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t eanc 0 VOL. 23, NO. 23

diocese of fall river


20c, $6 Per Year

Pope Dedicates Church to Mary

Jubilee Journey Plans Complete

CZESTOCHOWA, .p 0 1and (NC) Pope John Paul II quickly set the tone of his trip to Poland by pleading for church freedom, declaring himself an apostle of the Slavic nations, and consecrating himself and the whole church to Mary. Wherever the Polish-born pope went in his native country thousands gathered along the streets to see him. Crowds swelled into the hundreds of thousands for outdoor Masses in Warsaw, Gniezno and Czestochowa. Millions _more, normally de-

Preparations are complete for the diocesan Jubilee Celebration Trip to Italy, a highlight of jubilee year observances. Seventy pilgrims will leave on Sunday for a 13-day tour ()f Milan, Florence, Venice and Rome. Buses will take them from Fall River and New Bedford to Logan airport in Boston, leaving at 6 p.m. from the Bristol Community College parking lot in Fall River and the St. Francis of Assisi parish lot in New Bedford. Arriving at Milan on Monday, the travelers will have the reTurn to Page Seven

Turn to Page Five

Father Daigle Funeral Friday

To Mark Jubilee In New Bedford

Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and priests of the diocese will concelebrate a funeral Mass at 11 a.m. tomorrow at Sacred Heart Church, North Attleboro, for Father George Daigle, its pastor for nine years, who died Monday at age 72. Born in St. Pamphile, Quebec in 1906, Father Daigle attended Blessed Sacrament grammar school in Fall River, then studied at Montreal College and St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. He was ordained .May 26, 1934 in St. Mary's Cathedral by the late Bishop James E. Cassidy. Father Daigle served as asso-

An enthusiastic committee is finalizing details for the New Bedford area celebration of the Fall River Diocesan Jubilee Anniversary, to be held on Saturday. This is the first of the area celebrations to be held throughout the diocese this year. The Fall River Diocese, founded by His Holiness, Pope Saint Pius X, was separated from the Diocese of Providence on March 12, 1904. The motto of its founder, "To Restore All Things in Christ," was chosen as the goal of Jubilee 75. Of particular- interest to the New Bedford area is the fact that the first Catholic parish Turn to Page Three

Turn to Page Three

MSGR. LESTER L. HULL, shown with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin at a recent confirmation ceremony at Our Lady of the Isle parish, Nantucket, has announced his retirement, as has Father Lucien Madore. (Hardy Photo)

Msgr. Hull, Father Madore To Retire Two veteran priests have announced retirement from active ministry. Msgr. Lester L. Hull will retire from the pastorate 路of his路 native parish, Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket, on June 27; and Father Lucien A. Madore will enter his "second retirement" June 22 as he leaves his post as director of Notre Dame

cenetery, Fall River. He is also buried from here," he declared. chaplain of Mt. St. Joseph He is the only native of NanSchool, Fall River. . tucket to have become pastor of Msgr. Hull said he would take its parish. The veteran pastor was born up residence in an uncle's Nantucket home. He noted that he on the island in 1907 and attendwas baptized, made his first com- ed Holy Cross College, 路Worcesmunion, was confirmed and said ter, before entering St. Bernard's his first Mass at Our Lady of Seminary, Rochester, N.Y. He the Isle. "God willing, I'll be Turn to Page' Seven



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., June, 7, 1979

SPECIAL GIFTS NATIONAL SPECIAL GIFTS $300 Cherry & Webb Company. OAPE COD AREA $250 Cape Cod Five Cents ,Savings Bank, Harwichport; $100 St. Anthony Conference, E. Falmouth.

TAUNTON AREA $100 Atty. Theodore Aleixo; $50 Columbia Electric.

NEW BEDFORD AREA $708 Friends of Catholic Charities; $200 Residents of Sa路cred Heart Home; $100 The Keystone, Fairhaven Lumber Co., Cape Cod Sportswear Co., Inc.; Rev. George I. Saad; $85 The Daher Family; $50 M-M Robert Surprenant, New Bedford Veterinary Hospital, M-M Dominick Roda, M-M Joseph Roda, M-M Thomas David, Kirby Funeral Home; $25 Mrs. Selma ,Joseph & Family, Prof. & Mrs. Anthony J. John, Atty. & Mrs. Fred M. Thomas, Atty. & Mrs. George M: Thomas.

PARISHES ATTLEBORO St. John the Evangelist $100 Peter Silvia; $25 M-M John White, Mrs. Paul Bullock M-M J. Harry Condon Jr., Mary Ellen Bergin. EAST FALMOUTH st. Anthony $100 Frank M. Teixeira, Cape Cod Auto Salvage; $70 M-M Anthony Spagone; $50 M-M Richard L. Corey, Tony & Marina F. Andrews, Ella May Hayes, M-M John R. Martin, Paul Champagne, M-M Patrick W. Lewis, Falmouth Knights of Columbus; $30 'George Gonsalves, George Barboza & Family, Abel Mello. $25 M-M Michael Rodriguez, Arthur Rapoza, Pedro CarValho, M-M Robert Begley, Edmund A. Botelho, James & Ruby Berkeley, M-M David Silva, Eva Monteiro, M-M John Araujo, M-M Joseph L. Tavares, Eva M. Salvoni, John & Helen Sullivan, M-M Frank Simmons Sr., M-M Manuel S. White Jr., Richard E. Geggatt, M-M Vincent Banks, Thomas R. DeCosta, Scoba Rhodes, Frank Moniz.

FALMOUTH St. Patrick $200 Shoreway Acres; $150 Lighthouse Insurance Agency, Inc.; $100 Dr.-Mrs., Raymond Gagnon, Falmouth CoopE~rative Bank. HYANNIS St. Francis Xavier $50 M-M John Donovan; $40 John F. Vetorino; $25 M-M Roger G. Edwards, Fl0t:ence I. Lysaght, M-M Robert E. Crockett, Dorothy M. Clark, Frank Emery. ( NAN'fUCKET Our Lady 01 the Me '$25 M-M Edward J. Strojny. NORTBFALMOUTH St. Elizabeth Seton' $100 M-M Joseph F. MontIe; $75 M-M Chester Harris Jr.; $25 M-M Fred J. Eggleston, M-M Richard Kelly. OS TIm VILLE Our Lady ,01 the Assumr.PtIon $500 Anonymous; $25 Anonymous (2), John Szymanski, Vera Watson. POClASSET St. John the Evangelist $500 St. John's Dollar-aWeek Club; $100 A Friend; $50 M-M Louis MacArthur; $25 M-M Neal Hayes, M-M James Mahoney, A Friend. SOUTH YARMOUTH St. Pius X $25 Emile & Ruth Camandona VINEYARD HAVEN St. Augustine $50 Beatrice Phillips; $35 Ernest Pacheco; $25 David Goulart, Richar(i Furtado. WELLFLEET . Our Lady of Lourd~ $100 St. Vincent de Paul Society, M-M Paul Lussier, AI路bert & Phyllis Rose, Charles E. Frazier Jr.; $35 路~awrence J. Rose; $25 Edna V. Tripp, Wellfleet Pharmacy. $35 Richmond & Jeanne Bell; $30 M-M Walter J. Doucette. $500 In Memory of Rev. Msgr. Francis P. Connolly, P.A. and George and Loretta Morgan. WEST HARWICH Holy Trinity $25 M-M Cornelius Driscoll, In Memory of Harold Foley. $30 Mary A. Piersall; $25 M-M Richard McCormick, Lillian F. Dowd.

AT WEEKEND RETREAT for Permanent Diaconate candidates and their families, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin greets Maurice La,vallee and his wife Terry of St. Rita's parish, Marion. At right, Kelly Drinkwater and

SANDWICH Corpus Christi $500 Rev. William F. Morris; $200 Cor-pus Christi Guild; $150 Corpus Christi St. Vincent de Paul Society; $'144 M-M Harold Ackerman; $100 M-M Leo Diotalevi, M-M Walter K. Lynch, M-M John McDonald, M-M Maurice F. White; $60 M-M Victor Devine, M-M Frank G. McDonald, The John Sullivan' Family, M-M Carl Watters. . $50 Mrs. James A. Bilzzinotti, M-M James J. Bondarek Jr., Bertrand F. Boulay, M-M Arthur Dolan, M-M Joseph Graiulis, M-M William Marganella, M-M Paul H. O'Brien, M-M Ernest Olson, M-M Raymond A. Palombo, M-M John W. Smith, M-M James Walsh, M-M Francis -.T. Fleming, M-M Francis J. McCusker; $40 Madelyn F. Nichols; $35 M-M Thomas A. McEachen, In Memory of James Sullivan; $30 M-M Robert Corradi, M-M Claude DaCosta, M-M Raoul A. Santos, M-M Joseph E. Stephens Jr. $25 M-M George Abercrombie, M-M Neil Anderson, M-M David Buckley, M-M George S. Cary, M-M Thomas Casey, M-M Geroge W. Chapman, M-M Raymond J. Cormier, M-M Eugene Corradi, M-M George V. Cox, M-M James F. Cullen, M-M Ralph J. 'DeCubellis, M-M Thomas Dowd, M-M Frank Eischeid, M-M Edard A. Eppich, M-M Harold Gleason, M-M Charles R. Griffin, M-M Charles Horman, Mrs. Ralpp Jameson, M-M Patrick McDonnell, M-M John F. McHugh, M-M James Medugno, Mrs. R. Sherman Morgan, M-M Paul C. Morrissey. $25 M-M William F. O'Connell, M-M Frank Oliver, Edward Parent Jr., Mrs. William Parks, M-M Richard Pell, M-M Paul Regazio, Mrs. John F. Scanlon, M-M Joseph Sciacca, Mrs. Thomas Skelley, M-M Gerald Sullivan, M-M Fred Twomey, Mrs. Lillian Tully, Mrs. Robert D. Wentworth,M-M George D. Williams, The Whitmore Family. FALL RIVER Holy Name $200 M-M John F. Fanning. St. Michael $150 M-M GUbert C. Oliveira. Sacred Heart $150 In memory of May H. Healey; $35 In memory of Herman J. Springer; $25 M-M John H. O'Neil. NEW BEDFORD Holy Name $200 Holy Name Conference St. Vincent de Paul; $25 M-M Arthur Fonseca. FAIRHAVEN St. Joseph $25 M-M Alcide Pelletier.

Christine Nogueira, daughters of candidates Oscar Drinkwater and Benjamin Nogueira of Our Lady of Victory parish, Centerville, present symbolic box of children's prayers to Bishop Cronin. (Rosa Photos)

New Bedford

The Cathedral Camps on Long Pond, East Freetown, will hold their annual open house from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday. Features will include a puppet show and distribution of free camp T-shirts to campers registering for the first two-week period; The camps, one for girls and one for boys, will operate fromMonday, July 2 through Friday, Aug. 24. _ Counselors' and administrators will be on hand Sunday to provide information. Particulars are also available by mail from Box 428, East Freetown 02717 or by calling 763-8874.

Father Jeremiah has served as pastor of Sacred Hearts parish since 1972. He is also chaplain . to Damien Council, Mattapoisett Knights of Columbus, the Blue Army and the Adoration League of Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel at Sacred Hearts Church. A Brighton native, the jubil. arian is the son of the late Jeremiah and Ellen Casey. Mter graduation from high school he served in the armed forces in India, then attended St. Philip Neri School in Boston. He entered the Sacred Hearts Congregation in 1948 and was ordained June 5, 1954 at Immaculate Con~ ception Shrine, Washington, D.C. 'Father Jeremiah was procurator at Sacred Hearts Monastery~ Fairhaven and Queen of Peace Mission Seminary, Jaffrey, N.H. and also served as associate pastor at Holy Redeemer parish, Chatham; St. Anthony, Mattapoisett; and St. Mary, Fairhaven. In 1967 he was appointed pastor of St. Francis de Sales Church, Abaco, Bahamas. While there he was instrumental in bringing the Dominican Sisters of Caldwell, N.J. to teach in the parochial school and he was a consultor for the Nassau diocese. He came from the Bahamas to his present assignment.

Mrs. Thomas J. Long, New Continued from Page One established in what is now the Bedford Area's General ChairFall River diocese was located on man, reports that her committee the corner of Orchard and Allen has been working diligently onStreets in New -Bedford and is plans and details since last fall now known as the Church of St. in an effort to insure its sucLawrence, Martyr, located on - cess. Events for the day will begin County Street. St. Lawrence's parish is this year celebrating with a Thanksgiving Mass of Celebration at 4:00 p.m. at Our its 159th anniversary. Lady of Mt. Carmel Church on Rivet Street. Rev. Msgr. Louis G. Mendonca, its pastor, is the VATICAN CITY (NC) The Vicar General of the Diocese. time of the weekly papal gen- Principal Celebrant at the Mass eral audiences on Wednesdays will .be Most Rev. Daniel A. has been changed to 6 p.m. for Cronin, Bishop of Fall River. the summer. Previously the au- Concelebrating with the Bishop diences w,ere held at 11 a.m. will be priests from parishes in The change will allow pil- the greater New Bedford area. grims to avoid the midday heat. 'Preceding Mass there will be About 60 people attending the an outdoor procession to the 16 general audience church, consisting of represenMay fainted from heat and excite- tatives from area parishes and ment and were treated at near- organizations, as well as repreby first aid stations. sentatives of various ethnic Meanwhile, Rome's City groups living within this area Council has announced that Via of the diocese who will be 'Della Concil~azione will become dressed in their native costunies. a giant parking lot on Wednes- Rev. John Oliveira of Our Lady days in an effort to solve the of Mt. Carmel Parish is in traffic problem which some- charge of New Bedford's outtimes keeps vehicles from mov- door procession to the church. ing on that street for up to three Immediately following Mass, hours after audiences. a banquet will be held at White's on the Watuppa, following which there :will be dancing to the music of Bob St. Armour. Toastmaster at the banquet will Continued from. Page One ciate pastor at St. Michael's be Honorable Thomas ·M. Quinn, parish, Ocean Grove; St. Jac- Jr. Reservations for the banquet ques, Taunton; Sacred Heart, North Attleboro; and St. Joseph, and d~mce may be made by contacting any rectory. New Bedford. 'Rev. Ronald A. Tosti of St. In 1956 he was appointed pastor of Holy Rosary Church, New Francis of Assisi Church is DiBedford, where he served until ocesan General Chairman. Dioce1960, when he became pastor of san Liturgical Chairman is Rev. St. Roch parish, Fall River, until James M. Lyons of St. Patrick's his assignment to Sacred Heart. Church in Wareham. Mrs. RichThe late pastor was recalled ard M.· Paulson of Taunton is by Father Louis R. Boivin, now Diocesan Banquet Chairman. pastor of St. Louis de France Travel Two Thousand Years parish, Swansea, as a warm and In Only Fifteen Days to the approachable person. The priests were associate pastors together at St. Joseph's parish, New Bedwilh Ih. libl. as your !luide. book, und.r Ihe dir.c1,on 01 ford. Father Thomas E. Father Boivin said that Father Daigle was known as a coun· Director. Holy Cross Retreat selor and confessor. He said that House. North Easton his ability to converse in Polish and German as well as in French and English was often helpful in parish work.

Night Audiences

Fairhaven Pastor To Mark Jubilee A concelebrated Mass of thanksgiving at 5 p.m. Sunday at Sacred Hearts Church, Fairhaven, followed by a dinner dance at Gaudette's Pavilion, Acushnet, will mark the silver jubilee <if Father Jeremiah Casey, SS.CC., Sacred Hearts pastor and a member of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts.


T-HE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., June, 7, 1979

Cathedral Camps Set Open House

BISHOP DANIEL A. CRONIN with Father Raul H. Lagoa (left) and Father Bruce W. Cwiekowski, following their ordination last Saturday at St: Mary's Cathedral.

Jubilee Award Ceremony St. Anthony's School, New Bedford, was the site for the final Award Ceremony of the Jubilee 75 Banner and Ecclesiastical Bee contests. Father George Coleman, Director of Education, presented awards to 75 students from the diocesan elementary schools. Present at this ceremony were many proud parents, teachers and principals who worked with their youngsters, helping them to achieve' the final honors. Elementary schools represented were Notre Da~e, Mount St. Joseph, Holy Name, St. Michael, St. Anne, St. Jean Baptiste and Espirito Santo from Fall River; St. Mary Primary, Our Lady of Lourdes and Taunton Catholic Middle School from Taunton; St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet; St. Anthony, St. James-St. John, Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St. Mary, New Bedford. Ecclesiastical Bee winners on the fifth grade level were Bernadette Boutin from Notre Dame School, second place and David Gomes from St. James-St. John, first place. Michael Martin from Mount St. Joseph took second honors on the sixth grade level while Katheleen Medeiros from St. -Francis Xavier took first

place honors. The judge for this level was Msgr. John Oliveira and the eliminations were held at St. Anne School. On the junior high level, Sister Gertrude Margaret, S.U.S.C., judged seventh graders and Christopher Marques from St. Francis Xavier took second honors while Christine Buckart from Mount St. Joseph held first place. . Among eighth graders, Angelo Simoa from St. Michael's took second place while Toni J. Silveira from Taunton Catholic had first place. The judge at this level was Sister· John Elizabeth, S.U.S.c. and the junior high levels were hosted .by the Taunton Catholic Middle School.

Arms Moratorium HARTFORD, Conn. (NC) A study guide published by the Hartford archdiocesan Evangelization Office has called for a moratorium on arms production in Connecticut, a state where almost one-third of all employees work in the arms industry. The book also called for church support of legislation to convert military-related jobs to nonmilitary production.

Fr.. Daigle


5 fB~~~~o Holy Scripture comes alive lOr you ~s


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Diocese of Fall River

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Come 'he Holy Land! On your way you'll stop for a pilgrim's audience with the Holy Father and a thorough 'our of ,he Va'iean and Rome. On your re'urn you'll trace 'he steps of St. Paul at Athens and Corinth in Greece. Tit. lint step is lend in thi'


coupon today.

Msgr. Lester 1. Hull from the pastorate of Our Lady of the Isle Church, Nantucket, effective Wednesday, June 27, 1979.

r - - - - - experlence.----.;;.l

Rev. Lucien Madore from the directorship of Notre Dame Cemetery, Fall River, effective 'Friday, June 22, 1979.


every moment of. on unforgettable

I ROY. Thoma !.l..ton. C.S.C. I :lhCl:r~~-=~~~:':56 I ~~a:,:~~hne~:your colorful I~_

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THE ANCHOR-Diooese of Fall River-Thur., June, 7, 1979

the living word

themoorin~ Sensing the Needs of the Human Heart As the Diocesan Jubilee pilgrims prepare to leave this Sunday for Rome to give visible witness of gratitude at the very place of Peter, they do so at one of the most exciting and encouraging moments in the long history of the Church. The people representing all the faithful of the diocese at this time of anniversary celebration will be going to the Rome of John Paul II. In the spirit of renewed faith evidenced by the saintly founder of this diocese, St. Pius X, the priests and" laity who will visit his shrine in the Basilica of St. Peter will do so in thanksgiving for the many blessings that have been showered upon this diocese during its 75 years of existence as a separate pasture of shepherding. However, they will also experience the church renewed and inflamed by the presence of a Holy Father who is truly a vehicle of the Holy Spirit, renewing the face of the earth. The enthusiasm of faith that he persistently radiates seemingly is not only contagious but indeed charismatic. By means of his Godgiven talents of personality, Pope John Paul II is effecting a new spirit and vitality within and without the Church. Examples of this are multitudinous. Pilgrims of faith and curiosity jam the great square of the Bernini colonnade to receive his blessing. At the same time, the less than religious secular press continues to be amazed by his ability to be good copy. Sensing the needs of the human heart and holding firm to the Gospel spirit, Pope John Paul II has to date caused sceptics even within the church, to take a new look at what church and papacy are all about. Yes, there are those critics still caught up in the turmoil of personal doubts" "and confusions of theological speculation. But their voices are becoming a mere whisper amid the chant of joy that the faithful are exultantly singing in gratitude for a spiritual leader unafraid to shepherd with kindness and determination. The talents of the man are many; their use for the glory of God is truly spellbinding.


'Suffer the little children to come to me and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God.' Mark 10:14

Directory Reports 49 Million Of Us

Much has been said about his visit to Mexico; much NEW YORK (NC) - Ther:;! is being said about his present journey to his homeland are 49,602,035 Catholics in the and much is being speculated about his proposed trip to United States, making up 22.59 Ireland. All of this is a prismatic reflection of a church on percent of the general population, according to the 1979 Offithe move; a church once more reaching out in new ways cial Catholic Directory, which to all men; a church daring to preach the word of Christ " showed decreases in vocations, even when it is a difficult word. school populations and marriPope John Paul is a remarkable man, a dedicated missionary and a devoted priest. Under his direction the church has become wonderfully unpredictable. It is this very quality that has brought to her in every land a renewed sense of mission and discipleship. Because of Pope John Paul II, the expectations of the human heart are renewed and the Gospel restored to the headlines of the world. Through him, the Church more than ever becomes the voice that calls all men to listen to the Good News of" salvation.




Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.



Rev. John F. Moore

Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan ~

leary Press-Fall River

ages. The directory, published by P. J. Kennedy and Sons in New York, provides figures; based on diocesan reports, as of J an. 1 of each year. The directory reported a decrease in the Catholic population of 234,141 in 1978, but directory officials said the figures was misleading. Officials said the Archdiocese Of Detroit reported a population loss of 400,000 in one year. They said this figure was probably overstated, but that it probably balanced off Detroit's overestimates of population growth in the past few years. The directory said the number of priests, brothers, nuns," seminarians, seminaries, Catholic elementary and secondary school students. converts, Catholic marriages, and educational institutions decreased in 1978. The number of bishops~ deacons, baptisms, parishes, students in Catholi<: colleges~ Catholic college'S and public school

students receiving religious instruction increased in .1978, the directory said. In the Fall River diocese,. the Catholic population rose to 332,000, an increase of 5,368 over the 1978 directory figure. Catholics comprise over 62 percent of the total population of the diocese. Diocesan priests number 224, a decrease of one from 1978. There are 200 religious order priests, up four, and 47 brothers, up one. Sisters, however, have declined, from 827 in 1978 to 760 this year. An increase was posted by St. Anne's Hospital, .Fall River, which treated 54,599 patients, up from 52,538 in the 1978 directory. Also up, to 6,222 from 5,353, are infant baptisms. Nationwide the number of diocesan priests in 1978 dropped 294 to 35,792 and the number of Religious order priests rose by 239, for a net loss of 55. The number of bishops rose by four to 345. There were 495 fewer Religious brothers (7,965) and 1,013 fewer nuns (128,378) in 1978 than in 1977, the directory said. There was an increase of 798 permanent deacons, bringing the total to 3,296.

The directory said there were six fewer seminaries and 666 fewer路 seminarians than the previous year, with the total number of seminarians - 13,960 20,000 less than 10 years ago. There were 112 fewer Catholic educational institutions of all kinds, but three more Catholic colleges. The number of children in Catholic elementary and secondary schools dropped by 38,624 to 373,142. But the number of students in Catholic colleges increased by 26,242 to 483,760 and the number of public school students receiving religious instructions jumped by 134,633 to 4,786,029 after a decrease of 264,668 last year. The number of lay teachers in Catholic elementary and secondary schools rose by 2,107 to 116,295. Lay teachers now make up 68.7 percent o( the faculty in Catholic schools, up from 66.7 percent. Here are other figures from the new directory: - The number of parishes rose by 70 to 18,695. - .Baptisms rose by 5,474 to 896,151. - Conversions dropped by 1,393 to 77,205.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., June, 7, 1979

Letters to the Editor

France Honors Fr. Desautels Father Alfred R. Desautels, SJ, 'a native of Fall River and a professor of French at Holy Cross College, Worcester, has received the highest academic honor the French government bestows on a foreigner. .

If Is Murder Dear Editor: Within the past two weeks a couple of very disturbing things have happened: the Cape Cod Times editorially attacked the state legislature for attempting to end medicaid payments for abortion. They in fact called it dishonest legislation. Second, Channel 5 News spoke out strongly against legislation denying medicaid payments for abortion. They were antagonistic toward the pro-life or, as they choose to call it, the antiabortion forces. They also claim that to end abortions in the United States would be a tragedy. So the battle goes on while good people sleep. When are we going to make an effort to end this horrible murder of the unborn child? The defense attorney for the California doctor on trial for alleged strangling of a baby that survived a saline abortion said: After all, abortion is nothing more nor less than legalized murder." . There you have it. Something we in the pro-life movement have said right along but we were advised to "cool it." Now abortionists evidently know it is murder. Once again I will attempt to speak on abortion anywhere, any time, at my own expense. I will run an ad in this paper also, seeking dates on which to speak. I hope some groups of Catholics care enough to listen and may find a spot for me in their fall and winter schedules. Edward F. Acton Hyannis

Necrology June 18 Rev. James M. Coffey, P.R., 1935, Pastor, St. Mary, Taunton June 19 Rev. Hormsdas Deslauriers, 1916, Founder, St. Anthony, New Bedford June 20 Rt. Rev. James J. Coyle, P.R., LL.D., 1931, Pastor, St. Mary, Taunton June 21 Rev. Desiree V. Delemarre, 1926, Pastor, Blessed Sacrament, Fall River Rev. Francis D. Callahan, 1948, Pastor, St. Patrick, Wareham Rev. Clement Killgoar, SS.CC., 1964, St. Anthony, Mattapoisett Rev. David O'Brien, 1976, Retired Pastor, 5S. Peter & Paul, Fall River


(USPS·545·020) Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. PU~lIshed every Thursday at 410 Highland ~venue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Cat~ollc Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subfcription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes tp The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722

In ceremonies at the college last week he became an officer in the Ordre des Palmes Academiques. The award recognized his 25 years of teaching French literature and disseminating French culture at Holy Cross.

COMPLETE WITH POLICE ESCORT, the Pilgrim Virgin statue of Our Lady of Fatima arrives in Fall River to begin its visitation of diocesan churches and institutions.

Several times he returned to the microphone as if to continue, and each time he backed away. Finally, some voices in the crowd broke the silence by starting to sing "Boze Cos Polske'~ (God Bless Poland) and the whole outdoor congregation picked it up. His composure regained, the pope spontaneously expressed his thanks with a 20-minute digression from his prepared text. He was repeatedly interrupted by applause and singing. Earlier in his historic visit to his homeland hundreds of thousands had seen the pontiff celebrate Masses in Warsaw and in the primatial s~e of Oniezno. It is "impossible without Christ to understand the history of the Polish nation." he said in

This morning the pope will visit Kalwaria Zebrzydowska and his home town of Wadowice. In the afternoon he will go to the World War II concentration camp of Auschwitz. After praying in the cell where Blessed Maximilien Kolbe, who gave his life for another prisoner, spent his last days, the pontiff will celebrate a Mass for the souls of camp victims.

"Love of our neighbor is the only door out of the dungeon of self." - George MacDonald


his homily in Warsaw, which appeared to be the keynote speech of his trip to Poland. Standing below a towering 50foot cross in Warsaw's Victory Square the pope hurled out the basic challenge of the Catholic Church to efforts by the communist government to institute an atheistic state. In trying to view Poland without Christ and Christianity, the pope said, "we lay ourselves open to a substantial misunderstanding. We no longer understand ourselves." He interpreted his own election as pope - the first Polish pope in history - as a call to Poland to become "the land of a particularly responsible witness" to Christ and the church. The following day in Gniez~ no, the pope said he wants to play an important role in the unity of Christians from Eastern and Western Europe. ,Pope John Paul said he is the world's first Slavic pope and declared himself an apostle of and to the Slavs. Speaking at the Mass in Gniezno, the pope expressed a conviction that God has called him, as pope, to play a particularly important role in the unity of Christians of Eastern and Western Europe. Yesterday the pope celebrated a morning Mass at Jasna Gora and in the evening offered a liturgy and homily for workers of Gorney Slask and Zaglebie Dabrowskie. He then traveled to Krakow, where he was archbishop and cardinal before his election as pope.

Only Door


Papal Pilgrimag'e Continued from Page One prived of the Communist government of religious radio and television programming, saw live coverage of a three-hour papal Mass and other ceremonies on the day of his arrival. In his public appearances during the first days of his trip, the pope repeatedly stressed his own Polish roots and put even more emphasis on the Christian roots of the Polish nation. Those Christian roots are so strong and deep, he said, that if they are neglected or forgotten "we no longer understand ourselves." Several times the pope appeared to be almost overcome with emotion, but nowhere as much as at Jasna Gora, the site of the shrine to Our Lady of Czestochowa, patroness of Poland, where he publicly reconsecrated the church to Mary. During the homily at the Mass on June 4, he spoke of being "here again with all of you" and with the "episcopate to which I belonged for more than 20 years as a brother bishop." He then paused and gazed down the line of concelebrating bishops, many of them long-time close friends.

Father Desautels entered the Jesuit order in 1937 and has been a Holy Cross faculty member since 1955, specializing in 18th century French literature. He holds a master's degree from Fordham University and a doctorate from the Sorbonne in Paris.




Dear Monsignor Nolan: Please return coupon with your offering THE

CATHOLIC - - - --


Think of the days ahead. Father's Day is June 17th. Why not send us your Mass requests right now? Simply list the intentions, and then you can rest assured the Masses will be offered by priests in India, the Holy Land and Ethiopia, who receive no other income. . . . Remind us to send you information about Gregorian Masses, too. You can arrange now to have Gregorian Masses offered for yourself, or for another, after death.

Have you ever wished you had a son a priest? Now you can have a 'priest of your own'-and share forever in all the good he does. . • . Throughout the Near East each year, grateful Bishops ordain hundreds of new priests trained by people like you .... Their own families are too poor to support them in training, but good Catholics in America 'adopted' these seminarians, encouraged them all the way to ordination .... In some inspiring cases, this support was given at personal sacrifice..•• How can you begin? Write to us now. We'll send you the name of a young seminarian who needs you, and he will write to you. Make the pay· ments for his training to suit your convenience ($15.00 a month, or $180 a year, or the total $1,080 all at once). Join your sacrifices to his, and at every Sacrifice of the Mass, he will always remember who made it possible.

In the hands of a thrifty native Sister your gift in any amount ($1,000, $500, $100, $50, $25, $10, $2) in the name of your mother or father will fill empty stomachs. We'll send your parents a beautiful card telling them your gift is in their honor.



















THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., June, 7, 1979

Greeley's Quitting 'Catholi.c Writing Market'


under review. So you can work a long time ANDREW M.··· . on a book and have it shredded by a goon who doesn't know GREELEY what. he's talking about. Voung writers can find better things to do than play that game. I now have documentary eviI have argued before in dence of what goes on in the this column that a young minds· of such reviewers..A self-" person would be ill-advised professed "friend" wrote me reto write for the "Catholic cently that he bad a review .market" because the low pro- copy of my .book, "The Making motion budgets of most Catholic of the Popes 1978," and that it books doom them to the mer- was "outstanding, fascinating, cies of the reviewers in one or brilliant." However,. he quickly two publications. Such review- added that he would have to find ers can be counted on to be (a) flaws in it about which to be incompetent, (b) patronizing and critical, and "reservations in supercilious and (c) more inter- some respects." ested in parading their own Then the explanation of why egos than reporting on the book he was doing this: "There is no




My husband and I just observed our 25th anniversary by renewing our vows. I want to strenuously encourage couples who make it to their silver anniversary to formally renew their marriage vows. My husband doesn't like crowds or big productions. Yet when we talked about the possibility of renewing our vows he

agreed we should do it ... with as little fanfare as possible. One of the regular Sunday Masses in our parish is less crowded than most. It seemed ideal to renew our vows at the end of that Mass. Anyone who didn't want to stay would not be forced to sit through our ceremony. The priest who said the Mass was particularly understanding because he'll celebrate his own silver jubilee in just a few weeks. He linked the homily to our anniversary. He also made a point I hadn't even considered. He thanked us for sharing our anniversary with the community. He said it is good for a par-

other way to commend your work to a readership (which includes the U.S. Catholic establishment) which is in good part suspicious of you or downright hostile." I always thought that if asked to review a friend's book you either praise it or refuse the review. But leave that aside as shapty Irish loyalty. Every book has flaws, but to argue that one must find them in order to 'ingratiate oneself with readers who will otherwise be hostile to the author is pathetically unprofessional. First, it won't work, because the hostile readers will fixate on the flaws (and won't read the book anyway). Secondly, the reviewer's job is to report on

the book, not pander to real or imagined hostilities. I'm not sure what will happen to "The Making of the Popes." I have more reservations about its success than does the publisher, despite its being selected by the Book-of-the-Month Club and excerpted in Playboy (the latter decision over which I had no control, by the way, otherwise it would not have been made). But at least it won't be done in by the goons who review for "America" and The National Catholic Reporter. This same "friend" reviewing the book for another publication notes t~at I am the most hated priest in America among fellow priests. It apparently does not occur to him that my

ish to be a part of the celebration of a good marriage, that the sharing offers encouragement to the whole community.

it is sobering to know that . . . but much joy has been de"worse, poorer, and sickness" rived from overcoming them. can be very rough times and we And if we were able eventually have no reason to expect that to derive joy from conquered "happily ever after'" will start defeats, and then add to that all . the deep joys that have come now. on their own, why not look When we were married an ahead with optimism? . exhortation was read at every I've always believed that a wedding. I hadn't heard it in a ceremony is important for the long time and we asked the lec- beginning of a marriage. Now tor to re-read it for us. When I I'm absolutely convinced . . . heard that exhortation 'years for the ceremony was even ago it made sense, but it was more important at 25 years. only a theory. Today it is a Gathering together all our famreality. "Sacrifice is usually dif- ily and friends and publicly proficult and irksome. Only love claiming that this time we know can make it easy, and perfect what we're talking about . . . love can make it a joy." and we still believe in marriage, There have been heartaches was good for all of us!

My husband and I both were more nervous this time around. When we married 25 years ago we were confident our marriage was going to be like the fairy tales ... happily ever after. We knew other people had problems . . . but we wouldn't. I think that if I had known the difficulties ahead I wouldn't have had the courage to get married; but facing those difficulties has given me the contidenc.e .tJi~ w~ will be able to hancW . . . ,ext 25 years. But

popularity rating with the clergy is totally irrelevant to the book and to the readers of the secular journal for which he is writing. Here is the core of the problem: In the miasmic world of the Catholic intelligentsia, reviewers and book review editors see their mission as mandating opinions on the personality of the writer and a review of that personality '(real or iQk-blotcreated). In such a mushy, soft environment, ideas don't matter, . persons do. lt's all quite sick and no young writer should expose himself or herself to such sickness. I'm getting out of it and my only regret is that I did not do it long ago.

Catholics. Are SUpporters of Black Civil Rights By JIM


Catholic civil vists believe the not always done it could to help

rights actichurch has as much as blacks. But

at the same time, Catholics have provided significant support for black civil rights and the black movement has in turn helped Catholics. A Harris poll conducted for the National Conference of Christians and Jews f{mnd Catholics less likely than Protestants or Jews to object to sending their


The rose is certainly one of the most' admired and Few ubiquitous plants. plants give more satisfac-

children to school with blacks. It also found that blacks held a positive view of Catholic attitudes on race. For example, Catholic school systems in places like New Orleans and Washington were desegregated well before the Brown . decision. The Catholic Church has also helped integrate public school 'systems. According to a survey conducted by the U.S. Catholic Conference, at least 89 of the U.S. diocese have policies prohibiting admission of students seeming to avoid public school desegregation programs. During the late 50s and the 60s, Catholic interracial councils, eventually operating under the umbrella of the National

tion or transcend

Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice, provided significant leadership for the civil rights movement.Catholics were amply represented at the March on Selma and helped organize the 1963 march on Washington. Catholics have been very visible in the civil rights effort - Sargent Shriver, Mathew Ahmann, Holy Cross Father Theodore Hesburgh, Msgr. George Higgins, John McDermott, Topl Gibbons, Msgr. Geno Baroni and others come quickly to mind. More recently, the U.S. bishops, acting on a recommendation from the Call to Action conference which capped their bicentennial program, _have begun work on affirmative action

guidelines to increase minority hiring in the· U.S. Catholic Conference, the bishops' civil action arm. The guidelines will also serve as models - though not binding - for diocesan hiring policies. It's also worth noting that one of the finest civil rights research centers in the country can be found at the Catholic University Law School - the Center for National Policy Review. . The center has just published a study on school desegregation that takes exception to other studies highlighting desegregation's negative impacts and arguing that it can work .if it is carried out properly. The study was written by Ronald Henderson and Mary von

Euler of the National Institute of Education. They argue that "desegregation is a process, as is education itself." The study cited factors which can make desegregation successful: - Social classes as well as races must be mixed. - ilntegrated neighborhoods should be exempt from busing requirements. - Desegregation works well when begun in early grades, poorest when begun in grades four through eight and best when begun in all grades at once. - Good counselling and integrated staff and faculty are necesary for successful desegregation.

it in related fungus diseases which

men for the remainder of the year. But regular spraying with a mixture of Phaltan and 'Isotox gives the bush a much better chance of survival.

during the hot weather, with mulch, and with regular spraying, roses can be an elegant and beautiful addition to the garden. Poorly cared for, there is no more horrible specimen! I spray very little because of the dangers of chemical sprays. But I do spray my roses since I feel that if they are to be grown for their beauty, they must be grown properly.

beauty. But roses require a great deal of care to prosper. They are very susceptible to aphids, which tend to mass under the leaves and around the buds. These must be sprayed with something like Isotox if they are to be kept within limits. In early spring I spray at least every 10 days. Then there are black spot and

crop up in wet weather and continue during the summer. They can be treated with Captan or Phaltan in a spray, again at least every 10 days. Once black spot gets established on the plant, there is little hope for it· for that season. Leaves fall off, vigor is lost and the plant betomes a sickly speci-

Chewing insects are another matter. Sevin has proven fairly effective for me, but even then beetles will appear and do their destruction. With reasonable watering

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., June, 7, 1979


Jubilee Journey Continued from Page One mainder of the day and Tuesday morning to explore the city. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday they will be in Venice, leaving on Friday for Florence, where they will visit the Duomo and Uffizi Gallery, with the option of a trip to Pisa. Arrival in Rome is scheduled for Monday, June 18, and the remainder of the week will be spent in the Eternal City. The diocesan group will attend the weekly audience of Pope John Paul II and a special jubilee Mass to be celebrated in St.


,Peter's Basilica by Daniel A. Cronin at the tomb of St. Pius X, founder of the Fall River diocese. A special visit will be made to the Church of Santo Croce, whose adornments include a rose window given by the people of the Fall River diocese during the episcopate of Bishop James E. Cassidy. In acknowledgment of the gift, the diocesan coat of arms appears in a corner of the window. Greeting the pilgrims will be Father Jay Maddock, a diocesan priest doing postgraduate work

in canon law at Rome's North American College; and also on hand will be Steven Avila of St. John Baptist parish, New Bedford, a seminarian at the college. A jubilee banquet Friday night, June 22, will conclude the pilgrimage. The pilgrimage coordinator is Father Ronald A. Tosti and other priests who will make the trip, in addition to Bishop Cronin and Msgr. John J. Oliveira, episcopal secretary, are Father Barry W. Wall, Father George W. Coleman, Father JohnF. Moore and Father ,Louis R. Boivin.

...." A'(t

BISHOP DANIEL A. CRONIN (left) concelebrates baccalaureate Mass for Stonehill College's largest class. The bishop was also homilist for the occasion. (Bauman Photo)

Retirees Continued from Page One was ordained May 26, 1934 by the late Bishop James E. Cassidy. He served in Sacred Heart parish, 路Fall River, a total of 26 years, 19 years as associate pastor and seven years as pastor, leaving that church to take up his present position. He also served in Sacred Heart parish, Oak Bluffs; St. William, Fall River; St. James, New ,Bedford; Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Seekonk; and St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay. He was named a domestic prelate in 1967. Father Madore Father Madore claims that he was born with a hammer and a saw in his hands and sisters at Mt. St. Joseph's attest to his talents. During his 19 years at the children's home he and his tools came to the rescue in many emergency situations. "My doctor said that work with my hands was what brought me back to health," averred the former army chaplain, who retired from military service in 1960 for medical reasons.

"I came back to the diocese to die," he recalled. Instead, he embarked on his "second career," capped last month by a testimonial dinner at which his contributions to both Notre Dame cemetery and Mt. St. Joseph were gratefully acknowledged. At the cemetery he led efforts which have resulted in building of a mausoleum with space for nearly 3000 crypts and served as a director of the Massachusetts Cemetery Association. -Born in Canada, he studied at St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, N.Y. before being ordained at St. Mary's Cathedral in 1935. He served as associate pastor at Notre Dame and St. Mathieu parishes, Fall River, before entering the service as a military chaplain in 1942.

IFILAG tAT **********June

He saw overseas service in World War II and thereafter served at installations in the United States and abroad. He holds many decorations and retired from the military as a lieutenant colonel. In retirement, Father Madore will reside in a mobile home in Melbourne, Fla. There he will enjoy the companionship of three other retired priests from the diocese. They are Father Henry R.Canuel, Msgr. Bernard J. Fenton and Father John F. Denehy. The latter two are also former military chaplains.


Ours is 10 noble banner, this standard of our country, this flog of liberty. Taking pride in Old Gloryand the ideals for which lit Isl1ands, m'ay we 'remind all to display that colorful

Bethune Award


WASHINGTON (NC) - Holy Cross Father Theodore Hesburgh, president of the University of Notre Dame, has been given the highest education award presented by a federal agency. U.S. Commissioner of Education Ernest Boyer presented Father Hesburgh the Mary McLeod Bethune Award, named for a famous black educator in the first half of the century who served as an advisor to Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Truman.

ond 'm'eaningful.e'mblem of our notion on Flog Dlay ... June 14th. This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River DURO FINISHING CORP. THE EXTERMINATOR CO.




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall. River-Thur., June, 7, 1979


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Six Religious Community Ordinations

This Saturday and next, six . young men with ties to the Fall River diocese will be ordained for religious communities. At noon this Saturday Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan of Worcester will conduct ordination ceremonies for 11 members of the Society of Jesus at Holy Cross College, Worcester. Among them are Rev. Mr. John T. Crabb, SJ, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Crabb, South Portland, Me., who is on the faculty of IBishop Connolly High School, Fall River; and .Rev. Mr. Philip J. Geogan, SJ, son of Mrs. Robert J. Geogan, Rockland, and the late Mr. Geogan; and Rev. Mr. Thomas H. Schneider, SJ, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schneider, Atkinson, N.H. Both are former Connolly faculty members. Rev. Mr. Crabb will offer a Mass of thanksgiving at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 24 at Holy Name Church, Fall River, ~ollowed by a reception at Bishop Connolly High School. Students, parents and friends are invited. Also on Saturday, at 11 a.m. at Holy Cross parish, South Easton, Auxiliary Bishop James H. MacDonald, C~::, of Hamilton, Ontario, will ordain two priests for the Congregation of the Holy Cross. Both were formerly Holy Cross brothers. They are Rev. Mr. Thomas Carten, CSC, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Carten, Stratford, Conn. and Rev. Mr. John Donahue, CSC, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Donahue of Taunton. As a Holy Cross brother, Rev. Mr. Carten was a member of the

staff of Holy Cross Seminary and collaborated in the founding of Holy Cross parish, South Easton. He has an extensive background in radio programming, engineering and broadcasting and is also active in work for the blind as a braillist and talking-book recorder. Additionally, he began one of the first large-scale newspaper broadcasts for the blind in the country. His first priestly assignment will be at King's College, WilkesBarre, Pa. Rev. Mr. Donahue is a Taunton native. He graduated from St. Mary's School and the former Coyle High School before entering the Holy Cross community. As a brother, he taught at schools in New Jersey, New York and Maryland as well as at Coyle High School, where he was stationed from 1965 to 1968 and where he was on the board of directors of several- civic projects for teenagers. He has served as science chairperson for the Fall River diocese and was a religious education consultant for the archdiocese of New York. In that field he has published four religious education texts on the secondary level. He will offer a Mass of Thanksgiving at 9:30 a.m. Sunday at St. Mary's Church, Taunton. Father Paul Connolly, pastor, will be a concelebrant and homilist. A reception will follow at St. Mary's school. The ordinand's first assignment will be as campus minis-

ter at Holy Cross High School, Flushing, N.Y. . Rev. Mr. Dubuc, the first alumnus of Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, to enter the priesthood, will be ordained as a Columban missionary at noon Saturday, June 16, in his home parish of Sacred Heart, North Attleboro. ~ Officiating will be Auxiliary Bishop John M. D'Arcy of Boston. The new priest will concelebrate his first Mass _at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, June 17 in Sacred Heart. A reception will follow in the church hall. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland J. Dubuc' graduated from Sacred Heart School before attending Bishop Feehan. He studie<l for the priesthood at the Boston Theological Institute and St. John's'seminary, Brighton. He has been active since 1971' in various apostolates to the mentally retarded ·and deaf. His first assignment will be to the Columban missions in Japan.

Si Ikwood Case A federal jury's award of $10.5 million damages to the relatives of Karel1" Silkwood is only the first step toward justice, according to a priest investigating the case. Jesuit Father Bill Davis said that although lle is "delighted" with the personal injury verdict, there are still civil rights issues and allegations of a cover-up to be dealt with in the death of the plutonium plant worker almost five years ago.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., June, 7, 1979

Osterville Convert Shares Experiences By Carol R. Dinklage

The initials of children on a list were placed on the altar for one month and our priests prayed for them at the Masses. Of a list of 24 children, more than half have already been changed. 1 know a family with so many serious problems, the situation looked hopeless. Prayer began. The family returned to Jesus and to the church and a network of service, both material and spiritual, came around them. What seemed impossible is becoming a reality: a totally renewed family.

the Mass means to me? It is the objective reenactment of His love for me every day. The M'lSS tells me again He died for me and rose for me, that He forgives me and loves me. At Mass 1 grow daily in a personal relationship with Jesus, coming to know him as God and brother.

Following are excerpts from a Day of Devotion witness talk at Our Lady of the Assumption parish, Osterville. The author, a psychologist in the Barnstable public school system, is a convert from Judaism and active in the charismatic renewal. She At a Mass at our Monday says her talk represented "a night prayer meeting, Father small part of my deep love fOf: kept breaking the bread as we my new church." said "Lamb of God, have mercy I became a Christian six and on me." It struck me to the one-half years ago from Judaism, heart. His body broken, into after a long period of searchlittle pieces for me, for us. What ing; and I became a Catholic a Louis Evely says, "Each of us wondrous love is this! ,year ago, received into this has the same incredible vocation And then the next day 1 church and parish family at a Mary had to give life to God in missed Mass. 1 was seeing beautiful and joyous Mass. the world." An example of how Today I want to celebrate we can share in the vocation of people all day, and one appointwith you God's love for us and Mary: in our coffee room, after ment stayed so late 1 missed the particularly the daily celebration a trying day, people asked if 1 ·last Mass of the day. I've missed of His love for us in our lives. got depressed. 1 told them how your Mass, 1 told Him. No, he said, no, you are at Mass here in By profession I am a child . people are praying. One person your office listening to these psychologist. I went into psy- lingered. suffering people; and 1 saw chology to find out why child"I want to share in this work," 'again in my mind the bread ren suffer and what could be she said. Every day she goes to from the night before being done about it. (My sister and I Mass and lights a candle to Mary broken and the broken people were abused physically and emofor one of my children. She says, before me who were also His tionally and my sister suffers "Mary has never refused me broken body, and 1 saw Jesus' permanent brain damage from anything, but so far 1 have only love in both places and truly 1 it.) National statistics show the asked for my family; now 1 will was at Mass. rise of child abuse; violent chilpray for the family you will give In closing, I want to tell you dren w.ho have been treated viome." that many of you here have lently; mental illness rising, esThe second major way 1 cele- been a source of strength and pecially serious kinds like depression, psychosis, suicide, brate God's love is in the daily inspiration to me. You have welMass. 1 was drawn into the Cath- comed me here and prayed for even among young children. In doing therapy with a five- olic Church by the Mass and 1 me and shown me lives of faith year-old boy pronounced hope- continue to be drawn into the and love in the midst of many lessly ill, I found love was the very heart of the Father by the trials you have and burdens you carry. answer and one could love a Mass. child back into life. However, I It WjlS difficult for me personYou, we, are His lights. You, experienced in psychological aUy to become Ii Catholic. Every- we, are \h.e sign of His life with work in general much of a sense thing familiar to me was wrench- us yet. We are His body as we , of failure and I had no one to ed away and for a time my only come together to make a comshare the burdens with. To care strength was Jesus. munity of love, to celebrate His for people deeply without Jesus What are some of the things love. in one's life is to live in hell. But Jesus has come into my life, and my work with the children and their families, which seemed at times a curse, has become a blessing. Now 1 feel my work is a privilege because 1 am plugged into His love which has no limits and which intends perfect healing for all His chil\. dren. One major way J: celebrate God's love in my life is in and through my work. 1 don't mean to romanticize it. 1 have some very down days and some days the only good thing 1 run into all day is Jesus and the only good thing 1 hear is the Mass. But there is prayer. 1 have brothers and sisters who pray for me and for these children. If ever you've been outside the realm of prayer, as 1 was for 43 years, you know what a precious, awesome thing it is, that we can pray for one another and know our God will hear us. He always answers, though not in the way we expect; and though we like answers that bring change and healing, just as wonderful is the strength He gives us to bear what cannot be changed or healed. 1 belong to a charismatic prayer group in this parish and the people in it pray for me and my children. 1 have dear sisters at daily Mass to whom 1 can say: would you pray for this situation today or for this family. CAROL DINKLAGE




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., June, 7, 1979

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NCCB President Will Sell House


SAN FRANCISCO (NC) Archbishop John Quinn of San Francisco plans to sell his episcopal residence to help balance the archdiocesan budget. He said the projected sale would provide cash and reduce operating expenses, particularly high utility bills. Archbishop Quinn, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, plans to move to a newly vacant convent at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in San Francisco.









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OffICE .6 OAl GlOVE lVE.. fllllMI

IN THE By Father John F. Moore Permanent Diaeonate Director The history of the church is like a prism glittering in the sunlight: always colorful, always changing, always bringing a new rainbow into our lives. In this way we should view the renewed diaconate. Why at this time, the Spirit has brought once again this aspect of Holy Orders into our lives is part of the mystery as well as of the history of the church. Yet speculation can be offered that might help all of us to understand some of the circumstances which have fostered the development and growth of the Permanent Diaconate. First and foremost must be the great stress that the church is placing on the reality of "ministry." Ministry of this nature is service and this diaconal. It reflects the concepts of sacrifice, understanding, witnessing and giving. Now surely one might say this could be done if the church founded a new socalled religious order to do this work. Yet in the providence of the present dispensation, this has not been the case, perhaps because the ministry that is to be offered by deacons is so closely allied to the work of the bishop, the head of the local church. Deacons historically have always had a very special relationship to their Ordinary. This is made visible when the bishop presides from his special place in the cathedral church. He presides now with a deacon at his side. The diaconal ministry thus is manifested to the entire church, not only to the laity but even to the bishop. ' Even in the :rite of ordination this special relationship of deacon and bishop should be noted. When a bishop or priest is ordained, the participating bishops or priests are called upon to impose hands on the head of theordinancl. In the rite of ordination to diaconate, only the ordaining bishop imposes hands on the deacon. For sign value, this is most important, clearly indicating that -the deacon has a ministry to everyone in the local church via the bishop.

This is significant not only because such a service gives a deacon program the support of the bis~op but also because it is in this mutual interdependence and support of deacon and bishop that the church is seen in its total mature ministerial nature. A restored diaconate program where deacons are seen to be part of the total Catholic community will allow freedom and professionalism in areas of diaconal ministry not presently existing in the church. Such a program will show that the deacon is truly a part of the church community, becoming a catalyst for new ministries. Because of this the deacon is fostering a genuine commitment to servic~ within the totality of the local church. For some this may seem pure theory and an ideal only to be found in a utopian church removed from the harsh realities of daily living. This viewpoint is indeed shortsighted. The permanent deacon. will witness in areas where the so-called clerical church cannot function in the present dispensation. He will bring Christ and His message into the mills, stores, shops, offices, garages and other areas where men and women live their existence. He will be the living church in the nooks and crannies of society where the church presently is not a visible force. For many, the deacon will be the first contact with the total church. When .one considers that more than 90 million Americans profess no faith whatsover, the urgency of the deacon's evangelical mission in this land is more than evident. Where the deacon ministers, there will be the church; there will be the bishop shepherding the people of God; there will be the priestly witness of the baptized; there will be all of us bringing the healing of the Lord to all men and women who hurt, search and hunger. The ministry of service that the permanent deacon will offer this world is the ministry of the whole church, in place and time but affecting eternity.

The expected sale of the residence and other budget cuts reduced the projected archdiocesan deficit - for 1979-1980 from about $1.4 million to about $300,000. The budget is about $3 million. Archbishop Quinn also imposed higher parish assessments and called for consolidation in chancery offices. Major. budget cuts were in the areas of education, communication and administration. The archdiocese will continue its services to inner-city schools and parishes, the poor and ethnic programs, spokesman said. The episcopal residence was given to the archdiocese in 1948. It has three stories, a large banquet hall and large setvants' quarters and overlooks the Golden Gate Bridge. "It's Ii very large house, too large, he said. "There are parts of it that aren't used at all. It would be better for me to live in a less elaborate setting."

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS State Deputy John J. Donovan of Norwood was re-elected to his post at the annual K of C state convention" where 400 delegates represented 60,000 Massachusetts members of the fraternal organization. Members commended Governor Edward J. King on his prolife stand and on raising the state drinking age. They granted $300,000 to Cardinal Cushing School in Hanover for construction of a food preparation training center for- exceptional children.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., June, 7, 1979















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him to act, against that lifestyle. (See, for example, MatQ. I have accepted most of thew 7:21, 19:17 and chapter 25, the changes in the Catholic and John 9:21.) Church, and feel they were for In other words, these are certhe betterment of all concerned. tain ways we Christians do However, something has re- things. And Jesus tells us we cently occurred in our church must operate our lives, freely, which is beyond comprehension. according to that way, or we A CathoDc young lady and a just won't fit into the kingdom. Catholic man, Dving together for . Questions for this column at least the last eight months, should be sent to Father Dietfinally decided to marry. Banns zen c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box were published in the church 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722. bulletin, and they were married in a Catholic church on Saturday evening with all the church's matrimonial services. They lived together up to the time of the services. . VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope Is living together before marJohn Paul II has called an unriage now acceptable? Please exprecedented special synod of the plain if this is a customary proDutch bishops to try to resolve cedure. (Ohio) the liberal-conservative conA. Living together before flicts in the Dutch church, acmarriage is definitely not accep- cording to Vatican Radio. table to the Catholic Church. It The synod is expected to be is a hurtful, sinful situation, re- held in Rome with the pope in gardless of how the couple in- attendance early in 1980. volved may view it at the mo,In recent months Pope John ment. Paul has met individually with On the other hand, a man and each of the Dutch bishops. woman have a right to marry, A letter from the pope to the and Catholics have a right to a Catholic marriage ceremony. r president of the Dutch Bishops' believe, however, that the sol- Conference said that the pontiff emnity and public character of had decided to convene a that marriage rite must be deter- "special synod," one of three mined by balancing the rights kinds of synods he is empowerof the rest of the Catholic ed to hold under norms issued by communitiy - the right not to Pope Paul VI. have their marriage ceremony The types of synods are gensubjected to ridicule and reduced eral, held every three years on to meaningless gesture; the right a specific theme and attended not to have themselves and their by delegates from around the children exposed to a scanda- world; extraordinary, called to lous flaunting of' a shameful address some special issue and situation; and so on. attended by presidents of bishAfter some sad experiences as ops' conferences from around a pastor, I still do~t think I the world; and special, called to would ~llow a public, solemn confront an important problem mariage ceremony for a couple affecting a particular country or living together at the time of the group of countries, and attended by the bishops of the counmarriage. I, and maybe your fellow- try or countries involved. The calling of ·the special sy'. readers, would appreciate any insights and practical sugesstions nod followed several months of we might receive for handling speculation that the pope would intervene personally to try to this kind of situation. Q. If a person has to keep resolve a variety of theological, the Ten Commandments to get pastoral and disciplinary issues to heaven:, why did Jesus Christ that have caused growing divisdie on the cross and shed his ion among the bishops, priests blood for us? and laity in the Netherlands. Romans (3:24) says we are Among these issues are sem"justified freely by his grace inary training, lay ministries and through the redemption that is in interpretations of church teachChrist Jesus.I ' Isn't it by the ing in some areas of doctrine blood of the Lord and not the and morality. observance of the law, that we The special synod will be the are forgiven our sins and have first since Pope 'Paul established eternal life? (Louisiana) the world Synod of Bishops in A. You're right. We do not 1965. keep the law of God and Jesus Christ in order to "buy" God's love and our sharing in his life. Msgr. Darcy Resigns These are free, totally unmerited ROME (NC) - Msgr. Harold gifts. P. Darcy has resigned as rector Jesus does tell us, however, of the Pontifical North Ameriwhat vi~ must do because we can College in Rome. The resigare his disciples, part of his nation is effective in August at family. Several times we cor- the end of his five-year term. rected llis followers when they The North American College tried to act, or even prompt is the U.S. seminary in Rome.


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BROTHER DANIEL CARON of the faculty of Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, has been named principal of Mt. Assumption High School, Plattsburgh, N.Y. From 1965 to 1968 he was on the faculty of the former Msgr. Prevost High School, Fall River. When that institution merged with Bishop Connolly, he became head of the Connolly science department. Additionally he directed Connolly athletics for the past three years and was religious director of the Brothers of Christian Instruction community in Fall River for three years and its treasurer for seven years.


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BROTHER ROGER LACROIX, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lacroix of Fall River, has been appointed dean of resident students at Mt. Assumption High in Plattsburgh, where he has been on the English faculty for four years. He joined the Brothers of Christian Instruction in 1964 and has taught in Ohio and Maine as well as in Plattsburgh. He represents the Ogdensburg, N.Y. diocese in the National Assembly of Religious Brothers.

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THE ANCHOR-Dioc路ese of Fall River-Thur., June, 7, 1979


II .'

Sexist Language in the Liturgy

By Father Joseph M. Champlin Soon after the Second Vatican Council, those concerned about Catholic architecture and worship would often visit new or renovated churches and groan in disappointment. They discovered many buildings which had been rather permanently built or remodeled, but which were designed according to pre-Vatican concepts. A marble altar, for example, solidly fixed to the rear wall of the sanctuary or a ceiebrant's chair also fastened firmly at the side fulfilled then current notions of liturgy. Rearrangement of. such sanctuaries often would have been impossible, excessively expensive or pastorally disastrous. Had such construction or renovation been delayed but a few years, the projects would have taken a totally different direction. Something parallel has occurred with regard to sexist lang路'uage in our liturgical 'books. The translation of Latin texts into English was accomplished by

distinguished scholars. Nevertheless, the feminist movement with its related issue, the use of sexist words or style in publications, had just begun in those days. Consequently, translators followed the then current tradition and employed terms like "man," "mankind," "men," "brothers" in the familiar generic sense. Those concerned about this matter likewise groan when they look at costly volumes used at the altar. Changing or updating the translation in these books to eliminate sexist terminology means removal of expensive rituals purchased only a short time ago. Are the effort and expense justified? There seems no question about that. Words and names are important: They convey the reality behind them. For example, the term last rites or extreme unction and anointing of the sick denote the identical reality, but do they not suggest completely distinct approaches to the same sacred experience?

Do you feel annoyed or ignored or neglected when a person either does not know your name or mispronounces it or confuses you with another individual? Are black people indifferent to the word "nigger" in the United States or "kaffir" in Africa? ,In the Scriptures we often find God changing the name of a person who was destined to play a particularly significant role in the history of salvation. In addition, tile new title contained an intimation of the function he or she would fulfill. Perhaps the most famous case is Simon renamed Peter clear to you, you are 'Rock,' and on this rock I will build my church." (Matthew 16,18). Moreover, the church's pattern of prayer or worship has always reflected its manner of belief or faith and vice versa. Thus names, words and langage are important. We might recall that St. John Chrysostom called God "Sister, Mother," while St. Anselm prayed to Jesus as Mother.

St. Gregory Of Nyssa By Monika K. Hellwig Most Western Christians have seldom heard of St. Gregory of Nyssa, yet he has much to offer us. He lived in the Middle East in the fourth century, at a time when politics and church affairs were entangled and sometimes marked by a physical violence as well as trickery. Of noble birth and well educated, Gregory began a career in church ministry, changed his mind and embarked on a secular career and married, then changed his mind again and went in search of a life of deep seclusion and contemplation. He was snatched away from his seclusion to be made a bishop, to which he reluctantly agreed. He was by nature a thinker, not an administrator. He had a checkered career as a bishop and many judged him a failure. However, subsequent genera. tions have seen him as a great theologian and catechist. He was a strong voice at the Council of Constantinople and helped to give its present shape to the creed we recite at Sunday Mass. But it was when he taught and wrote about the ways of Christian prayer that he seems to have felt at home. Prayipg for him was something oqe does some of the time by follQwing a ceremony, a set of wor~s or a method of focusingattention. Praying was the only thing worth doing with

the whole of one's being and time. In his view, praying was a matter of tuning in to God who wants to show himself to us. Most of us have heard this kind of thing before and may have found it discouraging, wondering how we were supposed to be able to see God. Gregory has an answer: We see God in the mirror of our souls. This is the familiar catechism answer: We are made in the image and likeness of God and that likeness is chiefly in our souls. But Gregory of Nyssa searches far beyond this glib answer. It must be from his own life experiences that Gregory is so sure that even when a person

is horribly distracted by trivialities, the passion for God hidden deep inside him, is always trying to burst out. But when a person turns away from sinful behavior and clears away concern over trivialities, the vision of God bursts upon the inward eye because the soul has bec.ome a mirror that reflects God. Gregory is poetic but practical about this. The likeness of God is uncovered by converting one's whole way of life. As one becomes generous, one sees the overwhelming goodness and generosity of God. As one has less to hide, one becomes aware of the presence of God. As one reduces one's life to coherence and simplicity, one comes to Turn to Page Thirteen

For Children By Janaan Manternach One day Jesus wanted some quiet time. So he asked路 his friends if they would like to walk with him along the Jordan River. The flowing water, the warm sun and the gentle breeze would refresh them. They headed north along the Jordan River in the direction of the Roman town, Caesarea Philippi. As they walked, Jesus and his friends talked about what had happened during the past few

weeks, about Jesus' teachings and about the wonderful things he did for people in need. Then Jesus asked them what the crowds thought of him. "Who do people say I am?" he asked. His friends had been mingling with the people. They knew exactly what they thought about Jesus. "Some day you are John the Baptizer," they told Jesus. "Others say you are Elijah. Still Turn to Page Thirteen

'What service or ministry is God calling me' to?'


Discovering AVocation By Steve Landregan

In speaking of a vocation in the traditional Christian sense, the ver.b "to choose" seems inappropriate. If God does the calling (vocation comes from the Latin "vocare" to call), then the one called does not choose, but is choser.. It would be more accurate to speak in terins of discerning the call. Let's reword the question to ask "How can I know that I am ready to discern what God has called me to be?" God's first call is to the Christian life. Our response to this primary call is baptism and faith. The call to service or ministry is universal to all Christians, thus the question is not "Am I called by God to serve?" This awareness is surfacing among Catholics today in a new and exciting way. A new sense of being called on the part of

Catholic laymen has resulted in burgeoning programs for the preparation and coordination of lay ministers. Organists now see themselves as ministers of music, ushers see themselves as ministers of hospitality, members of parish councils and parish school boards see their work as a form of ministry. In one sense this new phenamenon has caused a crisis in semantics. The word "minister" ~sed to mean simply a Protestant clergyman in our Catholic vocabulary. Now it has not only been adopted by Catholics, it has been consumed, exhausted and all but impoverished. What or who is a minister? Is every Christian called to ministry? Or is every Christiap called to witness and serve in Christ's name while only those who do Turn to Page Thirteen



A Verdade E A Vida , Dirigida DeJo Rev. Edmond Rego A SANTISSIMA TRINADE

Quem podera narrar 0 misterio de Deus? Seria mais facil, como dizia a crianya a S. Agostinho, meter 0 mar numa pocinha cavada na areia da praia que compreender 0 misterio profundo da Santlssima Trindade. Mas Deus quis ser compreenslvel para n6s, quis ser urn Deus para n6s e connosco. A Sua hist6ria com os homens toda a natureza narra as Suas maravilhas. a homem, se abrir os olhos, pode descobrir na Cria9ao e na historia as acvoes reveladoras do nosso Deus. , E certo que a "Deus ninguem jamais a viu." Contudo, Ele veio ate n6s, est~ no meio de n6s: podemos encontrar-nos com Ele. be multiplas maneiras Se aproximou Deus dos homens, patenteando-se, de algum modo, a profundidade do Seu misterio. A todo 0 homem foi dado encontrar-se com Deus atraves do "grande livro da natureza, porquanto Deus veio pela primeira vez ao mundo, no Seu acto criador. Tudo obra das Suas maos, dizem os salmos. Todavia, 0 caminho para 0 encontro com 0 nosso Deus atraves das coisas materiais escuro, diflcil e muito incompleto. Dal 0 deslgnio divino de dialogar com os homens de viva voz. a dialogo foi multiforme, como 0 testemunha ~ Carta aos Hebreus. Ainda que 0 Senhor viesse pessoalmente falar com os homens o Seu contacto era muito restrito, circunscrevendo-se a umas pessoas privilegiadas. Como Deus nao faz acep~ao de pessoas, mas Pai para justos e injustos, chegada a plenitude dos tempos enviou-nos 0 Seu Filho, para que nos revelasse uma' sabedoria divina e misteriosa que nos tinha predestinado antes de todos os seculos. Cristo foi investido pelo Pai da missao de manifestar ao mundo a verdade, evangelizar os pobres e curar os contritos de corayao. Realizada a obra da nossa redenyao, voltou para 0 Pai, donde tinha vindo. Nao nos querendo deixar orfaos, enviounos 0 Esplrito Santo, 0 Esplrito Consolodor. Do Pai e do Filho recebeu 0 Esp!rito Santo a missao de nos recordar todas as coisas. Pel a ac~ao criadora e historico-salvlfica de Deus descobrimos 0 modo como Deus Se aproximou de nos. a Pai veio ate nos no Seu acto criador por meio do Seu Verbo. Ele vern a nos. Contudo, nao pode ser enviado. a Filho foi gerado e enviado pelo Pai, a Esplrito Santo, procedente do Pai e do Filho, e enviado pelo Paie pelo Filho. Esta linguagem aparece-nos deveras misteriosa. Se, porem, partimos do facto de as missoes do Filho e do Esplrito Santo serem dirigidas a nos, homens; se cremos que a "economia" da nossa salvayao assenta sobre elas; se "finalmente, aceitamos que a nossa salvayao se efectua, na actualiza~ao do viremos a ele e al faremos a nossa morada.




For Children' Continued from ,Page Twelve others call you one of the prophets." John the Baptizer was Jesus' cousin. He had been put to death by King Herod not many months earlier. People had thought John was the long awaited Messiah - the one God would send to free them from the Roman rulers. Many people seemed to think Jesus was John come back to life. Elijah had lived centuries earlier. He was a Jewish prophet, very close to God. When he died, peop!e said God took him right up to heaven. Some people seemed to think Jesus was Elijah come back as Messiah to free God's people. Almost everyone seemed to think Jesus was a great prophet. They thought he was like Isaiah, Jeremiah or Ezekiel, who told the people about God's ways. Jesus listened. Then he looked directly at them and asked, "And you, who do you say I am?" For a moment they were all silent. They had long wondered who Jesus really was. They had their opinions, but hesitated to share them with Jesus. Then Peter spoke up. "You are the Messiah!" he said confidently. Jesus smiled. 'He did not admit or deny he was the Messiah but he gave his friends strict' orders not to tell people he was the Messiah. The Messiah was the one

St. Gregory Continued from Page Twelve know through the mirror of one's own consciousness the grandeur holiness and utter simplicity of God. Gregory envisages a starting point for everyone. Because he is a lover of the Bible, one of his best ways of explaining this starting point is in the story of Moses and the burning bush. The life of Moses has been reduced to great simplicity before this incident happens. As Gregory' understands it, Moses i.s overwhelmed by a light so bright that .it startles him even at high noon under a burning desert sun. The starting point is like a bright light which makes the vision of God clear so that everything falls into place. After this, Gregory compares the way of prayer and union with God to the long trek through the wilderness, led by the pillar of cloud, that is the Holy Spirit. This is a different kind of presence. It leads to something differ. ent again - to the encounter in darkness at the top of Mount Sinai. For Gregory, God is always seen through the mirror of the soul, but at the beginning that is a seeing in great light while at the end it is a seeing in darkness because the soul has become more capable of reflecting the inscrutable simplicity and, holiness of God. One thing is clear: For Gregory, to pray is to convert one's whole life.

everyone in Israel longed for. Most people believed God would send a great hero to free them from the Roman soldiers. They called this hero, "Messiah." Jesus would not say whether he was the Messiah or not. He seemed more interested in freeing people from sickness, ignorance and sin than from the Roman soldiers. He did not want his friends calling him Messiah because people would immediately think of him as the leader of a revolution against Rome. But he did not deny that God had sent him as Messiah to free people from something more powerful than the Roman army. He left even his closest friends wondering who he was. And he continues to ask people the same question he asked that beautiful, day along the Jordan River: "And you, who do you say I am?"


THE ANCHORThurs., June 7, 1979

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Vocation Continued from Page Twelve so in the name of the Christian community are called to minister? One scholar calls for ministry to be defined as a combination of service and leadership. The argument over the relationship of ministry to office, to power, to authority and so forth will undoubtedly continue for some time, .but the simple reality that Catholics have a new awareness of being called to bear witness to their baptism is indisputable. So we return to the original question. How can I know that I am ready to discern what God has called me to? The first step in discernment of one's call must be involvement in the life of the Christian community. For most this would mean the parish, but it could also be a campus Catholic community, prayer group or a movement such as the Cursillo or Marriage Encounter. As one becomes involved, particular gifts emerge and are recognized and accepted by the community. It is the community that tests any individual's gifts and discerned call. For those who discern a call to the religious life or the ordained ministry, the religious community, seminary or formation program they are drawn to will test their call, affirm or disaffirm their discernment. Essential to discernment, for the individual and the community, is prayer. Disaffirmation of an individual's discerned call is not a rejection, but a redirection, a helping hand in distinguishing between God's will and our own. I am ready to discern what God has called me to be when I have committed myself to bear witness to my baptism, and to seek the support of the church community in recognizing and developing those particular gifts God has given to me for the purpose of building up his body. Then I am able to say to the Father with Jesus, "Thy will, not mine."

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of .Fall River-Thur., June, 7, 1979




A-l Approved for Children and Adults All Things Bright and Beautiful Battlestar Galactica The Cat from Outer Space Children of Theatre Street Candleshoe


Dersu Uzala The Further Adventures of the Wilderness Family The Glacier Fox Hot lead and Cold Feet The Magic of lassie

North Avenue Irregulars Return from Witch Mountain Sasquatch The Sea Gypsies

focus on youth ... By Cecilia


Many young people are graduating from high school or colA-2 Approved for Adults and Adolescents lege. Some are indecisive, the question on their lips, "What The American Game A Hero Ain't Nothing Movie, Movie will I do? What can I do? What if The Bad News Bears But a Sandwich Operation Thunderbolt Go To Japan Heaven Can Wait The Prisoner of Zenda I can't find something?" Beyond the Poseidon International Velvet Slow Dancing in I received a call from one Adventure Kingdom of the Spiders the' Big City such confused youth who said, Buck Rogers The lincoln Conspiracy Superman "It's an awful feeling not knowCapricorn One . A little Romance The Swarm The Champ lord of the Rings Take Down ing which w,ay to go or what The Chess Players Matilda U"cle Joe Shannon to do." The China Syndrome Message from Space Warlords of Atlantis It seems to me that one of our Crossed Swords The Mouse and His Child The Wiz Gray lady Down basic problems is that we have lost a sense of direction. There A-3 Approved for Adults Only are either too many road signs . or none at all. Fast Charlie On the Yard Agatha Fedora Opening Night Alien Youth are confused by the The Fifth Musketeer The Other Side of the All The President's Men many life styles open to them. F.I.S.T. Mountain, Part II American Hot Wax As one college youth said, "There FM Our Winning Season The Amsterdam Kill Force 10 from Navarone The Outfit is something to be said for freeAnother Man, Another Foul Play Paradise Alley Chance dom and experimentation, but Goin' South A Perfect Couple The Big Fix there is also something to be Go Tell The Spartans Picnic at Hanging RockThe Battle of Chile said for continuity which proGray Eagle The Promise Beyond and Back The Great Hoax Real life Bobby Deerfield vides the base for meaning and Born Again The Great Train Robbery Remember My Name value in life." Harper Valley PTA Revenge of the The Boys from Brazil "I don't feel really close to House Calls Pink Panther Brass Target If Ever I See You Again Rocky The Brink's Job anyone, not even my family," I Wanna Hold Your Hand Renaldo Clara The Buddy Holly Story said one youth. There is a great Burnt Offerings Jaws II Roseland sense of being "strangers in a Jennifer Sgt. Pepper's lonely Butch and Sundance: strange world." The things that The Early Days laGrande Bourgeoise Hearts Club Band The last Waltz Seven-Per路Cent Solution By the Blood of Others once gave security are gone. The last Wave The Shootist California Suite "I drink because I don't see Caravans The late Great Planet Earth Shout At The Devil a future for myself," moaned Casey's Shadow let's Talk About Men Somebody Killed lifeguard Her Husband The Cheap Detective one youth. "The world, has gone A little Night Music Starship Invasions Checkered Flag or Crash crazy and we are led by people Coma logan's Run Strosze~ who don't know what they're Comes A Horseman Madame Rosa Telefon Coup de Grace The Medusa Touch Thank God It's Friday doing." Days ot Heaven Murder by Decree Watership Down Sometimes we make prisoners Norma Rae Voices Death On The Nile of youth, building worlds for The Norseman Walk Proud A Dream of Passion them they do not want. We take Dreamer Obsession Who Is Killing the Great The Driver Old Boyfriends Chefs of Europe? away the basic rights of youth The Duellists Olivers Story Who'll Stop The Rain when we try to do it all for Fast Break The One and Only them. How can they learn to trust themselves? , B - Obiectionable in Part for Everyone Then there are those who An Almost Perfect Affair Firepower Nunzio imprison themselves, with no Almost Summer Girlfriends Once in Paris help from anyone. They lose diAvalanche Grease Quintet Ruby The Bell Jar Halloween rection also. The Best Way Hanover Street Saint Jack As someone has remarked, the The Big Sleep Hooper Same Time, Next Year trouble with us is that路 "God Scalpel Big Wednesday Hurric:lne wants to give us something but Bloodbrothers Ice Castles The Silver Bears Boulevard Nights Invasion of the Skateboard we can't take it because our Stingray The Boys in Company C Body Snatchers hands are full." Circle of fron It lives Again Straight Time Our hands are indeed full. We The Class of Miss King of the Gypsies Suspiria MacMichael love at First Bite Think Dirty leave very little place for God Coming Home Mado Tracks in our world. This is a nation of Convoy The Manitou Two Minute Warning people who eat, drink and waste Corvette Summer Marathon Man A Wedding without regard for seed time or Damien-Dmen II Magic The Wild Geese The Deer Hunter Max Havelaar Voyage to Grand Tartarie harvest. It is a nation that can Every Which Way But looseNetwork Y.oungblood keep warm or cool by creating Final Chapter - Walking Tall A Night Full of Rain its own climates. We can scarcely be expected to feel the kind A4 Separate Classification of dependency upon God which (A Separate Classification is given to certain films which while not was the basi; for worship in morally offensive, require some analysis and explanation as a protimes past. tection against wrong interpretations and false conclusions.) We are mortal, we know, but Go Tell The Spartans Interiors Saturday Night Fever we deny it by exalting our Hair The last Tycoon The Serpent's Egg power. We really don't know High Anxiety Manhattan Summer Paradise how to fit our God into this C - Condemned scientific universe or into the lives we lead. We say we do, Blue Collar The Gauntlet The Passage we convince ourselves that we Blue Country The Greek Tycoon Phantasm do, but do. we really? The Choirboys Hardcore Pretty Baby Chosen The Hills Have Eyes Rabbit Test A writer once remarked that Dawn of the Dead In Praise of Older Women Satan's Brew if we think of life as a large deA Different Story In the Realm of the Senses Secrets partment store, God would be Dona Flor and Kentucky Fried Movie the Silem Partner Her Two Husbands last Chance Up in Smoke thought of as the clerk of a small The End Midnight Express The Warriors religious artic1es department in Eyes of laura Mars Moment by Moment When You Com in' the back of the sixth floor, Fingers National lampoon's Animal Back Red Ryder? rather than the owner of all the The First Time House . Winter Kills The Fury Women in Cellblock 7 stores there are. God is fine, in other words, (This listing will be presented once a month. Please clip and save. as long as he remains on the for reference. Further information about recent films is available edge of our lives. We don't want from The Anchor office, telephone 675-7151.)

him too close or we might get Boucher, drum major, and Pattoo beholden to him. We don't ricia .Buzzell, drum majorette. want to have to do the things Feehan Folk Group members we would have to do if we are are looking forward to .singing to take hi", as the God he in- on June 16 and 17 at the ordinasists on being. tion and first Mass of Rev. Mr. If we can just keep him man- Martin Dubuc, the first alumnus ageable, available for symbolic to be ordained a priest. occasions like baptism and wedAt Feehan he was active in dings and funerals, then we will the journalism and political be all right. But if we are really clubs and was editor of the to accept him as the God he is, "Feehan Flash." we will have to accept his radical demands upon our lives. The hard lesson is that God is not going to be our God on our terms. We cannot make the excuse that we do not know yATICAN CITY (NC) what he wants. He is making- Pope John Paul II told the new himself known to us at all times Bolivian ambassador to the Holy . . . in the mystery of his crea- See that the Vatican "follows tion, in the lives of good people, with cordial interest" Bolivia's in the movements to make life effort to obtain a coastline on more human, and supremely in the Pacific Ocean through peaceour Lord Jesus Christ, whose ful negotiations with neighborbeautiful life challenges us all. ing countries.

Pontiff Supports Bolivian Seaway

.Bishop Feehan Final - exams for underclassmen conclude today at Feehan High in Attleboro. Class officers have been elected for next year, with Edward Legare to be senior class president, supported by Cindy Laba: vice-president; Janel Callahan, secretary; Ingrid Meszoely, treasurer. Leading the juniors will be Keren Bendiksen and serving with her will be Deitzie Lott, vice-president; Catherine McDonagh, secretary; James Wynne, treasurer. Sophomore president is Deborah Fales; Francis Mitchell is vice-president; Diane Carey, secretary; and Sharyn Bankert, treasurer. Band leaders are Raymond

The pope spoke when Juan Jose Vidaurre Pinto presented his credentials as the new Bolivian ambassador. Landlocked 'Bolivia losts its coastline in the late 19th-century War of the Pacific with Chile. It is now trying to regain coastal territory in negotiations with Chile and Peru. Peru was Bolivia's ally and also lost territory to Chile. "I know well," the pope saidin his Spanish address, "that one of the problems most seriously affecting the government and people of Bolivia is the aspiration to have an-outlet on the sea again, a problem of such concernillg the importance country's development and the prospect of better living conditions for its inhabitants."





CYOers To Be Honored SS. Peter and Paul parish CYO of Fall River will hold its annual awards dinner Saturday night, with Rev. Bruce Neylon, CYO area director, as principal speaker. Featured guests will be the parish's prep team, diocesan ,basketball champions for the second straight year. The team was coached by Bob Bell and Lenny Mendoza and its roster listed Mike Rapoza, Joe Camara, Steve Dzialo, Carl Frederick, Mike Holden, John Mailloux, Scott McCarty, Dan Provost and Mike Valerio. Acccording to Rev. Stephen A. Fernandes, the parish's CYO director, all who excelled in any other CYO activities will also be honored. Several former prominent athletes from the school were honored Tuesday as Bishop Connolly High School observed its first decade in athletics with a "Ten Years of Varsity Sports" buffet.

In recognition of the talent and sportsmanship they displayed while at the school, presentations were made to Dave Krupa, class of 1972, state discus champion that year; John Mitchell, class of 1971, who, until recently, held major school basketball scoring records and was named most valuable player in the New England Catholic Invitation Tournament in 1971; Brad Raymond'74 captain of the first Cougar hockey team which won the Taunton Silver City Tournament and gained the state quarter finals; Rick Connors, who was named to several area II-scholastic baseball teams in 1971 and 1972. The event was sponsored by the Connolly Alumni Association and the Varsity Club, and was chaired by Varsity Club President John O'Neil and Doug Leigh, alumni athletics chairman.

Durfee Golfers Make Good Showing The Durfee High School golf team, under coach Dick Roy, made an impressive showing this season. The Hilltoppers, who won 12, lost one and tied one in conference action and were 16-1-1 overall, captured the Division Two Southeastern Mass. Conference title. Over the season the Durfeeites amassed 131Y2 points

to 26Y2 for the opposition. Attleboro, 11-2-1, was runnerup in conference. , ·Post season playoffs for Eastern Mass. and state titles in several sports get underway this week in several sports, including golf, baseball and softball. Pairings are not yet available at this writing.

More Hockomock Stellar Teams Announced


North Attleboro, the only school in the Hockomock League within the diocese, dominates the 1979 All-Hockomoc~ Boys' Tennis team. Greg Dean was selected as a first singles player along with Chris Lyons of Stoughton.

Ames, discus; Tara Heinzman, Franklin, high jump; 440 relay, Gina DiGiamo, Rachel Jackson, Doreen LeGrow and Joanne Camara of Oliver Ames; mile relay, Vicki Wenzel, Susie Shurmur, Lina 'Pearson and Pam Chartrand of King Philip.

Both doubles teams - Steve Gavitt and Glen Feder, Brian Copley and Tom Bottersby are from North Attleboro. Other singles players chosen are Bob Simoni, Mansfield; Charles Mathews, Sharon; William Allen, Foxboro.

On the boys' team are Tom Rose, King Philip, discus; Dennis Buskley, Mansfield, pole vault; Scott Bregnard, Mansfield, shot put; Jon Lucier, Mansfield, javelin; Paul Souza, Mansfield, high jump and 330 low hurdles; Bill Barnes, Franklin, triple jump; John Shillinger, Stoughton, 120 high hurdles; Dan Lamagno, Dirk Lamagno, Jeff Mason and Dennis Buckley, Mansfield, 440 relay; Gobi Scott, Stoughton, 100; 880, Edward Marcotte, Foxboro; 220, Dan Lamagno, Mansfield; mile - Robert McCormick, Sharon; 440, Jim Lawhorn, Franklin; two-mile, Dave Barbato, Stoughton; mile relay, Jeff Paraskivas, Mike Dineen, Russ Muscato, Doug Hatcher of Oliver Ames.

North Attleboro also placed two on the girls' all-star track team, one on boys' track and another on the golf team. On the girls' team are Karen Hjerpe, 880-yard run and Stephanie Rioux, javelin. Don Johnson, long jump is on the boys' track team and John Danko is the North Attleboro representative on the golf team. Others on the girls' team are Rachel Jackson, Oliver Ames, low hurdles and long jump; Joanne Camara, Oliver Ames, 100yard da~h; Nancy Harsch, Mansfield, 440; Susie Shumur, King Philip, Jllile; Mary Osborne, Foxboro, 2fO; Gabrielle Lessard, two-mile; Michelle Cafasso, Canton, shot put; Debbie Re, Oliver

One Thing Needful "There is but one thing needful - to possess God. All our senses, all our powers of mind -and soul are so many modes of tasting and adoring God," Henri Amiel,

tv, movie news Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: Al-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone; A4--separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation!; C-condemned.

New Films "Alien" (Fox): A mysterious and hungry creature from outer space hunts down the crew of a space ship. This is a crude melodrama, more dependent upon shock than suspense. Its considerable gore and some quite unnecessary foul language make it strictly adult fare. R, A3 "Beyond the Poseidon Adventure" (Warners): This film gives new meaning to the word trash in this sequel that has tugboat captain Michael Caine, aided by Karl l'@lden and Sally Field doing a salvage act on the Poseidon moments after the climatic rescue of the previous film. Telly Savalas poses as a doctor on a "rescue mission," Plot, dialogue and resolution are vacuous and what moral issues exist have less to do with the value of life than with the presumed tastes of moviegoers. PG, A2 "Butch and Sundance: The Early Days" (Fox): This attempt to cash in on the popularity of "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" shows us the two outlaws at the start of their careers, with William Katt and Tom Berenger in the Robert Redford and Paul Newman roles. It attempts the amiable, tonguein-cheek style of the original, but has nowhere to go and is casual to the point of being inconsequential. The benign attitude towards criminal behavior, no matter how realistic the style, rules out younger viewers. PG, A3 On Television Parents should not be uncritically grateful when television and movies turn their attention to the Bible, because inferior or distorted treatment of religious themes can do young viewers more harm than good. Two current television series that provoke these thoughts are "Greatest Heroes of the Bible," curently airing on NBC Tuesday evenings from 8-9 p.m., and ",Moses - The Lawgiver," a sixpart series being rebroadcast on Sunday evenings on CBS from 10-11 p.m., beginning June 17. They differ in level of sophistication and artistic quality, but both call for the strongest artistic and religious reservations. The "Sodom and Gomorrah" and "The Tower of Babel" segments of ·"Greatest Heroes" are marked by mediocre acting, atrocious dialogue and crude of melodrama. The material in both episodes is by the most conservative estimate 90 percent nonscriptural.

Thus sinister kings, evil councillors and fierce desert chieftains made up out of whole cloth concoct nefarious intrigues that have nothing to do with the theme of either story - God's chastisement of pride in the one instance and of licentiousness in the other. "Moses," though somewhat above the abysmal level of "Greatest Heroes," is, viewed from the religious perspective, downright pernicious of relatively innocuous, floundering spectacularly on the God question. As long as the Chosen People are in Egypt, divine intervention is presented in literal fashion. Once in the desert, however, rationalism takes over. The voice of God is Moses' own. Moses strikes no rock for water but knows of a secret oasis, just as he knows that quail can be caught in the evening and manna found on the ground in the morning. The parting of the Red Sea seems to be due to peculiar wind conditions. The most outrageous revision of Scripture, occurs when Moses takes the stone tablets UP the mountain, in case God happened to forget to bring something to write on. The clear implication is that Moses himself composed the Commandments. One going to Scripture for dramatic material should, to be aceptable to believers, be informed with sincere religious septiment as well as talent. Creative people combining such qualities are in short supply, so it is not surprising that hardly a glint of either is observable in these productions. The conclusion is that instead of parents relaxing when it comes to religious drama on television, they should be all the more wary. Movies on TV Sunday, June 10, 9 p.m. (ABC) - "The Odessa File" (1974) Jon Voight plays ,a German journalist 'who learns that a Nazi war criminal, thought dead, is still alive. Determined to track him down, Voight comes into conflict with the dreaded Odessa, a secret Nazi organization bent on regaining power. Too heavy and slow moving to be effective as the melodrama it is, the movie is but run of the mill entertainment. A3 Tuesday, June 12, 8:30 p.rn. (CBS) - "The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean" (1972) Director John Huston has a great deal of fun with this seriocomic tale of frontier justice as administered by the legendary "Hanging Judge" of Vinegaroon.. Texas (paul Newman) Some viewers, however, may not be as readily amused by its loud, coarse, and bawdy humor or repetitive use of fantasy violence. A3 Wednesday, June 13, 9 p.m. (CBS) - "Paper Moon" - An entertaining period comedy directed by Peter Bogdanovitch about a bumbling con-man (Ryan O'Neal) who finds himself saddled with a nine-year-old girl

THE ANCHORThurs., June 7, 1979


(Tatum O'Neal) who proves to be more adept at his profession than he is. Some occasionally rough language and adult references. A3 On Radio NBC Religious Special Sunday, June 10, NBC "Pope John Paul II Visits Poland" (working title). An hour special detailing Pope John Paul's weeklong visit to his native Poland in celebration of the 900th anniversary of the martyrdom of St. Stanislaus, bishop of Cracow and patron of Poland. The program will include the pope's arrival in Warsaw, his celebration of Mass at the Shrine of Our 'Lady of Czestochowa, his visit to Cracow, his home See from which he was elected pope, and his concluding liturgy in Cracow taped via satellite earlier in the day.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., June, 7, 1979

steering points PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundralsing activities such as bingos, whish, dances, suppers and bazaars, We are happy to carry notices of spiritual pro$rams, club meetings, youth projects and simIlar nonprofit activities. Fundralslng projects may be ~dvertlsed at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675·7151.

LA SALETIE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO Sunday will be Senior Citizen Day at La Salette Shrine, with senior groups from all parts of New England invited to attend a special program, beginning with 11 a.m. Mass in the shrine chapel. A musical review by a senior music group will be presented at 1:30 p.m. and a religious service is scheduled for 3 p.m. SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER The International Year of the Child will be celebrated from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday in the school. The program will include participation in the 4 p.m. parish liturgy. Children from pre-school to eighth grade are especially invited and teens, parents and friends are also urged to attend. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER Two Tanglewood trips are planned for the summer, a Boston 'Pops concert Tuesday, July 31 and a performance of "The Damnation of Faust" Sunday, AU~. 19. Further information is available from the rectory.

OUR LADY OF THE CAPE, BREWSTER The Women's Guild will close its season with a covered-dish supper at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in the church hall. A business meeting will follow.

ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER A novena in honor of St. Anthony of 'Padua is in progress, with prayer services preceding each daily Mass through Wednesday. The Women's Guild will hold its installation banquet Wednesday at Thad's restaurant, New Bedford.

Great enthusiasm has greeted the recent announcement that a local Chapter of the Catholic League for religious and civil rights is being organized. The league is an anti-defamation and civil rights union serving the Catholic Community in the same way that the Jewish Anti-Defamation League and the American Civil Liberties Union serve their respective communities. -

ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH Dawn Wegehaupt and Melissa Ratsy were commended in "Soundings," a senior citizens MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER, newsletter, for weeding the park- NEW BEDFORD A Marriage Encounter inforing lot .of the Falmouth Senior Center. The project was a cQm- mation night will be held at 8 munity service activity sponsor- p.m. Sunday in St. John Baptist ed by St. Patrick's School of Re- church basement, County and .Allen Streets. All married ligion. couples are invited. ST. JOHN OF GOD, OUR LADY OF ANGELS, SOMERSET First communion will .be re- FALL RIVER A planning meeting for the ceived at 2 p.m. Mass Sunday. parish feast wjll be held at 7 A fellowship meeting will be held tonight, beginning with p.m. Monday, June 18. A day of Eucharistic devotion Mass at 7 o'clock, for all preswill be held Sunday, June 17 ent and past participants in the following noon Mass until 5 Life in the Spirit seminar. The pilgrim statue of Our p.m. Lady of Fatima will come to the ST. RITA, parish Monday at 6 p.m. A Mass MARION will follow. at 7 p.m. and other The parish council will meet Marian devotions will also be at 7:30 tomorrow night. scheduled. ,Parish visitation will begin Saturday. SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER ' Father Bruce Neylon, Fall Honolulu Protests River CYO director, will be HONOLULU (NC) - The Dioprincipal speaker at the annual parish CYO awards banquet at cese of Honolulu has formalIy 7:30 p.m. Saturday in Father protested the la.ck of official Coady Center. The championship Catholic representation on the Prep basketball team will be hon- Kalaupapa National Park' Historical Advisory Commission, ored. established to help the U.S. InOrganization of the annual terior Department plan future parish picnic will take place at uses of the Kalaupapa Settle7 p.m. Monday in the center. The two-day event is scheduled ~e.nt on Molokai, the scene of Father Damien de Veuster's life . Aug. 11 and 12. and labors. Retirees Club will meet TuesNominations for the commisday at a new time, 1:30 p.m. sion were made Iby Gov. George Ariyoshi of Hawaii, the state's congressional delegation and other local organizations. Its membership includes no representatives of Father de Veuster's congregation, the Sacred Hearts Fathers.



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At this time, Doctor Henry Armitage, Jr., resident of Andover, MA, the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Steering Committee, is offering an early opportunity to each League member to hecome an active participant in the work

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The Catholic League is an independent organization, not formalIy affiliated with the Catholic Church, but governed by a Board of Directors composed of constitutional experts, educators, doctors, editors, religious, community, business and labor leaders.

of the Local Chapter. Dr. Armitage and his Committee are seeking individual members (or potential members) who are willing to serve as either an Officer, a member of the Advisory Board or as a Committee member. Committee activities include legal, membership, prog~am, publicity, speakers and liaison functions. Your support, your talent, your energy and enthusiasm are needed. If you are willing to take an active part in the League or if you would like to nominate some other interested person to serve, please send along the name, address and telephone number t<>: THE CATHOLIC LEAGUE, P. O. 'Box 333, Belmont, MA 02178. There are presently one thousand Catholic League members in Boston and surrounding communities. If you are not familiar with this organization and would like more information, write to the above address and materials will be mailed to you.



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Ccitholic League Is Growing

SUMMER SESSIONS '79 Registration by mail or in person

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