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VOL. 49, NO. 23 • Friday, June 10, 2005
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly ~ $14 Per Year
Charities Appeal 'Yorking to meet goal FALL RIVER --.:.- Some wonderful stories are unfolding in parishes <\11 around the d'iocese as the Catholic Chariti~sAppeal enters its , -final two weeks. Mike Donly, diocesan director of Development, .~says "Tl\e increased foot traffic at Appeal headquarters brings with it' . some remarkable stories about the . ;' work: of the parish communities, . as a·num.berofparishes are exceed-ing their.prev:ious year's total already," ~ne by as much as 50 per- . cent. ' "These stories are one of the reasons for our confidence and optimisnf that the parishioners of the diocese will continue to respond generously to the request' that they assist the neediest among us. They know full well that this is the one and only time the dio, BISHOP GE'bRGE W.Cole~an-carries a ;noristrance ina p~oc~,~$ion from'St. Mary's Cathedral to Santo Christo Church cese asks for their assistance min- in Fall River, following a special diocesan liturgy on the Solemnity 6f.Corpus Christi. The Mass, eucharistic procession and istering to our friends and neigh- Benediction of the Blessed Sa'crament that followed, Were part of diQcesan celebrations marking the Year of the Eucharist, Turn to page JJ - Appeal established by the late Pope John Paull!. (John 'E. Kearns Jr. photo) .
Bishop appoints nE;W rector, parochial administrators •
FALL RIVER - Father Paul Bernier, parochiai vicar at Holy Name Parish, Fall River, has been named rector ofthe Cathedral ofSt. Mary ofthe Assumption in Fall River, it was ann<Junced by Bishop George W. Coleman. Father Bernier, 53, will replace Father Edward 1. Healey, who will become parochial administrator of Holy Trinity Parish, West Harwich. , The appointments include, Father Gregory A. Mathias, from graduate studies to parochial administrator, St. Julie Billiart Parish, North Dartmouth; and Father Roger L. Landry, from parochial vicar, St. Francis Xavier Parish, Hyannis, to parochial adminis-
HOLY CROSS Father John Phalen, president of Holy Cross Family Ministries, speaks to a gathering at the grcwe of Servant of God, Holy Cross Father Patrick Peyton in North Easton, prior to a rosary service there last week. Marylou Gray, right, a member of the mission department there, led the rosary recitation. Afterward, Bishop George W. Coleman concelebrated a Mass with Holy Cross Father Mario Lachapelle, vice postulator of the sainthood cause for Father Peyton. The events commemorated the 13th anniversary of Father Peyton's death and the 63rd anniversary of Family Rosary. (AnchorlJolivet photo)
ter, St. Anthony of-Padua Parish in New Bedford. Other appointments are: Father Brian J. Harrington, from pastor, St. Julie Billiart Parish, North Dartmouth, to parochial administrator, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel' Parish, Seekonk; Father George E. Harrison, from pastor, Our Lady ofMt. Carmel Parish, Seekonk, t6 parochial administrator, Holy Name Parish, Fall River; Father Timothy P. Reis, to parochial administrator,St. Paul Parish, Taunton, while remaining pastor of St. Joseph Parish, Taunton; and Father Thomas L. Rita, from pastor, Holy Trinity Parish, West Har,wich, to parochial administrator, St.
Turn to page J3 - Appointments
Friday, June 10, 2005
Notes From the Hill Final Vote on Cloning & Embryo Research Bill This briefsynopsis ofpoliti- Knapik made eloquent state- to State House, Boston, MA cal goings on in Boston and ments on the floor explaining 02133, and E-mail addresses can Washington is provided by the their'oppositionto the bill. be found at www.mass.gov/ Massachusetts Catholic ConIn t1?-e.House; 112 Represen- legis/memmenuh.htm. ference (MCC), the pubiic tatives opposed and 42 supFrom time to time the Maspolicy voice of the Cath()lic . .port.ed the .veto. See vote tally sachusetts Catholic Conference Church in this state and' gov-' staff will report by E-mail on erned by the bishops in each of on this page. the dioceses in the CommonThe veto could have been public policy events of concern wef,llth. . . sustain~d, thus killing the bill, to Catholics in Massachusetts. "The Hill" refers to the fedBOSTON ----:- On .May 31" if .one-third of the members in 2005, the Massachusetts Senate either .branch (14 in the Senate eral Capital in Washington D.C. and House overrode Governor arid 54 in the House) had' sup- and also to the State House in :Mitt'Romriey;s veto or"H. 2039, ported the veto. . : Boston, both of which are lo~'lease take the 'time'to wri~e cated on high ground. The Masthereby enactjng .il bill that en~' : dorse's' human' cloning and·de-:Gov. Romney in appreciation for sachusetts Catholic Conference : structive embryo 'research. The .··his·efforts to defeat H.2039, as 'is the public policy office fOf the . bill. goe's 'into' ·effect ·immedi- well'as Sending aletter or E-mail Roman Catholic Church in tlie ately. There is now talk offund- t<:> your legislators concerning Commonwealth, governed diing such researcl;1 with. our tax . tl:J.eir final vote, 'Eve~ though the rectly by the four bishops servdollat:s.. '. .' bil.l.has become law, fol~ow-up ing as episcopal ordinaries ofthe In the Seriate, 36 Senators op- is 'essential. Those who voted in Archdiocese of Boston, and the posed and three Senators (Lees, favor of the veto heed to he dioceses of Fall River, SpringKnapik & Moore) supported the . thanked for taking a courageous field, and Worcester. "Notes from the Hill" is not an official veto (the "official" tally of 35- stand in defense of human life. two did not include two "paired" Legislators who opposed the statement of the bishops or votes, with Se·n. Moore; who 'veto in order to allow the bill to MCC. Catholics in the Commonwas present, pairing his vote in . go into effect should be in- wealth interested in signing up as favor of the veto with the oppo- . formed ofyour disappointment. members ofMCC-Net, the legisLetters for the governor and lative alert network for Catholics site vote of Sen. Creem, who was absent). Senators Lees and legislators should be addressed in Massachusetts may do so online at www.macathcon£org, or by calling the toll-free phone ~ 6cuneo.n.e 6peciaf. sign-up number of 1-866-367Light a virtual candle at 0558. Massachusetts Catholic Conference, West End Place, 5150 Staniford Street, Boston, MA 02114-2511; Telephone 617-3676060; FAX 617-367-2767;' Email: staff@macathcon£org; and Website: www.macathconf.org. FUNERAL HOMES
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On December 10, 1925,.o.ur Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "Announce in my name that I promise to assist at the hour ofdeath with the graces necessaryfor the salvation oftheir souls, all those who on the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall: 1. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Communion; 3. Recite the Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me company for 15 minutes while . meditating on the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with tire intention of . : making reparation to me. " In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be . preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." Confessions may be made during 8 days before or after the· first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday.
Daily Readings June 13
2 Cor 6:1-10; Ps 98: 1-4; Mt 5:38-
42 June 14
2 Cor8:1-9; Ps 146:2,5-9a; Mt 5:43-48 June152Cor9:6-11;Ps 112:1-4,9; Mt6:16,16-18 June 16 2 Cor 11:1-11; Ps 111:1-4,7-8; Mt 6:7-15 June 17 2 Cor 11:18,2130; Ps 34:2-7; Mt 6:19-23 June 18 2 Cor 12:1-10; Ps 34:8-13; Mt6:2434 June 19 Jer 20:10-13; Ps 69:810,14, 17,33~35; Rom 5:12-15; Mt .10:26-33 ' 111111111' 11I1111111I11111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-mD) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. PUblished weekly except for two wee\(s in July' and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press ofthe Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS send address changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.
MA House of Representatives, Vote Tally regarding Veto of H. 2039, May 31, 2005 Y = supported the veto to kill the cloning bill, thus favoring MCC position. N = opposed the veto to allow the cloning bilI to become law. X = did not vote. Fall River Diocese Representatives
First Name Demetrius Antonio F.D. Christine E. Stephen R. Michael Robert Geraldine James H. David L. SusanW. Shirley A. Patricia Louis L. Robert M. John A. Matthew Jeffrey D. Elizabeth A. John F. Michael J. WilliamM. DavidB. Philip Eric T. Cleon H.
Last Name Atsalis Cabral Canavan Canessa Coppola Correia Creedon Fagan Flynn Gifford Gomes Haddad Kafka Koczera Lepper Patrick Perry Poirier Quinn Rodrigues Straus Sullivan Travis Turkington Turner
Home City
Sustain Veto?
Barnstable New Bedford Brockton Lakeville Foxborough Fall River Brocktl;m Taunton Bridgewater Wareham South Harwich Somerset Sharon New Bedford Attleboro Falmouth E. Sandwich North Attleboro Dartmouth Westport Mattapoisett Fall River Rehoboth Falmouth Dennis
In Your Prayers Please pray for the following priest~ during the coming weeks June 13 1974, Rev. Edward F. Donahue, S.1., Boston College High School, Dorchester ~June
1980, Rev. Msgr. George E.'sullivan, Retired Pastor, St. Joseph,
Fall River \ \ ........-:\ 1982, Rev. Msgr. JosephA. CournoY,Slr,-Refired-Pastor, St. Michael, Swansea ~ v-~ 1992, Rev. James H._Goughlin-;,~5f., Fairfield University, Fairfield, Conn. 1996, Rev. Justin J. Quinn, Chaplain, Madonna Manor, North Attleboro, Fonner Pastor, ImmaCUl~t~~concePtion, Fall River
June 1975, Rev. James McDennott, Past~~St. Patrick, Somerset June 18 \ 1849 Most Rev. William B. Tyler, Rirst Bishop of Hartford,
Founder of the Sandwich Mission 1935, Rev. James M. Coffey, P.R., Pastor, St. Mary, Taunton 1984, Rev. Declan Daly, SS.Cc., Associate Pastor, St. Joseph, Fairhaven 1992, Rev. Henri Laporte, a.p., Fonner Pastor, St. Anne, Fall River June 19 1916, Rev. Honnisdas Deslauriers, Founder, St. Anthony, New
Friday, June 10, 2005
New Bedford parish to celebrate 30 years of service ,by Guadalupan Sisters NEW BEDFORD - The Hispanic Apostolate of the Diocese of Fall River will be celebrating the remarkable accomplishments during the last 30 years by the Misioneras Guadalupanas del Espiritu Santo, at a Mass and fiesta on Sunday at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish at St. James Church, 233 County Street, New Bedford at 6 p.m. Bishop George W. Coleman will be the principal celebrant as four of the sisters prepare to leave for Nebraska and Florida and one remains to work with the diocesan Hispanic Coimcil in the preparation of a pastoral plan. In 1961, Holy Cross Father Francis Regis, encouraged a small group of Hispanics to establish a center in New Bedford which could assist their needs. The first building was almost in ruins, but the efforts and labors of the men and women converted that place into a joy-filled chapel. To cover the expenses, the faithful organized various social activities. Giving it the name Regina Pads (Queen of Peace), the founder celebrated his first Mass in Spanish with great rejoicing. Since that time the community has grown little by little. Father Regis, together with the Sisters of the Love of God, was always very attentive to the needs ofthe Hispanics and worked tirelessly to gather them into the Catholic faith, but three years later he had to depart,
leaving in his place Holy Cross Father Albert Rowley (1965), who worked with the community for nearly six months. Holy Cross Father Coleman Conley (1968), who spoke only English, continued the apostolate. His enthusiasm and total dedication and contagious joy helped offer programs for the youth and social services. In the summer of 1968 he was joined by the Mercy Sisters and at the start of 1971, Holy Cross Father William Petrie replaced Father Coleman. This priest, who also only spoke English, continued the diverse programs that kept the community in action. It was at this time (1972) that arrived the sad news that the chapel, the labor ofsweat and sacrifice, had to be tom down. At that time Regina Pads was transferred to the Church ofSt. Hyacinth to share it with the French community. Father Petrie continued supporting the community in this difficult transition, but a year later he had to depart for India leaving Regina Pacis without apriest. It was at this moment that a courageous group ofthe faithful directed themselves to Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and on the first ofOctober in 1972, Father Thomas O'Dea was named director ofthe Center. Helping him in this work, Father James Murphy came every Sunday to celebrate , Mass in Spanish, working at the same time for the recognition ofthe
Diocese of Fall River
OFFICIAL His Excellency, the Most Reverend George W. Coleman, Bishop of Fall River, has announced the following appointments: Rev. Paul Bernier from Parochial Vicar, Holy Name Parish, Fall River, to Rector, Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, Fall River. Rev. Brian J. Harrington from Pastor, St. Julie Billiart Parish, North Dartmouth, to Parochial A~ministrator, Our Lady ofMount Cannel Parish, Seekonk. Rev. George E. Harrison from Pastor, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, Seekonk, to Parochial Administrator, Holy Name Parish, Fall River. Rev. Edward J. Healey from Rector, Cathedral ofSt. Mary of the Assumption, Fall River, to Parochial Administrator, Holy Trinity Parish, West Harwich. Rev. Roger J. Landry from Parochial Vicar, St. Francis Xavier Parish, Hyannis, to Parochial Administrator, St. Anthony ofPadua Parish, New Bedford. Rev. Gregory A. Mathias from Graduate Studies, to Parochial Administrator, St. Julie Billiart Parish, North Dartmouth. Rev. Timothy P. Reis to Parochial Administrator, St. Paul Parish, Taunton, while remaining Pastor, St. Joseph Parish, Taunton. Rev. Thomas L. Rita 'from Pastor, Holy Trinity Parish, West Harwich, to Parochial Administrator, St. Mark Parish, Attleboro Falls. Effective June 29, 2005
Hispanic community. Since 1975, the priests of the Franciscans were assigned to direct Regina Pacis. The first priest was Father Charles Soto, OFM, a native of Puerto Rico, who worked there for five years. It was he who first set forth the idea of having a small procession on the feast of St. John the Baptist. Father Soto with his' very hands transformed the basement into classrooms, offices, a large chapel and a smaller chapel. Working together with Father Soto were the Sisters Misioneras Guadalupanas del Espiritu Santo from Mexico, assisted by Holy Union Sister Carmen. In 1980 Father Soto was transferred to New York and Father Bruno Ciardello, OFM arrived. It was from him that arose the idea to expand the traditional procession in honor of St. John the Baptist into a great festival. In 1981, upon being sent to work in Texas, Father Bruno was replaced by Father Mauro Muldoon, who was only with the community for one year when he was named Bishop of Juticalpa, Honduras. In 1982 Father Bruno returned again. In 1993 St. Hyacinth was closed and the Hispanic community was transferred to share the same church building as the Polish community of St. Hedwig. That year the parish of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe was established. Upon the departure from St. Hedwig ofthe Franciscans, the Guadalupan Sisters moved from their residence on Kempton Street to the former St. Hedwig rectory . where all the sisters who work in the diocesan Hispanic ministry live today. In 1993, with the change ofpastor, Father Paul Canuel was named director of the Spanish Apostolate in New Bedford. He continued to lead his faithful and was also the diocesan director of the Hispanic Apostolate until 2000 when he accepted the responsibility from Bishop Sean O'Malley, OFM, Cap., to establish a mission in Guaimaca, Honduras. It was in this year that Father Kevin Harrington arrived to work with both communities ofSt. Hedwig and Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe until he was transferred in 2002. At that time Father Ramon Dominguez arrived as administrator. He had previously been the director ofthe Hispanic Apostolate at the cathedral in Fall River. The Hispanic community here continues to grow as well in other parishes across the diocese of Fall River. The Guadalupan Sisters continue their mission in Taunton, Attleboro, Fall River, Cape Cod and Nantucket. Today these communities have Spanish Mass, bilingual Religious Education, participate in retreats, prayer groups, the RENEW pr9gram, visit shrines such as La . Salette, "Convivendas" and Holy Hours. The parishioners have a new role in the Hispanic Ministry with a solid foundation to continue building a community offaith.
Retreats at GlastonhurlJ AhhelJ. The Benedictine monks of Glastonbury invite you to leave the demands and pressure of daily life and to u come aside and rest awhile." The Abbey, surrounded by lush woodlands and located less than 2 miles from the ocean, affords the opportunity to walk, enjoy the sun, rest, pray and reflect. Retreatants are welcome to participate in the prayer life of the community ~t the liturgy of the Hours and daily Eucharist. During July and August presentations focused on Monastic and Benedictine themes are offered several times a week. The Retreat staff (three monks and a lay 'woman) is available, on a limited basis, for individual direction or consultation, This MUST :be arranged in advance. Write or call: Retreats, Glastonbury Abbey 16 Hull Street, Hingham, MA 02043 781-749-2155 FAX 781-749-6236 E-mail: office@glastonburyabbey.org
"The painful circumstances in , which the Church in Sudan thrives is helped only by your generosity and prayers." Sudanese seminarian . This student at St. Paul's Major Seminary in Khartoum, Sudan, has lost both his parents and other family members in the ongoing conflicts. Offers another seminarian: "When my parents were killed, I felt so alone - but then I turned to Jesus and to our heavenly Father. From God I received healing and the greatest feeling of love and comfort. It will be my vocation as a priest to bring this unconditional love and inner peace to all here who continue to suffer."
Will you support these and ot/ler seminarians in the Missions as they prepare for the priesthood - prepare to bring the "Good News" ofJesus to the suffering" and the poor? Please pray for mission seminarians ana" offer financial help as you can.
-------- The---:-------------------------------------~Pontifical Society for the PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH The Pontifical Society of SI. Peter Apostle for the support of vocations in the Missions Attn. Colum~
Rev. Msgr. John J. Oliveira, V.E. 106 Illinois St., New Bedfnrd. MA 02745
To support mission seminarians, I enclose:
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Friday, June 10, 2005
the living word
Minding social justice Most Americans at the time of their retirement from work depend on Social Security, savings and their pensions to carry them through daily living. These were' given services to guarantee financial stability and security in the so-called twilight years. Now we hear from Washington that in the near future Social Security needs to be reformed if it is'to contiilUe as a reliable income source. Those who' were able to put' some monies aside in savings or CDs now face the fact of minimal interest payments. So many worked so' hard and are reaping little profit for their labors. Adding to this insecurity is the new battle overpensions. More and more employers are tell.ing their workers that their pensions are in danger of collapsing. Companies and airlih'es once thought to be a secure pension source are going broke. They will not have the antici. pated ability to assure pension payments. An example of this uncertainty is a bankruptcy court decision, which allowed United Airlines to default on the employee pension plans.. There will no doubt be a rippling effect in other sectors. Be sure other companies will also file for bankruptcy, eliminating their pension obligations. Look at the grave situation that General Motors and Ford now face. What will happen ' to the future employees, if they do indeed have a future?路 This combination of woes has placed many retirees in dif. ficult circumstances. They must pay their bills. Rising medical costs have aggravated their ability to prioritize basic needs. As companies struggle to help to balance their books, they are also offering few benefits for new workers. The dream of financial stability is turning for some into a monetary nightmare. Many jobs thought to be stable in America are now going overseas. The global market is ever expanding. In many areas of employment, foreign workers are filling the gap, es::-' pecially in high tech industries. CheaPI imports are waging havoc with American~made products. More people ,in this country are facing a minimai wage reality that will not give . _ them one ounce of security. Some feel that the gov~Illlpent must become more active in assuring economic justice for workers. There are those who would reject this concept and this is wrong. The Church has always reflected that the principal task of the State in this regard is to guarantee security so that those who work and produce can indeed enjoy the fruits of their labors. Another task of the State is that of overseeing and directing the exercise ofhuman rights in the economic sector. In this regard, let us all remember that it IS unjust not to pay the Social Security contributions and pension payments required by legitimate authority. There must be a balance between capitalism .and social justice: The "Catechism of Catholic Church" reminds us that economic life is not meant solely to multiply goods, produce and increase profit and power. It is ordered first of all to the service ofpersons, ofthe whole person, and of the entire human community. AS.we attemp~ to.solvetoday's economic diffi.culties, let us keep 'these prinCipals i~ mind.
the Executive Editor
the ancl1olS)
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by the Catholic Press of the Dioee.se of Fall River P.O. BOX 7 887 Highland Avenue Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Fall River, MA 02720 FAX 508-675-7048 Telephone 508-675-7151 E-mail: TheAnchor@Anchomews.org Send address changes to P.O. Box, call or use E-mail address
EXECUTIVE EDITOR Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore EDITOR David B. Jolivet
A dream come' true It was similar to when the Red That's because last Thursday, Sox won the World Series. the Barnstable Town Council A huge crowd. Jubilation and voted unanimously to sell the standing ovations. Lots of kids in historic fonner Barnstable High unifonns jubilantly giving each School to a group oflay Catholics other high fives. Grown men with seeking to bring Catholic secondtears in their eyes. Octogenarians ary education to the Cape. mistfully saying, "I never thought The property is located behind I'd live to see this." The ebullient . St. Francis Xavier Parish and throngs univocally declaring it was Preparatory School in Hyannis, a "dream come true." And everyone - from school children to their greatPuttiing Into great-grandparents saying - with joyful exaspera. the Deep tion, "Finally!" The victors were not a By Father Roger hungry bunch ofselfJ. Landry described "idiots," but over-achieving bright youIig kids. The clutch perfonner was not a "Big Papi" and for that reason the group but hundreds ofpops and moms intends to call the school St. of all sizes. There waS no bloody Francis Xavier High Schoo!' sock, but plenty ofcourage and For decades Cape families that sacrifice. have wanted to provide their And the backdrop was not children with Catholic secondary Busch Stadium in St. Louis, or a education have .either had to move Boston beverage establishment or off-Cape (as some have) or even the millions ofliving rooms commute to Bishop Stang High in Red Sox Nation. It was the School in North Dartmouth, where nonnally staid and stodgy about 200 Cape students attend, or chambers ofBarnstable Town Sacred Heart High School in . Hall in Hyannis. Kingston, where about 75 attend. After what seemed like 86 Because ofparents' work years ofstruggle to reverse a schedules, often it has meant curse on young Catholics on Cape entrusting that long daily commute Cod, Cape children and their to carpools driven by teen-agers families will fmally have a who have juSt gotten their licenses Catholic high school on Cape - which is one of the explanaCod. tions, I think, why I have blessed
, ""I
so many St. Christopher medals during my years on the Cape! Many students have needed to leave very early in the morning and - if they're involved in extracurricular activities - return quite late at night, which puts an added strain on their family life. These are among the reasons why,. after so many have worked so . hard for so long, Catholic families on the Cape feel that a curse has been reversed and are so happy about it. Catholic education on Cape Cod has come ~ long way in recent times. When Bishop O'Malley was installed in 1992, there was not a single Catholic school on Cape Cod. Now there are Catholic primary schools in West Harwich, South Yannouth, Hyannis, and Buzzards Bay. And, ifeverything goes well, graduates of those schools and others will have access to Catholic secondary education in the Fall of 2006.. But what makes the story ofSt. Francis Xavier High School particularly notable is that the real driving force behind it has been Catholic lay people acting out on the promises made at the baptism of their children to do all they can, as the "first teachers of their children in the way of faith" to train them in the practice of Turn to page 13 - Dream
the a~~
Friday, June 10, 2005
Johnny ~n the sport Perhaps my biggest fear gives us fits even when they're before the Red Sox won the lousy. whole shebang last year, was So far we have Keith Foulke that if they ever did win it all, I preventing Sox· fans from being wouldn't have the same passion comfortable with a lead; we for them as I had for the past , have Alan Embry keeping . four decades. games close - for the opposiWhen they did become world tion; we have Mark Bellhorn champions, the elation was so great that it didn't matter if I would ever recapture my pre-championship passion - winning just felt sooooooo . good. By Dave Jolivet But, I'm very pleased to announce that I'm still the same old me. Barely into the 2005 maintaining his designated season, I was already annoyed strike out role; and there isn't a with the bullpen, hitting slumps member of Red Sox Nation who doesn't miss Orlando Cabrera. and managerial decisions. I realized that I could have my These are all fun things, but my greatest gripe so far this cake and eat it too. season is with Theo and the The Red Sox can be reining Trio. champs and I can still moan and groan about them, and mean it. The Red Sox front office Thanks God! must, above all else, sign Johnny Damon BEFORE the Anyway, there's plenty to season ends. In fact, let's do if gripe about as we chase the right now while we're thinking Baltimore Orioles, a team that
My View From the Stands
about it. As badly as we needed to resign Captain Varitek last season, hanging on to Damon is paramount. Johnny Damon is the Tedy Bruschi of the Boston Red Sox. The man has no fears or boundries. He's willing to run face-first into a bullpen fence chasing a fly ball one game, and the next he's flying through the air like Superman sans cape to snag a line drive. In no other ball park will you find a crime scene outline taped to the centerfield wall detailing a head-on collision, because no other ball park is home to Johnny on the sport! He'll get you a clutch base hit whether the pitcher is righthanded, left-handed or underhanded. Johnny Damon will win a ball game for you, and then praise everyone from his teammates to the concessionaires for his success.
Saint Anne's School of Nursing grads celebrate 50th reunion ,_ FALL RIVER - Thirty-one graduates of th·e' 1954 and 1955 classes of Saint Anne's Hospital School of Nursing gathered for a 50th reunion Mass in the hospital's chapel on May 29, and afterward recalled their studies and service at a dinner at Brantal's Restaurant in Tiverton, R.I. Father Edward J. Healey, rector of St. Mary's Cathedral, was celebrant ofthe Mass, and Dominican Sister Carole Marie Mello, pastoral care minister at the hospital, was in charge of music. School of Nursing alumnae including Evelyn Noone, Cecile Gardella, Claire Levesque, Theresa Nientimp and Anne Pineault, assisted at the Mass. At the dinner, alumnae Claire Melanson gave the greeting, and Theresa Nientimp offered the invocation. A scholarship in memory of Lorraine Raposa, Class of 1954, who was committed to nursing and community education, was given this year to a deserving student, a relative of an alumnae of the hospital's nursing school. During a "Down Memory Lane" segment, the
nurses honored ,their former instructors and late classmates and their student life in the former wood frame nurses' home on Middle Street. Saint Anne's Hospital opened in 1906. Its School ofNursing was founded in September 1927 with the first graduating class comprised of 13 members; of which seven were young laywomen and six we~e religious. In 1943, the U.S. Public Health Service approved the training ofcadet nurses at Saint Anne's Hospital. However, with changing times and the demand for nurses with baccalaureate degrees, the nursing school closed in 1972. Sister Madeleine Clemence, who was directress of nurses for the classes celebrating the reunion, became the founding dean of the school ofnursing at the former Southeastern Massachusetts University beginning in 1969 and until 1977.. Alumnae recalled her lasting impact on the nursing school students as seen in her "Commitment to Nursing" published in 1962.
5 The Boston Red Sox must sign Johnny Damon soon. It scares the Dickens out of me to think he could be wearing pinstripes next season.
Gee, it feels great to worry about the Sox again. Just like old times.
Comments are welcome at davejolivet~nchornew~or~
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A Book Discussion Forum Sponsored by the Adult Education Office -i ofthe Diocese of Fall River Facilitated by Deacons Maurice Ouellette and David Pepin
Bible Study ST. LUKE ST. JAMES PARISH, NEW BEDFORD Wednesday evenings June 29; July 6, 13, 20, 27; August 3, 2005 Facilitated by Lisa M. Gulino For more information call 508-678-2828
Letters to the Editor Editor: I am not in the habit of putting pen to paper when I disagree with an editorial comment, but permit me to say, I found your May 13 column, The Mooring, concerning our Armed Forces in Iraq, quite offensive. Your comments about the "little or superficial knowledge of their own land," and "ignorance of the enemy's beliefs," are an insult to the men and women fighting to preserve your liberty. My own son, presently teaching at a New Jersey university, is a former member of the 10lstAirborne Special Forces. My grandson, a college graduate and a member of the N.Y. Po-
lice Department, is, currently on his way to Iraq. I can assure you, our Armed Forces do not deserve this kind of criticism.
Charlotte O'Donovan Brewster Editor: Except for one or twoeditorials in The Anchor, there has been too little about the lack of social justice in our American society, and very little said about the immoral and unjust war in Iraq. America needs to know the truth about what's going on in our government and the Catholic.Church is in a position to help do that. Yet the Catholic media is strangely
silent. Why? Is not social justice a part of our faith? Have we forgotten the Second COll11'nandment or the Sermon on the Mount? It certainly seems so. Where are our experts in government? Our Church media could have a strong effect on clearing up issues such as social security, our unjust war, our deceiving politicians, etc. Why are we so negligent in our duties to our American Catholics? We are being led by one unjust war to another; one unjust cause to another. Yet our Catholic media, including The Anchor, are almost silent. Are you negating your responsibility?
Romeo Lafond Marstons Mills
Our Famous "POLISH KITCHEN" Booths & Games,Fun for the Entire Family Continuous Live Entertainment SATURDAY JUNE 18, 200!) 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM - JOHN STEVENS' DOUBLESHOT from Swoyersville, PA for your LISTENING &
Friday, June 10, 2005
Roots of gifted' MOMS. Ministry set ,deeply in Christ the King Parish ATTLEBORO - The National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette will present a series "Reconciliation in Today's World," beginning tonight at 7:15. The Shrine will host the program "Do This in Memory of Me," as part of its series celebrating the Eucharist, on June 16 at 7:15 p.m. For more information call 508222-5410. EAST FREETOWN "Summer, Shakespeare and Original Sin: A Reading and Study of Othello," will be held June 22 and 29; July 6,13,20 and 27; and August 3 from 7-9 p.m. at Cathedral Camp. This' book discussion forum will be led by Deacons Maurice Ouellette and David Pepin. It is sponsored by the Diocesan Adult Education Office. EAST FREETOWN - An . open house will be held June 19 from 1-4 p.m. at Cathedral Camp, Route 18, for parents of children age four to 13. Each summer the diocese offers four, two-week sessions of camp. For more information call 508-763-8874. FALL RIVER - The Immigration Law, Education and Advocacy Project and Catholic Social Services will sponsor a conference "Immigration Today," June 15 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Catholic Social Services building, 1600 Bay Street. For more information call 508-6744681. FALL RIVER - The Catholic television program "Good News For Life," sponsored by the Communications Department of the diocese, will present Part Four of the Christian's Ask series "Why Dedicate this Special Year to the Eucharist," June 18 at 9:30 p.m. on the Portuguese channel. FALL RIVER - The program "Adoption by Choice," will be presented June 22 from 7-9 p.m. at the Catholic Social Services office, 1600 Bay Street. It is for individuals and families 'interested in adopting' a domestic newborn. Refreshments will be served. For more information
call 508-674-4681. MASHPEE - "From Broadway to Galwl;ly," an evening of music as a tribute to Frank Patterson starring Ciaran Sheehan, Gay Willis and Eily O'Grady Patterson will be held June 25 at 7:30 p.m. at Mashpee High School. It is sponsored by Christ the King Parish. For tickets and more information call 508-477~7700. NEW BEDFORD - A Bible study on St. Luke, sponsored by the Adult Education Office, will be held June 29, July 6, 13,20 and 27; and August 3 from 7-8:30 p.m. at St. James Parish. To register cal1 Lisa Gulino at 508-678-2828. NORTH DARTMOUTH The Diocesan Divorced-Separated Support Group will meet June 13 from 7-9 p.m. at the Family Life Center, 500 Slocum Road. This open meeting will give attendees the opportunity to share their questions and personal experiences. Refreshmentswil1 follow. NORTH EASTON -A Vacation Bible School for Adults, taught by Holy Cross Father Joe Esparza, 路is being offered on Wednesdays from 10:30 a.m.,to noon; andThursdays from'"7-8:30 p.m., now through July 14 at Holy Cross Family Ministries, 518 Washington Street. For more informa~ion cal1 508-238-'4095 ext. 2013. ORLEANS - A SeparatedDivorced Catholic Support Group will meet for the celebration of Mass Sunday at 5:30 p.m. at St. Joan ofArc Church. A dinner will follow in the parish center. For more information call Father Richard Roy at 508-255-0170. YARMOUTH PORT'- Father Roger 1. Landry will lead a morning of recollection, "Putting Out into the Deep," Saturday at the Sacred Heart Chapel. The sacrament of reconciliation will be available at 8:30 a.m. and Mass will be celebrated at 9 a.m. It will include conferences on prayer and will close with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
Connecticut bishop named supreme chaplain for Knights of Columbus BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (CNS) - Bishop William E. Lori of Bridgeport has been named as the 10th supreme chaplain for the Knights of Columbus. He succeeds retired Bishop Thomas V. Daily of Brooklyn, N.Y., as supreme chaplain for the Knights, which with its nearly 1.7 million members is the world's largest fraternal organization. .Bishop Lori, whq was named to the post in April, noted he was humbled and honored to be asked
. by Supreme Knight Carl Anderson and the board of directors to succeed Bishop Daily. One ofhi~ . prime duties as supreme chaplain will be to write a monthly spiritual column for Columbia magazine which reaches all Knights and their families. Among. other duties as supreme chaplain, Bishop Lori will celebrate Mass at the Knigh~s of Columbus ann~al con~entlOns and ~t other .maJo~ meetm~s, ac- " cordmg to TIm HIckey, edItor of' Columbia.
tude fOf having the opportunity to meet new MASHPEE - Declaring "We have new hope," people, share their stories, and be able to see each the fifth and sixth sessions of the MOMS Minis- others as fellow travelers. try gathered recently for a Celebration of New The six facilitators - June Robillard, Cheryl Beginnings at Christ the King Parish, drawing past Donahue, Susan Marshall, Karen Mullalyparticipants, prayer sponsors and guests to help Sweeney, Lisa Levesque and Betty Foley empower 23 mothers on their faith journey. glowed as they enjoyed the women celebrate their . MOMS, a ministry for women by women, was growth in the integration of spirituality as part of developed by Sister Paula of the Sisters of St. their personhood. Benedict, 路and has been As a speaker, I chalacti ve throughout the lenged the group to look United States since 1992. Msgr. Ronald A. Tosti, pastor of at their fears and to adThe theology of the them in the manChrist the King Parish, emphasized dress document "Called And ner that' Nelson Gifted For The Third Mil- the word "empowerment" and chal- 'Mandela .recommended lennium," is 'the frame- lenged aI/of the mothers to em- in his 1994 inaugural work that supports this power each other in our everyday address. ministry. It stresses that all life and living. In that, Mandela ' . baptized Catholics are stated, "Our deepest fear "called and gifted" to take is not that. we are inadan路 active responsible part in the mission ofthe equate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful church. beyond measure. It is out light, not our darkness . The eve~ing's prayer ritual began with the mu- that frightens most of us. We ask ourselve~, who sic, "Be Still" to quiet the thoughts of the "busy- am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabuness" of the day. The women candidly 'expressed lous? Actually, who are you not to be? Vou are a what they were grateful for in the MOMS minis~ child ofGod. Vour playing small doesn't serve the try. Most ofthe women commented on being grate- world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinkful for being able to participate and see their spiri- ing so that others won't feel insecure around you. tuality in a new way. Spirituality was an integral We were born to manifest the glory of God that is part of their lives; not separate from their every- within us. It's not just in some of us' it's in everyday experiences: Th~re was overwhelming gratiTurn to page 16 - MOMS
KFC and 'K of C' What, you could legitimately ask, does the opening of more than 900 outlets in China by Kentucky Fried Chicken have to do with the / Catholic Church or with you for that matter? Well, I will tell you if you read this column in a whisper. . . Shhhh. We have the potential here for a secret plan. And i(we can pull it off, it could mean diverting kajillions of dollars to the Knights of Columbus, who in turn would share all that money with worthy causes because that is what they do. And are darn By Dan Morris good at it too. OK, shhh. Here's the sly part: Really, really quietly whisper "Knights of Columbus." No, sorry, not "Knights of Columbus" but "K of C," which-is what we Catholics call the Knights of Columbus anyway. Right? . . OK, now do it faster and faster: "K orc, K of C." (Note: If you are reading this on the subw:ay, in a bus or in a restaurant around strangers, just do it in your head, OK? Vou don't need to be picked up for "evaluation." Then how could you be part of this fabulous secret plan to shift kaj illions to those in need?) Vou already know where we are going right? Vou heard "K of e" become almost identical to "KFC," right? And that (KFC not K OF q is what we Catholics (and even agnostics) call Kentucky Fried Chicken. And, no, I do not know why KFC a while back actually became KFC when it came to some kind of collective corporate conclusion to sideline "the colonel" and the longer "Kentucky Fried Chicken." So, yes, the essence of this secret pl~n is to take advantage of the indistinguishability of "KFC" and "K of C." The possibilities are mind-boggling. Could we mine Kentucky Fried's deep corporate pockets for infringing on
a wonderful religious organization's name? Maybe we should just turn that one over to the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. Meanwhile we could disguise a Knight like Colonel Sanders, have him infiltrate KFC and become custodian of the triple-secr'et, herbsand-spice recipe worth bazillions that KFC (doesn't that sound like "K of C"?) has been . using for decades to encase miscellaneous, alleged chicken pieces within an arteryfirming layer. (Ves, friends, there are people out there some are r~latives who actually peel the secret KFC chicken enclosure, eat it separately and put the chicken chunk aside for later use.) KFC might see the light and try to persuade K of C to accept managerial oversight of franchises in heavily Catholic countries :....Brazil, for example. Wouldn't it be inspiring to see Brazilian KFC chicken buckets have little stylized logos of a.Knights of Columbus head rather than a face of the colonel? On the other side of the coin, K of C might be able to persuade KFC to let them (the Knights, not KFC).place modest but obvious messages on its buckets, napkins and other modes of packaging that mention K of C's great insurance and the benefits of membership. Chin~? It's hard to evangelize over there, but if KFC can open 900 stores, then they must know something and would surely be open to passing it along to the K of C. Wouldn't you think? Regardless, let's be honest. Now that you have read this you will not be able to eat Kentucky Fried Chicken again without thinking of the Knights of Columbus. That's not a bad thing. Comments are welcome. E-mail Uncle Dan at cnsuncleOl@Yahoo.com.
The offbeat world of Uncle Dan
Friday, June 10, 2005
the ancholS)
How to encourage prayers and Masses for the dead Q. I am a priest, 76 years my usual pastoral experience. old, and would like your In the past, some people have comment on what I see as a held what are, in my opinion, decline in giving offerings rather dubious attitudes about for Masses for the dead. The this. One man asked me years one funeral Mass, of course, has eternal and infinite value, but my personal opinion is that souls can give merits of additional Masses to whomever he or she By Father wishes. Is that bad J. Dietzen John theology? Some, instead of Masses, just give a few bucks to their favorite ago how to bequeath $5,000 charity. Certainly missionar- for Masses for himself after ' ies could use the Mass he died. I suggested he might stipends for deceased family leave part of that for educamembers and friend.s. Or is tion of a priest, who would that idea outdated? How can remember him at Mass for years; the man obviously we encourage continued prayers and Masses for the didn't buy the idea. dead? (Maryland) I have seen a more balA. I've heard other priests anced Catholic approach to make similar comments, but I leaving or giving money for have to say that hasn't been Masses, recognizing that other
Questions and Answers
corporal and spiritual works of mercy are also important and valid, and perhaps less self-centered forms of prayer for the living and dead. Maybe that explains in part the "favorite charity" idea you mention. A valuable insight for us Catholics is the centuries-old practice of the Church, which prays constantly and in many ways for those who have died. The Eucharistic Prayer in every Mass is a good example. At least two excellent reasons exist for this Christian tradition which relate to your concerns. First, prayers for the dead, as all our prayers, go to a God who has no beginning or end; for God there is no past or future. All, from the beginning of time to the end of the world, is one
Preserving our history for our children Every child loves to hear family stories, and ranges. Apparently, the government thought these as a girl I thrilled to hear the tale of my northern farmers could adjust to the Alaskan grandfather hiding, as a little boy in late-19thcold. Each family drew lots for their 40-acre century Nebraska, under a shed as a band of tracts. Indians passed through his farm. When the settlers arrived in Palmer in the I grew up on a farm, and although the shed chilly spring of 1935, having made their way he crawled beneath probably didn't exist any longer and wasn't even on this particular farm, by boat to the port of Seward, they lived in a tent city until log houses could be built, and it I let my childish imagination run wild. I was in one of these explored the granatents that the first ries and outbuildings, Mass of St. Michael and tried to picture Parish was celebrated. where a small boy Later, a tiny log cabin could hide and what served the parish until the countryside the 1960s. looked like nearly 80 This was Alaska in years before. its pioneer days. Well Who were these By Effie Caldarala into the 1950s, Native Americans? Palmer had no paved Their rugged'prairie roads, and few stores and hunting grounds existed, even in were quickly disapAnchorage, for someone aspiring to be a wellpearing into neat, cultivated, mile-square dressed churchgoer. sections. Could they have been a threat to a One woman told me how everyone dressed boy by himself? How many were there? for church in Army-surplus parkas and "bunny Sadly, all I know of the story is what I've boots," the big white insulated Arctic boots. told you. I didn't hear the story from my When she sat behind a family, she said, "I grandfather. I was too young to ask him couldn't tell the mommas from the poppas." anything before he died. It was cold in the log cabin church, another Later, when 1 was old enough to quiz my woman explained, and vigil candles were father and his siblings, I suppose they didn't blown out by the drafts that came through the know very much about the story either. The inadequate caulking between the logs. fact is, for most of us, family history is oral Now three parish women have embarked history, and oral history doesn't keep very well upon a project of recorded interviews with the without a little effort. children of parish colonists and their descenThat's why 1 was happy to speak with some dants, all part of a wider effort by the city of parishioners about an oral history project Palmer to record the history of this unique happening in the Archdiocese of Anchorage. American experience. St. Michael Parish in Palmer is celebrating its Preserving history is a gift to our children. 70th anniversary, and it has a unique American How often have we wished we could sit down and Alaskan past. for an afternoon with a long-lost relative and The city of Palmer became a community in ask the questions that no one now can answer? 1935 when the federal government, coping Summer reunions might be a good opportuwith the Great Depression and a severe farmnity to sit down with a notebook, video camera land drought, relocated 202 families from the Upper Midwest to a fertile little Alaskan valley or tape recorder and say, "Grandpa, tell me what it was like when you were little." lodged between two snowcapped mountain
7 eternally present moment for him. Whenever we pray, therefore, recogn,izing the eternal and universal reach of God's providence, our prayers are not limited by time; they extend back to the beginning of an individual's life, through to the end and into eternity. This is not speculation. It follows from what we believe about God. Prayers we offer years after a person's death can be "applied" by God to when that person was still alive. This understanding, clumsy as human words always are when dealing with things of God, is reflected often in the Church's liturgies and prayers for the deceased. Second, and more important, our prayers for loved ones who have died are also, in fact primarily, prayers of thanks, praising God for his unfailing goodness, particularly to that person and to all others who were blessed by his or her life. It is a wonderful and reverent way of
acknowledging God's graciousness and wisdom, shown in our care and service of one another. For both these reasons, and there are more, our continued prayers for and with those who have gone before us make excellent psychological and spiritual common sense. In my experience, people of faith easily pick up on them if we help them understand what they are doing.
A free brochure answering questions Catholics ask about cremation and other funeral customs is available by sending a self-addressed stamped ei,velope to Father John Dietzen, Box 5515, Peoria, IL 61612. Questions may be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address, or E-mail: ijdietzen@aol.com.
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Friday, June 10, 2005
Ex-ballplayer's sister steps up to the plate to combat domestic violence By PETE SHEEHAN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE HUNTINGTON, N.Y.. When Sister Marguerite Torre was leaving her Brooklyn home to join the Ursuline Sisters in 1951, she gave her younger brother, Joe, a baseball glove. "I could have given you a rosary," Sister Marguerite told him, "but I gave you a glove. Every time you catch a ball, J. want you to say a prayer." However, as she left her brother with encouraging words, Sister ,Marguerite recalled, .she did not fully realize the violence that her family, particularly her mother, was suffering at the hands of their father. But Joe was aware, and that reality haunted his childhood, Sister Marguerite said at a luncheon in Huntington in early May sponsored by the Communities of Faith Task Force on Domestic Violence. "He told me that when he saw our father's car there, he wouldn't go home," she said. "No one should have to live in fear," Sister Marguerite told about 125 people at what organizers called a "Celebrating Survivors Luncheon." "God made each of us wonderful. We shouldn't have to feel like we aren't." Joe Torre, after years of stardom as a major league baseball player and a successful career as manager of the New York Yankees and other teams, has started the Joe Torre Safe At Home Foundation to combat domestic violence. Sister Marguerite spoke on behalf of her brother's foundation, as did Steven DiSalvo, a former student of Sister Marguerite's who is now director of the foundation. The Communities of Faith Task Force on Domestic Violence includes representatives of Catholic Charities of the
Rockville Centre diocese, the . Long Island Council of. Churches, local Lutheran and Presbyterian churches, the American Jewish Committee, the Domestic Harmony Committee of the Islamic Center of Long Island, and the Nassau and Suffolk Counties Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Sister Marguerite has for the past 25 years been principal of Nativity School in the New York City borough of Queens. She described her mother, Margaret, as courageous in coping with the violence she suffered and in her desire for her children's happiness. "She shielded us," the nun said. "She might have had a black eye, but she was going to see that we were happy," Sister Marguerite said. She added that she did not think that she would have had the same strength as her mother to persevere through that kind of abuse. "If I were my mother, I probably would have killed my father and spent the rest of my life in jail," Sister Marguerite said, eliciting silence and a few gasps from the audience. Her older brother, Frank路路~ who himself became a major league ballplayer - had joined the Army during the Korean War. "When Frank returned home from Korea, he called a family meeting," she recalled. "He told my father: 'We don't want you around anymore."~ Their father left and moved to Florida. "My mother was like a different person when she was freed from my father," Sister Marguerite said. She encouraged those present 'to "keep working for happy endings" for those suffering from domestic violence. "Don't be afraid of tears," she said. "You will have your share of Good Fridays in your life, but Easter comes after."
A NUN blows a kiss at Pope Benedict XVI as he arrives to celebrate Mass in the Italian Adriatic coastal city of Bari recently. The pope affirmed his commitment to Christian unity on his first papal trip outside Rome. (CNS photo from Reuters)
OUR LADY of the Assumption Parish in Osterville celebrated Corpus Christi with special solemnity in this Year of the Eucharist. Father Pawel Swiercz celebrated the noon Mass, which was followed by a procession around the churchyard. The procession stopped at four stations where there were Scripture readings and prayers, interspersed with songs. The event concluded with Benediction. (Our Lady of the Assumption Parishl Patricia Finn photo)
,Thousands celebrate Corpus Christi ~ in China with processions, prayers' By CATHOLIC News SERVICE
head of the procession. Wenying ofFuzhou. Bishop Zheng told UCA News FUZHOU, China- Thousands Behind them came a four-wheel of Chinese Catholics lined up and cart, decorated with roses, aboard that although underground Cathoknelt along a 1,300-foot stretch of which Bishop Joseph Zheng lics "did not receive Communion road in Fuzhou diocese for 30 min- Changcheng of Fuzhou held aloft during Mass the event was already utes to welcome the Blessed Sac- the Eucharist in a monstrance. A a sign of unity." Underground rament as it passed by in a proces- 1,000-foot-long assemblage of Catholics in Fuzhou normally remusical bands, priests, nuns, frain from receiving Communion sion. The event May 28, the eve of choirs, Catholic youth and lay rep- at or even entering churches adthe feast ofthe Body and Blood of resentatives of 18 parishes made ministered by the government-rec-ognized Church. Christ, or Corpus Christi, took place at the entrance to Meanwhile, churches in various parts of China also Rosa Mystica Sanctuary, a Shi Ying, a parishioner of Sf. JoMarian shrine in the diocese, held processions to celebrate seph Church in Longtian village, ,Corpus Christi. reported UCA News, an Asian church news agency where the procession started, told In Shaanxi province in UCA News, "I was- touched to see northwestern China, Bishop based in Thailand. The procession in south- so many elderly people kneel whole- Tong Changping of Weinan eastern China was part ofthe heartedly on the ground for 30 min- presided over the largest eueucharistic congress at the utes." She and fellow parishioners charistic procession held shrine to celebrate Corpus there since religious activity Christi and the Year of the held up large posters of Jesus, Mary, was revived in the late 1970s. Eucharist that the late Pope the Blessed Sacrament and Popes Some 3,000 people joined John Paul II had set to run Benedict XVI and John Paul at the the procession to Nanbai from last October to this head of the procession. Church in a Catholic village. Each Catholic family set up October. Elderly Catholics and a small altar in front of their their families held flowers and up the bulk ofthe procession, trail- house to welcome the Blessed Saccandles in their hands while kneel- ing the 93-year-old bishop. rament. The sounds of trumpets ing on the ground awaiting the proThey marched uphill to the and firecrackers that accompanied cession. Some recited the rosary. Marian shrine, where Bishop the procession attracted curious Shi Ying, a parishioner of St. Zheng presided at a Mass in the non-Catholics.. Joseph Church in Longtian vil- open square in front of Our Lady In the Shanghai diocese in eastlage, where the procession started, of the Rosary Church. Afterward ern China, Father Wu Jianlin told UCA News, "I was touched he blessed the crowd with the Eu- blessed some 500 Catholics with to see so many elderly people charist. the Eucharist at the Marian shrine kneel wholeheartedly on the .Packing the square in front of in Sheshan. Afterward, a eucharisground for 30 minutes." She and him were 4,000 people from inside tic procession wound its way up a fellow parishioners held up large and outside the diocese. path past pavilions ofthe Stations posters of Jesus, Mary, the Some Catholics from the un- of the Cross to the hilltop church Blessed Sacrament and Popes derground Church also joined for a Liturgy of the Word and euBenedict XVI and John Paul at the the Mass, said Sister Zheng charistic adoration.
Friday, June 10, 2005
Ex-missionary returns to priesthood 35 years after leaving to marry
POPE BENEDICT XVI kneels as he prays in front of a reproduction of the original Lourdes Grotto in the Vatican Gardens on the feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Cardinals, curial officials and Vatican employees were invited to a Marian procession and recitation of the rosary on the feast day. (CNS photo by Max Rossi)
In first month, Benedict places distinctive mark on papacy VATICAN CITY (CNS) - He began under the sign of continuity, but in his first month Pope Benedict XVI has already placed his own distinctive mark on the papacy. His public appearances, while generating enormous enthusiasm, have been designed more to provoke thought than to please crowds. This will be a teaching pope, and his lessons draw heavily on Scripture. The new pope has kept Pope John Paul IT's team of Vatican officials. But in his first major appointment, he picked an American, Archbishop William 1. Levada ofSan Francisco, as his successor at the doctrinal congregation - a bold move that gratified many U.S. Catholics and lessened European influence in the Roman Curia. In waiving the five-year waiting period for the start of Pope John Paul's sainthood cause, the pope showed he was listening to the popular voice of the Church and recognized that rules are sometimes made to be set aside. Two other decisions hinted at Pope Benedict's governing style: - he opted not to preside at beatification liturgies, ending a 34-year practice. Although papal beatifications had become routine, the pope and others thought they created misunderstandings about the sainthood process; - he shortened the October Synod of Bishops. In the past, the pope had said synods tend to exalt the role of bishops as delegates of local churches rather than as shepherds of their own flocks. The pope's decisions and talks since his election April 19 seemed to show a desire to pare back to the essentials - at least as much as possible for a 21 st-century pope. At the same time, Pope Benedict understands that in many ways he is
expected to be a "pope for all people." In his first month, he spoke with various heads ofstate, international diplomats, Christian and nonChristian representatives,journalists, bishops from Africa andAsia, !llemhers ofRome's Catholic community, clergy, curial officials, pilgrimgroups from around the world and, of course, the College ofCardinals. At his weekly general audiences, the pope has grown increasingly relaxed with big crowds. He seems to genuinely enjoy riding his openjeep, standing and waving as he holds onto a bar with one hand. After his first general audience, the pope shook the hands of nearby bishops and left the scene. Now he makes it a point to seek out the sick and lay people who have come for a personal blessing or to bring him gifts. He doesn't rush and usually has a few words for each. The new pope's reception has been overwhelmingly positive. Many visitors are impressed by his easy and direct style, others by the simple fact that the Church once again has a pope who can move through a crowd or improvise a talk. Pope Benedict's talks and sermons have not been the high theology of books and conferences. Instead, he has focused on the basics during his first month: the Church's evangelizing mission, the danger of losing sight of God and the priority ofhuman life iS,sues in modern society. On several occasions, particularly around the feast ofPentecost, he has explained the Church's purpose by recalling the words and witness of apostolic times. Even his nonliturgical talks, like his address to Sri Lankan bishops, have been built around passages from the New Testament. The pope has not dumbed down
his message. His sermon on Pentecost, for example, examined the relationship ofhuman freedom, the gift of the law on Mount Sinai, the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the Church's mission and the Eucharist. Butwoven through the homily were straightforward statements about people's real limitations and the recognition that faith is often a struggle. "We continually close our doors; we continually want to feel secure and do not want to be disturbed by others and by God," the pope said. But Christ will come for us, he said, just as he passed through the closed doors to reach his disciples at Pentecost. Likewise, on the feast of the Ascension, he offered a simple reflection on Christ's continued presence in the world, saying: "The Lord is always within hearing. We can inwardly draw away from him. We can live turning our backs on him. But he always waits for us and is always close to us." So far, Pope Benedict has spoken mostly about the essentials of Church life and relatively little about contemporary social issues. Appeals for victims of disasters or violence, which made for easy headlines under Pope John Paul, seem to have disappeared. Pope Benedict may have given some clues to his style ofpapacy in his 1987 book, "Church, Ecumenism and Politics." He wamed about "the limits and dangers of activism" in Church governance, which he said risks getting in the way of the Holy Spirit. He said it was worth remembering that the only true head of the Church is Christ, and "we are all merely his tools." The real task of the pastor, he said, is ''to stretch out the sail ofour faith ... so that the Holy Spirit can fill it with his breath."
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (CNS) Father David Gaffny recently concelebrated Mass for the first time in more than 35 years. He did so again a few days later, this time with his daughter, Maria, sitting in one of the pews at St. Joseph Church in Madison, where he currently serves as associate pastor. When Father Gaffuy, a father of three, grandfather ofsix and former Maryknoll priest, lost his wife of31 years in July 2001, he began to discern what to do with the rest of his life. It was natural for him to return to the full exercise ofpriestly ministry. After returning to seminary studies for abriefperiod, he was accepted as a priest for the Nashville diocese. While he always retained the "indelible mark" of holy orders, Father Gafthy had not acted as a priest since 1969, the year he sought laicization to marry a single mother from Chile. Father Gafthy met his late wife, Leonor, after first meeting her two children while he was a missionary with the Maryknoll order in Temuco, Chile, in the late 1960s. "They were so smart, so neat, so polite, so loving and so well-mannered that I wanted to know their mother," Father Gafthy recalled in an interview with the Tennessee Register, Nashville's路jdiocesan newspaper. He did get to know her, eventually fell in love with her, married her and brought her to the United States where they could raise a family together. It was not an easy decision for Father Gafthy to leave his life as a priest. "When you love two things with all your heart and soul, how do you choose?" he said. Fortunately, Leonor was a woman deeply committed to her Catholic faith, so "I never had to make the choice between the person or the Church." Throughout their marriage, the couple was active in their Bostonarea parish, participating in eucharistic adoration, preparing Hispanic adults for confirmation and planning retreats for them. When his wife became ill, the couple moved to Nash-
ville to be closer to their daughter. For Father Gafthy's adult children, accepting their dad as a priest is somewhat ofa challenge. "They were never surprised and are very supportive" of his return to ministry, he said. "They know I love this stuff They've always known that the Mass and the Church are so part of my life." To his family, Father Gaffny added, he will always be "Dad and Grandpa, and I don't want them to look at me in any other way." It also has been tricky for some St. Joseph parishioners to remember that the man who sat with them in the pews for four years during Mass is the same man now on the altar presiding over the service. People often correct themselves when speaking to him: "Dav ... Father David." He said parishioners' acceptance ofhim as their priest has been ''very moving." The welcome he received after celebrating his first Masses was "notunlike abride and groOm at their wedding," he said. "I feel very humbled and loved. It's inspiring." Whether working with the indigenous people ofChile or as associate pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Madison, Father Gafthy's mission is the same - to live his Catholic faith and welcome others to it. He remains as committed to the causes of evangelization and outreach today as when he was a young priest working in South America. Increasing the reach ofHispanic ministry in the Nashville diocese is one of his goals. Father Gaffny speaks fluent Spanish. He said the diocese is doing a respectable job but has a long way to go to catch up with other denominations' outreach to Hispanics. With Catholics making up less than four percent ofthe state's population, Father Gafthy said, Tennessee is ''very fertile territory." While he does not want to push anyone to join the Church, Father Gafthy said the best way to reach out to people is "living out what we are, living and explaining our faith to others."
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'FATfiER DAVID Gaffny distributes Communion during a recent Mass at St. Joseph Church in Nashville, Tenn. He had left the priesthood in the 1960s and was married for 31 years. He returned to the priesthood after his wife died. (CNS photo by Andy Telli, Tennessee Register)
Friday, June 10, 2005
Challenging TV license renewals: It can be done By
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in almost any of the larger meCATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE dia," Smith said. But while all WASHINGTON - Chal- 19 seats on the Kent County lenging the licenses of televi- Commission were up for elecsion stations has been like the tion, there were no stories weather: Everybody talks about broadcast about any of the it but nobody does anything races, - In May, 179 school disabout it. tricts in western Michigan con. That's not so anymore. Challenging a TV station's ducted school board elections. license may not result in its re~ There were a total of four stovocation, but it may result in a ries on local TV news. By constation that's more responsive tract, Smith said, "we got 85 to the needs of its viewers, ac- stories on the Michael Jackson cording to Karen Heinen, an at- trial ... 119 stories on the D.C. torney with the Georgetown In- sniper ... 113 crime stories." . Heinen has been a part of stitute for Public Representation in Washington, and Jeff. groups that have. filed four peSmith, a one-time Catholic titions with the FCC against liseminarian who is the director cense renewals already this of the Grand Rapids Institute year, although she admits "this for Information Democracy in is a bit of a David and Goliath Michigan. scenario. " TV license revocations are If a broadcaster owns a rare things, although they have newspaper in the same market, or owns two happened. An TV stations in NBC affiliate Citizens can look at what the same marin Jackson, Miss., had its the station considers its ket, that wi 11 license re- public service to see if it "raise a red voked in the matches what citizens ex- flag" at li1960s when it cense renewal refused to air pect, as well as the actual time, she said. any news ,of license granted by thelFCC The -FCC; the black com- and the license renewal Heinen added, munity, even application filled out by the takes commuthough Afri- station. nity voices can-Americans more seriously when fewer made up more than half of the people in its media corporations own the viewership area. The situation major media outlets in a single was so bad that when NBC market. news programs 'carried news of Heinen urged exercising the the civil rights movement sta- right that any. member of the tion management would cut the public has and inspecting a TV news from its transmission and station's "public files," which replace it with a "Technical Dif- are supposed to be available to ficulties" card. ' anyone during the hours a staIn 198'1 ,a Federal Commu- tion is open for business. Citinications Commission adininis- . zens can look at what the s'tatrative law judge ruled that tion considers its public service Harold Gross, who owned TV, to see if it matches what citiAM and FM stations in Lan- zens expect, as well as the acsing, Mich., used the stations to tuallicense granted by the FCC attack his critics. While Gross and the license renewal appliwon in his appeal of the ruling, cation filled out by the station. the fight took its toll and he The station can levy a charge eventually sold 'the stations.' for photocopying, Heinen said, And that was in the days of the but if aistation refuses or delays Fairness Doctrine, which man- a public inspection of its pubdated that reply time be given lic files, that in itself may be. to opposing points of view. That cause to file an FCC complaint rule was scrapped in 1987. about the station's behavior. Smith's organization has What it ultimately takes, been monitoring the content of Smith said, is a group of 'CitiTV stations in western Michi- zens concerned about how their gan in anticipation of their li- local TV stations treat the comcense renewal applications this munity in its news coverage. year. During the National Con- There has to be, he said, "an ference for Media Reform held interest in makin'g informed in May in St. Louis, Smith viewing choices" which "innoted two news anomalies he variably leads to license chalfound disturbing: lenges." - TV stations aired 119 stoSince local stations are not ries last fall of the presidential required to keep tapes of their race between President George broadcasts, "if you have the reW. Bush and U.S. Sen. John sources, do it," Smith added. Kerry, D-Mass. "You can get "The more (stations and propresidential election coverage' grams) taped, the better."
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FROM LEFT, America Ferrera, Blake Lively, Alexis Bledel and Amber Tamblyn star in a scene from the movie "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants." (eNS photo from Warner Bros.)
eNS movie review -
'The Sisterhood of the ,Traveling Pants' NEW YORK (CNS) - "The Sisterhood ofthe Traveling Pants" (Warner Bros.) is a tender, if at times overly sentimental teen drama about four lifelong friends who spend their first summer apart, during which they each experience life-changing adolescent ordeals. Hot-blooded and insecure Garmen (America Ferrera) is excited about spending her summer with her mostly absent father ¢radley Whitford), who broke up with Carmen's Hispanic mom y,ears earlier. But her hopes for quality time together are dashed when he drops the bomb that he is getting remarried to a woman with two "perfect" Anglo children of her own. Athletic and impulsive Bridget (Blake Lively) - the group's alpha female - heads to soccer camp in Mexico, where she ends up seducing a college-age member ofthe coaching staff. Bridget's aggressive confidence masks unresolved emotional issues involving her mom's suicide and her
father's subsequent lack of affection. Shy and reserved Lena (Alexis Bledel) jets to her grandparents' home in Greece to discover her heritage, but instead finds romance in what is the visually loveliest but least involving ofthe four stories. Meanwhile, sarcastic rebel Tibby (Amber Tamblyn) stays home stocking shelves and stewing in her anger while working on a video documentary about people trapped in "meaningless" lives. Enter Bailey (lenna Boyd), a plucky pint-sized pest who teaches her an important life lesson. Before parting, the friends form ' a pact over a pair of denim jeans, which oddly fits them all perfectly even though they are different shapes and sizes. They decide to use the pants as a way of keeping in touch. Each girl will wear them for two weeks as good luck before mailing them on to the next. Bridget's story line involves off-screen intimacy, but shows her
all-inmate team to take on his semipro squad of sadistic prison guards. Despite some crowdpleasing moments and the softening effect ofSandler's comicallikability, director Peter Segal's version follows the original's lead, making vulgarity and brutality just another joke while going for a I~~'()~ie more MTV-style edge. Strong prison and playing-field violence, Ica.~II~ an instance ofrough language and NEW YORK (CNS) - The much crude and sexual language following are capsule reviews of and humor, including an ongoing movies recently reviewed by the joke involving some gay inmates, Office for Film & Broadcasting of racial remarks, drug references, the U.S. Conference of Catholic fleeting rear nudity and a scene Bishops. of drunk driving played for "The Longest Yard" laughs. The USCCB Office for (Paramount) Film & Broadcasting classificaRevved-up remake ofthe 1974 tion is L -limited adult audience, sports comedy about a former pro films whose problematic content quarterback (Adam Sandler in the many adults would find troubling. Burt Reynolds role) whose reck- The Motion Picture Association lessness lands him in a Texas state of America rating is PG-13 prison where the gridiron-ob- parents are strongly cautioned, sessed warden (James Cromwell) Some material may be inappropriblackmails him into organizing an ate for children under 13.
(almost immediately) regretting the decision. Writing to Lena, she confides that what she thought would be a positive experience left her "feeling empty." Directed by Ken Kwapis from the bestseller by Ann Brashares and with spirited performances by the quartet ofyoung actresses, the sweet but contrived film, despite its bubblegum title and breezy Judy Blume veneer, tackles heavy issues like divorce, death, ethnic identity and teen sexuality (which may be inappropriate for younger teens) but ultimately imparts a life-affirming message about friendship and family. The film contains an implied sexual encounter and sexual innuendo, some mature thematic elements, including one character's loss of virginity, as well as sporadic mildly crude language. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-II adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG - parental guidance suggested.
"Madagascar" (DreamWorks) Entertaining animated comedy about a quartet of pampered zoo animals (voiced by Chris Rock, Ben Stiller, David Schwimmer and Jada Pinkett Smith) who find themselves shipped back to the wild, where they discover that the jungle is not all its cracked up to be. Directed by Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath and imparting a positive message about friendship, the visually vibrant and at times funny film starts out well (the motley menagerie is a hoot), but its early wit gives way to cartoonish slapstick humor that stresses sight gags more than story. Mildly crass language and humor, cartoon violence, as well as some thematic elements that may be disturbing to very young children. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-II - adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association ofAmerica rating is PG parental guidance suggested.
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Friday, June 1b; 2005
11 Jacinta DaSilva; $250-Dennis f $300-Mrs. William Morton, M/M Chatham Lopes; $IOO-Lola Valcourt. Raymond A. Pitocchelli, M/M Holy Redeemer: $500-M/M St. Joseph: $1,OOO-Atty/M David P. Santoro; $250-0wen G. William Brennan; $300-James Kenneth Sullivan. Harren; $200-Thomas F. Crimmins, Amsler, Mary Todd Everett, M/M SS: Peter and Paul: $150~M/ Dr. Robert E. Siblia, M/M James Robert Townsend, M/M Jack M Joseph Stankiewicz; $IOO-M/M Hindman, M/M Andre J. Zilliox; $200-M/M Jack Plotner, M/ John Force, Holy Rosary Society. Charpentier, Teresa Murphy & Jan M Martin Siddell; $150-M/M Frank St. Stanislaus: $1,200-Rev. Harbutiak; $150-Nancy Titus; G. Duffy, Jr., M/M Richard Griffin, Bruce M. Neylon; $500-Anne $125-M/M Robert C. Crowley, M/ M. Natalie Young, M/M Philip E. Joerres; $400-Gail & Michael M Paul Sullivan; $IOO-M/M John Doyle; $125-M/M Peter Acton; Noonan; $200-Rev. Mr. Thomas Cleary, M/M A. Daniel Geribo, M/ $120-M/M Douglas Wells; $100- Costa, John 1. Polak, Jr.; $150-M/ M George Knight, Charlene M. M/M David Coupal, M/M Robert M John Polak, Ernest Richard; Lavin, M/M Richard F. Leary, E. Kelly, Jr., Mrs. William Machie, $125-M/M Scott Mitchell; $100- Carlos Medeiros, M/M Louis Matthew Ryan, M/M Robert L. Holy Rosary Society, M/M Jeffrey Palladini III, M/M Denis 1. Villiard, Sullivan, M/M Norbert Timmins. Lima, A Friend, M/M Rogelio M/M David 1. Anacone, M/M C. Cabellon, M/M. Michael Cottuli, M/M Richard Curley, M/M East Falmouth St. Anthony: $300-John P. Banalewicz, Joanne Bozzutto, Joseph Cutillo, M/M Paul D. Jepsen, Clara J. King, M/M John Y. Paone, Jr.; $150-ln Memory ofJohn Denita Tremblay. L. Lopes, In Memory of M/M Santo Christo: $500-Santo MacKinnon, M/M John H. McNair, Manuel F. Rapoza; $100-M/M Jo- Christo Feast Committee; $400-ln Bernice C. Titus. Marion Memory of John Paiva & Alice seph F. Radzik. St. Rita: $3,000-M/M William Paiva Freitas, Oliv.eira Funeral East Freetown St. John Neumann: $600-Janet Homes; $250-ln Memory ofPatrick Joyce; $1 ,OOO-M/M Jeffrey Glavin, & James Whalen; $300-M/M John Mello; $130-M/M Joao Cunha; Frances & Helen Perry; $250Larsen; $250-Jeffrey & Suzanne $lOO-Tony's Bakery, M/M Altino Sandria Parsons; $200-0tto Mahr, Storms; $200-M/M James Alberto, Maria Amaral, Celeste Continued on page J2 Swe.eney; $150-Mrs. Yvette Borges, M/M Jose Cabral, M/M Medeiros; $11 O-Albert & Elizabeth Manuel Matos, M/M Jose Rivet; $lOO-M/M Roger Blanchard. Medeiros, M/M Louis Medeiros, NATIONAL Maria Pereira. East Taunton MORTGAGE Falmouth Holy Family: $1,1 OO-In Memory of James & Madalaine St. Patrick: $450-Mrs. William C. Dillon; $200-M/M Francis J. Maddock. DeYoung; $150-Deacon/M John Fairhaven St. Joseph: $150-Mrs. Roberta Simonis; $100-M/M Amancio Low, low rates starting at Braley, Mrs. John Staffon; $100-' Correia, Francis W. & Elaine Lipp, Mrs. Constance Aiello, M/M Joseph M/M James McDevitt, James Bowers, M/M Lawrence Collins, Nidositko, Francis 1. Ward. Hyannis M/M Bernardino Fortunato, M/M NO POINTS, NO CLOSING COSTS 1ST, 2ND, 3RD MORTGAGES St. Francis Xavier: $2,500Thomas Manley, Mrs. Harry Young, PURCHASE OR REFINANCE M/M Daniel Gomes, Mrs. Gloria Brazilian Community ofCape Cod; IMPROVEMENT, REPAIR . McGreevy, M/M Richard Vincent. $1,200-M/M Daniel Appleton, Jr., DEBT CONSOLIDATION CREDIT CARD PAY OFF"S, St. Mary: $200-Congregation Charles W. Riley; $1,OOO-M/M HOME EQUITY, COMMERCIAL of the Sacred Hearts, M/M Eugene Raymond Cataloni; $200-M/M 2ND HOMES, TUITION, SELF EMPLOYED A. Manzone; $lOO-John Horta, Kelly Lucas; $150-M/M William NO INCOME VERIFICATION POOR CREDIT - NO CREDIT Rosemary Carrico, Lyles Bourgault, Murray; $125-M/M Robert PAY OFF LIENS & ATIACHMENTS M/M edward R. Allaire, Sr., M/ Schwartz; $115-Russell Lawton; FORECLOSURE-BANKRUPTCY $110-M/M Frederick Glennon; Malec P. Ciminello. APPLICATION TAKEN ON PHONE NO APPLICATION FEE. $lOO-M/M Anthony DiNatale, M/ Fall River FAST SERVICE. WE CAN HELPI St. Mary Cathedral: $IOO-M/ M Joseph Donahue, Jane Fogg, Alfred Fournier, Beryl L. Miller, CALL NOW M Edward Madore. Espirito Santo: $250-M/M Mrs. Marilyn Snow, M/M James New Bedford 508-992·1400 Duarte Silva; $lOO-Anonymous,A Sullivan. Cape Cod 508·362·7777 Mansfield Friend. Free application on Internet St. Mary: $1,800-Thomas J. cGood Shepherd: $250-ln www.ccnm.com Kearns, Jr.; $1,OOO-M/M Karl Memory of Manuel Velho. MB # 1161 Holy Name: $365-Dr/M John Clemmey, David & Sandra Rullo; ·APR 5.78, 30 yr $10k min. P. Malloy; $300-Michael Sullivan; $500-M/M Robert Pietrafetta; $250-Dr/M Steven Belanger; $150M/M Joseph Stanton; $125St. Anne's Prayer Constance Morrissette; $1 OO-M/M . "Good St. Anne, Mother of Mary, and Bruce Hague, M/M Rodney P. Bergeron, Amine B. & Renee Grandmother of Jesus, Intercede for me and my Maalouf, Paul & Cheryl Pacheco, petitions.Amen." M/M Donald Sylvia. Holy Rosary: $300-M/M Albert D'Ambrosio; $IOO-M/M Richard Valeriana. In honor of Sister Lucia dos Santos, Holy Trinity: $200-M/M Gilseer of Fatima, who died bert Faria; $IOO-Mrs. Herbert Boff, M/M William Chouinard. February 13,2005, age 97. Immaculate Conception: Lucia pray for us. $200-ln Memory of James A. Partridge; $150-M/M Stanley Kaczynski; $IOO-M/M Albert W. Jalbert, Deborah Longchamps, Mary Lennon, Peter Sullivan, Margaret Wiles. Notre Dame: $IOO-M/M Ed• Prompt 24 Hour Service • Automatic Deliveries ward Ahaesy, Laurence Demers, • Call In Deliveries • Budget Terms Available Normand Lambert. • Free Estimates Our Lady of Health: $1,200You Never Had Service Rev. Jose A.F. dos Santos; $450Until You Tried Charlie's Holy Name Society; $150-St. Vincent de Paul Society; $100We're located at ... Anonymous. 46 Oak Grove Ave., Fall River Sacred Heart: $200-lrene orcall ... Price; $125-John T. O'Neill; $120508-675-7426 • 508-674-0709 Dr. Elizabeth Sullivan; $1 OO-Helen Piper, M/M Daniel Duffy. St. Anne: $300-Manuel & McDonald.
Continued from page one
bors in need." As the Appeal reached the $3 million dollar mark, the gratitude expressed by the staff of Appeal Headquarters and those working in the Appeal-funded agencies and apostolates could be equaled only by their hope that those' who can make a difference, namely, past donors and "first-timers" who have not as yet responded to the request for assistance, will once again show their generosity to the needy among us by sending in their gift! pledge by June 16th. "Three million dollars is a wonderful sum," said Donly, "but it is a distance from where we would hope to be when the Appeal ends. The needs of our agencies ministering to the thousands of needy men, women, and children are at their highest' levels. Our distinct hope is that we will exceed our 2004 Appeal total of$3,947,000 by as large a sum as possible."
As the Appeal enters this crucial phase, reports are that all second mailings have been sent by the parishes to the parishioners and friends who had not as yet responded, as well as to members of the business and professional communities throughout southeastern Massachusetts, Cape Cod, and the Islands. Contributions to the Appeal can be made either through a one-time donation or through a pledge, which is payable monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually. Donations to the Appeal can be sent to the Catholic Charities Appeal Office, P.O. Box 1470, Fall River, Mass. 02722, dropped off at any parish in the diocese, or they can be made on the Appeal Website: www.ca th 0 lie c h a ri tie s fallriverdioc.org. For iriformation, visit the Website or contact the Appeal Office at 508-675-1311.
Top five. parishes in each deanery as of 06/03/05: Attleboro: Our Lady of Mount Cannel, Seekonk St. Mary, Mansfield St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro St. Mark, Attleboro Falls St. Mary, Seekonk
$ 128,701.00 66,567.50 55,015.00 38,340.00 37,035.0Q
Cape Cod: St. Pius Tenth, South Yannouth Our Lady of Victory, Centerville Holy Trinity, West Harwich Christ the King, Mashpee Corpus Christi, East Sandwich
$ 165,961.51 ·91,541.00 77,613.88 76,674.00 75,315.00
Fall River: St. Thomas More, Somerset St. John the Baptist, Westport Santo Christo, Fall River St. Michael, Swansea Holy Name, Fall River New Bedford: St. Julie Billiart, North Dartmouth Our Lady of Mount Cannel, New Bedford St. John Neumann, East Freetown St. Mary, South Dartmouth Immaculate Conception, New Bedford Taunton: St. Ann, Raynham St. Anthony, Taunton St. Paul, Taunton Holy Family, East Taunton Annunciation of the Lord, Taunton
37,718.00 36,405.00 31,463.00 31,390.00 31,307.00
58,897.00 51,821.00 47,975.00 45,262.00 39,644.00
54,182.50 36,835.00 31,425.00 25,536.00 24,311.00
PARISHES Acushnet St. Francis Xavier: $150-M/M Andre Lemieux-Lemieux Electric; $IOO-M/M Artur Vilacha, M/M Thomas Rayner, M/M Vincent Lefevre, M/M Isaac DeResendes, M/M Ronald Piva, Laurinda Camara. Assonet St. Bernard: $100-Edward & . Vilma Medeiros, Donald Almeida. Attleboro Holy Ghost: $500- Wallace Gordon; $120-Mariano Castro. St. John the Evangelist: $500M/M Kenneth Claflin, Emerald Consulting Partners, M/M John P. Lee, Veronica Maher; $300-M/M Robert Rovzar; $250-M/M Joseph Schwetz; $150-M/M Daniel T.
Blake, M/M Robert Raymond; $1 OO-Annette Brown, Anne Carroll, M/M Robert S. Cassidy, In Memory of Mary Costa, M/M Kevin Deschamps, Apparecida J. Franco, In Memory of Larry Keating, Melissa Quaglia. St. Joseph: $100-Joseph Allocca, M/M Ronald Briand. St. Stephen: . $1 ,OOO-Paul & Sandra Cinq-Mars; $100-Mrs . Michele Desmond, Mrs. Christine Richards. Brewster Our Lady of the Cape: $100M/M William T. Frain, Jr. . Centerville Our Lady of Victory: $200Mrs. Roland Morin; $150-M/M John Driscoll; $100-M/M Robert
3 3/4~o
Charlie's Oil Co., Inc.
Continuedfrom page 11 Leonard Kane; $400-Anonymous; Carlos LoChiatto, Mrs. Francis Medeiros, Mrs. Diamantina Albert & Debbie Cordeiro, Vincent $200-M/M Jose F. Carballo; $160- Murphy, Mary Elizabeth Murray, Machado, M/M Joseph Lawrence, & Margaret Malkoski; $1 75-Dr/M Anonymous; $150-M/M Jorge M/M James Musto, Ellen Redgate, M/M Carlos Gouveia, M/M Manuel Robert Tremblay; $120-Sheila Correia; $lOO-Anonymus, Carol Galen Robbins & Janice Rudenauer, Benevides, M/M Robert Correia, Mrs. Janice Partridge, M/M Wile; $IIO-Robert & Nancy Hart; Bolton, Jane Labbe, M/M Laurent M/M Robert Shaw. Norton America Almeida, John Lema, M/ $1 OO-Jeffrey & Kristen Glavin, Lemieux, M/M Manuel Rapoza, . St. Mary: $250-M/M John J. M Ronald Miranda, M/M Manuel Edward & Patricia Bancroft, David Charles Ricker, M/M Edmund Ribeiro; $200-Mrs. Grace Welch; Moniz, Edmund W. Laurie, M/M & Kendra St. Aubin, M/M Larry Voisine, Sr. St. Lawrence: $1 ,OOO-M/M Ri- $150-M/M Norman Corriveau; Arthur Aguiar, M/M John Camara, Brown, M/M Paul O'Donnell, WilM/M John Darcy. liam Johnston, Claire Murphy, chard Saunders; $350-Edith M. $lOO-Mrs. Elizabeth Berry: .' Pocasset St. Patrick: $100-M/M Allen Theresa Dougall, James Meere, M/ Jennings; $300-George Lavoie; St.·John the Evangelist: $100- Fisher, Mary Pacheco,. Lorraine $275-M1M Thomas Ryan; $21 O-M/ M Albert Costa. M Donald H. Racine; $200-Mrs. M/M Anthony Cerbo, M/M Rich- Judge, In Memory of the Deceased Mashpee Members ofthe St. Patrick's Men's ard F. Patton, Julius A. Ghio. Christ the King: $600-M/M . Irene Lavallee. Provincetown . Club. St. Mary: $125-M/M Richard John Lynch.; $500-M/M Martin St. Thomas More: $500-M/M St. Peter the Apostle: $1,000Henry, M/M Denis Helm, M/M Lally; $1 OO~M/M James F. Collins, Philip Fina, Deacon/M Gregory -Jr., M/M Roger Fredette, M/M An- · St. Vincent de Paul Society; $500- Michael Stubbs; $400-Jo-Ann & Beck;el, M/M Patrick Murray; $350- tonio Pimentel, M/M Shawn Provincetown Trolley, Inc., Jack Melchert; $200-Joan Cuttle; Mrs. Stephen O'Connor; $300-M/ Shelford, M/M Joseph F.A. Yvonne Cabral-Edwards; $325- $150-M/M William Bradbury; M David Chadwick; $250-M/M Jo- LeBlanc, M/M David Beaulieu, M/ John & Ellen Cook; $250-Mary & $IIO-M/M Edward Sullivan; $100seph Mazzucchelli; $150-M/M M Paul J. Costa, M/M Mario R. S. Peter Codinha; $225-M/M Ed- M/M John F. Daley, Jr., MIM Daniel Viriato Pereira, Marie Bates, Dr/M Pacheco, M/M Richard Chevalier, ward LGoshen; $200-M/M Rob- P. McDonald, 'M/M Philip Robert Farrelly; $lOO-M/M James M/M Roland Benjamin, M/M ert Cabral; $lOO-Kim Levesque, Roderick, Jr. South Dartmouth Kaminske, Valerie Falese, Mary Mario J. Melo, Mrs. William M/M John 1. Conlon, Joseph Maroon, Gordon & Beverly Ferreira, St. Mary: $250~M/MJoseph F. Rodrigues, Catherine Lind, M/M Furtado. Barbara M. Austin, Mary Ann Burke, Jr. . North Attleboro Robert Clark, David Netzer, Louise South Easton St. Mark: $l,OOO-Anthony & Costello. Snyder, M/M Joseph O'Donnell, M/ Raynham Holy Cross: $150-M/M Paul M Antonio Brum, M/M John Anne Rando; $500-Paul & Barbara St. Ann: $500-ln Memory of Dinicola, Dr/M Vincent Iacono, M/ Briggs, Sr.; $250-Charles & Loretta Belcher, M/M Michael Burke. Roland; $200-Edward & Marie Pope John Paul II, M/M John M Thomas Madden; $lOO-Mrs. Nantucket. St. Mary/Our Lady ofthe Isle: Lee; $150-Edward & Elaine Donahue; '$300-Dr/M Michael Patricia Brophy, M/M Steven Sullivan; $120-Raymond & Scanlon; $225-Francis Balfe; $210-. Meissner, Dr/M Kevin 1. Murphy. $300-M/M Matthew T. Mulcahy. . South Yarmouth Michelle Pierson; $lOO-Frank & William Vareika; $200-M/M Joseph New Bedford St. Pius Tenth: $150-William Holy Name of the Sacred Linqa Ausiello, James.& Elaine Aliberti; $150-M/M Stephen Hall, Heart ofJesus: $1 ,200-Rev. Clem- Basque, John' & Mildred Connor, Josephine Kapala, M/M John HaI1ley, Louise Lynch; $100-M/M ent E. Dufour; $l,OOO-M/M Rich- June Neely, John & Paulette Lanagan, M/M Thomas Porter; Anthony Colucci, M/M Peter ard T. Saunders; $750-M/MDavid. Splqdaro, John & Susanne Wignall. · $125-M/M Steven Dias, M/M Randall,M/MFrancisConnors,M/ 'St. Mary: $500-M/M John D. NOQle Kiernan; $100-MIM: Frank M William MacKenzie, M/M Nelson; $lOO-M/M John P. Donovan-In Memory of M/M -Casey;· $400-M/M Francis Cabral, M/M Paul Dooley, John Stephen Clifford, M/M Domenic Jeremiah Donovan & M/MJohn Gallagher; $125-James & Diana Huggon, Mrs. Henry Jussaume, M/ Tonucci. Pedro, Michael T. Hughes, Beth Gray; $100-M/M Stanley Prokop, M William Kraihanzel, Gordon Swansea St. Dominic: $250-8t. Vincent Jussaume-In Memory of Agustine Rae-Ann Wallace, M/M John Luciano, MIM John Moran, John Jussailme, M/M Able C. Leite, M/ Lamer, M/M Charles Sedlak, M/M ' Morey, M/M Michael Praino, M/M de Paul Society; $120-M/M Russell . ,. M Pierre C. Seguin, M/M Charles Scott Smjth. Peter Reifschneider, Craig Roque, Peck. - St.Louis de France: $300-Al Xavier, M/M Paul13outhillette: Ruth Smith. .' ~orth Dartmout~. 'I : St. Julie Billiart: $500-Beverly r, Seekonk . Cetola; $100-M/MAlfredG. Souza. Immaculate Conception: A. Arruda; $375-Paul Cabral; $300Our Lady of Mount Carmel: St. Michael: $lOO-St. Vincent $300-Rev. Michael Camara. Our Lady of the Assumption: M/M Thaddeus Karcz; $200-ln $SOO-Hendricks Pools; $500-M/M de Paul Society. $1 OO-Helena Dias, M/M Raimondo . Memory of Thomas McKenna, M! Henry Machado; $300-M/MAlfred Taunton M Michael T. McHenry, M/M An- Morris; $200-M/M Peter Matonis, Tavares: Annunciation of the Lord: Our Lady of Guadalupe: thony Furtado; $150-M/MJames 1. M/M John Pacheco, M/M Robert $500-St. Vincent de Paul Society; $200-Daniel Calnen, Gerald Donnelly, M/M Fernando A. Stefanik; $150-Dr/M John $200-M/M George Sherry; $120Stabell, St. Vincent de Paul Soci- Lemos, M/M Raymond Coderre, DuValley, Dr/M David Quigley; M/M David Lopes; $1 OO-M/M Riety; $125-Ellen S. Vaughan; $100- M/M Ronald R. Carandci, M/M $125-M/M Edward Mota; $120-M/ chard Martin, M/M Leo Conroy, M/ Elizabeth Moran, In Loving Robert Ladino; $125-M/M Donald M Ernesto Rainho; $lOO-M/M M Manuel DaCosta, Cecilia Reams, L. Zekan; $lOO-M/M Charles Mark Goodinson, Glenn Guitari"M/ M!M Kirby Sessums, M/M Joseph Memory ofAlphonse 1. Spoor. Our Lady of,Perpetual Help: Toomey, M/M Kevin Barrett, M/M. M Michael Marulis, M/M David Silveira, M/M Manuel Cabral. $3,000-Conventual Franciscan Fri- Paul Rioux, MIM Albino Santos, Mitchell, M/M Joseph Oliver, M/M Immaculate Conception: ars; $500-M/M Lionel Dubois; Steven R. Vieira, M/M John Nones, Raymond Olivier, M/M Jose' $500-ln Memory of Rev. Thomas $250-M/M Richard Machnowski; In Memory ofAurore Dion, Violette Rodrigues, M/M James Roberts, M/ O'Dea; $200-M/M Paul LeClair; $200-Mrs. Helen Arabasz, Anony- Powell. M Donald Spellman, M/M Donald $1 75-M/M John V. Amaral; $125mous, M/M Mitchell Gacek, North Dighton Sutherland,Maureen Vavolotis, M/ Ms.Susan Rogers; $IOO-Harold Fryderyk Gorczyca, A Friend; St. Joseph: $lOO-Brendan M Joseph Vieira, Christine Callahan, M/M William Chaussee. $150-M/M Robert Cyr, Anony- Lynch. Vinhateiro. St. Anthony: $500-A Friend; mous, M/M Thad Irzyk, M/M EdNorth Easton St. Mary: $lOO-Douglas & $400-Deacon/M Jose H. Medina; Immaculate Conception: Eileen Brown, John Lemos, Jean $300-Anonymous; $250-M/M ward Jarosik, M/M Robert Koczera & Family, Our Lady of Perpetual $250-M/M Lewis Chapman; $200- Kusiak,AngelaRobertson, Michael Stephen Correia, Anonymous; Help Ladies Society; $130-ln M/M John Tuite; $150-Jean Tamburro, Anita Vallett. . $160-Diocesan Diaconate's 6 th Memory of Frank & Rosalie Larkin, Robert 1.. Wooster; $100Somerset Class; $150-M/M Lawrence Jeglinski; $125-Joseph Sobolewski, M/M William Griffiths, Doris . St. John of God: $2,000-ln DePaulo, A Friend; $120Jr.; $1I0-M/M Mitchell Koczera; Downey, M/M James Friesen, M/ · Memory of Deceased Members of Herculano M. ,Costa; $IOO-Rui. $lOO-M/M Tadeusz Blecharczyk, M Edward Welch, Virginia Corte, the Ferreira & Santos Families; Nascimento, M/M Manuel M/M Rodney Cejka, M/M Ronald M/M Norbert Duhamel, M/M $SOO-Judge/M Milton Silva; $500- Narciso, M/M Antonio Souza, M/ Correia, In Memory ofMitchell Fal- Russell Chapman, M/M Robert In Memory of James & Sarah Ven- M Daniel Baptista~ M/M Peter Mrs. Patricia Fal, Stanley Grabiec, Jones. ture; $400-M/M Richard· Torres; Camara, M/M Carlos Carreiro, M/ Mrs: Genevieve & Ms. Nancy North Falmouth $300-Gilbert C. Reis, Ms. Maria M Nemesio Costa, M/M Joseph Kondziolka, Ms. Helen Koss, Mrs. St. Elizabeth Seton: $l,OOO-M/ McCoy, M/M Arthur Carvalho; Freitas, Maria Gomes, M/M John Helen Los, Frank Michalski, M/M MWilliam Duggan, St. Elizabeth $250-M/M Camilo Viveiros, Atty/ Chaves, Maryann Jacinto, M/M Joseph Michalski & Family, M/M Seton Men's Club; $500-Patricia MMatthewQuinn;$200-Ms.Rose DennisD. Reis, MiM Vasco Paul Pabis, Mrs. Walter Palys, M/ Heath, M/M William Kelley, Jr.; Machado, Ms. Maria Chaves; $150- Teixeira. M Alfred Pelczarski,M/M Frank $450-Deacon/M Vincent Coates; Ms. Rosemary Ferreira, M/M James St. Mary: $500-John & Ruth Slowik, M/M Joseph Stoddard, M/ $250-Judge/M Roger Champagne, Pereira; $125-Ms. Linda Fenton; $100-Kenneth Souza, PeM Felix Witkowicz, Ms. Janice M/M Joseph Coughlan, Dr/M LaFlamme; $120-M/M Louis M. ter H. Corr, Joseph & Anne Wojcik, Dr/M John Wolkowicz & Alexander Heard, MIM Florence Ramos; $lOO-M/M Antonio T. Medeiros, Virginia Hoye, Jean Family. Mc.Carthy, M/M Thomas Murphy; Alberto, MIM Jeffrey Hyde, Mrs. Farrell, James & Jane Reid, Michael St. Francis of Assisi: $500-ln $200-M/M Robert Desmond, M/M Sally Almeida, M/M Armeinio S. & Jeanne Gibbons. Memory of Frank Garcia; $300-ln Jo!m Leddy, Richard Nissi; $150- Vasconcellos, M/M Nelson Santos, St. Paul: $150-M/M Thomas Memory of Marty Crovello; $200- M/M Peter Connolly, Robert Fallon, M/M Raymond Perry, M/M Joao Coute; $125-M/M David Plante; In Memory of Raymond Belli, In M/M Edward Marcheselli; $125-M/ ·Jesus, Ms. Mary Martha Murphy, $1 OO-M/M Thomas Boiros, Robert Memory ofDavid Gerrior; $1 OO-M/ M Paul April, Mary 0 'Brien; $100- M/M Russell A. Desmarais, M/M T. Burns, M/M Ralph Cabral, M/M M Steven Beauregard. Elizabeth Craig, M/M William Albert Bernardo, Mrs. Margaret Walter Cahoon, M/M Donald St. Joseph-St. Therese: $1,000- Dalton, Therese Earley, M/M Medeiros, M/M Edward B. Duncan, Mrs. Richard Duquet, Jr.,
Friday, June 10, 2005 · M/M Charles Flynn, Randall Giovanelli, MIM David Goncalves, M/M Joseph Novak, M/M Edmund Teixeira. Wareham St. Patrick: $300-M/M Mariusz Wierzbicki; $lOO-M/M Francis · Vining, Mrs. Fred Ferioli, Barbara Leslie. Wellfleet Our Lady of Lourdes: $100MIM Kenneth U. Marshall, Sandra Stocker. West Harwich Holy Trinity: $425-Mary Jean Birch; $200-M/M Robert W. Murphy; $ I50-Honorable Marilyn Sullivan; $lOO-Hugh & Lynne Drummond, Eileen O'Connell, M/ M Richard Pickett, M/M Edwin Roderick. . Westport Our Lady of Grace: $325-St. Vincent de Paul Society; $lOO-M/ M Bradford Perkins, M/M Raymond Lamer, Huguette Soares. St. George: $300-Anonymous; $IOO-St. George Women's Guild, Deolinda Pacheco, Armand Goyette. . St. John the Baptist: $1,000M/M John Souza; $600-Peter J. Ouellette; $500-M/M John McDonough; $200-Dr/M John P. McGuire, Elizabeth Mercer, Dr/M Curtis J. Mello, M/M Richard Riley; $lOO-Paul B. Thomas, M/M Robert. Gormley, Atty/M Brian Sullivan, Clarence P. Picard, MIM Joao F. Gouveia, M/M Richard Cote, M/M Carlin Lynch, M/M Donald Wilusz. Woods Hole St. Joseph: $200-Emil & Eleanor Tietje; '$IOO-Esther · Browne, Mrs. Fred Metell, MIM Philip Sweeney. BUSINESS & COMMUNITY ATTLEBORO AREA: $l,OOO-St. John the EvangelistSt. Vincent de Paul Society; $200A&A Fuel Co., Inc., East Providence; $1 96-Supply New England. CAPE COD & THE ISLANDS AREA: $l,SOO-Corpus Christi-St. Vincent de Paul Society, East Sandwich; $500-St. John the EvangelistSt. Vincent de Paul Society, Pocasset; $400-C. H. Newton Builders, Inc., Osterville; $250-St. John the Evangelist Women's Guild, . Pocasset. FALL RIVER AREA: $l,lOO-Sawejko Enterprises, Somerset; $500-LeComte's Dairy; Piping Systems, Inc., Assonet; $250-Fall River Municipal Credit Union; $200-St. John of God-St. Vincent de Paul Society, Somerset; $150-Charlmor Furniture; $1 OO-Gil Martins-DBA Ceramic Tile Contractor, Somerset. NEW BEDFORD AREA: $700-Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus-St. Vincent de Paul Society; $300-St. Anthony of Padua-St. Vincent de Paul Society; $200-St. Mary-St. Vincent de Paul Society, Fairhaven; $lOO-St. Joseph-St. Vincent de Paul Society, Fairhaven; New: Bedford Credit Union. TAUNTON AREA: $600-St. Ann's Women ofSpirit, Raynham.
APpointments . Mark's Parish, Attleboro Falls. Father Bernier, a native ,of Tiverton, R.I.; attendeq Blessed Sacrament Parish in Fall River and its school. He graduated from the former Msgr. Prevost High School . and received an associate degree in science (marketing), in 1974 from Bristol Community College, Fall River. He received a bachelor ofscience degree in marketing from Roger Williams University in Bristol. R.I., in 1976. After working for a number of years as a buyer, he entered Pope John XXIII National Seminary in Weston in 1996. Following ordination to the diaconate in January 2000, he was ordained a priest on June 3, 2000 in St. Mary's CatheBISHOP THOMAS J. Tobin, left, shares a light moment with Bishop Robert E. Mulvee dral by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, outside the Cathedral of 55. Peter & Paul in Providence, R.I., on May 31, minutes before his OFM Cap. His first assignment was installation Mass. Bishop Tobin was installed as the eighth bishop of Providence, succeed- to St. Pius X Parish in South路 Yarmouth where he served for four . ing Bishop Mulvee. (CNS photo by E. Lynn Ascoli, Providence Visitor) years until July 2004, when he was named parochial vicar at Holy Name Parish in Fall River. Father Mathias, 41, bominProvidence, R.I., attended the George R. Martin School in Seekonk; graduated from Seekonk High School in By MICHAEL BROWN .the Diocese ofYoungstown, Ohio, Catholics can live out their Chris- 1982, and received a bachelorofsciCATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE for nine years after serving as an tian values. encedegreefromtheMassachusetts "This is the great moral chal- Maritime Academy in 1986. He PROVIDENCE, R.I- Bishop auxiliary bishop in his native lenge of our time and that future studied for the priesthood at St. Thomas J. Tobin promised Rhode Pittsburgh diocese. The Mass at SS. Peter.& Paul generations will judge us on how John's Seminary in Boston, was orIsland Catholics he would "work hard for you" and "do the very, Cathedral in Providence drew an we have respo~ded to the threats dained a deacon in January 1991, best I can" as the eighth bishop estimated 2,000 worshippers, in-. against life," he added. and was ordained a priest on June The bishop also read greetings 29;1991 in St. Mary's Cathedral by ofProvidence during his two-hour eluding Gov. Donald L. Carcieri, first lady Susan Carcieri, Lt. Gov. he received from students at St, ' Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. He has installation Mass May 31. " If~On. occasions like this, we Charles Fogarty, U.S. Sen. Jack Pius V School in Providence. One served as a parochial vi~{u- at Corsometimes say that a bishop takes Reed, Rep. James Langevin, five' student welcomed the bishop to pUs Christi Parish in East Sandwich, possession of a diocese. In truth, mayors, four state supreme court Rhode Island, "home ofthe really St. Mark's Parish in Attleboro Falls I think ifs really the other way justices and a host of other state good lobster." Another wrote, and St. Mary Parish in Norton. He around - a diocese takes posses- and municipal dignitarie.s. The "Welcome to Rhode Island, God has also served as chaplain atB~shop sion of the bishop," said Bishop Providence diocese covers the bless you and rock on!" Feehan High School in Attleboro, Another student, knowing the and at Cape Cod Hospital in Tobin. "Keenly aware of my own entire state of Rhode Island. "I am honored, humbled and bishop's longtime allegiance to Hyannis. weaknesses, limitations and needs, I will also depend on your happy to stand before you today the NFL's Pittsburgh Steelers, Father Landry, 35, has been a cooperation, support and as the new bishop ofPro~idence," wrote about his I own preference parochial vicar at St. Francis Xavier Bishop Tobin said. "I am grateful for the New England Patriots: Parish since July 2, 2003. A native prayers." In one of the final appoint- to God for calling me to this ser- "Dear Bishop Tobin, I heard you of Lowell, he was ordained a priest ments made by the late Pope John vice and for the privilege of be- are a Steelers fan. I am a Pats fan. June 26,1999 in St. Mary's CatheWe are all Pats fans. Too bad for dral by Bishop O'Malley. His sumPaul II, Bishop Tobin was named ing your shepherd." In his homily, the bishop em- you!" to replace Bishop Robert E. mer months' assignment was as a To which the bishop re- parochial vicaratSS. Peter and Paul Mulvee, 75, whose resignation phasized the theme of disciplewas accepted March 31. Bishop ship, describing the characteris- sponded: "Obviously, I have a lot Parish at Holy Cross Church in Fall Tobin, 57, had been the bishop of tics ofgood discipleship and ways of work to do up here." River. In September 1999, he returned to studies at the Pope John Paul II institute of the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome, with Continuedfrom page four residence at the North American Catholic parents have the duty College. On June 28, 2000, he was Catholic lay people now often that faith. and the right to select those means assigned as a parochial vicar at Esreceive as much education as In the history ofCatholic and institutions through which pirito Santo Parish in Fall River, and education, most schools have e1ergy and religious and they're they can provide more suitably for as part-time chaplain at Bishop been started either by e1ergy or both desirous and capable of the Catholic education of the Connolly High School, Fall River. religious. The first Catholic passing on that gift to their children according to local Father Healey, 51, a native of schools were begun by priests . children. There's a growing circumstances" (Canon 793). Attleboro, has been rector of St. movement ofCatholic parents assigned to European cathedrals. Catholic parents on Cape Cod Mary's Cathedral since Feb. 10, Those developed into the first who home school their kids. In have acted on those marching 1999, and has served as secretary of universities. Primary education other places, groups of parents orders in an impressive way. Community Services. Ordained a remained the stuff of tutors for the have gotten together in areas Commenting on their organizapriest June 6, 1987, by Bishop where there is no access to well-to-do until religious orders tional, lobbying and fund-raising Cronin, he has served as a parochial made it their mission to teach not Catholic schools to found efforts, Barnstable Town Council vicar at St. Pius X Parish, South educational institutions where just the catechism but the ''threePresident Gary Brown said, "I've Yarmouth; and in 1993 was aptheir chIldren can receive solid Rs" to the poor and needy. In the pointed chaplain at Cape Cod Hosbeen on the council for years, and Catholic formation in addition to United States ofAmerica, parish pital with residence at St. Francis I've never seen anything like it. schools were founded, largely, to other instruction. Xavier Parish, Hyannis, and later at And the Code of Canon Law, . Everyone is for the Catholic instruct the children of Christ the King Parish in Mashpee. hardworking Catholic immigrants, promulgated by Pope John Paul II school." He established a ministry to SpanIt's a new day for Catholic who themselves had received in 1983, not only supports but ish speaking people on Cape Cod, teens and families on the Cape. little education but wanted their encourages this fullment of the has served on the Marriage PreparaFather Landry is a parochial children to be better off than they. rights and duties of parents: tion Team, as spiritual advisor to DiBecause of the success of "Parents are obliged and enjoy the vicar at St. Francis Xavier vorced and Separated Catholics, and Parish, Hyannis. Catholic education in our country, right to educate their offspring;
Bishop Tobin vows to give his 'very best' as new bishop of Providence
Continuedfrom page one
as advisor to the Support Group for Parents of Lesbian Gay Children. Father Harrington, 64, has been pastorat St.Julie Billiart since 1993. A native of New Bedford, he was ordained a priest on May 20, 1967 in St. Mary's Cathedral by Bishop James L. Connolly. He has been a parochial vicar at Sacred Heart in Taunton, St. Mary's, Norton, and St. Mary's, New Bedford; served as pastor at St. Francis of Assisi in New Bedford and St. Patrick's in Somerset. Other diocesan appointments ineluded teaching at Msgr. Coyle High School in Taunton, moderator for the Taunton Catholic Guild for The Blind as well as the New Bedford District Council ofCatholic Women, the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women; and as chaplain at Wheaton College in Norton and the New Bedford Serra Club. Father Harrison, 62, a native of Fall River, has been pastor at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel since Feb. 3, 1993. Ordained a priest on May 18, 1968, in St. Mary's Cathedral by Bishop Connolly, he has served as a parochial vicar at St. Joseph's and St. Mary's in Taunton, St. Mary's in New Bedford, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Seekonk, St. Julie's in North Dartmouth; and as pastor of St.John Neumann in East Freetown. He has also been director oftheCathedral Camp and the former Our Lady of the Lake Camp, and Taunton Area CYO director; as chaplain of the Catholic Nurses Guild of Taunton and at Bishop Cassidy High School. He has also been assistant chancellor of the diocese and episcopal secretary; director of Youth Ministry; and secretary and vicar for youth. Father Reis, 45, has been pastor ofStJoseph's in Taunton since June 24, 1998. A native ofNew Bedford, he was ordained a priest on May 31, i986 in St. Mary's Cathedral by Bishop Cronin. He has served as a parochial vicar at St. Mary's in South Dartmouth, St. Anthony's in East Falmouth, St. John of God in Somerset, and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Seekonk. He has also ministered as chaplain at Falmouth Hospital while in residence at St. Patrick's in Falmouth. Father Rita, 61,hasbeenthepastor of Holy Trinity since June 24, 2000. A native ofNew Bedford, he was ordained a priest on May 1, 1970 in St. Mary's Cathedral by Bishop Connolly. He has been a parochial vicar at St. Mary's in Mansfield, St. Anthony's in East Falmouth, Holy Name in New Bedford, St. Mary's in South Dartmouth, and St. Mary's in Taunton, He has been pastor at St. Mary's in Seekonk, and Our Lady ofthe Assumption in Osterville. He has'also been director ofSt. Mary's Home in New Bedford and St. Vincent's Home in Fall River. His other diocesan assignments include, assistant director of Catholic Social Services, director ofPro-Life, director of the CYO in Attleboro and on Cape Cod, director of the Catholic Charities Appeal in theAttleboro and Cape Cod regions; and as ajudge in the Diocesan Marriage Tribunal.
Friday, June 10, 2005
Fourth-graders roll up sleeves to help the needy
.MEMBERS OF the Coyle and Cassidy PhysiGS Olympics Team proudly show their winning rocket launcher project and first-place trophy from the 2005 Eastern Massachusetts Physics Olympics Competition held at Dover-Sherborn High School. Kneeling from left: Charles Gerrior.and Ryan Tuck. Standing from left: John Desrosier, Amanda Bernier, Gregory Lucini, Andrew Quinn, Kerrin Vivieros, Brian Correia,·Andrew Jussaurne, Hilary Dulin and Michael Bliss.
KINDERGARTEN AND first-grade students from Our La'dy of Mount Carmel School, New Bedford, recently had a dental health lesson presented . to them by School Nurse Anna Manny.
,/., ".,.
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STUDENTS IN Jay Vaillancourt's science class at Espirito Santo School, Fall River, display awards they received in the 44th annual Region III Science Fair. Front from left: Jaron Rosa, Grade Six, Medallion and Distinguished Certificate of Achievement from United States Navy/Marine Corps. Back row from left: Jennifer Rego, Grade Seven, Second Place; Brandon Raposo, Grade Eight, Honorable Mention; Vanessa Valcorba, Grade Seven, Second Place and $50 award from the Institute of Food Technologists; and Victoria Mello, Grade Six, Honorable Merition. .
ASSONET - Going beyond thinking about what can be done, and actually doing it, the fourth-grade Religious Education class at St. Bernard's Parish recently performed a great service to area poor and needy persons. Members of the class earned monies by working odd jobs to donate to the parish St. Vincent de Paul Soci'ety. The students earned a total of$71, that was presented to Dennis Oliveira, so-
ciety treasurer, when all was said and done. "We in the St. Vincent de Paul Society gratefully accept this gift of selflessness on behalf of the needy," said Oliveira. "St. Bernard's can be proud of the young people of its parish who will, in the not too distant future, reflect the teachings. of Christ in their every day lives by being that light in the world to those caught in darkness."
:THE FOURTH-GRADE Religious Education class at St. Bernard's·Pa~ish, Assonet, recently donated $71 to the parish St. Vincent de Paul Society to help the needy and poor in the area. The money was not solicited. Rather, the students earned the funds by working odd jobs. From left: Erin Moreira, Philip Joncas, Brandon Martin, Nathaniel Keich, Steven Lucini, and Dennis Oliveira, parish St. Vin.cent de Paul Society treasurer. Others involved but not pictured include: Cameron Hunt, Joseph Correira, Nicole Puccini, Meghan Cabeceiras, and Michelle Tappan.
KATE BRANDlEY was recently named the 2005 Guidance Counselor of the. Year by the Catholic School Counseling Association. She has been a part of the Bishop Feehan faculty since 1988. She has been actively involved in conducting campus ministry programs and an annual senior class retreat. Brandley also organizes the Attleboro school's Big Brother/Big Sister program and has coached track and competition majorettes. '
Friday, June 10, 2005
Make a bad choice? Choose again By CHARLIE
.. .', AFTER A year of studying environmental Issues, decomposition, habitat, and invertebrates, Christina Rudd's fourthgrade class at Holy Family-Holy Name School, New Bedford, say goodbye to and released their class worms into the Mary Garden at S1. Lawrence Martyr Church in New Bedford. .
JUST BREATHE Remember your choice. I can hear your voice still. You had your fill of those little reminders. There's only bills and sleeping pills. What if they're right? What if they're right? Note to self: This, this isn't living, This is merely existing. Breathe, c'mon breathe, just breathe. "It'll all be'better soon," You say as you cross the room to pull up the shade. Please don't for my sake. My early morning eyes just can't take the light right now. .' Just can't take the ' life right now. So turn out the,.lights. Just close thehd and seal me in. I'll ~Ieep for days and days on end. So turn off the light. Leave me lie here in this coffin.' I'll breathe only half as often. So turn out the light. This, this isn't living (so turn _, off the light) This is merely existing (so turn off the light) Sung by Brandtson Album: Send Us a Message Copyright (c) 2004 by The Militia Group Most of the songs I review either are suggested by readers or are what I hear as I drive around, and I don't get to hear many indie pop/rock bands on the radio. But recently one of our local rock stations played
Brandtson's "Just Breathe." Their sound and its words interested me. This Cleveland indie group has spent most of the past seven years in the underground rock scene. They did put out six CDs under the renowned independent label Deep Elm. Now they are working with a new label; perhaps that led to the airplay. . In'the song, the character
describes a life that is not what he wants. He says, "This isn't living, this is merely existing." He tries to tell himself that "it'll all be better soon," but this selfta~k dQes not convince~him. He looks at a new day and"says, "Just can't take the light right now, just can't take life right now." Previously, he'd reminded himself to "remember your choice." We are not told what , this choice involved, but it seems to relate to his current depression. If so, he needs to take a different step - needs to choose again! At times our choices may be based in bad judgment and leave
us with undesirable consequences. In rare cases these situations are irreversible. However, even if the harm cannot be undone, we can decide what attitude we will have about what has occurred. God gave you life and truly wanted you to "live," not just "exist." When your life is not what you want, God sends much support and guidance to you. It, is important to realize that the power to change your life for the better always resides in the "now." The past can provide important lessons for living, but the' power to choose dwells in this present moment. Consequently, this day is very important. You have the choice this day whether you will "live" or merely "exist." Perhaps personal suffering has kept you in a continuum of just "existing." Don't judge yourself. Don't focus on how much time has been lost. Instead, make a different choice today. Start small, and build momentum. Tell God what you really want in your life. Ask God to be your senior partner in guiding new choices, learning from past mistakes and rediscovering how to live passionately. Choose again! "Just breathe" in the power of this present moment, which always is filled with God's love and creative power. Your comments are always welcome. Please E-mail: chmartin@swindiana.net.
Enduring lessons of an old movie By KAREN DIETLEIN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
karate students at a local martial-arts school and who use their karate skills to beat up If you asked a group of teenagers in 1984 what their favorite Daniel and other unpopular kids. movie was, chances are you'd Things look pretty bleak for have gotten an enthusiastic vote Daniel until he meets "Mr. for "The Karate Kid." While other movies from 1984 Miyagi," a Japanese karate long since have been consigned to master who doubles as the oblivion, "The Karate Kid" is still maintenance man for Daniel's apartment building. After available for rental, and people witnessing the Cobras' handistill talk about it. I wanted to see work himself, Miyagi promises what it was about the film that to teach Daniel about the art of still had people responding 20 self-defense. years later, so I rented it one Danielleams that the Cobra Saturday evening. Kai way - strike first, inflict In the movie, 16-year-old Daniel Larusso is the new kid in fear, be merciless - isn't the, way of real karate. Real karate, town, a scrawny martial-arts wannabe who manages tq get on ' Miyagi teaches, is about cultivating a serene, even attitude in the wrong side of the local the force of adversity, knowing bunch of bullies. For theifirst that self-defense is not offense, few weeks of school he is ' that there"s more to life than just embarrassed and terrorized by ringleader Johnny Lawrence and winning, and that striking a balance in body and soul is the Cobra Kai gang, who are
crucial. In fact, Miyagi puts balance - physically and mentally - at the center of karate: "Better learn balance," he says. "Bal-
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flge ance is key. Balance good, everything good. Balance bad, better pack up and go home." . .It's true. Without a good sense of physical balance, the intricate turns, kicks and punches in karate would devolve into an ineffectual chicken dance. It's the same thing in life: With a foundation of good choices, people can withstand any buffeting wind
treated badly every day at work sent their way and stand against and school. But even these forces that previously seemed Cobras can't win against too difficult to overcome. someone who sees life like the At the movie's end, Daniel Karate Kid does. and Johnny face off for the Teens today are under a lot of championship title at a karate pressure from peers: anything tournament. Daniel wins with a clear head and a quick, balanced from wearing the right clothes or listening to the right music to kick. The bullies just can't doing drugs and having sex. In a prevail against the balance and confusing miasma like this, it maturity Daniel has learned; can be hard to find a comfortthey just don't understand that able footing to do what's right. "bigger" and "stronger" doesn't Finding balance isn't easy, always secure the win if the but it's worth it. other party has the right attitude Danielleamed it was all about , (and the right help: Daniel told trying to make the right choices, both his mom and Miyagi about learriing from mistakes, trying to 'the bullying). become a better person and Peopie still rent this movie constantly striving to overcome because' of its message about peer pressure. Teens today who . balance. Everybody feels like feel the unrelenting, buffeting Dani'el, sometimes, trying to be honorable in a world filled with , wind of peer pressure can also discover what Daniel Larusso cool-kid Cobras where people found out: that when you can do who rule through pain seem to this, you can do anything. prosper while good people are I
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Diocese of Rome formally opens sainthood cause for Pope John Paul II
10, 2005
May Crownings
the sainthood cause, it said. It invited all Catholics to VATICAN CITY - The Dio- come forward with "any inforcese of Rome formally opened mation that can in some way the sainthood cause of Pope support arguments for or against John Paul II, asking Catholics the reputation for holiness" of around the world to present evi- Pope John Paul. dence "for or against" his repu- . The diocese was also to tation for holiness. gather all the writings attributed : The edict signed by Cardinal to Pope John Paul throughout his, ·Camillo Ruini, p~pal, vicar- DC' life. The edict directed "whoRome, launch~d the informa- e..v·er. is in pos'session 'of osuch tion-gathering stage of the late. :'writings to forward them with pope's cause. In·mid·May, P,ope: •,due care" to officials working .on Benedict XVI waived the r1bt~ the'cause. .mal five-year waiting period'and , \ Of primary interest, it said, said work on the sainthood were unpublished manuscripts, 'cause of his predeces.sor could diaries, letters and other priyate begin immediately. ' -, writings of the late pope: Those Cardinal Ruini.'s announce- who want to keep the originals ment was published May 31 on can send authenticated copies the front page of the Vatican instead, it said. newspaper, L 'Osservatore Even without the normal fiveRomano, and was ordered year waiting period, the work on posted on the doors of Church Pope John Paul's' cause is exoffices in Rome and in Pope pected t6 take several years. In John Paul's native Poland. addition to studying his writings The request for information and inte"rviewing witnesses, the was expected to proplpt an ava- Church officials must confirm lanche of testimonials from that two miracles occurred after Catholics and could also bring his death, as the result of prayers to light unpublished letters and asking for his intercession with other writings of the late pope. God. The edict noted that Pope Information about Pope John Paul's reputation for holi- John Paul's sainthood cause ness "exploded in a remarkable should t>e sent to: Tribunale way at the moment of his death." Diocesano del Vicariato di Now the faithful should commu- Roma, Piazza San Giovanni in nicate directly with the Rome di- Laterano 6, Rome, Italy oces!1n offices to help document 00184.
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AMONG THE many schools across the diocese that held May Crowning ceremonies were, left, St. Margaret's Regional School in Buzzards Bay, and St. Francis Xavier Preparatory School, Hyannis, right, where Lindsay Hayes, Father Roger Landry, and Rebecca Pitcher took part.
Continuedfrom page six
one. As we let our light shine, we emphasized the word "empowerunconsciously give others permis- ment" and challenged all of the sion to do the same. As we are lib- mothers to empower each other in erated from our own fear, our pres- our everyday life and living. ence automatically liberates oth- . Although the eveT!jngcelebraers." tion began as a celebration of new Karen-Mullaley-Sweeney and beginning, it also became a celSusan Marshall, past participants ebration of new hope; a hope that and facilitators, spoke oftheir own the future of the Church depends integration of the MOMS curricu- on all of us. It is also the hope that lum in their lives as women, moth- the light that is within all ofus will ers and fellow travelers. liberate us from our fears; a hope Mercy Sister Shirley Agnew, that says, "I am only one, but I our fearless leader, one of the am one. [ can't do everything, but most affirming people I have ever I can do something. What I can met, showered praise on all for do, I ought to do and by the grace their hard work and commitment of God, I will do it." toMOMS. Msgr. RonaldA. Tosti, Women from S1. Anthony's Parpastor of Christ the King Parish, ish in Mattapoisett and S1. Pius X
Parish in Yarmouth participated in the Christ the King sessions of MOMS with the hope ofgoing back to their own parishes and developing their own MOMS ministry. If you would like to learn more about the MOMS Ministry at Christ the King Parish, contact Sister Shirley Agnew, RSM, at Christ the King Parish office 508-4777700 or MomsI29@comcast.net. We would love to include you in our fall training program, "Developing a MOMS Ministry in Your Parish." Jean Roma is the coordinator of publicity and marketing for the MOMS Miilistry at Christ the King Parish in Mashpee.
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A[fiJ(C!trJ©rra Contact us at TheAnchor@Anchornews.org or call 508-675-7151 for advertising rates. You'll be glad you did! This message sponsored·by the. following business concern. in the Fall River diocese GILBERT C. OLIVEIRA INSURANCE AGENCY
MSGR. RONALD A. Tosti, pastor of Christ the King Parish, Mashpee, and Mercy Sister Shirley Agnew, center, present a rose to Lorraine Malcolm. at the recent MOMS Ministry Celebration of New Beginnings ceremony· at the church.