! ·Mr.· & Mr~.. their m~de of life 'as a result of Mr. & Mrs. ·Edward Palardy,' Mr. & Mrs: Johri D.unn, Mrs. ,WIllIam Verzola: .. '. . t~eir spiritl~al beliefs. '. . Mr. & lVirs. Thomas Renehan; Loretta Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. Rob". Mr. & Mrs. :aona~d Baril, Mr... , At t~e heart of Riordan's de- Mary Tinkham. . ert Lovely. & Mrs: FrancIs .Bedard, Mr. & cision to become a teaching Mr. & Mrs. Roscoe Barstow, $20. Mrs. ~ICh.ard Bellavance, Mrs. H. Catholic layman is' his desire to Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Brito, Helen The Fales Family, Friend. ~. BIrmmgham, Mr. .& Mrs. fight attacks upon "our religious Callahan, John Callahan, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Earl Goodwin Jr. James Breen. and national underpinnings" Mrs. Gerard Carter. . Mr. & Mrs. Philip Dimonte . . Mr. & Mrs; Jolin Carlos, Mr. & . Mr. & Mrs. Francis Cinelli J r . . . $16 Mr. & Mrs. John Coyle Friend Share Faith Mrs. Jose .Carvalho, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur McKay.. Mr. & Mrs. Farrand MacPhee' Communism is the major anti- Timothy' Crowley, Mr. & Mrs. . $15 Mrs. Virginia' Main.' , God philosophy of the world, Anthony DeCosta, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs~ Richard Ball, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius McCar- he said, adding "Communists DeCoffe. Mrs. John Currivan, Mr. & Mrs. thy, Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur can win if mankind continues to Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Dextraze, J. Spencer Kelley. & Jane, Michaud, lVlr. & Mrs. Edward drift in the direction of spiritual Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Farley, Mr. & Friend, Lord's' Pharmacy. Moriarty, Mrs. Beatrice Mugford. homelessness·"Mrs.William Duggan, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs; Albert Zaffini, Guy Mr; & Mrs. John 'Ramondetta, By means of the lay theology Mrs. Joseph'Ferra, Mr. & Mrs. Frongillo. .. John Silva. t~acher movelllent, whi<;hhe John'D.,Gibbons. $10 . Troop' 14 Boy Scouts st.' sees as a" new . profession,' Mr. &. J\1rs.. H. Gifford, Mrs. Mr:. & Mrs. Walter Alfieri, Mr. Mary's, Mansfield; Mr~ &' Mr~-Riordan 'believes more people Marion Harold, Mr. & Mrs. Tim&. Mrs. Shierino Amici, Mr. & Armand Brunelle Wallace Gor- can be encouraged to participate othy Howrihari, Mrs. Irene HugMrs. Benjamin Anderson, Alfred don, Mr. & Mrs Edward Jameson; more actively in' the Faith. gins, ,Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Leary. 373 New Boston Road Antoine, l'4r. & Mrs. Frank Mrs. Lillian MacDonald, Mr. & "Wh,at we ar~ ;trying . to do is William &. Faith Leahy, Mr. & Antosca. Mrs. Charles Marrill, Mr: & Mrs•. sh~re ~he "Falth, not Just, keep . Mrs. William Libby, Mr. & Mrs: .Fall River OS 8-5677 Mr. & Mrs. James Avallone, Michael McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. the Fa~th,. he:decIare~. . Howard,' . Lo .. rd,··.. Mrs.' Virginia Mr. &. Mrs. FranCis Baldini, Mr: . " Michael Melchiorri, Eileen ". , . M&rs. Mr~,.WiJliaf1'l, ,a«taMtt~,,&MrM' ~ Myett. . '." :. "'~' ·Se·e .. · :to' d'·. Paul Bedard, r.l rs:·· . . .. AI hohse 'Bielan' . ". . -. Mr. & Mrs.:Orpheo 'Pagnini, r . . "(..~"., &' Mrs.Ro~ Boydeii',Mr. &< .•1~fi·.; .&Mrs.: ,Williain :·Pcalanza) . ~-ut~~ .. ~I:~qG~~r~. ":. :. " MTS:' Pl:1uf'BoYden, .Mr.'. & Mrs: ~ Mfs.~a.qaly.n,~euy',~;"&:M~s:.: .'.' 'O~~"('N<;)":" 'The:'0niaHa' ' ,. H:aroldBrennoh -'. Mrs;"·A~es Brq~lslao;;Mr •.& .. '-1lrc~diocese' has' launcned' a' pro:. : . Britton' 'George' :~rU;ude~' ai· JQP~·Se~pa.·;: i'.:- , .... ' '~""'" - grarilof,'%i.iuicial 'he'lp':foI" 'col:-: . Nellie'Bnitcher< ' :\ " .... :; ;.,.: ·-Mr..,;&·Mrsi~Robert·SIia'wr:Mrs.lege-"·students: :.who·":pledgeto'· '·'.Mr:&~Mi's: James Callahan: : Gilda"Smith: " .: .• : ... ".'.--- .',: '~aeh'.:'.m;·,eatholic; 'elememary'. Mr. & Mrs. "Nich'ola'~ ¢a.rpeno~' . -. ......, , i- ,; .• " ,'.. school~.".. ,: .;~ ; "~. ~, : . ',.:... ::; MiSs' Lucy' ~Chafe, ~.'.&' Mrs;" .' H . W'"""d" ,.... C', 'h' /·0..·•· . --:·~:.Roma_n:C:. :mr~ck,.arcl1 .. .Nugent Chilli, MrE\:' rlore-nce " .: .as,.. .'~' . ' .olce .. ~I~ces~rr. school .superIntendent,· Collette.' : , . ~ ... : ,I: ' . ' ,.' BROOKLYN (NO)' -·William.. saId, tl).e .., unusua~ ."pr9g:ram c·.is . Mr & Mrs.: Fred eOok.. Mr.' &, A; Ortloff; 25, .: 'seniol' ·at·,st:, need~d because ..CathoIieschools . i'·,; . JAMES. H.COLLlNS,'C.E';i .Pres~ : ~ . , .. '.' Mrs: :Joseph Corliss, Fr~ Cree- . :Francis ,College her~"has :,been .~efeh!l~e:~pre:~ban doubled ·in . i ':. ..:'. _ den, Mr. -& Mrs. Jamel\~Cronin,. aW!lrded·post·graduate·ass~stant", . ~~rolljnent.mtheGJ>ast 10 years.;· •... 'RegIStered. Civil. and Sp'uct~a,l..Ehgin,eer.. ~ . Mr~ & MrS~ Guido Cutillo.· ' . ships' ·in: 'Science 'Colunibia,'rhe, n~w program,whose cost, . . ....Mep)~ Natio!lal .Society PJ;Qf.essi~mal EQgin~erll·... . . Friend .Mr.' & Mrs> Albert Cornell, ConnectiCl,lt al\d 'Arizona , 'wUL Pe.. ~o~ne by' 'the .archdiC>Decele, Mr. & Mrs. Frea"t>eLutis; univ.ersities, Brooklyn .Polytech- . cese,.wiIl·I<:~duPto $500 a year . ...", . :FRANCISL COLLINS, JR.,. Trecl~.·· :. .',Mr. & Mrs. JosephDiFiore,Mrs.n:ic Institute and R.emiselaer ,~ hel~ meet: eXJ?enses of st\l- . .TH.OMAS ie. CO.LLINS, Sec;y. . Irene Dike. . . Polytechnic In~itute.:OrUoffac- den.ts In education . courses at Mr. & MrS". William Eastman cepted the Al'iiona U. fellowship, three local institutions:· CreighA~ADE"'Y . BUILDIN~ .F~LL' RIVER. MASS.. Jr., . Friend, Mr. &. Mrs. Joh. valued at $2,000 plus tuition and ton Univ.ersity,;. Duchesne· ColGalliv~ Mr. & Mrs. llalph Garfees. " . . .,. lege or· the College· of· St. Mar.y..
L.·fe In .Churc·h Work
Career .fo·r
Has. Plan.'
Mrs.: .
.-, -,
- .:'
.•••. '
losep,h ,~t!!h~P; ~a~t~.nO BOnito, Man'uel ·F. Botelho;" Ernest P•. Cabral, Ail~,·.~rr~~.,~.::~ Joseph Costa, Joseph L. Dias, Manuel· Duarte,:Emily & Rosa Emerald, Linda'.L;' Ferreira. 1 Lawrence (Goulart, Frank Grace, Ralpho.D. Kidwell, Francis Lewis, John B. Lopes. Joseph Medeiros, Manuel J. De Mello, Manuel S. Mello; Rodney F. De Mello, ,William De Mello. Hugh L. Moran, Ernest Motta, Mary M. Perry, George Pinto, .Jasper Puckett. Adeline Reine, Manuel P. Romiza, Mrs. A. Winfield Schley, Justino Simoes, Cecilia Souza. James G. Souza Jr:, John F. Souza, Joseph L. Souza, Theresa Souza, Walter Stone. Helena Tavares, Luis S. Tavares, Manuel L. Tavares, ~yl vester Tavares, Manual Valadao. Joseph Valerio, Richard Welch, Edward J. White & family, Oscar Wolfe, Agnes'M. Mendoza. Barney Baptiste. Jr., Charles Dennery, In memory-of Joseph P. Cabral Jr., Manuel P.Cabral, Mrs. Thomas· Ferreira. Arthur Lawrence, john Leighton, Jack Marshall, Frank T. McNally Jr., Fred De Mello. Joseph, C. M,otta, Rosalie· Pimental, John Rapoza, Alb~rt. W. Romiza, John L. Silvia Jr., Mrs. M. G. Simons, George .D.- Sylv..i.l,I. .J:ohn. Araujo ,Jr., Alvira .Cardoza, Manuel R. Costa, Clement De Mello, Frank Moniz 'Jr:- .. 'Richard Mont~ir<i"Manuei'~ Mary Rezendes; .Scob~ Rhodes ... '
THE 'ANCHOR- '.,' Thurs., "June '7, t.~~2
$100 'White's Farm Dairy Inc. $29 A Friend $25 .Acllshnet Saw ·Mills Co. . $20 Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Barry Mr. and Mrs. J;ohn P. Santos $15 Mr. & Mrs. Alden Taber, Mr. & Mrs. PaUl Szwaja, Hilda & Mary vincent, Bella LePage, Mrs. Simone Hunt. $12 Mr, & Mrs. James' Hawarth, Mr. & Mrs. The"dore Schick, Mr.' &' Mrs. Lucien Letendre, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Tardif. . . $10 · Mr, & Mrs. Henry M. Allain, Mr. & Mrs, Roger Allain, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. George Bouley, Mrs. 'Wanda An- . tiszczyk,. Mr. & Mrs. John Aiello, Mr. & Mrs.. Fred .~orisoff, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Blais, Mr. & Mrs~ Romeo ':' Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrs. 'Raymond Brodeur. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard· Charest, Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Connor, Mr. & Mrs. David. Considine, Mr: &. Mrs. William Crombleholme, Mr. & Mrs/Edmond Cusson. . . )VIr. & Mrs. Joseph pe Costa, IJr. & Mrs. 'Joseph Ferreira, Jr., Mr.. & Mrs. Joseph Francis, Mr. Falmoufh ::: & Mrs. Robert Furtado, ·Louis Gaudette. ST. PATRICK'S -;.. .•..!.' · 'Mr, &. Mrs. Amedee Gautreau', $500 M·r. & Mrs. Nathan -Gomes, Noel Rev. James E. Gleason.' , , :. Goulet, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Guil·$100·'·' .>. beault, Mr. &: Mrs. Curtis Hardy. Mr. & Mrs. G. S., Lopez, Mr. & Mr. &. Mrs. Ricpard Janson, Mrs. Daniel Smith. . Mr.' & Mrs.· Raymond .Lague, Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Langlais, . PUTTING ON FINISHING TOUCHES: Italian sculp~ Enrice 'Manfrini puts 'on the $50 S.tella Lanzoni, Mr; & Mrs. John finishing touches in Rome toa' plaster model ota huge statue of Pope John, destined for Loretta Dou~tte. Latham.. '$25 a sanctuary at Impersago, near Como, in northern·Iia-ly. The statue is ~3 feet high and Mr, & Mrs. Joseph J. LaughBourgoin Associates, One Hol\J' . Un; Jr., Albert LeBlanc,. Mr. & will, when cast· in bronze, weigh more than three tons. NC Photo. Martinizing, Fay's of Falmouth, Mrs. Raymond LeBlanc, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. '4anuel Emerald, 'Mrs. Gerard Ledoux, Pierre Normand P. Saucier, Olga SeMrs. Antone R. Perr.y .Mrs. Eileen Finnell, Stanley Dighton Longpre Jr. ., Frank simli:lons queira. Reeve~. . .' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph 0, Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Smola, $20 ST. PETER'S $%0 Mr. & Mrs. John McHugh, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Robert Varley, Mr. Harold L. Baker Co:, Adolph Alice Creemer, John. Fish, $20 Mrs. Leonard Meredith, Mr. & & Mrs. Raymond P. Veary. Bishop, . Franklin Botelho, Contractor. )!'rohman lmd Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Eugene G. 'Mondou, Mr. & George, P. Cabr8I & family; Falmouth National Bank . $15 Mrs. Edwarc- Moi-aux. ' ' Pedro Carvalho.' $1:5 Henry .J. and Mrs. Keenan. Buzzards Bay. · Mr. & Mrs. William Oehrle, M.icbaef P. Dutra, Joseph G. Vera's Beauty Shop. $iO Mr. & Mrs. Adolph 0'Gara, Mr. Ferreira, Alfred Flora & son, $12 Ernest and' Mrs. Cote, John Aarinado Furtado & family, Ed_ ~ Mrs. Emil Olifierko, Catherine Edward Carroll.' and Mrs. Pelletier, David Dutra, mund L. LOpes..L. 'Raymond, Mr. & Mrs. Albert $%0 -James Dutra, Theodore 'and Mrs. $10 Renault. - 'Adolph Vieira. Edward & Flora' de' Mello; Boucher; Mary 5., Rezendes, Mr. & Mrs. $15 Mt. & Mrs. Lawrence ',CaPO": . George F. De Mello, Manuel P. Alan and Mrs. Fanjoy, Alfred Rebello, Frank Souza Jr., Gilbert rate, Mr. & Mrs. .John 'CavaLeo Ricard, ·Mr. &,; Mrs. Normand Capt. & Mrs. Paul Asbnault. and Mrs. Morey, Mrs. Rudolph L. Tavares.' RO,bert, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ros$10 ' naugh, Mrs. Jolio DeMello Jr., . ChristenSon, Marguerite BaiTy; lIOcki, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. .Mr. & Mrs. John King, IMr. &;; , John L. Tavares, 'Josep~ 'x.; Falmouth Electric "CoinpanY; . .>' iJ:; Shaw. Mrs. Maurice Savage,l\{r. &; Mrs. John J. and MrS. CaSsidy. . . Tavares, Frank M. Teixeira, Pat- Mrs. Wl1lia:mLuby. . CharleS lind MrS". McKenna, ,Tick Bishop, 'Richatd Geggatt Jr.. MacGregor's of' Falmouth; Mr. &' Mrs. Lucien St. Amand, Cornelius' . SUllivan, Richard .EdWard .and' Mrs. Goullin, LouiS Perry,' John· C.. Roderick; James B. Miller, NobSka FurJ1J.Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sylvia, Mr.; Jones, Buzzards Bay Theatre. '. . ' . $iS . ' .. ' ture Shop,' Mr. & MEs. H~bert & -Mrs. W~Qm 'Taylor, Mr. &' Edward.Drmv;Johnny's .Esso GeOrge aDd Mrs. Borges. Phtlbribk,Mrs. e.A. Scl1aube.r- . Mrs. Lionel Tetreault, Mr. & Mrs Station, Wallace Auto' Service, Germano AfonSo, Francis Bar": ger. : .. ' ... Henry Turek'~Joh~n McN8ll1~a, Mr; ~ :I\frS. rett,'Charles Botelho, JOhn·P. Mr.' &; MrS: Willl~m: Westgate, Ernest . p'. . Sears &. '. ROebuck; . Anthony .. ".East Fa,lmouth erry. . . . . . " Cabral, Frank Figuerido. .' Solimine~ Anthony Souza, Wil.,. Mr. & ~s. Thaddeus Zajac,Mr: Mr. & ·Mrs. JOM Gonsalves, · 'Joaqwm" Figuerido, Joseph. &; Mrs. George Pimental, Mr~ 8£ George Miranda, Mr. '&Mrii;, ..' iT. ANTHONY'S Figuerido, John H. Macedo, Ar- liam Souza,' RogerB. Theroux.. Wareruun' .Savings .·Bank. Mrs, Leo Olivier, Mr. & .Mrs.· James V. O'Connor, Mr.: & Mrs. $500 thur vi: Marshall,: J~h A. Savery Chevrolet·Co. Inc., Mr. & Alqert A. Guillette. '. : . Donald Piette, Mr.. & Mrs. Robert. . . Martill.·· ,; . '; Marie TUrner, Mr.·& Mrs.~ . . .'. Rev. J. M. B. Avila: .Hurley. '.. $100 '. 'AntOneMedeiros; Ar~ur. ~'. Mrs~ Ra.1Ph· Bold~' Mr.:,· & ~-M:ts. Charles Whit.e, Mr. & Mrs. Emile Helen & Emily .Na\lgbtQn,.Mrs.. ' .. ;Mello, Manue11'Telto, rheop~i1w' James Razinha; Mr. &.:Mrs.,Wal"t D ..G onneVl'll'''''M .' & . Mrs. Leo; Conference' of ·st. Vincent de terBuguey. :'"., ,~; ~:~ e" r .&. Mrs' . W'l' 1';' Henry Simons, Mr. . Oliveira,' William K.. Soares. . P~l1l' . .liam.. K~f~,;Mr~ ·&·Mi-s:>;Maurice F.leqting, . Mr. & Mrs.' .Paul Willems, . Antonio G. So~ia, I.r¢D.e'S~, Joseph .Lopes; '. William, ~MceaDn GQi,sciiri"":" .'c·:'·;·· >: . .$50 .', Mr. &::Mcl:' tio~aid:j~ckimocz,: ' . .. " Herman &.' Alvaro I.Qpes, ROmud "' 'J: Souza;' ¥"iin~el· S, (Casino-by-the-Sea}"ili , ~)~;" White, Angelo B~rges;s. . '_ ,' Mr.' & M~s.· R4ssell Aqams, Mr; Central Mooriakis . River' Nursery'; .. PatrIck 'W. Lewis, ~~nler Pa:-.. & ·:\\frs. :Harold Booker, Mr..~. ' S o U z a ' / ! Texaco Service. Station,: .¥rs. Raymond A.Bosse, Mr. &; ST. J~HN'TIIIE BAPTIST AlfredM. Soares.-. . ;i ..." ..$50<:; .:' •" , . FreSh Pond"'HoIY' Ghost So~' Irene Sailtiago. Mrs. Donald Camara. . ": '. .. ''1~ : Mr. ·&Mr.s.· Manuel Cambra.. " St. JohJ). ~e. Baptist :Women's' ciety,- In: memory .of' Mart,uel D."hank sinuiioris,. . :,r;"" .. :! ~:;" "'N":T·· :.E~S·'T'·· '··~.· Jr., .Bessie Crane, Mr. & Mr.s: 9uild. . Fe~a by his 'wife anQ' soa.' Julio Santos ... ~ward »ias,.1\lr..& Mrs. 4Iber{ . '>: . $25 ," ..:: GeQl'ge... : Cami1:1O'D'Egidio"' . . . . . Fortin, Mi-: 8i Mrs. LaWrence"' Mrs. 'Everett Mills Jr·. .' , '. $10 .' . . $U.·· '" .' . Fortiri:·. .. .. : . : . D\lDiap Associates & Mr.' ". ManueI.P.. Rose. J~,J~~~., ~.:'.;, .. Mr. '&; Mrs.: Clifton Denault,: ~rs.Lin~' Dtin1ap .. :- .' I .. ' , ; .. ,~ . , . ' . '.,$11.. .' , ..., Mr. & ,Mrs. Richard N. Des~:' ' $ 1 l 0 John Cardeiro Joseph E., .1UChai'd G.'Birt1e: ... , INVESTED . IN. .. . ,..' .,' . ,lii .....,.-. noel ·S.. 'Whit.e . . J.t. champs,',B:ernllrd Gaudette, Ali~ ;. G tr ~ Mrs. Lauretta Potte.r; Miss·Lil-. ~ .... " ' . . ~,'IO :t·, .. , .. C~~.awR~" .. · .St~ Anthony's. Wom~'8, .CIub, "'~,,·KOSPITA1.-80NDS .. .. Gingras,; Pan Sekonda; M;r.' &.';Mrs.An-· . R"; .' .,: ':...:.... ; ,,- !VLr!i"""~ low"': N 'Iso11. G' Mr. .&:Mr!>. ,Manae1; _ 17.ut Mr • "" O:liUght~.<#.~Qella,.• ~~ ·Ift Units. of;..$5OOor'" _'. 1I'ard, Mr'. 'drew Perry:, . . Almeida. Florence Almeida', ~l.,.: .. ." . & Mrs. OvilaHebert, Mr. & "Ml\S.' RapoSa Jr. . . ' ... ;" ,. .. . . $25.. '. .. ·A.I.ward.t.. . . ' ·.f. " '.' ':'." , . 1I:E'E'UAl.'·."I.&Drv···1nc . ·Adelard . Jacques, Mr. & IWrB:Mr; '&Mri: 'J'obrt'Oliv~a; H: St. .Anthony's Men~a. Club, meda MUUlR WilliamJQe~res,Mr. & Mrs. wi!.:: ,. chudren;sParadii;e Shop, P.~ s~ ~, '!lbuieapo__' 'Mbmesota .'. ; Uam Keighley. Chatham l' Fuel LOU . Co·~.RiOhard:~J.;· FiSh,. , t.·; detaneei·b.tohnaUoD :,' , :: Mr. ~ Mrs. William Kennedy, ' . Manuel' G. Lewis and soli. Write'io ' . '.' .....'.. "".', HOLY· REDE.I\:M . 'RR . o1Oseph.·~· . . . .r Bll'. & 'Mr' . s;. L ouis L a R ue, Laora ,: ,'. . Office; ai>aa . '. ',CliAll~S·"'. MU~ ", I[ Martel, Mr~ &. Mrs. Martin Me'::' " $ 4 5 : : MyTon"l4edeir()s, <:GeOrge J;'
~.~uMrs Claud~~.
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Jr., l\f.r. & Mrs. John C,, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas.McHale. ' . r~~w~l.Mrs. William F. O~o-~': $25 I trey Mr: '&'Mrs; John O'Toole;; :',"':"Mr, &.. Mrs. James Go:mley• ", Mr.' & ~Mrs.~ Bertrand: p'ell~tier~ '. ~ .',' .... "~ ... , . .'. $10 ": " Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Power;·. . Sullivan,. Mr. & Mrs~:. & Mrs. william·.Richards Jr.' ,"Paul oR HealY,Mi. &: Mrs. Frank :; Mr. & Mrs. John Rogers, Mr. Dresser, Mr. & Mrs.. Malcolm:' '(k MrS..T.RlJles Santos. Mr, & Mrs. MacDonald, Pearl,diLorenzO. Ai; Anthony Sylvia, 1'.:1'. & Mrs. Friend. ;,. ~_-...:-- ...._---_...... - -- ...... ,----~~~...,.-.=.._~~_.:_'- ~ .....:.:.. ::..~ ~.~-...~_:..=:-
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:s~~:~~~~~~e;r~:f A;·Reine.··:' c'ci ,.'..; '. .:'. Paul Rodrigues, Mallu;el a S()~.~J. _Ja~ph. Te~~ir~, ...Fred Travers & family,'AiltoneVieira: ~ Crystal Fuel Oil Co.;' Frank G. Luna,' Gilbert Pacheco. • .. Diuliel & Cynthia Botelho ., R~~ert B.. Pacheco',.·· .
~':-"'."'-="";':"""''-'-= ... "" .....;.. --....
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·.':'£05t Brewste'.. -
$75 Rev. Joseph A. Nolin, M.S. $50 Rev. Real Richard, M.S., Mr. &; Mrs. Thomas P. Perkins, A Friend. $30 Mr. &; Mrs. Roger Bassett Jr., , Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Norris. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Baronousky, Helena Brooks, Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Callahan, Mr. & Mrs. James Coogan, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Copell, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Craffey. $20 G. Carlton Clark. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Collyer. $13 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel 'Packett. $12.50 Madeleine C. Brown, Mrs. Anna M. Unsworth. ' $10 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ames, Mr. & Mrs. William Bohlin, Mr.·& Mrs. Robert J. Crowell, Mrs. Arthur G. Dickey, Mr. & 'Mrs. Warren Doe. Mrs. W. E. Durham, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fox, Mr. &; Mrs. Francis Gallant, Mr. & Mrs. Fran~ Gal- ' lant, Mr. '& Mrs. Wilfrid Gallant., Mrs. George H. Holl~nd, Mrs~ Terrance Kerrigan, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kinder, Mr. & Mrs. George Linehan, ¥r. &; Mrs. Walter Linowsky. Mrs. Irene G. Lowe, Mr. & Mrs. Frank McCarthy; Mr: &; Mrs. Radford J.' McCormick, Helen McMahon; Mr.' & Mrs. Mario' Mere.' Mr. & Mrs, Ernest Normandin,' Mrs. Seviah Smith, Mr: & Mrs. E. J. Waldron,·Mr. & Mrs. James J. White, Jane Woodman. Mr. & 'Mrs. David Hodsdon, Mildred Jordan, Mrs. Roland Taber, Mrs. Raymond ,Ertel, Mr. & Mrs. Parke O'Connor Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Keefe, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Gerstel.
Hyannis n.
$100 Mr. & Mrs. Rene Poyant, Dr. & Mrs. Austin O'Malley, A Friend. $50 Mr. & Mrs. Hobart L. Morin, Mr. & Mrs. John Vetorino, Mr. & Mrs. George Lysaght, Fr. McSwiney Council K of C No. 2525. $25 A Friend, Mrs. Richard Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. William Ormsby, Kathryn L. Ruhan. Father McSwiney Circle, Daughters of Isabella, No. 513, Hyannis; Dr. & Mrs. Fr,ancis O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Larry Newman, Hyannis Pharmacy. $20 , Anthony White, Fay E.' '.ICarey, Great Island Pharmacy. : . $15 Mrs. Rita Swenson, Robert Jameson, Dr. &; Mrs. James 'F. Dunne. $10 : John Bright Shoe Store, ~ich ard F. Murphy, Lawrence HRivers Margaret G. Smith, Mr., & Mr~.' Edward Gosselin, Mrs. Dorothy Jones. ' Mr. & Mrs. Leo Hogan, Mr. • Mrs. Julius Morin Jr., ~r..~ 'Mrs. A. AIQsi, Mrs. Eugene Tavares, Mrs. Vincent D. O'Neil. Dora Chase, Mrs. Arthur Lor.. rett, A Friend, Mr. &; Mrs. Edward McCarthy, Mr. &; Mrs. Charles Aguiar. ". Thomas F. Vetor~, Mr. & Mrs. Felix Poire Jr., Mrs.· Mar-:. garet M. Linnell, JOM Vetorino, Mrs. Marion Wittenmeyer. ': , Mr. & Mrs. Wm. J. Flinn; Mr. • Mrs. John SUllivan, Mr., 86 Mrs. Richard Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Victor MisiewiCZ;' Mr.. &; Mrs. Robert O'Rourke. ' , Mr. &; Mrs. Harry Deveau, Leo' Robert, Mr. &;Mrs•. Joseph Me-' delrOs Jr., Mrs. Marie Howes. Mr. & MrS. Raymond Wheeler. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Morash, Mr. &; Mrs. Daniel Hatton" Mr. . . Mrs. Leo Healy, Dennis Ahearn, Kay Lyons. , Atwood on Co., Scudder .. Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Costa, Dr. Joseph RobinSOD.,.JobD DempseJl.
~:'Mary Ellen Hunt, RaY'Sprinkle'-' Co., Mr. & Mrs. John Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. John Levine Jr. Hyannis Hardware, Mr. & Mrs. S. Galup, Mr. & Mrs. Cranston Montcalm, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lattimer.
THE ANCHORThurs., June 7, 1962
FC2lill'h«!l,,~n SACRED IlIJEARTS '
$20 Mr. & Mrs. Laurent Parent, Mr. & Mrs. David Sibor. '
Fairhaven ST. JOSEPH
$10 $200 Mr. & Mrs. Hervey Tichon, Mr. BIsaillon's Garage. & Mrs. William Taylor, Mr. & $100 Mrs. Geor~c Holstrom, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs, Joseph G. McGann, Mrs, Joseph Martel, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Domenick Nicolaci, Adrian Desrosiers. G. Garrett Schuler. $75 NOll'fl'fft IQ)D~~tcn James B. Buckley. $50 ST. JOSIEPH Joseph F. Francis, Stiles Family & Mrs. Regan, Joseph A. $50 Salac;Iino, Anonymous. James E. & Virginia C. Williams. $30 $25 Alfred O. Raymond Family, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hoye, MY. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel A. Olivera. & Mrs. Anthony Mastromarino, $25 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bourgault. , William H.' Carey, Dr. Bernard $20 F. Carter, Carrol J. Castello, Mrs. Larry Spidle, WaItei' Mary G. Costa, James T. Dunn; MELKITE ARCHBISHOP: Most Rev. Basile D. Khoury, David W. Fitzgerald, Robert Melkite Archbishop of Sidon, Lebanon at reception honoring Scanlon. $15 ., E. Hinsley, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. William Virdinlia, J. Kovic, Earle M. Larkin, Ar-. him at St. Anthony of .the Desert Church, Fall River. From Joh,n Perry, David Perry, Mr. & mando Penha. . ~ ,left, 'Rev. George Cattan, secretary to Archbishop; ChorWalter Smith; Dr. Edward L.: Bishop' Joseph Eid, pastor; the' Archbishop; Rt. Rev. Mrs. Frank O'Connell. Soares, Alfred Vincent, :ADony- Nicholas Burcoshe; provincial of the Basilian Fathers. $10 mous, ,Charles' Pittle, Joseph B. , Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kell)', Sullivan, Anonymous. ' Jones, Joseph F. Juchs, Mr. at LeClaire, Seraphine Mon)z. , Mr. '& Mrs. Samuel Pine, Mi'. & Joseph P. CollinS , Mrs. ,John Keary, Vincent Mr. &. Mrs. Antone Morris, Mrs. Joseph F: Webb, Mr. & Ml'flo $20 Keighley. Andrew D. Pi,fko, Mrs. Beatrice Ralph :·Simmons, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Medeiros. ) Joseph P. Blouin & Famny, Edwarad L. Kerin, Joseph A., L. Quinn, Donald F. Tucker Walter Smith, Mr. & Mrs. WiiJohn B. Davidson, Edward W. Kobak, James B. Lanagan, 'To-: , Herminia Souza, .Joseph L. Fitzsimm'ons, Edmund J. Folger, bias S. Laronda, Mrs. Emily H., Souza, William F. Souza, John & liam Maguire, Mr. & Mrs. Henf'J' Donald G. LeBlanc. Leeper. ' , ('. Mary Stafforn, Ernest C. Stasiun. Conaty, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel VarMr. & Mrs. Pasquale Nicolaci"Augustine A. Longo, ,Mr., &' Richard Stevenson, Mary B. gas, Mr. & Mrs. Filbert T01'!e·s. Leo Pivirotto, Miss,' Lilliam James 'R. 'Walker; 'Edith· K. Mrs. Curtis L. Lopes" Paul A. 'SuiFvan, Roland A. S~prenant, SmaU,Raymond -Barbero; Louise Lopes; John J. Lowney, John M.: John ,Sweeney, Donald C. Sylvia. Pivirotto, Miss MarYPivil'0tto, LaRoche. <> ' .. , Mahaney.·' , ',. '" Julia M. Sylvia, Manuel A. Mr. & Mrs. William Flemming. Mr. & 'Mrs. Richard Donahue. John '1. Walsh'" James E. Maley & EUzabeth Sylvia Jr., Eryk T. Szatek, ArMr. & Mrs. Thomas Higgins, ' - ',$16 Maley; Edward L. Manley Jr."thur E. Taber, Nicholas F.Tang-' Anthony Procopio, William Sil'Margaret A. Manghari. Armand R. M~rien, Mr. & Mrs., ney. via, Mr. & Mrs. Milton Shermaa, . " : $15 ' Joseph G. Marques, Blanche G. Armand Tanguay, Antone Ta-, Mrs. Osmontl Crot~y. Raymond- Barton,Albert F.- 'Martin: " ',vares, Mrs. James H. Taylor, Mr. Mr. & Mrs., Percy Simmons, Benac, Edward 'B~' Loughlin, Earl' Albert H. Masse,' Mrs. F'aul ,& Mrs. Leonard Tchorz Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mason, Mr. &; J. Dias, Jolin L. Harrison. Matheson, Clementino Medeiros" R. Thomas. ' , Mrs. Milton Bowen, Mr. & Mrs. , Mr., & Mrs. Joseph McKenzie, Mr. & Mrs. ,Edward L. Medeiros, William· J. Towers, Ge~rge . Oliver Collard, Mr. & Mrs. HalT)' Joseph E. Williams & Family. Helen Mello. . . Henry Tripp, Mr. & Mrs. Roland F. Lyons. ' $12 ~eor~e Mendes, Mrs.. Abbie Tripp, William J. Tucker, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Fred BburgoI~ Louis Pacheco Jr. Mmezzl, ,Raymond ,R. Mrranda, Mrs. Ronald G. Vanasse. Miss Nola Bourgoin, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Connor Joseph L. McCarthy"Laura S. & Mr. & Mrs. Leo R. Veilleux, Wilfred Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. Don$10 Joseph McDonald. Alfred Viera, John Viera,Mar- ald Scott, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wallace W. Alden, Manuel AlJames F. McD?nough, John A. g.aret Virgin Dr. Edward C. Amaral. meida, John Alves Jr., Ralph Mc?onough, ~lizabeth. A.' Mc- Vogt. ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard Simmons; Antonsen, Raymond G. Archam_ QUillan,'Antone G. Motta, James Stanley A. Wojcik, Frederick Mr, & Mrs. Robert Sherman, Mr. bault. V. Mulroy. , F. Wolanski, Mrs. Adelaide F. & Mrs. Harold Sherrington, Mrs. Manuel ArrUda, Roland Ba-' John J. Noon, ~enneth J. Xavier, Peter P. Zubrisky, Mr. & Ralph Charlwood, Mr. & Mra. rabe, William R. Barron, John Noyer, Edward C. 0 Gara, Wal- Mrs. Henry Fleurent. Edward Berube. Bartlett, ~N.illiamBartlett. ter Ohnesorge, Henry T. ~lden. Mr. & Mrs. Victor Fleurent, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jackson, Arthur Batlett, Mr. & Mrs. 'Alice M. O'Leary, Mrs. MIChael Joseph C. Mello, Roger Chris- Miss Christine Donovan, Mr. & Gerard Benoit, William J. Ber- J. O'Leary, Matthew O'Malley, tensen, Edwin W. Allard, Edythe Mrs. Alvin J. Hoyt, Mrs. Eva geron, Marie E. Bisaillon, Roland Anson W. Paine, Alexander R.' Rankin. Caron, Mrs. Rose Mello. E. Blouin. Perry., Frederic J. Franklin" Rose John Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Jolm Joseph & Cecile Blowers, Alice Alic.e' Perry, Lionel .P.. Ponte, Benton, Ignacy Zolnierz, Joseph Egan, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Menard, Bourassa, William Bourassa & John Rebello, Raul RibeIro Jr., F. Hipolito, Geraldine Viveiros. . Mr. & Mrs. Robert McGuirk, Family, John C. Bresnahan, Mr. Thomas A. R i e l l y . ' . 'Mr. & Mrs. Paul Burke. & Mrs. Frank L. Burns. George A. Roberts, Thomas J. ST. MARY'S Manuel Cabral, Marjorie C. Robinson, Clifford Rockwood, Carey Arsenio Carreiro, Mar- Raymond L. Rodriques, .John $25 guerit~ L. Carroll, Julia H. Chad- Rogers Jr. Mrs. Stella M. Pacheco. wick. , Edmund Rose, Frederick , $10 Laurian T. Clement, John Cor_ Schonheins,JoSeph G. Selman, AND Mr. & Mrs. Victor $aint, Mr. riea, Arthur Cousineau, Noel & .r\lbert Sequeira, Elizabeth L. &: Mrs. Herman Roy, Mr. & Mrs. Lida Coutu~. Catherine M... Shurtleff. " , , Albert R. Platt. Crossley. .,' Edward M. Silva, Manuel SilMrs. Joseph, Dawes, Anna C. & , ' veira, Walte~ ~ilveira, John SilIrene Desmarais, AntOne H. De-' ,via; William C. Sipith. NO JOB TOO ,BIG Terra, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph I)e..' : Arionymous, Mrs. E. G. Braley, Wolfe, Ernest N. Dion. ' ·h. Dr: Jerome Brault, Manuel NON! TOO SMALL, Roland ~bois, Lionel J. Du-' t. 'Brun;, M~uriceF, Burke.. lude, John & Mary Dwyer, Clar_ ' Cyr Family, Milton O.Fisher, enc'e' Edwards,' Mrs. Edward T.' Albert G. Kenney,· Arth~ H. Ehrhardt.' . ,-' , " .' , . Frederick A. Elliot, George BUtCK EtfCTaA Emin, CharleS L. Faria, Mr. &: , ' PRINTERS Mrs. James Farias, Mr, & Mrs. Earl Faunce. Main CHice and Plalll FOR QUAlITY, . 'Mr. & 'Mrs. Anthony ~. Fer, LOWELL, MASS• OIL COMPANY , . . STYli AND nandez, Anibal P. Ferro, Flora X. Fisher, Henry E. Fortin, SteTelephone LoweD COMFORT phen L. Foster.· , G1. 8-6333 and GL 7-7,500 Antone M. Frates, Mrs. Arthur l\t. Frates, Florence It Freitas, Auxiliary Pia.... 'Joseph A. Furtado, Manuel J. BOSTON '. Furtado. 50llth i· • . Sea Sts.' . Mrs. Janis V. Gaide, Robert . OCEANPORT, ,N. J. .. 194 ,PLEASANT STREET Gallant, RaymOnd t. GJiml!~he" Hyannis " ,-, PAWTUCKET, 'I. L FAil' RIVER' , Catherine Gifford, MarY M. GOg-, gin. . . . . Albert M. Gonsalves, Au'gust J• i Gonsalves, Manuel L:' Gonsalves~. • Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gold, Eugene' B. Goldrick. , ·SPECIAL MILK . Paul GosseUn, 'David J. Gough,. From Our QWII 'Joseph GovoDi; Kenn~ Q.,. ., T.aed HercI~ Grace,:MrS. .James W ..Greenwa,.. at Norbert J. Gregoire, Henry e. ' Hicks Francis· B. '& ' Eveline . A~hnet, Ma... WY I-MI7 Holstius, James· P. &; Maty~nn • Special Milk ' Honohan, Raymond C. H~ding. • 'Homogenized V4t. D MIlle William T. Harding J. Paul C. • Buttermilk Hudon,' Mr. &: Mrs. George • Tropicana Orange ..... Ingham, 11k. Ingvald, Charles • CoH.. and Chac. MUle 'NEW BEDFORD, MASS. t1'5 WiLlIAM ST.. .Joseph. • Eggs - Butter
J.: '
New Buick
With Safety","
~rover ~ .Tcta~ JWd ~.
$50 Island Service Company. $10 Mary Monica Galligan, Jack Perry. Mr. & Mrs. George O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mooney
$100 -Mr. & Mrs. Francis D. Mone, St. Vincent DePaul Society. $25 "" Imma.culate Conception Wom~ en's Guild. $20 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Giordano. $15 The John Galvin Family, Mr. & Mrs. David Gomes. $12 Mr. & Mrs. George Martell: Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nieviera. $11 . Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. MacDonald. $10 I Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Ber· geron, Mrs. Dorothy Berry, Mr. & .·Mrs. Francis Brophy, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Bryant, Mr. & Mrs. · George Buckley. Francis X. Burns, Mr. & ·Mrs. . - John H. Cadegan, Mr. & Mrs. .. .. Carl Chace, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Couture, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Fox. r.. Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Luxton, · Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Mathers, . .. Merrymac's, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick ReaddY, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel. Silva. . Mr & Mrs. Albert Dacey, Al· bert .Dallaire, William Derby, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Flood, M•. .'" David Varella. . Mrs. Mary Coy, Mr. ,& Mrs. John DeCosta, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph · Dorgan, Mrs. Herbert L. Everett, Louis Freitas, Realtor. Mr. & Mrs, Kenneth Gorham, Mr. &.Mrs. Walter Healey, Mr. ~ Mrs. Leo LaRock, Mrs.. Anna ~. Loud, Mr. & .Mrs. Robert McLaughlin. .' , Mr..&Mrs. James Marchand, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Mooney, Mr. & Mrs: Harold Nelsoll, Mr. &' Mrs. Stepher. Nolan Jr., Mr. & ,Mrs. William O'Connell. William O'Connell Jr., Mrs.. Gloria Olson, Mrs. Warren Stedman.
North Westport OUR LADY OF GRACE . $100 Dr. & Mrs. Roger Violette. $25 Vincent Nanni '.$20
James Barboza. . ,$12 '. " Norman Sasseville
" .
$10 Mrs. Philip Barnaby, Adelard Beauregard, Leo Belanger, Eugene Benoit, Charles B~d bury. Theobald Canuel, Joseph Carvalho, Manuel Carvalho, Mariano Costa,Elzear Emond. (Robert Grandmaison, The Lekom: F~mily, Leo Mas~'on, George Morango, Mrs. Lo~ise Perron, Michael Rusin, Emile P. Vaillancourt. : .'>
Norten ST. MARY'S
" $100 i· _ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Manning. $50 Mr. &; Mrs. Patrick Devlin. . $30' Mr. & Mrs. Henry Brochu.
Cabral, Anonymous. In memory of a deceased parishioner, Mr.·& Mrs. Anthony Joseph, J. Arthur. Lopes, Mrs. Joan F. Snow. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony E. Souza, Duarte Motors, Mrs.· Lillian Dalpe, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Malaquias.
THE '<\l-.''''W'''-!)iocese of Fall River-Thurs.; June 7,1962
$25 John J ..Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Drane, Mr. & Mrs. Ches-' ter Vota, George Yelle, Mrs. Jose Fern·andes. Antonia.Gonsalves, Mr, & Mrs. Michael Murphy', Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sabourin. $20 John Drane, Mr. & Mrs. Adlore King. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lee $15 Paquette family, l.'.'Ir. & Mrs.
Ernest Precourt, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Teixeira Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kelly. $10 Mr. & Mrs. Clement Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Berube, Mr. & Mrs. James Blount, Mr. & Mrs. James Carn'ey, Mr. '& Mrs. DonaId Dion. . Dr. & Mrs. William Fountain, CORlPUS CHRISTI Mr. & Mrs. ExdrasFontneau, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hind, Mr: at $135 Mrs. George Jackson; Mrs. Harry Mr. & Mrs. George E. Towers. l(earns. ~ . . $50 ' Mr. & Mrs. Fred l(elley Jr., Marie Lawlor. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lemieux, $25 Mr. & Mrs. James Marcure, ¥r. William A. Bullock, Jerry & Mrs. John Martin, Mr. &~. Cahir, Mr. & Mrs. George CampAntone MedeirOs. bell, John Farrahar, Sgt. & Mrs. Mr., & Mrs. Donald Nevius, Robert Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Arthur Payson, Nancy Lawrence Perreault, St. John's Peach, Mr.· & Mrs. William Catholic Woman's Guild. Pea'ch, Mr. & Mrs. james Ponto$20 JUDO CHAMPION: Tokyo-born Loyola University lilo. . Dr. Stephen Malone. of Los Angeles freshman, Paul Maruyama wrestled his way Mr. & Mrs. Henry Poudrier, $15 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Rich, Mrs. to top honors in the first NCAA National' Invitational Judo Mr. & Mrs. William F .. Ben a Joseph Russell, Mrs. Perry Sulli_ Tournament, held at the Air Force Academy. NC Photo. nett, William W. Drummey,. Mr. van, Mr. & Mrs. John Teixeira. & Mrs. Frank Murphy,' Ariel Mr. & Mrs. Donald Thibeault, Mrs. John Norton,' Mr. & Mrs. Robinson. Mrs. Harvey Walker, Mr. & Mrs. Ray-:-ham $12 Lawrence Oliveira. . BenediCt Yelle, Mr. & Mrs. teo Mi'. & Mrs. Earle MacDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Onorato; ST. ANN Yelle, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Ge~tle; Mr. & Mrs. Caesar Paiva, Mr. & In memory of William A. & Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bryant Jr., Mrs. Leo Paradise, Mr.. & Mrs. : $25 Ellen F. McLaughlin. Mrs. Avery Clapp, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pavao,' Mr: & Mrs. Wil$10 St. Ann'll Women's Guild, . George Desormeaux, Mr. & Mrs. liam Pelletier. Paul Arey, Sgt. Joseph BrosSt. Ann's l\4Pn's Guild. . Joseph Gouveia, Mary Gouveia. nan, .Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Caron, $10 Mr. &. Mrs. Edward L. PerMr. & Mrs. George Hemond, reault, Mr. &' Mrs. Adelard Mrs. Joan Anderson,' John J. Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Carpenter, Mrs. William Houghton, Mr: & Pineau, Mr. & Mrs. James Reid, Carpenter, Dominic Cirino, Mrs. l(empton Cody.· . Mrs. Jo~eph Kalacznik" Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Ger!llq. Sevigny,. Mr; Matthew G~waez, :Everett A. Mrs. Fred Comings, Harold Mrs. Kenneth O. LaCroix, Mr. & . & Mrs. Robert Smith. ' Williams Jr.., llIIIs Helen Young~ Czarnetzki, Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Mrs. Raymond Marchand~ Difo'lodica, Mr. & Mrs.' T. Dun. Mr. & Mr;s. John J. Szuba, Mr.' , Mr. & Mrs. Albert Marien, Mr. lavy, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Flana& Mrs. Frederick Tafe, Mr. & & Mrs. Albert RobbinS, Mr. & gan. Mrs. Norman Thibault, Mr. & Mrs. David. ROcha, Mr.· & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Fernandes, Mrs. Edward Whelan.. ST. PETER TIlE APOSTLE John Simkins, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Mr. & Mrs. Anthony' Frisceno, , Mrs. John, Burke & Claire Stepanek. $50 Michael Halatyn,Mrs.· Charles Burke.. Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Teixeira, Anonymous. HuH, Mrs. Annie Kane. Elizabeth A. Drane, Mr. & Mrs. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Leonard, George, Robillard, Mr. &, Mrs. Mrs. Mary Hackett, Judg~ & Dr. & Mrs. Minihan, Mr. & .Mrs. Jose Teixeria. " Mrs. Robert A. Welsh, Seafood Joseph O'Brien, Mrs. Alfred ST. .JOAN OF ARC Mr."& Mrs. John Fernandes, Packers,' William H. Young In- Oliver, Edward Parent Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Fonseca,'Mr. & surance 'Agency, . Walter Welsh Mrs. Lillian' Phelan, Mr. & $25 Mrs. Cyril Gagne, MJ::. &. Mrs. Cape Cod .. Trust Company- Council, ,K. of C., Holy Name Mrs. Nestor Robidou, Edward C. Walter Gay, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Harwich Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. ShalkauPort, Maximilian' Society. Gilbert.. kas, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Shay Jr• . $20 Friese. lIdr: & :\\'Irs. John Hallihan, Mr. $20 ..' Monument Fish Co., Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Rich1!rd' Sheehan, . & Mrs. Paul Sh~w, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. William. White. Jean Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. John Mrs. Doris Goff. Frank Zwilkowski. '. Sullivan, Patricia )'homa, mrs. . . "$~5 $15 , Norman' Boiven, Mr. & Mrs. Boat Jimmy Boy, Mr.. ,& Mrs. Harry Walker. Dr. Julian B. Doherty, Th~ Joseph Days. JohJ;l Dirk, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Mr. & Mrs. Earl Flinker, Thornton, Mr.. & Mrs. Albert dore & Be.verly Young. Charles Egan, Mr. & Mrs. James $10 Leonard E. 'Tarvers ' Valente, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Teix.Mary C..Corfeiro, Sam Jano-" Boles, Mr. & Mrs: Dante Galle.' , ,erio. $10. '.' ' po~s, C'apeCod Garager" May- . rimi, Louis P. Sassone. Dr. & Mrs. Robert Melanson; . '~ohn" Harrington, .:Edward, flower. Ojft Shop,. crown. and Mr. & Mrs. Dante Quattrorriini, Mr. & Mrs.' Joseph Fitzgerald, 'O'Brien, Frank Purpura, Orner Anchor Motor Inn: ,Mr. & Mis, John Bula, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Adolphe Collette, C;har.trand, ;Francis . Fettig,. Wil~. H. D~er, Inc., Mr. &.Mrs: , Mrs.' Charles Williams, DlIrs. Manuel D'Aguiar. . , fred. Ferreira. .., . . William F. Silva,- perry.'s Mar- TereSa Prete, Mr. & Mrs. LawEdwar.d .Smith, ,t\ G .. Hen- ket, Mr.. ~ Mrs.• Williapl H. rence Balegno. . nessy, l(atllryn S. Hei),nessy. Oak Bluffs
Osterville .'
$10, Ruth M. 'Com'bra, Bergeron's Garage, Mr. & Mrs. James Catlow.
Edgartown ST. ELIZABETH ," "$10 sea ,Food Shanty•. _
.. '
Otea'n Grove' .r'ST.lwcHAEL:' 575 Rev. Maurice E. p'arent $50 , Rev. Richard P. Demers $25 Caiholi~ Women's Club Mrs.. Lillian Valcourt , . $20 Mr. & Mrs.- 'Edward Martin Mr~ & Mrs. James B. Murphy' $15 A Friend '. $11 , Mr.· & Mrs. Robert Mailloux $10 Mr.·& Mrs.· Henry Benoit, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard 'Berube, Mr( & Mrs. Lawrence Borge, Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Casilii, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Comea\.l. Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon Couture, Mr.. &·Mrs. Edward' Creamer, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Crecca, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dion; Mr;'& Mrs. Charles Drake. " Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Duquette, , Mr: & Mrs. Alderick England, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Estrella, Mr. & Mrs. William Furtado, Mr. & Mrs, Robert Flannery. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gardella, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Giovino, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hodg~, Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Hodkinson, Mr. & Mrs. James. Luddy Jr. Mr: &·Mrs. Thomas McGovern, Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. McHugh, Mr. & Mrs. R. Minville, Mr. &
Earn our new, higher 4~ rate on regular sa~ings.· .... Each account insured ~' .safe by an agency ,U .th~U.S. Govt. A Year
, .' $50 Thomas J. Powers. $30 Robert M. Shields. ,,\\" ". ,; •. '$25-''' . 'Mrs. Louis Byrne. $15 Mr, & Mrs. H. C., Labu~ $10 ' . Mr.' & ~rs: James Flynn, Mr. & Mrs. P. E. Rooney, Mr. & Mrs.' Francis Wyman, Mr..{jc¥rs. Donald Smith, .. Mr. .&. ·Mrs.· Thomas J, O'Donnell. , Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Murphy, , Mr. & Mrs. JOh,n J.Bowes, Mrs... Patrick Mahoney, ,Mrs. C.,' H. Hollidge, Mrs. Mary Fein,., Ellen. Hobson." ,....
toxed. . Inc;
MisceUaneous Iron 753 DavoISt., Fall Riv.
OS 5..7471" ",
.' occo.u,,~,
~ SIONED '..
• st.
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&' NO.
~ CIt"
-'" ••••- .,e.b .,·. ._ •• 'for fllll"o . 0".'
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•• _•. ,
a..... "
. •••. • • • • •
Resources over
:1- North· Main 'St.; cOr; Bedford .~
Fabricators of·
.Stg.uct~·r(d Steel'
Open Fri. Eve 'til
f: .INDUS'R.IAlc:."o~~~sSERVI(E ' . ~.AT.TENTI·O·N"
SHOP' TOWELS St. Francis Residence FOR YOUNG WOMEN 196 Whipple St., Fall River Conducted by Franciscan ' Missionaries of Mary Comfortable Furnished Rooms ' With Meals ;In.quire OS 3-,2892
Also Reclaim Industrial Gloves.·
INDUSTRIAL LAUNDRY Successor to ~ New EnglaQd Overall " SupPly Co. 20 Bowar4 Ave., Ne,w Pedior4J
~ 7~OT87Of ~7~9788
..... J
.. '-.
$100 Justin Smith. $25 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Yong, Seekonk Council Knights of Columbus Mt. Carmel's Women's Guild Mt. Carmel's Holy Name Society Mt. Carmel's Conference of St. Vincent de Paul $15 Melvina MacDonald Robert McMurray Mr. & Mrs. Howard Macrae. $10 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Vierra, Mary G. DeSilva, James Drapeau, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Propatier, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Macedo. Emily Medeiros, Angela Medeiros, Joseph M. Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kinrtane, J.'ohn C. Vincent. Mr. & Mrs. Adrien H. Vincent, Mr. & Mrs. Edward McBride, Mr. & Mrs. William Gahan, Mrs. George Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. A. Nazareth, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Koehler, Mr. & Mrs. Everett McPhiilips, Mr. & Mrs. William Drohan, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Hendricks, Manuel Moitozo. Francis Penacho, Portuguese America Civic League. 'Mr. & Mrs. Robert Araujo, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Flanagan, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tansey, Mr, & Mrs. Archie Viau. Mr. & Mrs. James F. Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gibbons, Emily Hall, Mr~ & Mrs. John Korkuc, Mr. & Mrs; Frederic Harrison. ST. MARY"S
, $75 St. Vincent De Paul,Society. $35 Mr. & Mrs., John Marshall $25 Mr. & Mrs: CyrilK. Brennan, Miss' Helfm .Ri~lly,' Seek()nk, Council No: 5108 Knights of Columbus, ·St. Mary.,s Wom,en's Guild, St. Mary's" Holy Name ~ociety. , $20 Miss Kathryn ponahue, J~~ & Vincent Lynch. $15
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kiely, Mrs. Mgt. McGeough & Family, Mr. " Mrs. Oscar St.John. $19 . Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bevilaqua, Mr. &,Mrs. Kenneth Bliss, Mr. &: Mrs. Gerald Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Everett Ciaflin, Joseph Gagnon. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Goggin, Mr. & ·Mrs. Walter Holcomb, Mr. & Mrs. Lester Kennedy, Mrs. Mildred Mounteer, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Ustas; Mr. & Mrs. Frank Przybyla.
. Somerse,t ST; JOHN OF ,."GOD . $200 :" . Rev. Augusto L. Furtado. $25 Mr. & Mrs. 'Joseph Costa, Holy Rosary Sodality. ' , $20 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel S. ~ousa. $12 Mr. & Mrs. Frank V. Medeiros Jr. I $10 Mr. & Mrs; Augustine D. Amaral Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gouveia, & Mrs. Henry Rego, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mullaly, M~. & Mrs. Victor F. Pavao. i Mr. & Mrs. Raymon.d Monteiro, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel DeCosta, Miss Laura Saraiva, Mrs. Alice Arruda, Mr. & Mx:s; Manuel Nogueira.
Honor Philanthropist HAGERSTOWN (NC), - The rare Papal honor of Private Chamberlain of Sword and Cape was bestowed yesterday OIl Thomas W. Pangborn, Hagerstown industrialist and philanthropist, by Archbishop, Lawrence J. Shehan of Baltimore. Archbishop Shehan presented the honor to Pangborn as he blessed the newly renovated St. Mary's chUl'ch herer .
Mr. & Mrs. John S.-Crowe, Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Nunes Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John G. Nobrega, Mr. & Mrs. Zygmunt' Ziobro, Mr. & Mrs. Luperce Silvia. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Feno, Mr. & Mrs. Antone S. Feno, Mr. & Mrs. James Costa, Alfred Monteiro, Mr: & Mrs. George Cas-' tanho. Dr. & Mrs. Americo B. Almeida, Mr. & Mrs. John Ven:' tura, Mr. I!~ Mrs. Ronald Capeto, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Si~via, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Faria. Mr. & Mrs. John Sebastiao, Mr. & Mrs. William Cardoza, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Campos.
Thurs., June 7, 1962
• Modern Taxi Co., R. M. Packer Co., Atsco Oil Co., Hinckley Lumber Co., Marshall McDonough. ' Bang's Market, Western Auto Associates, Cronig Brothers Market.
$500 Rev. Joseph K. Welsh $75 Rev. Stephen J. Downey $100 Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Latham St. Vincent de Paul Society $40
The Dunn Family $25 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Joyce $20 , Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Healy Mr. & Mrs. John Farrissey $10 Mr. & Mrs. William Barrar, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dacey, James McPartland, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Maher, Mr. & ,Mrs. Natale Lima. Mr. & Mrs. Shirley M. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Lowney; Mr. & Mrs., Francis Reis, Mrs. Mary Wild. Mr. & Mrs:' Thomas Griffin, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Dudos, Mr. & Mrs. John Flynn. , ST. PATRICK'S
21 ---
SISTER OF IRISH PATRIOT: Mother Margaret McSwiney, only surviving sister of Irish patriot Terance McSwiney ,chats with Ireland's President Eamon de Valera. , Mother McSwiney's broth~r was -the Lord Mayor of Cork who died in Bruxton prison in 1920 after a 'hunger strike in protest of his imprisonment. Now mother superior or'St. Genevieve's-of-the-Pines, a girls~ school in Asheville, N.C.,' the 81-year-old min has already celebrated her 50th year as a religious. NC Photo. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Cordeiro, Charles Desmarais, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Nolan, Margaret GaPlble. Helen Gamble, Henry Gamble, Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Gracia, Mr. & Mrs. James H. Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Paul' Ferro. Mr. & Mrs John, Motha, Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Texeira, Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Barrett. Dorothy D. Horan
$30 Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Laflamme. $25 Mr. & ,Mrs. James J. Johnson .. Mr. &,Mrs., George W. Welsh , Our Lady' of Fatima Women's Guild , Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. McLear. $15 Mr. & Mrs: Russell B. Cochrane. $10 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Beaupre, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Boule, ¥r. & ~rs. Normand E. CarOJi, Mr. & Mrs. John Desmond, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Dzialo. Robert L.' Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Jack McCormick, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B.' Miller, Mr:'& Mrs. M;muel: Miranda, Mr. & Mrs. John W. Moran. " , Mr., & Mr~'. iUchard ;. O',Brien, Mr., & Mrs. RaYQ1ond"L.Pilr~!)t, Mr. &. Mrs. Fr~d!,!rick T.P~l1sera, Jr., Mr. /& Mrs" ,John ,Raposa,Helen A. Reagan. ' , 'Mr. & Mrs. William' H: :~ey-: nolds, Mr. & Mrs. Augustus J. Simcoe, Mr. & Mrs. Charles West. ' , Joseph L. Morrissetfe; Virginia' T. Morrissette, Mr. & Mrs.Warren M. Clarke, Mrs. Russell P. Wilkinson. .
$25 Dr. & Mrs. William Dawson, Dr, & Mrs. Robert Johnson. $20 Mr. & Mrs, Edward Collins. $15 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Guay, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Cusick. $12 'Mr. & Mrs. William Paling. $10 , , Mr. &. Mrs. William LeFavor, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Correira, Mr. & Mrs, John Reinhardt, Robert Klocker, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Andrews. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kingsto~ ,Mr, & Mrs, Louis Galovotti, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Ober, Mr, & MrS. Romain Poyant, Mr. & MrS. R\chard WickEmden. Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop BaylieS; Mr. & Mrs. George EdwardS; Mr. &. Mrs, John Callahan, John Demarest, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ellis. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond, Dennehey, Raymond Fava, Mr:' & Mrs. Dante Fava & Family, Mrs. Elizabeth Roche, Mr. & Mr~ Frank Galvin. Mrs. Armanda Dupont,' Mr. II Mrs. Thomas Moffett, Mr. & Mrs. Kermeth Heekiri; Mr. & Mrs. 'An,;. thony Spinol, Mr. &' Mrs.' Frank Cesarini & Family. Mrs. Ellen King & Kenneth, ~r. &' 1'{Irs. Thomas Clements; ~rs. Isabelle ~opes, Mr. & ,Mrs.' Frank Nelson, Mr. & ,Mrs, Harold Lynch. , , , Harold Coyne" Mr. & Mrs: John Nolan, ~r. & Mrs. Robert P~rry, Mr" & Mrs. Joh.n Barrett. Mr. & Mrs. Tony Bacchieri, Mr. -$t' Mrs,: Robert Parece, Mr. • , M,rs. Lucien LavQJe. .'.,' Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rose, MX. II: ¥rs:, 'ol.<?hn E:aria. ' .
$100 St. Patrick Conference St. Vincent de Paul.:' , $50 ST. PIus TENTH Miss Doris Lafrance,' Dr. Wiliiam H. Laiigfield.' , $100 $30 Mr. & Mrs: John G. Doherty, Vincent J. Riley Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. LeSage, St. , $15 , Richard Leonard, Miss Alice' Vincent'de Paul Society. Friend €ostello. ' .. $50 $10' , Harry J. Doherty' Mrs. William "Archard' iltld $30 ' Family, Miss Florence M. Burris, , Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Altavilla,' Mrs. Joseph "Tinsley; John' J. Mr. & Mrs. CarloJ. Calcasoia. Ready, Charles'L1ICerda. ' $25 Alfred ,L. ' Farh~il, Miss Helen Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cipkowski, Morg'an, ,Frank' Morris, JoSeph ~onymotis; Misses Griffin, Mr. OUR LADY OF LOURDES M. Bargantine." - Mr. & ~rs. Norman Co, Bi~Op , & Mrs. Thomas Ha'gue Jr., Mr. &. $25 Mrs. Raymond' I,udden, Anonymous. , Wellfleet SaVings ~ank Charles E. Frazier John Coyle Mr. & Mrs. John Crawford . " $20 ST. MARY'S: , Fruean Electric, Inc. ' Mary E. Gray, ',Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Mesmer $75 ,: $15 ,$20 \ Mr, & Mrs, George F. Williams Mr. & Mrs. ~dwin C. Brady. ST. DOMINIC'S Mr. & Mrs. William Williams. Mrs. Ernest Tesson $60 $16 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Donaghy. $10 $10 Mr. &. Mrs. Charles E. Tourjee $50 ' Mr. & Mrs. Louis Flanagan, Leonard Gates Jr., Clarence $15 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Flynn. 411?ert R,ousseau, Joseph Silva. . J. Berrio, Margaret Prada" Mr. , Mr~ & Mrs. Stephen Crowley, $35 , & Mrs. Everett Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Mary Lenon, Mr. & 'Mrs. Mrs. H~rman G: Curtis, ,Mr. &: The Silveira Family. Edward Ward Mrs. Kenneth Snow. I Mrs. Charles W. Eager, Erwin's $25 , John A, Rose, Mr. & Mrs.' y Mr. & Mrs. William Ethier . Mr. & Mrs. 'Francis S. Winspe~ Pharmacy. Francis J. Howard, Mrs. John J. Mr. lit Mrs. Joseph M. Chiasson Mr. & Mrs. William ,Lundy, ~. ST! LOUI,S DE FRANCE Kelley & Lucille, Thomas Gag-, $10 & Mrs. John ;T. Dugan, Dr. & lione, Anonymous. $12 , Mr. '" Mrs. William Bannon, Mrs. John Machado, Dr. & Mrs. , Mr. & Mrs. John Sheehan,~ Mr. & Mrs. Herman W. La- Emmanuel Davis, A Friend, EdBass River Gulf Station; :Bass E. Deane Freitas. " Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. O'Brien, - River Pharmacy, Mrs. David C. pointe Jr. mund ,J. Connolly, Lucinda T. Boyce, Mr. & Mrs: James Brown. Dr. & Mrs. ,Victor E. Almeida. Rose. Mrs. Edward F. Cloran, Fran, $20 ,Mr. & ,Mrs. A,ustin R.ose, Jr" Mr. &' Mrs. ~rederick D. Cole, cis B. Cloran, Mr. & Mrs. James A. Delay, Andrew Doherty, 'Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Caron; , ST: AUGUSTINE Edward Hanchay. $15 . Mr'. & Mrs. Thomas Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Harry O'Neill,Mr. $20 Michael Austin Martin K;elley, Mr. & Mrs. John Martha's Vineyard National &; Mrs. Richard Reardon. Leahy, Mr. & Mrs. George P . Bank. ' . $i2 Inc. Lucier, Lawrence McGrath. ' $15 Mr. & Mrs. L. Roger LaBelle. .Mr. &' Mrs. E. J. O'Leary, FUNERAl. SERVICE The Slip Cover ShOll, Vine$10 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Tracey, Joseph Petrillo, Anonymous,Mr. yard Haven Launderette. Ellen Andre, Mr., & Mrs. Robert &' Mrs. Charles O'Neill, Martin $10 549 COUNTY ST. Mrs. Angell McAlpin,' Island A. Buotte, Mr. &, Mrs. Daniel Powers. Neil H. Smith, Charles Taylor, Electronics; Tilton Lumber Co., :peMello, Mr. '" Mrs. JOseph NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Wayside Printing Studio, Yar- Dr. Joseph Frisch, Bert's Barber Prenda. mouth Furniture Company. Shop. Mr. & Mrs. George Sullivan, Bass River Fish Market, Mr. Mosher Family, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Frasier Jr., Mrs. & Mrs. William F. Casey, Mr. & Joseph Frasier Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Chester Deluga, Mr. & Mrs. David J. Hartnett, Jennings Oil William Brady. Famous Reading HARD COAL Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Morency, Company. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Norton, NEW ENGLAND COKE :Mr. & Mrs. Anton~ Amaral, Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Gracie, Mr. &. Riverway Lobster House, Mr. & DADSON OIL BURNERS Mrs. Levi Christie, Mr; &' Mrs. Mrs. Russell Tufts Douglas Wyatt. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel H. SylVia, Charcoal Briquets Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Fournier., Misses Flora & Florence Andre, Bag Coal - Charcoal OUR 1LADY OF FATIMA Mrs. Veronica Schmidt, Mrs. $100 John Roberts. Mr. &' Mrs. Richard A. Riley. Richard A. Griffin, Mr. &' Mrs. $50 Frank Motha, Mr. & Mrs. MarMr. &' Mrs. Patr-ick H. .Callaeellino Mello, Joseph Pinnington, han Mr. & Mrs. James Gleason. New Bedford Tel. WV, (b-8271 640 Pleasant Street F.rances Corcoran Mr. &. Mrs. Edward ArrlJda,
,South Yo,,,,,"uth
South Dartmouth'
Vineyard Haven
22 rw
;l.ioce~e;ofFa" River-Thurs., June 7 ' 1962 , • t •
. Lean, Patrick Reiily, Mrs. Arthur Kay. Mr. & Mrs; Joseph Lewis, Sr.' l'Y . $15 S : Mr. & Mrs. William Stone Mr. & Mrs. Rv .; Collinge. Mr. & Mrs.,Ralph Vacaro, Mr. & $,~J Mrs, .Paul Archambault" Francis Mr. & Mrs. L.e~ '; Long James Cavanal,lgh, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Connor, 'Dr. & . Mrs. 'Arthur Mc~nnis,Mr. & Mrs. James F: . D'Elia, Raymond J. Rioux, 'D~. & Wynn. Mrs. John Sheehan. ' ." $10 J. M. Cloud, Holy Name So: Mrs. Helen Baker, Mrs. Roy eiety, Assoc. of Sacred Hea~ts, ~; . Berg, Mr. & Mrs. John R: Mr. & Mrs. Richard Shea, Mr. & Cantrell, ,Mrs. Leonie Charles Mrs. Walter Trainer. _ .Mrs.. Mary Condon &: Johri. ' $20 ., Mr. & Mrs. Earl Creemer, Mrs. Mary Grant. Mrs: Helen Cyr:us Doiron, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Long. Faria, Mr. & Mrs.. Forrest Hig- $15 gins, Mr. &, Mrs, John Hughes. Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Adams. Judith Leon~rd, Mrs. Richard $12 Mayo, Mr, & Mrs. Manuel Medei_ Mr. & Mrs. George Gardner.' ros, Mrs. Bernard O'Connor, Mr. $10 & Mrs. Frank Rose. , ,Mr. & Mrs. Henry Raneo, Mr. Helen Scott, Mr. & Mrs. David &; ,Mrs. Thomas Peterson, EdSoule, Mrs. Marie VanWagner, mund D. Roderick, Mrs.- David Mr. & Mrs. Paul White. " . Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Willfam . Mr: & Mrs. Robert Betts Mr. Downey. & Mrs. Raymond Br'anda:; Dr. .& Gen.- & Mrs. Vincent Jacobs, Mrs. Robert W. Clements, Mr. & ' Mrs. M. Phyllis G~mes, Arthur Mrs.. FranCis Corrigan, Mr. & Welch, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Mc- Mrs. Anthony Dangelo. Govern, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Daughters of Isabella, Mr. &. Mrs. Dana Freeman~ Mr. & Mrs. ., Centeio. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Gonsalves, Joseph Garland, Mr. & Mrs.. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Duggan, Thomas Gleason, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Russell Hall, The Watts Joseph Goudreau. Bjggers, ,Mr. & Mrs. Manley Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hall, LcdI,'. );loyce. & Mrs. Joseph Hall, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs., Ralph J. Stevens; Elmer Hallett, Lt. Col. AlexanMr. ~ Mrs. John F. McAlevy J.r., der' T. Johnston, Mr. & Mrs. .' ,Mrs. Howard Brannagan, Mr.' &> James Lane. Mr. & Mrs. Edward McClung, Mrs. Dolphin, Gonsalves, Mr. & Richard E. McCormick, Mr. & Mrs.. Joseph Gilmette. ",Mr. & Mrs. Clement .DeSaul..: Mrs. James McInnis, Mr. & Mrs. Dier, Mr. & Mrs. John .8I,Raneo" William McNeece, Mary C. Mor... · Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Muse, Mr. ris,:Mr. & Mrs. Leo Parent,' Mr: . & Mrs. R. C. McQuiston, Mr. & & Mrs. John Riley. Mrs. John ,'Bongers; . 'Edwarc. Roderick Mr. & Mrs.W. E. Def:):Vin, Mr. ',; .. ' SEEING ANY STAR'S' S S·' ' '. .. . ..' & Mrs. John 'J. Callahan; Mr. & . . . " . ' . '." I T;F;R?, Father ,M.P. Thekaekara, S.J., acting chairman Mrs. Clyde Kelley, Mr. & Mrs. . Dod'geville ~?rgeto.wh UniV.ersity'~D.epartment of, Physics, shows a group of nuns who ,teach sci~" Frederick Barker, Mr. & ,l\((i's. ' el1;«e the star-gazing app~ratus in: the,. Wa,shing.ton.,·· sC,hool'.s ,a'stron.omical 'Ob"'" Harry L oHarry ng :," ST. STEPIllEN'S ' . research , work for which he has grants amountDr.,&.Mrs. Small,: John serva t ory. F a th er Thek aek ara is d irectmg' F. Donlay, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin; Rev. J. on:e~2~ussier. .' ing to over $118,000. NC Photo.' , , .' " Chase, Mr. & & Mrs. Mrs. Emil . geois, Mr. Alex BourArse-,," $100 ·R~ni.ond Duclos. 'JOlleph Kelley/Mr.' & Mrs:. &, Mrs. Francis Guillette, Mr. & Jiault.'~ . :,', '.,Morse Sand and Gravel C~., Mrs. Alice Suits, Norman' Cha~les Lewis" Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Louis Perry. Mrs. Frank Sanborn, Edward Do'dgeville Finishing 'Co.' Brillon, Mrs. Milton Hunter, Roger Lincoln, Mr. &&'.. ,'Mrs, Mr; & Mrs. Paul A. GOUlet, Boyle, Mr. & Mrs. Charles ' $ 5 0 . . ." Carl Bradshaw, Eugen.e Laval- Joseph Menard, Mr. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Norm'an 'Poissant, Walli,h, Dr. &; Mrs. Ber'nard' IUley, :Rev. Robert W, Dowling. lee. Francis Mullaney. ., . Mrs. Leger Tourcotte, Jeannette Mr. & Mrs.' Joseph Labrecque, ,. $25 . George Savoy, Ed m on d Dorqthy McManus, Pa\ll Ner-. Dupu~s, Dr. ,& Mrs. Eu~ene Roy. Mr,'& Mrs. Edward Cluett; , 'Better Home Products C~., Proulx, Francis Gillan, Donald ney, .Mr, & Mrs. Nels Plath,. Rosario Prouix', Mr. & Mrs. '.', Allen Blanchard Lawn Mower Harkins, George" O'Brien. Mr. &; Mrs: John O'Neill, Mr. Ad I L ... Sales, Caron Granite Co., Holy. Joseph _ J;3ouchard, William & Mrs. John Reynolds. .e ar!ie Page, Mr. & Mrs. Name Sodality, Mr. & Mrs. Ciub; Foley, Theodore. Decelles; Ede-' Joseph RQcha, Mrs. Taylor William Bowie, Westport ..... : . Chil<;lren of Mary SodalitY,' rito Fachada, James Lallier. Reese, Mr. &, ,Mrs. B~rtram ·SilST. GEORGE " Ladies of St., Ann's Sodality, ,,:Louis Normand, Mrs. Blanche via, Mr. & Mr!l. Stephen Sulli,$50 " "'" C:OY.,O. of'St. Stephen's, Anita Palardy, William Lynch, ROger van, Mr. &'.Mrs.Alfred Travers. ': 'John Fran..cis Ward. Guimond. Bussiere, A, St. Pierre.. . Mr., & Mrs.' Raymond Zito, tt",. $25 $20 ' J~an Lescaul~, Raymon'd"Bro...; Daniel Carvalho,: Mr. & Mrs. "''X'l!ce Harrison,Po~er's Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dumont.'" . gan; Nelson Roy, Steven Cehel- Manuel, Carvalho, Martin Gill, YOU'RE CERT.tUNLV J;uueral Service. . . ' ".i ,I ... : ' , $10 sky; Joseph Marques. . ',. ," Francis Hynes. . LOOKING WELL 'ntESE .' .,:bf., Lawren~e ,J~ i.",by ,Gobin Motors, Anderson Mo-'" . ,Christopher B y,r 6 n,' 'Paul, Mr. & Mrs. Jolin Basil King, DAYS -' WHAT'S ....OUR. ,. .', ,$20. ,,', tors; Irene Langlois,' Mr. &'Mrs. 'Beausoliel; George Beaut:egard~i' Mr.:& .Mrs: John M~guire, 'Ed"Alexander Stevenson. .','Kj! Daneau, 'Ernest Doucette;·· . Joseph Almedia James Hanley. . win',Schulze. :,.', " ,.".;~ .. ,1 . SECRET? .' Jac~b Strunk,'~' ' , ] j 1 a m i l y Mattie ,Rossiter,i.Mr.' ·,.',Eoriis'LaCivita,·:· A it dt'ew: Mr.,';:&,"Mrs·.'Edward"Shahai{!' ","'" ',' $12,'.,:-;', &,'Mrs. Joseph Arnold, Mr.."'&' BiladY,"Frank' D6wgillia, Ra'lJ;>b: . Mr. &·,Mrs.LeQ':Charette, Mr: 'I STAR.T·EO ': Almedor' Houle, :" ':;,,':' Mrs.".Robert Cloutier Mt & Mrs:" Roberge, Mbi. Ali~eMarcus'" '.,' ,r &M:r-!l!.Erjwin.Nuiiesj'Mr.. & MtS. . TAKIN6 VITAMINS' fROM ':,'. " ,$10., . " ":,' Gerard Daneau, Jos~ph Ratte: ....;: "A~rien'-;Pi~ite; 'Wiliiam' Glen- Larry, McNally; DeMayo TrimsRo!!ario Blan~har!i, Gilb,ert ,R.:·;Louis,Ratte"Mr. &,Mrs.- Raoul . non;,Ar:lrienD~schenes,· Everett' ,P~!;'~PO,rl, ---. ." ' "'" ' .:>_ Dutilly, Stephen D. Grace, .Mrs~,· ,Lll-casse, Mr: & Mrs. Benj~mirl\· Rlpoinson;·.: Peter McAweeney: " ,.::!' .. . ." . " " i Arthur . Hebert," St~pheil;'.I:>. Livesey, Mr; & Mrs~. Donat .~~...:\I Raymo'nd .)30urq1;le".Joseph :,,!~, .,: ST.; JOSEP~ ,~' ,."',:. '; ' / Ko:var.:' ,,' .:: ,'.iI': mO~,d", Mr.. '& Mrs. :·Omer.' La-, .-He;rblilrt , Olivl,er. Dulude, Mrs. " .;,' A'~'O ','v' E '''EEM "'US'1'"','; ", $~5. '. '" ",,'j' " " .." " . ~9m~0 La~ontagne"I:;ucille-:' ~mh~.. '. . '. , , .•.. ,;' _Eva,Dullamel,'.Lawrence·Wilbur;. .Mr. & Mrs.' Herbert Lavtgu~ur.:··;6URS~I~GWI~HENE~GV! LaVasseur, Harold Miller, Mary ,Mr. 'lk Mrs., Roland Lebea~i;; Simon ShiJ:'inhlli,·.J~hn' Mori..:·' .Miller, Manuel,Moinheiro. Mr.. & Mr~. Gilbert Loranger,;' ,arty, Mrs. Lotti Byrnes, Joseph:" .. , . '$10' ,Antone G. Perry, St. George ~~'; ~ Mr~. ~Elster Gorman, ¥Or.' . Viera,.·, Mrs. 'T~!JiothY, . O'Hare 'Mr. & Mrs.t.e~isNye, .Mr.&:: Women's 'Guild;"Joaquim Silv$l, &Mrs.H~rman G,o~an, ~J;. &:. Raym?nd" Ferrara, Anthony': Mrs. Donat Isabelle,' Mrs. Rita Tho~as P. Sullivan, Antliony Mr~·, Antome Abruzzl..", ,'.' Q,uaglla-. ,"". ". Irvirig, Mr: & ·~rs. 'Joseph Dclu-, Sylvili. ' . . .' : Mr. & Mrs, Lawrence .Dai~t cette, Mr. &: Mrs: LeOn Paille." : Frederick Baldwin, Manuel neault" Jeannette Raymond, 'Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence .GoverDos, Vais, ,Joaquim Mello... Napoleon Bizier, Mr. & Mr~., no, Mr. & Mrs. Everett Lav'in; HOLY GHOS~' ' Philip Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. Frank'; Mr. & Mrs. ,Hector Dubuc, Mr. Cruz, - ,,', $500 ·M·t. & Mrs. Roger Des Vergnes. ,Mr. & M~s. James K. Nerney' ,', ~ .;. . 'ST. JOSEPH'S $50 'In Memory' 'of Rev. James $f50 Downey ,"Megansett Friends ~ :CANSAVE YOU'UP'TO " , . . ST. THERESA'S "'. $25 "" $100 '25%,· Mr. & Mrs. Davis Foley" Alice' 'St: Vincent 'de Paul. McDermott; Mr. &: Mrs. .'J.,Ed'-' ,', ON, YOUR' FUEl' BILLS " Paul T. McCuE~,er ,,' $100 ,,'~' .$50 :,: Walter DowJ;larqwicz ".' .... ward Turley" .,' , Brokston ,Chem. Co. ." ::: ,,'1 . • ,$15 ."'.".' .' 'Margaret B. Lan:;tcd. ", $50 .... ' '$3j ',':'"'' '. .·Donald, Boardman CharlesGuilette; Ma~l Lewili;." Br~kto;'-, 19. Ma~•• Irene' RichardsOn,-- Mr... & Mrs..: . Mr. & Mrs.' B.rnard' Caval.' ,',',' " $30 JO,hn', ·Caponigr.o•.,: ,,".' ,:.,' '~.',. naugh, St. Jose-'.'s Guild. Joseph Iwuc f""~ " ,'" :.$25 ."'i $12' :.' Fred E.'!'!;lx, ,Raymond:" Vachon, Mrs: 'Irene~' ,Jo!le'.·:'Valerio --de {Farias ",Pa" :;-'j Campbell, Jam'es Burkel sr.;:' checo. -- ' , -",'..' ;;:Mr.,,& M;r~~ :'. ::is .K;~.ating" William Demers;. Jack' Hagot:.'r: .,',\ ..$10 ': :'~. & .Mr!?,:J!.o: ,i', Leopar4; Mr.;: pian. ,Joseph, Brodeur, Mr.. &;- Mrs;' '!' Mrs. Ralpr Si "oneau; 'Mr. & ',' . :$20. , . ' John Cloud, Guy Detellis'- Henry';' ~rs. George·We:,' Mr.s. Rosalie·, Bilogeau, _ JaJ,'Iles! Dow4all, ,Rob~rt Erwin. '.' ..', : .; i;,Mr. <'!z;, Mr:;;. Jj". )l~ GouJ,ding,'! Dwyer, Robert Whitaker &. r'''D6'MEST~C:& DUTY~OILBURNERS ,.~9seph, Flaherty, John,·Flllpa,.,.: ' 'r-. Mr. & Mrs. Joh': '::ahill, Mrs.' 1VJ:?,ther, Edward Duclps, G~r.a!-,d' gau", Mr. .&. Mr.s.!'~J,oseph, f.eIi:o-i ¢laudia,'Pender Mr.,:& Mrs. M:\l,t;cotte, Vincent Giia'z:d.',.; ,.. : nandes, Mr.·&' Mrs. Gabe ,·08.."::. . . ..."::. ~... ~;( r"! : _.:.,},"1 ;_ ;.j;j ........ ~:. ltOY Stratton, ,..'.,. ,: $ 1 5 . - , . '; ,,; C,qsta, ,Wi~liam .FOJ;ltaane, ,: ;"! ,. : , .' '.;; .'. gO'" ,";'" :', Michael Arata '.'., .',,'! -!":id",MAJN, ()FF.J(z~,"7' l@ DUR~I\SE. $.T.,:[IlALL"RI\f.ER'··· .,,-'. ,James.·Furtado,. 'l\ir... :~,'¥r~i, kMrs.JoQ-n'K9\"" ·-.'~r.&Mrs'i·,,·,,' , $JO ,;,, " . Eiil-war<:CG-ilroy;" Jean.G,1l11igan,/: . r,,·" .J..eoffre! L~~y_ - ,,'~,~:'Tt's. H.'O.:! ,Q~orge BrHlon,:Albano Silv,a,\ RQ.b~rt: Gedd~,r,,,Rut:,,,. ' ~cCo~l~k~:r. ,.:ol'}a,. Mc-' ,Robert Foss. G~oree ~ee<:lh~' chmsOI;b,""" ';,' ;'l,' 'il':· ...')· V.,:' ':',,,.) ~~"" ~.~~.,,"~~,,~,,~~~"""""""""~~:'
;':TOUHEY~S",' ,. .,PHARMACY ~.'j'
' .
South 'Attleboro ~.
'" "." ",
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'FueL ,OILS:' ',',;" ~
Selie'S' ~r,Se,.v.iee .:..j~stCJ1dla'ti;;~'
.-:; . :.:,.,i:-.,,,:;Phone . OS ,\S~148,4'" ,':~" '..'~;;:l
Thurs., June 7, 1962
Donat Pion, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O. Precourt, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert $200 Rea, Mr. & Mrs. John Reddiilg, Mr. Fred Bullock Mr. & Mrs. John Ricker. ' Mr. & Mrs. James A. ~a:rey George Robitaille, Mr. & Mrs. $100 Rudolph Romagnoli, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. Anthony Terranova Roland Seymour, Mr. & Mrs. $50 ' Raymond Simoneau, Edward Rev. Edward A. Rausch' Smith. Mr. & Mrs. Norman E. Smith, $40 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Bren- Mr. & Mrs. Owen Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Taylor, Mr. & nan $33 ; , . Mrs. Norman Tetreault, Mr. & IVlr: & Mrs. Bernard Lofgren Mrs. Oscar Tremblay. $25 Bette Arenburg, Kenneth Mr.' & Mrs. Edward Stant,on, Bennett, Helen Bettencourt, Mr. & Mrs. Edward' Dowdall. Margaret Boisclair, Thomas $2!l Boisclair. Alyce O'Keefe, Mrs. James Mr. & Mrs. O. E. Cameron, Jr., O'Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Basil MulMr. & Mrs. O. E. Cameron, Sr., ligan, Charles Stobbs, Mr. & Beatrice Carney, Gertrude CarMI'S. Peter Manickas, Peter Opp- ney, Mr. '& Mrs. Ronald Clouman. tier. Harvey Descoteau Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Codding Katherine Higgins William J. Conroy, Mr. & Mrs: $15 John Correia, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mr. & Mrs. Edward Galligan,' Coutu, Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel DaCelestine Whalen, Mr. '& Mrs. Costa. Harry Borden, Dr. & Mrs. EdMrs. Wilton Dale, Mr. & Mrs. ward Fontneau. John Donnelly, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. James Doyle Theodore Gifford, Theodore $10 , Gingras, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Annie Adel, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Gorman. Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mrs. Carl Gustafson, Mr. & Antaya, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bar- Mrs. William Heussler, Mrs. radas, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas BelJoseph Hughes, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. lava nee. Gerard Jodoin, Mrs. Kenneth Mr. & Mrs. Horace Benson,' Johnson. LIVING ROSARY: Participants broadcast, Living Mrs. Winston Berg, Mrs. HanMr. & Mrs. Donald LaRocque Rosary sponsored by Attleboro area Holy Name Societies. nah Blackler, 'Kaye Brennan, ,Mrs. Willie L. Lowe, Mr. & Mrs: Rev. Henri Canuel officiates as Holy Name man recites George Caldwell. James McCambridge~ James Mcprayer. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chapman, Grath, ;Roy Murray. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cronan, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Myles, Mrs. Crow1ey, M r. & M rs. ' Roy Nelson, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Katherine Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. M & M G MaJ'orl'e 'd D' M Ed' n.'- I Nplan, Mr. & Mrs. James'O'Conr. rs. eorge Bullock, lon, rs. win .vvy e. M r. & Mrs. R obert Moore,Mrs. D aVI · 11.M nor, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Pedro. Ernest Paulus, Helen Wrl·ght. . & M rs. F re d D rISCO, r. , Mr. & Mrs. Fred' Havey, Mrs. R b t F t A Mr Mrs' We 1 'D d ' M Mrs. William' Sheehan' Anna 0 er en on, rthur Dusablon, . s ey u OVICZ, ' rs.· ' M a r y ' laconis, L. F. Matowl·tz, James Dowdall. ' . & 'd' " D M & M M'l Smith, Edw,ard, W. Tatro, Mr. & rs.. · 1 - ' , M,rs. William .Weber, Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Connor, Mrs. & Mrs. L u Ivme yer, r. John Stanford, Mrs. Stanley , Mr s. G eor g e F ar-mg-' Richard Forbes. ton ton,'Elsbree Jr. ,William West, Mrs. Alphonse 0 Sheldon, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mr. & Mrs., Emil Foucault, Zit<i. ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Stanton, Brennan,' Jeremiah Ossowski Mr. & Mrs. George Fredette, Mr. 'Mrs. Eugene ,Boyer" John Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Chabot, Mr. William Romero. ' & Mrs'. Cyril Gagne, Mr. & Mrs. Del;lil, Mr...& Mrs. Peter Duffy, ' & Mrs. James Diamond, Mrs. Mary R. Torrey, George F. Paul Garon, Mary ',Gilroy. Mr. & Mrs.. Charles Gagoriault, Fred ,Marcoullier, Annie Hill.' Desmaqlis, Mrs. Eva Kivlin, WilMr. & Mrs. Robert Gobil), Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Higgins. ' Mr. & Mrs. John Araujo, Mr. liam Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph & Mrs. Henry' Hebert, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. John L. Kane', Mr. William. King '& Mrs. Lea Lee, Thibeault. H Mrs. Ralph Jacobs, 'Mr. &·'Mrs. &, Mrs. Louis Lamoreau'x ' Mrs. Lauretta, Lawlor, Mrs. Rose H enry D upras, Lucy McAdams, C l.ay.~on ,A. McDonald, Mrs. Orner R. Jette, Sandra Kelley. ealey, Dr: John Cotter. ' Mrs. Isabella Hawkins, Hector M &M N 9rmand Bonneau, W m) f re d M" acDonald Mrs. Mary Kerley, Mr. & Mrs. Ali r~d G'rs. ld 1\6 St. Pierre, Walter Ripley. M r. & M rs. William Maguire George Kohler, Mr. & Mrs. John ~e rima, I, "t rs . George Kudrnac, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Mr. &, Mrs. Edward Mullowney' Roessler, Leo Valois, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Maloney Lawlor" Mr. & Mrs. George Mrs. Dominic, McKenna, Mr. James Madden. William F. Sullivan, Michaei Levis. . Mrs. George Weimert, Mr. & Francis Fitzpatrick, Mr. & Bodinski, George Holland, Mr. & Joseph Masterson, Mr. & Mr~. ' ,Peter Wood'. Mrs. Joseph McGrath, John Mrs. Anthony Megna. Edmund' McCracken, Mrs. MarReardon, Chester Chase, Mr. & John Bosh, Albert Malinowski, garet McAvoy, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs, James Swanezy. Hugh f'lonnelly, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Melville, Mr. & Mrs. Elizabeth Boudreau, Mr. & Roaul Trepanier, Mrs. Alice Joseph Morin. Mrs. Melvin, Andrews, Mr. & Weatherbee. ,Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Morse, Mr. ".. ' ST. MARY Mrs. Richard Riccio, Kathleen Mr. & Mrs. Fred Marcoullier, & Mrs. Donald O'Brien,' Mr. & $100 Courtney, Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Charles Ryan, Joseph Reynolds ' N ' Messier. Mr & M .'", Mr. &., Mrs. B e r n a r d ' . rs. Herbert Gray, Mr. & M rs. J 0 h n e O i l , Mr. & Mrs.' William O'Neil, Mr. & ,Mrs. A Friend Byrnes, Ele~nor Courtney, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Louis Lambert. Joseph P e r r y . ' Ger,ald ,A. Doyle, Julie Ham· Mr. & Mrs. Henry Collins,' Mr. J h -. $50 ' morid, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Turcotte & ' o n Pickering, Jr., Mr.' & Mr. & 'Mrs. 'Ray,mond Mc' , ,Mrs. J()seph Lennon. , . John, Pickering, " ,M,'ary,,' Carthy, ' , Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kearney., ' N Mrs.. M 1 & J ,Mr~. Joseph,C. Condon,,' "Johp. N: Bielecki Jr., BenJ'ami,n ora'W'll' 1 lams, Mr. &, Mrs. ar1 yn ane Proulx Salva- ' Mrs.' Kasmlr WojciechQwski. . Thomas Galvin" Mr. & Mrs: tore Salvaggio, Kathryri JSeretto. "Rizzardirli, Mr. & Mrs. Austin LOuis Dubowicz, Mr.' & Mrs. DelM,r. ,& 'Mrs. Kenneth ,Sl'l'v'a, $~,O,,' PButler, ¥r." &' Mrs: Edward P h'1S S ou11'IeI',Mr. & Mrs. ' , Harry' M & M . . Edward Slattery, Jr., Edwa.'rd ,T, ,rs. Rober.t ,Kinkead ' ~Ir1,er, Ro~' ,Brimriaii.H . t z, M r. & ,Mrs. Francis J. ......"' r. , e' m Slattery, ,Mr. & Mrs. Patrick ", ' , , ; '. $ 2 5 , ' . 'Mr. ,&"Mrs. 'H~nry McCa'rthy, Gallipeau. ' Wa)sh, . Mr. '&, 'Mrs. Fe't'er" J\fa,·rjo.rie':Shea, Mary '&, ,Ma.r- ,Mr.' & Mrs.' Beif,Mrs ' Walter Fe,id"Grace Feid,' Ra,y"Thomas ,' . Wieliczko. ' ", ,~a.ret K mton, John Gaffney, Mr. ' ~nita,Messier" George Precourt, Mrs. Doris Wiikinson, Mr. &' & Mrs. I!aymond Hiliman, Mrs. ,Mrs. J1lond Tousignant, Mrs. .- Agnes ' ' .... Alma' "&-" Woodward; ,. , ' .. ' . ' , '' . Marien, Ernest' Buckley'. H d M orse. .Mrs. Michael,Zi~o,'Mr. :& Mrs. "owar . .', mI'. ,1\(Irs. ,Robert Seguin Raplh G. Allen, Mr: & Mrs.' Ed':' Mr. & Mrs. ciarence Gr~. ,Lucy: ,McNally; Mr: &, Mrs:' Harold White, 'Mrs.' Herbert ward Beauregard,' Mr. & Mrs.' ham, Mr. & ,Mrs. William 'Kiehn,' Jildwin' Zaleskey, Mildred 'Mc~ '~ollett, J. Edward Poirier, Mr. '& Joseph Bon'o. ' M & M Enro,"e, "John' Kiernan.' ,Mrs. Fred Connelly,'Mr. & Mrs. r. rs. James Dever~ Mr." ' Robert A. DiFior'e. Mrs. Newell Bottomley, Mr: & & Mrs. Joseph Micoili, Sr., Mr. Mrs. Leo K~nieczny, Mr. &, ' Mrs. Edward Boyer, Mr: & "Mrs. & Mrs. Paul Raftery. Mrs. ~. ~arrasquillo, Mr. & Mrs. .. ,Mrs. Geraldine Caldwell, Alice James Callahan, Mr. &,:. Mrs. Ger.trude ' Cassidy' Mrs. Alice Raymond' Tarallo, Mr. & Mrs. D. Milot,' Mr. & M:r~. Clive GayMaurice Cameron, Mr: '&' 'Mrs. Barnhill, Mr. & 'Mrs. James Edward McNamara; Helen Don- ton, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence 'JohnEarl Carpenter. ' B a i l e y , Leona Kerr, Mr. & Mrs.' , n e l l Y . ' son, James McGuckin,' Arthur F. Connelly, Glad~s August Funke. John Charron,' Mrs. Cora Judith Rice, Florence' Leary' Connelly, Ray' Cooney, Mr.' & ' Setchell, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur RonFrancis Gayton, James R. Stack: Mrs. 'W a Iter F os t er. " ' Mr.. & M,rs. Ed,ward McCr'ory.. hock,Mr . & M rs. p't e er M u 11en M rs, R 0 b er t C unningham, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Dennen. A Fr1end, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Martha. ' Mrs. Russell Carr, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Endler, Jr., McDQnagh, Mr. &; Mrs. James P. I Mr. &' Mrs. G. HoWard ,Morse William Whitehead, Sarah MonMr. & Mrs. Elmer Fitton, Mr. & Cullen; Mrs. ~lean6r Westberg. Jr., Mi. & Mrs. Edward J. Mcahan, Mrs. Catherine 'Frazier Mrs. Herbert Fisher, Mr. & Mrs. $20 Cretton Sr., Zaino Family, MarMr. & Mrs. James McKeon. ' Henry Flynn, Joseph Gariepy. Mr. & Mrs.' Robert Pini garet Regan, Mary Regan. Catherine Coady, Gertrude Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gon- ,Joseph' Ferland, Richard Mc~ Mrs. Elizabeth Donnelly, Littlefield, Alice Littlefield Mr salves, Agnes Gormley" Mr. & 'Cretton, Mrs. Marie Bolster Mrs Thomas Feeney, Mr. & Mrs. Mar& Mrs. P. Fortin, Margaret 'Yer~ Mrs. Frank J. Grammel, Mr. & John Mushey; Mrs.' Hen;y ,tin RYl\n Jr., Frederick Garland, gatian. ' Mrs. Oscar HOUde, Mrs. Bar- Collins. , A g n e s Curley. Richard Beaupre, Don a l d bar Houle. ' Mr. &, Mrs. Thomas Levis .Antpory L.Velletri, Mr. & Leathers, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Jacques, $15' ' Mrs. Henry Riordan, Mr, & Mrs. 'Chabot, Mary Cavanaugh, Mr. & Mr: & Mrs. John R: Janson, Mrs. , Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Berthold, ,Fred Quilitzch,' Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. James Cavanaugh, Franklin Shirley Jarosz, Mr. & 'Mrs,"Earl John J. Brennan, Mr. 8r:, Mrs. Joseph King, Mr. & Mrs. Albert L. Cutrone. Lamarche, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent George Vandal, James, Ke~ ,R~binsop. " M r . & Mrs. Benedict Germaine Mahoney. ' " ' '-Mr, & Mrs. John Murray.' Mrs. Annie Graham, Mr. I/; Mrs. Robert, Howe, Mrs. Sarah Loretta Mala~d, Mr. ,& Mrs. Edw~rd & Family., Mrs. Everett Cassidy & Family, ,Willersen, Mrs. Laura Henshaw, James Malloy, Sheila Malloy Mr. & Mrso' Francis Martin, Joim ,Gertrude O'Donnell & Florence ,Mr. & ,Mrs_ Joh,n McCarthy. . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McNally 'Mr' P. Pollis., , ' : Ellis"Mildred & Leonard, Gilroy, Raymond Petti, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Antone, Mello. ' • ',' 1111'''' • ... Mr's • Edm' U nd R'• Ice M 1'6. ' M a tth ew H ealey. " , Vincent Pe'tti, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph 1i:arold Mrs. ' Mulligan, William, ~li~abethI.ov~ly, Nern.ey, ,rohn Nihan, D_, III nor' M G Jennie Angus, Michael,O!Rourke, Mrs. .'fohn .. M elanson" Mr.,& Mrs. Paul, Ellen Nitso, Mr. & ,rs..., 18 c, ee. ,,- " . Shea; Genevieve' Riley, Julia Henault, Joan Wright. MarlO Norbre""'. . .$i2~ , Ri.ley,:Mr, & Mrs. Norman'Fon- .. Catherine Regan,' Mrs. Alice .... ,Mr. It Mrs. George ,Bankert tame • J M & M J h I Mr. & Mrs. Philip Norton, Mr.' ... ' .'" $11 ' 1\4' .. , e p s o n , ri ' rs. 0 n' aconis, & ¥rs. Alvaro Oliveira 'Alben ' ' r.' & Mrs. Francis Doran, . William Donly, Mr. & Mrs, Peter Ousley, foil'. &' Mrs.J~ Pa-. Mr. ~ Mrs., Robert VeilleaK ...:Mr. & Mrs.-EdwardR. Mullaney, ,DiRenzo." , "., $11 ' Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Barry, Mr. John Grimes,' Joseph Grimes, checo, Mr. -': Mrs. William Mr. &. Mrs. .JobnBymatll,'" ' . ,Mrs. Roland Maloney, Mr. & 'Paul Levesque, ':Edna Sl,ai~~, ,Perry. .. ' ' A Mrs. William Veuo, lIIlaJlf • ' lillI'S. Bernard,McKenna., Mrs. Robert· Ryder. ,
North Attleboro
North Attleboro SACRED HEART $25 Joseph Bressette
$20 A Friend John Desilets $15 Mr. & Mrs. Dppald Fiola
$12 Mr. &. Mrs. Edward Surprenant $10 Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Barrette & Claire, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Beauregard & Donald Bibeau, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bourgeois, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Collard, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Corriveau, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Dean, Mr. & Mrs, Leo DeBlois & family, Mrs. Melina Dion, Mr., & Mrs. Paul, Dion, A. Gaudette. Laurence j:}audette, Gendron & Zilch families, Mr. & Mrs. Emile Jacobs, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Labrie, Mr. & Mrs, James McDonald. Mr. & Mrs. Allan O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Ouellet, Mr. & Mrs. Albert L. Ouellette, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Ouellette, Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Ouellette. Mr. & Mrs. Rene Pinsonnault, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Pinsonnault, Mr. & Mrs. Alphie Precourst, Mr. & Mrs. Amedee Ringuette, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ruel, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wallace.
$25 Holy Rosary Sodality - Holy Rosary Church, ' St.. Vincent de Paul SocietyHoly Rosary Church '$20 ,Mr. & Mrs. Russell Woodward
$15 Stanley Radwanski
$10 Mr. & Mrs. John Arcikowski; Mrs. Sophie Bednarska, Mr. & Mrs. Franciszek Biedak, Mr. &, Mrs. Al Biedrzynski, John Bobola. Mrs. Bertha Bolster, Carpenter Family, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Decosta" Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Drewniany, Mr. & Mrs, WalentY Gorczyca. ' Mrs. Felicia Kable & Sons Mr & Mrs. John KokOszka, M~. Mrs, Paul Ladebauche, Mr. '& Mrs. Robert Nichols, Mr. & 'Mrs. Walter Pelczarski. Mrs~ AnnaPlentus, Mr, & Mrs. -rozef Sien,ko, Mr. & Mrs, Matthew Sroczynski, Mrs. Magdalena Tokarz, Mrs. Mary ZlonkielVicz. ' Mr. & Mrs. Frank Duda, M~s. Magdalena Kud:i:ia, Mr, & Mrs. Franciszek Tabak, Anonymous.
, Walter Starvish 'St.-Vincent de Paul Society
$20 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coveney $15. Joseph Goulet Dr. & Mrs. Gene Romano
$10 Mrs. Charles Browning, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cooke, Mr. & Mrs A. Degenhardt, James Dorsey. Joseph Dutra. ' ~ Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Hall, Mrs. Albert Judge, Mr. & Mrs, James Lombardi, R. J.' Maclean' Cha'rlea Simas, Mabel Starvish.'
1886 PURCHASE ST. ' NEW ,BEDFORD Wy 3-3786'
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-:.Thurs., June 7, 1962
$500 Rev. F. Anatole Desmarais
$100 Rev. Daniel A. Gamache Rev. Andre P. Jussaume
$25 Mathew Bury Raymond Nolin
$20 Anonymous
Doran. Jennie F. Driscoll, ,Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Faunce Jr., Mrs. Thaddeus Frederick, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gagner, Walter Gorczyca. Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius L: Kelleher, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Long, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. Charle' MacFarlane, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Manning. Estella Margarido, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Maynard, Mr. & Mrs. Fernand Medeiros, Cecile McAloon, ' Mr. & Mrs. James'F. McCaffrey. Joseph McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd ,McGovern, Mr. & Mrs. Chester McGuire, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McKenna, Owen McKenna. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Neville, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nixon, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Perry, Mrs. Frank Reichenberg. Elizabeth Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Ricketts, Mr. & Mrs. George A. 'Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. William Sankey, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Santos. John 6hea, Postmaster & Mrs. Frank F. Silvia. Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Simmons, James Tigano, John Tigano, Mr. & Mrs. Edward' Trucchi, Mary Adele Murphy. Mr. & Mrs. John Doherty,Mr. & Mrs. Fred Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Gurney. SACRED HEART
$100 ,Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Makin $50
The McMahon family
$25 Anna Maguire
$20 Edward Boudreau, The Reilly Family, Mr. &,Mrs. Lidiono severino.
$15 Mr. ,& Mrs. Francis Andrews
$12 Cornelius Field $UI Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Alegi, Mrs. R. Harold Allen, Mrs. Mary Baptista, Mr., & Mrs. Gerald Beaton, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bernier. Mynette 'Briody, Mr. & Mrs. John 8ukin, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Buttermore, Mrs. Howard Chadwick, Mr. & Mrs. GeOrge Crombie. Marie Cronan, Mr. & Mrs. John Callahan, 'Gormley Family, Mr. & Mrs. Walter ,Gallagher, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kuczek. Mr. & Mrs: Leo Landgraf; Mrs. Peter Lucas, ' John Maguire, Judith Makin, Gertrude McBreen. Mrs. Luke McBreen, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur McDermott, Mr: & Mrs. John T. Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mulcahey, Marion Murphy. Mr. & Mrs. Erne.§t J. Mador, William Meehan, Mr. & Mrs. John R. Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mendes, Mary K. Nichols. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pietnik, 'Marcia Phillips, Mr: & Mrs. RaymOnd Peloquin, Mr. & Mrs.Clifton Pierce, Mr.' & Mrs. Edward . Quagan. Mr-; & Mrs. Joseph Quigley, Helena Raggett, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Scully, Mr. & Mrs. George Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Eino Silvan. ST. ' JOSEPH R'o bel' t Simmons, Richard $200 Smith, l\frs. Jean St. Pierre, Very Rev. Patrick H. Huriey ,Helen Shea, Roberta Smith. $75 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Strojny, Rev. John F. Moore Mr. & Mrs. 'Walter Ziajor, Mr. & $50 . Mrs. '::asmir Zyskowski. Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Powers', Mr: &' Mrs. William Andrade, . ,$50 Mrs. Francis l W. Clemmey, Mr. Florence MIler & Mrs. William Clemmey, Mr. & . $25 Mrs. Lester Crowninshield, Mr. Dr. & Mrs. George Manning & Mrs. John Devlin. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Welch Mr. & Mrs. George E. Dion, $20 Jr., The Fitzgerald Family, Mrs, John A. Shea, Peter Shea, James Flynn, Edward V. Gregg, Veradt Family, Mr. & Mrs. MauMr. & Mrs. Charles Lynds. rice Lagace. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McMor$15 row, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Maynard, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. LaPre Fred Miles, Mary Murphy, FtedMary McNearney, Mr. & Mrs: erick Smith. . Fred Smith & Patricia, Mrs., Mrs. Ann Sweeney, Virginia George Williams. Waldron. \ $12 Eugene Sullivan, Mr\ & Mrs. Ralph Cutillo Rene St. Ives, Mr. & Mrs. Henry $10 Milko, Mr. & Mrs. Leni Palazesi, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chamber- Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Westgate, Jr. lain, Mr. & ).\'Irs. Francis Ciark, Mrs. Alice B. Hayes, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dias, Mr. & . Mrs. Edward Nadeau, Allan'ColMrs. William Dias, Elizabeth' leran, Mrs. Dorothy Conley. \
I. "
$50 Anonymous, .
$35 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew McCarty
$20 Mr., & Mrs. Gerald Caron, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tremblay.
$15 Mrs. Eugene Heinig, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Silva. Joseph C. Lincourt
WINS lNTERNATIONAL PRIZE: The Variety Clubs International Humanitarian Award was presented to Frank Duff, left, founder of the Legion of Mary, by Ireland's President Eamon de Valera, before a gathering of some 2,000 Variety Club members in Dublin.; NC' Photo.
Taunton ST. MARY'S
Mr. & Mrs. William J. 'Fenton. Immaculate Conception WomAlan P. Cusick en's, Guild Andrew Leddy $30 $50 The Flangheddy Fam~ly -Rev. Bernard R. Kelly, Dr. $25 George Harrington. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Baker & , Mr. & Mrs. 'Remington EIUng family $20 . $25 Mr. &; Mrs. Edmund Brennan, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lehan, Stanley Tokarz; Dr., B. Edwin ,Mrs. Daniel Moore~ Mr. & Mrs. S. C. Piesco. Zawacki. Mrs. Mary Dumoulin
Mr. & Mrs.' James Burns, Albert Brennan, William, Clifford, Dennis McSweeney, Mr. &; Mrs. David Martin. Joseph. Megan Sr., Richard Skachan. $18.75 Jeannette W. Whittle, R.N. $1'7
Mr.' & Mrs. John Grant
$13 Meryl Thrasher' and Maureen Nichols. $12 Alice Correa. '
$10 'Valentine Boreri, Rob~rt A. Calvey; William Cameron, John J. Campion, Dora Carey. Raymond Chamberlimd, John E. Corr, Mrs, Dominic Corrigan, Charies Cote, Joseph Cote. Jane Cronan, Leo Cronan, GeOrge E. Dion Sr., RobertE. Dion, 'Joseph Dooley. Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Dorsey, Mildred Fitzgerald, William Fitzgerald, Thomas Fitzpatrfck, Mrs. Edmunc Flyim. Mrs" George H: Foley, T. Joseph Galligan, Albert Gau-' dette, Donald Gilbert, Mrs. Charles Gillon.' Mr, &'Mrs. Michael Grady, Arthur Harpin, Sarah Hayes, David Higgins, Mary Lambert. ,Agnes Laughlin, Mary -LePage; William McCaffrey Jr:,Brian McClellan, Patricia McClellan. Robert McClelian, Mr. & Mrs. James McGovern, William' 'F. McGowan, Mary McSweeney.. , Joseph Megan Jr:' Harold Mosher, Margaret Mullins, Margaret Murphy, Christine, Nagle; Barbara O'Brien. ' Edmund O'Brien,' Theresa · O'Brien, Patrick O'Donnell, Joseph O'Donnell, Anna V. · O'Keefe. ' , Joseph Orsi, Joseph Padula, · Mr. & Mrs. James 'Powers, Theresa Purcell, Thomas Quinn. ' Louis' Raposa" 'Mrs. William · Rayment, Anna Reilly, .Wilfred · Saint, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. , Shaw'-. ' Esther C. Sullivan,' James A. : Trantert, Mary' L. VanZandt, , Leonard.Walsh, James Ward. ' Frederick Wellwood, Robert , Wiliiams, Herbert Wittig, John Wittig. George Aguiar, Bruce Andrews, Terrence Burns, William , Corr, William Donnelly. Mr. 8? Mrs. Norman, Gatz, Mary L.'Grant, William J,. Hanrahan, William Lyons, Evelyn Rice. Helen Sears, Helen Seaver, Edward Sikorski.
,Mr. &; M~s.Char1es' Colton, Mrs. Dor.ald· Ma·cLearl. \'
Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph, Andrade, Mr. &. Mrs. Desmond, Ba'gge, Peter Burns, James Byrne, Mr: &; Mrs. Ja~es Carr. Mr. '& Mrs. Rene Courcy, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Curley, Mr. '& Mrs. Roland Desrosiers, Mr.. & Mrs. John Doyle, Mr. & ,Mrs. ,lVlichael Dran. Mr. ok Mrs. Carlton Galligan, D~mald Corey, Mrs. Robert Geary, Genevieve Gough, Mr. &; , Mrs. Frank Hanieski'. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Harrigan, Mrs. Ralph Hill, Mr. & Mrs. George Horan, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Horgan, Marjorie Keily. Mr. & Mrs. R9ger Lag'ace, Joseph & Elizabeth Leahy, Mrs. Edward McCabe; Mr. & Mrs. John McGann, SusanMcGuire, Mr. & Mrs. James McKittrick, 'Mr." & Mrs. Charles McManus, Mr,. & Mrs. Raymond Riva, Mr. .' &, Mrs. David St. Germain, Mr. & ~s. Stephen Stepanaitis. M,rs. Eileen Gorey,' Eugene Gorey, Richard, Mulcahy, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Vogt. O~R
iI~ri.ry A: Alves, D.M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Auclair, James A. Brady, Mrs. James A. Brady, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Conroy, Robert Couto. Vivian Couto, Mrs. William N. Crowley, Raymond DiResto, Mrs. Raymond DiResto, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fitta. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Martin, Mr. & Mrs. John McRae, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mello, Mrs. Francis Morrison. Mr. & Mrs. William O'Donnell, Ernest Prado, Aristide St. Pierre, Mr. & Mrs. Adjutor St. Pierre, John Schondek. )'Ir. & Mrs. Paul silva, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Souza, William T~h;:Ifi" 'Mr. & Mrs.' joseph Witschey. James Duffy, Jr., Mrs. James Duffy, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fielding, Mr: & :M:rs. Andrew Gravel, Mr. & Mrs. John Laffan. , Edward La~o.l,Jr,eaux, Mrs. Edward La~oureaux, Mr:& Mrs. Ja~es .Lynch,'Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Racicot" Atty. Edward Roster: Mrs. Arthur, 'SormEmberg, Robert Stratton, Mrs. Robert Stratton, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn 'Tiberiis, Mr. & Mrs. Alec Veradt, Jr. ' Mr'. & Mrs. Clement Wade"Mr. &. Mrs., J~seph B .. McCarty, Corila Ro4ier, .'David Rogers, Mrs. Leo Kennedy.
JameS Siivia $10 · Manuel Faria, Clara D. Cam. bra, Robert Van Nostrand, io· seph Silva, James Sylvia. , Frank Philippe, Arthur Gomez, Frank Santos, Gil Bettencourt, ·George Perry. , ' _ Alfred Rogers, Joseph Silya, ,Joseph Silvia, Jeremias Bragan',ea" J.,oseph, Co~~.· Joseph Terra, Joseph Medeiros,. Joseph Mello" Carlos, Mello, Hon. John F. Parker. -' William Martin, Antone,Fraga.
$500 Rt. Rev. Manuel J. Teixeira
$%00 St. Anthony's Parish Organizations
$75 Rev. Joseph Oliveira Rev. Evaristo 'Tavares $50 A Friend $25 Joseph Abreau
$20 John Camara, Peter Nolan'
$15 Jesse Linhares $12 John Coelho
$10 Joseph R. Amaral, Mrs. Anna Barrows, Herbert Camacho, William, Chaussee, Jacinto Costa. Manuel Costa, Manuel de Mello, Mrs. Maria De Souza, An.;. ton Gomes, Mary Marques. Francis Roche, Alfred. Rose, Frank Rose, Joseph Sa', Antonio Teixeira, Joseph Viveiros. George Abreau' Jr., George Abreau Sr., John Abreau, Anibal Antunes, John Curley. John Ferreira; Mrs. Laura Ferreira, - Charles' Fostin, Mary Nunes, Leonard Rocha. Frederick Sylvia, Art h I.U Jt Trem~lay, Mrs. Hilda Vincent, Joseph Vincent.
ICE CREAM LEO H. BERUBE, Mgr. 951 Slade SL J.el. OS 5-78Z6
, TELEPHONE 'OS 5-7992
THE ANr.HI"'I~Thurs., June 7, 1962
Franciscan Conventuals
$30 Jankowski Family
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Ignacy Kaszynski, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Banas, In Memory of Frank & Rosalie Jeglinski, Dr. & Mrs. Francis Grenn. .
$20 Stanley Smiechowski
$12 Mr. & Mrs. E. Marnik
$10 Mr. & Mrs. J. Szarek, Mr. & Mrs. M. Jamilkowski, Mr. & Mrs. D. Amaral, Rose Feeley, Mr. & Mrs. R. Demanche. Mr. & Mrs. A. Avellar, Mr. & Mrs. K. Nowak, Mr. & Mrs. Homer Mandevllle, Mr. & Mrs. M. Cebula, Mr. & Mrs. J. Blackledge. J. Furtado, Mr. & Mrs. H. Cameron, Mr. & Mrs. H. Cembalisty, Mr. & Mrs. T. Irzyk, Mr. & Mrs. A. Benoit. Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Repeta, Atty & Mrs. Henry Bartkiewicz, Mr. & Mrs. John Hemmingway, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Koczera, Mr. & Mrs. Joaquim Salgado. . Mr. & Mrs. J. Midurski, Mr. & M;rs. Boleslaus Arabasz, Mr. & Mrs. A. Buzniak, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Szeliga, Mr. & Mrs. L; Dubois. Mr. & Mrs. T. Dabrowski, Mr. & Mrs. J. Dziura, Stanley Murach, Mr. & Mrs. P. Cantwell, Mr. & Mrs. R. Dube. . ·Mr. & Mrs. J. Janisiewisz, Mr. & Mrs. L. Thomas, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Bobrowiecki, Bill Midurski, Mr: & Mrs. Joseph Gonet. Mrs. Janina Michalski, Alexander Boc, Mr. & Mrs. A. Zerbonne, Mr. & Mrs. C. Ponichtera, S. Olszowy. Mr. & Mrs. J. Izdebski, Mr. & Mrs. J. Canto, Mr. & Mrs. T. Izdebski, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Stephanik, Mr. & Mrs. Casimir Smeka. Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Pielech, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Midurski, Mr. & Mrs. Stanely Sopczak, Mr. & Mrs. Ignace Nikonowicz. ST ANTHONY OF PADUA
$100 Raymond Laliberte
$25 Edward Loranger, In Memory of Irene Schwank $20 Rita Parent, A Friend, Germaine Chadwick.
$15 Octave Pimental
$12 A Friend
$10 Raymond Beauvais, Jeannette Mandeville, S i m 0 n Comeau, Harry Troutman, Edouard St. Germain. Leo Hebert; Albina Amaral, Mrs. Alfred Deneault, Dr. Joseph Bourqu'e, Noel Hebert. Godelive Soucy, Blanche Bernier, Ernest Bernier, Philippe Prevost, Albert Forcier. Romeo Parent, Carrier Funeral Home, Marie Belliveau, Beatrice Gelinas, Philibert Cormier. Wilfrid Masse, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Z. Boucher, Amedee Lestage, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Mailloux, Albert Paquin. Imelda & Lena Mailloux, Paul Cusson, Walter Panek, Alice Contant, Eugene Boisvert, A·ugustin Perry. Arthur Allain, Donald Desautels, Rita Jodoin, Gagnon Family, John Green. Emma Dagesse, Antoinette Roy, Arthur Rousseau, George Florent, Dorile Graveline. Raymond Bertrand, Edouard Girard, Emile Goyette, Delphis Rondeau, Arthur Buteau. David Dumais, Lorraine Arvisais, John Arseneault, Mr. Baribeau, G e 0 r g e Lafrance, Joseph Pisarczyk. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cormier, Claire Cournoyer, Jeanne & Clarisse LaFrance, Mrs. Edouard Langlois, Antoine Leblimc & family, George Lemieux, Gerard Goguen.
New ·Bedford
Rev. Luciano J. Pereiro
Mr. & Mrs. Antone Santos Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Souza
Mr. & Mrs. Joao Oliveira Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Hendricks.
Holy Name Society
$25 Our Lady of the Assumption Club
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cabral Francisco & Mary Viera
$20 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur N. Duarte, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Gomes.
$12 Francisco A. Baldo
$10 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Almeida, Antone· Carvalho, Helen Souza Coughlin, Beatrice Cunha, John Ferreira. . Mr. & Mrs. Norman Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. John Gomes, Frank Machado, Hilda Mathews, Agnes de Mello. Frank Motta, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Oliveira, William Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. Jacinto P. Penha, John R. Rapoza. Manuel Rapoza, Mr. & Mrs. Lauran Silva, Mrs. Philomena Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Tavares. Mr. & Mrs. Firmo Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson A. Souza, John Castro. Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Amorim Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Antone Arruda, William R. Beatriz, Louis J. Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. John Correia. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Ferreira, Joao Jacinto & Family, Edward Joseph, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kocas. Mr. & Mrs. Joaquim Lopes, Gregorio Luiz, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel l\fedeiros, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Oliveira, Mrs: Alice Pires. Mr. & Mrs. John Ponte Louis L. Rita, Mr. & Mrs. Raul Santos . Mr. & Mrs. Manuel DaSilva, Mr: & Mrs. Edward C. Sou·za. Francisco Souza, Virginia Antune!! Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. John Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Pach_ eco. IMMACULATE CONCEPT.I!ON
$300 Rev. A. A. Castelo Branco
$65 Rev. Augustino Pacheco
$50 Rev. Manuel M. Resendes $40 Dr. & Mrs. David Costa, Jr. $29 Mr. & Mrs. Ar.thur Fredette
CARDINAL ON SHRINE TOUR: Arcadio Cardinal Larraona, C.M.F" left, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, receives the grand tour of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception during his visit to the nation's Capital. Msgr. Thomas J. Grady, rector of the Shrine, points out an item of interest to the Spanish-born prelate. NC Photo.
New Bedford ST. THERESA Mr. & Mrs. Paul Duchaine
ST. HYACINTIlll $25 St. Vincent de ,Paul Confer. ence
$20 Mr. & Mrs. Leo Fournier
$16 Mr. & Mrs. Hughes Desautels Mr. & Mrs. Oliva Samoisette: Mr. & Mrs. Paul Forand, Mr. & Mrs. George Blais, Andrew Buba.
Mr. & Mrs. Emile Dalbec $20 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Fortin, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Sassaeville
Rev. Hugh J. Keenan, Mary Sullivan
$15 Antoine Racine & family Dr. & Mrs. Hector Roy
$50 Dr. & Mrs.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Arcouette, Mr. & Mrs. Alyre Barriau, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bastarache, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Belanger, Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Bellefeuille. Mrs. Annette Bonneau, Mr. & Mrs. Emile Camire, Mr. & Mrs. Jules L. Cayer, Yvonne Desrosiers, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Dudevoir. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fleury, Mr. & Mr.s. Donat Fortin, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Fredette, Mr. & Mrs. Rodolphe Gauvin, Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Green. Mr. & Mrs. - Alexandre Gonsalves, Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lacourse, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Larocque, Emma LeBlanc, Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Lemaire, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Lemieux, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Lemieux, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lussier, Mr. & Mrs. William Millette. Mr. & Mrs. George D. Olivier, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Picard, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Richards, Mr. & Mrs. Rodolph Richer, Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Rl;>derick, Mr. & Mrs. William Marshall. Mr. & Mrs. William Savoie, Mr. & Mrs. John Medeiros, Mrs. Orner Heon, Mrs. J 0 s e p h Therien. Mr. & Mrs. Normand Lajoie, Mr. & Mrs. Vito Morra, Mr. & Mrs. Mederic Vigeant. Mr. & Mrs Donald Gaudette, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Berneche.
Everett Lew is, Eugenio Camara, Manuel Sardinha Virginio Medeiros, Joaquim Salgado. Joaquim Motta, Antonio Paiva George Sousa, George Marce~ lino, Mrs. Maria Almeida. . J. de Ponte Cordeiro, FranCISCO Correia, Joseph Ponte, Hildeberto Borges, A Friend. . Mrs. Maria Furtado,' Ernestma Batalha, Bertha Batalha Abel Fidalgo, Noel Chaves. ' .Antonio Gonsalves, Antonio SIlva, Joseph M. Costa, Shawmut Diner, Claude Paquette. Manuel Bettencourt, Mrs. Evelyn Sousa,. Arthur Martin Joaquim Gomes, Angelo de Bor~ toli. . Manuel Ferreira John F Almeida, Ivo Almeida Manuei Medeiros, Euclides Cabral. Donald Menezes lsalina Sa William F Q rna cia r i Arthu; Roderick, Gilbert Oliveira. John Sardinha, Mrs. Helen J. Roberts, Manuel Sa, Mrs. Maria Nunes, Arthur P. Silva. Mr. & Mrs. William Travers, Acme Venetian Blinds, Cesar Mendes, Mrs. Jessica Williams John Souza. ' Gordon Vieira, Joseph Martin,
$75 Rev. William J. McMahon
$50 -Rev. Clement F. Dufour
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Rebello, Jr., Dr. & Mrs. Manuel G. Camacho, Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Parsons.
Mr. & Mrs. Albertino Barros $20 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Rodrigues Mrs. Maria Carvalho, Gilbert Coelho.
$12 Walter Ford
$10 Mr. & Mrs. Rene Bachand, Mr. & Mrs. ~illiam Barton, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Beauregard, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dempsey, Mrs. Nora Hoffman. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Hubert, Mr. & Mrs. John Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lang, Charles Le Blanc, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Lemieux. Dorothy Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. William Mahoney, Mr. &. Mrs. Eilio Martin, Mary McCann, Mr. & Mrs. John McGrath. Mr. & Mrs. Americo Nobrega, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Pawebczyk, Mr. & Mrs. Americo Rossi, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Vigeant, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Berube, Thomas Townley. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Gauvin· Bernice Gibbs, Dorothy GibbS: Mrs. Mary Gibbs, Mr.. & Mrs; Henry Lyonnais. Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Magnant, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Medeiros Jr., M~. & Mrs. Leonard Rocha.
Albertina Da Rosa, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Concaison, Mr. & Mrs. Domingo Gomes, Rose Gilbert, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tavares. Mr. & Mrs. John Pena, Eugene Oliver, John J. Gomes Mrs. John Depina, William Carmo. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Monteiro, Mrs. Robert Garrison, Amelia Rose, Mr. & Mrs. John Pires, Mrs. Mary G. Ramos. Charlotte Figueiredo, Antonio P. Rocha, Jaime & Clara Gomes, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Barboza, Elizabeth Duarte. Mr. & Mrs. John Fortes, Aguinaldo Rose, The Lesighton family, Mary Faria, Mr. & Mrs. Fermini> Spencer, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Ramos. Mr. & Mrs. Severo .Alfama, Mrs. Agnes Thomas, Edward Pina, Mrs. Joseph Baptista, Alfred Gomes, Mrs. Evelyn Gilmete, Joseph Silva. SACRED HEART
$10 Mr. & Mrs. Alphee Bois, The Hebert-Castellina families, Ber-· nadette Chiasson, The Dompierre family, Exina & Dolores Gravelle. Mr. & Mr!l. Edward Hevey,. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Laflamme, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Langlois, Mr. & Mrs. George Lawton, Catherine & William Leclair. The Servais family, Normand Trudel, Rita Belliveau, Mary 1.. Clifford, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Couture. Clarinda Greene, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Lavoie, Diana L'Etoile, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Maher, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pelletier. Anna Peltier, Marie Plamondon, Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Richard. Mr~ & Mrs. L1;Icien Vanasse. . ST. BONIFACE
$25 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Corre
$10 Mr. & Mrs Francis Barrett, Mr. & Mrs. James Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Emil Seaberg, Josephine Luxo, Mrs. Katherine Hamlet. Robert Clayton, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Sin'on, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Folco, Mr. & Mrs. Charlee Desjardins, John Freitas.
CORREIA & SONS ONE STOP SHOPPING CENTER • Tt:levision • Furniture • Appliances • Grocery 104 Allen St., New Bedford WYman 7-9354
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Rev. Casimir Kwiatkowski
Poczatek Family
$10 Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Adamowski, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Adamowski, Mr. .& Mrs. Rene Fortin, Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Miller, Edward Olejarz. Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Polchlopek, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Shick, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Turgeon, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony S. Zielinski, Jr.
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... -: I\!"r'",-,-_,
Thurs., June 7, '1962
St. Vincent de Paul $50
Your "New ·FINAST'~
, M. C. Swift &' Son Attorney Samuel L. 'Llpman
$25 St. John Couples Club, Dr. & Mrs. Manuel F. DeMello, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dias, John F. Gracia, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Lepire. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rodrigues
. Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Perry, Mr. & Mrs~ Joseph Sylvia. Dr. & Mrs. Nobert· Fraga
$15 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cabral, Flores Family.
$12 V~ctornia
. $10·
r I
JOURNALIST: Lou is e Menard, St. Anthony High School, New Bedford, with school paper for' which she earned trophy, commendations. \
Laurinda Andrade, Mrs. MarY Andrews, In Memory of Mary C. Arrud'a, Helen Bartholo, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. John C. Souza, -'" &: Mrs. J. L. Bettencourt. Maria Amelia Borges, Mr. & Mary Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Anthony Brazil, Evelyn. C. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. J. Paul Cabral, Mr. & Mrs. Jayme Car~ Thibeau~t, Milton A. Travers, Mr. '& Mrs. Antone Vasconcelles doza, ,Carreiro Family. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Corkum, & !\ia'-,'y. Mr. & Mrs. Joao 'Correia, Mr. & "0 Mrs. Edward ri~Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Deschenes, Mr. & . ST.. FRANCIS OF ASSISI Mrs.' Carl Fernandes. Mr. & Mrs. Antone Ferreira, $25 William Ferreira, Mr. &. ·Mrs.· Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Nico": Art~ur Freitas, Mr.' &' Mrs. lacci, Ghilardi Family Frank ·Freitas, Marion Freitas. $20 Mr. & Mrs. John Furtado, Mr.. Nicholas Scarpitti, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Vincent Furtado,' 'Mr. & Paul Vancini Mrs'. Lewis Goulart; Mr. &' Mrs. $15 Edmund L. Grace, Mr. & Mrs. Manly Mfg. Co., Inc.~' Mr. & Antonio F. Gracia. . Mrs. Anthony Armanetti. Mr. & Mrs. Frank .Gracie, "Mr. $13 & Mrs. Antone Lima, Mr.' & Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand BacMrs. John Henriques, Claudia celli. Lewis, Mrs. Mary Lewis. Mr. & Mrs. William Martin, $10 Mr. & Mrs. Antone Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. John Bac~elli, Mr. Mr.'. & Mrs. Calvin Medeiros, & Mrs. Emilio Balestracci; Mr. Mrs. Eva Mellody, Mrs. Othylia & Mrs. Louis Bono, Marie DesMos·ettig. Landes, Mr. & Mrs. Rosario DiPiro. J.VJ;anuel F. Motta & Family,' Mr. & Mrs. Manuel F. Oliveira, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur F~rl'P;'·'l. Mr. & Mrs. Cleober Perry; Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Figazolo. & Mrs. George V. Pimental, Mr. ).\'11'.. & .Mrs. Julius Galu~,,~, . &: Mrs. Manuel Pinto. &. Mrs. Joseph Gioiosa; Emma Mr. & Mrs. Candido Poente,' Lima. . Mr; & Mrs. John Rapoza, In Charles & Catherine Palla. Memory of Vrrginio Rego, .Mr. troni, Daniel J. Tarpey, Giacinta & Mrs. Anthony Rose, Mr.' & Vercellone, Giulio Cesare Lodge' Mrs. Louis Rose.. -Sons of Italy, Italian-American Mrs. Mary Schusner, Herman Women's Club. Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Souza, Maria Bianco, Mr. &. Mrs. Marie Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ronald Boucher, Mr. & Mrs. Teixeira. .' Domenic . F. Catalano, Mr;' & Mrs. Neal Vancour, Anna' Mrs. Joseph Cataldo Emma Cipriani. . " . '. Vieira, Flora Vieira, Mr. & Mrs: ' Adol . p h F . W.a I ec.k a, J 1'., 'M rs. d Mr. & Mrs. Enrico. DiBehe:.. Helen Walsh. etto, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio DiMichael Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Mauro, Mr. &" ·Mrs. Anthony DiLeland Williams, Mr. & Mrs. H; Piro, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gagli.'f- Albion Wright. ' ardi, Jennie Lincourt. . Mr. & Mrs George Alexander, ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moniz, 'Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Arl'u,da, & Mrs.. Robe~t J. Morelli, Mr.' Joseph Avila, Mr. & Mrs. Man- & Mrs. Leonel Neron, Mr. & uel Barao, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Angelo Piscarino, ·Mr. & Arruda. Mrs. Donald Rose. Mr. & Mrs. Virginio Botelho, .' Mr. & Mrs. Salvato Salvati Mrs. Manuel ~ot~lh.o & Mar-uel, .Jo~m D. Silvia & family, Ros~ Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Botelho, Spadaro, Mr. &. Mrs. Salvatore M r. & M rs. J ames M . B oyI e, Mr.. . Spadaro,' Mr. & Mrs~ Wilfred" &lVlrs. Joseph Brown, Jr. Tetreault. ).\'1rs. Mary Cable, Bemvida ST. JOSEPH Caldas, Mr. & Mrs. V. Manuel $300 Camara, ·Mr. & Mrs. Christian Carreiro & Daughter, Mr. & St. Joseph's Religious' SoCieties $25 . Mrs. James Collard. , Mr. & Mrs. Theotime Leblanc Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cordeiro, $20 Mr. & Mrs. Teotonio Corvelo, Mr. & Mrs: George Cote' Mr. & Mrs. Edward Costa, Mr. . $15 . spa~e' & Mrs. Alfred'DeCosta, IVJ;r. & Mrs. John Fernandes. Friends • Mr. &.'Mrs. Stanley Fra!1czyk, $10 ' . Joseph A. Garcia & Mary, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Cote & Mrs. Antone M. George, Mr. & Maurice· Charette, Sirrieon DU~ Mrs. John Gonsalves, Mr: & Mrs. chaine, Mr. &. Mrs. Rene Manuel Gracia. L'Hereux,' Mr. &. Mrs. George' Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Homen,' Simmons. . Mr.. & Mrs. Frank Jason, FlauMr, & Mrs. John Sirois, Mr.. sina Lemos, Mr. & Mrs. Ilde- & Mrs. Ernest Menard, ·Mr. & fonso Lemos, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Maxime Maillet, Misses Lemos. Robillard, Mr. & Mrs. Antone PA~KING' Mr. & Mrs. Antone' Luce, Mr. Costa. .. ft & Mrs.· James Marceau, Mr. &' Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Barrette' Forget parking' worriei _ you never ha~e to Mrs. Lewis McDonald, Mr. AIMr. & Mrs. Ovila Lablimc, Mrs: fred Machado, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Maillou", Mr. &, Mrs. worry . about parking meters or traffic ..... Robert Marshall. : Gordon Barber & family, Mr. & violations when' shop at this ne. . Mr. & Mrs. Manuel. C. Mar- '. Mrs. Rene St. Gelais. ~'fINAST'~.. Supe.rm~rk . et. Y..GU will fh~d this tello, Mr.' & Mrs. Charies 'MesLucien Bernique, Mrs. Si.. . qtiita, Caroline. J;'errY'".Mr. &1 monne Rousseau,." Mr.· & 'Mrs. parking Clrea to be brlghtl, Uhimlnate4t! Mrs. Edmund'Perry, Mr. & Mrs.: Joseph Fournier, Mrs. C o r i n n e : s p a c l O u $ and convenient. ~erman RapozL_~.u'~c~~~~~~~~Ma.:and.a.~~~~~~.... ~,.~:~ 1:~~1 .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,.,.,.'~c.'~~'._~'~·~-~~~~~'~~'~~~~~~ ~~~~~'~~~~'~'~~~'f"-
Rodman·.· Street
New Bedford
Store Hours:
Open' Every Evening Until 9:00 p~' M.-.
Enjoy, the conv/enienee, and comfort·· of this .mod.rn FIRST' NATIONAL STORI featuring: SBACIOUS
;,.:.:•.:,:-:!<..--::, .. ~-.:
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" . . . •' ,-
. ..,. ..,':'. '"
New Bedford ST.
Mr. &. Mrs. A. Broadland, Nicholas Butler, Mr. &. Mrs. Wil$125 liam Carrado, Mr~. Sophie CarRev. John J. Murphy roll, Alice Cashman. $100 Mr. &. Mrs. Robert Caswell, Anonymous, Dr. & Mrs. Mr. &. Mrs. E. Cipriani, William Robert Durant, In Memory of Clark, Mr. &. Mrs. Jorge CorEdward: Lyons, Dr. ,& Mrs. reia, Mis. GeorgeCroni~. Joseph .Baldwin, Dr. & Mrs. H. T. Dahoney, Lillian DayJoseph Buckley, Mrs. Nora E.,: ton Mr. &. Mrs. E. Desrosiers, Kenney, 'Dr. &. Mrs. Robert Mr. &. Mrs. Edmund ,Desrosier, Small. Mr. &. Mrs. Ouier Desro~iers. $50 James.•Durant, Mr. &. Mrs. Mr. St'Mrs. John B. O'Rourke, Anonymous, Dr. Orrin Hall, John W. Durant, Mrs. Lewis Mr. &.. Mrs. Philip Tripp, Dutra, Mr. &. Mrs. Norman Edwards, Mr. &. ·Mrs. Roland FarAnonymous. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Dunn, land. Mr. &. Mrs. Albert Gamba, Gertrude & Mary Gleason, Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Harrington, Jr., Mr. Mr. &. Mrs. Hugh C. Gillis, Mr. &. Mrs. Raymond Gosselin, Mrs. & Mrs. Timothy Keating. Timothy Haggerty, Mr. &. Mrs. Jeremiah J. Kelleh~r Arthur Hart. $45 ' , AWAJRO WINNER: Clau-Anonymous, Mr. &. Mrs. Mary & Winifred Keneally dette Bequlieu, senior at Arthur Harwood, Mr. &. Mrs. $40 James Hayes, 1\1;r. &. Mrs. Jesus-Mary Academy, is winJohn, Theresa & Ruth HarThomas Healey, Mr. &. Mrs. Herney, St. Lawrence Couples Club ner of all alumnae scholarman Heuberger. ship to C!1.therine Laboure $3'7 Mrs. Katherine Holmes, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Moore &. &. Mrs. Raymond Hunt, Roland School of 't-Jursing. Society family . prefect anil honor society Isabel, Mr. &. Mrs. Theodore $30 , Jonas, Anonymous. vice-president at Jesus-Mary, Anonymous, Mr. &. Mrs. Fran,k Mr. &. Mrs. Andrew Kennedy, she is the rhughter of Mr. Manna,' I;>orothy Curry. Mr. &. Mrs. Byron 'Lake, L. B. Larkin, Mr. &. Mrs. Raymond 'and Mrs. Napoleon Beaulieu, $25 Somerset. Dr. &. Mrs. Alfred Crowe, LeValley, Mr. &. Mrs. J. Trefor Patricia Duce, Mr. &. Mrs. W. Lewis. Duce, Mr. &. Mrs. Lawrence FinMr.' &. Mrs. Walter Loveridge, Mr. & Mrs. James Pallatroni. ni, Dr. &. Mrs. G. Foster. Katherine Mahoney, Mrs. Agnes Mr. &. Mrs. Adolphe Plante, Raymond J. GriHin, Jr., Ppil- Moriarty, ,Bernard Murphy, Mrs. Augustus Ponte,' Beve,rley A. lip J. Kane, Mr. &. Mrs. Paul Daniel Murphy. Ponte, Mrs. Philip Proctor, Mr. Saunders, Mr. &. Mrs. Albert Philip Adanis, Mr. &. Mrs~ AI& Mrs. J. Henry Quinn. Silva, Anonymous. bert' Attridge, Mr. &. Mrs. Robert Reney, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph R. Kiernan, Einilie,:l Bessette, Mrs. Marie L. Llewellyn V. Roberts, Mrs. AnMr. &. Mrs. Thomas Beedem, Cambra, James Carr, Sr. Vincent Brimley, Elizabeth CalMrs. Alice Collins, Mr. &. Mrs. nie Roderick, Dr. & Mrs. Fredelahan, Eli~beth 'CassidY. Philip Colomb, Joseph Connolly, ric A. Riley, Mr. & Mrs. Adlei Mr. &. Mrs. John Clauretie, John Curry; III, John &. Mat- Sawyer. Mr. & Mrs. George Schinas, Mr. &. Mrs. Nelson Dumaine, thew Donovan: Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph Kelleher, Agnes Driscoll, Mr. &. Mrs. Mr. & , Mrs. Donald Sciscento, Mr. &:, Mrs. Robert Shea. Mr. & Anonymous, Meggison Family. Da~iel Driscoll, J.l.[r. &. Mrs. Mrs. Pemberton Nye, Mr. &. Chester Eldridge" Mr. &. Mrs.. Mr.s. Francis Sheehan, Isabel L. Sylvia. Mrs. Edward L. Ryan, Mr. &. Albert Fis~er, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Wood. Emile Genest. Mark Sullivan,' Mr. & Mrs. William J. O'Brien Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Lawr'ence Vera, Mr. & Mrs., $20 ., Charles Bramwell" Mr. &. Mrs. Merton Walker. Mrs. Leonard Whitehead, Mr. & Mrs, William Anna M. Brady, Mr. &. Mrs. Edward Burke, Mr. &. Mrs. Edward J. Harrington, Mr. & Francis Connors, Mr. & Mrs. J. Winsper. Mrs. Edward F: Harrington, Mr. Edward Doody. Anonymous, Mrs. Hazel Mur&. Mrs. William H. King, Dr. & Mr. '&. Mrs.' William Furey, phy, Mrs. Mary E. Murphy. Mr. Mrs. Aubrey J. Pothier. . ' Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph Gendron, Mr. & Mrs. Owen Murphy, Mary Mr. & Mrs. John Tweedie, Mr. &' Mrs. Angus Gillis. Mary MacFarlane. & Mrs. John T. Curry, Jr., Mr. Louise Horne, Mr. &. Mrs. RobEdward McGrath, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Daniel. Dwyer, Mr. & ert Horne. Anthony Nobrega, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Edward Mitchell, Mr. &. Joyce Johnson, Mr. &, Mrs. M. Norton, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Mrs. Louis Perras. Arnold Manghan, Mr. & Mrs. Nunes, Elizabeth F. O'Brien. Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. John Earl Manning, Helen Murphy, Helen O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs'. Gardiner, Mr. &. Mrs. William Anna T. McGlyrin. Humphrey, Mr. &. Mrs. James Harriet McGlynn, Patricia John O'Brien, Mary O'Brien, Mr. A. Ryan, Mr. &. Mrs. Francis McGlynn, Helen F. McGurk, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Oliver, Mrs. Eliza':' Shurtleff. & :Mrs. William O'Brien, Gene:' be~h O~J.I.[alley. Helena Paine, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Mary Wheaton, Mrs. vieve O'Connor. James Golqrick, Al}onymous, Charles J. Pires, Mr. & Mrs. Sebastian Parisi, Eugenia Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ward. Louis'. J. RaCine; Mr. & Mrs. Barbara Peters, Mrs. Olga Perry. Mrs. Anile Porter, James Por., Mr. &. Mrs. Thomas F. A~len Gerard. Rivet, Mrs. Gerald Helen Morrison. Roche,. t~r, Mr. & Mrs. WiliiamReedY~ $15' Mr. &. Mrs. Edmund, Santos, Mr. & Mrs; George Rhoads, Mr. Martin Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Josephine Scully, Mrs. Kathe~ & Mrs. Raymond Rivard. Alfred, ,Coutu, Mr. &. Mrs. Joh,n rine Sherma'n, -Mr. & Mrs.:Henry : ' . M~. ~ Mrs. J. F. Robinson, F. Goggin, Mr. &. Mrs. John: P.'· 'Silveira, Suzanne VanCleft. Mrs. Mary Rosen, Mr. & Mrs: Harney, Ida & Louise Hoye.· Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wane,t, Mr. A. Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Oswald Alice &. Lillian Livesey, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Barboza, ¥r. & Senesac" T~omas Sheerin. &. Mrs. Joseph MacFarlane, Mrs. Mrs. Kenneth Burke, Mary Ellen Helen Stager" Mrs. ' Catherine Mary Mahon, Mr.,·& Mrs. Curry, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Curry. Sullivan, Eleanor Sullivan, Mrs. Thomas Parker, Jr., Mrs. A. S. Mr. &. Mrs. James Dixon, Mr. " Emma T. Sullivan, Mary Sulli~ Pedersen. . ' & Mrs. James Doyle, Mr. & Mrs. van. Mr. & Mrs. Jo~eph Peters, Mr. Philip Dreaddy,. Mr. &. Mrs. Mr. &. .Mrs.. Robert Sullivan; .~ Mrs. Eugene Sheerin, ,Mr.' & Francis Foley, Margaret Foley. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Sylvia, Mr. Mrs. John Stager, Agnes White, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Fredette, Mr. & Mrs. J. 'Theodore, Mr. & Mrs~ Mr. &' Mrs. Fergus Bolton., & Mrs. Christopher Limerick, A. Tobia'ssen, Mr. & Mrs. Elmore Mr.'; & Mrs. Charles Berry, Ann & Bridget Normoyle, Mary Tr.eiIdup; , . Francil; Gillin, Mr. & Mrs. Odee " P.:'Norton, Mr., &,.Mrs. Edward ).\tir:& Mrs. Allan Wall, Mr. & , Landry, Mr. ',& Mrs., Thomas O ' B ' r i e n . . ,.. ~ ., Mrs. Arthur Walsh, Mr. & Mrs, Long'jHannah'Reilly. Mr.. & Mrs.' Matthew Perry, John D. Zygiel. Mary Coholan, Ambrose Smith Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rousseau, Mr. George 'Breen, Mr. & Mrs; family; . & Mrs. John Starkie, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brennan" Mrs. Nelli~ Mr. '& Mrs., William Barter' Henry Szynal, Mr. & Mrs. James Brown, Edward Carney, Mrs. Mrs:: Anne E. Hooper Wooler. Margaret ,Carpenter. ~ ., $12' Mr. & Mrs. Leo Gallagher, Mr. & Mrs. Raym~nd Carter, Mrs., T: William Clynes, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Willis Gcrodwin, Mr. &. Mrs. Roy. Mason, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Charles Gosselin, Mr. Edward Dreaddy, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mattos, Mr. & " Mrs. & Mrs. Edwin Gwozdz, David' Owen Flem~ng, ·Geo.rge Harringl ton, Mr., '& .Mrs; ,Donald Leaver~ Austin L. Whittey, Mr. & Mrs. Hickey.' ,.' ", Mr. & Mrs. Francis O'Brien;, Dennis Abrantes. Mrs. Margaret Jackson, Mr. Mr. ,& Mrs. E. T. Baiboni, &, Mrs.' Harry Hunt, EV'elyn' Mr. & Mrs. Americo Olival, 'Mr,. Julia 'E. Barry, Mr." & Mrs. Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kelley, & Mrs. Henry Perry, Mary Win';' sper, Samuel F. Winsper. Francis FonSeca, Grace Gon- Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kelley. salves;; Mr. & Mrs. James KearGeorge Law, Mr. & Mrs. ST. ANNE'S ney. Henry Leadbetter, Frances V. Maybelle Keefe, Mr. & Mrs. Maher, Mr. & Mrs. Frank $100 Paul .Malone, Helen McGr.ath, Mahon, ·Mr. & Mrs. Frank ManRev. Armand J .. Levasseur Mr. & Mrs. O. Theberge, Mrs. ning. St. V.incent de Paul Society of Laura Lamarre. Mr. &; Mrs. Edward ,G. Mello, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Demers, Jr., Florence E. Menard, Polly St. Anne's Parish Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Keeping, & Grace Moore, Amos J. Morris, $'75 Mr. & Mrs. John Lally, Walter Albert Murray. . ' Rev. Arthur C. Levesque Lalor, Mr. & Mrs. H. MooreMr. & Mrs. Philip Murray, $20 head. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McCarthy, 1iIIr~ & Mrs. Leo Bolduc $10 Mr. ,& Mrs. Albert E. Mc, $10 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Audette, Gaughey, Jean' McGinnis, Mr. :Mr. & Mrs. Eric E. Besso, Mrs. '&. Mrs. Edward Norton. LUc Normand" Mr. &. Mrs. Mr. &' Mrs~' William O~Don Maurice De~utels, Mr. & Mrs. Helen Bowcock '& Marg~ret, Mrs. Hilda L. Briggs, Mr:&·Mn. n~il, Mr. &. Mrs.'~hn O:M:alleY" ~~e GOulet, Mr. & Mrs. ,Ald~ Norman Brittain. . Mary Osbonie, StepbeD.· Osborne, Lafrance, -Cercle ChamplalA. .'
THEANCH('''' ::"cese of Fall Riyer-:-Thurs.
Ne'w Bedford Celia, Or. & Mrs. Benjamin Elizabeth 5200 Winn, Mr. Vincent WorA Friend den, Mr. & ~ene Alfonso. J50 Mr. & : '::ld Bergeron, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Coholan, Mrs. Mary i. 'Charles' A. Mrs. John Puff, Rev. Albert Christie, 1'Mrs. Jame!l Shovelton, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Curry, Mro ~~t J. Finch, Kirwin. Mr. & Mrs. ~ 'lice Foy. Elizabeth 11.1:. Phaneuf,' Mary Mr. & II': ';~ph Gerrard, E. Whelan. Mrs. Floren' '1 driekson , Mr. & Mrs; Wa 1 $40 ", Martin, WilRobert C.B~ncroft, Harriet liam McAvo.:' & Mrs. Wal- . M. Perry.' ter McCorm $30 Kathleen' ''1hlin, Dr. & Agnes Tiernan, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. H. F. ~'~r, Agnes L. Thomas Rogers O'Rourke, !' ~~ '\irs. Armand $25 Pereira, Lor '- ~. Phaneuf. In Memory o'~ Mr. & Mrs. TimMary E. F -- '''r, Mr. & Mrs. othy J .. Sullivan and Agnes G. John Phola" " .. & Mrs. John Polycarpo, n. Rita Ramos, Sullivan. Mr. & 'Mr, T', ~mas Reagan, George Swansey and Catherine Mary G. Santos, Mr. & Mrs. Swansey Peter Schoorens, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. Byron Ford Mrs. Edward Arnett & John Vincent Shea, Loretta Sillery, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sousa. Arnett, Mr. & Mrs. James BolJean Storer, Mr. & Mrs. John ton, Mr. & Mrs; Fred Brother- Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur son, Helen Crowley, 'Vincent Arruda, Mary Boyle, Mrs. Mary Corry. I A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. John C. T,~oy e, Mr. ,& Mrs. Andrew DeTerra,' Martin, Frances Whelen, Mr. & Jr., Mrs. Thomas Galligan, Mrs. James A. Worden,Mr. & James Kilbride, Mr. & Mrs. AnMrs. Henry Tavares. drew O'Neill, Mr. & Mrs. Her-. $20 man Saunders. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew McAvoy, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony TheoA.~na McGurk, Mr. & Mrs. Leo _ dore, Helen Walsh, Mr. & Mrs•. Telesrilanick, Mrs. Milton Viera, , George Young, Mr. & Mrs. John Brig. Gen. & Mrs. Charles B. Hartley, Mrs. Annie Keenan,'" Clavin, Mr. & Mrs. George Mr., & Mrs. Edward Ramshead. ,_ Sheehan, Dr. Joseph Gleason. Mr. & Mrs. William Burns, Mr. :. Mr. &: Mrs. Luke Smith & Mrs. Charlesc:osta, Mrs. Gor- ,',' $15 don B. Rt:ggles, Mr. & Mi's. Wil~ Mr. ,& Mrs. John J. Barry, liam, Wood. _ John Quinn, August Dutra, Jr. Helen AHard, Mr. & Mrs. Ed& Robe.rta Dutra,' Mr. & Mrs.. ward· Counsell, Mr. & Mrs. Bene,;, , Roland Lepire, Mr. & Mrs. diet J. Harrison, Mr. & Mrs. Sal'r).Uel Madruga. James Krynicki, Joseph O'Brien. Mr. ·&·Mrs. Manuel Nunes, Mr.. & Mrs. Arnold Parsons, Mr. & ST. MARY Mr~s Alexander Whelan, Mrs. Everett L. Emery. $'75 $12 Mr. & Mrs, Richard Vallado2 A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Enrico $25 Picinisco; Jr., Mr. & Mrs. MiMr. & Mrs. Francis Lawlor,. chael Feeley. Mr. ,& Mrs. Theodore Ziemba , $10 , $15 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Almeida, Dr. Augustus McKenna, Co-Eileen Backus, Mr. & Mrs. . rella McKenna, Genevieve McChristopher J. Baines, Richard ;Kenna. L. Ball, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas $10 Barrett. . Mr.. & Mrs. Austin Manning," Mrs. Mary Bauer &. John Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Charles Vardo, The Mr. & Mrs. Harold F. Baylies, Mullen family, Donald Gosselin, Mr. & Mrs. !.Quis Boudreau,' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Newsham. Annie Brennan, Thoplas BrenMrs. Irene Kauffman, Mrs. nan. Ada Allard, Mr. & Mrs. Morris Adeline M. Carvalho, Isabel Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. Alexander CarVlj,lho, Virginia Carvalho, Nicholas, Mrs. Mary Senecal. Mrs. Dorothy Chapman, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Griffiths, Mrs. Ernest C~ieoine, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Rod. Lussier, Mr. & Mrs. 'Anibal Enos, Mrs. Karl Mrs. Leon Hebert, Mr. & Mrs. Farnworth, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Joseph Nunes, Mr. & Mrs. John' E. Francis, A Friend, Anne GarNuttaU, Mr. & Mrs. Louis side. Began. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Harney, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Betten:' Edward Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. court, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Walsh. Francis S. Holt, Mr. &' Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Brun. Arsene Houle, Mr. &' Mrs. Leo The' Dexter family Kavanaugh, Jr. Mr. &. Mrs. Edward Leary, Mrs, Evelyn Levesque, Mr. & Mrs. John H. Mahoney, Mr. & Mrs. Elmo McAuliffe, Mr. &. Mrs. Henry Ouimet. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pacheco BUSINESS AND Mr. & Mrs. Harold pItts, Mr. &: DUPLICATING MACHINES Mrs.. ,Charles Reed, William Second and Morgan Sts. Ree.d, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rezendes. 1\'Ir. &. Mrs. Lionel J. Sears, 'FALL RIVER Mr. & .Mrs. Manuel Sylvia, Mrs:' WY 2-0682 OS 9-6712 Eleanor Tavares, Mary Walsh , E. J. ¥cGINN. Pro'p. Mrs. William.~alsh. ' ·ST. JAMES
,', B~Y ':":' TitY
OLDSMOBILE Olasmobile-Peugot-Renault 67'
Middle Street. Fal:haven
R. A. WI LCOX CO., ,., ·.22 iEbFoRD ST.
FAll RIVEI 5-7138
Sales & Service 501 COUNTY ST. NEW BEDfORD
,WY 3·1751
". $30
,:HE ANCHOR,:;- "" '. ",,', .. ',$10 ' ., Thurs.., 'June 7', 1962,.. , Mr.' &" Mrs: Peter" Coilia's," . Emily Downey, Ann McAvoy, Mr, &. Mrs. Leverett Teague, Mrs. Wallace Fairbanks. HOLY NAME -Mr. & Mrs. John O'Day, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cote, Mr. & Mrs. $100 I Ernest Tessier, Mrs. James A. .Holy Name Conference, St. Bradshaw, Mr. &' Mrs. Arthur "incent de Paul ·M,cAndrew. $50 Thomas & Gertrude Sullivan, Dr. Ambrose F. Finnell Mr. & Mr~. Edwa~d Thompson' , $25 Ruth' Quinn, JyIary McNally, Mr. Mrs. Eleanor Benac family, &, Mrs. Fazio. , C&ertrude & Loretta M. Daley, . Mary Harrington, Mr, & Mrs. Edward Duggan. Harry Sears, Jr., Mr. & ,Mrs. EdMrs. ,Theresa Blossom and Rita ward Carey, Mr."& Mrs. Robert Gagnon, 'Mr. & Mrs:' James J.McGlY~n Saunders. $20 , Mr. & Mrs. Bradley McDer~aymond Lima, Mr. &, Mrs. mott, . Patricia Sullivan; Mr. & William P. Powers, Grac'e & Teresa Sheehan, James ,Wilson, Mrs. Thomas Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Doherty, Peter HodJr. ' nett. ' , Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Gunning Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sullivan &. $15 Mrs. Agnes Maurer, Mr. & Mrs. James J. Gleason,: Joseph F. Joseph Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Ed::' Gorman, Albert Hill, Mrs. JO,hn ward Monarch, William Steele. O'Brien,. Harold D. P. Ryan. Florence B. Austin, Mrs. Ger,John J. O'Neil ald G. Beekman, Mr. & Mrs. $12 Joseph Fournier. ' ' In Memory, of Thomas' A: Mr., & Mrs. Daniel :Netto . Dury. Mrs. Anita Carrollton, Mary 'Edward Bruce L. O'Neil '
Joseph M. Morris?ft
New Bedford
, $10
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pinsonneault, Sheila Higgins, Mary Noon, Mary E. Kilroy, Mr. & Mrs. John Bevilacqua. In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Michael', J. Foran, ·Mr.' &. Mrs. Louis P. Moore, Dr: & Mrs. Hilary White.
$20 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Biszko, Mr. & Mrs. James Judge, The Cusack Family. '
$15 Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Blouin, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Delahanty, In memory of Thomas' & Agnes ,Kilroy, Mr. & lViI'S. Donald Charest. $~2
Mr. & Mrs. John Souza, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Oliveira.
$10 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Mousseau, Ronald Zmuda; Mr. & Mrs. Howrad Duperre, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Richard, Mr. & Mrs. Normand Cournoyer. Mr. & Mrs. Forest Mills, William T. O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Arruda, Mr. & Mrs. Ed., ward Haponik, Mr. & Mrs. Frank,
ST. ,ANTHONY OF ,DESERT Frank Bures, Mr. & Mrs. Jere. miah Carey, Mrs. Catherine SCHOLARSHIP Jean Wiles receives' Mr. & Mrs. '$10 ' ""'". Carney, Alfred Choquette, Mrs. CYO of the Parish, Mr. & Mrs. Father Charles R. .SmIth scholarshIp award from Rever~nd ,William Zebrasky, Robert ReyHelen K. Cole. . Nasib Shaker, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Edward F. DowlIng, pastor of Immaculate ConceptIon nolds, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kuss, . Patrick Conlan, Mr. & Mrs. Saab, Mr. & Mrs. George' Shaker, Church, Fall River. At right, Mrs. Harold Ward,president-, Mr. & Mrs. Fr:a,ncis Roarke. Arthur Cormier, Alice M. pav!s, Mrs. Elias Swidey, Faris & of the Women's Guild organization sponsoring scholarship. Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCarthy, ' Hazel E. D'avis, Hugh ,Finnerty. ... '" ,' , '. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Guilfoy & Philip Massoud. Joseph & Jul~a Foley, George Eileen, John Bartoga, Herbert Galipeau, Anthony . Goyoni, William Lowney, Mr. & Mrs. Farias, Mr. & William Car~T. W~LLlAM'S Ernest L' Abbe, Stephen LedFred'McCarty, John & Mary roll. $500 McCrosson, Mr. & Mrs. John Mcwell. SS. PETER AND PAUL Henry Hopkins, Mr. & Mrs. J. Joseph Marshall, James G. Gough, Isabel McMillan. Rt. Rev. Raymond T. ConsiJames Shea, M,rs. Mary Klaege, $75 Means, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel dine Mr. & Mrs. Frank Machado, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Cipollini, Mr.. John J. Tyrrell Mello, Leonard, Miranda, Mrs. $75 Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Macomber, & Mrs. Louis Chasse. , Rev. James A. McCarthy The Mahoney· Family, Agnes Joseph O'Brien. $60 A friend, A friend, A friend, Elmer Paul, Jessie Ponte,. Mr. The Daly Family , Mason, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Miller$25 Mr. & Mrs. John Blake, Mrs. & Mrs. Emile J. Reale, James A. ' ick. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Wood $50 Catherine Winslow. Rice, John H. Riley. Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Miranda, John Connelly Joseph Conaty Mary Burke, Mr. '& Mrs. Roy Joseph Rita, Hugh J. ShanaMr. & Mrs. Carl Mithers, James Robinson, Mrs. Verna Williams, $20 $40 han, Sr., Fred Souza, Albert W. M. Moran, Mr: & Mrs. David Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Souza, Mrs. Mr. & ,Mrs. Horace Hall, Mr. & Peter & Mary Gal'ity Strong, Mr, & Mrs. Daniel SulMott, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mul- . James G: Lee. Mrs. Roland Thibault, $35 ' cahy. . livan. Everett Benevides, Mrs. Lillian $10 Mr. & Mrs. Francis G. Taylor James Sullivan, Angelo TalesMrs. Pauline Murphy, Mr. & Lovenbury, Mr. & Mrs. George Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gardella, Mr. manik, B e'r n a I'd Vercellone, Mrs. Napoleon' Ploude, Mr. & Rachel, Mr. &. Mrs. Raymond $30 & Ml's. John Bushell, Mr. & Mrs. Charles 'Weaver, The Misses : Daniel Carvalho, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. James Quinn; Lillian Rob- ,Morin, Mr..& Mrs. Alfred MenMargaret Constantine Mary: Elizabeth & Agnes Yates. ert,s, Mr. & Mrs. George Rocha. ard. Mr. & Mrs. Charles HodkinGeorge Manchester, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Blanchard,' Cecilia, Honorate Marcella. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel· Shea, " . son Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Walsh, Casey, Mrs. hene Daniels, Rose Charles SUIJivan, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs: Ralph Audet, Mr. & $25 Mr. & Mrs. ,Raymond ,Holen, Roderique,' Joseph Ste. Marie, Mr. & fVIrs. Edward Shaw, Mr. Gerald Sullivan, Mary Tansey, Mrs.•iose'ph Guidotti, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Helen' Burke, Matthew Thomas J. Sweeney, John Wrigq.t & Mrs. Fred ChleJ:i'ek, 'Mrs. HowMrs. Agnes Tavis. Donald Waterh'ouse, Mrs. WilBurke, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas FarMrs. LilEan Baldwin, Charles Mr. & Mrs. James Taylor, Mr. liam Atkinson. ard Worthington, Mr. &, Mrs. ren; Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rodgers, M. Brennan, Mr. & Mrs. James & :Mrs. G,eorge Vibberts, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Hart, Mrs. Henry Swist. ' The Sweeney Family. Bryan, William J. Carter, Jr., Louise Waskiel, The Wilkinson Alexandet- Krol, Mr. & Mrs. Mr: & Mrs. David Cabral, Mr. $20 Kathleen Coholan. ' & Mrs. Edward Breault, Mr. & Family, ,Mr.. & Mrs. Thomas James Fitzgerald, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Quirk, Mr. Walsh & KaY-Walsh. . ~ouise Coholan, In Memory of Dennis 'Sullivan, Mrs., Mary Mrs. Stanley Prezalar,. Mar~' & Mrs. James Rogers. John F. & Catherine A. Daley, Mr. & ,Mrs. Wilfred Autote, Veronica King. Burrows, William Burrows, Rose Mrs. Lillian Cabucio, Mr. & Raymond Damm, Gregory Derby, Mark Bell, Mrs. Charles Case, Mr. &' Mrs. Frank Labecki, Lopes. ' Mrs7Raymond Dooley, Eileen Alice Donovan. Mr. & Mrs. George Caya, Mr. & Mrs. Helen Sulliv:an, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Harold Robinson, Mr. & , Elizabeth Donovan, Joseph ,Mrs. franklin Manning, Mr, ~ :Keavy, John & Ursula Lynch. Mrs. Thomas Connelly. Gerard Brodeur, Mr. & Mrs. Dury, Marie' Harrington, Ancient Mr. & Mrs. James M. Cox, Mr. $16 George Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Rene Mrs. Joseph Shaw, Mary, Frank, Order of Hibernians, Div. 9, Mrs. & Mrs. Peter Cummings, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kelly Marois. Rose Harrington, Frank Corgino, Mary Neitsch, Pres. Mrs. Charles Dumais, Mrs. Mary Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Fletcher, Mrs. John Potts. $15 Robert Kramer, Charles MouDunlea, Mr. & Mrs. Shaun 'FitzMr. & Mrs. Joset?h White, Mr. & The Daley Family, Mr. & Mrs. sette, John Mulligan, Mrs. Henry patrick. Mrs. :t'rederick Delahunt. SANTO CHRISTO John Falvey, Eileen & William Potvin & Mrs. Margaret Potvin. Elizabeth Grace, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Gasior, Farren, Mrs. Frank Finneran, John Ryan, Hugh J. Shanahan, Herbert Hayden, Mr. & Mrs. Ed$250 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Leary, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. William Garvey. Jr., Edmund Tavares, Robert , mund Humphreys, Bernard Kel'Rey. Arthur C. dos Reis Mrs. Daniel Massey, Mr. & Mrs. The Booth Family Tessier, Edward J. Tighe, Sr. ly & Angela Maitland, Mr. & Willie Holmes. $100 Mrs. John King. $10 Representative Manuel C. Faria Mr. & Mrs. John Lawlor, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Allaire, $75 Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Alvernaz, Mr. .& Mrs. William Lomax', Mr. & Rev. Daniel L. Freitas CARLISLE M~s. James Lynch, Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Vidor ,Antaya, Ida & ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA $50 Joseph Mendonca, Anne 'Marie John Bagnall, Mr. &. Mrs. George GUEST HOUSE Dr. Raymond R. Costa Murray. Bernard.' ' $10 26 North Water Street $35 . Mr. & Mrs: Manuel Brilhante; . A.' Loretta O'Neil;' .James lY. Dr. Francis Petrone, Mrs. Mi. & Mrs. John Brilhahte Helen Parker, Mrs. Mary Pimen~ Nant.ucket, Mass. The. Britland 7amily, Charlotte Elizabeth Gunderman, Edward , $25 . t,a~, Mr. & Mrs~ James Richard, Britland, Julia Cahill, Mr. & Machado. Dr. &. Mrs. Leonard Borges' NOREEN SHEA" mClnoger, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Richards. . Mrs. Thomas Callahan. $12 Mrs. Mary Shannon, Mr. & Mrs. Maria. Carreiro, Mr. & ST. JOSEPH TEL. 228"0720 '~r.-& Mrs. Antone Souza Mrs. Arthur Smith, Alice' G. Mrs. Stanley Chrupcala; Mr: & , . $10, $100 Stanton, Charles Sullivan, Mr. Mrs. Everett Cowell, Henry ~.".' Allen J. McDermott, & Mrs. Jame~ Su'nderland. Creighton, Mr. & Mrs. Francis ,Lau'reano Silva; EtEdvina Silva, _ - - - - - - - -...- -....... ;'i'!I )'. Croke. . . , St. Vincent de Paul' Society., 'Jesse·R. Cabral, Jos'e Antunes, Mr. & Mrs. Edward ,Walsh. MEN 17 ·'25' St. Joseph's Parish Mrs. Rose Crosson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph ~enevides. .'. JOIN THE NEW ST. PATRICK Jam'es Cyr, Mr. & Mrs. Americo. \ $75 Flora Moniz, Antonio Souza, Rev. James W. Clark Jr., Beatrice Cournoyer,. Manuel DeMarco; Mr.· & Mrs. Pasquale Society of Brothers of .$1,000 DiMartino, John E. Dolan. Carreiro, 'Louise . Carreiro. $50 Rt., Rev. 'Edmund J. Ward OurLadyofProvidence Mr. & Mrs. William Donavan, Beatrice Costa,' Joseph Borges, Dr. & Mrs. Louis E. Kroger Mr. Howard Duffy & Mrs. Anna, $75 Jose Silva,' Manue\ Cordeiro & In Memory of Rev. Joseph P. For information write to: Rev. Robert, ·S. Kaszynski . E. Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Du~. Family, Anibal Souza. .' Lyons FATHER MASTER' : $50 Manuel Furtado, Joseph Trav~ pont, Mr.' & Mrs. Alfred Gad,.. $35 St. Joseph the Worker ers, Manuel Cordeiro & Family, ' bois, Mr. & Mrs. James Garvey" In memory 'of Mr. & Mrs. Atty. Frank M. Silvia, Jr. Novitiate Mr. & Mrs. Leopold· Giroux, Lillian Diogenes, Anthony PaGeorge V. Broderick $25 Warwick Neck, R. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gonsalves, Mr. checo. . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Keefe Katherine Sullivan, Mr. & & Mrs. Harold Gray, Mr. & Mrs. Luiz Machado, Antonio BeneMrs. Leroy Borden, Raymond George Gregory, Patrick Hag.,.. vides & Family, George Furtado, == c:: 0Q0""' H. Williams. gerty.... .' , . : ,~ Mr. & Mrs. John Henrique, John $20 Mr.. & Mrs. Andrew Harriey, F. Moniz. . .... ,. Agnes & Louise O'Brien, Mr. Charles Harrington, Mr. &: Mrs:' Jaciritho Carvalho, Maria Pa& Mrs. James Downey, Mrs. J. Thomas 'Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. Wil.. ' checo, Clarice :Castro, Louis Harold Smith, Mary D. Sullivan, liam Heffernan, Mae Higgins. Oliveira, Rose Raposo. M~. & Mrs. Bernard Tomlinson'. Mr. & . Mrs. Pauf Holden, Mr. Estelle Mach~do, Vic tor & 'Mrs. Antone ,Howance, Mr.. & $i5 Aguiar, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred CarMrs. James Humphreys, Mr. & .. Douglas Law, Mr. & Mrs. reita, Mario Pereira, Joseph Mrs. William Jackson, Mr. & ,Manuel Felix, Mildred Powers, Medeiros.' , Mrs. Stanley Janick.. - , Mr. & Mrs. William Kelley, Joseph Souza, Alfred L. CamJames F Kan~ &, Family, Mr. pos, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Souza, Bliss Oil Company. & ·Mrs. William Lambert, Sr., Paul Gagne,. Joseph V. Medeiros. $12 . Mr. & Mrs. Maximiliano Ta-· Mr: & Mrs. William Lauzon, Mr. & Mrs: Richard Wiley, Chirence Lee l$;- Barbara, . Mrs. . ' UNION WHARf, FAIRHAVIEN Helen McAvoy, In Memory of vares. Maria Fontes, Marhi CabeRoland LePage. ceiras. James F. Gray. ,"';:;l:: ~ 6 c c c c c::l C C C c:x:l C C ecce co == c c.
~INNER: N~ncy,
CU~fiz~beth ~arlow,
Fall River
Fall River
=== = ======================
We Will Have""; While They Last King 'Size
MacLeanDs Sea Foods
= =
Fan River
$200 Dominican Fathers $100 . Dr. & Mrs. Paul DeViIlers , $40 Mr. & Mrs. Aime Giroux $25 A Friend $20 Edilbert Brault, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gendreau, St. Laurent Family. $15 Mr, & Mrs. Adrien Guay, Mr. & Mrs. William St. Georges, Pauline R. Sorel. Adelard Gauthier, Cedle Sutton. $12 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Beaulieu & Family, Adrienne Bouthillier. Mr. & Mrs. Benoit Canuel
$100 In Memory of Lucy M. McMahon $'75 Rev. Paul F. McCarrick Rev. Daniel F. Moriarty $50 In Memory of Charles W. Lynch Family $40 Gertrude O'Loughlin $25 Mrs. Elizabeth Denehy Mrs. Josephine Hurley Mary & Rose Hurley Margaret Lahey $20 Gertrude Sullivan, Eileen A. Sullivan, In Memory of John S. & Alice V. Moran, Mary, Margaret & Kathryn Dailey. $15 Mr. & Mrs. William Sewell, Mrs. Jere Holland, Mr. & Mrs Arthur Russell, Mr. & Mrs. Itobert Michell, Mr. & Mrs. Kendrick Reynolds. $10 William, Gilbert, Vineent Shea Mr. & Mrs. Russell Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Duckett, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Machado, Mr. & Mrs. Myles Standish, Grace' E. Kirby. , Mrs. Mary Silvia, Mrs. Sarah Wiley, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Demers, Mrs. Juliet Crawford, Margaret Riley. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Walsh. Mary J. Crawford, Mrs. Stephen O'Toole, Claire O'Toole, William Sullivan. Mr. & Mrs. James Melvin, Mr. & Mrs. .'James Comiskey, William Bradbury, Jr" Mr. & Mrs.William Bradbury, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Eagan. Mrs. Louise Ponton, Mrs. Catherine McGreavy, Mr. & Mrs. George Nolan, Mr. & Mrs. John Kirby, Anna Connerton. James Wingate, Sarah Booth, Raymond Fairhurst, Ann Dolan, Emma Wright. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Grace, Thomas Sullivan, Mary Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hawthorne, In Memory of Edward & Thomas F. Butler. Mrs. Agnes Chase,The Connors Family, Mr. &, Mrs. Leonard J. Dennis, Mrs. Margaret Dacey, Mrs. Rose Kidd. ' Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Benevides. James Sullivan, Mrs. Hannah Melvin, Mr. & Mrs. Rosado Marchese, Mr. & Mrs. George Kimball. In Memory of Charles E. Connors, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pacheco, Mr. & Mrs. .John S. Feeney. Jr., Mrs. Bertha Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Carroll. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Desrosier. Daniel Lehand & 'Son, Robert Coggeshall, Margaret Sullivan. John Russell. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Levell. Olive Quinn" Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pinkoski, Richard Sullivan, Helen Burns. Mr. & Mrs. 'Thomas E. Brown. ESPIRITO SANTO
Mr. & !Mrs. Ernest DeLalla $10 Mr. & 'Mrs. Antone Cam,pos. Mr. & Mrs. 'Edward Gibbons, Mr. & Mrs. John Salvo. Peter 'Cantelmo
Llone1Benudoin, RogerLauzon, Paul A. Bedard. OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS Carlos Silva
..'j ;
SlINGER: Arlene Arruda, Junior at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, . will represent Massachusetts at the New England Singing Competition, to be held in Baltimore this Fall. She will also sing at the Massachu-' setts State Teachers Convention in October.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Auclair, Bernadette Audette & Son, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Beaulieu, Adrienne Beauregard, Mr. & Mrs. Antonin Bedard. Alfred Bernard, Mr; & Mrs. Wilfrid Boulanger, Mr. & Mrs. Fernad Cote, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Dube, Gauthier Family. Mr. & Mrs. Herve Forcier, Mr. & Mrs.' Andre Giroux, Mr. &'. Mrs. Hector Lachance,Marie -~----------Lebeau, Mr.' & Mrs. Bertrand Joseph R. Casavant~ Yves Letendre. Coulombe, Ernest ' Ouellette, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Le- Joseph Laroche, Luden Laroche, vesq1,Je, Rose A. Medeiros, Mr. Leonidas Moreau, Wilfrid Des& Mrs. ,Andre Messier, Mr. & forges, Mr. & Mr,s. John Farrell, .Mrs. Eugene Morin, Mr. & Mrs. Edward' ,Sullivan, Donat LaAlbert Michaud. pointe. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rioux, ArthUr Audette & family, Muriel Roy, Anne Marie St.' Oscar Parker, Wilfrid Bourassa, 'Denis, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O. St. Antoine Croteau, Mrs. Adrienne Denis., Adeline Lavault. Theriault. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Paquette, Ernest Haslam, John Haslam. A Friend. Joseph LaFrance, Mrs. Clovis A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Jos. A. . Mayrand, Edna Clement. Paul Beauchesne, A Friend, Mrs. Rose Casavant, Manuel Correa, Cora Bernier, Mr. Alfred Bolduc. Ploude, Philias Ouellette & Mr. & Mrs. Georges Bouchard,' family Alphonse St, Pierre. Mrs. Helen Boucher & family, Azthur Desbiens, Edmond Alexandrine Collard, Leonie Dussault, Donat Blanchette, Mrs. Couillard & family, Blanche Francois-X. Vaillancourt, Mrs. Lapointe. Ellery Chace. , . Joseph Coulombe, Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Caron, Maurice BelanJohn Correiro, Mr. & Mrs. John ger, Diana Vidal, Mrs. Ovide Farias, Mr. & Mrs. Georges Pilotte; Louis Goyette. Fournier, Mr. & Mrs. Honorius Lucie Perron, Aphter Dauphi_ Goddu. nais & family, Michael Souza. Mr. & Mrs. William Kenney, Eugene Gagnon, A friend. Mr. & Mrs. Henri La"ierre, Mr. Raymond Francoeur, Alfred ,& Mrs. Lionel Lauzier,Bertha Caron. Roland Lamarre, Albina Martel, Mr. & Mrs. John Morro. & Alena Florence, Denerie BerAdele Ouellette, Romeo Pa-' geron. -queite, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pavao, Leo Turcotte, Joseph Lavoie. Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Leo Pelchat, Edmond St. Michel Mrs. Yv~nne Plante. Armand Patenaude; William Wilfred Foulin,Mr. & Mrs. Letendre. Joseph Remy, Mrs. Albert Azmand Gagnon, Leo Thibault, Savard, Bernadette Thibault, George Talbot,Wilfred Berube. 'file Misses Vezina. Joseph Dionne, Jean-Baptiste Mrs. Aurelie Francoeur Ouellette, Omer Martineau, Raymond Ouellette, Oscar Martel Lorraine Gaudreau,Herve VaiST. nAN-BAPTISTE llancourt, Charles E. Lavoie & $500 Family, Lionel Deschenes & Rt. Rev. M. P. L. Lariviere Family, Charles Lapointe. $100 Omer Blais. Leo Sullivan, Rene Rev. Donald E. Belanger Dupont, Raymond Melanson, $'75 Doris Patenaude. Rev. Maurice R. Jeffrey Lionel Dupont, Geor,ge Chabot. $52 Lucien Lamothe, Wayne Copass, Jean Demers Armand Desrosiers. $50 Donald Desilets. Joseph Lan'Marie-Ange & Alma Rouleau dry,Paul Lauzon, Anne-Marie $25 St. Yves, Albert Talbot, Paul Antoinette Michaud, Henry Talbot. ' Demers
$300 Rev. Joso V. Resendes $40 ' Rev. Manuel Andrade $10 Mr. Guillu!rme Clemente, ,Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel L.Oostn,.Mr.~,Mm. Manuel Costello, Mr. & Mrs. Philip LedQ. Mr. & Mrs. ,F.rank ,Matos. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Medeiros, David Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs. John Miranda, Mr. & Mrs. George Terceira. Hilda ,Valentin, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Jorge.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fait River-Thurs., June 7, 1962
Aurele Charest & family. Mrs. Alfred Desmarais & Jeanne, Albert Dufresne & Family. Lionel 'Desrosiers. _ $14 Octave 'Fluet & family $12 , Maurice ,Dore & ,family, Vincent Campbell
$10 , Armand Ther,oux, Aime Goyette, Azmand Desmarais, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bouchard, Armand Gauthier. Oscar Phenix, Albert Blan_ dlette, George Casavant, Albert :Laberge, Abel Morin. Manuel Raposa. Mrs. Charles Michaud. Alfred ,Berube. Henry Drapeau, .~t Ouellette. Cleophas Lauzon~ Leo Legauit, Napoleon Picard,Mrs. Armand Bellefeuille. 'Mrs. Muriel Gamache., ; . , George BOIsvert, Albert Ross, Thom'as 'Tache, Lon-aine Lavoie, AlIclde Breatilt. Emile Duvai & family, .Qvide Talbot, Pauline 'Talbot, Orner ,Brisson & £am:ily, Philippe LaFrance. Artllur Vidal, Noella Yokell.• Matthew Labecki, Dr. Donat J. Milot Edward Ouellette.
Worrk~ ~~ Me~cy
KOTTAYAM (NC) - Kerala State GovernorV. V. Giri, a Hindu, has 'paid tribute to the "noble services" of the Catholic Church in relieving human suffering. He spoke at the inauguration of an operation theater and an
X-ray room at Holy Ghost Mission Hospital here in India. The governor' cited Catholic work in hospitals homes for the poor and other charitable fields. "Only those who believe in God can render such noble services to humanity," he declared.
Top Round or Bottom R~Mnd
Super-Right Quality Heavy Steer Beef
Face Rump Roast
lop rtctWm1d Steak
i o@~
2 FOR 25'C '
Fresh Corn
6 EARS 39
Pineapple or Lemon Pieea49
FreshEggSGrade A'
2 DOZ 65c
ST. MICHAEL $50 St. Michael's Holy NameSoe. Manuel R. Machado $15 Gerald Silvia $10 Philomena Souza, Cosmo Cupolo, Maria· Pacheco, Raymond Pereira" F.raneis Curt. Manuel Aguiar. Camilo Viveiros, Manuel Carreiro, Delp'his 'Rioux, Antone Costa, Henry Letendre, Manuel Rezendes.
ST. LOUIS $10 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Mary Coute. Mr. Douglas Leeman.
2 L::GOZ 3SC' Jiffy Biscuit Mix Pork & leans SULTANA 31~~Z$1 2~~39C Hersheys Syrup SUPER· 120139 Luncheon Meal CAN RIGHT 3LB Spry Shortening "Bc CA N ISC L1~~~0129C A&P Purple plums 2 La 39C Sandwich Cremes PRINCESS COOKIES PKG Tide Detergent ~5c OFF" I.ABB. LARGE21ct SIZE C
Prlc" slIown In thl. ad _oed tbru SnL, ./uftt 9 a _u.. at ALL AlP Soper MarhU In lIl!I - I s ' a .I<lnltr TobaccD P _ ' a Items "",blbll<d bJ In aemP' f.... Plaid Stamp Offer.
New Bedford, Mass. CALL WY 2-5112 ~IEPAI~S
THE ANE:HOP-, ".- Shay, Dr..& Mrs; JohnCarvalbo, ' Thurs., June 7, 1962 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Phelan. --_...:..:.:.;::.:.::.:~:.;;,;.;.;;.....;.~..;.;.~ Mr. & Mrs. George L: Sisson Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Foley Fall Rnver Mr. & Mrs. Thomas. F. McSACRED HEART Guire ' Mr. & M,rs. William E. '$125 Crowther Mr. & Mrs. Jolin J. Coughlin $34' Adelaide C. Trainor Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Latessa
, .
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Cummirigs Dr. Edmund F. Neves Miss Agnes K. McNerney Mrs. Rose E. Sullivan Sacred Heart Conference-St. 'VJincent de Paul Society ,
Elizabeth Trainor Rev. John J. Regan $50
$30 "
$100 "
Rev.Paul G. Connolly $10.·
Bertha Ashworth, John Curry~ Rose Doherty, Francis L',Doolan, Milton Garvin. SamueL):; ;Pullen,"Mr. "& Mrs. Donald Ralph, G~rard Goy,ette, Lucy Firlit, Mrs. Germaine Talman. Mrs. 'Irving Goss; John Kostek, Mrs. Michael Firlit, Mrs. Leon Russell, Mrs. Frank Labounty. Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Cadieux, Thomas Brown; Mr. & Mrs.Joseph Medeiros, Sarah Firth, Mrs. Anna M. Simpson. ' Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Arruda; Mr. & Mrs. Theodor~ Cabral, Mrs. Elizabeth Ferraro, Grace Hindle.
George Driscoll, $25
Mr. & Mrs. John Keating Mrs. John Welch Mr. & Mrs. J. T. C. McGuire, Mr. & Mrs. Micha~l Hanley & family, Vincent M. Fitzgerald. Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Lynch $20
Rev. James F. Buckley, Charles P. Ryan, Catherine Trai~or, In memory of Michael J. & Cather- , IDe ,F.. Coughlin, Fran~es C. Sh;aughnessy. Sacred Heart Men's Club '.
Mr. & Mrs. William Aylward, Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Golitz Mr: '& Mrs. William Costa $15
Mary A. Dolan' Mr. & Mrs. John Halligan
$12 '
Rev. Maurice Souza
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas,F. Powers
. '. $10,
' $50 '
Sou~, Mrs. Mary 'W.Higgins, Amia .. ,$10" BOWLING CHAMPS:' Fall:River., area '-CYO bowling ,L. Sullivan, Mrs. Edgar Stanton, Manuel Faria, Arthur Garcia, , $25· ' Catherine Shea; Dr. & Mrs. AI- champs, from left, Ronald Jasmin, St.,' Jean 'Baptiste,: boys' A Friend,' Paul Gaudreau, John , in memo~ of' Isabelle A. fred Roy. " , high three scor~r; Elaine Berard, Notre D~me"girls' high .torgeJr:' ' . ' . '~o,rey,' ,~'. _. , ' " " Mr.'&: Mrs. James R: Sullivan, three scorer; Edward Gagnon, Notre Dame~ most valua,ble Seraphim Machado, Frank 'Nestor G. Silva, Patricf' J.' Mr. &; Mrs. Thomas Cullen, Mr. boy; Jo Ann Beranrad, HolyR'osary, most valuable 'girl. ' Pacheco, Mary Peckham, Antone l'1eming, Mr. & Mrs. John, P. & Mrs. David A. J. Burns, Mr. Maria Pontes. Notre' Dame team won the team trophy and Paul Nogueira Pimentel, Fleming, In Memory of Joseph & Mrs. Louis Gleason, Mr: & John Rego, Joseph' Rodrigues, .;..r McManus,' In Memory of Mrs. Mrs. R. F. McConnell. memorial trophy. ' Ed~ard Simard, Theresa Vieira• . Mary E: Hargraves.' Mrs. Edward J. Burke, Mr. & . ': $20 Mrs. J. J. Donnelly, Jr., Thomas NOTRE DAME DE LOURDES , Mr.&· Mrs. Jarpes R.' Mitchell Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond John D. Carmichael Conboy, Mr. '& Mrs: Russell $50 Thomas .Fleming, James Con- Pichette. M;r. & Mrs. Antonio Lagasse oors. Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Stafford, $25 . .. $15 Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Stafford, INSH.t:R'!'.llLdJ:, I.-utA, ~.ttE W\,h.~..;j !"O~ NO',nili'llG 18 Notre Dame Council of CathJohn M. Malloy, Kathleen Gal- Sr., Mrs. Valada Riedel, Mr. & 'HOURS A DAY" TREATING ABANDONED LEPERS •.• IN olic Women Jery, Jo'seph ~T. Donnelly, ,Sr., Mrs. Arthur Donovan, Mr. & , t:!. t rh ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA, she , A 'Friend Honor L, Toohey, Sarah C. ,Hal- Mrs. Joseph T. Canniff. ' ~~~ ~'J,. stands in the heat outside of the Mr. & Mrs. Normand Durette ligan, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond, F. Mr. & Mrs. William Higgins, , \I'd' Cathedral, ,giving medicine and food Mr. Rene H. Bernier Powers. Mr. & _Mrs. Thomas Norton, ~ ~. to the sick, the tired" the poor ••• In $20 Hugh F. Reilly, E. Louise Kathryn F. & John,Sullivan, ClJ '0 ABU-DIS, near JERUSALE,M, she The Courchaine" & Bouchard Beattie. : " 'Mrs. James Kearns, Sullivan Family, Mr. & Mrs. Orner Harri~ comforts the aged, protects the blind, 'Alice Harding, Mr. & Mrs. family. . She, teaches the catechism In son; Family Georges Migneault. )lorman J. Meyer. Finglas family, Mr. & Mrs. J. . . I '$12 + LEBANON AND GAZA, gives' or· $12 J. Mitchell, Mrs. Charles E. ,phans a home' In,' ,IRAQ, Instructl Family Eugene Heon, Family ciames H. Hoyle, Jr. Brady, Mary J. Higgins, Haimah Leo Larocque, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Moslems-as well as Cathollcs-m . '$10 C. Higgins. Roy. ' JORDAN and TURKEY ••. Who ill A1fred~ 'R. Medeiros, Mary T., Mr. & Mrs. Howard Marcoux, Holy Falhtr'J MiJsion AiJ' 'she? Wherever she is, she .. one of $10 wi~on William' E.. Wilson, Mr. Margaret H. Powers, Abbie A. :r;.. tht oriental chllrrh ' our SisteJ'!l' Active, Intellig~l!t, zeal.'.· Mr. & Mrs. Emile J. Amiot, 11:. 'Mi-;. ·Walter :'Wilsoil, Mr. & & Rita Sullivan, Mr. & ¥rs. r~ ous, she, Is prematurel, wom •. ' . Cecile An.ctil, Ovila J. Barnabe, : itIrs. Eoward t. Wilson. , George Duffy, Dr. & Mrs. Harold Theodore Beaulieu, Mr. & Mrs. " What shtt does co!>ts' nothing because she works for Christ. Her ',Mauretm Wilson, Robert, F. McKenna. : services' are prioeless because the,'r~ not for sale ••• She beL:E. Bellenoit. :, 8~iih, Sr..; Arline Silva, Mrs. • Mr. ,& Mrs. John E. Cruger, came·.a Sister ,because of Christ; She's In love with Him. She, Mr. & Mrs. Armand Brodeur, " ~oseph"Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Omer Margaret Skehan,- Mr. &' Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Roger baron, Mr. & . ,'se'es 'Hhn'in the leper, In the oldster" in .the child. She ICes Him , Canuel. ' Leo Keigher, Loreto Daley, Mr. , In and me, and she. asks Him to ,bless us always .... Que 01 Mrs. Ro~auld Chasse, Mr. & Mrs..'Shirley Martin, Robert W. & Mrs~ Peter Sullivim. .' our Sisters! what's she woriM-Who can ·set 8 price? ' Charles Cholette,' Mr. & Mrs. Guilmette, Mr. & Mrs. William Mr, & Mrs. Francis Leiiry, Mr. Georges L. Cote. P. Hussey, Andrew, J. Lyons, & .Mrs. Edward Logan, Mr. & Mr. &, Mrs. 'Roland Couture, . NOW A' SISTER NEEDS A FRIEND ", lohn T. Trainor. Mrs. James J. Sullivan, Anna Mr. & Mrs~ Rosario Couture; ,, TO' BECOME A'. SISTER, D,OES ~OST SOMETHING. hoW'- ' ' Irene Rogers; Anthony Rogers, Malone, . Mrs.' Ambrose F. Family Alcide Desmarais, Mr. & , ever:' The Slster~to-be must learn how to teach, how'to admln· lohn F. 'Hallisey, Samuel Stone, Keeley. ,', ,,: .-' 'Mis'.' Conrad . Des~arais,' Mr. 8& ,titer, first' aid, ,how .to' do II thousand· things. Most important, li>imiel J, Donnelly.' , , 'Harold Higgins, Mr: & Mrs. MiS. "Leopold Desrosiers. " . , she must learn how ,to pr!lY . , "She·lel!rns these things while " Fr~eiick J. Moriarty, ~r. & Francis McHenry, Mrs. Alice Mi-.' :&- Mrs.:, John Domingos; . she is a novice ... ,For two years, as a ,novice, she must be fed, Mrs. John L. Dean, Mr. & Mrs. . Raphael. . Fainil y Albert, Dufault, Family' clothed, hous~d.. and taught~and all of this costs ,money. She Francis "J,., Quinn, Katherine'" - Mrs.- Walter' Palmer;: Mr.' &: Luc Dumont,- Mr. & Mrs. Nor": has n.o money Qf her ,own, ,and so she ,must turn to others. Barnes, Michael Geary. :, Mrs. Alfred BeaUlieu; Mr:'&' Mrs~ mand Dumont, Mr. & Mrs. LoPatrick F. Murphy, Madeline Eugene' 'J.. Ivers, ' Mr. ::& Mrs. renzo Durette. THE, PLIGHT OF, 608 ' Curtis, Edward M. Dillon, Mr. Stmon Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Normand Fontaine, • Mrs. C. J: GosCiminski, 'Wil- Thomas, D. ',Conlon: .. , . , IN INDIA, IRAQ; LEBANON EGYPT right now tlieie Family Wilfrid Gat-and, Family iiam Slater. _ Mrs. Frank'Patimaude & Fam-' Josepr, N. ,Gendreau, Yvonne are 608 Sisters-to-be who need flnariclal help In order to, complete their 't~alnilig. Some of 'them' wID' Julia Sullivan, "homas F. Con.- ~ly, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J~ Logan~ Jette, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Labonte. ' Dors,. Henry, Wm. Chantpagne, ,Mr.' &, Mrs. Donald Ryan, teach InCathollo' schools:. some will care Mrs. Anna Lafrarice, Family , '. foi lepers; aU of them will do the work of William Davis, -Mr. &; Mrs: John' Francis DOolan,Mrs. Raymond 'Roland Lagarde, Mr. & Mrs. A..Powers. Brocklehurst. Christ . . . For each O! them the training Arthur Levesque,' Alma McPad,Mr, &; Mrs. Anthony F. Mr. & Mr;;.> Thomas Sheehan, den, William Menard. costs' $300 altogether ($150 a year,' $12:50 €atn uso , <;:harles O'Connor, Don- Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Callahan, Ann a month). ](s this a lot of money? It's onb Family Joseph E. Mercier, Mr. aId T. Corrigan, ,John M. Corri· Du'nn, Mr. & Mrs. Barney & Mrs. Roger ,J. Mercier;, Mr. & $2.88 a week .•• For $2.88 a week, yoU can --4)ver, the, next two years-pay for the g~, Laura Hollihan. ,Levesque, The Rogers Family. Mrs. Richard Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Gertrude R. Healey, William Rudolph LaVault, Mr. & Mrs. Charles' Ploude, Wilfrid Poirier , tralDing of a missionary Sister. We tell you A. -Healey, Mrs. G~rald 01Sulli_ Matthew Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. & Family. who she Is, where she Is studying. She wID wlite to 'OU. You ' ' van, Nancy Walsh. Angus Bailey, Mr. & Mrs. '·ma,'wrlte to her. For as long as she lives, she will be ",our" David' Patry, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs Edward R. Casper, Thomas Collins, Mr'. & Mrs. Sister. She pray for you, and you will merit In 1he' toDd' Georges Pouliot, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kitchen, Sr., John A. Jam'es E. Burke·, Mr. & Mrs. John' Edward Qliinn, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. ~e does • ; . Please help us train ~er for the missions. ~urke, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Conlon. , Dear MonsignOri Omer Raymond, Mr. & Mrs. Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Wiiliam B. Camille Richard. , Enclosed Is .' .. , . toward the $300 Ie takes to tralD Norton. a Sister. . , ' , . , " Mr. & Mrs. Edouard Rivard, ,ST. ELIZABlETH'S Mary V. O'Hearn, Helen Family Edgar St-Martin, Mr. & Lomax, Catherine Lomax, John $, 0 weeki" 0 month1" 0 annually. r .. ' ",' I'U send $200 Mrs. Normand Simonin, Family N., Sullivan, Manuel s. Crovello. Rev. Joao de Medeiros. ' Ernest Thibault, Mr. '& Mrs. , Mrs. Elaine Anderson, Mr. 8& $75 Napoleon Vaillancourt. Name •••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• o •••••~ •••••• ooo Mrs. Edward F. Daley; John J. Rev. Manuel:P. Ferreira. 'Family Joseph Valiquette, Polak, Florence Harringto~ , $30 Family Alfred Vincelette, Mr, & Patrick F. Sullivan. 'Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rodrigues Mrs. Robert Messier', The FourStreet 0.0;'0 Anonymous, Ervin J. Carroll, nier-Pelletier Family. ' 25 '., , Rob e r t Doherty, .'Leonard Manuel S. Borges & Family ,Mr. & Mrs. Anselme Senechal , Hughes, Thomas Beaulieu. $20 City ,................... Zone .... State • • • • "0"0" Paul Cullen Mr: & Mrs. Daniel Araujo ST. 'STANiSLAUS
Rev. GeorgeJ.
'3Mles Kennedy .' E. & L9uise Ryan, '
'+. . . '.
•••••••• '.' •••••••••• ••••••••• 0 •••••••••
HOLY NAME , $500
John S. Mello, Agostinho ,ul1veira, William Barbosa, Dimas Jay' Deliveries Craveiro, Daniel Raposa $100 . Norman Cabral, Manuel BranMrs. Michael E. O'Rourke . co; ,Arthur Botelho, Maria Gon· 'Dr. ~ Mrs. John punn salves, Joseph Mello, Jr. In memory of Attorney James Norman Rodrigues, Milton C. ·H. Kenyon Gomes, Vincent· Tetuan, Joseph Dr. & Mrs. Francis J. D'Errico Ferreira, Joseph Guarnieri. Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F: Higgins' , :',. Henry Raymond, John Vieira, $75 Antonio Viveiros, Gerard Cyr" Maureen O'Rourke ' William Letendre, Jr. $50, .' Manuel. Perry. Dr. & Mrs. Eugene F. O'Riorst. Elizabeth CYO, St. Elizadan, Mr. & Mrs. Gustave, Mat':'· 'beth St. ,Vincent: de Paul Confer't08, The Misses Anna E. & Helen ence. Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Gallery $200 ,
Evangelina Furtado
Rev. Hugo Dylla $35
Rev: Paul Dylla $20 '
Walter Wojcik,
You can help our Sisters anyway-by joining MARY'S BANK. The dues are .only $1 each month, with prayers for our Sister's work. The money is used eX!lluslvely to ,train o~r Sisters for, mission· work abroa~' ..., Like to join? ,.Please write and tell us so.
'Andrew's Fruit .Co., Walter Deda, W a I t e r Gosciminski, Josep~ ~osinski, Amiela Kruczek. ' , 'Leo Morrissette, Walter Soczek, Julian Weglowski, Frances :Winiarski, Rosary Society. '; ST. MATJIUEU ' $25' ,
Dr. & Mrs:' Roland' Chouinard
:~~rSstCOlssioDs~·" 'fRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLM'AN, Pre.ldent . ,Mlgr. Josep. T. Riaa. 'Nat' 1M" ' .: " , Selld all cO!1'mlllllC!:'lo!'s ~I '. " ' ',.' , CATHOLIC NfEAR EASV WE!.fARE ASSOCIATION ",
U ..
480 Lexington Ave. 'at 46th St.;. New York l1( NJ:,:' " " '
'~n'n'ual' Ba·sebGlr·'T~ume.y
Ente'rsQuarterfinal Round ' •
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Frank Fletcher 01 Fairhaven
By Jaek Kineavy L
The survivors of Tuesday's qualifying round move into the quarterfinals of the Annual Eastern Mass. Schoolboy Baseball Tournament today. Heading the area's Class A delegation undefeated Durfee High, Bristol County League champion and runnerup Fair- with Holy Family scheduled for haven had first round dates today but Tourney commitments against Bay State's co-titl- may force a postponement. The ists, Wellesley and Natick, sophomore-studded Narry lead-
·Top FUght Tennis
New Bedford Tech Ace to Enter. Junior CIlJP Trials By Lynn Kennedy
When you win 11 straight singles matches against some of New England's top flight college tennis players, you've
respectively. 'J;his was a repeat ers have depth and experience of last year'- tourney match-ups on the mound, a rather unusual but extremely advantageous fac_ which eventutor in post season play. Coach got to be good. ally saw WelNew Bedford Institute of Jim Sullivan has brought the lesley eliminate club along well and the Raiders Technology's Frank Fletcher is both B. C. enco'uld prove a real threat in B the good tennis player in point, tries. A novel a tall, graceful-on-the-court 21ranks. feature of' the year older who led Tech's net Possible Pa.irings Class B selecIt is more than- likely in the brigade to a tenth consecutive tions was·. the .event of first round victories that Southern New England Coastal inclusion of no area teams will be pitted against Conference title this Spring. less thaQ .four The former Fairhaven High. one another' in today's games. Sou t hLooking back over the season, whiz, now a Tech sophomore, is eastern Mas s . Durfee twice downed Fairhaven; probably the best young player schools.· Three Narry League Somerset low - 'bridged C Ii s e in the NB-Fall River area as the record attests. Over the clubs; Somerset, Case· and Pre- twice, split "7ith Prevost and lost vost were independent two to Dartmouth. Case imd past . Spring, Frank walloped Dartmouth giving the area one- Prevost halved' their series; nine of. his.. 11 opponents in fourth of the available berths in neither met Dartmouth during straight sets. Only twice, against Providence College and Central B ranks. Somerset and Case had the campaign. Tuesday dates against Old ColAn innovation on the school- Connecticut State, did Frank ony's. Middleboro and Plymouth; boy sports scene l!re the late have to go to three sets to earn Prevost drew Randolph and Spring football practice sessions victories. A year ago, as a Dartmouth linked up with Fox- which commenced last Saturday. Freshman, Frank copped nine of Busiest men in town are the 11 duels, giving him 20 -wins in boro. It would appear that Al Tremcoaches who wear two hats. In- 22 college outings to date. blay's Maple Leafs had the cluded in this group are Don Enjoyable Game toughest' assignment. They were Montle of Durfee, Kevin Cadieux - While he's good, Frank wears expected to encounter the sea- of Dartmouth and Somerset's son's most spectacular mounds- Jim Sullivan who recently was none of the brashness he might man, Barry Needham, who appointed head coach of football. well display. In fact he's rather Spring track winds up its sea- reserved, perhaps a trifle quiet. hurled four consecutive no-hitters this year in Hockamock son this Saturday at Bowdoin On the court, though, his raccompetition. Mansfield High and College, Brunswick, Maine where quet speaks efficiently. Ron Gentili own the only deci- the annual N. E. Meet will be The son of Mr. and Mrs. sion . over Needham who is staged. Three New Bedford High Thomas Fletcher of 40' Larch shadowed by an entourage of cindermen qualified to repre- Avenue, an<;l a communicant of major league scouts wherever sent Massachusetts in the open St. Joseph's Church, Frank now he works. Meet at White Stadium, Boston, has one burning ambition-that's The pre-tourney consensus Saturday. Ken Rose will compete to make the;New England Junior listed Woburn High, defending in the shotput, Bill Carter in the Davis Cup team this Summer. champion, the team to beat in high jump and Al Bochman in Beyond that he has no great Class B. Woburn had sought, un- . the 120-yard high hurdles. tennis ambition, like shooting An aggravated mUSCle pull for the higher amateur ranks, or successfuly, admission to Class A this Spring. The Tourney se- ' sustained in the Narry Meet on even the pro game. lection committee awarded the Memorial Da) sidelined Som,er-"I just want to keep playing only at-large berth to Lynn High, . set captain Willard St. Onge, adtennis. because it's an' enjoyable much to the !disappointment of mittedly one of the State's leadNew Bedford partisans who felt ing hurdlers. St. Onge'S absence game. It keeps me relaxed and that the Crimson, 10-3 on the cost the Raiders whatever chance physically," Tennis isn't his only interest~ season, merited a shot. Coach they had of taking Narry laurels Charley Luchetti's crew shut out for the eleventh successive year. Fletcher is majoring in textlles Lynn, 2-0, in the only meeting The injury kept 'Willard out of and plans on a textile testing between the schools during the the - State competition and a career. Right now he's maincurrent campaign.. berth on the Mass. squad in the taining good grades, although confessing he might do better. . . Durfee Unbea.ten New Englands. When. he's not on. the tennis Good pitching, solid defense and timely hitting characterized Jewish Congregation court, he's> probably glued to a . seat at Fenway Park or an easy Coach Don Montle's hustling to Parish chair at home watching the Red Hilltopperll. crew which went on BUFFALO (NC) ...;,.. A Jewish Sox play. "I gave up baseball to an 'undefeated ye~, despite the early' season loss of Ed con'gregation here offered use of for. tennis when I was an eighth Berube to' taI<e a regular turn its facilities to a Catholic parish grader but I still like the game on the mound. Drewniak suf- -after the' Catholic church' was as a spectator," he revealed. fered a broken anKle in a prac- destroyed in a two millioild611ar Compiles Enviable Record tice ~ssion, while Berube came blaze. Asked how he happened to The fire which completely deup with a sore arm that relestroyed 94-year-old st. Michael's take up' the racquet instead gated him to first base duty. Taking up the mound slack for church -in downtown Buffalo was of the bat, Frank told us it Durfee was senior Carl Viens started by a lightnjng bolt. The all started one day when as a who compi,leda 7-Q recor.d and biterior of the church was redec- 14-year older,' he _wandered over was the. logical choice to duel orated last year' at a cost of to the Fairhaven High tenriis $60,000. . courts across the street froin his Wellesl~y's .George Kerrivan at Rabbi Isaac' Klein of Temple home.' "George Cook, a FairHaywood Field, Attleboro in the Tourney opener. Kerrivim, son Emanu-El and Hermon Rekoon, haven High teacher, gave me of the Wellesley coach and con-. president of the temple, offered my start. Coach at the time, he queror of 'DUrfee in Tourney the priests and· parishioners of took an interest in me and that play last year, compiled a 9-1 St. Michael:s their sympathy as was the beginning," Frank said. season's mark . in hurling his well as the use of the temple'_s But Frank really credits team to a share of Bay State facilities "in any way' which St. Coach Ed Twarog, Cook's suc-' Michael's wishes to use them." cessor, with helping to develop honors. Only one game separates Somhis game. "He was a fine player erset from the Narry League Catholics in Italy himself, and brought me along title. The Raiders have a date Ask School Aid to the point where I could comROME (NC)-Italy's Catholic pete favorably with most players Leprosy Eradication schools have appealed to Premier my age in the city." While at Fairhaven, Frank Fanfani, all mayors and prefects Gets Wide Support. in the nation for government compiled an enviable record. In his senior year, the Blue netters OTTAWA (NC) - Two large support. Canadian Catholic organizations The formal resolution of the competed in the Eastern Massaare giving full support to a National Federation of Ecclesi- chusetts Interscholastic Tennis project for the eradication of astical Institute:: of It~ly "quoted Tournament, finishing second leprosy as part of the centennial the Italian Constitution's guar- behind - co-winners Wellesley observance in 1967 of Canada's antee of "the i:'ights and duties of and Belmont. Winner of four confederation. parents to instruct and educate matches, Frank lost out in the semis to Steve Hatch of NewThe organizations are the their children." ton, 3-6, 6-3 and 7-5. It was a Catholic Women's League, which It reminded the nation's leadhas 140,000 members, and the ers' of the Constitution's promise grueling match. 4O,OOO-member Order of Forest- "to assure students of non-state Summertime Teacher ers. Other major organizations schools equal treatment with the backing the project are. the Lions students of the state schools." Reflecting on the defeat, after Clubs of Quebec and Ontario It demanded that "parents, copping the opening set, Frank and the 5,000-member B'na! students and teachers be guaran- somewhat ruefully said, "I B'rith of Toronto. teed the right to choose their choked. I might have beaten More than 5,000 letters sup- school freely," and stressed the him, but he got better and I porting the project have been "urgent need ot applying these got worse as the match wore 0fL directed to the centennial com- principles to the field of lower He was.a good tennis player." miuee. 'compulsory and free' education." That Spring Fairhaven had
Offets Aid
FRANK FLETCHER OF FAIRHAVEN earned its way into -the to~rney by going undefeated against area high schools, including New Bedford, Tabor Academy, DeLaSalle and Rogers .of New'port, Coyle and Durfee. As number one man, over his last two years Frank won all his singles matches, and only once did he and his partner bow in doubles play. Quite an enviable record. ' DI,1l'ing the Summer months, Frank spends his time instructing youthful tennis -.enthusiasts as an assistant to former coach Twarog in .South .Dartmouth. "Teaching the game and I earn the money to help put me through college, but I'd rather be playing myself." Mastera' Backhand Asked ",hy he has won so consistently, Frank replied, "Long hours of practice, some tournament experience, and a 'desire to win." His shong' points are his sharp forehand, his ability to place his shots well, and a quickness in covering the opponent's shots. Queried about his service, Frank admitted it was improving but still is not
as accurate- as it shoul! be. "Some days" he said, "i jUst doesn't ~o what I want i1 to." Aqout the .toughest thing, Frank had to learn as a be.. ginning tennis player, he admitted, was to get the ball back over the net consistently. "The Ibackhand is probably the toughest thing for a beginner• I guess I' drove my share of balls into the net trying to master the backhand." EY,es Newport Trials With his second year of collegiate tennis behind him, Frank now is focusing his attention on the New England Junior. Cup trials that begin -in July at CO the Newport Casino. He'll join some 12 to 14 top. New England college players in the City-bythe-Sea: Entrants play three singles matches in tournament style. From their play, the best seven' Or eighth are kept to represent the Northeastern statee against similar teams from other sections of the United States. While he wOlild offer no predictions, those close to the game think that Frank stands an excellent chance of making the Junior Davis Cuppers. At least, he hopes' so.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., June 7, 1962 t ••• oOO•• OOI~":OO.~<H+.,.tO. . . . . t
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