of Fall
Ri~er-Thurs. June 9, 1966
In Naming Bishop
. The naming' of His Ex cellency the Most Reverend , '. Humberto S. MedeIros to the episcopacy followed a strict lyprescribed ord(~r. Final selec tion of a candidate is made by the Pope, but in the United States a definite procedure is followed in selection of possible candidates. After Easter, eVt;lry two years, a priv~te meeting of all the Bishops of a province is sum . moned b3' the Me:tropolitan. In this the Pr,ovince of Boston, the Metropolitan is .Richard Cardi nal Cushing. Under his jurisdic . tion are all the Dioceses of. Maine, New' Hampshire, Ver mont and Massa~hu:;etts.
Meeting. with Cardinal Cus~ lng, the B~shops, under oath ~ secrecy, dISCUSS and vote llIpclll possible future Bishops. Tnw result of their deliberations hl Qent to the Vatican through t!nle Apostolic Delegate, together? with information as to the qual ifications of each candidate. In this way, when vacancieGJ ~cur in Dioceses, or ~hen new posts are to be created, the Popa bas available names and qualiKrP cations of those eligible Should the Pope wish, he caliil name a bishop 'independently ~ the usual procedure, but this hl Dot usually done. In.other coun tries methods of choosing candf.c> dates vliry, bUt in all cases t.bf:l 'final decision is the Pope's.
Moreover, We wish you to The following is the. text of .t.he Apostolic Mandate by consider with all your heart that you are no longer one of the • Pope Paul VI appointin.g the flock but its father, ruler and Most Rev. Humberto S. teacher. Show yourself full of Medeiros as Bishop of Browns solicitude, earnest in ruling, and ville, Texas, follows: well prepared in exponding ev · Paul, Bishop, Servant of the ery.doctrine. Servants of God, to Our beloved Given at Rome. at St. Peter's, son Humberto S. Medeiros, Do on the fourteenth day of April, mestic Prelate, and until now in the year of our Lord, one Pastor of the Church of St. thousand nine hundred and sixty Michael the Archangel, in the six, and of .Our Pontificate the Diocese of Fall River, cbosen to third year. be Bishop of. the Cathedral See A. G. Cardknal Cicognani of Brownsville, health and ap For the Chancellor of the · ostolic benediction. Holy Roman Churcb " . The Church ',of Christ, buiWby SecretarY for the:' P,1Jblic .;lIIllIlIlIllIlJIIIIIUlIIIIIIIIIHlllllillllllilllllllllli,IIII1JIiIlllHUIIUlllllllmlliIllIllIlIlIUIIUUHJII1I11111111111111111111!1~ the word of !God .upon' a founda-. Affairs' of the :Church . ,; . tiori fimi and . unchanging,· is Francesco Ailliibale: Fetr,etti like a spreading tree, which Dean of the Protonotaries from its deepest roots through Apostolic ~ ~ its trunk and branches stretches Eugenio SeVi ,.Protonotaq. Apostolic .. f!>I:th.. r i!1 n,e"er-failiIig. youtll ·, [: ~. ~,ing;n, Thus' it has stood throughout .. Franceco 'Tinepo ". . .:).: E 5 mimy ages, so that it is unique . Regent of the Aposte)}je § ~ , Chancery", in the Experience of men. But ~ 0 ~ ~ § each Bishop, like a. leaf· born Sent· on Apri129th of the third § § to die,. briefly measures out .the . year.of ti:le Pontificat~ course of his life and then falls Mario ~rsini, Kee,pl;lr ~fthe Seal 'qu~etly to' the ground,' only to ~ ~ be followed by another, who in ~ UNION WHARF, FAIRHAVEN Vel. 997-~358 ~ MQlSS his turn must yield to the same mllli111111111111 11111111 III lIilllll 111'111 II;'HIIII 1I""lIlll""'lII"'''''''IJIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIJlllmlllllll111m", """I11IJ11I1Jiii · destiny. This is Why, as succes- FRIDAY -St. Margaret, Queen SOl' to our venerable brother and Widow. III Class. White. Ad~lph Marx, B ish 0 p of Mass.Proper; Glory; no Creed; ; Brownsville, whom, after per Common Preface. forming such labors for the wel SATURDAY _ st. 13arnabas, > fare of his Church, God called Apostle. III Class. Red. Mass to his immortal reward, We Proper; Glor.y; Creed; Com MIwlltos wish to give a man of equal zeal mon Preface. and piety. We are confident that SUNDAY-II Sunday after Pen you can undertake this office,' .tecost. II Cla'ss. Green. Mass and that you are able, with your Proper; O:lory'; Creed; Preface endowmeAts of nature, grace of Trinity. and experience, to rule the peo MONDAY-,-St. Anthony ofPa pIe of Brownsville to the great dua, Confessor and. Doctor of advantage of their souls. the Church. III Class. White. .Therefore, after taking coun Mass Proper; Glory; no Creed; leI with our venerable brothers, Common Preface. the Cardinals of the Holy Roman TUESDAY-St. Basil th.e Great, PRESENTATION OF THE Church, members of the Sacred Bishop, Confessor and Doctor :CANDtES:At the Offer · Consistorial . Congregation, We of theChutch.. UI Class. Wbite.. t9 r y of theMa~, Bishop Me .',". . : . " name an~ proclaim you'Bis~op :MasS'l~r?per;G)ory;~oCr~d~. deiros followed.the age::'old ' Jti'sbop 01' tb, ~ .. Qf. Bro~ville,Texa& ·of.-the ·Dl'ocese of BrownSVille;,,' CommoD Preface.: ':', .;"';"',0,,", '. . " . • " ~ '.' :!, .... ,.. • .;.'. ~ .'" • . . . . ... , . '.' ': • .; '. ('~.
with the rights· and ' obligations . WEDNESDAy..:..:.cMass·of pre.vi_:·«<M~tom~:f; theMa~s:C)f CO~~e,-, ;'.' ;.,. '" which belong to your rank 'and " ous Sunday. 'IY' ClasS. Gi'~(>··~!~tion. by· presentiJ,lg ,to.. ,{ .:. ,,t" ":.'. ·offi~e. You may 'receive:' co~se:'.':' MasS' rr?per;' ,.No't~lori.~,:~<,;Bishop· ponnolly·t\yo large erat~on from any CatholIc Blsh-· Creed; ~nd. Prayer 88. Vit\lS,";"decorated :candles:,'.. Candles ~ op, 'evEmoutside . the City of Modestus . 'a n d Cr.escent~a;'·are:··tised, t e '~"'M . ;,.: . -to '.::.. ,,'~ .~ ••;• '::: '.; Rome, with the assistance· of" Common Preface. ... '. ' '. .'. . . : a . .YI;Y.,:.•• ass " .. :.' two others of like order' all of' , , · " ' O R : . ·,,'·.c' the' symbol'~f'ChrJst,the " . ;::.. mn~oll'pora .... . '. '. - ...e~, . whom· must 'be joined 'to' the···· S8: .Vihis, Modestus' and ·C:.r~.::tight of .the. Woi-ld~-: See"· of, "Peter by the:' bonds of Scenti~'" ~artY~.. R~: Giory; ,:~. . '. '. faith. But before this, you must no Creed; Common Preface..... · make' the Profession of Faith, THURSDAY-'--Mas.s of' previoWl
.. according to the norm ·of Canon Sunday. IV Class. Green. Mass"
Law, and take oaths of fidelity Proper; No Glory' Creed;'
to 'Us and to this Roman Common Preface.
_--.~------------Church, as well as against the errors of Modernism. Once these Necrology documents have been properly signed and impressed with your JUNE 18 seal and that of the Sacred Rev. James M. Coffey, P.B.,
Prelate in whose presence you take the oaths, you are to send 1935, Pastor, St. Mary, Taunton.
them promptly to this Sacred Consistorial Congregation. 'Be Rev. Hormis4as Deslauriers,
sides this, the benefice which 1916, Founder, St, Anthony, New
you have enjoyed up to the Bedford~ present in the Diocese. of Fall JUNE' !O
River will be vacant, and' is to Rt.' Rev. James J. Coyle, P.R.,
be assigned to no. one except by Congratulations to His Excenency, LL.D. 1931; Pastor, St: Mary.
Us or by this ~postolic ·See. Taunton.
L()bSfo,: ':BoiJt~o'"'~;i
Mac:lec'nos 'Sea Foods
••• ,1",
-:'<MACKE]~ZlE,··:&:',WINSLOW , '.
.,:.:, "
The Diocese of Fall River Has Been Honored!
June 12--5S. Peter and Paul, . Fall' River'.. St. Mary, Mansfield. Corpus Christi, Slmdwich. LaSalette Shrine, Attle boro.
June New . Our Lady of Purgatory, New Bedford.. .. . TIlE ARCtIOIl
J...-..:- --
(DEBROSS OWL ( ( , Heat:gO . Oils.', ( , C ( :
D& D .SaE'es .cl.,ld .Service
SteOllCl Class Postil,e Pa.G 8t fall Q1_~ Mass Publi~he, ever) Thursday lit 41u' . " .
WY-.... .. 55..... . .
Hillhlana 'venue, ;all Rivet, Mass. 02722·', by tile catholic Pres. 01 the Diocese of fall "'!"""".- _ .
River SubscrlptlClll price • . _ii, pes1,.... ~. -, ~
~ .'-=",: ;-' : .... ~ ~...
... ..r,.,.
Most Reverend Bisho]()
Rev. Desiree V. Delemarre.
1926, Pastor, Blessed Sacrament,
Fall River. .
Rev. Francis D. Callahan,
1948, Pastor, St. Patrick, Ware
:.Incc»,rpora~e~fi' . ,
363 second·. Street )
FaID· Ri~er
'j- •
~E ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 9, 196~
, . Atlchor of,he,soul, s"re 48d Pirm-St. PIIII'
June 9, 1966 Feill River, Mass. © '1966 \101.-10, No. 23 - - - -
Diocesan Pastor to Become I Ordinary of Browns·ville ~'
Preacher Defines
Bishop as· Father
Speaking at' Bishop Medeiros' Consecration fhis morning, Rev., John P. Driscoll, assistant at SS. Peter and Paul Church, Fall River, a~~ As sistant General Manager of The Anchor, pIctured the ideal of a bishop as taken from the scriptures Md the Second Vatican Council documents. He pointed o~t that a bishop is abqve all else Do pastor shepherd of the flock, father of the family of God, apostle 0:1; Jesus Cht:ist. All other powers, authority, privileges and rights flow from his first quality and eharge w.hich' is fatherliness. , And' he is the father who is eKpected' to' be the saint; the 'lJervant 'of his people, the rep-, 'J'esentative 'Christian fro m whom bis',flock takes example. Be fulfiils his 'ministry of shepJaerding and' teaching and preaching not alone by what he d ", but above 'all by what he 'fBoes . . ' . .Father Dris~oll: refernng to ]J.lshop Medelfos fa.ther and mother ~d tpe hentage, that he recelve~ from them and from the faIth of t~e Portuguese people, ~ouched brIefly ,?n several inCIdences in the life and pri7sth~od. of :Qishop Medeir~s WhICh mdlcate clearly ho~ ,~hIS humble and ~oly and brIllIant priest measures up to' th~ pa~toral demands, of a bIShop s ff' I\) Ice. . Father Driscoll's consecration Mass sermon follows: "I am the good shepherd." Your Excellencie!" Most Reverend Fathers in God. My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord. , We all know' bow the needs,
Most Reverend, Hmnberto Souza Medeiros, The ,beautiful Cathedral was filled • D.D., S:r.D., LL.D., pastor of' St. Michael's eapacity and many hundreds, who were unable Church in Fall River and a' former Chancellor to gain admission to the church, watched the of the Diocese of Fall River, was oonsecrated procession of priests from St. Mary's parochial Bishopo! Brownsville, Texas, at solemn cere school and, the hierarchy from the Cathedral monies in St. Mary's Cathedral of the Assump rectory before 'and after the Consecration Mass. tion, Fall River, this morning. Rt. Rev. Raymond T. Considine, P.A., Dioo=> Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of esan Director of the Propagation of the Faith F'all River, was the Consecrator of the kindly Society and pastor of St. William's Church, Falll and gracious prelate ....who served the diocesan River, was assistant priest to Bishop Connolly at the' Consecration Mass. ' Ordinary as Peritus at Vatican Council II. Twenty-six members of the hierarchy, , Very Rev. Walter J. Schmitz, S.S:, S.T.D~ from various parts of the United States and its professor at Catholic University in WashingtoJlp , territories, were present at the elevation of the was deacon to Bishop Connolly and Rev. Regi~ former Chancellor to the episcopacy. nald M. Barrette, assistant as St. Roch's Church" Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.D., V.G:, Fall River, was sub-deacon. '" Auxiliary Bishop of Fall River, and the Most Rt. Rev. JohnA. Silvia, pastor of St. John Rev. Gerald V. McDevitt, D.D., J.C.D., Auxiliary ,the Baptist, New BecHord, and Rt. Rev. John F. Bishop of Pp,iladelphia, were Co..,Consecrators. Denehy, a Fall River native and diocesan priest who, as a Lieutenant Colonel, this month becomes assistant commandant at the U. S. Air Force Chaplain School at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama, were Deacons of . Honor to Bishop Connoliy.' , , Rt. Rev., 'Augusto L. Fur tado, pastor of St. John of God Church, Somerset, 'and Rev. William F. HUl, 5.5.,' 'S.T.D., professore at St., Edward's Seminary, Kenmore, Washington, were chaplains to the newly elevated Bishop. Rt. Rev.. John H. Hackett, , diocesan Chancellor, was master of ceremonies !it the
of the people have forced
bishop to fill many .roles: .ad ministr~tor, m~ne!-raIS~r, bwld er, arbIter, dlsClplinanan. Yet the ~isho~s themselves, gath~red togeth~r m ~he Secon~ Vatican, ' CounCIl, tes~IfY to theIr ~ware ne~ of theIr ,true rol.e In the Ch~rch. ~d, so, .wefI,nd. th~~ tellmg us In theIr Co~stltutlOn on the Church: "As VIcars and ambassadors of Christ, bishops govern the particular church entrusted to them by their coun sel, exhortation's, and example" as well; indeed, as by their au
thority and sacred power, which
they use only for the edification
of their flock in truth and holi
ness, remembering that he wh~ is greater should become as the lesser and he who is the more distinguished, as' the servant." T 0 pu t' ,I·t b rle . fl y, th e b'ISh op is above all else the pastor. He ' is the shepherd of the flock, the father of the famUy,of God the apostle of Jesus Chrjst, the' visible embodiment of the heaven ly High Priest. ' ,The constant guidebook of Turn to Page Six
century-old ceremony and Rev. John R. 'FoIster, assist ant at ,the Sacred Heart Church, Fall River,' ,was aS ,sistant master of ceremonies.
Other officers at the Con-,
secrlltion MasS were: Bugia
Bearer, Rev. Joseph L. Pow.,. ers, diocesan Director of the Confraternity' of Christiaa Docirine and chaplain at 'Bishop Feehan High SChooi in Altleboro. Book Bearer, Rev. William A. Shovelton, assistant at St Thomas More, Church, Sol&'> erset,. Turn ~ Page Six
We Add Our Voice To Rejoice In The Elevation To The Episcopacy Of
First Pontifical Mass Sunday
A Distinguished, Dedicated Prelate
Bishop 'Medeiros ,will offer his First Solemn' Pontifical Mass on Sunday morning,- June 12, at 11 :15
in 'St: Michael's Church, Fall River, where he has served, as pastor for the last five and one-half years.
Assisting the new Bishop' of 'Brownsvilie will, be: Rt: Rev. Msgr. John H. Hackett, Diocesan Chancelfol', archpriest; de~ons of honor will be Rev. George E. Sullivan, pastor of St. Joseph, .Fall River, and Rev. Henri J., Charest, pastor of St. Matthieu, Fall River, th;e Bishop's ~eighboring parisbes. , Rev. Edward A. Oliveira, assistant 'at Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton, and Rev. BentoR. Fraga, assistant at St: John of God, deacon and sub-d~acon of the Mass, respectively. Masters of ceremonies will be Rev. Evaristo Tavares,
assistant at ·St. Michael, Fall River and Rev. James W. Clark, assistant at St. Joseph, Fall River. '
A reception forparisliioners of St. Michael's parish and aD friends of the Bishop will:be held from 2:30 to 5 in St. Michael's School Hall, Fall River. the same afternoon, JWle lZ.
Our Congratulations to His ExceU--:cy' THE OFFICERS, TRUSTEES AND STA~
The, Old Red Bank ,
Fa.i River Savings Bank
,fAll RIVE,R ., SOMERSET, •.' . ; '
I I:'~
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Riv~r-Thurs. June 9, 1966
Four Become Bishops' In Oct. 1930, Bishop Cassidy Bishop Medeiros is ,the fourth pastor in the area to was named Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese and in 1934 be named to the Hierarchy became the Ordinary of the Dio~f the United:States. 'cese. Bishop Cassidy died May
Diocesan Priests On Committees' For Occasion' were: Rev. Raymond W. MOD Carthy, St. Patrick's Church., Fall River; Rev. Bertrand B. Chabot, St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford; ~ Donald E. Belanger, St. MaiP thieu's Church, Fall River; Rev.. Daniel L. FI:eitas, Santo ChrisU! Church, Fall River. • Also, Rev. Edward J. Burn~ St. Louis Church, Fall Rive~ Rev. Paul F. McCarrick, ~ Mary's Cathedral, Fall River; Rev. Bento Fraga, St. John of God Church, Somerset.
were made by priests of the FaD River Diocese. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Anthony IIll. Gomes, pastor of Our Lady of Angels Church, Fall River, was in charge of t.ransportation, while Rev. Edward C. Duffy, as sistant at St. James Church, New Bedford, arid Rev. Richard P. Demers, assistant at St. Mi chael's Church, Ocean Grove, were chairmen of the hospitality and reservation, committees, re spectively. Assisting the three chairmen
Transportation, reserva tions and hospitality are necessities on' the occasion of the presence' of 'many visi
tors from various sections of the country. Today's consecration of Bishop On Aug. 10, 1879, the Most 17, 1951, and was succeeded by Medeiros brought many' mem Rev. Lawrence S. McMahon was our present Bishop, the Most', bers of the hierarchy, prelates from numerous dioceses, and named iifth Bishop of Hartford Rev. JamesL. Connolly. while seJ'ving as rector of St. On Feb 12, 1959, the pastor laymen and laywomen from Lawrence's Church, ,New Bed-' of St. Lawrencf;'s Church of Brownsville, Texas, to the city iord. His' episcopate extended New Bedford was nominated b"yof Fall River. The ,various ,arrangements 14 years until his .death on Aug. the Supreme Pontiff in Rome to ~ &1, 1893. become a member of the Hier Ttie third Ordinary of the Fall archy. On Ash Wednesday Riv€lr Diocese, Most Rev. James morning seven years ago, Bishop E. Cassidy, was pastor of St. Gerrard, still serving as shep Patdck's Church, Fall River, herd of the New Bedford Par 'When he was appointed Titular ish; was named Titular Bishop Bishop of Ibora and Auxiliary of Forma and Auxiliary Bishop Bishop of the Diocese on March to the Most Rev. James L. Con nolly. al, ]930.
,,Congratulations' ~nd ;Be~t Wis~es
Here's what goodness can do.~, •• In Delle, Ethiopia, where Christians are only a handful, everyone in pain gets pills and treatment in the Franciscan Sisters' makeshift clinic'. The three IN Sis'ters, besides, are training for useful lives 47 A orphan girls who otherwise would be unpro ntlEF tected." .• The result? Everyone benefits, for good example is infectious.," ," . Nine ,months ,ago, for instance, robbers broke' into the orphan age at night and stole all the food and medicines. The next morning their leader appeared at the door to apologize. "How could, my men steal from you?"; 'he asked tile Sisters. "Here is what they stole: They won't bother you again because you are heJp\ng others." •• " It's a' simple story, and it says 8 lot. To make the world better. simp!X be good yourself. " .• The Sisters need bricks and cement ($3.500 alto Ilether) for 8 'Permari~nt orphanage and clhtlc. Name it for your favorite saint, i,.. memory of your loved, ones,: If you giVe the full amount. Send the Sisters at ,least ~ 'mUCh as you can
($500, '100, $75, -$50. $25, $10, $5, $2).
shoW everyone ,
... 1nSHGP
w~t ~rle~' means!
. .'.
Jim Bishop, the newspaper columnist,
.,' ....
Hll1lim.bert~ Bishop of the Diocese
wrote us
s. Medeiros 0,
Brownsville, Texas
Dortmouth, Massclchusetts
------eG""""'-. . .
" "
not long ago: '" saw the refllllee camp III 'fOUl Jericho: It can draw tears out of 8 stone!' ••• , You can dry ~hese tears by walking to the corner mailbox. $10 will feed an entire family of Arab refugees for a month. Or, help, us help refugee parentS plant food-producing olive trees for themselves. $10 will plant five trees. We'll send you, in thanks, ,8 Rosary from the Holy Land:: ma~e of olive seeds, of course.' ,
,: , ", c;.ngratulations' to "a Beloved 'Priest
;' -··f r
" ~ •
• •
" , ' ••••' .. ~".
, "\' ','and Distinguished" Prelate
...... ~
f· .
.... "
, FOR 'Thanks to your "No Strings" gifts, Pope Paul
lMERGENCIES rushed, food and blankets to flood victims In tile
Holy Land this spring. He is feeding the hungry
"n,dia as well.." .. Keep.th!~ In ,mind when y'ou:
make your Will. Our legal title:' CATHOLIC NEAR
Dear Monsignor Nolan: Please
return coupon with your offering
-----------------~ ~
_ _ STATE _ _ ZIP CODE"':"'-
Most Reverencl' Bishop
S. Medeiros,'
~ ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., June 9, 1966
Mc.ryknoUer Wins MARYKNOLL (NC)-Father Hugh Lavery, M.M., 71, has been cited by the Japanese government for his work with Nisei communities in California during World War II. The government· named the
Maryknoll missioner to receive the Order of Treasure, Fifth Class. Father Lavery, a priest for 42 years, will be given the award in Fairfield, Conn., where he is living in retirement.
1O .. .f'
.. ., ~
PASTORAL STAFF: The crozier is a pastoral staff, a sign of jurisdiction. The origin of the crozier is traced to the shepherd's crook. The crozier is carried in the left hand with the crook turned, furward. Bishop Medeiros will use the crozier during Pontifical Mas8 and other ceremonies throughout his Diocese. The complete cro zier is atthe left while the crozier crook is above.
New Bedford and Acushnet Co-operative "Banks
Staff Emblematic· of Office
Since'the fifth century the the crozier, or pastoral staff, haa been especiaJly emblem-' atic of t~e bishop's office. It
Choice' of Bishop Rests With Pope The eon see rat ion of • bishop is the e x e Ius i v e right of the SovereignPon tiff, and cannot be perform ed without a mandate explicitly 'given by his Holiness. When the consecration takes place outside of Rome, the nec essary documents, known as "'bulls", from the Latin ,word "bulla", signifyipg the leaden fleal attached to them, are sent _ the Bishop-elect, notifying mm of his appointment and au thorizing him to select as ,his Cl:onsecrator any orthodox bish "" with whom should be' asso dated two other bishops as as sistant consecrators. If the consecration occurs on Sl day other than a Sunday or file feast of an Apostle, special' permission from the Holy See must be obtained by Apostolic llKief allowing the choice of that alay. The ceremony must take place in a church that is conse «ated; that is, the church must be free from all encumbrances and 'solemnl~· dedicated in per 1)etuity to the service of God. .
symbolizes his duties as pastor or shepherd of the flock, and is specifically mentioned in th'e ritual of episcopal consecration. The crozier symbolizes the , full~ess of the priesthood with which' a bishop has power to sustain the weak, confirm the wavering and lead back the erring; The cl,lrved upper part of the staff is adorned with sym bolic ornaMents. . At first the crozier was' a straight staff but In the 11th cen tury tb,e crook was added. By the 13,th century ornamentation was common. The present cro zier is in several sections, sep-
arated and boxed when not in
use. It is held in the left hand
just ,below the knob which con
nects the crook with the staff.
1,'he prayer of blessing says: o God, who does sustain huDlan
weakness, bless this staff; and in
the clemency of Thy merciiul
kindness operate inwardly in the
manners of Thy' servant what he
outwardly designates.
As, Bishop Connolly handed
the crozier to the Bishop at to
day's consecration; he said:
Receive the staff of the Pas
toral Office. 90 that in the cor
rection of vices you may be
lovingly severe; giving judg-
, ment WIthout wrath; softening the minds of your hearers while fostering virtues; in all tranquil 'ity not neglecting strictness of discipline.
Congratulations and,' BesfWishes
,BISHOP MEDEIROS Joseph "DiLorell'llzo
Humberto S. Medeiros, S.T.D~ Carries With Him
The Prayers, lcwe and Warmest Wishes
Of An The People Of The Area
Clerical Taglors
rHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June.9, '1966
Continued, from Page Three . Mitre Bearer, Rev. Bertrancll R. Chabot, assistant at St. An thony of Padua Church, New Bedford. Gremiale Bearer, Rev. Edwanll C. Duffy, assistant at St. James Church, New Bedford and Greater New Bedford CYO Di rector. Crozier Bearer, Rev. Evaristo Tavares, assistant at St. Michael's Church, Fall River. ProceS&ional Cross Bearelf, Rev. Edward J. Mitchell, J.C.D., assistant at Holy Name Church, Fall River. Thurifer, Rev. James A. Mc Carthy, Diocesan Director of the Deaf and assistant at ,St. William's Church, Fall River. Acolyt~s, Rev. Raymond Cor 'riveau, O.P., Director of the Shrine at St. Anne's Church, Fall River, and, Rev.' Feliciaa Plichta, O.F.M. Conv., pastor ell Holy Cress Church, Fall River. The Chaplains to Bishop Ger rard were Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Sballoo, General Manager of The Anchor and pastor of St. Louis Church, Fall River, and Rev. John E.Boyd, Director el the Greater Fall River Catholic Welfare Bureau and pastor 0If St. Patrick's Church, Fall River.. The Auxiliary Bishop's master 9£, eecemonies was Rev. Paw Dalbec, M.S., of tIlle LaSalette Shrine in AttlebOro. ' , The Chaplains to Bishop, Ik Devitt were Rev. Arthur C. _ Reis, pastor of Santo Christ.
Church, Fall River, and
Rev. James E. Gleason, pastor
. of 'St. Patrick's Church, Fal
mouth. The Philadelphia co-consecra tor's Master of Ceremonies was Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Diocesan Superintendent of Schools and, chaplain at Bishop, Stang High School in North Dartmouth. The Masters of ,Ceremonies te the new Bishop were Very Rev. Emanuel A. Ballard, O.M.I., Chancellor of the Brownsville Diocese, 'and Rev. 'Paul F. Mc , Carrick, Greater Fall River cyo 'Director and assistant at St. Mary's Cathedral. . , Mitre Bearer,' Rev. Ji>sepll Oliveira, assistant at St.,:Mi chael's Churdl, Fall'River. " Crozier Bearer" Rev. 'Ago5 tinho S. Pacheco. assistant at , Immaculate Concep~ion Chureh. New Bedford. Notary,' Rt. Rev. Victor W. Ralph, administrator of the Di ocese of Brownsville, Texas., .' Bearers of GiftS, Rev. JosePD Ferreira, assistant at St. An thony of Padua Church, FaR River; Sister Maureen Joseph, S.U.S.C., principal of the St. Mi chael's Church, Fall River, parTurn to Page Nine
Continued from Parge Three the father in spiritual things, every bishop is and should be the father who provides spiri St. Paul's epistles to. Timothy tual nourishmrmt for his' people, and Titus. And what do we the father who preaches and find there? That a bishop should teaches. The preaching of the give 'his days and nights in Word of God is the .first of his crushing financial worries? No, duties because it is the chief
although financial worries he . way that he exercises' his pas
must bear. That a bishop spend toral o~fice. He is the father
long hours in meetings, commit who counsels and guides. But
tees, organizations? No, although above all else, h~ is the father these will clamor for his atteri who meditates and prays. tion. That a bishQp be immeJ;sed. Long ago S1. Gregory the in building, in a thousand ad Great 'laid down the fundamen.:. ministra tal principle, of the pastoral of tive details? fice: the pastor of souls must be first of all a contemplative. ' No, although all 'these will The law of. God must be in his cry out for heart before it can find a ready his time and utteranc'l upon his lips: efforts. It is clear from the consecra- , tion rite that thl-! bishop is ex~ What do we
pected to be a !,aint. Scholar he find? "Be an
may and should be, theologian example
too. He may have- great gifts of to the faith
'BISHOP MEDEIROS' COAT OF ARMS: The coat of nature rond indu~try and expe ful in speech,
arms the insignia of ecclesiastical di~ity of Bishop' rience. None is to be despised. in conduct, in'
Medeiros. The charges, terms and forms of heraldry have But nOlle can, substitute for the c h a ri t y, in
one thing necessary -holiness, pec~liar ecdesiast~l chara~ter. faith, in ,chas:-'
sanctity, dedication M> God's tity. Until I FR. DRISCOLL service. come" .... be diligent in reading, in exhorta '1"atherline~ ,First tion and in te<1ching""" Medi Because he is the father;, ",he
tate on these things, give your meditates and, prays, the bishop
self entirely to them that your is therefore the father who' rules
progress may be manifest ,to a~l. 'and ~govcrns and' :who ,reproves
Take heed to yourself and ~rour and corrects' when necessary. In heraldry a coat of arms mortally wounded·in its defense teaching, be earnest 'in them. Fatherliness comes first. Everyh during 'the bombardme:nt fr,em For in so doing )'OU will save thing else, that a bishop is and is used to distinguis a per across the river. Old Fort Brown yourself and those, woo hear does flows' from this. Because son, usually an il1dividual of still stands as mute testimony y~u." 'he is the spiritual ,father, the some dignity, 'from others. to the intrepid soldier who gave And ;lgain: "But )'OU, 0 man good shepherd, he must have A Bishop's coat of arms is his name to the present See City. ef God'" .... pursue justice, god power to ordain and confirm surmounted by the cross and the The above history is reflected, liness, faith, charity, patience, and consecrate; authority to Bishop's mitre and crozier. Over in the embattled fess (crenel mildness. Fight the good fight preach and teach, the right to all is the Bishop's hat-a flat lated horizontal bar), as the ef the faith, lay hold on the govern and decide and be brimmed wide bat, green in heraldic expression of a fort. life eternal." ' obeyed. These make his fathercolor, with six tassels on either The wavy lines at the base of And finally, and especially: '~I liness operative and effective, side. the fess suggest the Rio Grande charge you in the sight of God Christian trad~tion as exBishop Medeiros' coat of arms river which bounds the Diocese and Christ Jesus. who will judge 'pressed in the right of consecra- was designed by William J. F. of Brownsville on the south, and the living and the dead by his tion has always affirmed that Ryan of New Yor'k. over which the missile came coming and by his kingdom, the bishops are primarily the Blazon which brought death to Major preach the word. be urgent in Impaled arms. Dexter: Brl)wn, Brown. Although brown is not sea1?on, out of season; reprove, . successors of the apostles and a fessembattled at the top the a usual tincture for, the field, of entreat, rebuke with all patience continue their wcork which is to govern the Church and feed th,e , 10werside invecked, between in a shield in heraldry, it has been and teaching_ * ~' .. work as a flock "fQr the building up 'Of 'the ' chief a crGcerit and, in base a advisec:tly used because ,ot>f ,the preacher 0;:, the" gospel, , fulfill body of Christ." Consecration.,is ' : Latin' cross argent, ~'t~ latter title of the See City. your ministry." The titular of Immaculate From this we see that the not simply the transmission of "bearing a' crown' of thorns sur- , juridical and Hturgical powers. mounted by' a lance and a reed Conception Cath~dral is repre bishop is called on to be the sented by the silver crescent pastor of the diocese committed Through the laying on of hands ,tipped with a sponge in saltire of ' other" bishops; themselves or (Diocese o~ Brownsville). above the fess. This lunar, sym to his care; and, even more, that successors of the apostles, ,the Sinister: 'Gules, five eagles' bol, so well known frollB-'the he fulfill his min:stry riot alone new bishop is chosen by Christ, heads erased in saltire or" in painting of the 'Immaculate by what he ,does but above all sanctified, by Him, gi\-en the ,chief a mullet within a crescent 'Conception by Murillo, is de by what he is. Only the man Holy Spirit, transformed in soul 'argent (Bishop Medeiros). Mot rived from the Apocal)'pse: with the heart 9f a pastor can into an apostle, given the dif- to: Adveniat Regnum 1fuum. "And a ,great sign appeared in dr the work of a pastor. The ferent and higher role of father, , heaven:' a woman clothed with Gospel can be effectively pro:" . Signifieanee shepherd, teacher and guide. Th t' '.... t" _ the sun, and the moon was un : claimed by word of -mouth only e en Ire . aC"levemen, ... Representative Christian coat of arms as it is generally der her feet, and upon her head if it first proclaimed by the a crown of 12 stars." (12::1) . The grace of the Holy Spirit called, is composed of the shield life of the preacher. , Title of Father has· this day so transformed with its charges, the motto and "The Latin cross bearing' the Bishop Medeiros' soul. Through the external orn:Jments., As one What is it, that makes a crown of thorns surmounted by bishop? It is not alone the the. sacrament of consecration looks at the shield, the' terms the lance and reed in saltire is power of ordaining' or confirm the Spirit has made him father dexter and sinister must be un a portion of the insignia of: the ing or consecrating Still less is of the Diocese of Brownsville, derstood contrariwiSe, as the Oblates of Mary Immaculate te it any dignity of prelacy or its first witness, its representashield was worn on'the ann in commemorate the Oblate Ii'ath SUIl, and the moon under heir lordship. Ordaining, confirming, tive C h r i's t ian, source and medieval day~ and these terms ers who came to the prt!sent, feet". consecrating, presiding - all strength, of its sacramental life, were used in the relationship of territory of Brownsville as mis- ' The crescent symbolizes the these only serv ~ the main func~ font of its religion and witness- one behind the armor. sionaries, and preached the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother 01 tion of th'e bishup, He is con ing. Hyou shall receive power The dexter impalement dis Faith amidst great privations. the Church, to whose Immacu secrated to do what' he cannot when the Holy Spirit comes upon plays the coat' of arms of the They h::.ve administered the late Heart Bishop Medeiros do effectively without these you, and you shall be witnesses Diocese of Br·ow,nsville. Sacraments in the diocese for consecrates himself, his work powers., He is consecrated to for me in, Jerusalem and ,in all The erection, of the new Dio over one llUndred years. and the people entrusted to hi. shepherd the Chltrch of God, to Judea and Samaria and even to cese of Brownsville,' carved in The sinister impalement dis pastoral care. , be the father of the diocese, the the very ends of the earth." 1965 from the t.erritofy of the plays the personal coat of arms The motto, "Adveniat Regnum .people,the flock entrusted to Bishop Medeiros' witness is to' 'Diocese of Corpus Christi, re of Bishop Medeiros. By joining Tuum" from the Lord's prayer, him. show by word and example what calls the early ecclesiastical his , these arms to the diocesan im expresses the ideal and purpose Father is the oldest and great:. it is and means to be a Christory of Te-xas when, before 1874, palement on the same shield, the of Bishop Medeiros to develop est of the bishop's titles. He is Turn to Page Ten the Church in this State was spiritual union of a Bishop with the prograr.t and the graces 01 under the sole jurisdiction of the hi~ See, also symbolized by the the Kingdom of God in hi$ Bishop of Galveston. In that episcopal ring, 'sheralded, diocese. year the Diocese of Galveston
The shield of the Medeiros
'The external ornaments are gave part of its territory to the family displays five gold eagles' composed of the pontifical hat. . Diocese of San Antonio, now an heads on a red field. To "differ
with its six tassels on each side, archdiocese, and to the Vicariate ence" these arms and to make disposed in three rows, all in' Apostolic of Brownsville, which them peculiar to the Bishop a green, and the episcopal eross eV"intually became the Diocese silver star within a like tinc ,tinctured in gold. These are the of Corpus Christi. tured crescent has been added heraldic trappings of a prelate OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF, FALl R'VER Brownsville was laid out in in chief (upper part).
,of the rank of Bishop. Before 1848 around Fort Taylor, estab
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fait 'River ,The star is derived from tine ,1870, the t?Ontificai hat was lished in 1846 by General Zach
seal and flag of Texas, the ,"Lone wor ,~t solemn ~avaicades held '10 'iighland Avenue ary Taylor'- Besieged at the be Star State."
Fall River, Mass. 02722 ,in conjunction with papal func 675-7151 ginning of the Mexican War, the
The star in the personalco,at , tions. The color of the pontifical PUBLISHER fort was relieved by General of arms refers to the State .:>f ,hat and the number and coler 'Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD., Taylor after the battles of Palo Texas.' The sun and moon are of ~he tassels were, signs of the GENERAL MANAGEP . ASSJ. GENERAL' MANAGER Alto and Resaca de la Palma, used as attributes of the Virgin rank of a prelate, a eustolll' flt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloa, M.A. Rev; Johr P. Driscoll and renamed Fort ·Brown by, 'Mary and therefore the crescent. l\'hich is stil~ preserved ill ,MANAGING EDITOR . order of the General in honor In Revelation 12:1 we find'" ec~Jesjastical heraldry. Hugh, J. Golden ef Major Jacob Brown who was "The' woman elothedwith tbe William F. J. R)'aa
New Bishop of, Brownsville
Selects Coat· of .Arms
PREcmus MITRE: The Precious Mitre owes its name f.l3 the rich embroidery and gems that decorate the folding
eap which consists of two flat pieces ending in apeak. Two fanons (two stripes of matel'ial hanging loosely) are suspended from the back of the mitre. .
Mitre Indicates Obligation when the orphreyed mitre is The mitre, a tall double pointed cap worn by bishops substituted and worn until the of the Credo, at whic~ time on solemn occasions, is a . end the precious mitre I is replaced vestment in use since the until the end of Mass.
loth century. Its two points sym , bolize the Old and the New Tes taments, which it is a bishop's responsibility to explain. Probably of Orienial origin, ~e mitre as used in the Church was at first low and concave, but through the years it in creased in height and became more and more richly orna mented. There are three kinds of mitres: precious, orphreyed and simple. The precious mitre is made of white silk or silver eloth embroidered with silk and gold and studded with gems and precious stones. On the ends of the fanons (two strips of mate rial hanging from the (back of the mitre) the bishop's coat- of arms is embroide.l'ed. The precious mitre is worn on IilOlemn feasts, from the begin Illing of Mass until· the Introit,
Program on Pope's Visit Wins Award NEW YORK (NC)-Television IOOverage of Pope Paul VI's v~sit 0Cl New York last Oct. 4, won an annual George Foster Peabody award for distinguished achieve ment by television and radio for II commentator. . Frank McGe,e, NBC commen (Ltor, was cited for his "superb descriptions" of the Pope's visit. The George Foster Peabody A:,:ards were established in 1940 ilIll honor of the New York banker 2Illd philanthropist. They are • given each year for distinguished and meritorious public service jp)rograms on radio and tele-' ~ision. The awards are adminis flered by the University .O!I. Georgia journalism school.
is made of gold cloth or white silk with gold interwoven. It
is used at pontifical ceremonies and private -function; also at Mass on less solemn feasts. The simple mitre is made of white silk damask or linen with out embroidery, The fanons .are red-fringed. It is used on Good . Fdday and in Offices, and Masses of Requiem. The 'following prayer was re cited at the consecration today by Bishop Connolly, and the two co-consecrators, when the Ordinary placed the golden mitre u[:on the head of Bishop Medeiros: We, 0 Lord, place on the head' of this Thy bishop and champion, the helmet of defense and sal vation, 00 that, his face being adorned and his head armed wHh the protection of both TeS taments, he may seem formid able to the opponents of truth, and through the plenteous be stowal of Thy grace may be their sturdy adversary: Thou Who didst mark with the brightest of rays of Thy splendor and truth the countenance of Moses Thy servant, resplendent from being assocIated in conversation with Thee, and didst order the tiara to be placed on the head, of Aaron Thy high priest, Through Christ our Lord, Amen,
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Thurs., June 9, 1966 an installation in his Cathedral there and the presiding official at this will be Most Rev. Robert E. Lucey, S.T.D., Archbishop of San Antonio. He will preside be cause the diocese' of Brownsville along 'with several other dio ceses falls within the metropol itan province'~ San Antonio while being independent of it as regards jurisdiction. , As an Ordinarf, Bishop Me- deiros is responsible to the Holy Father for the governing. of his diocese: '
Sometimes the word "Or dinary" when applied to a bishop. strikes people as _a strange ·title. It means that
EfP>isco~a~ R~rIlg
Symbolizes ·Fidelity
the bishol? is the head of his diocese, that he is not an auxil iary or helping bishop, but that he has the full jurisdiction of The wearing of rmgs by the diocese and governs it by eertain me m b er s of -the his own authority as apP9inted . elergy dates 'from as early _ to it' by the Holy Father. When Bishop Medeiros goes 10 as the third century. A bish Brownsville, Texas, he will as · op's ring symbolizes his spiritu sume jurisdiction of that diocese' al marriage the Church; that as its Ordinary. There will - be he is ready, if :necessary, to lay down his life for it as Christ did. Bishops ordinarily wear gem:' med and pontifical rings. The ' former are worn in daily life· and contain a simple gem..The latter are used in pontifical cer emonies and contain a' precious stone, which may be surrounded · by smaller stones. Usually 'bish ops wear amethysts, but any stone may be chosen, except sapphire, which' is reserved for Cardinals. '
Receive the ring, the symbol of fidelity, in, order' that, adorned with ullspotted. faith, you ma:y keep inviolably the Spouse of. God, namely, His Holy Church.
The bishop's ring is' worn on the third finger of the right hand. One genuflects when kiss ing a bishop's ring within his Diocese. A low bow 'is made when kissing the ring of an auxiliary bishop. In either case, an indulgence of 50 days is granted for the sign of respect. When Bishop Medeiros re ceived the episcopal ring at to day's consecration. Bishop Con nolly, as Consecrator, prayed:
the' Diocese of Brownsville, Texas
Bishop of the Diocese of BrownsvDJl]e, Texas
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 9, 1966
Consecration of Bishop Medeiros
Ring I,neludes Coat of Arms
Continued from Page Six Gospel side; while the. other CoIsh school; Manuel C. Medeiros, Consecrator, Bishop McDevitt, member of St. Michael's Parish,' ,gave Communion at the Epistre Fall River and, usher at ,the.. side station. Church for more than 35 y'ears; All communicants received Miss Carol Castro, past officer while stllndlng at the stations of the CYO; Master Richard before the four concelebrating Ag'uiar, an altar boy at Bishop Bishops. , Medeiros' Parish; Miss S<lndra, " . Climaxing the ancient cere Alves, St. Michael's parish GYO., ;'monies, re-enacted here, Bishop Assistant Masters of Cere:.. Medeiros went throughout the monies, Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, ':Cathedral, imparting his first Diocesan CYO Director and 'as- . 'episcopal blessing. Returning to sistantat S~. Mary's Cathedral; the altar, he sang the "Acclama Rev. Edmund A. Connors, assist:", tions" three time~. wishing many ant at St. William's Church;' 'Fan ;:,:years in God's service to Bishop River '~ndRev. Dahiel ~. '~F;rri,"7;,::lConnollY., " tas, assistllnt at SantoCi:l~~~t!>'i<':': ~he' ConsecratlOn Rites and Church, .Fall River.. ":"" :,j','i,'" ' the,··Ponti(ical' Mass came to an The in~pressivc consecration end with Bishop Medeiros' 'first cereinoriy", and pontifical:' Mass ',Solemn Episcopal Blessing. within the framework of ~hich:'" . ' it took place were witnessed Twenty-four Bu;hops, in addi also by thousands and thousands tion to those- taking part in the through the medium of televi- rite of consecration, were present sion. The presentation was of- ' in the Cathedral. in addition to fered by' WTEV-Channel Six, scores of other prelates, priests, New Bedford. ' " representatives of religious 01'The Solemn Pontifical Mass del'S and laymen. was for the first time in the Every convent in the diocese history of the Diocese a fully was represented by Sisters and concelebrated Pontifical Mass in Superiors. which the four participating Hundreds and hundreds lined bishops were active. The Prin- the streets around St. Mary's to cipal Celebrant was, of course, watch the procession to and Bishop Connolly, while the newly from the Cathedral. Robed altar consecrated Bishop and the Co:" boys, priests, monsignori, abbotts Consecrators were concelebrants.' and BishOps, combined in a dazHoly Communion was distrib- zling spectacle as they marched uted during the Consecration from their various starting .Mass by the four Bishops, stand- points to the doors of the Ca ing at four stations at the hea<J, thedral. . of each aisle. Entering the Cathedral, BishBishop Medeiros and Bishop op Medeiros wore the robes of Connolly distributed Holy Com- his new office, but was without munion at stations at the head of his epi3copal ring and pectoral the middle aisle. cross. They were blessed and Bishop Gerrard, Co-Consecra- he was invested with them in tor, distributed Communion at the .course of this morning's cer the station at the head of the emony.
Bishop Medeiros' ring was hand-fashioned to accommo-, date the type of stone used and haS his personal coat of arms as well as" the Cross of Christ. The s~one is aquamarine of a beautiful hue" cut, especially for this ring with faceting to bring out its. bea1,lty. On one side is carved the per sonal coat of arms" which in cludes five eagle heads, a star and a crescent. The 'eagle is the particular
attribute of St. John the Evan gelist. The vision of Ezekiel 1:5, 10 * * * "out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures * * * as for the like ness of their faces, the four had the face of a man, and' the face of a lion. the face of an ox, the face of'an eagle,'; was inter preted as referring to the four evangelists. Because St. John in, his gospel soared upward in his contempla tion of the divine nature of the Savior, tlie, ~agle ,be~ilme his symbol. " ,: "',:
'Late'. Vocations
Canadians Planning Central Africa'Seminary
To Train Native Priesthood Candidates
QUEBEC (NC)-Two priests, vocations. Father Jean Paul Roy, a Brother and three laymen are 39, former immigration officer; going to Africa to estaplish{ a , fat\1er Gerard Gibeault, 40, for seminary for men with ''late Vo- 'iner textile worker, and Brother vations near;' Yaounde, Came:':' Roland Audet, 40, formerly op roun. erated a creamery. The project is being underThe laymen accompanyirig taken by the Society of the Holy them-Yvon',Dubuc,agroQomist, Apostles of Montreal at the re:" Roland Drouip,busineSsman, quest of Bishops ()f Central and' Lester Judd, university stu Africa. The Holy Apostles Soci- dent-will assist in teaching, ad ety was founded in 1950 t(n)l·~-t: ,;ministratiot1 and g¢~ral organ mote vocations and train candi- ization at the new seminary in dates for the priesthood. , line ""ith the policy of the Holy The priests and the Brother' Apostles SOciety of enlisting going to Africa to launch the laymen to work with priests in seminary are themselves' "late" its foreign mission projects.
The Merchant$ National Bank ':.'
of New' Bedford ,
Congrat~l~tes c'
Most'Reverend Humberto S.
M~~:::os, S.T.D~ .
qhsl~ERC . HANTS (J'{afimud, BANK
Congrafulafions 'eJlld Besf Wishes'
to A Distinguished Prelate
Most Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros
. :;'
.. '"
"to.: 'BISHOP
~ j. • ) • (
! ' , .;
CENTER BANK-Purchase and William Sts. NORTH BANK-Acushnet Ave. at CoHin Ave. SOUTH BANK-Cove St. at Rodney French Boulevard WEST BANK-Kempton Street at Mill Stre!!t LUND'S CORNER BANK-Acushnet Ave. near Lund's Corne. DARTMOUTH BANK-Dartmouth Street near Rockdale Ave.
Jds l!Ccomplishments~ t3oing., ie take oral exams for his doctorate at Catholic University ,he asked a priest friend to pray for him. The friend replied that he would rather pray for the poor profes ~ors who had to give him the A~arrls-they would :need 'it "'lore.
THE ANCHOR-, Thurs., June 9, 1966
Mass Sermon
With his delightful sense et humor he said, And I got some in, too. Well, a few. A theological expert at the Council he was sought out and respected by bishops and theo logians. Yet he recalls how,dur ing the depression he swept flo'ors in a mill for sixty-twe cents a day. Without embar rassment he says, We were poo~ He is a trained artist and loves music' a'hd' 'literature, ypt he loves, more' the poor soui OVeKe come by life and frailty and Turn to Page Eleven
Continued from Page Six, tian today, He can say-he must be able to say to the flock-"Be imitators of me as lam of k man with the heart of a Christ." pastor, he was truly' pleased The great pattern of the bish when some young men 'of his be 0P'S office is not the feudal loved St. Michael's parish came lord nor the 'modern executive one day with a basketball trying but the Good Shepherd who has to repay his kindness by having 'taught forever by word and act him shoot baskets with them. the meaning of that, name: "The good shepherd lays down h'is life for hiS' sheep." And again: "'The' Son of Man has not come" PONTIFICAL BUSKINS: Part of every bishop's at~ flo be served but to serve, and tire is a pair of buskins which are used only at pontifical to give his life as a ransom for many." This service ,St. Peter Masses. They come in various colors to match the color of has described: "Tend the flock the vestments. ,Buskins ,are not worn at a Requiem Mass. of God which is among you, governing not by constraint, but ./ As a young man of fifteeQ, ' say, Thank you, I look like my willingly, according to God; nor Bishop Medeiros, with his saintly 'mother.. We knew Bishop Me yet for ,the, sake of base gain, but eagerly; not yet as lording mother and his loving sister and deiros' mother as a woman of brothers, Natalia, Lionel and simplicity and graciousness and It over your 'charges, but be eoming from the he,art a patt'ern Manuel, followed' his father to sacrifice, of true piety, yes, sanc , to· 'the flock." It is the service of this city from his native village tity.' To her God was like th,e air of Arrifes on the island of Sao around her and she lived in the suffering servant of God, lJervice in full likeness of Christ, Miguel, Azores. Often hav~ we' His lo~e.She :could be no other lJervice' of the cross: "And I, if heard him say, I am a farmer's to have, given God such a ~n. I be lifted up from the earth, son. His father, a Portuguese She spoke little English and yet will draw all things to myself." farmer, had all the simplicity none was really needed: she and sturdy faith of this ,dedi spoke the language 9f courte~y Farmer's Son 'cated people. Living close to the and holiness, readily felt and We have heard the Holy Fa sea,taking a livelihood from the ther call himself-Paul, Bishop, land, they hold as a proud heri..., understood by all. All who kno~ Servant of the Servants of God. tage their nearness to God and Bishop Medeiros, Catholic and non-Catholic, testify to this love If this must be said of the Pope, utter dependence .upon Him. of God and men in him. And it must be said of every bishop, S~T.D. How fitting that God has chosen to this he would only lIay, I must ,be the formula that best a farmer's son to tend His yine look .like',my mother. ' , . describes what a bishop is. It 'yard. For every bishop is a ·:Bishopof. t~ J1)ioeeseof DOt, only' defines his' role, it We are all aware of his bril
fountain of living water spring serves as the abiding, guide of ing up to eternal life, a fountain liance in the classics, philosophy,
~e relationship with h,is flock. of life and holiness causing the theology and scripture. Having,
Today with fondness and love, desert to bloom like the rose, an almost pentecostal gift of
in unrestrained joy, do we see watering the fields and making +~n~lies, he speaks ,Portu~uese.
in the holy, humble, brilliant, them white for the harvest. English, Spanish, French, Itan
gentle person of Bishop Mede an, German, Latin, and delights"
Holy Water iros an apostle of Jesus Christ, 10 read lhe Old Testament In
a father of the flock, a good It ill said of a king of France 'Rebrew 8Qd the New Testamem:
IIhepherd, a servant of God and that on being praised for hill In Greek. Yet he is singularlY
In~m. handsome appearance be woul~ , unimllressed, almost unaware of
E[umberfo' ,8., Medeir~s
Brownsville, Texas
We Wish io
Gold Medal.BakingCo• "
.~ . ~;"
Balutis f1J
............................_ _!II!!!l!UB!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!.......!!!!lI!!!!!!!!........
Pope Paul Sends" Cong ratulatory Telegram
THE ANCH,OR-Diocese, of Fan River-Thurs. June 9, 1966
College Has Lay Graduates
LODI (NC)-The trend to opening Sister formation colleges in this area to lay students was' spotlighted here in New Jersey when 30 lay students were among the 43 graduates at Im maculate Conception Junior Col lege commencemnt. It was the first graduating class to include lay students since the college was opened by the Felician Sisters 24 years ago.
A. G. Cardinal Cicognam.
Papal Secretary of State at the Vatican, today conveyed tile best wishes and blessing M Pope Paul VI to Bishop Medeiros. The Papal blessing also included an who attended the Cathedral consecration Mass. The Cardinal's telegram tIil !be new Texas Bishop' follows: "Happy occasion on your Ex· eellency's consecration as Bishop of ,Brownsville. Holy Father im· parts in pledge of abiding Di· vine assistance your Episcopal ministry His paternal apostolic benediction which he lovingly extends to ,all 'present at the Mass of Consecration."
A second Sister formation col lege, Tombrock College in W e~ Paterson, began admitting lay students last -Fall. Two more will admit other than Sister candidates ill the next two years -Alphonsus College, Woodcliff Lake, which will accept its first lay students next September; and Archangel College, Engle wood Cliffs, which will be open to the laity in September, 1967.
Continued from Page Ten :: THE BISHOIVS GLOVES: Glo~es are worn by a l3ishop erteeping on the railroad tracks mear his rectory, and he reaches during a pontifical mass, from the beginning to the offer out to this brother in Christ, tory. They are not worn at requietP' masses, The Bishop gives, him of his own meager wears gloves when conferring holy, orders even in a low funds, even his clothes, and then mass. grie.ves, ,because having done .n he could he would yet do more. 'Thy Kingdom Come" WASHINGTON (NC) - Two WICS volunteers are engaged ill In the twenty years of Ms priesthood, in parish' work, in goVel'llment officials speaking a crash program to help the government recruit 'and screell ehancery work for his beloved here saluted the aecomplish applicants for the Women's Job Bishop Connolly, always he has ments of WICS-an amalgam Corps, set up under the Econom" women's organizations formed been the man of prayer, the a year and a half ago to assist ic Opportunities Act of J964. father, the pastor, the good shep Shdver told the W0I!len the,. herd, one seeking to serve. Now the war on poverty. ' had brought forth more helpful by sacramental consecration he ,R. Sargent Shriver, director of suggestions and, practical ~ch. has been chosen by Christ, sanc the Office of Economic Oppor niques than any government bu. tified by Him, given the HolT tunitY,'and Dr. Bennetta B. reau could ever hc;>pe to provide. Spirit, made an apostle to glori Washington, director of the He said that as the Job Corpal fy the Father on earth and to , Women's Centers Division of the 88ve men, "for the building up Job Corps, told the WICS that gets bigger, the work 0I1l the of the body of Christ," which is they nurtured the Job Corps WIes must increase. the Church. With Mary, Mother through its first-and most dif· of Christ, Mother of the Church. ficult-year. he cries out: "My soul magnifies Shriver and Dr. Washington the Lord, and my spirit rejoices spoke at the annual meeting of in God my Savior; Because he the WICS board of directors, bas regarded the lowliness of held at the Executive House his servant; because he who ill bere. May 23-24. Mighty has done great things for WICS-Women in Community lmC and holy lis his name." Through Bishop Medeiros, 8ervice--was established in De Lord, we pray, may "Thy king. cember, 1964, -by members of 'f 0 u r organizations: National lIiom rome." Council of Catholic Women, Na tio~al'Counci. of Jewish Women/ National Council of Negro Worn':' en. and United Church Women. ALBANY (NC) - A compro. Its overall aim is to help edu mise bill inmcreasig state aid to public schools by $102.3 milIiOlll eatiorially and 'culturally de 'Was passed unanimously by the prlved young people sn~p the Legislature here. . chains of poverty. Specifically,
;:,W'omen Assist in Poverty' War
BiShOp Gf the DiOeese of Brownsville, Tex.as
Ad lfIultos ilnnos
More School Aid
.. :
" ':"",M6sT\tFJVE:R~ND !
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A.CI MulltO$ Jiaoos .....
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Bishop of",the'Diocese' of Browhsvilieg Texas
HOLY 'CROSS .,FATHERS, Hoi, CrO$$' [f~'t~e~~ ;'S~minary ..... , ;',
Tucker Road
...,' .. ,'1
N@rth Dartmouth
Arthur C. Guimond, President
. DallasP;iest - fiends- Pastors Association
THE ANCHOR Thur's., June 9, 1966
'CcrdQnal Cushing, Asks for' ~ n,ity Amo~g
BRIGHTON (NC)-Rich ard Cardinal Cushing, speak ,ing at St. John's Seminary' where 125 students staged a protest demonstration I ast March made a plea for unity, and ' understanding' ,between priests and their bishop and be tween older and younger gen erations in the' priesthood. Cardinal Cushing, who or dained 31 students at the semi nary here, tole: the new priests and the seminaric:ns that he had prayed there would be "no es trangement between you ·and me, who must work 'so closely together." And noting that' he was eelebr~'ting his 45th anniver-: sary as a priest, he said he' bad come to understand what his predecessor, William Cardi nal O'Connell, meailt when he spoke of "the loneliness that surrounds a bishop." "'ork as Team Cardinal Cushing told the ,members of the ordination class and the other seminarians that "a bishop and his priests must undertake their work as a team." He encouraged them to be leaders 1I1 their communities but offered "two qualifications" to this. "First of all," he said, "when you or I take a stand, it shall lIlot be counter to the teaching or traditions of the Church * * * If we are to attempt to tamper or change the substance of, our faith, we are rootless, what we say is without relevance to ,our office-and most of all we act irresponsi bly." His second qualification was that "we must act not only ac ~ording to zeal but likew'ise ac eording to prudence." "We must be quite certain of the real connection between the work of Christ and whatever, other,work demands a great deal 'of our time and energy," the . 'cardinal said.
Most Rev.'Humberto S. Medeiros
: PECTORAL CROSS: Is not a sign of jurisdiction but of order or dignity. The ordinary cross is worn over civilian dress, as well as over the cassock, sim'ar, manteletta and mozzetta. The, pictured cross w~is used by the late Bishop Marx of Brownsville.
In addition to his ring, the distinguishing mark of a bishop is the pectoral cross, which should be worn ex posed at 3,11 times.. It is a smali cross' worn on a chain around the neck, and is a sign of dignity. It has been worn by bishops since the 16th century. There are two types of cross; the ordinary and the pontifical. The ordinary cross is gold or gold-filltd, wit h out precious stones; It is generally worn from a gold chain and is used in daily life, over the clerical suit as well as the cassock or other liturgical garments. The' pontifical cross is hol lowed to contain relics of s'aints and is also made of gold. It may be studded with diamonds and other precious stones. It is SU9 pendcd from the neck by a cord of green and gold silk for bi8h ops. Other ecclesiastical digni taries have different colored , cords, the pope's being gold. In 1927, Most Rev. Emmanuel pusB. Ledvina, late Bishop of Corpus Christi, Texas, gave ref uge ·to the exiled priests form
Boosts Fund GREENSBURG (NC) - The West Penn Power Company has' awarded a gr'lnt of $7,500 to Seton Hill College for construc tion of new science facilities. The award brought the con struction fund to $634,931. A total of $1,405,594 is being GOught.
Mexico who fled the persecu tion of President Calles of Mexi co,' and ih an act of gratitude the Mexican Bishops later pre sented the above pictured pec toral cross to Bishop Ledvina. Bishop Ledvina, in turn, gave the cross to his ,successor, the present Or<:linary' of Corpus . Christi, Most Rev. Mariano S. Garriga. He presented it to Bish- ' op Adolph Marx, the late Bis.hop of 'Brownsville, whom Bishop Medeiros is succeeding. ,The name of the pectoral cross derives from the Latin, "pectus," breast.
A.d Multos A,ulos
fR.'OM y~~
We Are Proud' Indeed! I
Free Courses LOUISVILLE (NC)-Free col lege courses to anyone over 65 years of age will be offered starting this Summer by Cather ine Spalding College here. The Catholic school is the first pri vate college in Kentucky to make the offer. .
ON HIS CONSECRATION AS Bish(pJ) of the Diocese. of Brownsville; Texas
Architects and Engineers
Providence, R. I.
tion, which includes Protestantl .ministers, Catholic priests and Jewish rabbis. Father Drew' previously waS vice president of the group. In an acceptance speech he prom ised to "work to give our city and community the kind of Christian witness expected' imI this ecumenical age."
DALLAS (NC)-For the. first time in history a Catholic priest has been elected president of t.he predominantly Protestant Dallas Pastors Association. . Father Joseph W. Drew, C.S.P., 32-year-old Catholic chaplain at Southern Methodist University and director of the Newman Center there, was elected by ac clamation to head th.e associ a-
GAspee 1-42./4
• ..
Humberto S. Me:deiros Bishop of the- Diocese ·ofBrownsville, Texas',
. '.
438 Dartmouth Streef"
New Bedford
Bishop Medeiros' Honor Guest At Banquet
BALTIMORE (NC) -A new scholarship program for needy high school boys has been launched by the Maryland Prov ince of the SocietY of Jesus as the result of the sale of 200 acres of land owned by the order for more than 20G years. Sale price was close to $1,000,000. The land, located in Bowie, Md., was originally owned by the Carroll family of Maryland whose members included Arch bishop John Carroll, first Cath olic Bishop of the United States. It was deeded to the Jesuits in 1756. Under the new scholarship program five b"ys will be chosen ~ach year to attend each of the five Jesuit high schools in the Baltimore province. The value of each scholarship will be $1;600, and in addition to meet ing academic standards of the schools, applicants will be re quired to show genuine financial need,and potential qualities of leadership in civic, religiolls and social affairs.
NATlVE MOTIF: Superimposed' on Bishop Medei~s' pectoral cross is the Portuguese 'National Cross.
Bishop of the
Gift of New Bishopls Kin
Fashioned in lO-karet gold, Bishop Medeiros' pectoral cross is the traditional Latin form and is hand-chased on the front. The design' is one chosen by His' Excellency from one of the arches at the entrance· to the Monastery of Jeronymos in Lisbon. This pectoral eross made • Attleboro was a gu •. Medeiros' two brr" 'el and Ma o-" Antone (Natalia) Souza. The Cll~~. Gama u8ed before Ih. _~. ~,lIl on his explorations and where his remains now lie was built by Prince Henry the Navigator ~'ho was also responsible for sending the Medeiros family to colonize the Azores over 400 years ago. The cross has around its out line a rope design symbolic of the rope used on de Gama's ships. Superimposed in the cen ter of th~ cross is the Portuguese National Cross with -the national colors, fed and white, done in vitrious enamel.
This cross can be found in many of the old buildings in Portugal and is u~ed extensively in Jeronymos. It is called ·the Cross of Christ.
Cl)f Br.ownsville, Texas
New Bedford
760 Purchase Street
Most RevereJrld
Many Happy Years·
His Consecrated Office as
of t·he Diocese of BrownsVille,
Bishop of the
of Browns"me, Texas
202 Rock Street
history and became dean in 1934. She plans to move to the pro vincial house of the ~cred Heart Order in Albany where she will set u~ education and advisory projects. Mother O'Byrl1f~'s announce ment of her retirement at the end of a routine faculty meeting touched off a sentimental salute by a majority of the college's 935 students who on learning the news sounded the chape] bells and gathered outside the meeting room to serenade the nun.
PURCHASE (NC) - Mother Eleanor M. O'Byrne,' 69, presi dent of Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart since 1945, will leave her post in July after completing 33 years of service at the Catholic women's school. She will be succeeded by Mother Elizabeth J. McCormack, currently academic dean. Mother O'Byrne, a native of Savannah, Ga., was educated at Manhattanville, Fordham Uni versity and Oxford University. She joined the Manhattanville staff in 1933 as a prof~ssor of
White's Restaurant, No. West port, today. Members of the hierachy, visiting prelates and diocesan elergy were in attendance in ad ~ition to relatives of the newly lilonsecrated member of the epis
Jesuits Establish Scholarship Plan
of Foil River-Thurs. June 9, 1966
Mother O'Byrne To Leave Post
. Eight F·all River Diocesan priests were in charge of the banq!1et in honQr of Bishop Medeiros which was held at
Banquet arrangements were in charge of Rev. Reginald M. Barrette, assistant at St. Roch's, Fall River, chairman. Assisting Fat her Barrette were: Rev. Vincent F. Diaferio, assistant at Holy Rosary Churc1.l, Fall River; Rev. Robert W. Dowling, assistant at Our Lady of Grace Church, Westport; Rev. Joseph M. Ferreira, assistant at St. Anthony of Padua Church, Fall River. Also, Rev. Peter F. Graziano, ass~stant at Holy Name Church, Fall River; Rev. Thomas E. Mor rissey, a5sistant at St. John the Baptist Church, Fall River; Rev. Peter F. Mullen, assistant. at Sacred Heart Church, Fall River; Rev. George J: Souza, as sistant at Our Lady of the Angels Church, Fall River.
Fall River
. .Eoghlt Honorary. Be Degrees' .
14:-.: ..THE ,ANCH.OR-,
., - .:. Thurs;, June 9, 1966
BOSTON (NC) - Boston Col lege w:ill grant eight honorary doctorate degrees at its com 'mencement exercises June 13, including one to Fran<:isKeppel, former ASsistant Sec:retary of Health, 'Education and Welfare, who will be th.e commencement speaker. The other degree recipients are: Bi~hop John W. Comber, M.M., superior general of the Mary knoll Fa~hers; .Dr.. Edward Gil
Award Doctorate To DBocesan S'chool Head . Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Fall River, receive the degree of
day" ·conducter of tbe,,;Handel: and Haydn Society; Senator Ed ward M. Kennedy of Massachu setts; St~phen P. Mugar, chair~ man.of· the board of the Star Market Company; Mother E. M. O'Byrne, retiring president off Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart, Purchase, N. Y.; Abram L. Sachar, president of Brandeis University; and RenlC: Wellek, Sterling professor of· comparative literatu~ at Yale University. .
. . -----,-,------------------n
Doctor of Education from Bos ton College at the Commence ment Exercises on June 13. His major field of study was edu eational administration. He received an A.B. degree from St. John's Seminary in 1952. and an lVI.Ed. degree from' Boston College in 1957. . • . .. He is a member of the Na tionfll Education Association, the . American Association of School Administrators, the National So ciety for the Study_of Education, the Old Colony Superintendents Association, the National Catho-. lie Educational. Association, and cerves on the Board of Directors RECEIVES AWARD: U.N. AmbaSsador J'ames Roose GIf. . ,the New England Catholic velt, right,presents the Eleanor, Roosevelt Humanities' Ed"cation Center. 1;..ward' to Morris Levine, long active in civic and Jewish .. He has been inducted. into aff~irs in ,Fall. River, at ceremonies Thursday night in the Phi, Delta Kappa,' an interna · presence of hundreds of relatives and friends, among whom tiQnal fraternity of scholars in were, Mrs. Levine, left, and Bishop Connolly,' ~ond. left. edu·cation. He has been invited _ study at the Harvard Ad vanced Administrative Institute fer :school superintendents. More' .ttl'an 12,000' men. and . WILMINGTON (NC) ,-The His dissertation was a 650 page Catholic diocese of Wilmington womer,i. participated' in.. the .door-· . study of principals of elemen tary schools in New England. In · has exceeded by mo're than $1.'1 to-door. ,c£4mpaign, whi<:h was million its ,$7-mill.ion goal in til directed by a professional fund addition to courses -in adminis raising consulting :oO~a tration, his courses' included development program fund rais tions and pledges totaled $8, such subjects as School' Law, ing campaign. Bishop Michael W. Hyle called 700,965. School Finance, t>ersonnel Man T h .e." development program,. agement, School Plant Operation it "the greatest show of faith sinCe the diocese was established. anno~Hlced, earlier .this year,. in and' Planning, Supervision, Cur in the Delmarva peninsula near cludes ~ religious, educational! riculum Development, and Psy aDd social, service projects. ;. chometrics. }Yta century. ago."
....; .... ; '. r,:':
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Mos(:Rev.ltlumberto S. Medeiros .
.'- - - S:t.b.·
Wilmington Tops Campaign Goal firm.
.'1''- . • ,•.'
Bi8lltop of' the Diocese of BrOwnSville,' Texas ..
New Bedford
191 PllIrchas. Street
,:' ,
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HUMBEJR1f(),·O:&' l\1lEUJEIROS··· .:j'
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall -River-Thurs. June ,~ 1'96&
Who are the Directors
God ·Love You By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen~ IDl.:D. We directors of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith are beggars. This is our vocation. We are the Lazaruses' of the world seated at the gates of the rich, showing the sores al~ leprosy of the Missions to all who eat well and are clothed in purple. We are' the boats into which the Lord steps to visit the Gerasenes and to preach to the multitudes. We are the Simons of Cyrene who have been commandeered into service to help Christ carry the burden of His Cross in space and time. A pastor has his parish, a bishop has his diocese, but the world is our parish. And what a parish! We 'know that if the non-evangelized started a procession in front of the Propaganda building in Rome, and walked day and night, single file, second by second, it would take them 30 years to pass. We know, too, that if the hungry and the impoverished could walk around the earth, over seas as well as land, they would encircle this .planet 25 times. We are the publicans of the Church, the tax collectors, the lineal descendants of those who begged for Rome outside of Rome the tax collectors of the Propagation of the Faith. Like Gaul. tile mlssloJl 01 the Church Is divided in three parts: 1) those who produce Z) those who distribute and 3)' those who receive. All three are mentioned in . the sidh chapter 01 st. John's Gospel. Who produces? We Directors 01 The
Society lor the Propagation 01 the Faith
are like the boy who produced the bas
ketful 01 loaves and fishes, except that
our baskets are Iilled with Iranes, lire.
pesetas, shillings. marks, and dollars.
Who distributes? The Congregation of
the Propaganda distributes. Like the
12 apostles, it hands out our loaves and
fishes to the hundreds 01 thousands on
the hillsides of Africa, Asia, Oceania
and elsewhere. Who receives? The' mis
sionaries are the receivers. They apply
each year to the Propaganda for the'ir'quota 01 bread and fishes. But the supply is soon exhausted. Later, like the multitude, they cross the I~ke looking for more. .. For this triple service, there were triple satisfactions Ol' blessings in the Gospel for the Lord is never outdone in charity. The apostles, after having distributed the bread and fishes,_ each received a reward: there were 12 baskets given to them,one for each. Next, the receivers, too, were pleased for each one, the Gospel tells us, "had his fill." But what about the boy who had the basket loaded with provisions? We do not even know if he got his basket back. Was he the only one who went away disap pointed that day'! No! The Gospel tells us "t}:lat Jesus took the' loaves, looked up to heaven and gave thanks." Of the three, the boy was the one who expressly was described as giving to Our Lord. The distributors received the food from the Lord; the re ceivers took their food from the disciples, but the boy gave to the Lord. He did not receive, he gave; and his gift becam~ the occasion for the announcement of the Eucharist. Ours is, therefore, a Eucharistic work. As sacristans of the missionary' Church, we. give bread for the paten, wine for the chalice, loaves and fishes for the hungry. Jesus takes and thanks. And, only' one chapter later in Matthew, there is another multiplication of loaves and fishes. It must be that the Lord sent the, b'oy home ,with his' empty basket, to fill it up again. So out to: the highways and byways we go as beggars. At times it is very difficult; ·there is much opposition and want of sympathy. Even when we give all we have, it is asked: "What are these among so many?" Bu,t over-riding them all is the supreme consolation, namely, it is the Lord Who takes from us. It is the Lord Who thanks, It is the Lord .who says, "God Love You!" . -
WINE OF THE MASS: Two barrels of wine decorated with the coats of Arms o{f Bishop Connolly and Bishop MedeiroS are presented 1;.0 the consecrator at the offertory 9f the Mass. .
Urges Religious Find Vocation Meaning BLACKWOOD (NC) Ninety-nine priests and Brothers were urged to find the modern-day meaning of their vocations, in the light of Vatican Council II, at a charter conference of "key men to guide the' American religious Brother of the futu~e." Father Edward J. Sponga, S.J., Jesuit Maryland provincial, in his keynote address at the Brother Formation Seminar, held at St. Pius X Retreat House here in New Jersey, told those present to look more deeply into the three hallmarks of the' brotherhood~humility,' hidden ness and humble service - and make them pertinent to today's world. These· signs are "more valu able than ever," be said, "but they need expression in the 'inner city' of society, that place where the God of today's world is found-among the poor and underprivileged." Father Sponga told those at tending the two-day seminar that everything we are experi encing today k. interrelated to the total Church picture. Ecumenism, birth control, rQ dal strife, the liturgy, e.elibacy and the "crisis of obedience,'" were listed by Father Sponga as issu~ which are eontributionc
to the present unrest in the Church, an 'IUlrest, which he
stressed, the religious Brothe~ must understand and confront.
Somerset, Mass.
GOD LOVE· YOU to M.S. for' $250 "When ,I looked around our 'house at our abundance of everything and thought about the poor and starving, I had to send at least this." . . . to 'Anon for a pearl ring '''This is all my poor father left' me. I hope there is value in it for Christ's poor. I would rather have it feed them than adorn me." When begging for Christ, we ask not just for money but any valuables that can be sold and the money given to the poor. So send us your old gold and jewelry-the bracelet or diamond ring you no longer wear, last year's gold eyeglass .frames, the cuff links you never liked anyway. Your semiprecious or precious stones will t>e winning precious souls for Christ. Our address: . ,Th'e Society for. the Propagation fYI. the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York, ~.Y. 10001. ',' . Cut out this eolumn, pio your sacriliee to h and mall It to Most Rev. FuUoo J. Sheen. Natioosl ·Director of Tbe Society' for the Propagatioo of the Faith, 366 Fiftb' Avenue, N. Y. 10001, or to your Diocesan Direetor, Rt Rev. Msgr. RaymondT. Coasi dine, 368. North Main, Street, F;;lIRiver, Masil8ehusetts.
SHELL "Premium" Heating Oils .., ........ ~4n,..~~ . DADSON OIL BURNERS
'2..-Hour Oil Burner Service ·Fa....ous Reading, ,HARD' 'COAl'
GLEN COAL & OIL CO., Inc. 640 Pleasant Street
Tel. WY. 6·8271
Most Reverend
New ledforcl
DIOCESE Of BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS IHntWith Branch lanking "' Greater Fan :River
FALL RIVER TRUST ·CO. • CONVENIENT BANKS LOCATED IN 'AlL.NER - SOMERSET - SWANSEA - WESTPORT - ASSONET Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Reserve S~tem
THE ANCHOR-Dioeeseof Fan River-Thurs. June 9, 1966 ,
, "
Temperance ~Iedge 'RUTLAND (NC)- Bishop .Robert F. Joyce of BurliI;lgton has decided to drop the temper , abce pledge which for years has been ,~dministered at Catholic confirmation ceremonies in Ver mont. By, his decision the bishop ap~ 'proved, the first recommendation of' the 'new Diocesan Pastoral CommisSion, composed of priests, ,R~lig~~usand laymen. ' , The 'commission recommended that the "pledge be replaced by' a program' of temperance edu cation. ' Col. 'WIiliam J. BU~ke 'Montpelier, direcforof Ver~ mop-t's : 'military draft system , am:!, a commission member, was nallied head of Ii 'committee to anlw' up the" temperan~e' edu cation ?cograni. '
Have you ,ever thought that'the Priest mi,ghtneed your help, your' prayers; your ..services' and your life? ' :" Find this ideal with the
BISHOP'S RESIDENCE '! Highlan!l' Avenue, Fall River, M,ass: I ' , ~2721 -or-,-.ST. MARY'S' RECTORY .. 327 Second Street, Fall River, MaSS."" ) 02121
'. '/ OUR LADY' Of "52~ !Eastern Avenue, Fall River;, Mass.· '.' '.r)':
BROWNSVILLE ADMINISTRATOR AND NEW BISHOP: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Victor W. Ralph of Harlingen" administrator of the Texas Diocese since the death of Bish op Adolph Marx on Nov. 1, 1965, is greeted by his new" shepherd, Bishop Medeiros, on his arrival in Fall River for the consecration ceremonies~
'Most Reverend ,
Banquet' Fonow~- Consecration Rev. John F. Hogan, Diocesan Following the dinner, Father Director of Television and Di- _'Hogan introduced Rt. Rev. Vic rector of the Catholic Charities tor W. Ralph, Administrator of Bureau of New Bedford," was 'the Diocese of Brownsville, who toastmaster at' the post-conse: ' 'publicly extended the first con cration banquet held today', m: gratulatory message and words honor of Bishop Medeiros. He, of welcome from the clergy and alos served as announcer f~r ',laitY.; of :Brownsville. televised service on Chanliel e-;':,'::'M6sf Rev.·James L. Connolly -New Bedford television: ::sta- i ': pr~sen~:BishQp\ "Medel'ros with tion WTEV. ':~ ',;. ! :,':~:h)~I'$e'rrointhe clergy' of the • • 0' ., : :i;~~ll~~iyer Diocese; an~ a ,spirit Close' Pre-Ncv.hate'::ual·, ,t;>o~quet t,heschool DAYTON (NC)-The;Si~~rs,;:e~~~eI:en of:th~~ipce~" :~ ef the Precious BloOd "ha~ ';;;: ?;~~llh~n~~q~u:o.s, ,l~:',hl$re elosed tne pre-novitiate 'higb.\'[j::!iI>O~se,:,::(lE!vel,o~~;'.~:. m~tto school in operation sirlCe: -1921: ':'::::r.~r:"K.I':lgg.~JItCC;>Jne.~:,;.l9.~O a at their Regina Heights mother,,;:: ~.ne~ talk that . ,(i~scrl~.~d the house. A final class of 24" girts': ;Jentl11?e~ts ove~lowIl1g~m,~'heart was' ,graduated, and other Stu- , on thIS ,day of .consecration. dents have been advised to re turn to their homes and to at tend high school classes in their own communities. .
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Best lWishes
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BISHOP MED EIROS'~,':' ;\i.i
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"Congratultations" and' :
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River~Thurs. June 9, 1966
Bishop Medeiros Served Diocese In Key Posts
EMMITSBURG (NC)-Mary land Atty. Gen. Thomas B. Finan, Jr., received an honorary doctor of laws degree at the 158th commencement e x e r cis e s at Mount St. Mary's College here. Other honorary degree recip-
The fo]k>wing is, a bio graphical sketch of Bishop Medeiros who becomes Bish op of the Diooese of Browns ville, Texas~
ients included Bishop Coleman F. Carroll of Miami, Fla., Msgr. Lawrence C. Newman of Jack~ sonville, N. C., and Odone'RoSe> ini, an industrialist from Sha. mokin, Pa.
Bom-oct. 6, 1915. Baptized-Qur Lady of Health ehurch, Arrifes. Graduated-B. M. e. Durfee High School, Fall River, 1937. Ordairied-June 15, 1946 by the late Most Reverend James E. Cassidy, D.D., third Bishop' of FaD River. ' Episcopal Secretary-May 19501 Representative for ReligiousAug. 30, 1951. ' Vice-Chancellor - April 28, 1953. Chancellor-Feb. 17, 1954. Elevated to Domestie Prelate, -Feb. 3, 1958. Pastor, St. Michael's-Oct. Ii, 1960. Diocesan Consultor - March 30, 1964. Hierachy - The new Bishop was elevated'to the episcopacy by Pope Paul VI on April 20, 1966.
Ad Bultos "unos
Most RevQ H:umberto SQ Medeiros
HonCl?rs P',iest
NOTRE JIlAME'S JUBJl:LAJlUAN: Bishop Medeiros, left, and Rt. Rev. Magr. Alfred J. E. Bonneau, pastor of the Fall River Padsh and celebrant of the Mass of Thanksgiving on the occasion of his 50 years in the priesthood, meet Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Francouer, parish trustee and chairman of the celebration, the first couple the jubHarian officially witnessed marrying.
LIMA (NC)-Msgr. E. C. Herr principal of Central Catholic High School here in Ohio, was cited by the Lima Club of Fron tiers International, a Negro or ganization, for his work "for the welfare of all the people in the
community without regard to :race, religion or national origin."
Bishop of tile Diocese
(j)jf llJJ!'OWlllSVme~
234 Second Street
SPECIAL GlOUP GFFER! • Over 100 Rides 1& Amusements • Olympic size Swimming P~I • Worlds largest Shore Dinner Hall ., Reservatiollf Write II' call . coIl~t ,
• Chowder, clamcakes and watermelon ... all JOu ' can eat Onlj $1.00 • $4.110 ,wortb If tickets ....can be used on all" rides in the Park Only $2.00 ....r Il4lt valid •
"Ccntrad Finta. Mgf. ' , 11M!
....... . , . , _ ... lie . . . . " •.
iI£Ient 1·1*
IIolldays I,
..., "'.1'ldI •..
.' ¢0'flg"'fu";t;o~s
Bishop, of the Diocese of Brownsville, Texas'
It Mor" MaiII· Street',
55 North Main St. ,.:
US3 'South Main St.
-'-'~se of Fall River-Thurs. June 9, 1~66
North DigS,ton Girl I~ Top :Trinity . C'c~lege .Graduate Miss Ann M. Turner. of North Dighton today holds the enviable distinction of having been graduated as the top ranking student in a class of 124 awarded degrees by Trinity College in W a~hington. The diocesan -llative is the pro u d recipent of both a . Fulbright and a- W9oc1I'OW Wilson national fellowshfp: The graduation exercises at the nationally known wom
en's college in the nation's cap ital were held last Sunday. A classical Greek and Latin major, Mi.ss Turner is one of two A.B. degree candidates .in a
class of 124 tC' receive simul';
taneously both of these major awards for advanced stuay in Illational competition. She will
use the U. S ..Government Gl'ant
under the Fulbright-Hays act next year to read for an 'honours _ degree in Greek and Roman Classics at the University of
Cambridge, continuing the' study ..
of Greek and' Latin lyric poetry.
which she began on independent
study at Trinity. : "
In 1967-68 Miss Turrier·,.. bas)
,the choice of c()ntinuin~ gl:ad::-,:'
uate study at Cambridge or'be~'\-;
coming a candidate tor the,
·Ph.D. at Harvare1 as a.Wocid~·ow :'.:
Wilson Fellow. Funded. by . Jhe: .':
Ford Foundation, the. Wood-ro..t'r .,.
Wilson competition is the coun- ::
try's largest program seeking
college graduates qualified for "
training to teach at college and
university level.
Miss Turner graduated first in
her high school class. at . the
Academy of the Sacred Hearts
in 'Fall River, Massachusetts,
where she served as Student
Government president. She con
tinued to lead her class academ
ically throughout her four years
Miss Turner is the daughter ef undergraduate study at Trin of Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Tur ity and receive:i the baccalau reate degree magna cum laude ner of 538 School Street, North Dighton. last Sunday.
As a junior Miss Turner was .
awarded the St.' Catherine's
Honors Theologicin Medal for academic excellence NE WYORK (NC) -=- Father and outstanding contributfons to 'college life. She was one of John ·Courtney Murray, S.J., 'eight stmiors named earlier this theologian at Woodstock" (Md.) College, was among the.- 12 re year to Who's Who Among Stu dents in American Colleges .and cipients of honorary degrees ;lnd. medals at the annual Columbia . Universities. University commencement ex
ercises here. He was cited for hi's
"labors on the statement ·on. National Sorority religious' liberty at the Vatican /Plans Convention Council II." CHICAGO (NC) - The 2'6th national convention of the Theta Phi Alpha Sorority will be held in Chicago, June 3(' to July 4, with Archbishop John P. Cody as host. Betty L. Comer of Evanston, nt., national president, said the sorority, which has a .member ship of nearly 8,000 collegiate women, was founded in 1912'-' It has as its national philanthropy the GlEmmary Jlome Missions. Bishop Allen J. Babcock of· Grand Rapids, Mich., is the 510-. rority's national chaplain.
Sug.gests Parish Sch«»{{)~ B~arrds' CINCINNATI (NC) -A spe cial committee of the Cincinnati archdiocesan school board has recommended every parish have a board of education "broadly representative" of the parish membership.
Copies of the committee's re
port,. acecpted by the archdi~
esan bO;Jrd. and approved by
Archbishop. Karl J. Alter, have been sent to every pastor in the archdiocese.
The six-member committee told the board that "there. are cOlI\pellir.g reasons for urging that such a move is imperative for Catholic education." The cGmmittee also pointed out that "Catholic education-is entering upon 3. critical period in its existence," and warned . that failure to meet new needs in changing times ·would lead· to a "mediocre" Catholic educa tional system.
206 SClluth. M~in' Street - Fall. River
428 IMain Str:eet - Hyannis
. ~ .. ":'
·.Ad ltfli1tOS .1IOOOs. '. .~ro
Bishop of the Diocese of ~'ownsviUe,Texas
GILBERT C. OLIVEIRA 1320 Hortll Main'
fall River
Humberto &.T.J1I.
S. Medeiros
5.25% 4.50% 4,25%
a year
of \the. Diocese of Browin$viUe, Texas
Bass River Savings Bank • SOUTH YARMOUV9 • DENNIS PORT
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-TJ;'.'rs. June 9,1966
Invite generous Young ladies to loin them ill lealling a 1tlle~11
religious life of love, adoration. and reparation. III that spirit, the Sisters devote their time to the education of youth. retreall IIOrl!. and domestic duties. FDl' further mtormalion. apply to
Sisters of the Sacred Hearts, FairB1Cl1ven, Mass.
vr·~~··"·'Y··~ ~. C~~~o~,AM~~s~~Hu~E~~RT ~ .
, •
OFFERTORY PROCESSION: Bishop Medeiros presented - to Bishop Connolly two loaves of bread and thus followed an ancient ritual. Bread is the matter of the Sacrament t)f Holy Eucharist. .
Augmented' Choir For Cathedral Mass Susan . Whalon, Leonora Say.. ward, Nona Coyne. C e c i l-e !;)'tremont, Dagmar Johnson, Yvonne Carbonneau, Denise Carbonneau, Mary Con ef Rev. William G. Campbell, congregational singing. somagno. B.Mus. assistant at the Cathe Francisca Wan en, . Rosemary' The M:lsS was written by Dr. dral, and Mr. Normand A. Gin Cusick, Jessica Houde, Dorothea C. Alexander Peloquin, organ ,ras, B.Mus. organist. ist and choir director of the Millington, Zita Murgo. Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, : The Cathedral choir was aug Mary Jane Songer, Wm. Schu Providence. . mented ty the Fall River Dioc ler, Wni. Mitchell, Chester Leon esan chorale, While 28 boys from ard, Bett;:r Johnson.
The choir included: St. Anne's Boys' Choir, Fall Patricia Sullivan Vacchi, Claire Ruth Studley, Joseph StuGIey,
River, sang the eongregatioR Mullins, Anne .Marie Lingard, Mary Elizabeth Studley, Thomas
parts. Mary Foley Levasseur, There~a . Tavares, . Robert Gentile, Wil liam Boulton One of the' unique musical Reed. Louise Waskiel, Joann Leon Frank Sefton, Jeanette Cassie, achievements in the. ceremony was the use of brass ensemble, ardo, Alice Lord, Margaret Patricja Halderman, Carole Car ajanes,. John Carajanes.. which included two trumpets Mulyk, Barbara Owen. J Lucille Bolduc. Sophia Ferry, and trombones. James Silvia, 1st Helen Bode, Clara Larson, trumpet; Dennis CarOl';, second Pauline Laferriere Rodrigues, Judith Marak, Grace Sullivan, Alice Wiswell. Dorothy Cost<l, Joseph Borges, Nancy Rogers, Patricia Rogers. J. S. Bach ORGAN PRELUDE-Prelude and Fugue in E' minor (Cathedral) Antone King, Evelyn Shea, Jongen Cantabile J. Langlais Irene Silva. Pasticcio Esther Callaghan, Mary Hur PROCESSIONAL-Praise to the Lord G. Phillips ley, Richard Grace, Frank Mc Entrata Festiva F. Peeters Greavy, Samuel Williamson. INTROIT-He fed them with the best of wheat P. Arbogast Walter Mulyk, Amedee Mel KYRIE-Mass in English C. A. Peloquin anson, Daniel Grace Jr., Daniel GLORIA-Mass in English C. A. Peloquin Pingley, . Edward Blythe.' Ken GRADUAL-The eyes of all look hopefull to You, 0 Lord P. Arbogast neth. Vandal. . LITANY OF THE SAINTS . chant Conrad Vandal, Charles Fran 'chant' coeur, James C0ttrell, Richard VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS UNGUENTUM IN CAPITE chant Grace. . ALLELUIA AND SEQUENCE-Laud, 0 Sion, Thy Salvation chant " CREED-Mass in English C. A: Peloquin OffERTORY VERSE-The Priest of the Lord effer incenSe P. Arbogast OF~ERTORY MOTET-Laudate Dominum Charpentier SANCTUS, BENED/CTUS AND AGNUS DEI-Mass in English C. A. Pelequin T. Tallis COMMUNION VERSE-As often as you shall eat This Bread Vittoria COMMUNION MOTETS-O Jesu Christe L S. Bach Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring R. Woollen Hymn of Saint Patrick F. Peeters HYMN OF THANKSGIVING-Te Deum Laudamus C. Franck RECESSIONALS-Psalm 150 Schehl Praise the Lord Widor ORGAN POSTLUDE-Toccata from Symnhony V
Music for the consecration trumpet; Raymond Ainsworth, of Bishop Medeiros in St. 1st trombone; Charles Russell, 2nd trombone; Henry Cottrell, Mary's Cathedral this morn-· timpani. . ing was under the direction Edmond Peters directed the
Cons·ecration Mass Music
Spacious Fireproof Sleeping Quarters-Boys 7 to 14 yrs. Old ~ Six-week season: June 26 to August, 6 Register for 2. or 4, or 6 weeks Free Tutoring lli' desired '. THE BROTHERS OF THE SACRED HEART
SACRED HEART SCHOOL . ",A Resident School for Boys
1.••::~::L~I~~5~... ~
His Excellency Most Reverend Bishop
Siades Ferry Trust Company.
Congratulations to a
Bishop. of the Diocese of Brownsville, Texas
Bishop of the .Diocese of Brownsville, Texas
Donnelly Painting Service
74 Williamson Street
Grammar Grades 4-5-6-'1-8 ~
Fall River Cas Comp.c::1y
"Thurs., June 9, 1966
Bishop AA@<d]®iros
S~ve~th ~O@~@$Gn
Bishop Medeiros is the seventh Diocesan personage to be appointed a bishop. AI thou"gh the Most Rev. Law
Cl,ASS O.f ]931 Sends
ll'ence S. McMahon, a former ll'ector of St. Lawrence's Church hi. New Bedford became Bishop 0f Hartford, Fall River was not a separate Diocese at that time and with New Bedford was part of the 'Providence Diocese.
The third Ordinary of the Diocese of Fall River, Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, although, a , native of Woonsocket, was a priest serving Fall Rivel' when it was established as a Djoc~se on March 12, 1904.
Most Rev. Frederick A. Don M.M., a Maryknoll mis sionary trom New Bedford was cwnsecrated on Sept. 21, 1939, as Bishop of Wuchon, China. Expelled from China by" the cwmmunists after a long ·house arrest term. he is' now working c:m Formosa. . .gh~,
The third native of the Dio (!!ese . to be made a Bishop is Bishop Connolly: The Ordinary, II native of Fall River, was rec;- " ~r of the St. Paul SeminaI'y. when he was appointed on April 18, 1945,' to be .coadjutor Bishop with the right of succession to ~e See of Fall River. He was eonsecrated on 'May '24, '1945 in St. Paul, and succeeded to the See as the fourth Bishop omMay M,' ~95r. . Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, ')1T.G., Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Fall River and pastor iJd St. Lawrence's Parish, New Bedford, was named Auxi~ary Bishop by Pope John XXIII on Feb.. 12, 1959, and· was conse ~rated by Bishop .connolly' 00. ~arch 19, 19511 in st. Mary'. Cathedral, Fall River.
The late Most Rev. William O. Brady, D.D., "who served" as " Bishop of Sioux Falls, So. Da,. -" kota, from 1939-1956 'and as ,- Coadjutor Archbishop of St." lPaul and finally as Ordinary of that: western Archdiocese from" 1956 until his untimely death An 1961 was the first native to b~ riamed a member of hier archy. _
Nt Co'
BREAKiNG: Participating
in the ground hreaking cere
monies for the new St. Stan.;.
islau8 School, Fall River,
were, left to right : Joseph
Kosinski, building program
chairman; Rev. Felician
Plichta,O.F.M. Conv., pastor of Holy" Cross Parish, Fall River; Rev. Robert S. Kas zynski, St. Stanislaus admin istrator; Rev. Theadore L. Zawistowski, pastor of the. "Blessed Virgin Polish Na tional Church, Fall River.
COl11gratulations and Best Wishes . _ To "His' /Excellency, Mos1l Reverend
H1IJMBERTO S. MEDEIROS lid ltJ1ultos Annos
Bishop Cassidy served .as an
assistant" at St. Mary's Church,
No. Attleboro; chancellor of the
Diocese, vicar general, rector of
St. Mary's Cathedral, and pastor
:. . -" '. ,:' of St. Patrick's Chwch, ".. fall River. " ' . .
On March 21, 1930, while serv
'" ." ';.:;, ing as pastor" of St. 'Patrick's',,;;"
Church and vicar' general, he
was named Auxiliary Bishop in
the Diocese and seven months later was appointed administra.,.
PUf'chase Street'"-':,', He served as Bishop of"" the . ." Diocese from July 28, 1934 ~ntib"; .....' .. his death on May 17, 1951, ~';"~~~-~~~-~----""!"'"'~ _~
ALMEU1ABlJS" BiN ES, I~c~ , "
'. ,"
'i -. ~
of North Attleboro
Rejoices with
Bishop Connolly
PRINTERS Main Office and Plaid
95 Bridge St., Lowen, Mass.
Tel. 458-6333
'." : ;...',
Prior to his elevaticm Bishop )Regan devoted 30 years of his llife to mission work in the Orient inclUding imprisonment fty Chinese communists in" 1951. lEIe is now serving in the Philip pine Islands.
In Feb. 1962,. ~ost ~v. Jos.eph
hecame thp second Maryknoll priest from the Diocese of Fall River to· be elevated to 'the Episcopacy. ."
'IN. Regan, M.M.of Fairhavell" . .:>
the"~ EI~iscopaey
-, '
THE ANCHOR"':'Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. June 9, 1966
Varied Vestments Of Significance And Symbolism
Schools' Community Assets
Ceiebrating a pontifical "Mass, Bishop Medeiros will wear the deacon's tunic beneath his, chas uble., This symbolizes the fact, that 1n the episcopacy all orders, find their culmination: The vestments worn in this way are known as tunicles. For practical reasons they are thin ner than the dalmatic and tunic actually worn by deacon and subdeacon at solemn Masses. Even under his biretta and mitre Bishop Medeiros will wear a z,\cchetto or small skullcap. This is a sign of dignity or honor and is purple in color, composed elf eight triangular pieces.
Plans Pilgrimage :BOSTON (NC)-Richard Car dinal Cushing of Boston has an nounced he will sponsor a 20 day Pilgrimage to,the Holy Land fFom Oct. 27 ~to: Nov. '15. The tour, open to both clergy and laity, is being organized by the Cardinal Cushing Boston Pil grimages, with Brother Gerard :Brassard, A.A., as secretary.
schools" Superintendent Die k said:
TOLEDO (NC) - Speak ing at the dedication of a $2 million Jesuit high school for boys, Bishop George J. Reh
, With his elevation to the episcopacy, Bishop Medeiros is entitled to wear many vestments of historical inter est and symbolism. Among these is the mantel letta, a sleeveless garment dat ing from the latter half of the 14th century. Reaching almost to the knees, it is open in front and fastened at the neck with a book. Its materials and colors differ with the season of the year and the ecclesiastical rank of the wearer. Bishop ,Medeiros will wear purple and black man tellettas, of broadcloth in Winter and merino in Summer. A do mestic ,Prelate also wears the purpie manteIJ.etta. A 'titular Bishop, such.. as :Bishop Gerrard, wears the man telletta over the rochet, a sur plice-like garment with closely fitting sleeves, worn onlY by prelates, with the exception of those other clerics permitted to wear it by special papal indult. The cuffs of the rochet are lined with silk, the color indi cating the rank of the wearer. The Pope, for example, has cuffs of white, cardinals have scarlet, and bishops have red except during penitential seasons and times of mourning, when the color is purple.
"We are partners in the mos& important business of our age partners in providing for our children the kind of education which will equip them for * Q 0 good, ,responsible living." He pledged cooperatiop to the Jes uit educators, returning to a city where they were active in education ~or 38 years prior 00
ring of Toledo stressed that schools should be community assets, imparting not only knowledge but training in the, right use of knowledge. Prominent members of the Toledo community backed him up, including Frank Dick, super intendent of the city's public 1936. schools, and Mayor John W. Pot Mayor Potte:: said the Toledo ter. ' 'community' expects the high Welcoming St. John's High school to provide a significant, School to the roster of city portionoi its future leaderl!hip.
TUNIC:, Bishop Medeiros will wear a tunic under the dalmatic and chasuble at pontifical functions. Other vestments of the new Bishop include gloves, which have been worn by bishops at pontifical Masses since the 11th century. Originally used simply to keep the hands warm, gloves have taken on a liturgical char acter to such'.an extent that there is a special prayer to be said while putting them on. They are made of knitted silk, ornamented on the back with crosses. They vary ''in color ac cording to the other vestments of the Mass; and' ate riot used at Requiem Masses nor on Good Friday. '" The following prayer was re cited at today's' consecration at the bestowal 0:" the gloves. Encompass,O Lord.. the hands of this Thy minister with, the clearn~ss of the new Man Who descended from heaven, so that as Thy beloved Jacob,: his hands covered with the skins of young goats, implored and received the paternal benediction, after offer ing to his father most agreeable food and drink, so also this man may deserve to implore and to receive the benediction of Thy grace by means of the saving Victim offered by his hand; through our Lord Jesu,s Christ, Thy Son, who in the likeness of sinful flesh, offered Himself to Thee' for us; Otber Vestmen. Other'vestments worn at p0n tifical Masses include silk stock ings and sandals, both of the liturgical coior proper to the day. 'T,he gremial, an apron-like vestment, is laid on the bishop's lap when be is seated during Mass or when be is conferring
Holy Orders. Originally the gremial served simply to keep the other vestments from being soiled, but it is now often richly ornamented itself. The gremial may be of silk or linen, silk being used at pon tifical Masses and linen at cere monies such as blessing of holy oils, ashes and palms.
Ushers Ushers for this morning's Consecration ceremony in the Cathedral were Robert F. Cog geshall, James F., Diskin, Mi chael J. McMahon;' Walter F. Deda, Gerald Eagan; William E. White Jr.. James E. Wingate and Edward Blythe.
Our Best Wishes to His Excenency
_'. ,I
On His Elevation, As Bishop
of the Diocese of Brownsville, Texas
FRANK ,R. ' :PERQ ~"4
County St.
INSURANCE AGENCY, 9 Winthrop Street Taunton, Mass.
New Bedford
Congratulations to Bis~xcellency
Humberto S. Medeiros
SHERRY &' MEDEIROS, Inc. 500 Davom Street
Fall River
• Devoted Priest
• Distinguished Scholar
• Able Administrator
'Iymouth Avenue at Rodman Street
Fall Riye,
Emphasizes AiJ1~horityofBishops
'THt: A'NCHOR-Diocese of Fc:rii River-Thurs. June 9, 1966
it is the responsibility of bishoP9
ness for 'novelty, exaggerated SCRANTON (NC)-:-Archbish op John J. Krol of Philadelphia self-confidence' or illusions of warned here: against persons prophetic charism,", he said, "they ,preach their own views whose actions undermine the with little concern for being authority of bishops. Archbishop Krol said "we united with the Hving and ,com must acknowledge regretfully" mon magisterium of the Church. that before, during and since Some recklessly presume to in"the Second Vatican Council , terpret and implement conciliar decrees."
there have been "certain her The archbishop said such peo alds" who seek to push, their own views contrary to those of ple "seem to ignore completely" , legitimate' ,authority. in the declarations by Pope John XXIII and POPe Paul VI that in , Church. "Variously inspired by, eager- fostering renewal in the Church
to instill "in all the spirit oi faith and complete obedience in their sacred pastors, which is at once an expression of true love for the Church and an infallible guarantee of unit)· and full suc cess." The quotation was from an address by Pope Paul last Nov. 4. ' Archb~shop Krol spoke iilt a
luncheon following the en
thronement of Bishop J. Carron McCormick as sixth bishop Gf , Scranton.
,',Sincere Be~st .Wishes TO HIS EXCELLENCY :MOST lREYlERENlI) "
'~~6 lWIE]])JERRO§
GIFT FROM AZORES: The people of Bishop Medeiros; village of Arrifes, St. Michael" Azores, honored the new' Brownsville Bishop with the gift of a chalice brought over by his cousin, Edwin Medeiros, who attended the consecra- . ti(m this morning. .' '
CO~ Fan River'
10 Durfee Street,
----------~ "
His, ExceRlency, . Most Reverend HUMBlERTOSa ,MEDEIROS Bi,shop
.c>f" the iDiocese of Brownsville, Texas
,' • •
" .
" : . ' •f·
... ,
'!\ ~ ••:
• ;~'! ,.
TIiE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fell Riv&r-Thurs. June 9, V964 .
list 27 Bishops At Consecration In Cathedral At thRs morning's Epis oopal Consecration of Most Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros, at which Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fan River, was consecrator, limd Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, Awdliary Bishop of Fall River, ~nd Most Rev. Gerald V. Me D~vitt, Auxiliary Bishop of Phil adelphia wen. ('()-consecratoNl, there were in. attendance these 24 other bishops.
IlEST 'WI O$fHJ ~$ 10
STONEHILL GRADUATION: Participating in eom :mencem'ent"at the Holy Cross Fathers College in North den, N.J". ~ton are; left to right: Philip Hemingway, KM., New Most Rev. Coleman F. Carron, 'Bedford, chairman of the Board of Advisers of Stonehill; Bishop of Miami, Florida. 'Chri.s~pher Lowrie, cum laude graduate, Ne~ Bedford; Moot Rev. John W.. Comber., :BishopCOiuiOllY.' :Most Rev. Celestine J. Dami 000, Archbishop-Bishop of Cam
M.M., Maryknoll Supenor GeD- "
ost Rev. Walter W. C1DrtiS; :Bishop of Bridgeport, Conn. ' Most Rev. Peter L. Gerety, Auxiliary Bishop cf Portland, Me. Most Rev. Thomas K. Gorman,
Bishop ·of Dallas-Forth Wortb, Texas. Most Rev. Michael J. Green, Auxiliary Bishop of Lansing, Michigan. Most Rev. .John F. Hackett, Auxiliary Bishop of Hartford, Conn. Most Rev. Paul Leonard Hag arty, O.S.B., Bishop of Bahaman, B.W.. I. Most Rev. Bernard M. Kelly, Auxiliary Bishop of Providence. Most Rev.' Stephen A. Leven, Auxiliary Bishop of <Corpus Christi, Texas. Most Rev. Ruasell J. McVin DeY, Bishop of Providence. Most Rev. Erie G. MacKenzie. Auxiliary Bishop of Boston. Most Rev. Jeremiah F. Mini llan, Auxiliary Bishop of BostC)IL Most Rev. John C. Morkovsky. Bishop of Houston, Texas. Most Rev. Justin A. Najmy, Melkite Bishop for the Um~ States. Most Rev. Gerald O'Keefe. Auxiliary Bishop of St. pa\lll. Minn. : . Most Rev.Tb~as 'iI.' JUle7. Auxiliary Bishop of Boston. Most Rev. Charles A. Salatka" Bishop of Grand Rapids, .Mieh. Most Rev. Joseph M. Schmond luk, Ukrainia'n Byzantine BiBb op of Stamford, Conn. ' Most Rev. William A. ScullY. Bishop of Albany, N: Y. Most Rev. Thomas Tschoepe. Bishop of San Angelo, Texas. Most Rev. Thomas J. Wade. S.M., Boston. Most Rev. Christopher J. Wel don, Bishop of Springfield, Mass.
'". '
Humberto So> Medeiros
.. '
'N~w:<Church Series on TV Program
. NE~,\.rORK (NC) _ Imple 'mentation of some new concepts of freedom' and cOIpmunication in the Church resulting from Vatican Council II will be fea tured in a two-part series, "The 'Church: New Structures, New Voices," on the Look, Up and Live program of the CBS-TV network, June 5 and 12; The program will feature ehanges in the Oklahoma City Tulsa diocese which formed 0 "little council," to give laymen and lower clergy a greater voice m Church affairs. The two-part
series was produced in cooper ation with the National Council of Catholic Men
Your Luggage and leather Goods
/: Headquarters
r 211 Union Street ,New BedforrcdJ
Nursing Schools Get Construction Grants
WASHINGTON (NC)-Five Catholic institutions have been awarded matching construction grants totaling nearly $2 million under the Nurse Training Act 01., 1964 administered by. the division of nursing, U.S. Public Health Service. Receiving eonstruction funds for renovation or replacement of nursing school facilities were: Little Company of Mary Hos pital, Evergreen Park, Ill., $603, 901; St. Anselm's College, Man mester, N.H., $353,949; st. Eliza beth. Hospital utiCa~ N.Y:.; $721, '~1; The'Mercy Hospital of Pitt~ burgh, Pennsylvania, $65,053; St. John's McNamara Hospital, Rapid City, S.D., $232,392.
t! r
i I
I j:
BONNER.,~:, ..
Fan River
2082 Robeson ';$treet .. ' '"
Extends Heartiest Congratulations To
/; 11
Bishop of flhe Diocese of Srrownsvilie, Texos IlECORD BREAKING
~ .~'
Ad Multos"Annos
EVES.-M:lII. thru Thurs. It 8:OD Fri~ Sat. Eves at 8:30 SuR. Eve. -at 7:30 Matinee at :2 Wed., Sat. & Stm. Phone f. I. 1·677·9357 "'ER ' " FIYE ACADEMY AWA_ -1IolIlIII lett ~ fII ... , ....
_ _..;........;.._;",,;;..
... _
,W ANCftOi-Diocese of Fan ,
River-Thurs. June 9, 1966 "
Symbols Made in Attlleboro
Gets Peru Post
LOS ANGELES (NC)-Fathelf Joseph V. Kearney, for 19 years for the', positionin!t of a relic of spiritual' director of, the € a th the true cross. olic Labor Institute, will.' .}e~ve John B. Antaya 51'., who has. here June 10 to direct a.labor worked' in,' the jewelry' industry management training program illl ' . -' ,'. in' Attleboro all his life, played reru. a big part in the finer points qf the making of cross and ring. In. business with his two sons, JolUa r • ~ . and Donald, he has: been instru mental in bri,nging the company to its present stage. ~ , The ring was made in, basi-_ Congrat;..Jati(jft$ . cally the same way as the cross: , Heavy gold had to be hand shaped, hammered, filed, sawed and finally brought to its finished condition. ' The stone-cutter,' one of the best in the trade. cut the stone so that it would be unique. As it to, a would have. been impractical to, make dies for one ring, it had to be done by hand, including the carving of the ornaments on each side. The stock required yet another skill -- spinning P,e'ate which IS used widely in the sil verware ind1,lstry.
Bishop Medeiros' cross and ring were made by Antaya Brothers in, Attleboro, a city long known for its jewelry' craftsmen. The beginning of the industry here dates back to the early 19th Century. Very heavY ,-gold had to be rolled to close dimensions. Both ring and cross required' a piece of gold one-quarter inch thick, five inches wide and six inches long. 'The rough shapes were cut with jewelers' saws and in the case of the cross· tl}e back had to be hollowed out as it woulcl.have' been much to heavy to wear had it been solid. The design of the cross, was then chased in by hand, a skill that is fast disappearing. When the final shape h~d been accom plished, 'a back cover had to be applied, carefully, dQne with gold as the bonding medium. Filing, ~anding and fitting had to be done as a small compart ment in the back is necessary
Best Wishes
Most Reverend
Humberto S;.
. s Servu:emen I
,Club Marks Anniversary
NEW YORK (NC)-One of the oldest and most successful ' m'ilitary recreational centers in the country-the Cardinal Spell man Servicemen's Club-marked its 25th cnniversary here. Keynote speaker at the anrii versary observance at the center was Auxiliary Bishop William .T. Moran, military delegate for the military ordina'riate, who traced the history of the center, recall ing it was opened in the eal'ly days of World War II prior to the United States entry into the, war as a place where the peace time "serviceman off-post could feel that he waG at home away from home." The war plunged the center into increased actIvity, and some
three million men enjoyed its facilities before the fighting ended. The decision to keep the center going after World War II was praised by Bishop Moran, who pointed out that during the Korean conflict another million and a half servicemen visited the center..
R. A. Wilcox COa
Most Rev.. Humberto S. Medeiros
22 Bedford St.
fall River
LaFrance Jeweler
763 Pllllirchas~ Sh'eet
New' Bedford
ONf STOP . SHOPPING CENTER • Television" - Furniture ApoliClnces _ Grocery .
104 AII.en
New Bedford
'WYman 7.9354
tJ)Ujr lady of La SaD®tte
Medeiros, S.T.D.
The Flock of Brownsville has gabled WISH fOR. HIS ,EXCELLENCY
Shepherd ,
a' 'iNonderflllt
truly gifted as a Successor to tBDl2 '
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