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The ANCHOR A" AttoAor tif fM ......... ..., I'ft·". 1'1'. PAUlo

Fall River" Mass., l'!hulrsday, June 10, 1965

Vol. 9 No. 23 ©

196(j l'ite Anchor

PRICE lOe: .$4.00 per '1'_

""'- - , _

lIishop Thanks All For Charity Appeal R;s Excellency, the M<mt Reverend James L. ConooItf.

B4~hup of the Diocese,.today. eKpressed his heartfelt thank~ ~

the magnificent respon5e given to this year's Catholic t!harities Appeal. This year, the Appeal reached the sum of Si'12,083.13 which surpassed. aU the wonderful 'successe$ GOuld bave come to me of latoe ~Hn the buoyant report of tb~ et past years. T!te Mos~ Rev­ Cbal'ities appeal of 1965. 1ft ..end Bishop has. expressed· I:banking all who made sure of


<iI j

FIRST GRADUATION AT BISHOP FEEHAN HIGH: Prepabng for the first grad­ uation exercises at the Attleboro Diocesan High School' are, left to right: Ronald Pon-; toIilo; class president; Sr. Malt'T Urban, R.S.M., principal;. and Sandra Goulet.

High Schools of Diocese to Grant New Record 'of' 1223 Dip.lom·as

The 12 high schools of the Diocese win graduate a total of 122?- students thi~ month.' number includes 743 girls and, 480 boys. The largest graduating class will be th~t of Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, with 132 boys 'and 87 girls. Eight high. lItill congratulations and thair1lk1J thi.s splendid testimoni<b1 to m,. ~hools will hold eeremonies Sunday, JUlie 20, three a~ sch~uled for exercises Monday, .. follows: " this splend:d test'monial at the " "There is nothing more heaa-t­ start of my fifteenth year as J~ne 21,and Bi~hop Feeh~n ~ion, Muriel Raiche and Denise uates of Sacred Hearts Academy, ' lMling to() a Bishop . than 'robe' Bishop of the :Qiocese, I feel I HIgh Schoql WIll, hold l'ts. Boule, and highest oonors among Fairhaven, to be held at 2:3. Moored of the devotion of. his gHlteful heart, but' also in 1:ih~ graduation Tuesday, June 22.· Prevost seniors go to Gerard SUnday afternoon, June 20 in the <ite~gY' and faithfuJ.. T,heI:~;. is name of those whO will benefit The graduation will 00 the' Goulet, Normand Dube and Rob· academy c.ha~l. Hi~est ranking ~ihing more comforting, fuaR t6 be witness to ·a generous ron­ 8el'n for one's neighbor in' nee·j. A diocese that is ·united. in' Ch.i-· ~ is a D~e.te particuhr~y bloe9sed, and to serve as· Bishop ,. the Fall River DioceSe, has' been for me 'a wonderful pri.vi. k!~ and special ,grace from GGd. ,,~ all of this lam heartily tfulnkful, and to all who haj • part in this yea,r's Diocesan Char· it~ success, both priests and. (teOple, I am grat~. I must aho saY' a word of spec-ial grati­ tud~ to our many friends Whii, while not one 'in faith, are Ilnd have been sympathetic in '!heir :i«pport of' what we try to d.­ f~ our youth, our 'married folk; @he exceptional child, ,the age-;i ~ft<i chronically m. , . )J~ greater encouragem04!l'lt

f('~ the further expansion" of


You may be sure you haw not ~lone my poor words or appreciation~ but. mor~ par­ ticularly God's special g,racell reserved for those whose gener­ <')Sit,. knows no limits. You ma,. be certain of special remem­ !:K'ances .in all my Masses an« pl'ayers fo()r your weB being, :!I'!d you may also be certain that ouc priests take great pride itt yOW" sympathetic spirit, your' interest in a neighbor in need. and your persevering dev~tion 00 bhe, works of Catholic Oharity. Indeed many hearts will be litght-er and many souls bl'ight« {oi'bIle comforting WOl'd that ttlev are not to be left alone an-ti neglected,.· ~'ned


firilt for the AttlebOro school, et:f; Payette. which opened its doors in 1961. Very-Rev, Daniel McCarthy, Sunda7 Ceremonies SS.CC., proVincial superior of Jesus-Mary Academy an 11 the Sacred Hearts Fathers, will. Prevost High School, both ia diStribute diplomas ... gradFaU River, hold joint cer­ emonies in Notre Dame Churclt at 4 Sunday afternoon, June 20. Rev. Reginald M. Barrette, of St. Roch's Church, Fall River, wilt speak. Highest ranking .Jelilus-Mar:' graduates are Denise


Ecclesiastical Students Collection Sunday, June 1 J.

. MONTREAL (NC)-Paul Emile Cardinal Leger &aid tMt Second Vatican Council "is not trying to 'de-supernatural- ' ize' r('Iigion." Speaking to 500 delegates at the National. Social .Life Conference meeting here, tbe Montreal arch­ bishop said the couneil "is wilt k~ow their home is in the seeking means to present the mystical body of Jesus Christ,;' vital living reality. of the .The Church, 'be said, is eR­ mercy of God in. sueh a way gaged in an often-agonizing ef­ that somehow, SQme day, all mea

The 'lost world of medieTaI art ig familiar territory to Dr. arid Mrs. Philip Lozinski Westport. Both hold doctorates in the history of art and both have specialized in the. medieval period. Dr. Philip Lozinski is on the faculty of. the Fall River branch of SMTI ~llld Dr. Jean Lozinski is at the moment on leave from the byways of medievalism to bring up three 20th century sons, ages four, nine and 12. She took time off from her maternal career, how­ ,


~vei', to() speak recently at the FaU River Art Association's Bel­

mont Street clubhouse on' the

lost art of the medieval stained ~bss window. , . True, stained giass windows 3It"e made today, say the Lozin­ skis, but they lack the intense eolol's of the medieval product. Also lacking is the knowledge oi' how to obtain the loveliness of aygone centuries, One theory ig. that gold and jewels were used in the manufacture of med­ ieval stained glass.. "'We don't try that now," 33.\11 Dr'. Lozinski, smiling. "Too C'lli­

If.!. other respects, howevel') Mrs. Lozinski, stained glass Mi!~M.lfacture ,techniques haw Tura -. Pale 'lwei...

fort to() understand itself better . and to cut away what is super­ fluous, "but only so the world m;ay know her ,for what she is." . Cardinal Leger said Christian­ ity had been in danger of be­ coming an ideological super­ ~tructure "or kind of a· special department where people talked about forgiveness, redemption. the Cross and Resurrection while Tlll'n ~ Page Five

Federal' Aid Law Incl udes Private .School P~pil . The Elementary and Se~ ondar,v Education Act of 1965 is a law that provides federal funds for all children


)i!el1l.si·Ye." Flt\i:.i

(ll'aduate IS ~ale W~ngert. 'Holy FamIly, HIgh Sch~ot, New· B~dford, lists graduatlOll Ileremomes for 7:30 Sundar Turn.to Page Seven

Ca'rdinal Says Council Seeks To Cut Away Superfluous

Of.8pecial Interest to W estp~r~ Doctors Is Lost Art of Medieval-' Stained Glass

Diocesan Young. Ad uIts Elect New Officers Albert R. Pinsonnault 01 S.. Cl'.ed Heart parish, North Attie­ boro, was elected president al the Diocesan Council of Catholi<c Young Adult Organizations at alil organizational meeting in th<l! Kennedy Youth Center, New Bedford. . Approximately 75 C Y A 3 members from Greater New Bedfor~, Fall River and N~rtilR Attleboro attended the regiQ.lu'C Ecmvention, the first held hy the organization. Also elected to Diocesan })O>sts Were Claire Roy of St. Stephen's parish, Attleboro, vice-president; Louise Levesque of the Cat~te­ dnl parish, Fall River, seea-e­ bry;.and Dennis Medeiros ;)J: St. Dlla:ry's parish, New Be;:iii,.>ni, keasurer. Henry Gillet of Fall JtHyell", "",.ew served as general chal:rmal!1l &:r the organizational meeting, 31t1d Jeanne Pelletier of Nttw Bedford were elected. the eOUilil­ '!ril's candidates for general ()i­ 1f~ce3 at the New England CYAO ~vention to be· held til¥.. ~end at the Stratfield M~ , . l'oUra to Paae Tweat,: , .--- '

works of charity.


THE LOZINSKI FAMILY: Dr. and Mrs. Philip Lozin~ ltG, .seated, and standing. Cla'iaop1ler. Matthew.. and laa.

whether they 'be in public or private schools, These funds are being chan­ nellecl to' the child through II public agency. Thus only the child receives services, not the private school. The law proyide3 that the U. S. Commissioner of Education approve the plan sub­ mit~ed by each State and for· mulated by the State on the basis of applications from local educational agencies, Sllbjeets to be aided aPe 1iIae


Tunl to Pase :row . ",'"



flU: ANCHOR"":'Oiocese of Fan River-Thurs. June 10, 1'10'

Asserts Moment Of Truth Here On Race Issue

Proper or Mass for Trinity Sunday


WTROIT: Tob. 12, 6 Blessed be the Holy Trinity ndivided Unity: we will give glory to him, because he has shown his mercy to us. Ps. 8, 2 0 Lord, our Lord, how glorious is your name over all the earth! V. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Blessed be the Holy Trinity and undivided Unity: we will give glory to him, because he has shown his mercy to us.

BATON ROUGE (NC) ­ Bishop Robert E. Tracy baa told Catholics of the BatOll Rouge diocese here in Louie­

GRADUAL: Dan. 3, 55-56 Blessed are you, 0 Lord, who look into the depths from your throne upon the cher­ ubin. V. Blessed are you, 0 Lord, in the firmament of heaven, and praiseworthy forever. Alleluia, alleluia. V. Ibed., . 52 Blessed are you, 0 Lord, the God of our fathers, and praiseworthy forever. Alleluia. OFFERTORY Tob. 12, 6 Blessed be God the Father, and the only-begotten Son of God, and also the Holy Spirit: .becaUl~e he has shown his mercy to us. COMMUNION Tob. 12,6 We bless the God of heaven, and before all living we will praise him; because he has shown his mercy to us.

Concelebration for Fr. Parent A Pontifical Con-celebrated Requiem Mass was celebrated Monday morning at Assumption College for the repose of the sow of Rev. Marcellin Parent, an Assumptionist Priest and one time resident of St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford. The principal celebrant of the

Son Celebrates Father's Mass Rev. Lucien Jusseaume, assist­ ant at Sacred Heart Church, New Bedford was the eelebrant of • Solemn High Mass of Requiem Wednesday morning at 10 Cl'clock in the Blessed Sacrament Church, Fall River, for the re­ pose of the soul of his late father, Octave Jusseawne who died Sunday. Assisting Father Jusseaume were Rev. Andre Jusseaume, as­ sistant at st. Jacques Church, Taunton, a nephew of Mr. Jus­ lIeaump. as deacon, and Rev. Roland Boule as subdeacon. Assisting at the Mass was Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.D.. V.G., Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese. Chaplains to the Bishop were Rev. Arthur G. Dupuis and Rev. Henry R. Canuel. In addition to his priest son, he is survived by his widow, Mrs. Clarince Gregoire Jus­ seaume, and another son, Leo of Lahore, Pakistan; three daugh­ ters, Sister Claire of the Blessed Sacrament of the Sisters of St. Joseph, principal of the Blessed Sacrament School, Fall River; Mother st. Lucie of the Religious of Jesus and Mary, Woonsocket, and Mrs. Anita Stebenne of Fall River. Mr. Jusseaume was the found­ er and treasurer of the parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference and served as parish &eXton for over 20 years.

FORTY HOURS DEVOTION June 13-5S. Peter and Paul, Fall River. La Salette Shrine, Attleboro. St. Mary, Mansfield. St. Ehzabeth, Fall River. Our Lady of Purgatory, New Bedford. June 2G-C 0 r II u I Christi, Sandwich. St. Mary, Norton. IIIE AMCHOI secCllld Class Postage Paid at Fall River.! Mass. Published every Thursday at 41u Highland Avenue Fan River Mass. OJ tile Catholic Press.OI lbe Diocese of Fal! River. Su/l<""~tlae

' " YIIf.

price ... _II, tIlItpllll .....

Funeral Mass was Most Rev. Bernard J. Flanagan, Bishop of Worcester, who was joined by some fourteen other priests, among whom was the Rt. Rev. Alfred J. Gendreau, pastor of the Blessed Sacrament Church, Fall River. Father Parent, the son of the late Michel and Georgiana (Cote) Parent, was born in New Bedford and resided in st. An­ thony of Padua Parish. Following graduation fro m Assumption College he studied theology in Louvain, Belgium, attended the Novitiate of the Assumptionist Fathers, also in Belgium, and was ordained there in 1929. Most of his priestly ea­ reer was "pent as a teacher at Assumption College and Pre­ paratory SchooL At the time of his death Father Parent was the oldest American­ born Assumptlonist Father. He is survived by a brother, Louis Parent, 123 Deane Street, New Bedford. A first cousin ia Rt. Rev. Alfred J. Gendreau, pastor of Blessed Sacrament Parish, Fall River.

MIISS Ordo FRIDAY - Ember Friday after Pentecost. I Class. Red. Mass Proper; G lor i a; Sequence; Creed; Preface; etc. of Pente­ cost. SATURDAY - Ember Saturday after Pentecost. I Class. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; Se­ quence; Creed; Preface; etc. of Pentecost. The Celebrant may omit the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th lessons with their versicles and prayers appointed for this day. The first lesson and the Epistle, however, must be said. SUNDAY-The Most Holy Trin­ ity. I Class. White. Mass Prop­ er; Gloria; Creed; Preface of Trinity. MONDAY-St. Basil, Bishop, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church. I Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Common Preface. TUESDAY - Mass of pr~vioUB Sunday. IV Class. Green. Mass Proper; No Gloria or Creed; 2nd CoIl. SS. Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia. Martyrs; Common Preface. OR SS. Vitus, Modestus and Cres­ centia, Martyrs. Red. Gloria; no Creed; Common Preface. WEDNESDAY-Mass of previous Sunday. IV Class. Green. Mass Proper; No Gloria or Creed; Common Preface. THURSDAY-Corpus Christi. I

Class. White. Mass Proper;

G lor: a; Sequence; Creed;

Common Preface In the Mass

which is followed by the Pr0­ cession. the Last Blessing and the Last Gospel are omitted.

TO SERVE LONG ISLAND DIOCESE: Rev. Michael P. Ri5010, nephew of Stanley Stachura, 627 Freelove St., Fall River, and grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jehu Stachura, is congratulated by his Or~inary, Bishop Walter P. Keilenberg of Rockville Center.

As Good as Any Chicago Archdiocesan Official Emphasizes

Parochial Schools Meet Academic Test

CHICAGO (NC) - The charge that parochiiU schools are aca­ demically inferior does not stand up under examination, says the assistant school superintendent for the Archdiocese of Chicago. "Catholic s c h 0 0 I graduates have been shown in many tests to be significantly superior and

Necrology JUNE 18 Rev. .Tames M. Coffey, P.R., 1935, Pastor, St. Mary, Taunton. JUNE 19 Rev. Hormisdas Deslauriers, ~916, Founder, St. Anthony, New Bedford. JUNE 20

Rt. Rev .Tames .T. Coyle, P.R.. LL.D., 1931, Pastor. St. Mary, Taunton. JUNE !l

Rev. Desiree V. Delemarre, 1926, Pastor, Blessed Sacrament, )'all River. Rev. Francis D. Callahan, 1948, Pastor, St. Patrick, Ware­ ham.

there is no research evidenee that the school's higher claa size has impeded pupil achieve­ ment," Father William Goedert has declared. He told the Loyola University Alumni Club that there also ilII no substance to the claim tha·t Catholic schools are "divisive." "Accusations that the Catholic schools support subversion are made by those who are patho­ l<>gically against us and see pub­ lic schools as the keystone of democracy," the archdiocesan official asserted. "Nation after nation has at­ tempted to fashion schools into tools of glorification of the state. Parochial schools in this country should serve as a check tothil kind of statism," he held.

iana the "moment of truth" h. arrived on the issue of racial charity. . In a letter read In all churchel the Bishop said: ''Let us noW' prepare ourselves, prayerfullJr. for the fact that within the near future no Catholic door will aD!" longer be closed to any CathoUe person." The prelate noted that nv. years ago Catholic schools here began to desegregate. In most eases, the process was carried out jointly with public schoo~ he noted. Bishop Tracy said this mat­ ching process will continue Ja most cases, but he added: "There will be other cases in which we will simply have to move ahead of them, as we judge best." The' Bishop said that for tJnf past three years, desegregatio. has advanced cautiously and quietly in the diocese to allow time "for whatever emotioDIIII adjustment was needed." "Now," he said, "et us all pre­ pare to face faithfully and cou­ rageously, our dear Christi_ duty. We should be prepared .. accept the fact that the Churcll must vindicate her a vow e • teaching by praetical decislo. and these decisions will· be aD­ nounced now in 1be immediate future."

Relic in Ceremony u..

PARIS (NC)-A Je1ic of Crown of Thorns, preserverd Ia

Notre Dame cathedral here, WM returned in an annual cerem0JJ7 for a few hours to the Sainte Chapelle, the nearby shrine which King St. Louis IX built for it 700 year!l ago.


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See Luth~ran,

Catholic Ties

Hopeful Signs


Program Means New Growth For Schools

DAYTON (NC) - Two Lutheran Church in America

leaders said here there are

RUTLAND (NC) - The superintendent of schools of the Burlington, Vt., diocese said here that the new fed·

hopeful signs of growth of mutual respect and understand­ ing between Lutherans and E:atholics. Interviewed at the LeA's Ohio Synod Convention here, Dr. O. V. Anderson, Milwaukee, of the church's executive council, and ·Dr. Herbert W. Veler, Columbus, synod president, agreed ~here are new opportunities for Lu­ theran-Catholic cooperation. Dr. Anderson said the field of Biblical scholarship, the area of social concern and the liturgica~ movement provide "common ground" for fruitful interfaitc cooperation. Dr. Veler said the current ex­ amination of basic doctrines of the two churches by a select group of Lutheran and Catholic theologians is not premature. His observation was made in llesponse to a question on advis­ ability of deferring doctrina[ talks until Lutheran-Catholic eordiality and cooperation in other fields were firmly estab­ lished. "These things go together," he said. "Love and understanding 8l'e inseparable." Dr. Anderson, president of the oentral conference of the Augus­ tana Lutheran Church until that body merged with three other.; flo form the LeA in 1962, said fttat Biblical scholarship pro­ vides "a great field of common interest for Roman Catholic and Lutheran specialists." It· is pos­ sible to pursue this interest to­ gether because "the spirit of love is growing among us-it is ·the atmosphere in which we live." Dr. Anderson acknowledged doctrinal difficulties and differ­ ences. He said the Catholic eburch's definition of the doc· trines of the Immaculate Con­ ception, papal infallibility and the Assumption, all within little more than a century, complicate agreement. He also indicated the concept of the nature of the Church varies among Christians. "But there are areas of com­ mon agreement," he observed. "For one thing, we are tied to­ gether in the doctrine of bap­ tism."

Advise Filing Claims For 55 Benefits Residents 65 or over who have not yet applied for social secur­ ity benefits were advised today to file a claim now even if they are not planning to retire right away. \ In issuing the above advice, Lawrence M. O'Connell, social security district manager in Fall River, pointed out that several local people who applied last year found that they had lost some benefits by not applying earlier. "We have found," said Mr. O'Connell, "that the best way for a person to protect his social security benefit rights is to ap­ ply at 65 whether or not he in­ tends to go on working. Even if no benefits are payable right away, there's an advantage i.n_ having your claim already ap­ proved when you actually retire. With entitlement already estab­ lished, the benefits can be stad­ ed immediately when we are notified of the retirement date."

Need Vocations


MONTEVIDEO (NC) - The most pressing spiritual need m Uruguay at the present time is priestly vocations, said the bishops of Uruguay in a pastoral letter. They said their country does not have enough priests to eM'e for the elementary spiritual _ _ of Cathollct ...


Thurs., June 10, 1965

BISHOP REGAN'S NEW HOSPITAL: Christ the King Hospital in Tagum, Davum, Philippine Islands, has been recently dedicated by Fairhaven's Bishop Joseph W. Regan, M.M. In a letter to Monsignor Considine, Diocesan Director of the Propagation of the Faith, Bishop Regan stated that the contributions he received from Churches in the Diocese on Mission Cooperative Sunday, the Bishop Regan Club of Greater New Bedford and generous responses from throughout th e Diocese following a feature article on the new hospital in the March 18th issue of The Anchor made this project a reality.

Program Brings Wings to Mission Land Interfaith Effort Purchases Mercy Plane ST. LOUIS (NC) - A shiny six-fllace red and white Cessna 206 SkywagLn took off from Lambert-St.. Louis field bearing on" its tail a dove, an ancient symbol of peace, and the letters UMATT, a brand new symbol of brotherhood. UlVlATT stands for United Mis­ ~ionary Air '1'rainin& and Trans­ port, a newly latlnched venture aimed at putting the miracle of flig~t to work in the service of humanity in far-flung mission territories. Piloted by Max Conrad, 63-­ year-old "flying grandfather" and holder :If th~ world's long distance fligiJt rerord, the Cessna left here (May 25) on the first lap of a 9,OOC-miles flight to Nai­ robi, Kenya. There'it will b? the backbone of the first regularly scheduled air line service in the vast Northern Frontier District which includes some 200,000 famine stricken nomads living in the Turkhana District region north­ west of Nair~bi. The plane wir carry food and medicine, doctors, nurses, agri­ cultural advisors, relief program directors and other~ on their ap­ pointed rounds in the region. It would provide air service for persons of all faiths working to help the Africans. Lead~rs at Departure The UMATT program-a co­ operative effort of the pries~

and Brothers of the Society of Mary, the !St. Patrick"s Mission­ ary Society and the Medical Missi.onaries of M3ry - will be directed in the U. S. by Brothel' Thomas Dwyer, S.M., with head­ quarters at the University of Daytun. A: the Nairobi end, the pro­ gram will be headed by Brother lVIicnael Stimac, S.M., a veteran pilo~ and former teacher in Cleveland, who will serve as UMATT's fuPtim:> pilot and ad­ ministrator in Kenya. C,'tholic, Protestant and Jew­ ish leaders were on hand at the

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Oblate Retreat Friends and relatives of Ob­ lates of St. Benedict are invited to attend the group's annual re­ treat, to begin at 6:15 tomorrow at Portsmouth Priory and to end at 2:15 Sunday afternoon. Res­ ervations may be made with the Priory or with Mrs. Frank S. Moriarty, Fall River.


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St. LOllis i1irport for the plane's departure, :r:epresenting the in­ terfaith effort that led to its pur­ chase Wen ovet' half of the $30,000 to buy the Cessna came from non-Catholic sources.

eral aid to education act marks "the dawn of a new era of growth and expansion of Catho­ lic school systems." Msgr. John A. Lynch said the new program will enable Cath­ olic schools to increase their ser­ vice to "the civil community as 'wen as the Catholic community." Msgr. Lynch expressed his views after attending a New En­ gland regional meeting on the Mechanics of the new legislation held in Boston for public and nonpublic education officials and conducted by members of the U.S. Office of Education. "This is no day," he commen. ted, "to back away from full support of complete Catholic schooling, since new opportuni­ bes for providing Catholic stu­ dents with quality supplemen­ tary programs are being devel­ oped." Cooperating Partners The monsignor' said the signif­ icance of the school aid act for Catholic schools is that "they need not consider themselves re­ quired to duplicate all aspects of a public education program." "This new act requires that they become cooperating part. ners in providing the best pos. sible education for all students in a district," he said. He said the aid legislation "requires that any plans made "by a district for an improvement program will have to include the parochial schools affected be. fore any federal money is made available." "The bill is intentionally vague in this area, leaving it up to local school officials to come up with imaginative and effective programs adapted to the local situation," he added.

Fan River K of C Third degree Knights of Co­ lumbus of the Fall River Council will be inducted jointly with candidates of St. John's Council, Attleboro, Sunday, June 13 in Attleboro, The Fall River unit will :'lold an election from 5 to 8 Monday night, June 14 in its council home. ~ 1""'IIIIIo.~.I'-""'-1.


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Commends Philadelphia Youths For Heroism in Earthquake

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 10, 1965

Explains Purpose and Spirit Of Our Lady's Sodality

PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Five Philadelphia youths were com­ mended by Archbishop Luis Chavez y Gonzales of San Sal­ vador for their volunteer work :following the May S earthquake which devastated the capital of El Salvador area. The five are Bernie McFadden, Bill Bums, John Gorney and Joe Moore, all 18, who joined Red Cross volunteer teams in

By Joseph T. McGloin, S.J. You have to Ifke someone a lot before they're able to touch you in any important way-to make you mad, or sad, or glad. And I suppose it's for this reason that those of us whose attention has been caught by teen-agers can sometimes get pretty fed up Teen-agers, too, r,;:;ve made with them. It's not that you their own mistakes about the teen types are anything but Sodality. "It's just for girls," the generally lovable as a class, boys will say, with that air of but sometimes we pay too much attention to those of you who are making your­ selves very un­ lovable indeed. And then, with George Bernard Shaw (I think), we have to ob,· serve that "It's too bad youth has to be wasted on the young." Anyone hat e s to see valuable i t ems wasted, and youth-with its great poten­ tial talent-is valuable indeed. No onE" is particularly dis­ turbed by seeing an old worn­ out adult sitting around occa­ sionally looking off into eternity, but it does get to you when you see a teen-ager too wound out to do anything but stare into space. Father D_iel Lord Now this urgent occupation with nothing of importance isn't all the teen-ager's fault by any means. On a recp.nt visit to one of our most prominent citi~s, I was told by a ~ather that he was moving somewhere else "because there simply is no challenge here for the children." He had a profound point-the face that young people, thank heaven, simpiy dc- not operate when only mediocrity is set up as a goal. It takes a challenge, and a pretty enormous one at that, to bring out the best in a teen-ager, and the parent or teacher who doesn't realize this will get nowhere with the kids. We had a great apostle of this "challenge the teen-ager" idea in the lat~ Father Dan Lord, who was not only convinced of its necessity, but proved it over and over again every day. Where others, proposing mediocre proj­ ects with an occasional spurt of .fervor to teens, got nothing from them, Father Lord offered them nothing but challenges and got tremendous results. He never made the mistake, for instance, of "talking down" to them as though they were infants, though he realized that their maturity was still increasing and not yet perfect. Dedicated to Teen-agers Father Lord dedicated himself to teen-agers mort'! than to any other grc up. He wrote for them, spoke to them, gave retreats, di­ rected them in massive plays and pageants, and, above all, scught to imbue them with the spirit, at least, of an organization called ''The Sodality c! Our Lady." Now the Sodality has been the subject of a lot of misjudgment through the years, on the part of just about anyone who has known little or nothing about it. Many adults, who should know better, have failed to look into it, because they thought it just &nother organization, and even some priest!. and religious, who should have known a lot better, have neglected it, not realizing its tremendous power for good.

Education Parley WASHINGTON (NC) A White House Conference on Ed­ ucation will be held Wednesday, .July 21 with about 500 taking part.

infallibility which cernes only with guessing. (Not one gid was even allowed in the SOQ2lity for some hundreds of yea~s of its existence.) "It's a cic-fozrl or­ ganization," others w;:l say scornfully, not botherir.g to no­ tice that whatever "dc-gccclism" it includes comes fron: fte depth of charity and not fro~ 2~y sen­ timental twist to the "brother­ hood of man and fatherhood of God" bit. Way of Life But this column isr.'t any di­ rect plug f{)r the Sodality itself, but rather for its purpose and spirit. Because the Sodality is not only a club or organization (though it is the latter also) but rather a way of life, an outline of spirituality designed to make everything one does valuable, to make sure that nothing is wasted but everyt.hing is used. All too often, Catholics seem to imagine that their religion consists in periodical observ­ ances, like going to Mass or to Confession. But the truth is that their life is really just this-a life, where one lives in Christ and lives every moment of his day, using everything God has given him, for Christ and for his eternal goal. The Sodality, you might say, shows you how to live your Morning Offering instead of just saying it. It brings home t.o you the fact that nothing counts, as any mature person knows, ex­ cept getting to God, and there­ fore coming to know, love and serve Him right here and now. No pleasure, no wealth, no health, nothing can count except insofar as it leads to Him, now and later. Worthy Spirit And the Sodality way of life tells you to work away at this, not just in your monthly corpor­ ate Communion, but always, in every action. The Sodality has some social affairs, too, but where some other organizations will offer such social blasts just in the interest of good, clean fun (a very good motive, admitted­ ly, but not good enough), the Sodality directs you to sanctify the dance or game or party by doing it for God, as a step on the road to God. Teen-agers, of all people, have the best possible crack at great­ ness, at sanctity. The Sodality tr:es to direct all one's actions to that end. But this is the only spirit worthy of any teen-So­ dality member or not. So don't waste your youth on tri£e5: Use it.

Consecrate Auxi~iary In Erie on June 29 ERIE (NC)-Bishop-designate Alfred M. Watson, appointed to be Titular Bishop of Nationa and Auxiliary to Archbishop John Mark Gannon of Erie, will be consecrated in St. Peter's cathe­ dral here in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, June 29. The consecrator will be Arch­ bishop John J. Krol of Philadel­ phia. Co-consecrators, both classmates at St. Mary's Semin­ ary, Baltimore, will be Auxiliary Bishop John S. Spence of Wash­ ington and Auxiliary Bishop .Joseph F. Donnelly of Hartford. The preacher will be the Msgr. Patrick J. O'Connor of Atlanta.

Japan Shrine TSUWANO (NC) - Twenty descendants of 17th een!j;'ary Japanese martyrs partic:~ted in the annual May pilgrim2ge to the Otome-toge Shrine tc Our ::"ady here and received Rely Communion with 400 others iZ'cm Bishop Dominicus Yosi:timatsu Noguchi of Hiroshima.

TO SPEAK: Yery Rev. Michael P. Walsh, S.J., since 1958 president of Boston College will address the an­ nual communion breakfast of Sacred Heart Parish Men's Club, Fall River, to follow 8:15 Mass Sunday morning, June 13.

removing the dead and a~djng the wounded in the San Salva­ dor area; and Charles Dominkk, IS, who helped evacuate the homeless after the suburb M Apilo was comilletely destroyed and engulfed by the watenl of Lake nopango. The five also donated blood. fo::" the injured. The quake took a toll of 125 lives. The five are members of • Jay missionary program organ­ lized by Brother Azarias, F.S.iCoo c:f West Catholic High Schcol here. The Christian Brother was notified of the heroism of the Lve by the archbishop. ::Brother Azarias started the mission program four years 2g0, sending graduates of local Cath­ o~ic l1igh schools to Guatemala 2nli EI Salvador.




Federal Aid law Continued from Page One children of !ow income families -those with incomes of less than $2,000 per year or those on 'aid to dependent children.' Funds are for programs de­ vised by public and private school administrators which at­ tribute to meeting the special educational needs of education­ ally deprived children. Such programs, in which private school children may participate, include preschool programs, college coaching classes, sum­ mer vacation programs, shop and libr~ry facilities available ;,fter regular school hours, inservice training for teachers, supple­ mentary instructional materials, classes for talented, handicap­ ped, disturQ.ed and emotionally maladjusted children, language and science laboratories, cultu­ ral programs, etc. The law provides that supple­ mentary library resources, text­ books and other printed and published instructional materi­ als to be loaned to private school students and ~eachers. Under the law the local com­ munity may set up supplemen­ tary educational centers and services in which children in private schools may participate. The law provides for grants to be made to universities, col­ leg€ s , public and private non­ profit agencies, institutions, or­ ganizations and to individuals for research, surveys ano. aem­ onstrations in the field of educa­ tion. excluding, of course, t::,,;;;~n­ ing relating to sectarian instruc­ tion.

"The ..In atlll com..," Father Abraham Vel· uparampH writes from southern India. "Here In Kee2hvanmlzhy," he adds In tones of grave concern, "It rains continuously from early May through July." His anxiety Is due to his knowl· edge of the devastation caused by the flash floods which accompany. the monsoon seasons. TORRENTIAL He Is aware of the Imminent peril to his small RAINS chapel located on a tiny plot of land along the THREATEN swollen ,Iver bank. He Is mindful of the real CHAPEL. • • danger to his 200 peasant parishioners who ENDANGER want to attend Mass, receive the sacraments. PARISHIONERS father Abraham, a vigorous young priest of 32, must build Ii new church, a safe distance from the low·land area. Land Is scarce In Keezhvan· mlzhy. In Kerala State (where It Is located) 18 million people live In an inhabitable area of 10,000 square miles. This determined priest has located an acceptable parcel, which he must purchase Immediately or risk losing. Because the poor parishioners (an entire family, Includ­ ing the children who must work when not in school, earn less than $15 a month) will help with the construction, a small church can be built for only $3.500. Build the church in memory of your loved ones, and In honor of your favorite saint. Give at least whatever you can ($100, $75. $50, $25. $10, $5. $2, $1) In thanks for all God has given you. No sacrifice is too larse, no aacrifice too small. •

NO ••• That's whet many people write when they STRINGS ATTACHED

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FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN. President MSGR. JOSEPH T. RYAN. National SecretalY Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue-New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840






l.. L. Marshall & Sons, ][ne.




$50 Attleboro Lions Club Mr. & Mrs. William Flynn Morin's Diners, Inc. $35 Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Flynn


$100 lLGWU, Local No. 361 $50 Dr.· George W. Starbuck Paragon Travel Agency $30 Cox's Candy $!5 New Bedford Typographical VRion No. 276 Guy's Pharmacy $15 Local No. 113, UAW, AFL­ CIO, Catherine Teeney

Superflous Out Continued from Page One Ute and the world waited ()ut­ aide." "Against this view, there is !l growing awarenes.-i that faith is Rot merely this optional super­ structure which is superimposed on human lind secular relation­ ships and institutions, but some­ thing which ought to touch and vivifyevery aspect of life seveo. days a week," he said. The structure of the Churcb, no matter how fluid and chang­ ing, must be maintained, he said. "The Church is the means by which Christ, absent from the universal ~uman community, eontinues to abide with men," he declared. Authority Cardinal Leger said the notion ef authority is remote from con­ temporary thinking and the dif­ ficulty increased "because au­ thority has been claimed and used in spheres beyond which it eouid legitimately be expected to be obeyed." "At the moment the Catholic eommunity is moving into !l period when it will regulate ita affairs much more by discussion than it did in the past, when af­ fairs tended to be regulated by orders from above with little ez:­ planation for their grounds," he said. But if the laity are to take Cheir part in discussion, then the blShop has a right to expect rather more from you than criti­ cism of the local parish priest'li sermon," the cardinal added.


P. Gettings, M.D.


Mrs. Henry Degnan

T. Arthur McCann $15 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Larrivee ST. ANNE


Andre Giroux



Jim Roger's Cigar Store



Mrs. Malcolm Ratte


Mrs. Antone Silva



MI". &: Mrs. Donald Monroe



Mrs. Leland B. Smith


Ml'. &: Mrs. William Miller

$15 The Asher Family MI'. &: Mrs. Thomas O'Donnell FAIRHAVEN

DIOCESAN CYAO OFFICERS: Elected to serve during the cJming year are, left to right: Dennis G. Medeiros of New Pedford, treasurer; Louise E. Levesque of Fall River, secret"ry; Claire J. Roy of Seekonk, vice-president; Albert R. Pmsonnault of No. Attleboro, president.

New Catholic University


$15 MI'. &: Mrs. Raymond Archam­ bault Mr. &: Mrs. John Losert MI'. &: Mrs. Paul Matheson

Legionnaires of Christ Sponsor Project

For Latin American Students

MEXICO CITY (NC)-A $Hl million Catholic university city ! for 10.000 students from all paris HYANNIS of Latin America is being built on the outskirts of Mexico City. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER The project is being sponsored $25 by the congregation of the Le­ Mitch.ell Motors gionnaries of Christ, founded a Grossman's of Cape Cod decade and a half· ago by Father Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Rat'­ Marcial Maciel. rington $20 The new school's 29 buildings, Margaret Dolan wbieh will rival Mexico's sec­ $15 ular university city, will oceupy Mr. &: Mrs. Daniel Sullivaa a site of about 75 acres. Their Ml'. &: Mrs. John P ..Rimas arehitect, Enrique Cervantes, Cf1rl'eiro Florist said the project has been given the approval and moral support NORTH DIGHTON of the Mexican government. "Work began in May, 1964, and ST. JOSEPH has been proceeding at a satis­ $2C! Ml'. &: Mrs. Russell L. Mcl)ep.. factory rate," Father Maciel re­ ported. "If all goes well, we mott should be ready for students be­ $15 fore the end of this year." BI.... &: Mrs. Wm. Verdinlia Scholarship Students "We will try to accept as many NORTON studen,ts as possible, with the 10,000 figure expanded to an as ST. MARY

yet undetermined total," he ad­ $15

ded. "But we will have no over­ Mt'. &: Mrs. Edgar Pelletier

crowding." RAYNHAM




MI'. &: Mrs. Maurice A. Gamache





for Bristol County



$25 Bass River Liquor Store IDe. WESTPORT ST. GEORGE



8; Mrs. Leonard Langl.

Financing for the university city's construction has been sub­ scrvbed by a group of business­ men and other private donors, Father Maciel said.

St. Francis



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Conduded by Franciscan

Missionaries of Mary



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The priest said tuition fees are now being studied but that the university will accept quali­ fied students who lack funds. "These scholarship students will come to us from all parts of Latin America. I am hopeful that their governments will con­ tribute scholarship funds," he said. "The balance will come from private donations."

JERUSALEM (NC )-A small group of Christian pilgrims marked the feast of Pentecost here in the room where tradition says the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples of Christ nearly 2,000 years ago. The Christians journeyed on foot to the Cenacle with Father Linus Cappiello, O_F_M_, superior of the Franciscans who care for the shrines of the Holy Land. Scripture passages were chanted in Latin and Arabic and the in­ dulgenced prayer,: were said. Most of the existing CenacIe building dates from the 14th century, or shortly after the Franciscans were given cilstody of the Holy Land shrines. Be­ cause the building in linked with the Jewish and Moslem religions as well, the Franciscans were re­ lieved of the building in the 16th century. The Cenac1e is now under the protection of the Israeli govern­ ment which allows religious ser­ vices there only with special permission. ,The "upper room" where the first disciples were praying at the time of Pentecost measures about 45 by 60 feet. Three mas­ sive columns in the room support a vaulted ceiling. On the floor below is the chapel of the tomb of David.



Mt'. &; Mrs. George Monte


Hold Pentecost Rites in Cenacle



$600 Fall River Gas Company $300 First Federal Savings & Loan Faa River Five Cent Savings $175 Robert A. Wilcox $150 New England Poultry Com­ pany $100 H. P. Hood & Sons, Inc. $60 Additional donations - Cath,­ elic Memorial Home Residents $55 Mitchell Company Heating $50 Durfee Buffinton Insurance Agency, Inc. Fall River Emblem Club Fall River Glass Co. $25 Ralph Keyes Lewis S. Gray Sons' Company 3. Fred Beckett & Son Dr. Arthur K. Smith Mrs. Kathryn J. Murphy $20 lames L. Cummings $15 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dwyer, Redwood Manor, Inc., Tom Elli­ son, Inc., Dr. Samuel Brown, Cropper Florist.

THE ANCHO~Thurs., June 10, 1965

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. June

(4'We 'Have Our Priests"


10, 196'

)llle ' Jf ay W Unify ,


_ A Boston dowa.ger; when once asked'where she got ber bats, replied frostily, "I don't get my hats, I have my hats." Many Catholics think along the same lines as regards their priests. They say simply, "We have our priests."

By Armand

words rang true for the CCD IJl()vement and the fall River Diocese recently when the Mis­ sionary Sisters of Our Lady ol. Vietory announced their depar­ ture from .the Cape Cod area t() beg·in work in the Immaculate Conception parish of North Eas­

It is c!lstomary - and, indeed, necessary - for tIle lUshop of the Diocese to' assume the educational costs of a man's training in philosophy and theology preparatory to ilis ordil}.ation. This means 'at least six years' expenses.

'Since most seminarians come from homes' of the flame (·conomic condition as the people, to whom they wm on~ 'day minister. it would be ~n insupportable burden, to ask their families" to underwrite, their board, and tuition in these~inary. Their families have~heav:5' expenses as it Jis, ~elpiilg wi~hclothes and books.


is also fitting that the faithful who are the bene­ fich-ries cif a priest's ministrations should help in his training and educ~tion. "


Unions ,Respect" Convicti,on, Of :Conscientions 'Objector,

By l\fsgr~ George G.' Higgins, . This, then, is the ,need that must bernet in next Sun­ (Direct()r, Social Action Dept.,' N.C.W.C.) flay's Ecclesiastical Students Collection. It is the, opportu­ OJi Sun4ay, April 25, a four-colum~ advertisement nity to assist'in the training of the "other Christs" who will appE'ared in the New York Times under the :heading, "Free­ in the long years that are ahead" bring the salvation woil -dom of Religion, or Forced Union Membership?" The 'by Christ to men, and women of this area of the Lord's' advertisement report"edly cost $3,224. A week later the same 'ehUl'clI. ' ad was repeated in,22 news­ the nameS of three unidentifed It.isall right for people to say, "We have our priests." papers across the country. jndividual~wasnot very favor­ ' But it is also to be hoped "that they will help provide the . These advertisements were , able. I suspected them of being a means of their training. paid 'for by the members of blind cover, so to speak, for the

small religious group, Which, ac­ cording to the Times, refuses any formal designa­ ti9n; but is There probably be a little controversy raised over known 'to the a directrveof the Archdiocese of New Orleans ordering the government for' dfsctllltinuation of formal graduation for elementary and inc '0 m e - t a x purposes as junior high school students. , 'Plymouth A,so 'prohibited are extended trips and, prom or class Breth.ren No, 4." rings for students of'these grades. The ruling does not, apply Members of thb 'g r 0 u, p' believe to senior high schools. the return ,Purpose of the directive is to eliminate expense for that of Christ is im­ 1 parel b., and also to emphasize that neither elementary nor minent and, be­ junior high schQls are considered "terminal, in. education" cause they de­ sire to obey Scriptural lJlJunc:, of yvuth. , ' Another purpose is to block the growing tendency to , tions to hold themselves ready for that event, they avoid en­ elabvr.1te: on these ceremonies so' that children are given tanglement in what they regard 'too much too soon and' led to expect ,that every step in ,as wOTldly associations, includ­ their development must be applauded with rewards,' ex­ . jng hibor unions, service clubs; pensive presents and elaborate ceremonials. , Blue Cross or mutual insurance bar associations. Many experts attribute the growing 'disrespect, for plans and Seek Amendment autllOl ity and flouting of the law of God and men' by young Their ',recent ~dvertisements adul~g to their lack of discipline which means their lack. of were intended to build· up pop­ love for God and one another. And this love is lacking be­ , ular and Congressional support eause there is little or no sacrifice iJl their lives..And the for a proposed amendment to the' Taft-Hai·t1ey Act, which one proof and developer of love ,is sacrifice. , would take account of their :re­ Children can be, spoiled. Many are being spoiled. This ligious conv~ctions.aI)d would actil'n of .the Archdiocese of" New Orleans hopes ~ keep exempt them from union mem­ , an occ8sion for joy and pleasant memories from becoming , bership . This amendment reads as fol­ a sour~e of ,selfishness and ,greediness. "No person who, by reason It will be interesting to see what reaction .it brings lows: of religious training, and belief,' both from New Orleans and from other parts of the country. is conscientiously opposed to be­ . ing a membe.r'of or supporting a labor organization S1'\all be re­ quired to do so as a condition of his employment or continuance thereot. with any employer. Any person with ali objection ~as!,!d 'on conscience forb~dding being a member of and supporting such organizations shall pay the OFFICIAL NI:WSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER equivalent of dues to the Sec­ retary of the Treasury of the Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River United States as authorized by 410 Highland' Avenue P. L. 87-58. The National Labor Relations 'Board shall prescribe Foil River. Mass. 675-71"51 regulations to 'carry out these PUBLISHER provisions.'! , Most Rev. jame~ L. Connolly, D.O., PI-)D., First Reaction I must admit very frailkly GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER that my initial reactiQn to these It. Rev., Doniel F. Sholloo, M.A. Rev. John P. D,riscoll , adveriisement~andto a similar MANAGING EDITOR .::Id' which appeared in at leaSt Hugh J. Golden '_e Washinston newspaper elver

No· GraduatiQn will


®The !NfnOR


'"I am the Good Shepherfl who gives His life for Hi. ~heep." Like 'an enchanted and clear,.toned bell, these

But priests have to come from somewhere. And the traidng before priestly ordination is a long one-at least eight years after high school. Since it is a specific one it is also ~n expensive one-no shopping around for cut-rate eourH;;S.

After a priest is ordained he tries to repay, over a nilm­ ber of, years, a portion of what has been expended for his educaUo'n. But a portion is not an, and the Bishop must look to the faithful, as he does next" Sunday, to assist him in meetmg the tuition biJJs for the seminarians.


These four brave ·young w0­ men who have left family .and home to become shepherds i~ <rare of Christ's flock have, left such an impact on the Cape area a'11d the diocese as a whole that one wonders where they have derived such strength to carry on such a program. Having as a purpose in their particular order of refigiouS, life the establishment of the CCD movement in geographical areas without Catholic schools, these .sisters have very generously given of their lives that we, adults and chilMen alike, might hear the word of God in the per~tive in w;hich" it sh~uld be heard and understooq. m education: Throughout Diocese .It is especially interesting te , note' that 'these sisters could have confined their activities te one parish where' their services wou.ld have been equally sue­ ,cessful 'and appreciated. They ~id, 'however', expand their ,sources and worked outside ,of the' Cape area and through the 'diocese in cooperation, with t'he DIocesan Office of the 'CCD. ' , The sisters very intricately planned the detail in establish­ jng the CCD· training courses in the f,ive areas of the diOCese so that all parishes may have the opportunity: of ~ving trained teachers in their ,school of reli:­ gioil.


so-called, right-to-work ,move... me:1t. The sheer cost of the ads' - given the admittedly small membership of the groups which sponsored "them_made me dou"­ bly suspicious. ' , Further'ip.vestigation has con­ vim'ed me, however, that the sponsors of the ads' are complete­ ly sincere and that they an~ not fronting for any of the various organizations which are in the full-time busirtess of supporting· My own five-year-old son' to­ right-to-work legislation. day looks' at a picture of t, ' Moreover I have learned that Good Shepherd and says, "This' the tJ;wrny issue of religious lib­ is Christ a~ a 'Shepherd' holding erty which is raised in the ads Is, Qnc that concerns some 40-odd a 'staff' tending His 'flock of religious organizations. sheep' in a 'pasture"'-'-all words' , Questions Legislation ,of a vocabulary which were lite­ rally non-exIstent to him ,until Mostly small in number, these the sister's'first TV program 'On include the Amisli, Old German Channel 6 television. Baptist, Brethren, Mennonites, P]~~mouth Brethren, SeventhPersonal Responsibility Day Adventists, and a number These sisters have contributed of bodies affiliated with the Na­ greatly to the pre-school" child's tional Association of Evangeli­ basic relig.ious edu,cation for cals. I gather that all of ,these which I am sure parents 'are 'groups are in favor of the type ,grateful: I, for ,one, wish that' of Taft-Hartley amendment re­ this diocese had hundreds ,more ferred to abo"Ve. of these devoted and God-loving I fully agree that the religious' , sisters to finish completing the convictiops of. these gJ;oups with staffs of our presept Cath~1e 'regard to" membership in labor schools and those still non'-exis­ unions should 'be respected, but tent but certainly badly needed. I do not believe that this matter '5 one that calls for or lends' 'it­ However, G<>d has not granted' self..t~ legislation. For one thing" us this almost impossiple request an 'amendment of the type they' for personnel of this caliber. are' advo~ating would be almost The solution lies in the flOck impossibly difficult fo adm'in-. where the diocese is hopeful ister. " that the lay apostolate will pick , Moreover, as AFL-CIO Presi­ up 'the task of education on a parish le~ei and carry it through dent George Meany has pointed out in a letter to the House La­ in the same spirit' of self-sacri­ "flce arid love of God as the ex­ bor, Committee-which is cur­ ample given by the Missionary, reatly holding public hearings Sisters has shown. ' on the pertinent section of the Taft-Hartley Act-"there .is cOll­ All of uS,as baptised Catho­ siderable variance in the nature lics, members of the Mysti~al ~nd extent of religious objec­ Body of Christ, 'have a personal tions to participation in unions." Tesponsibility to our neighbor. , Meany's Proposal The first step in the fulfillment of this r'esponsibility -then is Some wish to participate in union meetings and other upjon .in the offering of our services objectives, and object 'only to and educational talents to our participating in picket line ac­ pastors and parishes, in general. tivity. Others desire a lesser deWon't you think about it aDd / ,ree of participation. . 'de your part?



THE ANCHORThurs., June 10, 1965



Continued hom Page One nigllt, Jun~ 2O,i~·"St.. ~awrence PeB'$et,ut~cn

Church. Rev. Johii" Smith of St. ?atriC'k's Church, "Wareham, ECMm~ni$m

a 1950 Holy Family graduate, LONDON (NC) - Adolf Hit­ will speak. Highest ranking l"r was called the father of the graduates are Christine Ponich­ ecumenical movement in Europe tera, Maureen O'Brien, Noreen '. . by an English cardinal here. LoWney and Kevin Healy. John Cardinal Heenan of Exercises for St. Anthony's Westminister said the nazi dic­ High School, New Bedford, tator had forced Christians, and which will be held atS' Sunday not only Christians, to put aside night, June 20, in St.' Anthony's their differences and aid each auditorium. other. Bishop Stang High School's In a lecture on unity and graduation will take place peace, the Cardinal said: "One at 4 Sunday afternoon, June 20 could almost call Adolf Hitler in the school auditorium. Listed the father of continental ecu­ among graduates to receive spe­ menism. Certainly no man has cial honors are Bernard King, been more responsible than he appointed to the U. S. Military , for throwing Catholics and Pro­ Academy and John Keavy, ap­ .testants into each .other's arms." pointed to the U. S. Naval Acad­ "It is small wonder, therefore, emy. Highest ranking seniors when war ended, that Catholics are John Golenski, Rachel Fre­ C'nd Protestants emerged as dette, Frances Przybyla, Sandra brothers. If England had suf­ Briggs, Emil DesRoches, Paul tered enemy occupation, the ec­ Roy and Carol Ethier. Dr. Albert umenical movement, which is DuHamel of Boston College will making fair progress, would by address, the graduates. now be very much further ad­ Ceremonies at D 0 min i can' vanced." Academy, Fall River, are sched­ Speaking of Catholic ecumen­ uled for 1 :30 Sunday afternoon, ical efforts, Cardinal Heenan June 20. Rev. Roger Labou­ said: liere, M.S. will be the main "The change of attitude in my speaker. Highest honors among (wn Church is so astonishing as graduates will go to Catherine SPANISH CENTER COMMUNION SUNDAY: Men·of Our Lady of Guadalupe Span­ to border on the miraculous. A. Imbriglio and Irene R. La­ ish Center, Taunton, receive communion in a body from Rev.' Gerald J. Shovelton, assis­ Even a few years ago it would montagne. have been impossible to pictur.e Also slated for 1:30 Sunday tant at St. Mary's Church, Taunton, and director of the Center. Left to right: Armando the Church of Rome instructing Navaro, Juan· Correa; Eustaquio Flores, Roberto Rivera, and Appolinario Apontes. Sister her children to pray with other are Mt. St. Mary Academy exer­ cises. Dr.-Henry F. Trainor, Tiv­ Teresita, SUSC, instructor at the Center, is in the background. Christians and encouraging them erton superintendent of schools, to come closer to the separated will speak. Claudette Auger will brethren." be valedictorian at the program, to be held in the school audito­ rium. Monday Graduations Coyle High School's grad­ MILWAUKEE -(NC) - The time have since been incorpo­ gious principles. uation set for 8 Monday final session of the Vatican rated. A final, affirmative vote "A century ago," the Bishop night, June 21. Rev. Robert Council will adopt a document can be expected at the fourth Stanton, rector of St. Mary's citing the "grave importance" of session which opens Sept. 14, asserted, "in a setting of hostil­ ity, the motives for establishing Cathedral, will speak. Highest Catholic schools at all levels, Bishop Lane said. . and maintaining a separate edu­ ..... __R WYman ranking seniors at the Taunton according to Bishop Loras T. cational system were clearly re­ The prelate told his audience school are Albert P. Pepka, Lane, of Rockford, who returned· .,)_ Ii8II 3-6592 ligious - motives of religious Richard Allen DeMello and recently from Rome where he . that extension and perfection of preservation. the Catholic school system is CHARLES F. VARGAS Frederick A. Campos. attended meetings of the Coun- , important in the United States "But in today's secularized so­ 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall ell's Commission on Seminaries because the country needs the ciety, we can truly say that we River, lists ceremonies for I and Christian Education. NEW BEDfORD, MASS. example of commitment to reli- have added the motive of patri­ Monday aftemooz:. .June 21. Speaking at commencement otism. The country needs the Magr. Humberto Medeiros, Dioc­ exercises of Alverno College example of our massive com­ New Liturgy Book

esar- Chancellor and pastor of here in Wisconsin, the Rockford initment to religious ideals in St. Michael's Church, Fall River, Ordinary declared: . education." For Use at Mass

will speak. Valedictorian will be "The declaration on education WASHINGTON (NC) - The Nancy Regan and salutatorian calls attention to the grave im­ will be Mary Kelly. Top three portance of the Catholic school National Liturgical Conference is graduates are Nancy Regan, system from the primary grades planning a new parish liturgical Mary Kelly and Ellen Demetrius. to the institutions of higher book providing materials for full participation in the revised lit­ Graduation ceremonies for learning and it encourages their urgy and other public religious Bishop Cassidy High School will extension as widely as possible," services. the prelate said. be conducted at 4 Monday after­ ''The Book of Catholic Wor­ Because of the needs of the ship" will be designed primarily noon, June 21 in the school audi­ times, it endorses the establish­ torium. State Sen. Mary L. Fon­ as a 'pew book'-a book of pub­ seca will be the main speaker ment of professional and voca­ lic prayer and song to be kept in tional schools, the furtherance of at the Taunton school. The top . church pews for use any time' adult education and also schools three graduates are Joanne people go to church. Gregg, Nancy Fornal and Judith in which are educated those Liturgical specialists from all who because of some defect in over the country have been con­ Campbell. natu're, need specialized care." sulted on the preparation of the First Graduation Bishop Lane noted that the book. Holding its first graduation Declaration on Christian Educa­ eercmony at 8 Tuesday night, tion was submitted to the Council June 22 will be Bishop Feehan Fathers in the closing days of the YOURS TO LOVE AND TO GIVEI High School. Attleboro. Very third session last November. It the life of It DAUGHTER Of ST. PAUl. love {lod Rev. John T. Corr, C.s.C., pres­ received preliminary approval more, and give to souls knowledge and lov~ of SHEET METAL ident of Stonehill College, will and the changes suggested at the . God by serving Him in a Mission which uses the be the chief speaker. Stephen J. lESER, Prop. Press, Radio, Motion Pictures and TV, to bring Nolan will speak for the student His Word to souls everywhere. Zealous young Suggests. Christi~ns RESIDENTIAL body and Rev. Patrick O'Neill, girls 14-23 years interested in this unique INDUSTRIAL i> i 0 c e san superintendent of Imitate Atheists Apostolate may write to: . COMMERCIAL schools, will bring the greetings REVEREND MOTHER SUPERIOR

MONTREAL (NC)-Just as 253 Cedar St., New Bedford of the Diocese on this historic DAUGHTERS Of ST. PAUL

atheists are united in fighting occasion for the school. Top­ 50 ST. PAUL'S AY~ 80STON 3D, MASS.

WY 3·3222 God Christians should band to­ ranking graduates are Elio del gether in His behalf, Paul Emile . Canal and Suzanne Fortin. Cardinal Leger of Montreal told claSs Days a Greek Orthodox gathering ELECTRICAL . ON CAPE COD Some schools have already h&e. Contractors There should be a profound held class days. Others sched­ uled are Prevost mgh School, sense of unity, faith and love Friday, June 25; Sacred Hearts, among all Christians, the cardi-, Fairhaven, Friday, June 18; Holy nal said at a banquet commemo­ Family, Thursday, June 17; St. rating the 25th anniversary of , SPring 5-0700 . Anthony's, Friday, June 18; the founding of St. George's . Bishop Stang, today; Dominican Orthodox church here. Orthodox Metropolitan An­ Academy, Wednesday, June 16; Mt. St. Mary, Tuesday, June 15; thony Bashir of "North America Coyle High School, Mo~da)",. paid tribute to the work of Pope 944 County St. .June 21; Sacred Hearta. Fall .John xxnl which ,he said, has AMPLE PARKING

River, Sunday, June 13;, awl brougbet Christiana doser to­ New Bedford Bishop Feehan. wmo~rolY•... &ether.

Naxi Aided

Catholic School System Needs Extension Illinois Bishop Stresses Council Position




famous for






Norris H. Tripp






-.nJ:.Al'«.;"OJ!(-t7foeeae on-c:mWIYer-Ttlufe. Jvne IV; f'JI'lRI ,-. . '. ., ,".

This Secret' Weapon Makes One Dress Fit All Sizes ,By Mary Tinley Daly ftlings to all men" might wen be paraphrased, at our house, to "All things to all women." And all the women at our house, the women at our children's houses 'Would immediately recognize the phrase as applying to "IT." IT, you se~, is a dress that, fitting size 12 to 14-and with a like Joseph s coat-of-many bit of stretch even those more eolors, might have been the plump. The ;kirt is basic, tops envy of relatives, as his was, up to the wearer. And tops vary:


were it not shared. Again to go blick to the Bible Markie like Jacob, bestowed' , It on her favor­ ite (I presume) mother w hen aaid mother' had to at ten d • llPur-of-the-mo­ ment long dres. reception. We dragged out all the floor-length dresses in the h " use: prom gowns, bridesmaids' frou-frous, a t ire d rose-colored dinner Jlumber circa 1954-8 thoroughly discouraging and demoralizing assemblage. To quote from a World War II song, they were all "either too old or too young." Discovery of IT Witli reception deadline ap­ proaching like an on-coming jet, I was about to settle for a trumped-up "bad case of flu" and an evening spent with a book-a good, bad or indifferent book, it didn't matter. Then Markie the ingenious dashed into a store in our neighborhood Ihopping center and came back with IT. Now, IT, at the time, seemed perfectly adequate for its stop­ gap function, emergency ratioIlll 88 it were. 'Twas inconspicuous, fit all right, was floor length, of early-'60 vintage. Best of all, it was there on time, and on me. ''Lovely gown, Mrs. Daly," commented several fellow recep­ tionists, remarks I didn't take too seriously since we were all .,ying the same thing to one another, routine feminine patter at any such gathering. Hanging IT away in the closet at the end of the evening, I scru­ tinized the gown more closely. Why, this was all-encompassing, of practically universal appeal. We, all of us, might be able to lISe it over and over again! Amen and so be it. In IT's ori­ ginal state, it is a 'me-piece slim black -.:repe wit:l slits in the .kirt to permit walking in a ladylike fashion; the top sleeve­ less and with a deep scoop neck. Atop this was an overblouse of white lace. Appearance No. 1 had beeJl thoroughly satisfactory, a good luck omen in any woman's book of clothes. IT has served over the years, appearing at convention dinners, in night clubs, at private dinner parties,' at parish socials, at re­ eeptioIi for heads of state and at bishops' dinners. IT has gone from Atlantic City, to New York, to Omaha, Denver, Los Angelel, San Francisco, Washington. If IT could speak, it might have an awful lot to say. How could one floor-length gown fit so many feminine fig­ ures? For one thing, it is basic­ ally blaclr and white. For an­ .ther it is cut on a semi-biaa

Immorality Hit LUANDA (NC)-The Catholic bishops of this Portuguese col­ ony in Angola have issued a pas­ toral letter attacking immorality 1ft dress, manners and literature. They said such conduct is affect­ mg esPecially urban areas and, 1IJl1ess checkei, soon will reach ftmO,te sections.

velvets, black or red; glittery gold, lace, depending on the weather and the occasion. IT is truly a year 'round, family 'round gold mine, into the clean­ er's and out again periodically, into the outstretched hands of whichever one of us has received a VIP invitation. And how can IT be floor length on each one of us--from a five.:.foot-two up to a five-foot­ nine gal? And not show sigru; of hem being sewed ane pressed to adjust to the height of such varied ladies? Elemental. We don't sew that hem, we don't press it. All we do is cellotape it up, eellotape it down. Wi1h IT, a top a~ eellotepe, we'rP. ready to SO out on the town.

Judge Favors Father In Child Custody Case MANCHESTER (NC) - An English court of appeals judge here has ruled that the children of a broken mixed marriage should be brought up by the father who is a practicing Cath­ olic. The "not very enthusiastic· Anglican mother had promised this when they married and the judge, Lord Justice Willmer, commented that he could not see how with the best will in the world she could do so. "It is not merely sending them to church on Sunday. It is a promise to bring them up in the Catholic' faith, something which has to begin and continue in the home," he said. The mother was divorced by her husband, l'eCently and she was applying for custody of the children, a girl, 10, and a boy, 6.

Resume Construction Of Brasilia Cathedral BRASILIA (NC) - The cele­ bration of the fifth anniversary of this new capital of Brazil was highlighted by resuming con­ struction of Brasilia's famous but unfinished cathedral. Archbishop Jose Newton de Almeida Batista of Brasilia views the new start on the ca-­ thedral as symbolic of the strides toward social and economic progress now being made in this pioneer region of central west Brazil. Resumption of work on the cathedral began with the erec,:" tion of a 4O,.foot, four-ton metal crucifix on the cupola of the frame of the church. Archbishop Batista voiced gratitude that a solution had been found for ar­ chitectural problems which had so long paralyzed construction.

Prayer of



Priest-: The Lord be with y011. AD: And with your spirit.

Priesu Let us pray. Beloved in Christ, since God bl out' hther and "the BOuree of <M' life and our strength, let us call UpoR him ilol' aesistance in aU our needs.

Leetor: For the Holy catholic Church, tbat the lMd ~ her in Unity and Faith. AD: We beseech you, bear 1W Lector: For our Holy Father and our ,Bishop t'hat the Holy Spirit enHghten and protect them. ' AD: We beseech you, hear l:t8. Lector: For our priests and religious, that they remain steadfast in se1:'vice fY.f the Lord. AD: We beseech you, hear us. Lector: For our Pres~dent and all CiVl1 authorities, thft't the Lord owed them in the paths of wisdom and justice. AD: We beseech you, hear us. Leetor: For (N.N. and) the sick (of our parish), that the Lord grant them health of soul and body. We beseech you, hear us. AD: Leetor: For (N.N. and) all the faithful departed, 1!.hat h them eternal rest. We beseech you, hear Ui. AIh

Lord grant

Lector: Christ hear ns. Christ, graciously heaT us. AD: Priest: God, our refuge and our strength and source of an goodness. heed the holy prp.yers of your Church and grant that we fully obtain what we ask for in faith. Through Christ Our Lord AD; Amen Note: This may be used

EIS an alternate form of Prayer of the Faithful issued on March 2, 1965


\ot SG\\OO\




Select Worcester Nun For General Council rnANKLIN (NC) Sister Claire Anne, mistress of novices at the White Sisters' novitiate here, has become the first Amer­ ican elected to the community's general council. The nun, who qu left to take up her post iJl Rome, 11 a native of Worcester. She served as a miSsionary 1ft Kenya befo~ cOming' here ia . hDns11venia.



:" ·THE ANCHOR- " Thurs., June 10, 1965

As 'Well As in Arranging' .


Censor; System

By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick " My wife and I used to have a continuous battle about cutting flowers. I didn't mind having her cut flowers for arrangements for the house, but I couldn't understand why it was necessary to take all the flowers off one plant or from the front of a bed of fille d WI "th waver h te flowers are flowers. We settled t he pro- in bloom from the beginning of blem by letting ~e pick the the flowering season. As most of flowers while she does the our garden is at the rear of our

To Continue BOSTON ,(NC) Boston's chief censor disputed a claim by the Civil Liberties Union of Mas­ sachusetts that the city admin­ istration agreed to drop censor­ ship of stage plays here. Richard .1. Sinnott, chief of the City Licensing Division, said Mayor John F. Collins had prom­ ised only not to enforce a rider in contracts between local thea­ ter owners and out-of-town pro­ ducers barring certain activities' f>:'om the legitimate stage. The rider, which Sinnot des­ cribed as "outdated," forbade S'<1ch things as portrayals of drug addiction, the use of profanity and having women appear on th~ stage with bare legs. Sinnott insisted, however that city ,officials would eontin~e to ban objectionable features from stage plays. He also accused the clvilllberties union of "inadver­ tently or intentionally" failing to make public part of a letter' by Collins to the organization urging it to "join him in his fight to keep the city free from filtb in movies and stage plays.-

arrangemt>nts. house this has proven to be a ~e best time to pIck flowers marvelous way to add color to for decoration is in the morning the front. If I remember correct­ before they are open or better 17 the bag cost $3,98 about four yet at about five o'clock in the years ago and I ~rried it as an evening when the plant is pre- item of wearinl;{ apparel for two paring for rest. It is at this time years of its life. The list of hold­ when the food content of the ers, could go on endlessly; your flow;er and stalk is at its height favorite bone china cup could that the plant is better prepared hold a graceful display of tea for 'cutting and therefore the roses or that bright orange water flower can be expected to have pitcher could be just the thing • longer life. If flowers are cut for' a New 'Englandy arrange­ at this time and immediately 1m- ment of tulips. RECEIVE GRANTS~ Sister Mary Daniel, O.P., left, mersed in tepid water and stored Along with +he problem of in a cool place for several hours containers is that of how to make and Sister Mary Agnes, O.POf both of the Dominican Sis­ they will last a great deal longer your display hold its shape., ters of St. Catherine of Siena, Fall River, have received than those put on display imme- There are many commercial diately. holders available but the 'one gran~s for advanced study. Sister Mary Daniel, assistant Cut flowers have a pressing that Joe and I use most often principal of St. Bernadette's School, New Haven, will study 1leec:J for water, that is, they may is crushed chicken wire, which English this SUqlmer at Loretto Heights College, Colorado. need to retain it or need a fresh cali be obtained at any hardware Sister Mary Agnes will participate in an Academic Year 8Upplyat all times. Keeping this store. Your florist is also a good Insti+.ute in Mathematics at Boston College, where she is in JDind. it is obvious that dif- source of help for flower arrang­ ferent flowers must be handled ing equipment. He stocks florist' now doing graduate work. in d;ifferent ways. For example. foam and oasis, both used to the hardwood varieties such as make blooms behave. Where A mac, forsythia, peonies, mockWell, if you do have guests in orange, flowering almond and to admire your artistic arrange­ flowering quince need as much ments,;' a' delightful pastry to 40 Catholic Agencies Among Sponsors water as possible. These should serve them is the following one. Means A be split with a knife or smashed It does take a bit of work but In Federal Anti-Poverty Program with a hammer at least six the nice part of this recipe is inches up the stem in order to that it -can all be done'the night WASHINGTON (NC) - FoNy affiliated aPplicant must prove insure a steady supply of fresh bef~re. Catholic agencies are among that the work it proposes can water. Some varieties, such as 4 tablespoons butter or marga­ private non-profit groups &pon­ not be carried out by any other oriental poppies and dahlias may rille soring centers as part of the fed­ agency. be kept fresh by searing the Jf.J cup sugar eral' anti-poverty program'. Project H~ad Start, whose par­ .ternS with a candlfl or match. 1 egg , 'massive "Project Head Start." ticipating centers are 90 per cent Poppies, especially, will wilt if V& teaspoon vanilla The participation by the Cath­ supported by federal :funds, is aot seared. 1 cup sifted flour oUc age n c i e S, and by other an eight-week Summer .program AU flowers should be cut with 1) Mark 011 a rectangle 12 x 8 church-related organizations, is to assist children of low-income a sharp instrument such as a on each of Z cookie sheets and­ ~ificant in that each church­ families to enter schools in razo): or pruning shears. The cut grease. I make myreetangle by September. More than 500,000 shoUld be made on a bias to en- cutting foil to this size and plac­ children are expected to be are fonned. ,Fold mthe heavy BUrel a larger surface for absorp-,· tng the foil on the baking sheet.. cream that has been whipped assisted at a coat of nearly lion, of water and the lea~ Grease the foD. " until no streaks are visible. Fold f84 million. which will not appear in the' 3) Cream the shortening with Although the vast majority of . flower arrangement should be sugar in • small bowl until this mixture into the gelatin mixture, also folding in the the--centers are under tile direc­ l'emoved to lessen the amoUnt at ,fluffy. tion of public school boards, wat6r loss. Lastly, the water in a " 3} Beat in the egg and vanilla. lemon juice until allis thorough­ ppvategroup,t pennitted to 'Y~~ should be kept fresh and ')Add, gradually. the flour 17 blended. sponsor centers range across the Open Evenings 6) Place one crust in the' bOt­ dean. and about· ~ teaspoon salt until tom of a baking pan 13 x 9 x Z. spectnun of chwda andeivic Tllere is a new product on a eooky-lilte dough'is formed. the market which prolongs the 5) Dividing equally, spread Spoon filling carefully ;over groups. life'of flowers appreciably. My the dougl;1 thinly on the marked crust, spreading evenly. Top wife' used it on several occasions' rectangles to the desired size with the second crust. Chill in refrigerator overnight. at the end of last Summer and (12 x 8). ' 7) Cut these little cheesecakes was quite pleased' with the re8) Bllke in a 375 0 oven about suIts although it is probably 10 minutes or until golden. Cool crosswise into 8 even Strips then more feasible and more econom- slightly, then remove each layer lengthwise into 6 strips to make Your nearest mail box is a First 48 small cakes. Remove from ical for the home gardener just very carefully with a long spat­ to pick a new bouquet of flowers. ula. Cool completely on a wire Ilan, place on a cooky sheet. federal "branch office" thar's In the Kitchen rack. Layers are very thin and Decorate top of each cake with open 24 hours a day to make We women sometimes bemoan fragile. However if "clumsy me" a swirl of pink f!'osting. I use the saving eaSy for you. No rraffic, no type that comes in 9 can ready the fact that we can't afford the could manage to remove the, services of a highly paid interior crust without breaking it, rm to use for decoration. Keep in parking, no wearher, problem~. the -refrigerator until ready to decorator to add that extra sure anyone can. Withdrawals are jusr as simple serve. something to our homes. What Filling 6$ savings paymelUs. few housewives realize is that ~ cup sugar that extra something can often be 1 envelope unflavored gelatin • • •• • •• ,all I.,,··by· found, very inexpensively, right 2 eggs separated • • • • • • • d ul ttl" coupon for It.rtlR9 . " . outside their kitchen door; for, ,I cup milk 1II• •~1 IIiIT ,.n _... de to ' " ott there is absolutely nothing that Z S.:ounce packages or 1 16­ • ..FREE" f1A.lI tor"'I.... • adds' more to the grace and ounce package of cream cheese, charm of a, home than a fresh softened.' ~ bouquet of flowers. Your worn 3 tablespoons lemon juice 245 MAIN STREET rug and slightly faded draperies 1 ~ cups cream for whipping FAlMOUTH-KI 8-1918

may, depress you, but your, 1) In the top of a double boil­ , guests won't even give them a er combine '4 cup sugar and the ARMAND ORnNS, Prop.

St. a. N o . - - - : ',. second glance if. a fragrant bou- gelatin, quet of lilacs is the focal point . 2) Beat egg yolks slightly in in your living room, small bowl. Stir in milk and c~~• • • • • • • • • • • WE PAY POSTAGE' . Ideas for containers for your strain into gelatin mixture. arraQ.gements are endless, lim3) Heat Over simmering wa­ post-paid; a~dr.ssed.nYelopes,ready to mall ,. ited 'only by yoo.- imagination ter, stirring constantly 10 min­ and 'not by your, budget. We utes or until mixture coats a Maintenance Supplies

would all like to hllve pewter metal spoon. Remove from heat. SWEEPERS - SOAPS

vase~ and bone china qrns, but 4) Slice and blend in the AND LOAN ASSOCIATION' one of my most prized holders cream cheese with the gelatin DISINFECTANTS

is a brown bean pot that I picked JDixture until smooth. Chill 15 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS

up for twenty-five cents in a JDinutes or until mixture mounds jt1!1k shop. When filled with slightly when dropped from a Home Office:, 1 North Main St., Fall River ' brig1;lt yellow daisie!! this treas- spoon. , ' Somerset Office: 149 G.~.R. Highway, Rte. 6 are :brings S1inshine into ant: 'i') Beat'the egg whites in a . 1886 PURCHASE STREET room it graces. .1...pother of my, large bowl until foamy and dou­ loti! Offices OpeD FrJday Evenings until • " NEW BEDFORD favorites is:an old straw pocket- ,ble in bulk. Beat in the remain­ "Ilerset Drive·ln Window, Open Mon.-Tltull., 'til .. ' boom that hangs on one nail OIl ing ¥4 cup cup sugar a table­ WY 3-3786 OW' tront door~ This 1 V,y to keep ~ N a time until itlff peaka "

Project Head Start






•••• •••••••


ORTINS Photo Supply



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1l 1

COLLEGIANS ASSIST IN WORK AT NORTH EASTON PARISH: Stonehill College students are active in many phases of parish work at Immaculate COlicep~jon Church, North Easton. Left: Bob Beggan teaches eatechism class; rig"lt, .students aid in parish secretarial work. Standing

is Lydia Viray and left to right, back row, are Pamela Hudson and Maria Boyle; center row, Joan Burke, Kathy Mance; front row, Anne Murph,:, Dianne P. Kulick. The college group is completing its· second year of following the Vatican Council's decree for Resurgence of the Laity.

'Not Everyone's Protesting; Som~ Students Aid Youngsters to .Grow into ···World of Future' Not all college students are protesting these days. Many are working hard and quiet­ ly behind the scenes helping youngsters grow into a world where hopefully there won't be so many things to protest. Some such are a couple of dozen Stonehill students who',·e been helping Immaculate Conception parish in North Easton for nearly two years. Among their projects have been aid- . lowing month; doing parish . sec": parish,' many Stonehill students iing in vacation Bible school;

do catechetical work at Paul A. helping teach catechism; as- r,:tarial work; and singing m Dever School, a project which tile choir. has been going on for years at ,sisting with production of ~

'the Stonehill campus. Some Parishioners Some Stonehill volunteers are Jmmaculate Conception parish­ ioners, said Father Buckley, ;;nd some live in off-campus dormitories within the parish. Interest iri the church's activi­ WASHINGTON (NC)~An old 'lIl:ould help to avoid ill-ad"}setl ties doesn't stop with graduation, ~nd widely held American be­ starts. he further noted. Several Stone­ lief-that with hard work any­ Polls have shown that at least· hill graduates Who live in North &ne can make a success in busi­ half the American people would Easton are activ.e in the parish r,ess-hasn't been working out in Confraternity of Christian Doc­ like to go into business for them­ recent decades. selves, but the decisions to do so trine program. A U. S. Department of Com­ College participation in Im­ are based on wishful thinking merce study has revealed that maculate Conception activities rather than thoughtful delibera­ the odds against a new business will slow down during the Sum­ tion. lasting 10 years are 5 to 1. The The farm is the traditional mer months, but come Septem­ death rat.e is especially high in ber, Father Buckley expects a stronghold of independent enter­ the first two years. new crop of collegians to carry prise, and while there are fewer This has prompted 'some edu­ farmers than there used to be, on the happy town and gown eators to plump for courses in more than half still work in ag­ partnership. finance and economics in high riculture independently. school curriculums. They point . Going Out &ut that not all students in sec­ Professional people - doctors, tmdary schools will go on to be SOUTHWARK (NC) -Bishop .lawyers, accountants, etc. - are I!cientists or professional people, Cyril Cowderoy of Southwark not classified as business people, nor will a~l of them gp on to col­ became the first Catholic bishop and some people "in business for lege, .. . since . the RefOrmation to v4sit themslves" are peddlers, clean­ It is not· argued that the ing women, etc., who lack occu­ .the .A:nglican cathedral in this eourses in finance wouldBritish city when he attended pational opportunity.

them sure successes in starting ._ .What are generally regarded ." drama· production there. The their own businesses, but that it as businessmen make up about fathredral is built on the site half of the 7.5 m:illion "managers, .flf a 12th century Augustinien c;fficials or proprietors" in the priory. C~rdinal country.. While some of these

JAl\'iAICA (NC)-Agnelo .Car­ manage their own factories ~r liinalRossi of Sao> Paulo, Brazil, construction pusinesses, most. 0(. . onl e . Viti Ina . ;,.. • was honored a »rivate cere­ ',mony during Qvisit te St. John's the proprietors are owners el ftC.. · . ·1:rnivetsitY' herp on I:.ong ISland. stores, restaur~nts,gas Ilt~tion!" ..

Reg. Master Plumher2~30 -

rather .:Edwarrt j. Burke; C.M. or other retail·e§tablisJtmen1s, .. , .. A traditional part of the Amer,. . GEORGE M. MONTlE ' ..

. .resident of th<: n<ltion's largest ... .Catholic· institution : of . higher: wan· scene,"Ma· and, Pa. stores''.. . Over. 35 Years ) ... . '.' ·)ean)ing ,condu~ted.by.. the Vin- ~ .:-the..comer.. grocery.... C'lnducted . , . of Satisfied Service· eent.lan Fathers,. con~erred . an . by ~ .man and his· w-ife,witb.. ,. .06. NO•. MAIN -STREET ... .,.". " ~~noI.ary doctora.t<1 ~f. jaws _ Dl~ybe ·an empll?ye .or .. t:w, .... -,. . Fall liver' '. O~ 5..14'-'" tile eard.inal. _oin: ,out of business. . parish musical last November a Christmas sl)ow the £01-






.-Additionaily, said Rev. James F. Buckley of the North Easton

Educators Urge More Business Courses in School Curricula'

. Visits Cathedral






M I PI b- & Heating .'. C0.,· I'

COLLEGIANS AID IN DRAMA: Stonehill colIegianA aiding the North Easton parish in developing a dramatie presentation are, left to right: Carmeline. O~Brien, Eilee. :McGowan, LindaleeGardner ·aoo Leslie Jane Nekuda.

.Lobster Boots fire : coming, 6,inging . -"



LARGE, LIVE·. ;..• ~ .. . "








.:·~MG.~L'a.,/s. S~ "F'oo4S: :", :-. . 'UNION '~HItif,'


FAI.NAV.iN· : '... ~' ..•' .




STONEHILL COMMENCEMENT: left, two of the honorary degree :recipients march with Stonehill's president to the exercises: Very Rev. Vincent C. Dore, O.P., president of Providence College, left, Very Rev. John T. Corr, c.s.r., Stonehill president, center; Mass. Superior Court Justice Frank E. Smith. Center; Patiently waiting for the four-year re­

.Fr. Cronin,S.S. UrgesGroduate$ Fight Social Ills ALBANY (NC)-A Cath­ olic social action leadel' urged graduates of St. Rose College here to feel and prac­ tice personal involvement in cUI'­ . ing the "corroding. sicknesses" 01. conteQlPorary' society. "Whatever may be 'the ron-n .t service that is open i4l us, 6ur greatest contribution will be to make this truly personal," ;;~id Fa~er John F. Cronin,S.S., ~ssistant director of the National Catholic Welfare Conference'~ Social Action Department. "We must not be among those who fight vigorously for causes, yet rema'in indifferent to the human needs of those who may live only a few miles from us," Father Cronin said in the com­ mencement address at the Catho­ lic women's school. Stressing flbe importance of personal concern for social wel­ fare efforts, the priest described contemporary society as "basic­ ~J1y impersonal." He said this is why "a woman must struggle against an envi­ ronment that tends to lliwart ~d inhibit her instincts for compassion and personal ser­ vice." Bias, Poverty· He cited "two dramatk tl­ Justrations" of this situation: racial discrimination and pover­ ty. '. On race, he !laid thQt "f0'!' many years" the average Amer­ ican "had no strong feelings about the problem' ... He ziimply ignored its existence." As lor poverty, he said Amer­ icans "grew complacent over the fac't that th4s was the richest 00­ tion in the world ...To mO&t &f us it was a complete sur,prise Ml discover that 30 ~o minion . Amer~cans were living •.1 desn­

Lutheran Ministers Hear A."chbishop Krol PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Arch­ bishop John J. Krol of Philadel­ phia, addressing 200 Lutheran ministers at the Lutheran The"O­ logical Seminary here, hits stressed the sincerity of the . Catholic commitment to reli­ giQUS unity and called it "radi­ cally new." Archbishop Krol offered Q!I­ 9urances· about .Catholic sincer- . ity in reply to "fears and doubts" on the issue which he said had . been expressed by some rn>nCatholics.' . ,iThey fear," he said, "that the ecumenism they see emerging is only a more subtle and sophisti­ cated form of the 'return' ap­ proach to unity, opportunistical­ ly employing the current lan­ guage of ecumenism. Dynamie Move.ment . "If I leave one thought with yo~ today it is that that is not the intention of Catholic ecu­ menism. The return mentality does not appear in the [ecu­ menical] couD.cil's decree on ec­ umenism. The basis it gives to the ecumenical effort is radi­ cally new: "It speaks of the 'restoration of unity among all the disciples of Christ.' It looks toward the recomposition, the reintegration into perfect communion into the one Church of Christ of all the valid Christian elements re~ tained and nurtured by all Christians." He said the council's decree on

ecumEmism has laid the basis for

• "dynamic' movement toward unity in which each moves tpward the other by living more faithfuly the valid Christian ele­

ments in each's tradition, meas­

ured against and constantly re­

newed according to the will el


problems' as' crime, delinquency,

alcohol~, drug add~etion and

mental itlness in large part 011

the impersoIlQI-Bature of· mo'd~JiJ!' . . .aoei~tY-"the sense of llHendioJ),

:tbe feeHong lbat· ll0b0dy . )'eiJ),y



Marriage Age Hike L.ilkely in Ontario

Emphasizes Sincerity of Un.ty Stance


iUt" '" •. .'. I~n~~iitioo, he ';blame"d Mich

ward are Dilhm:. Arruda, St. James, New I:e'l!'}I:~::; Raymond Almeida, St­ John. Xew Bedford; Mrs. Elizabeth SulliYan, 'wdedictorian, Sacred Heart, Fall RiYer. Right; Putting the tassel on ~'h€ pr(,I)~r side is Rose Ann Mc­ Andrew, Hu~y Name, Fall River. center; J~M.H Hamel, St. James, Kew Bedfqnl, keft; William Hubbard, St. Mar~~, ThHF,10YJ.

The Catholic Church expectE hom this process "an enri£'lJ.­ ment, a contribution to the man­ ifestation of its catholicity, ~ true growth," the Philadelphi;r.· Archbishop said. "The decree expresses ~e conviction that it will not Oldy be other Christians who will ceive from the Catholic Chur£'D what they lost in the separation, but that the Catholic Church also will be enriched by the new and original contribution of the separated brethren," he declared. Archbishop Krol said the council itself has been a "liYing lesson of ecumenism for Cathu­ lics and a demonstration Ii>! sincerity of Catholic intentioy,f; it' all other Christians." Ecumenical Aim "The very fact of the counc;1

itself has great ecumenical bear­ ing," he commented. "With the cutting short of the First Vati­ can Council after the definition of papal infallibility, the f~lse impression arose that there would no longer be need io·Jl' councils. "This impression constituted ;;; very real barrier, as is apparent

in many Protestant writings. The existence, but more especially the manner of operating of the

council, should go a long wa~ ))" dispelling any false impressior.. about Catholic belief in the na­ ture of the Church." .The arcpbi~hop noted the ~­ iurgical changes' decreed by the cQuncil also have ecumenical $ignificance; .though they were net adopted as a "compromise" with Protestantism but instead· arise from' the "main thrust of the council" toward renewal &f the Church. Identify Author Nevertheless, he said, the )i­ turgical reforms do represent an (,ffort by the Church to accept :valid liturgical ideas from the Protestant Reformers. This manifests itself in more 'lIl'ays than one, he asserted, sa~'­




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"I noticed recently that Cath­ olic hymnals in Germany had identified certain hymns as wr'it­ ten by.an unknown 16th century llluthor, now identify them as the work of a certain 'M. Luther.' "



',~~~'B-tt.~ .... ~







WYman '·"14

TORONTO (NC)-The 0n1.,,­ ,k Government is' considering N-ising the minimum marriagfi :;,liE t<J 16 for both sexes. Premier John Robarts Qnd I. P.'ll(}up of his cabinet hc.~~1t the Pr'Lvint'ial ·Council of Womer. t.~i£t'ation contend - immaturinr MAt'I. lack of preparation resuit m frequent marriage break­ £li:·wrn; among teenagers. in early' ~'~"TS of, marriage. -The cound} ,,~lred tbat no -person under If i;e permitted to marry for Q-JlooY :?f-i:So!J.it1.

Th~ l~al age for marriage h: 07.,1a,ic now is 14 years of age l't'i't.!O parental consent and U; wh:l:'o"1.



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~.f.an Ri~er ....Thurs.•

JunQ.JO, 196.5

Able to

Flannery O'Connor Stories Fiction of, Rare Caliber

Godlove You



By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen,D.D. One of the' moSt fruitful forms Of the' postulate in mtsstoa lands is that of medical sisters. One such nun wrote to 'us recentlT about her clinic. "Among those who cam,. was a young mother whose first-born was a chubby, smiling boy. Skupe was over five months old when he fell slightly ill. Irene. the mother, brought him to the ,dispensary, and although we found nothing wrong with him, I told Irene to bring him back again in the afternoon. That evening, I heard the news. 'Skupe was dead.' I went to Skupe'. village on a motorbike wondering what had caused his death. Irene was sitting on the floor, sobbing as if her heart would break. She was surrounded by grey-haired wonten who had nothing to say as consolation except 'what', the use of crying? Your bab,. .. dead, now.'·

By Rt. Rev. Magr. John S. Kennedy Flannery' O'Connor was -about 40 when she died last year. She had published but three books, of long and short fiction. Yet these had won. her a high and, it seems, per­ manent reputation. Now another collection of stories, Everything That Rises Must fiction, or fidion resembling Converge (Farrar, Straus that of C.S. Lewis or Charles and Giroux. $4.95) appears Williams. But that is not the case posthumously • 0 n e a p - at all. proaches it with some trepidaFantasy has no place in her tion. Are these Ieft-overs, pieee. , 'trork. nor has allegory. She is w h ich she dealing with the grittily genuine, might not have ,in all its perversity and comi­ wanted to put eality, but seeing and showing t n boo k form much more in it thml is generally had she lived? recognized. And the shock to the The trepidation reader comes not merely or is set aside' as chiefly from th1! climatic horror soon as one is but from the depths and the well 'into the heights which this explosion first story.' And .Opens up. when one finVictims of Dluslon ,. lshes th~ book, If Miss O'Connor's people are one feels that Gl'dinary, they are not simple. its contents can Julian's mother, in the title story, lltand with the best of her WOTk. nurses the illusion of Southern She was a remarkable artist. gentility, elaborately ignoring She produced relatively little, the fact that she is impoverished but every bit of it is deeply felt and a new social order is erowd­ and meticulously finished. The ing her out. When reality craslres style is scrupulously simple, aI- in on, her, she collapses. though the meaning is not. She ' Julian's fate is worse. He re­ bad much to say, more to suggest.. gards himself as enlightened In form, her stories have a be- and realistic, accepting the new ginning, a middle, and an end. and being exasperated with his But when he reaches the end, the mother for her refusal to do so. reader is not through with the ,But he, no less than she, is the story, nor is the story through vitcim of illusion, and when it with him. It haunts him, posing Is torn away he has no escape questions which nag at him for by way of collapse but must answers, and making him look whimperingly face the void. into himself wonderingly. Mrs. Turpin, in "Revelation," Ordinary People has an experience comparable to Each of these stories confronts that of Julian's mother. Equally us with ordinary people involved self-satisfied, she has no romantic in commonplace situations. The' background and is much tough­ people are real, so aTe their pre- er. She, survives a critical phy_ dicaments. The action seems to ' sical and psychological blow, but move with the pace of life itself. unlike the other woman, she Suddenly there is an expoHon of has resOurces to see her through violence, generally pbysieal vio- . its revolutionary aftermath.' lence, and from that there comea Sensible People , Then, there are the supposedly • revelation, sometimes to the eharaders, always to the readen. sensible PeoPle. One such is old But the revelation is not a . Fortune in "A View of the pat conclusion; i<t is actually Woods:" He bas money and pro­ more shattering,than the physiea'l perty" prides himself on hi8 violence which has preceded it. practioatity and progressiveness, And . a sense of mystery - the and is. certain that be can hantue mysteryofhuman nature, its COIl- the less astute members of hill text "and complexities-lingers. family. But there is no, surety 'l"his is where Miss O'Connor far or nlvation in practicality, as surpasses Tennessee Williams, the crashing finish of this story to whose work hers has some re- indicates. semblance. Hers has more depth, There are also the people who fJOrce, integrity,and reach. seem steeped in eviL Examples nlusion and reality come in are Sarah Ham in "The Comforts eonflict in these stories. Their of Home" and Johnson in "The clash occasions the violence Lame Shall Enter First." They ~ which occurs at the climax of infuriate and injure those with almost all the pieces. But the whom they come in contact, and reality with which Miss O'Con., especially those who would help nor is' concerned has many di- them for the wrong reason, and mensions. It is not just the real- . in the wrong way, but ultimately ity of palpable fact, but reaches , they' emerge as victims no less tip to heaven and down to hell. than their apparent betters. Powerful NaI'ratives All of which means that' a The supernatural dimension ,&I 'tragic sense of life underlies and I\Ot didactically imposed; it is bforms these stories. The fact not lWmething tacked on by way ot original sin, although never of explanation. It is intrinsic to tnentioned is borne home. And tJte storY and is eon v eye d the failure of our kind to grasp through the story,. as iOt belongs and cooperate with the power of to life, as in fact it does, quite the redemption is also adumbra­ as much as physical detail which, ted in situation after mtical is so obvious and which Miss 0' . situation. Connor handles so brilliantly. It is possible to read and be As a result, the everyday gripped by most of these stories people of whom Miss O'Connor without advertence to their Ul­ is writing assume a stature be- terior significance. But "The En­ yond that seen by those who during Chill" is almost entirely know them. They and their do- lost on a reader who does not ings have a significance beyond see beyond the print, and levels what appears in the narrow com- of meaning in as apparantly a pass and on the grubby surface straightforward story as "Judg­ of tl).eir existence. Something of ment Day" are unperceived by the true grandeur and misery of su~h a reader. the :;orriest of our kind is 'COm"- - Fiction of this calibre is rare mun;ioated by these extraordi- indeed. But there is compensa­ narily powei-ful narratives. tion in the fact that it can 'be Tbe foregoing may suggest· read again ,and again and not thatiMiss O'Connor wrote a me- be exhausted. It canot be too taph,ysical' sort of fiction, theSis lu'ghl7 recorWhende<L


Do So Little

RECTOR :Father Thomas

J. Culhane has been named rector of Savior of the World Seminary, the first Catholic diocesan seminary in the state of Kansas. Father Cul­ hane, vocation director for the Kansas City archdiocese since 1952, served as coordi~ nator of a $3-million cam­ paign netting almost $4.6 million in pledges to build the seminary. NC Photo.

Medieval Art Continued from Page One changed little from early days. Windows as a means of admit­ ting light were probably first Used by the Romans and the or­ namental use of colored glass is thought to have begun in the early 10th century. The great period for stained glass was from the 12th to 14th centuries. 'MaD7 Problems ,There were and are manY problems for the maker of stained glass for churches, noted Mrs. Lozinski. First the artist 'must determine where his win­ dow will appear. If it is high above the heads of worshippers.' he must use bold designs; if windows are near eye level, in­ tricate medallions and sman­ scale "stories in glass" may be attempted. Also to be considered are the leadings and supports that must be a part of the window. Aa craftsmen become more sophis­ ticated, they learned to work this indispensable framework into their designs. Not least, art­ ists must consider the light that will filter through the finished window. Is it 'a West window, that will glow in the sunset, or an Eastern exposure that will be at its best in the morning? Mrs. Lozinski accompanied her lecture with many slides of European cathedral windows. Noteworthy 'was the predomin­ ance of the Blessed Virgin in stained glasS art. Other saints, of course, appear, as 'do many lepreilentative'S of Christ, the Trinity, and God the Father, but OUr Lady appears to have reign­ ed as queen of medieval worken hi stained glass. ~o Could Imagine? ,Finishing, her lecture, .Mrs. r .ozinski related the story of a, medieval historian launched on his career by contemplation of the rose window of Chartres Cath~dral, which seemed' to speak to him of the spirit of the past: She queried: "Who knoWB the power of a work of art? Who Would dare imagine that two parts ashes of beech tree and one pprt 'river,sandf PIUS a sprinkling of sea salt and a handful of min­ erals could contain a universe or cliange the lives of men.·

"I looked at the child. Some poeen-looJdnA' herbs still stuck out of' the baby's mouth. The grandmother had dven the ebi14 BOme medicine recommended bJ' the witch doctor and less than an hour later tl!le child' had eonvulsions. The witch doctor had aid that the white man's medicine was poison and he would not allow the child to be brought -baek to us. A stolT like this comes .. • deep disturbance In your Ute."

Consider the things that cause dis­ . tumances--deep or shallow-in your Hie. A missed phone call, a headache, your favorite brand, of X - momentarily un­ obtainable. So many mountains are made of molehills, while in mission lands men starve, watch their wives sicken 'and chlldren die. To them it all seems part of the unfightable pattern of life. To those sent to help them, it all seems such a waste for they know of medicines that will cure, ways of producing food that will feed and that there IS jus*e in the plan of a God Who is Love. How heart­ breaking to know all this yet, crippled by lack of. funds, to, be able to do so little. If you were in these missioner's shoes, these Deople would be your next-door neighbors. Could you then refuse to help them? Can you now? GOD LOVE YOU to K.T. for her mother', &,old rInc. She dRed in December. I'm sure that she would want this ring which meant so much to her to be 80ld for money which will mean food for someone starving!' ••. to a friend for $10 "In mission you ten how a few cents will help In the treatment of leprosy and yaws. Here are a few dollars to brinA' those nn­ fCllrtJ;mate brothen and sisters of ours renef." • • • to S.M. for $n "I want to be responsible for those who need helP." Senl us your old gold and jewelry-the, bracelet or ring you

no lor..ger wear, last year',s gold eyeglass trames, the cuff linka you never liked anyw:ay. We will reseU them and use themoneJ'

to aid the MissionS. Your, seml,:,p~cio~ stone. will be winning pnicious souls for Christ. Our address: The Society for the Pr0­ pagation Of the Faith, 366 Fifth' Avenu~ Ne,.- York. N.Y. 10001. Cut oat this' eolumn. pin J'oursaertfice to It and maD It to Most KeY. Fulton J. Sheen. National Dlreetor of The Soe1eQ for the PropaptioD of the Faith, 366 Fifth AYeIlae. New York,' N. Y. 18001, 0 .. to your DIOClesan Direetor. Kt.. Rev. Jtaymond '1'. Con­ Iddble.·ISI North MaIn Street, Fall IUver. lfassachusetu. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. ConsIdtDe

368 North' 'Maln St.reel

FaD JUver~ Massaehusett.





eafl 675-7829 IRENE R. SHEA., PROP. FIft DeIir." ... ,FAlL RIVER, SOMERSErr 1lYERT0i " YJ0NJrf 201 ROCK ST.; '., (CORN BIt ;Of. ;PINE, ST.) ; ,ALL RIVIR


.', " .

Choose New Officers of' Sociality'


'l~uJ'S., .iUM

At Dominican Academy; Present Latin Awards at Mt. St. Mary ,

gowns. Then the gradua~ will join the rest of the school in prayer before the statue of Our Lady of the Corridor who pre­ sides over the halls of SAH. Finally the seniors will present a program, their last assembly with the student body., Also marking the day will be pub­ lication of the last issue of Essa, the school paper, for the current academic year. Beautifying Camlt1l8 Coyle High School student council kr "in the process of beautifying the campus." First step in the process was planting &f a red Japanese maple tree. At P,revost they're looking towards September already, with Brother Richard, principal, hard at work plllnning individual class schedules for studeD'ts. And also at Prevost senioM will be inducted into the Alumni Association at a Communion breakfast to be held Sunday morning, June 13 at White's restaurant. Also at the break­ fast two college gnmts will be made by the alumni and scholar­ ships will go to boys entering Prevost. Co-sponsor of the event, with the Alumni Association, is the Holy Name Society of Notre Dame parish, Fall River. Dominican Academy seniors enjoyed a performllnce of Mac­ beth at North Shore Music Th~ atre and had the opportun,ity of meeting the east afterwards. . Paul Despres and Antone An­ drade of St. Anthony High represented the Diocese and the National Catholic For ens i e tournament in New York City. This honor WftS the result of SAH having taken first place in the. Narmgansett Debate Lea-' gue for this school year. Ot<her trips have been on the SAH agenda: the Business Club visited Boston insurance eom­ panies, bringing back "811 ex· perienee to remember."



Prevost Students To Get Awards

ld high school days draw to an end for graduating 8eniors and another school year closes for underclassmen, ealendars are erowded. St. Anthony High School seniors m New Bedford are recovering today from their prom, which was held last night. Cless de7 hi scheduled for Proceedings began with a tomorrow at st. Anthon)"'s. It banquet and concluded with will begin with a "sing-out" by the all-important dancing. seniors, robed in caps and Ai Dominican A.cademy, Fan River, new sodality officers, to take their positions in Septem­ ber, are Sue Vallee, prefect; Diane Gamache, vice-prefect; Helen Bileau, secretary; Kath­ erIne Lizak, treasurer. And at Mt. St. Mary's, also Pan River, Latin honors have been awarded to junior Carolyn Walas and sophomores Joyce Oliveira and Veronica Plaziak. Carolyn received a summa cum laude certificate and gold. medal from the national examination board of the AssociatIon for the Promotion of the Study of Latin; while certificates and. silver medals were presented to Joyce and Veronica. Maxima cum laude, magna cum laude and eum laude certificates were a­ warded to 33 other Mounties. Spring Festival Destined for a special pliace in end-of-oyear memories of Coyle and Cassidy students ifl a Spring concert presented joint­ ly by the Taunton schools in the Coyle auditorium. Musical com­ edy numbers, old favorites and a rendition of Beethoven's "Eroica" were included on the program and the second half featured a hootenanny, high­ lighted by the Cassidy Chora­ leers and the Coyle Folk Singers. A grand finale was a presenta­ tion' of songs from "My Fair Lady." A Bowling League banquet with awarding of trophies and entertainment by a magican has ended tenpiJ1lll enthrusia'9ts' ac­ tivities at Prevost High ,in Fan River for the season. Also at Prevo,st, students have been mea­ sured for uniforms, which will be required come September. Another banquet, this one for basketball and volleyball team members at DA, who enjoyed a varsity get-together at Steven­ son's restaurant, accompanied by phys. ed. teacher Miss Nancy Walsh.


Prevost High School Alumnl .Association and the Holy Name Society of Notre Dame Church, Fall River, will co-sponsor • Communion bre~ast at White'. restaurant Sunday, June 13. The Franco Family will entertain. Both units will present awards, including high school scholar­ ships to boys entering Prevost, and college grants to Prevost graduates. Co-chairmen are Paul Dumais of the Alumni Associa­ tion and Lucien Roy represent­ ing the Holy Name Society.

Adopts Shared Services' Plan WINNIPEG (NC)-The shared services amendments to the Man­ itoba province education pro­ gram have been approved by the Manitoba Legislative Assemblr here in Canada. ' Premier Duff Roblin announc­ ed that the sections of the legill>­ la.tion dealing with making text­ books and bus transportatiOli available to private school stu-­ SOPH OFFICERS: Sophomore class officers at Coyle dents would be proclaimedim­ High school, Taunton, are from left, Brian Pontolilo, sec­ mediately. Proclamation regar~ retary: Frank Mooney, vice- president; Kirk Shaw, presi­ ing the sharing of classes, li­ braries, laboratories and similar dent; Bob Bessette, treasurer. facilities would be held in abey­ ance until a government mastetr Finding out about bulls and gram. wes a hootenanny. provided plan is completed, he said. by DA's Jackie Martin and Joyce bears early in life will be Den­ The legislation amended the nis Faguel, Coyle senior, who Macek. Education Department Act and won two shares of stock in the On display at Coyle is an ex­ the Public Schools Act. It makes Studebaker Company in a con­ hibition sponsored by the Coin test sponsored by the economics and Stamp Club. It includes a free textbooks available to stu­ dents in private schools and also class of the Taunton school. Ben­ number of complete coin col­ transportation of private school efiting from the contest was the lections, novelty coins, Vatican students on public school buses, student council. first day covers and a complete the cost of which is to be bOrne Henry Desrosiers, manager of collection of UN stamps. The by provincial grants. St. Anthony's credit union in club members hope to start more It was explained that a go",," New Bedford, spoke to SAH fellow students on the phila- ' ernment master plan regarding govemment class .students re~ telic or numismatic road. the shared use of public school eently on the operation of • facilities is necessary chiefly'be­ At the National Catholic FOl'­ eredit union. cause of legal set-ups regardinar ensle Tournament in New York And Patrioia Cordeiro and Mu­ such facilities. Holy Family's teem, comPosed riel Pouline of DA have been notified of acceptance by SMTI. of Barry Harrington and Kath­ Also at the F'all River school, leen Kennedy, placed eighth m the nation. Also at the New Bed.. 80 girls visited the North Dart­ ford school, sophomOTeS are mouth novitiate of the Domini­ can Sisters, renewing friendships looking forward to Tuesday, with former students who hflve June 22, when they'll be mee.. sllred for class rings. entered the community, 4particl­ pating in 8 treasure hunt and And Kathleen Kennedy etands p I a yin g softball, badminton high in sodality affairs afl well . and tennIs. Also on, the day's pro- as in debating. She's been elected recording secre.tary for the Dio­ cesan Sodality Union and she'. also Holy Family's prefect.

What About You?

Elect Salvatorians

To Posts in Rome

NEW HOLSTEIN (NC)-Three priests of the U. S. province of the Society of the Divine Savior have been elected to the commu­ nity's generalate in Rome. Father Waldemar Herbom, S.D.S., general consultor of the Rome community for the past 12 years, is. the new first general consultor. . Previously he was superior at the Salvatorian major seminary in Lanham, Md. Father Clyde Wagner, S.D.S., former superior of the St. Pius X house of Retreats in Black­ vlood, N.J., has been elected second general consultor. Father Alfred Schmit, S.D.S., who had been director of the Salvatorian Center since 1961, will be procurator general. The three will assist superior general, Father Maurinus Rast, &.D.S.

Sturtevant 6'


Est. 1897

Builders Supplies CLASS PRESIDENTS:, Class presidents at.lesus-Mary , Aeadp.~y, Fan River, are, from left, Kathleen Diniz, 8oph~ mor~; and' Mich_~1le Dufour aad ViqiniidloJ, IreshmeJi.

2343 Purchase Street New,. Bedford WY ~5661'

Finally, Holy Family's senior prom, A Night to Remember, has passed into history. It was held at Allendale Country Club.

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Vote Bond Issue

Despite Protest

'Fall lOver-fhurs. June TO, 1965


Radical Changes Necessary In Churchls Apostolic Task From ''The Church in the New Latin America" Edited by John J. Considine, M.M. Th~ migration to the cities of Latin America (Lima receives 1,000 Indians from the highlands daily) shows that people coming from areas where they were accustomed to see a priest once a. year cannot begin the practice of weekly attendance at Mass means have been fixed accord­ right away. A sense of re­ ing to accepted criteria. This sponsibility for fulfillment may sound a little prosaic, but of this precept is very vague as a matter of fact shortly be­ among people who traditionally have been accustomed to demon­ strate their reli­ gioussentiments and attachment to the Church in other ways. Priestly voca­ tions are also a sign of religios­ ity; and here we can see that, with the exception of countries like Colombia, the number of seminarians and newly ordained priests is smaller than the natural growth of the population. It is due only to the help of foreign priests that we have been able in some countries, to keep the same proportion, inade­ quate as it is. Some places, like the Archdiocese of Santiago, Chile, have exactly the. same. number of diocesan priests as in 1925, when the population was only one-third of what it is to": day and the problems were sim­ pler. .. The lack of clergy, the size of the religious structure, and the failure to work together with laymen, explain the religious ig­ norance that one may find in dIfferent degrees in all the social groups. This also explains the superstitions, spiritis, which is a sort of religious syncretism, and ether religious deviations. Changes Needed It is important to be aware of the situation that will become worse in the future unless there are some radical changes in the apostolic work of the Church. The projection of population growth tells us that in a period of twelve years we will have 100 million new inhabitants to Christianize. The proportion of prIests in the most optimistic forecasts will be even smaller than today. Another aggravating fact is that in the future society will rapidly lose its traditional aspect and all will be exposed to a large variety of ideologies. This means that' we have to in­ sist constantly on a more per­ sOnal commitment to the faith, rather than count too much on mere tradition to carry on the message of Christ. Sigus of Rope . At this juncture, One might be Inclined to. think that Latin American Catholicism will re­ peat the old, sad' story of death and extinction as witnessed by the North African Christian communities of' centuries ago. But there are brilliant signs of a dawn of hope. In some of ,the Latin American countries the Church, even anticipating the wishes of the Ecumenical Coun­ cil, has had the courage to face reality and to evaluate its short­ comings, however hard and painful this might be. This search for the truth, this analysis of oW" preyiC?us m<><!es. oi acting without being afraid to recognize our mistakes, is really • most healthful sign of vitality. This knowledge is basic for planning the action of the Church in a more realistic way. Ip these countries the goalS that we have to obtain ·.h~~e been .udied. and the 1--- ,,~tlea of

fore he died Pope John XXIII asked all the countries of Latin America to undertake this task of planning. Planning, which leads to a greater effectiveness in the ac­ tion of the Church is obtained by using resources in the best pos­ sible way. Limited Objectives Today the key to planning Is the recognition that the Church occupies a position of minority status. The Church realizes the inadvisability of following a policy of institutional expansion, due to the demographic increase as well as to the progressive pluralization of society. The Church has to try to slow down expansion of its own Catholic institutions and to penetrate ether structures and collaborate with them as much as possible, giving to them the Christian spirit. As an example, the Cath­ olic school system in .Latin America is not trying to expand too greatly, but rather to ame­ liorate its own system and si­ multaneously to cooperate as much as possible with the state school institutions' wherever such cooperation is wise. When the Church operates its own institutions, it must spend Considerable amounts of capital and uSe valuable: personnel in administrative work, thus seem­ ing to compete with, rather than complement, the state-operated .~acilities. Provided the Church can accomplish its mission with­ out these institutions, the tactic of collaboration avoids this unnecessary outlay. Ridding our­ selves of outworn institutions gives us mobility to act effec": tively according to the trans­ formed circumstances of our day. Pastoral Renewal Besides this planning of apos­ tolic work, we find already pres­ ent in. Latin America a real p&Storal renewal. This is appar­ ent in the liturgical movement, promoted for a long time through the "Collectio Rituum," which explains to the faithful in the vernacular all the liturgical cer­ emonies. Today it is aImosJ; cc-mmonplace in great parts of Latin America to talk about the "Misa Comunitaria," in which the faithful have more and more participation. These norms have been promoted by the bishops of Argentina, 'Chile, and other countries, who have published directives in order to give the faithful a more accurate and up-to-date explanation of how to participate in the Mass. There has also been a renewal of religious feasts. Although' l>Ometimes elements creep into the celebration of these feasts that are unliturgical and more superstitious t han religious, when -properly conducted they lepresent a worthy and sincere popular expression of religion. True, in some areas these folk feasts still require some further

. stu~y. Other religious acts of worship well worth mentioning in this connection are the paraliturgicaJ, ceremonies, like those written . by Bishop Cammerer. These contain directives for a weekly act of worship which may be conducted by laymen in those places where there are no priests.

HOUSTON (NC) - A $59.8 milliion bond issue for Houston public schools which the Cath­ olic Interracial Committee of the Galveston-Houstol' diocese and N e It r,o organizations opposed was approved overwhelmingly in a referendum here. The 60,000 to 200,000 vote fa­ vored the bond issue. The ques­ tion generated heated controver­ sy when Negro groups and the Catholic Interracial Committee linked it with the grade-a-year desegregation of Houston public schools. Both charged that a vote for the bond issue would tend to prolong segregation in the Hous­ ton public school system, which is desegregated through the fifth grade. About a week before the bond issue vote, the interracial com­ mittee issued a statement saying that the failure of Catholics to vote against the bond issue would constitute "bad religion and bad citizenship." "To spend $60 million to pro­ long segregation in Houston," the statement said, "is to break faith with all our children, both black and white, by failing to prepare them for the integrated world in which they will live from' now on."


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POPE RECEIVES JESUIT LEADER: Pope Paul VI received in audience the newly elected General of the Society of Jesus, Father Pedro Arrupe, S.J. NC Photo.

Role of Press Peru Editor Stresses Value in Guiding Public.- Opinion NEW YORK (NC) - Latin opinion.America needs a strong and free . G>:8nados said the press should Catholic press dedicated to truth demonstrate' to "desperate' and and development of pub I i c opprE'!ssed" peoples that "the opinion, the ed;tor of a Catholic Church is offering justice, free­ news agency in Lima, Peru, said. dom and love for all." He said here "concrete examp1es" of Church Alejandro Granados, editor of social welfare projects should Notitoias Alladns, spoke to thebe publicized. Seventh World Congress of the "I.':Itin America more than Catht)lic P!"ess. ever needs the presence and the Latin America, he said, is • intense action of the Catholic "totally underdeveloped region" .press, enjoying its own freedoIl) .and in order to change this "sad .and able to inform' truthfully situation," the Catholic press because what Latin America "should project c(llltinuously the needs most is more truth," he voicp. of the Church, guiding said. truthfully and freely publie

Indiana' Archbishop Golden Jubilarian INDIANAPOLIS (NC)-Arch­ bishopPaulC. Schulte of Indian­ apolis has observed the 50th an­ niversary of his ordination to ·the priesthood. A Fredericktown, Mo., native, the 75-year-old prelate was or­ dained June 11, 1915. He served as a priest in the St. Louis arch­ diocese until his elevation as Bishop of Leavenworth, . Kan., in 1937. He was appointed Arch­ bishop of Indianapolis ·in 1946.




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JUNE 13,1965 c

,"The' 'harvest ,inde~d is flreat,. but, h, ." laborers are feu;. Pray therefore tile' ,Lord oftlie 'harvest 'to" send' fOTth'~ into ' his, harvest."A Matt. 9:37~3.S.' , .

' . .






,Presently there are 53 young· men' In the Major Seminary Presently there are ,23 'young men· •In the Minor Seminar, ,



-l951-8ishopConnolly's first year as',leader of the Diocese Latest Statistics :


: . .

98 109 '

Priests 179 . 216

. Catholic' Popu'latiOil

228,227 ,270,228


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10, 1965

Admits Adjustment to New Liturgy Diffi,cult for Aged By Joh;rn J. Kane, Ph.D. "I've tried to be patient about the new liturgy but I've reached the end of my mpe. I'm a 65-year-old man who has <l.lways been a devout Catholic. Today I am too diR­ tracted to pray with commentators telling me what to ::lo, the priest facing the peo,:e, more spiritually hardy attempot·­ part of the mass in EngIis!'. ed meditation and all were ~n­ and more to come. I fee: a3 couraged to do s<1. though the Church in whrc!~ Gradually, the use of the mis­


][ was reared is gone fore"feJr:' Your letter is not the only one of this type I have been re­ ceiving. I use it because you limited yourself to the change of liturgy w her e a s for most, t his is just the point of d epa r t ure concluding with complaints a­ bout sermons, collections or courses in the par­ ochial school. Some people are chronic grip­ ers. reminiscent of the army where it was felt something was seriously wrong if soldiers didn'~ gripe. No one is surprised th,a,t changes in the liturgy have re­ sulted in complaints. One of the most common is that the Nbss shows certain variations from ene diocese to another. even from one parish to another. Asks Patience Obviously, we all have to be a bit patient as such matters ace troned out. It will not be done overnight, and in fact, ftt is smazing that the changes h,a'J'e been effected with so little dis­ turbance. One writer reports that <me 'Week in his parish the priest faces the people, the next week he faces the altar. He named h·is parish the quasiemerged ::h'l,lreh. But the problems faced in havin~ the priest face the people are quite clear. Many altars are huge and ornate. It is not feasible ()r even possible to turn them around. If they were, we coul.dn·~ aee the priest at all because they have a tall back. Of course, it might be bett..e11' If the pastor were consistent and has Mass celebrated with the priest facing the people or the I3ltar each week. But oddly enough, this pastor may be try­ (ng to soften the impact of ehange by pleasing both side3 at least once every two weeks. Perhaps he hopes that as people become accustomed to the priest facing the people he can abandon the old method. Use of Missal One of problems of getting old is that most of US tend to reject change. Incidentally, one of the problems in youth is that we embrace change, sometimes too quickly.One must admit that emotion cannot be divorced en­ tirely from religion. :I: do not .·mean faith is based on emotion but rather that a certain sen­ timent becomes attached to re­ ligious service. Many persons in their 50's and 60's today were taught to recite the rosary during Mass. They usually used prayer books too but concetrated on prayers be­ fore and after communion. The

Writes Musical SEOUL (NC)-Father William Quiery, S.J., U. S. priest who teaches English literature and. speech at Sogang Jesuit College here, composed the music and wrote the lyrics for a musiC'll eomedy baseQ on one of K:)re:l's oldest folk tales, "Fragrance af Spring."

sal became more common, and in some places very recently, '1 little brochure with the Sunday Mass was provided each week. Thus more and more of the con­ gregation began to partici,pate to a greater extent in the sacrifice of Calvary. Actually, this should have been a transitional period which helped people to adjust to the forthcoming changes, and fur some undoubtedly, it W:lS. Logical Changes But change comes hard and no question that you do FEEL the Church is not the same. But you probably do understand logically why the changes were made and the hoped for results. If you don't then make an honest effort to do so. As a Catholic you viewed the Mass through the eyes of faith. As a child and young man you perhaps never wondered why the priest did not face the..people, and frankly, many of the laity would have believed to pose 9l\ch a question would have been nearly heretical. But if you are going to parti­ cipate actively in the Mass, is it not more sensible for the priest to face the people? Remember, he frequently turned toward the people even in the past. One llCtoolly sees the sacrifice now when the priest faces you. Language of People Furthermore, how many of the I.alty understood Latin I include those who had a year or more of it in high school. The Latin of Ceasar, Cicero and Virgil is not the Latin of the church. n is classical Latin, much more difficult, it is true, but Church Latin was of II later period and quite different. Does it make more sense for' the mass to be said in the langu­ age of the people? Good trans­ lati<lOs can make the words of the priest both intelligible and more moving. You know what he is saying and you can say your prayers in the same langu­ age as he does. One key to the development of the Church, aside from the supernatural, has been her abil­ ity to adjust to changing times and customs, where such change is possible and desirable. Her ability to remain unchanged, where change is impossible or undersirable is another key. Age doesn't mean complete inaobility to adjust to change. It usually means it is more dif­ ficult. With patience and time, you will become accustomed t.t the new liturgy and in a few years, it will seem as though it was always so.

First in Copenhagen Since Reformation COPENHAGEN (NC)-A 37­ year-old Jesuit has been conse­ crated and instaned as Bishop of Copenhagen ip.. a ceremony tele­ vised throughout Denmark and celebrated in the Danish lan­ guage. The consecration of Bishop Hans Martensen, S.J., was the first in Copenhagen since the Reformation. His see includes all of Denmark and numbers 26.000 Catholics in a population of 4 ') million, pl'edominantI,y Luth::ran..




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!HE ANCHOR-Diocese of FC'fU River-Thurs. June 10, 1965

The Parish Parade

lIT. STANisLAUS, FALL RIVER The annual festival spn;nsored by parishioners will be held Saturday and Sunday, July 24 and 25 at Urban's Grove, Tiver­ ton. The program will include a Saturday night bean supper, en­ tertainment and awarding of prizes. Proceeds will benefit the school building fund, according to announcement made by Jo­ seph F. Gromada, general chair­ man. VISITATION GUILD, NORTH EASTHAM The Guild of the Vjs~tdion will receive Communion in a body at the 9:30 Mass on Sunday morning, June 27. A food sale will be conducted after the Il£ass in the Church Hall on Massasoit Road, North Eastham. The regular monthly meeting af the Guild wil~ be held on Monday night, June 28, at 8 o'clock in the home of the pres­ ident, Mrs. Leroy Babbitt on Nickerson Road, Eastham. ST. LAWRENCE, NEW BEDFORD New Couples Club officers are Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. MacMul­ len, presidents; Mr. and MnI. Roger A. St. Pierre, vice-presi­ dents; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hart, treasurers; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tynan and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Couto, secretaries. ST. MICHAEL, FALL RIVER _ New officers will be installed by the Council of Catholic Wom­ en at 7 Wednesday night, June 16 in the school hall. To be se-ated are Mrs. James King, president; Mrs. Weber Lopes, vice - president; Mrs. Ar­ thur Oliveira, secretarY; Miss Mary Pacheco, treasurer. A smorgasbord will follow the ceremony. Parish observance of the feast of the Holy Ghost will include a malassada supper and block dance Friday night, June 18. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP, NEW BEDFORD The Skipper restaurant, Fair­ haven will be the scene of the Sunday, June 27 installation of Women's Guild officers. They in­ clude Mrs. Josephine Murach, president; Mrs. Emily Chmiel, vice-president; Mrs. Helen Zieba and Mrs. Florence Goyette, sec­ retaries; Mrs. Jane Pietrasczk, tr~asurer.

HOLY NAME, NEW BEDFORD Women's Guild officers will be installed at 6:30 Tuesday night, June 15 at White's restau­ rant. Mrs. Esther Sullivan is in charge of reservations. To be installed are Mrs. Elmer Paul, president; Mrs. Gerald Francis, vice-president; Mrs. G e 0 r g e Marshall, secretary; Mrs. Mari­ ano Bapti~ta, treasurer. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER Following a 5 o'clock Mass, in­ stallation ceremonies for the Council of Catholic Women will be held Sunday, June 27 at Sun­ nerland's restaurant. Reserva­ tions will close Wednesday, June 23. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT Mrs. Warren L. E. Johnson heads officers for the Women's Guild for the coming year. With her will serve Mrs. John B. Caron, vice-president; Mrs. Rob­ ert Parent and Mrs. Richard Harrington, secretaries; and Mrs. Roger Forrest, treasurer. OUR LADY OF GRACE, NORTH WESTPORT Newly installed officers of the Council of Catholic Women are Mrs. Bernadette Levesque, pres­ ident; Mrs. Lillian Barressi, vice­ president; Mrs. Pauline Duclos, secretary; Mrs. Sophie Barboza, treasurer. The unit will hold its last meeting of the year Tuesday, .June 15 at the church ball.

SACRED HEART, NORTH ATTLEBORO Eighth graders of the pCldsh school will make a trip to the New York World's Fair tomor­ row, returning Saturday. Ciass members will attend 5 o'clock Mass Sunday afternoon, June 20, receiving corporate Communion. A party will follow in the school hall for graduates and their par­ ents and awards will be malie at this time. Holy Name Society members will receive corporate Commun­ ion at 7 o'clock Mass S:"::1day morning, June 13. FOllowing Mass, officers will be ir.steI:ed and a father-son Com!'-\2::ion breakfas_t will be served. ST. JOSEPH, FALL RIVER New officers of the Women's Guild will be installed to:J~gtt at Jean's Steak House. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER The CYO baseball team will hold a car wash from !l to 12 Saturday morning, June ]2 at Holy Name School parking lot. ST. AUGUSTINE. VINEYARD HAVEN Mrs. Adrian Silva is in charge of a food sale to be sponsored Saturday June 19 by the Wom­ en's Guild under the linden tree on Main Street. Regular meet­ ings of the unit will resume Thursday, Sept. 23. OUR LADY OF THE CAPE, BREWSTER The Women's Guild announces a bazaar from 10 to 5 Wednesday, July 21 in the church hall. A luncheon will be served from noon to 2. New officers of the unit are Mrs. Mary Johnson, president; Mrs. Fred Maher, vice-president; Mrs. Francis Gallant, secretary; Mrs. Wmiam Jones, treasurer. HOLY ROSARY, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild wiH serve a ham and bean supper Saturday night, June 19 at the parish haH. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, NEW BEDFORD The CYO will present "South American Way," a musical, Sat­ urday and Sunday,- June 12 and 13 in the parish hall. Mrs. Evelyn Cardoza' will direct. ST. JOAN OF ARC, ORLEANS The Women's Guild will spon­ sor a Summer fair Wednesday, July 7. Grand prizes will include a fishing trip for six and a hand­ knit afghan. ST. MARY, SOUTH DARTMOUTH The Women's Guild win hold its lOth annual dance Saturday night, June 12 at New Bedford Yacht Club in South Dartmouth. Co-chairmen are Mrs. Herbert A. Arruda and Mrs. Marshall W. Gelette. OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, NEW BEDFORD The annual parish clambake is announced for Sunday, Aug. 8 at Holy Ghost grounds, West­ port.

Catholic Education Should Make People Different Spokane (NC)-"If Catholic higher educ'ation does not inspire young people to dare, to be different, to give of themselves, to court insecurity for a higher end, then it will have no serious reason to survive," Father Theodore M. Hesburg, C.S.C., president of "Ol.<r CO'1cern cannot be re­ the University of Notre st.rict.:!d to the narrow confines Dame, declared here at Gon­ d OI;r own personal life and the zaga University commence­ ~ew people our life immediately

SCHOLARSHIP: David Farinella, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farinella, St. Mary's parish, Mansfield, has received a full four-year scholarship to College of Holy Cross, Worcester. A senior at Coyle High Schoo], Taunton, he is co-captain of the football team and plans to major in economics and accounting.

Colleges Ponder Conference Plan DETROIT (NC)-The Univer­ sity of Detroit, which last F::lH discontinued intercollegiate foot­ ball, is studying the possibility of forming a new athletic confer­ ence. Eight other schools are invol­ ved in the proposed N aNonal Collegiate _Conference. They are Oanisius, Dayton, DePau~, Loy­ ola of New Orleans, Memphis State, Marquette, Okla'hoone City and Xavier. Four other schools - Net r e Dame, Air Force, Villanov2 Mid Butler-requested minutes of l'l meeting held in Chicago in early May. Bob Calihan, Detroit ath­ letic director and basketball coach, -said "to what extent 1ihey (the four other schools) are in­ terested, nobody knows. Calihan said five schools­ Detroit, Dalton, DePaul, Xavier and Marquette-are closely re­ lated geographically, scholastic­ ally and in basketball abHiiy. The one big problem is filat six schools are needed to form an NCAA-recognized conference, Calihan said. Detroit, conaucted by the Jesuits, dropped out of the Missouri Valley Conference in 1957 primarily because of transportation problems.


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::nent exercises Father Hesburgh, who was <:warcied an honorary doctorate ty the Jesuit institution, told its graduates I,hat "if Catholic hig':­ er education does anything, ]1 5'hould make you somewhat tll1­ ::appy with yourself, and yO'llJ!' situation and your times." Conviction Catholic educators are wasting their time, he said. unless their stud,:,nts "confront the really im­ portlmt questions in life and <come up with some conviction about the ;mportnnt answers." "These answere, to be rea], have to show up in your life as '''31ues, what you prize, what you live for; what you should be ready to die for," he said. Father Hesburgh told Gon­ zaga's sen)_ors that "nothing has really happened tc. you if you rire today a colorless, neutral or uncommitti!d Pf'rson, if you drift with the crowd, let others de your thinking ana form your opinions for you, if you simply fit comfortably into the mold of what is, instead of seeking and working for what ought to be." Whole World He pointed out that, according to the principle of collegiality emerging from the Second Vati­ ,can CounCIl, every bishop must be concerned no~ just for his locClI diocese but for the whole world. The same can be said of every Christian, h.- asserted.






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tc;ches. Our interest, our con­ <I:€r;;:. inde'.'d our Christian com­ mitment ~I) justice and charity m~st encompass, insofar as pos­ r,;:c.:e, the whole world," he said. "You can call it human love, d::2,-lty, compassion, concern, o€ c :;::etion, involvement, but wh::tever you call it, you are net a- mature or fully educated Christian without it," he con­ dudC'd.

Project Equality Wins Approval


WASIDNGTON (NC) - The aetiQn of the Detroit archdiocese in launching a program to use i1_s purchasing power to promote job opportunities for minority groups was pooised in the House of Representatives. Rep. John Conyers, Jr., .. Michigan called the move by the archdiocese "a great stet!! forward in the struggle to elimi­ nate racial injustice and jo):! discrimination." The St. Louis archdiocese has begun a similar program. The plan in effect in both St. Louis and Detroit is the National Cath­ olic Conference for Interraeicd Justice's "Project Equality." Under the plan. institutions 01' the two archdioceses in their pm"chasing programs will favor business firms which practice Equa~ employment opportunity.




C/'Iaiiotute BANK



Schedule Meetings

With Parishioners

CHICAGO (NC)-Priests who staff the rectory of Queen of the Rosary parish in the Elk Grove Village section have decided up­ on an "around the parish in a year and a half" program to get better acquainted with parish­ ioners. The pastor, Father John W. Morrison, and his assistants, Father- Robert J. Loftus and Stephen J. Mangan, are attend­ ing informal gatherings in hornell of various parishioners, with groups of about 15 present. It has been estimated that by June, 1966, the priests will have met pt>rsonally members of the 1,700 families in the parish.


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THE ANCHORThurs., June 10, 1965

NCWC .Forms Over-All Unit Of Chaplains ST. LOUIS (NC) - An over-all organization of Catholic priest - chaplains serving in the armed forces,


hospitals, prisons and kindred field now is being organized within the National Catholic Welfare Conference. Plans for the new estahlish­ ment, disclosed here yesterdaY' by Msgr. Paul F. Tanner, NCWC general secretary, estimate a ':)0­ tential membership of 6,000 priests. Msgr. Tanner told a meeting of the Conference of Catholic Chaplains of the Catholic Hos­ pital Association of the United States and Canada that the new organization already has the ap­ proval of the NCWC administra­ tive board. He said it also was approved by Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York, head of the Military Ordinariate in which the armed forces chapla,ins now serve. The new organization wn.l be flaIled the National Association of Catholic Chaplains, the mon­ signor said. It will function un­ der the NCWC Bureau of Health and Hospitals wUh AuxiHary Bishop Joseph B. Brunini of Natchez-Jackson, Miss., as epis­ oopal moderator. . Membership in the NACC wi'll be open to priests serving as chaplains in the armed forces., itt Catholic hospitals, j,n general hospitals, in mental institutions, hi. veterans' hospitals, in prisons MId several other fields. Training Program Immediate aim of the new erganization will be a training progl'am for hundreds of priests throughout the country who noW' Gre assigned as Catholic chap­ lains in general and ment3~ hospitals. At present there is no uniform training program for priests 9S­ signed as general hospital chan­ lains, although a number ~f state and medical groups have recommended such training, Msgr. Tanner said. A two-week highly concen­ trated course of training is be­ ing planned for priests in this category. Later other training programs for additional cate­ gories will be prepared. Atso planned are mobile training' centers, held in various Catholic nniversIties and colI e g e 9 throughout the country to ac­ eomodate the priest-chaplains.

Parishioners Send Relief to Needy DETROIT (NC)-Parishioners ef St. Agnes' Church here sent 1M.oo truck loads 0:( food and elothes worth $2,000, to Eutaw, Ala., about 80 miles northwest of Selma. They acted after hearing re­ ports that long-standing poverty in that area has been intensified due to pressures put on Negroes since the Selma-to-Mongomery voters rights march. Two stationwagons loaded with clothes and foodstuffs left here for the Baptist church in Eutaw, where the supplies will be distributed to the needy,

Ecumenical Unaft' WINONA (NC)-Bishop Ed­ ward A. Fitzgerold of Winona here in Minnesota has named an IS-member commission to advise him on policy and me~h­ ods pertaining to ecumeaicat Il'I8tters. The commission has five priests, one Brother, two nuns and 10 membera of the laity.

Protestants' Lot In Spain Improving

Franciscans PIOft Marian Congress

Marriage Law$ Canonists Favor More Autt1lority for Bishops Wn Certain Cases Which Now Go to Rome

MADRID (NC)-Pastor Jose Cardona Gregori, general sec­ retary of the Evangelical Coun­ cil of Spain, told a meeting of McKENZIE BRIDGE (NC) ­ the council here" that the lot. of More authority in settling mar­ the Protestant minority in Spain riage cases should be vested in has improved considerably in l{)cal bishops, a meeting of canon the past year. lawyers here in Oregon have He said that the Spanish gov­ agreed. ernment had given formal li­ censes for 28 Protestant church The regional meeting of the buildings in the preceding 12 Canon Law Society of America months. He said, however, that fav:>cs giving more authority' to while all churches are operating, bishops in certain marriage cases 40 per cent are still doing so which presently must be referred without authorization. He voiced to Rome. hope that they would be grante:i '!'he canon lawyers also enlicenses soon. . dorsed simplifying procedures Pastor Cordona said that no~ in l}reparation for marriages and only has the importation of Pra­ in investigations of the validity testant printed matter been made of certain marriages. casier, but that there is now folt" 3ut while calling for reforms, tne first time a Protestant print­ the Jroup also endorsed the wis­ mg press, operating in Barce­ lona. dQm of many existing Church


laws ;m marriage. Father John Delane 9£ Helenta, Mont., com­ mended the Roman Cur,ia, saying that while some of its practice "may look ltke delaying tactics ., .* ., it deserves serious !ftudy as reflecting long experience with bhe ways of men." The group also recommended that ~ canonical study in depth be undertaken on the perma­ nel1,ce :>f the marriage bond. An appeal for breaking up oversize parishes was made by Msgr. Edmund J. Murnane of Eugene, Ore. "Larger parishes should be divided so every priest can give his personal attention to ilis people," he said.

WASHINGTON (NC) - The Franciscan Marian Commission has voted to sp'onsor a North American Marian Congress from Aug. 13 to 15, 1966, at Laval University, Quebec. The decision was reached at a meeting of the commission at Holy Name College here. Dele­ gates from six Franciscan prov­ inces in the U.S. and one in Canada attended the' three-day sessions. The commission also voted to sponsor a study of Mariology and observance of Marian days ina11 U.S. Franciscan provinces. The commission called for students and schola!'S in each province to present 1lapers on Mariology on March 25, feast of the Annun­ ciation. Suggested topics of study i.nclude Mary in contem­ porary theology and the theol­ ogy of Mary in devotions.

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High .School Athletic Teams Approaching Finish Line

THE ANCHORThurs., June 10, 1965

Clergymen Score Schoollmbalt""ce In Boston

By Fred Bartek With a mere two weeks remaining in the school year, high school athletic programs are all but completed. About the only activity to be seen on training fields is spring football practice. It seems strange to be thinking of foot­ ball at this time of year, but gridiron coaches like to have concluded with Stang winning brief looks at their prospects the BCL, Dighton the Narry before the Summer vacation League, Oliver Ames the Hocko­ begins and then to make a few tentative plans from what they have seen dur. ing the vacation months. 0 v e r the past week the r e h a v e occurred many t h rill i n g climaxes in the fields of baseball and track. On the baseball diamond Bishop Stang High School of North Dartmouth captured the Bristol County League crown. Coach Jerry Hickey's Spartans edged out defending champs Durfee High School of Fall River. Both these teams represented their league in the state Baseball Tournament. Stang, in playing Braintree High, found that errors can be costly. Paul Fortin had little trouble in taking care of Braintree batsmen until the scoring gates were. opened in the third through no fault of his own. After two were out, Paul hit -. batter and an error allowed. ron to score. Then Ken McVay got credit for a homer when the Stang rightfielder slipped on the turf in trying to catch his liner. The Spartal11l scored a run OIl Don Canastra's triple and a Ron Wnek single. The final score, 5-1, with Stang on the short end. The other BCL representative, Durfee, had even. a rougher time. The Hllltoppers faeed Natick in the first round of the play-off. If· n aclOg Natick the Toppers also faced pitcher Joe Coleman who nearly tossed a perfect game. The only man 10 reach base for Durfee was Barry Bor who got the only hit for the losers. Ted Dempsey and Bruce . Santerre did a good job on the mound for Durfee but the two runs that Natick picked up in the third and sixth innings were sufficient.

BOSTON (NC)-A state­ ment criticizing racial im­ balance in Boston school. was approved by more than

mock League, and Barnstable the Cape League. Cordeiro Wins

The Fall River Diocesan area was well represented in the Mass. State Track Meet last week. Jim Feijo of Durfee, who set a school record in the shot put with a toss of 54 feet 5:!h inches and,a BCL record of 52'1" made the trip to Boston's White Stadium but failed to place there. However the event was won by Dartmouth's Wayne Cor­ deiro with a mighty heave of 56'11". Vin Mello of New Bedford received the silver medal and Ed Ready of Oliver Ames tossed for a third place. Thus of 5 possible places, are~ shot put­ ters got the top three positions. Fairhaven High had Dick Fletcher and Lloyd Geggatt qual­ ify for the two mile ron and the school's outstanding runner Alan Patenaude received a third in the 880: Alan had previously set the BCL record for the event with a 1:55.4 clocking. Jim Meehan of Oliver Ames, Pat­ naude's old rival and the Nation­ al 1000 champion, was awarded second place even though he and Patnaude both had identical times. The surprise was that Hingham's George Atkinson beat the two favorites and set • new state record with a 1:53.8. 30e Bartek of Stang qualified for the state 220 championship by placing third in the class championships. However Bartek chose to compete for the Jay Cee championships and stepped to the state bracket of that goal by winning the 100 and 200 at the Attleboro trials last week.

Joe has shown versatility by winning the BCL 100 and tying the record in 10.1. then by matching the 440 record in the New England Catholic Meet at 51.8 and finally by rimning the 220 in 22.4 at the class champion­ ships. Also from Stang, Barney King who placed second to Pat­ naud.e in the BCL 880, received an appointment to the U. S. MilOliver Ames Advances itary Academy at West Point. Not only did Durfee and Stang Bob Dewey from Coyle (rec­ bow in opening games of the ord holder in the BCL for the tournament, but so did every 440 at 51.3) placed third in the other area team entered except state class championship, but Oliver Ames of North Easton failed to place in the state and Barnstable. The Orange and championship. Black of Oliver Ames became a Whalers Dethroned semi-finalist in· the· class B ,New Bedford High was de­ bracket by way of a 1':0 nod over throned by Boston English for East Bridgewater. Barnstable, in the ~tate title by a mere 9/10 of ten innings downed the Dart- a point. The Crimson tracksters mouth Indians 3-2. Barnstable scored with Vin Mello's second tallied the winning ron in the in the shot, Ron BarbOza's third extra frame when Dennis Mar- in· the broad jump, Steve Curri~ chant reached on an error, Bill er's tie for fourth in tI,e high Howes was safe on a fielder's jump, Mike Taylor's tie for fir~ choice and Joe Stefens singled in on a two-strike pitch to break the pole vault and Larry Oli­ ver's third in the low hurdles. it up. other area athletes picking up The most successful year in points in the state finals were the athletic history of Dighton- PauJ Medeiros of North Attle­ Rehoboth ended last week with boro, third in the '100, and Art a 4-1 loss to Whitman-Hanson in' DeCouto, fifth in the javelin. the class B division. The Falcons Also Greg Ouellette of Wareham this past year won the basket- became the State champ in the ball, baseball and track titles in broad jump by leaping 23'10:!h". the Narry League. Baseball Barry Malden of Bourne was Coach Ed Teixeira thus ended second in the same event. his baseball coaching career at In the Jay Cee meet held at the regional school with his Attleboro, Mike Donnerlly of finest season. In that final game Feehan beat John Doyle for the Dave Varley of Dighton lost hia second time (once in a dual first game in 10 this season. meet) in the mile. Doyle won,the They scored their lone tally BCL mile event· with a 4:42 when in the eighth Wally Davis clocking-Donnerlly did not par­ belted a single, advanced on Ucipate in that meet. Dave Bardt Charley Lewis' grounder and 01 Attleboro won the shot with counted on Joe DeMello's single. a 51 foot toss and also moves .. The 19G5. baseball IleaaOIl th1ll tile aate elimi.natioa round.


} NEW BEDFORD SERRANS: The statue of Father Sel'ra changes hands at the installation of officers of the Sena Club of New Bedford. Left to right: William B. Muldoon, past president; Paul R. Curry, president; Gor­ don H. Barber, banquet chairman.

Commissioner of Education Detects No Bitterness Over Recent Act NEW ORLEANS {NC)-U. S. Commissioner of E due at i 0 II. Francis Keppel says he has de­ tected no bitterness over the fact that children in Catholic schoolll can participate in the 1965 edu­ eation act which aims at improv­ ing educational opportunities for deprived children. Keppel, in New Orleans to ad­ dress Dillard University gradu­ ates, said he has attended three of the nine regional meetings held around the country ~ dis­ cuss the new legislation. Relationship The meetings have been at­ tended by representatives of both public and non-public schools, Keppel said in an inter­ view. "Both sides asked questions,· he said, strictly from a stand­ point of obtaining information all

Misses Ceremony BUENOS AIRES (NC) - A ceremony at which Antonio Cardinal Caggiano of Buenos Aires was to receive a decora­ tion from the United Arab Re­ public was suddenly called off with the excuse that the cardinal was ill. However, sources close to the cardinal said the post­ ponement might have been caused by a recent upsurge of fighting between Jordan and 18­ rael along the Palestine truce


to the "working relationship" in programs involvingstud.ents in both public and non-public schools. "I sensed no bitterness," he Aid.

Among other things, the 1965 education act will provide £inan­ dal assistance to local educa­ tional agencies for special edu­ cation programs in areas having high concentrations of children from low-income families. Keppel noted that non-public school children can participate in the 1965 elementary and sec­ ondary education act only in local programs administered by public school systems. Even Break The commissioner of education expressed the opinion that the federal government has an obli­ gation to give the disadvantaged "an even break" in education. In reply to a question, Keppel defended federal participation in education. The role of the federal govern­ ment in education, he stated, is that of "a minority stock. holder." "All of us, naturally, fear a federal bureaucracy telling us what to do," he said. But there has been no great danger in already existing pro­ grams, he said.

250 Catholic, Protestant and Jewish clergymen at a meeting here. The statement was issued fol­ lowing a speech by the Rev. Vernon Carter, a Lutheran min­ ister who has been leading a one-man demonstration for more than a month at Boston School Committee headquarters. It af­ firms the Boston clergy's "re­ spect" for the Negro clergymaa and praises the "dignity and the spiritual strength of non-violent love" shown in his demonstra­ tion. The statement calls on the ~ Boston School Committee, the clergy and community leaden to work for an end to the prob­ lem of racial imbalance in ed... cation. The Rev. Mr. Carter began hiI demonstration, a 24-hour-per­ day vigil outside the school committee building, on April . 28 shortly after a report by 8ft

Advisory Committee on Racial

Imbalance and Education set up

by the Massachusetts Department

of Education was issued..

. His purpose, he said, is to con­ _ tinue his demonstration until .the . committee recognizes the prob­ lem and takes appropriate action. Maintain Vigtl Although he has no formal OI'ganization, he is joined fre­ quently by well-wishers, indi­ vidually and in groups, who .. keep him company and maintain the . vigil while he eats, washefJ . or takes his three-hour nightq nap in a van parked nearby. The clergy statement stressed that, "should violence erupt ill our community the burden of guilt will be 0:1 those who main­ tain or tolerate racially imbal­ anced schools and communities.· It called on 2,000 clergymen ill Greater Boston to consider way. of having the advisory commii­ tee recommendations adopted.








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Tt~e ANCHORThurs., June 10, 1<}S:$


Young Adults Continued from .Page OLIe kin, Bridgeport, Conn. The New Bedford CYAO iJwll; organized in 1958 and the se''l.i.}~ chapter in the diocese, was ho:;!; for the regional meeting. Th~ Attleboro area group was O:cgJl •.l­ ized in 1961 and the Fall Ri V~>: group is completing its :&'w,1; Fear. The program opened wit~ m, invocation b)' Rev, Roger Led'.l.'= of Sacred Heart Church, NOTt\.•, Attleboro. Rev. Michael McPad- . land of S1. Mary's parish, N'~<ff · Bedford, gave the opening Clti. tiress. Mr, Medeiros, president :){ the New Bedford CYAO, we}com""j:. members to the general sessi·.loo, The business meeting was pei­ madly concerned with settio.~ up the Diocesan council. Nom­ ination and 'election of offic~oJ 'l-, followed. Installation of officers \II"'~" conducted at the Fall River C~(\­ ter on Franklin Street. A buEi~t supper and dance followei ,~t the center. Rev. Walter Sullivan, DioceBl1l moderator, installed the n~'hl' officers of the' council. Officers of the three units tt.HC ' .rganized the Diocesan cOlmd~ al'e, New Bedford-Mr. Medeio», president; Andre Poyant, St. Jt~­ seph Church,· vice-president.: - Rebecca .Costa, Immaculate C'}il.­ Ception Church, recording secl'l~­ iary; Jeanne Pelletier, Sacl'~j Heart Church, correspondi\l'; secretary, and Shelia Gillin, S~, Lawrence . Church, ~reasur~" Rev. Edward C'-Duffy is mod~,'­ · .tor. AttleborG--7William 'Foley, St.. Peter's Church, president; B?l­ ; el'1~' Coderre, Sacred He:ld .Church, vice-president; S'..I.~ Rabi, Sacred Heart Church, r~­ cording secretary; Marie A'.w,~ Guertin. Sacrec. Heart Chur'::'l, · eon f'sponsding' secr~tary, lit n :il ,Donald Paquette, Sacred He~d , Church, treasurer. Fath~r Le:iu',:: if; moderato'r.· Fall River-Mr. Gillet, pl'~3i­ dent; Leonard, Burgmyer, v!c~­ · ]!tl'esident; Gwen Dube, COlT~­ lipending' secretary; Jeanne Podf.­ erson, recording secretary; Ron­ ald Fortin, treasurer, and P<Jul­ ine Morin, registrar. Father Sul­ Ii. van is moclerator. Approximately 10 deleg.)t~;l feom the council will attend ttt,~ New England Convention, .

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.. C'ommitte'e Hails New l'extb'ooks NEW YORK (NC) Tf.f.~ American Jewish Committee put. en display. here two te::db:)ol-;:II for first and second grade pupHIl in ~ ... tholic schools, nailing the',1I! fer their treatment of Jews. Ralph Friedman, chairma'l .• e the committee's executive boal·j.. said the volumes represent,~il, "still another dramatic turning point in the historic percepti(}r~, b}" 'Christians of their feu'·:>iW

seahll .

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The books are the first of • 12-volume series in the "Bib::,~, Life' and Worship Series" bei<lig prepared by the Pope Pius X[E Religious Education Center of!: Monroe, Mi.ch. Rabbi Marc H, Tannenbaum, director of th~ Je':ish committee's Departme'lt of Interreligious Affairs, i13 Jew'· ish consulta>:,.t to the center. The books, shown at the :mU(A­ a1. convention here of the Jewish, committee, were said to emph'J.­ size the Jewishness of Christ'" life. Rabbi Tannenbaum sahli tiie books marked the first time thJf. Hebrew captions and illustn.­ tions appeared in a textbool;;: fl},. Catholic school8.

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